<div class="welcomeScreenDescription">
<span class="centerText welcomeScreenTitle"><strong>Welcome to Ready to Reform!</strong></span>
<div class="welcomeScreenDescriptionText">
This game is Erotic fiction and is for Adults only. Some of it's themes and gameplay come under BDSM. All the characters in this game are adults.<br/><br/>
The scenarios depicted are all fantasy intended to thrill, so please do not use the characters and situations as a template for any of your personal relationships. If this inspires you to try anything kinky, practice it safely and responsibly!<br/><br/>
This is Version $versionNumber. The game is in Alpha, and is still in development. There is more story and gameplay to come.<br/><br/>
Feel free to go into the game straight away if you want to go spoiler-free, but if there are certain topics you want to avoid then [[please click here|StoryContains]] to check a list of topics in this game. Please do not play the game if you wish to avoid such things.<br/><br/>
<a data-passage="BeginMessage" class="link-internal link-image noLinkDecoration">
<div class="startGame">
<svg version="1.1" id="handcuffIcon" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" xmlns:xlink="http://www.w3.org/1999/xlink" x="0px" y="0px" viewBox="0 0 107.04 122.88" style="enable-background:new 0 0 107.04 122.88" xml:space="preserve"><style type="text/css">.st0{fill-rule:evenodd;clip-rule:evenodd;}</style><g class="shakeIt"><path class="st0" d="M40.93,3.97c2.08-3.88,4.92-5.46,9.63-2.24l6.62,3.69c1.26,0.52,2.37,0.9,3.62,0.87 c9.28-4.37,20.56-4.36,30.18,1c15.36,8.55,20.62,27.48,11.75,42.29c-8.87,14.81-28.5,19.88-43.86,11.33 c-8.66-4.82-14.11-12.95-15.63-21.77l-0.03,0.05c0.01-0.05,0.01-0.1,0.01-0.14c-0.11-0.64-0.2-1.29-0.26-1.93 c-0.44-1.22-1.4-2.37-2.84-3.44l-8.36-4.65c-0.2-0.1-0.4-0.19-0.58-0.3l-5.52,4.86c-0.05,0.05-0.11,0.1-0.17,0.14 c-0.12,0.11-0.25,0.21-0.37,0.3l1.06,6.17c0.11,0.63,0.15,1.26,0.12,1.87c1.73,1.1,3.17,2.84,3.98,5.33l2.39-0.62 c3.24-0.56,4.95,0.81,5.52,3.63l2.5,8.99c0.7,1.62,1.6,2.81,2.71,3.53c0.63,0.23,1.25,0.48,1.87,0.74c0.05,0.01,0.1,0.02,0.15,0.02 l-0.06,0.01c8.45,3.7,15.18,10.87,17.77,20.19c4.59,16.52-5.58,33.49-22.7,37.92C23.3,126.24,5.69,116.44,1.1,99.92 c-2.87-10.34,0.04-20.86,6.81-28.36c0.35-1.16,0.26-2.29,0.07-3.6L6,60.84c-2.01-5.22,0.31-7.46,4.74-8.39 c-0.36-1.34-0.42-2.61-0.25-3.77c-1.64-1.36-2.81-3.26-3.19-5.47L5.24,31.12c-0.43-2.51,0.24-4.96,1.67-6.88 c1.2-1.61,2.92-2.85,4.98-3.46c0.25-0.27,0.51-0.54,0.8-0.79l9.38-8.26c0.07-0.06,0.14-0.12,0.21-0.17 c1.31-1.09,2.85-1.78,4.45-2.07C28.7,4.39,34.75,0.62,40.93,3.97L40.93,3.97z M20.99,40.6c-2.97,0-5.96,1.19-8.01,3.23 c-0.27-0.43-0.45-0.92-0.54-1.44l-2.01-11.74c0.39,0.82,0.9,1.6,1.56,2.31c0.09,0.1,0.18,0.2,0.29,0.28 c1.76,1.75,4.08,2.69,6.43,2.79c0.5,0.02,1,0.01,1.5-0.05L20.99,40.6L20.99,40.6z M27.76,76.25c-8.97,2.32-14.29,11.21-11.89,19.86 c2.4,8.65,11.62,13.78,20.6,11.47c8.97-2.32,14.29-11.21,11.89-19.86C45.96,79.06,36.73,73.93,27.76,76.25L27.76,76.25z M21.9,54.46c-2.49,0.64-3.96,3.11-3.3,5.51c0.46,1.64,1.8,2.83,3.4,3.2l1.83,6.59c0.33,1.18,1.59,1.88,2.81,1.57l0,0 c1.22-0.32,1.95-1.54,1.63-2.71l-1.85-6.65c1.12-1.1,1.63-2.73,1.19-4.33C26.94,55.24,24.39,53.82,21.9,54.46L21.9,54.46z M18.9,21.34c0.47,0.22,0.92,0.49,1.35,0.78c1.99,1.38,3.44,3.48,3.87,5.99l0,0.02l5.16-4.54c0.08-0.21,0.17-0.42,0.28-0.64 l1.24-2.06c-2.61-1.6-4.04-3.71-4.55-5.92c-0.19,0.11-0.38,0.24-0.55,0.38c-0.04,0.04-0.08,0.08-0.12,0.12L18.9,21.34L18.9,21.34z M19.35,31.02l-0.36-2.08c-0.19-1.14-0.86-2.1-1.77-2.73c-0.64-0.44-1.39-0.72-2.19-0.78c-0.14,0.39-0.22,0.8-0.24,1.21 c-0.05,1.07,0.32,2.16,1.13,3.02l-0.01,0.01l0.02,0.02c0.8,0.84,1.9,1.29,3.02,1.34C19.08,31.02,19.22,31.02,19.35,31.02 L19.35,31.02z M40.06,14.89c1.29-2.15,4.14-2.89,6.37-1.65c1.53,0.85,2.37,2.41,2.33,3.99l6.13,3.41c1.09,0.61,1.47,1.97,0.84,3.03 l0,0c-0.63,1.06-2.04,1.42-3.14,0.81l-6.19-3.44c-1.39,0.76-3.15,0.81-4.64-0.01C39.54,19.79,38.77,17.04,40.06,14.89L40.06,14.89z M60.36,25.99c4.64-7.76,14.93-10.41,22.97-5.94c8.04,4.48,10.8,14.39,6.15,22.15c-4.64,7.76-14.93,10.41-22.97,5.94 C58.48,43.66,55.72,33.75,60.36,25.99L60.36,25.99z"/></g></svg>
[[Start Game|BeginMessage]]
<div class="appleDeviceWarningDiv"><div class="appleDeviceWarningTitle">Issue for iOS users</div>If you are playing on an Apple device, you may have issues seeing images and with JavaScript. Consider using a HTML Viewer, like <a class="noIcon" href="https://readdle.com/documents" target="_blank">Documents</a>, or playing on another device if you can. The game plays best on PC / laptops.</div><br/>
<div class="storySkipperToolDiv">
<div class="storySkipperToolTitle">Story Skip Tool</div>
Currently exclusive for Patreons! (Not recommended for first playthrough).<br/>
<span class="textAlignCenter storySkipperToolLink">[[Skip the Prologue >|StorySkipTool]]</span>
<div class="moreInfoDiv">
<div class="moreInfoTitle">More Info...</div>
<div class="faqLink faqMore" id="faqButton1" onclick="$('#panelFAQ1').slideToggle();$('#faqButton1').toggleClass(['faqLess', 'faqMore']);"><strong>What is Ready to Reform about?</strong></div>
<div id="panelFAQ1" style="display: none;">
You roleplay as an adult male who is sent to live in a 'Personal Growth Center', and figure out how to adapt to your new life there. Though at first it may seem like an environment designed to confine you, it could potentially open you up in some ways...<br/><br/>
You can assume that in most situations, your character is a reliable narrator. This means when you select their memories you are defining parts of the past and present. If you do another playthrough, some characters may seem like different people because they essentially are, due to your influence on the story.<br/>
<div class="faqLink faqMore" id="faqButton2" onclick="$('#panelFAQ2').slideToggle();$('#faqButton2').toggleClass(['faqLess', 'faqMore']);"><strong>Tips for enjoying the game</strong></div>
<div id="panelFAQ2" style="display: none;">
- This game is wordy and focuses on story, so do take your time to read it. Consider saving your game and taking breaks between larger story sections.<br/><br/>
- Decisions and responses you make vary in importance. Carefully consider them, but don't stress too much over anything. Try going with what feels natural to you, or roleplay as a certain type of person.<br/><br/>
- There is no back button for most passages! Be aware of that when you make decisions. If you really want, you can regularly save your game and reload if you really want to see another option (but that seems less fun!)<br/><br/>
- Images in the game are more for flavor, rather than literally representing the game's events or characters.<br/><br/>
- The game is still in development, stats will eventually be more useful than they are now. Don't worry too much about them yet. <br/>
<div class="faqLink faqMore" id="faqButton3" onclick="$('#panelFAQ3').slideToggle();$('#faqButton3').toggleClass(['faqLess', 'faqMore']);"><strong>Additional thanks</strong></div>
<div id="panelFAQ3" style="display: none;">
Many thanks ChapelR for their custom macros, some of which are used in this game. Thank you to the TFGames community and r/TwineGames for helping me learn Twine and overcome problems.<br/><br/>
Thank you to all Patreon supporters for your kind support and generosity which is helping make this game the best it can be.<br/>
<div class="faqLink faqMore" id="faqButton4" onclick="$('#panelFAQ4').slideToggle();$('#faqButton4').toggleClass(['faqLess', 'faqMore']);"><strong>Want to help improve the game?</strong></div>
<div id="panelFAQ4" style="display: none;">
<a href="https://patreon.com/user?u=86744336&utm_medium=clipboard_copy&utm_source=copyLink&utm_campaign=creatorshare_creator&utm_content=join_link" target="_blank">You can help support the game on Patreon.</a> You'll get game updates before the free version, be able to take part in polls on the game's development, and more.<br/><br/>
With enough support hopefully I can work on the project full-time someday. This will speed up completion of the project and give the time needed to make the final version of the game the best it can be.<br/><br/>
<a class="noIcon" href="https://www.patreon.com/bePatron?u=86744336" data-patreon-widget-type="become-patron-button" target="_blank"><img src="images/extras/PatreonButtonImg.jpg" alt="PatreonLink" class="storyImage"></a>
You can also come talk about the game on Discord: (<a href="https://discord.gg/r5MweUzSAD" target="_blank">R2R Discord</a>). It's a great place to chat about the game, and there's a section for reporting bugs and feedback. If you find any bugs, spelling mistakes or story contradictions, please report them, with as much info as possible.<br/><br/>
I'm working hard to make a fun and thrilling game, hopefully with interesting insights into certain kinds of kinks. I hope you find it worthwhile of your time...
<div class="faqLink faqMore" id="faqButton5" onclick="$('#panelFAQ5').slideToggle();$('#faqButton5').toggleClass(['faqLess', 'faqMore']);"><strong>Wait, the game is in Alpha? Why is it V.1 then?</strong></div>
<div id="panelFAQ5" style="display: none;">
I didn't known correct version numbering conventions before publishing (ಥ_ಥ)<br/>
<img src="images/extras/r2rSideLogo.png" alt="Ready to Reform Logo" class="r2rSideLogo">
<<if $deadlineState is 0>><<elseif $deadlineCounter gt 1>>Deadline: $deadlineCounter days left<<elseif $deadlineCounter is 1>> Deadline: $deadlineCounter day left<<elseif $deadlineCounter is 0>> Deadline: Today!<</if>>
Day: <<showcycle 'days'>>
Activity Points: $ap/2
<span class='statusUI'>Status:</span><<if $libido is 'Horny'>><span class='libidoUI libidoHornyUI'> $libido</span><<elseif $libido is 'Frustrated'>><span class='libidoUI libidoFrustratedUI'> $libido</span><<elseif $libido is 'Excruciating'>><span class='libidoUI libidoExcruciatingUI'> $libido</span><<else>><span class='libidoUI'> $libido</span><</if>>
<span class='moneyUI'>Money: $ $money</span>
<<link "Dark Mode">><<script>>$("html").addClass("darkMode");settings.darkmode = true;Setting.save();<</script>><</link>> | <<link "Light Mode">><<script>>$("html").removeClass("darkMode");settings.darkmode = false;Setting.save();<</script>><</link>>
<<if passage() is 'Inventory' or passage() is 'Stats' or passage() is 'Socials'>><<back>><<else>>[[Inventory]] | [[Stats]]<<if $socialsUnlocked is 1>> | [[Socials]]<</if>><</if>>
<<if $playerHair.has('brown hair')>><img class="equipSlot" src="images/items/hairBrown.jpg"><<elseif $playerHair.has('blonde hair')>><img class="equipSlot" src="images/items/hairBlonde.jpg"><<elseif $playerHair.has('red hair')>><img class="equipSlot leftSlot" src="images/items/hairRed.jpg">
<<else>><img class="equipSlot" src="images/items/emptyEquip.jpg"><</if>><span class="nothing"></span>
<<if $playerHead.has('hat')>><img class="equipSlot" src="images/items/CasualHat.jpg"><<elseif $playerHead.has('Hat')>><img class="equipSlot" src="images/items/CasualHat.jpg"><<elseif $playerHead.has('Pink hairband')>><img class="equipSlot" src="images/items/CutePinkHeadband.jpg"><<else>><img class="equipSlot" src="images/items/emptyEquip.jpg"><</if>><span class="nothing"></span><br/>
<<if $playerNeck.has('silver chain')>><img class="equipSlot" src="images/items/CasualChain.jpg"><<elseif $playerNeck.has('Silver chain')>><img class="equipSlot" src="images/items/CasualChain.jpg"><<elseif $playerNeck.has('Pink heart choker')>><img class="equipSlot" src="images/items/SissyPinkHeartCollar.jpg"><<elseif $playerNeck.has('Bitch heart choker')>><img class="equipSlot" src="images/items/BitchBlackHeartChoker.jpg"><<else>><img class="equipSlot" src="images/items/emptyEquip.jpg"><</if>><span class="nothing"></span>
<<if $playerEarring.has('earring1')>><img class="equipSlot" src="images/items/earring1.jpg"><<elseif $playerEarring.has('earring2')>><img class="equipSlot" src="images/items/earring2.jpg"><<elseif $playerEarring.has('earring3')>><img class="equipSlot" src="images/items/earring3.jpg"><<else>><img class="equipSlot" src="images/items/emptyEquip.jpg"><</if>><span class="nothing"></span><br/>
<<if $playerWrist.has('silver watch')>><img class="equipSlot" src="images/items/CasualWatch.jpg"><<elseif $playerWrist.has('Silver watch')>><img class="equipSlot" src="images/items/CasualWatch.jpg"><<elseif $playerWrist.has('wrist3')>><img class="equipSlot" src="images/items/wrist3.jpg"><<else>><img class="equipSlot" src="images/items/emptyEquip.jpg"><</if>><span class="nothing"><br/>
</span><<if $playerTop.has('jumper')>><img class="equipSlot" src="images/items/CasualJumper.jpg"><<elseif $playerTop.has('Basic white top')>><img class="equipSlot" src="images/items/basicWhiteTop.jpg"><<elseif $playerTop.has('Jumper')>><img class="equipSlot" src="images/items/CasualJumper.jpg"><<elseif $playerTop.has('Bitch crop top')>><img class="equipSlot" src="images/items/bitchStrappyCropTop.jpg"><<elseif $playerTop.has('Sleeveless Ribbon Tie Blouse')>><img class="equipSlot" src="images/items/CuteSleevelessRibbonTieBlouse.jpg"><<elseif $playerTop.has('Pink silk cami top')>><img class="equipSlot" src="images/items/SissyPinkSilkCami.jpg"><<else>><img class="equipSlot" src="images/items/emptyEquip.jpg"><</if>><span class="nothing"></span>
<<if $playerBra.has('bra1')>><img class="equipSlot" src="images/items/bra1.jpg"><<elseif $playerBra.has('Red satin bra')>><img class="equipSlot" src="images/items/redSatinBra.jpg"><<elseif $playerBra.has('Basic cotton bra')>><img class="equipSlot" src="images/items/basicCottonBra.jpg"><<elseif $playerBra.has('Ugly bra')>><img class="equipSlot" src="images/items/uglyBra.jpg"><<elseif $playerBra.has('Pink basic bra')>><img class="equipSlot" src="images/items/pinkBasicBra.jpg"><<elseif $playerBra.has('Bridal bra')>><img class="equipSlot" src="images/items/bridalBra.jpg"><<else>><img class="equipSlot" src="images/items/emptyEquip.jpg"><</if>><span class="nothing"></span><br/>
<<if $playerBottom.has('jeans')>><img class="equipSlot" src="images/items/CasualJeans.jpg"><<elseif $playerBottom.has('Basic black skirt')>><img class="equipSlot" src="images/items/basicBlackSkirt.jpg"><<elseif $playerBottom.has('Jeans')>><img class="equipSlot" src="images/items/CasualJeans.jpg"><<elseif $playerBottom.has('Bitch pink zip front skirt')>><img class="equipSlot" src="images/items/bitchZipFront.jpg"><<elseif $playerBottom.has('Cute pink skirt')>><img class="equipSlot" src="images/items/CutePinkSkirt.jpg"><<elseif $playerBottom.has('Pink slit skirt')>><img class="equipSlot" src="images/items/SissyPinkSlitSkirt.jpg"><<else>><img class="equipSlot" src="images/items/emptyEquip.jpg"><</if>><span class="nothing">
</span><<if $playerUnderwear.has('black boxers')>><img class="equipSlot" src="images/items/CasualUnderwear.jpg"><<elseif $playerUnderwear.has('Basic cotton panties')>><img class="equipSlot" src="images/items/basicCottonPanties.jpg"><<elseif $playerUnderwear.has('Red satin panties')>><img class="equipSlot" src="images/items/redSatinPanties.jpg"><<elseif $playerUnderwear.has('Ugly panties')>><img class="equipSlot" src="images/items/uglyPanties.jpg"><<elseif $playerUnderwear.has('Pink basic panties')>><img class="equipSlot" src="images/items/pinkBasicPanties.jpg"><<elseif $playerUnderwear.has('Bridal panties')>><img class="equipSlot" src="images/items/bridalPanties.jpg"><<elseif $playerUnderwear.has('Black boxers')>><img class="equipSlot" src="images/items/CasualUnderwear.jpg"><<else>><img class="equipSlot" src="images/items/emptyEquip.jpg"><</if>><span class="nothing"></span>
<<if $playerGarter.has('garter1')>><img class="equipSlot" src="images/items/garter1.jpg"><<elseif $playerGarter.has('Red satin garter belt')>><img class="equipSlot" src="images/items/redSatinGarterBelt.jpg"><<elseif $playerGarter.has('Pink basic garter belt')>><img class="equipSlot" src="images/items/pinkBasicGarterBelt.jpg"><<elseif $playerGarter.has('Bridal garter belt')>><img class="equipSlot" src="images/items/bridalGarterBelt.jpg"><<else>><img class="equipSlot" src="images/items/emptyEquip.jpg"><</if>><span class="nothing"><br/>
</span><<if $playerAnkle.has('black socks')>><img class="equipSlot" src="images/items/CasualSocks.jpg"><<elseif $playerAnkle.has('Black stockings')>><img class="equipSlot" src="images/items/blackStockings.jpg"><<elseif $playerAnkle.has('Pink basic stockings')>><img class="equipSlot" src="images/items/pinkBasicStockings.jpg"><<elseif $playerAnkle.has('White lace stockings')>><img class="equipSlot" src="images/items/whiteLaceStockings.jpg"><<elseif $playerAnkle.has('Fishnet stockings')>><img class="equipSlot" src="images/items/fishnetStockings.jpg"><<elseif $playerAnkle.has('Black socks')>><img class="equipSlot" src="images/items/CasualSocks.jpg"><<else>><img class="equipSlot" src="images/items/emptyEquip.jpg"><</if>><span class="nothing"></span>
<<if $playerFeet.has('white trainers')>><img class="equipSlot" src="images/items/CasualTrainers.jpg"><<elseif $playerFeet.has('Basic creme flats')>><img class="equipSlot" src="images/items/basicCremeFlats.jpg"><<elseif $playerFeet.has('Black patent leather heels')>><img class="equipSlot" src="images/items/blackPatentHeels.jpg"><<elseif $playerFeet.has('White trainers')>><img class="equipSlot" src="images/items/CasualTrainers.jpg"><<elseif $playerFeet.has('Bitch Heels')>><img class="equipSlot" src="images/items/bitchPadlockHeels.jpg"><<elseif $playerFeet.has('Pink ankle strap heels')>><img class="equipSlot" src="images/items/CutePinkAnkleStrapHeels.jpg"><<elseif $playerFeet.has('Black ankle strap heels')>><img class="equipSlot" src="images/items/SissyBlackAnkleStrapHeels.jpg"><<else>><img class="equipSlot" src="images/items/emptyEquip.jpg"><</if>><span class="nothing"></span><br/>
<<if $playerAcc1.has('acc1_1')>><img class="equipSlot" src="images/items/acc1_1.jpg"><<elseif $playerAcc1.has('acc1_2')>><img class="equipSlot" src="images/items/acc1_2.jpg"><<else>><img class="equipSlot" src="images/items/emptyEquip.jpg"><</if>><span class="nothing"></span>
<<if $playerAcc2.has('Pink chastity device')>><img class="equipSlot" src="images/items/pinkChastity.jpg"><<elseif $playerAcc2.has('acc2_2')>><img class="equipSlot" src="images/items/acc2_2.jpg"><<else>><img class="equipSlot" src="images/items/emptyEquip.jpg"><</if>><span class="nothing"></span>
<<if $playerAcc3.has('acc3_1')>><img class="equipSlot" src="images/items/acc3_1.jpg"><<elseif $playerAcc3.has('acc3_2')>><img class="equipSlot" src="images/items/acc3_2.jpg"><<else>><img class="equipSlot" src="images/items/emptyEquip.jpg"><</if>><span class="nothing"></span>
<a class="noIcon" href="https://www.patreon.com/bePatron?u=86744336" data-patreon-widget-type="become-patron-button" target="_blank"><img class="patreonMenuIcon" src="images/extras/PatreonButtonImg.jpg" alt="PatreonLink"></a><br/>
<span class="bugReportLink">[[Report Bug|Bug Report]]</span><br/>
<span class="feedbackLink">[[Give Feedback|Feedback]]</span><br/><img src="images/scenes/a0.jpg" alt="interrogation room" class="storyImage">You found yourself in a drab room without windows. The buzz of the lights above you only added to the irritation you were already feeling.
A mildly overweight detective inspector sitting opposite you took a loud slurp of his coffee; almost certainly he wanted to put you on edge. His eyes lazily read a sheet of information that was seemingly regarding you. As he put it down he let out a tired sigh.
<span class="male">Detective:</span> "Pfft... Ok, first I need to check these details here are correct. I'm sure you understand it's in your best interest to be 100% honest here with me today, unless it's more trouble you wanted. Let's confirm the basics first..."
<span class="inputQuestion">What is your name?:</span>
<<textbox "$name" "Jamie">>
[[Confirm|a1]]<img src="images/scenes/a1.jpg" alt="Detective writing down details" class="storyImage"><span class="male">Detective:</span> "Thank you, $name. I hope you'll continue to cooperate, it's much nicer when these things go smoothly."
"I have to say, the description of your crime written down here doesn't paint you in a good light. Would you mind describing it in your own words?"
You know you're guilty and the proof against you is overwhelming. There's no way to make your crime sound better, and lieing would just waste time.
<div class="choice">[[I own a coffee shop where I... laundered money for a friend of mine. He was... very insistent.|a2][$subStat += 1; $playerCrime = "launder"]]</div>
<div class="choice">[[I hacked into a website to get... private content. An adult one. In the process I accidentally deleted it.|a2][$pervStat += 1; $playerCrime = 'hacker']]</div><span class="male">Detective:</span> "Alright, and it says here you have a girlfriend. Could you state her name for the record, please."
<<textbox "$gf" "Jenny">>
[[Confirm |a3]]
The detective made a non-verbal sound of approval to acknowledge you were telling the truth, before giving you a hard stare. He was preparing to gauge your upcoming reaction.
<span class="male">Detective:</span> "Tell me, what was $gf's involvement in regards to this?"
You skewed your eyes in confusion. $gf had nothing to do with any of this! What the hell was this guy talking about?
<span class="p1">You:</span> "Excuse me?"
<span class="male">Detective:</span>" Surely she must of at least noticed something, eh?"
Panic rose in your voice...
<span class="p1">You:</span> "Woah, now wait a minute! She didn't do anything! How could you even think that-"
<span class="male">Detective:</span> "Geez, calm down will ya? We didn't have any evidence to suggest it, but I wouldn't be doing my job if I'd didn't check every avenue. She's not in any trouble, which is more than I can say for you."
Despite the relief you suddenly felt, your heart beat was pounding. If you were going to be away for a decent amount of time, which right now seems highly likely, the thought that she would be unable to visit you was unbearable.
<span class="male">Detective:</span> "Let's move on to someone who actually was involved in this, your friend. The description I have here mentions that you've know each other for a while. Oh, and that's interesting - the report here says he's the same age as you. We've already got him as you're no doubt aware, but for confirmation purposes I'm going to need you to confirm his name."
<<textbox "$mate" "Victor">>
[[Confirm|a4]]He nodded in affirmation, and with those details verified, the detective was ready to let you know everything he had uncovered from his investigation. It was an extraordinarily accurate breakdown, one which you left you no room to contest.
<span class="male">Detective:</span> "Right, that settles things. Thank you for your cooperation, $name. We'll just move you to a cell to hold you a little longer before the next step in the process."
Your cheeks felt red hot from the admission, it felt awful to be exposed to your crimes... to feel judged for what you had become. You never saw yourself ever being in a situation like this, but sometimes our lives don't turn out how we expect.
From here you knew that serving time was inevitable. In no time at all your court date was here. Not wishing to hide your crimes, you pled guilty.
You could see $gf looking on with shame on her face, though her embarrassment seemed more for her own reputation than yours.
<img src="images/scenes/Zgf1.jpg" alt="your girlfriend with her arms crossed in frustration" class="storyImage">As her parents consoled her, her father glared at you, his face scowling with a look of hard disapproval. He had never liked you, and this just made his earlier low estimation of you correct, in his opinion at least.
Your own parents had wanted nothing to do with any of this and didn't even appear at court. While sparing you from further awkwardness, it was a clear sign you wouldn't get any support from them.
<<if $ap is 0>>
<<if $visitorTodayState gt 0>>
You've got a visitor today! You didn't have the energy to squeeze anymore activites in before spending time with them, so you headed to the Visitor's room to meet them.<br/>
[[Go to visitors|Visitors]]<br/>
[[You're out of energy, better go back to the room|Room]]<br/>
The mess room has a map of the center's layout. You looked over it wondering where you should go...<br/><br/>
<<if $storyState is 0>>
[[Go to cafeteria|Cafeteria]]<br/>
[[Go to library|Library]]<br/>
[[Go to room|Room]]<br/>
[[Go to commissary|Commissary]]<br/>
<<elseif $storyState is 1>>
[[Go to cafeteria|Cafeteria]]<br/>
[[Go to library|Library]]<br/>
[[Go to room|Room]]<br/>
[[Go to commissary|Commissary]]<br/>
[[Go to the phones|Phones]]<br/>
<<elseif $storyState is 2>>
[[Go to cafeteria|Cafeteria]]<br/>
[[Go to library|Library]]<br/>
[[Go to room|Room]]<br/>
[[Go to commissary|Commissary]]<br/>
[[Go to the phones|Phones]]<br/>
<<elseif $storyState is 3>>
[[Go to cafeteria|Cafeteria]]<br/>
[[Go to library|Library]]<br/>
[[Go to room|Room]]<br/>
[[Go to commissary|Commissary]]<br/>
[[Go to the phones|Phones]]<br/>
[[Go to visitors|Visitors]]<<if $visitorTodayState gt 0>> <span class="visitorNotification">(You have a visitor today)</span><</if>><br/>
<<elseif $storyState is 4>>
[[Go to cafeteria|Cafeteria]]<br/>
[[Go to library|Library]]<br/>
[[Go to room|Room]]<br/>
[[Go to commissary|Commissary]]<br/>
[[Go to cafeteria|Cafeteria]]<br/>
[[Go to library|Library]]<br/>
[[Go to room|Room]]<br/>
[[Go to visitors|Visitors]]<<if $visitorTodayState gt 0>> <span class="visitorNotification">(You have a visitor today)</span><</if>><br/>
[[Go to the phones|Phones]] <<if $phoneCallNotification is 'Yes'>> <span class="phoneNotification">(There's a call you need to make)</span><</if>><br/>
[[Go to workshop|Workshop]]<br/>
[[Go to gym|Gym]]<br/>
[[Go to shower room|Showers]]<br/>
[[Go to recreation room|RecreationRoom]]<br/>
[[Go to commissary|Commissary]]<br/>
[[Go to officer's room|OfficersRoom]]<br/>
[[Go to clinic|Clinic]]<br/>
<</nobr>><img src="images/locations/cafeteria.jpg" alt="cafeteria" class="storyImage"><<nobr>>
<<if $storyState is 0>>You're relieved to find the cafeteria is still open and serving food. It's a surprisingly modern looking facility; motivating words decorate the walls, which seems in keeping with the Personal Growth theming.<br/><br/>
You grabbed a tray for your food and waited in line. Today's meal looks like it's mashed potatoes, boiled vegetables, and some kind of minced meat in an unidentifiable sloppy red sauce. Oh, and there's a yogurt pot for dessert. Not bad, but not particularly good either. You’re more concerned about where to sit once you get your meal.<br/><br/>
<span class="dean">???: </span>“Hey, never seen your face here.”<br/><br/>
You turned around to the voice behind you in the queue.<br/><br/>
<span class="dean">???: </span>“I'm Dean, good to meet ya!”<br/><br/>
He outreached his hand to shake, years of conditioned politeness made you automatically shake it while introducing yourself.<br/><br/>
Dean had a friendly, youthful face that was peppered with stubble. It was funny to you how normal all the fellow criminals in here looked, nobody looked as intimidating as you had imagined. The hoody, jogging bottoms and trainers he was wearing made him look like any regular guy. His short hair was a little greasy from what looked like too much product, but he had that air of friendly confidence of someone comfortable in their own skin.<br/><br/>
<span class="dean">Dean: </span>“Listen, I don’t wish this place on anyone, that said, it's nice to get some new company around here, right?”<br/><br/>
<span class="p1">You: </span>“I guess so. Not to be rude but I wish it wasn’t me!”<br/><br/>
<span class="dean">Dean: </span>“Ha, same here bud.”<br/><br/>
<img src="images/scenes/Zdean.jpg" alt="picture of Dean" class="storyImage">He released his grip from the handshake, only for you to realize he’d jumped ahead of you in the queue! Your face couldn’t hide your shock.<br/><br/>
<span class="dean">Dean: </span>“Aay, sorry! It’s just how it is y'know… can’t expect someone not to take advantage! Let that be your first lesson here about Grenton.”<br/><br/>
While annoying, it’s not worth making a big deal out of. Plus it felt like Dean had taught you something valuable, even if it was at your expense.<br/><br/>
<span class="dean">Dean: </span>“No lie though, it is genuinely good to meet you. A few friends of mine are sitting at that table over there, come join us once they’ve plated up your slop.”<br/><br/>
[[Join Dean’s friends|b1]]
<<elseif $storyState is 1>>
No jobs are open to the newcomers yet, so you went for an early lunch. You didn’t feel half as anxious as you were yesterday. It seemed Dean and the others weren’t here yet, in fact nobody is! You didn't mind some alone time, and found a nice spot to sit by yourself. Halfway through your meal, a new face sat beside you.<br/><br/>
[[See who it is|b3]]
<<elseif $storyState is 4>>
You realized Keaton never told you where to take the panties, but he should probably be somewhere in the cafeteria. Through squinted eyes you tried to make him out in the crowd of inhabitants, before suddenly seeing a muscular arm waving you over. It was him alright, although it looked like he was in the middle of eating. Sat with him was... $mate! It was about time you bumped into him.<br/><br/>
[[Sit with them|b11]]
<<elseif $storyState is 6 and $deanAdvisedDom is 1 and $cafeSissyDominated is 0>>
You walked into the cafeteria slowly while you eyed up the people inside. Dean was right. There were some new people here... the hunt was on.<br/><br/>
[[Observe newcomers|CafeDomEvent1]]
<<else>>There's nothing going on in the cafeteria right now.<br/><br/>
[[Back to Main Block|Mess Room]]
<</nobr>><img src="images/locations/library.jpg" alt="library" class="storyImage"><<nobr>>
<<if $storyState gte 5>>
The library is large but it's nice and quiet, with only around a dozen inhabitants who are mostly just reading by themselves. A few people are shuffling through the shelves quietly and studying at desks. The books aren't in the best condition but there seems there were plenty to choose from.<br/><br/>
<span class="male">Library Officer: </span>"Ahem... either settle down to reading, or leave. We do not desire any disturbances here!"<br/><br/>
<<if $ap gt 0>>
What will you read?<br/><br/>
[[Read something with charismatic and endearing characters.|readCharm][$charmStat += 1]]<br/>
[[Read an autobiography of someone daring.|readCourage][$courageStat += 1]]<br/>
[[Hmm, maybe I can read something... naughty.|readPerv][$pervStat += 1]]<br/><br/>
You're too exhausted to pay attention right now. Reading would be pointless.<br/><br/>
<<if Cycle.get('days').current() is 'Wednesday' or Cycle.get('days').current() is 'Thursday' or Cycle.get('days').current() is 'Monday' or Cycle.get('days').current() is 'Saturday'>>
<<if $ap gt 0>>
You also notice Khan sat by himself at one of the desks, looks like he is studying.<br/>
[[Speak to Khan.|KhanLibrary]]<br/><br/>
This library must be the quietest place in Grenton. A few people are shuffling through the shelves quietly and studying at desks. The books aren't in the best condition but there seems to be plenty to read. There's nothing for you to check out right now though.<br/><br/>
[[Back to Main Block|Mess Room]]
<</nobr>><img src="images/locations/room.jpg" alt="room" class="storyImage"><<nobr>>[[Talk to Michael|Michael]]<br/>
[[Change clothes|Wardrobe]]<br/>
<<if $deadlineState is 1 and $deadlineCounter is 0>>
Today is the day you must meet Keaton and his crew.<br/>
[[Make your arrangements and go to Keaton's event|c1]]<br/>
<<elseif $storyState is 5>>Keaton said there would be instructions under the bed...<br/>
[[Find the note|b14]]<br/>
<<elseif $visitorTodayState gt 0>>
You had a visitor today - you weren't going to sleep until you've seen them.<br/>
<<if $playerInventory.has('Paper')>>[[Check notes on paper|Notes]]<br/>
[[Go to sleep|Sleep]]<br/>
[[Back to Main Block|Mess Room]]
<img src="images/locations/visitors.jpg" alt="visitors" class="storyImage">
<<if $visitorTodayState is 1>>$gf is here to visit you today.<br/>
<<if $storyState is 3>>
[[Visit her|b8]]
<<elseif $storyState is 6>>
[[Visit her|cGfEvent2]]
Something wrong, Vistor room States.
<<else>>There is nobody here to visit you today.<br/>
[[Back to Main Block|Mess Room]]
<<if $playerInventory.isEmpty()>>
Hidden in your stash, here's everything you own so far:<br/>
<<= $playerInventory.show(', ')>>.<br/><br/>
You are currently wearing:<br/>
<<if $playerHead.isEmpty()>><<else>>Hat: <<= $playerHead.show()>>.<br/><</if>>
<<if $playerEarring.isEmpty()>><<else>>Earring: <<= $playerEarring.show()>>.<br/><</if>>
<<if $playerNeck.isEmpty()>><<else>>Neck wear: <<= $playerNeck.show()>>.<br/><</if>>
<<if $playerWrist.isEmpty()>><<else>>Wrist wear: <<= $playerWrist.show()>>.<br/><</if>>
<<if $playerTop.isEmpty()>><<else>>Top: <<= $playerTop.show()>>.<br/><</if>>
<<if $playerBra.isEmpty()>><<else>><<if $playerStartType is 'sissy' or $playerStartType is 'sissybf' or $playerStartType is 'closeted'>>Bra<<else>>Chest wear<</if>>: <<= $playerBra.show()>>.<br/><</if>>
<<if $playerBottom.isEmpty()>><<else>>Bottom: <<= $playerBottom.show()>>.<br/><</if>>
<<if $playerUnderwear.isEmpty()>><<else>>Underwear: <<= $playerUnderwear.show()>>.<br/><</if>>
<<if $playerGarter.isEmpty()>><<else>><<if $playerStartType is 'sissy' or $playerStartType is 'sissybf' or $playerStartType is 'closeted'>>Bras<<else>>Waist wear<</if>>: <<= $playerGarter.show()>>.<br/><</if>>
<<if $playerAnkle.isEmpty()>><<else>>Ankle wear: <<= $playerAnkle.show()>>.<br/><</if>>
<<if $playerFeet.isEmpty()>><<else>>Footwear: <<= $playerFeet.show()>>.<br/><</if>>
<<if $playerAcc1.isEmpty()>><<else>>Accessory 1: <<= $playerAcc2.show()>>.<br/><</if>>
<<if $playerAcc2.isEmpty()>><<else>>Accessory 2: <<= $playerAcc2.show()>>.<br/><</if>>
<<if $playerAcc3.isEmpty()>><<else>>Accessory 3: <<= $playerAcc3.show()>>.<br/><</if>>
You've also collected these clothes:<br/>
<<if $playerHeads.isEmpty()>><<else>>Hats: <<= $playerHeads.show(', ')>>.<br/><</if>>
Earrings: <<= $playerEarrings.show(', ')>>.<br/>
Neck wear: <<= $playerNecks.show(', ')>>.<br/>
Wrist wear: <<= $playerWrists.show(', ')>>.<br/>
Tops: <<= $playerTops.show(', ')>>.<br/>
<<if $playerStartType is 'sissy' or $playerStartType is 'sissybf' or $playerStartType is 'closeted'>>Bras<<else>>Chest wear<</if>>: <<= $playerBras.show(', ')>>.<br/>
Bottoms: <<= $playerBottoms.show(', ')>>.<br/>
Underwear: <<= $playerUnderwears.show(', ')>>.<br/>
<<if $playerStartType is 'sissy' or $playerStartType is 'sissybf' or $playerStartType is 'closeted'>>Garters<<else>>Waist wear<</if>>: <<= $playerGarters.show(', ')>>.<br/>
Ankle wear: <<= $playerAnkles.show(', ')>>.<br/>
Footwear: <<= $playerFeets.show(', ')>>.<br/><br/>
<<if $playerAcc1s.isEmpty() and $playerAcc2s.isEmpty() and $playerAcc3s.isEmpty()>>
And you own these accessories:<br/>
<<if $playerAcc1s.isEmpty()>>
<<= $playerAcc1s.show(', ')>>,
<<if $playerAcc2s.isEmpty()>>
<<= $playerAcc2s.show(', ')>>
<<if $playerAcc3s.isEmpty()>>
<<= $playerAcc1s.show(', ')>>.
<<set $versionNumber to '1.006'>>
STATES (newest to oldest)
<<set $testingSelector to 'unknown'>>
<<set $storySkipToolState to 0>>
<<set $deadlineState to 0>>
<<set $deadlineCounter to 9999>>
<<set $nextDeadlineState to 0>>
<<set $nextDeadlineDelay to -1>>
<<set $rangGf to 0>>
<<set $storyState to 0>>
<<set $michaelState to 0>>
<<set $visitorTodayState to 0>>
<<set $visitorTomorrowState to 0>>
<<set $smoothBody to 0>>
<<set $smoothDaysLeft to 0>>
<<set $playerCrime to 'unknown'>>
<<set $playerHistory to 'unknown'>>
<<set $playerTriedPanties to 'unknown'>>
<<set $playerStartType to 'unknown'>>
<<set $playerVirgin to 'yes'>>
<<set $libido to 'Normal'>>
<<set $libidoLevel to 0>>
<<set $mateHistory to 'unknown'>>
<<set $mateType to 'unknown'>>
<<set $deanAdvised to 0>>
<<set $andersonAdvised to 0>>
<<set $khanAdvised to 0>>
<<set $deanAdvisedStraight to 0>>
<<set $andersonAdvisedStraight to 0>>
<<set $khanAdvisedStraight to 0>>
<<set $deanAdvisedSissy to 0>>
<<set $andersonAdvisedSissy to 0>>
<<set $khanAdvisedSissy to 0>>
<<set $deanAdvisedCloseted to 0>>
<<set $andersonAdvisedCloseted to 0>>
<<set $khanAdvisedCloseted to 0>>
<<set $deanAdvisedDom to 0>>
<<set $andersonAdvisedDom to 0>>
<<set $khanAdvisedDom to 0>>
<<set $andersonStraightDeal to 0>>
<<set $andersonStraightTrusted to 0>>
<<set $andersonSissyDeal = 0>>
<<set $andersonSissyTrusted = 0>>
<<set $andersonClosetedDeal = 0>>
<<set $andersonClosetedTrusted = 0>>
<<set $andersonDomDeal = 0>>
<<set $andersonDomTrusted = 0>>
<<set $gotRaymond = 0>>
<<set $khanState6Gift to 0>>
<<set $cafeSissyDominated to 0>>
<<set $uglyUnderwearPicked to 0>>
<<set $sexyUnderwearPicked to 0>>
<<set $playerSexDream to 'unknown'>>
<<set $playerImaginedHotWoman to 'unknown'>>
<<set $cGfEvent2Slutty to 0>>
<<set $cGfEvent2Charming to 0>>
<<set $cGfEvent2Visit to 'unknown'>>
<<set $phoneCallNotification to 'unknown'>>
<<set $seenCharlieToday to 0>>
<<set $charlieDomEvent1 to 'unknown'>>
<<set $charlieDomEvent2 to 'unknown'>>
<<set $charlieConvinced to 0>>
<<set $charlieRoomState to 0>>
<<set $domEvent1 to 'unknown'>>
<<set $domEvent2 to 'unknown'>>
<<set $domEvent3 to 'unknown'>>
<<set $charliePrivateLap to 'unknown'>>
<<set $closEvent1 to 'unknown'>>
<<set $sissyAttractiveScene to 0>>
<<set $playerLikesSissies to 0>>
<<set $playerOrientation to 'unknown'>>
<<set $title to 'unknown'>>
<<set $tempStrBoost to 0>>
<<set $KeatonEventStr to 0>>
<<set $gfType to 'unknown'>>
<<set $chastityOn to 0>>
<<set $SSYstoryState to 0>>
<<set $storyPath to 'unknown'>>
<<set $mifuneIntroCounter to 0>>
<<set $DrMifuneVisited to 0>>
<<set $khanTalkedToPostKeatonEvent to 0>>
<<set $jessicaState to 0>>
<<set $enforceDwellState to 0>>
<<set $khanTalkedToPostKeatonEvent to 1>>
<<set $KeatonVisitState to 0>>
<<set $mindsetUnlocked to 0>>
<<set $shameActive to 0>>
<<set $keatonSSYPhaseOneNo1State to 'unknown'>>
<<set $keatonSSYAllowsChastityUnlock to 0>>
<<set $keatonCrewBondRole to 'unknown'>>
<<set $keatonCrewBondLevel to 0>>
<<set $SSYDramaRoomUnlocked to 0>>
<<set $solitaryState to 'unknown'>>
<<set $cSolitaryState to 'unknown'>>
<<set $gfLevel to 0>>
<<set $gfRespect to 5>>
<<set $mateLevel to 0>>
<<set $michaelLevel to 0>>
Other temp variables
<<set $gfWearSkirt to 0>>
<<set $seekMichaelAdvice to 'unknown'>>
<<set $subStat to 0>>
<<set $pervStat to 0>>
<<set $charmStat to 0>>
<<set $courageStat to 0>>
<<set $pervXP to 0>>
<<set $charmXP to 0>>
<<set $courageXP to 0>>
<<set $domStat to 0>>
<<set $strStat to 0>>
<<set $stamStat to 0>>
<<set $tonedStat to 0>>
<<set $assStat to 0>>
<<set $strXP to 0>>
<<set $stamXP to 0>>
<<set $tonedXP to 0>>
<<set $assXP to 0>>
<<set $ap to 2>>
<<set $money to 0>>
<<newcycle 'days' 1 1 suspend>>
<<phase 'Monday' 'Tuesday' 'Wednesday' 'Thursday' 'Friday' 'Saturday' 'Sunday'>>
<<newinventory '$playerInventory' 'Wallet'>>
<<newinventory '$playerHead' 'Hat'>>
<<newinventory '$playerHeads'>>
<<newinventory '$playerHair' 'brown hair'>>
<<newinventory '$playerHairs'>>
<<newinventory '$playerEarring'>>
<<newinventory '$playerEarrings'>>
<<newinventory '$playerNeck' 'Silver chain'>>
<<newinventory '$playerNecks'>>
<<newinventory '$playerWrist' 'Silver watch'>>
<<newinventory '$playerWrists'>>
<<newinventory '$playerTop' 'Jumper'>>
<<newinventory '$playerTops'>>
<<newinventory '$playerBra'>>
<<newinventory '$playerBras'>>
$playerBraUnlocked = 'no' not used anymore?
<<newinventory '$playerBottom' 'Jeans'>>
<<newinventory '$playerBottoms'>>
<<newinventory '$playerUnderwear' 'Black boxers'>>
<<newinventory '$playerUnderwears'>>
<<newinventory '$playerGarter'>>
<<newinventory '$playerGarters'>>
$playerGarterUnlocked = 'no' not used anymore?
<<newinventory '$playerAnkle' 'Black socks'>>
<<newinventory '$playerAnkles'>>
<<newinventory '$playerFeet' 'White trainers'>>
<<newinventory '$playerFeets'>>
<<newinventory '$playerAcc1'>>
<<newinventory '$playerAcc1s'>>
<<newinventory '$playerAcc2'>>
<<newinventory '$playerAcc2s'>>
<<newinventory '$playerAcc3'>>
<<newinventory '$playerAcc3s'>>
<!-- Remove non sleeping items -->
<!-- Make all temp Items 'unknown' : -->
<<set $tempHeldHeadItem to 'unknown'>>
<<set $tempHeldHairItem to 'unknown'>>
<<set $tempHeldEarringItem to 'unknown'>>
<<set $tempHeldNeckItem to 'unknown'>>
<<set $tempHeldWristItem to 'unknown'>>
<<set $tempHeldTopItem to 'unknown'>>
<<set $tempHeldBraItem to 'unknown'>>
<<set $tempHeldBottomItem to 'unknown'>>
<<set $tempHeldUnderwearItem to 'unknown'>>
<<set $tempHeldGarterItem to 'unknown'>>
<<set $tempHeldAnkleItem to 'unknown'>>
<<set $tempHeldFeetItem to 'unknown'>>
<<set $tempHeldAcc1Item to 'unknown'>>
<<set $tempHeldAcc2Item to 'unknown'>>
<<set $tempHeldAcc3Item to 'unknown'>>
<!-- Set the items to be held and remove them from player: -->
<<if $playerHead.isEmpty()>><<else>>
<<set $tempHeldHeadItem to $playerHead.show()>>
<<dropall '$playerHead'>>
<<if $playerEarring.isEmpty()>><<else>>
<<set $tempHeldEarringItem to $playerEarring.show()>>
<<dropall '$playerEarring'>>
<<if $playerNeck.isEmpty()>><<else>>
<<set $tempHeldNeckItem to $playerNeck.show()>>
<<dropall '$playerNeck'>>
<<if $playerWrist.isEmpty()>><<else>>
<<set $tempHeldWristItem to $playerWrist.show()>>
<<dropall '$playerWrist'>>
<<if $playerTop.isEmpty()>><<else>>
<<set $tempHeldTopItem to $playerTop.show()>>
<<dropall '$playerTop'>>
<<if $playerBra.isEmpty()>><<else>>
<<set $tempHeldBraItem to $playerBra.show()>>
<<dropall '$playerBra'>>
<<if $playerBottom.isEmpty()>><<else>>
<<set $tempHeldBottomItem to $playerBottom.show()>>
<<dropall '$playerBottom'>>
<<if $playerGarter.isEmpty()>><<else>>
<<set $tempHeldGarterItem to $playerGarter.show()>>
<<dropall '$playerGarter'>>
<<if $playerAnkle.isEmpty()>><<else>>
<<set $tempHeldAnkleItem to $playerAnkle.show()>>
<<dropall '$playerAnkle'>>
<<if $playerFeet.isEmpty()>><<else>>
<<set $tempHeldFeetItem to $playerFeet.show()>>
<<dropall '$playerFeet'>>
<<if $playerAcc1.isEmpty()>><<else>>
<<set $tempHeldAcc1Item to $playerAcc1.show()>>
<<dropall '$playerAcc1'>>
<<if $playerAcc3.isEmpty()>><<else>>
<<set $tempHeldAcc3Item to $playerAcc3.show()>>
<<dropall '$playerAcc3'>>
<!-- End of remove non sleeping items -->
<<if $storyState is 6 and $deadlineCounter is 10>>
It was another one of those nights where you had trouble sleeping. Not wishing to wake up Michael, you laid in bed and ruminated on your thoughts.<br/><br/>
The lack of privacy, even when sharing a room with someone as decent as Michael, was tough. At home you would of got up by now, maybe watch a little TV, or more likely, porn.<br/><br/>
Porn. How you missed the days you could watch that anytime you wanted.<br/><br/>
<<if $playerStartType is 'dom' or $playerStartType is 'straight'>>
All you had right now was your imagination. With nowhere else for your mind to wander, you tried to conjure up something in your mind.<br/><br/>
<div class="choice">[["A hot time with " + $gf + "."|Xdream][$playerVirgin = 'no'; $playerOrientation = 'straight'; $playerSexDream = 'timeWithGf'; $charmStat += 2]]</div><br/>
<div class="choice">[["Picture sexy women in your mind's eye"|Xdream][$playerVirgin = 'no'; $playerOrientation = 'straight'; $playerSexDream = 'hotWomen'; $pervStat += 2]]</div><br/>
<<elseif $playerStartType is 'sissy'>>
All you had right now was your imagination. With nowhere else for your mind to wander, you tried to conjure up something in your mind.<br/><br/>
<<if $playerVirgin is 'unknown'>>
<div class="choice">[["A fantasy of dressing up for a man, and him taking your virginity."|Xdream][$playerOrientation = 'gay'; $playerVirgin = 'yes'; $playerSexDream = 'loseVirginityFantasy'; $subStat += 2]]</div><br/>
<div class="choice">[["Picture yourself as the kind of woman you want to be like yourself."|Xdream][$playerSexDream = 'pictureYourselfAsAWoman'; $pervStat += 1; $subStat += 1]]</div><br/>
<<elseif $playerStartType is 'sissybf'>>
All you had right now was your imagination. With nowhere else for your mind to wander, you tried to conjure up something in your mind.<br/><br/>
<<if $playerVirgin is 'unknown'>>
<div class="choice">[["A fantasy of dressing up for a man, and him taking your virginity." |Xdream][$playerOrientation = 'gay'; $playerVirgin = 'yes'; $playerSexDream = 'loseVirginityFantasy'; $subStat += 2]]</div><br/>
<div class="choice">[["Picture sexy women you want to be like yourself."|Xdream][$playerSexDream = 'pictureYourselfAsAWoman'; $pervStat += 1; $subStat += 1]]</div><br/>
<div class="choice">[["A fantasy of dressing up with " + $gf + "."|Xdream][$playerSexDream = 'cdSexWithGf'; $pervStat += 1; $subStat += 1]]</div><br/>
<<elseif $playerStartType is 'closeted'>>
All you had right now was your imagination. With nowhere else for your mind to wander, you tried to conjure up something in your mind, but the stress of the Keaton situation was distracting anything you tried to think of... <br/><br/>
<<if $playerVirgin is 'unknown'>>
<div class="choice">[["Dream about finally losing your virginity..."|Xdream][$playerVirgin = 'yes'; $playerSexDream = 'closetedLoseVirginityFantasy'; $subStat += 2]]</div><br/>
<div class="choice">[["Remember the last time you and " + $gf +" were intimate."|Xdream][$playerOrientation = 'unknown'; $playerSexDream = 'badGfMemory'; $pervStat += 2]]</div><br/>
<div class="choice">[["Imagine what will happen to me at Keaton's event... Maybe I can think of a way to make it less bad?"|Xdream][$playerOrientation = 'gay'; $playerSexDream = 'closetedSissyFantasy'; $pervStat += 2; $subStat += 2]]</div><br/>
<<elseif $storyState is 4 and $playerTriedPanties is "unknown">>
You struggled to sleep, feeling high after the seeing $gf again today. You kept her panties under your pillow; right now this was the most valuable thing you owned.<br/><br/>
<<if $playerHistory is "cd" and $playerTriedPanties is "unknown">>
<<if $contentGuidance is 1>>
<div class="contentGuidanceDisplay"><img src="images/extras/warningIcon.png" alt="Warning Icon" class="warningIcon warningIconGuidance">
Pick "Try on the panties."</div><br/><br/><</if>>
<div class="choice">[[Try on the panties.|SleepActivity]]</div><br/>
<div class="choice">[[Just try to sleep.|Sleep2][$playerTriedPanties = "no"]]</div>
<<elseif $sissyAttractiveScene is 1>>
<<set $sissyAttractiveScene to 0>>
Despite the amazing results you got with Charlie today, you found it hard to sleep. Your mind was racing with thoughts about this whole sissy thing. Up until now, you hadn't had much time to think about it. Charlie was someone who looked so feminine, but as she said in her own words, she wasn't a woman, she was a sissy. Thinking about Charlie dressed up, you cemented how you felt about sissies after what you've seen and heard...<br/><br/>
<div class="choice">[[Sissies aren't attractive to you. You'd never have sex with one.|SleepActivity][$domStat += 1; $playerLikesSissies = 0]]</div><br/>
<div class="choice">[[Sissies can look pretty hot. You wouldn't rule out having sex with one.|SleepActivity][$domStat += 1; $playerLikesSissies = 1]]</div>
<span class="anderson">Officer: </span>"ROLL CALL... Michael!"<br/><br/>
<span class="male">Michael: </span>"Present."<br/><br/>
<span class="anderson">Officer: </span>"$name!"<br/><br/>
<span class="p1">You: </span>"Present!"<br/><br/>
The small window slammed shut. With nothing to do, you got into bed and closed your eyes.<br/><br/>
You tossed and turn, fully aware another day of this life awaits you tomorrow...<br/><br/>
<<set $ap = 2>>
<<editcycle 'days' increment 1 resume>>
<<set $visitorTodayState to $visitorTomorrowState>>
<<set $visitorTomorrowState to 0>>
<<set $seenCharlieToday to 0>>
<<if $deadlineState gt 0>>
<<set $deadlineCounter -= 1>>
<<if $smoothDaysLeft gt 0>>
<<set $smoothDaysLeft -=1>>
<<set $smoothBody = 0>>
<!-- put clothes back on after sleep -->
<<if $tempHeldHeadItem is 'unknown'>><<else>>
<<pickup '$playerHead' $tempHeldHeadItem>>
<<if $tempHeldEarringItem is 'unknown'>><<else>>
<<pickup '$playerEarring' $tempHeldEarringItem>>
<<if $tempHeldNeckItem is 'unknown'>><<else>>
<<pickup '$playerNeck' $tempHeldNeckItem>>
<<if $tempHeldWristItem is 'unknown'>><<else>>
<<pickup '$playerWrist' $tempHeldWristItem>>
<<if $tempHeldTopItem is 'unknown'>><<else>>
<<pickup '$playerTop' $tempHeldTopItem>>
<<if $tempHeldBraItem is 'unknown'>><<else>>
<<pickup '$playerBra' $tempHeldBraItem>>
<<if $tempHeldBottomItem is 'unknown'>><<else>>
<<pickup '$playerBottom' $tempHeldBottomItem>>
<<if $tempHeldGarterItem is 'unknown'>><<else>>
<<pickup '$playerGarter' $tempHeldGarterItem>>
<<if $tempHeldAnkleItem is 'unknown'>><<else>>
<<pickup '$playerAnkle' $tempHeldAnkleItem>>
<<if $tempHeldFeetItem is 'unknown'>><<else>>
<<pickup '$playerFeet' $tempHeldFeetItem>>
<<if $tempHeldAcc1Item is 'unknown'>><<else>>
<<pickup '$playerAcc1' $tempHeldAcc1Item>>
<<if $tempHeldAcc3Item is 'unknown'>><<else>>
<<pickup '$playerAcc3' $tempHeldAcc3Item>>
<!-- End of put clothes back on -->
<img src="images/locations/room_awaken.jpg" alt="morning time in your room" class="storyImage">You awoke in your room. Great... another day in Grenton.<br/><br/>
<<editcycle 'days' suspend>>
<<if $storyState gte 6>>
<<set $libidoLevel +=1>>
<<if $libidoLevel is 3>>
<<set $libido to 'Horny'>>
<<if $libidoLevel is 6>>
<<set $libido to 'Excruciating'>>
<<if $libido is 'Excruciating'>>
<<set $ap to 1>>
<img src="images/scenes/ZtooHorny.gif" alt="Image of someone lucky experiencing the sweet release of pent up frustration." class="storyImage storyImageBigger">
You felt too horny to think straight right now! You knew too well what you were like when you're in this state - it saps your ability to do anything! You'd better find somewhere private to take care of this, as soon as possible!<br/><br/>
[[Continue|Mess Room]]<br/>
<</nobr>><img src="images/locations/showers.jpg" alt="shower room" class="storyImage">Some of the showers aren't as pleasant as you expected a 'Personal Development Center' to have, in other words... they're disgusting.
There's a more private shower but there's a queue for it. With the added privacy though you could really take care of your hygiene needs.
[[Use communal shower|Communal Shower]]
[[Queue and use private shower to maintain yourself (-1 ap)|Private Shower][$ap -= 1]]
[[Back to Main Block|Mess Room]]<img src="images/locations/commissary.jpg" alt="commissary" class="storyImageFlat"><<nobr>>
<span class="male">Shopkeeper:</span> "Hey. What do you want? Only money talks here, so don't try any kind of funny business with me."<br/><br/>
<<if $storyState is 6>>
<<if $deanAdvisedStraight is 1 and $money gte 5 and $gotRaymond is 0>>
[[Hi, I'm... looking for Raymond|SecretShop][$money -= 5]]<br/><br/>
<<if $khanAdvisedStraight is 1 and $money gte 30 and $khanState6Gift is 0>>
[[Give $30 and say it's for Khan|SecretShop2][$money -= 30]]<br/><br/>
<<if $khanAdvisedSissy is 1 and $money gte 30 and $khanState6Gift is 0>>
[[Give $30 and say it's for... the slutty stuff|SecretShop2][$money -= 30]]<br/><br/>
<<if $khanAdvisedCloseted is 1 and $money gte 30 and $khanState6Gift is 0>>
[[Give $30 and say it's for a care package from Khan|SecretShop2][$money -= 30]]<br/><br/>
<<if $khanAdvisedDom is 1 and $money gte 30 and $khanState6Gift is 0 and $charlieConvinced is 1>>
[[Give $30 and say you want a gift for Charlie|SecretShop2][$money -= 30]]<br/><br/>
<div class="shopItem">
<div class="shopItemImg"><img src="images/shop/eggs.jpg"></div>
<div class="shopItemDesc">Some nice fresh eggs - $15</div>
<div class="shopItemBuy">
<<if $playerInventory.has('Eggs')>>Purchased
<<if $money gte 15>>
<<link "Buy">>
<<set $money -= 15>>
<<pickup '$playerInventory' 'Eggs'>>
<<goto "Commissary">>
<<else>>Can't afford.
<div class="shopItem">
<div class="shopItemImg"><img src="images/shop/bacon.jpg"></div>
<div class="shopItemDesc">Streaky Bacon - $20</div>
<div class="shopItemBuy">
<<if $playerInventory.has('Bacon')>>Purchased
<<if $money gte 20>>
<<link "Buy">>
<<set $money -= 20>>
<<pickup '$playerInventory' 'Bacon'>>
<<goto "Commissary">>
<<else>>Can't afford.
<div class="shopItem">
<div class="shopItemImg"><img src="images/shop/paper.jpg"></div>
<div class="shopItemDesc">A tiny piece of paper. Use to summarize hints - $5</div>
<div class="shopItemBuy">
<<if $playerInventory.has('Paper')>>Purchased
<<if $money gte 5>>
<<link "Buy">>
<<set $money -= 5>>
<<pickup '$playerInventory' 'Paper'>>
<<goto "Commissary">>
<<else>>Can't afford.
<<if $storyState is 6>>
<<if $playerStartType is 'sissy' and $andersonSissyDeal is 0 and $andersonAdvised is 1>>
<div class="shopItem">
<div class="shopItemImg"><img src="images/shop/groomingKit.jpg"></div>
<div class="shopItemDesc">A secondhand grooming kit, pawned recently - $20</div>
<div class="shopItemBuy">
<<if $playerInventory.has('Grooming kit')>>Purchased
<<if $money gte 20>>
<<link "Buy">>
<<set $money -= 20>>
<<pickup '$playerInventory' 'Grooming kit'>>
<<goto "Commissary">>
<<else>>Can't afford.
<<if $playerStartType is 'sissybf' and $andersonSissyDeal is 0 and $andersonAdvised is 1>>
<div class="shopItem">
<div class="shopItemImg"><img src="images/shop/groomingKit.jpg"></div>
<div class="shopItemDesc">A secondhand grooming kit, pawned recently - $20</div>
<div class="shopItemBuy">
<<if $playerInventory.has('Grooming kit')>>Purchased
<<if $money gte 20>>
<<link "Buy">>
<<set $money -= 20>>
<<pickup '$playerInventory' 'Grooming kit'>>
<<goto "Commissary">>
<<else>>Can't afford.
[[Back to Main Block|Mess Room]]<<nobr>>
<<if $grentonReputationGeneral > 0>>Grenton Reputation: $grentonReputationGeneral<br/><br/><</if>>
Your stats:<br/>
<<if $subStat > 0>>Submissive: $subStat<br/><<else>>---<br/><</if>>
<<if $pervStat > 0>>Deviancy: $pervStat<br/><<else>>---<br/><</if>>
<<if $charmStat > 0>>Charm: $charmStat<br/><<else>>---<br/><</if>>
<<if $courageStat > 0>>Courage: $courageStat<br/><<else>>---<br/><</if>>
<<if $domStat > 0>>Assertion: $domStat<br/><<else>>---<br/><</if>>
<<if $strStat > 0>>Strength: $strStat<br/><<else>>---<br/><</if>>
<<if $stamStat > 0>>Stamina: $stamStat<br/><<else>>---<br/><</if>>
<<if $tonedStat > 0>>Tone: $tonedStat<br/><<else>>---<br/><</if>>
<<if $assStat > 0>>Ass: $assStat<br/><<else>>---<br/><</if>>
<<if $smoothBody is 1>>Your skin is currently smooth, free of body hair!<br/><br/>
<<else>>You currently have regular body hair.<br/><br/>
<<if $playerExtUrges gte 1>>$playerExtUrges x Shameful urges<</if>>
<<if $playerPrideUrges gte 1>>$playerPrideUrges x Prideful Feelings<</if>>
<img src="images/locations/phones.jpg" alt="phone room" class="storyImage"><br/>
<<if $money gte 2>>
<<if $storyState is 2>>
<<link "Use phone to ring $gf">>
<<set $money -= 2>>
<<goto "b6">>
<<elseif $storyState is 6 and $gfType is 'open' and $rangGf is 0>>
<<link "Use phone to ring $gf">>
<<set $money -= 2>>
<<goto "cGfEvent2Phone">>
<<elseif $storyState is 6 and $rangGf is 0>>
<<link "Use phone to ring $gf">>
<<set $money -= 2>>
<<goto "cGfEvent">>
<<else>>Using the phone right now was pointless.
<<else>>You don't have enough money to make a phone call.<</if>>
<</nobr>><img src="images/locations/rec_room.jpg" alt="recreation room" class="storyImage"><<nobr>>
The rec room doesn't have much going on, it seems like the laziest inhabitants gather here, mostly to watch the TV in the upper corner of the room.<br/><br/>
<<if Cycle.get('days').current() is 'Monday' or Cycle.get('days').current() is 'Wednesday' or Cycle.get('days').current() is 'Friday' or Cycle.get('days').current() is 'Sunday'>>
<<if $ap gt 0>>
<<if $storyState is 6 and $andersonAdvised is 1>>
Usually Anderson would be here at this time, but looks like he's not around.
Anderson is here. He looks bored as he watches TV.<br/>
[[Speak to Anderson.|AndersonRec]]<br/>
[[Back to Main Block|Mess Room]]
<img src="images/locations/officers.jpg" alt="officers room" class="storyImage"><br/>
The door to the officer's room was shut. You don't think you should knock on here unless you have some need to.<br/><br/>
[[Back to Main Block|Mess Room]]<br/><br/>
<<if $storyState is 6 and $cafeSissyDominated is 1 and $seenCharlieToday is 0>>
You could get to Charlie's room from here using the alleyway shortcut...<br/><br/>
[[Visit Charlie's room in Block G|CharlieRoom]]<br/>
<</nobr>><img src="images/locations/clinic.jpg" alt="clinic" class="storyImage">The hallway to the clinic is guarded by a rather strict officer...
<span class="male">Officer: </span>"Is there any need for you to be here? Doesn't look like it! The doctor is already busy enough. Leave. Now!"
[[Back to Main Block|Mess Room]]The judge sternly called on you to rise for your sentence. The shame of this whole ordeal was almost overwhelming, but you did your best to focus and listen...
<span class="male">Judge:</span> "...Sir, I hope you understand that while your straight admission of guilt here today has shown you have some good character, your crimes must still be taken seriously.
I believe you are not beyond redemption. That you appear to have lived quite aimlessly. That you have not discovered yourself and thus been lost enough to turn to crime.
Due to the limit of prison spaces, a new option is being trialled by the state, one which aims for 'personal growth of criminals, in the hopes of rehabilitation'. It is a center that is only for male adults, such as yourself. Admittedly, this is what some critics might disparage as a somewhat 'new age' option, yet I believe it would be beneficial to not only yourself, but society as well. Make no mistake, you will not be a free man.
I order, as I am required to do by law, that you are stationed for at least 18 months at Grenton Personal Development Center. You will be expected to grow into a better citizen, else your time there may be increased! I assure you, this time is far less than you would have if I sentenced you to prison. You will not be allowed to leave the center's grounds, so I recommend you use this chance wisely to become someone of worth. Your time there is set to begin immediately."
<img src="images/scenes/a5.jpg" alt="Judge gavel" class="storyImage">Wait, no prison sentence? You couldn't believe your luck, although you were confused by what this so called 'new age' option may be like. There was no time to process how your life would change from now, nor what 18 months of your life being forfeit would do to you. You looked desperately at $gf but only caught a split second glance at her before you were escorted out of court.
This was all so sudden, and with little time to get to grip with things, it felt impossible to really understand the odd nature of your sentence. One of the guards saw your confusion and made clear what would happen next. Right away they'd take you for a medical evaluation, and if all of that was fine, you'd be taken to Grenton immediately after.
18 months; that was all you could think of. Stuck with a bunch of criminals... for 18 months.
As the guards delivered you to a medical professional, you became lost in stressful thoughts, your mind turning to fog...
[[Next|a6][$money += 10]]<span class="male">Driver:</span> "Well here's where we drop you gentlemen... Grenton Personal Development Center. Step out the van, come along now, single file."
You and two others exited as you were told. Your mind was on autopilot throughout the checks and procedures by center staff. Despite the claims of being 'new age', the security here was pretty serious.
At the center's entrance, you were handed the personal belongings you provided earlier, starting with a small collection of the very few clothes you were allowed to bring; they were just some casual plain items.
Along with center issued towels and basic hygiene items, they also gave you your CD walkman and headphones. Phones and mp3 players aren't allowed unfortunately.
You were also allowed to bring some personal photographs, all of yours were pictures of $gf. They reminded you of some nice memories, but right now you were too upset to look at them.
Finally the staff made you aware of a paltry $10 worth of money in your account. You could spend it on phone calls, as well as what little items the center's commissary would sell you.
<span class="male">Officer:</span> "This way now, follow me", said an officer of some sort, as he beckoned you over.
<<if $playerInventory.has('Walkman')>><<else>><<pickup '$playerInventory' 'Walkman'>><</if>><<if $playerInventory.has('Photos of $gf')>><<else>><<pickup '$playerInventory' 'Photos of $gf'>><</if>><<if $playerInventory.has('Wallet')>><<drop '$playerInventory' 'Wallet'>><<else>><</if>>
He introduced himself as Officer Dabern. As he went through outlining the center's daily routine to you, he spoke with an air of indifference.
<span class="male">Officer Dabern:</span> "Roll call is at 7.30AM everyday, so make sure you're awake! Don't make a officer come in and get you."
"You can get your meals from the cafeteria. If you miss a meal, that's on you. Still hungry? Buy something from commissary. We lock you in your rooms at 7pm."
"There are activities you can participate in to improve yourself, or a few jobs to make a little money. Spend your time productively."
You got the impression that the Officer was bored as he explained the place to you. He never made eye contact with you, it seems you're just another common criminal in his eyes.
<span class="male">Officer Dabern:</span> "You know, for a place full of felons involuntarily packed together, the people here aren't half bad. This place has been far easier to patrol than the prisons I used to work in. I'm not sure why though. Despite the relative peacefulness and the 'personal growth' bullshit it doesn't seem that different to me. Anyway, do us a favor and try to keep it that way."
"Here we are: Room number 4, Block D. Hope you like it because you'll be seeing a lot if it. It's yours."
<img src="images/locations/room.jpg" alt="Your room in Grenton" class="storyImage">A plain looking room, with a small set of drawers, a sink and a toilet. On the top of a bunk bed there was a man who seemed to be in his early sixties. He repositioned himself from lying on the bed to reach over and shake your hand. You introduced yourself.
<span class="male">Michael:</span> "$name was it? I'm Michael."
[[Next|a8]]<img src="images/scenes/Zmichael.jpg" alt="your room mate Michael" class="storyImage">You and Michael talked for a while. He seemed like a pleasant enough guy, although perhaps it's only because you were so agreeable with his suggestions on sharing the room together.
You asked for more clarification on how things worked here but he told you the same things Officer Dabern did. This place sure did sound strange, but at least not unpleasant.
There seemed like there wasn't much accountability, no one measuring your improvement, few officers, just pick up some hobbies, serve out your time and stay out of trouble. The 'new age' claims were apparently correct. From what you learned so far it sounded far better than any prison!
<span class="male">Michael:</span> "...okay, that settles things. I'm easy to get on with generally, if you don't bother me, I won't bother you. Now then, I'm going to catch up on my book for a bit... I'll leave you to get your bearings."
You got the impression Michael doesn't get involved with others in here if he can avoid it. At his age, perhaps he found it difficult to relate with the younger inhabitants.
Even though your circumstance was starting to set in, you still felt a little lost here. So this is it: 'Grenton Personal Growth Center'. This is your life now.
You sighed deeply, realizing you should probably get out your room and explore your new situation further. Feeling unsure of what to actually do, you decided to head to the mess room in the hopes of discovering what to do with yourself.
[[Next|Mess Room]]
<img src="images/scenes/Zmichael.jpg" alt="your room mate Michael" class="storyImage">
<<if $storyState is 1>>
<span class="male">Michael: </span>“Oh you made friends with Dean and his lot… can't say I know them that well.”<br/><br/>
<<elseif $storyState is 2>>
<span class="male">Michael: </span>“Keaton... pfft. Listen, you better not get me involved in his dumb shit, ok?”<br/><br/>
<<elseif $storyState is 3>>
<span class="male">Michael: </span>“You spoke to your girl? Nice! The people on the outside waiting for us is all we need to get through this place. Don't forget that.”<br/><br/>
<<elseif $storyState is 4>>
<span class="male">Michael: </span>“Well look at you pal, don't you look happy! You might see me looking the same way when my family visits.”<br/><br/>
<<elseif $storyState is 5>>
<span class="male">Michael: </span>“What is it? Is all that Keaton business over?”<br/><br/>
<<if $playerTriedPanties is 'yes'>>
He lowered the book he was reading to make eye contact with you.<br/><br/>
<span class="male">Michael: </span>“You need to watch how you act in here... actually, you know what, forget I said anything.”<br/><br/>
<<elseif $storyState is 6>>
<span class="male">Michael: </span>“Hmph...”<br/><br/>
<<if $seekMichaelAdvice is 'yes'>>
Somehow Michael could just tell you were in some kind of trouble.<br/><br/>
<span class="male">Michael: </span>“Let me guess... Keaton and his boys. Didn't I say not to mess with them? And now you want my advice, huh?”<br/><br/>
[[Seek Michael's advice|MichaelExtra]]<br/><br/>
Michael is laid on his bed and reading. You don't wish to disturb him.<br/><br/>
[[Back to room|Room]]
<</nobr>>With food tray in hand you went to sit with Dean’s friends. You were a little anxious to introduce yourself to them, but it was good chance to try making some friends in here. Hopefully they’d be nice people who just made a mistake in life. Someone like you; nobody violent or anything like that.
<span class="dean">Dean: </span>“Fellas, this is $name. $name, this is Anderson!”
He pointed to a man with a dull expression who simply nodded to you.
<span class="dean">Dean: </span>“And this here is Khan.”
The newly introduced man responded with a deep-voiced but friendly hello.
As your nerves subsided, you found it came surprisingly easy to talk with them. Anderson was a little quiet, but overall the conversation was pretty lively and banter filled. Occasionally you noticed inhabitants on other tables glancing over. You could tell they were pretending to check out what the noises were, but really they were getting a look at you. You didn't think much of it though; it's only natural to wonder what a new person you’re living with is like, especially when they're a fellow criminal.
When the food was finished, the four of you headed to the recreation room and carried on getting to know each other better. Dean wasn’t the brightest, but was friendly. He was in for a year; blind bad luck caused him to get caught selling weed twice in the same week. This was his second time being sentenced somewhere, the first time was an actual prison.
<img src="images/scenes/Zanderson.jpg" alt="picture of Anderson" class="storyImage">Anderson seemed like a typical lad, but one who mostly kept to himself. He loved cars, women and drum and bass music. He rarely joined in the conversation unless it concerned one of his three interests, Khan said with a laugh. Seemingly he was around your age, with a bulky but not overweight physique. His thick arms were entirely covered in tattoos, and you could even spy some inked artwork visible under his shortly cropped haircut. He didn't mind telling you he was sentenced for dangerous driving, in fact he sounded quite proud of it - he just loved to drive fast.
It was clear right away that Khan was a smart man, but he came across as though he could relate to any type of person. He seemed to be in his fifties, but with his tanned skin, stoic posture and wavy comb backed silver hair he appeared to be a man who took pride in his well-kempt image. He wore a suit but no tie and the top button of his shirt undone, giving him the look of a CEO getting casual after work. He was vague about his criminal history, revealing little.
<img src="images/scenes/Zkhan.jpg" alt="picture of Khan" class="storyImage"><span class="khan">Khan: </span>‘It was... a white collar crime.’
He suddenly went what seemed to be uncharacteristically quiet, but soon became excited again as he talked about all the subjects he was studying thanks to the spare time he found himself with now. Art, biology, chemistry, psychology and history; he found that Grenton's library was well-stocked and the perfect environment to focus and learn.
You could tell the time had come to share more about yourself. The guys listened intently as you spoke, but it wasn't until $gf was mentioned that they really perked up, a detail that particulary got Anderson's attention.
<span class="anderson">Anderson: </span>“Is she hot? Out of ten, how much?”
<span class="dean">Dean: </span>“Calm down Anderson, geez.”
Giving numerical ratings wasn't really your style, but you did indulge him with a description of her appearance. Her long hair, slim body, long legs, how she loves to get dolled up... you yourself couldn't help getting caught up in describing the sexy outfits she looked best dressed in. Tight bodycon dresses... mini skirts with thin, satin tops... there were also more risque items of clothing she wore from time to time, but that you kept to yourself.
<span class="anderson">Anderson: </span>“She sounds amazing, a real girly girl - just what I like! No offense, but are you really worthy of a woman like that, $name? He he, I’m kidding obviously, heh!”
Inevitably, they asked about how you got sent here...
<<if $playerCrime is 'hacker'>>
<span class="p1">You: </span>“I mean, I’m pretty ashamed of myself to admit this. I... hacked into a porn site.”<br/><br/>
All three guys perked up, hungry to hear more.<br/><br/>
<span class="p1">You: </span>“There was this cam girl my friend liked who was seriously hot. Online I found a group of people who wanted her videos. She was selling videos for $25 each but she had hundreds… nobody wanted to pay that much! I offered to get them the entire collection and sell it to them for $100 each... looking back, I don't know what I was thinking!”<br/><br/>
The men didn't appear to judge your actions, but you felt a painful regret while reminiscing your misdeeds.<br/><br/>
<span class="p1">You: </span>“I just saw this chance to make money and got greedy, I guess... Something about taking online content didn't feel as wrong to me as stealing something 'real' at the time, but I realize now what I did was just as awful, if not worse! Anyway, while attempting to leave no traces of my hack on the website, I accidentally deleted it all and was caught.”<br/><br/>
<span class="khan">Khan: </span>“Hmm… that’s impressive. Your technical skill that is.”<br/><br/>
Anderson's eyes narrowed like he was dreaming.<br/><br/>
<span class="anderson">Anderson: </span>“Wow, if I could do that, I would of hacked my ex. Mmm, to see her amazing tits one more time, what I wouldn't give!”<br/><br/>
<<elseif $playerCrime is 'launder'>>
<span class="p1">You: </span>“I laundered money for my friend $mate. See, I ran a coffee shop, it was my own little business and for a while it was actually fairly successful. I didn’t want to get involved with the laundering, but $mate was so insistent and you know, with a girl like $gf... I just wanted to make sure I could always provide for her. I don’t know how we were found out, but... here I am.”<br/><br/>
<span class="dean">Dean: </span>“You gotta stand your ground in those situations, just like in the queue with me earlier!”<br/><br/>
<span class="khan">Khan: </span>“Sounds like it could of been a smart scheme. If only you had the right kind of guidance, things might have worked out better for you.”<br/><br/>
Something wrong. b2 error.
You were relieved. Finding some support in here was essential. Time had passed so quickly that the four of you had only just noticed it was time for you to be back in your rooms.<br/><br/>
[[Return to Mess Room|Mess Room][$michaelState = 1; $storyState = 1; $ap = 0]]
<</nobr>><span class="keaton">???: </span>“Hey… are you $name?”, said a rough voice.
You nodded in a friendly manner, although found it a little concerning that a stranger knew your name.
<span class="keaton">???: </span>“Ha, don’t look so shocked. I’ve been asked to introduce myself to all the newbies, takes a while to get around to everyone. I’m Keaton.”
<img src="images/scenes/Zkeaton.jpg" alt="picture of Keaton" class="storyImage"><span class="p1">You: </span>“Nice to meet you Keaton.”
<span class="keaton">Keaton: </span>“Likewise, likewise.”
Keaton was interested to know how things were going for you in Grenton, so you let him know that things seemed to be going fine.
<span class="keaton">Keaton: </span>“I like to hear that! One thing you need to know though, this place may seem basically like a prison, but it really isn’t.”
<span class="p1">You: </span>“Yeah, I'm beginning to realize that. It's like... a Personal Growth Center? Whatever that is!”
<span class="keaton">Keaton: </span>Ha, you believe that? Nah, that's just a bunch of bullshit. It's all about making more money off each of us than they would if this was a prison. They're not trying to make us better, they're trying to squeeze every cent they can. They got us on this cheap nasty food and barely offer any activity worth doing. Not that it matters though. See, through some careful planning and organisation, we actually got things pretty good here. There are perks here that are more luxurious than living on the outside. But to make it that way, we all got to work together, know what I mean?”
It seemed like Keaton was fishing for a favor… you squirmed a little at the thought of what you might be asked to do.
<span class="keaton">Keaton: </span>“Ha, don’t look so uncomfortable… believe me this is far more uncomfortable for me. How do I explain this, geez… when one of our group wants a certain luxury, we try to indulge them. If everyone is indulged, everyone gets along much better!”
You communicated your understanding with a nod, but couldn't hide your worry at where this was going.
<span class="keaton">Keaton: </span>“While we got a lot of things coming in right now, one of our guys isn’t getting something he needs. Let me just cut to the chase. This guy, he likes… ugh… this guy likes to sniff women’s panties.”
You tried to hold in a laugh but just couldn’t help yourself.
<span class="keaton">Keaton: </span>“I know, I know! And look, we just want everyone to get along. This is where you come in. We ask the newbies to contribute to this organisation. If things go well, your indulgences can be taken care of too, understand? You see what I mean, right? To put it simply, we need you to get a pair of women’s panties in here.”
[[Continue|b4]]Suddenly Grenton wasn’t as boring as you thought it would be! Keaton described to you what was needed.
<span class="keaton">Keaton: </span>“Sexy panties… they should smell like a woman, but be pretty clean, got it?”
<span class="p1">You: </span>“Wait, I have to ask... are all the newcomers being requested this?”
<span class="keaton">Keaton: </span>“Not this specific request, no. But other things are asked of them. For you, it's just... well, the conversation about your girl was overheard yesterday. Talk spreads fast here, as you can imagine. So once I heard, I suspected you could work with her to, y'know... procure, the item.”
It was a strange thing to be asked to do by a near stanger, but didn’t seem like too hard a request considering that $gf could help you. Fulfilling it would only help you fit in more, so why not?
<span class="keaton">Keaton: </span>“And one other thing… I have to take your dessert. Sorry, just the way things are done around here.”
He snatched away your unopened yoghurt pot. His shaved head and tall, muscular physique made him quite intimidating when he needed to be. In the middle of your meal, you didn't want to risk any trouble; whether you could do anything about it or not.
<span class="keaton">Keaton: </span>“You’ve been very agreeable so I don’t like to do this, but newbies at least have to pay tribute once before we can leave them alone. It’s just some gentle encouragement. We’ll take more if you take too long, so don’t wait around. I don’t expect any problems though."
<span class="keaton">Keaton: </span>“Oh I almost forgot to ask you... you know someone else in here right? Goes by the name of $mate? It would help if I knew what he was like. Is he a tough guy I need to watch out for, or more of a pussy? Regardless, he's gotta do our request.”
<div class="choice">[[He’s no pushover.|b5][$mateHistory ="tough"]]</div>
<div class="choice">[[He's a pussy, he'll be no trouble.|b5][$mateHistory ="weak"]]</div><<nobr>>
Keaton thanked you for your help and left you to what little food was still on your plate. As you somewhat initially suspected, this place wasn't going to be some personal growth paradise. It's a center full of criminals, one seemingly run with little to no guidance. You felt somewhat safe though, knowing at least the task to get panties wouldn't be impossible, thanks to your relationship with $gf. As you headed back to the Mess Room, the requested task stirred up an old memory. What was it again that happened to you that also involved panties?<br/><br/>
The memory was...<br/><br/>
<<if $contentGuidance is 1>>
<div class="contentGuidanceDisplay">
<img src="images/extras/warningIcon.png" alt="Warning Icon" class="warningIcon warningIconGuidance">
Pick "Trying on a bra and panties in secret."</div><br/><br/><</if>>
<div class="choice">A memory of $gf: [[Her dressing up in sexy lingerie set for your birthday.|b5x][$charmStat += 1; $playerHistory = "normal"; $playerVirgin = 'no'; $storyState = 2; $ap = 0]]</div><br/>
<div class="choice">A memory of yourself: [[Trying on a bra and panties in secret.|b5y][$pervStat += 1; $playerHistory ="cd"; $playerVirgin = 'unknown'; $storyState = 2; $ap = 0]]</div>
It only took a few seconds before $gf picked up.
<span class="gf">$gf: </span>“$name, finally! How are you? God, what is it like there? I still don't understand what they meant by Personal Growth Center! Please tell me you’re doing OK!”
She barely gave you a moment to get a word in, it was a habit of hers to talk a lot when she was worried. You had always felt your relationship with $gf was been pretty good, but despite being together for three years, deep down you weren’t sure she’d be able to deal with you not being physically around anymore. So far, so good at least. You let her know things were alright before asking how she was doing.
<span class="gf">$gf: </span>“Things are… fine. It’s pretty lonely when I get back to a home without you though. My parents are trying to make me to stay with them, but I honestly can’t see myself living there again.”
Typical, her Dad was interfering as usual! If he could, he’d convince her to sell the apartment and ditch you. He’s such a dick.
You asked her if she could visit soon. Not only did you really want to see her, but there was this whole pantie situation too.
<span class="gf">$gf: </span>“I'd love to! I could come tomorrow, is that good?”
Of course it was, anytime was doable for you these days. You lowered your voice with the hope that nobody would overhear you, and considered what to say next…
<div class="choice">[[Tell her you want her panties, but say they’re for you to have a sexy keepsake of her.|b7x][$pervStat += 1]]</div>
<div class="choice">[[Tell her you need her panties, to tribute to someone in here.|b7y][$subStat += 1; $gfRespect -= 2]]</div>
<div class="choice">[[Tell her to wear a short skirt when she visits.|b7x][$charmStat += 1; $gfRespect += 1; $gfWearSkirt = 1]]</div>
<<set $visitorTomorrowState to 1>>
<<set $storyState to 3>>After your request, you could hear surprise in $gf’s voice.
<span class="gf">$gf: </span>“Wow $name, I should of realized you’d get so horny in there. Well, don’t get too excited before tomorrow but… I’ll do my best to not let you down.”
<span class="p1">You: </span>“Damn, this call is almost out of time! Can’t wait to see you tomorrow, love you!”
It was so good to hear her voice, even when she was teasing you. You looked forward to seeing her face again.
[[Return to Mess Room|Mess Room][$ap = 0]]After your request, you could hear surprise in $gf’s voice.
<span class="gf">$gf: </span>“What!? They can’t treat you like that! Speak to the head of the prison or whoever is in charge… that’s not right!”
You explained it doesn't work like that, plus she seems confused... this place isn't a prison. You tried to clear things up for her but it was hard to explain, so you attempted to make her focus on the important details. It's not an ideal situation to be in but giving the men in here the panties would make life much easier. She didn't sound too happy at the thought of a random stranger getting her underwear, but out of concern for you she eventually agreed.
<span class="p1">You: </span>“Damn, this call is almost out of time! Can’t wait to see you tomorrow, love you!”
Despite the conversation, it was good to hear her voice. You looked forward to seeing her face again.
[[Return to Mess Room|Mess Room][$ap = 0]]<<nobr>>
An officer ushered you over to a desk. The room was filled with tables of men sat opposite their loved ones. It wasn't long until you recognized the familiar figure of $gf, her face lighting up the moment she saw you.<br/><br/>
<span class="gf">$gf: </span>“Oh, $name!”<br/><br/>
She reached out to hug you but got a telling off from the escorting officer. $gf was somewhat casually dressed, but even a lowkey style on her was hotter than most people. It was especially thrilling for a visit to place like this! A white cami top, denim mini skirt and pink heels. You couldn't help but glance at her chest, where the material of her white top stretched so thin across her breasts that you could just about see through to the hot pink bra underneath. It was such a sexy outfit on her. Was $gf dressing like this because she missed you? They do say absence makes the heart grow stronger.<br/><br/>
<img src="images/scenes/Zgf2.jpg" alt="your girlfriend in a white top and denim skirt" class="storyImage storyImageBigger">After you both sat down, she placed her hand in yours and gently squeezed. It felt so good to be with her again; to be in the familiar presence of her sweet smelling perfume was somehow so comforting. You realized her life now was just as new to adjust to as yours. Since her school days, she was the type of girl to never had gone long without a boyfriend at her side. For a lot of the conversation you tried your best to support her, hoping you could be seen as someone she could still rely on despite your situation. You just needed to support her until this time is over, it wouldn’t be long before you’re together again.<br/><br/>
<<if $gfWearSkirt is 1>>
<span class="p1">You: </span>“I’m really missing you...”<br/><br/>
You gripped her hand a little more as you said so.<br/><br/>
<span class="gf">$gf: </span>”Me too, hun. I can’t wait until you come back to me...”<br/><br/>
Her voice was almost purring. It was difficult not to find the exaggerated tone odd when she hadn't ever put on PDA like this with you in public before! It was only then that you realized she was playing things up while she sneaked the panties to you! You leaned closer to her, playing the role she needed from you in this moment.<br/><br/>
<span class="p1">You: </span>“Baby, you look amazing... I wish it was possible to be closer to you right now...”<br/><br/>
You suddenly felt her ankle rubbing across your inner leg. Hanging delicately were a pair of black panties. She's a natural at this!<br/><br/>
<span class="gf">$gf: </span>“Surprised, hun? I know you too well, don't you think? Asking me to wear a skirt means sooner or later you want a closer look at my panties, riiight? It wasn't hard to guess you'd want a lacey little keepsake.”<br/><br/>
This is the moment… you took the risk of outright grabbing them before an officer could see, and it paid off! What an amazing job she did!<br/><br/>
<span class="p1">You: </span>“I’m really missing you...”<br/><br/>
You gripped her hand a little more as you said so.<br/><br/>
<span class="gf">$gf: </span>”Me too, hun. I can’t wait until you come back to me...”<br/><br/>
Her voice was almost purring. It was difficult not to find the exaggerated tone odd when she hadn't ever put on PDA like this with you in public before! It was only then that you realized she was playing things up while she sneaked the panties to you! You leaned closer to her, playing the role she needed from you in this moment.<br/><br/>
You suddenly felt her ankle rubbing across your inner leg. Looking down you’re shocked by what you see. Hanging delicately were a pair of black panties. This was the moment… you took the risk of outright grabbing them now and hoping no officer saw, and it paid off! What an amazing job she did!<br/><br/>
<<set $visitorTodayState to 0>>
<</nobr>><img src="images/scenes/b9.jpg" alt="black panties" class="storyImage">You stuffed the panties as sneakily as you could into your pocket. $gf winked at you when you were done.
<span class="gf">$gf: </span>“Pretty impressive right? Maybe I should be a professional smuggler, it seems I’m a natural”, she giggled quietly.
<span class="p1">You: </span>“Hey, don’t get any ideas now - we don’t need both of us locked up! I shouldn't be surprised though, you’ve always have been a lady of many talents.”
You could tell she loved the compliment, but then suddenly she pulled a serious expression.
<span class="gf">$gf: </span>“Um, you know, I really think we need to talk more about… your crime.”
Even though you had both discussed it briefly before, after pleading guilty you didn’t really have any time to clear the air with her.
<span class="p1">You: </span>“Yes, of course. Ask me anything.”
<<if $playerCrime is 'launder'>>
<span class="gf">$gf: </span>”I just… I really think you should of stood your ground with $mate. I know I’ve said it before but... why didn’t you just tell him no?”<br/><br/>
<div class="choice">[[It was a mistake. I thought we could do good with the extra money.|b10][$charmStat += 1]]</div><br/>
<div class="choice">[[I didn’t want any trouble. I guess I thought this was the most troublefree way.|b10][$subStat += 1; $gfRespect -= 1]]</div>
<<elseif $playerCrime is 'hacker'>>
<span class="gf">$gf: </span>“The kind of website you hacked… why? Why did you pick that? Do you realize how embarrassing that was for me?”<br/><br/>
<div class="choice">[[I’m so sorry. It was just for money. I thought we could do good with the extra money. I was greedy and stupid.|b10][$charmStat += 1]]</div><br/>
<div class="choice">[[I never wanted to embarrass you. I don’t know why I didn’t stop myself. I was just horny and stupid.|b10][$pervStat += 1; $gfRespect -= 1]]</div>
Something wrong.
<<if $playerInventory.has('Black Brazilian panties from $gf')>>
<<pickup '$playerInventory' 'Black Brazilian panties from $gf'>>
After a little more explanation, as well as expressing your sincere regret, it seemed $gf at least had a better understanding of your actions. Visting time was almost up, and you both said your goodbyes.
As she walked out of the visitor’s room, you could see the straps of a pink thong poking above her demin skirt. She turned her head around to you with a cheeky look on her face. You could read her mind from her expression alone.
"What? You thought I would go commando? Of course I was wearing two pairs, it’s cold out there this time of year!"
What a woman you thought to yourself, as an officer lead you back out.
[[Follow to Mess Room|Mess Room]]
<<set $storyState to 4>>
<<set $ap to 0>><span class="keaton">Keaton: </span>“Looking for me huh, $name? It’s about time you were offering me something, if I recall correctly.”
You sat down and snuck the panties out of your pocket to Keaton.
<span class="keaton">Keaton: </span>“Well, well, what fine work! Ooh, that perfume smell is quite strong, isn't it? I'm certain it will be appreciated by my friend. Let's see then, with that I'd say you’ve passed your first initiation! From now on we'll never take away your dessert. Oh, and welcome to Grenton!”
He smiled at you hospitably, yet somehow it still felt off-putting. And did he just say <em>first</em> initiation? You were confused, but $mate interrupted your thoughts as he reintroduced himself.
<span class="mate">$mate: </span>“$name... so, the judge sent you to Grenton too. How are you adjusting to life in here?”
You let him know things were going alright, though in the middle of your conversation you couldn't help but notice he looked different than you remembered. If you had to describe it you’d say…
<div class="choice">[[He looks more masculine.|b11x][$mateType = "dom"]]</div>
<div class="choice">[[He looks more feminine.|b11y][$mateType = "sissy"]]</div>
<<if $playerInventory.has('Black Brazilian panties from $gf')>><<drop '$playerInventory' 'Black Brazilian panties from $gf'>><<else>><</if>>
<<set $storyState to 5>><img src="images/scenes/b11x.jpg" alt="buff man" class="storyImage">He looked so much buffer than you'd ever seen him before. His arms were now thick with muscles, and his hair was buzzed down to a two, somehow shaping his face into an intimidating form far different from his once boyish look. Even his general demeanour had changed. His elbows rested confidently on the table, with a bunched up fist of his grasped in the palm of his other hand like he wasn't to be messed with.
It was an impressive transformation. Surely he must have prepared before his sentence to look like this. You were about to compliment him on his new physique when Keaton interrupted with a loud, deliberate cough to grab your attention.
[[Continue|b12]]<img src="images/scenes/b11y.jpg" alt="pink lips" class="storyImage">Yes that’s it, he looked ever so slightly… girly! It was subtle, but knowing $mate beforehand makes the differences noticeable enough. The lids of his eyes looked like $gf’s when she had worn particularly hard to remove makeup, and his lips looked pinker too. His hair had been grown longer, and was much cleaner than the average person in here.
Surely I’m just seeing things, you thought to yourself. But as $mate brought their spoon to their mouth you noticed his fingernails had sparkles on them! This wasn’t just your imagination, it was an all new side to him you had never seen. You were a little shocked, but the situation didn’t give you much time to dwell on it, as Keaton interrupted you with a loud, deliberate cough to grab your attention.
[[Continue|b12]]<span class="keaton">Keaton: </span>“So, to explain the next step of your initiation. From now on there isn’t going to be anyone taking your food. We use that introductory task just to let people know how easy it is to get something fun in here for us, and if they want fun things too then all they gotta do is join us!"
"Everyone in the organisation is doing errands like that, whether it’s to get food, phones, alcohol and whatever the fuck else. We even got a few places where no officers come at all... nice spots serving luxury meals, big TVs, you can smoke, you can drink, just have a good time! In fact, the officers turn a blind an eye to most of what we get up to... it's a free reign for us in here!”
“If you join though, you gotta be part of building it. We all gotta work together to enjoy our time here. See, some in here don’t have it this good. The decision to join is your choice. Your roommate is Michael, right? I know he doesn’t get involved but at the end of the day all he gets to do here is to read books and be bored out of his mind! You can see this Grenton life is draining him away. That's what the people who designed this place wants us to be... dull. Complacent."
"We’re living our best lives here! Anyway, that’s me, I’ve said my piece and it’s been a lot. What do you reckon - are you in?”
<div class="choice">[[Alright, I'll join!|b13]]</div>
<div class="choice">[[Thanks for the invite, but I don’t think I will.|Dull Ending]]
<span class="statBonus">An Ending</span></div>
Despite first shaking his head in disbelief, Keaton accepted your choice respectfully. For the rest of your time in Grenton you rarely noticed him or $mate.
Your time served was relatively peaceful, though extremely boring. You didn't get to know anyone that well, and while to some extent you could call Michael your friend, he always kept you at a distance. You spent most of your time working, assembling electronics for a tiny wage per day. Occasionally you would read or do some light exercise, but mostly you just worked. You could feel your own personality becoming duller, losing it's charm as you spent your days with nothing interesting to do or talk about.
The days and weeks blended into one another. Most of your thoughts were directed on $gf, who increasingly became harder to communicate with. 3 months in, your fears that she wouldn't cope without you came true. She moved back in with her parents and wanted to end things. You found out later that she started dating a work colleague shortly after.
<img src="images/scenes/dull.jpg" alt="picture of boredom in Grenton" class="storyImage">Despite your good behaviour, for some reason you were made to stay at Grenton even longer, as your personal growth was considered unsatisfactory. You tried to enquire with staff, but they would just shrug off your questions, and you had no visitors from the outside anymore to help you.
You were finally released after being there 3 years. Jobless and alone, life from here would be an unpleasant, uphill struggle.
...Unless ...unless, you didn't like the sound of that?
<<back>>With your acceptance of Keaton’s invite, $mate gave you a positive nod.
<img src="images/scenes/Zkeaton.jpg" alt="picture of Keaton" class="storyImage"><span class="keaton">Keaton: </span>“Amazing! Well this means your initiation continues. You can’t get to the perks quite yet but you're well on your way!”
It felt like you’d made the right choice. Just because you're stuck here, doesn't mean you need to let your life go on hold.
<span class="keaton">Keaton: </span>“Right, we're off. You’ll get some new instructions soon. Make sure to take a look under your mattress later, OK?”
[[Finish food and then leave|Mess Room]]<img src="images/locations/gym.jpg" alt="gym" class="storyImage">The 'gym' isn't officially a gym, just a room with some bars on the ceiling which people can do pull ups on. A few makeshift items have been made into dumbbells and weights. A CD player on the side can be used to do the buzz test (running from one side of the room to the other before each buzz ends). There's also a short bench to do squats and some mats which can be used to plank on.
<<if $ap gt 0>>
[[Use the dumbbells and do pull ups.|upperBody]]<br/>
[[Do the buzz test.|buzz test]]<br/>
[[Use the mats to plank.|plank]]<br/>
[[Use the bench to do squats.|squat]]<br/><br/>
You're too exhausted to use the gym. Exercising while this tired wouldn't do anything.<br/><br/>
[[Back to Main Block|Mess Room]]
<</nobr>><img src="images/locations/strength.jpg" alt="strength" class="bookImage"><br/><<nobr>>
<<if $strStat lt 5>>
You started with pull ups, only managing a measly three. You were much weaker than you remembered. You looked to another inhabitant expecting ridicule, but actually he encouraged you.<br/><br/>
<span class="bro">???: </span>"Keep going Bro, you got this!"<br/><br/>
Next up were the dumbbells. In almost no time at all you're fatigued, almost dropping them from sheer exhaustion. Luckily the guy took them off you just in time. <br/><br/>
<span class="bro">???: </span>"No shame Bro, get some protein in you and hit it again next time!"
<<elseif $strStat lte 5>>
You made a real breakthrough today, ten pull-ups and several reps with the dumbbells! You glanced in the mirror and felt like you're starting to see results. You are stronger.<br/><br/>
<span class="bro">Bro: </span>"Good work Bro, you keep going like this and by the end of your time here you'll be jacked!" The only things this guy does or talks about is getting stronger, he doesn't even tell you his name. In your thoughts you begin to refer to him as Bro.<br/><br/>
Your life really felt like it was on the wrong path for a while, but this makes feel like things are going in a positive direction. Bro's praise fills you with determination.
<<elseif $strStat lt 10>>
You did sixteen pull-ups, really struggling on that last one.<br/><br/>
<span class="bro">Bro: </span>"Good work Bro! Remember the only bad workout is one that doesn't happen! Lets get you on the dumbbells, those triceps could use some work too."<br/><br/>
He had you perform a grueling set, but when the pain was over you felt accomplished.
<<elseif $strStat lte 10>>
Your hands tensed like they had never done before, squeezing the bar as hard as you could. Your face was bright red as you close in on exhaustion.<br/><br/>
<span class="bro">Bro: </span>"Come on Bro... come on!"<br/><br/>
With the last of your strength, you pulled yourself up in a sudden motion.<br/><br/>
<span class="bro">Bro: </span>"Twenty pull-ups Bro! TWENTY! WOO!!!"<br/><br/>
He punched the air in triumph before collapsing to the floor. Despite your exhaustion, you felt victorious knowing you had just gotten stronger.
<<elseif $strStat lt 20>>
Another day in the gym. Your pullups were steadily increasing in number. The dumbbell exercises are making your arms bigger than you ever could of imagined.<br/><br/>
Bro was giving you his typical high energy motivation. <br/><br/>
<span class="bro">Bro: </span>"That's how it's done, Bro! Remember, sweat plus sacrifice equals success!"<br/><br/>
You found his enthusiasm couldn't help but push you further past your limits.
<<elseif $strStat lte 20>>
You've pushed yourself further than you ever thought you could. You roared like an animal as you finished your set; if muscles could talk yours would be screaming in agony.<br/><br/>
<span class="bro">Bro: </span>"Bro! Broooooooo!", he yelled excitedly as he pumped his massive arms wildy.<br/><br/>
<span class="bro">Bro: </span>"You. Are. A. BEAST!!!"<br/><br/>
Bro wasn't just spewing hot air, he was right. Today you had preformed like never before. You were stronger.<br/><br/>
<<elseif $strStat lt 30>>
Working hard as ever, anyone watching you views you as a beastly machine. You certainly move up and down the pull-up bar like one. When Bro wasn't on the bar himself he was supporting you. In an almost fervorous state, his once intelligible motivational phrases had turned into a stream of excited gibberish.<br/><br/>
<span class="bro">Bro: </span>"Bro! Brooooooo! Brbrbrbroooooo! Awr awr awoOoOoOo! Bro! Bro! BRO! BRO! OO! OO! AH OOOO!!!"<br/><br/>
His energy pushed you to work even harder.
<<elseif $strStat is 30>>
You did so many pull-ups that you only stopped out of boredom. You've maxed out your strength!<br/><br/>
<span class="bro">Bro: </span>"BROOOOO! Holy SHIT bro! That was amazing!"<br/><br/>
<span class="p1">You: </span>"Thanks Bro, never could of done it without you!"<br/><br/>
You held out your palm to which he responded by slapping it back. He held out his hand so you could do the same back. Spontaneous synchronized motions of hand slaps, claps, wiggles and shakes broke out between you two. Finally he gripped your hand tightly which you both squeezed on with equal pressure.<br/><br/>
The biceps of your arms bulged massively, anyone in the room watching you both was overwhelmed by the sheer energy radiating off you both. You looked at each other in the eye, the sense of comradery filled you both with pride!<br/><br/>
Next to you was newcomer struggling with their third pull up.<br/><br/>
<span class="p1">You: </span>"Keep going Bro!", you shout in encouragement.<br/><br/>
<span class="bro">Bro: </span>"Bro, you got this!"
<<elseif $strStat gt 30>>
You've maxed your strength, but it feels good to show the rest of the gym what a true gym bro looks like! Bro watched with a proud expression on his face. Maybe this Personal Growth Center isn't a bunch of bullshit after all.
<<set $strStat += 1>><<set $ap -= 1>>
<<if $storyPath is 'sissy'>><<if $ap gt 0>>[[Back to Gym|SSYGym]]<</if>><<else>><<if $ap gt 0>>[[Back to Gym|Gym]]<</if>><</if>>
[[Back to Main Block|Mess Room]]<img src="images/locations/squat.jpg" alt="squatting" class="bookImage"><br/><<nobr>>
<<if $assStat lt 5>>
You warmed up a little and decided to do some step ups on the low bench. It's no time at all until your glutes are burning. You wanted to do some deep squats after but with this ache you couldn't.<br/><br/>
Looks like this would be harder than you thought.
<<elseif $assStat lte 5>>
You finished a set of step ups and followed with around five deep squats. You're getting better at this!<br/><br/>
Checking the mirror just before you shower, you noticed your butt isn't as flat as it used to be.<br/><br/>
Your, uh... ass has improved!
<<elseif $assStat lt 10>>
You're getting through your routine much easier now. With each session you've been increasing the number of squats you can do. All you need to do is keep going.
<<elseif $assStat lte 10>>
Three sets of step ups and plenty of squats in between. It's been painful, but it's worth it.<br/><br/>
Checking the mirror just before you shower, you noticed your butt is bigger, each cheek is pleasantly rounded while feeling firmer.<br/><br/>
Your ass has improved!
<<elseif $assStat lt 20>>
You can blast through your old routine easily now, so you carry weights as you do your steps ups. The resistance makes it harder to increase your number of reps, but that makes the work more intensive overall. Keep it up!
<<elseif $assStat lte 20>>
It's been a particularly hard session today, when you finished you tried to massage your glutes and thighs in the hopes of soothing them. Despite the pain, it seemed like the work is worth it though...<br/><br/>
Checking the mirror just before you shower, you didn't think your butt could look better... but it does! Even your clothes couldn't hide the curves of your voluptuous cheeks.<br/><br/>
Your ass has improved!
<<elseif $assStat lt 30>>
At this point, even weighted exercises can't slow you down. Your sessions took longer and longer until you can feel you're actually working yourself harder, but you do them nonetheless. Keep it up!
<<elseif $assStat is 30>>
You pushed yourself to the limit, it feels like your ass muscles might burst through your cheeks! It seems like the work is worth it though...<br/><br/>
Checking the mirror just before you shower, you realized your ass couldn't look any better. It's not sheer muscle either - it seems perfect in both it's curvature and volume.<br/><br/>
Clothes would feel lucky to be worn on your butt - the ultimate canvas for underwear to be shown off on!<br/><br/>
You have, uh... maxed your ass!
<<elseif $assStat gt 30>>
Your ass has already reached it's limit, a strange thought but it's true. There's no improving perfection. There's no real benefit to doing this, but you worked out your butt anyway.
<<set $ap -= 1>><<set $assStat += 1>>
<<if $storyPath is 'sissy'>><<if $ap gt 0>>[[Back to Gym|SSYGym]]<</if>><<else>><<if $ap gt 0>>[[Back to Gym|Gym]]<</if>><</if>>
<<if $storyPath is 'sissy'>>[[Back to Main Block|SSYmessRoom]]<<else>>[[Back to Main Block|Mess Room]]<</if>><img src="images/locations/plank.jpg" alt="planking" class="bookImage"><br/><<nobr>>
<<if $tonedStat lt 5>>
You lowered yourself into the plank position and began to hold it. Your mind wasn't very focused, you found yourself staring at a disgusting looking stain on the exercise mat.<br/><br/>
You couldn't hold much longer. A pathetic 20 seconds. Pretty bad, but better than nothing.
<<elseif $tonedStat lte 5>>
Again you crouched down and began to plank. Suddenly, a guy working out nearby started talking to you.<br/><br/>
<span class="inhabitant">Gym go-er: </span>"Um, I don't think you realize this but your positioning is all wrong. Keep your feet shoulder width apart. Make sure the shape from your legs to your head is straight."<br/><br/>
He began to demonstrate next to you. You copied him and were able to hold a plank for 40 seconds! Your body tone improved! You felt pride, despite the demonstrator still holding their plank with ease.
<<elseif $tonedStat lt 10>>
Planks. Again.<br/><br/>
It's tedious but you held a plank for up to a minute now, and after a small break you held a second plank for about 35 seconds. It's slow progress, but you're getting the hang of it.
<<elseif $tonedStat lte 10>>
90 seconds of planking, followed by 70 seconds, followed by a third plank of 50 seconds... these are amazing results!<br/><br/>
Your body tone has improved!
<<elseif $tonedStat lt 20>>
You continue with 3 sets of planks per session. Each time you steadily improved by a few seconds. It felt like you are going in the right direction.
<<elseif $tonedStat lte 20>>
You took a deep breath and fonnd your correct positioning. Your body is ready.<br/><br/>
You held as long as you could without looking at the clock, hoping the uncertainty would make you hold on longer. Your body was shaking as you held your abs tight. Can't. Hold. Much Longer!<br/><br/>
You collapsed onto your front, but the effort was worth it. 3 minutes! A whole 3 minute plank! You followed up with a 2 minute plank right after!<br/><br/>
Your body tone has improved.
<<elseif $tonedStat lt 30>>
Your plank times have greatly increased to the point that planking is boring.<br/><br/>
You positioned a makeshift weight on top of your back as you planked, forcing a heavier burden to hold yourself steady. Your improvement was coming on leaps and bounds.
<<elseif $tonedStat is 30>>
Despite the added weight you reached up to a 10 minute plank and you still weren't tired.<br/><br/>
You've maxed your body tone!<br/><br/>
Looking in a mirror you could see your body is nice and taunt. The balance of fat to muscle makes a particularly aesthetically pleasing look. You don't have a six pack as you've only done planks, but you do have a flat, tight looking tummy.
<<elseif $tonedStat gt 30>>
Your body tone is maxed, but you decided to plank anyway. So much time passed with you so far from exhaustion that you eventually got bored before stopping.
<<set $ap -= 1>><<set $tonedStat += 1>>
<<if $storyPath is 'sissy'>><<if $ap gt 0>>[[Back to Gym|SSYGym]]<</if>><<else>><<if $ap gt 0>>[[Back to Gym|Gym]]<</if>><</if>>
<<if $storyPath is 'sissy'>>[[Back to Main Block|SSYmessRoom]]<<else>>[[Back to Main Block|Mess Room]]<</if>><img src="images/locations/running.jpg" alt="running" class="bookImage"><br/><<nobr>>
<<if $stamStat lt 5>>
You pressed the stereo buttons and started the buzz test. The first buzz went off. <span class="loud">"BUZZ!"</span> You jogged steadily to the other side of the room. You reached the wall with four seconds left until another buzz. <span class="loud">"BUZZ!"</span> You begin to run again. <span class="p1">"This is easy"</span>, you think to yourself.<br/><br/>
As you touch the opposite wall, the audio instantly buzzs. <span class="loud">"BUZZ!"</span> <span class="p1">"Woah, wait a second!"</span>, you said out loud, realising you may have overestimated yourself earlier. Picking up the pace, you only just reached the wall in time before being greeted with another loud buzz. <span class="loud">"BUZZ!"</span> You turned around once more and before you knew it... <span class="loud">"BUZZ!"</span> <br/><br/>
You made it to only four buzzs. Countless buzzs went off around you, almost mocking your terrible performance. <span class="loud">"BUZZ! BUZZ! BUZZ!"</span>
<<elseif $stamStat lte 5>>
You ran what seemed like your fastest speed ever between the walls. The buzzing grew incessant. <span class="loud">"BUZZ! BUZZ! BUZZ! BUZZ! BUZZ!"</span> You reached out your hand, just inches from your fingertips... <span class="loud">"BUZZ!"</span><br/><br/>
Ten buzzs. Your stamina has improved! You felt content with breaking your record, until a burp filled your mouth with a little vomit. Uh oh, maybe you pushed yourself a bit too hard! You start to run again... but this time to a bathroom sink.
<<elseif $stamStat lt 10>>
<span class="loud">"BUZZ! BUZZ! BUZZ! BUZZ! BUZZ!"</span> You hated this damn buzzing. This endless fucking buzzing! You could barely touch the walls before spinning 180 on the spot and dashing back. <span class="p1">"Make it stop!"</span>, you thought, as you started to feel a stitch coming on.<br/><br/>
You weren't sure how many buzzs you made it through. Sixteen, seventeen maybe? At least it's progress!
<<elseif $stamStat lte 10>>
The timing of your running to the buzz has greatly improved. You pace yourself efficiently now, your hand landing on the surface of the opposite wall just in time, until... <span class="loud">"BUZZ!"</span> <span class="p1">"Fuck! So close."</span><br/><br/>
Despite your disappointment, you did better than ever with just over twenty-five buzzs. Your stamina has improved!
<<elseif $stamStat lt 20>>
So many buzzs.
<<elseif $stamStat lte 20>>
The buzzs kept on coming, but so do you.<br/><br/>
Your <span class="loud">"BUZZ!"</span> stamina <span class="loud">"BUZZ!"</span> has <span class="loud">"BUZZ!"</span> improved!
<<elseif $stamStat lt 30>>
<span class="loud">"BUZZ! BUZZ! BEEEEEEEEEEEE-"</span><br/><br/>
Your mind was so focused on getting to the wall in time that the test audio started to sound like one indiscriminately long buzz. You weren't sure what was happening anymore, all you knew for sure is that you're able to go longer and longer.
<<elseif $stamStat is 30>>
<span class="loud">"BUZZ! BUZZ! BUZZ! BUZZ! BUZZ! BU- BU- BU- BU- BU- BU- BU- BU- B- B- B- B- B- B-"</span><br/><br/>
You put your hand to the wall and sprinted as fast as you can to the next wall. You reached out your arms and fingers, stretching them to their extreme. With incredible pace you get to the wall. You spin again and sprint back.<br/><br/>
Your legs are carrying you as fast as they can, in what feels like the blink of an eye you reach the wall again. <span class="p1">"Wait... what's going on?"</span><br/><br/>
Suddenly it dawned on you. No buzz. There's no more buzzs! The audio has finished. You beat the buzzing bloody buzz test!!! You put your hands on your upper legs for support and gasped for air.<br/><br/>
You've maxed your stamina! You can't imagine any task you wouldn't have the energy for.
<<elseif $stamStat gt 30>>
Despite maxing your stamina, for some unknown reason you decided to do the buzz test again. Maybe it's some perverted kind of self-torture, or perhaps you've just missed the sound of senseless buzzing... either way, a weird choice.
<<set $ap -= 1>><<set $stamStat += 1>>
<<if $storyPath is 'sissy'>><<if $ap gt 0>>[[Back to Gym|SSYGym]]<</if>><<else>><<if $ap gt 0>>[[Back to Gym|Gym]]<</if>><</if>>
<<if $storyPath is 'sissy'>>[[Back to Main Block|SSYmessRoom]]<<else>>[[Back to Main Block|Mess Room]]<</if>><<nobr>>
<<if $charmStat lte 5>>
<img src="images/items/books/charm1.jpg" alt="charm book" class="bookImage"><br/>
You read some self help advice in some old magazines.<br/><br/>
You felt more charming!
<<elseif $charmStat lte 10>>
<img src="images/items/books/charm2.jpg" alt="charm book" class="bookImage"><br/>
You read the classic book, 'How to Win Friends and Influence People', taking note of it's advice.<br/><br/>
You increased your charm!
<<elseif $charmStat lte 15>>
<img src="images/items/books/charm3.jpg" alt="charm book" class="bookImage"><br/>
You read a story about charming aristocrats in the early 1900s.<br/><br/>
You continued to read, increasing your charm.
<<elseif $charmStat lte 20>>
<img src="images/items/books/charm4.jpg" alt="charm book" class="bookImage"><br/>
You read the autobiography of an escort, she reveals all the tricks to being charming...<br/><br/>
Your reading has improved again, you increased your charm!
<<elseif $charmStat lte 25>>
<img src="images/items/books/charm5.jpg" alt="charm book" class="bookImage"><br/>
You read a book on the psychology of knowing what people want.<br/><br/>
You continued to read, increasing your charm.
<<elseif $charmStat lte 30>>
<img src="images/items/books/charm6.jpg" alt="charm book" class="bookImage"><br/>
You read a book called '333 wittiest quotes'.<br/><br/>
Your reading has improved yet again, you increased your charm!
<<elseif $charmStat lte 39>>
<img src="images/items/books/charm7.jpg" alt="charm book" class="bookImage"><br/>
You read a book about successful relationships, covering everything from conversation, to maintaining appearance, to sex.<br/><br/>
Your reading has improved yet again, you increased your charm!
<<elseif $charmStat is 40>>
<img src="images/items/books/charmMax.jpg" alt="charm book" class="bookImage"><br/>
You've maxed your charm!
<<elseif $charmStat gt 40>>
<img src="images/items/books/charmMax.jpg" alt="charm book" class="bookImage"><br/>
With all these insights into these interesting people, you have found all the ways to be good company with others.<br/><br/>
You've already maxed your charm!
<<set $ap -= 1>>
<<if $storyPath is 'sissy'>><<if $ap gt 0>>[[Go back to library|SSYLibrary]]<</if>><<else>><<if $ap gt 0>>[[Go back to library|Library]]<</if>><</if>>
<<if $storyPath is 'sissy'>>[[Back to Main Block|SSYmessRoom]]<<else>>[[Back to Main Block|Mess Room]]<</if>><<nobr>>
<<if $courageStat lte 5>>
<img src="images/items/books/courage1.jpg" alt="courage book" class="bookImage"><br/>
You read a story of swashbuckling adventurers, in a daring tale to reclaim their lost gold.<br/><br/>
Inspired by the story so far, you increased your courage!
<<elseif $courageStat lte 10>>
<img src="images/items/books/courage2.jpg" alt="courage book" class="bookImage"><br/>
You read about ordinary people who acted bravely in times of crisis.<br/><br/>
Inspired by these stories, you increased your courage!
<<elseif $courageStat lte 15>>
<img src="images/items/books/courage3.jpg" alt="courage book" class="bookImage"><br/>
You read about what life is like for people in impoverished areas of the world.<br/><br/>
You continued to read, increasing your courage.
<<elseif $courageStat lte 20>>
<img src="images/items/books/courage4.jpg" alt="courage book" class="bookImage"><br/>
You read stories aimmed at young audiences about a chicken called 'Clucker's courage'.<br/><br/>
Though very basic, you felt more courageous!
<<elseif $courageStat lte 25>>
<img src="images/items/books/courage5.jpg" alt="courage book" class="bookImage"><br/>
You read how to survive using basic tools.<br/><br/>
You continued to read to increase your courage.
<<elseif $courageStat lte 30>>
<img src="images/items/books/courage6.jpg" alt="courage book" class="bookImage"><br/>
You read about a leader who lead their people through a crisis.<br/><br/>
By reading this story you increased your courage!
<<elseif $courageStat lte 39>>
<img src="images/items/books/courage7.jpg" alt="courage book" class="bookImage"><br/>
You read a very large self help book on how to take on any challenge.<br/><br/>
You continued to read, increasing your courage.
<<elseif $courageStat is 40>>
<img src="images/items/books/courageMax.jpg" alt="courage book" class="bookImage"><br/>
With all these inspirational tales, you cannot be more inspired.<br/><br/>
You've maxed your courage!
<<elseif $courageStat gt 40>>
<img src="images/items/books/courageMax.jpg" alt="courage book" class="bookImage"><br/>
You've already maxed your courage!
<<set $ap -= 1>>
<<if $storyPath is 'sissy'>><<if $ap gt 0>>[[Go back to library|SSYLibrary]]<</if>><<else>><<if $ap gt 0>>[[Go back to library|Library]]<</if>><</if>>
<<if $storyPath is 'sissy'>>[[Back to Main Block|SSYmessRoom]]<<else>>[[Back to Main Block|Mess Room]]<</if>><<nobr>>
<<if $pervStat lte 5>>
<img src="images/items/books/perv1.jpg" alt="pervert book" class="bookImage"><br/>
You found some page 3 photos in some newspapers, just some softcore pictures of girls in sexy lingerie.<br/><br/>
You became slightly more dirty minded.
<<elseif $pervStat lte 10>>
<img src="images/items/books/perv2.jpg" alt="pervert book" class="bookImage"><br/>
You found some lesbian themed erotica. A story of a naive new starter at a company being seduced by her uptight boss. It's not long before the pencil skirts have come off and these two are enjoying each other...<br/><br/>
You became slightly more dirty minded.
<<elseif $pervStat lte 15>>
<img src="images/items/books/perv3.jpg" alt="pervert book" class="bookImage"><br/>
You found a lingerie catalogue. There are all types of lingerie, from classy sets with garters and corsets, to cheap trashy slut looks. Your imagination runs wild with the possibilities...<br/><br/>
You became slightly more dirty minded.
<<elseif $pervStat lte 20>>
<img src="images/items/books/perv4.jpg" alt="pervert book" class="bookImage"><br/>
You found some bdsm erotica stories. A bully tricks their victim into submission. Chains, whips, bondage, humiliation...<br/><br/>
You became slightly more dirty minded.
<<elseif $pervStat lte 25>>
<img src="images/items/books/perv5.jpg" alt="pervert book" class="bookImage"><br/>
You found some hidden set of photos, hardcore photos of girls getting fucked by massive cocks, their faces mixed of embarrassment and pleasure.<br/><br/>
You became slightly more dirty minded.
<<elseif $pervStat lte 30>>
<img src="images/items/books/perv6.jpg" alt="pervert book" class="bookImage"><br/>
You found a set of sissy captions, they looked like a Grenton inhabitant made them.<br/><br/>
You became slightly more dirty minded.
<<elseif $pervStat lte 39>>
<img src="images/items/books/perv7.jpg" alt="pervert book" class="bookImage"><br/>
You found some articles seemingly written by someone in Grenton, 'How to train your sissy slut'. Rule after rule on how to get your sissy to serve and rules for sissies on how to obey them...<br/><br/>
You became slightly more dirty minded.
<<elseif $pervStat is 40>>
<img src="images/items/books/pervMax.jpg" alt="pervert book" class="bookImage"><br/>
You found everything you have read to have really corrupted your desires, you have a very filthy mind, who knows how you could apply it.<br/><br/>
You've maxed your perversion!
<<elseif $pervStat gt 40>>
<img src="images/items/books/pervMax.jpg" alt="pervert book" class="bookImage"><br/>
You've already maxed your perversion!
<<set $ap -= 1>>
<<if $storyPath is 'sissy'>><<if $ap gt 0>>[[Go back to library|SSYLibrary]]<</if>><<else>><<if $ap gt 0>>[[Go back to library|Library]]<</if>><</if>>
<<if $storyPath is 'sissy'>>[[Back to Main Block|SSYmessRoom]]<<else>>[[Back to Main Block|Mess Room]]<</if>><<nobr>>
<<editcycle 'days' suspend>>
<<if $playerLikesSissies is 0 and $storyState is 6>>
Sissies didn't turn you on at all. At the end of the day, Charlie was a means to an end... to take your place at Keaton's event. You really couldn't understand someone like Charlie truly and it didn't make sense to you why anyone would be a sissy.<br/><br/>
That didn't matter though. What little you knew of sissies was that they were easy to make use of, and that's all you needed in here.<br/><br/>
<<elseif $playerLikesSissies is 1 and $storyState is 6>>
You had to admit, there was something pretty hot about sissies. It wasn't just how Charlie looked, but everything she told you about what sissies want and how they behave. Maybe it was the hyper-feminine, slutty looks, maybe it was the extremely kinky and submissive nature of them, or maybe something else you couldn't quite pinpoint. There was just something about how they went the extra mile to be fuckable by men, so sexual in an almost primal way.<br/><br/>
From what you had learned in here so far, it finally made sense exactly what Keaton was trying to do to you. If he could find or make sissies in here for his crew, that would take care of a lot of sexual needs for the men stuck in here, helping secure him a powerful position. He had made the wrong choice picking you though, but that wouldn't matter with Charlie now doing his event for you.<br/><br/>
Still, as feminine as sissies look, they still have... well, does it matter?<br/><br/>
It was settled, in your opinion sissies are kind of sexy! You felt secure in your sexuality; you were $gf's boyfriend and very happy, you still loved women and now had a newfound appreciation of sissies too!<br/><br/>
<<elseif $storyState is 4>>
With the boredom of life in Grenton combined with your crossdressing habit, there was no way you could resist trying on the panties $gf gave you. You quietly slipped off your clothes under the quilt, hoping not to wake Michael.<br/><br/>
It took some shuffling, but with enough subtle wiggling you were able to pull the panties up onto your hips. The bed occassionally gave out a creaking sound; you could only hope it didn't make too much of a disturbance. Your heart was pounding, a sign your unconscious was very aware this was not a risk you should be taking, yet like many crossdressers, you had taken this kind of risk many times before.<br/><br/>
<span class="innerSissyText">You just can't help but do it.</span><br/><br/>
You tucked yourself into the panties. As you're weren't fully smooth down there it didn't feel as good as it did when you dressed in the outside world, but it still felt pretty hot! You rubbed the palm of your hand on your packed up bulge, the smooth fabric feeling so good.<br/><br/>
<span class="innerSissyText">If only you had a sexy matching bra to wear with this.</span><br/><br/>
<img src="images/scenes/panTry.jpg" alt="bulge in panties" class="storyImage">
With your eyes closed tight, the pleasurable feeling started to get you hard. A sudden cough from Michael made your body jolt in shock! You tried to keep your paniced breath quiet, freezing still in your bed. After a long, nervous wait, you became convinced Michael was actually still asleep.<br/><br/>
It was obvious to you now that you shouldn't risk being discovered anymore, especially when there's a chance you could have ruined the panties! You stopped immediately; taking them off and trying to get some sleep before you had to hand them over tomorrow.<br/><br/>
<<set $playerTriedPanties to 'yes'>>
Something wrong. SleepActivity.
<</nobr>><img src="images/locations/workshop.jpg" alt="workshop" class="storyImage">A bored member of staff was sat ready to give out work. There's plenty to do.
What will it be?<br/>
<<if $ap gt 0>>
[[Solder electronic components.|Solder][$ap -= 1]]<br/>
[[Hard labour.|Labour][$ap -= 1]]<br/>
[[Prepare food with cafeteria staff.|Cook][$ap -= 1]]<br/><br/>
You had no energy left to put into working.<br/><br/>
<<if $playerStartType is 'dom' and $cafeSissyDominated is 0>>
<<if $ap gt 0>>
Dean was here today, he looks pretty relaxed. You're not sure if he was actually working.<br/>
[[Speak to Dean.|DeanWorkshop]]<br/><br/>
<<if Cycle.get('days').current() is 'Tuesday' or Cycle.get('days').current() is 'Thursday' or Cycle.get('days').current() is 'Saturday'>>
<<if $ap gt 0>>
Dean is here today, he looks pretty relaxed. You're not sure if he was actually working.<br/>
[[Speak to Dean.|DeanWorkshop]]<br/><br/>
[[Back to Main Block|Mess Room]]
<</nobr>><img src="images/locations/solder.jpg" alt="solder" class="bookImage"><br/><<nobr>>
<<if $courageStat lte 4>>
You were sent to a small work desk with electronic components and soldering equipment. You were a little nervous operating these tools, with no real understanding how this works. With a little more courage, you might experiment to see what works. You didn't do a good job, but you still earned some pay.<br/><br/>
You earned $4!
<<set $money += 4>>
<<elseif $courageStat lte 10>>
You sat at the desk to assemble components. After putting together some simple units, you felt a little daring and tried soldering a more complex unit. It probably works, but you didn't feel brave enough to test it yourself. You did an alright job, but the complex unit didn't quite operate correctly. You earned some pay.<br/><br/>
You earned $8!
<<set $money += 8>>
<<elseif $courageStat lte 20>>
You assembled a lot of components today. You came up with a fast (if slightly reckless) way of soldering quickly. You put together a decent amount of products. You've earned your pay.<br/><br/>
You earned $15!
<<set $money += 15>>
<<elseif $courageStat lte 29>>
You followed a guide to solder an advanced piece of kit. You weren't sure what it does, but throw caution to the wind and test it. A small plume of smoke burst through it. Not disheartened, you made a few extra changes, testing it again and voila - it worked! You earned a good amount of pay for your trouble.<br/><br/>
You earned $25!
<<set $money += 25>>
<<elseif $courageStat gte 30>>
You lost yourself in a blurry haze of electronic components and soldering iron fumes. You barely have to pay attention to this anymore. You finished only because there were no materials left to work on. You did an amazing job and earned a large amount.<br/><br/>
You earned $40!
<<set $money += 40>>
Something wrong. Solder event.
<<if $storyPath is 'sissy'>><<if $ap gt 0>>[[Go back to Workshop|SSYWorkshop]]<</if>><<else>><<if $ap gt 0>>[[Go back to Workshop|Workshop]]<</if>><</if>>
<<if $storyPath is 'sissy'>>[[Back to Main Block|SSYmessRoom]]<<else>>[[Back to Main Block|Mess Room]]<</if>><img src="images/locations/labour.jpg" alt="labour" class="bookImage"><br/><<nobr>>
<<if $strStat lte 5>>
You grabbed a pickaxe and began breaking up rocks. You looked like a wimp, only breaking one basketball sized rock during the entire session. Guys who look much stronger than you teared through boulders like they were nothing, while you struggled. The officer enforcing the work didn't pay you much.<br/><br/>
You earned $4!
<<set $money += 4>>
<<elseif $strStat lte 10>>
You grabbed a pickaxe and began breaking up rocks. You were strong enough to at least break up a few rocks. Some guys performed much better than you, but the officer enforcing your work was content enough with your effort.<br/><br/>
You earned $8!
<<set $money += 8>>
<<elseif $strStat lte 20>>
You grabbed a pickaxe and began breaking up rocks. You smashed up many rocks with relative ease before struggling on a large boulder which seemed to be a much denser material. Some guys performed better than you, but the officer enforcing your work commended your work.<br/><br/>
You earned $15!
<<set $money += 15>>
<<elseif $strStat lte 29>>
You grabbed a pickaxe and began breaking up rocks. Your greater strength allowed you to break even the denser boulders now! You performed as well as even the hardest working guys around you, and the officer enforcing your work commended your work.<br/><br/>
You earned $25!
<<set $money += 25>>
<<elseif $strStat gte 30>>
You grabbed a pickaxe and began breaking up rocks. You were practically shredding rocks to dust now! The only thing that could slow you down now was the quality of your pickaxe. You outperformed every man here, the officer enforcing your work was very impressed.<br/><br/>
You earned $40!
<<set $money += 40>>
Something wrong. Labour event.
<<if $storyPath is 'sissy'>><<if $ap gt 0>>[[Go back to Workshop|SSYWorkshop]]<</if>><<else>><<if $ap gt 0>>[[Go back to Workshop|Workshop]]<</if>><</if>>
<<if $storyPath is 'sissy'>>[[Back to Main Block|SSYmessRoom]]<<else>>[[Back to Main Block|Mess Room]]<</if>><img src="images/locations/cook.jpg" alt="cook" class="bookImage"><br/><<nobr>>
<<if $stamStat lte 5>>
You were handed a dirty apron and a hair net and ordered to chop the vegetables. You could chop them decently if you went slow enough. The lead chef yelled to chop faster but you barely could, you could really use more stamina to do this better! The chopped onions, carrots and peppers aren't cut very well. The head chef wasn't that happy but you earned your pay.<br/><br/>
You earned $4!
<<set $money += 4>>
<<elseif $stamStat lte 10>>
You put on your apron and hair net. Your orders were to chop vegetables. You chopped the onions, carrots and peppers into nice fine pieces. Seeing you were done, the head chef ordered you to mash the potatoes. Your stamina was really helping you maintain a decent pace. The head chef was very happy with your chopping, but the mash is a little lumpy. You earned your pay.<br/><br/>
You earned $8!
<<set $money += 8>>
<<elseif $stamStat lte 20>>
You chopped all the vegetables without even being ordered. When you're done you moved on to mashing potatoes, making a nice creamy mash. The head chef looks impressed!<br/><br/>
You earned $15!
<<set $money += 15>>
<<elseif $stamStat lte 29>>
The head chef has a lot of faith in your ability. They put you in charge of bread baking. Creating a good quality dough wassn't a problem, it's managing the sheer amount of it. You carefully managed the ovens while helping other kitchen members finish chopping.<br/><br/>
The smell from the ovens was amazing. You rushed to get all the trays out, ready to cool. This will be some of the best bread the people here ever eat! The head chef can't help but try some. A big smile fills their face as they chewed it. You earned your pay!<br/><br/>
You earned $25!
<<set $money += 25>>
<<elseif $stamStat gte 30>>
The head chef was very proud of you. With you in his kitchen they can focus on preparing the meat and sauces while you do the rest. Vegetables, potatoes and breads were prepared expertly by yourself. You admired your work only for your nostrils to be greeted by the mouth watering smell of a roast chicken. Tonight the inhabitants would eat an amazing feast! You earned your pay.<br/><br/>
You earned $40!
<<set $money += 40>>
Something wrong. Cook event.
<<if $storyPath is 'sissy'>><<if $ap gt 0>>[[Go back to Workshop|SSYWorkshop]]<</if>><<else>><<if $ap gt 0>>[[Go back to Workshop|Workshop]]<</if>><</if>>
<<if $storyPath is 'sissy'>>[[Back to Main Block|SSYmessRoom]]<<else>>[[Back to Main Block|Mess Room]]<</if>><img src="images/locations/showers.jpg" alt="shower" class="storyImage">The water was tepid, probably because so many have used it before you today. It's so uncomfortable washing with other naked men, though some other inmates look like they feel just as awkward too.
You wash yourself as best you can. It's not relaxing, but at least you're cleaner now.
[[Back to Main Block|Mess Room]]<<nobr>>
<img src="images/locations/showers2.jpg" alt="private shower" class="storyImage"><br/>
Some privacy finally! The water was nice and hot. You lathered your body with soap suds.<br/><br/>
You feel especially clean!<br/><br/>
<<if $playerInventory.has('Grooming kit')>>
In here you have enough time and privacy to maintain your body hair...<br/>
There's no way you'll be disturbed in here, you could masturbate...<br/>
[[Masturbate|Private Shower2]]<br/><br/>
[[Back to Main Block|Mess Room]]
<</nobr>><img src="images/scenes/b14.jpg" alt="picture of folded up letter" class="storyImage"><<nobr>>As he said, there was a handwritten note under your bed. You didn't hesitate to read it...<br/><br/>
<<if $playerTriedPanties is 'yes'>>
<span class="notepaper">Hi $name, I hope you take this note VERY seriously.<br/><br/>
We know you wore the tribute you gave to us. We're actually quite offended to be honest, especially to receive an item that was... used. This causes a problem.<br/><br/>
We can't really have a pantie wearing loser joining our ranks and getting the same perks as us men... but, you did agree to be a part of our scene, so there's no going back now. We also need some compensation for our tribute, seeing as you ruined the original one.<br/><br/>
We have a little show down in the rec room and we could use a new model. So in 14 days you will show up at the rec room, you'll be expected to appear as girly as possible, for our entertainment.<br/><br/>
Maybe this note will come as a shock, but don't be nervous. Yes, we weren't happy to discover what you did, but then we realized that having someone like you here was a major opportunity. I'm thinking you'll actually enjoy this chance!<br/><br/>
So go on now, and get ready for 14 days from now. The inhabitants here might not be able to help the way you act, but could certainly point you to some items you might want. See you soon.<br/><br/>
- K</span><br/><br/>
<span class="notepaper">Hi $name, you did an excellent job with the tribute. Getting to the next stage will be well worth it for you...<br/><br/>
We have a little entertainment show in the rec room every now and then. We need you to provide an act for our next show 14 days from now.<br/><br/>
This will be a real test of your character. What we need is a show. We want to see a smooth skinned body in some nice sexy panties and bra. A naughty girl, you get it right?<br/><br/>
You have the kind of body that would be perfect. Don't worry! It's a little embarrassing sure, but once you've done it, you're part of our scene! From there you'll get everything we can offer, food, drink and entertainment!<br/><br/>
Don't go backing out now, it's not very nice when someone backs out of an agreement, I think you'll agree? Just turn up in the rec room in 14 days and do a good job, ok? It's really not as bad as it sounds! See you there.<br/><br/>
Also, try asking around the place if you want to find some clothes.<br/><br/>
- K</span><br/><br/>
<<set $deadlineState to 1>>
<<set $deadlineCounter to 14>>
<<set $storyState to 6>>
<img src="images/scenes/Zkhan.jpg" alt="picture of Khan" class="storyImage">
<<if $storyState is 6 and $khanAdvised is 0>>
<span class="khan">Khan: </span>"Ah $name... and what brings you to the library today?"<br/><br/>
[[Ask for advice on Keaton situation|KhanAdvice]]<br/>
[[Make small talk and then leave|Mess Room]]
<<elseif $storyState is 6 and $khanAdvised is 1>>
<span class="khan">Khan: </span>"Oh $name, hello. I'm pretty deep into this book at the moment, perhaps we'll talk another time?"<br/><br/>
[[Go back to library|Library]]<br/>
[[Back to Main Block|Mess Room]]
<span class="khan">Khan: </span>"Oh $name, hello. As you can see I'm just doing more learning.<br/><br/>
Word of advice $name, work smart not hard! Stick to your strengths in here and you'll go far. For instance, there's no use putting a coward onto soldering, a weakling to working the hard labour, and you'd be surprised how much endurance you need to do a good job of the cooking.<br/><br/>
If those idiots managing the workshop ever realize that then maybe they would actually see some decent productivity around here!<br/><br/>
It's a shame that they discount my expertize. It seems they think of me the same as any other criminal in here.<br/><br/>
If you'll excuse me, I'd like to get back to my studies."<br/><br/>
[[Go back to library|Library]]<br/>
[[Back to Main Block|Mess Room]]
<img src="images/scenes/Zanderson.jpg" alt="picture of Anderson" class="storyImage">
<<if $storyState is 6 and $andersonAdvised is 0>>
You went over to Anderson, who didn't even notice you until you were almost blocking his view of the TV.<br/><br/>
<span class="anderson">Anderson: </span>"$name."<br/><br/>
[[Ask for advice on Keaton situation|AndersonAdvice]]<br/>
[[Acknowledge him and leave|Mess Room]]
<span class="anderson">Anderson: </span>"Hey, if it isn't $name! You just missed an incredible episode of antiques roadshow! Just kidding.<br/><br/>
Say $name I hope things are going well with your missus. It isn't easy to keep a girl while in here, even if it seems so at first. Girls have needs, they can even be hornier than us... I'm sure you know that.<br/><br/>
If you want to hold on to your relationship you need to put in the work to keep her, don't forget that."<br/><br/>
[[Back to Main Block|Mess Room]]
<img src="images/scenes/Zdean.jpg" alt="picture of Dean" class="storyImage">
<<if $storyState is 6 and $deanAdvised is 0>>
<span class="dean">Dean: </span>"Hey, how's things mate?"<br/><br/>
[[Ask for advice on Keaton situation|DeanAdvice]]<br/>
[[Tell him you're in a rush and then leave.|Mess Room]]
<span class="dean">Dean: </span>"Hey, $name, how ya doing?<br/><br/>
You got to know many of the others yet? Khan has a regular schedule for when he spends time in the library, but I forget when it was, and you can find Anderson in the rec room occasionally. Maybe see what they got to say sometime.<br/><br/>
Anyway I'm about to hop on the soldering kit. See ya later."<br/><br/>
[[Go back to Workshop|Workshop]]<br/>
[[Back to Main Block|Mess Room]]
<</nobr>>Depending on your decisions, this game can potentially contain:
Sissification, Crossdressing, Humiliation, BDSM themes, Themes regarding shame, Domination
A note on humiliation, BDSM and shame:
Kinks involving humiliation and shame can be a very complicated thing. Where acts of crossdressing, feminisation, sissification, gender play or simply being feminine are concerned, if these acts are also something that feels humiliating for the person involved, the source of that humiliation can be complex, but often is shaped by the culture they grew up in.
For many people, embracing femininity has been something that never seemed like an option or was something to be strictly avoided. Engaging in it could lead to ridicule, ostracization or even worse. It shouldn't be a surprise then, that for many people, their exploration of femininity is strongly linked with feelings of shame.
It can often mean that when someone finally engages in these pleasures they've been deprived of, the feeling they have around them can be very tender and complicated, yet so thrilling. It's no wonder fetishes like humiliation can be so enticing and powerful, when erotic desire is mixed up with feelings of identity.
In the context of this game, Erotic Humiliation and Shame is a subjective issue. What may be a source of pride for one person, may be shame for another.
My hope is that this game will allow many feelings to be explored.
<<back>><img src="images/scenes/b5x.jpg" alt="hot girl in black lingerie" class="storyImage">$gf plucked at the garter straps attached to her stockings, making a loud snap on her smooth skin. You loved seeing the sight of her slim body wrapped in lingerie. The thin mesh of her black panties fitted perfectly tight on her gorgeous ass, while her nipples were titillatingly barely visible through the matching bra's low cut lace trimming.
<span class="gf">$gf: </span>"Happy Valentine's day..."
She walked slowly toward you, one foot crossing the other with each step, grabbing all your attention to her stocking covered legs. She placed her hand to your cheek, as both of yours felt at her hips, before lowering herself until you felt the fabric of her panties rest in your lap.
Your lips locked with hers as your senses filled with the sweet, floral smell of a woman. Your mind raceed pondering what part of this beautiful girl you would feel next...
You couldn't wait to get out of here and make new memories with her.
[[Continue|Mess Room]]<img src="images/scenes/b5y.jpg" alt="the view of some black lingerie" class="storyImage">Your first credit card allowed you to go online shopping first time. Now you could finally do what you had dreamed of doing for so long - owning your own bra and panties! You had managed to order the parcel directly to you, keeping your long-held secret safe. When all the members of your household were sleeping, you could finally enjoy your new clothes.
You carefully opened the package, finding the black Brazilian briefs and B cup bra inside. You had prepared your skin to be smooth and hairless beforehand, just for this moment. Even by yourself you felt shy to do this. After gently pulling the panties on, you were almost instantly hard. As turned on as you were, you hoped your erection would go down quickly, you didn't want to ruin them.
Unlike regular guys, the first bra you ever got to unclasp was your own! To finally get the clothes on felt amazing. You resisted touching yourself while your erection went flaccid again, before tucking yourself tighly the sleek fabric. Admired your appearance in the mirror was a strange experience.
The sight was an incredible turn on, the feeling was incredible, but something was missing. There was some kind of urge inside you to go further, the same sort of inexplainable desire that had caused you to dress up like this in the first place. Already you knew this wouldn't be your last clothing purchase.
[[Continue|Mess Room]]<<nobr>>
Oh fuck... oh FUCK! You panicked as the weight of the situation dawned on you. Holy shit... you've exposed yourself as a crossdresser whilst you're stuck in here - an all male facility packed full of criminals!<br/><br/>
You took a deep breath to try to stem the rising anxiety within you. Suddenly this place made you feel so exposed. There's nowhere you can go to escape these men who now know about this secret side of you. Is this your future, bending to their demands?<br/><br/>
You started to clear your thoughts for a moment, trying to process the situation with a clear mind...<br/><br/>
<<if $contentGuidance is 1>>
<div class="contentGuidanceDisplay">
<img src="images/extras/warningIcon.png" alt="Warning Icon" class="warningIcon warningIconGuidance">
Pick "I'm... I'm kind of turned on by this..."<br/>After this step, you will be on the path.</div><br/><br/><</if>>
<div class="choice">[[No... I can find a way out of this. I have to try.|b15xA]]</div><br/>
<div class="choice">[[I'm... I'm kind of turned on by this...|b15xB]]</div>
<</nobr>>All kinds of thoughts ran through your head as you took into account the contents of the letter. What the hell kind of request was this?
You realized how important this moment was. You've got yourself into a much deeper situation than expected, how you would react to this was important.
You started to clear your thoughts, and try to process the situation with a clear mind...
<div class="choice">[[Is this for real? Hell no, I won't do this no matter what.|b15yA]]</div>
<div class="choice">[[If I don't do it, I could be in trouble...|b15yD]]</div>
<<if $playerHistory is "cd">><div class="choice">[[I kind of actually want to do it...|b15yE]]</div><</if>>You took some more deep breaths. You didn't have to cave in to any demand of theirs. Crossdressing doesn't make you weak or a bitch, you rationalized.
You felt like you could stop this happening to you. You could fight against this, maybe not physically, but you could certainly try to find a way out of this path.
Doubt crept in your mind. You've exposed yourself as a crossdresser in what might be the worst possible place to do so. You should be prepared for the fact that there may be no way out of this. Perhaps it was best just to suck it up and do it, maybe doing it well enough will get you forgiven and that'll be the end of it.
Your mind went in circles. This was not a good spot to be in. You decided to rest before looking for advice tomorrow. Michael might keep to himself, but maybe he could offer some idea to escape this.
<<set $playerStartType to 'closeted'>>Much of the initial shock from the note came from that your secret was finally out there. When that feeling finally subsided a little, you were able to be honest with yourself... yes, you are a crossdresser. You are a crossdresser, and deep down you know simply dressing up isn't enough.
Your dressing was more than just wearing the same clothes as girls. When you finally had on your panties, bra, heels, wig and makeup, your desires escalated. It wasn't fulfilling just to feel sexy. You wanted to be desired.
And it didn't simply stop there. Even getting to feel hot like the girl's you admiried wasn't enough. You had a deep desire to experience sex like one too...
It had never been easy to admit to yourself, but you always knew that desire was there. Whenever you came down after a session of crossdressing you'd deny that feeling again, repressing any urge of it so you could go back to enjoying your regular carefree life, but it was still there. Even after all the time you had spent with $gf, it was always there. That desire.
You rubbed on the outside of your underwear as you fantasized of the thrill of it, but then sharply stopped yourself, realizing that right now you had to think carefully about what to do...
<div class="choice">[[Yes, this is my dream... this is the perfect opportunity to follow it!|b15xD]]</div>
<div class="choice">[[Yes, I want this... but I'm in a relationship... and I still love her!|b15xC]]</div>Your mind was racing with horny thoughts. This is where you can realize your deepest fantasy, one that turned you on like no other. The one that felt so wrong, yet so right.
A memory emerged of you and your crossdressing secret, of a time you dressed up fully femme before going onto camsites to show off your girly body to horny men. Men complimented it while commanding you to pose for them.
More of your life outside Grenton came back to you as you thought longingly about such times.
You remembered when $gf left the house for the weekend, and you used a hookup website to make a profile for your girly persona. All this time $gf thought you had a low libido, but was that really true?
You were out there, fantasizing about sex, looking for it even... just not with a woman. That weekend, you got seriously close to meeting someone but flaked out. "Never again" you thought to yourself. "This isn't me!"
Over the years, you put an unnecessary pressure to bury this part of yourself, but before long you were dressing up again. Watching sissy porn again. Logging in to chat and find men again.
<span class="innerSissyText">Yes, you are a sissy and it's time to accept it! This place is the perfect place to prove it.</span>
<<set $playerStartType to 'sissy'>>You want to indulge your slutty urges and still be with $gf? You really think she'd want you after this?
Your mind was racing with horny thoughts. This place could be where you can realize your deepest fantasy, one that turned you on like no other. The one that felt so wrong, yet so right.
A memory emerged of you and your crossdressing secret, of a time you dressed up fully femme before going onto camsites to show off your girly body to horny men. Men who complimented it while commanding you to pose for them.
That sissy desire... it conflicted with so much of your life. There were times you hated it, and times you loved it. Each time the urge came back it grew a little stronger, and the situation right now only amplified it.
Your desire was going to take over from here now, you could just feel it. Still, not involving $gf would make you far too guilty. Maybe you should tell her?
The most important thing is that if you're going to be a slutty girl in 14 days time, so whatever you deicide, you had better do it fast.
<span class="innerSissyText">Get to work, sissy.</span>
<<set $playerStartType to 'sissybf'>>There was no way in hell you could ever fulfil this instruction from Keaton. You couldn't look yourself in the mirror again if you actually did this. And what about $gf? Having to keep this secret from her was unthinkable, you couldn't even entertain the idea.
But you also need to be pragmatic. You're alone in this place. You've got no real friends here yet and snitching could get you beaten up or worse... The situation isn't good. Fuck! Suddenly it felt like agreeing to Keaton's request was a bad idea.
You thought hard. There had to be something you could do.
<div class="choice">[[What if I got someone else to do it...|b15yB]]</div>
<div class="choice">[[What if I got really buff, like so strong nobody could touch me...|b15yC]]</div>Yes... the letter doesn't actually instruct that it has to be you! It was highly suggestive, but not definite. This approach wouldn't be easy though; not only would you need to find someone suitable to take your place, but also convince them to actually do it. And if you fail in that, you'll be the one performing at this perverted show.
You only had 14 days, you would need to manage that time well. Without information you'd be a headless chicken out there. You reasoned that maybe you should speak to Michael first to seek his advice.
<<set $playerStartType to 'dom'>>You reasoned that you could somehow get so buff that the men would see they can't mess with you. Surely they wouldn't want to see a buff guy in a pair of panties? Keaton did mention your slim body - if you were more masculine looking maybe you could escape this humiliation?
Or maybe you'd be be tough enough to fight any of them off.
Still this didn't seem like a good idea - just 14 days to get as strong as possible, and even then you might get your ass kicked, or worse.
And what about the endgame even if you did win - would you have to stay constantly vigilant for the rest of your time here? Would you even get any of the benfits Keaton promised? Was it really worth it?
<div class="choice">[[Maybe I could convince another person into doing it...|b15yB]]</div>
<div class="choice">[[This is the plan... train and gain!|b16][$playerStartType = "straight"]]</div>You twiddled the piece of paper between your fingers as you tried to fully grasp this whole situation.
There was no use delaying anything. How you would use your time would be crucial.
[[Put down the note|Room]]<br/>
<<set $seekMichaelAdvice to 'yes'>>This is Grenton and no one has your back inside here. You reasoned that you shouldn't mess with Keaton and his gang. The thought seemed very humiliating to just grin and bear it, but maybe it's the best choice you have. Besides, this initiation might have happened to everyone who came into the gang before you.
You felt anxious, but you couldn't see any other way that could get you out of this situation safely. You'll do what Keaton told you.
<<set $playerStartType to 'closeted'>>As you read the letter, you couldn't help feeling... turned on. Your history of wearing women's clothes wasn't simply about dressing. You felt like it had always been something more... Something you denied yourself most of the time, but would bubble up from time to time.
Afterwards you felt so much shame... shame just like the kind you felt right now as you seriously considered this option.
No! Surely you couldn't be thinking of going through with this and actually wanting to do it! You know all too well how you feel once you come down from the horniness... the shame. This would a bad mistake... or would it?
<div class="choice">[[This is my dream... this is the perfect opportunity to follow it!|b15yE2]]</div>
<div class="choice">[[I want this... but I'm in a relationship... and I still love her!|b15xC]]</div>
<div class="choice">[[I might think I want it... but I shouldn't. I need to stop dreaming and find a way out.|b15xA]]</div>
Your mind was racing with horny thoughts. This was where you can realize your deepest fantasy, one that turns you on like no other. The one that felt so wrong, yet so right.
A memory emerged of you and your crossdressing secret, of a time you dressed up fully femme before going onto camsites to show off your girly body to horny men. Men who complimented it while commanding you to pose for them.
More recollections of your life outside Grenton came back to you as you thought longingly about such times.
You remembered when $gf left the house for the weekend, and you used a hookup website to make a profile for your girly persona. All this time $gf thought you didn't want to fuck her because you were waiting for marriage, but was that really true?
You were out there, fantasizing about sex, looking for it even... just not with a woman. That weekend you got seriously close to meeting someone but flaked out. "Never again" you thought to yourself. "This isn't me!"
Over the years, you put an unnecessary pressure onyourself to bury this part of you, but before long you were dressing up again. Watching sissy porn again. Logging in to chat and find men again.
This was the perfect time to explore this side of you. It's as if this challenge gives you the 'permission' you've needed to reveal your long sealed up secret. To finally indulge those filthy fantasies of yours. You're not just going to do this because you were ordered to... you're going to do it because you want to!
Get to work, sissy.
<<set $playerStartType to 'sissy'>><<nobr>>
<<if $playerStartType is 'sissy'>>
You told Michael about what had happened, and how you felt about it.<br/><br/>
<span class="michael">Michael: </span>"THE FUCK! I have never heard anything so screwed up in my life! Keaton asks your to wear a pair of panties for him, and you ask what material? You get off on being... forget it.<br/><br/>
No I'm not giving you advice, are you crazy? I don't want anything to do with this. Fuck, here I was thinking you were a regular guy. Go speak to your other buddies, Dean was it? He's in the workshop Tuesdays and Saturdays.<br/><br/>
I don't know what to think anymore. This place makes me feel more sick everyday. Leave me... leave me the fuck alone."<br/><br/>
Michael doesn't support you at all anymore, and takes no pity on your situation. Your relationship is over.<br/><br/>
<<elseif $playerStartType is 'sissybf'>>
You told Michael about what had happened, and how you felt about it.<br/><br/>
<span class="michael">Michael: </span>"THE FUCK! I have never heard anything so screwed up in my life! Keaton asks your to wear a pair of panties for him, and you ask what material? You get off on being... forget it.<br/><br/>
No I'm not giving you advice, are you crazy? I don't want anything to do with this. Fuck, here I was thinking you were a regular guy. Go speak to your other buddies, Dean was it? He's in the workshop Tuesdays and Saturdays.<br/><br/>
I don't know what to think anymore. This place makes me feel more sick everyday. Leave me... leave me the fuck alone."<br/><br/>
Michael doesn't support you at all anymore, and takes no pity on your situation. Your relationship is over.<br/><br/>
<<elseif $playerStartType is 'straight'>>
You told Michael about what had happened, and how you planned to respond.<br/><br/>
<span class="michael">Michael: </span>"Fuck. You idiot! You're in deep like you don't even know. Geez... I get it though, young guy in here like you, easy to get talked into dumb shit. But you get why I warned you now, huh?<br/><br/>
You sound like you got some fight in you... you could try beating their ass before they beat yours, or at least go down swinging. Seems like you won't oblige their requests no matter what, so those are the only alternatives if you ask me.<br/><br/>
Obviously you'll need to build your strength... there's the gym of course. Some of the guys you met might be able to offer some help but some of them may want you to fail so be careful who you trust. I know you can find Dean in the workshop on certain days; Tuesdays and Saturdays I think.<br/><br/>
I can't help much more than this advice... I keep to myself, and I want it to stay that way. One hell of a fight is ahead of you. Stay strong. Think of your girl. Be strong for her."<br/><br/>
You feel thankful for Michael's advice. It's going to be hard to get through this, and while it seems like the chance of getting out intact seems small, Michael's words give you a glimpse of hope.<br/><br/>
<<elseif $playerStartType is 'dom'>>
You told Michael about what had happened, and how you planned to respond.<br/><br/>
<span class="michael">Michael: </span>"The fuck! So you got yourself into this entirely avoidable problem, and now you're going to make it somebody else's? Fuck, you're no different from Keaton and his gang."<br/><br/>
With an authoritative tone you told Michael to stop judging you.<br/><br/>
<span class="michael">Michael: </span>"You might intimidate others like that, but you don't scare me. You can't speak to me that way. You want to go down this road, fine, but leave me out of it. Go speak to your so-called friends for advice, you'll get none from me! Your little buddy Dean is in the workshop Tuesdays and Saturdays. Tell him about this shit! Don't speak to me again. And if you can find a new room, get the hell out of here!"<br/><br/>
Michael doesn't support you at all anymore, and takes no pity on your situation. Your relationship is over.<br/><br/>
<<elseif $playerStartType is 'closeted'>>
You told Michael about what had happened, and how you felt about it.<br/><br/>
<span class="michael">Michael: </span>"Fuck. You idiot! You only have a hint of the situation you're in now. You've messed up. I warned you didn't I, now look what trouble you're in!<br/><br/>
You want my help? I'm not getting involved in this shit, are you crazy? I'm sorry but you'll have to figure things out yourself, way I see it you'll probably be dancing to Keaton's tune soon regardless of what you do.<br/><br/>
Sorry, but you are going to do what Keaton says... you might think otherwise but I'm telling you, you will. The only advice I can give is this. The situation you're in you may as well put effort into it, you probably don't want to hear that but it's true. Do you understand me? I'm only telling you this so you realize what you're in for.<br/><br/>
Unlike me, the other guys you met in here might be able to offer some help performing in this... fucking... whatever the fuck this event is! I know you can find Dean in the workshop on certain days, Tuesdays and Saturdays I think. I pity you, I do, but I can't offer you anything more.<br/><br/>
It's best we don't speak from here. I don't want anything to do with this. Just let me enjoy my solitude. Damn... this place really is hell... I wish they put me in a prison.<br/><br/>
[[Back to room|Room]]
<<set $seekMichaelAdvice to 'no'>>
<<if $playerUnderwear.isEmpty()>>Better put some underwear on before going back out there!
<<elseif $playerBottom.isEmpty()>>Better put something on to cover your lower half a bit before going back out there!
<<elseif $playerTop.isEmpty()>>Better put a top on before going back out there!
<<else>>[[Back to Room|Room]]
<div class="inventoryRow">
<div class="inventorySelect">Head<br/>
<<if $playerHead.isEmpty()>><<linkedinventory 'Wear' '$playerHeads' '$playerHead'>><<else>><<= $playerHead.show()>>
<<link "Change">><<run $playerHeads.pickUp($playerHead.show())>><<dropall '$playerHead'>><<goto "Wardrobe">><</link>><</if>>
<div class="inventorySelect">Earrings<br/>
<<if $playerEarring.isEmpty()>><<linkedinventory 'Wear' '$playerEarrings' '$playerEarring'>><<else>><<= $playerEarring.show()>>.
<<link "Change">><<run $playerEarrings.pickUp($playerEarring.show())>><<dropall '$playerEarring'>><<goto "Wardrobe">><</link>><</if>>
<div class="inventorySelect">Neck<br/>
<<if $playerNeck.isEmpty()>><<linkedinventory 'Wear' '$playerNecks' '$playerNeck'>><<else>><<= $playerNeck.show()>>
<<link "Change">><<run $playerNecks.pickUp($playerNeck.show())>><<dropall '$playerNeck'>><<goto "Wardrobe">><</link>><</if>>
<div class="inventoryRow">
<div class="inventorySelect">Wrist<br/>
<<if $playerWrist.isEmpty()>><<linkedinventory 'Wear' '$playerWrists' '$playerWrist'>><<else>><<= $playerWrist.show()>>
<<link "Change">><<run $playerWrists.pickUp($playerWrist.show())>><<dropall '$playerWrist'>><<goto "Wardrobe">><</link>><</if>>
<div class="inventorySelect">Top<br/>
<<if $playerTop.isEmpty()>><<linkedinventory 'Wear' '$playerTops' '$playerTop'>><<else>><<= $playerTop.show()>>.
