<div class="passage-image-container">
<img src="images/mood/camp.webp" alt="Description of image">
As your fingers brush against the artifact, a jolt of energy courses through your body. The magic embedded within seeps into your flesh, warping and twisting you.
<<if $upperBodyStage < 4>>
<<set $upperBodyStage += 1>>
Your upper body grows bigger, reshaping as the transformation takes hold.
<<if $lowerBodyStage < 4>>
<<set $lowerBodyStage += 1>>
Your lower body shifts, adapting to the artifact's power.
<<if $upperBodyStage >= 4 and $lowerBodyStage >= 4>>
The transformation is complete. You feel an overwhelming surge of power, but also a loss of self.
<div class="passage-image-container">
<img src="images/events/upperBody.png" alt="Your breast expand">
<img src="images/events/lowerBody.png" alt="Your changing lower body">
<<set $campsiteTransformed to true>>
Shaken, you step away from the artifact, its magic lingering within you.
[[Continue exploring|Deeper Woods]]
Ancient Tree:
<div class="passage-image-container">
<img src="images/mood/ancienttree.webp" alt="Description of image">
You approach the towering Ancient Oak, its branches stretching towards the sky.
<<if !$transformationAncientOak>>
As you touch the bark, a strange energy courses through you.
<<set $upperBodyStage to Math.min($upperBodyStage + 1, 4)>>
<<set $lowerBodyStage to Math.min($lowerBodyStage + 1, 4)>>
<<set $transformationAncientOak to true>>
<div class="passage-image-container">
<img src="images/events/upperBody.png" alt="Your breast expand">
<img src="images/events/lowerBody.png" alt="Your changing lower body">
The tree stands silently, its mysteries already unveiled.
[[Return to the forest|Forest Path]]As your fingers brush against the artifact, a jolt of energy courses through your body. The magic embedded within seeps into your flesh, warping and twisting you.
<<if $upperBodyStage < 4>>
<<set $upperBodyStage += 1>>
Your upper body grows bigger, reshaping as the transformation takes hold.
<<elseif $lowerBodyStage < 4>>
<<set $lowerBodyStage += 1>>
Your lower body shifts, adapting to the artifact's power.
The transformation is complete. You feel an overwhelming surge of power, but also a loss of self.
<div class="passage-image-container">
<img src="images/events/upperBody.png" alt="Your breast expand">
<img src="images/events/lowerBody.png" alt="Your changing lower body">
Shaken, you step away from the artifact, its magic lingering within you.
[[Continue exploring|Deeper Woods]]<div class="passage-image-container">
<<if $upperBodyStage == 4 and $lowerBodyStage == 4>>
<img src="images/events/orclose2.png" alt="The orc easily overpowers you, ending your journey">
<<elseif $upperBodyStage == 3 or $lowerBodyStage == 3>>
<img src="images/events/orcwin3.png" alt="You defeat the orc, but at great cost">
<img src="images/events/orcwin1.png" alt="You skillfully slay the orc and claim your reward">
As you venture deeper into the cave, the air grows colder, and an oppressive darkness surrounds you. Suddenly, a massive orc emerges from the shadows, its eyes gleaming with malice.
<<if $upperBodyStage == 4 and $lowerBodyStage == 4>>
Despite your formidable transformations, the orc's strength and the cave's malevolent energies overwhelm you. You fall to the ground, your journey ending in darkness.
-The End
<<elseif $upperBodyStage == 3 or $lowerBodyStage == 3>>
Drawing upon your enhanced abilities, you engage the orc in a fierce battle. Though the fight is arduous, you manage to slay the beast. However, the exertion leaves you weakened, and you sense that the cave's dark magic has taken a toll on you.
As the battle rages, the orc's powerful strikes tear through your clothing, leaving you exposed to the cave's chilling air. Searching the cave after your victory, you find a tattered yet durable outfit, seemingly left behind by a previous adventurer.
<<set $hasMagicSword to true>>
<<set $upperBodyStage to 3>>
<<set $lowerBodyStage to 3>>
You change into the new outfit.
<div class="passage-image-container">
<img src="images/hero/tat1.png" alt="y">
<div class="passage-image-container">
<img src="images/hero/tat2.png" alt="y">
<<set $equippedOutfit = "Tattered Outfit">>
<<set $hasTatteredOutfit to true>>
[[Continue deeper into the cave|Deeper Cave]]
With agility and cunning, you outmaneuver the orc, delivering a decisive blow that fells the creature. Your lesser transformations have preserved your speed, allowing you to resist the cave's dark influences.
Among the orc's belongings, you discover a Magic Sword.
<<set $hasMagicSword to true>>
[[Continue deeper into the cave|Deeper Cave]]
Crystal Pond:
<div class="passage-image-container">
<img src="images/mood/pond.webp" alt="Description of image">
As you follow the path toward the crystalline pond, the forest's ambiance shifts subtly. The air grows cooler, and a gentle, melodic tinkling reaches your ears, reminiscent of delicate chimes dancing in the breeze. The foliage becomes denser, with vibrant green moss carpeting the ground and luminescent flowers casting a soft glow.
Emerging into a clearing, you're greeted by the sight of the pond itself. Its waters are astonishingly clear, revealing a bed of smooth, colorful stones that seem to shimmer with an inner light. The surface mirrors the surrounding trees and the sky above, creating a perfect, tranquil reflection. Occasionally, ripples disturb this mirror as unseen fish dart just beneath the surface.
On the far side of the pond, a weeping willow leans gracefully over the water, its long, slender branches swaying gently and occasionally brushing the surface, sending delicate ripples across the pond. Near the water's edge, a series of flat stones form a natural stepping path leading to a small, ornate pedestal upon which rests a crystalline vial that catches and refracts the ambient light, casting tiny rainbows around it.
The atmosphere is serene, yet there's an underlying sense of magic and mystery, as if the pond holds secrets waiting to be discovered.
[[Approach the pedestal to examine the crystalline vial|crystalline vial]]
[[Sit by the pond's edge to rest and reflect.|reflect]]
[[Return to the forest path to explore other areas|Forest Path]]<div class="passage-image-container">
<img src="images/mood/deadend.webp" alt="Description of image">
<<pickup $backpack "Magic Sword" 1>>
The cave leads to an dead end so you decide to [[turn around and head back|Deeper Woods]]Deeper Woods:
<div class="passage-image-container">
<img src="images/mood/darkpath.webp" alt="Description of image">
As you venture deeper into the forest, the canopy above thickens, allowing only sparse beams of sunlight to pierce through, casting dappled shadows on the forest floor. The air grows cooler, and the sounds of distant wildlife create an eerie symphony. The path becomes less defined, with roots and underbrush making the journey more treacherous.
Where to go next?
To your right, partially obscured by overgrown vines, you notice the dark entrance of a cave. A faint, pulsating glow emanates from within, hinting at secrets or dangers lurking inside, you feel like you shouldn't go in there without some form of protection.
Ahead, you spot remnants of a campsite—tattered tents, a extinguished fire pit, and scattered belongings. The area appears deserted, but perhaps it holds clues about those who came before you.
To your left, you hear a faint rustling coming from a dense thicket. The movement is subtle, yet persistent, suggesting the presence of a creature or something else concealed within.
You also see a narrow pathway leading to god knows where.
Where do you go next?
[[Investigate the mysterious cave|Mysterious Cave]]
[[Approach an Abandoned Campsite|Abandoned Campsite]]
[[Investigate the Rustling Bushes|Rustling Bushes]]
[[Follow the path way|Hidden Storage]]
[[Go back the way you came|Forest Path]]Examine the vial:
As you carefully lift the vial, it slips from your grasp, shattering on the ground. The shimmering liquid splashes onto your skin, and a sudden warmth spreads through your body. Your upper body begins to change—muscles ripple beneath your skin, and your shoulders broaden. You've undergone a transformation.
<div class="passage-image-container">
<img src="images/events/upperBody.png" alt="Your breast expand">
<img src="images/events/lowerBody.png" alt="Your changing lower body">
<<set $upperBodyStage to Math.min($upperBodyStage + 1, 4)>>
<<set $lowerBodyStage to Math.min($lowerBodyStage + 1, 4)>>
<<set $vialTaken to true>>
[[Return to the forest path|Forest Path]]Forest Path:
<div class="passage-image-container">
<img src="images/mood/forestpath.webp" alt="Description of image">
The path beneath your feet is soft with fallen leaves, their earthy scent filling the air. Towering trees stretch high above, their branches intertwining to form a natural canopy, allowing only slivers of moonlight to filter through. The distant hoot of an owl and the rustling of unseen creatures remind you that you're not alone.
To your left, an ancient oak stands, its bark gnarled and twisted, as if shaped by time itself. A faint glow emanates from a hollow in its trunk. Further ahead, the path splits in two—one trail leading towards a crystalline pond, the other vanishing into the shadowy depths of the forest.
<<if $hasMagicRing is true>>
[[Explore the hidden path|Hidden Path]]
[[Examine the ancient oak|Ancient Tree]]
[[Head towards the crystalline pond|Crystal Pond]]
[[Venture deeper into the forest|Deeper Woods]]Give her the Emerald:
You hand the Blue Emerald to Mauzi. She claps her hands joyfully and, in gratitude, presents you with an Enchanted Amulet.
<<drop $backpack "A Blue Emerald" 1>>
<<add $backpack "Enchanted Amulet" 1>>
<<set $hasEnchantedAmulet to true>>
<<set $hasEnchantedAmulet to true>>
[[Continue on your quest|Deeper Woods]]
You hand the Crystalline Vial to Mauzi. She beams with joy and, in gratitude, offers you an Enchanted Amulet.
