Your browser lacks required capabilities. Please upgrade it or switch to another to continue.
,,,,,<<include "!Characters">>
<<include "!List">>
<<include "!Debug">>
<<set $pc = {nameF:"Alexis",
maleNameF: "Alex",
maleNameL: "Williams",
age: 19,
intImg: ["img/char/pc/int1.png","img/char/pc/int1.png","img/char/pc/int2.png","img/char/pc/int2.png","img/char/pc/int3.png","img/char/pc/int3.png","img/char/pc/int4.png","img/char/pc/int4.png","img/char/pc/int5.png","img/char/pc/int5.png"],
athImg: ["img/char/pc/ath1.png","img/char/pc/ath1.png","img/char/pc/ath2.png","img/char/pc/ath2.png","img/char/pc/ath3.png","img/char/pc/ath3.png","img/char/pc/ath4.png","img/char/pc/ath4.png","img/char/pc/ath5.png","img/char/pc/ath5.png"],
bust: 0,
ass: 0,
Name: "You",
img: "img/char/pc/face_01.png",
style: "border: 2px solid rgb(1,0,0);",
style1: "box-shadow: 0px 0px 10px 2px rgba(34, 139,34,1);background-color: black;"}>>
<<set $face to null>>
<<set $brazier to false>>
<<set $knife to false>>
<<set $woods to false>>
<<set $pHairF to false>>
<<set $pHairM to false>>
<<set $hHairF to false>>
<<set $hHairM to false>>
<<set $cSphere to false>>
<<set $cum to 0>>
<<set $quickSilver to false>>
<<set $nitric to false>>
<<set $fetish to false>>
//action Checks
<<set $visitedMarcus to false>>
<<set $visitedSmith to false>>
<<set $visitedShop to false>>
<<set $visitedCheer to false>>
<<set $visitedCole to false>>
<<set $visitedBecc to false>>
<<set $visitedEsme to false>>
//Storyline Trackers
<<set $marcusLine to 0>>
<<set $smithLine to 0>>
<<set $shopLine to 0>>
<<set $cheerLine to 0>>
<<set $coleLine to 0>>
<<set $beccLine to 0>>
<<set $esmeLine to 0>>
<<set $marcusEnd to false>>
<<set $smithEnd to false>>
<<set $smithSex to 0>>
<<set $shopEnd to false>>
<<set $cheerEnd to false>>
<<set $coleEnd to false>>
<<set $beccEnd to false>>
<<set $esmeEnd to false>>
<<set $meta to false>>
<<set $currentPassage to null>>
//Time Tracking
<<set $currentTime to 0>>
<<set $currentDay to 0>>
<<set $dayDesc = ["Monday","Tuesday", "Wednesday","Thursday", "Friday", "Saturday", "Sunday"]>>
<<set $timeDesc = ["Early Morning", "Morning", "Noon", "Afternoon", "Evening", "Night", "Late Night"]>>
<<set $energy to 4>>
<<set $lunchTimer to 2>>
<<set $partyDuration to 5>>
<<set $drunk to 0>>
//Lunch Tracking
<<set $coleLunch to false>>
<<set $cassLunch to false>>
<<set $jessLunch to false>>
<<set $esmeLunch to false>>
<<set $beccLunch to false>>
<<set $aloneLunch to false>>
//Stat Increase tracking
<<set $intUp = false>>
<<set $athUp = false>>
<<set $chaUp = false>>
<<set $btyUp = false>>
<<set $magUp = false>>
<<set $bustUp = false>>
//FirstTime Vars
<<set $isFirstTimeCV to true>>
//Various Knowledge Var
<<set $knowsUnderways to false>>
<<set $invstEsme to false>>
<<set $invitedToCole to false>>
<<set $invitedToCheer to false>>
<<set $invitedToBecc to false>>
<<set $invitedToEsme to false>>
<<set $passedTest to false>>
<<set $gloryHoleVisited to false>>
<<set $gloryHoleVisited2 to false>>
<<set $leftSmith to false>>
<<set $spellsKnown to 0>>
<<set $charm to false>>
<<set $glamor to false>>
<<set $growth to false>>
<<set $plenty to false>>
<<set $fire to false>>
<<set $keptMagic to false>>
<<set $testSwitch to false>>
//Docked Trackers
<<set $tracked = "none">>
<<set $trackedAff = null>>
<<set $trackedLove = null>>
<<set $trackedSus = null>>
//Static Images
<<set $athImg to "img/ui/ath_token.png">>
<<set $chaImg to "img/ui/cha_token.png">>
<<set $btyImg to "img/ui/bty_token.png">>
<<set $intImg to "img/ui/int_token.png">>
<<set $magImg to "img/ui/mag_token.png">>
<<set $drunkImg to "img/ui/drunk_token.png">>
<<set $debugOn is true>>
<<remember $achieve1 = false>>
<<set $inVeiw to true>>
<img src = "img/char/pc/face_03.png"
margin-right: auto>
Your name is $pc.nameF $pc.nameL. You are a $pc.age year old $pc.gender. You are $pc.height cm tall and weigh $pc.weight kgs.
<<if $pc.bust>0>> You currently have <<print $pc.bustDes[$pc.bust]>> breasts.<</if>>
Your mind is what most would consider <span class = "int"><<print $pc.intDes[$]>>.($</span>
<<disStat $ $intImg>>><</disStat>>
Your atheltic abilities are what most would consider <span class = "ath"><<print $pc.athDes[$pc.ath-1]>>.($pc.ath)</span>
<<disStat $pc.ath $athImg>>><</disStat>>
You are a <span class = "cha"><<print $pc.chaDes[$pc.cha-1]>>($pc.cha)</span> person.
<<disStat $pc.cha $chaImg>>><</disStat>>
Most would consider you <span class = "bty"><<print $pc.btyDes[$pc.bty-1]>>($pc.bty)</span> to look at.
<<disStat $pc.bty $btyImg>>><</disStat>>
<<if $pc.tag.background != null>>
You are a <span class ="tag"> $pc.tag.background.</span>
<<if $pc.tag.sexualExp != null>>
You are <span class = "tag">$pc.tag.sexualExp</span> at sex.
<<set $explain to "<<include 'statExplain'>>">>
<<button "Stat Explanation?">>
<<goto "statExplain">>
<<if $debug>>
<<print passage()>>
[[Return | $currentPassage][$inVeiw to false]]
Your intelligence has increased.
<<set $ to $ + 1>>
[[PcViewer]]Your atheltics has increased.
<<set $pc.ath to $pc.ath + 1>>
[[PcViewer]]Your charisma has increased.
<<set $pc.cha to $pc.cha + 1>>
[[PcViewer]]Your beauty has increased.
<<set $pc.bty to $pc.bty + 1>>
[[PcViewer]]<<set $test to "">>
[img[img/test.jpg]]<<set $inVeiw to true>>
In the character viewer you can find all of this games character and usefull information on each of them. Characters will be added when you meet them in the story.
<<if $isFirstTimeCV>>As this is your first time visiting this page allow me to explain how character's stats work.
All characters have three stats which govern how they act towards you, <span class = "aff">Affection</span>,<span class ="love">Love</span>, and <span class ="sus">Trust</span>.
<span class ="aff">Affection</span> is a measure of how friendly a person is towards you. It ranges from <span class ="aff">100</span> to <span class ="aff">0</span>. Low affection means you are unknown to that person while high affection means they will regard you as a friend. Affection can be earned by spending time with people and being nice to them.
<span class ="love">Love</span> is a measure of how much that person cares for you. This can represent familial bonds or romantic relationships. It ranges from <span class ="love">-50</span> to <span class ="love">50</span>. Low love means that person will hate you while high love will make a person romanticaly intrested in you. Love can be raised by romantic gestures and sexual encounters.
<span class ="sus">Trust</span> is a measure of how much a person is willing to trust you. It ranges from <span class ="sus">5</span> to <span class ="sus">0</span>. With high trust you will be able to lie to people easier while low trust will make people suspicious of you. Trust can be lowered by acting strangely or betraying people.<<set $isFirstTimeCV to false>><</if>>
<div class = "center">
<td><<if $cole.hasMeet>>[img[Cole Williams|img/char/icons/cole.png][ColeWilliamsVeiwer]]<<else>> [img[img/char/icons/unknown.png]] <</if>></td>
<td><<if $marcus.hasMeet>>[img[Marcus Coftman|img/char/icons/marcus.png][MarcusCoftmanVeiwer]]<<else>> [img[img/char/icons/unknown.png]] <</if>></td>
<td><<if $cass.hasMeet>>[img[Cassandra Bakear|img/char/icons/cassandra.png][CassandraBakearVeiwer]]<<else>> [img[img/char/icons/unknown.png]] <</if>></td>
<td><<if $doug.hasMeet>>[img[Doug King|img/char/icons/doug.png][DougKingViewer]]<<else>> [img[img/char/icons/unknown.png]] <</if>></td>
<td><<if $nath.hasMeet>>[img[Nathaniel Hall|img/char/icons/nathan.png][NathanielHallVeiwer]]<<else>> [img[img/char/icons/unknown.png]] <</if>></td>
<td><<if $becc.hasMeet>>[img[Rebecca Lambert|img/char/icons/rebecca.png][RebbecaLambertViewer]]<<else>> [img[img/char/icons/unknown.png]] <</if>></td>
<td><<if $jess.hasMeet>>[img[Jessica Thisbe|img/char/icons/jessica.png][JessicaThisbeVeiwer]]<<else>> [img[img/char/icons/unknown.png]] <</if>></td>
<td><<if $esme.hasMeet>>[img[Esmerelda Novak|img/char/icons/esmerelda.png][EsmereldaNovakVeiwer]]<<else>> [img[img/char/icons/unknown.png]] <</if>></td>
<td><<if $scho.hasMeet>>[img[Mr.Schoman|img/char/icons/schoman.png][Mr.ScholmanVeiwer]] <<else>> [img[img/char/icons/unknown.png]] <</if>></td>
<td><<if $rose.hasMeet>>[img[Mrs.Rose|img/char/icons/rose.png][Mrs.RoseVeiwer]]<<else>> [img[img/char/icons/unknown.png]] <</if>></td>
<td><<if $swin.hasMeet>>[img[Mr.Swinebak|img/char/icons/swinebak.png][Mr.SwinebakVeiwer]]<<else>> [img[img/char/icons/unknown.png]] <</if>></td>
<td><<if $smit.hasMeet>>[img[Mr.Smith|img/char/icons/smith.png][Mr.SmithVeiwer]]<<else>> [img[img/char/icons/unknown.png]] <</if>></td>
<td><<if $yiin.hasMeet>>[img[Mrs.Yiin|img/char/icons/yiin.png][Mrs.YiinVeiwer]]<<else>> [img[img/char/icons/unknown.png]] <</if>></td>
<td><<if $circ.hasMeet>>[img[Circe|img/char/icons/circe.png][SupremeCirceViewer]]<<else>> [img[img/char/icons/unknown.png]] <</if>></td>
<td><<if $arth.hasMeet>>[img[Arthur Verdenti|img/char/icons/arthur.png][ArthurVerdentiVeiwer]]<<else>> [img[img/char/icons/unknown.png]] <</if>></td>
[[Return | $currentPassage][$inVeiw to false]]
Cole Williams is your brother. He is an 18-year-old male who is attending Scholman High in his final year. He is a fan of video games and anime and spends a lot of his time in his room with Nathan, his best friend. Cole is $cole.height cm tall and weighs about $cole.weight kgs. He has brown hair, blue eyes and wears glasses. He is your $cole.relation.
Currently his affection to you is $cole.aff.
Currently his love for you is $
Currently his suspicion of you is $cole.sus.
[[Character Viewer]][img[$marcus.img]]
Marcus Coftman is your best friend. He is a 19-year-old high school graduate currently working a warehouse job. Marcus and you often hang out together to drink beer and play video games. Marcus is $marcus.height cm tall and weighs about $marcus.weight kgs. He has black hair, brown eyes and is muscular. He is your $marcus.relation.
Currently his affection to you is $marcus.aff.
Currently his love for you is $
Currently his suspicions of you is $marcus.sus.
[[Character Viewer]][img[$nath.img]]
Nathaniel Hall is an 18-year-old male currenting attending Scholman High in his final year. He is good friends with your brother, Cole, and the two often hang out together playing video games and watching anime. He is $nath.height cm tall and weighs about $nath.weight kgs. He has brown hair, blue eyes, is paunchy, and wears glasses. He is your $nath.relation.
Currently his affection to you is $nath.aff.
Currently his love for you is $
Currently his suspicions of you is $nath.sus.
[[Character Viewer]]
Doug King is an 18-year-old male currently attending Scholman High in his final year. He is the captain of the football team and spends most of his time hanging out with his football team. He is a jerk to most people, but you and he have been friends since you were kids and so he treats you alright. He is $doug.height cm tall and weighs about $doug.weight kgs. He has blonde hair, brown eyes, and is muscular. He is your $doug.relation.
Currently his affection to you is $doug.aff.
Currently his love for you is $
Currently his suspicion of you is $doug.sus.
[[Character Viewer]]
Jessica Thisbe is an 18-year-old female currently attending Scholman High in her final year. She is Doug’s girlfriend and is a huge bitch to everyone but Doug. There are also rumors of her being a huge slut as well, which is probably true. She is $jess.height cm tall and weighs about $jess.weight kgs. She has blonde hair, blue eyes, and a slim build. She is your $jess.relation.
Currently her affection to you is $jess.aff.
Currently her love for you is $
Currently her suspicion of you is $jess.sus.
[[Character Viewer]]
Esmerelda Novak is a 19-year-old female who is retaking her final year of high school at Scholman High after her mysterious disappearance the previous year. She is not very liked by the rest of the school because of her cold demeanor. Most people are afraid of her. She is $esme.height cm tall and weighs about $esme.weight kgs. She has black hair, pale skin, and green eyes. She is your $esme.relation.
Currently her affection to you is $esme.aff.
Currently her love for you is $
Currently her suspicion of you is $esme.sus.
[[Character Viewer]]
Lucas Scholman is a fifty-seven-year-old male and principle of Scholman High. His family has been running the school for 5 generations. He is generally well liked by the students and is lax on his edicts. He is $scho.height cm tall and weighs about $scho.weight kgs. He has grey hair, brown eyes, and a mustache. He is your $scho.relation.
Currently his affection to you is $scho.aff.
Currently his love for you is $
Currently his suspicion of you is $scho.sus.
[[Character Viewer]]
Emily Rose is a 26-year-old English teacher at Scholman High. She is well liked by students, most of the boys have a huge crush on her while most of the girls like her because she is so nice. She is $rose.height cm tall and weighs about $rose.weight kgs. She has brown hair, brown eyes, and a voluptuous body. She is your $rose.relation.
Currently her affection to you is $rose.aff.
Currently her love for you is $
Currently her suspicion of you is $rose.sus.
[[Character Viewer]]
Ivan Swinebak is a fifty-year-old Gym teacher at Scholman High. He is a drill sergeant when it comes to classes, but his classes will make you more fit. He is also the coach for the football team and cheerleading teams. He is $swin.height cm tall and weighs about $swin.weight kgs. He has black hair, tanned skin, and brown eyes. He is your $swin.relation.
Currently his affection to you is $swin.aff.
Currently his love for you is $
Currently his suspicion of you is $swin.sus.
[[Character Viewer]]
Fred Smith is a 30-year-old Math teacher at Schoolman High. He is sleazy and most of the girls, and some guys, are uncomfortable around him. Rumors have gone around that he offered to boost Jessica’s grades if she gave him a blowjob. He is $smit.height cm tall and weighs about $smit.weight kgs. He has black hair, brown eyes, and is fat. He is your $smit.relation.
Currently his affection to you is $smit.aff.
Currently his love for you is $
Currently his suspicion of you is $smit.sus.
[[Character Viewer]]
Linda Yiin is a 30-year-old Art teacher at Scholman High. She is ditzy and hot, so a lot of guys take art just for her, and most girls avoid the art classes for the same reason. For this reason, there are currently no girls in your art class. She is your $yiin.relation.
Currently her affection to you is $yiin.aff.
Currently her love for you is $
Currently her suspicion of you is $yiin.sus.
[[Character Viewer]]
Arthur Verdenti is a man of indeterminable age who runs the Magic Word magic shop at the mall. You don’t know much about him. He is $arth.height cm tall and weighs about $arth.weight kgs. He has grey hair, green eyes, and is very old. He is your $arth.relation.
Currently his affection to you is $arth.aff.
Currently his love for you is $
Currently his suspicion of you is $arth.sus.
[[Character Viewer]]
Cassandra Bakear is an 18-year-old female currenting attending Scholman High in her final year. She is often outcast and bullied for her unorthodox style and bookish behavior. She is $cass.height cm tall and weighs about $cass.weight kgs. She has red hair, pale skin, green eyes, and a slim body. She is your $cass.relation.
Currently her affection to you is $cass.aff.
Currently her love for you is $
Currently her suspicion of you is $cass.sus.
[[Character Viewer]]
<img src = "img/general/logo.png" align = "middle">
<center>Welcome to Strange Times at Scholman High. This is my first attempt at a Twine game. The game will feature a variety of different things, but the primary focus is on a magical transformation and the fallout of that event.
Hope you enjoy!</center>
Welcome to Scholmanville, a quiet suburban town nestled in the rolling grass hills of Maine, USA. Established in the mid 1600s the town is surprisingly old, although you wouldn’t know it with its sleek suburban streets, flanked with pristine manicured lawns, freshly painted houses, and colorful sedans. In the 70s the town was reborn as a thriving residential town close enough to Portland to be worth the commute and far enough from the city to avoid the hustle and bustle. This boom lasted all of twenty years before the town was discarded and forgotten. Its expansive shopping centers, modern new facilities, and ever-expanding suburbs now stand as ghostly empty malls, outdated office buildings, and half-finished construction sites. Here in this unassuming forgotten town we begin your tale, a tale of adventure, mystery, heartbreak, love, friendship, and magic…
<img src = "img/day1/intro/town_01.jpg" height ="480px" width ="720px">
You have lived in Scholmanville your entire life. One skip from nowhere and one hop from Portland the town has a great many things to offer a youngster growing up. The adventure of the mighty bush in all of its four acers, the thrill of wandering the empty shopping centers in search of the few shops still clinging to buisness, and the ever so exciting exploration of the uniform lawns and backyards that made up the suburban streets.
<img src = "img/day1/intro/town_02.jpg" height ="480px" width ="720px">
In truth it hasn't been all bad. There are other kids to play with,including your step-brother, Cole, who is only one year younger than you. You have had some great adventures over the years, but most of it has been rather boring, a rather boring childhood, a rather boring teenage existence, and now as you stand here at the cusp of graduating from your last year of high-school, a rather boring looking future. But we get ahead of ourselves. First off let’s ask a rather important question:
What is your name?
<<textbox "$pc.nameF" "Alex">>
<<set $pc.maleNameF to $pc.nameF>>
[[Continue to character creation |Day1_CharacterCreation]]Well, now that we know your name we might as well nail some other things down. Lets talk about how you grew up, sure it may have been boring but what did you do to fill the long empty hours?
I grew up as a nerd. I spent my long hours playing videos games, reading comic books, and watching Japanese cartoons. I would venture into the shopping malls in search of collectables in the rare pop culture shops and display them in my room. Once in high school my tastes saw me be a bullied, but nothing too horrible. Now as I am nineteen, most of the collectables are gathering dust in the attic or adorning my borther’s shelves, although I still play video games, read comics, and watch anime. [[Choose this background|Day1_History][$pc.tag.background = "nerd"]]
I grew up as a jock. I spent a lot of times out on the school’s greens, playing soccer, football, baseball, tag, really whatever came to mind. I run the trails in the bush, work out every day, and play the occasional pickup game with my friends. In high school I wasn’t good enough to make it onto any of the teams, but I would still play the odd game with Doug and his friends. I am what most would consider fit. [[Choose this background|Day1_History][$pc.tag.background = "jock"]]
I grew up as the cool kid. I was always willing to go a little bit further into the woods at night, risk being caught by the might guards at the mall or come up with the most harebrained ridiculous schemes to get us all in trouble. People gravitated to me in middle school, while in high school I am just generally liked by everyone. I know most people and am fast friends with most people I meet. [[Choose this background|Day1_History][$pc.tag.background = "popular kid"]]
<img src = "img/day1/intro/actor.jpeg" height ="480px" width ="720px">
I group up as a drama kid. I starred in our elementary school play, was always playing make believe, and had a not too shabby singing voice. Most people thought that my penchant for drama was pretty cool and it earned my friends right up until high school where being in drama earned me more grief than fame. Still it has taught me a lot about people and how to compose myself. [[Choose this background|Day1_History][$pc.tag.background="actor"]]<<set $disableSide to true>>You grew up a $pc.tag.background.
<<if $pc.tag.background == "nerd">>
<img src = "img/day1/intro/nerd_01.jpg" height ="480px" width ="720px">
You have a mind for mathematics and the sciences, always excelling at them in school and perhaps even hoping to pursue them after your graduation.
Your keen mind gains you a <span class ="int">+2 to Intellect!</span>
<<set $ += 2>>
<img src = "img/day1/intro/nerd_02.jpg" height ="480px" width ="720px">
You play all sorts of games from table top rpgs to video games. You read all manner of books from comic books to the classics like Shakespeare and Homer.
Your exposure to these forms of entertainment gains you a <span class ="int">+1 to Intellect!</span>
<<set $ += 1>>
<img src = "img/day1/intro/nerd_03.jpg" height ="480px" width ="720px">
You have spent a great deal of your childhood, teenage years, and now the beginning of your adult life indoors.
Your lack of activity causes you to take a <span class ="ath">-1 to Athletics!</span>
<<set $pc.ath -= 1>>
<img src = "img/day1/intro/nerd_04.jpg" height ="480px" width ="720px">
Your interests have garnered you much ridicule from your fellow class mates.
You have gained the <span class ="tag">Nerd tag!</span>
<<set $pc.tag.background = "Nerd">>
<img src = "img/day1/intro/nerd_05.jpg" height ="480px" width ="720px">
Your interests and lack of self confidence have prevented you from ever having a girlfriend.
You have gained the <span class ="tag">Virgin tag!</span>
<<set $pc.tag.sexualExp = "Virgin">>
You and your step-brother share many of the same interests that has caused you to become greater friends over the years, and by extension his own best friend Nathaniel Hall.
You gain a <span class="aff">+10 bonus to both Nathan’s and Cole’s Affection rating!</span>
<<set $nath.aff +=10>><<set $cole.aff +=10>>
<<elseif $pc.tag.background == "jock">>
<img src = "img/day1/intro/jock_01.jpg" height ="480px" width ="720px">
You have spent a great deal of time doing physical actives such as sports which have forged your body into its current muscle-bound form.
Your love of sports gains you a <span class="ath">+2 to Athletics!</span>
<<set $pc.ath += 2>>
<img src = "img/day1/intro/jock_02.jpg" height ="480px" width ="720px">
You toned body and general good looks attracts decent attention from the ladies and admiration from your less good-looking male friends.
Your good looks gain you a <span class="bty">+1 to Beauty!</span>
<<set $pc.bty += 1>>
<img src = "img/day1/intro/jock_03.jpg" height ="480px" width ="720px">
You have never spent much time caring or being interested in school. While you have yet to flunk out you won’t be making into about B-‘s any time soon.
Your lack of academic talent causes you to take a <span class="int">-1 to Intellect!</span>
<<set $ -= 1>>
<img src = "img/day1/intro/jock_04.jpg" height ="480px" width ="720px">
Now for the question of sex. Over the years did you manage to get lucky or are you still a Virgin?
<<listbox "$pc.tag.sexualExp" autoselect>>
<<optionsfrom $sexuality>>
<span id="choice"><<link "Continue">>
<<replace "#choice">>
<<if $pc.tag.sexualExp == "Not a Virgin">>At one fateful post game party you met a rather lovely girl and shared a night of passion together, neither of you had much idea what you were doing but it was magical regardless. She moved away shortly after, hopefully not due to your love making skills, or lack thereof.
You have lost your virginity; you gain the <span class="tag">Not a Virgin tag!</span>
<<set $pc.tag.sexualExp = "Not a Virgin">><<else>>Despite your good looks and confidence you have never had a girlfriend.
You have gained the <span class ="tag">Virgin tag!</span>
<<set $pc.tag.sexualExp = "Virgin">><</if>>
<img src = "img/day1/intro/jock_05.jpg" height ="480px" width ="720px">
Your love of sports and physical activity along with your fit body and general demeanor has earned you both respect and infamy from your peers.
You gain the <span class="tag">Jock tag!</span>
<<set $pc.tag.background = "Jock">>
You have spent a lot of time with Doug King and Mr. Swinebak, the gym teacher. This has improved your relationship with both.
You gain a <span class="aff">+20 affection bonus with Doug and a +10 affection bonus with Mr. Swinebak.</span>
<<set $doug.aff += 20>><<set $swin.aff +=10>>
<<elseif $pc.tag.background == "actor">>
<img src = "img/day1/intro/actor_01.jpg" height ="480px" width ="720px">
You have spent a lot of time on stage which gives you a good measure of confidence and presence in any social situation.
Your stage experience gives you a <span class="cha">+1 to Charisma!</span>
<<set $pc.cha += 1>>
<img src = "img/day1/intro/actor_02.jpg" height ="480px" width ="720px">
You look better than most boys and make an effort to take care of your looks.
Your looks give you a <span class="bty">+1 to Beauty!</span>
<<set $pc.bty += 1>>
<img src = "img/day1/intro/actor_03.jpg" height ="480px" width ="720px">
Now for the question of sex. Over the years did you manage to get lucky or are you still a Virgin?
<<listbox "$pc.tag.sexualExp" autoselect>>
<<optionsfrom $sexuality>>
<span id="choice"><<link "Continue">>
<<replace "#choice">>
<<if $pc.tag.sexualExp == "Not a Virgin">>During one of your stage productions you and your costar had a rather flirtatious relationship which culminated in the back of your car after opening night. Although she has since moved away you look back on the event with fondness.
You have lost your virginity; you gain the <span class="tag">Not a Virgin tag!</span>
<<set $pc.tag.sexualExp = "Not a Virgin">><<else>>Despite your good looks and confidence you have never had a girlfriend.
You have gained the <span class ="tag">Virgin tag!</span>
<<set $pc.tag.sexualExp = "Virgin">><</if>>
<img src = "img/day1/intro/actor_04.jpg" height ="480px" width ="720px">
Your dramatic talents and participation in stage productions has earned you a reputation with your fellow students, while some respect the craft other look down on your talents.
You have gained the <span class="tag">Actor talent!</span>
<<set $pc.tag.background = "Actor">>
Your time with the production team has earned you a good repour with most of the teachers, Mrs. Yiin foremost.
You gain a <span class="aff">+5 Affection bonus with all teachers and a +20 with Mrs. Yiin.</span>
<<set $scho.aff += 5>><<set $rose.aff += 5>><<set $swin.aff += 5>><<set $smit.aff += 5>><<set $yiin.aff += 20>>
<img src = "img/day1/intro/cool_01.jpg" height ="480px" width ="720px">
You have spent a lot of time on daring acts of adventure and leading around your own troupe of troublemakers into all manner of situations.
Your confidence and charm gains you a <span class="cha">+2 to Charisma!</span>
<<set $pc.cha += 2>>
<img src = "img/day1/intro/cool_02.jpg" height ="480px" width ="720px">
You take a lot of pride in your appearance, you look better than most of the other boys, better kept and groomed. This has attracted the attention of a lot of the ladies.
Your good looks get you a <span class="bty">+2 to Beauty!</span>
<<set $pc.bty += 2>>
<img src = "img/day1/intro/cool_03.jpg" height ="480px" width ="720px">
Most of your efforts have been spent of socializing and hanging out with friends. As such you have had little times for either sports or academics.
Your lack of academics or athletics cause you to have a -1 to both <span class="int">Intellect</span> and <span class="ath">Athletics!</span>
<<set $pc.ath -= 1>><<set $ -= 1>>
<img src = "img/day1/intro/cool_04.jpg" height ="480px" width ="720px">
You have had the pleasure of know quite a few ladies over the years, although you have never had a steady girlfriend you know your way around the turf.
Your romps in the sack have gained you the <span class="tag">Sexually Experienced tag!</span>
<<set $pc.tag.sexualExp = "Sexually Experienced">>
<img src = "img/day1/intro/cool_05.jpg" height ="480px" width ="720px">
Most people you meet you get on with, and even those you don’t seem to still give you some respect.
Your general rapport with everyone gains you the <span class="tag">Popular tag!</span>
<<set $pc.tag.background = "Popular Kid">>
You have good repour with most everyone at your school, with the exception of Jessica Thisbe, who after a one-night stand and then brush off, hates your guts.
You gain a <span class="aff">+5 Affection bonus with everyone at school</span> and take a <span class="love">-11 Love penalty with Jessica.</span>
<<set $cole.aff += 5>><<set $marcus.aff += 5>><<set $cass.aff += 5>><<set $nath.aff += 5>><<set $doug.aff += 5>><<set $esme.aff += 5>><<set $ -= 11>>
In the game you have 5 stats that affect how you handle the situations you face. Each stat is on a scale of 1-10, with 1 being terrible and 10 being supreme, each of your stats starts at 5. Choices can increase or decrease your stats, as can some things beyond your control. Remember to keep an eye on them. The main use of stats will be passing Stat Checks, these checks will offer additional choice during the story, but only if your Stats are high enough to access them.
<<if $debug>>
There are two ways to play the game: the first in the way it is intended where stat checks will remain invisible if you do not have enough in the stat to attempt it. For you first playthrough this mode is recommended. However, you can enable METAVISION which will allow you to see all options available for a choice, even if you cannot pick them. For additional playthrough METAVISION is encouraged. Choose which option you want below.
<<if $meta == false>>
[[Turn on METAVISION|Day1_Tutorial][$meta to true]]
[[Turn off METAVISION|Day1_Tutorial][$meta to false]]
The first is <span class="int">Intellect.</span>
Intellect will help with feats of the mind, playing strategy games, solving math problems, and thinking through complex plans. It can be increased by playing attention in class and can be lost if you slack off or take damage to your brain.
The second is <span class="ath">Athletics.</span>
Athletics will help with feats of the body, playing sports, running, climbing, jumping, juggling, and strenuous activity all use this. It can be increased through training in gym class, outside of school, or through use of certain drugs. It can be lost if you stop training or if your body loses some of its muscles.
The third is <span class="cha">Charisma.</span>
Charisma will affect how well you can interact with other people, this includes lying, persuading, cheating, and seducing. It can be increased by talking with people, either through normal or through tricking, seducing, or persuading people. It can be lost if you lose confidence in yourself or take a big hit to your reputation.
The fourth is <span class="bty">Beauty.</span>
Beauty governs how attractive your character is, in general it is used to decide whether someone is attracted to you or not and can help to make certain checks easier. Barring plastic surgery, you are pretty much stuck with your appearance, although staying hygienic and putting effort into your appearance can give you a temporary boost. It can be lost if you are maimed, disfigured, or don't stay on top of your hygiene.
The fifth will remain a mystery and be explaned later on.
[[Continue to character creation.|Day1_Introduction]]
<<set $lbanser to ["Virgin","Sexually Experienced"]>>
<<set $count ="">>
<<listbox "$count" autoselect>>
<<optionsfrom $lbanser>>
<span class="missingSpell"> Hello world </span>
<div id="app">
<div id="wrapper">
<!-- Make sure data-text equals the text you put inside the tags. -->
<h1 class="glitch" data-text="
<td><<if $currentDay == 0>><center><span class="tableColor">X</span></center><<else>><</if>></td>
<td><<if $currentDay == 1>><center><span class="tableColor">X</span></center><<else>><</if>></td>
<td><<if $currentDay == 2>><center><span class="tableColor">X</span></center><<else>><</if>></td>
<td><<if $currentDay == 3>><center><span class="tableColor">X</span></center><<else>><</if>></td>
<td><<if $currentDay == 4>><center><span class="tableColor">X</span></center><<else>><</if>></td>
<td><<if $currentDay == 5>><center><span class="tableColor">X</span></center><<else>><</if>></td>
<td><<if $currentDay == 6>><center><span class="tableColor">X</span></center><<elseif $hasList>><center><span class="tableColor2">O</span></center><<else>><</if>></td>
<<print $endings.ending1>>
<<if $achieve1 == true>>
Ending 1 True
Ending 1 false
<<button "Set True">>
<<remember $achieve1 = true>>
<<if passage() is "Test">>…the active passage is the Café passage…<</if>>
<<print $pc.bustImg[$pc.bust-1]>>
<meter class="cumTrack" @value="$cum" min="0" max="1000"></meter>
<<button "Add Cum">>
<<set $cum += 5>>
<<notify>> You've gained 5ml of cum!
<meter class="cumTrack" @value="$cum" min="0" max="1000"></meter><</notify>>
<video id="video" autoplay loop muted><source src="img/day1/day/showerfap.webm" type="video/webm"></video>
<span id="remove">
<<link "Hover over this!">><</link>>
<<replace '#tooltip'>><<notify>> You've gained 5ml of cum!
<meter class="cumTrack" @value="$cum" min="0" max="1000"></meter><</notify>><</replace>>
<<replace '#tooltip'>><<replace'#remove'>><</replace>><</replace>>
<<videoM "img/day1/day/showerfap.webm">><</videoM>>
<<if $count == "Virgin">>Virgin<<else>>Sexually Experienced<</if>>
<span class ="cass"> Cass </span>
<span class ="cole"> Cole </span>
<span class ="esme"> Esme </span>
<span class ="doug"> Doug </span>
<span class ="jess"> Jess </span>
<span class ="marc"> Marc </span>
<span class ="nath"> Nath </span>
<span class ="rose"> Rose </span>
<span class ="smit"> Smit </span>
<span class ="scho"> Scho </span>
<span class ="swin"> Swin </span>
<span class ="yiin"> Yiin </span>
<span class ="circ"> Circ </span>
<span class ="becc"> becc </span>
<span class ="aff"> Affection </span>
<span class ="npc"> "What do we have here? Liz is that you again?" </span>
<<say $cass>>Ah! Hello! This is a Test.<</say>>
<<say $cole>>Ah! Hello! This is a Test.<</say>>
<<say $esme>>Ah! Hello! This is a Test.<</say>>
<<say $doug>>Ah! Hello! This is a Test.<</say>>
<<say $jess>>Ah! Hello! This is a Test.<</say>>
<<say $marcus>>Ah! Hello! This is a Test.<</say>>
<<say $nath>>Ah! Hello! This is a Test.<</say>>
<<say $rose>>Ah! Hello! This is a Test.<</say>>
<<say $smit>>Ah! Hello! This is a Test.<</say>>
<<say $scho>>Ah! Hello! This is a Test.<</say>>
<<say $swin>>Ah! Hello! This is a Test.<</say>>
<<say $yiin>>Ah! Hello! This is a Test.<</say>>
<<say $circ>>Ah! Hello! This is a Test.<</say>>
<<say $becc>>Ah! Hello! This is a Test.<</say>>
<<say $arth>>Ah! Hello! This is a Test.<</say>>
<<say $npcm>>Ah! Hello! This is a Test.<</say>>
<<say $jock>>Ah! Hello! This is a Test.<</say>>
<<disStat $pc.ath $athImg>><</disStat>>
<<statCheck 9 $pc.ath $athImg Test>> Repeat Test <</statCheck>><center><table>
<td><<if $currentDay == 0>><center><span class="tableColor">X</span></center><<else>><</if>></td>
<td><<if $currentDay == 1>><center><span class="tableColor">X</span></center><<else>><</if>></td>
<td><<if $currentDay == 2>><center><span class="tableColor">X</span></center><<else>><</if>></td>
<td><<if $currentDay == 3>><center><span class="tableColor">X</span></center><<else>><</if>></td>
<td><<if $currentDay == 4>><center><span class="tableColor">X</span></center><<else>><</if>></td>
<td><<if $currentDay == 5>><center><span class="tableColor">X</span></center><<else>><</if>></td>
<td><<if $currentDay == 6>><center><span class="tableColor">X</span></center><<elseif $hasList>><center><span class="tableColor2">O</span></center><<else>><</if>></td>
Time of Day: $timeDesc[$currentTime]
Name: $pc.nameF $pc.nameL
<<if $pc.gender == "male">><img src = "img/char/pc/face_01.png" style= "width:128px;height:128px;"><<elseif $pc.gender == "female">> <img src = "img/char/pc/face_03.png" style= "width:128px;height:128px;"><</if>>
<span class ="int"> INTELLIGENCE<<if $intUp>> +<</if>> </span>
<<UIdisStat $ $intImg>>><</UIdisStat>>
<span class ="cha"> CHARISMA<<if $chaUp>> +<</if>> </span>
<<UIdisStat $pc.cha $chaImg>>><</UIdisStat>>
<span class ="ath"> ATHLETICS<<if $athUp>> +<</if>> </span>
<<UIdisStat $pc.ath $athImg>>><</UIdisStat>>
<span class ="bty"> BEAUTY<<if $btyUp>> +<</if>> </span>
<<UIdisStat $pc.bty $btyImg>>><</UIdisStat>>
<<if $pc.mag>0>><span class ="mag"> MAGIC<<if $magUp>> +<</if>> </span>
<<UIdisStat $pc.mag $magImg>>><</UIdisStat>><</if>>
<<if !$partyTime>>Energy
<<UIdisImages $energy "img/ui/energyUI.png" 25>><</UIdisImages>><</if>>
<<if $partyTime>>Time
<<UIdisImages $partyDuration "img/ui/timeUI.png" 25>><</UIdisImages>>
<meter class="drunkness" @value="$drunk" min="0" max="100"></meter>
<<if $arcadeView>><span class="alch"> Tickets: $tickets</span> Coins: $coins<</if>>
<<if $debug>> <<cPassage>><</cPassage>><</if>>
Double-click this passage to edit it.<<set $disableSide to false>>Now we know how you got here, to the end of your final year of highschool. You decided to take one final victory lap after your 12th grade last year, unsure of what to do with your future. Because of this your semester so far has been exceedingly light and you have got to spend a lot of time with your best friend Marcus Coleman, hanging out, drinking beers, and playing video games.
Only two more weeks before this semester comes to an end and you are thrust into the real world. Your brain is filled with thoughts and excitement for the upcoming party on this Friday, courtesy of Doug and the football team. It would be the last of the year, until after exams of course, then there would be another bigger and better party. Despite your boring life, you still have things to look forward to. These are the thoughts that filled your head as you drifted off to sleep…
[[Wake up...|Day1_Morning]]
Your consciousness is drawn back from the gentle embrace of sleep by the blaring of your alarm clock.
<img src = "img/day1/day/alarmclock.jpg" height ="480px" width ="720px">
You swing your hand out wildly, slamming harshly down onto the infernal contraption. It ceases its noise for the moment, but you know you have only earned yourself ten more minutes. No point remaining in bed.
You swing your legs off the edge of the bed and stretch, as first lights of the morning stream down through your half-shuttered blinds. You flick off the alarm on your clock and go grab the towel hanging off your desk chair. Stumbling out into the hallway you spot your younger step-brother, Cole, making his way out of the bathroom, a cloud of steam following him out. He gives you a groggy nod.
<<say $cole>> “Mornin’”<</say>>
<span class ="system"> You have met your step-brother Cole for the first time! He has been added to your character veiwer!</span><<set $cole.hasMeet = true>>
He continues down the hallway and disappears into his room before the door closes. You head into the bathroom, turn on the shower, and strip.
Stepping into the warm water you roll your shoulders and stretch your neck working out all the kinks of the night.
<<if $pc.tag.background == "Nerd">>You spend last night up late, playing just one more match of Legends of Longinus, one match to many now that you are awake this morning.<<elseif $pc.tag.background =="Jock">>You let the waters wash away the aches of yesterdays workout, you maybe went a little harder than you should have but as you tense and flex your muscles you reveal in the power in them and smile.
<</if>>Your hands slide down your body as you rub in the soap and gently wash it way. Your hands brush against your cock as you wash. An idea begins to fill you mind…
<span id = "choice"><<link "Masturbate">>
<<replace "#choice">>
<<videoM "img/day1/day/showerfap.mp4">><</videoM>>
You take your sizable dick into your hand and begin to stroke it. The warm water continues to flow around and off you as you pull more fervently on your member. With the heat of the shower and your own exertion your body begins to heat up. You begin to pant a little as you hand glides along the smooth skin of your cock. Your body clenches, your legs shake as you let out a barely audible moan and spray your cum across the floor of the shower watching as it is quickly swept away by the water. You shake your head and let some water splash over your face and cock before turning off the shower and stepping out.
You wrap yourself up in a towel take a few moments to brush your teeth and comb your hair before for returning to your room to get dressed. As you pull on your clothing you take a moment to glace out the window through the blinds. The cloudy overcast sky looks to be brimming with unfallen rain. You sigh and [[head downstairs…|Day1_AtHome]]<</replace>><</link>>
<<link "Finish shower">>
<<replace "#choice">>
You think better of it and quickly finish up your washing, turning off the shower and stepping out.
You wrap yourself up in a towel take a few moments to brush your teeth and comb your hair before for returning to your room to get dressed. As you pull on your clothing you take a moment to glace out the window through the blinds. The cloudy overcast sky looks to be brimming with unfallen rain. You sigh and [[head downstairs…|Day1_AtHome]]<</replace>><</link>></span>
Rebecca Lambert is an 18-year-old female currently attending Scholman High in her final year. She is very intelligent and probably has the highest grades out of anyone in her year. She is kind to almost everyone she meets. She is $becc.height cm tall and weighs about $becc.weight kgs. She has brown hair, green eyes, and wears glasses. She is your $becc.relation.
Currently her affection to you is $becc.aff.
Currently her love for you is $
Currently her suspicion of you is $becc.sus.
[[Character Viewer]]
As you enter the kitchen your find your step-brother already standing there eating a from a bowl of cereal. He just gives you a nod and continues to shovel more food into his mouth. You approach the fridge to get some for yourself. You take a moment to read over the note your parents left you yesterday.
Take good care of the house, remember to take out the garbage on Tuesday, make sure to do the dishes or laundry after 7PM. These is $200 on the counter for food for the week, don’t spend it all on pizza. We will be getting back next Monday, try not to kill each other or burn down the house while we are gone.
Love you,
Mom and Dad”
You open the fridge with a smirk, you and Cole had already spilt the $200, evenly down the middle. There was enough for in the house already to last the week and if you ran out, there was always pizza. You pull the milk from the fridge, grab a bowl, and begin to eat your own breakfast. As you eat you begin to hear the steady patter of rain begins to echo of the roof of the house. Cole glances outside then to you.
<<videoM "img/day1/day/rainywindow.mp4">><</videoM>>
<<say $cole>>“Any chance I could get a ride to school?”<</say>>
You shrug before replying.
<<say $pc>>“Sure thing.”<</say>>
It's not like you weren't going that way anyway. You both finish your bowls and place them in the sink before grabbing your bags and braving the rain before hoping into your car.
<<videoM "img/day1/day/rainycar.mp4">><</videoM>>
You turn it on and begin the short drive [[towards Scholman High.|Day1_BeforeSchool]]
<<if $pc.tag.background == "Jock">>On a nicer day you might have just ran to school, something you were quite fond of, especially in the spring months. But seeing as the rain only appeared to be getting worse the car would have to do today.<</if>>
Your step-brother’s attention was glued pretty exclusively to his phone during the ride. You could see the bright flashing lights on the screen from the corner of your eye.
<<if $pc.tag.background == "Nerd">>You knew what game he was playing, something you had dabbled in once upon a time. Although you have since outgrown it. Waifu Wars, you think it was called. Cole being a 18 year old boy you could see the appeal it had for him.<<else>>You don’t know what game it was but the occasional high-pitched scream (moan?) you could hear through his head phones made you think it was another one of his Japanese games.<</if>>
<img src = "img/day1/day/rebeccaRain.jpg">
You kept most of your attention on the road. As you began to get closer to Schoman High you spotted a lone figure hurrying along the side walk. As you get closer you recognize her, Rebecca Lambert, one of the girls in the year under you.
<span id = "choice"><<link "Stop and offer her a ride">>
<<replace "#choice">>
You slowdown, pulling up beside her. She gives the car a quizzical look before you roll down the window and she sees you.
<<set $pickedUpBecc to true>>
<<say $pc>>“Need a ride?”<</say>> You ask. She gives you a smile and approaches the back door, pulling it open and hoping in and out of the rain.
<<say $becc>>“Thanks a bunch, $pc.nameF. This rain came out of nowhere and I don’t have my umbrella.”<</say>>
<<if !$becc.hasMeet>> <span class = "system">You have meet Rebbecca for the first time. She has been added to your character veiwer!</span><<set $becc.hasMeet = true>><</if>>
You glance at here through the rearview mirror. She certainly is soaked, her white collared shirt soaked so much that is seemed to have gone semitransparent…
<span id = "choice2"><<link "Take a look">>
<<replace "#choice2">>
You take a closer look. As you examine you can see the outline of her bra under the fabric, the gentle curves of her breast, the smooth pale skin…
<<videoM "img/day1/day/rebeccaWet.mp4">><</videoM>>
<<say $becc>>“Good morning, Cole.”<</say>> She says snapping you out of your examination. Your eyes flicker up to her face, reflected in the mirror. You freeze for a moment as your eyes look with hers. For just a moment she gives you a knowing look and a smirk before looking towards Cole. You focus your attention back on the road as the two begin to talk about an upcoming math test.
Your peeping seems to have earned you <span class = "love">+1 Love with Rebecca!</span><<set $ += 1>>
<img src = "img/locations/hsFrontRainy.jpg" height ="480px" width ="720px">
The rain stays a steady pour for the remainder of the trip and as you pull up to the front of Scholman High you can see its students running towards its entrances hurrying out of the rain. You the car to a stop to let Cole <<if $pickedUpBecc>>and Rebecca out<</if>>.
<<say $cole>>“Thanks, bro. See you after school.”<</say>> he calls before running towards the entrance.
<<if $pickedUpBecc>><<say $becc>>“Thank you for the ride, $pc.nameF. See you around.”<</say>> Rebecca waves as she steps out of the car and makes her own way into the school.
Giving her a ride has earned you <span class ="aff">+10 Affection</span> and <span class = "love">+2 Love with Rebecca.</span><<set $becc.aff +=10>><<set $ += 2>><</if>>
You drive around to the back lot of the school, find a place nearest the back entrance and park. You take a moment in the car, not really in any rush since you are already twenty minutes early for first period. You grab you jacket, pull it up over your head and make a dash from the [[back doors.|Day1_BeforeClass]] <</replace>>
<<link "Focus on the road">>
<<replace "#choice2">>
You think better of it and focus your attention back to the road.
<img src = "img/locations/hsFrontRainy.jpg" height ="480px" width ="720px">
The rain stays a steady pour for the remainder of the trip and as you pull up to the front of Schoman High you can see its students running towards its entrances hurrying out of the rain. You the car to a stop to let Cole <<if $pickedUpBecc>>and Rebecca out<</if>>.
<<say $cole>>“Thanks, bro. See you after school.”<</say>> he calls before running towards the entrance.
<<if $pickedUpBecc>><<say $becc>>“Thank you for the ride, $pc.nameF. See you around.”<</say>> Rebecca waves as she steps out of the car and makes her own way into the school.
Giving her a ride has earned you <span class ="aff">+10 Affection</span> and <span class = "love">+2 Love with Rebecca.</span><<set $becc.aff +=10>><<set $ += 2>><</if>>
You drive around to the back lot of the school, find a place nearest the back entrance and park. You take a moment in the car, not really in any rush since you are already twenty minutes early for first period. You grab you jacket, pull it up over your head and make a dash from the [[back doors.|Day1_BeforeClass]]<</replace>><</link>></span><</replace>><</link>>
<<link "Pass by">>
<<replace "#choice">>
You decide not to pick her up, not that you are an asshole or anything. You just don’t want a reputation for picking up high school girls on the side of the road.
<img src = "img/locations/hsFrontRainy.jpg" height ="480px" width ="720px">
The rain stays a steady pour for the remainder of the trip and as you pull up to the front of Scholman High you can see its students running towards its entrances hurrying out of the rain. You the car to a stop to let Cole <<if $pickedUpBecc>>and Rebecca out<</if>>.
<<say $cole>>“Thanks, bro. See you after school.”<</say>> he calls before running towards the entrance.
<<if $pickedUpBecc>><<say $becc>>“Thank you for the ride, $pc.nameF. See you around.”<</say>> Rebecca waves as she steps out of the car and makes her own way into the school.
Giving her a ride has earned you <span class ="aff">+10 Affection and <span class = "love">+2 Love with Rebecca.</span><<set $becc.aff +=10>><<set $ += 2>><</if>>
You drive around to the back lot of the school, find a place nearest the back entrance and park. You take a moment in the car, not really in any rush since you are already twenty minutes early for first period. You grab you jacket, pull it up over your head and make a dash from the [[back doors.|Day1_BeforeClass]]<</replace>><</link>></span>
<img src = "img/locations/hsHalls.jpg" height ="480px" width ="720px">
You walk in through the back doors of the school and flip the rain off your coat, prompting yelps from some nearby first year girls foolishly standing in the splash zone. You swing the coat around and put it on to cover your soaked t-shirt and begin to make your way down the halls towards your locker. As you approach your locker you see the familiar six-and-a-half-foot talk lumber mass of your locker mate standing adjacent to your own. As you get closer you draw his attention, a smile breaking across his face.
<<say $doug>> “You wet yourself, old-timer?” <</say>> He shouts, loud enough for the whole hallway to hear while gesturing to your rain-soaked pants.
<<if !$doug.hasMeet>> <span class ="system">You have meet Doug for the first time! He has been added to your character viewer!</span><<set $doug.hasMeet = true>><</if>>
<<say $pc>> “You after seeing your ugly mug, knuckledragger.”<</say>> You retort as you make your way over to your locker, standing beside Doug. He laughs and slaps you on the back, just a little to hard for it to not hurt.
Doug is a good guy most of the town. You grew up with him and have been close friends up until high school. Once in high-school he got picked up by the football team<<if $pc.tag.background == "Jock">> and while you play some sports you weren’t able to make the team,<</if>> after that you spread apart. Although you are still friends, and of course, locker buddies.
<<say $doug>> “So, you do anyone interesting over the weekend?”<</say>> Doug askes casually as rummages through his locker.
<<if $pc.tag.sexualExp == "Virgin">> You give a rather awkward chuckle and begin to pull out your own books. A silence fills the air between the two of you.
Being an awkward <span class = "tag">Virgin</span> cost you <span class = "aff"> -2 affection with Doug!</span> <<set $doug.aff -= 2>>
<<else>><<say $pc>> “It was a rather slow weekend, nothing interesting other than my parents going on vacation.”<</say>> You reply as you fish out your books and put them in your bag.<</if>>
Just as you pull back from your locker it slams shut in your face. You look up to see the pleasantly unpleasant sight of Jessica Thisbe. She leans against your now shut locker and clicks her cheek.
<<say $jess>> “Spending time with the mentally infirm again, Doug. Such a saint to hang out with losers like this.”<</say>> She walks around you and practically drapes herself across Doug, sneering in your direction.
<<if !$jess.hasMeet>> <span class ="system">You have meet Jessica for the first time! She has been added to your character viewer!</span><<set $jess.hasMeet = true>><</if>>
Jessica, is a bitch plain and simple as that. However, she is also smoking hot and if rumors are to be believed has sucked the dick of nearly every guy in school<<if $pc.tag.background =="Popular Kid">> yours included<</if>>.
<<say $doug>> "Hey babe, let’s get going. See ya, $pc.nameL”<</say>> Doug says as he turns with Jessica and begin to head down the hall. You just nod in return. Doug may be a nice guy, but he isn’t letting your friendship come between him and his pussy.
You lock up your locker and continue your way down the hall heading towards [[first period English.|Day1_FirstClass]]
<<set $currentTime += 1>>
You walk into your English class and take your seat. There’s not really any assigned seating or anything, you just like the seat by the window. You pull out your notebook and lean back for a stretch. As you finish most of the class has filed in, followed by Mrs. Rose your English teacher. She sets her things down on the desk and goes about her business preparing for class. You like first period English and Mrs. Rose is the prime reason for that. Many of the boys in her class spend their time focused on her, and not because she is good a reading Shakespeare. She turns to face the class.
<<videoM "img/day1/day/roseClass.mp4">><</videoM>>
<<say $rose>> "Good morning class, hope everyone got here safe it is quite wet out there. Now please turn to page 38 so we can begin." <</say>> She turns her back to the class to begin writing on the board giving you a nice view of her behind, framed nicely in her tight jeans.
<<if !$rose.hasMeet>> <span class ="system">You have meet Mrs. Rose for the first time! She has been added to your character viewer!</span><<set $rose.hasMeet = true>><</if>>
<<if $pc.tag.background == "Nerd">>You spend the class paying attention and reading whenever you are called on.<<else>>You spend the class day dreaming and staring out the window.<</if>>
Halfway through the class Mrs. Rose asks the class a question, and particularly hard one as evident by the lack of hands going up to answer it. You survey the class for a moment…
<span id = "choice"><<link "Try to answer it">>
<<replace "#choice">>
<img src = "img/day1/day/raiseHand.jpg" height ="480px" width ="720px">
You figure you might as well give the question a shot. You honestly have no idea what the real answer is so you start make up some bullshit and attempt to pass it off. After you finish there are a few sinckers in the class and then Mrs. Rose shakes her head.
<<say $rose>>"It seems you didn't do the reading, $pc.nameF. Here, this is the answer."<</say>> She turns and begins to write on the board. You lean back in your chair and wait for the [[class to be over.|Day1_Break1]]
Your lack of attention in her class loses you <span class = "aff">-5 Affection with Mrs. Rose.</span><</replace>><</link>>
<<link "Ignore it">>
<<replace "#choice">>
You turn back towards the window and let it sort itself out. As the class begins to wrap up the bell rings signaling the end of the period. You pack up your things and make your way back into the hallway, heading towards you [[next class.|Day1_Break1]]<</replace>><</link>>
<<statCheck 6 $ $intImg Day1_FirstClassAnswer>> Answer Correctly <</statCheck>>
You head down the hallway making your way up to the second floor where your Math classroom is. Along the way you get distracted by three younger students attempting to balance on each other to reach up into one of the roof tiles. As you watch them, failing to look in front of you feel a sharp impact as you collide with a locker door. You tumble to the floor and hear someone else hit the floor in front of you, followed by a sharp crack of glass. You take a moment to compose your self and rub your head.
<img src = "img/day1/day/brokenglass.jpg" height ="480px" width ="720px">
You can hear the laughter of your fellow students around you. Looking past the now swinging locker door you face goes pale. Sprawled on the ground in front of you is Esmerelda Novak and between the two of you is a broken jar its leafy contents spilt around it.
Your carelessness has lost you <span class ="aff">-5 Affection with Esmerelda.</span><<set $esme.aff -= 5>>
<<if !$esme.hasMeet>> <span class ="system">You have meet Esmerelda for the first time! She has been added to your character viewer!</span><<set $esme.hasMeet = true>><</if>>
Your eyes meet Esmeralda's as she gives you an icy stare. You pause for a moment trapped as a mouse its now or never, fight or flight…
<span id = "choice"><<link "Help her">>
<<replace "#choice">>
You get up to your feet and take a step towards her extending a hand to help her up. She gives it a cold look before reaching up and grasping it. At this point the spectacle has lost its appeal and people have begun moving down the halls once more. As Esmeralda gets to her feet she begins to admonish you for your carelessness.
<<say $esme>> "Watch where you are going asshole."<</say>> She says brushing off the back of her pants before squatting down to tend to the broken jar.
Pretty much everyone is afraid of Esmeralda, even Jessica won't go near her or even talk bad about her behind her back. Like you she is in her 5th year here but unlike you it is not by choice. Last year she went missing for four months. Whole school was whispering about but there were no police, or anything involved so most figured she had just moved away. She returned at the beginning of this year and was a whole lot meaner. A lot of people had questions and she cussed out a lot of those people. Eventually they stopped asking.
You bend down and begin to help her clean up the glass being careful not to cut yourself. A whiff of the grassy substance inside the jars hits your nose and you recoil.
<<say $pc>> "What is this stuff?" <</say>>You ask covering your nose with the back of your hand. She glances at you for a moment before answering.
<<say $esme>> "Nettle." <</say>> She puts the bulk of the leaves into her hand and stands up, leaving the glace to me. She pulls the locker door back open as you are hit with a whole new wall of smells.
<img src = "img/day1/day/esmeLocker.jpg" height ="480px" width ="720px">
The interior of the locker is adorned with all manner of jar, back, and bottle, each filled with a plant, root, or liquid of some manner. Esmeralda pops a fresh jar open and pours the nettle leaves inside before closing the locker again. You collect the rest of the large glass shards into your hand and stand.
<<say $pc>> "Uh, sorry for that, got distracted."<</say>>
<<say $esme>> "At least you are decent enough to help me and not bolt like a scared doe."<</say>> She places the lock back on the locker.
<<say $pc>> "Well, I'd have to be a pretty big asshole to break someone's nettle jar and then run away."<</say>> She stares at you for a moment before cocking a small smile.
Staying and helping her has gained you <span class = "aff">+10 Affection</span> and <span class = "love">+1 Love with Esmeralda!</span><<set $esme.aff += 10>><<set $ += 1>>
<<say $esme>> "Come on, hero. We better get to class or Mr. Smith will chew us both out." <</say>>
With that the two of you head [[towards the Math classroom together.|Day1_Class2]]<</replace>><</link>>
<<link "Run">>
<<replace "#choice">>
You quickly scramble to your feet and rush down the hallway. The ring of other student's laughter echoes in your ears behind you. Bursting through the doors to the staircase you pause against the wall as some transient students give you odd looks.
Pretty much everyone is afraid of Esmeralda, even Jessica won't go near her or even talk bad about her behind her back. Like you she is in her 5th year here but unlike you it is not by choice. Last year she went missing for four months. Whole school was whispering about but there were no police, or anything involved so most figured she had just moved away. She returned at the beginning of this year and was a whole lot meaner. A lot of people had questions and she cussed out a lot of those people. Eventually they stopped asking.
You shake your head and begin your way up the stairs and [[towards Math class.|Day1_Class2]]
Abandoning Esmeralda has lost you <span class = "aff">-5 Affection</span> and <span class = "love">-5 Love with Esmeralda!</span><</replace>><</link>></span><<set $esme.aff -= 5>><<set $ -= 5>>
<img src = "img/day1/day/mathBoard.jpg" height ="480px" width ="720px">
You make your way into Mr. Smith's class as most of the other students have already taken their seats. You take one at the far back and pull out your supplies. Mr. Smith gets to his feet and clears his throat as he begins his class.
<<if !$smit.hasMeet>> <span class ="system">You have meet Mr. Smith for the first time! He has been added to your character viewer!</span><<set $smit.hasMeet = true>><</if>>
You have never really like Mr. Smith to much. His classes are always a little too hard as if he wants you to fail and it is a well-known fact that he hates most of the students. Other than the girls that is. He has a very particular fondness for them. The class passes rather quickly despite the rather dry content. About halfway through the class he proposes a question for the class.
<<say $smit>> "Now then class, how would you find the angle of these two points? Anyone? How about you Jessica?"<</say>> Singling out Jessica, who is seated only a few seats from you. She looks up like a deer caught in the head lights.
<<say $jess>> "Uh, by like, multiplying them together or something like that."<</say>> She answers, a rather ambitious answer for her. Mr. Smith shakes his head.
<<say $smit>> "No, no. Here why don't you come up here and I'll walk you all through it."<</say>> He calls Jessica up to the front. With an apathic sigh Jessica makes here way to the front of the class and takes the piece of chalk from Mr. Smith. <<say $smit>> "Now then, start with drawing the two lines, big as you like…"<</say>>
Mr. Smith walks Jessica through the rather simple process of trigonometry as he leans against his desk facing her back. Most of the male portion of the class, Mr. Smith included sits transfixed as Jessica shakes her ass across the front of the room, her ass perfectly outlined by her tight skirt. Stretching and bending to get the angles of the triangle just right.
<<videoM "img/day1/day/jessMath.mp4">> <</videoM>>
After that show, the rest of the class was rather boring, and you once again gather up your things to [[head to lunch.|Day1_Lunch]]
<<set $currentTime += 1>>
<img src = "img/locations/cafe.jpg" height ="480px" width ="720px">
As you walk into the cafeteria you equip yourself with a tray and gather todays slop before stopping to survey the room. You spot a few open spots through the cafeteria and begin to weigh your options…
[[Sit alone|Day1_Lunch-Alone]]
[[Sit with your step-brother and Nathan|Day1_Lunch-Cole/Nathan]]
[[Sit with Rebecca|Day1_Lunch-Rebecca]]
<<if $pc.tag.background == "Jock">>[[Sit with Doug and the football team|Day1_Lunch-Doug]]<</if>>
<<if $esme.aff>=0>>[[Sit with Esmerelda|Day1_Lunch-Esmerelda]]<</if>>
You decide to sit alone and set up at one of the empty tables by the cafeteria's entrance. As you sit an eat you watch the café with an idle curiosity. About halfway through lunch Cassandra Bakear makes her way into the room and make her way over to your table. She sits a few spots down from you with no food. She pulls up her bag and pull out an old looking book. She begins to read; her face seems a little distressed.
<img src = "img/day1/day/cassTome.jpg" height ="480px" width ="720px">
<span id ="choice"><<link "Ask about the book">>
<<replace "#choice">>
<<say $pc>> "What'cha reading?"<</say>> You ask innocently. She glances up and looks at you as if noticing you sitting there for the first time.
<<say $cass>> "I'm afraid it would be of much interest to you."<</say>>
<<if $pc.cha >=7>><<say $pc>> "Are you sure? I happen to be a connoisseur of dusty old books."<</say>> You smile at her. She glances at you wearily.
<<say $cass>> "It is a very old and complicated instruction manual. Now if you don't mind, I have to focus."<</say>>
Your interest has gained you <span class = "aff">+1 Affection with Cassandra.</span><<set $cass.aff += 1>><</if>>
<<if !$cass.hasMeet>> <span class ="system">You have meet Cass for the first time! She has been added to your character viewer!</span><<set $cass.hasMeet = true>><</if>>
You shrug and go back to your meal occasionally watching her as she flips through the book's pages. The break comes to an end as you pack up your things and [[head to Art class.|Day1_Class3]]<</replace>><</link>>
<<link "Ignore her">>
<<replace "#choice">>
You shrug and go back to your meal occasionally watching her as she flips through the book's pages. The break comes to an end as you pack up your things and [[head to Art class.|Day1_Class3]]<</replace>><</link>></span>You walk over to your step-brother and his friend Nathan's table. Placing down your tray you swing your legs over the bench and give them both a nod. They nod back before continuing their conversation. You begin to each your meal.
<<say $cole>> "The nerf completely ruined her. She is at least low B tier now." <</say>>Nathan snorts at that comment.
<<say $nath>> "Good, she was busted before. Who gives a character 4 passive on top of their regular skills? She needed a nerf." <</say>>
<<if !$nath.hasMeet>> <span class ="system">You have meet Nathan for the first time! He has been added to your character viewer!</span><<set $nath.hasMeet = true>><</if>>
You listen with causal interest spending most of your attention watching the room. As you watch you can see Cassandra Bakear come into the café. She doesn't collect any food and goes to sit alone at one of the empty tables you were eyeing. You watch her curiously as she pulls out an old looking book from her bag and begins to read through it. Seems like she doesn't plan on eating today.
<img src = "img/day1/day/cassAlone.jpg" height ="480px" width ="720px">
<<say $cole>> "Nah man I'm telling you they just nerfed her so that they can buff her again when her new skin comes out. Its how these things work."<</say>>
You vaguely hear the conversation beside you continue you wonder if you should join in…
<span id = "choice"><<link "Join in">>
<<replace "#choice">>
<<if $pc.tag.background == "Nerd">><span class ="pc"> "Nah, the nerf is probably for good. She's an old character they tend to tone them down so people play the new ones. She needed it anyways, she was busted."</span> This provoked more arguments from both Nathan and Cole as you continue to discus it through the break and until the bell rings. As it rings you pack up and [[head towards your Art class.|Day1_Class3]]
Your nerdy argument has gained you <span class ="aff">+10 Affection with both Cole and Nathan!</span>
<<say $pc>> "What are you two nerds talking about?"<</say>> You reply focusing your attention back on the table. In unison they both turn to you.
<<say $cole>> "Legends of Longinus!" <</say>>
<<say $nath>> "Legends of Longinus!" <</say>>
You spend the next 30 minutes begin regaled about the various aspects of the game before the bell rings. You pack up your things say your farewells and [[head towards your Art class.|Day1_Class3]]
Your conversation has gained you <span class ="aff">+5 Affection with both Cole and Nathan!</span><<set $cole.aff += 5>><<set $nath.aff += 5>><</if>><</replace>><</link>>
<<link "Ignore them">>
<<replace "#choice">>
You tune out their conversation as you eat and in a short 30 minutes the bell rings. You pack up your things and [[head off towards Art class.|Day1_Class3]]<</replace>><</link>></span>
You sit down across Rebecca and swing your legs over the bench. She looks up at you and smiles.
<<if $pickedUpBecc>><<say $becc>> "Hey, $pc.nameF. Thanks again for the ride this morning. My books are only a little damp now instead of soaked."<</say>>
<<say $pc>> "No problem. How has your day been so far? Besides getting soaked."<</say>>
<<else>><<say $becc>> "Hello, $pc.nameF. How are you today?"<</say>>
<<say $pc>> "I'm good. How has your day been so far?" <</say>><</if>>
<<if !$becc.hasMeet>> <span class ="system">You have meet Rebecca for the first time! She has been added to your character viewer!</span><<set $becc.hasMeet = true>><</if>>
<<say $becc>> "Besides getting caught in the rain my day has been pretty good. I aced Mr. Smith's latest test. Even got the bonus answer, it was a trick question, classic Smith."<</say>>
Nodding in agreement you continue to ask her a few other things about her day as you both joke about Mr. Smith and some of the other teachers. Lunch comes to a quick end as you wish her a quick farewell before [[heading off to Art class.|Day1_Class3]]
Your conversation has gained you a <span class = "aff">+5 Affection with Rebecca!</span><<set $becc.aff += 5>>
You approach Doug and his friends, thankfully Jessica is absent. You plop down you tray and swing your legs over the bench. Doug gives you a nod as do some of the others at the table. You begin to eat as Doug calls out to you.
<<say $doug>> "Hey, oldtimer. I heard you had alittle big of a tumble with Crazy Ezy in the halls? Have you found your true love?" <</say>> Some of his buddies around the table snicker at that. You may only be one year older than them, but oldtimer is a name that has stuck ever since the beginning of this year.
<<say $pc>> "Got distracted by some idiots messing with the roof and ran into her locker."<</say>>
There are a few more snickers at that.
<<say $pc>>"You lot wouldn't happen to know anything about that now would ya?"<</say>>
<<say $doug>> "Maybe. Might be that we put some first-year rookies up to a little task for our end of the year prank." <</say>> You raise an eyebrow, first you are hearing of this.
<<say $pc>> "And what exactly does this prank entail?"<</say>>
<<say $doug>> "Sorry, Williams. That is privileged information, team mates only. Maybe when you can catch some balls in the field and not just in your bed, we will let you in on it."<</say>>
That one earns a roar form the whole table, including a chuckle from yourself. You continue the banter until the end of the period before packing up and [[heading towards Art class.|Day1_Class3]]
Your conversation has gained you a <span class = "aff">+5 Affection with Doug!</span><<set $doug.aff += 5>>
You approach Esmeralda and gingerly place your tray down before swinging your legs over the bench and taking a seat. She looks up at you and raises an eyebrow.
<<say $esme>> "Are you sure you want to do that, Williams? It might be unhealthy for you."<</say>> You pick up your fork and look back at her.
<<say $pc>> "Can't be any more dangerous then nearly falling on a broken jar. I think I'll be fine." <</say>> Esmerelda smiles at you.
<<say $esme>> "Brave man. Were all the other seats taken?" <</say>>
<<say $pc>>"No, I just thought you might like some company." <</say>> She smirks.
<<say $esme>> "I think I would have survived without your company for a little while longer." <</say>>
You both eat your meals in silence for a while. You watch the rest of the cafeteria with minor interest. You see Cassandra Bakear make her way into the café and sit down without any food. You watcher her as she pulls out an old looking book and begins to read. You look back at Esmeralda to find her also watching Cassandra, her gaze cold and focused.
<<say $pc>> "So what are all those herbs for?" <</say>> You ask casually.
<<say $esme>> "Aroma therapy. Something I picked up last year."<</say>>
<<if $pc.cha >=6>>You watch her eyes flicker for a moment before she spoke. A lie you'd guess and a good one too. Well-practiced and plausible. You wonder what the real reason if she wants to keep it a secret. Maybe she is a drug dealer.<<else>><<say $pc>>"Interesting. Where did you pick that up?"<</say>> She doesn't respond.<</if>>
The conversation goes quiet after that, her focus drawn towards Cassandra with an almost hawk like vigilance. You eat your lunch in silence until the bell rings and you [[head off towards Art.|Day1_Class3]]
Your conversation has earned you <span class ="aff">+5 Affection</span> and <span class ="love">+1 Love with Esmeralda!</span><<set $esme.aff += 5>><<set $ += 1>>
<<set $currentTime += 1>>
<img src = "img/locations/art-classroom.jpg" height ="480px" width ="720px">
You step into the Art class room and grab one of the stools closest to the door. The smells of acrylics and plaster fill the room as you prepare for class. Mrs. Yiin gets up from her desk and approaches the front of the class.
<<say $yiin>>"Hello, class. Today we are going to be working on pottery! Now I'm sure you are all excited, but we only have the one pottery wheel, so everyone is going to have to wait their turn."<</say>> She makes her way over to the pottery wheel in the corner of the room.
<<say $yiin>> "First we will have a demonstration of how it works. Do I have any volunteers?"<</say>>
<<if !$yiin.hasMeet>> <span class ="system">You have meet Mrs. Yiin for the first time! She has been added to your character viewer!</span><<set $yiin.hasMeet = true>><</if>>
A shift of movement goes through the class as every male member of the class raises their hand, you included. Mrs. Yiin surveys the class before her eyes fall on you.
<<say $yiin>> "Mr. Williams, come on over and take a seat."<</say>> You sit down at the wheel and place your foot on the pedal. The bench creeks behind you as Mrs. Yiin straddles the seat behind you, her legs wrapping around either side of you. A sweat break out on your forehead.
<img src = "img/day1/day/potterWheel.jpg" height ="480px" width ="720px">
<<say $yiin>> "Good, Mr. Williams. Now straighten your back and begin to pump." <</say>> You feel a warmth press into your back as you straighten your posture. You begin to pump the wheel, shaking the bench slightly. <<if $yiin.aff > 30>>You feel something warm and soft press against your back and feel Mrs. Yiin's warm heavy breath on the back of your neck. Two harder points poke into your back as the warm orbs push closer against you. You hear what almost sounds like a moan by your ear then suddenly the warmth behind you disappears.
<img src = "img/day1/day/yiinNipples.jpg" height ="480px" width ="720px">
Your intimate time in Art class earns you <span class ="love">+2 Love with Mrs. Yiin!</span><<set $ += 2>>
Mrs. Yiin gets to her feet and readjusts her clothing. Before turning back towards the rest of the class.
<<say $yiin>> "Now then class, once Mr. Williams is done you can each take your turn." <</say>> She continues to instruct you from a far until you finish and go back to your seat. The rest of the class passes rather dully. As the bell rings you pack up and begin to [[make your way towards the gym for your final class.|Day1_Break2]]
As you make your way towards the gym you feel a vibration in your pants pocket. Fishing out your phone you see a text from Marcus. You pop it open.
<div class ="phone">
<span class ="phoneLeft"> Hey man, gonna have to cancel tonights hang out, gotta put in some overtime after Paul got his foot crushed by a forklift. See ya later this week.</span>
<span class ="phoneRight"> No problem man. Don't work too hard!</span>
<<if !$marcus.hasMeet>> <span class ="system">You have met Marcus for the first time! He has been added to your character viewer!</span><<set $marcus.hasMeet = true>><</if>>
A little bit disappointed you tuck your phone back into your pants and [[continue to the gym.|Day1_Class4]]
<img src = "img/locations/lockerRoom.JPG" height ="480px" width ="720px">
You enter the changing room and swing your stuff into your locker. Quickly you pull on your gym clothes and begin to head out into the gym. As you are leaving you spot two students pressed up by one of the lockers, both snickering with each other. Jared and Mitchel, you think. You pause for a second and double check the locker number.
Yup. Number 69.
<img src = "img/day1/day/peephole.jpg" height ="480px" width ="720px">
A well-known fact to a veteran of the school such as yourself. Some enterprising student had drilled a hole through the back of the locker allowing for a pretty nice view into the girl's locker room on the other side. The whole is barely large enough to get a view of more than a small sliver of the room, but if you were lucky you could get a nice eyeful. You shake your head and continue out onto the gym floor.
As you line up with the rest of the students you watch as Mr. Swinebak strides from his office. His plain white shirt stained with sweat, his shorts a little too short, a red lanyard swinging from his neck holding three separate whistles. He walks to the center of the line and inspects each and everyone's uniform, he was a real stickler for being in proper dress.
<img src = "img/locations/gym.png" height ="480px" width ="720px">
<<say $swin>> "Alright mag-ahem-valued students, today we are going to be doing some endurance testing. We got two weeks of school left. Two weeks left for you limp noodles to whip yourselves into shape. Now, 30 seconds of stretches! Go!"<</say>> The shrill sound of his whistle blasts through the gym as you begin to stretch. As the 30 seconds comes to an end the whistle sounds again.
<<if !$swin.hasMeet>> <span class ="system">You have meet Mr. Swinebak for the first time! He has been added to your character viewer!</span><<set $swin.hasMeet = true>><</if>>
<<say $swin>> "Laps, as many as you can! Find your limits and break through them! Go!" <</say>> The whistle sounds again. You begin to jog at a reasonable pace. You watch Nathan running in front of you, he gets about a quarter lap before making he way over to the stands and collapsing. Mr. Swinbak gives him a glare before sounding his whistle again.
<<say $swin>> "Anyone who gets less than 3 laps is staying late to clean out the equipment lockers!"<</say>> The whistle sounds again as people break into a run around you. You pick up the pace, not wanting to be left behind.
<<if $pc.ath < 5>> You make one lap easily enough before your breath begins to shorten. By the second one you are gasping for breath. As you make your way around the loop for the third, and for you your final lap, you feel your lungs burning and give it up, pausing to rest against the wall. Swinebak's whistle blasts behind you and you turn to see him pointing to beside Nathan. You walk over to the seat and [[wait for the class to finish.|Day1_EndofSchool]]
<<elseif $pc.ath == 5>>You make the first two laps easily enough, slightly winded but nothing more. As you begin the third one you see a flicker a movement from behind you and move to get out of the way as Doug comes barreling past you. Unfortunately, your movement is a little two slow and he collides with your shoulder sending your tumbling hard unto the wood floor of the gym. Pain shoots through your knee as it connects with the floor. The sharp sound of Swinebak's whistle rings in your ears.
<<say $doug>> "Sorry, Williams. Try to keep up next time."<</say>> You look up to see Doug leaving you in the dust and Swinebak pointing to the spot beside Nathan. You limp to the seat and spend the rest of the class [[nursing your sore knee.|Day1_EndofSchool]]
<<elseif $pc.ath > 5>>You take off quickly spotting Doug beside you out of the corner of your eye. You speed up, he matches, you speed up a little more, he matches again. Within moments the two of you are racing around the gym, neck in neck. Swinebak watches with morid rapt attention, as if he was watching his two prized dogs fight. You gain the first lap on him, but Doug is mere moments behind you. The second lap is Doug's, by a hair. You begin to come around the bend of the final lap. You turn hard at the last corner, taking any advantage you can get. Your foot slips, your ankle rolling, you feel your feet slide out from under you. You begin to slide along the floor of the gym colliding feet first with the wall. Doug races past you and over the finish line.
<<say $doug>> "Nice drift, butterfeet." <</say>> The sharp sound of Swinebak's whistle draws your attention away from Doug as you see him pointing to beside Nathan. You begrudgenly take your seat beside him [[nursing your bruised ego and ankle.|Day1_EndofSchool]]
Your race with Doug has earned you <span class = "aff">+5 Affection with both Doug and Mr. Swinebak!</span><<set $doug.aff += 5>><<set $swin.aff += 5>>
Participating in gym class has improved your physique; <span class = "ath"> you feel a little stronger.</span><<set $athUp = true>>
The bell rings as everyone heads to their respective lockers in the locker room. Mr. Swinebak stops you and Nathan before you can head inside.
<<say $swin>> "You'll probably want to keep those on, boys."
He leads you to the locked double doors of the equipment room. He unlocks them and pushes them open. In the dark room you can see a variety of scattered equipment. Balls of every measure and shape, hoola-hoops, scooter boards, hockey and lacrosse sticks, mats, flags, cones, bats. Everywhere. Mr. Swinebak flicks on the lights.
<img src = "img/locations/equipmentRoom.jpg" height ="480px" width ="720px">
<<say $swin>> "Everythings got a place. Find it, put the right thing there. I'll lock the door, just close things up when you are done. Don't get locked inside. Don't break anything. Good luck, lads." <</say>> With that he locks the doors and leaves, whistling and twirling his keys as he goes. You look over at Nathan and shrug.
Together the two of you begin to clean up the room. It takes a while but with the two of you it passes quickly. You make idle chatter with Nathan as you go and before you know it an hour and a half has passed, and you are nearly done.
<<if !$nath.hasMeet>> <span class ="system">You have meet Nathan for the first time! He has been added to your character viewer!</span><<set $nath.hasMeet = true>><</if>>
You shared punishment has gained you <span class ="aff">+5 Affection with Nathan!</span><<set $nath.aff += 5>>
You are finishing up stacking some cones in the corner as Nathan calls out to you.
<<say $nath>> "Hey, $pc.nameF. I'm gonna go get changed, you good to finish here?"<</say>>
You give him a nod and go back to stacking the cones. It only takes you another five minutes or so before you finish. You stand in the doorway to admire your work before flicking off the light and closing the door behind you. As you head to the locker room you see Nathan leaving and give him a wave that he returns. You head into the locker room and get changed. As you step out you glance out one of the windows and see that it is still dark and rainy out, a fork of lightning flickers through the sky as you watch. You turn away and begin to leave before you spot an odd light coming from the pool room. [[You begin to creep closer.|Day1_AfterSchool]]
<<set $currentTime += 1>>
You make your way to the doors of the swimming pool room. Through the two small rectangular windows on the doors you glance inside. You see someone walking along side the pool, carrying what looks to be a candle. Your curiosity firmed perked you place your hand on the handle of the door. Surprisingly it is unlocked. You watch as the person makes their way to the pump maintenance room and head inside.
You pause for a moment. Do you really want to follow some random candle wielding person into a maintenance room…
[[Just go home|Day1_GoHome]]<img src = "img/locations/pool.jpg" height ="480px" width ="720px">
You slowly pull open the door and slip into the pool room. The air is humid and smells of chlorine, but you also catch the faint smell of candle smoke. You creep along the edge of the pool, carefully, as unlike your stalkee you have no light source and the room is dark. You come up to the maintenance room and grab the handle. You slowly turn it, finding it locked as well. You slowly open the door and find the small pipe room…empty.
You head inside and look around. The room can't be more than 6 feet by 6 feet. There is nowhere to hide either, just pipes coming down from the ceiling and up from the floor. Confused you pull out your phone and turn on your flashlight.
You point the bright light around the room, looking for another door, a box, a portal, honestly anything at this point. As you scan the room you spot a handle sticking up from the ground. Walking over you see a hatch in the ground. You kneel and pull on the handle.
It creeks open.
You freeze.
You turn off your flashlight and pause.
No response. You pull it open all the way, thankfully silently. Beyond the hatch is a ladder going down.
<<videoM "img/locations/spookyHatch.mp4">><</videoM>>
At this point, beginning to regret your decisions somewhat you [[descend the ladder…|Day1_TheUnderneath]]
You think best of going into the dark pool room and following someone into and even darker, smaller room. You turn away from the door and make your way out towards your car. You turn it on and drive off towards your home. As you drive you mind begins to think of all the things you can do tonight, play video games, study, sleep…
[[Continue|Ending_And Then...Nothing Happened]]You head home oblivious to the adventures awaiting you in the dark room. You graduate, fall in love, get a decent job, get married, buy a house, have kids, join a golf league, have grandkids, retire, and die at a ripe old age surrounded by loved ones. To be honest there are worse ways to end a story.
<center><span class="ending">ENDING 00
And Then Nothing Happened!
Sometimes walking away is the best courses of action, even if it is the most boring one.</span></center>
<<remember $endings.ending0 = true>>The ladder only goes down a short while before stopping in a small passageway. A maintenance tunnel of some manner. Piles and wires run along the walls on either side of you. To your left you can spot the flickering light of a flame. You head towards it with careful footfalls. The passage opens to a small room, then a much larger room. Creeping forward you look around to find yourself in another pool room. A much older one, the tiles cracked and worn, some dirt coming in from the walls. The place looks as if it hasn’t been touched in 50 years. Most of the space is taken up with old wooden crates. There is some construction equipment, workbenches and lifters. All of it covered with dust. You hear movement from down under the lip of the pool and freeze, crouching and creeping closer.
<img src = "img/day1/day/empty pool.jpg" height ="480px" width ="720px">
As you get closer to the lip of the pool the fire light gets brighter. You press your back against one of the crates and look over the edge of the pool.
<img src = "img/day1/day/castingcircle.jpg" height ="480px" width ="720px">
Down below you can see a circle of candles, each lit with a flickering flame. In the circle is some sort of writing following along the edge of the circle. In the center is a cup, or rather a goblet, that looks to be made of brass or something. It looks old. Sitting on the edge of the circle is a dark robbed figure. They move slowly and produce a vial from their robes. You hear them begin to chant. Long strange tumbling words fill the air. They bring forth the vial and begin to pour its contents into the goblet. You body goes cold.
<img src = "img/day1/day/witch.jpg" height ="480px" width ="720px">
A thick red liquid pours from the vail, splashing into the goblet. Blood! You begin to think maybe following this strange person down into this creepy place wasn't such a good idea. Just as you are thinking that the candle flames flare up to twice their size and turn a bright blue, casting the whole room in an eerie blue glow. The figure produces a shimmering silver knife from their robes. Alright, that’s it. You begin to think it might be a good idea to get the hell out of here…
<span id = "choice"><<link "Book it">>
<<replace "#choice">>
You take a step back, preparing to run. Without looking back your leg bumps against something and before you have the chance to react you hear a silence shattering ''Clang''.
You freeze.
Your eyes slowly look down into the empty pool.
The figure whips their head up in your direction. The flames around them flare event higher. They look back at the circle and take a concerned step back. You take that chance to run. You turn quickly and run. Straight into a pile of boxes. You tumble forwards crushing the old rotting boxes and hitting the floor, rolling.
You hear a scream behind you and turn just in time to see a huge pillar of blue flames rocketing into the ceiling. The flames swirl and flicker as they grow larger and large. Then, in a flash, they vanish. You take a deep released breath before you notice a bright purple light beginning to grow under the lip of the pool.
You're dead. Purple lights only ever means bad things.
The light grows brighter.
Well, its been a good nineteen years. Hell of a way to die. Killed by a pool wizard. Put that on a tombstone.
The purple light flares out, you feel a sharp impact to your stomach as your vision goes purple, then white, then black.
Then there is nothing…
<<link "Stay and watch">>
<<replace "#choice">>
Your curiosity getting the better of your self-preservation you stay at your perch, watching intently at the scene unfolding down below. The figure takes what appears to be some manner of dried heart from their cloak. As they continue chanting, they slice the heart in half and drop both halves into the goblet. You hear it begin to sizzle and the fire goes from blue to a dark purple.
The figure reaches into their cloak again before the fire surges upwards, doubling in size again. The chanting stops, then starts again, then stops as the fire roars even higher hitting the ceiling and licking across it like tiny tentacles. You see the figure take a step back and reach into the cloak. They toss a line of shiny dust into the fire cloud. In an instant it vanishes.
You take a deep breath as you see the figure relax, then suddenly they tense again. Your eyes are drawn to a glowing orb of purple light above the goblet.
<<say $cass>> "Oh, fuck." <</say>>
You faintly hear a voice call out as you turn to run. The light glowing brighter behind you.
You're dead. Purple lights only ever means bad things.
The light grows brighter.
Well, its been a good nineteen years. Hell of a way to die. Killed by a pool wizard. Put that on a tombstone.
The purple light flares out, you feel a sharp impact to your stomach as your vision goes purple, then white, then black.
Then there is nothing…
<<link "Sneak away">>
<<replace "#choice">>
You slowly begin to creep your way through the boxes, being extra careful not to knock anything that might make a clanging noise. You get about half way towards the entrance before there is a roar of light and fire behind you. You turn to see a pillar of purple flame licking at the ceiling. You freeze for a moment, and in that moment the flame vanishes. You breathe a sigh of relief before you notice a bright purple glow begin to emanate from the pool.
<<say $cass>> "Oh, fuck." <</say>>
You faintly hear a voice call out as you turn to run. The light glowing brighter behind you.
You're dead. Purple lights only ever means bad things.
The light grows brighter.
Well, its been a good nineteen years. Hell of a way to die. Killed by a pool wizard. Put that on a tombstone.
The purple light flares out, you feel a sharp impact to your stomach as your vision goes purple, then white, then black.
Then there is nothing…
The world spins around you filling and emptying with motes of color and light. You feel weightless and warm drifting through this empty space. Your mind is calm. At peace…
<img src = "img/day1/day/dreams1.gif" height ="480px" width ="720px">
Hold up. Didn't you just get hit by a magic explosion? Is this the afterlife? Are you dead?
<<videoM "img/day1/day/dreams2.mp4">><</videoM>>
You begin to feel something new a cold tingling sensation starting at your feet. It begins to spread racing up your body. Suddenly you are shaking and tumbling. No longer weightless you plummet into the abyss. Suddenly you see a light form in front of you growing brighter and brighter.
<<videoM "img/day1/day/dreams3.mp4" >><</videoM>>
You race towards it as you body begins to grow warm, then hot, then burning. You grimace in pain before dropping into the white light as everything vanishes around you…
<<set $pc.gender = "female">>
<<set $pc.bust = 2>>
<<set $pc.ass = 2>>
<<set $pc.nameMaleF = $pc.nameF>>
<<set $pc.nameMaleL = $pc.nameL>>
<<set $pc.bty +=1>>
<<set $pc.img = "img/char/pc/face_03.png">>
<<set $pc.height = 170>>
<<set $pc.weight = 64>>
<<set $disableSide to true>><<set $currentTime += 1>><<set $disableSide to false>>
You awaken to a burning sensation covering your entire body. It feels as if someone has lit your skin on fire. You try to move, to curl away from the pain but your body won't respond. You try and open your eyes but fail. Leaving you in the burning dark. You hear movement close to you then a voice.
<<say $circ>> "That should keep him alive for the time being."<</say>> You feel the heat recede away from you and you body settles down to a dull uncomfortable heat. <span class ="circ"> "Now, you stay here. I need to have a little chat with that man then I'll deal with you."</span>
<<if !$circ.hasMeet>> <span class ="system">You have meet Circe for the first time! She has been added to your character viewer!</span><<set $circ.hasMeet = true>><</if>>
The woman's voice is low and dusky; you attempt to open an eyelid and with some effort crack it open a sliver.
<<videoM "img/day1/day/openeyes.mp4">><</videoM>>
You appear to be laying down in some sort of office, upon closer inspection it is the schools front office. You look around the room and see two other people in the room. The first is the source of that voice, a tall dark lady in an extravagant and revealing black dress. The second is sitting behind you, just in the corner of your vision. The tall dark woman heads into Mr. Schoman's office and shuts the door. You faintly hear quiet conversation on the otherside.
You attempt to turn your head and find it surprisingly easier than before. You begin to feel you body again as if it was begun to wake up from a long slumber. Turning your head, you see the other person, draped in tattered burned robes with a pale soot covered face is Cassandra Bakear. She is staring over you at the door with a concerned look of a child in trouble. You shift a little more and crack open your dry lips. She glances down at you.
<<say $cass>> "$pc.nameF! You're awake."<</say>> She leans closer to you. You attempt to speak but just let out a dray weary cough. <<say $cass>> "Hold on, don't try to move Circe just finished healing you and well… your body was kinda messed up. I'm gonna go get you some water. Try to stay still."<</say>> She hops to her feet and runs out the office. You groan and relax.
<<if !$cass.hasMeet>> <span class ="system">You have meet Cassandra for the first time! She has been added to your character viewer!</span><<set $cass.hasMeet = true>><</if>>
As more of your bodies feeling returns so does more of the pain. Nothing as bad as when you had just awoken but dull aches here and there. You also feel a weight pushing down on your chest. You shift slightly in the bed to sit up a little then [[look down…|Day1_Transformation]]
If your voice wasn't shot, you probably would have screamed as soon as you looked down. Attached to your chest, hanging out now to the cool office air are two fleshy orbs.
<img src = "img/day1/day/povBoobs.jpg" height ="480px" width ="720px">
You stare down in confusion. Slowly you begin to move your arm and bring it up to your new assets. As you brush your skin you shiver in a mix of pain and strange tingling pleasure.
You slump back down in the bed and feel your new breasts juggle on your chest before settling their new weight evenly down. You stare at the ceiling for a moment before a thought shoots through your mind. You hand shoots towards your crotch.
Your hands dive inside of your torn pants and root around in your underwear for a moment. You freeze.
<img src = "img/day1/day/povVagina.jpg" height ="480px" width ="720px">
You slowly remove your hands avoiding the new void between your legs. You let out a cracking disbelieving laugh before cringing at your dry throat.
You are a girl.
No two ways around that fact. You got tits and a vagina. Text book.
You relax back into the bed and close your eyes ready now to wake up from this dream. You hear the office door open. A warm hand grabs yours and you feel a cool glass press to your lips.
<<say $cass>> "$pc.nameF. Drink. Slowly" <</say>> Part your lips and allow for Cassandra to pour some cool soothing water into your mouth. You feel it slide down your throat rejuvenating your dry voice box. You drink some more before she takes the glass away. You open your eyes and lick your lips. Tentatively your open your mouth.
<<say $pc>> "What the..fuck…?"<</say>> You croak then stop eyes wide. Even your voice sounds different, not too different, if it was someone else's you would probably chalk it up to just some strange inflection. No, your voice was different, higher and softer.
Cassandra looks down at her feet and then fidgets a bit before putting down the glass and looking right at you.
<<say $cass>> "I am so sorry, $pc.nameF. I didn't mean for any of this to happen. No one was supposed to be there…and then the fire…everything went so wrong…you got caught up in it all…and now Circe is in trouble…and your body…"<</say>> She tappers off mumbling as tears beginning to form in her eyes. You watch her as she begins to cry…
<span id ="choice"><<link "Reach out and comfort her">>
<<replace "#choice">>
You reach out and take her hand. Its warm and soft and feels good against your still cool skin.
<<say $pc>> "Cassy, look. I'm not dead and unless I'm wrong nobody else seems to have gotten hurt. You look alright, although your robe looks a little worse for wear. So please, just tell me what happened."<</say>> She looks down at your hand then back at you, still crying she wipes away some of the tears before beginning.
<<say $cass>> "I was going to do a spell. It was an advanced one, I had spent the past month studying for it. I thought I had everything right. The incantation, the reagents, the pentacle, I don't know what went wrong…"<</say>> She tappers off again before starting back up. <<say $cass>> "Things got out of hand. I tried to cancel the casting but that didn't work either. There was smoke and fire everywhere, my robe caught fire, then the spell kinda…exploded. I though I was gonna die but it didn't seem to affect me. I was counting my blessing when I found you, you were burning, so I put the fire out but then I noticed your body was changing. I dragged you out of there and called Circe. She told you to bring you here. You body was burned pretty bad and Circe said the magic on you would kill you if she didn't do anything. She cast a spell to heal you and another to calm the magic. Then she went to talk to Mr. Schoman. Then you woke up."<</say>>
An image of little Cassandra carrying your limp body up a ladder and dragging you through the school fills you head. You smirk before the reality of the situation crashes down upon you.
<<say $pc>> "What about my bo-"<</say>> The door to Mr. Schoman's office flies open and the woman you presume to be Circe walks out. She does not look all to happy. She looks down at you, her face stern and harsh. It softens for a moment.
<<say $circ>> "Good, you aren't dead or dumb. That is a relief, that would make this mess even harder to clean up." <</say>> She looks up at Cassandra again her face turning harsh again. Without looking at you she speaks. <<say $circ>> "Mr. Schoman would like to talk with you know Mr. Williams. Sister Cassandra, we will speak outside."<</say>>
With that she brushes past both you and Cassandra and leaves the office. You lay there for a moment before sitting up and wrapping the blanket around your cold bare chest. Cassandra gives you a nod and a half smile before following Circe out. You stand up, wobble a bit then stagger [[towards Mr. Schoman's office.|Day1_Office]]
The compassion you showed gains you <span class ="aff">+25 Affection</span> and <span class ="love">+5 Love with Cassandra!</span><<set $cass.aff += 25>><<set $ += 5>><</replace>><</link>>
<<link "Get angry">>
<<replace "#choice">>
Your temper flares at her babbling. She seems fine yet you are stuck here with tits and aches all over your body. You demand answers.
<<say $pc>>What happened to me?!<</say>>
You nearly shout before coughing, your still raw throat acting up again. She jolts back and suppresses a sob, her face going stony.
<<say $cass>> "I was casting a spell in the old pool house. You appear to have snuck in, following me I expect. The spell went wrong and you were caught in the fallout of it." <</say>> She wipes the remaining tears from her eyes.
<<say $pc>> "And what the fuck happened to my body? Why do I have tits?" <</say>> Her lip quivers as you shout at her again.
<<say $cass>> "When the spell went wrong you were burnt pretty bad. Also, the spell seemed to have done something bad to your body. I dragged you out of the underway and called Circe. She healed you and stabilized the magic effecting you."<</say>>
<<say $pc>> "Stabalized? I'm a fucking wo-"<</say>> The door to Mr. Schoman's office swings open and the woman you assume to be Circe steps out. She looks down at you, her face stern and harsh.
<<say $circ>> "Well it seems your change hasn't tempered you male agressions. Your welcome by the way for saving your life." <</say>> She looks coolly past you to Cassandra. <<say $circ>> "Mr. Willaims, your principal would like to see you now. Sister Cassandra, we will speak outside."<</say>>
With that she brushes past both of your and leaves the office. Cassandra gets up without looking at you and leaves. You lay there for a moment before sitting up and wrapping the blanket around your cold bare chest. You stand up, wobble a bit then stagger [[towards Mr. Schoman's office.|Day1_Office]]
Your temperament has lost you <span class ="love">-5 Love from both Cassandra and Circe!</span><<set $ -= 5>><<set $ -=5>><</replace>><</link>></span>
<img src = "img/locations/Principals-office.jpg" height ="480px" width ="720px">
You step inside Mr. Schoman's office with tentative steps. You have been here a few times before, for both good and bad reasons. You see the old man sitting behind his desk head in his hands a look of exasperation on his face. He glances up as you enter. He pauses for a moment, looking you up and down. You shift uncomfortably. He clears his throat before gesturing to a chair in front of his desk.
<<say $scho>> "Mr. Williams, ahem, take a seat please."<</say>> You sit down and shiver, wrapping the blanket tighter around you. <<say $scho>> "First, I would like to personally apologize for everything that has happened to you. Please be assured that I have every intention of helping you in what ever way I can."<</say>>
<<if !$scho.hasMeet>> <span class ="system">You have meet Mr. Scholman for the first time! She has been added to your character viewer!</span><<set $scho.hasMeet = true>><</if>>
He pulls out one of his draws then pulls a few items out of it and places them on the desk in front of him. You see your keys, cellphone, notebook, the tattered burned remains of you backpack.
<<say $scho>> "Mrs. Circe recovered these from the old pool room. The phone seems to still be in working order."<</say>> You reach out and pick up the phone, you attempt to unlock it, surprisingly it unlocks, seems your finger prints are the same. You notice twelve texts from your step-brother, and the time.
10:47PM. You have been here for 6 hours.
<<say $scho>> "Now there are a few things we need to discuss.
First, Mrs. Circe and Mrs. Bakear have both agreed to help you rectify your current, uh, situation. However, they have told me it might take some time. So, I will be taking steps to ensure you can continue your education despite this predicament."<</say>>
You sit there astonished.
Two magic ladies just blew up your body and gave you tits and he is worried about your grades. You open your mouth to protest but he [[continues.|Day1_Questions]]
<<say $scho>> "Ah, well. I have had dealings with these witches before. There has been a long-standing understanding that as long as they do not practice on school grounds or effect any of our students directly or indirectly with their magics their presence will be tolerated. Needless to say, this is not a situation that is going to make either side happy."<</say>>
<<say $pc>> "So, I take it that Cassandra is in a lot of trouble?"<</say>>
<<say $scho>> "Indeed, Miss Bakear not only broke school rules by going into a restricted area of the school she also broke the terms of the town and the covens deal by casting spells on school grounds and for your, uh, unfortunate damages. I was planning on having her expelled before Circe pleaded for her case. As long as she undoes the damages done to you and her coven makes a sizable donation to the school, she will remain enrolled."<</say>> He pauses and looks at his offices closed door.
<<say $scho>> "Although I fear what ever punishment Circe has for her is worse than anything I could do."<</say>>
<span id= "choice"> <<link "Good">>
<<replace "#choice">>
<<say $pc>> "Good, she deserves it for doing this to me."<</say>>
<<say $scho>> "Well, I am sure she will be properly punished. Is there anything else?"<</say>>
<<link "Defend her">>
<<replace "#choice">>
<<say $pc>> "But it wasn't her fault, I mean, casting the spell was her fault but I only got hurt because I followed her in."<</say>>
<<say $scho>> "Mr. Williams, I respect that you have enough compassion for you classmates to defend the person who almost blew you up. However, she did break multiple school rules and long-standing arrangements with her people. Even if she didn't mean to do any damage she still must be punished. Oh, and I am not forgetting that you broke some school rules as well, we will discuss your own punishment later. Now is there anything else?"<</say>>
Your compassion for you classmates has earned you <span class ="aff">+10 Affection with Mr. Schoman.</span><<set $scho.aff += 10>>
<<say $scho>> "Before this place was a high school it was a seminary for boys. There were plans to renovate that seminary back in the 70's into a high school but rather than doing that they just sealed the place up and built Scholman High on top of it. There are all sorts of seal rooms and tunnels that run beneath the school. All of them are off limits to students of course. As you learned tonight, they can be quite dangerous."<</say>>
<span class = "system">You have learned of the Underways.</span>
<<set $knowsUnderways to true>>
<<say $scho>> "Ah, a few times since I have been principle. Back in '05 a boy got turned into a cat for half a month. In '09 a girl cast a spell to make every other girl go bald. In 2015 a several girls broke out with horrible skin rashes, although I could never prove that one to be a witch. And just last year there was the whole incident with Miss Nov-uh perhaps I shouldn't give you the details of that one."<</say>>
<<say $pc>> "Miss Novak? You mean Esmerelda? What happened to her?"<</say>>
<<say $scho>> "That is information that only Miss Novak can give away. Forget I mentioned anything. Now, is there anything else?"<</say>>
<<set $invstEsme to true>>
<<say $scho>> "I am no warlock, Mr. Williams. I don't know the first thing about magic and the lot, but Mrs. Circe assured me that they would be able to restore you in no more than a weeks' time. Although, I don't know how much stock you can put in her words. Now is there anything else?"<</say>>
[[Return|Day1_Questions]] <<set $teasedScho = 0>><<say $scho>> "Very good, now lets get down to business. I am going to re enroll you as a new student, I'll be able to make some paper work for you and everything. However, your current name won't do for that. You will need a new name, first and last. Can you think of one?"<</say>>
<<textbox "$pc.nameF" "Alexis">>
<<textbox "$pc.nameL" "West">>
<<say $scho>> "Alright, I guess you are Miss $pc.nameL now. I am also going to enroll you in all of the classes you are currently taking. Once this debacle is over with I will just transfer any marks from Miss $pc.nameL over to Mr. $pc.maleNameL. Now there is just the matter of…ahem…clothes."<</say>> Mr. Schoman's gaze drifts down from you face to your chest. You look down to see that you blanket has fallen open, revealing your fresh new breasts to the world. You are pretty sure it has been like that since you grabbed your phone. Mr. Schoman sure took his time mentioning it.
<span id = "choice"> <<link "Cover up">>
<<replace "#choice">>
<img src = "img/day1/day/coverChest.jpg">
You wrap the blanket back around, breaking Mr. Schoman's gaze and glance around his office.
<<link "Ignore it">>
<<replace "#choice">>
<img src = "img/day1/day/showTits.jpg">
You let your breasts hang there, you don't really see a reason to cover them up, they are quite nice so why not let the old man enjoy the view.
<<set $teasedScho += 1>>
<<say $scho>>" I know what you are thinking but despite your circumstances I believe that should still be concerned about your academic reputation. Also, I'm sure you have a lot of things that you will need to get, ahem, accustom too, some familiar structure will help. So, we should get things sorted out. Do you have any questions?"<</say>>
<<actions [[You seem awfully calm considering eveything...|Day1_Question1]] [[What was that place down there?|Day1_Question2]] [[Has this sort of thing happened before?|Day1_Question3]] [[How soon before they can turn me back|Day1_Question4]] [[Nothing more|Day1_NewName]]>><<say $pc>> "I don't suppose you have any clothes lying around here do you?" <</say>>
<<say $scho>> "Oh, uh, ah, yes actually. Just a moment."<</say>> He gets up and leaves the office returning a moment later with a box. <span class ="scho"> "The girl's new cheer uniforms came in yesterday. We have a few extra so I can loan you one for the night." </span> He pull a brightly colored purple and white shirt out of the box and hands it to you.
You take the shirt and unfold it. The new cheerleader uniforms look like they are even tighter than the old ones you think as you hold it up. You pause for a moment and glance at Mr. Schoman…
<span id ="choice"><<link "Change in front of him">>
<<replace "#choice">>
<<set $teasedScho += 1>>
You stand up and let the blanket fall off you completely. The cold air of the room tickles at your chest and back. You feel your nipples begin to harden on your new breasts. You take the shirt and pull it over your head then down over your ample chest.
<<videoM "img/day1/day/dress.mp4">><</videoM>>
As the fabric brushes over your perky nipples you feel a tingle of pleasure and accidently let slip a quiet moan. From the corner of your eye you spot Mr. Schoman watching you with bulging eyes. You adjust the shirt, slipping it across your bare breasts even more. You feel you face getting hot and a new strange warmth gathering between your legs. Satisfied with its adjustments you stop.
<<say $pc>> "Is there anything else we need to go over?" <</say>> Mr. Schoman blinks twice before snapping back out of whatever fantasies had filled his mind. He clears his throat and walks awkwardly back to his desk before sitting down and pulling up close to the desk.
<<if $teasedScho == 2>>Your continued teasing of Mr. Schoman has earned you <span class = "aff">+10 Affection</span> and <span class ="love">+2 Love with him!</span><<set $scho.aff += 10>><<set $ += 2>><</if>>
<<say $scho>> "No, I believe that covers everything. Oh, right one more thing. We will obviously need to transfer you into the girls gym class, but I think it would be a little untoward to have you change in the girls locker room…" <</say>> You hadn’t even considered the possibilities… <<say $scho>> "So I will talk with Mr. Swinebak and have him allow you to use his office to change, shouldn't be to much of a hassle. I will also have gym clothes ready for you tomorrow. What, uh, size are you?" <</say>>
You glance down then spin around twisting you hips to get a look behind you. Only now do you notice that you are slightly shorter, only maybe an inch or so.
<<say $pc>> "Medium? I think? I don't know how girls clothes work…"<</say>> Mr. Schoman nods and jots that down.
<<say $scho>> "Mr. $pc.maleNameL I think that is everything. Once again, I would just like to personally apologize for everything that has happened to you. I am personally committed to keeping all of you safe here and today I failed that job. If you need anything else to help you get adjusted, please come talk to me." <</say>> He gets to his feet and extends a hand to you.
You reach out and shake it as he smiles at you. All things considered; Mr. Schoman is a pretty standup guy.
You let go of his hand, wish him a goodnight and leave his office, heading out of the school [[towards your car.|Day1_Night]]
Going through this with him has earned you <span class = "aff">+5 Affection with Mr. Schoman.</span><<set $scho.aff += 5>><</replace>><</link>>
<<link "Turn your back">>
<<replace "#choice">>
You stand up and turn your back before letting the blanket fall and pulling the shirt over your head. You feel it brush past your new sensitive nipples and feel a tingle of pleasure rush through your body. You adjust the tight shirt causing it to rub against you now hard nipples.
<img src = "img/day1/day/hardnipple.jpg">
Satisfied with the adjustments you turn to sit back down. You see that Mr. Schoman has looked away and as you turn back, he sits at his desk again.
<<say $pc>> "Is there anything else we need to go over?" <</say>>
<<say $scho>> "No, I believe that covers everything. Oh, right one more thing. We will obviously need to transfer you into the girls gym class, but I think it would be a little untoward to have you change in the girls locker room…" <</say>> You hadn’t even considered the possibilities… <<say $scho>> "So I will talk with Mr. Swinebak and have him allow you to use his office to change, shouldn't be to much of a hassle. I will also have gym clothes ready for you tomorrow. What, uh, size are you?" <</say>>
You glance down then spin around twisting you hips to get a look behind you. Only now do you notice that you are slightly shorter, only maybe an inch or so.
<<say $pc>> "Medium? I think? I don't know how girls clothes work…"<</say>> Mr. Schoman nods and jots that down.
<<say $scho>> "Ms. $pc.nameL I think that is everything. Once again, I would just like to personally apologize for everything that has happened to you. I am personally committed to keeping all of you safe here and today I failed that job. If you need anything else to help you get adjusted, please come talk to me." <</say>> He gets to his feet and extends a hand to you.
You reach out and shake it as he smiles at you. All things considered; Mr. Schoman is a pretty standup guy.
You let go of his hand, wish him a goodnight and leave his office, heading out of the school [[towards your car.|Day1_Night]]
Going through this with him has earned you <span class = "aff">+5 Affection with Mr. Schoman.</span><<set $scho.aff += 5>><</replace>><</link>></span>
<<set $currentTime += 1>>
<img src = "img/day1/day/parkinglot.jpg" height ="480px" width ="720px">
You walk out of the school in your shredded jeans and all to tight cheerleader top. You brush the hair out of your eyes only to pause and check how long it is. You stretch it out to find it past your shoulders and a silky smooth brown. You sigh and begin walking towards your car before pausing as two figures step out from the shadows. You panic for a second before you recognize Cassandra and Mrs. Circe.
<<say $circ>> "Hello again, Mr. $pc.maleNameL, or I suppose its Miss $pc.maleNameL now isn't it. Anyways, I would like to apologize on behalf of the Council of Covens. We do not take things like this lightly I assure you. Sister Cassandra here will be severely punished for her actions." <</say>> She takes a moment to give Cassandra a cold look. Cassandra stares at the ground with a disheartened look. <<say $circ>> "As part of that punishment Sister Cassandra will be restoring you to your former form, or she will be excommunicated from the coven. I hope you find this a suitable punishment. Have a good evening Miss $pc.maleNameL."<</say>>
With that she walks off into the night. Cassandra looks up at you then takes a step closer.
<<say $cass>> "I'm so sorry this happened to you $pc.maleNameF. I am going to do everything I can to fix this. Although the spell book did burn up in the misfire, with most of my ingredients. But don't worry I'll figure it out. Here."<</say>>
<img src = "img/day1/day/phones.png" height ="480px" width ="720px">
She pull out her phone and gives you her number, you put it into your contacts and give her yours. <<say $cass>> "As soon as I know anything, I will text you alright. I'm so sorry."<</say>> Before you can get a word in, she runs off.
You make your way to your car and slump into the driver's seat. What do you do now? You pull out your phone and check the texts from your step-brother.
<div class ="phone">
<span class ="phoneLeft">Hey can you give me a ride again?</span>
<span class ="phoneLeft">When are you coming home?</span>
<span class ="phoneLeft">I'm assuming your phone died and you aren’t just blowing me off</span>
<span class ="phoneLeft">Are you at Marcus'?</span>
<span class ="phoneLeft">Do we have plans for dinner?</span>
<span class ="phoneLeft">I'm going to order pizza</span>
<span class ="phoneLeft">Do you want any?</span>
<span class ="phoneLeft">To late I ordered it</span>
<span class ="phoneLeft">Nathan is coming over</span>
<span class ="phoneLeft">Are you coming home tonight?</span>
<span class ="phoneLeft">Are you okay?</span>
<span class ="phoneLeft">Bro?</span>
You lean back into your seat. You could go home, sneak into your room, but then what about in the morning? Maybe you could go to Marcus? He has a spare room; you could stay there for a while. But you have no clothes or anything. Plus you don't want to drag him into this.
Alright, time for some quality lying.
<div class ="phone">
<span class ="phoneRight">Sorry bro, I got caught up in something. No need to be alarmed I'm fine. I'm gonna be out of town for the week though. Don't tell mom and dad, haha. Also, a friend of mine is gonna be staying at the house while I'm gone. I gave her my keys so she can let herself in. Be decent to her and don't scare her off. She also has my car. I'll see you in a week.</span>
You send the text. Hopefully that convinces your step-brother. You wait for a few minutes.
<div class ="phone">
<span class ="phoneLeft">Wtf what happened? Where are you? Who is this person you are sending over?</span>
<span class ="phoneRight">Don't worry I'm fine, I'm going on a trip to Las Vegas with Marcus, don't tell mom and dad. I'll be back before they get back. The girls name is $pc.nameF she is a friend and you can trust her, just don't be a freak or anything.</span>
Sorry for dragging you into this Marcus.
<div class ="phone">
<span class ="phoneLeft">Las Vegas? What the fuck man, why didn't you tell me. Alright I guess, I'll keep it from mom and dad. Is the girl hot?</span>
You smirk and then look in your rearview window. You open your mouth in shock.
<div class ="phone">
<span class ="phoneRight">Yeah, she's hot but don't try anything.</span>
<span class ="phoneLeft">Whatever bro. Have fun in vegas.</span>
You take a sigh. One problem down. You start up the car and drive home. At least it has stopped raining.
Lying to your brother costs you <span class ="sus">-1 Trust with Cole!</span><<set $cole.sus -= 1>>
You pull into the drive way just before midnight. Your entire body feel tired, you have aches in pains in places you didn't even have this morning, and you are dog trodden tired. You walk up to the front door and unlock the door making your way into the dark house. Lamenting the fact that you have to go in for school tomorrow you stumble your way up the stairs and towards you room. You are vaguely aware of your step-brother poking his curious head out of his door before you shut your bedroom door wander to the bed and collapse. Within seconds you are asleep.
[[Continue|Day1_END]]You have reached the current end of content for this release.
For more updates on the games progress visit:
<<if !$disableSide>><a class="link-internal" tabindex="0"><<if !$inVeiw>>[[Characters|Character Viewer][$currentPassage to passage()]]<<else>>[[Characters|Character Viewer]]<</if>></a>
<a class="link-internal" tabindex="0"><<if !$inVeiw>>[[Examine Self|PcViewer][$currentPassage to passage()]]<<else>>[[Examine Self|PcViewer]]<</if>></a>
<<if $debug>><a class="link-internal" tabindex="0"><<if !$inVeiw>>[[Debug][ $currentPassage to passage()]]<<else>>[[Debug]]<</if>></a><</if>>
<<if $hasList>><a class="link-internal" tabindex="0"><<if !$inVeiw>>[[Ingredients List|PC-List][$currentPassage to passage()]]<<else>>[[Ingredients List|PC-List]]<</if>></a><</if>>
<<if $spellsKnown > 0>><a class="link-internal" tabindex="0"><<if !$inVeiw>>[[Spellbook|Spell Book][$currentPassage to passage()]]<<else>>[[Spellbook|Spell Book]]<</if>></a><</if>><</if>>
Circe is a woman of indeterminable age who leads the witches of Scholmanville. You don’t know much about her. She is $circ.height cm tall and weighs about $circ.weight kgs. She has dark red hair, amber eyes, and an air of elegance. She is your $circ.relation.
Currently her affection to you is $circ.aff.
Currently her love for you is $
Currently her suspicion of you is $circ.sus.
[[Character Viewer]]
<<set $inVeiw to true>>
<<set $debug to true>>
<<set $energy to 3>>
[[Return | $currentPassage][$inVeiw to false]]
<<button "Meet All">>
<<set $invitedToCole to true>>
<<set $invitedToCheer to true>>
<<set $invitedToBecc to true>>
<<set $invitedToEsme to true>>
<<set $tpassedTest to false>>
<<button "Reset Visits">>
<<set $visitedCheer to false>>
<<set $visitedShop to false>>
<<set $visitedBecc to false>>
<<set $visitedCole to false>>
<<set $visitedSmith to false>>
<<set $visitedEsme to false>>
<<set $visitedMarcus to false>>
<<button "Max all Stats">>
<<set $pc.ath to 10>>
<<set $ to 10>>
<<set $pc.bty to 10>>
<<set $pc.cha to 10>>
<<set $pc.mag to 10>>
<<button "Learn All Spells">>
<<set $glamor to true>>
<<set $charm to true>>
<<set $growth to true>>
<<set $plenty to true>>
<<set $fire to true>>
<<set $spellsKnown to 5>>
<<button "Increase Day">>
<<set $currentDay +=1>>
<<button "Set Magic Level">>
<<set $keptMagic to !$keptMagic>>
<<button "Increase Bust Size">>
<<set $pc.bust += 1>>
<</button>><<set $cole.hasMeet to true>>
<<set $nath.hasMeet to true>>
<<set $marcus.hasMeet to true>>
<<set $doug.hasMeet to true>>
<<set $jess.hasMeet to true>>
<<set $cass.hasMeet to true>>
<<set $esme.hasMeet to true>>
<<set $rose.hasMeet to true>>
<<set $smit.hasMeet to true>>
<<set $swin.hasMeet to true>>
<<set $scho.hasMeet to true>>
<<set $yiin.hasMeet to true>>
<<set $arth.hasMeet to true>>
<<set $circ.hasMeet to true>>
<<set $becc.hasMeet to true>>
[[Debug]] You drift into a dreamless slumber...
<span class = "system">Hello again! Sorry to intrude but allow me to explain a new system to you real quick.
Earlier in the day you might have noticed a message like this:</span>
"Participating in gym class has improved your physique; <span class = "ath"> you feel a little stronger.</span>"
<span class = "system">Or something similiar... This message means that an action you have taken has improved one of your attributes. However, that change isn't immediate, it takes place only after you have had a chance to rest.
Also, an attribute can only be improved a single time per day, which means that even if you take multiple actions to improve an attribute in a single day, it will only go up by 1 at the end of the day.
Keep this in mind as you go forward in the story, each day after you go to bed you will be told which attributes you have improved like so:</span>
<<if $intUp>> <span class = "int">Your Intellect has increased!</span><<set $ += 1>><</if>>
<<if $athUp>><span class = "ath">Your Athletics has increased!</span><<set $pc.ath += 1>><</if>>
Well thats all I have to tell you, carry on.
[[Wake up|Day2_Start]]
<<set $currentTime = 0>>
<<set $currentDay += 1>>
<<set $lunchTimer = 2>>
<<set $visitedCheer to false>>
<<set $visitedShop to false>>
<<set $visitedBecc to false>>
<<set $visitedCole to false>>
<<set $visitedSmith to false>>
<<set $visitedEsme to false>>
<<set $visitedMarcus to false>>
<<set $jessLunch to false>>
<<set $beccLunch to false>>
<<set $esmeLunch to false>>
<<set $coleLunch to false>>
<<set $aloneLunch to false>>
<<set $cassLunch to false>>
<<set $intUp to false>>
<<set $btyUp to false>>
<<set $chaUp to false>>
<<set $athUp to false>>
<<set $magUp to false>>
<<set $disableSide to true>><<set $disableSide to false>>You awaken with a start in your break sitting up right. A sheen of sweat covers your body, heavy breathes leaving your lungs as you recover from the memories of your slumber.
As you breathe an unfamiliar weight on your chest draws your attention downwards. You marvel at the fleshy orbs attached to your chest.
<img src = "img/day2/Day2_Start.jpg" height ="480px" width ="720px">
Guess it wasn’t a dream after all. You examine your new assets, cupping them in your hands. As your hands run over the warm, smooth, sensitive skin you pause for a minute. Are they bigger?
You get out of your bed and approach the mirror in the corner of the room. You still have on the burned, torn, and tattered pants and the colorful cheerleader top from yesterday. Despite your disheveled state you can’t help but be taken aback by the image reflected in the mirror.
Your old broad-shouldered masculine body is gone, the wide angles and bulk have been replaced with smooth curves and soft flesh. You ass is now round and plump pulling the tattered rear of your pants tight around its new curves. The orbs on your chest strain against the tight fabric of the uniform straining to be free. Your face is soft and smooth, your acne gone, your hard jawline softened, you short hair now falling back your neck in straight tumbles.
You turn and twist examining yourself in the mirror for a few more moments. You look different, obviously, but you could easily be mistaken for your own sister, or cousin. Your body is different, but some things are still the same. Your eyes are still green, the tooth you chipped as a child still has its filling, even the small sun spot on your forearm is there. You begin stripping out of your ruined clothes and before long you are standing naked in your room. Even though you’ve done this a thousand times before it feels strange. You are hyperaware of the extra space between your legs, the cold air on your stiffening nipples, the way your new weight shifts as you twist and move.
As you are examining yourself there is a sudden buzz from the pile of clothes on the floor. You nearly jump out of skin before scrambling to uncover your phone buried in the clothes.
Fishing it out you see you have 1 new message.
<div class ="phone">
<span class = "phoneLeft">Hey $pc.maleNameF or $pc.nameF now I guess, its Cassandra. I think I might have found something that might help you. I can come by and show it to you if you want. I just need your address.</span>
You read the message your again, that was fast, you won’t even need to spend 24 hours in this body.
<div class ="phone">
<span class = "phoneRight">Address is 69 Coleman Ave, how long will it take you to get here.</span>
<span class = "phoneLeft">Should be there in 15.</span>
<span class = "phoneRight">Alright, see you then.</span>
You click your phone to sleep and pause, naked in the middle of your room. New problem: clothes. You begin scavenging around your room, you find a variety of pants, shirts, and undergarments, before you find a few things that look like they might fit you somewhat proper. Now what exactly to where?
[[Baggy graphic tee with a zip up sweater and cargo shorts|Day2_Morning][$clothes = 1]]
[[White tee shirt and button up shirt with jeans|Day2_Morning][$clothes = 2]]
[[The cheerleader top and some sports shorts|Day2_Morning][$clothes = 3]]
You pull on the clothes once again having to deal with the fabrics running against your bare breastflesh. You can feel your nipples poking out at least the boxers are comfy. You turn to look at yourself in the mirror.
<<if $clothes ==1>>The clothes cover up most of your curves and new assets. Thanks to the sweater nobody will be able to see your nipples poking through the tee shirt and catch on to your lack of bra. <</if>><<if $clothes ==2>> The clothes are certainly tight fitting. The button up is straining to keep your new breasts contained but at least it covers up your erect nipples. The jeans hug your new ass uncomfortable well extenuating its new round plumpness. <</if>><<if $clothes == 3>> The cheerleader outfit is just as enticing on your new body as it is on the bodies of the cheerleaders you’ve ogled your in your years of high school. On top of that your erect nipples poke into the fabric, clearly visible to anyone looking too closely, which with the way it is hugging your chest will probably be a lot of people. <</if>>
You shrug. There really isn’t much you can do about your wardrobe situation right now. Now properly clothed you head out of your room and into the hall. Instinctually you grab your towel from your door and begin to head towards the bathroom before you pause. Your step-brother. Right. It would be weird for you to use your own towel. Putting it back you instead take a towel from the hallway closet and head into the bathroom.Once inside you strip back out of clothes, turn on the shower, and hop in.
The hot water on your skin is a welcome soothing to your still aching muscles. Even through the burning pain of yesterday has faded for the most part your whole body still feel like you ran a triathlon. You go about lathering yourself up with soap and scrubbing your new skin. As you hand brush past your breast and gently, cautiously, cleans near your new vagina you feel a heat begin to build in your nethers. You pause, once Cassandra arrives you may be back in your old body, and really this is a once in a lifetime chance…
[[Just finish your shower|Day2_Spied]]You slowly run your hands over your stomach until they come up under your breasts. You gently cup them, feeling their weight as you ever so slightly squeeze them. Slowly your hands move around your new breasts, circling them, your thumbs slowly circling your nipples, the tips just barely brushing against them. Your ministrations elicit a response down below as you feel your body begin to heat up, your whole body vibrating with arousal. You keep one hand attending to your breasts as the other snakes it way down between your legs. Ever so gently you prob around your new equipment. Your slick fingers gently part the folds of your vagina as your brush against a small hard nub. A shock of pleasure rockets through your body causing you to let out a small sharp moan. You freeze.
<<videoM "img/day2/Day2_Shower.mp4">><</videoM>>
Your hands snap away from your breasts and pussy as you shake your head. What if your step-brother heard that? What is he gonna think of some random girl masturbating in the shower the first day in the house. You quickly finish up your shower and climb out, drying off and redressing before [[heading downstairs to meet Cassandra.|Day2_AtHome][$showedCole = false]]
You decide that while it might be an interesting experience now doesn’t really seem the optimal place for it. What if Cole heard something through the wall? You quickly finish up your show and slide curtains back. As you do you notice a flicker of movement at the doorway, the now ajar door. In the open crack you see your step-brother peering in, ogling your nude body. You pause for just a second, unsure what to do.<<set $shoutedCole = false>>
<span id = "choice"><<link "Shout at him">>
<<replace "#choice">>
Your gaze meets his in the crack of the door. The lustful look on his face drops to one of sheer terror.
<img src = "img/day2/Day2_Spied.jpg">
<<say $pc>> “What the fuck?! Get out of here you pervert!” <</say>> You shout as you pull the curtain to cover yourself. There is a burst of movement as the door slams back shut and you hear quick heavy footsteps rushing back towards Cole’s room. You shake your head and get out of the shower, drying and redressing. Honestly you can’t really blame Cole, you would want to get a good view of this body too. You finish up and [[head downstairs.|Day2_AtHome]]
<<set $showedCole = false>><<set $shoutedCole = true>>
Your anger at Cole has made him frightened and feeling guilty <span class ="aff"> you lose -5 Affection with Cole.</span><<set $cole.aff -=5>><</replace>><</link>>
<<link "Ignore him">>
<<replace "#choice">>
You continue stepping out of the shower pretending as if you hadn’t even noticed him. You quickly dry off and then begin to redress. As you pull your shirt down over your head you hear the soft click of the door closing. You don’t see any issue in him getting a good show, you have a nice body after all might as well let him enjoy it while it lasts. You [[head down stairs to meet Cassandra.|Day2_AtHome]]
<<set $showedCole = false>>
Cole spying on you has gained you<span class = "aff"> +10 Affection</span> and <span class ="love">+5 Love with him.</span><<set $cole.aff +=10>><<set $ +=5>>
<<link "Give him a show">>
<<replace "#choice">>
<<videoM "img/day2/Day2_Show.mp4">><</videoM>>
You pretend as if you hadn’t seen him and get out of the shower. Grabbing your towel, you slowly run it over your body using it to hold up your breasts and stretching as you dry. After you finish drying you bend over at the waist, your ass facing the door. You smile to yourself as you imagine the look on Cole’s face as you expose your new pussy to him. You bend back up and begin pulling your clothes back on. As you pull down your shirt you hear the soft click of the door closing. You know for certain you just made Cole’s day, probably his whole year really. You head out of the bathroom and [[downstairs to meet Cassandra.|Day2_AtHome]]
<<set $showedCole = true>>
The show you gave Cole has earned you <span class = "aff"> +15 Affection</span> and <span class ="love">+15 Love with him.</span><<set $cole.aff +=15>><<set $ +=15>>
You head down to the kitchen and glace out the front window. Doesn’t appear that Cassandra has arrived yet. You turn to the task of making breakfast. You grab a bowl and pour yourself some cereal. As you sit down to eat it Cole walks into the kitchen.
<<if $shoutedCole==true>>He glances at you sheepishly before looking away and mumbling.
<<say $cole>> “Sorry about earlier." <</say>>
<<say $pc>> “Just make sure it doesn’t happen again." <</say>>
You respond indignantly. Cole nods as he begins to prepare his own breakfast.
<<say $pc>> “I’m $pc.nameF by the way." <</say>>
<<elseif $showedCole==true>> He glances at you, his eyes surveying up and down your body in a predatory way. His gaze makes you more than a little uncomfortable as he makes his way across the kitchen to get his own food. As he passes you he gives you a brief greeting.
<<say $cole>> “Good morning." <</say>>
<<say $pc>> “Morning, I’m $pc.nameF. Your step-brother said it was fine if I stayed here for a bit." <</say>>
<<else>> He quickly glances at you before giving you a smile. You’re used to seeing that smile. It’s the one he uses to mask his guilt when he knows he done something he shouldn’t have. You smile back.
<<say $cole>> “Good morning. I assume you are the girl that my step-brother told me about last night."<</say>>
<<say $pc>> “Yeah, he said it was cool if I stayed here a few days, I’m $pc.nameF."<</say>><</if>>
<<say $cole>> “I’m Cole, $pc.maleNameF’s step-brother. How long do you think you will be staying?" <</say>>
<<say $pc>> “Hopefully not long. I will know more later." <</say>> As you finished talking you hear a knock on the front door of the house. It must be Cassandra. You get to your feet as your step-brother makes a move towards the door.
<<say $pc>> “Its probably for me, I’ll get it." <</say>> You say as you slip past him towards the front door. He gives you a confused look, but you continue on to the door and pull it open. Correct to your assumption Cassandra is standing on the porch. Her eyes sunken in dark pits and her hair ruffled out of order. She looks like she hasn’t gotten much sleep.
<<say $cass>> “I have good new $pc.maleNameF, uh, er, I mean $pc.nameF." <</say>> You glance over your shoulder where Cole is standing in the hallway, listening.
<<say $pc>> “Sure, Cassandra. Let’s talk upstairs." <</say>> You gesture her past you and up the stairs, she scurries in waving to Cole as she passes. [[You follow her up to your room.|Day2_Explaination]]
Cassandra’s slip up has<span class = "sus"> lowered Cole’s Trust by 1.</span><<set $cole.sus -= 1>>
You enter your room and close the door behind you. Turning you can see Cassandra already removing some things from her bag and placing them on your bed. Three large, old, and musty looking tomes.