<<link "Change">><<run $playerTops.pickUp($playerTop.show())>><<dropall '$playerTop'>><<goto "Wardrobe">><</link>><</if>>
<div class="inventorySelect">Chest wear<br/>
<<if $playerBra.isEmpty()>><<linkedinventory 'Wear' '$playerBras' '$playerBra'>><<else>><<= $playerBra.show()>>.
<<link "Change">><<run $playerBras.pickUp($playerBra.show())>><<dropall '$playerBra'>><<goto "Wardrobe">><</link>><</if>></div>
<div class="inventoryRow">
<div class="inventorySelect">Bottom<br/>
<<if $playerBottom.isEmpty()>><<linkedinventory 'Wear' '$playerBottoms' '$playerBottom'>><<else>><<= $playerBottom.show()>>.
<<link "Change">><<run $playerBottoms.pickUp($playerBottom.show())>><<dropall '$playerBottom'>><<goto "Wardrobe">><</link>><</if>>
<div class="inventorySelect">Underwear<br/>
<<if $playerUnderwear.isEmpty()>><<linkedinventory 'Wear' '$playerUnderwears' '$playerUnderwear'>><<else>><<= $playerUnderwear.show()>>.
<<link "Change">><<run $playerUnderwears.pickUp($playerUnderwear.show())>><<dropall '$playerUnderwear'>><<goto "Wardrobe">><</link>><</if>>
<div class="inventorySelect">Waist wear<br/>
<<if $playerGarter.isEmpty()>><<linkedinventory 'Wear' '$playerGarters' '$playerGarter'>><<else>><<= $playerGarter.show()>>.
<<link "Change">><<run $playerGarters.pickUp($playerGarter.show())>><<dropall '$playerGarter'>><<goto "Wardrobe">><</link>><</if>>
<div class="inventoryRow">
<div class="inventorySelect">Ankle wear<br/>
<<if $playerAnkle.isEmpty()>><<linkedinventory 'Wear' '$playerAnkles' '$playerAnkle'>><<else>><<= $playerAnkle.show()>>.
<<link "Change">><<run $playerAnkles.pickUp($playerAnkle.show())>><<dropall '$playerAnkle'>><<goto "Wardrobe">><</link>><</if>></div>
<div class="inventorySelect">Footwear<br/>
<<if $playerFeet.isEmpty()>><<linkedinventory 'Wear' '$playerFeets' '$playerFeet'>><<else>><<= $playerFeet.show()>>.
<<link "Change">><<run $playerFeets.pickUp($playerFeet.show())>><<dropall '$playerFeet'>><<goto "Wardrobe">><</link>><</if>></div>
<div class="inventoryRow">
<div class="inventorySelect">Accessory Type 1<br/>
<<if $playerAcc1.isEmpty()>><<linkedinventory 'Wear' '$playerAcc1s' '$playerAcc1'>><<else>><<= $playerAcc1.show()>>.
<<link "Change">><<run $playerAcc1s.pickUp($playerAcc1.show())>><<dropall '$playerAcc1'>><<goto "Wardrobe">><</link>><</if>>
<div class="inventorySelect">Accessory Type 2<br/>
<<if $playerAcc2.isEmpty()>><<linkedinventory 'Wear' '$playerAcc2s' '$playerAcc2'>><<else>><<= $playerAcc2.show()>>.
<<link "Change">><<run $playerAcc2s.pickUp($playerAcc2.show())>><<dropall '$playerAcc2'>><<goto "Wardrobe">><</link>><</if>>
<div class="inventorySelect">Accessory Type 3<br/>
<<if $playerAcc3.isEmpty()>><<linkedinventory 'Wear' '$playerAcc3s' '$playerAcc3'>><<else>><<= $playerAcc3.show()>>.
<<link "Change">><<run $playerAcc3s.pickUp($playerAcc3.show())>><<dropall '$playerAcc3'>><<goto "Wardrobe">><</link>><</if>></div>
<<if $playerUnderwear.isEmpty()>>Better put some underwear on before going back out there!
<<elseif $playerBottom.isEmpty()>>Better put something on to cover your lower half a bit before going back out there!
<<elseif $playerTop.isEmpty()>>Better put a top on before going back out there!
<<else>>[[Back to Room|Room]]
<<set $deanAdvised to 1>>
<<if $playerStartType is "straight">>
<<set $deanAdvisedStraight to 1>>
Dean covered his mouth with his hands as he started to laugh, but he quickly stopped as he noticed how uncomfortable you looked.<br/><br/>
<span class="dean">Dean: </span>"I'm sorry, I'm sorry mate... it's just... I just didn't think you'd get involved in that sort of thing!"<br/><br/>
<span class="p1">You: </span>"I'm not! I had no idea what I was signing up to! And I'm not doing it either."<br/><br/>
<span class="dean">Dean: </span>"But, you have to. You've made a deal with Keaton, nobody walks away from that. It sucks, but I honestly worry about your safety if you don't."<br/><br/>
<span class="p1">You: </span>"No, fuck that! I'm straight! For fucks sake I have a girlfriend! I couldn't look myself in the mirror as a man anymore if I did this. I'm fighting it. Maybe they're doing this to me because they don't respect me, but they will!"<br/><br/>
<span class="dean">Dean: </span>"Alright... that's fair mate. I'm sorry for what I said, it's just I've never seen anyone get out of a deal with Keaton. But you're right, your pride is more important."<br/><br/>
<span class="p1">You: </span>"...Thanks. So, are you able to help in some way?"<br/><br/>
Dean looked around to check nobody was listening in, then let out a heavy sigh.<br/><br/>
<span class="dean">Dean: </span>"Maybe. So you're planning to fight your way out?"<br/><br/>
<span class="p1">You: </span>"Anything... I'm going to do whatever it takes to get out of this. And yeah, it sounds like I'll have to fight."<br/><br/>
<span class="dean">Dean: </span>"Ok mate. I can't fight with you, I'm sorry but I just can't. I don't know what Keaton has told you, but he isn't the only one who can get you things from the outside world here. The commissary here can get you most substances if you know what to ask for. Tell them you're looking for Raymond... they'll give you what you need. It'll cost you $5, so don't ask without the money. Take what he gives you 20 minutes before the fight."<br/><br/>
You were relieved to hear there was something Dean could do for you, and while taking some random drug didn't seem ideal, it was better than doing whatever Keaton wants. Also... Raymond, really? What kind of name was that?<br/><br/>
<span class="p1">You: </span>"Thanks Dean... so much."<br/><br/>
<span class="dean">Dean: </span>"Try speaking to Khan as well, he's in the library sometimes. Good luck to you mate! I'm sorry I couldn't warn you beforehand. You know, I hope you succeed. Maybe things can change for the better here."<br/><br/>
[[Go back to Main Block.|Mess Room]]
<<elseif $playerStartType is 'sissy' or $playerStartType is 'sissybf'>>
<<set $deanAdvisedSissy to 1>>
Dean covered his mouth with his hands as he started to laugh, but he quickly stopped as he noticed how uncomfortable you looked.<br/><br/>
<span class="dean">Dean: </span>"I'm sorry, I'm sorry mate... it's just... I just didn't think you'd get involved in that sort of thing!"<br/><br/>
<span class="p1">You: </span>"I didn't mean to but don't apologize. I... actually want to do it."<br/><br/>
Dean looked slightly uncomfortable for a moment, but not in a nasty way. It was like he was thinking of himself in your situation, how it would be the last thing he wants for himself.<br/><br/>
<span class="dean">Dean: </span>"Uh... Ok. No... that's cool, that's totally cool! Sorry I didn't mean to look that way, that probably came across disrespectful. You do you, bud."<br/><br/>
You looked a little sheepish. His reaction was a reminder that even though you want to do this, it's something 99.9% of men would never want. You were at least happy he didn't shut you down over it.<br/><br/>
<span class="dean">Dean: </span>"Um... so I'm pretty busy so..."<br/><br/>
<span class="p1">You: </span>"I just wondered if you knew anywhere I could, you know, maybe get some things to be... more feminine."<br/><br/>
Dean shook his head like he couldn't believe what he was hearing. He was trying to hide how he felt but he wasn't good at it.<br/><br/>
<span class="dean">Dean: </span>"Look, I don't know anything about that type of thing... but I've <em>heard</em> there's some pretty adult stuff in the library, you know like books and things. Maybe they can inspire you? Khan is around there too sometimes, perhaps he can help. Then there's the gym for toning up, glute excerises... god, I can't believe I'm saying all this... look I really got to go."<br/><br/>
He ran off to the workshop, but he obviously didn't need to be in a rush considering how much time he had free inside here. You were a bit disappointed by Dean's reaction, but his advice seemed honest. You considered his information before leaving.<br/><br/>
[[Go back to Main Block.|Mess Room]]
<<elseif $playerStartType is 'closeted'>>
<<set $deanAdvisedCloseted to 1>>
Dean covered his mouth with his hands as he started to laugh, but he quickly stopped as he noticed how uncomfortable you looked.<br/><br/>
<span class="dean">Dean: </span>"I'm sorry, I'm sorry mate... it's just... I just didn't think you'd get involved in that sort of thing!"<br/><br/>
<span class="p1">You: </span>"I didn't mean to! Fuck, I can't believe I got myself in to this! Isn't there anyway I can stop this from happening to me?"<br/><br/>
<span class="dean">Dean: </span>"If there is I've never heard how. I wish I could have warned you, mate! I wasn't sure Keaton would target you... for that type of thing he rarely picks anyone to do that."<br/><br/>
<span class="p1">You: </span>"I can't understand why he did this to me? I'm just going to do it, get it out of the way and then out of this deal! Hopefully just going with it will keep me out of trouble in here."<br/><br/>
Dean looked slightly uncomfortable for a moment, but not in a mean way. It was like he was thinking of what he himself would do in your situation. You could tell it would be the last thing he wants for himself. He sighed.<br/><br/>
<span class="dean">Dean: </span>"I mean... yeah. Yeah it probably is for the best."<br/><br/>
There was a moment of silence between you. You felt like if you were to make any good friends in here, Dean would be the most likely one to be one. In this moment though you felt completely alone. It was like you had been singled out to have some kind of death sentence, while everyone else was just fine. Dean could feel sorry for you, but there was really nothing he could do.<br/><br/>
<span class="p1">You: </span>"I'll... go now."<br/><br/>
<span class="dean">Dean: </span>"$name... look... just try to go in there with a brave face OK. Try and make a joke out of it and maybe you won't lose much respect!"<br/><br/>
<span class="p1">You: </span>"What do you mean?"<br/><br/>
<span class="dean">Dean: </span>"I'm trying to say... build yourself up mentally. There should be books in the library that can inspire you, you'd be surprised how much stories can help you get through adversary. If you can get through Keaton's event without losing your cool, maybe Keaton will realize he shouldn't of picked you. Maybe he'll respect you and leave you alone from then."<br/><br/>
You could tell Dean was desperate to help you but felt helpless. To be honest, this seemed like something he had pulled out his ass, but it was better advice than none. You tried to look thankful to not let him feel bad.<br/><br/>
<span class="p1">You: </span>"...Thanks."<br/><br/>
<span class="dean">Dean: </span>"No problem. If I could help any other way I would. Um, also I guess you could try speaking to Khan? He's in the library sometimes. Listen $name, I've... I've got to go."<br/><br/>
He moved out the workshop pretty quickly, it was obvious the situation was uncomfortable for him. He recommended building up your courage with the books in the library. You could only wonder if that would truly help or not. Not wishing to dwell on it any longer, you left the workshop.<br/><br/>
[[Go back to Main Block.|Mess Room]]
<<elseif $playerStartType is 'dom'>>
<<set $deanAdvisedDom to 1>>
Dean covered his mouth with his hands as he started to laugh, but he quickly stopped as he noticed how uncomfortable you looked.<br/><br/>
<span class="dean">Dean: </span>"I'm sorry, I'm sorry mate... it's just... I just didn't think you'd get involved in that sort of thing!"<br/><br/>
<span class="p1">You: </span>"I'm not! I had no idea what I was signing up to! And I'm not doing it either."<br/><br/>
<span class="dean">Dean: </span>"But... you have to! You've made a deal with Keaton, nobody walks away from that. It sucks, but I honestly worry about your safety if you don't."<br/><br/>
You slammed your hand against a nearby wall.<br/><br/>
<span class="p1">You: </span>"I said I am NOT doing it! I made the mistake of thinking it wasn't dog eat dog in here, but now I know how things work... I'm going to take control."<br/><br/>
<span class="dean">Dean: </span>"Alright... calm down mate. I'm sorry for what I said, it's just... I've never seen anyone get out of a deal with Keaton!"<br/><br/>
<span class="p1">You: </span>"Well I'm about to be the first. What I need is someone to take my place."<br/><br/>
<span class="dean">Dean: </span>"What the fuck! Are you serious?"<br/><br/>
You didn't even have to voice an answer, he could read it by your the expression of determination on your face.<br/><br/>
<span class="dean">Dean: </span>"Wow. Ok then... I... don't know what to say. Wait a second, you better not be thinking me!"<br/><br/>
To be honest, you didn't think of Dean. He didn't seem like he'd be a fit for the role, maybe with an extreme amount of work he could be, but you didn't have that sort of time. Plus he seemed to know the lay of the land in here, making him a valuable person to have as a friend. It didn't really cross your mind to use him as a real option.<br/><br/>
<span class="p1">You: </span>"No Dean, of course not you! There's got to be someone in here that can take my place though. Any idea who?"<br/><br/>
<span class="dean">Dean: </span>"Come on man, I don't really get involved in the sleazy side of Keaton's activities... I'm pretty cool with most guys in here. I'm sorry you're in this situation, but I can't sell out the others, just like how I would never sell out you. Can't you figure another way out of this?"<br/><br/>
You sighed. Seems like you're out of luck. You respected Dean's loyalty and didn't push him further. Still, you feel this is the only option you have.<br/><br/>
<span class="dean">Dean: </span>"...there is one thing I can think of. There are some new inhabitants coming today."<br/><br/>
<span class="p1">You: </span>"Really! I thought you just said you'd never sell anyone out."<br/><br/>
<span class="dean">Dean: </span>"I meant people I already know! And plus, maybe there's someone who might even be into that shit."<br/><br/>
<span class="p1">You: </span>"What do you mean?"<br/><br/>
<span class="dean">Dean: </span>"Ever consider Keaton targeted you because he thought you might enjoy it?"<br/><br/>
<span class="p1">You: </span>"No... I just think he mistook me for someone weak."<br/><br/>
<span class="dean">Dean: </span>"Maybe that's right, but I'm not sure how much you know about all the different types of people there are in this world... it could be the start of a dream come true for some people."<br/><br/>
You didn't say anything. Ideally you'd get someone who wants to do it, but with the deadline looming you'll just need whoever you can convince.<br/><br/>
<span class="dean">Dean: </span>"I need to go mate, I've hardly done any work today. Try the cafeteria later, new people should be appearing in there all the time. Oh yeah, I forgot to say! Khan is in the library sometimes, it may be worth asking for his advice. And even if he isn't there, could be worth doing some reading in there!"<br/><br/>
<span class="p1">You: </span>"Thanks."<br/><br/>
<span class="dean">Dean: </span>"Good luck to you mate. I'm sorry I couldn't warn you beforehand."<br/><br/>
[[Go back to Main Block.|Mess Room]]
Something wrong. Dean Advice
<</nobr>>The shopkeeper's expression was completely stone-faced as you asked the question.
<span class="male">Shopkeeper:</span> "Raymond's just in the back here, come over."
He flipped part of the counter to the side of him, and beckoned you on through. You only had to walk around 5 feet back behind the counter until you were in a darkened area filled with boxes and jars.
<span class="male">Shopkeeper:</span> "Here. That's $5."
You placed the money in his hand and he put a small card box into yours. You went to pull back one of the tabs of the box to open it, but the shopkeeper grabbed your wrist before addressing you, sternly.
<span class="male">Shopkeeper:</span> "Not. Here."
You had been mindless about it before he said anything, but of course it made sense to not open it out here. You thanked him but he only responded by waving you back out of the shop's backroom. <<if $playerInventory.has('Box with Raymond in it')>><<else>><<pickup '$playerInventory' 'Box with Raymond in it'>><</if>><<set $gotRaymond = 1>>
[[Go back to Main Block.|Mess Room]]<<nobr>>
<<if $playerStartType is 'straight'>>
<<set $andersonAdvised to 1>>
Anderson didn't seem like the easiest person to talk to, but you asked him for advice anyway. You kept things vague, telling him that you've got involved with some trouble with Keaton and his gang. He maintained a disinterested expression the entire time you were talking.<br/><br/>
<span class="anderson">Anderson: </span>"Hmph... not a good idea to get involved with that guy, was it? Kinda thought you'd be a smarter guy than that."<br/><br/>
<span class="p1">You: </span>"I didn't know anything about him! I don't want to go along with... whatever his plan for me is. Do you know anything about this type of thing going on here?"<br/><br/>
Anderson just shrugged before turning his attention back to the TV.<br/><br/>
<span class="p1">You: </span>"Come on! If you have any way you can get me out of this, help me. I need every bit I can get in here."<br/><br/>
Anderson had no reaction at first, but then suddenly his eyes opened fully, as though he had just had a great idea. He sat up excitedly.<br/><br/>
<span class="anderson">Anderson: </span>"You have any photos of your girl in here?"<br/><br/>
You had a sinking feeling in your stomach the moment he said it. You could see where this was going.<br/><br/>
<span class="anderson">Anderson: </span>"I know it's odd to ask this... but I've been here at Grenton for a while now. You know how much I love women, and word is your girl is hot as fuck! You give me some photos and I can help you. I've managed to collect a few things in my time here. I'll promise you this. If you give me a photo, right before the event I'll give you something that will make it much easier to deal with Keaton and his gang."<br/><br/>
Someone must of seen you and $gf at the visitor room and said something. This felt wrong... what kind of scum bag makes a request like this? Men like Anderson who slobber over other people's girlfriends are bad enough in the outside world, but they're even more insufferable when you're stuck living with them. You couldn't really hide your facial expression of reluctance which Anderson noticed.<br/><br/>
<span class="anderson">Anderson: </span>"It'll only be to borrow the photos... let's say... two weeks. Does that sound fair to you?"<br/><br/>
<div class="choice">[[Fine, deal.|AndersonAdvice2][$andersonStraightDeal = 1]]</div><br/>
<div class="choice">[[No.|AndersonAdvice2][$andersonStraightDeal = 0]]</div>
<<elseif $playerStartType is 'sissy' or $playerStartType is 'sissybf'>>
<<set $andersonAdvised to 1>>
Anderson didn't seem like the easiest person to talk to, but you asked him for advice anyway. Noticing you barely had his attention you just gave a small amount of deatil. You told him about Keaton, his gang and the deal you got into. He maintained a disinterested expression the entire time you were talking.<br/><br/>
<span class="anderson">Anderson: </span>"Hmph... not a good idea to get involved with that guy, was it?"<br/><br/>
<span class="p1">You: </span>"I wouldn't say that."<br/><br/>
<span class="anderson">Anderson: </span>"What do you mean... what kind of man wants to be in your situation?"<br/><br/>
You felt like Anderson wasn't going to be of help. You went to turn away but then Anderson suddenly got up. He screwed his face into a mix of inquistiveness and disgust.<br/><br/>
<span class="anderson">Anderson: </span>"You... you want to do it don't you? Oh my god! Hm, so you're one of them!"<br/><br/>
You should of really expected such a reaction. Anderson seemed like a man of simple taste, but this confirmed he was also a pretty close-minded one too. You felt a little embarassed.<br/><br/>
<span class="p1">You: </span>"You know what... forget it."<br/><br/>
<span class="anderson">Anderson: </span>"Hey, hang on now! Maybe I overreacted there... Yeah, sorry... I shouldn't of spoke like that."<br/><br/>
<span class="p1">You: </span>"...it's fine."<br/><br/>
<span class="anderson">Anderson: </span>"No please, let me help you out. We all need to help each other in here right."<br/><br/>
Suddenly things seemed to be turning around. This seemed promising.<br/><br/>
<span class="anderson">Anderson: </span>"How about I give you something to help you on your journey of... self improvement. But I'd need something from you in return, of course."<br/><br/>
<span class="p1">You: </span>"Um, and what would that be?"<br/><br/>
<span class="anderson">Anderson: </span>"I know it's odd to ask this... but I've been here at Grenton for a while now. You know how much I love women, and word is your girl is hot as fuck! You give me some photos and I can help you."<br/><br/>
Someone must have seen you and $gf at the visitor room and said something. For the first time after making your decision you wondered if you had made a mistake. These were your pictures, but they were of $gf. You couldn't really hide your facial expression of reluctance, which Anderson noticed.<br/><br/>
<span class="anderson">Anderson: </span>"It'll only be to borrow the photos... I'll give them back at some point! Does that sound fair to you?"<br/><br/>
You really weren't sure what to do. You felt this urge to be as feminine as you could for Keaton's event, but was this really a line you were willing to cross? You felt a little shame as you thought hard on what choice to make.<br/><br/>
<div class="choice">[[Fine, deal.|AndersonAdvice2][$andersonSissyDeal = 1]]</div><br/>
<div class="choice">[[No.|AndersonAdvice2][$andersonSissyDeal = 0]]</div>
<<elseif $playerStartType is 'closeted'>>
<<set $andersonAdvised to 1>>
Anderson didn't seem like the easiest person to talk to, but you asked him for advice anyway. You kept things vague, telling him that you've got involved with some trouble with Keaton and his gang. He maintained a disinterested expression the entire time you're talking.<br/><br/>
<span class="anderson">Anderson: </span>"Hmph... not a good idea to get involved with that guy, was it?"<br/><br/>
<span class="p1">You: </span>"Well yeah, that's an understatement!"<br/><br/>
<span class="anderson">Anderson: </span>"Well... it seems like you at least understand that you'll have to do it! Keaton doesn't have people back out of his deals."<br/><br/>
You sighed at the thought that this situation you were in was hopeless. It already seemed like Anderson wasn't going to be of any help. You went to turn away but Anderson suddenly got up. He looked alert, as though he had just had a great idea.<br/><br/>
<span class="anderson">Anderson: </span>"Wait there... I just thought of something that might be able to help you! I'd need something in return of course! Hmm... do you have any photos of your girl in here?"<br/><br/>
You had a sinking feeling in your stomach the moment he said it. You could see where this was going.<br/><br/>
<span class="anderson">Anderson: </span>"I know it's odd to ask this but... I've been here at Grenton for a while now. You know how much I appreciate women, and word is your girl is hot as fuck! You give me some photos and I'm sure I can help you!"<br/><br/>
Someone must have seen you and $gf at the visitor room and said something. You had to focus yourself on stopping tears from welling up in your eyes just at the thought of going through with this. Right now your life felt at a real low point. You didn't want Anderson to see you as weak, but you also needed all the help you could get.<br/><br/>
You had a horrible, conflicting feeling. People like Anderson who slobber over other people's girlfriends were bad enough in the outside world, but they're even more insufferable when you're stuck somewhere with them! You couldn't really hide your facial expression of reluctance which Anderson noticed.<br/><br/>
<span class="anderson">Anderson: </span>"It'll only be to borrow the photos... let's say... two weeks! Does that sound fair to you?"<br/><br/>
You really felt like it was wrong to give Anderson the photos, but could you really refuse something that may help you out of this situation?<br/><br/>
<span class="anderson">Anderson: </span>"So how about it then, the photos for a favor?"<br/><br/>
<div class="choice">[[Fine, deal.|AndersonAdvice2][$andersonClosetedDeal = 1]]</div><br/>
<div class="choice">[[No.|AndersonAdvice2][$andersonClosetedDeal = 0]]</div>
<<elseif $playerStartType is 'dom'>>
<<set $andersonAdvised to 1>>
Anderson didn't seem like the easiest person to talk to, but you asked him for advice anyway. You kept things vague, telling him that you've got involved with some trouble with Keaton and his gang. He maintained a disinterested expression the entire time you're talking.<br/><br/>
<span class="anderson">Anderson: </span>"Hmph... not a good idea to get involved with that guy, was it? Kinda thought you'd be a smarter guy than that."<br/><br/>
<span class="p1">You: </span>"I didn't know anything about him but I'm not going to let him take advantage of me! I think he's testing me. I'm looking for someone who could take my place."<br/><br/>
Anderson just shrugged before he turned attention back to the TV.<br/><br/>
<span class="p1">You: </span>"Come on, you've been here a while. You must know someone, maybe even someone who would WANT to do it."<br/><br/>
Anderson had no reaction at first, but then suddenly his eyes opened fully as if a great idea has struck him. He sat up excitedly.<br/><br/>
<span class="anderson">Anderson: </span>"Well... maybe I do. But if I'm going to tell you I need something in return. I'm just thinking... you have any photos of your girl in here?"<br/><br/>
You had a sinking feeling in your stomach the moment he said it. You could see where this was going.<br/><br/>
<span class="anderson">Anderson: </span>"I know it's odd to ask this... but I've been here at Grenton for a while now. You know how much I love women, and word is your girl is hot as fuck! You give me some photos and I can help you. I think I know someone who might even be WILLING to do Keaton's little party for you."<br/><br/>
Someone must have seen you and $gf at the visitor room and said something. Anger started to boil up within you at this scum's suggestion. People like Anderson who slobber over other people's girlfriends are bad enough in the outside world, but they're even more insufferable when you're stuck with them. You couldn't really hide your facial expression of reluctance which Anderson noticed.<br/><br/>
<span class="anderson">Anderson: </span>"It'll only be to borrow the photos... let's say... two weeks. Does that sound fair to you?"<br/><br/>
For a second you wondered if Anderson could be the somebody you get to take your place. It's tempting because he's such an asshole that you'd enjoy taking him down a peg. Sadly he looks very masculine, and despite seeming like a similar age to you, his face looked rough. You couldn't imagine getting him into a state for Keaton's gang to... enjoy. Plus you'd have to work closely with him, which you'd rather not do. Maybe if he had someone in mind who actually wants to do it, there could be a win-win situation for at least you and that person.<br/><br/>
<span class="anderson">Anderson: </span>"So how about it, the photos for a favor?"<br/><br/>
<div class="choice">[[Fine, deal.|AndersonAdvice2][$andersonDomDeal = 1]]</div><br/>
<div class="choice">[[No.|AndersonAdvice2][$andersonDomDeal = 0]]</div>
Something wrong. AndersonAdvice.
<<if $playerStartType is 'straight' and $andersonStraightDeal is 0>>
All the excitement drained from Anderson with instant effect.<br/><br/>
<span class="anderson">Anderson: </span>"Fine by me. Go on then... good luck with Keaton."<br/><br/>
You accepted that Anderson will be of no help to you, and left.<br/><br/>
[[Go back to Main Block.|Mess Room]]
<<elseif $playerStartType is 'straight' and $andersonStraightDeal is 1>>
<<if $playerInventory.has('Photos of $gf')>><<drop '$playerInventory' 'Photos of $gf'>><<else>><</if>>
<span class="anderson">Anderson: </span>"A deal it is!"<br/><br/>
You handed over the photos of $gf. This didn't feel good but you felt the compromise was necessary if you're going to get through this. Anderson was already eyeing them up.<br/><br/>
<span class="anderson">Anderson: </span>"Oh wow! WOW! This is... even better than I could of imagined!"<br/><br/>
It dawned on you, as your mind buzzed thinking about whether to make a deal or not, that you didn't even think of holding a few photos back. He had every photo of $gf you had and some of them were... <br/><br/>
<span class="anderson">Anderson: </span>"Bikini pics! Oh my god!"<br/><br/>
<img src="images/scenes/aa2.jpg" alt="hot girl in yellow bikini" class="storyImage">
Last year, you and $gf went on a holiday to a beach resort in Mexico. One of your photos was of her on a white sandy beach in a tiny bright yellow bikini. She had always looked so hot in that photo, but you felt gross thinking about it while it was in Anderson's hands.<br/><br/>
<span class="anderson">Anderson: </span>"Ok, we 100% have a deal! I'll get to you just before the event."<br/><br/>
<span class="p1">You: </span>"Ok but what is it you're getting me?"<br/><br/>
<span class="anderson">Anderson: </span>"I can't be sure yet. I'll check my stash... don't worry, it will definitely be something that can help."<br/><br/>
It's clear Anderson was only after the photos and hadn't thought through how he'd help you. You found yourself asking whether you can really count on him.<br/><br/>
<div class="choice">[[Trust Anderson.|AndersonAdvice3][$andersonStraightTrusted = 1]]</div><br/>
<div class="choice">[[Don't trust Anderson.|AndersonAdvice3][$andersonStraightTrusted = 0]]</div>
<<elseif $playerStartType is 'sissybf' and $andersonSissyDeal is 0>>
All the excitement drained from Anderson with instant effect.<br/><br/>
<span class="anderson">Anderson: </span>"Fine by me. Go on then... good luck with Keaton."<br/><br/>
You accepted that Anderson will be of no help to you, and left.<br/><br/>
[[Go back to Main Block.|Mess Room]]
<<elseif $playerStartType is 'sissy' and $andersonSissyDeal is 0>>
All the excitement drained from Anderson with instant effect.<br/><br/>
<span class="anderson">Anderson: </span>"Fine by me. Go on then... good luck with Keaton."<br/><br/>
You accepted that Anderson will be of no help to you, and left.<br/><br/>
[[Go back to Main Block.|Mess Room]]
<<elseif $playerStartType is 'sissy' and $andersonSissyDeal is 1>>
<<if $playerInventory.has('Photos of $gf')>><<drop '$playerInventory' 'Photos of $gf'>><<else>><</if>>
You handed over the photos of $gf. You weren't sure how you felt about this, but you thought the compromise was necessary if you're going to prove yourself to Keaton. Anderson was already eyeing them up.<br/><br/>
<<if $playerInventory.has('Grooming kit')>>
<<else>><<pickup '$playerInventory' 'Grooming kit'>><</if>>
<span class="anderson">Anderson: </span>"Oh wow! WOW! This is... even better than I could have imagined!"<br/><br/>
It suddenly dawned on you, as your mind buzzed thinking about whether to make a deal or not, that you didn't even think of holding a few photos back. He had every photo of $gf you had and some of them were...<br/><br/>
<span class="anderson">Anderson: </span>"Bikini pics! Oh my god!"<br/><br/>
<img src="images/scenes/aa2.jpg" alt="hot girl in yellow bikini" class="storyImage">
Last year, you and $gf went on a holiday to a beach resort in Mexico. One of your photos was of her on a white sandy beach in a tiny bright yellow bikini. You loved the look of the thin straps of the tanga briefs as they dug into her hips. So feminine... honestly she looked so good you were jealous. Sometimes that holiday felt like you were only there to take photos of her, to be the subservient 'instagram boyfriend' people joke about. Still, you had fond memories of that time. Unfortunately those memories were in Anderson's hands now. He was practically drooling over them.<br/><br/>
<span class="anderson">Anderson: </span>"Wow, we 100% have a deal! She really has a nice pair on her, doesn't she?"<br/><br/>
As disgusting as his comments were, you were used to it. $gf did look beautiful, and you had always had to endure comments from men who had no respect for boundaries. For other guys, these men probably wouldn't share their thoughts out loud, but around you for some reason they didn't. It was like they knew they could get away with being disrespectful to you. Anderson was shaking his head in disbelief.<br/><br/>
<span class="anderson">Anderson: </span>"How did YOU get a girl like this? This just... just doesn't make sense."<br/><br/>
You felt yourself blush from such rudeness. It was such an accusation. Like you weren't worthy. And if you were being honest with yourself, maybe you weren't. You're not just doing what Keaton told you to, you're using this place as an excuse to enjoy it. Anderson interrupted your thoughts.<br/><br/>
<span class="anderson">Anderson: </span>"Come on... you wanted my help didn't you? Tell me how. How did you get this babe to be your girlfriend!"<br/><br/>
<span class="p1">You: </span>"Well we share a lot of interests... we like the same food especially italian, we both love pugs! I'm not like the types she dated before me and I think she loved that about me. She was really in a bad place when we met but I was able to..."<br/><br/>
<span class="anderson">Anderson: </span>"Oh my god! Just stop talking. Honestly it makes no sense to me."<br/><br/>
You were getting sick of his offensive comments but you didn't want to say anything and risk him not helping you.<br/><br/>
<span class="p1">You: </span>"Fine. So how will you help me?"<br/><br/>
<span class="anderson">Anderson: </span>"Help you out of it? Oh yes! Well I've got something that can help things go very smoothly! Literally."<br/><br/>
He told you to wait, before coming back with a small package.<br/><br/>
<span class="anderson">Anderson: </span>"Here... it's a grooming kit."<br/><br/>
<span class="p1">You: </span>"Oh wow... thank you."<br/><br/>
You were surprised, for a while there you didn't think Anderson would actually be helpful.<br/><br/>
<span class="anderson">Anderson: </span>"No problem. You're doing this because you want to be a woman right? Well women don't have hairy legs."<br/><br/>
<span class="p1">You: </span>"A woman? No I'm just..."<br/><br/>
<span class="anderson">Anderson: </span>"No need to thank me. Hey, there's a private shower you know, you can use it there without anyone noticing. Don't try it in the communal ones."<br/><br/>
<span class="p1">You: </span>"...Thanks."<br/><br/>
<span class="anderson">Anderson: </span>"No problem. $name, I'm sorry I judged you earlier. But you know... you seem like you had an amazing woman... I'll be honest I don't think you're worthy of her, especially after seeing how you act in here."<br/><br/>
It was irritating that he felt he could be so blunt towards you. You were about to chat back but he waved you out before you could find your words.<br/><br/>
<span class="anderson">Anderson: </span>"Right, that's enough. Get out of here, you're interrupting my shows."<br/><br/>
You held the grooming kit meekly and walked away. Looking back just as you exited the room, you could see Keaton shuffling through the photos.<br/><br/>
[[Go back to Main Block.|Mess Room]]
<<elseif $playerStartType is 'sissybf' and $andersonSissyDeal is 1>>
<<if $playerInventory.has('Photos of $gf')>><<drop '$playerInventory' 'Photos of $gf'>><<else>><</if>>
You handed over the photos of $gf. You weren't sure how you felt about this, but you thought the compromise was necessary if you're going to prove yourself to Keaton. Anderson was already eyeing them up.<br/><br/>
<<if $playerInventory.has('Grooming kit')>>
<<else>><<pickup '$playerInventory' 'Grooming kit'>><</if>>
<span class="anderson">Anderson: </span>"Oh wow! WOW! This is... even better than I could have imagined!"<br/><br/>
It suddenly dawned on you, as your mind buzzed thinking about whether to make a deal or not, that you didn't even think of holding a few photos back. He had every photo of $gf you had and some of them were...<br/><br/>
<span class="anderson">Anderson: </span>"Bikini pics! Oh my god!"<br/><br/>
<img src="images/scenes/aa2.jpg" alt="hot girl in yellow bikini" class="storyImage">
Last year, you and $gf went on a holiday to a beach resort in Mexico. One of your photos was of her on a white sandy beach in a tiny bright yellow bikini. You loved the look of the thin straps of the tanga briefs as they dug into her hips. So feminine... honestly she looked so good you were jealous. Sometimes that holiday felt like you were only there to take photos of her, to be the subservient 'instagram boyfriend' people joke about. Still you had fond memories of it. Those memories were in Anderson's hands now. He was almost drooling.<br/><br/>
<span class="anderson">Anderson: </span>"Wow, we 100% have a deal! She really has a nice pair on her doesn't she!"<br/><br/>
As annoying as these comments were, you were used to it. $gf did look beautiful, and you had always had to endure comments from men who had no respect for boundaries. For some men, they wouldn't share these thoughts, but instead keep them to themselves, but around you for some reason they didn't. It was like they thought that could get away with being disrespectful to you. Anderson was shaking his head in disbelief.<br/><br/>
<span class="anderson">Anderson: </span>"How did YOU get a girl like this? This just... just doesn't make sense."<br/><br/>
You felt yourself blush from such rudeness. It was such an accusation. Like you weren't worthy. And if you were being honest with yourself, maybe you weren't. You're not just doing what Keaton told you to, you're using this place as an excuse to enjoy it. Anderson interrupted your thoughts.<br/><br/>
<span class="anderson">Anderson: </span>"Come on... you wanted my help didn't you? Tell me how. How did you get this babe to be your girlfriend!"<br/><br/>
<span class="p1">You: </span>"Well we share a lot of interests... we like the same food especially italian, we both love pugs! I'm not like the types she dated before me and I think she loves that about me. She was really in a bad place when we met but I was able to..."<br/><br/>
<span class="anderson">Anderson: </span>"Oh my god. Just stop talking. Honestly it makes no sense to me."<br/><br/>
You were getting sick of his offensive comments but you didn't want to say anything and risk him not helping you.<br/><br/>
<span class="p1">You: </span>"Fine. So how will you help me?"<br/><br/>
<span class="anderson">Anderson: </span>"Help you out of it? Oh yes! Well I've got something that can help things go very smoothly! Literally."<br/><br/>
He told you to wait, before coming back with a small package.<br/><br/>
<span class="anderson">Anderson: </span>"Here... it's a grooming kit."<br/><br/>
<span class="p1">You: </span>"Oh wow... thank you."<br/><br/>
You were surprised, for a while there you didn't think Anderson would actually be helpful.<br/><br/>
<span class="anderson">Anderson: </span>"No problem. You're doing this because you want to be a woman right? Well women don't have hairy legs."<br/><br/>
<span class="p1">You: </span>"A woman? No I'm just..."<br/><br/>
<span class="anderson">Anderson: </span>"No need to thank me. Hey, there's a private shower you know, you can use it there without anyone noticing. Don't try it in the communal ones."<br/><br/>
<span class="p1">You: </span>"...Thanks."<br/><br/>
<span class="anderson">Anderson: </span>"No problem. $name I'm sorry I judged you earlier. But you know... you seem like you had an amazing woman... I'll be honest I don't think you're worthy of her, especially after seeing how you act in here."<br/><br/>
You felt annoyed that he would be so forward, but he waved you out before you could find your words.<br/><br/>
<span class="anderson">Anderson: </span>"Right, that's enough. Get out of here, you're interrupting my shows."<br/><br/>
You held the grooming kit meekly and walked away. Looking back just as you exited the room, you could see Keaton shuffling through the photos.<br/><br/>
[[Go back to Main Block.|Mess Room]]
<<elseif $playerStartType is 'closeted' and $andersonClosetedDeal is 0>>
All the excitement drained from Anderson with instant effect.<br/><br/>
<span class="anderson">Anderson: </span>"Pfft... fine by me! Go on then... good luck with Keaton."<br/><br/>
You accepted that Anderson would be of no help to you, and left.<br/><br/>
[[Go back to Main Block.|Mess Room]]
<<elseif $playerStartType is 'closeted' and $andersonClosetedDeal is 1>>
<<if $playerInventory.has('Photos of $gf')>><<drop '$playerInventory' 'Photos of $gf'>><<else>><</if>>
<span class="anderson">Anderson: </span>"A deal it is!"<br/><br/>
You handed over the photos of $gf. This didn't feel good but you felt the compromise was necessary if you're going to get through this. Anderson was already eyeing them up.<br/><br/>
<span class="anderson">Anderson: </span>"Oh wow! WOW! This is... even better than I could have imagined!"<br/><br/>
As your mind buzzed thinking about whether to make a deal or not earlier, you realized you didn't even think of holding a few photos back. He had every photo of $gf you had and some of them were...<br/><br/>
<span class="anderson">Anderson: </span>"Bikini pics! Oh my god!"<br/><br/>
<img src="images/scenes/aa2.jpg" alt="hot girl in yellow bikini" class="storyImage">
Last year, you and $gf went on a holiday to a beach resort in Mexico. One of your photos was of her on a white sandy beach in a tiny bright yellow bikini. You felt gross thinking these photos were now in Anderson's hands. He was practically drooling at the mere sight of them.<br/><br/>
<span class="anderson">Anderson: </span>"Wow, we 100% have a deal! She really has a nice pair on her doesn't she!"<br/><br/>
As annoying as these comments were, you were used to it. $gf did look beautiful, and you had always had to endure comments from men who had no respect for boundaries. You found in these situations the best thing was just to nod as politely as you could, which was difficult in this situation.<br/><br/>
<span class="anderson">Anderson: </span>"How did YOU get a girl like this?"<br/><br/>
You felt yourself blush from such a rude question. It was such a thinly veiled accusation that you weren't worthy of her. You were hoping he'd let the comment pass but he didn't.<br/><br/>
<span class="anderson">Anderson: </span>"Come on... you wanted my help didn't you. How?"<br/><br/>
<span class="p1">You: </span>"Well we share a lot of interests... we like the same food, especially italian, and we both love dogs, she's always wanted a pug! I guess... I'm not like the types she dated before, and I think she loves that about me. She was really in a bad place when we met but I was able to..."<br/><br/>
<span class="anderson">Anderson: </span>"Oh. My. God! Just stop talking. Honestly, this still makes no sense to me."<br/><br/>
You were getting sick of his offensive comments, but you didn't want to say anything and risk him not helping you.<br/><br/>
<span class="p1">You: </span>"Fine. So, can you help me out of this situation or not?"<br/><br/>
<span class="anderson">Anderson: </span>"Help you out of it? Oh no, not at all! You made the deal with Keaton."<br/><br/>
You sighed... this was pointless.<br/><br/>
<span class="anderson">Anderson: </span>"You seem to have picked up it would be a bad move to go against Keaton. The best thing you can do is make sure things go smoothly. Literally."<br/><br/>
He told you to wait, before coming back with a small package.<br/><br/>
<span class="anderson">Anderson: </span>"Here... it's a grooming kit."<br/><br/>
<span class="p1">You: </span>"What! How is this helpful at all?"<br/><br/>
<span class="anderson">Anderson: </span>"Because otherwise you'll piss Keaton off, and he'll make things worse. You know going along with Keaton's event is the best thing for you. You should do what it takes to make it go without any trouble. Get it over with and you can get out of there."<br/><br/>
Anderson was a pain in the ass, but to be honest what he just said could be true. Still, you couldn't believe you had given the photos just for this!<br/><br/>
<span class="anderson">Anderson: </span>"No need to thank me. Were you were aware there are private showers? You can shave there without anyone noticing. Don't even bother trying it in the communal ones, the men won't be happy."<br/><br/>
<span class="p1">You: </span>"...Thanks."<br/><br/>
<span class="anderson">Anderson: </span>"No problem! Now get out of here, you're interrupting my shows."<br/><br/>
You held the grooming kit meekly and walked away. Looking back just as you exited the room you could see him shuffling again through the photos.<br/><br/>
<<if $playerInventory.has('Grooming kit')>>
<<else>><<pickup '$playerInventory' 'Grooming kit'>><</if>>
[[Back to Main Block|Mess Room]]
<<elseif $playerStartType is 'dom' and $andersonDomDeal is 0>>
All the excitement drained from Anderson with instant effect.<br/><br/>
<span class="anderson">Anderson: </span>"Fine by me. Go on then... good luck with Keaton."<br/><br/>
You accept that Anderson will be of no help to you, and leave.<br/><br/>
[[Back to Main Block|Mess Room]]
<<elseif $playerStartType is 'dom' and $andersonDomDeal is 1>>
<<if $playerInventory.has('Photos of $gf')>><<drop '$playerInventory' 'Photos of $gf'>><<else>><</if>>
<span class="anderson">Anderson: </span>"A deal it is!"<br/><br/>
You handed over the photos of $gf. This didn't feel good but you felt the compromise was necessary if you're going to get through this. Anderson was already eyeing them up.<br/><br/>
<span class="anderson">Anderson: </span>"Oh wow! WOW! This is... even better than I could of imagined!"<br/><br/>
As your mind buzzed thinking about whether to make a deal or not, you realized you didn't even think of holding a few photos back. He held every photo of $gf you had and some of them were... <br/><br/>
<span class="anderson">Anderson: </span>"Bikini pics! Oh my god!"<br/><br/>
<img src="images/scenes/aa2.jpg" alt="hot girl in yellow bikini" class="storyImage">
Last year, you and $gf went on a holiday to a beach resort in Mexico. One of your photos was of her on a white sandy beach in a tiny bright yellow bikini. There's another photo with you in it, right behind her. Moments earlier you had squeezed her perfect ass, giving you the hardest erection you've ever had out in public. You had to cheekily press up against the back of her just to make sure it wasn't caught on camera. She was in the middle of laughing in the photo. You felt gross thinking about how these photos were now in Anderson's hands.<br/><br/>
<span class="anderson">Anderson: </span>"Ok, we 100% have a deal! I'll get to you just before the event."<br/><br/>
<span class="p1">You: </span>"Ok but what is it you're getting me?"<br/><br/>
<span class="anderson">Anderson: </span>"I can't be sure yet. I'll check with my friends... don't worry, there will definitely be someone that can do it instead of you."<br/><br/>
It's clear Anderson was only after the photos and hadn't thought through how he'd help you. You found yourself asking whether you could really count on him. Plus the way he was almost drooling over your photos rubbed you the wrong way... it's disrespectful.<br/><br/>
<div class="choice">[[Trust Anderson.|AndersonAdvice3][$andersonDomTrusted = 1; $subStat += 1]]</div><br/>
<div class="choice">[[Don't trust Anderson.|AndersonAdvice3][$andersonDomTrusted = 0; $domStat += 1]]</div>
Something wrong. AndersonAdvice2.
<<if $andersonStraightTrusted is 1 and $playerStartType is 'straight'>>
You decided to trust Anderson. You've already given him the photos so you may as well. He said he'll come to you just before the event so you'll just hope he appears for help.<br/><br/>
[[Go back to Mess Room.|Mess Room]]
<<if $playerInventory.has('Photos of $gf')>><<drop '$playerInventory' 'Photos of $gf'>><<else>><</if>>
<<elseif $andersonStraightTrusted is 0 and $playerStartType is 'straight'>>
<span class="p1">You: </span>"You don't actually have anything to help me do you?"<br/><br/>
<span class="anderson">Anderson: </span>"What! Yes I do... of course I do."<br/><br/>
<span class="p1">You: </span>"I've already made enough bad judgment calls in here. You're full of shit."<br/><br/>
<span class="anderson">Anderson: </span>"Fuck off buddy."<br/><br/>
<span class="p1">You: </span>"No, I'm not going anywhere unless you can tell me right now what you're going to give me to help."<br/><br/>
<span class="anderson">Anderson: </span>"I'll give you one of these!"<br/><br/>
Anderson grabbed the back of his chair in a quick motion and chucked it at you. He had only grabbed the chair with one hand so it wasn't hard to push away as it came at you, but it was still a surprise that almost caught you off guard. Anderson had made a run for it in the commotion. You tried to give chase but the chair clattered in front of you; it's legs almost tripping you up as you made to run after him. There was no chance to catch up, he had an easy lead in a facility he knew much better than you. You heard a faint yell from the corridor he ran down.<br/><br/>
<span class="anderson">Anderson: </span>"Have fun with Keaton's gang, bitch!"<br/><br/>
He had got away with the photos. Safe to say you couldn't count on Anderson. While you lost the photos, at least you didn't make the mistake of counting on him.<br/><br/>
[[Go back to Main Block.|Mess Room]]
<<elseif $andersonDomTrusted is 0 and $playerStartType is 'dom'>>
<<if $playerInventory.has('Photos of $gf')>>
<<else>><<pickup '$playerInventory' 'Photos of $gf'>><</if>>
You didn't trust this guy one bit. It came as a shock to Anderson as you suddenly grabbed the wrist of his hand that was holding the photos, and squeezed tightly. The photos fell out of his hands, scattering to the floor.<br/><br/>
<span class="anderson">Anderson: </span>"OW! FUCK!"<br/><br/>
<span class="p1">You: </span>"This deal isn't happening. It's obvious you don't know anyone to do it! You think I'm fucking stupid? You think you can make a fool of me? Do you?"<br/><br/>
<span class="anderson">Anderson: </span>"OW! AH! STOP! No... I don't! I don't! I swear!"<br/><br/>
You pushed his arm hard back into his chest, sending him back a few steps. He looked pissed off, but after staring you in the eye and seeing how angry you look he backed down.<br/><br/>
<span class="anderson">Anderson: </span>"You stupid asshole! I could of helped you but I'm glad I fuckin' didn't."<br/><br/>
<span class="p1">You: </span>"I've already made enough bad judgment calls in here. You're full of shit!"<br/><br/>
<span class="anderson">Anderson: </span>"Whatever... Keaton's gang are going to mess you up."<br/><br/>
He left to go back to his room. It didn't seem like anyone was around to see what happened between the two of you, which is a shame because it would of been a signal to the people in here you're not going to let them fuck with you. Obviously you couldn't get any help from Anderson now, but you didn't think he would of helped even if you did trust him. You picked up the photos and left.<br/><br/>
[[Go back to Main Block.|Mess Room]]
<<elseif $andersonDomTrusted is 1 and $playerStartType is 'dom'>>
You decided to trust Anderson. You've already given him the photos so you may as well. He said he'll bring someone to you at the Rec room, just before the event starts. You'll just have to hope he lives up to his word. Still, it might be worth searching for someone else just in case.<br/><br/>
[[Go back to Main Block.|Mess Room]]
<<if $playerInventory.has('Photos of $gf')>><<drop '$playerInventory' 'Photos of $gf'>><<else>><</if>>
Something wrong. AndersonAdvice3.
<<set $khanAdvised to 1>>
<<if $playerStartType is 'straight'>>
<<set $khanAdvisedStraight to 1>>
You began telling Khan about your predicament but he cut you off.<br/><br/>
<span class="khan">Khan: </span>"Please, $name, there's no need to say more. I'm quite aware of Keaton's activities... though I must say, they seem to be escalating a bit. So, you come to me thinking I can help you get out of this arrangment, yes?"<br/><br/>
<span class="p1">You: </span>"If there is something you can do, yes! Listen, I had no idea what I was signing up for but this is way too far! It's some kind of scam!"<br/><br/>
<span class="khan">Khan: </span>"We're in Grenton $name... we're all criminals here, and with very little supervision I might add. Were you really that naive?"<br/><br/>
<span class="p1">You: </span>"Well it seems I was, but this is completely unfair! There is no way in hell I'll be taken advantage of like this. What kind of man would actually go through with this?"<br/><br/>
Khan gestured his eyes away comically, like he knew the answer to that question. There was nothing funny about this to you though. You slammed your fist on the desk out of frustration before holding yourself back.<br/><br/>
<span class="p1">You: </span>"Sorry... it's just... can you help me or not?"<br/><br/>
Khan placed his hand to his mouth as he deeply comprehending something, then after a while he let out an exhaled huff of exasperation.<br/><br/>
<span class="khan">Khan: </span>"OK... OK... hmm. I have a few connections to members of Keaton's gang. For $30 I think I can get them to lay off you, that is... if any fight were to go down, which it sounds like it will. That still means there will be some members you'll need to fight though, understood? You'll need to be tough to get through this, because Keaton only does what he's doing to you because he thinks you'll go through with it."<br/><br/>
<span class="p1">You: </span>"I don't understand why he thinks I would."<br/><br/>
Khan just shrugged.<br/><br/>
<span class="khan">Khan: </span>"Guess you'll have to prove them wrong."<br/><br/>
You shaked your head in frustration, still finding it unbelievable to be in this situation.<br/><br/>
<span class="khan">Khan: </span>"Hey, the simple fact that you're looking for a way to stop this happening suggests he may have misjudged you. $30. Bring it to the shopkeeper and say it's for Khan. I'll handle the rest."<br/><br/>
It was expensive, but you were thankful to Khan that he had given you the option. You'd need to weigh up if it would be worth taking up.<br/><br/>
[[Back to Main Block|Mess Room]]
<<elseif $playerStartType is 'sissy' or $playerStartType is 'sissybf'>>
<<set $khanAdvisedSissy to 1>>
You began telling Khan about your predicament but he cut you off.<br/><br/>
<span class="khan">Khan: </span>"Please, $name, there's no need to say more. I'm quite aware of Keaton's activities... though I must say they seem to be escalating a bit. So, you come to me thinking I can help you get out of this arrangement, yes?"<br/><br/>
<span class="p1">You: </span>"Um no... actually I'm... going to do it."<br/><br/>
<span class="khan">Khan: </span>"Well... well now. That is peculiar."<br/><br/>
You felt shame burn within you.<br/><br/>
<span class="p1">You: </span>"Um sorry I shouldn't of brought this up..."<br/><br/>
<span class="khan">Khan: </span>"No! Please... I didn't mean that as a bad thing. In fact, I think someone who knows themselves and what they want is a beautiful thing... even if it's a little out there. You're a rare breed $name. Somehow Keaton saw something in you that I think you want to awaken... it seems Grenton may be a great place for you."<br/><br/>
You smiled shyly. This decision was still new to you, but you felt you were on the path you belong.<br/><br/>
<span class="p1">You: </span>"Thank you Khan... I'm still only just exploring this but... I'd like to be pretty feminine for the event Keaton is throwing."<br/><br/>
<span class="khan">Khan: </span>"Of course you do. I hope I don't offend but right now you appear very much as a man. There might not be enough time before Keaton's event to unlock your full potential but it wouldn't hurt to make the first steps as soon as you can."<br/><br/>
<span class="p1">You: </span>"Yes, is there anyway way you can help me?"<br/><br/>
<span class="khan">Khan: </span>"To be honest $name, this isn't an area of expertise for me. However, as a businessman I am always looking for a way to provide the market with what it needs. Would I be incorrect to think that wearing a sexy bra and panties to this event would send Keaton and his men the message you want?"<br/><br/>
It wouldn't just send the message, you thought. It would feel incredible! Suddenly your hope to get your hands on some feminine clothes seemed like it could be fulfilled!<br/><br/>
<span class="khan">Khan: </span>"Ah, I think that expression of yours suggests I'm correct. In that case, I'm sure we can get that supplied for you. When you have $30, go to the shopkeeper. Tell him you're there for the slutty stuff... he'll sort you from there."<br/><br/>
<span class="p1">You: </span>"Ok. Thank you Khan!"<br/><br/>
<span class="khan">Khan: </span>"Don't mention it. Now if you're finished, I'd like to get back to my book please."<br/><br/>
Your mind buzzed with possibilities of what the underwear would look like. All you needed to do was get that money to the shopkeeper. You felt a mixture of feelings, mostly shame that you had to go to the men of this place to help you be what you want to be, but also excitement for what would hopefully come. It's OK to have these complicated emotions about your choices in life, lot's of sissies feel like this.<br/><br/>
Khan began to reopen his book before raising his hand into a polite gesture for you to leave.<br/><br/>
[[Back to Main Block|Mess Room]]
<<elseif $playerStartType is 'closeted'>>
<<set $khanAdvisedCloseted to 1>>
You began telling Khan about your predicament but he cut you off.<br/><br/>
<span class="khan">Khan: </span>"Please, $name, there's no need to say more. I'm quite aware of Keaton's activities... though I must say they seem to be escalating a bit. So, you come to me thinking I can help you get out of this arrangement, yes?"<br/><br/>
<span class="p1">You: </span>"Can you? It doesn't seem like there is a way out! I'm ashamed to say this but... I feel like I'm going to have to do it."<br/><br/>
<span class="khan">Khan: </span>"I see. Well to be brutally honest, your feeling is correct. Doing anything other than what Keaton has requested would put yourself in a bad spot. You're a rare breed $name, Keaton sees something in you that I'm not sure you see yourself... you may not realize yet, but what he has planned might actually be good for you."<br/><br/>
<span class="p1">You: </span>"What are you talking about! I'm a man... I have a girlfriend! How can anyone think I'd enjoy something like that!"<br/><br/>
<span class="khan">Khan: </span>"Of course. Apologies, I didn't mean to offend! All I'm trying to say is, you should think hard about how you're going to develop in here. Look at me right now for instance! I finally have a chance to take time off from my businesses and read. I'm learning each day and growing as a person. Of course I would rather not be here, but being put in this place has given me time to reevaluate who I am. It's made me work to be better... and happier."<br/><br/>
<span class="p1">You: </span>"I can't believe this... sorry Khan, I'm leaving!"<br/><br/>
<span class="khan">Khan: </span>"Wait $name, let me be clear! You don't have a chance of getting out of this deal with Keaton. Whether you trust me or not, you know deep down that's true! Your best option is to mitigate you losses."<br/><br/>
<span class="p1">You: </span>"Mitigate... what do you mean?"<br/><br/>
<span class="khan">Khan: </span>"You can meet Keaton's demands, with as little damage to your pride as possible. You've already accepted you have to do this correct? But what if you do a bad job? Then you have a chance of Keaton not even wanting you to do his event."<br/><br/>
That actually made sense, you thought to yourself. At first you felt that Khan was just ridiculing you, but this seemed like a decent idea. It seemed there was a small light of hope for you now. Khan noticed you seemed receptive to the idea.<br/><br/>
<span class="khan">Khan: </span>"If that sounds like a good idea to you $name, head to the commissary, but only when you have $30. I'll arrange with the shopkeeper to get something suitable for you. Ask him for a care package from me, he'll sort you out from there."<br/><br/>
<span class="p1">You: </span>"OK... thank you Khan... thank you so much."<br/><br/>
<span class="khan">Khan: </span>"Don't mention it. Now if you're finished, I'd like to get back to my book."<br/><br/>
Your mind buzzed with possibilities. You needed to get that money to the shopkeeper. If you could play this right, maybe the whole situation would be over soon. Khan began to reopen his book before raising his hand into a polite gesture for you to leave.<br/><br/>
[[Back to Main Block|Mess Room]]
<<elseif $playerStartType is 'dom'>>
<<set $khanAdvisedDom to 1>>
You began telling Khan about your predicament but he cut you off.<br/><br/>
<span class="khan">Khan: </span>"Please, $name, there's no need to say more. I'm quite aware of Keaton's activities... though I must say they seem to be escalating a bit. So, you come to me thinking I can help you get out of this arrangement, yes?"<br/><br/>
<span class="p1">You: </span>"No, I think I can get out of this situation mostly by myself Khan, I just need information. I'm never going to do what Keaton says. I'm not going to let anyone bully me into subservience. I think all I need is to find someone to take my place."<br/><br/>
<span class="khan">Khan: </span>"Hm... I see. I have to say, you're showing some real balls even suggesting that. But don't forget we're in Grenton $name... we're all criminals here, and with very little supervision I might add. It's a perilous game you're playing here."<br/><br/>
<span class="p1">You: </span>"I'm not playing. I'm taking charge of this situation. Don't make the same mistake Keaton has made thinking I'm weak, the only reason I need help is that I don't know this place well yet. Now... can you let me know of anyone I can use for this?"<br/><br/>
Khan leaned back in his chair, looking at you with a slight admiration.<br/><br/>
<span class="khan">Khan: </span>"I see a little something of myself in you. You have that go-get it attitude that is all too rare these days. Mind you, I applied that spirit to running a business empire, not by trying to... well, that's besides the issue. I'm beginning to believe your idea might just work. However I'm sorry to say I don't know anyone to take your place."<br/><br/>
He pressed his fingers to his lips as he entered a momentary state of deep thought.<br/><br/>
<span class="khan">Khan: </span>"Hmm... I'm sorry but while I don't know of anyone to help here, I think there is still something I can offer. When you have someone in mind for taking your place, go to the commissary and make sure you have $30 with you. Tell the shopkeeper you wish to buy a gift for the person you have in mind, and say I sent you. I'm sure they can provide something that may help."<br/><br/>
<span class="p1">You: </span>"What on Earth is going on in this place!"<br/><br/>
<span class="khan">Khan: </span>"I know... Grenton is a crazy place. But you have do what you have to do here."<br/><br/>
You sighed in disbelief.<br/><br/>
<span class="p1">You: </span>"Well... I guess I do need to take every advantage I can get."<br/><br/>
<span class="khan">Khan: </span>"Exactly! There is that spirit again. Good luck out there $name, I think you may just pull this off!"<br/><br/>
[[Back to Main Block|Mess Room]]
Something wrong. KhanAdvice.
<<if $playerStartType is 'straight'>>
<<set $khanState6Gift to 1>>
The shopkeeper takes the money from you.<br/><br/>
<span class="male">Shopkeeper:</span> "For Khan... understood. Making the right friends in here already, huh?"<br/><br/>
The shopkeeper's word made you feel like you've made a good choice. You remembered Khan's words, that his help alone wouldn't be enough. You'll need to make sure you're tough enough to put up a fight too.<br/><br/>
[[Go back to Main Block.|Mess Room]]
<<elseif $playerStartType is 'sissy' or $playerStartType is 'sissybf'>>
<<set $khanState6Gift to 1>>
<<if $playerBras.has('Red satin bra')>>
<<else>><<pickup '$playerBras' 'Red satin bra'>><</if>>
<<if $playerUnderwears.has('Red satin panties')>>
<<else>><<pickup '$playerUnderwears' 'Red satin panties'>><</if>>
The shopkeeper took the money from you.<br/><br/>
<span class="male">Shopkeeper:</span> "Understood. Please, come with me."<br/><br/>
You followed him into a small shadowy area behind the counter where you would be out of sight of anyone else in the room.<br/><br/>
<span class="male">Shopkeeper:</span> "As Khan requested on your behalf... here, these are for you."<br/><br/>
<img src="images/items/redSatinSet.jpg" alt="sexy red satin bra and red satin with mesh backed panties" class="storyImage">
You received a a red bra and matching panties. They were beautiful! The material was satin at the front, but modern, and there was a mesh see-through material to the back of the panties that would make your bum quite visible! It was slutty but classy, like something to be worn on Valentine's Day.<br/><br/>
You couldn't hide your satisfaction, but you tried to not look too excited. The thought of people knowing how keen a sissy you were was still a little uncomfortable.<br/><br/>
<span class="p1">You: </span>"Oh... thank you!"<br/><br/>
The shopkeeper's expression remained unchanged but he acknowledged your thanks with a nod.<br/><br/>
<span class="male">Shopkeeper:</span> "I'm glad they seem to be to your liking. I imagine we'll be requested to get you more items soon too. We thank you for shopping here today but please be aware to not make 'special' requests directly to us here at the commissary. We only provide such services to men of influence in here, however if they make a request on your behalf we will do our best to oblige."<br/><br/>
You were a little disappointed that you couldn't get more items by yourself, but it was promising at least that you could get new things if others helped you!<br/><br/>
<span class="male">Shopkeeper:</span> "Now if you'll excuse me, I'm quite busy, and I'm sure you have things to attend to also."<br/><br/>
<span class="p1">You: </span>"Yes, of course. Goodbye, and thank you for this!"<br/><br/>
You were so happy to have something sexy to wear, and walked out the store with a smile on your face.<br/><br/>
[[Go back to Main Block.|Mess Room]]
<<elseif $playerStartType is 'closeted'>>
<<set $khanState6Gift to 1>>
The shopkeeper took the money from you.<br/><br/>
<span class="male">Shopkeeper:</span> "For Khan? Understood. Come along with me."<br/><br/>
You followed him into a small shadowy area behind the counter where you would be out of sight of anyone else in the shop.<br/><br/>
<span class="male">Shopkeeper:</span> "As Khan requested on your behalf... here, these are for you."<br/><br/>
It was a pair of bra and panties but the quality was awful. It didn't seem at all suited to anyone your age and there was a horrible musty smell to them. Thankfully they looked unused, but despite that somehow there was a stain from some food on them. The shopkeeper handed them over with no expression at all.<br/><br/>
<span class="p1">You: </span>"Oh... um."<br/><br/>
<img src="images/items/uglyUnderwearSet.jpg" alt="ugly bra and panties" class="storyImage">
<span class="male">Shopkeeper:</span> "What is it? Is there a problem with the items?"<br/><br/>
As Khan had recommended, if you did a really bad job for Keaton you might get relieved from actually doing it. In other words, you could be so unsexy they wouldn't even want you to do their event! But doing such a bad job also risks you getting in big trouble with Keaton.<br/><br/>
As you saw the horrible underwear in front of you, you couldn't help thinking that despite Khan's good intentions to help you, this plan might be a mistake. The underwear looked so bad that you suspected Keaton would surely notice your intentionally poor effort. The shopkeeper noticed your expression.<br/><br/>
<span class="male">Shopkeeper:</span> "I do apologize if they are not to your liking! From the small details Khan gave me I thought having such poor quality clothing was what you wanted. In case you feel otherwise, we do have another set of underwear instead. I must warn you, it's what most would describe as... quite sexy."<br/><br/>
<div class="choice">[[Pick the ugly underwear.|SecretShop3][$uglyUnderwearPicked = 1; $courageStat += 1]]</div><br/>
<div class="choice">[[Pick the sexy underwear.|SecretShop3][$sexyUnderwearPicked = 1; $pervStat += 1; $subStat += 1]]</div>
<<elseif $playerStartType is 'dom'>>
<<set $khanState6Gift to 1>>
The shopkeeper took the money from you.<br/><br/>
<span class="male">Shopkeeper:</span> "Thank you sir. We have done our best to interpret Khan's request on your behalf... please follow me back here."<br/><br/>
You followed him into a small shadowy area behind the counter where you would be out of sight of anyone else in the room.<br/><br/>
<span class="male">Shopkeeper:</span> "Here, these are for you, well more specifically they're for you to gift to your... special someone."<br/><br/>
He handed you a neat box that had a nice scent to it. Opening it, you found the contents were a sexy matching set of lingerie in purple, along with a makeup set of complimenting colors!<br/><br/>
<img src="images/items/purpleCharSet.jpg" alt="purple lingerie and some makeup" class="storyImage">
<<if $playerInventory.has('Purple lingerie and makeup set')>>
<<else>><<pickup '$playerInventory' 'Purple lingerie and makeup set'>><</if>>
Remembering the clothing you saw under Charlie's bed, you felt like she'd love to get these clothes. Whether or not she'd like wearing them in the circumstances you had planned for her was a different matter, but not one you would worry about for now.<br/><br/>
<span class="male">Shopkeeper:</span> "It was easier than expected to find your special someone's measurements. You'll find all items to be in the correct sizes."<br/><br/>
<span class="p1">You: </span>"This is perfect, excellent work."<br/><br/>
<span class="male">Shopkeeper:</span> "I am glad to hear that Sir, as I'm sure Khan will be also. Perhaps if you get to a respectable position in here like Khan, we will take requests directly from you in the future."<br/><br/>
He ushered you back to the front of the shop. You felt great in this moment. Having Charlie lined up for Keaton's event instead of you made you feel better about your situation. After acquiring this lingerie, you felt even more confident things would go well for you at Keaton's event. You were never suited to Keaton's plans, but Charlie would be perfect for them!<br/><br/>
You held the box tightly. It was best to keep these items back from her until the big day, you thought.<br/><br/>
[[Go back to Main Block.|Mess Room]]
Something wrong. SecretShop2. [[Go back to Main Block.|Mess Room]]
<img src="images/locations/showers2.jpg" alt="private shower" class="storyImage"><br/>
You took the razor blade and carefully shaved your pubes to be smooth. It took a while but thankfully your body hair has never been too thick.<br/><br/>
You ran your fingers over the freshly smooth skin. You've done a good job, this should last 4 or 5 days! You've always felt better about yourself without body hair, it just feels right.<br/><br/>
<<set $smoothBody to 1>>
<<set $smoothDaysLeft to 4>>
[[Finish and go to Main Block|Mess Room]]
<<if $uglyUnderwearPicked is 1>>
<<if $playerBras.has('Ugly bra')>>
<<else>><<pickup '$playerBras' 'Ugly bra'>><</if>>
<<if $playerUnderwears.has('Ugly panties')>>
<<else>><<pickup '$playerUnderwears' 'Ugly panties'>><</if>>
<span class="male">Shopkeeper:</span> "Very well. Here, please take your items."<br/><br/>
<img src="images/items/uglyUnderwearSet.jpg" alt="ugly bra and panties" class="storyImage">
You took the gross underwear into your possession. It really wasn't sexy in any way, which meant it would send the exact message you wanted it to! It should be clear to them that if they're going to put pressure on you to do this, you'll purposefully do a bad job! Some might say it's a brave choice, others may say it's stupid, but you finally feel like you've had a little victory in here. A short lived one though, as the uncertainty of how Keaton will react can't help but worry you.<br/><br/>
You placed the item's under your clothes so you could take them back with hopefully nobody in here noticing. While your face burned with embarrassment, the shopkeeper's showed no emotion whatsoever. You quickly thanked him and went to leave.<br/><br/>
[[Go back to Main Block.|Mess Room]]
<<elseif $sexyUnderwearPicked is 1>>
<<if $playerBras.has('Red satin bra')>>
<<else>><<pickup '$playerBras' 'Red satin bra'>><</if>>
<<if $playerUnderwears.has('Red satin panties')>>
<<else>><<pickup '$playerUnderwears' 'Red satin panties'>><</if>>
<span class="male">Shopkeeper:</span> "Excellent. Here, please take your items."<br/><br/>
<img src="images/items/redSatinSet.jpg" alt="sexy red satin bra and red satin with mesh backed panties" class="storyImage">
You received a red bra and matching panties. The material was satin at the front, but modern, and the back of the panties had a mesh see-through material that would make the wearer's bum very visible! It seemed like something a girl would wear on Valentine's Day! You looked very uncomfortable as you thought about how you'd be wearing this at Keaton's event, but the shopkeeper didn't say anything.<br/><br/>
You had gone against the plan Khan had come up for you, not that he would care though. It's just now it would seem like you were trying to do a good job for Keaton, which of course wasn't your intention! It was the safer choice at least, you told yourself. This at least means you aren't risking making Keaton angry.<br/><br/>
You took the items from the shopkeeper. While your face burned with embarrassment, his showed no emotion whatsoever. You quickly thanked him and went to leave.<br/><br/>
[[Go back to Main Block.|Mess Room]]
Something wrong. SecretShop3
<<set $cafeSissyDominated to 1>>
You took a seat in the corner of the cafeteria and observed the newcomers. It was difficult not to look suspicious despite your best efforts. <br/><br/>
You remembered Dean telling you there may be people who actually want to do an event like Keaton's. You tried to see if anyone looked like they would, then realized how silly what you were doing was! You had no idea what you were looking for, and doing so by sight alone seemed like an impossible task. You figured your best shot was someone of small frame and not overly masculine looking.<br/><br/>
It really didn't look good out there. Large, buff guys who you wrote off immediately. A few out of shape guys, incredibly hairy with thick beards. There was a smaller guy but his face looked very unfriendly, and he displayed a confident laddish attitude that was already earning him friends.<br/><br/>
No, none of these would do. You had a sinking feeling this plan wasn't going to work. After a few hours watching, the cafeteria got quieter. You couldn't help but feel you had wasted your time. The only thing left to do here was pick your daily meal.<br/><br/>
It was then that some luck finally came your way! The cafeteria worker informed you that they had a surplus of food today, and as you were probably the last person here they piled your plate up with some extras. Your mood brightened as you saw two fresh bread rolls, an extra yogurt pot and even a piece of cake added on top of your usual rations! You thanked the worker with a huge grin, then turned to go back to your table, only to get even luckier.<br/><br/>
A small figure sat alone at one of the tables. Their hair was bleached blonde but dark at the roots. It was that bright shade of blonde hair you see sometimes where it's close to being white, and styled in a feminine but messy bob. With their back to you they looked like a girl. In your efforts to not be seen observing the area earlier, you seemed to have gone too far and missed this person entirely.<br/><br/>
<img src="images/scenes/ZcharlieHead.jpg" alt="picture of person with blonde bob haircut" class="storyImage">This seemed too good to be true, but opportunity had landed in your lap and you weren't going to pass it up.<br/><br/>
[[Sit down to eat with the person.|CafeDomEvent2]]
<</nobr>>You sat down on the opposite side of the table. The person's fringe was covering their face as they ate their meal alone.
<span class="p1">You:</span> "Hi, hope you don't mind me joining you."
They raised their eyes to meet yours only for you to see a youthful smiling face looking back at you. There was no overtly masculine features to their face, but no obviously feminine features either.
You smiled sincerely back to them. It wasn't only because you had stumbled across someone that met your criteria, but also because you could tell right away this was a pleasant person to be around.
<span class="charlie">???:</span> "Oh... hello, yes of course. I'm glad you asked actually. I'm too much of the shy type to introduce myself, but I was hoping someone else would!"
Their voice seemed to be male, but in your mind you kept thinking of them as they. They probably did identify as male, but with the mission you had set yourself you found it easier to think of them as them.
Things were starting to feel a bit real now. Just from their demeanor you could tell they were nice, not like the typical inhabitant here. You couldn't let that cloud your mind though. If you didn't bring someone to take your place in Keaton's event you'd be in big trouble. Not only that, something about this felt right... there was a deep urge within you to show the people in here that you were in control, and this may be the only chance you get.
You thought quickly about how to approach this and decided the simplest option was to just befriend them for now. You reached out for a handshake.
<span class="p1">You:</span> "It's $name. Nice to meet you."
<span class="charlie">???:</span>"And you! I'm Charlie."
They put out their hand to meet yours, which you firmly shook.
<span class="p1">You:</span> "Nice to meet someone new, although I haven't been long here myself."
<span class="charlie">Charlie: </span>"I was sent here this morning but you're the first person I've spoken to."
<span class="p1">You:</span> "Really? What about your roommate?"
<span class="charlie">Charlie:</span> "I don't have one! I think they prefer to put thieves in rooms by themselves here you know. Nothing starts a fight quicker than two thieves forced to live together making accusations of pickpocketing. It's a smart way to prevent trouble."
<span class="p1">You:</span> "I guess it is. Honestly, I keep forgetting this place is home to a bunch of criminals. Grenton Personal Growth Center is what they call it, but we're all stuck in here doing time. Is it really that different to prison?"
<span class="charlie">Charlie:</span> "I think it is! The idea of this place is to become a new version of yourself, right? So it's designed in a way to make your personal growth possible. I read all about Grenton online before coming here."
<span class="p1">You:</span> "That's...right. At least that's what people say."
<span class="charlie">Charlie:</span> "I feel lucky they sent me here. My life wasn't going so well... it was directionless... lonely."
Charlie's eyes looked distantly past you for a moment. They looked slightly sad. At that moment, instinct made you put one of your bread rolls on their plate.
<span class="p1">You:</span> "Here... I had a spare."
<span class="charlie">Charlie:</span> "Oh, thanks! Considering the limited portions in here that's very kind of you!"
You played things cool, shrugging off the compliment like it was nothing. You could see you had really cheered up Charlie, so you gave them some of your cake too.
<span class="charlie">Charlie:</span> "This is... so nice. But, how did you get this? I didn't see cake."
The goal was to get Charlie to take your place at Keaton's event. You decided to bluff to make them think you were a big deal in Grenton.
<span class="p1">You:</span> "Oh you know... not to brag but even though I've been here a short time, I've kind of made a name for myself around here. A good one, that is! Started making the right friends too. The cafeteria staff especially seem to like me... hence the cake."
You cheekily spooned some cake into your mouth.
<span class="charlie">Charlie:</span> "Wow! Well meeting you makes me feel like I've started making the right friends in here too!"
<span class="p1">You:</span> "Me?"
<span class="charlie">Charlie:</span> "Yes! If you'd like be friends with me too that is."
<span class="p1">You:</span> "Well... I'd love to get to know you better at least. And who knows, maybe we can help each other doing some personal growth."
<span class="charlie">Charlie:</span> "Exactly! Here... to us!"
Charlie raised a cup of juice to do a toast. You raised your cup and clinked it against theirs, not that it really worked with plastic cups. Still, it felt like the start of some kind of relationship.
It was the longest meal you had had in Grenton as you and Charlie got into deeper conversation. You shared your crime to which Charlie was completely non-judgmental about, while they told you about how they had stolen from the same clothing store 17 days in a row until finally being caught. Charlie wasn't poor, just got a kick out of stealing, but joked that at least with stealing clothes for a rush they got plenty of outfits out of it. Before you knew it, a guard was ushering you both to get a move on.
<span class="charlie">Charlie:</span> "Oh no..."
<span class="p1">You:</span> "It's OK. Let's spend some time together again soon, understood? Where's your room in here?"
<span class="charlie">Charlie:</span> "It's in Block G, second floor."
<span class="p1">You:</span> "Um... what's the best way to block G, I forget."
<span class="charlie">Charlie:</span> "It's in the building behind the clinic building. But the best way there is actually a shortcut, if you go to the officer's room there's an alleyway down the side that leads straight to block G... it'll save you a long walk!"
<span class="p1">You:</span> "Interesting. Seems like you've got to know the place already! Ok, I'll see you soon."
[[Go back to Main block|Mess Room]]
<<set $seenCharlieToday to 1>>
<<set $charlieRoomState to 1>><<nobr>>
<<if $charlieRoomState is 1>>
<<set $seenCharlieToday to 1>>
This part of Grenton seemed so much nicer than your block. It was so quiet, no wonder Charlie seemed so relaxed before at the cafeteria. If these were your digs you'd feel a lot better too!<br/><br/>
You took a deep breath to prepare yourself for another interaction with Charlie, a brief moment to remind yourself why you're here. If you were going to get Charlie to do Keaton's event then now was the time to make a serious move.<br/><br/>
You gave a hard knock on Charlie's door, but there was no response. That's strange you thought... this is definitely the right room, isn't it? You kocked harder this time while shouting through the door.<br/><br/>
<span class="p1">You:</span> "Open up! It's $name!"<br/><br/>
A muffled voice came through from the other side.<br/><br/>
<span class="charlie">Charlie:</span> "Oh $name! Uh... just a minute!"<br/><br/>
It seemed strange they were locked up in their room in the middle of the day like this. Maybe you would be too though if you had your own room. Perhaps Charlie was just getting changed. Still, even for that it felt like a long time until the door finally opened.<br/><br/>
<span class="charlie">Charlie:</span> "Sorry about that... phew... just needed to get properly dressed... kind of slept in late. Come in, probably best to take a seat on the bed."<br/><br/>
They were out of breath which was a bit odd, but it was probably just that slight panic people can have when a lazy day is interrupted suddenly by an unexpected visitor. You sat down where Charlie recommended.<br/><br/>
<span class="p1">You:</span> "That's OK. Must be nice having the place to yourself."<br/><br/>
<span class="charlie">Charlie:</span> "Oh it is, I actually have more privacy here than I did outside of Grenton!"<br/><br/>
You chatted with Charlie for a while, and it wasn't long until you learned more about them. For a start, it's clear they don't have a partner at all, not even anyone to come in and visit them. They're also kind of nerdy, with what seems like a deep love of books, games and movies, but you can tell from their clothes and criminal history has side to them that is non-conformist.<br/><br/>
A lot of times Charlie will end sentences looking for affirmation, saying things like 'if that sounds OK to you?' and 'I hope that doesn't make me sound weird'. Their personality is a complicated mix, that of a timid rulebreaker, or maybe a introverted rebel? It's clear they have a will strong enough to commit crime and passion for the things they enjoy, but at the same time, are shy and lack confidence, seeking reassurance from others.<br/><br/>
<span class="charlie">Charlie:</span> "Wow, sorry I've talked so much about myself! I didn't mean to be so self-centered! Hey, how about I make it up to you! Let's go to the commissary and get something to drink, it's on me!"<br/><br/>
Just as they said that, they pulled a leather wallet quickly out of a pocket, too fast to handle it seemed. They fumbled it in their hand and it flew outwards towards you, landing on the smooth floor at your feet before sliding between your legs and under the bed. Charlie looked horrified.<br/><br/>
<span class="p1">You:</span> "Don't worry, here I'll get it-"<br/><br/>
<span class="charlie">Charlie:</span> "W-wait!"<br/><br/>
You reached your hand between your legs to the floor under you, searching blindly for the wallet, but what you grabbed seemed strange. You pulled the item back out... it was a bra! Charlie's face suddenly burned intensely.<br/><br/>
<span class="p1">You:</span> "Um... ok."<br/><br/>
<span class="charlie">Charlie:</span> "It's my girlfriends! A keepsake! For me while I'm in here."<br/><br/>
<span class="p1">You:</span> "I thought you didn't have one?"<br/><br/>
<span class="charlie">Charlie:</span> "Well... it's... um."<br/><br/>
They were speaking in quick, short outbursts, with a tone of hysterical denial in their voice. You paid no mind to them for now and looked for the wallet again. This time you kneeled down to look under the bed and find it. Under it was a bundle of women's clothes in a pile! Not just any clothes... slutty ones! And was that a pair of fishnet stockings? You didn't know what to say right now... this was odd but also absolutely perfect considering your situation! You grabbed the wallet and stood back to face Charlie, who was frozen in place.<br/><br/>
<img src="images/scenes/zCharliePan.jpg" alt="sexy lingerie on Charlies floor" class="storyImage"><br/>
<span class="p1">You:</span> "Were you... wearing these when I knocked earlier?"<br/><br/>
Charlie slumped towards the bed near you. Thier eyes were wide with fear.<br/><br/>
<span class="charlie">Charlie:</span> "$name... I'm... not sure what to say right now..."<br/><br/>
Considering what you came here for you felt like you were in a check mate position right here. There was no doubt Charlie would be the person more suited to doing Keaton's event than you! You couldn't believe your luck. But how were you going to play your hand in this moment...<br/><br/>
<div class="choice">[[Be commanding and take a firm approach.|charlieDomEvent1][$domStat += 1; $charlieDomEvent1 = "firm"]]</div><br/>
<div class="choice">[[Be understanding and take a charming approach|charlieDomEvent1][$charmStat += 1; $charlieDomEvent1 = "understanding"]]</div>
<<elseif $charlieRoomState is 2>>
You walked to Charlie's door deep in thought. This next time you see her you need to convince her to do Keaton's task in place of you. You felt it was best not to knock on the door until you had a clear idea of how to approach this.<br/><br/>
<<if $charlieDomEvent1 is 'firm'>>
When you saw her last, things got pretty intense. You took a commanding approach which made Charlie reveal her sissy desires. Part of your success came from your looming masculine presence. Continuing to guide her as strong figure would probably be the best way to go, but you considered all your options.<br/><br/>
It was an important choice to make. This could be the foundation that defines your relationship with Charlie...<br/><br/>
<<if $strStat gte 0>>
<div class="choice">[[Dominant approach.|charlieDomEvent2][$domStat += 1; $charlieDomEvent2 = "strongApproach"]]</div><br/>
<div class="choice greyedOut">Not enough strength for Dominant approach.</div><br/>
<<if $charmStat gte 4>>
<div class="choice">[[Charming approach|charlieDomEvent2][$charmStat += 1; $charlieDomEvent2 = "charmingApproach"]]</div><br/>
<div class="choice greyedOut">Not enough charm for Charming approach.</div><br/>
<div class="choice">[[Come back later.|Mess Room]]</div><br/>
<<elseif $charlieDomEvent1 is 'understanding'>>
When you saw her last, you were able to get Charlie to open up about being a sissy by taking an understanding approach. Part of your success came from the way you spoke, the non-judgmental way in which you talked to her. Continuing to guide her using your charm was what came most naturally to you, and would probably be the best way to go, but you considered all your options.<br/><br/>
It was an important choice to make. This could be the foundation that defines your relationship with Charlie...<br/><br/>
<<if $charmStat gte 2>>
<div class="choice">[[Charming approach|charlieDomEvent2][$charmStat += 1; $charlieDomEvent2 = "charmingApproach"]]</div><br/>
<div class="choice greyedOut">Not enough charm for Charming approach.</div><br/>
<<if $strStat gte 4>>
<div class="choice">[[Dominant approach.|charlieDomEvent2][$domStat += 1; $charlieDomEvent2 = "strongApproach"]]</div><br/>
<div class="choice greyedOut">Not enough strength for Dominant approach.</div><br/>
<div class="choice">[[Come back later.|Mess Room]]</div><br/>
Something wrong, CharlieRoomState is 2.
<<elseif $charlieRoomState is 3>>
Charlie was convinced to do Keaton's event instead of you. This would be an intense next step for her. You felt it was best to leave her time to herself for now.<br/><br/>
[[Go back to Main block|Mess Room]]
You knocked on Charlie's door, but it was a clear nobody was here right now.<br/><br/>
[[Go back to Main block|Mess Room]]
<<set $charlieRoomState to 2>>
<<if $charlieDomEvent1 is 'firm'>>
Without a word you got up and made sure the door to Charlie's room was shut.<br/><br/>
<span class="p1">You:</span> "Calm down. It's OK. Let's have a talk."<br/><br/>
Charlie was still in shock, but nodded.<br/><br/>
<span class="p1">You:</span> "These are your clothes, right? Be honest with me."<br/><br/>
<span class="charlie">Charlie:</span> "Y-yes."<br/><br/>
Tears were welling a little in Charlie's eyes. You walked right in front of them, putting your hands on their shoulders in a reassuring manner.<br/><br/>
<span class="p1">You:</span> "It's Ok Charlie. Look at me. It's OK."<br/><br/>
<span class="charlie">Charlie:</span> "I just... I didn't want you to see this side of me."<br/><br/>
<span class="p1">You:</span> "What! Why?"<br/><br/>
<span class="charlie">Charlie:</span> "You were so kind to me in the cafeteria. It felt like the start of a great friendship... like I could be one of the guys. But now this... I've ruined it."<br/><br/>
<span class="p1">You:</span> "You haven't ruined anything! But if you were so worried about it didn't you think it was a bit risky to do that kind of thing in here?"<br/><br/>
<span class="charlie">Charlie:</span> "Yes... but you know me by now... thievery... crossdressing... it's like I'm addicted to taking these dumb risks! Still, I really didn't think I'd be found out so soon."<br/><br/>
<span class="p1">You:</span> "It's a strange thing to risk, isn't it? I get a feeling there's more too it. The dressing... your hair style. Do you... feel like a woman?"<br/><br/>
<span class="charlie">Charlie:</span> "No! No I'm not... I've thought that before myself, but I'm definitely not."<br/><br/>
<span class="p1">You:</span> "But when you dress up, in those clothes especially, surely in those moments you're not a man?"<br/><br/>
<span class="charlie">Charlie:</span> "It's... complicated."<br/><br/>
<span class="p1">You:</span> "Dress up. Right now."<br/><br/>
<span class="charlie">Charlie:</span> "What?"<br/><br/>
<span class="p1">You:</span> "You heard me didn't you? You'll dress up for me now. You'll find it easier to explain why you do it. I want to know the real you."<br/><br/>
<span class="charlie">Charlie:</span> "Um... but..."<br/><br/>
<span class="p1">You:</span> "Has anyone ever seen you dressed up before?"<br/><br/>
<span class="charlie">Charlie:</span> "No... no, not in real life at least. B-but... I don't know if I can do this $name..."<br/><br/>
<span class="p1">You:</span> "Yes you can! In fact, despite what you've said I think you'd like to do this."<br/><br/>
If Charlie really didn't want to do this they would have probably been furiously objecting to your dress up command. Their mind was racing from the shock of this conversation even happening, and they probably wanted to keep up a front of being a guy while stuck in Grenton. But the fact they had these clothes with them in here, and the inability to outright turn down your command meant some part of them wanted to do it. After what looked like some desperate thought, Charlie nodded yes.<br/><br/>
<span class="p1">You:</span> "I'll wait outside. Get changed, and open the door for me when you're ready."<br/><br/>
You waited in the hall. You surprised yourself with how natural being so commanding of Charlie felt. You had always had a feeling of confidence in your relationships, as well as an instinctual ability to take the lead in them, but this was a different situation. After being under pressure from Keaton's demands, it felt good to feel in control again.<br/><br/>
It seemed to be taking a while. You knocked on the door.<br/><br/>
<span class="p1">You:</span> "What's going on in there? Come on."<br/><br/>
It was silent for a long moment, but then the door suddenly clicked, before being pushed the tiniest bit open for you. You went inside only to be surprised that nobody was there! Charlie couldn't of left, could they? After the small shock, you only just noticed Charlie's bright white mop of hair peeking above the end of their bed. They were crouched down hiding.<br/><br/>
<span class="p1">You:</span> "Ok, what do you think you're doing? Get up."<br/><br/>
<span class="charlie">Charlie:</span> "Eep! Y-yes."<br/><br/>
They got up slowly, their entire body was shaking with nerves, but it gave you your first full view of them dressed as a girl... or maybe as a slut was a more accurate description, because as nervous as Charlie looked... this wasn't the way your typical girl dressed. This was a way a porn star would!<br/><br/>
<img src="images/scenes/ZcharlieHotPink.jpg" alt="picture of bulge in pink panties" class="storyImage"><span class="p1">You:</span> "Oh wow."<br/><br/>
The straps of a tiny hot pink bra and matching panties were tight and almost digging into their smooth skin, and their thin legs were covered with fishnet stockings. You would not of been judged poorly to think of her as female, it was the clothes and the hair combined that made them look so feminine. There was a small bulge in their panties, it wasn't big but it wasn't ignorable either. If it wasn't for the fact you knew their timid personality, you may of judged Charlie as a hot young dirty blonde who wanted to make men plainly aware they were down to fuck.<br/><br/>
<span class="charlie">Charlie:</span> "I should have never done this! I'm so dumb. I'm taking this shit off right now-"<br/><br/>
<span class="p1">You:</span> "Are you crazy? Come here. Now!"<br/><br/>
Charlie stopped themself from being hysterical, then came over to you where you stood near the room's mirror. You positioned them in front of it, and stood behind them. You had to admit, you almost cast an intimidating figure looming over them like this. It wasn't your intention, but you kind of liked it.<br/><br/>
<span class="p1">You:</span> "Look. Look at yourself in the mirror. What do you see?"<br/><br/>
<span class="charlie">Charlie:</span> "..."<br/><br/>
<span class="p1">You:</span> "You look hot. Like a sexy woman. Don't you agree? Come on now, say something!"<br/><br/>
<span class="charlie">Charlie:</span> "Ye-Yes."<br/><br/>
<span class="p1">You:</span> "So why do you dress like this if you're not a woman?"<br/><br/>
<span class="charlie">Charlie:</span> "I'm... I'm not sure."<br/><br/>
<span class="p1">You:</span> "I'd say it's because it makes you feel sexy."<br/><br/>
<span class="charlie">Charlie:</span> "It does."<br/><br/>
<span class="p1">You:</span> "Makes you feel slutty?"<br/><br/>
<span class="charlie">Charlie:</span> "Come on. D-don't make say it!"<br/><br/>
<span class="p1">You:</span> "This is helping you. Come on now, answer. You like to feel slutty, right?"<br/><br/>
<span class="charlie">Charlie:</span> "...Yes."<br/><br/>
<span class="p1">You:</span> "Be honest with me, when you dress like this... are you a woman?"<br/><br/>
Finally Charlie was beginning to unfreeze. Their admission had freed them, and they began to speak more clearly.<br/><br/>
<span class="charlie">Charlie:</span> "No. I'm not. I kind of feel something like one, I even call myself a girl when I'm like this. But I'm not a woman. Sometimes I wish I was, but it's just not who I am. This is... something different. I'm a... a sissy."<br/><br/>
A sissy? You had heard of that before. It was something you had come across online once. Those sissy hypnosis videos you had seen on porn sites. You had a look at one once just out of sheer curiosity, a mind control video that seemed to be about turning the viewer into a cocksucking slut. If it was supposed to hypnotize, it didn't work on you at least. You just laughed it off as one of those strange things some people are into and went back to watching regular porn. With what you had learned about Charlie, you could tell referring to them as a she from now on was more appropriate.<br/><br/>
Despite having a vague idea, you told Charlie to explain what a sissy was in her own words. Dressed up in front of you in bra and panties, it seemed like Charlie had nothing more that could embarrass her right now, but she seemed reluctant to explain it to you. She said that she had an urge to dress from an early age. She liked dressing in many kinds of women's clothes, but especially as a slut. It took a long while before she could get her own set of clothes, but the first time she put a full set of lingerie on she felt a desire for more. A desire to be fucked in these clothes, hard like the pornstars she had seen online.<br/><br/>
Up until then she had felt like a regular straight guy, and tried to keep her sissy desires buried. She was successful for a while, but every now and then she couldn't help but indulge it. She paused for a moment in shame.<br/><br/>
<span class="p1">You:</span> "Charlie... you don't need to be ashamed."<br/><br/>
You weren't quite sure if that was true. You really didn't know what to think about what Charlie had just said. It was actually pretty incredible that she felt she could share something like that with you, but as far as sexual needs went this was pretty out there! The time to consider how you felt about this whole sissy thing was later, for now you needed to concentrate on getting to a point where she could do Keaton's event for you.<br/><br/>
<span class="charlie">Charlie:</span> "Sorry... it's just... wow! This has been quite a lot..."<br/><br/>
<span class="p1">You:</span> "We all have needs Charlie. I'm glad you shared this."<br/><br/>
<span class="charlie">Charlie:</span> "I wasn't sure what you'd think. And being here in Grenton... I wasn't sure I was ready... if others knew, I wasn't sure what would happen to me."<br/><br/>
<span class="p1">You:</span> "Actually... about Grenton. There's something I need to tell you after hearing your story."<br/><br/>
<span class="charlie">Charlie:</span> "What do you mean?"<br/><br/>
<span class="p1">You:</span> "This is... the perfect place for you."<br/><br/>
<span class="charlie">Charlie:</span> "I don't understand."<br/><br/>
<span class="p1">You:</span> "I'm saying someone like you would be very in demand in here. That desire to go further when you're dressed? Here is the place to do it!"<br/><br/>
<span class="charlie">Charlie:</span> "I... understand why you say that, but I..."<br/><br/>
<span class="p1">You:</span> "Look at yourself. Look again! You felt silly when you first looked didn't you, but with a man's encouragement you realized how hot you are, didn't you?"<br/><br/>
Charlie looked meekly in the mirror, checking out her own feminine body with you imposing behind her. One of her bra straps had fell out of place, which you neatly placed back properly. She smiled a little.<br/><br/>
<span class="p1">You:</span> "This is the place for you to be who you really are. With some direction from me there's no need to hide anymore. You're a little slut Charlie, don't pretend anymore that you aren't!"<br/><br/>
A slight look of acceptance came across her face.<br/><br/>
<span class="p1">You:</span> "You said it yourself didn't you. Once you dress like this, it's not enough. You need more. You may not feel quite ready enough quite yet, but you know you need more, and a little encouragement will help, don't you think?"<br/><br/>
You placed your hands at Charlie's hips, you intention only being to move her from the mirror now. Charlie read it a little differently though! She let out a soft moan, something about your words had really changed her mood. Her eyes closing in what looked like pleasure. You had fully improvised getting to this point, and though it had gone well, you needed to make sure things didn't go too far! This was your first encounter with a... sissy. You weren't sure how you felt about it, despite that Charlie looked like a woman, but none of that mattered because you had $gf!<br/><br/>
Without thinking, Charlie moved her behind into your body, and rubbed her girlish pantie covered ass on you. Things were heating up quickly. It was at that moment you noticed something surprising in the mirror! The bulge in Charlie's panties was... growing! She suddenly realized this with a rush of humiliation, bringing her back to reality. Ashamed, she ran quickly back to crouch in the corner of the bed she hid at earlier.<br/><br/>
<span class="charlie">Charlie:</span> "Ah!!! I'm sorry! I'm so sorry. Oh no..."<br/><br/>
<span class="p1">You:</span> "It's OK!"<br/><br/>
Despite reassurance, she was inconsolable at this moment.<br/><br/>
<span class="p1">You:</span> "It's been a difficult time for you... but it's OK. With my help, you'll get to where you need to be. Think about what I've told you today, and don't think negatively about yourself. I'll come back again soon, OK?"<br/><br/>
<span class="charlie">Charlie:</span> "Yes... yes... that sounds... alright."<br/><br/>
<span class="p1">You:</span> "Alright. See you again soon... and try not to be too naughty."<br/><br/>
You left to let her collect herself. Your goal of finding someone to take your place for Keaton's event was going better than you ever expected. You were sure all you needed was to give Charlie some space and next time you could convince her.<br/><br/>
[[Go back to Main Block.|Mess Room]]<br/><br/>
<<elseif $charlieDomEvent1 is 'understanding'>>
<span class="p1">You:</span> "Calm down. It's OK. Sit here, let's just have a talk."<br/><br/>
You patted part of the bed next you as an invitation to come to your side, then checked the door was shut securely, making sure here was a safe spot to talk, before sitting down yourself. Charlie was still in shock, but sat down next to you.<br/><br/>
<span class="p1">You:</span> "These are your clothes, right? It's OK to be honest with me Charlie."<br/><br/>
<span class="charlie">Charlie:</span> "Y-yes."<br/><br/>
Tears were welling a little in Charlie's eyes. You put an arm around Charlie to be like a friendly hug of reassurence.<br/><br/>
<span class="p1">You:</span> "Charlie. Look at me. It's OK. Do you understand?"<br/><br/>
<span class="charlie">Charlie:</span> "I just... I didn't want you to see this side of me."<br/><br/>
<span class="p1">You:</span> "Look, I get it. Sometimes the things we enjoy can be... embarrassing. But just because I've seen this side of you doesn't mean you should be upset."<br/><br/>
<span class="charlie">Charlie:</span> "You were so kind to me in the cafeteria. It felt like the start of a great friendship... like I could be one of the guys. But now this... I've ruined it."<br/><br/>
<span class="p1">You:</span> "You haven't ruined anything! But if you were so worried about it didn't you think it was a bit risky to do that kind of thing in here?"<br/><br/>
<span class="charlie">Charlie:</span> "Yes... but you know me by now... thievery... crossdressing... it's like I can't help but take such dumb risks! Still, I really didn't think I'd be found out so soon."<br/><br/>
<span class="p1">You:</span> "It's a strange thing to risk, isn't it? I hope you don't mind me saying so but I get a feeling there's more too it. The clothes... your hair style. Are you a woman?"<br/><br/>
<span class="charlie">Charlie:</span> "No! No I'm not... I've thought that before myself, but I'm definitely not."<br/><br/>
<span class="p1">You:</span> "Ok, Ok... but when you dress up... especially in those clothes, surely in those moments you don't feel you're a man? Am I wrong here?"<br/><br/>
<span class="charlie">Charlie:</span> "It's... complicated."<br/><br/>
<span class="p1">You:</span> "Am I the first person who's known about this side of you?"<br/><br/>
<span class="charlie">Charlie:</span> "Yes... no one has ever known this about me! There's been a couple of people who have suspected I'm gay but they never made a big deal out of it. I told them I wasn't and they left it at that."<br/><br/>
<span class="p1">You:</span> "So this must be a real shock for you... Look, I'm sorry your secret was exposed but I'm telling you truthfully, this isn't the big deal you think it is."<br/><br/>
Charlie was sat arms closed, staring at their feet in silence.<br/><br/>
<span class="p1">You:</span> "I want to suggest something. Promise me you'll keep an open mind to what I'm about to ask."<br/><br/>
<span class="charlie">Charlie:</span> "W-What is it?"<br/><br/>
<span class="p1">You:</span> "I said keep an open mind, will you do that for me?"<br/><br/>
<span class="charlie">Charlie:</span> "F... Fine. I will."<br/><br/>
<span class="p1">You:</span> "I think you should dress up. Dress up in girly clothes... for me."<br/><br/>
<span class="charlie">Charlie:</span> "What! But..."<br/><br/>
<span class="p1">You:</span> "I know it sounds crazy, but can you trust me? I understand why you'd keep it a secret, but I think it would help you a lot to have someone in your life you can finally open up to about this. Someone who won't judge you negatively. I'm not doing this to humilate you, I want you to accept yourself."<br/><br/>
<span class="charlie">Charlie:</span> "This is... very sudden though."<br/><br/>
<span class="p1">You:</span> "I want to understand you. I want you to understand yourself too. Aren't we in here to grow as people? Let me be the friend that helps you."<br/><br/>
<span class="charlie">Charlie:</span> "I... I've kind of always wanted to dress for someone... but I never had the courage to do it. And I never quite expected it to be like this."<br/><br/>
<span class="p1">You:</span> "Part of you wants to do it, that's what I'm hearing. You've spent so long hiding yourself haven't you? Now is an opportunity where you don't have to anymore."<br/><br/>
<span class="charlie">Charlie:</span> "Y-yes. Yes... Ok. I'll do it. I'm a little scared $name, but I'll do it."<br/><br/>
<span class="p1">You:</span> "Ok, great! You can do this, Charlie. I'm proud of you for having the courage to do this!"<br/><br/>
You could tell Charlie just needed a gentle push into this. If they really didn't want to do this they would have probably been furiously objecting to your dress up command. Their mind was racing from the shock of this conversation even happening, and part of them probably still wanted to keep up a front of being a guy while stuck in Grenton. But the fact they had these clothes with them in here, and the inability to outright turn down your proposal meant some part of them wanted to do it. Charlie looked determined to take a new step in their life.<br/><br/>
<span class="p1">You:</span> "I'll wait outside. Go take all the time you need. When you're ready open the door a little for me and I'll come in and see you."<br/><br/>
You waited in the hall patiently. You surprised yourself with how well you handled that situation with Charlie. You weren't overly pushy and you didn't put your own needs over theirs, hopefully helping them would help you too. You had always been a confident but empathetic person in your relationships, as well as having an instinctual ability to be a good and equal partner, but this was a different situation for you than your encounters with women beforehand. With your hopes starting to grow for yourself and Charlie, you felt the pressure from the Keaton situation ease a little. Still, there was more to do.<br/><br/>
It seemed to be taking a while. You knocked on the door.<br/><br/>
<span class="p1">You:</span> "What's going on in there? Is everything OK?"<br/><br/>
It was silent for a long moment, but then the door suddenly clicked, before being pushed the tiniest bit open for you. You went inside and closed the door behind you, only to look around and be surprised that nobody was there! Charlie couldn't of left, could they? After the small shock, you only just noticed Charlie's bright white mop of hair peeking above the end of their bed. They were crouched down hiding.<br/><br/>
<span class="p1">You:</span> "Um... Charlie? You know I can see you right?"<br/><br/>
<span class="charlie">Charlie:</span> "Eep! Y-yes!"<br/><br/>
<span class="p1">You:</span> "Remember what I said... it's OK. Don't feel nervous, it's OK to be yourself with me."<br/><br/>
They got up slowly, their entire body was shaking with nerves, but it gave you your first full view of them dressed as a girl... or maybe as a slut was a more accurate description! As nervous as Charlie looked this wasn't the way a girl dressed, this was a way a porn star would!<br/><br/>
<img src="images/scenes/ZcharlieHotPink.jpg" alt="picture of bulge in pink panties" class="storyImage"><span class="p1">You:</span> "Oh wow."<br/><br/>
The straps of a tiny hot pink bra and matching panties were tight and almost digging into their smooth skin, and their thin legs were covered with fishnet stockings. You would not of been judged poorly to think of them as female, it was the clothes and the hair combined that made them look so feminine. There was a small bulge in their panties, and you wouldn't notice it at first glance, but after even slight inspection of their body it was hard to ignore. If it wasn't for the fact you knew their timid personality, you may of judged Charlie as a hot young dirty blonde who was dressed to fuck.<br/><br/>
<span class="charlie">Charlie:</span> "I should have never done this! I'm so stupid! I'm taking this shit off right now-"<br/><br/>
<span class="p1">You:</span> "No, please don't! Honestly, don't. You look... pretty hot. Oh wow, now I'm the one going bright red."<br/><br/>
You're face blushed, which Charlie noticed. It was enough to stop them being hysterical and let out a laugh.<br/><br/>
<span class="charlie">Charlie:</span> "Wow $name, now you're the one who is embarrassed! So you see now, it's not easy is it?"<br/><br/>
<span class="p1">You:</span> "Well it's just... this is a first time for me too. I've never been in a situation like this, but I'm not lieing when I say you look really good."<br/><br/>
<span class="charlie">Charlie:</span> "Really good? I'm wearing fishnet stockings!"<br/><br/>
<span class="p1">You:</span> "Ok... maybe it's a little bit of a... slutty look. Ok, it's very slutty, but I don't see what's wrong with that! Hey, this isn't about what I think anyway! Come over to me, come take a look at yourself in this mirror."<br/><br/>
Charlie was a bit more at ease now. They came over to you where you stood near the room's mirror. You positioned them in front of it, and stood behind them as a supportive figure. You kind of liked being in the role of Charlie's guide to personal growth.<br/><br/>
<span class="p1">You:</span> "Look. Look at yourself in the mirror. What do you see?"<br/><br/>
<span class="charlie">Charlie:</span> "..."<br/><br/>
<span class="p1">You:</span> "You look hot and you know it! Don't you agree?"<br/><br/>
<span class="charlie">Charlie:</span> "...Yes."<br/><br/>
<span class="p1">You:</span> "Don't let me tell you though, look again and tell me what you see looking back at you!"<br/><br/>
<span class="charlie">Charlie:</span> "I see... someone sexy. A sexy, feminine person. I feel... attractive. Beautiful. I see someone hot! I see..."<br/><br/>
<span class="p1">You:</span> "Good... this is all good!"<br/><br/>
<span class="charlie">Charlie:</span> "I see... someone people would want to fuck! I see a sexy fucking slut!"<br/><br/>
They suddenly stopped with a shocked look on their face, then cranked their neck to look at you as if for your approval.<br/><br/>
<span class="p1">You:</span> "Charlie... everything you're seeing and everything you're feeling... it's perfectly fine."<br/><br/>
<span class="charlie">Charlie:</span> "B-but... it's not normal!"<br/><br/>
<span class="p1">You:</span> "You're right, it's not! There's probably very few guys who would like to be wearing what you're wearing now and even less of them in front of a man. But that doesn't mean it isn't OK and it doesn't mean it's bad! Charlie this is you, and despite what the world may have told you to be or not to be, there is nothing wrong with you being a sexy fucking slut!"<br/><br/>
They turned back and faced the mirror again, a mixture of emotions on their face.<br/><br/>
<span class="charlie">Charlie:</span> "$name... I can't believe this is happening to me right now but... thank you. I... I didn't realize I needed this."<br/><br/>
<span class="charlie">Charlie:</span> "I'm happy for you. I hope this can be the start of something new for you. A part of your life where you can be yourself."<br/><br/>
And you were genuinely happy for them. They seemed to truly appreciate this moment, and in a way you did too. It was obviously a strange situation to be in, but it felt good to help someone become happier, despite needing an unusual method to do so. Yes, your task set by Keaton had led you here so you didn't start this with pure intentions, but you still felt good. You put whether this would help with Keaton in the back of your mind for now.<br/><br/>
<span class="p1">You:</span> "Charlie, there's just one thing I've noticed..."<br/><br/>
<span class="charlie">Charlie:</span> "Yes?"<br/><br/>
<span class="p1">You:</span> "Even though you look so feminine... so girly right now... not once did you mention looking like a woman... you said you looked feminine person, but didn't say a woman."<br/><br/>
<span class="charlie">Charlie:</span> "I told you earlier... I'm not a woman. It's complicated"<br/><br/>
<span class="p1">You:</span> "Ok, that's totally fine! I hope I didn't offend you, it's just that you said that before you dressed up..."<br/><br/>
<span class="charlie">Charlie:</span> "No, you didn't offend me at all... I get that it sounds strange. I kind of feel something like a woman, I even call myself a girl when I'm dressed like this. But I'm not a woman. Sometimes I wish I was, maybe for a day or something, but it's just not who I am. This is... something different. I'm a... a sissy."<br/><br/>
A sissy? You had heard of that before. It was something you had come across online once. Those sissy hypnosis videos you had seen on porn sites. You had a look at one once just out of sheer curiosity, a mind control video that seemed to be about turning the viewer into a cocksucking sluts. If it was supposed to hypnotize, it didn't work on you at least. You just brushed it off as one of those more niche things some people are into and went back to watching regular porn. With what you had learned about Charlie, you could tell referring to them as a she from now on was more appropriate.<br/><br/>
Despite having a vague idea, you asked Charlie to explain what a sissy was in her own words. You would of thought Charlie had nothing more that could embarrass her right now after opening up to you, but she seemed reluctant to explain it. She said that she had an urge to dress from an early age. She liked dressing in many kinds of women's clothes, but especially as a slut. It took a long while before she could get her own set of clothes, but the first time she put a full set of lingerie on she felt a desire for something more. A desire to be fucked in these clothes, hard like the pornstars she had seen online.<br/><br/>
Up until then she had felt like a regular straight guy, and tried to keep her sissy desires buried. She was successful for a while, but every now and then she couldn't help but indulge it. She paused for a moment in shame.<br/><br/>
<span class="p1">You:</span> "Charlie... you don't need to be ashamed of how you feel. Not to me."<br/><br/>
Understanding this whole thing of what a sissy is and what it meant to Charlie was something you hadn't encountered before. You had an open mind but you weren't quite sure what to say. It was actually pretty incredible that she felt like she could share something like that with you, but as far as sexual needs went this was pretty out there! The time to consider how you felt about this whole sissy thing was later. For now you just wanted to keep supporting Charlie. You couldn't help noticing though that what she had just said made her a pretty good candidate for Keaton's event. It actually sounded like Keaton's event could be something she'd want to do! She saw you deep in thought but seemed to mistake your expression as something negative, leading to an unnecessary apology.<br/><br/>
<span class="charlie">Charlie:</span> "Sorry... it's just... wow. This has been quite a lot..."<br/><br/>
<span class="p1">You:</span> "You've got nothing to be sorry for! We all have needs. I'm glad you felt you could share this with me."<br/><br/>
<span class="charlie">Charlie:</span> "I wasn't sure what you'd think. And being here in Grenton... if others knew..."<br/><br/>
<span class="p1">You:</span> "Everything you've said is safe with me. Actually... there's something I need to tell you about Grenton. After hearing your story I've realized something."<br/><br/>
<span class="charlie">Charlie:</span> "What do you mean?"<br/><br/>
<span class="p1">You:</span> "This is... the perfect place for you."<br/><br/>
<span class="charlie">Charlie:</span> "I don't understand."<br/><br/>
<span class="p1">You:</span> "I'm saying someone like you... would be very in demand in here. That desire to go further when you're dressed? Here is the place to do it!"<br/><br/>
<span class="charlie">Charlie:</span> "I... understand why you say that."<br/><br/>
<span class="p1">You:</span> "I'm not going to make you do anything Charlie... I'm just saying... look in the mirror. Think about what you told me about your sissy needs..."<br/><br/>
Charlie looked meekly in the mirror, checking out her own feminine body with you next to her. One of her bra straps had fell out of place, which you neatly placed back properly. She smiled a little.<br/><br/>
<span class="p1">You:</span> "This is the place for you to be who you really are. I can help you in whatever way will make it comfortable for you. I'll protect you from anything that can go wrong! You're a little slut Charlie, don't pretend anymore that you aren't."<br/><br/>
She laughed at your cheeky statement, and nodded to acknowledge you were right.<br/><br/>
<span class="p1">You:</span> "You said it yourself didn't you... once you dress like this, it's not enough. You need more. You've gone all this time denying yourself whatever that more is."<br/><br/>
You placed your hands at Charlie's hips, you intention only being to move her from the mirror now. Charlie read it a little differently though! She let out a soft moan, something about your words had really changed her mood. Her eyes closing in what looked like pleasure. You had fully improvised getting to this point, and though it had gone well, you needed to make sure things didn't go too far! This was your first encounter with a... sissy. You weren't sure how you felt about it... Charlie looked so feminine, but none of that mattered right now because you're going out with $gf!<br/><br/>
Without thinking, Charlie moved her behind into your body, and rubbed her girlish pantie covered ass on you. Things were heating up quickly. It was at that moment you noticed something surprising in the mirror! The bulge in Charlie's panties was... growing! She suddenly realized this with a rush of humiliation bringing her back to reality. Ashamed, she ran quickly back to crouch in the corner of the bed she hid at earlier.<br/><br/>
<span class="charlie">Charlie:</span> "Ah!!! I'm sorry! I'm so sorry. Oh no..."<br/><br/>
<span class="p1">You:</span> "It's OK! It's OK Charlie!"<br/><br/>
Despite reassurance, she was inconsolable at this moment.<br/><br/>
<span class="p1">You:</span> "This has been a lot all at once for you... it's OK. Please don't be embarrassed! I think it's best if I give you some space for today now, but please don't think negatively about what happened!"<br/><br/>
<span class="charlie">Charlie:</span> "Yes... thank you $name. Yes, I think I just need some time to gather myself again. You're right... this has been a lot."<br/><br/>
<span class="p1">You:</span> "That's totally understandable. Take care, I'll see you soon."<br/><br/>
You left to let her collect herself. Your goal of finding someone to take your place for Keaton's event was going better than you ever expected, this could be a win-win-win situation for everyone involved. With a little space, Charlie might be able to be convinced to do Keaton's event next time you see her.<br/><br/>
[[Go back to Main Block.|Mess Room]]<br/><br/>
Something wrong. charlieDomEvent1
<<set $charlieRoomState to 3>>
<<set $charlieConvinced to 1>>
<<set $sissyAttractiveScene to 1>>
<<if $charlieDomEvent2 is 'strongApproach'>>
Without knocking, you yelled through the door to Charlie to let her know you were here.<br/><br/>
<span class="charlie">Charlie:</span> "Oh $name, come in!"<br/><br/>
As you came inside you weren't quite sure what to expect after what happened last time. Charlie was dressed as a regular guy so it was clear you weren't intruding on anything this time. She looked a little shy as usual.<br/><br/>
<span class="p1">You:</span> "It's good to be back... you look well after our last encounter."<br/><br/>
<span class="charlie">Charlie:</span> "Y-yes... I'm good... although I was worried whether you'd come back after it."<br/><br/>
<span class="p1">You:</span> "Ha, I'm fine... I've never met a sissy before, if anything I was intrigued."<br/><br/>
Things seemed to be OK with Charlie which was a good sign. It felt like this was a good time to try convincing her to take your place at Keaton's event. You felt confident you could do it. You knew her secret which she's obviously embarrassed by, as well as knowing your words alone were enough to turn her on. Both of these could be taken advantage of for your benefit. Being in the closet so long must of made her desperate to act out her desires, in fact she almost did last time you saw her! Now you just need to give the firm guidance that will put her in her place, under your command.<br/><br/>
<span class="p1">You:</span> "Charlie... last time I said this place was perfect for you. Have you thought on what I said?"<br/><br/>
<span class="charlie">Charlie:</span> "Um... yes... I wasn't entirely sure what you meant by that though."<br/><br/>
<span class="p1">You:</span> "Really? Surely you have an idea. The way you dress up... the sexual desires you told me about... the fact you're stuck here in a facility with only men. You really don't think about how perfect an environment that is for your personal growth?"<br/><br/>
<span class="charlie">Charlie:</span> "N-no... I really shouldn't of said so much about my sissy side... please, just forget that."<br/><br/>
<span class="p1">You:</span> "There you go again."<br/><br/>
<span class="charlie">Charlie:</span> "What? I want to forget it! I went too far."<br/><br/>
<span class="p1">You:</span> "You're lieing to yourself. Denying yourself."<br/><br/>
<span class="charlie">Charlie:</span> "$name, not everything I feel is what I actually want, it doesn't mean..."<br/><br/>
<span class="p1">You:</span> "That's it! You're dressing up for me again. Right now!"<br/><br/>
<span class="charlie">Charlie:</span> "But I don't..."<br/><br/>
<span class="p1">You:</span> "I won't accept any excuses. Now come on! If you do what I tell you and aren't convinced by what I say, I'll never mention your sissy side again. I'll keep it entirely secret and we can pretend it never happened. But I'll only do that if you dress up and talk to me a bit first. That's a promise."<br/><br/>
Charlie was holding herself with one arm looking unsure of herself, but you could tell she was going to do it. Everything was on track, it was like a chess game where you were in total control of the board. She just let out a small whisper of OK. You left the room to let her change. Like last time, it felt like a long time waiting but you knew it was because Charlie wouldn't ever dress up half-heartedly.<br/><br/>
<span class="charlie">Charlie:</span> "I'm... I'm ready!"<br/><br/>
You came back into her room. There she was, nervous once again, but it was a different outfit this time! A red tartan miniskirt, with a peak of a black thong. A black bra could be seen slighty under her white crop top, which had a pattern to match the skirt.<br/><br/>
<img src="images/scenes/xxxchaDmE2.jpg" alt="red tartan skirt and white crop top" class="storyImage">
<span class="p1">You:</span> "Wow... you certainly are ready aren't you."<br/><br/>
<span class="charlie">Charlie:</span> "But it's just a bit of fun $name. That's what I'm trying to say! I find it fun to look sexy."<br/><br/>
<span class="p1">You:</span> "No. You can lie toy yourself but not to me! You find it fun to BE sexy. In fact it's not even about fun, is it? For you, it's a need."<br/><br/>
<span class="charlie">Charlie:</span> "Uh..."<br/><br/>
<span class="p1">You:</span> "And sexy? Did you say sexy because you can't bring yourself to say fuckable? That's what this is about isn't it! You want men to take one look at you like that and get hard."<br/><br/>
<span class="charlie">Charlie:</span> "$name, please..."<br/><br/>
<span class="p1">You:</span> "You want me to be hard for you, don't you?"<br/><br/>
<span class="charlie">Charlie:</span> "..."<br/><br/>
<span class="p1">You:</span> "Stop denying what you are Charlie, you got turned on just by me telling you this last time!"<br/><br/>
<span class="charlie">Charlie:</span> "No, that didn't happen $name! I don't know what you think happened but..."<br/><br/>
<span class="p1">You:</span> "Not another word of lies from you! Come here! Come here right now and face this mirror again."<br/><br/>
<span class="charlie">Charlie:</span> "I've proven enough to you haven't I? Can we just stop this now?"<br/><br/>
<span class="p1">You:</span> "Not yet you haven't. Come and look at yourself."<br/><br/>
She gave in to your command. You were behind her again as she looked in the mirror. It was clear she liked what she saw, not just seeing herself as a slut, but the controlling man in the reflection with her.<br/><br/>
<span class="p1">You:</span> "You're a sissy."<br/><br/>
<span class="charlie">Charlie:</span> "Y-yes."<br/><br/>
<span class="p1">You:</span> "And I'm a man."<br/><br/>
<span class="charlie">Charlie:</span> "Yes you are."<br/><br/>
<span class="p1">You:</span> "So if sat here on this bed..."<br/><br/>
You sat on the edge of the bed. Charlie's eyes were wide with nervous anticipation.<br/><br/>
<span class="p1">You:</span> "...and you can sit on my leg here. Keep looking in the mirror now, but sit here on me. Come on now, sissy!"<br/><br/>
She slowly did as you said. She was in a strange state of shock, the kind of shock a person has when they've been given permission to do something they've always wanted, but were never allowed to do before. She gently sat on your leg, adjusting her skirt so her thong covered ass was directly on you. It was on the outside of your clothes, but still felt pretty good. Nobody would of mistook the view you had of her for a woman. Your plans to convince Charlie weren't done yet.<br/><br/>
<span class="p1">You:</span> "Good. Now rub that girly ass of yours on my leg."<br/><br/>
<span class="charlie">Charlie:</span> "I... I can't... $name this is..."<br/><br/>
<span class="p1">You:</span> "Now!"<br/><br/>
She said no more, but breathed out heavily with nervousness. Slowly she did as you commanded, her eyes closed tight. For her, it was unbearable to acknowledge what she was doing by seeing it.<br/><br/>
<span class="p1">You:</span> "What a nice view in the mirror, don't you agree? Keep going. You can press on me harder."<br/><br/>
She looked into the mirror after your question, then quickly away in shame. Still silent, she put more pressure on your leg as she motioned up and down on you. Her face was telling you everything, she was into this and couldn't hide it. You almost had her. She was close to letting out a moan but stopped herself. Despite how far she had gone she still couldn't admit who she was! You placed your hands on her hips pulling her down on your leg to make her grind on it harder, then whispered in her ear.<br/><br/>
<span class="p1">You:</span> "You want my cock, sissy. You want it right now don't you?"<br/><br/>
She couldn't bring herself to reply, she didn't want to say no but she couldn't manage to say yes either.<br/><br/>
<span class="p1">You:</span> "Speechless? We both know this says it all..."<br/><br/>
With a sudden movement you pulled up the front of her skirt. She grabbed your arm in a futile attempt to prevent you but it was too late. Her panties were stretched away from her by a small bulge. Even though she was wearing black panties there was a clear wet dot where she had got excited. You laughed while she fell to her stocking-clad knees on the floor in front you.<br/><br/>
<span class="charlie">Charlie:</span> "N-no. No. It's..."<br/><br/>
<span class="p1">You:</span> "It's a sign of who you are. What you need. Accept what you are. Fantasy is not enough for you. You're a sissy and you need cock, don't you?"<br/><br/>
<span class="charlie">Charlie:</span> "I'm... yes."<br/><br/>
<span class="p1">You:</span> "Say it clearly."<br/><br/>
<span class="charlie">Charlie:</span> "Yes."<br/><br/>
<span class="p1">You:</span> "You're a sissy who needs to serve cock. Admit it!"<br/><br/>
<span class="charlie">Charlie:</span> "Yes! That's what I am! Fuck it! I'm a fucking sissy who needs a real man's cock! Are you happy now... I'm a pathetic fucking sissy, always have been!"<br/><br/>
<span class="p1">You:</span> "Ssssssh. It's OK sissy, you've done the hardest part."<br/><br/>
Charlie's eys welled up with tears. Even though it was obvious what she was, it was still hard to reconcile with herself what she was.<br/><br/>
<span class="charlie">Charlie:</span> "I just... I know it's stupid... it's obvious... but... it's just so fucking hard being this! It's so shameful."<br/><br/>
<span class="p1">You:</span> "Not anymore. You won't be ashamed anymore, understood?"<br/><br/>
<span class="charlie">Charlie:</span> "I don't want to be but I can't help it! One minute I want to be the biggest cockslut in the world, the next it's the last thing I want!"<br/><br/>
You could see Charlie wasn't turned on anymore, she was speaking clearly and honestly.<br/><br/>
<span class="p1">You:</span> "You've made a huge move in such a short space of time in here. You wanted to go further just now didn't you? If I hadn't made you look at yourself so clearly you wouldn't of stopped just then."<br/><br/>
<span class="charlie">Charlie:</span> "Y-yes... but then, when it was over... I'd be unable to handle what I would of done!"<br/><br/>
<span class="p1">You:</span> "Of course... but that was when you didn't accept truly what you were. You thought all you wanted was a sissy fantasy, but you need to be a sissy in reality! And here you are in Grenton, and here I am with you, the one person who understands that about you."<br/><br/>
<span class="charlie">Charlie:</span> "So... what do I do... I cant keep going back and forth between my desires like this!"<br/><br/>
<span class="p1">You:</span> "Isn't it obvious? You ask me to be your master. To let you be my sissy. To give you the push to be yourself and not feel bad about it anymore!"<br/><br/>
<span class="charlie">Charlie:</span> "What! Are you serious?"<br/><br/>
<span class="p1">You:</span> "What did I say earlier? Stop pretending! You want me to guide you, to be the master of you that you need. I gave you the push you needed today, to get what you've always wanted. You want this"<br/><br/>
<span class="charlie">Charlie:</span> "Y...you're right."<br/><br/>
<span class="p1">You:</span> "So, go ahead and ask me. And make sure to say please."<br/><br/>
<span class="charlie">Charlie:</span> "Please make me your sissy... please..."<br/><br/>
<span class="p1">You:</span> "Well... what's in it for me?"<br/><br/>
<span class="charlie">Charlie:</span> "What do you mean! I thought you would of wanted a..."<br/><br/>
<span class="p1">You:</span> "You shouldn't assume, sissy! Tell me, why should I use my precious time training you?"<br/><br/>
Charlie was taken back by your words, to think she was trying to prove she wasn't a sissy just moments ago, now she was desperately trying to show she'd be a good one for you. It was almost scary how good you were at controlling someone else! You felt like a natural at this. Perhaps you were getting into it too much. You weren't sure yourself how you felt about this situation of dominating a sissy, but at least you were on track for getting someone to do Keaton's event instead of you.<br/><br/>
<span class="charlie">Charlie:</span> "I'm... very loyal! I'll try my hardest to do your commands! I... I can be really slutty, like a complete whore! I'll do whatever it takes to please!"<br/><br/>
<span class="p1">You:</span> "Fine, I accept."<br/><br/>
Charlie looked relieved, which was quite funny considering all that happened.<br/><br/>
<span class="p1">You:</span> "So... you will serve me from now on. You have done well to take the first step to accepting yourself as a sissy today. I know serving a man will still be hard for you to begin with. You will find me to be fair but firm. With my guidance you will know your place and be the best sissy you can be. Sometimes my commands may seem too much to follow, but you will be better off for obeying them. I am not telling you anything you don't already know deep inside you already."<br/><br/>
<span class="charlie">Charlie:</span> "Yes... yes absolutely!"<br/><br/>
You had done it, though she had sissy desires before, she was convinced into truly being one thanks to your words. She was a sissy looking to you for commands now. You knew you had someone in your control to take your place at Keaton's event.<br/><br/>
It was time to cool things off now. You became a little less formal and chatted for a bit. She expressed how crazy this situation was, she was excited to go down it despite her nerves, and hoped that with your training she could do a good job for you. She was starting to burn out from such an emotional session, so you told her to wait while you went to get some drinks to pick her spirits back up.<br/><br/>
You needed to find the exact right moment to get her to do Keaton's event for you. You'd get her excited about being your sissy and then sneak it in there. When you returned to the room she was still dressed up. This gave you an idea for one of your first commands, and how to convince her at the same time.<br/><br/>
<span class="p1">You:</span> "Charlie... when I come see you here, I want you to always be dressed up for me. Always be ready for your sissy training. If it's not me at the door, you can keep whoever it is waiting and get back in your male clothes. One day I will get you to where you are confident dressing up all the time."<br/><br/>
<span class="charlie">Charlie:</span> "Yes... yes, I will!"<br/><br/>
<span class="p1">You:</span> "In fact, I want you to be ready to dress for others very soon."<br/><br/>
<span class="charlie">Charlie:</span> "Um... oh...I..."<br/><br/>
<span class="p1">You:</span> "Don't worry my little sissy! It is the best next step for your personal growth. I will protect you."<br/><br/>
<span class="charlie">Charlie:</span> "This is... very quick..."<br/><br/>
<span class="p1">You:</span> "A... friend of mine would be happy to see you soon... he and a few others would love to see someone like you. You have nothing to worry about. And you'll make me very happy by doing it."<br/><br/>
<span class="charlie">Charlie:</span> "OK. OK, I... I will!"<br/><br/>
<span class="p1">You:</span> "Good girl. Be smooth, and wear you're sexiest bra and panties. Underneath your clothes that is, for when you meet me beforehand."<br/><br/>
<span class="charlie">Charlie:</span> "Yes."<br/><br/>
This was better than you ever could of imagined. This nightmare was going to be over for you! And though a little quick, it seemed like this would be something Charlie enjoys too. You had got carried away with the personal growth stuff, who knows if it would help or not. The main thing was you had arranged her to take your place. You felt no need to mention that it was originally yourself Keaton had in mind to do it.<br/><br/>
<span class="charlie">Charlie:</span> "$name... thank you for this. I know it sounds weird but I think you are right. I think I need the push you're giving me. And I realize now I need to go further as a sissy, I can't just have fantasies anymore... I want to do a good job for you. I will do a good job for you."<br/><br/>
<span class="p1">You:</span> "It's good you see it now, sissy. It must be hard to admit to being what you are, but from rock bottom you can build yourself up. To be who you really are... even if it's only to be a sissy."<br/><br/>
That was enough for you today. It had not only been an intense time for Charlie, but also for you. You deserved a break, especially after the stress Keaton had put on you. With the amazing result you had got today though, it seemed that stress would be over now. You checked once more with Charlie that they knew where to meet you for Keaton's event and then left for the main area without many more words.<br/><br/>
<<if $khanAdvisedDom is 1>>
Everything was in place. The only thing left was what Khan had said. Having Charlie under your command was probably enough, still the $30 for the commissary could help too.<br/><br/>
[[Go back to Main Block.|Mess Room]]<br/><br/>
<<elseif $charlieDomEvent2 is 'charmingApproach'>>
You knocked her door.<br/><br/>
<span class="p1">You:</span> "Hey, it's me! Can I come in?"<br/><br/>
<span class="charlie">Charlie:</span> "Sure, it's open!"<br/><br/>
You opened the door, not quite sure what to expect today after what happened last time. Charlie was dressed as a regular guy so it was clear you weren't intruding on anything this time. She looked a little shy as usual.<br/><br/>
<span class="p1">You:</span> "So... how are you? I hope things last time didn't get too intense for you."<br/><br/>
<span class="charlie">Charlie:</span> "I'm good... if anything I was worried about how you'd react. Are you good?"<br/><br/>
<span class="p1">You:</span> "Yeah, I am."<br/><br/>
Things seemed to not be awkward between you which was a good sign. You both had a laugh at how things went last time, and how crazy it was you could both speak to each other like this after knowing each other for not long. You didn't really talk about how that session ended, but you made it clear that everything that happened was nothing to be humiliated by. Feeling able to bring up Charlie's sissy desires now, you decided it was now or never to bring up Keaton's event.<br/><br/>
<span class="p1">You:</span> "Charlie... do you remember how last time I said this place was perfect for you?"<br/><br/>
<span class="charlie">Charlie:</span> "Yes! I was actually curious to know more about what you meant by that."<br/><br/>
<span class="p1">You:</span> "Well... I'm not sure how you'll feel about this, but in my gut I feel like it's something I have to tell you about."<br/><br/>
<span class="charlie">Charlie:</span> "Alright, what is it... don't let me get too excited now, he he."<br/><br/>
<span class="p1">You:</span> "Before I say it though, I want you to know I don't want to pressure you into anything."<br/><br/>
<span class="charlie">Charlie:</span> "Just say it $name. It looks like I'm the one reassuring you this time."<br/><br/>
You took a deep breath. It was time to go for it.<br/><br/>
<span class="p1">You:</span> "There's an event in here... one of the Grenton inhabitants is running. A guy who seems to be in charge of things in here..."<br/><br/>
You looked at Charlie's face for any reaction so far, but oddly it didn't really change.<br/><br/>
<span class="p1">You:</span> "I kind of got tangled up with this guy's operations, Keaton is his name, and he made a demand to me which I didn't really want to do."<br/><br/>
<span class="charlie">Charlie:</span> "Um, what was it?."<br/><br/>
<span class="p1">You:</span> "It was that he wanted me to be part of some kind of show of his, some entertainment I guess. He said he wanted to see 'a smooth skinned body in some nice sexy panties and bra, a naughty girl', and it highly suggested that person be me."<br/><br/>
<span class="charlie">Charlie:</span> "Oh! But why you of all people?"<br/><br/>
<span class="p1">You:</span> "I really don't know! Maybe he wrongly thought I'd be the type to do it."<br/><br/>
<span class="charlie">Charlie:</span> "Hmm."<br/><br/>
<span class="p1">You:</span> "I really wasn't sure how I'd handle it... I just don't know Grenton well, but it didn't seem like a prank. Then as if by fate I met you, and I got to know you and well..."<br/><br/>
<span class="charlie">Charlie:</span> "...you think I could do it. Instead of you."<br/><br/>
You looked down pitifully. When said out loud it sounded like you only helped Charlie to help yourself. Maybe that was true at first, but you had genuinely grown fond of her, and despite everything wanted her to be happy. Charlie put a hand on your shoulder, this time she wanted to be the one to make you feel better.<br/><br/>
<span class="charlie">Charlie:</span> "$name... don't get upset. After everything that happened last time, I completely understand why you brought this up with me."<br/><br/>
<span class="p1">You:</span> "I know it sounds crazy. I know like it sounds I'm taking advantage... it's just... Everything you told me last time, it just sounded like..."<br/><br/>
<span class="charlie">Charlie:</span> "...I know."<br/><br/>
She went deep into thought. You waited silently, it was clear she had something on her mind.<br/><br/>
<span class="charlie">Charlie:</span> "I... I feel you're right. I don't know how clear I made it last time but my sissy fantasies have always been really strong. Honestly, there's part of me that finds doing Keaton's show really hot."<br/><br/>
<span class="p1">You:</span> "Charlie..."<br/><br/>
<span class="charlie">Charlie:</span> "Last time with you... you really helped me. I know it was weird, but I finally got to dress up for someone else... you saw me as a sissy. You were right, I needed it. And I realize now I need to go further as a sissy, I can't just have fantasies anymore. But I'm also scared. I still need your help."<br/><br/>
<span class="p1">You:</span> "I'm happy to help! Charlie as I've gotten to know you, I genuinely want to help you be happier."<br/><br/>
<span class="charlie">Charlie:</span> "Doing this event... it might be a bit too much for me. To be honest I don't feel ready to do anything like it! But if there's one thing I know, it's something I'm far more suited to than you. And it's the kind of thing I've fantazied about so many times before! You've helped me, and now I want to help you."<br/><br/>
<span class="p1">You:</span> "Charlie, I'm serious, please don't feel any need to do this for me."<br/><br/>
<span class="charlie">Charlie:</span> "No... I want to. Perhaps even need to. But $name... this is really quick for me to be taking this step. I still need your support, you guidance. Both for and after this show."<br/><br/>
<span class="p1">You:</span> "I will! I have to admit, I don't know much more about sissies than what you've told me, but I want to see you grow and be the better you. If you need my support, you'll have it."<br/><br/>
<span class="charlie">Charlie:</span> "Ok. It's settled. And you know what... though much of me is dreading it... I'm also weirdly excited for it!"<br/><br/>
<span class="p1">You:</span> "I mean, after everything you told me... I had my suspicion you might want it."<br/><br/>
<span class="charlie">Charlie:</span> "...it seems my personal growth is going very quickly, perhaps too quick!"<br/><br/>
<span class="p1">You:</span> "Maybe... but if this is the kind of thing you've wanted to do for so long, in a strange way it might come as some kind of relief."<br/><br/>
You were happy that things seemed to have gone well. If Charlie said no you would have no idea what to do, but what made you even happier was that you hadn't ruined your friendship with her. Charlie suddenly laughed.<br/><br/>
<span class="charlie">Charlie:</span> "He he, it's just funny to think of you doing it!"<br/><br/>
<span class="p1">You:</span> "I know! And up until you just agreed to do it, I guess they would of expected me to!"<br/><br/>
<span class="charlie">Charlie:</span> "You can leave worrying about it to me now. Let's just get though this together, OK?"<br/><br/>
<span class="p1">You:</span> "...Yes. Thank you Charlie, seriously thank you."<br/><br/>
It was an amazing outcome, one that truly seemed to benefit everyone. Charlie would do Keaton's show for your sake, and even somewhat for her own. Not wanting to end on an intense note, you stayed to talk more. Charlie told you about some of the films coming out that you'd both be missing while you were inside. It was funny how you could flip between deep conversations about yourselves and then on to more casual topics. Time flew, until it was time to say bye to your friend. <br/><br/>
<span class="charlie">Charlie:</span> "I'll see you again soon. Don't worry, I'll do everything I can to be ready for Keaton's event."<br/><br/>
You made your way back to the main area in a cheerful mood. It seemed like things were going to be alright after all.<br/><br/>
<<if $khanAdvisedDom is 1>>
You felt like you had done mostly all you could ready for Keaton's event. The only thing left was what Khan had said. If you could get $30 and go to the commissary, there may be something to help you even more.<br/><br/>
[[Go back to Main Block.|Mess Room]]<br/><br/>
Something wrong, charlieDomEvent2
<<set $storyState to 7>>
<<set $rangGf to 0>>
<<set $visitorTomorrowState to 0>>
<<if $playerInventory.has('Paper')>>
<<drop '$playerInventory' 'Paper'>>
<<if $playerStartType is 'straight'>>
You took a moment to collect yourself. In a short while you'd find out if what you've done in the time Keaton gave you has helped you or not.<br/><br/>
You made your way to the Rec room.<br/><br/>
[[Approach Rec room|c2str]]
<<elseif $playerStartType is 'sissy' or $playerStartType is 'sissybf'>>
You took a moment to collect yourself. In a short while you'd find out if what you've done in the time Keaton gave you has helped you or not.<br/><br/>
You made your way to the Rec room.<br/><br/>
[[Approach Rec room|c2sis]]
<<elseif $playerStartType is 'closeted'>>
You took a moment to collect yourself. In a short while you'd find out if what you've done in the time Keaton gave you has helped you or not.<br/><br/>
You made your way to the Rec room.<br/><br/>
[[Approach Rec room|c2clos]]
<<elseif $playerStartType is 'dom'>>
<<if $charlieConvinced is 1>>
You felt quietly confident as you made your way to the Rec room. With Charlie taking your place everything should go fine, despite you not doing it yourself as Keaton's note implied.<br/><br/>
You waited in the corridor nearby the room so you could meet Charlie first.<br/><br/>
[[Find Charlie near Rec room|c2dom]]
You took a moment to collect yourself, but it was hard to control your nerves. You had failed to secure someone for Keaton's event. <<if $cafeSissyDominated is 1>>Charlie seemed suitable, but you hadn't been able to convince her in time.<</if>> In a short while you'd find out how the men in here would react to you coming so unprepared.<br/><br/>
You made your way to the Rec room.<br/><br/>
[[Approach Rec room|c2domFail]]
Something wrong. c1.
<<set $KeatonEventStr += $strStat>>
<<set $KeatonEventStr += $tempStrBoost>>
<<if $gotRaymond is 1>>
<<set $KeatonEventStr += 5>>
Your heart was pounding as you walked the corridors to the Rec room. You had made the decision to fight against this, but even the most confident fighter would feel butterflies in this situation. This was it, everything had built to this moment.<br/><br/>
<<if $gotRaymond is 1>>
You certainly weren't coming unprepared. 15 minutes ago you took the 'Raymond' as you had been instructed. It was in the form of tablets, and though it felt dodgy, you trusted Dean and swallowed them. The packaging said it would make you feel stronger, but it had no effect so far. That was to be expected though, as it was supposed to kick in roughly 5 minutes from now. You chose to keep faithful to the idea it would help you for what was to come.<br/><br/>
As you approached your destination, you noticed someone at the Rec room door's entrance. A man of average build, who noticed you and immediately pulled a look of displeasure on their face. By his words you could tell he was part of Keaton's gang.<br/><br/>
<span class="male">???: </span>"You're $name, I understand? Pfft... what a disappointing effort."<br/><br/>
<span class="p1">You:</span> "Disappointing? You honestly thought I'd go through with that bullshit."<br/><br/>
<span class="male">???: </span>"Ha... are serious? You'll come to your senses soon. Now, despite the fact that you put NO effort in whatsoever, head to that supply cupboard opposite... there's some items you can change into."<br/><br/>
<<if $KeatonEventStr gt 12>>
You felt anger at this piece of shit actually thinking he could boss you around. Your hard work had paid off, the physical strength you had built up in here gave yourself a confidence you had never had before. The time for words was over. You raised the back of your hand and smacked it across the guy's face. He put a hand up to try to stop it but it didn't stop you in the slightest. The blow dropped him back against the wall.<br/><br/>
<span class="male">???: </span>"Aaaah!!! What the fuck!"<br/><br/>
You grabbed his collar in your fist, your face couldn't even contain your anger.<br/><br/>
<span class="p1">You:</span> "Shut the fuck up! Don't say another fucking word to me. Get the FUCK out of here! NOW!"<br/><br/>
The man was shaking in fear, nodded in silent shock and then scrambled to his feet and ran away.<br/><br/>
One down, who knows how many to go. The sight of the man fleeing gave you your first feeling of being in control here in Grenton, emboldening you. You entered the Rec room only to find it transformed from how you had seen it previously.<br/><br/>
There was a table brimming with food containers and drinks. Oddly enough, it seemed to be mostly chocolates and cakes, along with bottles of vodka, whiskey and rum and litre bottles of coke. Looking around there were sofas, though you had no idea how they had got in here. The usual TV was replaced with a large, new looking flat screen. The strangest thing of all was a makeshift looking kiosk.<br/><br/>
<img src="images/scenes/cKeaEventTable.jpg" alt="A table with drinks bottles and glasses on it" class="storyImage">
Despite all the stuff, there was nobody here, at least not yet. You were curious about the kiosk, but couldn't resist helping yourself to the food first. You were eating some kind of cherry cake when you could hear footsteps and laughter outside.<br/><br/>
<span class="male">???: </span>"They were so pissed off!"<br/><br/>
<span class="anderson">???: </span>"Ha ha, honestly Ryan, he was about to flip out!"<br/><br/>
The voices grew louder. Whoever they were they were about to enter the room.<br/><br/>
<span class="male">Ryan: </span>"I mean, if that... hey, what the hell!!!"<br/><br/>
<span class="anderson">???: </span>"The fuck! Who are you?"<br/><br/>
They were two jacked looking guys and they certainly didn't expect to see you here, freezing in place the moment they saw you here.<br/><br/>
<span class="p1">You:</span> "I'm $name, who the fuck are you?"<br/><br/>
<<if $khanState6Gift is 1>>
<span class="anderson">???: </span>"$name... and are we supposed to know you?"<br/><br/>
<span class="male">Ryan: </span>"Wait, Ken! I know that name... he's the one Khan told me about."<br/><br/>
<span class="anderson">Ken: </span>"Oh! Oh... alright then. Shit, what do we do now then?"<br/><br/>
<span class="male">Ryan: </span>"Fuck, I went hungry all day... and specifically to make room for the desserts!"<br/><br/>
<span class="anderson">Ken: </span>"Same... but if this guy's putting up a fight we can't be seen here by the others! They'll ask too many questions if we pull our punches. Shit, let's just grab some and get out of here."<br/><br/>
The two of them ran straight to the table, pocketing chocolates in their jeans, and grabbing slices of cake.<br/><br/>
<span class="male">Ryan: </span>"Oh yeah, that's the good stuff, gonna get me a piece of that! Oh, sorry $name was it? Don't worry... you've already touched the food so this won't make Keaton any angrier."<br/><br/>
<span class="anderson">Ken: </span>"No angrier than he already would of been at least!"<br/><br/>
<span class="male">Ryan: </span>"Hey... good for you for putting up a fight! Personally we don't like getting involved with some of the bullshit in here, but we joined the crew anyway... who could say no to eating good like this!"<br/><br/>
<span class="p1">You:</span> "Yeah, I get it. I signed up not knowing what I was getting into...."<br/><br/>
<span class="anderson">Ken: </span>"We only had some idea, luckily we weren't asked to do... certain things. Hey, good luck mate! I haven't seen anyone fight their way out but... you look like you can put up some fight at least."<br/><br/>
<span class="male">Ryan: </span>"Yeah buddy, best of luck. Hey, let's hurry this up, we gotta get out of here before Keaton sees us!"<br/><br/>
The panicking brutes rushed off, their arms filled with sweet treats, leaving the once delicately presented buffet in a complete mess. You felt calm, especially as you didn't need to waste any energy fighting them.<br/><br/>
<<set $KeatonEventStr -= 5>>
<span class="anderson">???: </span>"$name... are we supposed to fucking know you?"<br/><br/>
<span class="male">Ryan: </span>"He doesn't look like one of us Ken, and here he is eating OUR food! Keaton will be pissed!"<br/><br/>
<span class="anderson">???: </span>"For fucks sake! These new inhabitants are the fucking worst..."<br/><br/>
They lunged at you aggressively. You countered a fist that swung at you from Ryan, bleeding his lip. You couldn't take the two of them at once, so you focused on making sure they didn't corner you. Ken could barely reach you as you positioned yourself behind Ryan. He went for another punch, hitting you square in the nose, knocking you back. You felt a fire within you, getting back into the fight immediately and quickly volleying him with punch after punch.<br/><br/>
<span class="male">Ryan: </span>"Aaaah!"<br/><br/>
<span class="anderson">Ken: </span>"Fuck this!"<br/><br/>
Ken didn't want anymore trouble. He ran to the buffet table, grabbed the plate of an entire cake and one bottle of rum.<br/><br/>
<span class="anderson">Ken: </span>"Leave him, let's get outta here! I can't be bothered with this shit today."<br/><br/>
<span class="male">Ryan: </span>"Argh... fine."<br/><br/>
You had beat up Ryan more than expected and he hobbled over to the table in a daze to grab some food for himself. You felt like you could keep fighting them, but seeing as they were retreating there was no need to use up all your spirit here. Ken had long gone and Ryan made to exit with a bottle of coke and some chocolate.<br/><br/>
<span class="male">Ryan: </span>"Fuck you pal! Should of tried making some friends in here..."<br/><br/>
You didn't care for his words, but that didn't matter. The two of them were taken care of. You caught your breath. While ready for another fight to come, the punch up had taken up some of your energy.<br/><br/>
It wasn't long after your encounter with those two that you could hear more people approaching the room. This time you recognised one of the voices. Keaton was here.<br/><br/>
<<elseif $KeatonEventStr lte 12>>
You couldn't control the anger within you as this guy tried to boss you around. With no control you raised a hand into a fist and went to smack him in the face. The man held up his hand to block it. He was able to stop most of the blow, but you did reach his face, barely touching him.<br/><br/>
<span class="male">???: </span>"Ha ha ha! Oh Keaton sure knows how to pick em."<br/><br/>
With a quick reaction he punched you in the abdomen, winding you instantly and bring you to your knees.<br/><br/>
<span class="male">???: </span>"KEATON! I need a moment of your time over her please!"<br/><br/>
You wanted desperately to get to your feet, but you just didn't have the strength. You had failed at the first hurdle. The sound of footsteps slowly approaching you was ominous.<br/><br/>
<span class="male">???: </span>"Can you believe it... she raised a hand to me!"<br/><br/>
<span class="keaton">Keaton: </span>“Ha, well it doesn't look like she'll be raising another one. Isn't that right, bitch?”<br/><br/>
<span class="p1">You:</span> "Ergh..."<br/><br/>
<span class="male">???: </span>"Pfft. I doubt she'll even apologize to me!"<br/><br/>
<span class="keaton">Keaton: </span>“Give her time, Steve.”<br/><br/>
You weren't going to say sorry even if you could. Still the blow had really taken you out. Your fight was over before it began. You stared at the floor, you didn't want anyone to see the utter defeat you felt. Despite it, you could feel both men eyeing you up. They were in control of your fate now.<br/><br/>
<span class="keaton">Keaton: </span>“She'll be fine. I can see it. I know them better than they know themselves. She just needs a little time and space is all. Get her up to room 3 on the second floor.”<br/><br/>
Steve began to pick you up back on to your feet. Your belly still hurt.<br/><br/>
<span class="keaton">Keaton: </span>“Come on now. Behave, and go nicely with Steve. You should feel lucky he's looking after you after what you did! Don't worry, we forgive easily in Grenton!”<br/><br/>
You coughed as you tried to get your composure. You knew this battle was lost, and made your first steps away escorted by Steve.<br/><br/>
<<set $solitaryState to 'unknown'>><<set $cSolitaryState to 'unknown'>>
[[Be escorted to Room 3|cSolitary]]
Something wrong, straight Doorfight, c2str
Your heart was pounding as you walked the corridors to the Rec room. You had made the decision to go along with Keaton's request enthusiastically, but despite your choice you were still incredibly nervous! Whatever was truly expected of you ahead was completely unknown, all you knew is that you would try your best.<br/><br/>
<<if $gfType is 'mentor'>>
The one worry you had off your mind was $gf. After you both decided to break things off amicably, you didn't need to fear any guilt about what you were about to do. You must be pretty committed (at least mentally), to give up your relationship for this!<br/><br/>
<<elseif $gfType is 'open'>>
One thing that gave you comfort was that no matter what would happen next, you had a fully supportive girlfriend. In fact, $gf would be dying to hear what happened to you! You had been given license to go full sissy slut, something that equally excited and terrified you. With $gf's support, just how far could you go?<br/><br/>
<<elseif $gfType is 'cuck'>>
You felt guilty about what you were going to do. You hadn't been open with $gf, and worse still, you knew she would absolutely hate what you were doing here today. She wanted you to be stronger, while you were volunteering yourself to, well... be a sissy. You didn't have the courage to tell her, just like you didn't have what it took to be the man worthy of her. <br/><br/>
<<elseif $gfType is 'unknown'>>
You felt guilty about what you were going to do, having completely ignored $gf to do this. You hadn't contacted her since this whole Keaton event began. Maybe you just didn't care about her, or maybe you couldn't bring yourself to tell her. Either way, you did your best to keep her off your mind.<br/><br/>
Something wrong, gfType.