<<drop $backpack "A Crystalline Vial" 1>>
<<set $mauziBigTits to true>>
<<pickup $backpack "Enchanted Amulet" 1>>
<<set $hasEnchantedAmulet to true>>
[[Continue on your quest|Deeper Woods]]While navigating the dense forest, you stumble upon a concealed trail veiled by thick foliage. Curiosity compels you to follow it, leading to a secluded clearing where a group of goblins emerges, their eyes gleaming with malice.
<<if $upperBodyStage == 4 or $lowerBodyStage == 4>>
<div class="passage-image-container">
<img src="images/events/goblinlose4.png" alt="overwhelmed">
<<if $upperBodyStage == 4 or $lowerBodyStage == 4>>
The extensive transformations have rendered you vulnerable. The goblins exploit your altered state, overwhelming you effortlessly.
- The End
<<elseif $hasMagicSword is false>>
<div class="passage-image-container">
<img src="images/events/goblinlose1.png" alt="The goblins overpower you without a magic weapon">
Unarmed and unprepared, you stand little chance against the goblins' coordinated assault. They swiftly overpower you.
-The End.
<<elseif $hasTatteredOutfit is true>>
<div class="passage-image-container">
<img src="images/events/goblinlose3.png" alt="">
The goblins notice your weakened state and the tattered outfit you wear. Seeing you as an easy target, they attack relentlessly, overwhelming you.
-The End.
<div class="passage-image-container">
<img src="images/events/goblinwin2.png" alt="won">
With the Magic Sword in hand, you confront the goblins. The blade's enchanted power guides your strikes, allowing you to defeat them and proceed further into the forest.
[[Continue your journey|You win]]
<div class="passage-image-container">
<img src="images/mood/cave.webp" alt="Description of image">
While exploring the depths of the forest, you stumble upon a hidden cave, its entrance partially obscured by overgrown vines. Inside, the air is cool and damp, and faint glimmers catch your eye from the darkness.
As you venture deeper, you discover a pedestal bathed in a soft, ethereal light.
<<if $bluemeraldtaken is false>>
Atop it rests a magnificent Blue Emerald, its surface shimmering with an otherworldly glow.
- [[Take the Blue Emerald|Take Blue Emerald]]
- [[Leave the cave|Deeper Woods]]The Forest
<div class="passage-image-container">
<img src="images/hero/hero_1.png" alt="Description of image">
You're an adventurer known across the land for your daring exploits. Tales of an enchanted forest, said to contain untold treasures, have reached your ears. Many have entered its depths, but few have returned.
Tonight, under the silver glow of the moon, you stand at the forest’s edge. The trees loom tall, their leaves whispering secrets in the wind. A path leads forward, but the way is uncertain.
[[You're 18 or older so you step into the forest|Forest Path]]
[[You're not 18 yet, so you decide to come back later]]<<inv $backpack>>
<<return "Go Back">>Mysterious Cave:
The cave's entrance looms before you, darkness swallowing the light. A chilling breeze wafts from within, carrying whispers of ancient magic.
<<if $hasMagicSword is false>>
<<if $hasEnchantedAmulet is true>>
<div class="passage-image-container">
<img src="images/events/amulet.png" alt="You traverse the cave safely with the Enchanted Amulet">
Clutching the Enchanted Amulet, you feel a protective warmth envelop you. As you step inside, the malevolent energies of the cave recoil, allowing you to traverse its depths unscathed.
[[Proceed deeper into the cave|Cave Interior]]
<img src="images/events/caveend.png" alt="Dark magic overwhelms you as you step inside">
Upon entering, a surge of dark magic overwhelms you. Without protection, you succumb to its sinister influence, your adventure ending here. But don't worry, traveler, the inhabitant of this cave will have a use for you.
<div class="passage-image-container">
<img src="images/events/amulet.png" alt="You traverse the cave safely with the Enchanted Amulet">
There isn't any reason to go back to the cave.
[[Go back|Deeper Woods]]
<</if>><<pickup $backpack "A Crystalline Vial" 1>>
<<set $vialTaken to true>>
The Vial is now in your inventory.
[[Continue your exploration|Forest Path]]
<<set $hasMagicRing to true>>
<div class="passage-image-container">
<img src="images/mood/grabring.webp" alt="Description of image">
You reach into the water and retrieve a shimmering ring that pulses with magical energy. Unable to resist, you slide it onto your finger. Instantly, your surroundings shift, revealing hidden paths and secrets previously concealed from your sight.
<<pickup $backpack "Magic Ring" 1>>
<<set $hasMagicRing to true>>
[[Continue|Forest Path]]Mauzi:
<<if $mauziBigTits is false>>
<div class="passage-image-container">
<img src="images/events/mauzi_neutral.png" alt="Mauzi, eyeing you curiously">
<div class="passage-image-container">
<img src="images/events/mauzi_tits.png" alt="Mauzi, happily used the vial">
A friendly busty female goblin named Mauzi emerges, eyeing you curiously.
<<if $backpack.has('A Crystalline Vial')>>
Mauzi's eyes widen as she spots the **Crystalline Vial** in your possession.
"Oh, such a beautiful vial! May I have it?"
- [[Give Mauzi the Crystalline Vial|Give Vial to Mauzi]]
<<if $backpack.has('A Blue Emerald')>>
Mauzi gasps as she notices the Blue Emerald in your bag..
"Such a precious gem! Would you be willing to part with it?"
[[Trade the Emerald with the goblin.|Give Emerald to Mauzi]]
- [[Continue your journey|Deeper Woods]]
<<newinv $backpack>>
<<set $gamePhase to 1>> <!-- Set to 2 when transitioning to the second part -->
<<set $lastDungeonPassage to null>>
<<set $transformationLocked to false>>
<<set $dungeonTurnCounter to 0>>
<<set $turnsUntilNextEncounter to 5>> <!-- Set your desired interval here -->
<<set $upperBodyStage to 0>>
<<set $lowerBodyStage to 0>>
<<set $cumshower to false>>
<<set $jungletrap to false>>
<<set $shrinetrap to false>>
<<set $laketrap to false>>
<<set $tentacletrap to false>>
<<set $key to false>>
<<set $scroll to false>>
<<set $revengemode to false>>
<<set $vialTaken to false>>
<<set $grimlerlvl to 0>>
<<set $bluemeraldtaken to false>>
<<set $statuePuzzleAttempts to 0>>
<<set $mauziBigTits to false>>
<<set $hasMagicSword to false>>
<<set $hasTatteredOutfit to false>>
<<set $pickedUpTorch to false>>
<<set $hasEnchantedAmulet to false>>
<<set $transformationAncientOak to false>>
<<set $transformationCrystalPond to false>>
<<set $transformationAbandonedCamp to false>>
<<set $treasureTrapTriggered to false>>
<<set $hasMagicRing to false>>
:: StoryMenu
by Xara
[[Check Inventory|Inventory]]<<set $bluemeraldtaken to true>>
<div class="passage-image-container">
<img src="images/mood/emerald.webp" alt="Description of image">
You carefully lift the Blue Emerald from its pedestal. The moment your fingers touch its cool surface, a surge of energy courses through you.
<<if $upperBodyStage == 4>>
<div class="passage-image-container">
<img src="images/events/witch.png" alt="mamacita">
As the energy from the emerald intertwines with your transformed body, a mysterious figure appears before you, a witch with piercing eyes.
She offers you a choice: give her the Blue Emerald and perform a favor in exchange for access to hidden paths within the forest, or refuse and face the consequences.
- [[Give her the Blue Emerald|Witch's Favor]]
- [[Refuse her request|Bad Ending]]
The energy subsides, leaving you with the Blue Emerald in your possession.
<<pickup $backpack "A Blue Emerald" 1>>
[[Continue|Deeper Woods]]
<div class="passage-image-container">
<img src="images/mood/treasure.webp" alt="Description of image">
Congratulations on your victory! As you stand amidst the defeated goblins, a hidden passage reveals itself, leading you to a vast chamber illuminated by the soft glow of bioluminescent fungi. Before you lies a magnificent treasure hoard, a testament to the countless adventurers who came before you.
Piles of gold coins shimmer enticingly, interspersed with glittering gemstones of every hue. Intricately crafted jewelry, from delicate necklaces to ornate crowns, showcases the craftsmanship of ancient civilizations. Among the riches, you notice artifacts of immense power: enchanted weapons, mystical scrolls, and potions bubbling with arcane energy.
Dominating the center of the chamber is a grand chest, its lid ajar to reveal an opulent array of treasures within. The air is thick with the scent of aged parchment and polished metal, evoking a sense of history and accomplishment.
As you take in the sight, a sense of fulfillment washes over you. The trials you've faced, the transformations you've endured, and the battles you've fought have all led to this moment. The treasure is yours, a reward befitting a true adventurer.
(Best end or is it?)Crystalline Vial:
<div class="passage-image-container">
<img src="images/mood/vialpedestal.webp" alt="Description of image">
You approach the pedestal where the crystalline vial rests.
<<if $vialTaken is false>>
The vial catches the ambient light, casting tiny rainbows around it. The craftsmanship suggests it could be an alchemical container, possibly used to store potions or elixirs.
- [[Examine the vial closely|Examine Vial]]
- [[Carefully pick up the vial|Pick Up Vial]]
- [[Leave the vial and return|Crystal Pond]]
The shattered remnants of the vial lie on the ground, its magic spent.
- [[Return to the forest path|Forest Path]]
<</if>>Pond Reflection:
<div class="passage-image-container">
<img src="images/mood/ringwater.webp" alt="Description of image">
You settle yourself at the water’s edge, the cool earth beneath you providing a soothing contrast to the journey’s fatigue. The rhythmic sounds of the water lapping against the shore calm your thoughts as you gaze into the pond’s shimmering depths.