<<say $cass>> “I spent all of last night doing research and I think I may have found something that can help you."<</say>> She opens one of the books and flips through the pages. <<say $cass>> “There are a lot of different spells that can change the body to a more feminine form, transfigurations into males are a lot less common. However, I found one in this old Austrian book. It covers a transformation that a witch can undergo to assume a male form for one moon." <</say>>
She turns the book towards you displaying a page filled with what you think is German, strange diagrams, and a rather well detailed dicker of a man and woman merged into one being down the middle.
<img src = "img/day2/Day2_Explaination.jpg" height ="480px" width ="720px">
<<say $pc>> “Wait, you said it only lasted one moon, so a month? I don’t want to have to perform a ritual every month to remain a man!" <</say>>
<<say $cass>> “I saw that problem as well, that is where this book comes in." <</say>> She picks up a second tome and opens it to a leafed page. She puts it in your hands atop the other one. The page is just as incomprehensible, but this time in English, or at least a version of it. <<say $cass>> “This is a spell of permanence, it essentially augments another spell to make it last longer. With this and the blood binding from the Occult Magnus we should be able to make the spell last 100 years!" <</say>>
Cassandra smiles at you, clearly very proud of herself. All you feel is an immense sense of relief.
<<say $pc>> “Alright then, lets do it." <</say>> Cassandra’s smile fades slightly.
<<say $cass>> “It’s not quiet that easy. The transformation spell can only be performed under the light of a full moon. There are also a number of ingredients that we will need to collect." <</say>> She begins to rummage around in her page before pulling out a piece of parchment. <<say $cass>> “Lucky for you the new moon is this Sunday, which means we will have all week to collect what we need." <</say>>
<<say $pc>> “Sunday! You expect me to stay like this until Sunday?!" <</say>>
<<say $cass>> “Come on it can’t be that bad, lots of people have done it for most of their lives." <</say>>
Sunday… six more days in this body. It could be worse, it could be permanent.
<<say $pc>> “You mentioned ingredients? What do we need?" <</say>> She hands you the piece of parchment.
<<say $cass>> “Look for yourself."<</say>>
[[Examine the list|Day2_List]]The list of ingredients needed for Sunday’s ritual.
<img src = "img/general/list.png">
<<set $hasList to true>>
[[Done|Day2_CassLeaves]]You glance up from the list, it is rather extensive, some of the things on here you don’t even know what they are. However, others give you concerns.
<<say $pc>> “When it says “Male Essence" what does it mean?" <</say>> Cassandra visibly blushes.
<<say $cass>> “I believe that is referring to semen." <</say>> She answers in a measured tone.
An entire liter of semen?! Even if you still had your dick there is no way you could get that much.
<<say $pc>> “And uh, what is a libertine?"<</say>>
<<say $cass>> “It’s an old term, today I guess you would call them a man slut."<</say>> You nod slowly and look back down at the list.
<<say $pc>> “A sphere of convalescence?" <</say>>
<<say $cass>> “That is a fairly rare magical implement, it may be difficult to find. The sage, hickory, elm, hawthorn, as well as the quicksilver and Aqua Fortis should be pretty easy to get at the Magic World."<</say>>
<<say $pc>> “The what?" <</say>>
<<say $cass>> “The shop in the mall. Its between the Bed, Bath, and Beauty and the glass boutique."<</say>> You shake your head blankly.
<<say $pc>> “There has been an empty storefront there forever."<</say>>
<<say $cass>> “Oh, right. I almost forgot." <</say>> Cassandra steps closer to you, inches away from your face. She stares deep into your eyes, her shimmering green eyes appear to begin to sparkle.
<<say $cass>> “Cigam fo dlrow eht ot seye ruoy nepo i."<</say>>
She exhales over you eyes, her breath smells of flowers. You eye sting and you blink a few times. When you open them you find yourself still staring at Cassandra’s face, just then she seems to realize how close she is and takes a step back, looking away from you.
<<say $pc>> “What was that about?"<</say>>
<<say $cass>> “I cast a spell on you that will let you see some things that are hidden to a lay persons eyes."<</say>>
<<say $pc>> “A spell? Could you at least ask before you do that? This is the whole reason I’m in this mess in the first place!" <</say>> Your anger beginning to rise.
<<say $cass>> “Sorry, its harmless so it didn’t think it was a big deal. You should be able to find Magic World in the mall now. I'm, er, not exactly allowed to be buying spell ingreidents after last night. You can bill me for what ever you buy."<</say>>
<<say $pc>> “Alright but next time ask. One final question, what is this male fetish thing?"<</say>>
<<say $cass>> “An approximation or representation of the male sex, the genitals in particular."<</say>>
A representation of male genitals? A dildo? This spell requires a dildo? You sigh, what has your life become.
<<say $pc>> “Okay, so I need to find all these things before Sunday? Then you can turn me back?" <</say>>
<<say $cass>> “Yes. If we have everything prepared by Sunday, you can become a man again. I'll do whatever I can to help you out gathering ingredients. If we miss this window you will have to wait another month, also, I don’t think this will be an issue but if you become pregnant the spell won’t work. <</say>>
Pregnant?! You can get pregnant?! <<say $pc>> “I don’t think we need to worry about that."<</say>>
<<say $cass>> “Alright then. I need to get to school so I better get going. If you need any help just text me. Otherwise I’ll do my best to study up on the spells to make sure nothing goes wrong"<</say>> She begins packing up her books before heading for the door. She pauses at the door before turning back to you.
<<say $cass>> “We’ll get you back to how you were, $pc.maleNameF or $pc.nameF. That's gonna take some getting used to, hopefully I won't have to. I promise I'm gonna do everything I can to change you back."<</say>>
She heads out the door leaving you holding the list in your room. You glance at the clock. You better get going too. You can worry about getting ingredients until after school today, after all you first day of class as a woman is sure to be engaging.
From your room you make your way down to your car, it appears that Cole has already left for school. Getting in you begin your drive towards Scholman High, anxious about driving with only your old license should you get into any sort of trouble. After the short drive you find yourself pulling into a parking space behind the school. Sudden anxiety of attending your first day of class in this body, your first day as a girl, floods up. You shake your head and steel yourself for the day to come. You head for the doors of the school.
<img src = "img/locations/hsFront.jpg" height ="480px" width ="720px">
Inside you a greeted with the familiar bland hallways of the school. You find yourself treading the usual route towards your locker before you catch yourself. What will people think if you go to your old locker? Based on the story you woven so far it should be easy enough to pass it off as being a friend of yourself. You continue, reaching the locker, putting in your code and grabbing your books for the day. As you shut the door you nearly jump out of your skin when you see Doug leaning against the locker beside you. His eyes slowly trace their way down and then back up your body, paying special focus to your ample breasts. You shift uncomfortable under his predatory gaze, frozen and unsure about what to do. Finally, he finished his evaluate and looks at your face.
<img src = "img/locations/hsHalls.jpg" height ="480px" width ="720px">
<<say $doug>> "Hey there, sweetheart, wanna tell me what you are doing in my friends' locker?"<</say>>
<<say $pc>> "Oh, its my first day and $pc.maleNameF said I could use his books while I get situated here."<</say>> You replay, locking your locker back up. Doug raises an eyebrow at your response.
<<say $doug>>"You know $pc.maleNameF?" <</say>>
<<say $pc>> "Yeah, we are old friends from a long time ago, I moved away when we were both young." <</say>>
<<say $doug>> "Damn, looks like $pc.maleNameF has been holding out on me. He never said anything about having a hottie friend like you." <</say>> Doug leans further in almost completely encompassing your new smaller form. You have never really noticed just how huge of a person Doug is, but now, as he looms over you, you can't help but notice his bulging muscles and hulking physique.
<<say $pc>> "Huh, well we haven't really stayed close over the years. I'm just staying at his house while he's out of town for a while." <</say>> You take a step back and make a scene of shouldering your bag pairing to depart. Doug seems unphased by your clear attempts to distance yourself.
<<say $doug>> "Oh, $pc.maleNameF is out of town? He didn't tell me that. It’s a shame that he might miss Jessica's party. Of course, if you want to come in his stead you are welcome. Its on Friday, 7 o'clock. Let me know if you want to come and I can get you the address." <</say>> He smiles at you and turns to opening his own locker.
<<say $pc>> "I'll keep that in mind, bye Doug"<</say>> You say heading off towards Mrs. Rose's class. Doug give you a nod before watching intently as you walk away from him. Shaking off the uncomfortable gaze [[you make you way to English class.|Day2_FirstClass]]
<<set $currentTime += 1>>
<img src = "img/locations/englishClass.jpg" height ="480px" width ="720px">
You head into the classroom and instinctively begin heading towards you regular seat. As you sit down you notice the curious gazes of your fellow classmates following you. After you pull out your books and prepare for class Mrs. Rose enter the room and upon seeing you beckons you to the front of the room. You comply and meet her up at her desk.
<<say $rose>> "You must be $pc.nameF. Mr. Schoman filled me in on your situation. Its gonna be tricky to fill you in on everything in just the two weeks before exams, but if you want you can meet me after school and we can go over things."<</say>> Mrs. Rose informs you with a warm smile. In your old body you would have killed for a private one on one session with Mrs. Rose. As it is now you think that you'll probably be pretty busy and not have a lot of time for academics.
<<say $pc>> "Thanks, Mrs. Rose, I will keep that in mind, but I'm already really busy getting used to this place so no guarantees."<</say>> You replay with your own smile. Mrs. Rose nods knowingly before turning to the class.
<<say $rose>> "Alright everyone, good morning. Before class today I have someone to introduce." <</say>> Mrs. Rose gently places a hand on your shoulder and forces you in front of the whole class. You can feel their curious glances on your body, eyeing you up, evaluating. <<if $clothes==3>> At this moment you wish your hard nipples weren't poking through the fabric of your shirt, clearly visible to the whole class. <</if>> <<say $rose>> "This is $pc.nameF. She will be joining us for the rest of the semester. $pc.nameF if you would like to introduce yourself to the class." <</say>> Panic rising you think of a response.
<<say $pc>> "Uh, hey, I'm $pc.nameF. I just moved here. Nice to meet you." <</say>> You finish your stilted response before fleeing back to your desk.
Mrs. Rose nods and begins the lesson. The rest of the period passes without further incident, although you feel hyperaware of what your classmates might be looking at, and if that thing is you. At the end of the class you are quick to [[leave the class and head towards math.|Day2_Break1]]
After leaving the room you feel a buzz in your pocket and fish out your phone to see a text from Marcus.
<div class = "phone">
<span class ="phoneRight">Hey man, sorry about bailing yesterday, if you are up for it I am free today.</span>
You pause reading the text. Marcus is probably the only person you could trust with your current situation. He's a down to earth guy for sure but you are reasonably sure you can convince him of the truth. He might also be able to help you get some of the "supplies" you need.
<div class = "phone">
<span class = "phoneLeft">I'll let you know once I get out of school</span>
<span class = "phoneRight"> Cool, hopefully see you tonight.</span>
You slide your phone back into you pocket. Maybe there are other people that could help you out. Cassnadra is an obvious choice since she already knows the truth, maybe Cole too. <<if $esme.aff > 5>> Maybe even Esmerelda, hell she might even know a few things about magic, she does give off that vibe.<</if>> Without much more time to think you [[head towards you Math class.|Day2_Class2]]
<img src = "img/day2/Day2_Class2.jpg" height ="480px" width ="720px">
Walking into Math you once more make your way to your regular seat. You see Mr. Smith sitting at his desk behind him on the board is some manner of mathematical equation. You take your seat as your fellow students filter in to the room and take their seats. As the last student sits down Mr. Smith gets up and circles around his desk. He looks over the class his gaze lingering on you.
<<say $smit>> "Hello, everyone, today we have a new student. Miss $pc.nameL would you please come up to the front of the class."<</say>> You get to you feet and head to the front of the class. Mr. Smith's eyes roam unabated up and down your body. <<say $smit>> "It is unusual for a student to join this late in the semester, so in order to assess your current standing will you please complete the problem on the board."<</say>>
He hands you a stick of chalk then stands back with the rest of the class, leaving you standing alone at the front of the class. You have flashes of Jessica shaking her ass in front of the whole class and suddenly feel sympathy for her for the first time in your life.
You approach the board and glance at the problem.<<if $ >=6>> It’s a challenging problem. The kind that is meant to trip people up even if they know what they are doing. However, knowing this it isn't to hard to solve. With a few frenzied scribbles of the chalk you turn back to the rest of the class confident in having solved it. You see Mr. Smith's eyes still focused on your lower half as he slowly glances back up towards your face.
Solving this math problem has improved your understanding;<span class ="int"> you feel like you have gotten a little smarter.</span> <<set $intUp to true>>
<<say $smit>> "Very good, Miss $pc.nameL. Seems your old school has done at least the basics. You may take your seat. <</say>><<set $passedTest = true>>
<<else>> You glace over the board, already confused. This definitely isn’t something that has been covered in class. You are very quickly feeling like you have been tricked. You do your best to solve it, using some of the few concepts you've picked up in class. Eventually you turn back to the class, a glances from the room make you confident that you have not solved it properly. Mr. Swine back heads back towards the board and shakes his head.
<<say $smit>> "This won't do Miss $pc.nameL. Something like this should be easy this far into the year. I am going to have to ask you to stop by after school today so that we can get you up to speed. You can sit down." <</say>>
Taking your seat, you begin to imagine the sort of things being alone with Mr. Smith could entail. Not only is it going to be incredibly uncomfortable, but it will take up time you could use to find supplies for Sunday.<<set $passedTest = false>><</if>>
Your return to your seat and spend the rest of the class bored as Mr. Smith goes over some simple topics. Eventually the bells rings and you prepare to [[head down to the café for lunch.|Day2_Lunch]]
<<set $currentTime += 1>>
<img src = "img/locations/cafe.jpg" height ="480px" width ="720px">
Leaving Math you quickly make your way down to the cafeteria. As you enter with your food you see a variety of different places you could sit…
<<if $coleLunch is false>>You see your step-brother and his friend Nathan sitting at one of the nearby tables, Cole notices you and gestures [[to a seat beside them.|Day2_Lunch-Cole][$lunchTimer -= 1]]<</if>>
<<if $cassLunch is false>>You see [[Cassandra sitting alone|Day2_Lunch-Cassandra][$lunchTimer -= 1]] head slumped forward onto her backpack, possibly asleep.<</if>>
<<if $jessLunch is false>>You see Jessica and Doug sitting with most of the football team, Jessica waves at you to [[come over.|Day2_Lunch-Jess][$lunchTimer -= 1]]<</if>>
<<if $esmeLunch is false>><<if $ > -15>> You see Esmerelda sitting alone near [[the back of the café.|Day2_Lunch-Esmerelda][$lunchTimer -= 1]]<</if>><</if>>
<<if $beccLunch is false>>You see Rebecca sitting with a few books out, [[studying while she eats.|Day2_Lunch-Rebecca][$lunchTimer -= 1]]<</if>>
<<if $aloneLunch is false>>Or of course you could always [[eat alone.|Day2_Lunch-Alone][$lunchTimer -= 1]]<</if>>
You approach and take a seat across from Cole and Nathan. Cole gives you a nod while Nathan watches you with a surprised reverence. No surprise, he is no used to women coming anywhere near him, much less sitting with him.
<<say $cole>> "How has your first day been so far, $pc.nameF."<</say>>
<<say $pc>> "Fine, really hasn't been too exciting." <</say>>
<<say $cole>> "Yeah, this place is pretty boring. Nathan and I were just planning to hang out together tonight, we are going to play some Big Bash Bros tonight. You can join us if you want."<</say>>
<<say $pc>> "Uh, yeah, if I have time I might stop by." <</say>>
With that conversation over Cole and Nathan begin talking about tiers of characters for their games and you peacefully eat your lunch.<<if $lunchTimer >0>> You still have some time before [[lunch ends.|Day2_Lunch]]<<else>>After finishing up you head out and make your way [[towards Art class.|Day2_Class3]]<</if>>
<<set $coleLunch = true>>
<<set $invitedToCole = true>>You walk up to the table sit down across from Cassandra. As you tray hits the table the sound seems to awaken Cassandra who starts then sits up and glances around groggily. She sees you and then wipes her eyes and clears the hair from her face.
<<say $cass>> "Oh, hello… $pc.nameF. How have things been so far?" <</say>>
<<say $pc>> "Not too much to complain about besides Mr. Smith being a creep." <</say>>
<<say $cass>> "Yeah, he should have been fired years ago. Do you have any progress on any of the materials needed?" <</say>>
<<say $pc>> "Nothing yet, been busy with school. Hopefully tonight I will have time to look around." <</say>>
<<say $cass>> "Alright, well if you need any help with anything feel free to contact me."<</say>>
<<say $pc>> "Yeah, I'll keep you posted."<</say>>
The two of you continue to eat in mostly silence.<<if $lunchTimer >0>> You still have some time before [[lunch ends.|Day2_Lunch]]<<else>>After finishing your meal, you clean up and [[towards Art class.|Day2_Class3]]<</if>>
<<set $cassLunch to true>>
You approach the group sitting around the table. A few of the members of the football team slide down so that you can sit beside Jessica. Despite their movement you still feel squished and can feel your arm pressing up against the man on your right. Jessica lean over to you.
<<say $jess>> "Hey, new girl. I saw the stunt that Mr. Smith made you go through. The guys a real sleaze ball." <</say>> She smiles at you, this is definitely the nicest she has ever been to you, it’s a little strange thinking that Jessica could have this whole other side to her.
<<say $pc>>"Uh, yeah. He's a creep for sure."<</say>>There are a few grunts of agreements from the guys around you at that. <<if $clothes == 3>> Jessica looks you up and down, focusing on your cheerleading top.
<<say $jess>> "Hey, where did you get the top? That looks like one of our new uniforms, but obviously you aren't on the team."<</say>> Quickly you come up with an excuse to keep your secret.
<<say $pc>> "Mr. Schoman gave it to me when I came here. Said it would be good for school spirit." <</say>> Jessica turns her head to the side and makes a affirmative sound.
<<say $jess>> "Well you certainly fill it out. If you want to join the cheer team you should come to practice after school today. We could always use another member." <</say>> A few of the guys agree with her and encourage you to join up too.
<<say $pc>> "I'll have to think about it, I'm so busy now a days."<</say>><<set $invitedToCheer = true>><</if>>
With that you continue your lunch, conscious of the stares you are getting from both the guys and Jessica, who seems just as interested in looks at your tits. <<if $lunchTimer >0>> You still have some time before [[lunch ends.|Day2_Lunch]]<<else>>After finishing your meal, you clean up and [[towards Art class.|Day2_Class3]]<</if>>
<<set $jessLunch to true>>
Hanging out with the cool kids has made you more socialable;<span class="cha"> you feel like you're getting more charismatic.</span><<set $chaUp to true>>You walk up and sit across from Esmerelda who only gives you a curious glance but says nothing. A few minutes pass in silence as the two of you sit. Unsure of what to say you think through how to broch the subject of your transformation or even just try and find a way to ask for her help. As you think she speaks.
<<say $esme>> "What happened to you?" <</say>>
<<say $pc>> "W-what? What do you mean?" <</say>> She leans forward and looks at you intently.
<<say $esme>> "You are practically glowing. Some cast some powerful magic on you."<</say>>
You sit there stunned for a minute. Glowing? Is she saying that she can see the magic affecting you? Cassandra never said anything like that.
<<say $esme>> "Appears to be some sort of transfiguration magic, hm, no there is other thing wrapped up in there too. Who ever did this was good." <</say>> She continues to examine you.
<<say $pc>> "There was an accident… Some woman cast a spell on me…" <</say>>
<<say $esme>> An accident eh? Interesting… You aren't… $pc.maleNameF are you?<</say>>
<<say $pc>> "What?! How did you guess?" <</say>>
<<say $esme>> "You are here, he isn't, your clothes looks like his clothes, and you look like him. Although, much prettier." <</say>> She smiles at you.
<<say $pc>> "Yeah, I'm $pc.maleNameF. I'm going as $pc.nameF while I have this body."<</say>>
<<say $esme>> "I feel like we have a lot to discuss. How about we meet at my house after school today. We can talk." <</say>> She pull out her phone and gives you her number before packing up her things. Before leaving she turns back to you once more.
<<say $esme>> "I don't know who did this to you, but you can't trust any of the witches in this town. Be careful."<</say>> With that she leaves the café. You sit there contemplating what she said.<<if $lunchTimer >0>> You still have some time before [[lunch ends.|Day2_Lunch]]<<else>>After finishing your meal, you clean up and [[towards Art class.|Day2_Class3]]<</if>>
<<set $esmeLunch to true>>
<<set $invitedToEsme = true>>You sit down across Rebecca. <<if $passedTest>> She smiles at you.
<<say $becc>> "Good work in class today. That sleaze Smith was definitely trying to trip you up, its good you solved it though."<</say>>
<<say $pc>> "Heh, yeah I figured he was trying to pull something on me." <</say>><<else>> She gives you an aplogetic look.
<<say $becc>> "Hey don't feel bad about class. That sleaze Smith was definitely trying to trip you up, you did your best."<</say>>
<<say $pc>> "Heh, yeah math has never been my strong suit. Now I have to get tutored by him after school."<</say>>
<<say $becc>> "Tough, I don't really want to say this about a teacher but Mr. Smith is a real asshole."<</say>> You laugh at that, probably the first time Rebecca has spoken so ill of a teacher in your presence.<</if>>
<<say $becc>> "Well anyways, I bet you are stressed about exams having moved here so close to them." <</say>>
<<say $pc>> "Truthfully I haven't even really thought about it." <</say>>
<<say $becc>> "Oh, well if you need any help I could help you study." <</say>>
<<say $pc>> "Uh, yeah sure. If I have time I will let you know." <</say>>
You spend the rest of lunch talking to Rebecca about the various class you are in. <<if $lunchTimer >0>> You still have some time before [[lunch ends.|Day2_Lunch]]<<else>>After finishing your meal, you clean up and [[towards Art class.|Day2_Class3]]<</if>>
<<set $beccLunch to true>>
<<set $invitedToBecc = true>>You sit down at one of the tables alone. You slowly eat your lunch, enjoying the quiet. <<if $lunchTimer >0>> You still have some time before [[lunch ends.|Day2_Lunch]]<<else>>After finishing your meal, you clean up and [[towards Art class.|Day2_Class3]]<</if>>
<<set $aloneLunch to true>><<set $currentTime += 1>>
<img src = "img/locations/art-classroom.jpg" height ="480px" width ="720px">
You step into art class and take a seat on one of the stools. Ms. Yiin comes in and starts to direct the class in today's activity. She brings out a variety of colored clays and explains that they will be working with different art forms throughout the week, today will be clay, and tomorrow you will be doing figure drawing, then working with clay again. As she comes over to you she hands you a lump of clay and smiles at you.
<<say $yiin>> "$pc.nameF, right? Welcome to my class. If you have any questions, feel free to ask me."<</say>> She then moves on to handing out more clay.
You spend the rest of the class sculpting a small car out of the clay. Around you can hear snickers as the boys in the class sculpt various phallic and boob shaped sculptors. Ms. Yiin upon seeing these compliments them on their translations of desires into artistic forms. Her hands closely inspecting the more realistic of the phallic objects. As you work you come up with an idea. Now could be the perfect time to make that male fetish you need for the ritual…
<span id = "choice"><<link "Make the Fetish">>
<<replace "#choice">>
You crush your car back into a shapeless blob. Then with firm gentle strokes you begin to make shape of the shaft. You move your hands up and down the clay in strong full stokes up the central shaft. As you work the shaft you slowly roll out two sizable ball and affix them to the base. With your tools you sculpt out a thick mushroom head atop the shaft. Completing your creation with a final slit atop the head. Working it over you add veins and a gentle curvature to the shaft for added realism. Leaning back, you wipe some hair out of your face, not realizing how into the process you were until just then.
<img src = "img/day2/day2_Class3.jpg">
You hear quiet snickering from around the room and looking around see that pretty much everyone is watching you, some of the boys mouths agape. Ms. Yiin makes her way over to you and admires your creations. One of her hands reaches down and slowly runs her manicured nails gently across the clay cocks' surface.
<<say $yiin>> "A fantastic representation, you must be very familiar with the subject." <</say>>
You blush profusely at the obvious implications of her statement, even if not true in the way she implied. A few more snickers pass through the room. Yiin continues to run her hand over the cock before stopping and grasping it around the base.
<<say $yiin>> "Unfortunately, I will have to confiscate this as it is quite inappropriate for a school setting. If you want it back, you can come by after class and talk with me. Now everyone, clean up." <</say>>
Everyone begins to clean up as you sit there stunned. Not only were you embarrassed in front of the whole class, who know think you have intimate knowledge about cocks, you didn't even get the fetish you needed. Sullen you pack up and begin to [[head towards the gym.|Day2_Break2]]<<set $fetishCreated to true>>
Creating the fetish has gained you <span class="aff">+10 Affection</span> with Ms. Yiin.<<set $yiin.aff +=10>>
<<link "Better not">>
<<replace "#choice">>
You decide against, the thought of making a dick sculpture in a class of boys might be a bit to on the erotic side for you. Even if you did make it, where would you keep it? No, you continue with your car and the rest of the class proceeds without a hitch. After the bell rings you [[head off towards Gym class.|Day2_Break2]] <<set $fetishCreated to false>><</replace>><</link>>
As you make your way towards the gym you feel a pressure that has been building in your bladder all day beginning to reach its peak. No longer able to hold it you make for the bathrooms…
[[Head to the Mens room as usual|Day2_Break2-MensRoom]]
[[Explore the uncharted realm of the ladies room|Day2_Break2-LadiesRoom]]<img src = "img/day2/MaleRestroom.jpg" height ="480px" width ="720px">
You head into the bathroom and pass by the urinals to the stalls. Heading in you think about the process of using the bathroom as a woman. Entering the stall, you lock the door behind you. Dropping your pants and boxers you sit on the cold seat. Getting caught up you try not to think about what you are doing and just let it happen. As you sit you hear two voices enter the bathroom. Their male voices carry over the top of the stall making your freeze. Urinals…men…you went into the men's room. As a woman. You hold your bladder and you listen to the two men go about their business quietly banter as they go. You hear one of them wash their hands and leave as the other remains at the urinal.
You listen to the zip of his fly, his footsteps to the sink, the sound of the water… Catching you by surprise your bladder releases it liquids. You let out a gasp at the unexpected sensation, before slapping a hand over your mouth. The water turns off, as does your own liquation.
<<say $npcm>>"What do we have here? Liz is that you again?" <</say>> You hear the footsteps of the man approaching the front of the stall. Then he moves around and into the other stall. <<say $npcm>>"Alright, keep quiet then. I'll give you what you want."<</say>> Suddenly the toilet paper holder beside you swings down revealing a circular hole. A second later a large soft dick flops through the whole. You freeze.
<img src = "img/day2/GloryHole1.jpg" height ="480px" width ="720px">
<<say $npcm>> "C'mon babe, don't leave me hanging." <</say>>
You consider your options. You could run, book it out of the bathroom before this guy can see you. Or you could give him what he wants, a quick hand job, you could even collect the cum in your water bottle for the ritual…
<span id ="choice"><<link "Give him a handjob">>
<<replace "#choice">>
Quietly you fetch the water bottle from your bag and pour it into the toilet. Then you turn on the seat and stare directly at the dick in front of you. You are really going to do this. You are going to jack off another guy.
You reach up with one hand and grasp the flop phallus. It twitches unexpected under you hand causing you to jump and let go. Reaching up again you grasp it and slowly begin to move your hand up towards the head. You pause for a moment around the head before moving you hand back down. You can feel it harden under you hand, expanding and stretching to fill your grasp. You are surprised by the size of it. Your tiny hand barely able wrap around its girth. You continue your stroking, up, down, up, down. You begin to get a rhythm to it, rubbing your thumb on the soft flesh beneath the head.
<<videoM "img/day2/Gloryhole2.mp4">><</videoM>>
Your ministrations are rewarded by soft moans from the other side of the stall and precum rolling out the head and onto your hands. You are unsure how long passes until you hear a strained voice from the other side of the stall.
<<say $npcm>> "Oh, baby, here it comes." <</say>> With one hand still stroking you bring up your water bottle and position it in front of the cockhead. In violent spurts the cum erupts into the bottle in four spurts before running down your hand.
<<videoM "img/day2/GloryholeCum.mp4">><</videoM>>
You release the cock, wipe your hand with some toilet paper, put the lid on the bottle before booking it out of the bathroom and shoving the bottle deep into your bag. You slow down out of the bathroom, reasonably sure no one noticed you and [[head towards the gym.|Day2_Class4]]
<<set $cum += 4>><span id="remove">
<<link "Collect Cum!">><</link>>
<<replace '#tooltip'>><<notify>> You've gained 4ml of cum!
<meter class="cumTrack" @value="$cum" min="0" max="1000"></meter><</notify>><</replace>>
<<replace '#tooltip'>><<replace'#remove'>><</replace>><</replace>>
<</nobr>></span><<set $gloryHoleVisited to true>><</replace>><</link>>
<<link "Book it">>
<<replace "#choice">>
You slowly get up and as quietly as possible pull up your pants. The floppy dick hangs just to your left as you carefully avoid touching or looking at it. Gently you unlock the door then run. You slide across the bathroom floor and then out into the hall before resuming your composure. Looking around you don't think anyone noticed. You quickly [[head towards the gym.|Day2_Class4]]<</replace>><</link>></span>
<img src = "img/day2/FemaleRestroom.jpg" height ="480px" width ="720px">
You head into the girl's bathroom surprised at how different it is from the men's room. There are twice as many sinks and mirrors, the wall completely taken up by stalls, and a picture of a sunflower at the end of the room. Not wanting to be caught gawking you hurry into one of the stalls and go about your business. After finishing you head out the room and [[make your way to the gym.|Day2_Class4]]As you approach the gym you spot Mr. Swinebak standing in the hall. Upon seeing you he approaches you.
<<say $swin>> "$pc.nameF $pc.nameL I presume."<</say>> You nod. <<say $swin>> "Mr. Schoman informed me of your situation. You can use my office to change. There are a few uniforms in there, find one that fits. And don't touch anything. I expect you in the Gym in 5. Go!"<</say>>
At the sound of his command you hurry into his office. The door is flanked by two large windows with the blinds full open. You quickly draw the blinds then look for the uniforms. You see a box with clothes sitting on the desk. Sorting through you find one that fits and begin to strip out of your clothes.
<<videoM "img/day2/changing.mp4">><</videoM>>
Standing in just your boxers you pull on the shorts and shirt. They are baggy but play down your new characteristics so its fine. You place your own clothes in your bag and leave the office.
Walking into the gym you find Mr. Swinebak and most of the class standing by the bleachers. As you approach Mr. Swinebak give you a nod and you go to stand beside Nathan at the end of the line of students.
<<say $swin>> "Alright! Listen up. Today we will be playing dodge ball. The winning team will get to run five laps around the football field! The losing team will run 10. Now split and take positions!" <</say>> Mr. Swinebak splits the class down the middle you take your sides on opposite sides of the classroom. Ball are placed at the center line and everyone pushes up against the opposing walls.
Mr. Swinebak stands in the middle of the room whistle in his mouth. With a shrill blast both sides sprint for the center as the game begin…
<<if $pc.ath >=6>> The game was certainly hard fought on both sides. However, you manage to carry your team pretty hard, taking out several members of the opposing team while staying in yourself. Despite your new feminine persuasion, you find it comforting that you still have most of your athletic abilities. The other team also seems not to care about your gender either as quite a few fast balls are thrown towards your head. In the end you and another girl on your team are left standing, victorious.
<<videoM "img/day2/run.mp4">><</videoM>>
Despite your win the vigorous run afterwards leaves you in a foul mood due to the constant bouncing of your untethered breasts. By the end of your 5th lap you are exhausted and chest sore.
<<else>> Your team puts up a fight but, in the end, you just couldn't cut it. You were knocked out early on and ended up sitting on the bench for most of the game. Your teams lose means you have a hard 10 laps ahead of you.
<<videoM "img/day2/run.mp4">><</videoM>>
As you finish the first one you begin to feel a soreness on your chest as your untethered boobs bounce up and down from the running. By the end of the 10 laps you are sore, tired, and grumpy. <</if>>
Mr. Swinebak dismisses the class and you return to his office and change back into your normal clothes, stowing the gym clothes for later use. You head away from the gym. Now that school is over you have a decision on [[what to do next.|Day2_EndofSchool]]
<<set $currentTime += 1>>
You head back into Mr. Swinebak's office and change into your other clothes, backing the gym uniform away for future use. As you exit you see Mr. Swinebak leaning against the wall beside the office.
<span class="swin"> "Have a good day, Miss $pc.nameL."</span> You give him a nod before heading outside to your car.
You open the door and get inside, collapsing into the seat. The day has already totally drained you and its only 3:01. You had best decide what to do next, you have lost to get done before Sunday rolls around. You consider your current options:
<span class ="system"> Hey there, I'm back. Just a quick explanation on this section of the game. Every day after school you will have enough energy to do 3 activities from the list below. Most of these activities will be repeatable daily, but some are day specific. Sometimes an activity may take up two energy so keep that in mind. If you don't want to do any activities and just go straight home choose the option at the bottom. Choose what you want to do wisely. That is all, good luck. </span>
<<if $energy > 0>>You can go [[visit Marcus|!Marcus Checker]], explain the situation to him. He might be able to help you out.<<else>><span class ="deadLink">You can go visit Marcus, explain the situation to him. He might be able to help you out.</span> You are out of energy.<</if>>
<<if $passedTest == false and $energy > 0>>
You should [[go see Mr. Smith|!Smith Checker]], otherwise he could cause you a lot of trouble at the school.<<elseif $passedTest == false and $energy <= 0>><span class ="deadLink">You should go see Mr. Smith, otherwise he could cause you a lot of trouble at the school.</span> You are out of energy.<</if>>
<<if $invitedToCheer and $energy > 0>>You can [[take up Jessica's offer|!Cheer Checker]] of going to cheerleading practice, a little physical activity might perk you up.<<elseif $invitedToCheer and $energy <= 0 >><span class ="deadLink">You can take up Jessica's offer of going to cheerleading practice, a little physical activity might perk you up.<</if>>
<<if $energy > 0>>You can [[go visit the Magic Shop|!Shop Checker]] that Cassandra told you about, get a jump on the ingredients.<<else>><span class ="deadLink">You can go visit the Magic Shop that Cassandra told you about, get a jump on the ingredients.</span> You are out of energy.<</if>>
<<if $invitedToCole and $energy >0>>You can go [[home and hang out with Cole.|!Cole Checker]]<<elseif $invitedToCole and $energy <= 0>><span class ="deadLink">You can go home and hang out with Cole.</span> You are out of energy.<</if>>
<<if $invitedToBecc and $energy >0>>You can go [[study with Rebecca.|!Rebecca Checker]]<<elseif $invitedToBecc and $energy <= 0>><span class ="deadLink">You can go study with Rebecca.</span> You are out of energy.<</if>>
<<if $invitedToEsme and $energy >0>>You can go [[talk to Esmerelda|!Esme Checker]] about this whole mess.<<elseif $invitedToEsme and $energy <=0>><span class ="deadLink">You can go talk to Esmerelda about this whole mess.</span> You are out of energy.<</if>>
<<if $fetishCreated and $energy > 0>>You can go [[get your "art" from Mrs. Yiin.|YiinArt]]<<elseif $fetishCreated and $energy <= 0>><span class ="deadLink"> You can go get your "art" from Mrs. Yiin.</span> You are out of energy.<</if>>
[[Go Home (ends actions)|Day2_Evening]]<<set $currentTime += 1>>
Exhausted from your first day as a woman you pull into your driveway. As you begin to get out of your car your phone buzzes. Pulling it out you see you have a text from Cassandra.
<div class ="phone">
<span class ="phoneLeft">Hey $pc.nameF. Is it cool if I come by and drop some things off? They should help you out.</span>
<span class ="phoneRight">Sure. How long will you be?</span>
<span class ="phoneLeft">I should be there in 10. See you soon.</span>
You slide you phone back into your pocket and make your way to your front door. You head inside to the kitchen and spend the time you have to make some food. As you are finishing off your pasta you hear a knock on the front door. Opening the front door, you see Cassandra standing there with a box in her arms. You wave her in, and you head up to your room.
<<say $cass>> "I figured that you would need some clothes for the week. I brought a bunch of my old stuff, they should fit fine."<</say>> She opens the box to show you a variety of different female clothing.
<img src = "img/day2/clothesbox.jpg" height ="480px" width ="720px">
<<say $pc>> "Uh, thanks, I guess. Is there anything else?" <</say>>
<<say $cass>> "Right, one more thing." <</say>> She reaches into her pocket and produces a purple glass bottle. It looks like a perfume bottle or something similar only slightly larger. <<say $cass>>"This is a magical object called a Holding Reservoir. It is small but it can hold about 50 liters of liquid in it. It also preserves anything you put in it, so it won't spoil. I figured it might be useful for, uh, your, um, ingredient gathering." <</say>> Blushing he holds the bottle out to you.
<img src = "img/day2/reservous.jpg">
You gently take it from her, uncorking it you look inside and see just a black void. Recorking it you set it down on your desk.
<<say $pc>> "Thanks, that will definitely come in handy." <</say>>
<<say $cass>> "Well, that’s everything. I hope your day was fine. I should, uh, go."<</say>>
She gives a nod and begins to leave you could talk to her more or just let her go…
<span id = "choice"><<link "Today was interesting…">>
<<replace "#choice">>
<<say $pc>> "Today was interesting and exhausting."<</say>> Cassandra pauses in the doorway and turns back to look at you.
<<say $cass>> "Yeah, I bet. I don't know what I would do if my world was flipped upside down like yours."<</say>>
<<say $pc>> "Finding out that magic exists would have been more than enough for me but this new body and planning for a ritual. I'm kinda out of my element here." <</say>> You sit down on the edge of your bed. In truth it is nice to be able to talk about all this crazy shit with.
<<say $cass>> "It must be rough"<</say>> Cassandra takes a few steps close to you before stopping. <<say $cass>> "If it might help, I could teach you a few things about the world of magic. Maybe go over the ritual to help you feel more comfortable." <</say>>
Understanding exactly what is going on might end up being pretty helpful and make you a little more comfortable about Sunday's ritual.
<<say $pc>> "Sure, that sounds great." <</say>>
<<say $cass>> "Alright, how about after school some day this week. You can come over to my house and I can explain some things to you."<</say>>
<<say $pc>> "Alright, yeah. Sounds like a plan. I'll let you know when I can come." <</say>>
Cassandra nods and give you a smile. Before heading back over to the door.
<<say $cass>> "Everything is gonna be fine $pc.nameF. Get some rest."<</say>>
She disappeared from the doorway and you are left alone in your room. You begin to unpack the things in the box and <<if $cum > 0>> transfer any essence you have collected over the course of the day into the Reservoir before placing it safely in your bag. <<else>> take the Reservoir and place it safely in your bag. <</if>> Now to decide what to do [[with the rest of your night…|Day2_AtHomeNight]]
Talking with Cassandra has earned you <span class ="aff">+10 Affection </span>and <span class ="love">+2 Love.</span> <<set $cass.aff += 10>><<set $ +=2>>
<<link "Let her go…">>
<<replace "#choice">>
She heads out the door way and you are left alone in your room. You begin to unpack the things in the box and <<if $cum > 0>> transfer any essence you have collected over the course of the day into the Reservoir before placing it safely in your bag. <<else>> take the Reservoir and place it safely in your bag. <</if>> Now to decide what to do [[with the rest of your night…|Day2_AtHomeNight]]<</replace>><</link>></span>
<<set $currentTime += 1>>
You have a few hours to kill before its time to sleep you have to decide what to do with the rest of your night.
<span id ="choice"><<link "You could play some video games…">>
<<replace "#choice">>
<img src = "img/day2/mario.gif" height ="480px" width ="720px">
You flip on your TV and boot up your favorite game. You kill the next hour or so making some progress through the game before you begin to feel sleepy. You turn the TV back off and crawl into bed. Sleep slowly takes hold of you...
<<link "You could watch some TV on your computer…">>
<<replace "#choice">>
<<videoM "img/day2/TV.mp4">><</videoM>>
You boot up your computer and head to your streaming service. You watch a few episodes of your favorite show before you begin to feel sleepy. Turning off your computer you crawl into bed. Sleep slowly take hold of you...
<<link "You could try and do some research into magic…">>
<<replace "#choice">>
<img src = "img/day2/computer.jpg" height ="480px" width ="720px">
You slide up to your computer and turn it on. You open your search browser and begin to put in some general search terms about magic in your area. You don't find much, some old historical references about witchcraft in America, some weird Satanists cult scares from the 70's and a bunch of new age shops that have opened in the area. Nothing similar to what has happened to your or any creditable references to the witches you know. After awhile you begin to feel sleepy and shut down your computer. Crawling into bed you feel sleep slowly take hold of you... <<set $magicResearch +=1>>
<<link "You could do your homework…">>
<<replace "#choice">>
<img src = "img/day2/homework.jpg" height ="480px" width ="720px">
You grab your school books and open them up on your desk. Of all the things you have done today this is the most normal. Its strangely comforting, despite all the crazy shit you have gone through you are doing homework like a normal person. It doesn't take you long to finish and by the end you actually feel a little better about you whole situation. You crawl into bed and let sleep take hold of you...
<<link "You could explore your new body some more, maybe masturbate…">>
<<replace "#choice">>
You lay down on you bed and slowly run your hands down your new body. Your hands brush gently over your new breasts, trail down your smooth stomach and brush against the crotch of your pants. You feel a heat begin to build in your stomach. You pause to quickly remove all your clothes before you are left naked on the blankets of your bed. <<if $pc.tag.sexualExp == "Virgin">> You awkwardly move you hands up to your breasts and give them a squeeze. You have never experienced a woman's body from the other side of this dynamic and are unsure of how to start. <<else>> While you are not unfamiliar with the female body you are not really sure what to do here. <</if>> You slowly move your hand around your new breasts and give them gentle squeezes marveling at how good they feel. Slowly your hands make their way down to your new equipment below.
<<videoM "img/day2/masturbait.mp4">><</videoM>>
Your hands run over the lips of your new vagina sending a shiver up your entire body. You gently use tow of your fingers to spread your lips using your middle finger to stroke between them. You feel the warm, wet, flesh beneath your finger tips and let out a low soft moan at the thrill of pleasure that sparks up your body. Emboldened you take all three fingers and run them along the length of your pussy. You shake slightly at a shock of pleasure as your fingers brush over what you can only assume is the clit. Having found a suitable source of pleasure you begin to rub your fingers against it in earnest. You push your face into the pillows to stifle your moans as you begin to vigorously pleasure yourself.
It does not take long before you feel your new pleasures coming to a climax. You clench your whole body together as waves of pleasure wash over you. You slam your face into the pillow as you let out a long soft moan before your entire body collapses into the bed. Satisfied in the warm after glow of your orgasm you lay on your bed panting. With shaky legs you quickly turn off you light before slumping into your bed and drifting off to sleep...
<<if $intUp>> <span class = "int">Your Intellect has increased!</span><<set $ += 1>><</if>>
<<if $athUp>><span class = "ath">Your Athletics has increased!</span><<set $pc.ath += 1>><</if>>
<<if $btyUp>><span class = "bty">Your Beauty has increased!</span><<set $pc.bty += 1>><</if>>
<<if $chaUp>><span class = "cha">Your Charisma has increased!</span><<set $pc.cha += 1>><</if>>
<<set $energy to 4>>
[[Continue|Day2_Dreams]] <<set $marcusLine +=1>><<set $visitedMarcus = true>>You send Marcus a quick text letting him know that you will be coming over before starting up your car and beginning the drive over. On the way you begin to think of ways you might be able to convince him that you are who you say you are. You have the car, your phone and wallet, but you could be a crazy woman who stole all that. You decide to hit him with some memories of your past that should convince him. You pull into his drive, park, and then head up to his door. You give three quick raps on the door and then wait.
After a few minutes pass the door swings open to reveal Marcus a smile on his face, his smile slowly changes to confusion as he sees you.
<<say $marcus>> "Uh, hello miss. Can I help you with something?"<</say>>
<<say $pc>> "Hey, Marcus. It's me, I just texted you. Its $pc.maleNameF."<</say>> He squints at you before looking you up and down.
<<say $marcus>> "Damn, you even look like him. How much is he paying you for this little prank?"<</say>> You sigh, guess it won't be that easy.
<<say $pc>> "Look, alright, why don't you just let me in, and I will explain."<</say>> He gives you another squint before taking a step back and in a wide sweep of his arms gestures you in.
You walk through the door, kick off your shoes and head instinctively towards the living room. Marcus follows in behind you. You reach the center of the room and then pace back a few steps, coming up with a way to make him understand.
<<if $pc.tag.background == "Nerd">>
<<say $pc>> "Remember back in fifth grade when we both licked raw chicken because we thought it would make us sick and then we could skip school and play video games all day?"<</say>> Marcus sits down on the couch and crosses his arms his eyes narrowing.
<<say $marcus>> "Yeah sure, we were sick for a week, didn't end up playing many video games. Looks like $pc.maleNameF has set you up with some good stories. I'm game, alright, if you are $pc.maleNameF then you would know what game it was that we wanted to play hooky to play."<</say>>
<<say $pc>> "Easy, Catchet and Rank: Livefree, we played that game all the time back then." <</say>> Marcus leans back and rubs his chin.
<<say $marcus>> "Alright then, in Mrs. Samuels class what did we make for our final assignment?"<</say>>
<<say $pc>> "We modified one of our Nerf guns to shoot lawn darts, we nearly got expelled for that."<</say>>
Marcus' jaw slowly opens, his hand covers his mouth. Slowly his eyebrows raise, then lower, the raise again. He leans forward on the couch his hands crossing in front of his mouth and his brow narrowing.
<<say $pc>> "Dude, its me. Its really me." <</say>> He looks up at you again. Then slowly his eyes go wide.<</if>>
<<say $marcus>> "What the fuck, man. You're a fucking girl! What? How? Wha…"<</say>>
<<say $pc>> "It’s a bit of a long story… you got anything to drink…"<</say>>
<<set $visitedSmith = true>>You walk into your math classroom to see Mr. Smith sitting behind his desk and no other students in the room. As you enter Mr. Smith glances up at you from the papers in front of him.
<<say $smit>> "Ah, Miss $pc.nameL, go you are here. I was wonder whether you would skip out or not." <</say>> He gets up and moves around to the front of his desk as you sit down at one of the desks at the front. He looks you up and down, you see a strange look in his eyes as they linger longer then normal on your chest.
<<say $smit>> "You see Miss $pc.nameL it is my job to make sure you are ready for your exams next week and you being a new student and all I think you are going to have to work extra hard to get all caught up. If todays performance is any indication you need a lot of work. So, I have set aside some study material for you, shouldn't take you more than two hours or so to work through."<</say>>
Two hours! That is gonna eat up a lot of time, if you are doing this every day you might not be able to get everything for Sunday. He sets a stack of papers on the desk in front of you. The leans back against his desk with a smug smile on his face.
<<say $smit>> "Of course, there might be a way we can come to another agreement. If you are willing to show off some of your… other skills."<</say>> His gaze drifts back down to your chest.
It is pretty clear what he is insinuating. Are you going to show a little skin to get out of here quicker or do you bite the bullet and do the work he has given you…?
[[Show him your tits|SmithTutor_FirstVisit-Grope]]
[[Do the work|SmithTutor_FirstVisit-Work]]
<<set $smithLine += 1>>A while later you finally finish the story of everything that happened to turn you this way, up until you waking up this morning. You take a long drink of water and glace sideways at Marcus sitting there a little dumbfounded.
<<say $marcus>> "So, magic is real. Witches are real. Cassandra fucking Bakear is a witch. And she turned you into a woman. I'm getting this right?"<</say>>
<<say $pc>> "It was more of an accident but yeah, that’s the gist of it."<</say>>
<<say $marcus>> "Dude, what the fuck. This is crazy. What are you gonna do? Can she turn you back?" <</say>>
<<say $pc>> "Actually yes. She gave me a list of ingredients for a spell she thinks will be able to turn me back to normal. But it has to be done under a full moon, so Sunday, which means I'm like this all week."<</say>>
<<say $marcus>> "Man that’s some shit. What are you gonna do all week? Do you need help with anything?" <</say>>
<<say $pc>> "I'm gonna find these ingredients and lay low. Once Sunday comes around, I'll be back to normal and I can forget this whole thing."<</say>> Although, speaking of ingredients maybe Marcus can help with collecting a certain ingredient…
[[Ask Marcus for Help with collecting sperm|MarcusHome_FirstVisit-Collection]]
[[Don't ask for his help|MarcusHome_FirstVisit-NoHelp]]<<set $marcusRoute = "help">><<say $pc>> "There is one thing you might be able to help with though. One of the ingredients I need to collect is…uh…a little hard to come by."<</say>>
<<say $marcus>> "Yeah sure man, anything. Do you need me to get some chemicals from work or something?" <</say>>
<<say $pc>> "No, nothing like that. Its uh… male essence, and a lot of it."<</say>>
Marcus looks at you a little confused for a moment. Then you see the realization dawn on his face.
<<say $marcus>> "Like, "male essence" as in your known, semen?" <</say>>
You nod.
<<say $marcus>> "So you want me to like… cum in a cup for you or something?" <</say>>
You nod.
<<say $marcus>> "Yeah…yeah, sure I can do that. How much do you need exactly?" <</say>>
<<say $pc>> "One liter." <</say>> Marcus lets out a snort of laughter. Then seeing that you are serious leans forward putting his elbows on his knees.
<<say $marcus>> "Look man, I'm not shooting dust or anything, but I think I might die from dehydration if I attempt to cum that much."<</say>>
<<say $pc>> "I know, what ever you can give me is fine. I will find a way to get the rest."<</say>> As soon as you say that Marcus give you a very strange look that fades almost as soon as it appears. He then clears his throat and stand up.
<<say $marcus>> "Well then. I better get to work. Feel free to play some games or something. I'll be back in a jiff."<</say>> He heads off towards his room and you awkwardly turn on the TV.
You sit back in the chair and stonily watch a rerun of some old show on the TV not really able to focus on it with the knowledge of what you friend is doing in the next room burning in the back of your mind. It doesn't help that you can hear the soft sound of porn coming from Marcus' bedroom door. You sit for a few more minutes, the awkward tension building the sound of the porn seaming to get louder and louder. You glace over your shoulder at where Marcus went and see the door to his room open just the tiniest bit. A though flashes through your mind…
<span id = "choice"><<link "Go peek">>
<<replace "#choice">>
You slowly get up and as quietly as possible move your way across the room till you are right beside the door. Closer now you can hear rustling, skin slapping skin, and soft grunts coming from inside. You feel a strange heat begin to grow in your stomach. You lean forward and glace through the gap in the door. You let out a soft gasp.
<<set $marcusPeeked to true>>
<<videoM "img/day2/marcusMasturbate.mp4">><</videoM>>
Through the slit in the door you can see Marcus, completely naked, seated in front of his computer. His toned naked body covered with a very think sheen of sweat and clasped in one of his hands in the biggest cock you've ever seen. Marcus pumps away over the massive tower of flesh running his hand down its thick dark shaft and gently moving his thumb over the bulbous purple head. That thing is massive, there is no way your hands would even fit around it. You pause. Why did you even think that? You shake your head.
Inside the room you hear Marcus let out a soft grunt and his body begins to tense. You watch mesmerized as his free hand lunges forward and grabs a small tupperware contain with powerful spurts he blasts his cum into it. You watch his dick pulsate and twitch with each blast, the strange warmth in your stomach becoming more powerful with each spurt.
<<videoM "img/day2/MarcusCum.mp4">><</videoM>>
In a moment of clarity as the last spurt hits the edge of the container you remember what you are doing and quick retreat to your chair.
A few minutes later Marcus return, cum filled container in one hand. He slowly approaches you and then awkwardly pauses before holding out the container. You take it in your hands trying your best not to look at it, but still catching a glimpse of how full it is out the corner of your eye.
<<say $marcus>> "Well uh, there you are. I hope it helps" <</say>> Marcus stands there, hands at his side. You feel the heat of the container's contents even through the plastic. It is so distracting. The heat in your belly still not gone.
<<say $pc>> "Yeah, thanks. There's a lot of it."<</say>> You pause your sentence, feeling heat beginning to rush to your face. Marcus give you another strange look. You begin to see a tent forming in the shorts he is now wearing. <<say $pc>>"But, it won't be enough. Do you think you could do this again tomorrow?" <</say>>
<<say $marcus>> Yeah, sure. Tomorrow then."<</say>> You nod. Then wishing to be free of the awkward tension of the room you head to the door. You slip the container into your backpack before putting on your shoes and heading out the door.
<<say $pc>> "See you tomorrow."<</say>> You say with a wave. Marcus waves back from the doorway as you get into your car. As you pull out of the driveway you let out a deep breath you hadn't even realized you had been holding in. Well. That was awkward, [[where to next.|Day2_ActionsHub]]
Having Marcus help you has gained you <span class = "aff">+15 Affection </span>and <span class ="love">+10 Love.</span><<set $marcus.aff += 15>><<set $ +=10>><<set $marcusPeeked to true>>
<<set $cum += 14>>
<span id="remove">
<<link "Collect Cum!">><</link>>
<<replace '#tooltip'>><<notify>> You've gained 14ml of cum!
<meter class="cumTrack" @value="$cum" min="0" max="1000"></meter><</notify>><</replace>>
<<replace '#tooltip'>><<replace'#remove'>><</replace>><</replace>>
<<link "Stay seated">>
<<replace "#choice">>
You decide spying on your friend may not be the best idea, so you stay seated. Ten more minutes pass before the sounds of porn stop and the door to Marcus' room open. Marcus slowly approaches you and then awkwardly pauses before holding out a container. You take it in your hands trying your best not to look at it, but still catching a glimpse of how full it is out the corner of your eye.
<<say $marcus>> "Well uh, there you are. I hope it helps" <</say>> Marcus stands there, hands at his side. You feel the heat of the container's contents even through the plastic. You feel a strange flutter in your stomach
<<say $pc>> "Yeah, thanks. There's a lot of it."<</say>> You pause your sentence feeling heat beginning to rush to your face. Marcus give you another strange look. You begin to see a tent forming in the shorts he is now wearing. <<say $pc>> But, it won't be enough. Do you think you could do this again tomorrow?" <</say>>
<<say $marcus>> "Yeah, sure. Tomorrow then."<</say>>You nod. Then wishing to be free of the awkward tension of the room you head to the door. You slip the container into your backpack before putting on your shoes and heading out the door.
<<say $pc>> "See you tomorrow."<</say>> You say with a wave. Marcus waves back from the doorway as you get into your car. Well. That was awkward, [[where to next.|Day2_ActionsHub]]
Having Marcus help you has gained you <span class = "aff">+10 Affection </span>and <span class ="love">+10 Love.</span><<set $marcus.aff += 10>><<set $ +=10>>
<<set $cum += 14>>
<span id="remove">
<<link "Collect Cum!">><</link>>
<<replace '#tooltip'>><<notify>> You've gained 14ml of cum!
<meter class="cumTrack" @value="$cum" min="0" max="1000"></meter><</notify>><</replace>>
<<replace '#tooltip'>><<replace'#remove'>><</replace>><</replace>>
<<say $pc>> "I don't think there is anything you can help me with right now. Why don't we just play some games, to get my mind off things."<</say>>
Marcus give you a nod and turns on the TV. You spend the next little while playing some games together and relaxing. Soon you feel like you should head out and do something else, so you say your goodbyes and head back to your car. [[Now to decide what to do next.|Day2_ActionsHub]]
Hanging out with Marcus has gained you <span class ="aff">+5 Affection.</span><<set $marcus.aff += 5>>
You have some time left. What to do...
<<if !$marcusEnd>><<if !$visitedMarcus>><<if $energy > 0>>You can go [[visit Marcus|!Marcus Checker]], explain the situation to him. He might be able to help you out.<<else>><span class ="deadLink">You can go visit Marcus, explain the situation to him. He might be able to help you out.</span> You are out of energy.<</if>><</if>><</if>>
<<if !$smithEnd>><<if !$visitedSmith>><<if $passedTest == false and $energy > 0>>
You should [[go see Mr. Smith|!Smith Checker]], otherwise he could cause you a lot of trouble at the school.<<elseif $passedTest == false and $energy <= 0>><span class ="deadLink">You should go see Mr. Smith, otherwise he could cause you a lot of trouble at the school.</span> You are out of energy.<</if>><</if>><</if>>
<<if $currentDay == 4 && $cheerLine == 3>><<if !$cheerEnd>><<if !$visitedCheer>><<if $invitedToCheer and $energy > 0>>You can [[take up Jessica's offer|!Cheer Checker]] of going to cheerleading practice, a little physical activity might perk you up.<<elseif $invitedToCheer and $energy <= 0 >><span class ="deadLink">You can take up Jessica's offer of going to cheerleading practice, a little physical activity might perk you up.</span><</if>><</if>><</if>><<elseif $currentDay != 4>><<if !$cheerEnd>><<if !$visitedCheer>><<if $invitedToCheer and $energy > 0>>You can [[take up Jessica's offer|!Cheer Checker]] of going to cheerleading practice, a little physical activity might perk you up.<<elseif $invitedToCheer and $energy <= 0 >><span class ="deadLink">You can take up Jessica's offer of going to cheerleading practice, a little physical activity might perk you up.</span><</if>><</if>><</if>><<else>> The cheerleaders are probably busy with the football team. If you were closer to them maybe you'd be invited too.<</if>>
<<if !$shopEnd>><<if !$visitedShop>><<if $energy > 0>>You can [[go visit the Magic Shop|!Shop Checker]] that Cassandra told you about, get a jump on the ingredients.<<else>><span class ="deadLink">You can go visit the Magic Shop that Cassandra told you about, get a jump on the ingredients.</span> You are out of energy.<</if>><</if>><</if>>
<<if !$coleEnd>><<if !$visitedCole>><<if $invitedToCole and $energy >0>>You can go [[home and hang out with Cole.|!Cole Checker]]<<elseif $invitedToCole and $energy <= 0>><span class ="deadLink">You can go home and hang out with Cole.</span> You are out of energy.<</if>><</if>><</if>>
<<if !$beccEnd>><<if !$visitedBecc>><<if $invitedToBecc and $energy >0>>You can go [[study with Rebecca.|!Rebecca Checker]]<<elseif $invitedToBecc and $energy <= 0>><span class ="deadLink">You can go study with Rebecca.</span> You are out of energy.<</if>><</if>><</if>>
<<if !$esmeEnd>><<if !$visitedEsme>><<if $invitedToEsme and $energy >0>>You can go [[talk to Esmerelda|!Esme Checker]] about this whole mess.<<elseif $invitedToEsme and $energy <=0>><span class ="deadLink">You can go talk to Esmerelda about this whole mess.</span> You are out of energy.<</if>><</if>><</if>>
<<if !$hasFetish>><<if $fetishCreated and $energy > 0>>You can go [[get your "art" from Mrs. Yiin.|YiinArt]]<<elseif $fetishCreated and $energy <= 0>><span class ="deadLink"> You can go get your "art" from Mrs. Yiin.</span> You are out of energy.<</if>><</if>>
[[Go Home (ends actions)|DayFinder]]<<set $smithRoute = "favours">><<say $pc>> "I think we can come to an agreement." <</say>> You get to your feet and stand in front of Mr. Smith. You can't believe you are actually going to do this, but the alternatives seem to be losing valuable time to prepare for the ritual or failing math, neither of which bode well for your future. Mr. Smith smiles lewdly and licks his lips in anticipation.
You have no skill in strip teases, so you unceremoniously grab the bottom of your shirt and yank it up over your head. Without a bra your bare tits are exposed to the cold air and the gaze of Mr. Smith.
<<videoM "img/day2/showtits.mp4">><</videoM>>
<<say $smit>> "Oh ho! No bra. My, my. Miss $pc.nameL I had you pegged for an idiot but I didn't take you for a slut."<</say>> You open your mouth to defend yourself against the surprising assault of insults but Mr. Smith cuts you off.
<<say $smit>> "Ah, ah I don't mean that in a bad way. A woman is free to do what they want with their body. And with a body like yours I'm sure you get a lot of boys wanting to do whatever they want to it."<</say>>
<<videoM "img/day2/gropetits.mp4">><</videoM>>
Despite the atmosphere and the lecherous grin of Mr. Smith the cold air of the room begins to cause your nipples to perk up along side that you begin to feel a strange sensation growing in your stomach. Deciding you have had just about enough of this you reach for your shirt at the same time you feel a warm prod on your breast. You freeze, looking down to see Mr. Smith's hand gently cusping the underside of your boob. He seems to take your hesitation as invitation and reaches out with his other hand to cusp your other tit. His hands begin to not some gently grope your tits, squeezing, massaging, and prodding them.
You stand there frozen and he continues to molest your breasts. You did strip in front of him this was bound to happen. His thumb flicks over your nipple and you gasp in surprise from the spike of pleasure. Mr. Smith picking up on your sensitive nipples repeats the process now with both thumbs. The heat in your belly begins to grow and you feel the warmth travel down to your groin. Mr. smith's fingers in unison snake up your tits and with his finger and thumb he pulls at your nipples. A mix of pain and pleasure fill your body before he lets go, flicks your nipples one last times, then gets to his feet. You see a tent in his pants as he crosses around to the back of his desk.
<<say $smit>> "That will be all for today. I will see you again tomorrow. Have a good night."<</say>>
You are suddenly aware of your nakedness, standing in the middle of the classroom shirtless, flushed, and panting slightly. You quickly pull your shirt down over your head holding back moans as you pull it down over your sensitive nipples. Flustered you grab your things and rush out the door. As you walk to the car you grab a drink at one of the fountains, splashing the cold water on your face. What the hell is wrong with you? You just got groped by your math teacher and… liked it?
You shake the water from your face and hop in your car. At least it saved you’re a few hours, [[now what to do next.|Day2_ActionsHub]]
Allowing Mr. Smith to play with your tits has earned you <span class ="aff">+10 Affection</span> and <span class ="love">+10 Love.</span><<set $smit.aff += 10>><<set $ += 10>>
Not only that but it took no time at all leaving you with more time for other activities! <<set $energy +=1>>
<<set $smithSex += 1>><img src = "img/day2/homework.jpg" height ="480px" width ="720px">
You sigh and pull out your pencil grabbing the first sheet of paper and getting to work. Seeming a little saddened by your choice Mr. Smith makes his way around his desk and continues marking his papers. You slave away at the work sheets which seem to be way above even the math you do understand. Every once in a while, you catch Mr. Smith admiring you from his desk but other than that the time passes by without incident. After two hours you finally finish and pack up your things. As you leave you catch Mr. Smith admiring your rear before calling out.
<<say $smit>> "I'll be seeing your tomorrow, Miss $pc.nameL."<</say>>
Despite everything you do feel like you have learned something. With some much time lost to that bullshit you decide on [[what to do next.|Day2_ActionsHub]]
Your make up period seems to have worked; <span class ="int">you get a little bit smarter.</span><<set $intUp to true>>
<<set $cheerLine +=1>><<set $visitedCheer = true>>You make your way out to the back field of the school where you begin to hear the shouts and whistles of practice. Out on the field you see the members of the football team in the beginnings of their drills, you catch a sight of Doug in his uniform doing some stretches. At the edge of the field you see the group of cheerleaders also beginning to prepare for their practice. Jessica is standing in front of all of them shouting out commands, as you approach, she gives you a wave and you head up to stand beside her.
<<say $jess>> "$pc.nameF you made it! Alright everybody, this is $pc.nameF $pc.nameL she will be joining us for our last couple practices. She is new here so be nice." <</say>>
You give a slight wave and the other cheer leaders respond with warm smiles and welcomes. You are honestly surprised with how nice they are. Jessica has always been such a bitch you, you had just assumed all cheerleaders were like that.
<<say $jess>> "$pc.nameF why don't you go get changed, there is a few spare uniforms in the locker room that you can use. We are gonna get started, so hurry." <</say>>
You nod as Jessica begins going through some basic stretches with the group. As much as you would like to enjoy the view you decide to go get changed. Making your way across the field you head inside and then into the girl's locker room.
You take a few tentative steps into the coveted scared space of boyhood dreams. To your surprise it is nearly identical to the boy's room, although not all of mirrors are smashed and the lockers less dented. You see a box of clothes on one of the benches and begin to sift through it before you find some in your size. You quickly change and then head back out to the field.
By the time you make it back you find the cheerleaders already in full swing of warmups, stretching and loosening up their bodies. You slip into the back and begin to mirror Jessica's movements as best you can. <<if $pc.ath >=5>> The stretching is not too strenuous, and thankfully this body has retained your general fitness. By the end of the ten minutes of warmups you are slightly sweating but feeling invigorated.<<else>> The stretching is not too strenuous but your body has retained you lacking physicality and by the end of the ten minutes of warmups you are drenched in sweat and panting. <</if>>
<<videoM "img/miscDay/cheerOne.mp4">><</videoM>>
<<say $jess>> "Alright everyone now we are gonna work on our team work. Find a partner and we are gonna run through some lifts. <</say>> The girls around you immediately begin to pair off and not to your surprise you are left unpartnered. Jessica approaches you and smiles.
<<say $jess>> "Alright newbie, lets see what you are made of."<</say>> After a short explanation you get the gist of what are supposed to do. Run, then get lifted by your partner, kick out your feet, land back down. Simple right?
Jess takes the role of lifter first as you run jump and feel her hands around your waist hoisting you into the air. You are surprised by her strength as you fly into the air. Unfortunately, your surprise means you miss your cue to kick and end up awkwardly flailing your legs in the air before a stumbling landing. Jess gives you a few quick pointers before you switch roles.
Jess runs at you and springs into the air, you reach out and grab for her waist. <<if $pc.ath >=5>>You firmly grasp her around the waist and hoist her up. Her legs kick out at the perfect angles to kick up her skirt, just enough so that it fully shows off her thick toned thighs. From your unique position just beneath her you catch a glimpse of her white silk panties flashing under her skirt. You release and she lands gracefully on the other side of you before popping up and smiling back at you.
<<videoM "img/miscDay/cheerTwo.mp4">><</videoM>>
<<say $jess>> "Whoa $pc.nameF you've got some strength there. We might be able to make a cheerer out of you yet. Let's try that again. This time release me a little sooner."<</say>>
You spend the next hour or so practicing with girls and by the end of it you are tried and sweaty but also strangely proud of the new moves you have learned. As the training ends you catch a glance of the football players watching your from across the field. You suddenly feel quite naked in your shirt skirt and tight top and are happy to follow the other cheerleaders [[back to the locker room.|Cheerleading_FirstVisit-Part2]]
Training with Jessica has gained you <span class="aff">+10 Affection</span> and <span class="love">+5 Love.</span><<set $jess.aff += 10>><<set $ += 5>>
Training with the cheerleaders has gained you <span class="aff">+10 Affection</span> with Doug.
<<else>> Your hands clench around her waist but you are caught off balance by the unexpected weight you now hold. You try and keep your balance but end up swinging with her momentum and crashing to the ground pulling Jess down with you. You feel the grassy turf crash into your and then a warm soft impact on top of you. You open you eyes to the sight of Jessica straddling you her hair tumbling around her face. Normally this would be the beginning of a wet dream but all you can focus on it’s the pressure and pain on your stomach where she sits. She rolls off you and gets up, her face going cold as she looks down at you.
<<videoM "img/miscDay/cheerTwo.mp4">><</videoM>>
<<say $jess>> "Looks like I might have over estimated you. We will try something a little easier."<</say>>
You spend the next hour or so practicing with girls and by the end of it you are tried and sweaty but also strangely proud of the new moves you have learned. As the training ends you catch a glance of the football players watching your from across the field. You suddenly feel quite naked in your shirt skirt and tight top and are happy to follow the other cheerleaders [[back to the locker room.|Cheerleading_FirstVisit-Part2]]
Training with Jessica has gained you <span class="aff">+5 Affection</span>.<<set $jess.aff += 5>>
Training with the cheerleaders has gained you <span class="aff">+10 Affection</span> with Doug.<</if>><<set $doug.aff += 10>>
By the time you enter the locker room some of the girls are already topless other beginning to strip as you make your way to your locker. You feel your pulse begin to quicken as you take in all the nudity around you. You pull of your own shirt and undo your skirt before dropping it and reaching for your clothes out of the locker. Suddenly you feel a sharp skin on your ass and a clap echoes through the locker room. You feel a and squeeze tight on your new sizable ass cheek you look behind you to see one of the girl's hand firm planted on your ass. She gives you another squeeze before letting go and give you a lighter slap.
<<videoM "img/miscDay/cheerSlap.mp4">><</videoM>>
<<say $npcf>> "You better watch out Jess. I saw Doug checking out this new piece of ass out there. He might go chasing after the new meat if you aren't careful." <</say>>
You blush profusely as you scramble to get dressed as all the eyes in the room turn to focus on you. Jess slowly makes her way over to you then stops looking your up and down in your half-dressed state.
<<say $jess>> "She is Doug's types, I don't know I might have to convince him let her join us in bed. Although, I doubt she'd be able to handle him."<</say>>
<<videoM "img/miscDay/cheerSlap2.mp4">><</videoM>>
She then smacks your other ass check as the girls laugh around you. Confused and slightly aroused you finished getting dressed and hurry out of the locker room. Despite your sore cheeks the glimpse of heaven in the locker room was more than worth it.
You hop in your car and decide [[where to head next.|Day2_ActionsHub]]
Participating in cheer practice has improved your physique; <span class = "ath"> you feel a little stronger.</span><<set $athUp = true>><<set $shopLine +=1>><<set $visitedShop = true>>You drive over the mall and park in its mostly empty parking lot. Even currently of day nobody really comes out this old mall. Most of the shops have moved to the bigger nearby cities leaving the mall an empty husk of its former self. Following Cassandra's instructions, you head to the area between the Bed, Bath, and Beyond and the glass boutique. To your surprise there is a shop nestled snuggly between the two. All your life you had though this was an empty storefront but now there is a large brightly colored sign and vibrant show windows filled with all manner of trinkets and spiritual objects.
<img src = "img/locations/magicshop.jpg" height ="480px" width ="720px">
Above the door the sign reads "Magic World – For all your magical needs".
You push open the door and head inside a small bell dinging as you walk through the entrance. Inside your nose is assailed with the smells of incenses and herbs, the shelves around you are filled with softly glowing orbs, wooden wands, talismans, and statuettes. You take a few steps deeper into the shop taken in by the oddities all around you.
<img src = "img/day2/magicshopinterior.jpg" height ="480px" width ="720px">
<<say $arth>> "Can I help you miss?"<</say>> You nearly jump out of your skin and bump into a shelf nearby spending some glass orbs tumbling off the shelf and towards the ground. Just as they are about to shatter on the floor, they freeze midair. You stare in amazement as they float back to their positions. You glance towards the source of the voice and see a tall well-dressed man just lowering his hand. He smiles at you.
<<say $arth>> "Please try to be more careful. Somethings in this shop are not replaceable."<</say>> He clasps his hands behind his back and moves around you to stand behind the stores coutner.
<<say $pc>> "Sorry."<</say>> You mumble as you approach the counter.
<<say $arth>> "Worry not. I should not have snuck up on you like that. You have my apologies."<</say>> He bows to you pulling his wide top hat off his head before straightening and placing it back in place. Examining him closer he looks more like a stage magician than anything with a dark purple twin coated tuxedo and top hat. <<say $arth>> "Now miss, my name is Arthur Verdenti and please tell me what I can help you with."<</say>>
<<if !$arth.hasMeet>> <span class ="system">You have meet Arthur for the first time! He has been added to your character viewer!</span><<set $arth.hasMeet = true>><</if>>
<<say $pc>> "Right, sorry. I'm kinda new to this whole thing. I was hoping you could help me find some ingredients. For a spell."<</say>>The man's eyebrows raise, and he spreads his hands out on the counter in front of him.
<<say $arth>> "I see. I'm afraid I may not be able to help you out if that is the case. You see I am restricted as to what I can sell. Especially to an unlicensed witch such as yourself."<</say>>
<<say $pc>> "Oh no, I'm not a witch."<</say>>
<<say $arth>> "I find that hard to believe. Only a witch would be able to find my shop."<</say>>
<<say $pc>> "My friend cast a spell on me that let me find the shop. She is going to be the one casting the spell. I'm just here to pick up the ingredients."<</say>>
<<say $arth>> "A friend? Casting magics on a lay person is a serious offence for a witch. She could get in a lot of trouble for what she has done."<</say>> The man glances around the store quickly before flicking out his hand. There is a whoosh of movement at the front door as the open sign flips from "Open" to "Close". The man then leans forward. <<say $arth>> "You wouldn't happen to have recently been involved in a magical accident at the local school, have you?"<</say>>
You are taken aback. How has this random man found out about that? Sure, maybe the magic community is small, but it has been less then 24 hours and the only people who know are Mr. Schoman, Cassandra, and that Circe woman.
<<say $pc>> "How did you hear about that?"<</say>>
<<say $arth>> "My dear, it is in my interests to know about the magical going ons in this town. I hear about an accident that turned a lay person into a girl and the next day a strange witch I've never met before comes into my shop. It is not hard to put two and two together."<</say>>
You guess he has a point. Its not too hard to figure out who you are.
<<say $pc>> "Well, yeah. I'm the one that got turned into a woman. Now I need some ingredients to turn myself back." <</say>>
<<say $arth>> "Of course and considering your circumstances I will help you out. I doubt that Circe will come kicking down my door for selling to you. However…"<</say>> He pauses and glances around the room again. <<say $arth>> "If you are interested, we may be able to help each other out, not only that, you might be able to get back at the witches that did this to you."<</say>>
His demeanor shifts ever so slightly. The warm stage like presences he had composed himself with drops and you get a glimpse of a cunning intellect glimmering in his eyes as he leans forward. For the first time it occurs to you that this could be a very dangerous man. However, what he is offering could be useful especially if Circe and Cassandra turn out not to be as trustworthy as they say…
[[I am interested|MagicShop_FirstVisit-Interest]]
[[Let's keep things just buisness|MagicShop_FirstVisit-Buisness]]
<<say $pc>>"You have my interest."<</say>>
<<say $arth>> "A good choice. Please follow me."<</say>> He leads you around the counter and into a back room behind a curtain of beads. The walls are lined with books, old looking paintings hang off the walls. Arthur walks around to a large desk and takes a seat removing his hat. He gestures to a chair across the desk. You sit.
<img src = "img/day2/study.jpg" height ="480px" width ="720px">
<<say $arth>>"Now I'm sure that there are many questions you have about magic and the witches in this town but let me start with a quick explanation of how things in this town work. Circe, who I believe you have met, is the Lady Supreme of this areas Coven, a coven that is part of a large organization known as the C.O.C. This organizations prime directive is making sure that magic remains a secret from the general populous mostly through regulating its use. The C.O.C. is primarily run by witches although there are some warlocks in it as well, they hold little power, like myself a humble magic item salesman. Now, do you see why this may be a problem for you?"<</say>>
<<say $pc>>"Uh, no not really."<</say>>
<<say $arth>>"You are a lay person who is aware of the existence of magic. Even if Circe wants to sweep you under the rug so that she doesn't catch flak from her superiors if they find out about you. It is over for you."<</say>>
Your eyes go wide. Over? As in dead? Would Circe really do that? Or not Circe, this shadowy organization he is talking about? C.O.C.? How else have they kept magic a secret for so long?
<<say $pc>>"Okay, so this C.O.C. is going to try and kill me? What can I do about it?"<</say>>
<<say $arth>> "I'm glad you asked. The solution is actually fairly simple. If you are a lay person who knows about magic, they will want you removed. However, if you have magic, there is not reason for them to be concerned."<</say>>
<<say $pc>> "Wait, so you are saying that in order to not get killed I have to become a witch?"<</say>>
<<say $arth>> "No I'm afraid that won't work. Witchcraft is based down through bloodlines, you either have it or you don't. But I can train you to be a warlock."<</say>>
<<say $pc>> "A warlock? Like you? And I'll be able to cast magic?"<</say>>
<<say $arth>> "Exactly. So, what do you say?"<</say>>
[[I'm in|MagicShop_FirstVisit-In]]
[[Sorry, this is all too much|MagicShop_FirstVisit-Out]]
[[I have some questions...|MagicShop_FirstVisit-Questions]]
<<say $pc>> "I think I will just take the ingredients."<</say>>
He straightens himself up and the glimmer in his eye disappears in an instant.
<<say $arth>> "Very well then. What is it that you need."<</say>>
You pull out the list Cassandra gave to you and unfold it. Looking it over you begin to read off the ingredients you think you might be able to get here.
<<say $pc>> "I need a brass brazier, a silver knife, sage, hickory, elm, hawthorn, quicksilver, Aqua Fortis, and a Sphere of Convalescence."<</say>> When you look up from the list you see things floating onto the counter from across the room. You see a brass brazier and several bundles of wood.
<<say $arth>> "The brazier, sage, hickory, elm, hawthorn. Unfortunately, I do not sell weapons so I cannot supply you with the knife you need. You would be better off looking for the Aqua Fortis in your chemistry class its lay name is Nitric Acid should not be too hard to find. As for quicksilver, I try to stay aware from it. Bad for the health. As for the Sphere of Convalescence I do not have on in stock, but I could order one. It should arrive within the next three months." <</say>>
Three months! That is way to long. If he doesn't have one, then who would?
<<say $pc>> "Do you know of anywhere else that might have the Sphere?"<</say>>
<<say $arth>> "They are rare magical artifacts. Some witches in town might have one in their collection but they are also exceedingly expensive. One will usually go for 20 to 30 thousand on the market so you might have trouble getting someone to part with theirs, even if it is just for one spell."<</say>>
<<say $pc>> "I see. Well thank you for the help. I will buy the rest of this."<</say>>
Arthur nods and begins to ring you up. You pay him and he packages everything in a non-descript brown bag for you. As you are heading to leave you calls out to you.
<<say $arth>> "If you ever become interested in learning more about the world you have fallen into, please, do come by. Good luck."<</say>>
You leave the shop and head back to your car. In one stop you've covered more then half the ingredients. Not too bad for a day's work.
[[Now onto the next stop.|Day2_ActionsHub]]
You have acquired a brass brazier. <<set $hasBrazier to true>>
You have acquired sage.
You have acquired hickory.
You have acquired elm.
You have acquired hawthorn. <<set $hasWood to true>>
<<set $shopEnd to true>><<set $shopRoute = "student">><<say $pc>> "I'm in. Teach me magic."<</say>>
<<say $arth>> "Very good. Now this can be very dangerous so we must establish some rules. But first, follow me."<</say>>
He gets up from the desk and walks over to one of the bookshelves. With a wave of his hand three books pull half out of the shelf, then the whole thing swings forward on hinges revealing a staircase going down. How cliché. Arthur walks down the stairs and you follow him down into a large stone room.
<img src = "img/day2/magicShopBasement.jpg" height ="480px" width ="720px">
One wall is lined with books, another with chemistry supplies, breakers, and tubes. The center of the room is clear of clutter and filled with a giant sand pit. The far wall has chains, whips, and collars hanging from it. Its like a mix between a study, a dojo, and a BDSM dungeon.
<<say $arth>> "This is where we will be training, no one will disturb us down here, and its insulated enough that no one will here you. Now for the rules:
Rule 1: While you are my student you will do everything I say. This could be the difference between life and death so do not question me in the moment. You are free to question me after, but you must do as I say immediately and without question while we are training.
Rule 2: While you are my student you will call me Master or Master Verdenti. I will call you apprentice.
Rule 3: You will not tell anyone about these classes.
If you break any of these rules our tutoring is at an end. Are we clear?"<</say>>
<<say $pc>> "Yes."<</say>>
<<say $arth>> "Yes what?"<</say>>
<<say $pc>> "Yes, Master."<</say>>
<<say $arth>> "Good. Now we don't have time and I am not prepared today. Come back tomorrow and we can begin. The ingredients you need will be prepared and then you are free to go."<</say>>
With that you head up to the shop and Arthur begins gathering your ingredients.
<<say $arth>> "The brazier, sage, hickory, elm, and hawthorn. Unfortunately, I do not sell weapons so I cannot supply you with the knife you need. You would be better off looking for the Aqua Fortis in your chemistry class its lay name is Nitric Acid should not be too hard to find. As for quicksilver, I try to stay aware from it. Bad for the health. As for the Sphere of Convalescence I do not have on in stock, but I could order one. It should arrive within the next three months." <</say>>
Three months! That is way too long. If he doesn't have one, then who would?
<<say $pc>> "Do you know of anywhere else that might have the Sphere?"<</say>>
<<say $arth>> "They are rare magical artifacts. Some witches in town might have one in their collect but they are also exceedingly expensive. One will usually go for 20 to 30 thousand on the market so you might have trouble getting someone to part with theirs, even if it is just for one spell."<</say>>
<<say $pc>> "I see. Well thank you for the help. I will buy the rest of this."<</say>>
He packs up the ingredients in a non-descript bag and then sends you on your way. After you leave the shop you have a moment to reflect on what just happened. Witches in the town, warlocks, secret organizations, and now you are going to learn how to use magic. This is all getting a bit too much. You can't wait to change back. You hop in your car. Shake your head and then decide [[where to head to next.|Day2_ActionsHub]]
You have acquired a brass brazier. <<set $hasBrazier to true>>
You have acquired sage.
You have acquired hickory.
You have acquired elm.
You have acquired hawthorn. <<set $hasWood to true>>
<<say $pc>> "Sorry, but I'll have to pass. Magic, secret organizations, this is all too much. I just want things to go back to normal."<</say>>
<<say $arth>>"Very well then. Lets had back out to the shop. I can still provide those ingredients for you."<</say>>
Disheartened Arthur leads you back out into the shop.
You pull out the list Cassandra gave to you and unfold it. Looking it over you begin to read off the ingredients you think you might be able to get here.
<<say $pc>> "I need a brass brazier, a silver knife, sage, hickory, elm, hawthorn, quicksilver, Aqua Fortis, and a Sphere of Convalescence."<</say>> When you look up from the list you see things floating onto the counter from across the room. You see a brass brazier, several bundles of wood, and a flask of shimmering silver liquid.
<<say $arth>> "The brazier, sage, hickory, elm, and hawthorn. Unfortunately, I do not sell weapons so I cannot supply you with the knife you need. You would be better off looking for the Aqua Fortis in your chemistry class its lay name is Nitric Acid should not be too hard to find. As for quicksilver, I try to stay aware from it. Bad for the health. As for the Sphere of Convalescence I do not have on in stock, but I could order one. It should arrive within the next three months." <</say>>
Three months! That is way to long. If he doesn't have one, then who would?
<<say $pc>> "Do you know of anywhere else that might have the Sphere?"<</say>>
<<say $arth>> "They are rare magical artifacts. Some witches in town might have one in their collect but they are also exceedingly expense. One will usually go for 20 to 30 thousand on the market so you might have trouble getting someone to part with theirs, even if it is just for one spell."<</say>>
<<say $pc>> "I see. Well thank you for the help. I will buy the rest of this."<</say>>
Arthur nods and begins to ring you up. You pay him and he packages everything in a non-descript brown bag for you. As you are heading to leave you calls out to you.
<<say $arth>>"If you ever become interested in learning more about the world you have fallen into, please, do come by. Good luck."<</say>>
You leave the shop and head back to your car. In one stop you've covered more then half the ingredients. Not too bad for a day's work. [[Now onto the next stop.|Day2_ActionsHub]]
You have acquired a brass brazier. <<set $hasBrazier to true>>
You have acquired sage.
You have acquired hickory.
You have acquired elm.
You have acquired hawthorn. <<set $hasWood to true>>
<<set $shopEnd to true>><<say $pc>> "I have some questions first."<</say>>
<<say $arth>> "Of course, I will do my best to answer them."<</say>>
<<actions [[What is the difference between witches and warlocks?|MagicShop_Question1]] [[What exactly is C.O.C.?|MagicShop_Question2]] [[Who are you?|MagicShop_Question3]] [[How many witches are there is Scholmanville?|MagicShop_Question4]]>>
[[Alright, I'm in|MagicShop_FirstVisit-In]]
[[Sorry this is all too much|MagicShop_FirstVisit-Out]]<<say $arth>> "A good question. The answer is not a simple as it may seem. In general, a witch is a female spell caster and a warlock a male spell caster. However, there are fundamental differences with how each group's magic works. A witch's magic it tied to the natural world, the phases of the moon, the tides, the earth, and emotions. A warlock's magic is more fundamental it involves separating and combining elements, fire, earth, water, air to effect change in the world. A warlock and use some witch magic and a witch some warlock magic. In the end it comes down to what the persons spiritus is or in modern terms their ego. There have been female warlocks, male witches. It is 2019 after all."<</say>>
<<say $pc>> "And you think you can teach me warlock magic?"<</say>>
<<say $arth>> "The fact that you survived the explosion that changed you means that your body has at least some affinity for magic, otherwise you would have been vaporized. I'm confident you have the gift." <</say>>
Vaporized? Well, guess that’s lucky then…
<<return>><<say $arth>> "The C.O.C. or Council of Covens is a global underground secret organization dedicated to keeping magic a secret from the world. They do all of your regular secret organization things, infiltrate governments, make people disappear, start wars that sort of thing. Their main goal is to remain hidden and to allow its members to operate without influence from outside powers."<</say>>
<<say $pc>> "And that Circe woman is one of them?"<</say>>
<<say $arth>> "Not just Circe, all the witches in this town are part of it."<</say>>
<<say $arth>> "Ah, that is a question we don't have the time for. In short I am a warlock who is interested in getting out from under the thumb of Circe and the C.O.C.. Hopefully you can help me with that."<</say>>
<<say $pc>> "Alright, but have you always lived in Scholmanville? I haven't seen you before."<</say>>
<<say $arth>> "No I moved here recently. I used to live in Europe, but the waters got a little to hot there to move my product. I came to America for a fresh start. The American dream and all that."<</say>>
<<say $pc>> "The waters got to hot? What do you mean?"<</say>>
<<say $arth>> "Witch hunters. Hard to move product when all your customers are being burned at the stake."<</say>>
<<say $pc>> "Just how old are you?"<</say>>
<<say $arth>> "A rude question to ask but to humor you; I've been around since before America was discovered."<</say>>
<<say $pc>> "How long do warlocks live for?"<</say>>
<<say $arth>> "Most live the span of a human but the clever ones can live forever."<</say>>
Arthur gives you a cunning grin and you see that same dangerous glimmer in his eyes again. Perhaps its time to stop with this question.
<<return>><<say $arth>> "A higher amount than in most towns. This place has old blood in it, back from the days of Salem. Many fleeing witches resettled here so the population is quite high. That being said there isn't more than five or six families. Maybe twenty or thirty witches in total."<</say>>
<<say $pc>> "Thirty?! I'm surprised that I don't hear about more magical happenings."<</say>>
<<say $arth>> "You can thank Circe for that. She runs a tight ship that’s for sure."<</say>>
<<set $coleLine += 1>><<set $visitedCole = true>><<set $coleBet to false>>You decide to head home and spend some time with Cole. By the time you drive home and head inside you hear Cole and Nathan come in through the front door. You head down to greet them.
<<say $pc>> "Hey guys, what are you up too?"<</say>>
Cole and Nathan look at each other, a little gob smacked that a girl was taking to them, never mind interested in what they were doing.
<<say $cole>> "Um, we were going to go play some video games. Uh, you could join us if you want?" <</say>>
<<say $pc>> "Yeah sure, sound fun."<</say>>
The boys exchange confused glances before leading you up towards Cole's room. As you walk in you see what a mess the room is. Dirty laundry scattered on the floor, empty soda cans on the desk, old plates stacked beside those. Cole hurriedly kicks some dirty underwear under his bed and cleans off the two beanbag chairs off before gesturing to them. You sit down in one while Nathan takes the other. Cole grabs the dirty plates and as many cans as he can carry and hurries out of the room. You are left with an awkward silence.
<<say $nath>> "So, uh, is Super Crash Bros cool?"<</say>> You nod, and Nathan reaches forward and grabs a controller handing the other to you and turning on the TV. As the game boots up Cole returns and pulls up his desk chair.
<<if $pc.tag.background =="Nerd">>You quickly select your best character and smile to yourself at the future look they will have when you whoop their asses for the first time. Cole never could beat you in this game and although Nathan is better you are confident you can win. You load into the match and three minutes later you smile smugly and look over at the boys.
Winning against Nathan and Cole has earned you +20 Affection and +5 Love with both.
<<say $cole>> "Holy shit. $pc.nameF you are good. How long have you been practicing?"<</say>>
<<say $pc>> "Are you kidding me? I love this game. I play all the time."<</say>>
The boys exchange a look again. Then load into another match. You play for awhile and while you don't win every match, you win most. <<else>> You have played this game this game before, but you aren't great or anything. You lose the first couple matches, manage to take one win and end up actually enjoying yourself quite a bit.<</if>>
After around an hour passes you take a break while Cole goes to grab some drinks. Sitting in the bean bag chair you catch Nathan checking you out in which you are sure he thinks is a subtle way. You begin to consider what you could do with these two. You could tell them the truth they could help with keeping your secret or getting ingredients, you could not tell them the truth and try and manipulate them into helping you, or just leave things as they are…
[[Tell them the truth|ColeHome_FirstVisit-Truth]]
[[Use them without telling them the truth|ColeHome_FirstVisit-Use]]
[[Leave it|ColeHome_FirstVisit-LeaveIt]]
<<set $coleRoute = "truth">>You decide that if Cole knows the truth then I will make your home life a lot easier for the next week and Nathan is pretty smart he might be able to help you. You wait for Cole to return then turn towards the two of them.
<<say $pc>> "I have something to tell the two of you. It's kind of crazy but just bear with me."<</say>>
You take a deep breath.
<<say $pc>> "I'm not actually $pc.nameF $pc.nameL. I'm actually $pc.maleNameF $pc.maleNameL and witches turned me into a girl." <</say>>
They both pause and look at each other then back at you.
<<say $cole>> "What!?"<</say>>
<<say $nath>> "What!?"<</say>>
You sigh and begin into a lengthy explanation about how you came to be a girl up until waking up this morning. You show Cole your phone, the texts you sent him, give him some stories about your childhood and eventually he believes you. Once Cole believes you Nathan follows shortly after.
<<say $cole>> "So you really are my step-brother then? This isn't some crazy elaborate prank?"<</say>>
<<say $pc>> "Yup. Its me. No pranks I promise." <</say>>
<<say $cole>> "Dude what the fuck you going to do? When our parents get back, they are gonna flip."<</say>>
<<say $pc>> "Don't worry. There is a way to turn me back, Cassandra can cast a spell to turn me into a guy again."<</say>>
<<say $nath>> "So everything is gonna be fine? You will turn back"<</say>>
<<say $pc>> "Well, it's not gonna be easy. There are a lot of ingredients I need to get to do the spell. Some are harder then others to get." <</say>>
<<say $cole>> "What kind of ingredients?"<</say>>
You list off a bunch of the ingredients, keeping the more sensitive ones silent.
<<say $nath>> "Aqua Fortis? As in Nitric Acid?"<</say>>
<<say $pc>> "Yeah, that’s the one. I am having trouble finding it."<</say>>
<<say $nath>> "Its not too difficult to synthesize. I could try making some for you."<</say>>
<<say $pc>> "Could you really? That’s great!"<</say>>
<<say $nath>> "Sure, meet me in the chemistry lab after third period and I'll make some." <</say>>
<<say $pc>> "Sound great. I'll be there." <</say>> You hop up and pat Nathan on the shoulder. <<say $pc>> "Thanks man, this means a lot."<</say>>
You head out of the room as the boys watch you stunned in their seats. With that over you head back downstairs and consider [[what to do next.|Day2_ActionsHub]]
<<set $toldCole to true>><<set $coleBet to true>>Truth is you need a lot of "male essence" and you have two probably more than willing donors right here. You think that with a little manipulation you could probably get some out of them.
<<say $pc>> "How about we raise the stakes a little? You two go on a team if you win you can ask me to do something if I win, I get to ask you to do something?"<</say>>
They glance at each other; clearly fully aware this scenario is like the start of some cheesy porno. As long as you win it won't turn out like that.
<<say $cole>> "Ask you to do something? Like what?"<</say>>
<<say $pc>> "Anything."<</say>>
Cole looks at Nathan and mouths "anything" you see the hunger growing in their eyes. You have them. Now all you have to do is win.
They lean forward readying for the match. You lean forward too. Its game time.
<<if $pc.tag.background == "Nerd">> Its not easy and there are a few times when you think you might lose but you manage to pull through. You let out a triumphant shout as you finish off Nathan and pop up out of your seat. The boys, dejected, put down their controller. You turn to them with a smug smile.
<<say $pc>> "Now for my reward. I'll be right back" <</say>> You head down to the kitchen and grab a container. Might as well collect as much essence as you can. You return with the container and the two of them give you a questioning look.
<<say $pc>> "I want you both to cum in this container for me."<</say>>
The boy's eyes go wide, Nathan's jaw swings open a bit. You glace at each other again, then you, then the container, then back to you.
<<say $cole>> "Y-you want us to…to…"<</say>>
<<say $pc>> "I want you to cum in the container and then give it back to me."<</say>>
The boys give you another confused look. Then Cole gets up and walks over to you. You catch a glance of his dick straining in his pants, already hard. He tentatively takes the container and then steps away.
<<say $cole>> "Okay, I guess. Um, give us a minute, uh. I mean. Give us some time."<</say>>
You smirk and leave the room. Heading back to your room you wait out the next ten minutes messing about on the computer before there is a knock on your door. You open to see Cole and Nathan holding out the now filled container, neither meeting your eyes.
<<say $cole>> "H-here you are."<</say>>
You take the container and smile at them.
<<say $pc>> "Thanks, boys. Today was fun, we should do it again some time."<</say>> With that you close the door confident you now have them wrapped around your finger. You set the container aside and consider [[what to do next.|Day2_ActionsHub]]
Playing around with Cole and Nathan has gained you <span class="aff">+25 Affection</span> and <span class="love">+5 Love</span> with both of them.<<set $cole.aff += 25>><<set $ += 5>><<set $nath.aff += 25>><<set $ += 5>>
<<set $cum += 12>>
<span id="remove">
<<link "Collect Cum!">><</link>>
<<replace '#tooltip'>><<notify>> You've gained 12ml of cum!
<meter class="cumTrack" @value="$cum" min="0" max="1000"></meter><</notify>><</replace>>
<<replace '#tooltip'>><<replace'#remove'>><</replace>><</replace>>
In the end, you lose. You fought well enough but with both of them against you and their lust driving them you just couldn't cut it. You set down the controller now at their mercy. Of course, you could just walk out. But that would pretty much be it for any relationship with them. You turn expectantly towards the boys. They whisper to each other between glances at you. After a few minutes of their deliberation they turn to you. Cole clears his throat.
<<say $cole>> "We want to feel your tits."<</say>> He says in what would have been an authoritative voice if his voice hadn't cracked. You had expected worse. You commend them on their restraint.
<<say $pc>> "Alright, fine."<</say>>
You stand up and move closer to them. You pull back your shoulder and thrust out your chest.
They look at each other surprised then sit for a moment longer not really sure if this is actually happening or not. Slowly Nathan gets up and tentatively extends his hand. Slowly he pushes it up against your breast then stops. He tenses up expecting retribution. When none comes, he closes his hand and gives you breast an experimental squeeze. Embolden by his friends display Cole reaches out and cusps your other tit from below. Together they begin groping, squeezing, and playing with your tits.
<<videoM "img/day2/Day2_ColeGrope.mp4">><</videoM>>
As time passes their administrations begin to have an effect on you. Not that you are an expert on such topics but their clumsy fooling around isn’t exactly the height of breast play. Despite this you begin to feel a heat raise in your belly and a flush come over your face. Your nipples begin to poke through your clothes and Cole discovering this begins to play with them. Unexpectedly you let out a soft moan. Both boys freeze. You take this as a chance to pull away.
<<say $pc>> "Alright you had your fun. I'm going to go now."<</say>> You begin to head out the door.
<<say $nath>> "Wait, will you play with us again tomorrow?"<</say>>
You turn back and give a non-committal gesture before leaving the doorway and heading downstairs. You still feel and unexpected warmth in your nethers and feel flushed. They had more of an effect on you then you would like to admit. Still, if you had won you could have gotten something out of them. Next time you will win. Now you have to decide [[what to do next.|Day2_ActionsHub]]
Your session with the boys has gained you <span class ="aff">+30 Affection</span> and <span class ="love">+15 Love.</span><<set $cole.aff += 30>><<set $ += 15>><<set $nath.aff += 30>><<set $ += 15>><</if>>
You decide against either option and just wait. After Cole returns, you drink your drink play a few more games and then head out.
You head downstairs and consider [[what to do next.|Day2_ActionsHub]]
Playing with Cole and Nathan gains you <span class="aff">+10 Affection</span> and <span class="love">+5 Love</span>.<<set $cole.aff +=10>><<set $ += 5>><<set $nath.aff += 10>><<set $ += 5>><<set $beccLine +=1>><<set $visitedBecc = true>>You drive up to Rebecca's house and approach the front door. With a few knocks you wait until the door opens to reveal Rebecca. She gives you a warm smile.
<<say $becc>> "$pc.nameF I'm glad you came. Come on in."<</say>> She leads you inside, you take off your shoes and she leads you upstairs to her room.
<<say $becc>> "I'm sure you have a lot you want to get caught up on but where do you want to start? English? Math?"<</say>>
You are quickly swept up in Rebecca's tutoring, which is quite good, and you find yourself easily understanding the concepts she is teaching you. It doesn't take long before you feel you have a better grasp on everything even the things you thought you were solid on. During your studies you catch Rebecca giving you the occasional odd glance. Her eyes lingering on you when she doesn't think you are paying attention. You aren't quite sure what to make of it.
After an hour or so you finish going over all of todays lessons and homework. You pack up your things and thank Rebecca for the help.
<<say $becc>> "Of course. You can come over tomorrow as well if you want. My parents won't mind, as long as I don't bring any boys home, they don't really care who I have over."<</say>>
<<say $pc>> "Sure, I'll see if I can come over tomorrow. See ya." <</say>>
You head out back to your car. As you get in your see Rebecca watching you from the doorway for just a moment before heading back in. She is definitely acting strange she was never like this around you before.
Regardless now you need to decide [[what to do next.|Day2_ActionsHub]]
Hanging out with Rebecca gains you <span class="aff">+15 Affection</span> and <span class="love">+5 Love</span>.<<set $becc.aff += 15>><<set $ += 5>>
Studying has helped you understand your schoolwork; <span class="int">you feel a little smarter</span>!<<set $intUp to true>><img src = "img/locations/esmeHouse.jpg" height ="480px" width ="720px">
<<set $esmeLine +=1>><<set $visitedEsme = true>>You head over to Esmerelda's house and are surprised when you roll up to what could only be described as a mansion. You arrive at the front gate and a voice calls out for you to state your business.
<<say $pc>> "Uh, it's $pc.nameF. I'm here to see Esmerelda."<</say>>
There is a pause before a low buzz and the gate slides open. You drive up the rest of the driveway and park in front of the huge house. As you get out of your car the front doors open and a well-dressed elderly man stand beside them. As you approach, he gives you a nod.
<<say $npcm>> "The mistress awaits your presence in the sitting room."<</say>>
More than a little confused you head inside and walking into what you assume is the sitting room, a massive chamber with paintings and animal busts hanging from the walls. A massive soon fireplaces sits coldly in front of two satin couches. Seated on one of these couches is Esmeralda as you enter, she gets to her feet and walks over to you.
<<say $esme>> "Good, you came. Excuse all the formalities and servants they came with the place."<</say>> She smirks at her own joke before leading you to the couches and sitting back down.
<<say $pc>> "I have, uh, questions?"<</say>>
<<say $esme>> "I would assume as much. Nobody at school knows I live here. For the best really, I doubt I would hear the end of it. Which means you won't be telling anyone."<</say>> You nod. <<say $esme>> "Good. The short of it is that I inherited this place, I don't really like it here, and that’s about it." <</say>> You nod again. <<say $esme>> "Now to the important part. What the fuck happened to you $pc.maleNameF?"<</say>>
You relax back into the couch and begin your explanation. During your explanation the same well-dressed man comes into the room with a silver plater of tea and cookies. You learn his name is Richard. You finish your story with you waking up this morning.
<<say $esme>> "Psft, Cassandra is such an idiot. I bet she was trying some sort of charm or glamour spell. Trying to make herself popular or something. Well, regardless I'm sorry this happened to you. It sucks. Plain as that. However, I think I can help you." <</say>>
<<say $pc>> "Help me how? Are you a witch?"<</say>>
<<say $esme>> "I am but I'm not like Cassandra or Circe. They both belong to an organization know as the C.O.C.. I on the other hand, and my family, are outcasts from that group. If you think that Cassandra will help you, you are sorely mistaken."<</say>>
<<say $pc>> "Why would Cassandra no help me? Its not like she wanted this to happen to me. And she feels bad about it."<</say>>
<<say $esme>> "Even if she wanted to help you the C.O.C. would never allow it. You are a lay person they would rather just kill you."<</say>>
<<say $pc>> "K-kill me?"<</say>>
<<say $esme>> "Yes. I imagine the only reason they haven't is because Circe want to clean this up nicely."<</say>>
<<say $pc>> "So how exactly can you help me."<</say>>
<<say $esme>> "I'll keep an eye out for you and make sure that Cassandra is doing her shit right. In addition, I can teach you about the magical world so that you aren't completely helpless. In exchange, you are going to help me take down Circe and the C.O.C. and free this town."<</say>>
<<say $pc>> "Hold on. I didn't say anything about going up against that witch or this C.O.C. I just want my body back."<</say>>
<<say $esme>> "That the deal. If you want my help, you help me take down Circe."<</say>>
Looks like you have to make a choice. Esmerelda seems to know what she is talking about and she is obvious rich. She could be a useful ally to have…
[[Alright, lets work together|EsmeHouse_FirstVisit-Team]]
[[I'm sorry but I'm not taking that risk|EsmeHouse-FirstVisit-No]]<<set $esmeRoute = "team">><<say $pc>> "Alright, I'm in."<</say>>
<<say $esme>> "Good. Tomorrow we can get started in earnest. For now. Take this."<</say>> She hands you a necklace of rope with a single copper coin tied to it. You look at her quizzically. <<say $esme>> "It will mask your aura, so you aren't walking around like a big beacon that says hey look at all the illegal magic on me. Wear it at all times."<</say>> You nod and slip it around you neck.
<<say $esme>> "Now go home. Work with Cassandra to collect the ingredients you need. We will meet again so that I can start your education. Good luck $pc.nameF."<</say>>
You nod and get up heading back to your car. You hop in and take a moment to process what just happened. You are now working with Esmerelda who is apparently rich to take down some witches. What the fuck has your life become. You shake your head and decide [[what to do next.|Day2_ActionsHub]]
<<set $hasProtectionCharm to true>>
Your affection with Esmerelda has increased by <span class ="aff"> +5 </span> <<set $esme.aff += 5>>
<<say $pc>> "I'm sorry Esmeralda but I'm not willing to take that risk. Thank you for the offer but no."<</say>>
<<say $esme>> "Very well. Thank you for coming over you may go now."<</say>>
Taken aback by her sudden coldness you get up head to the front door get in your car and leave. Guess she wasn't looking for a friend, just an ally. [[Well, what to do next.|Day2_ActionsHub]]
<<set $esmeEnd to true>>You decide to head down to Miss Yiin's office and pick up your "art". As you are about to head in the door swings open and you see Joey, a fellow classmate hurries out. He almost bumps into you apologizes then heads off a spring in his step. You catch the door and head in. You see Miss Yiin standing behind her desk upon seeing you she wipes her lips and then smiles.
<<say $yiin>> "Oh, $pc.nameF I assume you are here to pick up your art."<</say>> You nod and head over. <<say $yiin>> "I must say I am impressed with your skill. It is very well done. I took the liberty of baking and sanding it for you."<</say>>
She pull your sculpture up out of her desk drawer and you can see that it has been slightly modified.
It has been baked and hardened and now the surface of it has been sanded smooth. It looks even more like a dildo then it did before.
<img src = "img/day2/realistic-dildo.jpg" height ="480px" width ="720px">
<<say $yiin>> "I also applied a waterproofing agent to it so you don't have to worry about it melting or getting damaged by fluids." <</say>>
She holds the dick out to you cusping the balls of it in her hands. You reach out and grasp it around the shaft taking it from her.
<<say $yiin>> "If you don't mind me asking, what was your inspiration for this piece? Is it a recreation or something more idyllic?"<</say>>
You look down at the clay dick in your hands.
<<say $pc>> "Its uh, just something I thought would look nice."<</say>> You feel heat rushing to you face. Miss Yiin seems to pick up on your discomfort and smiles at your placing a hand over yours her thumb stroking the balls of the sculpture again.
<<say $yiin>> "Well, whatever your inspiration is just remember to be careful, don't push yourself, and don't do anything you aren't comfortable with."<</say>>
You nod and take a few steps back then dazed walk out of the room. After a few minutes of standing in the hallway clutching your clay dick you realize what you are doing and hurriedly put it into your bag. Well, another ingredient down. [[What to do next.|Day2_ActionsHub]]
You have obtained a male fetish. <<set $hasFetish to true>><<set $energy -= 1>>
<img src = "img/general/list.png">
<<set $inVeiw to true>>
[[Return | $currentPassage][$inVeiw to false]]
table {
width: 100%;
border-collapse: collapse;
border: 1px solid black;
<td>Brass Brazier</td>
<td><<if $hasBrazier>><img src = "img/ui/check.png" width= "50" height="50"> <<else>><img src = "img/ui/Xmark.png" width="50" height="50"><</if>></td>
<td>Silver Knife</td>
<td><<if $hasKnife>><img src = "img/ui/check.png" width= "50" height="50"> <<else>><img src = "img/ui/Xmark.png" width="50" height="50"><</if>></td>
<td>Sage, Hickory, Elm, Hawthorn</td>
<td><<if $hasWood>><img src = "img/ui/check.png" width= "50" height="50"> <<else>><img src = "img/ui/Xmark.png" width="50" height="50"><</if>></td>
<td>Pubis Hair of a virgin woman</td>
<td><<if $hasFPubes>><img src = "img/ui/check.png" width= "50" height="50"> <<else>><img src = "img/ui/Xmark.png" width="50" height="50"><</if>></td>
<td>Pubis Hair of a virgin man</td>
<td><<if $hasMPubes>><img src = "img/ui/check.png" width= "50" height="50"> <<else>><img src = "img/ui/Xmark.png" width="50" height="50"><</if>></td>
<td>Head hair of a wanton whore</td>
<td><<if $hasFHair>><img src = "img/ui/check.png" width= "50" height="50"> <<else>><img src = "img/ui/Xmark.png" width="50" height="50"><</if>></td>
<td>Head hair of a male libertine</td>
<td><<if $hasMHair>><img src = "img/ui/check.png" width= "50" height="50"> <<else>><img src = "img/ui/Xmark.png" width="50" height="50"><</if>></td>
<td>Sphere of Convalescence</td>
<td><<if $hasSphere>><img src = "img/ui/check.png" width= "50" height="50"> <<else>><img src = "img/ui/Xmark.png" width="50" height="50"><</if>></td>
<td>1 Litre of male essence</td>
<td><<if $hasEssence>><img src = "img/ui/check.png" width= "50" height="50"> <<else>><img src = "img/ui/Xmark.png" width="50" height="50"><</if>></td>
<td>A drop of quicksilver</td>
<td><<if $hasQuicksilver>><img src = "img/ui/check.png" width= "50" height="50"> <<else>><img src = "img/ui/Xmark.png" width="50" height="50"><</if>></td>
<td>Aqua Fortis</td>
<td><<if $hasFortis>><img src = "img/ui/check.png" width= "50" height="50"> <<else>><img src = "img/ui/Xmark.png" width="50" height="50"><</if>></td>
<td>Fetish of masculine sex</td>
<td><<if $hasFetish>><img src = "img/ui/check.png" width= "50" height="50"> <<else>><img src = "img/ui/Xmark.png" width="50" height="50"><</if>></td>
You currently have $cum ml stored.
<meter class="cumTrack" @value="$cum" min="0" max="1000"></meter>
<h2> Additional Items </h2>
<ul class="a">
<<if $hasProtectionCharm>><li>Protection Charm</li><</if>>
<<if $keys>><li>Master Keys</li><</if>>
<<if $bluePill>><li>Strange Blue Pill</li><</if>>
<<set $cole.hasMeet = true>>
<<set $marcus.hasMeet = true>
<<set $cass.hasMeet = true>
<<set $nath.hasMeet = true>
<<set $doug.hasMeet = true>
<<set $becc.hasMeet = true>
<<set $jess.hasMeet = true>
<<set $esme.hasMeet = true>
<<set $scho.hasMeet = true>
<<set $rose.hasMeet = true>
<<set $swin.hasMeet = true>
<<set $smit.hasMeet = true>
<<set $yiin.hasMeet = true>
<<set $arth.hasMeet = true>
<<set $circ.hasMeet = true>
[[Return | $currentPassage][$inVeiw to false]]
<img src = "img/locations/streets.JPG" height ="480px" width ="720px">
Hoping in your car you begin driving through the idilic streets of Scholmanville. Soon enough you've come upon your destination.
<<if $marcusLine==0>>[[Visit Marcus|MarcusHome_FirstVisit][$energy -= 1]]
<<elseif $marcusLine==1>>[[Visit Marcus|MarcusHome_2ndVisit][$energy -= 1]]
<<elseif $marcusLine==2>>[[Visit Marcus|MarcusHome_3rdVisit][$energy -= 1]]
<<elseif $marcusLine==3>>[[Visit Marcus|MarcusHome_4thVisit][$energy -= 1]]
<<elseif $marcusLine==4>>[[Visit Marcus|MarcusHome_5thVisit][$energy -= 1]]
<<elseif $marcusLine==5>>[[Visit Marcus|MarcusHome_6thVisit][$energy -= 1]]
<<elseif $marcusLine==6>>[[Visit Marcus|MarcusHome_7thVisit][$energy -= 1]]<</if>><img src = "img/locations/hsHalls.JPG" height ="480px" width ="720px">
Heading back to campus you wander thorugh the winding halls of the high school until you come upon your destination.
<<if $smithLine==0>>[[Visit Mr. Smith|SmithTutor_FirstVisit][$energy -= 1]]
<<elseif $smithLine==1>>[[Go to after school study|Smith_2ndVisit][$energy -= 1]]
<<elseif $smithLine==2>>[[Go to after school study|Smith_3rdVisit][$energy -= 1]]
<<elseif $smithLine==3>>[[Go to after school study|Smith_4thVisit][$energy -= 1]]
<<elseif $smithLine==4>>[[Go to after school study|Smith_5thVisit][$energy -= 1]]
<<elseif $smithLine==5>>[[Go to after school study|Smith_6thVisit][$energy -= 1]]
<<elseif $smithLine==6>>[[Go to after school study|Smith_7thVisit][$energy -= 1]]<</if>><<set $marcusLine +=1>><<set $visitedMarcus = true>>You send a quick text to Marcus telling him that you'll be heading over before beginning the drive over. A few minutes later you pull into his driveway and head up to the door. Giving a few knocks the door opens shortly revealing Marcus.
<<say $marcus>> "Hey." <</say>>
<<say $pc>> "Hey." <</say>>
He steps to the side and you walk in making yourself comfortable in the living room.
<<if $marcusRoute=="help">>Marcus walks into the room, awkwardly walks over to the couch where you are sitting but then sits on the chair instead.
<<say $marcus>> "So, how was you day?" <</say>>
<<say $pc>> "Dude, this whole situation is fucked. I still don't think I've come to grips with the fact that magic is real let along the fact that I'm a woman now."<</say>>
Marcus nods. Its strangely comforting just like old times, almost.
<<say $marcus>> "Anything I can do to help? Whatever you need, I'm serious." <</say>>
You ponder for a moment.
<span id="choice"><<link "Ask for more cum">>
<<say $pc>> "Actually, I do still need help gathering the stuff to turn me back. You know, the, uh, cum and stuff." <</say>>
Marcus adverts his eyes for a moment and then nods with a slow forward movement of his head.
<<say $marcus>> "Right, right. I got you I can uh, get some for you." <</say>>
He pauses for a moment before glancing over at you.
<<say $marcus>> "Y'know its kinda hard doing it without any proper stimulus and well, I mean you're pretty hot now do you think you could…" <</say>>
Marcus looks away again embarrassed. Its almost funny seeing him so awkward if you didn't feel just the same. He was always so stoic and strong, especially around the ladies. Seems you're having a serious effect on the big guy.<<if $peekedOnMarcus>>Not only that but the thought of seeing his dick again gets you somehow hot and bothered, what is happening.<</if>> You ponder how you could help him out…
[[Go take a picture for him|MarcusHome_2Picture]]
[[Strip for him|MarcusHome_2Strip]]
<<say $marcus>> "You just want to chill?"<</say>>
<<say $pc>> "Yeah man." <</say>>
The two of you take your seats and start up some games wasting away the hour in some nice relaxing normalcy. Although you notice a few odd glances from marcus. Eventually you pack up and [[head out.|DayReturner]]<</if>><<set $marcusLine +=1>><<set $visitedMarcus = true>>
You send Marcus a quick text letting him know that you will be coming over before starting up your car and beginning the drive over. You pull up into his driveway and hop out walking up to his front door. You knock once and he answers a few seconds later.
<<say $marcus>>"Hey."<</say>>
<<say $pc>>"Hey."<</say>>
He steps to the side and lets you in. You make your way to the couch.<<if $marcusTease>> You glace at the chair that Marcus was sitting in last time you were here and feel a flush of arousal take over.<</if>> Marcus sits down on the other side of the couch. <<if $marcusRoute == "help">>
<<say $marcus>>"So, uh, you need my help again?"<</say>>
<<say $pc>>"Yeah, I still need more ingredients."<</say>>
<<say $marcus>>"Alright, but I don't know how much more I can do this. I mean its fine and all and I'll help where I can but, well. Just kinda feels like I'm being used, y'know."<</say>>
You consider his situation for a moment. A sexy girl like you just asking him to jack off for her, its hot sure but also kinda degrading. You consider what you should ask of him now.
<<if $plenty>> [[You could try out the spell Cass taught you.|Marcus3_Plenty]]<</if>>
[[Offer to help him out with a more hands on approach|Marcus3_Hands]]
[[You can provide more fap material if he wants|Marcus3_Fap]]<<else>>
<<say $marcus>>"So, you just wanna chill?"<</say>>
<<say $pc>>"Sure."<</say>>
You spend the rest of the hour relaxing with Marcus playing video games, watching some videos and just generally chilling. While its a nice break you have things to do and you eventually part ways. Heading to your car and deciding what to do [[next.|DayReturner]]<</if>>
<<set $marcusLine +=1>><<set $visitedMarcus = true>>
You send Marcus a quick text letting him know that you will be coming over before starting up your car and beginning the drive over. <<if $marcusPlenty or $marcusHands>> As you drive over your mind begins to wander about all the things you've done with Marcus. It certainly isn't things you just do between bros so what does that make you? Are you attracted to him? Does that make you gay? Or is it different because your body is different…?
You turn the corner onto his street and pull into his driveway. You feel butterflies in your stomach at the prospect of what you are going to be doing with him today. You calm yourself and head towards the door, you give it a few knocks and wait.<<else>>You park and head up to his door, giving it a few knocks.<</if>> The door opens and Marcus smiles back at you.
<<say $marcus>>"Hey."<</say>>
<<say $pc>>"Hey."<</say>>
You walk in and head to the living room, Marcus follows and finds a seat on the couch. You awkwardly look around the room as you sit not sure exactly how to broch the subject.
<<say $marcus>>"So, uh, what do you need today?"<</say>>
Thankful for the break in tension you consider your answer…
[[Agree to get him off again|Marcus4_Sex]]
<<if $plenty and $marcusPlenty>>[[Ask to use the plenty spell on him again|Marcus4_Plenty]]<</if>>
[[Just hang out without all the sex stuff|Marcus4_Chill]]
<<set $marcusLine +=1>><<set $visitedMarcus = true>>
WIP See the conclusions of these storyline in future updates.
<<back>><<set $marcusLine +=1>><<set $visitedMarcus = true>>
[[!Marcus Checker]] <<set $marcusLine +=1>><<set $visitedMarcus = true>>
[[!Marcus Checker]] <<set $smithLine += 1>><<set $visitedSmith = true>>
You walk into your math classroom and see Mr. Smith sitting behind his desk with no other students in the room. He smiles at you as you enter.
<<if $smithGloryPath>><<say $smit>> "Well, well Ms. $pc.nameL. I heard that there was a slut operating out of the boy's bathroom again. Seems like you have lots of fun. Now then, lets see what you made." <</say>>
He holds out your hand. You reach into your pocket and pull out the money you got from the gloryhole. He quickly counts the two bills.
<<say $smit>> "It's a start. I'm sure you'll earn more tomorrow. Now, would you like to stay and study or would you rather speed things along?" <</say>><</if>>
<<say $smit>> "Ms. $pc.nameL I'll give you the same offer as last time, you can spend the next hour studying or you can show off some of your other skills and I can let you go early?<</say>>
[[Entertain him|Smith2_Entertain]]
[[Do the work|Smith2_DoWork]]<<set $smithLine += 1>><<set $visitedSmith = true>>
You arrive outside Mr. Smith's classroom. You glance at the door and hope for the best.
<<if $smithPath == "Obey">>[[Open the Door|Smith3_Obey]]<</if>><<if $smithPath == "Caught">>[[Open the Door|Smith3_Caught]]<</if>><<if $smithPath == "Usurp">>[[Open the Door|Smith3_Usurp]]<</if>><<set $smithLine += 1>><<set $visitedSmith = true>>
<<timed 0.5s>><<if $smithPath == "Obey">><<goto "Smith4_Obey">><<elseif $smithPath == "Caught">><<goto "Smith4_Caught">><<elseif $smithPath == "Usurp">><<goto "Smith4_Usurp">><</if>><</timed>><<set $smithLine += 1>>
WIP See the conclusions of these storyline in future updates.
<<back>><<set $smithLine += 1>>
[[!Smith Checker]] <<set $smithLine += 1>>
[[!Smith Checker]] <img src = "img/locations/hsHalls.JPG" height ="480px" width ="720px">
Heading back to campus you wander thorugh the winding halls of the high school until you come upon your destination.
<<if $cheerLine==0>>[[Go to cheer practice|Cheerleading_FirstVisit][$energy -= 1]]
<<elseif $cheerLine==1>>[[Go to cheer practice|Cheer_2ndVisit][$energy -= 1]]
<<elseif $cheerLine==2>>[[Go to cheer practice|Cheer_3rdVisit][$energy -= 1]]
<<elseif $cheerLine==3>>[[Go to cheer practice|Cheer_4thVisit][$energy -= 1]]
<<elseif $cheerLine==4>>[[Go to cheer practice|Cheer_5thVisit][$energy -= 1]]
<<elseif $cheerLine==5>>[[Go to cheer practice|Cheer_6thVisit][$energy -= 1]]
<<elseif $cheerLine==6>>[[GGo to cheer practice|Cheer_7thVisit][$energy -= 1]]<</if>><<set $cheerLine +=1>><<set $visitedCheer = true>>
You make your way towards the locker room. Slipping inside you are greeted with the sights of all the cheerleaders in various states of undress. You head over to one of the lockers and hang up your bag, pulling out the cheer uniform. Very conscious of your surroundings you undress down to your underwear and grab the uniform. As you pull the top down you are suddenly started by the sound of Jessica beside you.
<<say $jess>> "Oh $pc.nameF that won't do. The uniform requires you to be pantyless." <</say>>
You feel hands grab your underwear and yank them down, arms still restrained you can do nothing as your panties are slip down to your ankles. You pull your shirt down and look over at Jessica. She smiles and lifts up the front of her skirt. You catch a glimpse of her smooth hairless pussy before it vanishes.
<<videoM "img/miscDay/CheerDay3Show.mp4">><</videoM>>
<<say $jess>> "See, part of the uniform." <</say>>
Not wanting to cause any drama you set out of your panties and then pull on the skirt. With your "uniform" properly in place you follow the girls out [[onto the field.|Cheer_2ndField]]
<<set $cheerLine += 1>><<set $visitedCheer = true>>
You make your way back into the school's locker room. You're strangely excited about the cheerleader practice. Despite everything going on the athleticism, the attention it gets you. Its so far removed from your own male life that its almost intoxicating. Even with the crazy sex atmosphere you have stumbled into.
You walk into the change room to find the other girls already getting dressed and undressed and quickly follow suit. Just being around the fellow cheerleaders, knowing what you know, makes your arousal grow. It doesn't take long before Jessica enters the room, already changed.
<<say $jess>>"Quit dawdling. We've got to practice for the game tomorrow, and we've got the team motivations today so its gonna be a busy hour. Get your asses on the field."<</say>>
Team motivations? What the fuck is that? Before you can ask any questions, you are swept forwards with the rest of the cheerleaders as they make their way out onto the field. You follow along and fall into step with the rest as Jessica begins to work everyone through the standard drills.
<<videoM "img/miscDay/CheerOne.mp4">><</videoM>>
You feel yourself working up a sweat to keep up with the other girls but manage to not lag behind too much. You are expecting the practice to go on much longer, but it seems cut short by Jessica.
<<say $jess>>"Alright, good hustle everyone. Now let's get showered off and ready for motivations. Remember no fooling around we don't have the time."<</say>>
You follow the cheerleaders back to the showers and enjoy the sights as you clean off your own sweat and grass stains. When you emerge from the showers you are surprised to find none of the girls dressed but instead, they seem to be getting comfortable on their knees in the middle of the
locker room.
<<videoM "img/miscDay/Cheer_Lineup.mp4">><</videoM>>
You approach Lana to ask what's going on when you hear the doors to the [[locker-room open…|Jess3_2]]
<<goto "Cheer4_Start">><<set $cheerLine += 1>>
WIP See the conclusions of these storyline in future updates.
<<back>><<set $cheerLine += 1>>
[[!Cheer Checker]] <<set $cheerLine += 1>>
[[!Cheer Checker]] <img src = "img/locations/streets.JPG" height ="480px" width ="720px">
Hoping in your car you begin driving through the idilic streets of Scholmanville. Soon enough you've come upon your destination.
<<if $beccLine==0>>[[Visit Rebecca|RebeccaHome_FirstVisit][$energy -= 1]]
<<elseif $beccLine==1>>[[Visit Rebecca|BeccaHome_2ndVisit][$energy -= 1]]
<<elseif $beccLine==2>>[[Visit Rebecca|BeccaHome_3rdVisit][$energy -= 1]]
<<elseif $beccLine==3>>[[Visit Rebecca|BeccaHome_4thVisit][$energy -= 1]]
<<elseif $beccLine==4>>[[Visit Rebecca|BeccaHome_5thVisit][$energy -= 1]]
<<elseif $beccLine==5>>[[Visit Rebecca|BeccaHome_6thVisit][$energy -= 1]]
<<elseif $beccLine==6>>[[Visit Rebecca|BeccaHome_7thVisit][$energy -= 1]]<</if>><img src = "img/locations/streets.JPG" height ="480px" width ="720px">
Hoping in your car you begin driving through the idilic streets of Scholmanville. Soon enough you've come upon your destination.
<<if $shopLine==0>>[[Go to the magic shop|MagicShop_FirstVisit][$energy -= 1]]
<<elseif $shopLine==1>>[[Go to the magic shop|Shop_2ndVisit][$energy -= 1]]
<<elseif $shopLine==2>>[[Go to the magic shop|Shop_3rdVisit][$energy -= 1]]
<<elseif $shopLine==3>>[[Go to the magic shop|Shop_4thVisit][$energy -= 1]]
<<elseif $shopLine==4>>[[Go to the magic shop|Shop_5thVisit][$energy -= 1]]
<<elseif $shopLine==5>>[[Go to the magic shop|Shop_6thVisit][$energy -= 1]]
<<elseif $shopLine==6>>[[Go to the magic shop|Shop_7thVisit][$energy -= 1]]<</if>><<set $shopLine += 1>><<set $visitedShop = true>>
You navigate your way to the magic shop in the mall. The small bell dings as you pass through the doorway and a few moments later Arthur appears behind the desk.
<<say $arth>> "Welcome back Ms. $pc.nameL. I assume you are here for our lesson?"<</say>>
You nod.
<<say $arth>> "Very good. Please follow me downstairs then." <</say>>
You follow Arthur down into the dingy basement training room. Things seem to have changed slightly from yesterday and the room is less cluttered than before. Arthur gestures for you to stand in the center of the room and you follow.
<img src = "img/day2/magicShopBasement.jpg" height ="480px" width ="720px">
<<say $arth>> "Now then, apprentice. Today we will cover the basics of magic and unlock your latent abilities. This can be taxing so be prepared. Are you ready to get started?"<</say>>
Arthur moves to one side of the room and picks up a book. He sits but back not indication for your to do so, so you stand.
<<say $arth>> "First let me explain what magic is. In basic terms it is will given from. The most important thing you need to know about magic is that while the form of it can be mishappen the will is never wrong." <</say>>
<<say $pc>> "What does that mean?" <</say>>
Arthur gives you a withering look for interrupting but answers.
<<say $arth>> "Well, for examples sake. Let's say I wanted to harm someone with magic. I might use a spell that conjures a spear of ice to impale my enemy, however, I mess up the spell. The will of the magic is to harm, and while I fail to conjure my spear of ice, instead of conjuring an explosion killing myself, my enemy, and anything else in the radius. The will of spell remained intact, killing my enemy, but the form changed." <</say>>
Arthur gets to his feet.
<<say $arth>> "This means that an exact will is the most important part of magic and most commonly where issues arise. If I had instead made my will to harm only my enemy then I would not be at risk."<</say>>
He slowly paces around you, examining your body.
<<say $arth>> "A spell meant to transform someone into a beautiful woman for example, without proper will, could go haywire and affect just about anyone." <</say>>
<<say $pc>> "Wait are you saying that Cassandra was trying to change her body? That’s why this happened to me?" <</say>>
<<say $arth>> "A possibility. But no point speculating now. Now strip." <</say>>
You freeze. What, what is this sudden shift? Why does he want you to strip…?
<span id="choice"><<link"Obey">>
Obeying you pull your shirt off and drop your pants leaving you in your underwear.
<<videoM "img/miscDay/MagicShop_Strip.mp4">><</videoM>>
You pause for a moment, seeing if he will ask you to continue but he has already turned away, taking a jar off a shelf.
<<say $arth>> "We are going to perform a little ritual to awaken your latent magic. Normally we wouldn't do something so risky, but you don't have time for traditional training. Stand still while I apply the sigils." <</say>>
He approaches, opening the jar and producing a bring reddish substance from inside. He begins to smear it on your body, causing you to flinch away from him. Soon you have markings up your arms, across your chest and stomach, finally one central dot on your forehead. Arthur steps back.