To think your life had come to this, that you were going to dress up in front of a group of men! It was still hard to believe one your most perverted fantasies was about to come true, and there was no telling how far things could go. However, just because you had desired to do this, it didn't make actually going through with it any easier.<br/><br/>
<<if $khanState6Gift is 1>>
<<if $playerBra.has('Red satin bra') and $playerUnderwear.has('Red satin panties')>>
You felt so naughty with the red bra and panties on underneath your clothes. There was no way to take your mind off how bad you were behaving, as the satin material wedged between your ass chaffed with every step you made. Anyone who took more than a passing glance at you would be able to see you had a bra on, but you wanted them to notice. After weeks in here, it was time to let Grenton know you loved crossdressing, and didn't care who knew!<br/><br/>
Your backpack carried the red bra and panties you got from the commissary, as you were too embarrassed to carry them out in the open. The fact you had aquired such a slutty set of underwear would prove to the men you took this seriously, though maybe you should of put them on under your clothes first. Hopefully there would be somewhere private to change.<br/><br/>
You hadn't found any girls clothes to wear like Keaton wanted. You had failed at the first hurdle, and worried what the men would say on your arrival.<br/><br/>
As you approached your destination, you noticed someone at the Rec room door's entrance. A man in decent shape, who upon seeing you immediately pulled a look of displeasure on his face. By his words you could tell he was part of Keaton's gang.<br/><br/>
<img src="images/scenes/Zsteve.jpg" alt="picture of the man at the entrance" class="storyImage">
<span class="male">???: </span>"Well, well,... you're $name, I understand? But you're dressed as a man!"<br/><br/>
You tried to pitch your voice to sound a little more feminine before responding.<br/><br/>
<span class="p1">You:</span> "Yes, that's me. But I've..."<br/><br/>
<<if $khanState6Gift is 1>>
<<if $playerBra.has('Red satin bra') and $playerUnderwear.has('Red satin panties')>>
<span class="male">???: </span>"Oh wait... ah I see. Dressed up a little already? Very good."<br/><br/>
<span class="p1">You:</span> "Oh, yes... well I was told to make an effort."<br/><br/>
You plucked up the strap of your panties to show them off a little. The man's eyes widened in delight at the sight!<br/><br/>
<span class="male">???: </span>"My... you're an eager one aren't you?"<br/><br/>
<span class="p1">You:</span> "I... I am."<br/><br/>
<span class="male">???: </span>"Don't go getting shy now! Nerves can get to even the wildest ones! I'm Steve by the way. Here, there's a private cupboard over there. Give yourself a moment to collect yourself. Oh, and there's a few items that I'm sure a 'girl' like you will enjoy to complete your look. Feel free to wear them if you wish."<br/><br/>
<span class="p1">You:</span> "T-thank you, I will!"<br/><br/>
You were too nervous to speak up, but you shuffled your bag around to attempt to show him the contents.<br/><br/>
<span class="male">Steve: </span>"Ah I see! Got something with you in that backpack?"<br/><br/>
<span class="p1">You:</span> "Y-yes, a bra and panties. Is there somewhere I can put them on?"<br/><br/>
You reached in the bag and showed the man the panties you had. The man's eyes widened in delight at the sight!<br/><br/>
<span class="male">Steve: </span>"Good work! Girls who put in some effort are appreciated here! You're an eager one, aren't you?"<br/><br/>
<span class="p1">You:</span> "I... I am."<br/><br/>
<span class="male">Steve: </span>"Don't go getting shy now! Nerves can get to even the wildest ones! Well you can put your things on in that private cupboard over there. Give yourself a moment to collect yourself. Oh, and there's a few items that you might like to add to your look, go ahead and wear them if you like."<br/><br/>
<span class="p1">You:</span> "T-thank you, I will!"<br/><br/>
<span class="male">Steve: </span>"You've just come dressed like that? Hmpf."<br/><br/>
<span class="p1">You:</span> "I'm sorry! I didn't find anything. I genuinely do want to do this though!"<br/><br/>
<span class="male">Steve: </span>"You do, do you? Because with the complete lack of effort I see before me, I would of assumed the opposite!"<br/><br/>
<span class="p1">You:</span> "No, I really do! I... I'm not new to crossdressing... I just... I'm still new to Grenton, and don't know how to get things, I guess..."<br/><br/>
<span class="male">Steve: </span>"Well, I don't know you well enough... but maybe you can prove how keen you really are."<br/><br/>
<span class="p1">You:</span> "Y-yes, please let me!"<br/><br/>
<span class="male">Steve: </span>"Settle down, geez. I didn't mean prove how desperate you are! Well... head on it to that private cupboard over there. You'll find plenty of items to wear. I suggest you dress up fully if you truly want to prove yourself."<br/><br/>
<span class="p1">You:</span> "I-I will! Thank you."<br/><br/>
<span class="male">Steve: </span>"Go on now. And take a moment to calm yourself in there too. You'll have a lot more to do than just convince me when you get back out here."<br/><br/>
Leaving no room for delay you entered the private cupboard, closing the door securely behind you.<br/><br/>
Your heart was pounding as you walked the corridors to the Rec room. You had made the decision to go along with Keaton's request, but despite begrudgingly accepting this was the best option, you were still incredibly nervous. You had no idea what was really expected of you, but you hoped whatever it was would be over and done with quickly.<br/><br/>
<<if $sexyUnderwearPicked is 1>>
To think your life had come to this, that you were going to dress up in front of a bunch of men! It was still hard to believe you were in this mess. As much as you had come prepared to do this, it didn't make things feel any easier.<br/><br/>
<img src="images/items/redSatinSet.jpg" alt="sexy red satin bra and red satin with mesh backed panties" class="storyImage">
You used a backpack to carry the red bra and panties you got from the commissary, as it was far too embarrassing to carry them out in the open. Picking these over the ugly pair showed Keaton you took his request seriously, which took away risking angering him. It was the safe choice, you rold yourself.<br/><br/>
<<if $playerHistory is 'cd'>>Not only that, your love of crossdressing made it hard to turn down choosing such sexy lingerie. It's the kind of set you'd love to wear once this is over, if you actually had somewhere private to dress up.<br/><br/>
<<elseif $uglyUnderwearPicked is 1>>
To think your life had come to this, that you were going to dress up in front of a bunch of men! It was still hard to believe you were in this mess. As much as you had come prepared to do this, it didn't make things feel any easier.<br/><br/>
<img src="images/items/uglyUnderwearSet.jpg" alt="ugly bra and panties" class="storyImage">
Your backpack carried the ugly bra and panties you got from the commissary, as you were too embarrassed to carry them out in the open. Picking these over the sexy pair would hopefully send the right message to Keaton and his men, that you had no enthusiasm for this. The only problem with this plan was it risked angering him. It was a courageous choice, but didn't take away any of the embarrassment you were about to go through.<br/><br/>
<<if $playerHistory is 'cd'>>
In fact, with your hobby of enjoying crossdressing, it was in some ways more so. You would never choose to wear something as gross as this!<br/><br/>
Your anxiety was heightened by the fact you hadn't done much preparation for this. Though you had decided to go along with the demand from Keaton, you hadn't found any feminine clothing to do so in. Obviously this risked angering him, but what choice did you have but turn up at his event? All that could be done was to hope for the best.<br/><br/>
As you approached your destination, you noticed someone at the door of the Rec room's entrance. A man of average build, who noticed you and immediately pulled a look of displeasure on their face. From his first words, it was clear he was part of Keaton's gang.<br/><br/>
<span class="male">???: </span>"Well, well,... you're $name, I understand? But oh dear... you're dressed as a man!"<br/><br/>
<<if $sexyUnderwearPicked is 1 or $uglyUnderwearPicked>>
<span class="p1">You:</span> "What? B-but I'm not changed yet!"<br/><br/>
<span class="male">???: </span>"Ah, so you've brought something to wear? Well, it wasn't entirely unexpected that you'd arrive not fully dressed, to be honest. There's a cupboard you can get changed in just there."<br/><br/>
<span class="p1">You:</span> "Y-yes, t-thank you."<br/><br/>
<span class="male">???: </span>"Hey, don't be nervous now! Sounds like you put in some effort at least, not all the girls do their first time!"<br/><br/>
<span class="p1">You:</span> "I... I didn't find any... suitable clothes, for this."<br/><br/>
<span class="male">???: </span>"Ah, I see! Well, don't worry. To be honest not a lot of the girls do bring something to wear on their first time. There's a cupboard you can dress in just over there. Feel free to wear whatever fits. Go on now."<br/><br/>
You felt your face burn with shame as he implied you were a girl. And the way he said 'first time' made you sick to your stomach. Surely there wouldn't be a need to do this again!? You weren't going to say anything. You had to go along with this, at least for now, you told yourself.<br/><br/>
<span class="male">???: </span>"Get going girl, you'll hold things up! Go get dressed!"<br/><br/>
<<if $sexyUnderwearPicked is 1 or $uglyUnderwearPicked>>
A lot was going through your mind in this moment, but the main thing was your desire to just get this humiliation over and done with. You went into the cupboard as directed.<br/><br/>
The door had a lock, so at least you could get changed with no disruption. You took off your male clothes and carefully placed them in your bag. It was impossible to stop the uncontrollable shaking of your body now, the anticipation was becoming all too much.<br/><br/>
The word 'girl' rang in your head. In the tone of voice the man called you it, it was impossible not to feel frustrated. A lot was going through your mind in this moment. The main thing you felt was the need to just get this humiliation over and done with, but other emotions stirred within you as well.<br/><br/>
You stared at the cupboard the man had directed you to.<br/><br/>
<div class="choice">[[Do are you've been told and get changed.|c2closExtra]]</div><br/><div class="choice">[[Swing a punch at the man|c2closFail]]</div>
Thankfully it wasn't long before Charlie appeared, relieving you of any worries about whether she'd actually do it. Everything was ready to go ahead. Charlie herself looked incredibly nervous though. She was dressed as a male at the moment, though the baggy clothing she wore made you suspect she could already have something feminine on underneath. Clasped tight in her hands behind her back was a bag, seemingly filled with things to transform her into a sissy. It had taken some serious courage for her to get here, but that didn't stop her nerves almost overwhelming her.<br/><br/>
<span class="charlie">Charlie:</span> "H-hey, $name..."<br/><br/>
<<if $charlieDomEvent2 is "charmingApproach">>
<span class="p1">You:</span> "Charlie, you actually came!"<br/><br/>
She looked at you and smiled, but you could still see apprehension in her eyes. Something about your voice helped her contain her nerves, at least enough to stop her from backing out.<br/><br/>
<span class="charlie">Charlie:</span> "I couldn't leave you to do it, could I? T-this is... this is really happening then?"<br/><br/>
<span class="p1">You:</span> "Thank you for this! I'm going to be right here with you, you won't be alone. I can't imagine having the courage to do this."<br/><br/>
<span class="charlie">Charlie:</span> "B-believe me... it's not easy! But... in some ways... it's sort of a long-time fantasy finally coming true."<br/><br/>
<span class="p1">You:</span> "That's what I thought. Remember, this is still a first step for you, so don't push yourself too much. The order I got from Keaton said it wouldn't be much more than dressing up for them."<br/><br/>
<span class="charlie">Charlie:</span> "It's OK, $name... with you looking out for me, I think I'll be OK."<br/><br/>
<span class="p1">You:</span> "You still look nervous though. Take a deep breath."<br/><br/>
She inhaled heavily and slow as you told her to do, then nodded to herself, before finally speaking.<br/><br/>
<span class="charlie">Charlie:</span> "I'm... I'm feeling ready."<br/><br/>
<span class="p1">You:</span> "I'm glad. I hope this is a win for everyone. I know it's not the ideal situation for you but, it sounds like the the beginning of a journey you've wanted to go on for a long time."<br/><br/>
<span class="charlie">Charlie:</span> "It is... it's just... it's still so embarrassing!"<br/><br/>
<span class="p1">You:</span> "I understand."<br/><br/>
She blushed red. You could tell it was difficult for her, but at the same time you knew she wanted to do it. It was like she was on the top board of a diving pool. You wanted to guide her, not push. With gentle encouragement she could overcome her fears and become what she truly desired to be.<br/><br/>
<span class="p1">You:</span> "This is finally your time to be the sissy you've dreamed about being. Are you ready?"<br/><br/>
<span class="charlie">Charlie:</span> "...Yes. Yes I am."<br/><br/>
<span class="p1">You:</span> "Then let's do this. Follow me."<br/><br/>
You placed your hand at her back to reassure her things would be OK. You walked up to the entrance of the Rec room with confidence, with Charlie at your side.<br/><br/>
As you approached your destination, you saw someone at the door's entrance. A man of average build, who noticed you and immediately pulled a look of displeasure on his face. By his words you could tell he was part of Keaton's gang.<br/><br/>
<span class="male">???: </span>"You're $name, I understand? Pfft... what a disappointing effort."<br/><br/>
<span class="p1">You:</span> "Disappointing? No, I don't think anyone will be disappointed today. Where is the changing room?"<br/><br/>
<span class="male">???: </span>"There's a cupboard over there, it's private enough for you."<br/><br/>
<span class="p1">You:</span> "Me? No, there appears to be some confusion. This is Charlie, and she'll be doing the event instead of me."<br/><br/>
Charlie stood next to you, her face burning red. She couldn't bring herself to make eye contact with the man, but let out a tiny noise, something that was meant to be a friendly greeting but barely sounded like anything.<br/><br/>
<span class="male">???: </span>"No...no, no, no! Keaton wanted..."<br/><br/>
<span class="p1">You:</span> "Keaton wanted someone feminine to dress up for his show, didn't he? Well Charlie's not dressed up yet, but she will definitely meet the criteria! She is very shy, but this kind of thing is something she has had dreams of doing for a long time. You just wait, she's even hotter when she's dressed up!"<br/><br/>
The man looked confused, but didn't protest further.<br/><br/>
<span class="male">???: </span>"Whatever! As I said, she can get changed over there. You better be ready to explain yourself to Keaton."<br/><br/>
<span class="p1">You:</span> "OK Charlie, are you still happy to do this?"<br/><br/>
<span class="charlie">Charlie:</span> "Yes $name. But please, don't go far!"<br/><br/>
<span class="p1">You:</span> "I'll be just outside so don't worry! If anything becomes too much for you, don't hesitate to let me know. I know this is a crazy situation but if it all becomes too much for you, please don't feel like you can't stop this! If you need to back out I'll figure another way out of this, I promise."<br/><br/>
She smiled. She was unable to say a word at this point, it was like she was in shock that she was really doing this. It was your belief in her that gave her the encouragement to continue. She turned and slowly walked in to the cupboard area. She was going to do this for both you, and herself. This was really going to happen.<br/><br/>
<<if $khanState6Gift is 1>>
Suddenly you remembered, you weren't the only one who had brought a bag with you. You had carried the gift Khan had set up for you in a backpack. After hastily opening it, you ran to pass it to Charlie just before she closed the cupboard door.<br/><br/>
<span class="charlie">Charlie:</span> "What's this?"<br/><br/>
<span class="p1">You:</span> "Something nice. A gift for you. I'm sure what you brought is nice but maybe you'd like to wear it."<br/><br/>
<span class="charlie">Charlie:</span> "Oh... $name, thank you."<br/><br/>
<span class="p1">You:</span> "No, it's you who deserves thanks. I'll leave the rest to you. I know you're going to look really hot whatever you wear!"<br/><br/>
<span class="charlie">Charlie:</span> "He he, OK!"<br/><br/>
Things seemed to be going well. Charlie was about to dress up for Keaton's gang, and hopefully everyone would be happy in this situation. Though the man guarding the room looked at you with suspicion, you didn't care. You were confident the men would be pleased with what they saw soon. You waited outside by the door while Charlie changed.<br/><br/>
<<elseif $charlieDomEvent2 is "strongApproach">>
<span class="p1">You:</span> "You came... you're a good girl, Charlie."<br/><br/>
She looked at you and smiled, but you could still see apprehension in her eyes. Something about your voice helped her contain her nerves, at least enough to stop her from backing out.<br/><br/>
<span class="charlie">Charlie:</span> "T-this is... this is really happening then?"<br/><br/>
<span class="p1">You:</span> "It'll be OK. I'll be here looking out for you. Everybody is going to win today, and it's all because you've got the courage to finally be yourself."<br/><br/>
<span class="charlie">Charlie:</span> "Y-yes."<br/><br/>
<span class="p1">You:</span> "Take a deep breath. Now... are you ready to do this for me?"<br/><br/>
She took a long breath as you told her to do, then swallowed, before finally answering.<br/><br/>
<span class="charlie">Charlie:</span> "I... I am."<br/><br/>
<span class="p1">You:</span> "Good. We both know deep down part of you is excited for this. Today will help that part of you, the real you, to grow."<br/><br/>
<span class="charlie">Charlie:</span> "It's just... still so embarrassing."<br/><br/>
<span class="p1">You:</span> "This is just the first step in your journey! It was always going to be a difficult start for you. But I believe in you, my little sissy."<br/><br/>
She blushed red. You couldn't tell for certain but surely this was a fantasy she had had for a long time finally coming true. You turned up the pressure a little.<br/><br/>
<span class="p1">You:</span> "You are my sissy, right?"<br/><br/>
<span class="charlie">Charlie:</span> "...yes."<br/><br/>
<span class="p1">You:</span> "Then let's do this. Follow me."<br/><br/>
The role you had in this relationship truly made you feel powerful. You walked up to the entrance of the Rec room with confidence, with Charlie meekly following.<br/><br/>
As you approached your destination, you saw someone at the door's entrance. A man of average build, who noticed you and immediately pulled a look of displeasure on their face. By his words you could tell he was part of Keaton's gang.<br/><br/>
<span class="male">???: </span>"You're $name, I understand? Pfft... what a disappointing effort."<br/><br/>
<span class="p1">You:</span> "Disappointing? No, I don't think anyone will be disappointed today. Where is the changing room?"<br/><br/>
<span class="male">???: </span>"There's a cupboard over there, it's private enough for you."<br/><br/>
<span class="p1">You:</span> "Me? No, there appears to be some confusion. Here, let me introduce my sissy, Charlie."<br/><br/>
Charlie stood next to you, her face burning red. She couldn't bring herself to make eye contact with the man, but let out a tiny noise, something that was meant to be a friendly greeting but barely sounded like anything.<br/><br/>
<span class="male">???: </span>"No...no, no, no! Keaton wanted..."<br/><br/>
<span class="p1">You:</span> "Keaton wanted someone feminine to dress up for his show, didn't he? Well Charlie's not dressed up yet, but she will definitely meet the criteria."<br/><br/>
The man sighed while shaking his head in exasperation.<br/><br/>
<span class="male">???: </span>"Whatever then! As I said, she can get changed over there. You better be ready to explain yourself to Keaton."<br/><br/>
<span class="p1">You:</span> "OK Charlie, go get ready."<br/><br/>
She nodded, unable to say a word at this point. It was like she was in shock that she was really doing this. She turned and slowly walked in to the cupboard area.<br/><br/>
<<if $khanState6Gift is 1>>
Suddenly you remembered, you weren't the only one who had brought a bag with you. You had carried the gift Khan had set up for you in a backpack. You hastily opened it and ran to pass it to Charlie just before she closed the cupboard door.<br/><br/>
<span class="charlie">Charlie:</span> "What's this?"<br/><br/>
<span class="p1">You:</span> "Something nice. I want you to wear this, OK?"<br/><br/>
<span class="charlie">Charlie:</span> "But I brought some-"<br/><br/>
<span class="p1">You:</span> "Wear. This."<br/><br/>
<span class="charlie">Charlie:</span> "Y-yes. I will."<br/><br/>
Things seemed to be going well. You had successfully convinced Charlie to at least get to the point of dressing up for Keaton's gang. Though the man guarding the room looked at you with suspicion, you didn't care. You were confident the men would be happy with what they saw soon. You waited outside by the door where Charlie was preparing herself.<br/><br/>
<<else>>Something wrong, c2Dom.
<<set $rangGf to 1>>
<<set $visitorTomorrowState to 1>>
<<if $playerStartType is 'straight'>>
<span class="gf">$gf: </span>"Hello? Oh $name, I was hoping it was you!"<br/><br/>
<span class="p1">You:</span> "$gf... I really miss you."<br/><br/>
<span class="gf">$gf: </span>"Me too baby... are things still going OK in there?"<br/><br/>
You sighed. From the pause in your voice $gf could tell something was wrong.<br/><br/>
<span class="gf">$gf: </span>"Hey... I've got some time off, I'll come and visit you tomorrow, that'll cheer you up won't it?"<br/><br/>
It would. You smiled while telling her you were looking forward to seeing her.<br/><br/>
<span class="gf">$gf: </span>"Well, it's a date! See you then. Love you!"<br/><br/>
<span class="p1">You:</span> "Love you too."<br/><br/>
Moments like this were bittersweet. Her voice filled you with happiness, but it was a harsh comedown to be trapped in here without her. You left the phone area, looking forward to tomorrow.<br/><br/>
[[Back to Main Block|Mess Room]]
<<elseif $playerStartType is 'sissy'>>
In Grenton, you had chosen a new direction in life. Maybe it was just the excitement of going on this new path, but you hadn't really considered $gf when you made that decision. While the phone was still dialling her, you considered your approach. It was probably best to not overthink things. For now, you'll just invite her to visit you so you could talk about things properly in person.<br/><br/>
<span class="gf">$gf: </span>"Hello? Oh $name, I was hoping it was you!"<br/><br/>
<span class="p1">You:</span> "$gf... I... I'd really like it if you visited me. I think we need to talk."<br/><br/>
<span class="gf">$gf: </span>"Oh OK... is everything alright in there? You don't quite sound like yourself."<br/><br/>
<span class="p1">You:</span> "Yes, it's all fine in here... I just... well, I need to see you in person if that's alright with you."<br/><br/>
<span class="gf">$gf: </span>"Sure... I was just worried is all! I've been wanting to visit anyway, shall I come tomorrow?"<br/><br/>
<span class="p1">You:</span> "That would be great!"<br/><br/>
<span class="gf">$gf: </span>"Don't you miss me? Life isn't quite the same without your cute little face around here!"<br/><br/>
Hearing her voice again made you smile, but also feel guilty for the decision you made about being a sissy without really considering her. She often called you 'little' or 'cute' and other similar things. You always pretended you hated that, but really you kind of liked it. After choosing to be a sissy in here, you wouldn't be able to pretend that anymore.<br/><br/>
<span class="p1">You:</span> "I do miss you... sorry I'm just... thinking about so much right now."<br/><br/>
<span class="gf">$gf: </span>"Well maybe you need to stop thinking so hard! I'll see you real soon, OK sweetie? Mwah!"<br/><br/>
You said goodbye before putting the phone down slowly, filled with different emotions. Tomorrow could be awkward, but at least you could cement how you feel and be truthful with $gf.<br/><br/>
[[Back to Main Block|Mess Room]]
<<elseif $playerStartType is 'sissybf'>>
Inside Grenton you had chosen a new direction, to open yourself up to a part of your life you had long wanted to explore, and Keaton had given you a prime opportunity to do so. But even though you wanted to do this, you were still in love with $gf. Despite how excited you felt by the idea of exploring that part of you, you still wanted to be with her. To be her partner. Her lover.<br/><br/>
While the phone was still dialling her, you considered it was best to not overthink things. For now, you'll just invite her to visit so you could talk about things properly together, in person.<br/><br/>
<span class="gf">$gf: </span>"Hello? Oh $name, I was hoping it was you!"<br/><br/>
<span class="p1">You:</span> "$gf... it's so good to hear you again. I've missed you so much!"<br/><br/>
<span class="gf">$gf: </span>"Me too, baby! Are things still going alright in there?"<br/><br/>
You sighed, from the long pause $gf could tell something was wrong.<br/><br/>
<span class="gf">$gf: </span>"Hey... I've got some time off, let me come visit you tomorrow! That'll cheer you up won't it?"<br/><br/>
The mere suggestion of it brightened your mood. You smiled while telling her you were looking forward to seeing her.<br/><br/>
<span class="gf">$gf: </span>"Well, it's a date then! See you soon, love you!"<br/><br/>
<span class="p1">You:</span> "Love you too!"<br/><br/>
Moments like this were bittersweet. Her voice filled you with happiness, but it was a harsh comedown to be trapped in here for so long without her.<br/><br/>
Tomorrow would be a big day for you. You weren't sure how you would tell her what's on your mind... about this whole different side of yourself. Most of all, you were worried by how she would react. Today she loved you, but what of tomorrow?<br/><br/>
You left the phone area, looking forward to her visit with both excitement and dread.<br/><br/>
[[Back to Main Block|Mess Room]]
<<elseif $playerStartType is 'closeted'>>
<span class="gf">$gf: </span>"Hello? Oh $name, I was hoping it was you!"<br/><br/>
<span class="p1">You:</span> "$gf... I really miss you!"<br/><br/>
<span class="gf">$gf: </span>"Me too baby... are things still going OK in there?"<br/><br/>
You trembled as tears began forming in your eyes. It took everything you had to not sound like you were about to cry.<br/><br/>
<span class="p1">You:</span> "It's... just a bit harder in here than I expected."<br/><br/>
<span class="gf">$gf: </span>"Oh no! What's happening in there? If they're not treating you right let me help! Is the staff mistreating you? Are they not properly caring for you? I... I can send in a complaint!"<br/><br/>
<span class="p1">You:</span> "I'm sorry, but... that wouldn't be able to help me."<br/><br/>
<span class="gf">$gf: </span>"Hey, cheer up! I've got some time off... let me come and visit you tomorrow, that'll make you feel better won't it?"<br/><br/>
Part of you knew it would, but you also felt so ashamed. Still, you couldn't help smiling as you told her you'd like that and were looking forward to seeing her in person again.<br/><br/>
<span class="gf">$gf: </span>"Well, it's a date then! See you then. Love you!"<br/><br/>
<span class="p1">You:</span> "Love you too..."<br/><br/>
Moments like this were bittersweet. Her voice filled you with happiness, but it was a harsh comedown to be trapped in here for so long without her. You left the phone area, looking forward to tomorrow.<br/><br/>
[[Back to Main Block|Mess Room]]
<<elseif $playerStartType is 'dom'>>
<span class="gf">$gf: </span>"Hello? Oh $name, I was hoping it was you!"<br/><br/>
<span class="p1">You:</span> "Hey babe... I really miss you."<br/><br/>
<span class="gf">$gf: </span>"Ooooh! I miss you too babe! Is everything OK?"<br/><br/>
<span class="p1">You:</span> "Well... it's complicated. I'm more interested in how you're doing though. I want to see you again... come visit me tomorrow?"<br/><br/>
<span class="gf">$gf: </span>"Yes, I had been hoping you'd invite me! This cowgirl's been getting pretty lonely without her ride."<br/><br/>
You and $gf had been really getting into some erotic roleplaying for the last few months, but it was interrupted by your move into Grenton. It seemed she was still in the mood to continue...<br/><br/>
<span class="p1">You:</span> "Hehe... didn't realize I was calling such a horny girl today! Don't go too wild without me now little lady, didn't I tame you better than that?"<br/><br/>
<span class="gf">$gf: </span>"Oh... you sure did, he he."<br/><br/>
<span class="p1">You:</span> "Mmmmm... ah fuck! I wish I wasn't stuck in this fucking place right now!"<br/><br/>
<span class="gf">$gf: </span>"I'm sorry babe, I should be more careful with what I say while you're stuck in there, shouldn't I?"<br/><br/>
<span class="p1">You:</span> "It's OK... don't feel bad. I'm looking forward to seeing you tomorrow."<br/><br/>
<span class="gf">$gf: </span>"Me too!"<br/><br/>
<div class="choice">[[Command her to wear something slutty for the visit tomorrow.|cGfEventDomExtra][$domStat += 1; $gfRespect +=1; $cGfEvent2Slutty = 1]]</div><br/>
<div class="choice">[[Say you can't wait to see how beautiful she looks tomorrow.|cGfEventDomExtra][$charmStat += 1; $gfRespect += 1; $cGfEvent2Charming = 1]]</div><br/>
Something wrong cGfEvent.
<<set $visitorTodayState to 0>>
<<if $playerStartType is 'straight'>>
Like last time, an officer took you to your table, but today $gf was there ready for you, sat with a dull look. Just like onher first visit, her face came alive when she saw you approaching.<br/><br/>
<span class="gf">$gf: </span>"$name!"<br/><br/>
She was about to stand up for a hug with you, but the officer anticipated it quickly.<br/><br/>
<span class="male">Officer: </span>"No touching other than hands! Don't make me remind you!"<br/><br/>
<span class="gf">$gf: </span>"Hmpf!"<br/><br/>
With annoyance she sat back down again. You weren't happy about it either, wasn't this supposed to be a Personal Growth Center, not a prison? It was such a shame too, she had dressed hot as ever today. She must of come after work because she was wearing office clothes. Her shirt was unbuttoned enough to see her boobs pressed together by the pushup bra underneath. A tight mini pencil skirt and stockings completed the look. She normally wore smart pants rather than skirts in the office, but it seemed she changed that today especially for you.<br/><br/>
<img src="images/scenes/Zgf3b.jpg" alt="your girlfriend looking hot in office wear" class="storyImage"><span class="p1">You:</span> "You can't imagine how good it is to see you... especially when you're dressed like that!"<br/><br/>
<span class="gf">$gf: </span>"Thought I'd give you something special to look at. You must be forgetting what I look like while you're in there, maybe even forgetting what any woman looks like! Can't be easy being surrounded by men all day!"<br/><br/>
<span class="p1">You:</span> "Don't get me started... you're not that wrong to be honest. Thanks for coming. Just having a moment where life feels normal is all I need right now. But you looking like that right now makes it even better."<br/><br/>
<span class="gf">$gf: </span>"Is it that bad in there? I thought being in a Personal Growth Center would be better than the alternative..."<br/><br/>
<span class="p1">You:</span> "I'm not so sure anymore. Things were OK at first... I thought the whole pantie thing would get people off my back in here... it hasn't."<br/><br/>
<span class="gf">$gf: </span>"What's happening! Are you OK in there?"<br/><br/>
She reached out and placed her hand on yours. It gave you all the reassurance you needed to confide in her. Though it was an uncomfortable thing to talk about, you felt the need to tell her about the Keaton situation. But how would you explain it?<br/><br/>
<<if $charmStat gte 2>>
<div class="choice">[[They're trying to haze me, but I'll get out of it. |cGfEvent2Extra][$charmStat += 1; $gfRespect += 3; $tempStrBoost += 1; $cGfEvent2Visit = 'charmed']]</div><br/>
<div class="choice greyedOut">Not enough charm for charming approach.</div><br/>
<<if $strStat gte 4>>
<div class="choice">[[Tell the truth, and that you're fighting your way out.|cGfEvent2Extra][$courageStat += 1; $gfRespect += 1; $tempStrBoost += 3; $cGfEvent2Visit = 'fighter']]</div><br/>
<div class="choice greyedOut">Not enough strength for convincing approach.</div><br/>
<div class="choice">[[Tell the truth, and that you're still figuring out what to do.|cGfEvent2Extra][$courageStat += 1; $cGfEvent2Visit = 'noPlan']]</div><br/>
<<elseif $playerStartType is 'sissy'>>
<<set $gfType to 'mentor'>>
Like last time, an officer took you to your table. $gf was there waiting for you, sat with a bored expression. Just like her first visit, her face came alive the moment she saw you approaching.<br/><br/>
<span class="gf">$gf: </span>"$name!"<br/><br/>
She went to stand up for a hug with you, but the officer anticipated it quickly.<br/><br/>
<span class="male">Officer: </span>"No touching other than hands! Don't make me remind you!"<br/><br/>
<span class="gf">$gf: </span>"Hmpf! I don't see why hugs aren't allowed! I wanted to give your cute little face a squeeze too!"<br/><br/>
With annoyance she sat back down. You weren't happy about it either, wasn't this supposed to be a Personal Growth Center, not a prison? It was such a shame too, you could of really used her touch right now. Looking at what she was wearing, you figured she must of come to you directly from her job because she was wearing her office clothes. A navy jacket with a matching pencil skirt that tightly hugged her hips, together with a white button shirt. It was the kind of attire you hoped to pull off some day, although you would undo a few shirt buttons to go for a sexier look. Still, she looked pretty.<br/><br/>
<img src="images/scenes/Zgf3a.jpg" alt="your girlfriend looking good in office wear" class="storyImage"><span class="gf">$gf: </span>"Is everything OK? You sound like you had a lot on your mind yesterday, so I didn't want to keep you waiting. I'm worried about you!"<br/><br/>
<span class="p1">You:</span> "Thanks, I'm really glad you're here. Things have been... really surprising in here. A lot different to what I ever imagined. I have to say it's nice to be with you like this, just to have a moment that feels normal."<br/><br/>
<span class="gf">$gf: </span>"Ah sweetie... don't mention it. I want to support you, just like you did for me when we first met. How are things, you holding up?"<br/><br/>
<span class="p1">You:</span> "Yeah... I'm doing good actually. And you?"<br/><br/>
<span class="gf">$gf: </span>"He he, oh you don't need to worry about me! Apart from you being in here everything else in my life is as normal as ever! I'm glad you're doing OK, I wasn't sure if everything was going alright. I mean... the request for panties... it's not like you."<br/><br/>
<span class="p1">You:</span> "I know. It sounds strange but I'm confronting a lot of things about myself recently. This place, it's kind of made me think hard about who I am."<br/><br/>
<span class="gf">$gf: </span>"Oh? Well, they do say it's a Personal Growth Center right, I suppose it's working?"<br/><br/>
<span class="p1">You:</span> "Um... yes."<br/><br/>
For the sake of simplicity, you let her think it was the Center (rather than Keaton), that was making you self-introspective. There was probably no need to tell her the specifics; she'd only worry more if you did. However, you did feel a need to tell her about your decision. About who, or what, you felt you truly were.<br/><br/>
When you accepted you were going to do Keaton's event, you did it because you finally needed to be the sissy you really were. As much as your relationship with $gf had been a positive in both your lives, you knew it just wouldn't work on this new path you were going down.<br/><br/>
When you made the decision you instinctively knew you couldn't still be a partner for $gf anymore. Back then, you were a closeted sissy, and now you were determined not to hide it anymore. Though it filled you with sadness, you felt the need to tell the truth to her, so that both of you could move on. You wanted to do this as gently as possible.<br/><br/>
<span class="p1">You:</span> "$gf, I... need to tell you something."<br/><br/>
<span class="gf">$gf: </span>"You look upset, is everything OK? It's... alright, $name. I'm here for you."<br/><br/>
She reached out and placed her hand on yours. The warmth of her touch gave you a sense of reassurance. You knew her well enough that she wasn't going to hate you for coming out. You just hoped you didn't hurt her by ending the relationship from this place.<br/><br/>
<span class="p1">You:</span> "$gf, I... I'm not 100% sure of who I am but... I've... got this desire to... I.. I'm not even sure of the words... it's like I'm... not... I..."<br/><br/>
<span class="gf">$gf: </span>"Don't worry... I know."<br/><br/>
<span class="p1">You:</span> "What! What do you mean by that?"<br/><br/>
<span class="gf">$gf: </span>"I know. And you know. I know what you're trying to say... you don't need to put it into words."<br/><br/>
<span class="p1">You:</span> "No, I don't think you do-"<br/><br/>
Suddenly she leaned in, a gentle smile on her face as she whispered.<br/><br/>
<span class="gf">$gf: </span>"You're a sissy. It's OK. I know and I won't tell anyone. I'm right, aren't I?"<br/><br/>
She was! It was like she knew exactly what you wanted to say. Part of the reason it was such a struggle to tell her was because you didn't think she'd know what a sissy was, yet somehow she did! How? You looked back at her, completely dumbfounded. She giggled, then kept her voice low to explain without embarrassing you.<br/><br/>
<span class="gf">$gf: </span>"$name, I'm sorry, it's just I knew already. I could tell you were struggling to explain, but I already understood you."<br/><br/>
<span class="p1">You:</span> "You.. your right but..."<br/><br/>
<span class="gf">$gf: </span>"I found out and well... I never wanted to push you. I was at rock bottom after my last relationship, the way men had treated me I had lost my entire sense of self. But you were there for me, $name! You supported me when I needed it most, you gave me so much to help build myself back up. I just didn't want to force you to confront who you are, that was your journey to take and decide in your own time, and well... here we are."<br/><br/>
<span class="p1">You:</span> "But I still don't understand how you knew..."<br/><br/>
<<if $playerVirgin is 'yes'>>
<span class="gf">$gf: </span>"Well, at first I thought you were just gay. I mean... you know, your issues with... avoiding intimacy with me. But I didn't get it because I still noticed you checking out women now and then. And then that one time I came home from work, I was coming round the back and in the window..."<br/><br/>
<<elseif $playerVirgin is 'no'>>
<span class="gf">$gf: </span>"Well, at first I didn't understand at all, after all, we had been... intimate... a lot. But, you have to admit for a while now you've been avoiding it with me. I noticed you checking out other women and thought there may be something wrong with me, but then I noticed you're actually checking out their outfits! And then that one time I came home from work, I was coming round the back and in the window..."<br/><br/>
<span class="gf">$gf: </span>"Well, at first I didn't understand at all. But, you have to admit for so long there's been a lack of intimacy between us. And then that one time I came home from work, I was coming round the back and in the window..."<br/><br/>
<span class="p1">You:</span> "Oh my God... you really did see me that day!"<br/><br/>
<span class="gf">$gf: </span>"Yes. For your sake I just pretended that I hadn't. It was a bit of a shock at first, but then I kind of found it funny. The way you ran upstairs and changed into men's clothes so quick... you really thought you had got away with it!"<br/><br/>
<span class="p1">You:</span> "I was terrified that day! I felt so much relief when I came down and things were normal... all the time you knew!"<br/><br/>
<span class="gf">$gf: </span>"He he, well... it was obvious you were embarrassed by the whole thing, so again I just left it! And your outfit was clearly not my clothes... I have some sexy undies, but nothing THAT slutty!"<br/><br/>
Your face burned scarlet. She had known for ages! To think this conversation began with you thinking you needed to be gentle. If anything $gf was doing her best to be sensitive for your sake!<br/><br/>
<span class="gf">$gf: </span>"And I'm sorry to say this but... you did a bad job deleting your browser history on the tablet. I didn't mean to find anything but I was checking the news one day and searched google for BBC and well, it wasn't a news website..."<br/><br/>
<span class="p1">You:</span> "Oh God! $gf I'm sorry!"<br/><br/>
<span class="gf">$gf: </span>"Don't be, please. I understand why you'd hide it. That day I learned what a sissy was and well... at first, honestly, it was a little disturbing, I can't say I didn't find it strange. But I was curious and ended up looking into it more and, well... I learned quite a lot."<br/><br/>
<span class="p1">You:</span> "And... you still stayed with me?"<br/><br/>
<<if $playerVirgin is 'yes'>>
<span class="gf">$gf: </span>"I know we weren't.... physically involved together but, I still loved you."<br/><br/>
<span class="gf">$gf: </span>"I didn't have any reason to leave... back then. But $name... you've been so distant. It's so clear you need to go down a different path. We can both see this... us... it needs to end. It hurts, I know, but despite what I'm saying, I do love you..."<br/><br/>
<span class="p1">You:</span> "Me too. There were times where I wished I only desired you... that I wasn't into this sissy stuff... I... I wanted to be your man but... I just couldn't."<br/><br/>
<span class="gf">$gf: </span>"It's OK. I think you already know this now but... you don't have to pretend you're aren't one anymore. You can be who you truly are. I know this world puts pressure on people like you to hide their desires deep down... but you don't want to have to keep doing that, do you?"<br/><br/>
<span class="p1">You:</span> "I don't think so! I want to explore this part of me. But, I... I should of told you this long before now."<br/><br/>
<span class="gf">$gf: </span>"No. The two of us were together for a reason. We both needed each other. You were there for me, and now I'm here for you!"<br/><br/>
<span class="p1">You:</span> "What... what do you mean?"<br/><br/>
<span class="gf">$gf: </span>"I'm saying, I still want to be part of your life. Not your partner but... your friend. One who can look out for you still while you're in here. Someone who knows you and can be supportive for you while you discover yourself."<br/><br/>
Tears began streaming down your cheeks. Despite knowing you needed to end things you still felt sad it had come to this. But they were also tears of joy, knowing that your time with $gf could be looked back on as a happy chapter in both your lives, and that you could still count on each other. She put her hand on yours and squeezed. You sniffed heavily before you could finally speak.<br/><br/>
<span class="p1">You: </span>"Yes... Yes... I'd like that."<br/><br/>
Her eyes were watering too, but she kept smiling, she was happy for you.<br/><br/>
<span class="p1">You: </span>"I... wish things had been different."<br/><br/>
<span class="gf">$gf: </span>"Me too... but hey, I'm excited to have someone in my life I can dress up!"<br/><br/>
<span class="p1">You: </span>"You... wait, you'd really help with that?"<br/><br/>
<span class="gf">$gf: </span>"Of course! I said I'd support you, didn't I?"<br/><br/>
With a new reality setting in for you both, the mood lightened. She was excited by picturing how cute a girl you'd make, especially admiring how well suited your face would be for certain makeup styles. You were simply grateful you didn't have to hide your feelings anymore, and had the chance to explore the sissy cravings you had deep inside, and with a girl's help no less! You both started making jokes about how crazy these revelations had been, and started to see the funny side. After all this, it was finally time to go.<br/><br/>
<span class="gf">$gf: </span>"Well... I better be off. Listen, don't forget you can still call me whenever you need."<br/><br/>
<span class="p1">You: </span>"$gf... thank you."<br/><br/>
<span class="gf">$gf: </span>"That's alright. Oh and um... if I do come across your secret stash of girl's clothes... I'll keep them safe. Don't worry about your things being thrown out, he he!"<br/><br/>
<span class="p1">You: </span>"Oh! Um, if you do find them..."<br/><br/>
<span class="gf">$gf: </span>"Yes?"<br/><br/>
<span class="p1">You: </span>"Uh... you probably don't want to look at them... there's... some pieces of clothing even sluttier than what you've already seen."<br/><br/>
The last little confession made her burst out laughing, which you couldn't help but join in with.<br/><br/>
<span class="gf">$gf: </span>"You know what $name... you were never boring! When you get out of here, I think we'll have a lot of fun."<br/><br/>
<span class="p1">You: </span>"Really? But I..."<br/><br/>
<span class="gf">$gf: </span>"Not like that! I mean like, a girl's night out!"<br/><br/>
<span class="p1">You: </span>"Ah! Well, let's see... I'm still new to this. But... that sounds fun."<br/><br/>
You both smiled one last time. Visitation was over. She said goodbye politely, before you were escorted back to the main area. As odd as today had been it was exactly what needed to happen. The truth was out there between you two, and while your partnership was over, you could carry on from now as friends. You smiled on the way back, thinking positively so as to be ready for what was ahead.<br/><br/>
[[Back to Main Block|Mess Room]]
<<elseif $playerStartType is 'sissybf'>>
Like last time, an officer took you to your table. $gf was there waiting for you, sat with a bored expression. Just like her first visit, her face came alive the moment she saw you approaching.<br/><br/>
<span class="gf">$gf: </span>"$name!"<br/><br/>
She went to stand up for a hug with you, but the officer anticipated it quickly.<br/><br/>
<span class="male">Officer: </span>"No touching other than hands! Don't make me remind you!"<br/><br/>
<span class="gf">$gf: </span>"Hmpf! I don't see why hugs aren't allowed! I wanted to give your cute little face a squeeze too!"<br/><br/>
With annoyance she sat back down. You weren't happy about it either, wasn't this supposed to be a Personal Growth Center, not a prison? It was such a shame too, you could of really used her touch right now. Looking at what she was wearing, you figured she must of come to you directly from her job because she was wearing her office clothes. A navy jacket with a matching pencil skirt that tightly hugged her hips, together with a white button shirt. It was the kind of attire you hoped to pull off some day, although you would undo a few shirt buttons to go for a sexier look. Still, she looked pretty.<br/><br/>
<img src="images/scenes/Zgf3a.jpg" alt="your girlfriend looking good in office wear" class="storyImage"><span class="gf">$gf: </span>"Is everything OK? You sound like you've had a lot on your mind, so I didn't want to keep you waiting. It's hard not to worry about you!"<br/><br/>
<span class="p1">You:</span> "I'm sorry, I don't want you to feel concerned, but I seriously needed to see you. Things have been way harder than expected in here... Just having a moment where life feels normal with you is all I need right now."<br/><br/>
<span class="gf">$gf: </span>"Ah sweetie... don't mention it! Just remember, I want to support you through such a difficult time, just like you did for me when we first met. But if you don't tell me what's wrong, you're just going to hold in all your problems and that can't be good for you."<br/><br/>
<span class="p1">You:</span> "It's just... I thought the whole pantie thing would get people off my back in here. If anything, it's had the opposite effect!"<br/><br/>
<span class="gf">$gf: </span>"Really! What's happening? Are you OK in there?"<br/><br/>
She reached out and placed her hand on yours. The warmth of her touch gave you some reassurance she would support you, but not quite enough for you to tell her. You were scared about what she might think if you told her about your sissy desires; how Keaton's event was a way to maybe explore them. How most of all, you didn't want to lose her. You tried to remember moments of your life with $gf, whether any past interaction could give you a hint of how she might react.<br/><br/>
Becoming slightly paniced, your mind started recollectiong all sorts of crazy things. You knew they were true events in your life, you just couldn't remember if they involved $gf or somebody else! Out of your jumbled thoughts, you tried to focus on what the truth was. Thinking clearly about it, which one of these inclinations about $gf was true?<br/><br/>
<div class="choice">[[Didn't I accidentally see her browser history once? And it was mostly gay and trans porn?|cGfEvent2Extra][$cGfEvent2Visit = 'openGf'; $gfType = 'open']]</div><br/>
<div class="choice">[[I vaguely recall her being a huge fan of Ru Paul's Drag Race, but was that her or someone else?|cGfEvent2Extra][$cGfEvent2Visit = 'mentorGf'; $gfType = 'mentor']]</div><br/>
<div class="choice">[[Wasn't she the person who was disgusted by your smooth skin when you shaved your body for a medical scan?|cGfEvent2Extra][$cGfEvent2Visit = 'cuckGf'; $gfType = 'cuck']]</div><br/>
<<elseif $playerStartType is 'closeted'>>
Like last time, an officer took you to your table. Today $gf was there ready for you, sat with a dull look. Just like her first visit, her face came alive when she saw you approaching.<br/><br/>
<span class="gf">$gf: </span>"$name!!!"<br/><br/>
She was about to stand up for a hug with you, but the officer anticipated it quickly.<br/><br/>
<span class="male">Officer: </span>"No touching other than hands! Don't make me remind you!"<br/><br/>
<span class="gf">$gf: </span>"Hmpf!"<br/><br/>
With annoyance she sat back down again. You weren't happy about it either, wasn't this supposed to be a Personal Growth Center, not a prison? It was such a shame too, you could of really used her touch right now.<br/><br/>
Looking at what she was wearing, you figured she must of come to you straight after work because she was wearing office clothes, a navy pinstripe jacket with matching smart pants, and a white button shirt. You sort of hoped she'd undo a few buttons to go for a sexier look, but she still looked pretty.<br/><br/>
<img src="images/scenes/Zgf3d.jpg" alt="your girlfriend looking smart in office wear" class="storyImage"><span class="gf">$gf: </span>"Is everything OK? You sound pretty upset yesterday, I was worried!"<br/><br/>
<span class="p1">You:</span> "Things have been harder than expected in here... Thank you for coming though. To have just a moment where life feels normal with you is all I need right now."<br/><br/>
<span class="gf">$gf: </span>"Ah sweetie, I understand! But if you don't tell me what's wrong you're just going to hold in all your problems, and that can't be good for you."<br/><br/>
<span class="p1">You:</span> "It's just... I thought the whole pantie thing would get people off my back in here... but it hasn't... in fact it's got pretty bad."<br/><br/>
<span class="gf">$gf: </span>"What's happening! Are you OK in there?"<br/><br/>
She reached out and placed her hand on yours. It gave you some of the reassurance you needed to confide in her. Though it was an uncomfortable thing to talk about, you felt the need to tell her about the Keaton situation. But how would you explain it?<br/><br/>
<div class="choice">[[Tell the truth about what is going on, and say you'll do what Keaton says.|cGfEvent2Extra][$pervStat += 1; $courageStat += 2; $gfRespect -= 1; $cGfEvent2Visit = 'goingAlong']]</div><br/>
<div class="choice">[[Gloss over it, say there's just some light hazing going on in here.|cGfEvent2Extra][$courageStat -= 1; $gfRespect += 1; $cGfEvent2Visit = 'hidTheTruth']]</div><br/>
<<elseif $playerStartType is 'dom'>>
<<if $cGfEvent2Slutty is 1>>
Like last time, an officer took you to your table. Today $gf was there ready for you, sat with a dull look. Just like her first visit, her face came alive when she saw you approaching.<br/><br/>
<span class="gf">$gf: </span>"$name!"<br/><br/>
She was about to stand up for a hug with you, but the officer anticipated it quickly.<br/><br/>
<span class="male">Officer: </span>"No touching other than hands! Don't make me remind you!"<br/><br/>
<span class="gf">$gf: </span>"Hmpf!"<br/><br/>
With annoyance she sat back down again. You weren't happy about it either, wasn't this supposed to be a Personal Growth Center, not a prison?<br/><br/>
Just like you told her, $gf had dressed up. She looked sexy, especially for a visitation meeting, but just socially acceptable enough to not look trashy. She was wearing black denim shorts that were cut off so high at the leg they almost looked like hot pants, with a silky black top with a lot of clevage on show, and sexy black knee high boots. A fashionable bakerboy hat finished her look, giving it a touch of class and cuteness. She could tell you were admiring her, and questioned you with a cheeky smile.<br/><br/>
<img src="images/scenes/Zgf3e.jpg" alt="your girlfriend looking slutty" class="storyImage"><span class="gf">$gf: </span>"So... how did I do?"<br/><br/>
<span class="p1">You:</span> "Very nice... I'm impressed. A very sexy look, yet just casual enough to not let everyone know what a slut you really are. I'll have to make my next command more challenging next time."<br/><br/>
<span class="gf">$gf: </span>"Oh... please, nothing too embarrassing!"<br/><br/>
<span class="p1">You:</span> "Hey! Come on, don't plead like that! We know it's what you really want."<br/><br/>
<span class="gf">$gf: </span>"I know... it's just... this relationship dynamic we have going... we used to do in private. It feels like things are moving a bit quick!"<br/><br/>
<span class="p1">You:</span> "That's understandable, and I know it's difficult. But with me stuck in here, you might need just a little push to go further OK. If you still want to please me that is."<br/><br/>
<span class="gf">$gf: </span>"Of course I do!"<br/><br/>
Her face was genuine, proving that even while you were in here you still had a powerful hold over $gf. Your dominant personality had been something she found very attractive, and shortly into your relationship you discovered just how submissive she could be. You enjoyed playing the role of Dom. Though it was new to you, you wanted to be the best at it you could, both for your pleasure and hers. Still, both of you kept this aspect of you relationship private, and though you both would of preferred to keep it that way, the situation meant you couldn't no longer. You would have to encourage $gf to continue your relationship out of the shadows.<br/><br/>
An idea struck you of a small step $gf could take for you. You'd tell her to refer to you right now in the way she would have back in the bedroom. You remember what she'd say back then:<br/><br/>
<div class="choice">[[She'd call you Master. |cGfEvent2Extra][$title = 'Master'; $gfRespect += 1; $cGfEvent2Visit = 'titled']]</div><br/>
<div class="choice">[[She'd call you Sir. |cGfEvent2Extra][$title = 'Sir'; $gfRespect += 1; $cGfEvent2Visit = 'titled']]</div><br/>
<div class="choice">[[It was something more unique... (Custom)|cGfEvent2CustomName][$title = 'unknown'; $gfRespect += 1; $cGfEvent2Visit = 'titled']]</div><br/>
<div class="choice">[[She'd call you by your own name and do dirty talk. |cGfEvent2Extra][$title = $name; $gfRespect += 1; $cGfEvent2Visit = 'dirtyTalk']]</div><br/>
<<elseif $cGfEvent2Charming is 1>>
Like last time, an officer took you to your table. Today $gf was there ready for you, sat with a dull look. Just like her first visit, her face came alive when she saw you approaching.<br/><br/>
<span class="gf">$gf: </span>"$name!"<br/><br/>
She was about to stand up for a hug with you, but the officer anticipated it quickly.<br/><br/>
<span class="male">Officer: </span>"No touching other than hands! Don't make me remind you!"<br/><br/>
<span class="gf">$gf: </span>"Hmpf!"<br/><br/>
With annoyance she sat back down again. You weren't happy about it either, wasn't this supposed to be a Personal Growth Center, not a prison?<br/><br/>
What made it even harder not to touch her was that she looked amazing today. A beautiful dress in a summery blue pattern, with a slit to tease the entirety of one of her smooth legs. It accentuated her hips, giving her the full figure of a woman. One of those looks that is so hard to pull off, elegant but sexy. She could tell you were admiring her, and questioned you with a cheeky smile.<br/><br/>
<img src="images/scenes/Zgf3c.jpg" alt="your girlfriend looking really hot in a dress" class="storyImage">
<span class="gf">$gf: </span>"Oh, you like what you see, do you?"<br/><br/>
<span class="p1">You:</span> "How couldn't I? Even you must want a piece of you right now! If only I could dress up nice for you, we'd be ready to hit the red carpet... if Grenton had one."<br/><br/>
<span class="gf">$gf: </span>"He he, I know I shouldn't tease you while you're stuck here, but just wanted to give you a gentle reminder what you're missing."<br/><br/>
<span class="p1">You:</span> "Oh believe me, I remember what I'm missing. You've dressed up plenty of ways that I'll never forget!"<br/><br/>
<span class="gf">$gf: </span>"You're not thinking of the cow-girl stuff, again?"<br/><br/>
<span class="p1">You:</span> "Well I wasn't until you mentioned it! Anyway, let's change the subject before I get too hot and bothered. How have you been?"<br/><br/>
You both caught up on general things. It was really nice to feel things be normal again, if not for the looming thought of telling her about the Keaton situation. You and $gf had a pretty solid relationship, and while you both liked to keep things classy in general, she had a bit of a kinky side too. You decided it was now or never to tell her. She looked puzzled as your tone changed to serious.<br/><br/>
<span class="p1">You:</span> "I've got something... difficult going on in here. It's important to me that you know. After that pantie situation, I thought I'd have anyone in here off my back, but it's actually been the opposite. Some guys in here think they can take advantage of my naivety."<br/><br/>
You explained what Keaton's event seemed to be and how there was a gang of guys running things in here. It would be silly to try fighting your way out, but you had another plan. You would convince someone else to take your place. It wasn't an ideal situation, but you thought it was possible that maybe there was someone who would not only be able to take your place, but WANT to do it. <<if $cafeSissyDominated is 1>>You believed you had found such a person in Charlie.<<else>>You were going to find such a person.<</if>><br/><br/>
<span class="gf">$gf: </span>"Oh my God! What on Earth is going on in there that people are doing this! Can't I help you at all? I could... I could put in a complaint!"<br/><br/>
<span class="p1">You:</span> "Don't do that yet... please. I still don't know the place well enough to truly trust anyone. Anything you say to the officers might make things worse. Hey, you know me... I'll find a way out of this. You wouldn't doubt the man you love, would you?"<br/><br/>
Your charm convinced $gf that you'd be alright. Being the sweet girl she was, her concern turned to whoever might take your place.<br/><br/>
<span class="gf">$gf: </span>"I'm sure you'll find a way through this. You always do find a way of getting through things. Oh, but what about the person taking your place?"<br/><br/>
<span class="p1">You:</span> "Hey... look at me. The way I'm doing this, everybody wins. Believe in me. I want to do this in a way not just to spare me. I'll look after the person who takes my place."<br/><br/>
<span class="gf">$gf: </span>"OK. I'm sure you will, you're a good guy. And it's a Personal Growth Center after all, I guess some people need guidance."<br/><br/>
<span class="p1">You:</span> "...I know it's a strange situation. You're OK with me doing this?"<br/><br/>
She let out a little laugh.<br/><br/>
<span class="gf">$gf: </span>"Strange is an understatement! But I understand you're doing what it takes to survive, and I admire the way you're handling it. I have to say, it's kind of hot too."<br/><br/>
<span class="p1">You:</span> "Hot! What do you mean?"<br/><br/>
<span class="gf">$gf: </span>"Like, you know... guys in panties... it's kind of hot! I don't know, you're making me blush. Don't you watch any of those drag shows?"<br/><br/>
<span class="p1">You:</span> "Miss $gf! This is a whole new side to you you've never told me about!"<br/><br/>
<span class="gf">$gf: </span>"He he, I mean... some girls like that type of thing. You know how lesbian porn has a kind of appeal to some straight men, some girls maybe like... you know."<br/><br/>
<span class="p1">You:</span> "Gay porn?"<br/><br/>
<span class="gf">$gf: </span>"Yeah... not all of it, but some flavors of it! So like, a manly guy with a more feminine guy... I just think it's sexy!"<br/><br/>
It was quite amazing that she felt comfortable to share that with you. It reminded you that in the past, that kind of shy honesty was how she had hinted to you about things she wanted to explore with you.<br/><br/>
The best part though, was that any pressure you had about being embarrassed by the situation was entirely absent! It wasn't like this was totally out of left field though; she did really love watching drag shows like she mentioned, and she wasn't one to clear her browser history very well. Despite her never telling you about being turned on by the idea of feminine guys, you had some idea of her interest in it. It was just interesting that she mentioned it now.<br/><br/>
<span class="p1">You:</span> "Yeah, that makes sense. Wow... I'm so lucky to have you! Beautiful, understanding... more than a little bit dirty! But maybe don't get that imagination of yours too carried away! Right now I'm just doing what it takes to sort out this Keaton thing."<br/><br/>
<span class="gf">$gf: </span>"You can do what you need to babe. Just remember, if things go south, don't hesitate to ask my help."<br/><br/>
You reached and squeezed her hand, looking into her eyes with self assurance that you could do what it takes to thrive in here.<br/><br/>
Time had flown by, and your visitation period had to end suddenly. You both said your goodbyes, while she looked really sad not to be able to stay longer. This visit was exactly what you needed, it had felt so good to see her again. You took one last glance at her sexy body, and as you were escorted back to the main area, you couldn't help but think of what she talked about. Just a simple question you couldn't help considering... do you think you are, or potentially could be, sexually attracted to a feminine guy? A crossdresser maybe?<br/><br/>
[[Back to Main Block|Mess Room]]
Something wrong. cGfEvent2. Dom specific part.
Something wrong cGfEvent2.
<<set $playerVirgin to 'no'>>
<<if $cGfEvent2Slutty is 1>>
<span class="gf">$gf: </span>"$name! But you know what a sweet innocent girl I am! You'd really make me dress like that in public, people may get the wrong impression of me!"<br/><br/>
She said it cheekily. You knew just how to tease her and carried on pressing her buttons.<br/><br/>
<span class="p1">You:</span> "What is this? Pretending to be a good girl without me around are you? You can try to hide who you are from them, but not from me. I would of thought you knew that by now. Now come on, I said to dress like a slut for me tomorrow. You don't want disappoint me, do you?"<br/><br/>
<span class="gf">$gf: </span>"I don't... OK, I'll do it. For you."<br/><br/>
<span class="p1">You:</span> "Good girl. How does it feel to be commanded by me again, you've missed this haven't you?"<br/><br/>
<span class="gf">$gf: </span>"Mmm."<br/><br/>
<span class="p1">You:</span> "Mmm? You're touching yourself? Don't say you're not, I can tell."<br/><br/>
<span class="gf">$gf: </span>"Y-yes. It's your voice... it get's me going..."<br/><br/>
<span class="p1">You:</span> "Just a few thoughts of being commanded by me again and you're such a naughty girl. I know you... you're rubbing the outside of your wet panties right now. I'm not going to try stopping you... I know I can't prevent a slut in heat like you from touching herself, but don't forget, you know I could if I was there with you."<br/><br/>
<span class="gf">$gf: </span>"I need you $name..."<br/><br/>
<span class="p1">You:</span> "I know you do. I know you're finding it hard without me..."<br/><br/>
<span class="gf">$gf: </span>"It is... it's really hard..."<br/><br/>
Her breathing was heavier, but you could see the time for your call was running out. You had to finish this call up quick!<br/><br/>
<span class="p1">You:</span> "Fuck! This call is almost over. Keep thinking about me... I'll see you tomorrow."<br/><br/>
<span class="gf">$gf: </span>"Ugh... how cruel! Yes, I'll be there! Love y-"<br/><br/>
The call suddenly cut out. Moments like this were bittersweet. Her voice filled you with happiness, but it was a harsh comedown to be trapped in here for so long without her. You left the phone area, looking forward to tomorrow.<br/><br/>
[[Back to Main Block|Mess Room]]
<<elseif $cGfEvent2Charming is 1>>
<span class="gf">$gf: </span>"$name!"<br/><br/>
She was blushing, you could tell because of the way she laughed after what you said. It felt good to make her happy.<br/><br/>
<span class="p1">You:</span> "Actually I'm a little worried you might make the other inhabitants in here jealous."<br/><br/>
<span class="gf">$gf: </span>"Oh, stop!"<br/><br/>
<span class="p1">You:</span> "Just teasing you... is it really this easy to embarrass the so-called cowgirl?"<br/><br/>
<span class="gf">$gf: </span>"He he, I think you know my demeanor can change pretty wildly depending on the... situation."<br/><br/>
<span class="p1">You:</span> "Oh I know. It's nice chatting to the most beautiful girl in the world right now, but... I sort of want to talk with the naughtiest one..."<br/><br/>
<span class="gf">$gf: </span>"Oh, well isn't that good timing because there's a certain horny man I'd like to speak to, could you put him on please?"<br/><br/>
<span class="p1">You:</span> "Well now! Was I giving off the wrong impression... because I want you so fucking bad right now."<br/><br/>
<span class="gf">$gf: </span>"Yeah?"<br/><br/>
<span class="p1">You:</span> "When I get out of here you better be wearing something you don't care about because I'm going to tear it right off you."<br/><br/>
<span class="gf">$gf: </span>"Mm yeah... rip them off and just take me, please!"<br/><br/>
She was touching herself... you could tell.<br/><br/>
<span class="p1">You:</span> "I'm going to want you so bad... I won't even be able to wait for you to take your panties off, I'll just pull them to the side and start fucking you."<br/><br/>
<span class="gf">$gf: </span>"Oh God! I need you to fuck me hard!"<br/><br/>
<span class="p1">You:</span> "You know I will."<br/><br/>
<span class="gf">$gf: </span>"I need you $name..."<br/><br/>
<span class="p1">You:</span> "I need you too. Just remember I'm finding it tough without you too..."<br/><br/>
<span class="gf">$gf: </span>"It's so hard..."<br/><br/>
Time for your call was running out, you had to finish this call up quickly.<br/><br/>
<span class="p1">You:</span> "Fuck! This call is almost over. Keep thinking about me... I'll see you tomorrow."<br/><br/>
<span class="gf">$gf: </span>"Ugh... how cruel! Yes, I'll be there!"<br/><br/>
The call suddenly cut out. Moments like this were bittersweet. Her voice filled you with happiness, but it was a harsh comedown to be trapped in here for so long without her. You left the phone area, looking forward to tomorrow.<br/><br/>
[[Back to Main Block|Mess Room]]
Someting wrong, cGfEventDomExtra.
<<if $cGfEvent2Visit is 'charmed'>>
You explained the situation to $gf as delicately as you could, making clear you had no intention of doing it. While she was horrified by what they were trying to do to you, you were able to ease her into thinking that you had it all under control.<br/><br/>
<span class="gf">$gf: </span>"Isn't there something I can do?"<br/><br/>
<span class="p1">You:</span> "I don't think so babe. I still don't know the place well enough to truly trust anyone. Anything you say to the officers might make things worse. Hey, you know me... I'll get out of this."<br/><br/>
You probably did the best job possible of convincing $gf things would be alright. While your words worked on her, you knew they were hollow until you had actually got yourself out of this situation.<br/><br/>
<span class="gf">$gf: </span>"OK... OK, I won't say anything. I believe in you... you'll get through this."<br/><br/>
She moved her hand subtly up to your arm so the officer wouldn't see, then gave your bicep a squeeze.<br/><br/>
<span class="gf">$gf: </span>"Teach them all a lesson, $name. Make sure they know not to mess with my man!"<br/><br/>
Her belief in you gave you the boost you needed. It was hard to explain, but you felt like that belief gave you a kind of extra strength. Strength that would help you in the fight ahead.<br/><br/>
<span class="p1">You:</span> "$gf... I've missed you... I can't wait to get home and be with you again. If I could get away with it, I'd climb over this table right now and tear that top off of you!"<br/><br/>
<span class="gf">$gf: </span>"I want you so bad too! But I have to say, if there's one positive out of all this, it seems you've gotten so much more manly while in here! I don't think I could resist touching myself right now if this skirt wasn't so tight!"<br/><br/>
<span class="p1">You:</span> "Well I'd have to tear that off too then!"<br/><br/>
<span class="gf">$gf: </span>"Fuck, $name! We're getting carried away with ourselves in public like this..."<br/><br/>
<span class="p1">You:</span> "Shit... I know. Just hold on for me babe. The man you know isn't ever going to give up, and certainly not give up on you!"<br/><br/>
Time was up and you both said your goodbyes. $gf had given you a boost you greatly needed, and she appeared to enjoy seeing you as well. Still, charm alone wouldn't be the answer to what you face. You still needed to be stronger for the event to come. <br/><br/>
[[Back to Main Block|Mess Room]]
<<elseif $cGfEvent2Visit is 'fighter'>>
You explained the situation to $gf and made it clear you had no intention of doing it. You were bulking up and becoming physically stronger in here. She was horrified by what they were trying to do to you, the only thing to ease her fear was the sight of you looking more muscular than before. Despite that, she still felt you needed help.<br/><br/>
<span class="gf">$gf: </span>"Isn't there something I can do?"<br/><br/>
<span class="p1">You:</span> "There's not, babe. I still don't know the place well enough to really trust anyone, and anything you say to the officers might make things worse. Hey, look at me... I look bigger than you remember, don't I? And I'm not even done training yet... they'll see not to mess with me."<br/><br/>
You did an OK job of convincing $gf things would be alright. While she seemed uncomfortable with the idea of you fighting, she could see in your eyes that this was what you felt you had to do to deal with Keaton.<br/><br/>
<span class="gf">$gf: </span>"OK... I won't say anything. Just, be careful... I'm worried about you $name... I just never saw you as a fighter. You really do look stronger though!"<br/><br/>
She moved her hand subtly up your arm so the officer wouldn't see, then gave your bicep a squeeze.<br/><br/>
<span class="gf">$gf: </span>"Teach them all a lesson. Make sure they know not to mess with my man!"<br/><br/>
Her belief in you gave you the boost you needed. It was hard to explain, but you felt like that belief gave you some kind of extra strength. Strength that would help you in the fight ahead.<br/><br/>
<span class="p1">You:</span> "$gf... I've missed you... I can't wait to get home and be with you again. Look at you right now... if I could get away with it, I'd climb over this table and tear that top off!"<br/><br/>
<span class="gf">$gf: </span>"I want you so bad too! But I have to say, if there's one positive out of all this, it seems you've gotten so much more manly while in here! I don't think I could resist touching myself right now if this skirt wasn't so tight!"<br/><br/>
<span class="p1">You:</span> "Well then I'll have to tear that off too!"<br/><br/>
<span class="gf">$gf: </span>"Fuck, $name! We're getting carried away with ourselves in public like this..."<br/><br/>
<span class="p1">You:</span> "Shit... I know. Just hold on for me babe. The man you know isn't ever going to give up, and certainly not give up on you!"<br/><br/>
Time was up and you both said your goodbyes. $gf had given you a big boost you greatly needed, and though she was worried about you, you had enough hope that you'd get out of there in one piece.<br/><br/>
[[Back to Main Block|Mess Room]]
<<elseif $cGfEvent2Visit is 'noPlan'>>
You didn't do a good job explaining the situation to $gf, but you at least made it clear you had no intention of doing it. You had vague ideas of what you might do, like perhaps try to get a bit stronger, but nothing like a solid plan yet. She was horrified by what they were trying to do to you.<br/><br/>
<span class="gf">$gf: </span>"How can they make you do that! What about the officers! There must be something I can do... I'll... I'll put in a complaint."<br/><br/>
<span class="p1">You:</span> "No babe, please! I still don't know the place well enough to really trust anyone. Anything you say to the officers might make things worse. That Keaton guy seems to be running things in here. Hey, look at me... I'll figure something out, OK?"<br/><br/>
She seemed really uncomfortable with everything she heard, but she at least agreed not to risk anything with a formal complaint.<br/><br/>
<span class="gf">$gf: </span>"OK... I won't say anything. Just, please be careful... oh god, this is so bad $name! What if you don't figure something out... what'll they do!"<br/><br/>
<span class="p1">You:</span> "$gf... don't think that way, you'll only upset yourself!"<br/><br/>
<span class="gf">$gf: </span>"If there's any good reason to be upset about anything, surely it's this! I feel like I'm helpless to help my boyfriend right now!"<br/><br/>
<span class="p1">You:</span> "I know it's hard right now... I'm sorry, I really didn't want to cause you stress. I just... I just wanted to see you, and get my mind off this shit!"<br/><br/>
<span class="gf">$gf: </span>"I... I understand. I'll try not to worry... I'll do my best."<br/><br/>
$gf's visit hadn't given you the boost you hoped it would, but it was still nice to see her. You just wished you had time to have a more comforting chat. And while she was dressed like that, maybe some dirty talk too! This was a wake up call though, you needed to work harder if you were going to get out of this Keaton mess, and hold on to your respect in the process. Sadly your visitation time was spent on comforting her and the visit ended on a somewhat sour note.<br/><br/>
You both said your goodbyes, before being escorted out the room.<br/><br/>
[[Back to Main Block|Mess Room]]
<<elseif $cGfEvent2Visit is 'goingAlong'>>
You explained the situation to $gf as delicately as you could, but despite your efforts this was a lot for her to hear. Her hands were cupped over her mouth in shock. She was horrified by what they were trying to do to you. Her gut reaction came across as somewhat insensitive.<br/><br/>
<span class="gf">$gf: </span>"Wh-what? Why would you do that!"<br/><br/>
<span class="p1">You:</span> "It's not like it's something I want to do!"<br/><br/>
<span class="gf">$gf: </span>"Go to an officer! Do... do something!"<br/><br/>
<span class="p1">You:</span> "You don't understand. Keaton is running things in here. I know it's my fault I got into this, but I've got nobody I can truly trust. I can't go to the officers, I can't risk that!"<br/><br/>
<span class="gf">$gf: </span>"I'm complaining to whoever runs this place, it's unacceptable $name! I thought this was a Personal Growth Center, I didn't imagine anything like this could happen!"<br/><br/>
<span class="p1">You:</span> "Please $gf... listen to me, I'm begging you, don't do that! The last thing I need is anymore trouble!"<br/><br/>
<span class="gf">$gf: </span>"Fine! Fine... I won't say anything! My God, I can't believe this..."<br/><br/>
<span class="p1">You:</span> "I'm sorry... I really am! I've made such dumb choices in life. Please, just give me a chance to prove to you this is for the best."<br/><br/>
Things hadn't gone as well as you helped, but at least you had been truthful to her. This time you placed your hand on hers, and gently squeezed. She closed her eyes and paused.<br/><br/>
<span class="gf">$gf: </span>"I will... keep an open mind."<br/><br/>
<span class="p1">You:</span> "Thank you."<br/><br/>
It had been very awkward, but it was done now. You had got what you needed off your chest. It was hard to think how you could go back to chatting normally, but you didn't have to. Visitation time was up. You both said your goodbyes, before you were escorted out the room.<br/><br/>
[[Back to Main Block|Mess Room]]
<<elseif $cGfEvent2Visit is 'hidTheTruth'>>
You explained to $gf that there was some hazing going on in here, and you were getting tired of being treated that way from the guys in here. It was something you could put up with for now, but but came close to bordering on the intolerable. To reassure her, you told her it would go away as you got to know the place better and avoid it.<br/><br/>
At no point did you mention the specifics about Keaton and his intentions for you to be part of a show for his friends. She was upset to hear they were giving you a rough time, and felt a need to help.<br/><br/>
<span class="gf">$gf: </span>"Surely you shouldn't be getting treated like this? I thought this was a Personal Growth center! Isn't there something I can do? I... I could put in a complaint!"<br/><br/>
<span class="p1">You:</span> "Don't babe, please! I still don't know the place well enough to really trust anyone yet. Anything you say to the officers might make things worse! Hey, look at me... I'll get through this."<br/><br/>
You couldn't tell if $gf was convinced by your white lies, but at least you had avoided causing her distress.<br/><br/>
<span class="gf">$gf: </span>"Fine... I won't say anything. I understand, I guess. Best to avoid trouble... you've never been a fighter."<br/><br/>
She gave your hand a little squeeze and smiled. She was right about that, but you didn't need to be macho to be a good boyfriend. You wanted to change the subject and remind her that she was still in your thoughts.<br/><br/>
<span class="p1">You:</span> "$gf... I've missed you... I can't wait to get home and be with you again."<br/><br/>
<<if $playerVirgin is 'no'>>
<span class="gf">$gf: </span>"He he, I've missed you too. Doesn't it suck they don't do anything like conjugal visits here? Honestly this place is worse than a prison!"<br/><br/>
<span class="gf">$gf: </span>"Ooooh... I've missed you too. It's so difficult to get time to talk to you in here. Honestly this place seems almost as bad as a prison!"<br/><br/>
<span class="p1">You:</span> "It's worse than I imagined, that's for sure!"<br/><br/>
<span class="gf">$gf: </span>"Just get out of there in one piece, OK? I need my man back."<br/><br/>
You smiled at her. This visit was exactly what you needed to get your mind off things, but you weren't going to kid yourself. A pleasant distraction, that was all it was. Once this was over you still had to deal with Keaton, which you had already resigned yourself to. You just wanted to get it over with so it would have as little effect on your relationship with $gf as possible. You tried not to think about it for the rest of your time with her.<br/><br/>
Visitation time was up. You both said your goodbyes, before being escorted back out the room.<br/><br/>
[[Back to Main Block|Mess Room]]
<<elseif $cGfEvent2Visit is 'titled' and $title is ''>>
On further thought, you actually couldn't recall anything she'd call you other than your own name. Even though she didn't have such a name for you, you could remember dirty talk when she'd use your own name seductively...<br/><br/>
<div class="choice">[[Continue.|cGfEvent2Extra][$title = $name; $gfRespect += 1; $cGfEvent2Visit = 'dirtyTalk']]</div><br/>
<<elseif $cGfEvent2Visit is 'titled' and $title is not ''>>
<span class="p1">You:</span> "From now on, you're going to refer to me as $title even while I'm in here. Just like before, understood?"<br/><br/>
<span class="gf">$gf: </span>"Oh... yes... OK."<br/><br/>
<span class="p1">You:</span> "OK? Ok who?"<br/><br/>
<span class="gf">$gf: </span>"This is going really-"<br/><br/>
<span class="p1">You:</span> "Come on now. I'm losing my patience."<br/><br/>
She leaned in a little closer so she could hush her voice, which had the effect of her top slipping to show more of her boobs. She wanted to say it, she wanted to do what you told her, and she did, though she still had some shame about it.<br/><br/>
<span class="gf">$gf: </span>"OK... $title."<br/><br/>
<span class="p1">You:</span> "Good. And don't worry, it'll get easier."<br/><br/>
<span class="gf">$gf: </span>"Ugh... I want you out of here right now. I want you so bad!"<br/><br/>
<span class="p1">You:</span> "I'm trying babe. Believe me I want you too! Listen, time's running out today, I need to tell you something. It's important."<br/><br/>
<span class="gf">$gf: </span>"Oh, um, what is it?"<br/><br/>
She sat up suddenly, surprised after the sudden change of tone in your voice. She looked at you with a serious but puzzled expression on her cute little face. You needed to tell her about the Keaton situation. You kept up your cool, dominant persona to make it clear to her you would have everything under control.<br/><br/>
<span class="p1">You:</span> "After that pantie situation, I thought I'd have anyone in here off my back, but it's actually been the opposite. Some guys in here think they can control me, but they're about to learn they can't."<br/><br/>
You explained what Keaton's event seemed to be and how there was a gang of guys running things in here. It would be silly to try fighting your way out, but you had another plan. You would convince someone else to take your place. You felt confident you'd get out of this just fine.<br/><br/>
<span class="gf">$gf: </span>"Oh my God! Can't I help you at all? I could... I could put in a complaint!"<br/><br/>
<span class="p1">You:</span> "No, don't do that. I still don't know the place well enough to truly trust anyone. Anything you say to the officers might make things worse. Hey, you know me... I'll have this situation entirely under control."<br/><br/>
Your confidence alone convinced $gf that you'd be alright. Just by your attitude she could tell you'd secure someone to take your place.<br/><br/>
<span class="gf">$gf: </span>"I'm glad to hear that. Oh, but what about the person taking your place?"<br/><br/>
<span class="p1">You:</span> "Hey... look at me. I'm doing what I have to do. What kind of man would I be if I wasn't? I'm going to do what it takes to get out of here in one piece and be your man again, understood?"<br/><br/>
<span class="gf">$gf: </span>"Yes... I understand. And honestly... the thought of you being such an authority in there... it's pretty hot."<br/><br/>
<span class="p1">You:</span> "Oh? Is this a new fantasy of yours I haven't known yet?"<br/><br/>
<span class="gf">$gf: </span>"He he, I'm discovering new things I like all the time... I mean, you did help make me sooo much more slutty. Is it so wrong to like the idea of my man being the alpha male in there?"<br/><br/>
<span class="p1">You:</span> "I can't imagine what someone with as dirty a mind as you is imagining, but don't get too ahead of yourself. I'm just using my natural talents to get them to take my place."<br/><br/>
You smiled. $gf was even more open minded than you imagined. Under your dominant exterior, you were just happy that she wasn't upset by the situation. In fact, you learned she might have a liking for you dominating others!<br/><br/>
Time had flown by, and your visitation period had to end suddenly. You both said your goodbyes; you could tell $gf was sad that you couldn't stay longer. This visit was exactly what you needed though. It felt so good to see her again, and you took one last glance at her sexy body before you were escorted back.<br/><br/>
[[Back to Main Block|Mess Room]]
<<elseif $cGfEvent2Visit is 'dirtyTalk'>>
<span class="p1">You:</span> "What was it you used to say... you know..."<br/><br/>
<span class="gf">$gf: </span>"What do you mean?"<br/><br/>
<span class="p1">You:</span> "Oh you know... when I had your hands cuffed behind you back, and my hard cock an inch from you face. You'd say my name, among other things."<br/><br/>
<span class="gf">$gf: </span>"This is going really-"<br/><br/>
<span class="p1">You:</span> "Come on now. Whisper it to me, if that helps."<br/><br/>
She leaned in a little closer so she could hush her voice, which had the effect of her top slipping down to show more of her chest. She wanted to to say it, she wanted to do what you told her, but you could tell she still had some shame about it.<br/><br/>
<span class="gf">$gf: </span>$name... tell me what to do... I want your cock so bad, please just tell me what I must do for you so I can have it in me!"<br/><br/>
<span class="p1">You:</span> "Good. I just need to keep you on your toes still. Don't worry, it'll get easier for you."<br/><br/>
<span class="gf">$gf: </span>"Ugh... I want you out of here right now. I want you so bad!"<br/><br/>
<span class="p1">You:</span> "I'm trying babe. Believe me I want you too! Listen, time's running out today, I need to tell you something. It's important."<br/><br/>
<span class="gf">$gf: </span>"Oh, um, what is it?"<br/><br/>
She sat up suddenly, surprised after the sudden change of tone in your voice. She looked at you with a serious but puzzled expression on her cute little face. You needed to tell her about the Keaton situation. You kept up your cool, dominant persona to make it clear to her you would have everything under control.<br/><br/>
<span class="p1">You:</span> "After that pantie situation, I thought I'd have anyone in here off my back, but it's actually been the opposite. Some guys in here think they can control me, but they're about to learn they can't."<br/><br/>
You explained what Keaton's event seemed to be, how you weren't sure how many there were, so not being silly enough to fight your way out, you would convince someone else to take your place. You felt confident you'd get out of this just fine.<br/><br/>
<span class="gf">$gf: </span>"Oh my God! Can I help you at all, I could... I could put in a complaint!"<br/><br/>
<span class="p1">You:</span> "No, don't do that. I still don't know the place well enough to truly trust anyone. Anything you say to the officers might make things worse. Hey, you know me... I'll have this situation entirely under control."<br/><br/>
Your confidence alone convinced $gf that you'd be alright. Just by your attitude she could tell you'd secure someone to take your place.<br/><br/>
<span class="gf">$gf: </span>"I'm glad to hear that. Oh, but what about the person taking your place?"<br/><br/>
<span class="p1">You:</span> "Hey... look at me. I'm doing what I have to do. What kind of man would I be if I wasn't? I'm going to do what it takes to get out of here in one piece, and be there for you again, understood?"<br/><br/>
<span class="gf">$gf: </span>"Yes... I understand. And honestly... the thought of you being such an authority in there... it's pretty hot."<br/><br/>
<span class="p1">You:</span> "Oh? Is this a new fantasy of yours I haven't known yet?"<br/><br/>
<span class="gf">$gf: </span>"He he, I'm discovering new things I like all the time... I mean, you did help make me sooo much more slutty. Is it so wrong to like the idea of my man being the alpha male in there?"<br/><br/>
<span class="p1">You:</span> "I can't imagine what someone with as dirty a mind as you is imagining, but don't get too ahead of yourself. I'm just using my natural talents to get them to take my place."<br/><br/>
You smiled. $gf was even more open minded than you imagined. Under your dominant exterior, you were just happy that she wasn't upset by the situation. In fact, you learned she might have a liking for you dominating others!<br/><br/>
Time had flown by, and your visitation period had to end suddenly. You both said your goodbyes; you could tell $gf was sad that you couldn't stay longer. This visit was exactly what you needed though. It felt so good to see her again, and you took one last glance at her sexy body before you were escorted back.<br/><br/>
[[Back to Main Block|Mess Room]]
<<elseif $cGfEvent2Visit is 'openGf'>>
<<set $rangGf to 0>>
You inhaled deeply to calm yourself down, and focused on how life outside here with $gf was, hoping to come up with any hint as to how she would react to what you were about to say.<br/><br/>
One memory stuck out to you most, something you noticed not even that long ago. It was perhaps a month or two back. $gf had let you borrow her laptop for some work. While typing in the browser bar, you couldn't help noticing her recent history were filled with links to porn, seeing a link to pornhub called 'Moaning Twink fucked by MONSTER COCK'.<br/><br/>
After an inital shock, you couldn't help but laugh. It was a side of her you didn't know about at all! She had never given away any clue she was into that sort of thing. You were actually relieved to know she might have a secret dirty side; just like you. Who knows, maybe gay porn has a smilar appeal to straight girls in the same way lesbian videos can to straight guys, you reckoned.<br/><br/>
Despite quite liking the discovery of a new kinky side of her, you decided you weren't going to bring it up. You had used her laptop plenty of times before without seeing this type of thing, so she must of accidentally forgot to delete her history this time. To spare her any embarrassment, you went ahead and deleted it.<br/><br/>
As you did so, you couldn't help but notice a few more links, as the interface showed you the last 10 websites she visited. Even now, some of those titles stuck in your mind...'Huge Raw Cock for Eager Bottom Bitch', 'Getting Pounded while GF watches', 'Amateur CD Getting Pumped Hard By Fat Cock', 'Young Tgirl with Older Man from Grindr', 'Sissy FUCKED by 10 inch cock'.<br/><br/>
<img src="images/scenes/ZGfEvent2ExtraTrans.jpg" alt="picture of trans amature" class="storyImage">She seems seriously into this stuff! You were a bit more flustered by what you saw now, and rushed unthinkingly to delete the history, feeling an urgency to not invade her privacy any further. You slammed the laptop shut, there was no way you could possibly concentrate on work after that! It wasn't just learning that she enjoyed that type of thing that distracted you... it was the overlap of the kind of fantasies you've had with hers.<br/><br/>
It was surprisngly easy to carry on as normal after that. At one point that evening, you felt tempted to bring up what you had saw with $gf, but you came to the same conclusion you had earlier, to let her keep it private. You knew what it was like to feel shame about the things you enjoyed too.<br/><br/>
A week later, you started to wonder if you had misremebered what you saw, to start doubting your own memory. You borrowed her laptop again, and there were no signs of any porn like it anywhere. In conversations with her, there was no hint that she suspected you of deleting her history.<br/><br/>
It sounds odd, but back then, without being able to confirm anything and no mention from her, you found yourself thinking maybe what you saw wasn't real. It was only now, with the pressure of the situation making you rethink your own identity, that you found the courage to take a chance believing again that it was true. That belief helped you feel like you could tell $gf the truth, though you did so in a hushed voice.<br/><br/>
First you told her about how the panties thing had escalted and now you had been given demands from Keaton, though you kept what those demands were vague. You explained how he had a crew running things inside here, and you were worried that you couldn't trust anyone, including Grenton staff. She was horrified to hear you were being treated like this.<br/><br/>
<span class="gf">$gf: </span>"What? I thought this place was supposed to stop things like that! Isn't there something I can do? I could... I could put in a complaint!"<br/><br/>
<span class="p1">You:</span> "No, please don't! Like I said, I still don't know the place well enough to truly trust anyone. Anything you say to the officers might make things worse."<br/><br/>
Her facial expression slowly fell to sadness, you could tell she felt powerless to help you. You hated seeing her like this. It wasn't your intention to feel upset, but this difficult talk had to be done now or never. The hardest part was next...<br/><br/>
<span class="p1">You:</span> "$gf... this is... well, there's something important I need to tell you... it's... it's about how I've been feeling recently... well, maybe a while, actually."<br/><br/>
<span class="gf">$gf: </span>"What is it? $name, look at me... you know you can talk to me about anything, don't you?"<br/><br/>
You swallowed uncomfortably, struggling to get your confession out of your throat. She was trying to make eye contact with you but you kept dodging looking directly at her. The long pause started to worry her.<br/><br/>
<span class="gf">$gf: </span>"You're making me a little nervous. Is it really that bad?"<br/><br/>
<span class="p1">You:</span> "I... uh..."<br/><br/>
<span class="gf">$gf: </span>"$name, come on. It's me."<br/><br/>
<span class="p1">You:</span> "I... I'm pretty sure that... well, I think I may be bi-curious... or something. It's hard to say..."<br/><br/>
<span class="gf">$gf: </span>"Oh! Oh... um.. OK."<br/><br/>
She sat up in startlement, which instantly filled you with the uncomfortable feeling that you had fucked up your relationship. Moments later she couldnt help blurt out a bemused laugh.<br/><br/>
<span class="p1">You:</span> "I'm so-'."<br/><br/>
<span class="gf">$gf: </span>"Ha ha, is that it? By the way you were talking I thought you wanted to break up with me!"<br/><br/>
<span class="p1">You:</span> "What! No! God, no!"<br/><br/>
<span class="gf">$gf: </span>"Wait, did you think I'd not want you anymore just because of that? Ha ha, oh you silly boy! No wait... sorry, I'm being insensitive. I just thought you'd know that wouldn't bother me! Ah, babe! I'm proud of you. That you feel able to open up and be real with me."<br/><br/>
You couldn't help your eyes from going teary, as the feeling of relief washed over you. She was the first person you had told about your feelings, and not only that, the most important person in your life. Her acceptance meant the world to you. She could tell it had been hard for you, and her eyes welled up too. Without being able to hug, you just held each other's hands tightly, until one of you burst into a laugh through the tears, acknowledging how dramatic you both looked right now.<br/><br/>
An officer came over, but maybe after seeing you both in an emotionally initmate moment, he informed you that your visitation time could be extended today, using the excuse of 'a lower than usual amount of visitors today'. You and $gf were thankful for the kind gesture, as each of you slowly found the words to talk again. After some gentle ribbing about how you both had things you didn't know each other, suddenly something popped into $gf's mind.<br/><br/>
<span class="gf">$gf: </span>"Hey wait a mintue... why did you mention that stuff about that Keaton guy before your announcement? Seems odd that it lead to you saying that."<br/><br/>
<span class="p1">You:</span> "Well... wow... I'm struggling again to say this..."<br/><br/>
<span class="gf">$gf: </span>"Oh, come on! I can't believe you're still worried... what did I say? I'm here for you."<br/><br/>
<span class="p1">You:</span> "OK. OK... well... it's not like I like every man I see or anything... it's like..."<br/><br/>
<span class="gf">$gf: </span>"Mostly straight but with a little curiousty?"<br/><br/>
<span class="p1">You:</span> "I... really don't know... it's more like, I only feel that way under certain conditions, you know?"<br/><br/>
<span class="gf">$gf: </span>"Um... no, I'm not sure what you mean."<br/><br/>
<span class="p1">You:</span> "I mean... I wouldn't really want anything to do with guys usually... but, if I dressed up... into a feminine outfit then I..."<br/><br/>
<span class="gf">$gf: </span>"OH... MY..."<br/><br/>
$gf suddenly clasped her mouth, realizing she had gotten very loud in her excitement. She blushed a light shade of red, then leaned in closely and whispered.<br/><br/>
<span class="gf">$gf: </span>"Oh my God! Only when dressed? Are... are you a sissy?"<br/><br/>
<span class="p1">You:</span> "Um... I... yeah, I think I am... well I know.. I think... ah, it's complex to explain!"<br/><br/>
Her faced filled with happiness, and she made a weird squeeing noise out of uncontainable excitement. Suddenly her manner changed to intensively serious yet enthusiastic, the kind a person has when they get overly excited to discover a shared interest in a niche hobby.<br/><br/>
<span class="gf">$gf: </span>"$name! Please don't be embarassed. I need to tell you... I find sissies... well, how do I say this? I like them. I really, REALLY like them!"<br/><br/>
It was just as you had suspected all along, she did have a history of... appreciating sissies. This was going so much better than anything you feared earlier, but there was still something to clear up.<br/><br/>
<span class="p1">You:</span> "I'm... I'm happy to hear that $gf. But, what do you think of the idea that you're boyfriend is one?"<br/><br/>
<span class="gf">$gf: </span>"Wow... you know... I'm not sure. I've kind of always enjoyed some... pretty wild porn. Ah, I'll just say it... there's lots of erotic things I enjoy, but I seem to have a serious thing for porn that blurs the line between femininity and masculinty. I don't know why but I just love watching sissies getting fucked! Anything with a feminine guy getting fucked by a proper man, oh fuck, that's just soooo hot!"<br/><br/>
You were able to fake an expression of joyful surprise, hiding the fact you were already kind of aware of that.<br/><br/>
<span class="p1">You:</span> "I'm really glad you've heard of them, and seem to like them but, being in a relationship with a sissy... that would be a little different than enjoying porn with sissies in, right?"<br/><br/>
<span class="gf">$gf: </span>"Yes, I get it. To be honest, I'd be lieing if I said I could for sure. This is tough to say because I really don't know! Sissy stuff was just something I watched sometimes when I was horny, I never thought about actually dating one though. I didn't even know sissies could like women! But... I'd like to keep an openmind..."<br/><br/>
<span class="p1">You:</span> "I know this has probably been a lot."<br/><br/>
<span class="gf">$gf: </span>"No, it's fine! I'm really glad we've talked about this. It makes me regret we didn't discuss what we like in more depth before you were locked in here."<br/><br/>
<span class="p1">You:</span> "I'm opening my mind too... this is new terrority for me still. Would you... want to explore it together?"<br/><br/>
<span class="gf">$gf: </span>"One hundred percent! And $name... I really do hope we can make it work. No matter what happens, I want to support you."<br/><br/>
<span class="p1">You:</span> "And I do for you too. Me being a sissy doesn't change everything!"<br/><br/>
<span class="gf">$gf: </span>"Of course... yeah, you're right. We'll see how much anyway, he he."<br/><br/>
<span class="p1">You:</span> "Thank you... seriously, I feel so lucky to have you in my life. I love you."<br/><br/>
<span class="gf">$gf: </span>"I love you too."<br/><br/>
The time had come for your visitation to truly end. The officer came over and you both quickly said your goodbyes before he escorted you away from the table. As you and $gf walked in opposite directions, something suddenly struck you. Both of you realized, the relevance of Keaton to your conversation still hadn't been explained! You both turned back to each other quickly, your minds in sync to yell what you each just remembered.<br/><br/>
<span class="gf">$gf: </span>"YOU FORGOT TO SAY-"<br/><br/>
<span class="p1">You:</span> "I KNOW! I'LL RING YOU!"<br/><br/>
<span class="male">Officer: </span>"Quit yer yelling! NOW! Geez... didn't I give you two enough time already?"<br/><br/>
The annoyed officer pulled you away. Nothing could ruin your day after the amazing result of your talk with $gf just now. You went back to the main area with a smile on your face.<br/><br/>
<<set $phoneCallNotification to 'Yes'>>
[[Back to Main Block|Mess Room]]
<<elseif $cGfEvent2Visit is 'mentorGf'>>
You inhaled deeply to calm yourself down, and focused on how life outside here with $gf was, hoping to come up with any clue as to how she would react to what you were about to say.<br/><br/>
One thing became clear to you, she absolutely adored drag queens! She was always watching shows like Ru Paul's Drag Race, and had even gone to live drag shows. While a drag queen was entirely different to what a sissy was, it gave you optimism that she wouldn't outright hate you for... well, at least your crossdressing. You'd be careful how you break the more sexual parts of your sissy desires.<br/><br/>
You tried to remember what it was she liked most about them. She was often laughing while watching the show, not at the drag queens, but with them. You could recall her commenting frequently on the fashion and makeup choices, and would gush about the looks she liked best. She herself loved clothing and dressing up, in fact she often wanted to go out often, not for the socializing, but just so she had an excuse to wear something nice.<br/><br/>
<img src="images/scenes/ZGfEvent2ExtraDrag.jpg" alt="picture of drag queen" class="storyImage">It was all coming back to you now. You remembered she was always supportive of LGBT+ causes, which I guess you'd somewhat fall under as a sissy. Thinking about her past behaviours, you felt more positive about being open with her.<br/><br/>
Still, none of this meant she'd understand what you meant by being a sissy, nor want to be the boyfriend of one... especially one who was going to explore that side of them starting with a group of strangers in this place!<br/><br/>
Nothing about waiting until now was ideal, but with the pressure of the situation making you rethink your own identity, you had to find the courage to say something. Yes, it had to be done... just get it over with and hope it wouldn't ruin your relationship. You began to tell $gf the truth, though you did it in a hushed voice.<br/><br/>
First you told her about how the panties thing had escalated and the demands that followed from Keaton, though you kept the specifics vague. You explained how he and others were running things inside here, and you were worried about who you could really trust in Grenton, including the staff. She was horrified to hear you were being mistreated.<br/><br/>
<span class="gf">$gf: </span>"What? I thought this place was supposed to stop things like that! Isn't there something I can do? I could... I could put in a complaint!"<br/><br/>
<span class="p1">You:</span> "No please! Like I said, I still don't know the place well enough to truly trust anyone. Anything you say to the officers might make things worse."<br/><br/>
Her face slowly fell in sadness, you could tell she felt powerless to help you. You hated seeing her like this, but this difficult talk had to be done now or never. The hardest part was next...<br/><br/>
<span class="p1">You:</span> "$gf... this is... well, there's something important I need to tell you... it's... it's about how I've been feeling recently... well maybe a while, actually."<br/><br/>
<span class="gf">$gf: </span>"What is it? $name, look at me... you can talk to me."<br/><br/>
You swallowed uncomfortably, struggling to get the confession out of your throat. She was trying to look you in the eyes as you kept dodging looking directly at her. It started to worry her.<br/><br/>
<span class="gf">$gf: </span>"You're making me a little nervous. You know you can tell me anything, don't you?"<br/><br/>
<span class="p1">You:</span> "I... uh..."<br/><br/>
<span class="gf">$gf: </span>"$name, come on! It's me."<br/><br/>
<span class="p1">You:</span> "I... I'm pretty sure that... well, I think I may be bi-curious... or something. It's hard to say..."<br/><br/>
<span class="gf">$gf: </span>"Oh! Oh... um.. OK."<br/><br/>
She sat up in a confused shock, instantly filling you with an uncomfortable feeling that you had fucked up your relationship. Even worse, she then let out a laugh.<br/><br/>
<span class="p1">You:</span> "I'm so-'."<br/><br/>
<span class="gf">$gf: </span>"Ha ha, is that it? By the way you were talking I thought you wanted to break up with me!"<br/><br/>
<span class="p1">You:</span> "What! No! God, no!"<br/><br/>
<span class="gf">$gf: </span>"Wait, did you think I'd not want you anymore just because of that? Ha ha, you can get so silly sometimes! No wait... sorry, I'm being insensitive. I just thought you'd know that wouldn't bother me! Babe, I'm proud of you. That you're able to be open and real with me."<br/><br/>
You couldn't help your eyes from going teary. The feeling of relief was indescribable, she was the first person you had told about your feelings, and not only that, the most important person in your life.<br/><br/>
Her acceptance of that alone meant the world to you. She could tell it had been hard for you, and her eyes welled up too. Without being able to hug, you just held each other's hands tightly, until one of you burst into a laugh through the tears, acknowledging how ridiculously dramatic you both must of looked right now.<br/><br/>
An officer came over, but maybe after seeing you both in an emotionally intimate moment, he informed you that your visitation time could be extended today, using the excuse of 'a lower than usual amount of visitors today'. You and $gf were thankful for the kind gesture, finally feeling able to talk to each other again. After some gentle ribbing about how you both had things you didn't know each other, suddenly something popped into $gf's mind.<br/><br/>
<span class="gf">$gf: </span>"Hey wait a minute... why did you mention that stuff about that Keaton guy before your announcement? Seems odd that it lead to you saying your bi."<br/><br/>
<span class="p1">You:</span> "Well... wow... I'm struggling again to say this..."<br/><br/>
<span class="gf">$gf: </span>"Oh, come on! I can't believe you're still worried... what did I say? I'm here for you."<br/><br/>
<span class="p1">You:</span> "OK. OK... well... it's not like I like every man I see or anything... it's like..."<br/><br/>
<span class="gf">$gf: </span>"Mostly straight but with a little curiousty?"<br/><br/>
<span class="p1">You:</span> "I... really don't know... it's more like, I only feel that way under certain conditions, you know?"<br/><br/>
<span class="gf">$gf: </span>"Um... no, I'm not sure what you mean."<br/><br/>
<span class="p1">You:</span> "I mean... like, I wouldn't really want anything to do with guys usually... but, if I dressed up as a woman, then I..."<br/><br/>
<span class="gf">$gf: </span>"You... you're a drag queen?"<br/><br/>
<span class="p1">You:</span> "I... I've enjoyed crossdressing, now and then..."<br/><br/>
<span class="gf">$gf: </span>"What!?"<br/><br/>
<span class="p1">You:</span> "It's only rarely I've done it, I just-"<br/><br/>
<span class="gf">$gf: </span>"$name! How have you never told me this? All those times watching Drag Race and you've never even hinted!"<br/><br/>
<span class="p1">You:</span> "You know, even today... it can be hard for some guys to admit. Just because a girl can appreciate a drag queen doesn't mean they appreciate their boyfriend dressing like one!"<br/><br/>
<span class="gf">$gf: </span>"Oh! I wish you had said something instead of bottling up inside! I would of loved to of done your makeup. I actually considered doing just a little to you while sleeping once, but I was worried you'd get mad... if only I had known!"<br/><br/>
<span class="p1">You:</span> "Phew, it's kind of a relief you're not disgusted by me or anything."<br/><br/>
<span class="gf">$gf: </span>"Of course not! Gosh... I mean, it's unexpected but... there's nothing wrong with that. I've seen so many online articles say lots of men do it. Oh wait... you've never worn my clothes have you?"<br/><br/>
<span class="p1">You:</span> "No! I've got all my own... just a small collection. Though I have been tempted to try that red satin dress you have... you know, the one with the red slit."<br/><br/>
<span class="gf">$gf: </span>"Oh my God $name! There was me thinking you were admiring me while I wore that... you just wanted to try it on, didn't you!"<br/><br/>
<span class="p1">You:</span> "Hey now, maybe I enjoyed both you in the dress and the idea of me wearing it!"<br/><br/>
<span class="gf">$gf: </span>"Well now... wow... this is kind of a shock. I don't mean that in a bad way, but it's just... what made you mention this now? You're bi-curious maybe... you want to dress like a woman... is this how this Grenton place works? Is it part of some kind of therapy?"<br/><br/>
<span class="p1">You:</span> "It's nothing the center itself has done to me... it's just with time to think in here... and other things going on, it given me a chance to reflect on myself. But I need to ask you something first, does this effect us at all? Are you OK with a boyfriend... like me."<br/><br/>
<span class="gf">$gf: </span>"Oh $name... I don't think any less of you for being bi or a crossdresser. I guess my concern is... you've entered Grenton, you're stuck inside here for months with men only and that's when you choose to tell me this!"<br/><br/>
You sighed. It did seem very suspicious to do it now. Things had gone well up until this point, and it seemed like your relationship was intact, but you still had more to tell her.<br/><br/>
<span class="p1">You:</span> "OK... I'm a little worried how you'll react to this... oh God..."<br/><br/>
<span class="gf">$gf: </span>"What... what is it?"<br/><br/>
<span class="p1">You:</span> "The demands I mentioned of Keaton's... to be more specific... they..."<br/><br/>
<span class="gf">$gf: </span>"Oh no... are they trying to..."<br/><br/>
<span class="p1">You:</span> "Just wait... please. They want me to do a show for them... dressed up. I know... it sounds bad... well, it is bad! But I just think, with my history of dressing, and the fact that it could keep them from making life difficult for me in here... I was thinking I should do it. Just do it and get it over with. But... I don't want to let you down. I know this sounds crazy, but that's why I felt the need to tell you."<br/><br/>
She was silent, she truly didn't know what to say. She looked at the table, you could tell her mind was racing. You reached for her hand but she moved it back to herself as you were about to touch.<br/><br/>
<span class="gf">$gf: </span>"$name... this is..."<br/><br/>
<span class="p1">You:</span> "I'm sorry... I'm so sorry... I've fucked things up haven't I? Fuck!"<br/><br/>
<span class="gf">$gf: </span>"I... I don't want you to think that this means I don't accept you... I don't want you to feel bad for being who you are. I'm totally OK that you're Bi and that you like dressing up. It's just... this is a step beyond that."<br/><br/>
You looked down at the table sorrily.<br/><br/>
<span class="gf">$gf: </span>"I just... it sounds like... they want to make you... I can't say this any other way... they want to make you their bitch?"<br/><br/>
You felt awful, but she was right. You had been purposefully vague, but you knew deep down the truth. There was a reason Keaton picked you, and wanted you to be girly at their event. And you couldn't forget how you wanted to do it.<br/><br/>
<span class="p1">You:</span> "I'm just... I don't know. This opportunity came and I felt like... I felt like I should go for it... to explore those things I've felt deep inside. $gf I swear, I would of waited until I got out here to tell you this, but I'm in a weird situation... I felt I had to tell you this today."<br/><br/>
<span class="gf">$gf: </span>"I understand... I do... it's just... oh, I don't want to say it."<br/><br/>
<span class="p1">You:</span> "Then don't... please let me make this right."<br/><br/>
<span class="gf">$gf: </span>"$name I'm sorry... I'm so sorry to do this here but... I don't think this will work between us. I have to be honest. It's not about your sexuality, or even your desire to explore it... but to do it like this. Being bi... being a crossdresser... that doesn't mean you just... let guys use you!"<br/><br/>
<span class="p1">You:</span> "No... no, $gf..."<br/><br/>
<span class="gf">$gf: </span>"I can't. I'm sorry."<br/><br/>
You both sat there, both rocked by today's events. Neither of you were happy things had come to this. You held the tears back, as hard as it was, you did it just to futilely show $gf you could still be some kind of man. Finally she broke the silence.<br/><br/>
<span class="gf">$gf: </span>"...$name, you've been there for me when I really needed you. After my previous relationships, you helped me recover from the rock bottom of my life. I'll always be thankful you were my boyfriend."<br/><br/>
<span class="p1">You: </span>"I... I love you... I know I've let you down but-"<br/><br/>
<span class="gf">$gf: </span>"I love you too. But... I can't be your girlfriend anymore. Your crime... and now this. It's just... too much! I'm sorry."<br/><br/>
So here it was... you couldn't have your cake and eat it too. You felt devastated. You tried to think of anything you could say, but you knew there was no words that could change her mind right now.<br/><br/>
<span class="gf">$gf: </span>"But... you were there for me... you supported me... and, I want to be there to support you."<br/><br/>
<span class="p1">You: </span>"W-what?"<br/><br/>
<span class="gf">$gf: </span>"I'm saying... I still want to be part of your life. But... it's going to have to be as friends... OK?"<br/><br/>
The tears were unstoppable now; your pride completely lost. You sniffed heavily before you could finally speak.<br/><br/>
<span class="p1">You: </span>"Yes... Yes... I think I'd like that."<br/><br/>
Her eyes were watering too, but she smiled warmly and placed her hand back on yours. That small gesture was the only thing saving you right now. This wasn't how you hoped things would be... but maybe it was for the best. For both of you. Friends.<br/><br/>
<span class="p1">You: </span>"I... wish things had been different."<br/><br/>
<span class="gf">$gf: </span>"Me too... but you know, I'm excited to have someone in my life I can dress up!"<br/><br/>
<span class="p1">You: </span>"You... you'd help with that?"<br/><br/>
<span class="gf">$gf: </span>"Of course! I said I'd support you, didn't I?"<br/><br/>
With a new reality setting in for you both, the mood lightened up a little, and you both turned to the positives. She was excited by picturing how cute a girl you'd make, especially admiring how well suited your face would be for certain makeup styles she had in mind.<br/><br/>
You could at least be happy that you didn't have to hide your feelings anymore, and could be guilt free to explore the sissy cravings you had deep inside; now with a girl's help! You both started making jokes about how crazy these revelations had been, and started to see the funny side, as painful as it was for you. After a long, deep conversation, it was finally time to go.<br/><br/>
<span class="gf">$gf: </span>"I better be off. Listen $name, despite how things went today... I'm still going to be there for you. You can still call me."<br/><br/>
<span class="p1">You: </span>"$gf... thank you."<br/><br/>
<span class="gf">$gf: </span>"That's alright. Just please be careful, alright? You're decision making has been all over the place recently. Oh and um, if I do come across you secret stash of clothes... I'll keep them safe. Don't worry about your things being thrown out, he he!"<br/><br/>
<span class="p1">You: </span>"Oh yeah, if you do find them..."<br/><br/>
<span class="gf">$gf: </span>"Yes?"<br/><br/>
<span class="p1">You: </span>"Uh... you probably don't want to look at them... they're... somewhat risqué pieces of clothing."<br/><br/>
The last little confession made her burst out laughing, which you couldn't help but join in with.<br/><br/>
<span class="gf">$gf: </span>"You know what $name... you were never boring. When you get out of here, I think we'll have a lot of fun!"<br/><br/>
<span class="p1">You: </span>"Really?"<br/><br/>
<span class="gf">$gf: </span>"Not what you're probably thinking! I mean, like... a girl's night out."<br/><br/>
<span class="p1">You: </span>"Ah. Well, let's see how things go. I'm still new to this. But... that sounds fun."<br/><br/>
You both smiled one last time. Visitation was truly over. She said goodbye politely, before you were escorted back to the main area. Today hadn't been the outcome you wanted, but at least she was still part of your life in some way. It was time to recover from this, and get ready again for what was ahead.<br/><br/>
[[Back to Main Block|Mess Room]]
<<elseif $cGfEvent2Visit is 'cuckGf'>>
You inhaled deeply to calm yourself down, and focused on how life outside here with $gf was, hoping to come up with any clue as to how she would react to what you were about to say.<br/><br/>
Nothing obvious stood out to you, or at least nothing that gave you any comfort she might accept what you were about to say. If anything it was the opposite. You remembered a time when you had to shave your body hair off for a medical scan. You only needed to do your chest and parts of your legs, but you decided to use it as an excuse to get totally shaven so you could crossdress later with a smooth body.<br/><br/>
It was a rare opportunity for you to do so because you had been dating $gf for a while. You felt sure you could get away with it as long as you told her it was because you preferred not to have patchy areas of removed hair. It was an exciting high to have the chance, but you crashed down after $gf's reaction when she actually saw you.<br/><br/>
<span class="gf">$gf: </span>"Ew! $name, what the fuck!"<br/><br/>
<span class="p1">You:</span> "What? It's for my scan."<br/><br/>
<span class="gf">$gf: </span>"So you shaved ALL of your legs? You look ridiculous."<br/><br/>
<span class="p1">You:</span> "I just didn't want it to be patchy. I prefer it to look uniform. It'll grow back, what's the big deal?"<br/><br/>
<span class="gf">$gf: </span>"Because your legs look like a girl's that's why! What if someone saw you like that! If people saw my boyfriend like that, I'd die!"<br/><br/>
<span class="p1">You:</span> "OK, OK! I'll keep them covered up until they grow back."<br/><br/>
<span class="gf">$gf: </span>"You better! God, I just don't get you sometimes."<br/><br/>
This memory may not seem like much, but it was part of a larger pattern. $gf wasn't subtle that she didn't like any sign of femininity in men, whether they were her boyfriend or not. She'd change the channel when Drag Shows were on TV and always comment on how she liked men to be manly. You weren't $gf's usual type, and she was always hinting at that.<br/><br/>
You had met her after she had a string of bad relationships that left her miserable, and for her you were a breath of fresh air. You could make her laugh like nobody else, and helped build up her self-esteem at a time she needed it most. Just being with her made you happy. For you, she was the best company you had in your life; beautiful, funny, and always encouraging you to be better, even after you were caught for your crime. You got on so well it felt like each of you were dating your best friend!<br/><br/>
Despite how things went for a while though, it was obvious you didn't match her expectations of what a boyfriend should be. She wanted you to work out and put on muscle, wear manly clothes, grow a beard. These were all things you were reluctant to do, or even couldn't do if you tried! At one point you wanted to be the best version of a man you could be for her, but that deep secret inside of you, that recurring urge to act on your sissy desires, meant that you just couldn't get the willpower to do so. Putting on muscle, having a beard, all these were counter to those desires. You couldn't let go of them, even for $gf.<br/><br/>
It was with a heavy heart, you realized this conversation wouldn't end well. In fact... you expected it would be the end of your relationship. Part of you couldn't help but think this may be for the best, but you still loved her, and didn't want things to end like this. There was only one option if you wanted to keep $gf in your life, and that was to not tell her. You felt terrible but if you could just hide it for now, you could figure out how to deal with this later. You panicked as you backed out of your confession...<br/><br/>
<span class="p1">You:</span> "It's the... the food in here!"<br/><br/>
<span class="gf">$gf: </span>"What! Are they not feeding you? What's going on in there?"<br/><br/>
<span class="p1">You:</span> "They are, but it's... some of it is just barely edible!"<br/><br/>
<span class="gf">$gf: </span>"$name, I don't understand, what does that have to do with the panties?"<br/><br/>
You hadn't thought through any of this... in your desperation you told part of the truth.<br/><br/>
<span class="p1">You:</span> "Some guys in here, they seem to be running the place. They're trying to mess with me in here... through the food."<br/><br/>
A look of horror was on her face as she heard of your mistreatment.<br/><br/>
<span class="gf">$gf: </span>"What! People inside running things? I thought this Grenton place was supposed to stop things like that! Isn't there something I can do? I could... I could put in a complaint!"<br/><br/>
<span class="p1">You:</span> "No please! Like I said, I still don't know the place well enough to truly trust anyone. Anything you say to the officers might make things worse."<br/><br/>
Her face slowly fell in sadness, you could tell she felt powerless to help you. You hated seeing her like this, but it was better than the sharing the whole truth. Just imagine if you told her you were going to appease them by giving in to their true demands... and that you wanted to!<br/><br/>
<span class="p1">You:</span> "$gf... everything will be OK, understood? I'm just new here, that's all, that's why they're trying to mess with me. I can hold my own. I'll get in with them, make the right friends, things will be OK."<br/><br/>
<span class="gf">$gf: </span>"OK... but I don't like this $name! I don't like the thought of you being screwed with by others. Didn't I tell you before, you need to be harder... I told you that you needed to put some muscle on!"<br/><br/>
<span class="p1">You:</span> "I know you did! I'll get through this, don't worry about me. This is just a temporary setback, you'll see."<br/><br/>
<span class="gf">$gf: </span>"Well, alright then. I can't say this doesn't seriously worry me though!"<br/><br/>
<span class="p1">You:</span> "I didn't mean to babe, promise. I love you."<br/><br/>
<span class="gf">$gf: </span>"... love you too."<br/><br/>
You took her hand and gave it a reassuring squeeze. You felt bad that you were holding things back from her, but you were just doing what you felt you had to do to get by in here, and hopefully still be her boyfriend by the end of it.<br/><br/>
Just then, an officer came over to take you back. After quickly saying your goodbyes, he escorted you to the main area. You turned to look at $gf as she walked away. It hadn't been a great result, but at least you were still in a relationship with her. While you had left her feeling worried about you, you were the one far more uncertain about the future.<br/><br/>
[[Back to Main Block|Mess Room]]
Something wrong, cGfEvent2Extra
<<set $rangGf to 1>>
<<set $phoneCallNotification to 'unknown'>>
You rang $gf, your intention this time was to finally explain the Keaton situation and how it related to your coming out. Despite nobody being on the phones as well, the nature of the conversation you were about to have made you feel vulnerable. You kept your voice quiet for the entire chat.<br/><br/>
<span class="gf">$gf: </span>"Hello?"<br/><br/>
<span class="p1">You:</span> "$gf, it's me."<br/><br/>
<span class="gf">$gf: </span>"$name, hi!"<br/><br/>
<span class="p1">You:</span> "Are you... OK? You know, after everything I said..."<br/><br/>
<span class="gf">$gf: </span>"Of course! $name, I thought I made it clear. Nothing has changed between us... well..."<br/><br/>
<span class="p1">You:</span> "Well?"<br/><br/>
<span class="gf">$gf: </span>"Well, if anything the idea of having a sissy boyfriend is growing me - oh sorry - or should I say girlfriend?"<br/><br/>
<span class="p1">You:</span> "Oh, good! Um, boyfriend is fine - for now at least."<br/><br/>
<span class="gf">$gf: </span>"After our talk I read some things on a sissy forum to learn more. I'm really surprised at how deep this can go for the sissies themselves! It seems like it can be really intense for some people."<br/><br/>
<span class="p1">You:</span> "Yeah, it's an unusual thing to be, even people who enjoy it can still find it a difficult thing to accept themselves as. What makes it even more complicated is that each sissy can have a quite different idea of what it actually means to be a sissy."<br/><br/>
<span class="gf">$gf: </span>"Hmm, OK that's interesting! I'm going to need to keep that in mind! Well, the kind of sissy I've read about most seem to be obsessed with getting completely railed by guys, like, they don't even get to cum, just get completely fucked... is that the kind you are?"<br/><br/>
<span class="p1">You:</span> "Woah! Hey, this is still new to me... I have barely done anything in reality."<br/><br/>
<span class="gf">$gf: </span>"Oh, sorry! I'm just trying to learn more... not just about sissies, but you as well!"<br/><br/>
<span class="p1">You:</span> "No, that's fine, you've got nothing to be sorry for! Actually, your enthusiasm is really helping me come to terms with this. Just remember, I'm still exploring and discovering myself too. The furthest I've ever gone was dressing up fully as a slutty girl. That's where I start getting really horny, and feel an urge to go further... where I have fantasises of taking steps to having sex dressed like that... like... sucking a guy's cock. But that feeling has always gone away when I'm no longer turned on. In fact, it makes me feel ashamed."<br/><br/>
<span class="gf">$gf: </span>"Oh, hun..."<br/><br/>
<span class="p1">You:</span> "That's why being a sissy, for me, is so complicated. Sometimes it's hard to tell if I truly want this or not! When I'm dressed it seems I honestly do, but afterwards I just crash hard so hard... both emotionally and physically."<br/><br/>
<span class="gf">$gf: </span>"But, you're obviously feeling a need to try it... you wouldn't of said so otherwise?"<br/><br/>
<span class="p1">You:</span> "I am feeling that, yeah. And believe me, it really helps to know you seem into it too. I think I could of kept burying those desires for your sake if you didn't like the idea, but being as lucky as I am to be with someone as understanding as you... I'm hoping it's OK I explore those desires a bit?"<br/><br/>
<span class="gf">$gf: </span>"Oh, you're so cute like this! I feel lucky too; most guys could never be this open. Although I guess most guys aren't sissies!"<br/><br/>
She laughed playfully down the phone. As much as you were loving the conversation, once again you weren't explaining what you had to. Time was running out, so you got things back on track.<br/><br/>
<span class="p1">You:</span> "Listen $gf, there's not much time, so I need to say this. It's why I mentioned Keaton..."<br/><br/>
<span class="gf">$gf: </span>"Oh yeah! I was wondering why you mentioned him first!"<br/><br/>
<span class="p1">You:</span> "Like I said, he gave me some demands in here. Well, it was basically to dress up in panties for an event he's having. It was hard to tell if they're just hazing me or not. I felt like I could either fight it, or accept it, and well... being a sissy, I thought the best thing to do may be just to do it."<br/><br/>
<span class="gf">$gf: </span>"Oh... wow. OK $name... the idea of you being a sissy is really hot, but isn't that dangerous? And this is all so sudden - I've only just learned about this part of you!"<br/><br/>
<span class="p1">You:</span> "I don't think it involves sex or anything! It sounds more like... just having to be company to the guys while I'm dressed? I don't know for sure, I just thought... it could be the first step in this sissy journey. It's not ideal, but considering the situation I'm in, it'll keep those guys happy. Plus, I don't know what they'll do if I refuse."<br/><br/>
<span class="gf">$gf: </span>"I understand. I'm just worried. I mean, you're stuck inside there..."<br/><br/>
<span class="p1">You:</span> "I... I think I'll be OK."<br/><br/>
<span class="gf">$gf: </span>"No, what I mean is... you mentioned you don't have sissy thoughts when you're not horny... I'm just worried if maybe fantasy is carrying me away too. Last night, I watched a sissy getting absolutely pounded and don't get me wrong, it was so fucking hot! But after, well... I'm still a woman who wants a man, you know? It's just... and sorry to say this but I owe it to you to be honest here... it's hard to imagine what a relationship with a guy who's been so utterly dominated like that would be like."<br/><br/>
You kind of understood; this journey wasn't just about you. She had needs too, and could a sissy really take care of them? You both were unsure where this all would go in reality, but you tried to reassure her anyway.<br/><br/>
<span class="p1">You:</span> "I... understand. $gf, the way I feel right now is like... I have two personas, the boyfriend I am to you, your man, and well... the urges I have to be a feminine, sissy slut. I don't know how best to explain it... but it almost feels like being two seperate people."<br/><br/>
<span class="gf">$gf: </span>"I get it... sort of."<br/><br/>
<span class="p1">You:</span> "So what I'm hoping is... you can see me as your boyfriend still? Not only a sissy, but as your partner... your love? But occassionally I can indulge my sissy side too?"<br/><br/>
<span class="gf">$gf: </span>"I... I want to try that. Like I said, I'm doing my best to keep an open mind... I really hope we can make it work and I'm at least going to give it a shot. I just needed to make my fears about it clear too."<br/><br/>
<span class="p1">You:</span> "I totally understand. And sorry, this is so new for both of us. I don't want you to feel uncomfortable about any of it. That said, the Keaton situation... can I do it, or would it be crossing a line?"<br/><br/>
<span class="gf">$gf: </span>"It's... not ideal like you said. But if it protects you in there, and it gives you a first step into your sissy life... I think it's OK."<br/><br/>
<span class="p1">You:</span> "Thank you. I don't want to lose you, you know? I know I'm asking a lot, to accept me as a sissy, and now this!"<br/><br/>
<span class="gf">$gf: </span>"Listen - I might not 100% know how I feel about all this yet, but... I think I want you to give it your best shot. Like really go for it!"<br/><br/>
<span class="p1">You:</span> "Seriously?"<br/><br/>
<span class="gf">$gf: </span>"You're already going to be out there dressed for those men, aren't you? So why not... go with the flow. If they push you, why not oblige them? Take the next sissy step you've always wanted..."<br/><br/>
<span class="p1">You:</span> "D-don't you think that could be a bit much this soon!"<br/><br/>
<span class="gf">$gf: </span>"It... is a lot. But don't think I won't be asking more of you in the future. You'll owe me to help make a few of my dreams come true too. he he!"<br/><br/>
<span class="p1">You:</span> "Well, you'll certainly deserve them!"<br/><br/>
<span class="gf">$gf: </span>"This talk has made me really realize... I need to get even deeper into understanding sissy stuff! This new side to us could start moving pretty fast!"<br/><br/>
<span class="p1">You:</span> "It's this Grenton place! I didn't want to move this quick, but it makes me feel like I need to!"<br/><br/>
<span class="gf">$gf: </span>"Just be careful babe. I know doing this may be best for you, but being a sissy in there... that's still making yourself very vulnerable."<br/><br/>
<span class="p1">You:</span> "I'm doing the best I can... oh fuck, $gf! The timer's running out! I need to go, I love you so much, bye!"<br/><br/>
<span class="gf">$gf: </span>"Byeeee! Love you too. Behave out there my little si-"<br/><br/>
The line cut off suddenly, but thankfully you had said everything needed to say. Another difficult conversation that ended up being rewarding! Now you could do Keaton's event as a sissy while being open and honest with $gf. You were still worried about the implications for your relationship, but for now you were happy with how things seemed to be going.<br/><br/>
[[Back to Main Block|Mess Room]]
<<if $andersonStraightTrusted is 1>>
<span class="keaton">Keaton: </span>“No Steve... interesting. So it's true then...”<br/><br/>
Voices outside stirred in puzzlement. It wasn't long before a group of three men entered the room, followed by Keaton.<br/><br/>
<span class="keaton">Keaton: </span>“Hmph... $name. You've turned up... but it seems you haven't done as you've been told. I'm disappointed in you, but... to be fair, this was expected.”<br/><br/>
<span class="p1">You:</span> "Expected?"<br/><br/>
<span class="keaton">Keaton: </span>“Anderson told me you were going to be trouble. At first I didn't believe him... you didn't seem like the type. It wasn't until he showed me your intimate photos that he persuaded me there might be some credibility to his claims. It's a desperate move to trade photos of their girl away like that, who would do that kind of thing? No self-respecting man, if you ask me.”<br/><br/>
The men around him laughed. All eyes were on you. You burned red... both with anger, and embarrassment. You should of known not to trust Anderson.<br/><br/>
<span class="p1">You:</span> "Fuck. You."<br/><br/>
<span class="keaton">Keaton: </span>“$name... I'm not trying to mess with you. I truly want what's best for you, and for Grenton, understand? You're putting up a front because of your pride, but you need to realize that Grenton is a place where you don't need to pretend anymore.”<br/><br/>
<span class="p1">You:</span> "Shut up! You don't know me! You can't walk over me..."<br/><br/>
<<if $gotRaymond is 1>>
You were furious at Keaton's suggestion. Your muscles squeezed tight with the tension from your pent up rage, and it wasn't just that. Your heart was pounding hard, you own body felt hotter. This feeling wasn't natural... whatever the Raymond was, it was kicking in. Energy like you had never felt. You felt strong. Unable to contain yourself any longer, you swung at the nearest man.<br/><br/>
You were furious at Keaton's suggestion. Your muscles squeezed tight with the tension from your pent up rage. You couldn't take it anymore. Unable to contain yourself any longer, you swung at the nearest man.<br/><br/>
<<if $KeatonEventStr gte 21>>
Your punch caught the guy off guard, sending him falling down on the buffet table. Before you could swing again a fist smashed you in the face. The force of the hit was like being hit by a rock, but you were able to take it. Without even seeing you threw out another punch, blindly in the direction the hit had come from. You made contact with whoever was stood there, knocking them out instantly <br/><br/>
Fury was building in you. You pictured the other fighters as though they were Anderson, the bastard who betrayed you. The man you had hit into the buffet table got back up and tried to kick you. You grabbed his leg and threw it upwards, making him fall flat on his back. You kicked him repeatedly until he stop trying to get back up.<br/><br/>
The last man left looked pale. With one man out cold, and another groaning in pain on the ground, you looked far too intimidating to take on.<br/><br/>
<span class="p1">You:</span> "Come on then... you want some?"<br/><br/>
He certainly didn't. Backing up and out of the room before running off, shouting out an apology to Keaton.<br/><br/>
<span class="keaton">Keaton: </span>“Well... fuck!”<br/><br/>
<span class="p1">You:</span> "You fucked with the wrong man!"<br/><br/>
<span class="keaton">Keaton: </span>“Heh, yeah... looks like I misjudged you.”<br/><br/>
<span class="p1">You:</span> "Is that all you got to say?"<br/><br/>
<span class="keaton">Keaton: </span>“$name... believe it or not, I wasn't trying to fuck with you. But I can admit when I was wrong. You're obviously not a sissy.”<br/><br/>
You had done it... you had fought your way out of doing Keaton's event. Anger was coursing through your body though, despite your victory you couldn't calm yourself down quite yet.<br/><br/>
<span class="keaton">Keaton: </span>“Hmm... I can see you're not going to forgive me easily. You know $name, all I was trying to do was make the stay here at Grenton better for everyone.”<br/><br/>
<span class="p1">You:</span> "Yeah fucking right."<br/><br/>
<span class="keaton">Keaton: </span>“It's true! And look at you... look how strong you've gotten... the man you've become.”<br/><br/>
You took on board what he said. He was right... the letter had pushed you to achieve something. It was the adversity you needed to become a stronger person. It had given you routine by making you go to the gym, and had made you build trust with others to solve problems, even if sometimes that trust was misplaced. From your aimless life that got you in Grenton in the first place and then to now, you had become a better man.<br/><br/>
<span class="keaton">Keaton: </span>“You feel it don't you?”<br/><br/>
<span class="p1">You:</span> "...Yeah. Yeah I do."<br/><br/>
<span class="keaton">Keaton: </span>“Ha, good man! Well then... there's just one last thing I'd like you to do.”<br/><br/>
<span class="p1">You:</span> "What?"<br/><br/>
<span class="keaton">Keaton: </span>“I want to fight the man I helped make! I've been looking for a good challenge in here!”<br/><br/>
<span class="p1">You:</span> "You're serious?"<br/><br/>
<span class="keaton">Keaton: </span>“Don't I sound serious? Let me prove it... let's make this high stakes.”<br/><br/>
<span class="p1">You:</span> "No stakes! I'm not going to be a sissy, or whatever the fuck else you're thinking of!"<br/><br/>
<span class="keaton">Keaton: </span>“No, no! Ha ha, nah I think you misunderstand. I know you're not a sissy. Nah, let's say... winner gets to be the leader in here. You win... you take my place. You lose, you work with me. Not anything strange, just be part of the muscle here.”<br/><br/>
You looked confused, after all, you didn't exactly want to run this place. It was then you realized... the stakes weren't meant to be a reward for you... they were motivation for him not to lose. To not lose his place as the boss in Grenton. You were coming to respect Keaton after realizing he had helped you become a better man, and still being in fight response mode you felt up to the challenge of another battle. You smiled.<br/><br/>
<span class="keaton">Keaton: </span>“Heh heh, good. Don't go easy now... I want a proper fight.”<br/><br/>
<span class="p1">You:</span> "Alright then... let's do this!"<br/><br/>
The need to fight to survive was gone, replaced instead with the spirit of competition. You were still going to fight just as hard, but now you were doing this purely for yourself. Win or lose, both of you would be the best version of yourselves in this moment. You were men who respected each other.<br/><br/>
You approached each other carefully, analysing each other's movements. Keaton went for the first hit. You blocked with your forearms but it was the hardest hit you had gotten in here yet. He went for another before you went on the attack yourself. He felt like an equal match. You each caught blows on one another, any observer wouldn't of been able to tell who was winning. Your adrenaline was pumping so hard you couldn't even feel the pain, just the hunger to win. There was an electricity in the air... the fight was about to reach it's climax. Both of you swung at each other as hard as you could.<br/><br/>
<<if $KeatonEventStr gte 26>>
Each blow reached the other's face just in time. The impact was brutal. You closed your eyes in pain, and fell back one step. Keaton took his hit much harder. He fell backwards to the ground, only just getting his hands to the floor in time to cushion himself. He picked himself up to his knees, and stayed there.<br/><br/>
<span class="keaton">Keaton: </span>“Ah... ha... damn good fight!”<br/><br/>
He was huffing while knelt down, you could tell he was done. You had won. You walked over and placed an open hand in front of him, pulling him back to his feet when he took it.<br/><br/>
<span class="p1">You:</span> "Thank you... I had no idea I could be this strong."<br/><br/>
<span class="keaton">Keaton: </span>“Sometimes, all we need is a little adversity... to find out who we really are.”<br/><br/>
<span class="p1">You:</span> "You call that a little!"<br/><br/>
<span class="keaton">Keaton: </span>“Heh, well I can admit my methods are pretty... experimental. But they've made you better haven't they? And that's why, you should be the next boss in here.”<br/><br/>
<span class="p1">You:</span> "Keaton, I never wanted to..."<br/><br/>
<span class="keaton">Keaton: </span>“You've become strong... but that's not all that's needed to grow. I'll be here to give you some help, but what you need to improve further is be a leader.”<br/><br/>
Still recovering from the intensity you had just been through, you really didn't know what to think. You had only wanted to not be fucked with, you didnt want to lead or anything.<br/><br/>
<span class="p1">You:</span> "OK... I'll... give it a try."<br/><br/>
<span class="keaton">Keaton: </span>“Good. Now $name... there's something you need to understand. I know this all started because you didn't want to be a sissy but that doesn't mean being a sissy is wrong or bad. Please, don't pity them while your in here. It's hard to explain it to a guy like you but... they're just being the best version of themselves too, whether they themselves understand that or not. That's what is done here at Grenton.”<br/><br/>
You considered what Keaton said.<br/><br/>
<div class="choice">[[Continue running Grenton as Keaton did|cStraightEndingA]]
<span class="statBonus">An Ending</span></div><br/>
<div class="choice">[[Run things differently, without any sissies|cStraightEndingB]]
<span class="statBonus">An Ending</span></div>
Each blow reached the other's face just in time. The impact was brutal. You closed your eyes in pain, and fell backwards straight on to the ground. You got yourself back up to your knees, and stayed there. Panting on the floor, you felt you couldn't move a muscle.
<span class="p1">You:</span> "Heh... you're good."<br/><br/>
An open hand reached down in front you. You grabbed it, and Keaton helped pull you up to stand.<br/><br/>
<span class="keaton">Keaton: </span>“Best fight I've had in here... but it looks like I'm still the boss.”<br/><br/>
<span class="p1">You:</span> "We'll have to do another sometime... I'm not going to stop getting stronger."<br/><br/>
<span class="keaton">Keaton: </span>“Ha ha, I'd like that! Welcome to the crew... for real this time. No more initiations.”<br/><br/>
<span class="p1">You:</span> "Ha... thanks."<br/><br/>
<span class="keaton">Keaton: </span>“You're happy to be part of us? As the muscle?”<br/><br/>
<span class="p1">You:</span> "Yeah... that's a part I'm happy to play."<br/><br/>
<span class="keaton">Keaton: </span>“Good man! Well, how about we actually enjoy some of the perks I mentioned.”<br/><br/>
He gestured to the, partially ruined, buffet table. He poured you a drink, and you both started helping yourself to some of the food that survived. A few men came by and joined in, Keaton told them what happened to much laughter and celebration. They were impressed you put up a fight with Keaton. After all that had happened, you smiled with content, finally feeling comfortable in Grenton.<br/><br/>
Your punch caught the guy off guard, sending him falling down on the buffet table. Before you could swing again a fist smashed you in the face. The force of the hit was like being hit by a rock. You tried to keep yourself up on your feet but another came quick, unable to stay standing, you fell to your knees only to be relentlessly kicked until you were a pile on the floor. You didn't try to hold in there, you knew in this moment you had lost.<br/><br/>
<span class="p1">You:</span> "Argh! Stop... please stop!"<br/><br/>
The kicks stopped immediately. You tried desperately to catch your breath, feeling winded from most of the hits being to your abdomen. You were in shock to be defeated so easily. How could you lose like this? Anderson's betrayal had give Keaton the sense to bring more muscle with him, but even then you could of took them, if only you were stronger. In the pain and the humiliation of your loss, a tear streamed down your cheek.<br/><br/>
<span class="keaton">Keaton: </span>“$name... you brought this entirely on yourself. This was supposed to be a fun event for ALL involved. Now look what you've done! My buffet is ruined! And look at you... well, I don't like to disappoint my friends but I'm afraid tonight won't be able to go ahead.”<br/><br/>
<span class="p1">You:</span> "I... wasn't going to... do it..."<br/><br/>
<span class="keaton">Keaton: </span>“But why? I don't understand. I genuinely thought you'd enjoy it... I know a sissy when I see one. You would of got to explore a part of you hidden deep within you!”<br/><br/>
<span class="p1">You:</span> "No... no, you were making me do something I didn't want to do!"<br/><br/>
Keaton and the men around him laughed. You were familiar to the feeling of a bunch of men laughing at you, it reminded you of school day's when the football players would banter at your expense. You felt humiliated right now, just like you did back then. Powerless against it.<br/><br/>
<span class="keaton">Keaton: </span>“$name... I didn't force you to do anything. You're the one who smacked my friend in the face here. You honestly expected us not to defend him?”<br/><br/>
<span class="p1">You:</span> "The note... a threat..."<br/><br/>
<span class="keaton">Keaton: </span>“Woah now. I think you misinterpreted it! That was just some encouragement. See I know how sissies work and well... it's difficult to be who you really are in this society, even in this day and age! You girls just need a little push.”<br/><br/>
<span class="p1">You:</span> "No..."<br/><br/>
<span class="keaton">Keaton: </span>“Enough with the denials. We get it, don't you think I understand why you fought? Your internal homophobia is so strong you couldn't help but lash out. It was easier to fight, than to confront yourself.”<br/><br/>
Was it true... was Keaton really just encouraging you rather than making you do his event? You found yourself second guessing your choices, especially feeling you were mistaken to do what you did. It was hard not to acknowledge you shouldn't of done this... you're simply not a strong man. You felt the need to apologize, mostly out of an attempt to get mercy.<br/><br/>
<span class="p1">You:</span> "I... I'm sorry.'"<br/><br/>
<span class="keaton">Keaton: </span>“Listen... you really fucked this up. I can't let you go unpunished... don't worry though, time heals all wounds...”<br/><br/>
<span class="p1">You:</span> "I... I..."<br/><br/>
You couldn't find words in this moment. Suddenly an officer entered the room, his face not one you recognised.<br/><br/>
<span class="keaton">Keaton: </span>“Yep here they are. Started a fight, and caused damaged to the room as you can see. We had to use a little force to stop them tearing up the place!”<br/><br/>
<span class="male">Officer:</span> "Ah... new ones can be trouble sometimes... OK up you get, come with me."<br/><br/>
<span class="keaton">Keaton: </span>“Get up for the man now, $name. The officer's taking you to solitary for a bit... it will give you a little time to reflect.”<br/><br/>
<span class="male">Officer:</span> "That's right, come on now."
He pulled you up, and in silence you limped away to solitary with him.<br/><br/>
<<set $solitaryState to 'unknown'>><<set $cSolitaryState to 'unknown'>>
[[Be escorted to Room 3|cSolitary]]
<span class="keaton">Keaton: </span>“What the fuck... where is Steve?”<br/><br/>
Right away he sounded angry. The voices outside stirred, they sounded puzzled. It wasn't long before a group of two men entered the room, followed by Keaton.<br/><br/>
<span class="keaton">Keaton: </span>“Hmph... $name. You've turned up... but it seems you haven't done as you've been told. I'm disappointed in you.”<br/><br/>
<span class="p1">You:</span> "Disappointed?"<br/><br/>
<span class="keaton">Keaton: </span>“I've always been a good judge of character... and I still don't think I'm wrong. Stop this silliness and just go with the flow in here! It'll be one hell of an experience for you, I promise.”<br/><br/>
The men around him laughed. All eyes were on you. You burned red... both with anger, and embarrassment.<br/><br/>
<span class="p1">You:</span> "Fuck you."<br/><br/>
<span class="keaton">Keaton: </span>“$name... I'm not trying to mess with you. I truly want what's best for you, and for Grenton, understand? You're putting up a front because of your pride, but you need to realize that Grenton is a place where you don't need to pretend anymore.”<br/><br/>
<span class="p1">You:</span> "Shut up! You don't know me! You can't walk over me..."<br/><br/>
<<if $gotRaymond is 1>>
You were furious at Keaton's suggestion. Your muscles squeezed tight with the tension from your pent up rage, and it wasn't just that. Your heart was pounding hard, you own body felt hotter. This feeling wasn't natural... whatever the Raymond was, it was kicking in. Energy like you had never felt. You felt strong. Unable to contain yourself any longer, you swung at the nearest man.<br/><br/>
You were furious at Keaton's suggestion. Your muscles squeezed tight with the tension from your pent up rage. You couldn't take it anymore. Unable to contain yourself any longer, you swung at the nearest man.<br/><br/>
<<if $KeatonEventStr gte 17>>
Your punch caught the guy off guard, sending him falling down on the buffet table. Before you could swing again a fist smashed you in the face. The force of the hit was like being hit by a rock, but you were able to take it. Without even seeing you threw out another punch, blindly in the direction the hit had come from. You made contact with whoever was stood there, knocking them out instantly. <br/><br/>
The man you had hit into the buffet table got back up and tried to kick you. You grabbed his leg and threw it upwards, making him fall flat on his back. You kicked him repeatedly until he stayed down.<br/><br/>
<span class="keaton">Keaton: </span>“Well... fuck!”<br/><br/>
<span class="p1">You:</span> "You see now don't you? You fucked with the wrong man!"<br/><br/>
<span class="keaton">Keaton: </span>“Heh, yeah... looks like I misjudged you.”<br/><br/>
<span class="p1">You:</span> "Is that all you got to say?"<br/><br/>
<span class="keaton">Keaton: </span>“$name... believe it or not, I wasn't trying to fuck with you. But I can admit when I was wrong. You're obviously not a sissy.”<br/><br/>
You had done it... you had fought your way out of doing Keaton's event. Anger was coursing through your body though, despite your victory you couldn't calm yourself down quite yet.<br/><br/>
<span class="keaton">Keaton: </span>“Hmm... I can see you're not going to forgive me easily. You know $name, all I was trying to do was make the stay here at Grenton better for everyone.”<br/><br/>
<span class="p1">You:</span> "Yeah fucking right."<br/><br/>
<span class="keaton">Keaton: </span>“It's true! And look at you... look how strong you've gotten... the man you've become.”<br/><br/>
You took on board what he said. He was right... the letter had pushed you to achieve something. It was the adversity you needed to become a stronger person. It had given you routine by making you go to the gym, and had made you build trust with others to solve problems, even if sometimes that trust was misplaced. From your aimless life that got you in Grenton in the first place and then to now, you had become a better man.<br/><br/>
<span class="keaton">Keaton: </span>“You feel it don't you?”<br/><br/>
<span class="p1">You:</span> "...Yeah. Yeah I do."<br/><br/>
<span class="keaton">Keaton: </span>“Ha, good man! Well then... there's just one last thing I'd like you to do.”<br/><br/>
<span class="p1">You:</span> "What?"<br/><br/>
<span class="keaton">Keaton: </span>“I want to fight the man I helped make! I've been looking for a good challenge in here!”<br/><br/>
<span class="p1">You:</span> "You're serious?"<br/><br/>
<span class="keaton">Keaton: </span>“Don't I sound serious? Let me prove it... let's make this high stakes.”<br/><br/>
<span class="p1">You:</span> "No stakes! I'm not going to be a sissy, or whatever the fuck else you might think of!"<br/><br/>
<span class="keaton">Keaton: </span>“No, no! Ha ha, nah I think you misunderstand. I know you're not a sissy. Nah, let's say... winner gets to be the leader in here. You win... you take my place. You lose, you work with me. Not anything strange, just be part of the muscle here.”<br/><br/>
You looked confused, after all, you didn't exactly want to run this place. It was then you realized... the stakes weren't meant to be a reward for you... they were motivation for him not to lose. To not lose his place as the boss in Grenton. You were coming to respect Keaton after realizing he had helped you become a better man, and still being in fight response mode you felt up to the challenge of another battle. You smiled.<br/><br/>
<span class="keaton">Keaton: </span>“Heh heh, good. Don't go easy now... I want a proper fight.”<br/><br/>
<span class="p1">You:</span> "Alright then... let's do this!"<br/><br/>
The need to fight to survive was gone, replaced instead with the spirit of competition. You were still going to fight just as hard, but now you were doing this purely for yourself. Win or lose, both of you would be the best version of yourselves in this moment. You were men who respected each other.<br/><br/>
You approached each other carefully, analysing each other's movements. Keaton went for the first hit. You blocked with your forearms but it was the hardest hit you had gotten in here yet. He went for another before you went on the attack yourself. He felt like an equal match. You each caught blows on one another, any observer wouldn't of been able to tell who was winning. Your adrenaline was pumping so hard you couldn't even feel the pain, just the hunger to win. There was an electricity in the air... the fight was about to reach it's climax. Both of you swung at each other as hard as you could.<br/><br/>
<<if $KeatonEventStr gte 22>>
Each blow reached the other's face just in time. The impact was brutal. You closed your eyes in pain, and fell back one step. Keaton took his hit much harder. He fell backwards to the ground, only just getting his hands to the floor in time to cushion himself. He picked himself up to his knees, and stayed there.<br/><br/>
<span class="keaton">Keaton: </span>“Ah... ha... damn good fight!”<br/><br/>
He was huffing while knelt down, you could tell he was done. You had won. You walked over and placed an open hand in front of him, pulling him back to his feet when he took it.<br/><br/>
<span class="p1">You:</span> "Thank you... I had no idea I could be this strong."<br/><br/>
<span class="keaton">Keaton: </span>“Sometimes, all we need is a little adversity... to find out who we really are.”<br/><br/>
<span class="p1">You:</span> "You call that a little!"<br/><br/>
<span class="keaton">Keaton: </span>“Heh, well I can admit my methods are pretty... experimental. But they've made you better haven't they? And that's why, you should be the next boss in here.”<br/><br/>
<span class="p1">You:</span> "Keaton, I never wanted to..."<br/><br/>
<span class="keaton">Keaton: </span>“You've become strong... but that's not all that's needed to grow. I'll be here to give you some help, but what you need to improve further is be a leader.”<br/><br/>
Still recovering from the intensity you had just been through, you really didn't know what to think. You had only wanted to not be fucked with, you didnt want to lead or anything.<br/><br/>
<span class="p1">You:</span> "OK... I'll... give it a try."<br/><br/>
<span class="keaton">Keaton: </span>“Good. Now $name... there's something you need to understand. I know this all started because you didn't want to be a sissy but that doesn't mean being a sissy is wrong or bad. Please, don't pity them while your in here. It's hard to explain it to a guy like you but... they're just being the best version of themselves too, whether they themselves understand that or not. That's how it's done here at Grenton.”<br/><br/>
You considered what Keaton said.<br/><br/>
<div class="choice">[[Continue running Grenton as Keaton did|cStraightEndingA]]
<span class="statBonus">An Ending</span></div><br/>
<div class="choice">[[Run things differently, without any sissies|cStraightEndingB]]
<span class="statBonus">An Ending</span></div>
Each blow reached the other's face just in time. The impact was brutal. You closed your eyes in pain, and fell backwards straight on to the ground. You got yourself back up to your knees, but couldn't move further. Panting on the floor, you felt you couldn't move a muscle.<br/><br/>
<span class="p1">You:</span> "Heh... you're good."<br/><br/>
An open hand reached down in front you. You grabbed it, and Keaton helped pull you up to stand.<br/><br/>
<span class="keaton">Keaton: </span>“Best fight I've had in here... but it looks like I'm still the boss.”<br/><br/>
<span class="p1">You:</span> "We'll have to do another sometime... I'm not going to stop getting stronger."<br/><br/>
<span class="keaton">Keaton: </span>“Ha ha, I'd like that! Welcome to the crew... for real this time. No more initiations.”<br/><br/>
<span class="p1">You:</span> "Ha... thanks."<br/><br/>
<span class="keaton">Keaton: </span>“You're happy to be part of us? As the muscle?”<br/><br/>
<span class="p1">You:</span> "Yeah... that's a part I'm happy to play."<br/><br/>
<span class="keaton">Keaton: </span>“Good man! Well, how about we actually enjoy some of the perks I mentioned.”<br/><br/>
He gestured to the, partially ruined, buffet table. He poured you a drink, and you both started helping yourself to some of the food that survived. A few men came by and joined in, Keaton told them what happened to much laughter and celebration. They were impressed you put up a fight with Keaton. After all that had happened, you smiled with content, finally feeling comfortable in Grenton.<br/><br/>
Your punch caught the guy off guard, sending him falling down on the buffet table. Before you could swing again a fist smashed you in the face. The force of the hit was like being hit by a rock. You tried to keep yourself up on your feet but another came quick, unable to stay standing, you fell to your knees only to be relentlessly kicked until you were a pile on the floor. You didn't try to hold in there, you knew in this moment you had lost.<br/><br/>
<span class="p1">You:</span> "Argh! Stop... please stop!"<br/><br/>
The kicks stopped immediately. You tried desperately to catch your breath, feeling winded from most of the hits being to your abdomen. You were in shock to be defeated so easily. How could you lose like this? Anderson's betrayal had give Keaton the sense to bring more muscle with him, but even then you could of took them, if only you were stronger. In the pain and the humiliation of your loss, a tear streamed down your cheek.<br/><br/>
<span class="keaton">Keaton: </span>“$name... you brought this entirely on yourself. This was supposed to be a fun event for ALL involved. Now look what you've done! My buffet is ruined! And look at you... well, I don't like to disappoint my friends but I'm afraid tonight won't be able to go ahead.”<br/><br/>
<span class="p1">You:</span> "I... wasn't going to... do it..."<br/><br/>
<span class="keaton">Keaton: </span>“But why? I don't understand. I genuinely thought you'd enjoy it... I know a sissy when I see one. You would of got to explore a part of you hidden deep within you!”<br/><br/>
<span class="p1">You:</span> "No... no, you were making me do something I didn't want to do!"<br/><br/>
Keaton and the men around him laughed. You were familiar to the feeling of a bunch of men laughing at you, it reminded you of school day's when the football players would banter at your expense. You felt humiliated right now, just like you did back then. Powerless against it.<br/><br/>
<span class="keaton">Keaton: </span>“$name... I didn't force you to do anything. You're the one who smacked my friend in the face here. You honestly expected us not to defend him?”<br/><br/>
<span class="p1">You:</span> "The note... a threat..."<br/><br/>
<span class="keaton">Keaton: </span>“Woah now. I think you misinterpreted it! That was just some encouragement. See I know how sissies work and well... it's difficult to be who you really are in this society, even in this day and age! You girls just need a little push.”<br/><br/>
<span class="p1">You:</span> "No..."<br/><br/>
<span class="keaton">Keaton: </span>“Enough with the denials. We get it, don't you think I understand why you fought. Your internal homophobia is so strong you couldn't help but lash out. It was easier to fight, than to confront yourself.”<br/><br/>
Was it true... was Keaton really just encouraging you rather than making you do his event? You found yourself second guessing your choices, especially feeling you were mistaken to do what you did. It was hard not to acknowledge you shouldn't of done this... you're simply not a strong man. You felt the need to apologize, mostly out of an attempt to get mercy.<br/><br/>
<span class="p1">You:</span> "I... I'm sorry.'"<br/><br/>
<span class="keaton">Keaton: </span>“Listen... you really fucked this up. I can't let you go unpunished... but don't worry, time heals all wounds...”<br/><br/>
<span class="p1">You:</span> "I... I..."<br/><br/>
You couldn't find words in this moment. Suddenly an officer entered the room, his face wasn't one you recognised.<br/><br/>
<span class="keaton">Keaton: </span>“Yep here they are. Started a fight, and caused damaged to the room as you can see. We had to use a little force to stop them tearing up the place!”<br/><br/>
<span class="male">Officer:</span> "Ah... new ones can be trouble sometimes... OK up you get, come with me."<br/><br/>
<span class="keaton">Keaton: </span>“Get up for the man now, $name. The officer's taking you to solitary for a bit... it will give you a little time to reflect.”<br/><br/>
<span class="male">Officer:</span> "That's right, come on now."
He pulled you up, and in silence you limped away to solitary with him.<br/><br/>
<<set $solitaryState to 'unknown'>><<set $cSolitaryState to 'unknown'>>
[[Be escorted to Room 3|cSolitary]]
From this moment on, life in Grenton was much easier for you. Despite the pressures of being a leader, it was nothing compared to what you had been through to get to this point. Running what had been Keaton's crew was actually quite easy. The whole operation was a well oiled machine, all you needed to do was get to know everyone and figure out what kept everyone happy. Some wanted sex, some wanted to dine well, and others just wanted plenty of entertainment to pass the time. The gang had arrangements to get imported food, drink, TVs and gaming stuff so providing a lot of that was easy. The sex had to be provided by the sissies, and that was a little more difficult.<br/><br/>
For you personally, the whole situation you were in beforehand soon felt like the distant past.<<if $andersonStraightTrusted is 1>> Anderson had somehow left Grenton, so you didn't get to settle the score with him, but you soon found yourself not caring.<</if>> Despite all the pleasures available, you kept up the good habits you had formed in here. You worked out everyday, putting your body in the best form it had ever been. The discipline you had formed inside here applied to other parts of your life too. You felt like you didn't make dumb decisions anymore. You had a newfound confidence that also led to you being more humble, and no longer had a need to show off to others. People felt your new aura and respected you as a man.<br/><br/>
Like Keaton before you, part of your role was getting new members. With his guidance you were able to find them. Some, like Michael didn't want to join, while others could supply more food and other items. It was the sissies that were the trickiest to find, but Keaton was an expert at pointing the potential ones out. Your first attempt to recruit one ended in failure. You didn't apply the kinds of pressures you had from Keaton, trying to do things in a kinder way, but it only resulted in them not joining. Seeing the disappointment on some of your crew member's faces, you resolved to do better next time. You had a go doing things the way Keaton had done, and your next attempt was successful.<br/><br/>
A new recruit named Bella, who's name was Ben previously, joined the crew with not too much fuss. Keaton had pointed you in her direction. She had just seemed to be a meek, skinny guy, but it turns out she was to be a natural sissy. Once you had her perform the event you were originally meant to do, it was easy to make her go deeper. Her 'training' was carried out by a more experienced member of the group, and within a few weeks she was servicing all the men inside who wanted some. It wasn't just her behaviour that changed, her appearance was transformed too. She really did look like a girl, and not just any kind of one either. A complete slut always dressed to fuck!<br/><br/>
Occasionally you had to attend to events involving the sissies, it was part of your role as leader to make sure these things were at least running smoothly still.<br/><br/>
<<if $mateType is 'sissy'>>While chaperoning these events, you couldn't help occasionally noticing $mate. He (if you could still call him that) had gone deep down the sissy rabbit hole. It was odd to see him now, often in what seemed like a favorite outfit of his: black fishnet panties, a tiny black bra, red heels and sheer black thigh-high stockings with a red lace at the top. He accidentally made eye contact with you and looked at the floor in shame. You tried not to interact much with him, which seemed to work out fine for both of you. Despite his shame, you had also accidentally came across him like this again, this time in the middle of 'entertaining' a man. To be honest, it looked like $mate was enjoying himself. You remembered what Keaton had said, and while you didn't particularly respect $mate's path in life, you didn't feel a need to interfere in his life. You did have a little laugh to yourself remembering this is the path you could of been on.<br/><br/><</if>>
<<if $mateType is 'dom'>>While chaperoning these events, you you couldn't help occasionally noticing $mate. He seemed to be enjoying the company of some of the 'girls' inside. You didn't judge him poorly though, he was having a good time in Grenton and you were happy for him. The sissies were a growing part of Grenton now, just walking down near the Rec room at the right time and you'd see some of them stood outside in the corridor, dressed like the wildest sluts. They always looked shy in those situations, covering the bulge of their panties as you walked by them, and looking to the floor in shame. Despite that, they looked like they were enjoying themselves, at least to some extent. You remembered what Keaton had said, and while you didn't particularly respect the path in life these sissies were on, you considered that it may be the best place for them. You did have a little laugh to yourself remembering this is the path you could of been on.<br/><br/><</if>>
One evening during an event, Bella came up to you to speak. She didn't pay attention to any of the other guys, ignoring their hands running on her body, even slapping and groping her as she walked by. Instead she made a beeline straight for you.<br/><br/>
<span class="gf">Bella: </span>"Hello, Mr boss... why haven't we ever spoke! Isn't there anything you want from me?"<br/><br/>
She wiggled her heeled foot on the floor, trying to play like an innocent, naïve girl. They were black high heels, buckled on her stocking-clad feet. The thigh-high sheer red fabric rose up almost her entire legs, held in place by a red garter belt. The stockings almost reached her tiny bulge, covered by a silky thong. It was black, mismatching with her garters. Her skin was smooth, lips a shade of pink, with eye shadow to match. Her chest was covered by a black bra, making her look feminine despite her completely flat tits. She wanted to look like a sissy whore and she did. You had no idea how she transformed her voice, but she sounded like one too.<br/><br/>
<span class="p1">You:</span> "...Hasn't anyone taught you not to address me like that, Bella. "<br/><br/>
<span class="gf">Bella: </span>"Oh, I didn't realize you knew my name! But please, I'd really... REALLY... like to get to know you better! I'm sure I could make it worth your while."<br/><br/>
Sissies behind the hyper-sexualized beings they are were anything but subtle. Despite keeping the sissies at a distance, you knew what she was trying to do, it was obvious. Her girlish eyes looked up at you, as she put her hands on her hips in expectation of an answer. Placing her hands there once again drew you eyes to the bulging tiny thong she was wearing.<br/><br/>
<div class="choice">[[Fuck the sissy|cStraightEndingApoint1]]
<span class="statBonus">An Ending</span></div><br/>
<div class="choice">[[Tell her you're not interested|cStraightEndingApoint2]]
<span class="statBonus">An Ending</span></div>
From this moment on, life in Grenton was much easier for you. Despite the pressures of being a leader, it was nothing compared to what you had been through to get to this point. The hardest part of your new role was unexpected. You stopped anything involved with sissies happening in Grenton, and while many were fine with this decision, a few were not. After a bumpy beginning you were able to run Keaton's crew mostly like it had been, just without the seedy stuff. It did result in some members leaving though, leaving a few less luxuries for everyone to enjoy, but you and the others still lived the good life in here. Imported food, drink, TVs and gaming stuff made your stay much more enjoyable.<br/><br/>
Despite all the pleasures available, you kept up the good habits you had formed in here. You worked out everyday, putting your body in the best form it had ever been. The discipline you had formed inside here applied to other parts of your life too. You felt like you didn't make dumb decisions anymore. You had a newfound confidence that also led to you being more humble, and no longer had a need to show off to others. People felt your new aura and respected you as a man. You and $gf had regular visits, from her eyes alone you could tell she was impressed by the man you had become.<br/><br/>
The whole situation you were in beforehand soon felt like the distant past.<<if $andersonStraightTrusted is 1>> Anderson had somehow left Grenton, so you didn't get to settle the score with him, but you soon found yourself not caring.<</if>> While Keaton's crew had no involvement with anything involving sissies, there were some aspects of that lifestyle continuing in Grenton. It seemed some of the men still needed their fix, and perhaps even some of the sissies too. Keaton himself was happy for you to not continue the sissy parts of Grenton, but he did tell you to consider that the sissies were just being the best version of themselves they could be.<br/><br/>
<<if $mateType is 'sissy'>> You kept a blind eye to the whole thing, but you couldn't help occasionally noticing $mate. He (if you could still call him that) had gone deep down the sissy rabbit hole. You had seen him one day in the corridor outside one man's room, standing in nothing but black fishnet panties, a tiny black bra, red heels and sheer black thigh-high stockings with a red lace at the top. He accidentally made eye contact with you and looked at the floor in shame. You both never acknowledged each other while inside, which seemed to work out fine for both of you. Despite his shame, you had also accidentally came across him like this again, this time in the middle of 'entertaining' a man. To be honest, it looked like $mate was enjoying himself. You remembered what Keaton had said, and while you didn't particularly respect $mate's path in life, you didn't feel a need to interfere in his life. You did have a little laugh to yourself remembering this is the path you could of been on.<br/><br/><</if>>
<<if $mateType is 'dom'>> You kept a blind eye to the whole thing, but you couldn't help occasionally noticing $mate. He seemed to be enjoying the company of some of the 'girls' inside. You didn't judge him poorly though, he was having a good time in Grenton and you were happy for him. Despite avoiding the sissies for the most part, they were difficult to ignore sometimes. A walk down near the Rec room at the right time and you'd see some of them stood outside in the corridor, dressed like the wildest sluts. They always looked shy in those situations, covering the bulge of their panties as you walked by them, and looking to the floor in shame. Despite that, you had also accidentally come across them while they were 'entertaining' and... they looked like they were enjoying themselves to some extent. You remembered what Keaton had said, and while you didn't particularly respect the path in life these sissies were on, you didn't feel a need to interfere in their lives. You did have a little laugh to yourself remembering this is the path you could of been on.<br/><br/><</if>>
Before you knew it, your stay in Grenton was over. You had no idea it would have such a positive effect on your life, truly living up to it's name as a Personal Development Center. Keaton had threw a party for you on your last evening, and surprised you with a wad of cash. Something to help make your life on the outside better than it had been before he said. You were truly thankful, and had a great night. Dean and Khan while not part of Keaton's crew had been invited, and were enjoying themselves at the event too. Your time here was over, and the next morning you got your things and left the centre to the noise of a car engine running, and a familiar voice.<br/><br/>
<span class="gf">$gf: </span>"Yoo-hoo! Over here $name!"<br/><br/>
<span class="p1">You:</span> "Oh, hey you..."<br/><br/>
She had rolled down the window and poked her head outside it. The biggest smile was on her face. You bent down to kiss her.<br/><br/>
<span class="p1">You:</span> "Mmm... I've missed you."<br/><br/>
<span class="gf">$gf: </span>"Me too... don't ever leave me like that again."<br/><br/>
<span class="p1">You:</span> "I won't babe... I'm a new man now."<br/><br/>
<span class="gf">$gf: </span>"Oh I know, he he. You sure do look like one."<br/><br/>
You smiled back at her. It was time to go. She drove you back to your home with her. It felt so good to be back, especially to be in her company again. You did your best to keep your hands off her on the ride back. You told her about the money you had got, and how you were going to make a better life for both of you. You weren't going to go back to the man you were before. She was just happy you were out, but you could tell she liked the changes in you, especially the physical ones. She squeezed at your leg after parking up in the driveway. You both knew what came next.<br/><br/>
<span class="p1">You:</span> "Hold on, horny girl... let me just get a shower real quick."<br/><br/>
She bit her lip in anticipation. You could tell she needed you now. You washed as quickly as possible, you didn't want to make her wait any longer for you. Drying off in a hurry, you noticed your body in the mirror. Your upper body was so defined now, with huge pecs and 6 pack abs. You felt like the hot man $gf deserved. No... you were that man. You put on some underwear and black jeans, then stepped topless into the room to see $gf.<br/><br/>
<span class="gf">$gf: </span>"Oh my God $name... fuck! I've always thought you looked hot but now..."<br/><br/>
She ran her small delicate hands on your chest. That alone was enough to get you hard, your cock swelling up and constricted by your jeans. She had never admired you quite like this, and it felt good. While you were washing she had changed outfit, a tight mini-skirt, with pink stockings, white heels and silky white cami top. You couldn't wait to see what was under it, but before you could she had put her hand in your trousers, rubbing the palm of her hand on the outside of your underwear, pressing down on the bulge straining inside your clothes. She closed her eyes and reached up her head to kiss.<br/><br/>
The smell of woman, the feel of her lips on yours... You closed you eyes too. You were in ecstasy to finally have what you had missed for so long. The wait had only made it so much better. You reached for the straps of her top, pushed them off her shoulders, making the silky fabric fall from her chest to her waist. You breathed heavily in her ear, the sound of you being turned on only made her more horny.<br/><br/>
<span class="p1">You:</span> "Mmm... mmm.. unzip your skirt."<br/><br/>
She fumbled with the zipper, but even a second was too long for you. You grabbed her hips to turn her around sharply, and hoisted the skirt upwards. Her pink panties and bra were exposed, with the rest of her clothes hanging on her waist. You undid your jeans properly and finally let loose your huge cock. It slapped on her pantie-clad ass, making $gf moan in anticipation of what was next. She pushed back onto you a little to press herself on it. As she did you could see your precum smearing on the panties. Both of your excitement was uncontainable.<br/><br/>
<span class="gf">$gf: </span>"Oh... finally..."<br/><br/>
<span class="p1">You:</span> "You've missed this haven't you?"<br/><br/>
<span class="gf">$gf: </span>"Yes... oh God yes!"<br/><br/>
<span class="p1">You:</span> "On your knees babe, come on."<br/><br/>
She turned herself around clumsily. It was clear she hadn't dressed up sexy like this in a while, as she fumbled around as she got used to heels again. You put your hands on her to support her as she did, she smiled back at you, with a mix of nervousness and eagerness like when you first met. You really were a new man to her, and not only that, it was like she wanted to do a better job pleasing you than she had ever done before. Whatever it was, it was clear being with a more manly man turned her on more. She kneeled down, spread her stocking covered legs and began touching underneath her panties while looking you in the eye.<br/><br/>
<span class="p1">You:</span> "You like the view down there, don't you?"<br/><br/>
She nodded, her eye lids hanging lower in pleasure as she seemed to press harder on herself. You smiled before hovering your big dick just over her face. She took the hand that wasn't touching herself and held it up, momentarily admiring the thick cock she was finally going to get again, before putting it in her mouth and moaning. She fit as much down her throat as she could, and sucked on it up and down.<br/><br/>
<span class="p1">You:</span> "Oh... mmm, that feels amazing babe!"<br/><br/>
Encouraged by the thought of making you feel good, she moved on it faster, smearing her makeup on it in the process. It seemed for a few moments it was almost too much for her. She released her lips from it to gasp for air, before smiling at you and going back for more. Your eyes were closing in pleasure, but every now and then you'd make eye contact with her. She looked beautiful all the time, but you especially liked the view right now. Still, you needed more.<br/><br/>
You placed your hand on the back of her head, and motioned gently in a way that said get up. She was breathing harder, it wasn't just from going down on you, she was fully aroused. Her pink panties darkened at the front with wetness. She looked at you with both shyness and hunger. She wanted you inside her now, but you teased her one more time, kissing her deeply before pressing your hands into her panties and rubbing her. All she could do was make noises of pleasure, she had completely melted by your touch.<br/><br/>
<span class="p1">You:</span> "You want my cock don't you."<br/><br/>
<span class="gf">$gf: </span>"Mmm..."<br/><br/>
<span class="p1">You:</span> "Say it."<br/><br/>
<span class="gf">$gf: </span>"Yes... I want it so bad!"<br/><br/>
<span class="p1">You:</span> "Get on the bed. Show me how you want it."<br/><br/>
She took your wrist, moving your hand out of her panties, then squeezed off the clothes that were still hanging at her waist.<br/><br/>
<span class="p1">You:</span> "Come on horny girl... quickly now."<br/><br/>
Now only wearing her bra, panties and stockings, she kneeled on the edge on the bed on all fours. Face down, ass up. She went to go touch herself but you playfully slapped her hand away to stop her. Grabbing her hips, you pulled her gently back until your rock hard cock could lay just on top of her ass.<br/><br/>
<span class="p1">You:</span> "You can feel it now, can't you? This is what you've been wanting for so long isn't it."<br/><br/>
<span class="gf">$gf: </span>"Don't make wait any longer $name!"<br/><br/>
<img src="images/scenes/cStraightEndingC2.jpg" alt="girlfriend getting fucked" class="storyImage"><br/>
You pulled the pink fabric to the side, she was so wet it was more like you were peeling them off. Her pink pussy was ready for you. You couldn't think straight anymore yourself, you were running on primal instinct now. Despite your cock being so big, she was so hot and ready for you that you slid it in with ease. Taking her raw like this after being away so long was like finding an oasis in the desert. The pleasure indescribable for you both.<br/><br/>
You thrust into her softly the first few thrusts, but her feminine moans sent you over the edge. You pumped her harder as she made it known she liked it like that. To keep going. How she needed your cock. High pitched screams of pleasure she couldn't contain. You carried on fucking, while hastily unclasping her bra and feeling her perfect tits. Her ass cheeks wobbled with each pounding she took. She couldn't even form words anymore, just buried her face in the bed and made a muffled noise of ecstasy.<br/><br/>
You were so close now. You pulled at each of her wrists, raising her off the bed. All you could hear were moans and her body slapping on yours, her ass and tits bouncing wildly. Your legs were buckling under the pressure. You grabbed her hair to pull her head back.<br/><br/>
<img src="images/scenes/cStraightEndingC3.jpg" alt="girlfriend getting fucked" class="storyImage"><br/>
<span class="p1">You:</span> "Babe, I'm cumming!"<br/><br/>
<span class="gf">$gf: </span>"Yes... ugh... cum for me. Please. Cum for me now $name!"<br/><br/>
Your eyes scrunched together from the uncontainable pleasure as your cock burst. A stream of cum shot deep inside her. It didn't stop, your cock straining at the base to shoot more and more. You gasped for air, as you shot the last of what you had in her. You let go of the parts of her you had grabbed, and she feel into a heap on the bed, still on her knees. You stepped back in exhaustion, with a view to her exposed pussy. Cum was dripping down her leg into the panties you had barely pulled down. You slapped her playfully on her ass cheek. She turned her head out of the bed, completely out of breath but with a huge smile on her face.<br/><br/>
You could both barely speak, but it was clear you both had gotten what you had needed for a long time. You went to get some towels and drinks for you both. She could barely bring herself to move, but did at least remove the soaked panties. Naked apart from the stockings, she sat in the warm afterglow of intimacy. You cleaned her up a little with the towel, but both couldn't bring yourselves to leave the bed just yet. You pulled her into your arms to spoon on the bed, kissing her body gently.<br/><br/>
<span class="p1">You:</span> "I'm so happy to be with you again."<br/><br/>
<span class="gf">$gf: </span>"Me too. Please $name... never get yourself in a situation like that again."<br/><br/>
<span class="p1">You:</span> "Never. That's a promise."<br/><br/>
You both lounged there together in perfect content. Despite your troubles, your life felt exactly where you wanted it to be. You had become a man you were proud to be, with the woman you loved in your arms, and developed the mentality to overcome any obstacle, leaving you ready to build the best life for both of you.<br/><br/>
THE END<br/><br/>
[[End Screen|Straight End Panel]]
From this moment on, life in Grenton was much easier for you. You worked as the muscle for Keaton, and luckily for you there really wasn't much you had to do. Your main role was basically to look intimidating next to Keaton for certain meetings within the centre. As a reward, you had access to pretty much anything you wanted, just as Keaton promised. The imported food, drink, TVs and gaming stuff made your stay much more enjoyable, but you tended to ignore the other things on offer.<br/><br/>
Despite all the vices available, you kept up the good habits you had formed in here. You worked out everyday, putting your body in the best form it had ever been. The discipline you had formed inside here applied to other parts of your life too. You felt like you didn't make dumb decisions anymore. You had a newfound confidence that also led to you being more humble, and no longer had a need to show off to others. People felt your new aura and respected you as a man. You and $gf had regular visits, from her eyes alone you could tell she was impressed by the man you had become.<br/><br/>
The whole situation you were in beforehand soon felt like the distant past.<<if $andersonStraightTrusted is 1>> Anderson had somehow left Grenton, so you didn't get to settle the score with him, but you soon found yourself not caring.<</if>> You didn't really get involved with the sissy side of tings in here, finding it seedy. Keaton was happy for you not to be involved, but he asked you to consider that the sissies were just being the best version of themselves they could be.<br/><br/>
<<if $mateType is 'sissy'>> You kept a blind eye to the whole thing, but you couldn't help occasionally noticing $mate. He (if you could still call him that) had gone deep down the sissy rabbit hole. You had seen him one day in the corridor outside the Rec room, standing in nothing but black fishnet panties, a tiny black bra, red heels and sheer black thigh-high stockings with a red lace at the top. He accidentally made eye contact with you and looked at the floor in shame. You both never acknowledged each other while inside, which seemed to work out fine for both of you. Despite his shame, you had also accidentally came across him like this again, this time in the middle of 'entertaining' a man. To be honest, it looked like $mate was enjoying himself. You remembered what Keaton had said, and while you didn't particularly respect $mate's path in life, you didn't feel a need to interfere in his life. You did have a little laugh to yourself remembering this is the path you could of been on.<br/><br/><</if>>
<<if $mateType is 'dom'>> You kept a blind eye to the whole thing, but you couldn't help occasionally noticing $mate. He seemed to be enjoying the company of some of the 'girls' inside. You didn't judge him poorly though, he was having a good time in Grenton and you were happy for him. Despite avoiding the sissies for the most part, they were difficult to ignore sometimes. A walk down near the Rec room at the right time and you'd see some of them stood outside in the corridor, dressed like the wildest sluts. They always looked shy in those situations, covering the bulge of their panties as you walked by them, and looking to the floor in shame. Despite that, you had also accidentally come across them while they were 'entertaining' and... they looked like they were really enjoying themselves. You remembered what Keaton had said, and while you didn't particularly respect the path in life these sissies were on, you didn't feel a need to interfere in their lives. You did have a little laugh to yourself remembering this is the path you could of been on.<br/><br/><</if>>
Before you knew it, your stay in Grenton was over. You had no idea it would have such a positive effect on your life, truly living up to it's name as a Personal Development Center. Keaton had threw a party for you on your last evening, and surprised you with a wad of cash. Something to help make your life on the outside better than it had been before he said. You were truly thankful, and had a great night. Dean and Khan while not part of Keaton's crew had been invited, and were enjoying themselves at the event too. Your time here was over, and the next morning you got your things and left the centre to the noise of a car engine running, and a familiar voice.<br/><br/>
<span class="gf">$gf: </span>"Yoo-hoo! Over here $name!"<br/><br/>
<span class="p1">You:</span> "Oh, hey you..."<br/><br/>
She had rolled down the window and poked her head outside it. The biggest smile was on her face. You bent down to kiss her.<br/><br/>
<span class="p1">You:</span> "Mmm... I've missed you."<br/><br/>
<span class="gf">$gf: </span>"Me too... don't ever leave me like that again."<br/><br/>
<span class="p1">You:</span> "I won't babe... I'm a new man now."<br/><br/>
<span class="gf">$gf: </span>"Oh I know, he he. You sure do look like one."<br/><br/>
You smiled back at her. It was time to go. She drove you back to your home with her. It felt so good to be back, especially to be in her company again. You did your best to keep your hands off her on the ride back. You told her about the money you had got, and how you were going to make a better life for both of you. You weren't going to go back to the man you were before. She was just happy you were out, but you could tell she liked the changes in you, especially the physical ones. She squeezed at your leg after parking up in the driveway. You both knew what came next.<br/><br/>
<span class="p1">You:</span> "Hold on, horny girl... let me just get a shower real quick."<br/><br/>
She bit her lip in anticipation. You could tell she needed you now. You washed as quickly as possible, you didn't want to make her wait any longer for you. Drying off in a hurry, you noticed your body in the mirror. Your upper body was so defined now, with huge pecs and 6 pack abs. You felt like the hot man $gf deserved. No... you were that man. You put on some underwear and black jeans, then stepped topless into the room to see $gf.<br/><br/>
<span class="gf">$gf: </span>"Oh my God $name... fuck! I've always thought you looked hot but now..."<br/><br/>
She ran her small delicate hands on your chest. That alone was enough to get you hard, your cock swelling up and constricted by your jeans. She had never admired you quite like this, and it felt good. While you were washing she had changed outfit, a tight mini-skirt, with pink stockings, white heels and silky white cami top. You couldn't wait to see what was under it, but before you could she had put her hand in your trousers, rubbing the palm of her hand on the outside of your underwear, pressing down on the bulge straining inside your clothes. She closed her eyes and reached up her head to kiss.<br/><br/>
The smell of woman, the feel of her lips on yours... You closed you eyes too. You were in ecstasy to finally have what you had missed for so long. The wait had only made it so much better. You reached for the straps of her top, pushed them off her shoulders, making the silky fabric fall from her chest to her waist. You breathed heavily in her ear, the sound of you being turned on only made her more horny.<br/><br/>
<span class="p1">You:</span> "Mmm... mmm.. unzip your skirt."<br/><br/>
She fumbled with the zipper, but even a second was too long for you. You grabbed her hips to turn her around sharply, and hoisted the skirt upwards. Her pink panties and bra were exposed, with the rest of her clothes hanging on her waist. You undid your jeans properly and finally let loose your huge cock. It slapped on her pantie-clad ass, making $gf moan in anticipation of what was next. She pushed back onto you a little to press herself on it. As she did you could see your precum smearing on the panties. Both of your excitement was uncontainable.<br/><br/>
<span class="gf">$gf: </span>"Oh... finally..."<br/><br/>
<span class="p1">You:</span> "You've missed this haven't you?"<br/><br/>
<span class="gf">$gf: </span>"Yes... oh God yes!"<br/><br/>
<span class="p1">You:</span> "On your knees babe, come on."<br/><br/>
She turned herself around clumsily. It was clear she hadn't dressed up sexy like this in a while, as she fumbled around as she got used to heels again. You put your hands on her to support her as she did, she smiled back at you, with a mix of nervousness and eagerness like when you first met. You really were a new man to her, and not only that, it was like she wanted to do a better job pleasing you than she had ever done before. Whatever it was, it was clear being with a more manly man turned her on more. She kneeled down, spread her stocking covered legs and began touching underneath her panties while looking you in the eye.<br/><br/>
<span class="p1">You:</span> "You like the view down there, don't you?"<br/><br/>
She nodded, her eye lids hanging lower in pleasure as she seemed to press harder on herself. You smiled before hovering your big dick just over her face. She took the hand that wasn't touching herself and held it up, momentarily admiring the thick cock she was finally going to get again, before putting it in her mouth and moaning. She fit as much down her throat as she could, and sucked on it up and down.<br/><br/>
<span class="p1">You:</span> "Oh... mmm, that feels amazing babe!"<br/><br/>
Encouraged by the thought of making you feel good, she moved on it faster, smearing her makeup on it in the process. It seemed for a few moments it was almost too much for her. She released her lips from it to gasp for air, before smiling at you and going back for more. Your eyes were closing in pleasure, but every now and then you'd make eye contact with her. She looked beautiful all the time, but you especially liked the view right now. Still, you needed more.<br/><br/>
You placed your hand on the back of her head, and motioned gently in a way that said get up. She was breathing harder, it wasn't just from going down on you, she was fully aroused. Her pink panties darkened at the front with wetness. She looked at you with both shyness and hunger. She wanted you inside her now, but you teased her one more time, kissing her deeply before pressing your hands into her panties and rubbing her. All she could do was make noises of pleasure, she had completely melted by your touch.<br/><br/>
<span class="p1">You:</span> "You want my cock don't you."<br/><br/>
<span class="gf">$gf: </span>"Mmm..."<br/><br/>
<span class="p1">You:</span> "Say it."<br/><br/>
<span class="gf">$gf: </span>"Yes... I want it so bad!"<br/><br/>
<span class="p1">You:</span> "Get on the bed. Show me how you want it."<br/><br/>
She took your wrist, moving your hand out of her panties, then squeezed off the clothes that were still hanging at her waist.<br/><br/>
<span class="p1">You:</span> "Come on horny girl... quickly now."<br/><br/>
Now only wearing her bra, panties and stockings, she kneeled on the edge on the bed on all fours. Face down, ass up. She went to go touch herself but you playfully slapped her hand away to stop her. Grabbing her hips, you pulled her gently back until your rock hard cock could lay just on top of her ass.<br/><br/>
<span class="p1">You:</span> "You can feel it now, can't you? This is what you've been wanting for so long isn't it."<br/><br/>
<span class="gf">$gf: </span>"Don't make wait any longer $name!"<br/><br/>
<img src="images/scenes/cStraightEndingC2.jpg" alt="girlfriend getting fucked" class="storyImage"><br/>
You pulled the pink fabric to the side, she was so wet it was more like you were peeling them off. Her pink pussy was ready for you. You couldn't think straight anymore yourself, you were running on primal instinct now. Despite your cock being so big, she was so hot and ready for you that you slid it in with ease. Taking her raw like this after being away so long was like finding an oasis in the desert. The pleasure indescribable for you both.<br/><br/>
You thrust into her softly the first few thrusts, but her feminine moans sent you over the edge. You pumped her harder as she made it known she liked it like that. To keep going. How she needed your cock. High pitched screams of pleasure she couldn't contain. You carried on fucking, while hastily unclasping her bra and feeling her perfect tits. Her ass cheeks wobbled with each pounding she took. She couldn't even form words anymore, just buried her face in the bed and made a muffled noise of ecstasy.<br/><br/>
You were so close now. You pulled at each of her wrists, raising her off the bed. All you could hear were moans and her body slapping on yours, her ass and tits bouncing wildly. Your legs were buckling under the pressure. You grabbed her hair to pull her head back.<br/><br/>
<img src="images/scenes/cStraightEndingC3.jpg" alt="girlfriend getting fucked" class="storyImage"><br/>
<span class="p1">You:</span> "Babe, I'm cumming!"<br/><br/>
<span class="gf">$gf: </span>"Yes... ugh... cum for me. Please. Cum for me now $name!"<br/><br/>
Your eyes scrunched together from the uncontainable pleasure as your cock burst. A stream of cum shot deep inside her. It didn't stop, your cock straining at the base to shoot more and more. You gasped for air, as you shot the last of what you had in her. You let go of the parts of her you had grabbed, and she feel into a heap on the bed, still on her knees. You stepped back in exhaustion, with a view to her exposed pussy. Cum was dripping down her leg into the panties you had barely pulled down. You slapped her playfully on her ass cheek. She turned her head out of the bed, completely out of breath but with a huge smile on her face.<br/><br/>
You could both barely speak, but it was clear you both had gotten what you had needed for a long time. You went to get some towels and drinks for you both. She could barely bring herself to move, but did at least remove the soaked panties. Naked apart from the stockings, she sat in the warm afterglow of intimacy. You cleaned her up a little with the towel, but both couldn't bring yourselves to leave the bed just yet. You pulled her into your arms to spoon on the bed, kissing her body gently.<br/><br/>
<span class="p1">You:</span> "I'm so happy to be with you again."<br/><br/>
<span class="gf">$gf: </span>"Me too. Please $name... never get yourself in a situation like that again."<br/><br/>
<span class="p1">You:</span> "Never. That's a promise."<br/><br/>
You both lounged there together in perfect content. Despite your troubles, your life felt exactly where you wanted it to be. You had become a man you were proud to be, with the woman you loved in your arms, and developed the mentality to overcome any obstacle, leaving you ready to build the best life for both of you.<br/><br/>
THE END<br/><br/>
[[End Screen|Straight End Panel]]
<</nobr>>You've completed the game on the Straight Route!