<<if $hasMagicRing is false>>
As your mind wanders, something catches your eye, a faint, glimmering movement beneath the surface. At first, it seems like a trick of the light, but as you focus, the shape becomes clearer. A dark silhouette, just beneath the water, shifts and twists unnaturally, almost as if it’s aware of your presence.
A chill runs down your spine. Whatever it is, it’s waiting.
[[Lean closer for a better look|Pond Discovery]]
The tranquil scene offers a moment of peace, allowing you to reflect on your journey thus far.
[[Back away and return to the path|Forest Path]]
Stay in school.
<span style="display:block; text-align:center; font-size:20px; margin-top:10px;">
Created by <strong>Xara</strong>
<div class="passage-image-container">
<img src="images/mood/spirittree.webp" alt="A mystical grove bathed in ethereal light">
As you venture deeper into the forest, the canopy thickens, and a mystical fog envelops the surroundings. Eventually, you arrive at a secluded grove bathed in an ethereal glow. In the center stands a gnarled tree with luminescent leaves—the rare herb the witch desires grows at its base.
As you approach, ethereal figures materialize from the mist—forest spirits with eyes shimmering like moonlight. One steps forward, its voice echoing softly.
<div class="passage-image-container">
<img src="images/mood/spirit.webp" alt="A mystical grove bathed in ethereal light">
"Mortal, this herb is sacred to our grove. To take it disrupts the balance. State your purpose."
You explain the witch's request. The spirits listen intently.
After a moment, the lead spirit speaks again.
"We understand your plight. Prove your respect for the forest by undertaking a trial. Succeed, and we shall grant you a leaf of the herb. Fail, and you must leave empty-handed."
The spirit gestures to two paths leading deeper into the forest.
"Choose a path and face its trial."
- [[Choose the left path|Left Path Trial]]
- [[Choose the right path|Center Path Trial]]
- [[Refuse the trial and return to the witch|Return to Witch]]
Each path promises a unique challenge, testing your resolve, wisdom, and strength. The outcome of your agreement with the witch hinges on your decision.
You hand over the Blue Emerald to the witch. She smiles, her eyes gleaming with satisfaction.
<div class="passage-image-container">
<img src="images/events/witch.png" alt="mamacita">
"Thank you," she says. "In return, I ask two simple favors. Deep within the forest lies a hidden grove. Retrieve a rare herb for me, and I shall grant you access to the hidden paths of this land, if you succeed I'll tell you the second favor."
<<set $inventory.delete("Blue Emerald")>>
<<set $witchFavorAccepted to true>>
[[Agree to retrieve the herb|Hidden Grove]]You refuse to hand over the Blue Emerald. The witch's expression darkens, and a chilling wind sweeps through the cave.
<div class="passage-image-container">
<img src="images/witchbadend.png" alt="A foreboding image of the witch signifying your demise">
"Very well," she hisses. "You have sealed your fate."
[["If you do not want to come willingly, I'll make you beg for it."]]
<div class="passage-image-container">
<img src="images/events/witchbadend1.png" alt="A foreboding image of the witch signifying your demise">
This is how your journey ends, as a toy for a powerful witch.
<<if $statuePuzzleAttempts is undefined>>
<<set $statuePuzzleAttempts to 0>>
<<set $statuePuzzleAttempts += 1>>
<<if $statuePuzzleAttempts > 2>>
You have attempted the puzzle multiple times without success. As frustration mounts, the forest's magic overwhelms you, leading to your untimely demise.
**The End**
<div class="passage-image-container">
<img src="images/mood/riddle.webp" alt="Three ancient statues: a dragon, a phoenix, and a tortoise">
You enter a serene clearing where three ancient statues stand in a row, each depicting a mythical creature: a dragon, a phoenix, and a tortoise. At the base of each statue is an inscription:
1. "The dragon does not stand beside the phoenix."
2. "The tortoise is to the left of the dragon."
3. "The phoenix stands between the dragon and the tortoise."
To proceed, you must determine the correct order to activate the statues.
Choose the order to activate the statues:
- [[Dragon, Tortoise, Phoenix|Check Order]]
- [[Phoenix, Dragon, Tortoise|Check Order]]
- [[Tortoise, Dragon, Phoenix|Check Order]]
- [[Tortoise, Phoenix, Dragon|Pass left Trial]]
- [[Dragon, Phoenix, Tortoise|Check Order]]
- [[Phoenix, Tortoise, Dragon|Check Order]]
<<set $selectedOrder to "">>
<div class="passage-image-container">
<img src="images/events/oldman.png" alt="An old man sitting on a tree stump in the forest">
As you traverse the middle path, the dense forest suddenly opens into a small clearing. There, perched upon a weathered tree stump, sits an old man with a long, silver beard and twinkling eyes. He hums a tune, seemingly at peace amidst the wild surroundings.
Concerned for his safety, you approach and ask, "What brings you to this perilous part of the forest? It's known to be dangerous."
The old man chuckles warmly. "Ah, young one, I've roamed these woods longer than you've been alive. Danger and I are well acquainted."
He leans forward, a mischievous glint in his eye. "Tell you what, let's make things interesting. I'll present you with a challenge. Succeed, and you may return to the spirits, declaring this trial complete. Fail, and... well, let's not dwell on that."
Do you accept the old man's challenge?
- [[Yes, accept the challenge|Old Man's Challenge]]
- [[No, decline and continue on your way|Decline Challenge]]
You decline the trial, choosing to return to the witch empty-handed. As you retrace your steps through the forest, an unsettling silence envelops you. Upon reaching the witch's cabin, her eyes narrow as she notices your empty hands.
"You dare return without the herb?" she hisses, you think she might be angry. "I warned you of the consequences."
<div class="passage-image-container">
<img src="images/events/witchbadend.png" alt="A foreboding image of the witch signifying your demise">
"Very well," she hisses. "You have sealed your fate."
[["If you do not want to come willingly, I'll make you beg for it."]]
<<if $selectedOrder == "Tortoise, Phoenix, Dragon">>
As you activate the statues in the order of Tortoise, Phoenix, and Dragon, a soft rumble resonates through the clearing. The ground before you opens, revealing the rare herb the witch desires. You carefully collect it and prepare to return.
[[Return to the Witch|Return to Witch]]
You activate the statues in the order of <<print $selectedOrder>>. A moment passes, but nothing happens. It seems the order is incorrect. Perhaps you should reconsider the inscriptions.
[[Try Again|Left Path Trial]]
As you activate the statues in the correct order—**Tortoise, Phoenix, Dragon**—a deep rumbling echoes through the grove. The statues shimmer with an ancient light, and from the earth beneath them, a single, glowing leaf emerges. The spirits of the grove watch you in silence, their forms flickering like candlelight.
"You have proven yourself," the lead spirit intones. "Take this gift and remember the balance of the forest."
<div class="passage-image-container">
<img src="images/mood/herb.webp" alt="A glowing herb resting in your hands">
You carefully pluck the leaf and feel a surge of energy course through your fingertips. Though it is but a fragment of the full herb, it radiates immense magical power. [[You bow in respect and begin your journey back to the witch|Witch Be Good.]]
As you leave the witch's hut, the forest path ahead narrows,
<div class="passage-image-container">
<img src="images/mood/goblin warning.webp" alt=" fuck.">
After a short walk, you come across a weathered wooden sign staked into the earth. In bold, black letters, it reads: "DANGER: PESKY GOBLIN AHEAD."
"Fucking great." You mumble to yourself.
The warning is clear, but you don't really have a choice but to enter his domain.
[[Proceed cautiously along the path|Introduction Dungeon]]<div class="passage-image-container">
<img src="images/events/oldmanlaughing.png" alt="The old man grinning mischievously">
The old man's eyes twinkle with mischief as he strokes his beard thoughtfully. "I see a spark of determination in you," he says. "I'll give you a choice: test your wits against a riddle or your strength in combat. Choose wisely."
How do you wish to proceed?
- [[Solve the riddle|Solve the Riddle]]
- [[Engage in combat|Engage in Combat]]You decline the trial, choosing to return to the witch empty-handed. As you retrace your steps through the forest, an unsettling silence envelops you. Upon reaching the witch's cabin, her eyes narrow as she notices your empty hands.
"You dare return without the herb?" she hisses, her voice filled with anger. "I warned you of the consequences."
<div class="passage-image-container">
<img src="images/events/witchbadend.png" alt="A foreboding image of the witch signifying your demise">
"Very well," she hisses. "You have sealed your fate."
[["If you do not want to come willingly, I'll make you beg for it."]]
<div class="passage-image-container">
<img src="images/events/oldman.png" alt="The old man pondering a riddle">
The old man smiles and says, "Very well. Answer me this:
"I speak without a mouth and hear without ears. I have no body, but I come alive with wind. What am I?"
**What is your answer?**
- [[An Echo|Riddle Correct]]
- [[A Whisper|Riddle Incorrect]]
- [[A Shadow|Riddle Incorrect]]
The old man's demeanor shifts as he rises from the stump, revealing a hidden strength. "Prepare yourself," he warns.
What will you do?
- [[Attack with your sword|Bad2 Outcome]]
- [[Defend and observe|Combat Outcome]]
- [[Attempt to disarm him|Bad Outcome]]"Very well," he says. "You've demonstrated patience and wisdom. As promised, here is a fragment of the sacred herb."
He hands you a shimmering piece of the herb.
<div class="passage-image-container">
<img src="images/mood/herb.webp" alt="A glowing herb resting in your hands">
<<set $inventory.push({
name: "Sacred Herb Fragment",
description: "A luminous piece of the sacred herb, pulsating with magical energy."
[[Return to the witch|Witch Be Good.]]