<<say $arth>> "Please sit cross legged." <</say>>
You sit down on the sandy floor and cross your legs. Arthur mimics you.
<<say $arth>> "Good, now match my movements and repeat after me. Try and get the pronunciation as close as possible."<</say>>
Arthur moves his hands out to either side of him keeping his palms open.
<<say $arth>>"<span class="castSpell">ƨiʜ oɈ lliw γm bniꓭ .ƨllǝwb ʜɔiʜw ɈɒʜɈ nǝʞɒwɒ bnɒ Ɉiɿiqƨ γm ǝǝɿꟻ .ǝʇil ʇo ɿǝwoq ǝʜɈ ǝm moɿʇ wolꟻ</span>"<</say>>
You do your best to replicate his chanting as it begins.
<<say $pc>>"<span class="castSpell">ƨiʜ oɈ lliw γm bniꓭ .ƨllǝwb ʜɔiʜw ɈɒʜɈ nǝʞɒwɒ bnɒ Ɉiɿiqƨ γm ǝǝɿꟻ .ǝʇil ʇo ɿǝwoq ǝʜɈ ǝm moɿʇ wolꟻ</span>"<</say>>
Soon enough your chanting lines up. You begin to feel a tingling heat all over your body. Suddenly and immense pressure starts at your head. You let out a single scream before collapsing and [[fading out of consciousness.|Shop_2ndWakeup]]<</replace>><</link>>
<<replace"#choice">><<set $arthRes += 1>>
<<say $pc>> "Why do I have to take off my clothes?" <</say>>
He spins around to look at you. For a moment you see anger flicker in his eyes, but it quickly fades. He holds up the jar.
<<say $arth>> "I need to apply this mixture to your arms, chest, back, and stomach. A little hard to do through clothing apprentice. Don't flatter yourself assuming I'm desperate to see your body. I've seen thousands over the years." <</say>>
Rebuked, you remove your shirt and pants. You pause for a moment, seeing if he will ask you to continue but he has already turned away, taking a jar off a shelf.
<<videoM "img/miscDay/MagicShop_Strip.mp4">><</videoM>>
<<say $arth>> "We are going to perform a little ritual to awaken your latent magic. Normally we wouldn't do something so risky, but you don't have time for traditional training. Stand still while I apply the sigils." <</say>>
He approaches, opening the jar and producing a bring reddish substance from inside. He begins to smear it on your body, causing you to flinch away from him. Soon you have markings up your arms, across your chest and stomach, finally one central dot on your forehead. Arthur steps back.
<<say $arth>> "Please sit cross legged." <</say>>
You sit down on the sandy floor and cross your legs. Arthur mimics you.
<<say $arth>> "Good, now match my movements and repeat after me. Try and get the pronunciation as close as possible."<</say>>
Arthur moves his hands out to either side of him keeping his palms open.
<<say $arth>>"<span class="castSpell">ƨiʜ oɈ lliw γm bniꓭ .ƨllǝwb ʜɔiʜw ɈɒʜɈ nǝʞɒwɒ bnɒ Ɉiɿiqƨ γm ǝǝɿꟻ .ǝʇil ʇo ɿǝwoq ǝʜɈ ǝm moɿʇ wolꟻ</span>"<</say>>
You do your best to replicate his chanting as it begins.
<<say $pc>>"<span class="castSpell">ƨiʜ oɈ lliw γm bniꓭ .ƨllǝwb ʜɔiʜw ɈɒʜɈ nǝʞɒwɒ bnɒ Ɉiɿiqƨ γm ǝǝɿꟻ .ǝʇil ʇo ɿǝwoq ǝʜɈ ǝm moɿʇ wolꟻ</span>"<</say>>
Soon enough your chanting lines up. You begin to feel a tingling heat all over your body. Suddenly and immense pressure starts at your head. You let out a single scream before collapsing and [[fading out of consciousness|Shop_2ndWakeup]].<</replace>><</link>></span>
<<set $shopLine += 1>><<set $visitedShop = true>>
<img src = "img/day2/magicshopinterior.jpg" height ="480px" width ="720px">
You pull up in front of the mall and head inside. As you approach the magic shop you begin to feel a strange warmth in you stomach. You feel excited to see <span class="sir">master</span> again.
<<if $ >6 or $pc.cha > 6>>You pause for a second in your tracks. When did you start subconsciously thinking about <span class="sir">master</span> as <span class="sir">master</span>. Something isn't right. Your mind feels fuzzy just thinking about it, but something is wrong. Yet, it doesn't feel bad. A part of you just wants to melt into that fuzzy warmth… Arthur did something to you… You don't know what, but should you still trust him…?
<span id="choice"><<link"Trust Him">>
You decide that no matter what he did to you that its in your best interest to trust him. Without him you don't know if you'll be able to cope with being a witch and a girl.<</replace>><</link>>
<<link"Don't Trust Him">>
You resolve to keep an eye on Arthur and if he tries anything funny on you to get out while you still can. You don't know exactly what is happening, but you'll be ready for it.<<set $arthRes += 1>><</replace>><</link>></span>
You head into the store. The small bell chimes above the door as you enter. <span class="sir">Master</span> is nowhere to be seen so you proceed down into the basement and find him seated at one of the desks. He turns in his chair as you enter.
<<say $arth>>"Welcome back apprentice. Let's take a look at your progress."<</say>>
<span class="sir">Master</span> gets to his feet and approaches you.
<<if $keptMagic or $hideMagic>>[[Continue|Shop3_VisitMagic]]<<else>>[[Continue|Shop3_VisitNoMagic]]<</if>>
<<set $shopLine += 1>><<set $visitedShop = true>>
You pull up to the strip mall and head inside making your way to the magic shop. As you enter you can see Arthur standing behind the counter. He glances up at your as the store bell rings.
<<say $arth>>"Oh good, you're here. We have important work to do today. Follow me."<</say>>
He heads into the back room before descending into the basement, you follow behind. As you walk into the underground training room Arthur turns to look at you.
<<say $arth>>"Thanks to the information we gained last time I believe I have been able to locate on of the witches that is a part of the COC. "<</say>>
<<say $pc>>"That’s good news, right?"<</say>>
<<say $arth>>"It is very good news. If we can capture this witch, we might be able to get a leg up on Circe. We might have a chance at taking them down for good."<</say>>
You nod. You don't trust Circe to actually have your best interests at heart, if you can get some power over her you might be able to force her to turn you back.
<<say $arth>>"Before we go, I'll need to arm you with some more powerful spells. Something to defend yourself."<</say>>
He pulls out a book and holds a page out to you. You read it over, surprised you can actually understand most of what it means.
You've learned the <span class="mag">FIREBALL SPELL</span>.<<set $fire to true>><<set $spellsKnown +=1>><<set $magUp to true>>
<<say $arth>>"This is a simple ignition spell. It will create a ball of fire, nothing strong enough to destroy a building or anything but enough to burn someone into submission should the need arise."<</say>>
You nod, doing your best to commit the spell to memory.
<<say $pc>>"So, what are we going to be doing, <span class="sir"> master</span>"<</say>>
<<say $arth>>"We will be breaking into this witches house and laying a trap. Unfortunately, she will have most certainly have warded against me, so you'll have to do the actually breaking and entering part."<</say>>
<<say $pc>>"You mean I have to go alone?"<</say>>
Arthur nods and hands, you a satchel. You glance inside and see a variety of spell ingredients, a book, and a set of lockpicks.
<<say $arth>>"You will need these. The book has instructions to cast the Pitcast spell. With that we can teleport her hear where she will be useless."<</say>>
You nod once more, hoping you'll have time to study the book before this whole kidnapping thing happens.
<<say $arth>>"Alright, lets head up to your car, I'll show you where we are going."<</say>>
<<say $pc>>"We aren't taking your car?"<</say>>
<<say $arth>>"I don't have one. I hate the infernal things."<</say>>
You shrug and follow Arthur out into the parking lot. You begin to drive off, following his instructions.
<<set $shopLine += 1>><<set $visitedShop = true>>
WIP See the conclusions of these storyline in future updates.
<<back>><<set $shopLine += 1>><<set $visitedShop = true>>
[[!Shop Checker]] <<set $shopLine += 1>><<set $visitedShop = true>>
[[!Shop Checker]] <img src = "img/locations/streets.JPG" height ="480px" width ="720px">
Hoping in your car you begin driving through the idilic streets of Scholmanville. Soon enough you've come upon your destination.
<<if $coleLine==0>>[[Visit Cole|ColeHome_FirstVisit][$energy -= 1]]
<<elseif $coleLine==1>>[[Visit Cole|ColeHome_2ndVisit][$energy -= 1]]
<<elseif $coleLine==2>>[[Visit Cole|ColeHome_3rdVisit][$energy -= 1]]
<<elseif $coleLine==3>>[[Visit Cole|ColeHome_4thVisit][$energy -= 1]]
<<elseif $coleLine==4>>[[Visit Cole|ColeHome_5thVisit][$energy -= 1]]
<<elseif $coleLine==5>>[[Visit Cole|ColeHome_6thVisit][$energy -= 1]]
<<elseif $coleLine==6>>[[Visit Cole|ColeHome_7thVisit][$energy -= 1]]<</if>><img src = "img/locations/streets.JPG" height ="480px" width ="720px">
Hoping in your car you begin driving through the idilic streets of Scholmanville. Soon enough you've come upon your destination.
<<if $esmeLine==0>>[[Visit Esmeralda|EsmeHouse_FirstVisit][$energy -= 1]]
<<elseif $esmeLine==1>>[[Visit Esmeralda|EsmeraldHome_2ndVisit][$energy -= 1]]
<<elseif $esmeLine==2>>[[Visit Esmeralda|EsmeraldHome_3rdVisit][$energy -= 1]]
<<elseif $esmeLine==3>>[[Visit Esmeralda|EsmeraldHome_4thVisit][$energy -= 1]]
<<elseif $esmeLine==4>>[[Visit Esmeralda|EsmeraldHome_5thVisit][$energy -= 1]]
<<elseif $esmeLine==5>>[[Visit Esmeralda|EsmeraldHome_6thVisit][$energy -= 1]]
<<elseif $esmeLine==6>>[[Visit Esmeralda|EsmeraldHome_7thVisit][$energy -= 1]]<</if>><<set $beccLine +=1>><<set $visitedBecc = true>>
You drive over to Rebecca's house and approach the front door. After a few knocks the door opens up to reveal Rebecca. She gives you a smile and steps to the side welcoming you in.
<<say $becc>> "Hey, $pc.nameF. Come on in. We can head up to my room." <</say>>
You take off your shoes and head upstairs. Following her into her room you take a seat on her bed beside here. She pulls out a few books from her bag.
<<say $becc>> "Alright where do you want to start?" <</say>>
You join in with Rebecca as she starts to cover the various subjects you need to get a refresher on. Its nice to focus on simple stuff, not witches and spells for once. As the lesion drags on you notice Rebecca giving you the occasional glance, they linger for just a moment, never long enough for you to catch her doing it, just long enough to catch her looking away. As the lesson comes to a close you wonder if you should bring it up to her…
<span id="choice"><<link"Ask Her">>
<<say $pc>> "Is something wrong?"<</say>>
Rebecca looks over to you then averts her eyes.
<<say $becc>> "Its nothing. Just, well, you look like someone else I know." <</say>>
You freeze. Is she suspicious of you? Did she somehow figure you out?
<<say $becc>> "There's a boy at school that I like and he kind of looks like you. Ah, not, um, not in like a bad way. You're very pretty. Just, I don't know…" <</say>>
She trails off but you hardly notice still reeling from her confession of love. You've known her for years and have been friends, but you never thought she thought about you in that way…
<<say $becc>> "… and you just have that. You know what I mean?" <</say>>
<<say $pc>> "What?" <</say>>
<<say $becc>> "You have a weird comfort to you. Like I've known you forever, y'know." <</say>>
You contemplate what she's telling you. Its possible that if you tell her the truth, she might believe you, but there is also a risk she'll think your crazy and at worst effect your relationship when you turn back, or you could return her feeling, even as a woman. Of course, you can always reject her as well…
[[Tell the Truth|BeccaHome_2ndTruth]]
[[I know what you mean|BeccaHome_2ndReturn]]
[[I think we should just keep this as studying|BeccaHome_2ndReject]]<</replace>><</link>>
<<link"Leave it">>
You decide not to mention it and for the remainder of the hour you continue studying until you pack up and get ready to go. As you are leaving Rebecca speaks.
<<say $becc>> "I don't think there is much more I can teach you, $pc.nameF." <</say>>
<<say $pc>> "Oh is that so?"<</say>>
<<say $becc>> "Yeah, you've got the basics down. With the finals coming up I need to spend more time studying myself. So, I think this should be the last time we do this." <</say>>
<<say $pc>> "Oh, okay."<</say>>
Slightly dejected you make you way to your car and head out. It seems that your study sessions with Rebecca are at an end.
Studying has helped you understand your schoolwork; <span class="int">you feel a little smarter</span>!<<set $intUp to true>>
<<set $beccEnd to true>>
<</replace>><</link>></span><<set $beccLine +=1>><<set $visitedBecc = true>>
<<timed 0.5s>><<if $toldBecc>><<goto "Becc3_Trust">><<elseif !$toldBecc>><<goto "Becc3_NoTrust">><</if>><</timed>><<set $beccLine += 1>><<set $visitedBecc = true>>
You drive up to Rebecca's house and head up to the door, giving it a knock. A few moments pass before the door opens to reveal Rebecca with a warm smile on her face.
<<say $becc>>"Hey, $pc.nameF. Come in."<</say>>
She steps to the side to allow you in. She takes you hand and begins to lead you upstairs.
<<say $becc>>"My parents won't be home till late today."<</say>>
She leads you into her room and then turns to face you.
<<say $becc>>"You know what that means?"<</say>>
<<say $pc>>"Uh, no?"<</say>>
She pushes closer to you, shutting the door behind you at the same time. She leans in close, her body pressing against yours and her lips close to your ear.
<<say $becc>>"It means we can fuck."<</say>>
She pulls back and gives you a seductive smile. You smile back and lean in to kiss her.
<<videoM "img/miscDay/Becca_Kiss.mp4">><</videoM>>
The two of you begin to make out, pressed up against her bedroom door. Her hands wander over your body as you explore her. Your hands eventually snake up under her shirt and pull it up over her head. You take a moment to take in her smooth pale chest, breasts still hidden behind her bra. She looks at you with a glint of nerviousness in her eye.
<<say $becc>>"Y'know I have never actually done this before. I mean, n-not just with a girl but with anyone."<</say>>
She glances away from you. You reach up and pull her cheek back to be facing you.
<<say $pc>>"Hey, I'm new to this as well. We can figure it out together."<</say>>
<<if $beccTrust>><<say $becc>>"I guess everything is new for you, huh? Well. Let's see what new things we can experience together."<</say>><<else>><<say $becc>>"Oh, I thought that you know. You'd have done this before."<</say>><</if>>
You shake your head, and she smiles.
<<say $becc>>"Well. Let's see what new things we can experience together."<</say>>
She grabs you by the shirt and drags you towards the bed.
<<videoM "img/miscDay/Becc_Kiss1.mp4">><</videoM>>
The two of you tumble together onto the soft covers, tangling up in each other's arms. You roll on top of her bring the two of you face to face.
<<say $becc>>"So, uh, how do we do this?"<</say>>
[[Rely on your vast knowledge of lesian porn|Becca4_Lesbian]]
<<if $toldBecc && $growth>>[[Suggest using a little growth magic|Becca4_Growth]]<</if>><<set $beccLine += 1>>
WIP See the conclusions of these storyline in future updates.
<<back>><<set $beccLine += 1>>
[[!Rebecca Checker]] <<set $beccLine += 1>>
[[!Rebecca Checker]] <<set $coleLine += 1>><<set $visitedCole = true>>
<<if $toldCole>>
You make your way home and decide to stop by Cole's room and relax a little. With everything going on its nice to just unwind like the old days. As you approach the room you can hear Nathan and Cole joking around from inside. You knock on the door and push your way in. Cole and Nathan look up towards you.
<<say $cole>> "Uh, hey $pc.nameF. What's up?" <</say>>
<<say $pc>> "Not much, what are you guys up to?" <</say>>
<<say $nath>> "We were just about to start playing some Super Crash Bros, you want in?" <</say>>
<<say $pc>> "Yeah sure." <</say>>
You grab one of the beanbag chairs and a controller and start gaming. You spend about thirty minutes chilling with the two boys and playing<<if $pc.tag.background == "nerd">>, managing to hold your own against them<</if>>. As the hour begins to come to a close you come to a realization. As far as you're aware both of them are virgins. This could be your chance to get some ingredients.
<span id="choice"><<link"Ask them for pubic hair">>
As you finish your current match you set down the controller and turn to face the two boys.
<<say $pc>> "So you know how I said I'd need help gathering ingredients? Well I need your help again."<</say>>
They both nod.
<<say $cole>> "What do you need?"<</say>>
<<say $pc>> "Well it’s a bit weird but I'm gonna need some, er, pubic hair." <</say>>
The boys share a glance at each other. You see the beginnings of red creeping up onto Nathan's face.
<<say $cole>> "Y-yeah I guess we can do that, but, why us? I mean, I guess you don't have anyone else to ask…" <</say>>
<<say $pc>> "Magic is weird I don't really understand it." <</say>>
Cole give you a nod and gets to his feet.
<<say $cole>> "I'll be right back." <</say>>
Cole leaves the room, returning a few minutes later with three dark curly hairs clutched in his fingers. You gingerly accept them fighting back your own disgust.
<<say $pc>> "Thank, this gets me one step closer to being back to normal." <</say>>
Careful not to let them slip away or mix with other ingredients you tuck them safely away. An awkward silence falls over the room.
<<say $pc>> "I'm… gonna go now. See you boys later."<</say>>
With that you get up and leave the room. Time to decide what to do [[next…|DayReturner]]
You've collected Pubic Hair of a Virgin! <<set $hasMPubes to true>>
Hanging with the boys has increased their <span class="aff">Affection by +5.</span>
<<set $cole.aff +=5>><<set $nath.aff +=5>>
<<link"Ignore It">>
Deciding against asking your step-brother and friend for some of their pubes you just relax and game with the two of them for the remainder of the hour before [[heading out.|DayReturner]]<</replace>><</link>></span>
You make your way home and decide to stop by Cole's room. It may be possible to gather some more ingredients. As you approach the room you can hear Nathan and Cole joking around from inside. You knock on the door and push your way in. Cole and Nathan look up towards you.
<<say $cole>> "Uh, hey $pc.nameF. What's up?" <</say>>
<<say $pc>> "Not much, what are you guys up to?" <</say>>
<<say $nath>> "We were just about to start playing some Super Crash Bros, you want in?" <</say>>
<<say $pc>> "Yeah sure." <</say>>
You grab one of the beanbag chairs and a controller and start gaming. You spend about thirty minutes chilling with the two boys and playing<<if $pc.tag.background == "nerd">>, managing to hold your own against them<</if>>. A few games pass before Cole and Nathan give you a look. You put down the controller.
<<if $coleBet>>
<<say $pc>> "What?" <</say>>
<<say $cole>> "We were wondering if, er, you would like to make another bet?" <</say>>
To Cole's credit he manages to even hold your gaze for a moment although Nathan quickly glances away. Seems like you might have a chance to gather some more ingredients at the very least.
<<say $pc>> "Alright, same deal as last time. Best out of three." <</say>>
They both nod and pick up their controllers again.
You pick your favorite character (Sac-Man) and get ready. The thought occurs to that with your current body it wouldn't be too hard to distract both boys and get an easy win, or you could play fair.
<<statCheck 6 $pc.cha $chaImg ColeHome_2ndDistract>> Distract Them <</statCheck>>
[[Play Fair|ColeHome_2ndFair]]<<else>>
<<say $pc>>"Sorry, I've got to head out. Great playing with you guys again."<</say>>
They give you a nod and go back to playing. While a nice break you have things to do. You head out and decide what to do [[next.|DayReturner]]<</if>><</if>>
<<set $coleLine += 1>><<set $visitedCole = true>>
<<timed 0.5s>><<if $toldCole>><<goto "Cole3_Truth">><<elseif !$toldCole>><<goto "Cole3_NotTold">><</if>><</timed>><<set $coleLine += 1>><<set $visitedCole = true>>
<<timed 0.5s>><<if $toldCole>><<goto "Cole4_Truth">><<elseif !$toldCole>><<goto "Cole4_NotTold">><</if>><</timed>><<set $coleLine += 1>>
WIP See the conclusions of these storyline in future updates.
<<back>><<set $coleLine += 1>>
[[!Cole Checker]] <<set $coleLine += 1>>
[[!Cole Checker]] <img src = "img/locations/esmeHouse.jpg" height ="480px" width ="720px">
<<set $esmeLine +=1>><<set $visitedEsme = true>>You roll up to the large mansion and pull up to the gate. Before you've even come to a full stop the speaker crackles to life.
<<say $npcm>> "Good evening, Ms $pc.nameL. Mistress is awaiting inside." <</say>>
The gate shudders open and you roll inside. You park in the prestigious driveway and head to the front door which creaks open before you can knock. The aging man bows back as the door swings open.
<<say $npcm>> "Mistress awaits in the sitting room." <</say>>
You nod and retrace your steps as with last time making your way into the ornate sitting room to find Esmeralda sitting in one of the plush chairs.
<<say $esme>> "Welcome back, $pc.nameF. Are you ready to start your classes?" <</say>>
<<say $pc>> "Uh, I guess." <</say>>
<<say $esme>> "How reassuring. Your enthusiasm is inspiring. Well we are going to start with the basics. The most important part of magic is its will. When you cast a spell the intent you hold in your mind usually determines the end result. Basically, think of what you want, and it will happen." <</say>>
Esmeralda gets up and pulls down a book from one of the many shelves lining the walls she comes back and places the book back down in front of you. She opens it to a page, filled with gibberish.
<img src = "img/miscDay/spellbook.jpg" height ="480px" width ="720px">
<<say $esme>> "Normally, you would start with learning this, it's called Spelltongue. It takes a few years to learn. However, well. It’s the 20th century so we have better ways of doing things." <</say>>
She pulls out her phone and places it beside the book. An app opens with lists of… spells?
<<say $esme>> "This app has translations of all the most common spells and even guides on pronunciations. Of course, to lay folk its just some occult app but to witches, well, we can spend a lot less time in the library. And it means you won't have to learn Spelltongue. We can get right to practicing casting."<</say>>
You nod along. Only slightly confused. Esmeralda continues, getting you to download the app, setting you up with some best practices. Soon enough she seems to think you're ready for a dry run.
<<say $esme>> "Now, this first spell we are going to attempt it called a charm. Basically, it allows you to mind control someone, for a short duration. In most cases you can't get someone to do something that goes against their nature, like cause a parent to hurt a child. However, if your willpower is strong enough and theirs is weak enough you can. Also, be aware that this spell grants you no protections over yourself. If you charm someone to stab you, they will do it." <</say>>
Esme reach over and rings a small bell. Seconds later the old man appears in the doorway and give a bow.
<<say $esme>> "Richard. Please stand there. My friend here is going to practice some spells on you." <</say>>
<<say $npcm>> "Very good ma'am." <</say>>
Richard steps into the room beside Esmeralda's chair and gives you a nod. You glance down at the phone in your hand. The spell looks easy enough to say, then focus your will. The question is who do you cast it on…
<span id="choice"><<link"Cast on Richard">>
You focus and read out the words.
<<say $pc>>"<span class="castSpell">bɼɑcԍ λon wᴉuq ᴉu wλ μɑuqƨ ƨo I wλ ƨμɑbԍ ᴉϝ ϝo wλ ʍᴉɼɼ</span>"<</say>>
You feel a sudden surge of energy from inside you, you focus on Richard reaching out, exerting your control over him. You see his eyes glass over. Esmeralda claps.
<<say $esme>> "Well done. Now that he is under control you can issue him orders. Them more complex the order the more likely it will break the charm. A simple charm like this will only last while he is near you so keep that in mind. A more complex one can lay dormant for days or even years. Now tell him to pick up the book." <</say>>
<<say $pc>> "Richard. Pick up the book." <</say>>
He steps forward and picks up the book.
<<say $pc>> "Close it." <</say>>
He closes it.
<<say $pc>> "Put it back."<</say>>
Moving almost mechanically he takes the book and returns to the shelf. After a moment of searching he find the empty spot and slots in back in. He then stands, staring blankly at the bookshelf. You shiver and way he just stands, unthinking, waiting.
<<say $pc>> "How do I end it?" <</say>>
<<say $esme>> "The counter invocation is at the bottom." <</say>>
You read it over and then give it a go.
<<say $pc>> "<span class="castSpell">Ɐʍɑĸԍ</span>"<</say>>
Richard's head snaps up and he looks around confused.
<<say $npcm>> "Sorry, Mistress. I seem to have gotten confused. Do you have further need of me?"<</say>>
<<say $esme>> "That will be all."<</say>>
He bows and exits.
<<say $esme>> "As you can see, they will not remember what they do under a charm. But as you may imagine this can be very helpful. Just remember that the strong the mind you attack the harder it will be. Oh, and most all witches will have some form of ward against charms in place, so don't go trying it on any witches." <</say>>
You nod.
<<say $esme>> "That will be all for today. I've been doing a bit of research and I think that you'll need some help gathering all the ingredients to turn you back. Come by tomorrow and I'll help you out." <</say>>
<<say $pc>> "Sounds good to me. See you tomorrow then." <</say>>
With that you head out, back to your car and down the driveway onto the [[rest of your day.|DayReturner]]
Experimenting with magic has increased your power;<span class="mag">your magic feels like its growing.</span><<set $magUp to true>>
You've learned the <span class="mag">CHARM SPELL</span>.<<set $charm to true>><<set $spellsKnown +=1>>
Casting magic with Esmerelda has earned you <span class ="aff">+10 Affection</span> and <span class ="love">+10 Love.</span><<set $esme.aff += 10>><<set $ += 10>><</replace>><</link>>
<<link"Cast on Esmeralda">>
You focus and read out the words.
<<say $pc>>"<span class="castSpell">bɼɑcԍ λon wᴉuq ᴉu wλ μɑuqƨ ƨo I wλ ƨμɑbԍ ᴉϝ ϝo wλ ʍᴉɼɼ</span>"<</say>>
You feel a sudden surge of energy from inside you. You focus your energy on Esmerelda, attempting to exert your control over her.
Suddenly you feel a force push back against you. A sharp pain begins to build in your head, suddenly your mind flashes white.
When you open your eyes, you are laying flat on your back Esmeralda sitting comfortably nearby and Richard leaning over you.
<<say $npcm>> "Are you quite alright, Miss?" <</say>>
There is a slight twinge in your head, and you feel… fine. You glance toward Esmeralda who is sporting a cocky knowing smile.
<<say $esme>> "I should have warned you that almost every witch will have wards to protect herself from such spells. That was a silly thing to try. Although, your casting was a success, otherwise my ward wouldn't have triggered." <</say>>
Richard helps you back into your chair.
<<say $pc>> "Right, sorry. I figured it was a good test of my abilities." <</say>>
<<say $esme>> "Yes of course, you surely didn't have any other reasons. Regardless, that will be all for today. I've been doing a bit of research and I think that you'll need some help gathering all the ingredients to turn you back. Come by tomorrow and I'll help you out." <</say>>
<<say $pc>> "Sounds good to me. See you tomorrow then." <</say>>
With that you head out. You pause for a moment by your car. Something feels slightly off but you just can't place it. Its almost like you are forgetting something. Well it must not be important. Back to your car and down the driveway onto the [[rest of your day.|DayReturner]]
Experimenting with magic has increased your power;<span class="mag">your magic feels like its growing.</span><<set $magUp to true>>
Attempting to cast magic on Esmerelda has cost you <span class ="aff">-10 Affection</span> and <span class ="sus">-2 Trust.</span><<set $esme.aff -= 10>><<set $esme.sus -= 2>>
You've learned the <span class="mag">CHARM SPELL</span>.<<set $charm to true>><<set $spellsKnown +=1>>
Your brain feels a little slower...<span class="int">-1 INT!</span><<set $ -= 1>>
<<set $esmeLine +=1>><<set $visitedEsme = true>><img src = "img/locations/esmeHouse.jpg" height ="480px" width ="720px">
You roll up to the large mansion and pull up to the gate. Before you've even come to a full stop the speaker crackles to life.
<<say $npcm>> "Good evening, Ms $pc.nameL. Mistress is awaiting inside." <</say>>
Once again you drive up the gravel path to the front of the mansion. As you head up to the front doors they open and Richard greets you with a bow.
<<say $npcm>>"Mistress will see you upstairs today. Just head up the main steps and it’s the 3rd door on the left."<</say>>
You thank him and follow his orders. You proceed upstairs into a lavishly decorated hallway. You see old paintings of what you assume to be Esmeralda's ancestors hanging on the walls. You approach the 3rd door and knock.
<<say $esme>>"Come in."<</say>>
You push open the door and proceed into what you assume to be Esmerelda's bedroom. You look around in wonder at the massive bedroom, easily the size of your entire living room. You see Esmerelda seated in a chair by a desk. She looks up from a book at you.
<<say $esme>>"I'm glad you decided to come. I think I have something that might help you. It’s a bit of a strange spell but in your situation, it might be quite useful."<</say>>
You nod still taking in the room and approach Esmerelda. As you come close, she picks up a book and turns it around to show you a diagram on the page. You see a picture of a woman, or at least you think it is a woman until you see a dick poking out between her legs.
<<say $pc>>"I don't understand? Are you going to turn me back into a man?"<</say>>
<<say $esme>>"Not quite. That takes real power, especially to have it stick. This spell is more short term and well… Let's just say its origins are a bit more deviant."<</say>>
<<say $pc>>"Deviant?"<</say>>
<<say $esme>>"It was developed by a group of lesbian witches in the middle ages to alleviate some urges. In short, when cast on a woman it will grown them a dick for a short time."<</say>>
Your eyes widen. You think of having your dick back and a smile begins to creep across your face.
<<say $esme>>"I see the idea of you having your dick back pleases you."<</say>>
<<say $pc>>"Of course. This is one step closer to turning back."<</say>>
<<say $esme>>"Let's not get ahead of ourselves. I was thinking that it would be useful for gathering certain ingredients."<</say>>
You nod, her plan dawning on you. You are liking this plan.
<<say $esme>>"Now, before I just give you this spell and let you run off to test it, I think we should try it in a more contained environment. Now, would you like me to test it one myself or on you? Or are you getting cold feet?"<</say>>
<span id="choice"><<link"I don't think I want this">>
You look at the inscription in the book and thing about your current situation. Its magic like this that made you this way in the first place, perhaps its best not to tempt fate.
<<say $pc>>"I'm sorry Esmerelda. I appreciate the help, but I don't want to risk this. I think I have to pass on this spell."<</say>>
She nods pauses a moment then closes the book.
<<say $esme>>"Very well. I will still need you to do something for me. I need you to increase your power. We're going after COC and I need you at your top form. Look for spells and magic everywhere. Tomorrow we'll make our first move."<</say>>
Apprehensively you nod. That was the deal, help fight witches in exchange for her help turning you back.
<<say $pc>>"I'll do my best."<</say>>
She nods and leads you out of the room and down the steps.
<<say $esme>>"Have a fine evening, $pc.nameF."<</say>>
<<say $pc>>"You too, Esmerelda."<</say>>
You head out and make your way to your car deciding where [[to go next|DayReturner]]<</replace>><</link>>
<<link"Test it on me">>
<<say $pc>>"I'm the one who is trying to become a man again. Try it on me."<</say>>
<<say $esme>>"Alright. Get your pants off and sit on the bed."<</say>>
Surprised by her sudden forwardness you make your way to the bed and slide out of you pants. You sit down on the soft surface of the bed and Esmerelda pulls up a chair beside you.
<<say $esme>>"Underwear too. I'll need to touch your genitals."<</say>>
Despite her clinical words you feel heat beginning to gather in your loins. You lean back a slide out of underwear sitting now bare bottomed on her bed. She reaches out and places a hand gently again your crotch, just above your pussy.
<<say $esme>>"<span class="castSpell"> Exbɑuq qouმ</span>."<</say>>
<<link"Lets try it on you first">>
<<say $pc>>"I think it’s a good idea for you to test it out on yourself. Who knows how it will interact with what's going on with me."<</say>>
<<say $esme>>"I think that might be wise."<</say>>
She gets to her feet and walks over to bed. She sits down and begins to undo her dress.
<<say $esme>>"I would be lying if I said I wasn't at least a little curious as well."<</say>>
She drops down her dress and slides out of it. Under the dress you can see black hosiery clinging tight to her body. You try and keep yourself from staring as she unhooks it and slides her panties off.
<<say $esme>>"Well, lets see how this goes."<</say>>
She places on hand on her crotch and focuses.
<<say $esme>>"<span class="castSpell"> Exbɑuq qouმ</span>."<</say>>
<<set $esmeLine +=1>><<set $visitedEsme = true>>You roll up to the large mansion gates as the speaker flares to life.
<<say $npcm>>"Good day, Ms. $pc.nameL. Mistress is awaiting inside." <</say>>
Once again you drive up the gravel path to the front of the mansion. As you head up to the front doors they open, and Richard greets you with a bow.
<<say $npcm>>"Mistress will see you upstairs again. Do you remember the way?"<</say>>
<<say $pc>>"Up the stairs, 3rd door on the left?"<</say>>
<<say $npcm>>"Right you are, ma'am."<</say>>
You thank him and proceed upstairs into the lavishly decorated hallway. You pass the paintings of Esmeralda's ancestors hanging on the walls and approach the 3rd door. You knock gently and hear Esmeralda call back.
<<say $esme>>"Come in."<</say>>
You proceed inside to see Esmeralda sitting by her desk a collection of books scattered on the surface. She turns to look back at you.
<<say $esme>>"Welcome, $pc.nameF."<</say>>
<<say $pc>>"Uh hi."<</say>>
She swivels the chair to face you and leans forward.
<<say $esme>>"You know when I agreed to help you, I said I'd need something in return? Well, the time has come."<</say>>
You nod along and approach, wary of what she might request.
<<say $esme>>"I think I found someone that will have information on my parents. They are a former member of the COC, but recently they went rogue. If they are rogue, they won't be as well protected."<</say>>
She gets up and gestures for you to approach the desk. On it you can see blueprints of some sort of old manor as well as a number of spell diagrams and notes.
<<say $pc>>"That’s, uh, a lot."<</say>>
<<say $esme>>"Richard has been helping me research the place. Tomorrow we will strike."<</say>>
You nod, you don't have much of a choice in helping her, especially when she has done so much.
<<say $esme>>"There is two things before that though. First, we need some sort of offensive magic. That kind of magic is very rare and very dangerous. Some sort of fire conquering or lightning magic would be best."<</say>>
<<if $fire>><<say $pc>>"Actually, I already know something like that."<</say>>
Her eyes widen.
<<say $esme>>"How?"<</say>>
<<say $pc>>"Arthur taught it too me."<</say>>
<<say $esme>>"Arthur? The magic shop proprietor?"<</say>>
You nod.
<<say $esme>>"I had no idea he was such a prolific mage. Interesting. Well then we only need one thing."<</say>>
You nod along.<</if>>
<<say $esme>>"The other thing we need is a Sphere of Convalescence. Luckily, I already have one. I'll just need to get it out of the vault for tomorrow. I understand you also need one for your ritual. Once we are done there, I'll gift mine to you."<</say>>
<<say $pc>>"Wow, thank you. I've heard those are expensive."<</say>>
<<say $esme>>"Very."<</say>>
The room goes quiet for a second as you both stand and look over the designs.
<<if $esmeUsedGrowth>>
<<say $esme>>"Well. That is everything I needed to tell you. Unless you require assistance gathering "other" ingredients?"<</say>>
She looks at you with a smirk. It seems she is looking to try out the Growth spell again…
[[Agree to use it on yourself|Esme4_Self]]
[[Agree to use it on her|Esme4_Esme]]
<<say $esme>>"I think that is everything for today. Thank you."<</say>>
<<say $pc>>"Uh, well I'll be going then."<</say>>
<<say $esme>>"Very well. Remember to come tomorrow, we have work to do."<</say>>
You nod and then head out, making your way back to the car and then driving off, [[wondering what to do next.|DayReturner]]<</if>><<set $esmeLine +=1>><<set $visitedEsme = true>>
WIP See the conclusions of these storyline in future updates.
<<back>>Double-click this passage to edit it.Double-click this passage to edit it.<<set $disableSide to false>>You awaken with a start. The fog of sleep slowly fleeing your brain as you look down confused at the alien weight on your chest. Breasts? Right. Breasts.
<img src = "img/day1/day/povBoobs.jpg" height ="480px" width ="720px">
<<set $cassDate to false>>
<<if $bustUp>>You pause for a moment inspecting your breasts. Have they gotten... bigger? You shake your head. You aren't used to this body enough to make a call like that. Probably just the way you were laying down.<<set $bustUp to false>><</if>>
You slump back down on the bed as your alarm clock lets off a second blare alerting you that it is indeed time to get up. You roll up on the edge of your bed. Another day in this body, huh?
<<if $ > 0>>Glancing over you see that your phone has new messages. Unlocking it you see messages from Cassandra.
<div class ="phone">
<span class ="phoneLeft">Hey $pc.nameF, I think I might have some ideas to help out. We should meet up after school.</span>
<span class ="phoneLeft">I mean, if that’s cool with you. </span>
<span class ="phoneLeft">Just trying to help.</span>
<span class ="phoneLeft">Let me know what you think.</span>
Should you get in contact with her? She might make this whole thing go a lot smoother, but do you risk it?
<span id ="choice"><<link "Hey Cass, I'll see you after school.">>
<<replace "#choice">>
She replies almost immediately.
<div class ="phone">
<span class ="phoneRight">Hey Cass, I'll see you after school.</span>
<span class ="phoneLeft">Okay great! See you after school!</span>
Guess it's time to shower and get [[ready for school|Day3_Morning]].
<<set $cassDate to true>>
Your love with Cassandra has increased by <span class ="love"> +1 </span> <<set $ += 1>>
<span id ="choice"><<link "Sorry, I'm busy after school.">>
<<replace "#choice">>
She replies almost immediately.
<div class ="phone">
<span class ="phoneRight">Hey Cass, sorry I'm going to be busy after school.</span>
<span class ="phoneLeft">Oh sorry. Let me know if you need anything.</span>
Better safe than sorry. Right now, it's time to shower and get [[ready for school|Day3_Morning]].
Your love with Cassandra has decreased by <span class ="love"> -1 </span> <<set $ += 1>> <</replace>><</link>>
Guess its time to get [[ready for school|Day3_Morning]].<</if>>
You step out of your room to catch a glimpse of Cole exiting the bathroom, steam trailing after him. He pauses when he sees you holding his towel up a little higher.
<<if $toldCole>><<say $cole>> "H-hey $pc.maleNameF -er I mean, $pc.nameF, good morning. Uh, bathrooms free now."<</say>>
He turns and quickly enters into his bedroom slamming the door. Your step-brother has always been awkward, but it seems that your new body is even more off-putting for him.
<<else>> <<say $cole>> "H-hey, $pc.nameF. Uh, bathroom is all yours."<</say>>
He gives you a quick glance before fleeing into his room and slamming the door. Your step-brother has always been awkward, but it seems the presence of a girl makes him doubly so. <</if>>
You head into the already steamy bathroom and quickly disrobe. Taking a moment to inspect yourself in the mirror.
You nod to yourself, yeah you'd fuck yourself. You pause and shake your head. What are you thinking? You quickly hop in the shower and wash off the nights rest. Your hands idly wander over your body as lewd thoughts begin to fill your head. Should you take care of some business…?
<span id ="choice"><<link "Masturbate">>
<<replace "#choice">>
You slowly run your hands over your stomach until they come up under your breasts. You gently cup them, feeling their weight again. You sigh at the feeling of the water trickling across your cupped breasts. Your thumbs slowly circling your nipples, the tips just barely brushing against them. Your ministrations elicit a response down below as you feel your body begin to heat up, your whole body vibrating with arousal. You keep one hand attending to your breasts as the other snakes it way down between your legs.
<<videoM "img/day3/showerFap.mp4">><</videoM>>
Ever so gently you prob around your pussy. Your slick fingers gently part the folds of your vagina as your brush against a small hard nub. A shock of pleasure rockets through your body causing you to let out a small sharp moan. Not letting up your finger continues rocking back and forth.
<<videoM "img/day3/showerFap2.mp4">><</videoM>>
As your mind gets lost in the pleasure it begins to wander. Your mind quickly shifts to imagining some sexy woman down there lapping at your pussy, the unimaginable pleasure taking over.
<<videoM "img/day3/Day3_ShowerFantasy2.mp4">><</videoM>>
<<if $marcusPeeked>> As your ministrations speed up your mind wanders again, thinking of Marcus, jacking off on his bed. His huge cock, what it would feel like in your hands, your mouth, your pus-
<<videoM "img/day3/Day3_ShowerFantasy.mp4">><</videoM>><</if>>
You let out a shout of pleasure as your body is rocked with a mind shattering orgasm. You quickly flail out a hand to catch yourself. Just managing to not fall to the floor but knocking over several bottles that clatter around the tub.
Cursing you quickly pick up the bottles, finish washing, and turn off the shower. Your legs feel weak and your body still quivering slightly as you wrap up in the towel. <<if $marcusPeeked>> Your mind flashes to your thoughts at the moment of your orgasm and you shake you head. Just a spur of the moment thing, nothing to get worked up over. <<set $marcusOrgasmSelf>><</if>> As you dry off you wonder how much noise you made, and if Cole might have heard it…<<set $showerOrgasm to true>>
[[Head downstairs|Day3_AtHome]]<</replace>><</link>>
<<link "Don't touch yourself">>
<<replace "#choice">>
Your hands snap away from your breasts and pussy as you shake your head. You need to focus on getting back into your body. Nothing else can distract you. You quickly finish up your shower and begin to make your way [[downstairs|Day3_AtHome]].<</replace>><</link>></span>
You make your way downstairs and enter the kitchen seeing Cole finishing preparing some breakfast. He gives you a nod before asking.
<<say $cole>> "Do you want some?"<</say>>
<<say $pc>> "Sure." <</say>>
You sit down across the breakfast bar. Cole heads about preparing you some food as well.
<<if $toldCole>> <<say $cole>> "So Nathan told me to meet him at the science room between Lunch and 3rd class. He thinks that he'll be able to get that Nitric Acid for you then."<</say>>
<<say $pc>> "Sweet, let him know I'll see him there. <</say>><</if>>
Cole nods back as he puts some food in front of you. You happily dive in then grab your things and head out to the car. Starting it up you [[head off for school|Day3_BeforeSchool]].
<img src = "img/locations/hsFront.jpg" height ="480px" width ="720px">
You pull into the school. Cole hops out and gives you a wave goodbye. You take a deep breath. It seems you have enough day of highschool as a girl ahead of you. Hopefully nothing goes wrong.
You open the door and step outside. Immediately you are aware of a presence behind you. Flinching you turn.
<<say $circ>> "Hello Ms. $pc.nameL. You seem to be adjusting well." <</say>>
Circe stands before you, cowering only slightly behind her is Cassandra eyes cast down.
<<say $circ>> "I'm just dropping by to invite you to a meeting tonight. It seems that there is new complications with your "accident". We will discuss tonight, meet me at the graveyard tonight at 10PM. Do not blow me off Ms. $pc.nameL. You will regret it." <</say>>
She gives you a smile and before you can respond she stalks off leaving Cassandra behind.
<<if $ > 0>> <<say $cass>> "Sorry about that, she can be a bit much." <</say>>
<<else>> <<say $cass>> "You better listen. Circe does not like to be disobeyed." <</say>><</if>>
<<say $pc>> "Tell me about it. Nearly jumped out of my skin. What is this new complication?" <</say>>
<<say $cass>> "Uh, its heady stuff that I don't full understand. I think it has something to do with the magic on you, it's not stabilizing like we thought it would. Basically, it means that your current form is unstable and could change." <</say>>
<<say $pc>> "Change? Like I can go back to man? That’s good news!" <</say>>
<<say $cass>> "Not exactly. Your form is going to be more effected by your actions. Like, if you spend the next week running you will become much more fit, but, uh, more. Its not pronounced enough to make you back into a man without outside help but its something to be aware of." <</say>>
<<say $pc>> "Oh, I see. Well thanks for the heads up. I guess I'll be seeing you around then." <</say>>
<<say $cass>> "Yeah, see you." <</say>>
You grab your bag out of your car and toss it over one shoulder before rushing off [[to class|Day3_Class1]].
<img src = "img/locations/englishClass.jpg" height ="480px" width ="720px"><<set $currentTime += 1>>
You duck into Ms. Rose's classroom a few seconds before the bell rings and grab a seat. Ms. Rose begins the class as normal but quickly transitions everyone to private reading time. You pull out your copy of Moppy's Phallus and begin causally reading through. As you read you notice Esmeralda at the back of the class, feet up on the table and a completely different book in her hands. Ms. Rose casually walks by without saying anything about it. How strange… maybe you should ask Esmeralda about that.
The hour passes quickly, and you begin to pack up your things just before the hour passes. You consider if you should confront Esmeralda about what you saw…
<span id ="choice"><<link "Confront Her">>
<<replace "#choice">>
You decide to chase her down. You quickly head out of the classroom and slide your way through the crowd towards her. As you get close you tug on her sleeve, she whips around to face you.
<<if $esme.aff > 5>> <<say $esme>> "Oh, $pc.nameF its you. What do you want?"<</say>>
<<say $pc>> "Why didn't Ms. Rose say anything about you in there. She walked right past you. Do the two of you have some sort of agreement."<</say>>
<<say $esme>> "Sweet Rose, the poor woman can't resist even the simplest of spells. I used a simple Charm and Glamour so that I can do whatever I wish in that class. You wouldn't even have noticed if you weren't now attuned to see such things." <</say>>
<<say $pc>> "Wait, so it was magic?" <</say>>
<<say $esme>> "A simple spell but yes. On Ms. Rose pretty much anything will work." <</say>>
Magic huh? Maybe this could be useful to you.
<<say $pc>> "Could you teach me?" <</say>>
Esmeralda look you up and down, she ponders for a moment then smiles.
<<say $esme>> "We can discuss this after school. I think I can work with it." <</say>>
<<set $tutorEsme to true>>
With that she slips off into the crowd and you begin to head to your own [[class as well|Day3_Break1]].
<<say $esme>> "What do you want?" <</say>>
<<say $pc>> "Why didn't Ms. Rose say anything about you in there? She walked right past you. Do the two of you have some sort of agreement?"<</say>>
She gives you a curious look and then her face flashes with anger.
<<say $esme>> "Fuck off!" <</say>>
She yanks her arm from you then vanishes into the crowd. You shrug and head to your own [[next class|Day3_Break1]].<</if>><</replace>><</link>>
<<link "Let her go">>
<<replace "#choice">>
You decide against going after her and head to your own [[class as well|Day3_Break1]].<</replace>><</link>></span>
Pushing your way through the halls you begin making your way towards your math class. As you push through the crowded hall you feel a sharp slap on your ass followed by a firm grab.
<<videoM "img/day3/assGrab.mp4">><</videoM>>
Shocked you whip around only to find the crowd of student passing around you.
Seems someone has taken advantage of the cramped hallway to cope a feel of your ass. Little shits. Begrudgingly you duck into math class to avoid further groping. Making your way to your desk you sit down and [[get ready|Day3_Class2]].
<img src = "img/day1/day/mathBoard.jpg" height ="480px" width ="720px">
Mr. Smith enters the classroom and clears his throat prompting the class to settle down and go quiet. <<if $smithLine > 0>> You see Mr. Smith's eyes linger on you for a moment, a slight smile creeping up at the corner of his mouth. <</if>> He takes up a piece of chalk and taps the board with it twice.
<<say $smit>> "Already class today we are going be covering the proper use of the Quadratic Equation…" <</say>>
The class passes rather quickly and thankfully Mr. Smith does not call upon you at any time. Without incident the class comes to an end. You get up and start heading for the door.
<<if $smithLine > 0 && $gloryHoleVisited>> <<say $smit>> "Miss $pc.nameL, please remain behind for a second."<</say>>
Hesitantly you stop just beside the door as the rest of the students file out. Mr. Smith makes his way around the desk and then sits on the edge of it facing you.
<<say $smit>> "It seems that I have come across some very interesting information. Apparently, there has been some "inappropriate" activities going on in one of the bathrooms here at school."<</say>>
You blood goes cold. What does he know?
<<say $smit>> "Here, why don't you take a look." <</say>>
<<videoM "img/day3/Day3_GloryholeFacial.mp4">><</videoM>>
He faces his phone towards you and starts playing a video. You see yourself, grabbing a cock sticking through the wall, jerking it…
You glace up at Mr. Smith, he smiles at you lecherously.
<<say $smit>> "As I'm sure you are aware; this sort of activity is grounds for expulsion. Of course, perhaps I can be convinced to withhold this information."<</say>>
Great, this fucker is going to blackmail you. On one hand he is probably going to suggest something as bad or worse than what you did in that bathroom, but you also can't afford to be expelled. If you are there is little chance, you'll ever be turned back. Better see what he wants.
<<say $pc>> "Alright, what do you want?"<</say>>
His lecherous smile grows larger.
<<say $smit>> "First off you are going to make sure you attend our daily study sessions. Secondly, you will be making your way to that bathroom stall every day. I've made some modification and all the funds you receive will be coming back to me. Got it?" <</say>>
You shiver at the thought of him essentially whoring you out but for the time being you have no choice.
<<say $pc>> "Fine, I'll agree to those terms." <</say>>
At least for now.
<<say $smit>> "Smart move Ms. $pc.nameL. You'd be surprised with how fast this place can turn on a person." <</say>>
You nod and get out of there as fast as possible.
Mr. Smith's Affection to you has increased by <span class ="aff"> +5 </span> <<set $smit.aff += 5>><<set $smithGloryPath to true>>
<<set $currentTime += 1>><img src = "img/locations/cafe.jpg" height ="480px" width ="720px">
You walk into the cafeteria. As you enter with your food you see a variety of different places you could sit…
<<if $coleLunch is false>>You see your step-brother and his friend Nathan sitting at one of the nearby tables, Cole notices you and gestures to [[eat beside them|Day3_Lunch-Cole][$lunchTimer -= 1]].<</if>>
<<if $cassLunch is false>><<if $cass.aff >= 25>> You see [[Cassandra|Day3_Lunch-Cassandra][$lunchTimer -= 1]] sitting alone head slumped forward onto her backpack, possibly asleep.<</if>><</if>>
<<if $jessLunch is false>>You see [[Jessica and Doug|Day3_Lunch-Jess][$lunchTimer -= 1]] sitting with most of the football team, Jessica waves at you to come over.<</if>>
<<if $esmeLunch is false>><<if $esme.aff >=5>> You see [[Esmerelda|Day3_Lunch-Esmerelda][$lunchTimer -= 1]] sitting alone near the back of the café. <</if>><</if>>
<<if $beccLunch is false>>You see [[Rebecca|Day3_Lunch-Rebecca][$lunchTimer -= 1]] sitting with a few books out, studying while she eats.<</if>>
<<if $aloneLunch is false>>Or of course you could always [[eat alone|Day3_Lunch-Alone][$lunchTimer -= 1]].<</if>><img src = "img/locations/art-classroom.jpg" height ="480px" width ="720px"><<set $currentTime += 1>>
You duck into art class and quickly take you seat. Mrs. Yiin comes into the class as everyone is settling down.
<<say $yiin>> "Good afternoon class. I have good news for everyone. I have been talking with Mr. Schoman and he has agreed to my proposal for alternative methods of education. Tomorrow we will be having a guest to do some nude modeling for us. So, make sure you bring your sketch books and pencils." <</say>>
A whisper of excitement goes through the classroom. A nude model? You get excited thinking about it as well, although it won't have the same impact. Still, tomorrow should be an entertaining class. The rest of the class passes without incident. <<if $madeFetish>> Although you do notice Mrs. Yiin idly watching you from time to time. <</if>>
The bell rings and you get up to head for [[Gym Class|Day3_Break2]].
<img src = "img/locations/hsHalls.jpg" height ="480px" width ="720px"><<set $dougDate to false>>
You head out of the classroom and only get a few steps before a large arm blocks your path. Looking up you see Doug leaning against the locker, blocking your bath.
<<say $doug>> "Hey, babe. I was wondering if you had time to consider my invitation. <</say>>
He smiles down at you. You hadn't really noticed just how much bigger he was than you now. I mean even before he was a good two or three inches taller but now its more like a whole foot.
<<say $pc>> "Invitation?"<</say>>
<<say $doug>> "To my party, its Friday. My place, all the regular people will be there." <</say>>
Right, the pre exam party. You had almost forgotten. Is it worth it to go like this?
<span id ="choice"><<link "I'll go">>
<<replace "#choice">>
<<say $pc>> "Yeah, I'll go." <</say>>
<<if $doug.aff >= 50>><<say $doug>>"That's great. Hey, I know you're new in town so if you want I could pick you up tonight and show you around the town. No pressure or anything."<</say>>
<<say $pc>> "Uh, yeah I'll think about it."<</say>><<set $dougDate to true>><</if>>
<<say $doug>> "Sweet, here I'll give you my number so I can text you the address. See you around, babe." <</say>>
Doug quickly give you his number and walks off. You wonder what to do now. He is already in your phone, but you can't very well text him your number since he will know it's you… That’s a problem for later.
You head the rest of the way [[towards the gym|Day3_Class4]].
Doug's Affection has increased by <span class ="aff"> +5 </span> and his Love by <span class ="love"> +2 </span>.<<set $doug.aff += 5>><<set $ += 2>>
<<link "I'll pass">>
<<replace "#choice">>
<<say $pc>> "S-sorry Doug, I've got a lot of studying to catch up on I don't think I'll make it." <</say>>
Doug pauses for a moment then frowns.
<<say $doug>> "Alright bade. See you around then." <</say>>
He leans off the locker and walks away. You head the rest of the way [[towards the gym|Day3_Class4]].
Doug's Affection has decreased by <span class ="aff"> -10 </span> and his Love by <span class ="love"> -5 </span>.<<set $doug.aff -= 10>><<set $ -= 5>><</replace>><</link>></span>
As you approach the gym you spot Mr. Swinebak standing in the hall. He gives you a nod towards the open door to his office.
You head into his office and begin to unpack your things.<<if $removedCamera>> As you are routing around in your things you feel a sudden vibration from the camera you took down from the bathroom. It seems to be responding to something in this room. Should you look further into this?
<span id ="choice"><<link "Investigate">>
<<replace "#choice">>
You pull the little camera out of you bag and see three yellow lights blinking on its side. Its… uploading? Wait does that mean that Mr. Swinebak put this thing up not Mr. Smith? You begin looking around the room and sure enough, perched behind one of the trophies on the cabinet behind his desk is another camera. You grab it and switch it off. The fucker was recording you change. However, you have evidence now. You could use this to get some leverage if you could get its contents. You stash the two cameras away and then quickly change. He'll notice it missing I'm sure but that just means you'll have to act fast.
<<videoM "img/day3/Day3_Changing.mp4">><</videoM>>
You change and head out of the office [[towards the gym|Day3_Gym]]<<set $tookCameras to true>> <</replace>><</link>>
<<link "Leave it alone">>
<<replace "#choice">>
You think it best to not piss off Mr. Smith or Mr. Swinebek right now. You shift slightly so that you are out of the way of the camera and quickly get changed. Slipping on your gym clothes you head out into the gym and get ready for class.<</replace>><</link>></span>
<<videoM "img/day3/Day3_Changing.mp4">><</videoM>>
You quickly switch to your gym clothes and get ready for class, slipping back out the door and closing [[it behind you|Day3_Gym]].<</if>>
//Cole Williams
<<set $cole = {gender:"male",
Name: "Cole Williams",
img: "img/char/cole/face_01.png",
style: "border: 2px solid rgb(1,0,0);",
style1: "box-shadow: 0px 0px 10px 2px rgba(100, 149, 237,1);background-color: black;",
<<set $toldCole to false>>
//Marcus Coftman
<<set $marcus = {gender:"male",
relation:"best friend",
Name: "Marcus Coftman",
img: "img/char/marcus/face_01.png",
style: "border: 2px solid rgb(1,0,0);",
style1: "box-shadow: 0px 0px 10px 2px rgba(220, 20, 60,1);background-color: black;",
//Cassandra Bakear
<<set $cass = {gender:"female",
Name: "Cassandra Bakear",
img: "img/char/cass/face_01.png",
style: "border: 2px solid rgb(1,0,0);",
style1: "box-shadow: 0px 0px 10px 2px rgba(153, 50, 204,1);background-color: black;",
<<set $cassDate to true>>
//Nathaniel Hall
<<set $nath = {gender:"male",
relation:"brother's friend",
Name: "Nathaniel Hall",
img: "img/char/nath/face_01.png",
style: "border: 2px solid rgb(1,0,0);",
style1: "box-shadow: 0px 0px 10px 2px rgba(255, 127, 80,1);background-color: black;",
//Doug King
<<set $doug = {gender:"male",
Name: "Doug King",
img: "img/char/doug/face_01.png",
style: "border: 2px solid rgb(1,0,0);",
style1: "box-shadow: 0px 0px 10px 2px rgba(255, 69, 0,1);background-color: black;",
<<set $dougDate to true>>
//Rebecca Lambert
<<set $becc = {gender:"female",
Name: "Rebecca Lambert",
img: "img/char/becc/face_01.png",
style: "border: 2px solid rgb(1,0,0);",
style1: "box-shadow: 0px 0px 10px 2px rgba(255, 165, 0,1);background-color: black;",
<<set $toldBecc to false>>
//Jessica Thisbe
<<set $jess = {gender:"female",
Name: "Jessica Thisbe",
img: "img/char/jess/face_01.png",
style: "border: 2px solid rgb(1,0,0);",
style1: "box-shadow: 0px 0px 10px 2px rgba(255, 105, 180,1);background-color: black;",
//Esmerelda Novak
<<set $esme = {gender:"female",
Name: "Esmerelda Novak",
img: "img/char/esme/face_01.png",
style: "border: 2px solid rgb(1,0,0);",
style1: "box-shadow: 0px 0px 10px 2px rgba(50, 205, 50,1);background-color: black;",
//Mr. Scholman
<<set $scho = {gender:"male",
Name: "Mr. Scholman",
img: "img/char/scho/face_01.png",
style: "border: 2px solid rgb(1,0,0);",
style1: "box-shadow: 0px 0px 10px 2px rgba(255, 255, 224,1);background-color: black;",
//Mrs. Rose
<<set $rose = {gender:"female",
Name: "Mrs. Rose",
img: "img/char/rose/face_01.png",
style: "border: 2px solid rgb(1,0,0);",
style1: "box-shadow: 0px 0px 10px 2px rgba(218, 112, 214,1);background-color: black;",
<<set $roseCharmed to false>>
<<set $roseCharmedHelp to false>>
//Mr. Swinebak
<<set $swin = {gender:"male",
Name: "Mr. Swinebak",
img: "img/char/swin/face_01.png",
style: "border: 2px solid rgb(1,0,0);",
style1: "box-shadow: 0px 0px 10px 2px rgba(240, 230, 140,1);background-color: black;",
//Mr. Smith
<<set $smit = {gender:"male",
Name: "Mr. Smith",
img: "img/char/smit/face_01.png",
style: "border: 2px solid rgb(1,0,0);",
style1: "box-shadow: 0px 0px 10px 2px rgba(255, 160, 122,1);background-color: black;",
<<set $smithGloryPath to false>>
<<set $smithPath to "Obey">>
//Mrs. Yiin
<<set $yiin = {gender:"female",
Name: "Mrs. Yiin",
img: "img/char/yiin/face_01.png",
style: "border: 2px solid rgb(1,0,0);",
style1: "box-shadow: 0px 0px 10px 2px rgba(152, 251, 152,1);background-color: black;",
//Arthur Verdenti
<<set $arth = {gender:"male",
relation:"local crazy magic man",
Name: "Arthur Verdenti",
img: "img/char/arth/face_01.png",
style: "border: 2px solid rgb(1,0,0);",
style1: "box-shadow: 0px 0px 10px 2px rgba(34, 139, 34,1); background-color: black;",
<<set $arthRes to 0>>
<<set $arthCorr to 0>>
<<set $hideMagic to false>>
//Supreme Circe
<<set $circ = {gender:"female",
relation:"leader of the witches",
Name: "Circe",
img: "img/char/circ/face_01.png",
style: "border: 2px solid rgb(1,0,0);",
style1: "box-shadow: 0px 0px 10px 2px rgba(147, 112, 219,1);background-color: black;",
//Misc Male
<<set $npcm = {gender:"male",
relation:"leader of the witches",
Name: "Unknown",
img: "img/char/misc/face_01.png",
style: "border: 2px solid rgb(1,0,0);",
style1: "box-shadow: 0px 0px 10px 2px rgba(255, 255, 255,1);background-color: black;",
//Misc Male
<<set $npcm2 = {gender:"male",
relation:"leader of the witches",
Name: "Unknown",
img: "img/char/misc/face_01.png",
style: "border: 2px solid rgb(1,0,0);",
style1: "box-shadow: 0px 0px 10px 2px rgba(50, 50, 50,1);background-color: black;",
<<set $jock = {gender:"male",
relation:"leader of the witches",
Name: "Jock",
img: "img/char/misc/jocks.png",
style: "border: 2px solid rgb(1,0,0);",
style1: "box-shadow: 0px 0px 10px 2px rgba(255, 99, 71);background-color: black;",
//Misc Female
<<set $npcf = {gender:"female",
relation:"leader of the witches",
Name: "Unknown",
img: "img/char/misc/face_02.png",
style: "border: 2px solid rgb(1,0,0);",
style1: "box-shadow: 0px 0px 10px 2px rgba(255, 225, 225,1);background-color: black;",
<<set $frank = {gender:"female",
relation:"leader of the witches",
Name: "Frank",
img: "img/char/misc/face_frank.png",
style: "border: 2px solid rgb(1,0,0);",
style1: "box-shadow: 0px 0px 10px 2px rgba(255, 225, 225,1);background-color: black;",
//Art Boys
<<set $boy1 = {gender:"female",
relation:"leader of the witches",
Name: "Inspired Artist",
img: "img/char/misc/face_artist1.png",
style: "border: 2px solid rgb(1,0,0);",
style1: "box-shadow: 0px 0px 10px 2px rgba(255, 225, 225,1);background-color: black;",
<<set $partygoer = {gender:"female",
relation:"leader of the witches",
Name: "Partygoer",
img: "img/char/misc/face_partygoers.png",
style: "border: 2px solid rgb(1,0,0);",
style1: "box-shadow: 0px 0px 10px 2px rgba(255, 225, 225,1);background-color: black;",
<<set $emily = {gender:"female",
relation:"leader of the witches",
Name: "Emily",
img: "img/char/misc/face_emily.png",
style: "border: 2px solid rgb(1,0,0);",
style1: "box-shadow: 0px 0px 10px 2px rgba(255, 0, 225,1);background-color: black;",
<<set $loner = {gender:"female",
relation:"leader of the witches",
Name: "Loner",
img: "img/char/misc/face_loner.png",
style: "border: 2px solid rgb(1,0,0);",
style1: "box-shadow: 0px 0px 10px 2px rgba(0, 0, 0,1);background-color: black;",
<<set $mixer = {gender:"female",
relation:"leader of the witches",
Name: "Bartender",
img: "img/char/misc/face_mixer.png",
style: "border: 2px solid rgb(1,0,0);",
style1: "box-shadow: 0px 0px 10px 2px rgba(125, 125, 125,1);background-color: black;",
//Couple M & F
<<set $femC = {gender:"female",
relation:"leader of the witches",
Name: "Girlfriend",
img: "img/char/misc/face_couple.png",
style: "border: 2px solid rgb(1,0,0);",
style1: "box-shadow: 0px 0px 10px 2px rgba(200, 50, 50,1);background-color: black;",
<<set $maleC = {gender:"female",
relation:"leader of the witches",
Name: "Boyfriend",
img: "img/char/misc/face_couple.png",
style: "border: 2px solid rgb(1,0,0);",
style1: "box-shadow: 0px 0px 10px 2px rgba(0, 0, 200,1);background-color: black;",
<<set $drunks = {gender:"female",
relation:"leader of the witches",
Name: "Drunk",
img: "img/char/misc/face_drunk.png",
style: "border: 2px solid rgb(1,0,0);",
style1: "box-shadow: 0px 0px 10px 2px rgba(0, 0, 0,1);background-color: black;",
<<set $ralph = {gender:"female",
relation:"leader of the witches",
Name: "Ralph",
img: "img/char/misc/face_ralph.png",
style: "border: 2px solid rgb(1,0,0);",
style1: "box-shadow: 0px 0px 10px 2px rgba(0, 0, 0,1);background-color: black;",
<<set $gamer = {gender:"female",
relation:"leader of the witches",
Name: "Arcade Player",
img: "img/char/misc/face_gamer.png",
style: "border: 2px solid rgb(1,0,0);",
style1: "box-shadow: 0px 0px 10px 2px rgba(0, 0, 0,1);background-color: black;",
<<set $clerk = {gender:"female",
relation:"leader of the witches",
Name: "Arcade Clerk",
img: "img/char/misc/face_clerk.png",
style: "border: 2px solid rgb(1,0,0);",
style1: "box-shadow: 0px 0px 10px 2px rgba(0, 0, 0,1);background-color: black;",
<<set $witch = {gender:"female",
relation:"leader of the witches",
Name: "Witch",
img: "img/char/misc/face_witch.png",
style: "border: 2px solid rgb(1,0,0);",
style1: "box-shadow: 0px 0px 10px 2px rgba(0, 0, 0,1);background-color: black;",
<<set $doc = {gender:"male",
relation:"leader of the witches",
Name: "Doc",
img: "img/char/misc/doc.png",
style: "border: 2px solid rgb(1,0,0);",
style1: "box-shadow: 0px 0px 10px 2px rgba(255, 255, 255);background-color: black;",
tag:"doc"}>><img src = "img/day1/day/raiseHand.jpg" height ="480px" width ="720px">
You raise you hand, sure of the answer. Mrs. Rose gestures to you to go right ahead. You give a rather neat answer making sure to address all points of her questions. She nods as you finish.
<<say $rose>>"Very good, $pc.nameF. It seems at least someone has been paying attention."<</say>>
Your enthusiasm in her class has earned you <span class ="aff">+5 Affection</span> with Mrs. Rose.
You have had a productive class; you get a <span class = "int">little bit smarter.</span><<set $intUp = true>>
You lean back in your chair and wait for the [[class to be over.|Day1_Break1]]This game contains graphic and inappropriate content for people under the legal age. If you are not 21 years of age or older, please close this window and delete this game. Otherwise click below to acknowledge you are of legal age.
All characters in this story are of 18 years of age or older and all images used are of models of 18 years or older. Any similarities to real people are purely coincidence.
Formalities out of the way click below to continue.
[[Begin|StoryStart]]You take a seat beside Cole and Nathan. They both give you a glace over as their conversation dies down.
<<if $invitedToCole == true>>
<<if $toldCole == true>><<say $nath>> "Remember to meet me in the science wing when you get a chance. We can get you that acid you need."<</say>><</if>>
<<if $toldCole == false>> You see them both give your body a quick once over. It seems that your games haven't fully satisfied them yet. Cole speaks up first.
<<say $cole>> "H-hey $pc.nameF do you think you'll be stopping by to playing today? You're welcome to if you want." <</say>>
<<say $pc>> "I'll think about it." <</say>>
You respond before diving into your lunch.<</if>> You spend the rest of the time chatting with the two before its time to pack up and <<if $lunchTimer >0>>you still have some time before [[lunch ends.|Day3_Lunch]]<<else>>After finishing up you head out and make your way [[towards Art class.|Day3_After-Lunch]]<</if>>
<<set $coleLunch = true>>
<<say $cole>> "How has your day been so far, $pc.nameF."<</say>>
<<say $pc>> "Fine, really hasn't been too exciting." <</say>>
<<say $cole>> "Yeah, this place is pretty boring. Nathan and I were just planning to hang out together tonight, we are going to play some Super Crash Bros tonight. You can join us if you want."<</say>>
<<say $pc>> "Uh, yeah, if I have time I might stop by." <</say>>
With that conversation over Cole and Nathan begin talking about tiers of characters for their games and you peacefully eat your lunch.<<if $lunchTimer >0>> You still have some time before [[lunch ends.|Day3_Lunch]]<<else>>After finishing up you head out and make your way [[towards Art class.|Day3_After-Lunch]]<</if>>
<<set $coleLunch = true>>
<<set $invitedToCole = true>><</if>>You sit down beside Cassandra; she glances up and gives you a smile.
<<say $cass>> "Hey, $pc.nameF. How has your day been?" <</say>>
<<say $pc>> "Its still been weird. I'm not used to a lot of things." <</say>>
<<say $cass>> "Don't worry $pc.nameF. Only four more days and things will be back to normal." <</say>>
You nod and spend the rest of your lunch eating and chatting before cleaning up and <<if $lunchTimer >0>>you still have some time before [[lunch ends.|Day3_Lunch]]<<else>>make your way [[towards Art class.|Day3_After-Lunch]]<</if>>
<<set $cassLunch = true>>
You grab a seat beside Jessica and Doug. They are engaged in a heated discussion as the rest of the football team and cheerleaders look on.
<<say $jess>> "I know you'd pick me dumbass. Who wouldn't? But if you couldn't pick me who would you pick." <</say>>
Doug ponders for a moment. His face scrunching as he strains to think on whatever question his girlfriend has posed to him. His eyes pass over you.
<<if $cheerLine > 0>> <<say $doug>> "I think the new girl." <</say>>
Jessica's eye's fly to you with an icy stare that slowly softens as she looks you over.
<<say $jess>> "I can see what you mean. Maybe you'll get the chance, she'd probably be into it."<</say>>
Doug's love has inceased by <span class ="love"> +1 </span> <<set $ += 1>>
Jessica's affection has inceased by <span class ="aff"> +5 </span> <<set $jess.aff += 5>>
<<say $doug>> "Lana." <</say>>
Jessica scoffs and rolls her eyes.
<<say $jess>> "Fucking men." <</say>><</if>>
Confused you start to open your mouth to ask what is going on, but Jessica continues talking at a higher volume to intentionally cut you off. Admonished you just eat and listen until its time to <<if $lunchTimer >0>>go. You still have some time before [[lunch ends.|Day3_Lunch]]<<else>>make your way [[towards Art class.|Day3_After-Lunch]]<</if>>
<<set $jessLunch = true>>
Jessica and Doug's affection has inceased by <span class ="aff"> +5 </span> <<set $jess.aff += 5>> <<set $doug.aff += 5>>
Hanging out with the cool kids has made you more socialable;<span class="cha"> you feel like you're getting more charismatic.</span><<set $chaUp to true>>You grab a seat beside Esmerelda.
<<say $esme>> "Ms. $pc.nameL. You seem determined to associate yourself with me, why is that?" <</say>>
You ponder for a moment, meeting Esmerelda's eyes.
<span id ="choice"><<link "I want to be friends">>
<<replace "#choice">>
<<say $pc>> "I just want to be friends. That’s it really." <</say>>
<<say $esme>> "How strange. I don't think I've had anyone want to be my friend since last year. I guess that spell fried your brain as well." <</say>>
<<say $pc>> "No, I think I can confirm my brain is intact. Hopefully." <</say>>
Esmerelda chuckles at that, a high sweet sound. You smile and start eating chatting with her over lunch before cleaning up and <<if $lunchTimer >0>>go. You still have some time before [[lunch ends.|Day3_Lunch]]<<else>>make your way [[towards Art class.|Day3_After-Lunch]]<</if>>
<<set $esmeLunch = true>>
Spending time with Esmeralda has increased her Affection by <span class="aff"> +10.</span><<set $esme.aff += 10>><</replace>><</link>>
<<link "I'm strangely attracted to you">>
<<replace "#choice">>
<<say $pc>> "I-I'm not quite sure. Something about you is just captivating." <</say>>
Esmerelda narrows her eyes at you.
<<say $esme>> "How very forward of you. Before you wouldn't have any chance with me but now… Well." <</say>>
She seems to take you in with new eyes. You feel strangely uncomfortable under her gaze and turn away, blushing. You awkwardly continue eating. As the period comes to an end you <<if $lunchTimer >0>>go. You still have some time before [[lunch ends.|Day3_Lunch]]<<else>>make your way [[towards Art class.|Day3_After-Lunch]]<</if>>
<<set $esmeLunch = true>>
Spending time with Esmeralda has increased her Affection by <span class="aff"> +15.</span><<set $esme.aff += 15>><</replace>><</link>>
<<link "You can help me">>
<<replace "#choice">>
<<say $pc>> "You seem to know how to turn me back. So, you know." <</say>>
She meets your eyes again; you see disappointment flash in them.
<<say $esme>> "Ah, thank you. That clears things up." <</say>>
You continue to eat with sparse conversation. By the end of the period you clean up and <<if $lunchTimer >0>>go. You still have some time before [[lunch ends.|Day3_Lunch]]<<else>>make your way [[towards Art class.|Day3_After-Lunch]]<</if>>
<<set $esmeLunch = true>>
Spending time with Esmeralda has decreased her Affection by <span class="aff"> -10.</span><<set $esme.aff -= 10>><</replace>><</link>></span>
You sit down beside Rebecca. She looks up at you with a smile.
<<say $becc>> "Hello, $pc.nameF. How has your day been? " <</say>>
<<say $pc>> "So far so good. At least I don't have much to complain about. How have you been?" <</say>>
<<if $invitedToBecc == true and $beccLine > 0>> <<say $becc>> "Things have been going well. I think I have a way to get you all caught up if you want to come by again tonight." <</say>>
<<say $pc>> "Yeah, sure thing. I'll try and make time." <</say>>
<<say $becc>> "Same, I've been ready for exams for weeks I just want them to be over." <</say>>
You continue to chat about classes over the period and eventually clean up and <<if $lunchTimer >0>>you still have some time before [[lunch ends.|Day3_Lunch]]<<else>>make your way [[towards Art class.|Day3_After-Lunch]]<</if>>
<<set $beccLunch = true>>
<<say $becc>> "Well anyways, I bet you are stressed about exams having moved here so close to them." <</say>>
<<say $pc>> "Truthfully I haven't even really thought about it." <</say>>
<<say $becc>> "Oh, well if you need any help I could help you study." <</say>>
<<say $pc>> "Uh, yeah sure. If I have time I will let you know." <</say>>
You spend the rest of lunch talking to Rebecca about the various class you are in. After finishing your lunch, <<if $lunchTimer >0>>you still have some time before [[lunch ends.|Day3_Lunch]]<<else>>make your way [[towards Art class.|Day3_After-Lunch]]<</if>>
<<set $beccLunch = true>>
<<set $invitedToBecc = true>><</if>>
You sit down by yourself and enjoy your lunch. Before long you finish and decide to get ready for your [[next class|Day3_After-Lunch]].You get up from lunch and head out into the hallway. Next is your art class but before that you have a bit of time. Is there anything you should do…?
<<if $gloryHoleVisited>>Return to the [[boys bathroom.|Day3_GloryHole]]<<if $smitForced>> (Mr. Smith will be mad if I don't)<</if>><</if>>
<<if $toldCole>>[[Find Nathan and get your acid.|NathanRaid]]<</if>>
[[Just go to class|Day3_Class3]]<img src = "img/day2/MaleRestroom.jpg" height ="480px" width ="720px">
You step back into the familiar although strangely alien world of the boy's bathroom and quickly make your way into the furthest most stall, you heart pounding. How the fuck did you end up back in here again. Yesterday was a fluke but this, this is intentional. Are you really going to go through with this…?
<<if $ >= 5 && $smithLine>1>><span id ="choice"><<link "Search for Cameras">>
<<replace "#choice">>
If you are going to do this then you should at least make sure Mr. Smith can't get any more blackmail on you. You quickly glance around the stall, based on the angle you saw it must be somewhere over…here…
Got it! You grab the camera and pull it off the wall. It pops off and you quickly turn it off. No show for that old fuck. Now you need to decide if its worth going through with his blackmail anyways…<<set $removedCamera to true>>
[[Knock on the wall|Day3_GloryHole-2]]
<<link "Don't search">>
<<replace "#choice">>
Better to not test his patience. So what will it be...?
[[Knock on the wall|Day3_GloryHole-2]]
[[Knock on the wall|Day3_GloryHole-2]]
You make your way to the science wing and spot Nathan standing outside on of the doors. He waves you over.
<<say $pc>> "Hey, so what's the plan." <</say>>
Nathan glances around before leaning in closer.
<<say $nath>> "So, there is a storage locker in this classroom that keeps all sort of chemicals, including the stuff I'd need to make your Nitric Acid. Problem is its locked, but I do know where the keys are. If you can steal the keys then we can get in, I can make the acid and get out no problem."<</say>>
<<say $pc>> "Okay, so where are the keys?" <</say>>
Nathan points across the hall at the janitor's office. Oh, okay great.
<<say $pc>> "I assume you want me to do the stealing part?" <</say>>
He nods.
<<say $pc>> "Alright, shout if a janitor starts coming back this way." <</say>>
He nods again and you make your way across the hall. Pulling open the door you slip inside.
<img src = "img/locations/janitorCloset.jpg" height ="480px" width ="720px">
The room is filled with a small desk, dozens of different types of cleaning supplies but no immediate sign of keys. You begin to search as quickly as you can.
<span id ="choice"><<link "Search">>
<<replace "#choice">>
You set about searching as best you can, but the room is a mess. For a janitor's office its one of the most dirty and disorganized places you've seen. After a few moments of looking you find the keys in the desk drawer. A second later hear a shout outside and a second after that the sound of the [[door opening…|NathanRaid_Caught]]<</replace>><</link>>
<<statCheckReplace 7 $ $intImg "Search Efficently">><<link "Search Efficently">>
<<replace "#choice">>
You quickly scan the room and look for the best possible places for keys to be kept. Your eyes are drawn to the desk drawers and sure enough there they are. You grab the keys and slip out of the room.
You head over to Nathan and push the key into his hands. The two of your slip into the [[science room|NathanRaid_ScienceRoom]].<</replace>><</link>><</statCheckReplace>></span>
With a sigh you sit down on the toilet and resign yourself to your fate. You slide down the toilet paper holder and wait. A minute passes. Then another. Just when you start thinking that you might be late for class there is the sound of someone entering the room. Not just someone though, two people. Your heart pounds in your chest, this you didn't sign up for. You comtemplate fleeing but they'd see you for sure. Before you can decide you hear one of them speak up.
<<say $npcm>> "Dude, look at this sign. "I'm a dirty slut that loves cock. 10 Dollars and I'll love yours too."<</say>>
You hear the sound of another person moving into the adjacent stall. You cringe at Mr. Smith's wording, that bastard.
<<say $npcm2>> "D-do you think its for real?" <</say>>
<<say $npcm>> "Only one way to find out." <</say>>
A moment later a rolled up $10 bill is pushed through the hole. No going back now. You pull it through the rest of the way.
<<say $npcm2>> "Dude! Its totally legit." <</say>>
<<say $npcm>> "Wait hold up what if it’s a dude?" <</say>>
<<say $npcm2>> "No way dude. You can go second though." <</say>>
As you hear that a dick flops through the hole.
<<videoM "img/day3/Day3_GloryHole.mp4">><</videoM>>
Here goes nothing. With shaking hands, you reach out and grasp it, illicting a surprised moan from the other side. Encouraged you begin to stroke it faster causing his dick to quickly harden under your ministrations. You see a bit of precum dribble from the tip of his dick.
<<videoM "img/day3/Day3_GloryHoleStroke.mp4">><</videoM>>
You feel a heat begin to grow in your stomach. Is this turning you on? There is no way. You’re a guy. But still you can't help but wonder what it would feel like, in your mouth…
<span id ="choice"><<link "Keep Stroking">>
<<replace "#choice">>
You shake off the thought and focus. You need this to keep your place at school and to get ingredients. Nothing else. You speed up and hear a surprised moan from the other side. The heat in your hand increases and you quickly get your Reservoir from your bag. You hear the man moan and you uncork it. His cum flies from his cock and its scent hits your nose. With a soft sucking noise, it is sucked into the small bottle, gone.
<<videoM "img/day3/Day3_GloryHoleFacial.mp4">><</videoM>>
You release his cock, already softening through the hole. You whip your hand and get ready to leave before another $10 is pushed through followed by another, different cock. Right the other guy.
<<say $npcm>> "C'mon babe me next!"<</say>>
Seems you don't have a choice. You grab his already hard dick and start tugging.
<<videoM "img/day3/Day3_GloryHoleStroke.mp4">><</videoM>>
Luckily this one doesn't take as long and within a few minutes he is cumming, which is also quickly catch in the Reservoir.
<<say $npcm>> "Dude, this place is awesome! We should tell the gang." <</say>>
<<say $npcm2>> "This bitch isn't the best but dang if I'm not gonna come back. Wonder what she looks like, huh?" <</say>>
You freeze. Oh fuck!
<<say $npcm>> "Hold up there. Can't go looking. Its part of the sacred pact of the glory hole. Gotta respect that or they start disappearing." <</say>>
Your heart calms a bit. God bless the bro code. You hear them arguing as they head out. Taking the chance, you book it out of the stall and back into the hall. You quickly make your way [[towards art class|Day3_Class3]].
<<set $cum += 13>><span id="remove">
<<link "Collect Cum!">><</link>>
<<replace '#tooltip'>><<notify>> You've gained 13ml of cum!
<meter class="cumTrack" @value="$cum" min="0" max="1000"></meter><</notify>><</replace>>
<<replace '#tooltip'>><<replace'#remove'>><</replace>><</replace>>
<<link "Start Sucking">>
<<replace "#choice">>
Leaning forward you press your lips against the head of hit cock. The salty taste is immediately unpleasant but the heat, the smell, for some reason you push forward enveloping the head of his cock in his mouth. He moans and you push on further. You feel it running along the inside of your mouth. The fleeing is strangely… satisfying.
<<videoM "img/day3/Day3_GloryHoleSuck.mp4">><</videoM>>
You pull back teasing the head with you lips as your hand works the shaft. Suddenly the cock twitches and a salty deluge fills your mouth. You quick recoil causing it to spring out of your mouth and spatter across your face. Suddenly disgusted you quickly grab your Reservoir and uncork it.
<<videoM "img/day3/Day3_GloryHoleFacial.mp4">><</videoM>>
Holding it up to your mouth you spit the warm cum into the bottle and with a soft sucking noise the cum on your face is sucked away too.
You whip your face and get ready to leave before another $10 is pushed through followed by another, different cock. Right the other guy.
<<say $npcm>> "C'mon babe me next!"<</say>>
Seems you don't have a choice.
<<videoM "img/day3/Day3_GloryHoleStroke.mp4">><</videoM>>
You grab his already hard dick and start tugging. Luckily this one doesn't take as long and within a few minutes he is cumming, which is also quickly caught in the Reservoir.
<<videoM "img/day2/GloryholeCum.mp4">><</videoM>>
<<say $npcm>> "Dude, this place is awesome! We should tell the gang." <</say>>
<<say $npcm2>> "This bitch isn't the best but dang if I'm not gonna come back. Wonder what she looks like, huh?" <</say>>
You freeze. Oh fuck!
<<say $npcm>> "Hold up there. Can't go looking. Its part of the sacred pact of the glory hole. Gotta respect that or they start disappearing." <</say>>
Your heart calms a bit. God bless the bro code. You hear them arguing as they head out. Taking the chance, you book it out of the stall and back into the hall. You quickly make your way [[towards art class|Day3_Class3]].
<<set $gloryHoleSucked to true>>
<<set $cum += 13>><span id="remove">
<<link "Collect Cum!">><</link>>
<<replace '#tooltip'>><<notify>> You've gained 13ml of cum!
<meter class="cumTrack" @value="$cum" min="0" max="1000"></meter><</notify>><</replace>>
<<replace '#tooltip'>><<replace'#remove'>><</replace>><</replace>>
<<set $gloryHoleVisited to true>>
<<set $gloryHoleVisited2 to true>>
You decide that no matter what Mr. Smith might do to you this is not worth it. You get to your feet and rush out of the bathroom making a beeline to your next class.
[[Day3_Class3]]<img src = "img/locations/volleyBall.JPG" height ="480px" width ="720px">
You step into the gym in time for class to begin. You see your fellow female classmates gathering on the far side of the room, a strange concept. You see Mr. Swinebek speaking with the boys on the far side and approach the girls. Almost immediately you see Jessica watching you closely with her gaggle of cheerleader girls surrounding her. Your flight or fight response immediately triggers under her gaze.
<<say $jess>> "Hey new girl, come over here and have a seat."<</say>>
You pause for a moment to think before the shrill call of the whistle startles you. Mr. Swinebek jogs his way across the gym and calls out.
<<say $swin>> "Alright, ladies. Today's going to be volleyball, split yourselves up and get the setting up that net." <</say>>
You glance back over to Jessica and her gaggle, or you could head over to where Cassandra, Rebecca, and others are waiting…
<span id ="choice"><<link "Join Jessica's Team">>
<<replace "#choice">>
You walk over to Jessica and help her, and her team start to set up the net. As you get ready you see the other team gathering as well and notice Cassandra's eyes watching you. Mr. Swinebek blows the whistle and you prepare for the match.
Mr. Swinebek passes Jessica the ball and you get ready…
<span id ="choice2"><<link "Just Play">>
<<replace "#choice2">>
<<videoM "img/day3/Day3_VolleyBall.mp4">><</videoM>>
You do what you can and actually manage to score a few assists with Jessica and her team. They perform well, like a well-oiled machine and quickly dismantle your opponents. It's not surprising, you sure some are on the volleyball team after all. After only 40 minutes Mr. Swinebek calls the match 21-3.
<<say $swin>> "Alright ladies, Cassandra get your team to clean up and put away the net and balls. Jessica, your team may go. <</say>>
You begin to make your way out of the gym and back towards Mr. Swinebek's office before you feel a hand on your shoulder. You turn to see Jessica.
<<say $jess>> "Where are you going new girl?" <</say>>
<<say $pc>> "I, uh…" <</say>>
<<say $jess>> "Well, whatever it is can wait, c'mon let's get changed." <</say>>
You freeze, eyes wide. The girl's locker room? The forbidden lands? Jessica gives you an odd look as you stand in the middle of the hall. You quickly [[follow after her|Day3_LockerRoom]].
Jessica's Affection has increased by<span class ="aff"> +5 </span>.<<set $jess.aff + 5>>
<<link "Do your best">>
<<replace "#choice2">>
<<videoM "img/day3/Day3_VolleyBall.mp4">><</videoM>>
You do what you can and actually manage to score a few assists with Jessica and her team. They perform well, like a well-oiled machine and quickly dismantle your opponents. It's not surprising, you sure some are on the volleyball team after all. After only 40 minutes Mr. Swinebek calls the match 21-3.
<<say $swin>> "Alright ladies, Cassandra get your team to clean up and put away the net and balls. Jessica, your team may go. <</say>>
You begin to make your way out of the gym and back towards Mr. Swinebek's office before you feel a hand on your shoulder. You turn to see Jessica.
<<say $jess>> "Where are you going new girl?" <</say>>
<<say $pc>> "I, uh…" <</say>>
<<say $jess>> "Well, whatever it is can wait, c'mon let's get changed." <</say>>
You freeze, eyes wide. The girl's locker room? The forbidden lands? Jessica gives you an odd look as you stand in the middle of the hall. You quickly [[follow after her|Day3_LockerRoom]].
Jessica's Affection has increased by<span class ="aff"> +5 </span>.<<set $jess.aff + 5>>
<<statCheckReplace 6 $pc.ath $athImg "Go For the Win">><<link "Go for the win">>
<<replace "#choice2">>
<<videoM "img/day3/Day3_VolleyBall.mp4">><</videoM>>
You dominate the other team. You easily slip into the flow of Jessica's team and together manage to destroy the enemy team them even scoring a single point. Mr. Swinebek calls a mercy on the match early and you spend the rest of the class doing laps and pushups in preparation for the test on Friday. As the class comes to close the whistle sounds.
<<say $swin>> "Alright ladies, Cassandra get the net taken down and make sure the balls are put away, everyone else can go." <</say>>
As you begin to exit Jessica and her gang come up to you and begin to divert you towards the lockerroom.
<<say $jess>> "Impressive out there, $pc.nameL. <<if $cheerLine> 0>> Make sure you stop by practice again. <<else>> You should stop by our cheer practice after school, we could use someone like you. <</if>> <</say>>
Before you know it, you've entered the [[girl's locker room|Day3_LockerRoom]].
Jessica's Affection has increased by<span class ="aff"> +10 </span>.<<set $jess.aff + 10>> <</replace>><</link>><</statCheckReplace>></span><</replace>><</link>>
<<link "Join the other team">>
<<replace "#choice">>
You head over to Cassandra and join in helping set up the net. You see Jessica giving you a mean look from the other side as Mr. Swinebek blows the whistle and tosses her the ball. Looks like its show time…
<span id ="choice2"><<link "Just Play">>
<<replace "#choice2">>
<<videoM "img/day3/Day3_VolleyBall.mp4">><</videoM>>
You do what you can and manage to score a few hits in there and there but eventually Jessica's team of athletic cheerleaders easily wipe the floor with your group of misfits. After a sweaty hour of volleyball Mr. Swinebek blows the whistle again and calls the match, 23 – 4.
<<say $swin>> "Alright ladies, Cassandra get your team to clean up and put away the net and balls. Jessica, your team may go. <</say>>
You help Cassandra pull down the net and haul it into the storage locker. As you are stocking things away you hear the commotion of the boys also coming into the storage area and packing away their own net. You see Nathan and a boy you don't recognize.
You quickly pack up the last of the balls and give a nod to Cassandra for her to go. As you lean over to pack away the last of the net you notice that Nathan has already left, leaving just you and the boy. You feel his gaze on your ass as you lean over to tie up the net.
You quickly straighten and turn to face him. He glances away. You head out of the room and head back into Mr. Swinebek's [[office to change|Day3_EndOfSchool]].<</replace>><</link>>
<<link "Do your best">>
<<replace "#choice2">>
<<videoM "img/day3/Day3_VolleyBall.mp4">><</videoM>>
You do what you can and manage to score a few hits in there and there but eventually Jessica's team of athletic cheerleaders easily wipe the floor with your group of misfits. After a sweaty hour of volleyball Mr. Swinebek blows the whistle again and calls the match, 23 – 4.
<<say $swin>> "Alright ladies, Cassandra get your team to clean up and put away the net and balls. Jessica, your team may go. <</say>>
You help Cassandra pull down the net and haul it into the storage locker. As you are stocking things away you hear the commotion of the boys also coming into the storage area and packing away their own net. You see Nathan and a boy you don't recognize.
You quickly pack up the last of the balls and give a nod to Cassandra for her to go. As you lean over to pack away the last of the net you notice that Nathan has already left, leaving just you and the boy. You feel his gaze on your ass as you lean over to tie up the net.
You quickly straighten and turn to face him. He glances away. You head out of the room and head back into Mr. Swinebek's [[office to change|Day3_EndOfSchool]].<</replace>><</link>>
<<statCheckReplace 6 $pc.ath $athImg "Go For the Win">><<link "Go for the win">>
<<replace "#choice2">>
<<videoM "img/day3/Day3_VolleyBall.mp4">><</videoM>>
You push yourself to your limit. You don't want to say that you carried your team but… well you carried them. It’s a hard-fought match but at the end of a sweat hour you manage to beat Jessica and her team as Mr. Swinebek calls it 7-6.
<<say $swin>> "Alright ladies, Jessica get your team to clean up and put away the balls and net. Cassandra, your team may go. <</say>>
Jessica stares daggers at you as you head out of the gym. As they pass you Rebecca and Cassandra give you a smile and a pat on the back for your performance.
[[Head out|Day3_EndOfSchool]]
Rebecca and Cassandra's Affection has increased by<span class ="aff"> +5 </span>.<<set $becc.aff + 5>><<set $cass.aff + 5>> <</replace>><</link>><</statCheckReplace>></span><</replace>><</link>></span>
You step into the locker room and find it… pretty much identical to the men's locker room. Slightly disappointed you swing your bag off your shoulder and quicky set about getting changed. After only a few seconds you pause as you see one of the naked cheerleaders rush past you towards the shower.
<<videoM "img/day3/Day3_Lockerroom.mp4">><</videoM>>
Your eyes are naturally drawn after her beautifully shaking ass and breasts. You see others heading towards the showers and wonder if you should join them…
<span id ="choice"><<link "Join them">>
<<replace "#choice">>
As you round the corner into the showers you are struck by the awe and beauty before you. All of the cheer squad, naked, soapy, and bare before you. You set under the hot stream of water and begin to feel it run down your body as you hear a different strange noise.
<<say $jess>> "Fuck, mmm, your tongue knows its place Lana." <</say>>
<<videoM "img/day3/Day3_LesbianShower.mp4">><</videoM>>
You glace over to see Jessica, sprawled up against the wall as a girl (Lana you presume) licks enthusiastically at her pussy. She moans again as Lana's head pushes deeper into her cunt. You feel your own stomach begin to warm the heat spreading lower and lower.
<<say $jess>> "Hey new girl, the fuck you looking at?" <</say>>
You freeze, eyes still transfixed on Jessica's crotch before you slowly look up and meet her eyes.
<<if $pc.ath > 6>><<say $jess>> "You know Lana, $pc.nameF did pretty good out there, perhaps you should reward her too. If that’s cool with her" <</say>>
Jessica gives you a sexy smile and pulls Lana's mouth from her snatch, her chin dripping with juices. Lana licks her lips and looks towards you, waiting for permission…
<span id ="choice2"><<link "You Nod">>
<<replace "#choice2">>
Lana crawls across the shower tile, her ass shaking seductively as she approaches you. What the fuck has Jessica done to this girl to gain such loyalty and submission. Before you can contemplate further Lana's, hands reach your hips and gently push you up again the wall. A second later you feel a shock on your crotch as her tongue assaults your pussy.
<<videoM "img/day3/Day3_SubLana.mp4">><</videoM>>
Almost immediately your legs begin to buckle as she greedily laps at the folds of your vagina before you feel electricity scatter your thoughts as her tongue laps against your clit. You loudly moan prompting some giggles from the rest of the cheer squad. You mind still scattered you legs almost give out as Lana pulls back from your crotch with a smile, letting the water wash off your own juices.
<<say $pc>> "T-thanks…" <</say>>
You manage to squeak out. Lana giggles before a snapping sound from Jessica draws her away. She crawls away, giving you a good look at her ass as she goes. She dives back into Jessica's cunt as Jessica looks over towards you.
<<videoM "img/day3/Day3_DomLana.mp4">><</videoM>>
<<say $jess>> "First time I assume? Lana is one of the best. Always helps to keep moral up when you have a cunt slave like her around." <</say>>
She grabs Lana's hair and begins to grid against her. You shakily go back to washing and managed to finish up just as Jessica's moans are reaching their zenith. You quickly get dressed and head out of the [[locker room|Day3_EndOfSchool]].<</replace>><</link>>
<<link "Refuse">>
<<replace "#choice2">>
You shake your head and Lana turns back towards Jessica, diving back into her pussy.
<<say $jess>> "Your loss." <</say>>
<<videoM "img/day3/Day3_Dom Lana.mp4">><</videoM>>
She says before grabbing Lana's hair and grinder her pussy against her mouth. You quickly go back to washing and managed to finish up just as Jessica's moans are reaching their zenith. You quickly get dressed and head out of the [[locker room|Day3_EndOfSchool]].<</replace>><</link>></span>
<<say $jess>> "Like what you see new girl? Always room for one more if that’s what you're after." <</say>>
With that she grabs Lana's hair and pulls her away from her crotch, offering her bright smooth pussy in your direction. You can feel the flame in your stomach growing hotter. The hottest girl in school offering you her pussy…
<span id ="choice2"><<link "Go over and start licking">>
<<replace "#choice2">>
You walk your way across the shower, aware of the eyes of some of the other girls on you. You drop to your knees in front of Jessica and examine her smooth, pink, pussy before you. Before you have a chance to react hands grab your hair and push your mouth against her cunt. Your nose is flooded with her scent, opening your mouth your dart out with your tongue and taste the salty folds of her pussy.
<<videoM "img/day3/Day3_JessicaLick.mp4">><</videoM>>
Jessica lets out an appreciative moan as you get to work, her fingers running through your hair. You feel a second set of hands, Lana's you assume beginning to wander your body, pulling at your nipples and running over your own pussy. Your ministrations speed up as you lap at Jessica's clit, her moans growing louder as she grinder her crotch against your face. Suddenly she slams your face against her and moans holding you so tight you can barely breath for a moment before releasing you.
You sit back panting as he licks her lips and looks down at you.
<<say $jess>> "Not bad, $pc.nameF. You make a good cunt muncher; I'll keep that in mind." <</say>>
With that she turns from you. Feeling slightly used you get up and finish showering, making sure to wash your face. The heat in your belly slowly abating as you finish and get dressed, heading out of the [[locker room|Day3_EndOfSchool]].
Jessica's Affection and Love have both increased by <span class ="love"> +5</span><<set $jess.aff + 5>><<set $ + 5>>
<<link "Turn back to washing">>
<<replace "#choice2">>
You turn away and Jessica laughs. You hear her grab Lana and force her face back to work as the moans continue in the shower. You quickly finish washing, dress, and head out of the [[locker room|Day3_EndOfSchool]].<</replace>><</link>></span><</if>><</replace>><</link>>
<<link "Just Change">>
<<replace "#choice">>
You turn away and continue washing as moans continue in the shower. You quickly finish washing, dress, and [[head out of the locker room|Day3_EndOfSchool]].<</replace>><</link>></span>
<<set $currentTime += 1>>Making your way out of the locker room you head out of the school to your car. You need to meet with Circe tonight but until then you have some free time… What to do…?
<<if !$marcusEnd>><<if !$visitedMarcus>><<if $energy > 0>>You can go [[visit Marcus|!Marcus Checker]], explain the situation to him. He might be able to help you out.<<else>><span class ="deadLink">You can go visit Marcus, explain the situation to him. He might be able to help you out.</span> You are out of energy.<</if>><</if>><</if>>
<<if !$smithEnd>><<if !$visitedSmith>><<if $passedTest == false and $energy > 0>>
You should [[go see Mr. Smith|!Smith Checker]], otherwise he could cause you a lot of trouble at the school.<<elseif $passedTest == false and $energy <= 0>><span class ="deadLink">You should go see Mr. Smith, otherwise he could cause you a lot of trouble at the school.</span> You are out of energy.<</if>><</if>><</if>>
<<if !$cheerEnd>><<if !$visitedCheer>><<if $invitedToCheer and $energy > 0>>You can [[take up Jessica's offer|!Cheer Checker]] of going to cheerleading practice, a little physical activity might perk you up.<<elseif $invitedToCheer and $energy <= 0 >><span class ="deadLink">You can take up Jessica's offer of going to cheerleading practice, a little physical activity might perk you up.</span><</if>><</if>><</if>>
<<if !$shopEnd>><<if !$visitedShop>><<if $energy > 0>>You can [[go visit the Magic Shop|!Shop Checker]] that Cassandra told you about, get a jump on the ingredients.<<else>><span class ="deadLink">You can go visit the Magic Shop that Cassandra told you about, get a jump on the ingredients.</span> You are out of energy.<</if>><</if>><</if>>
<<if !$coleEnd>><<if !$visitedCole>><<if $invitedToCole and $energy >0>>You can go [[home and hang out with Cole.|!Cole Checker]]<<elseif $invitedToCole and $energy <= 0>><span class ="deadLink">You can go home and hang out with Cole.</span> You are out of energy.<</if>><</if>><</if>>
<<if !$beccEnd>><<if !$visitedBecc>><<if $invitedToBecc and $energy >0>>You can go [[study with Rebecca.|!Rebecca Checker]]<<elseif $invitedToBecc and $energy <= 0>><span class ="deadLink">You can go study with Rebecca.</span> You are out of energy.<</if>><</if>><</if>>
<<if !$esmeEnd>><<if !$visitedEsme>><<if $invitedToEsme and $energy >0>>You can go [[talk to Esmerelda|!Esme Checker]] about this whole mess.<<elseif $invitedToEsme and $energy <=0>><span class ="deadLink">You can go talk to Esmerelda about this whole mess.</span> You are out of energy.<</if>><</if>><</if>>
<<if !$hasFetish>><<if $fetishCreated and $energy > 0>>You can go [[get your "art" from Mrs. Yiin.|YiinArt]]<<elseif $fetishCreated and $energy <= 0>><span class ="deadLink"> You can go get your "art" from Mrs. Yiin.</span> You are out of energy.<</if>><</if>>
[[Go Home (ends actions)|Day3_Evening]]You pull into your driveway and rest for a moment. Its starting to get late but you still have a bit more time if there is still more you want to do...
<<if $dougDate is true>>[[Meet up with Doug|DougDate_1]]<</if>>
<<if $cassDate is true>>[[Meet up with Cassandra|CassDate_1]]<</if>>
You knock on Cole's door and wait a few short moments before it swings open. Cole stands there in his pajamas eyes wide as he sees you.
<<say $cole>> "Uh, hey, what can I do for you?" <</say>>
<<say $pc>> "I need your help. With something techy." <</say>>
<<say $cole>> "Uh, alright, c'mon in." <</say>>
He steps to the side and waves you in. You take a seat on one of the bean bag chairs and pull the cameras out of your pocket.
<<say $pc>> "Can you try and get the data off of these? I, er, forgot the password to them and need to see what they recorded." <</say>>
Cole takes them out of your hand and sits by his computer, examining the cameras and then you with scrutiny.
<<say $cole>> "They look pretty cheap, I'm sure their security isn't great. Where did you get these?" <</say>>
<span id ="choice"><<link "Tell the truth">>
<<replace "#choice">>
<<say $pc>> "I think that Mr. Swinebek and Mr. Smith have been using them to spy on the girls at school, but I need evidence." <</say>>
<<say $cole>> "Those dirt bags. Alright, I'll crack these open in no time." <</say>>
He fake cracks his knuckles and hits google. Twenty minutes later, as you distract yourself on your phone, he lets out an excited pump.
<<say $cole>> "Got it, and holy shit where you right. There must be hundreds of videos here. You've got those bastards dead to right." <</say>>
You glance over his shoulder and see he is right, hundreds of video clips. You've got their balls in vice now.
You lean back with a smug smile, tomorrow you'll show those fuckers who they are dealing with. For now, you back things up and tell Cole that you'll and compose an email you can send off in a jiff to the cops. Cole give you a nod and seems happy to have been able to help protect the girls of the school with your blackmail in order you pack things up and get [[ready to go|Day3_Graveyard]].
Coles Affection to you has increased by <span class ="aff"> +5 </span> <<set $cole.aff += 5>><<set $camerasHacked to true>> <</replace>><</link>>
<<link "Lie">>
<<replace "#choice">>
<<say $pc>> "I, uh, I've been using them to keep a watch on the car. Make sure nobody messes with it.<</say>>
Cole narrows his eyes at you then nods and sets to work. You see him open up a few tabs in google and set to work. You pull out your phone and amuse yourself with funny cat pictures for a few minutes.
Twenty minutes later your attention is drawn up by Cole clearing his throat. You see files open on his computer, one of you, on you knees in a bathroom, cock in hand. Oh shit.
<<say $cole>> "Your car huh." <</say>>
<<say $pc>> "Listen I can explain." <</say>>
Cole cuts you off.
<<if $coleKnows>> <<say $cole>> "Listen bro I don't know what kind of kinky shit you are in to but you could have just told me." <</say>>
He spins around and hit delete, you watch as one by one the files blink off the screen.
<<say $pc>> "No!" <</say>>
You jump to your feet but its too late, the files are gone, your leverage with them.
<<say $cole>> "Next time you want me to delete your porn reels just tell me. God, you're a girl for one day and already a slut." <</say>>
<<say $pc>> "I-You don't understand I didn't have a choice." <</say>>
<<say $cole>> "Yeah whatever, just get out of my room." <</say>>
Cole turns back towards the computer and you stand there, genuinely hurt by this turn of events. You slink back to your room and start to get [[ready to go|Day3_Graveyard]], looks like tomorrow you'll have to face the music.
Cole's Affection to you has decreased by <span class ="aff"> -10 </span> and his Love has decreased by <span class="love">-5</span> <<set $cole.aff -= 10>> <<set $ -= 5>> <<set $camerasHacked to false>>
<<say $cole>> "Theres some pretty interesting stuff on here. I-I think I know why you wanted it so badly." <</say>>
<<say $pc>> "Cole listen I can explain everything. You see M-" <</say>>
<<say $cole>> "If you want it back then I want you to do that to me!" <</say>>
He blurts out then immediately blushes. You are taken aback by his forwardness. He wants you to… to jack him off? His eyes are transfixed on you now as he waits for a response…
<span id ="choice2"><<link "Do it">>
<<replace "#choice2">>
<<say $pc>> "Fine. I'll do it then you give them to me, alright? No copies!" <</say>>
<<say $cole>> "Y-yes." <</say>>
<<say $pc>> "Alright, now take off your pants." <</say>>
Cole quickly get to his feet and slides off his pants and underwear. You see his already half hard cock flop out. You are taken aback, its not huge or anything but its shapely and fairly impressive and shaved. You had never thought about his dick before (why would you) but he managed to land a pretty nice one.
You edge forward until you are on your knees before him as he sits in the chair. You reach out and take hold of his rapidly hardening dick. He lefts out a soft moan and twitch. You feel a strange sensation gathering in your stomach.
<<videoM "img/day3/Day3_Colefap.mp4">><</videoM>>
You've done this before sure but not when you were being watched, observed. And now its Cole. His dick quickly hardens as you stroke. His eyes break contact with you for the first time as his head rolls back, moans escaping his lips.
<<say $cole>> "H-holy shit, $pc.nameF, you're s-so good at that." <</say>>
You feel your face flush. You never thought you'd be praised for your dick stroking abilities. Apparently, they are quite good as Cole suddenly flinches and a torrent of hot jizz sprays into the air. You recoil and close as the hot liquid splashes onto your hand. You instinctively let go of his dick and shift back.
<<videoM "img/day3/Day3_ColeCum.mp4">><</videoM>>
<<say $pc>> "A little warning, fuck." <</say>>
<<say $cole>> "S-Sorry it just felt so good." <</say>>
You stumble back and get to your feet, unable to open one of your eyes you mumble.
<<say $pc>> "Just give me those fucking files I'm going to the bathroom to clean up." <</say>>
You head into the bathroom and pull out your reservoir, it quickly sucks up all the come and when you step back into the hall Cole hands you a USB, looking away from you as he does. With a sign you return to your room, black mail materials in hand. You start to get ready to head out, your belly still warm from your previous activities you shake your head to clear your thoughts and get [[ready to go|Day3_Graveyard]].<<set $cum += 5>><span id="remove">
<<link "Collect Cum!">><</link>>
<<replace '#tooltip'>><<notify>> You've gained 5ml of cum!
<meter class="cumTrack" @value="$cum" min="0" max="1000"></meter><</notify>><</replace>>
<<replace '#tooltip'>><<replace'#remove'>><</replace>><</replace>>
Cole's Affection to you has inceased by <span class ="aff"> +10 </span> and his Love has decreased by <span class="love">-5</span> <<set $cole.aff += 10>> <<set $ -= 5>> <<set $camerasHacked to true>> <</replace>><</link>>
<<link "No Fucking Way!">>
<<replace "#choice2">>
<<say $pc>> "Are you fucking crazy? You're trying to blackmail me? What the fuck!" <</say>>
Cole flinches away, immediate regret flashes on his face.
<<say $cole>> "I'm s-sorry. I don't m-mean it. Here, take them there yours." <</say>>
He quickly shoves a USB towards you which you snatch up. You get to your feet and storm out of the room. The gall. Like you'd every jack him off. You shake your head pushing away the thought you on your knees in front of him. You secure your blackmail material and start to get [[ready to go|Day3_Graveyard]].<<set $camerasHacked to true>><</replace>><</link>></span><</if>><</replace>><</link>></span>
<img src = "img/locations/graveyard.JPG" height ="480px" width ="720px"><<set $currentTime += 1>>
You pull up beside the graveyard and park. Looking out you can see the tombstone faintly illuminated by sparsely placed lamps. You shiver suddenly. This place has always given you the creeps. <<if $pc.tag.background == "Actor">> You visited here once with your drama friends, just to fuck around and get drunk. You swear you heard things that night. <</if>> No point in waiting though. You get out of the car and head inside. It doesn't take you long to find Cassandra and Circe waiting for you outside one of the mausoleums.
<<say $circ>> "Oh good, you can follow basic instructions. That should make things go smoother. In here." <</say>>
She proceeds into the crypt. Cassandra gives you a shrug and gestures for you to go first. You walk inside and are surprised to find not a dank tomb but an… office? The room is nicely furnished and well lit. It even smells nice, faintly of lavender and other herbs. You glance around in wonder.
<<say $circ>> "Stop gawking and sit down. We have much to discuss." <</say>>
You sit in one of the leather-backed chairs. Circe sits across the desk and Cass beside you.
<<say $circ>> "Here is the deal Ms. $pc.nameL. My organization is committed to the protection and secrecy of witchcraft, and currently you pose quite the risk to that mission. If it were up to me, I would take care of the issue right here and now, but the politics of the situation are delicate. So, while Cassandra works to undo her mistake, we have an issue." <</say>>
She leans forward towards you.
<<say $circ>> "You, for whatever ungodly reason, now have magic. It was likely triggered by the transformation you underwent. Now this is an issue because it means either you must become a witch and join our organization, or it must be removed from you. Since I'm kind, I'll let you choose."<</say>>
You look at her in shock. You have magic? <<if $shopLine > 1 && $shopLearning>> You had thought it possible from what Arthur was saying but this goes beyond being a warlock. You can do that same things Cass and Circe can?<</if>>
<<say $pc>> "What does that mean? How do I become a witch?" <</say>>
<<say $circ>> "There is a simple ritual you must undertake to enter the Coven. We can do it tonight if that is what you want. Otherwise, I can drain your magic here and now and you can live a normal life." <</say>>
You glance towards Cassandra.
<<say $cass>> "It's up to you." <</say>>
<<say $circ>> "Regardless we will be doing a ritual tonight. Please, change into this and meet me next door." <</say>>
She passes you a white nearly transparent gown. Her and Cassandra then get up and head out of the office. You pause for a moment still in shock before getting up and changing.
<img src = "img/day3/gown.webp">
The gown leaves little to the imagination of what is underneath but they've both already seen you naked so whatever.
After changing you slip out of the office, shivering at the cold against your nearly bare skin and head [[next door|Day3_RitualRoom]].
<img src = "img/locations/crypt.JPEG" height ="480px" width ="720px">
You step into the adjacent mausoleum to see it very different then the last and much more in line with what you'd expect. The walls and floor are made of dark stone and in the center is a large cleared area with a series of circles etched into the rock. You see Circe standing behind a pulpit Cassandra behind her.
<<say $circ>> "Please kneel in the sacred circle Ms. $pc.nameL. <</say>>
<img src = "img/locations/ritualroom.jpg" height ="480px" width ="720px">
Circe directs you to the circles in the middle of the room. You kneel, the cold stone giving you another shiver.
<<say $circ>> "We are going to conduct a ritual to either untether your magic or bind it to you. You will be put in a trance and allowed to explore your unconscious. You will see a physical manifestation of your magic, either rid yourself of it or pull it into yourself. If you dispose of it your magic will be gone and you can go back to a normal life, if you pull it into yourself it will become a part of you and you will be a witch. Do you understand?" <</say>>
You nod. You think you understand.
<<say $circ>> "Very well. We shall begin. Close your eyes and cross your hands over your chest." <</say>>
The world goes dark. You hear Cassandra and Circle chanting.
<<say $circ>> "<span class="castSpell">Cɼoƨԍ λonʁ ԍλԍƨ ƨo λon wɑλ ƨԍԍ· Obԍu ϝμԍ ᴉuuԍʁ qooʁ ɑuq მɑzԍ nbou ϝμԍ ƨonɼ ɼɑᴉq pɑʁԍ· Γԍϝ ϝμɑϝ nuƨԍԍu pԍ ƨԍԍu·</span>"<</say>>
<<say $cass>> "<span class="castSpell">Cɼoƨԍ λonʁ ԍλԍƨ ƨo λon wɑλ ƨԍԍ· Obԍu ϝμԍ ᴉuuԍʁ qooʁ ɑuq მɑzԍ nbou ϝμԍ ƨonɼ ɼɑᴉq pɑʁԍ· Γԍϝ ϝμɑϝ nuƨԍԍu pԍ ƨԍԍu·</span>"<</say>>
Your mind begins to swim you feel a sense of weightlessness. There is a sudden sensation of falling, your eyes fly open…
<img src = "img/locations/bedroom.JPG" height ="480px" width ="720px">
You open your eyes to find yourself standing in your room. You look down and see your body. Your MALE body. You reach down and feel your crotch. Bingo, dick is back. You look around, was it all a dream? Some fucking dream. You look out the window, its daytime but… something isn't right.
Thirty meters from your house the world just ends. The sidewalk and street just drop off into an endless abyss of colors. Okay, maybe this is the dream. You glance around the room. Circe said your magic would take a physical form; you just have to find it.
<<actions [[Search the closet…|Dream_Closet]] [[Search the desk…|Dream_Desk]] [[Search the bed…|Dream_Bed]] [[Search the hall...|Dream_Hall]]>>
You wake up sweating on the floor of the crypt. You see Circe and Cassandra looking over you.
<<say $circ>> "Well, you didn't end up braindead which is good at least." <</say>>
<<say $pc>> "B-braindead? That was a possibility?!" <</say>>
<<say $circ>> "All magic has risks. You should know that better than most. Now then lets see what you decided." <</say>>
She flicks out a hand over her eyes then glances down at you.
<<if $keptMagic>>
<<say $circ>> "It seems you've decided to keep your magic. Good, with the power you've got you'll make a fine witch after a few years of training." <</say>>
<<say $pc>> "Years!? I thought I was going to be turned back on Sunday?" <</say>>
<<say $circ>> "Ah, right. Your loss. Well. My work here is done for the night. Cassandra make sure she is properly taken care of." <</say>>
Circe and Cassandra's Affection to you has increased by <span class ="aff"> +10 </span>.<<set $circ.aff += 10>><<set $cass.aff += 10>>
With that she turns and exits the crypt. Cassandra leans down to help you up.
<<say $cass>> "I'm glad you decided to keep it, $pc.nameF. It will be useful to have when turning you back." <</say>>
<<say $pc>> "Yeah, that’s what I figured. Although Circe doesn't seem to have much confidence in me turning back." <</say>><<else>>
<<say $circ>> "It seems you've decided get rid of your magic. A shame, you threw away the keys to this world." <</say>>
<<say $pc>> "Magic has caused me enough problems, I don't need more." <</say>>
<<say $circ>> "A simpleton view of the word. Scared of fire because it burns you unaware that it can light the way." <</say>>
Circe's Affection to you has decreased by <span class ="aff"> -50 </span>.<<set $circ.aff -= 50>>
With that she turns and exits the crypt. Cassandra leans down to help you up.
<<say $cass>> "How are you feeling? Hopefully without the magic your body should be more stable." <</say>>
<<say $pc>> "I feel fine, it seems I pissed off Circe. Is she still going to help us?" <</say>>
<<say $cass>> "Sorry, that’s my fault. She doesn't like me very much especially now." <</say>>
<<if $ < 20>> <<say $pc>> "I can see why. This is probably a huge headache for her." <</say>>
Cassandra looks down.
<<say $pc>> "Don't worry, we're going to fix this, together." <</say>>
Cassandra smiles at you.<</if>>
<<say $cass>> "Right, lets get you changed and too your car." <</say>>
With Cassandra's help on shaky legs you make it back to the office, get changed, and then head back to your car. <<if $ > 35>> As you are getting ready to get into your car Cass stops you. She glances down, bites her lip, and then pushes herself forward. Her lips connect with yours; you feel the heat of her body radiate against you and her breasts push softly against your own. Just as quickly she pulls away.
<<videoM "img/day3/Day3_Kiss.mp4">><</videoM>>
<<say $cass>> "S-sorry." <</say>>
Before you can say anything, she is gone, disappearing back into the graveyard. Your fingers slowly raise to touch your lips. You shake your head and get in the car, exhausted you drive back home and climb into bed.
Cassandra's Love for you has increased by <span class ="love"> +10 </span>.<<set $ += 10>>
Exhausted you drive back home and [[climb into bed|Day3_End]]<</if>>.
<<set $currentTime += 1>>Slowly you drift off into a fitful slumber. Although your body quickly falls asleep your mind remains awake and racing. Images flash before you.
<<if $intUp>> <span class = "int">Your Intellect has increased!</span><<set $ += 1>><</if>>
<<if $athUp>><span class = "ath">Your Athletics has increased!</span><<set $pc.ath += 1>><</if>>
<<if $btyUp>><span class = "bty">Your Beauty has increased!</span><<set $pc.bty += 1>><</if>>
<<if $chaUp>><span class = "cha">Your Charisma has increased!</span><<set $pc.cha += 1>><</if>>
<<if $magUp && $keptMagic is true>><span class = "mag">Your Magic has increased!</span><<set $pc.mag += 1>><</if>>
[[Wake up|Day4_Start]]
<<set $currentTime to 0>>
<<set $currentDay += 1>>
<<set $lunchTimer = 2>>
<<set $visitedCheer to false>>
<<set $visitedShop to false>>
<<set $visitedBecc to false>>
<<set $visitedCole to false>>
<<set $visitedSmith to false>>
<<set $visitedEsme to false>>
<<set $visitedMarcus to false>>
<<set $jessLunch to false>>
<<set $beccLunch to false>>
<<set $esmeLunch to false>>
<<set $coleLunch to false>>
<<set $aloneLunch to false>>
<<set $cassLunch to false>>
<<set $intUp to false>>
<<set $btyUp to false>>
<<set $chaUp to false>>
<<set $athUp to false>>
<<set $magUp to false>>
<<set $energy to 4>>
<<set $disableSide to true>>//Magic List
<<set $hasBrazier to false>>
<<set $hasKnife to false>>
<<set $hasWood to false>>
<<set $hasFPubes to false>>
<<set $hasMPubes to false>>
<<set $hasFHair to false>>
<<set $hasMHair to false>>
<<set $hasSphere to false>>
<<set $hasQuicksilver to false>>
<<set $hasFortis to false>>
<<set $hasFetish to false>>
//Daily Tasks
<<set $magicResearch to 0>>
<<set $removedCamera to false>>
<<set $sexuality to ["Virgin","Not a Virgin"]>>
<<set $hasProtectionCharm to false>>
<<set $keys to false>>
<<set $bluePill to false>><img src ="img/ui/StashLogo.png" width="250" height="150"><img src = "img/day3/closet.JPG" height ="480px" width ="720px">
You fling open the door to the closet and start looking around. You find box upon box of pictures. Most of which you don't remember taking but they are familiar. Like… memories? You make sure that any that get knocked out are put back in place. No way you're gonna start messing with your memory on top of everything else. No magic however…
[[Return|Day3_TheDream]]<img src = "img/day3/desk.JPG" height ="480px" width ="720px">
You scour the desk and check the drawers. It is strangely enough filled things, sports balls, car keys, pens, books, game controllers, a miniature drum kit. These are all things you know, knowledge, expertise maybe? Anyways, no magic it seems.
[[Return|Day3_TheDream]]You pull back the covers, nothing. You drop down to the floor and glance under the bed. You almost have to shield your eyes as you see a glowing ball of light under the bed. How had you not noticed before? You reach out and feel something solid pulling it back you sense the light fading behind your eyelids. Opening them you see holding in your hand a… golden dildo?
<img src = "img/day3/goldenDildo.JPG">
What the fuck? Circe said it would be physical but… well it makes some sense you guess. Now what to do with it.
<span id ="choice"><<link "Get rid of it">>
<<replace "#choice">>
You walk over to the window and slide it open. You glance down at the magical golden dildo in your hand. Yeah, your life if already fucked up enough. You toss it out the window watching it spiral down towards the front lawn, then through it. The world begins to quake around you, everything begins to come apart, like puzzle pieces being taken away. You shield your eyes again the blinding light and…
[[Wake up|Day3_PostRitual]]<<set $pc.mag to 0>><<set $keptMagic to false>><</replace>><</link>>
<<link "Put it in you">>
<<replace "#choice">>
Well, you were wondering how you were going to put something physical into yourself, but it seems magic has solved that. As you resolve to take this magic for yourself your body suddenly shifts.
You are a girl again.
You sigh and inspect the dildo. Easiest way would be in the mouth, right? You grasp the dildo by the base and open wide.
<<videoM "img/day3/dildoSuck.mp4">><</videoM>>
As it slips inside, past your lips, it feels warm. You can feel it pulsing and throbbing as it pushes past your tongue into your throat. The heat grows throughout your body starting at your throat and making its way to the tips of your toes. Your hand slips from the dildo and rather than it stopping its thrust, it slams forward.
You gag, attempt to cough, as you choke on the golden phallus. Your eyes go wide with panic. Are you about to die to a golden cock in a fucking dream world? You look down you nose at the dildo and see it vanishing into your mouth. Eventually the shaft vanishes past you lips and you feel a shift in your throat. Suddenly you can breathe again. You lurch forward gasping for breath. The world begins to quake around you, everything begins to come apart, like puzzle pieces being taken away. You shield your eyes again the blinding light and…
[[Wake up|Day3_PostRitual]]<<set $keptMagic to true>><</replace>><</link>>
<<if $shopLine > 1>>Arthur said that the witches couldn't be trusted. Maybe there is a third way, to keep the magic without becoming a witch. Maybe if you hide it better they won't be able to sense it…
<<link "Hide it">>
<<replace "#choice">>
You look around for a hiding spot. Under the bed was pretty good but you found it simply enough its reasons that they would too. First you wrap it up in the bedsheet dimming its golden glow. You then head over to the closet. Looking up you see the entrance to the attic, right where it is in your real room.
You pull down the ladder and climb up. The attic is… creepy.
<<videoM "img/day3/attic.mp4">><</videoM>>
You see half formed shadows lurking in the corners, old stuffed animals and half dragon half fox creature laying lifeless on the floor. Your childhood imaginary friend, Floox. You had almost forgotten about him.
You open one of the dusty boxes and tuck the softly glowing bedsheet inside. That should hide it away. You hope. You drop back down in your room and turn. The world begins to quake around you, everything begins to come apart, like puzzle pieces being taken away. You shield your eyes again the blinding light and…<<set $hideMagic to true>>
[[Wake up|Day3_PostRitual]]<<set $keptMagic to false>><</replace>><</link>><</if>></span><<videoM "img/day3/Day3_Void.mp4">><</videoM>>
You fling open the door to the hallway and see… nothing. There is just an empty black abyss. You shut the door. Nope.
[[Return|Day3_TheDream]]The door swings open and standing before you is the janitor Mr. Cross. You've seen him around before but now that he is standing in front of you, blocking your exit form the tiny room he seems so much more intimidating. You slip the keys into your back pocket. He pauses immediately upon seeing you, the door closes behind him.
<<say $npcm>> "Oi, what are you doing in here? Lana better not be spreading any rumors." <</say>>
Your brain begins to calculate all the possibly ways you could get out of here…
<span id ="choice"><<link "Say you thought it was the bathroom">>
<<replace "#choice">>
<<say $pc>> "Oh, uh, sorry I thought this was the bathroom." <</say>>
With that rather unconvincing lie you walk towards the door. Mr. Cross grabs your arm immediately.
<<say $npcm>> "I don't think so missy. You're up to no good I can tell." <</say>>
His grip is like a vice on your arm. Without releasing you he walks over to the desk and looks it over, then opens the drawer. His eyes flip back up to you.
<<say $npcm>> "Thought you could steal from me, huh? Steal some chemicals for you junky friends? Give me those keys right now!" <</say>>
His brow tightens with anger. You quickly pull out the keys and hand them to him.
<<say $npcm>> "Get the fuck out now. If I catch you in here again, I'll make sure you're expelled." <</say>>
You fling open the door and slip back out into the hall, white with fear. Nathan looks at you across the hall. You shake your head no. Mission failed. Without anything else to do you head towards your [[next class|NathanRaidChecker]].<</replace>><</link>>
<<statCheckReplace 6 $pc.cha $chaImg "Lie about a spill in the café">><<link "Lie about a spill in the café">>
<<replace "#choice">>
<<say $pc>> "There you are Mr. Cross! I was looking for you there has been a terrible spill in the café. Mashed potatoes everywhere. They need you right away." <</say>>
The suspicion in his eyes fades almost immediately. He pushes into the room.
<<say $npcm>> "Out of my way girl. Damn kids that shit takes forever to clean up…" <</say>>
He begins grabbing cleaning supplies and pulling them down into a basket, you slip out into the hallway.
You head over to Nathan and push the key into his hands. The two of your slip into the [[science room|NathanRaid_ScienceRoom]].<</replace>><</link>><</statCheckReplace>>
<<statCheckReplace 5 $pc.bty $btyImg "Seduce him to distract him then flee">><<link "Seduce him to distract him then flee">>
<<replace "#choice">>
<<say $pc>> "Well, actually, um, Lana did tell me a few things." <</say>>
<<say $npcm>> "Damn that girl. She's gonna get me fired. I can't have sluts showing up in my office." <</say>>
He turns his gaze back to you, looking you up and down.
<<say $npcm>> "Well, what do you want, huh? You want to see it?" <</say>>
<<say $pc>> "Um, yes please…" <</say>>
Your mind races thinking about what Lana and Mr. Cross have been doing. As you consider the possibilities, he pushes past you into the room. He unhooks his tool belt and hangs it up. You inch closer to the door before turns back towards you. With a swift motion he undoes his pants and yanks down his pants and underwear.
<<videoM "img/day3/crossReveal.mp4">><</videoM>>
<<say $pc>> "Holy shit!" <</say>>
You can help but exclaim as his massive dick flops out on his pants. He grabs it with one hand and gently strokes it while looking at you.
<<say $npcm>> "Love it when you sluts act so surprised. Well, did you get what you came for or would you like to feel for yourself?" <</say>>
He strokes his cock and slowly takes a step in your direction. It seems he wants you to jerk him off but you could also just flee now…
<span id="choice2"><<link "Jerk him off">>
<<replace "#choice2">>
As he steps forward you find you hand drifting out towards his semihard dick. Resolving that it would probably be best to fully distract him you reach out and grasp it. The girth and weight surprises you. When you still had a dick, it was by no means small but this… this is on a whole new level.
<<videoM "img/day3/crossHJ.mp4">><</videoM>>
Suddenly you feel a strong hand on your shoulder and find yourself forced onto you knees. Your body grows warm as you find yourself face to face with the throbbing phallus before you. Using both hands you pump at the girthy shaft. Mr. Cross moans above you encouraging you to redouble your efforts.