This is a short path through the game, and is one of the only endings finished in the game right now. There's no more content for it planned.
To be honest I wasn't expecting many players to go down this path, but I wanted to offer this option to anyone really straight who somehow came across this game. You must be really straight. Or very curious... you know, in a gamer type 'try every route' way. I didn't mean to imply anything else.
Wait a second... perhaps you were just too good at getting out of the situation? Wait... did you mean to go down this path, or are you just too good a gamer?
Either way congrats!
The other paths through the game will have more content but... I'm not sure they'll appeal to you... hmm... I guess you could restart the game and try? If you fancied it of course.
And I may as well throw it out there... you can support the game's development on Patreon. Like I said, there's no more content coming for the path you went down but I may as well mention it while you're here.
<a href="https://patreon.com/user?u=86744336&utm_medium=clipboard_copy&utm_source=copyLink&utm_campaign=creatorshare_creator&utm_content=join_link" target="_blank">Click here if you want to support the game.</a>
<a class="noIcon" href="https://www.patreon.com/bePatron?u=86744336" data-patreon-widget-type="become-patron-button" target="_blank"><img src="images/extras/PatreonButtonImg.jpg" alt="PatreonLink" class="storyImage"></a>
Also, feedback is very much welcome. There's a link if you scroll down the menu on the left hand side. You can also message me on twitter: (<a href="https://twitter.com/midnoblu" target="_blank">@MidnoBlu</a>). It would be very helpful to know if anyone actually did go down this path. :)
Sincerely, thank you for playing the game.
- Midno
p.s (You can restart the game on the left hand side. You may need to scroll down.)<<nobr>>
You couldn't deny she was hot. A lot of girls would kill to look as sexy as her, though they'd have the class to only dress this way for special occasions, and even then maybe not this whoreish.<br/><br/>
<span class="p1">You:</span> "Let's go somewhere more private."<br/><br/>
She smiled gleefully, unable to contain her excitement. You put your arm around her, placing your hand at her bare-cheeked ass, and guided her back to your room. A few of them men hollered at you, a bit of banter as they noticed you had finally caved in to try out one of the girls. You left them to it, holding a middle finger back at them to much laughter. Bella's heeled feet clopped in the short silence to your area. You tried not to look like it but you were excited too... it had been too long for a man like you to go without sex. You got Bella inside your room, then locked the door. You weren't going to waste a moment.<br/><br/>
<span class="p1">You:</span> "You little slut... think you can talk to me like that back there? Get on your knees."<br/><br/>
<span class="gf">Bella: </span>"Y-yes Sir!"<br/><br/>
She looked slightly unnerved, but not only were you going to fuck her, you'd make sure she knew her place. She was already much shorter than you, and so skinny, but looked even smaller and subservient dressed like a slut below you. You told her to ask nicely for your cock.<br/><br/>
<span class="gf">Bella: </span>"Yes! Please, I want your dick so bad!"<br/><br/>
<span class="p1">You:</span> "Good girl."<br/><br/>
Sissies may not be women, but there was something so hot about them. The sheer subservience they ooze, combined with the overly sexualized femininity was unlike almost any woman. They didn't only want to be the slut, they needed to be it! A sissy wanted to be the girl in a porn video, and did what they could to become that. For a man, they were a sexy fucktoy just waiting to be used, and that turned you on. You undid your jeans, and pressed your big hard cock at her bright pink lips.<br/><br/>
<span class="p1">You:</span> "Suck. Now."<br/><br/>
<img src="images/scenes/cStraightEndingApoint1a.jpg" alt="the view of a sissy with pink lips giving a blowjob" class="storyImage"><br/>
Her lips clasped as you felt her tongue run over it inside her mouth before her throat pushed down on it. She bobbed her head up and down, she had only been a cocksucker for a few weeks but she was good at it. Putting your hand on her flat chest over the bra, you felt at her nipples. She made noises as you did, but it was muffled by your cock stuffing her mouth. After a long time sucking, she let your cock loose again, gasping for air. You just towered over her, smirking. You felt so powerful in this moment.<br/><br/>
For a moment, you tried to focus in your horny daze, and thought about what to do next. You hadn't been with a sissy before and thought maybe you'd just keep things at a blowjob. But Bella had held your cock in her hand, her fingers wrapped around it showing off her painted nails. Not a single detail to be as feminine as possible had been missed by her. She pulled you gently over to the bed, and she laid down on her back. She raised her legs a little and slightly parted, like she was inviting you to fuck her missionary style. The invitation of it turned you on, but with a sissy, that wasn't how you wanted it. You were going to get more than a blowjob, but not like this.<br/><br/>
<span class="p1">You:</span> "Turn over. Face down, ass up."<br/><br/>
<span class="gf">Bella: </span>"Ye-"<br/><br/>
<span class="p1">You:</span> "Ssh. No more talk out you, sissy."<br/><br/>
She stayed silent as told. Despite her forwardness earlier she was an obedient little bitch when a man took control. She did her best to be in the doggy position you asked, but her face wasn't down far enough. You placed a firm, large hand in between her shoulders and pushed her down so her face and chest were flat on the bed. Her ass firmly on display now, her pink hole just peeking around the string of her thong.<br/><br/>
<img src="images/scenes/cStraightEndingApoint1extra.jpg" alt="the view of a sissy in rose colored lingerie" class="storyImage">
She was ready for the taking, at least you thought so. You couldn't help being amazed by the power you had over her. Sex like this was so much more give and take with $gf, but these sissies didn't object to a thing. They were fucktoys for men. A man's pleasure came first. Bella knew that, and so did you. She would get in any position you commanded, and take you for however long you wanted.<br/><br/>
You moved her thong strap to place the rock hard tip of your cock at her hole, being careful so as not to release the tiny package inside the bulge of her panties. As a straight man you didn't want to see that. You were going to fuck a sissy slut, not a man! You pressed into her.<br/><br/>
<span class="gf">Bella: </span>"Ooh! Oh... OH! Oh my God... wait... oh... oh no..."<br/><br/>
She was so fucking tight. Looking around there was nothing to use as lube. She'd have to take your bare raw cock. She seemed to be struggling to take you. You slowed down but you didn't want to stop.<br/><br/>
<span class="p1">You:</span> "Come on now sissy. Relax. Push gently back on me now."<br/><br/>
<span class="gf">Bella: </span>"Oh fuck... it's just-"<br/><br/>
<span class="p1">You:</span> "You can do it, go on."<br/><br/>
She pushed her back on your command. It was tough, even having to take small breaks to stop, but she eventually did. You let your full hard cock stay inside her for a moment. She was nervous for what came next, but you could tell the sissy wanted it.<br/><br/>
<span class="p1">You:</span> "You want me to fuck you now, don't you?"<br/><br/>
<span class="gf">Bella: </span>"Oh... oh..."<br/><br/>
<span class="p1">You:</span> "What was that?"<br/><br/>
<span class="gf">Bella: </span>"Y-yes!"<br/><br/>
<span class="p1">You:</span> "Yes what?"<br/><br/>
<span class="gf">Bella: </span>"Yes, please fuck me!"<br/><br/>
That was all you needed. You pulled back quickly then thrust in again hard before she would tighten up again. Her head was buried in the bed, muffling the noises she was making. You kept pumping her ass, her tiny hole squeezing hard on your cock. You were already close to cumming. Bella's noises had turned to ones of pleasure, you were still a lot for her to take but she was getting used to you now. She reached back with a hand to touch her bulge but you slapped it away, keen to keep her like the girl she appeared to be. Knowing her place, she didn't try to touch again.<br/><br/>
<span class="p1">You:</span> "Ah... yeah that's good, you fucking slut!"<br/><br/>
You kept up the fast rhythm but each pounding came harder now. Bella was helplessly impaled by your manly hands holding her in place and the huge cock slamming into her. By the dot of precum that appeared on her panties you could tell she was getting what she needed. You were so close. You grabbed her elbows from behind to pull her up, her body more vertical now your cock only drilled deeper. Her face was no longer stuffed by the bedding and you could her soft moans inbetween breaths.<br/><br/>
<span class="gf">Bella: </span>"Oh... oh my... God... uh... uh... yes... yes I'm... your slut!"<br/><br/>
You couldn't hold back anymore. You pulled out just in time for a jet of cum to shoot straight up her back and into her hair. Your legs buckled from the orgasm, catching your breath as your cock continued to pump out jizz. Bella thought things were finished, and flipped around only for another load to be shot onto her face, dripping onto the bra fabric covering her chest.<br/><br/>
<span class="gf">Bella: </span>"Oh God!"<br/><br/>
Despite doing a good job taking it, she obviously didn't like cum much. That didn't matter to you though. Post-orgasm, you found yourself not wanting to be around Bella anymore. You hurried to get your clothes back on, keen to get out of here.<br/><br/>
<span class="gf">Bella: </span>"Urgh... I need to get this stuff off of me. Is there like, a towel or anything?"<br/><br/>
<span class="p1">You:</span> "I don't know. Fuck. Just... get back to your room."<br/><br/>
<span class="gf">Bella: </span>"But..."<br/><br/>
<span class="p1">You:</span> "Come on, go!"<br/><br/>
You didn't want to be around this sissy anymore. You had no idea why you had done any of this, but for some reason you didn't feel good. You were straight you told yourself. You were STILL straight. Bella looked like a hot slutty girl so that wasn't the problem. It wasn't the questions you had about your sexuality. No, the problem was the sexual frustration of being inside here had peaked, and combined with the superiority complex you had got after becoming boss in here, you had cheated on $gf in the heat of the moment. You left the room, with Bella left looking like a mess.<br/><br/>
Time continued to go by. Occasionally you'd get visits from $gf, but you always felt guilty. Obviously not guilty enough, because after sleeping with Bella you carried on using the sissies. It was irresistible. Sluts ready to fuck at any notice. They were such a turn on for you as long as you ignored one little thing. You were respected as a man but soon became entitled. Your attitude became more arrogant. Despite $gf admiring some of the man you became, your self-conceit and lack of attentiveness to her didn't go unnoticed, and a month later she broke things off. Part of you didn't really care at this point.<br/><br/>
With no shred of guilt to hold you back, you made full use of the luxuries available to you. Sex, food and entertainment, every day and night during your stay. Time flew by to your release but on the outside you were just a regular guy again. After a few weeks out, you considered getting yourself in trouble just to go back to Grenton, but didn't.<br/><br/>
Motivated by the discipline you gained inside, you tried to have a new outlook on life, to work hard to get the things you wanted. You downloaded a Personals app, uploaded a pic of your toned abs, and set your title as 'Hung bull looking 4 sissies!'.<br/><br/>
Sat alone in a motel room, you waited. The door of the bathroom creaked open. Standing there was a shy, skinny crossdresser. Her wig covered parts of their face which was covered in hastily applied makeup. A tight rose colored bra, with matching corset and panties that had a cute bow on them, stockings and high heels, just the look you liked on your sissies. She may not of been the best looking girl but she looked satisfactory, and the way she dressed screamed she wanted to be your whore.<br/><br/>
<img src="images/scenes/cStraightEndingApoint1.jpg" alt="the view of a sissy in rose colored lingerie" class="storyImage"><br/>
<span class="gf">Sissy met on internet: </span>"Do I... look good enough, Sir?"<br/><br/>
She walked clumsily toward you in the heels. Some of her excited clit spilled out of the panties fabric.<br/><br/>
<span class="p1">You:</span> "Tuck that in. Good... now get over here and suck my cock, bitch."<br/><br/>
THE END.<br/><br/>
[[End Screen|Straight End Panel]]
<span class="p1">You:</span> "Have you ever heard the phrase don't get high on your own supply? Very easy for a man like me to do that when it involves sissies. Go on, aren't the other men out there good enough for you?"<br/><br/>
<span class="gf">Bella: </span>"Hpmf!"<br/><br/>
She turned on the spot and walked away. She was obviously offended but you didn't care, though you did make sure she got a punishment for addressing you like that. The sissies should know their place, even the forward ones like Bella. It didn't matter what they dressed like to you, you knew what you liked, and the kind of girl you wanted was waiting for you back home.<br/><br/>
Before you knew it, your stay in Grenton was over. You had no idea it would have such a positive effect on your life, truly living up to it's name as a Personal Development Center. Keaton had threw a party for you on your last evening, and surprised you with a wad of cash. Something to help make your life on the outside better than it had been before he said. You were truly thankful, and had a great night. Dean and Khan while not part of Keaton's crew had been invited, and were enjoying themselves at the event too. Your time here was over, and the next morning you got your things and left the centre to the noise of a car engine running, and a familiar voice.<br/><br/>
<span class="gf">$gf: </span>"Yoo-hoo! Over here $name!"<br/><br/>
<span class="p1">You:</span> "Oh, hey you..."<br/><br/>
She had rolled down the window and poked her head outside it. The biggest smile was on her face. You bent down to kiss her.<br/><br/>
<span class="p1">You:</span> "Mmm... I've missed you."<br/><br/>
<span class="gf">$gf: </span>"Me too... don't ever leave me like that again."<br/><br/>
<span class="p1">You:</span> "I won't babe... I'm a new man now."<br/><br/>
<span class="gf">$gf: </span>"Oh I know, he he. You sure do look like one."<br/><br/>
You smiled back at her. It was time to go. She drove you back to your home with her. It felt so good to be back, especially to be in her company again. You did your best to keep your hands off her on the ride back. You told her about the money you had got, and how you were going to make a better life for both of you. You weren't going to go back to the man you were before. She was just happy you were out, but you could tell she liked the changes in you, especially the physical ones. She squeezed at your leg after parking up in the driveway. You both knew what came next.<br/><br/>
<span class="p1">You:</span> "Hold on, horny girl... let me just get a shower real quick."<br/><br/>
She bit her lip in anticipation. You could tell she needed you now. You washed as quickly as possible, you didn't want to make her wait any longer for you. Drying off in a hurry, you noticed your body in the mirror. Your upper body was so defined now, with huge pecs and 6 pack abs. You felt like the hot man $gf deserved. No... you were that man. You put on some underwear and black jeans, then stepped topless into the room to see $gf.<br/><br/>
<span class="gf">$gf: </span>"Oh my God $name... fuck! I've always thought you looked hot but now..."<br/><br/>
She ran her small delicate hands on your chest. That alone was enough to get you hard, your cock swelling up and constricted by your jeans. She had never admired you quite like this, and it felt good. While you were washing she had changed outfit, a tight mini-skirt, with pink stockings, white heels and silky white cami top. You couldn't wait to see what was under it, but before you could she had put her hand in your trousers, rubbing the palm of her hand on the outside of your underwear, pressing down on the bulge straining inside your clothes. She closed her eyes and reached up her head to kiss.<br/><br/>
The smell of woman, the feel of her lips on yours... You closed you eyes too. You were in ecstasy to finally have what you had missed for so long. The wait had only made it so much better. You reached for the straps of her top, pushed them off her shoulders, making the silky fabric fall from her chest to her waist. You breathed heavily in her ear, the sound of you being turned on only made her more horny.<br/><br/>
<span class="p1">You:</span> "Mmm... mmm.. unzip your skirt."<br/><br/>
She fumbled with the zipper, but even a second was too long for you. You grabbed her hips to turn her around sharply, and hoisted the skirt upwards. Her pink panties and bra were exposed, with the rest of her clothes hanging on her waist. You undid your jeans properly and finally let loose your huge cock. It slapped on her pantie-clad ass, making $gf moan in anticipation of what was next. She pushed back onto you a little to press herself on it. As she did you could see your precum smearing on the panties. Both of your excitement was uncontainable.<br/><br/>
<span class="gf">$gf: </span>"Oh... finally..."<br/><br/>
<span class="p1">You:</span> "You've missed this haven't you?"<br/><br/>
<span class="gf">$gf: </span>"Yes... oh God yes!"<br/><br/>
<span class="p1">You:</span> "On your knees babe, come on."<br/><br/>
She turned herself around clumsily. It was clear she hadn't dressed up sexy like this in a while, as she fumbled around as she got used to heels again. You put your hands on her to support her as she did, she smiled back at you, with a mix of nervousness and eagerness like when you first met. You really were a new man to her, and not only that, it was like she wanted to do a better job pleasing you than she had ever done before. Whatever it was, it was clear being with a more manly man turned her on more. She kneeled down, spread her stocking covered legs and began touching underneath her panties while looking you in the eye.<br/><br/>
<span class="p1">You:</span> "You like the view down there, don't you?"<br/><br/>
She nodded, her eye lids hanging lower in pleasure as she seemed to press harder on herself. You smiled before hovering your big dick just over her face. She took the hand that wasn't touching herself and held it up, momentarily admiring the thick cock she was finally going to get again, before putting it in her mouth and moaning. She fit as much down her throat as she could, and sucked on it up and down.<br/><br/>
<span class="p1">You:</span> "Oh... mmm, that feels amazing babe!"<br/><br/>
Encouraged by the thought of making you feel good, she moved on it faster, smearing her makeup on it in the process. It seemed for a few moments it was almost too much for her. She released her lips from it to gasp for air, before smiling at you and going back for more. Your eyes were closing in pleasure, but every now and then you'd make eye contact with her. She looked beautiful all the time, but you especially liked the view right now. Still, you needed more.<br/><br/>
You placed your hand on the back of her head, and motioned gently in a way that said get up. She was breathing harder, it wasn't just from going down on you, she was fully aroused. Her pink panties darkened at the front with wetness. She looked at you with both shyness and hunger. She wanted you inside her now, but you teased her one more time, kissing her deeply before pressing your hands into her panties and rubbing her. All she could do was make noises of pleasure, she had completely melted by your touch.<br/><br/>
<span class="p1">You:</span> "You want my cock don't you."<br/><br/>
<span class="gf">$gf: </span>"Mmm..."<br/><br/>
<span class="p1">You:</span> "Say it."<br/><br/>
<span class="gf">$gf: </span>"Yes... I want it so bad!"<br/><br/>
<span class="p1">You:</span> "Get on the bed. Show me how you want it."<br/><br/>
She took your wrist, moving your hand out of her panties, then squeezed off the clothes that were still hanging at her waist.<br/><br/>
<span class="p1">You:</span> "Come on horny girl... quickly now."<br/><br/>
Now only wearing her bra, panties and stockings, she kneeled on the edge on the bed on all fours. Face down, ass up. She went to go touch herself but you playfully slapped her hand away to stop her. Grabbing her hips, you pulled her gently back until your rock hard cock could lay just on top of her ass.<br/><br/>
<span class="p1">You:</span> "You can feel it now, can't you? This is what you've been wanting for so long isn't it."<br/><br/>
<span class="gf">$gf: </span>"Don't make wait any longer $name!"<br/><br/>
<img src="images/scenes/cStraightEndingC2.jpg" alt="girlfriend getting fucked" class="storyImage"><br/>
You pulled the pink fabric to the side, she was so wet it was more like you were peeling them off. Her pink pussy was ready for you. You couldn't think straight anymore yourself, you were running on primal instinct now. Despite your cock being so big, she was so hot and ready for you that you slid it in with ease. Taking her raw like this after being away so long was like finding an oasis in the desert. The pleasure indescribable for you both.<br/><br/>
You thrust into her softly the first few thrusts, but her feminine moans sent you over the edge. You pumped her harder as she made it known she liked it like that. To keep going. How she needed your cock. High pitched screams of pleasure she couldn't contain. You carried on fucking, while hastily unclasping her bra and feeling her perfect tits. Her ass cheeks wobbled with each pounding she took. She couldn't even form words anymore, just buried her face in the bed and made a muffled noise of ecstasy.<br/><br/>
You were so close now. You pulled at each of her wrists, raising her off the bed. All you could hear were moans and her body slapping on yours, her ass and tits bouncing wildly. Your legs were buckling under the pressure. You grabbed her hair to pull her head back.<br/><br/>
<img src="images/scenes/cStraightEndingC3.jpg" alt="girlfriend getting fucked" class="storyImage"><br/>
<span class="p1">You:</span> "Babe, I'm cumming!"<br/><br/>
<span class="gf">$gf: </span>"Yes... ugh... cum for me. Please. Cum for me now $name!"<br/><br/>
Your eyes scrunched together from the uncontainable pleasure as your cock burst. A stream of cum shot deep inside her. It didn't stop, your cock straining at the base to shoot more and more. You gasped for air, as you shot the last of what you had in her. You let go of the parts of her you had grabbed, and she feel into a heap on the bed, still on her knees. You stepped back in exhaustion, with a view to her exposed pussy. Cum was dripping down her leg into the panties you had barely pulled down. You slapped her playfully on her ass cheek. She turned her head out of the bed, completely out of breath but with a huge smile on her face.<br/><br/>
You could both barely speak, but it was clear you both had gotten what you had needed for a long time. You went to get some towels and drinks for you both. She could barely bring herself to move, but did at least remove the soaked panties. Naked apart from the stockings, she sat in the warm afterglow of intimacy. You cleaned her up a little with the towel, but both couldn't bring yourselves to leave the bed just yet. You pulled her into your arms to spoon on the bed, kissing her body gently.<br/><br/>
<span class="p1">You:</span> "I'm so happy to be with you again."<br/><br/>
<span class="gf">$gf: </span>"Me too. Please $name... never get yourself in a situation like that again."<br/><br/>
<span class="p1">You:</span> "Never. That's a promise."<br/><br/>
You both lounged there together in perfect content. Despite your troubles, your life felt exactly where you wanted it to be. You had become a man you were proud to be, with the woman you loved in your arms, and developed the mentality to overcome any obstacle, leaving you ready to build the best life for both of you.<br/><br/>
THE END<br/><br/>
[[End Screen|Straight End Panel]]
Your heart was pounding as you walked the corridors to the Rec room. You had made the decision to rebel against Keaton by finding someone to take your place, but had failed in your effort to do so. It was hard to imagine what would happen now. This was it, everything had built to this moment.<br/><br/>
As you approached your destination, you noticed someone at the Rec room door's entrance. A man of average build, who noticed you and immediately pulled a look of displeasure on their face. By his words you could tell he was part of Keaton's gang.<br/><br/>
<span class="male">???: </span>"You're $name, I understand? Pfft... what a disappointing effort."<br/><br/>
<span class="p1">You:</span> "Disappointing? You honestly thought I'd go through with that bullshit."<br/><br/>
<span class="male">???: </span>"Ha... are serious? You'll come to your senses soon. Now, despite the fact that you put NO effort in whatsoever, head to that supply cupboard opposite... there's some items you can change into."<br/><br/>
<<if $andersonDomTrusted is 1>>
No, there was still some hope. The deal you had made with Anderson! There was still time for him to pull through.<br/><br/>
<span class="p1">You:</span> "Listen, I said I'm not doing it! I've got everything sorted, wait until Anderson gets here, OK?"<br/><br/>
<span class="male">???: </span>"Oh yeah, Anderson! He told us to pass on a message directly to you. He said 'Have fun tonight, little lady'. Ha ha, you really thought he'd sort shit out for you? The only thing he's done is show everyone those nice pics of your girl! Now get in the cupboard and get changed."<br/><br/>
Fuck! Anderson had never had any intention of helping you. You were running out of options.<br/><br/>
Despite your lack of preparation they still expected you to go ahead with this. Things were getting desperate. Your pulse raced as you thought about one of the toughest decisions of your life...<br/><br/>
<div class="choice">[[Fight back|c2DomFailExtra][$playerDomFail ="fought";]]
<div class="choice">[[Give in and do it|c2DomFailExtra][ $playerDomFail ="gaveUp";]]
<<if $playerDomFail is "fought">>
<<if $strStat gt 15>>
You felt anger at this piece of shit actually thinking he could boss you around. You may have failed to find someone to take your place, but the physical strength you had built up in here gave yourself a confidence you had never had before. The time for words was over. You raised the back of your hand and smacked it across the guy's face. He put a hand up to try to stop it but it didn't stop you in the slightest. The blow dropped him back against the wall.<br/><br/>
<span class="male">???: </span>"Aaaah!!! What the fuck!"<br/><br/>
You grabbed his collar in your fist, your face couldn't even contain your anger.<br/><br/>
<span class="p1">You:</span> "Shut the fuck up! Don't say another fucking word to me. Get the FUCK out of here! NOW!"<br/><br/>
The man was shaking in fear, nodded in silent shock and then scrambled to his feet and ran away.<br/><br/>
One down, who knows how many to go. The sight of the man fleeing gave you your first feeling of being in control here in Grenton, emboldening you. You entered the Rec room only to find it transformed from how you had seen it previously.<br/><br/>
There was a table brimming with food containers and drinks. Oddly enough, it seemed to be mostly chocolates and cakes, along with bottles of vodka, whiskey and rum and litre bottles of coke. Looking around there were sofas, though you had no idea how they had got in here. The usual TV was replaced with a large, new looking flat screen. The strangest thing of all was a makeshift looking kiosk.<br/><br/>
<img src="images/scenes/cKeaEventTable.jpg" alt="A table with drinks bottles and glasses on it" class="storyImage">
Despite all the stuff, there was nobody here, at least not yet. You were curious about the kiosk, but couldn't resist helping yourself to the food first. You were eating some kind of cherry cake when you could hear footsteps and laughter outside.<br/><br/>
<span class="male">???: </span>"They were so pissed off!"<br/><br/>
<span class="anderson">???: </span>"Ha ha, honestly Ryan, he was about to flip out!"<br/><br/>
The voices grew louder. Whoever they were they were about to enter the room.<br/><br/>
<span class="male">Ryan: </span>"I mean, if that... hey, what the hell!!!"<br/><br/>
<span class="anderson">???: </span>"The fuck! Who are you?"<br/><br/>
They were two jacked looking guys and they certainly didn't expect to see you here, freezing in place the moment they saw you here.<br/><br/>
<span class="p1">You:</span> "I'm $name, who the fuck are you?"<br/><br/>
<span class="anderson">???: </span>"$name... are we supposed to fucking know you?"<br/><br/>
<span class="male">Ryan: </span>"He doesn't look like one of us Ken, and here he is eating OUR food! Keaton will be pissed!"<br/><br/>
<span class="anderson">???: </span>"For fucks sake! These new inhabitants are the fucking worst..."<br/><br/>
They lunged at you aggressively. You countered a fist that swung at you from Ryan, bleeding his lip. You couldn't take the two of them at once, so you focused on making sure they didn't corner you. Ken could barely reach you as you positioned yourself behind Ryan. He went for another punch, hitting you square in the nose, knocking you back. You felt a fire within you, getting back into the fight immediately and quickly volleying him with punch after punch.<br/><br/>
<span class="male">Ryan: </span>"Aaaah!"<br/><br/>
<span class="anderson">Ken: </span>"Fuck this!"<br/><br/>
Ken didn't want anymore trouble. He ran to the buffet table, grabbed the plate of an entire cake and one bottle of rum.<br/><br/>
<span class="anderson">Ken: </span>"Leave him, let's get outta here! I can't be bothered with this shit today."<br/><br/>
<span class="male">Ryan: </span>"Argh... fine."<br/><br/>
You had beat up Ryan more than expected and he hobbled over to the table in a daze to grab some food for himself. You felt like you could keep fighting them, but seeing as they were retreating there was no need to use up all your spirit here. Ken had long gone and Ryan made to exit with a bottle of coke and some chocolate.<br/><br/>
<span class="male">Ryan: </span>"Fuck you pal! Should of tried making some friends in here..."<br/><br/>
You didn't care for his words, but that didn't matter. The two of them were taken care of. You caught your breath. While ready for another fight to come, the punch up had taken up some of your energy.<br/><br/>
It wasn't long after your encounter with those two that you could hear more people approaching the room. This time you recognised one of the voices. Keaton was here.<br/><br/>
<<elseif $KeatonEventStr lte 14>>
You couldn't control the anger within you as this guy tried to boss you around. With no control you raised a hand into a fist and went to smack him in the face. The man held up his hand to block it. He was able to stop most of the blow, but you did reach his face, barely touching him.<br/><br/>
<span class="male">???: </span>"Ha ha ha! Oh Keaton sure knows how to pick em."<br/><br/>
With a quick reaction he punched you in the abdomen, winding you instantly and bring you to your knees.<br/><br/>
<span class="male">???: </span>"KEATON! I need a moment of your time over her please!"<br/><br/>
You wanted desperately to get to your feet, but you just didn't have the strength. You had failed at the first hurdle. The sound of footsteps slowly approaching you was ominous.<br/><br/>
<span class="male">???: </span>"Can you believe it... she raised a hand to me!"<br/><br/>
<span class="keaton">Keaton: </span>“Ha, well it doesn't look like she'll be raising another one. Isn't that right, bitch?”<br/><br/>
<span class="p1">You:</span> "Ergh..."<br/><br/>
<span class="male">???: </span>"Pfft. I doubt she'll even apologize to me!"<br/><br/>
<span class="keaton">Keaton: </span>“Give her time, Steve.”<br/><br/>
You weren't going to say sorry even if you could. Still the blow had really taken you out. Your fight was over before it began. You stared at the floor, you didn't want anyone to see the utter defeat you felt. Despite it, you could feel both men eyeing you up. They were in control of your fate now.<br/><br/>
<span class="keaton">Keaton: </span>“She'll be fine. I can see it. I know them better than they know themselves. She just needs a little time and space is all. Get her up to room 3 on the second floor.”<br/><br/>
Steve began to pick you up back on to your feet. Your belly still hurt.<br/><br/>
<span class="keaton">Keaton: </span>“Come on now. Behave, and go nicely with Steve. You should feel lucky he's looking after you after what you did! Don't worry, we forgive easily in Grenton!”<br/><br/>
You coughed as you tried to get your composure. You knew this battle was lost, and made your first steps away escorted by Steve.<br/><br/>
<<set $solitaryState to 'unknown'>><<set $cSolitaryState to 'unknown'>>
[[Be escorted to Room 3|cSolitary]]
Something wrong, straight Doorfight, c2str
<<elseif $playerDomFail is "gaveUp">>
You didn't have it in you to fight back now. After failing to find someone to take your place, the best option was to do Keaton's event as you were told to do. With your head bowed in shame you walked to the supply cupboard.<br/><br/>
You were really nervous now. Your mind had been set that you would escape doing this, but now reality had dawned on you. The man at the Rec room entranced looked annoyed as you made your way into the cupboard, and sadly closed the door behind you. You had accepted your fate.<br/><br/>
[[Prepare for the event|c2closExtra]]
Something wrong, c2DomFailExtra.
<span class="keaton">Keaton: </span>“What the fuck... where is Steve?”<br/><br/>
Right away he sounded angry. The voices outside stirred, they sounded puzzled. It wasn't long before a group of two men entered the room, followed by Keaton.<br/><br/>
<span class="keaton">Keaton: </span>“Hmph... $name. You've turned up... but it seems you haven't done as you've been told. I'm disappointed in you.”<br/><br/>
<span class="p1">You:</span> "Disappointed?"<br/><br/>
<span class="keaton">Keaton: </span>“I've always been a good judge of character... and I still don't think I'm wrong. Stop this silliness and just go with the flow in here! It'll be one hell of an experience for you, I promise.”<br/><br/>
The men around him laughed. All eyes were on you. You burned red... both with anger, and embarrassment.<br/><br/>
<span class="p1">You:</span> "Fuck you."<br/><br/>
<span class="keaton">Keaton: </span>“$name... I'm not trying to mess with you. I truly want what's best for you, and for Grenton, understand? You're putting up a front because of your pride, but you need to realize that Grenton is a place where you don't need to pretend anymore.”<br/><br/>
<span class="p1">You:</span> "Shut up! You don't know me! You can't walk over me..."<br/><br/>
You were furious at Keaton's suggestion. Your muscles squeezed tight with the tension from your pent up rage. You couldn't take it anymore. Unable to contain yourself any longer, you swung at the nearest man.<br/><br/>
<<if $strStat gt 18>>
Your punch caught the guy off guard, sending him falling down on the buffet table. Before you could swing again a fist smashed you in the face. The force of the hit was like being hit by a rock, but you were able to take it. Without even seeing you threw out another punch, blindly in the direction the hit had come from. You made contact with whoever was stood there, knocking them out instantly. <br/><br/>
The man you had hit into the buffet table got back up and tried to kick you. You grabbed his leg and threw it upwards, making him fall flat on his back. You kicked him repeatedly until he stayed down.<br/><br/>
<span class="keaton">Keaton: </span>“Well... fuck!”<br/><br/>
<span class="p1">You:</span> "You see now don't you? You fucked with the wrong man!"<br/><br/>
<span class="keaton">Keaton: </span>“Heh, yeah... looks like I misjudged you.”<br/><br/>
<span class="p1">You:</span> "Is that all you got to say?"<br/><br/>
<span class="keaton">Keaton: </span>“$name... believe it or not, I wasn't trying to fuck with you. But I can admit when I was wrong. You're obviously not a sissy.”<br/><br/>
You had done it... you had fought your way out of doing Keaton's event. Anger was coursing through your body though, despite your victory you couldn't calm yourself down quite yet.<br/><br/>
<span class="keaton">Keaton: </span>“Hmm... I can see you're not going to forgive me easily. You know $name, all I was trying to do was make the stay here at Grenton better for everyone.”<br/><br/>
<span class="p1">You:</span> "Yeah fucking right."<br/><br/>
<span class="keaton">Keaton: </span>“It's true! And look at you... look how strong you've gotten... the man you've become.”<br/><br/>
You took on board what he said. He was right... the letter had pushed you to achieve something. It was the adversity you needed to become a stronger person. It had given you routine by making you go to the gym, and had made you build trust with others to solve problems, even if sometimes that trust was misplaced. From your aimless life that got you in Grenton in the first place and then to now, you had become a better man.<br/><br/>
<span class="keaton">Keaton: </span>“You feel it don't you?”<br/><br/>
<span class="p1">You:</span> "...Yeah. Yeah I do."<br/><br/>
<span class="keaton">Keaton: </span>“Ha, good man! Well then... there's just one last thing I'd like you to do.”<br/><br/>
<span class="p1">You:</span> "What?"<br/><br/>
<span class="keaton">Keaton: </span>“I want to fight the man I helped make! I've been looking for a good challenge in here!”<br/><br/>
<span class="p1">You:</span> "You're serious?"<br/><br/>
<span class="keaton">Keaton: </span>“Don't I sound serious? Let me prove it... let's make this high stakes.”<br/><br/>
<span class="p1">You:</span> "No stakes! I'm not going to be a sissy, or whatever the fuck else you might think of!"<br/><br/>
<span class="keaton">Keaton: </span>“No, no! Ha ha, nah I think you misunderstand. I know you're not a sissy. Nah, let's say... winner gets to be the leader in here. You win... you take my place. You lose, you work with me. Not anything strange, just be part of the muscle here.”<br/><br/>
You looked confused, after all, you didn't exactly want to run this place. It was then you realized... the stakes weren't meant to be a reward for you... they were motivation for him not to lose. To not lose his place as the boss in Grenton. You were coming to respect Keaton after realizing he had helped you become a better man, and still being in fight response mode you felt up to the challenge of another battle. You smiled.<br/><br/>
<span class="keaton">Keaton: </span>“Heh heh, good. Don't go easy now... I want a proper fight.”<br/><br/>
<span class="p1">You:</span> "Alright then... let's do this!"<br/><br/>
The need to fight to survive was gone, replaced instead with the spirit of competition. You were still going to fight just as hard, but now you were doing this purely for yourself. Win or lose, both of you would be the best version of yourselves in this moment. You were men who respected each other.<br/><br/>
You approached each other carefully, analysing each other's movements. Keaton went for the first hit. You blocked with your forearms but it was the hardest hit you had gotten in here yet. He went for another before you went on the attack yourself. He felt like an equal match. You each caught blows on one another, any observer wouldn't of been able to tell who was winning. Your adrenaline was pumping so hard you couldn't even feel the pain, just the hunger to win. There was an electricity in the air... the fight was about to reach it's climax. Both of you swung at each other as hard as you could.<br/><br/>
<<if $strStat gte 25>>
Each blow reached the other's face just in time. The impact was brutal. You closed your eyes in pain, and fell back one step. Keaton took his hit much harder. He fell backwards to the ground, only just getting his hands to the floor in time to cushion himself. He picked himself up to his knees, and stayed there.<br/><br/>
<span class="keaton">Keaton: </span>“Ah... ha... damn good fight!”<br/><br/>
He was huffing while knelt down, you could tell he was done. You had won. You walked over and placed an open hand in front of him, pulling him back to his feet when he took it.<br/><br/>
<span class="p1">You:</span> "Thank you... I had no idea I could be this strong."<br/><br/>
<span class="keaton">Keaton: </span>“Sometimes, all we need is a little adversity... to find out who we really are.”<br/><br/>
<span class="p1">You:</span> "You call that a little!"<br/><br/>
<span class="keaton">Keaton: </span>“Heh, well I can admit my methods are pretty... experimental. But they've made you better haven't they? And that's why, you should be the next boss in here.”<br/><br/>
<span class="p1">You:</span> "Keaton, I never wanted to..."<br/><br/>
<span class="keaton">Keaton: </span>“You've become strong... but that's not all that's needed to grow. I'll be here to give you some help, but what you need to improve further is be a leader.”<br/><br/>
Still recovering from the intensity you had just been through, you really didn't know what to think. You had only wanted to not be fucked with, you didnt want to lead or anything.<br/><br/>
<span class="p1">You:</span> "OK... I'll... give it a try."<br/><br/>
<span class="keaton">Keaton: </span>“Good. Now $name... there's something you need to understand. I know this all started because you didn't want to be a sissy but that doesn't mean being a sissy is wrong or bad. Please, don't pity them while your in here. It's hard to explain it to a guy like you but... they're just being the best version of themselves too, whether they themselves understand that or not. That's how it's done here at Grenton.”<br/><br/>
You considered what Keaton said.<br/><br/>
<div class="choice">[[Continue running Grenton as Keaton did|cStraightEndingA]]
<span class="statBonus">An Ending</span></div><br/>
<div class="choice">[[Run things differently, without any sissies|cStraightEndingB]]
<span class="statBonus">An Ending</span></div>
Each blow reached the other's face just in time. The impact was brutal. You closed your eyes in pain, and fell backwards straight on to the ground. You got yourself back up to your knees, but couldn't move further. Panting on the floor, you felt you couldn't move a muscle.<br/><br/>
<span class="p1">You:</span> "Heh... you're good."<br/><br/>
An open hand reached down in front you. You grabbed it, and Keaton helped pull you up to stand.<br/><br/>
<span class="keaton">Keaton: </span>“Best fight I've had in here... but it looks like I'm still the boss.”<br/><br/>
<span class="p1">You:</span> "We'll have to do another sometime... I'm not going to stop getting stronger."<br/><br/>
<span class="keaton">Keaton: </span>“Ha ha, I'd like that! Welcome to the crew... for real this time. No more initiations.”<br/><br/>
<span class="p1">You:</span> "Ha... thanks."<br/><br/>
<span class="keaton">Keaton: </span>“You're happy to be part of us? As the muscle?”<br/><br/>
<span class="p1">You:</span> "Yeah... that's a part I'm happy to play."<br/><br/>
<span class="keaton">Keaton: </span>“Good man! Well, how about we actually enjoy some of the perks I mentioned.”<br/><br/>
He gestured to the, partially ruined, buffet table. He poured you a drink, and you both started helping yourself to some of the food that survived. A few men came by and joined in, Keaton told them what happened to much laughter and celebration. They were impressed you put up a fight with Keaton. After all that had happened, you smiled with content, finally feeling comfortable in Grenton.<br/><br/>
Your punch caught the guy off guard, sending him falling down on the buffet table. Before you could swing again a fist smashed you in the face. The force of the hit was like being hit by a rock. You tried to keep yourself up on your feet but another came quick, unable to stay standing, you fell to your knees only to be relentlessly kicked until you were a pile on the floor. You didn't try to hold in there, you knew in this moment you had lost.<br/><br/>
<span class="p1">You:</span> "Argh! Stop... please stop!"<br/><br/>
The kicks stopped immediately. You tried desperately to catch your breath, feeling winded from most of the hits being to your abdomen. You were in shock to be defeated so easily. How could you lose like this? Anderson's betrayal had give Keaton the sense to bring more muscle with him, but even then you could of took them, if only you were stronger. In the pain and the humiliation of your loss, a tear streamed down your cheek.<br/><br/>
<span class="keaton">Keaton: </span>“$name... you brought this entirely on yourself. This was supposed to be a fun event for ALL involved. Now look what you've done! My buffet is ruined! And look at you... well, I don't like to disappoint my friends but I'm afraid tonight won't be able to go ahead.”<br/><br/>
<span class="p1">You:</span> "I... wasn't going to... do it..."<br/><br/>
<span class="keaton">Keaton: </span>“But why? I don't understand. I genuinely thought you'd enjoy it... I know a sissy when I see one. You would of got to explore a part of you hidden deep within you!”<br/><br/>
<span class="p1">You:</span> "No... no, you were making me do something I didn't want to do!"<br/><br/>
Keaton and the men around him laughed. You were familiar to the feeling of a bunch of men laughing at you, it reminded you of school day's when the football players would banter at your expense. You felt humiliated right now, just like you did back then. Powerless against it.<br/><br/>
<span class="keaton">Keaton: </span>“$name... I didn't force you to do anything. You're the one who smacked my friend in the face here. You honestly expected us not to defend him?”<br/><br/>
<span class="p1">You:</span> "The note... a threat..."<br/><br/>
<span class="keaton">Keaton: </span>“Woah now. I think you misinterpreted it! That was just some encouragement. See I know how sissies work and well... it's difficult to be who you really are in this society, even in this day and age! You girls just need a little push.”<br/><br/>
<span class="p1">You:</span> "No..."<br/><br/>
<span class="keaton">Keaton: </span>“Enough with the denials. We get it, don't you think I understand why you fought. Your internal homophobia is so strong you couldn't help but lash out. It was easier to fight, than to confront yourself.”<br/><br/>
Was it true... was Keaton really just encouraging you rather than making you do his event? You found yourself second guessing your choices, especially feeling you were mistaken to do what you did. It was hard not to acknowledge you shouldn't of done this... you're simply not a strong man. You felt the need to apologize, mostly out of an attempt to get mercy.<br/><br/>
<span class="p1">You:</span> "I... I'm sorry.'"<br/><br/>
<span class="keaton">Keaton: </span>“Listen... you really fucked this up. I can't let you go unpunished... but don't worry, time heals all wounds...”<br/><br/>
<span class="p1">You:</span> "I... I..."<br/><br/>
You couldn't find words in this moment. Suddenly an officer entered the room, his face wasn't one you recognised.<br/><br/>
<span class="keaton">Keaton: </span>“Yep here they are. Started a fight, and caused damaged to the room as you can see. We had to use a little force to stop them tearing up the place!”<br/><br/>
<span class="male">Officer:</span> "Ah... new ones can be trouble sometimes... OK up you get, come with me."<br/><br/>
<span class="keaton">Keaton: </span>“Get up for the man now, $name. The officer's taking you to solitary for a bit... it will give you a little time to reflect.”<br/><br/>
<span class="male">Officer:</span> "That's right, come on now."
He pulled you up, and in silence you limped away to solitary with him.<br/><br/>
<<set $solitaryState to 'unknown'>><<set $cSolitaryState to 'unknown'>>
[[Be escorted to Room 3|cSolitary]]
<<dropall '$playerHair'>>
<<pickup '$playerHair' 'blonde hair'>>
You arrived in the area the man directed you to and leaned on the wall. It was finally a moment to catch your breath, though all too short.<br/><br/>
<span class="jessica">???: </span>"Hey! Hello, over here!"<br/><br/>
<span class="p1">You:</span> "Um, hi?"<br/><br/>
<span class="jessica">???: </span>"Where are you looking? We're this way!"<br/><br/>
You turned your head while narrowing your eyes, then made out some figures on the other side of the room.<br/><br/>
<span class="jessica">???: </span>"Now she sees! Hey, I'm Jessica!"<br/><br/>
You moved over to her, making effort to seem friendly as you could in this situation. The other girls with her didn't say much, they looked pretty nervous too. All of them looked girly, though to various different extents. You couldn't help but notice your outfit was one of the more revealing ones. Jessica was the only one who didn't seem shy, standing confidently with her hands at her hips.<br/><br/>
<span class="jessica">Jessica: </span>"Wow... quite an outfit! What's your name?"<br/><br/>
<span class="p1">You:</span> "I'm... I'm $name. N-nice to meet you."<br/><br/>
Jessica smiled back at you happily. She had that aura of genuine sincerity that only a few people have, the kind that puts those around them instinctively at ease. It was odd to get this vibe from her, because she was dressed incredibly slutty. Sheer tights covered her blue panties, and she wore a matching blue bra. No top, no skirt, just the bare essentials it took to look feminine, it seemed. She seemed like a natural beauty, especially with her shoulder-length dark brown hair.<br/><br/>
<img src="images/scenes/cKeaEventSsy1.jpg" alt="the view of a sissy with bulge in panties" class="storyImage"><br/>
<<if $mateType is "sissy">>
Suddenly one of the girls perked their head up to notice you. It was $mate! Both your eyes locked, but you were too shocked to react. You suspected $mate felt the same way!<br/><br/>
<span class="jessica">Jessica: </span>"No need to be nervous! You're not the only one... though you are the last one we were waiting for!"<br/><br/>
It was a little comforting to not be the only one doing this. Jessica<<if $mateType is "sissy">> and $mate<</if>> looked like they had done everything possible to look slutty too. Oddly though, you noticed the others hadn't put in anywhere near as much effort.<br/><br/>
<span class="jessica">Jessica: </span>"Listen, I was just telling the others... this event isn't that big a deal! You don't need to be chattering your teeth like that, alright? All we do is go out there dressed how we are, once our names are called. Then we just sit with the men for a bit. It's like an icebreaker, a hazing type thing!"<br/><br/>
You found Jessica's definition of what a big deal was to be quite the understatement, but finally having certainty of what this event really was did help calm you a little. Still, the event itself still seemed strange.<br/><br/>
<span class="p1">You:</span> "Um... but why do they specifically do this... as an icebreaker?"<br/><br/>
<span class="jessica">Jessica: </span>"Beat's me! It's just how things are done, I guess. Don't take it too seriously."<br/><br/>
If Jessica knew anything she was good at hiding it. It was good to know you weren't alone in doing this event, but now you only had more questions. Did every guy have to do this to get in Keaton's gang? Considering how many of you 'girls' there were here, it seemed like they did. Maybe this was just a hazing part of the initiation after all. For the first time in a while, it felt like maybe things could turn out OK.<br/><br/>
<<if $mateType is "sissy">>
As your apprehension began to subside, you felt able to speak to $mate, getting their attention with a tap on the shoulder. It was bizarre to be in $mate's company dressed like this, but any shame you had seemed to be shared by both of you.<br/><br/>
<span class="p1">You:</span> "Pretty crazy situation we're in, aren't we? So... how are you? I almost never see you around here."<br/><br/>
<span class="mate">$mate:</span> "$name... I'm... doing OK but... seeing you now... I'm... I'm so sorry we're in this mess!"<br/><br/>
<span class="p1">You:</span> "Hey, it's OK! I know it's tough, I felt sick on the way over here! But, at least we're not in this alone."<br/><br/>
<img src="images/scenes/cKeaEventMatePink.jpg" alt="the view of a sissy in a pink skirt" class="storyImage"><br/>
You noticed $mate was getting less anxious. You couldn't help but notice he was trying subtly to check out your outfit, and quite frankly you were curious to check out theirs's in return. It was much more modest than your clothes, a pink body-con dress, the kind a woman would wear to go clubbing. It was tight on $mate's slim body, making their figure look girly in a way you had never noticed before. $mate's hair was growing out even before coming to Grenton, but it seemed it had been styled to look more feminine.<br/><br/>
<span class="mate">$mate</span> "I'm sorry I haven't visited you in here. I tried to keep a low profile after getting involved in Keaton's gang. I couldn't tell you in time..."<br/><br/>
<span class="p1">You:</span> "Ha... I guess we're both as bad as each other. First getting sent here, and now involved in this! I just hope what Jessica says is true, then this might be over soon."<br/><br/>
<span class="mate">$mate:</span> "I... I think so. You know, seeing you is making me feel better too. L-let's get this finished with, shall we?"<br/><br/>
You nodded in agreement, but the quake of fear in $mate's voice made it difficult not to feel worried again too.<br/><br/>
<span class="jessica">Jessica: </span>"Um, $name... this is just a suggestion, but why not wear this?"<br/><br/>
She handed you a long blonde wig. You looked puzzled. You had obeyed what the man outside had told you to wear because you thought you had to, but did you need to do what Jessica says too? You didn't feel any pressure from her, and you didn't want the men to get the impression you were really trying to do this.<br/><br/>
<span class="jessica">Jessica: </span>"You look pretty shaky still, darling. Look here, it's got a fringe to it! It'll help cover your face if you're feeling quite self-conscious. And you can hide your eyes from view if you're really shy!"<br/><br/>
It was a good point. You considered it for a bit, and had to agree that it would help. Not only could you hide your face, but the less you looked like yourself, the easier you found this whole situation. It felt like the less you looked like a man the more comfortable you were. It was like you were a different persona, and that oddly made this easier.<br/><br/>
<span class="p1">You:</span> "Thanks, Jessica."<br/><br/>
You put the wig on as best you could, which Jessica helped to adjust, brushing the fringe a little with her fingers. She touched her face in a daze, admiring how you looked.<br/><br/>
<span class="jessica">Jessica: </span>"Gosh... such a pretty face! Just imagine, with a little makeup..."<br/><br/>
<span class="p1">You:</span> "That's enough, thank you."<br/><br/>
<span class="jessica">Jessica: </span>"No... of course, I didn't mean anything..."<br/><br/>
Things were getting more bizarre by the minute. You couldn't take much more of this waiting, and luckily you wouldn't have to. From outside the room you heard the men gathering. The girl's were silent, as the audience went quieter and Keaton's voice came through.<br/><br/>
<span class="keaton">Keaton: </span>"I think that's everyone! OK, come on girls let's get a look at you, ah ha ha! JESSICA!"<br/><br/>
Jessica got up quickly and left the room in a confident stride, only to be greeted by a cheering audience. It was the sound of the men making all kinds of noises... jeering, laughing, wolf whistles. It was hard not to feel intimidated by it all. Your heart pumped hard in your chest, so much so as to make you feel light headed. You tried to keep as composed as possible but it was difficult.<br/><br/>
<span class="keaton">Keaton: </span>"Alright then, how about another! $name, come on out here!"<br/><br/>
There it was. Your turn. You had never felt so sick to hear your own name. This was seriously happening!<br/><br/>
<span class="keaton">Keaton: </span>"$name! $name, come on now, don't be shy!"<br/><br/>
You couldn't keep them waiting any longer. You put one foot in front of the other as if unthinkingly, and made your way to the room full of men.<br/><br/>
You tried to remain patient as Charlie got dressed. It was taking quite some time, which would of been no matter at all if you didn't have to be in the company of one of Keaton's men. The door guard kept looking at you with distrust.<br/><br/>
<<if $andersonDomTrusted is 1>>
As you waited you realized you forgot something, the deal you made with Anderson! He should of been here by now. It didn't really matter as you had brought Charlie, but you decided to ignore the guard's unfriendliness and ask him if he had seen Anderson at all?<br/><br/>
<span class="male">???: </span>"Oh yeah, Anderson! He told us to pass on a message directly to you. He said 'Have fun tonight, little lady'. Ha ha, you really thought he'd sort shit out for you? The only thing he's done is show everyone those nice pics of your girl!"<br/><br/>
<span class="p1">You:</span> "That bastard! I'll have to have words with him, that asshole!"<br/><br/>
<span class="male">???: </span>"You'd be wise to just leave it, he's looked after in here. I guess he didn't expect you to bring a girl of your own though."<br/><br/>
You quietly seethed in anger. You wouldn't be able to touch Anderson, but at least you knew from now on that you couldn't trust him.<br/><br/>
Concerned by how long Charlie was taking, you knocked on the cupboard door.<br/><br/>
<span class="p1">You:</span> "Is everything OK, Charlie?"<br/><br/>
You could only just make out Charlie's muffled voice.<br/><br/>
<span class="charlie">Charlie:</span> "$name... I'm... I'm dressed but... I c-c-can't go out like this! I've got a little carried away with such an outfit! I don't... I don't think I want them to see me like this!"<br/><br/>
It seemed like the fantasy becoming reality was almost too much for her. She had got far enough to dress but now she had to expose herself to the world, and it wasn't an easy step for her to take. You figured what to say to her. From what you knew of Charlie, you felt she wanted to wear the outfit, but fear was setting in.<br/><br/>
<<if $charmStat gte 2>>
<div class="choice">[[Use encouraging words to convince her to wear her slutty outfit.|c2DomCharm2][$charmStat += 1; $pervStat += 1; $domEvent1 = "charmApproach"]]</div><br/>
<div class="choice greyedOut">Not enough charm for this approach.</div><br/>
<div class="choice">[[Tell her to change into female clothes she's more comfortable in.|c2DomCharm2][$charmStat += 1; $domEvent1 = "softApproach"]]</div><br/>
You tried to remain patient as Charlie got dressed. It was taking quite some time, which would of been no matter at all if you didn't have to be in the company of one of Keaton's men. The door guard kept looking at you with distrust.
<<if $andersonDomTrusted is 1>>
As you waited you realized you forgot something, the deal you made with Anderson! He should of been here by now. It didn't really matter as you had brought Charlie, but you decided to ignore the guard's unfriendliness and ask him if he had seen Anderson at all?<br/><br/>
<span class="male">???: </span>"Oh yeah, Anderson! He told us to pass on a message directly to you. He said 'Have fun tonight, little lady'. Ha ha, you really thought he'd sort shit out for you? The only thing he's done is show everyone those nice pics of your girl!"<br/><br/>
<span class="p1">You:</span> "That bastard! I'll kill him."<br/><br/>
<span class="male">???: </span>"I wouldn't do that if I were you, he's looked after in here. I guess he didn't expect you to bring a girl of your own."<br/><br/>
You quietly seethed in anger. You wouldn't be able to touch Anderson, but at least you knew from now on that you couldn't trust him.<br/><br/>
You couldn't take much more waiting, and knocked on the cupboard door.<br/><br/>
<span class="p1">You:</span> "Charlie! What's going on? Are you still not ready?"<br/><br/>
A muffled voice came out beyond the door.<br/><br/>
<span class="charlie">Charlie:</span> "$name... I'm... I'm dressed but... I c-c-can't go out like this! I've got a little carried away with such a slutty outfit! I don't... I don't think I want them to see me like this!"<br/><br/>
It seemed like the fantasy becoming reality was almost too much for her. She had got far enough to dress but now she had to expose herself to the world, and it wasn't an easy step for her to take. You had come too far for her to back out now.<br/><br/>
<<if $domStat gte 2>>
<div class="choice">[[Command your sissy to come out here. Now.|c2DomStrong2][$domStat += 1; $domEvent1 = "domApproach"]]</div><br/>
<div class="choice greyedOut">Not dominant enough for this approach.</div><br/>
<div class="choice">[[Tell her to change into female clothes she's more comfortable in.|c2DomStrong2][$charmStat += 1; $domEvent1 = "softApproach"]]</div><br/>
<<if $domEvent1 is "charmApproach">>
<span class="p1">You:</span> "I understand why you'd feel you can't do it Charlie but despite only knowing you for a short time, I honestly think I know what you really want. Don't let your worries get the better of you, especially after you've come this far! I bet you look really hot right now, don't you? Why not come out here and let me have a look?"<br/><br/>
There was silence for a moment, before the door slowly creaked open. A black heel nudged out, followed by a smooth leg covered by fishnet stockings. It was happening, she was actually doing this! You couldn't wait much longer, and pushed gently on the door to finally reveal Charlie in her sissy persona completely!<br/><br/>
<<if $khanState6Gift is 1>>
She was wearing the gift you had given her! The purple corset fit her perfectly, it was tight in the chest, which had the effect of accentuating her hips to look more like a woman. The bra cups of the lingerie weren't very big, but did make it seem like she had boobs. Small as they appeared it did add to giving her an elegant feminine figure. Less elegant was the bulge in her tiny purple panties. The fabric didn't leave much room for hiding. While she was able to tuck away most of it, a little bit of the side of her smooth balls poked out of the edges.<br/><br/>
<img src="images/scenes/cKeaEventChar1.jpg" alt="purple lingerie outfit" class="storyImage"><br/>
The outfit matched well with the black heels and fishnets which she herself must of picked out. Her choice left no doubt in your mind that she wanted to look this slutty, the only thing holding her back was shame. She was looking at the ground to avoid seeing anybody's expression, her eyes covered by her messy girlish bob of blonde hair, but you could tell she had used some of the makeup that had come with the gift.<br/><br/>
She looked amazing! She had put a lot of effort in, but you understood why she was embarrassed. You were quick to compliment her, seeing on her face the need she had for positive reinforcement from you. It wasn't hard to say nice things when she looked that good.<br/><br/>
She certainly had not held back from looking slutty! It was no wonder she was intimidated by coming out here. She was wearing a black bra with lace so sheer you could see her pink nipples, underneath a woman's black mesh top. Around her slim waist was a red tartan miniskirt, so short it couldn't quite cover the bulge of her black panties. A small gap between her skirt and top exposed her flat stomach, with supple abs, the kind that a hot fitness model girl would have.<br/><br/>
<img src="images/scenes/cKeaEventChar1alt.jpg" alt="purple lingerie outfit" class="storyImage"><br/>
The outfit matched well with the black heels and fishnets which she herself must of picked out. Her choice left no doubt in your mind that she wanted to look this slutty, the only thing holding her back was shame. She was looking at the ground to avoid seeing anybody's expression, her eyes covered by her messy girlish bob of blonde hair. You could just make out that she had applied some makeup too, having red lips and pink blush on her cheeks.<br/><br/>
She looked amazing! She had put a lot of effort in, but you understood why she was embarrassed. You were quick to compliment her, seeing on her face the need she had for positive reinforcement from you. It wasn't hard to say nice things when she looked that good.<br/><br/>
<<elseif $domEvent1 is "softApproach">>
Charlie nervously shouted she understood and then went silent again while she changed. It sounded like she had second thoughts on what she was going to wear and was going to tone things down a little. You were a little disappointed you didn't convince her otherwise, but you wanted to make her comfortable above all else.<br/><br/>
You couldn't take the wait much longer. Just as you went to knock on the cupboard again, the door creaked open. A black heel nudged out, followed by a smooth leg covered in sheer stockings. It was happening, she was actually doing this! You couldn't wait much longer, and pushed gently on the door to finally reveal Charlie in her sissy persona completely!<br/><br/>
<img src="images/scenes/cKeaEventChar1alt2.jpg" alt="black sexy outfit" class="storyImage"><br/>
Despite toning things down she still looked pretty close to a girl! Her smooth legs were covered by a sleek black pencil skirt that was so short it barely met the top of her stockings. She was wearing some kind of panties, you couldn't tell exactly what kind but there was an outline of the material showing at her bulge in the front of her skirt. She wore a cami top that matched the skirt, with a bra underneath to give the impression of her having small boobs. A gap between her skirt and top exposed her flat stomach, with tight abs, the kind that a hot fitness model girl would have. <br/><br/>
<<if $khanState6Gift is 1>>
It was sad that she didn't use the gift you had set up for her, but you understood considering how revealing it was. And it seemed like she had at least used some of the makeup that came with it.
The outfit matched well with the black heels. You still believed she had actually wanted to dress sluttier, but that shame had got to her in the end, shame that was eating away at her even now as she dressed more modestly. Charlie was looking at the ground to avoid seeing anybody's expression.<br/><br/>
Something wrong c2DomCharm2 event, softApproach.
<span class="p1">You:</span> "Wow... you look... well, you look really hot, but let me just say that's an understatement!"<br/><br/>
<span class="charlie">Charlie:</span> "You really think so?"<br/><br/>
<span class="p1">You:</span> "Think? You KNOW you look hot, don't be modest now! Your outfit certainly isn't!"<br/><br/>
<span class="charlie">Charlie:</span> "I... feel pretty hot, he he."<br/><br/>
<span class="p1">You:</span> "You should. Come on now girl, let's do this!"<br/><br/>
You took her hand in yours, it was smaller, and so feminine, especially with the glittery pink nail polish she had on. You lead her to Keaton's event. Charlie trotted clumsily in the heels but you were by her side to support her. Both of you were smiling on the way, your affection for your sissy was clearly on display to the door man.<br/><br/>
<span class="p1">You:</span> "You're doing great. We may need to spend a little time getting you used to walking in heels though."<br/><br/>
<span class="charlie">Charlie:</span> "He he, it's really hard to walk quickly in these, women make it look so easy!"<br/><br/>
Before you could respond, the door man noticed you both.<br/><br/>
<span class="male">???: </span>"Well, hello there Miss! It's nice to see a new girl with such a nice smile. We really don't get ones that look this good often! You've done an excellent job, um, you both have!"<br/><br/>
<span class="charlie">Charlie:</span> "Th-thank you!"<br/><br/>
<span class="p1">You:</span> "That's nice of you to say. Charlie's a little new to this but she has been wanting to show this side of herself for a while now."<br/><br/>
The guard's attitude had changed completely. He seemed especially impressed by how Charlie looked, so much so that he now spoke to you with respect.<br/><br/>
With both of you ready now, the man lead you inside. Surprisingly the room was quite empty, with only a few guys here yet.<br/><br/>
<span class="male">???: </span>"Things are just getting started but Keaton will be here soon enough. Sorry I forgot to introduce myself, I'm Steve. Now then Charlie, you go through that door over there to the back room. The other girls are waiting around there and can fill you in on what to do. $name, the men wait in here for now."<br/><br/>
<span class="p1">You:</span> "OK, this is it. Charlie, I just want to thank you again so much for doing this. If you need me at all I'll be right here for you. I hope this is the start of everything you've dreamed about!"<br/><br/>
<span class="charlie">Charlie:</span> "$name... I... I want to say so much, but I'll leave most of it until later. Just... thank you for helping me get this far. I'll see you soon, OK?"<br/><br/>
She walked away as briskly as she could to the back room. You had given her some confidence, but she held herself in her arms shyly as the other men in the room ogled her. Her smooth girly ass was visible as she walked away, and you and the men couldn't ignore it. She looked much smaller than all of you, her height, figure, hair and outfit made her look so feminine. She really did look like a girl. As she disappeared from view the men spoke up.<br/><br/>
<span class="male">Steve: </span>"Wow... you've... you've done very well."<br/><br/>
<span class="anderson">Man: </span>"Fuck! You're new here and you've already got a girl that looks like THAT! Nice one, buddy!"<br/><br/>
It was a relief to hear the compliments from the other men. Charlie was a far better person for this event than you, and it seemed like the men in Keaton's crew were happy with what they saw.<br/><br/>
There was a buffet table in the room, and the men invited you to help yourself. Cakes, sweets and a range of alcoholic drinks. One man poured you a vodka and coke, and for the first time in a while you felt at ease in Grenton. Like you were one of the guys again. Part of you wanted to check on Charlie, but you did as the door man said and waited here, away from the girls. You were just in the middle of finishing your drink when you were suddenly interrupted.<br/><br/>
<span class="keaton">Keaton: </span>"What the FUCK is going on here?"<br/><br/>
You turned and looked silently at Keaton, careful not to give any sign of weakness.<br/><br/>
<span class="male">Steve: </span>"Boss... he came here with-"<br/><br/>
<span class="keaton">Keaton: </span>"She! It's she... though it looks like she hasn't made any effort! And who let her drink!"<br/><br/>
<span class="anderson">Man: </span>"Hey Keaton, you got it twisted, man! This guy came in here with one of the finest girls we've seen!"<br/><br/>
<span class="male">Steve: </span>"He's not wrong Boss!"<br/><br/>
The men spoke up to tell Keaton what you had achieved but he was in disbelief. You decided to take some control in the situation.<br/><br/>
<span class="p1">You:</span> "Keaton, I think we may have gotten off on the wrong foot. It seems like you've misjudged me if you thought it would be ME who performs as part of your request! But if you go back there, I think you'll meet a girl who satisfies what you were looking for."<br/><br/>
Keaton was a little taken back by your confidence, but obviously took on board what you said. He silently went to the back room, and shortly after came back with a smile on his face, clasping his hands together gleefully.<br/><br/>
<span class="keaton">Keaton: </span>"OK... alright! Wow, you know $name, I think you're correct... I have misjudged you! Lads, pour out a few more drinks..."<br/><br/>
A new round of drinks were passed around to everyone in the room while Keaton looked very happy. He raised up his cup and put a strong hand on your shoulder.<br/><br/>
<span class="keaton">Keaton: </span>"To the latest member of our crew... $name!"<br/><br/>
The men raised their drinks and cheered for you. You smiled. You had done it. You had achieved a win-win-win situation. Keaton and his crew were happy, Charlie was at the start of a journey she had dreamt about for a long time, and you could enjoy the luxuries Keaton promised, now as the man you are. You felt accomplished.<br/><br/>
<span class="keaton">Keaton: </span>"Let me apologize, for the pressure I put on you, mate! But hey, personal growth is what Grenton is all about, and it looks like you've achieved quite a lot in your short stay here, ha!"<br/><br/>
<span class="male">Steve: </span>"This guy must be a natural charmer, Keaton! To do what he did, and in such a short time too! It's incredible."<br/><br/>
<span class="keaton">Keaton: </span>"$name I hope you'll forgive me for... underestimating your character! I've been so busy as leader in here, I haven't been able to pay quite as much attention to newcomers as I used to. I hold my hands up, I made a big mistake this time! You seem like a true admirer."<br/><br/>
<span class="p1">You:</span> "Well... I appreciate you recognizing that. There isn't going to be another note under my bed when I get back, is there?"<br/><br/>
<span class="keaton">Keaton: </span>"No! Honestly, the quality of that girl you brought... no, you're one of us now, for real! I know it's been a rocky start but, if you can put that earlier business behind us, I think this could be start of a very mutually beneficial relationship. Are you happy with that?"<br/><br/>
You weren't going to protest. It seemed like Keaton was humbled by the mistake he made judging you the way he did, but it felt genuine this time that he respected you. You felt quietly confident in yourself, knowing that you had more than proved you weren't suited for that role. Now you could finally relax in here. You started to get to know the others, and it really seemed like they were all just regular guys, stuck inside Grenton, an irregular place. It made you realize you didn't actually know what this event would actually be like. You questioned Keaton about it.<br/><br/>
<span class="keaton">Keaton: </span>"Well, this event... is to help break the ice for some of the newer girls. Help them ease into their role, and get comfortable being themselves here in Grenton. You might be surprised to hear this, but it's really not that intense. You know, I think things are ready to start. Alright boys! Get yourselves into the room back there! The show is about to begin!"<br/><br/>
The men began making a move. People picked at the last bits of food, and hastily poured a drink to take through with them. Most men followed Keaton to the back room area, but some took their food and drink and left the event. It seemed the event wasn't for everyone's tastes, but you went through to observe. At the very least you needed to keep an eye on your sissy. Seats had been laid out to face towards a makeshift stage of some kind. You sat down with the other men, puzzled at what may happen.<br/><br/>
<span class="keaton">Keaton: </span>"I think that's everyone! OK, come on girls let's get a look at you, ah ha ha!"<br/><br/>
The audience cheered. It was the sound of men jeering and laughing. It was hard to imagine Charlie wouldn't be feeling very intimidated right now. From a doorway to the side, a feminine figure walked out to the middle of the stage. She was dressed quite basic. A delicate black lace bra, and what looked like panties under her very dark tights. She walked gracefully in her heels, much more so than Charlie did.<br/><br/>
<span class="keaton">Keaton: </span>"Boys... this is Lily. Quite a nice effort considering she only arrived six days ago!"<br/><br/>
The sissy's face was hidden under her long brown hair. If this was the haircut she arrived at Grenton then you weren't surprised Keaton identified her as a sissy. Sheer tights covered the blue panties she wore underneath. The outline of a small, limp cock was visible inside the panties.<br/><br/>
<img src="images/scenes/cKeaEventSsy1.jpg" alt="the view of a sissy with bulge in panties" class="storyImage"><br/>
<span class="keaton">Keaton: </span>"Mismatched panties? Naughty girl! Why don't you sit with Jason over there and ask the nice man if he can get you a proper outfit!"<br/><br/>
He pointed to what must of been Jason. Lily followed the order immediately, waddling over to the man while her tights were still lowered down to her thighs. Men were smiling as they took in the view of her smooth body. When she arrived at the man she realized there was no seat. Jason widened his legs, an invitation for her to sit on his lap. She looked round in panic, a last attempt to see if there was any other option, then what looked begrudgingly, sat on Jason. She first tried to rest just on his leg, but Jason pulled her into him so her ass was directly on his crotch. Her face was bright red, as men all around her looked at her. She looked so delicate in comparison to the men. A sissy sat on a real man. Jason held a muscular arm around her waist, a happy expression on his face.<br/><br/>
<span class="keaton">Keaton: </span>"Alright, shall we get the next one out here?"<br/><br/>
The men cheered again. It took a moment but the next girl came out on stage. It was Charlie! You couldn't quite tell how she was feeling, her head was bowed a little so her white-blonde hair hid her eyes from view. She wobbled on one of her heels on the walk, to which a couple of drunken guys made a jeering noise to, but that was drowned out by wolf whistles and more complimentary heckles. She turned scarlet red, but made her way to the middle of the stage and stood there, her arms down to cover her panties.<br/><br/>
<span class="keaton">Keaton: </span>"Quite a looker, isn't she? She was brought here today by a new member of our crew. $name, would you care to introduce this girl of yours?"<br/><br/>
<span class="p1">You:</span> "Well... this is Charlie! As you can see she's quite shy, but she's also very sweet. She does have a... naughtier side as you can see."<br/><br/>
<span class="keaton">Keaton: </span>"Gorgeous girl! Would you mind showing off a little of that girly body of yours, Charlie?"<br/><br/>
<<if $khanState6Gift is 1>>
She took a deep breath, moving her arms to show the small purple panties she was wearing. She was still slightly spilling out of them, but it was harder to see from a distance. She slowly turned round, the view of her from behind looked completely like a woman. The panties hugged tight on her plump, smooth ass.<br/><br/>
During the walk to the stage, her skirt had rode slightly upwards, exposing herself much more. She took a deep breath, moving her arms to show the small black panties she was wearing. You could make out the bulge in them though it was harder to see from a distance. She slowly turned round, the view of her from behind looked completely like a woman. The panties hugged tight on her plump, smooth ass.<br/><br/>
<span class="keaton">Keaton: </span>"Wow! You look absolutely amazing! Well we've had a good look. Come over to us now, no need to be shy! Girls like you get the appreciation they deserve here in Grenton."<br/><br/>
Charlie did as she was told, but came over to you where she was more comfortable. She made eye contact with you, to which you gave her a smile and touched her hand.<br/><br/>
<span class="anderson">Man: </span>"If you wouldn't mind, I'd love to get a, ahem, closer look at the girl!"<br/><br/>
The man's purposefully unsubtle ahem was a request for Charlie to sit on his lap like Lily had done for that other man. You looked to Charlie who was staring back at you for guidance. It seemed like the men were genuinely respectful of both you and Charlie and whatever you decided, but seeing as Charlie wanted to go deeper into her sissy side, it wouldn't hurt for her to sit on him. Plus it would impress Keaton's crew. You reached over to whisper to her.<br/><br/>
<<if $charmStat gte 2>>
<div class="choice">[[Recommend to Charlie she sits there and grind on him a little.|c2DomCharm3][$charmStat += 1; $pervStat+= 1; $domEvent2 = "charmApproach"]]</div><br/>
<div class="choice greyedOut">Not charming enough for this approach.</div><br/>
<div class="choice">[[Recommend to Charlie she sits there and see how she feels.|c2DomCharm3][$charmStat += 2; $domEvent2 = "softApproach"]]</div><br/>
<<if $domEvent2 is "charmApproach">>
Charlie looked shocked.<br/><br/>
<span class="p1">You:</span> "Hey, don't look like that! Seems like the next step in your sissy journey to me?"<br/><br/>
She slyly smiled before moving close to the man, who sat looking at her with a grin on his face.<br/><br/>
<span class="anderson">Man: </span>"Come on girl, I don't bite."<br/><br/>
She went to sit down on him, and he placed his hands on her hips to guide her down on him. It seemed like she was too shy to rub much on the man, but did it a little before looking back at you as if for approval.<br/><br/>
<<elseif $domEvent2 is "softApproach">>
Charlie slowly walked forward.<br/><br/>
<span class="p1">You:</span> "You can do this."<br/><br/>
She hurried up but you could see she was worried about falling in her heels. The man who called out obviously wanted her to come closer.<br/><br/>
<span class="p1">You:</span> "Don't worry. He wants you."<br/><br/>
The men's eyes follower her as she walked.<br/><br/>
<span class="anderson">Man: </span>"Here girl, have a seat with me here, I don't bite."<br/><br/>
She hesitated for a moment, then went to sit. He placed his hands on her hips to guide her down on him.<br/><br/>
Something wrong c2DomStrong3 event. domEvent2 choice.
<span class="anderson">Man: </span>"There you go. You like a real man's hands on you, don't you girl?"<br/><br/>
<span class="charlie">Charlie:</span> "It feels... nice, Sir."<br/><br/>
<span class="anderson">Man: </span>"Sir? Ha ha, I'm not fond of formalities! But you sure do look amazing. You feel amazing too..."<br/><br/>
Keaton began introducing another girl. Meanwhile the man with Charlie placed his hands on the fabric covering her flat chest, then down over her hips and on to her stocking-clad thighs. His eyes were closed, and he ignored the small package in her panties. It was clear that despite how good Charlie looked, he was still using some imagination to ignore that she was a sissy rather than a girl.<br/><br/>
You had no idea to what degree Charlie was enjoying this. It seemed like she was overwhelmed... she had always had a fantasy of wanting to be a sissy slut, but now it was coming true! You were just happy she hadn't fainted from being pushed like this. She was really overcoming a lot today!<br/><br/>
A strange sense of pride came over you. You had not only escaped performing in this event, and had done so while helping Charlie explore themselves too. As odd as this whole thing was, you couldn't help but feel some satisfaction. A voice within you became clearer, a cool, confident thought...<br/><br/>
<span class="innerAlpha">Confident thought: </span>"A win for everyone. That's how it's done."<br/><br/>
Things seemed to be going well. A few more girls were brought in as well, but you felt Charlie was the best looking. You hoped she felt that way too, surely it would really boost her confidence.<br/><br/>
<<if $mateType is "sissy">>
It seemed Keaton's work as a host was almost done as he welcomed one last girl to his show, and to your shock it was $mate!<br/><br/>
<span class="keaton">Keaton: </span>"She's back boys! She was so nervous last time we felt it was best to reintroduce her! She's wearing a few lovely presents she's earned. A real good girl now!"<br/><br/>
It was strange for you to see your former friend like this. Her body was completely hairless, and she wore a long wig to look like a dark brunette. Her skin had been slightly tanned, and her face was done up in glittery bright colored makeup. She didn't seem to be embarrassed at all! As she stood there proudly with her hands on her hips, a lace pair of panties were see-through enough to see the skin of her limp cock. Pasties covered her nipples, and a fishnet top covered her sleeves and chest. On top of the drastic changes, she looked much skinnier than you remembered.<br/><br/>
Despite all you had seen in Grenton, this was still odd to you. $mate had been ordered onto a guy's lap just like the other girls. She did as she was told with a smile on her face. <br/><br/>
The man she sat with grabbed at all parts of her body, and began pressing a firm hand on the front of her panties. At one point he whispered to her before she got up and left the room suddenly. You couldn't help but notice she made eye contact with you, then looked to the floor in shame as she hurried past you. Soon after she was back, holding a drink. It was for the man she was with! She passed it to him before he slapped her ass and directed her to sit on him again.<br/><br/>
<<elseif $mateType is "dom">>
Keaton had finished ushering in the girls. While there wasn't a large number of them, it was still more than you expected. You didn't want to interrupt Charlie, so you took the chance to observe your surroundings. Men were fondling the girls, and you couldn't help notice one of those men was $mate!<br/><br/>
He was grabbing at all parts of the body of a girl he was with, and began pressing a firm hand on the front of her panties. At one point he whispered to the girl. She left the room only to come back with a drink that she passed to him, obediently. He slapped her ass before directing her to sit back on him. He was obviously enjoying himself in Grenton.<br/><br/>
Something wrong c2DomStrong3 event, mateType.
You felt a hand on your shoulder as you looked at the revelry around you. It was Keaton's.<br/><br/>
<span class="keaton">Keaton: </span>"Look at them. This is probably the most successful introduction event we've had. You've done an excellent job."<br/><br/>
<span class="innerAlpha">Confident thought: </span>"Finally feeling respected in here..."<br/><br/>
<span class="p1">You:</span> "Introduction?"<br/><br/>
<span class="keaton">Keaton: </span>"Well you know, we throw some... more intense events too."<br/><br/>
<span class="p1">You:</span> "I don't think Charlie could handle much more intense than this yet... though there's definitely part of her that would want to!"<br/><br/>
<span class="keaton">Keaton: </span>"Well, she's probably been through a lot today! It's good not to push them to quick. But you and her have a pretty special relationship, I think. Hmm... I wasn't going to say anything but... I feel like you'll make the best decision for you and your sissy. Look... there's a private room over there. I'm just letting you know."<br/><br/>
Keaton walked off with a cheeky smile on his face, leaving you to think about what he had just said.<br/><br/>
<<if $charmStat gte 2>>
<div class="choice">[[Tell Charlie about the private room.|c2DomCharm3extra][$pervStat += 1; $domEvent3 = "charmApproach"]]</div><br/>
<div class="choice greyedOut">Not charming enough for this approach.</div><br/>
<div class="choice">[[Don't tell Charlie about the private room.|c2DomCharm4][$charmStat += 2; $domEvent3 = "softApproach"]]</div><br/>
You weren't sure about how Charlie was feeling right now, but what you did know was that as much as today was a big step for her, it was no way near to where she eventually wanted to get to as a sissy. Letting her know about the room could help her go further, if she felt up to it. Charlie was stood with a couple of men who were chatting to her eagerly, but she glanced at you, making eye contact. You beckoned her over, which she did after politely saying goodbye to the men.<br/><br/>
<span class="p1">You:</span> "Hey... so how's it going?"<br/><br/>
<span class="charlie">Charlie:</span> "It's... been OK. Honestly, I kind of thought things might of been a little crazier than this... not that standing here in public, dressed like this isn't a crazy enough experience for me."<br/><br/>
<span class="p1">You:</span> "Well you look pretty comfortable with it now! Keaton says this is supposed to be like an icebreaker. Seems like heavy petting is about as much that is going to happen here."<br/><br/>
<span class="charlie">Charlie:</span> "Ah... I see."<br/><br/>
<span class="p1">You:</span> "You're disappointed?"<br/><br/>
<span class="charlie">Charlie:</span> "No, it's fine. Just... well, when a girl dresses up slutty... it makes her want to act slutty."<br/><br/>
<span class="innerAlpha">Confident thought: </span>"She wants to go further, but can't be herself... it's like she's looking for permission..."<br/><br/>
<span class="p1">You:</span> "Well Miss Charlie... if you really did feel like being the naughty girl you say you want to be... there's a discreet room over there. I'm sure you could invite someone to join you for a private lap dance."<br/><br/>
<span class="charlie">Charlie:</span> "OK... well, how about you?"<br/><br/>
You paused, slightly taken back by the question. You shouldn't of been surprised though. If there was any man in here she would have affection for, it would probably be you. But your impression of sissies was more that they served any men, sometimes a man who treated them a little badly would be more their type. That dominated them. That wasn't how you treated Charlie, but still it was you she wanted.<br/><br/>
<<if $playerOrientation is 'straight'>>
You've considered before whether you could find sissies attractive and at the time, felt you didn't. But now a sissy was right in front of you, and not only that, she wanted you. Would you change your mind?<br/><br/>
<div class="choice">[[Accept her offer. Maybe you are attracted to some sissies after all.|c2DomCharm4][$charliePrivateLap = "yes"]]</div><br/>
<div class="choice">[[Turn her down. You would never do anything with a sissy.|c2DomCharm4][$charliePrivateLap = "no"]]</div><br/>
<<elseif $playerOrientation is 'open'>>
You had already considered whether you could be attracted to a sissy, and the answer you came to was yes. Here you were with the hottest one in here, and she wanted you to accompany her to the private room! The only thing that was holding you back was $gf.<br/><br/>
Even though she sounded enthusiastic about drag queens, this wasn't quite the same. You decided you'd go with Charlie, but keep it at just a lap dance. You had already got the green light from $gf that lap dances were OK back from when you went on a stag weekend you went on.<br/><br/>
<<set $charliePrivateLap to 'yes'>>
[[Accept her offer|c2DomCharm4]]
You had supported Charlie so far, but going to the private room felt like a new step in your relationship together. If you were to go, you wouldn't let things go far. Just a lap dance. You had already got the green light from $gf that lap dances were OK, back from a stag weekend you went on.<br/><br/>
But still, would you really want to do this? Charlie was dressed up to look like a hot girl, but she was a sissy. You considered whether you were attracted to her, and if so, you'd go with her.<br/><br/>
<div class="choice">[[Accept her offer. You realize you can find sissies attractive.|c2DomCharm4][$charliePrivateLap = "yes"]]</div><br/>
<div class="choice">[[Turn her down. You would never do anything with a sissy.|c2DomCharm4][$charliePrivateLap = "no"]]</div><br/>
<<if $domEvent3 is "charmApproach">>
<<if $charliePrivateLap is 'yes'>>
<span class="p1">You:</span> "I... would... like that."<br/><br/>
Charlie's face burst into a smile. She took your hand and lead the way to the room. One of the men noticed and gave a cheeky nod to you. You tried to take no notice. You both got inside together and she closed the door. Just the two of you, alone together at last.<br/><br/>
<span class="charlie">Charlie:</span> "Well... w-what do you want me to do?"<br/><br/>
<span class="innerAlpha">Confident thought: </span>"She's nervous... but in a different way to before... she wants you to lead the way..."<br/><br/>
<span class="p1">You:</span> "Don't get shy now. I want the hottest sissy slut in here to give me her best lap dance. How about it, can you do that for me?"<br/><br/>
She turned around silently and pushed her ass into your crotch. You felt the fabric of her panties and smooth bum grind up on you. Her hands gripped on your knees for support as rubbed up and down. You placed your hands on her hips and pulled her onto you harder each time she pushed on you.<br/><br/>
<span class="p1">You:</span> "You're such a naughty girl, aren't you?"<br/><br/>
<span class="charlie">Charlie:</span> "Yes... yes, I am."<br/><br/>
<span class="innerAlpha">Confident thought: </span>"Tease her more! That's what she wants... what she needs..."<br/><br/>
<span class="p1">You:</span> "You finally get to be the little slut you are. Turn around. Get on top of me."<br/><br/>
<img src="images/scenes/cKeaEventChar2.jpg" alt="fishnets and heels" class="storyImage"><br/>
<<if $khanState6Gift is 1 and $domEvent1 is "charmApproach">>
She got up slowly, careful balancing on her heels. You looked over her girly body. The purple fabric of her lingerie was so sheer, giving her pale skin a decorative violet hue. You couldn't help put touch at her chest over her corset top. She didn't have tits but she looked like such a girl it was like a natural reaction to feel there. She loved being treated like that and started feeling herself there too.<br/><br/>
She was obviously turned on. Her panties stretched as the contents in them got hard. It was a small cock, if you could call it that, but it stretched the mesh fabric, with a shadowed dot where her precum had seeped through at the tip. She looked embarrassed but you let her know it was fine.<br/><br/>
She got up slowly, careful balancing on her heels. You looked over her girly body and gave her a look that said you wanted to see more. She pulled down her skirt with a wiggle like girls do, and took off her top. She was so skinny and smooth. Her body was made for her to be a sissy. You couldn't help put touch at her chest over her bra. She didn't have tits but she looked like such a girl it was like a natural reaction to feel there. She loved being treated like that and started feeling herself there too.<br/><br/>
She was obviously turned on. Her panties stretched as the contents in them got hard. It was a small cock, if you could call it that, but it stretched the fabric, with a shadowed dot where her precum had seeped through at the tip. She looked embarrassed but you let her know it was fine.<br/><br/>
You had gotten hard too, your dick straining against your clothes. You couldn't take much more, but Charlie went to unzip your jeans, then reached at your crotch before you suddenly stopped her, barely getting the words out as you breathed heavily...<br/><br/>
<span class="innerAlpha">Horny thought: </span>("...Just a lapdance? Or perhaps... more...")<br/><br/>
Charlie pouted, but then moved to get on top of you as you had commanded earlier. Her stocking-covered knees came either side of you as you gently laid her girly ass onto the hard cock that was constrained by your underwear.<br/><br/>
<span class="charlie">Charlie:</span> "Wow... I seem to have got you pretty excited!"<br/><br/>
You couldn't say anything, you were so turned on. She reached a hand behind her, then pulled up your cock so it rested between her ass cheeks. The fabric of your underwear was still a barrier, but that didn't stop it feeling amazing. She used her hand to sandwich your cock against her ass, and then rubbed. She looked you in the eyes.<br/><br/>
She really looked so much like a woman, you couldn't take this feeling much longer. Part of you desperately wanted to go further, to pull your cock out and let Charlie go wild, but you held back for $gf. Charlie had no idea of your inner turmoil and carried on rubbing. She moved off you again, gave the outside of your underwear a kiss, then turned over and this time grinded her ass on you harder and faster.<br/><br/>
<span class="charlie">Charlie:</span> "I want to make you cum, $name. I want to be a good sissy slut and get you off!"<br/><br/>
<span class="p1">You:</span> "Charlie... oh my God!"<br/><br/>
<span class="charlie">Charlie:</span> "I'm your slut $name. I'm here for your pleasure."<br/><br/>
<span class="p1">You:</span> "Good... ugh... girl."<br/><br/>
The pressure had built up to the very tip of your cock, you couldn't take anymore. You gripped you hands hard into her waist, then pulled her down on you, groaning loudly. A wet load shot into your underwear, so hard that some went through the fabric! Charlie could feel it come through on her ass. You pulled her into you as cum thrust out of you again.<br/><br/>
<span class="charlie">Charlie:</span> "$name, wow!"<br/><br/>
<span class="p1">You:</span> "Fuck! Holy shit!"<br/><br/>
It was over. Your hands loosed on Charlie but she laid on you exhausted. You both caught you breath, before Charlie finally got off you. Your first orgasm from a sissy. It was an odd first time for sure, but after no intimacy since getting here, it was a feeling you had missed. Charlie started to collect herself. Her panties looked a bit wetter from precum but it seemed like she hadn't came herself. She noticed you looking.<br/><br/>
<span class="charlie">Charlie:</span> "Oh, don't worry. Trust me, that was amazing! I finally got to really be a slut!"<br/><br/>
<span class="innerAlpha">Confident thought: </span>"My first sissy... that was quite something..."<br/><br/>
<span class="p1">You:</span> "Ha... that was... crazy! In a good way!"<br/><br/>
<span class="charlie">Charlie:</span> "You really make me feel amazing, $name! Thank you."<br/><br/>
She gave you a quick peck on the cheek. Strangely, after all you both had done together this kiss felt the most embarrassing! You both suddenly became shy, and started adjusting your clothes so you could leave. There were some nearby tissues which you used to wipe up some of the cum sliding from Charlie's ass to her thigh. She giggled as you did it.<br/><br/>
<span class="charlie">Charlie:</span> "We should be getting back. Um, this may take me a little more time before I can go back out there."<br/><br/>
<span class="p1">You:</span> "Ok. Well, there may still be some food left. Meet me out at the buffet table when you're ready?"<br/><br/>
<span class="charlie">Charlie:</span> "Sure!"<br/><br/>
You smiled, then left her to it so you could head back to the buffet table. There wasn't much left, but you picked up an unopened bottle of rum to take back with you. After waiting a bit Charlie still hadn't appeared, which seemed odd.<br/><br/>
You decided to go check on her only to find trouble when you got outside the private room area. Keaton wasn't here, but some men had surrounded Charlie, one aggressively pointing a finger in her face. She was stood there in tears.<br/><br/>
<<elseif $charliePrivateLap is 'no'>>
You cared about Charlie, and were happy to support her in her journey, especially as it had helped you out of a tough spot. But you simply weren't attracted to sissies. You could recognize Charlie was hot, the same way a straight man can recognize another man is handsome, without any desire to be with her. You politely let her know your feelings. She was obviously let down, but understood. You let her know you'd be around still to support her.<br/><br/>
<span class="innerAlpha">Confident thought: </span>"Knowing yourself and what you want is important... some things can't be changed..."<br/><br/>
<span class="p1">You:</span> "You've been through a lot today, why not take a break?"<br/><br/>
<span class="charlie">Charlie:</span> "OK... yeah, just give me a moment."<br/><br/>
You gave her some space, today must have been a rollercoaster for her. As you left her one of the men complimented her to you.<br/><br/>
<span class="anderson">Man: </span>"Really great girl you got there. So... we'll be seeing more Charlie soon I expect? Hey, I think there's a few items left at the buffet table, why not take a few things back to your room as a reward."<br/><br/>
You accepted the gesture. At the buffet you ate some more cake, then picked up an unopened bottle of rum to take back with you. You didn't think you had been long, but by the time you went back there was trouble. Keaton wasn't here, but some men had surrounded Charlie, one aggressively pointing a finger in her face. She was stood there in tears.<br/><br/>
Something wrong. charliePrivateLap c2DomCharm4.
<<elseif $domEvent3 is "softApproach">>
Though she probably would of been up for going to the private room, you didn't want to make Charlie feel overwhelmed.<br/><br/>
<span class="innerAlpha">Confident thought: </span>"She's eager to go faster... she doesn't realize she needs to be patient..."<br/><br/>
There would be plenty of time to help her go deeper into her sissy side, but for now you have gave her a little space. As she walked away, one of the men complimented her.<br/><br/>
<span class="anderson">Man: </span>"Really great girl you got there. So... we'll be seeing more Charlie soon I expect? Hey, I think there's a few items left at the buffet table, why not take a few things back to your room as a reward."<br/><br/>
You accepted the gesture. At the buffet you ate some more cake, then picked up an unopened bottle of rum to take back with you. You didn't think you had been long, but by the time you went back there was trouble. Keaton wasn't here, but some men had surrounded Charlie, one aggressively pointing a finger in her face. She was stood there in tears.<br/><br/>
Something wrong c2DomStrong4 event.
<span class="p1">You:</span> "Hey, what's going on?"<br/><br/>
The men were too flustered to notice. They were accusing Charlie of something, and bombarding her with questions which she remained silent to.<br/><br/>
<span class="khan">???: </span>"She can't even explain herself!"<br/><br/>
<span class="dean">Man: </span>"Get her to solitary, now! We can get to the bottom of this there."<br/><br/>
<span class="charlie">Charlie:</span> "W-wait!"<br/><br/>
One of the stronger men picked her up over his shoulder. She was helpless against such a large man, as he carried to solitary.<br/><br/>
<span class="p1">You:</span> "Hey, what are you doing? Put her down!"<br/><br/>
You felt an urge to fight, but there were too many of them.<br/><br/>
<span class="khan">???: </span>"And you! Are you in on this too?"<br/><br/>
<span class="p1">You:</span> "What?"<br/><br/>
<span class="dean">Man: </span>"No, I don't think he is... think about it, there's no way he could know!"<br/><br/>
<span class="p1">You:</span> "I don't know what you're talking about! Now leave Charlie alone! Charlie!"<br/><br/>
<span class="khan">???: </span>"You really don't know do you?"<br/><br/>
<span class="dean">Man: </span>"Dude, we realized who Charlie is! It was Tom here who only just picked up on it, most of us were fooled by the outfit and makeup."<br/><br/>
<span class="khan">Tom: </span>"Charlie... was one of the officer's here. He, back then, was hired before Grenton was redesigned by it's new owner. The ownership in Grenton changed a year ago, but Charlie still worked under the new management, until two months ago."<br/><br/>
<span class="dean">Man: </span>"The thing is, the old owner wants Grenton back, and back like it was. There's been an organized effort to try and discredit this place. And then here is Charlie... in disguise at one of the center's most... private events."<br/><br/>
<span class="khan">Tom: </span>"A spy... a saboteur. We don't know exactly, but it's very suspicious."<br/><br/>
You were dumbstruck. But you realized there was something off about Charlie. In retrospect, it had been very easy to get her to do this event. Could you have been played this whole time? A pawn in some greater plan? No... while it had been strange how quickly Charlie was to convince to do this, you couldn't believe she had done it out of some ulterior motive.<br/><br/>
<span class="innerAlpha">Confident thought: </span>"There were no signs..."<br/><br/>
Your mind raced, and you couldn't bring yourself to words as you pieced together everything that had happened so far. Charlie had already been taken away and you weren't going to be allowed to question her. Keaton entered back into the room.<br/><br/>
<span class="keaton">Keaton: </span>"$name! I just got word of what happened. Don't worry, she fooled all of us."<br/><br/>
<span class="p1">You:</span> "I'm... shocked, to be honest. Can you let me in solitary? I want to speak to her."<br/><br/>
<span class="keaton">Keaton: </span>"What and raise more suspicion of yourself? I'm sorry, I can't let you do that, $name."<br/><br/>
<span class="p1">You:</span> "I didn't know anything about her past. But if she really is a spy or something... she's a damn good actor. It did feel odd how easy it was to get her to do this but also... I honestly think she was genuine."<br/><br/>
<span class="keaton">Keaton: </span>"Hey, I get it. What you and Charlie had in such short time, that's rare! I get why you feel that way, but sometime affection makes us blind! Listen, you need to focus on yourself right now. Regardless of what people think, you still overcame the adversity that came from my misjudgement of you. You've got something about you. Maybe it was always Charlie's goal to get here and spy on us, but she could never of planned that it was YOU who got her here."<br/><br/>
<span class="p1">You:</span> "I know... I just... I'm going to prove she isn't what the men in here think she is."<br/><br/>
<span class="keaton">Keaton: </span>"OK $name. There's nothing I can do to stop her being held in solitary yet. We need to understand more about what is going on but in the meantime, you need to earn the trust of some of the men here who may doubt you."<br/><br/>
<span class="p1">You:</span> "How so?"<br/><br/>
<span class="keaton">Keaton: </span>"Well... you could try putting those skills of yours to good work! I can introduce you to a few girls who are new to the lifestyle. If you can train them up a bit, or help build up their confidence, then the men here will realize you're the real deal."<br/><br/>
You felt you could believe what Keaton was saying. It would be more work, but gaining the men's trust would only help get you access to Charlie. Plus it would make your stay in Grenton much safer.<br/><br/>
<span class="innerAlpha">Confident thought: </span>"The way they're treating Charlie... it's wrong. They need to know that..."<br/><br/>
<span class="p1">You:</span> "OK... I'll do it. But... you better make sure she stays safe."<br/><br/>
<span class="keaton">Keaton: </span>"Great. Get some rest, we can catch up again soon. Don't worry, maybe the other girls will keep your mind off things!"<br/><br/>
Keaton let out a sharp whistle directed at one of his crew.<br/><br/>
<span class="keaton">Keaton: </span>"$name, you didn't forget our deal did you? Life's going to be much better for you in here now. Hey! Show $name to his new digs, will ya?"<br/><br/>
<span class="dean">Man: </span>"Sure thing, boss!"<br/><br/>
New digs? You followed the man, curious to see what your new living situation would be like.<br/><br/>
<<if $domEvent1 is "domApproach">>
There was silence for a moment, before the door slowly creaked open. A black heel nudged out, followed by a smooth leg covered by fishnet stockings. It was happening, she was actually doing this! You couldn't wait much longer, and pushed gently on the door to finally reveal Charlie in her sissy persona completely.<br/><br/>
<<if $khanState6Gift is 1>>
She was wearing the gift you had given her! The purple corset fit her perfectly, it was tight in the chest, which had the effect of accentuating her hips to look more like a woman. The bra cups of the lingerie didn't make it look like she had boobs, but still added to giving her an elegant feminine figure. Less elegant was the bulge in her tiny purple panties. The fabric didn't leave much room for hiding. While she was able to tuck away most of it a little bit of the side of her smooth balls poked out the edge of each side.<br/><br/>
<img src="images/scenes/cKeaEventChar1.jpg" alt="purple lingerie outfit" class="storyImage"><br/>
The outfit matched well with the black heels and fishnets which she herself must of picked out. Her choice left no doubt in your mind that she wanted to look this slutty, the only thing holding her back was shame. She was looking at the ground to avoid seeing anybody's expression, her eyes covered by her messy girlish bob of blonde hair, but you could tell she had used some of the makeup that had come with the gift.<br/><br/>
She looked amazing. She had put a lot of effort in, but you understood why she was embarrassed. You decided to take command quickly so there was no time for her nerves to get the better of her.<br/><br/>
She had certainly not held back from the slut look, no wonder she was intimidated by coming out here. She was wearing a black bra with lace so sheer you could see her pink nipples, underneath a woman's black mesh top. She also wore a red tartan miniskirt that was so short it couldn't quite cover the bulge of her black panties. A small gap between her skirt and top exposed her flat stomach, with tight abs, the kind that a hot fitness model girl would have.<br/><br/>
<img src="images/scenes/cKeaEventChar1alt.jpg" alt="slutty outfit" class="storyImage"><br/>
The outfit matched well with the black heels and fishnets which she herself must of picked out. Her choice left no doubt in your mind that she wanted to look this slutty, the only thing holding her back was shame. She was looking at the ground to avoid seeing anybody's expression, her eyes covered by her messy girlish bob of blonde hair. You could just make out that she had applied some makeup too, having red lips and pink blush on her cheeks.<br/><br/>
She looked amazing. She had put a lot of effort in, but you understood why she was embarrassed. You decided to take command quickly so there was no time for her nerves to get the better of her.<br/><br/>
<<if $domEvent1 is "softApproach">>
Charlie nervously shouted she understood and then went silent again while she changed. It sounded like she had second thoughts on what she was going to wear and was going to tone things down a little. You were a little disappointed you didn't convince her otherwise, but being a Dom was still new to you.<br/><br/>
You couldn't take the wait much longer. Just as you went to knock on the cupboard again, the door creaked open. A black heel nudged out, followed by a smooth leg covered in sheer stockings. It was happening, she was actually doing this! You couldn't wait much longer, and pushed gently on the door to finally reveal Charlie in her sissy persona completely.<br/><br/>
<img src="images/scenes/cKeaEventChar1alt2.jpg" alt="black sexy outfit" class="storyImage"><br/>
Despite toning things down she still looked pretty close to a girl! Her smooth legs were covered by a sleek black pencil skirt that was so short it barely met the top of her stockings. She was wearing some kind of panties, you couldn't tell exactly what but there was an outline of them showing at her bulge an the front of her skirt. She wore a cami top that near matched the skirt's material, and looked like had a bra underneath. A small gap between her skirt and top exposed her flat stomach, with tight abs, the kind that a hot fitness model girl would have. <br/><br/>
<<if $khanState6Gift is 1>>
It was sad that she didn't use the gift you had set up for her, but you understood considering how revealing it was. And it seemed like she had at least used some of the makeup that came with it.
The outfit matched well with the black heels. You still believed she had actually wanted to dress sluttier, but that shame had got to her in the end, shame that was eating away at her even now as she dressed more modestly. Charlie was looking at the ground to avoid seeing anybody's expression.<br/><br/>
<span class="p1">You:</span> "Good work sissy. It's time, come on now. Follow me."<br/><br/>
She couldn't bring herself to say a word. She was partly in a state of shock. Shock she had actually been able to go this far. You both knew she was only able to do this thanks to your command. You had built her up to this point. Under your control, she had the permission she perceived that she needed to go deeper into the side of herself that caused her so much shame. As long as you controlled her, she could tell herself she had no choice to be the sissy she truly is. Ironically, it was in obeying you that was setting her free.<br/><br/>
Charlie trotted clumsily in the heels towards you. The last thing you wanted was to show the men in here you were affectionate to your sissy. You held at her shoulder just enough to help her balance as she walked along to the door man.<br/><br/>
<span class="p1">You:</span> "Hmm... you may look the part but it seems you need some training still."<br/><br/>
<span class="male">???: </span>"Well she looks perfectly fine to me! Welcome, Charlie! Wow, we really don't get ones that look this good often! You've done an excellent job, um, you both have!"<br/><br/>
<span class="p1">You:</span> "I'm sure Charlie is glad to hear you like what you see. She's new to this... but keen."<br/><br/>
Charlie was still unable to speak but that didn't matter. The guard's attitude had changed completely. He seemed especially impressed by how Charlie looked, so much so that he now spoke to you with respect.<br/><br/>
With everything ready, he lead you inside. Surprisingly the room was quite empty, with only a few men here yet.<br/><br/>
<span class="male">???: </span>"Things are just getting started but Keaton will be here soon enough. Sorry I forgot to introduce myself, I'm Steve. Now then Charlie, you go through that door through to the back room. The other girls are waiting there and can fill you in on what to do. $name, the men wait in here for now."<br/><br/>
<span class="p1">You:</span> "Go back there Charlie. You're going to put on a good show like they want, OK? Do it for me."<br/><br/>
She held herself in her arms in discomfort at being looked at by the other men, but turned in direction to do as she was told, while whispering to herself in disbelief.<br/><br/>
<span class="charlie">Charlie:</span> "Oh... oh my God."<br/><br/>
<span class="p1">You:</span> "Stop worrying little sissy! There's quite a few men who have seen you for who you truly are now. Your secret is out! So pull yourself together and get ready to be the slut you really are!"<br/><br/>
She said no more but obviously took on board what you said. She picked up her pace, her heels made the only noise in the room as she made the walk of shame to where the other girls were. Her smooth girly ass was visible as she walked away, and you and all the men in here couldn't ignore it. She looked much smaller than all of you, her height, figure, hair and outfit made her look so feminine. She was built for this. As she disappeared from view the men spoke up.<br/><br/>
<span class="male">Steve: </span>"Wow... you've... you've done very well."<br/><br/>
<span class="anderson">Man: </span>"Fuck! You're new here and you've already got a girl that looks like THAT! Nice one, buddy!"<br/><br/>
You knew you had done a good job finding a sissy to take your place, but even then you couldn't help being relieved to hear that from the other men.<br/><br/>
There was a buffet table in the room, and the men invited you to help yourself. Cakes, sweets and a range of alcoholic drinks. One man poured you a vodka and coke, and for the first time in a while you felt at ease in Grenton. Like you were one of the guys again. Part of you wanted to check on Charlie, but you wanted to be here while the other men arrived. You wanted them to know you were one of them, not a sissy. You were just in the middle of finishing your drink when you were suddenly interrupted.<br/><br/>
<span class="keaton">Keaton: </span>"What the FUCK is going on here?"<br/><br/>
You turned and looked silently at Keaton, careful not to give any sign of weakness.<br/><br/>
<span class="male">Steve: </span>"Boss... he came here with-"<br/><br/>
<span class="keaton">Keaton: </span>"She! It's she. Though it looks like she hasn't made any effort! And who let her drink!"<br/><br/>
<span class="anderson">Man: </span>"Hey Keaton, you got it twisted, man! This guy came in here with one of the finest girls we've seen!"<br/><br/>
<span class="male">Steve: </span>"He's not wrong Boss!"<br/><br/>
The men spoke up to what you had achieved but Keaton was in disbelief. You decided to take some control in the situation.<br/><br/>
<span class="p1">You:</span> "Keaton, I think we may have gotten off on the wrong foot. It seems like you've misjudged me if you thought it would be ME who performs as part of your request. But if you go back there, I think you'll see I've brought someone who more than fulfils your requirement."<br/><br/>
Keaton was a little taken back by your confidence, but then nodded. He silently went to the back room, and shortly after came back with a smile on his face.<br/><br/>
<span class="keaton">Keaton: </span>"OK... alright! Wow, you know $name, I think you're correct... I have misjudged you! Lads, pour out a few more drinks..."<br/><br/>
A new round of drinks were passed around to everyone in the room. Keaton looked very happy. He raised up his cup and put a strong hand on your shoulder.<br/><br/>
<span class="keaton">Keaton: </span>"To the latest member of our crew... $name!"<br/><br/>
The men raised their drinks and cheered for you. You smiled. You had done it. You had found a way to not only get out of doing this event for Keaton, but also of being able to enjoy all the pleasures Grenton has for the rest of your stay. You felt accomplished.<br/><br/>
<span class="keaton">Keaton: </span>"Let me apologize, for the pressure I put on you, mate! But hey, personal growth is what Grenton is all about, and it looks like you've achieved quite a lot in your short stay here, ha!"<br/><br/>
<span class="male">Steve: </span>"This guy must be a natural at training them Keaton! To do what he did, and in such a short time too! It's incredible."<br/><br/>
<span class="keaton">Keaton: </span>"$name I hope you'll forgive me for... underestimating your character! I've been so busy as leader in here, I haven't been able to pay quite as much attention to newcomers as I used to. I hold my hands up, I made a big mistake this time! You seem like a true Dom."<br/><br/>
<span class="p1">You:</span> "Well... I appreciate you recognizing that. There isn't going to be another note under my bed when I get back, is there?"<br/><br/>
<span class="keaton">Keaton: </span>"No! Honestly, the quality of that girl you brought... no, you're one of us now, for real. I know it's been a rocky start but, if you can put the earlier business behind us, I think this could be start of a very mutually beneficial relationship. Are you happy with that?"<br/><br/>
You weren't going to protest. It seemed like Keaton was humbled by the mistake he made judging you the way he did, but it felt genuine this time that he respected you. You felt quietly confident in yourself, knowing that you had more than proved you weren't suited for that role. Now you could enjoy the spoils on your victory. You started to get to know the others, and it really seemed like they were all just regular guys, stuck inside Grenton, an irregular place. It made you realize you didn't actually know what this event would actually be like. You questioned Keaton about it.<br/><br/>
<span class="keaton">Keaton: </span>"This event... is to help break the ice for some of the newer girls. Help them ease into their role, and get comfortable being themselves here in Grenton. You might be surprised to hear this, but it's really not that intense. Here, I think things are ready to go. Alright boys! Shuffle yourselves into the room back there, the show is ready to start!"<br/><br/>
The men began making a move. People picked at the last bits of food, and hastily poured a drink to take through with them. Most men followed Keaton to the back room area, but some took their food and drink and left the event. It seemed the event wasn't for everyone's tastes. You were going to go though. At the very least you needed to keep an eye on your sissy. In the area, seats had been laid out to face towards a makeshift stage of some kind. You sat down with the other men, puzzled at what may happen.<br/><br/>
<span class="keaton">Keaton: </span>"I think that's everyone! OK, come on girls let's get a look at you, ah ha ha!"<br/><br/>
The audience cheered. It was the sound of men jeering and laughing. You imagined Charlie would be feeling very intimidated right now. From a doorway to the side, a feminine figure walked out to the middle of the stage. She was dressed quite basic. A delicate black lace bra, and panties under her very dark tights. She walked gracefully in her heels though, much more so than Charlie did.<br/><br/>
<span class="keaton">Keaton: </span>"Boys... this is Lily. Quite a nice effort considering she only arrived four days ago! How about you pull those tights down a little, sissy?"<br/><br/>
The sissy's face was hidden under her long brown hair. If this was the haircut she arrived at Grenton then you weren't surprised Keaton identified her as a sissy. She placed her thumbs under her tights, and slowly revealed the blue panties she wore underneath. The outline of a small, limp cock was visible inside the panties.<br/><br/>
<img src="images/scenes/cKeaEventSsy1.jpg" alt="the view of a sissy with bulge in panties" class="storyImage"><br/>
<span class="keaton">Keaton: </span>"Mismatched panties? Naughty girl! Why don't you sit with Jason over there and ask the nice man if he can get you a proper outfit!"<br/><br/>
He pointed to what must of been Jason. Lily followed the order immediately, waddling over to the man while her tights were still lowered down to her thighs. Men were smiling as they took in the view of her smooth body. When she arrived at Jason she realized there was no seat. Jason widened his legs, an invitation for her to sit on his lap. She looked round in panic, a last attempt to see if there was any other option, then what looked begrudgingly, sat on Jason. She first tried to rest just on his leg, but Jason pulled her into him so her ass was directly on his crotch. Her face was bright red, as men all around her looked at her. She looked so delicate in comparison to the men. A sissy sat on a real man. Jason held a muscular arm around her waist, a happy expression on his face.<br/><br/>
<span class="keaton">Keaton: </span>"Alright, shall we get the next one out here?"<br/><br/>
The men cheered again. It took a moment but the next girl came out on stage. It was Charlie. You could tell she still was uncomfortable, her hair still hiding her eyes again. She wobbled on one of her heels on the walk, to which a couple of drunken guys made a jeering noise to, but that was drowned out by wolf whistles and more complimentary heckles. She turned scarlet red, but made her way to the middle of the stage and stood there, her arms down to cover her panties.<br/><br/>
<span class="keaton">Keaton: </span>"Quite a looker, isn't she? She was brought here today by a new member of our crew. $name, would you care to introduce this sissy of yours?"<br/><br/>
<span class="p1">You:</span> "This is Charlie, and though she looks pretty shy, deep down she's very happy that you guys like what you see. Charlie, move your hands out the way and turn around, let these men have a better look at your girly body."<br/><br/>
<<if $khanState6Gift is 1>>
She took a deep breath, moving her arms to show the small purple panties she was wearing. She was still slightly spilling out of them, but it was harder to see from a distance. She slowly turned round, the view of her from behind looked completely like a woman. The panties hugged tight on her plump, smooth ass.<br/><br/>
During the walk to the stage, her skirt had rode slightly upwards, exposing herself much more. She took a deep breath, moving her arms to show the small black panties she was wearing. You could make out the bulge in her panties but it was hard to see from a distance. She slowly turned round, the view of her from behind looked completely like a woman. The panties hugged tight on her plump, smooth ass.<br/><br/>
<span class="keaton">Keaton: </span>"Hasn't the man trained her well? Could you get her to come a bit closer for us?"<br/><br/>
<span class="anderson">Man: </span>"I would love to get a closer look at the girl!"<br/><br/>
<<if $domStat gte 2>>
<div class="choice">[[Command your sissy to sit on the man's lap.|c2DomStrong3][$domStat += 1; $domEvent2 = "domApproach"]]</div><br/>
<div class="choice greyedOut">Not dominant enough for this approach.</div><br/>
<div class="choice">[[Ask Charlie to come closer.|c2DomStrong3][$domStat += 1; $domEvent2 = "softApproach"]]</div><br/>
<<if $domEvent2 is "domApproach">>
Charlie looked shocked.<br/><br/>
<span class="p1">You:</span> "Hurry up sissy! Now!"<br/><br/>
She did exactly as commanded, almost breaking into a run until she realized she'd probably fall in her heels. She came closer to the man, who sat looking at her with a grin on his face.<br/><br/>
<span class="anderson">Man: </span>"Come on girl, I don't bite."<br/><br/>
She went to sit down on him, and he grabbed her hips and guided her down on him.<br/><br/>
<<elseif $domEvent2 is "softApproach">>
Charlie slowly walked forward.<br/><br/>
<span class="p1">You:</span> "Come on Charlie."<br/><br/>
She hurried up but you could see she was worried about falling in her heels. The man who called out obviously wanted her to come closer. Your main goal was to make the men here happy, so you lured her a little closer.<br/><br/>
<span class="p1">You:</span> "Charlie, get over there, let the men see what a good effort you made."<br/><br/>
The men oggled her as she walked to where you commanded. As she got near the one man he touched her wrist to get her attention.<br/><br/>
<span class="anderson">Man: </span>"Come on girl, have a seat with me here, I don't bite."<br/><br/>
<span class="p1">You:</span> "Go on Charlie!"<br/><br/>
She hesitated for a moment, then went to sit. He grabbed her hips and guided her down on him.<br/><br/>
Something wrong c2DomStrong3 event. domEvent2 choice.
<span class="anderson">Man: </span>"There you go. You like a real man's hands on you, don't you girl?"<br/><br/>
<span class="p1">You:</span> "Go ahead and answer him."<br/><br/>
<span class="charlie">Charlie:</span> "It feels good Sir."<br/><br/>
<span class="anderson">Man: </span>"Sir? Ha ha, I'm not fond of formalities. But you sure do look amazing. You feel amazing too..."<br/><br/>
Keaton began introducing another girl, while the man began feeling up Charlie. He placed his hands on the corset covering her flat chest, then down over her hips and then stocking-clad thighs. His eyes were closed, and he ignored the small package in her panties. It was clear that despite how good Charlie looked, he was still using some imagination to ignore that she was a sissy rather than a girl.<br/><br/>
You had no idea to what degree Charlie was enjoying this. It seemed like she was overwhelmed, she had wanted to be a sissy slut in fantasy, but now it was coming true. You were just happy she hadn't fainted from being pushed like this. She was doing the job you needed her to do.<br/><br/>
A strange sense of pride emerged within you. The sight of Charlie, who had become what she was now because of you. Your commands. Your authority. You felt an odd kind of satisfaction from it.
<span class="innerDom">???: </span>"Just look at her... I did this to her..."<br/><br/>
You grinned at the though. Charlie was put in her place, and as far as you were concerned, things were going well. Even thought Keaton had shown off more girls than you expected, Charlie was the best sissy on display, by far.<br/><br/>
<<if $mateType is "sissy">>
While Charlie was completely distracted by grabbing hands, Keaton was wrapping up his time as a host, introducing one last girl. You were shocked to see it was $mate!<br/><br/>
<span class="keaton">Keaton: </span>"She's back boys! Yes, she was too nervous last time, so we felt it was best to reintroduce her! She's wearing a few lovely presents she's earned. A real good girl now!"<br/><br/>
It was strange for you to see your former friend like this. Her body was completely hairless, and she wore a long wig to look like a dark brunette. Her skin had been slightly tanned, and her face was done up in glittery bright colored makeup. She didn't seem to be embarrassed at all, as she stood there proudly with her hands on her hips, a lace pair of panties were see-through enough to see the skin of her limp cock. Pasties covered her nipples, and a fishnet top covered her sleeves and chest. On top of the drastic changes, she looked much skinnier than you remembered.<br/><br/>
Despite all you had seen in Grenton, this sight left you with the most complex feelings. $mate had been ordered onto a guy's lap just like the other girls. She did as she was told with a smile on her face, though the expression seemed a little forced. You should of felt sorry for your friend, yet didn't...<br/><br/>
<span class="innerDom">???: </span>"A weak little sissy all along?..."<br/><br/>
The man she sat with grabbed at all parts of her body, and began pressing a firm hand on the front of her panties. At one point he whispered to her. She went to left the room, you couldn't help but notice she made eye contact with you, then looked to the floor in shame as she hurried past you. She came back quickly with a drink for the man, passing it to him before he slapped her ass and directed her to sit on him.<br/><br/>
<<elseif $mateType is "dom">>
Keaton had finished introducing the girls. There were more than you had expected. You didn't want to interrupt Charlie, but observed your surroundings. Men were fondling the girls, and you couldn't help notice one of those men was $mate!<br/><br/>
He was pulling at a girl's hips onto his crotch, and rubbing slowly up and down on it. At one point he whispered to the girl. She left the room only to come back with a drink that she passed back to him. He slapped her ass before directing her back to sit on him. He was obviously enjoying himself in Grenton.<br/><br/>
Something wrong c2DomStrong3 event, mateType.
You felt a hand on your shoulder as you looked at the revelry around you. It was Keaton's.<br/><br/>
<span class="keaton">Keaton: </span>"Look at them. This is probably the most successful introduction event we've had. You've done an excellent job."<br/><br/>
<span class="innerDom">???: </span>"He's says that like I'm not aware..."<br/><br/>
<span class="p1">You:</span> "Introduction? Tell me more."<br/><br/>
<span class="keaton">Keaton: </span>"Well you know, we throw some... more intense events too."<br/><br/>
<span class="p1">You:</span> "I think Charlie would like to attend one of those types."<br/><br/>
<span class="keaton">Keaton: </span>"Really? I mean, she's probably been through a lot today. I try not to push them too quick. You reckon she could already handle it?"<br/><br/>
<<if $domStat gte 2>>
<div class="choice">[[Tell Keaton she can and will.|c2DomStrong4][$charmStat += 1; $domEvent3 = "domApproach"]]</div><br/>
<div class="choice greyedOut">Not dominant enough for this approach.</div><br/>
<div class="choice">[[Tell Keaton she'll be ready for more after a break.|c2DomStrong4][$domEvent3 = "softApproach"]]</div><br/>
<<if $domEvent3 is "domApproach">>
<span class="keaton">Keaton: </span>"Alright, let's push her a little further then. There's a private room just over there. Brad was the name of the guy Charlie was sat with earlier, invite him to a personal session with Charlie. Don't push her too far though, just make her give him a lap dance. You should supervise. You know, to make sure Charlie does it, and so that he doesn't use hands."<br/><br/>
It seemed like a good next step for Charlie so you agreed to it. Part of you was tempted to make her go further though, but maybe patience was best. You let Brad know of the offer, which he was happy to take up. You ordered Charlie over and together you went to the back room.<br/><br/>
<span class="anderson">Brad: </span>"OK Charlie, you naughty girl. Come here the floor is open."<br/><br/>
<span class="charlie">Charlie:</span> "W-what do you want me to do?"<br/><br/>
<span class="innerDom">???: </span>"This sissy knows what she wants, she just wants to be ordered to do it. Being commanded to do it takes away the shame..."<br/><br/>
<span class="p1">You:</span> "Don't play dumb, you know what to do slut!"<br/><br/>
She turned around and pushed her ass into Brad's crotch. Brad went to pull her hips, but you coughed to remind him this was a 'no hands' session.<br/><br/>
<span class="p1">You:</span> "She'll please you with her body alone, won't you Charlie?"<br/><br/>
Charlie didn't say anything, just rubbed harder onto Brad. She was obviously trying but was still new to this and needed a little direction.<br/><br/>
<span class="innerDom">???: </span>"Such a devoted sissy slut... it's time for her to work harder..."<br/><br/>
<span class="p1">You:</span> "Turn around, show the man that girly body of yours. Put your arms around him. Do you like kissing from your girls, Brad?"<br/><br/>
<span class="anderson">Brad: </span>"Not usually, but a girl as fine as this, why not?"<br/><br/>
<img src="images/scenes/cKeaEventChar2.jpg" alt="fishnets and heels" class="storyImage"><br/>
She turned around nervously, keeping her legs close together so as not to spill outside her panties. She positioned her self on top of Brad, her head just above his, and kissed him as he wanted. Brad moaned, but Charlie was silent. She wasn't turned on yet. You remembered how to push her buttons.<br/><br/>
<span class="p1">You:</span> "Obedient little sissy aren't you Charlie? I bet kissing alone isn't enough for a slut like you."<br/><br/>
She didn't say anything, but went bright red.<br/><br/>
<span class="innerDom">???: </span>"Keep teasing her... shame... it fuels her perverted desires..."<br/><br/>
<span class="p1">You:</span> "Brad, can you believe this is her first time doing this?"<br/><br/>
<span class="anderson">Brad: </span>"Really? Wow, she must be a natural born slut! Come on bitch, grind on me harder! Are you ashamed or something? You're already rubbing up against a real man, and dressed like that, haha. Come on now."<br/><br/>
<span class="p1">You:</span> "Do as your told Charlie."<br/><br/>
Without a word, she did as ordered. She was obviously in disbelief that she had managed the courage to get into this situation, moving her body just a like a stripper all over Brad. His cock was rock hard through his clothes, and it poked hard into Charlie's ass as she came down on him. She was starting to show a visible sign she was excited too. You commanded her to turn around again, so as to obscure any erection of her's from Brad. As she obeyed you, she got even harder, but luckily it was too small to get out of her panties. A dot of precum was visible on them. Her facial expression of begrudment was completely betrayed by her body. She was so turned on to serve like this. A strap of her corset came down as she bounced on Brad.<br/><br/>
<span class="anderson">Brad: </span>"Good girl... ugh... keep going."<br/><br/>
<span class="innerDom">???: </span>"Such a good sissy..."<br/><br/>
He placed his hands on her hips and was pulling on her stronger. You didn't say anything, what man could resist touching at this point? You felt Charlie was in safe hands, and left them to have the last moments together in private. It wasn't even a minute before you heard Brad moaning in pleasure, then total silence before he came out. He seemed like a totally different man, one who didn't want to talk much about what just happened.<br/><br/>
<span class="anderson">Brad: </span>"Here, for you. See you around, mate."<br/><br/>
He handed you $15, then walked off. It seemed he saw you as some kind of pimp! You re-entered the room to see Charlie, dishevelled and breathing heavily. She seemed like she had taken all she could handle for today.<br/><br/>
<<set $money += 15>>
<span class="p1">You:</span> "You did good."<br/><br/>
<span class="charlie">Charlie:</span> "$name... oh... this has been quite a lot for me, all at once."<br/><br/>
<span class="p1">You:</span> "This is what you wanted, wasn't it? You've been very easy to convince."<br/><br/>
<span class="charlie">Charlie:</span> "I... can't go back out there... there's some mess."<br/><br/>
<span class="p1">You:</span> "You came? You truly are a sissy if that's all it took!"<br/><br/>
<span class="charlie">Charlie:</span> "No... well, I wasn't far off. No, it was... from him."<br/><br/>
She could barely stand, so turned around on her hands and knees. A jet of thick cum was on her panties, dribbling slowly down onto her stockings. It explained Brad's sudden change in mentality. Charlie looked a little upset. She had come down from her horniness as well, and reality was setting back in. Reality that a real man had just came on her.<br/><br/>
<span class="p1">You:</span> "I don't know what to say Charlie. If you're a sissy you're going to have to get used to men cumming on you."<br/><br/>
<span class="innerDom">???: </span>"Need to bring her back up a little for now. A little patience now can stop her freaking out. Keep her on course to being the sissy she really is..."<br/><br/>
You grabbed some napkins from the buffet table quickly, and handed them to her. She wiped off most of the mess, but it had left a stain in the panties and stockings. Now she had to go back in public in this outfit, with an obvious mark she had just been used. You both exitted, only to see Keaton still around the buffet table.<br/><br/>
<span class="keaton">Keaton: </span>"Wow, you've really got a well trained girl on your hands there, $name. So, we'll be seeing more Charlie soon, I expect. Hey, I think there's a few items left at the buffet table, why not take a few things back to your room as a reward?"<br/><br/>
<<elseif $domEvent3 is "softApproach">>
You felt Charlie had performed to an acceptable degree today and any more may overwhelm her for now. You'd soon train her to handle much more than this though.<br/><br/>
<span class="innerDom">???: </span>"She needs more time... but she's a real sissy slut, no doubt about it..."<br/><br/>
<span class="keaton">Keaton: </span>"That's good. So, we'll be seeing more Charlie soon I expect. Hey, I think there's a few items left at the buffet table, why not take a few things back to your room as a reward."<br/><br/>
Something wrong c2DomStrong4 event.
You accepted the gesture. At the buffet you ate some more cake, then picked up an unopened bottle of rum to take back with you. You didn't think you had been long, but by the time you went back there was trouble. Keaton wasn't here, and some men had surrounded Charlie, one aggressively pointing a finger in her face. She was stood there with tears on her face.<br/><br/>
<span class="p1">You:</span> "What the hell is going on?"<br/><br/>
The men were too flustered to notice. They were accusing Charlie of something, and bombarding her with questions which she remained silent to.<br/><br/>
<span class="khan">???: </span>"She can't even explain herself!"<br/><br/>
<span class="dean">Man: </span>"Get her to solitary, now! We can get to the bottom of this there."<br/><br/>
<span class="charlie">Charlie:</span> "W-wait!"<br/><br/>
One of the stronger men picked her up over his shoulder. She was helpless against such a large man, as he carried her away.<br/><br/>
<span class="p1">You:</span> "Hey, what are you doing? Put her down!"<br/><br/>
You felt an urge to fight, but there were too many of them.<br/><br/>
<span class="khan">???: </span>"And you! Are you in on this too?"<br/><br/>
<span class="p1">You:</span> "What?"<br/><br/>
<span class="dean">Man: </span>"No, I don't think he is... think about it, there's no way he could know."<br/><br/>
<span class="p1">You:</span> "I don't know what you're talking about, now leave Charlie alone!"<br/><br/>
<span class="khan">???: </span>"You really don't know do you?"<br/><br/>
<span class="dean">Man: </span>"Dude, we realized who Charlie is. It was Tom here who only just picked up on it, most of us were fooled by the outfit and makeup."<br/><br/>
<span class="khan">Tom: </span>"Charlie... was one of the officer's here. He (back then) was hired before Grenton was redesigned by it's new owner. The ownership in Grenton changed a year ago, but Charlie still worked under the new management, until two months ago."<br/><br/>
<span class="dean">Man: </span>"The thing is, the old owner wants Grenton back, and back like it was. There's been an organized effort to try and discredit this place. And then here is Charlie... in disguise at one of the centre's most... private events."<br/><br/>
<span class="khan">Tom: </span>"A spy... a saboteur. We don't know exactly, but suspicious would be an understatement."<br/><br/>
You were dumbstruck. But you realized there was something off about Charlie. In retrospect, it had been very easy to get her to do this event. Could you really have been played this whole time? The thought ate at you, for these last few hours you had felt so dominant, so in control again. Even the mere suggestion of that control being taken away from you didn't feel right. Your mind raced; you couldn't bring yourself to words as you tried to piece together everything that had happened so far. Charlie had been taken away and you weren't going to be allowed to question her. Keaton entered back into the room.<br/><br/>
<span class="keaton">Keaton: </span>"$name! I just got word of what happened. Don't worry, she fooled all of us."<br/><br/>
<span class="p1">You:</span> "I'm... shocked, to be honest. Let me get in solitary. I want to speak to her. Now!"<br/><br/>
<span class="keaton">Keaton: </span>"What and raise more suspicion of yourself? I'm sorry, I can't let you do that, $name."<br/><br/>
<span class="p1">You:</span> "I didn't know anything about her past. But if she really is a spy or something... she's a damn good actor! It did feel odd how easy it was to get her to do this but also... I feel like my command was needed to get her here."<br/><br/>
<span class="keaton">Keaton: </span>"Ha, you're a natural born Dom, that's why you feel that way! Listen, forget the Charlie stuff. Regardless of what people think, you still overcame the adversity that came from my misjudgement of you. You've got something about you. Maybe it was always Charlie's goal to get here and spy on us, but she could never of planned that it was YOU who got her here."<br/><br/>
<span class="p1">You:</span> "I'm just... this is... unexpected."<br/><br/>
<span class="innerDom">???: </span>"I thought I had her wrapped around my little finger..."<br/><br/>
<span class="keaton">Keaton: </span>"I can see this has blindsided you $name. Let us question the sissy while we try to find out what is going on! I think you need to focus on something else for now, OK?"<br/><br/>
<span class="p1">You:</span> "And that would be what, exactly?"<br/><br/>
<span class="keaton">Keaton: </span>"$name... personally, I feel I can trust you now, I want you to know that. But with this whole situation, there's going to be quite a few of the crew who don't."<br/><br/>
<span class="p1">You:</span> "Ah fuck, here we go..."<br/><br/>
<span class="keaton">Keaton: </span>"So why not put those skills of yours to good work? I can introduce you to some potential talent, perhaps you could convince them into the lifestyle. If you can train them up a bit, the men here will realize you're the real deal."<br/><br/>
You felt you could believe what Keaton was saying. It would be more work, but it would help you feel in control of things again. Plus earning the crew's trust again would make your stay in Grenton much safer.<br/><br/>
<span class="p1">You:</span> "Fine... I'll do it."<br/><br/>
<span class="keaton">Keaton: </span>"Great. Get some rest, we can catch up again soon. Don't worry, we'll get you a new sissy in no time!"<br/><br/>
Keaton let out a sharp whistle directed at one of his crew.<br/><br/>
<span class="keaton">Keaton: </span>"$name, you didn't forget our deal did you? Life's going to be much better for you in here now. Hey! Show $name to his new digs, will ya?"<br/><br/>
<span class="dean">Man: </span>"Sure thing, boss!"<br/><br/>
New digs? You followed the man, curious to see what your new living situation would be like.<br/><br/>
You checked your piece of note paper. The sheet is tiny, so there's not much room to record on. It made sense to only summarize the bare essentials on it, and cross out anything that was later irrelevant. This way you could try to figure out the best plan of action.<br/><br/>
Here's what you've noted so far...<br/><br/>
<<if $storyState is 6>>
<<if $seekMichaelAdvice is 'yes'>>
I should speak to Michael, maybe he can recommend what to do.<br/>
<<if $seekMichaelAdvice is 'no'>>
As Michael said, Dean should be in the workshop on Tuesdays and Saturdays.<br/>
<<if $rangGf is 0>>
Maybe I should call $gf.<br/>
<<if $playerStartType is 'straight'>>
<<if $deanAdvised is 1>>
Khan is in the library sometimes.<br/>
Dean told me about a helpful item I can buy at the commissary if I bring $5 and ask for Raymond.<br/>
<<if $gotRaymond is 1>>
I've bought the Raymond substance. Apparently it will help me. I'll try using it at Keaton's event.<br/>
<<if $khanAdvised is 1>>
Khan can get some of the men to back down from fighting me if I bring $30 and go to the commisary.<br/>
<<if $khanState6Gift is 1>>I've paid the $30 to the commisary to complete my deal with Khan. It should make any fight at Keaton's event easier.<br/><</if>>
<<if $deanAdvised is 1 and $khanAdvised is 1 and $andersonAdvised is 0>>
I've found Dean and Khan, surely Anderson is around here somewhere? My best guess is he would be the rec room sometimes.<br/>
<<if $andersonAdvised is 1>>
<<if $andersonStraightDeal is 1 and $andersonStraightTrusted is 1>>I gave photos to Anderson in exchange for help. He said he'll come to me just before Keaton's event starts.<br/><</if>>
<<if $andersonStraightDeal is 1 and $andersonStraightTrusted is 0>>I gave photos to Anderson but it soon became clear he wasn't trustworthy.<br/><</if>>
<<if $andersonStraightDeal is 0>>Anderson wanted to make a deal with me but I didn't do it.<br/><</if>>
<<elseif $playerStartType is 'sissy' or $playerStartType is 'sissybf'>>
<<if $deanAdvised is 1>>
Khan is in the library sometimes.<br/>
Glute excerises might help me.<br/>
The library has 'adult' books that might help me.<br/>
<<if $khanAdvised is 1>>
Khan said I can buy something sexy to wear if I have $30 and go to the commisary.<br/>
<<if $khanState6Gift is 1>>I bought a sexy red satin lingerie set, from the commisary.<br/><</if>>
<<if $deanAdvised is 1 and $khanAdvised is 1 and $andersonAdvised is 0>>
I've found Dean and Khan, surely Anderson is around here somewhere? My best guess is he would be the rec room sometimes.<br/>
<<if $andersonAdvised is 1>>
<<if $andersonSissyDeal is 1>>I gave photos to Anderson in exchange for a grooming kit.<br/>
I can use the private shower to get smooth.<br/>
I should get myself smooth from now on, especially before Keaton's event.<br/><</if>>
<<if $andersonSissyDeal is 0>>Anderson wanted to make a deal with me but I didn't do it.<br/><</if>>
<<if $gfType is 'open'>>$gf is not just OK, but excited that I'm a sissy!<br/><</if>>
<<if $gfType is 'mentor'>>$gf and I are no longer dating, but she'll still support me!<br/><</if>>
<<if $gfType is 'cuck'>>I haven't told $gf what is happening to me, but I know she'd be upset by what I'm about to do.<br/><</if>>
<<elseif $playerStartType is 'closeted'>>
<<if $deanAdvised is 1>>
Khan is in the library sometimes.<br/>
Reading the library books might help me, especially ones that inspire courage.<br/>
<<if $khanAdvised is 1>>
Khan has set up something to help me if I have $30 and go to the commisary.<br/>
<<if $uglyUnderwearPicked is 1>>I've bought an ugly bra and panties set, from the commisary, to wear at Keaton's event.<br/><</if>>
<<if $sexyUnderwearPicked is 1>>I've bought a sexy bra and panties set, from the commisary, to wear at Keaton's event.<br/><</if>>
<<if $deanAdvised is 1 and $khanAdvised is 1 and $andersonAdvised is 0>>
I've found Dean and Khan, surely Anderson is around here somewhere? My best guess is he would be the rec room sometimes.<br/>
<<if $andersonAdvised is 1>>
<<if $andersonClosetedDeal is 1>>I gave photos to Anderson in exchange for a grooming kit.<br/>
I can use the grooming kit in theprivate shower to get smooth. Anderson says this would help to not cause trouble at Keaton's event.<br/><</if>>
<<if $andersonClosetedDeal is 0>>Anderson wanted to make a deal with me but I didn't do it.<br/><</if>>
<<elseif $playerStartType is 'dom'>>
<<if $deanAdvised is 1>>
Khan is in the library sometimes.<br/>
Perhaps reading some books now and then may help me.<br/>
<<if $cafeSissyDominated is 0>>There may be new people in the cafeteria.<br/><</if>>
<<if $cafeSissyDominated is 1>>I've met Charlie, who I can visit via the Officer's room.<br/><</if>>
<<if $charlieConvinced is 1>>Charlie will perform at Keaton's event instead of me.<br/><</if>>
<<if $khanAdvised is 1>>
Khan said I can get something helpful if I go to the commisary, with $30 and have someone who will do Keaton's event in my place.<br/>
<<if $khanState6Gift is 1>>I have a sexy set of lingerie with a matching makeup set for Charlie. I can give to her at Keaton's event.<br/><</if>>
<<if $deanAdvised is 1 and $khanAdvised is 1 and $andersonAdvised is 0>>
I've found Dean and Khan, surely Anderson is around here somewhere? My best guess is he would be the rec room sometimes.<br/>
<<if $andersonAdvised is 1>>
<<if $andersonDomDeal is 1>>
<<if $andersonDomTrusted is 1>>
I gave photos to Anderson in exchange for help. He'll provide it just before Keaton's event starts.<br/>
<<if $andersonDomTrusted is 0>>
I didn't trust Anderson.<br/>
<<if $andersonDomDeal is 0>>
Anderson wanted to make a deal with me but I didn't do it.<br/>
Something wrong. GameState is 6. Notes panel.
[[Finish checking notes|Room]]
You trotted out into the rec room, greeted by a crowd of men's eyes staring at you. It was surreal to be dressed like this in front of them. The shame of it was almost unbearable at this point. You bowed your head so the fringe covered your eyes like Jessica suggested, but it didn't help enough to subside the feeling of humiliation. There was so much noise, and the only thing you could make out clearly was Keaton telling you to stay put so that the men could keep eyeing you up.<br/><br/>
<<if $sexyUnderwearPicked is 1>>
<span class="keaton">Keaton: </span>"Wow, she's gone to quite some effort it seems! Turn around for us would you please, $name! Don't worry, I'm sure the boys like what they see."<br/><br/>
Let's just get this over with you told yourself again and again. If this was just some kind of fucked up gang initiation it would all be over soon. You rotated slowly on your heeled feet, but you couldn't help feel something odd. It was the fact nobody was laughing at you. If this was for hazing, people seemed to take it way to seriously. There was hollers and yells, but no heckles or laughing at you.<br/><br/>
<<if $smoothBody is 1>>
<span class="keaton">Keaton: </span>"Such smooth skin too... a proper girl this one is!"<br/><br/>
It felt like this moment in time was in slow motion. You peered meekly at the faces of the men, then back to the sight of the red satin bra decorating your hairless chest. Thankfully none of you had spilled out the red panties you were wearing, you already felt exposed enough.<br/><br/>
<<if $playerHistory is 'cd'>>
You were almost glad that nerves had overwhelmed you. Your biggest fear was that your crossdressing fetish would be obvious to everyone if you got excited in these tiny panties, but that hadn't happened. You were trembling from stage fright, leaving you no energy to be horny right now.<br/><br/>
<span class="keaton">Keaton: </span>"Amazing, isn't she? I hear you brought that little number yourself. Seems like you set out to please us, and I have to say you did a good job!"<br/><br/>
<span class="p1">You:</span> "N-no, that's not-"<br/><br/>
<<elseif $uglyUnderwearPicked is 1>>
<span class="keaton">Keaton: </span>"Oh um... OK, um that's quite an outfit, $name!"<br/><br/>
As you came forward, it became clear to the group just how ugly your outfit was. There were statements of disbelief and disgust from the crowd, and even a boo from one man, but for you that was no problem. What was concerning was that you also got looks from men who seemed to still like what they saw! This was the opposite of what you hoped to achieve with this outfit. Keaton showed no emotion, which was worrying, he just scrutinised your appearance up and down, then finally spoke...<br/><br/>
<span class="keaton">Keaton: </span>"Everyone... let's appreciate that $name went to a lot of effort with this! I think considering the short amount of time she's been in Grenton she's done a good job!"<br/><br/>
What? No, that's not what you intended at all!<br/><br/>
<span class="keaton">Keaton: </span>"Look guys, I know it's not the sexiest outfit, but if that was the best she could find and she still came out here for us, I think she deserves some recognition for how far she will go to please us! Give her a cheer everybody!<<if $smoothBody is 1>> Oh, and look... her skin is smooth too! You can't say this one didn't try!<</if>>"<br/><br/>
Some of the men clapped and cheered, and even some of the ones that commented negatively earlier seemed to be swayed by what Keaton had said. This had gone terribly wrong! Instead of finding you unattractive, they thought you were so keen to do this! They thought you were enthusiastic for wearing something so gross as long as it somewhat made you look like a girl! You tried to say something, but your words were blocked by a rising panic.<br/><br/>
<span class="p1">You:</span> "N-no, that's not-"<br/><br/>
<span class="keaton">Keaton: </span>"Wow, she's gone to quite some effort it seems! Turn around for us would you please, $name. Don't worry, I'm sure the boys like what they see."<br/><br/>
Let's just get this over with you told yourself again and again. If this was just some kind of fucked up gang initiation it would all be over soon. You rotated slowly on your heeled feet, but you couldn't help feel something odd. It was the fact nobody was really laughing at you. If this was for hazing, people seemed to take it way to seriously. There was hollers and yells, at most some chuckling, but no heckles or outright laughing at you.<br/><br/>
<<if $smoothBody is 1>>
<span class="keaton">Keaton: </span>"Such smooth skin too... a proper girl this one is!"<br/><br/>
Time felt like it was in slow motion. You peered meekly at the faces of the men, then back to the sight of the red satin bra decorating your hairless chest. Thankfully none of you had spilled out the red panties you were wearing. You already felt exposed enough but at least part of you was still private.<br/><br/>
<<if $playerHistory is 'cd'>>
You were almost glad that nerves had overwhelmed you. Your biggest fear was that your crossdressing fetish would be obvious to everyone if you got excited in these tiny panties, but that hadn't happened. You were trembling from stage fright, which must be overriding any horniness you could possibly have right now.<br/><br/>
<span class="keaton">Keaton: </span>"Amazing, isn't she? I hear you borrowed the outfit, but it sure does suit you! Want to keep it afterwards? Ha ha!"<br/><br/>
<span class="p1">You:</span> "N-no, that's-"<br/><br/>
You could barely raise your voice to be heard over the men, and before anyone could hear you a man had already interjected.<br/><br/>
<span class="anderson">Man: </span>"I would love to get a closer look at the girl!"<br/><br/>
<span class="keaton">Keaton: </span>"You heard the man, $name!"<br/><br/>
<span class="anderson">Man: </span>"Over here, I don't bite, he he!"<br/><br/>
Seriously, what the hell was this event? You looked around the room desperately, catching the image of Jessica sat on a man's lap, remembering what she told you earlier. You were expected to sit with the men... this should be the final part of this ridiculous experience. The final humiliation in a long line of them so far.<br/><br/>
A few men's eyes still drew to you as you approached the man, while Keaton continued on with the show. He introduced another girl to more cheers from the crowd. Those noises drowned out as you arrived in front of the man. He patted at his lap for you to sit.<br/><br/>
<span class="anderson">Man: </span>"Ooh... you really do look like a girl, don't you?"<br/><br/>
<span class="p1">You:</span> "I don't-"<br/><br/>
<span class="anderson">Man: </span>"Higher. Don't stop making an effort now."<br/><br/>
<span class="p1">You:</span> "Excuse me?"<br/><br/>
<span class="anderson">Man: </span>"Your voice, it needs to be higher! You gotta sound the part too!"<br/><br/>
You were taken aback for a moment. You saw the men nearby looking at you menacingly, it was like they were expecting you to do as you were told. Looking round in desperation, you locked eyes with Jessica, who nonverbally signalled you to do it. If she was doing it, you guessed you could to, putting on a falsetto that honestly sounded a little silly.<br/><br/>
<span class="p1">You:</span>"Well, I-"<br/><br/>
<span class="anderson">Man: </span>"That's it, good girl!"<br/><br/>
<img src="images/scenes/cKeaEventGoodGirl.jpg" alt="thoughts about being a good girl going through your head" class="storyImage">
He put his hands on your hips and turned you gently around. His hands felt huge, and you found yourself just going along with where he was positioning you. Once facing away from him, he patted his lap again. You closed your eyes and slowly bent to sit down on him. You couldn't hide the begrudging expression on your face, but it wasn't noticed at all by the man, who couldn't see it. You perched meekly on his leg, the fabric of his jeans felt cold on the parts of your ass not covered by your panties.<br/><br/>
<<if $mateType is 'dom'>>
It was at that moment you heard a muffled laugh. You looked over to wear it was, only to see it was $mate! He was biting into his arm trying to contain his laughter! You quickly looked away in embarrassment. How could he do that to you? Why hadn't he even tired to help you in here? You didn't want to think anymore about him, especially while you were dressed like this.<br/><br/>
<span class="anderson">Man: </span>"Oh yeah! This is nice, isn't it?"<br/><br/>
You weren't going to say anything. How much longer could this go on for? The man tightened his hands on you, and pulled you closer into him. You were right on his crotch now! You were dressed in panties, sat on another man's lap! You closed your eyes, you didn't want to even imagine anyone seeing you right now, even Jessica!<br/><br/>
<span class="anderson">Man: </span>"How does this feel?"<br/><br/>
It was hard to tell if the man was talking to you or just himself now. You didn't respond to him, but you knew the answer. Like a loser... like someone's bitch. How could you not? What would $gf think if she saw you like this? Your only solace was you weren't the only one doing this event but did that really change anything?<br/><br/>
The man started feeling at your body, putting his hands over your bra, before sliding them down the sides of your body towards your ass. This was way more than just hazing! The rest of the room seemed distant as he whispered in your ear.<br/><br/>
<span class="anderson">Man: </span>"You're a good girl... aren't you?"<br/><br/>
<img src="images/scenes/cKeaEventGoodGirl2.jpg" alt="thoughts racing about being a good girl" class="storyImage">
He paused, because this time he definitely wanted an answer. The situation felt so unreal it was difficult to even form words, your mind just raced with panicked thoughts. The man just laughed. He took his grip off your ass before sliding his hand onto the front of your panties! His fingers were rubbing directly on your bulge!<br/><br/>
<span class="p1">You:</span> "Ah! Wh-what-"<br/><br/>
<span class="anderson">Man: </span>"Ssh... there's no need for you to be nervous... you can be yourself here."<br/><br/>
<span class="p1">You:</span> "I- I don't know what you're t-talking about!"<br/><br/>
The man was breathing heavily in your ear as he touched you. You put your hand at his wrist to make him stop touching the front of you. Although he stopped, you could tell he had the strength to carry on if he wanted. He smiled as he whispered in your ear. <br/><br/>
<span class="anderson">Man: </span>"There's no need to deny who you really are."<br/><br/>
Why was he doing this? It didn't seem like the other girls, no wait, the other guys that is, were being treated like this! You loosened your grip for a moment and the man rubbed his hands over you again. You had to do something! <br/><br/>
<<if $courageStat gte 20>>
<div class="choice">[[Tell the man enough is enough!|c2closCourageEnd]]<br/><span class="statBonus">An Ending</span></div><br/>
<div class="choice greyedOut">Not courageous enough to try stopping this.</div><br/>
<div class="choice">[[Stay submissive.|c2clos3Extra][$pervStat += 1]]</div><br/>
<</nobr>>Developer Note: Sorry, this part isn't finished yet. Well done getting to here though! This is meant to be a short ending scene if you have a lot of courage.
I imagine this is quite dissapointing. Maybe you want to go back and see the story play out? Be honest with yourself... you didn't choose to play THIS type of game, and go down THIS path, just to prove how straight you are, did you?