The old man's eyes gleam with a sinister light as he leans closer. "Incorrect," he murmurs, his voice dripping with malevolence. "As per our agreement, your soul is now mine to claim, I always wanted to start a family."
<div class="passage-image-container">
<img src="images/events/oldmanbadend1.png" alt="The old man capturing your soul">
A chill runs down your spine. Panic surges through you, and without a second thought, you turn on your heel and sprint towards the dense forest. The trees blur past as you push yourself to run faster than ever before.
But it's futile.
In a heartbeat, the old man materializes before you, blocking your escape. His speed is inhuman, his presence overwhelming. He raises a hand, and an invisible force grips you, lifting you off the ground.
[["There's no running from fate,"]] he whispers.
Well, atleast you're not dead, right?
<div class="passage-image-container">
<img src="images/events/pregnant.png" alt="preggy">
<div class="passage-image-container">
<img src="images/events/oldmancombat.png" alt="The old man ready for combat">
You take a defensive stance, carefully observing the old man's movements. He circles you, a hint of a smile on his lips. "Interesting choice," he murmurs. After a tense moment, he lowers his guard.
"Very well," he says. "You've demonstrated patience and wisdom. As promised, here is a fragment of the sacred herb."
He hands you a shimmering piece of the herb.
<<set $inventory.push({
name: "Sacred Herb Fragment",
description: "A luminous piece of the sacred herb, pulsating with magical energy."
[[Return to the witch|Witch Be Good.]]
You lunge forward, attempting to disarm the old man. Anticipating your move, he deftly counters, twisting your arm and forcing you to the ground.
<div class="passage-image-container">
<img src="images/events/oldmandefeated.png" alt="The old man countering your disarm attempt">
"Now for my prize" the old man chuckles
<div class="passage-image-container">
<img src="images/events/combatlose.png" alt="The old man countering your disarm attempt">
[["I always wanted to start a family."|"There's no running from fate,"]]
<div class="passage-image-container">
<img src="images/mood/witchhut.webp" alt="A glowing herb resting in your hands">
After a long trek through the thick forest, you finally arrive at the witch’s secluded cabin. The air is heavy with the scent of burnt herbs and candle wax. She sits at her table, her sharp gaze locking onto you the moment you enter.
"Ah... you return," she says with a knowing smirk. "And you've brought what I asked for?"
You nod and present the sacred leaf. The witch’s fingers dance over its surface, her expression unreadable.
"A fragment, but potent nonetheless. You have done well. Now for the second favor."
The Witch walks over to you and blows something in your face.
[[You don't remember much of the ordeal, only that you liked it... |" A fragment, but potent nonetheless. You have done well. Now for the second favor."]]
<div class="passage-image-container">
<img src="images/events/favor0.png" alt=" nice.">
You charge forward, swinging your sword with all your might. The old man's reflexes are astonishing; he sidesteps your attack effortlessly and delivers a swift counterstrike.
Pain surges through you as darkness envelops your vision.
**The End**You can only remember glimpses of the night before but you're not one to complain.
<div class="passage-image-container">
<img src="images/events/favor1.png" alt=" nice.">
When you wake up the witch gestures toward a hidden door at the back of the cabin.
"Deep in these woods, there's a treasure hidden, guarded by a sly goblin who claims it's his territory . The story goes that the one who claims the treasure get's to make a wish, but every adventurer I sent into the forest strangely never returns... "
She hands you a worn-out map and pushes you out the door. "Well off with ye now, goodluck!
<<set $newAreaUnlocked to true>>
Before you can even react,
[[The door shuts behind you|Hidden Paths]]
<div class="passage-image-container">
<img src="images/mood/springs.png" alt="fuck.">
The warmth and steam enveloping you as you step into this hidden grotto is immediately comforting. The water bubbles and churns and crystals hang from the ceiling.
<<if $pickedUpTorch is false>>
You see something glowing in the corner.
[[Take the torch]]
[[Go East towards a glade...|Gobbledick Glade]]
[[Go South towards a jungle...|Jizz Jungle]]<div class="passage-image-container">
<img src="images/mood/glade.png" alt="fuck.">
Upon entering, you're greeted by a large, moss-covered boulder in the center of the glade. It's clear that this spot has seen some heavy use, with various... remnants scattered about.
<<if $grimlerlvl == 1>>
As you're exploring a grove filled with luminescent plants, you hear Grimler's laughter echoing around you. Suddenly, a shower of glowing cum rains down from above, coating your body in its warm, sticky embrace. You gasp at the sudden contact, feeling an immediate surge of heat between your legs. "That's just a taste, darling," Grimler's voice taunts you from the shadows.
<div class="passage-image-container">
<img src="images/events/cumshower.png" alt="mamacita">
<<set $grimlerTestDone to true>>
[[Go East towards a hill...|Hump Hill]]
[[Go South towards big fungi...?|Mushroom Mound]]
[[Go West towards some springs...|Splooge Springs]]<div class="passage-image-container">
<img src="images/mood/Tavern.png" alt="fuck.">
This dimly-lit den is filled with strange, writhing creatures and even stranger noises. The air is thick with a mix of musk and... something else, something you can't quite put your finger on.
<<if $grimlerlvl == 5>>
You stumble upon a tavern where several tentacles are engaged in a wild orgy. Before you can react, Grimler appears behind you, pushing you forward into the writhing mass of tentacles.
"Come on, don't be shy," he yell as the tentacles thrusts into you from all sides, filling you with cum.
<div class="passage-image-container">
<img src="images/events/tentacletrap.png" alt="fuck.">
<<set $tentacletrap to true>>
[[Go North towards a hill...|Hump Hill]]
[[Go South towards a cabin...|Cumfort Cabin]]
[[Go West towards some fungi...?|Mushroom Mound]]<div class="passage-image-container">
<img src="images/mood/mushroom.png" alt="fuck.">
The mushrooms here are enormous, their caps casting dappled shadows on the forest floor. As you move deeper into the mound, you notice an unusual sheen on some of the fungi, like they've been... seasoned.
It's pretty dark here...
<<if $key is false and $pickedUpTorch is true>>
You see something glistening under a mushroom.
[[Pick up the key]]
<<if $key is true>>You already have the key.<</if>>
<<if $torch is false>>You can't see well without a light.<</if>>
[[Go North towards some sort of glade...|Gobbledick Glade]]
[[Go East towards a tavern...|Tentacle Tavern]]
[[Go South towards a shrine...|Semen Shrine]]
[[Go West towards a jungle...|Jizz Jungle]]<div class="passage-image-container">
<img src="images/mood/jungle.png" alt="fuck.">
This dense thicket is alive with activity. Not just wildlife, but also... other activities. The trees are sticky to the touch, and there's a distinct smell hanging in the air that makes your stomach churn (in a good way).
<<if $grimlerlvl == 3>>
While walking through a dense thicket, vines suddenly snake out, wrapping around your limbs and pulling you down to the ground.
<div class="passage-image-container">
<img src="images/events/jungle1.png" alt="fuck.">
Grimler's face appears above you, his eyes gleaming wickedly. "Looks like the forest wants some fun too," he says as positions himself below you.
<div class="passage-image-container">
<img src="images/events/jungle2.png" alt="fuck.">
The vines tighten around your body, holding you in place as Grimler fucks you, filling you with more of his addictive cum.
<div class="passage-image-container">
<img src="images/events/jungle3.png" alt="fuck.">
<<set $jungletrap to true>>
[[Go North towards some springs...|Splooge Springs]]
[[Go East towards some fungi...?|Mushroom Mound]]
[[Go South towards a lake...|Load Lake]]
<div class="passage-image-container">
<img src="images/mood/hill.png" alt="fuck.">
The view from the hilltop is breathtaking, but not in the way you'd expect. A large, worn-down stump sits at the peak, surrounded by evidence of many solo goblin adventures...
I think you can see the witch her bedroom from her, fucking creep.
[[Go South towards a tavern...|Tentacle Tavern]]
[[Go West towards a glade...|Gobbledick Glade]]<div class="passage-image-container">
<img src="images/mood/lake.png" alt="fuck.">
The lake itself is peaceful enough...
<<if $grimlerlvl == 5>>
<div class="passage-image-container">
<img src="images/events/grimlerlake1.png" alt="fuck.">
You're bent over, examining a peculiar rock formation when Grimler appears behind you, pressing himself against your ass. He forces entry, well, you're not exactly resisting, he's fucking you hard until you cum around him.
<div class="passage-image-container">
<img src="images/events/grimlerlake1.1.png" alt="fuck.">
"That's it my little toy"
As he pulls out, he fills your ass with his addictive cum, making you crave more of his rough treatment.
<<set $laketrap to true>>
[[Go North towards a jungle...|Jizz Jungle]]
[[Go East towards a shrine...|Semen Shrine]]<div class="passage-image-container">
<img src="images/mood/cabin.png" alt="fuck.">
The cabin is locked, looking inside you can see an impressive collection of... potions and scrolls?
<<if $scroll is false and $key is true>>
[[Go inside|Final Room]]
<<if $key is false>>The door is locked. You need a key to open it.<</if>>
[[Go North towards a tavern...|Tentacle Tavern]]
[[Go West towards a shrine...|Semen Shrine]]<div class="passage-image-container">
<img src="images/mood/shrine.png" alt="fuck.">
This ancient monument stands tall and proud among the trees. Carvings cover every surface, depicting scenes of wild abandon and unbridled passion. The very air here feels charged with energy, like it's waiting for more offerings.