You spend several minutes on the hard tiles of the office with his hot, throbbing dick between your hands before he suddenly grabs either sides of your head. His dick suddenly twitches as your face is showered with warm sticky spray of cum. You manage to close your eyes just in time.
<<videoM "img/day3/crossCum.mp4">><</videoM>>
<<say $npcm>> "Here." <</say>>
You hear Mr. Cross say as a towel lands in your lap. You hear him collapse into the car and quickly use the towel and Revivor to clean up all the cum. Wiping your face clean you glance over to him to see him just sitting, pants around his ankles with a satisfied smile. You feel a strange sort of satisfaction in knowing you cause that. Ensuring you didn't miss any cum you compose yourself and slip back out into the hallway.
<<set $cum += 12>><span id="remove">
<<link "Collect Cum!">><</link>>
<<replace '#tooltip'>><<notify>> You've gained 12ml of cum!
<meter class="cumTrack" @value="$cum" min="0" max="1000"></meter><</notify>><</replace>>
<<replace '#tooltip'>><<replace'#remove'>><</replace>><</replace>>
You head over to Nathan and push the key into his hands. The two of your slip into the [[science room|NathanRaid_ScienceRoom]].<</replace>><</link>>
<<link "Flee">>
<<replace "#choice2">>
<<say $pc>> "T-that’s enough for me." <</say>>
You manage to get out, suddenly feeling tiny compared to the massive man and cock before you. Mr. Cross looks disappointed but tucks his dick back into his pants.
<<say $npcm>> "Stupid white girls always get scared. Fine, get out them." <</say>>
He waves his hand towards the door. You quickly flee into the hallway. You head over to Nathan and push the key into his hands. The two of your slip into the [[science room|NathanRaid_ScienceRoom]].<</replace>><</link>></span><</replace>><</link>><</statCheckReplace>></span>
<img src = "img/locations/scienceClass.jpg" height ="480px" width ="720px">
The two of you quietly slip into the room and Nathan navigates his way to the storage locker at the back of the room. You take a seat atop one of the desks. A moment later Nathan emerges with a hot plate, some beakers, and a few bottles.
<<say $nath>> "This should only take a few minutes. Keep a look out." <</say>>
He says before turning towards his equipment and getting to work. You turn to keep an eye on the door. The next couple minutes pass without issue. Finally, you hear Nathan exclaim in success. You turn to seem him holding a stoppered test tube.
<<say $nath>> "Here you go. I didn't know how much you needed but this is the most I can make without people noticing things going missing."<</say>>
You nod and tuck it away. Another ingredient down.
<<say $pc>> "Thanks Nathan. I wouldn't have even known where to start looking for this otherwise." <</say>>
<<say $nath>> "I hope it helps. If you need anything else, you know where to find me." <</say>>
He quickly starts packing things up. You glance up at the clock and see you only have a few minutes until the next period. You quickly help him then take the keep and toss it on the floor, someone will find it and return it. With your mission complete you head to your [[next class|NathanRaidChecker]].
You now have Aqua Fortis. <<set $hasFortis to true>>
<<set $debug to false>>
<<set $disableSide to false>>
<<set $endings = {ending0:false,ending1:false,ending2:false,ending3:false,ending4:false,ending5:false,ending6:false,}>>
<<if $marcusPeeked or $gloryHoleVisited>><<set $bustUp to true>>
You have strange fitful dreams in the night. You feel like something has changed...<<set $pc.bust += 1>><<else>>
You have a peaceful dreamless sleep.<</if>>
<<set $currentTime to 0>>
<<set $currentDay += 1>>
<<set $lunchTimer = 2>>
<<set $visitedCheer to false>>
<<set $visitedShop to false>>
<<set $visitedBecc to false>>
<<set $visitedCole to false>>
<<set $visitedSmith to false>>
<<set $visitedEsme to false>>
<<set $visitedMarcus to false>>
<<set $jessLunch to false>>
<<set $beccLunch to false>>
<<set $esmeLunch to false>>
<<set $coleLunch to false>>
<<set $aloneLunch to false>>
<<set $cassLunch to false>>
<<set $intUp to false>>
<<set $btyUp to false>>
<<set $chaUp to false>>
<<set $athUp to false>>
<<set $magUp to false>>
<<set $disableSide to true>>You begin to look up the make and model of the cameras hoping there is some sort of security flaw with them. After searching through a few forums, you find a post mentions a restore system that lets you back up the data.
From there you quickly force a format onto the cameras interrupting them early, then when the recovery wizard opens you direct the back up onto your computer. And…
Bingo. You scroll through the hundreds of files. They've been at this a long time, spying on students, the gloryhole. You even see a few of Mr. Swinebek in his office with some female students. You've got their balls in vice now.
You sit back with a smug smile, tomorrow you'll show those fuckers who they are dealing with. For now, you back things up and compose an email you can send off in a jiff to the cops. Blackmail in order you pack things up and get [[ready to go|Day3_Graveyard]].<<set $camerasHacked to true>><<say $pc>> "Alright, I have no qualms about you using this body for some spank bank material. Give me just a second." <</say>>
You get up and head into the bathroom. Quickly you strip down to just your underwear and consider what the best angle to take the picture from.
<span id="choice"><<link "On your knees tongue out">>
You position yourself on the cold bathroom tile and open up your camera app. You position it just enough so that you can't see your full face but can see your tongue extended and breasts of full display. You snap a couple and sort through till you find your favorite. Looking at all the photos your mind gets caught up with the sluttiness of the position. You, on your knees, in front of Marcus…
<img src = "img/miscDay/MarcusKnees.webp">
You quickly hit send to Marcus and pull your clothes back on, heading back into the room.
<<say $pc>> "There you go, big guy. I hope that helps." <</say>>
He pulls out his phone, eyes widening as he sees the picture.
<<say $marcus>> "Y-yeah, that will do." <</say>>
Marcus's Affection has increased by <span class="aff">+5</span>.<<set $marcus.aff +=5>>
He gets up and heads to his bedroom. Leaving you alone in the living room again. You don't hear his bedroom door close… You could…
[[Stay Put|MarcusHome_2ndStay]]
<<link "Front shot of your breasts">>
You slip out of your bra as well presenting your full naked breasts to the camera. You stretch and snap a few pics.
<img src = "img/miscDay/MarcusTits.webp">
Positioning the camera so your face is out of frame you quickly snap a couple dozen pics. Sorting through them you select your favorite.
You hit send to Marcus and pull your clothes back on, heading back into the room.
<<say $pc>> "There you go, big guy. I hope that helps." <</say>>
He pulls out his phone, eyes widening as he sees the picture.
<<say $marcus>> "Y-yeah, that will do." <</say>>
Marcus's Affection has increased by <span class="aff">+5</span><<set $marcus.aff +=5>>
He gets up and heads to his bedroom. Leaving you alone in the living room again. You don't hear his bedroom door close… You could…
[[Stay Put|MarcusHome_2ndStay]]
<span id="choice"><<link "Back shot of your ass">>
You turn so that your ass is facing the mirror. You attempt, with some difficulty, to maneuver the camera to catch your ass in the frame without your face. How do girls manage this so easily? Eventually you manage to snap a few decent shots of your ass. Looking through your pictures you can't help but admire your shapely ass.
<img src = "img/miscDay/MarcusAss.webp">
You quickly hit send to Marcus and pull your clothes back on, heading back into the room.
<<say $pc>> "There you go, big guy. I hope that helps." <</say>>
He pulls out his phone, eyes widening as he sees the picture.
<<say $marcus>> "Y-yeah, that will do." <</say>>
Marcus's Affection has increased by <span class="aff">+5</span><<set $marcus.aff +=5>>
He gets up and heads to his bedroom. Leaving you alone in the living room again. You don't hear his bedroom door close… You could…
[[Stay Put|MarcusHome_2ndStay]]<</replace>><</link>></span>
<<say $pc>> "I think I can help out." <</say>>
Marcus looks over in surprise as you get to your feet. You move to the center of the living room, positioning yourself in front of his chair. You grip the bottom of your shirt and begin to pull it up. Marcus sits there dumbfounded.
<<say $pc>> "Well? C'mon get that dick out." <</say>>
Marcus springs into action, grabbing at his fly and undoing his pants. His already hard cock springs free as you pull your shirt up over your head. Thinking back to all the porn you've watched you do your best to mimic the various strip teases you've seen. As you sway your hips back and forth Marcus furiously pumps his hand up and down his cock.
<<videoM "img/miscDay/Marcus2Strip.mp4">><</videoM>>
Slowly you turn so that your ass is facing him. You sway your hips back and forth as you fumble to take off your bra. As the clasps come free you hear Marcus moan behind you and your own arousal begins to grow. You consider the implications of basically acting as porn for your best friend. How much Marcus probably wants to fuck you. How his big black cock would feel inside you…
You turn to face Marcus revealing your bare breasts to him. You shake them as best you can as you move a little closer to him. His stroking grows more feverish as you approach, and you see the signs of an impending orgasm across his face. You consider how best to collect the semen.
<span id="choice"><<link "Just let him go">>
His moans reach a zenith as his cock explodes. Hot ropes of cum spray over his hands and the chair as he pants, milking every last drop from his softening cock.
<<videoM "img/day2/MarcusCum.mp4">><</videoM>>
As he sits there panting you pull out the reservoir. Uncorking it you hold it close to the chair, the soft sucking noise begins as the semen is pulled into the bottle. Marcus looks on in wonder.
<<say $marcus>> "T-that… magic?" <</say>>
You nod as he recovers between panting breathes.
<<say $marcus>> "Cool." <</say>>
He lays his head back again the chair, his cock slowly softening. You look over his body, slightly sweaty, heaving. As you look up you see him watching you. Fuck he caught you checking out his cock. You look away quickly.
<<say $pc>> "Hey, uh, thanks for doing this for me. I don't know what I'd do otherwise." <</say>>
<<say $marcus>> "No problem. That’s what friends are for, er, well y'know not normally stuff like this but happy to help." <</say>>
You nod and chuckle as Marcus grabs his clothes and starts to get dressed again. You thank him again and [[head out.|DayReturner]]
<span id="remove">
<<link "Collect Cum!">><</link>>
<<replace '#tooltip'>><<notify>> You've gained 14ml of cum!
<meter class="cumTrack" @value="$cum" min="0" max="1000"></meter><</notify>><</replace>>
<<replace '#tooltip'>><<replace'#remove'>><</replace>><</replace>>
<</nobr>></span><<set $cum += 14>>
Marcus's Affection has increased by <span class="aff"> +10 </span>.<<set $marcus.aff +=10>>
<<link "Pull out the Reservoir">>
You quickly approach as his moans reach their zenith. Grabbing the reservoir from your discarded clothes you uncork it and drop to your knees in front of him. Unexpectedly he bucks forward as hot ropes of cum suddenly fling towards your face. You have just a moment to close your eyes and mouth before your face is painted with ropes of his hot semen.
<<videoM "img/miscDay/MarcusFacial.mp4">><</videoM>>
You pause in shock for a moment. Your best friend just came all over your face. The warm stickiness now coating you somehow makes you own arousal even worse. You quickly pull the reservoir up to your face and start scarping in into it as it begins to pull the cum inside. As you wipe the last off you face you open your eyes.
<<videoM "img/miscDay/MarcusCock.mp4">><</videoM>>
Before you hangs Marcus' cock and above it Marcus, his eyes locked on you. You feel your face reddening and shift backwards getting back to your feet.
<<say $marcus>> "Is, uh, is that magic?" <</say>>
He questions pointing at the bottle. You nod.
<<say $marcus>> "Huh, cool." <</say>>
He reaches for his clothes and you pop into the bathroom to wash the sticky residue of his cum off your face. When you return he is fully clothed.
<<say $pc>> "Hey, uh, thanks for doing this for me. I don't know what I'd do otherwise." <</say>>
<<say $marcus>> "No problem. That’s what friends are for, er, well y'know not normally stuff like this but happy to help." <</say>>
You nod and chuckle as Marcus grabs his clothes and starts to get dressed again. You thank him again and [[head out.|DayReturner]]<span id="remove">
<<link "Collect Cum!">><</link>>
<<replace '#tooltip'>><<notify>> You've gained 14ml of cum!
<meter class="cumTrack" @value="$cum" min="0" max="1000"></meter><</notify>><</replace>>
<<replace '#tooltip'>><<replace'#remove'>><</replace>><</replace>>
<</nobr>></span><<set $cum += 14>>
Marcus's Affection has increased by <span class="aff"> +10 </span>.<<set $marcus.aff +=10>><</replace>><</link>>
<span id="choice"><<link "Let him cum on your chest">>
You slide up to him and drop to your knees. Thinking back to the pornos you've seen you push your breasts together and in your sexiest voice encourage him.
<<say $pc>> "C'mon Marcus cum on my tits for me." <</say>>
Your voice seems to set him off as his cock twitches and sprays your chest with hot cum.
<<videoM "img/miscDay/MarcusCumOnTits.mp4">><</videoM>>
Rope after ropes splatter against you skin causing you to shiver and the heat in your loins to grow even more extreme. You sit there, cum soaked chest, as your best friend looks down at you his cock quickly softening.
The cum on your chest begins to drip down so you awkwardly reach over for the Reservoir and uncork it allowing it to suck up all the cum. Marcus looks down in amazement.
<<say $marcus>> "So, uh, that magic?" <</say>>
You nod as you clean up your chest.
<<say $marcus>> "Cool." <</say>>
He begins reaching for his clothes and you take the chance to go to the bathroom and wash the sticky residue of his cum oof your chest. When you return he is fully clothed.
<<say $pc>> "Hey, uh, thanks for doing this for me. I don't know what I'd do otherwise." <</say>>
<<say $marcus>> "No problem. That’s what friends are for, er, well y'know not normally stuff like this but happy to help." <</say>>
You nod and chuckle as Marcus grabs his clothes and starts to get dressed again. You thank him again and [[head out.|DayReturner]]
<span id="remove">
<<link "Collect Cum!">><</link>>
<<replace '#tooltip'>><<notify>> You've gained 14ml of cum!
<meter class="cumTrack" @value="$cum" min="0" max="1000"></meter><</notify>><</replace>>
<<replace '#tooltip'>><<replace'#remove'>><</replace>><</replace>>
<</nobr>></span><<set $cum += 14>>
Marcus's Affection has increased by <span class="aff"> +10 </span> and his Love has increased by <span class="love">+5</span>.<<set $marcus.aff +=10>><<set $ +=5>><</replace>><</link>></span>
You shake your head.
<<say $pc>> "Look man I get it but, I'm still a dude and I'm not comfortable with this body." <</say>>
Marcus nods.
<<say $marcus>> "Yeah, man. I get it sorry for asking. I'll, uh, get to it then."<</say>>
With that he gets up to his feet and heads over to the bedroom. Leaving you alone in the living room again. You don't hear his bedroom door close… You could…
[[Stay Here|MarcusHome_2ndStay]]You resign yourself to doing whatever he has planned. You don't have time to be stuck in study hall.
<<say $pc>> "Fine. What do you want?"<</say>>
Mr. Smith shakes his head.
<<say $smit>> "That won't do. You need a serious attitude adjustment Ms. $pc.nameL. You will call me sir and I want you to say: "How can I help you today, sir." Go ahead." <</say>>
This is getting out of hand. On one hand you could just walk out. He might go to Schoman and it could blow your cover, or you could humor him…
<span id="choice"><<link"Obey">>
<<say $pc>> "How can I help you today, sir?" <</say>>
You say with only a small amount of mocking in your voice. Mr. Smith gets to his feet.
<<say $smit>> "I have a rather big problem and I think you are the only one who can take care of it." <</say>>
With that he unbuckles his pants revealing a growing bulge in his underwear. You are shocked for a moment and stare.
<<say $smit>> "Yes, yes I know. Why don't you come over here and get on your knees." <</say>>
You find yourself drifting over before you are right in front of him. His large hands grab your shoulders and you find yourself forced to your knees right in front of the growing bulge.
<img src = "img/miscDay/SmithBuldge.webp" height ="480px" width ="720px">
<<say $smit>> "Good girl. Now why don't you get my dick out." <</say>>
You take a deep breath and reach out, fishing into his underwear you grab at the warm rod of meat throbbing on the other side of the fabric. You pull it out as it flops down in front of your face. Its impressive girth hangs before you. You look up at Mr. Smith.
<<videoM "img/miscDay/SmithReveal.mp4">><</videoM>>
<<say $smit>> "Good. Now take your shirt off, I want to see those tits." <</say>>
You pull your shirt off over your head. When you vision is no longer obscured you see Mr. Smith stroking his dick mere inches from your face. You sit still.
<<if $smithGloryPath>><<say $smit>> "Now then girl. Why don't you show me what you did in that bath room." <</say>>
He releases his dick. You sit nervously for a second. Stroking an autonomous dick is one thing but being on your knees in front of another man. At this point though you doubt there is any backing out. Resigned you reach out and grab his dick.
<<videoM "img/miscDay/SmithHJ.mp4">><</videoM>>
The warm flesh pulses beneath your hand as you start stroking.
Mr. Smith smiles down at you as you work his tool. A few minutes pass as you worth his dick, using all the techniques you learned yourself over the year stroking your own cock. Soon you feel him seize under your grip.
<<say $smit>> "Here it comes…" <</say>>
He strokes his cock, inches from your face. You feel his eyes devouring your body as you sit on your knees before him your nipples hardening in the cold. It doesn't take him long until his body seizes up.<</if>>
<<videoM "img/miscDay/SmithFacial.mp4">><</videoM>>
He grabs your head and holds you. Unable to escape you close your eyes and mouth as ropes of hot cum spatter against you face and chest. Mr. Smith's grip relaxes, and you pull away trying to breathe through the scents assaulting your nose. You manage to open one eye and see Mr. Smith leaning against the desk with a look of bliss on his face.
You stand up and look around for something to clean off your face. Grabbing some paper towels, you careful wipe the cum off. Mr. Smith looks towards you.
<<say $smit>> "Very good Ms. $pc.nameL. You may go. I'll see you tomorrow."<</say>>
You put your shirt back on and quickly leave. Just outside the door you pull out the Reservoir and transfer the cum in the paper towel into it. You then toss it, wash your face in the girl's bathroom and [[head home.|DayReturner]]
<span id="remove">
<<link "Collect Cum!">><</link>>
<<replace '#tooltip'>><<notify>> You've gained 8ml of cum!
<meter class="cumTrack" @value="$cum" min="0" max="1000"></meter><</notify>><</replace>>
<<replace '#tooltip'>><<replace'#remove'>><</replace>><</replace>>
<</nobr>></span><<set $cum += 8>>
Jerking off Mr. Smith has earned you <span class ="aff">+10 Affection</span> and <span class ="love">+10 Love.</span><<set $smit.aff += 10>><<set $ += 10>>
Serving Mr. Smith took no time at all leaving you with more time for other activities! <<set $energy +=1>>
Fuck this you think to yourself. You're not going to degrade yourself for this asshole.
You turn around and walk out of the room.
<<say $smit>> "Where do you think you're going you sl-"<</say>>
The door slams shut. You know that there will be repercussions for this but in the moment it feels amazing. You head to your car with a smile on your face. [[Where to next…|DayReturner]]<<set $leftSmith to true>><</replace>><</link>></span>
<<set $smithSex += 1>>You find a desk and sit down. Resigning yourself to an hour of boredom you work on whatever homework you can and by the end of the hour you feel like you've got a better grip on your classes. As the hour comes to a close Mr. Smith get up.
<<say $smit>> "That will do. You may go. See you tomorrow." <</say>>
With that you pack up and head back [[towards your car.|DayReturner]]
Studying has helped you understand your schoolwork; <span class="int">you feel a little smarter</span>!<<set $intUp to true>>You follow Jess and the others out onto the field and begin to do some warmup stretches. Even compared to yesterday your body is already getting used to both the next activity and its new form. After stretches you begin to run through some basic movements. Although its hard to keep up you can feel yourself learning and getting closer and closer to the moves. As warmups come to close Jessica rallies everyone together.
<<say $jess>> "Alright everyone as you all know we have two more days until the big game and only one more practice. So, we're gonna drill the "Cheer Pyramid" until we get it right. Bottoms line up over here, tops over here." <</say>>
She beings directing the other cheer leaders, confused you wonder which side you should go towards…
<span id="choice"><<link"Bottom">>
<<set $cheerTop to false>>
You head over and stand beside the other bottom girls. One of the groups them all together and begins to explain positions. As far as you can gather you just have to stand and hold up the top girls. Easy enough. After explanations are done you take to the field.
Luckily for you the girls are all relatively light.<<if $pc.tag.background =="Jock">> In your old body this would have been no issue but in this new one you find yourself sweating.<</if>>Sweat is dripping down your face after the fourth practice attempt. Luckily you manage to not drop anyone and even get a nice new of up the uniforms of the girls on your shoulders.
<<videoM "img/miscDay/Day3Cheer.mp4">><</videoM>>
After about twenty minutes of practicing the pyramids you turn back toward regular drills. The whole time you can feel the gaze of the football team, just a little way away on the field hungry drinking in the sights of the cheerleader, yourself included. With the occasional flash of bare ass, who could blame them.
When practice comes to an end you retire to the [[locker room|Cheer_2ndLockerRoom]] with the rest of the cheer squad.<</replace>><</link>>
<span id="choice"><<link"Top">>
<<set $cheerTop to true>>
You head over to stand beside the other top girls. Jessica comes over and begins to explain the positions. As far as you can gather you just have to balance on the shoulders of the bottom girls and get up there. Maybe this was a mistake…
Before you can ponder any longer Jessica whistles for everyone to get into positions. You take a deep breath as your first practice run begins. <<if $pc.ath > 6>>With some difficulty you are able to get up on the shoulders of one of the girls and balance. The other girls clamber up in unison with you and finally Jessica, who you help out getting to the top. As quickly as the pyramid is constructed your all descend back down to the ground. Panting from the sudden burst of energy need you recover and go again.
<<videoM "img/miscDay/Day3Cheer.mp4">><</videoM>>
After about twenty minutes of practicing the pyramids you turn back toward regular drills. The whole time you can feel the gaze of the football team, just a little way away on the field hungry drinking in the sights of the cheerleader, yourself included. With the occasional flash of bare ass, who could blame them.
When practice comes to an end you retire to the [[locker room|Cheer_2ndLockerRoom]] with the rest of the cheer squad.
<<else>><<set $cheerTop to false>>You attempt to clamber up onto the shoulders of one of the bottom girls but slip and slam into the girl beside you. Suddenly you a crushed under half the cheerleaders, soft asses and boobs pressing into you from all directions. Despite the cushioning you can feel the bruises already developing. The girls are pulled off of you leaving you left lying on the ground looking up at an angry Jessica.
<<say $jess>> "Definitely not a top girl. Get to your feet. You're gonna be on the bottom from now on." <</say>>
Embarrassed you brush the grass off your uniform and head over to the other bottom girls. You quickly get up to speed and do what you can to support the top girls on your shoulders.
After about twenty minutes of practicing the pyramids you turn back toward regular drills. The whole time you can feel the gaze of the football team, just a little way away on the field hungry drinking in the sights of the cheerleader, yourself included. With the occasional flash of bare ass, who could blame them.
When practice comes to an end you retire to the [[locker room|Cheer_2ndLockerRoom]] with the rest of the cheer squad.<</if>><</replace>><</link>></span>
You follow the other girls into the locker room and head towards your locker. You open it up and pull your shirt up over your head. <<if $cheerTop is false>> As your pull your head from the shirt you are started by the appearance of Jessica beside you.
<<say $jess>> "Well new girl I think you showed your usefulness out there today." <</say>>
<<say $pc>> "Uh, thanks."<</say>>
You feel your sense of danger rising. Jessica doesn't just compliment people. Your fears are confirmed as she smiles.
<<say $jess>> "Yup, I had you pegged for a bottom bitch the first second I saw you."<</say>>
With that she grabs you by the hair and drags you towards the showers. She is surprising strong. You find yourself thrown into the shower in nothing but your bra and panties. You see most of the cheerleaders gathered in here. Half on their knees faces planted in the pussys of the rest of the squad. The sound of moans and wet slurping hits your ears. What the fuck is happening…
<<videoM "img/miscDay/lesbianShowers.mp4">><</videoM>>
<<say $jess>> "Your jobs not done yet bitch." <</say>>
Jessica appears from your side, now fully naked. She seems to be the old one out, one pussy left and your mouth. Seems obvious what she wants. You quickly glance behind you; you think you could flee but you'd never be able to show your face to the cheerleaders again…
<span id="choice"><<link"Accept your fate as a bottom bitch">>
Jessica takes a step towards you and spreads here legs slightly. You begin to open your mouth to question her, but her hands quickly grab your hair and slam your face into her crotch. Your nose it suddenly filled with her scent and her salty sweet taste flood your mouth.
<<videoM "img/day3/Day3_JessicaLick.mp4">><</videoM>>
<<say $jess>> "Get licking, bottom."<</say>>
She prods you, grinding her lower lips against yours. With no recourse you begin to lick. Teasing forward with your tongue you manage to locate her clit and start swiping your tongue across it rapidly. Her moans encourage you forward, and she continues to grind into your mouth.
<<videoM "img/miscDay/CheerBottom.mp4">><</videoM>>
Your tongue quickly tires but you push yourself to keep going.
From the corner of your eye you spot other girls on their knees or standing.
The other pairings seem a lot less aggressive and you find yourself wishing you had someone less aggressive to enjoy the moment. You hear Jessica's voice begin to increase in pitch as you lick. Sensing her rapidly approaching orgasm you double the speed of your tongue. Suddenly she shoves your head even deeper into her crotch as you are sprayed with a sudden torrent from her pussy.
<<videoM "img/miscDay/CheerBottomCum.mp4">><</videoM>>
She releases you and you stumble back onto your ass.
<<say $jess>> "N-not…bad, new girl."<<if $lickedJess>>Twice in one day you'ved licked my cunt. I could get used to this.<</if>><</say>>
Jessica pants, recovering from her orgasm. Glancing around you see that most girls have also finished up. Aware of the sticky sensation on your face you pull off your bra and quickly wash. The whole time you are aware of the sounds of moans and licking around you. What the fuck is wrong with these cheerleaders.
You head back into the locker room and get dressed with the others. As Jessica goes to leave, she passes you by and with one heavy swing slaps your ass.
<<say $jess>> "See you tomorrow, bottom." <</say>>
Filching you hear her and the other girls laughing, leaving you alone in the girl's locker room. As you finish packing up you notice a hairbrush laying out. Based on the blonde hair and location it must be Jessica's.
<span id="choice2"><<link"Grab the hair">>
You quickly pull a few strands from the brush and tuck them away. Those should work for the spell.
You've accquired the hair of a wanton whore!
<<set $hasFHair to true>><</replace>><</link>></span>
Serving Jessica has earned you <span class ="aff">+10 Affection</span> and <span class ="love">+10 Love.</span><<set $jess.aff += 10>><<set $ += 10>>
You spring to your feet and dash out of the room. You grab your bag as you run and can faintly hear laugher from behind you as you rush out the locker room doors. The cool air of the hall hits your bare legs and ass. Acting quickly, you fish out your clothes and pull them on. Luckily it looks like no one noticed you. Panting from the excitement you rush to your car, eager to get away from the slutty cheerleader cult you've stumbled upon.
Removing the shirt from your head you look over to see Jessica naked, entering the showers, with what looks like another girl crawling in behind. She catches you eye and beckons with a finger.
<span id="choice"><<link"Join in the shower">>
You pull off your bra and follow her into the showers. You are almost immediately assaulted with the sounds of moans and soft licking. All around you are pairs of girls, one on their knees the other getting their pussy licked. Jessica smiles at you from her own position, a girl lapping at her own crotch.
<<videoM "img/miscDay/lesbianShowers.mp4">><</videoM>>
<<say $jess>> "Ah, new girl. J-just wait your turn and I'm s-sure one of these bottom b-bitches will take care of you."<</say>>
As she finishes speaking, she seizes and grabs the head of the girl licking her grinding it into her crotch. You pause confused, before you have a chance to move you feel hands wrap around you.
<<videoM "img/miscDay/CheerTop.mp4">><</videoM>>
Suddenly pleasure shoots from your breasts as two soft feminine hands and lips begin to massage your breasts. Turning you see one of the so called "bottom" cheerleaders. She gives you a smile before dropping to her knees. A second later you nearly lose your footing as she dives into your crotch.
<<videoM "img/day3/Day3_LesbianShower.mp4">><</videoM>>
With practiced precision her tongue finds your clit and begins to flick across it. You seize and grip her head for support. She's good. You can barely manage to keep your feet under you as waves of pleasure rock through you.<<if $showerLicked == true>>For the second time in one day you feel your climax building from a girl licking you in the shower.<<else>> It doesn't talk long before you feel your pleasure building to a climax.<</if>>
<<videoM "img/miscDay/lesbianCum.mp4">><</videoM>>
With a high pitched moan you fling you head back your entire body rocking. Your vision turns white, your ears ring. Holy fuck is this what its always like for girls.
As the waves of pleasure recede you hear the laughter of the other cheerleaders. The girl on her knees before you smile up at you.
<<say $pc>> "Uh, t-thanks." <</say>>
You manage. You hear Jessica's voice from behind you.
<<say $jess>> "Jesus, you'd think she'd never came before." <</say>>
<<if $showerLicked>>Funnily enough if it wasn't for similar circumstances earlier today, she might be right.<</if>>
Embarrassed you quickly wash up and leave the shower. As you are heading for your locker you notice a hairbrush laying out. Based on the position and blonde hair it must be Jessica's.
<span id="choice2"><<link"Grab the hair">>
You quickly pull a few strands from the brush and tuck them away. Those should work for the spell.
You've accquired the hair of a wanton whore!
<<set $hasFHair to true>><</replace>><</link>></span>
You get dressed and head out. Leaving the sexual sounds of the shower behind.
Taking part in the cheer culture has earned you<span class ="aff">+10 Affection</span> and <span class ="love">+10 Love</span> with Jessica.<<set $jess.aff += 10>><<set $ += 10>>
Deciding you don't want to be a part of whatever is happening in there you quickly pack up and [[leave.|DayReturner]]<<set $cheerEnd to true>><</replace>><</link>></span><</if>><span class="system"> Your Magic has been awakened! Your power increases.</span><<set $pc.mag += 1>>
You wake up under a blanket on the sandy floor of the basement. Immediately you sit up and flinch at the pain. Looking at your arms you see red streaks where once there was paint. Before you eyes you can see the skin fading back to its regular hue. Looking over you see <span class="sir"> Master</span> sitting by the desk. He notices your movement and turns.
<<say $arth>> "Good, you're awake. It seems the ritual was a success." <</say>>
You wrap the blanket around yourself and sit up.
<<say $pc>> "So I have magic now, <span class="sir">master</span>?"<</say>>
<<say $arth>> "Well you had it before, now you can access it. A witch's magic comes from inside but can be blocked by mental blocks preventing them from using it. In most cases this is broken down over years of treatment. For you however, I have destroyed those blocks. You won't immediately become a great witch, but you'll be able to do some simple spells." <</say>>
You nod. You do feel different. Like something at the back of your mind is just nagging, hiding, just out of reach.
<<say $arth>> "Tomorrow we will attempt some basic spells. Doing more now would be foolish. However, if you have questions you can ask them."<</say>>
<<actions [[How are witches and warlocks different?|Shop_Question2nd1]] [[What kind of magic can I cast?|Shop_Question2nd2]] [[Does this ritual have any side effects?|Shop_Question2nd3]]>>
<span id="choice"><<link"No more questions">>
<<say $arth>> "Well if there is nothing else that will be all today. You are dismissed." <</say>>
You get to your feet and head for the stairs, putting on your clothes you turn to leave before a strange compulsion washes over you.
<<say $pc>> "Thank you for teaching me, <span class="sir">Master</span>"<</say>>
You say with a bow before heading upstairs and making your way back to [[the car|DayReturner]]. <</replace>><</link>></span>
<<say $arth>> "Ah, as I said witches get their magic internally. It is something they are born with, or in your case, altered to have. Warlocks, or sorceress, get their magic externally through objects of power, rituals, or pacts. In short if you are born with magic you are a wizard or witch, if you make your own magic you are a warlock or sorceress. Simple." <</say>>
You nod in understanding.
<<say $arth>> "Hypothetically no magic will be beyond your reach. Of course, that will take many years of study. In the short span of this week I imagine you may be able to grasp some simple glamours, maybe a few swaying spells or transformation one." <</say>>
<<say $pc>> "Transformation spells? Will I be able to turn myself back?"<</say>>
<<say $arth>> "Something like that is very advanced. As I'm sure your witch friend has told you it requires many ingredients. Complex magic like that will certainly be beyond you." <</say>>
Dejected you nod in acceptance.
[[Return|Shop_2ndWakeup]]<<say $arth>> "No, this ritual, while not the safest doesn't have side effects long terms. Just minor pain where the conduit was placed but that should fade in a few minutes." <</say>>
<<say $pc>> "That’s good to hear, <span class="sir">Master</span>"<</say>>
Preparing to play you lean forward bringing your arms in your push your breasts up and in. The tight constriction on your chest making your bust all the more apparent. As you begin to play you start letting out soft moans, every time your character in game is impacted. Your first game doesn't go well, and you are quickly defeated, but you notice the boys stealing glances at you.
<img src = "img/miscDay/Cole_BreastPush.webp" height ="480px" width ="720px">
As the second match starts you lean forward along the beanbag chair. As you start playing you start moving your whole body. The sway of your ass proves to much of a distraction for the two boys and they steal glances instead of paying attention and you manage to eek out a win.
<img src = "img/miscDay/Cole_AssFlat.jpg" height ="480px" width ="720px">
For the final round you double down, sitting on the floor, ass out and breasts on full display. Your pose works and the final round goes even faster.
<img src = "img/miscDay/Cole_AssShow.jpg" height ="480px" width ="720px">
You turn back to the boys with a smile, both of them seem flushed and shift in their seats to conceal their likely hard crotches. Seeing the two boys gives you an idea. Its likely they are both still virgins, and that can work to your advantage.
<<say $pc>> "I'll be right back." <</say>> Rushing off to the kitchen again you grab a container and a plastic bag before returning to the room. <<say $pc>> "Alright, I'm need you two to fill this up again. And I'll need one pube from each of you, in this bag please."<</say>>
The boys share a look with each other clearly confused. They both shrug and usher you out of the room. A few minutes later Cole emerges with the warm container and the plastic bag filled with a few stray hairs. You give him a nod.
<<say $pc>> "Thanks, see you again tomorrow."<</say>>
You had to your own room, empty the container into your Reservoir and carefully tuck away the hairs. Now what to do [[next.|DayReturner]]
<span id="remove">
<<link "Collect Cum!">><</link>>
<<replace '#tooltip'>><<notify>> You've gained 12ml of cum!
<meter class="cumTrack" @value="$cum" min="0" max="1000"></meter><</notify>><</replace>>
<<replace '#tooltip'>><<replace'#remove'>><</replace>><</replace>>
<</nobr>></span><<set $cum += 12>>
Teasing the boys has gained you <span class="aff"> +10 Affection </span> with both of them.<<set $cole.aff +=10>><<set $nath.aff +=10>><<if $pc.tag.background == "Nerd">>
Similar to last time you manage to hold your own, and although they put up a good fight you eventually manage to claim the win. After a short congratulatory fist pump, you turn to face them. You ponder for a moment what to do. It's likely they are both still virgins, and that can work to your advantage.
<<say $pc>> "I'll be right back." <</say>> Rushing off to the kitchen again you grab a container and a plastic bag before returning to the room. <<say $pc>> "Alright, I'm need you two to fill this up again. And I'll need one pube from each of you, in this bag please."<</say>>
The boys share a look with each other clearly confused. They both shrug and usher you out of the room. A few minutes later Cole emerges with the warm container and the plastic bag filled with a few stray hairs. You give him a nod.
<<say $pc>> "Thanks, see you again tomorrow."<</say>>
You had to your own room, empty the container into your Reservoir and carefully tuck away the hairs. Now what to do [[next.|DayReturner]]
You do your best, although its not nearly enough. You don't even make it to the final game getting easily defeated in both matches. You wonder why you even made the bet. Its not like you wanted to lose… right?
You turn to face the boys, a lecherous grin creeping across both their faces. Nathan starts.
<<say $nath>> "W-we want you to j-jerk us off!" <</say>>
He nearly shouts it. You cringe at the thought. Well, it was going to be the natural progression of things you should have known that.
<<say $cole>> "And you have to be naked." <</say>>
Cole quickly adds on, like double checking the wish made to a genie. You get to your feet and walk over to the boys. At least with this bed you'll be able to gather some ingredients.
<<say $pc>> "Fine."<</say>>
You strip off your shirt and pants without much ceremony, keeping your panties on although neither boy seems to complain. You drop to your knees between them. Excitedly the boys both side down their pants, their already hardening cocks flopping out.
<<videoM "img/miscDay/Cole_Jerk1.mp4">><</videoM>>
You reach out and take them tentatively into your hands. Neither are lacking, and although Cole's is larger Nathan sports and impressive girth. Gripping both tight you begin to pump.
<<videoM "img/miscDay/Cole_Jerk2.mp4">><</videoM>>
They both let out small moans, the heat of the meat in your hand, the sounds, you feel yourself heating up. You work the two cocks with the practice of handling dicks only a man whose been through puberty has. Soon you feel them both tense up. In almost union their dicks explode, painting your face and hands with hot sticky cum.
<<videoM "img/miscDay/Cole_Cum2.mp4">><</videoM>>
You sit back as the two of them pant in recovery. The warm stickiness all over your chest already is already cooling causing you to shiver. You get to your feet.
<<say $pc>> "We done here?" <</say>>
You get affirmative grunts from both of them. You bundle up your clothing as best you can and head into the bathroom. The heat in your belly still burning and you feel a wetness in your panties that you hope the boys didn't notice. Shaking the lust from your mind you clean yourself up with the Reservoir and get dressed again.
You decide what to do [[next…|DayReturner]]
<<set $cum += 16>><span id="remove">
<<link "Collect Cum!">><</link>>
<<replace '#tooltip'>><<notify>> You've gained 16ml of cum!
<meter class="cumTrack" @value="$cum" min="0" max="1000"></meter><</notify>><</replace>>
<<replace '#tooltip'>><<replace'#remove'>><</replace>><</replace>>
Getting the boys off has gained you <span class="aff"> +10 Affection </span> and <span class=love>+5 Love</span> with both of them.<<set $cole.aff +=10>><<set $nath.aff +=10>><<set $ +=5>><<set $ +=5>><</if>>
<<say $pc>> "Rebecca, there is something I need to tell you. And uh, it might sound crazy." <</say>>
You stand up and begin to pace.
<<say $pc>> "So a few days about I was at school, and well there were these strange noises. Anyway, I got caught in an accident and got turned into this." <</say>>
You begin to rabble as Rebecca watches with wide eyes.
<<say $becc>> "Turned into what?" <</say>>
<<say $pc>> "This, a woman. Its me, $pc.nameNameF." <</say>>
Rebecca's eyes widen even more. She opens her mouth closes it then opens it again.
<<say $becc>> "I-is this some kind of joke?" <</say>>
She stares at you dumbfounded.
<<say $pc>> "No. No joke. A magic spell turned me into a woman." <</say>>
Rebecca looks you over once again and then stares into your eyes. You see the faintest bit of recognition in her eyes.
<<say $becc>> "H-how…?"<</say>>
You sit down on the bed beside her and explain the full circumstances. She nods along and asks a few questions but for the most part just sits in silence. As you finish up, she looks away and just stairs confused at the wall.
<<say $becc>> "That’s, uh, that’s a lot. Witches? Magic?" <</say>>
She places her head in her hands.
<<say $becc>> "Cassandra can turn you back, right? How can I help?" <</say>>
You let out some pent-up breath. She took it surprisingly well, although you imagine she might have a break down as soon as you are out of the room.
<<if $toldCole == false>> <<say $pc>> "I need something called Aqua Fortis. I don't think it’s a magic thing but I'm not sure where to get it." <</say>>
<<say $becc>> "Aqua Fortis? That’s Nitric Acid. I can get you that. I can have it for you tomorrow." <</say>>
<<say $pc>> "Really? That would be amazing." <</say>>
<<say $becc>> "Yeah, come by tomorrow and I'll give it to you." <</say>><</if>>
She gets up and nods, to herself you think.
<<say $becc>> "Don't worry, $pc.maleNameF. We'll get you back to normal……"<</say>>
She freezes.
<<say $pc>> "Uh, you okay, Becca?" <</say>>
She turns her rapidly reddening face.
<<say $becc>> "Uh, just ignore what I said before alright." <</say>>
You smile to yourself at her sudden embarrassment.
<<say $pc>> "Consider it forgotten." <</say>>
She turns back to you and nods. You check the clock and realize you have to get going. Quickly you pack up your things. You head downstairs and Rebecca follows you to the door.
<<say $becc>> "See you tomorrow?" <</say>>
<<say $pc>> "See you tomorrow." <</say>>
You get in your car and [[head off.|DayReturner]]
Telling Rebecca the truth has gained you <span class="aff">+25 Affection</span> and <span class="love">+5 Love</span>.<<set $becc.aff += 25>><<set $ += 5>><<set $toldBecc to true>>
Studying has helped you understand your schoolwork; <span class="int">you feel a little smarter</span>!<<set $intUp to true>>
<<say $pc>> "I know what you mean." <</say>>
You catch her eyes and she matches your stare. You've always found Rebecca attractive but now, so close, in her room, on here bed, her beauty is striking.
<<say $becc>> "$pc.nameF this may sound strange, and well, we did just meet but… Can I kiss you?" <</say>>
She blushes and looks away. Her hands fidget in her lap.
<<say $becc>> "I-I've never done it before, I mean not with a girl, actually not with anyone but I thi-"<</say>>
<<say $pc>> "Yes" <</say>>
She stops talking. You reach a hand up and place it on the side of her cheek drawing her in closer to you. Suddenly she lunges forward and plants a kiss on your lips.
<<videoM "img/miscDay/BeccKiss.mp4">><</videoM>>
You savor the connect for a moment. Her hand works into your hair as the two of you share the intimate moment. Finally, she pulls away. Sitting back, she licks her lips a smile crossing her face.
<<say $becc>> "That was…"<</say>>
<<say $pc>> "Yeah…" <</say>>
You manage in agreement. Suddenly Rebecca sits up off the edge of the bed.
<<say $becc>> "Shit, the time. My parents will be home soon." <</say>>
You get to your feet.
<<say $pc>> "Right, I guess I need to clean out them." <</say>>
Rebecca looks at you and smiles.
<<say $becc>> "Sorry, I might have panicked a bit. It just, you know. I don't want them getting the wrong idea." <</say>>
<<say $pc>> "What that we are making out in your room instead of studying?" <</say>>
She chuckles at that.
<<say $pc>> "I guess I need to get going though. Same time tomorrow?" <</say>>
She nods and leads you downstairs. As you head for you car you see her watching you biting her lip. You start up the car and decide where to [[head next.|DayReturner]]
Kissing Rebecca has gained you <span class="aff">+15 Affection</span> and <span class="love">+10 Love</span>.<<set $becc.aff += 15>><<set $ += 10>>
Studying has helped you understand your schoolwork; <span class="int">you feel a little smarter</span>!<<set $intUp to true>>
<<say $pc>> "I think we should focus on studying." <</say>>
<<say $becc>> "Right, uh, sorry. Where were we?" <</say>>
For the remainder of the hour you continue studying until you pack up and get ready to go. As you are leaving Rebecca speaks.
<<say $becc>> "I don't think there is much more I can teach you, $pc.nameF." <</say>>
<<say $pc>> "Oh is that so?"<</say>>
<<say $becc>> "Yeah, you've got the basics down. With the finals coming up I need to spend more time studying myself. So, I think this should be the last time we do this." <</say>>
<<say $pc>> "Oh, okay."<</say>>
Slightly dejected you make you way to your car and head out. It seems that your study sessions with Rebecca are at an end.
Rejecting Rebecca has lost you <span class="aff">-15 Affection</span> and <span class="love">-5 Love</span>.<<set $becc.aff -= 15>><<set $ -= 5>>
Studying has helped you understand your schoolwork; <span class="int">you feel a little smarter</span>!<<set $intUp to true>>
<<set $beccEnd to true>><img src = "img/locations/streets.JPG" height ="480px" width ="720px">
Hopping in your car you begin driving through the idyllic streets of Scholmanville. Time to decide what to do next.
[[Continue|Day2_ActionsHub]]A few moments after he heads into the bedroom you creep up from the couch and head over to the door. Pressing your body against the wall you glance inside. There you see Marcus, cock in hand, your picture on his phone. His dick is already hard as he furiously strokes it.
<<videoM "img/miscDay/MarcusFap.mp4">><</videoM>>
You feel your loins begin to heat up just looking at the scene before you. You wonder if perhaps you could get some pleasure of your own…
<span id="choice2"><<link "Masturbate">>
Slowly you undo the top button of your pants and slide you hand inside. Your knees almost give out as you brush your fingers over your clit. Encouraged by the jolt of pleasure you continue, rubbing your clit as your best friend masturbates next door.
<<videoM "img/miscDay/HidingFap.mp4">><</videoM>>
Your haze of pleasure is broken as you hear Marcus moan from the next room.
<<say $marcus>> "Fuck, $pc.nameF, take it…" <</say>>
You hand freezes, did he just moan your name? Is… is he imagining fucking you? Thoughts of Marcus on top of you, his big cock splitting you open flash into your mind. You begin to move your hand again but stop as you hear the grunts of Marcus in the next room. Glancing in you can see him cumming. Quickly you pull your hand back, buckle your pants and tiptoe back to the living room.
A few moments later he returns with the container of cum. You transfer it to your Reservoir as Marcus watches in amazement.
<<say $marcus>> "So, uh, that magic?" <</say>>
You nod.
<<say $marcus>> "Cool." <</say>>
<<say $pc>> "Hey, uh, thanks for doing this for me. I don't know what I'd do otherwise." <</say>>
<<say $marcus>> "No problem. That’s what friends are for, er, well y'know not normally stuff like this but happy to help." <</say>>
You pack away the Reservoir and get ready to go. You thank him again and [[head out.|DayReturner]]
<span id="remove">
<<link "Collect Cum!">><</link>>
<<replace '#tooltip'>><<notify>> You've gained 14ml of cum!
<meter class="cumTrack" @value="$cum" min="0" max="1000"></meter><</notify>><</replace>>
<<replace '#tooltip'>><<replace'#remove'>><</replace>><</replace>>
<</nobr>></span><<set $cum += 14>>
Marcus's Affection has increased by <span class="aff"> +10 </span>.<<set $marcus.aff +=10>><</replace>><</link>>
<<link "Too Risky">>
Deciding its too risky to stay here you creep back to the couch and awkwardly wait.
A few minutes after Marcus disappeared into the bedroom, he reappears with a small container of cum. You take it and quickly transfer it into the Reservoir as Marcus watches on in amazement.
<<say $marcus>> "So, uh, that magic?" <</say>>
You nod.
<<say $marcus>> "Cool." <</say>>
<<say $pc>> "Hey, uh, thanks for doing this for me. I don't know what I'd do otherwise." <</say>>
<<say $marcus>> "No problem. That’s what friends are for, er, well y'know not normally stuff like this but happy to help." <</say>>
You pack away the Reservoir and get ready to go. You thank him again and [[head out.|DayReturner]]
<span id="remove">
<<link "Collect Cum!">><</link>>
<<replace '#tooltip'>><<notify>> You've gained 14ml of cum!
<meter class="cumTrack" @value="$cum" min="0" max="1000"></meter><</notify>><</replace>>
<<replace '#tooltip'>><<replace'#remove'>><</replace>><</replace>>
<</nobr>></span><<set $cum += 14>>
Marcus's Affection has increased by <span class="aff"> +10 </span>.<<set $marcus.aff +=10>><</replace>><</link>></span>
You decide to stay where you are. A few minutes after Marcus disappeared into the bedroom, he reappears with a small container of cum. You take it and quickly transfer it into the Reservoir as Marcus watches on in amazement.
<<say $marcus>> "So, uh, that magic?" <</say>>
You nod.
<<say $marcus>> "Cool." <</say>>
<<say $pc>> "Hey, uh, thanks for doing this for me. I don't know what I'd do otherwise." <</say>>
<<say $marcus>> "No problem. That’s what friends are for, er, well y'know not normally stuff like this but happy to help." <</say>>
You pack away the Reservoir and get ready to go. You thank him again and [[head out.|DayReturner]]
<span id="remove">
<<link "Collect Cum!">><</link>>
<<replace '#tooltip'>><<notify>> You've gained 14ml of cum!
<meter class="cumTrack" @value="$cum" min="0" max="1000"></meter><</notify>><</replace>>
<<replace '#tooltip'>><<replace'#remove'>><</replace>><</replace>>
<</nobr>></span><<set $cum += 14>>
Marcus's Affection has increased by <span class="aff"> +5 </span>.<<set $marcus.aff +=5>><img src = "img/locations/streets.jpg" height ="480px" width ="720px">
Hoping in your car you begin driving through the idilic streets of Scholmanville. Soon enough you've come upon your destination.
<<if $currentDay == 1>>[[Continue|Day2_Evening]]<<elseif $currentDay == 2>>[[Continue|Day3_Evening]]<<elseif $currentDay==3>>[[Continue|Day4_Evening]]<<elseif $currentDay==4>>[[Continue|Day5_Evening]]<</if>>You don't have much time but there are a few things you can do before you have to leave to meet up with Circe.
<span id ="choice"><<link "You could play some video games…">>
<<replace "#choice">><img src = "img/day2/mario.gif" height ="480px" width ="720px">
You flip on your TV and boot up your favorite game. You kill the next hour or so making some progress through the game you think with a few more nights like this you might even be able to beat it. You wrap things up and get [[ready to leave…|Day3_Graveyard]]<</replace>><</link>>
<<link "You could watch some TV on your computer…">>
<<replace "#choice">>
<<videoM "img/day2/TV.mp4">><</videoM>>
You boot up your computer and head to your streaming service. You watch a few episodes of your favorite show before you begin to feel sleepy. Deciding you don't want to accidently snooze off you turn it off and get [[ready to go|Day3_Graveyard]]…<</replace>><</link>>
<<link "You could try and do some research into magic…">>
<<replace "#choice">>
<img src = "img/day2/Day2_Explaination.jpg" height ="480px" width ="720px">
You slide up to your computer and turn it on. You open your search browser and begin to put in some general search terms about magic in your area. You don't find much, some old historical references about witchcraft in America, some weird Satanists cult scares from the 70's and a bunch of new age shops that have opened in the area. Nothing similar to what has happened to your or any creditable references to the witches you know. You feel like you are getting closer to finding something of value though. You wrap things up and get [[ready to go|Day3_Graveyard]]… <<set $magicResearch += 1>><</replace>><</link>>
<<link "You could do your homework…">>
<<replace "#choice">>
<img src = "img/day2/homework.jpg" height ="480px" width ="720px">
You grab your schoolbooks and open them up on your desk. Of all the things you have done today this is the most normal. Its strangely comforting, despite all the crazy shit you have gone through you are doing homework like a normal person. It doesn't take you long to finish and by the end you actually feel a little better about you whole situation. You pack things up and get [[ready to go|Day3_Graveyard]]…<</replace>><</link>>
<<link "You could explore your new body some more, maybe masturbate…">>
<<replace "#choice">>
You lay down on you bed and slowly run your hands down your new body. Your hands brush gently over your new breasts, trail down your smooth stomach and brush against the crotch of your pants. You feel a heat begin to build in your stomach. You pause to quickly remove all your clothes before you are left naked on the blankets of your bed.
<<if $hasFetish>> Your eyes wander over to the bedside stand where inside you have stashed your "male fetish". Ms. Yiin did say that it would be waterproof and all that. Maybe you should test it out…
<span id="choice2"><<link "Use the fetish">>
<<replace "#choice2">>
You roll over to the side of the bed and grab the makeshift dildo, surprised at its weight. You made it and all but now that you think of it going inside you it seems so much larger. You quickly place it down against your lower lips, already slick with anticipation. With a flick of your wrist you push it inwards.
<<videoM "img/day3/dildoFap.mp4">><</videoM>>
Your body explodes with pleasure as it pushes past your lips deep inside you. With your momentary stunned feeling it begins to slip out prompting you to quickly push it back in shocking you with another wave of pleasure. You grasp it more firmly and being to work in within yourself, pumping it in and out with vigor.
<<videoM "img/day3/Day3_Masturbate.mp4">><</videoM>>
It does not take long before you feel your new pleasures coming to a climax. You clench your whole body together as waves of pleasure wash over you. You slam your face into the pillow as you let out a long soft moan before your entire body collapses into the bed. Satisfied in the warm afterglow of your orgasm you lay on your for a moment before deciding to get cleaned up and getting [[ready to go|Day3_Graveyard]].<</replace>><</link>>
<<link "Use your hands">>
<<replace "#choice2">>
With a now more experienced grace you begin to work your body. Groping your tender breasts and flicking your erect clit pleasure begins to grow all over your body.
<<videoM "img/day3/Day3_Masturbate.mp4">><</videoM>>
It does not take long before you feel your new pleasures coming to a climax. You clench your whole body together as waves of pleasure wash over you. You slam your face into the pillow as you let out a long soft moan before your entire body collapses into the bed. Satisfied in the warm afterglow of your orgasm you lay on your for a moment before deciding to get cleaned up and getting [[ready to go|Day3_Graveyard]].<</replace>><</link>></span><<else>>With a now more experienced grace you begin to work your body. Groping your tender breasts and flicking your erect clit pleasure begins to grow all over your body.
<<videoM "img/day3/Day3_Masturbate.mp4">><</videoM>>
It does not take long before you feel your new pleasures coming to a climax. You clench your whole body together as waves of pleasure wash over you. You slam your face into the pillow as you let out a long soft moan before your entire body collapses into the bed. Satisfied in the warm afterglow of your orgasm you lay on your for a moment before deciding to get cleaned up and getting [[ready to go|Day3_Graveyard]].<</if>><</replace>><</link>>
<<if $tookCameras>><<link "You could see what these cameras have and get some dirt on Mr. Smith and Mr. Swinebek...">>
<<replace "#choice">>
You quickly pull out the two cameras you took from the bathroom and Mr. Swinebek's office. You grab one of your USB cables and hook them into your computer. A prompt pops up.
Password Required…
Damn they seem to be encrypted. Fuck. They will notice them missing for sure and who knows what they will do then. You glace back at the computer, maybe there is something you can do about this…
<<statCheck 8 $ $intImg Day3_SelfHack>> Hack Them <</statCheck>>
[[Go ask Cole for help|Day3_ColeHacking]]
<span id ="choice2"><<link "Give up">>
<<replace "#choice2">>
There is nothing you can do now. Tomorrow you'll just have to face the music. Resigned you pack things up and get [[ready to go|Day3_Graveyard]].<</replace>><</link>></span><</replace>><</link>><</if>></span>
You text Doug that you are ready and head outside to wait for him. As you wait you consider what you are doing. You have seen the signs and its pretty clear that Doug is into you and most certainly wants in your pants. Still, the idea of spending the evening with him sounds strangely… nice?
A sleek red pickup truck rounds the corner and comes to a stop at the front of your driveway. You walk over and pull open the passenger door.
<<say $doug>> "Hey. You're staying a $pc.maleNameF 's place?" <</say>>
<<say $pc>> "Er, yeah. He's in Las Vegas right now so he offered me his room." <</say>>
<<say $doug>> "Yeah I heard about that from his step-bro. Lucky bastard." <</say>>
Doug pulls away from your house and starts to drive through the town. Occasionally you see him sneaking you glances out of the corner of his eye. As you drive, he explains parts of the town: the old factories by the interstate, the mostly empty shopping mall, suburbia, and more suburbia. Eventually, Doug turns off the main roads and away from the quaint downtown shops and begins heading down towards the bay.
You shift in your seat. <<if $pc.tag.sexualExp == "Virgin">>You've never visited here before yourself but you've heard the stories. Lover's Point. A common place for young lovers to come to and make out and more. <<else>> You know these roads. They lead to Lover's Point. A common place for young lovers, yourself included, to bring dates to make out and get frisky. <</if>> The car rounds the bend and comes to a rolling stop in an expanse of flattened dirt overlooking the picturesque sunset over the bay. Doug seems to have made his intentions very clear about how he feels about you.
<<say $doug>> "You know this is my favorite place in town? Sometimes I come just to watch the sunsets after practice." <</say>>
Doug stares out over the water. You're the only car here, it is a school night after all. You look back at Doug as he stares out over the water. You feel an excitement in your chest.
<<say $doug>> "There is something different about you $pc.nameF. Ever since I first saw you its like I've known you forever. I don't know how to describe it. But I think I really like you." <</say>>
You heart thumps in your chest. You feel your face flushing. What the hell is wrong with you. You're a dude and Doug is a childhood friend. You've never thought about him as anything but you dumb jock friend but here, with the sunlight twinkling on the water, Doug confessing to you…
Doug shifts forward in his seat and moves his lips towards yours. He is going to kiss you…!
[[Let him|DougRom1_Kiss]]
[[Pull away|DougRom1_Reject]]
<img src = "img/locations/bookstore.JPG" height ="480px" width ="720px">
You send Cassandra a quick heads up text that you are on your way and start driving towards you house. Arriving you are surprised to find the destination is a small flat just above a closed bookstore. You send Cassandra a text to make sure you have the right place.
<div class ="phone">
<span class ="phoneRight">Hey Cass, I think I'm here. There's a bookshop? </span>
<span class ="phoneLeft">That’s the place. I'll be right down. </span>
<span class ="phoneRight"> Alright. I'll park just nearby. </span>
You pull up onto the curbside and park. Waiting a minute or two you spot Cassandra come around the side of the building. You hop out of the car and head across the street to meet her.
<<say $cass>> "Hey $pc.nameF, follow me." <</say>>
She leads you around back and up a short staircase into a the flat atop the store. As you head inside you are greeted by a very open central room and the faint smells of sage, incense, and other herbal aromas. You shrug off your coat and shoes and look around. The place looks nice, organized, and clean but only enough space for one or two people…
<<say $pc>> "Do you live here alone?"<</say>>
<<say $cass>> "I do." <</say>>
She answers awkwardly flat.
<<say $pc>> "Your parents set you up with this?" <</say>>
<<say $cass>> "Not exactly. I never knew my real parents; I was raised by the Coven. Mostly Circe." <</say>>
<<say $pc>> "Oh, uh, sorry I didn't know." <</say>>
<<say $cass>> "Its fine. I've never really told anyone before." <</say>>
An awkward silence stretches between the two of you before she gestures for you to come in and sit down. You take a seat with her on the couch. You see her fumbling with her pocket something hidden inside.
<<say $cass>> "I wanted to apologize. I know I've said it a bunch, but I think you deserve an explanation of what I was doing." <</say>>
You nod. You have been curious about what kind of spell she was casting down there.
<<say $cass>> "I've never really had friends or anything. I've been alone for as long as I can remember. I-I thought that perhaps if I cast a spell to make me more likeable then I could make friends. It was, uh, it was a little beyond me. I barely understood it, but I-I think thought that I could do it. I studied for weeks. I'm so sorry. I was so selfish…" <</say>>
Tears begin to stream down her face. You sit there frozen a few feet away from her wondering how to even react to this information…
[[Get angry|CassRom_GetAngry]]
[[Comfort her|CassRom_Comfort]]
[[Just leave|CassRom_Leave]]
$endings.ending0Double-click this passage to edit it.<h2>Spells Known</h2>
<<if $charm>> <b> Charm </b>
<i> <span class="mag">Couϝʁoɼ</span>
Take control of your targets mind and dictate their actions. Actions too far out of their comfort zone may break the spell.</i><<else>><b> ????? </b>
<i> <span class="mag">Couϝʁoɼ</span>
ssaþ owafe tþehnoha iæfeon sewfe auecnos erb neþti reegyð kehihluþa keȝetåd uchû tedrarstua</i><</if>>
<<if $glamor>> <b> Glamor </b>
<i> <span class="mag">Wɑƨĸ ɑuq Coucԍɑɼ</span>
Create minor illusions to conceal or masks objects or creatures. A lapse in concentration may break the illusion.</i><<else>><b> ????? </b>
<i> <span class="mag">Wɑƨĸ ɑuq Coucԍɑɼ</span>
thessd leeso ùlre topeo onnremlin ronre sseswc iofren ï ledðoþ valioð y uryreali yotiwis þaefaxteih</i><</if>>
<<if $growth>> <b> Growth </b>
<i> <span class="mag">Exbɑuq qouმ</span>
Take control of your targets mind and dictate their actions. Actions too far out of their comfort zone may break the spell.</i><<else>><b> ????? </b>
<i> <span class="mag">Exbɑuq qouმ</span>
esht na nguð snor nelçes ðdorosac ttaþan aƒreted tinom þaorvi whlig isaiftauv vyseemþo að si di treid mehnon thoci waseshy</i><</if>>
<<if $plenty>> <b> Plenty </b>
<i> <span class="mag">Cnw pncĸԍϝƨ</span>
Greatly increases a male's potency, allowing for semen yeilds 5x to 10x above the regular amount. Also greatly increases virility of the subject, all but garuenteeing pregnancy.</i><<else>><b> ????? </b>
<i> <span class="mag">Cnw pncĸԍϝƨ</span>
ra tvibet ityh onurn nesfhyð ho hþarolt</i><</if>>
<<if $fire>> <b> Fire </b>
<i> <span class="mag">EXbΓOƧIOИ</span>
Take control of your targets mind and dictate their actions. Actions too far out of their comfort zone may break the spell.</i><<else>><b> ????? </b>
<i> <span class="mag">EXbΓOƧIOИ</span>
ta oae tenr tinli atltuha diese hfinre rdoaedðva aseuthgeic þŋonr waoi</i><</if>>
[[Return | $currentPassage][$inVeiw to false]] You get to your feet and face away from her. Your whole life. Your life itself was put at risk so that she could be more popular. You turn to face her.
<<say $pc>> "You nearly killed me so that you could be more popular?" <</say>>
You try and keep your voice measured but can already feel it getting louder. She sniffles and looks up at you.
<<say $cass>> "I know. It was stupid and selfish and I'm sorry. I-I don't know what to say." <</say>>
<<say $pc>> "I don't care what you have to say. You should focus your attention of turning me back! You show up and expect me to gather all these ingredients, to do disgusting things, and you do what? Read some books?" <</say>>
She recoils from your words before sitting up more.
<<say $cass>> "I'm sorry. I'll do more to help. Here." <</say>>
She produces from her pocket a small paper bag, tightly wrapped and sealed. You look at it quizzically before picking it up.
<<say $cass>> "It's uh, its hair. You should be one step closer." <</say>>
Glancing done at the bag it dawns on you what she has given you. As you doubt her head hair would do you any good.
<<say $pc>> "I, uh, yeah that should help." <</say>>
Slightly stunned from the sudden gift your anger slipping out of your voice.
<<say $cass>> "And I promise I'll do more to help you collect ingredients. Whatever it takes to turn you back I'll do it. Okay?" <</say>>
You nod, seeing the genuine regret plain on her face. She may have fucked up, but she seems hellbent on correcting that mistake.
<<say $pc>> "Okay. Thank you, Cassandra. That’s all I ask. I-uh I should go." <</say>>
You tuck the bag into your pocket and head for the door. You pull it open and take one last glance at Cassandra as she stares at you. You close the door and head back to your car. That could have gone better.
You realize as you pull away that you completely forgot to ask about magic…
Your outburst has cost you <span class="aff"> -10 Affection </span>and <span class="love">-10 Love</span> with Cassandra.<<set $cass.aff -= 10>><<set $ -= 10>>
You've gain Pubis Hair of A Virginal Woman!<<set $hasFPubes to true>>
You slide across the couch so that you are right beside her. You gently place an arm around her shoulders and pull her into a gentle hug.
<<say $pc>> "I get it. I don't hold anything against you. The two of us can make this right." <</say>>
She sniffles and looks up at you.
<<say $cass>> "I swear I never wanted to hurt anyone, it was all just a big mistake and now Circe is pissed. If I can't turn you back, she'll excommunicate me. I'll lose the only family I ever had." <</say>>
You hold her close as she shakes, clearly not handling the stress of the past few days well.
<<say $pc>> "Don't worry. The two of us will figure this out. I'll be changed back; you won't get kicked out of your coven. C'mon you managed to turn me into a woman. That's impressive magic, I'm sure you can turn me back." <</say>>
She chuckles at that and smiles a bit.
<<say $cass>> "That’s not really how it works. Transforming you doesn't really prove anything other than me being a fuck up. I mean, it's not that impressive…"<</say>>
You pull away slightly and sit back. Her mood appears to have improved.
<<say $cass>> "Oh, right. You were supposed to be learning magic tonight. I almost forgot." <</say>>
She hops to her feet and grabs a book from a nearby bookshelf. She plops it down on the table between the two of you.
<<say $cass>> "Alright are you ready for the basics?" <</say>>
You slowly get to your feet. Cassandra's eyes follow you with concern. Without a word you head for the door pull on your things and open the door. Cass jumps to her feet.
<<say $cass>> "$pc.nameF wait!" <</say>>
The door slams shut. You quickly make your way to your care, the heat rushing to your head. You get into your car and slam your fists against the steering wheel.
That bitch. Nearly killed you, turned your world upside down, and caused all this trouble just so she could be more popular. You grit your teeth. You may need her to turn you back but that doesn't mean you need to like her. You start your car and take a deep breath. If the chance comes up, you should take it to get even with her. As the initial anger begins to leave your thoughts you begin to drive off.
Your cold disregard for Cassandra has cost you <span class="aff"> -25 Affection </span>and <span class="love">-25 Love</span> with her.<<set $cass.aff -= 25>><<set $ -= 25>>
You spend the next hour or so listening to Cassandra explain magic to you. Lifeforce, anima, mana, prana, schools, channels, and more. Definitions and terms that mostly go over your head. By the time your study session is dawning to a close your head is spinning with all the new info about magic and how to cast it.
<<say $cass>> "So there is a brief overview of Elementals, Conjuring, Enchantment, Illusion, and Beguiling. All your basic schools of magic. Did you get all that?" <</say>>
You nod, wanting whatever respite from the overwhelming about of information she is throwing at you.
<<say $cass>> "Alright. Then we can move on to our first practical test. This is the first spell pretty much every witch learns. It is called a Glamor. Here, this page explains how to do it. Its just a tiny illusion that you can maintain." <</say>>
She slides the book over to you can places an apple on the table. You glance over the pages. It… actually kinda makes some sense to you. You look over at the apple. You just have to think that you don't want people to see it and then it should vanish when you say the words…
<img src = "img/miscDay/apple.png" height ="480px" width ="720px">
<<say $pc>> "Wɑƨĸ ɑuq Coucԍɑɼ"<</say>>
<<if $pc.mag >0>>
The apple vanishes, enveloped in a shimmer of greenish fog and then gone. Cassandra claps her hands beside you.
<<say $cass>> "Wow. You did it first try I've never seen that before. I guess Circe was right and the transformation super charged you." <</say>>
You can't help but smile. You did magic. Real, actual, fucking magic. You look back at the spot the apple once was. You see the air there shifting before suddenly the apple reappears. You look over at Cassandra.
<<say $cass>> "Don't worry with practice you will be able to make it last longer. Just remember if you get distracted, go to far, or fall asleep the Glamor will end." <</say>>
You nod and pick up the apple inspecting it for any changes. It looks fine.
You wait…and wait…and nothing happens.
<<say $cass>> "Don’t worry too much. Nobody gets it first try. Just keep practicing and you'll get it. Hopefully you can learn it before we turn you back Sunday." <</say>>
Cass smiles at you and you feel your face creeping into a smile as well. You feel much more confident that the two of you can manage and figure this out. Together.
<<say $cass>> "Oh, one more thing." <</say>>
Fidgeting Cassandra reaches into her pocket and pulls out a small paper bag.
<<say $cass>> "This is for you. Its, uh, hair. For the spell." <</say>>
You accept the bag and nod. Hair… Oh. Oh! That kind of hair. Which means…
<<say $cass>> "I'll also keep looking into ways to find other ingredients. Whatever it takes I'll fix this."<</say>>
You nod and smile, tucking the hair away.
<<say $pc>> "Thank you, Cass. It means a lot."<</say>>
You glance at your phone and see the time.
<<say $pc>> "Shit I have to go. I'll see you at the graveyard tonight." <</say>>
You head for the door, Cass following behind you. As you pull on your shoes you begin to make your way out the door. Cass steps up to say something pausing for a moment.
<<say $cass>> "$pc.nameF I thi-, I'll see you later. Bye." <</say>>
She closes the door. You quickly head for you car and get ready to drive off.
Studying with Cassandra has gained you <span class="aff">+20 Affection</span> and<span class="love"> +15 Love</span>.<<set $cass.aff += 20>><<set $ += 15>>
You've learned the <span class="mag">GLAMOR SPELL</span>.<<set $glamor to true>><<set $spellsKnown +=1>>
His lips touch against yours the warmth spreading over your mouth. You feel your body tingle in excitement. His hand gently cups the side of your face before firmly gripping you around the back of your hand and pulling you in. You let a soft moan escape your lips.
<<videoM "img/miscDay/Doug_Kiss.mp4">><</videoM>>
Doug pulls away and smiles at you.
<<say $doug>> "You're very beautiful, $pc.nameF."<</say>>
You feel your face flushing again. What is wrong with you? Why does everything he says and does drive you so crazy.
<<say $pc>> "Y-your pretty easy on the eyes yourself." <</say>>
Doug smiles at you, probably amused at your failed attempts to be smooth.
<<say $doug>> "Oh would you like to see more?" <</say>>
Without waiting for confirmation, he strips off his shirt over his head, revealing his toned, smooth chest. Without even thinking you reach out a hand and caress his hard muscles. Suddenly a thought strikes you.
<<say $pc>> "What about Jessica?" <</say>>
Doug pulls back from you and chuckles.
<<say $doug>> "Make no mistake, I love Jessica. We have an agreement. She can do what she does with the cheerleaders and I can sleep with whomever I want. But at the end of the day we both know how much we mean to each other." <</say>>
You ponder what he has said for a moment. It's not traditional for sure but its, well its kinda romantic.
<<say $pc>> "Oh, I see. That’s very, uh, modern." <</say>>
<<say $doug>> "Jess is an insatiable bitch, if it was up to just me to keep her satisfied, I'd be dead in a week. Besides, I would never be able to stay away from beauties like you."<</say>>
With that he moves his hand back behind your neck and pulls you forward into another deep kiss. As you kiss you suddenly feel a hand against your chest and nearly jump as Doug squeezes you breasts.
<<videoM "img/miscDay/Doug_Grope.mp4">><</videoM>>
As soon as the initial shock where's off you moan into his mouth at the pleasure of his ministrations. You feel the heat of arousal beginning to grow. With one swift motion Doug snakes his hand up under your shirt groping your directly. You fling your head back and moan, giving him the chance to kiss at your neck.
You pull your hands down to brace yourself, landing directly in his lap. You hand pushes against the straining bulge in his pants. Marveled at the size of it you gently run your hand against it.
<<say $doug>> "Here, let me help."<</say>>
With that Doug unbuckles and pants and his [[cock springs free…|DougRom1_Kiss2]]
As it frees itself from his underwear its slaps against his stomach. Freed from its clothe prison it is even more intimidating, huge, throbbing before you. Throbbing for you.
<<videoM "img/miscDay/Doug_Reveal.mp4">><</videoM>>
You reach out with a hand and grab Doug's member. The warm flesh under your palm pulses with anticipation as you begin to pump it up and down. One hand is barely enough to even cover the huge amount of cock before you. You steal a glace up at Doug to see him smiling in pleasure down at you. Encouraged you begin to pick up the pace.
<<videoM "img/miscDay/Doug_Hj.mp4">><</videoM>>
Suddenly, as you continue pumping you feel Doug's hand on the back of your head. No expecting it you open your mouth, taking the invitation he pulls you down. Your lips meet his cock and you open as wide as you can to accommodate the mass invading your mouth. You almost immediately gag as his cock hits the back of your throat with barely only half of it in your mouth. Doug's hand remains on the back of your head but pushes you no further. Take a moment to rest before you pull back up, dragging your tongue along his length.
<<videoM "img/miscDay/Doug_Lick.mp4">><</videoM>>
He moans appreciatively and you repeat the process bobbing your head up and down his dick. Spit and saliva coat his dick allowing it to easily push towards the back of your throat. His moans encourage you to pick up the pace, impaling your mouth on his cock over and over.
<<videoM "img/miscDay/Doug_Bj.mp4">><</videoM>>
In a sudden thrust Doug grips the sides of your head and begins to manually thrust into your mouth. You gag as his dick slams deeper than ever before. He doesn't relent, fucking your throat with all his might before suddenly thrusting.
<<videoM "img/miscDay/Doug_Cum.mp4">><</videoM>>
You feel a warmth shoot down your throat as his cum blasts directly down your throat into your stomach. He releases you and you pull back coughing and sputtering from the recent assault of your throat. Despite the rough treatment you feel your thighs quivering.
<<say $doug>> "Damn girl, you know how to suck a cock."<</say>>
Doug pants beside you, recovering from cumming down your throat. You eye his softening dick wondering what it might feel like inside you…
Doug reaches over and hands you some wipes to clean up your face. You realize that you can't collect any of the cum, because you swallowed it all. You sucked his dick for no reason other than… you wanted to?
<<say $doug>> "We should get back before it gets dark." <</say>>
Doug pulls his pants back up and you readjust your clothes and clean up and fluids split during your throatfucking session. The drive back is slightly awkward as you spend most of it staring out the window or glancing at Doug. Still in disbelief of what just happened. As you pull up to your house Doug looks over at you.
<<say $doug>> "Tonight was amazing. Can I see you tomorrow as well?" <</say>>
<<say $pc>> "I'll uh, think about it." <</say>>
With that you hop out of the car. Your throat is slightly sore but more importantly it feels… empty. You shake off the strange feeling and head inside to decide [[what to do next.|Day3_AtHomeNight]]
Your night with Doug has greatly increased his <span class="aff">Affection by +25</span> and his <span class="love">love by +20</span>.<<set $doug.aff += 25>> <<set $ += 20>><<set $dougBj to true>>
You pull back. He looks up at you quizzically.
<<say $pc>> "What about Jessica?"<</say>>
He chuckles and smiles.
<<say $doug>> "Oh you don't need to worry about that. Make no mistake, I love Jessica. We have an agreement. She can do what she does with the cheerleaders and I can sleep with whomever I want. But at the end of the day we both know how much we mean to each other." <</say>>
He reaches out for you again, but you pull back once more.
<<say $pc>> "Well regardless, I'm sorry Doug but I just don't feel like that about you."<</say>>
He leans back into his seat, seeming a little confused.
<<say $doug>> "Oh, well, uh, sorry I guess I read the signs wrong. I hope I didn't make you uncomfortable."<</say>>
You are touched by his reaction. Despite what most people think of the big lug he really is a good guy, even if a bit of a horndog.
<<say $pc>> "No, its fine. I understand what you were thinking. But I think we should just stay as friends. That alright?" <</say>>
<<say $doug>> "No problem by me. But I guess that means I should get you home."<</say>>
He starts the car back up and drives you back home in an awkward silence. He pulls up in front of your house and turns to you.
<<say $doug>> "Guess I'll see you tomorrow then." <</say>>
<<say $pc>> "See ya." <</say>>
You hop out of the truck and he speeds off. You think back to your feelings in the car. There was something there for sure, but probably nothing more than your bodies hormones playing tricks on you.
[[You head inside.|Day3_AtHomeNight]]
Your rejection of Doug has caused you to lose<span class="love"> -25 Love</span> but your time together has gained you <span class="aff">+10 Affection</span>.<<set $doug.aff += 10>><<set $ -= 25>>
<<set $disableSide to false>>You jolt awake in your bed. The familiar weight of your new body immediately bringing you out of your groggy slumber. <<if $bustUp && $pc.bust >3>>As you shift you notice that the weight on your chest seems even more extreme. Not only that but your whole body feels…different. You rush over to your bedrooms mirror. Taking yourself in you notice a few changes.
Your breasts are larger for sure, you gently heft them surprised at the new weight behind them.
Not only that but your ass and thighs seem better defined as well. Running your hand across your ass you find it to have a little bit extra jiggle.
Even your face seems to have changed with you lips more pronounced.
You look almost the same, just… hotter. Cassandra said something about your body changing, but wasn't the ritual last night supposed to stop that? You'll need to ask her about that. <<set $newChangedFound to true>>
<<elseif $bustup>>You notice as you shift a little extra weight on your chest. Have your boobs grown? The ritual last night was supposed to stop your body from changing right? You need to ask Cassandra about this.<</if>>
You quickly pull together some clothes and shake the sleep from your head.
<<if $romDoug is false && $dougDate is true>> You notice you have a text. Glancing at your phone you see a text from Doug.
<div class ="phone">
<span class ="phoneLeft">Hey $pc.nameF, you stood me up last night. So much for being nice. </span>
You sigh. It seems that you hurt Doug's feelings by not going out with him last night. Maybe you can fix that today. In between all the magic and chaos.
Not taking Doug up on his offer has cost you <span class="aff"> -5 Affection</span> and <span class="love"> -5 Love</span>.<<set $doug.aff -= 5>><<set $ -= 5>> <</if>>
You grab your towel to head for the shower. You pass by Cole's door undistributed and make your way inside the [[bathroom.|Day4_Morning]] You quickly strip and hop in the water. You let the water run down your body. The warm stimulation sets your mind adrift. <<if $cum >0>>You think back on all the things you've done since becoming a woman. You can't help but wonder what some other things might feel like. <</if>> Your feel your arousal begins to grow, almost like clockwork now your time in the shower seems to get you horny. Should you take care of business…?
<span id ="choice"><<link "Masturbate">>
<<replace "#choice">>
You slowly move your hand down across your body, relishing the feeling of your fingers on your skin.
<<videoM "img/day4/Day4_Shower.mp4">><</videoM>>
<<if $bustUp>>You run your hand along your new assets, a soft gasp escapes your lips. Not only are they bigger but more sensitive. <</if>> You gently grab your breasts, then more roughly. Your other hand snakes down to your pussy and teases its way inside. As you begin to pleasure yourself your mind begins to drift.
<<if $cheerLine >= 2>> You think back to the sights you saw inside the woman's locker room. Imagining the hot cheerleaders, not sucking your dick, but lapping at your pussy.
<<videoM "img/miscDay/CheerBottom.mp4">><</videoM>><</if>>
<<if $marcusLine >=2 && $ >= 10>> You think back to Marcus. Him cumming for you, his big black cock and what it would do to you.<<videoM "img/miscDay/MarcusCumOnTits.mp4">><</videoM>><</if>>
<<if $dougRom && $dougBj>> You fantasize about Doug's huge cock in your mouth again, fucking your throat.
<<videoM "img/miscDay/Doug_Cum.mp4">><</videoM>><</if>>
You begin to pick up the pace when you catch out of the corner of your eye the bathroom door. Slightly open. A single eye peers at your through the crack in the door and the stream of the bathroom. Your step-brother seems to have taken to spying on you…
<span id ="choice2"><<link "Let him watch">>
<<replace "#choice2">>
You smirk, the horny little bugger. You continue to finger yourself, playing with your clit and breasts. A new thrill fuels your approaching orgasm, pushed on by the naughty thought of being watched. Another moan escapes your lips, not even attempting to be quiet now. You plunge your fingers inside yourself and grip your breasts and your mind explodes into pleasure.
Panting you slowly recover, stealing a glance towards the door you see it closed again. Seems the shows over. You quickly finish off your shower and get [[ready for the day.|Day4_AtHome]]
Your show has gained you <span class="aff"> +10 Affection</span> with Cole.<<set $cole.aff += 10>><</replace>><</link>>
<<link "Scream at him">>
<<replace "#choice2">>
You stop suddenly and lock your eyes on his.
<<say $pc>> "What the fuck you pervert!" <</say>>
Your scream is met with the door slamming shut and the sounds of your step-brother clambering away down the hallway. You quickly finish up your shower and [[get ready for the day.|Day4_AtHome]]<<set $colePeeked2 to true>>
Yelling at Cole has lost you <span class="aff"> -10 Affection</span><<set $cole.aff -= 10>><</replace>><</link>>
<<link "Ignore him & stop">>
<<replace "#choice2">>
Annoyed at your step-brother for his spying but not wanting to make a big deal out of it you stop. As you begin to finish up your shower you here the door click closed. You finish your shower and [[get ready for the day.|Day4_AtHome]]<</replace>><</link>></span><</replace>><</link>>
<<link "Don't">>
<<replace "#choice">>
Deciding against pleasuring yourself in the shower you finish things up quickly in the shower and [[get ready for school.|Day4_AtHome]]<</replace>><</link>></span>After drying off and getting dressed you make your way downstairs and meet Cole in the kitchen.
<<say $cole>> "Good morning $pc.nameF. <<if $colePeeked2>>Uh, sorry about earlier.<</if>>"<</say>>
<<say $pc>> "Hey. <<if $colePeeked2>>Just don't do it again alright.<</if>>"<</say>>
Cole sets out making a breakfast and you do your best to help out. The two of you settle down for a quick breakfast before heading out towards school.<<if $keptMagic>> As you are getting ready to go your phone buzzes in your pocket. You glance at it and find a text from Cassandra.
<div class ="phone">
<span class ="phoneLeft">Hey $pc.nameF. I think I found something that can help you out with gathering ingredients. </span>
<span class="phoneRight">Alright cool. What is it?</span>
<span class="phoneLeft"> Its hard to explain. Can you meet me in the library before classes?</span>
<span class="phoneRight"> Okay, see you there.</span>
You close your phone and get ready to head out with Cole.
You and Cole hop in your car and are off towards school.
<img src = "img/locations/hsHalls.jpg" height ="480px" width ="720px">
You pull up in front of the school and get out of the car. You look over towards the high school. Only your third day as a girl in high school and already you're exhausted. You wonder how people do it. As you begin to make your way inside you notice down one of the less populated hallways a group of people. From the looks of things, they seem to be members of the foot ball team. They are just in the process of shifting some of the roof tiles back into place.
They begin to head out into one of the classrooms, but the ladder that they used is still in place. You could take a look if you wanted.
<span id ="choice"><<link "Take a Look">>
<<replace "#choice">>
You head over and glance around. Nobody in sight. You climb up onto the ladder and slip the tile over, peering into the roof. Looking around you quickly spot something resting on one of the support beams. You see some weird canister attached to the school's sprinkler system. What are they planning…
<<say $jock>> "Ahem!"<</say>>
You nearly tumble off the ladder as you jump. Pulling your head out you look down to see yourself surrounded by the jocks. Shit.
<<say $jock>> "You're sticking your pretty nose where you shouldn't." <</say>>
<<say $pc>> "Uh, sorry. I was just wondering why this ladder was here." <</say>>
You explain as you descend the ladder. You notice just how much shorter you are than these men now as you step back onto the floor.
<<say $jock>> "She must of say it, what are we going to do?" <</say>>
<<say $jock>> "She's that new girl right?<<if $cheerLine >= 1>> That new cheerleader?<</if>><</say>>
You feel their eyes hungrily taking you in. Suddenly you feel very vulnerable.
<<say $pc>> "Hey, c'mon boys I'm sure we can figure something out here. I didn't see anything."<</say>>
They eye you suspiciously.
<<say $jock>> "Alright. I'm willing to give you the benefit of the doubt. I don't think you're gonna rat us out, you don't seem the type. However, if you want to know more, you're gonna need to do a little task for us. Okay?"<</say>>
On one hand you really want to get out of this situation but also you have a bad feeling about whatever they are planning. Maybe you should help them so that you can protect yourself from it…?
<span id ="choice2"><<link "Help Them">>
<<replace "#choice2">>
<<say $pc>> "Alright, what do you need me to do?"<</say>>
<<say $jock>> "Good girl. So here it is. We need the schools Master Key so we can get into the boiler room. Now the only person who has that is Mr. Schoman himself. However, we learned that he keeps a copy in his desk. We need you to sneak into his office and steal it from him. Bring us the key and we'll let you in on the plan." <</say>>
Stealing from the principal's office could easily get you expelled, and then you'd probably never get turned back. But whatever these guys are planning could also screw things up.
You nod.
<<say $jock>> "You're free to go them. We'll be expecting that key. Good luck." <</say>>
You rush your way down the hallway and make your way towards your first class. It will probably best to try Mr. Schomans office on one of your breaks. For the time being you've got classes to worry about…
[[Continue|Day4_Class1]]<<set $jockJob = true>><</replace>><</link>>
<<link "Don't Help">>
<<replace "#choice2">>
<<say $pc>> "I don't want anything to do with this." <</say>>
The boys all share a look between themselves and for a moment you fear that they won't let you go. Then they step to the side.
<<say $jock>> "Very well then. Have fun tomorrow girly."<</say>>
You rush your way down the hall aware of their eyes on you as you go. You head to your next class and find your seat.
[[Continue|Day4_Class1]]<<set $jockJob = false>><</replace>><</link>></span><</replace>><</link>>
<<link "Ignore Them">>
<<replace "#choice">>
Whatever they are up to you have no interest in. You continue down the hallway towards your first class and find your seat. [[Continue|Day4_Class1]]<<set $jockJob = false>><</replace>><</link>></span><img src = "img/locations/englishClass.jpg" height ="480px" width ="720px"><<set $currentTime += 1>>
Mrs. Rose walks into the classroom and flashes everyone a warm smile. She takes her place at the front of the room and begins the class.
<<say $rose>> "As I am sure you are all aware tomorrow is our last formal class. Next week are exams so the room is open for study hall if anyone needs help, but we won't have actual class. Now as for the exam itself let me go over its structure…"<</say>>
She begins to go over next weeks exams. You try to pay attention, but you find your mind wandering. Will you be back in your body by next week? You don't even know if you'll be male let alone passing some stupid exams. The classes pass quickly and the bell rings prompting everyone to pile out of the room.
<<if $charm>>[[Try to Charm Mrs. Rose|Day4_CharmRose]]<</if>>
[[Continue|Day4_Break1]] <<if $jockJob>> You start making your way towards Math class when you pass by the main office. You peer over and see that for the moment at least it is empty. Now could be the only chance to get the key that the jocks want.
[[Try and steal the key|Day4_Principle1]]
<span id ="choice"><<link "Ignore It">>
<<replace "#choice">>
You decide that you want nothing to do with what those jocks have planed. You make your way quickly over to math class pushing your way through the hustle and bustle of the busy halls. Reaching your destination, you head to your desk and take a seat.
You make your way quickly over to math class pushing your way through the hustle and bustle of the busy halls. Reaching your destination, you head to your desk and [[take a seat.|Day4_Class2]]<</if>>
<img src = "img/day1/day/mathBoard.jpg" height ="480px" width ="720px"><<set $currentTime += 1>>
As you sit down Mr. Smith walks into the room. His eyes linger on you a little longer than anyone else as he observes the room. He turns and begins writing the basic plan of the lesson down. Once finished he turns to the class.
<<say $smit>>" Good morning class. Today we will be reviewing the structure for our exams. As you all know tomorrow is our last day of classes for the semester, but I expect to see all of you in the study hall if you want to pass this year. Now, let's start with trigonometry…"<</say>>
You pay moderate attention to the review, finding your mind more distracted by thoughts of Sunday than worrying about any exams you might need to do next week. <<if $smithLine>1 && $gloryHoleVisited>>You also notice Mr. Smith stealing glances at you during the class, you're certain that he is going to be asking you to stay after. Sure enough as the class is wrapping up…
<<say $smit>> "Ms. $pc.nameL, would you please stay behind for a moment." <</say>>
You pause in the doorway as Mr. Smith sits on the edge of his desk.
<<if $tookCameras>>[[You turn to face him...|Day4_Class2_Cameras]]<<elseif $gloryHoleVisited2 is false>>[[You turn to face him...|Day4_Class2_GloryholeNot]]<<elseif $gloryHoleVisited2 is true>>[[You turn to face him...|Day4_Class2_Gloryholevisited]]<</if>><<else>>The class comes to an end and you pack up and head off towards [[lunch.|Day4_Lunch]]<</if>><img src = "img/locations/cafe.jpg" height ="480px" width ="720px">
You walk into the cafeteria. As you enter with your food you see a variety of different places you could sit…
<<if $coleLunch is false>>You see your step-brother and his friend Nathan sitting at one of the nearby tables, Cole notices you and gestures to a [[eat beside them|Day4_Lunch-Cole][$lunchTimer -= 1]].<</if>>
<<if $cassLunch is false>><<if $cass.aff >= 25>> You see [[Cassandra|Day4_Lunch-Cassandra][$lunchTimer -= 1]] sitting alone head slumped forward onto her backpack, possibly asleep.<</if>><</if>>
<<if $jessLunch is false>>You see [[Jessica and Doug|Day4_Lunch-Jess][$lunchTimer -= 1]] sitting with most of the football team, Jessica waves at you to come over.<</if>>
<<if $esmeLunch is false>><<if $esme.aff >=5>> You see [[Esmerelda|Day4_Lunch-Esmerelda][$lunchTimer -= 1]] sitting alone near the back of the café. <</if>><</if>>
<<if $beccLunch is false>>You see [[Rebecca|Day4_Lunch-Rebecca][$lunchTimer -= 1]] sitting with a few books out, studying while she eats.<</if>>
<<if $aloneLunch is false>>Or of course you could always [[eat alone|Day4_Lunch-Alone][$lunchTimer -= 1]].<</if>><img src = "img/locations/art-classroom.jpg" height ="480px" width ="720px">
<<set $currentTime += 1>>
You walk into the classroom a little early. Most of the class hasn't gathered yet but you see Mrs. Yiin moving around frantically. As you approach, she notices you and rushes over.
<<say $yiin>> "Oh, $pc.nameF. What are we going to do?"<</say>>
<<say $pc>> "What happened are you alright?"<</say>>
You fell a little bit of panic rising as she frantically questions you. What has happened?
<<say $yiin>>"The model cancled! Out model drawing class is going to be ruined and there are only two days left of the year. You'll never get a chance to learn. The students will be crippled moving on from my class."<</say>>
A wave of relief washes over you. That’s it? She is just panicked over the classes content being cancelled?
<<say $pc>>"Its not that big of a deal right? We'll just have to do something else for the class."<</say>>
Her eyes gain a strange intensity as they lock with yours.
<<say $yiin>>"Not a big deal? This is peoples lives we are dealing with. Them going out into the world without crucial knowledge. I've let everyone down."<</say>>
Mrs. Yiin seems to be taking this very hard. This matters to her a lot, you wonder if there is anything you can do to help her out…
[[Say you hope she figures things out|Day4_Class3_No]]
<<statCheck 5 $pc.cha $chaImg Day4_Class3_SuggestSheDoIt>> Suggest she do it herself <</statCheck>>
<<statCheck 5 $pc.bty $btyImg Day4_Class3_DoItYourself>>Offer to do it<</statCheck>>
<img src = "img/locations/hsHalls.jpg" height ="480px" width ="720px">
You stop by your locker to grab your gym clothes.<<if $dougBj>> As you are rummaging in your locker a shadow looms over you as Doug leans in beside you.
<<say $doug>>"Hey, $pc.nameF. How are things going?"<</say>>
<<say $pc>>"Uh, things are good. Just busy with exams and all that."<</say>>
<<say $doug>>"Right, right. Say, you busy tonight? I'm gonna be setting up for tomorrows party and wondered if you'd like to help?"<</say>>
<<say $pc>>"I'll see if I have time, sure."<</say>>
<<say $doug>>"Thank, babe. Just drop by my house when you have the time."<</say>>
With that he stands back up and as he goes you feel a firm grab on your ass causing a slapping sound and you to gasp. Doug continues to walk away, and you glance around to ensure nobody noticed. Blushing you grab your things and head towards the gym. <<else>> Closing up your locker you head towards the gym. <</if>>
[[Continue|Day4_Class4]] You make your way into the area around the gym and glance between the coach's office and the locker room. You've been around for a few days now you're sure there is nothing wrong with you using the locker room now. <<if $tookCameras>>Not to mention what you've found in Mr. Swinebek's office. <</if>> You head into the locker room. You are greeted by the sights of the changing ladies and head to one of the lockers yourself.
As you are starting to get changed you hear some faint voices from the other side of the locker room wall. Listening in you can hear…
<<say $npcm>>"Dammit, someone closed the locker. Guess we won't be seeing anything."<</say>>
You look at where the voices are coming from. Locker 69. The one with the peephole in it. You could open it and give those poor boys on the other side of the wall an eyeful. Or just leave.
<span id ="choice"><<link "Open locker">>
<<replace "#choice">>
You swing the locker door open and wait a few seconds.
<<say $npcm>>"Dude, someone opened it. Oh, fuck yeah."<</say>>
<<videoM "img/day3/Day3_Lockerroom.mp4">><</videoM>>
You smirk and dress just to the side of the locker as whoever is on the other side of the locker takes in the glory of the woman's locker room. Once you're finished getting dressed you head out [[into the gym|Day4_Gym]]<</replace>><</link>>
<<link "Ignore it">>
<<replace "#choice">>
You ignore the chuckle heads next door and get dressed. You finish putting on your gym uniform and head out [[into the gym|Day4_Gym]]<</replace>><</link>></span><<set $currentTime += 1>>You have some time before your days ends. What do you want to do...?
<<if !$marcusEnd>><<if !$visitedMarcus>><<if $energy > 0>>You can go [[visit Marcus|!Marcus Checker]], explain the situation to him. He might be able to help you out.<<else>><span class ="deadLink">You can go visit Marcus, explain the situation to him. He might be able to help you out.</span> You are out of energy.<</if>><</if>><</if>>
<<if !$smithEnd>><<if !$visitedSmith>><<if $passedTest == false and $energy > 0>>
You should [[go see Mr. Smith|!Smith Checker]], otherwise he could cause you a lot of trouble at the school.<<elseif $passedTest == false and $energy <= 0>><span class ="deadLink">You should go see Mr. Smith, otherwise he could cause you a lot of trouble at the school.</span> You are out of energy.<</if>><</if>><</if>>
<<if !$cheerEnd>><<if !$visitedCheer>><<if $invitedToCheer and $energy > 0>>You can [[take up Jessica's offer|!Cheer Checker]] of going to cheerleading practice, a little physical activity might perk you up.<<elseif $invitedToCheer and $energy <= 0 >><span class ="deadLink">You can take up Jessica's offer of going to cheerleading practice, a little physical activity might perk you up.</span><</if>><</if>><</if>>
<<if !$shopEnd>><<if !$visitedShop>><<if $energy > 0>>You can [[go visit the Magic Shop|!Shop Checker]] that Cassandra told you about, get a jump on the ingredients.<<else>><span class ="deadLink">You can go visit the Magic Shop that Cassandra told you about, get a jump on the ingredients.</span> You are out of energy.<</if>><</if>><</if>>
<<if !$coleEnd>><<if !$visitedCole>><<if $invitedToCole and $energy >0>>You can go [[home and hang out with Cole.|!Cole Checker]]<<elseif $invitedToCole and $energy <= 0>><span class ="deadLink">You can go home and hang out with Cole.</span> You are out of energy.<</if>><</if>><</if>>
<<if !$beccEnd>><<if !$visitedBecc>><<if $invitedToBecc and $energy >0>>You can go [[study with Rebecca.|!Rebecca Checker]]<<elseif $invitedToBecc and $energy <= 0>><span class ="deadLink">You can go study with Rebecca.</span> You are out of energy.<</if>><</if>><</if>>
<<if !$esmeEnd>><<if !$visitedEsme>><<if $invitedToEsme and $energy >0>>You can go [[talk to Esmerelda|!Esme Checker]] about this whole mess.<<elseif $invitedToEsme and $energy <=0>><span class ="deadLink">You can go talk to Esmerelda about this whole mess.</span> You are out of energy.<</if>><</if>><</if>>
<<if !$hasFetish>><<if $fetishCreated and $energy > 0>>You can go [[get your "art" from Mrs. Yiin.|YiinArt]]<<elseif $fetishCreated and $energy <= 0>><span class ="deadLink"> You can go get your "art" from Mrs. Yiin.</span> You are out of energy.<</if>><</if>>
[[Go Home (ends actions)|DayFinder]]<img src = "img/locations/library.jpg" height ="480px" width ="720px">
You pull up beside the school and hop out heading towards the library. As you walk into the quiet musty room you see Cassandra slumped over at one of the nearby tables, a few books sprawled out before her. You approach and gently tap her shoulder and she jolts awake. Looking around in panic before seeing you and calming down.
<<say $cass>> "Oh, $pc.nameF its you. Sorry I fell asleep waiting." <</say>>
She stretches and leans back in her chair rubbing her eyes. You can see dark circles forming under them, you doubt she's been getting much sleep in the past few days.
<<say $pc>>"So, what did you need me for?" <</say>>
<<say $cass>>"Right, I've been up all night looking into possible ways to help with the ingredient gathering. Well, most of the stuff magic can't do anything about, its just normal things right. But, uh, the male essence, well there are a few spells that are used for, uh, male potency." <</say>>
You glance down at the table before you, the dozen or so different books are a mix of different sexual anatomy textbooks, spell books, and porno mags?
You nod.
<<say $cass>> "Well I found one that might be helpful to us. This one is known as the Shower of Plenty. It’s a fertility spell, its Nordic is origin as far as I can tell. Basically, it drastically increases a man's semen volume for an ejaculation. Oh, it also makes them hyper fertile. Pregnancy is all but guaranteed as long as the woman is fertile as well."<</say>>
You stand there nodding along as she explains. Your eyes are drawn to the images on the table, weapon drenched in cum, impregnated, and more.
<<say $pc>> "Uh, yeah. That’s great I don't see how its supposed to help me." <</say>>
Cass looks up to you for the first time.
<<say $cass>> "Oh, sorry. Right, you should be able to cast this spell. Its really simple. The person you cast it on just has to be willing. I figured this would help with collecting, um, you know." <</say>>
You look down at the notes she has scribbled down. "10x regular semen production". That will help. A lot.
<<say $pc>>"Oh, wow. Okay I think I see what you mean. Thanks Cass."<</say>>
<<say $cass>>"Uh, yeah. No problem. The instructions are all in here."<</say>>
She hands you a folded bit of paper. You nod and stash it away.
<<say $cass>> "Alright, I need to get ready for class. See ya." <</say>>
You've learned the <span class="mag">PLENTY</span> spell.
<<set $plenty to true>><<set $spellsKnown +=1>>
Learnign from Cass has gained you <span class="aff"> +10 Affection</span><<set $cass.aff += 10>>
She gets to her feet and heads off, leaving the mess of sexual books on the table. You back away not wanting to be associated with that mess.
<img src = "img/locations/hsHalls.jpg" height ="480px" width ="720px">
You turn and head off to your first class. As you are walking your way towards you class you notice a group of people down one of the less populated. From the looks of things, they seem to be members of the football team. They are just in the process of shifting some of the roof tiles back into place.
They begin to head out into one of the classrooms, but the ladder that they used is still in place. You could take a look if you wanted.
<span id ="choice"><<link "Take a Look">>
<<replace "#choice">>
You head over and glance around. Nobody in sight. You climb up onto the ladder and slip the tile over, peering into the roof. Looking around you quickly spot something resting on one of the support beams. You see some weird canister attached to the school's sprinkler system. What are they planning…
<<say $jock>> "Ahem!"<</say>>
You nearly tumble off the ladder as you jump. Pulling your head out you look down to see yourself surrounded by the jocks. Shit.
<<say $jock>> "You're sticking your pretty nose where you shouldn't." <</say>>
<<say $pc>> "Uh, sorry. I was just wondering why this ladder was here." <</say>>
You explain as you descend the ladder. You notice just how much shorter you are than these men now as you step back onto the floor.
<<say $jock>> "She must of say it, what are we going to do?" <</say>>
<<say $jock>> "She's that new girl right?<<if $cheerLine >= 1>> That new cheerleader?<</if>><</say>>
You feel their eyes hungrily taking you in. Suddenly you feel very vulnerable.
<<say $pc>> "Hey, c'mon boys I'm sure we can figure something out here. I didn't see anything."<</say>>
They eye you suspiciously.
<<say $jock>> "Alright. I'm willing to give you the benefit of the doubt. I don't think you're gonna rat us out, you don't seem the type. However, if you want to know more, you're gonna need to do a little task for us. Okay?"<</say>>
On one hand you really want to get out of this situation but also you have a bad feeling about whatever they are planning. Maybe you should help them so that you can protect yourself from it…?
<span id ="choice2"><<link "Help Them">>
<<replace "#choice2">>
<<say $pc>> "Alright, what do you need me to do?"<</say>>
<<say $jock>> "Good girl. So here it is. We need the schools Master Key so we can get into the boiler room. Now the only person who has that is Mr. Schoman himself. However, we learned that he keeps a copy in his desk. We need you to sneak into his office and steal it from him. Bring us the key and we'll let you in on the plan." <</say>>
Stealing from the principal's office could easily get you expelled, and then you'd probably never get turned back. But whatever these guys are planning could also screw things up.
You nod.
<<say $jock>> "You're free to go them. We'll be expecting that key. Good luck." <</say>>
You rush your way down the hallway and make your way towards your first class. It will probably best to try Mr. Schomans office on one of your breaks. For the time being you've got classes to worry about…
[[Continue|Day4_Class1]]<<set $jockJob = true>><</replace>><</link>>
<<link "Don't Help">>
<<replace "#choice2">>
<<say $pc>> "I don't want anything to do with this." <</say>>
The boys all share a look between themselves and for a moment you fear that they won't let you go. Then they step to the side.
<<say $jock>> "Very well then. Have fun tomorrow girly."<</say>>
You rush your way down the hall aware of their eyes on you as you go. You head to your next class and find your seat.
[[Continue|Day4_Class1]]<<set $jockJob = false>><</replace>><</link>></span><</replace>><</link>>
<<link "Ignore Them">>
<<replace "#choice">>
Whatever they are up to you have no interest in. You continue down the hallway towards your first class and find your seat. [[Continue|Day4_Class1]]<<set $jockJob = false>><</replace>><</link>></span>
As the last person files out of the classroom you step forward and lock eyes with Mrs. Rose.
<<say $rose>> "Oh, hello $pc.nameF. Is there something I can help you with?" <</say>>
<<say $pc>> "Yes there is. <span class="castSpell">Couϝʁoɼ</span>" <</say>>
As soon as you say the words her eyes go blank and her posture relaxes. <<if $esmeTutor>>Esmerelda was right, she really has no resistance. <</if>> You have full control of her now. You really hadn't thought that far ahead what do you even want to do with her?
<span id ="choice"><<link "Enjoy her body">>
<<replace "#choice">>
You decide to relieve a little bit of your stress. Mrs. Rose is the hottest teacher in school (arguably), and she is now fully under your control. Even if you don't have you cock you can still have some fun.
<<say $pc>> "Take off your shirt."<</say>>
Your words seem to reverberate as you speak them. Mrs. Rose obeys immediately, stripping off her tight fighting blouse revealing her supple breasts and black bra.
<<videoM "img/day4/Day4_RoseStrip1.mp4">><</videoM>>
<<say $pc>> "Take off your bra and skirt."<</say>>
Once again, she obeys. Her bra and skirt fall away as you drink in the sight of her mostly naked body.
Thinking clearly for a moment you move to the door and close the blinds and lock it. No one should disturb you now and you've got time before your next class.
<<say $pc>> "Take off everything and kneel."<</say>>
<<videoM "img/day4/Day4_RoseStrip2.mp4">><</videoM>>
She obeys, stripping completely and kneeling before you. You can feel your own arousal growing as you take in the sight of your teacher on her knees before you. You quickly slip out of your pants and sit on the edge of your desk. Mrs. Rose doesn't even respond. If you weren't so aroused, you'd probably be creeped out by her blank stare.
<<say $pc>> "Lick."<</say>>
<<videoM "img/day4/Day4_RoseLick.mp4">><</videoM>>
Your command prompts a flurry of movement from her as she dives forward into your crotch. You let out a surprised moan as her tongue assaults your clit. You real back in surprise as her apparent skill. After only the first 30 seconds you are gasping for air your mind going blank with pleasure.
<<videoM "img/day4/Day4_RoseLick2.mp4">><</videoM>>
Mrs. Rose' tongue thoroughly explores your pussy as it teases your slit, laps over your clit, and plunges deep inside you. You gasp and grip at her head as your climax builds and then explodes. You slam back onto the desk and let out a loud gasp. You try and catch your breath from the aftershocks but don't get the chance. Mrs. Rose continues to lick causing you to slam back onto the desk in a second orgasm.
<<say $pc>> "S-st—oohhhhh"<</say>>
<<videoM "img/day4/Day4_pcOrgasm.mp4">><</videoM>>
Before you can get the words out your body seizes up again and you moan out loud. You feel your mind slipping away from your under layer and layer of orgasm. She won't stop. Not unless you command it. The next class will come in here to find you a quivering mess and Mrs. Rose soaked with your juices happily lapping away. Musting all your willpower you brace against the pleasure.
<<say $pc>> "STOP!"<</say>>
Her tongue immediately recedes, and you manage to barely catch your breath. You bask in the body numbing pleasure for a few moments longer before you try to get up. You collapse on weary legs and then scramble to your feet. Taking a few moments, you clean yourself up and Mrs. Rose. Finally catching your breath, you ask Mrs. Rose to her feet and to get dressed.
<<say $pc>>"<span class="castSpell">Ɐʍɑĸԍ</span>"<</say>>
She looks up immediately and looks around and then licks her lips. She pauses for a moment then suddenly seems to notice you.
<<say $rose>> "Yes, $pc.nameF? Is there something you need?"<</say>>
<<say $pc>> "No, nothing. Have a nice day."<</say>>
She looks at you confused as you [[leave.|Day4_Break1]]
<<set $roseCharmed to true>>
Controlling Mrs. Rose's mind appears to have endeared her to you. You gain <span class="aff">+25 Affection</span>.<<set $rose.aff += 25>>
<<statCheckReplace 2 $pc.mag $magImg "Implant a Subtle Command">><<link "Implant a Subtle Command">>
<<replace "#choice">>
You focus on her and carefully consider the words you're about to say.
<<say $pc>> "When you wake up you will have an overwhelming desire to help me with anything I ask of you no matter what it is." <</say>>
You wait a moment then speak the command.
<<say $pc>>"<span class="castSpell">Ɐʍɑĸԍ</span>"<</say>>
Her eyes light up again and she looks at you.
<<say $rose>> "Yes, $pc.nameF? Is there something you need?"<</say>>
<<say $pc>> "Yes. Can I have $20?"<</say>>
<<say $rose>>"Of course, anything you need."<</say>>
She reaches into her purse and pull out $20 handing it to you. Looks like your spell worked.
<<say $pc>> "Thank you. Have a nice day."<</say>>
She smiles at you as you leave. It looks like you can rely on Mrs. Rose to help you out in the future if you need. With that done you head towards your [[next break.|Day4_Break1]]
<<set $roseCharmedHelp to true>>
Controlling Mrs. Rose's mind made her love you. You gain <span class="love">+100 Love</span>.<<set $ += 100>>
<<statCheckReplace 3 $pc.mag $magImg "Get her to gather cum for you">><<link "Get her to gather cum for you.">>
<<replace "#choice">>
You decide that you should use Mrs. Rose to help gather some ingredients for you.
<<say $pc>> "Mrs. Rose, you will help gather cum for me. You will go to the boy's bathroom during each break and go to the last stall. You will suck any dicks that come through the hole in the stall and collect the cum in a bottle. You will find me after school and give me the bottle. None of this will be weird for you but you also won't tell anyone about it but me."<</say>>
You pause for a moment.
<<say $pc>> "You will greatly enjoy this task."<</say>>
You nod and then say the command word.
<<say $pc>>"<span class="castSpell">Ɐʍɑĸԍ</span>"<</say>>
Mrs. Rose snaps awake and immediately locks eyes with you. For a moment you fear your spell was too complex. She then smiles.
<<say $rose>> "Yes, $pc.nameF? Is there something you need?"<</say>>
Whew, looks like it is holding.
<<say $pc>> "No, nothing. Have a nice day."<</say>>
<<set $roseCharmedHelp to true>>
She looks at you confused as you [[leave.|Day4_Break1]]<</replace>><</link>><</statCheckReplace>></span>
<img src = "img/locations/Office.jpg" height ="480px" width ="720px">
You approach the office and begin to consider the best possible way to get into Mr. Schoman's office. You'd somehow need to distract the sectary to get into the principal's office.
<span id ="choice"><<link "Try and sneak in">>
<<replace "#choice">>
You figure it would be safer if Mr. Schoman never knew you were in his office. You watch the office until he exits it, leaving just the secretary in the office keeping an eye on things. You consider the best way to approach this.
<span id ="choice2"><<statCheckReplace 6 $pc.ath $athImg "Sneak by">><<link "Sneak by">>
<<replace "#choice2">>
You approach the door and quickly swing it open and duck down. You press yourself against the secretary's desk. As the door clicks shut, she shifts and you hear her call out.
<<say $npcf>>"Hello?"<</say>>
When there is no response you hear her get to her feet and move towards the door. You shift around the counter and as she clears the desk rush for Mr. Schoman's door and swing it open. You duck inside and quickly look for a place to hide. You duck under his desk. A few seconds later the door opens and the secretary glances in. The door then closes again. Now you can begin your [[search in earnest.|Day4_Principle2]]<</replace>><</link>><</statCheckReplace>>
<<if $glamor>><<link "Use a glamor">>
<<replace "#choice2">>
Now is a perfect time to try out some magic. You duck into one of the quieter hallways and glance around before you focus your mind and cast.
<<say $pc>>"<span class="castSpell">Wɑƨĸ ɑuq Coucԍɑɼ</span>"<</say>>
The world shifts around you, almost like going underwater. Hopping that the spell has worked you take a deep breath and walk towards the office. You approach the door and slowly open it, seeing the office to now be empty. Not wanting to look a gift horse in the mouth you head over to Mr. Schoman's office and quietly open the door and slip inside.
As soon as you enter the room your ears are assaulted with the sounds of flesh slapping against flesh, and soft moans. You turn to see Mr. Schoman, pants around his ankles ramming into his secretary. Despite his age Mr. Schoman is putting up a valiant effort as he rams into the woman.
<<videoM "img/day4/Day4_OfficeFuck.mp4">><</videoM>>
You freeze for a moment to take in the sight before springing into action.
With both of them thoroughly distracted you slip around the back of the desk and gentle open one of the shaking drawers. You scan the drawer before reaching in a plucking out a single key hanging off a loop of metal. Securing it in your pocket you gentle close the drawer before slipping back towards the door. You pause for a moment to glace back at the passionate couple fucking on the desk.
<<say $npcf>>"Yes, Mr. Principle fuck me. Punish my slutty schoolgirl pussy."<</say>>
You cringe at the roleplay and its implications before slipping into the office and back out into the hallway. You duck down another empty hallway and drop the glamor. With your objective complete you head off towards your [[next class.|Day4_Class2]]<<set $keys to true>><</replace>><</link>><<else>><span class="missingSpell">Use a glamor</span><</if>>
<<if $charm>><<link "Use a charm">>
<<replace "#choice2">>
You confidently walk into the office. The secretary looks up at your from behind her desk.
<<say $npcf>>"Hello. Is there something you need?"<</say>>
You lock your eyes with hers and feel a shiver of power begin to gather within you.
<<say $pc>>"Yes actually. I need you to... <span class="castSpell"> Couϝʁoɼ</span>"<</say>>
You watch as her eyes glass over and she begins to stare blankly ahead.
<<say $pc>>"You should go check on your car. I think I saw some kids hanging out around it."<</say>>
A look of concern flashes onto her face. She looks up at you as she pulls her keys out of her desk.
<<say $npcf>>"Sorry, I need to do something. I'll be right back."<</say>>
She gets up and heads out of the office. You rush over to Mr. Schoman's door and [[head inside…|Day4_Principle2]]<</replace>><</link>><<else>><span class="missingSpell">Use a charm</span><</if>>
<<link "Abandon your idea">>
<<replace "#choice2">>
Deciding its not worth the risk you turn back towards you classes and hurry your way to your [[seat.|Day4_Class2]]<</replace>><</link>></span>
<<link "Give up and move on">>
<<replace "#choice">>
Deciding its not worth the risk you turn back towards you classes and hurry your way to your [[seat.|Day4_Class2]]<</replace>><</link>></span><img src = "img/locations/Principals-office.jpg" height ="480px" width ="720px">
You survey the office and look for the keys. As you move around the office you suddenly hear noises from the outer office. Panicking you look around for somewhere to hide. You spot a large cabinet and quickly stuff yourself inside. Only a few seconds after you close the doors you hear the office doors open and two people come inside. You hear two voices begin to speak.
<<say $circ>>"Thank you Mr. Schoman for meeting with me."<</say>>
<<say $scho>>"Of course, Ms. Circe. You know how much the schoolboard and mayor want to cooperate with your organization. <</say>>
You recognize both of those voices. Mr. Schoman and Circe. What could they be talking about? You hear them both sit down.
<<say $circ>>"I'll cut to the chase. We are concerned about the secrecy of our organization after Cassandra's recent mix up. The spell she was attempting was… well we aren't quite sure exactly what the side effects of it going wrong might be."<</say>>
<<say $scho>>"I see. When we talked Monday, you assured me that both Mr. $pc.maleNameL and the school population at large would be safe. What has changed?"<</say>>
<<say $circ>>"Well. The spell she used was old, something that we would not commonly use. The multitude of ways she could have messed it up could have any number of results, at first I had thought she had just attempted a simple transfiguration spell but it seems it was something much more powerful."<</say>>
<<say $scho>>"But can it be fixed? Is there a threat to the students and staff here?"<</say>>
<<say $circ>>"I believe it can be fixed. However, I need you to report anything strange things you observe here at the school. The spell might be having side effects on those around the casting zone. This school and the surrounding area."<</say>>
<<say $scho>>"If that is the case, I will be sure to keep an eye on things. Thank you for informing me on this."<</say>>
<<say $circ>>"Of course. I am always happy to cooperate with the mayor on these matters. Please be sure to pass that along to him."<</say>>
You hear some shifting and they both get up to their feet.
<<say $scho>>"Here, let me walk you out."<</say>>
The two leave the room. Still processing what you've heard you get out of the cabinet and head over to the desk. You quickly search for the keys and find it just inside on of the drawers. You pocket it and hurry out of the office. You make your way into the classroom in time to see a confused secretary making her way back to the office. You slip away and head for your [[next class.|Day4_Class2]]<<set $keys to true>>
You sit down just as Mr. Smith walks into the room. He heads up to the board and begins writing the basic plan of the lesion down. Once finished he turns to the class.
<<say $smit>>" Good morning class. Today we will be reviewing the structure for our exams. As you all know tomorrow is our last day of classes for the semester, but I expect to see all of you in the study hall if you want to pass this year. Now, let's start with trigonometry…"<</say>>
You pay moderate attention to the review, finding your mind more distracted by thoughts of Sunday than worrying about any exams you might need to do next week. The class passes without you really absorbing anything new. You pack up your things and head off towards the cafeteria.
<<say $smit>> "It seems you have been busy Ms. $pc.nameL."<</say>>
<<if $gloryHoleSucked>>He pulls out his phone and once again pulls up your gloryhole activities. You see yourself on your knees sucking cock with gusto. You feel your face flush with shame but also a heat beginning to gather in your nether.
<<videoM "img/day3/Day3_GloryHoleSuck.mp4">><</videoM>>
You look up at him to see him smiling at you.
<<say $smit>> "<<if $gloryHoleSucked>>I don't remember asking you to suck any cocks. That must be your own slut instincts kicking in.<<else>>It seems that your sult instincts are kicking in.<</if>>" <</say>>
You open your mouth to protest but can't actually think of any arguments.
<<say $smit>> "I can see that viewing your work has gotten you excited. So why don't you give me another demonstration." <</say>>
He gets to his feet and closes the blinds and locks the door. You stand there stunned for a moment. With the evidence he has against you there isn't much choice you have. When he returns you sink down onto your knees.
<<say $smit>> "Good slut, you know your place."<</say>>
You blush at the comment but also feel your own arousal begin to grow at the comment. He leans against the side of the desk and begins to unbuckle his belt. As he removes his pants and underwear you can't deny the slightest bit of excitement gathering in your loins.
Have you really become this much of a slut in just a few days?
<<say $smit>> "You know what to do. Get sucking." <</say>>
<<videoM "img/day4/Day4_SmithBj1.mp4">><</videoM>>
Snapping you back from your reflection you stare ahead, face to face with Mr. Smith's slowly hardening cock. You reach out and heft it open, feeling it hardening in your hand. As you bring it up you plant a kiss on the head, then open your mouth and accept his length. You feel his dick start to harden in your mouth a strange and satisfying feeling.
You pull back and plunge forward engulfing as much of his cock as you can manage. Mr. Smith moans above you, a clear indicator that your movements are working. You continue to pump his cock in and out of his mouth, taking time to swirl your tongue around his head occasionally. Using all the techniques you've learned from watching porn, never thinking that you'd be the one to be doing them, rather than enjoying them.
<<videoM "img/day4/Day4_SmithBJ.mp4">><</videoM>>
Mr. Smith leans back against the desk, never grabbing or touching you. Allowing you to do all the work, to debase yourself for his pleasure. Suddenly his cock trusts forward and your mouth is flooded with his seed. You nearly gag as it spews against the back of your throat. Quickly you spit it out into your hands. Mr. Smith looks down at you disapprovingly.
<<videoM "img/day4/Day4_SmithbjCum.mp4">><</videoM>>
<<say $smit>>"Good sluts are supposed to swallow, you should know this. But don't worry. We can work on that." <</say>>
You don't like his tone as he says that but at least he turns away from you allowing you to quickly deposit his cum and wipe off your hands with some paper towels. You stagger to your feet, your mouth still raw from your work. Mr. Smith looks up at you as you make your way towards the door.
<<say $smit>> "Don't forget, that bathroom still needs your attention, make sure you're in there."<</say>>
You nod and stumble into the hall. What the fuck has your life become. Shaking off your own arousal at the situation you head for the [[cafeteria.|Day4_Lunch]]
<<set $cum += 8>><span id="remove">
<<link "Collect Cum!">><</link>>
<<replace '#tooltip'>><<notify>> You've gained 13ml of cum!
<meter class="cumTrack" @value="$cum" min="0" max="1000"></meter><</notify>><</replace>>
<<replace '#tooltip'>><<replace'#remove'>><</replace>><</replace>>
Obeying Mr. Smith's requests has gained you <span class="aff">+10 Affection</span>.<<set $smit.aff += 10>>
<<else>> He pulls out his phone and once gain pulls up your gloryhole
<<videoM "img/day3/Day3_GloryHoleStroke.mp4">><</videoM>>
You see yourself on your knees stroking cocks with gusto. He leans against the desk with a smile.
<<say $smit>> "I expect to see you in the bathroom again today am I understood?"<</say>>
You nod. As long as he has those recording there is nothing you can do about this. He could get you kicked out of school and turn your life into a living hell.
<<say $smit>> "Good girl. Obedience is very important for a slut like you. Now that will be all." <</say>>
You cringe at his comment and quickly leave the classroom. If only you had some way to get back at that fucker. Fantasizing about how you could free yourself from under his thumb you make your way towards the [[cafeteria.|Day4_Lunch]]
Obeying Mr. Smith's requests has gained you <span class="aff">+10 Affection</span>.<<set $smit.aff += 10>><</if>>
<<say $smit>> "I must say Ms. $pc.nameL I am most disappointed. I thought that we had an agreement yesterday.<<if $leftSmith>>However, you refused to do as I asked.<</if>>" <</say>>
He gets to his feet and pull out his phone.
<<say $smit>> "I guess I have no choice but to release what evidence I have of your misconduct." <</say>>
He opens his phone and poises a thumb above it. You instinctively take a step forward. He pauses.
<<say $smit>> "Oh? Is there something you want to say?"<</say>>
<span id ="choice"><<link"Plead with him">>
<<replace "#choice">>
<<say $pc>> "Wait, please don't. I'll do whatever you want." <</say>>
He lifts his finger from the phone and looks you over.
<<say $smit>> "Very well. Please bend over the desk then." <</say>>
Your eyes drift between him and the desk. You get the feeling that this might be your last chance to resist him…
<span id ="choice2"><<link "Obey">>
<<replace "#choice2">>
You nod and make you way over to the desk. Mr. Smith makes his way over to the door and locks the door. A shiver runs down your spin as you hear the click. You lean forward and press yourself against the desk, your breast pushing down onto the surface and you ass facing outwards.
<<videoM "img/day4/Day4_SmithBend.mp4">><</videoM>>
Mr. Smith walks his way over to you and grabs ahold of your ass with both hands. You gasp in surprise not really able to see what he is doing back there. He grabs ahold of your pants and yanks them down around your ankles.
<<videoM "img/day4/Day4_SmithGrab.mp4">><</videoM>>
With your bare ass exposed to the air he grabs ahold again, running his fingers across your panties in the process. With a sharp clap he slaps your ass causing you to gasp again.
<<say $smit>> "Bad girls need to be punished."<</say>>
<<videoM "img/day4/Day4_SmithSpank.mp4">><</videoM>>
With those words he brings his hand back down on your ass. You cringe in pain, feeling your ass redden under his blows. Each blow echoes around the room. You wonder if people out in the hall can hear it. Another smack stings your as causing you to cringe again.
Suddenly the slapping stops. You stand there the cool air brushing against your tender ass. Suddenly your panties are pulled down around your ankles. You feel something prodding against your lower lips. You move to stand up and protest but are too slow. With a thrust Mr. Smith's cock plunges into your pussy.
<<videoM "img/day4/Day4_SmithInsert.mp4">><</videoM>>
Your body quiver in pain as his cock splits you apart. <<if $pc.tag.sexualExp == "Virgin">>You never even got to experience losing your virginity as a man but now here you are, getting your pussy pounded by your math teacher.<<else>> You may have lose your virginity as a man but it seems like your transformation has changed that. Once again however you have lost your virginity, this time to your math teacher. <</if>> Mr. Smith moans in pleasure behind you, bringing his hand back down your ass with a slap.
<<say $smit>> "Damn girl you're tight. I would have thought a whore like you would be all worn out by now." <</say>>
<<videoM "img/day4/Day4_SmithFuck.mp4">><</videoM>>
He punctuates his words with a thrust and slap. You can't help but contract around him as the pain slowly begins to dissolve away into pleasure. He continues to pump into you, thrust after thrust each one feeling better than the last. You hear a moan escape your lips.
<<say $smit>>"You're not supposed to be enjoying this. This is punishment. Remember!"<</say>>
Each sentence is punctuated with another spank and a thrust. You begin to quiver in pleasure around his cock. You hadn't expected sex as a girl to feel so good. You feel your self begin to clench up and just as you are about to reach climax you pussy is suddenly empty. You hear Mr. Smith grunting behind you before warm sticky liquid splashes against you ass.
<<videoM "img/day4/Day4_SmithCum.mp4">><</videoM>>
You lay there across the desk panting and coming down from your near climax, somehow disappointed in how your sexual punishment ended.
<<say $smit>> "Off the desk slut. Unless you want the next class to have turn to." <</say>>
His words spur you into action and you get up on jello legs and wipe off you ass.
<<set $cum += 8>><span id="remove">
<<link "Collect Cum!">><</link>>
<<replace '#tooltip'>><<notify>> You've gained 13ml of cum!
<meter class="cumTrack" @value="$cum" min="0" max="1000"></meter><</notify>><</replace>>
<<replace '#tooltip'>><<replace'#remove'>><</replace>><</replace>>
<<say $smit>> "Now you'll be in that bathroom today or tomorrow is going to be a whole lot worse. Am I understood slut?" <</say>>
You nod.
<<say $smit>> "Good, then get out."<</say>>
You readjust your clothing and hair and unlock the door. You step into the hallway uneasily. A few people give you strange glances as you walk out, just how much did they hear? You quickly lower your head and make your way towards the [[cafeteria.|Day4_Lunch]]
<<set $smithPath = "Caught">>
Disobeying Mr. Smith's requests has lost you <span class="aff">-50 Affection</span>.<<set $smit.aff -= 50>><</replace>><</link>>
<<link "Refuse">>
<<replace "#choice2">>
<<link "Say nothing">>
<<replace "#choice">>
<<if $camerasHacked>><<say $smit>>"Ms. $pc.nameL I am very disap-"<</say>>
You raise a hand in front of yourself getting him to pause.
<<say $pc>>"No, I'm disappointed in you, you stupid fuck."<</say>>
Mr. Smith gets to his feet, immediately angered by your words.
<<say $smit>> "Listen her you who-"<</say>>
<<say $pc>> "I'd watch your tongue, Mr. Smith." <</say>>
You hold up one of the cameras and let it dangle from your hand. His face goes white.
<<say $smit>> "W-where did you get that?"<</say>>
<<say $pc>> "From the bathroom and another one from the coach's office. They have some very interesting images on them. Images that could get someone in a lot of trouble." <</say>>
Mr. Smith seems to deflate a little bit.
<<say $pc>> "Well. First, I want an apology. Then we will figure out what to do with you."<</say>>
He looks up at you with a flash of defiance before it fades.
<<say $smit>> "I'm sorry for what I did to you, Ms. $pc.nameL"<</say>>
<<say $pc>> "Mistress."<</say>>
<<say $smit>> "What?"<</say>>
<<say $pc>> "Its Mistress to you now."<</say>>
His eyes narrow at you but you swing the camera before him.
<<say $smit>>"I'm sorry for what I did to you, Mistress" <</say>>
You nod and put the cameras away.
<<say $pc>> "I expect to see you and Mr. Swinebek here after school today. Don't be late."<</say>>
He seems to open his mouth to complain but you are already gone, heading out the door.
<<say $smit>>"Ms. $pc.nameL you wouldn't happen to know about a missing camera would you?"<</say>>
Uh oh.
<<say $smit>>"You see, sexual misconduct is one thing but theft. Well that’s a criminal offense. The person responsible could end up in jail." <</say>>
He lunges forward and grabs you bag. Pulling it open he shifts around inside it before pulling out the camera. Fuck.
He looks at you and narrows his eyes.
<<set $smithPath = "Usurp">>
You sit down beside Cole and Nathan.<<if $toldCole>>They both give you a nod and then lean in towards you.