<<if $closEvent1 is "gotHorny">>
To anyone watching you must of looked incredibly strange as you followed him to the private room. You walked in a odd manner, caused by trying to balance on your heels while also hiding the semi growing in your panties. It was the greatest shame of all, and that was saying something considering the situation!<br/><br/>
<img src="images/scenes/cKeaEventDontLook.jpg" alt="a vision of you worried that men might see you horny in panties like this" class="storyImage">
It was crazy to think you had gotten yourself into a situation where giving a man a private lap dance was the 'best' option, but it was true! Better to be ashamed in private than out there in front of the other men.<br/><br/>
<<elseif $closEvent1 is "gotHornier">>
It was a desperate attempt to buy precious time. You kept your eyes looking at the floor, unable to bare a moment longer of these people seeing you like this, their silent judging eyes as they saw you and what you were about to do.<br/><br/>
Without any prompting, you suddenly rubbed you ass back hard into Phil's crotch, taking him by surprise. It felt so silly, but you rubbed back and forth again. The worst part of all was that it didn't seem to help your problem at all. Phil grabbed your hips and stopped you.<br/><br/>
<span class="anderson">Phil: </span>"Horny one, aren't we? That'll feel better in the private room, OK? Let's go."<br/><br/>
He lifted you up and lead the way. To anyone watching you must of looked incredibly strange as you followed him to the private room. You walked in a odd manner, caused by trying to balance on your heels while also hiding the growing semi in your panties. It was the greatest shame of all, and that was saying something considering the situation!<br/><br/>
It was crazy to think you had gotten yourself into a situation where giving a man a private lap dance was the 'best' option, but it was true! Better to be ashamed in private than out there in front of the other men.<br/><br/>
Something wrong, c2clos4
Phil opened the private room's door, before beckoning you in with a smile. It was silent now, each click of your heels felt so loud in comparison to earlier. It was a shabby dusty cupboard with only a chair in it. You heard the door close securely behind you, then felt a sharp smack on the bare skin of your ass.<br/><br/>
<span class="anderson">Phil: </span>"Make some room for me now!"<br/><br/>
The hard slap had made you jump in fright, and left a burning sensation that tingled on your skin unpleasantly. Whether from spanks or shame, this sensation was starting to feel all to common. Phil just laughed the moment off, and after coming up close behind you, moved his hands down to your legs, gliding them up and down on your stockings.<br/><br/>
<span class="anderson">Phil: </span>"God... we don't ever get ones like you... so keen for it..."<br/><br/>
<span class="p1">You:</span> "W-what?"<br/><br/>
<span class="anderson">Phil: </span>"Come on, you don't need to pretend, we both know you're excited!"<br/><br/>
He reached his fingers up and over the smooth material covering your penis. It wasn't a rock hard erection, but it obviously wasn't limp either. You didn't know what to do in this situation. All you could hope was that going along with this a little longer would be enough. Phil cupped his hand over your entire bulge and squeezed. It was too much to take and you yelped pathetically. You pushed back on him, though it didn't release you from his strong hands even slightly. You had to shout out.<br/><br/>
<span class="p1">You:</span> "Please... please don't touch it!"<br/><br/>
<span class="anderson">Phil: </span>"Oh! Are you the type that doesn't use it at all? Wow, you really are a girl aren't you?"<br/><br/>
<span class="p1">You:</span> "What, n-no! Of course I use it!"<br/><br/>
<span class="anderson">Phil: </span>"You sound confused girl! Do you want me to touch it or not? With how fast things are moving, this could be your last chance, he he."<br/><br/>
It was him who seemed confused! You had lost what little composure you had left and were unable to contain your emotion.<br/><br/>
<span class="p1">You:</span> "Do NOT touch it!"<br/><br/>
<span class="anderson">Phil: </span>"Ok, ok! I understand."<br/><br/>
<span class="p1">You:</span> "T-thank you."<br/><br/>
<span class="anderson">Phil: </span>"It's fine. I know exactly what type of girl you are."<br/><br/>
Taking his hand off your little bulge, he moved his attention to your chest instead, feeling at your bra. It was the first relief you felt in this entire fucked up situation, which was crazy, because you were still dressed like a slut while being felt up but a man! Phil once again misread you, interpreting your more calm demeanour as though this was more pleasurable for you.<br/><br/>
<span class="anderson">Phil: </span>"Mmm, you like a man's hands on you, don't you?"<br/><br/>
<span class="p1">You:</span> "Um..."<br/><br/>
<span class="anderson">Phil: </span>"I love your little moans..."<br/><br/>
<span class="p1">You:</span> "N-no that's-"<br/><br/>
<span class="anderson">Phil: </span>"You've done this before haven't you... mmm..."<br/><br/>
<span class="p1">You:</span> "No, I haven't."<br/><br/>
<span class="anderson">Phil: </span>"You don't have to be modest. I love the REALLY slutty ones."<br/><br/>
<span class="p1">You:</span> "I haven't... uh... done this... before!"<br/><br/>
<span class="anderson">Phil: </span>"Whatever you say..."<br/><br/>
He said it like he didn't believe you and carried on feeling you up. As his hands grabbed at you, you moved your body as subtly as you could, trying to position yourself to keep him away from your most delicate places... your nipples... your tummy... Your hips. He took no notice, if anything he thought it was a sign of enthusiasm.<br/><br/>
The outfit you were in, the hands on your skin, and if that wasn't humiliating enough, the fact he seemed to think you were somehow enjoying this! You breathing became shallow and fast, as you panicked realizing just how truly out of control this was getting. What could you even do in a state like this? A thought rang out within you, screaming for you attention.<br/><br/>
<span class="innerShameText">No, no no!!! This is all going so wrong! Stop! Stop!!!</span><br/><br/>
Pure, unbearable shame. In daily life, such an emotion would be easy to suppress, but the situation had caused your sense of it to violently erupt within you. Shame was one of the most brutal emotional pains to feel, as it came coupled with physical discomforts like no other feeling does. A horrendous searing heat coursed through your body, and your face blotched bright red. It was a desperate involuntary mechanism of your body; all to make you excruciatingly aware of how wrong you're behaving. A primal response to stop you doing so much social damage to yourself before it's too late. But it already was.<br/><br/>
If anything, it only made things worse. Shame pumped adrenaline through you, shooting your anxiety past tolerable limits. To say the ability to form words became hard was an understatement. To form rational thoughts, practically impossible.<br/><br/>
And yet you had to say something, simply anything you could just get out! Phil loosed his hands for a second, and instinctively you took opportunity of the moment to turn around sharply and confront him with whatever you could say.<br/><br/>
<span class="p1">You:</span> "I... I REALLY haven't done this before, OK!"<br/><br/>
<span class="anderson">Phil: </span>"Wow... woah!"<br/><br/>
It seemed Phil wasn't paying attention to what you said, as his eyes stared down towards your crotch. You reached your hands down to cover yourself from your glaze, and quickly understood what he was looking at. You were fully hard in your panties! The fabric had completely stretched, making it obvious your stiff erection was straining underneath. You sheepishly glanced down to the shocking sight of it; somehow the embarrassment of the whole situation had completely distracted you from it! <br/><br/>
<span class="innerShameText">No! How!?</span><br/><br/>
<span class="anderson">Phil: </span>"He he, come on now, isn't this a sign to stop denying yourself?"<br/><br/>
Was this really happening? You felt sick. Why was your body betraying you like this? <br/><br/>
<span class="anderson">Phil: </span>"Hey, relax! I told you I wouldn't touch it, OK? I know your type."<br/><br/>
<span class="p1">You:</span> "I... don't want this!"<br/><br/>
<span class="anderson">Phil: </span>"Really? Because it looks like you do. Like you REALLY do!"<br/><br/>
<span class="p1">You:</span> "I, I've got to go-"<br/><br/>
<span class="anderson">Phil: </span>"Wait! The guys are still out there, they'll see you like this! I mean, it's not the biggest erection, but they'll still see it!"<br/><br/>
<span class="p1">You:</span> "Oh fuck... oh no..."<br/><br/>
<span class="anderson">Phil: </span>"It's not a big deal! Relax already! Is it really that hard to admit you were enjoying yourself?"<br/><br/>
<span class="p1">You:</span> "I DON'T enjoy it at all! Look, c-can you go? Please."<br/><br/>
<span class="anderson">Phil: </span>"Well, I could but... I'd have to open this door. And believe me there will be someone peeping to get a look at you, if you were worried about other guys... seeing it."<br/><br/>
<span class="innerShameText">Don't let them see this. Do NOT let them see!</span><br/><br/>
<span class="p1">You:</span> "No... no, please don't open it! Fuck, what do I do..."<br/><br/>
<span class="anderson">Phil: </span>"I think you should take a deep breath. Breath in. Breath out. Just, take a moment to calm down. And then... you should give me that lap dance, ha ha!"<br/><br/>
<span class="p1">You:</span> "Stop! This isn't funny!"<br/><br/>
<span class="anderson">Phil: </span>"I'm kind of serious though. You want that pantie tent to go down quickly, don't you? If you truly don't like this, surely giving me a lap dance will be such a turn off that it goes away? It'll be like taking a cold shower!"<br/><br/>
No part of you wanted to give this man, or any other, a lap dance, so it wasn't as if his logic was wrong. You were confident you didn't enjoy this. All you felt was the need to get this over with, and yet, the fact that you had an erection right now couldn't be ignored.<br/><br/>
<span class="anderson">Phil: </span>"You should act fast, Keaton will be checking on us soon! If you don't enjoy this, you'll go limp as noodle, won't you?"<br/><br/>
He sat down on the chair, and spread his legs as an invite. What he said was true. You wanted nothing to do with this man, but if Keaton was coming you needed to get rid of this hard-on quickly. You would of still ignored Phil's request, but there was one thing you couldn't disregard. The smallest shred of pride you still had left. He had laid out exactly how to prove you weren't into this, and you couldn't refuse it.<br/><br/>
<img src="images/scenes/cKeaEventLapGrind.jpg" alt="your sissy ass grinding on a man" class="storyImage">
<span class="p1">You:</span> "I... I'll do it. But this will make it clear to you, to everyone in here in fact, that I'm not into this! Not at all, alright?"<br/><br/>
<span class="anderson">Phil: </span>"I believe you. Come on then... let's turn you off, ha ha!"<br/><br/>
<span class="p1">You:</span> "W-what am I supposed to do?"<br/><br/>
<span class="anderson">Phil: </span>"Get up on me, like this."<br/><br/>
He pulled you onto him so that you sat on him with your legs either side of his body, while you faced toward him. You could see him looking up to your face but you put all your effort into ignoring his gaze, instead staring dead-eyed ahead at the wall.<br/><br/>
<span class="innerShameText">This is so wrong. This isn't you...</span><br/><br/>
<span class="anderson">Phil: </span>"Now, grind yourself on me."<br/><br/>
You started to rub your ass on his crotch. You felt completely ridiculous doing this. The idea that anyone could think you liked the situation you were in was absurd. You carried on grinding, at first trying to do so as mindlessly as possible, but then focused your attention on all the terrible ways this felt. His thick manly hands squeezing at your ass. The way he ran his fingers teasingly just under your panties. The coarse stubble on his lips as his kissed at parts of your body. His quiet moans of pleasure. The soft fabric of the panties and stockings...<br/><br/>
<span class="anderson">Phil: </span>"Mmm... such a good girl."<br/><br/>
<span class="innerShameText">I am NOT a girl!</span><br/><br/>
His eyes were closed and his breathing became heavy, leaving him no way to read you face and see how you truly felt. How could he have not have realized you were getting nothing out of this! You had had enough. It was time to get off of him, make him open his eyes and see you weren't turned on by this. You went to stand, which was not easy in these heels, when suddenly you heard an unzipping noise, followed by a large poke directly where fabric was covering your asshole.<br/><br/>
<span class="p1">You:</span> "Oh! W-wha-"<br/><br/>
<span class="anderson">Phil: </span>"Oh yes... you're a natural... mmm..."<br/><br/>
A man's erect cock was throbbing right at your ass! You were so shocked that you just froze!<br/><br/>
<span class="anderson">Phil: </span>"Is it working? Is this turning you off, right?"<br/><br/>
That appeal to your pride again. You reached for words, but couldn't find the ability to say anything. All you could think to do was keep going along with this. As much as you told yourself you hated this, it was the only way you could think to prove that to the others. Just a little longer now...<br/><br/>
<span class="innerSissyText">Yes... longer...</span><br/><br/>
What the hell was happening to you. The things you thought no longer made sense. Was some kind of fucked up part of you... enjoying this?<br/><br/>
<span class="innerShameText">No, not at all!</span><br/><br/>
Phil plucked back your panties so his cock came inside, and placed it right between your ass cheeks. He placed his hands back on you, and controlled your hips to move you up and down.<br/><br/>
<span class="p1">You:</span> "Phil! T-this is... too..."<br/><br/>
<span class="innerSissyText">Too much? Part of you wants to say it but you can't bring yourself to, can you? At least you said the bare minimum to make it <em>seem</em> like you want this to stop. Don't pretend you wouldn't be disappointed if it ended right now.</span><br/><br/>
<span class="innerShameText">I don't want this!</span><br/><br/>
<span class="innerSissyText">Oh you want this, you just don't want anyone to know. You even want the man who's cock your grinding to think you don't like this, as if it's not obvious you do...</span><br/><br/>
The antognizing voice inside your head was wrong, but you had no time to think on things! This man was totally using you, for what seemed like a pantie job? Was he going to cum just by rubbing up on you. That realization was almost too much for you to take.<br/><br/>
<span class="innerShameText">No, don't let this happen! Please, not a second longer!</span><br/><br/>
<span class="innerSissyText">He's cumming! I've made him cum!!!</span><br/><br/>
<span class="anderson">Phil: </span>"Ergh! Oh, ah.... ugh... ugggh!!!"<br/><br/>
<span class="innerShameText">Oh my God! Oh fuck!</span><br/><br/>
It wasn't just Phil's grunts that gave away he had just came. You felt his semen land on your back, then slide down to meet the rim of your underwear. A man had just come on you.<br/><br/>
<span class="anderson">Phil: </span>"Uhhh... oh shit. I'm... urgh. Get up. Get out the way, right now!"<br/><br/>
Your eyes were wide in shock as you tried to process what just happened, but without thinking you did as he said. You got out the way for him, as he got up quickly and started aggressively zipping himself back up.<br/><br/>
<span class="p1">You:</span> "You... you just-"<br/><br/>
<span class="anderson">Phil: </span>"Shut up!"<br/><br/>
<span class="p1">You:</span> "Excu-"<br/><br/>
<span class="anderson">Phil: </span>"Fucking shut up you little bitch!"<br/><br/>
He was like a completely different person. He ignored you as he adjusted his clothes. After completely humiliating and using you, he now didn't want anything to do with you. You felt angry and ashamed, but more so than those you had an urge to cry. You held back any tears as hard as you could, unable to bare looking even weaker right now. You could felt some of the cum soak your panties, and most embarrassing of all, your erection was still there.<br/><br/>
<span class="anderson">Phil: </span>"I can't believe this. Only had a few days left in here and then I did this shit again. Don't you ever approach me in here again, you got that you little pervert?"<br/><br/>
<span class="p1">You:</span> "Hey! Wait, you-"<br/><br/>
<span class="anderson">Phil: </span>"Get away from me! Don't come near me with your fucking erection you fucking sissy!"<br/><br/>
<span class="innerShameText">Sissy? I'm not a sissy...</span><br/><br/>
It didn't make sense. To go from the way he touched you earlier then to acting like this was strange. His state of horniness must of been deep to have post-orgasm regret like this, but regretful was an understatement! It was like he blamed you. Reflecting on what happened, you noticed he had his eyes closed most of the time. He must of really been thinking of you as a girl, something he couldn't pretend anymore after getting post-nut clarity.<br/><br/>
The situation was insane. You were far more ashamed and confused than he was. You were the one stood here in tiny panties, a bra, stockings and heels! How was any of this situation your fault? You hadn't wanted to be here in the first place! You had no desire to be a slut, or to be manhandled, or to be humiliated like this. For fuck's sake, he had just came on you! As this man talked down to you, cum was literally soaking you! And you just had to take it. You had to take it because this is how you chose to handle things in here.<br/><br/>
As overwhelming as this all was, as disgusting as it had been, you had got through it. That alone gave you the willpower to put up with this last humiliation. You'd get your life back to normal, you told yourself. You'd recover from this setback. <<if $playerHistory is "cd">>The erection was no big deal, it was obviously caused by your love of crossdressing, which had nothing to do with any of the interactions with Phil.<<else>>The erection was no big deal, it was obviously caused by the lingerie, the feel of which reminded you of $gf's underwear.<</if>> You were straight and you had a girlfriend. The only reason this occurred was because you were in a situation beyond your control. That's all this was.<br/><br/>
Phil reached for the door handle without saying anything.<br/><br/>
<span class="innerShameText">NO! They mustn't see me like this!!!</span><br/><br/>
<span class="p1">You:</span> "Woah, wait a second!"<br/><br/>
He ignored you, pulling the door opening quickly and striding off quickly, as if with no care in the world. You scrambled to cover yourself, twisting your body away from the door to hide your seemingly never-ending erection. You could see a few men slyly look at you out the corner of their eyes, and Keaton came over quickly. He had a smile on his face, but not for long.<br/><br/>
<span class="keaton">Keaton: </span>"What the fuck is that? Damnit Phil, I said just a lap dance!"<br/><br/>
He pointed at the cum splotched across your back and underwear. In your moment of panic you forgot about hiding that too. Once again, nerves completely overtook you.<br/><br/>
<span class="keaton">Keaton: </span>"Fucks sake... well, you've had quite a time haven't you?"<br/><br/>
<span class="p1">You:</span> "I-I didn't-"<br/><br/>
<span class="keaton">Keaton: </span>"You don't need to explain yourself. Here, put this on. Make yourself presentable again and then get back out here. I'd like to say a few words to you all newbies before we wrap things up."<br/><br/>
<span class="innerShameText">Just say something quickly and get out of here!</span><br/><br/>
<span class="p1">You:</span> "O-OK. Th-thank you."<br/><br/>
He handed you a nearby skirt which you put on immediately, finally hiding the shameful stain on your ass. Your cock had finally settled down, which was a small relief. You took a deep breath and headed out the room, finding the new members and Keaton in mid-conversation. Most of them had gotten changed into men's clothes again.<br/><br/>
<span class="keaton">Keaton: </span>"You guys did a good job, you really are one of us now. Listen! All of us, well, most of us, go through our little hazing ritual here, OK? It's just a bit of a laugh, but it also builds a strange kind of trust. None of us in the gang are ever going to tell our families, the officers, or anyone else about this, right? That's how we know we're in this together. If someone squeals, they'd have to squeal on themselves about this, a ha ha! So anyway, welcome to the crew!"<br/><br/>
<span class="innerShameText">That... that was it? It's over!</span><br/><br/>
So that was it! This weird chapter of your life was finally finished. You smiled, knowing the horrendous experience could become a distant memory. The new members of Keaton's gang cheered to themselves, you thought about joining for a bit, but wanted to get back to your room and change first. You were noticed as you walked to the door.<br/><br/>
<span class="keaton">Keaton: </span>"Ah, and here she is, the other reason we run this little event! It really helps us identify the REAL sissy bitches are, like our new girl $name over here!"<br/><br/>
The grin you had on your face wiped away immediately. Men turned their necks back to look at you. Their eyes burned into you, some were stares of disgust, but they were mixed with a few leers of admiration too.<br/><br/>
<span class="keaton">Keaton: </span>"Can you believe she just made Phil cum! Have you done this kind of thing before, $name?"<br/><br/>
<span class="p1">You:</span> "N-no! Of course not!"<br/><br/>
<span class="keaton">Keaton: </span>"All the more impressive! I have to say you looked a bit wooden out here at first, but we all know some girls just need a little privacy to act like the bad little sluts they truly are, don't we guys?"<br/><br/>
<span class="p1">You:</span> "I'm not! I'm a guy!"<br/><br/>
<span class="keaton">Keaton: </span>"She protests a little too much, I think. Well $name, as much as I think you're enjoying all this male attention, not everything is about you. The new gang members and I have work to do... men's work! Don't worry, you're a member too now, just like Jessica<<if $mateType is 'sissy'>> and $mate<</if>>! In fact, Jess, could you show her back to her room?"<br/><br/>
<span class="jessica">Jessica: </span>"Sure, Keaton. Come along now, sweetie!"<br/><br/>
No this was all wrong, Keaton thought you enjoyed this! So many negative emotions swirled inside you right now, but you had no energy after everything that had happened to cause a scene. It wasn't fair! You had done everything you had been told, so why were you singled out of the crowd and treated like this?<br/><br/>
Again, tears were welling in your eyes. You realized this was no time to try and raise your voice.<br/><br/>
<span class="innerShameText">Don't cry in front of them! You'll look even more pathetic!</span><br/><br/>
It seemed you heightened sense of shame was a much more formidable presence in your mind than it had been previously, and to be honest, it was right. With resignation, you let Jessica lead you away, sparing yourself any further indignity.<br/><br/>
The clicking and clacking of heels filled the otherwise silent hall as you walked with Jessica. You felt so disgusted with yourself that you had got even deeper into this mess. This should be finished now! It should of been the end, no... no, it will be the end! You'll get yourself together and then you'll clear things up with Keaton. Yes... you'll get out of this for good, next time.<br/><br/>
Jessica noticed the despondent look on your face. She picked at a bra strap that had fell from your bare shoulder, and placed it back gently before smiling reassuringly.<br/><br/>
<span class="jessica">Jessica: </span>"Hey, no need to look like that, hun! I promise you, no matter how you're feeling now... things are going to get better!"<br/><br/>
You arrived in the area the man directed you to and leaned on the wall. It was finally a moment to catch your breath, though it was all too short.<br/><br/>
<span class="jessica">???: </span>"Hey! Hello, over here!"<br/><br/>
<span class="p1">You:</span> "Oh, um hello?"<br/><br/>
<span class="jessica">???: </span>"Where are you looking? We're this way!"<br/><br/>
You turned your head while narrowing your eyes, then made out some figures on the other side of the room.<br/><br/>
<span class="jessica">???: </span>"Now she sees! Hey, I'm Jessica!"<br/><br/>
<img src="images/scenes/cKeaEventjessica.jpg" alt="the view of a sissy with bulge in panties" class="storyImage"><br/>
There really were other girls! You tried to steel yourself, hoping to overcome your apprehension so you could come across as friendly as possible to them. The girls with Jessica didn't say much but they looked nervous too. All of them appeared girly, though it was to varying degrees of effort. Some stood shyly, while Jessica looked confident with her hands at her hips. You couldn't help but notice your outfit was one of the more revealing ones.<br/><br/>
<span class="jessica">Jessica: </span>"Wow... you really went the extra mile! What's your name?"<br/><br/>
<span class="p1">You:</span> "I'm... I'm $name. N-nice to meet you."<br/><br/>
<<if $mateType is "sissy">>
One of the girls suddenly perked their head up to get a look at you. It was $mate! Your eyes locked with each other, but you were too shocked to react. You suspected $mate felt exactly the same way!<br/><br/>
<span class="jessica">Jessica: </span>"No need to be nervous! You're not the only one, obviously... though you are the last one we were waiting for!"<br/><br/>
It was a little comforting to not be alone doing this. Jessica<<if $mateType is "sissy">> and $mate<</if>> looked like they had done everything possible to look slutty too. Oddly though, the other 'girls' didn't. One of them was just wearing a wig, and a bra over their otherwise male outfit. You wondered whether they'd be in trouble with Keaton for such a blatant lack of effort.<br/><br/>
<span class="jessica">Jessica: </span>"Listen, I was just telling the others... this event isn't that big a deal! You don't need to be chattering your teeth like that, alright? All we do is go out there when our names are called so they can get a good look at our outfits. And then just sit with the men for a bit. It's like icebreaker, hazing type thing!"<br/><br/>
You found Jessica's definition of what a big deal to be quite the understatement! As much as you had wanted this opportunity to be the sissy your really are, it was still a huge deal for you. Part of you was relieved it wasn't anything too extreme by the sounds of it, but the other part of you wanted it to be more, especially considering you had gone to the trouble of dressing like this. Despite what she said, the event itself still seemed odd.<br/><br/>
<span class="p1">You:</span> "Um... but why do they specifically do this... as an icebreaker?"<br/><br/>
<span class="jessica">Jessica: </span>"Beat's me! It's just how things are done, I guess. Don't take it too seriously."<br/><br/>
If Jessica knew anything she was good at hiding it. Her response only lead to you hacing more questions. Did every guy have to do this to get in Keaton's gang? Considering how many of you there were here, it seemed so. Was this really just a hazing part of the initiation after all. You found yourself questioning whether you had misinterpreted the note and had gone too far!<br/><br/>
<<if $mateType is "sissy">>
With no idea how long until the event would begin, you wanted to at least have a few words with $mate, and tapped their shoulder to get their attention. It was bizarre to be in their company dressed like this, but any shame you had seemed to be shared by both of you.<br/><br/>
$mate's outfit was more modest than yours, but still pretty hot. They wore a pink body-con dress, the kind a woman would wear to go clubbing. It was tight on $mate's slim body, making their figure look girly in a way you had never noticed before. $mate's hair had been growing out even before coming to Grenton, but it seemed it had been styled to look more feminine.<br/><br/>
<img src="images/scenes/cKeaEventMatePink.jpg" alt="the view of a sissy in a pink skirt" class="storyImage"><br/>
<span class="p1">You:</span> "Pretty crazy situation we're in, aren't we? Hey, how are you? I almost never see you around here."<br/><br/>
<span class="mate">$mate:</span> "$name... I'm... doing OK but... seeing you now... I'm... I'm so sorry we're in this mess!"<br/><br/>
<span class="p1">You:</span> "Hey, it's OK! It's all going to be alright... maybe it will be fun?"<br/><br/>
<span class="mate">$mate:</span> "Are you serious?"<br/><br/>
$mate seemed slightly alarmed by even the mere suggestion you may actually of wanted this to happen to you. You noticed him trying to subtley check out your outfit, not that there was a sly way to look at one as slutty as yours. He had obviously seen your little bulge in your panties, and quickly looked away before speaking again.<br/><br/>
<span class="mate">$mate</span> "I-I'm sorry I haven't visited you in here. I tried to keep a low profile after getting involved in Keaton's gang. I couldn't tell you in time..."<br/><br/>
<span class="p1">You:</span> "Ha... I guess we're both as bad as each other. First getting sent here, and well, now this! But if what Jessica says is true, this might be over soon."<br/><br/>
<span class="mate">$mate:</span> "I... I think so. You know, seeing you is making me feel better. L-let's get this over with, shall we?"<br/><br/>
You nodded in agreement, though you secretly hoped this was the beginning of something, not the end.<br/><br/>
<span class="jessica">Jessica: </span>"Um, $name... a moment please! This is just a suggestion, but I've got a little makeup here, why not try this?"<br/><br/>
She held out some lipstick towards you, while her other hand held a palette of different colored eye shadows. You couldn't resist the offer, applying what was a sultry shade of red to your lips as best you could without a mirror. Jessica could see your joy at being able to transform further, and delicately applied complimentary eye shadow and blush.<br/><br/>
<span class="jessica">Jessica: </span>"Gosh... such a pretty face! If only you could see yourself right now, I think you'd be a happy girl..."<br/><br/>
<span class="p1">You:</span> "That's... thank you Jessica."<br/><br/>
<span class="jessica">Jessica: </span>"They're going to love you..."<br/><br/>
You felt so happy hearing those words, and excited to see if they would be true. The world you grew up in meant you had to hide how you really felt. Who you wanted to be. Grenton seemed different.<br/><br/>
Parents, friends, co-workers; all of these well meaning people put pressure on you each day to be their idea of a man. They didn't know the full extent of your real identity, how could they? There was constant pressure to reject your femininity as the weakness others saw it as. To reject your sexual desires. To reject your true self.<br/><br/>
And you couldn't just blame them alone. You, yourself, had gone along with those pressures. Trying to be the man the world expected you to be, while at the same time, burying the compulsions you had to be something you had internalized as shameful.<br/><br/>
Could this place be somewhere you could uncover the real you? Were you really a sissy? Could you finally resolve the mix of emotions and feelings you've had for years and years? You just had to hope this experience would help you find out for certain.<br/><br/>
You could tell the men had gathered from the muffled noise of a crowd that had grown loud, outside the room. The girls began to fall silent, as the volume of the audience drew quiet, and Keaton's voice came through.<br/><br/>
<span class="keaton">Keaton: </span>"Alright, I think that's everyone! OK gentlemen, hope you enjoyed the buffet, but now I think you'll agree it's time for the main event!"<br/><br/>
<span class="jessica">Jessica: </span>"It's starting... just come out when your name is called, got it?"<br/><br/>
<span class="keaton">Keaton: </span>"There are plenty of new girls here tonight, but let's start with a familiar face, shall we? JESSICA!"<br/><br/>
Jessica got up quickly, leaving the room with a confident feminine stride. You could hear she was met with a roaring sound from the men. A passionate noise made up of all kinds of shouts. Jeering, laughing, wolf whistles. It was impossible not to feel intimidated right now. Your heart pumped hard in your chest, so much so as to make you feel light headed. You tried to keep as composed as possible in the circumstance.<br/><br/>
<span class="keaton">Keaton: </span>"Alright then, how about another! $name, come on out here!"<br/><br/>
This was seriously happening! Your body somehow overcame any rising panic, and stepped towards to doorway. You were going to actually do this!<br/><br/>
<span class="keaton">Keaton: </span>"Come on now $name, don't be shy!"<br/><br/>
You weren't going to keep them any longer. It was time to make your way into the room, where the men were ready and waiting for you.<br/><br/>
You trotted out on you heels nervously into the rec room, to be greeted by a crowd of men's eyes staring at you. It was such a surreal feeling to be dressed like this in front of them. Until this point, your enthusiasm to be a sissy had overpowered any shame you might of felt, but even you found this difficult. There was a rising feeling of humiliation within you. There was so much noise among the lively men, all you could do was focus on Keaton's command as he told you to stay put and give the guys the chance to get a good look at you.<br/><br/>
<span class="keaton">Keaton: </span>"Oh yeah, wow that's nice! This one's gone to quite an effort it seems! Turn around for us would you $name, don't worry, I think the boys will like what they see."<br/><br/>
You turned on the spot with a shy smile on your face. You looked so meek in front of all the men, and how could you not? Reality doesn't always make us feel the way we fantasized. There were all kinds of reactions from the men, some sounded appreciative while others seemed like heckles. You just stood there and did you best to take it.<br/><br/>
<<if $smoothBody is 1>>
<span class="keaton">Keaton: </span>"Such smooth skin too... she's a proper girl this one!"<br/><br/>
<<if $khanState6Gift is 1>>
It felt like everything around you was in slow motion. You peaked a glance at the faces of the men, all excited but for different reasons. While some seemed like they were laughing at your expense, there appeared to others admiring your body. You looked down to the sight of the red satin bra decorating your hairless chest, and the small bulge in the panties below. Thankfully none of you had spilled out of them. You weren't sure you could handle being even more exposed right now.<br/><br/>
<span class="keaton">Keaton: </span>"Amazing, isn't she? I hear you brought that little number yourself. Seems like you set out to please us, and I have to say you did a good job!"<br/><br/>
You couldn't bring yourself to speak, instead just brushed your wig behind your ear shyly, revealing the gratitude on your face from the compliment.<br/><br/>
It felt like everything around you was in slow motion. You peaked a glance at the faces of the men, all excited but for different reasons. Some looked like they were telling jokes at your expense, but a few looked like they were admiring your body. You looked down to the sight of the pink bra decorating your hairless chest, and the small bulge in the panties below. Thankfully none of you had spilled out of them. You weren't sure you could handle being even more exposed right now.<br/><br/>
<span class="keaton">Keaton: </span>"Hasn't she done a good job folks? I hear this one was very keen to do this today!"<br/><br/>
You couldn't bring yourself to speak, instead just brushed your wig behind your ear shyly, revealing the gratitude on your face from the compliment.<br/><br/>
<span class="anderson">Man: </span>"She wanted to?"<br/><br/>
<span class="keaton">Keaton: </span>"That's right! Is it really that hard to believe? You're a real genuine sissy, aren't you $name?"<br/><br/>
<span class="p1">You:</span> "...Yes."<br/><br/>
The crowd went quieter, becoming nothing more than mutterings and whispers.<br/><br/>
<span class="keaton">Keaton: </span>"...and you exist to serve us?"<br/><br/>
Judgmental eyes looked up and down your girly body, all waiting with anticipation for how you'd respond, but you didn't no what to say! Being a sissy was... complicated for you. Yes, you had volunteered to do it and yes you still wanted to do it but you weren't always going to be a sissy... were you?<br/><br/>
Both panic and horniness were rising in you. How could you possibly convey how complex your feelings are? You could feel your voice would be shaking the moment you tried to speak, you just had to get the words out there, any words! You couldn't do anything but boil it down to the most simple answer.<br/><br/>
<span class="p1">You:</span> "I... do."<br/><br/>
<span class="keaton">Keaton: </span>"It's Sir, to you."<br/><br/>
<span class="p1">You:</span> "I do, sir."<br/><br/>
Some of the men's expressions changed entirely. They could already tell you weren't like the other new inhabitants of Grenton. The outfit you had dressed up in, the admission to being a sissy, the obedience... they knew you were the real deal, even if you weren't entirely sure of that yourself.<br/><br/>
<span class="keaton">Keaton: </span>"Good girl! See, what did I tell you boys? This little event would weed out the real sissies! Jessica, would you mind going to the backroom and letting the other 'girls' off, there's been a change of plans so they can dress as normal now. We've hazed them enough, I think."<br/><br/>
<span class="jessica">Jessica: </span>"Of course."<br/><br/>
<<if $mateType is "sissy">>
<span class="keaton">Keaton: </span>"Oh! Wait! I forgot all about $mate! Send her through here first, then tell the others."<br/><br/>
Suddenly things made sense to you. The event was for exposing the actual sissies, and it had worked like a charm on you. Keaton looked very happy with himself to of found a new one.<br/><br/>
<span class="dean">Man: </span>"She looks nervous though, you sure she likes this?"<br/><br/>
<<if $playerTriedPanties is 'yes'>>
<span class="keaton">Keaton: </span>"$name, tell the men how we found you. Go on, it's OK."<br/><br/>
<span class="p1">You:</span> "Well... I was... crossdressing... I thought in private, but..."<br/><br/>
<span class="keaton">Keaton: </span>"She dressed up within days of being here! She couldn't resist! What ran through your head when you got the note?"<br/><br/>
<span class="p1">You:</span> "I... felt like... this was a chance... to..."<br/><br/>
<span class="anderson">Man: </span>"BE A BIG SLUT? A HA HA!!!"<br/><br/>
A boisterious jack-the-lad type yelled out jokingly, which was met with hysterical laughter from some of the guys. Keaton hushed them, while you flushed red.<br/><br/>
<span class="keaton">Keaton: </span>"Go on..."<br/><br/>
<span class="p1">You:</span> "I... I'm sorry I've never gone this far! I feel..."<br/><br/>
<span class="keaton">Keaton: </span>"Are you kidding? Look how she's dressed!"<br/><br/>
<span class="dean">Man: </span>"Fair point."<br/><br/>
<span class="keaton">Keaton: </span>"But not only that, it's not too hard to spot the signs of girls like this when you know what to look for."<br/><br/>
<span class="p1">You:</span> "I... I don't know what you saw in me... even I didn't think I'd ever go this far!"<br/><br/>
Keaton placed a large manly hand on your shoulder.<br/><br/>
<span class="keaton">Keaton: </span>"You're a good girl to get to this point. And don't worry... you're going to get to go much further."<br/><br/>
<img src="images/scenes/cKeaEventGoodGirl.jpg" alt="thoughts about being a good girl going through your head" class="storyImage">
<span class="khan">Man: </span>"She'll definitely be appreciated here!"<br/><br/>
<span class="p1">You:</span> "I've wanted to act on being a sissy for so... so fucking long..."<br/><br/>
A couple of men approached closer to you. You closed your eyes, their hands touching at your body.<br/><br/>
<span class="keaton">Keaton: </span>"No need to wait any longer. You're our new sissy bitch now, aren't you?"<br/><br/>
<span class="p1">You:</span> "I... y-..."<br/><br/>
<span class="keaton">Keaton: </span>"Say it..."<br/><br/>
<span class="p1">You:</span> "I am!"<br/><br/>
<span class="keaton">Keaton: </span>"You're what?"<br/><br/>
<span class="p1">You:</span> "I'm your sissy bitch!!! I'm you're sissy bitch and I just... I just want to serve you!"<br/><br/>
<<if $mateType is "sissy">>
You heard the sound of a quiet but familiar voice behind you.<br/><br/>
<span class="mate">$mate:</span> "Holy shit $name!"<br/><br/>
<span class="keaton">Keaton: </span>"Ah, everybody, I almost forgot that tonight was also about the reintroduction of $mate! I know you met her last month, but she's really put in so much more effort this time, she's an all new girl now!"<br/><br/>
<span class="p1">You:</span> "$mate... I... please don't look at me."<br/><br/>
<span class="khan">Man: </span>"Ha ha, so now you're embarrassed, huh?"<br/><br/>
<span class="keaton">Keaton: </span>"You girls will both get attention, don't worry!"<br/><br/>
More hands were on your body now, the fingers of strangers squeezing, stroking and pinching at your body, touching almost everywhere except the tucked in little bulge in your panties. You tried not to get excited, you had no idea what these men would think if you got hard, but you assumed they wouldn't like to see you get one. The underwear clinged tight on your ass and crotch, leaving little room for an erection even if you got one.<br/><br/>
<span class="keaton">Keaton: </span>"I can see $name is very keen, but forgive me if I'm mistaken... you're a sissy virgin aren't you?"<br/><br/>
<span class="p1">You:</span> "That's right, yes... listen, I'm not sure I can take all of-"<br/><br/>
<span class="keaton">Keaton: </span>"Stop assuming, greedy sissy! You think we just fuck the first thing that comes along? We all know what you want, but you're not ready to serve all of us, ha ha!"<br/><br/>
<span class="dean">Man: </span>"I dunno, I think she'd give it a good go!"<br/><br/>
<span class="keaton">Keaton: </span>"She might think she's can, but trust me, you can't push them too hard without a little training!"<br/><br/>
<span class="p1">You:</span> "I'm-"<br/><br/>
<span class="keaton">Keaton: </span>"Ssh! You need to learn your place. Do you want to be a good little sissy or not?"<br/><br/>
<span class="p1">You:</span> "I'm sorry, sir. Yes. Yes, I do."<br/><br/>
<span class="keaton">Keaton: </span>"Hmpf... good. Ok, which one of you boys wants to see if $name's a good dancer? In private, of course!"<br/><br/>
Some of the crowd dispersed at this point. It seemed they had only come to be entertained by the food, drink and hazing and were skipping any involvement directly with you. While they went to get drinks and relax on the sofas, there were still some men who stayed to consider Keaton's offer.<br/><br/>
<<if $khanState6Gift is 1>>
<span class="dean">Man: </span>"I fucking do! You know a girl who dresses like that will do anything to please."<br/><br/>
<span class="dean">Man: </span>"Eh, I'll pass. The way she's dressed doesn't really do it for me."<br/><br/>
<<if $smoothBody is 1>>
<span class="anderson">Man: </span>"Her body is so fucking smooth. How could I resist one this girly?"<br/><br/>
<span class="anderson">Man: </span>"She could of made more of an effort with the body hair I think... I'd rather spend time with Jessica to be honest."<br/><br/>
<span class="khan">Man: </span>"I'm in! You know me, I love to meet the new girls, ha ha!"<br/><br/>
<span class="keaton">Keaton: </span>"Alright, then! And I think I'll join too. I want to keep an eye on her. Come on $name, get yourself in that room over there!"<br/><br/>
He slapped your ass hard so hard it made you jump. The thin fabric of your underwear couldn't cushion the red, hot sting his palm imprinted on you. Already you were being treated like you were owned. Being treated like you had fantasized about while watching sissy porn. Now you would experience the reality of it. In real life, humiliating slaps on your ass hurt, both physically and emotionally. That pain you felt on your ass cheek was nothing compared to the damage done to your pride.<br/><br/>
<img src="images/scenes/cKeaEventOwnership.jpg" alt="sissy caption that you feel the need to be owned" class="storyImage">
Indulging in your deepest desires comes with a price, but it's a price you were seemed to be somewhat happy to pay... at least while you were horny that is. For all the fears you had about being sissy, right now you found it surprisingly easy to be compliant with the men's orders.<br/><br/>
[[Enter the private room|c2sis4]]
The room was pretty small, and obviously not designed for a dance of any kind to take place here, but you would have to make do with it. It was crazy to think that these guys had probably been staring at your ass on the walk over here. The men sat on a bench inside after securely closing the door behind them. Someone switched on the room's light, which had been replaced with a red bulb, instantly giving the atmosphere a seedy feel; one perfect for making you ready to be the men's trashy little slut.<br/><br/>
<span class="khan">Man: </span>"Look at her... just look at her! Can you believe this bitch before us right now?"<br/><br/>
<span class="keaton">Keaton: </span>"Ha ha, let's take this easy Al! Hell, this is the first time she's heard your name!"<br/><br/>
<span class="khan">Al: </span>"Who knows, she could be the kind that prefers a stranger! All you need to know girl is I've had a lifelong appreciation of girls like you."<br/><br/>
You nodded politely at him, unsure at what to say to that. In some way, the slow pace they were treating you with was a turn off! You thought being a sissy was just about sex, but these men wanted to take their time with you.<br/><br/>
<<if $khanState6Gift is 1>>
One of the men raised a bottle of drink to you and introduced himself.<br/><br/>
<span class="dean">Aiden: </span>"Aiden, and I'm not sure why I came here, heh... just a bit drunk maybe... and fucking horny too, ha ha!"<br/><br/>
<<if $smoothBody is 1>>
<span class="anderson">Evan: </span>"I'm Evan. Can we just start already?"<br/><br/>
<span class="keaton">Keaton: </span>"Alright then. So $name... let's see what you got."<br/><br/>
<span class="p1">You:</span> "You want me to... to get naked?"<br/><br/>
<<if $smoothBody is 1>>
<span class="anderson">Evan: </span>"Ugh!"<br/><br/>
<span class="khan">Al: </span>"Fuck no!"<br/><br/>
<span class="keaton">Keaton: </span>"He he, settle down boys. No, $name. We like girls, you understand? So we like the way you're dressed now. You shouldn't ever be naked around us."<br/><br/>
<span class="khan">Al: </span>"Without the clothes you're... I don't even want to think about it!"<br/><br/>
<span class="p1">You:</span> "I misunderstood you, sorry Sir. And I'm happy to hear that... I don't feel like a girl without being dressed."<br/><br/>
<span class="keaton">Keaton: </span>"Good. Because from now on you will always be wearing panties. Ah, but I'm getting ahead of myself!"<br/><br/>
This was your first sign that this event wasn't a one time gig. You had always suspected, and kind of hoped, that this was going to be an ongoing thing. Why else give up your dignity if you weren't going to go fully down the sissy rabbit hole? Keaton had basically confirmed this was only the beginning.<br/><br/>
<span class="keaton">Keaton: </span>"Your going to be a good girl, $name. Maybe even the best we've ever had in here, or perhaps sluttiest would be the most appropriate description, ha! I can see you're eager to be it for us too. But we've gotten to know 'girls' like you well now, and we know if we push you too far, too quickly... you'll crash. Hard."<br/><br/>
<span class="p1">You:</span> "Oh, um... OK."<br/><br/>
<span class="khan">Al: </span>"He's saying you need some rigorous training first, bitch."<br/><br/>
<span class="keaton">Keaton: </span>"That's right."<br/><br/>
They obviously had a slight idea of the complicated mix of feelings a sissy can have. The need to serve and be fucked by men, coupled with the constant self-doubt. The second guessing themselves about whether they were on the right path. The creeping feeling of it being wrong to submit. Should anyone really give up their dignity to become a fuck toy for men? But those doubts were for other sissies, not you. You knew your place and you were ready to accept it, how else would you of got this far?<br/><br/>
<span class="keaton">Keaton: </span>"You know what to do $name. Follow those instincts. Submit to us. Be the sissy you truly are."<br/><br/>
<span class="p1">You:</span> "Yes, sir."<br/><br/>
You stepped towards the men, with no real idea of what to actually do. You just let your instincts guide you, rotated clumsily on the spot, and went to go sit directly on Al. He grabbed your hips, and pulled you down hard on to him.<br/><br/>
<span class="khan">Al: </span>"Oh yeah, that's nice. Grind on it, bitch!"<br/><br/>
Yes, you were a bitch... you wanted this, you filthy sissy. You had volunteered to being another man's piece of ass. Most men would rather die than be you right now, but you were a natural for this.<br/><br/>
<img src="images/scenes/cKeaEventBeHisB.jpg" alt="sissy caption that urges you to let a man put his cock in your panties and be his bitch" class="storyImage">
<<if $smoothBody is 1>>
<span class="anderson">Evan: </span>"Come on girl, work!"<br/><br/>
You pushed your ass back into his crotch, the material of your panties pressed hard against your asshole. Keaton grabbed at your stocking clad legs, rubbing his hands over the smooth fabric. Your breath became heavier. You just hoped this meant you were doing a good job. That you were pleasing them.<br/><br/>
It was impossible to focus on your own pleasure, the only thing on your mind was being the best slut you could be for them.<br/><br/>
<<if $khanState6Gift is 1>>
<span class="dean">Aiden: </span>"She's wet! Holy shit, she's wet!"<br/><br/>
<span class="keaton">Keaton: </span>"A true as they can come sissy. They can't even hide the excitement."<br/><br/>
Keaton pointed at your panties, a dot of precum stained the outside. It was no surprise to you though. How could you not be excited? You were being manhandled by men just the way you had always wanted. As you went to brush the wetness away with your hand, Al grabbed your wrist to stop you.<br/><br/>
<span class="khan">Al: </span>"Don't touch yourself, sissy!"<br/><br/>
<span class="p1">You:</span> "I wasn't, I was-"<br/><br/>
He grabbed your other wrist too, pulled both your arms back so your ass was helplessly pulled back onto his groin, again and again.<br/><br/>
<span class="keaton">Keaton: </span>"This is your new reality, $name. It seems you're enjoying it, for now."<br/><br/>
<<if $khanState6Gift is 1>>
Aiden had been squeezing at your non-existent tits over you bra, but took a moment to pluck at the strap of your garter belt, snapping it hard on your skin.<br/><br/>
<span class="dean">Aiden: </span>"Oh wow... you really live to serve, you naughty fucking bitch!"<br/><br/>
<span class="p1">You:</span> "I- I..."<br/><br/>
<span class="keaton">Keaton: </span>"Is this everything you've dreamed about, slut?"<br/><br/>
<span class="p1">You:</span> "Y-yes! Yes this is what I've wanted, sir!"<br/><br/>
<span class="khan">Al: </span>"Fuck, Keaton! She's so fucking submissive!"<br/><br/>
There was a hard poke in your ass now. Al was rock solid, and every time he pulled you back on him you felt him prod directly at your asshole. You couldn't help it any longer. Your penis came untucked, growing to make a small tent in your tiny panties.<br/><br/>
<span class="p1">You:</span> "I'm sorry, I'm so sorry!"<br/><br/>
<span class="keaton">Keaton: </span>"You filthy little pervert! You're just lucky it's it still fits in there!"<br/><br/>
You were living both a dream and a nightmare. You were hard from just grinding on men! Shame mixed with pleasure, as your stiff cock proved to them just how much of a pussy you truly are.<br/><br/>
<<if $smoothBody is 1 and $khanState6Gift is 1>>
<span class="anderson">Evan: </span>"That's gross! Sorry Keaton, but I'm out of here. Nobody wants to see your cock, bitch!<br/><br/>
<span class="dean">Aiden: </span>"Um, yeah, that's not for me! I'm here for girls only, you know what I mean?"<br/><br/>
The two men left the room, looking flustered and annoyed. You felt disappointed that you weren't good enough for them.<br/><br/>
<<elseif $khanState6Gift is 1>>
<span class="dean">Aiden: </span>"Um, yeah, that's not for me! I'm here for girls only, you know what I mean?"<br/><br/>
Aiden left the room, looking flustered and annoyed. You felt disappointed that you weren't good enough for him.<br/><br/>
<<elseif $smoothBody is 1>>
<span class="anderson">Evan: </span>"That's gross! Sorry Keaton, but I'm out of here. Nobody wants to see your cock, bitch!"<br/><br/>
Evan left the room, looking flustered and annoyed. You felt disappointed that you weren't good enough for him.<br/><br/>
<span class="p1">You:</span> "Oh no... oh fuck! I didn't mean to..."<br/><br/>
<span class="keaton">Keaton: </span>"God you're pathetic! Just calm down, you won't have to worry about accidents like this soon!"<br/><br/>
You weren't sure what that meant for you, other than reassuring you it was fine for you to carry on even with the tent in your panties. Al released you from his grip, and you seized the opportunity to adjust your bulge.<br/><br/>
<span class="khan">Al: </span>"Ha, she's all worried about it! How cute... but this is the only one she needs to be concerned with..."<br/><br/>
You turned to face Al, only to see him staring you dead in the eye. He opened up the front of his jeans, revealing his huge cock that had been constrained underneath. You mouth was agape at the size of it, it must of been 8 inches; thick and hard. You couldn't avert your eyes from it, as though you were magnetically drawn to staring at it. The time for only playing the part of slut was over. Now was the time to really be one. Without even thinking, you sank onto your knees in front of him.<br/><br/>
<span class="khan">Al: </span>"Do you see this Keaton? I didn't even need to ask, aha ha!"<br/><br/>
<span class="keaton">Keaton: </span>"Al, what did I say? Only a lap dance!"<br/><br/>
<span class="khan">Al: </span>"She wants it, she fucking wants it now!"<br/><br/>
Al was right. Your mouth was drooling and as you completely failed to hold yourself back. You placed your hands on each of his muscular legs and drew your head closer to the cock. Al baited you towards it with a teasing wiggle of it.<br/><br/>
<span class="keaton">Keaton: </span>"$name, slow yourself down. You're being a very greedy girl!"<br/><br/>
No, Keaton was wrong. You wanted this and you wanted it now! You needed it! All those nights alone watching sissy porn, knowing full well that's what you wanted too! So many secret conversations with men on chat rooms, sending them your dirty pics, and touching yourself through your panties as they talked about degrading you. All of it had built to this point! You couldn't just not do this. You had to be a real sissy slut!<br/><br/>
<span class="khan">Al: </span>"Don't listen to Keaton. Come on, put your mouth on a real man's cock!"<br/><br/>
You closed your eyes. You had to overcome yourself and do this. A strong inner voice formed within you. A train of thought too compulsive to ignore...<br/><br/>
<span class="innerSissyText">Fucking do it! You don't have to hold back anymore! You. Are. A. Sissy. Accept it! Show them who you are!</span><br/><br/>
[[Do it! What are you waiting for sissy? Suck this man's cock.|c2sis5]]
<<if $playerTop.isEmpty()>>
<<run $playerTops.pickUp($playerTop.show())>><<dropall '$playerTop'>>
<<if $playerBottom.isEmpty()>>
<<run $playerBottoms.pickUp($playerBottom.show())>><<dropall '$playerBottom'>>
<<if $playerAnkle.isEmpty()>>
<<pickup '$playerAnkle' 'Black stockings'>>
<<run $playerAnkles.pickUp($playerAnkle.show())>>
<<dropall '$playerAnkle'>>
<<pickup '$playerAnkle' 'Black stockings'>>
<<if $playerFeet.isEmpty()>>
<<pickup '$playerFeet' 'Black patent leather heels'>>
<<run $playerFeets.pickUp($playerFeet.show())>>
<<dropall '$playerFeet'>>
<<pickup '$playerFeet' 'Black patent leather heels'>>
<<if $sexyUnderwearPicked is 1>>
<<if $playerBra.has('Red satin bra') and $playerUnderwear.has('Red satin panties')>>
You were already wearing your bra and panties underneath your clothes, and slipped off the male clothes covering them. <<if $playerHistory is 'cd'>>While you had dressed many times before, doing so in Grenton didn't provide you as much pleasure as it did in private. You had never felt so exposed in your life, and you weren't even in public yet!<<else>>This felt so fucking strange. The cool air on your exposed skin. The tight satin squeezing on your crotch. Maybe picking the sexy underwear wasn't the best choice, because even you were curious to see how girly you looked like right now. You came to your senses suddenly, shaking your head in disbelief at the thought.<</if>><br/><br/>
It was time to put on the women's clothes you had brought with you. You took the straps of the red satin bra, and fastened it around your chest. <<if $playerHistory is 'cd'>>This obviously wasn't your first time doing this, and you hooked it together with ease.<<else>>You hadn't wore one before and it took quite some time to put it on correctly and finally hook it together. It was a strange feeling wearing it.<</if>><br/><br/>
<img src="images/items/redSatinSet.jpg" alt="sexy red satin bra and red satin with mesh backed panties" class="storyImage">
<<if $playerBra.has('Red satin bra')>>
<<if $playerBra.isEmpty()>>
<<transfer '$playerBras' '$playerBra' 'Red satin bra'>>
<<run $playerBras.pickUp($playerBra.show())>>
<<dropall '$playerBra'>>
<<transfer '$playerBras' '$playerBra' 'Red satin bra'>>
<<if $playerUnderwear.has('Red satin panties')>>
<<if $playerUnderwear.isEmpty()>>
<<transfer '$playerUnderwears' '$playerUnderwear' 'Red satin panties'>>
<<run $playerUnderwears.pickUp($playerUnderwear.show())>>
<<dropall '$playerUnderwear'>>
<<transfer '$playerUnderwears' '$playerUnderwear' 'Red satin panties'>>
<<if $playerHistory is 'cd'>>It was impossible for you not to be excited by the feeling of wearing such a pretty bra. You looked down to see you wouldn't be able to fit in the panties right now. Even in a situation as dire as this, crossdressing still turned you on so hard. There wasn't even a mirror in here for you to look at yourself, but the sensation of the fabric on your skin, and imagining how girly you must look right now was more than enough. You took a deep breath to try to calm down, the intense mix of nervousness and horniness was making it impossible to focus on what you had to do. It took a while but you were able to become limp again, and slipped the red panties on quickly while you could still fit in them.<<else>>There was no mirror to take a look at yourself, but you were kind of curious to imagine how you must look right now. It's been a while since you've had female contact, and getting to imagine yourself so close to a girl right now (even if that girl was actually just you in drag) was the closest thing to that. It was a bizarre feeling. You focused on the task at hand, slipping on the red panties. They were so much tighter than men's underwear, yet felt kind of nice. You adjusted your limp cock to tuck it in the panties, not wanting to expose yourself more than you had to.<</if>><br/><br/>
You couldn't help but run your fingers over the red satin bra. It felt so nice; smooth and pleasantly cool to touch. It wasn't able to distract you for long though, as the door of the cupboard was suddenly knocked sharply.<br/><br/>
<<elseif $uglyUnderwearPicked is 1>>
<<if $playerBra.has('Ugly bra') and $playerUnderwear.has('Ugly panties')>>
With a feeling of sadness, your undressing revealed the girly, yet ugly, underwear underneath. The musty looking bra felt small and tight on your chest. It didn't give an illusion of you having tits but it certainly looked feminine, at least somewhat. The fabric itself was soft, but parts of it itched. You felt uncomfortable both mentally and physically right now. The matching panties didn't feel much better either, <<if $playerHistory is 'cd'>>but despite the discomforting material, the familiar feeling of panties still turned you on a little. Your hobby for crossdressing was still a turn on even in a situation like this! You waited patiently to become less excited, then tucked your limp cock in securely.<<else>>they were so much tighter than men's underwear! The feeling was so unusual for you. You fiddled with your limp cock to tuck it in the panties, not wanting to expose yourself more than you had to.<</if>>
<<if $playerBra.has('Ugly bra')>>
<<if $playerBra.isEmpty()>>
<<transfer '$playerBras' '$playerBra' 'Ugly bra'>>
<<run $playerBras.pickUp($playerBra.show())>>
<<dropall '$playerBra'>>
<<transfer '$playerBras' '$playerBra' 'Ugly bra'>>
<<if $playerUnderwear.has('Ugly panties')>>
<<if $playerUnderwear.isEmpty()>>
<<transfer '$playerUnderwears' '$playerUnderwear' 'Ugly panties'>>
<<run $playerUnderwears.pickUp($playerUnderwear.show())>>
<<dropall '$playerUnderwear'>>
<<transfer '$playerUnderwears' '$playerUnderwear' 'Ugly panties'>>
With a feeling of sadness, you knew it was time to put on the ugly underwear you brought with you. You pulled the musty looking bra top over your head, where it felt small and tight on your chest. It didn't give an illusion of you having tits but it must of certainly looked somewhat feminine at least. The fabric itself was soft, but parts of it itched. You felt uncomfortable both mentally and physically right now. Without delaying you put on the matching panties too. <<if $playerHistory is 'cd'>>Despite the discomforting material, the familiar feeling of panties still turned you on a little. Your hobby for crossdressing was still a turn on even in a situation like this! You waited patiently to become less excited, then tucked your limp cock in securely.<<else>>They were so much tighter than men's underwear, it was an unusual feeling for you. You fiddled with your limp cock to tuck it in the panties, not wanting to expose yourself more than you had to.
<img src="images/items/uglyUnderwearSet.jpg" alt="ugly bra and panties" class="storyImage">
<<if $playerBra.has('Ugly bra')>>
<<if $playerBra.isEmpty()>>
<<transfer '$playerBras' '$playerBra' 'Ugly bra'>>
<<run $playerBras.pickUp($playerBra.show())>>
<<dropall '$playerBra'>>
<<transfer '$playerBras' '$playerBra' 'Ugly bra'>>
<<if $playerUnderwear.has('Ugly panties')>>
<<if $playerUnderwear.isEmpty()>>
<<transfer '$playerUnderwears' '$playerUnderwear' 'Ugly panties'>>
<<run $playerUnderwears.pickUp($playerUnderwear.show())>>
<<dropall '$playerUnderwear'>>
<<transfer '$playerUnderwears' '$playerUnderwear' 'Ugly panties'>>
You scratched at yourself as the material irritated your skin. You suddenly felt very worried about the decision made. This outfit must look like your treating this like a joke. You just hoped the risk would pay off and be the complete turn off you intended it to be. The uncomfortable feeling didn't distract you for long, as the door of the cupboard was suddenly knocked sharply.<br/><br/>
There was a small paper bag nearby, feminine and fancy looking, like the kind lingerie stores use. It seemed Keaton's men were well prepared for anybody who would arrive with nothing. You took out the items inside, momentarily enjoying the feeling of the smooth material in your hands. In the cupboard's low light you could just about make out a red satin bra, with a matching pair of panties. This is what you'd be wearing for them. There was no backing out of this. With a feeling of surrender you put on the women's underwear.<br/><br/>
<img src="images/items/redSatinSet.jpg" alt="sexy red satin bra and red satin with mesh backed panties" class="storyImage">
<<if $playerBra.isEmpty()>>
<<pickup '$playerBra' 'Red satin bra'>>
<<run $playerBras.pickUp($playerBra.show())>>
<<dropall '$playerBra'>>
<<pickup '$playerBra' 'Red satin bra'>>
<<if $playerUnderwear.isEmpty()>>
<<pickup '$playerUnderwear' 'Red satin panties'>>
<<run $playerUnderwears.pickUp($playerUnderwear.show())>>
<<dropall '$playerUnderwear'>>
<<pickup '$playerUnderwear' 'Red satin panties'>>
You took the straps of the red satin bra, and fastened it around your chest. <<if $playerHistory is 'cd'>>This obviously wasn't your first time doing this, as you hooked it together with ease.<<else>>You hadn't wore one before and it took some time to put it on correctly and hook it together. It was an odd feeling.<</if>><br/><br/>
<<if $playerHistory is 'cd'>>It was impossible for you not to be excited by the feeling of wearing such a pretty bra. You looked down to see you wouldn't be able to fit in the panties right now. Even in a situation as dire as this, crossdressing still turned you on so hard. There wasn't even a mirror in here for you to look at yourself, but the sensation of the fabric on your skin, and imagining how girly you must look right now was more than enough. You took a deep breath to try to calm down, the intense mix of nervousness and horniness was making it impossible to focus on what you had to do. It took a while but you were able to become limp again, and slipped the red panties on quickly while you could still fit in them.<<else>>There was no mirror to take a look at yourself, but you were kind of curious to imagine how you must look right now. It's been a while since you've had female contact, and getting to imagine yourself so close to a girl right now (even if that girl was actually just you in drag) was the closest thing to that. It was a bizarre feeling. You focused on the task at hand, slipping on the red panties. They were so much tighter than men's underwear, yet felt kind of nice. You adjusted your limp cock to tuck it in the panties, not wanting to expose yourself more than you had to.<</if>><br/><br/>
You couldn't help but run your fingers over the red satin bra. It felt so nice; smooth and pleasantly cool to touch. It wasn't able to distract you for long though, as the door of the cupboard was suddenly knocked sharply.<br/><br/>
<span class="male">???: </span>"You must be ready by now girl, surely?"<br/><br/>
<span class="p1">You:</span> "Uh... oh... just a minute, please!"<br/><br/>
<span class="male">???: </span>"Well, hurry up!"<br/><br/>
The fear coursing through you was unbearable. It took everything you had just to keep standing up straight. Despite how you felt, you couldn't postpone any longer. You closed your eyes tight, ready as you'd ever be to bear the humiliation of whatever comes next.<br/><br/>
You opened the door and stepped blindly back into the corridor. The man from earlier was all too ready to judge you.<br/><br/>
<<if $sexyUnderwearPicked is 1>>
<span class="male">???: </span>"Woo... oh yes... lady in red! Very nice..."<br/><br/>
<<elseif $uglyUnderwearPicked is 1>>
<span class="male">???: </span>"Um... uh OK... that's uh... an interesting outfit!"<br/><br/>
<span class="male">???: </span>"Woo... oh yes... lady in red! Very nice..."<br/><br/>
You had never felt so exposed in your life. You still kept your eyes shut, and desperately tried to cover yourself with your hands, but so much of you was on display it was futile. The man seemed to be still inspecting you.<br/><br/>
<<if $smoothBody is 1>>
<span class="male">???: </span>"Fully smooth body! My my, you've put in some effort here. But something's missing... here, these stockings will go nicely on those pretty legs of yours, and the look wouldn't be complete without heels!"<br/><br/>
<span class="male">???: </span>"How disappointing you're not as smooth as a girl should be! Damn... if only we had more time. Hmm... well, you're not that hairy! Quickly, use this razor. You can just shave that little tuft of hair on your chest. And take these stockings, wear em nice and high, OK? That'll cover your legs just right. Of course, your look wouldn't be complete without heels, you know! Here, have these!"<br/><br/>
You took the items from him, briefly opening your eyes to see his face looking at you gleefully. You tried to pull no facial expression, not wanting to show any signs of how this treatment was getting to you, as you retreated back into the cupboard to change once more.<br/><br/>
<<if $smoothBody is 1>>
You put on the stockings, pulling them gently up on your smooth legs. The stockings were opaque enough to hide everything underneath, so it seemed the men might not notice the effort you went to of getting smooth. Still, the fine fabric on your bare skin felt pretty nice.<br/><br/>
You took off your bra and shaved the chest hair quickly. You didn't have the coarsest body hair so it didn't take long. After brushing away the stray hairs, you got changed again. You couldn't deny how much better the fabric felt on bare skin like this.<br/><br/>
Next to go on were the stockings, pulling them high up, just like you were told. It seemed to work in covering up your lack of smoothness. The stockings were opaque enough to hide everything underneath, though your body hair irritated your skin as it rubbed against the tight fabric.<br/><br/>
The heels you were given were patent black. Not the ideal choice to go with your outfit but did that matter? You shuffled your stocking-clad feet inside, finding them to be a perfect fit. Despite that though you weren't used to walking in them. Just turning around in the cupboard was hard while wearing them. You supported yourself on the walls, as you clumsily exited the room. Your nerves had faded somewhat at this point, leaving you able to concentrate on doing as you were told so this could end as soon as possible.<br/><br/>
<span class="male">???: </span>"There she is! Ready as she'll ever be right?"<br/><br/>
<span class="p1">You:</span> "Uh... I'm not sure I can... do this... please..."<br/><br/>
<span class="male">???: </span>"Relax, you're doing great! Don't worry so much, the way you're feeling is normal! Now then $name, you've got a show to prepare for..."<br/><br/>
He held at your arm to support you, but it wasn't in an intimate way, just the bare minimum to stop you falling in your new shoes while he guided you inside the rec room. You tried to step as carefully as you could, but right now you felt like a complete embarrassment! From a quick peek around, you noticed the Rec room was quite different than usual.<br/><br/>
<img src="images/scenes/cKeaEventTable.jpg" alt="A table with drinks bottles and glasses on it" class="storyImage">
Most notable was a table brimming with food containers and drinks. Oddly enough, it seemed to be mostly chocolates and cakes, along with bottles of vodka, whiskey and rum and cans of coke. Somehow sofas had been added, proper sofas, though you had no idea how they had got in here. The usual TV was replaced with a large, new looking flat screen. It wasn't just items though. A couple of men were there. Their eyes felt like they pierced into you as you went where you were told.<br/><br/>
<span class="male">???: </span>"Ok $name, you're doing good. The event will start soon, but if you head into that back room over there, you can find the other girls before things begin. Go ahead and meet them!"<br/><br/>
You couldn't even find words right now as your mind flooded with feelings of shame. Ironically, the least embarassing option was to obediently follow the man's instructions. It was the quickest way to get the leering men's eyes off of you and your slutty attire. You hobbled away as swiftly as you could in your heels, haunted by the men's laughs at your expense as you left.<br/><br/>
You tried to think of anything you could do to get away now, but you just couldn't focus. The shame had become far too much for you to endure. You tried to face away from everybody, flushing hot with embarrassment knowing that the other men were watching this man touch you like this. How you couldn't bring yourself to resist. How the fuck did you let yourself get in this situation? Why did you go along with this? What kind of man would let himself get to this point? Your mind wandered to $gf.<br/><br/>
<img src="images/scenes/cKeaEventGfJudge.jpg" alt="picture of your girlfriend looking judgmental" class="storyImage">
Just what would she think if she saw you like this? Your mind raced with thoughts, but nothing on how to get out of this situation. You simply couldn't think straight. You couldn't think of anything to change this... it was like your mind was clouded.<br/><br/>
<span class="keaton">Keaton: </span>"Oh wow, looks like someone's having fun!"<br/><br/>
<span class="anderson">Man: </span>"She loves it! Seems we got a natural here!"<br/><br/>
They were talking about you! But no, that wasn't true. You didn't enjoy this! Who the hell would enjoy being treated like this?<br/><br/>
<span class="keaton">Keaton: </span>"She's getting a bit excited though, Phil! Maybe you should take her to the private room? As horny as she is, she might comedown too hard when she's... less excited. Especially if she's surrounded by all these guys."<br/><br/>
<span class="anderson">Phil: </span>"Yes Boss! Ok girl, let's go shall we?"<br/><br/>
He used his hands to gently put you in a standing position. He was about to lead you to the room when Keaton interjected.<br/><br/>
<span class="keaton">Keaton: </span>"Oh and Phil... nothing more than a lap dance in there, understood? It's still early."<br/><br/>
<span class="anderson">Phil: </span>"Hmpf... yeah, alright. Come on, girl, I'll lead the way!"<br/><br/>
You didn't want to follow. You wanted to scream. To yell that this had gone too far! To stop this shit immediately! And yet, as you made the first step, you realized, you had gotten hard. You weren't fully erect, but you cock had swollen, expanding itself into the side of your panties. You rushed to hide it with your hands! How could this happen? You didn't enjoy this, so how?<br/><br/>
There was no time to think now, you could only react. Maybe if you could get to the private room quick enough hopefully no other men would see. Or maybe you were just kidding yourself.<br/><br/>
<span class="anderson">Phil: </span>"Oi! Whatcha waiting for, girl?"<br/><br/>
<div class="choice"><span class="statBonus">Uncontrollably Horny Decision</span><br/>[[Obediently follow Phil to the private room.|c2clos4][$charmStat += 1; $closEvent1 = "gotHorny"]]</div><br/>
<div class="choice"><span class="statBonus">Uncontrollably Horny Decision</span><br/>[[Grind on him to momentarily distract him, attempting to buy time for your bulge to go down.|c2clos4][$pervStat += 1; $closEvent1 = "gotHornier"]]</div><br/>
<<run $playerTops.pickUp($playerTop.show())>><<dropall '$playerTop'>>
<<run $playerBottoms.pickUp($playerBottom.show())>><<dropall '$playerBottom'>>
<<run $playerHeads.pickUp($playerHead.show())>><<dropall '$playerHead'>>
<<run $playerNecks.pickUp($playerNeck.show())>><<dropall '$playerNeck'>>
<<run $playerWrists.pickUp($playerWrist.show())>><<dropall '$playerWrist'>>
Nothing can prepare someone for the nerves someone has when their most secret, shameful fantasy is finally about to become reality. The mix of anticipation, anxiety and horniness was enough to make even the most confident person's body shake nervously. You were exposing one of your deepest desires, and to a group of strangers no less!<br/><br/>
You knew you were a sissy, but had always felt a need to hide it. How could you not? Today's society might have come a long way, but it still looks down on emasculated men, and especially on sluts. A sissy was both of those things combined!<br/><br/>
Coming out of hiding today would be a huge step for you, but it was also the opportunity you had always needed. The push to be who you really are. After a life time of pretending, you were tired.<br/><br/>
You took off your male items of clothing and carefully placed them in your bag. You could just barely hold the items in your nerve-wracked hands. Even though you wanted to do this, there was still a little part of you wanting to back out. To run away. Doubts were trying to cloud your mind. What if they didn't like how you looked? What if you were too frigid? What if I hate it? You had to fight through those feelings. You had to do this!<br/><br/>
<<if $khanState6Gift is 1>>
<img src="images/items/redSatinSet.jpg" alt="sexy red satin bra and red satin with mesh backed panties" class="storyImage">
<<if $playerBra.has('Red satin bra') and $playerUnderwear.has('Red satin panties')>>
<<if $playerBra.has('Red satin bra')>>
<<if $playerBra.isEmpty()>>
<<transfer '$playerBras' '$playerBra' 'Red satin bra'>>
<<run $playerBras.pickUp($playerBra.show())>>
<<dropall '$playerBra'>>
<<transfer '$playerBras' '$playerBra' 'Red satin bra'>>
<<if $playerUnderwear.has('Red satin panties')>>
<<if $playerUnderwear.isEmpty()>>
<<transfer '$playerUnderwears' '$playerUnderwear' 'Red satin panties'>>
<<run $playerUnderwears.pickUp($playerUnderwear.show())>>
<<dropall '$playerUnderwear'>>
<<transfer '$playerUnderwears' '$playerUnderwear' 'Red satin panties'>>
<<if $playerGarter.isEmpty()>>
<<pickup '$playerGarter' 'Red satin garter belt'>>
<<run $playerGarters.pickUp($playerGarter.show())>>
<<dropall '$playerGarter'>>
<<pickup '$playerGarter' 'Red satin garter belt'>>
Now only wearing your bra and panties, you adjusted your limp cock to tuck it in tightly. You knew Keaton wanted you to be as girly as possible, and you were going to do you best to do so. You took a deep breath, feeling the red satin fabric of your bra constraining your chest. It was hard to describe how it felt, pleasurable but imprisoning. A perfect symbol of how you were depriving yourself of your manhood.<br/><br/>
As the man earlier had said, there were more items in the cupboard with you. You looked in the bags nearby, finding more clothes you were all too happy to wear! A red garter belt and black fishnet stockings! You put them on while trying not to get too turned on in the process.<br/><br/>
<<if $playerBra.has('Red satin bra')>>
<<if $playerBra.isEmpty()>>
<<transfer '$playerBras' '$playerBra' 'Red satin bra'>>
<<run $playerBras.pickUp($playerBra.show())>>
<<dropall '$playerBra'>>
<<transfer '$playerBras' '$playerBra' 'Red satin bra'>>
<<if $playerUnderwear.has('Red satin panties')>>
<<if $playerUnderwear.isEmpty()>>
<<transfer '$playerUnderwears' '$playerUnderwear' 'Red satin panties'>>
<<run $playerUnderwears.pickUp($playerUnderwear.show())>>
<<dropall '$playerUnderwear'>>
<<transfer '$playerUnderwears' '$playerUnderwear' 'Red satin panties'>>
<<if $playerGarter.isEmpty()>>
<<pickup '$playerGarter' 'Red satin garter belt'>>
<<run $playerGarters.pickUp($playerGarter.show())>>
<<dropall '$playerGarter'>>
<<pickup '$playerGarter' 'Red satin garter belt'>>
With all your clothes off, it was time to finally put on your bra and panties! You put them on as quick as you could. Like the true sissy you were, you were more embarrassed at the idea anyone would come in and see you naked, rather than them seeing you dressed like a slut! Putting a on bra came naturally to you, and luckily your nervousness overrode the excitement from putting on the panties, making it easy for you to tuck your limp cock in. Keaton wanted you to be as girly looking as possible and you didn't want to disappoint.<br/><br/>
As the man earlier had said, there were more items in the cupboard with you. You looked in the bags nearby, finding extra clothes you were all too happy to wear! A red garter belt and black fishnet stockings! You put them on while trying not to get too turned on in the process.<br/><br/>
<img src="images/items/pinkBasicSet.jpg" alt="a pink bra and panties" class="storyImage">
<<if $playerBra.isEmpty()>>
<<pickup '$playerBra' 'Pink basic bra'>>
<<run $playerBras.pickUp($playerBra.show())>>
<<dropall '$playerBra'>>
<<pickup '$playerBra' 'Pink basic bra'>>
<<if $playerUnderwear.isEmpty()>>
<<pickup '$playerUnderwear' 'Pink basic panties'>>
<<run $playerUnderwears.pickUp($playerUnderwear.show())>>
<<dropall '$playerUnderwear'>>
<<pickup '$playerUnderwear' 'Pink basic panties'>>
<<if $playerGarter.isEmpty()>>
<<pickup '$playerGarter' 'Pink basic garter belt'>>
<<run $playerGarters.pickUp($playerGarter.show())>>
<<dropall '$playerGarter'>>
<<pickup '$playerGarter' 'Pink basic garter belt'>>
You looked around in the cupboard. Just as the man had said, there were items there ready for you. Though there seemed to be a variety of things, you could only find one pair of panties, and a matching bra. Both were pink, and somewhat basic, but the color made them seem very girly. With no other options, you put them on and tucked your limp cock inside them before you got too excited. Putting a on bra came naturally to you, and before you knew it you could feel it's tight wiring constraining your chest. You wished you could take a look at yourself now... or maybe you didn't. You were giving up your manhood to enact one of your longest fantasies, perhaps not seeing yourself would keep you focused.<br/><br/>
After a look in some of the other bags, you found some extra items you were all too happy to wear! A pink garter belt and black fishnet stockings! You put them on while trying not to get too turned on in the process.<br/><br/>
<<if $smoothBody is 1>>
<<if $playerAnkle.isEmpty()>>
<<pickup '$playerAnkle' 'Fishnet stockings'>>
<<run $playerAnkles.pickUp($playerAnkle.show())>>
<<dropall '$playerAnkle'>>
<<pickup '$playerAnkle' 'Fishnet stockings'>>
The fishnets felt amazing on your hairless skin, with the little gaps between the material being cool and smooth to touch. It wasn't just your legs either. The shaven skin made the sleek material of your lingerie feel even better, especially your ass. You couldn't resist reaching your fingers over the material and giving your girly butt a squeeze. Just imagine, maybe a real man would do that to you soon!<br/><br/>
<<if $playerAnkle.isEmpty()>>
<<pickup '$playerAnkle' 'Black stockings'>>
<<run $playerAnkles.pickUp($playerAnkle.show())>>
<<dropall '$playerAnkle'>>
<<pickup '$playerAnkle' 'Black stockings'>>
Unfortunately you didn't like the feeling of the fishnets on your hairy skin. The hairs poking out the little gaps in the material made it all too obvious that you weren't smooth, making you feel far less feminine. You took them off with sadness, but luckily found some opaque ones to wear instead. They covered up most of your leg hair, and gave your legs a sexy silhouette. A razor blade was in the storage too, which let you shave the hairs peaking out at the top of your legs, as well as the small tuft of hair growing on your chest. You looked so much better that you couldn't help but regret that you hadn't done the rest of your body too.<br/><br/>
You kept making little adjustments to your outfit, tugging your stockings and garter belt until they looked just right. You wanted, no, you needed to look the best you possibly could. Why commit to this otherwise? Suddenly a loud, startling knock went off against the cupboard door, and a muffled voice coming through from the other side.<br/><br/>
<span class="male">Steve: </span>"How are things going in there?"<br/><br/>
<span class="p1">You:</span> "A-almost ready!"<br/><br/>
<span class="male">Steve: </span>"Get a move on girl, the men are arriving soon! Have you got your wig on?"<br/><br/>
<span class="p1">You:</span> "Wig?"<br/><br/>
<span class="male">Steve: </span>"Come on now! Look on the top shelf!"<br/><br/>
<<if $playerFeet.isEmpty()>>
<<pickup '$playerFeet' 'Black patent leather heels'>>
<<run $playerFeets.pickUp($playerFeet.show())>>
<<dropall '$playerFeet'>>
<<pickup '$playerFeet' 'Black patent leather heels'>>
<<dropall '$playerHair'>>
<<pickup '$playerHair' 'blonde hair'>>
You reached on your toes to feel at the top shelf, finding a cardboard box. Inside was a blonde wig, perched on top of a pair of heels! You put on the wig, adjusting it so it's fringe fell just above your eyebrows. The heels seemed to be the perfect fit, and it was so easy to slip into them when wearing stockings. Despite that though, you weren't used to walking in them. Even the slightest movement in the cupboard while wearing them was hard to do. You supported yourself on the walls, and clumsily turned yourself around to face the door.<br/><br/>
This was it, you're look was complete, or at least as complete as it could be for now! You hadn't really had the chance to dress up as fully as this before, and felt the urge to touch yourself. You especially felt an urge to run your hands over the lingerie you were wearing, but you knew you had to resist that right now. You understood how sissies were expected to behave. These men didn't want you for your cock. You needed to keep it limp.<br/><br/>
<<if $gfType is 'mentor'>>
Ironically, it took a lot of courage to be a sissy. You had got this far, but now things were about to become real. You couldn't help but think about $gf again. Yes she was supportive enough, but the fact was, she couldn't see you as her man anymore. You had sacrificed the illusion of being one in her eyes... for this. Though it was probably for the best, it was still a little sad.<br/><br/>
As tough a choice it had been, it wasn't the wrong one. You had got yourself in this situation. That deep hunger inside of you that had been denied for so long needed to be satiated.<br/><br/>
<<elseif $gfType is 'open'>>
Ironically, it took a lot of courage to be a sissy. You had got this far, but now things were about to become real. You couldn't help but think about $gf again. She'd probably be pretty turned on right now, the thought of you dressed up and nervous like this, yet eager to serve men would easily get her going.<br/><br/>
You wished you could call her now and tell her your feelings. The nervous anticipation mixed with excitement. To tell her exactly what you're wearing, and how much you love the feeling of it. To let her ease your fears as you share your worries about serving these men. To hear her encourage you to be a sissy slut!<br/><br/>
For now, you had to push on only imagining how much she'd cheer you on to do this. That deep hunger inside of you that had been denied for so long was about to be satiated. To think, all these years $gf could of been helping you fulfil your most buried desires if you had just been more open!<br/><br/>
<<elseif $gfType is 'cuck'>>
Ironically, it took a lot of courage to be a sissy. You had got this far, but now things were about to become real. You couldn't help but think about $gf again. If she even had a hint you would ever do something like this she'd be disgusted. No amount of explaining would make her understand this side of you. You felt shame that you hadn't been able to tell her yet, but that shame was overridden by both your fear and excitement for what was about to happen.<br/><br/>
That deep hunger inside of you that had been denied for so long was about to be satiated. If this fantasy actually felt as amazing in reality as you hoped it would be, you would have to stop maintaining this dishonest illusion and come clean to $gf about who you really are.<br/><br/>
<<elseif $gfType is 'unknown'>>
Ironically, it took a lot of courage to be a sissy. You had got this far, but now things were about to become real. You couldn't help but think about $gf again. What the hell would she think if she saw you like this? If she knew what you were about to do? Maybe you hadn't called her because you couldn't bring yourself to tell her about this side of you. Perhaps it was for the better to not contact her. You had a beautiful girlfriend, but were more concerned with being a beautiful sissy.<br/><br/>
You cared more about your desires than her it seemed, after all, you had only got yourself in this situation. All so that the deep hunger inside of you, one that had been denied for so long, could be satiated.<br/><br/>
Something wrong, gfType (2nd).
It was time to go. You had slowly built yourself up to this event for the last couple of weeks, but really this next step in your journey had been years in the making. You were always destined to be a sissy, you told yourself. With this opportunity, it was the perfect time to be who you really are. You held the door handle for a bit knowing this was it. After taking one final deep breath you opened it suddenly, like you were pulling off a band-aid. There was no going back now. It was time to accept whatever fate had in store for.<br/><br/>
<span class="male">Steve: </span>"Fuck! Very nice... very nice, indeed!"<br/><br/>
<span class="p1">You:</span> "Uh... do I... do I look good?"<br/><br/>
Your hand clutched to your arm meekly; a shy posture that made your vulnerability obvious. Although you wanted to do this, you couldn't help but be sheepish. When a long held wish is about to become true, sometimes the prospect of it being finally fulfilled can be daunting.<br/><br/>
<span class="male">Steve: </span>"You know you look good! Damn, your body is perfect for this... and you've done this before?"<br/><br/>
<span class="p1">You:</span> "I've dressed before but... i-it was always in private. And I've never had heels and a wig, this is a first for me."<br/><br/>
<span class="male">Steve: </span>"Then you're a natural! Come along with me."<br/><br/>
He could see you struggling to walk in the heels and held at your shoulder to support you. It wasn't in an intimate way, just the bare minimum to stop you falling in your new shoes. You tried to step as carefully as could into the Rec room with him, but right now you felt like a complete embarrassment. Looking around you, it was surprising to see just how different the area was than usual.<br/><br/>
<img src="images/scenes/cKeaEventTable.jpg" alt="A table with drinks bottles and glasses on it" class="storyImage">
A table had been set up brimming with food containers and drinks. Oddly enough, it seemed to be mostly chocolates and cakes, along with bottles of vodka, whiskey and rum and litre bottles of coke. Looking around there were sofas, though you had no idea how they had got them in here. The usual TV was replaced with a large, new looking flat screen. It wasn't just items though, a couple of men were here too. You didn't want to make eye contact with them but it felt like their stares pierced into you as you were guided by the door man.<br/><br/>
<span class="male">Steve: </span>"Ok $name, you're doing good. The event will start soon, but if you head back into that room over there, you can find the other girls. Go ahead and meet them!"<br/><br/>
You were beginning to panic a little, which made it hard to utter even a single word. All you could do was nod, then hobble away in your heels to the back room, as obediently as you could.<br/><br/>
You opened your mouth slowly, any mixed feelings you had about going this far were completely overridden by your determination to wrap your lips on your first cock. You were ready, you were really going to do this... or so you thought.<br/><br/>
Right at the moment you went to suck Al's cock, you felt something on your bulge. Keaton's palm placed itself hard on the outside of your panties! You felt a strong pressure placed down on them, followed by a quick up and down motion. The sensation felt similar to a time you rubbed up against a mattress while dressed up and horny one time. It barely took a few seconds before you suddenly came! A small burst of cum jettisoned through the pantie material pathetically.<br/><br/>
It was the worst orgasm you had ever had... too shocking to be pleasurable, and the comedown to real life was almost too intense to bear.<br/><br/>
<span class="p1">You:</span> "Ugh... ah!!!"<br/><br/>
You could feel yourself crashing from your urges, as your thoughts turned sharply to that of disgust. Still strong and direct as before, but with a completely different perception, one of pure shame.<br/><br/>
<span class="innerShameText">What have you done! What the FUCK have you done! Why would you do this to yourself!?</span><br/><br/>
You opened your eyes, unable to understand how this had happened. How you suddenly felt so wrong. Keaton was pulling up his hand back to himself, with a cold expression on his face. Your jizz dribbled down the front of your bulge before dripping onto the floor.<br/><br/>
<img src="images/scenes/cKeaEventWhatsTheMatter.jpg" alt="sissy caption asking you if you cant handle your sissy desires" class="storyImage">
<span class="keaton">Keaton: </span>"Oh... is there a problem here, $name?"<br/><br/>
<span class="khan">Al: </span>"Keaton!!! Why the fuck did you do that?"<br/><br/>
You couldn't hold back tears welling up in your eyes. They streaming down your cheeks, just like the cum that had just poured down the front of your pantie-covered bulge. This all too familiar and awful feeling of shame was only growing stronger. It was the horrible overwhelming emotion that came to you every single time after you had finished 'dressing up'. Humiliation. Regret. Self-loathing.<br/><br/>
<span class="innerShameText">They all saw you like this! There's no going back now, they'll always see you as a sissy! But you're not! YOU'RE NOT!</span><br/><br/>
With it came the reversion back to the 'default' you. You're not really a sissy, you're $name! You're $name and you're straight... you're a man for fucks sake! It's time to stop this. That was the last time, you'll never do this again!<br/><br/>
<span class="innerShameText">Get this shit off. Get this fucking shit off NOW!</span><br/><br/>
You needed to peel these sticky clothes off of your body! To throw away this dumb looking wig. To clean your face of all the ridiculous fucking makeup!<br/><br/>
<span class="innerShameText">Why do you do this? Why do you keep debasing yourself like this. What is WRONG with you?</span><br/><br/>
The inner monologue was brutal, but unlike times before, here there were witnesses to your personal embarrassment. Al's erect cock still stood proudly a mere inch away from your face, and right now it was the most hideous thing you had seen in your life.<br/><br/>
<span class="innerShameText">No! Get it away!!!</span><br/><br/>
<span class="keaton">Keaton: </span>"What's the matter $name, you were about to suck Al's cock, weren't you?"<br/><br/>
Al didn't say anything, just used his fingers to wobble it in front of you, with an arrogant smile on his face. You could feel your panties were soaked with a cold, unpleasant dampness. Not all of it had shot through, some had leaked inside. You could feel it squish against your flaccid cock; squelching within the tight space of the panties. You fell into a heap of unbearable shame, and stared down at the floor.<br/><br/>
<span class="p1">You:</span> "Oh no... no..."<br/><br/>
<span class="keaton">Keaton: </span>"Yeah, I don't think she wants to anymore, Al."<br/><br/>
<span class="khan">Al: </span>"What! Why?"<br/><br/>
Why did you do this to yourself? How could you let this happen? You didn't dare move. What were you supposed to do, just go back out there... like this!? You're not really a sissy slut after all, are you? Just a depraved little porn addict! No... this doesn't need to be as bad as it seems. It's... fine. Yeah, it's OK. This can be a... pivotal moment. It can be your rock bottom.<br/><br/>
<span class="innerShameText">You'll pick yourself up from here. You'll get rid of all this sissy stuff immediately! You'll work out! You'll be a real man again!</span><br/><br/>
Your thoughts raced as you tried desperately to spin the situation in a positive light, but they were crudely interrupted by a pair of fingers clicking in front of your face.<br/><br/>
<span class="keaton">Keaton: </span>"Hey, hello! Anyone there?"<br/><br/>
<span class="p1">You:</span> "K-Keaton... I... I don't want this."<br/><br/>
<span class="keaton">Keaton: </span>"It's sir, remember?"<br/><br/>
<span class="p1">You:</span> "N-no, no I'm-"<br/><br/>
<span class="keaton">Keaton: </span>"It's sir! Now listen up sissy because this part is important."<br/><br/>
You said nothing, but raised your head slowly to look at Keaton. You were a miserable, defeated loser looking up to a confident, superior, and everyone knew it.<br/><br/>
<span class="keaton">Keaton: </span>"You're experiencing post-nut clarity right now, $name. I'm sure you've felt this many times before. The hurt. The confusion. In this moment, you don't feel like a sissy anymore, do you?"<br/><br/>
<span class="p1">You:</span> "Yes, that's right... s-sir."<br/><br/>
<span class="khan">Al: </span>"But. You. Are."<br/><br/>
<span class="keaton">Keaton: </span>"Yes, you are."<br/><br/>
<span class="p1">You:</span> "Please-"<br/><br/>
<span class="keaton">Keaton: </span>"$name, come on now! I'm not trying to cause you pain! You. Are. A. Sissy. This isn't news to you! When you got that note from me, you were excited, weren't you?"<br/><br/>
You were. You had picked this path. Like so many times before, you had chosen the path of the sissy. And now like so many times before you regretted it. This was a cycle with no end. Some kind of personal hell. You knew it was only amount of time until you wanted this again...<br/><br/>
<span class="innerSissyText">Yes...</span><br/><br/>
<span class="keaton">Keaton: </span>"$name, I'm going to be real with you. You are going to be our bitch for the rest of your time in here. You are going to suck real men's cocks and get fucked in your girly tight ass, and you're going to thank us for it! And it may not seem like it now, but we won't even need to convince you to do it. You're going to want to do it!"<br/><br/>
<span class="innerSissyText">Yes!</span><br/><br/>
<span class="innerShameText">N-no! Don't-</span><br/><br/>
You felt your limp cock swell a little at his words. It wasn't much, but it was a sign.<br/><br/>
<span class="innerSissyText">Even with the shame, you know what you truly want...</span><br/><br/>
<span class="innerShameText">That's not true! It's not!</span><br/><br/>
<span class="innerSissyText">Stop lying to yourself... you want be feminine... to be desired...</span><br/><br/>
Even in this moment, part of you was turned on at the tempting urges within you! You couldn't take this mix of emotions! It was almost like you were screaming inside your head as you questioned your own identity. Am I a sissy or not? Why is it so hard? Why does it have to be like this!?<br/><br/>
Al stood up and zipped himself up, his horniness had worn off and he wasn't happy about it.<br/><br/>
<span class="khan">Al: </span>"Get it together, you fucking cock tease!"<br/><br/>
He left the room in a huff, leaving the door wide open. Some men leered at you from outside before Keaton closed it. His voice became more commanding.<br/><br/>
<span class="keaton">Keaton: </span>"Here... hold out your hand. I think we both know you've watched enough porn to recognize what this is."<br/><br/>
<img src="images/items/pinkChastity.jpg" alt="A pink chastity device" class="storyImage">
He placed a pink plastic moulding and a small padlock in your hands. Keaton was right; despite never owning one yourself, you were well aware what a chastity device was.<br/><br/>
<span class="keaton">Keaton: </span>"You've still got plenty of time left in here. Pick yourself up, clean up your mess and then put this on. I promise you, it will help you enjoy the rest of your stay."<br/><br/>
You didn't want to say anything. You couldn't tell Keaton what you would do next. But thinking rationally, you knew he was right. You couldn't deny you hadn't wanted to go down this path, in fact you had been eager to do it from the moment you got Keaton's note.<br/><br/>
You had already sacrificed your dignity here, it was unrecoverable at this point. There was no way back from that humiliation, at least in the other men's eyes.<br/><br/>
<span class="innerSissyText">No going back... Don't you get it? You can't stop this!</span><br/><br/>
Most of all though, you couldn't deny that you really were turned on being a sissy, right up until the moment you came. Could chastity really help? What choice did you have other than to try? Such thoughts seemed to make the voice of shame fade away. You nodded positively to Keaton.<br/><br/>
<span class="keaton">Keaton: </span>"There you go... good girl. I'm going to set you up with a new room... we can't have the girls and guys alone together in here, that would be insane! JESSICA! Could you take $name to her her new room, please? Remember what I said $name, OK?"<br/><br/>
He slapped you hard on the ass again like he had earlier, but there was no pleasure mixed in the pain this time. Some of the cum in your panties escaped, dribbling down the side of your groin and leg.<br/><br/>
<span class="jessica">Jessica: </span>"Oh... you don't look so good, sweetie! Let's get you back to somewhere more comfortable!"<br/><br/>
You silently got up to go with her. She reached out to hold your hand, which you took. It was a small act of affection, but the reassuring feeling you got from having her warm palm in yours was exactly what you needed right now.<br/><br/>
As you looked to the floor to advoid anyone else's gaze, Jessica led you away. Both of you walked the now quiet halls of Grenton. It was difficult to hide the expression of displeasure on your face as your panties bunched uncomfortably tight up your ass, along with the friction of the wet material against your limp dick. Jessica picked gently at a bra strap that had fell from your bare shoulder, placing it back with care before smiling at you.<br/><br/>
<span class="jessica">Jessica: </span>"Hey, no need to look like that, hun! I promise you, no matter how you're feeling now... things are going to get better!"<br/><br/>
<img src="images/locations/showers2.jpg" alt="private shower" class="storyImage"><br/>
You took advantage of the privacy here. Without the aid of pornography you'd have to use your imagination... a difficult task for those used to having internet access.<br/><br/>
In such a circumstance, masturbation almost becomes medical, like you're ejecting a toxin from yourself. Your mind tried to conjure sexy thoughts, but they're too mingled with the stresses of being in here. You just about manage to get hard and cum as soon as you can.<br/><br/>
<<if $libido is 'Excruciating'>>
<<set $ap to 2>>
You finally felt relieved of the distraction your horniness was causing you, and felt completely re-energized! Not only that, the shower left you with the satisfying feeling of being clean. You were ready to leave and get on with your day.<br/><br/>
It's certainly wasn't one of your finest orgasms, but you at least felt relieved. And doing it in the shower left you feeling clean! You're ready to leave and get back to it.<br/><br/>
<<set $libido to 'Normal'>>
<<set $libidoLevel to 0>>
[[Back to Main Block|Mess Room]]
<<if $playerSexDream is 'timeWithGf'>>
Small, feminine hands plucked your shirt buttons undone. The sweet flowery scent of her perfume invited you to come closer, and you couldn't resist kissing at $gf's neck as she undressed you further. You grabbed at her wrists to stop her for a moment, admiring the innocently girlish pale pink color she had painted her nails. As her hands hung helplessly in yours, you could see in her eyes she wanted to be treated as anything but innocent. With a sudden, deliberate movement, you hiked up her skirt.<br/><br/>
She exhaled a short, loud breath as you placed a hand firmly under the garment and onto her underwear. The material slipped gently under your fingers as you touched her, the satin fabric would of been cool, if not for the heat coming from $gf's body underneath. She looked deep into you with wide open eyes...<br/><br/>
<span class="gf">$gf: </span>"Yes... like that..."<br/><br/>
<span class="p1">You:</span> "Show me what you're wearing..."<br/><br/>
The hand feeling her up didn't leave it's place. She shuffled to take her top off, squirming with pleasure as you applied pressure on her at just the right moment. All she was left wearing was her bra, panties, and a mess of a skirt.<br/><br/>
<span class="gf">$gf: </span>"Fuck me... fuck me now, $name..."<br/><br/>
<span class="p1">You:</span> "Ah, ah... if you want to request something, you need to ask nicely..."<br/><br/>
<span class="gf">$gf: </span>"Please! Just fuck me!"<br/><br/>
You moved your hands to her ass to lift her. She jumped up to wrap her legs around your body, before you dropped her onto your bed. She twisted the skirt, trying to take it off.<br/><br/>
<span class="p1">You:</span> "No... leave it on. I want you now..."<br/><br/>
<img src="images/scenes/cxdreamTimeWithGf.jpg" alt="your girlfriend looking sexy as she lies on her back on bed" class="storyImage"><br/>
A naughty smile appeared on her face. She leaned onto her back, her legs up in the air, ready to be placed over your shoulders. You pulled her a little closer to you, right next to your hard cock. She closed her eyes in anticipation, completely ready for you to enter her.<br/><br/>
You wanted to touch yourself, as the fantasy played in your mind. It was so easy to clearly imagine something when it had been based on a real memory like this, but you knew if you went further you'd be unable to resist at least rubbing yourself, and risking making Michael uncomfortable was the last thing you needed right now.<br/><br/>
Still, using all that mental energy had actually helped tire you. You felt your eyelids grow heavy, and fell asleep.<br/><br/>
<<elseif $playerSexDream is 'hotWomen'>>
Rather than focusing on some memory, what you really wanted was to get as close as you could to actually seeing a hot woman. You tried to imagine on in your mind's eye. It was harder to do than you expected. You scrunched your eyes in attempt to summon an image... anything...<br/><br/>
<div class="choice">[["Imagine a pornstar looking slutty"|Xdream][$playerSexDream = 'hotWomen2'; $playerImaginedHotWoman = 'pornstar']]</div><br/>
<div class="choice">[["Imagine " + $gf|Xdream][$playerSexDream = 'hotWomen2'; $playerImaginedHotWoman = 'gf']]</div><br/>
<<elseif $playerSexDream is 'hotWomen2'>>
<<if $playerImaginedHotWoman is 'gf'>>
Truly seeing an image was hard, but eventually you got something by focusing on $gf. A glimpse based mostly from a sexy memory of how she looked.<br/><br/>
<img src="images/scenes/cxdreamImagineGf.jpg" alt="your girlfriend looking sexy" class="storyImage">
She had such a fine ass, especially with a pair of mesh panties hugging tightly against it. She almost always wore the hottest things.<br/><br/>
You wanted to touch yourself, as the vision of her teased you in your mind. You held back, knowing full well if you went further you'd be unable to resist at least rubbing yourself. Risking making Michael uncomfortable was the last thing you needed right now.<br/><br/>
Still, using all that mental energy had actually helped tire you. You felt your eyelids grow heavy, and fell asleep.<br/><br/>
<<elseif $playerImaginedHotWoman is 'pornstar'>>
Imagining pornstars came to you easier than anything else, perhaps because you had always enjoyed porn. You could see those hot girls so clearly you could almost reach out to touch them.<br/><br/>
<img src="images/scenes/cxdreamImaginePGirl1.jpg" alt="hot sexy woman" class="storyImage">
Years of watching porn and you still weren't tired of it. It was such a pain that you couldn't watch it in here whenever you wanted.<br/><br/>
<img src="images/scenes/cxdreamImaginePGirl2.jpg" alt="another hot sexy woman" class="storyImage">
All those outfits... all those different women... anything you felt in the mood for, porn provided. How could anyone not love it?<br/><br/>
<img src="images/scenes/cxdreamImaginePGirl3.jpg" alt="yet another hot sexy woman" class="storyImage">
You wanted to touch yourself, as the vision of such hot girls teased you in your mind. You held back, knowing full well if you went further you'd be unable to resist at least rubbing yourself. Risking making Michael uncomfortable was the last thing you needed right now.<br/><br/>
Still, using all that mental energy had actually helped tire you. You felt your eyelids grow heavy, and fell asleep.<br/><br/>
Something wrong. playerImaginedHotWoman.
<<elseif $playerSexDream is 'loseVirginityFantasy'>>
Your mind took you to a familiar place. A fantasy you've visited in your thoughts so many times. As if being a sissy wasn't enough, you had another secret. You were a virgin.<br/><br/>
Despite living with $gf, the two of you had never been intimate. If anyone asked about your relationship, in public you'd tell them a half-truth about why you weren't having sex. $gf had been through a lot in her previous relationships, and you wanted to give her space. If you were really honest though, the real reason was that deep down you knew that you're a sissy, and you had never had sex with any woman, let alone $gf. Even the idea of sex with her scared you.<br/><br/>
It didn't matter to her. You were the exact type of person she needed as she recovered her self-esteem again, and it's not as if you didn't enjoy each others company outside of sex. Perhaps part of yourself deluded you into thinking you might both be able to take your relationship to that level someday... but your urges said otherwise.<br/><br/>
When watching porn, you didn't want to fuck the girl, you wanted to be her. You wanted to wear the slutty clothes she did, feel the stockings stretch on your knees as you kneeled to serve cock. These fantasies distressed you at first, made you feel there was something wrong with you, but they came back, over and over again. Each time you watched porn, or just imagined some sexy scenario, your mind put you in the girl's place. That fantasy was only heightened more when you dressed as a woman.<br/><br/>
<img src="images/scenes/cxdreamVirginFantasy.jpg" alt="a woman you want to be being fucked" class="storyImage">
As thrilled as you were wearing a full set of lingerie on, your wig, heels and makeup, you could feel it wasn't enough. It was something you simply couldn't deny. You had to serve cock. You needed to. For years, you had held back the urge as best you could. The plan was to lose your virginity to a girl first, and then maybe, just maybe, you'd explore these sissy urges. By promising yourself to do this, it oddly relieved you of the shame of being a sissy, and yet losing your virginity still hasn't happened, has it? It would be fine if the desire to be a sissy wasn't growing stronger, more difficult to ignore, within you.<br/><br/>
Was it so wrong? To give in, and finally be fucked exactly how you want? To be pinned down by a man, to be on all fours like the pornstars you want to be... and want to be used like. To grip your hands into the bed as you hold on for dear life, pumped hard and mercilessly by a man, over and over.<br/><br/>
You became aroused just thinking about this, your filthiest fantasy, coming true. You resisted touching yourself, knowing if you went any further you'd be unable to resist at least rubbing yourself. Risking making Michael uncomfortable was the last thing you needed right now.<br/><br/>
Still, using all that mental energy had actually helped tire you. You felt your eyelids grow heavy, and fell asleep.<br/><br/>
<<elseif $playerSexDream is 'pictureYourselfAsAWoman'>>
Your mind took you to a familiar place. How many times had you imagined getting to be the woman? Hundreds of times, at least.<br/><br/>
It came into your mind so often when watching porn. You didn't want to fuck the girl, you wanted to be her. You wanted to wear the slutty clothes she did, feel the stockings stretch on your knees as you kneeled to serve cock. These fantasies distressed you at first, made you feel there was something wrong with you, but they came back, over and over again. Each time you watched porn, or just imagined some sexy scenario, your mind put you in the girl's place. That fantasy was heightened when you dressed as a woman.<br/><br/>
<img src="images/scenes/cxdreamVirginFantasy.jpg" alt="a woman you want to be being fucked" class="storyImage">
As thrilled as you were wearing a full set of lingerie on, your wig, heels and makeup, you could feel it wasn't enough. It was something you simply couldn't deny. You had to serve cock. You needed to. For years, you had held back the urge as best you could. But why? Why was it so important to hold it back?<br/><br/>
<<if $playerVirgin is 'unknown' or $playerVirgin is 'yes'>>
<div class="choice">[["Because I'm a virgin... but I want to lose mine to a woman first."|Xdream][$playerSexDream = 'pictureYourselfAsAWoman2'; $playerResistSissyUrgeReason = 'virgin'; $playerVirgin = 'yes']]</div><br/>
<div class="choice">[["Because it's gay. I don't find men attractive, despite my urges."|Xdream][$playerSexDream = 'pictureYourselfAsAWoman2'; $playerResistSissyUrgeReason = 'itsGay']]</div><br/>
<div class="choice">[["Because of social pressure. It was easier to deny it than admit I'm a sissy and find men attractive."|Xdream][$playerSexDream = 'pictureYourselfAsAWoman2'; $playerResistSissyUrgeReason = 'socialPressure']]</div><br/>
<<elseif $playerSexDream is 'pictureYourselfAsAWoman2'>>
<<if $playerResistSissyUrgeReason is 'virgin'>>
As if being a sissy wasn't enough, you had another secret. You were a virgin.<br/><br/>
Despite living with $gf, the two of you had never been intimate. If anyone asked about your relationship, in public you'd tell them a half-truth about why you weren't having sex. $gf had been through a lot in her previous relationships, and you wanted to give her space. The reality though was that you knew deep down that you're a sissy. You had never had sex with any woman ever, let alone $gf.<br/><br/>
It didn't matter to her. You were the exact type of person she needed as she recovered her self-esteem again, and it's not as if you didn't enjoy each others company outside of sex. Perhaps part of you deluded yourself into thinking you might both be able to take your relationship to that level someday... but your fantasies said otherwise.<br/><br/>
Virginity... for some, it can be such a big deal. Do you think that played a role in you enthusiastically choosing to be a sissy?<br/><br/>
<div class="choice">[["I wanted to have sex with women... it just never happened."|Xdream][$playerSexDream = 'virgin2'; $playerVirgin = 'yes'; $playerOrientation = 'straightButSissy']]</div><br/>
<div class="choice">[["Maybe it never happened... because I'm attracted to men..."|Xdream][$playerSexDream = 'virgin2'; $playerVirgin = 'yes'; $playerOrientation = 'gay']]</div><br/>
<<elseif $playerResistSissyUrgeReason is 'itsGay'>>
It had been confusing enough understanding you were a sissy, especially because the urge it came with was so complicated. You had never wanted to date a man, you didn't even find them attractive, yet the need to serve cock was still there. The conflict between these two things felt impossible to reconcile within you. You did your best to ignore it, but there was only so long before the desire came back again.<br/><br/>
That's why you dated $gf. Despite your sissy desires, it was women you were attracted to romantically. When you weren't horny, it was only women you wanted to be with that way. It was honestly so frustrating for you that your romantic and sexual desires weren't aligned. Part of you wished you were gay, so you could finally feel your inner needs at peace.<br/><br/>
As a sissy, you couldn't deny you wanted to suck cock. To be fucked by one. So how could you not be gay? You found yourself questioning yourself.<br/><br/>
<div class="choice">[["I don't think I'm gay... but I've never had sex with a woman."|Xdream][$playerSexDream = 'itsGay2'; $playerVirgin = 'yes'; $playerOrientation = 'straightButSissy']]</div><br/>
<div class="choice">[["I've had sex with women... but some of my fantasies involve cock?"|Xdream][$playerSexDream = 'itsGay2'; $playerVirgin = 'no'; $playerOrientation = 'straightButSissy']]</div><br/>
<<elseif $playerResistSissyUrgeReason is 'socialPressure'>>
As if being a sissy wasn't enough, you had another secret. For years you had conflicting questions about your sexuality. One thing you knew for sure is that when you were in sissy mode, you were attracted to men.<br/><br/>
You enjoyed dating $gf, your time with her had been like dating a best friend, but with these sissy urges inside, you just couldn't find a sense of inner peace. You could compartmentalize Grenton as away from your regular persona, away from any of the pressure of the expectations anyone who knew you may have. A different life; one where you explore this once and for all. One where you could be honest with yourself, even if it risked total humiliation, and could at least try to find an answer to the conflicts within you.<br/><br/>
Honesty with yourself... that would be key to figuring the real you out...<br/><br/>
<div class="choice">[["When it comes to sex... I only see myself with guys..."|Xdream][$playerSexDream = 'socialPressure2'; $playerVirgin = 'yes'; $playerOrientation = 'gay']]</div><br/>
<div class="choice">[["I don't think I'm gay... but I've never had sex with a woman."|Xdream][$playerSexDream = 'socialPressure2'; $playerVirgin = 'yes'; $playerOrientation = 'straightButSissy']]</div><br/>
<div class="choice">[["I've had sex with women... but some of my fantasies involve cock?"|Xdream][$playerSexDream = 'socialPressure2'; $playerVirgin = 'no'; $playerOrientation = 'straightButSissy']]</div><br/>
Something wrong: pictureYourselfAsAWoman2.
<<elseif $playerSexDream is 'virgin2'>>
<<if $playerOrientation is 'gay'>>
As if being a sissy wasn't enough, you had another secret. All you sexual desires were about men. You couldn't even picture yourself fucking a woman.<br/><br/>
Living with $gf made it easy to keep up appearances, but you didn't feel like you were using her. You genuinely enjoyed her company, and she yours, but you knew deep down you could never please her sexually. And that was to say nothing of your needs.<br/><br/>
You inability to accept your sexuality had surely lead you to where you are now. No wonder you were all too happy to go along with Keaton's event. Grenton is a chance for you to stop resisting yourself. To no longer live a life without sex just because you're not straight.<br/><br/>
Could you imagine it... finally losing your virginity? It could happen in all manner of ways, but you always saw yourself dressed as slut when you did. Would it be rough, or caring? Over in a few minutes, or an entire evening? Would you kiss, touch and feel your way around your first cock, or would your mouth simply open wide and take a hard thrusting dick down it over and over until you needed air.<br/><br/>
<img src="images/scenes/cxdreamTheGirlTheyWant.jpg" alt="An image of the type of girl you think the Grenton men want you to become" class="storyImage storyImageBigger">
For a sissy like you, wouldn't you be happier letting the man decide how he treats you? Letting him lead the way. Letting his fingers glide over your fishnet stockings, or tear them apart. Obeying his desires. Positioning yourself to be fucked exactly how he likes.<br/><br/>
Would he even let you touch yourself? You felt yourself unable to resist rubbing over your bed clothes thinking about it, before realizing you mustn't. You couldn't risk causing any issues with Michael.<br/><br/>
You felt exhausted. Intense thoughts about your identity had fully tired you. You felt your eyelids grow heavy, and fell asleep.<br/><br/>
<<elseif $playerOrientation is 'straightButSissy'>>
There are all kinds of reasons some people simply don't lose their virginity, but for you it simply never happened. However you felt about it in your regular life, you couldn't deny the fuel it was for your sissy side. Wasn't it obvious? A sissy like you isn't meant to be with girls. Women know you're not a man.<br/><br/>
Virginity only made the idea you were meant to be a sissy more powerful, which in turn made finding the self-esteem to feel worthy of a woman even harder. This horrible cycle only made it harder to fulfil losing it.<br/><br/>
You loved women. Their smell, their femininity. The clothes they wear, the makeup. You were drawn to them like any straight guy was... but you were also a sissy. You wanted to dress up too. To look like them. Could someone like you actually be worthy of a girl like $gf?<br/><br/>
It was this inner conflict that made you unable to even make a move on your first girlfriend, $gf. She had never tried to initiate sex with you, and you just went along with it. You thought maybe after giving her space, something might happen. She had obviously has sex with her ex-partners, she had even shared a few stories about them, but never gave any inclination she was ready to have sex with you, and you didn't give her any either.<br/><br/>
<img src="images/scenes/cStraightEndingC3.jpg" alt="girlfriend getting fucked" class="storyImage"><br/>
If she showed any sign of wanting you that way, you would of tore her clothes off the first chance you got. Scooped your hands under her panties and lifted her onto your bed, teased her as you opened her legs as she lay on her back, her eyes closed in anticipation of you entering her. You wouldn't struggle to get hard, no sissy urge would stop that, you told yourself. You'd kiss her... feel her... fuck her. You'd finally lose your virginity. You'd finally be a real man.<br/><br/>
A comforting dream... but that's all it was. The reality is you're a sissy, and you're ready to accept that. Women may never want you, but a man will.<br/><br/>
The flurry of deep thoughts had tired you. You felt your eyelids grow heavy, and fell asleep.<br/><br/>
Something wrong: virgin2.
<<elseif $playerSexDream is 'itsGay2'>>
<<if $playerVirgin is 'yes'>>
As if being a sissy wasn't enough, you had another secret. You were a virgin.<br/><br/>
Despite living with $gf, the two of you had never been intimate. If anyone asked about your relationship, in public you'd tell them a half-truth about why you weren't having sex. $gf had been through a lot in her previous relationships, and you wanted to give her space. Honestly though, you knew deep down that you're a sissy, and you had never had sex with any woman, let alone $gf. The anxiety you had about your lack of experience with women made you too nervous to even try making a move on her.<br/><br/>
The absence of sex didn't matter to her. You were the exact type of person she needed as she recovered her self-esteem again, and it's not as if you didn't enjoy each others company outside of sex. Perhaps part of you deluded yourself into thinking you might both be able to take your relationship to that level someday.<br/><br/>
You had no doubts that you loved women. Their smell, their femininity. The clothes they wear, the makeup. You were drawn to them like any straight guy was... but you were also a sissy. You wanted to dress up too. To look like them. Could someone like you actually be worthy of a girl like $gf?<br/><br/>
$gf had never even tried to initiate sex with you, and you just went along with it. You thought maybe after giving her space, something might happen. She had obviously has sex with her ex-partners, she had even shared a few stories about them, but never gave any inclination she was ready to have sex with you, and you didn't give her any either.<br/><br/>
<img src="images/scenes/cStraightEndingC3.jpg" alt="girlfriend getting fucked" class="storyImage"><br/>
If she showed any sign of wanting you that way, you would of tore her clothes off the first chance you got. Scooped your hands under her panties and lifted her onto your bed, teased her as you opened her legs as she lay on her back, her eyes closed in anticipation of you entering her. You wouldn't struggle to get hard, no sissy urge would stop that, you told yourself. You'd kiss her... feel her... fuck her. You'd finally lose your virginity. You'd finally be a real man.<br/><br/>
A comforting dream... but that's all it was. The reality is you're a sissy, and you're ready to accept that. Women may never want you, but a man will.<br/><br/>
The flurry of deep thoughts had tired you. You felt your eyelids grow heavy, and fell asleep.<br/><br/>
<<elseif $playerVirgin is 'no'>>
Understanding your sissy urges was difficult to get your head around, but one thing was for sure, despite having fantasies about them, you enjoyed sex with women. That was a fact.<br/><br/>
You had been intimate with $gf plenty of times; a woman as fine as her was irresistible! And not to brag, but you've had fun with a few girls before her too. No, if you're not straight then what are you? Surely knowing what you truly like shouldn't be so hard?<br/><br/>
It was the urges you had when you were alone and aroused that confused you most of all. When watching porn, you didn't want to fuck the girl, you wanted to be her. You wanted to wear the slutty clothes she did; feel fishnet stockings stretch on your knees as you kneeled to serve cock. These fantasies distressed you at first, made you feel there was something wrong with you, but they came back, each and every time. Even when relying on imagination alone, your mind put you in the girl's place. The few times you got to crossdress made you want to make such fantasies reality, but afterwards, any such ambitions were gone...<br/><br/>
<img src="images/scenes/ZbadGfMemory_Xdream.jpg" alt="you girlfriend in lingerie" class="storyImage">
The conflict within you was so frustrating. How could you want to be a sissy, but not find men attractive? You had already decided you were going to do this. Perhaps as you pushed yourself further, you'd find an answer to this question that had perplexed you for so long.<br/><br/>
Such complicated thoughts had fully tired you. You felt your eyelids grow heavy, and fell asleep.<br/><br/>
Something wrong: gay2.
<<elseif $playerSexDream is 'socialPressure2'>>
<<if $playerOrientation is 'gay'>>
As if being a sissy wasn't enough, you had another secret. All you sexual desires were about men. You couldn't even picture yourself fucking a woman.<br/><br/>
Up until now, you were the kind of person to cave into social pressure. It was easier to live life pretending you were straight than admit you were different.<br/><br/>
Living with $gf made it easy to keep up appearances. The two of you had never been intimate. If anyone asked about your relationship, in public you'd tell them a half-truth about why you weren't having sex. $gf had been through a lot in her previous relationships, and you wanted to give her space. That was only part of it though; the real reason was that deep down you knew you're not attracted to her that way. You had never had sex with any woman, let alone $gf, and due to being closeted, had never had sex with any man either.<br/><br/>
The absence of sex didn't matter to her. You were the exact type of person she needed as she recovered her self-esteem again, and it's not as if you didn't enjoy each others company outside of sex. Perhaps part of you deluded yourself into thinking you might both be able to take your relationship to that level someday... but your needs said otherwise.<br/><br/>
You inability to accept your sexuality had surely lead you to where you are now. No wonder you were all too happy to go along with Keaton's event. Grenton is a chance for you to stop resisting yourself. To no longer live a life without sex just because you're not straight.<br/><br/>
Could you imagine it... finally losing your virginity? It could happen in all manner of ways, but you always saw yourself dressed as slut when you did. Would it be rough, or caring? Over in a few minutes, or an entire evening? Would you kiss, touch and feel your way around your first cock, or would your mouth simply open wide and take a hard thrusting dick down it over and over until you needed air.<br/><br/>
For a sissy like you, wouldn't you be happier letting the man decide how he treats you? Letting him lead the way. Letting his fingers glide over your fishnet stockings, or tear them apart. Obeying his desires. Positioning yourself to be fucked exactly how he likes.<br/><br/>
Would he even let you touch yourself? You felt yourself unable to resist rubbing over your bed clothes thinking about it, before realizing you mustn't. You couldn't risk causing any issues with Michael.<br/><br/>
You felt exhausted. Intense thoughts about your identity had fully tired you. You felt your eyelids grow heavy, and fell asleep.<br/><br/>
<<elseif $playerOrientation is 'straightButSissy' and $playerVirgin is 'yes'>>
As if being a sissy wasn't enough, you had another secret. You were a virgin.<br/><br/>
Despite living with $gf, the two of you had never been intimate. If anyone asked about your relationship, in public you'd tell them a half-truth about why you weren't having sex. $gf had been through a lot in her previous relationships, and you wanted to give her space. Honestly though, you knew deep down that you're a sissy, and you had never had sex with any woman, let alone $gf. The anxiety you had about your lack of experience with women made you too nervous to even try making a move on her.<br/><br/>
The absence of sex didn't matter to her. You were the exact type of person she needed as she recovered her self-esteem again, and it's not as if you didn't enjoy each others company outside of sex. Perhaps part of you deluded yourself into thinking you might both be able to take your relationship to that level someday... but your needs said otherwise.<br/><br/>
You had no doubts that you loved women. Their smell, their femininity. The clothes they wear, the makeup. You were drawn to them like any straight guy was... but you were also a sissy. You wanted to dress up too. To look like them. Could someone like you actually be worthy of a girl like $gf?<br/><br/>
$gf had never even tried to initiate sex with you, and you just went along with it. You thought maybe after giving her space, something might happen. She had obviously has sex with her ex-partners, she had even shared a few stories about them, but never gave any inclination she was ready to have sex with you, and you didn't give her any either.<br/><br/>
<img src="images/scenes/cStraightEndingC3.jpg" alt="girlfriend getting fucked" class="storyImage"><br/>
If she showed any sign of wanting you that way, you would of tore her clothes off the first chance you got. Scooped your hands under her panties and lifted her onto your bed, teased her as you opened her legs as she lay on her back, her eyes closed in anticipation of you entering her. You wouldn't struggle to get hard, no sissy urge would stop that, you told yourself. You'd kiss her... feel her... fuck her. You'd finally lose your virginity. You'd finally be a real man.<br/><br/>
A comforting dream... but that's all it was. The reality is you're a sissy, and you're ready to accept that. Women may never want you, but a man will.<br/><br/>
The flurry of deep thoughts had tired you. You felt your eyelids grow heavy, and fell asleep.<br/><br/>
<<elseif $playerOrientation is 'straightButSissy' and $playerVirgin is 'no'>>
Understanding your sissy urges was difficult to get your head around, but one thing was for sure, despite having fantasies about them, you enjoyed sex with women. That was a fact.<br/><br/>
You had been intimate with $gf plenty of times; a woman as fine as her was irresistible! And not to brag, but you've had fun with a few girls before her too. No, if you're not straight then what are you? Surely knowing what you truly like shouldn't be so hard?<br/><br/>
It was the urges you had when you were alone and aroused that confused you most of all. When watching porn, you didn't want to fuck the girl, you wanted to be her. You wanted to wear the slutty clothes she did; feel fishnet stockings stretch on your knees as you kneeled to serve cock. These fantasies distressed you at first, made you feel there was something wrong with you, but they came back, each and every time. Even when relying on imagination alone, your mind put you in the girl's place. The few times you got to crossdress made you want to make such fantasies reality, but afterwards, any such ambitions were gone...<br/><br/>
<img src="images/scenes/ZbadGfMemory_Xdream.jpg" alt="you girlfriend in lingerie" class="storyImage">
The conflict within you was so frustrating. How could you want to be a sissy, but not find men attractive? You had already decided you were going to do this. Perhaps as you pushed yourself further, you'd find an answer to this question that had perplexed you for so long.<br/><br/>
Such complicated thoughts had fully tired you. You felt your eyelids grow heavy, and fell asleep.<br/><br/>
Something wrong: socialPressure2.
<<elseif $playerSexDream is 'cdSexWithGf'>>
You dreamed up a fantasy in your mind. It wasn't difficult to come up with, in fact, it was one you had many times before. A reoccurring desire you couldn't stop yourself from hoping would come true.<br/><br/>
Small, feminine hands plucked at the strap of your thong; a tiny sting burned on your skin as the elastic snapped back onto your waist. $gf grabbed the bottom of your face from behind, holding you so her soft whispers fed directly into your ear.<br/><br/>
<img src="images/scenes/cxdreamTheGirlTheyWant.jpg" alt="An image of the type of girl you think the Grenton men want you to become" class="storyImage storyImageBigger">
<span class="gf">$gf: </span>"You like dressing like a slut a little too much, don't you? You do it even better than me."<br/><br/>
That hand glided down your body, followed by a single finger tracing between the cleavage of your bra that covered your flat, smooth chest. You were fully dressed for her, not just lingerie, but a big pair of leather thigh high boots that screamed fuck toy. Long hair dripped over your shoulder, it's tips brushing lightly over your skin as it moved out the way of $gf's fondling hands. You were startled by a sudden clench of her hand over your bulge.<br/><br/>
<span class="gf">$gf: </span>"My boyfriend is such a fucking sissy... and I love it."<br/><br/>
What would you ever say to that? Even in your own dreams, it excited you too much to even respond. Maybe you'd let out some kind of whimper. In that moment, you'd finally be in the position you felt you belonged...<br/><br/>
<span class="gf">$gf: </span>"Get on your knees! Stay right here."<br/><br/>
You were too excited to even consider disobeying. You felt the fabric of fishnet stockings stretch on your legs as you crouched. The temptation to touch yourself was real, but your instinct knew better. You held you hands behind your back, a mix of eagerness and anxiety stirred within as you waited. $gf re-entered, in the midst of attaching a black harness to her lower half. A big purple dildo waggled inches from your face as she made the final adjustments.<br/><br/>
A look of devious pleasure was painted on her face. She twisted her body to check herself out, seemingly thrilled by her new outfit, especially the attachment. With an authoritive gesture of her finger, she motioned for you to come forward, making you shuffle towards her helplessly on your knees. When you reached her, you were welcomed by a violet purple penis being playfully donked on your face.<br/><br/>
<span class="gf">$gf: </span>"Now... which hole first, Miss $name?"<br/><br/>
<div class="choice">[["Mouth... and imagine she has a real dick."|Xdream][$playerOrientation = 'bi'; $playerSexDream = 'cdSexWithGfRealD']]</div><br/>
<div class="choice">[["Mouth... feel the plastic dildo on your tongue."|Xdream][$playerOrientation = 'straightButSissy'; $playerSexDream = 'cdSexWithGfPlasticD']]</div><br/>
<<elseif $playerSexDream is 'cdSexWithGfRealD'>>
<span class="gf">$gf: </span>"Oh yes! A real dick is what a slut like you needs, ha ha!"<br/><br/>
You could see it in your mind, $gf's body with a thick, long cock gently bouncing off of her crotch. You could feel yourself grow inside your panties just knowing it was there to be sucked by you. Hard for you.<br/><br/>
<img src="images/scenes/cxdreamImagineGfCock.jpg" alt="An image you conjured of your girlfriend with a big hard cock" class="storyImage storyImageBigger">
With eyes closed, you leaned in to wrap your lips around it. You were ready. You felt it go into your mouth and... couldn't describe it. Quite literally it was indescribable to you, after all you had never done it in real life. Your imagination had done a good job coming up with the more visual parts of this fantasy, but taste... touch... those eluded you. It seemed there were limits to what you could conjure in your mind, from desire alone.<br/><br/>
This would be a disappointing climax... couldn't you come up with something?<br/><br/>
<div class="choice">[["Try hard to think of an ending that works for this fantasy... I'm a virgin, I'm good at imagining sex by now..."|Xdream][$playerOrientation = 'bi'; $playerVirgin = 'yes'; $playerSexDream = 'cdSexWithGfRealD2']]</div><br/>
<div class="choice">[["Try thinking of a memory where you and " + $gf + " had sex, it might not fit, but at least it could provide some inspiration."|Xdream][$playerOrientation = 'straightButSissy'; $playerVirgin = 'no'; $playerSexDream = 'cdSexWithGfRealD2']]</div><br/>
<<elseif $playerSexDream is 'cdSexWithGfRealD2'>>
<<if $playerVirgin is 'yes'>>
Instantly you were struck with how to finish your hot dream...<br/><br/>
<span class="gf">$gf: </span>"Turn around little sissy! I've decided I don't want your mouth anymore, he he..."<br/><br/>
You shuffled round in front of her, too slow for her liking it seemed, because she suddenly pulled at your hips to spin round the rest of the way, before pushing your head to the floor.<br/><br/>
<span class="gf">$gf: </span>"Can you believe this is finally happening? I think we both knew I never wanted to fuck you, $name. But when I came home today to discover you secret passion for slutty clothes... well, taking your virginity suddenly appealed to me..."<br/><br/>
Your virginity. Once you remembered it, it provided the real life inspiration to keep your filthy fantasy going.<br/><br/>
<span class="gf">$gf: </span>"Be a good girl and pull those panties to the side for me..."<br/><br/>
This is your mind. This is what you desire. Even in your imagination, you're still all too aware of what you truly are. A sissy. A virgin...<br/><br/>
Temptation to not touch yourself for real was all too much. You had to stop thinking about this scenario before you did, you couldn't risk doing anything that could cause problems with Michael, not anymore.<br/><br/>
It took some willpower, but you stopped. You still had $gf on your mind, so to distract yourself from your fantasy you tried thinking of the realities of your relationship. The actual, completely sexless companionship it was.<br/><br/>
Despite living with $gf, the two of you had never been intimate. If anyone asked about your relationship, in public you'd tell them a half-truth about why you weren't having sex. $gf had been through a lot in her previous relationships, and you wanted to give her space. Honestly though, you knew deep down that you're a sissy, and you had never had sex with any woman, let alone $gf. The anxiety you had about your lack of experience with women made you too nervous to even try making a move on her.<br/><br/>
The absence of sex didn't matter to her. You were the exact type of person she needed as she recovered her self-esteem again, and it's not as if you didn't enjoy each others company outside of sex. Perhaps part of you deluded yourself into thinking you might both be able to take your relationship to that level someday.<br/><br/>
You had no doubts that you loved women. Their smell, their femininity. The clothes they wear, the makeup. You were drawn to them like any straight guy was... but you were also a sissy. You wanted to dress up too. To look like them. Could someone like you actually be worthy of a girl like $gf?<br/><br/>
$gf had never even tried to initiate sex with you, and you just went along with it. You thought maybe after giving her space, something might happen. She had obviously has sex with her ex-partners, she had even shared a few stories about them, but never gave any inclination she was ready to have sex with you. Your self-doubts made you shy away from giving her any signal either.<br/><br/>
If she showed any sign of wanting you that way, maybe things would be different? Perhaps you'd kiss her... feel her... fuck her. Finally lose your virginity. Finally be a real man.<br/><br/>
<img src="images/scenes/cStraightEndingC3.jpg" alt="girlfriend getting fucked" class="storyImage"><br/>
A comforting dream... but that's all it was. The reality is you're a sissy, and you're ready to accept that. Women may never want you, but a man will.<br/><br/>
This flurry of fantasies followed by raw, introspective thoughts had tired you. It was fine though, you'd surely think of this sexy scenario again... and in greater detail.<br/><br/>
You felt your eyelids grow heavy from exhaustion, and fell into a pleasurable sleep.<br/><br/>
<<elseif $playerVirgin is 'no'>>
Real life experience was the best inspiration, though nothing you had done before really matched the theme this dream was going for. All that came to you was a time you were going down on her, and she became very commanding. Maybe that could work...<br/><br/>
Yes, even in sissy mode you could go down on her. Kiss her pussy. See your lipstick smudge all over it...<br/><br/>
<span class="gf">$gf: </span>"Mmm... good girl..."<br/><br/>
Her hand pressing your head down on her hard, as her thighs constrict around you, locking you in place. You'll keep going until she's finished with you.<br/><br/>
Temptation to not touch yourself for real was all too much. You had to stop thinking about this scenario before you did, you couldn't risk doing anything that could cause problems with Michael, not anymore.<br/><br/>
It took some willpower, but you stopped. You still had $gf on your mind, so to distract yourself from your fantasy you tried thinking of the realities of your relationship. You had a good sex life with her, but have never explored the things you truly wanted.<br/><br/>
That's why Keaton's event was so tempting. This new life in Grenton gave you so little to do, how could you not explore the urges within you.<br/><br/>
The flurry of fantasies and thoughts had tired you. You felt your eyelids grow heavy, and fell asleep.<br/><br/>
Something wrong: cdSexWithGfRealD2.
<<elseif $playerSexDream is 'cdSexWithGfPlasticD'>>
<span class="gf">$gf: </span>"Of course you want it there. Go on then sissy, go and suck it!"<br/><br/>
You could see it in your mind, $gf staring at you expectantly, her fingers pinched at the base of her purple strap-on, ready to guide it in your mouth. You could feel yourself grow inside your panties just from the anticipation. It was so hot.<br/><br/>
<img src="images/scenes/cxdreamImagineGfStrapped.jpg" alt="An image you conjured of your girlfriend wearing a purple strap on to use on you" class="storyImage storyImageBigger">
With eyes closed, you leaned in to wrap your lips around it. You were ready. You felt it go into your mouth and $gf laugh gleefully. This was it. It was all too clear in your mind to just be a fantasy, it was what you truly wanted. What you needed. Why did you feel you couldn't try this in reality? What stopped you from trying?<br/><br/>
<div class="choice">[["I'm a virgin... I haven't even had vanilla sex with " + $gf + ", how could I possibly actually do this?"|Xdream][$playerOrientation = 'straightButSissy'; $playerVirgin = 'yes'; $playerSexDream = 'cdSexWithGfPlasticD2']]</div><br/>
<div class="choice">[["I was worried how she'd react, so I never brought it up. Vanilla sex is fine... was fine, I guess."|Xdream][$playerOrientation = 'straightButSissy'; $playerVirgin = 'no'; $playerSexDream = 'cdSexWithGfRealD2']]</div><br/>
<<elseif $playerSexDream is 'cdSexWithGfPlasticD2'>>
<<if $playerVirgin is 'yes'>>
With that thought you found yourself pulled out of the fantasy, and dwelling on the actual relationship you had with $gf.<br/><br/>
Despite living with $gf, the two of you had never been intimate. If anyone asked about your relationship, in public you'd tell them a half-truth about why you weren't having sex. $gf had been through a lot in her previous relationships, and you wanted to give her space. Honestly though, you knew deep down that you're a sissy, and you had never had sex with any woman, let alone $gf. The anxiety you had about your lack of experience with women made you too nervous to even try making a move on her.<br/><br/>
The absence of sex didn't matter to her. You were the exact type of person she needed as she recovered her self-esteem again, and it's not as if you didn't enjoy each others company outside of sex. Perhaps part of you deluded yourself into thinking you might both be able to take your relationship to that level someday.<br/><br/>
You had no doubts that you loved women. Their smell, their femininity. The clothes they wear, the makeup. You were drawn to them like any straight guy was... but you were also a sissy. You wanted to dress up too. To look like them, even have sex like them. Could someone like you actually be worthy of a girl like $gf?<br/><br/>
$gf had never even tried to initiate sex with you, and you just went along with it. You thought maybe after giving her space, something might happen. She had obviously has sex with her ex-partners, she had even shared a few stories about them, but never gave any inclination she was ready to have sex with you. Your self-doubts made you shy away from giving her any signal either.<br/><br/>
If she showed any sign of wanting you that way, maybe things would be different? Perhaps you'd kiss her... feel her... fuck her. Finally lose your virginity. Finally be a real man.<br/><br/>
<img src="images/scenes/cStraightEndingC3.jpg" alt="girlfriend getting fucked" class="storyImage"><br/>
A comforting dream... but that's all it was. The reality is you're a sissy, and you're ready to accept that. It's all you dream of. Even in your wildest dreams of $gf, you're her strap-on sucking sissy. You can't deny what you are. $gf may never want you, women may never want you... but a man will.<br/><br/>
The flurry of fantasies and thoughts had tired you. You felt your eyelids grow heavy, and fell asleep.<br/><br/>
<<elseif $playerVirgin is 'no'>>
With that thought you found yourself pulled out of the fantasy, and dwelling on the actual relationship you had with $gf.<br/><br/>
This sissy side of you had been hard for you to accept, especially as it the stigma attached to it questioned your whole identity. It was too difficult an issue to bring up with $gf. You could live without fulfilling your wildest sex fantasies; you weren't willing to risk your relationship for them.<br/><br/>
But this new life in Grenton really put you in an environment where your true desires were hard to ignore, and after Keaton's instructions for his event, you couldn't help but cave in to the chance to finally explore them.<br/><br/>
What were you truly... a man? A sissy? And what did you actually want? These were questions that ate away at you your whole life. You needed answers.<br/><br/>
The thrill of your fantasy from earlier had faded away as you entered these deep thoughts, and you could feel such thinking had tired you. You felt your eyelids grow heavy, and fell asleep.<br/><br/>
Something wrong: cdSexWithGfPlasticD2.
<<elseif $playerSexDream is 'closetedLoseVirginityFantasy'>>
As a virgin, you were used to imagining what sex was like, and fantasizing about finally losing it was a turn on you had dreamt of a lot.<br/><br/>
Despite living with $gf, the two of you had never been intimate. If anyone asked about your relationship, in public you'd tell them a half-truth about why you weren't having sex. $gf had been through a lot in her previous relationships, and you wanted to give her space. Honestly though, you had never been with any women, let alone $gf. You had never expected to date anyone as hot as $gf, which made you too shy to try anything with her.<br/><br/>
The lack of intimacy didn't seem to bother her. You were the exact type of person she needed as she recovered her self-esteem again, and it's not as if you didn't enjoy each others company outside of sex. Perhaps part of you deluded yourself into thinking you might both be able to take your relationship to that level someday...<br/><br/>
It was embarrassing for a while to had never of lost it, but at some point you just get used to it. You told yourself it doesn't matter, and for a while you truly believed it.<br/><br/>
Being here in Grenton meant you weren't going to lose it anytime soon. All you could do was get Keaton's event over with and hope your self-esteem doesn't take too bad a hit...<br/><br/>
<img src="images/scenes/cxdreamTheGirlTheyWant.jpg" alt="An image of the type of girl you think the Grenton men want you to become" class="storyImage storyImageBigger">
You were going to dress up for him and his crew... a humiliating thought crossed your mind. The fact that these guys would probably admire you more than $gf ever did. No... that can't really be true, that's just self-pity talking. You didn't want be clouded in thoughts like this, you wanted to think about sex!<br/><br/>
<div class="choice">[["Give up on thoughts of being with a woman..."|Xdream][$playerOrientation = 'straightButSissy'; $playerVirgin = 'yes'; $playerSexDream = 'closetedLoseVirginityFantasy2']]</div><br/>
<div class="choice">[["Really try to imagine sex for the first time with " + $gf +"."|Xdream][$playerOrientation = 'straight'; $playerVirgin = 'yes'; $playerSexDream = 'closetedLoseVirginityFantasy2']]</div><br/>
<<elseif $playerSexDream is 'closetedLoseVirginityFantasy2'>>
<<if $playerOrientation is 'straightButSissy'>>
It wasn't going to happen. It was never going to happen. Would any man worthy of $gf ben in the situation you're in now? Who could even say they've thought about the fact that a bunch of men find them more attractive then their own girlfriend!<br/><br/>
You couldn't even fantasize about losing your virginity with such thoughts in your mind. In your own dreams you weren't worthy. What if your not even straight? You hadn't really thought about guys, but surely something had to explain why you were who you are...<br/><br/>
The inner narrative you were forming felt almost self-destructive, yet you continued to dwell on it well into the night. It was a long time until your eyelids finally fell from exhaustion, and into a deep sleep.<br/><br/>
<<elseif $playerOrientation is 'straight'>>
You formed a scenario in your mind. $gf unbuttoning her work shirt, teasing you with a lacey bra underneath. Finally ready for you! You'd tear most of her clothes off the first chance you got. Kiss her deeply, feel her hands grip into your body. She actually wanted you!<br/><br/>
Your hands would scoop under her panties, getting a feel of her ass as you lifted her onto your bed. Laid on her back, she'd tease you with her slightly opened legs, just asking to be pulled wide apart for you to fuck her. Her eyes would close in anticipation of you entering her.<br/><br/>
<img src="images/scenes/cStraightEndingC3.jpg" alt="girlfriend getting fucked" class="storyImage"><br/>
There'd be no struggle to get hard at all, nothing would hold you back from this moment you've always wanted. Another kiss, a soft whisper, and then finally you'd pump inside her. You'd no longer be $name the virgin. You'd be a real man at last.<br/><br/>
You were tired, and that thought was a pleasant one to end on. Your eyelids grew heavy from exhaustion and you fell into sleep.<br/><br/>
Something wrong: closetedLoseVirginityFantasy2 .
<<elseif $playerSexDream is 'badGfMemory'>>
The easiest way to imagine a hot scenario in your mind, was to pull the most recent one you had from memory. The night before your trial, $gf had a surprise for you. After coming out of the shower, you found her waiting for you on your bed, dressed in a lingerie set you hadn't seen her in before. She bit the tip of her finger as she stared at you, eager to read how pleased you'd be to see the sight of her.<br/><br/>
How could you not smile. The outfit alone was enough to excite you, but it was the way she kneeled on the duvet with her legs widened that really got you. Black straps from her garter belt had been tucked under her panties, and as she raised her body to meet you for a kiss they stretched, pulling her panties with a space for you to reach your hand into effortlessly. You each closed eyes as your lips locked; you could feel her bright red lipstick smudge a little on your face. The contents of her panties were warm, and a little wet.<br/><br/>
<img src="images/scenes/ZbadGfMemory_Xdream.jpg" alt="you girlfriend in lingerie" class="storyImage storyImageBigger">
She pulled her face back from yours, looking at you for a moment as though totally enamored. You could be away for a long time, and tonight she wanted all of you. Swiftly she undid your zipper, then slipped her palm inside to rub your cock. After a short while, her flirtatious expression slowly changed to concern...<br/><br/>
<span class="gf">$gf: </span>"...$name?"<br/><br/>
You weren't getting hard. As hot as the most recent sexy memory you had of $gf was, it had reminded you how it hadn't exactly gone smoothly. The way $gf had dressed was unforgettable, but after that initial excitement, you had struggled. You felt a little embarrassed remembering it; it was one of those moments you would question yourself about, over and over in your mind. If you're being honest with yourself, why couldn't you get it up?<br/><br/>
<<if $playerVirgin is 'unknown'>>
<div class="choice">[["Performance anxiety... because I'm a virgin"|Xdream][$playerOrientation = 'straightButSissy'; $playerVirgin = 'yes'; $playerSexDream = 'badGfMemory2']]</div><br/>
<div class="choice">[["The only time I couldn't get hard for a woman... it was probably because of stress about the trial."|Xdream][$playerOrientation = 'straightButSissy'; $playerVirgin = 'no'; $playerSexDream = 'badGfMemory2']]</div><br/>
<<elseif $playerSexDream is 'badGfMemory2'>>
<<if $playerVirgin is 'yes'>>
Despite living with $gf, things had been complicated. The two of you had never truly been intimate. If anyone asked about your relationship, in public you'd tell them a half-truth about why you weren't having sex. $gf had been through a lot in her previous relationships, and you wanted to give her space. Honestly that was true... for a while. To be completely honest, part of the lack of sex was because you were scared. You were still a virgin. It was worrying to you whether you'd be able to perform in bed with $gf; surely you'd only dissapoint someone as hot and experienced as her. This kind of self-doubt grew so strongly within you that it was almost crippling.<br/><br/>
The lack of sex mostly didn't matter to her. You were the exact type of person she needed as she recovered her self-esteem again, and it's not as if you didn't enjoy each others company outside of sex. You felt embarrassed to still be a virgin, and didn't have the heart to tell her your history, nor your fears of intimacy.<br/><br/>
More recently, she had given more obvious signals that she wanted you in that way, but never anything as explicit as that night. You had wanted her too, you truly did, but your mind and body weren't in tangent. You apologised to her, explained it was the stress of the trial, and of course as the sweet girl she was, was perfectly understanding. You sat on the bed, saddened at your lack of performance, but she came up behind you and embraced you in her arms. You felt her chest cushion against your back, as the smooth lace of her bra brushed against you.<br/><br/>
<span class="gf">$gf: </span>"It's OK, $name... this is all really getting to you. I just wanted to give you a nice memory, in case you won't be back for a while."<br/><br/>
<span class="p1">You:</span> "I wanted to... I really wanted to. God, you look amazing..."<br/><br/>
She peeked you on the cheek.<br/><br/>
<span class="gf">$gf: </span>"So did I... but you know what? It will be better when this whole situation is over. Our first time... without any frustrations to ruin it."<br/><br/>
You sighed, as you placed a hand back onto her arm, and rubbed reassuring. You were so lucky to have her; part of you felt like you didn't deserve her. A shameful feeling of inferiority you felt incapable of escaping.<br/><br/>
Look at you, thinking so introspectively like this. You had wanted to think of sexy thoughts, but had tired yourself dwelling on this instead. As frustrated as you felt, you could at least feel your eyelids growing heavy. They fell shut, and drifted into a deep sleep.<br/><br/>
<<elseif $playerVirgin is 'no'>>
You and $gf had been intimate many times, but that night it just wasn't going to happen. The strain of the situation on your mental state made even sex with someone as hot as $gf a difficulty. With a finger and thumb at her chin, you gave her a last peck, then collapsed on your back onto the bed. She crouched up alongside you to spoon.<br/><br/>
<span class="gf">$gf: </span>"Not feeling it tonight, baby?"<br/><br/>
<span class="p1">You:</span> "Pffft... this trial... the whole stupid situation... I'm sorry, it's getting to me. I want you... I really REALLY do, especially in that outfit! Where were you hiding that one?"<br/><br/>
<span class="gf">$gf: </span>"I picked it up today. Wanted to give you something special to remember in case you're not back soon..."<br/><br/>
<span class="p1">You:</span> "Oh I'll remember, alright! How could I forget a woman like you?"<br/><br/>
In a way, it was nicer than having sex that night. The comfort of your partner's body around yours was what you really needed. The lace of her bra brushed against your skin as her boobs cushioned against your back. Her hands stroked at you soothingly. The pair of you spoke soft whispers to each other in the night; quiet words made of confessed fears and honest reassurances. Despite the circumstance, you felt she had your back.<br/><br/>
You didn't expect to think so introspectively as this tonight. You had wanted to think of sexy thoughts, but dwelling on emotional memories like this wasn't unpleasant. Such a memory was oddly comforting. You could feel your eyelids growing heavy, and fell into sleep.<br/><br/>
<<elseif $playerSexDream is 'closetedSissyFantasy'>>
Even alone with your thoughts, it was hard to escape dwelling on Keaton's event. Having to dress up for the men in here, put on a show for them... surely it wouldn't be good. What would they actually want you to do?<br/><br/>
<img src="images/scenes/cxdreamTheGirlTheyWant2.jpg" alt="An image of the type of girl you think the Grenton men want you to become" class="storyImage storyImageBigger">
Obviously they wanted you to look like a slutty girl, but then what? The uncertainty stressed you out, you couldn't stop thinking about what will happen.<br/><br/>
They'll want more. Much more than just a show. Oh fuck, how did I get into this? Will I be treated as a normal person after this? Will I even see myself the same after? A show... a show... what will that involve.<br/><br/>
<div class="choice">[["It's obvious, I just don't want to admit it... they want to turn me into a woman for their pleasure."|Xdream][$playerOrientation = 'bi'; $playerSexDream = 'closetedSissyFantasy2']]</div><br/>
<div class="choice">[["It's probably just another initiation. Some hazing before I join the crew proper."|Xdream][$playerOrientation = 'straightButSissy'; $playerSexDream = 'closetedSissyFantasy2']]</div><br/>
<<elseif $playerSexDream is 'closetedSissyFantasy2'>>
<<if $playerOrientation is 'bi'>>
Wasn't it plain to see? The loose environment of Grenton was filled with men who had plenty of time on their hands, and no way to fulfill certain pleasures. Would the sight of a femme looking guy be where they draw the line? If you actually looked like a girl would they really stop there, especially after seeing you were obedient enough to do as they say.<br/><br/>
You already knew you had to placate Keaton's show request, but beyond that, what would you really do in the moment? All those guys watching you as you parade around in a skimpy outfit. Were you really just going to say no to them if they demanded more?<br/><br/>
<<if $playerVirgin is 'unknown' or $playerVirgin is 'yes'>>
<div class="choice">[["I... I couldn't do more than that! I'm a virgin..."|Xdream][$playerOrientation = 'bi'; $playerVirgin = 'yes'; $playerSexDream = 'closetedSissyFantasy3']]</div><br/>
<div class="choice">[["I couldn't do anything. I'm not gay! I only do stuff with women!"|Xdream][$playerOrientation = 'straightButSissy'; $playerVirgin = 'no'; $playerSexDream = 'closetedSissyFantasy3']]</div><br/>
<div class="choice">[["Think of a deescalation technique. Something " + $gf + " might do when she wasn't in the mood for sex."|Xdream][$playerOrientation = 'bi'; $playerVirgin = 'no'; $playerSexDream = 'closetedSissyFantasy3']]</div><br/>
<<elseif $playerOrientation is 'straightButSissy'>>
It's just some strange kind of gang initiation... a really weird one. That's what you told yourself. But even just thinking it you realized how unconvincing it sounded.<br/><br/>
The loose environment of Grenton was filled with men who had plenty of time on their hands, and no way to fulfil certain pleasures. Would the sight of a femme looking guy be where they draw the line? If you really looked like a girl would they really stop there, especially after seeing you were obedient enough to do as they say.<br/><br/>
You already knew you had to placate Keaton's show request, but beyond that, what would you really do in the moment? All those guys watching you as you parade around in a skimpy outfit. Were you really just going to say no to them if they demanded more?<br/><br/>
<<if $playerVirgin is 'unknown' or $playerVirgin is 'yes'>>
<div class="choice">[["I... I couldn't do more than that! I'm a virgin..."|Xdream][$playerOrientation = 'straightButSissy'; $playerVirgin = 'yes'; $playerSexDream = 'closetedSissyFantasy3']]</div><br/>
<div class="choice">[["I couldn't do anything. I'm not gay! I only do stuff with women!"|Xdream][$playerOrientation = 'straightButSissy'; $playerVirgin = 'no'; $playerSexDream = 'closetedSissyFantasy3']]</div><br/>
<div class="choice">[["Think of a de-escalation technique. Something " + $gf + " might do when she wasn't in the mood for sex."|Xdream][$playerOrientation = 'bi'; $playerVirgin = 'no'; $playerSexDream = 'closetedSissyFantasy3']]</div><br/>
Something wrong: closetedLoseVirginityFantasy2 .
<<elseif $playerSexDream is 'closetedSissyFantasy3'>>
<<if $playerVirgin is 'yes'>>
To you, it was a big deal to make sure nothing escalated at Keaton's event, especially because you were still a virgin.<br/><br/>
Despite living with $gf, things were complicated. The two of you had never been intimate. If anyone asked about your relationship, in public you'd tell them a half-truth about why you weren't having sex. $gf had been through a lot in her previous relationships, and you wanted to give her space. Honestly that was true... for a while. To be completely honest, part of the lack of sex was because you were scared. You were still a virgin. It was worrying to you whether you'd be able to perform in bed with $gf; surely you'd only dissapoint someone as hot and experienced as her. This kind of self-doubt grew so strongly within you that it was almost crippling.<br/><br/>
It didn't matter to her. You were the exact type of person she needed as she recovered her self-esteem again, and it's not as if you didn't enjoy each others company outside of sex. Perhaps part of you deluded yourself into thinking you might both be able to take your relationship to that level someday...<br/><br/>
It was embarrassing for a while to had never of lost it, but at some point you just get used to it. You tell yourself it doesn't matter, and sometimes you truly believe that.<br/><br/>
If anyone was taking your virginity, it had to be $gf. You didn't want your first experience to be with anyone other than her! All you could do was get Keaton's event over with and hope your self-esteem doesn't take too bad a hit...<br/><br/>
<img src="images/scenes/cxdreamTheGirlTheyWant.jpg" alt="An image of the type of girl you think the Grenton men want you to become" class="storyImage storyImageBigger">
This really was going to happen; you were going to dress up for him and his crew. A humiliating thought crossed your mind; the fact that these guys would probably admire you more than $gf ever did. No... no that wasn't really true, that's just self-pity talking. How did you find yourself going down this line of thinking!? You didn't want be clouded in thoughts like this, you had wanted to think of something hot, but the flurry of introspective thoughts had tired you.<br/><br/>
Your eyelids grew heavy from exhaustion and you fell into sleep.<br/><br/>
<<elseif $playerOrientation is 'straightButSissy'>>
The idea of Keaton's men wanting anything more than a look at you dressed as a girl wasn't something you liked the idea of. You only desired sex with women. That was a fact.<br/><br/>
You had been intimate with $gf plenty of times; a woman as fine as her was irresistible! And not to brag, but you've had fun with a few girls before her too. Guys hadn't crossed your mind in that kind of way. If Keaton's guys actually wanted more (which despite your train of thoughts tonight, wasn't a guarantee), you weren't sure how things would go down. You certainly didn't want it.<br/><br/>
<img src="images/scenes/ZbadGfMemory_Xdream.jpg" alt="you girlfriend in lingerie" class="storyImage storyImageBigger">
You rustled awkwardly in your bed, frustrated that instead of thinking of something sexy you were once again distracted by everything happening in Grenton. Not even alone at night could you distract yourself from it.<br/><br/>
Such complicated thoughts had fully tired you. You felt your eyelids grow heavy, and fell asleep.<br/><br/>
<<elseif $playerOrientation is 'bi'>>
<img src="images/scenes/ZbadGfMemory_Xdream.jpg" alt="you girlfriend in lingerie" class="storyImage storyImageBigger">
A woman as fine as $gf was irresistible; it was necessary for a girl like her to be able to deescalate from having sex when she wasn't in the mood. As someone who had been with $gf plenty of times, you had an idea or two how to do that from her.<br/><br/>
A quick hand job was the fastest, least intimate way to get stop a horny guy in their tracks, but hopefully things wouldn't come to that. It would be a last resort at best.<br/><br/>
A more effective thing to do was simply not look good. Look tired, unenthusiastic or simply dress unsexy. Even when you were really horny, if $gf was wearing old pyjamas, or granny panties, or simply looked rundown, it could be enough to turn you off. The best thing to do was not get anyone hard in the first place. It would be a tough balancing act of doing the bare minimum Keaton instructed, while still doing a bad job.<br/><br/>
Again, why were you thinking this? It probably won't even happen. You rustled awkwardly in your bed, frustrated that instead of fantasizing of something sexy you were once again distracted by everything happening in Grenton. Not even alone at night could you distract yourself from it.<br/><br/>
A hand job... are you really at such a low point that you actually just considered giving a guy a hand job?<br/><br/>
Such a flurry of introspective thoughts had fully tired you. You felt your eyelids grow heavy, and fell asleep.<br/><br/>
Something wrong: closetedLoseVirginityFantasy3 .
<</nobr>>What was it that $gf called you?
<<textbox "$title" "">>
<div class="choice">[[Continue|cGfEvent2Extra][$cGfEvent2Visit = 'titled']]</div><br/><<nobr>>
PLEASE NOTE: If you're playing an old version of the game, your issue may have already been fixed in a newer version.<br/><br/>
Use the information on this page to report bugs and / or give feedback.<br/><br/>
You can message me on Patreon or on Twitter: (<a href="https://twitter.com/midnoblu" target="_blank">@MidnoBlu</a>).<br/><br/>
The game's Discord has a channel where you can report bugs: (<a href="https://discord.gg/r5MweUzSAD" target="_blank">R2R Discord</a>).<br/><br/>
And you can also post in the TF games discussion board: <a href="https://tfgames.site/phpbb3/viewtopic.php?t=17626&sid=fa7cf951c038ddadaf469f41ba06b6fe" target="_blank">R2R discussion</a><br/><br/>
Please include the following:<br/>
- Version number of the game you are playing (see start page).<br/>
- Description of the bug, or feedback.<br/>
- Copy and paste into your message some of the text from the part you were playing that had the bug. This will make it easier to find the part of the game you are reporting about when trying to fix the issue.
- Screenshots may also be helpful.<br/><br/>
The game has gotten more complicated than originally planned, which could potentially of introduced story contradactions depending on your choices. If reporting on any kind of story contradiction, please try to describe some of the decisions you made to get to that point, as well as copying and pasting into the email the parts of the text you consider a story contradiction as well. This will help the issue being inspected and perhaps fixed.<br/><br/>
Thank you for playing, and for any of your time spent helping make this game better!<br/><br/>
Constructive feedback is very much welcome.<br/><br/>
You can message me on Patreon or on Twitter: (<a href="https://twitter.com/midnoblu" target="_blank">@MidnoBlu</a>).<br/><br/>
You can come talk about the game on Discord: (<a href="https://discord.gg/r5MweUzSAD" target="_blank">R2R Discord</a>).<br/><br/>
And you can also post in the TF games discussion board: <a href="https://tfgames.site/phpbb3/viewtopic.php?t=17626&sid=fa7cf951c038ddadaf469f41ba06b6fe" target="_blank">R2R discussion</a><br/><br/>
The game has gotten more complicated than originally planned, which could potentially of introduced story contradactions depending on your choices. If reporting on any kind of story contradiction, please try to describe some of the decisions you made to get to that point, as well as copying and pasting parts of the text you consider a story contradiction as well. This will help me find any issues faster.<br/><br/>
The current main priority of this game's development is on developing the story content of the game, before fleshing it out further. Some issues you report may not be fixed / fleshed out anytime soon, but may be added to a backlog of issues to fix at periods of time where the game is being polished or in any other way improved.<br/><br/>
Thank you for playing, and for any of your time spent helping make this game better!<br/><br/>
<</nobr>><span class="saveWarning">
<img src="images/extras/warningIcon.png" alt="Warning Icon" class="warningIcon">
<span class="saveWarningTitle">SAVE YOUR GAME NOW!</span>
<span class="saveWarningDescription textAlignCenter">This part of the game onwards is still in development.</span>
<span class="saveWarningDescription">While any story content will be near complete, the game will also require gameplay balancing and polish.</span>
<span class="saveWarningDescription">Please keep at least one save file from this point in the game, so that you have a stable point in the game to start from, when this entire next part is finished.</span>
<span class="saveWarningDescription">If you encounter any bugs in future updates, this would be a good point to reload from.</span>
Welcome back!
The story so far: You were eager to dress up for Keaton's event, but as is the case for many things in life, fantasy and reality don't always come together as well as imagined. The whole event seemed to go well, but everything changed at the end when you accidentally came. From that very moment, an involuntary and overwhelming sense of shame took over you.
Complex emotions are stirring within you. You knew you wanted to indulge your desires, so why did you have this reaction? Keaton offered you a solution: chastity.
Still recovering from a state of shock, you let Jessica escort you away from the event...
<<run $playerHeads.pickUp($playerHead.show())>><<dropall '$playerHead'>>
<<run $playerNecks.pickUp($playerNeck.show())>><<dropall '$playerNeck'>>
<<run $playerWrists.pickUp($playerWrist.show())>><<dropall '$playerWrist'>>A message from the developer:
That's it for now!
You've gone down what I'm calling the 'Going along with things' path (I won't reveal the real name of this path, because I think it would slightly spoil it), and I think the people in Grenton really appreciate you, even if they might have a funny way of showing it!
I hope you're enjoying the choices you've made so far. At the point you are in the game, the story splits into distinct paths.
There's more to come. There will be more story, characters, sexual sitations and more! And gameplay-wise there's lots to add too: the implementation of many clothes and outfit options has barely started yet!
Please be patient with me as I add content to complete each path through the game. It will take time to make all of them, but I hope to make it worth it.
If you enjoyed this game and would like to help it develop, please consider supporting it on Patreon:
<a href="https://patreon.com/user?u=86744336&utm_medium=clipboard_copy&utm_source=copyLink&utm_campaign=creatorshare_creator&utm_content=join_link" target="_blank">Click here if you want to support the game.</a>
<a class="noIcon" href="https://www.patreon.com/bePatron?u=86744336" data-patreon-widget-type="become-patron-button" target="_blank"><img src="images/extras/PatreonButtonImg.jpg" alt="PatreonLink" class="storyImage"></a>
Also, feedback is very much welcome. There's a link if you scroll down the menu on the left hand side. You can also message me on twitter: (<a href="https://twitter.com/midnoblu" target="_blank">@MidnoBlu</a>). It's even helpful simply to let me know which path you went down.
If you'd like, you can try out other routes. Maybe you're well-suited to this path to be honest, but who am I to say?
Most of all though, thank you for playing the game.
- Midno
p.s (You can restart the game on the left hand side. You may need to scroll down.)A message from the developer:
That's it for now!
You've gone down the Dom path, and you certainly seem to be showing Grenton who's boss! I hope you're enjoying the choices you've made so far. At the point you are in the game, the story splits into distinct paths.
There's more to come. There will be more story, characters, sexual sitations and more! And gameplay-wise there's lots to add too: the implementation of many clothes and outfit options has barely started yet!
Please be patient with me as I add content to complete each path through the game. It will take time to make all of them, but I hope to make it worth it.
If you enjoyed this game and would like to help it develop, please consider supporting it on Patreon:
<a href="https://patreon.com/user?u=86744336&utm_medium=clipboard_copy&utm_source=copyLink&utm_campaign=creatorshare_creator&utm_content=join_link" target="_blank">Click here if you want to support the game.</a>
<a class="noIcon" href="https://www.patreon.com/bePatron?u=86744336" data-patreon-widget-type="become-patron-button" target="_blank"><img src="images/extras/PatreonButtonImg.jpg" alt="PatreonLink" class="storyImage"></a>
Also, feedback is very much welcome. There's a link if you scroll down the menu on the left hand side. You can also message me on twitter: (<a href="https://twitter.com/midnoblu" target="_blank">@MidnoBlu</a>). It's even helpful simply to let me know which path you went down.
If you'd like, you can try out other routes. Unless you're a Switch, I'm not sure there's any other route that could satisfy a Dom like yourself, but who knows, you may be curious.
Most of all though, thank you for playing the game.