[[Go North towards some fungi...?|Mushroom Mound]]
[[Go East towards a cabin...|Cumfort Cabin]]
[[Go West towards a lake...|Load Lake]]<<set $inventory to []>>
<<if tags().includes("dungeon") and random(0, 10) < 3>>
<<goto "Enemy Encounter">>
setup.updateTransformation = function() {
// Function disabled
As you venture deeper into the woods, the trees grow denser, and the sunlight begins to fade.
You hear rustling in the bushes ahead, and suddenly, A goblin with a grin, appears before you.
<div class="passage-image-container">
<img src="images/events/grimlerintro.png" alt=" fuck.">
"Well, well, another human pet," he cackles, his eyes gleaming with curiosity as he looks you up and down. "The witch never disappoints."
He snaps his fingers, and suddenly, your clothes begin to fade away, leaving you standing naked in the forest.
<div class="passage-image-container">
<img src="images/events/heronaked1.png" alt=" fuck.">
[["What the fuck"|"Peace offering?"]]Grimler licks his lips hungrily as he takes in your curvaceous form. "Hmph," he grunts, clearly unimpressed. "You're almost too perfect already. Where's the fun in that? I want to be the one who changes you."
With another snap of his fingers, your body begins to transform. Your once ample breasts shrink until they're barely more than puffy nipples, and your round ass deflates like a punctured balloon
<div class="passage-image-container">
<img src="images/events/heronaked2.png" alt=" fuck.">
<<dropall $backpack>>
"There," Grimler says, satisfied with his handiwork. [["Now you're ready for some real fun."]]
<<pickup $backpack "Magic Sword" 1>>
(Your inventory has been emptied)
<<if $gamePhase == 2>>
<<if $grimlerlvl == 0>>
<<set $grimlerlvl to 1>> <!-- Activate grimlerlvl -->
<!-- Other gamePhase 2 related code can go here -->
<<if $gamePhase == 2>>
<<set $grimlerlvl++>>
<<if $grimlerlvl > 10>>
<<set $grimlerlvl = 10>> <!-- Cap the grimlerlvl at 10 -->
<<dropall $backpack>>
"What in the actual fuck is happening here?" you demand, your hands instinctively covering your now small breasts and flat ass. You glare at Grimler, anger flashing in your eyes.
<div class="passage-image-container">
<img src="images/events/grimlaughing.png" alt=" fuck.">
Grimler chuckles at your outburst, leaning back against a nearby tree with his arms crossed. "Oh, feisty one, aren't ya? Alright, I'll play nice," he says, a wicked grin never leaving his face.
"See, the old crone sends me humans like you from time to time. In exchange for not turning her into my personal cumdumpster, she feeds me fresh meat that's you, darling."
He winks at you, running his tongue over his sharp teeth.
[["The witch knows goblins are immune to human magic so she really doesn't have a choice to be honest..."]]"You know what's boring? This damn forest. And you know what I haven't had in ages?" He steps closer to you, his hot breath on your face. "A good fuck."
He runs a rough finger along your jawline, making you shiver. "Here's the game, darling.
You try to find treasure, I know there's plenty hidden 'round here. But while you're busy with that, I'm going to try to seduce you."
His grin widens, revealing his sharp teeth.
"If you can resist my charms and find the treasure first, you win. But if I turn you into my ultimate toy before you reach it..."
He leans in closer. "...then you're mine."
He chuckles, stepping back. [["Sound like fun?"]]<<set $gamePhase to 2>>
At least he's giving you a chance, you think to yourself.
"Fine," you grit out through clenched teeth. "I'll play your game, but know this, goblin: I won't go down without a fight."
Just as you're about to start searching for the treasure, Grimler cackles loudly, "Oh, almost forgot one thing!" He winks at you: "Magical goblins like me have some... special cum, but I am sure you're gonna find out soon enough."
With that, he yells, "LET THE GAMES BEGIN!" and disappears into the woods, leaving behind a golden bikini set.
<div class="passage-image-container">
<img src="images/events/gone.png" alt="fuck.">
[[You really don't want to walk through the forest naked, so you hesitantly pull the bikini on and start your quest|Gobbledick Glade]]
<<set $gamePhase to 2>>
<<if tags().includes("dungeon")>>
<<set $lastDungeonPassage to passage()>> <!-- Store the current passage name -->
<<if Math.random() < 0.00001>> <!-- 10% chance -->
<<goto "Enemy Encounter">>
<</if>><div class="passage-image-container">
<img src="images/events/grimlerask.png" alt="Mysterious Figure">
<<set _questions = [
question: "What is the capital of France?",
correct: ["Paris", "The City of Light", "Paris, France", "Capital of France", "French capital"],
options: ["London", "Rome", "Berlin", "Madrid"]
question: "What is 2 + 2?",
correct: ["4", "Four", "2 plus 2 equals 4", "The sum of 2 and 2", "Four (4)"],
options: ["3", "5", "6", "7"]
question: "What color do you get by mixing red and blue?",
correct: ["Purple", "Violet", "Lavender", "Mauve", "Plum"],
options: ["Green", "Orange", "Brown", "Pink"]
<<set _currentQuestion = _questions.random()>>
<<set _allAnswers = _currentQuestion.correct.concat(_currentQuestion.options).shuffle()>>
The mysterious figure asks, "<<print _currentQuestion.question>>"
<<for _answer range _allAnswers>>
<<if _currentQuestion.correct.includes(_answer)>>
<<link _answer>>
<<set $answeredCorrectly to true>>
<<goto "Correct Answer">>
<<link _answer>>
<<set $answeredCorrectly to false>>
<<goto "Incorrect Answer">>
<div class="passage-image-container">
<img src="images/events/grimlerangry.png" alt="fuck.">
The goblin nods angrily in approval and lets you pass unscathed.
<<link "Continue">>
<<include "Return to Dungeon">>
<</link>><div class="passage-image-container">
<img src="images/events/grimlercurse.png" alt="fuck.">
The goblin frowns and utters a curse. You feel a strange change overcoming you.
<<set $grimlerlvl++>>
<<if $grimlerlvl > 10>>
<<set $grimlerlvl = 10>> <!-- Cap the grimlerlvl at 10 -->
<<switch $grimlerlvl>>
<<case 2>>
<<goto "Grimler Level 2 Event">>
<<case 4>>
<<goto "Grimler Level 4 Event">>
<<case 6>>
<<goto "Grimler Level 6 Event">>
<<case 8>>
<<goto "Grimler Level 8 Event">>
<<case 10>>
<<goto "Grimler Level 10 Event">>
<<link "Continue">>
<<include "Return to Dungeon">>
<<switch $transformationLevel>>
<<case 1>>
Your body grows in all the wrong ways... Why does it always have to be sexual...
<<case 2>>
You're kinda hot.
<<case 3>>
You're gonna kill this little goblin.
<<case 4>>
Okay maybe this isn't so bad....
<<case 5>>
Owh my gawd!
<<goto "Next Dungeon Passage">>
<<if $lastDungeonPassage>>
<<goto $lastDungeonPassage>>
You continue your journey through the dungeon...
<</if>><<if $lastDungeonPassage>>
<<goto $lastDungeonPassage>>
You continue your journey through the dungeon...
You're following a faint path deeper into the forest when Grimler appears behind you, his hands reaching around to cup your small breasts. "You know what would look great right now?" he growls in your ear. Before you can protest, he snaps his fingers.
<div class="passage-image-container">
<img src="images/events/grimlerevent1.png" alt="fuck.">
Your once petite breasts begin to swell and expand, growing larger and heavier until they're spilling out of your hands. Your nipples harden into stiff peaks as Grimler forces you onto your knees, feeding you his cock dripping with cum. "Suck it up, slut," he commands, making you gag as you try to accommodate both his length and the addictive substance.
<div class="passage-image-container">
<img src="images/events/grimlerevent1.1.png" alt="fuck.">
<<link "Continue">>
<<include "Return to Dungeon">>
<</link>>You stumble upon an ancient artifact half-buried in the ground but before you can claim your prize, Grimler pops up beside you, his eyes locked onto your flat ass. "I think we need a little more meat there," he says with a leer.
<div class="passage-image-container">
<img src="images/events/grimlerevent2.png" alt="fuck.">
With another snap of his fingers, your ass begins to inflate like a balloon, growing rounder and fuller until it's rubbing against itself when you walk. Grimler then pushes you over his knee, spanking your new, ample behind while forcing his fingers into your dripping pussy, coating them with your juices mixed with his addictive cum.
<div class="passage-image-container">
<img src="images/events/grimlerevent2.2.png" alt="fuck.">
<<link "Continue">>
<<include "Return to Dungeon">>
<</link>>You're examining a mysterious magical item when Grimler appears in front of you, his eyes locked onto your lips. "Now those are perfect for something," he says, snapping his fingers again.
<div class="passage-image-container">
<img src="images/events/grimlerevent3.1.png" alt="fuck.">
Your lips begin to swell and plump up until they're like pillowy cushions. Before you can protest, Grimler grabs your face, shoving his tongue into your mouth and feeding you his cum-laden saliva. You struggle at first but soon find yourself eagerly sucking on his tongue, hungry for more of the addictive substance.
<div class="passage-image-container">
<img src="images/events/grimlerevent3.png" alt="fuck.">
"Oh and you won't be needing this any more" Grimler says as he tears your bikini away before dissappearing into the forest again.
<<link "Continue">>
<<include "Return to Dungeon">>
<</link>>You're chasing after a glinting treasure when Grimler appears again, this time with a sinister smile. "You need to learn how to suck properly," he says, snapping his fingers once more.
<div class="passage-image-container">
<img src="images/events/grimlerevent4.png" alt="fuck.">
Your lips expand, growing even larger.. As you struggle to catch your breath, Grimler forces you onto all fours, pushing his cock into your mouth and fucking it like a throaty pussy.