<<say $cole>> "How are things going? Have you gotten all the stuff you need?"<</say>>
<<say $pc>> "I'm still working on it. One thing I was hoping you guys could help me with. I need Quicksilver."<</say>>
<<say $nath>> "Mercury? These witches are using all the old names for things. They really need to get a periodic table." <</say>>
<<say $pc>> "Right, mercury. Where can I get that?" <</say>>
<<say $nath>> "I mean the stuff is super toxic so its not easy. There is a few sites you could order from but it would take weeks."<</say>>
<<say $pc>> "Shit. I don't really have weeks." <</say>>
<<say $nath>> "I think I might know where you can get some. Give me some time to ask around and I'll get back to you." <</say>>
<<say $pc>> "Thanks, Nathan. That means a lot." <</say>>
Your conversation migrates to more mundane topics as lunch slowly passes by. <<if $lunchTimer >0>> You still have some time before [[lunch ends.|Day4_Lunch]]<<else>>After finishing up you head out and make your way [[towards Art class.|Day4_After-Lunch]]<</if>>
Talking with Nathan and Cole has gained you <span class="aff"> +10 Affection</span> with each of them.<<set $cole.aff +=10>><<set $nath.aff += 10>>
You sit down beside Cole and Nathan. You causually talk with them for the rest of your lunch. Your conversation migrates to more mundane topics as lunch slowly passes by. <<if $lunchTimer >0>> You still have some time before [[lunch ends.|Day4_Lunch]]<<else>>After finishing up you head out and make your way [[towards Art class.|Day4_After-Lunch]]<</if>><</if>>
<<set $coleLunch = true>>You sit down across from Jessica and Doug. <<if $dougBj>> Doug gives you a big smile as you sit down and Jessica catches the look rolling her eyes. <</if>>Jessica looks over at you.
<<say $jess>> "Hey, $pc.nameF. Are you going to the big game tomorrow? It’s the last big event of the year."<</say>>
<<say $pc>> "Uh, I'll have to see. I may be busy." <</say>>
<<say $jess>> "Busy? What the fuck do you have going on that is more important than a football game?"<</say>>
<<say $pc>> "Uh, you know. Stuff."<</say>>
Jessica rolls her eyes at you and turns her attention towards someone else. You quietly each listening in to the conversations around you.<<if $lunchTimer >0>> You still have some time before [[lunch ends.|Day4_Lunch]]<<else>>After finishing up you head out and make your way [[towards Art class.|Day4_After-Lunch]]<</if>>
Jessica and Doug's affection has inceased by <span class ="aff"> +5 </span> <<set $jess.aff += 5>> <<set $doug.aff += 5>>
Hanging out with the cool kids has made you more socialable;<span class="cha"> you feel like you're getting more charismatic.</span><<set $chaUp to true>>
<<set $jessLunch = true>>You sit down across from Cassandra, her head slumped into her backpack quietly snoozing. You hear her mumbling something under her breath.
<<say $cass>> "<span class="castSpell">bǝϱnoɿw…I Ɉɒʜw Ɉʜϱiɿ…m ˎǝnob…Ɉɒʜw obnU…</span>"<</say>>
It sounds almost like… a spell. You shift over away from her. With her record of magical accidents, you don't want to be anywhere near her if that spell goes off in her sleep. You quietly eat your lunch nearby.<<if $lunchTimer >0>> You still have some time before [[lunch ends.|Day4_Lunch]]<<else>>After finishing up you head out and make your way [[towards Art class.|Day4_After-Lunch]]<</if>>
<<set $cassLunch = true>>You take a seat across from Esmerelda and she glances up at you from her book.<<if $esmeLine >=2>>
<<say $esme>> "Ah good. Listen $pc.nameF, I think I found a spell that could help you with your transformation back."<</say>>
<<say $pc>>"That’s great. Will it turn me back into a man?" <</say>>
<<say $esme>> "No. No not quite. It will be helpful with gathering ingredients however."<</say>>
<<say $pc>>"Oh, well every bit helps so thank you."<</say>>
<<say $esme>> "You are very welcome. Ensure that you visit me after school if you want to learn it."<</say>>
With that you turn your conversation towards more mundane topics.<<if $lunchTimer >0>> You still have some time before [[lunch ends.|Day4_Lunch]]<<else>>After finishing up you head out and make your way [[towards Art class.|Day4_After-Lunch]]<</if>>
<<say $esme>> "Hello, $pc.nameL. Decided to visit me again huh?" <</say>>
<<say $pc>> "What can I say I must like the company." <</say>>
<<say $esme>> "Indeed. Or you think I'll chase all the scary witches away." <</say>>
<<say $pc>> "I mean there is that benefit as well…" <</say>>
The two of you joke around while you eat.<<if $lunchTimer >0>> You still have some time before [[lunch ends.|Day4_Lunch]]<<else>>After finishing up you head out and make your way [[towards Art class.|Day4_After-Lunch]]<</if>> <</if>>
Esmerelda's affection has inceased by <span class ="aff"> +5 </span> <<set $esme.aff += 5>>
<<set $esmeLunch = true>>You take a seat across from Rebecca. She smiles up at your, her attention half focused between eating and writing down some notes.
<<say $becc>>"You all ready for exams?<<if $toldBecc>>I'm sure they are the last thing on your mind right now but you do need to study for them.<</if>> Only a few days left."<</say>>
<<say $pc>> "I think I have it under control. Hopefully." <</say>>
<<say $becc>> "Well, if you need help you only have to ask."<</say>>
You nod and the two of you discuss classes and other mundane topics for the rest of your lunch. As thing begin to slow down you get ready and move on.<<if $lunchTimer >0>> You still have some time before [[lunch ends.|Day4_Lunch]]<<else>>After finishing up you head out and make your way [[towards Art class.|Day4_After-Lunch]]<</if>>
Rebecca's affection has inceased by <span class ="aff"> +5 </span> <<set $becc.aff += 5>>
<<set $beccLunch = true>>You sit down alone. As you are eating you notice something strange out the window of the cafeteria. Shifting over to get a better look you glance out the window. You see…
<<videoM "img/day4/Day4_LunchAlone.mp4">><</videoM>>
Oh my. Was your school always so strange or has something changed? You start thinking back on the past week. Things certainly feel like they have gotten a hell of a lot stranger but that might just be that you’re the center of them now. You wonder if that spell changed more than just your body…
You shake out of your musing and get to eating eventually finishing up. <<if $lunchTimer >0>> You still have some time before [[lunch ends.|Day4_Lunch]]<<else>>After finishing up you head out and make your way [[towards Art class.|Day4_After-Lunch]]<</if>>
<<set $aloneLunch = true>>You get up from lunch and head out into the hallway. Next is your art class but before that you have a bit of time. Is there anything you should do…?
<<if $gloryHoleVisited>>[[Visit the gloryhole|Day4_Gloryhole]]<</if>>
<<if $toldCole & $hasFortis is false>>[[Find Nathan and get your acid.|NathanRaid]]<</if>>
[[Continue|Day4_Class3]]You shake your head and shrug.
<<say $pc>> "I'm sorry that I can't help more. I'm sure you can figure something out." <</say>>
You give her a reassuring pat on the shoulder and head to your seat. Forlorn, Mrs. Yiin takes her place at the front of the class.
<<say $yiin>>"Hello class. I'm sorry to say that the model we had booked for today had to cancel so we won't be able to do model drawing today, I'm sorry."<</say>>
A few murmurs of disappointment go through the class. Mrs. Yiin then continues with a normal class going over everything you need for your exams. You coast your way through the class and pack your things up to [[move on.|Day4_Break2]]
Seeing Mrs. Yiin distress you come up with a plan.
<<say $pc>>"Mrs. Yiin, if you are so invested in everyone's future then you have to do anything you can to help them."<</say>>
Mrs. Yiin looks at you, clearly interested in a solution here.
<<say $yiin>>"What do you mean?"<</say>>
<<say $pc>>"You can fill the role of the model, couldn't you? I mean if you have to."<</say>>
Mrs. Yiin looks down for a moment and seems to be lost deep in thought. She looks back up at you and smiles.
<<say $yiin>>"I see. Thank you, $pc.nameF. You may take your seat now."<</say>>
You head over to your seat and get comfortable as the rest of the class files in. Mrs. Yiin approaches the front of the class and begins.
<<say $yiin>>"Alright class. I have an important announcement, unfortunately the model that was supposed to come in today had to cancel…"<</say>>
A few murmurs of disappointment ripple through the class. Mrs. Yiin seems to take in the disappointment until a look of determination flicks across her face.
<<say $yiin>>"However, there will still be a model drawing class today. I will be your model for today."<</say>>
The murmurs of disappointment quickly turn to murmurs of excitement.
<<say $yiin>>"Please everyone, get your easels setup and form a circle."<</say>>
The rooms fills with the sounds of chairs and desks scraping across the floor as everyone jostles to form a circle around Mrs. Yiin. She awkwardly takes her place in the middle of the circle. Mrs. Yiin reaches up and removes her jacket dropping it to the floor.
<<say $yiin>>"Alright, now. Please start with the charcoal then move on to using the pastels and inks. I'll do my best to stay still but feel free to ask questions."<</say>>
She slowly reaches up and begins to unbutton her blouse. The males in the class watch on with a feral lust, some of the girls as well. As she pulls off the blouse, she reveals her huge tits, cusped by a silky purple bra. With a swift movement she unzips her pants and shimmies her ass out of them, the large smooth cheeks wobbling as she did so. You hear a few of the boy's whisper to each other nearby, remarking on the side of her "assets". Reaching behind herself she unhooks her bra; she clasps it to her chest for a moment before letting it drop.
<<videoM "img/day4/Day4_YiinStrip.mp4">><</videoM>>
More gasps and murmurs go around the classroom. In truth you had not expected her to go this far but she seems committed. With one swift movement she drops her panties and sits upon the stool. Carefully she moves to a pose and stays.
<<videoM "img/day4/Day4_YiinPose.mp4">><</videoM>>
Everyone in the class just watch, enamored by the beautiful naked body before them. The feeling of lust is palatable in the air…
<span id ="choice"><<link "Continue">>
<<replace "#choice">>
Mrs. Yiin noticing the lack of movement of people's pencils clears her throat. This seems to jolt everyone into motion. The sounds of charcoal on paper begins and slowly the class progresses as people etch the naked form of their art teacher across dozens of canvases. Other than the tantalizing eye candy in the center of the room the class progresses as normal with Mrs. Yiin occasionally shifting to a new pose. As the class comes to an end she begins to walk among the canvases, apparently forgetting her nakedness to inspect the students works.
She only begins to redress as the bell rings, prompting many boys to awkwardly hobble out of the room with their boners on full display. This was certainly an art class they won't forget.
<<statCheckReplace 2 $pc.mag $magImg "Promote Everyones lust">><<link "Promote everyone's lust">>
<<replace "#choice">>
You notice the lust apparent on everyone's faces and figure that you might just be able to do something about it. With your limited powers you don't know exactly what you can accomplish but you begin to chant under your breath.
<<say $pc>><span class="castSpell">Couϝʁoɼ! Hԍɑʁ wλ ʍoʁqƨ ɑuq cɑʁʁλ wλ ʍᴉɼɼ· Γԍϝ ɼooƨԍ λonʁ ɼnƨϝ ɑuq ɻᴉuq λonʁ qԍƨᴉʁԍ·</span><</say>>
As you begin to chant the words you notice an effect on the students around you. You see them shifting in their chairs, some even begin to rub their crotches. Mrs. Yiin also seems to be responding as she shifts uncomfortably on the stool in the center of the room. You hear a zipping noise nearby and notice one of the boys has gotten his dick out and begun to stroke.
<<say $npcf>> "Oh my god! What the fuck!?"<</say>>
One of the girls in the class exclaims as she notices what he is doing but seems unable to look away from the exposed dick. You hear a gasp from the other side of the room and glance over to see another one of the boys in the class getting his dick out. Mrs. Yiin notices the commotion and gets to her feet, ruining her pose.
<<say $yiin>>"What do you think you're doing? This is entirely inappro-"<</say>>
Her eyes lock onto one of the boy's dicks as he furiously jerks it. You see her bite at her lip. You decide to push things just a little bit further.
<<say $pc>>"Mrs. Yiin, everyone got so horny looking at your body. You should take care of them. It's only fair."<</say>>
She glances over to you, just tearing her eyes away from the masturbating cocks around her. She seems to nod along in agreement. She speaks up her voice cracking as she does so.
<<say $yiin>>"A-alright class. It seems that my modeling has been d-distracting for everyone. I think it would be best for everyone if I helped everyone relax."<</say>>
With those words she reaches towards the first student near her and sinks down to her knees. Without a word she begins to jerk his dick, her body on full display before him. It doesn't take long before another student gets up to take up a place beside her.
<<videoM "img/day4/Day4_YiinHj.mp4">><</videoM>>
Now with a dick in each of her hands she begins to pump in earnest. Other students join in, getting to their feet and surrounding her. You watch on in a mix of arousal and amazement in the results of your tiny spell. The other girls in the class watch on, some with hands down their pants taking care of their own arousal. You feel your arousal growing as well, you would have done anything to have Mrs. Yiin jerk you off before…but now your thoughts are flooded with the idea of being her…
You hear a groan from the center of the room as one of men surrounding Mrs. Yiin loses it and sprays his load all over her shoulder and face. She finches away but before she can say anything another erupts all over her chest. A chain reaction erupts all around her as the dicks she was pleasuring coat her in layers of hot sticky cum.
<<videoM "img/day4/Day4_YiinFacial.mp4">><</videoM>>
As their lust begins to subside you notice some begin to look around confused.
<<say $pc>> "Class is over. You should grab your things and go quickly."<</say>>
Your words spur motion across the classroom as students begin to pack up, stealing glances at the cum covered Mrs. Yiin in the center of the room. You're sure that rumors about this class will spread quickly.
You head to the middle of the room and approach Mrs. Yiin. Kneeling down you uncork your Reservoir. As you begin to clean her up you start talking to keep her distracted.
<<say $pc>>"That was a great class Mrs. Yiin. I think everyone learned a lot."<</say>>
She looks up at you with a smile.
<<say $yiin>>"Do you really think so $pc.nameF? I thought it went quite well too. Maybe I should try a more hands on approach again in the future."<</say>>
You finish collecting the remainder of the cum from her body and help her to her feet.
<<say $pc>>"I think that would be great. I've got to go to my next class now. You should get dressed, Mrs. Yiin."<</say>>
She looks down at herself confused and then nods. You slip into the hallway as she dresses, memories of an art class you won't soon forget locked in your head.
<<set $cum += 68>><span id="remove">
<<link "Collect Cum!">><</link>>
<<replace '#tooltip'>><<notify>> You've gained 68ml of cum!
<meter class="cumTrack" @value="$cum" min="0" max="1000"></meter><</notify>><</replace>>
<<replace '#tooltip'>><<replace'#remove'>><</replace>><</replace>>
Helping Mrs. Yiin with her dream has gained you <span class="aff"> +15 Affection</span>and <span class="love">+5 Love</span><<set $yiin.aff += 15>><<set $ +=5>><<set $helpedYiin to true>>Against your better judgement and with Mrs. Yiin's clear disappointment fresh on your mind you come up with a plan.
<<say $pc>>"Uh, if you need someone to model. I could do it?"<</say>>
Mrs. Yiin's eyes go wide and you immediately regret having suggested it but a moment later she looks you up and down.
<<say $yiin>>"Are you sure, $pc.nameF? You are very beautiful but are you comfortable with the whole class seeing you naked?"<</say>>
No. No you're not comfortable with that but, something about the idea of all those eyes on your naked body just seems to arouse you.
<<say $pc>>"I- I'm fine with it."<</say>>
<<say $yiin>>"Then I'd be happy for the help. You're going to save your peers education. Please, the poses are in that book there, look them over while I get the class started."<</say>>
You begin to look over the poses in the book. You question why exactly you want to do this but the growing heat in your stomach is growing. The poses are all pretty modest, more about showing off the contours of the human body than being sexually arousing. Behind you Mrs. Yiin begins the class.
<<say $yiin>>"Alright class. I have an important announcement, unfortunately the model that was supposed to come in today had to cancel…"<</say>>
A few murmurs of disappointment ripple through the class. Mrs. Yiin continues.
<<say $yiin>>"However, there will still be a model drawing class today. $pc.nameF will be your model for today."<</say>>
The murmurs of disappointment quickly turn to murmurs of excitement. You feel flattered at how excited everyone seems to be to see your body.
<<say $yiin>>"Now, $pc.nameF volunteered to do this so I want all of you to treat her with the upmost respect. This is about capturing the human body and you should all feel blessed to have such a beautiful model. Now please form a circle. $pc.nameF you can begin when you are ready."<</say>>
Her introduction has already caused you to start blushing. You step forward into the center of the classroom where a stool has been prepared. Taking a deep breath, you begin to undress. First your shirt, revealing your breasts then sliding out of your pants.
<<videoM "img/day4/Day4_pcStrip1.mp4">><</videoM>>
You can feel the hungry eyes of your peers on your as you continue. With only minor difficulty you unhook your bra and drop it to excited murmurs from the boys in the class. One more swift motion and you remove your panties, placing you naked in the center of the room.
<<videoM "img/day4/Day4_pcStrip2.mp4">><</videoM>>
You take a pose and do your best to hold it. Its harder than you were expecting, requiring you to maintain a delicate balance for 10s of minutes at a time. It doesn't help that your body seems to continually be heating up, causing your face to flush.
<<say $npcm>>"Damn she's got nice tits."<</say>>
You pick up the whispers of one of the boys to another. Your face flushes whatever more it can. Mrs. Yiin also picks up on the conversation and shushes them. You return your focus to posing. And the class slowly creeps by. Eventually the class comes to an end and people begin to pack up their things, many stealing more glances at your naked body as you pull your clothes back one. Mrs. Yiin approaches you.
<<say $yiin>>"$pc.nameF you were amazing. Thank you so much for doing this. I wish there was some way that I could repay you. For starters I'll be giving you bonus marks on your exam, but if you need anything else please let me know."<</say>>
You nod, still flushed from the experience you step out into the hallway and head along [[towards your next class.|Day4_Break2]]
Helping Mrs. Yiin with her dream has gained you <span class="aff"> +15 Affection</span>and <span class="love">+5 Love</span><<set $yiin.aff += 15>><<set $ +=5>><<set $helpedYiin to true>>As you make your way into the gym you see Mr. Swinebek heading over from the boy's side of the gym. <<if $tookCameras>> His gaze flits over to you for a second before looking down and away. It seems that Mr. Smith has filled him in.<</if>>
<<say $swin>>"Alright class. Tomorrow is your fitness tests so there is no time for messing around. There will be four main categories…"<</say>>
Mr. Swinebek drones on about the upcoming test before dismissing the class to train on their own. You figure that you could actually put some work in and have a better chance on tomorrows tests or just relax.
<span id ="choice"><<link "Train (Cost 1 Energy)">>
<<replace "#choice">>
You decide to put in some extra effort and push yourself to do the workouts needed. By the end of the class you are tired but feel good. You quickly retire to the locker room for a shower and manage to get the showers almost entirely to yourself. You wash out and get ready for the [[remainder of your day.|Day4_PostSchool]]<<set $energy -=1>>
Participating in gym class has improved your physique; <span class = "ath"> you feel a little stronger.</span><<set $athUp = true>><</replace>><</link>>
<<link "Relax">>
<<replace "#choice">>
You sit back and relax, uninterested in pushing yourself for some stupid test. You look around the gym for someone to sit with and kill time…
<span id = "choice2"><<link "Approach Rebecca">>
<<replace "#choice2">>
You walk up and take a seat beside her. She glances over at you.
<<say $becc>>"Not a fan of running for the sake of it?"<</say>>
<<say $pc>>"Not really feeling it right now, no."<</say>>
<<say $becc>>"I hate this class. We could be doing something productive like math or physics but instead we have to come in here and sling balls at each other for an hour."<</say>>
You chuckle at Rebecca's candidness.
<<say $pc>>"Not a fan of gym class. Got it."<</say>>
The two of you continue to joke around and chat for the rest of the class. Eventually having done pretty much nothing all hour you are able to change back into your regular clothes and [[head out.|Day4_PostSchool]]
Talking with Rebecca has gained you <span class="aff"> +10 Affection</span><<set $becc.aff += 10>><</replace>><</link>>
<<link "Approach Jessica">>
<<replace "#choice2">>
You approach Jessica and her cheerleader friends. <<if $cheerLine >0>> A few shift over to let you sit down.<<else>>You sit awkwardly on the edge of the bleachers.<</if>> You listen in as Jessica talks about anything from her hair to the boys working out on the other side of the room. Certainly not a productive class and you fear you might have even lost a few braincells listening to her.
As the class comes to a close you are able to head back to the locker room and get changed having not done anything for an hour. Saying goodbye to the girls you [[head out.|Day4_PostSchool]]
Listening to Jessica has gained you <span class="aff"> +5 Affection</span><<set $jess.aff += 1>><</replace>><</link>>
<<link "Approach Esmeralda">>
<<replace "#choice2">>
You approach Esmeralda as she punches the bag. You're surprised with the among of force she is able to put behind her swings.
<<say $pc>>"You seem pretty good at that."<</say>>
She pauses catching the bag and turning to look at you.
<<say $esme>>"I've had a lot of practice."<</say>>
A cryptic reason. On form for her.<<if $esme.aff >= 5>> You wonder if you would be able to get a straight answer out of her if you asked her about what happened to her…
<span id="choice3"><<link "Ask about her past">>
<<replace "#choice3">>
<<say $pc>>"What exactly happened to you? I know it was something to do with the witches but…"<</say>>
Esmeralda looks over to you and places one hand on the punching bag.
<<say $esme>>"It’s a touchy subject."<</say>>
<<say $pc>>"I figured, but I want to know."<</say>>
Esmerelda stares at you for a moment before stepping away from the punching bag.
<<say $esme>>"My parents were not liked much by the Coven. My mother was a witch and my father was a warlock. Marrying a warlock is, well, let's just say that the Coven disapproved. Since they got married my family has been living under a microscope, the Coven was looking for any time infraction to punish them. Last year I got sick. Real bad, a blood disorder. The sort of thing that people spend years in the hospital over and sometimes still don't make it."<</say>>
Esmerelda sits down. For the first time you see her firm proper façade break a bit.
<<say $esme>>"My mother did what any good witch would do. She turned to magic. Old magic. Dark magic. She cured me. But, it was just the excuse the Coven was looking for. They arrested her, tried her and locked her in a pit. My father…"<</say>>
She pauses and get to her feet. She approaches the bag and punches it again.
<<say $esme>>"We shouldn't talk about this here."<</say>>
You nod, accepting that she doesn't want to go into further detail. You spend the remainder of the class lounging around the weight area until the class comes to an end. Having done pretty much nothing all hour you are able to change back into your regular clothes and [[head out.|Day4_PostSchool]]
Talking with Esmerelda has gained you <span class="aff"> +15 Affection</span><<set $esme.aff += 15>><</replace>><</link>>
<<link "Don't say anything">>
<<replace "#choice3">>
You decide not to prod any further accepting that she doesn't want to go into further detail. You spend the remainder of the class lounging around the weight area until the class comes to an end. Having done pretty much nothing all hour you are able to change back into your regular clothes and [[head out.|Day4_PostSchool]]<</replace>><</link>></span><<else>> You decide not to prod any further accepting that she doesn't want to go into further detail. You spend the remainder of the class lounging around the weight area until the class comes to an end. Having done pretty much nothing all hour you are able to change back into your regular clothes and [[head out.|Day4_PostSchool]]
Talking with Esmerelda has gained you <span class="aff"> +5 Affection</span><<set $esme.aff += 1>>
<</replace>><</link>></span><</replace>><</link>></span>You pull into your driveway and rest for a moment. It's starting to get late but you still have a bit more time if there is still more you want to do...
<<if $dougBj>>[[You could go over to Doug's house to help setup.|DougRom2_Arrive]]<</if>>
[[Go Home|Day4_AtHomeNight]]You make your way inside and up to your room. Exhausted from the days events you collapse down onto the bed. You consider what to do next…
<span id="choice"><<link "You could play some video games...">>
<<replace "#choice">>
You flip on your TV and boot up your favorite game. You kill the next hour or so making some progress through the game you think with a few more nights like this you might even be able to beat it. You wrap things up and get [[ready for bed…|Day4_END]]<</replace>><</link>>
<<link "You could watch some TV on your computer…">>
<<replace "#choice">>
You boot up your computer and head to your streaming service. You watch a few episodes of your favorite show before you begin to feel sleepy. Deciding you don't want to accidently snooze off you turn it off and get [[ready for bed…|Day4_END]]<</replace>><</link>>
<<link "You could try and do some research into magic…">>
<<replace "#choice">>
You slide up to your computer and turn it on. You open your search browser and begin to put in some general search terms about magic in your area. <<if $magicResearch>=2>> As you are searching through some of the web pages you come upon a link to an art show in Southport. One item in particular catches your eye. A Sphere of Convalescence. You freeze for a moment and begin doing more research. The auction price is $50,000… No way you could afford that. However, there might be other ways of getting your hands on them. You bookmark the page. Southport is only a two-hour train ride from Scholmanvile. Its possible that you could go get this orb on Saturday if you needed to. You finish things up on your computer and then find your [[way for bed…|Day4_END]]<<else>>You spends some time looking around some new age websites and youtube videos but don't find anything of use. You feel like you are getting closer to something big though. You finish things up on your computer and then find your [[way for bed…|Day4_END]]<<set $magicResearch += 1>><</if>><</replace>><</link>>
<<link "You could do your homework…">>
<<replace "#choice">>
You grab your schoolbooks and open them up on your desk. Of all the things you have done today this is the most normal. Its strangely comforting, despite all the crazy shit you have gone through you are doing homework like a normal person. It doesn't take you long to finish and by the end you actually feel a little better about you whole situation. You pack things up and get [[ready for bed…|Day4_END]]<</replace>><</link>>
<<link "You could explore your new body some more, maybe masturbate…">>
<<replace "#choice">>
<<if $growth>>Maybe you could try that new spell on yourself and get your [[dick back for a bit...?|Day4_PCGrowth]]<</if>>
<span id ="choice2"><<link "Masturbate">>
You lay down on you bed and slowly run your hands down your new body. Your hands brush gently over your new breasts, trail down your smooth stomach and brush against the crotch of your pants. You feel a heat begin to build in your stomach. You pause to quickly remove all your clothes before you are left naked on the blankets of your bed.<span id="choice3"><<if $hasFetish>> Your eyes wander over to the bedside stand where inside you have stashed your "male fetish". You wonder if you should use the dildo on yourself…
<<link "Use the fetish">>
<<replace "#choice3">>
grab the makeshift dildo, and gentle run your hand up its shaft. You place it down against your lower lips, already slick with anticipation. With a flick of your wrist, you push it inwards.
You feel your body flush with pleasure. <<if $virgin is false>>The sensation of getting fucked is still new to you despite your recent exploration but being in control of it with the dildo is still new.<</if>> Every shift of the fake cock within you shoots a new wave of pleasure over your body. You find your mind wandering to what a real cock could do to you right now and you redouble efforts down below.
<<videoM "img/day4/Day4_Dildo.mp4">><</videoM>>
With a now more experienced grace you begin to work your body. Groping your tender breasts and flicking your erect clit pleasure begins to grow all over your body.
<<videoM "img/day3/Day3_Masturbate.mp4">><</videoM>>
It does not take long before you feel your new pleasures coming to a climax. You clench your whole body together as waves of pleasure wash over you. You slam your face into the pillow as you let out a long soft moan before your entire body collapses into the bed. Satisfied in the warm afterglow of your orgasm you lay on your bed panting. With shaky legs you quickly turn off you light before slumping into your bed and drifting [[off to sleep…|Day4_END]]<</replace>><</link>><</if>>
<<link "Stick to your hands">>
<<replace "#choice3">>
With a now more experienced grace you begin to work your body. Groping your tender breasts and flicking your erect clit pleasure begins to grow all over your body.
<<videoM "img/day3/Day3_Masturbate.mp4">><</videoM>>
It does not take long before you feel your new pleasures coming to a climax. You clench your whole body together as waves of pleasure wash over you. You slam your face into the pillow as you let out a long soft moan before your entire body collapses into the bed. Satisfied in the warm afterglow of your orgasm you lay on your bed panting. With shaky legs you quickly turn off you light before slumping into your bed and drifting [[off to sleep…|Day4_END]]<</replace>><</link>></span><</replace>><</link>></span><</replace>><</link>></span><<if $roseCharmedHelp>>As you are making your way out of the school you are approached by Mrs. Rose. You can see her makeup smeared slightly around her lips and her eye shadows. She approaches you and smiles.
<<say $rose>>"Heading home, $pc.nameF?"<</say>>
<<say $pc>>"That’s the plan."<</say>>
<<say $rose>>"Well have a good night. Here is your cum."<</say>>
Nonchalantly she reaches into her purse and pulls out a water bottle filled with a decent amount of cum and hold it out to you. You quickly grab it and stash it away. Mrs. Rose just smiles and walks away. You glance around but nobody seems to have taken note.<</if>>
<<if $jockJob>>You see the same group of jocks that you talked with this morning. They take notice of you and head over, slowly encircling you.
<<say $jock>>"Hey girl. Did you get the keys?"<</say>>
<<if $keys>>You reach into your pocket and pull out the key ring holding it out to them. They all look around at each other as the leader grabs the keys.
<<say $jock>>"Damn, girl. You've got some mad skills we've been trying to steal those for weeks. Looks like we made the right choice."<</say>>
You smile at the praise, one of the jocks pats you on the back. It seems that you've earned their trust.
<<say $pc>>"Now, you want to cut me in on what's going to happen tomorrow?"<</say>>
<<say $jock>>"Alright, heres the deal. A couple of us managed to get our hands on a chemical that they produce down in Southport. We couldn't get much but it’s a powerful aphrodisiac."<</say>>
As they begin to explain you feel a sense of mounting dread.
<<say $jock>>"We've rigged up a few things to inject the drug into the sprinkler system. We needed the keys to turn on the sprinklers from the boiler room without the fire department being called. It won't have much effect once its in all that water but it should still make quite an impact."<</say>>
The jocks all laugh and pat the leader on the back. You are stunned, not just by the absurdity of the plan but how well it seems put together.
<<say $pc>>"Are you sure that is,uh,safe? I mean you're gonna be drugging the whole school."<</say>>
<<say $jock>>"Oh, c'mon don't be a wet blanket. Its gonna be hilarious. People will be making out in the hallway and shit; it will be great."<</say>>
<<say $pc>>"Uh, yeah, haha."<</say>>
You force a chuckle.
<<say $jock>>"Right, since you helped us out, you're gonna need one of these."<</say>>
He holds out his hand with a blue pill in it.
<<say $jock>>"It will make you immune to the effects of the water. After all you should be able to enjoy it like we will."<</say>>
He gives you a wink as you take the pill. He then pats you on the shoulder and heads off. You stand there stunned for another second. There is no way they came up with this plan all by themselves, right? Or maybe these meat heads are a little smarter than you initially thought. Either way you gratefully pocket the pill and continue [[towards your car.|Day4_EndOfSchool]]<<set $keys to false>><<set $bluePill to true>><<else>>
<<say $pc>>"Uh, no. I wasn't able to get them. Sorry."<</say>>
<<say $jock>>"Dammit girl. We needed those. Alright we'll find someone else."<</say>>
They immediately turn away from you and head back to where they were standing. You continue on your way [[towards your car.|Day4_EndOfSchool]] <</if>> <<else>> You make your way over to your car and consider what you want to do next. Time is running out to gather materials but you still have a few hours of sunlight left today. You continue on your way [[towards your car.|Day4_EndOfSchool]]<</if>>
<<if $intUp>> <span class = "int">Your Intellect has increased!</span><<set $ += 1>><</if>>
<<if $athUp>><span class = "ath">Your Athletics has increased!</span><<set $pc.ath += 1>><</if>>
<<if $btyUp>><span class = "bty">Your Beauty has increased!</span><<set $pc.bty += 1>><</if>>
<<if $chaUp>><span class = "cha">Your Charisma has increased!</span><<set $pc.cha += 1>><</if>>
<<if $magUp && $keptMagic is true>><span class = "mag">Your Magic has increased!</span><<set $pc.mag += 1>><</if>>
<<set $energy to 4>>
<<set $currentTime to 0>>
<<set $currentDay += 1>>
<<set $lunchTimer = 2>>
<<set $visitedCheer to false>>
<<set $visitedShop to false>>
<<set $visitedBecc to false>>
<<set $visitedCole to false>>
<<set $visitedSmith to false>>
<<set $visitedEsme to false>>
<<set $visitedMarcus to false>>
<<set $jessLunch to false>>
<<set $beccLunch to false>>
<<set $esmeLunch to false>>
<<set $coleLunch to false>>
<<set $aloneLunch to false>>
<<set $cassLunch to false>>
<<set $intUp to false>>
<<set $btyUp to false>>
<<set $chaUp to false>>
<<set $athUp to false>>
<<set $magUp to false>>Mr. Smith pushes his thumb against the screen. A moment passes in silence before…
Your phone chimes, you fish it out of your pocket and frantically open the new message. You can see a video of yourself, on your knees<<if $gloryHoleSucked>> sucking a dick in the bathroom.
<<videoM "img/day3/Day3_GloryHoleSuck.mp4">><</videoM>>
<<else>> stroking a dick in the bathroom.
<<videoM "img/day3/Day3_GloryHoleStroke.mp4">><</videoM>>
<</if>> You look up at Mr. Smith in horror. He actually fucking did it.
<<say $smit>>"I don't like being disobeyed Ms. $pc.nameL. Have a nice life."<</say>>
As he turns away from you your mind flies into damage control mode. Suddenly the PA system chimes on.
<<say $npcf>>"$pc.nameF $pc.nameL please come to the office immediately."<</say>>
You feel your stomach drop, getting called to the office is never a good thing but this could only mean one thing. You make for the door.
<<say $smit>>"Have a good life Ms. $pc.nameL."<</say>>
The door closes on Mr. Smith as you make your way into the hall. You immediately feel the stares of your fellow classmates on you as you head for the office. A few glances between their phones and you in disbelief. Your face turns red with shame. As you near the office you hear someone call after.
<<say $npcm>>"Hey babe, you can suck my cock any time."<</say>>
You turn to face the caller to see one of the jocks grabbing his crotch and gesturing to you. You turn and rush into the office. The secretary looks up at you with narrow eyes.
<<say $npcf>>"He is waiting for you inside."<</say>>
<img src = "img/locations/Principals-office.jpg" height ="480px" width ="720px">
You lower your head an make your way into the office. Mr. Schoman looks up at you from behind his desk.
<<say $scho>>"Ms. $pc.nameL I have just received an email with some compromising videos of you."<</say>>
<<say $pc>>"Mr. Schoman I can explain. I nee-"<</say>>
<<say $scho>>"I don't think there can be any explanation that will justify this behavior. I understand that you are going through some traumatic experiences, but we cannot tolerate this kind of deviant behavior."<</say>>
<<say $pc>>"Its not my fault. Mr. Smith was forcing me to go there."<</say>>
Mr. Schoman pauses for a moment.
<<say $scho>>"I've seen the videos, Ms. $pc.nameL, I don't think anyone is forcing you to do that. Regardless we will look further into this."<</say>>
Mr. Schoman pulls a document out of his desk.
<<say $scho>>"For the time being we are going to have to put you on indefinite academic probation. You are not to set foot on these grounds until the Superintendent can review your case. Please head home for the day. I'll get into contact with Circe and let her know what has happened so she can further work with you."<</say>>
You sit for a moment stunned. You slowly get to your feet and leave his office. You feel panic beginning to rise about your recent "expulsion". You head into the hallway, luckily most everyone is in class now. You quickly make your way out into the [[parking lot.|Ending2_2]]
You step back into the boy's bathroom, acutely aware of exactly what you are here for. You slip into the last stall before anyone else can enter and wait. It only takes a few minutes before you here some boys making their way into the bathroom. You slid the hole open and get ready to knock before you hear their voices.
<<say $npcm>>"This is the place man. <<if $gloryholeSucked>>That stall right there is where she sucked me off.<<else>>That stall right there is where she jacked me off.<</if>>"<</say>>
<<say $npcm2>>"Yeah right man. Like some girl would even want to touch your dick."<</say>>
<<say $npcm>>"Fine, try it for yourself then. Stalls right there."<</say>>
You hear shifting before someone steps into the stall beside you. You hear a voice.
<<say $npcm2>>"Hey is someone there? You looking to suck some dick in there?"<</say>>
You pause, if you respond you're gonna have to do whatever these two want, or you could just stay silent.
<span id ="choice"><<link"Knock on the wall">>
<<replace "#choice">>
You knock on the stall wall and hear feet shifting from the other side.
<<say $npcm2>>"Holy shit there really is someone in there."<</say>>
<<say $npcm>>"I told you, now hurry up. I want a turn too before class"<</say>>
You hear the person on the other side of the wall unzip their pants and a moment later his dick pokes through the hole. At the sight of it you begin to feel your arousal grow.
<<videoM "img/day4/Day4_ghInsert.mp4">><</videoM>>
You reach out and grab his dick, feeling it harden under your grasp. You give it a few pumps with your hand and once it has hardened you lean forward and lick the tip.
The man moans from the other side of the wall. You push his dick deeper into your mouth the salty taste filling your mouth.
<<videoM "img/day3/Day3_GloryholeSuck.mp4">><</videoM>>
You begin to work his shaft in earnest sliding it in and out of your mouth to the sounds of his moans from the other side of the stall wall. Finally, you push yourself forward and slam his dick as far into your mouth as you can take.
<<videoM "img/day4/Day4_ghSuck.mp4">><</videoM>>
You strain against your own gag reflex as you massage the tip of his dick with your throat. The whole experience, the warm meat in your mouth, the sensation in your crotch all work towards your growing arousal. You feel his dick begin to twitch. Anticipating his orgasm, you consider pulling his dick out of your mouth but at the same time you kinda want to feel like its like to have him cum in your mouth…
<span id ="choice2"><<link"Pull back">>
<<replace "#choice2">>
You slide you mouth back across his dick allowing it to spring free from your lips. As it is freed from your mouth it immediately begins to twitch. It explodes before your eyes; you snap your eyes shut as your face is painted with hot cum. You shiver as each warm rope lands against your skin.
<<videoM "img/day4/Day4_ghFacial.mp4">><</videoM>>
Finally, the torrent of cum stops and you can open your eyes to see his dick vanish through the hole. You quickly begin to clean off the cum into your Reservoir which sucks it up with a soft pop.
<<say $npcm2>>"Damn you were right. She can really suck."<</say>>
<<say $npcm>>"See, told you. Now get out of the way I want a turn too."<</say>>
Just as you are finishing cleaning off your face a second dick flops through the hole in the wall. You hear a voice on the other side of the wall.
<<say $npcm>>"C'mon slut get sucking I don't have all day."<</say>>
You shift forward towards the new dick and quickly take it into your mouth. You set to work on his dick running your tongue and lips over his engorged member. You find yourself taking satisfaction in the responses your movements elicit from him, something you would have thought possible just a few days ago.
<<videoM "img/day4/Day4_ghSuck.mp4">><</videoM>>
It doesn't take long for him to reach his peek and once again your face is painted with hot sticky cum. His dick pulls back through the wall as you go about cleaning yourself up. You hear the two boys speaking again.
<<say $npcm>>"I'm happy we found this place. Can't believe some slut would be willing to suck our dicks every day."<</say>>
<<say $npcm2>>"This is crazy, should we tell people about this place?"<</say>>
<<say $npcm>>"Dude, we gotta keep this secret otherwise this place will get so crowded we'll never get a turn."<</say>>
<<say $npcm2>>"Right, right. Feels a bit selfish though doesn't it…"<</say>>
Their voices trail off as they walk out of the bathroom. You quickly peek out of the stall to make sure the coast is clear. You quickly wash your face and rush into the halls making your way towards your [[next class.|Day4_Class3]]
<<set $cum += 15>><span id="remove">
<<link "Collect Cum!">><</link>>
<<replace '#tooltip'>><<notify>> You've gained 13ml of cum!
<meter class="cumTrack" @value="$cum" min="0" max="1000"></meter><</notify>><</replace>>
<<replace '#tooltip'>><<replace'#remove'>><</replace>><</replace>>
<span id ="choice2"><<link"Let him cum in your mouth">>
<<replace "#choice2">>
Instead of pulling all the way back you pull his dick out until just his head rests on your tongue. You begin to swirl your tongue around his tip which seems to immediately send him over the edge. Your mouth is flooded with the warm sticky fluid. You almost immediately gag from the invasion of the salty spurts. The taste catches you by surprise as foul but as it sits in your mouth you find yourself getting used to it.
<<videoM "img/day4/Day4_ghSwallow.mp4">><</videoM>>
You release his dick with a pop and quickly spit his cum into the Reservoir which absorbs it with a soft sucking sound. His dick vanishes through the wall.
<<say $npcm2>>"Damn you were right. She can really suck."<</say>>
<<say $npcm>>"See, told you. Now get out of the way I want a turn too."<</say>>
A second dick flops through the hole in the wall. You hear a voice on the other side of the wall.
<<say $npcm>>"C'mon slut get sucking I don't have all day."<</say>>
You shift forward towards the new dick and quickly take it into your mouth. You set to work on his dick running your tongue and lips over his engorged member. You find yourself taking satisfaction in the responses your movements elicit from him, something you would have thought possible just a few days ago.
<<videoM "img/day4/Day4_ghSuck.mp4">><</videoM>>
It doesn't take long for him to reach his peek and you pull back letting your face be painted with hot sticky cum. His dick pulls back through the wall as you go about cleaning yourself up. You hear the two boys speaking again.
<<say $npcm>>"I'm happy we found this place. Can't believe some slut would be willing to suck our dicks every day."<</say>>
<<say $npcm2>>"This is crazy, should we tell people about this place?"<</say>>
<<say $npcm>>"Dude, we gotta keep this secret otherwise this place will get so crowded we'll never get a turn."<</say>>
<<say $npcm2>>"Right, right. Feels a bit selfish though doesn't it…"<</say>>
Their voices trail off as they walk out of the bathroom. You quickly peek out of the stall to make sure the coast is clear. You quickly wash your face and rush into the halls making your way towards your [[next class.|Day4_Class3]]
<<set $cum += 15>><span id="remove">
<<link "Collect Cum!">><</link>>
<<replace '#tooltip'>><<notify>> You've gained 13ml of cum!
<meter class="cumTrack" @value="$cum" min="0" max="1000"></meter><</notify>><</replace>>
<<replace '#tooltip'>><<replace'#remove'>><</replace>><</replace>>
<<link"Stay Silent">>
<<replace "#choice">>
You decide to stay silent. A few moments pass before you hear voices again.
<<say $npcm2>>"You're just fucking with me. There's nobody in there."<</say>>
<<say $npcm>>"No man I swear. She was in there..."<</say>>
You hear their voices beginning to drift away and you wait a few moments before you slip out of the cell and run out of the bathroom. You make your way towards your [[next class.|Day4_Class3]]<</replace>><</link>></span>
[[Continue|Day5_Start]]<<timed 0.1s>><<if $currentDay == 2>><<goto "Day3_Class3">><<elseif $currentDay==3>><<goto "Day4_Class3">><<elseif $currentDay==4>><<goto "Day5_Class3">><</if>><</timed>>As you walk out the front doors of the school your attention is immediately drawn to a tow truck in the parking lot. As you get closer you notice it loading your car onto its bed. You rush over.
<<say $pc>>"Hey! What are you doing?"<</say>>
One of the tow-truck drivers glances over to you.
<<say $npcm>>"This was double parked. We couldn't find the owner so we're towing it, miss."<</say>>
<<say $pc>>"Hold up, that’s my car you don't have to tow it."<</say>>
The tow truck driver looks down at his phone for a second then back up at you.
<<say $npcm>>"Sorry, miss, but you don't look like a $pc.maleNameF. You can tell your boyfriend that he can pick up the car at our lot."<</say>>
He holds a card out to you that you accept. Who the fuck tows a car for being double parked? You watch as your car is loaded up onto the bed of the truck and driven off. Just as it clears the parking lot the sky suddenly rumbles. Rain pours down around you. Great.
<img src = "img/day1/day/rebeccaRain.jpg">
You being to walk home. It's only a 20-minute walk even in the rain it won't be horrible. You begrudgingly begin to walk towards you house. After only five minutes of walking a car slows on the road beside you. You see an older man with a greying beard peer out as he rolls down the window.
<<say $npcm>>"Hey there, you doing alright?"<</say>>
<<say $pc>>"Fine, thanks."<</say>>
<<say $npcm>>"You shouldn't be walking in this rain. Hop in I can drive you where you need to go."<</say>>
You glance over at the man. He smiles at you. He looks old enough to be your father, or even grandfather. Still, you are unsure about getting in a car with some stranger…
<span id="choice"><<link"Accept">>
<<say $pc>>"Alright, thanks. You can just drop me off on the corner of Fuller Drive."<</say>>
<<say $npcm>>"Alrighty."<</say>>
He begins to drive. You look out the window and quickly realize he is going the wrong way.
<<say $pc>>"Hey, Fuller is the other way, you can turn up-"<</say>>
You freeze as you see what the man is holding. One hand is on the wheel and with the other he holds a sleek silver gun.
<<say $npcm>>"Damn, the girls here are so easy."<</say>>
The gun makes a near silent hiss as you feel something prick into your arm. You vision begins to double before fading completely as you slump into unconsciousness…
<<say $pc>>"No thank you. I'll walk."<</say>>
You begin to walk away but the man backs up the car to keep pace with you.
<<say $npcm>>"You misunderstand. I wasn't asking."<</say>>
You see a flash of a silvery gun of some sort before there is a soft hiss. You feel something prick your neck. You vision begins to double and fade as you collapse on the sidewalk unconscious…
You awaken to the feeling of cold air on your naked body. After the first few moments of grogginess fade your adrenaline kicks in and you immediately try and sit up. You are stopped by straps across you chest and legs and restrains on your legs and feet.
<<videoM "img/ending/E1_Wake.mp4">><</videoM>>
You look around frantically and spot someone sitting nearby.
<<say $doc>>"Well hello there. Welcome back to the waking world."<</say>>
You open your mouth to scream at him only to find it already open and blocked by a gag.
<<say $doc>>"No need to worry little birdy. You're going to be feeling real good soon."<</say>>
The man gets to his feet and approaches with a large syringe of pinkish fluid.
<<say $doc>>"Its very strange, you had no ID on you at all, even some of your things belongs so one dude named $pc.maleNameF. You his girlfriend or something?<</say>>
He presses the syringe against your arm, you attempt to struggle but can hardly move let alone pull away. The needle breaks your skin.
<<say $doc>>"You don't need to worry about him, you'll have lots of different boyfriends now."<</say>>
He plunges the fluid into you. Almost immediately you feel your body begin to flush. You feel an overwhelming aching need. The need to be filled. To be fucked. You buck against the restraints.
<<say $doc>>"That'a girl."<</say>>
He takes a few steps back and presses a button on an intercom.
<<say $doc>>"This one is ready for breaking, send me in Hugo."<</say>>
Across the room you are barely able to detect a door opening before a huge man comes into view. Almost seven feet tall with a dark black muscular build. Unceremoniously he drops the robe he is wearing revealing a baseball bat of a cock. You moan involuntarily at the sight of it.
He steps up between your legs, stroking his cock a few times to get it ready. He positions it at your entrance, the mere sensation of it already sending waves of pleasure through you. He thrusts into you…
<<videoM "img/ending/E1_Insert.mp4">><</videoM>>
[[Continue|Ending2_4]]It only took a few sessions with the Doctor and Hugo before you were an obedient sex slave for their organization.
<<videoM "img/ending/E1_Street.mp4">><</videoM>>
In your new life you don't even have to worry about things like magic, and grades, and being a man.
<<videoM "img/ending/E1_DP.mp4">><</videoM>>
Instead, all you care about is making as much money on the streets as you can, getting fucked, and hoping that if you behave well enough the Doctor might make you feel good again. But really getting fucked is its own reward.
<<videoM "img/ending/E1_GB.mp4">><</videoM>>
Honestly you couldn't be happier.
<<videoM "img/ending/E1_End.mp4">><</videoM>>
<center><span class="ending">ENDING 01
Southport Whore
Just another cog in the sex machine of Southport. From meager beginnings in a gloryhole to whore supreme.</span></center>
<<remember $endings.ending1 = true>><<say $pc>>"Actually there is someone else we can try."<</say>>
Marcus visibly perks up causing you to wonder what he expects you to say.
<<say $pc>>"Cass taught me this new spell. It is supposed to cause men to produce a lot more semen than normal. It should help speed up the process of gathering."<</say>>
Marcus looks at you with narrowed eyes.
<<say $marcus>>"You're gonna cast magic on me? Itsn't this what got you into this whole situation?"<</say>>
<<say $pc>>"I won't say there aren't risks but if I understand everything there's no chance of you turning into a woman if that’s what you are worried about."<</say>>
Marcus seems to take things into consideration, then nods.
<<say $marcus>>"Alright, lets give it a try."<</say>>
You get up and move into the center of the room, working yourself up for casting magic. You turn back towards Marcus ready.
<<say $pc>>"You need to take off your pants and underwear."<</say>>
Marcus shrugs and gets to his feet. He slips his pants down around his ankles then drops his underwear causing his dick to spring free. You once again marvel at his size.
Thinking back to the notes you got from Cassandra you'll need to touch the dick you want to enhance. You slide forwards on your knees in front of Marcus, very aware of the situation you're in. You reach up can place your hand on his dick. The warmth of it twitches under your touch.
<<say $pc>>"<span class="castSpell">Cnw pncĸԍϝƨ</span>"<</say>>
Almost immediately his dick twitches under your hand. It quickly hardens, swing up in front of your face. The tip begins to leak a steady stream of precum rolling down from his tip. You glace up at Marcus.
<<say $marcus>>"I t-think its w-working. Holy s-shit."<</say>>
<<say $pc>>"Uh, what do you do now."<</say>>
<<say $marcus>>"Uh, try stroking. I f-feel like I'm close."<</say>>
Realizing your hand is still on his dick you grip it tighter and begin to stroke. His dick twitches with your ever movement and enough pre leaks from his tip to lubricate your hands. You bring up both hands and begin to stroke his dick, urged on by his constant responses.
<<videoM "img/miscDay/Marcus_HJ.mp4">><</videoM>>
It doesn't take long before you feel his dick pulse and speeding up your ministrations, he explodes all over you. You are caught by surprise by the first blast, strong enough to cause you to stumble back. However, it doesn't stop until you're hit by several streams of hot cum.
<<videoM "img/miscDay/MarcusFacial.mp4">><</videoM>>
You carefully blink open one eye cum coating your face and chest. You glance over to see Marcus head back in post orgasm bliss, but his dick catches your attention.
It hasn't deflated at all, in fact it is still just as twitchy and hard as before.
<<say $pc>>"Uh, Marcus. How are you feeling?"<</say>>
As you open your mouth a bit of cum drips past your lips, you cringe at the sudden taste and accidently swallow. Marcus looks over at you eyes wide as he notices the flood of cum, he has painted you with.
<<say $marcus>>"I feel amazing but… I'm still hard. I don't think your spell has worn off."<</say>>
You look at his twitching dick and reach out to touch it again. As you start stroking Marcus' head snaps back in pleasure again. Determined to make the most out of this spell you begin stroking in earnest. Marcus continues to moan but doesn't seem to be reacting as strongly as before. You steel yourself to ensure he reaches another climax before the spell wears off.
<<set $marcusPlenty to true>><<say $pc>>"I can help to provide some more… stimulation."<</say>>
Marcus raises an eyebrow.
<<say $marcus>>"Listen, no offence $pc.nameF, you're really hot but I can look at pictures on the internet any day."<</say>>
You lean back on your part of the couch. You slowly start to take off your shirt.
<<say $pc>>"I was thinking something a little more live."<</say>>
Marcus' eyes go wide. You slip your shirt off and slide out of your pants leaving you in your underwear just a few feet from him. Marcus, enthused about your stripping, unbuckles his pants and slides them off. His dick springs free from his underwear and you can't help but feel a twinge of arousal.
<<videoM "img/miscDay/Marcus_Strip1.mp4">><</videoM>>
You slide a hand around your back and with some difficulty undo your bra freeing your breast. Marcus begins to stroke his hardening dick. You slide a hand down into your panties and begin to rub yourself. You let out a small moan, causing Marcus' dick to twitch.
<<videoM "img/miscDay/Marcus_RubPanties.mp4">><</videoM>>
Smiling to yourself you raise up your legs and slide off your panties. You spread your legs to let Marcus get a good view and continue to masturbate. Even with your unfamiliarity with your new form you can feel your body heating up under your rubbing. Marcus also seems to be reaching his peak. Glance over towards him you see his large throbbing black dick and can't help but wonder what it will do to your new body.
<<videoM "img/miscDay/Marcus_FMasturbait.mp4">><</videoM>>
With that thought in your mind you climax causing you to moan loudly. Across the couch Marcus moans as well shooting thick ropes of cum in your direction.
<<videoM "img/miscDay/Marcus_Cum.mp4">><</videoM>>
You feel one splash against you leg as your shiver in orgasm.
You pant as your mind recovers, Marcus likewise recovering from across the couch.
<<say $pc>>"Wa…was that enough stimulation for you?"<</say>>
You ask sarcastically. Marcus just manages a nod causing you to chuckle. As strange as this new relationship is you still feel the underlying comfortability of your old friendship. You take a moment to recover before grabbing your Reservoir and cleaning up his cum.
You slump back down on the couch. Marcus looks over at you.
<<say $marcus>>"Hey, you got time to play a few games?"<</say>>
You consider for a moment. Some normality might be good for you.
<<say $pc>>"Yeah, sure why not."<</say>>
You spend the rest of the hour playing with Marcus, if not for the extra weight on your chest and tell-tale reek of sex in the room it was almost like old times. Eventually you get to your feet as Marcus escorts you to the door. You notice his eyes glued to your ass as you make your way towards the car. For some reason the feeling fills your stomach with butterflies.
<span id="remove">
<<link "Collect Cum!">><</link>>
<<replace '#tooltip'>><<notify>> You've gained 18ml of cum!
<meter class="cumTrack" @value="$cum" min="0" max="1000"></meter><</notify>><</replace>>
<<replace '#tooltip'>><<replace'#remove'>><</replace>><</replace>>
<</nobr>></span><<set $cum += 18>>
Marcus's Affection has increased by <span class="aff"> +10 </span> and Love has increased by <span class="love">+5</span>.<<set $marcus.aff +=10>><<set $ +=5>>
You get to your feet and move around to be standing in front of him.
<<say $pc>>"Alright. I'll help you get off. Whatever it takes to turn back."<</say>>
You can see the visible excitement in Marcus' eyes as he moves forward on the couch.
<<say $marcus>>"Are you serious? I mean, yeah. Go ahead."<</say>>
Marcus slides out of his pants. He stands up before you and slides down his underwear causing his half hard dick to spring to free. Having it hang before you, thinking about grabbing it, makes you really realize just how large it is. You take a deep breath and reach out, hefting it with one hand. His dick begins to harden before you.
<<videoM "img/miscDay/Marcus_Grab.mp4">><</videoM>>
You grasp it with one hand and begin to pump, quickly realizing that you'll need two for this job. You pump his dick with both hands, your pussy moistening as you kneel before him. You can’t help but wonder what else you could do with his dick.
<<videoM "img/miscDay/Marcus_HJ1.mp4">><</videoM>>
Without even really thinking you lean forward and kiss his dick. He lets out a moan of surprise as your lips press against his hard tip. Spurred on by the arousal growing in your nethers you flick out your tongue and lick around his tip.
<<videoM "img/miscDay/Marcus_BeginSuck.mp4">><</videoM>>
He lets out another moan and you push onwards. Taking the tip of his dick into your mouth as you continue to pump his shaft. You are barely able to fit it within your mouth as you continue to flick your tongue around his tip.
<<videoM "img/miscDay/Marcus_Suck.mp4">><</videoM>>
Marcus moans in pleasure as you slurp on his dick. You begin to feel an emptiness down below. A need to be filled and your thoughts begin to drift to Marcus, plowing your pussy with his big hard…
<<videoM "img/miscDay/Marcus_Cum1.mp4">><</videoM>>
Your mouth is suddenly flooded with cum as Marcus twitches and explodes into your mouth. You recoil at the unexpected flood of cum and receive another few strands across your face. Marcus moans as he cums, painting your face white. You take a moment to recover after he finishes before cleaning your face off with your Reservoir.
<<say $marcus>>"Well, that was something. You're amazing at that."<</say>>
You blush. You don't nessecarly like the fact that you've been complimented on your dick sucking skills, but you have to admit that you did like it. As much as you liked pleasing him you can't help but feel unsatisfied. You look back to Marcus doing your best to ignore your blushing face.
<<say $pc>>"Right, well I should get going. Thanks Marcus. I'll see you tomorrow."<</say>>
You get to your feet as Marcus escorts you to the door. You notice his eyes glued to your ass as you make your way towards the car. For some reason the feeling fills your stomach with butterflies.
<span id="remove">
<<link "Collect Cum!">><</link>>
<<replace '#tooltip'>><<notify>> You've gained 18ml of cum!
<meter class="cumTrack" @value="$cum" min="0" max="1000"></meter><</notify>><</replace>>
<<replace '#tooltip'>><<replace'#remove'>><</replace>><</replace>>
<</nobr>></span><<set $cum += 18>>
Marcus's Affection has increased by <span class="aff"> +10 </span> and Love has increased by <span class="love">+5</span>.<<set $marcus.aff +=10>><<set $ +=5>>
<<if $pc.bust >3>> You strip off your cum stained shirt and slide up close to Marcus. You heft your breasts up and clamp them around his dick. Marcus' head shots up in surprise as he looks down at you, his dick gliding between your heavy tits.
<<videoM "img/miscDay/Marcus_Titjob.mp4">><</videoM>>
<<say $marcus>>"O-oh fuck, $pc.nameF that feels good."<</say>>
You feel your face flush as he speaks but continue on, dragging your soft breasts across his cock.
It doesn't take long before you feel him tense up again. This time ready you hold your tits tight around his cock and aim it at under your chin. You feel the hot spray splash against you and wait at jet after jet coat your throat and chest.
<<videoM "img/miscDay/MarcusCumOnTits.mp4">><</videoM>>
As the stream subsides you sit back, tired from your titfucking. Your chest is coated with cum, as is your hair and face from the first orgasm. You sit for a moment panting, hoping the spell will end.<<else>>
You strip off your cum stained shirt and slide up close to Marcus. You reach forward and grab his dick again. Marcus' head shots up in surprise as he looks down at you, your hand rapidly sliding up and down his huge cock.
<<say $marcus>>"O-oh fuck, $pc.nameF that feels good."<</say>>
<<videoM "img/miscDay/Marcus_HJ1.mp4">><</videoM>>
You feel your face flush as he speaks but continue on, dragging your soft hands across his cock.
It doesn't take long before you feel him tense up again. This time ready you aim it at your chest. You feel the hot spray splash against you and wait at jet after jet coat your throat and chest. As the stream subsides you sit back, tired from your work.
<<videoM "img/miscDay/MarcusCumOnTits.mp4">><</videoM>>
Your chest is coated with cum, as is your hair and face from the first orgasm. You sit for a moment panting, hoping the spell will end.<</if>>
Sure enough you see Marcus' cock begin to soften. With a sigh of relief, you reach into your bag and grab your reservoir. You careful begin to absorb all the cum from your body, clothes, and carpet. The amount boggles your mind. Marcus lays back on the couch, cock still exposed panting heavily. You see his lips moving.
You move closer to listen.
<<say $marcus>>"W-water…"<</say>>
You rush to the kitchen to fetch him a glass…
It takes three glasses of water before Marcus recovers enough to pull his clothes back on. He sits down on the couch and lets out a heavy breath.
<<say $marcus>>"Well, that was something. Did, uh, did you get enough?"<</say>>
<<say $pc>>"This will definitely help. Listen about what I did…"<</say>>
<<say $marcus>>"Hey, I'm not complaining. Whatever you need to get things done. I'm willing to help. Especially if you're gonna do things like that."<</say>>
You blush. You have to admit that you did like it, but as much as you liked pleasing him you can't help but feel unsatisfied. You look back to Marcus doing your best to ignore your blushing face.
<<say $pc>>"Right, well I should get going. Thanks Marcus. I'll see you tomorrow."<</say>>
You get to your feet as Marcus escorts you to the door. You notice his eyes glued to your ass as you make your way towards the car. For some reason the feeling fills your stomach with butterflies.
<span id="remove">
<<link "Collect Cum!">><</link>>
<<replace '#tooltip'>><<notify>> You've gained 218ml of cum!
<meter class="cumTrack" @value="$cum" min="0" max="1000"></meter><</notify>><</replace>>
<<replace '#tooltip'>><<replace'#remove'>><</replace>><</replace>>
<</nobr>></span><<set $cum += 218>>
Marcus's Affection has increased by <span class="aff"> +10 </span> and Love has increased by <span class="love">+10</span>.<<set $marcus.aff +=10>><<set $ +=10>>You hear male voice and heavy footfall as a group of boys enters the room. You start in surprise and try to cover yourself up, but Lana grabs you are and off balance as you are you sink down beside her. You see the entirety of the football team enter the change room hooting and hollering at the display of naked woman before them. You feel their eyes pass over you. The only cheerleader not kneeling is Jessica who stands proudly (also nude) at the end of the line.
<<say $jess>>"Alright boys, you know the rules. Doug gets first pick and then its down the line. So, Doug get your ass up here."<</say>>
Doug parts the rest of the team and wraps his arms around Jessica. He gives her a big sloppy kiss and then turns to survey the women kneeling before him. You consider fleeing but doubt you could get past the wall of men by the door.
<<say $doug>>"Thanks babe. Lets see what we've got…"<</say>>
He begins to walk down the line, looking over all the different cheerleaders on their knees in front of him. You feel degraded being looked up and down like meat but also feel a heat growing in your stomach again. Doug reaches the end of the line where you kneel and gives you a look over.
<<if $ >= 15>>
<<say $doug>>"I'll take $pc.nameF."<</say>>
Once your name is called the rest of the football team push into the locker room and begin calling out names one by one. You look over at the chaos for a moment before glancing back a Doug. When you look back you are met face to face with his large flaccid dick, hanging in front of you. You hear Jessica's voice call out before you can react.
<<say $jess>>"Alright girls. Let's show these boys a taste of what's in store for them if they win that game tomorrow."<</say>>
You see out of the corner of your eye your fellow cheerleaders' lean forwards and begin to lick and suck the dicks of the football team. You look back towards Doug's huge hanging dick before you and then look up at him.
<<videoM "img/miscDay/Doug_Dickout.mp4">><</videoM>>
<<say $doug>>"Take your time. <<if $dougBJ>>Remember it's not anything you haven't done before, babe. <</if>>"<</say>>
You look back down at his dick and reach forward.
<<videoM "img/miscDay/Cheer_Handjob.mp4">><</videoM>>
His dick twitches and hardens under your touch and you begin to move with more vigor.
<<videoM "img/miscDay/Cheer_DougBJ.mp4">><</videoM>>
You lean forward and open your mouth accepting the still hardening cock into your mouth. Doug lets out a moan of pleasure. You suckle on his tip, barely able to wrap your mouth around it. Gradually you work his cock deeper and deeper into your mouth.
As you continue to suck you see movement out of the corner of your eye.
<<say $jess>>"Is she too slow for you, honey?"<</say>>
You hear Jessica's voice from above you and a moment later you feel hands on the back of your head. You attempt to protest but the words are muffled by the hard cock in your mouth.
<<videoM "img/miscDay/Cheer_DougJessBJ.mp4">><</videoM>>
Your head is thrust forward. You gag as Doug's massive cock is thrust into your throat. Just as quickly your head is pulled back. You quickly draw in breath before Jessica pushes your head down again. You do your best to endure as Jessica face fucks you with Doug's cock.
Despite the trauma your mouth is taking you feel a twinge of pleasure every time Doug moans. With the rate he is throat fucking you, you doubt he will last long. Jessica seems to sense this and pulls you almost off his cock, leaving just his tip past your lips. She grabs hold of his shaft, wet with your spit, and begins to pump.
<<say $jess>>"Cum for me baby. Fill this slut's mouth with your hot cum."<</say>>
<<videoM "img/miscDay/Cheer_JessMilk.mp4">><</videoM>>
Doug moans, and you encourage him by swirling your tongue around his tip. As Jessics'a pumping reaches its peak you feel the first splash of cum on your tongue. You attempt to do your best at not gagging and hold his dick in your mouth as Jessica milks him dry into you. Finally, she pulls back and with a pop his dick springs free.
You sit with his cum in your mouth as Jessica moves up and begins making out with Doug. Left out and mouth full of cum you slink away towards your locker, avoiding the other pairs of cheerleads and jocks still engaged in fellatio. You spit the cum into the Reservoir and look back over the room.
Some pairs are still engaged but many have finished, and you see cheerleaders getting dressed. Horny and jaw sore you pull on your own clothes. Doug and Jessica have moved on from making out and are instead fucking in full view of everyone. You watch, envious. Not of Doug, but of Jessica. Her moans fill your ears, and you find yourself wishing that could be you, getting fucked by Doug's big hard…
You shake your head and rush out of the locker room. You quickly wash out your mouth and head for your car, slick between your legs from arousal.
<span id="remove">
<<link "Collect Cum!">><</link>>
<<replace '#tooltip'>><<notify>> You've gained 16ml of cum!
<meter class="cumTrack" @value="$cum" min="0" max="1000"></meter><</notify>><</replace>>
<<replace '#tooltip'>><<replace'#remove'>><</replace>><</replace>>
<</nobr>></span><<set $cum += 16>>
Pleasing Doug has increased your affection with him by <span class="aff"> +10 </span>.<<set $doug.aff += 10>>
Doug turns back to Jessica.
<<say $doug>>"Get over here Jessica."<</say>>
Jessica smiles and struts over to him as the rest of the team push into the room. You see them grabbing and pairing up with cheer leaders down the line. You wait anxiously, thinking about slipping away before one of the jocks stands in front of you.
<<say $npcm>>"You're mine new girl."<</say>>
He smiles down at you and begins to undo his pants. Before he can another jock comes over.
<<say $npcm2>>"Dude there isn't enough cheerleaders we go to share."<</say>>
Your eyes widen as he also begins to take off his pants.
<<say $npcm>>"What the fuck, dude! That’s totally gay!"<</say>>
<<say $npcm2>>"C'mon man, you can't blue ball me like this. Its not gay if we don't touch."<</say>>
<<say $npcm>>"Okay, fine, whatever. Just keep your dick away from me."<</say>>
As he says that they both pull down their pants and their dicks spring out, already hard. You sit frozen before one of them advances and presses his dick against your lips. Without many other options you open your mouth.
<<videoM "img/miscDay/Cheer_TwoBJ.mp4">><</videoM>>
His dick thrusts into your mouth as you bob forwards. You begin to run your tongue along it as best you can as he thrusts in and out of your mouth.
<<say $npcm2>>"Hey, don't forget about me."<</say>>
<<videoM "img/miscDay/Cheer_TwoHJ.mp4">><</videoM>>
Reminded, you reach out and grab the other guy's dick. Sucking one and pumping the other you continue for a moment before you pull off the first and being sucking the other. Its only fair. As you suck the locker room fills with the sounds of your fellow cheerleaders sucking around you and from the edge of your vision you spot similar situations all around the locker room. Looks like you are the only one with two though.
You switch again and feel the jocks dick begin to twitch in your mouth. Pulling back, you quickly begin to jerk them both. The sudden increase in stroking causes them both to explode, coating your in hot ropes of cum.
<<videoM "img/miscDay/Cheer_TwoFacial.mp4">><</videoM>>
You hear a clap from above and crack open one eye to see the two jocks highfive. You groan and turn, your job done. You stumble your way half blind to your locker and careful clear your face with a towel, transferring the cum into your Reservoir.
When you look back you can see most of the pairs are finishing up and some of the cheerleaders are already dressed and gone. You shake your head and rush out of the locker room. You quickly wash out your mouth and head for your car, slick between your legs from arousal.
<span id="remove">
<<link "Collect Cum!">><</link>>
<<replace '#tooltip'>><<notify>> You've gained 23ml of cum!
<meter class="cumTrack" @value="$cum" min="0" max="1000"></meter><</notify>><</replace>>
<<replace '#tooltip'>><<replace'#remove'>><</replace>><</replace>>
<</nobr>></span><<set $cum += 23>><</if>>
Reluctantly you make your way to your remedial sessions with Mr. Smith. As you enter the room you see Mr. Smith sitting on the edge of the desk. He smiles at you as you make your way over to your desk.
<<say $smit>>"Hello again, Ms. $pc.nameL. We have lots to go over today if you wish. Or we could speed things along.<</say>>
He spreads his legs slightly to emphasize his crotch. You consider your options…
<span id="choice"><<link"Pleasure him">>
You sigh and reluctantly make your way over to him. As you approach, he shifts on the edge of the desk to allow easier access to his crotch. You don't have time to hang around studying and after all what is one more dick.
<<say $smit>>"I'm glad to see you so cooperative. Now on your knees."<</say>>
<<videoM "img/miscDay/Smith_Kneel.mp4">><</videoM>>
He places a hand on your shoulder and roughly forces you down on your knees. You struggle to not topple over and end up gripping his legs for support landing right in front of his crotch. Mr. Smith lets go of you and grabs his fly.
<<say $smit>>"God I love this. School girls looks best on their knees that for sure. Now I'm sure you know what comes next."<</say>>
Smith slides out of his pants, his rapidly hardening cock springing free. It nearly hits you in the face it does so. You reach out for it but Mr. Smith slaps your hand way.
<<say $smit>>"Ah, ah. Mouth only."<</say>>
You look up at him and back to his dick. What an asshole.
<<say $pc>>"Fine."<</say>>
<<videoM "img/miscDay/Smith_StartSucking.mp4">><</videoM>>
You lean forward and attempt to maneuver hit half-hard dick into your mouth. With some difficultly you manage to get his head past your lips. You use your tongue to guide it deeper into your mouth as it hardens. Mr. Smith moans appreciatively from above you as he full hardens in your mouth.
You pull your mouth off his dick with a pop, catching your breath. Now that he is fully hard it’s a lot easier to get it back in.
<<videoM "img/miscDay/Smith_Sucking.mp4">><</videoM>>
You begin to suck him off with more gusto. Pushing his dick deep into your mouth and the opening of your throat.
<<say $smit>>"Not bad. If we had another hour, I'm sure you could get the hang of it. However…"<</say>>
<<videoM "img/miscDay/Smith_Facefuck.mp4">><</videoM>>
Mr. Smith shifts, forcing his dick deeper than expected. You gag and attempt to pull off his dick, but he grabs your hair. He forces you head further onto his dick. You feel the head push against the back of your throat. You gag again and feel your stomach beginning to turn before he pulls back. You desperately breath before his dick plunges back into your throat. You do you best to keep up with the assault on your throat.
Suddenly he seizes up. Pulling his dick back it pops free. He grasps it and strokes as warm string of cum spray across your face. Your open panting mouth it hit as well filling your mouth with the salty taste.
<<videoM "img/day5/Arcade/Arcade_HandjobCum.mp4">><</videoM>>
<<say $smit>>"That will have to do. Clean yourself up and you can go."<</say>>
Used and with a sore throat you stumble to the paper towels and wipe off the cum. You make sure your face is clean and then quickly transfer the cum into the Reservoir. You glance over at Mr. Smith, sitting content at his desk mark and then head out. You need some water for your sore throat but at least you will have more time.
You hop in your car and decide where to head [[next.|DayReturner]]
<span id="remove">
<<link "Collect Cum!">><</link>>
<<replace '#tooltip'>><<notify>> You've gained 8ml of cum!
<meter class="cumTrack" @value="$cum" min="0" max="1000"></meter><</notify>><</replace>>
<<replace '#tooltip'>><<replace'#remove'>><</replace>><</replace>>
<</nobr>></span><<set $cum += 8>>
Jerking off Mr. Smith has earned you <span class ="aff">+10 Affection</span> and <span class ="love">+10 Love.</span><<set $smit.aff += 10>><<set $ += 10>>
Serving Mr. Smith took no time at all leaving you with more time for other activities! <<set $energy +=1>>
You look back down at your books. Mr. Smith scofts and allows you to work, occasionally giving you new problems when you run out of what you have. By the end of the hour, you feel like you've learned something new and pack up your things. Mr. Smith, eyes glued on your ass, calls after you.
<<say $smit>>"See you tomorrow, Ms. $pc.nameL."<</say>>
You head out to your car and decide where to head [[next.|DayReturner]]<</replace>><</link>></span>
<<set $smithSex += 1>>You pause outside of the Math room. For a moment you consider what it might be like to just let Smith release what he has and live with it. It would only be for a few more days. But what if Cassandra refuses to help you after she sees, what will people think. You shake away the thoughts. You just have to endure for a few more days and you'll be free. You push into the room.
As you enter you are surprised to see not just Mr. Smith inside but Mr. Swinebek as well. They both smile as you enter.
<<say $smit>>"Glad you could make it Ms. $pc.nameL. We've been waiting."<</say>>
You hear the door close behind you, sealing your fate.
<<say $smit>>"Today you are going to be taking care of both of us. I'm sure you have plenty of experience so don't worry too much. Now come closer so we can get you out of those clothes."<</say>>
Reluctantly you approach. Once you are close enough Mr. Smith reaches out and grabs you by the waist pulling you in. Mr. Swinebek grabs your shirt and yanks it yup. The cold air of the classroom hits your chest, you're kept decent by just your bra. That doesn't last long as Mr. Swinebek deftly undoes your bra, letting your breasts hang free.
<<videoM "img/miscDay/Smith_Stripped.mp4">><</videoM>>
<<say $swin>>"They look even better in person."<</say>>
Reaching out he gropes your chest as Mr. Smith continues undressing you, pulling down your pants and panties in one yank. You shiver as air-conditioned air hits your bare skin. Before you have time to react you are lifted from the ground. Unlike Mr. Smith, Swinebek is in good condition and easily lifts you and lays you on your back across the desk. A cup of pens scatters across the floor as you try and catch yourself.
The two men admire your body as you lay naked on the desk. You keep your legs together and do what you can to cover your chest. The two men laugh and look to each other.
<<say $smit>>"Heads."<</say>>
Swinebek nods, ignore you for the time. You burn with the degradation if it. They aren't even treating you as a person anymore. Swinebek pulls out a coin and flips it. It takes you a moment to comprehend what is happening before Mr. Smith scoffs and steps aside to allow Swinebek access to you. You feel Swinebeks warm hands on your thighs as he begins to pull them open. You resist for a moment but know that its useless as he spreads your legs.
His pants drop as his already erect cock is revealed. It stands erect, its tip glistening from the small dollop of precum that has already spurted from it. He moves up between your spread legs and presses against your pubis.
<<say $swin>>"I think you'll enjoy this."<</say>>
<<videoM "img/miscDay/Smith_Insert.mp4">><</videoM>>
He smiles down at you before pulling back and thrusting into you. You do your best to keep quiet as his dick splits you open but you can't help but let a moan escape your lips. Swinebek seems to take that as encouragement and continues his thrusts while reaching up and grabbing your tits.
<<videoM "img/miscDay/Smith_Fucking.mp4">><</videoM>>
You moan from the sudden stimulation and you head flips back over the edge of the desk. Mr. Smith comes into your vision, cock also out.
<<say $smit>>"You seem to be enjoying yourself but don't forget about me."<</say>>
<<videoM "img/miscDay/Smith_Spitroast.mp4">><</videoM>>
He grabs the sides of your head and forces his dick into your mouth. You attempt to protest but he simply forces his dick deeper filling your throat with his meaty pole. Every thrust from Mr. Swinebek forces his dick deeper has you are violated from both ends.
You feel warmth being to radiate throughout your body. Through the slapping and fucking you try and focus but the pleasure is just too much. You aren't enjoying this are you? It feels good but its so wrong. You were a man not too long ago. On the otherhand if this is what sex can be like for a woman…
Your thoughts are disrupted by your body suddenly seizing up as the pleasure takes over. You squirm and moan around both of their cocks. The men take notice of your reaction and comment.
<<say $smit>>"Damn, this bitch is cumming from getting spitroasted, she really is a slut."<</say>>
<<say $swin>>"You know how to pick up. Let's give this slut her reward."<</say>>
Still lost in the after glow of your own orgasm the thrusts into your pussy speed up. Your sensitive post orgasm body struggles to contain the overwhelming pleasure. Luckily (or unluckily) you don't have to experience it for long as Swinebek's cock plops free of your pussy and begins to spray hot cum across your stomach and chest.
<<videoM "img/miscDay/Smith_CumOnStomach.mp4">><</videoM>>
At the same time Mr. Smith pulls back, covering your face and chest in more cum.
<<videoM "img/miscDay/Smith_CumonTits.mp4">><</videoM>>
You lay there in your orgasmic haze, covered in cum. You hear a click and see a flash of light. Looking up you see Mr. Smith with his phone out, snapping picture. Your adrenaline spikes and you roll off the desk to cover yourself up.
<<say $smit>>"You look good after a good fucking Ms. $pc.nameL. You should get more used to it. However, we are out of time for today. Feel free to clean yourself up. We will see you tomorrow. Or else."<</say>>
The two of them head for the door, the pull it open and look both ways before leaving. You're left cold, tired, and cum soaked. You quickly grab the paper towels and Resivor and clean yourself up. As you collect the cum you consider why you're even doing this. Is this degradation worth turning back, or do you even want to turn back? You think back to their dicks inside you, the pleasure…
<span id="remove">
<<link "Collect Cum!">><</link>>
<<replace '#tooltip'>><<notify>> You've gained 15ml of cum!
<meter class="cumTrack" @value="$cum" min="0" max="1000"></meter><</notify>><</replace>>
<<replace '#tooltip'>><<replace'#remove'>><</replace>><</replace>>
<</nobr>></span><<set $cum += 15>>
Serving Mr. Smith and Mr. Swinebek has earned you <span class ="aff">+10 Affection</span> and <span class ="love">+10 Love</span> with both.<<set $smit.aff += 10>><<set $ += 10>><<set $swin.aff += 10>><<set $ += 10>>
You snap out of it and get dressed before stumbling your way to your car. You consider what to do next and hope it isn't [[anything remotely like that…|DayReturner]]
When you enter the room, you see Mr. Smith and Mr. Swinebak still nervously at the desk. You close the door behind you. You face the two men and smile.
<<say $pc>>"Hello boys. How are you two doing today?"<</say>>
<<say $smit>>"Listen here. We aren't going to put up with your sh-"<</say>>
<<say $pc>>"Quiet! You two have been doing some disgusting shit and if you don't do everything I say you're both going to find yourselves in prison. And I'll make sure everyone knows why you ended up there."<</say>>
Mr. Smith goes quiet. You consider what the best way to use there two will be. You don't think you can push them too far, but you could probably get their help with manipulating things here at school. For now, you'll start with something simple.
<<say $pc>>"Now let's start with something easy. You're going to give me good marks in both your classes, in fact you're going to do it for my friend $pc.maleNameF as well. Not 100s but high 90s will do just fine."<</say>>
The two men look at each other relieved. You continue.
<<say $pc>>"Also, you're going to tell me how many other women you've done this to. Those still at the school."<</say>>
The two share another glance. Mr. Smith looks down.
<<say $smit>>"There are two other girls."<</say>>
You aren't surprised to hear that you aren’t the first. They were to set up for that. Now you consider what to do with that information…
<span id="choice"><<link"Help the girls">>
Thinking back to what they put you through you decide to put an end to this.
<<say $pc>>"As far as you're considered those girls are under my protection. If I hear or see even the tiny bit of evidence that you've done anything to them or any new girls, its game over. Am I understood?"<</say>>
<<say $smit>>"Yes."<</say>>
<<say $swin>>"Yes."<</say>>
<<say $pc>>"Good. That will be all for now. You may go but remember that I expect to see you tomorrow."<</say>>
They both nod and retreat out of the room. You take a moment to bask in your power and the good you are doing. Despite how fucked up your life is you feel a little bit more in control. You leave the math room and head for your car, deciding what to do [[next.|DayReturner]]
<<link"Use this to your advantage">>
This could be useful. Girls doing sexual things means cum, cum you can collect for your ritual.
<<say $pc>>"Alright, you are going to instruct those two girls to collect any cum they may come across and bring it to you. I'll collect it from you. Otherwise, you can continue doing whatever you want."<</say>>
A look of surprise flashes across both of their faces.
<<say $swin>>"Y-you don't care?"<</say>>
<<say $pc>>"This is me looking out for myself. I don't care about some whores as long as they can be useful to me. But you two better watch yourselves. If I hear you are being too hard on them this deal will come to a close. Am I understood?"<</say>>
They both nod, seemingly more okay with the situation now.
<<say $pc>>"Alright, you may go. I expect to see the both of you tomorrow."<</say>>
They both nod and retreat out of the room. You take a moment to bask in your power and the good you are doing. Despite how fucked up your life is you feel a little bit more in control. You leave the math room and head for your car, deciding what to do [[next.|DayReturner]]<</replace>><</link>></span>
He approaches you and gives you a quick look up and down. He nods appreciatively.
<<say $arth>>"You are progressing well. You've come into your own magic. This is good."<</say>>
He paces around you giving you a closer inspection. You squirm under his gaze.
<<say $arth>>"I believe that we are ready to take things to the next step. Its time to make our first move against the C.O.C."<</say>>
You perk up curious about exactly what that might mean.
<<say $arth>>"As you might have already learned from your interactions with Circe, she has a pretty tight grip on the witches under her. Many are secretive or are not openly practicing. If we want to strike against the C.O.C. we will need to find Circe. She is so protected that nobody knows where she lives, where she'll be, even if her real name is Circe. Unlikely that it is."<</say>>
<<say $pc>>"How are we going to find her then?"<</say>>
<<say $arth>>"I have been fortunate enough capture one of the witches."<</say>>
You raise an eyebrow in his direction. He captured another witch? From what you've seen that is probably a difficult task. How powerful is this guy. He seems to watch your response and smiles.
<<say $arth>>"She is being held in the next room over. I will need your help though. She isn't going to be talkative on her own. She will need some help loosening her lips."<</say>>
<<say $pc>>"How are we going to do that? We won't torture her, will we?"<</say>>
Arthur scoffs. He heads over to one of the cabinets and opens the glass doors.
<<say $arth>>"That is 15th century thinking. Didn't work then it won't work now. No, we will be taking a more subtle approach. We will cast a charm on her to get her to speak. However, my magic won't work on her. Every witch is smart enough to have wards against warlock magic. I'm essentially powerless against them. You however…"<</say>>
He turns back towards you with a bottle in hand. The pinkish liquid inside shifts and dances, bubbles brewing to the surface before popping.
<<if $charm>>
<<say $pc>>"So you want me to charm her? I can do that.<</say>>
Arthur raises an eyebrow at you.
<<say $arth>>"Someone has been teaching you. Good, makes my job easier."<</say>><<else>>
<<say $pc>>"So you want me to charm her? I don't know how to do that."<</say>>
Arthur approaches you and holds up a hand towards your head.
<<say $arth>>"Here. <span class="castSpell">ꓕɑĸԍ ʍμɑϝ I ĸuoʍ ɑƨ λonʁ oʍu ɑuq ϝμʁᴉʌԍ·</span><</say>>
You feel a flash in your mind and suddenly you know how to cast a new spell. Somehow all the knowledge is just there in your mind like you've always known it.
<<say $pc>>"Whoa, that is convenient. Why don't you just give me all the spells I'll need?"<</say>>
<<say $arth>>"Small transfers of knowledge of easy. If I imparted too much too fast your brain would turn to mush."<</say>><</if>>
<<say $arth>>"Now, lets move on to our goal. She is being held in there."<</say>>
He points to a sturdy iron banded door on the far side of the room.
<img src = "img/miscDay/Shop_Door.jpg">
<<say $arth>>"She still has wards that will prevent even your magic from working on her so we will have to lower her resistance first. We don't need to worry about her magic, she has been restrained with an Athame."<</say>>
<<say $pc>>"Right, whatever that means. How are we going to get past her resistance?"<</say>>
<<say $arth>>"When she orgasms, we will have a brief moment where he wards drop as he mind is weakened. That is when you must strike."<</say>>
Of courses its something like that. You eye the door again. <span class="sir">Master</span> raises an eye brow at you.
<<say $arth>>"Would you like me to come in and help you?"<</say>>
You consider his offer…
[[Accept his help|Shop3_Help]]
[[Decline his help|Shop3_NoHelp]]
He approaches and gives you a quick look up and down. His brow furrows as he inspects you. You squirm under his gaze. He frowns.
<<say $arth>>"Your magic is gone."<</say>>
<<say $pc>>"Y-yes, Circe did a ritual last night and I had the chance to rid of it, so I took it."<</say>>
<<say $arth>>"You did what!"<</say>>
You cringe at the sudden anger in his voice. You flinch back from him.
<<say $arth>>"You stupid whore. You've ruined everything. We needed your magic if we were going to have any chance of combat C.O.C. You…you've ruined it."<</say>>
<<say $pc>>"I'm sorry, I didn't know that it would matter that much…"<</say>>
<<say $arth>>"Of course it matters. Idiot children. Fine. Without your magic you're useless to me anyways. Get out. I can't help you anymore."<</say>>
You take a step back towards the doors. You are strangely hurt by his rejection.
<<say $pc>>"But <span class="sir">Master</span> I thought you were going to teach me?"<</say>>
<<say $arth>>"I have nothing more I can teach you if you are without your magic."<</say>>
Dejected you step back. You walk back to the railing up and pause to look at <span class="sir">Master</span> sitting by his desk. Disappointed that you let him down you make your way back up the steps and [[head out.|DayReturner]]
<<say $pc>>"I think I might need the help."<</say>>
He nods and begins towards the door. He swings it open and proceeds inside, you follow behind.
As you step inside you see what could only be described as a sex dungeon. Restrains, sex toys, clothing, and fetish items are strewn across the wall. Tied down in the center of the room is a fully nude woman, strapped to the table and gagged.
<<videoM "img/miscDay/Shop_Bound.mp4">><</videoM>>
On her chest you see the glowing purple crest in the shape of a dagger than pulses in an out of your vision.
<<say $arth>>"Alright, lets get to work."<</say>>
<<videoM "img/miscDay/Shop_Dickout.mp4">><</videoM>>
With one fluid motion Arthur disrobes his over coat and under shirt. You are taken back by how muscular he is. Despite his age his body looks to be in its prime. You look away and examine the sex toys covering the walls, out of the corner of your eye you see him remove the rest of his clothing.
<<say $arth>>"Come now, $pc.nameF. Disrobe as well and we can get started."<</say>>
You begin to disrobe immediately, pulling off your shirt and pants, leaving you in just your underwear. You approach the restrained woman. Arthur steps up to her, his dick hardening in preparation.
<<say $arth>>"Remember our goal and don't get distracted. When she is close maintain eye contact. I'll undo the bonds now."<</say>>
With a wave of his hand the bands snake off the woman and drop limp. The woman attempts to roll to one side, but you lunge forward and grab her shoulders. Arthur grabs her legs. You feel a wave of guilt wash over you about whats about to happen. This woman hasn't done anything to you, not personality at least. But, at the same time, <span class="sir">master</span> wants you to do this. You hold her shoulders down as he thrust forward.
<<videoM "img/miscDay/Shop_Penetrate.mp4">><</videoM>>
The witch squirms under your grasp but as <span class="sir">master</span> continues to thrust in and out of her you feel her squirming weaken. Her moans begin to fill the room and you feel a strange feeling. Jealousy?
<<say $arth>>"Do not get distracted. You can help as well."<</say>>
Drawn back to the present you reach down between her legs and begins to play with her clit as <span class="sir">master</span> thrusts his cock in and out of her pussy. You feel her beginning to shudder under you.
<<videoM "img/miscDay/Shop_Stimulate.mp4">><</videoM>>
<<say $pc>>"<span class="sir">Master</span>, I think she is close!"<</say>>
With surprising strength Arthur flips her over onto her hands and knees. You back off and then take your position in front of her. He moans begin to reach an apex. Through her struggling breaths he attempts to speak.
<<say $npcf>>"Y-y-you'll n-never s-stop us, Furfur. <span class="castSpell">Γԍϝ wλ ʁnᴉu pԍ qouԍ· Bʁᴉuმ qԍɑ-</span>"<</say>>
<<videoM "img/miscDay/Shop_Grab.mp4">><</videoM>>
You lunge forward and grab her throat before she can finish. <span class="sir">Master</span> said she couldn't cast spells, but you don't want to take that risk. As you grab her throat you feel her body buckle. You lock eyes with her.
<<say $pc>>"<span class="castSpell">Couϝʁoɼ</span>."<</say>>
Her eyes meet your and for a moment you see resistance and then it crumbles in a wave of orgasm. You rush into her mind and seize control. At the same time, you seem to have your own mind crashed unto by a wave of pleasure. You stumble back.
The witch collapses onto the table, shaking still from her powerful orgasm. You glance up at <span class="sir">Master</span> as he pulls his cock from her.
<<videoM "img/miscDay/Shop_Creampie.mp4">><</videoM>>
He looks at you and smiles.
<<say $arth>>"Well done. You seem to have control of her now. Now tell her that she will answer and questions you ask her."<</say>>
You reach down and turn her face to meet yours.
<<say $pc>>"You will answer all of our questions and not think about escaping."<</say>>
She nods weakly.
<span class="sir">Master</span> nods and steps forward. He leans in to begin the [[interrogation.|Shop3_Interrogation]]<<set $arthCor += 1>>
<<say $pc>>"Thank you for the offer but I think I can handle this."<</say>>
<<say $arth>>"Very well, before you begin pour this over her. It should make things easier."<</say>>
He hands you the pink liquid and steps back. You head towards the door and push your way into the room.
As you step inside you see what could only be described as a sex dungeon. Restrains, sex toys, clothing, and fetish items are strewn across the wall. Tied down in the center of the room is a fully nude woman, strapped to the table and gagged.
<<videoM "img/miscDay/Shop_Bound.mp4">><</videoM>>
On her chest you see the glowing purple crest in the shape of a dagger than pulses in an out of your vision.
The woman reacts to your presence as you enter, beginning to squirm and look up at you. You look around the room at the various objects scatterd throughout the room. You see a strap-on hanging on the wall.
<span id="choice"><<link"Use the strap-on">>
You pull it down off the wall and quickly disrobe. You look back at the woman on the table as you strap the fake cock to yourself. You feel a wave of guilt about what you are about to do but, at the same time, <span class="sir">master</span> wants you to do this. You step forward, strangely comforted with the weight of the fake cock swinging at your hips. You pour the pink bottle over her stomach. Almost instantly it is absorbed into her skin. She begins to squirm, and you see her pussy moisten.
You position yourself over the restrained witch and thrust into her waiting pussy.
<<videoM "img/miscDay/Shop_StraponInsert.mp4">><</videoM>>
She squirms under you as you begin to hammer your fake dick into her. With your free hand you begin to rub her clit causing her movements to redouble. You can feel her shifting under you, writhing in the pleasure.
<<videoM "img/miscDay/Shop_StraponFuck.mp4">><</videoM>>
You pick up the pace of both your thrusts and you rubbing. Her moans begin to leak through the gag. You feel her reaching her peak. You lean forward and grab at her head locking eyes with her. Her eyes begin to roll back as her whole body begins to shake.
<<videoM "img/miscDay/Shop_StraponGrab.mp4">><</videoM>>
<<say $pc>>"<span class="castSpell">Couϝʁoɼ</span>."<</say>>
Her eyes snap back to stare into yours and you invade her mind. You feel for a moment your own thrusts, her pleasure, the mind-blowing sensation of being fucked with such rigor.
<<videoM "img/miscDay/Shop_WitchOrgasm.mp4">><</videoM>>
Your mind snaps back as she collapses back onto the table. You pull out of her panting.
<<say $pc>>"Y-you will answer all of our questions and not think about escaping."<</say>>
She nods weakly. You remove her gag.
<<if $arthRes >0>>You consider for a moment what you could learn from her. She probably knows a lot about Arthur, but he could walk in at any moment. Should you ask her?
<span id="choice2"><<link"Ask">>
<<say $pc>>"Tell me everything you know about Arthur."<</say>>
Her eyes snap open, and she looks over at you. In a monotone voice she begins.
<<say $npcf>>"Arthur is just a fake name he uses. His real name is Furfur, and he is no warlock. He is no man. That creature is a-"<</say>>
The door creaks open, quickly you stuff the gag back into the witch's mouth. Arthur walks into the room. He eyes you and the witch with scrutiny for a moment before his face softens.
<<say $arth>>"Well done, apprentice. Now we can begin the interrogation.<</say>>
[[Continue|Shop3_Interrogation]] <<set $arthRes += 1>>
<span class="sus">Arthur seems suspicious of your behavior. -1 Trust. </span><</replace>><</link>>
<<link"Don't Ask">>
You figure its not worth the risk. You turn and begin to head for the door before it opens and Arthur walks in. He looks over the witch and you and smiles.
<<say $arth>>"Well done, apprentice. Now we can begin the interrogation.<</say>>
The door creaks open and Arthur walks into the room. He looks over the witch and you and smiles.
<<say $arth>>"Well done, apprentice. Now we can begin the interrogation.<</say>>
<<link"Use Growth">>
You look back at the woman on the table. Focusing your mind, you begin the spell.
<<say $pc>><span class ="castSpell"> Exbɑuq qouმ</span>."<</say>>
A wave of pressure and pleasure rushes through you coming to a point at your crotch. Suddenly you feel your new cock spring forward. You look down and admire the new equipment. You approach the woman.
You feel a wave of guilt about what you are about to do but, at the same time, <span class="sir">master</span> wants you to do this. You step forward, comforted with the weight of the fresh cock swinging at your hips. You pour the pink bottle over her stomach. Almost instantly it is absorbed into her skin. She begins to squirm, and you see her pussy moisten.
You position yourself over the restrained witch and thrust into her waiting pussy.
<<videoM "img/miscDay/Shop_ShemaleInsert.mp4">><</videoM>>
She squirms under you as you begin to hammer your dick into her. Pleasure surges through your own body as the sensitive new cock pulsing inside her warm walls. Mustering all your focus you bring your free hand around and begin to rub her clit causing her movements to redouble. You can feel her shifting under you, writhing in the pleasure.
<<videoM "img/miscDay/Shop_ShemaleFuck.mp4">><</videoM>>
You pick up the pace of both your thrusts and you rubbing. Her moans begin to leak through the gag. You feel her reaching her peak and you feel you approaching your own. You lean forward and grab at her head locking eyes with her. Her eyes begin to roll back as her whole body begins to shake.
<<say $pc>>"<span class="castSpell">Couϝʁoɼ</span>."<</say>>
Her eyes snap back to stare into yours and you invade her mind. You feel for a moment your own thrusts, her pleasure, the mind-blowing sensation of being fucked with such rigor all layered atop your own sensations. Your mind grapples with the sensation of both fucking and being fucked for a moment and you explode inside her.
<<videoM "img/miscDay/Shop_WitchOrgasm.mp4">><</videoM>>
Your mind snaps back as she collapses back onto the table. You pull out of her panting. You feel your dick begin to shrivel away before vanishing fulling back into your clit. You take a moment to catch your breath.
<<say $pc>>"Y-you will answer all of our questions and not think about escaping."<</say>>
She nods weakly. You remove her gag.
<<if $arthRes >0>>You consider for a moment what you could learn from her. She probably knows a lot about Arthur, but he could walk in at any moment. Should you ask her?
<span id="choice2"><<link"Ask">>
<<say $pc>>"Tell me everything you know about Arthur."<</say>>
Her eyes snap open, and she looks over at you. In a monotone voice she begins.
<<say $npcf>>"Arthur is just a fake name he uses. His real name is Furfur, and he is no warlock. He is no man. That creature is a-"<</say>>
The door creaks open, quickly you stuff the gag back into the witch's mouth. Arthur walks into the room. He eyes you and the witch with scrutiny for a moment before his face softens.
<<say $arth>>"Well done, apprentice. Now we can begin the interrogation.<</say>>
[[Continue|Shop3_Interrogation]] <<set $arthRes += 1>>
<span class="sus">Arthur seems suspicious of your behavior. -1 Trust. </span><</replace>><</link>>
<<link"Don't Ask">>
You figure its not worth the risk. You turn and begin to head for the door before it opens and Arthur walks in. He looks over the witch and you and smiles.
<<say $arth>>"Well done, apprentice. Now we can begin the interrogation.<</say>>
The door creaks open and Arthur walks into the room. He looks over the witch and you and smiles.
<<say $arth>>"Well done, apprentice. Now we can begin the interrogation.<</say>>
<<say $arth>>"Alright. Tell me where we can find Circe."<</say>>
The witch looks over to Arthur and answers in a monotone voice.
<<say $npcf>>"I do not know. She moves around and no body knows where she lives."<</say>>
Arthur strokes his chin, considering her answer.
<<say $arth>>"Are you aware of anywhere she will be in the future? A meeting perhaps?"<</say>>
<<say $npcf>>"She will be attending a ritual for one of our young witches on Sunday. She wants to supervise."<</say>>
Arthur's eyes light up. He turns to you and smiles. You nod. It seems Circe will be present when Cassandra casts her spell on Sunday.
<<say $arth>>"Very good. What do you know of her defenses?"<</say>>
<<say $npcf>>"She has strong wards. A Carthian Reflection Matrix and Santa Moria's Cross Charm."<</say>>
Arthur curses. You don't know what that means but it can't be good. He looks over to you.
<<say $arth>>"Tell her to go to sleep. We'll deal with her later."<</say>>
You look over to the witch.
<<say $pc>>"Sleep."<</say>>
Immediately her eyes flutter closed. Arthur leads you out of the room.
<<say $arth>>"Circe has more defenses than I thought. I'll need time to figure out a solution. In the meantime, you should go home. We can't have Circe catching on to us working together. Until Sunday we prepare. Then, we strike."<</say>>
You nod, then you duck back into the room to get dressed before heading out. As you go to leave once again you feel your reflexes kick in.
<<say $pc>> "Thank you for teaching me, <span class="sir">Master</span>"<</say>>
You say with a bow before heading upstairs and making your way back to the car. As you approach you reflect back on what just happened. You basically turned that witch into your slave, and by extension Arthur's.
How does that make you feel?
<span id="choice"><<link"Good, its about time you got some power from magic.">>
Magic is helping you get control of your life back. As long as you stick with Arthur you will be unstoppable.<<set $arthCor += 1>>
You hop into your car and [[head out.|DayReturner]]<</replace>><</link>>
<<link"Arthur is dangerous and his influence is rubbing off one me">>
Something isn't right about Arthur and you need to be careful. If you get the chance you should all you can and then run.<<set $arthRes += 1>>
You hop into your car and [[head out.|DayReturner]]<</replace>><</link>></span>
You walk up to Cole's room and give it a knock. A moment later Cole opens the door.
<<say $cole>>"Hey, $pc.nameF. You here to hangout?"<</say>>
<<say $pc>>"Uh, yeah."<</say>>
<<say $cole>>"Perfect, c'mon in."<</say>>
You walk into the room to see Nathan sitting in one of the bean-bag chairs. You give him a little wave and he returns a nervous smile.
<<say $nath>>"Hey, $pc.nameF. You up for some more challenges today?"<</say>>
You nod. Hopefully they pick a game you are good at.
<<say $cole>>"Great. We're playing Queen of Fighters today. Same rules as last time. If we win, we get whatever we want?"<</say>>
You nod again. It seems they have some sort of plan. <<if $pc.tag.background == "Nerd">>You think you'll be able to beat them in Queen of Fighters but really it could go either way.<<else>>To make matters worse you've never even heard of Queen of Fighters.<</if>> You grab a controller and take a seat. You doubt in your ability to win this fairly, but they seem steeled today, you doubt you'd be able to distract them. You consider your options…
<span id="choice"><<link"Play Fair">>
You settle into one of the chairs and decide to give it your best. It doesn't take long before you are soundly beaten by both Nathan and Cole.
<<videoM "img/miscDay/Cole_FightingGame.mp4">><</videoM>>
The boys smile at each other and then get to their feet excitedly. You brace yourself for the incoming requests. You're pretty sure what they will ask.
<<say $cole>>"W-we want you to give us a blow job."<</say>>
Yup, you figured. The way things were going it was bound to come to this. You take a deep breath, the rules are rules and if you back out now you won't be able to get any kind of help from them.
<<say $cole>>"And we want you to wear these while you do it."<</say>>
Cole and Nathan step back to reveal two sets of customs. You see a skintight bodysuit and what looks to be some sort of dress. You look at the two of them quizzically.
<<say $pc>>"Where did you even get these? Why do you have them?"<</say>>
<<say $cole>>"Uh, well. We know a guy who has things like these."<</say>>
You nod and look back to the costumes.
<<say $pc>>"Alright, who wants what."<</say>>
<<say $cole>>"D'va!"<</say>>
<<say $nath>>"2-B!"<</say>>
<<if $pc.tag.background == "Nerd">>You sigh. You recognize the characters, hell you even thought they were hot as hell. You'd die to get a blowjob from a sexy chick dressed up as them. Not to give one though.<</if>> You reach down and pick up the two garments. The boys give you directions on how to put each on. You walk out of the room and change in the bathroom, first pulling on the skintight body suit and applying the face paint to your face.
<<videoM "img/miscDay/Cole_DvaShow.mp4">><</videoM>>
They are way to prepared for this. With your first costume on you return back to the [[bedroom.|Cole3_NotTold2]]<</replace>><</link>>
<<if $charm>><<link"Use a Charm">>
As you prepare for the first match you quickly mutter under your breath.
<<say $pc>>"<span class="castSpell">Wɑƨĸ ɑuq Coucԍɑɼ</span>."<</say>>
Focusing you manifest an identical version of the TV screen, just a few seconds behind. Doing your best to focus between the illusion and the screen the match begins. With the delay in the screen you are able to easily beat Nathan.
<<videoM "img/miscDay/Cole_FightingGame.mp4">><</videoM>>
<<say $nath>>"Oh c'mon, it was lagging!"<</say>>
Nathan looks at Cole to back him up, but he just scoffs.
<<say $cole>>"Its not even an online game. C'mon give the controller."<</say>>
You focus once again on the screen and the next match begins. Even with your second advantage you are barely able to beat Cole however you manage to come out on top. You pump your fist in victory. Cole looks down at his controller in confusion, checking the cables and buttons. You quickly drop the glamor.
<<say $pc>>"Well boys, looks like I win."<</say>>
The boys looks at each other a sigh.
<<say $pc>>"You know the drill. Cum in the jar and give it to me."<</say>>
They look at each other, resigned. Nathan speaks up.
<<say $nath>>"What…uh, what exactly do you do with it?"<</say>>
You pause for a moment to rack your brain for a good lie.
<<say $pc>>"I see it. Sperm bank will pay big bucks for that stuff."<</say>>
With that lie you leave the room, wait a few minutes before collecting the jar from Cole. You transfer it away into the Reservoir and then decide what to do next. <</replace>><</link>><<else>><span class="missingSpell">Use a charm</span><</if>></span>
You walk in with the skintight body suit on. The two boys look over excitedly. Cole sits down on the edge of the bed and excitedly removes his pants. His already hard dick stands at attention. You sink to your knees in the suit, the tight material pulling at your skin and giving a good look at all of your body.
You take a deep breath and face Cole's dick. Here you are. On your knees in front of your stepbrother, dressed up as some cosplay slut. Somehow you find the who situation arousing. You lean forward and give his dick a lick.
<<videoM "img/miscDay/Cole_DvaBJ.mp4">><</videoM>>
Cole moans and you push yourself forward taking his whole dick into your mouth. You reach up and being to jack him off as you suck on his tip.
It doesn't take long for him to begin to reach his peak. You feel him beginning to pulse and instinively pull back. As you pull free you hear him command.
<<say $cole>>"Open your mouth."<</say>>
<<videoM "img/miscDay/Cole_DvaCum.mp4">><</videoM>>
Surprised by his sudden assertion and still recovering from sucking your open your mouth. Almost immediate he begins to spray your face spattering cum across your cheeks and into your mouth. Instinctively you swallow coughing as the cum hits the back of your throat. You pull away as he finishes. You shoot him a dirty look and get to your feet. From the other side of the room, you see Nathan watching with anticipation.
You get to your feet and head into the bathroom. Quickly you wipe away the remaining cum and change. Its not long before you are back in the room and move to in front of Nathan.
<<say $nath>>"W-wait. One more thing."<</say>>
Nathan pulls out a black blindfold. You eye the thing with concern as Nathan hands it too you. Resigned you pull it around your eyes and are plunged into darkness.
You sit there in darkness, suddenly aware of your vulnerability. Soon enough you feel the tip of Nathan's cock press again your lips. You open them and invite his hard dick into your mouth. You begin to move you head up and down on his dick. Suddenly you feel his hand on the back of his hand.
<<videoM "img/miscDay/Cole_2BBJ.mp4">><</videoM>>
You attempt to protest with a full mouth and just get out a surprised moan before Nathan shoves your head down on his dick.
You fight against your gag reflex as Nathan face fucks your face.
Luckily he doesn't last long and soon enough he pulls you back off his dick and suddenly you feel warm liquid splashing against you face.
<<videoM "img/miscDay/Cole_CosplayCum2.mp4">><</videoM>>
Soon it stops and you cautiously reach up and lift the blindfold. Nathan lays back on the bed, lost in a haze of pleasure.
Surprised by his sudden assertiveness you stumble to your feet.
<<say $pc>>"W-we done here?"<</say>>
You ask still trying to catch your breath.
<<say $cole>>"Yeah. Thanks $pc.nameF. See you tomorrow."<</say>>
Cole seems strangely confident about the fact that you'll be back, and you shudder to think about what they have planned for you next. You head to the bathroom and store the cum in your Reservoir and change back. Soon enough you are on your way and wondering what to do [[next.|DayReturner]]
<span id="remove">
<<link "Collect Cum!">><</link>>
<<replace '#tooltip'>><<notify>> You've gained 16ml of cum!
<meter class="cumTrack" @value="$cum" min="0" max="1000"></meter><</notify>><</replace>>
<<replace '#tooltip'>><<replace'#remove'>><</replace>><</replace>>
<</nobr>></span><<set $cum += 16>>You walk into Cole's room to see the two boys gaming away. You knock gently on the door.
<<say $cole>>"Hey, $pc.nameF. You here to hangout?"<</say>>
<<say $pc>>"Uh, actually I was hoping you could help me with something."<</say>>
The boys share a look before nodding.
<<say $pc>>"I still need some ingredients. Quicksilver is one of the ones I'm having trouble finding.<<if $coleQuicksilver>> Nathan you mentioned something about it at lunch.<</if>>"<</say>>
<<say $nath>>"Right, I might know someone who can help us with that but…Well they are a bit of an asshole."<</say>>
<<say $pc>>"If they can get me some of it then I'm sure we can put up with them being a bit of an asshole. How much does he want for it?"<</say>>
<<say $nath>>"Uh, well. I sorta mentioned that a female friend of mine needed it and he… he doesn't want money he wants some, uh, pictures."<</say>>
<<say $pc>>"Alright so he wants some pictures of my tits?"<</say>>
<<say $nath>>"Not exactly. He runs a shop, an adult shop, and they have very particular sort of style. Uh, here"<</say>>
Nathan quickly looks something up on his phone and shows it to you. You see a bunch of girls in costumes, most in very adult looking positions.
<<say $pc>>"Oh."<</say>>
<<say $nath>>"Yeah, he wants you to come by the shop and take pictures, then he can hook you up with the mercury."<</say>>
<<say $pc>>"Who is this guy? He runs a porn store and sells heavy metals?"<</say>>
<<say $nath>>"He also runs a pawn shop, so I guess he gets it from that."<</say>>
You nod and glance down at the phone again. Are you really willing to let yourself be photographed like this? Then again how likely are you to find another place that has mercury just laying around…
<span id="choice"><<link"Say you'll do it">>
<<say $pc>>"Alright. I'll do it."<</say>>
The boys look at each other with a mix of concern and excitement. It crosses your mind that they will definitely see the results. Guess that’s something you'll need to deal with.
<<say $pc>>"You two are coming with me. C'mon, you'll do the directions."<</say>>
You lead the boys out of the room and down to your car and following their directions you make your way to this [[mercury dealers' shop.|Cole3_Truth2]]<</replace>><</link>>
<<link"Its not worth it">>
<<say $pc>>"Yeah, I think I'm going to have pass on that one."<</say>>
The boys share a look of slight disappointment.
<<say $cole>>"You still wanna play video games or something."<</say>>
You nod and spend the rest of the hour chilling with Nathan and Cole playing video games. As the hour comes to an end you take your leave and [[head out.|DayReturner]]<</replace>><</link>></span>
<img src = "img/miscDay/Cole_SexShop.jpg" height ="480px" width ="720px">
You pull up in front of Heart Throb, a sleazing looking porno shop located alone in a plaza at the edge of town. You get out of the card and make your way towards the front door. You turn your head towards Nathan.
<<say $pc>>"So how exactly do you know this guy?"<</say>>
<<say $nath>>"Uh,I bought,uh, a graphics card off him once."<</say>>
<<say $pc>>"What does that have to do with mercury or porn?"<</say>>
<<say $nath>>"The man has connection is what I'm saying."<</say>>
<img src = "img/miscDay/Cole_SexShopInt.jpg" height ="480px" width ="720px">
You stop in front of the door. The windows of the shop painted out. You take a deep breath and pull open the door. As you step inside you take in the wonder of the shop around you. Dildos, onaholes, sex dolls, swings, strapons, leather, and more are scattered around the room. An entire wall is taken up with shelves of adult videos with posters of the stars attached above them.
Sitting behind the counter you see a fat balding man flipping through a porno magazine, his eyes peer over the pages at the three of you as you enter.
<<say $nath>>"Hey Frank. This is the g-girl I mentioned."<</say>>
He places down the magazine and eyes you up. You can feel his gaze lingering on your chest for some time before he glances at your face.
<<say $frank>>"Yeah, she'll do. You still want that Mercury for her?"<</say>>
<<say $nath>>"Yup.<</say>>
You feel anger building as the two speak about you like you aren't there. Frank get to his feet and gestures over to you.
<<say $frank>>"Alright darling, lets get you in the back."<</say>>
You step forward and stare daggers at Frank.
<<say $pc>>"I'm not your darling."<</say>>
You snap at him as you walk past. Frank just chuckles and give a nod to the boys before closing the door behind him. You feel a sudden surge of fear at being alone with this man and looking around doesn't help. You can see scattered around are costume, extremely lewd in nature, as well as more lewd accessories, gags, harnesses, clamps…
<<say $frank>>"Alright, hun. Let's get you into costume and get started."<</say>>
You look back at Frank and wonder if there is anything you can do to make this easier.
<<if $charm>> [[Charm him to just give you the stuff|Cole3_TruthCharm]]<<else>><span class="missingSpell">Use a charm</span><</if>>
[[Get on with it|Cole3_TruthCosplay]]
<<say $pc>>"Alright what do you want me to do?"<</say>>
He inspects you for a moment, appraising your body. Getting to his feet he goes over to a clothing rack. He reaches in and pull out a sweater and skirt.
<<say $frank>>"I think I know just the thing for you. Grab that short wing over there and the glasses."<</say>>
He points out a wing and glasses that you pick up. He hands you over all the clothing and shows you to a small changing room in the backroom. You're surprised you don't have to change in front of him. You strip off your clothes and pull on the costume. As you complete the look you admire yourself in the mirror.
<<videoM "img/miscDay/CosplayDress1.mp4">><</videoM>>
You look just like Velma; you feel yourself getting a little turned on. She had always been a crush of yours, hot, nerdy, and busty. Now that describes you.
You step out of the changing room to find Frank setting up a camera and lights.
<<say $frank>>"Alright, doll. Take a seat and give me a few poses."<</say>>
You sit on the low chair in the lights and pose as best you can. You've never done anything like this before and find yourself relying on your own knowledge of porn to motivate your movements. You strike a few poses to emphasize your bust and butt and Frank gives you a few directions.
<<say $frank>>"Alright, now get those tits out."<</say>>
You freeze for a moment. You knew this was coming but now, under the lights and the lens you feel more apprehensive about being pictured nude. You slowly life your shirt and let your tits fall out.
<<videoM "img/miscDay/CosplayDress.mp4">><</videoM>>
<<say $frank>>"Now shake em. C'mon but some enthusiasm into it."<</say>>
Spurned on you shake your tits at the camera. Frank nods along and smiles his eyes fixed on your bouncing breasts. Feeling hot and flushed you hope this ends soon.
<<say $frank>>"Now, legs up, panties off. Let's see that pussy."<</say>>
<<videoM "img/miscDay/Cosplay3.mp4">><</videoM>>
Hesitently you lean back on the chair and pull off your panties. Frank smiles and leans into the camera. As you drop the panties to the floor you notice the distinct wetness to them. Frank also seems to notice.
<<say $frank>>"Seems like you're enjoying this. You know I think I have something that could help you relieve some of the tension."<</say>>
His face twists into a big smile and he raises his eyebrows. On one hand you do feel super horny now but also do you want to trust this guy?
<span id="choice"><<link"Trust him">>
<<say $pc>>"Fine. I'll take a look at what you've got."<</say>>
His smile grows wider, and he moves off to the side of the room. A moment later he reemerges with a wheeled cart. Your eyes widen as you see the sex machine that he wheels out in front of you.
<<say $pc>>"Is that a-"<</say>>
<<say $frank>>"Oh yeah. The Fuck-0H-matic 4000. This baby can pull 800RPM, has three attachable arms, built in wheels, and waterproof casing."<</say>>
Frank affectionally runs a hand across. He then reaches down to attach a large floppy dildo to one of the mechanical arms.
<<say $pc>>"I'm not so sure abou-"<</say>>
Frank flips a switch, and the machine revs up. The mechanical whir begins as the dildo begins to move back and forth in front of you. You stop talking as you watch the mechanical thrusting of the silicon dick. You can't help but feel the heat grow in your groin. Frank steps back behind the camera.
<<say $frank>>"Go ahead, whenever you are ready."<</say>>
Awkwardly you slide forward and try to line the thrusting dick up with you wet pussy. You feel a few jabs to your thighs and butt before suddenly you feel it thrust into you.
<<videoM "img/miscDay/CosplayMachine1.mp4">><</videoM>>
You let out a moan of surprise and the large dildo spreads you open. Then you are empty again. Before you have a chance to adjust it thrusts back in. You slide forward, keeping it in you. You lean back and let it fuck you, that’s when the dildo begins to vibrate.
You moan with pleasure as the dick continues to pound your pussy. From behind the camera Frank shifts. Before you have time to register what he is doing he flips a switch on the machine. The machine whirs up and redoubles it thrusting. You clench back in pleasure as the rapid thrusting pounds your pussy.
<<videoM "img/miscDay/CosplayDress2.mp4">><</videoM>>
You moan, yelp, and scream as the mechanical dick relentlessly pounds your hole. You feel your body orgasm again and again. At one point you consider asking Frank to turn it off, but the over whelming pleasure convinces you otherwise. You aren't even sure how long you are lost in the sea of pleasure before suddenly your pussy is left empty and the whirring stops.
Gorggily you look up to see Frank smiling from behind the camera. You immediately flush with shame at your soaked, fucked body on full display. You pull your sweater close to cover yourself.
<<say $frank>>"Damn auto shutoff. Apparently, people were passing out using it so they installed a safety after 15 minutes."<</say>>
15 minutes? It was only 15 minutes? You stumble to your feet.
<<say $frank>>"Get cleaned up. You more than earned that mercury. Oh, and you can take the dildo home if you want. Its on the house."<</say>>
Frank heads into the front room and you take some time to get cleaned up and change back. You unscrew the dildo from the machine. Shrugging you slip it into your bag, can hurt to have. You exit into the front to see a red-faced Nathan and Cole standing by the front counter. You realize that they probably heard everything and flush. You wonder what they thought you were doing back there…
<<say $frank>>"Here you are. Please, come by again if you want another shoot. Or if you want to try out any of the merchanides."<</say>>
He gives you a wink that makes your skin crawl as you snatch up the bag of mercury and walk out of the store. Nathan and Cole are silent as you head back to the car. The thought crosses your mind that they will probably see a video of what happened in that room. You just hope your back to normal before that happens.
You drive off back home to drop them off and then decide what to do [[next.|DayReturner]]<</replace>><</link>>
<<link"No thanks">>
<<say $pc>>"I'll pass, thanks."<</say>>
You quip sarcastically. You get to your feet and cover yourself.
<<say $frank>>"Alright, find. I'll go get your stuff ready. Get yourself cleaned up, make sure you leave the custome, those things aren't cheap."<</say>>
Frank heads into the front room. You pull of the wing and glasses and get dress in your own clothes. You enter the main room to see a surprised Cole and Nathan rush away from one of the sex dolls. You head over to the counter where Frank places a container on the counter.
<<say $frank>>"Here you are, one vial of mercury. And if you ever want any more time in the spotlight you know where I am.."<</say>>
He gives you a wink that makes your skin crawl as you snatch up the bag of mercury and walk out of the store. Nathan and Cole are silent as you head back to the car. The thought crosses your mind that they will probably see the pictures and videos of what happened in that room. You just hope your back to normal before that happens.
You drive off back home to drop them off and then decide what to do [[next.|DayReturner]]<</replace>><</link>></span>
<<set $pcCosplay to true>>
<<set $hasQuicksilver to true>>You turn towards him. You put on your best smile and push your breasts together to get his attention.
<<say $pc>>"Hey, Frank? What costume do you think I'd look best in? I think that… <span class="castSpell"> Couϝʁoɼ<span>."<</say>>
Franks eyes waver for a second and for a moment you fear it might now work but then his eyes glaze over. You sigh with relief.
<<say $pc>>"You're going to reconsider your offer and because you like me so much give me the mercury for free."<</say>>
<<say $frank>>"Right. I'm reconsidering my offer. You can have that stuff for free."<</say>>
You nod, satisfied. You glance around the sex covered room. <<if !$fetish>>You spot a few dildos scattered around. Those would work for the ritual. You pick one up and slip it into your bag.
<<say $pc>>"I'm also going to be taking this, for good behavior."<</say>>
Frank smiles and nods.<</if>>
<<say $pc>>"Everything we just discussed you are happy with and glad I stopped by. Now. <span class="castSpell"> Ɐʍɑĸԍ</span>."</say>>
Franks head snaps back up. He looks at you with a lecherous smile.
<<say $frank>>"I'm glad you stopped by. Lets go back out front and we can grab that mercury for you."<</say>>
He opens the door for you. As you walk through you feel his hand grab at your ass as you pass. You recoil at the touch but if that is the worse treatment your getting, you're happy.
You enter the main room to see a surprised Cole and Nathan rush away from one of the sex dolls. You head over to the counter where Frank places a container on the counter.
<<say $frank>>"Here you are, one vial of mercury. Please, come back any time."<</say>>
He seems unable to take his eyes off of you. You smile and put the vial in your bag. You head out of the shop with a confused Cole and Nathan trailing behind you.
<<say $cole>>"W-what did you do?"<</say>>
<<say $pc>>"I convinced him that he shouldn’t be exploiting woman in need and he agreed to give it to me for free."<</say>>
You walk off to the car and get inside, watching the boys share a confused look. Once they get in your swing by home to drop them off before deciding where to head [[next.|DayReturner]]
<<set $hasQuicksilver to true>>
You drive up to Rebecca's house and head up to the front door to knock. Before you can knock the door opens to reveal Rebecca standing there. She gives you a warm smile.
<<say $becc>>"Hey, $pc.nameF."<</say>>
<<say $pc>>"Hey, Becca. I didn't keep you waiting, did I?"<</say>>
<<say $becc>>"N-no not at all. Why don't you come in."<</say>>
You head inside and follow Rebecca up to her room. The two of you head inside and she sits on the bed, you sit on her chair. She looks at you then glances down before glancing up at you again.
<<say $becc>>"So, uh, this is kinda awkward."<</say>>
<<say $pc>>"Sorry, I know you are probably processing a lot. I mean, I think I'm still in shock or something."<</say>>
<<say $becc>>"Yeah, magic and you and Cass being a witch. It's all just… Well, I feel like someone with a camera is gonna jump out and say it's all a prank."<</say>>
You chuckle at that. If only it was that simple. You catch her eyeing you again.
<<say $pc>>"Becca, when you were talking before, about the boy you like. Was that me?"<</say>>
She blushes and looks down for a moment.
<<say $becc>>"I didn't know at the time it was you. Y'know. It was…I just. This is a mess now isn't it."<</say>>
She puts her head into her hands. You shift over onto the bed and wrap an arm around her.
<<say $pc>>"Listen, I know a lot is going on, but I think…"<</say>>
<span id="choice"><<link"I like you too...">>
<<say $pc>>"…that I like you too."<</say>>
Rebecca blushes and looks down at her fidgeting hands. You feel butterflies in your stomach and the pulse pounding in your ears. On top of everything happening you are now confessing your feelings to a girl. A fellow girl.
<<say $becc>>"$pc.nameF, or I mean, $pc.maleNameF I like you too. But with everything. I mean you're a girl right now, right? I don't know if that is something…"<</say>>
She looks at you once again, she seems to be intently studying your face before her gaze drifts downwards. Her gaze snaps back up to your and then she leans forward. With a sudden burst she presses her lips against yours.
<<videoM "img/miscDay/Becc_Kiss1.mp4">><</videoM>>
You tumble back onto the bed as she kisses you deeply. Finally, she pulls back, flushed, and stares into your eyes.
<<say $becc>>"I think I want you no matter what."<</say>>
You smile up at her and run your fingers through her hair, pulling her back down into another kiss. While you kiss her hands explore your body running up your sides before making their way onto your chest. You moan into her mouth as she squeezes your breasts and a moment later snakes her hands under your shirt. You squirm under her warm hands as they run across your soft skin and before you know it your shirt is up and off of your head.
Not wanting to be left clothed Rebecca follows suit pulling her own shirt up over her head and revealing her full, perfect breasts.
<<videoM "img/miscDay/Becc_Kiss2.mp4">><</videoM>>
She reaches behind her back and drops her bra letting her tits hang before you. You attempt to remove your own. Becca sees your struggle and helps out, leaning forward and pressing her chest against yours. She tugs your bra free.
You smile up at her, both shirtless, breasts pressed against one another. She leans forward to kiss you again as a loud thump sounds for downstairs. She sits up suddenly.
<<say $becc>>"Shit, my parents. Quick get your clothes on."<</say>>
You are promptly hit in the face with your own bra and shit and begin to struggle to make yourself decent. Rebecca also quickly gets dressed and gives you a quick smile before she double checks her hair and face and goes down to greet her parents. You take the time to make yourself decent. A few moments later she returns.
<<say $becc>>"Sorry, they were supposed to be out later. I, uh, that was nice."<</say>>
<<say $pc>>"Better than nice."<</say>>
You lean forward and give her another quick peck on the check.
<<say $becc>>"I suppose you probably want to get going?<</say>><<if $toldCole>><<say $becc>>"Oh, I almost forgot. The Nitric Acid. Here."<</say>>
She holds out a small flask of a clear liquid. You take it with a nod of thanks.<</if>>
<<say $pc>>"Right. I should get going. Do you think we can hang out again tomorrow?"<</say>>
<<say $becc>>"I would love to."<</say>>
She smiles back at you. You feel your heart flutter in your chest. She leads you out of her room and back downstairs. As you make your way to your care you can't help but wonder what your life might be like when you turn back. Even if you don't turn back. You get into your care and head off, deciding where to head too [[next.|DayReturner]]<</replace>><</link>>
<<link"Wait until you're back to normal">>
<<say $pc>>"…we should wait until I'm back to normal."<</say>>
Rebecca pauses for a moment before looking at your face. She hangs there for a bit before looking over the rest of your body. You see her eyes flicker across your form.
<<say $becc>>"Y-yeah. That would be for best."<</say>>
She nods and gets up off the bed heading over to her desk.
<<say $becc>>"Well, when you turn back you'll still need to pass your exams so we should get to studying."<</say>>
She brings over some of the books and you begin studying, briefly interrupted by the return of her parents. As the hour passes you being to feel that its time to get going.
<<say $pc>>"I should probably get going."<</say>>
<<if $toldCole>><<say $becc>>"Oh, I almost forgot. The Nitric Acid. Here."<</say>>
She holds out a small flask of a clear liquid. You take it with a nod of thanks.<</if>>
<<say $pc>>Do you think we can hang out again tomorrow?"<</say>>
<<say $becc>>"I would love to."<</say>>
She smiles back at you. You feel your heart flutter in your chest. She leads you out of her room and back downstairs. As you make your way to your care you can't help but wonder what your life might be like when you turn back. You get into your care and head off, deciding where to head too [[next.|DayReturner]]<</replace>><</link>></span>
You drive up to Rebecca's house and head up to the front door to knock. Before you can knock the door opens to reveal Rebecca standing there. She gives you a warm smile.
<<say $becc>>"Hey, $pc.nameF."<</say>>
<<say $pc>>"Hey, Becca. I didn't keep you waiting, did I?"<</say>>
<<say $becc>>"N-no not at all. Why don't you come in?"<</say>>
You head inside and follow Rebecca up to her room. The two of you head inside and she sits on the bed, you sit on her chair. She looks at you then glances down before glancing up at you again.
<<say $becc>>"$pc.nameF, about last time. I don't know what came over me. I'm sorry if it made you uncomfortable."<</say>>
<<say $pc>>"No, not uncomfortable at all. I, I liked it."<</say>>
Becca smiles at you, her face lighting up as she hears the news.
<<say $becc>>"Oh my god. I'm so happy to hear you say that. I've been thinking about it all day. That I did something wrong or went over some boundaries."<</say>>
She pauses for a moment, looking back down at her fidgeting hands. She glances back up at you.
<<say $becc>>"C-can I do it again?"<</say>>
You smile, instead of responding you shift closer to her and grab her by the back of her neck. Gently you pull her into another kiss. She pulls back slightly to look deep into your eyes. She smiles back at you.
You pull her back into another kiss.
<<videoM "img/miscDay/Becc_Kiss1.mp4">><</videoM>>
While you kiss her hands explore your body running up your sides before making their way onto your chest. You moan into her mouth as she squeezes your breasts and a moment later snakes her hands under your shirt. You squirm under her warm hands as they run across your soft skin and before you know it your shirt is up and off of your head.
Not wanting to be left clothed Rebecca follows suit pulling her own shirt up over her head and revealing her full, perfect breasts. She reaches behind her back and drops her bra letting her tits hang before you. You attempt to remove your own. Becca sees your struggle and helps out, leaning forward and pressing her chest against yours. She tugs your bra free.
<<videoM "img/miscDay/Becc_Kiss2.mp4">><</videoM>>
You smile up at her, both shirtless, breasts pressed against one another. She leans forward to kiss you again as a loud thump sounds for downstairs. She sits up suddenly.
<<say $becc>>"Shit, my parents. Quick get your clothes on."<</say>>
You are promptly hit in the face with your own bra and shit and begin to struggle to make yourself decent. Rebecca also quickly gets dressed and gives you a quick smile before she double checks her hair and face and goes down to greet her parents. You take the time to make yourself decent. A few moments later she returns.