- Midno
p.s (You can restart the game on the left hand side. You may need to scroll down.)<<nobr>>
<<if $solitaryState is 'unknown'>>
A thick steel door clacked as it's multiple latches closed behind you. It seemed that for now you were locked strictly away from the rest of Grenton. Despite the situation, you couldn't help noticing that for a solitary confinement space this was far nicer than you expected. It was almost like your room here at Grenton, except better because you had it all to yourself! A nice bed, toilet and area to sit; it would be perfect, if not for the fact you couldn't leave...<br/><br/>
The sun shined brightly through a small window, it's beams illuminating dust specks that floated slowly in the air. Focusing on the gently gliding particles somehow had a calming effect on you, which was much needed after the events earlier.<br/><br/>
Just as the light began to dim, a flap unlocked in the bottom of the door, and a plate was pushed through with some food. Bread rolls, some fruit and water. You were about to yell out to anyone outside the door, but didn't feel up to risking another confrontation right now. Tonight you'd take things easy, recuperate your spirit. You could worry about everything else tomorrow.<br/><br/>
You woke up the next morning later than usual. It seemed there was no roll call for you here! As if that benefit wasn't enough, it appeared that some breakfast foods were waiting for you by the door hatch. You were tempted to tuck in immediately, but you needed to avoid distraction first and end the uncertainty of your present circumstance. With a bunched fist, you banged as hard as you could on the solitary room's door.<br/><br/>
<span class="p1">You:</span> "HEY! HEY, ANYBODY? HELLOOO? WHAT'S GOING ON?"<br/><br/>
<span class="intercom">Intercom:</span> "Zpfhphfp..."<br/><br/>
A hiss of white noise suddenly came through from the far corner of the room, somewhere behind you. You turned around in confusion, only now noticing a small speaker where the sound came from.<br/><br/>
<span class="p1">You:</span> "What is this!?"<br/><br/>
<img src="images/scenes/cSolitary_telecom.jpg" alt="A picture of a voice intercom" class="storyImage"><span class="intercom">Intercom:</span> "Pfzpfpzp... down $name... just calm down... now once again, can you hear me?"<br/><br/>
A voice was coming through the static... it sounded like a female one!<br/><br/>
<span class="p1">You:</span> "Y-yes... who are you?"<br/><br/>
<span class="intercom">Intercom:</span> "Ah, good! I was beginning to worry, it's taken you quite a while to speak up. Hello there! My name is Dr Mifune."<br/><br/>
<span class="p1">You:</span> "You're a woman?"<br/><br/>
<span class="mifune">Dr Mifune:</span> "Uh, yes... that's not a problem is it?"<br/><br/>
<span class="p1">You:</span> "No, of course not! I didn't mean anything by it, sorry! It's just... I thought everyone involved in this facility was male."<br/><br/>
<span class="mifune">Dr Mifune:</span> "Well, that is true for the most part, but consider me an exception! Before we should continue $name, I must let you know that I'm a psychologist working here at Grenton, and I supervise in the running of this facility. I want to make it clear to you that all communication between us will remain confidential."<br/><br/>
<span class="p1">You:</span> "Um... ok?"<br/><br/>
<span class="mifune">Dr Mifune:</span> "You sound surprised?"<br/><br/>
<span class="p1">You:</span> "I just didn't realize we had someone like you here. It was never mentioned..."<br/><br/>
<span class="mifune">Dr Mifune:</span> "We've found that many Grenton inhabitants can handle their personal growth without direct supervision, but that's not always the case. $name, I do not want to make you feel judged, but I feel it's important to make you aware that you are the first inhabitant of this center to cause a violent incident."<br/><br/>
<span class="p1">You:</span> "What!? No I..."<br/><br/>
<span class="mifune">Dr Mifune:</span> "Please, don't feel distressed about it though! What I would really like to do today is help talk through your feelings. It is perfectly understandable for you to feel stressed, especially after the huge life changes you must of experienced recently."<br/><br/>
Once again, there was more to this Grenton place than what initially seemed. Dr Mifune had paused speaking, clearly waiting for you to respond to her offer of help.<br/><br/>
<div class="choice">[[I was threatened! I wasn't the cause of this...|cSolitary][$solitaryState = '1intro']]</div><br/>
<div class="choice">[[Sorry, but I don't trust you!|cSolitary][$solitaryState = '2intro']]</div>
<<elseif $solitaryState is '1intro'>>
<span class="mifune">Dr Mifune:</span> "There are multiple reports you started a fight in the recreation room, is that not correct?"<br/><br/>
<span class="p1">You:</span> "Well, yeah... but that was only because of Keaton... and all the... the..."<br/><br/>
Words became a struggle to form, as embarrassment flushed your skin hot.<br/><br/>
<span class="mifune">Dr Mifune:</span> "$name, I have to warn you that violence is never acceptable here in Grenton! We have to take this very seriously."<br/><br/>
You still felt a little taken back from the revelation that no violence had occurred in Grenton before you came along. It made you feel a little ashamed to be honest. Regardless though, was it not justified considering the situation you found yourself in? You explained to Dr Mifune about the note Keaton left you, which had spurred you into taking action against him, before then resulting in confrontation.<br/><br/>
<span class="mifune">Dr Mifune:</span> "I see... so would it be fair to say you're feeling angry right now, $name?"<br/><br/>
<div class="choice">[[After everything that's happened? Yes, of course!|cSolitary][$solitaryState = '1a']]</div><br/>
<div class="choice">[[No, why?|cSolitary][$solitaryState = '1b']]</div>
<<elseif $solitaryState is '1a'>>
<span class="mifune">Dr Mifune:</span> "And where do you think that anger stems from?"<br/><br/>
<span class="p1">You:</span> "Everything this place has put me through... Keaton's initiation process... how could I not be angry?"<br/><br/>
<span class="mifune">Dr Mifune:</span> "$name, do you think there's a reason why Keaton wanted to initiate you like that?"<br/><br/>
<div class="choice">[[I really don't know... because he thinks I'm weak, maybe?|cSolitary][$subStat += 1; $solitaryState = '1c']]</div><br/>
<div class="choice">[[I really don't know... because he thinks I'd... make a good girl, maybe?|cSolitary][$pervStat += 1; $solitaryState = '1d']]</div>
<<elseif $solitaryState is '1b'>>
<span class="mifune">Dr Mifune:</span> "Well, you turned to violence to try to solve the problem you perceive."<br/><br/>
<span class="p1">You:</span> "And who wouldn't? What kind of person would just go along with that?"<br/><br/>
<span class="mifune">Dr Mifune:</span> "Wouldn't a more pertinent question be, what kind of person would Keaton choose to initiate like that?"<br/><br/>
<div class="choice">[[Someone he thinks is weak.|cSolitary][$subStat += 1; $solitaryState = '1c']]</div><br/>
<div class="choice">[[Someone he thinks would make... a good girl?|cSolitary][$pervStat += 1; $solitaryState = '1d']]</div>
<<elseif $solitaryState is '1c'>>
<span class="mifune">Dr Mifune:</span> "And...do you feel weak?"<br/><br/>
<span class="p1">You:</span> "Would a weak guy pick a fight like that?"<br/><br/>
<span class="mifune">Dr Mifune:</span> "Maybe, maybe not. However, I do think somebody with a deep sense of insecurity would."<br/><br/>
You didn't respond. It was hard to determine how you truly felt; your defeat from yesterday was still so raw. This really felt like one of the lowest moments in your life. Was this really the time for deep introspection?<br/><br/>
<span class="mifune">Dr Mifune:</span> "$name... please keep an open mind to this, but... do you believe it's possible the anger that erupted yesterday could stem from elsewhere?"<br/><br/>
<span class="p1">You:</span> "What does that mean?"<br/><br/>
<<if $playerHistory is "cd">>
<span class="mifune">Dr Mifune:</span> "You're a crossdresser, aren't you? Please do not feel judged. Let me remind you I am a professional."<br/><br/>
How did she know that!? You couldn't bring yourself to respond, as a hot, clammy feeling came over you.<br/><br/>
<span class="mifune">Dr Mifune:</span> "It's perfectly fine behavior $name, there's really no need to be embarrassed by it! I suppose it must seem terribly one-sided for you to feel this kind of exposure, but you know, you're not alone. Actually, I quite enjoy gender role reversal myself... I know it's not got quite the same stigma for women, but for years it was a part of me I felt uncomfortable with too."<br/><br/>
<span class="p1">You:</span> "H-how did you know this?"<br/><br/>
<<if $playerTriedPanties is 'yes'>>
<span class="mifune">Dr Mifune:</span> "Please keep this confidential. I assume you'll know what I mean when I say that a Grenton inhabitant requested the officers for a room change after taking a dislike to certain behavior of his room mate."<br/><br/>
Yeah, that wasn't hard to figure out what happened. Michael. You really just had to try on those panties, didn't you? How naïve to think you could of gotten away with it.<br/><br/>
<span class="mifune">Dr Mifune:</span> "Do you remember the medical evaluation before your stay here? It was just after your sentence was heard. You did seem sort of... mentally checked out for it."<br/><br/>
<span class="p1">You:</span> "My mind turned to fog once the sentence was announced... I remember being taken to the medical but can't recall much of the evaluation itself."<br/><br/>
<span class="mifune">Dr Mifune:</span> "It probably wouldn't stand out at the time, but we have subtle ways of profiling inhabitants lifestyles, including their likes and dislikes. A person can lie, but their heart-rate can't. Can you at least admit now that you've crossdressed before in the past?"<br/><br/>
It was still difficult to believe that Dr Mifune could pick up your crossdressing habit from your medical, but what would be the point in denying it now? The surface of your cheeks hummed red and hot.<br/><br/>
<span class="p1">You:</span> "...Yes."<br/><br/>
<span class="mifune">Dr Mifune:</span> "So, I just wonder... the source of this anger could be coming from a deep sense of shame?"<br/><br/>
<span class="p1">You:</span> "..."<br/><br/>
<span class="mifune">Dr Mifune:</span> "Only you can say for sure, but it seems you enjoy your crossdressing, and yet at the same time... are ashamed of it? I would imagine having something so personal to your identity being used against you like that must of been quite distressing? Understandably, I think anyone can see how that could of lead to the confrontation that happened."<br/><br/>
<div class="choice">[[I... don't love crossdressing.|cSolitary][$solitaryState = 'cd1']]</div><br/>
<div class="choice">[[...It was distressing.|cSolitary][$solitaryState = 'cd2']]</div>
<span class="mifune">Dr Mifune:</span> "Could it not be an overcompensation for something?"<br/><br/>
<span class="p1">You:</span> "Like what?"<br/><br/>
<span class="mifune">Dr Mifune:</span> "Well... if you don't mind, I'd like to try a mental exercise with you. Try your best to think through this scenario without any sense of shame attached. Tell me, what is the worst thing that could of happened at Keaton's event?"<br/><br/>
<span class="p1">You:</span> "Are you kidding?"<br/><br/>
<span class="mifune">Dr Mifune:</span> "The absolute worst case scenario. Please, go ahead. I hope to understand what it was you feared of happening."<br/><br/>
<span class="p1">You:</span> "Oh, I don't know, maybe that a note under my pillow described me as having a slim body that would look good modelling a bra and panties!? Even if it was only for a show and that was it, would I really be able to walk with my head held up around here if I did?"<br/><br/>
<span class="mifune">Dr Mifune:</span> "Is it really any worse than some typical college hazing?"<br/><br/>
<span class="p1">You:</span> "Where would it end though? No way... I'd never just accept that!"<br/><br/>
<span class="mifune">Dr Mifune:</span> "What if I told you most of members of Keaton's gang had already done it..."<br/><br/>
<span class="p1">You:</span> "..."<br/><br/>
<span class="mifune">Dr Mifune:</span> "And they seem to be fine, don't they?"<br/><br/>
<div class="choice">[[It doesn't matter about them... I wouldn't do it!|cSolitary][$solitaryState = 'notCd1Alt']]</div><br/>
<div class="choice">[[So... what should I do about it now?|cSolitary][$solitaryState = 'notCd1']]</div>
<<elseif $solitaryState is '1d'>>
<span class="mifune">Dr Mifune:</span> "How interesting that you inferred that... and how does thinking about that make you feel?"<br/><br/>
<span class="p1">You:</span> "Like... like I was being humiliated! Why would he try to make me do that?"<br/><br/>
<span class="mifune">Dr Mifune:</span> "Would it be fair to say you felt like your masculinity was threatened?"<br/><br/>
<span class="p1">You:</span> "Of course! Would any self-respecting guy go along with that?"<br/><br/>
<span class="mifune">Dr Mifune:</span> "I guess I can see your point of view... to a degree. Responding in the aggressive way that you did though... that to me suggests you have a some kind of insecurity regarding yourself, something deep within."<br/><br/>
You didn't respond. It was hard to determine how you truly felt; your defeat from yesterday was still so raw. You felt at your lowest point. Was this really the time for such introspection?<br/><br/>
<span class="mifune">Dr Mifune:</span> "$name... please keep an open mind to this, but... do you believe it's possible that the anger that erupted yesterday could stem from elsewhere?"<br/><br/>
<span class="p1">You:</span> "What does that mean?"<br/><br/>
<<if $playerHistory is "cd">>
<span class="mifune">Dr Mifune:</span> "You're a crossdresser, aren't you? Please do not feel judged. Let me remind you I am a professional."<br/><br/>
How did she know that!? You couldn't bring yourself to respond, as a hot, clammy feeling came over you.<br/><br/>
<span class="mifune">Dr Mifune:</span> "It's perfectly fine behavior $name, there's really no need to be embarrassed by it! I suppose it must seem terribly one-sided for you to feel this kind of exposure, but you know, you're not alone. Actually, I quite enjoy gender role reversal myself... I know it's not got quite the same stigma for women, but for years it was a part of me I felt uncomfortable with too."<br/><br/>
<span class="p1">You:</span> "H-how did you know this?"<br/><br/>
<<if $playerTriedPanties is 'yes'>>
<span class="mifune">Dr Mifune:</span> "Please keep this confidential. I assume you'll know what I mean when I say that a Grenton inhabitant requested the officers for a room change after taking a dislike to certain behavior of his room mate."<br/><br/>
Yeah, that wasn't hard to figure out what happened. Michael. You really just had to try on those panties, didn't you? How naive to think you could of gotten away with it.<br/><br/>
<span class="mifune">Dr Mifune:</span> "Do you remember the medical evaluation before your stay here? It was just after your sentence was heard. You did seem sort of... mentally checked out for it."<br/><br/>
<span class="p1">You:</span> "My mind turned to fog once the sentence was announced... I remember being taken to the medical but can't recall much of the evaluation itself."<br/><br/>
<span class="mifune">Dr Mifune:</span> "It probably wouldn't stand out at the time, but we have subtle ways of profiling inhabitants lifestyles, including their likes and dislikes. A person can lie, but their heart-rate can't. Can you at least admit now that you've crossdressed before in the past?"<br/><br/>
It was still difficult to believe that Dr Mifune could pick up your crossdressing habit from your medical, but what would be the point in denying it now. The surface of your cheeks hummed red and hot.
<span class="p1">You:</span> "...Yes."<br/><br/>
<span class="mifune">Dr Mifune:</span> "So, I just wonder... the source of this anger could be coming from a deep sense of shame?"<br/><br/>
<span class="p1">You:</span> "..."<br/><br/>
<span class="mifune">Dr Mifune:</span> "Only you can say for sure, but it seems you enjoy your crossdressing, yet at the same time are ashamed of it? I would of thought having something so personal to you being used against you like that must of been quite distressing? Understandably, I think anyone can see how that could of lead to the confrontation that happened."<br/><br/>
<div class="choice">[[I... don't love crossdressing.|cSolitary][$solitaryState = 'cd1']]</div><br/>
<div class="choice">[[...It was distressing.|cSolitary][$solitaryState = 'cd2']]</div>
<span class="mifune">Dr Mifune:</span> "Could it not be an overcompensation for something?"<br/><br/>
<span class="p1">You:</span> "Like what?"<br/><br/>
<span class="mifune">Dr Mifune:</span> "Well... if you don't mind, I'd like to try a mental exercise with you. Try your best to think through this scenario without any sense of shame attached. Tell me, what is the worst thing that could of happened at Keaton's event?"<br/><br/>
<span class="p1">You:</span> "Are you kidding?"<br/><br/>
<span class="mifune">Dr Mifune:</span> "The absolute worst case scenario. Please, go ahead. I hope to understand what it was you feared of happening."<br/><br/>
<span class="p1">You:</span> "Oh, I don't know, maybe that a note under my pillow described me as having a slim body that would look good modelling a bra and panties!? Even if it was only for a show and that was it, would I really be able to walk with my head held up around here if I did?"<br/><br/>
<span class="mifune">Dr Mifune:</span> "Is it really any worse than some typical college hazing?"<br/><br/>
<span class="p1">You:</span> "Where would it end though? No way... I'd never just accept that!"<br/><br/>
<span class="mifune">Dr Mifune:</span> "What if I told you most of members of Keaton's gang had already done it..."<br/><br/>
<span class="p1">You:</span> "..."<br/><br/>
<span class="mifune">Dr Mifune:</span> "And they seem to be fine, don't they?"<br/><br/>
<div class="choice">[[It doesn't matter about them... I wouldn't do it!|cSolitary][$solitaryState = 'notCd1Alt']]</div><br/>
<div class="choice">[[So... what should I do?|cSolitary][$solitaryState = 'notCd1']]</div>
<<elseif $solitaryState is 'notCd1'>>
<span class="mifune">Dr Mifune:</span> "I think firstly, I want to acknowledge that it can be painful when we feel an intrinsic part of ourselves is being ridiculed, or attacked. It was almost certainly that pain that led to you acting out this way."<br/><br/>
<span class="p1">You:</span> "I can't believe I'm the only one who's turned to violence in Grenton..."<br/><br/>
<span class="mifune">Dr Mifune:</span> "If you're happy to work with me, we can work together to make sure that never happens again. Would you like that?"<br/><br/>
<span class="p1">You:</span> "...Y-yes please."<br/><br/>
<span class="mifune">Dr Mifune:</span> "$name, would it be fair to say the note Keaton left for you made you feel your masculinity was being challenged?"<br/><br/>
<span class="p1">You:</span> "I don't know about that... I just felt deep down this isn't something I would do... that I wasn't going to do it. I musn't do it..."<br/><br/>
<span class="mifune">Dr Mifune:</span> "Wouldn't that be an insecurity on your part though? You were promised a lot of benefits if you went through with it... just to wear some girls clothes... was that really a big deal?"<br/><br/>
<span class="p1">You:</span> "It was to me! I didn't now exactly what it would be like..."<br/><br/>
<span class="mifune">Dr Mifune:</span> "Ok, that makes some sense. But if you felt a little more secure in yourself, do you think getting to this point could have been avoided?"<br/><br/>
<span class="p1">You:</span> "..."<br/><br/>
<span class="mifune">Dr Mifune:</span> "Knowing what you do now... would you of been willing to do it?"<br/><br/>
<div class="choice">[[Why do you keep focusing on this? No, I wouldn't do it, I'd never do it! THAT'S FINAL!!!|cSolitary][$solitaryState = '999']]<br/><span class="statBonus">An Ending</span></div><br/>
<div class="choice">[[I guess so... yeah.|cSolitary][$solitaryState = 'notCd2']]</div>
<<elseif $solitaryState is 'notCd1Alt'>>
<span class="mifune">Dr Mifune:</span> "Is there a reason you feel so strongly about it? I understand it can be painful when we feel an intrinsic part of ourselves is being ridiculed, or attacked. But how you acted is not the way to deal with such things..."<br/><br/>
As annoyed as you were, you couldn't help feel at least a little remorse at your actions.<br/><br/>
<span class="p1">You:</span> "I can't believe I'm the only one who's turned to violence in Grenton..."<br/><br/>
<span class="mifune">Dr Mifune:</span> "At the very least, would you be willing to work with me to at least help you process your emotions more effectively? Not simply for others, but for you own sake, I believe there is much we can do to make sure nothing like this occurs again for you. Would you like that?"<br/><br/>
<span class="p1">You:</span> "...Pfft. I guess... I'll consider it."<br/><br/>
<span class="mifune">Dr Mifune:</span> "Ok then. Thank you. So $name, would it be fair to say the note Keaton left for you made you feel your masculinity was being challenged?"<br/><br/>
<span class="p1">You:</span> "I don't know about that... I just felt deep down this isn't something I would do... that I wasn't going to do it. I musn't do it..."<br/><br/>
<span class="mifune">Dr Mifune:</span> "Wouldn't that be an insecurity on your part though? You were promised a lot of benefits if you went through with it... just to wear some girls clothes... was that really a big deal?"<br/><br/>
<span class="p1">You:</span> "It was to me! I didn't now exactly what it would be like..."<br/><br/>
<span class="mifune">Dr Mifune:</span> "Ok, that makes some sense. But if you felt a little more secure in yourself, do you think getting to this point could have been avoided?"<br/><br/>
<span class="p1">You:</span> "..."<br/><br/>
<span class="mifune">Dr Mifune:</span> "Knowing what you do now... would you of been willing to do it?"<br/><br/>
<div class="choice">[[Why do you keep focusing on this? No, I wouldn't do it, I'd never do it! THAT'S FINAL!!!|cSolitary][$solitaryState = '999']]<br/><span class="statBonus">An Ending</span></div><br/>
<div class="choice">[[I guess I would... yeah.|cSolitary][$solitaryState = 'notCd2']]</div>
<<elseif $solitaryState is 'notCd2'>>
<span class="mifune">Dr Mifune:</span> "Excellent! You're doing really well, $name. An open mind is essential to successful rehabilitation."<br/><br/>
<span class="p1">You:</span> "I mean, if Keaton's note hadn't been so vague maybe none of this would of happened. It especially helps knowing others have done it."<br/><br/>
<span class="mifune">Dr Mifune:</span> "I'm happy to hear that. I have to tell you $name, I can't sign off your release from solitary until I've proven beyond doubt you are safe to return to freely moving in Grenton."<br/><br/>
<span class="p1">You:</span> "I'm genuinely sorry this happened! Perhaps I can apologize directly to some of the guys..."<br/><br/>
<span class="mifune">Dr Mifune:</span> "I'm afraid that can't be risked yet, though I propose a different approach. If you could please remain acceptive as you're being now, I'd like to try something to help you become more secure in yourself. This would not only benefit you personally, but show the issues that caused your outburst won't cause a problem again. It would mean any perceived challenges to your masculinity in the future would be like water off a duck's back."<br/><br/>
<span class="p1">You:</span> "What are you saying exactly?"<br/><br/>
<span class="mifune">Dr Mifune:</span> "Well, I can help you take yourself less seriously for a start! But more importantly, help you learn that you don't need to maintain some false idea of who or what you should be."<br/><br/>
<span class="p1">You:</span> "Um... will that work will it?"<br/><br/>
<span class="mifune">Dr Mifune:</span> "I believe so. Let me tell you something, $name. The room you are in now is unmonitored! You have total privacy here, there's no video recording inside, just the intercom which is audio only. You and I have doctor patient confidentiality so you can be assured this conversation will remain between us. Do you understand?"<br/><br/>
<span class="p1">You:</span> "Yeah, so?"<br/><br/>
<span class="mifune">Dr Mifune:</span> "Well... why not crossdress in there? There wouldn't be any consequences. It would be a private moment for you to see another side of yourself, one that society has wrongly taught you not to be in touch with."<br/><br/>
<span class="p1">You:</span> "THAT'S your big idea?"<br/><br/>
<span class="mifune">Dr Mifune:</span> "I think if you could deal with it, it would be a clear sign you overcame any issues regarding your pride. That would make it easy for me to sign you off as safe again!"<br/><br/>
<div class="choice">[[If this is all I need to do, fine.|cSolitary][$solitaryState = 'notCd3']]</div><br/>
<div class="choice">[[What!? No! You know what, I'm done talking! Stop this, NOW!!!|cSolitary][$solitaryState = '999']]<br/><span class="statBonus">An Ending</span></div>
<<elseif $solitaryState is 'notCd3'>>
<span class="mifune">Dr Mifune:</span> "Wonderful, $name! You're doing especially well. Honestly, at first I was worried you might be unapproachable. I'm really happy you're staying open-minded, but not only that, I think this experience will really benefit the development of yourself as a person."<br/><br/>
<span class="p1">You:</span> "Well, let's not go too far... I just want to deescalate things."<br/><br/>
<span class="mifune">Dr Mifune:</span> "I understand it's been difficult for you. Would it help to know that I've dabbled in reversal of gender roles myself occasionally? It's obviously not got as much stigma for women, but I just wanted to convey that exploring beyond the bounds society sets on us is actually a perfectly fine thing for us to do."<br/><br/>
<span class="p1">You:</span> "...Ok."<br/><br/>
<span class="mifune">Dr Mifune:</span> "Just keep that in mind. And remember, that room is a totally private, safe space for you! Please take some time to digest our talk today. I'll be over in a moment to bring a few items to your room. Once again, be assured neither myself or anybody else will be able to see you. We'll speak again soon."<br/><br/>
The intercom clicked. As you stared down at the floor, you found it difficult to process how things had come to this point. What the hell was going to happen next? Suddenly the room's door flap opened, and a neat cardboard box squeezed through. Whoever pushed it in had finger nails that were painted light blue, and their sleeves were white. That had to be Dr Mifune! Once the box was placed, the person's arms quickly retreated, and you heard the flap door shut and lock tightly.<br/><br/>
With nothing to do, how could you not check the contents of the box? You lifted off the lid slowly, and wondering what kind of clothes Dr Mifune had sent you to wear. Inside was a neatly placed lingerie set, black heels, some lipstick and a wig.<br/><br/>
<span class="saveWarning">
<img src="images/extras/warningIcon.png" alt="Warning Icon" class="warningIcon">
<span class="saveWarningTitle">SAVE YOUR GAME NOW!</span>
<span class="saveWarningDescription">You're close to finishing the available content.</span>
<span class="saveWarningDescription">To play future updates from this point, please save your game here.</span>
<div class="choice">[[Take a closer look at the lingerie|cSolitarytempEndingV101][$cSolitaryState = 'reluctantStrCd']]</div><br/>
<div class="choice">[[Put the lid back on the box|cSolitarytempEndingV101][$cSolitaryState = 'resistantStrCd']]</div>
<<elseif $solitaryState is 'cd1'>>
<span class="mifune">Dr Mifune:</span> "$name... I can't help support you if you're not willing to trust me. If you don't enjoy crossdressing, why do you do it?"<br/><br/>
<span class="p1">You:</span> "I don't know! It's just... messing around! And I certainly didn't think anyone would find out about it..."<br/><br/>
<span class="mifune">Dr Mifune:</span> "So it's something you enjoy only in private?"<br/><br/>
<span class="p1">You:</span> "Didn't I just tell you I don't love crossdressing!?"<br/><br/>
<span class="mifune">Dr Mifune:</span> "What I think is that you don't want people to KNOW you enjoy it, which let me reassure you is perfectly fine!"<br/><br/>
<span class="p1">You:</span> "..."<br/><br/>
<span class="mifune">Dr Mifune:</span> "However, what isn't fine is attacking Grenton inhabitants!"<br/><br/>
<span class="p1">You:</span> "OK, well I'm sorry about that..."<br/><br/>
<span class="mifune">Dr Mifune:</span> "I apologize to inform you $name, but I will not be able to sign off your release from solitary until I can prove you're not a threat to anyone."<br/><br/>
<span class="p1">You:</span> "I can promise I won't do it again?"<br/><br/>
<span class="mifune">Dr Mifune:</span> "I'm afraid that's hard to believe when you obviously had such unstable emotions, seemingly rooted in your unaddressed guilt at being a crossdresser."<br/><br/>
<span class="p1">You:</span> "What more can I say? I Won't. Do it. Again!"<br/><br/>
<span class="mifune">Dr Mifune:</span> "Can you honestly say Keaton's knowledge of your habit couldn't cause you to lash out again? When you're back in Grenton, the inhabitants will still be aware of that side of you. If anyone was to tease you about it, doesn't that risk another violent incident occurring from you again?"<br/><br/>
<span class="p1">You:</span> "So is that it? I'm just stuck in here?"<br/><br/>
<span class="mifune">Dr Mifune:</span> "No, not at all! Most of our inhabitants don't require direct professional support for their personal growth, but in your case it would be most beneficial. $name, would you be willing you work with me to help you accept yourself? We live in an increasingly open-minded society, one where differences can not just be accepted but celebrated, but only if we have the courage to do so. How about it?"<br/><br/>
<div class="choice">[[H-how would we do this?|cSolitary][$solitaryState = 'cd3']]</div><br/>
<div class="choice">[[NO. FUCKING. WAY.|cSolitary][$solitaryState = 'cd4']]</div>
<<elseif $solitaryState is 'cd2'>>
<span class="mifune">Dr Mifune:</span> "It can be painful when we feel an intrinsic part of ourselves is being ridiculed, or attacked, especially when we spend so much time hiding it from others. But $name, what if the issue here isn't Keaton's challenge to your sense of masculinity? What if it's your own inability to accept that this side of you isn't a secret anymore?"<br/><br/>
<span class="p1">You:</span> "It's not like it's a big part of my life! I was just... messing around! I have a girlfriend! And I certainly didn't think anyone would find out about it..."<br/><br/>
<span class="mifune">Dr Mifune:</span> "Interesting. We should maybe delve into how this effects your relationship later, but for now, let's focus only on how it effects you. Is crossdressing something you enjoy only in private?"<br/><br/>
<span class="p1">You:</span> "...I guess so, yeah. It... just feels good, that's all. Like I said, it's not THAT big a deal, I just don't like other people knowing about it!"<br/><br/>
<span class="mifune">Dr Mifune:</span> "That's perfectly fine, of course! But the circumstance you're in means that your secret is out there."<br/><br/>
<span class="p1">You:</span> "Fuck... I'm well aware..."<br/><br/>
<span class="mifune">Dr Mifune:</span> "And so if you don't learn to accept that part of you now that it's been outted, you risk another violent outburst. Let me be clear $name, I must be able to make sure you don't do anything like that again."<br/><br/>
<span class="p1">You:</span> "I'm... genuinely very sorry."<br/><br/>
<span class="mifune">Dr Mifune:</span> "That's good, it's excellent that you truly feel remorse for your actions. However, I still need to prove beyond doubt you are safe to return to freely moving within Grenton, do you understand?"<br/><br/>
<span class="p1">You:</span> "I can promise I won't do it again!"<br/><br/>
<span class="mifune">Dr Mifune:</span> "While I believe you, I'm afraid a promise will not be sufficient enough in this case. Any unstable emotions could cause you trouble again. We need to work on the issues rooted in your guilt at being a crossdresser."<br/><br/>
<span class="p1">You:</span> "I've... admitted I'm a crossdresser, isn't that enough?"<br/><br/>
<span class="mifune">Dr Mifune:</span> "Apologies $name, but it isn't."<br/><br/>
<span class="p1">You:</span> "So that's it? I'm just stuck in here?"<br/><br/>
<span class="mifune">Dr Mifune:</span> "No, not at all. Most of our inhabitants don't require direct professional support for their personal growth, but in your case it would be very beneficial I think! $name, would you be willing you work with me to help you accept yourself? We live in an increasingly open-minded society. Differences to what's considered normal can not just be accepted but celebrated these days, but that's only if we have the courage to do so. How about it?"<br/><br/>
<div class="choice">[[H-how would we do this?|cSolitary][$solitaryState = 'cd3']]</div><br/>
<div class="choice">[[I've had enough of this, this is bullshit!|cSolitary][$solitaryState = 'cd4']]</div>
<<elseif $solitaryState is 'cd3'>>
<span class="mifune">Dr Mifune:</span> "We could start with a gentle approach. Get you used to the idea that crossdressing is perfectly fine behaviour, which it is, and that you no longer need to feel negatively about it."<br/><br/>
<span class="p1">You:</span> "I'm... not sure about that..."<br/><br/>
<span class="mifune">Dr Mifune:</span> "That's fine... but please believe me when I say I know how difficult this is for you. You're doing really well keeping an open-mind, can I ask you maintain that openness a little longer?"<br/><br/>
<span class="p1">You:</span> "...Fine."<br/><br/>
<span class="mifune">Dr Mifune:</span> "Thank you, $name. Please let me explain. The room you are in now is unmonitored and you have total privacy here! There's no video recording inside, just the intercom which is audio only. We have doctor patient confidentiality so you can be assured this conversation will remain between us. Do you understand, $name?"<br/><br/>
<span class="p1">You:</span> "...Yes."<br/><br/>
<span class="mifune">Dr Mifune:</span> "So keep that in mind! It's a totally private, safe space for you. You have plenty of time to digest our talk today, but just before I go, I'm going to bring a few items to your room. Once again, please be assured neither myself or anyone else will be able to see you. We'll speak again soon."<br/><br/>
The intercom clicked. As you stared down at the floor, you found it difficult to process how things had come to this point. What the hell would happen next? Suddenly the room's door flap opened, and a neat cardboard box squeezed through. Whoever pushed it in had their finger nails painted light blue, and their sleeves were white. That had to be Dr Mifune! Once the box was placed, the person's arms quickly retreated, and you heard the flap lock shut again.<br/><br/>
With nothing to do, how could you not check the contents of the box? You lifted off the lid slowly, to see a neatly placed lingerie set, black heels, lipstick and a wig.<br/><br/>
<span class="saveWarning">
<img src="images/extras/warningIcon.png" alt="Warning Icon" class="warningIcon">
<span class="saveWarningTitle">SAVE YOUR GAME NOW!</span>
<span class="saveWarningDescription">You're close to finishing the available content.</span>
<span class="saveWarningDescription">To play future updates from this point, please save your game here.</span>
<div class="choice">[[Take a closer look at the lingerie|cSolitarytempEndingV101][$cSolitaryState = 'cd']]</div>
<<elseif $solitaryState is 'cd4'>>
<span class="mifune">Dr Mifune:</span> "Very well... but please believe me when I say I know how difficult this is for you."<br/><br/>
<span class="p1">You:</span> "Just let me out, I'm sick of this!"<br/><br/>
<span class="mifune">Dr Mifune:</span> "$name... try to calm down if you can. You know you can't re-enter Grenton in a state like this."<br/><br/>
A mix cocktail of anger, confusion and shameful thoughts was stirring within your thoughts. How was this really happening?<br/><br/>
<span class="mifune">Dr Mifune:</span> "I'm going to suggest we stop for today. However, I can promise you this room is unmonitored. You have total privacy here, there's no video recording inside, just the intercom which is audio only. We have doctor patient confidentiality so you can be assured this conversation will remain between us. Do you understand, $name?"<br/><br/>
You couldn't help feeling some puzzlement as to why she wanted to make that specific detail so clear to you.<br/><br/>
<span class="p1">You:</span> "...Yes."<br/><br/>
<span class="mifune">Dr Mifune:</span> "Good. So remember, it's a totally private, safe space for you. Take some time to digest our talk, and let's speak again soon."<br/><br/>
The intercom clicked. As you stared down at the floor, you found it difficult to process how things had come to this point. What the hell would happen next? Suddenly the room's door flap opened, and a neat cardboard box squeezed through. Whoever pushed it in had their finger nails painted light blue, and their sleeves were white. Almost certainly that was Dr Mifune! Once the box was placed, the person's arms quickly retreated, and you heard the flap lock shut again.<br/><br/>
With nothing to do, how could you not check the contents of the box? You lifted off the lid slowly, and while you had no idea what to expect, somehow the contents didn't really surprise you. A neatly placed lingerie set, some heels, lipstick and a wig.<br/><br/>
<span class="saveWarning">
<img src="images/extras/warningIcon.png" alt="Warning Icon" class="warningIcon">
<span class="saveWarningTitle">SAVE YOUR GAME NOW!</span>
<span class="saveWarningDescription">You're close to finishing the available content.</span>
<span class="saveWarningDescription">To play future updates from this point, please save your game here.</span>
<div class="choice">[[Take a closer look at the lingerie|cSolitarytempEndingV101][$cSolitaryState = 'reluctantCd']]</div>
<<elseif $solitaryState is '2intro'>>
<span class="mifune">Dr Mifune:</span> "I understand, $name. But I want you to know I'm a licensed professional, and one with multiple years experience as a therapist! Today I'm here because of your violent outburst, but if you believe it would be beneficial I could continue to support you. For now, we really need to talk through yesterday's events so we can ensure you're safe to enter Grenton again."<br/><br/>
<span class="p1">You:</span> "Me safe? Where was the concern for safety when I received that note from Keaton!"<br/><br/>
<span class="mifune">Dr Mifune:</span> "I don't understand, sorry, what note?"<br/><br/>
You explained to Dr Mifune about the note Keaton left you, which had spurred you into taking action against him, which then resulted in the fight.<br/><br/>
<span class="mifune">Dr Mifune:</span> "Interesting. Tell me, did you raise your concerns with any of staff? The officers?"<br/><br/>
<span class="p1">You:</span> "No."<br/><br/>
<span class="mifune">Dr Mifune:</span> "If you felt so effected by this note, why didn't you?"<br/><br/>
<span class="p1">You:</span> "I mean... I don't know! I... I don't understand this place! What if I got a reputation as a snitch or something?"<br/><br/>
<span class="mifune">Dr Mifune:</span> "Snitch? $name, you do realize this isn't a prison, right? This is a personal development center. And to be quite frank, there were no issues with violence until, well... you."<br/><br/>
No violence had occurred in Grenton before you came along? You couldn't help but feel ashamed to hear that. Regardless though, you felt your actions had been justified considering the situation. True to the professional she was, Dr Mifune left a long pause for you to consider what you had done, before questioning you again.<br/><br/>
<span class="mifune">Dr Mifune:</span> "$name... would it be fair to say you're feeling angry right now?"<br/><br/>
<div class="choice">[[After everything that's happened, yes of course!|cSolitary][$solitaryState = '1a']]</div><br/>
<div class="choice">[[No, why?|cSolitary][$solitaryState = '1b']]</div>
<<elseif $solitaryState is '999'>>
<span class="mifune">Dr Mifune:</span> "Very well. I respect your response, but unfortunately $name I do not think a facility like Grenton will be able to rehabilitate a violent offender such as yourself. For the safety of the inhabitants here, I have to unfortunately conclude that you are not suitable for life in Grenton. Evidence shall be provided to a judge, and with their approval you will be moved to a prison instead."<br/><br/>
<span class="p1">You:</span> "Whatever..."<br/><br/>
<span class="mifune">Dr Mifune:</span> "For what it's worth $name, I'm sorry I could not help you..."<br/><br/>
With a touch of sadness in her voice, Dr Mifune ended the conversation for good. For the next few days you remained in solitary, where you were left alone, but well cared for. It wasn't long enough before you were confirmed to be moved to prison. Your stay at Grenton, for better or worse, was over.<br/><br/>
THE END.<br/><br/>
<</nobr>>Ready To ReformWelcome back.
The story so far: The response you planned to deal with Keaton's request didn't exactly go according to plan, and you found your defeated self being escorted to Solitary...
<<set $solitaryState to 'unknown'>><<set $cSolitaryState to 'unknown'>>Message from the developer:
You've played all the story on this route for now. You're on the Solitary route.
There's much more story to come, and there's barely any implementation of the clothes and outfits yet!
If you enjoyed this game and would like to help it develop, please consider supporting it on Patreon:
<a href="https://patreon.com/user?u=86744336&utm_medium=clipboard_copy&utm_source=copyLink&utm_campaign=creatorshare_creator&utm_content=join_link" target="_blank">Click here if you want to support the game.</a>
<a class="noIcon" href="https://www.patreon.com/bePatron?u=86744336" data-patreon-widget-type="become-patron-button" target="_blank"><img src="images/extras/PatreonButtonImg.jpg" alt="PatreonLink" class="storyImage"></a>
In the mean time, you can always replay the game making different decisions.
Feedback is very much welcome! There's a link if you scroll down the menu on the left hand side. You can also message me on twitter: (<a href="https://twitter.com/midnoblu" target="_blank">@MidnoBlu</a>). It's even helpful simply to let me know which path you went down.
If you need to go back to the previous scene to save, you can:
Most of all though, thank you for playing the game.
- Midno
p.s (You can restart the game on the left hand side. You may need to scroll down.)<<nobr>>
All this time you thought you could go a long with this, but in this moment you felt you couldn't. Was it anger? Was it fear? All you knew was you couldn't walk into that cupboard.<br/><br/>
With almost no control you raised a hand into a fist and went to smack the man in the face. Effortlessly, he held up his hand to block it, stopping most of the blow. By the smile on his face, you could sense you had barely scratched him.<br/><br/>
<span class="male">???: </span>"Ha ha ha! Oh Keaton sure knows how to pick em."<br/><br/>
With a quick reaction he twisted your arm, then used the pressure to put you down on your knees where you couldn't do a thing. Any struggle would be futile now.<br/><br/>
<span class="male">???: </span>"There's always one... KEATON! I need a moment of your time over her please!"<br/><br/>
You wanted desperately to get to your feet, but you just didn't have it in you. The sound of footsteps slowly approaching you was ominous.<br/><br/>
<span class="male">???: </span>"Can you believe it... she raised a hand to me!"<br/><br/>
<span class="keaton">Keaton: </span>“Ha, well it doesn't look like she'll be raising another one. Isn't that right?”<br/><br/>
<span class="p1">You:</span> "Ergh..."<br/><br/>
<span class="male">???: </span>"Pfft. Come on girl, there was no need for that!"<br/><br/>
<span class="keaton">Keaton: </span>“She just needs a moment to relax, Steve.”<br/><br/>
You stared at the floor, unsure of whether you felt shame of what you just tried to do, or how it went for you. Despite it, you could feel both men eyeing you up as they decided what to do with you.<br/><br/>
<span class="keaton">Keaton: </span>“Take a breath there, $name. You'll be fine. Steve here looks OK too, hey, maybe you can offer him an apology.”<br/><br/>
<span class="p1">You:</span> "...I'm... sorry."<br/><br/>
<span class="male">Steve: </span>"Water under the bridge, girl!"<br/><br/>
<span class="keaton">Keaton: </span>“We're forgiving people around here, $name, so don't worry too much about it. Of course, we've still got our expectations of you, remember?”<br/><br/>
<span class="male">Steve: </span>"The cupboard is right over there..."<br/><br/>
You panted heavily as you looked at it again. Could you honestly do this? Keaton noticed the questioning expression on your face.<br/><br/>
<span class="keaton">Keaton: </span>“$name, I know Steve kindly forgave you, but what happened here was serious. You started a violent incident! Grenton rules are anyone who does what you did must go to Solitary. Of course, if you can earn our trust, I'm sure we can overlook that...”<br/><br/>
Keaton hanged on the end of his last word. The decision was yours...<br/><br/>
<div class="choice">[[Go to the cupboard and get changed.|c2closExtra]]</div><br/><div class="choice">[[Let them take you to Solitary.|c2closFail2]]</div>
<span class="keaton">Keaton: </span>“Alright then. Get her up to room 3 on the second floor.”<br/><br/>
Steve began to move you away.<br/><br/>
<span class="keaton">Keaton: </span>“Come on now. Behave, and go nicely with Steve. You should feel lucky he's looking after you after what you did!”<br/><br/>
You tried to gain your composure after all that had happened, and made your first steps away, escorted by Steve.<br/><br/>
<<set $solitaryState to 'unknown'>><<set $cSolitaryState to 'unknown'>>
[[Be escorted to Room 3|cSolitary]]
<<run $playerHeads.pickUp($playerHead.show())>><<dropall '$playerHead'>>
<<run $playerNecks.pickUp($playerNeck.show())>><<dropall '$playerNeck'>>
<<run $playerWrists.pickUp($playerWrist.show())>><<dropall '$playerWrist'>>
<<dropall '$playerHeads'>>
<<dropall '$playerEarrings'>>
<<dropall '$playerNecks'>>
<<dropall '$playerWrists'>>
<<dropall '$playerTops'>>
<<dropall '$playerBottoms'>>
<<dropall '$playerUnderwears'>>
<<dropall '$playerAnkles'>>
<<dropall '$playerFeets'>>
<<if $playerInventory.has('Paper')>><<drop '$playerInventory' 'Paper'>><<else>><</if>>
<<set $libido to '???'>>
<<set $libidoLevel to 0>>
<<dropall '$playerHair'>>
<<pickup '$playerHair' 'blonde hair'>>
Following Jessica through Grenton in your current emotional state was uncomfortable to say the least, but fortunately there was no one other than her to witness you like this. In her typical upbeat manner she attempted to lift your spirits.<br/><br/>
<span class="jessica">Jessica: </span>"I know this won't mean much to you right now $name, but there's no need to feel so bad! Once we get you cleaned up, you won't be so down in the dumps, trust me!"<br/><br/>
<span class="p1 p2">You:</span> "R-really? I can't imagine feeling much better anytime soon. Have you experienced anything like this yourself?"<br/><br/>
<span class="jessica">Jessica: </span>"It's... well... everyone's journey is different. But, I suppose so... to some degree..."<br/><br/>
She lead you into a new block you hadn't been before. The clicking and clacking of your heels on the hard floor echoed as you climbed the stairwell; the repetitive sound was quickly becoming a constant reminder of the new you that you had become.<br/><br/>
The sound had been so distracting that it took you a while to realize how much nicer this block was than the others. Most of them were lifeless, undecorated and utilitarian, but this one had some charm to it. It appeared to have been converted from a building that was once meant to be homely; somewhere large enough to hold a community within it. Whatever it once was, the place appeared to have been refurbished to a more modern style. There was more appeal to it than any other Grenton building, that was for sure.<br/><br/>
As the stairway came to it's end, you had to assume you had both arrived at what must of been the top floor. Jessica came to a standstill, triumphantly placing her hands at her hips.<br/><br/>
<span class="jessica">Jessica: </span>"Welcome to your new home! Do you like it? This floor is strictly girls only - outside of the occasional invited guest, that is. Your room is just down the hall here: number 14."<br/><br/>
You didn't know what to say. If the outside was anything to go from, this was already going to be a huge upgrade from your shared room with Michael.<br/><br/>
Jessica unlocked your door and went inside first. A warm, gentle glow came from a lamp that was already on inside, but before you could enter Jessica quickly came back out and covered your eyes playfully with her hands.<br/><br/>
<span class="jessica">Jessica: </span>"No peaking yet! We should really focus on cleaning you up first. You should be in a happier mood before you see it properly, trust me, you're going to love it!"<br/><br/>
Blindly you stumbled forward, as Jessica led you into what she described as your own en-suite bathroom! Suddenly you felt her release her grip from over your face, followed by the sound of the door behind you being securely shut.<br/><br/>
You opened your eyes to see a pile of towels, bath lotions, deodorants in front of you, as well as some women's clothes. You gently placed the chastity device you had been given onto a pair of panties that had been laid out for you.<br/><br/>
<span class="jessica">Jessica: </span>"Go ahead and have a nice wash! And, um, you know, it might be a good time to put the thing on... if you want to, of course!"<br/><br/>
She left you alone to give you a moment to yourself. You weren't going to let the chance go to waste, and used your personal shower for the first time. The warm water on your skin felt so good after today's events. It was such a revitalizing feeling to enjoy the luxury of having your own private space after these past weeks inside Grenton.<br/><br/>
<span class="innerSissyText">Aren't these lotions so nice? The smell... mmm, they're so fruity and sweet...</span><br/><br/>
Jessica's intuition was right, this was exactly the pick-me-up you needed. The disgusting jet of cum that had dried on your skin had been washed away, and with it so did much of the overwhelming burden of your shame. Already you felt less disgusted with yourself. Why exactly did you feel so bad earlier? The things you did... there wasn't anything wrong about it, was there? <<if $gfType is 'cuck' or $gfType is 'unknown'>>Not being open with $gf about what you were about to do was perhaps a part of it, but in your innermost heart it was even more complicated than that...<</if>><br/><br/>
<span class="innerSissyText">It shouldn't feel so bad, you just need to stop worrying so much. It would take anyone like you some time to get used to this. Everyone has to start somewhere... the perfect time for you is now...</span><br/><br/>
A natural sense of what had to be done came to you. Reaching out of the shower, you took hold of the chastity device. After some discomforting fumbling, you fit yourself firmly inside the ring, then slid the plastic cage into place. The way the pieces joined so tightly was oddly satisfying, now all they needed was to be locked in place. Deep down, you knew this was a big risk to take. There was no way to tell if you would actually be able to withstand it, yet you felt determined to overcome any creeping doubts.<br/><br/>
The consequences of this could be huge, but wasn't that exactly what a sissy like you needed? You hands shook nervously as you tried to line up the shackle of the padlock with the chastity's lock-hole...<br/><br/>
<div class="choice">[[Lock yourself up, sissy.|SSYRoomIntro1extra]]</div><br/>
<div class="choice greyedOut">Too much of a sissy for this approach.</div><br/>
<</nobr>>A message from the developer:
That's it for now!
You've gone down the Sissy path (or maybe I should call this the Eager path), and you're making quite the impression in Grenton! I hope you're enjoying the choices you've made so far. At the point you are in the game, the story splits into distinct paths.
There's more to come. There will be more story, characters, sexual sitations and more! And gameplay-wise there's lots to add too: the implementation of many clothes and outfit options has barely started yet!
Please be patient with me as I add content to complete each path through the game. It will take time to make all of them, but I hope to make it worth it.
If you enjoyed this game and would like to help it develop, please consider supporting it on Patreon:
<a href="https://patreon.com/user?u=86744336&utm_medium=clipboard_copy&utm_source=copyLink&utm_campaign=creatorshare_creator&utm_content=join_link" target="_blank">Click here if you want to support the game.</a>
<a class="noIcon" href="https://www.patreon.com/bePatron?u=86744336" data-patreon-widget-type="become-patron-button" target="_blank"><img src="images/extras/PatreonButtonImg.jpg" alt="PatreonLink" class="storyImage"></a>
Also, feedback is very much welcome. There's a link if you scroll down the menu on the left hand side. You can also message me on twitter: (<a href="https://twitter.com/midnoblu" target="_blank">@MidnoBlu</a>). It's even helpful simply to let me know which path you went down.
If you'd like, you can try out other routes. I'm not sure all of them will suit a player like you, but who am I to say?
Most of all though, thank you for playing the game.
- Midno
p.s (You can restart the game on the left hand side. You may need to scroll down.)<<nobr>>
<<if $playerTops.isEmpty()>>
<<pickup '$playerTop' 'Basic white top'>>
drop it then add it
<<run $playerTops.pickUp($playerTop.show())>>
<<dropall '$playerTop'>>
<<pickup '$playerTop' 'Basic white top'>>
<<if $playerBottoms.isEmpty()>>
<<pickup '$playerBottom' 'Basic black skirt'>>
<<run $playerBottoms.pickUp($playerBottom.show())>>
<<dropall '$playerBottom'>>
<<pickup '$playerBottom' 'Basic black skirt'>>
<<if $playerFeets.isEmpty()>>
<<pickup '$playerFeet' 'Basic creme flats'>>
<<run $playerFeets.pickUp($playerFeet.show())>>
<<dropall '$playerFeet'>>
<<pickup '$playerFeet' 'Basic creme flats'>>
<<if $playerBras.isEmpty()>>
<<pickup '$playerBra' 'Basic cotton bra'>>
<<run $playerBras.pickUp($playerBra.show())>>
<<dropall '$playerBra'>>
<<pickup '$playerBra' 'Basic cotton bra'>>
<<if $playerUnderwears.isEmpty()>>
<<pickup '$playerUnderwear' 'Basic cotton panties'>>
<<run $playerUnderwears.pickUp($playerUnderwear.show())>>
<<dropall '$playerUnderwear'>>
<<pickup '$playerUnderwear' 'Basic cotton panties'>>
<span class="jessica">Jessica: </span>"Sooooo - what do you think?"<br/><br/>
<img src="images/locations/SSYbedroom.jpg" alt="a nice bedroom" class="storyImage">
It was stunning! A double bed with an en-suite bathroom made this way better than your previous room. This place felt like a high quality Air BNB rather than just some room in Grenton. It seemed cosy and comfortable, but most importantly of all, it was private.<br/><br/>
<span class="innerSissyText">"All to yourself... just imagine what you can do here...</span><br/><br/>
You joined Jessica at the edge of the bed; the motion to do so inadvertently hiked your skirt up a little, leaving you exposed to feel the soft and fulffy duvet fabric on your ass. It felt so nice!<br/><br/>
<span class="jessica">Jessica: </span>"Pretty good, right?"<br/><br/>
<span class="p1 p2">You:</span> "I love it! I actually love it!"<br/><br/>
<span class="jessica">Jessica: </span>"Yay! Oh I'm so happy for you - you really deserve this! I can't believe how hard you pushed yourself earlier!"<br/><br/>
To say Keaton was good on his word would be a huge understatement; this setup was exceptional! You gazed around your new home in delight, but it seemed that this wasn't all. Jessica handed you an envelope with Keaton's handwriting on it, which she informed you was sent directly from him.<br/><br/>
From your previous experience from such a note, you couldn't avoid a sense of trepidation as you opened it, but from the first line you could tell there was no need to feel alarm.<br/><br/>
<span class="notepaper">Great showing out there, $name!<br/><br/>
It's safe to say you're one of the crew now, no need for any more initation rituals, honest! I can tell an eager sissy like you is going to really enjoy it here!<br/><br/>
Hope you can forgive me for ending today how I did. Didn't want you moving too fast and traumatizing yourself later! Seems to be a common mistake sissies can make.<br/><br/>
With the effort you're putting in, and a little patience, I think you'll get to exactly where you want to be.<br/><br/>
<<if $khanState6Gift is 1 and $smoothBody is 1>>
<<set $money += 60>>
You did one hell of a job dressing up like such a naughty little slut, didn't you? It must of took some effort to find such fine things in Grenton. Here's $40 reward for your trouble. I'm sure you'll put it to good use.<br/><br/>
The effort you went to making your body smooth and girly didn't go unnoticed either. Did it surprise you just how girly you look like that? Here's another $20. A good girl like you deserves it.<br/><br/>
<<elseif $khanState6Gift is 1 and $smoothBody is 0>>
<<set $money += 40>>
You did one hell of a job dressing up like such a naughty little slut, didn't you? It must of took some effort to find such fine things in Grenton. Here's $40 reward for your trouble. I'm sure you'll put it to good use. Remember, this gang rewards effort, so it's well worth trying your best to please.<br/><br/>
<<elseif $khanState6Gift is 0 and $smoothBody is 1>>
<<set $money += 20>>
You did a great job making your body so smooth... did it surprise you just how girly you look like that? Here's $20. Oh, and you can keep the little pink number you wore. It suits you.<br/><br/>
Remember, this gang rewards effort, so it's well worth trying your best to please.<br/><br/>
You behaved well at the event; you can keep the little pink number you wore. It suits you. I suspect you realize you could of done more before to prepare for the event. Don't forget that next time! It will be well worth your trouble to put some more effort in.<br/><br/>
I think it's safe to say despite how keen you were, you're not entirely used to being a sissy yet. There's a professional on site here at Grenton, their name is Dr Mifune. It would be well worth visiting them sometime. They'd be sure to help give you any kind of support you need.<br/><br/>
Until next time,<br/><br/>
- K</span><br/><br/>
You let out a relieved sigh upon finishing reading the message, dwelling on just how crazy it was to have been rewarded for being a sissy.<br/><br/>
<span class="jessica">Jessica: </span>"That note, it was all good I hope? I forgot to mention it, but... your 'male' clothes are gone, that's not a problem is it?"<br/><br/>
<span class="innerSissyText">Not at all.</span><br/><br/>
<span class="p1 p2">You:</span> "Oh... um..."<br/><br/>
<span class="innerSissyText">What use could a sissy like you have for them anymore?</span><br/><br/>
<span class="p1 p2">You:</span> "It's fine... really."<br/><br/>
<span class="jessica">Jessica: </span>"Great! I guess the guy's thought you wouldn't need them now. Oh, and along with the new clothes, they also delivered something..."<br/><br/>
She pointed towards the drawers. Inside, you found your walkman, which also seemed to have an extra CD that you hadn't brought with you. It was clear what it was though; 'SISSY TRAINING' had been written on them in black marker pen.<br/><br/>
<span class="innerSissyText">They're putting you in your place. Soon you'll be the perfect fit for your rightful role.</span><br/><br/>
<<if $playerInventory.has('Photos of $gf')>>
On one of your cabinets were a few empty picture frames as well. You found an envelope with your photos of $gf in them. It felt right to display a few of them on the drawers at the side of your bed. Despite everything that had happened, just having her familiar face displayed gave the room a pleasant homeliness to it. There were a few more intimate ones that could of also been displayed, but it felt more appropriate to keep them in the envelope.<br/><br/>
On one of your cabinets were a few empty picture frames as well. Too bad you had nothing to put in them anymore thanks to Anderson. That fucking asshole.<br/><br/>
<span class="jessica">Jessica: </span>"You look exhausted $name... I should give you some space to rest up. It's going to be really nice to have you around here though - let's hang out together soon!"<br/><br/>
You were so tired you could barely respond. Even the bright and cheerful aura of Jessica's couldn't keep you from feeling drowsy. She gave you a quick hug before going into your bathroom.<br/><br/>
<span class="jessica">Jessica: </span>"Sorry if you didn't realize this, but I have to return these items you borrowed. I think your lingerie could use a wash after today too, let me get that for you too."<br/><br/>
She scooped the items up in her arms before moving to exit your room.<br/><br/>
<span class="jessica">Jessica: </span>"Sweet dreams, $name."<br/><br/>
<span class="p1 p2">You:</span> "Night... Jessica..."<br/><br/>
With that, she closed your bedroom door behind her. You finally had a room all to yourself, but right now all you had the energy for was getting ready for bed. The realities of wearing a chastity device were dawning on you as you realized from now on you'd have to sleep in this thing.<br/><br/>
The only thing you could think to make it more comfortable was wearing panties over the top of it to keep it more secure. You carefully took off the rest of your clothes, and placed them in the wardrobe.<br/><br/>
So this was it. This was your new life now. The life of a locked up, lingerie loving sissy.<br/><br/>
<span class="innerSissyText">You're locked and limp, now learn to love it.</span><br/><br/>
It was time to end the day. You laid in your comfy new bed and closed your eyes. So exhausted by today's events, not a single thought more crossed your mind, and you slipped straight into a deep sleep.<br/><br/>
<<set $SSYstoryState to 0>>
<<set $storyState to 8>>
<<set $storyPath to 'sissy'>>
<<set $mifuneIntroCounter to 3>>
<<set $DrMifuneVisited to 0>>
<<set $khanTalkedToPostKeatonEvent to 0>>
[[Continue|SSYsleep][$libido to 'Normal']]
<!-- Remove non sleeping items -->
<!-- Make all temp Items 'unknown' : -->
<<set $tempHeldHeadItem to 'unknown'>>
<<set $tempHeldHairItem to 'unknown'>>
<<set $tempHeldEarringItem to 'unknown'>>
<<set $tempHeldNeckItem to 'unknown'>>
<<set $tempHeldWristItem to 'unknown'>>
<<set $tempHeldTopItem to 'unknown'>>
<<set $tempHeldBraItem to 'unknown'>>
<<set $tempHeldBottomItem to 'unknown'>>
<<set $tempHeldUnderwearItem to 'unknown'>>
<<set $tempHeldGarterItem to 'unknown'>>
<<set $tempHeldAnkleItem to 'unknown'>>
<<set $tempHeldFeetItem to 'unknown'>>
<<set $tempHeldAcc1Item to 'unknown'>>
<<set $tempHeldAcc2Item to 'unknown'>>
<<set $tempHeldAcc3Item to 'unknown'>>
<!-- Set the items to be held and remove them from player: -->
<<if $playerHead.isEmpty()>><<else>>
<<set $tempHeldHeadItem to $playerHead.show()>>
<<dropall '$playerHead'>>
<<if $playerEarring.isEmpty()>><<else>>
<<set $tempHeldEarringItem to $playerEarring.show()>>
<<dropall '$playerEarring'>>
<<if $playerNeck.isEmpty()>><<else>>
<<set $tempHeldNeckItem to $playerNeck.show()>>
<<dropall '$playerNeck'>>
<<if $playerWrist.isEmpty()>><<else>>
<<set $tempHeldWristItem to $playerWrist.show()>>
<<dropall '$playerWrist'>>
<<if $playerTop.isEmpty()>><<else>>
<<set $tempHeldTopItem to $playerTop.show()>>
<<dropall '$playerTop'>>
<<if $playerBra.isEmpty()>><<else>>
<<set $tempHeldBraItem to $playerBra.show()>>
<<dropall '$playerBra'>>
<<if $playerBottom.isEmpty()>><<else>>
<<set $tempHeldBottomItem to $playerBottom.show()>>
<<dropall '$playerBottom'>>
<<if $playerGarter.isEmpty()>><<else>>
<<set $tempHeldGarterItem to $playerGarter.show()>>
<<dropall '$playerGarter'>>
<<if $playerAnkle.isEmpty()>><<else>>
<<set $tempHeldAnkleItem to $playerAnkle.show()>>
<<dropall '$playerAnkle'>>
<<if $playerFeet.isEmpty()>><<else>>
<<set $tempHeldFeetItem to $playerFeet.show()>>
<<dropall '$playerFeet'>>
<<if $playerAcc1.isEmpty()>><<else>>
<<set $tempHeldAcc1Item to $playerAcc1.show()>>
<<dropall '$playerAcc1'>>
<<if $playerAcc3.isEmpty()>><<else>>
<<set $tempHeldAcc3Item to $playerAcc3.show()>>
<<dropall '$playerAcc3'>>
<!-- End of remove non sleeping items -->
<<set $ap = 2>>
<<editcycle 'days' increment 1 resume>>
<<set $visitorTodayState to $visitorTomorrowState>>
<<set $visitorTomorrowState to 0>>
<<set $seenCharlieToday to 0>>
<<set $clubDrinksBoughtToday to 0>>
<<if $deadlineState gt 0>>
<<set $deadlineCounter -= 1>>
<<if $smoothDaysLeft gt 0>>
<<set $smoothDaysLeft -=1>>
<<set $smoothBody = 0>>
<<if $cageDreamState is 1>>
<<set $cageDreamState to 0>>
Every now and then you'd have a night where you struggled to fall asleep. Usually it would be just a minor inconvenience, but tonight you were realizing how difficult it was to deal with while wearing a chastity cage. <br/><br/>
You tossed and turned, trying to find a sleeping position that was more comfortable. Some placements caused the plastic to chafe against your inner thighs, while others pushed the ring round your groin to squeeze it unpleasantly.<br/><br/>
At such moments it was best not to force things, so you fetched a glass of water in the hope you'd be less restless after the short break. As you took a sip of your drink, you caught sight of yourself in the mirror.<br/><br/>
Little of you was visible in the darkness, but what small amount of light had entered the room reflected off the pink plastic of your cage. Once again, it distracted you...<br/><br/>
<div class="choice">[[(I don't understand how it's so uncomfortable, I'm so small down there.)|cageDream][$playerCockSize = 'small'; $cageDreamState = 1]]</div><br/>
<div class="choice">[[(Seems like chastity was always going to be a tight fit. I'm about average size and there's not much wiggle room.)|cageDream][$playerCockSize = 'average'; $cageDreamState = 1]]</div><br/>
<div class="choice">[[(This was always going to be discomforting - I'm huge down there! Honestly, I'm still surprised I managed to fit into this in the first place.)|cageDream][$playerCockSize = 'big'; $cageDreamState = 1]]</div><br/>
You slept soundly in a bed just for you.<br/><br/>
Another day of this life awaited you tomorrow...<br/><br/>
<!-- put clothes back on after sleep -->
<<if $tempHeldHeadItem is 'unknown'>><<else>>
<<pickup '$playerHead' $tempHeldHeadItem>>
<<if $tempHeldEarringItem is 'unknown'>><<else>>
<<pickup '$playerEarring' $tempHeldEarringItem>>
<<if $tempHeldNeckItem is 'unknown'>><<else>>
<<pickup '$playerNeck' $tempHeldNeckItem>>
<<if $tempHeldWristItem is 'unknown'>><<else>>
<<pickup '$playerWrist' $tempHeldWristItem>>
<<if $tempHeldTopItem is 'unknown'>><<else>>
<<pickup '$playerTop' $tempHeldTopItem>>
<<if $tempHeldBraItem is 'unknown'>><<else>>
<<pickup '$playerBra' $tempHeldBraItem>>
<<if $tempHeldBottomItem is 'unknown'>><<else>>
<<pickup '$playerBottom' $tempHeldBottomItem>>
<<if $tempHeldGarterItem is 'unknown'>><<else>>
<<pickup '$playerGarter' $tempHeldGarterItem>>
<<if $tempHeldAnkleItem is 'unknown'>><<else>>
<<pickup '$playerAnkle' $tempHeldAnkleItem>>
<<if $tempHeldFeetItem is 'unknown'>><<else>>
<<pickup '$playerFeet' $tempHeldFeetItem>>
<<if $tempHeldAcc1Item is 'unknown'>><<else>>
<<pickup '$playerAcc1' $tempHeldAcc1Item>>
<<if $tempHeldAcc3Item is 'unknown'>><<else>>
<<pickup '$playerAcc3' $tempHeldAcc3Item>>
<!-- End of put clothes back on -->
<img src="images/locations/SSYroom_awaken.jpg" alt="morning time in your room" class="storyImage">You awoke in your room. Grenton awaits...<br/><br/>
<<editcycle 'days' suspend>>
<<if $DrMifuneVisited is 0>>
<<set $mifuneIntroCounter -=1>>
<<set $experiencedDramaEventToday to 0>>
<<set $libidoLevel +=1>>
<<if $libidoLevel is 3>>
<<set $libido to 'Horny'>>
<<if $libidoLevel is 6>>
<<if $playerIsInChastity is 1>>
<<set $libido to 'Frustrated'>>
<<set $libido to 'Excruciating'>>
<<if $libido is 'Excruciating'>>
<<set $ap to 1>>
<img src="images/scenes/ZtooHorny.gif" alt="Image of someone lucky experiencing the sweet release of pent up frustration." class="storyImage storyImageBigger">
You were too horny to think straight right now! You knew what you were like in this state - it saps your ability to do anything. You need to do something about this as soon as possible!<br/><br/>
<<if $KeatonVisitState is 1>>
Keaton wanted to see you today and it seemed like a bad idea to waste his time. After getting ready, you went down to the floor below yours to visit him...<br/><br/>[[Continue|KeatonSSYPhaseOneNo1][$keatonSSYPhaseOneNo1State = 'unknown']]<br/>
<<elseif $SSYDionState is 3>>
<<set $SSYDionState to 4>>
As you got changed, you could hear a shuffling coming from your door, followed by a note slidding under. It was an entire piece of A4 paper, and strangely the majority of it was just a signature.<br/><br/>
<span class="notepaper">$name,<br/><br/>
Come by the Textile room.<br/><br/>
<img src="images/scenes/ZdionsSignature.png" alt="Dions very large signature" class="storyImage storyImageBigger noBorder">
Could it really be that Jessica's scheme from yesterday worked?<br/><br/>
<<if $ap is 0>>
<<if $visitorTodayState gt 0>>
You've got a visitor today! You didn't have any more time to squeeze in more activities before spending time with them, so you went to the Visitor's room to see them.<br/>
[[Go to visitors|Visitors]]<br/>
[[You're out of energy, better go back to your room|SSYRoom]]<br/>
<<if $SSYstoryState is 0>>
<<if $mifuneIntroCounter is 0>>
You were just about to pick how to spend the day, when you felt a strong tap on your shoulder. You spun around in startlement, only to be greeted by the intimidating scowl of the strict officer who usually guards the clinic.<br/><br/>
<span class="male">Officer: </span>"Come along with me."<br/><br/>
<span class="p1 p2">You:</span> "Oh... um, alright. Have I done something wrong?"<br/><br/>
<span class="male">Officer: </span>"Heh, I'm not one to judge. No, it's Dr Mifune... she'd like to meet you."<br/><br/>
<span class="p1 p2">You:</span> "And I have to go now?"<br/><br/>
<span class="male">Officer: </span>"Grenton policy - if a medical supervisor thinks you require attention, then it's mandatory. Let's get going, move!"<br/><br/>
You weren't going to argue with an officer, especially not this one.<br/><br/>
[[Be escorted to the clinic|SSYDrMifune1][$introducedSelfToMifune = 0; $SSYDrMifuneState = 0]]
The mess room has become familiar now, but it still acted as a natural hub for you to plan your day from.<br/><br/>
As much as you were starting to get used to being a sissy, it still felt a little daunting to go out in public like this.<br/><br/>
For now you could only summon up the nerve to go to the most essential places in Grenton.<br/><br/>
[[Go to library|SSYLibrary]]<br/>
[[Go to your room|SSYRoom]]<br/>
[[Go to gym|SSYGym]]<br/>
[[Go to commissary|SSYCommissary]]<br/>
[[Go to officer's room|SSYOfficersRoom]]<br/>
[[Go to clinic|SSYClinic]]<br/>
<<elseif $SSYstoryState is 1>>
You stared at the mess room map as you decided what to do today...<br/><br/>
[[Go to cafeteria|SSYCafeteria]]<br/>
[[Go to library|SSYLibrary]]<br/>
[[Go to your room|SSYRoom]]<br/>
[[Go to visitors|SSYVisitors]]<<if $visitorTodayState gt 0>> <span class="visitorNotification">(You have a visitor today)</span><</if>><br/>
[[Go to the phones|SSYPhones]]<br/>
[[Go to workshop|SSYWorkshop]]<br/>
[[Go to gym|SSYGym]]<br/>
[[Go to shower room|SSYShowers]]<br/>
[[Go to recreation room|SSYRecreationRoom]]<br/>
[[Go to commissary|SSYCommissary]]<br/>
[[Go to officer's room|SSYOfficersRoom]]<br/>
[[Go to clinic|SSYClinic]]<br/>
<<if $SSYDramaRoomUnlocked is 1>>[[Go to the crew's building|SSYCrewBlockBuilding]]<br/><</if>>
[[Go to cafeteria|Cafeteria]]<br/>
[[Go to library|Library]]<br/>
[[Go to your room|SSYRoom]]<br/>
[[Go to visitors|Visitors]]<<if $visitorTodayState gt 0>> <span class="visitorNotification">(You have a visitor today)</span><</if>><br/>
[[Go to the phones|Phones]]<br/>
[[Go to workshop|Workshop]]<br/>
[[Go to gym|Gym]]<br/>
[[Go to shower room|Showers]]<br/>
[[Go to recreation room|RecreationRoom]]<br/>
[[Go to commissary|Commissary]]<br/>
[[Go to officer's room|OfficersRoom]]<br/>
[[Go to clinic|Clinic]]<br/>
<<if $SSYDramaRoomUnlocked is 1>>[[Go to the crew's building|SSYCrewBlockBuilding]]<br/><</if>>
<</nobr>><img src="images/locations/SSYbedroom.jpg" alt="a nice bedroom" class="storyImage"><br/><<nobr>>
<<if $KeatonVisitState is 1 and $enforceDwellState is 0>>
<<if $enforceDwellState is 1>>
<<set $enforceDwellState to 0>>
Dr Mifune recommended I should dwell on my mindset. The best times to do it might be when I'm alone here...<br/>
[[Dwell on your state of mind|SSYmindset]]<br/>
[[Knock on Jessica's Door|SSYJessica]]<br/>
[[Change clothes|SSYWardrobe]]<br/>
<<if $deadlineState is 2 and $deadlineCounter is 0>>
Today is the day to meet Javier and use the USB.<br/>
[[Go to Javier's office|ssy1JaviPlaceholderEnd]]<br/>
<<elseif $visitorTodayState gt 0>>
You have a visitor today... you won't sleep until you've seen them.<br/>
<<if $playerInventory.has('Paper')>>[[Check notes on paper|SSYnotes]]<br/>
[[Use your bathroom|SSYbathroom]]<br/>
<<if $mindsetUnlocked is 1>>
[[Dwell on your state of mind|SSYmindset]]<br/>
[[Go to sleep|SSYsleep]]<br/>
[[Back to Main Block|SSYmessRoom]]<br/><br/>
<<if $ap is 0>>
<<elseif $SSYDionState is 2 and $wearingPinkLingerieSet is 1>>
<div class="choice">[[You feel ready for Jessica's plan in this outfit. Invite her over?|SSYDion1Jessica][$SSYDion1JessicaState = 0]]</div><br/>
<<elseif $SSYDionState is 2 and $wearingRedLingerieSet is 1>>
<div class="choice">[[Your feel ready for Jessica's plan in this outfit. Invite her over?|SSYDion1Jessica][$SSYDion1JessicaState = 0]]</div><br/>
<<elseif $SSYDionState is 2>>
<div class="choice greyedOut">Jessica has a plan to inspire Dion, but you'll need to put on some lingerie first - a nice matching bra, panties and garter belt should do.)</div><br/>
<<if $ap is 0>>
<<elseif $smoothBody is 1 and $taskThePinkPantierState is 2 and $ap gte 2>>
<div class="choice">[[Tidy up the room and bring Steve here|taskThePinkPantier]]</div><br/>
<<elseif $taskThePinkPantierState is 2>>
<<if $ap lt 2>>
<div class="choice greyedOut">Steve said getting the photos could take all day - you shouldn't call him over until you have plenty of energy.)</div><br/>
<div class="choice greyedOut">If you get smooth you could call Steve over for the photoshoot.)</div><br/>
<<if $SSYDrMifuneState is 0>>
The officer guided you further inside the clinic than you had ever been. As the pair of you silently walked it's long corridors, you caught a glimpse of what seemed like a surgical room, one of a very high quality. You hadn't heard of anyone in Grenton needing to make use of it yet, but supposed a medical facility was probably a necessary requirement in running places holding as many people that Grenton currently is.<br/><br/>
The end of the corridor was a pleasant area filled with real potted plants, artwork painted in light, warm colors and even a comfy sofa. A door next to the seating area displayed Dr Mifune's name.<br/><br/>
<span class="male">Officer: </span>"Go on in, you've been expected."<br/><br/>
You did as he said. It was slightly nerve-wracking to be in such an environment. After weeks in Grenton which seemed barely supervised, you suddenly felt like you were placed under observation. A doctor was going to see you... like this? <br/><br/>
After taking a moment to pull yourself together, you entered, only to be somewhat surprised at who you saw in front of you. It was a young woman, who greeted you with a kind smile, and a soft, friendly voice.<br/><br/>
<span class="mifune">Dr Mifune:</span> "Hello there! It's nice to meet you. Please, don't be shy, come over here and take a seat with me."<br/><br/>
You realized you hadn't really thought about who Dr Mifune was or what she would look like. After being stuck inside with the men of Grenton, you hadn't expected for a woman to see you this way. You weren't sure how you felt about this, especially being seen by someone so attractive! Her plum colored lips, and subtle makeup matched with her dark brown eyes, and sleek, black, shoulder length hair. She was beautiful, professional looking woman.<br/><br/>
It was with apprehension that you took a seat, faintly embarrassed by the idea that you may have been ogling her in your slightly stunned state. She appeared to be wearing work attire; a white dress shirt, pencil skirt, and a white medical coat. You were a little jealous of how good she looked even in that! After hanging up her coat, she reached out to shake you hand while sitting down to join you.<br/><br/>
<img src="images/scenes/ssy1Mifune1Sitting.jpg" alt="Image of you Dr Mifune in her work outfit." class="storyImage storyImageBigger">
<span class="mifune">Dr Mifune:</span> "I'm Dr Mifune, apologies if that was already obvious! Do you mind telling me your name?"<br/><br/>
<span class="p1 p2">You:</span> "I'm $name... n-nice to meet you too..."<br/><br/>
<<if $introducedSelfToMifune is 1>>
<span class="mifune">Dr Mifune:</span> "Thanks for coming today. I had actually heard a little about you through the grapevine and hoped to have a chance to speak. What made you decide to visit me?"<br/><br/>
<span class="p1 p2">You:</span> "I don't really k-know... probably that it was recommended I visit you, I guess."<br/><br/>
<<elseif $introducedSelfToMifune is 0>>
<span class="mifune">Dr Mifune:</span> "I hope you don't mind me asking the officer to bring you here today. I had heard about you through the grapevine and wanted to check on your well-being. It's a sadly common occurrence that some people will avoid support unless it comes to them directly. In this case, I felt a need to introduce myself."<br/><br/>
<span class="p1 p2">You:</span> "Oh, um... t-that's OK."<br/><br/>
Something wrong: introducedSelfToMifune $introducedSelfToMifune .
<span class="mifune">Dr Mifune:</span> "Before we go further, I like to start things off just checking how you are. So... how are you feeling today?"<br/><br/>
Words failed to come to you. Perhaps you had needed more time to mentally prepare for the idea of a woman seeing you like this. It was all still a bit of a shock.<br/><br/>
<span class="mifune">Dr Mifune:</span> "You still seem a little nervous, would that be fair to say?"<br/><br/>
<span class="p1 p2">You:</span> "Y-yes..."<br/><br/>
<span class="mifune">Dr Mifune:</span> "That's OK! Feeling that way is normal, $name. Our body can often cause such a response in anxious situations. Many know of the fight or flight response, but less are aware there is a third reaction too; freeze. Right now, adrenaline is being pumped through you, but your system can only maintain that state for so long. You'll feel much calmer soon. A drink might help too, don't you think? What do you fancy... tea? Some water? A coke?"<br/><br/>
<div class="choice">[["Tea, please."|SSYDrMifune1][$SSYDrMifune1Drink = 'tea'; $SSYDrMifuneState = '1']]</div><br/>
<div class="choice">[["Water, please."|SSYDrMifune1][$SSYDrMifune1Drink = 'water'; $SSYDrMifuneState = '1']]</div><br/>
<div class="choice">[["Coke, please."|SSYDrMifune1][$SSYDrMifune1Drink = 'coke'; $SSYDrMifuneState = '1']]</div>
<<elseif $SSYDrMifuneState is '1'>>
Dr Mifune looked pleased that you took up her offer, and got up to get it for you. You couldn't help noticing her heels as she walked away, those famous designers ones; shiny black with the bright red sole. A rising desire to wear them yourself emerged within, which only made you painfully re-aware of how you were dressed right now. Out of a reflex of embarrassment, you tucked your skirt in a way to obscure any chance of the chastity device being seen.<br/><br/>
<span class="innerShameText">Don't let her see it!</span><br/><br/>
It wasn't long before Dr Mifune returned.<br/><br/>
<<if $SSYDrMifune1Drink is 'tea'>>
<span class="mifune">Dr Mifune:</span> "Here you go, one tea. Oh, and I got one myself. It's the really nice stuff, not that cheap, vending machine stuff. It's difficult to resist the fine things in life..."<br/><br/>
<span class="p1 p2">You:</span> "Thanks."<br/><br/>
<<elseif $SSYDrMifune1Drink is 'water'>>
<span class="mifune">Dr Mifune:</span> "Here's your water. I brought the whole jug so I can have some too. It's got a little kick of lemon in it, I hope that's alright? I think a little extra zing makes things more interesting..."<br/><br/>
<span class="p1 p2">You:</span> "Thanks."<br/><br/>
<<elseif $SSYDrMifune1Drink is 'coke'>>
<span class="mifune">Dr Mifune:</span> "Here you go, one coke. Oh, and I got one myself. I've got such a sweet tooth - resisting it is impossible..."<br/><br/>
<span class="p1 p2">You:</span> "Thanks."<br/><br/>
Something wrong: SSYDrMifune1Drink.
You were already beginning to feel soothed. Despite how you looked right now, Dr Mifune seemed completely non-judgmental. The comforting drink combined with the pleasant office made you feel as about at ease as you could. Dr Mifune took a sip of hers, gently wiped at her lip with a dainty finger, then sat up with an eagerness to talk to you.<br/><br/>
<span class="mifune">Dr Mifune:</span> "So $name, I'm not sure if you're aware, but my role here at Grenton is to provide therapeutic support for the inhabitants here. Unfortunately, the program vastly underestimated the staffing budget, and with only me here to offer such support, I've regrettably had no choice but to prioritize on a 'need to' basis."<br/><br/>
<span class="p1 p2">You:</span> "Oh, OK. I honestly didn't know there was anything like this until pretty much now."<br/><br/>
<span class="mifune">Dr Mifune:</span> "Isn't that just terrible? It's unfortunately not something we make the inhabitants very aware of, that way we can focus on those who may require it the most. That's not to say you need it, but when you came to my attention I did come to believe you may find some benefit. Are you feeling more comfortable now?"<br/><br/>
<span class="p1 p2">You:</span> "Yeah... yes, thank you."<br/><br/>
<span class="mifune">Dr Mifune:</span> "I'm glad! Let me try to clear things up a bit. This is a safe space for you to speak your mind. Somewhere you can share your feelings, and really work out any issues you may be facing, with help from myself. Just to let you know though, I do have a responsibility to share information outside this room if anything you tell me deems you to be a danger either to yourself or others. How does that sound, are you happy to continue?"<br/><br/>
<span class="p1 p2">You:</span> "Sure."<br/><br/>
<span class="mifune">Dr Mifune:</span> "Great! I'd like to get to know more about you if you don't mind, but first, can you tell me, is there anything that makes you feel uncomfortable speaking to me like this?"<br/><br/>
Dr Mifune crossed her legs to prop her writing pad on them. She bit at the end of her pen as she looked at you, expectantly.<br/><br/>
<div class="choice">[["If anything I'm worried about making you uncomfortable... I mean, I'm dressed like... this."|SSYDrMifune1][$charmStat += 1; $SSYDrMifuneState = '2']]</div><br/>
<div class="choice">[["If I'm being honest, it is kind of embarrassing being dressed like this in front of you..."|SSYDrMifune1][$pervStat += 1; $SSYDrMifuneState = '2']]</div>
<<elseif $SSYDrMifuneState is '2'>>
<span class="mifune">Dr Mifune:</span> "Oh no, you really don't need to worry about that! I can understand how you'd feel that way though. Even despite the social progress today, 'crossdressing' is often misjudged or looked down upon; anyone with an ounce of empathy knows that perception is undeserved. You've no need to be embarrassed, especially around me. Would it help you to know I had an ex-partner who enjoyed wearing feminine style clothing as well? And no, that's not the reason we broke up! If anything, I would of liked if they did it more, ha ha!"<br/><br/>
<img src="images/scenes/ssy1Mifune1InnerThought1.jpg" alt="Image of Dr Mifune sitting and ready to take notes about you." class="storyImage storyImageBigger">
Dr Mifune giggled bashfully into her hand after making the astonishing revelation.<br/><br/>
To be honest that did help! Anyone who appreciated that kind of thing was always going to feel easier to talk too. Sometimes a person immediately feels easy to talk to, you can just feel their sincerity and earnest desire to make you feel welcome, and Dr Mifune was certainly that type. Already, you felt capable of being more open with her.<br/><br/>
<span class="p1 p2">You:</span> "Crossdressing has always been one of those things I've wanted to do but... well, it's complicated. It's like I love it, yet for so long it was something that felt out of bounds. Shameful."<br/><br/>
<span class="mifune">Dr Mifune:</span> "I think almost anyone who doesn't fit into strict gender roles feels that way. And you're really not alone in that regard, by the way. To be honest $name, when I said earlier that I had heard a few details about you, all I really knew was that you were exploring crossdressing here in Grenton. It was the main reason I wanted to meet you, because someone like you finding them self in a process of self-discovery like that could find it difficult."<br/><br/>
<span class="p1 p2">You:</span> "It was... it still is to some degree. There's times when I'm so sure it's all I want, and then I have these times where I come down completely. Where I hate it. Feel disgusted with myself."<br/><br/>
<span class="mifune">Dr Mifune:</span> "That sounds like an intense shame response... there's no need for your dressing to make you feel that way at all, though of course such a feeling is often entirely involuntary. This seems like an area we should focus on today. Are you happy to work try and work through it with me?"<br/><br/>
<span class="p1 p2">You:</span> "A-alright..."<br/><br/>
<span class="mifune">Dr Mifune:</span> "Ok then, excellent!"<br/><br/>
She placed her writing pad to the side before smoothing the creases out of her skirt and laying her hands on her lap to support herself as she leaned closer to you. A look of determination came across her expression.<br/><br/>
<span class="mifune">Dr Mifune:</span> "Right. I want you to do your best and think about where this desire comes from. Have you ever asked yourself why you crossdress? Why you enjoy it?"<br/><br/>
<div class="choice">[["It's a turn on. Wearing sexy clothes... seeing myself as a woman. A hot one..."|SSYDrMifune1][$playerCdReason = 'turnOn'; $SSYDrMifuneState = '3']]</div><br/>
<div class="choice">[["The femininity. The act of becoming and being femme."|SSYDrMifune1][$playerCdReason = 'beingFemme'; $SSYDrMifuneState = '3']]</div><br/>
<div class="choice">[["It's like a kind of urge. One that I just can't ignore."|SSYDrMifune1][$playerCdReason = 'involUrge'; $SSYDrMifuneState = '3']]</div>
<<elseif $SSYDrMifuneState is '3' and $playerCdReason is 'turnOn'>>
<span class="mifune">Dr Mifune:</span> "That's interesting. If you could, try to walk me through how that it makes you feel that way. If you could give me an idea of what's going through your mind when you put on women's clothes, please."<br/><br/>
<span class="p1 p2">You:</span> "Well... I've found that typically, the moment I had an opportunity to dress, like whenever I had my home all to myself, or even sometimes just a moment alone in a bathroom... when I knew I had a chance to do it, I can't get the idea of doing it out of my mind. The times I got to dress up were so few and far between, that the feeling of those soft materials on my skin in the rare times I could felt so amazing. It's like I'm transforming, no longer the guy I was before..."<br/><br/>
<span class="mifune">Dr Mifune:</span> "You said you see yourself as a hot woman, is that what you feel you transform into?"<br/><br/>
<span class="p1 p2">You:</span> "Y-yeah."<br/><br/>
<span class="mifune">Dr Mifune:</span> "You're dressed up at the moment. Do you feel like that right now?"<br/><br/>
<span class="p1 p2">You:</span> "To an extent..."<br/><br/>
<span class="mifune">Dr Mifune:</span> "Only an extent?"<br/><br/>
<span class="p1 p2">You:</span> "I guess usually when I dress up... it would be a more... sexual style. I do wear skirts and tops, but usually it's about the lingerie. And well... more slutty looking stuff."<br/><br/>
<span class="mifune">Dr Mifune:</span> "Ah ha... so, if you were dressed in something more like that at this moment, what would you say you see when looking in a mirror?"<br/><br/>
<div class="choice">[["A slut. A feminine being of pure sex..."|SSYDrMifune1][$playerCdSelfPerception = 'slut'; $SSYDrMifuneState = '3a']]</div><br/>
<div class="choice">[["A woman. A femme person, looking their most desirable..."|SSYDrMifune1][$playerCdSelfPerception = 'woman'; $SSYDrMifuneState = '3a']]</div><br/>
<div class="choice">[["A crossdresser. Masculinity mixed with femininity..."|SSYDrMifune1][$playerCdSelfPerception = 'cd'; $SSYDrMifuneState = '3a']]</div><br/>
<<elseif $SSYDrMifuneState is '3' and $playerCdReason is 'beingFemme'>>
<span class="mifune">Dr Mifune:</span> "That's interesting. If you could, try to walk me through how that it makes you feel that way. If you could give me an idea of what's going through your mind when you put on women's clothes, please."<br/><br/>
<span class="p1 p2">You:</span> "Well... I only do it when I know I've got sometime alone. The moment I know I have some time and space to finally do it, it's like I can't even resist acting on the idea. I shave my skin to be smooth first, without that I simply don't feel as girly. Then as I put the clothes on piece by piece, I feel like I'm changing into a different person. Each item makes me feel more like a woman. It's a transformation that feels almost indescribably good. I used to get... excited while doing it, but later I got so used to it, it doesn't have that effect anymore."<br/><br/>
<span class="mifune">Dr Mifune:</span> "Hmm... it doesn't excite you?"<br/><br/>
<span class="p1 p2">You:</span> "Ah... well it still excites me, I just mean... when I used to put on women's underwear... I'd get pretty turned on."<br/><br/>
<span class="mifune">Dr Mifune:</span> "Oh, I get it!"<br/><br/>
<span class="p1 p2">You:</span> "These days, for me the real thrill comes from checking myself in the mirror. I see a beautiful woman looking back at me. It's an addictive feeling."<br/><br/>
<span class="mifune">Dr Mifune:</span> "You're certainly not alone. While not undergoing quite as dramatic a feeling of transformation, I think many women would relate to what you've described."<br/><br/>
<span class="p1 p2">You:</span> "R-really?"<br/><br/>
<span class="mifune">Dr Mifune:</span> "Of course - it's a powerful thing when we feel we're at our most attractive! You're dressed up at the moment. Do you feel like that right now?"<br/><br/>
<span class="p1 p2">You:</span> "Right now... to be honest, not really."<br/><br/>
<span class="mifune">Dr Mifune:</span> "Why is that?"<br/><br/>
<span class="p1 p2">You:</span> "I guess... usually when I dress up... it would be in something a little more... sexual. I do wear skirts and tops, but usually it's about the lingerie. And the more... slutty stuff."<br/><br/>
<span class="mifune">Dr Mifune:</span> "Ah ha... so, if you were dressed in something more like that at this moment, what would you say you see if you looked in a mirror?"<br/><br/>
<div class="choice">[["A slut. A feminine being of pure sex..."|SSYDrMifune1][$playerCdSelfPerception = 'slut'; $SSYDrMifuneState = '3a']]</div><br/>
<div class="choice">[["A woman. A femme person, looking their most desirable..."|SSYDrMifune1][$playerCdSelfPerception = 'woman'; $SSYDrMifuneState = '3a']]</div><br/>
<div class="choice">[["A crossdresser. Masculinity mixed with femininity..."|SSYDrMifune1][$playerCdSelfPerception = 'cd'; $SSYDrMifuneState = '3a']]</div><br/>
<<elseif $SSYDrMifuneState is '3' and $playerCdReason is 'involUrge'>>
<span class="mifune">Dr Mifune:</span> "That's interesting. If it's not too difficult for you, could you try walking me through how it makes you feel that way. Do you find it distressing?"<br/><br/>
<span class="p1 p2">You:</span> "Well... I'm not sure I'd go that far. It's felt like this burden I've had all my life, but I just can't resist engaging in it. The moment I know I have a place to myself, totally private, it's like a seed is planted in my mind. At that point, I'm 100% going to dress up."<br/><br/>
<span class="mifune">Dr Mifune:</span> "Hmm... and putting on the clothes, what's going through your mind then?"<br/><br/>
<span class="p1 p2">You:</span> "In the moment, I enjoy it! The thrill of wearing such sexy clothes, of actually feeling attractive. There's no part of me that hates it while I'm doing it, if anything I find myself encouraging myself, telling myself it's what I really want. And I feel that way! It's the comedown afterwards..."<br/><br/>
<span class="mifune">Dr Mifune:</span> "You feel regrets after?"<br/><br/>
<span class="p1 p2">You:</span> "Oh yeah. Sometimes I feel like a fucking idiot afterwards. Or perhaps disgust is the better description. Disgust to be wearing those items, even when I was enjoying it only a moment ago. I have to throw all off me quick. And then I feel shame. I mustn't been seen like this... mustn't let anyone know. I tell myself never again, but I've done this enough times now to know full well that's not true..."<br/><br/>
<span class="mifune">Dr Mifune:</span> "No wonder it's such a hard thing to bear when you experience such emotional whiplash. You're dressed up at the moment... how does that make you feel... good? Bad?"<br/><br/>
<span class="p1 p2">You:</span> "Right now... to be honest, I don't feel strongly either way."<br/><br/>
<span class="mifune">Dr Mifune:</span> "Why is that?"<br/><br/>
<span class="p1 p2">You:</span> "I guess... usually when I dress up it would be way more... sexual. I do wear skirts and tops, but usually it's about the lingerie. And the more... slutty stuff."<br/><br/>
<span class="mifune">Dr Mifune:</span> "Ah ha... so, if you were dressed in something more like that at this moment, what would you say you see if you looked in a mirror?"<br/><br/>
<div class="choice">[["A slut. A feminine being of pure sex..."|SSYDrMifune1][$playerCdSelfPerception = 'slut'; $SSYDrMifuneState = '3a']]</div><br/>
<div class="choice">[["A woman. A femme person, looking their most desirable..."|SSYDrMifune1][$playerCdSelfPerception = 'woman'; $SSYDrMifuneState = '3a']]</div><br/>
<div class="choice">[["A crossdresser. Masculinity mixed with femininity..."|SSYDrMifune1][$playerCdSelfPerception = 'cd'; $SSYDrMifuneState = '3a']]</div><br/>
<<elseif $SSYDrMifuneState is '3a'>>
You blushed after mentioning it. Never would you of thought yourself being this open about yourself, but in Dr Mifune you found someone who it came easy to the things that had been bottled within you for so long.<br/><br/>
<span class="mifune">Dr Mifune:</span> "Isn't it simply fascinating the effect clothes can have on ourselves? Especially on how they can reshape our identity so quickly. As someone who felt the need to hide your desire, I can only imagine how wonderful it feels during the times you finally indulged it."<br/><br/>
<span class="p1 p2">You:</span> "It's been such a strong part of me... almost my whole life."<br/><br/>
<span class="mifune">Dr Mifune:</span> "Hmm, which is why it's so interesting that you've embraced it so much more here at Grenton. How do you think that came about?"<br/><br/>
For a moment you held back, unsure whether you should say. Would telling Dr Mifune the truth count as snitching? You had a gut feeling you could trust in what she said earlier; that everything said within these walls was between you and her.<br/><br/>
After the brief hesitation, you explained your situation as best you could, how Keaton had figured you out as a crossdresser, and just like you mentioned earlier, you found the opportunity to crossdress too tempting to ignore. The event was a nerve-wracking experience yet you found a enjoyment in that would be inexplicable to most people; in that way, it wasn't unlike your previous crossdressing experiences. It seemed like you were ready to embrace a whole new you, that was, until the ending.<br/><br/>
Dr Mifune began jotting down in her notestook again, specifically taking note of how you came down dramatically. With some embarrassment, you also mentioned the chastity device you were now wearing. She reacted to everything with complete acceptance. Part of you had wondered if she'd comment at all on the situation Keaton arranged, whether or not it seemed shady or wrong, but she was just lazer focused on you.<br/><br/>
<span class="mifune">Dr Mifune:</span> "That's so intriguing! So it seems your crossdressing has escalated steadily over your life, including up to this point. If anything, you used this event as a kind of 'push' to go further than you ever had."<br/><br/>
<span class="p1 p2">You:</span> "I... suppose that's true."<br/><br/>
<span class="mifune">Dr Mifune:</span> "Without Keaton's request being presented to you like it was, do you think you would of ever gone as far as you have done? In Grenton or otherwise?"<br/><br/>
<div class="choice">[["At some point, I think I would of came out the closet about it. I wouldn't of needed encouragement."|SSYDrMifune1][$playerCdAwakening = 'bySelfEventually'; $SSYDrMifuneState = '3b']]</div><br/>
<div class="choice">[["I think I always would of needed some kind of push..."|SSYDrMifune1][$playerCdAwakening = 'neededPush'; $SSYDrMifuneState = '3b']]</div><br/>
<<elseif $SSYDrMifuneState is '3b'>>
<<if $SSYDrMifuneState is '3b' and $playerCdAwakening is 'bySelfEventually'>>
<span class="mifune">Dr Mifune:</span> "You must have a strong sense of self-assurance, after all, a male giving up any of their masculinity has been ingrained in many as something 'wrong' in our culture. To overcome that by yourself is very admirable."<br/><br/>
<span class="p1 p2">You:</span> "It's taken a while for me to get there though."<br/><br/>
<<elseif $SSYDrMifuneState is '3b' and $playerCdAwakening is 'neededPush'>>
<span class="mifune">Dr Mifune:</span> "I can see why. Sometimes there's no overcoming our boundaries without encouragement of others, especially when that boundary is something harmless yet ingrained in us as 'wrong' by the culture we're raised in."<br/><br/>
<span class="p1 p2">You:</span> "Even now after the fact, I still can't believe I actually did it..."<br/><br/>
Something wrong. SSYDrMifuneState and playerCdAwakening loop.
<span class="mifune">Dr Mifune:</span> "Has it been difficult to accept?"<br/><br/>
<span class="p1 p2">You:</span> "I... don't know. One minute I think I've accepted myself, the next I don't. Despite how it may look right now, this isn't easy for me yet. It's still all so new..."<br/><br/>
<span class="mifune">Dr Mifune:</span> "Well I have to say, your capability to present like this publicly is impressive, but I can hear in your voice it's still not easy for you. Are you able to say what you find so hard about it?"<br/><br/>
You gripped your hands before trying to form any words. Even with how open Dr Mifune was, you found it difficult to express.<br/><br/>
<span class="p1 p2">You:</span> "I... thought after outing myself I'd finally accept this, I mean, I'd have to, right? But, when I... came..."<br/><br/>
From the floor you raised your eyes to look at hers. There was no ill judgment on her face, just the desire to learn more.<br/><br/>
<span class="p1 p2">You:</span> "It's like... I was filled with shame. The same shame that's always held me back my whole life. And with it was this overwhelming feeling of disgust with myself. I suddenly needed to get rid of all the girly stuff on me... to show them I'm not what they just saw. Regret completely took over..."<br/><br/>
<span class="mifune">Dr Mifune:</span> "Regret? Overwhelming disgust? Please, I can see this is tough, but could you describe it just a little bit more?"<br/><br/>
<span class="p1 p2">You:</span> "It was like... this intense thought in my mind that was overriding all others. It was so clear, so painful. Telling myself how wrong I am. Filling me with embarrassment..."<br/><br/>
<span class="mifune">Dr Mifune:</span> "And you had these thoughts only after orgasm?"<br/><br/>
<span class="p1 p2">You:</span> "Yes. Before that it was like my mind was urging the complete opposite. Goading me on. Telling me to... to..."<br/><br/>
<span class="innerShameText">Stop!</span><br/><br/>
<div class="choice">[["...be a sissy!"|SSYDrMifune1][$playerInnerVoicePerception = 'sissy'; $SSYDrMifuneState = '3c']]</div><br/>
<div class="choice">[["...be myself!"|SSYDrMifune1][$playerInnerVoicePerception = 'beMyself'; $SSYDrMifuneState = '3c']]</div><br/>
<<elseif $SSYDrMifuneState is '3c' and $playerInnerVoicePerception is 'sissy'>>
<span class="mifune">Dr Mifune:</span> "A sissy?"<br/><br/>
<span class="p1 p2">You:</span> "Sorry, I should explain, it's..."<br/><br/>
<span class="mifune">Dr Mifune:</span> "Oh no, please don't worry, I'm quite familiar with the term. It's just noteworthy that you labelled yourself as such."<br/><br/>
<<if $playerCdSelfPerception is 'slut'>>
<span class="p1 p2">You:</span> "It's the word that always felt the best description. I suppose I should say, when I transform, it's not just that I become a slut. I become a sissy."<br/><br/>
<<elseif $playerCdSelfPerception is 'woman'>>
<span class="p1 p2">You:</span> "It's the word that always felt the best description. I suppose I should say, when I transform, it's not just that I see myself as a woman. I see a sissy."<br/><br/>
<<elseif $playerCdSelfPerception is 'cd'>>
<span class="p1 p2">You:</span> "It's the word that always felt the best description. I suppose I should say, when I transform, it's not just that I'm a crossdresser. I'm a sissy."<br/><br/>
Something wrong: SelfPerception - x12.
<span class="mifune">Dr Mifune:</span> "I see."<br/><br/>
She paused for a moment to scribble more onto her pad. You looked to the floor, the surface of your cheeks simmered in discomfort at your admission. It was nice to get some of this off your chest; admitting things that deep down you had knew for so long, yet at the same time, it was still a struggle coming to terms with.<br/><br/>
<img src="images/scenes/ssy1Mifune1InnerThought2.jpg" alt="Image of you thinking about what it would be like to be like Dr Mifune." class="storyImage storyImageBigger">
Dr Mifune placed a hand on your arm to give it a small, reassuring rub.<br/><br/>
<span class="mifune">Dr Mifune:</span> "$name, I know it's been a lot, but I hope you don't mind if we continue just a little longer. You've really been doing quite excellently. From what you've shared, I really think it's vital you're supported. I've actually worked before with someone who also identified as a sissy, so I hope you're finding me as someone suitable to talk with."<br/><br/>
<span class="p1 p2">You:</span> "You've... worked with a sissy?"<br/><br/>
<span class="mifune">Dr Mifune:</span> "That's right! I don't want to give you a wrong idea though. Providing specific help for a sissy isn't exactly a science - there's sadly very little psychoanalytic research out there on them. From my experience so far, I've found the 'sissy' label to be a very broad descriptor, despite the relatively small subsection of people who identify as one. What one person sees as 'sissy behavior' can vary greatly from another."<br/><br/>
<span class="p1 p2">You:</span> "I think I understand."<br/><br/>
<span class="mifune">Dr Mifune:</span> "One clear pattern I can already see though is that your emergent identity has a direct relationship with shame. Recent events caused you to confront major changes to your identity, so it's no wonder such thoughts have become much clearer in your mind."<br/><br/>
<span class="p1 p2">You:</span> "OK."<br/><br/>
<span class="mifune">Dr Mifune:</span> "$name, I need you to answer this with as sober a mind as possible. This is not the kind of question you could answer properly in any state of arousal. The thought of truly being a sissy... of doing what you think a sissy does... how does that make you feel when you're not turned on in any way?"<br/><br/>
<div class="choice">[["It makes me feel... pathetic."|SSYDrMifune1][$howSissyMakesPlayerFeel = 'pathetic'; $SSYDrMifuneState = '3cSissy']]</div><br/>
<div class="choice">[["It feels right."|SSYDrMifune1][$howSissyMakesPlayerFeel = 'feelsRight'; $SSYDrMifuneState = '3cSissy']]</div><br/>
<<if $playerOrientation is 'gay'>><<else>><div class="choice">[["It's confusing - it makes me feel gay... but I don't think I am?"|SSYDrMifune1][$howSissyMakesPlayerFeel = 'gay'; $SSYDrMifuneState = '3cSissy']]</div><br/><</if>>
<<elseif $SSYDrMifuneState is '3c' and $playerInnerVoicePerception is 'beMyself'>>
<span class="mifune">Dr Mifune:</span> "Be yourself?"<br/><br/>
<span class="p1 p2">You:</span> "It's like... I'm calling out myself. Saying that the regular me isn't the real one. I'm not a man... I'm a sissy."<br/><br/>
<span class="mifune">Dr Mifune:</span> "A sissy?"<br/><br/>
<span class="p1 p2">You:</span> "Sorry, I should explain, it's..."<br/><br/>
<span class="mifune">Dr Mifune:</span> "Oh no, please don't worry, I'm quite familiar with the term. It's just noteworthy that you labelled yourself as such."<br/><br/>
<<if $playerCdSelfPerception is 'slut'>>
<span class="p1 p2">You:</span> "It's the word that always felt the best description. I suppose I should say, when I transform, it's not just that I become a slut. I become a sissy."<br/><br/>
<<elseif $playerCdSelfPerception is 'woman'>>
<span class="p1 p2">You:</span> "It's the word that always felt the best description. I suppose I should say, when I transform, it's not just that I see myself as a woman. I see a sissy."<br/><br/>
<<elseif $playerCdSelfPerception is 'cd'>>
<span class="p1 p2">You:</span> "It's the word that always felt the best description. I suppose I should say, when I transform, it's not just that I'm a crossdresser. I'm a sissy."<br/><br/>
Something wrong: SelfPerception - x13.
<span class="mifune">Dr Mifune:</span> "I see."<br/><br/>
She paused for a moment to scribble more onto her pad. You looked to the floor, the surface of your cheeks simmered in discomfort at your admission. It was nice to get some of this off your chest; admitting things that deep down you had knew for so long, yet at the same time, it was still a struggle coming to terms with.<br/><br/>
<img src="images/scenes/ssy1Mifune1InnerThought2.jpg" alt="Image of you thinking about what it would be like to be like Dr Mifune." class="storyImage storyImageBigger">
Dr Mifune placed a hand on your arm to give it a small, reassuring rub.<br/><br/>
<span class="mifune">Dr Mifune:</span> "$name, I know it's been a lot, but I hope you don't mind if we continue just a little longer. You've really been doing quite excellently. From what you've shared, I really think it's vital you're supported. I've actually worked before with someone who also called them self a sissy, so I hope you're finding me as someone suitable to talk with."<br/><br/>
<span class="p1 p2">You:</span> "You've... worked with a sissy?"<br/><br/>
<span class="mifune">Dr Mifune:</span> "That's right! I don't want to give you a wrong idea though. Providing specific help for a sissy isn't exactly a science, there's sadly very little psychoanalytic research out there on them. From my experience so far, I've found the 'sissy' label to be a very broad descriptor, despite the relatively small subsection of people who identify as one. What one person sees as 'sissy behavior' can vary greatly from another."<br/><br/>
<span class="p1 p2">You:</span> "I think I understand."<br/><br/>
<span class="mifune">Dr Mifune:</span> "One clear pattern I can already see though is that your emergent identity has a direct relationship with shame. Recent events caused you to confront major changes to your identity, so it's no wonder such thoughts have become much clearer in your mind."<br/><br/>
<span class="p1 p2">You:</span> "OK."<br/><br/>
<span class="mifune">Dr Mifune:</span> "$name, I need you to answer this with as sober a mind as possible. This is not the kind of question you could answer properly in any state of arousal. The thought of truly being a sissy... of doing what you think a sissy does... how does that make you feel when you're not turned on in any way?"<br/><br/>
<div class="choice">[["It makes me feel... pathetic."|SSYDrMifune1][$howSissyMakesPlayerFeel = 'pathetic'; $SSYDrMifuneState = '3cSissy']]</div><br/>
<div class="choice">[["It feels right."|SSYDrMifune1][$howSissyMakesPlayerFeel = 'feelsRight'; $SSYDrMifuneState = '3cSissy']]</div><br/>
<<if $playerOrientation is 'gay'>><<else>><div class="choice">[["It's confusing - it makes me feel gay... but I don't think I am?"|SSYDrMifune1][$howSissyMakesPlayerFeel = 'gay'; $SSYDrMifuneState = '3cSissy']]</div><br/><</if>>
<<elseif $SSYDrMifuneState is '3cSissy' and $howSissyMakesPlayerFeel is 'pathetic'>>
Dr Mifune responded with the same objective but friendly tone as always. While she came across as highly professional, you could sense an enthusiasm emanating from both her manner and the questions she asked. She was clearly genuine in her ambition to understand exactly how you perceived things.<br/><br/>
<span class="mifune">Dr Mifune:</span> "And why is that?"<br/><br/>
<span class="innerSissyText">Because even now you're too scared to admit your true desires... who you really are...</span><br/><br/>
<div class="choice">[["Submitting to others... serving superiors."|SSYDrMifune1][$howSissyMakesPlayerFeel2 = 'submitAndServeOthers'; $SSYDrMifuneState = '3dSissy']]</div><br/>
<div class="choice">[["Being dressed like that... displaying myself as a slut to be used."|SSYDrMifune1][$howSissyMakesPlayerFeel2 = 'fuckToy'; $SSYDrMifuneState = '3dSissy']]</div><br/>
<<elseif $SSYDrMifuneState is '3cSissy' and $howSissyMakesPlayerFeel is 'gay'>>
Dr Mifune responded with the same objective but friendly tone as always. While she came across as highly professional, you could sense an enthusiasm emanating from both her manner and the questions she asked. She was clearly genuine in her ambition to understand exactly how you perceived things.<br/><br/>
<span class="mifune">Dr Mifune:</span> "And what makes you think that?"<br/><br/>
<span class="innerSissyText">Because even now you're too scared to admit your true desires... who you really are...</span><br/><br/>
<div class="choice">[["Submitting to men... serving them, as a bottom only."|SSYDrMifune1][$howSissyMakesPlayerFeel2 = 'submitToMen'; $SSYDrMifuneState = '3dSissy']]</div><br/>
<div class="choice">[["It's just how people seem to judge guys who partake in that kind of thing."|SSYDrMifune1][$howSissyMakesPlayerFeel2 = 'peopleSeePlayerAsManDressedAsGirl'; $SSYDrMifuneState = '3dSissy']]</div><br/>
<<elseif $SSYDrMifuneState is '3cSissy' and $howSissyMakesPlayerFeel is 'feelsRight'>>
Dr Mifune responded with the same objective but friendly tone as always. While she came across as highly professional, you could sense an enthusiasm emanating from both her manner and the questions she asked. She was clearly genuine in her ambition to understand exactly how you perceived things.<br/><br/>
<span class="mifune">Dr Mifune:</span> "And why is that?"<br/><br/>
<span class="innerSissyText">Because it's who you really are...</span><br/><br/>
<div class="choice">[["Giving in to others... Submitting to them..."|SSYDrMifune1][$howSissyMakesPlayerFeel2 = 'submitAndServeOthers'; $SSYDrMifuneState = '3dSissy']]</div><br/>
<div class="choice">[["Being sexy... attractive... fuckable."|SSYDrMifune1][$howSissyMakesPlayerFeel2 = 'fuckToy'; $SSYDrMifuneState = '3dSissy']]</div><br/>
<div class="choice">[["To be the girl..."|SSYDrMifune1][$howSissyMakesPlayerFeel2 = 'getToBeTheGirl'; $SSYDrMifuneState = '3dSissy']]</div><br/>
<<elseif $SSYDrMifuneState is '3dSissy'>>
<span class="mifune">Dr Mifune:</span> "Thank you for answering all of this, I know it's a lot, but the insight you've shared with me today is going to be really helpful. You should be aware $name, that in these early stages we're only uncovering what you believe to be true. As someone figuring out such complex aspects of yourself, the conclusions you've reached right now might change as you explore further."<br/><br/>
The sentiment rang true. Even saying these thoughts out loud, you knew it was difficult to truly quantify yourself in words. Many times before in your life you had tried to think these things out or at least make rational sense of your desires, but it was far too complicated. Being a sissy was driven by something that had no concern for what might be rational, or 'proper' behavior, or even what may or may not be best for you.<br/><br/>
<span class="mifune">Dr Mifune:</span> "I think it's fair to say there's some kind of link here between your identity, your feelings of shame and perhaps also to your sexuality. The background information I have regarding yourself is brief to say the least, but it does mention that you're in a relationship with a woman, is that correct?"<br/><br/>
<<if $gfType is 'mentor'>>
<span class="p1 p2">You:</span> "Was in one. We broke up... while I've been in Grenton. We're still on good terms, but... well... in her own way $gf's still supportive of me."<br/><br/>
<span class="mifune">Dr Mifune:</span> "It's good to hear it wasn't too hard of a break."<br/><br/>
You hadn't spoke to $gf since the split. To be honest it was hard to truly process it properly whilst your sissy desires had taken over.<br/><br/>
<span class="mifune">Dr Mifune:</span> "What was your relationship like? I suppose what I really need to know in particular is... was it a sexual one?"<br/><br/>
<<if $playerVirgin is 'yes'>>
<span class="p1 p2">You:</span> "Our relationship? Well, we were... actually we still are... like best friends. But, no... we didn't have sex. I've... actually never had sex."<br/><br/>
<span class="mifune">Dr Mifune:</span> "I see. And how long were you and $gf in a relationship?"<br/><br/>
<span class="p1 p2">You:</span> "A few years."<br/><br/>
<span class="mifune">Dr Mifune:</span> "Hmm... do you mind me asking, was there a reason you both weren't physically intimate?"<br/><br/>
<span class="p1 p2">You:</span> "Well... $gf was at a rock bottom in her life when we got to know each other. She didn't even want a boyfriend at the time, especially after things she had been through. Despite it all we spent a lot of time together and become closer. Physical intimacy though... that never really came up."<br/><br/>
<span class="mifune">Dr Mifune:</span> "Why didn't you bring it up?"<br/><br/>
<<if $playerOrientation is 'gay'>>
Within Grenton you had already had plenty of time to think about your sexuality. Dr Mifune's openness gave you the nerve to share these feelings.<br/><br/>
<span class="p1 p2">You:</span> "Because... because when I think about sex... it's always with... men."<br/><br/>
<span class="mifune">Dr Mifune:</span> "And you still stayed in a relationship with her knowing this?"<br/><br/>
<span class="p1 p2">You:</span> "It's just... all so confusing. In my fantasies, I don't really see myself having 'vanilla' sex with guys, only when I'm dressed up... only as a sissy. Am I truly gay if that's the only circumstance I'd have sex with men in?"<br/><br/>
<span class="mifune">Dr Mifune:</span> "Oh, I didn't mean that to sound in any way as a criticism. So you're only attracted to guys, but even though you acknowledge that, you only see yourself having sex with them as a sissy?"<br/><br/>
<span class="p1 p2">You:</span> "Y-yes."<br/><br/>
<<elseif $playerOrientation is 'straightButSissy'>>
<span class="p1 p2">You:</span> "I... I don't know. I love women, that's who I'm attracted too. But these urges makes things so much more confusing..."<br/><br/>
<span class="mifune">Dr Mifune:</span> "The sissy side of you makes you doubt yourself?"<br/><br/>
<span class="p1 p2">You:</span> "I guess. I truly don't understand why though! I only see myself dating girls... it's hard to imagine falling in love with anyone other than a woman... but when I'm turned on by sissy thoughts... it's like... this need I have to serve men. Not so much an attraction to them, but a need that has to be acted upon."<br/><br/>
<span class="mifune">Dr Mifune:</span> "How curious! So you still feel straight, despite such thoughts at arousal?"<br/><br/>
<span class="p1 p2">You:</span> "Y-yes."<br/><br/>
<<elseif $playerVirgin is 'no'>>
<span class="p1 p2">You:</span> "Our relationship was great. She was like both my girlfriend and my best friend. Our sex life was pretty healthy, I think? The sissy desires complicated things a little, but other than that, things seemed fine."<br/><br/>
<span class="mifune">Dr Mifune:</span> "Until now? When you felt a need to explore them?"<br/><br/>
<span class="p1 p2">You:</span> "I guess I felt I had to. If not now, when?"<br/><br/>
<span class="mifune">Dr Mifune:</span> "I understand. It's difficult to keep parts of us buried, especially if the urge to explore them keeps growing. Have you had sex as a sissy before? Or any kind of sex with a man, even?"<br/><br/>
For some reason, this question felt more forward than the others, despite that not actually being the case.<br/><br/>
<span class="p1 p2">You:</span> "N-neither..."<br/><br/>
<span class="mifune">Dr Mifune:</span> "Is that something you want?"<br/><br/>
<<if $playerOrientation is 'bi'>>
<span class="p1 p2">You:</span> "It's... hard to explain. I still like girls, I don't even think about guys like that usually, but just the thought of being a sissy turns me on, and that includes the men in those thoughts too."<br/><br/>
<span class="mifune">Dr Mifune:</span> "That's quite fascinating! So you're attracted to men and women, but only like men when you picture yourself as a sissy?"<br/><br/>
<span class="p1 p2">You:</span> "Y-yes."<br/><br/>
<<elseif $playerOrientation is 'straightButSissy'>>
<span class="p1 p2">You:</span> "I really don't understand it myself. I love women - in fact, I can't even see myself dating a guy! But when I'm turned on by thoughts of sissy urges... it's like... this undeniable need I have to serve men. Not so much an attraction to them, but a need that has to be acted upon."<br/><br/>
<span class="mifune">Dr Mifune:</span> "How curious! So you feel straight, despite such thoughts during arousal?"<br/><br/>
<span class="p1 p2">You:</span> "Y-yes."<br/><br/>
<<if $gfType is 'open'>>
<span class="p1 p2">You:</span> "Yes. I only just opened up to her about this side of me, but she's been really supportive. She knew all about Keaton's event though and was OK with it."<br/><br/>
<span class="mifune">Dr Mifune:</span> "An open relationship?"<br/><br/>
<span class="p1 p2">You:</span> "I'm not sure we'd call it that... but, sort of? Actually, she recently let me know... she's sort of got a thing for sissies."<br/><br/>
<span class="mifune">Dr Mifune:</span> "Really? Surely you must feel lucky knowing that! I mean, it must help to know she accepts this side of you, at least in some way?"<br/><br/>
Accept might not be the word. If $gf's browser history was anything to go by, your sissy side was far more than just accepted by her. She had looked very excited when you shared your secret with her.<br/><br/>
<span class="mifune">Dr Mifune:</span> "What was your relationship like? I suppose what I really need to know right now is, was it a sexual one?"<br/><br/>
<<if $playerVirgin is 'yes'>>
<span class="p1 p2">You:</span> "Our relationship... well, we're like best friends. But, no... we haven't had sex. Actually... I've never had sex."<br/><br/>
<span class="mifune">Dr Mifune:</span> "I see. And how long were you and $gf in a relationship?"<br/><br/>
<span class="p1 p2">You:</span> "A few years..."<br/><br/>
<span class="mifune">Dr Mifune:</span> "Hmm... do you mind me asking, was there a reason you both weren't physically intimate?"<br/><br/>
<span class="p1 p2">You:</span> "Well... $gf was at rock bottom in life when we got to know each other. She didn't even want a boyfriend at the time after things she had been through, but despite it all we spent a lot of time together and become closer. Physical intimacy... that never really came up. And we didn't talk about the sissy side of things until I was in here."<br/><br/>
<span class="mifune">Dr Mifune:</span> "Why didn't you bring up sex at all?"<br/><br/>
<<if $playerOrientation is 'gay'>>
During your stay at Grenton you had already had plenty of time to think about your sexuality, and being open about it with a professional like Dr Mifune somehow didn't feel like as big a deal as it would have before...<br/><br/>
<span class="p1 p2">You:</span> "Because... because when I think about sex... it's always with... men."<br/><br/>
<span class="mifune">Dr Mifune:</span> "And you still stayed in a relationship with her knowing this?"<br/><br/>
<span class="p1 p2">You:</span> "It's just... all so confusing. In my fantasies, I don't really see myself having 'vanilla' sex with guys, only when I'm dressed up... only as a sissy. Am I truly gay if that's the only circumstance I'd have sex with men in?"<br/><br/>
<span class="mifune">Dr Mifune:</span> "Oh, I didn't mean that to sound as a criticism. So, you're only attracted to guys, but even that, you only see yourself having sex with them as a sissy?"<br/><br/>
<span class="p1 p2">You:</span> "Y-yes."<br/><br/>
<span class="mifune">Dr Mifune:</span> "And you said $gf was excited learning you were a sissy. Even with that, you don't think you have a sexual relationship?"<br/><br/>
<span class="p1 p2">You:</span> "I... I wouldn't ever be able to have sex with her as a guy... you know, top her."<br/><br/>
<<elseif $playerOrientation is 'straightButSissy'>>
<span class="p1 p2">You:</span> "I... I don't know. I love women, that's who I'm attracted too. But these urges makes things so much more confusing..."<br/><br/>
<span class="mifune">Dr Mifune:</span> "The sissy side of you makes you doubt yourself?"<br/><br/>
<span class="p1 p2">You:</span> "I suppose. I don't know why though! I only see myself dating girls, but when I'm turned on by sissy thoughts... it's like... I've got this need to serve men. Not an attraction to them so much as a desire to act upon."<br/><br/>
<span class="mifune">Dr Mifune:</span> "Fascinating. So you feel straight, despite such thoughts at arousal?"<br/><br/>
<span class="p1 p2">You:</span> "Y-yes."<br/><br/>
<span class="mifune">Dr Mifune:</span> "And you said $gf was excited knowing you were a sissy. So even with your worries, do you think you could have a sexual relationship with her as a sissy?"<br/><br/>
<span class="p1 p2">You:</span> "I haven't thought about it much but... if she really was into the idea... it may or may not be possible..."<br/><br/>
<<elseif $playerVirgin is 'no'>>
<span class="p1 p2">You:</span> "Our relationship is great! Our sex life was healthy enough, it's just that my sissy desires complicate things a little. I'm really lucky she's letting me explore them after I told her."<br/><br/>
<span class="mifune">Dr Mifune:</span> "And you also decided to do Keaton's event too? So you felt a need to explore them right away?"<br/><br/>
<span class="p1 p2">You:</span> "I guess... I mean, I checked with $gf and she was OK with it. Very OK with it, I think."<br/><br/>
<span class="mifune">Dr Mifune:</span> "You circumstance really is exceptional, in a good way it seems! May I ask, have you had sex as a sissy before? Or with a man, even?"<br/><br/>
For some reason, you felt startled at this question, as if it were more forward than the others, despite that not actually being the case.<br/><br/>
<span class="p1 p2">You:</span> "N-neither!"<br/><br/>
<span class="mifune">Dr Mifune:</span> "Is that something you want?"<br/><br/>
<<if $playerOrientation is 'bi'>>
<span class="p1 p2">You:</span> "It's... hard to explain. I still like girls, I don't even think about guys like that usually, but I'm turned on by sissy thoughts, and that includes the men in them."<br/><br/>
<span class="mifune">Dr Mifune:</span> "Fascinating. So you're attracted to men and women, but only like men when you picture yourself as a sissy?"<br/><br/>
<span class="p1 p2">You:</span> "Y-yes."<br/><br/>
<<elseif $playerOrientation is 'straightButSissy'>>
<span class="p1 p2">You:</span> "I don't really understand it myself. I love women, and I can't even see myself dating a guy. But when I'm turned on by sissy thoughts... it's like... a need to serve men. Not an attraction to them."<br/><br/>
<span class="mifune">Dr Mifune:</span> "Fascinating. So you feel straight, despite such thoughts at arousal?"<br/><br/>
<span class="p1 p2">You:</span> "Y-yes."<br/><br/>
<<if $gfType is 'cuck'>>
<span class="p1 p2">You:</span> "Yes. She has no idea about this side of me... I couldn't bring myself to tell her. I know for a fact she wouldn't like it."<br/><br/>
<span class="mifune">Dr Mifune:</span> "Oh no! And of course, you feeling that she wouldn't like such an aspect of yourself would no doubt contribute to any feelings of shame. I imagine that only adds to your difficulties with self-acceptance?"<br/><br/>
<span class="p1 p2">You:</span> "I don't know what I was thinking... I guess I deluded myself into feeling I could do Keaton's event and that would be it... get this urge out of my system or something. I don't know anymore..."<br/><br/>
<span class="mifune">Dr Mifune:</span> "What was your relationship like? I suppose what I really need to know right now is, was it a sexual one?"<br/><br/>
<<if $playerVirgin is 'yes'>>
<span class="p1 p2">You:</span> "Our relationship... well, we're companions. But, no... we haven't had sex. Actually... I've never had sex."<br/><br/>
<span class="mifune">Dr Mifune:</span> "Hmm, and how long were you and $gf in a relationship?"<br/><br/>
<span class="p1 p2">You:</span> "A few years."<br/><br/>
<span class="mifune">Dr Mifune:</span> "Interesting. Do you mind me asking, was there a reason you were never physically intimate with each other?"<br/><br/>
<span class="p1 p2">You:</span> "Well... $gf was at rock bottom in life when we became a couple. She didn't even want a boyfriend at the time, especially after things she had been through, but despite it all we spent a lot of time together and become closer. Physical intimacy... that never really came up. And we didn't talk about the sissy side of things, obviously."<br/><br/>
<span class="mifune">Dr Mifune:</span> "Why didn't you bring up sex at all?"<br/><br/>
<<if $playerOrientation is 'gay'>>
Within Grenton you had already had plenty of time to think about your sexuality. Dr Mifune's openness gave you the nerve to share these feelings.<br/><br/>
<span class="p1 p2">You:</span> "Because... because when I think about sex... it's always with... men."<br/><br/>
<span class="mifune">Dr Mifune:</span> "And you still stayed in a relationship with her knowing this?"<br/><br/>
<span class="p1 p2">You:</span> "It's just... all so confusing. In my fantasies, I don't really see myself having 'vanilla' sex with guys, only when I'm dressed up... only as a sissy. Am I truly gay if that's the only circumstance I'd have sex with men in?"<br/><br/>
<span class="mifune">Dr Mifune:</span> "Oh, I didn't mean that to sound in any way as a criticism. So you're only attracted to guys, but even though you acknowledge that, you only see yourself having sex with them as a sissy?"<br/><br/>
<span class="p1 p2">You:</span> "Y-yes."<br/><br/>
<<elseif $playerOrientation is 'straightButSissy'>>
<span class="p1 p2">You:</span> "I... I don't know. I love women, that's who I feel attracted too. But these urges makes things so much more confusing..."<br/><br/>
<span class="mifune">Dr Mifune:</span> "The sissy side of you makes you doubt yourself?"<br/><br/>
<span class="p1 p2">You:</span> "I suppose. I don't understand why though! I only see myself dating girls, but when I'm turned on by sissy urges... it's like... a need to serve men. Not an attraction to them, but a desire to act upon."<br/><br/>
<span class="mifune">Dr Mifune:</span> "How curious! So you feel straight, despite such thoughts at arousal?"<br/><br/>
<span class="p1 p2">You:</span> "Y-yes."<br/><br/>
<<elseif $playerVirgin is 'no'>>
<span class="p1 p2">You:</span> "Our relationship was great. She was like both my girlfriend and my best friend. Our sex life was healthy, I think. The sissy desires complicated things a little, but other than that, things seemed fine."<br/><br/>
<span class="mifune">Dr Mifune:</span> "Until now? When you felt a need to explore them?"<br/><br/>
<span class="p1 p2">You:</span> "I guess I felt I had to. If not now, when?"<br/><br/>
<span class="mifune">Dr Mifune:</span> "I understand. It's difficult to let parts of us be buried without at least trying to explore them. Have you had sex as a sissy before? Or with a man, even?"<br/><br/>
For some reason, you felt startled at this question, as if it were more forward than the others, despite that not actually being the case.<br/><br/>
<span class="p1 p2">You:</span> "N-neither!"<br/><br/>
<span class="mifune">Dr Mifune:</span> "Is that something you want?"<br/><br/>
<<if $playerOrientation is 'bi'>>
<span class="p1 p2">You:</span> "It's... hard to explain. I still like girls, and I don't even think about guys like that usually! I'm turned on by sissy thoughts though, and that includes the thoughts of serving men."<br/><br/>
<span class="mifune">Dr Mifune:</span> "Fascinating. So you're attracted to men and women, but only men when you picture yourself as a sissy?"<br/><br/>
<span class="p1 p2">You:</span> "Y-yes."<br/><br/>
<<elseif $playerOrientation is 'straightButSissy'>>
<span class="p1 p2">You:</span> "I don't really understand it myself. I love women, and I can't even see myself dating a guy. But when I'm turned on by sissy thoughts... it's like... a need to serve men. Not an attraction to them."<br/><br/>
<span class="mifune">Dr Mifune:</span> "Fascinating. So you feel straight, despite such thoughts at arousal?"<br/><br/>
<span class="p1 p2">You:</span> "Y-yes."<br/><br/>
<<if $gfType is 'unknown'>>
<span class="p1 p2">You:</span> "Yes, I am. At least I think I am. We haven't spoke much since I got in here."<br/><br/>
<span class="mifune">Dr Mifune:</span> "Oh... so she didn't know about any of your recent changes?"<br/><br/>
Not at all. You had ignored her completely as you began indulging your sissy side properly. You dwelled for a moment in silence at the thought of what a bad boyfriend you had been.<br/><br/>
<span class="mifune">Dr Mifune:</span> "What was your relationship like? I suppose what I really need to know right now is, was it a sexual one?"<br/><br/>
<<if $playerVirgin is 'yes'>>
<span class="p1 p2">You:</span> "Our relationship... well, we're companions. But, no... we haven't had sex. Actually, I've... never had it."<br/><br/>
<span class="mifune">Dr Mifune:</span> "I see. And how long were you and $gf in a relationship?"<br/><br/>
<span class="p1 p2">You:</span> "A few years..."<br/><br/>
<span class="mifune">Dr Mifune:</span> "Interesting. Do you mind me asking, was there a reason you both were never physically intimate?"<br/><br/>
<span class="p1 p2">You:</span> "Well... $gf was at rock bottom in life when we got to know each other. She didn't even want a boyfriend at the time after the things she had been through, but despite it all we spent a lot of time together and become closer. Physical intimacy... that never really came up. And we didn't talk about the sissy side of things until I was in here."<br/><br/>
<span class="mifune">Dr Mifune:</span> "Why didn't you bring up sex at all?"<br/><br/>
<<if $playerOrientation is 'gay'>>
Within Grenton you had already had plenty of time to think about your sexuality. Dr Mifune's openness gave you the nerve to share these feelings.<br/><br/>
<span class="p1 p2">You:</span> "Because... because when I think about sex... it's always with... men."<br/><br/>
<span class="mifune">Dr Mifune:</span> "And you still stayed in a relationship with her knowing this?"<br/><br/>
<span class="p1 p2">You:</span> "It's just... all so confusing. In my fantasies, I don't really see myself having 'vanilla' sex with guys, only when I'm dressed up... only as a sissy. Am I truly gay if that's the only circumstance I'd have sex with men in?"<br/><br/>
<span class="mifune">Dr Mifune:</span> "Oh, I didn't mean that to sound in any way as a criticism. So you're only attracted to guys, but even though you acknowledge that, you only see yourself having sex with them as a sissy?"<br/><br/>
<span class="p1 p2">You:</span> "Y-yes."<br/><br/>
<<elseif $playerOrientation is 'straightButSissy'>>
<span class="p1 p2">You:</span> "I... I don't know. I love women, that's who I'm attracted too. But these urges makes things so much more confusing..."<br/><br/>
<span class="mifune">Dr Mifune:</span> "The sissy side of you makes you doubt yourself?"<br/><br/>
<span class="p1 p2">You:</span> "I suppose. I don't know why though! I only see myself dating girls, but when I'm turned on by sissy thoughts... it's like... a need to serve men. Not an attraction to them."<br/><br/>
<span class="mifune">Dr Mifune:</span> "Fascinating. So you feel straight, despite having such thoughts at arousal?"<br/><br/>
<span class="p1 p2">You:</span> "Y-yes."<br/><br/>
<<elseif $playerVirgin is 'no'>>
<span class="p1 p2">You:</span> "Our relationship was great. She was like both my girlfriend and my best friend. Our sex life was healthy, I think. The sissy desires complicated things a little, but other than that, things seemed fine."<br/><br/>
<span class="mifune">Dr Mifune:</span> "Until now? When you felt more of a need to explore them?"<br/><br/>
<span class="p1 p2">You:</span> "I guess I felt I had to. If not now, when?"<br/><br/>
<span class="mifune">Dr Mifune:</span> "I understand. It's difficult to let parts of us be buried without at least trying to explore them. Have you had sex as a sissy before? Or with a man, even?"<br/><br/>
For some reason, you felt startled at this question, as if it were more forward than the others, despite that not actually being the case.<br/><br/>
<span class="p1 p2">You:</span> "N-neither!"<br/><br/>
<span class="mifune">Dr Mifune:</span> "Is that something you want?"<br/><br/>
<<if $playerOrientation is 'bi'>>
<span class="p1 p2">You:</span> "It's... hard to explain. I still like girls, I don't even think about guys like that usually, but I'm turned on by sissy thoughts, including the men in them."<br/><br/>
<span class="mifune">Dr Mifune:</span> "How curious! So you're attracted to men and women, but only see yourself having sex with men when you are a sissy?"<br/><br/>
<span class="p1 p2">You:</span> "Y-yes."<br/><br/>
<<elseif $playerOrientation is 'straightButSissy'>>
<span class="p1 p2">You:</span> "I don't really understand it myself. I love women, and I can't even see myself dating a guy. But when I'm turned on by sissy thoughts... it's like... a need to serve men. Not an attraction to them."<br/><br/>
<span class="mifune">Dr Mifune:</span> "Fascinating. So you feel straight, despite such thoughts at arousal?"<br/><br/>
<span class="p1 p2">You:</span> "Y-yes."<br/><br/>
<div class="choice">[[Continue|SSYDrMifune1][$SSYDrMifuneState = '3eSissy']]</div><br/>
<<elseif $SSYDrMifuneState is '3eSissy'>>
<span class="mifune">Dr Mifune:</span> "$name... your ability to share with me today has truly been impressive. I'm so sorry for making our first conversation such an intensively clinical one, but today has been a real privilege for me! It's rare to speak so candidly with someone like you; I imagine your openness is associated with your recent embrace of your budding identity."<br/><br/>
You couldn't help blushing a little in response to her words. Honestly, it was mostly the earnest demeanor of Dr Mifune that made it easy to talk so freely. If there was anyone who could help you understand yourself better, surely it was her?<br/><br/>
<span class="mifune">Dr Mifune:</span> "I think I may have learned enough to begin helping you already. However, please bear in mind what I said earlier - there is so little scientific literature on the type of experience you've described. In any way I guide you, I need it to be clear to you that it is only based on what I believe at the current time, which in turn is only based in the very small amount of data there is out there. In fact, in the process of providing help to you, I'm also hoping to understand sissies in more depth myself. Knowing that, would you want to hear guidance from me?"<br/><br/>
<span class="p1 p2">You:</span> "P-please do..."<br/><br/>
She glanced quickly at her notes with an assured smile; one last minute check before she would share her conclusions with you.<br/><br/>
<span class="mifune">Dr Mifune:</span> "OK. So the first major thing I think we can focus on is that sudden crash in your desires, not just the one you experienced at the event, but also the other negative reactions you described. This is a frequently reported phenomena not only among sissies, but from many people who partake in subservient sexual roles. The kink community refer to it as 'sub drop'. It is the oncoming unpleasant, perhaps even depressing feeling, that comes after indulging sexual situations, that can have a humiliating, or powerless aspect to them; occurring at it's most intense when arousal ends. Do you follow me?"<br/><br/>
<span class="p1 p2">You:</span> "I think so..."<br/><br/>
<span class="mifune">Dr Mifune:</span> "Consider this. Everyone has a base level of mood as they live out their day to day lives. Our mood only dramatically changes in certain situations, a common one being sexual arousal. When aroused, huge amounts of endorphins and adrenaline are released in the body. Because of your specific desires and how little you have gotten to indulge them, far more of these chemicals are coursing through you when you finally engage in sissy activity, providing you with a feeling of euphoria. For you, the highs are so high that when you 'come down' and all those pleasure hormones suddenly leave your system, you are experiencing a far more dramatic return to baseline than regular people."<br/><br/>
Already it was impressive even to hear someone attempt to explain what you had been going through your whole life. You hung on Dr Mifune's every word.<br/><br/>
<span class="mifune">Dr Mifune:</span> "Now that wouldn't be difficult to manage by itself, but in your case, as it seems to be with many sissies, it's coupled with shameful feelings associated with being a sissy. When you 'return to baseline', your sense of shame feels like it's been amplified within you, making you behave in a way to quite literally need to remove the femininity from yourself... your clothes, your make up, mannerisms etc. I can't quite tell if shame plays a part in fueling your desire or not, maybe that's something we can explore in another session, but regardless of it does, you can see how this becomes one very potent cycle; one that tugs you back and forth endlessly between experiencing pleasure, and fiercely resisting it. I know this isn't the easiest thing to take in, allow me to explain in more detail..."<br/><br/>
She raised both of her hands into the air, a single finger pointed out on each. She wiggled one finger to make you pay attention to it.<br/><br/>
<span class="mifune">Dr Mifune:</span>"This is your shame. It's a tremendously strong feeling that reasserts every time time you 'comedown'. That's the overwhelming sensation you feel most intensely after arousal, and at that time it's one powerful enough to drown out your other desires. Shame plays a huge part in controlling our behavior. But, as time goes by... "<br/><br/>
Her other finger began moving away from the first as she continued to explain...<br/><br/>
<span class="mifune">Dr Mifune:</span>"...those overwhelmed feelings escape the bounds of shame, and as they do, you can feel them intensify again as urges. These are the major emotions that are having such an influence on you. What I personally think makes it most difficult for you, and many sissies, is that both your shame and desires are perfectly valid. We still live in a judgmental society where most males have a pressure on them to behave a certain way. Your shame likely works in overdrive to try and stop you from engaging in activities that could potentially lead to you being stigmatized. But the desires you want, despite what anyone else may think, are perfectly fine, and deep down you know this too. What is wrong with a consenting adult to do what you desire? Nothing! That is why you keep feeling this urge to engage in it. And so the cycle repeats, on and on."<br/><br/>
The two fingers were brought back together again, before she brought her hands back down. She looked into your eyes, hoping to see signs you understood her.<br/><br/>
<span class="p1 p2">You:</span> "Wow... that's a lot to take in. So it's the sub-drop you mentioned that I need to manage?"<br/><br/>
<span class="mifune">Dr Mifune:</span> "I believe so, yes! My best judgment so far tells me it's one of the main aspects that make being a sissy feel so difficult. I'm not sure if you're aware of purging? That's when a sissy attempts to fully stop sissy activities cold turkey, including throw away all their clothes, and sissy items. It can be very costly and emotionally distressing. It seems like sub-drop is the likely explanation for that kind of behavior. And of course, it explains your negative feelings at the end of that event."<br/><br/>
It was difficult to truly comprehend all this right now. You let out a heavy, exhaled breath; astonished by the level of insight Dr Mifune appeared to have. She seemed incredibly passionate about sharing her findings on you, which she did so with a professional confidence. It was almost like when a TV show detective shares their deductions about someone with such an incredible level of introspective accuracy that even their subject didn't realize about themselves.<br/><br/>
<span class="mifune">Dr Mifune:</span> "So $name, regardless of what you want to do next, for better or worse it seems shame has a hold on you. You mentioned wearing a chastity device? Obviously, that could act as a very strong deterrent for sub-drop occurring anytime soon. It seems you had at least some understanding it may help you in this kind of way."<br/><br/>
<span class="p1 p2">You:</span> "Dr Mifune... I'm not sure what to say..."<br/><br/>
<span class="mifune">Dr Mifune:</span> "Oh? I hope that wasn't too overwhelming for you! Sorry, I do have a habit of getting carried away with this kind of thing..."<br/><br/>
She laughed into her hand again before raising her drink to her lips.<br/><br/>
<span class="p1 p2">You:</span> "No... well, it's just, I've never had anyone I felt I could get answers from like this... you've given me a lot to think about. Thank you."<br/><br/>
<span class="mifune">Dr Mifune:</span> "Awwww, that's OK. Hopefully this can be a starting point we can build from as we work together! I think it's best we stop for today though. I imagine this has probably been enough for you to handle for now, am I right?"<br/><br/>
<span class="p1 p2">You:</span> "J-just a bit. So... I really need to figure out how to deal with shame?"<br/><br/>
<span class="mifune">Dr Mifune:</span> "It seems so. Like I said, the chastity device should make it easier now, though it doesn't rule out similar feelings occurring again. Here, I want you to take this..."<br/><br/>
She ripped a page out of her notepad and passed it over to you, pinched between fingers tipped with purple, glittery nails. Dr Mifune obviously enjoyed embracing femininity to a degree too, surely that would only help her provide insight into yourself. As you took it from her, you noticed a neatly written set of notes.<br/><br/>
<span class="mifune">Dr Mifune:</span> "That's my interpretation of your current mindset, broken down into some psychological complexes I've observed. Now, it's not a complete picture of who you are by any means, and please keep in mind the complexes themselves aren't scientific. Simply consider them as the factors that I believe play some kind of role in your behaviors and identity. Having them written down like this should aid you when it comes to considering them."<br/><br/>
<span class="notepaper">
Complex: Sissyhood (Emergent)<br/>
A fundamental aspect of $name's personality that comes with a strong urge to be explored.<br/><br/>
<<if $playerVirgin is 'yes'>>
<<if $howSissyMakesPlayerFeel is 'pathetic' or $howSissyMakesPlayerFeel2 is 'submitToMen' or $howSissyMakesPlayerFeel2 is 'submitAndServeOthers'>>
Complex: Beta Virgin mentality<br/><<set $playerComplexVirginMentality to 'betaVirgin'>>
Shame regarding crossdressing urges combined with a sense of personal inadequacy make up another fundamental aspect. Sissy desires may be more enticing because it offers a specific role for someone who feels some kind of inferiority.<br/><br/>
Complex: Virgin mentality<br/><<set $playerComplexVirginMentality to 'virgin'>>
Virginity may not be a cause of sissy desires, but likely forms another fundamental aspect of personality. Virginity may act as a mental barrier that makes sissy urges, or any kind of sex, difficult to act upon, despite how much $name may or may not fantasize about actually doing them.<br/><br/>
<<elseif $playerVirgin is 'no'>>
Complex: Sissy Virgin mentality<br/><<set $playerComplexVirginMentality to 'sissyVirginOnly'>>
Though $name is sexually experienced, they have never engaged properly in sexual activity as a sissy, and any urges to do so go away after arousal. This acts as another fundamental aspect of their personality. It is a mental barrier they will have to decide for themselves how to push through.<br/><br/>
<<if $playerCdReason is 'turnOn'>>
Complex (Core of femininity): Self-objectification<br/><<set $playerComplexFeminineReason to 'selfObjectification'>>
The most prominent aspect that can be identified as to $name's relationship to their femininity and desire to explore it. Their transformation could be seen as a way of turning themselves into the ultimate desirable form, as imagined in their own fantasises, or their perception of what others desire.<br/><br/>
<<elseif $playerCdReason is 'beingFemme'>>
Complex (Core of femininity): Natural Effeminate<br/><<set $playerComplexFeminineReason to 'naturalBornFemme'>>
The most prominent aspect that can be identified as to $name's relationship to their femininity and desire to explore it. A completely natural desire to feel feminine and enjoy femininity for it's own sake. Most likely unexplored due to the social pressure for men to reject such desires.<br/><br/>
<<elseif $playerCdReason is 'involUrge'>>
<<if $playerCdSelfPerception is 'slut' or $playerCdSelfPerception is 'cd'>>
Complex (Core of femininity): Self-objectification<br/><<set $playerComplexFeminineReason to 'selfObjectification'>>
The most prominent aspect that can be identified as to $name's relationship to their femininity and desire to explore it. Their transformation could be seen as a way of turning themselves into the ultimate desirable form, as imagined in their own fantasises, or their perception of what others desire.<br/><br/>
<<elseif $playerCdSelfPerception is 'woman'>>
Complex (Core of femininity): Natural Effeminate<br/><<set $playerComplexFeminineReason to 'naturalBornFemme'>>
The most prominent aspect that can be identified as to $name's relationship to their femininity and desire to explore it. A completely natural desire to feel feminine and enjoy femininity for it's own sake. Most likely unexplored due to the social pressure for men to reject such desires.<br/><br/>
<<if $howSissyMakesPlayerFeel is 'pathetic'>>
Complex (Possible Shame Source): Inferiority complex<br/><<set $playerComplexShameSource1 to 'inferiorityComplex'>>
A potential cause of $name's shame may be that their identity, urges and desires makes them feel inferior to others.<br/><br/>
<<elseif $howSissyMakesPlayerFeel is 'gay'>>
Complex (Possible Shame Source): Internalized Social Stigma<br/><<set $playerComplexShameSource1 to 'internalizedSocialStigma'>>
A potential cause of $name's shame may be their personal feeling that society negativly judges the activities they desire. Even in the more open society of today, negative attitudes against those who do not fit into hetero-normative categories exists. It also wasn't long ago that society was far less progressive, and growing up in such an environment could lead to interalized negative associations, and an innate instinct to avoid exploring their true desires.<br/><br/>
<<elseif $howSissyMakesPlayerFeel is 'feelsRight'>>
Complex (Possible Shame Source): Slut Shame<br/><<set $playerComplexShameSource1 to 'slutShame'>>
One cause of $name's shame may be routed in slut shaming. While in the moment sissy urges may feel right to them, after indulging them, the social stigma of being a sissy and a slut may have caused an underlying sense of shame attached to them.<br/><br/>
<<if $playerCdAwakening is 'neededPush'>>
<<if $howSissyMakesPlayerFeel2 is 'submitAndServeOthers' or $howSissyMakesPlayerFeel2 is 'fuckToy' or $howSissyMakesPlayerFeel2 is 'submitToMen'>>
Complex (Possible Shame Source): Ultra-Submissive<br/><<set $playerComplexShameSource2 to 'ultraSubmissive'>>
$name displays a desire to serve others, and a need for other's to make them do it. An erotic desire to give up themselves to others may be a source of shame.<br/><br/>
<<elseif $howSissyMakesPlayerFeel2 is 'peopleSeePlayerAsManDressedAsGirl' or $howSissyMakesPlayerFeel2 is 'getToBeTheGirl'>>
Complex (Possible Shame Source): Submissive<br/><<set $playerComplexShameSource2 to 'submissive'>>
$name displays a desire to be obedient to others, perhaps in the hopes of validation. An erotic desire to do so may be a source of shame.<br/><br/>
<<elseif $playerCdAwakening is 'bySelfEventually'>>
<<if $howSissyMakesPlayerFeel2 is 'submitAndServeOthers' or $howSissyMakesPlayerFeel2 is 'fuckToy' or $howSissyMakesPlayerFeel2 is 'submitToMen'>>
Complex (Possible Shame Source): Submissive<br/><<set $playerComplexShameSource2 to 'submissive'>>
$name displays a desire to be obedient to others, perhaps in the hopes of validation. An erotic desire to do so may be a source of shame.<br/><br/>
<<elseif $howSissyMakesPlayerFeel2 is 'peopleSeePlayerAsManDressedAsGirl' or $howSissyMakesPlayerFeel2 is 'getToBeTheGirl'>>
Complex (Possible Shame Source): Emasculation<br/><<set $playerComplexShameSource2 to 'emasculation'>>
$name displays a desire to be feminine, so far through crossdressing. The negative social stigma from how parts of society have viewed crossdressers may be a source of shame.<br/><br/>
<span class="p1 p2">You:</span> "This is... wow, is all of this true?"<br/><br/>
<span class="mifune">Dr Mifune:</span> "That's probably not the best way to look at it, consider it more of a place to start from. Working together we may be able to uncover more mental breakthroughs, and hopefully build a better understanding of yourself. But please remember, this approach is still experimental at best."<br/><br/>
<span class="p1 p2">You:</span> "It's in way more in depth than I ever expected..."<br/><br/>
<span class="mifune">Dr Mifune:</span> "It's an attempt to put definitions on what you think and feel. Hopefully it can help at least help you identify the conflicting urges within you. For example, instead of feeling overwhelming shame, you now might find yourself able to comprehend where it is coming from, or what is causing it. Is it useful shame or is it shame that is routed in misconceptions? Does it help you avoid bad situations, or is it holding you back? Shame is a complicated emotion - it's up to you to determine how to deal with it."<br/><br/>
<span class="p1 p2">You:</span> "I think I get it. This is a lot to think about... thanks again, Dr Mifune."<br/><br/>
<span class="mifune">Dr Mifune:</span> "You're welcome! Though I'm thankful too. Your keenness to overcome your hangups and explore this part of yourself is something I wish more people had. It would be a real pleasure to learn more by working with you, $name. I take it you're happy to continue?"<br/><br/>
<span class="p1 p2">You:</span> "Yes, definitely!"<br/><br/>
<span class="mifune">Dr Mifune:</span> "Well then. To our... working relationship?"<br/><br/>
She held out her hand with a sweet little smile on her face. It felt less like a professional agreement and more like the endearing moment when someone asks you to become their friend. You took her hand to shake it.<br/>
<span class="bondHeader mifuneBondHeader">BOND MADE WITH DR MIFUNE</span>
<span class="bond mifuneBond">
Dr Mifune and yourself will work together, to gain a greater insight into what makes you tick, and help you live out your desires!
<span class="bondPerkHeader">Bond Perk:</span> <span class="bondPerk">Mindset revelations</span>
<<set $mifuneBondLevel to 1>>
<span class="mifune">Dr Mifune:</span> "Hopefully this is just the start to some wonderful discoveries for both of us."<br/><br/>
<div class="choice">[[Continue|SSYDrMifune1][$SSYDrMifuneState = '3fSissy']]</div><br/>
<<elseif $SSYDrMifuneState is '3fSissy'>>
It had be an intense experience. Never in your wildest dreams would you of imagined a professional being able to help you work through this side of yourself, especially with such insight. You could feel the session was about to wind down as you both finished your drinks.<br/><br/>
<span class="p1 p2">You:</span> "So... what should I do next?"<br/><br/>
<span class="mifune">Dr Mifune:</span> "I think we need a decent break for you to continue exploring yourself, then we can reconvene and discuss more. It seems like you're set up to push further through the shame you felt prior, if you want to do that of course."<br/><br/>
<span class="p1 p2">You:</span> "OK..."<br/><br/>
<span class="mifune">Dr Mifune:</span> "The complexes that I described... you might want to try dwelling on them by yourself from time to time. It's not me who can completely tell you who you are. Your own thoughts and actions will be what defines what is true. Oh, and don't forget, while the members of Grenton may not be able to offer you the same kind of help that I can, forming bonds with them could also help you too. It's worth reaching out to others."<br/><br/>
She stood up to lead you back to the corridor. A womanly, sweet scent filled your senses as she came closer to you to do so. It seemed she noticed how pleasurable you found the smell, and grinned at you with her now charmingly familiar smile. Confident, smart, beautiful... it was hard not to admire her.<br/><br/>
<span class="mifune">Dr Mifune:</span> "I'm looking forward to our next talk, $name. Just take things one step at a time, alright? See you next time."<br/><br/>
<span class="p1 p2">You:</span> "I'll try. Bye!"<br/><br/>
The door closed behind you. You were suddenly struck by how the cold atmosphere of Grenton paled in comparison to the welcoming setting of Dr Mifune's office. After exiting the clinic area, you caught an inhabitant's eye. It seemed you were being looked for.<br/><br/>
<span class="male">???: </span>"Ah, there you are. Keaton wants to speak with you. Ergh, it's getting late though. Y'know what, just make sure you visit him first thing tomorrow."<br/><br/>
<span class="p1 p2">You:</span> "Oh... um, alright."<br/><br/>
The man walked away without another word. Even now, the customs of Grenton were strange.<br/><br/>
<div class="choice">[[Continue|SSYmessRoom][$ap = 0]]</div><br/>
<<set $DrMifuneVisited to 1>>
<<set $enforceDwellState to 1>>
<<set $KeatonVisitState to 1>>
<<set $mindsetUnlocked to 1>>
<<set $shameActive to 1>>
<<set $jessicaState to 1>>
<<set $cageDreamState to 1>>
<</nobr>><img src="images/locations/library.jpg" alt="library" class="storyImage"><<nobr>>
Despite everything that's happened, the library never changes. While you get the odd glance of curiosity mixed with confusion, people here are more concerned with reading than anything else.
You can't help but feel it will be harder to concentrate on reading these days, but you might try all the same.<br/><br/>
<<if $ap gt 0>>
What will you read?<br/><br/>
[[Read something with charismatic and endearing characters.|readCharm][$charmStat += 1]]<br/>
[[Read an autobiography of someone daring.|readCourage][$courageStat += 1]]<br/>
[[Read the naughty stuff.|readPerv][$pervStat += 1]]<br/><br/>
At the moment though you're far too exhausted. Reading would be pointless in this state.<br/><br/>
<<if Cycle.get('days').current() is 'Wednesday' or Cycle.get('days').current() is 'Thursday' or Cycle.get('days').current() is 'Monday' or Cycle.get('days').current() is 'Saturday'>>
<<if $ap gt 0>>
Khan is sat by himself at one of the desks, looks like he is studying.<br/>
[[Speak to Khan.|KhanLibrarySSY]]<br/><br/>
[[Back to Main Block|SSYmessRoom]]
<img src="images/locations/gym.jpg" alt="gym" class="storyImage">The 'gym' isn't officially a gym, just a room with some bars on the ceiling which people can do pull ups on. A few makeshift items have been made into dumbbells and weights. A CD player on the side can be used to do the buzz test (running from one side of the room to the other before each buzz ends). There's also a short bench to do squats and some mats which can be used to plank on.<br/><br/>
<span class="bro">Bro: </span>"Here for the ultimate girl bod? I've seen most ladies stick to planks and squats. There's a quickly growing number of girls who like to get buff too, though - just make sure that's the kind of look you really want - it's tough to reverse! And no matter what aesthetic you're going for, a little endurance training will always be beneficial."<br/><br/>
<<if $ap gt 0>>
[[Do strength excerises.|strengthSSY]]<br/>
[[Do the buzz test.|buzz test]]<br/>
[[Use the mats to plank.|plank]]<br/>
[[Use the bench to do squats.|squat]]<br/><br/>
You're too exhausted to use the gym. Exercising while this tired won't do anything.<br/><br/>
[[Back to Main Block|SSYmessRoom]]
<</nobr>><img src="images/locations/commissary.jpg" alt="commissary" class="storyImageFlat"><<nobr>>
<span class="male">Shopkeeper:</span> "Hey. Might need to expand the store with your type around here now. Check back now and then. Anything I can get you?"<br/><br/>
<div class="shopItem">
<div class="shopItemImg"><img src="images/shop/eggs.jpg"></div>
<div class="shopItemDesc">Some nice fresh eggs - $15</div>
<div class="shopItemBuy">
<<if $playerInventory.has('Eggs')>>Purchased
<<if $money gte 15>>
<<link "Buy">>
<<set $money -= 15>>
<<pickup '$playerInventory' 'Eggs'>>
<<goto "SSYCommissary">>
<<else>>Can't afford.
<div class="shopItem">
<div class="shopItemImg"><img src="images/shop/bacon.jpg"></div>
<div class="shopItemDesc">Streaky Bacon - $20</div>
<div class="shopItemBuy">
<<if $playerInventory.has('Bacon')>>Purchased
<<if $money gte 20>>
<<link "Buy">>
<<set $money -= 20>>
<<pickup '$playerInventory' 'Bacon'>>
<<goto "SSYCommissary">>
<<else>>Can't afford.
<div class="shopItem">
<div class="shopItemImg"><img src="images/shop/paper.jpg"></div>
<div class="shopItemDesc">A tiny piece of paper. Use to summarize hints - $5</div>
<div class="shopItemBuy">
<<if $playerInventory.has('Paper')>>Purchased
<<if $money gte 5>>
<<link "Buy">>
<<set $money -= 5>>
<<pickup '$playerInventory' 'Paper'>>
<<goto "SSYCommissary">>
<<else>>Can't afford.
<<if $SSYNateState is 1 and $boughtMahonCheese is not 1>>
<div class="shopItem">
<div class="shopItemImg"><img src="images/shop/mahonCheese.jpg"></div>
<div class="shopItemDesc">A well-sized wedge of Mahon cheese - $40</div>
<div class="shopItemBuy">
<<if $playerInventory.has('Mahon cheese')>>Purchased
<<if $money gte 40>>
<<link "Buy">>
<<set $money -= 40>>
<<set $boughtMahonCheese = 1>>
<<pickup '$playerInventory' 'Mahon cheese'>>
<<goto "SSYCommissary">>
<<else>>Can't afford.