<div class="passage-image-container">
<img src="images/events/grimlerevent4.1.png" alt="fuck.">
With each thrust you can taste the drops of his pre-cum, making you crave the sensation of being filled – both literally and figuratively.
<<link "Continue">>
<<include "Return to Dungeon">>
<</link>>You've been chasing Grimler's laughter through the forest for what feels like hours, each encounter leaving you more addicted and desperate for his cum. Your body aches with need, your pussy throbbing in time with your heartbeat.
<div class="passage-image-container">
<img src="images/events/grimlerevent5.png" alt="fuck.">
As you stumble into a clearing illuminated by ethereal moonlight, you find Grimler waiting for you, his cock already hard and leaking pre-cum. He smirks at you, his eyes gleaming with lust and triumph. "Took you long enough," he taunts.
You try to hold onto your resolve, but it's like trying to stop a raging river with a twig. Your body betrays you, stepping closer to Grimler, your hips swaying in invitation. You can smell his cum, the intoxicating scent making your head swim and your knees weak.
Grimler steps towards you, his hand wrapping around your throat possessively. "Beg for it," he growls, his voice rough with desire. "Beg me to fill you up."
<div class="passage-image-container">
<img src="images/events/grimlerevent5.1.png" alt="fuck.">
Your pride shatters like glass at his words. You can't deny the need any longer. You look into his eyes, pleading. "Please, Grimler... please fill me up. I... I need your cum. I'm so empty... so fucking hungry for it..."
A wicked grin spreads across his face. "That's my good little slut," he purrs before claiming your mouth in a brutal kiss. As he pushes you to the ground and forces his way inside you, you scream out your final thought before desire consumes you completely: "Fuck me, Grimler! Fill me up with your delicious cum!"
<div class="passage-image-container">
<img src="images/events/grimlerevent5.2.png" alt="fuck.">
You've lost.
*END*Grimler finds you examining a beautiful flower and pins you to the ground, fucking you hard until he fills your pussy with his addictive cum. He then wipes some of it off your thigh and forces you to lick it clean, making you crave more.
<<link "Continue">>
<<include "Return to Dungeon">>
<div class="passage-image-container">
<img src="images/events/grimlerlake1.png" alt="fuck.">
You're bent over, examining a peculiar rock formation when Grimler appears behind you, pressing himself against your ass. He forces entry, well, you're not exactly resisting, he's fucking you hard until you cum around him.
<div class="passage-image-container">
<img src="images/events/grimlerlake2.png" alt="fuck.">
"That's it my little toy"
As he pulls out, he fills your ass with his addictive cum, making you crave more of his rough treatment.
<<link "Continue">>
<<include "Return to Dungeon">>
Your Current Appearance:
<div class="passage-image-container">
<<if $gamePhase == 1>> <!-- First part of the game -->
<<if $transformationLocked>>
<img src="images/hero/tat1.png" alt="Your final, unchangeable transformation">
<<if $upperBodyStage == 0>>
<img src="images/hero/hero_base.png" alt="Your normal upper body">
<<elseif $upperBodyStage == 1>>
<img src="images/hero/hero_1.png" alt="Your breasts feel slightly bigger">
<<elseif $upperBodyStage == 2>>
<img src="images/hero/hero_2.png" alt="They are becoming pretty heavy...">
<<elseif $upperBodyStage == 3>>
<img src="images/hero/hero_3.png" alt="Okay, this is getting insane">
<<elseif $upperBodyStage == 4>>
<img src="images/hero/hero_4.png" alt="You are permanently slowed">
<<if $lowerBodyStage == 0>>
<img src="images/hero/heroass_base.png" alt="Your normal lower body">
<<elseif $lowerBodyStage == 1>>
<img src="images/hero/heroass_1.png" alt="Your legs feel a bit wider">
<<elseif $lowerBodyStage == 2>>
<img src="images/hero/heroass_2.png" alt="Your thighs and calves are more defined">
<<elseif $lowerBodyStage == 3>>
<img src="images/hero/heroass_3.png" alt="Your legs are longer and more muscular">
<<elseif $lowerBodyStage == 4>>
<img src="images/hero/heroass_4.png" alt="Your lower body has transformed significantly">
<<elseif $gamePhase == 2>> <!-- Second part of the game -->
<<if $grimlerlvl == 1>>
<img src="images/hero/grimler1.png" alt="Grimler level 1">
<img src="images/hero/grimlera.png" alt="Grimler level 1 additional image">
<<elseif $grimlerlvl == 2>>
<img src="images/hero/grimler2.png" alt="Grimler level 2">
<img src="images/hero/grimlerb.png" alt="Grimler level 2 additional image">
<<elseif $grimlerlvl == 3>>
<img src="images/hero/grimler3.png" alt="Grimler level 3">
<img src="images/hero/grimlerc.png" alt="Grimler level 3 additional image">
<<elseif $grimlerlvl == 4>>
<img src="images/hero/grimler4.png" alt="Grimler level 4">
<img src="images/hero/grimlerd.png" alt="Grimler level 4 additional image">
<<elseif $grimlerlvl == 5>>
<img src="images/hero/grimler5.png" alt="Grimler level 5">
<img src="images/hero/grimlere.png" alt="Grimler level 5 additional image">
<<elseif $grimlerlvl == 6>>
<img src="images/hero/grimler6.png" alt="Grimler level 6">
<img src="images/hero/grimlerf.png" alt="Grimler level 6 additional image">
<<elseif $grimlerlvl == 7>>
<img src="images/hero/grimler7.png" alt="Grimler level 7">
<img src="images/hero/grimlerg.png" alt="Grimler level 7 additional image">
<<elseif $grimlerlvl == 8>>
<img src="images/hero/grimler8.png" alt="Grimler level 8">
<img src="images/hero/grimlerh.png" alt="Grimler level 8 additional image">
<<elseif $grimlerlvl == 9>>
<img src="images/hero/grimler9.png" alt="Grimler level 9">
<img src="images/hero/grimleri.png" alt="Grimler level 9 additional image">
<<elseif $grimlerlvl == 10>>
<img src="images/hero/grimler10.png" alt="Grimler level 10">
<img src="images/hero/grimlerj.png" alt="Grimler level 10 additional image">
<img src="images/hero/grimler_default.png" alt="Default Grimler appearance">
<<if $gamePhase == 2>>
<p>Your current Grimler level is: $grimlerlvl</p>
<<return "Go Back">>
<<pickup $backpack "Torch" 1>>
<<set $pickedUpTorch to true>>
You picked up the torch! Now you can see in the dark.
[[Go back|Splooge Springs]]
<<set $key to true>>You picked up the key! It might unlock something important.
<<pickup $backpack "Key" 1>>
[[Go back|Mushroom Mound]]As you push open the creaky door to Grimler's cabin, the familiar scent of his cum hits you like a physical force. It's overwhelming, filling your nostrils and coating your tongue with its sweet, addictive taste. You can feel your body responding instantly, your pussy throbbing in anticipation as you step inside.
The cabin is dimly lit, with flickering candles casting long shadows across the cluttered room. An ancient, worn-out table sits in the center, covered with strange ingredients and an open scroll detailing a potion's recipe for ultimate power.
[[You approach it, eager to claim your prize and end this game once and for all.]]
<<if $grimlerlvl >= 8>>
As you gather the necessary components, powders, herbs, and a vial of mysterious liquid, you hear footsteps behind you. You turn around to find Grimler standing in the doorway, his cock already hard and leaking pre-cum. He smirks at you.
<div class="passage-image-container">
<img src="images/events/dungeon/lose/lose.png" alt="">
"Well, well, look what we have here," he says, stalking towards you like a predator closing in on its prey. "You've found my little secret. But I must say, darling, you're looking a bit too focused for my liking."
He reaches out, running a rough hand along your arm, making you shiver. His touch feels electric, sending jolts of pleasure straight to your core. You can feel the addictive aphrodisiac in his cum already working its magic on you.
<div class="passage-image-container">
<img src="images/events/dungeon/lose/lose (2).png" alt="">
"I think it's time for a little break, don't you?" he murmurs, pressing his body against yours from behind. His hands snake around your waist, pulling you tighter against him. You can feel his cock throbbing against your ass, leaving trails of pre-cum on your skin.
<div class="passage-image-container">
<img src="images/events/dungeon/lose/lose (3).png" alt="">
"What do you say, hmm? Should we put that potion aside for now and have a little fun first?" he growls in your ear.
[[You really can't refuse him.]]
As you finish crafting the potion according to the scroll's instructions, you down the contents of the vial.
<<if $grimlerlvl > 4 >>
<div class="passage-image-container">
<img src="images/events/dungeon/win/small win (3).png" alt="">
<div class="passage-image-container">
<img src="images/events/dungeon/win/small win (4).png" alt="">
<<elseif $grimlerlvl < 4>>
<div class="passage-image-container">
<img src="images/events/dungeon/win/bigwin (1).png" alt="">
Your body begins to change, muscles growing more defined, your hips widening slightly, and between your legs, a new, throbbing appendage appears, a cock that matches Grimler's in size and girth.
<div class="passage-image-container">
<img src="images/events/dungeon/win/smallwin (1).png" alt="fuck">
You grow taller, your hair darkening and lengthening, your breasts remaining firm but now balanced by your new masculine attribute. Your mind is filled with a newfound power, and you can feel the magic coursing through your veins.
<div class="passage-image-container">
<img src="images/events/dungeon/win/futa.png" alt="">
Grimler bursts into the cabin, his eyes wide with fear as he takes in your transformation. "What have you done?!" he screams, turning to flee.
<div class="passage-image-container">
<img src="images/events/dungeon/win/grimler (2).png" alt="fuck.">
[[It's time for some payback.]]