<<say $becc>>"Sorry, they were supposed to be out later. I, uh, that was nice."<</say>>
<<say $pc>>"Better than nice."<</say>>
You lean forward and give her another quick peck on the check.
<<say $pc>>"Right. I should get going. Do you think we can hang out again tomorrow?"<</say>>
<<say $becc>>"I would love to."<</say>>
She smiles back at you. You feel your heart flutter in your chest. She leads you out of her room and back downstairs. As you make your way to your care you can't help but wonder what your life might be like when you turn back. Even if you don't turn back. You get into your care and head off, deciding where to [[head too next.|DayReturner]]
You see a shudder pass through her body as her head snaps back. You watch as her body writhes and bucks and sprouting from her crotch you see new flesh begin to form up and take shape. In a matter of moments an entire cock has grown from Esmerelda's crotch. You look on in wonder as she pants, laid out on the bed.
<<videoM "img/miscDay/Esme_Dick.mp4">><</videoM>>
Your eyes are glued to her new cock which seems to be twitching as Esmerelda recovers from the transformation. You barely notice her sitting up until she clears her throat. You glance away from her new dick to her face.
<<say $esme>>"I-it seems that the spell works."<</say>>
She glances down and cautiously pokes at her cock flinching as it springs away from her touch. She looks back over towards you.
<<say $esme>>"Well. Now that I have this, uh, thing. Do you think you could help me out here? I'm not exactly sure on what to do with it."<</say>>
You look her up and down again and are admittable aroused at her body, even with the new cock attached. You shift over to the bed and sit down beside her.
<<videoM "img/miscDay/EsmeHJ.mp4">><</videoM>>
Carefully you reach out and grasp her cock. It jumps under your hand, but you grab tightly and begin to pump.
<<say $esme>>"T-that is a… new sensation…"<</say>>
Esmerelda shifts in awkward pleasure as you work her new cock. You continue to pump at her cock, moving along the new flesh as Esmerelda squirms under your touch. As you continue suddenly Esmerelda grabs your arm. She looks at you in the eyes.
<<say $esme>>"Do you think you could, uh, try sucking it."<</say>>
You glance down at her dick and smile. Esmerelda always seemed to be on top of everything but now she seems so vulnerable and uncertain. Its strangely empowering to have her like putty in your hands. You commit yourself to allowing her to feel all the pleasures a man can, a strange thought considering you were a man until recently.
<<videoM "img/miscDay/Esme_Suck.mp4">><</videoM>>
You slide down onto your knees beside the bed and lean your head forward. Gently you flick out your tongue and tease the tip. Esmerelda lets out a surprised moan. You push your mouth forward enveloping her new phallus into your warm mouth. Esmerelda bucks in pleasure, forcing her member deeper into your mouth. You nearly gag but manage to regain control and suck with gusto. Esmerelda leans back and moans gripping at your hair and you suck her cock.
<<videoM "img/miscDay/Esme_CumInMouth.mp4">><</videoM>>
Soon enough she bucks her hips, and you feel a warm explosion of cum into your mouth. You let it pool before pulling your mouth off her cock. You quickly move to the side and grab your Reservoir depositing the cum inside.
When you glance back over to Esmerelda you see her laying on her back her cock receding back into your flesh.
<<say $pc>>"I guess its only good for one shot, huh?"<</say>>
Panting Esmerelda props herself back up and looks down.
<<say $esme>>"Seems so. Why did you want more?" <</say>>
She smiles at your teasingly. You feel yourself blush and look away. Esmerelda gets up and redresses herself before moving over to her desk again. You clean yourself up as well and awkwardly stand.
<<say $esme>>"I'll send you the details of the spell. As we've, uh, learned, it seems to work quite well. I'm sure you can find all sorts of ways to use this to increases your ingredients gathers…"<</say>>
Esmerelda pauses for a moment. She looks back up to you.
<<say $esme>>"And well. If you need any further help on that front, I wouldn't say no."<</say>>
You nod with a slight smile. It seems your skills were enough to leave her wanting for more which fills you with a strange sense of pride.
<<say $pc>>"Right, thanks for your help on everything. And uh, if I need more help, I'll let you know."<</say>>
She smiles at you and begins to lead you towards the door.
<<say $esme>>"Oh, and don't forget the original reason for our partnership. Tomorrow we can begin with my plan for revenge."<</say>>
You pause at the menacing words and Esmerelda closes the door to her bedroom behind you. You consider knocking and asking what she meant but feel like you wouldn't get a straight answer anyways. You proceed downstairs giving a wave to Richard as you pass and hop in your car. You decide [[what to do next…|DayReturner]]
Experimenting with magic has increased your power;<span class="mag">your magic feels like its growing.</span><<set $magUp to true>>
You've learned the <span class="mag">GROWTH SPELL</span>.<<set $growth to true>><<set $spellsKnown +=1>>
<span id="remove">
<<link "Collect Cum!">><</link>>
<<replace '#tooltip'>><<notify>> You've gained 16ml of cum!
<meter class="cumTrack" @value="$cum" min="0" max="1000"></meter><</notify>><</replace>>
<<replace '#tooltip'>><<replace'#remove'>><</replace>><</replace>>
<</nobr>></span><<set $cum += 16>>
<<set $esmeUsedGrowth to true>>As her hand contacts you a sudden jolt of electricity passes through your body. You seize backwards onto the bed as an immense pressure begins building around your crotch. You try and move your hand towards it, but your body won't respond to your movement. It feels like minutes of strain as your body locks you in place before just as suddenly the pressure vanishes.
<<videoM "img/miscDay/PcNewCock.mp4">><</videoM>>
You glace up and see a familiar sight. Your dick. There. Right where it should have been. You open your mouth in amazement. You glace up at Esmerelda, sitting on her knees before you, her eyes also wide with amazement.
<<say $pc>>"It…it worked!"<</say>>
<<say $esme>>"It seems so. How miraculous."<</say>>
Esmerelda reaches out with a hand curiously and brushes her fingers against your dick. You are nearly flattened against the bed with the sudden flash of pleasure. Esmerelda withdraws her hand in surprise. The pleasure was much more intense than you remember.
<<say $esme>>"Is that a normal reaction? I'm…unfamiliar with the subject."<</say>>
Propping yourself up on your elbows you look down at Esmerelda between your legs her face slightly obscured by your returned member. The sight excites you.
<<say $pc>>"Its much more sensitive than usual."<</say>>
<<say $esme>>"How interesting. Perhaps it has to do with the female body, or it could be magically enhanced."<</say>>
Once again she reaches out and grasps your member. You squirm in pleasure and she begins to move her hand up and down your shaft.
<<videoM "img/miscDay/PCHJ.mp4">><</videoM>>
<<say $pc>>"W-what are y-you doing?"<</say>>
<<say $esme>>"The whole point of this was to collect ingredients, right? I'm speeding up that process. Now try and stay still."<</say>>
Esmerelda works your cock with vigor. She is not the best at hand jobs but with your enhanced sensitivity you have no trouble allowing your orgasm to build. Almost without warning your feel your body begin to seize and before you can warn Esmerelda you feel yourself erupting. Your vision goes white as you cum and you hear Esmerelda exclaim as you assume you spatter her with your cum.
<<videoM "img/miscDay/Pc_Cum.mp4">><</videoM>>
As the pleasure fades you feel a strange emptiness between your legs again. You sit up to see a shocked Esmerelda painted with cum and your cock once again missing.
<<say $pc>>"I, uh, sorry."<</say>>
<<say $esme>>"I thought a warning was common courtesy. Where is your storage device?"<</say>>
You point to your bag where you Reservoir is. As Esmerelda goes and stores your cum you get your pants back on. You turn to face Esmerelda.
<<say $esme>>"I'll send you the details of the spell. As we've, uh, learned, it seems to work quite well. I'm sure you can find all sorts of ways to use this to increases your ingredients gathers…"<</say>>
Esmerelda pauses for a moment. She looks back up to you. You nod with a slight smile. Even if it isn’t the full thing you feel more confident in your chances of getting back to normal. Whatever that is at this point.
<<say $pc>>"Right, thanks for your help on everything. And uh, if I need more help, I'll let you know."<</say>>
She smiles at you and begins to lead you towards the door.
<<say $esme>>"Oh, and don't forget the original reason for our partnership. Tomorrow we can begin with my plan for revenge."<</say>>
You pause at the menacing words and Esmerelda closes the door to her bedroom behind you. You consider knocking and asking what she meant but feel like you wouldn't get a straight answer anyways. You proceed downstairs giving a wave to Richard as you pass and hop in your car.
You decide [[what to do next…|DayReturner]]
Experimenting with magic has increased your power;<span class="mag">your magic feels like its growing.</span><<set $magUp to true>>
You've learned the <span class="mag">GROWTH SPELL</span>.<<set $growth to true>><<set $spellsKnown +=1>>
<span id="remove">
<<link "Collect Cum!">><</link>>
<<replace '#tooltip'>><<notify>> You've gained 16ml of cum!
<meter class="cumTrack" @value="$cum" min="0" max="1000"></meter><</notify>><</replace>>
<<replace '#tooltip'>><<replace'#remove'>><</replace>><</replace>>
<</nobr>></span><<set $cum += 16>>
<<set $esmeUsedGrowth to true>><img src = "img/locations/Doug_House.jpg" height ="480px" width ="720px">
You pull up in front of Doug's house and park. You glance out the window at the still house, a few lights on here and there but it seems awfully quiet. It dawns on you that chances are no one else is coming. This meeting to set up for the party was just his way of getting you hear alone. Knowing Doug that can only mean one thing. He wants to fuck you.
You consider the idea for a moment. Just the thought of it is heating you up but something deeper also seems to rebel at the thought. He was one of your best friends, for years going up. You were bros. Now you've already sucked his dick and are thinking of getting fucked by him. Is this something you really want? Or should you just leave?
<span id ="choice"><<link "Go inside">>
You get out of the car and begin to approach the house. As you get closer you can feel butterflies in your stomach, excitement growing in anticipation of what is coming next. You approach the front door and give it three quick knocks.
A few moments later the door swings open to reveal a shirtless Doug, clothed only in swim trunks and slightly wet.
<<say $doug>>"Hey."<</say>>
<<say $pc>>"Uh, hi."<</say>>
You awkwardly reply as you step inside. He closes the door behind you and gives you a smile.
<<say $doug>>"Sorry, I was in the pool. Let me grab a towel and dry off."<</say>>
Doug heads upstairs as you look around. You've been here plenty of times over your life. You know the house pretty much perfectly but for this it seems you'll have to fake not knowing. Doug returns quickly with a towel around his shoulders. As he comes down the stairs, he calls out to you.
<<say $doug>>"Things are setup in the living room, it's just through there."<</say>>
You follow his directions and head into the living room. You can see the main table as been stacked with cups, bottle of alcohol, and various other party supplies. You glance around for a moment before taking a seat on the sofa.
<<say $pc>>"You seem pretty setup here. What do you need my help with?"<</say>>
You say to Doug as he enters the room and sits on the other end of the couch. Doug reaches under the table and pulls out another bag. Opening it he reveals strings of hanging letters, S.H.S. Short for the Scholman High Sorcerers, the schools football team.
<<say $doug>>"I need help hanging these all around the place. We can put them over the door frames and stuff. I'll get the tape and ladder if you want to grab that bag and untangle them.<</say>>
Doug gets up to head off again as you are left with a bag of tangled up letters. Once he returns you set about the business of setting up the [[house for the party…|DougRom2_Setup]]<</replace>><</link>>
<<link "Leave while you can">>
You decide not to trust your desires and stand-up Doug. He'll be pissed but when you change back, he'll forget all about you in a few weeks. You pull away from the house and head home only briefly glancing back and wondering what you [[missed out on…|Day4_AtHomeNight]]<</replace>><</link>></span>The two of you travel all around the house, Doug moving the ladder and you climbing up it to hang the letter over doorways, throughout hallways, and along the railing. You being to rethink your initial predictions about tonight. Maybe Doug did just need someone to help. You find yourself enjoying his company, joking and messing around as you work.
Just as you think Doug isn't going to try anything you find yourself standing in his bedroom as he plants down the ladder. You climb up it as normal before you feel his two hands grip onto your thighs. You freeze and glance back at him.
<<say $doug>>"Wouldn't want you getting hurt on the last one. That would be tragic or something."<</say>>
You smirk at his corniness and pin up the letters well aware of his gaze glued onto your ass. You finish and step down the ladder only to come face to chest with Doug, his bare skin inches from your face. You glance up at him.
<<say $pc>>"Looks like we're done."<</say>>
Doug smiles back down at you before kneeling slightly and picking you up by grabbing your ass and lifting. Seemingly effortlessly he picks you up, your stomach alights with butterflies again.
<<say $pc>>"Uh, Doug what are you doing?"<</say>>
<<say $doug>>"Give you your reward."<</say>>
Before you can react, he swings you around and throws you on the bed. You struggle to regain you senses after the impact and look up just in time to see Doug hop onto the bed. His hands grab at your waist and begin to snake their way up your body. You quiver under his touch.
<<say $pc>>"I don't know abo-"<</say>>
Your words turn into gasps as his hands suddenly grope your breasts, causing you to shiver with excitement.+
<<videoM "img/day4/Doug_Grope.mp4">><</videoM>>
You glance down to see Doug's hands up your shirt and his face pressed against your stomach. You gasp again as his hands release your breasts and pull your shirt up over your head. You sit for a moment in your bra, on Doug's bed, with him inches away from you before reaching up and unhooking your bra.
<<say $doug>>"You're beautiful, $pc.nameF.<</say>>
You feel heat rush to your face at his complement. Doug barely gives you time to process what he has said before you feel his hands shift lower, they grasp at the edges of your pants before yanking them clean off of you. A moment later you feel his hands grasp at the bands of your underwear. He pauses.
<<videoM "img/day4/Doug_Grope2.mp4">><</videoM>>
<<say $doug>>"May I?"<</say>>
You look down at Doug and give a nod of approval. He pulls your underwear down and off your legs revealing your glistening moist pussy beneath. For a moment he looks you over in your full naked glory and then leans forward towards you pussy.
Almost immediately after you feel his warm breath of the lips of your pussy his tongue lashes out against your clit.
<<videoM "img/day4/Doug_Lick1.mp4">><</videoM>>
Pleasure shoots up your body causing you to writhe in place. Doug grips your hips and thighs to keep you in place as he hungrily lunges into your neathers, his tongue swirling around your clit. Clearly experienced in this you feel your pleasure mounting quickly and before you know it you feel yourself climaxing.
<<videoM "img/day4/Doug_Lick2.mp4">><</videoM>>
Your thighs clamp around Doug's head and you grab at his short hair with your hands as waves of pleasure radiate through your body. As your pleasure subsides you release Doug's head from between your legs both of you panting heavily. For a moment you lay there in bliss until you feel Doug's hands pulling your legs open again.
Your eyes go wide as you see him maneuvering between your legs, his huge hard dick swinging as he moves.
<<say $doug>>"Damn babe, you really know how to get a guy going. You ready for the real thing?"<</say>>
In your haze of pleasure and still trying to catch your breath all you can manage is a short:
<<say $pc>>"Y-yes…please…"<</say>>
Doug smiles and grabs his dick, placing the heavy tip against the opening to your vagina. Just the feeling of the girth and weigh sends shivers of pleasure up your spine. You feel your mind slipping into a dick fueled haze. Doug grabs your hips and thrusts.
<<videoM "img/day4/Doug_Insert.mp4">><</videoM>>
<<if $pc.tag.sexualExp =="Virgin">>At first a searing pain hits you lower section but it is quickly pushed away from the overwhelming pleasure of being filled for the first time. You've just lost your virginity you realize. Not as a man, but as a woman.<</if>>
His dick splits you open as it plunges deep inside you. You feel ever girthy inch of his cock as he slams into you ball deep. You are overwhelmed with an orgasmic sense of fullness that sends you body convulsing.
<<videoM "img/day4/Doug_Sex1.mp4">><</videoM>>
You are pretty sure you let out a few exclamations as his dick worms into your guts. Just as suddenly as he filled you, he pulls back, causing you to feel empty for just a moment before his dick slams back into place.
You fill the room with earthshaking moans as Doug begins to hammer in and out of you, pounding away at your pussy mercilessly. You are unsure of how much time has passed, one minute? Ten? An hour?
<<videoM "img/day4/Doug_Sex2.mp4">><</videoM>>
Adrift in the orgasmic bliss of his dick you struggle to focus on anything but the throbbing cock filling you up. Suddenly you feel it throb more intently. Something at the back of your head fills with panic as you realize what is about to happen.
<<videoM "img/day4/Doug_Cum.mp4">><</videoM>>
Luckily it seems Doug has everything under control and pulls out of you, spattering your crotch, stomach, and chest with huge ropes of hot cum. Panic subsiding, you drop back onto the bed in orgasmic sticky bliss. Doug rolls off to your side, panting from his own exertion. As the waves of pleasure subside you suddenly are hit by what has happened. <<if $pc.tag.sexualExp =="Virgin">> You just lost your virginity to Doug.<</if>> You just fucked Doug, and not only that, you enjoyed it. Conflicting thoughts about your old life and now wrestle in your head, interrupted by Doug standing up.
<<say $doug>>"That was good, babe. I've gotta head out to meet up with the team for out pregame dinner."<</say>>
<<say $pc>>"Oh, alright."<</say>>
Awkwardly you make your way to the bathroom and clean up the cum on your stomach, getting as much as you can in the Reservoir. You head back into the bedroom and get dressed with Doug. When you are finished you make your way to the door.
<span id="remove">
<<link "Collect Cum!">><</link>>
<<replace '#tooltip'>><<notify>> You've gained 18ml of cum!
<meter class="cumTrack" @value="$cum" min="0" max="1000"></meter><</notify>><</replace>>
<<replace '#tooltip'>><<replace'#remove'>><</replace>><</replace>>
<</nobr>></span><<set $cum += 18>>
<<say $pc>>"See you at the party tomorrow?"<</say>>
<<if $ >= 30>><<say $doug>>"Sure thing, babe. Looking forward to it."<</say>>
<<else>><<say $doug>>"Yeah, sure."<</say>><</if>>
You make your way downstairs and out toward your car. Thoughts of Doug fill you head, his body, his cock. You sit for a moment in the car thinking of all the changes to your life. If this is what life as a girl can be maybe going back isn't worth it. You start the car and head off back home with lots to think about.
Having sex with Doug has earned you <span class="aff"> +15 Affection</span> and <span class ="love"> +10 Love</span>. <<set $doug.aff += 15>><<set $ += 10>>
You strip off all your clothes and stand beside the bed. Taking a deep breath, you cast the spell upon yourself. With a rush your whole body suddenly seizes up and you fall forwards onto the bed. Pleasure begins to build in your crotch as you witness a large dick begin to grow from your vagina. The transformation ends with you panting on the bed. Tentatively you get up and glance at yourself in the mirror.
<<videoM "img/miscDay/PcNewCock.mp4">><</videoM>>
You still look like a girl, with your curves and breasts but now an impressive looking cock hangs between your legs. You reach down and grasp it. It hardens almost immediately, and you feel a much more intense surge of pleasure.
You sit back down on the bed. Your new dick is much more sensitive than your old and you plan on making use of that.
<<videoM "img/miscDay/PCCumSM.mp4">><</videoM>>
You begin to pump your dick with your hands. Years of experience as a male comes in handy as you expertly work your shaft. With the new sensitively you don't last long. With a surge of pleasure, you explode all over self, covering your stomach and tits with your own cum. You slump back down on the bed as you feel the uncomfortable feeling of the dick receding back into your pussy. Basking for a moment in the orgasm you set about cleaning up and collecting your own cum for the Reservoir.
With your needs taken care of you turn off the light and slump into bed before<<if $currentDay == 3>>[[drifting off to sleep.|Day4_END]]<<else>>[[drifting off to sleep.|Day5_END]]<</if>>
<span id="remove">
<<link "Collect Cum!">><</link>>
<<replace '#tooltip'>><<notify>> You've gained 12ml of cum!
<meter class="cumTrack" @value="$cum" min="0" max="1000"></meter><</notify>><</replace>>
<<replace '#tooltip'>><<replace'#remove'>><</replace>><</replace>>
<</nobr>></span><<set $cum += 12>>You awaken with a start in your bed and roll over to turn off your alarm only to find that you've awoken before it. You sit up on the edge of the bed. It takes a moment for you to remember your current situation. It dawns on you just how fast you've gotten comfortable in this new body.
<<videoM "img/day5/Day5_BreastWakeup.mp4">><</videoM>>
You look down at your <<print $pc.bustDes[$pc.bust]>> breasts then glance over to your reflection in the mirror. You aren’t even surprised to see it mirror your movements anymore.
You think about how busy you've been with trying to turn back. You never even considered if maybe this new body isn't so bad. You mind starts to drift and imagine your life as a woman, what would change, what you could do…
You are snapped out of your musing by the creaking of floorboards in the hallway as you assume Cole is exiting the shower. You shake the thoughts from your head and get up grabbing a towel and heading out of the room. You slip into the steam filled bathroom and begin to disrobe. As you get fully naked you pause and glance at the lock on the door. You could lock it to prevent your brother from peeping, as he seems to like doing that. Of course, if you don't care you could just leave it…
[[Lock the door|Day5_Morning][$lockedDoor to true]]
[[Leave it unlocked|Day5_Morning][$lockedDoor to false]]
<<if $lockedDoor>>You flip the lock and then turn on the water. You had never needed to lock the door before, just one of the many things that have changed since becoming a woman. You hop into the warm water and begin to wash yourself. As you soap up your body you feel your arousal growing. The heat and sensation of hands all over you seems to get you worked up without fail. Should you take care of business?
<span id="choice"><<link "Masturbate">>
You slowly lower one hand to your slit and prob yourself with a finger. You brush against your clit and let out a small gasp of excitement. Encouraged by the shock of pleasure you begin to work more steadily, rubbing against your clit with one hand and groping yourself with the other. As your arousal grows your mind begins to wander.
<<videoM "img/day5/Day5_Showering.mp4">><</videoM>>
You think about all the things you could do with this body, for some reason the first thing that springs to your mind is a titjob. You never got one as a man but for some reason you can't get the thought of a hard cock between your new tits out of your mind.
<<if $marcusSuck>>
<<videoM "img/miscDay/Marcus_Suck.mp4">><</videoM>>
You think about what you've done with Marcus. His huge black dick in your mouth, his cum all over you. You furiously rub yourself as you wonder what his dick might feel like inside you.<</if>>
<<if $dougSex>>
<<videoM "img/day4/Doug_Sex1.mp4">><</videoM>>
You think back to Doug, fucking you on his bed. The idea of one of your childhood friends railing you in his room, not knowing who you are… The thought gets you going as you pleasure yourself even faster.<</if>>
<<if $growth>>
<<videoM "img/miscDay/Shop_ShemaleInsert.mp4">><</videoM>>
You think of all the things you could do with your new spell. The woman you could fuck again, or the woman you could get fucked by. <</if>>
<<if $smithFucked>>
<<videoM "img/miscDay/Smith_Spitroast.mp4">><</videoM>>
Your thoughts drift back Mr. Swinebek and Mr. Smith fucking you on the desk. The feeling of being helpless and used as a tool for their pleasure sends a tingle of pleasure up your spine.<</if>>
You feel yourself approaching climax, so you increase your speed. With a shock your entire body begins to shake.
<<videoM "img/day4/Day4_Shower.mp4">><</videoM>>
You grip the shower bar as waves of pleasure surge through your body. Your legs shake, barely keeping you up as you cum.
Panting you recover and begin to finish washing yourself. On shaky legs you turn off the water and step out. You lean against the sink to catch your breath. As you look into the mirror something dawns on you. You can use your own hair for one of the ingredients.
<<if $pc.tag.sexualExp == "Virgin">> As far as you know you are still a virgin. You reach down and pluck one hair from your pubes. You kick yourself for not thinking of this sooner. You clench your hand around the hair.
You've acquired Hair of a Virgin Woman. <<set $hasFPubes to true>>
<<else>>You kick yourself for not thinking about this sooner. Unfortunately, you are not a virgin and you are sure that you don't count for the other qualifications. At least you hope. You shake your head.<</if>>
You finish up in the bathroom and head back into your room. You quickly get dressed and [[head downstairs.|Day5_AtHome]]<</replace>><</link>>
<<link "Don't Masturbate">>
You think better of pleasuring yourself in the shower. You relax under the warm water for a few minutes before cleaning yourself up and then turning off the water. You pause to look yourself over in the mirror. As you look into the mirror something dawns on you. You can use your own hair for one of the ingredients.
<<if $pc.tag.sexualExp == "Virgin">> As far as you know you are still a virgin. You reach down and pluck one hair from your pubes. You kick yourself for not thinking of this sooner. You clench your hand around the hair.
You've acquired Hair of a Virgin Woman. <<set $hasFPubes to true>>
<<else>>You kick yourself for not thinking about this sooner. Unfortunately, you are not a virgin and you are sure that you don't count for the other qualifications. At least you hope. You shake your head.<</if>>
You finish up in the bathroom and head back into your room. You quickly get dressed and [[head downstairs.|Day5_AtHome]]<</replace>><</link>></span>
You decide to not worry about. Boys will be boys and you wouldn't want to deprive Cole of a view of your new hot body anyways. You turn on the water and hop in. As you begin soaping yourself up you hear the door click open. You smile and shake your head.
<<if $toldCole>>
Despite your step-brother knowing its you he seems no less attracted to your new body. You can't blame him. You consider that you have a chance to tease him here. Do you want to?
<span id="choiceB"><<link "Tease Him">>
You reach forward to put down the soap and "accidently" open the shower curtain wider, allowing Cole to get a good view of your hot wet body. Slowly you lower one hand to your slit and prob yourself with a finger.
<<videoM "img/day4/Day4_Shower.mp4">><</videoM>>
You brush against your clit and let out a small gasp of excitement. Encouraged by the shock of pleasure you begin to work more steadily, rubbing against your clit with one hand and groping yourself with the other. Out of the corner of your eye you see Cole watching intently through the door. Your eye then catches something else.
<<videoM "img/day5/Day5_ColeMasturebate.mp4">><</videoM>>
You see his dick poking out from under his hand as he furious pumps it. You attempt to contain your shock as you watch your step-brother masturbating to you out of the corner of your eye. As you see his dick your own arousal grows. The thought of him getting off to your body somehow excites you.
You pick up your pace, redoubling your rubbing as more pleasure washes over your body. Cole also seems to pick up the pace. You can feel your climax approaching and grip the shower bar to support yourself. Your legs shake, barely keeping you up as you cum.
Recovering you glance over to see Cole cumming as well, shooting his load into his hand. You begin to look away before you catch his eye. You quickly glance away, but not before the two of you share an awkward eye to eye. The door shuts with a loud click. Flustered with shaky legs you stop the shower.
On shaky legs you turn off the water and step out. You lean against the sink to catch your breath. As you look into the mirror something dawns on you. You can use your own hair for one of the ingredients.
<<if $pc.tag.sexualExp == "Virgin">> As far as you know you are still a virgin. You reach down and pluck one hair from your pubes. You kick yourself for not thinking of this sooner. You clench your hand around the hair.
You've acquired Hair of a Virgin Woman. <<set $hasFPubes to true>>
<<else>>You kick yourself for not thinking about this sooner. Unfortunately, you are not a virgin and you are sure that you don't count for the other qualifications. At least you hope. You shake your head.<</if>>
You finish up in the bathroom and head back into your room. You quickly get dressed and [[head downstairs|Day5_AtHome]] wondering how you will face Cole now.<</replace>><</link>>
<<link"Don't tease him">>
You decide not to tease the man too much. You continue to wash normally, occasionally sparing a glance out the corner of your eye to Cole. He watches intently but after a few minutes the door closes, and you continue in peace. You relax under the water before finishing up.
You pause to look yourself over in the mirror. As you look into the mirror something dawns on you. You can use your own hair for one of the ingredients.
<<if $pc.tag.sexualExp == "Virgin">> As far as you know you are still a virgin. You reach down and pluck one hair from your pubes. You kick yourself for not thinking of this sooner. You clench your hand around the hair.
You've acquired Hair of a Virgin Woman. <<set $hasFPubes to true>>
<<else>>You kick yourself for not thinking about this sooner. Unfortunately, you are not a virgin and you are sure that you don't count for the other qualifications. At least you hope. You shake your head.<</if>>
You finish up in the bathroom and head back into your room. You quickly get dressed and [[head downstairs.|Day5_AtHome]]<</replace>><</link>></span>
<<elseif $coleLine >=3>>
You begin to wash your body before you are shocked to hear the door completely open. You glance over to see Cole walking into the bathroom.
<<say $pc>>"What the fuck, Cole!"<</say>>
<<say $cole>>"I-I though that…after what we did and you left the door unlocked…"<</say>>
You cover yourself with your hands and look over him. You can see his dick straining in his pants, already hard from looking at you.
<<say $pc>>"What do you want?"<</say>>
<<say $cole>>"C-can I join you?"<</say>>
You are shocked by his sudden boldness. It seems that what you've been doing with him has encouraged a more confident side of him. You glance down at the bulge in his pants again. You have no doubt this won't just be a normal shower. Do you let him in?
<span id = "choiceC"><<link "Let him join">>
<<say $pc>>"Fine, you can join me."<</say>>
Excitedly Cole strips, his already hard cock springing free as he removes his underwear. He slips into the shower and moves closer to you. Begin naked beside him begins to make you feel aroused yourself. You continue washing yourself as normal before you feel something poke into your butt cheek. You glance back to see Cole's hard cock pressed against you ass.
<<say $cole>>"Sorry."<</say>>
He shifts back. Without thinking you reach out and grasp his cock.
<<videoM "img/day5/Day5_ShowerHandjob.mp4">><</videoM>>
Between the soap on your hands and the water you hand easily glides across his dick. You begin to pump your hand back and forth. Cole moans at the unexpected hand job. A smile creep across your face as the control you are so easily able to exert over him. You speed up your hand movements causing him to moan even harder.
It doesn't take long before he seizes up and cums, shooting rope of cum against your thigh that are quickly washed away. You release his dick with a smile and finish cleaning yourself off, playing special attention to your hand and thigh. With a smirk you end the shower and get out, followed behind by a stunned Cole.
You dry yourself off and turn back to Cole.
<<say $pc>>"How was your shower?"<</say>>
<<say $cole>>"I-uh, yeah."<</say>>
Smirking you head back to your room to let him recover. You quickly get dressed and [[head downstairs.|Day5_AtHome]]<</replace>><</link>>
<<link "Kick him out">>
<<say $pc>>"Get the fuck out!"<</say>>
You shout at him and pull the shower curtain closed. Started by your anger he stumbles back hits the door then slips out it, clamming it behind him. You shake your head and angrily continue washing astonished by his boldness. You quickly finish up.
You pause to look yourself over in the mirror. As you look into the mirror something dawns on you. You can use your own hair for one of the ingredients.
<<if $pc.tag.sexualExp == "Virgin">> As far as you know you are still a virgin. You reach down and pluck one hair from your pubes. You kick yourself for not thinking of this sooner. You clench your hand around the hair.
You've acquired Hair of a Virgin Woman. <<set $hasFPubes to true>>
<<else>>You kick yourself for not thinking about this sooner. Unfortunately, you are not a virgin and you are sure that you don't count for the other qualifications. At least you hope. You shake your head.<</if>>
You finish up in the bathroom and head back into your room. You quickly get dressed and [[head downstairs.|Day5_AtHome]]<</replace>><</link>></span>
It seems that Cole has fallen into a routine of checking out your body each morning. You can't blame him. You consider that you have a chance to tease him here. Do you want to?
<span id ="choiceD"><<link "Tease him">>
You reach forward to put down the soap and "accidently" open the shower curtain wider, allowing Cole to get a good view of your hot wet body. Slowly you lower one hand to your slit and prob yourself with a finger. You brush against your clit and let out a small gasp of excitement.
<<videoM "img/day4/Day4_Shower.mp4">><</videoM>>
Encouraged by the shock of pleasure you begin to work more steadily, rubbing against your clit with one hand and groping yourself with the other. Out of the corner of your eye you see Cole watching intently through the door. Your eye then catches something else.
<<videoM "img/day5/Day5_ColeMasturebate.mp4">><</videoM>>
You see his dick poking out from under his hand as he furious pumps it. You attempt to contain your shock as you watch your step-brother masturbating to you out of the corner of your eye. As you see his dick your own arousal grows. The thought of him getting off to your body somehow excites you.
You pick up your pace, redoubling your rubbing as more pleasure washes over your body. Cole also seems to pick up the pace. You can feel your climax approaching and grip the shower bar to support yourself. Your legs shake, barely keeping you up as you cum.
Recovering you glance over to see Cole cumming as well, shooting his load into his hand. You glance away and a moment later the door shuts with a loud click. Flustered with shaky legs you stop the shower.
On shaky legs you turn off the water and step out. You lean against the sink to catch your breath. As you look into the mirror something dawns on you. You can use your own hair for one of the ingredients.
<<if $pc.tag.sexualExp == "Virgin">> As far as you know you are still a virgin. You reach down and pluck one hair from your pubes. You kick yourself for not thinking of this sooner. You clench your hand around the hair.
You've acquired Hair of a Virgin Woman. <<set $hasFPubes to true>>
<<else>>You kick yourself for not thinking about this sooner. Unfortunately, you are not a virgin and you are sure that you don't count for the other qualifications. At least you hope. You shake your head.<</if>>
You finish up in the bathroom and head back into your room. You quickly get dressed and [[head downstairs|Day5_AtHome]] wondering how you will face Cole now.<</replace>><</link>>
<<link"Don't tease">>
You decide not to tease the man too much. You continue to wash normally, occasionally sparing a glance out the corner of your eye to Cole. He watches intently but after a few minutes the door closes, and you continue in peace. You relax under the water before finishing up.
You pause to look yourself over in the mirror. As you look into the mirror something dawns on you. You can use your own hair for one of the ingredients.
<<if $pc.tag.sexualExp == "Virgin">> As far as you know you are still a virgin. You reach down and pluck one hair from your pubes. You kick yourself for not thinking of this sooner. You clench your hand around the hair.
You've acquired Hair of a Virgin Woman. <<set $hasFPubes to true>>
<<else>>You kick yourself for not thinking about this sooner. Unfortunately, you are not a virgin and you are sure that you don't count for the other qualifications. At least you hope. You shake your head.<</if>>
You finish up in the bathroom and head back into your room. You quickly get dressed and [[head downstairs.|Day5_AtHome]]<</replace>><</link>></span>
You make your way downstairs and enter the kitchen. <<if $coleMasturbate>> Cole awkwardly looks up at you then glances away. You blush slightly and continue into the kitchen so you don't have to face him.<<else>>You give Cole a smirk as you enter and he blushes and looks down. Despite his newfound confidence he is still not confident with your overtness. <</if>>
You begin to make yourself some oatmeal before Cole speaks up.
<<say $cole>>"You going to that party Doug is hosting tonight?"<</say>>
<<say $pc>>"I'm thinking about it why? Were you invited too?"<</say>>
<<say $cole>>"I was but Nathan wasn't. We were probably gonna go to the arcade tonight. Y-you're welcome to join us if you want. If you're not going to the party or whatever."<</say>>
You give him a nod.
<<say $pc>>"Oh alright. I don't know what I'm doing but I'll let you know."<</say>>
<<say $cole>>"Cool. Alright, I'm heading out."<</say>>
Cole finishes his breakfast and gets up. You eat alone considering what you are going to do today. Checking the time, you quickly finish up and head out to your car. You pass by Nathan and Cole walking to school as you drive past them and pull into the [[school parking lot.|Day5_BeforeSchool]]
<img src = "img/locations/hsFront.jpg" height ="480px" width ="720px">
You pull into the school and find a parking spot. As you exit your car you notice two vans parked near the entrance of the school. Both vans are marked with "Edward's Plumbing and Ventilation". <<if $helpJocks>> Your mind flashes to the jocks plans for the year end prank. You wonder if those vans have anything to do with it. <<else>> Strange, you wonder if these is problems with the plumbing. <</if>> Shrugging you head past the vans and into the school.
You make your way into the hallway and head over to your locker. As you open it you see someone approach from the corner of your eye.
<<if $cheerLine >= 1>><<say $jess>>"Hey, $pc.nameF. Just a reminder that you won't have fourth period today. We have to get ready for the big game. Mr. Swinebek already knows. You better be ready."<</say>>
Before you can respond Jessica is gone heading across the hall to another cheerleader to fill them in. You nod to yourself, grappling with the fact that you are now in fact a cheerleader. <<else>><<say $doug>>"Hey, babe. You going to the game?"<</say>>
You look over to see Doug leaning against the locker beside you. You catch his eyes looking all over your body.
<<say $pc>>"Uh, yeah if I have time."<</say>>
<<say $doug>>"Sweet, see you there."<</say>>
<<if $dougSex>>His hand slaps your ass and grabs you. You jump in shock and then glance around to see if anyone noticed. You turn to reprimanded him, but he is already gone. <<else>>He give you a smile and then heads off down the hallway after Jessica.<</if>><</if>>
You close your locker and head off to your [[first class.|Day5_Class1]]
You step into the English classroom and take your seat. A few moments later Mrs. Rose walks in with a smile and takes her place at the front of the room.
<<say $rose>>"Welcome to the last day of class everyone. I hope you are all prepared for your finals. Today is going to just be a study period so feel free to work at your leisure. I'll be here if you have any questions."<</say>>
You take out some of your books and prop them up on the desk. If everything goes well then next week you'll be taking your finals as yourself again, then again if they go poorly you might have to take them as $pc.nameF $pc.nameL. You could spend the period studying. You glance around the room; you see Rebecca already hard at work at the front of the class and Esmerelda at the back kicking her feet up. Maybe you could spend some time with one of them…
<span id ="choice"><<link"Study by yourself">>
You hunker down and begin work by yourself. <<if $ >= 6>>Honestly most of this stuff comes easy to you but you scribble down a few notes to help yourself out. <<else>> Most of this stuff goes a bit over your head but you copy down what you can. <</if>>The class passes by slowly as Mrs. Rose makes her way up and down the rows of desks helping people where she can. You notice the boy's eyes watching her ass as she walks.
Not long ago you would have done the same, now you wonder if they do the same to you when you walk by. The class begins to wrap up.
<<if $charm && $roseCharmed>> As the students begin to file out you wonder if you could [[charm her again.|Day5_CharmRose2]] <<elseif $charm>> As the students begin to file out you wonder if you could [[charm her.|Day5_CharmRose2]]<<else>>The students begin to file out and you get to your feet.<</if>>
[[Head to the hallway|Day5_Break1]]<</replace>><</link>>
<<link"Study with Rebecca">>
You take a seat beside Rebecca and pull out your notes. <<if $becc.aff >=30>> She gives you a warm smile and shifts towards you.<</if>>
<<say $becc>>"Hey, $pc.nameF. What should we go over?<</say>>
The class passes by slowly as Mrs. Rose makes her way up and down the rows of desks helping people where she can. You notice the boy's eyes watching her ass as she walks.
Not long ago you would have done the same, now you wonder if they do the same to you when you walk by. The class begins to wrap up. You give Rebbeca a smile and begin to pack up.
Spending time with Rebecca increases your <span class="aff"> Affection </span> with her by <span class="aff">+5</span>.<<set $esme.aff += 5>>
<<if $charm && $roseCharmed>> As the students begin to file out you wonder if you could [[charm her again.|Day5_CharmRose2]] <<elseif $charm>> As the students begin to file out you wonder if you could [[charm her.|Day5_CharmRose2]]<<else>>The students begin to file out and you get to your feet.<</if>>
[[Head to the hallway|Day5_Break1]]
<<link"Study with Esmerelda">>
You take a seat beside Esmerelda and pull out your notes. <<if $esme.aff >=20>> She gives you a nod, no sign of her own notes in sight. She smiles and whispers under her breath.
<<say $esme>> "Don't worry $pc.nameF, we can do whatever we want now. Rose won't notice a thing."<</say>>
She kicks back her feet and relaxes. YOu do some small bits of studying but spend most of the time just relaxing with Esmerelda.
Spending time with Esmerelda increases your <span class="aff"> Affection </span> with her by <span class="aff">+10</span>.<<set $esme.aff += 10>>
The class passes by slowly as Mrs. Rose makes her way up and down the rows of desks helping people where she can. You notice the boy's eyes watching her ass as she walks.
Not long ago you would have done the same, now you wonder if they do the same to you when you walk by. The class begins to wrap up. You give Esmerelda a smile and begin to pack up.
<<if $charm && $roseCharmed>> As the students begin to file out you wonder if you could [[charm her again.|Day5_CharmRose2]] <<elseif $charm>> As the students begin to file out you wonder if you could [[charm her.|Day5_CharmRose2]]<<else>>The students begin to file out and you get to your feet.<</if>>
[[Head to the hallway|Day5_Break1]]<<else>> She doesn't even acknowledge your presence as you begin to study.
The class passes by slowly as Mrs. Rose makes her way up and down the rows of desks helping people where she can. You notice the boy's eyes watching her ass as she walks.
Not long ago you would have done the same, now you wonder if they do the same to you when you walk by. The class begins to wrap up. You give Esmerelda a smile and begin to pack up.
<<if $charm && $roseCharmed>> As the students begin to file out you wonder if you could [[charm her again.|Day5_CharmRose2]] <<elseif $charm>> As the students begin to file out you wonder if you could [[charm her.|Day5_CharmRose2]]<<else>>The students begin to file out and you get to your feet.<</if>>
[[Head to the hallway|Day5_Break1]]<</if>>
You begin to make your way down the hallway. <<if $gloryHoleVisited>> You pass by the boy's bathroom. You think you could slip inside now and head to the gloryhole if you wanted to.
<span id="choice"><<link "Go to the gloryhole.">>
You glance down the hallway to see if anyone is watching then quickly dash inside. You head into the last stall and wait. It doesn't take long before you hear someone coming in. You move the toilet paper to the side and wait. To you luck you hear him enter the stall beside you. A moment passes.
<<say $npcm>>"Damn, those two weren't lying. Shit I thought these things only existed in porn."<</say>>
You see two fingers press again the hole, examining it.
<<say $npcm>>"Hey anyone in there?"<</say>>
<span id = "choice1"><<link "Knock on the wall">>
You knock on the stall wall. You hear movement from the other side of the stall wall. A moment later a huge dick flops through the hole. You nearly gasp from surprise as the huge black cock pushes through the hole.
<<videoM "img/day5/Day5_Gloryhole1.mp4">><</videoM>>
<<say $npcm>>"Well what are you waiting for."<</say>>
Spurred on you reach out and grasp his dick. You feel it begin to harden under your hand, the more it grows the more you begin to feel a wetness between your legs.
<<videoM "img/day5/Day5_Gloryhole2.mp4">><</videoM>>
<<say $npcm>>"I didn't come here for a handjob, slut. Get sucking."<</say>>
You slowly move your hand away, unsure if his dick will even fit into your mouth. Despite his harsh words you can't help getting horny thinking about sucking his huge dick. You move your head forward and lick the tip of his dick. You bring up you hands to steady his dick before taking the tip into your mouth.
<<videoM "img/day5/Day5_GloryholeSuck.mp4">><</videoM>>
Slowly you work his dick deeper and deeper into your throat. You gag as his dick hits the back of your throat. Pulling you mouth back you can see that you've gotten just over half of it into your mouth. You rub your hands across his now wet cock and try again.
This time you get further, managing to get his dick even further into your throat. You feel a sense of pride welling up as you face fuck yourself on his meaty cock. You hear him grunt from the other side of the wall. You quickly pull your throat off his cock. He explodes across your face shooting rope after rope of cum across your face.
<<say $npcm>>"Not bad, slut. You've clearly got experience sucking dick. See you around."<</say>>
You hear the stall door open and close, then the bathroom door. You clean the cum off your face. The horniness your felt with his dick in your mouth slowly fading. You think back to the feeling of pride you felt at being able to take his dick. Have you already turned into that much of a slut? You quickly gather up the cum in the Reservoir and head out of the bathroom before anyone else [[shows up.|Day5_Class2]]
<<set $cum += 11>><span id="remove">
<<link "Collect Cum!">><</link>>
<<replace '#tooltip'>><<notify>> You've gained 11ml of cum!
<meter class="cumTrack" @value="$cum" min="0" max="1000"></meter><</notify>><</replace>>
<<replace '#tooltip'>><<replace'#remove'>><</replace>><</replace>>
You decide that you can't go through with this. You quickly throw open the door and run. As the bathroom door is closing you can hear someone leaving the stall, but you don't think they've seen you. Quickly you walk towards your [[next class.|Day5_Class2]]
<<link"Pass by">>
You ignore the bathroom and pass by without a second glance. You make your way straight towards your [[math class.|Day5_Class2]]<</replace>><</link>></span> <<else>> You reach your math class without incident and [[head inside.|Day5_Class2]]<</if>>
You step into the classroom and take your seat. Mr. Smith is already seated at his desk <<if $smithPath == "Obey" or $smithPath == "Caught">>and gives you a knowing look.<<else>>observing the room.<</if>> The bell rings just after you take your seat and he gets to his feet.
<<say $smit>>"Alright class. Today is your last day to ask me any questions about the course content. Use this next hour wisely. Otherwise, study on your own."<</say>>
He takes his seat back at his desk and begins to read something. You pull your books out and prepare for a long and boring period of Math review. As you are taking out the last of your books you hear a "pst" from behind you. You turn and see two boys at the back of the classroom. They seem to be trying to get your attention…
<span id ="choice"><<link "Ignore Them">>
You turn away from them and continue your studies. They try and get your attention a few more times but eventually give up. You continue your studies for the rest of the class. Soon enough the class begins to wrap up. <<if $smithLine >=1>> As you pass by Mr. Smith's desk, he glances up at you.
<<say $smit>>"I'll see you after school. Ms. $pc.nameL."<</say>>
You hurry past him and head out into the [[hallway.|Day5_Lunch]] <<else>>
You make your way out into the hallway and [[head towards lunch.|Day5_Lunch]]<</if>><</replace>><</link>>
<<link "Move over to them">>
You quickly shift seats closer to them and lean in to listen.
<<say $npcm>>"Hey, you're new here right?"<</say>>
You nod.
<<say $npcm>>"How would you like to pass these exams? I mean without studying and all that bullshit."<</say>>
Your eyes narrow. These two are up to something suspicious.
<<say $pc>>"What do you mean?"<</say>>
<<say $npcm2>>"We just saw Mr. Smith put his exam copy in the draw of his desk. If we can get a picture of it, we can pass no problem. We just need your help."<</say>>
<<say $pc>>"What am I supposed to do?"<</say>>
The boys share a glance between them.
<<say $npcm>>"Right so, Mr. Smith is kind of a creep right, so if you can distract him one of us can go over and snap a picture."<</say>>
Your eyes narrow again. The boys aren't right. Mr. Smith is a total creep but are you comfortable using your body like that?
<span id ="choice1"><<link "Help them">>
<<say $pc>>"Alright, let's do it."<</say>>
The boys smile and give a nod to each other. One leans into you the other heads to a seat at the front of the room.
<<say $npcm2>>"Okay, you just have to distract him for a minute or so. He's gonna snap as many pictures as he can. You got it?"<</say>>
You nod and as he leans back and pretends to work you raise your hand. Mr. Smith takes a moment to notice and then heads over.
<<say $smit>>"What is it Ms. $pc.nameL?<<if $smithPath == "Obey">>Are our after school sessions not helping you enough?<<else>>Is there a problem I can help you with.<</if>>"<</say>>
Mr. Smith leans over your chair, closer than he probably should. You take a moment to decide how you want to handle this.
<span id="choice2"><<statCheckReplace 8 $ $intImg "Overwhelm him with some examples of advanced Math proofs.">><<link"Overwhelm him with some examples of advanced Math proofs.">>
<<say $pc>> "Yes actually. I was looking at this problem and wondering if you could solve it by calculating the angle of the non-right-angle vertex of the hyperbolic triangle? Do you think that would work>"<</say>>
Mr. Smith's eyes widen, and he listens to your words. You don’t even understand all of them, but you've seen them mentioned in some WuTube videos. He clears his throat and leans in.
<<say $smit>>"Well, uh, actually you can just take a2 and add it to b2. Then you just have to…"<</say>>
Mr. Smith continues to explain, out of the corner of your eye you spot the other boy opening his desk and quickly snapping some pictures with his phone. You glace over at Mr. Smith, still pointing down to your sheet.
<<say $smit>>"…then add those together. Does that make sense?"<</say>>
<<say $pc>>"Oh totally. I think I was over complicating it."<</say>>
<<say $smit>>"Right. Let me know if you need more help."<</say>>
He heads back to his desk. The other boy has already sat back down. He gives you a thumbs up. You smile and go back to work. A few minutes later you get a text.
<div class ="phone">
<span class ="phoneLeft">Good work! I'll send over the file. </span>
<span class ="phoneLeft"> mathExam.png </span>
<span class ="phoneRight"> Happy to help! Good luck on the exam."</span>
Putting your phone away you doodle and mess about for the rest of the class. Once the bell rings you get up and head out into the hallway off towards [[the café.|Day5_Lunch]]<</replace>><</link>><</statCheckReplace>>
<<statCheckReplace 7 $pc.cha $chaImg "Charm him with some double double entendre.">><<link "Charm him with some double double entendre.">>
<<say $pc>>"Yeah, I'm having trouble finding the volume of this girthy cylinder. Its just so <b>big</b> and <b>hard</b>. Its certainly a huge problem."<</say>>
<<say $smit>>"Uh, yes. Volume of a cylinder is a tricky one. You're going to have to break it down into smaller pieces."<</say>>
<<say $pc>>"Oh that’s a good idea. Cause its so big I have no idea how I'd fit it all inside me."<</say>>
Mr. Smith raises an eyebrow and gives you a very quizzical look. From the corner of your eye, you see the other boy snapping some pictures of the inside of Mr. Smith's desk.
<<say $smit>>"Here, you can find how to break down this problem of page 174. Try starting there."<</say>>
<<say $pc>>"Oh that helps a lot Mr. Smith. You're such a huge help."<</say>>
He gives you one last look and then turns back towards his desk. Thankfully the boy is already seated again. He gives you a thumbs up. You smile and go back to work. A few minutes later you get a text.
<div class ="phone">
<span class ="phoneLeft">Good work! I'll send over the file. </span>
<span class ="phoneLeft"> mathExam.png </span>
<span class ="phoneRight"> Happy to help! Good luck on the exam."</span>
Putting your phone away you doodle and mess about for the rest of the class. Once the bell rings you get up and head out into the hallway off [[towards the café.|Day5_Lunch]]<</replace>><</link>><</statCheckReplace>>
<<link "Show off some cleavage.">>
<<say $pc>>"Yes, just a second. It's very hot in here."<</say>>
You lean back and take off your sweater, showing off your tank top and ample bosom. Mr. Smith's eyes flick down to your chest before looking back at the paper. You lean forward and push your breasts together.
<<say $pc>>"So, like, right here I don't get why you would add 2 there?"<</say>>
<<videoM "img/day5/Day5_Cleavage.mp4">><</videoM>>
Mr. Smith leans in more, looking down over your shoulder and probably right at your tits. You see from the corner of your eye the boy slips up to the front of the room.
<<say $smit>>"Ah, that’s just to rearrange the equation, look at this first step."<</say>>
He goes to straighten up.
<<say $pc>>"Wait!"<</say>>
In a panic you press your boobs right against his leg. He glances down at you and freezes.
<<say $smit>>"Is there something else?"<</say>>
<<say $pc>>"Uh, no. Just want to thank you for helping me."<</say>>
<<say $smit>>"Right, well you are welcome."<</say>>
Awkwardly he turns and heads for the front of the room. Thankfully the boy is already seated again. He gives you a thumbs up. You smile and go back to work. A few minutes later you get a text.
<div class ="phone">
<span class ="phoneLeft">Good work! I'll send over the file. </span>
<span class ="phoneLeft"> mathExam.png </span>
<span class ="phoneRight"> Happy to help! Good luck on the exam."</span>
Putting your phone away you doodle and mess about for the rest of the class.<<if $smithPath == "Obey" or $smithPath == "Caught">> As you get up to leave Mr. Smith get to his feet.
<<say $smit>>"Ms. $pc.nameL. Would you please stay behind for a minute."<</say>>
You hear a few "ooooohhhhhs" from the last leaving classmates but hang back as the door closes. Mr. Smith approaches you and then leans past you and locks the door.
<<say $smit>>"I don't know what your little stunt was for but I think its time for you to follow through with it now.<</say>>
He reaches [[out for your tits.|Day5_SmithTits]] <<else>> Once the bell rings you get up and head out into the hallway off [[towards the café.|Day5_Lunch]] <</if>> <</replace>><</link>></span><</replace>><</link>>
<<link"Say that you're out.">>
<<say $pc>>"Yeah, good luck with that one. I think I'll just study."<</say>>
The boys look down disappointed. You shift back over and continue your studies. Soon enough the class begins to wrap up. <<if $smithLine >=1>> As you pass by Mr. Smith's desk, he glances up at you.
<<say $smit>>"I'll see you after school. Ms. $pc.nameL."<</say>>
You hurry past him and head out into the hallway. <<else>>
You make your way out into the hallway and head [[towards lunch.|Day5_Lunch]]<</if>>
You walk into the cafeteria. As you enter with your food you see a variety of different places you could sit…
<<if $coleLunch is false>>You see your step-brother and his friend Nathan sitting at one of the nearby tables, Cole notices you and gestures to a [[seat beside them.|Day5_Lunch-Cole][$lunchTimer -= 1]]<</if>>
<<if $cassLunch is false>><<if $cass.aff >= 45>> You see [[Cassandra|Day5_Lunch-Cassandra][$lunchTimer -= 1]] sitting alone head slumped forward onto her backpack, possibly asleep.<</if>><</if>>
<<if $jessLunch is false>>You see [[Jessica and Doug|Day5_Lunch-Jess][$lunchTimer -= 1]] sitting with most of the football team frantically working on something strewn across the table.<</if>>
<<if $esmeLunch is false>><<if $esme.aff >=5>> You see [[Esmerelda|Day5_Lunch-Esmerelda][$lunchTimer -= 1]] sitting alone near the back of the café. <</if>><</if>>
<<if $beccLunch is false>>You see [[Rebecca|Day5_Lunch-Rebecca][$lunchTimer -= 1]] sitting with a few books out, studying while she eats.<</if>>
<<if $aloneLunch is false>>Or of course you could always easy [[alone.|Day5_Lunch-Alone][$lunchTimer -= 1]]<</if>>
As the last student heads out to the hall you close the door and face Mrs. Rose. She looks up at you with a smile.
<<say $rose>>"Oh, Ms. $pc.nameL. What can I help you with? Do you have questions about the exams?"<</say>>
You consider your response. <<if $roseCharmed or $roseCharmedHelp>> You have already enchanted her to help you out, but you could always use her body for some pleasure.
<span id="choice"><<link"Charm her and use her body">>
<<say $pc>>"Actually there is something you can help me with. <span class="castSpell"> Couϝʁoɼ</span>"<</say>>
You watch her eyes glaze over and her body relax. Now that’s she is under your control you consider what to do with her?
<span id ="choice1"><<link"Use her mouth">>
<<say $pc>>"I want you to lick my pussy Mrs. Rose. When you wake up you will want to eat my pussy and you will love it. You won't tell anyone about this but when I ask you will be willing to do whatever sexual act I want."<</say>>
You think through your words carefully to ensure this command isn't going to go haywire. Figuring it’s the best you go you focus your magic again.
<<say $pc>> "<span class="castSpell"> Ɐʍɑĸԍ</span>."<</say>>
As the words leave you mouth you see Mrs. Rose snap to attention. She looks around in confusion for a moment then focuses on you. She gives you a quick look up and down and then bite her lip.
<<say $rose>>"Oh, Ms. $pc.nameL. Um, is there something I can help you with? Any way I can help you relax for your exams?"<</say>>
She smiles seductively and makes her way around the desk. You are suddenly caught off guard, while you did set this up her sudden pornstar approach leaves you literally speechless.
<<say $pc>>"I-uh, yeah. I need help relaxing."<</say>>
<<say $rose>>"Of course. Let me help you."<</say>>
She moves forwards and puts her hands on your hips. She spins you around so that you are up against the desk.
<<videoM "img/day5/Day5_RoseKiss.mp4">><</videoM>>
With surprising strength, she pulls in close to you can kisses you. You're taken aback but quickly melt into her skilled kiss. As you kiss you feel her hand snake up your body before grabbing at your breasts. You moan in surprise into her mouth.
<<videoM "img/day5/Day5_RoseFinger.mp4">><</videoM>>
She pulls away and slowly drops to her knees, grabbing your pants and pulling them down. You lean back against the desk as you feel her hot breath on your pussy. You quiver in anticipation.
<<say $rose>>"Shhhh, relax. Let me help you."<</say>>
Her face pushes forward against you as her tongue darts out and lashes across your clit.
<<videoM "img/day5/Day5_RoseLick2.mp4">><</videoM>>
You moan in pleasure and grip her head to stay on your feet. Unlike the machine-like licking, you experienced last time she is reacting to your moans, moving her tongue around and speeding up and down. The result is an almost overwhelming pleasure. It doesn't take long for you to feel yourself approaching your orgasm and Mrs. Rose doesn't let up.
You nearly scream in pleasure as her tongue furiously attacks your pussy. Your legs finally give your and you collapse forward, Mrs. Rose helps you gently to the ground. Your body quakes in pleasure as you lay there basking in your aftershocks. As you look up you see Mrs. Rose, standing above you suddenly full nude.
<<say $pc>>"Wha-"<</say>>
<<videoM "img/day5/Day5_Rose69.mp4">><</videoM>>
Your words are cut short as she lowers herself down onto your face. Your nose is filled with her sweet scent as her wet pussy is pressed again your mouth.
<<say $rose>>"I'm not done yet."<</say>>
You hear her say before a moment later her mouth is on your pussy again. She sits on your face leaning forward and burying her own face into your pussy. You open you mouth and begin to lick. She moans into your pussy as you continue, moaning yourself from her own skills. It doesn't take long before you reach your climax again. And again. Finally, you feel Mrs. Rose seize on top of you as she shudders and grinds her pussy harder into your face. As her shaking stops and she rolls off of you.
<<say $rose>>"Ho-how are you feeling now, Ms. $pc.nameL?"<</say>>
Out of breath and in your haze of bliss all you can manage is a strained "uh-huh". Mrs. Rose smiles seemingly satisfied with your reaction. After taking another minute to recover you roll over and search for your clothes. Pulling them on you turn back to Mrs. Rose.
<<say $rose>>"Well, Ms. $pc.nameL. If you ever need to "Relax" again you know where to find me."<</say>>
She gives you a smile and dresses herself. You make your way to the door, wondering just what kind of monster you've created. You pull the door open and slip [[into the hallway.|Day5_Break1]]<</replace>><</link>>
<<if $growth>><<link"Use Growth">>
<<say $pc>>"Strip and get on the desk."<</say>>
You watch as she begins to remove her clothing. You do the same. She lays down on the desk facing you. You focus your magic.
<<say $pc>>"<span class="spellCast"> Exbɑuq qouმ</span>"<</say>>
A ripple of pleasure rocks your body that almost knocks you off your feet. You watch in wonder as a dick sprouts from your crotch. No matter how many times you see it, it always amazes you. Grasping the already hard dick you step forward and position it at Mrs. Rose's pussy.
<<videoM "img/day5/Day5_RoseInsert.mp4">><</videoM>>
You rub it against her entrance reveling in the sensation of her folds rubbing against the head of your extra sensitive tip. You feel her begin to get wet and without wanting to wait any longer you line up your dick and thrust forward.
<<videoM "img/day5/Day5_RoseFuck.mp4">><</videoM>>
You collapse forward onto her as your dick enters her warm pussy. Gently you pull back, the pleasure causing your whole body to shake. Tentatively you thrust again and begin to build up a rhythm. The desk rocks under the two of you as you begin to fuck her with renewed effort. Mrs. Rose stays silent as you continue to pound her. You feel your dick beginning to twitch and quickly pull back.
<<videoM "img/day5/Day5_RoseCum.mp4">><</videoM>>
Just as you dick exits her pussy it begins to spurt shooting ropes of cum all over her stomach and chest. You pant gripping the desk to stay on your feet as the waves of pleasure continue as the dick recedes back to nothing on your body. Panting you support yourself on the desk to catch your breath. You glance back at Mrs. Rose still laying there with herself painted with cum, unmoving like some kind of sex doll. You feel of twinge of guild for what you've done to her.
Quickly you clean up the cum, adding to the reservoir before commanding Mrs. Rose to get dressed. She finishes dressing. You focus your magic again.
<<say $pc>>"<span class="castSpell"> Ɐʍɑĸԍ</span>"<</say>>
Suddenly Mrs. Rose leans to one side and grabs the desk to support herself. You reach out to help her with concern. She glances over to you with confusion, her face flush.
<<say $rose>>"Oh…uh, sorry, $pc.nameF. I don't know what came over me. I just felt really lightheaded all of a sudden."<</say>>
You help her to her seat. She glances towards the clock.
<<say $rose>>"Oh my, Ms. $pc.nameL its you need to get going to your next class. Don't worry about me I think I just need to drink some water."<</say>>
You nod, concerned that your spell might have taken too much out of her. You head towards the door, glancing back at her for a moment before slipping out [[into the hallway.|Day5_Break1]]<</replace>><</link>><</if>></span><</replace>><</link>>
<<say $pc>>"Sorry, it was nothing."<</say>>
Mrs. Rose gives you a confused look as you turn around and leave exiting [[into the hallway.|Day5_Break1]]<</replace>><</link>></span>
<span id ="choice"><<link "Enjoy her body">>
<<replace "#choice">>
You decide to relieve a little bit of your stress. Mrs. Rose is the hottest teacher in school (arguably), and she is now fully under your control. Even if you don't have you cock you can still have some fun.
<<say $pc>> "Take off your shirt."<</say>>
Your words seem to reverberate as you speak them. Mrs. Rose obeys immediately, stripping off her tight fighting blouse revealing her supple breasts and black bra.
<<videoM "img/day4/Day4_RoseStrip1.mp4">><</videoM>>
<<say $pc>> "Take off your bra and skirt."<</say>>
Once again, she obeys. Her bra and skirt fall away as you drink in the sight of her mostly naked body.
Thinking clearly for a moment you move to the door and close the blinds and lock it. No one should disturb you now and you've got time before your next class.
<<say $pc>> "Take off everything and kneel."<</say>>
<<videoM "img/day4/Day4_RoseStrip2.mp4">><</videoM>>
She obeys, stripping completely and kneeling before you. You can feel your own arousal growing as you take in the sight of your teacher on her knees before you. You quickly slip out of your pants and sit on the edge of your desk. Mrs. Rose doesn't even respond. If you weren't so aroused, you'd probably be creeped out by her blank stare.
<<say $pc>> "Lick."<</say>>
<<videoM "img/day4/Day4_RoseLick.mp4">><</videoM>>
Your command prompts a flurry of movement from her as she dives forward into your crotch. You let out a surprised moan as her tongue assaults your clit. You real back in surprise as her apparent skill. After only the first 30 seconds you are gasping for air your mind going blank with pleasure.
<<videoM "img/day4/Day4_RoseLick2.mp4">><</videoM>>
Mrs. Rose' tongue thoroughly explores your pussy as it teases your slit, laps over your clit, and plunges deep inside you. You gasp and grip at her head as your climax builds and then explodes. You slam back onto the desk and let out a loud gasp. You try and catch your breath from the aftershocks but don't get the chance. Mrs. Rose continues to lick causing you to slam back onto the desk in a second orgasm.
<<say $pc>> "S-st—oohhhhh"<</say>>
<<videoM "img/day4/Day4_pcOrgasm.mp4">><</videoM>>
Before you can get the words out your body seizes up again and you moan out loud. You feel your mind slipping away from your under layer and layer of orgasm. She won't stop. Not unless you command it. The next class will come in here to find you a quivering mess and Mrs. Rose soaked with your juices happily lapping away. Musting all your willpower you brace against the pleasure.
<<say $pc>> "STOP!"<</say>>
Her tongue immediately recedes, and you manage to barely catch your breath. You bask in the body numbing pleasure for a few moments longer before you try to get up. You collapse on weary legs and then scramble to your feet. Taking a few moments, you clean yourself up and Mrs. Rose. Finally catching your breath, you ask Mrs. Rose to her feet and to get dressed.
<<say $pc>>"<span class="castSpell">Ɐʍɑĸԍ</span>"<</say>>
She looks up immediately and looks around and then licks her lips. She pauses for a moment then suddenly seems to notice you.
<<say $rose>> "Yes, $pc.nameF? Is there something you need?"<</say>>
<<say $pc>> "No, nothing. Have a nice day."<</say>>
She looks at you confused as you [[leave.|Day5_Break1]]
Controlling Mrs. Rose's mind appears to have endeared her to you. You gain <span class="aff">+25 Affection</span>.<<set $rose.aff += 25>>
<<statCheckReplace 2 $pc.mag $magImg "Implant a Subtle Command">><<link "Implant a Subtle Command">>
<<replace "#choice">>
You focus on her and carefully consider the words you're about to say.
<<say $pc>> "When you wake up you will have an overwhelming desire to help me with anything I ask of you no matter what it is." <</say>>
You wait a moment then speak the command.
<<say $pc>>"<span class="castSpell">Ɐʍɑĸԍ</span>"<</say>>
Her eyes light up again and she looks at you.
<<say $rose>> "Yes, $pc.nameF? Is there something you need?"<</say>>
<<say $pc>> "Yes. Can I have $20?"<</say>>
<<say $rose>>"Of course, anything you need."<</say>>
She reaches into her purse and pull out $20 handing it to you. Looks like your spell worked.
<<say $pc>> "Thank you. Have a nice day."<</say>>
She smiles at you as you leave. It looks like you can rely on Mrs. Rose to help you out in the future if you need. With that done you head towards your [[next break.|Day5_Break1]]
Controlling Mrs. Rose's mind made her love you. You gain <span class="love">+100 Love</span>.<<set $ += 100>>
<<statCheckReplace 3 $pc.mag $magImg "Get her to gather cum for you">><<link "Get her to gather cum for you.">>
<<replace "#choice">>
You decide that you should use Mrs. Rose to help gather some ingredients for you.
<<say $pc>> "Mrs. Rose, you will help gather cum for me. You will go to the boy's bathroom during each break and go to the last stall. You will suck any dicks that come through the hole in the stall and collect the cum in a bottle. You will find me after school and give me the bottle. None of this will be weird for you but you also won't tell anyone about it but me."<</say>>
You pause for a moment.
<<say $pc>> "You will greatly enjoy this task."<</say>>
You nod and then say the command word.
<<say $pc>>"<span class="castSpell">Ɐʍɑĸԍ</span>"<</say>>
Mrs. Rose snaps awake and immediately locks eyes with you. For a moment you fear your spell was too complex. She then smiles.
<<say $rose>> "Yes, $pc.nameF? Is there something you need?"<</say>>
Whew, looks like it is holding.
<<say $pc>> "No, nothing. Have a nice day."<</say>>
<<set $roseCharmed to true>>
She looks at you confused as you [[leave.|Day5_Break1]]<</replace>><</link>><</statCheckReplace>></span><</if>>You sit down beside Cole and Nathan. Between the two of them you see a plethora of different textbooks.
<<say $pc>>"Hey, you two studying?"<</say>>
Cole glances over to you and the shifts some of the books.
<<say $cole>>"Not exactly. These are all for Maze & Monsters. We're starting up a new game once school is done. We're trying to figure out the best way to build our characters."<</say>>
<<if $pc.tag.background == "Nerd">> Right, you should have known better. The two of them have played a game of M&M every summer since elementary school. <</if>> You nod in half understanding.
<<say $nath>>"It a really cool game. You can do pretty much anything. Like last summer…"<</say>>
You spend the rest of lunch listening to the two boys regale you with tales of their TTRPGs. Soon enough you finish up your lunch <<if $lunchTimer >0>> but still have some time before [[lunch ends.|Day5_Lunch]] <<else>>. After finishing up you head out and make your way [[towards art class.|Day5_After-Lunch]]<</if>>
<<set $coleLunch = true>>
Talking with the boys increases your <span class="aff"> Affection </span> with both of them by <span class="aff">+5</span>.<<set $cole.aff += 5>><<set $nath.aff += 5>>You sit down amongst the chaos of Jessica's table. The table is littered with paper signs, booklets, and pom poms. You find a clear spot and sit down as Jessica continues to talk with those already at the table.
<<say $jess>>"Alright girls. Today is the day, no fuck ups alright? That means you Lana! Everyone needs to kill it out there. There will be scouts, for both the boys and for us so we need to shine. Now where the fuck is Becky with the glue."<</say>>
She begins shifting through the supplies on the table before catching sight of you.
<<if $cheerLine >= 1>><<say $jess>>"Don't just sit there $pc.nameF. Get your ass over here and help. I swear you all are useless."<</say>>
Spurned on by Jessica you get to your feet and begin to help. Soon enough you finish up your lunch and helping out <<if $lunchTimer >0>> but still have some time before [[lunch ends.|Day5_Lunch]] <<else>>. After finishing up you head out and make your way [[towards art class.|Day5_After-Lunch]] <</if>> <<else>>
<<say $jess>>"The fuck do you think you are doing?! This is for Cheerleaders only. Get the fuck out of here!"<</say>>
Fearful you quickly pick up your tray and move to another table, watching the chaos of the table from afar. Soon enough you finish up your lunch <<if $lunchTimer >0>> but still have some time before [[lunch ends.|Day5_Lunch]]<<else>>. After finishing up you head out and make your way [[towards art class.|Day5_After-Lunch]]<</if>><</if>>
<<set $jessLunch = true>>
Spending time with Jess increases your <span class="aff"> Affection </span> with her by <span class="aff">+5</span>.<<set $jess.aff += 5>>You take a seat across from Esmerelda as she sits causally reading a book. You glance at the title. "At the Mountains of Madness".
<<say $pc>>"How's the book?"<</say>>
<<say $esme>>"The author has some imagination that’s for sure.
<<if $esmeLine>=1>> Or he was a warlock and cast a few wrong spells. <</if>>"<</say>>
<<say $pc>>"You almost finished?"<</say>>
<<say $esme>>"I would be if I didn't keep getting interrupted."<</say>>
Admonished you return to eating your lunch.
<<if $esmeLine >= 3>>
She lowers the book and glances over at you.
<<say $esme>>"Will I be seeing you after school today?"<</say>>
<<say $pc>>"Uh, yeah. If I have the time."<</say>>
<<say $esme>>"Good. I think today we can make some serious progress."<</say>>
She raises the book back up, clearly not wanting to elaborate further. You shrug and continue eating. Soon enough you finish up your lunch <<if $lunchTimer >0>> but still have some time before [[lunch ends.|Day5_Lunch]] <<else>>. After finishing up you head out and make your way [[towards art class.|Day5_After-Lunch]] <</if>> <<else>> Soon enough you finish up your lunch <<if $lunchTimer >0>> but still have some time before [[lunch ends.|Day5_Lunch]] <<else>>. After finishing up you head out and make your way [[towards art class.|Day5_After-Lunch]]<</if>><</if>>
<<set $esmeLunch = true>>
Spending time with Esmerelda increases your <span class="aff"> Affection </span> with her by <span class="aff">+5</span>.<<set $esme.aff += 5>>You take a seat across from Cassandra. You can see that despite her head being slumped on the table she is not sleeping but seems to be reading a book in her lap.
<<say $pc>>"Hey, you doing alright?"<</say>>
She suddenly sits up looking around for the source of the noise. He eyes stop on you.
<<say $cass>>"Oh its you. Yeah. I'm fine. Just a little tired?"<</say>>
<<say $pc>>"You studying for exams?"<</say>>
<<say $cass>>"Uh, not exactly. Just looking over some things for Sunday. I don't want to mess up again."<</say>>
<<say $pc>>"Ah, right. Will you be prepared by them?"<</say>>
<<say $cass>>"Hopefully. It’s a lot to take in. I spent months studying for the last one and look how it turned out."<</say>>
<<say $pc>>"Well hopefully this time goes better. Can I see?"<</say>>
She nods and brings the book up on the table. You can see from the open pages scrawlings in some language, diagrams, and bulleted points. <<if $pc.mag >= 1>>You know how to cast some magic now but this is way beyond you.<</if>> It makes no sense.
<<say $pc>>"Well, I'll, uh, leave you to that."<</say>>
She nods and goes back to reading as you continue to eat. Soon enough you finish up your lunch <<if $lunchTimer >0>> but still have some time before [[lunch ends.|Day5_Lunch]] <<else>>. After finishing up you head out and make your way [[towards art class.|Day5_After-Lunch]] <</if>>
<<set $cassLunch = true>>
Talking with the Cassandra has increased her <span class="aff"> Affection </span> by <span class="aff">+5</span>.<<set $cass.aff += 5>>You sit across from Rebecca, she looks up from her studies and gives you a smile. <<if $toldBecc>> She leans in and lower her voice.
<<say $becc>>"Ever since you told me about what happened to you, I've been looking at people trying to figure out if… y'know. They are one of them?"<</say>>
You raise an eyebrow at her. She looks around the room with suspicion.
<<say $becc>>"I think Esmerelda might be one of them. She disappeared for a year and all that. She could be just hiding and waiting. What do you think?"<</say>>
You look over Becca and notice her hand shaking slightly, two empty cups of coffee beside her.
<<say $pc>>"I think you might need to lay off the caffeine a bit."<</say>>
She looks over at the cups as well.
<<say $becc>>"Hrm, maybe. Exams might get me a little stressed.I've got to make sure I'm prepared."<</say>>
You nod along and begin to eat your lunch. Soon enough you finish up your lunch <<if $lunchTimer >0>> but still have some time before [[lunch ends.|Day5_Lunch]] <<else>>. After finishing up you head out and make your way [[towards art class.|Day5_After-Lunch]]<</if>>
<<else>> You notice two empty cups of coffee beside her as she seems to be quite absorbed in her studies as looks back down at her books.
<<say $pc>>"Late night?"<</say>>
<<say $becc>>"Yeah, I was preparing my study sheets, but I just couldn't get it right. Had to start over a few times."<</say>>
You look down at one of the immaculately written study sheets on the table.
<<say $pc>>"Right…"<</say>>
You start eating your lunch occasionally talking with Rebecca as you munch away. Soon enough you finish up your lunch <<if $lunchTimer >0>> but still have some time before [[lunch ends.|Day5_Lunch]] <<else>>. After finishing up you head out and make your way [[towards art class.|Day5_After-Lunch]]<</if>><</if>>
<<set $beccLunch = true>>
Talking with the Rebecca has increased her <span class="aff"> Affection </span> by <span class="aff">+5</span>.<<set $becc.aff += 5>>
You sit down alone at the back of the café. Weird feeling washes over you. With everything happening you didn't even remember that this is your last day of school. You should be celebrating with your friends but instead you are stuck as a girl. Even if you do get changed back, you will never get this chance back. Nostalgic you watch the café as you eat, taking in the last moments of your time here.
Soon enough you finish up your lunch <<if $lunchTimer >0>> but still have some time before [[lunch ends.|Day5_Lunch]]<<else>>. After finishing up you head out and make your way [[towards art class.|Day5_After-Lunch]] <</if>>
<<set $aloneLunch = true>>Mr. Smith's hands grab at your tits and begin to squeeze and massage them. He pushes you back toward his desk, never letting go of your tits.
<<say $smit>>"Sluts like you always get greedy. I guess you just couldn't wait until after school."<</say>>
You open your mouth to protest but all that comes out is a moan and he works your breasts. He is surprisingly good at that.
<<videoM "img/day5/Day5_SmithGrope.mp4">><</videoM>>
<<say $smit>>"Well now its time to put your money where you mouth is. Or in this case your tits."<</say>>
He strips off your shirt and bra and then pushes you down onto your knees. Quickly he removes his own pants, his hard dick springing free.
<<say $smit>>"Lets see what kinda work those tits of yours can do."<</say>>
<<videoM "img/day5/Day5_Titfuck.mp4">><</videoM>>
Without warning he grabs your tits and smushes them together around his dick. The sudden warm on your breast flesh causes you to shudder. The surrealness of the situation hits you. Mr. Smith starts fucking your tits, this is certainly nothing you would have expected to happy in your lifetime. Mr. Smith lets out a moan as he savages your breast, hold them hard around his dick.
You can help but feel your own pleasure growing, the stimulation of your tits and the warmth of his dick against your chest. You feel like you shouldn't be enjoying this but still the feeling is pleasant for you. Suddenly Mr. Smith seizes up.
<<videoM "img/day5/Day5_CumonTits.mp4">><</videoM>>
You feel warm wet fluid spray onto your chest and down your cleavage. The warm fluid begins to trickle over your <<print $pc.bustDes[$pc.bust]>> breasts. Mr. Smith takes a step back.
<<say $smit>>"Fuck, sluts like you get me going. Nothing more beautiful than a pair of tits with cum on them."<</say>>
He pulls his own pants up, ignore you. You get up and wipe off your breasts, using a paper towel to get the cum into the Reservoir. You then quickly pull your bra and shirt back on. You glance over to Mr. Smith.
<<say $smit>>"What are you waiting for? I'm done with you, you can go."<</say>>
You shake your head and unlock and open the door. With a slightly moist chest you rush down to the café to [[get some lunch.|Day5_Lunch]]
<<set $cum += 11>><span id="remove">
<<link "Collect Cum!">><</link>>
<<replace '#tooltip'>><<notify>> You've gained 11ml of cum!
<meter class="cumTrack" @value="$cum" min="0" max="1000"></meter><</notify>><</replace>>
<<replace '#tooltip'>><<replace'#remove'>><</replace>><</replace>>
<</nobr>></span><<silently>><<if $drunk >= 99>> <<goto "Party_Passout">><</if>>
<<if $partyDuration <= 0>> <<goto "Party_End">><</if>>
<<set $eventIndex = random(8)>><<set $eventClock -= 1>>
<<if $eventIndex == 0 and !$lrEvent1 and $eventClock <= 0>>
<<goto "RLivingRoomEvent_1">>
<<elseif $eventIndex == 1 and !$lrEvent2 and $eventClock <= 0>>
<<goto "RLivingRoomEvent_2">>
<<elseif $eventIndex == 2 and !$lrEvent3 and $eventClock <= 0>>
<<goto "RLivingRoomEvent_3">>
<<set $rImage = random(3)>><</silently>>
<<if $rImage == 0>>
<img src = "img/day5/Party/Party_Livingroom.jpg" height ="480px" width ="720px">
<<elseif $rImage == 1>>
<<videoM "img/day5/Party/Party_Livingroom1.mp4">><</videoM>>
<<videoM "img/day5/Party/Party_Livingroom2.mp4">><</videoM>>
<span id="choice"><<link"Grab a Drink">>
You grab a drink from one of the nearby tables and swig it back. You feel a rush of heat in your body as your thoughts get a little more fuzzy.
<<videoM "img/day5/Party/Party_Drinks.mp4">><</videoM>>
<<addAlcohol 5>><</replace>><</link>></span>
<<if !$gameDone>><<if !$pongPlay>>[[Take a look at the Beer Pong table|PLivingRoomEvent_1]]<<else>>[[Return to your game with Emily|PLivingRoomEvent_1_Play]]<</if>><</if>>
<<if !$toldDoug>><<if !$dougQuest>>[[Approach Doug|PLivingRoomEvent_2]]<<else>>[[Visit Doug|PLivingRoomEvent_2_Return]]<</if>><</if>>
<<if $pcCosplay>><<if !$lonerClosed>>[[Talk to the loner in the corner|PLivingRoomEvent_3]]<</if>><</if>>
<<if !$punchClosed>>[[Grab a drink from the punch bowl|PLivingRoomEvent_4]]<</if>>
<<if !$spinClosed>>[[Join the kids playing spin the bottle|PLivingRoomEvent_5]]<</if>>
<<if $dougQuest and !$seenJessica>>[[You spot Jessica in the crowd|PLivingRoomEvent_6]]<</if>>
[[Go to the Bathroom|Party_Bathroom1]]
[[Go to the Kitchen|Party_Kitchen]]
[[Go to the Pool |Party_Pool]]
[[Go Upstairs|Party_UpstairsHall]]
<span id="leave"><<link"Leave the party.">>
You make your way towards the door. You could leave right now if you wanted but do you really want to miss out on the rest of the party?
<</replace>><</link>></span><<if $drunk >= 99>> <<goto "Party_Passout">><<set $eventClock -= 1>><</if>><<if $partyDuration <= 0>> <<goto "Party_End">><</if>>
<<set $eventIndex = random(5)>><<set $eventClock -=1>>
<<if $eventIndex == 0 and !$b1Event1 and $eventClock <= 0>>
<<goto "RBathroomEvent_1">>
<img src = "img/day5/Party/Party_Bathroom1.jpg" height ="480px" width>
<<if !$freshUp1>><span id="choice"><<link"Freshen Up">>
You splash some cold water across your face. You feel some of senses restored and a little less tipsy. <<set $drunk -= 10>><<set $freshUp1 to true>><</replace>><</link>></span><</if>>
[[Go to the Living Room|Party_LivingRoom]]<<silently>><<if $drunk >= 99>> <<goto "Party_Passout">><<set $eventClock -=1>><</if>><<if $partyDuration <= 0>> <<goto "Party_End">><</if>>
<<set $eventIndex = random(6)>><<set $eventClock -=1>>
<<if $eventIndex == 0 && !$ktEvent1 and $eventClock <= 0>>
<<goto RKitchenEvent_1>>
<<elseif $eventIndex == 1 && !$ktEvent2 and $eventClock <= 0>>
<<goto RKitchenEvent_2>>
<img src = "img/day5/Party/Party_Kitchen.jpg" height ="480px" width>
[[Talk to the man mixing drinks|PKitchenEvent_1]]
<<if !$beccClosed>>[[Talk to Rebecca|PKitchenEvent_2]]<</if>>
<<if !$donePop>>[[Approach the girls with the popsicles|PKitchenEvent_3]]<</if>>
[[Go to the Living Room|Party_LivingRoom]]
[[Go to the Pool|Party_Pool]]<<silently>><<if $drunk >= 99>> <<goto "Party_Passout">><<set $eventClock -= 1>><</if>><<if $partyDuration <= 0>> <<goto "Party_End">><</if>>
<<set $eventIndex = random(6)>><<set $eventClock -=1>>
<<if $eventIndex == 0 && !$plEvent1 and $eventClock <= 0>>
<<goto RPoolEvent_1>>
<<elseif $eventIndex == 1 && !$plEvent2 and $eventClock <= 0>>
<<goto RPoolEvent_2>>
<<if $rImage == 0>>
<img src = "img/day5/Party/Party_Pool.jpg" height ="480px" width ="720px">
<img src = "img/day5/Party/Party_Pool2.jpg" height ="480px" width ="720px">
<<if !$enchantedAb>><<if $esmeQuest is false && $esmeParty is false>>[[Approach Esmerelda|PPoolEvent_1]]<<elseif $esmeQuest is true>>[[Approach Esmerelda|PPoolEvent_1_2]]<</if>><</if>>
<<if !$marcClosed>><<if !$marcQuest>>[[Approach Marcus|PPoolEvent_2]]<<else>>[[Approach Marcus|PPoolEvent_2_Return]]<</if>><</if>>
<<if !$jumped>>[[Take a look at the roof|PPoolEvent_3]]<</if>>
[[Go to the Kitchen|Party_Kitchen]]
[[Go to the Living Room|Party_LivingRoom]]<<silently>><<if $drunk >= 99>> <<goto "Party_Passout">><<set $eventClock -= 1>><</if>><<if $partyDuration <= 0>> <<goto "Party_End">><</if>>
<<set $eventIndex = random(5)>><<set $eventClock -=1>>
<<if $eventIndex == 0 and !$shEvent1 and $eventClock <= 0>>
<<goto "RUpstairsEvent_1">>
<<elseif $eventIndex == 1 and !$shEvent2 and $eventClock <= 0>>
<<goto "RUpstairsEvent_2">>
<<elseif $eventIndex == 2 and !$shEvent3 and $eventClock <= 0>>
<<goto "RUpstairsEvent_3">>
<img src = "img/day5/Party/Party_Hallway.jpg" height ="480px" width>
[[Go downstairs|Party_LivingRoom]]
<<if !$dougClosed>><<if $shownRecord>>The door to Doug's room is closed. [[Approach it.|PDougEvent_1_Angry]] <<else>>[[Go into Doug's Room|Party_DougRoom]]<</if>><</if>>
[[Go into the Empty Room|Party_EmptyRoom]]
<<if $lonerClosed and !$lonerDone>>[[Go to the bathroom|PBathroomEvent_1]]<<else>>[[Go to the bathroom|Party_Bathroom2]]<</if>>
<<if $marcQuest && !$ralphDone>>[[There is a strange smell coming from on of the closed bedrooms|PUpstairsEvent_1]]<</if>>
<<if $punchClosed && !$jocksDone>>[[You hear lewd sounds echoing through the door of one of the spare rooms|PUpstairsEvent_2]]<</if>><<if $drunk >= 99>> <<goto "Party_Passout">><<set $eventClock -= 1>><</if>><<set $eventClock -=1>><<if $partyDuration <= 0>> <<goto "Party_End">><</if>>
<img src = "img/day5/Party/Party_DougRoom.jpg" height ="480px" width>
<<if $toldDoug>>[[Doug & Jessica sit on the bed|PDougRoomEvent_1]]<</if>>
<<if !$toldDoug && !$hasMHair>>[[Steal hair from Doug's brush|PDougRoomEvent_2]]<</if>>
[[Go into the hallway|Party_UpstairsHall]]<<if $drunk >= 99>> <<goto "Party_Passout">><<set $eventClock -= 1>><</if>><<set $eventClock -=1>><<if $partyDuration <= 0>> <<goto "Party_End">><</if>>
<img src = "img/day5/Party/Party_Spare.jpg" height ="480px" width>
<<if !$coupleEvent>>[[There is a couple having a talk in here|PEmptyRoomEvent_1]]<</if>>
<<if !$drunkClosed>>[[Take a moment to catch your breath|PEmptyRoomEvent_2]]<</if>>
<<if !$jessEmpty>><<if $seenJessica and !$toldDoug>>[[The closet is open enough that you could hide in there before Jessica gets here...|PEmptyRoomEvent_3]]<</if>><</if>>
[[Go into the hallway|Party_UpstairsHall]]
<<if $drunk >=75>>[[Sleep|Day5_End]]<</if>><<if $drunk >= 99>> <<goto "Party_Passout">><<set $eventClock -= 1>><</if>><<if $partyDuration <= 0>> <<goto "Party_End">><</if>>
<<set $eventIndex = random(5)>><<set $eventClock -=1>>
<<if $eventIndex == 0 and !$b2Event1 and $eventClock <= 0>>
<<goto "RBathroom2Event_1">>
<img src = "img/day5/Party/Party_Bathroom2.jpg" height ="480px" width>
<<if !$freshUp2>><span id="choice"><<link"Freshen Up">>
You splash some cold water across your face. You feel some of senses restored and a little less tipsy. <<set $drunk -= 10>><<set $freshUp2 to true>><</replace>><</link>></span><</if>>
[[Go into the hallway|Party_UpstairsHall]]You walk into the classroom a little bit early and find your seat. Mrs. Yiin follows in a little behind you. <<if $helpedYiin>> She gives you a warm smile and a nod as she notices you but approaching.
<<say $yiin>>"Thank you so much for your help yesterday. You've inspired me for a really fun final class."<</say>>
She gives you another smile and heads back to her desk. As the students gather, she addresses the class.
<<say $yiin>>"Alright class. As I'm sure you are aware, we have no exams for this class, so for our final class we will being doing a fun group activity. Just like yesterday we will be doing figure drawing, but we will be doing it in partners. Everyone please find a partner."<</say>>
The girls in the class quickly scramble to team up with each other, knowing what to expect if they get partnered with a boy. <<if $model>>The boys however, all turn to face you approaching with asks of partnership. So many ask at once that you have a hard time telling one from the next. You do your best to listen in before just picking one randomly from the crowd.
Mrs. Yiin's voice calls out above the ruckus.
<<say $yiin>>"Now remember this is about creativity and fun. Don't feel stuck to charcoal and paper. Get creative, you have the hour."<</say>>
The boy turns to you [[with a smile.|Day5_Class3Boy1]]
One boy quickly approaches you and asks if you will partner up with him. Looking around you don't see many other prospects, [[so you agree.|Day5_Class3Boy1]]<</if>>
She takes a seat at her desk. As the rest of the class file in she calls out to them.
<<say $yiin>>"Welcome class. There is no exam for this class so feel free to use this period to work on your other classes or draw or whatever vibes you have for today. I'll be here to help if needed."<</say>>
A few people slip back out of the classroom but the rest just hang around and goof off. You decide what you want to do.
<span id="choice"><<link"Study">>
You decide to study for your other classes. The hour passes slowly but you feel like you've learned something.
<<link"Goof off">>
You join into one of the groups and hang out with some of your classmates for the rest of the class. You feel pretty relaxed at the end of the hour.
You head to the back of the classroom with the boy. He gives you a big smile as he begins to take out some art supplies.
<<say $boy1>>"Thanks for choosing me. I've always wanted to try this with a girl, but I don't think anyone would be willing to do it."<</say>>
Concern begins to raise in your chest.
<<say $pc>>"What exactly are we going to do?"<</say>>
The boys smile gets even bigger as he unpacks a series of paints onto the table.
<<say $boy1>>"Body painting!"<</say>>
He opens his phone and shows you a series of photos of naked woman with various costumes painted onto them. Your eyes go wide.
<<say $pc>>"I'm not sure if that is what Mrs. Yiin meant…"<</say>>
<<say $boy1>>"Oh c'mon. I'm sure that she will love it. After yesterday? This is totally up her alley."<</say>>
You glance at Mrs. Yiin, over with another group. He is probably right but still, is this something you want to do?
<span id="choice"><<link"Do it.">>
<<say $pc>>"Fine. I'll do it."<</say>>
The boy excitedly picks up his case of paints and gestures to one of the private art rooms.
<<say $boy1>>"C'mon let's get in there. Don't want people seeing you before you're done."<</say>>
You follow him into the room and shut the door. At least this way you'll have some privacy. He sets down the paints and begins to prepare them.
<<say $boy1>>"Alright strip. We don't have much time."<</say>>
Surprisingly he doesn't even spare a glance as you strip. He is really dedicated to his craft. Once you are fully naked, he turns to face you, looking you up and down.
<<say $boy1>>"What a beautiful canvas."<</say>>
You find yourself blushing as he steps forward and you feel the cold touch of paint against your skin. You flinch away from the brush.
<<say $boy1>>"Stay still. This is very delecate work."<</say>>
You do your best to stay still, ignoring the gentle caress of the brush, his hands pull and pushing your skin to help the paint on. His brush strokes over your nipples, your thighs, breasts, even skirting around the entrance of your pussy. Despite everything he stays laser focused, dedicated to his art. To him you are nothing but a canvas. The experience is sort of arousing but more, so you feel beautiful. The longer your work the more you feel like a work of art.
As the hour begins to come to close, he finally steps back. He looks you up and down.
<<say $boy1>>"Wow…"<</say>>
<<say $pc>>"H-how do I look?"<</say>>
<<say $boy1>>"You're the sexiest thing I've ever seen. A beautiful work of art."<</say>>
He reaches down into his bag. He pulls out a camera.
<<say $pc>>"Hey, what are you doing?"<</say>>
<<say $boy1>>"I need to record this. And so, you can see this."<</say>>
You think about stopping him but decide that you want to see how it turned out more.
<<say $boy1>>"Give me some poses, something heroic."<</say>>
<<videoM "img/day5/Day5_BodyPaintShow.mp4">><</videoM>>
You strike a few poses as he snaps some pictures. He looks down at them and nods.
<<say $boy1>>"Its perfect. I'll send you the pictures. I hate to say it though, but you should probably get cleaned up."<</say>>
You glance at the time and swear. You move towards the door then look down at yourself. To your surprise the boy steps forward with a bathroom. Why does he even have this? Even so you are struck with his politeness.
You wrap yourself up in the robe and slip out of the room. You get a few curious glances as you head for the girl's locker room and the showers. After washing off you dress back in your own close and head back to class. Along the way you get a text from him.
<div class ="phone">
<span class ="phoneLeft">You're beauty inspires me, my goddess. </span>
<span class ="phoneLeft"> Here is the pictures of our work. If you ever want to work together again let me know. </span>
<span class ="phoneLeft"><img src = "img/day5/Day5_BodyPaintPic1.png" height ="110px" width ="180px"><img src = "img/day5/Day5_BodyPaintPic2.png" height ="110px" width ="180px"> </span>
<span class ="phoneRight"></span>
You reach the classroom just in time to grab your own things, with the boy know where to be seen. You pack up and head out for [[your next class.|Day5_Break2]]<</replace>><</link>>
<<link"Don't do it">>
<<say $pc>>"I'm sorry but I'm not comfortable with that."<</say>>
He nods sullenly and begins putting his things back away.
<<say $boy1>>"Very well. We can just draw like normal people then. I knew you wouldn't accept my artistic style."<</say>>
Sadly, he pulls out a sketch book and begins drawing. You remain with him and draw yourself although not nearly as well as him. The hour soon comes to a close. You pack up your things wish him a good day and head out for [[your next class.|Day5_Break2]]<</replace>><</link>></span>
You begin to head your way towards the gym. As you head along you begin to hear a commotion up ahead. Suddenly the fire alarm begins to blare. <<if $jockJob>> Your mind immediately thinks about the jocks and their plans.<</if>> Suddenly the sprinkler system flashes on.
<<videoM "img/day5/Day5_Sprinklers.mp4">><</videoM>>
<<if $bluePill>> You qiickly fumble in your bag for the blue pill they gave you. Finding it you pop it in your mouth and swallow. Hoping they haven't lied; you prepare for the effects…
As the water splashes against your skin, you begin to feel your skin heating up. Whatever is happening it seems to be affecting you…
You feel your skin begin to heat up as the water splashes against it but at the same time it seems to begin to numb. You figure that the pill is working. With your initial panic over you look around at the other students panicking and running through the halls. Many are running towards the exits but just then the sprinklers stop. You look around at the waterlogged hallways. You can't imagine the amount of damage this "prank" did. That’s when you notice the first person.
You see a girl in front of one of the lockers, on her knees, miming a blowjob to the air.
<<videoM "img/day5/Day5_PretendBJ.mp4">><</videoM>>
You see another guy down the hallway, laying on his back gripping at a nonexistent person riding him. Confused you look around to see similar situations all over the hallway. What the fuck did those guys put in the water?
You cautiously make your way down the hallway seeing more people lost in what you can only imagine are some erotic fantasys. You see a few even masturbating out in the open. As you go to turn one corner you see three men walking into the school, all three are dressed in matching plumber uniforms "EPV" etched into the back of their uniforms. You hide around a corner.
<<say $npcm>>"Alright, record everything. This is a good chance to test the doctor's new formula."<</say>>
Confused you stay hidden around the corner. As you hear them walking through the hallways. You decide to wait this out in the art classroom and slip into the empty room. As you turn to find a good place to hide you see that the room is not empty.
<<say $pc>>"Holy shit!"<</say>>
<<videoM "img/day5/Day5_YiinMasturbate.mp4">><</videoM>>
You turn to see Mrs. Yiin, naked on the desk furiously masturbating. You back up into the door, hearing it click shut behind you. Mrs. Yiin looks up from her masturbating.
<<say $yiin>>"Oh, its you. Sorry about this. I'm just so…so…"<</say>>
You watch as her eyes look you up and down. You've got a bad feeling about this. You reach down for the door handle, but Mrs. Yiin is faster. She jumps to her feet and approaches you. Her tits push against your chest as your backed into the door.
<<say $yiin>>"You're very beautiful you know that? <<if $model>>When you modeled for the class I wanted to let the boys have you. Watch you get fucked by all their hard, young cocks. <</if>>"<</say>>
<<videoM "img/day5/Day5_YiinBreasts.mp4">><</videoM>>
As she talks her hand slides down your body, slipping into your pants and underwear. You moan as she pushes against your clit.
<<say $yiin>>"So, pretty."<</say>>
Slowly she sinks to her knees. With a single tug she pulls down your paints and launches into your pussy.
<<videoM "img/day5/Day5_Lick.mp4">><</videoM>>
You moan in pleasure and throw your head back against the door. She viciously eats your pussy, trashing her tongue across your clit and deep into you. You can't contain your moans and grip onto her hair to hold yourself up. Quickly you approach orgasm and feel your legs tremble as she doesn't slow down.
<<videoM "img/day4/Day4_pcOrgasm.mp4">><</videoM>>
Finally, she pulls back, licking her lips as she looks up at you.
<<say $yiin>>"Mmh, you taste good. I wonder how well you…"<</say>>
Her gaze drifts off again. You see her eyes seemingly struggling to focus. It seems whatever was affecting her is wearing off. Not wanting to have to explain anything you pull up your pants and slip out into the hallway. All around you are others with blank stares or looking around confused. You blend into the crowd and wander through the hallways. Suddenly the PA system comes on.
<<say $scho>>"Attention all students. Please leave the building immediately. The sprinkler system has been triggered. There is no fire, but it seems like there was some kind of chemical in the water. Please head outside immediately and gather on the front grass. Thank you."<</say>>
You wonder your way out on to the grass with the [[rest of the students.|Day5_PostPrank]]
As your skin begins to heat up even more you feel the heat spreading throughout your body. Everything begins to feel sensitive, your shoulders, the way your pants move. You have the feeling of just wanting to get out of everything. To be naked and free. You glance around at your surroundings. You see other students beginning to strip as well. It seems like its okay. They're doing it after all.
<<videoM "img/day5/Day5_Strip.mp4">><</videoM>>
You reach up and begin to strip off your clothes, piece by piece you scatter them down the hallway.
Soon you are free of your clothing. You bask in the freedom on your skin. For a moment you relish in the feeling of nakedness. Suddenly you hear a noise at the far end of the hallway. Someone is coming. Panic rises in your chest. You have to hide.
You glance around. You see the entrance to the bathroom on one side and the entrance to the gym on the other…
[[Hide in the bathroom|Day5_PrankBathroom]]
[[Hide in the gym|Day5_PrankGym]]
You rush into the bathroom and close the door. You listen intently to the sounds of people passing by outside. You sigh in relief as they pass by. You then look into the bathroom. Your eyes widen as you see everyone gathered inside. A group of men stand naked in the bathroom, their eyes devouring your naked form.
<<say $pc>>"Uh, sorry boys. W-rong door."<</say>>
You turn to leave but before you can someone grabs your arm and pulls you back in. You are pushed and shoved before ending up on your knees. You glance around at the surrounding dicks, all hard and waiting for you. You feel the arousal in your stomach grow even stronger. You shift your knees on the wet tiles.
<<say $pc>>"Hey, I think there's been a mistake. I'm actually a gu-"<</say>>
<<videoM "img/day5/Day5_Gangsuck2.mp4">><</videoM>>
One of the men grabs your head and shoves his dick right into your mouth. You gag as it hits the back of your throat. Your body quivers in pleasure from the sudden aggression. A voice in the back of your head tell you something isn't right, but you ignore it. Your hands reach up to grasp some of the other surrounding dicks.
<<videoM "img/day5/Day5_Gangsuck1.mp4">><</videoM>>
You continue to pump and suck the horde of dicks surrounding you. Lost in the bliss of pleasure from the one hard cock pounding your throat. Suddenly your feel all the dicks throbbing. Moaning you pull of the one dick and open your mouth. You await the shower of hot cum…
<<videoM "img/day5/Day5_GroupCum.mp4">><</videoM>>
A sudden wave of dizziness hits you. You look around in confusion. You are on your knees in the bathroom? You look down and see your nakedness. Quickly you cover up. You look around franticly, but you seem to be alone in the room. Caustiously you proceed to the door and glance out into the hallway. You see your clothes in a pile in the center of the room.
You dash out and grab them and hide back into the bathroom. You begin pulling your clothes back on when the PA system dings on.
crowd and wander through the hallways. Suddenly the PA system comes on.
<<say $scho>>"Attention all students. Please leave the building immediately. The sprinkler system has been triggered. There is no fire, but it seems like there was some kind of chemical in the water. Please head outside immediately and gather on the front grass. Thank you."<</say>>
You wonder your way out of the bath adjusting your clothes and out on to the grass with the [[rest of the students.|Day5_PostPrank]]
You rush into the gym and hide off to the side. Once inside you look around the gym. You are immediately taken aback by the group of naked women dancing in the center of the gym. You spot Jessica and many of the other cheerleaders in with them. The sexy display of bouncing tits and ass begins to influence you and without any music or prompting you rush in to join them.
<<videoM "img/day5/Day5_Dancers.mp4">><</videoM>>
You dance along side the cheerleaders, shaking your tits and ass just like them. You are vaguely aware of some people in uniform entering the room with camera's but that doesn't matter to you. You dance close with the other girls.
<<videoM "img/day5/Day5_Grope.mp4">><</videoM>>
Kissing them when you have the chance. Grabbing their breasts, their asses, their…
You are suddenly hit with a wave of dizziness that nearly knocks you off your feet. You stumble to the side and bump into one of the other girls. All around you they are having the same reaction. You look around. Somehow you are in the gym. And naked. Confused you glance around looking for your clothes. You spot them lying on the ground just out the doors to the gym.
You dash out and grab them and hide in the bathroom across the hall. You begin pulling your clothes back on when the PA system dings on.
crowd and wander through the hallways. Suddenly the PA system comes on.
<<say $scho>>"Attention all students. Please leave the building immediately. The sprinkler system has been triggered. There is no fire, but it seems like there was some kind of chemical in the water. Please head outside immediately and gather on the front grass. Thank you."<</say>>
You wonder your way out of the bath adjusting your clothes and out on to the grass with the [[rest of the students.|Day5_PostPrank]]
You wander in amongst the other confused students as they mingle on the grass discussing the recent strangeness inside the school. A few minutes pass before you spot Mr. Scholman stepping out of the front of the school. He seems disheveled with his tie undone and what looks like red lipstick smeared on the side of his face. He steps up on the curb with a megaphone.
<<say $scho>>"Students! It seems that so kind of chemical has leaked into the school's water supply. We have a company on site looking into this but right now the school is not safe to reenter. As such all classes for the rest of the day are cancelled."<</say>>
Some cheers sound through the crowd at that news.
<<say $scho>>"Classes will be resuming Monday with exams. Take this time to reflect on your studies. Also remember that the Scholmanville Sorcerers will be facing the West Valley Warlocks today for the championship match. The game will still run but access to the school will be restricted."<</say>>
Mr. Scholman looks back at the school with a confused look on his face. He faces the crowd again.
<<say $scho>>"A full investigation into this event will be held. That is all. You are dismissed."<</say>>
The crowd begins to move around you. You begin to make your way to your own car.<<if $cheerLine >=1>>However, you are stopped by Jessica as she gets out in front of you.
<<say $jess>>"Where do you think you're going? The game starts in just over an hour. We have to prep. Get your ass out to the field."<</say>>
Taken aback you are steered away from your car and point in the direction of the [[football field|Day5_GameCheerleader]] where you can see the other cheerleaders and football team gathering.
<<else>> As you hope into the car you can see people beginning to gather towards the football field. You think about whether or not your want to attend the game.
<span id="choice"><<link "Watch the game">>
You decide you might as well watch the game. You hop back out of the car and head over to the field. Your slightly damp clothes make you wish you had brought a spare but, in the heat, they'll dry pretty quick. You find a seat in the [[bleachers and get comfortable.|Day5_Game]]<</replace>><</link>>
<<link"Don't attend">>
You decide to pass on the game. You start up your car and head off. You wonder to do with your [[extra free time.|Day5_AfterSchool]] <<energy + 1>><</replace>><</link>></span><</if>>
You make your way across the lawn to the football field. Others are already gathering in the stands to watch the football team (and probably more so the cheerleaders) practice. You find your own spot in the bleachers and sit to wait. As the sun begins to slowly make its way to the horizon the stadium fills up. You soon find yourself surrounded by your classmates as the anticipation of the game fills the air.
<<videoM "img/day5/Day5_Football.mp4">><</videoM>>
A buzzer sounds on the field. You watch as the cheerleaders stride out into the field accompanied by the blaring of the stadiums sound system. Cheerleaders from both schools begin to dance and pep up the crowd. <<if $pc.tag.background == "Jock">>You look fondly at the swishing green uniforms of the West Valley Warlock's cheerleaders, remembering a time when you face that school yourself.<<else>> You appreciate the swinging skirts and bouncing breasts on display.<</if>> The cheer leaders wrap up their performance and retreat off the field as the teams take their positions.
You watch along side the rest of the students as the game begins. In truth the game does little to catch your attention. You manage to follow it and it is a nice distraction from the real worries you have. After more than an hour and the soon beginning to vanish behind the horizon the final buzzer sounds and the game wraps up. The crowd explodes into celebration as the Scholmanville Sorcerers manage to secure a solid victory. You join in the cheers yourself, caught up in the excited energy around you.
People begin to file out of the stands commenting on the game, the victory, and many talking about the party tonight and who did or didn't secure an invite. You make your way back to your car in better spirits and get ready for the [[rest of your night.|Day5_AfterSchool]]
You follow along after the rest of the cheerleaders. Since you can't go back into the school you instead follow them towards the portables on the back of the school. You head inside, unpack your uniform, and begin to get changed. You feel a welling of nervousness begin to fill your stomach. You've done a bit of cheerleading before but now you will have to perform in front of hundreds of other people. As a girl.
You shake off the anxiety and steel yourself for the game to come. Soon enough it seems that everyone has been gathered and changed. Jessica brings everyone into a huddle in the center of the empty classroom.
<<say $jess>>"Alright, girls. We've been training all year for this moment. Tonight, be your strongest, flexible, energetic, sexy selves and we will be fine. We're gonna knock them dead out there and show those Warlock sluts what real cheerleaders look like."<</say>>
Jessica breaks the huddle with enthusiastic shouts from the rest of the team, you can't help but get caught up in the energy of the girls as you rush out onto the field. You make your way behind the bleachers to the edge of the field and wait. Nerviousness begins to creep back into your stomach but before it can take root you see Mr. Swinebek give a nod to Jessica. Your nervousness is swapped for pure adrenaline as you take to the field.
The music blasts from the stadiums sound system as you follow the cheerleaders onto the field. Across the way you can see the green clad cheerleaders from West Valley but don't have any time to get a better look.
<<videoM "img/miscDay/cheerOne.mp4">><</videoM>>
<<if $cheerLine >=3>>It seems that your practicing has paid off as you are able to keep up with the rest of the girls, falling naturally into the rhythm of the dancing and pumping. The song passes faster then you thought and you get caught back up with the girls leaving the field. <<else>>You struggle to keep up with the rhythm of the song as your cheerleaders begin to move around you. You are certain that everyone is watching you right now, failing and flailing around in the center of the cheerleaders. Suddenly the music begins to fade, and you bump into one of the cheerleaders as she attempts to exit. She pushes you back and continues, you hurry behind. <</if>>
As you make your way back to the bleachers you spot the football team approaching, lead by Doug. All around you the cheerleaders begin to move in unison. You naturally begin to mimic them, gripping the underside of your shirt. Jessica gives the team a wave and speaks.
<<say $jess>>"Good luck out there, boys! Remember what you get if you win."<</say>>
She gives them a wink and then pulls up her shirt, flashing her perfect tits to the whole team. All the other girls do the same and caught up in the moment you do the same.
<<videoM "img/day5/Day5_CheerleaderFlash.mp4">><</videoM>>
Flashing the whole football team alongside your peers. Blushing you immediately pull your shirt back down, blushing at what you've just done. <<if $dougBj>> You see Doug giving you special attention and then a wink once your eyes meet. <</if>>
With an encouraging flash the team charges past you and onto the field. You follow the cheerleaders to the benches and fall into the rhythm of the game. Sitting, cheering, dancing, sitting, cheering, sitting. The game drags on and you begin to feel your energies getting low. Just as you fear you won't be able to do anything pep dance the final buzzer rings. The crowd explodes into celebration as the Scholmanville Sorcerers manage to secure a solid victory. You join the cheerleaders out on the field. You dance and hug the other cheerleaders.
Although you've only been a part of the team for a few days you feel the victory and the happiness of your teammates. As the energy begins to die down Jessica brings you all around.
<<say $jess>>"Alright, girls. We did it. Great work. But we aren't done yet. Make sure you meet up in the portables tonight so we can properly thank our players. Oh, and don’t forget to come by the party at Doug's. It's going to be a night to remember."<</say>>
Jessica smiles and runs off towards Doug. You are left alone as all the other cheerleaders rush off. <<if $cheerLine >=3>> It seems that its time to head back towards the [[portable and greet the team.|Cheer4_Start]] <<else>>You don't know what Jessica was talking about with the thanks and stuff but you need to get home. You head to the portable and quickly change before anyone else shows up. Looks like its time to [[head out.|Day5_AfterSchool]] <</if>>
You pull into the driveway and rest for a moment. It's starting to get late, and you still have more time. You know that Doug's party is tonight to celebrate the win of the Sorcerers.
[[Go to the party|Day5_PartyStart]]
Cole has also invited you to go to the arcade with him and Nathan.
[[Go to the arcade|Day5_ArcadeStart]]
You could also just [[head home.|Day5_AtHomeNight]]
You make your way inside and up to your room. Exhausted from the days events you collapse down onto the bed. You consider what to do next…
<span id="choice"><<link "You could play some video games...">>
<<replace "#choice">>
You flip on your TV and boot up your favorite game. You kill the next hour or so making some progress through the game you think with a few more nights like this you might even be able to beat it. You wrap things up and get [[ready for bed…|Day5_END]]<</replace>><</link>>
<<link "You could watch some TV on your computer…">>
<<replace "#choice">>
You boot up your computer and head to your streaming service. You watch a few episodes of your favorite show before you begin to feel sleepy. Deciding you don't want to accidently snooze off you turn it off and get [[ready for bed…|Day5_END]]<</replace>><</link>>
<<link "You could try and do some research into magic…">>
<<replace "#choice">>
You slide up to your computer and turn it on. You open your search browser and begin to put in some general search terms about magic in your area. <<if $magicResearch>=2>> As you are searching through some of the web pages you come upon a link to an art show in Southport. One item in particular catches your eye. A Sphere of Convalescence. You freeze for a moment and begin doing more research. The auction price is $50,000… No way you could afford that. However, there might be other ways of getting your hands on them. You bookmark the page. Southport is only a two-hour train ride from Scholmanvile. Its possible that you could go get this orb on Saturday if you needed to. You finish things up on your computer and then find your [[way for bed…|Day5_END]]<<else>>You spends some time looking around some new age websites and youtube videos but don't find anything of use. You feel like you are getting closer to something big though. You finish things up on your computer and then find your [[way for bed…|Day5_END]]<<set $magicResearch += 1>><</if>><</replace>><</link>>
<<link "You could do your homework…">>
<<replace "#choice">>
You grab your schoolbooks and open them up on your desk. Of all the things you have done today this is the most normal. Its strangely comforting, despite all the crazy shit you have gone through you are doing homework like a normal person. It doesn't take you long to finish and by the end you actually feel a little better about you whole situation. You pack things up and get [[ready for bed…|Day5_END]]<</replace>><</link>>
<<link "You could explore your new body some more, maybe masturbate…">>
<<replace "#choice">>
<<if $growth>>Maybe you could try that new spell on yourself and get your [[dick back for a bit...?|Day4_PCGrowth]]<</if>>
<span id ="choice2"><<link "Masturbate">>
You lay down on you bed and slowly run your hands down your new body. Your hands brush gently over your new breasts, trail down your smooth stomach and brush against the crotch of your pants. You feel a heat begin to build in your stomach. You pause to quickly remove all your clothes before you are left naked on the blankets of your bed.<span id="choice3"><<if $hasFetish>> Your eyes wander over to the bedside stand where inside you have stashed your "male fetish". You wonder if you should use the dildo on yourself…
<<link "Use the fetish">>
<<replace "#choice3">>
grab the makeshift dildo, and gentle run your hand up its shaft. You place it down against your lower lips, already slick with anticipation. With a flick of your wrist, you push it inwards.
You feel your body flush with pleasure. <<if $virgin is false>>The sensation of getting fucked is still new to you despite your recent exploration but being in control of it with the dildo is still new.<</if>> Every shift of the fake cock within you shoots a new wave of pleasure over your body. You find your mind wandering to what a real cock could do to you right now and you redouble efforts down below.
<<videoM "img/day4/Day4_Dildo.mp4">><</videoM>>
With a now more experienced grace you begin to work your body. Groping your tender breasts and flicking your erect clit pleasure begins to grow all over your body.
<<videoM "img/day3/Day3_Masturbate.mp4">><</videoM>>
It does not take long before you feel your new pleasures coming to a climax. You clench your whole body together as waves of pleasure wash over you. You slam your face into the pillow as you let out a long soft moan before your entire body collapses into the bed. Satisfied in the warm afterglow of your orgasm you lay on your bed panting. With shaky legs you quickly turn off you light before slumping into your bed and drifting [[off to sleep…|Day5_END]]<</replace>><</link>><</if>>
<<link "Stick to your hands">>
<<replace "#choice3">>
With a now more experienced grace you begin to work your body. Groping your tender breasts and flicking your erect clit pleasure begins to grow all over your body.
<<videoM "img/day3/Day3_Masturbate.mp4">><</videoM>>
It does not take long before you feel your new pleasures coming to a climax. You clench your whole body together as waves of pleasure wash over you. You slam your face into the pillow as you let out a long soft moan before your entire body collapses into the bed. Satisfied in the warm afterglow of your orgasm you lay on your bed panting. With shaky legs you quickly turn off you light before slumping into your bed and drifting [[off to sleep…|Day5_END]]<</replace>><</link>></span><</replace>><</link>></span><</replace>><</link>></span>
<<set $arcadeView to false>>
<<set $partyView to false>>You walk into the living rooms and spot a rather large crowd. As you approach it splits to reveal one of the cheerleaders. Her face is flush with her apparent drunkenness. She is caring a platter of brightly colored shots. As she spots you, she approaches. She places one of the shots between her rather large breasts and gestures. Her intent is clear…
<img src = "img/day5/Party/Party_BoobShot.jpg" height ="480px" width ="720px">
<span id="choice"><<link"Take the shot">>
You lean in and place your lips around the glass. Its warm to the touch, as is her soft breasts the caress either side of your head.
<<videoM "img/day5/Party/Party_BodyShot.mp4">><</videoM>>
You swing pack and swallow down the sugary drink. You feel the rush hit you and as you take the shot out of your mouth the girl cheers and grabs you.
You're pulled into a sloppy kiss before she pulls away and cheers again. You stumble back and continue on your way.
<<addAlcohol 10>><<set $drunk += 10>><</replace>><</link>>
You shake your head; she looks away dejected and move onto the next person.
<<set $lrEvent1 to true>>
<<set $eventClock to 3>><<set $rn to random(1)>>
You walk into the living room to the heavy thumping of the dance music blaring throughout the house. Suddenly you feel hands on your hips. You glance over your shoulder to see <<if $rn == 0>>some guy grabbing your hips and a second later you feel something poking your ass. From over your shoulder, you can see a large bulge in his pants, pressing against you. He tries to drag you deeper into the throng of dancing bodies…
<span id="choice"><<link"Pull away">>
<<if $pc.ath >=4>> You attempt to pull away, but his grip is too strong. You are thrown into the throng of moving people. You feel hands rub against your body, and other things stab at your ass and hips. Luckily you are able to slip from the first guy and after passing through the gauntlet of hands and hips you pass out through the other side and continue on your way.
You pull your hips from his grasp and give him a dirty look. He smiles back at you as you rush off to continue on your way.
<<link"Go with it">>
You decide to give the man a chance and push back against his hardening dick.
<<videoM "img/day5/Party/Party_MaleDance.mp4">><</videoM>>
You begin to feel his dick poking harder into your ass and can't help but think of what other things it could be poking into. For a while you dance with him, grinding, and humping back into him. The music lulls between songs, you turn to face him. You could take this somewhere a little more private if you want…
<span id="choice2"><<link"Try to get him to a room alone">>
You give him a wink and point up. His smile widens and he nods. The two of you break off and you head your way upstairs. You beat him up and wait awkwardly inside the [[room for him to arrive…|Party_Event1Male]]<</replace>><</link>>
<<link"Dance some more">>
You open your mouth to ask him for another dance just as the music comes on. Your words are drowned out and a moment later he is pulled away by the dancing crowd. You find yourself shifted to the edge of the room and without any glimpse of him are forced to continue on your way.
<<else>>some girl grabbing your hips, you glance back, and she winks back at you. She attempts to pull you towards the throngs of dancing people…
<span id="choice"><<link"Pull away">>
<<if $pc.ath >=3>> You attempt to pull away, but her grip is too strong. You are thrown into the throng of moving people. You feel hands rub against your body, and other things stab at your ass and hips. Luckily you are able to slip from the first girl and after passing through the gauntlet of hands and hips you pass out through the other side and continue on your way.
You pull your hips from her grasp and give her a dirty look. She smiles back at you as you rush off to continue on your way.
<<link"Go with it">>
You decide to give the girl a chance and push back against her.
<<videoM "img/day5/Party/Party_FemaleDance.mp4">><</videoM>>
You feel her tits press against you back and her smooth hands run their way up your sides. For a while you dance with her, grinding, and humping back into him. The music lulls between songs, you turn to face him. You could take this somewhere a little more private if you want…
<span id="choice2"><<link"Try to get her to a room alone">>
You give her a wink and point up. Her smile widens and she nods. The two of you break off and you head your way upstairs. You beat her up and wait awkwardly inside the [[room for her to arrive…|Party_Event1Female]]
<<link"Dance some more">>
You open your mouth to ask him for another dance just as the music comes on. Your words are drowned out and a moment later he is pulled away by the dancing crowd. You find yourself shifted to the edge of the room and without any glimpse of him are forced to continue on your way.
<<set $eventClock to 3>>
<<set $lrEvent2 to true>>As you step into the room you are suddenly struck in the side with someone.
<<videoM "img/day5/Party/Party_WetShirt.mp4">><</videoM>>
You feel a splash of cold liquid across your chest. You glance down to see your shirt soaked through, your bra on full display for the crowd of on lookers. Furious you look over at the apologetic man as he slowly backs away. You feel the beer sinking into your clothing, you need to act fast to fix this.
[[Rush to the bathroom|Party_Bathroom1]]
<<set $lrEvent3 to true>>
<<set $eventClock to 3>><img src = "img/day5/Party/PunchBowl.jpg" height ="480px" width ="720px">
You approach the punch bowl. Despite the party having gone on for some time it is still relatively full.
<span id="replace"><<link"Grab a drink">>
<<videoM "img/day5/Party/Party_Drinks.mp4">><</videoM>>
You scoop some of the punch into a glass and take a swig. It tastes fruity and cold but there is definitely a hit of alcohol. However, it isn't very strong. Whoever spiked the punch did a poor job of it. <<addAlcohol 2>>
<<if $esmeQuest && $enchantedAb>><span id="choice"><<link"Spike the Punch">>
You approach the punch with the enchanted bottle of absinthe. Looking around causiously you begin to poor the green liquid into the red bunch. The liquids swirl together and create a purplish color. You step back and wait for the first person to take a sip…
<<elseif $esmeQuest>>
You eye the punch, once you help Esmerelda get her ingredients, you'll be able to spike it. For now, you must wait. <</if>>
[[Go to the Living Room|Party_LivingRoom]]You approach the group playing spin the bottle near the corner of the room. As you get closer you can see two of the members making out and getting a little handsy with each other. Another sits nearby with a timer; the phone flashes and he class out to them. They share a few more kisses before pulling apart. The bottle is passed along to the next person, one of them notices you and gestures for you to join.
<span id="choice"><<link"Join">>
You take the open seat. One of people in the circle leans in and explains the rules to you.
<<say $partygoer>>"I'm sure you've played before but here are the rules regardless. Someone spins the bottle, when it lands on someone in the circle the person that spun it must then give them a challenge. You complete the challenge, and the bottle gets past. To keep things fair, we ask that everyone that plays stays for at least one challenge they are a part of. Understand?"<</say>>
You nod along, seems simple enough. The girl with the bottle places it in the center of the circle and spins it. It spins and spins and spins…<<set $randomRes to random(4)>>
<span id="result"><<link"Results...">>
<<if $randomRes == 0>>
It lands pointing the boy next to her. She smiles and commands him to make out with the only other boy in the circle for 30. Both seem pretty relucent to do so but are good sports and make an effort at making out until the timer stops. The girl, seeming satisfied with her choice passes the [[bottle to you.|PLivingRoomEvent_5_Spin]]
<<elseif $randomRes == 1>> It lands pointing to the girl across from her. The spinner smiles and commands her to giver her a massage for one minute. The other girl, clearly a little tipsy, stumbles over to the spinner and begins to massage her shoulders and back. The spinner lets out a few satisfied moans and the timer comes to close. The girl, seeming satisfied with her choice passes the [[bottle to you.|PLivingRoomEvent_5_Spin]]
<<elseif $randomRes == 2>>
It lands pointing at the girl sitting on the other side of you. The spinner smiles and glances you over.
<<say $partygoer>>"I want you to make out with the new girl for one minute."<</say>>
You raise your eyebrows, not expecting that result. The girl beside you moves over to you and reaches a hand behind your head.
<<videoM "img/day5/Party/Party_LesbianKiss.mp4">><</videoM>>
She pulls you into a surprisingly tender kiss. You melt into her arms as she works her lips against yours, her tongue occasionally darting between your lips. Soon you hear the voices of the others and you pull yourselves apart. The girl gives you a wink and returns to her seat. The spinner, seeming satisfied with her choice passes the [[bottle to you.|PLivingRoomEvent_5_Spin]]
<<elseif $randomRes >= 3>>
It lands pointing at the boy sitting across from you. The spinner smiles and glances you over.
<<say $partygoer>>"I want you to make out with the new girl for one minute."<</say>>
You raise your eyebrows, not expecting that result. The guy moves over to you and reaches a hand behind your head. He pulls you into a rough kiss his mouth enveloping yours.
<<videoM "img/day5/Party/Party_StraightKiss.mp4">><</videoM>>
You struggle under his grasp as a second hand gets a handful of your ass from behind. Thankfully, soon you hear the voices of the others and you pull yourselves apart. The guy gives you a wink and returns to his seat. The spinner, seeming satisfied with her choice passes the [[bottle to you.|PLivingRoomEvent_5_Spin]]
You turn back towards the party, perhaps you can come back later.
[[Go to the Living Room|Party_LivingRoom]]
<</replace>><</link>></span>You approach the girls crowded around the freezer and look over their shoulder curious. You can see that have a variety of different colored popsicles, all in the shape of a large phallus. You chuckle when you see it and the girls turn towards you.
<<say $partygoer>>"Oh hey. You like them? We made them ourselves. The mold is actually made from Tod's penis. As you can see my boyfriend is really packing."<</say>>
<img src = "img/day5/Party/PenisPop.jpg" height ="480px" width ="720px">
Your eyes widen at that revelation. Who the fuck makes popsicle of their boyfriend's dick? Before you can question it she takes one of the popsicles and hands it to you. You clumsily grab it from her and inspect it. The detail is remarkable, even showing the veins on the impressive shaft.
<<say $partygoer>>"I figured I'd share the love cause I know how jealous people can get. Go on then!"<</say>>
With the three of them watching you hold up the popsicle and give it a lick. The taste is fruity and pleasant, but you still can't get past the off-putting shape. The girls smile as you give the head of the popsicle another lick.
<<say $partygoer>>"Good isn't it. Well enjoy. We're off."<</say>>
They wander away, leaving you holding the phallic popsicle. You glance around and see a few people giving you odd looks. You need to decide what to do with this thing.
<span id="choice"><<link"Just enjoy it">>
Despite its odd shape you can't help but enjoy the flavor. You lick and slurp on the fruity dick for the next couple minutes. As you work down
the shaft you feel something new flood your mouth.
<<videoM "img/day5/Party/Party_PopsicleSuck2.mp4">><</videoM>>
The familiar taste of alcohol hits your tongue as some kind of creamy alcohol spurts from the popsicle into your mouth. The girl must have filled it with something. You swallow down the cream and finish off the popsicle, feeling refreshed by the end of it.
<<addAlcohol 5>>
<<link"Get rid of it as quickly as possible">>
You decide to not waste it and eat it instead. Wanting to be rid of it you forgo licking and just bit the tip off the phallus. You hear a few "ooowwws" from nearby people as you crunch through the frozen treat. After your second bite you feel something new flood your mouth. The familiar taste of alcohol hits your tongue as some kind of creamy alcohol spurts from the popsicle into your mouth. The girl must have filled it with something. You swallow down the cream and finish off the popsicle, feeling refreshed by the end of it.
<<addAlcohol 5>>
<<link"Throw it out">>
You walk over the garbage can and drop the colorful phallus into the bin. Wiping your hands, [[you continue on your way.|Party_Kitchen]]<</replace>><</link>></span>
<<set $donePop to true>><<if !$beccQuest>>You approach Rebecca and give her a wave. She smiles at you and waves back.
<<say $pc>>"I'm a little surprised to see you hear. Doesn't seem like your kind of crowd."<</say>>
<<say $becc>>"What is it because I have glasses?"<</say>>
You smile at her and chuckle, she laughs along with you.
<<say $becc>>"In all seriousness I don't usually come to these things. I made an exception for this one cause, well, I guess because its going to be the last."<</say>>
<<say $pc>>"On last hurrah, huh?"<</say>>
<<say $becc>>"I guess I want to fit in for once. Here everyone is so wasted and hyped they won't question my being here, well that and Jessica invited me."<</say>>
<<say $pc>>"Jessica invited you?"<</say>>
<<say $becc>>"I helped her pass Chem, and this was my reward."<</say>>
<<say $pc>>"Well its better than nothing."<</say>>
<<say $becc>>"I suppose so. Speaking of chemicals, would you be able to get me a drink. I-I've never really ordered a drink before, so I don't know what to get."<</say>>
You nod and glance over towards the bartender by the counter. Guess he's the person to ask.
<<set $beccQuest to true>>
[[Return to the party|Party_Kitchen]]<<else>>
<<say $becc>>"Hey, $pc.nameF. Did you get me a drink?"<</say>>
<span id="choice"><<if $drink != "">><<link"Give her a drink">>
<<say $pc>>"Yes, here you are. One $drink just for you."<</say>>
She takes the drink and gives it a curious sip. She immediately recoils and sputters.
<<say $pc>>"Have you ever, uh, had alcohol before?"<</say>>
<<say $becc>>"Sometimes my dad gives me wine at Christmas dinner, but, well this is just as bad."<</say>>
She holds the glass Infront of her and smiles at you.