[[Back to Main Block|SSYmessRoom]]<<nobr>>
<img src="images/locations/officers.jpg" alt="officers room" class="storyImage"><br/>
The door to the officer's room is shut. You don't think you should knock on here unless you have some need to.<br/><br/>
[[Back to Main Block|SSYmessRoom]]<br/><br/>
<img src="images/locations/clinic.jpg" alt="clinic" class="storyImage">The hallway to the clinic is guarded by a rather strict looking officer...<br/><br/>
<<if $SSYstoryState is 0>>
<span class="male">Officer: </span>"Hmm... just what do you think you're doing?"<br/><br/>
<div class="choice">[["I... wanted to see Dr Mifune."|SSYDrMifune1][$introducedSelfToMifune = 1; $SSYDrMifuneState = 0]]</div><br/>
<div class="choice">[["Nothing! Sorry to trouble you."|SSYmessRoom]]</div>
Doesn't seem like there's anything to do right here now.<br/>
[[Back to Main Block|SSYmessRoom]]
<img src="images/scenes/Zjessica.jpg" alt="your neighbor Jessica" class="storyImage">
<<if $jessicaQuestion is 'dionUninspiredQuestion'>>
<<set $SSYDionState to 2>>
<<set $SSYDionState1JessicaAdvice to 1>>
<<set $jessicaQuestion to 0>>
<span class="jessica">Jessica: </span>“Wow, what a rude dude! Although...”<br/><br/>
Her voice trailed off to silence, like she didn't want to say the next words out of her mouth, but you had an idea what she what it was.<br/><br/>
<span class="p1 p2">You:</span> "He's right... I do look basic, don't I? I guess I can't blame him for being uninspired by... this."<br/><br/>
You pulled at the hem of your skirt to make your point<<if $playerUnderwear.has('Basic cotton panties')>>, which reminded you of the unattractive underwear you were wearing underneath<</if>>.<br/><br/>
<span class="jessica">Jessica: </span>“Aw hun, every girl looks a little plain sometimes. Don't worry, I've seen how hot you look in the right outfit. Hey, that actually gives me an idea - go find some nice lingerie to wear. When you're ready, put it on and then call me to your room. I know a surefire way that'll rouse <em>inspiration</em> out of any man, he he.”<br/><br/>
[[Say goodbye and leave.|SSYRoom]]<br/>
<<elseif $jessicaQuestion is 'moreOutiftsQuestion'>>
<<set $metDion to 1>>
<<set $jessicaQuestion to 0>>
<span class="jessica">Jessica: </span>“Hmm, new feminine clothes are a bit of a rarity still, but ya know there's supposedly this world class designer guy who turned up here a few weeks ago. Maybe we wouldn't need to rely on imports so much if he can just make stuff for us instead.”<br/><br/>
<span class="p1 p2">You:</span> "That would be amazing. Any idea where I can find him?"<br/><br/>
<span class="jessica">Jessica: </span>“Keaton set him up with his own Textile room down in the workshop.”<br/><br/>
<span class="p1 p2">You:</span> "Alright, thanks. Maybe I'll put in a request to this guy."<br/><br/>
<<if $khanState6Gift is 1 and $taskDudeWheresMyBraState is 0>>
[["The red lingerie I bought... I can't find it anymore. Do you know where it is?"|SSYJessica][$jessicaQuestion = 'redLingQuestion']]<br/>
<<if $taskThePinkPantierState is 0>>
[["Is there somewhere I can get some more lingerie?"|SSYJessica][$jessicaQuestion = 'moreLingQuestion']]<br/>
<<elseif $taskThePinkPantierState>>
[[Say goodbye and leave.|SSYRoom]]<br/>
<<elseif $jessicaQuestion is 'redLingQuestion'>>
<<set $jessicaQuestion to 0>>
<span class="jessica">Jessica: </span>“Oh no, did you not get it back? It was sent to be washed but it should of been returned by now.”<br/><br/>
<span class="p1 p2">You:</span> "Nope, haven't seen it since wearing it for the event."<br/><br/>
<span class="jessica">Jessica: </span>“There must of been some kind of mistake - maybe Dean will know something! I heard he's been doing extra laundry duty recently to make extra money, he's probably your best chance at finding it.”<br/><br/>
A mistake? Who in here would accidentally take your lingerie? At a push, the panties could be mistaken for briefs, but not the bra and garter belt. This just doesn't sound right.<br/><br/>
<span class="jessica">Jessica: </span>“Don't look so worried, it's probably just someone getting muddled. Happens all the time!”<br/><br/>
<span class="p1 p2">You:</span> "...Ok. Can't hurt to ask him, at least."<br/><br/>
<<set $taskDudeWheresMyBraState to 1>>
<div class="taskBox">
<span class="newSideTaskTag">Started</span>
<div class="taskBoxHeader">Dude, where's my bra?</div>
<div class="taskBoxDesc">Your red lingerie set should have returned by now.<br/>Maybe Dean can help.</div>
[[Say goodbye and leave.|SSYRoom]]<br/>
<<elseif $jessicaQuestion is 'moreLingQuestion'>>
<<set $jessicaQuestion to 0>>
<span class="jessica">Jessica: </span>“He he, I wish I could spare some of mine for you, but honestly I'm barely getting by with what little I have! Those kind of items aren't exactly in plentiful supply around here.”<br/><br/>
<span class="p1 p2">You:</span> "Oh don't worry, that's not what I was getting at. I just really need some more of my own..."<br/><br/>
<<if $khanState6Gift is 0>>
<span class="jessica">Jessica: </span>“Hmm, y'know Khan approached me trying to sell a pretty red lingerie set but I didn't have the money for it at the time. You could try asking him?”<br/><br/>
<span class="p1 p2">You:</span> "Khan? Ok, I'll give him a try. Thanks!"<br/><br/>
<<set $taskHelpMeOutBraState to 1>>
Jessica tapped a cherry red polished nail at her chin as she tried to think.<br/><br/>
<<if $khanState6Gift is 1>>
<span class="jessica">Jessica: </span>“Let's see, where else... oh, I just remembered! You wouldn't know this, but Steve had a pink lingerie set on stand by for you in case you didn't find anything to wear. Maybe you could ask him if he was willing to let you have it? Be careful though, the men in here give little away for free.”<br/><br/>
<span class="jessica">Jessica: </span>“Let's see, where else... oh, I just had an idea! That pink lingerie set Steve gave you at Keaton's event, he should still have it! I guess you could see if he was willing to let you own it instead? Be careful though, the men in here give little away for free.”<br/><br/>
<span class="p1 p2">You:</span> "I don't really know that guy very well, where can I find him?"<br/><br/>
<span class="jessica">Jessica: </span>“No idea, but that guy is a total busy body - you're sure to come across him sometime.”<br/><br/>
<<set $taskThePinkPantierState to 1>>
<span class="p1 p2">You:</span> "Hm, I'll keep an eye out for him then. Thanks Jessica."<br/><br/>
<span class="jessica">Jessica: </span>“Anytime, sweetie! And let a girl know if you find a way to get more, will ya? My wardrobe needs a refresh too.”<br/><br/>
[[Say goodbye and leave.|SSYRoom]]<br/>
<<elseif $jessicaState is 0>>
<<set $jessicaState to 1>>
<span class="jessica">Jessica: </span>“$name! Come on in!”<br/><br/>
Her face turned to joy just seeing you, and she welcomed you into her room with her usual, warm smile.<br/><br/>
<span class="jessica">Jessica: </span>“How are you? I hope all the sudden changes aren't feeling too much for you.”<br/><br/>
<span class="p1 p2">You:</span> "It's... a lot."<br/><br/>
<span class="jessica">Jessica: </span>“Aww, just by the look on your face I can see it's been quite overwhelming. Have you considered talking about your situation with Dr Mifune?”<br/><br/>
<span class="p1 p2">You:</span> "...Dr Mifune?"<br/><br/>
You recalled hearing that name before. That was the person Keaton mentioned in his last note to you, wasn't it?<br/><br/>
<span class="jessica">Jessica: </span>“They'll probably reach out to you soon enough, so don't worry about taking your time to do other things, but if you want to go ahead you can find them at the clinic. It's up to you. Oh, and this might seem obvious but when you do go exploring Grenton, just be prepared for the inhabitants to treat you a little differently now.”<br/><br/>
She was probably right, Grenton wouldn't be the same as before. You took onboard her advice before she changed the conversation to more fun and frivolous things. After a nice catch up, you both realized it was time for each other to say goodbye and get on with the day...<br/><br/>
<<elseif $jessicaState is 2>>
<<set $jessicaState to 3>>
You walked down the hall to see if Jessica was in her room. You gently tapped the outside of her door, and surprisingly she answered almost right away.<br/><br/>
<span class="p1 p2">You:</span> "Hi Jessica!"<br/><br/>
<span class="jessica">Jessica: </span>“$name! How are you?”<br/><br/>
You perched yourself onto a part of the bed that she beckoned you to sit at.<br/><br/>
<span class="p1 p2">You:</span> "Um, complicated, but kinda good I guess?"<br/><br/>
<span class="jessica">Jessica: </span>“He he, still getting used to things?”<br/><br/>
<span class="p1 p2">You:</span> "That's putting it lightly."<br/><br/>
<span class="jessica">Jessica: </span>“Well if you need anything, you jst let me know, OK hun?”<br/><br/>
She placed her hand to your shoulder and gave it a soft rub.<br/><br/>
<span class="jessica">Jessica: </span>“I know how difficult it is trying to figure yourself out. Especially in a world like this... but trust me, it's so worth it!”<br/><br/>
Some people have the kind of face that just can't lie, and Jessica appeared to be one of them. When you looked into her eyes you could just sense her sincerity. Trusting people in here would always be difficult, but something about Jessica simply made you feel safe.<br/><br/>
<span class="p1 p2">You:</span> "...Thank you."<br/><br/>
<span class="jessica">Jessica: </span>“Y'know, when you're a little more comfortable we definitely need to have a girly night in! Try on some of our clothes, share the Grenton gossip, oh - and I could do your makeup! Wouldn't that just be so fun?”<br/><br/>
<span class="p1 p2">You:</span> "He he, I like the sound of that."<br/><br/>
She was so happy at your response she let out an excited little squeal.<br/><br/>
<span class="jessica">Jessica: </span>“Yaaay! It's going to be so much more fun with you around! If there's anything you need to help you get started, just let me know.”<br/><br/>
<<if $SSYDionState is 0>>
[["Do you know anywhere I can get a new outfit?"|SSYJessica][$jessicaQuestion = 'moreOutiftsQuestion']]<br/>
<<if $khanState6Gift is 1>>
[["The red lingerie I bought... I can't find it anymore. Do you know where it is?"|SSYJessica][$jessicaQuestion = 'redLingQuestion']]<br/>
<<if $taskThePinkPantierState is 0>>
[["Is there somewhere I can get some more lingerie?"|SSYJessica][$jessicaQuestion = 'moreLingQuestion']]<br/>
<<elseif $taskThePinkPantierState>>
[[Nothing for now. Say goodbye and leave.|SSYRoom]]<br/>
<<elseif $jessicaState is 3>>
You walked down the hall to see if Jessica was in her room, and tapped lightly on the outside of her door.<br/><br/>
<span class="jessica">Jessica: </span>“Oh hiya, $name! Anything I can help you with?”<br/><br/>
<<if $taskThePinkPantierState gt 0 and $taskHelpMeOutBraState is 0 and $khanState6Gift is 0 and $jessicaTaskHelpMeOutBraHint is 0>>
<<set $jessicaTaskHelpMeOutBraHint to 1>>
<<set $taskHelpMeOutBraState to 1>>
Her face lit up like she suddenly recalled something.<br/><br/>
<span class="jessica">Jessica: </span>“Ooh, I've been meaning to tell you something. If you're still after more lingerie, it might be worth speaking to Khan. He was trying to sell some recently but I didn't the money for it. Maybe he's still trying to sell it.”<br/><br/>
<<if $SSYDionState is 1 and $SSYDionState1JessicaAdvice is 0>>
[["I met that Dion guy. He only makes clothes for women, and says he's too uninspired to make anything..."|SSYJessica][$jessicaQuestion = 'dionUninspiredQuestion']]<br/>
<<if $SSYDionState is 0>>
[["Do you know anywhere I can get a new outfit?"|SSYJessica][$jessicaQuestion = 'moreOutiftsQuestion']]<br/>
<<if $khanState6Gift is 1 and $taskDudeWheresMyBraState is 0>>
[["The red lingerie I bought... I can't find it anymore. Do you know where it is?"|SSYJessica][$jessicaQuestion = 'redLingQuestion']]<br/>
<<if $taskThePinkPantierState is 0>>
[["Is there somewhere I can get some more lingerie?"|SSYJessica][$jessicaQuestion = 'moreLingQuestion']]<br/>
[["Just wanted to say hi". Finish greeting and leave.|SSYRoom]]<br/><br/>
<<if $taskThePinkPantierState is 1>>
<span class="adviceRecall">Seeing Jessica reminded you that you were yet to find Steve. She thought he might be willing to part with the pink lingerie set.</span><br/><br/>
<<if $khanState6Gift is 1 and $taskDudeWheresMyBraState is 1>>
<span class="adviceRecall">You remembered asking Jessica about your red lingerie. She recommended talking to Dean.</span><br/><br/>
<<if $taskHelpMeOutBraState is 1 and $jessicaTaskHelpMeOutBraHint is 1>>
<span class="adviceRecall">You should speak to Khan sometime like she recommended.</span><br/><br/>
No response. She must not be home at the moment.<br/><br/>
[[Back to room|SSYRoom]]
<<include "SSYOutfitAttributeSystem">>
<<if $playerUnderwear.isEmpty()>>You don't feel very girly without panties, better put some on before going back out there!
<<elseif $playerBra.isEmpty()>>You don't feel as femme without a bra, better put one on before going back out there!
<<elseif $playerBottom.isEmpty()>>Even a sissy like you can't walk around Grenton in just panties, put something on down there!
<<elseif $playerTop.isEmpty()>>As slutty as you might feel, you can't really go around Grenton without a top!
<<elseif $playerFeet.isEmpty()>>It won't be easy to get around Grenton without shoes on, better put some on!
<<else>>[[Back to Room|SSYRoom]]
<div class="inventoryRow">
<div class="inventorySelect">Head<br/>
<<if $playerHead.isEmpty()>><<linkedinventory 'Wear' '$playerHeads' '$playerHead'>><<else>><<= $playerHead.show()>>
<<link "Change">><<run $playerHeads.pickUp($playerHead.show())>><<dropall '$playerHead'>><<goto "SSYWardrobe">><</link>><</if>>
<div class="inventorySelect">Earrings<br/>
<<if $playerEarring.isEmpty()>><<linkedinventory 'Wear' '$playerEarrings' '$playerEarring'>><<else>><<= $playerEarring.show()>>.
<<link "Change">><<run $playerEarrings.pickUp($playerEarring.show())>><<dropall '$playerEarring'>><<goto "SSYWardrobe">><</link>><</if>>
<div class="inventorySelect">Neck<br/>
<<if $playerNeck.isEmpty()>><<linkedinventory 'Wear' '$playerNecks' '$playerNeck'>><<else>><<= $playerNeck.show()>>
<<link "Change">><<run $playerNecks.pickUp($playerNeck.show())>><<dropall '$playerNeck'>><<goto "SSYWardrobe">><</link>><</if>>
<div class="inventoryRow">
<div class="inventorySelect">Wrist<br/>
<<if $playerWrist.isEmpty()>><<linkedinventory 'Wear' '$playerWrists' '$playerWrist'>><<else>><<= $playerWrist.show()>>
<<link "Change">><<run $playerWrists.pickUp($playerWrist.show())>><<dropall '$playerWrist'>><<goto "SSYWardrobe">><</link>><</if>>
<div class="inventorySelect">Top<br/>
<<if $playerTop.isEmpty()>><<linkedinventory 'Wear' '$playerTops' '$playerTop'>><<else>><<= $playerTop.show()>>.
<<link "Change">><<run $playerTops.pickUp($playerTop.show())>><<dropall '$playerTop'>><<goto "SSYWardrobe">><</link>><</if>>
<div class="inventorySelect">Bras<br/>
<<if $playerBra.isEmpty()>><<linkedinventory 'Wear' '$playerBras' '$playerBra'>><<else>><<= $playerBra.show()>>.
<<link "Change">><<run $playerBras.pickUp($playerBra.show())>><<dropall '$playerBra'>><<goto "SSYWardrobe">><</link>><</if>></div>
<div class="inventoryRow">
<div class="inventorySelect">Bottom<br/>
<<if $playerBottom.isEmpty()>><<linkedinventory 'Wear' '$playerBottoms' '$playerBottom'>><<else>><<= $playerBottom.show()>>.
<<link "Change">><<run $playerBottoms.pickUp($playerBottom.show())>><<dropall '$playerBottom'>><<goto "SSYWardrobe">><</link>><</if>>
<div class="inventorySelect">Underwear<br/>
<<if $playerUnderwear.isEmpty()>><<linkedinventory 'Wear' '$playerUnderwears' '$playerUnderwear'>><<else>><<= $playerUnderwear.show()>>.
<<link "Change">><<run $playerUnderwears.pickUp($playerUnderwear.show())>><<dropall '$playerUnderwear'>><<goto "SSYWardrobe">><</link>><</if>>
<div class="inventorySelect">Garters<br/>
<<if $playerGarter.isEmpty()>><<linkedinventory 'Wear' '$playerGarters' '$playerGarter'>><<else>><<= $playerGarter.show()>>.
<<link "Change">><<run $playerGarters.pickUp($playerGarter.show())>><<dropall '$playerGarter'>><<goto "SSYWardrobe">><</link>><</if>>
<div class="inventoryRow">
<div class="inventorySelect">Ankle wear<br/>
<<if $playerAnkle.isEmpty()>><<linkedinventory 'Wear' '$playerAnkles' '$playerAnkle'>><<else>><<= $playerAnkle.show()>>.
<<link "Change">><<run $playerAnkles.pickUp($playerAnkle.show())>><<dropall '$playerAnkle'>><<goto "SSYWardrobe">><</link>><</if>></div>
<div class="inventorySelect">Footwear<br/>
<<if $playerFeet.isEmpty()>><<linkedinventory 'Wear' '$playerFeets' '$playerFeet'>><<else>><<= $playerFeet.show()>>.
<<link "Change">><<run $playerFeets.pickUp($playerFeet.show())>><<dropall '$playerFeet'>><<goto "SSYWardrobe">><</link>><</if>></div>
<div class="inventoryRow">
<div class="inventorySelect">Accessory Type 1<br/>
<<if $playerAcc1.isEmpty()>><<linkedinventory 'Wear' '$playerAcc1s' '$playerAcc1'>><<else>><<= $playerAcc1.show()>>.
<<link "Change">><<run $playerAcc1s.pickUp($playerAcc1.show())>><<dropall '$playerAcc1'>><<goto "SSYWardrobe">><</link>><</if>>
<div class="inventorySelect">Accessory Type 2<br/>
<<if $playerAcc2.has('Pink chastity device')>>
You're locked in the pink chastity device. There's no removing this without a key.
<<if $playerAcc2.isEmpty()>><<linkedinventory 'Wear' '$playerAcc2s' '$playerAcc2'>><<else>><<= $playerAcc2.show()>>.
<<link "Change">><<run $playerAcc2s.pickUp($playerAcc2.show())>><<dropall '$playerAcc2'>><<goto "SSYWardrobe">><</link>><</if>>
<div class="inventorySelect">Accessory Type 3<br/>
<<if $playerAcc3.isEmpty()>><<linkedinventory 'Wear' '$playerAcc3s' '$playerAcc3'>><<else>><<= $playerAcc3.show()>>.
<<link "Change">><<run $playerAcc3s.pickUp($playerAcc3.show())>><<dropall '$playerAcc3'>><<goto "SSYWardrobe">><</link>><</if>></div>
<<if $playerUnderwear.isEmpty()>>You don't feel very girly without panties, better put some on before going back out there!
<<elseif $playerBra.isEmpty()>>You don't feel as femme without a bra, better put one on before going back out there!
<<elseif $playerBottom.isEmpty()>>Even a sissy like you can't walk around Grenton in just panties, put something on down there!
<<elseif $playerTop.isEmpty()>>As slutty as you might feel, you can't really go around Grenton without a top!
<<elseif $playerFeet.isEmpty()>>It won't be easy to get around Grenton without shoes on, better put some on!
<<else>>[[Back to Room|SSYRoom]]
<<if $playerAcc2.has('Pink chastity device')>>
<<set $playerIsInChastity to 1>>
<<set $playerIsInChastity to 0>>
You checked your piece of note paper. The sheet is tiny, so there's not much room to record on. It made sense to only summarize the bare essentials on it, and cross out anything that was later irrelevant. This way you could stay focused.<br/><br/>
Here's what you've noted so far...<br/><br/>
<<if $SSYstoryState is 1>>
The more effort I make for meeting Javier, the better chance I have of swapping out the USB stick.<br/><br/>
<<if $SSYDionState is 5>>
Dion actually made me an outfit. I can wear this to meet Javier.<br/>
<<elseif $SSYDionState is 4>>
Dion invited me to the Textile Room in the Workshop. Did the plan actually work!?<br/>
<<elseif $SSYDionState is 3>>
Apparently I should wait to see if our scheme worked on Dion. Is this really going to work?<br/>
<<elseif $SSYDionState is 2>>
Jessica reckons we can inspire Dion. When I've got enough energy, I should put on a matching bra, panties and garter belt set, and invite her from room.<br/>
<<elseif $SSYDionState is 1>>
As a female fashion designer, Dion is my best chance at getting a better outfit right now, but says he's too 'uninspired' to make anthing in here. Perhaps I can ask Jessica for help.<br/>
<<elseif $metDion is 1 and $SSYDionState is 0>>
There's apparently a Textile room in the Workshop. I may be able to find a fashion designer there.<br/>
<<elseif $metDion is 0>>
I need a better outfit, this one is seducing no one. Maybe Jessica could offer some advice?<br/>
Something wrong. SSY Notes panel.
[[Finish checking notes|SSYRoom]]
Ah, the joys of having your own private shower - you'd never take it for granted again.<br/><br/>
<<if $physicalityUnlocked is 1>>
[[Use your mirror to check your physicality|SSYphysicality]]<br/>
<<if $ap gte 1>>
[[Take more time and effort to wash and shave entire body|SSYShave][$ap -= 1]]<br/>
[[Just wash and shave face|SSYWash]]<br/><br/>
[[Finish using bathroom|SSYRoom]]
<</nobr>>You had a quick wash to get clean and get your face smooth. It felt good to freshen up!
[[Back to Room|SSYRoom]]You took the razor blade and carefully shaved your body to be smooth. It took a while, but thankfully your body hair had never been very thick.
You ran your fingers over the freshly smooth skin. This should last 4 or 5 days! You always felt better about yourself without body hair, it just felt so right.
[[Back to Room|SSYRoom]]
<<set $smoothBody to 1>>
<<set $smoothDaysLeft to 5>><<nobr>>
<img src="images/scenes/Zkhan.jpg" alt="picture of Khan" class="storyImage">
<<if $khanQuestion is 'lingerieForSaleQuestion'>>
<<set $taskHelpMeOutBraState to 2>>
<<set $khanQuestion to 0>>
<span class="khan">Khan: </span>"Ah, I'm glad Jessica made you aware of that! After all, you're now within the target market I would approach to sell that kind of thing. Yes, it was a red lingerie set, quite the fine collection of items I must say."<br/><br/>
<span class="p1 p2">You:</span> "Was? You don't have it anymore?"<br/><br/>
<span class="khan">Khan: </span>"I'm afraid not, no. I sold it to the first person who had the cash. It's a pity for both of us; with a little competition for it I could have haggled a much higher price. Ah, but that's the fickle nature of the market for you."<br/><br/>
<span class="p1 p2">You:</span> "Thanks for letting me know though. Is there any chance you can get some more in soon?"<br/><br/>
<span class="khan">Khan: </span>"I hadn't planned on it, but it's becoming quite obvious there may be a growing demand for it. I'll certainly look into what I can do, but it will take some time to arrange things."<br/><br/>
You couldn't help but be dissapointed by the news, not that it was Khan's fault. It seemed that type of clothing was still going to be hard to come by in here.<br/><br/>
<span class="khan">Khan: </span>"Sorry $name, I can see you were quite keen for it. Come to think of it, the item didn't seem like the ideal fit for the buyer. I made my strict no refunds policy painfully aware to them, so if it's not their size the items may be useless to them. Perhaps there's a chance they'd sell it to you."<br/><br/>
<span class="p1 p2">You:</span> "It couldn't hurt to ask. So who bought it?"<br/><br/>
<span class="khan">Khan: </span>"Mabel. I don't know much about them besides their name, so I can't tell you where to find them unfortunately. Seemed like quite the reclusive sort, I've heard. Mostly stays in their room - very similar to that old room mate of yours, actually. Try asking around the cafeteria, somebody there will know something."<br/><br/>
<div class="taskBox">
<span class="newSideTaskTag">Started</span>
<div class="taskBoxHeader">Help me out here, bra!</div>
<div class="taskBoxDesc">Khan thinks a customer of his could sell me some red lingerie.<br/>Maybe someone in the cafeteria knows where Mabel is.</div>
<span class="p1 p2">You:</span> "I'll get on it - thanks Khan."<br/><br/>
<span class="khan">Khan: </span>"My pleasure. I like to see that can-do spirit! Let's speak again soon."<br/><br/>
[[Back to Main Block|SSYmessRoom]]
<<elseif $SSYstoryState is 0 or $SSYstoryState is 1>>
<<if $khanTalkedToPostKeatonEvent is 0 and $khanAdvisedSissy is 1>>
<<set $khanTalkedToPostKeatonEvent to 1>>
<<set $khanState to 1>>
<span class="khan">Khan: </span>"Ah $name, so tell me - the event Keaton ran, how did it go?"<br/><br/>
<<if $khanState6Gift is 1>>
<span class="p1 p2">You:</span> "It was... quite an experience. Th-thank you for the... items. I, um, well, it was really nice."<br/><br/>
<span class="khan">Khan: </span>"No need to thank me $name, it's simply business! That said, hearing of a customer's satisfaction is always pleasant. It appears you certainly have embraced a new you."<br/><br/>
You blushed at the comment. Despite everything, you were still adjusting to people seeing you this way.<br/><br/>
<span class="khan">Khan: </span>"Sorry, I didn't mean to cause embarrassment. Whatever makes you happy is all that matters, $name. You seem driven to achieve it, and while there's sadly too many out there that would look down on what you're doing, in it's own unique way, I find it quite admirable.<br/><br/>
You're probably aware of this already, but like most things in life, putting in the maximum effort is often worth it."<br/><br/>
<span class="p1 p2">You:</span> "It was... an experience. I didn't manage to get the item from the shop, but despite that, things went kinda well."<br/><br/>
<span class="khan">Khan: </span>"Hmm... well, you certainly seem to embraced a new you."<br/><br/>
You blushed at the comment. Despite everything, you were still adjusting to people seeing you this way.<br/><br/>
<span class="khan">Khan: </span>"Sorry, I didn't mean to cause embarrassment. Whatever makes you happy is all that matters, $name. A shame you didn't get the gift that was set up for you, but no matter. Just be aware, as it goes for most things in life, putting in the best effort you can is so often worth it."<br/><br/>
<span class="p1 p2">You:</span> "I'll keep that in mind! This is all still so new to me... in many ways I still can't believe what I'm doing."<br/><br/>
<span class="khan">Khan: </span>"Hah! Well, call it nature, fate or whatever else, I believe somehow we're all eventually pushed down the road we're meant to be on. Don't forget, if there's some kind of niche item you need imported, you can find me around here. Now if you don't mind, I have some reading to get on with."<br/><br/>
[[Finish small talk and then leave|SSYmessRoom]]
<<elseif $khanTalkedToPostKeatonEvent is 0 and $khanAdvisedSissy is 0>>
<<set $khanTalkedToPostKeatonEvent to 1>>
<<set $khanState to 1>>
<span class="khan">Khan: </span>"Ah $name - tell me, the little event Keaton ran, how did it go?"<br/><br/>
<span class="p1 p2">You:</span> "Oh, um, you heard about that?"<br/><br/>
<span class="khan">Khan: </span>"It would have been quite hard to ignore, don't you think?"<br/><br/>
He looked deliberately upon your new outfit as he spoke.<br/><br/>
<span class="khan">Khan: </span>"You certainly seem to have embraced a... new you."<br/><br/>
You blushed at the comment. Despite everything, you were still adjusting to people seeing you this way.<br/><br/>
<span class="p1 p2">You:</span> "It was... quite the experience."<br/><br/>
<span class="khan">Khan: </span>"Oh, I don't mean to cause any embarrassment! Whatever makes you happy is all that matters, $name. If you need any speciality items, do let me know. I am a business man first and foremost, after all. And remember, putting in the maximum effort is almost aways rewarded."<br/><br/>
<span class="p1 p2">You:</span> "I'll keep that in mind! This is all still so new to me... in many ways I can't believe what I'm doing..."<br/><br/>
<span class="khan">Khan: </span>"Hah! Well, call it nature, fate or whatever else, I believe somehow we're all eventually pushed down the road we're meant to be on. Don't forget, if there's some kind of niche item you need imported, you can find me around here. Now if you don't have anything else, I have some reading I wish to get on with."<br/><br/>
<<if $taskHelpMeOutBraState is 1>>
[[Ask about the lingerie he offered to Jessica|KhanLibrarySSY][$khanQuestion = 'lingerieForSaleQuestion']]<br/><</if>>
[[Finish small talk and then leave|SSYmessRoom]]
<<elseif $khanTalkedToPostKeatonEvent is 1 or $khanState is 1>>
<span class="khan">Khan: </span>"Hello again, $name. You've caught me doing a little more learning again, it seems.<br/><br/>
Remember $name, work smart not hard! Stick to your strengths in here and you'll go far. For instance, there's no use putting a coward onto soldering, a weakling to working the hard labour, and you'd be surprised by how much endurance is needed to work in a kitchen.<br/><br/>
If the idiots managing the workshop could realize that then maybe they would actually see some decent productivity around here!<br/><br/>
It's a shame that they discount my advice. It seems they think of me the same as any other criminal in here.<br/><br/>
Now, unless you have any need of me, I'd like to get back to my studies."<br/><br/>
<<if $taskHelpMeOutBraState is 1>>
[[Ask about the lingerie he offered to Jessica|KhanLibrarySSY][$khanQuestion = 'lingerieForSaleQuestion']]<br/><</if>>
[[Go back to library|SSYLibrary]]<br/>
[[Back to Main Block|SSYmessRoom]]
<span class="khan">Khan: </span>"Oh $name, hello. I'm pretty deep into this book at the moment, perhaps we'll talk another time?"<br/><br/>
[[Go back to library|SSYLibrary]]<br/>
[[Back to Main Block|SSYmessRoom]]
<</nobr>><img src="images/locations/strength.jpg" alt="strength" class="bookImage"><br/><<nobr>>
<<if $strStat lt 5>>
You started off with pull ups, only managing a measly three. You were much weaker than you remembered. You look to another inhabitant expecting ridicule, but actually he encouraged you.<br/><br/>
<span class="bro">???: </span>"Keep going girl, you got this!"<br/><br/>
Next up is the dumbbells. In almost no time you were tired, almost dropping them from exhaustion. Luckily the guy took them off you just in time. <br/><br/>
<span class="bro">???: </span>"No shame in that! Get some protein in you and hit it again next time!"
<<elseif $strStat lte 5>>
You made a real breakthrough today, ten pull-ups and several reps with the dumbbells! You glanced in the mirror and felt like you're starting to see results. You are stronger.<br/><br/>
<span class="bro">Bro: </span>"Good work girl, you keep going like this and by the end of your time you'll be jacked!" The only things this guy does or talks about is getting stronger, he doesn't even tell you his name. In your thoughts you begin to refer to him as Bro.<br/><br/>
If you're after biceps, then you're working in the right direction. Bro's praise filled you with determination.
<<elseif $strStat lt 10>>
You did sixteen pull-ups, really struggling on that last one.<br/><br/>
<span class="bro">Bro: </span>"Good work girl! Remember the only bad workout is one that doesn't happen! Lets get you on the dumbbells, those triceps could use some work too."<br/><br/>
He had you on a grueling set, but when the pain was over you felt accomplished.
<<elseif $strStat lte 10>>
Your hands tensed like they never had before, squeezing the bar as hard as you can. Your face was bright red as you closed in on exhaustion.<br/><br/>
<span class="bro">Bro: </span>"Come on, girl... come on!"<br/><br/>
With the last of your strength, you pulled yourself up in a sudden motion.<br/><br/>
<span class="bro">Bro: </span>"Twenty pull-ups girl! TWENTY! WOO!!!"<br/><br/>
He punched the air in triumph. You collapsed to the floor, panting for breath, but felt victorious knowing you just got stronger.
<<elseif $strStat lt 20>>
Another day in the gym. Your pullups are steadily increasing in number. The dumbbell exercises are making your arms bigger than you ever imagined.<br/><br/>
Bro is giving you his typical high energy motivation. <br/><br/>
<span class="bro">Bro: </span>"That's how it's done, girl! Remember, sweat plus sacrifice equals success!"<br/><br/>
You find his enthusiasm can't help but push you further past your limits.
<<elseif $strStat lte 20>>
You've pushed yourself further than you ever thought you could. You roar like an animal as you finish your set, if your muscles could talk they'd be screaming in agony.<br/><br/>
<span class="bro">Bro: </span>"Girl! Girrrrrrrrl!!!", he yelled excitedly as he pumped his massive arms wildy.<br/><br/>
<span class="bro">Bro: </span>"You. Are. A. BEAST!!!"<br/><br/>
Bro wasn't just spewing hot air, he was right. Today you had preformed like never before. You are stronger.<br/><br/>
<<elseif $strStat lt 30>>
Working hard as ever, anyone watching you right now thought you were a machine; You certainly moved up and down the pull-up bar like one. When Bro wasn't on the bar himself he was supporting you. In an almost fervorous state, his once intelligible motivational phrases had turned into a stream of excited gibberish.<br/><br/>
<span class="bro">Bro: </span>"WOO! AWOOOO! Girlgirlgirlgrlgrlgrglgrl! Awr awr awoOoOoOo! Yes! Yeeeees! YES! YES! OO! OO! AH OOOO!!!"<br/><br/>
His energy pushed you to work even harder.
<<elseif $strStat is 30>>
You did so many pull-ups that you only stopped out of sheer boredom. You've maxed out your strength, and your arms are shredded!<br/><br/>
<span class="bro">Bro: </span>"GIRL! Holy SHIT! That was amazing!"<br/><br/>
<span class="p1">You: </span>"Thanks Bro, never could of done it without you!"<br/><br/>
You held out your palm to which he responded with a slap to your palm. He held out his palm, which you smacked back. A spontaneous synchronized set of motions made up of hand slaps, claps, wiggles and shakes broke out between you. Finally he gripped your hand tightly which you squeezed back on with equal pressure. A grin lit up on each of your faces.<br/><br/>
The biceps of each other's arms bulge massively, anyone in the room watching you both were overwhelmed by the sheer energy radiating off the pair of you. You looked at each other in the eye, the sense of comradery filled you both with pride!<br/><br/>
Next to you, a newcomer struggled with their third pull up.<br/><br/>
<span class="p1">You: </span>"Keep going Bro!", you shouted in encouragement.<br/><br/>
<span class="bro">Bro: </span>"Bro, you got this!"
<<elseif $strStat gt 30>>
You've maxed your strength, but it feels good to show the rest of the gym what a true gym hero looks like! Bro watches with a proud expression on his face. Maybe this Personal Growth Center isn't a bunch of bullshit after all.
<<set $strStat += 1>><<set $ap -= 1>>
<<if $storyPath is 'sissy'>><<if $ap gt 0>>[[Back to Gym|SSYGym]]<</if>><<else>><<if $ap gt 0>>[[Back to Gym|Gym]]<</if>><</if>>
[[Back to Main Block|SSYmessRoom]]<<nobr>>
<<set $chastityOn to 1>>
<<set $playerIsInChastity to 1>>
<<if $playerAcc2.isEmpty()>>
<<pickup '$playerAcc2' 'Pink chastity device'>>
<<run $playerAcc2s.pickUp($playerAcc2.show())>>
<<dropall '$playerAcc2'>>
<<pickup '$playerAcc2' 'Pink chastity device'>>
<<run $playerBras.pickUp($playerBra.show())>><<dropall '$playerBra'>><<dropall '$playerBras'>>
<<run $playerUnderwears.pickUp($playerUnderwear.show())>><<dropall '$playerUnderwear'>><<dropall '$playerUnderwears'>>
<<run $playerFeets.pickUp($playerFeet.show())>><<dropall '$playerFeet'>><<dropall '$playerFeets'>>
<<run $playerAnkles.pickUp($playerAnkle.show())>><<dropall '$playerAnkle'>><<dropall '$playerAnkles'>>
<<run $playerGarters.pickUp($playerGarter.show())>><<dropall '$playerGarter'>><<dropall '$playerGarters'>>
<!-- this fixes bug with prologue skipper -->
<<run $playerTops.pickUp($playerTop.show())>><<dropall '$playerTop'>><<dropall '$playerTops'>>
<<run $playerBottoms.pickUp($playerBottom.show())>><<dropall '$playerBottom'>><<dropall '$playerBottoms'>>
<span class="loudNoise centerPassageText">*CLICK*</span>
<img src="images/scenes/ssy1ChazOn.jpg" alt="Image symbolising the chastity you have just put on" class="storyImage storyImageBigger">
It was done. No going back now.<br/><br/>
<span class="innerSissyText">Just look at you now, sissy! What could stop your urges now? Nothing! The thought excites you, doesn't it? You don't need to deny it anymore.</span><br/><br/>
You were firmly locked up, and there was no key in sight. Whether or not you truly wanted this didn't matter. You needed this.<br/><br/>
Ironically, the strict bounds the cage enforces gives you a freedom of a different kind. Freedom to explore your urges; to kindle the growing flame of your deepest desires before they can be snuffed by your shame, like they have been so many times before.<br/><br/>
The device would block any chance of another unfortunate occurrence like the one you just experienced. Neither yourself or anyone else could sabotage you from the path you're on now. The thought weirdly gave you a little comfort, though it was somewhat offset by the physical discomfort around your crotch. In all kinds of ways this new attachment was going to take some getting used to.<br/><br/>
<span class="innerSissyText">It's a constant reminder of who you really are... of what you deserve... and what you don't...</span><br/><br/>
You stepped out of the shower before you could stay lost in your thoughts any longer. There were no male clothes in sight, just the women's items that had been laid out neatly for you. The message was loud and clear. No more dressing like a guy from here...<br/><br/>
<img src="images/items/basicUndiesSet.jpg" alt="a basic looking underwear set consiting of a white bra and some gray panties with a floral pattern" class="storyImage">
There wasn't anything particularly pretty though. Just a pair of flats, a basic skirt and top, a cotton bra and cotton panties. Even though the clothes were plain, you'd still usually get slightly hard just thinking about dressing in an outfit like this. Your new constraints made that impossible now.<br/><br/>
Not wanting to keep Jessica waiting any longer, you clothed yourself quickly, then finally entered your brand new room. Jessica sat patiently at the edge of your bed, welcoming you back with a cheerful smile.<br/><br/>
[[Check out your new room|SSYRoomIntro2]]
After everything you've been through and learning so much from Dr Mifune, you feel like you have a better understanding of yourself. You can't help but feel you're becoming a...<br/><br/>
<<if $playerComplexVirginMentality is 'betaVirgin' and $playerComplexFeminineReason is 'selfObjectification' and $playerComplexShameSource1 is 'inferiorityComplex'>>
<div class="buddingIdentityDiv">
<span class="buddingIdentity">Beta Sissy Loser</span>
<span class="buddingIdentityDescription">Feelings of inadequacy... of unworthiness. The only place for me is to serve others. As a sissy someone will want me, won't they?</span><br/>
<<set $buddingIdentity to 'betaSissyLoser'>>
<<elseif $playerComplexVirginMentality is 'betaVirgin' and $playerComplexFeminineReason is 'naturalBornFemme' and $playerComplexShameSource1 is 'inferiorityComplex'>>
<div class="buddingIdentityDiv">
<span class="buddingIdentity">Beta Sissy</span>
<span class="buddingIdentityDescription">Feelings of inadequacy... maybe it's just my desire to be girly that makes me feel that way. But then, I feel another irresistible urge... the need to serve. I was always meant to be a sissy... women may not of wanted me, but at least I can get the attention of men.</span><br/>
<<set $buddingIdentity to 'betaSissy'>>
<<elseif $playerComplexVirginMentality is 'betaVirgin' and $playerComplexFeminineReason is 'selfObjectification' and $playerComplexShameSource1 is 'internalizedSocialStigma'>>
<div class="buddingIdentityDiv">
<span class="buddingIdentity">Beta Sissy Loser</span>
<span class="buddingIdentityDescription">Feelings of inadequacy... of unworthiness. The only place for me is to serve others. As a sissy someone will want me, won't they?</span><br/>
<<set $buddingIdentity to 'betaSissyLoser'>>
<<elseif $playerComplexVirginMentality is 'betaVirgin' and $playerComplexFeminineReason is 'naturalBornFemme' and $playerComplexShameSource1 is 'internalizedSocialStigma'>>
<div class="buddingIdentityDiv">
<span class="buddingIdentity">Beta Sissy</span>
<span class="buddingIdentityDescription">My feelings of inadequacy... maybe it's just my desire to be girly that makes me feel that way. But then, I feel another irresistible urge... the need to serve. I was always meant to be a sissy... women will never want me...</span><br/>
<<set $buddingIdentity to 'betaSissy'>>
<<elseif $playerComplexVirginMentality is 'betaVirgin' and $playerComplexFeminineReason is 'selfObjectification' and $playerComplexShameSource1 is 'slutShame'>>
<div class="buddingIdentityDiv">
<span class="buddingIdentity">Beta Sissy Slut</span>
<span class="buddingIdentityDescription">The feelings of inadequacy... of unworthiness. The only place for me is to serve others as their slut. As a sissy someone will want me, won't they?</span><br/>
<<set $buddingIdentity to 'betaSissySlut'>>
<<elseif $playerComplexVirginMentality is 'betaVirgin' and $playerComplexFeminineReason is 'naturalBornFemme' and $playerComplexShameSource1 is 'slutShame'>>
<div class="buddingIdentityDiv">
<span class="buddingIdentity">Beta Sissy</span>
<span class="buddingIdentityDescription">My feelings of inadequacy... maybe it's just my desire to be slutty and girly that makes me feel that way. But then, I feel another irresistible urge... the need to serve. I was always meant to be a sissy... women will never want me...</span><br/>
<<set $buddingIdentity to 'betaSissy'>>
<<elseif $playerComplexVirginMentality is 'virgin' and $playerComplexFeminineReason is 'selfObjectification' and $playerComplexShameSource1 is 'inferiorityComplex'>>
<div class="buddingIdentityDiv">
<span class="buddingIdentity">Sissy Fucktoy</span>
<span class="buddingIdentityDescription">I haven't had sex, but maybe that's because I haven't embraced the sissy fucktoy I truly am. As a sissy I can finally be hot... be attractive... desired. Someone will want me, won't they?</span><br/>
<<set $buddingIdentity to 'sissyFucktoy'>>
<<elseif $playerComplexVirginMentality is 'virgin' and $playerComplexFeminineReason is 'naturalBornFemme' and $playerComplexShameSource1 is 'inferiorityComplex'>>
<div class="buddingIdentityDiv">
<span class="buddingIdentity">Femme Sissy</span>
<span class="buddingIdentityDescription">I haven't had sex, but maybe that's because I've never been able to embrace what I truly am. I love being girly... I fantasize about it all the time. If I can just get over my shame, I can truly be myself.</span><br/>
<<set $buddingIdentity to 'femmeSissy'>>
<<elseif $playerComplexVirginMentality is 'virgin' and $playerComplexFeminineReason is 'selfObjectification' and $playerComplexShameSource1 is 'internalizedSocialStigma'>>
<div class="buddingIdentityDiv">
<span class="buddingIdentity">Sissy Fucktoy</span>
<span class="buddingIdentityDescription">I haven't had sex, but maybe that's because I haven't embraced the sissy fucktoy I need to be. As a sissy I can finally be hot... wanted... fuckable. I'll be giving up a lot... but it's worth it, isn't it?</span><br/>
<<set $buddingIdentity to 'sissyFucktoy'>>
<<elseif $playerComplexVirginMentality is 'virgin' and $playerComplexFeminineReason is 'naturalBornFemme' and $playerComplexShameSource1 is 'internalizedSocialStigma'>>
<div class="buddingIdentityDiv">
<span class="buddingIdentity">Femme Sissy</span>
<span class="buddingIdentityDescription">I haven't had sex, but maybe that's because I've never been able to embrace what I truly am. I want to enjoy being girly... I fantasize about it all the time... but when I do it, I later feel regrets. If I can just get over my shame, I can truly be myself.</span><br/>
<<set $buddingIdentity to 'femmeSissy'>>
<<elseif $playerComplexVirginMentality is 'virgin' and $playerComplexFeminineReason is 'selfObjectification' and $playerComplexShameSource1 is 'slutShame'>>
<div class="buddingIdentityDiv">
<span class="buddingIdentity">Sissy Fucktoy</span>
<span class="buddingIdentityDescription">I haven't had sex, but maybe that's because I haven't embraced the sissy fucktoy slut I need to be. As a sissy I can finally be hot, but it's hard to accept when it seems to come at the cost of my dignity? Even if people judge, at least someone will want me, won't they?</span><br/>
<<set $buddingIdentity to 'sissyFucktoy'>>
<<elseif $playerComplexVirginMentality is 'virgin' and $playerComplexFeminineReason is 'naturalBornFemme' and $playerComplexShameSource1 is 'slutShame'>>
<div class="buddingIdentityDiv">
<span class="buddingIdentity">Femme Sissy</span>
<span class="buddingIdentityDescription">I haven't had sex, but maybe that's because I've never been able to embrace what I truly want. I want to enjoy being girly and have fun being slutty... I fantasize about it all the time... but when I do it, I later feel regrets. If I can just get over my shame, I can truly be myself.</span><br/></span><br/>
<<set $buddingIdentity to 'femmeSissy'>>
<<elseif $playerComplexVirginMentality is 'sissyVirginOnly' and $playerComplexFeminineReason is 'selfObjectification' and $playerComplexShameSource1 is 'inferiorityComplex'>>
<div class="buddingIdentityDiv">
<span class="buddingIdentity">Sissy Fucktoy</span>
<span class="buddingIdentityDescription">I've got to see where my urges go. My need to be a sissy fucktoy has gone unexplored for too long. The thought of transforming into someone fuckable is such a turn on. But can I really do this?</span><br/>
<<set $buddingIdentity to 'sissyFucktoy'>>
<<elseif $playerComplexVirginMentality is 'sissyVirginOnly' and $playerComplexFeminineReason is 'naturalBornFemme' and $playerComplexShameSource1 is 'inferiorityComplex'>>
<div class="buddingIdentityDiv">
<span class="buddingIdentity">Femme Sissy</span>
<span class="buddingIdentityDescription">I love being girly... I fantasize about it all the time. If I can just get over my shame, I can find out just how much I want this...</span><br/>
<<set $buddingIdentity to 'femmeSissy'>>
<<elseif $playerComplexVirginMentality is 'sissyVirginOnly' and $playerComplexFeminineReason is 'selfObjectification' and $playerComplexShameSource1 is 'internalizedSocialStigma'>>
<div class="buddingIdentityDiv">
<span class="buddingIdentity">A Sissy Fucktoy</span>
<span class="buddingIdentityDescription">I've got to see where my urges go. My need to be a sissy fucktoy has gone unexplored for too long. The thought of transforming into someone fuckable is such a turn on, but then later I feel ashamed. Can I ever get over these feelings?</span><br/>
<<set $buddingIdentity to 'sissyFucktoy'>>
<<elseif $playerComplexVirginMentality is 'sissyVirginOnly' and $playerComplexFeminineReason is 'naturalBornFemme' and $playerComplexShameSource1 is 'internalizedSocialStigma'>>
<div class="buddingIdentityDiv">
<span class="buddingIdentity">Femme Sissy</span>
<span class="buddingIdentityDescription">I love being girly... I fantasize about it all the time. If I can just get over my shame, I can find out just how much I want this...</span><br/>
<<set $buddingIdentity to 'femmeSissy'>>
<<elseif $playerComplexVirginMentality is 'sissyVirginOnly' and $playerComplexFeminineReason is 'selfObjectification' and $playerComplexShameSource1 is 'slutShame'>>
<div class="buddingIdentityDiv">
<span class="buddingIdentity">A Sissy Fucktoy</span>
<span class="buddingIdentityDescription">I've got to see where my urges go. My need to be a sissy fucktoy has gone unexplored for too long. The thought of transforming into someone fuckable is such a turn on, but then later I feel ashamed. Can I ever get over these feelings?</span><br/>
<<set $buddingIdentity to 'sissyFucktoy'>>
<<elseif $playerComplexVirginMentality is 'sissyVirginOnly' and $playerComplexFeminineReason is 'naturalBornFemme' and $playerComplexShameSource1 is 'slutShame'>>
<div class="buddingIdentityDiv">
<span class="buddingIdentity">Femme Sissy</span>
<span class="buddingIdentityDescription">I love being girly... I fantasize about it all the time. If I can just get over my shame, I can find out just how much I want this...</span><br/>
<<set $buddingIdentity to 'femmeSissy'>>
<div class= 'mindset'>
<span class= 'mindsetTitleTag emergentTag'>Emergent identity</span>
<span class= 'mindsetTitle'>Sissyhood</span>
<span class= 'mindsetDescription'>An almost inexplicable phenomena that blurs the line between identity and desire. This instinct is so strong that it feels like a core part of your very being. No wonder it couldn't be ignored...</span>
<<if $playerOrientation is 'gay'>>
<div class= 'mindset'>
<span class= 'mindsetTitleTag orientationTag'>Sexual Orientation</span>
<span class= 'mindsetTitle'>Gay?</span>
<span class= 'mindsetDescription'>It might only be when your in 'sissy mode', but all your sexual desires and urges appear to be targeted towards men.</span>
<<elseif $playerOrientation is 'bi'>>
<div class= 'mindset'>
<span class= 'mindsetTitleTag orientationTag'>Sexual Orientation</span>
<span class= 'mindsetTitle'>Bi</span>
<span class= 'mindsetDescription'>You're attracted to men and women, though men might only be when you're in 'sissy mode'.</span>
<<elseif $playerOrientation is 'straightButSissy'>>
<div class= 'mindset'>
<span class= 'mindsetTitleTag orientationTag'>Sexual Orientation</span>
<span class= 'mindsetTitle'>Straight but sissy</span>
<span class= 'mindsetDescription'>You're attracted to women, you only see yourself being in relationships with them... but your sissy side makes things complicated. As a sissy, you feel the urge to do sexual things with men, even though you might not be attracted to them.</span>
Something wrong - Mindset: playerOrientation.
<<if $playerComplexVirginMentality is 'betaVirgin'>>
<div class= 'mindset'>
<span class= 'mindsetTitleTag mentalComplexTag'>Mental Complex</span>
<span class= 'mindsetTitle'>Beta Virgin Mindset</span>
<span class= 'mindsetDescription'>To never of had sex is one thing, to realize you're not worthy of it another. In the fairy tales you'd be told to never give up, but you've got the humility to be realistic. You're not desperate, not anymore, at least. In a world that clearly said 'no pussy for you', you say 'OK then'.<br/><br/>
If love is a contest, you already know you don't measure up to the competition, and you're not making a fool of yourself by entering it. You didn't deserve to have sex that way. The only form you deserve to have sex in, if at all, is as a sissy.</span>
<<elseif $playerComplexVirginMentality is 'virgin'>>
<div class= 'mindset'>
<span class= 'mindsetTitleTag mentalComplexTag'>Mental Complex</span>
<span class= 'mindsetTitle'>Virgin Mindset</span>
<span class= 'mindsetDescription'>Something changes in a person when they lose their virginity. They stop having that subconscious desperation. Stop with the brutal self-questioning. Am I good enough? Will anyone ever want me? It's not like it's that uncommon for some people to go so long this way.<br/><br/>
As a sissy, the experience is much different. It's not a question of will you ever lose it... it's simply a matter of when. Very few would dream of losing their innocence this way... but when you don't have the luxury choice, the sissy option becomes more enticing each day.</span>
<<elseif $playerComplexVirginMentality is 'sissyVirginOnly'>>
<div class= 'mindset'>
<span class= 'mindsetTitleTag mentalComplexTag'>Mental Complex</span>
<span class= 'mindsetTitle'>Sissy Virgin Mindset</span>
<span class= 'mindsetDescription'>Experiencing sex wasn't enough. You need the kind that has been tempting your deepest desires for what seems like forever. Can you actually go through with it though?<br/><br/>
As a sissy virgin, you still question yourself whether you should really try this or not. What if you get addicted to it - is there any coming back? Will you still want women... will women no longer want you? Are you truly a sissy? You'll only know for sure if you finally lose it.</span>
<<if $playerComplexFeminineReason is 'selfObjectification'>>
<div class= 'mindset'>
<span class= 'mindsetTitleTag mentalComplexTag'>Mental Complex</span>
<span class= 'mindsetTitle'>Self-objectification</span>
<span class= 'mindsetDescription'>For you, there's no greater a transformative feeling than that of becoming a sissy. Experiencing the true thrill of becoming sexy is unparalled. Wigs, makeup, lingerie, heels... toys even; each item engages you one step further into hyper-femininity, remoulding you into your most fuckable form.<br/><br/>
Most people want to fuck the porn stars, you want to be in their place. You make yourself the target of your own carnal desires, but in doing so, must seek out others to appreciate it. It's a pleasure few seek to enjoy, which is tragic - there's really no equivalent experience.</span>
<<elseif $playerComplexFeminineReason is 'naturalBornFemme'>>
<div class= 'mindset'>
<span class= 'mindsetTitleTag mentalComplexTag'>Mental Complex</span>
<span class= 'mindsetTitle'>Naturally Effeminate</span>
<span class= 'mindsetDescription'>The transformation from clothes, makeup and wigs... it simply 'feels right'. Femininity for femininity's sake. Indulging the most beautiful things this world offers is one of it's greatest pleasures. The world of softness, kindness, gentleness; of flowers, sweet scents and fruity tastes.<br/><br/>
Masculinity can't even compare, especially not in the fashion department! Fuck expectations - anyone should be able to embrace it and live their life carefree. You certainly want to try.</span>
<<if $playerComplexShameSource1 is 'inferiorityComplex'>>
<div class= 'mindset'>
<span class= 'mindsetTitleTag shameComplexTag'>Shame Complex</span>
<span class= 'mindsetTitle'>Inferiority Stigma</span>
<span class= 'mindsetDescription'>Some things are simply seen as more inferior than others. Whether your fondest desire can be seen as virtuous is not something you can control. If what you love to do most is ridiculed, it's hard not to feel inferior by it. Some will never look on what you do as appealing or worthy.<br/><br/>
You might never be able to brag about what you enjoy to others. You may never feel like you measure up to regular people because of them. To try and find a way to process such a complex feeling is something only you can do.</span>
<<elseif $playerComplexShameSource1 is 'internalizedSocialStigma'>>
<div class= 'mindset'>
<span class= 'mindsetTitleTag shameComplexTag'>Shame Complex</span>
<span class= 'mindsetTitle'>Internalized Social Stigma</span>
<span class= 'mindsetDescription'>The world is a fucked up place and it sure can leave an impression. Ideas of who we should be can clash hard against who we are. The pressures of what others think can be too great to bear. The earliest lessons someone learns can be oh so wrong, and even the most progressive societies today carry a homophobic baggage. It's not always easy to ignore negative perceptions, even when they're pure ignorance.<br/><br/>
Even when we can identify a belief that we were raised with is wrong, it's residue can still linger unconsciously within. To try and find a way to process such a complex feeling is something only you can do.</span>
<<elseif $playerComplexShameSource1 is 'slutShame'>>
<div class= 'mindset'>
<span class= 'mindsetTitleTag shameComplexTag'>Shame Complex</span>
<span class= 'mindsetTitle'>Slut Shame Stigma</span>
<span class= 'mindsetDescription'>Who deserves such a conflicting urge within them? Why should anyone be cursed to be ashamed of the things they truly want if it doesn't hurt anyone?<br/><br/>
One moment you want to be surrounded by cocks; deeply submerged in a sea of horny men. You want to be grasped at by anonymous hands, left with no way to identify who it is who is tugging at your garter straps, pulling you in the direction of the nearest stiff dick that needs your body to service it. To be made use of until everyone else is satisfied.<br/><br/>
The next moment you'd bat them all away, deny any such urge within you ever existed. The thought that anyone could know you even dreamed such a desire is just too much to bear.</span>
<<if $playerComplexShameSource2 is 'ultraSubmissive'>>
<div class= 'mindset'>
<span class= 'mindsetTitleTag shameComplexTag'>Shame Complex</span>
<span class= 'mindsetTitle'>Ultra Submissive Shame</span>
<span class= 'mindsetDescription'>The craving to be the bitch... to beg the attention of your superiors... to experience pleasure only in the form of service to others. You know your place: the bottom spot in the sexual food chain, the conquered not the conqueror, the obedient sissy.<br/><br/>
When it comes to sex, you only have one purpose: submission. A dream of anything else would be futile. You may have finally accepted it, but now you need to learn to live with the consequence of it.</span>
<<elseif $playerComplexShameSource2 is 'submissive'>>
<div class= 'mindset'>
<span class= 'mindsetTitleTag shameComplexTag'>Shame Complex</span>
<span class= 'mindsetTitle'>Submissive Shame</span>
<span class= 'mindsetDescription'>Admitting to yourself your role is the submissive can be hard enough, but letting the people around you become aware of it, even more so. Many don't understand the desire to be a submissive, nor a sissy, and you're both. Who wouldn't be at least a little embarrassed to be open about it?</span>
<<elseif $playerComplexShameSource2 is 'emasculation'>>
<div class= 'mindset'>
<span class= 'mindsetTitleTag shameComplexTag'>Shame Complex</span>
<span class= 'mindsetTitle'>Feeling of Emasculation</span>
<span class= 'mindsetDescription'>Few men would dare risk even the slightest thing that could call their masculinity into question; your deepest desire strips it from you entirely.<br/><br/>
The surrender to being a sissy calls for you to sacrifice so much, including the perception others have of you as a man. In the many forms emasculation can take, it often results in ridicule of the emasculated. To ask yourself to ignore that is a difficult task.</span>
<<if $keatonSSYPhaseOneNo1State is 'unknown'>>
<img src="images/scenes/Zkeaton.jpg" alt="picture of Keaton" class="storyImage">
<span class="keaton">Keaton: </span>“Well look who it is! Come on in, you can take a seat right here.”<br/><br/>
While Keaton seemed genuinely happy to see you, you knew better by now than to take him at face value. Whether you could truly trust him was impossible to discern, and regardless of whatever his intentions may be, you couldn't help feeling slightly nervous considering what had occurred so far.<br/><br/>
The room appeared to be some kind of office of Keaton's. Plump, decorative cushions laid carefully on elegant furniture made of soft fabrics, next to tables of finely polished wood topped with glass. It was confirmation that Keaton was at least not lying about one thing in here - his crew really were living a life of luxury inside Grenton. You perched onto the comfy sofa opposite Keaton that he had directed you to.<br/><br/>
<span class="keaton">Keaton: </span>“Oi, be careful there $name. A girl needs to be more aware of their sitting posture when wearing a skirt.”<br/><br/>
You jumped from embarrassment, realizing that while your legs were only slightly spread out, even that gave a clear view of your crotch. With what was quickly becoming a habitual reflex, you shut them tightly together, before overcompensating further by tucking the hem of your skirt between your thighs, leaving no room whatsoever to expose yourself. Keaton just laughed.<br/><br/>
<span class="keaton">Keaton: </span>“Heh, maybe you've got an instinct for being who you are $name, but that doesn't mean you haven't got a lot more to learn. I suppose that doctor helped you realize that too?”<br/><br/>
<span class="p1 p2">You:</span> "W-well... she's helping me understand my behavior."<br/><br/>
<span class="keaton">Keaton: </span>“Alright... well just keep in mind, theory is one thing but it's nothing compared to real experience. You looked pretty keen at my little event, until you very suddenly weren't. Think you can handle things better now?”<br/><br/>
Truthfully you didn't know the answer to that. Your legs shuffled unconsciously as you tried to think of what to say, causing the chastity device to make a slight rattling noise.<br/><br/>
<span class="keaton">Keaton: </span> "Heh, so you put the chastity cage on? That's good - keep following that instinct of yours."<br/><br/>
<div class="choice">[["Actually, I did this in the heat of the moment... but I don't think chastity is for me."|KeatonSSYPhaseOneNo1][$keatonSSYPhaseOneNo1State = '2dontWantChastity'; $courageStat += 2]]</div><br/>
<div class="choice">[["I'm unsure how I feel about it long term... but for now I can see it helping."|KeatonSSYPhaseOneNo1][$keatonSSYPhaseOneNo1State = '2chastityOnlyToStartWith'; $subStat += 1; $courageStat += 1]]</div><br/>
<div class="choice">[["It feels so right..."|KeatonSSYPhaseOneNo1][$keatonSSYPhaseOneNo1State = '2chastityFeelsRight'; $subStat += 2]]</div><br/>
<<elseif $keatonSSYPhaseOneNo1State is '2dontWantChastity'>>
<span class="keaton">Keaton: </span>“Not for you? Why put it on then?”<br/><br/>
<span class="p1 p2">You:</span> "I just... I panicked! It seemed like... it would stop another freak out..."<br/><br/>
<span class="keaton">Keaton: </span>“I mean, yeah, considering the way in which you freaked out, that seems about right.”<br/><br/>
<div class="choice">[["It's uncomfortable, I don't feel as good wearing one..."|KeatonSSYPhaseOneNo1][$keatonSSYPhaseOneNo1State = '2dontWantChastityA']]</div><br/>
<div class="choice">[["I think I can stop freaking out without the chastity, and in a way, I feel more 'sissy' without it..."|KeatonSSYPhaseOneNo1][$keatonSSYPhaseOneNo1State = '2dontWantChastityA']]</div><br/>
<<elseif $keatonSSYPhaseOneNo1State is '2dontWantChastityA'>>
<span class="keaton">Keaton: </span>“You know I saw everything back there, right? And you're confident you can deal with something like that now? We both know the path you're on will only get more intense.”<br/><br/>
Silence hung after his words. There was no doubt the orgasm you had was what set your regrets off last time. Of course, the chastity would help with that, but still...<br/><br/>
<<if $buddingIdentity is 'betaSissyLoser' or $buddingIdentity is 'betaSissy' or $buddingIdentity is 'betaSissySlut'>>
<span class="keaton">Keaton: </span>“A sissy like you really thinks they shouldn't be locked up? I'm not sure that's a good idea.”<br/><br/>
<div class="choice">[[He's right. I should wear chastity. I should be a good sissy and do as I'm told.|KeatonSSYPhaseOneNo1][$keatonSSYPhaseOneNo1State = '2dontWantChastityBButBeta']]</div><br/>
<div class="choice">[["I can prove I'm a good sissy without one... please!"|KeatonSSYPhaseOneNo1][$keatonSSYPhaseOneNo1State = '2dontWantChastityBNoChastity']]</div><br/>
<div class="choice">[["I should keep wearing it, at least until I get more used to things..."|KeatonSSYPhaseOneNo1][$keatonSSYPhaseOneNo1State = '2chastityOnlyToStartWith']]</div><br/>
<div class="choice">[["I can prove I'm a good sissy without one... please!"|KeatonSSYPhaseOneNo1][$keatonSSYPhaseOneNo1State = '2dontWantChastityBNoChastity']]</div><br/>
<<elseif $keatonSSYPhaseOneNo1State is '2dontWantChastityBButBeta'>>
<span class="p1 p2">You:</span> "I'll... keep wearing it."<br/><br/>
<span class="keaton">Keaton: </span>“Good - that's really for the best. You understand obedience will serve you well, don't you?”<br/><br/>
<span class="innerIdentity innerSissyText betaGeneral"><span class="innerThoughtLabel buddingIdentityThought betaGeneralThoughtLabel">[Beta]: </span>Your superiors know you better than you know yourself... their satisfaction is what matters. This locked cage will get you used to exactly what you deserve. Submitting to these confines, you can finally begin to accept your place...<br/><br/>
The only pleasures you can get now are the ones that can be achieved within the chastity device's unyielding limits...</span><br/><br/>
[[Continue|KeatonSSYPhaseOneNo1][$keatonSSYPhaseOneNo1State = '3newObjective']]
<<elseif $keatonSSYPhaseOneNo1State is '2dontWantChastityBNoChastity'>>
<<set $keatonSSYAllowsChastityUnlock to 1>>
<span class="keaton">Keaton: </span>“Heh, well then... if you can handle that it would be pretty hardcore, actually. I don't have the key, but I can find it and give it it to Jessica. Give her a visit and she'll sort you out.”<br/><br/>
You were almost surprised at how easy that was, but you had learned a valuable lesson - if you don't ask, you don't receive.<br/><br/>
<span class="p1 p2">You:</span> "T-thanks."<br/><br/>
<span class="keaton">Keaton: </span>“You've proven yourself reasonably enough so far, $name. Honestly, your eagerness was impressive. If you think this is for the best, I'll leave ya to prove it.”<br/><br/>
<<if $buddingIdentity is 'betaSissyLoser'>>
<span class="innerIdentity innerSissyText betaSissyLoser"><span class="innerThoughtLabel buddingIdentityThought betaSissyLoserThoughtLabel">[Beta Sissy Loser]: </span>What could possibly be more beta than accepting your place without a chastity device. To internalize your role as a submissive both physically and mentally. The true cage is being who you are. You're a pathetic sissy who should only serves others. Learn to accept it no matter what!</span><br/><br/>
<<elseif $buddingIdentity is 'betaSissy'>>
<span class="innerIdentity innerSissyText betaSissy"><span class="innerThoughtLabel buddingIdentityThought betaSissyThoughtLabel">[Beta Sissy]: </span>What could possibly be more beta than accepting your place without a chastity device. To internalize your role as a submissive both physically and mentally. The true cage is being who you are. You're a sissy, here to serve others. Learn to accept it no matter what!</span><br/><br/>
<<elseif $buddingIdentity is 'betaSissySlut'>>
<span class="innerIdentity innerSissyText betaSissySlut"><span class="innerThoughtLabel buddingIdentityThought betaSissySlutThoughtLabel">[Beta Sissy Slut]: </span>What could possibly be more beta than accepting your place without a chastity device. To internalize your role as a submissive both physically and mentally. Learn to be fucked without a cage and accept your place. Everyone will see how much of a slut you really are!</span><br/><br/>
<<elseif $buddingIdentity is 'sissyFucktoy'>>
<span class="innerIdentity innerSissyText sissyFucktoy"><span class="innerThoughtLabel buddingIdentityThought sissyFucktoyThoughtLabel">[Sissy Fucktoy]: </span>Without a chastity device just feels better. You need to learn not to rely on a physical cage. That way you can submit physically, as well as mentally. You'll learn to be fucked over and over without a cage, and accept your place as the fucktoy you are!</span><br/><br/>
<<elseif $buddingIdentity is 'femmeSissy'>>
<span class="innerIdentity innerSissyText femmeSissy"><span class="innerThoughtLabel buddingIdentityThought femmeSissyThoughtLabel">[Femme Sissy]: </span>The pink cage is cute, but panties just don't feel as good wearing it. And it makes your bulge look bigger. You can still be treated as the girl you are without it.</span><br/><br/>
[[Continue|KeatonSSYPhaseOneNo1][$keatonSSYPhaseOneNo1State = '3newObjective']]
<<elseif $keatonSSYPhaseOneNo1State is '2chastityOnlyToStartWith'>>
<span class="keaton">Keaton: </span>“There ya go! For now, think of it like stabilizers on bike. It'll help you adjust to the lifestyle until you're truly ready.”<br/><br/>
<<if $buddingIdentity is 'betaSissyLoser'>>
<span class="innerIdentity innerSissyText betaSissyLoser"><span class="innerThoughtLabel buddingIdentityThought betaSissyLoserThoughtLabel">[Beta Sissy Loser]: </span>Exactly! This locked cage will get you used to exactly what you deserve. Submitting to these confines, you can finally begin to accept your place... The only pleasures you deserve now are the ones you can achieve within the chastity device's unyielding limits...</span><br/><br/>
<<elseif $buddingIdentity is 'betaSissy'>>
<span class="innerIdentity innerSissyText betaSissy"><span class="innerThoughtLabel buddingIdentityThought betaSissyThoughtLabel">[Beta Sissy]: </span>He knows exactly what a sissy like you needs; how you need to truly accept you're just a sissy. That you need to serve, not be served. These confines are a constant reminder. You can't cheat them. The only pleasures you're worthy of are the ones you can achieve within the chastity device's unyielding limits...</span><br/><br/>
<<elseif $buddingIdentity is 'betaSissySlut'>>
<span class="innerIdentity innerSissyText betaSissySlut"><span class="innerThoughtLabel buddingIdentityThought betaSissySlutThoughtLabel">[Beta Sissy Slut]: </span>Exactly! The device will make you finally accept you're only worthy of sex as a sissy. That you <em>need</em> to have sex as a sissy. You need to get over your shame and get fucked. Accept the limits this cage sets upon you, and learn to stop freaking out when you cum. Show them you're ready to be fucked like the sissy slut you want to be!</span><br/><br/>
<<elseif $buddingIdentity is 'sissyFucktoy'>>
<span class="innerIdentity innerSissyText sissyFucktoy"><span class="innerThoughtLabel buddingIdentityThought sissyFucktoyThoughtLabel">[Sissy Fucktoy]: </span>Exactly! The device will be a constant reminder to both yourself and others of what you truly are. There's no way you can fuck anymore outside of using your mouth and ass. These are your limits now. You can't freak out about the fuck toy you're becoming if I can't cum... soon your entire being will accept this is the life you're meant to live!</span><br/><br/>
<<elseif $buddingIdentity is 'femmeSissy'>>
<span class="innerIdentity innerSissyText femmeSissy"><span class="innerThoughtLabel buddingIdentityThought femmeSissyThoughtLabel">[Femme Sissy]: </span>Wearing this for so long might be difficult, but the pink cage is so cute! This is exactly what you need to make sure you don't freak out again. It's hard not to miss the soft feeling of panties against your skin, but in a different kind of way, it still feels girly to be locked away like this. With no way to even have sex like a man anymore, everyone can see how you truly wish to be treated.</span><br/><br/>
Lost in your thoughts, you forgot to even answer Keaton.<br/><br/>
<span class="keaton">Keaton: </span>“Seeing as you're finding the device helpful, I'll hold off giving you any idea of how to unlock it, ay? That'll hold back any temptations while it... works it's magic.”<br/><br/>
<span class="p1 p2">You:</span> "U-um... OK."<br/><br/>
A subtle expression of disbelief came across in Keaton's facial expression. Perhaps even he couldn't believe how compliant you were.<br/><br/>
[[Continue|KeatonSSYPhaseOneNo1][$keatonSSYPhaseOneNo1State = '3newObjective']]
<<elseif $keatonSSYPhaseOneNo1State is '2chastityFeelsRight'>>
<span class="keaton">Keaton: </span>“It does, does it? Heh, well that's probably why you followed your instincts and locked yourself in. I knew you had it in you, I could just sense it...”<br/><br/>
<<if $buddingIdentity is 'betaSissyLoser'>>
<span class="innerIdentity innerSissyText betaSissyLoser"><span class="innerThoughtLabel buddingIdentityThought betaSissyLoserThoughtLabel">[Beta Sissy Loser]: </span>This locked cage is a symbol of exactly what you deserve. Of who you are. You're unworthy of even thinking you deserve to be out of it. Submitting to these confines, you can finally begin to accept your place. The only pleasures you can get now are the ones you can achieve within the chastity device's unyielding limits...</span><br/><br/>
<<elseif $buddingIdentity is 'betaSissy'>>
<span class="innerIdentity innerSissyText betaSissy"><span class="innerThoughtLabel buddingIdentityThought betaSissyThoughtLabel">[Beta Sissy]: </span>He can sense it because you both know this is what you deserve. You need to accept you're just a sissy. That you need to serve, not be served. These confines are a constant reminder. You can't cheat them. The only pleasures you're worthy of are the ones you can achieve within the chastity device's unyielding limits...</span><br/><br/>
<<elseif $buddingIdentity is 'betaSissySlut'>>
<span class="innerIdentity innerSissyText betaSissySlut"><span class="innerThoughtLabel buddingIdentityThought betaSissySlutThoughtLabel">[Beta Sissy Slut]: </span>The device is a constant reminder you're only worthy of sex as a sissy. That you NEED to have sex as a sissy. You need to get over your shame and get fucked. Accept the limits this cage sets you in, so you can finally stop freaking out when you cum. Soon you can be fucked like the sissy slut you desperately need to be!</span><br/><br/>
<<elseif $buddingIdentity is 'sissyFucktoy'>>
<span class="innerIdentity innerSissyText sissyFucktoy"><span class="innerThoughtLabel buddingIdentityThought sissyFucktoyThoughtLabel">[Sissy Fucktoy]: </span>The device is a constant reminder to yourself and others of what you truly are. There's no way for you fuck other than using your mouth and ass. These are your limits now. You can't freak out about the fuck toy you're becoming if you can't cum. Soon your entire being will accept this is who you are!</span><br/><br/>
<<elseif $buddingIdentity is 'femmeSissy'>>
<span class="innerIdentity innerSissyText femmeSissy"><span class="innerThoughtLabel buddingIdentityThought femmeSissyThoughtLabel">[Femme Sissy]: </span>This pink cage is so cute! It's exactly what you need to make sure you don't freak out again. In a strange way, doesn't it feel so right to be locked away like this? With no way to even have sex like a man anymore, everyone can see how you wish to be treated.</span><br/><br/>
Something wrong: 2chastityFeelsRight buddingIdentity if statement. $buddingIdentity
Lost in your thoughts, you forgot to even answer Keaton.<br/><br/>
<span class="keaton">Keaton: </span>“Seems like you wouldn't even care about knowing how to unlock it! You're an intense one, aren't you?”<br/><br/>
<span class="p1 p2">You:</span> "U-um... OK."<br/><br/>
A subtle expression of disbelief came across in Keaton's facial expression. Perhaps even he couldn't believe how compliant you were.<br/><br/>
[[Continue|KeatonSSYPhaseOneNo1][$keatonSSYPhaseOneNo1State = '3newObjective']]
<<elseif $keatonSSYPhaseOneNo1State is '3newObjective'>>
With a sign, Keaton arose from his seat and stared at the dull grey sky beyond his office's window. You could sense his demeanor change dramatically as he switched to getting down to business.<br/><br/>
<span class="keaton">Keaton: </span>“I get things are changing for you perhaps faster than you can adjust, $name, but as a member of the crew I'm going to need you to contribute to keep your spot.”<br/><br/>
There it was. Despite the initiation being over, there was still more expected of you.<br/><br/>
<span class="keaton">Keaton: </span>“Look, let's be frank about this. Someone like you could... 'fulfill' some pretty unique requests, I think you'd agree? You'd be wasted on say, smuggling or guard duty. You offer more opportunities than that.”<br/><br/>
You had an inclination where this was going, but just how far?<br/><br/>
<span class="keaton">Keaton: </span>“There's an officer who does surveillance duty now and then, let's just say he's not quite as vigilant as the others. You've probably noticed almost all the officers are relaxed about our crew's behavior here, but none of them would leak us any information or anything. That's where this guy and you come in.”<br/><br/>
<span class="p1 p2">You:</span> "Me?"<br/><br/>
<span class="keaton">Keaton: </span>“It's been observed that the guy has a wandering eye... specifically for girls like you.”<br/><br/>
Girls like you? That was sort of vague. Did he specifically mean sissies?<br/><br/>
<span class="keaton">Keaton: </span>“You can see how you can contribute right?”<br/><br/>
<span class="p1 p2">You:</span> "I... think so."<br/><br/>
Keaton was unsurprised by your acceptance, but looked slightly relieved after your answer nonetheless.<br/><br/>
<span class="keaton">Keaton: </span>“You wouldn't know this but while most of the guys like what I've done here in Grenton, only a few disagree with my approach. We all need to constantly prove we're worthy members of the crew, else we face being cut. That's true for every member, including you.”<br/><br/>
There must of been some kind of struggle for leadership of the crew Keaton had formed. He sounded deadly serious.<br/><br/>
<span class="keaton">Keaton: </span>“There won't be any hardship for you if you're out, but all the perks will be gone. Now that we know each other better, I can be 100% straight with you about how things are here. I can't let failure slide. Do you understand?”<br/><br/>
<span class="p1 p2">You:</span> "You want me to get the information... from the officer."<br/><br/>
<span class="keaton">Keaton: </span>“Obviously! But your <em>specific</em> role... do you understand it?”<br/><br/>
<span class="p1 p2">You:</span> "Yes."<br/><br/>
<span class="keaton">Keaton: </span>“Say it then.”<br/><br/>
<<if $buddingIdentity is 'femmeSissy'>>
<div class="choice">[["I'm a totally obedient sissy bitch - I'll do whatever you wish, to serve you..."|KeatonSSYPhaseOneNo1][$keatonSSYPhaseOneNo1State = '3newObjectiveObedientBitch']]</div><br/>
<div class="choice">[["I'm a sissy, I can do the things only a sissy can do..."|KeatonSSYPhaseOneNo1][$keatonSSYPhaseOneNo1State = '3newObjectiveTheCrewsSissy']]</div><br/>
<<if $buddingIdentity is 'femmeSissy'>>
<div class="choice">[["I'm the feminine touch the crew needs. Someone who can offer what masculinity can't."|KeatonSSYPhaseOneNo1][$keatonSSYPhaseOneNo1State = '3newObjectiveTheCrewsFemmeTouch']]</div><br/>
<<elseif $keatonSSYPhaseOneNo1State is '3newObjectiveObedientBitch'>>
<<if $keatonSSYAllowsChastityUnlock is 1>>
<span class="keaton">Keaton: </span>“Oh you're a sissy alright, that's just stating the obvious. But I've seen you get ahead of yourself before.”<br/><br/>
Your face bowed to look down to the floor in shame. It was difficult to tell what actually embarrassed you - was it what you had just admitted, or that you had failed to be as committed a sissy as you wanted at Keaton's event?<br/><br/>
<span class="keaton">Keaton: </span>“You think you know your place, but do you really understand? I mean, you came in here saying you wanted to take your chastity off. What are you going to do now that I'm going to order you keep wearing it? Do you understand, bitch? Keep it on.”<br/><br/>
<div class="choice">[["What? No, I don't want to..."|KeatonSSYPhaseOneNo1][$keatonSSYPhaseOneNo1State = '3newObjectiveObedientBitchButNoChastity']]</div><br/>
<div class="choice">[["Y-yes. I'll keep wearing it."|KeatonSSYPhaseOneNo1][$keatonSSYPhaseOneNo1State = '3newObjectiveObedientBitch2']]</div><br/>
<span class="keaton">Keaton: </span>“Oh you're a sissy alright... that's just stating the obvious. But I've seen you get ahead of yourself before.”<br/><br/>
Your face bowed to look down to the floor in shame. It was difficult to tell what actually embarrassed you - was it what you had just admitted, or that you had failed to be as committed a sissy as you wanted at Keaton's event?<br/><br/>
<span class="keaton">Keaton: </span>“You think you know your place, but do you really understand? I mean, you freaked out in front of a real man's cock just the other day. What are you going to do as a bitch, when you can't follow a command? Let's see shall we? You're going to suck cock, right now. On you knees now, bitch.”<br/><br/>
<div class="choice">[["What? No, I don't want to..."|KeatonSSYPhaseOneNo1][$keatonSSYPhaseOneNo1State = '3newObjectiveObedientBitchButNoOral']]</div><br/>
<div class="choice">[[Get on your knees before him, and look up, ready to suck cock.|KeatonSSYPhaseOneNo1][$keatonSSYPhaseOneNo1State = '3newObjectiveObedientBitch2']]</div><br/>
<<elseif $keatonSSYPhaseOneNo1State is '3newObjectiveObedientBitchButNoOral'>>
<span class="keaton">Keaton: </span>“Then you're not the obedient bitch you think you are, are you? You're letting your horniness get the better of you. This is about reality now, not some perverted little fantasies.”<br/><br/>
<div class="choice">[["Wait... I... I will..."|KeatonSSYPhaseOneNo1][$keatonSSYPhaseOneNo1State = '3newObjectiveObedientBitch2']]</div><br/>
<div class="choice">[["You're right... I'm sorry, I guess I'm just a sissy."|KeatonSSYPhaseOneNo1][$keatonSSYPhaseOneNo1State = '3newObjectiveObedientBitchButNoChastity2']]</div><br/>
<<elseif $keatonSSYPhaseOneNo1State is '3newObjectiveObedientBitchButNoChastity'>>
<span class="keaton">Keaton: </span>“Then you're not the obedient bitch you think you are, are you? You're letting your horniness get the better of you. This is about reality now, not some perverted little fantasies.”<br/><br/>
<div class="choice">[["Wait... I'll... wear it."|KeatonSSYPhaseOneNo1][$keatonSSYPhaseOneNo1State = '3newObjectiveObedientBitch2']]</div><br/>
<div class="choice">[["You're right... I'm sorry, I guess I'm just a sissy."|KeatonSSYPhaseOneNo1][$keatonSSYPhaseOneNo1State = '3newObjectiveObedientBitchButNoChastity2']]</div><br/>
<<elseif $keatonSSYPhaseOneNo1State is '3newObjectiveObedientBitchButNoChastity2'>>
<span class="keaton">Keaton: </span>“Heh, that's fine. This is all part of making your role clear. There's plenty of horny daydreamers in the crew, what's needed now is doers.”<br/><br/>
<span class="p1 p2">You:</span> "I understand."<br/><br/>
<span class="keaton">Keaton: </span>“Let's be more honest, shall we? What can you do for us?”<br/><br/>
<div class="choice">[["I'm a sissy. I can do the things here only a sissy can offer..."|KeatonSSYPhaseOneNo1][$keatonSSYPhaseOneNo1State = '3newObjectiveTheCrewsSissy']]</div><br/>
<<elseif $keatonSSYPhaseOneNo1State is '3newObjectiveObedientBitch2'>>
<<set $keatonSSYAllowsChastityUnlock to 0>>
<span class="keaton">Keaton: </span>“Heh, so that's all it takes is it, sissy? You'll simply obey your superiors from now on, is that right? You're so compliant you'll serve a real man's desires over your own?”<br/><br/>
<span class="p1 p2">You:</span> "...Yes."<br/><br/>
<span class="keaton">Keaton: </span>“It's not just my orders you'll follow. You're OUR bitch - you'll belong to the crew.”<br/><br/>
<div class="choice">[["I understand... I know my place."|KeatonSSYPhaseOneNo1][$keatonSSYPhaseOneNo1State = '3newObjectiveObedientBitch3']]</div><br/>
<div class="choice">[["The whole crew? I... don't think I can do that..."|KeatonSSYPhaseOneNo1][$keatonSSYPhaseOneNo1State = '3newObjectiveObedientBitch3CantServeWholeCrew']]</div><br/>
<<elseif $keatonSSYPhaseOneNo1State is '3newObjectiveObedientBitch3CantServeWholeCrew'>>
<span class="keaton">Keaton: </span>“Then you're not the obedient bitch you thought you were, are you? You were letting your horniness get the better of you. This is about reality now, not your perverted little fantasies.”<br/><br/>
<span class="p1 p2">You:</span> "OK... yes, you're right."<br/><br/>
<span class="keaton">Keaton: </span>“Good. This isn't about pushing yourself to some extreme you don't actually want. Reel in your wildest fantasies so you can focus on what you really desire. I'm not saying you're not a sissy, ha, far from it! Like any member of the crew, you're only useful to the group if you're in the right position. So... how about we make use of your talents. You can still be a good sissy without being a total bitch.”<br/><br/>
<div class="choice">[["You're right... I'm sorry, I guess I'm just a sissy."|KeatonSSYPhaseOneNo1][$keatonSSYPhaseOneNo1State = '3newObjectiveObedientBitch3CantServeWholeCrew2']]</div><br/>
<<elseif $keatonSSYPhaseOneNo1State is '3newObjectiveObedientBitch3CantServeWholeCrew2'>>
<span class="keaton">Keaton: </span>“Heh, now you get it. It's important to make these things clear, see? And don't worry, there's plenty of room to submit as 'just a sissy'.”<br/><br/>
<div class="choice">[["That's true... I'm a sissy. I can do the things here only a sissy can offer..."|KeatonSSYPhaseOneNo1][$keatonSSYPhaseOneNo1State = '3newObjectiveTheCrewsSissy']]</div><br/>
<<elseif $keatonSSYPhaseOneNo1State is '3newObjectiveObedientBitch3'>>
<span class="keaton">Keaton: </span>“Actually, I've changed my mind. Get on the sofa, face down, ass up. Hike that skirt up, show off that slutty little ass. Two of my guys are coming over right now, and I'm going to let them use it. Get ready to pull those panties to the side. Well? Do it, bitch.”<br/><br/>
<div class="choice">[["Do as he says. Position yourself like the sissy bitch you are. Submit yourself ready to being fucked by the real men."|KeatonSSYPhaseOneNo1][$keatonSSYPhaseOneNo1State = '3newObjectiveObedientBitch4']]</div><br/>
<div class="choice">[["Uh... no... sorry, that's not for me..."|KeatonSSYPhaseOneNo1][$keatonSSYPhaseOneNo1State = '3newObjectiveObedientBitch3CantServeWholeCrew']]</div><br/>
<<elseif $keatonSSYPhaseOneNo1State is '3newObjectiveObedientBitch4'>>
You nervously moved into position, pushing your face down into the soft cushioning and spreading your legs so you were prominently displayed to whoever was about to use you. The position made it hard to adjust your clothing, but you did as Keaton ordered. Wasn't this all going too fast? Could you really handle this? While these questions crossed your mind, the answers didn't truly matter to you. You were completely resigned to submitting to the crew - to being their bitch.<br/><br/>
With one hand you traced over your ass until you felt the rim of your panties. You hooked your finger into them to pull them to the side...<br/><br/>
<img src="images/scenes/ssy1KeatonBtchCap.jpg" alt="A picture that suggests your destined to being used like a bitch" class="storyImage storyImageBigger">
<span class="keaton">Keaton: </span>“Holy shit... you seriously are a little bitch, aren't you? You'll do anything to please us?”<br/><br/>
You muffled a nearly inaudible 'yes' into the sofa.<br/><br/>
<span class="keaton">Keaton: </span>“Get up, nobody is coming to fuck you right now. Geezus, I was just finding out how serious you are. Make no mistake, we can make good use of a complete submissive pervert like you. If you really know your place... beg for it.”<br/><br/>
<div class="choice">[[Get down on your knees before him, and beg: "Keaton... please make me your bitch... make me the crew's sissy bitch... make me serve as a sissy to please you all! To be your loyal, obedient, sissy slut!"|KeatonSSYPhaseOneNo1][$keatonSSYPhaseOneNo1State = '3newObjectiveObedientBitch5']]</div><br/>
<div class="choice">[["Uh... actually... maybe I've taken this too far..."|KeatonSSYPhaseOneNo1][$keatonSSYPhaseOneNo1State = '3newObjectiveObedientBitch3CantServeWholeCrew']]</div><br/>
<<elseif $keatonSSYPhaseOneNo1State is '3newObjectiveObedientBitch5'>>
He placed a finger to your lips to silence you.<br/><br/>
<span class="keaton">Keaton: </span>“...I knew it. I could sense it right away. A true submissive sissy, dying to serve. Well, bitch... you'll be made good use of.”<br/><br/>
<<set $keatonCrewBondRole to 'totalSubmissiveSissyBitch'>>
<<set $keatonCrewBondLevel to 1>>
<span class="bondHeader keatonBondHeader">BOND MADE WITH KEATON'S CREW</span>
<span class="bond crewBond">
You've submitted totally to your place as a sissy bitch. Your service to Keaton and his crew is your life now. Their wish is your command. This is the blossom of a very one-sided relationship.
<span class="bondPerkHeader">Assigned Role:</span> <span class="bondPerk">Bitch</span>
[[Continue|KeatonSSYPhaseOneNo1][$keatonSSYPhaseOneNo1State = '4theMission']]
<<elseif $keatonSSYPhaseOneNo1State is '3newObjectiveTheCrewsSissy'>>
<span class="keaton">Keaton: </span>“That's right, and luckily for you that's what we need. A sissy slut like you is stuck in Grenton with some very pent up horny men. It's an ideal situation for everyone, if you think about it.”<br/><br/>
<img src="images/scenes/ssy1KeatonSsyCap.jpg" alt="A picutre of the sissy you can become" class="storyImage storyImageBigger">
You blushed red from the suggestion.<br/><br/>
<span class="keaton">Keaton: </span>“You can keep exploring the sissy you really are while earning your keep as part of the crew. I'll just put forward the odd request now and then, got it?”<br/><br/>
<span class="p1 p2">You:</span> "Requests?"<br/><br/>
<span class="keaton">Keaton: </span>“Nothing too strenuous. Don't you trust me? I was painfully aware of your limits at my event the other day, wasn't I? You could say I knew you better than you knew yourself. I'll make sure anything I ask you to do is appropriate, considering your experience.”<br/><br/>
<span class="p1 p2">You:</span> "I mean, I'm trying to embrace the sissy I am... but I'm not sure I could just do anything."<br/><br/>
<span class="keaton">Keaton: </span>“That's fair. I'll be honest, I think we both know you've got potential to be one of the filthiest sissy sluts around. You wouldn't be here right now if you didn't. I'll put forward what I need from you, and you decide if you can follow through or not. Don't do anything you don't want, or can't handle, do you understand?”<br/><br/>
<span class="p1 p2">You:</span> "I do."<br/><br/>
<span class="keaton">Keaton: </span>“If you can't fulfil a request, just accept you can't do it, and that will be the end of things. You won't be a crew member anymore or have access to the perks, but you won't be messed with either. You'll be left alone. This crew only has spots for eager sissies. Keen ones who want to be treated like them.”<br/><br/>
<span class="p1 p2">You:</span> "Got it."<br/><br/>
<span class="keaton">Keaton: </span>“Good. Well then, let's get started, shall we?”<br/><br/>
<<set $keatonCrewBondRole to 'sissy'>>
<<set $keatonCrewBondLevel to 1>>
<span class="bondHeader keatonBondHeader">BOND MADE WITH KEATON'S CREW</span>
<span class="bond crewBond">
You understand your role in Keaton's crew. You're the sissy. Just how much of the role you can fulfil is yet to be seen.
<span class="bondPerkHeader">Assigned Role:</span> <span class="bondPerk">Sissy</span>
[[Continue|KeatonSSYPhaseOneNo1][$keatonSSYPhaseOneNo1State = '4theMission']]
<<elseif $keatonSSYPhaseOneNo1State is '3newObjectiveTheCrewsFemmeTouch'>>
<span class="keaton">Keaton: </span>“Is that so... hmm, so that's how you see yourself? Kind of vague, don't you think?"<br/><br/>
<span class="p1 p2">You:</span> "Perhaps. I'm guessing femininity is sorely missing around Grenton though."<br/><br/>
<span class="keaton">Keaton: </span>“Oh it is, but that could mean anything. Obviously there's some feminine people here, like Jessica obviously. I just had the sense you were a little more... intense."<br/><br/>
You blushed red at the suggestion of his.<br/><br/>
<span class="keaton">Keaton: </span>“Let's try and clarify things. Back at my event you seemed to be enjoying yourself as a sissy, and here in Grenton, you're stuck with some very pent up horny men. It's an ideal situation for you and them, don't you reckon?"<br/><br/>
<div class="choice">[["I think I get it... you want me to be Grenton's sissy slut."|KeatonSSYPhaseOneNo1][$keatonSSYPhaseOneNo1State = '3newObjectiveTheCrewsFemmeTouch2sissy']]</div><br/>
<div class="choice">[["I understand, but maybe I got ahead of myself the other day..."|KeatonSSYPhaseOneNo1][$keatonSSYPhaseOneNo1State = '3newObjectiveTheCrewsFemmeTouch2femme']]</div><br/>
<<elseif $keatonSSYPhaseOneNo1State is '3newObjectiveTheCrewsFemmeTouch2sissy'>>
<span class="keaton">Keaton: </span>“And now you don't? You seemed very keen before."<br/><br/>
<span class="p1 p2">You:</span> "I think I'm... getting a clearer idea of what I am though. Feeling more at ease about my femininity."<br/><br/>
<span class="keaton">Keaton: </span>“That's all well and good, but what about being a sissy?"<br/><br/>
<div class="choice">[["I... want that too."|KeatonSSYPhaseOneNo1][$keatonSSYPhaseOneNo1State = '3newObjectiveTheCrewsFemmeTouch2sissy2']]</div><br/>
<div class="choice">[["I think there's a better way. One that involves my femininity more, rather than just my sissy urges. I may have gotten carried away before..."|KeatonSSYPhaseOneNo1][$keatonSSYPhaseOneNo1State = '3newObjectiveTheCrewsFemmeTouch2femme']]</div><br/>
<<elseif $keatonSSYPhaseOneNo1State is '3newObjectiveTheCrewsFemmeTouch2sissy2'>>
<span class="keaton">Keaton: </span>“Well there's no reason both parts of you can't exist. As a sissy you'll be able to explore femininity in all kinds of ways."<br/><br/>
<span class="p1 p2">You:</span> "Hmm."<br/><br/>
<span class="keaton">Keaton: </span>“Believe it or not, I'm not trying to tell you what to do. But what I do need is to know how you can be a valuable member of the crew. I've got plenty of ideas if you're the sissy I thought you were."<br/><br/>
<div class="choice">[["I want to engage my femininity more though. Not all my sissy urges need to be acted upon..."|KeatonSSYPhaseOneNo1][$keatonSSYPhaseOneNo1State = '3newObjectiveTheCrewsFemmeTouch2femme']]</div><br/>
<div class="choice">[["I'm a sissy. I can do the things here only a sissy can do..."|KeatonSSYPhaseOneNo1][$keatonSSYPhaseOneNo1State = '3newObjectiveTheCrewsSissy']]</div><br/>
<<elseif $keatonSSYPhaseOneNo1State is '3newObjectiveTheCrewsFemmeTouch2femme'>>
<span class="keaton">Keaton: </span>“How so?"<br/><br/>
<span class="p1 p2">You:</span> "Like... being an outright slut who will just fuck anyone. Maybe I'm figuring out that's not what I truly want. Maybe just... being feminine is what I enjoy."<br/><br/>
Keaton brought his hand to his chin in a state of puzzlement. He seemed to be thinking thoroughly.<br/><br/>
<span class="keaton">Keaton: </span>“...So you were just a bit too horny the other day then? I'm going to be real $name, I was going to ask you to use those slutty desires to the advantage of the crew. It seemed like a perfect match for both our ambitions."<br/><br/>
<span class="p1 p2">You:</span> "..."<br/><br/>
<span class="keaton">Keaton: </span>“But you're right... we could always use more of a feminine touch around here, and that's something we can probably work with. How would you feel about... seduction?"<br/><br/>
<span class="p1 p2">You:</span> "From me!? Is this about getting information from that guy?"<br/><br/>
<span class="keaton">Keaton: </span>“Guys can open up quite a bit to some flirting and teasing. Of course, maybe you could go further... at your own discretion."<br/><br/>
<img src="images/scenes/ssy1KeatonFemCap.jpg" alt="A picture that implies that a feminine touch can be persurasive" class="storyImage storyImageBigger">
<span class="p1 p2">You:</span> "I mean, I'm trying to embrace my femininity... but I'm not sure exactly what I'm capable of!"<br/><br/>
<span class="keaton">Keaton: </span>“That's fair. I'll be honest, I think we both know you've got potential to catch the eyes of a lot of guys in here. You wouldn't be here right now if you didn't. As crew leader I'll be coming to you for requests from what I need from you. I'll leave you to decide if you can follow through or not. You can try pulling it off your way, or not at all. It's all up to you."<br/><br/>
<span class="p1 p2">You:</span> "Alright then - that sounds reasonable."<br/><br/>
<span class="keaton">Keaton: </span>“Let's be crystal clear: don't do anything you don't want or can't handle. Don't let your need to secure a spot in the crew put pressure on you, do you understand?"<br/><br/>
<span class="p1 p2">You:</span> "OK."<br/><br/>
<span class="keaton">Keaton: </span>“If you can't fulfil a request, just accept you can't do it. You won't be able to get crew perks anymore, but you won't be punished. The crew will leave you be.”<br/><br/>
<span class="p1 p2">You:</span> "Got it."<br/><br/>
<span class="keaton">Keaton: </span>“Good. Well then, let's get started, shall we?”<br/><br/>
<<set $keatonCrewBondRole to 'femmeSissy'>>
<<set $keatonCrewBondLevel to 1>>
<span class="bondHeader keatonBondHeader">BOND MADE WITH KEATON'S CREW</span>
<span class="bond crewBond">
You've accepted a role in Keaton's crew as it's feminine touch! You're unsure you can fulfill his requests this way, but you won't know unless you try. It's up to you if you're going to succeed or not.
<span class="bondPerkHeader">Assigned Role:</span> <span class="bondPerk">Feminine Touch</span>
[[Continue|KeatonSSYPhaseOneNo1][$keatonSSYPhaseOneNo1State = '4theMission']]
<<elseif $keatonSSYPhaseOneNo1State is '4theMission'>>
<<if $keatonCrewBondRole is 'femmeSissy'>>
<<elseif $keatonCrewBondRole is 'sissy'>>
<<elseif $keatonCrewBondRole is 'totalSubmissiveSissyBitch'>>
<span class="keaton">Keaton: </span>“Now, let's move on to discussing what we need from you. The officer I mentioned earlier, his name is Javier Rueda. The hardest part is getting invited into his office. That's why you're perfect. He's won't just let anybody in, but depending on how you look he'll probably make an exception for you."<br/><br/>
Really? You felt almost proud at the thought.<br/><br/>
<span class="keaton">Keaton: </span>“Once you get in there, you'll see a blue USB stick plugged into one of the servers on the left. Swap it out with this."<br/><br/>
He placed a USB just like the one mentioned into your hand.<br/><br/>
<img src="images/scenes/ssy1BlueUSB.jpg" alt="Image of a blue USB stick" class="storyImage">
<span class="keaton">Keaton: </span>“That's a totally corrupted one. Maybe they'll suspect something later down the line, but they'll never be able to know for sure. Most importantly, make sure you bring the real one back. I don't know if you've noticed yet, but a bra is a pretty handy hiding spot."<br/><br/>
The way your own bra harnessed around your chest suddenly became noticeable. The cups against your flat chest actually hugged against it tight, pillowed by the inner cushions that were meant to push up what little was there. The USB would be safe here.<br/><br/>
<span class="keaton">Keaton: </span>“That's the bare minimum for a successful mission. Not too bad to start off, right?"<br/><br/>
<span class="p1 p2">You:</span> "I... guess."<br/><br/>
<<if $keatonCrewBondRole is 'femmeSissy'>>
<span class="keaton">Keaton: </span>“Of course, we can get more from him than that... but it depends on far you're willing to go."<br/><br/>
<span class="p1 p2">You:</span> "How far?"<br/><br/>
<span class="keaton">Keaton: </span>“I mean, we've already talked about this, it's all up to you. Personally, I think giving him a blowjob would be more than enough. But if you think a more subtle approach can work... the feminine touch, I recall?"<br/><br/>
An 'eep' noise involuntarily ejected from your mouth. You should of realized by now Keaton could be especially blunt.<br/><br/>
<span class="keaton">Keaton: </span>“Listen, it's up to you how you pull things off. As long as Javier thinks he's got some kind of girl in here that's into him, he'll be like putty in our hands. Understood?"<br/><br/>
<span class="p1 p2">You:</span> "I'll... see what I can do."<br/><br/>
<span class="keaton">Keaton: </span>“I can see you're nervous, but I think you're ready for this. If you can get more than just the USB, go ahead and try."<br/><br/>
You nodded, narrowing your eyes to think about just how this could all go down in practice.<br/><br/>
[[Continue|KeatonSSYPhaseOneNo1][$keatonSSYPhaseOneNo1State = '5theMissionDeadline']]
<<elseif $keatonCrewBondRole is 'sissy'>>
<span class="keaton">Keaton: </span>“Of course, we can get more from him than that... if you're willing to, please him."<br/><br/>
<span class="p1 p2">You:</span> "Please him?"<br/><br/>
<span class="keaton">Keaton: </span>“Nothing too crazy... a blowjob would be more than enough."<br/><br/>
An 'eep' noise involuntarily ejected from your mouth after his blunt suggestion. You knew what you had signed up for, but now things were getting serious.<br/><br/>
<span class="keaton">Keaton: </span>“It'll probably be the first cock you've sucked right? Don't worry about it too much, you'll be a natural. Once Javier thinks he's got a sissy slut in here to please him, he'll be like putty in our hands. Understood?"<br/><br/>
<span class="p1 p2">You:</span> "O... OK."<br/><br/>
<span class="keaton">Keaton: </span>“I can see you're nervous, but I think you're ready for this. If you can get more than just the USB, go ahead and try."<br/><br/>
You nodded as sincerely as you could, but it was clear you had felt some trouble by the situation. Self-doubt, trepidation... dread; these feelings conflicted with an odd sense of arousal and lust. This weird mix of emotions made you feel anxious, but there was something within you that felt just about capable enough to do what you had to, or at the very least try.<br/><br/>
[[Continue|KeatonSSYPhaseOneNo1][$keatonSSYPhaseOneNo1State = '5theMissionDeadline']]
<<elseif $keatonCrewBondRole is 'totalSubmissiveSissyBitch'>>
<span class="keaton">Keaton: </span>“Of course, you can be of more use than that. You're going to suck him off as well."<br/><br/>
An 'eep' noise involuntarily ejected from your mouth. You knew what you had signed up for, but now things were serious.<br/><br/>
<span class="keaton">Keaton: </span>“Ha, don't pretend you don't love the idea, sissy. Make him want you... let him be completely convinced you're his. Once Javier thinks he's got a sissy slut under his control, he'll be putty in our hands. Understood?"<br/><br/>
<span class="p1 p2">You:</span> "Yes."<br/><br/>
<span class="keaton">Keaton: </span>“Yes, who?"<br/><br/>
<div class="choice">[[Master. |KeatonSSYPhaseOneNo1][$KeatonCrewTitle = 'Master'; $keatonSSYPhaseOneNo1State = '4theMissionTitled']]</div><br/>
<div class="choice">[[Sir. |KeatonSSYPhaseOneNo1][$KeatonCrewTitle = 'Sir'; $keatonSSYPhaseOneNo1State = '4theMissionTitled']]</div><br/>
<div class="choice">[[He wants a title, something I should call my superior... (Custom)|KeatonSSYCustomeCrewTitle][$KeatonCrewTitle = 'unknown'; $keatonSSYPhaseOneNo1State = '4theMissionTitled']]</div><br/>
<<elseif $keatonSSYPhaseOneNo1State is '4theMissionTitled'>>
<<if $KeatonCrewTitle is "">>
<<set $KeatonCrewTitle to "Sir">>
<span class="p1 p2">You:</span> "Yes, $KeatonCrewTitle."<br/><br/>
<span class="keaton">Keaton: </span>“That's right. And remember to address any crew member the same way. Show them the respect they deserve, bitch."<br/><br/>
<span class="p1 p2">You:</span> "I understand, $KeatonCrewTitle."<br/><br/>
<span class="keaton">Keaton: </span>“Good."<br/><br/>
[[Continue|KeatonSSYPhaseOneNo1][$keatonSSYPhaseOneNo1State = '5theMissionDeadline']]
<<elseif $keatonSSYPhaseOneNo1State is '5theMissionDeadline'>>
<<set $deadlineCounter to 12>>
<<set $deadlineCounter += $mifuneIntroCounter>>
Keaton showed you a sheet of paper with more details. "$deadlineCounter days from now. Officer's room." was written in the corner, and scribbled below it was a poorly drawn picture of the server's location, as well as where the USB slot would be."<br/><br/>
<span class="keaton">Keaton: </span>“That's the only day that we know for sure the mark will be there. Don't miss it."<br/><br/>
<span class="p1 p2">You:</span> "$deadlineCounter days? That's pretty far away..."<br/><br/>
<span class="keaton">Keaton: </span>“Maybe, but I reckon you'll need plenty of time to prepare yourself."<br/><br/>
He placed his hands on your shoulders and gently rotated you round until you were facing a full length mirror. His figure loomed large as you stared at the pair of you in it's reflection.<br/><br/>
<span class="keaton">Keaton: </span>“Taking a good look at yourself? What do you think? You still seem a little nervous if you ask me..."<br/><br/>
Maybe he was right. Your new image was something you still weren't quite used to, and to confront what you looked like right now made you squirm a little.<br/><br/>
<<if $keatonCrewBondRole is 'femmeSissy'>>
<span class="keaton">Keaton: </span>“Don't be like that. You'll get used to the new you eventually. You're really not a bad looking girl already, are you? Take a harder look at yourself like this, it suits you well, doesn't it?"<br/><br/>
It seemed to be as high a compliment Keaton was ever going to give you, and you gingerly took another look. Long stands from your wig delicately lay on your shoulders, and the smooth, bare mid-riff of your tummy was exposed between your skirt and top. You lowered your hand from an instinctive urge to feel under your clothes to your panties but stopped yourself.<br/><br/>
<span class="keaton">Keaton: </span>“See? This is you. And you've only just begun."<br/><br/>
<span class="keaton">Keaton: </span>“Take a harder look. You need to get used to the new you. You've got a lot of potential don't you think, sissy? You're not a bad looking girl already... but we both know this isn't enough for you."<br/><br/>
There was enough truth to Keaton's words to be convincing, and you overcame your shame to take another look. Your body was so girlish when framed by women's clothes, the top exposed the smooth mid-riff of your tummy, and the straps of your panties peeked from the top of your skirt. The clothes looked cheap, but cute enough, with just a tiny a hint of sluttiness to it. It was about as much as you could handle right now, but Keaton was right... you needed to go further.<br/><br/>
<span class="keaton">Keaton: </span>“You see it now? This is you. And you've only just begun."<br/><br/>
His hands released you and he walked to place his grip on the room's door handle.<br/><br/>
<span class="keaton">Keaton: </span>“There's a mirror in your room. You should take a glance at yourself from time to time. Thinking about your physicality will help you realize what you want to change to become what you need to be. Understand?"<br/><br/>
<span class="p1 p2">You:</span> "...Yes."<br/><br/>
A smile appeared on his face, and with that, he opened the way out and beckoned for you to leave. You found your arms wrapped around you, in some kind of nervous, self hug as you left the office, while considering the new situation. Before you could completely leave the area, you heard Keaton yell out from behind you.<br/><br/>
<span class="keaton">Keaton: </span>“Oh, and I just realized I forgot something! Getting to know the people in Grenton is going to help you a lot, but there's one member of the crew who could particularly helpful for you. He's an actor! He's not famous, but they say he's the best of the best when it comes to the craft! Check down the bottom of this building, you'll find him in the Drama room."<br/><br/>
Grenton has a Drama room? You had no idea such a thing existed here, but perhaps you shouldn't of been surprised considering how skilled Keaton's crew were at obscuring things from sight.<br/><br/>
Between Keaton and Dr Mifune you had been left with so much to act on. It was now up to you to get ready in these next $deadlineCounter days.<br/><br/>
<span class="saveWarning betaWarning">
<img src="images/extras/warningIcon.png" alt="Warning Icon" class="warningIcon">
<span class="saveWarningTitle">PLEASE READ!</span>
<span class="saveWarningDescription textAlignCenter">This upcoming section is in development. You will be able to experience some new parts of the story, but not complete this section yet.<br/><br/><strong>There is no message to say when you've cleared all the available content.</strong></span><br/>
<span class="saveWarningDescription textAlignCenter">I am adding story and new characters first, then I will balance and polish the gameplay. More stat requirements will be added later, so do not worry too much about stats yet.</span><br/>
<span class="saveWarningDescription textAlignCenter"><strong>Please keep a save file from here.</strong></span><br/>
<span class="saveWarningDescription textAlignCenter">Thank you for your support!</span>
<<set $SSYDramaRoomUnlocked to 1>>
<<if $playerInventory.has('Blue USB stick')>>
<<else>><<pickup '$playerInventory' 'Blue USB stick'>><</if>>
<<set $physicalityUnlocked to 1>>
<<set $socialsUnlocked to 1>>
<<set $KeatonVisitState to 0>>
<<set $deadlineState to 2>>
<<set $SSYstoryState to 1>>
<<set $storyState to 9>>
<<set $jessicaState to 2>>
<<set $deanState to 0>>
<<set $grentonReputationGeneral to 0>>
<<set $taskDudeWheresMyBraState to 0>>
<<set $jessicaTaskHelpMeOutBraHint to 0>>
<<set $taskHelpMeOutBraState to 0>>
<<set $taskThePinkPantierState to 0>>
<<set $playerExtUrges to 0>>
<<set $playerPrideUrges to 0>>
<<set $playerKnowsWorkshopWayToRoof to 0>>
<<set $playerKnowsForestIsOffLimits to 0>>
<<set $mifuneBondLevel to 1>>
<<set $playerIsInChastity to 1>>
<<if $keatonCrewBondRole is 'totalSubmissiveSissyBitch'>>
<<set $KeatonCrewPetName to 'the bitch'>>
<<set $KeatonCrewPetName to $name>>
<<set $metDion to 0>>
<<set $SSYDionState to 0>>
<<set $dionConvoState to 0>>
<<set $SSYDionState1JessicaAdvice to 0>>
<<set $metNate to 0>>
<<set $SSYNateState to 0>>
<<set $nateConvoState to 0>>
Something wrong keatonSSYPhaseOneNo1State: $keatonSSYPhaseOneNo1State
<</nobr>>What title will you address Keaton and his crew members by? Pick something respectable, bitch.
<<textbox "$KeatonCrewTitle" "">>
<div class="choice">[[Continue|KeatonSSYPhaseOneNo1]]</div><br/><<nobr>>
<<if $cageDreamState is 1 and $playerCockSize is 'small'>>
Regardless of the size of it's contents, the physical presence of a chastity cage was impossible to ignore. You might be small, but that didn't make it any less uncomfortable.<br/><br/>
<span class="innerSissyText">Small is such a suitable size for a sissy like you. How nice does it feel to fit so effortlessly into even the tiniest panties?</span><br/><br/>
<div class="choice">[[(Whether I can fit in them doesn't even cross my mind. Technically, what I've got is called a 'micropenis'.)|cageDream][$playerCockSize = 'micro'; $cageDreamState = 2]]</div><br/>
<div class="choice">[[(I can't deny that feels pretty good. As a sissy, there's at least one benefit to being small.)|cageDream][$playerCockSize = 'small'; $cageDreamState = 2]]</div><br/>
<<elseif $cageDreamState is 1 and $playerCockSize is 'average'>>
You tapped at the cage's casing, the lack of a hollow sound made it clear the cade was completely full. If someone of average size like you was uncomfortable in one, it seemed discomfort was probably unavoidable.<br/><br/>
The device wasn't always distracting though, but at times like this it's presence became much more obvious; moments where there was little stimulation available outside your own thoughts.<br/><br/>
<span class="innerSissyText">Average size - nothing too impressive, but it can still fit into panties quite nicely. Makes for a noticeable bulge too.</span><br/><br/>
<span class="innerShameText">You shouldn't be locked like this. You should be using it. What's wrong with you?</span><br/><br/>
<div class="choice">[[(Nothing, because it's not a cock. It's my clit.)|cageDream][$playerCockOrClit = 'clit'; $cageDreamState = 2]]</div><br/>
<div class="choice">[[(I'm a sissy - my cock isn't the focus.)|cageDream][$playerCockOrClit = 'cock'; $cageDreamState = 2]]</div><br/>
<<elseif $cageDreamState is 1 and $playerCockSize is 'big'>>
Fitting inside it might of been a tight squeeze, but you just about managed to do it. Good thing it wasn't a smaller model or you might not of made it, <span class="innerSissyText">not that it would of made you any less of a sissy...</span><br/><br/>
<span class="innerSissyText">There's an assumption by many that a sissy has to have a small cock. With all the vocal sissies lamenting how they don't measure up, and the overwhelming number of sissy captions and memes about it, it's no wonder the idea spread around.</span><br/><br/>
<span class="innerSissyText">But what does it say about you though? You're a sissy and you're packing. No, it's not the size of the cock that matters, it's who it's attached to.</span><br/><br/>
<span class="innerShameText">Most men would kill to have the genetic gift you've been given between their legs, and here you are locking yours away.</span><br/><br/>
<div class="choice">[[(I'm not most men. Regardless of it's size, it's still my clit.)|cageDream][$playerCockOrClit = 'clit'; $cageDreamState = 2]]</div><br/>
<div class="choice">[[(I'm not most men. A sissy can have a big dick and I'm proof.)|cageDream][$playerCockOrClit = 'cock'; $cageDreamState = 2]]</div><br/>
<<elseif $cageDreamState is 2 and $playerCockSize is 'micro'>>
<span class="innerShameText">Extraoridinarily small. A rare genetic condition that occurs in just 1.5 of 10,000 males, and you're one of them.</span><br/><br/>
<span class="innerSissyText">A condition completely out of your control, but that hasn't stopped society using it as the punchline. You can't change your size, but you can decide how you feel about it. As a sissy, it's minuscule presence might even be a benefit...</span><br/><br/>
<div class="choice">[[(My tiny size is just another sign that I'm meant to be a sissy. I don't measure up. The pathetic size of it deserves to be ridiculed.)|cageDream][$playerSPH = 1; $cageDreamState = 3]]</div><br/>
<div class="choice">[[(I'm a sissy because I'm a sissy. My small size doesn't matter and it doesn't deserve ridicule. I actually quite like it this way!)|cageDream][$playerSPH = 0; $cageDreamState = 3]]</div><br/>
<<elseif $cageDreamState is 2 and $playerCockSize is 'small'>>
<span class="innerSissyText">Exactly! As a sissy you can turn things society would unfairly ridicule you over into pleasure. You can't control your size, but you can control how you feel about it.</span><br/><br/>
<div class="choice">[[(My small size is just another sign that I'm meant to be a sissy. I don't measure up. The pathetic size of it deserves to be ridiculed.)|cageDream][$playerSPH = 1; $cageDreamState = 3]]</div><br/>
<div class="choice">[[(I'm a sissy because I'm a sissy - my small size doesn't matter. It doesn't deserve ridicule, I actually quite like it this way!)|cageDream][$playerSPH = 0; $cageDreamState = 3]]</div><br/>
<<elseif $cageDreamState is 3 and $playerCockSize is 'micro'>>
<span class="innerShameText">No matter the size and how you feel about it, it doesn't mean you should lock it away like this. What's wrong with you?</span><br/><br/>
<div class="choice">[[(Nothing, because to me it's not a cock. It's my clit.)|cageDream][$playerCockOrClit = 'clit'; $cageDreamState = 4]]</div><br/>
<div class="choice">[[(I'm a sissy - my cock isn't the focus.)|cageDream][$playerCockOrClit = 'cock'; $cageDreamState = 4]]</div><br/>
<<elseif $cageDreamState is 3 and $playerCockSize is 'small'>>
<span class="innerShameText">No matter the size and how you feel about it, it doesn't mean you should lock it away like this. What's wrong with you?</span><br/><br/>
<div class="choice">[[(Nothing, because to me it's not a cock. It's my clit.)|cageDream][$playerCockOrClit = 'clit'; $cageDreamState = 4]]</div><br/>
<div class="choice">[[(I'm a sissy - my cock isn't the focus.)|cageDream][$playerCockOrClit = 'cock'; $cageDreamState = 4]]</div><br/>
<<elseif $cageDreamState is 4 and $playerCockOrClit is 'clit'>>
<<if $playerSPH is 1>>
<img src="images/scenes/ssy1cageDreamSPH.jpg" alt="Your size is so small it isnt worth comparing to others" class="storyImage storyImageBigger">
<img src="images/scenes/ssy1cageDreamSmall.jpg" alt="You are happy having a cute little package, it is perfect for you" class="storyImage storyImageBigger">
<span class="innerSissyText">That's the way to think about it. It's your clit, and whether caged or not it deserves to be treated like one.</span><br/><br/>
It was funny - all this thinking about what was in-between your legs had distracted you from the cage itself.<br/><br/>
After coming to the end of your train of thought, you could feel your eyelids growing heavy, and mere moments after getting back into bed you feel into a cosy sleep.<br/><br/>
<<elseif $cageDreamState is 4 and $playerCockOrClit is 'cock'>>
<<if $playerSPH is 1>>
<img src="images/scenes/ssy1cageDreamSPH.jpg" alt="Your size is so small it isnt worth comparing to others" class="storyImage storyImageBigger">
<img src="images/scenes/ssy1cageDreamSmall.jpg" alt="You are happy having a cute little package, it is perfect for you" class="storyImage storyImageBigger">
<span class="innerSissyText">It's a sissy's cock, but a cock nonetheless.</span><br/><br/>
It was funny - all this thinking about what was in-between your legs had distracted you from the cage itself.<br/><br/>
After coming to the end of your train of thought, you could feel your eyelids growing heavy, and mere moments after getting back into bed you feel into a cosy sleep.<br/><br/>
<<elseif $cageDreamState is 2 and $playerCockSize is 'average'>>
<<if $playerCockOrClit is 'clit'>>
<span class="innerSissyText">It's your clit, and whether caged or not it deserves to be treated like one.</span><br/><br/>
<span class="innerSissyText">It's a sissy's cock, but a cock nonetheless.</span><br/><br/>
<<if $playerComplexVirginMentality is 'sissyVirginOnly'>>
<span class="innerShameText">Have you forgotten how sex feels? Tucking yourself away into panties and locking yourself up is only pushing you further away from it.</span><br/><br/>
<span class="innerSissyText">Away from that and towards the kind of sex you should be having instead...</span><br/><br/>
<span class="innerShameText">You do realize you've never never fucked a single person with it? Not one.</span><br/><br/>
<span class="innerSissyText">But what worry is that to a sissy? The only size that really matters now is the size of your partner...</span><br/><br/>
<img src="images/scenes/ssy1cageDreamAverage.jpg" alt="Your average size makes what is between your legs at least interesting" class="storyImage storyImageBigger">
It was funny - all this thinking about what was in-between your legs had distracted you from the cage itself.<br/><br/>
After coming to the end of your train of thought, you could feel your eyelids growing heavy, and mere moments after getting back into bed you feel into a cosy sleep.<br/><br/>
<<elseif $cageDreamState is 2 and $playerCockSize is 'big'>>
<<if $playerCockOrClit is 'clit'>>
<span class="innerSissyText">It's your clit - big or small, caged or uncaged, it deserves to be treated like one.</span><br/><br/>
<span class="innerSissyText">It's a huge cock, but it's still a sissy's cock.</span><br/><br/>
<<if $playerComplexVirginMentality is 'sissyVirginOnly'>>
<span class="innerShameText">Isn't it wasted on you? You won the genetic lottery and here you are tucking it into panties and locking it up.</span><br/><br/>
<<if $playerCockOrClit is 'clit'>>
<span class="innerShameText">You've never used it. You're hung but you've never fucked a single person with what you have. What a waste.</span><br/><br/>
<span class="innerShameText">And you've never used it. You've got a huge <<if $playerCockOrClit is 'clit'>>clit<<else>>cock<</if>> and you've never fucked a single person with it. What a waste.</span><br/><br/>
<div class="choice">[[(Yes. It's wasted on a sissy like me.)|cageDream][$playerSissyBigPenisGuilt = 'yes'; $cageDreamState = 3]]</div><br/>
<div class="choice">[[(I don't feel guilty.)|cageDream][$playerSissyBigPenisGuilt = 'no'; $cageDreamState = 3]]</div><br/>
<<elseif $cageDreamState is 3 and $playerCockSize is 'big'>>
<img src="images/scenes/ssy1cageDreamBig.jpg" alt="Its impossible for a hung sissy to hide how much being one excites them" class="storyImage storyImageBigger">
<<if $playerSissyBigPenisGuilt is 'yes'>>
<span class="innerSissyText">You're huge and you're still a sissy, do you know why? Because it's who you really are.</span><br/><br/>
<span class="innerSissyText">It's not about size, it's about how you use it. It's easy to forget that also includes how you don't use it...</span><br/><br/>
It was funny - all this thinking about what was in-between your legs had distracted you from the cage itself.<br/><br/>
After coming to the end of your train of thought, you could feel your eyelids growing heavy, and mere moments after getting back into bed you feel into a cosy sleep.<br/><br/>
<img src="images/locations/cafeteria.jpg" alt="cafeteria" class="storyImage">
<<if $taskFindRedLingState is 1>>
[[With the information you discovered, you could try finding Mabel.|taskDudeWheresMyBra][$mabelFindAttempt = 1]]<br/>
[[Go back to Main Block|SSYmessRoom]]
<<elseif $taskFindRedLingState is 3>>
[[I could visit Mabel to buy the lingerie.|taskDudeWheresMyBra]]<br/>
[[Go back to Main Block|SSYmessRoom]]
<<elseif $taskHelpMeOutBraState is 2 or $taskDudeWheresMyBraState is 2>>
[[There's plenty of people here today. You could try asking them where Mabel lives.|taskDudeWheresMyBra][$taskFindRedLingState = 0]]<br/>
[[Go back to Main Block|SSYmessRoom]]
There's nothing going on in the cafeteria right now.<br/><br/>
[[Go back to Main Block|SSYmessRoom]]
[[Back to Main Block|SSYmessRoom]]
<<if $taskThePinkPantierState is 0 or $taskThePinkPantierState is 1>>
The phone area was typically one of Grenton's more chilled out areas. People didn't like their conversations being overheard, and would adopt a soft-spoken tone when talking to their loved-ones. Today was unusual, as on entry you could hear the loud frustrations of an agitated inhabitant.<br/><br/>
<span class="male">???: </span>"...I don't know why Andy would say that! Boss, me and my girl are still travelling - I thought we agreed this was OK! No... no, she can't come to the phone right now. Aw come on boss, have I ever given you reason to doubt me? Boss? BOSS!"<br/><br/>
The call abruptly ended with the man angrily slamming the phone into it's box, before clutching his hands to his head and sliding to the floor in a despairing heap.<br/><br/>
<span class="male">???: </span>"Fuck... FUCK!"<br/><br/>
Your instinct was to leave the sad figure to themselves, but as you approached closer to the phones you recognized him. It was the guy you had reported to at Keaton's event.<br/><br/>
<img src="images/scenes/Zsteve.jpg" alt="picture of Steve" class="storyImage">
<<if $keatonCrewBondRole is 'totalSubmissiveSissyBitch'>><span class="p1 p2">You:</span> "Um, hi Ste... I mean, hello $KeatonCrewTitle?"<br/><br/><<else>><span class="p1 p2">You:</span> "Um, hi... Steve?"<br/><br/><</if>>
<span class="male">Steve: </span>"Huh? Oh... it's you."<br/><br/>
<span class="p1 p2">You:</span> "Are you going to be alright?"<br/><br/>
He picked himself up and answered with an unconvincing sigh.<br/><br/>
<span class="male">Steve: </span>"Yeah, I guess so. Can always find a new job... eventually."<br/><br/>
<span class="p1 p2">You:</span> "Were you just fired?"<br/><br/>
<span class="male">Steve: </span>"Not yet, but sounds like I'm about to be. It's a long story but I knew my boss hates the idea of working with criminals, so just before I got sent down I tried to arrange with him that I'd take a gap year to go on unpaid vacation. He didn't approve of it until I made up some story about how it was to go travelling with the love of my life. It was all going smoothly, but it sounds like my co-worker just let the cat out of the bag that I don't actually have a girlfriend at all."<br/><br/>
<span class="p1 p2">You:</span> "That's a bit of a risky move. You really thought you could get away with that?"<br/><br/>
<span class="male">Steve: </span>"Yeah, I know, but... I love my job, I really don't want to lose it. It sucks to lie to my boss, but I'm a good worker if nothing else! After this place, I just want to get back on the straight and narrow, y'know?"<br/><br/>
You didn't really know what to say in response to his scheme, but before you could reply, you realized he was eyeing you up and down with a curious look.<br/><br/>
<span class="male">Steve: </span>"Wait a minute, it's so obvious now! You! You could be 'my girl'!"<br/><br/>
<span class="p1 p2">You:</span> "Wh-what!?"<br/><br/>
<span class="male">Steve: </span>"We would make it look like you're the girl I'm travelling with - with a little proof my boss won't look into things any further! We just need a few pictures of us together that I can post to my Instagram. When he sees them he'll keep on believing me! Keaton's the only one here with a phone connected to the internet, but I know he'll let me borrow it for this. And don't worry about privacy, we won't have to show your face!"<br/><br/>
<<if $taskThePinkPantierState is 1>>
He looked at you, awaiting your approval of the idea. It reminded you of what Jessica mentioned; the pink lingerie set he has in his possession. This was your chance to make it yours.<br/><br/>
<span class="p1 p2">You:</span> "Fine, I'll do it. But when we're done I get to keep that pink lingerie you have, deal?<br/><br/>
<<if $keatonCrewBondRole is 'totalSubmissiveSissyBitch'>><span class="male">Steve: </span>"Ha, you're not exactly in a position to bargain, bitch. But sure, I'll let you keep it. Let's do this."<br/><br/><<else>><span class="male">Steve: </span>"Ha, it's better in your hands than mine. Deal."<br/><br/><</if>>
<span class="p1 p2">You:</span> "I, um... I'm not sure about this..."<br/><br/>
<<if $khanState6Gift is 1>>
<span class="male">Steve: </span>"Well how about this - I've got a pink lingerie set you can keep if you help me here. It was a little something Keaton arranged for you, in case you didn't find anything for his event. Help me out, and it's all yours."<br/><br/>
<span class="male">Steve: </span>"Well how about this - remember that pink lingerie set you borrowed for Keaton's event? Help me out, and it's all yours."<br/><br/>
The fact he saw you as convincing enough to pose as his lover was actually quite flattering, and it wasn't like you could ever say no to the promise of more lingerie.<br/><br/>
<span class="p1 p2">You:</span> "Alright, let's try pulling this off."<br/><br/>
<span class="male">Steve: </span>"Great!"<br/><br/>
<<set $taskThePinkPantierState to 2>>
<div class="taskBox">
<span class="newSideTaskTag">Started</span>
<div class="taskBoxHeader">The Pink Pantier</div>
<div class="taskBoxDesc">Steve needs you to pose as his girlfriend.<br/>Can you?</div>
<span class="male">Steve: </span>"OK, I'm going to need two photos in two different locations - enough to convince the boss you're not just some randomer. And obviously, it's gotta look like I'm living it up with a hot babe!"<br/><br/>
He looked to you, hungry for your input - it appeared he didn't have the imagination to actually pull this off himself. At least it left you with some control over the situation.<br/><br/>
<span class="p1 p2">You:</span> "Hmm, I guess my room could be made to look like a nice hotel stay. We could try there first?"<br/><br/>
<span class="male">Steve: </span>"Sounds good. Call me over one morning when you're feeling up to it; getting the shots will probably take the best part of a day. Oh, and make sure you're smooth too - It'll look better in the photos."<br/><br/>
[[Go to the phones|SSYPhones]]<br/>
[[Back to Main Block|SSYmessRoom]]
[[Back to Main Block|SSYmessRoom]]
<</nobr>><img src="images/locations/workshop.jpg" alt="workshop" class="storyImage">A bored member of staff was sat ready to give out work. There's plenty to do.
What will it be?<br/>
<<if $ap gt 0>>
[[Solder electronic components.|Solder][$ap -= 1]]<br/>
[[Hard labour.|Labour][$ap -= 1]]<br/>
[[Prepare food with cafeteria staff.|Cook][$ap -= 1]]<br/><br/>
You had no energy left to put into working.<br/><br/>
<<if $metDion is 1>>
[[Visit the Textiles room.|SSYDion1]]<br/><br/>
<<if Cycle.get('days').current() is 'Tuesday' or Cycle.get('days').current() is 'Thursday' or Cycle.get('days').current() is 'Saturday'>>
<<if $ap gt 0>>
Dean is here today, he looks pretty relaxed. You're not sure if he was actually working.<br/>
[[Speak to Dean.|SSYDeanWorkshop]]<br/><br/>
[[Back to Main Block|SSYmessRoom]]
[[Back to Main Block|SSYmessRoom]]
[[Back to Main Block|SSYmessRoom]]
<<if $deanQuestion is 'dudeWheresMyBraQuestion'>>
<<set $taskDudeWheresMyBraState to 2>>
<<set $deanQuestion to 0>>
<span class="dean">Dean: </span>"Wow, I can't believe I'm saying this, but yeah I did! Don't judge me, but that red lingerie really caught my eye, ha ha! Made me think of a girl on the outside I'd hope to buy it for one day..."<br/><br/>
<span class="p1 p2">You: </span>"That set was actually mine - did you see where it went?"<br/><br/>
<span class="dean">Dean: </span>"Hm, I remember they were left in the washer a while, so somebody put them on a pile of women's clothes that hadn't been picked up yet. That pile belonged to Mabel, so I reckon when they finally came to pick up their clothes, the lingerie was taken with them."<br/><br/>
<span class="p1 p2">You: </span>"That sounds about right. So where can I find Mabel?"<br/><br/>
<span class="dean">Dean: </span>"No idea, bud. I've heard they stick mainly to their room; not unlike that cranky old guy you shared your old room with. I'd think the best place to ask around would be the cafeteria."<br/><br/>
This was turning out to be a real wild goose chase. Just how much would you have to go through just to get your own belongings back?<br/><br/>
<span class="dean">Dean: </span>"Sorry for the trouble, $name. Hey, I'll put in word about you down at the laundry room, make em know there's another <em>fancy dresser</em> like yourself around, ha! Could at least help prevent this happening again."<br/><br/>
<span class="p1 p2">You: </span>"Thanks Dean. Alright, I'm going to keep looking. See ya later."<br/><br/>
[[Back to Main Block|SSYmessRoom]]
<<elseif $deanState is 0>>
<<set $deanState to 1>>
<img src="images/scenes/Zdean.jpg" alt="picture of Dean" class="storyImage">
<span class="p1 p2">You: </span>"Hey Dean."<br/><br/>
<span class="dean">Dean: </span>"$name - I heard about how things went between you and Keaton, you good?"<br/><br/>
It was at this moment you realized just how quickly your transformation must of seemed from his perspective. It really wasn't that long ago since he had invited you to sit with him and his friends to eat.<br/><br/>
<span class="p1 p2">You: </span>"Yeah, I'm... adjusting to things."<br/><br/>
<<if $deanAdvisedSissy is 1>>
<span class="dean">Dean: </span>"Mate, I need to apologize. When you came to me before... I was so uncool. It was just came as a bit of a shock, bud. I saw you as one of the guys."<br/><br/>
<span class="p1 p2">You: </span>"It's OK - you still helped me out."<br/><br/>
<span class="dean">Dean: </span>"Nah, there was nothing OK about it - that was some pussyhole behavior and that's not me, bud. When I thought more on it, I realized this doesn't need to change anything between us. So, we good still?"<br/><br/>
<span class="p1 p2">You: </span>"Of course!"<br/><br/>
<span class="dean">Dean: </span>"Sick! Whoever you really are, you, me and Khan still gotta look out for each other, yeah?"<br/><br/>
<span class="dean">Dean: </span>"Mate, I heard all about what you've been up to. Honestly, it came as a bit of a shock. I saw you as one of us guys, bud."<br/><br/>
Obviously word of the kind of things you had got up to would get around Grenton fast. You really didn't know what to say, but thankfully Dean cut the silence.<br/><br/>
<span class="dean">Dean: </span>"Hey, I just wanted to say it's all good, mate. Whoever you really are, you, me and Khan still gotta look out for each other, yeah?"<br/><br/>
<span class="p1 p2">You: </span>"What about Anderson?"<br/><br/>
<span class="dean">Dean: </span>"Ha, that fucking sneak? He's gone mate! Kept quiet that his leaving date was coming, didn't he? Always felt something off about him, but to just leave like that... what a twat."<br/><br/>
<<if $andersonSissyDeal is 1>>
Anderson was gone!? So his promise to just borrow the photos was a blatant lie! You cringed at the idea of him possessing the photos forever; an intrusive thought of him salivating over $gf was difficult to ignore.<br/><br/>
<span class="p1 p2">You: </span>"...that asshole."<br/><br/>
<span class="p1 p2">You: </span>"I always felt there was something unfriendly about him."<br/><br/>
<span class="dean">Dean: </span>"Ah, forget about him - he was a boring bastard anyway! Right, I've got to get to back to work - this Grenton life is getting more expensive by the day! Come say hi again soon."<br/><br/>
<<if $taskDudeWheresMyBraState is 1>>
[[Ask if he saw the red lingerie in the laundry room|SSYDeanWorkshop][$deanQuestion = 'dudeWheresMyBraQuestion']]<br/>
[[Back to Main Block|SSYmessRoom]]
<<elseif $deanState is 1>>
<img src="images/scenes/Zdean.jpg" alt="picture of Dean" class="storyImage">
<span class="dean">Dean: </span>"Hey, bud! You good? I was just about to start work, but let me know if you need anything."<br/><br/>
<<if $taskDudeWheresMyBraState is 1>>
[[Ask if he saw the red lingerie in the laundry room|SSYDeanWorkshop][$deanQuestion = 'dudeWheresMyBraQuestion']]<br/>
[["Just wanted to say hi." Go Back to Workshop|SSYWorkshop]]
<<if $taskFindRedLingState is 4>>
Mabel looked pleased with the deal, and handed you your new lingerie.<br/><br/>
<div class="taskBox">
<span class="newSideTaskTag">Complete!</span>
<div class="taskBoxHeader">Help me out here, bra!</div>
<div class="taskBoxDesc">
<div class="taskBoxRewardText">You now own a sexy red lingerie set!</div>
<img class="equipSlot rewardClothingItem" src="images/items/redSatinBra.jpg"><img class="equipSlot rewardClothingItem" src="images/items/redSatinPanties.jpg"><img class="equipSlot rewardClothingItem rewardClothingItemEnd" src="images/items/redSatinGarterBelt.jpg">
<div class="taskBoxRewardStat grentonReputationIncrease">Grenton Reputation +100</div><<set $grentonReputationGeneral += 100>>
<<set $taskHelpMeOutBraState to 999>>
<<set $taskFindRedLingState to 999>>
<span class="mabel">Mabel: </span>"At least someone will get some enjoyment out of it. It's such a pretty set - I'll still be on the lookout for something similar that actually fits me..."<br/><br/>
<<if $playerBras.has('Red satin bra')>>
<<else>><<pickup '$playerBras' 'Red satin bra'>><</if>>
<<if $playerUnderwears.has('Red satin panties')>>
<<else>><<pickup '$playerUnderwears' 'Red satin panties'>><</if>>
<<if $playerGarters.has('Red satin garter belt')>>
<<else>><<pickup '$playerGarters' 'Red satin garter belt'>><</if>>
<img src="images/items/redSatinSet.jpg" alt="sexy red satin bra and red satin with mesh backed panties" class="storyImage">
<span class="p1 p2">You: </span>"This looks amazing! Thank you, Mabel. Hey, maybe we could hang out sometime, just us girls?"<br/><br/>
From the moment you asked, you could tell Mabel was dismissive of the idea. She did her best to let you down gently in her cool, professional manner.<br/><br/>
<span class="mabel">Mabel: </span>"Thanks for the offer $name, but I'd prefer to keep to myself for the time being, if you don't mind. Perhaps a hello if you see me around wouldn't be out of the question."<br/><br/>
You were a little disappointed after saying goodbye, but it was nothing compared to the joy of having such a sexy set of underwear in your possession! You returned to the main block with a smile on your face.<br/><br/>
[[Back to Main Block|SSYmessRoom]]
<<elseif $taskFindRedLingState is 3>>
You knocked on Mabel's door again.<br/><br/>
<img src="images/scenes/Zmabel.jpg" alt="picture of Mabel" class="storyImage">
<span class="mabel">Mabel: </span>"$name, you're back. Ready to buy?"<br/><br/>
<<if $money gte 40>>
<div class="choice">[[Here's the money.|taskDudeWheresMyBra][$money -= 40; $taskFindRedLingState = 4]]</div><br/>
<div class="choice greyedOut">Even if you wanted to buy it, you don't have the money right now.</div><br/>
<div class="choice">[[Not right now. Sorry for wasting your time.|SSYmessRoom]]</div>
<<elseif $roomChoice is 13>>
<<set $metMabel to 1>>
Block C, room number 13. You knocked at the door.<br/><br/>
<span class="p1 p2">You: </span>"Hello? Mabel, are you home?"<br/><br/>
No noise came from behind the door, yet you somehow felt sure this was the right room. After another knock the door lock suddenly clicked, and standing before you must of been Mabel, who's expression quickly changed from annoyance to intrigue.<br/><br/>
<span class="mabel">Mabel: </span>"Oh, hello."<br/><br/>
<span class="p1 p2">You: </span>"Um, hi Mabel. You don't know me, but I'm $name."<br/><br/>
<span class="mabel">Mabel: </span>"$name? Actually, I think I have heard of you. Aren't you the eager young thing that got involved with Keaton? The one who isn't Jessica, that is."<br/><br/>
You let out a nervous laugh, unsure at exactly what that meant for your reputation.<br/><br/>
<span class="mabel">Mabel: </span>"Don't look so shocked - there's so few of us femmes here it's not exactly hard to figure out. How many of us are there, three? Four maybe?"<br/><br/>
<img src="images/scenes/Zmabel.jpg" alt="picture of Mabel" class="storyImage">
She crossed her arms and smiled. Her composure exuded quiet confidence; wearing a purple jacket and leather pants gave her an aura of 'no-nonsense' that almost made her seem intimidating, but that was offset by the rest of her feminine look; her soft cinnamon brown hair, dark winged eyeliner and soft black satin camisole top. Underneath the outfit, she almost appeared to have a slight muscular build.<br/><br/>
<span class="mabel">Mabel: </span>"Easy there, girlie. If you stare any longer I'm going to have to charge."<br/><br/>
<span class="p1 p2">You: </span>"Eep! Sorry, it just still surprises me to know there's others like me."<br/><br/>
<span class="mabel">Mabel: </span>"Well, I wouldn't go as far as to say that. From what I heard, you're just started out - I've been who I am for years now. And I haven't done any deals with Keaton, neither. He learned pretty quick he couldn't mess with a woman like me."<br/><br/>
<span class="p1 p2">You: </span>"Oh, I didn't exactly mean it like that-"<br/><br/>
There was a kind smile on her face as she interrupted you.<br/><br/>
<span class="mabel">Mabel: </span>"It's OK, I know what you meant. But I can't say my journey was anything like what your one seems to be. If you were coming here for help I don't think there's much I can offer."<br/><br/>
<<if $taskDudeWheresMyBraState is 3>>
<span class="p1 p2">You: </span>"Actually, I came here because you might have something of mine. I think there may have been a mix up in the laundry room. Do you happen to have a red lingerie set by any chance?"<br/><br/>
Immediately Mabel began to close her door. The rude gesture startled you - was she just going to flat out ignore you? Before you could react, she suddenly pulled the door back open again, revealing your red bra dangling by it's strap on her finger.<br/><br/>
<<if $playerBras.has('Red satin bra')>>
<<else>><<pickup '$playerBras' 'Red satin bra'>><</if>>
<<if $playerUnderwears.has('Red satin panties')>>
<<else>><<pickup '$playerUnderwears' 'Red satin panties'>><</if>>
<<if $playerGarters.has('Red satin garter belt')>>
<<else>><<pickup '$playerGarters' 'Red satin garter belt'>><</if>>
<img src="images/items/redSatinSet.jpg" alt="sexy red satin bra and red satin with mesh backed panties" class="storyImage">
<span class="mabel">Mabel: </span>"Cute little number you got yourself, hmm? I actually thought they were Jessica's, so I've been keeping them right next to my door expecting her to pick them up any day now. It may of been tempting to keep them for myself if I had any chance of squeezing into them."<br/><br/>
<span class="p1 p2">You: </span>"That's them - that's my lingerie!"<br/><br/>
<span class="mabel">Mabel: </span>"Wow, easily excitable one, aren't you? I'm starting to see why you took up Keaton's offer so quickly. Here."<br/><br/>
<div class="taskBox">
<span class="newSideTaskTag">Complete!</span>
<div class="taskBoxHeader">Dude, where's my bra?</div>
<div class="taskBoxDesc">
<div class="taskBoxRewardText">You got your lingerie set back!</div>
<img class="equipSlot rewardClothingItem" src="images/items/redSatinBra.jpg"><img class="equipSlot rewardClothingItem" src="images/items/redSatinPanties.jpg"><img class="equipSlot rewardClothingItem rewardClothingItemEnd" src="images/items/redSatinGarterBelt.jpg">
<div class="taskBoxRewardStat grentonReputationIncrease">Grenton Reputation +100</div><<set $grentonReputationGeneral += 100>>
<<set $taskDudeWheresMyBraState to 999>>
<<set $taskFindRedLingState to 999>>
<span class="p1 p2">You: </span>"At last. Thank you, Mabel. Hey, maybe we could hang out sometime, just us girls?"<br/><br/>
From the moment you asked, you could tell Mabel was dismissive of the idea. She did her best to let you down gently in her cool, professional manner.<br/><br/>
<span class="mabel">Mabel: </span>"Thank you for the offer $name, but I'd prefer to keep to myself for the time being, if you don't mind. Perhaps a hello if you see me around wouldn't be out of the question."<br/><br/>
You were a little disappointed after saying goodbye, but it was nothing compared to the joy of having such a sexy set of underwear in your possession! You returned to the main block with a smile on your face.<br/><br/>
[[Back to Main Block|SSYmessRoom][$ap -= 1]]
<<if $taskHelpMeOutBraState gt 0>>
<<set $taskHelpMeOutBraState to 4>>
<span class="p1 p2">You: </span>"Wait, please! I came here because I heard you may have lingerie I could buy from you. Is that true, by any chance?"<br/><br/>
Immediately Mabel began to close her door. The rude gesture startled you - was she just going to flat out ignore you? Before you could react, she suddenly pulled the door back open again, revealing your red bra dangling by it's strap on her finger.<br/><br/>
<img src="images/items/redSatinSet.jpg" alt="sexy red satin bra and red satin with mesh backed panties" class="storyImage">
<span class="mabel">Mabel: </span>"Cute little number, isn't it? I've kept them right by my door, ready to give Khan a piece of my mind if somehow he ever came by. He must of known these wouldn't fit me!"<br/><br/>
<span class="p1 p2">You: </span>"It's beautiful! I'd love to have them if they're no good for you?"<br/><br/>
<span class="mabel">Mabel: </span>"Wow, don't you look excited? I guess passion for an alluring outfit is something we actually do have in common... fine, let's say $40 and they're yours."<br/><br/>
$40? For almost everyone in here, things came down to money, didn't they? At the price though it wasn't a bad deal.<br/><br/>
<<set $taskHelpMeOutBraState to 3>>
<<if $money gte 40>>
<div class="choice">[[Here's the money.|taskDudeWheresMyBra][$money -= 40; $ap -= 1; $taskFindRedLingState = 4]]</div><br/>
<div class="choice greyedOut">Even if you wanted to buy it, you don't have the money right now.</div><br/>
<div class="choice">[[Not right now. Maybe I'll buy it another time.|SSYmessRoom][$ap -= 1; $taskFindRedLingState = 3]]</div>
<<elseif $mabelFindAttempt is 4>>
Argh, wrong again! You ran away once more. That's it, you need to take a break, there's no way you can keep running around like this. Maybe you'll come back to the cafeteria and try again sometime.<br/><br/>
[[Back to Main Block|SSYmessRoom][$ap -= 1]]
<<elseif $taskFindRedLingState is 0>>
<<set $taskFindRedLingState to 1>>
<<set $metJollyOldMan to 1>>
<<set $metTheFiveLads to 1>>
Despite the odd looks you got, the people in the cafeteria were mostly friendly. You gingerly approached a few tables to ask about Mabel, but quickly found out most people didn't even recognize the name. You were just about to lose heart when a group on one table piped up.<br/><br/>
<span class="male2">Young guy:</span> "Mabel? Yeah, we know Mabel."<br/><br/>
<span class="p1 p2">You: </span>"Could you let me know which room they're staying at, please? I just need to ask them something."<br/><br/>
The five lads muttered among themselves. They were almost done with their food, but seemed willing to lend you a hand. The only problem was that none of them knew exactly where Mabel could be found.<br/><br/>
<span class="male2">Young guy:</span> "Wait, so not a single one of us actually knows where Mabel's room is? I'm sure we've been by there before."<br/><br/>
<span class="male4">Gruff guy:</span> "We have, but this whole place is so disorientating - I can't even remember what block it was!"<br/><br/>
<span class="male2">Young guy:</span> "Come on guys, we can at least try to help $KeatonCrewPetName out. Everybody share what they know..."<br/><br/>
One at a time, each man told you what they knew.<br/><br/>
<span class="male5">Lanky guy:</span> "Hm, I'm pretty sure the room number had a 3 in it."<br/><br/>
<span class="male3">Bashful guy:</span> "I don't remember the exact block, but the room is on the Top Floor of it."<br/><br/>
<span class="male">Cheerful guy:</span> "Hey, I know which Block it was - it's B!"<br/><br/>
<span class="male2">Young guy:</span> "No, no, no! It was on Block C!"<br/><br/>
<span class="male4">Gruff guy:</span> "All I know is, it was definitely not on the Ground Floor."<br/><br/>
You did your best to hold the disjointed fragments of information in your head. It seemed these clues were your best hope of figuring out where Mabel was.<br/><br/>
Despite their aid being questionable at best, the lads seemed pleased with themselves for 'helping you'. They seemed oblivious to the state of puzzlement they left you in, and left the cafeteria in the midst of excitable conversation.<br/><br/>
<span class="jollyOldMan">???:</span> "Hee hee! I doubt you'll be figuring that one out anytime soon."<br/><br/>
A plump, bespectacled and bearded old man sat at a table behind you began to waddle himself round in his seat.<br/><br/>
<span class="p1 p2">You: </span>"Um, hi? Do you have any information about Mabel's location?"<br/><br/>
<span class="jollyOldMan">Jolly old man:</span> "None whatsoever, lady! But I do love a good riddle; emphasis on <em>good</em>. They're no fun when they're unfair though! I've gotten to know those boys well enough just from overhearing things. They're a nice enough group, but two of them sure do enjoy stirring the pot."<br/><br/>
<span class="p1 p2">You: </span>"Stirring the pot?"<br/><br/>
<span class="jollyOldMan">Jolly old man:</span> "Lying! Tricking! A little jest at another's expense! Lady, two of those statements weren't true!"<br/><br/>
<span class="p1 p2">You: </span>"Oh great... so which two were lying?"<br/><br/>
<span class="jollyOldMan">Jolly old man:</span> "What's-his-face... and erm, y'know... the other one."<br/><br/>
<span class="p1 p2">You: </span>"You don't even know their names!?"<br/><br/>
<span class="jollyOldMan">Jolly old man:</span> "Miss, I can barely see a face let alone put a name to one! You learn to pick up on other things when you're almost as blind as me!"<br/><br/>
You apologized for almost rattling the jolly old man, but outside letting you know two of the statements weren't true, there was little more he could help. You'd need to figure this out by yourself.<br/><br/>
[[Let's find Mabel.|taskDudeWheresMyBra][$mabelFindAttempt = 1]]
<<elseif $taskFindRedLingState is 1>>
<<if $taskDudeWheresMyBraState gt 0>>
<<set $taskDudeWheresMyBraState to 3>>
<<if $taskHelpMeOutBraState gt 0>>
<<set $taskHelpMeOutBraState to 3>>
<<if $mabelFindAttempt is 1>>
A poster in the cafeteria shows where the rooms are. Looks like there are different numbering schemes for the rooms; one of these must be Mabel's.<br/><br/>
You remembered the information the lads had shared with you, as well as the jolly old man's warning that two of their statements were incorrect.<br/><br/>
<<elseif $mabelFindAttempt is 2>>
Nope, this room isn't Mabel's - and it seems you've angrily disturbed whoever lived here. You ran off in fright before you could be caught.<br/><br/>
You catch your breath and get ready to try again.<br/><br/>
<<elseif $mabelFindAttempt is 3>>
Wrong room again, and another angry inhabitant to run away from! This isn't good. You're almost exhausted, there's no way you can keep this up much longer. You're ready to give it one more try.<br/><br/>
Something wrong: $mabelFindAttempt
<span class="male5">Lanky guy:</span> "Hm, I'm pretty sure the room number had a 3 in it."<br/><br/>
<span class="male3">Bashful guy:</span> "I don't remember the exact block, but the room is on the Top Floor of it."<br/><br/>
<span class="male">Cheerful guy:</span> "Hey, I know which Block it was - it's B!"<br/><br/>
<span class="male2">Young guy:</span> "No, no, no! It was on Block C!"<br/><br/>
<span class="male4">Gruff guy:</span> "All I know is, it was definitely not on the Ground Floor."<br/><br/>
Which room are you going to try?<br/><br/>
<div class="blockMenu blockMenuB">
<div class="blockMenuFloor"><strong>BLOCK B</strong></div>
<div class="blockMenuRow">
<div class="roomChoice">[['3-1'|taskDudeWheresMyBra][$roomChoice = 301, $mabelFindAttempt += 1]]</div><div class="roomChoice">[['3-2'|taskDudeWheresMyBra][$roomChoice = 302, $mabelFindAttempt += 1]]</div><div class="roomChoice">[['3-3'|taskDudeWheresMyBra][$roomChoice = 303, $mabelFindAttempt += 1]]</div><br/>
<div class="blockMenuRow">
<div class="roomChoice">[['2-1'|taskDudeWheresMyBra][$roomChoice = 201, $mabelFindAttempt += 1]]</div><div class="roomChoice">[['2-2'|taskDudeWheresMyBra][$roomChoice = 202, $mabelFindAttempt += 1]]</div><div class="roomChoice">[['2-3'|taskDudeWheresMyBra][$roomChoice = 203, $mabelFindAttempt += 1]]</div><br/>
<div class="blockMenuRow">
<div class="roomChoice">[['1-1'|taskDudeWheresMyBra][$roomChoice = 101, $mabelFindAttempt += 1]]</div><div class="roomChoice">[['1-2'|taskDudeWheresMyBra][$roomChoice = 102, $mabelFindAttempt += 1]]</div><div class="roomChoice">[['1-3'|taskDudeWheresMyBra][$roomChoice = 103, $mabelFindAttempt += 1]]</div>
<div class="blockMenu blockMenuC">
<div class="blockMenuFloor"><strong>BLOCK C</strong></div>
<div class="blockMenuRow">
<div class="roomChoice">[[19|taskDudeWheresMyBra][$roomChoice = 19, $mabelFindAttempt += 1]]</div><div class="roomChoice">[[20|taskDudeWheresMyBra][$roomChoice = 20, $mabelFindAttempt += 1]]</div><div class="roomChoice">[[21|taskDudeWheresMyBra][$roomChoice = 21, $mabelFindAttempt += 1]]</div><div class="roomChoice">[[22|taskDudeWheresMyBra][$roomChoice = 22, $mabelFindAttempt += 1]]</div><div class="roomChoice">[[23|taskDudeWheresMyBra][$roomChoice = 23, $mabelFindAttempt += 1]]</div><div class="roomChoice">[[24|taskDudeWheresMyBra][$roomChoice = 24, $mabelFindAttempt += 1]]</div><br/>
<div class="blockMenuRow">
<div class="roomChoice">[[13|taskDudeWheresMyBra][$roomChoice = 13]]</div><div class="roomChoice">[[14|taskDudeWheresMyBra][$roomChoice = 14, $mabelFindAttempt += 1]]</div><div class="roomChoice">[[15|taskDudeWheresMyBra][$roomChoice = 15, $mabelFindAttempt += 1]]</div><div class="roomChoice">[[16|taskDudeWheresMyBra][$roomChoice = 16, $mabelFindAttempt += 1]]</div><div class="roomChoice">[[17|taskDudeWheresMyBra][$roomChoice = 17, $mabelFindAttempt += 1]]</div><div class="roomChoice">[[18|taskDudeWheresMyBra][$roomChoice = 18, $mabelFindAttempt += 1]]</div><br/>
<div class="blockMenuRow">
<div class="roomChoice">[[7|taskDudeWheresMyBra][$roomChoice = 7, $mabelFindAttempt += 1]]</div><div class="roomChoice">[[8|taskDudeWheresMyBra][$roomChoice = 8, $mabelFindAttempt += 1]]</div><div class="roomChoice">[[9|taskDudeWheresMyBra][$roomChoice = 9, $mabelFindAttempt += 1]]</div><div class="roomChoice">[[10|taskDudeWheresMyBra][$roomChoice = 10, $mabelFindAttempt += 1]]</div><div class="roomChoice">[[11|taskDudeWheresMyBra][$roomChoice = 11, $mabelFindAttempt += 1]]</div><div class="roomChoice">[[12|taskDudeWheresMyBra][$roomChoice = 12, $mabelFindAttempt += 1]]</div><br/>
<div class="blockMenuRow">
<div class="roomChoice">[[1|taskDudeWheresMyBra][$roomChoice = 1, $mabelFindAttempt += 1]]</div><div class="roomChoice">[[2|taskDudeWheresMyBra][$roomChoice = 2, $mabelFindAttempt += 1]]</div><div class="roomChoice">[[3|taskDudeWheresMyBra][$roomChoice = 3, $mabelFindAttempt += 1]]</div><div class="roomChoice">[[4|taskDudeWheresMyBra][$roomChoice = 4, $mabelFindAttempt += 1]]</div><div class="roomChoice">[[5|taskDudeWheresMyBra][$roomChoice = 5, $mabelFindAttempt += 1]]</div><div class="roomChoice">[[6|taskDudeWheresMyBra][$roomChoice = 6, $mabelFindAttempt += 1]]</div>
Something wrong: taskFindRedLing.
<div class="SocialHeaderRow">
<div class="selectBonds selected" id="BondsButton" onclick="$('#panelBonds').removeClass('invisible');$('#panelSideAffairs').addClass('invisible');$('#SidesButton').removeClass('selected');$('#BondsButton').addClass('selected');$('#SocialActiveBar').removeClass('bonds');">BONDS</div>
<div class="selectSides" id="SidesButton" onclick="$('#panelSideAffairs').removeClass('invisible');$('#panelBonds').addClass('invisible');$('#BondsButton').removeClass('selected');$('#SidesButton').addClass('selected');$('#SocialActiveBar').addClass('bonds');">SIDE AFFAIRS</div>
<div id="SocialActiveBar" class="SocialHeaderActiveBar"></div>
<div id="panelBonds">
<<if $mifuneBondLevel gt 0>>
<div class="socialDisplayDiv">
<div class="socialDisplayPic"><img src="images/extras/_social_mifune.jpg" alt="Dr Mifune profile pic" class="socialDisplayImg"></div>
<div class="socialDisplayDescription">
<div class="socialDisplayName socialDisplayNameMifune">Dr Mifune</div>
<div class="socialDisplayBondLevel">
<<for _i to 0; _i < $mifuneBondLevel; _i++>>
<img class="bondStarIcon" src="images/extras/bondStar.png">
<div class="socialDisplayTextBox">A friendly therapist with a keen concern for your problems, especially due to her interest in understanding the sissy experience.</div>
<div class="socialDisplayStarDisplay"></div>
<div class="socialDisplayBondBar socialDisplayBondBarMifune"></div>
<<if $keatonCrewBondLevel gt 0>>
<div class="socialDisplayDiv">
<div class="socialDisplayPic"><img src="images/extras/_social_keaton_crew.jpg" alt="Keaton profile pic" class="socialDisplayImg"></div>
<div class="socialDisplayDescription">
<div class="socialDisplayName socialDisplayNameKeatonCrew">Keaton's Crew</div>
<div class="socialDisplayBondLevel">
<<for _i to 0; _i < $keatonCrewBondLevel; _i++>>
<img class="bondStarIcon" src="images/extras/bondStar.png">
<div class="socialDisplayTextBox">A crew you joined that seemingly dominates the inner runnings of Grenton. You've found yourself playing a role in it, as the crew's <<if $keatonCrewBondRole is 'femmeSissy'>>'feminine touch', whatever that means<<elseif $keatonCrewBondRole is 'sissy'>>sissy<<else>>bitch<</if>>.</div>
<div class="socialDisplayStarDisplay"></div>
<div class="socialDisplayBondBar socialDisplayBondBarKeatonCrew"></div>
<<if $dionBondLevel gt 0>>
<div class="socialDisplayDiv">
<div class="socialDisplayPic"><img src="images/extras/_social_dion.jpg" alt="Dion profile pic" class="socialDisplayImg"></div>
<div class="socialDisplayDescription">
<div class="socialDisplayName socialDisplayNameDion">Dion</div>
<div class="socialDisplayBondLevel">
<<for _i to 0; _i < $dionBondLevel; _i++>>
<img class="bondStarIcon" src="images/extras/bondStar.png">
<div class="socialDisplayTextBox">The name Dion Addo is synonymous with high fashion. Now he's throwing himself into work outside his usual expertise, if only to distract from his claustrophobia.</div>
<div class="socialDisplayStarDisplay"></div>
<div class="socialDisplayBondBar socialDisplayBondBarDion"></div>
<<if $nateBondLevel gt 0>>
<div class="socialDisplayDiv">
<div class="socialDisplayPic"><img src="images/extras/_social_nate.jpg" alt="Nate profile pic" class="socialDisplayImg"></div>
<div class="socialDisplayDescription">
<div class="socialDisplayName socialDisplayNameNate">Nate</div>
<div class="socialDisplayBondLevel">
<<for _i to 0; _i < $nateBondLevel; _i++>>
<img class="bondStarIcon" src="images/extras/bondStar.png">
<div class="socialDisplayTextBox">An odd yet affable thespian, who seeks to use his intense acting style to create scenes of genuine human stories, within a deep state of immersion.</div>
<div class="socialDisplayStarDisplay"></div>
<div class="socialDisplayBondBar socialDisplayBondBarNate"></div>
<div id="panelSideAffairs" class="invisible">
<<if $taskHelpMeOutBraState is 999>>
<div class="taskBox">
<div class="taskBoxHeader">Help me out here, bra<div class="socialsTaskBoxCompleteIcon"><img src="images/extras/completeStar.png" alt="Complete Icon" class="socialCompleteIcon"></div>
<<elseif $taskHelpMeOutBraState gt 1>>
<div class="taskBox">
<div class="taskBoxHeader">Help me out here, bra</div>
<div class="taskBoxDesc">
<<if $taskHelpMeOutBraState is 1>>
You should really try and find some more lingerie.<br/>Maybe Khan can help.
<<elseif $taskHelpMeOutBraState is 2>>
Khan thinks someone called Mabel may sell some lingerie.<br/>He recommended asking around the cafeteria.
<<elseif $taskHelpMeOutBraState is 3>>
The information isn't great, but should be enough to find Mabel.<br/>The best place to figure this out is the cafeteria.
<<if $taskDudeWheresMyBraState is 999>>
<div class="taskBox">
<div class="taskBoxHeader">Dude, where's my bra?<div class="socialsTaskBoxCompleteIcon"><img src="images/extras/completeStar.png" alt="Complete Icon" class="socialCompleteIcon"></div>
<<elseif $taskDudeWheresMyBraState gt 0>>
<div class="taskBox">
<div class="taskBoxHeader">Dude, where's my bra?</div>
<div class="taskBoxDesc">
<<if $taskDudeWheresMyBraState is 1>>
Your red lingerie set should have returned by now.<br/>Maybe Dean can help.
<<elseif $taskDudeWheresMyBraState is 2>>
Dean thinks someone called Mabel might have the lingerie.<br/>He recommended asking around the cafeteria.
<<elseif $taskDudeWheresMyBraState is 3>>
The information isn't great, but should be enough to find Mabel.<br/>The best place to figure this out is the cafeteria.
<<if $taskThePinkPantierState is 999>>
<div class="taskBox">
<div class="taskBoxHeader">The Pink Pantier<div class="socialsTaskBoxCompleteIcon"><img src="images/extras/completeStar.png" alt="Complete Icon" class="socialCompleteIcon"></div>
<<elseif $taskThePinkPantierState gte 2>>
<div class="taskBox">
<div class="taskBoxHeader">The Pink Pantier</div>
<div class="taskBoxDesc">
<<if $taskThePinkPantierState is 2>>
That Steve guy has a pink lingerie set he'll give me if you help him.<br/>We can get this started from my room.
<<elseif $taskThePinkPantierState gt 2>>
Once we've got these photos, the pink lingerie will be yours.
<</nobr>>This game is still in development. Development is focused on one particular path right now, and it currently has much more content than the other paths.
Would you like notifications to be displayed that will guide you towards that path? The notifications will not block you from other paths.