As the months turn into years, you find yourself irrevocably bound to Grimler's will, a willing slave to his every whim and desire. The potion that was meant to grant you power lies forgotten and gathering dust on the table in his cabin, a constant reminder of your failure.
Your days are filled with endless pleasure and depravity as Grimler keeps you well-satisfied and addicted to his cum.
<div class="passage-image-container">
<img src="images/events/dungeon/lose/lose (6).png" alt="">
You spend countless hours on your knees before him, taking his cock deep into your throat until he fills your mouth with his hot, sticky release. Sometimes, he'll force you to swallow it all at once, other times he'll make you savor it slowly, letting it drip down your chin and onto your breasts.
He keeps you naked and collared, a constant reminder of your status as his plaything.
<div class="passage-image-container">
<img src="images/events/dungeon/lose/lose (4).png" alt="">
And you wouldn't have it any other way.
<div class="passage-image-container">
<img src="images/events/dungeon/lose/lose (5).png" alt="">
BAD END: Grimlers PlaythingYou chase Grimler into the heart of the enchanted forest, your new cock throbbing with lust as you hunt him down like prey. He's fast, but you're faster now.
You grab him by the throat "please," he begs, but you have no mercy.
<div class="passage-image-container">
<img src="images/events/dungeon/win/grimler (3).png" alt="">
You throw him to the ground, his back hitting the soft moss beneath him. His eyes widen in terror as he sees your massive erection hovering above him.
<div class="passage-image-container">
<img src="images/events/dungeon/win/grimler (4).png" alt="">
<div class="passage-image-container">
<img src="images/events/dungeon/win/grimler (5).png" alt="">
You push him down, forcing his legs apart, and plunge into him without hesitation.
<div class="passage-image-container">
<img src="images/events/dungeon/win/grimler (6).png" alt="">
He screams, but his cries are drowned out by the sound of flesh slapping against flesh as you pound into him relentlessly. His body struggles to accommodate your size, but you're merciless.
<div class="passage-image-container">
<img src="images/events/dungeon/win/grimler (7).png" alt="">
Grimler claws at the ground, trying to escape, but there's nowhere for him to go.
You continue to fuck him even after he passes out, marking your territory and claiming what is now yours.
<div class="passage-image-container">
<img src="images/events/dungeon/win/grimler (8).png" alt="">
Finally, with a roar, you cum deep inside him, filling him with your seed before collapsing atop his unconscious body.
The day has turned into night and you think to yourself [[it's time to visit your dear old witch friend...]]As the moon takes its place in the sky, you make your way towards the witch's cabin. The scent of herbs and magic fills the air as you approach, the dim light spilling from the windows painting a inviting glow on the wooden exterior.
You push open the door.
<div class="passage-image-container">
<img src="images/events/dungeon/witch/witch (1).png" alt="">
Finding the witch asleep on her bed, still clad in her black robes.
<div class="passage-image-container">
<img src="images/events/dungeon/witch/witch (2).png" alt="">
Your new cock stirs at the sight of her, eager for release after the intense encounter with Grimler.
You stealthily approach the witch's bedside, your heart pounding with excitement. In one swift motion, you tear a hole in her robe, revealing the smooth, pale skin of her ass.
<div class="passage-image-container">
<img src="images/events/dungeon/witch/witch (3).png" alt="">
She stirs slightly but remains asleep as you pin her arms above her head, holding her captive.
<div class="passage-image-container">
<img src="images/events/dungeon/witch/witch (4).png" alt="">
Your throbbing cock finds its way to her entrance, and without waiting, you push into her warmth.
<div class="passage-image-container">
<img src="images/events/dungeon/witch/witch (5).png" alt="">
She gasps awake at the sudden intrusion, but you muffle her cries with your by pushing her into the pillow, fucking her hard until she's filled with your hot seed.
<div class="passage-image-container">
<img src="images/events/dungeon/witch/witch (6).png" alt="">
<img src="images/events/dungeon/witch/witch (7).png" alt="">
<img src="images/events/dungeon/witch/witch (8).png" alt="">
<img src="images/events/dungeon/witch/witch (9).png" alt="">
<img src="images/events/dungeon/witch/witch (10).png" alt="">
You're far from finished. You pull out from her ass, leaving a trail of cum in your wake, and flip her onto her back.
<div class="passage-image-container">
<img src="images/events/dungeon/witch/witch (11).png" alt="">
You rip open her robe further exposing her generous tits to the cool night air.
<div class="passage-image-container">
<img src="images/events/dungeon/witch/witch (12).png" alt="">
You press your cock between them, fucking her cleavage as she struggles beneath you.
<div class="passage-image-container">
<img src="images/events/dungeon/witch/witch (13).png" alt="">
The night goes on for a long time...
<div class="passage-image-container">
<img src="images/events/dungeon/witch/witch (14).png" alt="">
<img src="images/events/dungeon/witch/witch (15).png" alt="">
<img src="images/events/dungeon/witch/witch (16).png" alt="">
<img src="images/events/dungeon/witch/witch (17).png" alt="">
<img src="images/events/dungeon/witch/witch (18).png" alt="">
You give it to her, gripping her hips as you slam into her again and again. The sound of flesh meeting flesh fills the room, mingling with her cries of pleasure-pain. You fuck her like a man possessed or rather futa possessed, driven by primal urges until your balls tighten and you cum deep inside her again.
<div class="passage-image-container">
<img src="images/events/dungeon/witch/witch (19).png" alt="">
Exhausted but satisfied, you take one last look to your humanoid jackson-pollock painting.
<div class="passage-image-container">
<img src="images/events/dungeon/witch/witch (20).png" alt="">
As you catch your breath, you realize she's passed out cold, her dreams now filled with the memory of your cock and the weight of your body on hers.
[[It's time to head out again]]As you stride towards the door, your eyes fall upon the witch's magical staff resting on a pedestals. You snatch it up, feeling the power pulsating within the ancient wood and crystal. It's yours now.
<div class="passage-image-container">
<img src="images/events/dungeon/witch/witch (21).png" alt="">
Exiting the cabin, you find yourself bathed in the golden light of dawn.
[[Your next victim awaits, the old man and his stupid riddles.]]<div class="passage-image-container">
<img src="images/events/dungeon/oldman/oldman.png" alt="">
You approach the old man, his eyes widening in fear as he takes in your powerful form and the magic staff clutched in your hand. "Please," he begs, "do not do anything... rash."
<div class="passage-image-container">
<img src="images/events/dungeon/oldman/oldman (2).png" alt="">
Ignoring his pleas, you stand tall before him, a wicked grin spreading across your face. "Riddle me this, old timer," you growl. "Who has a body made for sex and loves my cock?"
He gulps, nervously wringing his hands together. "I-I do not know what you mean..."
You scoff, raising the staff towards him. "Wrong answer." With a wave of your hand, you channel the magic through the staff, weaving an intricate spell that envelops the old man.
<div class="passage-image-container">
<img src="images/events/dungeon/oldman/oldman (3).png" alt="">
<img src="images/events/dungeon/oldman/oldman (4).png" alt="">
<img src="images/events/dungeon/oldman/oldman (5).png" alt="">
<img src="images/events/dungeon/oldman/oldman (6).png" alt="">
His body begins to change, hair lightening and growing longer until it reaches his shoulders in a cascade of platinum blonde locks. His face softens, wrinkles smoothing out as his jawline sharpens, cheeks become rosy and full, and his eyes lose their milky haze, becoming bright and blue.
<div class="passage-image-container">
<img src="images/events/dungeon/oldman/oldman (8).png" alt="">
<img src="images/events/dungeon/oldman/oldman (9).png" alt="">
<img src="images/events/dungeon/oldman/oldman (10).png" alt="">
<img src="images/events/dungeon/oldman/oldman (11).png" alt="">
<img src="images/events/dungeon/oldman/oldman (12).png" alt="">
<img src="images/events/dungeon/oldman/oldman (13).png" alt="">
<img src="images/events/dungeon/oldman/oldman (15).png" alt="">
<img src="images/events/dungeon/oldman/oldman (17).png" alt="">
<img src="images/events/dungeon/oldman/oldman (18).png" alt="">
<img src="images/events/dungeon/oldman/oldman (20).png" alt="">
<img src="images/events/dungeon/oldman/oldman (21).png" alt="">
You watch, hungry for more, as the old man's mind follows suit. His posture straightens, his movements become fluid and seductive, and when he speaks, it's with a breathy, air-headed lilt. "Oh my gosh, like, what just happened? I feel all... different inside."
<div class="passage-image-container">
<img src="images/events/dungeon/oldman/oldman (22).png" alt="">
<img src="images/events/dungeon/oldman/oldman (23).png" alt="">
<img src="images/events/dungeon/oldman/oldman (24).png" alt="">
You chuckle, closing in on him. "That's because you are, sweetheart." You run your hands over his new body, admiring the firm tits and round ass that now belong to this once-upon-a-time old man. "
[[And now, it's time for you to prove just how much you love my cock.]]You leave your transformed bimbo behind in the field, her body glistening with sweat and cum as she lies spent on the grass. With newfound power coursing through your veins, you stride towards the entrance of a nearby cave, eager for more conquests.
Inside, you find an angry orc, his massive form pacing back and forth, fists clenched at his sides. He notices your approach and turns to face you, nostrils flared. "What do you want, human?" he growls menacingly.
<div class="passage-image-container">
<img src="images/events/dungeon/orc/orc (2).png" alt="">
You smirk, raising the magic staff towards him. "I think it's time for a change." With a flick of your wrist, you cast a powerful binding spell that holds him in place, his limbs unable to move as he struggles against the invisible bonds.