<<say $becc>>"Still, thanks for getting it for me. Helps with the whole party experience, y'know. Anyways, I'm gonna wander around a bit more and see if anyone else here can hold a conversation."<</say>>
She pats your arm as she passes, vanishing into the party.
[[Return to the party|Party_Kitchen]]
<<set $beccClosed to true>>
Spending some time with Rebecca has gained you <span class="aff">+15 Affection</span> and <span class="love">+5 Love</span>.<</replace>><</link>><</if>>
<<link"Not yet">>
<<say $pc>>"Sorry not yet. I'll find you one."<</say>>
You turn and head back into the crowd.
[[Return to the party|Party_Kitchen]]
<</replace>><</link>></span><</if>>Curiously you approach the man standing by the many bottle of alcohol. He gives you a smile as you get close.
<<say $mixer>>"Cheers, lady. What can I get for you?"<</say>>
You look over the various alcohols scattered on the table. You could probably ask for any kind of alcohol, however two bottle catch your attention. You spot one bottle of a light pink liquid and another of a bright neon liquid.
<<say $pc>>"What are in those?"<</say>>
<<say $mixer>>"Ah, those are specialty mixes. Got them from Southport. Word is that they have <b>extra</b> effects."<</say>>
<<say $pc>>"What kind of extra effect?"<</say>>
The man shrugs at you.
<<say $mixer>>"Sorry, I haven't tried them myself."<</say>>
You stare at him for a moment in disbelief. Well, if you want something to drink this looks like the place.
<span id="choice"><<link"Order a Margarita">>
<img src = "img/day5/Party/drink1.jpg" height ="480px" width ="720px">
You give the mixer a smile and thanks and take the drink. You sip it as you head back into the party.
<<addAlcohol 10>>
<<if $drink is "" and $beccQuest>><span id="drink"><<link"Grab one for Rebecca?">>
You order a second one for Rebecca and head out.
<<set $drink to "Margarita">>
<<addItem "Margarita">><</replace>><</link>></span><</if>>
<<link"Order a Cosmopolitan">>
<img src = "img/day5/Party/drink2.jpg" height ="480px" width ="720px">
You give the mixer a smile and thanks and take the drink. You sip the fruity drink as you head back into the party.
<<addAlcohol 6>>
<<if $drink is "" and $beccQuest>><span id="drink"><<link"Grab one for Rebecca?">>
You order a second one for Rebecca and head out.
<<set $drink to "Cosmopolitan">>
<<addItem "Cosmopolitan">><</replace>><</link>></span><</if>>
<<link"Order a Moscow Mule">>
<img src = "img/day5/Party/drink3.jpg" height ="480px" width ="720px">
You give the mixer a smile and a thank.
<<say $mixer>>"My favorite. A good choice."<</say>>
You take the drink and give it a sip. You enjoy the bitter tang and you make your way back into the party.
<<addAlcohol 10>>
<<if $drink is "" and $beccQuest>><span id="drink"><<link"Grab one for Rebecca?">>
You order a second one for Rebecca and head out.
<<set $drink to "Moscow Mule">>
<<addItem "Moscow Mule">><</replace>><</link>></span><</if>>
<<link"Order a Martini">>
<img src = "img/day5/Party/drink4.jpg" height ="480px" width ="720px">
You give the mixer a smile and thanks and take the drink. You sip it as you head back into the party.
<<addAlcohol 10>>
<<if $drink is "" and $beccQuest>><span id="drink"><<link"Grab one for Rebecca?">>
You order a second one for Rebecca and head out.
<<set $drink to "Martini">>
<<addItem "Martini">><</replace>><</link>></span><</if>>
<<link"Order a Side Car">>
<img src = "img/day5/Party/drink5.jpg" height ="480px" width ="720px">
You give the mixer a smile and thanks and take the drink. You sip the fruity drink as you head back into the party.
<<addAlcohol 6>>
<<if $drink is "" and $beccQuest>><span id="drink"><<link"Grab one for Rebecca?">>
You order a second one for Rebecca and head out.
<<set $drink to "Side Car">>
<<addItem "Side Car">><</replace>><</link>></span><</if>>
<<if !$pinkOrBlue>><<link"Order a shot of pink liquid">>
The mixer raises an eyebrow.
<<say $mixer>>"A brave lady. Very well. Just you only get the one though. This bottle is expensive."<</say>>
<img src = "img/day5/Party/drink6.jpg" height ="480px" width ="720px">
Carefully he pours you a small shot glass of the pinkish liquid. You hold it up and inspect it. Quickly you shoot it back. The liquid is nearly tasteless and doesn't burn like alcohol. For a moment you feel as if nothing has changed. Then suddenly you feel a burning desire ignite in your groin.
You look at the barkeep with hungry eyes. Suddenly you find yourself making your way around the counter, driven by an insatiable lust.
<<videoM "img/day5/Party/Party_BartenderKiss.mp4">><</videoM>>
You grab the bartender and begin kissing him, forcing him into the wall and then down onto the ground. The music pounds in your ears and you hear your own blood, all of it screaming for release.
You're dimly aware of ripping off your clothes, overpowering the man as he lays stunned and stripped.
You grasp his hardening member and align it with your dripping slit. <<if $pc.cha >=6>> You pause for a moment. You can feel the ache, the emptiness down below. You want nothing more than to fill yourself with this mans hot, hard, dick, but a voice at the back of your head is telling you to get control of yourself.
<span id="choice"><<link"Listen to it">>
You decide to listen to it. With great effort you release his dick and sit back away from him. Panting your attempt to get control of your arousal and mange to calm it just a little. You quickly grab your clothes and pull them back on. The barkeep watches with wide eyes, his hard dick mockingly twitching in front of you.
<<videoM "img/day5/Party/Party_BartenderTwitch.mp4">><</videoM>>
You manage to pull your gaze from it as you put on the last of your clothes and flee into the party.
<<link"Ignore It">>
You push aside the voice and instead focus on the hot slab of meat in front of you. You let your urges take over, grabbing his dick and guiding into your hot wet pussy.
<<videoM "img/day5/Party/Party_BarFuck1.mp4">><</videoM>>
You moan, not caring who hears you as you begin to fuck the bartender.
You bring your ass up and down on his cock, allowing it to thrust all that way deep inside of you with each raise of your ass. In frenzied pleasure you impale yourself over and over on his cock.
<<videoM "img/day5/Party/Party_BarFuck2.mp4">><</videoM>>
Your frenzied fucking proves far too much for the poor man as he suddenly clenches, grabbing your hips.
Sensing his approaching orgasm, you slam down with your pussy, feeling him hit the deepest points inside you.
<<videoM "img/day5/Party/Party_BarCum.mp4">><</videoM>>
You feel warm gushes spraying the inside of your pussy, pulse after pulse as your own orgasms rock your body. Despite the frenzied fucking you crave more, you look down at the spend man beneath you and consider giving him a second ride.
You shift and his cock slides out of you. In a moment of clarity, you think about what you've just done. Looking around you can see a few people curiously glancing over the bar at the two of you. Panic and embarrassment suddenly flood your thoughts. You scramble to pull on your pants and run, rushing to the bathroom as fast as you.
You rush into the room and slam the door behind you, heart beating in your throat as you feel your body beginning to cool down. You can feel the mans cum leaking for your pussy.
<span id="remove">
<<link "Collect Cum!">><</link>>
<<replace '#tooltip'>><<notify>> You've gained 10ml of cum!
<meter class="cumTrack" @value="$cum" min="0" max="1000"></meter><</notify>><</replace>>
<<replace '#tooltip'>><<replace'#remove'>><</replace>><</replace>>
<</nobr>></span><<set $cum += 10>>
You remove you pants and do your best to clean yourself up, collecting as much cum as you can.
You splash some water on your face and was up, hoping nobody saw your face you slip out of the bathroom back into the party. That stuff certainly is strong.
You let your urges take over, grabbing his dick and guiding into your hot wet pussy. You moan, not caring who hears you as you begin to fuck the bartender.
You bring your ass up and down on his cock, allowing it to thrust all that way deep inside of you with each raise of your ass. In frenzied pleasure you impale yourself over and over on his cock. Your frenzied fucking proves far too much for the poor man as he suddenly clenches, grabbing your hips.
Sensing his approaching orgasm, you slam down with your pussy, feeling him hit the deepest points inside you. You feel warm gushes spraying the inside of your pussy, pulse after pulse as your own orgasms rock your body. Despite the frenzied fucking you crave more, you look down at the spend man beneath you and consider giving him a second ride.
You shift and his cock slides out of you. In a moment of clarity, you think about what you've just done. Looking around you can see a few people curiously glancing over the bar at the two of you. Panic and embarrassment suddenly flood your thoughts. You scramble to pull on your pants and run, rushing to the bathroom as fast as you.
You rush into the room and slam the door behind you, heart beating in your throat as you feel your body beginning to cool down. You can feel the mans cum leaking for your pussy. You remove you pants and do your best to clean yourself up, collecting as much cum as you can.
<span id="remove">
<<link "Collect Cum!">><</link>>
<<replace '#tooltip'>><<notify>> You've gained 10ml of cum!
<meter class="cumTrack" @value="$cum" min="0" max="1000"></meter><</notify>><</replace>>
<<replace '#tooltip'>><<replace'#remove'>><</replace>><</replace>>
<</nobr>></span><<set $cum += 10>><< set $pc.tag.sexualExp to "Not a Virgin">>
You splash some water on your face and was up, hoping nobody saw your face you slip out of the bathroom back into the party. That stuff certainly is strong.
<<set $pinkOrBlue to true>>
<<if !$pinkOrBlue>><<link"Order a shot of blue liquid">>
The mixer raises an eyebrow.
<<say $mixer>>"A brave lady. Very well. Just you only get the one though. This bottle is expensive."<</say>>
<img src = "img/day5/Party/drink7.jpg" height ="480px" width ="720px">
Carefully he pours you a small shot glass of the blue liquid. You hold it up and inspect it. Quickly you shoot it back. The liquid burns all the way down. You feel it warm your stomach and throat. Suddenly you feel much woozier than you did before. The bartender watches you amused as you support yourself on the counter.
You stumble away into the party.
<<addAlcohol 35>><<set $pinkOrBlue to true>>
<</replace>><</link>><</if>></span>You spot two people standing beside a ladder leading up to the roof. As you watch you see someone jump off the roof and cannonball into the water you approach them.
<<say $partygoer>>"Hey, babe. You want to take a jump?"<</say>>
You glance up the ladder. The roof isn't too high up, but it could still hurt if you fell. There is also the matter of your clothing. The men seem to notice your predicament.
<<say $partygoer>>" You can jump in your underwear if you want. We'll guard your clothes don't worry."<</say>>
Do you want to go up?
<span id="choice"><<link"Yes">>
<<say $pc>>"Sure why not."<</say>>
You quickly strip and begin to climb the ladder.<<if $drunk >30>> As you put your first foot on the rung you slip, nearly hitting your head on the ladder. The men holding it look at you with concern.
<<say $partygoer>>"You sure you want to go up?"<</say>>
<span id="choice2"><<link"Yes">>
You nod and continue to climb. You reach the top and step onto the roof. A gust of cool summer air rushes around you. You spread your arms and take in the sereneness of the night around you. Looking down you see the pool. <<if $drunk >=60>> You step forward and suddenly the world spins. You feel yourself falling and then darkness.
[[Continue|Party_Passout]]<<else>> You step forward and then jump freefalling of the roof.
<<videoM "img/day5/Party/Party_RoofDive.mp4">><</videoM>>
At the last second you coil into a ball. The water splashes around you and adrenaline flood your system. You take a moment to just float before kicking towards the surface. You hear cheers from around you as you breach the surface. Confused at the cheering you look around; only then do you notice your exposed breasts just beneath the water's surface. Looking around your bra is nowhere to be seen, ripped off in the air or somewhere in the water.
Quickly you climb out of the pool and covering yourself rush over to the men by the ladder. One holds out a towel.
<<say $partygoer>>"Damn, people are gonna remember that one forever."<</say>>
You feel your face flushing, half from shame and half from the thought of people telling the story years after now. Using the towel to quickly dry yourself off and keep decent you dress and ducking your head down and [[continue on your way.|Party_Pool]]<<set $jumped to true>><</if>><</replace>><</link>>
Thinking better of it you step back away from the ladder and [[go on your way.|Party_Pool]]<</replace>><</link>></span> <<else>>
You reach the top and step onto the roof. A gust of cool summer air rushes around you. You spread your arms and take in the sereneness of the night around you. Looking down you see the pool.
You step forward and then jump freefalling of the roof.
<<videoM "img/day5/Party/Party_RoofDive.mp4">><</videoM>>
At the last second you coil into a ball. The water splashes around you and adrenaline flood your system. You take a moment to just float before kicking towards the surface. You hear cheers from around you as you breach the surface. Confused at the cheering you look around; only then do you notice your exposed breasts just beneath the water's surface. Looking around your bra is nowhere to be seen, ripped off in the air or somewhere in the water.
Quickly you climb out of the pool and covering yourself rush over to the men by the ladder. One holds out a towel.
<<say $partygoer>>"Damn, people are gonna remember that one forever."<</say>>
You feel your face flushing, half from shame and half from the thought of people telling the story years after now. Using the towel to quickly dry yourself off and keep decent you dress and ducking your head down [[continue on your way.|Party_Pool]]<<set $jumped to true>><</if>><</replace>><</link>>
Thinking better of it you step back away from the ladder and [[go on your way.|Party_Pool]]<</replace>><</link>></span>You approach Marcus, he is standing by the fence taking in the rest of the party. <<if $marcusLine <=0>> You realize that he probably won't even recognize you, you never did tell him about who you are. As you get closer he notices you and smiles.
<<say $marcus>>"Hey, babe. What's up?"<</say>>
You get a strange feeling as he calls you babe. He's your childhood friend but also a very attractive man. You push through your conflicting feelings and respond.
<<say $pc>>"Uh, not much. You just seemed lonely over here."<</say>>
<<say $marcus>>"I'm actually waiting for someone. Well, I had hoped he would show up here."<</say>>
<<say $pc>>"Oh, who are you waiting for?"<</say>>
<<say $marcus>>"My friend $pc.firstNameMale. He said he had something to tell me but then never showed up to my house. I'm a bit worried, nobody has seen him for a week. I was hoping he'd at least show up here."<</say>>
Your blood turns to ice at that revelation. You feel terrible for leaving Marcus out to dry the past few days. What kind of friend are you that you don't even drop in on your best friend, even with everything going on?
<<say $pc>>"Oh I see. Well, uh, I hope you find him. Maybe he will get into contact with your soon."<</say>>
<<say $marcus>>"Thanks, babe. I hope so too."<</say>>
For a moment you consider telling him right then and there but it’s a little to public for such a revelation. You give him a nod and head back into the party.
You give him a wave and get close to him, leaning on the fence beside him.
<<say $pc>>"Hey, man. What's up?"<</say>>
<<say $marcus>>"Well I was hoping to score a bit of leaf, the dude said he'd meet me back here but he's a not show."<</say>>
<<say $pc>>"Oh that’s sad to hear. Maybe I can help?"<</say>>
<<say $marcus>>"Sure thing if you want to. The guy's name is Ralph. He was here, I know that for sure. He probably got distracted. If you find him let him know I'm still waiting."<</say>>
<<say $pc>>"Ha, sure thing. Catch you later."<</say>>
You get up from the fence and head back into the party.
Agreeing to help Marcus has gained you <span class="aff">+10 Affection</span> with him.<<set $marcus.aff += 10>>
<<set $marcQuest to true>>
<<set $esmeParty to true>>You approach Esmerelda with surprise. You had not expected her to be here and judging by her lonely position at the corner of the backyard not too many are thrilled by her presence. <<if $esmeLine >=2>>As you get closer she looks up at your and smiles. You give a wave of greeting.
<<say $esme>>"Enjoying your last hurrah as woman?"<</say>>
<<say $pc>>"Well, it's certainly something new. I never expected I'd be attending one of Doug's parties as a girl."<</say>>
<<say $esme>>"A very different experience isn't it. Although most of these idiots are smart enough to leave me alone."<</say>>
You smile and glance back at the other partygoers, many pass by without sparing a glance to the two of you sitting in the corner of the backyard. Esmerelda catches your eye and smiles slyly.
<<say $esme>>"Say, why don't we have a little bit of fun at the expense of some of these idiots."<</say>>
You raise your eyebrows.
<<say $pc>>"What kind of fun were you thinking?"<</say>>
<<say $esme>>"A simple bit of party magic. I should help them all "loosen up"."<</say>>
She continues to smile at you. You wonder if you should get involved in more magic shenanigans.
<span id="choice"><<link"Let's do it">>
<<say $pc>>"Alright, let's do it."<</say>>
<<say $esme>>"Perfect. Leave the casting to me, you can get the ingredients. You're good at that right?"<</say>>
You smirk and nod.
<<say $esme>>"I have the herbs needed; I just need a bottle of Absinthe. Is a greenish colored alcohol. I heard that a girl named Emily had a bottle hear. Find me the Absinthe and I'll cast the spell. "<</say>>
<<say $pc>>"Alright. Looking forward to what you have planned."<</say>>
Esmerelda smiles and nods. You stand back up and [[begin your search.|Party_Pool]]<<set $esmeQuest to true>><</replace>><</link>>
<<link"I'll pass">>
<<say $pc>>"Sorry, I'll have to pass on that one."<</say>>
<<say $esme>>"Fine, fine. I understand that you might still have an aversion to magic. Enjoy your party."<</say>>
You get to your feet and head [[back into the party.|Party_Pool]]<<set $esmeQuest to false>><</replace>><</link>></span>
She completely ignores you. You think about just sitting beside her anyways but decide better of it and just head back into the throngs of people.
You walk into the room to find Jessica and Doug sitting on the bed talking. Their conversation halts as soon as you enter.
<<if $cheerLine >=3 or $dougBJ>>
<<say $jess>>"Oh hey, $pc.nameF. We were just talking about you."<</say>>
<<say $pc>>"Uh, you were?"<</say>>
She nods at you and gestures for you to come closer.
<<say $jess>>"You see, Dougie here just saw me fucking the rival teams quarterback and feeling a little self-conscious."<</say>>
<<say $doug>>"What the fuck, Jessica. That’s not wha-"<</say>>
<<say $jess>>"So, he needs a dumb slut like you to destroy and give him confidence boost. You know, get his ego pumping again."<</say>>
<<say $doug>>"Jess, that’s not what I mean its just-"<</say>>
Jessica continues to ignore Doug and stand up. She places he hands around your neck and smiles.
<<say $jess>>"So, what do you say? You up for a bit of fun with us?"<</say>>
You glance between her and Doug. What is your choice…?
<span id="choice"><<link"Sure, sounds like fun.">>
<<link"Uh, no thanks.">>
<<say $pc>>"Uh, no thank you. I think I'll go."<</say>>
Jessica scoffs at you then releases you as you back towards the door. She turns back towards Doug and sits beside him.
<<say $jess>>"I'm sorry, Dougie. That skank doesn't know what she's missing. We'll find you someone better."<</say>>
You begin to leave the room and back into the party as you here Doug speaks again.
<<say $doug>>"Jess, you aren't listening to me. I don't want jus-"<</say>>
You exit into the hallway and his voice is drowned out by the music. You continue on your way, leaving the two to sort out their relationship in peace.
<<set $partyDuration -= 1>>
<<say $jess>>"The fuck are you doing in here. Give us some peace."<</say>>
Jessica gets to her feet and rushes towards the door. You stumble back through it before she slams it shut. You stand for a moment in the hallway before deciding to head back into the party.
You glance around the room looking for a comb or brush of some sort. You figure if anyone is a "male libertine" it would be Doug. The man has slept with more woman than you know <<if $dougBJ>>, yourself included<</if>>. You quickly find a brush sitting on his dresser and pull out a few hairs. You stash them and move on back into the party.
<<addItem "Hair of a Male Libertine ">>
<<set $hasMHair to true>>
[[Continue|Party_DougRoom]]<<set $coupleEvent to true>>You see a couple sitting together on the bed, talking in hushed voices. You begin to turn and leave the room but one of them calls out to you.
<<say $femC>>"Hey you, wait a second. Do you think you could help us?"<</say>>
Curious you turn back and approach. The man looks at you bashfully, but the woman gives you a smile.
<<say $femC>>"My boyfriend and I are looking to settle an argument and I think you could help. You see, he wants us to try out anal. I think that’s its gonna be way to painful and he disagrees. You look like someone who would know. So? What about? Should we try it out?"<</say>>
<span id="choice"><<link"You should do it.">>
You decide to help out this adventurous man.
<<say $pc>> "Oh, yeah you should try it out. It feels <i>amazing</i>."<</say>>
You give the man a wink and a smile. The woman seems to think to herself. She looks up at her boyfriend and smiles.
<<say $femC>>"I think I want to try it."<</say>>
The man smiles excitedly and reaches out for his girlfriend.
<<say $femC>>"But. I want to see it first, to make sure. You know, like a trial run."<</say>>
<<say $maleC>>"What do you mean, honey? Like watch porn or something?"<</say>>
<<say $femC>>"No, no. Everyone knows that porn is fake. I want to see it in person. Maybe she can help."<</say>>
She gestures towards you. Your eyes widen as does the mans.
<<say $maleC>>"Y-you want me to fuck her? In the ass?"<</say>>
The girl nods. You start to reconsider the advice you gave. You have no interest in having anal sex with some stranger while his girlfriend watches. However, even as you think that you can feel your arousal growing, perhaps this is something you want…
<span id ="choice2"><<link"Excuse yourself and leave.">>
You clear your throat and get to your feet.
<<say $pc>>"Yeah, I think that I'm gonna, uh, go."<</say>>
<<say $maleC>>"Hey, wait, what about what you said."<</say>>
The girl turns back towards him and you begin to hear them arguing once again. You slip out of the room and back into the party.
<<link"Agree to help.">>
<<say $pc>>"Uh, I-I guess I can help."<</say>>
<<say $femC>>"See, she's fine with it and I'm fine with it. Now get your clothes off and I'll lock the door."<</say>>
She gets to her feet and moves toward the door and the man also stands and begins to awkwardly undress.
<<link"Don't do it.">>
<<say $pc>>"Don't do it. I haven't tried it, but it sounds like it would hurt a lot."<</say>>
<<say $femC>>"See. I told you, babe! Don't be an idiot okay. We should just have sex like normal."<</say>>
The man gives you a dirty look and you decide its about time to leave. You turn on your heels and exit the room to the sound of their argument continuing.
You walk into the room to find it empty. You take a moment to catch your breath before you hear the door slam shut behind you.
<<say $drunks>>"There you are, Becky. I've been looking for you all over the place."<</say>>
A large drunken man stumbles into the room towards you. His hands reach down towards his crotch, you see him unbuckle his pants and unzip his fly.
<<say $drunks>>"You owe me a blow job, don't you."<</say>>
<<videoM "img/day5/Party/Party_DrunkDickReveal.mp4">><</videoM>>
He drops his pants revealing his flaccid dick. He reaches for you…
<span id = "choice"><<statCheckReplace 6 $pc.ath $athImg "Shove him away">><<link "Shove him away">>
<<replace "#choice">>
You lean into your shoulder and ram into his chest. His arms grab for you but you're too fast. He topples over and you speed past him into the hallway. You keep walking, vanishing into the party.
[[Return to the party|Party_UpstairsHall]]<</replace>><</link>><</statCheckReplace>>
<<statCheckReplace 5 $pc.cha $chaImg "Convince him to get onto the bed">><<link "Convince him to get onto the bed">>
<<replace "#choice">>
You smile at him and take a step back gesturing to the bed.
<<say $pc>>"Of course, babe. Why don't you get on the bed and I'll give you something even better."<</say>>
He smiles at you and trips out of his pants onto the bed. You take the moment to rush, rushing out the door.
<<say $drunks>>"Hey, where are you going?!"<</say>>
You hear him call out to you, but you keep going disappearing into the party.
[[Return to the party|Party_UpstairsHall]]<</replace>><</link>><</statCheckReplace>>
<<link"Hide in the closet">>
Thinking quick you duck into the closet and shut the door. Through the slits you can see him stumble to where you were and then look around confused.
<<say $drunks>>"Becky? Where'd you go? Becky?"<</say>>
He stumbles around the room for a bit, searching for you before stumbling out into the hallway. You breathe a sigh of relief until the door closes again. Looking out through the slits you can see a couple fall onto the bed. Their hands race across each other's bodies and they make out and begin to strip. You resign yourself to you fate.
<<videoM "img/day5/Party/Party_CoupleFucking.mp4">><</videoM>>
For the next twenty minutes you watch the couple fuck, kiss, and get dressed again. This time you are ready and race out of the room as soon as you can, heading back into the party in the hallway.
[[Return to the party|Party_UpstairsHall]]<</replace>><</link>>
<<statCheckReplace 50 $drunk $drunkImg "Go with it">><<link "Go with it">>
<<replace "#choice">>
In your drunken brain the sight of his hardening dick sets you off and you feel your own excitement grow. You smile at him and sink to your knees in front of him.
<<say $drunks>>"Heh, I knew you couldn't resist. After we did it behind the bleachers, I bet you've been craving this every night."<</say>>
<<videoM "img/day5/Party/Party_DrunkBJ.mp4">><</videoM>>
He grabs hold of your head and swings his hips forward slapping the side of your face with his dick. You reach up and take his dick into your hand. Gently you direct it towards you mouth and begin sucking. He moans above you, gripping your head and shoulders for support as you pleasure him.
<<say $drunks>>"F-fuck, Becky. When did you get so g-good…"<</say>>
<<videoM "img/day5/Party/Party_DrunkSurprise.mp4">><</videoM>>
His voice trails off as he moans, and you feel your mouth flood with salty cum. You recoil, not expecting the payload so quickly. He stumbles to the side and collapses onto the bed. He lays there with is dick out as you spit the cum out into the Reservoir and get to your feet. You decide to leave him for someone else to find and slip out of the room, looking for something to get the taste out of your mouth.
<span id="remove">
<<link "Collect Cum!">><</link>>
<<replace '#tooltip'>><<notify>> You've gained 10ml of cum!
<meter class="cumTrack" @value="$cum" min="0" max="1000"></meter><</notify>><</replace>>
<<replace '#tooltip'>><<replace'#remove'>><</replace>><</replace>>
<</nobr>></span><<set $cum += 10>>
[[Return to the party|Party_UpstairsHall]]<</replace>><</link>><</statCheckReplace>></span>
<<set $drunkClosed to true>>
Expecting Jessica and her newest conquest to arrive soon you rush into the closet and slide the slatted doors shut. A few minutes pass before you see two people slip into the room from the hallway. You immediately recognize the bright blonde and pink of Jessica and she throws herself against the much larger jock that she has dragged in here. You see him pick her up and throw her onto the bed. It crosses your mind that you might want to record this, for future leverage reasons. Although you don't know if that’s the best idea…
<span id="choice"><<link"Record it">>
You slide your phone out of your pocket and line the camera up between the slats of the closet door. You begin recording just as the jock climbs onto the bed with Jessica.
He reaches down and grabs a handful of Jessica's impressive tits, messaging and groping them before pulling her shirt off, exposing her lacy pink bra. Jessica giggles and does some exploring of her own grabbing at his crotch where you can see a large bulge growing. The jock pulls Jessica into a passionate kiss while he works to free her tits, eventually succeeding and letting them hang free.
<<videoM "img/day5/Party/Party_JessicaTits.mp4">><</videoM>>
<<say $jock>>"Damn girl. You're stacked."<</say>>
She gives him a seductive smile and responds.
<<say $jess>>"Looks like you're packing something yourself."<</say>>
With one fluid and practiced motion she reaches down and pulls his shorts and underwear right off.
<<videoM "img/day5/Party/Party_JockReveal.mp4">><</videoM>>
You see his rock-hard cock spring free, an impressive club of meat. Jessica lets out a moan of surprise.
<<say $jess>>"Damn. You weren't exaggerating. You're way bigger than, Dougie."<</say>>
She grabs hold of his cock and begins to lovingly stroke it. Gently she runs her fingers along the ridged flesh before he grabs her and throws her onto the bed. Aggressively he removes his shirt, throwing it against the closet door causing you to jump. He grabs Jessica's ass and moves her onto all fours before yanking down her shorts, leaving her bare ass exposed.
<<videoM "img/day5/Party/Party_JessicaAss.mp4">><</videoM>>
<<say $jock>>"Ready babe?"<</say>>
Jessica just lets out an excited moan before you see him position his huge cock between her pussy lips and thrust into her. Jessica moans as she is split open by the monster cock.
<<videoM "img/day5/Party/Party_JessicaInsert.mp4">><</videoM>>
You can't help but feel your own pussy moisten at the display in front of you. Jessica's sex-doll like body begin ravaged by such and impressive example of manliness. You can't help but feel whatever semblance of your masculine pride compare itself to the display before you.
A loud slap echoes through the room as he slaps Jessica's bubble butt causing it to jiggle.
<<videoM "img/day5/Party/Party_JessicaFuck.mp4">><</videoM>>
You watch in aroused silence from the closet as she is ravaged by the football player. He continues to pound her after she collapses into the pillows moaning and you think you, she her cumming multiple times. Through her moans you hear her cry out.
<<say $jess>>"Fuck, yes. You're so much better than Doug. Fuck me! Fuck my cheating cunt!"<</say>>
Her calls just seem to encourage her partner to go harder and faster and before long you see him seize up and pull out. Ropes of cum spray across Jessica's back and ass as she collapses onto the bed.
<<videoM "img/day5/Party/Party_JessicaCumonAss.mp4">><</videoM>>
The jock moans as a few more ropes of cum spray across her. Finally he stops and takes a step back admiring her handy work.
<<say $jock>>"Danm girl. You know how to fuck. Hit me up some time again. Maybe we'll see each other at the college orientation."<</say>>
He gives her ass another spank and dresses. Slipping out of the room leaving Jessica cleaning herself up.
<<say $jess>>"Asshole."<</say>>
You hear her mutter under her breath as you finish the recording. Jessica begins cleaning herself off and gathering her clothes, briefly passing by the door causing you to hold your breath. Once she leaves you wait a few moments and follow her out, recording in hand to show Doug.
<<set $jessRecording to true>><<set $jessEmpty to true>>
<<link"Don't record it">>
You decide not to record it and instead just watch through the closet doors. You see the man climb onto the bed with Jessica.
He reaches down and grabs a handful of Jessica's impressive tits, messaging and groping them before pulling her shirt off, exposing her lacy pink bra. Jessica giggles and does some exploring of her own grabbing at his crotch where you can see a large bulge growing. The jock pulls Jessica into a passionate kiss while he works to free her tits, eventually succeeding and letting them hang free.
<<videoM "img/day5/Party/Party_JessicaTits.mp4">><</videoM>>
<<say $jock>>"Damn girl. You're stacked."<</say>>
She gives him a seductive smile and responds.
<<say $jess>>"Looks like you're packing something yourself."<</say>>
With one fluid and practiced motion she reaches down and pulls his shorts and underwear right off.
<<videoM "img/day5/Party/Party_JockReveal.mp4">><</videoM>>
You see his rock-hard cock spring free, an impressive club of meat. Jessica lets out a moan of surprise.
<<say $jess>>"Damn. You weren't exaggerating. You're way bigger than, Dougie."<</say>>
She grabs hold of his cock and begins to lovingly stroke it. Gently she runs her fingers along the ridged flesh before he grabs her and throws her onto the bed. Aggressively he removes his shirt, throwing it against the closet door causing you to jump. He grabs Jessica's ass and moves her onto all fours before yanking down her shorts, leaving her bare ass exposed.
<<videoM "img/day5/Party/Party_JessicaAss.mp4">><</videoM>>
<<say $jock>>"Ready babe?"<</say>>
Jessica just lets out an excited moan before you see him position his huge cock between her pussy lips and thrust into her. Jessica moans as she is split open by the monster cock.
<<videoM "img/day5/Party/Party_JessicaInsert.mp4">><</videoM>>
You can't help but feel your own pussy moisten at the display in front of you. Jessica's sex-doll like body begin ravaged by such and impressive example of manliness. You can't help but feel whatever semblance of your masculine pride compare itself to the display before you.
A loud slap echoes through the room as he slaps Jessica's bubble butt causing it to jiggle.
<<videoM "img/day5/Party/Party_JessicaFuck.mp4">><</videoM>>
You watch in aroused silence from the closet as she is ravaged by the football player. He continues to pound her after she collapses into the pillows moaning and you think you, she her cumming multiple times. Through her moans you hear her cry out.
<<say $jess>>"Fuck, yes. You're so much better than Doug. Fuck me! Fuck my cheating cunt!"<</say>>
Her calls just seem to encourage her partner to go harder and faster and before long you see him seize up and pull out. Ropes of cum spray across Jessica's back and ass as she collapses onto the bed.
<<videoM "img/day5/Party/Party_JessicaCumonAss.mp4">><</videoM>>
The jock moans as a few more ropes of cum spray across her. Finally he stops and takes a step back admiring her handy work.
<<say $jock>>"Danm girl. You know how to fuck. Hit me up some time again. Maybe we'll see each other at the college orientation."<</say>>
He gives her ass another spank and dresses. Slipping out of the room leaving Jessica cleaning herself up.
<<say $jess>>"Asshole."<</say>>
You hear her mutter under her breath as you finish the recording. Jessica begins cleaning herself off and gathering her clothes, briefly passing by the door causing you to hold your breath. Once she leaves you wait a few moments and follow her out.
[[Go into the Empty Room|Party_EmptyRoom]]<<set $jessEmpty to true>>
<<set $partyDuration -= 1>>You begin to walk into the washroom only to find it already occupied. It takes you a second to realize what you're seeing. You see the same loner kid you talked with downstairs sitting on the toilet, pants around his ankles, dick in one hand and his phone in the other. You see pictures of yourself open on the screen.
<<videoM "img/day5/Party/Party_LonerDick.mp4">><</videoM>>
He looks up, eyes wide with fright. What do you do…?
<span id="choice"><<link"Scream and leave">>
You scream in disgust drawing the attention of some nearby partygoers. They glance through the open door and begin laughing.
<<say $partygoer>>"Yo, this dude is masturbating in the bathroom! You got to see this!"<</say>>
You slip back into the growing crowd as they begin to mock the dude in the bathroom. You just hope that they don't see what he was jerking it too as you head back into the party.
<<link"Quietly close the door and leave">>
You quietly close the door and walk away trying to forget the scene you just saw.
<<link"Move inside and shut the door">>
You step into the room and shut the door behind you. You see his eyes raise in alarm as you turn back to face him.
<<say $loner>>"L-listen, I think this is all just a big misunders-standing."<</say>>
He attempts to cover his dick with his hands and phone, barely able to hide it and instead starting to shift his legs. In his curled-up state, you feel almost bad for him.
<<say $loner>>"I'm sorry, it's just. I mean the picture are there right? You're just so hot."<</say>>
He glances away from you. You're somewhat flattered that this random guy is so enamored by you but on the other hand maybe you shouldn't encourage this kind of behavior.
<span id="choice2"><<link"Give him a more hands on experience than pictures">>
You look him up and down before approaching and smiling seductively.
<<say $pc>>"You know, I can help you relieve some of that tension. I promise you it will be much better than looking at pictures."<</say>>
His mouth falls open in surprise as he meets your eyes for the first time. Speechless all he manages is a nod and grunt.
You slowly drop to your knees in front of him, gently taking his hands away from his crotch to fully expose his dick. It stands at attention, rock hard, inches from your face. You quickly pull up your shirt and unbuckle your bra, letting your tits fall free for him to enjoy. His eyes widen, for a moment you think they are about to pop out of his head. At the same time, you take his dick into your hand.
<<videoM "img/day5/Party/Party_LonerHJ.mp4">><</videoM>>
<<say $pc>>"So, you think I'm hot, huh?"<</say>>
You begin to gently run your fingers along the side of his shaft. Slowly you start to take more of it into your hand. The man quivers under your touch.
<<say $loner>>"Y-yes. God, yes, you're so sexy."<</say>>
Encouraged by his response you pick up the speed, jerking him off in full, rubbing you hand and fingers along his shaft and glands. He begins to moan above you.
<<videoM "img/day5/Party/Party_LonerHJ2.mp4">><</videoM>>
<<say $pc>>" Oh is that so? What part of me do you think would look sexiest covered in your cum? My face?"<</say>>
You begin to pick up the pace, feeling him beginning to tense under your pleasuring.
<<say $pc>>"My mouth?"<</say>>
He begins to pant, staring down at you with wide eyes.
<<say $pc>>"My tits?"<</say>>
You push your tits together with your free hand. You feel him beginning to reach his peak.
<<say $loner>>"Tits! Your tits. C-can you say…say Jinkies for me?"<</say>>
You smirk, this fucking pervert. You continue to jack him off, aiming his throbbing dick toward your chest.
<<videoM "img/day5/Party/Party_LonerCum.mp4">><</videoM>>
Suddenly he tenses up. As you feel the first burst of cum spew forth you exlaim.
<<say $pc>>"Jinkies! You sure had a lot in there."<</say>>
He seizes again, spraying even more cum onto your exposed tits, you feel the sticky warm liquid flow over your nipples and pooling in your cleavage. Finally, the deluge of cum comes to a stop leaving you painted in his seed. Panting he stairs at his handywork, dumb smile on his face.
<<say $pc>>"You sure made a mess."<</say>>
<<say $loner>>"Uh, sorry. I just…"<</say>>
<<say $pc>>"Its okay. Its how these things go. Mind handing me some of the toilet paper."<</say>>
He hands you a handful and you get up, turning your back you use the toilet paper and your Resevior to mop up all the cum. You hear him shifting behind you as the Resevior makes its sucking noise.
<span id="remove">
<<link "Collect Cum!">><</link>>
<<replace '#tooltip'>><<notify>> You've gained 9ml of cum!
<meter class="cumTrack" @value="$cum" min="0" max="1000"></meter><</notify>><</replace>>
<<replace '#tooltip'>><<replace'#remove'>><</replace>><</replace>>
<</nobr>></span><<set $cum += 9>>
<<say $loner>>"What was that?"<</say>>
<<say $pc>>"Oh nothing, just getting all cleaned up."<</say>>
You wash of your chest with some water and begin to get dressed again. As you approach the door you turn back to him.
<<say $pc>>"I hope this has helped relieve some of your tension."<</say>>
<<say $loner>>"Y-yes. It was amazing. Thank you so much."<</say>>
<<say $pc>>"Don't mention it. No, I'm serious don't tell anyone."<</say>>
He nods in agreement and you slip out the door leaving the pervert to get dressed alone.
<<link"Say you're flattered but he needs better control">>
<<say $pc>>"Look, I'm flattered that you find me attractive, or sexy or whatever but you have to get better control of yourself, man. You can't just go jerking off in random bathroom."<</say>>
He looks down bashfully, still squirming to attempt to cover up his exposed dick.
<<say $loner>>"R-right. I'm sorry. I just, well, seeing you here and everything. I got out of control."<</say>>
<<say $pc>>"I understand, I think. Just do better in the future. I'll leave you to clean up."<</say>>
You quietly slip out of the room and head back into the party. A few minutes later you see him emerge from the bathroom. He catches your eye and gives you a smile and a nod. You feel good about maybe helping this poor kid out.
<<link"Tell him off">>
You scoff at his comments and narrow your eyes.
<<say $pc>>"Listen, idiot. Just because I've got some pictures of me online doesn't give you free license to stare at me at public or jack off in the toilet of a party. Get your fucking shit together."<</say>>
You take a menacing step towards him and he flinches, immediately dropping his phone into the toilet. Satisfied you pull open the door and let the partygoers in the bathroom get a full view of him on the toilet desperately trying to fish out his phone. You shake your head and storm off into the party.
<<set $lonerDone to true>>You awaken cozy in your bed. <<if $Day5End == "Drunk">> The light drifting in from the window scorches your eyes. A sickly-sweet flavor fills your mouth as you struggle to move your begrudged body. <</if>>Based on the light outside you estimate it to be close to 11am and a quick glance at the alarm clock confirms you suspicions. You've almost slept away half the day. You roll out of bed. <<if $Day5End == "Drunk">> You balance yourself against the sudden dizziness of standing up. <</if>> You make your way towards the bathroom. At this hour you imagine Cole is already gone to hang out with Nathan or something, so you quickly strip and [[hop in.|Day6_Morning]]You get up from lunch and head out into the hallway. Next is your art class but before that you have a bit of time. Is there anything you should do…?
<<if $toldCole & $hasFortis is false>>[[Find Nathan and get your acid.|NathanRaid]]<</if>>
<<set $currentTime += 1>>You have some time before your days ends. What do you want to do...?
<<if !$marcusEnd>><<if !$visitedMarcus>><<if $energy > 0>>You can go [[visit Marcus|!Marcus Checker]], explain the situation to him. He might be able to help you out.<<else>><span class ="deadLink">You can go visit Marcus, explain the situation to him. He might be able to help you out.</span> You are out of energy.<</if>><</if>><</if>>
<<if !$smithEnd>><<if !$visitedSmith>><<if $passedTest == false and $energy > 0>>
You should [[go see Mr. Smith|!Smith Checker]], otherwise he could cause you a lot of trouble at the school.<<elseif $passedTest == false and $energy <= 0>><span class ="deadLink">You should go see Mr. Smith, otherwise he could cause you a lot of trouble at the school.</span> You are out of energy.<</if>><</if>><</if>>
<<if $cheerLine == 4>><<if !$cheerEnd>><<if !$visitedCheer>><<if $invitedToCheer and $energy > 0>>You can [[take up Jessica's offer|!Cheer Checker]] of going to cheerleading practice, a little physical activity might perk you up.<<elseif $invitedToCheer and $energy <= 0 >><span class ="deadLink">You can take up Jessica's offer of going to cheerleading practice, a little physical activity might perk you up.</span><</if>><</if>><</if>><<else>> The cheerleaders are probably busy with the football team. If you were closer to them maybe you'd be invited too.<</if>>
<<if !$shopEnd>><<if !$visitedShop>><<if $energy > 0>>You can [[go visit the Magic Shop|!Shop Checker]] that Cassandra told you about, get a jump on the ingredients.<<else>><span class ="deadLink">You can go visit the Magic Shop that Cassandra told you about, get a jump on the ingredients.</span> You are out of energy.<</if>><</if>><</if>>
<<if !$coleEnd>><<if !$visitedCole>><<if $invitedToCole and $energy >0>>You can go [[home and hang out with Cole.|!Cole Checker]]<<elseif $invitedToCole and $energy <= 0>><span class ="deadLink">You can go home and hang out with Cole.</span> You are out of energy.<</if>><</if>><</if>>
<<if !$beccEnd>><<if !$visitedBecc>><<if $invitedToBecc and $energy >0>>You can go [[study with Rebecca.|!Rebecca Checker]]<<elseif $invitedToBecc and $energy <= 0>><span class ="deadLink">You can go study with Rebecca.</span> You are out of energy.<</if>><</if>><</if>>
<<if !$esmeEnd>><<if !$visitedEsme>><<if $invitedToEsme and $energy >0>>You can go [[talk to Esmerelda|!Esme Checker]] about this whole mess.<<elseif $invitedToEsme and $energy <=0>><span class ="deadLink">You can go talk to Esmerelda about this whole mess.</span> You are out of energy.<</if>><</if>><</if>>
<<if !$hasFetish>><<if $fetishCreated and $energy > 0>>You can go [[get your "art" from Mrs. Yiin.|YiinArt]]<<elseif $fetishCreated and $energy <= 0>><span class ="deadLink"> You can go get your "art" from Mrs. Yiin.</span> You are out of energy.<</if>><</if>>
[[Go Home (ends actions)|DayFinder]]<<set $cheerLine += 1>><<set $visitedCheer = true>>You step up to the portable and push through the doors hearing the sounds of the rest of the cheer team further inside. You follow the voices until you get to one of the classrooms. The door opens and you see Mr. Swinebak exit. He gives you a smile and steps to the side.
<<if $smithPath == "Caught">><<say $swin>>"I bet you've been looking forward to this one. Right slut?"<</say>><</if>>
He leans back into the room and shouts.
<<say $swin>>"Enjoy boys, you've earned this!"<</say>>
He then proceeds down the hall and you see him leave the portable. You head into the room to see most of the cheer team and the football team gathered. You take a few steps in before coming up beside on of the cheerleaders who is standing quietly at the side of the room. Jessica coming in just behind you with Doug beside her.
<<say $jess>>"Alright boys, great job out there. I know that you've all been waiting for this, so I won't make you wait any longer! Girls, clothes off now!"<</say>>
All around you the cheerleaders begin to strip. With Jessica and Doug blocking the door you don't think you have much of a choice. You pull off your top and drop your skirt leaving you standing with in just your underwear. Looking around you see the other cheerleaders not stopping there. You unclasp your bra and drop your panties, leaving you fully exposed.
<<say $jess>>"Well, boy. Here is your reward!"<</say>>
Jessica removes her own clothes, taking the side of Doug's face and giving him a kiss. The two begin making out as the rest of the football team surges forward, grabbing the first cheerleader they can find. The girl beside you is pulled away by two of the boy and a third comes out to you.
Without a word he pushes up against you and [[grabs your ass.|Cheer4_Sex]]You pull up to the curb near Doug's house to see the street already full of people's cars. You spot a few classmates walking up towards the house. Through the windows you can see pulsating blue and purple lights flashing and hear the dull thudding of music. You park and get out of your car. The music grows louder as you approach the front of the house.
You pull open the front door and step inside. The wave of lights and music rush over. You see throngs of your classmates, dancing, drinking, and playing party games. A beer pong table dominates the center of the living, a group sits playing spin the bottle on the other side of the room. People come and go from the kitchen and backyard pool. You take in the sights and sounds.
You spot Doug nearby in the living room surrounded by the rest of the football team. You also spot some drinks nearby. Looks like it's time to party!
<span class="system">
Welcome to the party, here there are two resources you have to worry about.
The first is your Intoxication. If this reaches 100% then you'll pass out and it’s the end for the party! Some actions you can only take if your Intoxication is high enough, so try out everything!
<meter class="drunkness" @value="$drunk" min="0" max="100"></meter>
The second is Time. Eventually the party will die out. When that happens, you'll be kicked out of the party! Some actions will take time, and some won't, spend it wisely!
<<UIdisImages $partyDuration "img/ui/timeUI.png" 25>><</UIdisImages>></center>
[[Head to the party|Party_Setup]]You decide that you'd rather spend the night with the glitz and glamour of the arcade rather than hanging out with the loud and rowdy at Dou's party. You send a quick text to Cole that you will be joining him for the arcade and begin driving towards it. You remember visiting this place many times in your childhood and while most similar location have long since vanished this one has persisted. You pull up in front of the neon coated exterior and see Nathan and Cole waiting outside. You park and head over to them.
<<say $pc>>"Hey."<</say>>
<<say $cole>>"Hey, $pc.nameF. Nathan and I were just talking about the Sting."<</say>>
<<say $pc>>"Sting? Like the musician?"<</say>>
<<say $nath>>"No, the sword! From King of the Bracelets. You know, the glowy one."<</say>>
<<say $pc>>"Oh. Right."<</say>>
<<say $cole>>"They have a replica one here, made of real metal and everything. Its 10,000 tickets."<</say>>
Your eyes raise at that. You had forgotten about Sting. That replica has been there forever, no one has ever won it before. If it's made of silver it might be very useful for you.
<<say $pc>>"We should try and win it."<</say>>
The boys look at each other surprised. They smile.
<<say $cole>>"Hell yeah we should win it. Let's do this."<</say>>
They head insight and you follow in behind them.
[[Continue|Arcade_Start]]<<goto "Day5_End">><<if $emilyScore < 6>>
[[Return to the party|Party_LivingRoom]]
<<silently>><<set $roll to random(100)>>
<<set $roll += $pc.ath>>
<<set $roll -= ($drunk/10)>>
<<set $hitString to "<<include pongHit>>">>
<<set $missString to "<<include pongMiss>>">>
Emily has <<print 6-$scoredCups>> cups left | You have <<print 6-$emilyScore>> cups left.
<<if $debug>> $roll <</if>>
<span id="result">
<center> Emily's Cups</center>
<center><<if !$cup1>><<link"Cup1">><<if $roll > 15>><<replace"#result">> $hitString <</replace>><<set $cup1 to true>><<else>><<replace"#result">> $missString<</replace>><</if>><</link>><<else>>You've scored this cup!<</if>></center>
<<if !$cup2>><<link"Cup2">><<if $roll > 30>><<replace"#result">> $hitString <</replace>><<set $cup2 to true>><<else>><<replace"#result">> $missString<</replace>><</if>><</link>><<else>>You've scored this cup!<</if>> | <<if !$cup3>><<link"Cup3">><<if $roll > 30>><<replace"#result">> $hitString <</replace>><<set $cup3 to true>><<else>><<replace"#result">> $missString<</replace>><</if>><</link>><<else>>You've scored this cup!<</if>>
<center><<if !$cup4>><<link"Cup4">><<if $roll > 35>><<replace"#result">> $hitString <</replace>><<set $cup4 to true>><<else>><<replace"#result">> $missString<</replace>><</if>><</link>><<else>>You've scored this cup!<</if>> | <<if !$cup5>><<link"Cup5">><<if $roll > 35>><<replace"#result">> $hitString <</replace>><<set $cup5 to true>><<else>><<replace"#result">> $missString<</replace>><</if>><</link>><<else>>You've scored this cup!<</if>> | <<if !$cup6>><<link"Cup6">><<if $roll > 35>><<replace"#result">> $hitString <</replace>><<set $cup6 to true>><<else>><<replace"#result">> $missString<</replace>><</if>><</link>><<else>>You've scored this cup!<</if>>
</span><<else>> As Emily's ball plinks into the liquid inside your drink you look up in surprise. Guess she really was as good as she said. She gives you a smile and makes her way around the side of the table.
<<say $emily>>"Well now. Looks like I win. You know what that means?"<</say>>
You shake your head, unsure where she is going with this. She gets close to you and leans into you, getting close to your ear.
<<say $emily>>"That means I get to do <b> what ever I fucking want </b> to you."<</say>>
You feel your knees weaken a bit at the tone of her voice and per proximity. She tugs at your waist attempting to pull you towards her.
<<say $emily>>"So why don't you come with me upstairs and I show you just how much fucking I want."<</say>>
She begins trying to pull you towards the stairs. Do you go?
<span id="choice"><<link"Go with her">>
You give her a nod and allow her to guide you upstairs into one of the [[spare rooms.|PLivingRoomEvent_1_Room2]]<</replace>><</link>>
<<say $pc>>"Uh, sorry but, I'm not really. I mean I don't want to."<</say>>
She frowns at you and let's go. Her smile quickly returns.
<<say $emily>>"No problem, girly. No everyone can swing every which way like me. Well, I guess you need a different punishment. How about you give everyone here a show then? I'm sure they'd all like to see those beautiful tits of yours."<</say>>
She works he hands along your waist to the bottom of your shirt, waiting for your approval.
<span id="choice2"><<link"Do it">>
You nod to her and she pulls up your shirt. You reach up and pull down your own bra, turning and flashing the whole crowd gathered around you. Your face reddens immediately as you expose yourselves to dozens of people at once. Emily quickly gets behind you and grabs a handful of your breasts, giving you a quick squeeze. You flinch away and quickly correct your clothing. Covered again you turn back towards her, she smiles and laughs.
<<say $emily>>"Guess you aren't a total stick in the mud, girly. Nice tits by the way."<</say>>
She gives you a wink and turns towards the crowd.
<<say $emily>>"Alright, who's next?"<</say>>
You see some poor guy approach the beer pong queen and make your own way back into the greater party, [[defeated.|Party_LivingRoom]]<</replace>><</link>>
<<link"Refuse again">>
<<say $pc>>"Sorry, but I'm not comfortable with that either."<</say>>
She frowns again this time it doesn't return.
<<say $emily>>"Fine, be that way. At least finish off my cups."<</say>>
She gestures at the table before standing back from you. Deciding it’s the least you can do you set up to the table and grab her remaining cups.
<<set $drinkAlch to ((6-$scoredCups) *3)>>
<<addAlcohol $drinkAlch>>
You finish the last one off and slam it down. You glance towards her with a smile, and she smiles back. She then turns towards the crowd and shouts.
<<say $emily>>"Alright, who's next?"<</say>>
You see some poor guy approach the beer pong queen and make your own way back into the greater party, [[defeated.|Party_LivingRoom]]<</replace>><</link>></span><</replace>><</link>></span>
<<set $gameDone to true>>
<</if>>You approach Doug and some of the members of the football team. He gives you a smile and waves you over.
<<if $doug.aff >= 10>><<say $doug>>"Hey, $pc.nameF. Good to see you here. Here!"<</say>><<else>>
<<say $doug>>"Hey, uh, babe. Here, have something to drink and relax."<</say>><</if>>
Doug hands you a drink.
<span id="choice"><<link"Accept Drink">>
You grab the drink and take a swig. The bitter taste of beer hits your mouth as you drink.
<<addAlcohol +3>>
Doug gives you a smile and then glances around.
<<say $doug>>"Hey, have you seen Jessica?"<</say>>
You do a quick glance around and don't see her. You shrug.
<<say $doug>>"Damn, well if you see her let me know. Anyways, enjoy the party!"<</say>>
He clinks his glass against yours knocking some beer onto the ground. You smile and continue into the party.<<set $dougQuest to true>>
<<link"Reject the drink">>
<<say $pc>>"Sorry, I'm not drinking tonight."<</say>>
Doug looks at you confused then puts down the drink.
<<say $doug>>"Oh, whatever. Enjoy the party or something."<</say>>
He shrugs and turns back towards his friends. Ignoring you.
<</replace>><</link>></span>As you survey the room you notice on kid standing alone in the corner of the room, his gaze transfixed on you. Curious you begin to approach. As you get closer his eyes widen and he quickly looks away. You walk right up to him.
<<say $pc>>"Uh hey. What's up?"<</say>>
He nervously looks away from you for a moment then finally manages to make eye contact for a second.
<<say $loner>>"N-not much. Just, uh, enjoying the party."<</say>>
Confused you are about to turn to leave before you notice him shifting his phone behind his leg. Your eyes narrow. Is he taking picture of you?
<<say $pc>>"What's on the phone?"<</say>>
His eyes widen and he quickly moves to hide it behind his leg.
<<say $loner>>"N-nothing."<</say>>
You reach for the phone, but he pulls back. More forcefully your grab for the phone pressing him against the wall with your body. You manage to grab the phone and pull it out of his hands. You look down at it and see it has some sort of porn site open. No wonder he didn't want to give it too you. You are about to give it back when you notice what is open. Images of you. Dressed up as Velma. Your blood turns to ice.
Your eyes widen and you look up at him. He glances down at the phone and then at you, eyes wide with fear.
<<say $loner>>"I-I won't tell anyone I swear."<</say>>
You hand him back the phone.
<<say $pc>>"Good, you better not or we are gonna have issue."<</say>>
You release him from the wall and begin to leave. You notice a bulge straining out of his pants and smirk. The kids got some issues. You return to the party.
<<set $lonerClosed to true>><<set $lrEvent1 to false>>
<<set $lrEvent2 to false>>
<<set $lrEvent3 to false>>
<<set $ktEvent1 to false>>
<<set $ktEvent2 to false>>
<<set $plEvent1 to false>>
<<set $plEvent2 to false>>
<<set $shEvent1 to false>>
<<set $shEvent2 to false>>
<<set $shEvent3 to false>>
<<set $b1Event1 to false>>
<<set $b2Event1 to false>>
<<set $freshenUp1 to false>>
<<set $freshenUp2 to false>>
<<set $partyTime to true>>
<<set $eventClock to 2>>
<<set $roll to 0>>
<<set $cup1 to false>>
<<set $cup2 to false>>
<<set $cup3 to false>>
<<set $cup4 to false>>
<<set $cup5 to false>>
<<set $cup6 to false>>
<<set $pongPlay to false>>
<<set $emilyScore to 0>>
<<set $scoredCups to 0>>
<<set $esmeQuest to false>>
<<set $esmeParty to false>>
<<set $punchClosed to false>>
<<set $coupleEvent to false>>
<<set $beccQuest to false>>
<<set $beccClosed to false>>
<<set $drink to "">>
<<set $pcCosplay to true>>
<<goto "Party_LivingRoom">>You take a few steps into the kitchen and almost immediately someone grabs your arm. You look over to a clearly drunken man attempt to mix some kind of drink on the table.
<<say $partygoer>>"Hey, doll. You know what goes in a white Russian? I got, uh, vodka, and uh… kula?"<</say>>
<span id="choice"><<link"Add Vodka">>
<<say $pc>>"I think it needs more vodka?"<</say>>
<<say $partygoer>>"Right on, babe."<</say>>
The man pours another few splashes of vodka into the glass and takes a swig. He immediately recoils.
<<say $partygoer>>"Damn, don't think that was right. Here try it."<</say>>
Before you can react, he has shoved the glass up to your mouth. A splash of the bitter, creamy liquid splashes into your mouth. You swallow so down and have to agree with the dude.
<<say $partygoer>>"Guess I'll have to start over."<</say>>
He swings back the entire glass and continues to mix. You [[head on your way.|Party_Kitchen]]
<<addAlcohol 10>><<set $drunk += 10>><</replace>><</link>>
<<link"Add Kahlua">>
<<say $pc>>"I think it needs more Kahlua?"<</say>>
<<say $partygoer>>"Right on, babe."<</say>>
The man pours another few splashes of Kahlua into the glass and takes a swig. He immediately recoils.
<<say $partygoer>>"Damn, don't think that was right. Here try it."<</say>>
Before you can react, he has shoved the glass up to your mouth. A splash of the bitter, creamy liquid splashes into your mouth. You swallow so down and have to agree with the dude.
<<say $partygoer>>"Guess I'll have to start over."<</say>>
He swings back the entire glass and continues to mix. You [[head on your way.|Party_Kitchen]]
<<addAlcohol 5>><<set $drunk += 5>><</replace>><</link>>
<<link"Add cream">>
<<say $pc>>"Pretty sure you need some cream in there."<</say>>
<<say $partygoer>>"Right on, babe."<</say>>
The man pours another few splashes of cream into the glass and takes a swig. He gives and appreciative nod and smiles at you.
<<say $partygoer>>"Yeah, that’s the stuff, babe! "<</say>>
He takes another swig and heads back into the living room. You [[head on your way.|Party_Kitchen]]<</replace>><</link>></span>
<<set $ktEvent1 to true>>
<<set $eventClock to 3>>
As you step into the kitchen you hear a noise from behind the kitchen counter. From the sounds of it someone is getting luckily. Should you investigate…
<span id="choice"><<link"Take a look">>
You creep up and glance around the corner.
<<videoM "img/day5/Party/Party_LanaSex.mp4">><</videoM>>
On the other side you can see two people, you recognize one of them as Lana, the other however you don't know. You watch Lana furiously getting fucked, doing her best to muffle her moans. A bump from the other side of the room pulls you back. You back away from the counter, best to [[leave them in peace.|Party_Kitchen]]<</replace>><</link>>
<<link"Ignore It">>
You ignore the sound and [[keep moving.|Party_Kitchen]]<</replace>><</link>></span>
<<set $ktEvent2 to true>>
<<set $eventClock to 3>>You make your way up the stairs and see a group of three guys whispering in the hallways. One of them breaks off from the group and approaches you.
<<say $partygoer>>"Hey, so my friends just bet me that you wouldn't kiss me if I asked. So, well. Do you want to settle a bet?"<</say>>
You look the guy up and down. He's not bad looking… What are you thinking? You wouldn't kiss a guy just to settle a bet would you…?
<span id="choice"><<link"Kiss him">>
<<say $pc>>"Well, we can't have you losing can we."<</say>>
<<videoM "img/day5/Party/Party_Kiss.mp4">><</videoM>>
You place a hand on his shoulder and lean in for a kiss. You had planned on it being a light peck on his lips but as soon as you make contact, he leans forward forcing his tongue into your mouth. You pull back, lips wet from the momentary contact.
<<say $partygoer>>"Thanks babe. See you around."<</say>>
He heads off back to the other boys and then concede. You watch them all down their drinks before [[continuing on your way|Party_UpstairsHall]], slightly aroused by the kiss you shared.<</replace>><</link>>
<<link"Turn him down">>
<<say $pc>>"Yeah sorry buddy you're gonna lose that bet."<</say>>
You turn and walk away, from behind you hear the sounds of the group consoling their friend and catch a glimpse of him chugging his beer. [[You continue on your way.|Party_UpstairsHall]]<</replace>><</link>></span>
<<set $shEvent1 to true>>
<<set $eventClock to 3>>You head out and walk along the edge of the pool. As you are walking you hear something coming up behind you. <<if $pc.ath >=5>> Quickly you step back. On of the football team charges past you and dives right into the pool. You get a spray of water splashing against your legs but managed to not get knocked into the pool. Shaking your head, [[you keep walking.|Party_Pool]] <<else>>You suddenly feel something impact your back and for a moment you are flung into the air. The next moment you splash into the water. You struggle to clamber your way to the surface. As you break the surface you feel your soaked clothes pulling you back down. You grab the edge of the pool.
<<videoM "img/day5/Party/Party_PoolClothed.mp4">><</videoM>>
All around you onlookers are gaping at your waterlogged clothes which do little to conceal your assets underneath. You pull yourself out of the pool and glance around to yell at the jock who pushed you in but their already gone. Begrudgingly you head for the [[bathroom to dry off.|Party_Bathroom1]] <</if>>
<<set $plEvent1 to true>>
<<set $eventClock to 3>>
As you walk around the edge of the pool you spot a few girls in the pool. It takes you a moment to notice before you realize that they are completely naked, not only that but a few naked guys are swimming with them. One of them notices you watching and waves over to you.
<<say $partygoer>>" Hey honey! You want to join us?"<</say>>
She presses her breasts together and shakes them at you. A tempting offer to be sure…
<span id="choice"><<link"Join them">>
You decide that after your week you could do to let loose a little. You step up to the edge of the pool and quickly strip out of your shirt and pants. With one more quick movement you are naked and the next moment you launch yourself into the air.
<<videoM "img/day5/Party/Party_NakedDive.mp4">><</videoM>>
You splash down into the water. For a moment you are weightless in the water before you launch yourself up towards the surface. As you break the surface you find yourself surrounded by naked ladies. They smile and pull you close with a cheer. As their bodies press close, you feel your arousal growing.
<<videoM "img/day5/Party/Party_PoolNaked.mp4">><</videoM>>
It seems that some of the ladies have already began fooling around with some of the nearby men. Nobody would notice if you did too…
<span id="choice2"><<link"Swim over to one of the woman">>
You swim up to one of the ladies and smile. She smiles back, seemingly aware of what your intentions might me. You swim into her and push he up against the wall of the pool. Your hands find her large breasts and begin to squeeze and massage them.
<<videoM "img/day5/Party/Party_PoolGrab.mp4">><</videoM>>
She returns the favor, groping your ass and hips before sliding a hand between your legs. You grip her harder as she begins to work her fingers into you, rubbing against your clit and plunging her fingers deep into your pussy.
<<videoM "img/day5/Party/Party_PoolFinger.mp4">><</videoM>>
You pull her in close, pressing your naked breasts together. You here some hooting from the onlookers but couldn't care less as you are lost in the sensation of her body against yours and her fingers. Soon you feel yourself approaching climax and seize, pulling her in even closer.
When you recover, she pulls you in for a kiss before giving you a wink and swimming off. Shaking you grip the edge of the pool. You pull yourself out of the water and begin drying yourself off. You gather up your clothes and get dressed to the curious glances of on lookers.
<<link"Swim over to one of the men">>
You swim up to one the naked men sitting along the side of the pool. You approach one of them with a smile, the sight of his freely hanging penis arousing you as your approach. His eyebrows raise as you get closer, and you see his dick begin to twitch. You swim in between his legs gripping the edge of the pool with your face inches away from his rapidly hardening dick.
<<say $npcm>>"Uh, hi."<</say>>
He awkwardly looks down at you nestled between his legs. You continue to smile at him. You feel a strange sense of empowerment as you seem to have caught this guy off guard and now have complete control over him. You move a little closer to his dick, it twitches. The arousal in your stomach begins to grow.
<<say $pc>>"You enjoying the view?"<</say>>
<<say $npcm>>"Y-yes. It's very nice."<</say>>
His eyes flick down to take in your naked body beneath the surface. His dick fully hardens, nearly poking you in the face as it grows.
<<say $pc>>"You tried the waters yet?"<</say>>
<<say $npcm>>"Not y-yet. Is it nice?"<</say>>
<<say $pc>>"Let me give you a taste."<</say>>
<<videoM "img/day5/Party/Party_PoolBJ.mp4">><</videoM>>
Without warning you lean forward and engulf his dick in his mouth. The mans legs kick up on either side of you as you begin to move your mouth up and down his shaft. You hear a few hoots from nearby but ignore the onlookers. Focusing only on the throbbing cock in your mouth and the pleasurable feeling spreading throughout your body as you slam it into your throat.
<<videoM "img/day5/Party/Party_PoolBJ2.mp4">><</videoM>>
He grabs your head as you continue to face fuck yourself with his dick. You moan around the phallus in your mouth as you feel him begin to twitch. Suddenly your mouth is flooded with hot cum.
<<videoM "img/day5/Party/Party_PoolCum.mp4">><</videoM>>
Not wanting to spill it into the pool you swallow it down in two heavy glups. You pull of his dick with a pop.
<<say $pc>>"How is it?"<</say>>
<<say $npcm>>"Amazing…"<</say>>
You laugh and kick off the wall of the pool swimming away and enjoying the warm feeling in your stomach and strange sense of pride you have from making him cum. The thought of having just sucked another mans dick never even crosses your mind as you climb out of the pool and get dressed to the curious glances of onlookers.
<<link"Swim out">>
You push away from the crowd and swim to the edge of the pool. While it felt good to let loose for a moment you aren't quite ready to get involved in a pool orgy. You pull yourself out of the water and begin drying yourself off. You gather up your clothes and get dressed to the curious glances of on lookers.
<<link"Keep walking">>
You shake your head no and [[keep walking.|Party_Pool]]<</replace>><</link>></span>
<<set $plEvent2 to true>>
<<set $eventClock to 3>>As you reach the top of the stairs you see a man approaching you.
<<say $partygoer>>"Hold up, lady. You don't have a drink. We can't have that. Here."<</say>>
He holds a red cup out to you; you can see a similar one in his other hand.
<span id="choice"><<link"Accept the drink">>
<<say $pc>>"Sure."<</say>>
You take the drink from him and clink your glasses together. You take a swing and the drink immediately begins to burn your throat and nostrils. You cough and when you look back up the dude is gone. Whatever was in the cup was strong though. You set it down, not wanting anything to do with it and [[move on.|Party_UpstairsHall]]
<<addAlcohol 15>><</replace>><</link>>
<<link"Decline the drink">>
<<say $pc>>"Sorry, I'm not drinking tonight."<</say>>
The man scofts at you and continues down the stairs. You hear him muttering.
<<say $partygoer>>"Some bitches just aren't fun."<</say>>
<<set $shEvent2 to true>>
<<set $eventClock to 3>>The hallway is surprisingly empty as you reach the top landing. You can hear some noise coming from the far end. As you get closer you can see that the noise is coming from Doug's parents' room and judging by the noises, you're hearing someone is getting frisky in there. You see a bit of light coming from the old-style lock on the door…
<span id="choice"><<link"Take a peek">>
You kneel down and take a look. Your eyes widen when you see not two people inside but four.
<<videoM "img/day5/Party/Party_Spy1.mp4">><</videoM>>
Some girl is getting rammed from all directions on Doug's parents' bed. You can't help but wonder what that must feel like, to be filled so completely from all direction… You shake you head to push away the thoughts. Not wanting to be caught spying you get to your feel and [[move on.|Party_UpstairsHall]]<</replace>><</link>>
<<link"Ignore it">>
You ignore the sounds and [[move on.|Party_UpstairsHall]]<</replace>><</link>></span>
<<set $shEvent3 to true>>
<<set $eventClock to 3>>You open the door to the bathroom and walk in. You shut it behind you before you notice someone else in the room, nearly causing you to nearly jump out of your skin.
<img src = "img/day5/Party/Party_Kneeling.jpg">
You see one of the cheerleaders naked kneeling in the bathtub, the word "Cumslut" is written across her forehead in black marker. She stares at you for a moment then looks down.
<<say $pc>>"Uh, are you alright?"<</say>>
<<say $npcf>>"Y-yes. I, well, I kinda grab Doug and Jessica saw. She said that if I wanted to stay on the team, I'd have to make up for it. I have to "help" 5 people in here before I'm allowed to leave."<</say>>
<<say $pc>>"Help?"<</say>>
<<say $npcf>>"Y'know. "Help"<</say>>
She mimes a blowjob and looks back at you. You consider for a moment that she'd probably be able to "help" you get off as well. And you would be helping her out too.
<span id="choice"><<link"Ask for service">>
<<say $pc>>"You know, you could "help" me. How many are you at?"<</say>>
<<say $npcf>>"Four so far. So, uh, you would be my last one."<</say>>
Nodding your reach back and lock the door.
<<say $pc>>"Not an issue that I'm a girl?"<</say>>
It still sounds strange for you to say it about yourself. She shakes her head.
<<say $npcf>>"No, not at all. Actually, I kinda prefer it."<</say>>
You smile and approach her, stripping off you're clothing as you get closer. She shifts forward in the bathtub and grabs your hips. A moment later you feel her tongue on your clit. As she works with her tongue one of her hands comes up and slides into your pussy. You moan in pleasure as she begins to work.
<<videoM "img/day5/Party/Party_PussyLick.mp4">><</videoM>>
Her other hand makes its way up your body until it reaches your exposed breasts. She grabs, pinches, and caresses your breast causing even more pleasure to shoot through your body. She is good and knows exactly what she is doing. It doesn't take long before your reach your peak and have to grab her shoulders and your legs begin to spasm. For a moment you think she isn't going to stop before she then removes her fingers and pulls back.
<<videoM "img/day5/Party/Party_Cumming.mp4">><</videoM>>
She smiles up at you.
<<say $npcf>>"Thanks so much for the help. I hope you enjoyed it."<</say>>
All you can manage is a:
<<say $pc>>"Yeah, thanks."<</say>>
You brace yourself on the wall as you start getting dressed. While you dress you see her scrubbing off the marker and her forehead and pulling on her own clothes. Once you're both dressed you pull open the door. Greeting you on the other side is a crowd, probably previously listening intently to the moans from inside. You see her face flush with embarrassment and yours probably does the same as you both rush into the hall to [[get lost in the crowd.|Party_UpstairsHall]] <</replace>><</link>>
<<link"Polietly Decline">>
<<say $pc>>"Right. Good luck with your mission then."<</say>>
She looks down a little disappointed as you slid yourself back out the door and [[continue on your way.|Party_UpstairsHall]]<</replace>><</link>></span>
<<set $b2Event1 to true>>
<<set $eventClock to 3>>You push open the unlocked door and are immediately shocked at the scene you see inside.
<<videoM "img/day5/Party/Party_BathroomBlowjob.mp4">><</videoM>>
You see some girl down on her knees sucking hard on some guy's cock. You freeze, surprised in the doorway. The girl stops sucking but doesn't remove the guy's cock from her mouth. The guy just stares at you for a moment be speaking.
<<say $partygoer>>"Well, don't just stand there. Either get out or get over here."<</say>>
You're taken aback by his directness. <<if $drunk < 50>> You quickly back up and shut the door. Looks like you'll have to use the [[bathroom later.|Party_LivingRoom]]<<else>> You glance between the woman on her knees and the cock, still held in her mouth. You can't help but get aroused at the thought of joining her. Perhaps it’s the alcohol talking, but…
<span id="choice"><<link"Join them">>
Deciding to indulge in the man's request you step into the room and shut the door. Your heart begins to beat faster as the other girl pulls back off the mans dick and reveals its full throbbing length. You join the other girls on your knees Infront of the man. The arousal and alcohol seem to be blurring the lines of your judgement and without any further thought on your part you lean forward and fully engulf the mans dick.
<<videoM "img/day5/Party/Party_BathroomDeep2.mp4">><</videoM>>
You feel his length push into the back of your throat but somehow you don't gag as you deep throat him all the way to the base. Surprised yourself you pull off of his dick. The man looks down at your with pleasure filled eyes.
<<say $partygoer>>"Damn girl where the fuck you learn that?"<</say>>
<<say $npcf>>"Its not that impressive. Watch."<</say>>
The other girl grabs his dick out of your hands and before either of you react plunges her mouth down on it.
<<videoM "img/day5/Party/Party_BathroomDeep1.mp4">><</videoM>>
You hear her gag and sputter as it hits the back of her throat. Despite he gagging she forces it in deeper and manages to get it all the way to the base just like you. She pulls off it and gives you a cocky smile. You respond by leaning forward and engulfing his dick once more.
<<videoM "img/day5/Party/Party_Bathroomtwo.mp4">><</videoM>>
As the two of you compete over sucking his dick the man suddenly seizes up.
<<videoM "img/day5/Party/Party_BathroomKisses.mp4">><</videoM>>
She yanks the dick from you hands and aims it at your face.
<<say $npcf>>"Time for your reward, slut."<</say>>
<<videoM "img/day5/Party/Party_BathroomCum.mp4">><</videoM>>
A second later you are sprayed with ropes of his hot come. You feel it spatter across your face and hair and run down into your cleavage. You wipe some away from your eye to see both of them already beginning to get cleaned up.
<<say $partygoer>>"Thanks for the blow, girl. See you around."<</say>>
With that they are both quickly out the door. You begin cleaning yourself up, making sure to store any semen in your Reservoir. Once you are sure you have washed off the cum and freshened your breath you [[head back to the party.|Party_LivingRoom]]
<span id="remove">
<<link "Collect Cum!">><</link>>
<<replace '#tooltip'>><<notify>> You've gained 8ml of cum!
<meter class="cumTrack" @value="$cum" min="0" max="1000"></meter><</notify>><</replace>>
<<replace '#tooltip'>><<replace'#remove'>><</replace>><</replace>>
<</nobr>></span><<set $cum += 8>>
You quickly back up and shut the door. Looks like you'll have to use the [[bathroom later.|Party_LivingRoom]]<</replace>><</link>></span> <</if>>
<<set $b1Event1 to true>>
<<set $eventClock to 3>>
Your vision begins to blur. You feel each heavy footfall and the pounding of the music against the inside of your skull. You reach out to steady yourself against the wall but find nothing.
Suddenly you are falling, then <span id="continue"><<link"darkness...">>
You get brief flashes of lights and movement around you as you slip into an uneasy slumber. <<if $marcLine >= 1>>
You hear a voice come into focus and you vaguely recognize it at Marcus.
<<say $marcus>>"Alright, one foot in front of the other. Almost home."<</say>>
You vaguely remember seeing your own house, Marcus helping you up the stairs. You remember walking into your room before collapsing into the bed.
<<say $marcus>>"Well, lets just move you a bit so you don't choke on your own vomit. Alright."<</say>>
You feel Marcus' hands on your body, a strange heat growing inside yourself from the contact. You giggle as he shifts you and then fade back into [[darkness…|Day5_End]]<<set $Day5End to "Drunk">>
<<elseif $dougBJ>>
You hear a voice nearby and sudden warm hands grabbing at your body. Suddenly you are hoisted up into the air. Your arms flail out trying to grab onto anything solid and just feel the warm body of someone carrying you. You hear Doug's voice from the man carrying you.
<<say $doug>>"You've had a bit too much to drink $pc.nameL. You can sleep it off in my room. No one will bother you there."<</say>>
You vaguely remember Doug's room around you then the warmth of a bed before you fade back into [[darkness…|Day5_End]]<<set $Day5End to "Doug">>
<<elseif $becc.aff>=30>>
You feel someone trying to lift you up off the ground and catch the sweet scent of perfume. You look over and see Rebecca hoisting you up and out the door of Doug's house. You smile and ask:
<<say $pc>>"We where going, heh."<</say>>
Rebecca smiles back and responds.
<<say $becc>>"I'm taking you home, $pc.nameF. You've had far too much to drink and its not safe for a girl to be passing out just anywhere."<</say>>
You smile and stumble along side her as she straps you into her car and drives you home. She helps you inside, upstairs, and into your bed. You feel her gentle stroking your hair as you drift back off into [[darkness…|Day5_End]]<<set $Day5End to "Drunk">>
You're vaguely aware of yourself being lifted up off the ground. You feel yourself being carried as you slip in and out of consciousness. You feel hands over your body, a warmth spreading through your body. You feel something press against your mouth, you open, yielding to the warm intrusion. You drift back into darkness.
You drift in and out of the drunken haze and pleasure coursing over your body. Finally, the strange sensations leave you and you drift fully off into a deep dark [[slumber…|Day5_End]]<<set $Day5End to "GB">>
<</replace>><</link>></span>The door creaks open and the man from downstairs slides into the room. He quickly locks the door and rushes over to you, pulling his shirt off as he goes. You sit down on the bed and he almost pounces on you, pushing you back against the sheets. His mouth moves over yours as he begins to franticly kiss you. One part of you wants him to slow down but another gets even more excited at his ferocity.
You feel his hands fumbling with your pants and a moment later they are off. He backs off for a second, standing back up and dropping his pants. His hard cock springs free. You feel a gathering heat in your pussy and wetness begins to seep into your panties. You reach down and pull of your panties. Presenting your freed pussy to him.
He wastes no time. Climbing back onto the bed he positions at your entrance and thrusts.
<<videoM "img/day5/Party/Party_Insert.mp4">><</videoM>>
Pleasure explodes through your mind as he easily glides all the way into your, his balls slapping against your ass. You moan with pleasure at the sudden insertion. He pulls out and thrusts again eliciting another moan from you.
<<videoM "img/day5/Party/Party_Sex.mp4">><</videoM>>
The sounds of his balls slapping against your and moans fills the room as he pounds your pussy.
<<videoM "img/day5/Party/Party_Press.mp4">><</videoM>>
You feel yourself beginning to approach you climax just as he seizes up. You have a sudden moment of clarity as you realize just how deep inside you. You are about to push him off you when you feel a sudden warm splash inside yourself.
<<videoM "img/day5/Party/Party_Creampie.mp4">><</videoM>>
It's followed by spurt after spurt of the mans hot cum spilling into you.
As the last pulse finishes the man rolls off of you onto his back. Smiling and lost in his own drunken world of bliss. You look down at your pussy in horror aware of what just happened. Quickly you get to your feet and grabbing a towel attempt to get as much of it out of you as possible. You succeed as getting most of it, you think. Looking back at the naked, passed out, man who just creampied you, you curse yourself for letting your lust get the better of you. You collect the cum into the Reservoir, hoping that it will still matter when the time comes.
<span id="remove">
<<link "Collect Cum!">><</link>>
<<replace '#tooltip'>><<notify>> You've gained 14ml of cum!
<meter class="cumTrack" @value="$cum" min="0" max="1000"></meter><</notify>><</replace>>
<<replace '#tooltip'>><<replace'#remove'>><</replace>><</replace>>
<</nobr>></span><<set $cum += 14>>
You get dressed, compose yourself and step into the hallway to continue with your night, leaving the passed-out man for some other couple to discover.
<<set $eventClock to 3>>
<<set $partyDuration -= 1>>
<<set $pc.tag.sexualExp = "Not a Virgin">>The door creaks open and the woman from downstairs slides into the room. She quickly locks the door and rushes over to your, pulling up and off her shirt as she approaches. You sit down on the bed as she stands in front of you. She unclips her bra and let her large round breasts hang free. Smiling you reach up and remove your own shirt. You lean forward and rest your head between her breasts rubbing against the soft flesh. She giggles and then pushes you back onto the bed.
She climbs on top of you reaching around and undoing your bra herself. As your breasts are freed, she kisses your neck, then chest, and finally your nipples, sucking and licking on the sensitive flesh.
<<videoM "img/day5/Party/Party_BoobSuck.mp4">><</videoM>>
You squirm under her tongue before she stops. She continues kissing you a moment later, lower, and lower until she reaches the waistband of your pants. With a quick tug she pulls down your pants and panties.
You feel her hot breath on your pussy for a moment before her warm tongue glides across your lips.
<<videoM "img/day5/Party/Party_BedLick.mp4">><</videoM>>
You moan in pleasure, but she stops. You open your eyes just in time to see her positioning herself above you face. Her own pussy descends onto your lips as she returns her mouth to yours. You begin licking, moaning into her as she moans into you.
<<videoM "img/day5/Party/Party_Bed69.mp4">><</videoM>>
You feel your own climax quickly approaching and she clamps her legs tightly around your head as she reaches her own. You moan in pleasure as her tongue brings you over the edge, only slight afraid of suffocating in her snatch as she holds you down.
<<videoM "img/day5/Party/Party_BedCum.mp4">><</videoM>>
Finally, she releases you by rolling off of you, panting heavily.
<<say $partygoer>>"Dang, girl. You know how to party. That was… whew."<</say>>
You nod in agreement. You lay there for a moment catching your breath as the girl idly plays with your hair. You find the moment strangely intimate. Suddenly there is a knock on the door. You both panic and begin getting dressed. The girl gives you a wink and then unlocks the door. A couple stumble in through the door, then look between the tow of you.
<<say $npcm>>"S-sorry didn't know it was occupied."<</say>>
The girl he is with giggles. You look to see your lover already gone and quickly slip away as well wondering if you'll ever see her again.
<<set $eventClock to 3>>
<<set $partyDuration -= 1>><<set $emilyRoll = random(6)>>
<<if $cup1 and $cup2 and $cup3 and $cup4 and $cup5 and $cup6>><<set $gameDone to true>>
Your ball plinks into the last cup on Emily's side of the board. You smile up at here as she looks down in amazement.
<<say $emily>>"Wow, I wasn't expecting that. I-I guess you win. So… what do you want?"<</say>>
She bites her lip looking you up and down. You ponder what you could ask from her…
<span id="choice"><<link"Ask her to join you upstairs for some fun.">>
<<say $pc>>"Why don't you and I get some privacy upstairs?"<</say>>
She smiles at you as she makes her way around the side of the table. She wraps one hand around your hip and pulls you close. She leans in to whisper in your ear.
<<say $emily>>"I was hoping you'd say that. Don't worry, I came prepared."<</say>>
[[Go upstairs|PLivingRoomEvent_1_Bed]]<</replace>><</link>>
<<link"Ask her to flash you">>
<<say $pc>>"I think that everyone here deserves a bit of a reward. Why don't you take off that top and show the class what you're hiding."<</say>>
Her eyes widen for a moment before giving you a sultry smile.
<<say $emily>>"Alright honey, whatever floats your boat."<</say>>
<<videoM "img/day5/Party/Party_EmilyFlash.mp4">><</videoM>>
She pulls up her shirt over her head. With a second swift movement she undoes her bra letter her supple breasts fall free. The crowd cheers around you. She leans forward and shakes her breasts at you and then blows you a kiss. She picks up one of the cups still filled with alcohol and cheers, vanishing into the throng of people still topless.
<<if $esmeQuest>> You notice a bottle of greenish liquid by one of the table legs. Figuring its her absinthe you grab it. You should head back to Esmerelda.
<<addItem "Absinthe">><<set $absinthe to true>><</if>>
[[Return to living room|Party_LivingRoom]]<</replace>><</link>>
<<if $esmeQuest>><<link"Ask for her Absinthe">>
<<say $pc>>"I need your absinthe."<</say>>
She frowns at your request but reaches down under the table and grabs a bottle of greenish liquid.
<<say $emily>>"Here. Damn you're boring."<</say>>
She shrugs towards the various onlookers around the table and disappears into the crowd. You should head back to Esmerelda.
<<addItem "Absinthe">>
<<set $absinthe to true>>
[[Return to living room|Party_LivingRoom]]<</replace>><</link>><</if>></span>
<<if $emilyRoll < 1>>
<<videoM "img/day5/Party/Party_PongMiss.mp4">><</videoM>>
Emily misses, [[your turn.|PLivingRoomEvent_1_Play]]
<<elseif $emilyRoll >=1 && $emilyRoll < 2>>
<<videoM "img/day5/Party/Party_PongMiss.mp4">><</videoM>>
Emily just barely misses., [[your turn.|PLivingRoomEvent_1_Play]]
<<videoM "img/day5/Party/Party_BeerPongScore.mp4">><</videoM>>
Emily scores! You have to <<link"drink">><<replace"#result">>You fish the ball out of the cup and drink. You feel the alcohol warming your belly but push on.
<<addAlcohol 3>><<set $emilyScore +=1>>
[[Your turn|PLivingRoomEvent_1_Play]]<</replace>><</link>>
<span id="result"></span><</if>>
You head out the front door and leave the music and lights of the party behind you. <<if $drunk >=30>> With the amount you've had to drink you figure its best to walk back to your place. It will only take 15 minutes or so and you can pick up your car later.
You enjoy the brisk stroll through the summer night air, allowing it to clear your mind of some of the alcohol. You reflect on just how different a party like that was for you now that you're a girl. How quick your perspective has shift in just a few short days. Soon enough you are at the end of your driveway, bringing your reflection to an end.
You glance up the driveway at the house you've lived in your whole life. It seems so familiar and yet strange, in this new body, with all these new feelings. Shaking off the feeling and chalking things up to the alcohol you approach the house and [[head inside.|Day5_AtHomeNight]]<<set $Day5End to "Drunk">>
You hop in your car, confident that you haven't had nearly enough to drink to impede your driving. You quickly drive back home and park in your driveway. You hop out and [[head inside.|Day5_AtHomeNight]]<<set $Day5End to "Home">> <</if>>
<<widget "addAlcohol">><<nobr>>
<span class="alch">
You feel a little more drunk. +$args[0] Intoxication
<<set $drunk += $args[0]>>
<<widget "addTickets">><<nobr>>
<span class="alch">
You've gained +$args[0] tickets!
<<widget "addItem">>
<span class="item">
$args[0] has been added to your Inventory!
<<widget "trivia">>
<<if $args[0] == $triviaQuestions[$triviaStage]>>
<<if $triviaStage >= 5>>
<<replace"#question">> You click the final correct answer and the screen flashes to black. For a moment you think you've lost before the screen lights up again with simple white text.
<span class="game"> You survive. This time!</span>
The game ends and tickets begin to spew from the machine. By the time you're done counting you a solid spool of 4,000 tickets from winning the game. You collect them all and look for what to do next.
[[Return |Arcade_Hub]]
<<set $quizDone to true>>
<<addTickets 4000>>
<<set $tickets += 4000>>
<<set $coins -= 1>>
<<replace"#question">><span class="game"> Well Done. Next Question.</span><</replace>>
<<timed 1.5s>>
<<set $triviaStage += 1>>
<<replace"#question">>You click the button and the screen flashes to black. You pause for a moment before the screen lights up again with simple white text.
<span class="game"> It seems you were destined for death! </span>
A cackling noise sounds from inside the machine followed by a scream. The screen shuts off. You know from experience that the machine won't turn on again for another 8 hours. There goes your one chance. You turn away from the machine and head back into the arcade.
[[Return |Arcade_Hub]]
<<set $quizDone to true>>
<<set $coins -= 1>>
<<widget "beginTimer">>
<<silently>><<set $timer to $args[0]>>
<<repeat 1s>>
<<set $timer -=1>>
<<if $timer <= 0>>
<<set $args[1] to false>>
<<widget "lpButton">>
<<if $timer > 0>>
<<set $args[0] += (1*$args[1])>>
<<set $score = $args[0]>>
<<widget "lpBnsButton">>
<<if $timer > 0>>
<<if $rnd == $args[1]>>
<<set $args[0] += 1>>
<<set $multi = $args[0]>>
<<set $multi = 1>>
<<widget "showBonusButtons">>
<<silently>><<set $rndTime to random(3,5)+"s">>
<<repeat $rndTime>>
<<if $timer > 0>>
<<set $rnd to random(3)>><<set $rndTime to random(3,5)>><<set $temp to "#btn" + "" + $rnd>>
<center><<replace"#bonusButton">><<if $rnd == 0>><<button "Click me!">><<lpBnsButton $multi 0>><</button>><<else>><<button "Miss me!">><<lpBnsButton $multi 0>><</button>><</if>><<if $rnd == 1>><<button "Click me!">><<lpBnsButton $multi 1>><</button>><<else>><<button "Miss me!">><<lpBnsButton $multi 1>><</button>><</if>><<if $rnd == 2>><<button "Click me!">><<lpBnsButton $multi 2>><</button>><<else>><<button "Miss me!">><<lpBnsButton $multi 2>><</button>><</if>><<if $rnd == 3>><<button "Click me!">><<lpBnsButton $multi 3>><</button>><<else>><<button "Miss me!">><<lpBnsButton $multi 3>><</button>><</if>><</replace>></center>
<<timed 1.5s>><<replace"#bonusButton">><</replace>><</timed>>
<<widget "houseCheck">>
<<set $houseTime -= 1>>
<<if $houseTime == 0>>
<<goto "Shop4_WitchReturnCaught">>
<<widget "housePuzzle">>
<<set $code += $args[0]>>
<<goto "Shop4_HouseSittingRoomCrest">>
<<set $codeLength++>>
<</widget>>You approach Esmerelda.
<<say $esme>>"Have you found the Absinthe?"<</say>>
<<if $absinthe>><span id="choice"><<link"Here it is.">>
<<say $pc>>"Here it is."<</say>>
You pull out the bottle that you got from Emily. Esmerelda takes it from your hands and inspects it.
<<say $esme>>"Oh yes. This will do nicely. Alright, the spell with take a few minutes. Keep an eye out."<</say>>
She turns to be facing the fence and begins to pour a few herbs into the bottle. She then begins to chant under her breath. You watch as the liquid begins to softly glow. You glance around to see if anyone is watching but the coast seems clear. You continue to watch and glance at what Esmerelda is doing for the next couple minutes. Finally she turns back holding the bottle in hand.
You take it from her. It is slightly warm but otherwise the same.
<<say $pc>>"Is that is?"<</say>>
<<say $esme>>"Is that it! Hah, don't worry. It worked. Now we just need a way for them to drink it. Spike the punch of something like that. Whoever ingests it will find themselves quite excited."<</say>>
<img src = "img/day5/Party/EnchantedAbsinthe.jpg" height ="480px" width ="720px">
She gives you another smile and a wink. You chuckle to yourself. Maybe this whole magic thing isn't too bad after all. You stash the bottle and give Esmerelda a nod. You head into the party to [[complete your task.|Party_Pool]]
<span class="mag">Esmerelda work her magic has taught you a thing or two about magic yourself.</span><<set $magUp to true>>
<<addItem "Enchanted Absinthe">>
<<set $enchantedAb to true>>
Helping mess with people has raised your <span class="aff">Affection</span> with Esmerelda by 15 and her <span class="love">Love</span> by 5.<<set $esme.aff += 15>><<set $ += 5>>
<<set $partyDuration -= 1>><</replace>><</link>></span>
<<else>><span id="choice"><<link"Not yet">>
She nods and glances back at the party. You shrug and [[return to your search.|Party_Pool]]<</replace>><</link>></span><</if>>
You approach the table to see scattered red cups and the sticky green surface of the ping pong table. As you get closer you hear someone call out to you.
<img src = "img/day5/Party/BeerPong.jpg" height ="480px" width ="720px">
<<say $emily>>"Hey, girl! You here to play?"<</say>>
You look over to see a busty blonde hairs woman leaning against the edge of the table. Judging by her stance it looks like she is a few cups deep at this point.
<<say $pc>>"Uh, I might be?"<</say>>
<<say $emily>>"Might be? Do you know who I am? I'm the champ here. All these idiots have been trying to beat me. Not one has gotten fucking close."<</say>>
She stumbles to her feet and approaches. Her breasts shake enticingly as she approaches stopping inches from your own chest.
<<say $emily>>"They are all after the prize."<</say>>
She smiles at you.
<<say $pc>>"What prize?"<</say>>
<<say $emily>>"They get what ever they <b>fucking</b> want from me."<</say>>
She gives you a suggestive wink and walks away to the other side of the table.
<<say $emily>>"So? You game, girly?"<</say>>
<span id="choice"><<link"I'm game!">>
<<say $emily>>"Perfect. Here's the rules: First one to lose all their cups is out and loses. If your opponent scores one of the cups you have to drink it. Don't worry, there isn’t anything too strong in there. Ready?"<</say>>
[[Continue|PLivingRoomEvent_1_Play]]<<set $pongPlay to true>>
<<link"No thanks.">>
<<say $emily>>"Your loss. If you ever change your mind, I'll be here."<</say>>
[[Continue|Party_LivingRoom]]<</replace>><</link>></span>Emily takes your hand and leads you upstairs. She pokes her head into one of the rooms and looks around before seeing the cost is clear the pulls you in and locks it behind you. She drops a bag down on the bed and gives you a smile.
<<say $emily>>"Well, girly? What do you want? I brought "equipment"."<</say>>
She opens the bag and inside you can see a back of condoms, a dildo, and a strap-on.
<<say $pc>>"You brought a strap-on?"<</say>>
<<say $emily>>"I used to be a girl scout. All ways prepared."<</say>>
She smiles and approaches you, pull at your shirt to bring you closer to the bed.
<<say $emily>>"So, what will it be?"<</say>>
You look over your options.
<span id="choice"><<link"Give her the strap-on">>
You pull out the strap-on and give it a look over. It is certainly an impressive member; you can feel your arousal growing as you feel the weight of it in your hand. You turn and hold it out to Emily.
<<say $emily>>"Oh, why thank you."<</say>>
She takes the strap-on and begins to unbuckle her pants. She pulls of her pants and panties and begins to fiddle with the straps. In anticipation you pull off your shirt and drop your down pants. When you turn to look back you can see Emily all strapped up, her new latex member swinging between her legs.
<<videoM "img/day5/Party/Party_EmilyStrapon.mp4">><</videoM>>
She walks up to you and pushes you back onto the bed with surprising force. She then pounces on top of you, strap-on brushing against your exposed pussy. You moan with excitement. She smiles down at you.
<<say $emily>>"Ready?"<</say>>
Before you can answer she thrusts into you.
<<videoM "img/day5/Party/Party_EmilyStraponFuck.mp4">><</videoM>>
You moan and grab her, pushing your chests together even closer. She continues to thrust in and out of you. Based on the way she wields her fake dick you get the feeling she has done this before. She continues to pound you into the bed.
You feel your mind begin to get taken over by the pleasure emanated from your pussy. Your moans fill the room alongside the wet slapping of her fake cock pounding your pussy. You suddenly seize up and grip onto Emily with all your might. She doesn't let up, pounding your through your orgasm.
<<videoM "img/day5/Party/Party_EmilyStraponCum.mp4">><</videoM>>
Finally, she releases you, letting your fall back onto the bed, the strap-on still deep inside you.
Without warning she pulls out, eliciting another moan from you. She slumps down on the bed beside you.
<<say $emily>>"Did you enjoy your reward?"<</say>>
Mind still weakened from the pounding you can only manage a moan and lean over to kiss her. She smiles back at you. The two of you lay in comfortable silence for a few minutes to recover. Emily rolls off the bed and begins to get dressed.
<<say $emily>>"This has been lovely, girly. I've got to get going there. Can't spend the whole night with just one person."<</say>>
She gives you a wink and begins to pack up her strap-on and finish dressing. You join her, pulling on your own clothes. The two of you exit the room back into [[the party.|Party_UpstairsHall]]<</replace>><</link>>
<<link"Use the strap-on yourself">>
You pull out the strap-on and give it a look over. It is an impressive member; larger than the one you had yourself, your real dick that is. You can feel your arousal growing as you feel the weight of it in your hand. You fiddle with the straps and give her a smile.
<<say $emily>>"Oh my. Whatever you want, girly. It's your reward after all."<</say>>
Seductively she begins to raise her shirt, sliding it up over her head and then unhooking her bra. You do the same removing all your clothing as she gets naked on the bed, shaking her ass at you.
<<if $growth>>You realize that you could forgo the strap on entirely and make your own dick. But there is a pretty good chance that she might notice, then again, she is pretty drunk…
<span id="choice"><<link"Use Growth">>
You carefully set the strap-on down on the floor and position yourself behind her. She lets out an enticing moan and shakes her perfect ass at you. Quietly you whisper.
<<say $pc>>"<span class="castSpell"> Exbɑuq qouმ</span>"<</say>>
You moan as your crotch suddenly ignites with pleasure and a new cock grows from your flesh. With a smile you step up and grasp onto her hips. You press your new tip forward into your warm flesh and thrust into her.
<<videoM "img/day5/Party/Party_GrowPCInsert.mp4">><</videoM>>
<<say $emily>>"Whoa there, tiger. S-slow down. That…ohh…what is that it's so warm."<</say>>
She begins to turn her head to glance back at you. You grab hold of her hair and pull her head back, forcing her to stare straight ahead. She moans as you pull on her hair and fuck her.
<<videoM "img/day5/Party/Party_GrowPCFuck.mp4">><</videoM>>
You slap her ass and then grab her hips thrusting even deeper into her.
<<say $emily>>"Danm, girly. Y-you sure know how to use t-that…ah!"<</say>>
She suddenly clenches around you her thighs shaking as she orgasms around your cock. You don't slow down, continuing to pound her as she falls face first into the bed, ass high in the air. You feel your own pleasure reaching its peak.
<<videoM "img/day5/Party/Party_GrowPCCum.mp4">><</videoM>>
Thinking quickly, you pull out of her at the last second. Your cock explodes painting her back and ass with ropes of hot cum.
For a moment you start to panic, wondering how you will explain the cum as your dick shrinks. However, Emily doesn't move, she lays still, ass still in the air lost in a drunken, pleasure filled sleep. You smirk and quickly clean the cum off her back and store it in your Reservoir.
<span id="remove">
<<link "Collect Cum!">><</link>>
<<replace '#tooltip'>><<notify>> You've gained 14ml of cum!
<meter class="cumTrack" @value="$cum" min="0" max="1000"></meter><</notify>><</replace>>
<<replace '#tooltip'>><<replace'#remove'>><</replace>><</replace>>
<</nobr>></span><<set $cum += 14>>
You begin to get dressed and wonder what to do with her. You can't just leave her like this after all. Just as you start coming up with option she jolts awake.
<<say $emily>>"Fuck girl, did you just fuck me unconscious. Damn, that hasn't happened to me in ages. Give a girl a hand will ya."<</say>>
You help her to her feet and get dressed. She gives you a smile as she leans against the door.
<<say $emily>>"We sure hang out some time. You can fuck me like that whenever you want."<</say>>
You give her a smile.
<<say $pc>>"Sure thing, Emily. I'd be happy to beat you at beer pong. Any time, any place."<</say>>
She scowls at you and then smiles. Giving you the finger, she slips out the door, you follow close behind and head [[back into the party.|Party_UpstairsHall]]<</replace>><</link>>
<<link"Put on the strap-on">>
You reach down and fasten the strap-on onto your body. The fake dick dangles before you, a familiar feeling although heavier than you're used to. You step up to Emily and grab her ass. She lets out a small moan as you position the strap-on between her pussy lips.
<<videoM "img/day5/Party/Party_PCStrapOnFuck.mp4">><</videoM>>
Easing forward you slowly work the face phallus into her. She moans with pleasure as you finally bottom out, filling her completely with her own strap-on. You're impressed with how well she has taken the massive member. Taking one more moment to appreciate the satisfaction of being deep inside her you pull back, then slam into her again.
Moans and slaps fill the room as you work over her pussy with the strap-on.
<<videoM "img/day5/Party/Party_PCStrapOnCum.mp4">><</videoM>>
Soon enough you feel her beginning to shake around the toy and don't let up, continuing to pound at her. Finally, exhausted you collapse forward onto her.
Without warning she pulls out, eliciting another moan from you. You slump down on the bed beside her.
<<say $emily>>"D-did you enjoy your reward?"<</say>>
Emily asks through her pants. You smile at her and she returns it. The two of you lay in comfortable silence for a few minutes to recover. Emily rolls off the bed and begins to get dressed.
<<say $emily>>"This has been lovely, girly. I've got to get going there. Can't spend the whole night with just one person."<</say>>
She gives you a wink and yoinks the strap-on off you before and finish dressing. You join her, pulling on your own clothes. The two of you exit the room back [[into the party.|Party_UpstairsHall]]<</replace>><</link>></span><<else>>
You reach down and fasten the strap-on onto your body. The fake dick dangles before you, a familiar feeling although heavier than you're used to. You step up to Emily and grab her ass. She lets out a small moan as you position the strap-on between her pussy lips.
<<videoM "img/day5/Party/Party_PCStrapOnFuck.mp4">><</videoM>>
Easing forward you slowly work the face phallus into her. She moans with pleasure as you finally bottom out, filling her completely with her own strap-on. You're impressed with how well she has taken the massive member. Taking one more moment to appreciate the satisfaction of being deep inside her you pull back, then slam into her again.
<<videoM "img/day5/Party/Party_PCStrapOnCum.mp4">><</videoM>>
Moans and slaps fill the room as you work over her pussy with the strap-on. Soon enough you feel her beginning to shake around the toy and don't let up, continuing to pound at her. Finally, exhausted you collapse forward onto her.
Without warning you pull out, eliciting another moan from her. You slump down on the bed beside her.
<<say $emily>>"D-did you enjoy your reward?"<</say>>
Emily asks through her pants. You smile at her and she returns it. The two of you lay in comfortable silence for a few minutes to recover. Emily rolls off the bed and begins to get dressed.
<<say $emily>>"This has been lovely, girly. I've got to get going there. Can't spend the whole night with just one person."<</say>>
She gives you a wink and yoinks the strap-on off you before and finish dressing. You join her, pulling on your own clothes. The two of you exit the room back [[into the party.|Party_UpstairsHall]]
<<set $partyDuration -= 1>>
You watch with anticipation for the first person to taste the new enchanted punch. You see one of the members of the football team approach and absentmindedly pour himself a glass. As it touches his lips his eyes widen. He begins to greedily suck down the liquid. He slams the cup down on the table.
<<say $jock>>"Bros! This punch is fire have you had some?"<</say>>
He begins to pour more glasses as his buddies come over. He hands one to each as they begin to slurp it down as well. As they drink you begin to notice them lean into each other. One of them grabs another bicep.
<<say $jock>>"Damn bro, you've got nice arms."<</say>>
The others all laugh a stilted drunken laugh except for the one grabbing the other one's arms. Suddenly they lunge towards each other.
<<videoM "img/day5/Party/Party_Jocks_Kiss.mp4">><</videoM>>
They begin to kiss passionately. The others look at each other confused, but you notice bulges beginning to form in their pants.
<<say $jock>>"Fuck guys, was Lukas always so hot? I could tap that."<</say>>
The others follow his gaze, locked on the ass of one of the two currently making out in the center of them. The two finally separate and see their friends all staring at them.
<<say $jock>>"I want to suck dick so much right now…"<</say>>
The others all look at each other and then cheer.
<<say $jock>>"Brojob! Brojob! Brojob!"<</say>>
You watch as they pick Lukas up and begin to hoist him upstairs, other partygoers watch in confusion as the team continues to chant all the way up the stairs. Stifling your laughter, you catch Esmerelda watching from across the room. She winks at you then vanishes into the crowd.
You hear the chanting cut short as a door slams above you. Laughing you fade back into the crowd, leaving the empty punch bowl behind.
<<set $enchantedAbs to false>>
<<set $punchClosed to true>>
<<set $partyDuration -= 1>>Following the mans lead you also begin to undress. While your arousal at the thought of what's to come is in the forefront of you mind you can't help but be a little nervous about it. Anal sex was always something you were interested in as a man but the though of getting fucked in the ass had never crossed your mind, especially not as a woman.
Your worrying is washed away as you feel the girl's hands grab you by the waste just as her boyfriend takes of his pants. His hard dick springs free, early awaiting to plunge into your virgin ass. The girl leads you to the bed and removes the remainder of your clothes, positioning your on your hands and knees for her boyfriend.
<<say $pc>>"Uh, I know I agreed to this but please be gentle…"<</say>>
The girl strokes her hand around the side of your faces and coos to you.
<<say $femC>>"Don't worry, hon. You'll do great. Just show me how it's done."<</say>>
<<videoM "img/day5/Party/Party_PCAssSpread.mp4">><</videoM>>
You feel the man's hands on your ass, spreading your cheeks as second later you feel a cold liquid splash against your asshole.
<<say $femC>>"Oh my god, babe. You brought lube? You're so considerate."<</say>>
The girl leaves you side and begins making out with her boyfriend. You glance back to see her hand on his dick, then you feel a pressure at your back door. You tense, which is the wrong decision as his dick pushes against you ass.
<<videoM "img/day5/Party/Party_AnalInsert.mp4">><</videoM>>
You cry out as you a violated, luckily with the lube the pain isn't too extreme. You attempt to relax, a difficult task with his throbbing dick filling your colon but you do your best.
<<say $maleC>>"Are you okay?"<</say>>
You nod in approval, the pain mixing with a satisfying feeling of fullness.
<<videoM "img/day5/Party/Party_Anal_PC.mp4">><</videoM>>
He begins to move, plunging his dick in and out of you. His girlfriend watches on alternating between stroking and grabbing your ass and stroking her boyfriend's chest. Soon the pain begins to fade and is replaced with a dull pleasure that slowly begins to rise.
Unable to contain your moans you let one slip out and hear the girlfriend exclaim with excitement. Her boyfriend however just groans with pleasure, continuing to make use of your ass for his own enjoyment. His thrusts become wilder, and his own moans begin to slip out. His girlfriend begins to take notice and pushes him back. His dick slides from your ass with a pop as he falls back. You moan at the sudden feeling of emptiness.
<<say $femC>>"What the fuck was that?! You can only cum in my ass, you dick!"<</say>>
The girl begins angerly stripping and positioning herself on all fours pushing you aside. Feeling used you get off the bed, your ass slightly sore from the pounding. The man glances between the two of you then gets behind his girl friend with more lube.
<<videoM "img/day5/Party/Party_AnalCouple.mp4">><</videoM>>
You decide its time to go and quickly dress, leaving the room to the sound of their flesh slapping together.
[[Continue|Party_UpstairsHall]] You approach Doug and his friends. He gives you a nod and smile as you get close.
<span id="choice"><<if $seenJessica>><<link"Tell him you've found Jessica">>
You get in close to him so you're able to whisper to him over the music.
<<say $pc>>"Hey, I saw Jessica. She was going upstairs with one of the guys from West Valley. Looked like they were going into one of the spare rooms."<</say>>
His eyes widen. He puts down his drink and tell the others that he's going to take a piss. He quickly gets up and pushes his way through the crowd. You see him head upstairs.
<<set $toldDoug to true>>
<<if $jessRecording>><<link"Show him the recording">>
<<say $pc>>"Hey, Doug. There is something you might want to see."<</say>>
You gesture off to the side and he follows you a little way away from the group. You pull out your phone and open the video, right in the middle of Jessica getting plowed by the monster cock. His eyes widen.
<<videoM "img/day5/Party/Party_JessicaFuck.mp4">><</videoM>>
<<say $doug>>"The fuck is this! Where did you get this? I-is that Sampson?!"<</say>>
<<say $pc>>"I just recorded this upstairs. I'm sorry…"<</say>>
He looks up angerly and begins scanning the room before he spots Jessica. He rushes off towards her. He grabs her arm and heads towards the stairs. A moment later you hear the door to Doug's room slam shut.
<<set $toldDoug to true>><<set $shownRecord to true>>
<<if !$seenJessica and !$recordedJess>> Maybe you should try and find Jessica<</if>>
You give him a smile back and pass back into the crowd.
As you are walking through the living room you spot the distinct pink and blonde of Jessica. You see her basically draped around one of the football team members from West Valley. Based on her movements and body language she is certainly flirting with him. You consider going and telling Doug before you see the rival jock slap her ass and push her towards the stairs. The two disappear upstairs. If you're quick you could follow them or go report to Doug.
<<set $seenJessica to true>>Cautiously you approach the door and listen in. You can hear both Doug and Jessica's raised voices from the other side. You consider if you should knock on the door or not. It might just make things worst for both of them, but then again maybe it's what Jessica deserves…
<span id="choice"><<link"Knock">>
You quickly rasp on the door and wait. The voices go quiet, and the door stands quietly for a moment before swinging open. Jessica stands before you with her face streaked with runny mascara.
<<say $jess>>"Oh its you. Of course."<</say>>
She turns back to face Doug.
<<say $jess>>"Is this the bitch you want more than me, huh? You're mad because I'm fucking around, I bet you're plowing this cow every night."<</say>>
Before you can react, Jessica grabs you by the hair and throws you into the room. You stumble into Doug and he catches you.
<<say $doug>>"Fuck you, Jess. Its not about her or anyone else. I hear what you said on that video! Am I not good enough for you? You have to go fuck Sampson!"<</say>>
Doug shoves you to the side.
<<say $jess>>"Well <b>you</b> didn't get a scholarship to Southpost Central. I have to hedge my bets. No fucking way am I gonna be stuck in this lame as town my whole life!"<</say>>
Doug looks shocked as she screams at him. His anger suddenly drops from his face. He just shakes his head.
<<say $doug>>"I thought you loved me. I though we were special. You're just another groupie whore."<</say>>
<<say $doug>>"Get out."<</say>>
He points towards the door. Jessica opens her mouth then closes it. The anger drains from her face as well.
<<say $jess>>"Dougie…"<</say>>
<<say $doug>>"I said get out!"<</say>>
Doug's shout causes both of you to jump and Jessica quickly flees out the door. It slams shut behind her leaving the room silent besides the dull thumping of the music downstairs.
Doug sits down on the bed and hangs his head in his hands. You quietly sit beside him. For a moment you feel just like it was years back, helping to comfort Doug through his many, many break ups. <<if $dougBJ>> The only difference now is that you are somehow happy he is broken up. That means that maybe he'll be yours. <</if>>
<<say $pc>>"I'm sorry, Doug. This is all my fault."<</say>>
<<say $doug>>"No. No, I'd rather know than not. Who know what else she has been doing behind my back."<</say>>
You wrap an arm around Doug's shoulder and hug him. You feel him shudder for a moment and then soften into your embrace.
<<say $doug>>"Thank you, $pc.nameL. Thank you for showing me the truth."<</say>>
He turns and gives you a warm smile. He then gets to his feet.
<<say $doug>>"I-I need to be alone for a while. To think this all through."<</say>>
You nod and get to your feet as well. You make your way towards the door before glancing back at Doug. He is staring out the window, you wonder if he is watching Jessica leave. [[You slip out the door and close it behind you|Party_UpstairsHall]], worried for you friend.
Helping Doug see the truth has earned you <span class="aff">+25 Affection</span> and <span class="love">+10 Love</span> with Doug, but cost you <span class="aff">-50 Affection</span> and <span class="love">-50 Love</span> with Jessica.<</replace>><</link>>
<<link"Don't Knock">>
You decide not to knock and instead take a step to the side to attempt to listen. Just as you step to the side the door swings open. You see Jessica, face streaked with runny mascara staring back at you. She scoffs at you then rushes out and down the stairs.
You glance into the room and see Doug standing by the door watching her go. He looks at you with sad eyes.
<<say $doug>>"I just want to be alone."<</say>>
He slams the door and a second later you hear the lock click, it seems he won't be coming out any time soon.
[[Return to the party|Party_UpstairsHall]]<</replace>><</link>></span>
<<set $dougClosed to true>>
<<set $partyDuration -= 1>>You take the bottle and place it in the center of the circle. With a flick of your wrist, you spin it. It spins and spins and spins...
<span id ="results"><<link"Results...">>
Finally, it rests pointing at you. You look around confused, unsure what that might even mean. The circle around you starts cheering and one of them cries out.
<<say $partygoer>>"Get the cup!"<</say>>
Soon enough one of them has grabbed a regular red cup, filled almost to the brim with some sort of liquid. They carefully pass it towards you. You look down at it confused.
<<say $pc>>"What am I supposed to do with this?"<</say>>
The one closest to you responds.
<<say $partygoer>>"Drink! Drink! Drink!"<</say>>
The chant spreads and soon enough the whole circle is chanting, even some people nearby. You glance down at the mixture, half expecting it to start bubbling. You raise it to your lips.
You expected it to taste worse but in reality, it just tastes like alcohol and not much else. You begin to gulp down the liquid and feel the heat spreading throughout your body. You nearly choke on the vile liquid as you continue to down it but manage to finish off the cup, dropping it immediately. The crowd around you cheers and you hold up a fist triumphantly. Suddenly your stomach begins to churn, and you quickly stumble to your feet and rush to the bathroom.
Luckily your stomach settles, and you just splash some water on your face, vowing never to go to another spin the bottle game again.
<<addAlcohol 30>>
<<set $spinClosed to true>><<videoM "img/day5/Party/Party_BeerPongScore.mp4">><</videoM>>
You score a point!<<set $scoredCups +=1>> <<if $cup1 and $cup2 and $cup3 and $cup4 and $cup5 and $cup6>> You Win! "<<else>>[[Emily's Turn|EmilyTurn]]<</if>><<videoM "img/day5/Party/Party_PongMiss.mp4">><</videoM>> You Missed! [[Emily's Turn|EmilyTurn]]You walk back up to Marcus, he gives you a smile.
<<if $ralphDone>>
<<say $marcus>>"Ralph stopped by and hooked me up. Even gave me a discount, said my girlfriend helped him out."<</say>>
<<say $pc>>"Yeah, he is really, really high."<</say>>
<<say $marcus>>"Always is, probably smokes half his product. Anyways, a few of the boys have been waiting for me and now I'm good to go."<</say>>
Marcus gets up from his seat and gives you a smile.
<<say $marcus>>"Thanks, $pc.nameF. I'll see you."<</say>>
Marcus heads back inside to find his friends, leaving you alone by the pool.
[[Return|Party_Pool]]<<set $marcClosed to true>>
Helping out Marcus has gained you <span class="aff">+10 Affection</span> and <span class="love">+10</span> Love with him.<<set $marcus.aff += 10>><<set $ +=10>>
<<say $pc>>"Not yet. I'll keep an eye out."<</say>>
<<say $marcus>>"Sweet. Thanks."<</say>>
You head back into the party.
[[Return|Party_Pool]]<</if>>You approach the door and smell the familiar stench of marijuana seeping out from under the door. You open the door and are immediately hit with a wave of vapors. You cough your way through the wall of fumes and head into the room.
<<videoM "img/day5/Party/Party_WeedRoom.mp4">><</videoM>>
Inside you can see a couple of people sprawled out on the bed, floor, and chairs, bongs scattered on the ground. Just being in here you can feel your lungs absorbing the intoxicating herb.
<<set $toxin to 2>>
<<addAlcohol $toxin>>
Ahead of you on the bed you can see one man all laid out on the bed, a woman on either side of him running their hands up and down his naked chest. This appears to be Ralph.
You approach the foot of the bed and Ralph seems to notice me.
<<say $ralph>>"Hello there, little vixen. Have you come to partake in my sacred herb?"<</say>>
He gives you a wide smile and shifts his bearings, so his crotch is on full display, only covered with a pair of boxers.
<<say $pc>>"Uh, no. No, I'm here to remind you that Marcus is waiting for you by the pool."<</say>>
His eyes focus a bit at the mention of Marcus' name. He sits up slightly.
<<say $ralph>>"Fuck, I forgot about him. Well, shit. Can't leave my man high and dry, well, sober and dry. Heh."<</say>>
He sits up and shoos the two women off him. Reaching over he grabs a bong resting on the nightstand.
<<say $ralph>>"Sorry, ladies. Duty calls. But first, one for the road."<</say>>
He pauses for a moment, looking around the nightstand.
<<say $ralph>>"Hey, girl. Make your cute ass helpful and fight me a lighter. Then I'll help out your boyfriend."<</say>>
You scoff at the comment, but it seems like you'll have to find him a lighter if you are gonna get him out of here.
<<videoM "img/day5/Party/Party_WeedRoom.mp4">><</videoM>>
You look over the room and decide where to seach next...
<<actions [[Check the boys by the chair|Stoner_Boys]] [[Check the Dresser|Stoner_Dresser]] [[Check the Nightstand|Stoner_Nightstand]] [[Check by the door|Stoner_Door]] [[Check under the bed|Stoner_Bed]]>>You approach the three boys sitting in the chairs by the wall. They look you up and down as you approach, clearly drinking in your form.
<<say $pc>>"Hey, you boys seen a lighter? Ralph needs one."<</say>>
One of them leans forwards and glances between the three of them.
<<say $partygoer>>"Might have. What you gonna give us for it?"<</say>>
They eye you hungerly, eyes glued to your chest.
<span id="choice"><<link"Give them what they want">>
<<say $pc>>"Fine, if you give me the lighter, I'll show you my tits."<</say>>
The boys nod and smile.
<<say $partygoer>>"Aw yeah, I knew you'd be fun."<</say>>
He hands you the lighter.
<span id="choice2"><<link"Make good on your promise">>
You take the lighter and smile. You then make good on your promise and pull up your shirt and pull down your bra.
<<videoM "img/day5/Party/Party_Flash.mp4">><</videoM>>
You shake your tits enticingly at them before once again hiding them under your clothes. You give them a wink and [[head back to Ralph.|PUpstairsEvent_1_2]], lighter in hand.<<set $toxin = $toxin + $toxin>>
<<addAlcohol $toxin>>
<<link"Just leave">>
As soon as its in your hand you walk off, you hear them call out behind you but ignore them as you [[head back to Ralph.|PUpstairsEvent_1_2]]
<<set $toxin = $toxin + $toxin>>
<<addAlcohol $toxin>>
<<statCheckReplace 5 $pc.cha $chaImg "Tell them to fuck off">><<link"Tell them to fuck off">>
<<say $pc>>"I'm not giving you anything, dipshits. Give me the fucking lighter or I'll crush your nuts."<</say>>
Taken aback the three boys lean back in their chair. One places the lighter on the table and gestures for you to take it. You grab the lighter and [[head back to Ralph.|PUpstairsEvent_1_2]]
<<set $toxin = $toxin + $toxin>>
<<addAlcohol $toxin>>
You approach the dresser and give it a quick look over. A few half-filled bongs sit unused, and a good amount of weed is scattered across the wooden surface. But you see no lighter.
<<set $toxin = ($toxin + $toxin)-1>>
<<addAlcohol $toxin>>
[[Return|PUpstairsEvent_1_Hub]] You approach the nightstand Ralph was searching by. You lean over it to see if anything fell behind it. Suddenly you feel a hand swat your ass and grab a handful. You whip around to see Ralph smiling to himself.
<<videoM "img/day5/Party/Party_RalphSlap.mp4">><</videoM>>
<<say $ralph>>"Sorry, babe. Couldn't resist such a fuckable ass. You sure you don’t want to join me in bed instead of going back to Marcus."<</say>>
You pull away from the stinking man and shake your head. Marcus is going to owe you for this, but you still haven't found the lighter.
<<set $toxin = ($toxin + $toxin)-1>>
<<addAlcohol $toxin>>
[[Return|PUpstairsEvent_1_Hub]] You check by the small table close to the door and see nothing. Looks like the lighter isn't here.
<<set $toxin = ($toxin + $toxin)-1>>
<<addAlcohol $toxin>>
[[Return|PUpstairsEvent_1_Hub]] You drop down onto you hands and knees and glance under the bed. You see a few empty beer cans but no sign of the lighter. You hear whistling from across the room and when you get back up you can see the group of guys by the chairs staring at your ass. Ignore them and continue the search.
<<set $toxin = ($toxin + $toxin)-1>>
<<addAlcohol $toxin>>
[[Return|PUpstairsEvent_1_Hub]] You approach Ralph once more, slamming the lighter down on the nightstand.
<<say $ralph>>"Oh, there it is. Thanks, babe."<</say>>
He picks it up and immediately takes a rip from his bong. You wave your hand to push away the smoke he expels from his lungs as he gets to his feet.
<<say $ralph>>"Yeah, now I'm in the right mind set to do some wheeling and dealing. I'll go find your boyfriend. See ya, totes."<</say>>
He makes his way towards the door and throws it open, walking off into the party. You follow out behind, free of the fumes in the room. You can't imagine how made Doug's parents will be with one of their guest rooms stinking like weed for the next month. Right now, you just hope the smell will wear off you soon…
<<set $ralphDone to true>>
[[Return to the party|Party_UpstairsHall]]
<<set $partyDuration -=1>>All around the various partygoers are beginning to separate from each other and make their own ways out of the party. It seems that the party is beginning to wind down and when the music shuts off most people able to go take that as the cue to get out. Those unable or unwilling to leave in their current state find whatever comfortable spot they can and curl up there. <<if $drunk >=30>> In your current state you aren't feeling like walking back to your house. You glance around until you find an unoccupied spot on one of the couches. You curl up into a ball and quickly drift off to [[sleep.|Day5_End]] <<set $Day5End to "Couch">>
You are feeling more than comfortable in your ability to drive home so follow the crowd outside and get into your car. You quickly drive back home and park in your driveway. You hop out and head inside. You make your way upstairs and, exhausted, collapse into your bed, quickly fading into a deep [[slumber.|Day5_End]]<<set $Day5End to "Home">> <</if>>
You creep up towards the door and gently push it open. You glance into the spare bedroom to see five jocks gathered around the bed. On the bed, sandwiched between the jock's hard bodies and hard cocks you seen one of them, getting railed in both ends. Moans and slaps fill the room, carrying out into the hallway through your opening. You hear one of the jocks speak from in the room.
<<say $jock>>"Fuck, Lukas. You give the best brojobs ever!"<</say>>
<<videoM "img/day5/Party/Party_JockOrgy.mp4">><</videoM>>
The jock getting his dick sucked high fives the one railing Lukas' ass. Not wanting to get caught you quietly shut the door and head back into the party, chuckling to yourself.
<<set $jocksDone to true>>Emily takes your hand and leads you upstairs. She pokes her head into one of the rooms and looks around before seeing the cost is clear the pulls you in and locks it behind you. She drops a bag down on the bed and gives you a smile.
<<say $emily>>"Well, girly I hope you're ready. I brought "equipment"."<</say>>
She opens the bag and inside you can see a back of condoms, a dildo, and a strap-on.
<<say $pc>>"You brought a strap-on?"<</say>>
<<say $emily>>"I used to be a girl scout. Always prepared."<</say>>
She smiles and approaches you, pull at your shirt to bring you closer to the bed.
<<say $emily>>"Snow get your ass on the bed."<</say>>
She pulls out the strap on and inspects it, slapping it against her hand. It is certainly an impressive member; you can feel your arousal growing as you look at it.
<<say $emily>>"Like what you see?"<</say>>
She takes the strap-on and begins to unbuckle her pants. She pulls of her pants and panties and begins to fiddle with the straps. In anticipation you pull off your shirt and drop your down pants. When you turn to look back you can see Emily all strapped up, her new latex member swinging between her legs.
<<videoM "img/day5/Party/Party_EmilyStrapon.mp4">><</videoM>>
She walks up to you and pushes you back onto the bed with surprising force. She then pounces on top of you, strap-on brushing against your exposed pussy. You moan with excitement. She smiles down at you.
<<say $emily>>"Ready?"<</say>>
Before you can answer she thrusts into you.
<<videoM "img/day5/Party/Party_EmilyStraponFuck.mp4">><</videoM>>
You moan and grab her, pushing your chests together even closer. She continues to thrust in and out of you. Based on the way she wields her fake dick you get the feeling she has done this before. She continues to pound you into the bed.
You feel your mind begin to get taken over by the pleasure emanated from your pussy. Your moans fill the room alongside the wet slapping of her fake cock pounding your pussy. You suddenly seize up and grip onto Emily with all your might. She doesn't let up, pounding your through your orgasm.
<<videoM "img/day5/Party/Party_EmilyStraponCum.mp4">><</videoM>>
Without warning she pulls out, eliciting another moan from you. She slumps down on the bed beside you.
<<say $emily>>"Did you enjoy your punishment?"<</say>>
Mind still weakened from the pounding you can only manage a moan and lean over to kiss her. She smiles back at you. The two of you lay in comfortable silence for a few minutes to recover. Emily rolls off the bed and begins to get dressed.
<<say $emily>>"This has been lovely, girly. I've got to get going there. Can't spend the whole night with just one person."<</say>>
She gives you a wink and begins to pack up her strap-on and finish dressing. You join her, pulling on your own clothes. The two of you exit the room back [[into the party.|Party_UpstairsHall]]
You look out over the various games and decide what to do next.
<<if !$pumperDone>>[[Approach Long Pumper|Arcade_LongPumperStart]]<<else>>You've already gotten the high score, no point playing more.<</if>>
<<if !$quizDone>>[[Approach Triva Death Show|Arcade_TrivaDeath]]<<else>> Trivia Death Show can only be played once every 8 hours.<</if>>
[[Approach Asteroid Blaster|Arcade_Asteroid_Blaster]]
[[Approach Ball Toss|Arcade_BallToss]]
<<if !$nathTalked>>[[Find Nathan|Arcade_Nathan]]<<else>>You should leave Nathan to his grinding.<</if>>
<<if !$coleTalked>>[[Find Cole|Arcade_Cole]]<<else>>You should leave Cole to his gaming.<</if>>
<<if !$gamerDone>>[[You see another person playing games. He has quite a few tickets|Arcade_Gamer]]<</if>>
[[Approach the Counter|Arcade_Counter]]
<<if $coins <= 1>> Or you can call it [[quits and head home.|Arcade_End]]<</if>><span class ="system"> Click the center button as many times as possible. Bonus buttons will show up and allow you to increase your multiplier but if you hit a wrong one your multiplier will reset so be careful! Good luck!</span>
<span id = "gameScreen"><<link"Are you ready?">>
<<set $timerEnd to false>><<set $score to 0>><<set $multi to 1>><<set $timer to 0>><<set $rnd to 0>>Are you ready?
<<timed 1s>> 3<</timed>>
<<timed 2s>> 2<</timed>>
<<timed 3s>> 1<<beginTimer 30 $timerEnd>><</timed>>
<<timed 3s>><center><<button "Click Me!">><<lpButton $score $multi>><</button>>
<<showBonusButtons>><span id="bonusButton"></span></center>
<span class="game"><center><span id ="timer"> $timer </span> <span id ="score"> </span> X<span id ="multi">1</span></center></span><<timed 30s>><<if $score >= 1750>>
The screen brightly flashes as you finish off the game. You look up to see the high score tick up to your new score.
<center><span class="game"> $score </span></center>
You pump your fist in victory as the machine begins to spew out tickets. As you spool them up you count out 2,000 plus the <<print $score/10>> tickets from your score. You tuck them away and head on your way, one game under your belt.
<<set $ticketGain to $score/10>>
<<set $ticketGain += 2000>>
<<addTickets $ticketGain>>
<<set $tickets += $ticketGain>>
<<set $coins -= 1>>
[[Return|Arcade_Hub]]<<set $pumperDone to true>>
The game ends and your score flashes on screen, not enough.
<center><span class="game"> $score </span></center>
Still, you earn a few tickets for just playing. The machine begins to spit them out, spitting out <<print $score/10>> in total. You tuck them away and head out. Maybe you can try again later.