[[Yes - Now let's start...|Begin][$contentGuidance = 1]]
[[Nope. Now let's start...|Begin]]<<nobr>>
<<if $taskThePinkPantierState is 11>>
You held the position nervously as the group of men entered. It seemed three guys had arrived, engaged in the middle of excited banter.<br/><br/>
The pair of you were as silent as possible, the only noise escaping was the nearly imperceptible shuffling sound Steve made to physically support you when you almost lost your balance. The trepidatious waiting period made any arousal you felt subside almost entirely.<br/><br/>
<span class="male">Steve: </span>"Sounds like they're just going to wash. Get ready - when they turn the showers on, get your clothes on and be ready to escape."<br/><br/>
A few minutes later, Steve opened the door for a quick check, and with everything clear the two of you got the hell out of there.<br/><br/>
<span class="male">Steve: </span>"Shit, that was close!"<br/><br/>
<span class="p1 p2">You:</span> "Way too close."<br/><br/>
He suddenly looked embarrassed.<br/><br/>
<span class="male">Steve: </span>"Uh, so yeah, we got everything I need. What happened back there... sorry, I didn't mean things to get like that."<br/><br/>
<span class="p1 p2">You:</span> "What do you mean?"<br/><br/>
<span class="male">Steve: </span>"Nothing! Just, uh... thanks for helping me with this crazy plan. I think there's a chance it actually might work."<br/><br/>
He seemed keen to avoid reference to anything else.<br/><br/>
<span class="p1 p2">You:</span> "...sure. Well, glad I could help."<br/><br/>
<span class="male">Steve: </span>"Hey, I guess you're already wearing your reward. Just roll off those stockings and, um, I think we're all done here."<br/><br/>
<div class="taskBox">
<span class="newSideTaskTag">Complete!</span>
<div class="taskBoxHeader">The Pink Pantier</div>
<div class="taskBoxDesc">
<div class="taskBoxRewardText">The pink lingerie set is yours!</div>
<img class="equipSlot rewardClothingItem" src="images/items/pinkBasicBra.jpg"><img class="equipSlot rewardClothingItem" src="images/items/pinkBasicPanties.jpg"><img class="equipSlot rewardClothingItem rewardClothingItemEnd" src="images/items/pinkBasicGarterBelt.jpg">
<div class="taskBoxRewardStat grentonReputationIncrease">Grenton Reputation +100</div><<set $grentonReputationGeneral += 100>>
<div class="taskBoxRewardStat grentonReputationInfluence">It feels like your actions will have an influence on the crew</div><<set $grentonReputationFemmeTouch += 100>>
<<set $taskThePinkPantierState to 999>>
The situation had an awkward feel to it now, but from your previous experiences it really wasn't unfamiliar to you. Both of you had got pretty caught up in the moment, that's all there was too it.<br/><br/>
<span class="innerShameText">If you act like a cheap slut you'll be treated like one. What more did you expect?</span><br/><br/>
<<set $playerExtUrges += 1>>
<<set $taskThePinkPantierRouteTaken = 'slutty'>>
<<set $wearingPinkLingerieSet to 1>>
<div class="urgeBox">
<div class="urgeImageBox"><img src="images/extras/urgeEXT.png" alt="An icon of red fire to representing emerging emotions" class="socialUrgeIcon"></div>
<div class="urgeBoxText">You felt a mix of shameful feelings stir within you</div>
<<link "Back to Main Block" "SSYmessRoom">>
<<set $ap -= 2>>
<<dropall '$playerAnkle'>>
/*[[Back to Main Block|SSYmessRoom][$ap -= 2]]*/
<<elseif $taskThePinkPantierState is 10>>
Steve took the lead inside the shower rooms, checking the coast was clear before motioning you over to whisper to you.<br/><br/>
<span class="male">Steve: </span>"Doesn't look like anyone is here - let's hurry."<br/><br/>
You trotted into one of the bathroom stalls quickly. It wasn't the most hygienic of places, but the top of the toilet seat was clean enough to pile your clothes on. It came as a surprise to see Steve's clothes flop on top of yours too.<br/><br/>
<span class="p1 p2">You:</span> "Wh-what are you doing?"<br/><br/>
<span class="male">Steve: </span>"What does it look like? I'm stripping down for the scene!"<br/><br/>
He stared at you confusedly, like some lost puppy who didn't really understand what they had done wrong. Using the hushed tones you were speaking to each other in, it almost sounded like you were hissing.<br/><br/>
<span class="p1 p2">You:</span> "Y-you don't need to as well! Even <em>I'm</em> not getting naked!"<br/><br/>
You motioned down to the pink lingerie that clung tight against your body. Despite the fact Steve was topless and his jeans were down to his ankles, he didn't seem fazed at all. If anything he was just befuddled.<br/><br/>
<span class="male">Steve: </span>"OK, sooo... you don't want me to take my underwear off?"<br/><br/>
<span class="innerShameText">No, no, no! Get out of this! Get out, get out, get out!!!</span><br/><br/>
<span class="p1 p2">You:</span> "J-just... leave it on... oh fuck... I'm really not sure I can do this!"<br/><br/>
You could feel yourself beginning to lose control as your breath shallowed. It was all becoming too much. Somehow Steve seemed to sense something was off, and he switched from focusing on getting the photos to being reassuring instead.<br/><br/>
<span class="male">Steve: </span>"Hey, what's got into you? I didn't mean to alarm you or anything."<br/><br/>
<span class="p1 p2">You:</span> "It's... alright... *huff*... I just... I'm still adapting to this kind of thing, y'know?"<br/><br/>
<<if $keatonCrewBondRole is 'totalSubmissiveSissyBitch'>>
<span class="male">Steve: </span>"I can see that. I remember how you got at the event the other day, you seemed like a nasty little slut one moment, and then was totally freaked out the next."<br/><br/>
<span class="p1 p2">You:</span> "...yeah, that was me alright."<br/><br/>
<span class="male">Steve: </span>"Well you might be our bitch, but I'm not going to push you further than you can handle. Let's cool things down... here, I'm putting my clothes back on."<br/><br/>
<span class="male">Steve: </span>"Oh shit! I didn't realize. From the outside you look so sure of yourself, I just assumed this all came easy to you. Like when you turned up that day to dress up... I couldn't believe someone could have the determination to be so slutty like that."<br/><br/>
<span class="p1 p2">You:</span> "Ha, sometimes I can't quite believe it myself."<br/><br/>
<span class="male">Steve: </span>"You look like you're panicking. Let's cool things down... here, I'm putting my clothes back on."<br/><br/>
He reached round you to pick his shirt off of the pile, but suddenly lost his balance in the process. He grabbed at your hip for support, the sudden pressure of which pushed you against the wall. You pressed your palms hard against the surface just to stop your face colliding with it, the disgustingly grimy surface of which made you recoil your body away from it and straight back into his. You both instantly reacted with embarrassment.<br/><br/>
<span class="p1 p2">You:</span> "Aah! S-sorry!!!"<br/><br/>
<<if $keatonCrewBondRole is 'totalSubmissiveSissyBitch'>><span class="male">Steve: </span>"Shit!"<<else>><span class="male">Steve: </span>"Sorry!"<</if>><br/><br/>
It was so shocking that both of you froze up, leaving enough time to realize the cheeks of your pink pantie covered ass were now padding for each side of Steve's crotch, the contents of which seemed surprisingly firm.<br/><br/>
<span class="innerSissyText">You feel it don't you? You actually turn him on. Right now he sees the silhouette of a naughty little slut, bent over in a bathroom stall just for him. Stop pretending you don't love it too...</span><br/><br/>
You could feel your earlier discomfort giving way to a different feeling. Without conscious effort, you suddenly grinded the tiniest bit on Steve, the slut's equivalent of dipping their toe to check the temperature of a cold lake. Did the half naked man you were pressed up against in this decrepit toilet with want this to continue? Almost immediately you learned the answer, as both his hands grapped your hips to pull you onto him.<br/><br/>
<span class="p1 p2">You:</span> "Steve... I think... I can handle this after all."<br/><br/>
<span class="male">Steve: </span>"I can tell. You actually like this, don't you?"<br/><br/>
<span class="p1 p2">You:</span> "...don't make me say it."<br/><br/>
He didn't say another word, but his hand came to rest on the cup of your bra, making it's soft cushioning press down against your nipple. It was the kind of grasp on you that made you feel like you were his, and right now you didn't feel a need to stop.<br/><br/>
<span class="male">Steve: </span>"I... need to take the photo... but I'm just so fucking hard right now... I can't believe you've got me like this..."<br/><br/>
<span class="p1 p2">You:</span> "Does the way I look... turn you on<<if $keatonCrewBondRole is 'totalSubmissiveSissyBitch'>>, $KeatonCrewTitle<</if>>?"<br/><br/>
<span class="male">Steve: </span>"Mmm... yeah, especially in that outfit... from this view, no one could tell otherwise..."<br/><br/>
<span class="innerSissyText">He still has his reservations about girls like you, but the heart wants what the heart wants... and so does his cock.</span><br/><br/>
You couldn't resist grinding more on him. In your mind's eye, right now you saw yourself like some an filthy exhibitionist you'd seen in amateur porn, dressed in her sluttiest outfit to be filmed and used in public like the dirty girl she truly is.<br/><br/>
<img src="images/scenes/zSissy_thePinkPantier4.jpg" alt="Dirty fun taking place in public toilet." class="storyImage storyImageBigger">
<<if $playerIsInChastity is 1>>Even though the chastity made you feel safer to get carried away like this, you knew it was best to get the photo before things escalated much more.<<else>>This whole situation was escalating, and you knew full well a shameful freakout like the one of Keaton's event could happen again if you weren't careful. You needed to get the photo while you still felt fine.<</if>> You moaned the instruction to Steve.<br/><br/>
<span class="p1 p2">You:</span> "T-take it... take the photo."<br/><br/>
<span class="male">Steve: </span>"Oh shit... *huff*... yeah, yeah of course."<br/><br/>
You sunk your head forward to hide your face from the camera's lens. The wig probably covered anything that could identify you, but you certainly didn't want to risk anything. Behind you came the faint snap sound effect from the phone.<br/><br/>
<span class="male">Steve: </span>"I've got it."<br/><br/>
He showed you what he had caught on the screen. A cheeky faced version of himself was staring back with a cocky smile, while a girl's ass was pressed up against the straining cock visible under his boxer briefs.<br/><br/>
With a filter he added the seedy red lighting of a decadent nightclub toilet, making you look like a kinky pair enjoying a sleazy night together. You could only imagine what the people Steve shared this would would say when they saw the anonymous slut bent over and desperate for him.<br/><br/>
<span class="p1 p2">You:</span> "I look... like such a naughty girl..."<br/><br/>
<span class="male">Steve: </span>"You sure fucking do."<br/><br/>
Once more he squeezed his hold on your hips. Even with the photo taken, he wanted to feel you keep rubbing on him. You were just about to start again when a sudden noise came from the shower room entrance. A group of guys were arriving!<br/><br/>
<span class="male">Steve: </span>"Fuck!!! I didn't think anyone would come around now."<br/><br/>
<span class="p1 p2">You:</span> "What should I do?"<br/><br/>
<span class="male">Steve: </span>"Hide! Make sure they can't see your feet if they peek under the stall."<br/><br/>
As silently as you could, you tried to do as he said.<br/><br/>
<div class="choice">[[Hold the pile of clothes and squat onto the toilet seat cover.|taskThePinkPantier][$taskThePinkPantierState = 11; $assStat += 1]]</div><br/>
<div class="choice">[[Press your hands and feet against the wall while tensing your abs to hold yourself up.|taskThePinkPantier][$taskThePinkPantierState = 11; $tonedStat += 1]]</div><br/>
<<elseif $taskThePinkPantierState is 7>>
<<if $kissedStevePinkPantier is 1>>
The camera clicked at just the moment your lips caught his face. Steve was speechless.<br/><br/>
<span class="p1 p2">You:</span> "He he, you're right, I am determined. Don't ever doubt the lengths I'll go to be convincing."<br/><br/>
He looked into your eyes, but he was frozen. You couldn't even recognise whatever emotion he was feeling right now. Just when you thought he was about to move again, a strong gust suddenly blew your skirt up above your waist.<br/><br/>
<span class="male">Steve: </span>"Ha... it's kind of crazy, but as strange as this whole situation has been, it's made me feel the most normal I've felt since getting inside."<br/><br/>
<span class="p1 p2">You:</span> "Some fresh air and a nice cup of tea has that effect on people."<br/><br/>
<span class="male">Steve: </span>"Oh, is that all?"<br/><br/>
You smiled knowingly as you felt his hand lighten his grasp on you, when suddenly a strong gust blew your skirt up above your waist.<br/><br/>
<span class="p1 p2">You:</span> "AAH!"<br/><br/>
<span class="loudNoise centerPassageText">*SNAP*</span><br/>
Embarrassment scorched over your skin as you fumbled to push down the fabric. When it was back in place you looked to Steve with a distraught expression, but he just laughed it all off.<br/><br/>
<span class="male">Steve: </span>"A ha ha! Guess I was fated to see under there no matter what!"<br/><br/>
<span class="p1 p2">You:</span> "Ergh... I can't believe this! See, there's yet another part of this life I'm not used to yet! Please tell me you didn't get that on camera."<br/><br/>
<span class="male">Steve: </span>"Hm, let's see... oh yeah - it caught <em>everything</em>!"<br/><br/>
<span class="p1 p2">You:</span> "Oh for fuck's sake..."<br/><br/>
<span class="innerShameText">Why do you keep doing this? Putting yourself into these humiliating situations. When people see this they'll only ridicule you.</span><br/><br/>
Steve noticed how awful you felt and quickly shifted tone.<br/><br/>
<span class="male">Steve: </span>"Hey... don't worry about this, it's no big deal! I was going to use one of the earlier photos anyway - shall I delete it?"<br/><br/>
<span class="innerSissyText">It's no big deal...</span><br/><br/>
Dwelling on those words made you feel so much calmer, and as you took a look at the picture you couldn't help but laugh too. What were the chances of catching such a stereotypical scene! The exposure of your bright pink panties only added to the charming humor of it - a photo that captured the romantic fun of a couple travelling the world together.<br/><br/>
<span class="p1 p2">You:</span> "No... you know what, that one's perfect. I can already think of the caption too: We've seen London, we've seen France... cheeky smile emoji."<br/><br/>
<span class="male">Steve: </span>"A ha ha - love it! This crazy plan may just work after all. Thanks for going along with all this. And hey, you're already wearing your reward! If you could just roll off those stockings for me, I'd say we're about done here."<br/><br/>
<div class="taskBox">
<span class="newSideTaskTag">Complete!</span>
<div class="taskBoxHeader">The Pink Pantier</div>
<div class="taskBoxDesc">
<div class="taskBoxRewardText">The pink lingerie set is yours!</div>
<img class="equipSlot rewardClothingItem" src="images/items/pinkBasicBra.jpg"><img class="equipSlot rewardClothingItem" src="images/items/pinkBasicPanties.jpg"><img class="equipSlot rewardClothingItem rewardClothingItemEnd" src="images/items/pinkBasicGarterBelt.jpg">
<div class="taskBoxRewardStat grentonReputationIncrease">Grenton Reputation +100</div><<set $grentonReputationGeneral += 100>>
<div class="taskBoxRewardStat grentonReputationInfluence">It feels like your actions will have an influence on the crew</div><<set $grentonReputationFemmeTouch += 100>>
<<set $taskThePinkPantierState to 999>>
<span class="p1 p2">You:</span> "He he, makes it easy to take home with me. Good luck, let's just hope it helps you keep your job!"<br/><br/>
With that you said goodbye, stepping down onto the ladder to leave Steve alone as he disassembled his camera setup. Before you made your way back down, you couldn't help but take the verdant horizon in one more time. Out of the corner of your eye you caught Steve taking a break to look through his phone, with a satisfied smile on his face.<br/><br/>
<<set $playerPrideUrges += 1>>
<<set $taskThePinkPantierRouteTaken = 'femme'>>
<<set $wearingPinkLingerieSet to 1>>
<div class="urgeBox">
<div class="urgeImageBox"><img src="images/extras/urgePRIDE.png" alt="An icon of pink fire to representing emerging emotions" class="socialUrgeIcon"></div>
<div class="urgeBoxHeader">You felt a sense of pride arise within you</div>
<<link "Back to Main Block" "SSYmessRoom">>
<<set $ap -= 2>>
<<dropall '$playerAnkle'>>
<<elseif $taskThePinkPantierState is 6>>
Steve yelled so his voice could be heard over the growing bluster of the wind.<br/><br/>
<span class="male">Steve: </span>"Looks good, surprisingly believable!"<br/><br/>
<span class="p1 p2">You:</span> "Nice, so are we done here?"<br/><br/>
<span class="male">Steve: </span>"Huh!? No - I need to be in the shot too, remember?"<br/><br/>
He hurried over as the automatic timer on the camera started clicking again, then situated you both so that his face would be clear in the photos with yours obscured by the hair of your wig.<br/><br/>
<span class="male">Steve: </span>"So, um... let's try making this look romantic. Is it OK I put my hands here? Sorry, I'm trying to make this the least awkward I can."<br/><br/>
<span class="p1 p2">You:</span> "Well you're not doing a good job. Here, more like this..."<br/><br/>
His arms were robotically placed to reach around your body so that the pads of his finger tips touched your shoulder blades like some school boy afraid to get cooties. You grabbed them and placed them down into the smalls of your back before ribbing him about it.<br/><br/>
<span class="p1 p2">You:</span> "Grip me there. Honestly, have you even touched a girl before?"<br/><br/>
<span class="male">Steve: </span>"Y-yeah of course I have! I just didn't want to make you uncomfortable. Y'know, after the way you got on the ladder."<br/><br/>
<span class="p1 p2">You:</span> "Oh... yeah, I suppose that's fair. Sorry about that, I'm still adapting to this side of myself.<<if $gfType is 'open'>> I don't know why it's so hard sometimes, even my girlfriend is supporting me.<</if>> I just went way too overboard at Keaton's event... I guess, I overreacted because I'm worried about having another freakout again."<br/><br/>
<span class="male">Steve: </span>"Wow, I had no idea that's how you felt. From the outside you look so sure of yourself, I just assumed this all came easy to you. Like when you turned up that day to dress up... I couldn't believe someone could have the determination to so rawly be themselves like that."<br/><br/>
<span class="p1 p2">You:</span> "Honestly, sometimes I can't believe it to."<br/><br/>
<span class="male">Steve: </span>"Ha, well we can't deny this situation is pretty weird, but you're not alone in it, right? Hey, we should almost have all the photos I need by now. Maybe just a couple more to be safe."<br/><br/>
<div class="choice">[[Let him hold you a moment longer.|taskThePinkPantier][$taskThePinkPantierState = 7; $kissedStevePinkPantier = 1]]</div><br/>
<div class="choice">[[Peck him on the cheek.|taskThePinkPantier][$taskThePinkPantierState = 7; $kissedStevePinkPantier = 0]]</div><br/>
<<elseif $taskThePinkPantierState is 5>>
Steve led the way to a locked door on the second floor of the workshop.<br/><br/>
<span class="male">Steve: </span>"I'm sure I've got a key for this one - ah, I think it's this one."<br/><br/>
It seemed it was, as he swung the door open to reveal a small room not much bigger than a closet space, and a ladder inside bolted to it's wall. You had to wonder just how deep Keaton's operation went that his men had access to almost anything inside Grenton.<br/><br/>
<span class="male">Steve: </span>"Ladies first - and try not to get too sweaty on the climb."<br/><br/>
As you stepped up the first couple of rungs of the ladder, you suddenly became self-conscious of the up-skirt view Steve would have as he followed. You futilely tried to tuck the skirt between your legs, but there was no way to climb without it becoming undone.<br/><br/>
<span class="male">Steve: </span>"What's the matter? You know I've already seen what's under there."<br/><br/>
<span class="p1 p2">You:</span> "Yeah well, this time is... different."<br/><br/>
<span class="male">Steve: </span>"Fine, I'll look away. Go on."<br/><br/>
You looked back down to confirm he had genuinely turned round not to look, which provided you with the dignity you seemed to need before climbing to the top. When you reached the rooftop, you were immediately struck by the sensation of the cool breeze blowing under your skirt. That you were wearing panties became so much more noticeable in a skirt; almost nothing was covering you from the cold air down there.<br/><br/>
<span class="male">Steve: </span>"Nice view, huh?"<br/><br/>
<img src="images/scenes/zSissy_thePinkPantier12.jpg" alt="Picture with a tease of bra strap." class="storyImage storyImageBigger">
Steve had just reached the top and began setting up the camera, which gave you a moment to take in the landscape. The workshop wasn't near the bounds of Grenton, but it was tall enough to obscure it's wire fences, granting sight to the pine forests decorating the hills beyond.<br/><br/>
<span class="innerShameText">On the other side, life will never be the same.</span><br/><br/>
<span class="male">Steve: </span>"Camera's nearly ready. Let's get this quick while the light's still good. Could you try posing over there so I can check the focus?"<br/><br/>
<div class="choice">[[Squat cutely at the edge of the roof, like you're quietly taking in the view.|taskThePinkPantier][$taskThePinkPantierState = 6; $assStat += 1]]</div><br/>
<div class="choice">[[Tense your abs as you use a railing to lean over the edge, like you're eager to explore what's out there.|taskThePinkPantier][$taskThePinkPantierState = 6; $tonedStat += 1]]</div><br/>
<<elseif $taskThePinkPantierState is 4>>
<<if $taskThePinkPantierApproach is 'slutty4'>>
Things returned as close to normal as they were going to get in this situation, as the pair of you looked ahead to photo number two.<br/><br/>
<span class="p1 p2">You:</span> "We've got the shot, right? So what next?"<br/><br/>
<span class="male">Steve: </span>"Let me think. It needs to look like we're still in a similar destination; one we've stayed in for a few days. I guess this place does look kind of European..."<br/><br/>
<span class="p1 p2">You:</span> "Alright, well I can't exactly pose anywhere just dressed like <em>this</em>."<br/><br/>
You motioned down to your outfit. As much as you loved wearing just lingerie, exhibiting it around any old part of Grenton would leave you feeling way too exposed to handle.<br/><br/>
<span class="male">Steve: </span>"It's not like there's many options. Holiday pics usually come down to beaches, restaurants, hotel rooms and partying."<br/><br/>
The photos taken so far covered the hotel room and beaches were out of the question entirely. Both of you knew the cafeteria couldn't be transformed into looking like a fine diner. That left making it look like you were partying together, but you couldn't think of anywhere to make look like a club. The only area here that looked anything like a club was...<br/><br/>
<span class="p1 p2">You:</span> "The toilet stalls... The ones in the shower room. They could look like any kind of bar's toilets. Are you the type of guy who might take a photo having dirty fun in some European club?"<br/><br/>
<span class="male">Steve: </span>"Hmm... I mean, maybe. But that's not the kind of thing you'd put on Instagram."<br/><br/>
<span class="p1 p2">You:</span> "True, but what if you sent it on WhatsApp instead? Maybe to that co-worker who blabbed in the first place. I'm sure it would get around..."<br/><br/>
<span class="male">Steve: </span>"Ha, and you'd be cool with that? Well fuck, let's do it! They'll really think I'm living it up when they see that."<br/><br/>
<span class="p1 p2">You:</span> "Let me put on some clothes for the walk there."<br/><br/>
<span class="male">Steve: </span>"Really? It's not like they'll be on long."<br/><br/>
<span class="p1 p2">You:</span> "Hey, I'm not as shameless as I look!"<br/><br/>
[[Change and follow him|taskThePinkPantier][$taskThePinkPantierState = 10]]<br/>
<<elseif $taskThePinkPantierApproach is 'slutty3aA'>>
You whispered for more of his touch, and in the next moment a hand reached over the smooth surface of your stocking covered legs.<br/><br/>
<span class="p1 p2">You:</span> "Yesss... that feels good."<br/><br/>
<span class="male">Steve: </span>"You really are a naughty little slut, aren't you? I'm trying to work... but you want me so fucking bad..."<br/><br/>
<img src="images/scenes/zSissy_thePinkPantier3.jpg" alt="Intimate image of wearing pink panties." class="storyImage">
Both his hands had reached under your panties now, and slowly he started to pull them off.<br/><br/>
<<if $playerComplexShameSource1 is 'inferiorityComplex'>>
<span class="innerIdentity shame shameSource1 inferiority"><span class="innerThoughtLabel shameSource1Label">[Inferiority]: </span>This is pathetic, don't pretend you actually enjoy this! Are you so starved of attention that you'd actually try to convince yourself this is want you want? Pull yourself together. This isn't you.</span><br/><br/>
<<elseif $playerComplexShameSource1 is 'internalizedSocialStigma'>>
<span class="innerIdentity shame shameSource1 internalizedSocialStigma"><span class="innerThoughtLabel shameSource1Label">[Social Stigma]: </span>This is pathetic, squirming around in pleasure just from a man's touch. If you keep doing this, people won't see you any other way. Won't you be ashamed? You know you can't truly bear their judgment. This isn't you.</span><br/><br/>
<<elseif $playerComplexShameSource1 is 'slutShame'>>
<span class="innerIdentity shame shameSource1 slutShame"><span class="innerThoughtLabel shameSource1Label">[Slut Shame]: </span>This is pathetic, are you just going to let any man you dress for touch you like this? You keep making the same mistake over and over again, don't you? You don't really want him, you don't want any man! This isn't you.</span><br/><br/>
<<if $playerComplexShameSource1 is 'inferiorityComplex' or $playerComplexShameSource1 is 'internalizedSocialStigma' or $playerComplexShameSource1 is 'slutShame'>>With the onset of the negative feelings were stirring within you, you recalled Dr Mifune's warnings. Whether or not you were truly getting ahead of yourself was hard to say, but now wasn't the time to take any risks.<br/><br/><</if>>
<span class="p1 p2">You:</span> "Whoa... hey, you're right... we... do need to work."<br/><br/>
You grabbed the panties and pulled them back up a bit. To your surprise, Steve looked a little relieved too. He put his palm to his head, almost like he had just come to his senses.<br/><br/>
<span class="male">Steve: </span>"Yeah... yeah, totally."<br/><br/>
<span class="p1 p2">You:</span> "I'm sorry... that was my fault. I got caught in the moment."<br/><br/>
<<if $keatonCrewBondRole is 'totalSubmissiveSissyBitch'>>
<span class="male">Steve: </span>"Ha, I wouldn't expect any less from the Grenton bitch..."<br/><br/>
<span class="male">Steve: </span>"Ha, it's all good. I'd say it's testament to how realistic a job we've done..."<br/><br/>
[[Continue|taskThePinkPantier][$taskThePinkPantierApproach = 'slutty4']]<br/>
<<elseif $taskThePinkPantierApproach is 'slutty3a'>>
You didn't have to guide his hand up much further until it began to slid under the edge of your panties. He didn't say a word, but you could hear that his breath had grown heavier, and all of a sudden he gave you a firm squeeze.<br/><br/>
<span class="innerSissyText">He obviously has his reservations about sissies, but right now you're almost enough to tempt him. Doesn't it feel good to be so desirable?</span><br/><br/>
<span class="male">Steve: </span>"*Huff* - we need to... stop. We need the photos..."<br/><br/>
<div class="choice">[[Moan: "Please don't stop. I need your hands on me".|taskThePinkPantier][$taskThePinkPantierApproach = 'slutty3aA']]</div><br/>
<div class="choice">[[Stop things here. "Yeah... you're right".|taskThePinkPantier][$taskThePinkPantierApproach = 'slutty3c']]</div><br/>
<<elseif $taskThePinkPantierApproach is 'slutty3b'>>
You rolled over to meet his gaze, shuffling right up to his body. With a slight look of embarrassment, Steve avoided eye contact with you, his attention instead drawn to the <<if $playerIsInChastity is 1>>jangling sound coming from your chastity device.<<else>>bulge in your panties.<</if>><br/><br/>
<span class="male">Steve: </span>"Uh, let's just calm down a little, ok?"<br/><br/>
<span class="innerSissyText">Don't worry about his reaction. You're just too hot for him to handle. Underneath his hang-ups, he knows he wants you.</span><br/><br/>
<span class="p1 p2">You:</span> "Sorry - got caught up in the fantasy a little there."<br/><br/>
<<if $keatonCrewBondRole is 'totalSubmissiveSissyBitch'>>
<span class="male">Steve: </span>"Ha, I wouldn't expect any less from the Grenton bitch..."<br/><br/>
<span class="male">Steve: </span>"Ha, it's all good. I'd say it's testament to how realistic a job we've done..."<br/><br/>
[[Continue|taskThePinkPantier][$taskThePinkPantierApproach = 'slutty4']]<br/>
<<elseif $taskThePinkPantierApproach is 'slutty3c'>>
You pulled yourself together before you could get too hot and bothered. Maybe you knew better now than to push things after your experiences at Keaton's event, and Steve looked relieved in a way of your retreat too. It was probably best to not assume his compliments meant much.<br/><br/>
<span class="p1 p2">You:</span> "Sorry - got caught up in the fantasy a little there."<br/><br/>
<<if $keatonCrewBondRole is 'totalSubmissiveSissyBitch'>>
<span class="male">Steve: </span>"Ha, I wouldn't expect any less from the Grenton bitch..."<br/><br/>
<span class="male">Steve: </span>"Ha, it's all good. I'd say it's testament to how realistic a job we've done..."<br/><br/>
[[Continue|taskThePinkPantier][$taskThePinkPantierApproach = 'slutty4']]<br/>
<<elseif $taskThePinkPantierApproach is 'slutty2a'>>
<<if $keatonCrewBondRole is 'totalSubmissiveSissyBitch'>>
<span class="male">Steve: </span>"Ha, you really live up to the reputation you're getting around here..."<br/><br/>
<span class="male">Steve: </span>"Ha, guess you play the role pretty well..."<br/><br/>
<span class="p1 p2">You:</span> "You don't get in the position I am just playing."<br/><br/>
<span class="male">Steve: </span>"Easy there... we need to focus."<br/><br/>
Perhaps things were heating up too much for Steve to handle right now.<br/><br/>
<div class="choice">[[Guide his hand a little up to feel your ass under your panties.|taskThePinkPantier][$taskThePinkPantierApproach = 'slutty3a'; $pervStat += 1]]</div><br/>
<div class="choice">[[Turn around to get closer to him, with your bra brushing up against him.|taskThePinkPantier][$taskThePinkPantierApproach = 'slutty3b'; $courageStat += 1]]</div><br/>
<div class="choice">[[Don't push things further.|taskThePinkPantier][$taskThePinkPantierApproach = 'slutty3c'; $charmStat += 1]]</div><br/>
<<elseif $taskThePinkPantierApproach is 'slutty2b'>>
<span class="male">Steve: </span>"Ha, can't lie, the view's nicer than what I usually wake up to."<br/><br/>
<span class="p1 p2">You:</span> "I remember you liked how I looked at Keaton's event too... you like girls like me, don't you?"<br/><br/>
Steve looked like he had no idea how to respond.<br/><br/>
<div class="choice">[[Guide his hand a little up to feel your ass under your panties.|taskThePinkPantier][$taskThePinkPantierApproach = 'slutty3a'; $pervStat += 1]]</div><br/>
<div class="choice">[[Turn around to get closer to him, with your bra brushing up against him.|taskThePinkPantier][$taskThePinkPantierApproach = 'slutty3b'; $courageStat += 1]]</div><br/>
<div class="choice">[[Don't push things further.|taskThePinkPantier][$taskThePinkPantierApproach = 'slutty3c'; $charmStat += 1]]</div><br/>
<<elseif $taskThePinkPantierApproach is 'slutty'>>
<span class="p1 p2">You:</span> "Hey."<br/><br/>
You stood in the door-frame with your hands resting confidently on your hips. In the moment you felt pretty sexy, but disappointingly Steve didn't even turn to look; he was too busy adjusting the camera settings.<br/><br/>
<span class="male">Steve: </span>"Mmhm, yeah, that's perfect."<br/><br/>
<span class="p1 p2">You:</span> "Ahem!"<br/><br/>
<span class="male">Steve: </span>"Ah, you're back! Wow, and that's... yeah, you're looking pretty hot. I've set everything up, the best position for you will be riiight... here."<br/><br/>
Steve laid back onto the bed, and patted at a section of it next to him. He had looked somewhat embarrassed to give you that compliment, yet it still gave you a feeling of satisfaction. At Keaton's event he had already mentioned how good looking a girl you made, but hearing it again really reinforced it.<br/><br/>
<span class="male">Steve: </span>"I'm going to take my shirt off, OK? We gotta make this look realistic."<br/><br/>
<span class="p1 p2">You:</span> "Oh... um, of course."<br/><br/>
You moved next to him and onto your side to face away from the camera, sweeping your hair to keep your face covered. After Steve had finished wrestling his clothes off, his hand placed shyly at your hip and his voice moved closer to a whisper. It seemed to suddenly dawn on both of you how strange enacting this scheme actually was.<br/><br/>
<span class="male">Steve: </span>"Just putting my hand in the best spot... to look like my POV... with you all dressed just for me... could you arch your back a little more?"<br/><br/>
Wordlessly you moved for him, hoping the shots would look as sexy as possible. You heard the sounds of the photos being taken, and couldn't resist trying to pose sluttier for them. After moving your ass out a little more you reached back to grab Steve's wrist and push his grip harder on you, making it look like you needed him. The next words out your mouth were soft-spoken.<br/><br/>
<span class="p1 p2">You:</span> "How are they? Am I doing a good job?"<br/><br/>
<span class="male">Steve: </span>"Oh, these are good alright. Real good!"<br/><br/>
<img src="images/scenes/zSissy_thePinkPantier2.jpg" alt="Intimate image of posing in panties." class="storyImage storyImageBigger">
<span class="innerSissyText">Undeniable proof you make for such a convincing girl. Embrace it. Enjoy how good it feels.</span><br/><br/>
<div class="choice">[["Feels like I'm your little slut... with your hand on me like that..."|taskThePinkPantier][$taskThePinkPantierApproach = 'slutty2a']]</div><br/>
<div class="choice">[["I know we're just pretending but... this is actually kind of hot."|taskThePinkPantier][$taskThePinkPantierApproach = 'slutty2b']]</div><br/>
<<elseif $taskThePinkPantierApproach is 'femme3a'>>
<<set $playerKnowsWorkshopWayToRoof to 1>>
<span class="p1 p2">You:</span> "...the wind. What about a wind-swept romantic scene? Those always get a lot of likes."<br/><br/>
<span class="male">Steve: </span>"Up on the roof! From up there it'll be only forests and hills as far as the eye can see."<br/><br/>
<span class="p1 p2">You:</span> "Sounds like a plan."<br/><br/>
In a hurried excitement Steve cleared up the scene he had created and began to make his exit.<br/><br/>
<span class="male">Steve: </span>"I know a sneaky way up there, it's just by the workshop. Come on, let's head over now while it's quiet."<br/><br/>
[[Follow|taskThePinkPantier][$taskThePinkPantierState = 5; $taskThePinkPantierApproach = 'femme']]<br/>
<<elseif $taskThePinkPantierApproach is 'femme3b'>>
<<set $playerKnowsWorkshopWayToRoof to 1>>
<<set $playerKnowsForestIsOffLimits to 1>>
<span class="male">Steve: </span>"That would turn into a run in the woods real fast - the forest is just beyond the wire fencing but it's one of the most heavily secured places. The officers around here may be lax but they're serious about stopping escapes."<br/><br/>
<span class="p1 p2">You:</span> "That sucks. It would of been nice out there on a day like this, especially the wind blowing through the trees."<br/><br/>
<span class="male">Steve: </span>"Hmm, a windy forest... that gives me an idea. Up on the roof! From there it'll look we're overlooking the woods."<br/><br/>
<span class="p1 p2">You:</span> "And then what, some kind of wind-swept romantic scene? Those always get a lot of likes."<br/><br/>
<span class="male">Steve: </span>"I know a sneaky way up there, it's just by the workshop. Come on, let's head over now while it's quiet."<br/><br/>
[[Follow|taskThePinkPantier][$taskThePinkPantierState = 5; $taskThePinkPantierApproach = 'femme']]<br/>
<<elseif $taskThePinkPantierApproach is 'femme2'>>
<span class="male">Steve: </span>"Ha... alright, alright!"<br/><br/>
<span class="p1 p2">You:</span> "Don't act like you're not enjoying this, <em>Steven</em>. You must of got all the shots you need by now."<br/><br/>
<span class="male">Steve: </span>"It - it's just nice here! The wind rustling through the leaves, the warm brew. Who wouldn't want to stay a while?"<br/><br/>
<span class="p1 p2">You:</span> "Sure."<br/><br/>
You closed your eyes as you tipped the last of your tea back, and could swear you felt Steve's eyes on you as you did. Either way, your work here was done. You adjusted your top to rest on your shoulder again before wondering what the next move was.<br/><br/>
<span class="p1 p2">You:</span> "Any ideas where to take the second photo? And of what?"<br/><br/>
<span class="male">Steve: </span>"Um, a romantic dinner, perhaps? Fine food... candlelight... music?"<br/><br/>
He twiddled the rose between his fingers as he asked.<br/><br/>
<span class="p1 p2">You:</span> "That would need somewhere here that actually <em>looks</em> like a fine restaurant though - is that even possible?"<br/><br/>
<span class="male">Steve: </span>"Probably not enough to be convincing. Yeah, dumb idea."<br/><br/>
You both looked out the window. Something about the sway of the branches made it easier to mull on things.<br/><br/>
[["A walk in the woods?"|taskThePinkPantier][$taskThePinkPantierApproach = 'femme3b']]<br/>
[["What about some kind of wind-swept romantic scene?"|taskThePinkPantier][$taskThePinkPantierApproach = 'femme3a']]<br/>
<<elseif $taskThePinkPantierApproach is 'femme'>>
<span class="p1 p2">You:</span> "I'm ready."<br/><br/>
Steve had been adjusting the scenery. He had set the table as best he could to capture the cosy atmosphere, especially against the background of leafy trees gently blowing in the wind outside your window. You sat down in the chair to position yourself facing away from the camera and brushed a little of your wig's hair over your face.<br/><br/>
<span class="male">Steve: </span>"Mmhm, yep... just move this here and... yeah, that's perfect!"<br/><br/>
Steam gently rose from china cups, and somehow Steve had found a rose and vase to place in the middle of the table. This whole setting may have been fake, but you actually felt comforted in the charming ambience of it. As you raised the warm tea to your lips you felt Steve's efforts deserved a compliment.<br/><br/>
<img src="images/scenes/zSissy_thePinkPantier10.jpg" alt="Picture of a steaming cup of tea." class="storyImage storyImageBigger">
<span class="p1 p2">You:</span> "This is... quite nicely done."<br/><br/>
<span class="male">Steve: </span>"Thanks - I'm going for a stay at some European hotel kind of vibe. Just me and my girl having a chill moment together in our travel adventures."<br/><br/>
<span class="p1 p2">You:</span> "I can see that. And if I just slide a little of my top down past my shoulder, it'll add just the right amount of suggestive. Maybe we've just woken up, or maybe we've just had some fun together... nobody will know for sure."<br/><br/>
<span class="male">Steve: </span>"Ha, nice! That bright pink bra strap is sure to catch some attention. This is turning out pretty well, I'd say!"<br/><br/>
<img src="images/scenes/zSissy_thePinkPantier11.jpg" alt="Picture with a tease of bra strap." class="storyImage storyImageBigger">
He finally finished the set up and sat down opposite you before lifting his cup to meet yours. The camera phone made a snapping sound every few seconds; it seemed the goal was to capture as natural a moment as possible in this staged scenario. Playing your part in it came surprisingly naturally to you.<br/><br/>
<span class="p1 p2">You:</span> "To... us?"<br/><br/>
For a moment Steve smiled sincerely, but perhaps realizing he was getting too lost in the moment he reverted to sarcastic banter.<br/><br/>
<span class="male">Steve: </span>"He he, to you - my <em>oh so sweet girlfriend</em>."<br/><br/>
<div class="choice">[["Oh, shut up! Can't we just enjoy the moment..."|taskThePinkPantier][$taskThePinkPantierApproach = 'femme2'; $subStat += 1]]</div><br/>
<div class="choice">
<<link "And to you, my <em>oh so well-travelled</em> beau. Just think of all the destinations you must of explored on your year long tour of Grenton." "taskThePinkPantier">>
<<set $taskThePinkPantierApproach = 'femme2'>>
<<set $charmStat += 1>>
Something wrong. taskThePinkPantierApproach - state 4.
<<elseif $taskThePinkPantierState is 3>>
<<if $playerBra.isEmpty()>>
<<pickup '$playerBra' 'Pink basic bra'>>
<<run $playerBras.pickUp($playerBra.show())>>
<<dropall '$playerBra'>>
<<pickup '$playerBra' 'Pink basic bra'>>
<<if $playerUnderwear.isEmpty()>>
<<pickup '$playerUnderwear' 'Pink basic panties'>>
<<run $playerUnderwears.pickUp($playerUnderwear.show())>>
<<dropall '$playerUnderwear'>>
<<pickup '$playerUnderwear' 'Pink basic panties'>>
<<if $playerGarter.isEmpty()>>
<<pickup '$playerGarter' 'Pink basic garter belt'>>
<<run $playerGarters.pickUp($playerGarter.show())>>
<<dropall '$playerGarter'>>
<<pickup '$playerGarter' 'Pink basic garter belt'>>
<<if $playerAnkle.isEmpty()>>
<<pickup '$playerAnkle' 'Pink basic stockings'>>
<<run $playerAnkles.pickUp($playerAnkle.show())>>
<<dropall '$playerAnkle'>>
<<pickup '$playerAnkle' 'Pink basic stockings'>>
Taking Steve's box with you to your bathroom, you locked the door and began changing. The design of the pink lingerie was a little basic, but the plainness was totally outshone by just how girly they looked. They were the brightest shade of hot pink, and the thin material felt so pleasurable over your smooth skin.<br/><br/>
<img src="images/scenes/zSissy_thePinkPantier1.jpg" alt="Intimate image of wearing pink panties." class="storyImage storyImageBigger">
<<if $taskThePinkPantierApproach is 'slutty'>>
Putting on lingerie was almost second nature at this point, even attaching your garter straps into thigh high stockings didn't take you long. The way the bottom of your ass cheeks peeked outside of your panties looked so plump you instinctively wanted to give them a naughty spank, only refraining because you weren't going to risk making them bright red for the photos.<br/><br/>
<<elseif $taskThePinkPantierApproach is 'femme'>>
Putting on lingerie was almost second nature at this point, even attaching your garter straps into thigh high stockings didn't take you long. No matter what situation you found yourself in, you always appreciated the magical moments when you got to put on lingerie. Still, there wasn't the time to indulge in it as usual. After adjusting your bra to sit just right over your bare chest, you were ready for the photos.<br/><br/>
Something wrong. taskThePinkPantierApproach - state 3.
[[Go back to Steve|taskThePinkPantier][$taskThePinkPantierState = 4]]
<<elseif $taskThePinkPantierApproach is 'slutty'>>
<img src="images/scenes/Zsteve.jpg" alt="picture of Steve" class="storyImage">
<span class="male">Steve: </span>"Oh yeah, that'll get his attention. The boss might even get a little jealous!"<br/><br/>
<span class="p1 p2">You:</span> "He he, you think?"<br/><br/>
<span class="male">Steve: </span>"Absolutely! Go get changed while I setup the camera."<br/><br/>
[[Put on the clothes|taskThePinkPantier][$taskThePinkPantierState = 3]]
<<elseif $taskThePinkPantierApproach is 'femme'>>
<img src="images/scenes/Zsteve.jpg" alt="picture of Steve" class="storyImage">
<<if $keatonCrewBondRole is 'totalSubmissiveSissyBitch'>>
<span class="male">Steve: </span>"What!? A moment of intimacy with Grenton's bitch? You can't be serious?"<br/><br/>
A hot humming sensation burned on your face. Maybe his harsh reaction shouldn't of been so surprising though, you are the crew's bitch after all.<br/><br/>
<span class="p1 p2">You:</span> "Um, so... what would you want, $KeatonCrewTitle?"<br/><br/>
<span class="male">Steve: </span>"It's got to make me look like I'm a stud - like I wake up everyday to the sight of a girl in lingerie because I'm winning life! Go get changed bitch, I'll set up the camera."<br/><br/>
[[Obey your orders and put on the clothes|taskThePinkPantier][$taskThePinkPantierState = 3; $taskThePinkPantierApproach = 'slutty']]
<span class="male">Steve: </span>"Hmm, that's probably a little more romantic than I was thinking. Not sure they'd buy it."<br/><br/>
<span class="p1 p2">You:</span> "Really? Would a moment of intimacy involving you really be that unbelievable?"<br/><br/>
<span class="male">Steve: </span>"Aw come on, I can lay on the charm when I have to! Alright, fine, we'll do it like that. You go get changed, I'll set up the camera and brew the teas. Y'know what, actually the idea is growing on me already."<br/><br/>
[[Put on the clothes|taskThePinkPantier][$taskThePinkPantierState = 3]]
<<elseif $taskThePinkPantierState is 2>>
You spruced up the room as best you could, it didn't need much of a touch up to look decent enough for a hotel. Steve arrived with a small cardboard box that he placed on your bed, and opened it to reveal the pink lingerie that would hopefully soon be yours.<br/><br/>
<img src="images/items/pinkBasicSet.jpg" alt="a pink bra and panties" class="storyImage">
<span class="p1 p2">You:</span> "Oh nice - is this payment in advance?"<br/><br/>
<span class="male">Steve: </span>"Ha, nah you've got to earn them. I'm thinking we make use of these in our little photo-shoot today. Oh, but the matching stockings weren't part of the deal so I'll need those back when we're done. Alright, what are we doing for the first photo?"<br/><br/>
You picked up the soft material of the pink panties. Just the mere sensation of them between your fingers made it difficult to resist trying them on immediately, but you needed to focus first. How exactly were you going to approach this?<br/><br/>
<div class="choice">[["I could pose seductively on the bed in just the lingerie, with a suggestive hand of yours placed on my body?"|taskThePinkPantier][$taskThePinkPantierApproach = 'slutty']]</div><br/>
<div class="choice">[["How about us posed at the window with a cup of tea, my top exposing a little bit of my bra, like we're just having a cosy holiday morning together?"|taskThePinkPantier][$taskThePinkPantierApproach = 'femme']]</div><br/>
Something wrong, taskThePinkPantier.
<<if $SSYDionState is 6>>
<<if $dionStarterChoice is 'notFemmeOutfit'>>
<span class="dion">Dion:</span> "Hmm, I did make another outfit that might be more what you're looking for."<br/><br/>
From a nearby closet he pulled out another mannequin decked in a different set of clothes.<br/><br/>
<img src="images/items/SissyPinkOutfitSet.jpg" alt="Picture of a pink slutty outfit" class="storyImage storyImageBigger">
The outfit looked perfect for a sissy. It was the kind of look a girl wore when she was ready to find someone to fuck that night, and all colored in the girlest shade of pink. A silky cami top that looked like it could slip off your shoulders at the merest touch, a slit cut miniskirt which would barely need to be pulled up to invite a hand to feel under and a sexy pair of matching heels, all combining for the prefect slutty sissy visage. The last piece, a heart shaped choker strapped in pink leather, seemed very suggestive. You've heard what they say about girls who wear chokers, right?<br/><br/>
<span class="dion">Dion:</span> "Are you sure this would suit you though? The influence clothes can have on our behavior can't be overstated. I've seen the meekest of women soar with confidence just trying on one of my works. It's the more sexual outfit for sure, but I was under the impression you wanted something more... tasteful."<br/><br/>
<span class="p1 p2">You:</span> "Couldn't I can't have both?"<br/><br/>
<span class="dion">Dion:</span> "Ha ha, afraid not, no. Only one of these is for you, Keaton's having me sell the other to raise funds for his, I'm not even sure what to call it... operation? So, which will you be taking?"<br/><br/>
<div class="choice">[["The slutty one, please."|SSYDion1][$dionStarterChoice = 'sissySlutOutfit'; $SSYDionState = 5]]</div><br/>
<div class="choice">[["The cute one, please."|SSYDion1][$dionStarterChoice = 'femmeOutfit'; $SSYDionState = 5]]</div>
<<elseif $dionStarterChoice is 'notSissySlutOutfit'>>
<span class="dion">Dion:</span> "Hmm, I did make another outfit that might be more what you're looking for."<br/><br/>
From a nearby closet he pulled out another mannequin decked in a different set of clothes.<br/><br/>
<img src="images/items/CuteOutfitSet.jpg" alt="Picture of a cute outfit" class="storyImage storyImageBigger">
It was a stunningly cute outfit, with almost every piece of it was a classically girly shade of pink. The knee length miniskirt matched perfectly with the heels, but the stand out piece was the sleeveless white blouse, which was adorned with a charmingly sweet tie made of ribbon. A pink hair band completed the look with a nostalgic feminine playfulness.<br/><br/>
<span class="dion">Dion:</span> "Are you sure this would suit you though? The influence clothes can have on our behavior can't be overstated. I've seen the meekest of women soar with confidence just trying on one of my works. It's the more tasteful outfit for sure, but I was under the impression you wanted something... spicier."<br/><br/>
<span class="p1 p2">You:</span> "Couldn't I can't have both?"<br/><br/>
<span class="dion">Dion:</span> "Ha ha, afraid not, no. Only one of these is for you, Keaton's having me sell the other to raise funds for his, I'm not even sure what to call it... operation? So, which will you be taking?"<br/><br/>
<div class="choice">[["The cute one, please."|SSYDion1][$dionStarterChoice = 'femmeOutfit'; $SSYDionState = 5]]</div><br/>
<div class="choice">[["The slutty one, please."|SSYDion1][$dionStarterChoice = 'sissySlutOutfit'; $SSYDionState = 5]]</div>
<<elseif $SSYDionState is 5>>
<<if $dionStarterChoice is 'femmeOutfit'>>
<<if $playerHeads.has('Pink hairband')>>
<<else>><<pickup '$playerHeads' 'Pink hairband'>><</if>>
<<if $playerTops.has('Sleeveless Ribbon Tie Blouse')>>
<<else>><<pickup '$playerTops' 'Sleeveless Ribbon Tie Blouse'>><</if>>
<<if $playerBottoms.has('Cute pink skirt')>>
<<else>><<pickup '$playerBottoms' 'Cute pink skirt'>><</if>>
<<if $playerFeets.has('Pink ankle strap heels')>>
<<else>><<pickup '$playerFeets' 'Pink ankle strap heels'>><</if>>
<span class="dion">Dion:</span> "Enjoy. I can't say it's exactly the world class design I'm known for, but it's acceptable enough. It still feels like a miracle that I can create anything at all in this damn place."<br/><br/>
<<elseif $dionStarterChoice is 'sissySlutOutfit'>>
<<if $playerNecks.has('Pink heart choker')>>
<<else>><<pickup '$playerNecks' 'Pink heart choker'>><</if>>
<<if $playerTops.has('Pink silk cami top')>>
<<else>><<pickup '$playerTops' 'Pink silk cami top'>><</if>>
<<if $playerBottoms.has('Pink slit skirt')>>
<<else>><<pickup '$playerBottoms' 'Pink slit skirt'>><</if>>
<<if $playerFeets.has('Black ankle strap heels')>>
<<else>><<pickup '$playerFeets' 'Black ankle strap heels'>><</if>>
<span class="dion">Dion:</span> "Enjoy. I can't say it's exactly the world class design I'm known for; my work is usually suited for catwalks, not dive bars. If it keeps Keaton off my back it's acceptable enough though. It still feels like a miracle that I can create anything at all in this damn place."<br/><br/>
<<elseif $dionStarterChoice is 'bitchOutfit'>>
<<if $playerNecks.has('Bitch heart choker')>>
<<else>><<pickup '$playerNecks' 'Bitch heart choker'>><</if>>
<<if $playerTops.has('Bitch crop top')>>
<<else>><<pickup '$playerTops' 'Bitch crop top'>><</if>>
<<if $playerBottoms.has('Bitch pink zip front skirt')>>
<<else>><<pickup '$playerBottoms' 'Bitch pink zip front skirt'>><</if>>
<<if $playerFeets.has('Bitch Heels')>>
<<else>><<pickup '$playerFeets' 'Bitch Heels'>><</if>>
<span class="dion">Dion:</span> "It's all yours. I can't say it's exactly the world class design I'm known for; my work is usually suited for a catwalk not an alleyway, but this is what Keaton wanted - if it keeps him off my back it's acceptable enough. I try not to judge. Emphasis on try."<br/><br/>
<<elseif $dionStarterChoice is 'notBitchOutfit'>>
<<if $playerNecks.has('Bitch heart choker')>>
<<else>><<pickup '$playerNecks' 'Bitch heart choker'>><</if>>
<<if $playerTops.has('Bitch crop top')>>
<<else>><<pickup '$playerTops' 'Bitch crop top'>><</if>>
<<if $playerBottoms.has('Bitch pink zip front skirt')>>
<<else>><<pickup '$playerBottoms' 'Bitch pink zip front skirt'>><</if>>
<<if $playerFeets.has('Bitch Heels')>>
<<else>><<pickup '$playerFeets' 'Bitch Heels'>><</if>>
<span class="dion">Dion:</span> "Hey, I don't really get what the situation is here, but I'm just following Keaton's orders. This was designed exactly how he specified so it's all I've got for you. I'm not exactly thrilled with the result myself, it's not quite the world class design I'm known for."<br/><br/>
Dion carefully removed his work from the figure, neatly folding it into a box before giving it to you. It felt pretty good to have an outfit you feel you earned.<br/><br/>
<span class="p1 p2">You:</span> "Thank you."<br/><br/>
<span class="dion">Dion:</span> "It's all good. Like I said before, I'm used to designing for a specific type, but right now I'm feeling fired up to design for more than just the world's most beautiful women - as much as I painfully miss them. Maybe now's the time to push my limits - see if Dion Addo can make men's gym-wear after all. Oh, and I'll try my hand at making more clothes for you too, if that's cool?"<br/><br/>
<span class="p1 p2">You:</span> "Definitely! I'd never say no to having more things to wear."<br/><br/>
<span class="dion">Dion:</span> "Ha, actually that seems pretty obvious now. I imagine you realize better then most the potent effect clothing can have on us; an entire persona can be changed in a moment."<br/><br/>
<span class="p1 p2">You:</span> "I know it all too well."<br/><br/>
Dion looked over you one more time with a knowing smile.<br/><br/>
<span class="dion">Dion:</span> "Hmm... then I think we can help each other. My work is sure to come leaps and bounds creating for you, and more importantly, I need the distraction. But you're going to have to find the materials for me, this line of work isn't cheap. I'll come up with a few ideas and list what we need to create them. If you can bring me the goods, perhaps this won't be your last 'Addo Original'."<br/><br/>
<span class="p1 p2">You:</span> "Alright then, let's do it!"<br/><br/>
<span class="bondHeader">BOND MADE WITH DION</span>
<span class="bond dionBond">
You need more clothes and Dion needs someone to make them for. This could work out well for both of you.
<span class="bondPerkHeader">Bond Perk:</span> <span class="bondPerk"><<if $dionStarterChoice is 'femmeOutfit'>>A cute outfit!<<elseif $dionStarterChoice is 'sissySlutOutfit'>>A slutty sissy outfit!<<else>>The bitch outfit<</if>></span>
<<set $dionBondLevel to 1>>
<span class="dion">Dion:</span> "Let me whip up a few sketches before you come by again."<br/><br/>
<span class="p1 p2">You:</span> "OK, see you soon."<br/><br/>
<span class="dion">Dion:</span> "Cool. And one more thing before you go - make sure when you wear your new clothes to try on every piece together. A outfit that comes together just right will always have a stronger effect."<br/><br/>
[[Leave|SSYmessRoom][$ap -= 1; $SSYDionState = 10]]
<<elseif $SSYDionState is 4>>
<<set $SSYDionState to 5>>
You entered Dion's workspace with some trepidation this time; the first visit didn't exactly make you feel welcome. If it wasn't for the signed invitation, you might not of had the courage to come at all. Thankfully those worries were quickly allayed by the sight of the mannequins from earlier, where an engrossed Dion was making adjustments to the fine details of the outfits adorning them.<br/><br/>
<img src="images/locations/textileRoom2.jpg" alt="Dion working in the Textile room" class="storyImage storyImageBigger">
<span class="p1 p2">You:</span> "Dion... is now a good time?"<br/><br/>
<span class="dion">Dion:</span> "If that's you $name, it certainly is."<br/><br/>
He turned around with an assured smile. Everything about him seemed far more composed, especially the tone of his voice, the bassy timbre of which sounded far more pleasant in his newly positive mood.<br/><br/>
<span class="dion">Dion:</span> "I'm still sorry for that incident in your room, but I have to say, I don't regret that it happened one bit. The effect it had on me can only be described as phenomenal!"<br/><br/>
You couldn't help but smile. Everything right now seemed to show Jessica's wild plan had actually paid off!<br/><br/>
<span class="p1 p2">You:</span> "Wow, that's sounds great. I can't believe we were able to inspire you to work again."<br/><br/>
<span class="dion">Dion:</span> "What!? Ha, you're a funny one, $name! No, I'm talking about my claustrophobia - the burden of it feels almost completely gone! After catching the sight of you two like that, it felt so awkward that all I wanted to do was burrow into a little hole and hide away from the embarrassment. When I got back here I couldn't help but distract from the shame with a little stitching, and I've been sewing madly ever since! I actually feel <em>more</em> comfortable in this tiny space now, it's amazing!"<br/><br/>
That was... not quite the revelation you were expecting.<br/><br/>
<span class="dion">Dion:</span> "It's hard to explain how empowering this feels, creating with no need for a muse. The glass ceiling has been shattered; I can fulfill these requests after all! With that said though, it felt best to start on the work that would be closest to my own expertise, which is why I've already finished an outfit for you just as Keaton asked."<br/><br/>
Learning you hadn't inspired Dion as directly as you had thought may have been disappointing, but it was soon cancelled out by the excitement of getting new clothes. You looked on eagerly as Dion re-positioned his work for you to get a good look it.<br/><br/>
<<if $keatonCrewBondRole is 'femmeSissy'>>
<span class="dion">Dion:</span> "Ultimately this is to satisfy Keaton's demands, so when it came to making your outfit I took input from him. He didn't have a clear idea though, so I came up with this from the little he told me about you..."<br/><br/>
<img src="images/items/CuteOutfitSet.jpg" alt="Picture of a cute outfit" class="storyImage storyImageBigger">
You were quite surprised by just how cute outfit was, with almost every piece of it colored in a classically girly shade of pink. The knee length miniskirt matched perfectly with the heels, but the stand out piece was the sleeveless white blouse, which was adorned with a charmingly sweet tie made out of ribbon. A pink hair band completed the look with a nostalgic feminine playfulness.<br/><br/>
<<elseif $keatonCrewBondRole is 'sissy'>>
<span class="dion">Dion:</span> "Ultimately this is to satisfy Keaton's demands, so when it came to making your outfit I took input from him. He felt something like this would suit you..."<br/><br/>
<img src="images/items/SissyPinkOutfitSet.jpg" alt="Picture of a pink slutty outfit" class="storyImage storyImageBigger">
The outfit looked perfect for a sissy. It was the kind of look a girl wore when she was ready to find someone to fuck that night, and all colored in the girlest shade of pink. A silky cami top that looked like it could slip off your shoulders at the merest touch, a slit cut miniskirt which would barely need to be pulled up to invite a hand to feel under and a sexy pair of matching heels, all combining for the prefect slutty sissy visage. The last piece, a heart shaped choker strapped in pink leather, seemed very suggestive. You've heard what they say about girls who wear chokers, right?<br/><br/>
<<elseif $keatonCrewBondRole is 'totalSubmissiveSissyBitch'>>
<span class="dion">Dion:</span> "Ultimately this is to satisfy Keaton's demands, so when it came to making your outfit I took input from him. I'd like to stress this is more his vision than mine."<br/><br/>
<img src="images/items/BitchOutfitSet.jpg" alt="Picture of a slutty bitch outfit" class="storyImage storyImageBigger">
Despite everything you had experienced, you still couldn't help being a little stunned at the sight of the outfit. This said 'bitch' loud and clear; both figuratively and literally! The tiny black crop top spelled it out in bright pink lettering, the shade of which matched exactly with the miniskirt, one adorned with a zip down the front which almost begged the men in here to unfasten it whenever they pleased! The heels were classically sexy in their design but had been embellished with padlocks; suitably symbolic of the situation you had gotten yourself in as Grenton's owned sissy bitch. The last item, a heart shaped black leather choker, would of added a kinky little flair to most outfits, but on this one it was probably the tamest part of it!
Dion seemed entirely apathetic as he presented such an explicit outfit to you. To him, this was just fulfilling orders.<br/><br/>
<span class="dion">Dion:</span> "I just went with my gut on the sizing. Your proportions are different to what I'm used to - especially in the torso area - but I still think I nailed it. Don't you agree?"<br/><br/>
<<if $keatonCrewBondRole is 'femmeSissy'>>
<div class="choice">[["I love it! It's so cute, thank you so much for this."|SSYDion1][$dionStarterChoice = 'femmeOutfit'; $charmStat += 1]]</div><br/>
<div class="choice">[["It's so cute. I like it but I would of went with something... sluttier."|SSYDion1][$dionStarterChoice = 'notFemmeOutfit'; $SSYDionState = 6; $pervStat += 1]]</div>
<<elseif $keatonCrewBondRole is 'sissy'>>
<div class="choice">[["It's... perfect! Thank you so much"|SSYDion1][$dionStarterChoice = 'sissySlutOutfit'; $pervStat += 1]]</div><br/>
<div class="choice">[["It's so slutty. I like it but I would of went with something... cuter."|SSYDion1][$dionStarterChoice = 'notSissySlutOutfit'; $SSYDionState = 6; $courageStat += 1]]</div>
<<elseif $keatonCrewBondRole is 'totalSubmissiveSissyBitch'>>
<div class="choice">[["It's... so fucking hot."|SSYDion1][$dionStarterChoice = 'bitchOutfit'; $pervStat += 1]]</div><br/>
<div class="choice">[["Keaton ordered this for me? I guess I have to wear it. It's so humilating though..."|SSYDion1][$dionStarterChoice = 'bitchOutfit'; $subStat += 1]]</div><br/>
<div class="choice">[["It's a bit much isn't it? Couldn't you tone it down a little?"|SSYDion1][$dionStarterChoice = 'notBitchOutfit'; $subStat += 1]]</div>
<<elseif $SSYDionState is 0>>
<<if $dionConvoState is 0>>
For a Textile room, it was pretty empty. A couple of mannequins with tattered fabric samples pinned to them had fallen to the floor, and a roll of material had been unraveled disorderly around them.<br/><br/>
Other than the scattered mess and a few tool tables, there was nothing besides a lone figure sat in a chair facing away from you. The palms of their hands were buried into their eye sockets, in a pose that could only be described as despairing.<br/><br/>
<img src="images/locations/textileRoom1.jpg" alt="Textile room" class="storyImage storyImageBigger">
<span class="p1 p2">You:</span> "Uh... hello?"<br/><br/>
The man didn't move at all, but responded with a voice heavy with vocal fry. As you approached closer, everything about him seemed completely defeated.<br/><br/>
<span class="dion">???:</span> "Yes, what? Let me guess, another request? Perhaps you should wait until I actually fulfill a single one of them."<br/><br/>
<span class="p1 p2">You:</span> "Oh, I didn't realize there was a backlog. Do you... have any idea when that might be?"<br/><br/>
<span class="dion">???:</span> "Ah, let me see... how about NEVER!"<br/><br/>
He shot up straight in his chair and slapped his hand down hard on desk beside him, turning his face to you with an expression of pure fury. It was a frightening moment, but he quickly softened up when his eyes met yours. Immediately he seemed ashamed of the outburst.<br/><br/>
<span class="dion">???:</span> "Apologies... it's this fucking place. It's killing me!"<br/><br/>
<div class="choice">[["It certainly seems to have an effect on people, believe me."|SSYDion1][$dionConvoState = 1; $charmStat += 1]]</div><br/>
<div class="choice">[["Sorry. I honestly didn't mean to upset you."|SSYDion1][$dionConvoState = 1; $subStat += 1]]</div>
<<elseif $dionConvoState is 1>>
<span class="dion">???:</span> "It's my claustrophobia. I suffer it easily. Grenton might not be the smallest place, but the confinement is really putting me on edge."<br/><br/>
The man brushed a piece of lint from the lapel of his jacket before standing up to greet you proper. The height of his slim but muscular build towered over yours, and it was impossible to ignore the thick pecs that strained the surface of his white dress shirt.<br/><br/>
He certainly fit the description of a fashion designer, being the best dressed man you had seen in here. His blue suit fit with a stylish modern cut and subtly decorated with intricate black embellishments that matched perfectly with his leather balmoral boots. Fedoras may have become a joke in recent times, but here he was was wearing one unironically and somehow pulling it off. Underneath it, you could see his hair was shaved down to a light stubble.<br/><br/>
<img src="images/scenes/Zdion.jpg" alt="picture of Dion" class="storyImage storyImageBigger">
He offered a thick hand decorated in gold and silver rings, to shake yours.<br/><br/>
<span class="dion">Dion:</span> "Dion."<br/><br/>
<span class="p1 p2">You:</span> "$name."<br/><br/>
<span class="dion">Dion:</span> "That's quite the fashion sense you've got there, $name."<br/><br/>
<span class="p1 p2">You:</span> "Oh, um, do you like it?"<br/><br/>
Dion shook his head in disbelief, the mere suggestion seemed to bemusing to him.<br/><br/>
<span class="dion">Dion:</span> "Do you?"<br/><br/>
<div class="choice">[["Honestly, not really."|SSYDion1][$dionConvoState = 2]]</div><br/>
<div class="choice">[["It's OK at least?"|SSYDion1][$dionConvoState = 2]]</div>
<<elseif $dionConvoState is 2>>
<span class="dion">Dion:</span> "To call it basic would be an understatement. It's supermarket fashion. It's... bleh! This looks like you've just chucked on the first outfit you could find."<br/><br/>
His suggestion wasn't exactly far off the truth. Dion may of been in a lighter mood now but he seemed to have little patience for you.<br/><br/>
<span class="dion">Dion:</span> "Look, I didn't mean to yell earlier, but I can't take on any more requests. Everyone sees me and thinks I can just whip up designer clothes for them, as if it's so easy! It doesn't work like that."<br/><br/>
<span class="keaton">???: </span>"Oh yeah? Well perhaps you could enlighten us to how does it work then?"<br/><br/>
Keaton suddenly appeared from the doorway. The look of disdain on his face was an intimidating sight, though it didn't seem to strike any fear into Dion.<br/><br/>
<span class="keaton">Keaton: </span>"I keep hearing how 'talented' the great Dion Addo is, and yet, here he is apparently unable to make anything. What's going on? We gave you the nice room you asked for, good food, entertainment, and you've repaid our kindness with, oh yeah... not a single fucking thing!"<br/><br/>
<span class="dion">Dion:</span> "I can't create in these kind of conditions, Keaton. I'm not a machine, I'm an artist."<br/><br/>
<span class="keaton">Keaton: </span>"Well you better deliver something soon because people aren't happy with this seemingly one-sided arrangement! Normally we wouldn't let someone into our crew without a trial, but you said we could count on your reputation that you'd deliver us designer clothing, didn't you? You better hurry up because the men are getting restless."<br/><br/>
<span class="dion">Dion:</span> "And there's the problem - men! You ask <em>ME</em> to make them what? Tailored suits... coats... gym-wear!? Anyone who knows my work knows my canvas is the female form! I work with the finest women in the world and the materials to match. Haute Couture!"<br/><br/>
<span class="keaton">Keaton: </span>"What about $name then? If you really can't work outside your specialty, you could at least be some use making clothes for them."<br/><br/>
<span class="dion">Dion:</span> "You're not serious?"<br/><br/>
<span class="keaton">Keaton: </span>"Do I sound like I'm joking?"<br/><br/>
Dion seemed exasperated by Keaton's demanding nature, and turned to reason with you instead.<br/><br/>
<span class="dion">Dion:</span> "Look, I'm not trying to offend here, you obviously have some kind of appreciation for female fashion, but you're not exactly the <em>type</em> I design for. The women I collaborate with weren't simply my models, each one was my muse. Anyone familiar with my work knows I work exclusively with a particular body type, and it's quite different to yours. You have to understand, it's just not how I work."<br/><br/>
<div class="choice">[["Couldn't you at least try?"|SSYDion1][$dionConvoState = 3; $dionConvoDialogueState = 'reason']]</div><br/>
<div class="choice">[["Well, actually that is kind of offensive."|SSYDion1][$dionConvoState = 3; $dionConvoDialogueState = 'offended']]</div>
<<elseif $dionConvoState is 3>>
<<if $dionConvoDialogueState is 'reason'>>
Dion responded some half-hearted apology.<br/><br/>
<span class="dion">Dion:</span> "The only thing I can <em>try</em> is to find some inspiration in this insipid place. Sorry, but I can'no't force the creation process; it is what it is."<br/><br/>
<<elseif $dionConvoDialogueState is 'offended'>>
Dion responded some half-hearted apology.<br/><br/>
<span class="dion">Dion:</span> "Well, sorry - but it's not my fault that I fail to feel any inspiration in this insipid place. It is what it is."<br/><br/>
Something wrong. DionConvoState3.
<span class="keaton">Keaton: </span>"That's enough excuses out of you. Consider this your final warning - contribute something soon, or you can say goodbye to the perks. If you're going to sell yourself as the golden goose, you better start laying a few fucking eggs!"<br/><br/>
Keaton quickly left before his anger could get the better of him, and slammed the door behind him. It was the most irritated state you had ever seen him, and you were surprised Dion was able to remain adamantly defiant in the face of someone so formidable. Exhausted by the exchange, he retreated back to the same sunken position he was sat in before.<br/><br/>
<span class="dion">Dion:</span> "He just doesn't get it. Nobody does."<br/><br/>
<span class="p1 p2">You:</span> "But you did promise them clothes, didn't you? Why would you do that if you knew you couldn't actually make them?"<br/><br/>
<span class="dion">Dion:</span> "I told you - claustrophobia! Trust me, anyone who's stricken with it like I am will say anything to find some relief! The officers put me in the tiniest of rooms, I was desperate..."<br/><br/>
For all of his earlier confidence, he looked like a crumpled mess of a man right now. You couldn't help but feel some pity for him; if he were to continue like this then soon enough he'd be back in the situation that distressed him so much in the first place. Any words you could find to comfort him with seemed empty platitudes. You tried giving him a reassuring touch on his shoulder, but he shook it off immediately.<br/><br/>
<span class="dion">Dion:</span> "Go. Leave me be..."<br/><br/>
It was obvious there was nothing you could do to change his mind, so you left him in silence. It may have been an unfruitful meeting, but you felt it wasn't right to entirely give up on Dion yet.<br/><br/>
<span class="innerSissyText">Out of all the people in here he could make clothes for, surely you're the most suitable.</span><br/><br/>
Either you or Jessica. Jessica... she had pointed you here in the first place. Perhaps it would be worth letting her know how this went.<br/><br/>
[[Return to the Mess room|SSYmessRoom]]<br/>
<<set $SSYDionState to 1>>
<img src="images/locations/textileRoom1.jpg" alt="Textile room" class="storyImage storyImageBigger">
Looks like the door is locked, and there's no response when you try knocking. For all you know Dion is probably in there, but someone as headstrong as him isn't going to answer if he doesn't want to.<br/><br/>
[[Return to the Mess room|SSYmessRoom]]<br/>
<<if $playerAnkle.has('Black stockings') or $playerAnkle.has('Fishnet stockings')>>
<<set $wearingThighStockings to 1>>
<<set $wearingThighStockings to 0>>
<<if $playerBra.has('Pink basic bra') and $playerUnderwear.has('Pink basic panties') and $playerGarter.has('Pink basic garter belt')>>
<<if $wearingThighStockings is 1>>
<<set $wearingPinkLingerieSet to 1>>
<<set $wearingPinkLingerieSetWithGarters to 1>>
<<set $wearingPinkLingerieSet to 1>>
<<set $wearingPinkLingerieSet to 0>>
<<if $playerBra.has('Red satin bra') and $playerUnderwear.has('Red satin panties') and $playerGarter.has('Red satin garter belt')>>
<<if $wearingThighStockings is 1>>
<<set $wearingRedLingerieSet to 1>>
<<set $wearingRedLingerieSetWithGarters to 1>>
<<set $wearingRedLingerieSet to 1>>
<<set $wearingRedLingerieSet to 0>>
<<if $SSYDion1JessicaState is 0>>
<<set $SSYDion1JessicaState to 1>>
<<set $SSYDionState to 3>>
Jessica could tell you here to enact her plan, and lowered her voice to an excited hush.<br/><br/>
<span class="jessica">Jessica: </span>“Heeeey! Found something hot to wear, then?”<br/><br/>
<span class="p1 p2">You:</span> "Yep."<br/><br/>
You smiled devilishly as you lifted your skirt to show a peek of your panties.<br/><br/>
<<if $wearingPinkLingerieSet is 1>>
<span class="jessica">Jessica: </span>“Cuteee! Such a sweet color on you. No stockings though?”<br/><br/>
<<elseif $wearingRedLingerieSet is 1>>
<span class="jessica">Jessica: </span>“Oh yes - very sexy! That looks absolutely perfect on you! No stockings though?”<br/><br/>
Something wrong: Lingerie Show off.
<span class="p1 p2">You:</span> "Couldn't find any, sadly."<br/><br/>
<span class="jessica">Jessica: </span>“Alright, give me five minutes to get things going. You go back to your room and strip down to just the lingerie, and make sure to attach these.”<br/><br/>
She handed you a pair of black stockings.<br/><br/>
<img src="images/items/blackStockings.jpg" alt="Picture of black stockings" class="storyImage storyImageSmaller">
<span class="jessica">Jessica: </span>“For you to keep, sweetie. Garters with nothing to attach to really just don't feel right, do they?”<br/><br/>
<span class="p1 p2">You:</span> "Aw, that's so kind - thank you, Jessica! OK, see you soon."<br/><br/>
[[Get changed in your room|SSYDion1Jessica]]<br/>
<<elseif $SSYDion1JessicaState is 1>>
<<set $SSYDion1JessicaState to 2>>
<!-- Make all temp Items 'unknown' : -->
<<set $tempHeldHeadItem to 'unknown'>>
<<set $tempHeldHairItem to 'unknown'>>
<<set $tempHeldEarringItem to 'unknown'>>
<<set $tempHeldNeckItem to 'unknown'>>
<<set $tempHeldWristItem to 'unknown'>>
<<set $tempHeldTopItem to 'unknown'>>
<<set $tempHeldBraItem to 'unknown'>>
<<set $tempHeldBottomItem to 'unknown'>>
<<set $tempHeldUnderwearItem to 'unknown'>>
<<set $tempHeldGarterItem to 'unknown'>>
<<set $tempHeldAnkleItem to 'unknown'>>
<<set $tempHeldFeetItem to 'unknown'>>
<<set $tempHeldAcc1Item to 'unknown'>>
<<set $tempHeldAcc2Item to 'unknown'>>
<<set $tempHeldAcc3Item to 'unknown'>>
<!-- Set the items to be held and remove them from player: -->
<<if $playerHead.isEmpty()>><<else>>
<<set $tempHeldHeadItem to $playerHead.show()>>
<<dropall '$playerHead'>>
<<if $playerEarring.isEmpty()>><<else>>
<<set $tempHeldEarringItem to $playerEarring.show()>>
<<dropall '$playerEarring'>>
<<if $playerNeck.isEmpty()>><<else>>
<<set $tempHeldNeckItem to $playerNeck.show()>>
<<dropall '$playerNeck'>>
<<if $playerWrist.isEmpty()>><<else>>
<<set $tempHeldWristItem to $playerWrist.show()>>
<<dropall '$playerWrist'>>
<<if $playerTop.isEmpty()>><<else>>
<<set $tempHeldTopItem to $playerTop.show()>>
<<dropall '$playerTop'>>
<<if $playerBra.isEmpty()>><<else>>
<<set $tempHeldBraItem to $playerBra.show()>>
<<dropall '$playerBra'>>
<<if $playerBottom.isEmpty()>><<else>>
<<set $tempHeldBottomItem to $playerBottom.show()>>
<<dropall '$playerBottom'>>
<<if $playerUnderwear.isEmpty()>><<else>>
<<set $tempHeldUnderwearItem to $playerUnderwear.show()>>
<<dropall '$playerUnderwear'>>
<<if $playerGarter.isEmpty()>><<else>>
<<set $tempHeldGarterItem to $playerGarter.show()>>
<<dropall '$playerGarter'>>
<<if $playerAnkle.isEmpty()>><<else>>
<<set $tempHeldAnkleItem to $playerAnkle.show()>>
<<dropall '$playerAnkle'>>
<<if $playerFeet.isEmpty()>><<else>>
<<set $tempHeldFeetItem to $playerFeet.show()>>
<<dropall '$playerFeet'>>
<<if $playerAcc1.isEmpty()>><<else>>
<<set $tempHeldAcc1Item to $playerAcc1.show()>>
<<dropall '$playerAcc1'>>
<<if $playerAcc2.isEmpty()>><<else>>
<<set $tempHeldAcc2Item to $playerAcc2.show()>>
<<dropall '$playerAcc2'>>
<<if $playerAcc3.isEmpty()>><<else>>
<<set $tempHeldAcc3Item to $playerAcc3.show()>>
<<dropall '$playerAcc3'>>
<!-- Add in the temporary ones: -->
<<if $wearingPinkLingerieSet is 1>>
<<pickup '$playerBra' 'Pink basic bra'>>
<<= $playerBra.show()>>
<<pickup '$playerUnderwear' 'Pink basic panties'>>
<<= $playerUnderwear.show()>>
<<pickup '$playerGarter' 'Pink basic garter belt'>>
<<= $playerUnderwear.show()>>
<<elseif $wearingRedLingerieSet is 1>>
<<pickup '$playerBra' 'Red satin bra'>>
<<= $playerBra.show()>>
<<pickup '$playerUnderwear' 'Red satin panties'>>
<<= $playerUnderwear.show()>>
<<pickup '$playerGarter' 'Red satin garter belt'>>
<<= $playerUnderwear.show()>>
Something wrong: Clothes change.
<<pickup '$playerAnkle' 'Black stockings'>>
<<= $playerAnkle.show()>>
The gift from Jessica had you in a giddy high. She was right - without stockings to attach the garter belt your outfit felt incomplete, but now you had the missing piece. Something about the process of fastening them felt so transformative.<br/><br/>
As you fixed the last strap, you heard a knock from beyond your door.<br/><br/>
<span class="jessica">Jessica: </span>“Pssst - it's me, Jessica! Quick, let me in!”<br/><br/>
<span class="p1 p2">You:</span> "The door's unlocked."<br/><br/>
<span class="jessica">Jessica: </span>“Oh!”<br/><br/>
Suddenly it flung open, but it took a while before she actually appeared. She entered the room backwards, while struggling to drag a heavy roll of material into your room. She was running out of strength to move it, so you helped her pull it inside.<br/><br/>
<span class="jessica">Jessica: </span>“Oof! Thanks - I was halfway down the hall when I realized lugging this was more of a two girl job!”<br/><br/>
<span class="p1 p2">You:</span> "What is this? Is this needed for your plan?"<br/><br/>
<span class="jessica">Jessica: </span>Part of it, hun. Here's the next step...”<br/><br/>
Without hesitation she dropped the cords of her dress, which fell straight off of her slim body down into a pile around her feet. In that sudden motion she revealed the elegant but sexy set of black lingerie she was wearing underneath, all while looking directly at you with a completely nonchalant expression on her face.<br/><br/>
<span class="p1 p2">You:</span> "Wow..."<br/><br/>
<span class="jessica">Jessica: </span>“Nothing to see here, just two girls doing their makeup in their underwear, he he. Wouldn't want to get any on our dresses now, would we?”<br/><br/>
<span class="p1 p2">You:</span> "Ha ha, is this seriously the plan? What next... we go to Dion's workshop and seduce him?"<br/><br/>
You said it jokingly, but there was a hint of fear underneath. For all you knew Jessica could be so bold as to do that, but she quickly let you know that wasn't her style.<br/><br/>
<span class="jessica">Jessica: </span>“Oh sweetie, you've got a lot to learn - for us girls, less can be so much more! Lay back on the bed, and stop being so shy, will ya? You're going to enjoy this.”<br/><br/>
<img src="images/scenes/ssy1DionJessicaScheme0.jpg" alt="stocking covered legs intwined" class="storyImage storyImageBigger">
She picked up a handbag she had stored in the cavity of the roll of material, then crawled up on the bed to meet you.<br/><br/>
<span class="jessica">Jessica: </span>“Did you ever see that cute meme of the two girls doing makeup. The one on top was posed something liiike this...”<br/><br/>
She lifted herself so she was perched on top of your body, with a stocking-clad leg pinned either side of you. If her ass perched any lower she'd of practically been in the cowgirl position. Instead she scooted a little closer to sit upon your abs. From the teasing inflection in her voice, she appeared to be having fun.<br/><br/>
<span class="jessica">Jessica: </span>“Everything OK, $name?”<br/><br/>
<span class="p1 p2">You:</span> "Ah-absolutely."<br/><br/>
<span class="jessica">Jessica: </span>“Girl friends do this kind of thing all the time, it's perfectly normal. Well, this position is a little spicy - but it's not like it isn't practical!”<br/><br/>
She leaned in closer until she was almost directly over your face, her cheeky smile beaming. This was the rare kind of affectionate most people didn't experience the same way with their friends, a different kind of intimacy they would sadly never come to experience. If you had any makeup skills you would of loved to return the favor for Jessica.<br/><br/>
With one eye closed her hand came towards you with a surgical level of precision, as she lined your eyes in the darkest shade of black. You were just about to whisper thank you to her, when the door handle suddenly turned!<br/><br/>
<span class="innerShameText">No! No no no!</span><br/><br/>
Through pure instinct you jumped up to hide from view, inadvertently throwing Jessica off you. Instantly you felt terrible, and reached forward to grab her before she could fall back entirely.<br/><br/>
From the doorway, Dion caught you both in full embrace, your legs entwined Jessica's, and your hand reaching tenderly down onto her hips. He looked shell-shocked at the sight.<br/><br/>
<img src="images/scenes/ssy1DionJessicaScheme.jpg" alt="stocking covered legs intwined" class="storyImage storyImageBigger">
<span class="dion">Dion:</span> "I, uh... I... I..."<br/><br/>
<span class="jessica">Jessica: </span>“Eek! Wh-what the- hasn't anyone taught you to knock!?”<br/><br/>
<span class="dion">Dion:</span> "I, I'm... sorry. I was... came for... a fabric roll... didn't... didn't know anyone lived here..."<br/><br/>
<span class="jessica">Jessica: </span>“Oh my days, well then stop staring and just take it already! $name, can you believe this man?”<br/><br/>
In hindsight it should of been obvious Dion could show up, yet you hadn't really considered it at all! Anytime you weren't prepared to be exposed you found yourself quickly overwhelemed. Right now words failed you.<br/><br/>
<span class="dion">Dion:</span> "I'm just going to... *ergh*... take the roll... *huff*... and leave. I'm so... *ach*... sorry to disturb."<br/><br/>
He struggled to tow away the material as hastily as he could, momentarily looking back towards the pair of you.<br/><br/>
Jessica scorned at him again before shutting the door right behind him. Seeing her fake anger was actually kind of hilarious; to you it wasn't believable at all, but Dion didn't know her well enough to tell at all. Once the pair of you were sure he had gone you both burst into laughter.<br/><br/>
<span class="jessica">Jessica: </span>“Ha ha! Oh wow... did you see his face?”<br/><br/>
<span class="p1 p2">You:</span> "I can't believe it - <em>that</em> was you plan!?"<br/><br/>
<span class="jessica">Jessica: </span>“Haha, well something like that. Apart from you almost knocking me to floor, I'd say it went pretty well.”<br/><br/>
<span class="p1 p2">You:</span> "If you had given me any idea that was going to happen, I wouldn't of been so shocked!"<br/><br/>
<span class="jessica">Jessica: </span>“Naaah - this was far more believable. The panic on your face while you were grabbing me would convince anyone!”<br/><br/>
<span class="p1 p2">You:</span> "You're wild! So you really think that's going to inspire him?"<br/><br/>
<span class="jessica">Jessica: </span>“Catching two hotties like us that like? If that doesn't, what will?”<br/><br/>
She picked up her dress to put it back on.<br/><br/>
[[Get changed as well|SSYDion1Jessica]]<br/>
<<elseif $SSYDion1JessicaState is 2>>
<<set $SSYDion1JessicaState to 3>>
<<dropall '$playerHead'>>
<<dropall '$playerEarring'>>
<<dropall '$playerNeck'>>
<<dropall '$playerWrist'>>
<<dropall '$playerTop'>>
<<dropall '$playerBra'>>
<<dropall '$playerBottom'>>
<<dropall '$playerUnderwear'>>
<<dropall '$playerGarter'>>
<<dropall '$playerFeet'>>
<<dropall '$playerAcc1'>>
<<dropall '$playerAcc2'>>
<<dropall '$playerAcc3'>>
<<if $tempHeldHeadItem is 'unknown'>><<else>>
<<pickup '$playerHead' $tempHeldHeadItem>>
<<if $tempHeldEarringItem is 'unknown'>><<else>>
<<pickup '$playerEarring' $tempHeldEarringItem>>
<<if $tempHeldNeckItem is 'unknown'>><<else>>
<<pickup '$playerNeck' $tempHeldNeckItem>>
<<if $tempHeldWristItem is 'unknown'>><<else>>
<<pickup '$playerWrist' $tempHeldWristItem>>
<<if $tempHeldTopItem is 'unknown'>><<else>>
<<pickup '$playerTop' $tempHeldTopItem>>
<<if $tempHeldBraItem is 'unknown'>><<else>>
<<pickup '$playerBra' $tempHeldBraItem>>
<<if $tempHeldBottomItem is 'unknown'>><<else>>
<<pickup '$playerBottom' $tempHeldBottomItem>>
<<if $tempHeldUnderwearItem is 'unknown'>><<else>>
<<pickup '$playerUnderwear' $tempHeldUnderwearItem>>
<<if $tempHeldGarterItem is 'unknown'>><<else>>
<<pickup '$playerGarter' $tempHeldGarterItem>>
<<if $tempHeldFeetItem is 'unknown'>><<else>>
<<pickup '$playerFeet' $tempHeldFeetItem>>
<<if $tempHeldAcc1Item is 'unknown'>><<else>>
<<pickup '$playerAcc1' $tempHeldAcc1Item>>
<<if $tempHeldAcc2Item is 'unknown'>><<else>>
<<pickup '$playerAcc2' $tempHeldAcc2Item>>
<<if $tempHeldAcc3Item is 'unknown'>><<else>>
<<pickup '$playerAcc3' $tempHeldAcc3Item>>
As you put your clothes back on, you could barely stop giggling. Anyone would instantly pick up on Jessica's charming sweetness, but you had no idea she had such a chaotic side to her too. Whether or not her plan really would work, it had been fun. Seeing Dion's composed demeanor completely evaporate was worth it alone.<br/><br/>
<span class="jessica">Jessica: </span>“Give him a little time, hun. Before you know it, we'll be the models in his next catwalk, he he.”<br/><br/>
<span class="p1 p2">You:</span> "Ha, you'd look amazing on it."<br/><br/>
<span class="jessica">Jessica: </span>“Aww, stop! You know we both would. Hey, fancy getting up to some mischief again sometime?”<br/><br/>
<span class="p1 p2">You:</span> "With you? I'd love to."<br/><br/>
She wiggled her fingers for a playful goodbye gesture, before leaving with a delighted grin.<br/><br/>
[[Finish|SSYRoom][$ap -= 1]]<br/>
<<if $experiencedDramaEventToday is 1>>
<img src="images/locations/dramaRoom.jpg" alt="picture of the drama room area" class="storyImage storyImageBigger">
The inside is empty, even Nate isn't here. It looks like the Drama group is done with activities for today.<br/><br/>
[[Back to Main Block|SSYmessRoom]]
<<elseif $SSYNateState is 1>>
<img src="images/locations/dramaRoom.jpg" alt="picture of the drama room area" class="storyImage storyImageBigger">
<<if $playerInventory.has('Mahon cheese') and $ap lt 2>>
Even though you've got cheese for the contribution, Nate warned you this his acting sessions would take everything you've got. While you're not exactly exhausted right now, you'll need more energy than this. You should come back another time.<br/><br/>
You feel as ready as you're ever going to be for your first acting session with Nate,<<if $playerInventory.has('Mahon cheese')>> and you've got something to contribute to the cheese plate. Are you ready?<<else>> but you haven't got anything to contribute to the cheese plate! Better try and find some before coming back.<</if>><br/><br/>
<<if $playerInventory.has('Mahon cheese') and $ap gte 2>>
[[Let's do this.|SSYNate1a]]<br/>
[[Maybe another time...|SSYmessRoom]]
[[Back to Main Block|SSYmessRoom]]
<<elseif $SSYNateState is 0>>
You knocked at the door but there was no response. Even after trying again multiple times, you were only met with silence. It seemed obvious this was the so-called drama room Keaton directed you to, so you quietly opened the door in the hope of not causing a disturbance, and stepped inside.<br/><br/>
Immediately the setting gave you flashbacks to your school days. It wasn't really a room, but instead a spacious hall. It's scuffed grey floors were littered with all kinds of toy props, along with hand-made 2D set pieces and clothing items for various outfits.<br/><br/>
<img src="images/locations/dramaRoom.jpg" alt="picture of the drama room area" class="storyImage storyImageBigger">
The end of the room had an elevated wooden stage area, complete with curtains and stage exits either side. From it's left, you heard a mix of clattering and thumping sounds. As you approached, you could just about discern someone's angry diatribe, delivered in a heavy Irish accent.<br/><br/>
<span class="nate">???: </span>"...so help me, ye'll be found soon ye feckless bastard! Getcha self out here!"<br/><br/>
It dawned on you that you didn't actually know who the actor was or what he looked like. Cautiously you peeled back the curtain covering the stage exit to get a glimpse at this mystery man.<br/><br/>
The agitated person was ranting and raving as he tried to force his way through a blockade of props in front of him. He shoved a set of clothes racks to the ground, before rapidly grabbing some smaller items and aimlessly hurling them behind him. Fake jewellery suddenly rained down on you, with a pocket watch catching you on the nose.<br/><br/>
<span class="p1 p2">You:</span> "Ah, fuck!"<br/><br/>
<span class="nate">???: </span>"Is that ye, is it now? How'd ye get back there... oh... the feck are yer?"<br/><br/>
<span class="p1 p2">You:</span> "Oww... I should ask you the same! I'm here to meet the actor."<br/><br/>
<span class="nate">???: </span>"Ye and all? Well ain't than somethin' - I be lookin' fer the chancer meself. Ye've got hands, ain't ye? Come on now, let's get the maggot!"<br/><br/>
The man turned back to the pile, carelessly tearing the items out of his way. He had a hard, unfriendly face, and didn't care at all to reel in his recklessness. The ends of his white t-shirt were rolled up, and his stonewashed denims seemed caked in dirt. He threw more props out of his way before turning back questioningly to you.<br/><br/>
<span class="nate">???: </span>"What's wrong there? Would be a quicker job, the two of us."<br/><br/>
<span class="p1 p2">You:</span> "I know, but... I'm here to learn from him, not harm him."<br/><br/>
<span class="nate">???: </span>"Really now - and just what could that dosser have to teach ye? No, if anythin' it's that fecker who needs a lesson! Help me now, I'll make it worth yer while!"<br/><br/>
<div class="choice">[[No. I'm here to join in with the drama group.|SSYNate1][$SSYActorBondPoints +=2; $nateConvoState =1]]</div><br/>
<div class="choice">[[Fine...|SSYNate1][$nateConvoState =2; $subStat += 1]]</div>
<img src="images/locations/dramaRoom.jpg" alt="picture of the drama room area" class="storyImage storyImageBigger">
Now that you're here, you realize there's nothing to do here right now.<br/><br/>
[[Back to Main Block|SSYmessRoom]]
<<if $nateConvoState is 1>>
<div class="bondPointsIncreaseDisplay actorBondPointsIncrease"><img class="bondHeartsIcon" src="images/extras/whiteHeart2.png"><img class="bondPointsUpArrow" src="images/extras/whiteUpArrow.png"></div>
<span class="nate">???: </span>"Imeacht gan teacht ort! Be off with yer now!"<br/><br/>
Regardless of whether the actor was actually hiding behind the props or not, you couldn't help but feel unsafe staying around this guy any longer. You sneaked your way back across the hall, only to hear a hard, slow clap behind you before you could exit.<br/><br/>
<span class="nate">???: </span>"Well done - a splendid showing there!"<br/><br/>
It was a completely different voice... an English accent of the distinct kind that a classically trained English actor would have. You turned around to see a man stood back at the stage area, but it wasn't the Irishman. This man was dressed in a comfy looking wool cardigan and had a cheerful look on his face.<br/><br/>
<span class="nate">The Actor: </span>"Yes, splendid indeed, if one may say so. Do tell, what is your name? You were looking for me, I presume?"<br/><br/>
<span class="p1 p2">You:</span> "I'm $name. And if you're the actor I've been told to meet, then yes I was. You need to be careful though, there's-"<br/><br/>
<span class="nate">The Actor: </span>"A villainous brute searching for oneself, you're about to say?"<br/><br/>
He swept his hand through his chocolate brown hair; a charmingly tousled, pushed back style, with an ever so slight widow's peak.<br/><br/>
<span class="p1 p2">You:</span> "Th-that's right..."<br/><br/>
<span class="nate">The Actor: </span>"Oh ho! My dear, then allow me to relieve your confusion, for I dare say you have been captivated by acting in it's most purest form! You see, our despicable, unkempt Scottish foe was none other than... MYSELF!!!"<br/><br/>
<img src="images/scenes/Znate.jpg" alt="picture of Nate" class="storyImage storyImageBigger">
He held his arms up as if to invite applause and delight from an adoring crowd, but his revelation didn't exactly 'relieve your confusion'.<br/><br/>
You clapped meekly, the faint praise of which he seemed to enjoy drinking in, though it felt like he wanted you to actually <em>say</em> something about the 'performance'.<br/><br/>
<div class="choice">[[That was impressive - I can't believe you were that guy!|SSYNate1][$subStat += 1; $nateConvoState =3]]</div><br/>
<div class="choice">[[Um, I'm sorry, didn't you mean Irish?|SSYNate1][$SSYActorBondPoints +=1; $charmStat += 1; $nateConvoState =4]]</div>
<<elseif $nateConvoState is 2>>
<span class="nate">???: </span>"Ah, yer only bleedin' massive! Grab at these will ye now, will ye? I'm knackered."<br/><br/>
If the actor really was behind these props, you had to meet him. You weren't sure exactly what would happen if you continued, but at least going along with the Irishman meant you had some chance of finding him.<br/><br/>
Despite his proposition earlier, the man didn't raise a finger. He wandered off leaving all the work to you. You moved the items out the way as gently as you could, diligently making a path through the blockade, only to hear a hard, slow clap behind you.<br/><br/>
<span class="nate">???: </span>"Well done - a splendid showing there!"<br/><br/>
It was a completely different voice... an English accent of the distinct kind that a classically trained English actor would have. You turned around to see a man stood back at the stage area, but it wasn't the Irishman. This man was dressed in a comfy looking wool cardigan and had a cheerful look on his face.<br/><br/>
<span class="nate">The Actor: </span>"Yes, splendid indeed, if one may say so. Do tell, what is your name? You were looking for me, I presume?"<br/><br/>
<span class="p1 p2">You:</span> "I'm $name. And if you're the actor I've been told to meet, then yes I was. You need to be careful though, there's-"<br/><br/>
<span class="nate">The Actor: </span>"A villainous brute searching for oneself, you're about to say?"<br/><br/>
He swept his hand through his chocolate brown hair; a charmingly tousled, pushed back style, with an ever so slight widow's peak.<br/><br/>
<span class="p1 p2">You:</span> "Th-that's right..."<br/><br/>
<span class="nate">The Actor: </span>"Oh ho! My dear, then allow me to relieve your confusion, for I dare say you have been captivated by acting in it's most purest form! You see, the despicable, unkempt Scottish foe you came so close to befriending was none other than... MYSELF!!!"<br/><br/>
<img src="images/scenes/Znate.jpg" alt="picture of Nate" class="storyImage storyImageBigger">
He held his arms up as if to invite applause and delight from an adoring crowd, but his revelation didn't exactly 'relieve your confusion'.<br/><br/>
You clapped meekly, the faint praise of which he seemed to enjoy drinking in, though it felt like he wanted you to actually <em>say</em> something about the 'performance'.<br/><br/>
<div class="choice">[[That was impressive - I can't believe you were that guy!|SSYNate1][$subStat += 1; $nateConvoState =3]]</div><br/>
<div class="choice">[[Um, I'm sorry, didn't you mean Irish?|SSYNate1][$SSYActorBondPoints +=1; $charmStat += 1; $nateConvoState =4]]</div>
<<elseif $nateConvoState is 3>>
<span class="nate">The Actor: </span>"Thank you, my dear - one must say, it may become hard for one to maintain a humble composure in the midst of such appreciation! Allow oneself to give the true compliment to the Scottish people, whom without which, my beautiful, passionate yet measured and dignified portrayal would fall flat. Here's to them - Siwmae!"<br/><br/>
The man suddenly raised a goblet upwards, before drinking it's whole contents in a couple of gulps. If that was supposed to be a toast to the Scottish, he seemed to be completely oblivious to the fact that 'siwmae' was actually a Welsh word; one that actually meant 'How's it going?'.<br/><br/>
Regardless of how accurate his performance was in regards to his intentions, he certainly knew how to convincingly portray somebody else. He was still the same man from earlier, but his facial expression, voice and posture - along with his inexplicably fast costume change - made you feel like you were in the presence of an entirely different person.<br/><br/>
<span class="nate">The Actor: </span>"Your response makes it clear that one's Caledonian rogue character is finally ready to debut on the big stage! Now my friend, let us move our attention to yourself. You wish to join our drama group here in Grenton, is that correct?"<br/><br/>
<<elseif $nateConvoState is 4>>
<div class="bondPointsIncreaseDisplay actorBondPointsIncrease"><img class="bondHeartsIcon" src="images/extras/whiteHeart1.png"><img class="bondPointsUpArrow" src="images/extras/whiteUpArrow.png"></div>
<span class="nate">The Actor: </span>"Oh, did one not say as such? Then allow oneself to apologize, such slips of the tongue are far easier to make when one is not in character. One hopes my mistake does not distract from what surely was a beautiful, passionate yet measured and dignified portrayal of the Irish spirit. Here's to them - Siwmae!"<br/><br/>
The man suddenly raised a goblet upwards, before drinking it's whole contents in a couple of gulps. If that was supposed to be a toast to the Irish people, he seemed to be completely oblivious to the fact that 'siwmae' was actually a Welsh word; one that actually meant 'How's it going?'. <br/><br/>
Regardless of how accurate his performance was in regards to his intentions, he certainly knew how to convincingly portray somebody else. He was still the same man from earlier, but his facial expression, voice and posture - along with his inexplicably fast costume change - made you feel like you were in the presence of an entirely different person.<br/><br/>
<span class="nate">The Actor: </span>"One must thank you though - honest feedback is vital to bringing a character to their true potential. Now my friend, let us move our attention to your fine self. You wish to join our drama group here in Grenton, is that correct?"<br/><br/>
Something wrong SSYNate1 conversation. nateConvoState: $nateConvoState
<<if $nateConvoState is 3 or $nateConvoState is 4>>
<span class="p1 p2">You:</span> "That's... right. I was told there was a lot I could learn from you."<br/><br/>
<span class="nate">The Actor: </span>"Learn! But, my dear, you're a natural! To catch me in the middle of method acting and riff with me like that? You played your role to perfection!"<br/><br/>
<span class="p1 p2">You:</span> "Riff? I genuinely thought there was a man out to get you!"<br/><br/>
<span class="nate">The Actor: </span>"Precisely my point! How better would one play their part? No, you need not learn from me, the place from where you need to learn is within yourself!"<br/><br/>
<span class="p1 p2">You:</span> "Oh... um, okay then. But..."<br/><br/>
<span class="nate">The Actor: </span>"As director of Grenton's drama group one is honored to have been given such a golden opportunity. Those who arrive here are already focused on improving themselves, and yet, are bereft of the ego that comes attached to so many aspiring actors. It is these people, such such as your unassuming self, who offer acting opportunities like no other!"<br/><br/>
<span class="p1 p2">You:</span> "I'm not sure I entirely understand..."<br/><br/>
<span class="nate">The Actor: </span>"Acting for acting's sake, my dear! Inhabiting entirely different personas! Truly being another, not for glory, not for fame, certainyl not for monetary privilege. Nay! Simply to explore that which drives the soul! To expand what it means to be oneself by becoming engulfed in another!"<br/><br/>
You couldn't deny finding his passion for his craft inspiring, especially after his encouraging description of you as a natural talent.<br/><br/>
<span class="p1 p2">You:</span> "That makes a bit more sense... so, would I be able to join your group?"<br/><br/>
<span class="nate">The Actor: </span>"Certainly! Our group meets all the time, you're welcome to join us whenever you wish."<br/><br/>
<span class="p1 p2">You:</span> "Oh, thank you! But did you say whenever? Wouldn't that make rehearsals difficult?"<br/><br/>
<span class="nate">The Actor: </span>"Not at all! Apologies, one suppose one wasn't clear. We perform for nobody but ourselves. There's no requirement to practice weeks at a time for some grand performance - each day we strive each to create something new! To dive deep into ourselves so that stories true to oneself may emerge. It is an exhilarating experience; writing, practicing and performing, almost all in one sitting!"<br/><br/>
<span class="p1 p2">You:</span> "I see..."<br/><br/>
<span class="nate">The Actor: </span>"Within our group, you'll be able to experience stories especially crafted for you. Can you imagine, $name? Shakespeare, Miller, Beckett... all fantastic of course, but what can compare to the raw, intimate stories each of us has to tell?"<br/><br/>
<span class="p1 p2">You:</span> "So... does this mean I need to be a writer too?"<br/><br/>
<span class="nate">The Actor: </span>"Not necessarily - in fact, one did hope you'd be gracious enough to allow oneself to write your scenes for you? Of course, there'd be room for input from yourself, when the occasion arises. How does that sound?"<br/><br/>
<span class="p1 p2">You:</span> "I think I'd like that, yes!"<br/><br/>
<span class="nate">The Actor: </span>"Excellent, then away I shall go! As an actor one becomes a quick read of others, but one will still need to do some research on you first. I'm sure there's much one can learn from the people you've met in here. With the preliminary matters out the way, we can create special experiences for your acting to blossom from!"<br/><br/>
You couldn't bring yourself to interrupt him here. To say he'd learn more about you from the others in here would be a huge understatement.<br/><br/>
<span class="nate">The Actor: </span>"Well, it's been a delight to meet you, $name. You should make a fine addition to our steadily growing group of thespians! But wait, for it strikes me that one has been incredibly rude! One gets so caught up in the craft they often forget their manners. Allow me to properly introduce oneself... Nathaniel Bae-Lewis, and while the reception of one's full name in their ears is quite a pleasure, one prefers to go by Nate."<br/><br/>
<span class="p1 p2">You:</span> "Thank you Nate, it's been nice to meet you."<br/><br/>
<span class="nate">Nate: </span>"Likewise, my dear. When you arrive for our first session, do make sure you have plenty of energy, for our work will be most intense! Oh, and there is a <em>minor</em> formality that also must be mentioned... one must insist that attendance to any of our 'personalized' sessions will require a contribution to our cheese plate."<br/><br/>
<span class="p1 p2">You:</span> "Excuse me?"<br/><br/>
<img src="images/scenes/ssyNate1_cheesePlate.jpg" alt="picture of a cheese plate" class="storyImage storyImageBigger">
<span class="nate">Nate: </span>"Cheese, my dear, cheese! Gorgonzola, Stilton, Roquefort, heavens maybe even a bit of Cheddar if you have to! Just a <em>small</em> contribution, if you'd be so kind."<br/><br/>
It was a fairly odd request from a very odd man, and yet he seemed deadly serious about it. There was little more to say, so you nodded goodbye and left the hall, curious as to exactly what Nate and his drama group would have in store for you.<br/><br/>
[[Continue|SSYmessRoom][$ap -=1]]<br/>
<<set $metNate to 1>>
<<set $SSYNateState to 1>>
<<set $nateConvoState to 0>>
<<set $experiencedDramaEventToday to 1>>
<<if $nateConvoState is 0>>
<<set $random = random(1,3)>>
<<set $actorScriptLineState to $random>>
<<set $actedCorrectlyThisSession to 0>>
<<if $playerInventory.has('Mahon cheese')>><<drop '$playerInventory' 'Mahon cheese'>><<else>><</if>>
After you had placed the hunk of cheese carefully onto the contribution plate, an excited Nate appeared out of nowhere and grasped the palms of his hands together to produce a single, padded clap.<br/><br/>
<span class="nate">Nate: </span>"$name, what fortuitous timing! One's research regarding yourself is now complete, now the true work may begin."<br/><br/>
He cut a neat cube off of the Mahon while speaking to you, and placed it in his mouth.<br/><br/>
<span class="nate">Nate: </span>"Mmm, how marvelous! Now, let us turn our focus upon you. Hopefully you won't mind my saying so, but from your appearance alone one imagined you would be a fascinating subject, yet the more one discovered it became apparent just how little you knew yourself. Some would be disheartened, but one believes such a state of self-doubt will be richly fertile for new discoveries."<br/><br/>
<span class="p1 p2">You:</span> "Y-you think so?"<br/><br/>
<span class="nate">Nate: </span>"Indeed! One found themselves drawn much deeper into the hitherto unknown world of... you. Who are you? It soon became clear that, for now, such a question appears only answerable in the rear-view mirror of your next action."<br/><br/>
He placed his fingers quizzically at his chin as he looked at you, almost like he was examining some art exhibit of unfathomable meaning.<br/><br/>
<<if $keatonCrewBondRole is 'femmeSissy'>>
<span class="nate">Nate: </span>"One heard tale that you pushed yourself into an almost extreme situation, and yet in some way since you've almost pulled back. An eagerness to tread fearlessly into that which is untread, to know only after courageously stepping into the unknown. From there, you can retreat into the space you learn you truly reside. A brave yet pragmatic method... few could find courage to do the same."<br/><br/>
<<elseif $keatonCrewBondRole is 'sissy'>>
<span class="nate">Nate: </span>"One heard tale that you pushed yourself into an almost extreme situation, and would have went further, had you only been able to withstand the complexity of desires within you. That eagerness to tread fearlessly into the unknown resides still, yet without the mental fortitude to match one's will, such depths can barely be explored before they become suffocating..."<br/><br/>
<<elseif $keatonCrewBondRole is 'totalSubmissiveSissyBitch'>>
<span class="nate">Nate: </span>"One heard tale that you pushed yourself into an almost extreme situation, and would have went further, had you only been able to withstand the complexity of desires within you. Now you seek freedom within limits, submitting your own desires to be defined by others. Some astounding actors have found their meaning through the demands of their audience. It can be volatile yet potent approach..."<br/><br/>
It became obvious that despite his somewhat eccentric nature, Nate had a particular talent for picking up insight into others; certainly into you at least. Clearly he had a strong fascination in what makes up a person. The surprising level of deduction he exhibited almost flustered you.<br/><br/>
<span class="nate">Nate: </span>"Apologies! One does tend to put the horse before the cart when it comes to the craft. Such excitement cannot help but erupt at the prospect of exploring untrodden scenarios with you. Also, to bare one's soul most honestly, it could be said many of the female roles we have here are being played... most unconvincingly."<br/><br/>
<span class="p1 p2">You:</span> "And you think I can?"<br/><br/>
<span class="nate">Nate: </span>"Why of course! What makes you doubt yourself so?"<br/><br/>
<span class="p1 p2">You:</span> "I mean... I just started dressing like this. And my voice... it's not exactly girly."<br/><br/>
An uncontainable smile filled Nate's face. He paced swiftly to a writing desk nearby and slammed his hand upon a script laying on it.<br/><br/>
<span class="nate">Nate: </span>"Oh fortune, this script writer's hand has struck serendipitously once more! Allow me to explain my dear, this first scene made for you is most astoundingly what you need! Here, go ahead and read it..."<br/><br/>
He handed over the pages to you, a hastily written script completed in Nate's own handwriting. You read the title out loud...<br/><br/>
<span class="p1 p2">You:</span> "A DEBUT FROM THE CLOSET."<br/><br/>
<span class="nate">Nate: </span>"An exploration of the first moments of self-discovery. There's even a part where you'll be performing in a new voice! You wish to change your vocal tone, yes?"<br/><br/>
<span class="p1 p2">You:</span> "It would be nice to sound... more feminine."<br/><br/>
<span class="nate">Nate: </span>"Then let us warm up with an exercise that may help, shall we?"<br/><br/>
He motioned for you to mimic him, inhaling deeply before shaking each of his limbs like he was trying to rid himself of his hands and feet. After you copied his gestures to warm up, he held a finger in position that was primed to flick at his adam's apple.<br/><br/>
<span class="nate">Nate: </span>"Here. This is where we can get the most drastic change from your voice."<br/><br/>
He flicked repeatedly while slightly groaning and exhaling. At first the breathy sound was deep, but gradually he changed it to a higher resonance. When he had finished tuning it, his voice was near indistinguishable from a typical woman's. He stopped suddenly and looked at you with seriousness, keen to explain.<br/><br/>
<span class="nate">Nate: </span>"One's throat is simply a pipe my dear, the pitch of which is determined by it's volume. If we shrink that volume by tightening the pipe, we have a way of controlling our pitch to be higher. Go ahead and try yourself. When you have the pitch, all you need to do is hold the muscle there and speak."<br/><br/>
You did as he directed. It wasn't easy; getting the higher toned breath sound was difficult enough even before you tried speaking.<br/><br/>
It took many tries before you could even say a short sentence while holding your throat in that position, but you eventually got there. Your voice was nowhere near as impressive as Nate's, but it certainly changed in a way you liked!<br/><br/>
<img src="images/scenes/zNate1aVoice.jpg" alt="Picture of femme vocal training" class="storyImage storyImageBigger">
<span class="nate">Nate: </span>"Excellent! Trust in yourself that it will become second nature before long. There's more to develop it fully of course, but you've learned the most fundamental aspect. This helps avoid the most common mistake that many beginners make - performing an effortless falsetto, which is sadly far too easy to sound cartoonish."<br/><br/>
<span class="p1 p2">You:</span> "I see..."<br/><br/>
<span class="nate">Nate: </span>"Now, let's look towards our scene. Have you much acting experience? Any indulgence of bringing the fictional to life at all, hm?"<br/><br/>
<span class="p1 p2">You:</span> "Oh, not really. I suppose I really get into imaginary things though. Like when I'm reading a book I can picture the setting and characters vividly in my mind. I don't tend to speed read, instead narrating each person's voice as though I could hear them myself."<br/><br/>
<span class="nate">Nate: </span>"Wonderful! That is a natural inclination of yours we can expand from, for when you become the character you must see what they see. Step into their world until it seems real enough to touch. This is no longer to be a drab empty hall - paint these walls with your most vivid imagination, and it will be as though you were present in another place entirely!"<br/><br/>
<span class="p1 p2">You:</span> "I'll try my best."<br/><br/>
[[Continue|SSYNate1a][$nateConvoState = 101]]<br/>
<<elseif $nateConvoState is 101>>
<span class="nate">Nate: </span>"One thinks you will do well my dear, so be nervous not a moment longer! Should you merge into the character written for you today, you will find it as though your very soul is being guided by them, a gentle ethereal spirit leading you away. Your hang-ups will not be theirs. Allow yourself to be free from them, without any concern. This is what it means to act."<br/><br/>
He clapped sharply twice and bellowed for you to learn your lines, before marching over to the stage to set up his amateur crafted props. You did your best to memorize the lines. Even if there wasn't going to be an audience, you still wanted to do a good job.<br/><br/>
Most of the script seemed to be sticking, so you tried to focus on the last few lines that kept escaping you.<br/><br/>
<span class="notepaper">
"That depends... what's your favorite color?"<br/><br/>
"I'll do my best for you..."<br/><br/>
(Push the container of clothes under the bed with your foot.)<br/><br/>
(Arch back seductively for a selfie.) "I hope D likes this."<br/><br/>
(Bite at finger to portray behaving indecently.)<br/><br/>
(Portray introspective doubt, followed by hinting at a propensity for behaving naughtily)<br/>
<span class="nate">Nate: </span>"Take in as much as you can. Do at least attempt to stick to the script today, but don't fret over any errors. There's room for a little improv, and we can work around any line flubs. Remember - the most important thing of all is to immerse yourself in the scene!"<br/><br/>
<span class="p1 p2">You:</span> "Okay... wow, this scene kinda gets a bit intense at moments..."<br/><br/>
<<if $playerComplexShameSource1 is 'inferiorityComplex'>>
<span class="innerIdentity shame shameSource1 inferiority"><span class="innerThoughtLabel shameSource1Label">[Inferiority]: </span>This script... what does it say about you if you actually do a good job of acting this out? Are you just going to accept a role so inferior? You're making a mistake. Hide your weakness... don't show it off!</span><br/><br/>
<<elseif $playerComplexShameSource1 is 'internalizedSocialStigma'>>
<span class="innerIdentity shame shameSource1 internalizedSocialStigma"><span class="innerThoughtLabel shameSource1Label">[Social Stigma]: </span>You can't do this, it's so embarrassing! Why are you even thinking of trying? It's like you just can't stop. Ignore your freakish little urges, push them down. Push them away!</span><br/><br/>
<<elseif $playerComplexShameSource1 is 'slutShame'>>
<span class="innerIdentity shame shameSource1 slutShame"><span class="innerThoughtLabel shameSource1Label">[Slut Shame]: </span>This script sounds kind of hot, but... to have to act this out in front of him? Even if the thought of doing this is a turn on, you mustn't let others see that. Stop embarrassing yourself.</span><br/><br/>
<span class="nate">Nate: </span>"Any issues, my dear? One can always make rewrites. Or perhaps another story entirely?"<br/><br/>
<<if $playerComplexFeminineReason is 'selfObjectification'>>
<span class="innerIdentity feminineReason selfObjectification"><span class="innerThoughtLabel feminineReasonLabel">[Self-Objectification]: </span>Get over yourself! You should realize what a lucky girl you are to even have this chance! This is going to be <em>so</em> hot...</span><br/><br/>
<<elseif $playerComplexFeminineReason is 'naturalBornFemme'>>
<span class="innerIdentity feminineReason naturalBornFemme"><span class="innerThoughtLabel feminineReasonLabel">[Natural Born Femme]: </span>You're lying to yourself if you're going to pretend you don't want to try this. This is a chance to truly explore yourself - to finally seperate what you actually desire from what you don't. You'll never know until you try. Acting let's you throw away your self-judgment while you step into someone else...</span><br/><br/>
<span class="p1 p2">You:</span> "I think I can do this... it's just... some of it will be strange to act out."<br/><br/>
<span class="nate">Nate: </span>"Believe in yourself, $name - in the eyes of this modest thespian you appear most ready! Should anything about the performance become too much, by any means at all, say so immediately. One will not hesitate to end the performance with instant effect."<br/><br/>
<span class="p1 p2">You:</span> "Ok. Alright... yeah, I can do this. I <em>will</em> do this. Let's go."<br/><br/>
<span class="nate">Nate: </span>"Ecstatic! Allow one to set the scene..."<br/><br/>
[[Begin|SSYNate1a][$nateConvoState = 1]]<br/>
<<elseif $nateConvoState is 1>>
<span class="nate">Nate: </span>"Ahem! The night would be silent if not for occasional passing of streetcars outside Ethan's apartment. To most, this cold Thursday evening would be of no significance at all, but for him there was an anticipation in the air that was most palpable. Thrill was coursing through his entire body, so much so that it was difficult to hold a steady hand to turn the key in his apartment's door. None of his roommates should be coming back here tonight, and in the exceptional circumstance they did, tonight they would find the entrance impenetrable."<br/><br/>
You acted out Ethan's activities, over-exaggerating your character's shivering, the gestures of locking a door and blocking the entrance. You felt painfully aware that you were still yourself, and could only hope you'd lose yourself in the role soon.<br/><br/>
<span class="nate">Nate: </span>"Tonight was going to be special precisely because Ethan had pined for it so long, or maybe it should be said that longing truly belonged to Eve. She was the persona who had been sealed away for so long. She, who only existed within the small slivers of opportunity like this. The luxury to simply <em>be</em> was not often hers, but for a few hours tonight, it finally was. She wasn't alone in looking forward to this opportunity though..."<br/><br/>
A badly mouthed '<strong>BLOOP</strong>' sound was made to signify receiving a text. You looked to a nearby table, and gently picked up a prop phone made from a cardboard box. With emphasis, you shifted your eyes over it's surface, 'reading' it's supposed message.<br/><br/>
The script said you'd have to vocalize the messages your character would send. It would feel awkward to do so, but that's just the nature of theatre. Out of the corner of your eye you saw a motion from Nate, a direction that seemed to say 'look within'. You took an inhale of breath.<br/><br/>
<span class="nate">Nate: </span>"The dull glow of the screen lights up Ethan's world! A message from someone he only knows as 'D'."<br/><br/>
<span class="textMessageVoice">D: </span><span class="textMessage">"[How's my sissy?]"</span><br/><br/>
<span class="textMessageVoice">D: </span><span class="textMessage">"[Is she dressed yet?]"</span><br/><br/>
[[Another Inhale. Become Eve...|SSYNate1a][$nateConvoState = 2]]<br/>
<<elseif $nateConvoState is 2>>
<!-- Make all temp Items 'unknown' : -->
<<set $tempHeldHeadItem to 'unknown'>>
<<set $tempHeldHairItem to 'unknown'>>
<<set $tempHeldEarringItem to 'unknown'>>
<<set $tempHeldNeckItem to 'unknown'>>
<<set $tempHeldWristItem to 'unknown'>>
<<set $tempHeldTopItem to 'unknown'>>
<<set $tempHeldBraItem to 'unknown'>>
<<set $tempHeldBottomItem to 'unknown'>>
<<set $tempHeldUnderwearItem to 'unknown'>>
<<set $tempHeldGarterItem to 'unknown'>>
<<set $tempHeldAnkleItem to 'unknown'>>
<<set $tempHeldFeetItem to 'unknown'>>
<<set $tempHeldAcc1Item to 'unknown'>>
<<set $tempHeldAcc2Item to 'unknown'>>
<<set $tempHeldAcc3Item to 'unknown'>>
<!-- Set the items to be held and remove them from player: -->
<<if $playerHead.isEmpty()>><<else>>
<<set $tempHeldHeadItem to $playerHead.show()>>
<<dropall '$playerHead'>>
<<if $playerHair.isEmpty()>><<else>>
<<set $tempHeldHairItem to $playerHair.show()>>
<<dropall '$playerHair'>>
<<if $playerEarring.isEmpty()>><<else>>
<<set $tempHeldEarringItem to $playerEarring.show()>>
<<dropall '$playerEarring'>>
<<if $playerNeck.isEmpty()>><<else>>
<<set $tempHeldNeckItem to $playerNeck.show()>>
<<dropall '$playerNeck'>>
<<if $playerWrist.isEmpty()>><<else>>
<<set $tempHeldWristItem to $playerWrist.show()>>
<<dropall '$playerWrist'>>
<<if $playerTop.isEmpty()>><<else>>
<<set $tempHeldTopItem to $playerTop.show()>>
<<dropall '$playerTop'>>
<<if $playerBra.isEmpty()>><<else>>
<<set $tempHeldBraItem to $playerBra.show()>>
<<dropall '$playerBra'>>
<<if $playerBottom.isEmpty()>><<else>>
<<set $tempHeldBottomItem to $playerBottom.show()>>
<<dropall '$playerBottom'>>
<<if $playerUnderwear.isEmpty()>><<else>>
<<set $tempHeldUnderwearItem to $playerUnderwear.show()>>
<<dropall '$playerUnderwear'>>
<<if $playerGarter.isEmpty()>><<else>>
<<set $tempHeldGarterItem to $playerGarter.show()>>
<<dropall '$playerGarter'>>
<<if $playerAnkle.isEmpty()>><<else>>
<<set $tempHeldAnkleItem to $playerAnkle.show()>>
<<dropall '$playerAnkle'>>
<<if $playerFeet.isEmpty()>><<else>>
<<set $tempHeldFeetItem to $playerFeet.show()>>
<<dropall '$playerFeet'>>
<<if $playerAcc1.isEmpty()>><<else>>
<<set $tempHeldAcc1Item to $playerAcc1.show()>>
<<dropall '$playerAcc1'>>
<<if $playerAcc2.isEmpty()>><<else>>
<<set $tempHeldAcc2Item to $playerAcc2.show()>>
<<dropall '$playerAcc2'>>
<<if $playerAcc3.isEmpty()>><<else>>
<<set $tempHeldAcc3Item to $playerAcc3.show()>>
<<dropall '$playerAcc3'>>
<<pickup '$playerHair' 'red hair'>>
<!-- <<= $playerHair.show()>> -->
<<pickup '$playerTop' 'Jumper'>>
<!-- <<= $playerTop.show()>> -->
<<pickup '$playerBottom' 'Jeans'>>
<!-- <<= $playerBottom.show()>> -->
<<pickup '$playerUnderwear' 'Black boxers'>>
<!-- <<= $playerUnderwear.show()>> -->
<<pickup '$playerFeet' 'White trainers'>>
<!-- <<= $playerFeet.show()>> -->
<img src="images/scenes/zNate1aPhone.jpg" alt="Picture of a phone recieving D's messages" class="storyImage">
<span class="p1 p2">Eve:</span><span class="textMessage"> "[Just finished getting smooth. Dressing up now. x]"</span><br/><br/>
Eve glided her hand over the newly frictionless surface of her legs, the sleek feel of it was so pleasurable. She crouched under her bed, shifting the boxes that obscured her deepest secret from sight.<br/><br/>
Most would assume a hidden, locked chest would house something highly valuable: precious family heirlooms perhaps, or confidential personal documents, but this was something far more precious than that. It contained everything that could transform her world in a moment. The items that would change her very being.<br/><br/>
And yet they were also a deeply held secret, so concealed from sight it was a struggle to even reach them. Just when Eve obtained the box, her phone buzzed once more.<br/><br/>
<span class="textMessageVoice">D: </span><span class="textMessage">"[Good girl. What will you be wearing for me?]"</span><br/><br/>
<span class="p1 p2">Eve:</span><span class="textMessage"> "[That depends... what's your favorite color?]"</span><br/><br/>
She unclasped the chest to reveal it's 'magical' contents. Every inch inside was stuffed with Eve's clothing: dresses, tops, skirts and lingerie... so much lingerie.<br/><br/>
There were panties in almost every shade of color, some of which were lucky enough to have bras to match. A section was dedicated to accessories: garter belts and stockings in various styles, and even a waspie and corset. The collection was a femme fashion lover's dream, and it all belonged to Eve.<br/><br/>
<span class="textMessageVoice">D: </span><span class="textMessage">"[Cute of you to ask. I want to see you in white.]"</span><br/><br/>
<span class="textMessageVoice">D: </span><span class="textMessage">"[White. For the sissy virgin you are...]"</span><br/><br/>
<span class="textMessageVoice">D: </span><span class="textMessage">"[Take your time. Look your sexiest for me.]"</span><br/><br/>
<div class="choice">[[I'm going to try my best...|SSYNate1a][$nateConvoState =3; $actedCorrectly = 0]]</div><br/>
<div class="choice">[[I'll look my best for you...|SSYNate1a][$nateConvoState =3; $actedCorrectly = 0]]</div><br/>
<div class="choice">[[I'll do my best for you...|SSYNate1a][$SSYActorBondPoints +=1; $charmStat += 1; $nateConvoState =3; $actedCorrectly = 1; $actedCorrectlyThisSession += 1]]</div><br/>
<div class="choice">[[I'm going to look so hot for you...|SSYNate1a][$nateConvoState =3; $actedCorrectly = 0]]</div><br/>
<<elseif $nateConvoState is 3>>
<<if $actedCorrectly is 1>><div class="bondPointsIncreaseDisplay actorBondPointsIncrease"><img class="bondHeartsIcon" src="images/extras/whiteHeart1.png"><img class="bondPointsUpArrow" src="images/extras/whiteUpArrow.png"></div><</if>>
<span class="textMessageVoice">D: </span><span class="textMessage">"[You better. Tonight you're going to prove to me that you're worth my time.]"</span><br/><br/>
Eve had been speaking to D for a while. Perhaps Eve didn't realize how fortunate they were, but D was a man who knew how to get the most out of their sissies. The rare kind of alpha who was patient enough to wait until the perfect moment to unleash their demands. If anyone other than Eve was going to take full advantage of this night, it would be him.<br/><br/>
Eve began her transformation as ordered, carefully opening the brim of a white stocking and gently easing her toes inside.<br/><br/>
Her mind had been racing for weeks each time she looked forward to this, but as usual for the inexperienced and self-doubtful girl, her giddy excitement was tempered with just as much anxiety. Her 'traditional' upbringing clashed against her most instinctual desires, and the results of this long internal battle had only produced a deeply kinky urge of 'it's so wrong, it's right' within her.<br/><br/>
The cold winter night had broken her legs out in goosebumps, heightening the sensation of the soft nylon material sliding over her legs. Each time one of these leggings were pulled up, she released her grip on them to make the elastic tops snap satisfyingly onto her skin, hugging tight into the plumpness of her thighs. Already it felt so sensual.<br/><br/>
She dipped a blind hand into the bottom of her clothes chest until she touched the unmistakable fabric of her white garter belt. The luxury of it's design was beyond anything else she owned, with a delicate lace front sewn into an intricate, floral design. The designer most likely had this in mind for somebody's honeymoon, not the filthy evening Eve was about to indulge.<br/><br/>
<img src="images/items/bridalLingerieSet.jpg" alt="Picture of white lingerie" class="storyImage storyImageBigger">
Something about attaching garters was Eve's favorite part of dressing up; as frustrating as it could be to fasten them, it simply felt like the part of the process felt the most transformative. With each additional strap in place, she was locked one step further into her true self once again.<br/><br/>
<span class="loudNoiseBlue">*CLMPF*</span>
<span class="p1 p2">Eve:</span> "AAH!!!"<br/><br/>
Eve screamed involuntarily from a noise outside the door. Unthinkingly she pushed the container of clothes under the bed with her foot, all while futilely trying to cover the bare naked gap between her garters and stockings. With a few more seconds to think, she realized how silly this was - nobody could possibly get in. She just couldn't avoid such fears though, the need to avoid exposure was too ingrained inside her.<br/><br/>
She waited a moment more, hearing a few more shuffling sounds. It was just someone from the apartment next door going down the landing. Even in what were the safest moments to indulge her secret, Eve simply couldn't let go of her need not to be discovered.<br/><br/>
<span class="textMessageVoice">D: </span><span class="textMessage">"[Enjoying yourself a little too much?]"</span><br/><br/>
<span class="textMessageVoice">D: </span><span class="textMessage">"[Don't keep me waiting.]"</span><br/><br/>
The message made her feel the need to hurry up. She cinched a white bra around her chest before adjusting it to sit just right over her nipples. Arousal took over her for a moment, and feeling like a naughty girl, she gave herself a sharp spank on her ass. Only her need to satisfy D soon held her back from indulging more.<br/><br/>
Without a pair of white heels to complete the look, she picked out a pair of pink ones, the soft color complimented the rest of her outfit. She always made the mistake of heels before underwear first, and now she had to struggle as she hobbled her feet through the gaps in the panties.<br/><br/>
After an embarrassingly long amount of time and effort getting them on, she tucked herself in to make a snug little bulge. Her full attention was ready to focus on D, and she wouldn't keep him waiting anymore.<br/><br/>
<span class="p1 p2">Eve:</span><span class="textMessage"> "[I'm ready D. x]"</span><br/><br/>
<span class="textMessageVoice">D: </span><span class="textMessage">"[Show me.]"</span><br/><br/>
<div class="choice">[[Arch back sluttily for a selfie. 'I hope D likes this.'|SSYNate1a][$nateConvoState =4; $actedCorrectly = 0]]</div><br/>
<div class="choice">[[Arch back seductively for a selfie. 'I hope D likes this.'|SSYNate1a][$SSYActorBondPoints +=1; $charmStat += 1; $nateConvoState =4; $actedCorrectly = 1; $actedCorrectlyThisSession += 1]]</div><br/>
<div class="choice">[[Arch back sluttily for a selfie. 'I hope this makes D happy.'|SSYNate1a][$nateConvoState =4; $actedCorrectly = 0]]</div><br/>
<div class="choice">[[Arch back seductively for a selfie. 'I hope this makes D happy.'|SSYNate1a][$nateConvoState =4; $actedCorrectly = 0]]</div><br/>
<<elseif $nateConvoState is 4>>
<!-- Take off the temporary items: -->
<<dropall '$playerTop'>>
<<dropall '$playerBottom'>>
<<dropall '$playerUnderwear'>>
<<dropall '$playerFeet'>>
<<pickup '$playerBra' 'Bridal bra'>>
<!-- <<= $playerBra.show()>> -->
<<pickup '$playerGarter' 'Bridal garter belt'>>
<!-- <<= $playerGarter.show()>> -->
<<pickup '$playerUnderwear' 'Bridal panties'>>
<!-- <<= $playerUnderwear.show()>> -->
<<pickup '$playerAnkle' 'White lace stockings'>>
<!-- <<= $playerAnkle.show()>> -->
<<pickup '$playerFeet' 'Pink ankle strap heels'>>
<!-- <<= $playerFeet.show()>> -->
<<if $actedCorrectly is 1>><div class="bondPointsIncreaseDisplay actorBondPointsIncrease"><img class="bondHeartsIcon" src="images/extras/whiteHeart1.png"><img class="bondPointsUpArrow" src="images/extras/whiteUpArrow.png"></div><</if>>
He wanted photos. In her feverish need to oblige him, Eve quickly tried to find a position to take them, stumbling around in her heels like a deer on ice. She still found it so hard to walk in them - this was only the second time she'd really worn any, and before long she found it easier just to simply crawl on her hands and knees... a pose she soon realized would be perfect for the photo.<br/><br/>
She arched her back seductively, framing things just right to give D a good view of her pantie-clad ass. She was so eager to look good for him.<br/><br/>
<span class="p1 p2">Eve:</span> "I think I'm ready..."<br/><br/>
Her thumb shook uncontrollably as she tried contained her nerves long enough to press send on the photo. She couldn't help but bite down on the tip of her finger in anticipation as she watched it's status change from 'delivered' to 'read'. D was already writing something back. It felt like forever to watch those three animated dots on the screen, and the message that finally came back was only a short, but thrilling sentence.<br/><br/>
<span class="textMessageVoice">D: </span><span class="textMessage">"[You're a hot little slut, aren't you?]"</span><br/><br/>
<span class="p1 p2">Eve:</span> <span class="textMessage">"[Yes, D.]"</span><br/><br/>
<span class="textMessageVoice">D: </span><span class="textMessage">"[And you're all mine, aren't you?]"</span><br/><br/>
<span class="p1 p2">Eve:</span><span class="textMessage"> "[I am.]"</span><br/><br/>
Mindlessly, Eve reached down to touch herself over the material of her outfit. She hung on D's every word.<br/><br/>
<span class="textMessageVoice">D: </span><span class="textMessage">"[Good girl.]"</span><br/><br/>
<span class="textMessageVoice">D: </span><span class="textMessage">"[That sissy ass looks a little red. Did you spank yourself?]"</span><br/><br/>
<span class="p1 p2">Eve:</span><span class="textMessage"> "[He he, yes.]"</span><br/><br/>
<span class="textMessageVoice">D: </span><span class="textMessage">"[It deserves a few more.]"</span><br/><br/>
Eve agreed, giving herself a smack there a few more times; either she was getting used to the feeling, or maybe the white panties were cushioning it, but either way it was nothing as sharp as her first spank. She found herself sending him another photo. D hadn't even asked for it, but she just couldn't help herself. She wanted to turn him on.<br/><br/>
<div class="choice">[[(Portray introspective doubt, followed by hinting at a propensity for behaving indecently)|SSYNate1a][$nateConvoState =5; $actedCorrectly = 0]]</div><br/>
<div class="choice">[[(Portray introspective doubt, followed by hinting at a propensity for behaving carelessly)|SSYNate1a][$nateConvoState =5; $actedCorrectly = 0]]</div><br/>
<div class="choice">[[(Portray introspective doubt, followed by hinting at a propensity for behaving sluttily)|SSYNate1a][$nateConvoState =5; $actedCorrectly = 0]]</div><br/>
<div class="choice">[[(Portray introspective doubt, followed by hinting at a propensity for behaving naughtily)|SSYNate1a][$SSYActorBondPoints +=1; $charmStat += 1; $nateConvoState =5; $actedCorrectly = 1; $actedCorrectlyThisSession += 1]]</div><br/>
<<elseif $nateConvoState is 5>>
<<if $actedCorrectly is 1>><div class="bondPointsIncreaseDisplay actorBondPointsIncrease"><img class="bondHeartsIcon" src="images/extras/whiteHeart1.png"><img class="bondPointsUpArrow" src="images/extras/whiteUpArrow.png"></div><</if>>
What was she doing - debasing herself for a total stranger like this? Maybe she would of taken pause to try answering these questions, had she not been so caught up in the inexplicable pleasure she got out of serving D.<br/><br/>
<span class="textMessageVoice">D: </span><span class="textMessage">"[That sissy ass is looking pinker than your shoes.]"</span><br/><br/>
<span class="textMessageVoice">D: </span><span class="textMessage">"[You get off on the thought of being my little slut, don't you?]"</span><br/><br/>
<span class="p1 p2">Eve:</span><span class="textMessage"> "[Yes D. I want to serve you so bad.]"</span><br/><br/>
<span class="textMessageVoice">D: </span><span class="textMessage">"[You got toys?]"</span><br/><br/>
Eve didn't hesitate to keep the conversation heated, quickly sending D a photo of her suction cup dildo; a bright purple silicon cock she had bought especially for tonight. She wasn't sure how ready she was for this, but her horniness wasn't going to be held back by her doubts.<br/><br/>
<img src="images/scenes/zNate1aDildo.jpg" alt="Picture of a purple suction cup dildo" class="storyImage">
<span class="textMessageVoice">D: </span><span class="textMessage">"[Very nice.]"</span><br/><br/>
<span class="textMessageVoice">D: </span><span class="textMessage">"[Stick it to the wall.]"</span><br/><br/>
<span class="textMessageVoice">D: </span><span class="textMessage">"[Somewhere easy to suck it.]"</span><br/><br/>
<span class="textMessageVoice">D: </span><span class="textMessage">"[lol x]"</span><br/><br/>
If Eve had been sober in anyway in this moment, she may of have been more considerate to what she was doing, but instead abandoned any caution amidst indulging her thrills. To call her state of mind some kind of self-induced trance wouldn't be that far from the truth. Should she be doing this wasn't a question that mattered to her now.<br/><br/>
Eve had a large and mostly empty closet, where the surface of one of it's doors was almost entirely made of mirror. It was the only surface she had that the dildo would stick to, and after attaching it there it wobbled gently. Something about the jiggling toy felt like an invitation, and she couldn't resist it.<br/><br/>
In the reflection she saw a helpless girl caught in lust staring back; one both intimidated and enticed by the long purple prong mere centimetres from her lips. Opening her mouth to let just the tip inside, she turned slightly to take a photo, framing it to show D the obedient cocksucker she was willing to be, while hiding the rest of her face.<br/><br/>
<span class="textMessageVoice">D: </span><span class="textMessage">"[Dirty girl.]"</span><br/><br/>
<span class="textMessageVoice">D: </span><span class="textMessage">"[You're so hungry for cock, you let yourself get carried away, didn't you?.]"</span><br/><br/>
<span class="textMessageVoice">D: </span><span class="textMessage">"[I didn't even tell you to start sucking.]"</span><br/><br/>
<span class="p1 p2">Eve:</span><span class="textMessage"> "[Sorry D. I'm just so horny talking to you.]"</span><br/><br/>
<span class="textMessageVoice">D: </span><span class="textMessage">"[That's clear to see.]"</span><br/><br/>
<span class="textMessageVoice">D: </span><span class="textMessage">"[You're going to suck it more for me, aren't you?]"</span><br/><br/>
<span class="p1 p2">Eve:</span><span class="textMessage"> "[Yes.]"</span><br/><br/>
Eve sent another photo, showing off just how much of the dildo she could fit down her throat. Immediately after taking the photo she began gagging and coughing; too inexperienced to handle just how eager she was.<br/><br/>
<span class="textMessageVoice">D: </span><span class="textMessage">"[Mmm... bet you wish that was my cock.]"</span><br/><br/>
<span class="p1 p2">Eve:</span><span class="textMessage"> "[Yes D! So so much.]"</span><br/><br/>
<span class="textMessageVoice">D: </span><span class="textMessage">"[How does it feel be to be dressed like that, down on your knees in front of one as big as that?]"</span><br/><br/>
<span class="p1 p2">Eve:</span><span class="textMessage"> "[It feels right.]"</span><br/><br/>
<span class="textMessageVoice">D: </span><span class="textMessage">"[Right? Doesn't it feel good? Or do you feel like a bad girl?]"</span><br/><br/>
<span class="textMessageVoice">D: </span><span class="textMessage">"[You hide your face. Is that from shame, or are you just shy?]"</span><br/><br/>
<span class="p1 p2">Eve:</span><span class="textMessage"> "[I don't know. I don't know why I do any of this.]"</span><br/><br/>
<span class="p1 p2">Eve:</span><span class="textMessage"> "[I don't even know what I truly am, I just know I want to serve.]"</span><br/><br/>
<span class="p1 p2">Eve:</span><span class="textMessage"> "[All I know for sure is I don't want people to know this about me.]"</span><br/><br/>
<span class="textMessageVoice">D: </span><span class="textMessage">"[Lol. That's understandable.]"</span><br/><br/>
<span class="textMessageVoice">D: </span><span class="textMessage">"[So you'd be too shy for a video call with me to train you to suck that cock properly?]"</span><br/><br/>
Eve's hand rubbed the outside of her panties at the mere thought. Being made to suck a cock was something she had dreamed about countlessly. There was no doubt she wanted to do this, but how could she do such a thing and keep her secret?<br/><br/>
She moved her phone to the side of her, and after some fidgeting she found the ideal spot to film herself from. The camera pointed from the floor, just upwards enough to see where her mouth met the dildo, while leaving the rest of her face out of it.<br/><br/>
<span class="p1 p2">Eve:</span><span class="textMessage"> "[I can do that.]"</span><br/><br/>
<span class="p1 p2">Eve:</span><span class="textMessage"> "[Most of my face won't be visible, just my lips. Is that OK?]"</span><br/><br/>
<span class="textMessageVoice">D: </span><span class="textMessage">"[Good girl.]"</span><br/><br/>
<span class="textMessageVoice">D: </span><span class="textMessage">"[For tonight, that will be fine...]"</span><br/><br/>
<span class="textMessageVoice">D: </span><span class="textMessage">"[But one day, I will want all of you.]"</span><br/><br/>
<span class="textMessageVoice">D: </span><span class="textMessage">"[I'll give you a call in a minute.]"</span><br/><br/>
Eve moved into position; compromising her posture between maintaining her privacy, and making her look as fuckable as possible. It wasn't easy, but out of the corner of her eyes she could see a glimpse of herself in the camera screen. At the best of times she was self-depreciating, but for once, even she thought she looked pretty hot.<br/><br/>
D's video call request came through, which she accepted with such lightning speed that the ringtone could barely start playing. A heavy, deep voice greeted her, one that sounded like it was processed through a voice changing tool.<br/><br/>
<span class="textMessageVoice">D: </span>"<span class="modulatedMessageVoice">Eve? Mmm, you look good in that position. Are you're ready to submit to me?</span>"<br/><br/>
In her eagerness to appear obedient to D, Eve had already taken the dildo back into her throat. She gasped for air as she pulled her mouth off of it to reply, all while doing her best to make her own voice sound as feminine as possible.<br/><br/>
<span class="p1 p2">Eve:</span> "Hi D. Yes, I'm ready!"<br/><br/>
<span class="textMessageVoice">D: </span>"<span class="modulatedMessageVoice">Wow, even your voice is pretty girly. Sounds like my eager sissy is ready to learn how to please a cock. Place those lips at the tip.</span>"<br/><br/>
Eve didn't hesitate as she shuffled close to suck it again. She perched her lips around the sculpted head of the silicon penis, and pushed her face further into it.<br/><br/>
<span class="textMessageVoice">D: </span>"<span class="modulatedMessageVoice">That's good. Keep going. Get that cock deep down your throat where it belongs, sissy. Treat it like a real one, don't let your teeth get in the way. Understand?</span>"<br/><br/>
<span class="p1 p2">Eve:</span> "Mmphf!"<br/><br/>
It was about the best response any keen cock-sucker could make when they already deep down on a dick.<br/><br/>
<span class="textMessageVoice">D: </span>"<span class="modulatedMessageVoice">I couldn't hear you. Make that noise again twice if you're enjoying yourself.</span>"<br/><br/>
<span class="p1 p2">Eve:</span> "Mmphf, mmphf!"<br/><br/>
<span class="textMessageVoice">D: </span>"<span class="modulatedMessageVoice">Ha ha! Oh wow... you're really dying to please.</span>"<br/><br/>
Eve was now so absorbed into repeatedly shoving the dildo down her that she was forgetting to breath properly. She once again gasped for air, using the opportunity to clearly answer D.<br/><br/>
<span class="p1 p2">Eve:</span> "Huff... huff... ye... YES!"<br/><br/>
<span class="textMessageVoice">D: </span>"<span class="modulatedMessageVoice">Did I tell you to stop, sissy? Come on, show that cock just how much of a slut you can be.</span>"<br/><br/>
This was still one of the first times Eve had practiced sucking, and she didn't really know what she was doing. She just went with the first idea that came to mind, and spat on the dildo. A sloppy blowjob - maybe that was something D wanted to see?<br/><br/>
<span class="textMessageVoice">D: </span>"<span class="modulatedMessageVoice">Oh yeah, that's it! That's my good girl. It turns you on to follow my command, doesn't it?</span>"<br/><br/>
<span class="p1 p2">Eve:</span> "Mmphf Mmphf!"<br/><br/>
<span class="textMessageVoice">D: </span>"<span class="modulatedMessageVoice">Ha, I love it! I bet you close your eyes as you gag on all that dick for me. Open them for me, and keep them open. Take a look at the sissy I'm turning you into, right now.</span>"<br/><br/>
Eve had focused so hard on her own performance, she actually hadn't seen herself sucking the dildo. In the mirror was a total slut staring back at her, one with a cock stuffed in her mouth and a naïve, confused expression in their watering eyes.<br/><br/>
<span class="textMessageVoice">D: </span>"<span class="modulatedMessageVoice">Think you can get used to that view? That's who you really are, isn't it? Spank yourself on your ass if you agree?</span>"<br/><br/>
A sharp slap hit her behind. The reaction was so automatic she didn't even think about it.<br/><br/>
<span class="textMessageVoice">D: </span>"<span class="modulatedMessageVoice">Ooh, that looked hard. You must <em>REALLY</em> agree! How can you love this so much, yet need to keep it a secret? Would it be so wrong about letting people know you're such a sissy? Worried that if any men in your life knew they'd take advantage of you?</span>"<br/><br/>
All she could do was make her 'Mmphf' sounds again, though this time it was higher pitched; an almost desperate sound.<br/><br/>
<span class="textMessageVoice">D: </span>"<span class="modulatedMessageVoice">As if you wouldn't love that. Keep sucking.</span>"<br/><br/>
Whether or not that really was true, Eve couldn't argue against it with her mouth stuffed as it was. D's words were getting to her though - she hadn't touched her bulge in front of him up until this point, but she could not longer resist.<br/><br/>
<span class="textMessageVoice">D: </span>"<span class="modulatedMessageVoice">Hey! I didn't say you could touch yourself, sissy. If you wanted that you need my permission first!</span>"<br/><br/>
The sudden authoritative anger in D's voice startled Eve. She twisted on the spot in fright, causing the heel of her show to accidentally catch her phone and knocking it out of position.<br/><br/>
<span class="textMessageVoice">D: </span>"<span class="modulatedMessageVoice">What's going on? Eve? I can't see you. Don't go thinking you can be disobedient now, girl!</span>"<br/><br/>
<span class="p1 p2">Eve:</span> "S-sorry D, I pushed the phone out of position by accident!"<br/><br/>
<span class="textMessageVoice">D: </span>"<span class="modulatedMessageVoice">Fix it quick... if you still want to be my good girl.</span>"<br/><br/>
A self-induced panic rose in Eve. She didn't want to let down D, but every moment the camera was out of place she felt like she was. In her overreactive state, she fumbled quickly to get things right again, but only made things worse.<br/><br/>
After hurriedly reached for the phone, she felt the elastic of one of her garter straps snap as it became detached from her stockings, and at the same time a bra strap fell from her shoulder. With one hand she tried to position the camera, while the other attempted to fix her outfit. It was a foolish mistake, as her lack of focus primed the camera directly to focus on her face.<br/><br/>
<span class="textMessageVoice">D: </span>"<span class="modulatedMessageVoice">E-Ethan!?</span>"<br/><br/>
In an instant, Ethan's whole heart shot up into his mouth.<br/><br/>
<span class="p1">Ethan:</span> "Uh... wha- n-no..."<br/><br/>
His deeply covered identity after years of carefully hiding... was out. The feeling in the pit of his stomach was almost unbearable.<br/><br/>
<span class="textMessageVoice">D: </span>"<span class="modulatedMessageVoice">Wow... Ethan? Oh fuck, Ethan that really is you!</span>"<br/><br/>
He was completely exposed... but to who?<br/><br/>
[[Continue|SSYNate1a][$nateConvoState = 6]]<br/>
<<elseif $nateConvoState is 6>>
<!-- Take off the temporary items: -->
<<dropall '$playerHead'>>
<<dropall '$playerHair'>>
<<dropall '$playerEarring'>>
<<dropall '$playerNeck'>>
<<dropall '$playerWrist'>>
<<dropall '$playerTop'>>
<<dropall '$playerBra'>>
<<dropall '$playerBottom'>>
<<dropall '$playerUnderwear'>>
<<dropall '$playerGarter'>>
<<dropall '$playerAnkle'>>
<<dropall '$playerFeet'>>
<<dropall '$playerAcc1'>>
<<dropall '$playerAcc2'>>
<<dropall '$playerAcc3'>>
<!-- Get the player items back -->
<<if $tempHeldHeadItem is 'unknown'>><<else>>
<<pickup '$playerHead' $tempHeldHeadItem>>
<<if $tempHeldHairItem is 'unknown'>><<else>>
<<pickup '$playerHair' $tempHeldHairItem>>
<<if $tempHeldEarringItem is 'unknown'>><<else>>
<<pickup '$playerEarring' $tempHeldEarringItem>>
<<if $tempHeldNeckItem is 'unknown'>><<else>>
<<pickup '$playerNeck' $tempHeldNeckItem>>
<<if $tempHeldWristItem is 'unknown'>><<else>>
<<pickup '$playerWrist' $tempHeldWristItem>>
<<if $tempHeldTopItem is 'unknown'>><<else>>
<<pickup '$playerTop' $tempHeldTopItem>>
<<if $tempHeldBraItem is 'unknown'>><<else>>
<<pickup '$playerBra' $tempHeldBraItem>>
<<if $tempHeldBottomItem is 'unknown'>><<else>>
<<pickup '$playerBottom' $tempHeldBottomItem>>
<<if $tempHeldUnderwearItem is 'unknown'>><<else>>
<<pickup '$playerUnderwear' $tempHeldUnderwearItem>>
<<if $tempHeldGarterItem is 'unknown'>><<else>>
<<pickup '$playerGarter' $tempHeldGarterItem>>
<<if $tempHeldAnkleItem is 'unknown'>><<else>>
<<pickup '$playerAnkle' $tempHeldAnkleItem>>
<<if $tempHeldFeetItem is 'unknown'>><<else>>
<<pickup '$playerFeet' $tempHeldFeetItem>>
<<if $tempHeldAcc1Item is 'unknown'>><<else>>
<<pickup '$playerAcc1' $tempHeldAcc1Item>>
<<if $tempHeldAcc2Item is 'unknown'>><<else>>
<<pickup '$playerAcc2' $tempHeldAcc2Item>>
<<if $tempHeldAcc3Item is 'unknown'>><<else>>
<<pickup '$playerAcc3' $tempHeldAcc3Item>>
<span class="nate">Nate: </span>"Aaaand SCENE!"<br/><br/>
You suddenly found yourself back in the drama room, in the middle of struggling to catch your breath. You had done it, you had really lost yourself in the act!<br/><br/>
<span class="nate">Nate: </span>"Beautiful performance everyone, that was magnificent!"<br/><br/>
<span class="p1 p2">You:</span> "Everyone? But it's just you and me here?"<br/><br/>
In puzzlement you looked around the mostly empty room, only littered with Nate's homemade props. An eight inch pillar made out of card was particulary soggy, and almost certainly wouldn't survive to see another performance.<br/><br/>
<span class="nate">Nate: </span>"Ah, apologies! Force of habit. Our productions usually involve more people, you may see some of them next time. So, did you feel it? The rush that is <em>REAL</em> acting!?"<br/><br/>
<span class="p1 p2">You:</span> "Yeah, I think I actually did!"<br/><br/>
<<if $actedCorrectlyThisSession is 3>>
<<set $playerNate1aResult to 'perfect'>>
<span class="nate">Nate: </span>"Think? You are far too modest! You followed one's script to the letter, my dear! You truly have a gift for this! One could see at a mere glance the depth with which you immersed yourself in the role."<br/><br/>
<div class="actingSessionResultDisplay actingSessionPerfect">You performed the role perfectly!</div>
<<elseif $actedCorrectlyThisSession gt 0>>
<<set $playerNate1aResult to 'decent'>>
<span class="nate">Nate: </span>"Well one can say your performance was most splendid - even if you did take a little liberty with one's script! One could see at a mere glance the depth with which you immersed yourself in the role."<br/><br/>
<div class="actingSessionResultDisplay actingSessionGood">You performed the role quite well.</div>
<<set $playerNate1aResult to 'poor'>>
<span class="nate">Nate: </span>"You certainly appeared immersed in the role, perhaps so much so it seemed you felt at ease to take so many liberties with the script. No matter at all, the results were still terrific!"<br/><br/>
<div class="actingSessionResultDisplay actingSessionPoor">You didn't do a good job following the script.</div>
<span class="nate">Nate: </span>"Enough of my intrepretations though, how did you find it?"<br/><br/>
<span class="p1 p2">You:</span> "It was... an interesting experience."<br/><br/>
<span class="nate">Nate: </span>"Interesting? Oh you're too kind. While your performance was a marvel, the script was amateurish at best. Does your mouth not water just thinking of what we can achieve with the right material? One promises you this: one's future plays will suit you far more aptly!"<br/><br/>
<span class="p1 p2">You:</span> "Well now that you mention it, I was going to say... it doesn't seem like something people would find worthy to watch, was it?"<br/><br/>
<span class="nate">Nate: </span>"Oh, an awareness of which one knows all too well. But despair not, for our work is not about 'them' - it truly is for you! With all the time available to us in this wretched domain we have all we need to explore that which gets to the root of what makes us!"<br/><br/>
<span class="p1 p2">You:</span> "So that story... you felt that was right for me?"<br/><br/>
<span class="nate">Nate: </span>"T'was based on what has been gleamed of you so far. One does sincerely apologize if it was off the mark. You have to admit though, your vocal tones have developed quite well already."<br/><br/>
<<if $keatonCrewBondRole is 'femmeSissy'>>
<div class="choice">[[Hint the story didn't suit the type of girl you are.|SSYNate1a][$domStat += 1; $nateConvoState =7; $playerThoughtsOnNate1Scene = 'didNotSuitHer']]</div><br/>
<div class="choice">[[Hint that the story suited you well...|SSYNate1a][$subStat += 1; $nateConvoState =7; $playerThoughtsOnNate1Scene = 'suitedHerWell']]</div><br/>
<div class="choice">[[Hint that you enjoyed indulging it...|SSYNate1a][$pervStat += 1; $nateConvoState =7; $playerThoughtsOnNate1Scene = 'EnjoyedIt']]</div><br/>
<<elseif $nateConvoState is 7>>
<<if $playerThoughtsOnNate1Scene is 'didNotSuitHer'>>
<span class="nate">Nate: </span>"Please, feel no fear to give honest feedback. All one wishes to reach is the truest authenticity! Today was just a starting point. One can assure you, as one learns of you more precisely, the scenes will suit you far better."<br/><br/>
Nate's admission felt good to hear. You could understand why his script turned out how it did based on what he may of learned of you so far, but the fact he was willing to learn and change with you was exactly what you needed.<br/><br/>
<<set $playerPrideUrges += 1>>
<div class="urgeBox">
<div class="urgeImageBox"><img src="images/extras/urgePRIDE.png" alt="An icon of pink fire to representing emerging emotions" class="socialUrgeIcon"></div>
<div class="urgeBoxHeader">You felt a sense of pride arise within you</div>
A bashful smile couldn't help but reveal itself on your face as you rubbed the tip of your foot timidly into the floor.<br/><br/>
<span class="p1 p2">You:</span> "It was a very... risqué story."<br/><br/>
<span class="nate">Nate: </span>"A mere attempt at reaching authenticity. This will be but a mere starting point."<br/><br/>
<<set $playerExtUrges += 1>>
<div class="urgeBox">
<div class="urgeImageBox"><img src="images/extras/urgeEXT.png" alt="An icon of red fire to representing emerging emotions" class="socialUrgeIcon"></div>
<div class="urgeBoxText">You felt a mix of shameful feelings stir within you</div>
<span class="p1 p2">You:</span> "Are all your stories like that?"<br/><br/>
<span class="nate">Nate: </span>"Heaven's no! It is character one feels need to discover; nothing more, nothing less. No... my plays will not be gratuitous for gratuitous sake, at least one hopes not. But dare one says for you, my dear, most likely will appear so. One writes the scripts one believes explores the bounds the actor needs to explore. There is one pleasure and one pleasure alone one yearns for, and that is from the very <em>act</em> of acting itself."<br/><br/>
<span class="p1 p2">You:</span> "Um... so, what happened next? Ethan was discovered but then what?"<br/><br/>
<span class="nate">Nate: </span>"A mystery to us all, supposedly! You felt the fear inside Ethan, did you not? As someone who only recently changed the course of their life, perhaps you are best suited to answer that question. Why did Ethan feel the need to keep such a secret? Will he reflect on his actions, embrace them... shun them? Complicated desires are the most fascinating, don't you think?"<br/><br/>
<span class="p1 p2">You:</span> "But, D knew him personally... how can Ethan control his secret now? D could make them do anything!"<br/><br/>
<span class="nate">Nate: </span>"Quite the assumption of D's motivation, no? Who truly got the most of this fateful encounter? It's not necessarily the one in the position of power who comes away with the most satisfaction. You have a lot to learn from human nature, but one can see that spark of talent within you has already grown into a small, fierce flame."<br/><br/>
He wasn't wrong. Acting - 'proper acting' - had come to you quite easily it seemed. The idea of doing more of it wasn't so bad.<br/><br/>
<span class="nate">Nate: </span>"Today materialized to be some sort of success, wouldn't you agree? You appear equipped with the fundamental tools one needs to act. That leaves you ready to perform with almost anyone. What say you to being properly inducted into our merry group?"<br/><br/>
<span class="p1 p2">You:</span> "Thanks Nate... I'd like that."<br/><br/>
<span class="nate">Nate: </span>"Brilliant! Then let us look forward to the entirely new discoveries to be made with your unique self among us! Enough talk, as the idiom goes - let us shut up and act!"<br/><br/>
<span class="bondHeader bondHeaderNate">BOND MADE WITH NATE</span>
<span class="bond nateBond">
You've properly enrolled in Nate's drama group. With his expert theatrical direction and bespoke scripts, the bounds of your soul can be explored in a state of total immersion.
<span class="bondPerkHeader">Bond Perk:</span> <span class="bondPerk">Effeminate Voice</span>
<<set $effeminateVoiceSkillUnlocked to 1>>
<<set $nateBondLevel to 1>>
<<set $SSYNateState to 2>>
<<set $experiencedDramaEventToday to 1>>
<span class="nate">Nate: </span>"Work on a new script needs to begin right away! You're more than welcome to practice the art here whenever you wish, but don't forget, for any session that focuses on <em>yourself</em>, you'll need to contribute to the cheese plate. One can only do so much for free, my dear!"<br/><br/>
With that, he bowed deeply before sitting at his writing desk.<br/><br/>
[[Continue|SSYmessRoom][$ap -=2]]<br/>
Something wrong Nate1 _ actorStoryState if loop.
<img src="images/locations/crewBlock.jpg" alt="Image of the hallway stairs in the crew block building" class="storyImage">
This block is essentially the base of operations for Keaton's crew. The complete lack of officer presence makes it feel more comforting than the rest of Grenton.<br/><br/>
Your room is on the top floor, but there are plenty of other areas inside too. All kinds of activities could be going on.<br/><br/>
<<if $SSYDramaRoomUnlocked is 1>>[[Go to drama room|SSYDramaRoom]]<br/><</if>>
[[Back to Main Block|SSYmessRoom]]
In the mirror, you see the physical results of the changing circumstance of your life.<br/><br/>
A plain looking crossdresser is looking back at you.<br/>
<<if $effeminateVoiceSkillUnlocked is 1>>You voice's pitch is more effeminate. You are obviously making an effort to have a woman's voice.<br/><<else>>The tone of your voice is a man's. It's no different than before you started this journey.<br/><</if>>
<<if $smoothBody is 1>>Your skin is smooth, with most of your general body hair shaved down. <<if $smoothDaysLeft is 0>>By tomorrow, your body hair will have grown back in<<else>>It looks like this will last <<if $smoothDaysLeft is 1>>$smoothDaysLeft more day<<else>>$smoothDaysLeft more days<</if>><</if>>.<br/><<else>>Your body hair is grown, you look quite hairy.<br/><</if>>
<</nobr>><span class="saveWarning">
<img src="images/extras/warningIcon.png" alt="Warning Icon" class="warningIcon">
<span class="saveWarningTitle">WARNING!</span>
<span class="saveWarningDescription textAlignCenter">This is a placeholder to remind you this part of the game you've been playing is still in development.</span>
<span class="saveWarningDescription">Please make sure to keep your save file from when Keaton gives you a new objective as mentioned earlier. Do not save here!</span>
<span class="saveWarningDescription">At the moment, each update is adding story and gameplay for you to develop your character ready for the next event. When enough of that gameplay and story is in place, an update that allows you to meet Javier will be added.</span>
<span class="saveWarningDescription">Thank you for playing, and thank you everyone who has supported the game.</span>
</span>If you're enjoying this game so far and would like to help support it, there are many ways you can help:
<a href="https://www.tfgames.site/index.php?module=viewgame&id=2914" target="_blank">You can like the game and leave a review for it at TFGames.</a>
<a href="https://patreon.com/user?u=86744336&utm_medium=clipboard_copy&utm_source=copyLink&utm_campaign=creatorshare_creator&utm_content=join_link" target="_blank">You can support it on Patreon.</a>
<a href="https://discord.gg/r5MweUzSAD" target="_blank">And you can also join the Ready to Reform Discord.</a>
Many thanks!
- Midno
[[I understand, but let me continue to play.|SSYsleep]]