<div class="passage-image-container">
<img src="images/events/dungeon/orc/orc (1).png" alt="">
His eyes widen in fear and anger, but you pay him no mind, already weaving another spell around him. His muscular form begins to shift, hips widening and waist cinching while his broad chest softens into full, round breasts. His skin darkens to a deep forest green, and his coarse black hair grows longer, flowing down his back in thick waves.
<div class="passage-image-container">
<img src="images/events/dungeon/orc/orc (3).png" alt="">
<img src="images/events/dungeon/orc/orc (5).png" alt="">
<img src="images/events/dungeon/orc/orc (6).png" alt="">
<img src="images/events/dungeon/orc/orc (7).png" alt="">
<img src="images/events/dungeon/orc/orc (8).png" alt="">
<img src="images/events/dungeon/orc/orc (9).png" alt="">
<img src="images/events/dungeon/orc/orc (10).png" alt="">
<img src="images/events/dungeon/orc/orc (11).png" alt="">
<img src="images/events/dungeon/orc/orc (12).png" alt="">
You watch, amused, as his facial features change – his heavy brow smoothing out, eyes becoming large and doe-like, and his tusks retracting until all that remains are full, plump lips. His clothes transform into a skimpy school girl outfit.
<div class="passage-image-container">
<img src="images/events/dungeon/orc/orc (13).png" alt="">
"You little... How did you...?" he stammers, confusion and disbelief warring in his voice.
<div class="passage-image-container">
<img src="images/events/dungeon/orc/orc (14).png" alt="">
You step closer, running your hands over his new body. "You're not an 'it' anymore, sweetheart," you purr. "And as for how I did it..." Your eyes meet his or rather now, her eyes,
[[I can show you]]You emerge from the cave, feeling invigorated and powerful after your latest conquest. The world around you is once again familiar.
As you venture deeper into the forest, you come across a small clearing where a lone female goblin sits.
<div class="passage-image-container">
<img src="images/events/dungeon/goblin/goblin (1).png" alt="">
She looks up as you approach, her eyes widening in surprise and fear. "W-what do you want, human?" she stutters.
You smirk, your gaze roaming over her small, lithe form. "I think that's my line," you reply.
As you approach the goblin female, you raise your staff and a magical circle appears at your feet, pulsating with power. She looks up at you, confusion and fear in her eyes.
"What are you doing?" she asks nervously.
You smile, a wicked glint in your eye. "Just having some fun." With a wave of your hand, you channel the magic through your staff
<div class="passage-image-container">
<img src="images/events/dungeon/goblin/goblin (3).png" alt="">
The goblin's body begins to expand and grow, her lithe form filling out until she is noticeably thicker around the middle.
<div class="passage-image-container">
<img src="images/events/dungeon/goblin/goblin (4).png" alt="">
Her clothing becomes tight against her new curves, stretching taut over her enlarged breasts.
<div class="passage-image-container">
<img src="images/events/dungeon/goblin/goblin (5).png" alt="">
She looks down at herself, eyes wide with surprise. "What have you done to me?" she asks, a hint of alarm in her voice.
<div class="passage-image-container">
<img src="images/events/dungeon/goblin/goblin (6).png" alt="">
[[You step closer, running your hands along her new curves. "Just making things more interesting," you reply]]
"You like that, don't you?" you growl, grabbing a handful of her new, fat ass as you thrust into her from above. She moans in response, her eyes locked onto yours as you claim her missionary style.
<div class="passage-image-container">
<img src="images/events/dungeon/goblin/goblin (7).png" alt="">
"Yesss," she hisses, wrapping her thick thighs around your waist and pulling you deeper inside of her. "Fuck me just like that, human. Make this big body feel even better."
<div class="passage-image-container">
<img src="images/events/dungeon/goblin/goblin (8).png" alt="">
You grin at her words, more than happy to oblige. You pound into her again and again, each thrust met with a delighted cry from her lips. She's enjoying every moment of it, and so are you.
<div class="passage-image-container">
<img src="images/events/dungeon/goblin/goblin (9).png" alt="">
As your orgasm approaches, you grab her thighs and drive into her one last time, groaning as your release fills her up. She cries out too, her body shuddering beneath yours as she climaxes alongside you.
<div class="passage-image-container">
<img src="images/events/dungeon/goblin/goblin (10).png" alt="">
Panting, you pull out from her and roll onto your back beside her. She turns to face you, a happy smile on her lips. "That was amazing," she says.
You chuckle and pat her on the thigh. "Glad you enjoyed it," you reply before getting up and redressing yourself. "Take care of yourself, little goblin."
<div class="passage-image-container">
<img src="images/events/dungeon/goblin/goblin (11).png" alt="">
[[With that, you leave her behind, sated and satisfied in your encounter.]]TO BE CONTINUEDYou spend the next few hours lost in a haze of lust with your newly transformed bimbo creation.
<div class="passage-image-container">
<img src="images/events/dungeon/oldman/oldsex (1).png" alt="">
<img src="images/events/dungeon/oldman/oldsex (2).png" alt="">
She eagerly takes your cock into her mouth, sucking and licking like it's the only thing she's ever wanted to do.
<div class="passage-image-container">
<img src="images/events/dungeon/oldman/oldsex (4).png" alt="">
<img src="images/events/dungeon/oldman/oldsex (5).png" alt="">
You fuck her in every position imaginable: bent over the field, missionary style on the soft grass, even propping her up against a nearby tree trunk while you pound into her from behind.
<div class="passage-image-container">
<img src="images/events/dungeon/oldman/oldsex (7).png" alt="">
<img src="images/events/dungeon/oldman/oldsex (8).png" alt="">
<img src="images/events/dungeon/oldman/oldsex (9).png" alt="">
<img src="images/events/dungeon/oldman/oldsex (10).png" alt="">
<img src="images/events/dungeon/oldman/oldsex (11).png" alt="">
<img src="images/events/dungeon/oldman/oldsex (12).png" alt="">
<img src="images/events/dungeon/oldman/oldsex (13).png" alt="">
<img src="images/events/dungeon/oldman/oldsex (14).png" alt="">
She moans and begs for more, her mind completely consumed by your cock and the pleasure it brings her.
<div class="passage-image-container">
<img src="images/events/dungeon/oldman/oldsex (15).png" alt="">
Your cum coats her tits, her face, and her hair as you continue to use her body for your gratification.
<div class="passage-image-container">
<img src="images/events/dungeon/oldman/oldsex (17).png" alt="">
Each orgasm only fuels your need for more, making you fuck her harder and faster until she's nothing but a quivering, satisfied mess beneath you.
<div class="passage-image-container">
<img src="images/events/dungeon/oldman/oldsex (16).png" alt="">
[[What's next? You think to yourself]]<div class="passage-image-container">
<img src="images/events/dungeon/orc/orc (14).png" alt="">
You decide to test the limits of your newfound power, channeling magic through the staff with a flick of your wrist. The world around you begins to shift and warp, reality bending to your will.
<div class="passage-image-container">
<img src="images/events/dungeon/orc/orc (15).png" alt="">
The cave walls twist and contort, flattening out until they resemble a vibrant, three-dimensional painting. The once-dull rocks are now covered in swirling patterns of color, like an abstract masterpiece come to life. The air shimmers with iridescent light, and even the orc before you seems more like a sculpture than a living creature, his new form made even more stunning by the three-dimensional reality that surrounds him.
You step closer, running your hands over her now-glowing skin. "This is... incredible," you murmur, awe-struck by the power at your fingertips. You turn to face him, or rather, her – for in this new reality, she is unmistakably female. "What do you think of your new body?"
She blinks, looking down at herself before meeting your gaze once more. "It's... weird," she admits. "But also kind of beautiful." She takes a moment to appreciate the three-dimensional world around her before turning her attention back to you.
[["So, what now?"]]You grin at her, hunger burning in your eyes. "Now," you say, closing the distance between you, "I think it's time we broke in this new body of yours." She gasps as you press against her, your hands roaming over her curves and claiming what is now yours.
<div class="passage-image-container">
<img src="images/events/dungeon/orc/orc (16).png" alt="">
She understand the assignment perfectly.
<div class="passage-image-container">
<img src="images/events/dungeon/orc/orc (17).png" alt="">
You find a flat outcrop of rock to lay her down upon, her body writhing beneath yours as you claim her mouth, her tits, and her cunt.
<div class="passage-image-container">
<img src="images/events/dungeon/orc/orc (18).png" alt="">
<div class="passage-image-container">
<img src="images/events/dungeon/orc/orc (19).png" alt="">
With each thrust, each kiss, each moan, reality begins to fray at the edges. The three-dimensional world starts to collapse back into its old familiar forms the cave walls returning to their rough, rocky selves, the air losing its shimmering glow and before you know it, you're back in your old time-line.
<div class="passage-image-container">
<img src="images/events/dungeon/orc/orc (20).png" alt="">
But you don't care about any of that. All that matters is the tight heat of her cunt wrapped around your cock as you drive into her one last time, groaning your release.
<div class="passage-image-container">
<img src="images/events/dungeon/orc/orc (21).png" alt="">
Reality snaps back to normal just as your cum fills her up, leaving you both panting and spent.
<div class="passage-image-container">
<img src="images/events/dungeon/orc/orc (23).png" alt="">
[["Well that was fucking weird" you murmer to yourself as you walk towards the exit of the cave.]]<<pickup $backpack "key to the airship" 1>><<if $MagicRing.has('Magic Ring')>>
<<pickup $shimmeringVial "a crystalline vial" 1>>
<<pickup $backpack "key to the airship" 1>>
<<if $backpack.has('key to the garage')>>
[[You can enter the garage.|garage]]
<<if $backpack.hasAll('gas can', 'kindling', 'cigarette lighter')>>
You can start a fire!