<<set $ticketGain to $score/10>>
<<addTickets $ticketGain>>
<<set $tickets += $ticketGain>>
<<set $coins -= 1>>
<</timed>><</timed>><</replace>><</link>></span>You approach the intimidating arcade machine. A cut out of the grim reaper stands beside it, the whole cabinet dripping with death imagery. You steel yourself for the trivia questions as you slot in the first quarter.
The screen lights up with white text. It simply states:
<center><span class="game"> One wrong answer and you die!</span></center>
The first text begins to appear on screen.
<span id="question"><center><span class="game">What is the name of the outermost layer of skin?</span>
<<button "1.Ophelia">><<trivia 1>><</button>> <<button "2.Dermatology">><<trivia 2>><</button>> <<button "3.Callus">><<trivia 3>><</button>> <<button "4.Epidermis">><<trivia 4>><</button>></center></span>
<<silently>><<set $ticketGain = random(8)>><<set $ticketGain = ($ticketGain * $ * 10)>><</silently>>
You step up to the classic game. It certainly won't win you a crazy number of tickets, but the gameplay is simple enough that you could probably earn a couple hundred. You insert a quarter and the game springs to life. You twist and shoot, shooting down as many space rocks as you can before one collides with your ship. The game chimes and tickets begin to spool from it. You look down and see that you've made <<print $ticketGain>> tickets. You spool them up and look for what to do next.
<<addTickets $ticketGain>>
<<set $tickets += $ticketGain>>
<<set $coin -= 1>>You step up to the plastic little basketball court. You slide a quarter into the machine, and it whirs to life. The fist ball rolls down the tube beside you, and you grab it. You begin to take your shots. <<if $pc.tag.background == "Jock">>You have plenty of experience with basketball, having been on the team in your youth. Even in your new body you are able to easily sink a bunch of shots before the buzzer chimes. <<set $ballsSunk to 20>><<else>> You do your best to score as many shots as you can and manage to get a decent amount in.<<set $ballsSunk to random(8,12)>><</if>>
<<set $ticketGain to $ballsSunk * $pc.ath>>
You glance up at your score and see that you've managed to get <<print $ticketGain * 100>> points. The game chimes beside you and your tickets begin to spool out from it. You pickup the tickets and count. Looks like you've made $ticketGain tickets. Not bad.
You gather them up and look for what to do next.
<<addTickets $ticketGain>>
<<set $tickets+= $ticketGain>>
<<set $coins -= 1>>
You approach the counter and look up at the silver dagger above hanging above. The man behind the counter smiles at you, based on his age he probably goes to your school although you don't recognize him.
<<say $clerk>>"What can I do for you?"<</say>>
<span id="choice"><<if $tickets >= 10000>><<link"Redeem Sting">>
<<say $pc>>"Hey, I'd like to trade in my tickets for that Sting replica."<</say>>
The clerks eyebrows raise. He glances back at the sword and then you.
<<say $clerk>>"You do know that it costs 10,000 tickets right?"<</say>>
<<say $pc>>"Yup."<</say>>
You slap your pile of tickets on the counter. He shrugs and grabs them feeding them into a machine that tallies them up. He nods as the total pops up.
<<say $clerk>>"Well alright. Never thought I'd see the day. Anyways…"<</say>>
He grabs a stool and climbs up to take down the sword. You spot Nathan and Cole gathering behind you as he passes it down to you.
<<say $clerk>>"There you go, one silver hunk of junk just for you."<</say>>
You thank him and turn towards the boys.
<<say $pc>>"We did it."<</say>>
<<set $hasKnife to true>>
You hold up the sword triumphantly. The boys cheer and clap you on the back. The three of your head out of the arcade, victory in your hands. You carefully place the sword in the back of your care and get into the car with the boys. You drive them back home and head inside yourself. While you had a busy night you still have some time for yourself.
[[Continue|Day5_AtHomeNight]]<</replace>><</link>><<else>> You'd need to have 10,000 tickets to redeem Sting.<</if>>
<<if $knowGame && !$playedSpecial>><<link"Ask about the 'special game'">>
<<replace"#choice">><<set $playedSpecial to true>>
<<say $pc>>"Hey, I heard, uh, that you have a special game in the back? One just for girls like me. Would I be able to play it?"<</say>>
The clerk smiles and looks you up and down. He gives a nod of approval. He flags down another employee nearby.
<<say $clerk>>"Hey, Sam. You mind covering the till for a bit."<</say>>
The girl he yelled at scoffs at him and nods as he leads you around the counter and into the back room. You follow him through the black curtains separating the front and back rooms. Back here you see a few decommissioned games and other supplies for the arcade. You take a few steps in and look around.
<<say $pc>>"So, what's this game? How many tickets does it give."<</say>>
<<say $clerk>>"Oh, I think you'll love this game. It'll give you a huge ticket."<</say>>
You turn to face the clerk and see him standing there, pants around his ankles.
<<say $pc>>"Oh my god."<</say>>
<<videoM "img/day5/Arcade/Arcade_ClerkReveal.mp4">><</videoM>>
You see an absolutely huge member hanging between his legs. Your eyes widen just at the sight of it dangling there.
<<say $clerk>>"I know right. I hope you're ready to play."<</say>>
He steps towards you, if there was ever a time to back out it would be now.
<span id ="choice2"><<link"Back out">>
<<say $pc>>"Whoa, whoa, whoa. Hold up. I thought there was an actual game back here not this."<</say>>
The clerk's eyes widen in surprise. He quickly pulls his pants back up.
<<say $clerk>>"Oh shit. Sorry. I'm so sorry. Total misunderstanding. Please don't report me."<</say>>
You shake your head and push past him into the main room. Last time you trust your brother's rumors. You head back into the arcade, the sight of that mans huge dong burned into your memory.
<<link"Play Along">>
<<say $pc>>"Of course. I'm always ready to play."<</say>>
You give him your best seductive smile and set forward. The sheer size of his dick has already gotten you excited, and you reach out to feel its heft in your hand. You can feel it hardening in your hand and the man smiles at you.
<<say $clerk>>"Lets see how much you can fit."<</say>>
He pushes you down so that you are right in front of the hardening cock. It twitches and slaps against the side of your face.
<<videoM "img/day5/Arcade/Arcade_ClerkSlap.mp4">><</videoM>>
You shiver, somehow aroused by the feeling of his hard dick slapping against your check. He seems to notice and swings his cock back around from another slap on your other cheek.
Slightly annoyed by his cockiness you grab his dick tightly and flick your tongue out around his tip.
<<videoM "img/day5/Arcade/Arcade_ClerkSuck.mp4">><</videoM>>
Slowly you begin to work his dick deeper into your mouth, working inch by inch. You can feel your jaw aching and soon your gag reflex as he pushes against the back of your throat. You steady yourself and hope that the tickets are worth it before you push yourself forwards, allowing his dick to slide into your throat.
<<videoM "img/day5/Arcade/Arcade_ClerkDT.mp4">><</videoM>>
You continue to throat fuck yourself on his dick before you feel him begin to tense up. You begin to pull out before he grabs your hair, slamming his dick deeper into your throat.
<<videoM "img/day5/Arcade/Arcade_ClerkCum.mp4">><</videoM>>
You feel pump after pump of cum shooting straight down your throat and into your stomach. He suddenly releases you and you pull his cock out of your mouth, coughing and gasping for air.
<<say $clerk>>"Whew, damn that was good. Good game girl."<</say>>
He pulls up his pants as you catch your breath and wipe the spit from your face.
<<say $clerk>>"I'll slip out first and then you can once you've cleaned up."<</say>>
He begins to head for the door.
<<say $pc>>"Wait! What about my tickets?"<</say>>
<<say $clerk>>"Shit, you were serious about that? Oh."<</say>>
He walks over to one of the boxes and pries it open. He takes an entire roll of tickets out and sets it down beside you.
<<say $clerk>>"That should cover it right?"<</say>>
You nod, finishing cleaning yourself up. He nods back and slips out of the room. You get to your feet; your stomach feels warm from the load of cum now resting in it. You pick up the ticket and check it over. It seems to be 5,000 tickets. You pack them away and head back into the arcade. You feel your underwear, slick with arousal as your walk.
<<addTickets 5000>>
<<set $tickets += 5000>>
<<link"Ask about the games">>
<<say $pc>>"Can you remind me what kind of games you have here?"<</say>>
<<say $clerk>>"Sure. We have Asteroid Blaster, that games is a little tricker but the <span class="int"> smarter</span> you are the easier it will be. Ball Toss is more for our <span class="ath">athletic</span> people. Long pumper is a game of skill, you have to pump as much as you can in 30 seconds. Finally, we have Trivia Deathshow. That one is a bit unique in that you can only play it once every 8 hours. There is a big prize if you win though."<</say>>
<<say $pc>>"Thanks, that helps."<</say>>
Is there anything else you [[want to ask…?|Arcade_Counter]]
Or you can just [[leave|Arcade_Hub]]<</replace>><</link>>
Or you can just [[leave|Arcade_Hub]]</span>
You approach Cole. He stands in front of a pinball machine, fingers flicking back and forth across the buttons on the sides. You hear the machine chime and then a musical jiggle. A second later you watch the ball shoot straight past his paddles. He leans back from the machine.
<<say $cole>>"Damn."<</say>>
He looks over to you with a smile.
<<say $cole>>"I got a few tickets over here but not nearly enough."<</say>>
He pulls a tangled mass of tickets from his pocket and extends them over to you. You graciously accept them.
<<say $pc>>"Thanks. Every ticket gets us one step closer."<</say>>
<<say $cole>>"Yup, its not like we have to get all 10,000 tonight."<</say>>
<<say $pc>>"Right. Uh, if we wanted to though you have any tips?"<</say>>
He leans against the machine and thinks for a moment.
<<say $cole>>"Well, Long Pumper and Trivia Deathshow are probably your best bets for tickets. There is also a rumor about a secret game that they keep in the back. I heard some girls talking about it before. Apparently its hard to get into you have to ask the guy at the counter. Last time I tried he said it didn't exist though. You could see if you can find that."<</say>>
You nod. That could be interesting. You thank him again for the tickets and head off towards the arcade, deciding what to do next.
<<addTickets 600>>
<<set $tickets += 600>>
<<set $coleTalked to true>>
<<set $knowGame to true>>
You see a man standing by one of the arcade cabinets. Beside him is a large bag, filled to the brim with tickets. He must have several thousand at least. You wonder if you could somehow convince him to give you some tickets. But what would you offer…?
<<if $tickets >= 1000>> You could offer him a bet, risk some of your tickets for [[some of his.|Arcade_GamerBet]] <<else>> If you had more tickets you could try and bet with him. <</if>>
You could try and seduce him. You don't like the idea of doing anything with him for tickets but if it means you could get the dagger it [[might be worth it.|Arcade_GamerSeduce]]
<<if $glamor>> You could try and steal some. With your magic you might just be able to [[get away with it.|Arcade_GamerSteal]]<</if>>
You approach Nathan. He holds a plastic gun in one and stands before a cabinet titled "Dead Again". On the screen you can see flashes for gunshots and zombies moving around. He seems deep in focus as you watch him take down a couple dozen zombies before something grabs him and the screen goes red. He swears and puts the gun down as tickets begin to spool from the machine.
<<say $nath>>"Hey, $pc.nameF. How's it going?"<</say>>
<<say $pc>>"Not bad. You seemed pretty focused there."<</say>>
<<say $nath>>"Oh, yeah. This game is a bit of a project of mine. I want to beat that high score."<</say>>
He guestures at the screen and you can see a leaderboard. At the top you can see a score with 109029 points. The name beside it is simply CUM.
<<say $pc>>"A noble goal."<</say>>
<<say $nath>>"Well, I'm gonna give it another try. Here, take these."<</say>>
He hands you a spool of tickets. You stash them away and watch as he starts up another run. You turn and head back into the arcade to figure out what to do next.
<<addTickets 400>>
<<set $tickets+= 400>>
<<set $nathTalked to true>>
You walk into the low-lit room that serves as the main room for the arcade. Games all around you chime and flash as you take in the relaxing sight of the familiar place. On the far side of the room, you see the ticket counter, hanging above it a silvery small sword, barely larger than a dagger. You approach the counter.
<<say $pc>>"Hey, quick question. Is the Sting replica made of silver by chance?"<</say>>
The ticket collecter looks behind at the dagger.
<<say $clerk>>"Sure is. As far as I know at least. The owner who originally purchased it isn't around anymore, but I hear it’s the real deal. Silver and even real gold on the hilt there."<</say>>
You nod and thank him. You head back to Cole and Nathan.
<<say $pc>>"Alright, whats the plan?"<</say>>
<<say $nath>>"Well, you've got enough to play about a dozen games if we want. The ones that would give the highest scores would be the Long Pumper and the Trivia Deathshow. Nobody has beaten those high scores in ages, so they've got a couple thousand tickets riding on them. Otherwise, we just need to get some high scores."<</say>>
You nod and turn to face the games. Looks like you've got your work cut out for you.
<span class="system"><center>
Welcome to the arcade, here there are two resources you have to worry about.
The first is your Coins. You only have 6 Coin to play the various games at the arcade. Use them wisely to try and win your 10,000 tickets!
The second is Tickets.You'll need to have 10,000 if you want that silver dagger so keep an eye on them.
[[Get Started|Arcade_Hub]]
<<set $tickets to 0>>
<<set $coins to 6>>
<<set $arcadeView to true>>
<<include "TrivaSetup">>
<<set $knowGame to false>>
<<set $playedSpecial to false>>You approach and lean against the side of the arcade cabinet. He takes notice of you but continues his focus on the game he is playing.
<<say $pc>>"Hey."<</say>>
<<say $gamer>>"Hey."<</say>>
<<say $pc>>"You've got a lot of tickets there."<</say>>
<<say $gamer>>"Yeah."<</say>>
<<say $pc>>"How would you like to make a bet."<</say>>
He leans back from the cabinet. It chimes and begins to dispense tickets. He collects them up and adds them to the bag. He looks you up and down for the first time.
<<say $gamer>>"How much are we talking here?"<</say>>
<<say $pc>>"1000 ticket."<</say>>
His eyebrows raise.
<<say $gamer>>"Alright. I'm in. What are we playing?"<</say>>
You look around, you've got some options here. You could play Asteroid Blaster, Ball Toss, or even Long Pumper…
<span id="choice"><<link"Asteroid Blaster">>
<<say $pc>>"Asteroid Blaster."<</say>>
<<say $gamer>>"Good choice. That’s one of my best games."<</say>>
<<set $enemyScore to random(90000,100000)>>
You immediately regret your decision as you follow him over to the cabinet. He inserts a quarter and gives you a wink. You watch and he begins to play. He destroys, easily getting a score on the leaderboards. As the game comes to a finish you see he has a total of $enemyScore.
You step up next, palms sweating with the nerves. You begin to play. <<if $pc.tag.background == "Nerd">><<set $playerScore to 90000>><<set $playerScore = $playerScore + ($*1000)>> Luckily you're not too bad yourself. You manage an impressive run before an asteroid slams into your ship. You step back and check your score. $playerScore. <<if $enemyScore <= playerScore>> [[Looks like you win.|GamerWin]]<<else>> [[Looks like you lose.|GamerLose]]<</if>><<else>>
You struggle to dodge and shoot but manage to get a few decent combos going before your ship is taken out. You step back and check your score. 46,690. [[Looks like you lose.|GamerLose]]<</if>><</replace>><</link>>
<<link"Ball Toss">>
<<say $pc>>""Ball Toss."<</say>>
<<say $gamer>>"Alright, that works for me."<</say>>
He inserts a coin and gets started. He's not bad and manages to get quite a few balls in. After you finish you can see that he scored 12 balls. You walk up and insert your own coin. <<if $pc.tag.background == "Jock">> You've got lots of experience with basket ball and a game like this is extra easy. You manage to swiftly score 25 balls in the next 60 seconds. Crushing his score. He looks at you impressed.[[Looks like you win.|GamerWin]]
<<else>><<set $playerScore = 7*$pc.ath>>
You do your best and manage to get a decent number of balls in. You lost count and check your score to see that you managed to score $playerScore. <<if $playerScore > enemyScore>> [[Looks like you win.|GamerWin]] <<else>> [[Looks like you lose.|GamerLose]]<</if>><</if>><</replace>><</link>>
<<link"Long Pumper">>
<<replace"#choice">><<set $enemyScore to random(120,135)>><<set $playerScore to 129+$pc.ath>>
<<say $pc>>"Long Pumper."<</say>>
<<say $gamer>>"Fine. But I hate that game."<</say>>
He walks up to the strangely shaped fire pump and inserts quarter. He grabs hold of it and begins to furiously pump it up and down. He manages to do so with impressive speed. When he finishes you see he has made $enemyScore points. Not a bad score. You walk up next and insert a coin. You grasp the hydrant and begin to pump. You furiously work the shaft up and down as he watches on with a curious look. When the buzzer chimes you glance at your score. $playerScore. <<if $playerScore > $enemyScore>> [[Looks like you win.|GamerWin]] <<else>> [[Looks like you lose.|GamerLose]] <</if>><</replace>><</link>></span>
You approach and lean against the side of the arcade cabinet. He takes notice of you but continues his focus on the game he is playing.
<<say $pc>>"Hey."<</say>>
<<say $gamer>>"Hey."<</say>>
<<say $pc>>"You've got a lot of tickets there."<</say>>
<<say $gamer>>"Yeah."<</say>>
<<say $pc>>"How about me and you play a game together. Maybe I could earn some tickets off you?"<</say>>
He leans back from the cabinet. It chimes and begins to dispense tickets. He collects them up and adds them to the bag. He looks you up and down for the first time.
<<say $gamer>>"What kind of game are you talking about?"<</say>>
<<say $pc>>"Well I was thinking something I could play with my hands, maybe with my mouth."<</say>>
You emphasize the point by reaching out and stroking his arm.
His eyes widen a bit as he seems to understand what you are offering.
<<say $gamer>>"For tickets?"<</say>>
You nod.
<<say $gamer>>"Uh, yeah. Yeah, that sounds great."<</say>>
You smile and lead him over to the photobooth nearby. The two of you head inside and you close the curtain. You glance over at his bag and wonder just how much you should do, and for how many tickets.
<span id="choice"><<link"Ask for 2,000 for a handjob">>
You place your hands on his shoulders and look him in the eyes.
<<say $pc>>"I'll give you a handjob for 2,000 of your tickets."<</say>>
His eyes widen at your directness. He nods enthusiastically.
<<say $pc>>"Well then. Let's get started."<</say>>
You drop down onto your knees in front of him and begin to unbuckle his pants. You pull them down around his ankles along with his underwear. His hardening dick springs free. You reach forward and take it in your hand, he lets out a soft moan.
<<videoM "img/day5/Arcade/Arcade_Handjob.mp4">><</videoM>>
You raise your other hand to your lips and shush him. He nods as you begin to work his shaft, sliding your hand across his glands and teasing his tip. He tenses under your touch, attempting suppress his moans of pleasure. It doesn't take long before you feel his dick begin to pulse under your hand. You increase your pace and suddenly feel the spray of hot cum against your face.
<<videoM "img/day5/Arcade/Arcade_HandjobCum.mp4">><</videoM>>
You do your best to smile through the experience despite the feeling of it dripping down your face.
You crack open an eye to look up at him admiring his handy work.
<<say $pc>>"Just leave the tickets on the seat."<</say>>
<<say $gamer>>"Uh, okay. Um. Thanks."<</say>>
He awkwardly pulls his pants back up and slips out of the booth. You quickly clean up your face, scraping the cum off into the Reservoir and then pack up the tickets. As you go to leave you notice that at some point the booth had activated. You see several pictures of yourself on your knees, working the dude dick. You snatch those up, embarrassed to see yourself in such a position. [[You head back to the arcade.|Arcade_Hub]] <<set $tickets += 2000>><<addTickets 2000>>
<<link"Ask for 3,000 for a titjob">>
You place your hands on his shoulders and look him in the eyes.
<<say $pc>>"I'll give you a titjob for 2,000 of your tickets."<</say>>
His eyes widen at your directness. He nods enthusiastically.
<<say $pc>>"Well then. Let's get started."<</say>>
You drop down to your knees and pull up your shirt. He slides out of his pants and underwear revealing his slowly hardening dick. You grab your tits and push them together.
<<say $pc>>"Go nuts."<</say>>
Taking your prompt he grabs you by your shoulders and thrusts his dick between your tits.
<<videoM "img/day5/Arcade/Arcade_TitFuck.mp4">><</videoM>>
The sensation catches you off guard. You never thought you'd have tits, let alone use them to get another guy off. Still, the sensation of his hard dick between your tits causes you to shive in pleasure. Squeeze your tits together harder causing him to moan and you to have to suppress your own. Suddenly you feel him tensing.
<<videoM "img/day5/Arcade/Arcade_TitFuckCum.mp4">><</videoM>>
Your chest is warmed with spurts of hot cum that splash against your neck and tits. You release his dick from between your tits and sit back, allowing his cum to run down your chest. You smile up at him.
<<say $pc>>"You can leave the tickets on the seat."<</say>>
<<say $gamer>>"Right. Uh, thanks."<</say>>
He awkwardly pulls his pants back up and slips out of the booth. You quickly clean up your face, scraping the cum off into the Reservoir and then pack up the tickets. As you go to leave you notice that at some point the booth had activated. You see several pictures of yourself on your knees his dick between your tits. You snatch those up, embarrassed to see yourself in such a position. [[You head back to the arcade.|Arcade_Hub]]
<<addTickets 3000>>
<<set $tickets += 3000>><</replace>><</link>></span>
<<set $gamerDone to true>>
You creep closer before ducking behind one of the arcade cabinets. You remember what Cassandra said about the Glamor spell. Moving will make it more difficult but you don't see any other option. You begin to cast the spell.
<<say $pc>>"<span class="castSpell"> Wɑƨĸ ɑuq Coucԍɑɼ</span>"<</say>>
You focus intently on masking your presences as you begin to creep closer towards the man's bag of tickets. As you approach you hear him swear under his breath and freeze. Luckily, he doesn't turn but instead immediately adds another quarter into the machine. You continue to creep closer. Carefully you kneel and begin to pick up the tickets. Hoping your invisibility will hold out you pack the tickets away and then begin to creep back out of eyesight.
Luckily, he never glances in your direction and you manage to get around a corner. You stop your focus and look down at your haul. It looks like you've managed to steal 2,000 tickets. You stash them away and quickly leave the area.
<<addTickets 2000>>
<<set $tickets += 2000>>
<<set $gamerDone to true>><<say $pc>>"Good game."<</say>>
He looks at the screen in amazement.
<<say $gamer>>"Fair's fair. Here you go."<</say>>
He hands you the tickets and then wanders off. You pocket the extra 1,000 tickets and head back towards the center of the arcade to decide what to do next.
<<addTickets 1000>>
<<set $tickets += 1000>>
<<set $coins -= 1>>
<<set $gamerDone to true>><<say $gamer>>"Good try."<</say>>
You sigh and begin fishing out the tickets to pay the man.
<<say $pc>>"Alright, here you go."<</say>>
<<say $gamer>>"Thanks. See you around."<</say>>
He places to tickets in his bag and leaves.
<<set $tickets -= 1000>>
<<set $coins -= 1>>
<<set $gamerDone to true>><<set $triviaQuestions = [4,4,3,3,1,4]>>
<<set $triviaStage = 0>>
<<set $triviaText = ['<<include "trivia 2">>','<<include "trivia 3">>','<<include "trivia 4">>','<<include "trivia 5">>','<<include "trivia 6">>']>><center><span class="game"> How many legs does a lobster have?</span>
<<button "1.6">><<trivia 1>><</button>> <<button "2.11">><<trivia 2>><</button>> <<button "3.8">><<trivia 3>><</button>> <<button "4.10">><<trivia 4>><</button>></center><center><span class="game"> HD 140283 is one of the oldest stars known to man at over 13.5 billion years old. It also has what Biblical Name?</span>
<<button "1.Betelgeuse">><<trivia 1>><</button>> <<button "2.Bethlehem">><<trivia 2>><</button>> <<button "3.Methuselah">><<trivia 3>><</button>> <<button "4.Sol">><<trivia 4>><</button>></center>
<center><span class="game">What is the only mammal capable of true flight?</span>
<<button "1.Flying squirrel ">><<trivia 1>><</button>> <<button "2.Lemur">><<trivia 2>><</button>> <<button "3.Bat">><<trivia 3>><</button>> <<button "4.Mole">><<trivia 4>><</button>></center>
<center><span class="game">How many questions have you answered?</span>
<<button "1.4">><<trivia 1>><</button>> <<button "2.5">><<trivia 2>><</button>> <<button "3.3">><<trivia 3>><</button>> <<button "4.6">><<trivia 4>><</button>></center><center><span class="game"> Where in the human body is the Medulla Oblongata located?</span>
<<button "1.The Penis">><<trivia 1>><</button>> <<button "2.The Stomach">><<trivia 2>><</button>> <<button "3.The Vagina">><<trivia 3>><</button>> <<button "4.The Brain">><<trivia 4>><</button>></center>You approach the brightly colored game. A large fire hydrant like device sticks up from the front of it. From your memory you know that you have to pump the hydrant as fast as possible to score points. You glance at the board above the game screen where the high score is plastered.
<center><span class="game"> 1,699 </span></center>
Not an easy score to beat but it's certainly worth a try.
[[Give it a try|Arcade_LongPumper]]
[[Come back later|Arcade_Hub]]
Unfortunately, you've run out of time and coins to continue your quest for Sting. Disheartened you gather up Nathan and Cole. Cole pats you on the back and reassures you.
<<say $cole>>"It's not the end of the world. We can try again next week, huh?"<</say>>
You nod, not knowing what your life would even look like next week. Sullen at your failure to get the dagger you head back to your car. You drop off Nathan and then drive back home with Cole. You get out of your car and head in, wondering what to do next…
The first is <span class="int">Intellect.</span>
Intellect will help with feats of the mind, playing strategy games, solving math problems, and thinking through complex plans. It can be increased by playing attention in class and can be lost if you slack off or take damage to your brain.
The second is <span class="ath">Athletics.</span>
Athletics will help with feats of the body, playing sports, running, climbing, jumping, juggling, and strenuous activity all use this. It can be increased through training in gym class, outside of school, or through use of certain drugs. It can be lost if you stop training or if your body loses some of its muscles.
The third is <span class="cha">Charisma.</span>
Charisma will affect how well you can interact with other people, this includes lying, persuading, cheating, and seducing. It can be increased by talking with people, either through normal or through tricking, seducing, or persuading people. It can be lost if you lose confidence in yourself or take a big hit to your reputation.
The fourth is <span class="bty">Beauty.</span>
Beauty governs how attractive your character is, in general it is used to decide whether someone is attracted to you or not and can help to make certain checks easier. Barring plastic surgery, you are pretty much stuck with your appearance, although staying hygienic and putting effort into your appearance can give you a temporary boost. It can be lost if you are maimed, disfigured, or don't stay on top of your hygiene.
[[Return | $currentPassage][$inVeiw to false]] <img src = "img/miscDay/Witch/WFoyar.jpg" height ="480px" width>
You look around and see doors leading into the houses kitchen and living room. You can also see a staircase going upstairs.
You see a <<link"coat rack">><<replace"#rack">>An umbrella and two coats hang here, they look like they are for an adult female.<</replace>><</link>> beside the <<link"door">><<replace"#door">>You examine the door, when you are done here you can use it leave. In the meantime, should you lock it again?
<<if !$shopDoorLocked>><span id="choice"><<link"Yes">><<replace"#choice">>
You lock the door.<<set $shopDoorLocked to true>><<set $houseTime += 2>><</replace>><</link>>
You leave the door untouched.
The door is locked.<</if>><</replace>><</link>>, a small table with a <<link"porcelain cat">><<replace"#cat">><img src = "img/miscDay/Witch/WCat.png" height ="480px" width>The small black porcelain cat is painted with a wide smile. Its tiny eyes feel like they are watching you.
<<if $hasMilk>><<button "Give Milk">><<replace"#catSecret">>You pour the milk around the cat. A click sounds from inside and a key pops out. You pick up the slightly milky key. Why would anyone have something like this in their house.<<set $hasDrawerKey to true>><</replace>><</button>><</if>><</replace>><</link>> on it, and the door leading back outside.
<span id="cat"> </span>
<span id="catSecret"> </span>
<span id="rack"> </span>
<span id="door"> </span>
[[Go to the living room|Shop4_HouseSittingRoom]]
[[Go to the kitchen|Shop4_HouseKitchen]]
[[Go upstairs|Shop4_HouseUpstairs]]
<<houseCheck>><img src = "img/miscDay/Witch/WLivingRoom.jpg" height ="480px" width>
You walk into the sitting room. Two couches sit in front of the <<link"hearth">><<replace"#hearth">>A solid grey stone hearth. Some soot still sits in the fireplace. It looks like it gets regular use. There is a coat of arms sitting above the hearth, it has four colors on it: red, gold, purple, and silver.
<</replace>><</link>> and a few <<link"books">><<replace"#books">><img src = "img/miscDay/Witch/WBooks.jpg" height ="480px" width>You look over the books, the topics are pretty wide. You see what appears to be a bunch of folk tales. You can see one on Fairies, Demons, and Archons. Maybe you should read one?
<span id="fairy"><<link"Read the Fairy one">><<replace"#fairy">>
<span id="demon"><<link"Read the Demon one">><<replace"#demon">>>
<span id="archons"><<link"Read the Archons one">><<replace"#archons">>>
<</replace>><</link>></span><</replace>><</link>> are scattered across the table before them. A side door leads into the kitchen and one into the lobby.
<span id ="hearth"> </span>
<span id ="books"> </span>
[[Go to the kitchen|Shop4_HouseKitchen]]
[[Go to the lobby|Shop4_HouseLobby]]
<<houseCheck>><img src = "img/miscDay/Witch/WKitchen.jpg" height ="480px" width>
You walk into the kitchen. You can see a door out to the sitting room and one leading into the lobby. You can see a <<link"fridge">><<replace"#fridge">>The inside of the fridge seems pretty normal. You see some <<link"milk">><<replace"#milk">> You take the milk.<<set $hasMilk to true>><</replace>><</link>>, fruits, yogurt. Everything you'd expect to see in a fridge really.
<span id="milk"></span><</replace>><</link>> but other than that there isn't much of interest in here.
<span id="fridge"> </span>
[[Go to the living room|Shop4_HouseSittingRoom]]
[[Go to the lobby|Shop4_HouseLobby]]
<<houseCheck>><img src = "img/miscDay/Witch/WHallway.jpg" height ="480px" width>
You can see the stairs going back down and two doors that lead into the room on the upper floor.
[[Go back downstairs|Shop4_HouseLobby]]
[[Look into the left door|Shop4_HouseBedroom]]
[[Look into the right door|Shop4_HouseStudy]]
<<houseCheck>><img src = "img/miscDay/Witch/WBedroom.jpg" height ="480px" width>
You glance around the bedroom. There is a <<link"nightstand">><<replace"#nightstand">>You pull open the drawers on the nightstand. The first is filled with scattered magazines and books. The second is filled with a flashlight, some batteries, and an old alarm clock. You tug on the last drawer but it seems to be <<link"locked.">><<replace"#drawers">><<if $hasDrawerKey>>
<<if $hasSpellbook>> The drawer is empty now.<<else>>You slide the key you found in the cat into the lock and twist it. The drawer pops open. Inside you can see a tattered looking spell book. You quickly open it up on the bed and flip through it. There are quite a few spells in here that you don't understand. You tuck the book away for study later.<<addItem "Witch's Spellbook">><<set $hasSpellbook to true>><</if>> <<else>> It rattles but doesn't open.<</if>><</replace>><</link>><</replace>><</link>> with drawers and a <<link"large wardrobe">><<replace"#wardrobe">>You pull open the wardrobe. There are a number of fancy dresses and clothes hanging inside. Nothing of note, however.<</replace>><</link>>. You can see something poking out from <<link"under the bed">><<replace"#bed">>You drag the corner of the object under the bed out. It appears to be a replica of the coat of arms downstairs. What is this doing here? As you pull it out you notice one of the faces is pressed in. You press another and it clicks into place. What a strange device. You wonder if the one downstairs is the same. <</replace>><</link>>.
<span id ="nightstand"> </span>
<span id ="drawers"> </span>
<span id ="wardrobe"> </span>
<span id ="bed"> </span>
[[Go to the hallway |Shop4_HouseUpstairs]]
<img src = "img/miscDay/Witch/WStudy.png" height ="480px" width>
You step into the study. It seems pretty tame for a witch's study. You can see an <<link"open book">><<replace"#book">><img src = "img/miscDay/Witch/WSpellbook.jpg" height ="480px" width>You read over the spell. With what you've learned about magic you can tell this is not an actual spell. In fact, the whole book looks fake. What purpose would a fake spell book serve a real witch.<</replace>><</link>> that appears to have a spell in it, some herbs hanging by the window, a <<link"small glass case with a wand">><<replace"#wand">>You see a slender silver wand inside the case. You don't know if its real or not. Beside the case you notice another porcelain cat. A small inscription reads: "Quench my thirsty brother."
This witch is weird.<</replace>><</link>> in it, and a <<link"bookshelf">><<replace"#shelf">><img src = "img/miscDay/Witch/WBookshelf.jpg" height ="480px" width>You see a number of different tomes. As you look them over you begin to get confused. You see the Larry Wotter series, The Tiger, The Warlock, and The Bathroom, alongside a number of other fantasy books. This doesn't look like a witch's collection at all.
You notice a plaque above the bookcase.
It reads:
"Prima Aurorae rubri, deinde argenteus cervus, Tertia purpureus purpureus, vernaque novissima vesper."
It looks like latin. <<if $ >=6>>You've come across enough latin to recognize some of the words. You can make out "First…red dawn…silver stag…purple wyrm…."
You wonder what it means. <<else>> You wonder what it could mean.<</if>>
<span id ="book"> </span>
<span id ="shelf"> </span>
<span id ="wand"> </span>
[[Go back into the hallway|Shop4_HouseUpstairs]]
<<if !$trapSet>><span id = "trap"><<link"Set up the trap?">><<replace"#trap">>
You setup the spell to the best of your abilities, reading off the spell book and drawing a caulk circle just inside the doorway. You think you set everything up right, but you'll only know once the witch returns.<<set $trapSet to true>><<set $trapSetOffice to true>><</replace>><</link>></span><<else>> <<if $trapSetOffice>>Your trap lays ready just inside the door.
<img src = "img/miscDay/Witch/WMagicCircle.jpg" height ="480px" width>
[[Wait for the witch|Shop4_WitchReturnStudy]]<</if>>
You pull up to the house Arthur pointed out and park across the street. You glance over at the house. It seems pretty normal; it is gated off from the rest of the street but that isn't entirely out of the ordinary.
<<say $pc>>"You sure this is the place."<</say>>
<<say $arth>>"Don't be deceived, apprentice. These witches use normalcy as camouflage. You must see through it to find the truth. This is the place."<</say>>
<<say $pc>>"Right. So, what do I need to do, <span class ="sir">master</span>?"<</say>>
<<say $arth>>"Head inside, find her study and lay the Pitcast spell there. Then, we will wait for her to return. You won't have much time so make it count."<</say>>
You nod and grab the bag he gave you.
<<say $arth>>"Good luck, apprentice."<</say>>
You get out of the car and head across the street. You glance around and approach the front door. You try the handle, its locked. Well, seems its time to use the <span id ="choice"><<link"lockpicks">><<replace"#choice">>lockpicks.
You pull out the lockpicks and think back to everything you've seen in the movies. You slip the thinnest bit into the lock and suddenly feel it beginning to move under your hand. You insert the second pick and watch as the tools move on their own. The lock clicks open, and the tools fall to the ground. You guess that Arthur had planned for this. You push open the door and slip inside.
<<set $houseTime to 21>>
<<set $code to "">>
<<set $codeLength to 0>><<say $pc>>" I think that I still need more, uh, cum. So, if it's alright with you I can help you get off again."<</say>>
Marcus smiles at your and gets to his feet.
<<say $marcus>>"Alright. I mean, what guy could say no to an offer like that."<</say>>
He pulls his shirt up over his head and then begins to unbuckle his pants. With a flourish he drips his pants and underwear revealing his swinging cock.
<<videoM "img/miscDay/Marcus_CockSwing.mp4">><</videoM>>
He takes a step towards you as you also get to your feet.
<<say $marcus>>"Uh, so. How do you want to do it?"<</say>>
You look him up and down, his chiseled body and huge cock. The whole image is making you aroused and you can't help but wonder what it would be like to have his monster cock plow into you, though you don't know if that is the best idea…
<span id="choice"><<link"Get on your knees and start sucking">>
<<say $pc>>"I can think of something."<</say>>
You give him a wink and begin to walk towards him, exaggeration the sway in your hips as you move. You strip off your shirt as you walk, allowing your tits to hang free. You get close enough to him that you can almost feel your nipples brush against his chest. You reach out and take his dick in your hand, gripping it and giving it a tug.
<<videoM "img/miscDay/Marcus_Grab.mp4">><</videoM>>
Slowly you sink down to your knees and kiss the tip of his hardening dick.
<<videoM "img/miscDay/Marcus_DickKiss.mp4">><</videoM>>
You slide your tongue along the side of it, doing your best to get a measurement of the girth of his dick with your mouth. Finally, you bring your lips back around to the head of his cock and flick your tongue around it.
<<videoM "img/miscDay/Marcus_BeginSuck.mp4">><</videoM>>
You push forward and envelope the tip, then work your way slowly down the shaft.
You feel his tip brush against the back of your throat and do your best to try and avoid gagging.
<<videoM "img/miscDay/Marcus_Suck.mp4">><</videoM>>
You slowly work his dick in and out of your mouth, pushing a little bit further each time. You feel Marcus' hands rest atop your head gently gripping your hair in between moans. You attempt to push further but gag, only able to take maybe 2/3rds of his dick into your hot wet mouth.
<<videoM "img/miscDay/Marcus_Deepthroat.mp4">><</videoM>>
Marcus grabs your hair harder, and you feel him begin to tense. Knowing what's coming you pull back but not fast enough. Marcus moans and a second later your mouth is flooded with hot cum. Spurt after spurt fills your mouth as you attempt to neither spill nor swallow it.
<<videoM "img/miscDay/Marcus_Cum1.mp4">><</videoM>>
With a pop you detach from his cock, mouth full of cum. You spit up the remainder into your hand as you grab for your Reservoir. Marcus grabs it for you and hands it to you, you uncork it and allow it to suck up the semen. You look back up at Marcus.
<span id="remove">
<<link "Collect Cum!">><</link>>
<<replace '#tooltip'>><<notify>> You've gained 218ml of cum!
<meter class="cumTrack" @value="$cum" min="0" max="1000"></meter><</notify>><</replace>>
<<replace '#tooltip'>><<replace'#remove'>><</replace>><</replace>>
<</nobr>></span><<set $cum += 18>>
<<say $pc>>"Uh, thanks for doing this."<</say>>
<<say $marcus>>"I should be thanking you. I mean, fuck, that blowjob was amazing."<</say>>
Your cheeks flush with embarrassment unsure of how to react to your fellatio skills being complimented in such a way.
<<say $pc>>"Uh, thanks, I think. But I should really get going. I don't have much time before the ritual."<</say>>
<<say $marcus>>"Right, I understand. I'll see you soon then, right?"<</say>>
<<say $pc>>"Of course."<</say>>
You quickly head to the bathroom to clean up and wash out your mouth before heading out to your car. You give Marcus a wave before heading out, wondering what to do next and trying not to think about how much you liked sucking his dick.
<<link"Offer him your pussy">>
<<say $pc>>"Well, uh, I was thinking that maybe we could try, um, actual sex."<</say>>
Marcus' eyes widen in surprise.
<<say $marcus>>"Are you sure? I mean that’s a pretty big step, I mean, it’s a pretty big deal, right?"<</say>>
<<if $pc.tag.sexualExp == "Virgin">><<say $pc>>"It is but if its gonna happen, I mean, you know, I'd rather have the first time, I mean, only time be with you."<</say>><<else>>
<<say $pc>>"I mean I'm a girl know so, like, its gonna happen and I would like it to be with you."<</say>><</if>>
Marcus nods, his dick hardening before you as he stands there. He moves towards you and grabs your shoulders gently.
<<say $marcus>>"Okay. I understand. We should go to the bedroom for this though."<</say>>
He turns you and escorts you towards his bedroom. He leads you into the room and you move towards the bed removing your clothes as you go. You can hear your heart beating in your chest in excitement or fear or nerves. Marcus approaches you, his cock now fully hardened. You can feel your pussy slick with excitement as well.
<<say $marcus>>"Okay, uh, what do you think the best position will be?"<</say>>
<<say $pc>>"Uh, I guess on my hands and knees. That will probably be the least awkward."<</say>>
Marcus nods and you climb onto your hands and knees, ass facing Marcus.
<<videoM "img/miscDay/Marcus_AllFours.mp4">><</videoM>>
You nearly jump out of the bed as you feel the warm head of his cock press against the lips of your pussy.
<<say $marcus>>"Are you ready?"<</say>>
<<say $pc>>"Yes, I think. Just go slow."<</say>>
You hear a noise of agreement from behind you before his warm tip
pushes into you.
<<videoM "img/miscDay/Marcus_Insert.mp4">><</videoM>>
You moan out in pleasure immediately, the hard tip of his cock spreading you open. <<if $pc.tag.sexualExp == "Virgin">> The pleasure is replaced with a shock of pain as his dick begins to split you open. Taking your virginity with one push forwards.<</if>> You slump forward onto the bed moaning and grunting into the sheets to muffle your own noises. Marcus pulls back out and then pushes a little further in, you moan in response.
<<say $marcus>>"You okay?"<</say>>
You let out a quick "mhm" from your muffled mouth and Marcus speeds up pushing deeper and deeper into you.
<<videoM "img/miscDay/Marcus_Fucking.mp4">><</videoM>>
The pain of his size soon fades away and replaced with the overwhelming pleasure of his thrusts. Your mind fades away, replaced by the rhythmic pleasure of his thrusts. You're brought out of your fog of pleasure by Marcus tensing up. You realize he is going to cum and suddenly you are very aware of your situation.
<span id="choice2"><<link"Pull away from him">>
You pull out of Marcus' grasp moaning as he exits you and leaves you feeling empty. A second later you feel warm splashes of cum land on your ass and back.
<<videoM "img/miscDay/Marcus_CumonBack.mp4">><</videoM>>
Marcus collapses on the bed beside you leaving you coated in his cum. You let out one final moan of pleasure, sinking into the bed.
<<say $marcus>>"That was…"<</say>>
<<say $pc>>"Yeah… yeah it was."<</say>>
The two of you lay there in bliss for a few moments longer before the uncomfortable feeling of the cooling cum on your back forces you into action. You head to the bathroom and clean up, storing the cum in the Reservoir. You head back into Marcus' room and get dressed. Marcus is already redressed when you enter.
<span id="remove">
<<link "Collect Cum!">><</link>>
<<replace '#tooltip'>><<notify>> You've gained 14ml of cum!
<meter class="cumTrack" @value="$cum" min="0" max="1000"></meter><</notify>><</replace>>
<<replace '#tooltip'>><<replace'#remove'>><</replace>><</replace>>
<</nobr>></span><<set $cum += 14>>
<<say $pc>>"So, uh, I better get going. Thanks for doing this."<</say>>
<<say $marcus>>"I should be thanking you. I mean that was amazing."<</say>>
Your cheeks flush with embarrassment.
<<say $pc>>"Uh, thanks, I think. But I should really get going. I don't have much time before the ritual."<</say>>
<<say $marcus>>"Right, I understand. I'll see you soon then, right?"<</say>>
<<say $pc>>"Of course."<</say>>
You give Marcus a wave before heading out, wondering what to do next and trying not to think about how much you liked getting fucked by him.
<<link"Trust him">>
Marcus thrusts into you a few more times before you feel him completely pull out of you. A second later you feel warm splashes of cum land on your ass and back.
<<videoM "img/miscDay/Marcus_CumonBack.mp4">><</videoM>>
You collapse on the bed and Marcus collapses beside you leaving you coated in his cum. You let out one final moan of pleasure, sinking into the bed.
<<say $marcus>>"That was…"<</say>>
<<say $pc>>"Yeah… yeah it was."<</say>>
The two of you lay there in bliss for a few moments longer before the uncomfortable feeling of the cooling cum on your back forces you into action. You head to the bathroom and clean up, storing the cum in the Reservoir. You head back into Marcus' room and get dressed. Marcus is already redressed when you enter.
<span id="remove">
<<link "Collect Cum!">><</link>>
<<replace '#tooltip'>><<notify>> You've gained 14ml of cum!
<meter class="cumTrack" @value="$cum" min="0" max="1000"></meter><</notify>><</replace>>
<<replace '#tooltip'>><<replace'#remove'>><</replace>><</replace>>
<</nobr>></span><<set $cum += 14>>
<<say $pc>>"So, uh, I better get going. Thanks for doing this."<</say>>
<<say $marcus>>"I should be thanking you. I mean that was amazing."<</say>>
Your cheeks flush with embarrassment.
<<say $pc>>"Uh, thanks, I think. But I should really get going. I don't have much time before the ritual."<</say>>
<<say $marcus>>"Right, I understand. I'll see you soon then, right?"<</say>>
<<say $pc>>"Of course."<</say>>
You give Marcus a wave before heading out, wondering what to do next and trying not to think about how much you liked getting fucked by him.
<<say $pc>>"I need more, uh, "essence". Can I use the spell on you again?"<</say>>
Marcus seems to consider it for a moment weighing his options, he smiles, his lust winning him over.
<<say $marcus>>"I mean, nothing bad happened last time so I say we go for it."<</say>>
You nod and set towards him. Gently you take his soft cock in your hands and begin the spell.
<<videoM "img/miscDay/Marcus_HJ1.mp4">><</videoM>>
<<say $pc>>"<span class="castSpell">Cnw pncĸԍϝƨ</span>"<</say>>
Marcus immediately groans and you feel his cock hardening under your hand. Thick beads of precum begin to leak from the tip of his dick. You feel your own arousal grow as his dick pushes needily against you. You look up and catch Marcus' eyes.
<<say $marcus>>"So, uh, how do you want to do this?"<</say>>
You look him up and down, his chiseled body and huge cock. The whole image is making you aroused and you can't help but wonder what it would be like to have his monster cock plow into you, though you don't know if that is the best idea especially with the spells side effects…
<span id="choice"><<link"Get on your knees and start sucking">>
<<say $pc>>"I can think of something."<</say>>
You give him a wink and strip off your shirt as you walk, allowing your tits to hang free. You brush your nipples brush against his chest. Reaching out you take his dick in your hand, gripping it and giving it a tug.
Slowly you sink down to your knees and kiss the tip of his hardening dick, tasting the drops of pre dripping from it.
<<videoM "img/miscDay/Marcus_DickKiss.mp4">><</videoM>>
You slide your tongue along the side of it, doing your best to get a measurement of the girth of his dick with your mouth. Finally, you bring your lips back around to the head of his cock and flick your tongue around it. You push forward and envelope the tip, then work your way slowly down the shaft.
<<videoM "img/miscDay/Marcus_BeginSuck.mp4">><</videoM>>
You feel his tip brush against the back of your throat and do your best to try and avoid gagging. You slowly work his dick in and out of your mouth, pushing a little bit further each time.
<<videoM "img/miscDay/Marcus_Blowjob.mp4">><</videoM>>
You feel Marcus' hands rest atop your head gently gripping your hair in between moans. You attempt to push further but gag, only able to take maybe 2/3rds of his dick into your hot wet mouth. Marcus grabs your hair harder, and you feel him begin to tense. Knowing what's coming you pull back but not fast enough. Marcus moans and a second later your mouth is flooded with hot cum. Heavy spurts blast into your mouth, immediaelty flooding your throat. You can't help but choke some of it down feeling the warmth spreading into your stomach.
<<videoM "img/miscDay/Marcus_Cum1.mp4">><</videoM>>
You pull back from his dick as it continues to hose you with cum.
A few spurts splash against your bulging cheeks as you try and keep as much of it from sliding down your throat as possible. The spurting finally stops, leaving you coated in cum.
<<videoM "img/miscDay/Marcus_CumShot.mp4">><</videoM>>
You spit up the remainder into your hand as you grab for your Reservoir. Marcus grabs it for you and hands it to you, you uncork it and allow it to suck up the semen. You look back up at Marcus.
<span id="remove">
<<link "Collect Cum!">><</link>>
<<replace '#tooltip'>><<notify>> You've gained 218ml of cum!
<meter class="cumTrack" @value="$cum" min="0" max="1000"></meter><</notify>><</replace>>
<<replace '#tooltip'>><<replace'#remove'>><</replace>><</replace>>
<</nobr>></span><<set $cum += 202>>
<<say $pc>>"Holy fuck I thought I was going to drown."<</say>>
<<say $marcus>>"Sorry, I should have warned you. It's just that, well, that blowjob was amazing."<</say>>
Your cheeks flush with embarrassment unsure of how to react to your fellatio skills being complimented in such a way.
<<say $pc>>"Uh, thanks, I think. But I should really get going. I don't have much time before the ritual. It looks like the spell has worn off so you should be fine."<</say>>
<<say $marcus>>"Yeah, I feel like I'm back to normal. I'll see you soon then, right?"<</say>>
<<say $pc>>"Of course."<</say>>
You quickly head to the bathroom to clean up, washing your face, chest, hair, and hands as well as washing out your mouth before heading out to your car. You give Marcus a wave before heading out, wondering what to do next and trying not to think about how much you liked sucking his dick.
<<link"Offer him your pussy">>
<<say $pc>>"Well, uh, I was thinking that maybe we could try, um, actual sex."<</say>>
Marcus' eyes widen in surprise.
<<say $marcus>>"Are you sure? I mean that’s a pretty big step, I mean, it’s a pretty big deal, right?"<</say>>
<<if $pc.tag.sexualExp == "Virgin">><<say $pc>>"It is but if its gonna happen, I mean, you know, I'd rather have the first time, I mean, only time be with you."<</say>><<else>>
<<say $pc>>"I mean I'm a girl know so, like, its gonna happen and I would like it to be with you."<</say>><</if>>
Marcus nods, his dick hardening before you as he stands there. He moves towards you and grabs your shoulders gently.
<<say $marcus>>"Okay. I understand. We should go to the bedroom for this though."<</say>>
He turns you and escorts you towards his bedroom. He leads you into the room and you move towards the bed removing your clothes as you go. You can hear your heart beating in your chest in excitement or fear or nerves. Marcus approaches you, his cock now fully hardened. You can feel your pussy slick with excitement as well. Despite knowing just how dangerous this could be you want nothing more than his dick in your right now.
<<say $pc>>"Uh, right. So, the spell has some… side effects."<</say>>
Marcus' eyes narrow in suspicion.
<<say $pc>>"It makes you hyper fertile. So, anyone you, uh, cum in will almost certainly get pregnant. We need to be extra careful."<</say>>
<<say $marcus>>"Are you sure about this, $pc.nameF? I mean, like, what happens if you do get…"<</say>>
<<say $pc>>"We just have to be extra careful. You have condoms, right?"<</say>>
Marcus nods and heads over to nightstand. He takes out a pack of condoms and pops one out. He rolls it out over his dick, making sure it is properly fitted before he approaches again.
<<say $pc>>"I think we will be alright. Just, uh, lets just be careful."<</say>>
<<say $marcus>>"Okay, uh, what do you think the best position will be?"<</say>>
<<say $pc>>"Uh, I guess on my hands and knees. That will probably be the least awkward."<</say>>
<<videoM "img/miscDay/Marcus_AllFours.mp4">><</videoM>>
Marcus nods and you climb onto your hands and knees, ass facing Marcus. You nearly jump out of the bed as you feel the warm head of his cock press against the lips of your pussy.
<<say $marcus>>"Are you ready?"<</say>>
<<say $pc>>"Yes, I think. Just go slow."<</say>>
You hear a noise of agreement from behind you before his warm tip pushes into you.
<<videoM "img/miscDay/Marcus_Insert.mp4">><</videoM>>
You moan out in pleasure immediately, the hard tip of his cock spreading you open. <<if $pc.tag.sexualExp == "Virgin">> The pleasure is replaced with a shock of pain as his dick begins to split you open. Taking your virginity with one push forwards.<</if>> You slump forward onto the bed moaning and grunting into the sheets to muffle your own noises. Marcus pulls back out and then pushes a little further in, you moan in response.
<<say $marcus>>"You okay?"<</say>>
You let out a quick "mhm" from your muffled mouth and Marcus speeds up pushing deeper and deeper into you.
<<videoM "img/miscDay/Marcus_Fucking.mp4">><</videoM>>
The pain of his size soon fades away and replaced with the overwhelming pleasure of his thrusts. Your mind fades away, replaced by the rhythmic pleasure of his thrusts. You're brought out of your fog of pleasure by Marcus tensing up. You realize he is going to cum and suddenly you are very aware of your situation.
<span id="choice2"><<link"Pull away from him">>
You pull out of Marcus' grasp moaning as he exits you and leaves you feeling empty. He moans behind you before collapsing on the bed. You look over to see the condom stretched like a balloon, filled to near bursting with cum.
<<videoM "img/miscDay/Marcus_Condom.mp4">><</videoM>>
You can't help but wonder what that would have felt like inside you.
<<say $marcus>>"That was…"<</say>>
<<say $pc>>"Yeah… yeah it was."<</say>>
The two of you lay there in bliss for a few moments longer before Marcus removes the condom, being careful not to spill any cum. He awkwardly hands you the filled condom. You head to the bathroom and clean up, storing the cum in the Reservoir. You head back into Marcus' room and get dressed. Marcus is already redressed when you enter.
<span id="remove">
<<link "Collect Cum!">><</link>>
<<replace '#tooltip'>><<notify>> You've gained 218ml of cum!
<meter class="cumTrack" @value="$cum" min="0" max="1000"></meter><</notify>><</replace>>
<<replace '#tooltip'>><<replace'#remove'>><</replace>><</replace>>
<</nobr>></span><<set $cum += 218>>
<<say $pc>>"So, uh, I better get going. Thanks for doing this."<</say>>
<<say $marcus>>"I should be thanking you. I mean that was amazing."<</say>>
Your cheeks flush with embarrassment.
<<say $pc>>"Uh, thanks, I think. But I should really get going. I don't have much time before the ritual."<</say>>
<<say $marcus>>"Right, I understand. I'll see you soon then, right?"<</say>>
<<say $pc>>"Of course."<</say>>
You give Marcus a wave before heading out, wondering what to do next and trying not to think about how much you liked getting fucked by him.
<<link"Trust him">>
Marcus thrusts into and moans. You feel a pressure begins to build inside you, growing with every pulse of his hard cock. Suddenly the pressure is relieved and you feel a wave of warmth burst inside you. Your blood turns cold at the realization.
<<videoM "img/miscDay/Marcus_Creampie.mp4">><</videoM>>
<<say $pc>>"Pull out! Pull out!"<</say>>
You shout and pull away causing a wave of cum to flood from your pussy. Marcus stumbles back in shock, the broken condom still hanging off his dick.
<<say $marcus>>"Oh, oh shit. Fuck."<</say>>
You look up at him, eyes wide with fear as his cum continues to ooze from your stretch pussy.
<<videoM "img/miscDay/Marcus_Creampie2.mp4">><</videoM>>
<<say $pc>>"The bottle, now!"<</say>>
Marcus rushes towards you bag and grabs the Reservoir, throwing it towards you. You catch it an uncork it, doing your best to suck up as much of the cum as possible.
<<say $pc>>'Shit."<</say>>
You feel your heart beating in your chest. Does this mean you're pregnant now? Are you going to have Marcus' child? Are you going to be stuck as a woman forever?
<<say $marcus>>"I'm so sorry. I didn't think it would break. I mean, that’s not normal right."<</say>>
<<say $pc>>"Fuck, no. Its my fault. I got carried away. I wasn't thinking. I need to get cleaned up."<</say>>
You head to the bathroom and clean up doing your best to get out as much cum as possible and storing it in the Reservoir. You head back into Marcus' room and get dressed. Marcus is already redressed when you enter.
<span id="remove">
<<link "Collect Cum!">><</link>>
<<replace '#tooltip'>><<notify>> You've gained 218ml of cum!
<meter class="cumTrack" @value="$cum" min="0" max="1000"></meter><</notify>><</replace>>
<<replace '#tooltip'>><<replace'#remove'>><</replace>><</replace>>
<</nobr>></span><<set $cum += 190>>
<<say $pc>>"I'm sorry I roped you into this."<</say>>
<<say $marcus>>"No, I'm sorry. I shouldn't have taken advantage, it's just. I mean how could I say no to that."<</say>>
Your cheeks flush with embarrassment.
<<say $pc>>"I know, we both got carried away. "<</say>>
<<say $marcus>>"So what does this mean now? I mean… are you gonna be?"<</say>>
<<say $pc>>"I don't know. The ritual is soon though so if I ever want to go back, I need to get on things."<</say>>
<<say $marcus>>"Do you want to? Go back I mean?"<</say>>
You look back at Marcus, after everything you've been through and felt. Do you want to go back? You can't answer that question right now. You just turn and leave, giving Marcus a wave. You get into your card wondering what to do next and trying not to think about how much you liked getting fucked by him.
<<say $pc>>"I guess we can just chill."<</say>>
Marcus shrugs and turns on the TV. Together the two of you begin to play some games. The hour passes slowly until you decide its time to pack it up and get going.
<<say $pc>>"Well I better get going."<</say>>
<<say $marcus>>"Right. See you, man."<</say>>
You nod to him and then head back to your car deciding what to do next.
[[Continue|DayReturner]]<<say $npcm>>"I've been keeping an eye on you new girl. Can't wait to fuck you silly."<</say>>
He presses you against the wall and surprises you by pushing his mouth against yours.
<<videoM "img/miscDay/Cheer_Wall.mp4">><</videoM>>
Your eyes widen in surprise as he uses his free hand to undo his pants. His cock springs free and presses against your stomach. You can feel your pussy moisten at the weight and heat of it pressing against you. Suddenly he pulls you forward, holding your arms behind you.
<<say $pc>>"Hold o-on. We should take this sl-"<</say>>
<<videoM "img/miscDay/Cheer_Fuck.mp4">><</videoM>>
Your words are cut off by a moan as his cock suddenly plunges into you. He begins to rapidly slam in and out of you, holding your arms and pounding you from behind. As he fucks you, you see another naked jock coming across the room towards you.
<<say $npcm2>>"Fuck man you got the new girl first. At least share."<</say>>
The man fucking you grunts and let's go of your hands. You tumble forward landing on the naked guy's chest. The man smiles at you before pushing you down until you are eye level with his dick. You mouth opens in a moan from the man pounding your pussy and the one in front of you takes it as an opportunity to stick his dick into your mouth.
<<videoM "img/miscDay/Cheer_Spitroast.mp4">><</videoM>>
You gag, spit roasted between the two jocks. You feel like you could be lifted off the ground by the two cocks in either end of you. They continue to thrust in and out of you.
<<videoM "img/miscDay/Cheer_Spitroast2.mp4">><</videoM>>
You moan around the dick in your mouth. Suddenly you feel the cock in your mouth tense up, a second later your feel hot cum spurt into your throat. You gag again and are forced to swallow it all down.
<<videoM "img/miscDay/Cheer_CuminMouth.mp4">><</videoM>>
He pulls his cock out of your mouth and you cough then immediately moan again. The guy behind you slaps your ass and then pull out.
<<videoM "img/miscDay/Cheer_AssSlap.mp4">><</videoM>>
He releases you, causing you to drop to your knees. Wasting no time, he grabs your hair and shoves his cock in your mouth. Taken by surprise from the sudden face fucking you barely have time to realize what's happening before your mouth is once again flooded with cum.
<<videoM "img/miscDay/Cheer_CuminMouth.mp4">><</videoM>>
You gag and sputter as he holds you head down on his cock pumping your stomach full of even more cum. Finally, he lets go and you pull off his dick, gasping for breath. The two jocks high five.
<<say $npcm>>"Fuck man that was good."<</say>>
<<say $npcm2>>"Damn right man. No one fucks like the Sorcerers."<</say>>
The two cheer, and the cheer is picked up by jocks all across the room who are also in the process of cumming in or on the fellow cheerleaders. You take a minute to catch your breath before searching through the piles of clothes around the room to find your own. You pass by other cheerleaders getting double or even triple teamed. You quickly grab your clothes and slip out of the room before you can get wrapped up in anything else.
<span id="remove">
<<link "Collect Cum!">><</link>>
<<replace '#tooltip'>><<notify>> You've gained 24ml of cum!
<meter class="cumTrack" @value="$cum" min="0" max="1000"></meter><</notify>><</replace>>
<<replace '#tooltip'>><<replace'#remove'>><</replace>><</replace>>
<</nobr>></span><<set $cum += 24>>
You get dressed in the hallway, do you best to correct your hair and then rush out to your car. You sit in the driver's seat exhausted and with a sore throat. Being a cheerleader is hard work, but you think it might have some perks. You start up the car and drive off to enjoy your evening.
[[Continue|DayReturner]]Once more you reluctantly make your way to the Math room. You push open the door and head inside, Mr. Smith is already waiting for you.
<<say $smit>>"Lock the door please."<</say>>
You oblige and flick the lock then turn back to face him. Mr. Smith looks at you with a wide smile.
<<if $smithSex >=3>><<say $smit>>"You've gotten very obedient haven't you. I knew from the first time I saw you that I'd be able to make a remarkable slut out of you."<</say>>
You bristle at his words, some part of them ringing true which just makes it even worse.
<<say $pc>>"Whatever, can we just get on with this?<</say>><</if>>
<<say $smit>>"Right then, I'll give you the same deal as last time. Study or can we speed this along?"<</say>>
<span id = "choice"><<link"Entertain Him">>
<<if $smithSex >=3>><<say $pc>>"I guess we can speed this along."<</say>>
<<say $smit>>"I knew you wouldn't be able to resist. Come over here and sit on the desk then."<</say>>
Obeying you move over and take a seat on the edge of his desk. Mr. Smith moves around you and positions himself between your legs.
<<say $smit>>"You won't be needing these."<</say>>
Roughly he grabs your shirt and yanks it up over your head, he then begins to work on your pants. You feel your heart beginning to race at being stripped so roughly. He unbuckles your pants and slides them off your ass. You are left in just your bra and underwear.
<<say $smit>>"Mhm, almost perfect."<</say>>
He reaches around you and unclasps your bra allowing your tits to fall free.
<<videoM "img/miscDay/Smith_TitDrop.mp4">><</videoM>>
Finally, he moves down to your panties and yanks them off you, lifting your slightly of the desk to get them off. You sit there completely naked, looking at Mr. Smith. While he isn't the most attractive man, and you aren't attracted to men in the first place, the way he has been handling you has gotten you aroused. Mr. Smith reaches out and grasps your exposed breasts.
<<videoM "img/miscDay/Smith_TitGrope.mp4">><</videoM>>
A moan slips from your lips are he roughly handles them. Slowly his hand works its way down your stomach before slipping between your legs.
His hand slips between your lower lips and brushes against your clit. You jolt forward, steadying yourself against him. He continues to rub your clit causing your body to seize up. You grip tightly against him, feeling your orgasm approaching.
<<videoM "img/miscDay/Smith_Rub.mp4">><</videoM>>
Suddenly he slows down and you feel your orgasm retreating. He speeds up again and you let out another moan but once again he stops before you can cum. You open your eyes and look at him. He pulls back from you and you see he has dropped his pants. His hard dick bobs inches from your dripping wet pussy.
<<say $smit>>"Only one way you're cumming today, Ms. $pc.nameL. And you'll have to beg for it."<</say>>
You feel your body throbbing from the stimulus and your pussy craves to be filled by his twitching member. You attempt to catch your breath but with your heart beating so fast you have trouble. What should you do…?
<span id="choice1"><<link"Beg for it.">>
<<say $pc>>"P-please fuck me, Mr. Smith."<</say>>
Mr. Smith smiles at you and steps closer, his dick brushing against the folds of your pussy. Gently he pushes you flat onto the desk. He grabs you hips and positions his cock at your entrance.
<<say $smit>>"With pleasure, slut."<</say>>
<<videoM "img/miscDay/Smith_Insert2.mp4">><</videoM>>
He thrusts forward pushing his hot cock into your awaiting pussy. You moan as you feel your tight passage being expanded by him. He doesn't go easy on you, pushing fully into you before pulling all the way out. He begins to pound you, the desk shaking around you causes pens and papers to scatter onto the floor.
<<videoM "img/miscDay/Smith_Fuck.mp4">><</videoM>>
You don't even try and hold back your moans as he pumps his cock into you.
You feel him beginning to tense up and feel your own orgasm approaching. You grip the edges of the desk as your mind begins to throb with pleasure. You let out one long moan as Mr. Smith speeds up even more. In the bliss of your orgasm, you barely even notice him pulling out from you and erupting all over you stomach and chest.
<<videoM "img/miscDay/Smith_CumBody.mp4">><</videoM>>
He stumbles back into his chair as you lay in bliss, coated with cum on his desk.
Eventually you sit up, feeling his cum roll down your body.
<<say $pc>>"Uh, I should get cleaned up. Can I go?"<</say>>
<<say $smit>>"Oh, yes. You can go."<</say>>
You get to your feet and wipe yourself off before redressing. Mr. Smith does the same, pulling his pants back on. As you head for the door, he calls out to you.
<<say $smit>>"If you want a repeat experience you should come by my house this weekend. I'm sure there is many things I can teach a slut like you."<</say>>
Blushing you just nod and rush out the door, not liking the feeling you have whenever he calls you a slut. You quickly transfer the cum to the Reservoir and [[head for your car|DayReturner]] your body still wobbly from the hard fucking you just received.
<span id="remove">
<<link "Collect Cum!">><</link>>
<<replace '#tooltip'>><<notify>> You've gained 12ml of cum!
<meter class="cumTrack" @value="$cum" min="0" max="1000"></meter><</notify>><</replace>>
<<replace '#tooltip'>><<replace'#remove'>><</replace>><</replace>>
<</nobr>></span><<set $cum += 12>>
<<if $pc.cha >=5>><<link"Refuse">>
You gain enough of your senses back to refuse him.
<<say $pc>>"No."<</say>>
Mr. Smith's eyebrows raise at that.
<<say $smit>>"No? What does that mean?"<</say>>
<<say $pc>>"No. I won't beg. In fact, I won't even fuck you."<</say>>
<<say $smit>>"Now, that wasn't the deal. You were to entertain me."<</say>>
<<say $pc>>"Well I think you've gotten your entertainment."<</say>>
You get to your feet and start to get dressed; your heart is still racing with arousal, but you feel empowered denying him his fun. Mr. Smith looks at your stunned, unsure how to react to your sudden refusal.
<<say $smit>>"Very well. If that’s the case, then you can come see me tomorrow. My house. We can continue what we've started her. I know how much you would like that."<</say>>
You don't even acknowledge him, not liking the excitement growing in your gut at his proposition. You head out the door and make your [[way to the car|DayReturner]], thighs still sticky with arousal.<</replace>><</link>><</if>></span><<else>>
You sigh and reluctantly make your way over to him. As you approach, he shifts on the edge of the desk to allow easier access to his crotch. You don't have time to hang around studying and after all what is one more dick.
<<say $smit>>"I'm glad to see you so cooperative. Now on your knees."<</say>>
<<videoM "img/miscDay/Smith_Kneel.mp4">><</videoM>>
He places a hand on your shoulder and roughly forces you down on your knees. You struggle to not topple over and end up gripping his legs for support landing right in front of his crotch. Mr. Smith lets go of you and grabs his fly.
<<say $smit>>"God I love this. School girls looks best on their knees that for sure. Now I'm sure you know what comes next."<</say>>
Smith slides out of his pants, his rapidly hardening cock springing free. It nearly hits you in the face it does so. You reach out for it but Mr. Smith slaps your hand way.
<<say $smit>>"Ah, ah. Mouth only."<</say>>
You look up at him and back to his dick. What an asshole.
<<say $pc>>"Fine."<</say>>
<<videoM "img/miscDay/Smith_StartSucking.mp4">><</videoM>>
You lean forward and attempt to maneuver hit half-hard dick into your mouth. With some difficultly you manage to get his head past your lips. You use your tongue to guide it deeper into your mouth as it hardens. Mr. Smith moans appreciatively from above you as he full hardens in your mouth.
You pull your mouth off his dick with a pop, catching your breath. Now that he is fully hard it’s a lot easier to get it back in.
<<videoM "img/miscDay/Smith_Sucking.mp4">><</videoM>>
You begin to suck him off with more gusto. Pushing his dick deep into your mouth and the opening of your throat.
<<say $smit>>"Not bad. If we had another hour, I'm sure you could get the hang of it. However…"<</say>>
<<videoM "img/miscDay/Smith_Facefuck.mp4">><</videoM>>
Mr. Smith shifts, forcing his dick deeper than expected. You gag and attempt to pull off his dick, but he grabs your hair. He forces you head further onto his dick. You feel the head push against the back of your throat. You gag again and feel your stomach beginning to turn before he pulls back. You desperately breath before his dick plunges back into your throat. You do you best to keep up with the assault on your throat.
Suddenly he seizes up. Pulling his dick back it pops free. He grasps it and strokes as warm string of cum spray across your face. Your open panting mouth it hit as well filling your mouth with the salty taste.
<<videoM "img/day5/Arcade/Arcade_HandjobCum.mp4">><</videoM>>
<<say $smit>>"That will have to do. Clean yourself up and you can go."<</say>>
Used and with a sore throat you stumble to the paper towels and wipe off the cum. You make sure your face is clean and then quickly transfer the cum into the Reservoir. You glance over at Mr. Smith, sitting content at his desk mark and then head out. You need some water for your sore throat but at least you will have more time.
You hop in your car and decide where to head [[next.|DayReturner]]
<span id="remove">
<<link "Collect Cum!">><</link>>
<<replace '#tooltip'>><<notify>> You've gained 8ml of cum!
<meter class="cumTrack" @value="$cum" min="0" max="1000"></meter><</notify>><</replace>>
<<replace '#tooltip'>><<replace'#remove'>><</replace>><</replace>>
<</nobr>></span><<set $cum += 8>>
Jerking off Mr. Smith has earned you <span class ="aff">+10 Affection</span> and <span class ="love">+10 Love.</span><<set $smit.aff += 10>><<set $ += 10>>
Serving Mr. Smith took no time at all leaving you with more time for other activities! <<set $energy +=1>><</if>><</replace>><</link>>
<<set $smithSex += 1>>You step into the math room to see both Mr. Smith and Mr. Swinebak waiting for you. You approach them and they step back revealing a jar sitting on the desk. You nod at both of them.
<<say $pc>>"It good to see that the two of you can following directions. It looks like your girls have been productive as well."<</say>>
You pick up the jar and slip it into your backpack. Mr. Smith eyes you curiously.
<<say $smit>>"What exactly do you do with all that?"<</say>>
<<say $pc>>"That is none of your business. You just keep it coming and we won't have any problems. Just because there is no school tomorrow doesn't mean you're off the hook. Figure something out."<</say>>
You consider the two old men before you. They've done some despicable stuff and you're in a position to punish them for it. Do you think they deserve further punishment? Maybe of the magical kind?
<span id="choice"><<link"More Punishment">>
You decide that they need to be taught a lesson, and you're in a unique position to teach them a good one. You'll have to do some research but maybe you can find a spell to help with that.
<<say $pc>>"I'll be here tomorrow, make sure you open the doors for me. You got that?"<</say>>
<<say $smit>>"Yes."<</say>>
<<say $swin>>"Yes."<</say>>
You nod and turn, leaving the two to ponder their situation as you [[head for your car.|DayReturner]]
<<link"A more mundane punishment.">>
You decide that as soon as you are done with them, you'll had over all the evidence you have to the cops. That should get them plenty of punishment.
<<say $pc>>"I'll be here tomorrow, make sure you open the doors for me. You got that?"<</say>>
<<say $smit>>"Yes."<</say>>
<<say $swin>>"Yes."<</say>>
You nod and turn, leaving the two to ponder their situation as you [[head for your car.|DayReturner]]
<<link"Just leave it">>
You decide that having them under your thumb is better than anything else. You'll keep the blackmail for as long as you can.
<<say $pc>>"I'll be here tomorrow, make sure you open the doors for me. You got that?"<</say>>
<<say $smit>>"Yes."<</say>>
<<say $swin>>"Yes."<</say>>
You nod and turn, leaving the two to ponder their situation as you [[head for your car.|DayReturner]]
You recently make your way to the Math classroom your mind wondering to what kind of things Mr. Smith and Mr. Swinebak have planned for you. You can feel your heart beginning to race as you approach the door. Is it nervousness? Or excitement? You attempt to clear your head before you enter the room. You see both Mr. Smith and Mr. Swinebak waiting for you.
<<say $smit>>"Lock the door."<</say>>
You comply and flick the lock. You turn back to face them.
<<say $smit>>"Good. Now strip and come over here."<</say>>
You attempt to control the beating in your chest with deep breaths as you strip. You drop each layer of clothing in a pile on the ground by the door. The cool air of the room washes over your naked skin as you approach the two men.
<<say $swin>>"Ah, perfect. Now bend over the desk. I've been waiting to dump my load in you all day."<</say>>
His words excite you even further. What the fuck is wrong with you, why are these two assholes turning you on so much. You lean forward over the desk, Mr. Swinebak in front of you and Mr. Smith behind you. You feel a heavy blow from Mr. Smith's hand on your ass cause you to gasp. Mr. Swinebak drops his pants and grabs his cock, inches from your face. He looks down at you, sprawled out on the table.
<<say $swin>>"You know what to do."<</say>>
He pushes his hardening dick closer to your mouth and you oblige, accepting the warm head of his cock into your mouth. It immediately begins to harden as it pushes deeper into your mouth. At the same time, you feel Mr. Smith's hands on your ass again, this time spreading them apart as his cock pokes at the entrance of your pussy.
You moan around Mr. Swinebak's dick as Mr. Smith begins to pound your pussy. Doing your best to please the dick in your mouth you move you head, bobbing on his now rock-hard cock. Suddenly he pulls away from you.
<<say $swin>>"That should be wet enough."<</say>>
Before you release what is happening the two of them have picked you up. You think to struggle before Mr. Smith's cock is in your pussy again. A movement later you feel yourself pushed up against Mr. Swinebak. His cock pushes against you ass. You realize what his plan is a moment to late as you are dropped down on his dick.
You nearly scream out in a mix of pain and pleasure as they take both of your holes. You bounce up and down between the two of them moaning as they pound you and fill you completely. You feel yourself approaching orgasm and cling onto Mr. Smith as your body shakes. They don't stop, continuing to hammer you as you orgasm, time after time.
You are brought back to reality when they sudden exit your holes leaving your craving to be filled again. You are placed on the ground between them as they jerk off their cocks, spraying your face with blast after blast of cum. You sit back in a daze, coated with cum. Slowly the feeling in your legs begins to return, the two men catching their breath leaning against the desk.
<<say $smit>>"Damn, you make a great slut. Tomorrow you'll be visiting me at my house, do you understand?"<</say>>
You nod, still dazed from the fucking.
<<say $smit>>"Good. There are some other people I think you would enjoy meeting. Now get cleaned up and get out of here."<</say>>
You stumble to your feet and wipe yourself clean. You dress and head into the hallway, transferring the cum into the Reservoir. You begin to make your way towards your car the emptiness between your legs even more apparent. You find yourself fantasizing about what they might do to you next. You quickly shake away the thoughts and start your car. You aren't a slut, right? You drive off and [[decide what to do next…|DayReturner]]
<span id="remove">
<<link "Collect Cum!">><</link>>
<<replace '#tooltip'>><<notify>> You've gained 26ml of cum!
<meter class="cumTrack" @value="$cum" min="0" max="1000"></meter><</notify>><</replace>>
<<replace '#tooltip'>><<replace'#remove'>><</replace>><</replace>>
<</nobr>></span><<set $cum += 26>>
You head home and make your way up to Cole's room. You give a few knocks on the door and wait. The door opens a moment later to reveal Cole and Nathan. Cole gives you a nod and steps to the side letting you into the room.
<<say $cole>>"Hey, $pc.nameF. What up?"<</say>>
<<say $pc>>"Not much. Been a busy day so far."<</say>>
Cole sits back down on the bed and Nathan picks up the controller that was on the table beside him. You take your own seat in one of the bean bags chairs.
<<say $nath>>"So, uh, what do you want to do?"<</say>>
You ponder on it for a moment…
<span id="choice"><<link"Just relax with them.">>
<<say $pc>>"We can just play some games."<</say>>
The boys nod and pick up their own controllers. You spend the next hour gaming with the boys. It’s a nice break from your crazy life but soon enough you must be back on your way. You say farewell to the boys and head out deciding what to do next.
<<link"Ask them to donate some cum.">>
<<say $pc>>"Actually I could use your help again."<</say>>
<<say $nath>>"Sure thing, what do you need?"<</say>>
<<say $pc>>"Well, um. One of the ingredients I need is male "essence". So, I though you could help with that."<</say>>
<<say $cole>>"Male Essence?"<</say>>
<<say $pc>>"Uh, cum."<</say>>
The boy's eyes go wide, and they look at each other.
<<say $nath>>"Y-you need our cum?"<</say>>
<<say $pc>>"Yes, if you are willing."<</say>>
The boys share a glance again. They then nod in unison. You get to your feet.
<<say $pc>>"Well, I'll leave you to it them."<</say>>
<<say $nath>>"W-wait. I thought… well I was wondering if… I was wonder if maybe we could look at you to…"<</say>>
Nathan looks down, blushing furiously. Cole also looks away. You consider what he is asking. You could show off you body for these two, it would certainly help them get off faster…
<span id="choice2"><<link"Show them your body">>
<<say $pc>>"Fine, I guess it’s the least I can do."<</say>>
You get to your feet and take a position in front of the two boys. They awkwardly look at each other and then at you.
<<say $pc>>"C'mon, get your pants off. We don't have all day."<</say>>
Spurred on by your words the two quickly get to their feet and strip off their pants and underwear. Their already hard dicks spring free. You try your best to not look at them but can't help but be drawn to their hard members.
<<videoM "img/miscDay/Cole_Mast.mp4">><</videoM>>
You clear your throat as the two boys take hold of their cocks and begin to gently stroke them.
<<say $pc>>"So, uh. What do you want?"<</say>>
<<say $cole>>"Can you, uh, take off your shirt?"<</say>>
You nod and strip your shirt off over your head, revealing your bra and tits.
<<videoM "img/miscDay/Cole_BraDrop.mp4">><</videoM>>
The boys redouble their stroking at the reveal of your tits. Deciding to get this over with as quickly as possible you reach behind your back and let your bra drop.
<<say $nath>>"Holy shit."<</say>>
Nathan exclaims as he sees your bare tits. Probably the first pair he has ever seen in his life. Not in porn that is. It strikes you that at the moment you're fulfilling the same need. The idea makes you a little wet.
<<say $pc>>"You like my tits?"<</say>>
The boys nod along enthusiastically as they stroke. You push your tits together and smile at them.
<<videoM "img/miscDay/Cole_TitPlay.mp4">><</videoM>>
<<say $pc>>"Is there anything else you want to see?"<</say>>
<<say $nath>>"Y-your pussy!"<</say>>
Surprised by Nathan's demanding tone you straighten up and begin to unbuckle your pants. You let them fall, leaving you in just your panties. You can feel your own arousal growing as you manipulate the two boys.
<<videoM "img/miscDay/Cole_BendingOver.mp4">><</videoM>>
You slowly turn and then lean forward, giving them a great view of your ass. You reach back and peel away your panties, revealing your glistening pussy to them.
You hear a grunt from behind you and glancing back see Nathan seizing up, blowing his load into his hand. Cole is not far behind cumming to the sight of his step-brothers(sisters?) pussy. You straighten back up and begin to redress the deed done. The two boys to their best to catch as much cum as they can in a small container.
<<say $pc>>"Thanks for doing this. Hopefully it wasn't all bad."<</say>>
<<say $nath>>"Are you kidding me. That was the sexiest thing ever. It was just like a porno, but y'know, real."<</say>>
You blush at the comment, wondering what other things Nathan would want to do to you. Cole looks away abashedly, you assume he has some lewd thoughts himself. You correct your clothing and take their container of cum, feeling its warmth.
<<say $pc>>"Well, thank you for doing it. This will help a bunch. I better get going though."<</say>>
You turn and head back out, quickly transferring the cum and getting back on your way. Time to decide what to do next.
<span id="remove">
<<link "Collect Cum!">><</link>>
<<replace '#tooltip'>><<notify>> You've gained 20ml of cum!
<meter class="cumTrack" @value="$cum" min="0" max="1000"></meter><</notify>><</replace>>
<<replace '#tooltip'>><<replace'#remove'>><</replace>><</replace>>
<</nobr>></span><<set $cum += 20>>
<<say $pc>>"Listen, I don't think I'm comfortable with something like that. I'm just gonna wait outside."<</say>>
<<say $nath>>"Right, uh, sorry."<</say>>
You get up and exit the room. You wait in the hallway for the next 5 minutes before Cole emerges with a small container. You take it in your hand, feeling its warmth.
<<say $cole>>"Uh here. I hope it helps."<</say>>
<<say $pc>>"It does, thank you. I'll see you around."<</say>>
You turn and head back out, quickly transferring the cum and getting back on your way. Time to decide what to do next.
<span id="remove">
<<link "Collect Cum!">><</link>>
<<replace '#tooltip'>><<notify>> You've gained 20ml of cum!
<meter class="cumTrack" @value="$cum" min="0" max="1000"></meter><</notify>><</replace>>
<<replace '#tooltip'>><<replace'#remove'>><</replace>><</replace>>
<</nobr>></span><<set $cum += 20>>
You make your way home and up to Cole's room. You hear the sounds of a video game muffled through the door as you knock. A few moments later the door opens, and you see Cole standing there with Nathan sitting on one of the bean bags in the back.
<<say $cole>>"Hey, $pc.nameF. Come in."<</say>>
He steps to the side and allows you in. You take your own seat on one of the bean-bag chairs. Nathan glances over at you.
<<say $nath>>"So, uh, d-do you want to play some games? We can… b-bet again?"<</say>>
As expected, the two boys have only one thing on their minds. You nod to Nathan; it was the whole reason you came here after all.
<<say $cole>>"Cool. We were gonna play some more Super Crash Bros. You game?"<</say>>
You nod again and grab a controller. Cole takes a seat as the game starts up.
<<say $nath>>"Same d-deal as last time?"<</say>>
<<say $pc>>"Yes, same deal. Let's play."<</say>>
You select your character, and the game begins. You know you're going to have to fight hard to win, but a part of you is getting excited at the possibility of what might happen if you lose…
<span id="choice"><<link"Give it your all">>
<<if $pc.tag.background == "Nerd" && $ >= 8>>You expertly navigate between the two and manage to defeat Nathan without much issue. Once it turns into a 1v1 you have no issue taking out Cole. You turn towards the boys and set down the controller. Time to decide what you want to do…
<<else>> You put up a good fight, managing to take them out a couple times at least before your eventually demise. You set down the controller and turn to look at them, a heat beginning to grow in your stomach. They smile at each other and get to their feet…
<<link"Throw the game">>
You put up a good stage fight, managing to take them out a couple times at least before your eventually demise. You set down the controller and turn to look at them, a heat beginning to grow in your stomach. They smile at each other and get to their feet…
You get to your feet.
<<say $pc>>"Alright, I need you both to cum for me again. Collect it like you did last time."<</say>>
<<if !$mPubes>><<say $pc>>"Oh, also I will need some of your pubes. Just but them in a bag or something."<</say>>
The boys look at each other dumbstruck but then shrug and head over to Cole's computer. You excuse yourself from the room and begin to wait. Ten minutes later the door opens and Cole emerges with a container of warm cum<<if $!mPubes>> with a small bag of short hairs on top<</if>>. You accept the container with a nod.
<<say $pc>>"Uh, see you around I guess."<</say>>
You turn and head back out, quickly transferring the cum and getting back on your way. Time to decide what to do next.
<span id="remove">
<<link "Collect Cum!">><</link>>
<<replace '#tooltip'>><<notify>> You've gained 20ml of cum!
<meter class="cumTrack" @value="$cum" min="0" max="1000"></meter><</notify>><</replace>>
<<replace '#tooltip'>><<replace'#remove'>><</replace>><</replace>>
<</nobr>></span><<set $cum += 20>>The boys share a look and then look down at you, still seated on the bean-bag chair.
<<say $nath>>"We want to fuck you!"<</say>>
Nathan suddenly blurts out, surprisingly not tripping over any of the words. Your eyes widen in surprise. You didn't think they would be brave enough to ask for that. You consider if its something you should actually do. Fuck your step-brother and his best friend…?
<span id = "choice"><<link"Agree">>
<<say $pc>>"Fine."<</say>>
The boys pump their fists and high five.
<<say $nath>>"Yes! Alright. Here put this on."<</say>>
He reaches under the bed and pull out a clothes box. Opening it he reveals a scanty purple and yellow costume. You look at them with eyebrows raised.
<<say $cole>>"I-its Girlbat."<</say>>
You sigh and grab the box, heading to the bathroom to change. You pull on the costume and inspect yourself in the mirror. The suit barely covers anything, at least you probably won't be wearing it for long. You make your way back towards the bedroom and [[head inside.|Cole4_NotToldDefeat2]]
<<say $pc>>"Hell no."<</say>>
The boys look at each other in surprise.
<<say $cole>>"B-but you said we could ask for whatever we wanted."<</say>>
<<say $pc>>"Yeah, well I changed my mind. No fucking."<</say>>
The boys look downcast as their hopes are dashed. Nathan looks up at you.
<<say $nath>>"Okay, c-can you at least give us blowjobs?"<</say>>
<<say $pc>>"Fine. Yes, I can do that."<</say>>
You get off of the bean-bag and position yourself on your knees in front of the two boys. They excitedly work to get their own pants off as you strip off your own shirt. Their rapidly hardening dicks spring free and your reach up to take on in each of your hands.
<<videoM "img/miscDay/Cole_dubHJ.mp4">><</videoM>>
You begin to pump them as they both reach full erectness. You shift your head over and gently run your lips along the side of Cole's dick.
He moans in pleasure as you lick and kiss you way up his dick, pumping Nathan with your other hand. You stop your teasing and position your lips around the head of his cock, letting it push into your soft warm mouth.
<<videoM "img/miscDay/Cole_dubBJ.mp4">><</videoM>>
You push your self as far along his dick as you can before you feel him press against your throat. You release him from your mouth and switch over to Nathan, plunging down on his dick.
You continue this process, alternating back and forth between sucking and stroking. You begin to sense the two boys approaching their climax and pull back furiously stroking each.
<<videoM "img/miscDay/Cole_Cum2.mp4">><</videoM>>
They both erupt in unison, splattering you with cum as you kneel before you. You feel your own pussy aching as they coat your with cum and wonder if you should have taken up the offer of the fucking. The boys step back, spent, and sit down. You get to your feet, cum running down your face and chest and look between them.
<<say $pc>>"Satisfied?"<</say>>
<<say $cole>>"Y-yuh."<</say>>
Nathan lets out a grunt. You take that as your cue to leave and make your way to the bathroom. You clean up and collect the cum. You take a moment to let your own arousal calm down before freshening up and heading out, wondering what to do next.
<span id="remove">
<<link "Collect Cum!">><</link>>
<<replace '#tooltip'>><<notify>> You've gained 20ml of cum!
<meter class="cumTrack" @value="$cum" min="0" max="1000"></meter><</notify>><</replace>>
<<replace '#tooltip'>><<replace'#remove'>><</replace>><</replace>>
<</nobr>></span><<set $cum += 20>>
You walk into the room and freeze.
<<say $pc>>"What the fuck?"<</say>>
You see Cole and Nathan have also dressed up, wearing their own costumes in black and red. You look between them with wide eyes.
<<say $nath>>"W-what? We h-have to be accurate."<</say>>
<<say $pc>>"Whatever, lets get this over with."<</say>>
You approach Cole and push him back on the bed. Your own arousal about what's about to happen giving you a boost of confidence. You climb onto Cole and give him a kiss.
<<videoM "img/miscDay/Cole_Cosplay2.mp4">><</videoM>>
As you do you feel Nathan's hands on your ass as he comes up behind you. He paws at your costume, stripping away your skirt, revealing your pussy to him. You work on Cole's pants free his dick.
You begin to pump up and down Cole's dick as Nathan grabs you ass. You feel Nathan's dick poking against your slit before Cole shouts out.
<<say $cole>>"Wait, we didn't play for it yet."<</say>>
Cole pushes you to the side as you look over in confusion. The two boys suddenly begin playing rock, paper, scissors. You look away in embarrassment before hearing Cole cheer.
<<say $cole>>"I get to go first!"<</say>>
Cole reapproaches you with his hard dick swinging. He grabs you ass and positions himself behind you.
<<say $cole>>"You ready?"<</say>>
You shake you head, the stupid headdress of the costume shaking as you do so.
<<say $pc>>"Lets just do this."<</say>>
Cole needs no further encouragement as he thrusts into you. You can't help but moan as he enters you. <<if $pc.tag.sexualExp == "Virgin">>The brief flash of pain as he enters you quickly fades and is replaced with a tingling pleasure of his hot dick inside you. It dawns on you that your own step-brother has just taken your virginity.<<set $pc.tag.sexualExp = "Not a Virgin">><</if>> Cole immediately begins to thrust into you while holding onto your hips.
<<videoM "img/miscDay/Cole_CosplayFuck.mp4">><</videoM>>
<<say $cole>>"Fuck, $pc.nameF. You feel so good."<</say>>
Nathan positions himself in front of you and points his dick at your mouth. Taking the prompt, you accept it into your mouth. Cole's thrusts from behind push you deeper onto Nathan's cock as you are spit roast between the two. You bob between the two for a while before Nathan and Cole switch.
Nathan's wider cock stretches you in new ways and you taste yourself on Cole's cock as it enters your mouth. You feel yourself approaching your own orgasm and suddenly begin to quiver, suspended between the two cocks.
<<say $nath>>"Fuck, I'm close. $pc.nameL. Girlbat get on your knees."<</say>>
It takes you a moment to realize that Nathan is speaking to you but once you do you scramble off the bed onto the floor. The boys take up positions on either side of you and erupt in unison splattering you with cum as you kneel before you.
<<videoM "img/miscDay/Cole_CosplayFacial.mp4">><</videoM>>
You shiver as their warm cum rolls over your skin. The boys collapse back onto the bed. You get to your feet, coated in their cum.
<<say $pc>>"Satisfied?"<</say>>
<<say $cole>>"Y-yuh."<</say>>
Nathan lets out a grunt. You take that as your cue to leave and make your way to the bathroom. You clean up and collect the cum. You take a moment to let your own arousal calm down before freshening up. You catch a look of yourself, hair tossed, costume half on. You look hot, but you barely recognize yourself. You are unsure if you like the sexy chick looking back at you in the mirror. You shake the thought away and get changed before heading out and deciding what to do next.
<span id="remove">
<<link "Collect Cum!">><</link>>
<<replace '#tooltip'>><<notify>> You've gained 22ml of cum!
<meter class="cumTrack" @value="$cum" min="0" max="1000"></meter><</notify>><</replace>>
<<replace '#tooltip'>><<replace'#remove'>><</replace>><</replace>>
<</nobr>></span><<set $cum += 22>>
You recall all the videos you've seen of sexy ladies rubbing their ladies together and figure that might be a good place to start. You lean back and pull your own shirt off. Unclipping your bra, you let your own breasts free. Becca wastes no time leaning forward and giving your nipple a soft kiss. You shiver at the sensation, letting out a soft moan.
<<videoM "img/miscDay/Becc_Kiss2.mp4">><</videoM>>
You glance down at her with a seductive smile.
<<say $pc>>"I have an idea that might work."<</say>>
You reach down and take off her bra, then work your way down to her pants. Pulling them off you get to your feet and remove your own pants and panties, leaving you fully naked. Rebecca takes in your body with hungry eyes. You step forwards and reach down to her panties. You rub against her pussy through them before pulling them off.You climb onto the bed.
Awkwardly you adjust her legs to get your own pussy close to hers, she gives you a quizzical look.
<<if $beccTrust>><<say $becc>>"You better not have just seen this in porn."<</say>>
Sheepishly you look away. <<else>><<say $becc>>"Uh, this is interesting."<</say>><</if>>
You slide forward, rubbing your vagina against hers. You both moan and tense.
<<videoM "img/miscDay/Becc_Trib2.mp4">><</videoM>>
Rebecca looks up at you with wide eyes. You shift again, rubbing against her and falling into a rhythm. You both moan in unison as you rub against each other. Rebecca starts to get into it, thrusting her hips up against you.
You grab her leg and pick up the pace, grinding into her as she grinds back.
<<videoM "img/miscDay/Becc_Trib1.mp4">><</videoM>>
Your moans intertwine as your bodies do and you feel your climax approach. You let out a gasp as the orgasm shocks through your body. Rebecca quakes under you, experiencing her own climax.
<<videoM "img/miscDay/Becc_Cum.mp4">><</videoM>>
You collapse down onto her and she pulls you into a warm cuddle. You nuzzle into her chest and attempt to catch your breath as you sit with her in warm ecstasy.
You stay like that for a while in comfortable silence before Rebecca breaks it.
<<say $becc>>"This was wonderful."<</say>>
You nod back.
<<if $trustBecc>><<say $becc>>"Do you think this thing on Sunday will work?"<</say>>
Taken a back from the question you look up at her. You don't know the answer but right now with her you don't even know if it matters.
<<say $pc>>"I don't know. But no matter what happens I want this to continue."<</say>>
She smiles.
<<say $becc>>"Me too."<</say>>
You sit for a while in silence again before you realize you have to go. You get up and grab your clothes. Becca joins you at the door and pulls you in for one last kiss.
<<say $becc>>"See you tomorrow."<</say>>
<<say $pc>>"See you."<</say>>
You head off to your car and start it up, deciding where to head next.
<<say $becc>>"Will you visit again tomorrow?"<</say>>
<<say $pc>>"I'll try my best."<</say>>
She smiles and you sit for a while in silence again before you realize you have to go. You get up and grab your clothes. Becca joins you at the door and pulls you in for one last kiss.
<<say $becc>>"See you tomorrow."<</say>>
<<say $pc>>"See you."<</say>>
You head off to your car and start it up, deciding where to head next.
[[Continue|DayReturner]]<</if>><<say $pc>>"Uh, this might be a bit weird, but I can try a spell to give myself a dick again."<</say>>
Becca raises an eye at you and sits up a bit.
<<say $becc>>"You can do magic?"<</say>>
<<say $pc>>"A little bit. Kind of a side effect of the whole transformation thing."<</say>>
<<say $becc>>"I see. And magic can give you a dick?"<</say>>
You nod.
<<say $becc>>"Is it safe?"<</say>>
<<say $pc>>"As far as I know."<</say>>
Becca sits for a moment thinking. She then looks at you and nods.
<<say $becc>>"Okay let's try it."<</say>>
You step back from the bed and focus yourself.
<<say $pc>>"<span class ="castSpell"> Exbɑuq qouმ</span>"<</say>>
You feel a familiar rush of pleasure as a dick bursts forth from your crotch, coming to full erectness in front of Becca. She gasps as she sees it growing. Once it finishes, she reaches out and grabs it, as if to convince herself that it is real. You twitch as she touches it.
<<say $becc>>"Holy shit. That’s…you…that’s a real dick."<</say>>
You nod and smile.
<<say $pc>>"Want to try it out?"<</say>>
She smirks and looks up at you. Suddenly she grabs you and pull you onto the bed. She pushes you down and climbs on top of you.
<<say $becc>>"Lets see what this thing can do."<</say>>
She quickly strips and positions herself on top of you. Her hand brushes against your cock as she guides it towards her dripping slit. You feel the warmth of her pussy pressing against your sensitive cock. Suddenly you slip inside.
<<videoM "img/miscDay/Becc_Cowgirl.mp4">><</videoM>>
Rebecca gasps as you slide all the way inside her. She slides down your entire length, her pussy brushing against your crouch as she supports herself on you. She looks down at you and leans in for a kiss before moving her hips against, dragging herself up and down your length. You moan into each other's kiss as she fucks you.
<<videoM "img/miscDay/Becc_Ride.mp4">><</videoM>>
With the sensitivity of your new cock, you can feel that you won't last long. You pull her in close and begin to thrust yourself pounding her tight pussy. She grips you as she begins to shake. Together you both reach your climaxes as you feel yourself exploding into her as she clenches around you.
<<videoM "img/miscDay/Becc_Creampie.mp4">><</videoM>>
Both spent you fall back onto the bed. Becca lays onto of you, gasping as you dick shrinks away inside of her. She stares at you with half closed happy eyes. You pull her into a warm cuddle. She nuzzles into your chest as you attempt to catch your breath.
You stay like that for a while in comfortable silence before Rebecca breaks it.
<<say $becc>>"This was wonderful."<</say>>
You nod back.
<<say $becc>>"Do you think this thing on Sunday will work?"<</say>>
Taken a back from the question you look up at her. You don't know the answer but right now with her you don't even know if it matters.
<<say $pc>>"I don't know. But no matter what happens I want this to continue."<</say>>
She smiles.
<<say $becc>>"Me too."<</say>>
You sit for a while in silence again before you realize you have to go. You get up and grab your clothes. Becca joins you at the door and pulls you in for one last kiss.
<<say $becc>>"See you tomorrow."<</say>>
<<say $pc>>"See you."<</say>>
You head off to your car and start it up, deciding where to head next.
[[Continue|DayReturner]] You see the large crest with four colors.
<<if $code != 1432>>
<<if $codeLength >= 4>>
All four faces pop back out. Nothing happens.
<<set $button1 to false>><<set $button2 to false>><<set $button3 to false>><<set $button4 to false>><<set $codeLength to 0>><</if>>
<<if !$button1>><<button "Red">><<housePuzzle 1>><<set $button1 to true>><</button>><</if>><<if !$button2>><<button "Gold">><<housePuzzle 2>><<set $button2 to true>> <</button>><</if>>
<<if !$button3>><<button "Purple">><<housePuzzle 3>><<set $button3 to true>><</button>><</if>> <<if !$button4>><<button"Silver">><<housePuzzle 4>><<set $button4 to true>><</button>><</if>>
You press in the golden face and the shield suddenly clicks. You step back as the wall rumbles and the back of the fireplace slides to the side. You look through the opening to see a staircase descending down. This house is weird, but what can you expect from a witch.
You hear the front door open and hurry to your hiding position. You wait, holding your breath as best you can. You can hear footsteps coming up the stairs. You take a deep breath and wait. The door to the room creeks open and you hear one footfall then a scream. You peek up over the desk to see an older blonde woman standing inside the circle. Her body contorts like she's being restrained. Her eyes meet yours.
<<say $witch>>"Wh-what are you doing here? W-what is t-this!?"<</say>>
She twitches again then crumbles to her knees.
<<say $pc>>"You're going to tell us where Circe is!"<</say>>
A wind picks up in the room and you can see the floorboards being to creek, they pull back opening a small hole beneath the woman.
<<say $witch>>"Us? No, you're with him, aren't you? You don't know what y-you're doing…"<</say>>
<<if $arthResist > 2>><<say $pc>>"What do you mean by that? What do you know about Arthur?"<</say>>
<<say $witch>>"That thing is a monster. It's been hunting us for generations. All it wants is domination. Over a-a-ahhhhh!"<</say>>
<<say $pc>>"You won't trick me. I trust, <span class="sir">master!</span>"<</say>>
<<say $witch>>"So, he's already gotten his claws i-into y-you. I'm so s-sor-"<</say>><</if>>
The floor splits open and the woman falls into darkness. A second later the floor is back to normal and the wind whipping around you stops. You take a deep breath.
Looks like it’s a mission accomplished, you head out to greet Arthur.
[[Continue|Shop4_Finish]] <img src = "img/miscDay/Witch/WBasement.jpg" height ="480px" width>
You head down the staircase and find yourself in a small room. The walls are decorated with magical objects (at least you assume). Small dolls, staves, sheets of old paper, dimmly glowing <<link"orbs">><<replace"#orb">><<if !$takenOrb>>You notice an orb in a glass case. The inside appears to be swirling. As you approach you can see small flashes of lightning from inside the orb. Could this be a Sphere of Convalescence?
<span id="choice"><<link"Take it">><<replace"#choice">>
You slip it into your bag.
<<addItem "Sphere of Convalescence">><<set $hasSphere to true>><<set $takenOrb to true>>
<<link"Leave it">><<replace"#choice">>
You decide to leave it alone.<</replace>><</link>></span><<else>>You've already taken the orb.<</if>><</replace>><</link>>, and animal skins. A wide <<link"bookshelf">><<replace"#shelf">>You notice dozens of tomes on magic. Most of them seem to be focusing on Fairies. How to summon, how to banish, how to kill, how to protect. It seems this witch was very interested in protecting herself from Fairies. You guess that means that Fairies are real? Honestly at this point you wouldn't be surprised if Santa was real.<</replace>><</link>> covers one side of the room. The other wall is dominated by a large <<link"web of paper">><<replace"#web">>You look over the web of newspaper clippings and torn out book pages. All of them seem to be pertaining to witches, or alleged witches at least. They seem to go all the way back to the middle ages with mentions of witch burnings. At the center of web is an old looking drawing of a man with an elk head and wings. The name "Furfur" is emblazoned above it. <<if $questionedWitch>> That’s the same name the witch you questioned said. Is this supposed to be Arthur?<<else>>What could all this mean?<</if>><</replace>><</link>> and string.
<span id ="shelf"> </span>
<span id = "web"> </span>
<span id = "orb"> </span>
<<if !$trapSet>><span id = "trap"><<link"Set up the trap?">><<replace"#trap">>
You setup the spell to the best of your abilities, reading off the spell book and drawing a caulk circle just inside the doorway. You think you set everything up right, but you'll only know once the witch returns.
[[Wait for the witch|Shop4_WitchReturnBasement]]<<set $trapSet to true>><<set $trapSetBasement to true>><</replace>><</link>></span><<else>> <<if $trapSetBasement>>Your trap lays ready just inside the door.
<img src = "img/miscDay/Witch/WMagicCirlce.jpg" height ="480px" width>
[[Wait for the witch|Shop4_WitchReturnBasement]]<</if>>
<</if>>You hear the front door open and hurry to your hiding position. You wait, holding your breath as best you can. You can hear footsteps coming down the stairs. You take a deep breath and wait. The door to the room creeks open and you hear one footfall then a scream. You peek up over the desk to see an older blonde woman standing inside the circle. Her body contorts like she's being restrained. Her eyes meet yours.
<<say $witch>>"Wh-what are you doing here? H-how did you find this!?"<</say>>
She twitches again then crumbles to her knees.
<<say $pc>>"You're going to tell us where Circe is!"<</say>>
A wind picks up in the room and you can see the floorboards being to creek, they pull back opening a small hole beneath the woman.
<<say $witch>>"Us? No, you're with it, aren't you? You don't know what y-you're doing…"<</say>>
<<if $arthResist > 2>><<say $pc>>"What do you mean by that? What do you know about Arthur?"<</say>>
<<say $witch>>"That thing is a monster. It's been hunting us for generations. All it wants is domination. It's not of this world. You have to banish it ba-ahhhh!"<</say>><<else>>
<<say $pc>>"You won't trick me. I trust, <span class="sir">master!</span>"<</say>>
<<say $witch>>"So, he's already gotten his claws i-into y-you. I'm so s-sor-"<</say>><</if>>
The floor splits open and the woman falls into darkness. A second later the floor is back to normal and the wind whipping around you stops. You take a deep breath.
Looks like it’s a mission accomplished, you head out to greet Arthur.
[[Continue|Shop4_Finish]]You hear the front door open and you blood goes cold. You haven't even had time to set up the trap yet. You rush towards the nearest window, hoping to slip out. You yank on the window, but it won't budge. You look back towards the door and see a tall blonde woman looking into the room.
<<say $witch>>"Well well, what do we have here?"<</say>>
<<say $pc>>"Uh, hi."<</say>>
<<say $witch>>"I can think of a better look for a rat like you."<</say>>
You hear her begin to murmur under her breath. She is about to cast a spell!
<span id="choice"><<link"Try and Dodge">>
You dive out of the way as she finishes murmur. You hit the ground and curl up into a ball. The woman laughs. You open your eyes and look around. The room seems to be getting further away. You quickly attempt to scramble to your feet but can't seem to get your legs out from under you. You feel a horrible itching break out all across your body.
You look down at your arms to see fine hairs sprouting from them. You open your mouth to scream but only a quiet squeaking noise comes out. Horrified you look up at the witch who now towers above you. She leans down, her massive hand reaching out for you. Your primal instinct kicks in too late as you turn to flee but your grab before you can move. She brings you up to eye level, holding you tight.
<<say $witch>>"I was needing a new familiar. How fortunate."<</say>>
You catch a glimpse of yourself in the mirror as she carries you past.
<img src = "img/miscDay/Witch/Rat.jpg" height ="480px" width>
It takes you a moment to recognize the rat held in her hands as yourself.
You find it harder to think at all, your mind struggling to work in its new confides.
You need to escape… you need to get free… you need to eat… [[is that cheese you smell…?|Ending03_Rat]]
<<link"Use Fireball">>
Instead of trying to get out of the way you decide to strike back. You flare up your hands and shout.
<<say $pc>>"<span class="castSpell"> EXbΓOƧIOИ</span><</say>>
Warmth explodes from your hands as a bright ball of flame rockets towards the witch. You see it collide with some unseen force around her. <<if $pc.mag >= 4>>As the two magical forces collide you stumble back. For a moment it seems like the spell was about to be nullified but the flames continue forward, missing the woman but causing her to stumble back and fall. With a hard thwack her head hits the ground.
You hurry over and see her unconscious on the ground. Thinking quickly, you pull out your magical components and rush to draw the circle around her. As you finish the Pitcast spell the circle suddenly activates.
Wind rushes in around as the floor opens up and swallows the witch into darkness. The phantom wind vanishes, and you sit back in relief. It may not have been what Arthur planned but it looks like you captured her. You head out to meet Arthur.
The fire suddenly vanishes, and you see her standing there unharmed. Oh uh. Looks like you've got no chance but to try and dodge it now.
You dive out of the way as she finishes murmur. You hit the ground and curl up into a ball. The woman laughs. You open your eyes and look around. The room seems to be getting further away. You quickly attempt to scramble to your feet but can't seem to get your legs out from under you. You feel a horrible itching break out all across your body.
You look down at your arms to see fine hairs sprouting from them. You open your mouth to scream but only a quiet squeaking noise comes out. Horrified you look up at the witch who now towers above you. She leans down, her massive hand reaching out for you. Your primal instinct kicks in too late as you turn to flee but your grab before you can move. She brings you up to eye level, holding you tight.
<<say $witch>>"I was needing a new familiar. How fortunate."<</say>>
You catch a glimpse of yourself in the mirror as she carries you past.
<img src = "img/miscDay/Witch/Rat.jpg" height ="480px" width>
It takes you a moment to recognize the rat held in her hands as yourself.
You find it harder to think at all, your mind struggling to work in its new confides.
You need to escape… you need to get free… you need to eat… [[is that cheese you smell…?|Ending03_Rat]]<</if>><</replace>><</link>></span>
You make your way back out to the car, slightly shaken from the ordeal but otherwise alright. You pull open the driver side door and get into the car to see Arthur sitting there expectantly.
<<say $arth>>"Well?"<</say>>
<<say $pc>>"I got her, <span class="sir">master</span>."<</say>>
He smiles and leans back in his seat.
<<say $arth>>"Very good. Very good. Take me back to the mall. I'll get the information needed out of her tonight and tomorrow we will strike at Circe."<</say>>
You nod and start up the car. Driving back to the mall you drop off Arthur and then head on your way, [[deciding what to do next…|DayReturner]]
Messing around with magic has increased your power;<span class="mag">your magic feels like its growing.</span><<set $magUp to true>><<say $pc>>"I'd be more than willing to use it on myself if that’s what you are offering."<</say>>
<<say $esme>>"Very well. That can be arranged. I'm sure you could use the help. Now get on the bed and I'll slip into something a little more comfortable."<</say>>
She forcibly turns you towards the bed and pushes you forward. You stumble onto the bed and flop down onto it. In preparation you begin to strip off your clothes, once you are fully naked you turn back to Esmeralda. She is also already naked and begins to slow approach you.
<<say $esme>>"If you'd do the honors."<</say>>
You nod and begin to focus and then speak the command.
<<say $pc>>"<span class ="castSpell"> Exbɑuq qouმ</span>"<</say>>
<<videoM "img/miscDay/Esme_PCCock.mp4">><</videoM>>
You feel a wave of pleasure wash over you as a new dick bursts forth from your crotch. Almost as soon as its finished growing Esmeralda reaches out and takes hold of it.
<<videoM "img/miscDay/Esme_HJ.mp4">><</videoM>>
<<say $esme>>"Tell me. Is this dick bigger than the one you had when you were a man?"<</say>>
You are taken back by the question and begin to stammer.
<<say $pc>>"W-well I don't know. Uh, its about the sa-"<</say>>
She suddenly moves forward and brushes her pussy against your dick. The sudden stimulation causes you to stop talking as she rubs her wet pussy along the length of your cock.
<<videoM "img/miscDay/Esme_PussySlide.mp4">><</videoM>>
You slip past her entrance and she shifts back the other way, denying you entrance. You squirm at the stimulation.
<<say $esme>>"Hrm, you are fun to tease. But we should move on to the main course. "<</say>>
With that she slides up your cock and allows you to enter her.
<<videoM "img/miscDay/Esme_PCInsert.mp4">><</videoM>>
You moan as you push into her tight warm hole. She moans as well and settles all the way down on your cock. She begins to ride you, dragging up and down your dick. You reach up and grab her hips massaging the warm flesh under your hands. She begins to pick up the pace and you can't hold on.
<<videoM "img/miscDay/Esme_PCFuck.mp4">><</videoM>>
<<say $pc>>"I'm gonna…"<</say>>
Sensing your approaching orgasm, she pulls off you, rolls you onto your back, and begins to jerk your cock. You explode, splattering your own tits and stomach with your own cum.
<<videoM "img/miscDay/Esme_SelfShot.mp4">><</videoM>>
She releases your dick as it begins to shrink away. She sits down on the bed beside you.
<span id="remove">
<<link "Collect Cum!">><</link>>
<<replace '#tooltip'>><<notify>> You've gained 218ml of cum!
<meter class="cumTrack" @value="$cum" min="0" max="1000"></meter><</notify>><</replace>>
<<replace '#tooltip'>><<replace'#remove'>><</replace>><</replace>>
<</nobr>></span><<set $cum += 12>>
<<say $esme>>"That was fun. You could work on your stamina though."<</say>>
<<say $pc>>"Listen. Its very sensitive okay. I blame the magic."<</say>>
She shakes her head.
<<say $esme>>"Men, always blaming magic for their own short cummings."<</say>>
She smirks and gets up, wrapping herself up in a robe.
<<say $esme>>" Next time I'm sure you'll do better."<</say>>
Your eyebrows raise at the suggestion of another time, but you let it slide.
<<say $pc>>"I'm I'll get the hang of it again."<</say>>
You quickly dress back up and meet Esmeralda by the door.
<<say $pc>>"Uh, well I'll be going now."<</say>>
<<say $esme>>"Very well. Remember to come tomorrow, we have work to do."<</say>>
You nod and then head out, making your way back to the car and then driving off, wondering what to do next.
[[Continue|DayReturner]] <<say $pc>>"Well, if you are willing to help you can cast it on yourself again."<</say>>
<<say $esme>>"I was hoping you would say that. I quite liked the experience last time. Why don't you get comfortable on the bed? I'll slip into something a little more suitable. "<</say>>
She forcibly turns you towards the bed and pushes you forward. You stumble onto the bed and flop down onto it. In preparation you begin to strip off your clothes, once you are fully naked you turn back to Esmeralda. She is also already naked and standing at attention between her legs is a large throbbing member.
<<videoM "img/miscDay/Esme_Cock.mp4">><</videoM>>
<<say $esme>>"I've been thinking about trying this since last time. I'm really looking forward to feeling your pussy around my dick."<</say>>
You quiver at her words. You can't deny that you want to feel her inside you too. Her sexy feminine body and the rock-hard dick she now has seems to be pushing your arousal into overdrive. You look up at her and all you can manage is.
<<say $pc>>"Yes, please."<</say>>
She smiles and pushes you back onto the bed.
<<videoM "img/miscDay/Esme_Insert.mp4">><</videoM>>
Climbing onto you she positions her dick on your slit. She rubs it back and forth getting it nice and wet in your juices. Finally, she pulls back and positions it at your entrance. Painfully slow she begins to enter you, inch by inch.
You moan as you are spread open by her, she smiles with pleasure as she fills you completely.
<<say $esme>>"Holy shit. I did not expect it to feel like…ah!"<</say>>
<<videoM "img/miscDay/EsmeFuck.mp4">><</videoM>>
She shifts slightly and moans, clearly not used to sensitivity of her new tool. You smirk and decide to use that to your advantage. You shift your hips up and down along he length, causing her to moan again. Encouraged you begin to pump your hips, fucking her as she lays atop you.
<<videoM "img/miscDay/Esme_Fuck2.mp4">><</videoM>>
<<say $esme>>"S-slow…fuck…that feels so…g-good."<</say>>
She suddenly begins to tense up and you push off against her. Luckily, she also seems to realize what is happening and pulls back, just exiting your pussy before she explodes, coating your stomach and pussy with cum.
<<videoM "img/miscDay/Esme_StomachCum.mp4">><</videoM>>
You smirk as she rolls off you, amused at her lack of sexual stamina. She lays beside you as her dick recedes back into her. You pant, not fully satisfied but happy that she was able to get the experience she was looking for. You sit up and clean yourself off, collecting the cum splattered on you as you do. As you get to your feet Esmeralda looks at you, strangely abashed from her normal bravado.
<span id="remove">
<<link "Collect Cum!">><</link>>
<<replace '#tooltip'>><<notify>> You've gained 218ml of cum!
<meter class="cumTrack" @value="$cum" min="0" max="1000"></meter><</notify>><</replace>>
<<replace '#tooltip'>><<replace'#remove'>><</replace>><</replace>>
<</nobr>></span><<set $cum += 12>>
<<say $esme>>"Uh, sorry about that. I wasn't expecting it to be so, uh, so sensitive."<</say>>
<<say $pc>>"Hey, its okay. It was your first time with a dick after all."<</say>>
Her eyes narrow as you say that.
<<say $esme>>"Don't patronize me. Next time I'll show you what I can really do with a dick."<</say>>
Your eyebrows raise at the suggestion of another time, but you let it slide.
<<say $pc>>"I'm sure you'll get the hang of it."<</say>>
You quickly dress back up and pause at the edge of the bed where Esmeralda is still laying naked.
<<say $pc>>"Uh, well I'll be going now."<</say>>
<<say $esme>>"Very well. Remember to come tomorrow, we have work to do."<</say>>
You nod and then head out, making your way back to the car and then driving off, wondering what to do next.
[[Continue|DayReturner]] At first you hope that Arthur will come to you and turn you back into your original form. As the night presses on your concept of an original form begins to fade as you are placed inside one of the witch's cages. Eventually you forget about Arthur all together as you mind copes with its new smaller form. In fact, you forget most things.
All you can hope is that your owner returns to you soon, and that she brings some food. Maybe she will give you scratches as well. You don't even know why you would want to leave. After all, life is good as a rat.
<<videoM "img/ending/E3_End.mp4">><</videoM>>
<center><span class="ending">A Rat
The life of a witches familiar might not be a glamourous one, but it is a good one.</span></center>
<<remember $endings.ending0 = true>>
<<if $intUp>> <span class = "int">Your Intellect has increased!</span><<set $ += 1>><</if>>
<<if $athUp>><span class = "ath">Your Athletics has increased!</span><<set $pc.ath += 1>><</if>>
<<if $btyUp>><span class = "bty">Your Beauty has increased!</span><<set $pc.bty += 1>><</if>>
<<if $chaUp>><span class = "cha">Your Charisma has increased!</span><<set $pc.cha += 1>><</if>>
<<if $magUp && $keptMagic is true>><span class = "mag">Your Magic has increased!</span><<set $pc.mag += 1>><</if>>
<<set $energy to 7>>
<<set $currentTime to 0>>
<<set $currentDay += 1>>
<<set $lunchTimer = 2>>
<<set $visitedCheer to false>>
<<set $visitedShop to false>>
<<set $visitedBecc to false>>
<<set $visitedCole to false>>
<<set $visitedSmith to false>>
<<set $visitedEsme to false>>
<<set $visitedMarcus to false>>
<<set $jessLunch to false>>
<<set $beccLunch to false>>
<<set $esmeLunch to false>>
<<set $coleLunch to false>>
<<set $aloneLunch to false>>
<<set $cassLunch to false>>
<<set $intUp to false>>
<<set $btyUp to false>>
<<set $chaUp to false>>
<<set $athUp to false>>
<<set $magUp to false>>
<<if $Day5End == "Home">>
<<elseif $Day5End == "Drunk">>
<<elseif $Day5End == "Couch">>
<<elseif $Day5End == "Doug">>
<<elseif $Day5End == "GB">>
<<set $partyTime to false>><<if $Day5End == "Couch">>You awaken sore and lightheaded on the couch in Doug's house. A heavy weight across your legs causes you to glance up and spot another girl passed out across your lower body. As you shift, she stirs and rolls away from you. You roll of the couch and stumble to your feet. A sudden wave of dizziness washes over you but you fight against it to remain standing. Shaking away the drunken hang over you stumble your way to the door, stepping over the other passed out party goers.
As you step outside your eyes are scorched with the sunlight. Based on the amount of light you estimate it to be close to 10am. You make your way towards the car. As you get behind the wheel you can feel your mind beginning to clear. You slowly take the roads back to your house. At this hour you imagine Cole is already gone to hang out with Nathan or something. You head upstairs and hop into a [[much-needed shower.|Day6_Morning]]
<<elseif $Day5End == "Doug">>
You awaken to sunlight peeking in through unfamiliar blinds. You roll out of the light and come face to face with Doug. You start, jolting back at the unexpected face beside you. Unsure what events had led you to being in bed with Doug you quickly check yourself. Your underwear is still on and you don't feel like you've recently has sex. You look back at Doug, now aware that you seem to be in his room. You vague remember him carrying you up here. Looks like he was a perfect gentleman and didn't try anything with you last night. You quietly slip out of the bed and towards the door.
You make your way out into the hallway and downstairs, evading the passed-out people sprawled on the ground and furniture. As you step outside your eyes are scorched with the sunlight. Based on the amount of light you estimate it to be close to 10am. You make your way towards the car. As you get behind the wheel you can feel your mind beginning to clear. You slowly take the roads back to your house. At this hour you imagine Cole is already gone to hang out with Nathan or something. You head upstairs and hop into a [[much-needed shower.|Day6_Morning]] <</if>>You slowly come to consciousness to a blinding light and sore body. Your mouth is filled with a vile salty flavor and you can feel a strange stickiness all over your body. A wave of nauseas suddenly washes over your body as you shift in the bed. Cautiously you sit up on the edge of the bed to find yourself naked.
<img src = "img/day6/Day6_Wakeup.jpg" height ="480px" width>
You look down at yourself to see patches of dried sticky cum covering your body. Confused you reach down and feel between your legs only to find more dried cum. The wave of sickness returns as you realize what has happened to you.
You look around the room to find it empty, no signs of anyone else but you see your clothes scattered around the bed. You quickly scoop them up and pull them over you. As you pull them on you realize your face and hair are also covered with dried cum. Holding back the urge to vomit you rush out of the house, hoping no-one will see you. You hop in your car and rush home, running inside and into the shower as [[quickly as possible.|Day6_Morning]]You turn on the shower and let the warm water rush over your body and wash away the nights rest. <<if $Day5End =="GB">> You furiously scrub off all the dried cum that is caking your body, disgusted at the thought of just who did this to you. <</if>> You stand for a moment and just let the water rush over you.
<<videoM "img/day6/Day6_Shower.mp4">><</videoM>>
The stress and strangeness of the week have begun to take a toll on your body, and you can't help but feel exhausted. You enjoy the flow of the water for a few more moments before you finish washing up and prepare for the day. You quickly head back to your room to get dressed and [[take stock of things.|Day6_AtHome]]After you finish getting dressed you pull up the list that Cassandra gave you. You begin to take stock of what you've gathered.
<span class="ending">
<<if $hasBrazier>> You already have the brazier. <<else>>You still need the brazier, maybe you should try the magic shop Cassandra mentioned.<</if>>
<<if $hasKnife>>You already have the silver knife.<<else>> You still need the silver knife. Maybe a pawn shop or something would be willing to sell one to you.<</if>>
<<if $hasWood>>You already have the woods you need.<<else>>You still need the wood, maybe you should try the magic shop Cassandra mentioned.<</if>>
<<if $hasFPubes>> You already have the pubic hair that you need from a woman.<<else>><<if $pc.tag.sexualExp == "Virigin">> You need pubic hair so might as well get some. You reach into your pants and pluck one. That’s one thing out of the way.<<else>>You need pubic hair, if only you could get it from yourself. You'll need to ask another woman you know.<</if>><</if>>
<<if $hasMPubes>> You already have the pubic hair that you need from a man.<<else>>You still need a virgins pubic hair. Maybe you could steal or ask for some from your step-brother.<</if>>
<<if $hasFHair>> You already have the hair of a whore. <<else>>You still need the hair of a whore. Who could you possible get it from…<</if>>
<<if $hasMHair>> You already have the hair of a fuckboy.<<else>> You still need the hair of a fuck boy. The only person you can think of that applies is Doug.<</if>>
<<if $hasSphere>> You already have a Sphere of Convalescence.<<else>> You still need the Sphere and this one might be tricky to find.<<if $esmeLine >=1>> You know Esmerelda has one, maybe she will loan it.<</if>><<if $magicResearch>=2>>There is also the one being sold in Southport, maybe you could get that somehow.<</if>><</if>>
You are at $cum ml of "Male Essence" out of the 1000ml you need. <<if $cum >= 1000>> Looks like you've got all of it.<<else>> You still need some, you shudder at the thought of how you might gather it.<</if>>
<<if $hasQuicksilver>> You already have the Quicksilver you need. <<else>> You still need the Quicksilver. Maybe a chemistry store or something can help.<</if>>
<<if $hasFortis>> You already have the Aqua Fortis you need. <<else>> You still need the Quicksilver. Maybe a chemistry store or something can help.<</if>>
<<if $hasFetish>> You already have the "male fetish" you need. <<else>> You still need the male fetish, might be time to find a sex store to buy from.<</if>>
You take a look over the list again. It looks like there are still a few things you need. It's going to be a busy day. You head to the kitchen and quickly choke down some food before heading out to your car. There is a lot to do today but where do you want to start.
[[Get started|Day6_DayEvents]]<<set $currentTime += 1>>You have some time before your days ends. What do you want to do...?
<<if !$marcusEnd>><<if !$visitedMarcus>><<if $energy > 0>>You can go [[visit Marcus|!Marcus Checker]], explain the situation to him. He might be able to help you out.<<else>><span class ="deadLink">You can go visit Marcus, explain the situation to him. He might be able to help you out.</span> You are out of energy.<</if>><</if>><</if>>
<<if !$smithEnd>><<if !$visitedSmith>><<if $passedTest == false and $energy > 0>>
You should [[go see Mr. Smith|!Smith Checker]], otherwise he could cause you a lot of trouble at the school.<<elseif $passedTest == false and $energy <= 0>><span class ="deadLink">You should go see Mr. Smith, otherwise he could cause you a lot of trouble at the school.</span> You are out of energy.<</if>><</if>><</if>>
<<if $cheerLine == 4>><<if !$cheerEnd>><<if !$visitedCheer>><<if $invitedToCheer and $energy > 0>>You can [[take up Jessica's offer|!Cheer Checker]] of going to cheerleading practice, a little physical activity might perk you up.<<elseif $invitedToCheer and $energy <= 0 >><span class ="deadLink">You can take up Jessica's offer of going to cheerleading practice, a little physical activity might perk you up.</span><</if>><</if>><</if>><<else>> The cheerleaders are probably busy with the football team. If you were closer to them maybe you'd be invited too.<</if>>
<<if !$shopEnd>><<if !$visitedShop>><<if $energy > 0>>You can [[go visit the Magic Shop|!Shop Checker]] that Cassandra told you about, get a jump on the ingredients.<<else>><span class ="deadLink">You can go visit the Magic Shop that Cassandra told you about, get a jump on the ingredients.</span> You are out of energy.<</if>><</if>><</if>>
<<if !$coleEnd>><<if !$visitedCole>><<if $invitedToCole and $energy >0>>You can go [[home and hang out with Cole.|!Cole Checker]]<<elseif $invitedToCole and $energy <= 0>><span class ="deadLink">You can go home and hang out with Cole.</span> You are out of energy.<</if>><</if>><</if>>
<<if !$beccEnd>><<if !$visitedBecc>><<if $invitedToBecc and $energy >0>>You can go [[study with Rebecca.|!Rebecca Checker]]<<elseif $invitedToBecc and $energy <= 0>><span class ="deadLink">You can go study with Rebecca.</span> You are out of energy.<</if>><</if>><</if>>
<<if !$esmeEnd>><<if !$visitedEsme>><<if $invitedToEsme and $energy >0>>You can go [[talk to Esmerelda|!Esme Checker]] about this whole mess.<<elseif $invitedToEsme and $energy <=0>><span class ="deadLink">You can go talk to Esmerelda about this whole mess.</span> You are out of energy.<</if>><</if>><</if>>
<<if !$hasFetish>><<if $fetishCreated and $energy > 0>>You can go [[get your "art" from Mrs. Yiin.|YiinArt]]<<elseif $fetishCreated and $energy <= 0>><span class ="deadLink"> You can go get your "art" from Mrs. Yiin.</span> You are out of energy.<</if>><</if>>
<<if !$hasSphere && $magicResearch >= 2>> You could drive to Southport and try and get the Sphere there. This might take a while though so maybe you should do it last. [[Drive to Southport?|Day6_SphereQuest]]<</if>>
<<if !$hasKnife>>You could check out [[some local pawn shops|Day6_Pawnshop]] and see if you can find a knife there. <</if>>
<<if $cum < 1000>> If you can find a gloryhole you might be able to gather a lot of cum really fast. [[Look for a gloryhole?|Day6_Gloryhole]]<</if>>
<<if !$hasFetish>> You could find a [[local sex shop|Day6_SexShop]] and get a male fetish.<</if>>
<span class="system"> You have reached the current end of content for this release.
For more updates on the games progress visit:</span>
Side adventures to come in next update!
<<back>>Side adventures to come in next update!
<<back>>Side adventures to come in next update!
<<back>>Side adventures to come in next update!