Welcome to <span class="red"><b>The Hellfire Club</b></span>. A game about money, sex and power in Victorian England.
This game is a work of fiction, although there are some references to historical figures as well as those from fiction of the period.
You're a young man just returned to London in 1899 to seek your fortune.
What's your name?
<<textbox "$playername" "John">> <<textbox "$playersurname" "Smith">>
<<link [[Start the Game->Intro]]>><<set $Hname = $playername>><</link>>
<<set $p = 0>>
<</nobr>><<set $room = "YourRoom">><<if $house eq 1>><img src="Images/Places/bedroom.webp" width=600 />
<<else >><img src="Images/Places/atticroom2.JPG" width=600 /><</if>>
<<if $Daisyevent eq 0 and $Daisydomevent gte 1>><<set $Daisyevent = 1>><</if>>
<<if $daisystatus neq 23>><<updatevers>><</if>>
<</nobr>>You're in your lodgings.
<<if $time eq "Morning">> The morning sun shines through your window. <<elseif $time eq "Afternoon">> It's the afternoon, and the city is busy with the sounds of traffic and work. <<elseif $time eq "Evening">> It's evening, and the streets outside are busy with the sound of people enjoying themselves. <<else>> It's night. It is dark, and all you can hear is the odd drunk stumbling about outside. <</if>>
\<<if Flag("wakeeventcheck") eq false>>
\<<SetFlag "event" false>>
In here, you can:
[[Change your clothes->Wardrobe][$Wardrobe="YourRoom"]]
\<<if $time eq "Night">><<Homesexmenu>>
[[Go to bed->Sleep]]
\<<else>><<link [[Wait|YourRoom]]>><<wait>>
<<if ($top eq "none" and $outfit eq "none") or ($bottom eq "none" and $outfit eq "none")>> You need to cover up more to leave your room. <<elseif $socks eq "none" or $shoes eq "none" >>You should put something else on your feet, you'll get blisters.
\<<if $datingmatt gt 0 and $day eq "Wednesday" and $time neq "Night">> It is date night with Matthew this evening
<<if $time eq "Evening">>[[Go on a proper date|Mattdatehub]]
[[Meet him at the pub|Bar]]
\<<elseif $meet_matt eq 1 and $day eq "Wednesday" and $time neq "Night">> You are meeting Matthew this evening at the [[pub on Kensington Avenue->Bar]] <</if>>
\<<if ($meet_megan eq 1 or $Megandomevent gt 0) and $day eq "Thursday" and $time neq "Night">> You have an appointment at [[Charlton Square->Megan]] this evening
\<<if $day eq "Sunday" and $time eq "Morning">> It is the Sabbath and you should go to [[Church]] this morning.
\<<if $day eq "Saturday" and $meet_daisy eq 1 and ($time eq "Morning" or $time eq "Afternoon" )>>You are meeting Daisy at [[Hyde Park->Park]] this afternoon.
\<<if $day eq "Saturday" and $HCmember gt 0 and $time neq "Night" >>There is an event at [[The Hellfire Club->Hellfire]] this evening.
\<<if $day eq "Friday" and $time eq "Evening" and $Daisyevent gte 1>>
\It is Friday and time for your date with Daisy. [[Pick her up->Daisydatehub]]
\<<if $day eq "Tuesday" and $time eq "Evening" and $Daisydomevent gte 1>>
It is Tuesday and time for one of your "special" evenings with Daisy. She has feigned fatigue and pretended to take an early night, but instead is meeting you upstairs at [[Mrs Hathaway's upstairs room->Daisydomeventhub]]
\<<if Flag("nichouse") and $day eq "Tuesday" and $time neq "Morning" and $nicolaatoday eq 0>>
It is Tuesday and you have arranged to meet Nicola.
[[Go out on a date->Nicdatehub]]
[[Stay in and misbehave instead->Nicsexhub]]
\<<if $day eq "Monday" and $time neq "Morning" and $michaela_date gt 0 and $michaelatoday eq 0 >>It is Monday and you have arranged to meet Michaela.
[[Take Michaela on a date->Micdatehub]]
\<<if $HCevent gt 8 and $HCevent lt 20 and $time neq "night" and ($daisyengagement gt 0 or $nicengagement gt 0 or $micengagement gt 0 or $mattengagement gt 0)>><<set $temp = (16-$HCevent)>>
My wedding is only $temp week
\<<if $temp neq 1>>s<</if>> away. I should [[check on wedding preparations|WeddingPrep]]
<<if $house eq 0>>[[Go to the kitchen->Kitchen]]
[[Go to the bathroom->Bathroom]]
[[Go to Daisy's Room->DaisyRoom]]
[[Go to Dr and Mrs Ambrose's Room->AmbroseRoom]]
[[Go downstairs to the Pharmacy Store->Pharmacy]]
\<<elseif $house eq 1>><<yourhouse>>
\[[Go outside->KensingtonAv]]
\<<if $farmopen neq 1>><<if $time eq "Morning" and $day neq "Sunday">>
\[[Work in the Pharmacy->Pharm_work]] <<elseif $day eq "Sunday">> It is the Sabbath and the store is closed. <<else>>It is not morning, you cannot work in the Pharmacy now.<</if>>
\<<elseif $farmopen eq 1>><<if $time eq "Morning" and $day neq "Sunday">>[[Work at the rabbit Farm->Farm_work]] <<elseif $day eq "Sunday">> It is the Sabbath and the farm is closed. <<else>>It is not morning, you cannot work at the rabbit farm now.<</if>>
<<if Flag("clinic") and ($time eq "Morning" or $time eq "Afternoon")>>[[Work at Antioch's Harley Street Medical Practice|Clinic]]
\<<if $time eq "Evening">><<Homesexmenu>>
[[Go to bed->Sleep]]
<<set $p = 0>><<month>>
<<print $day>> <<print $time>>
Funds: <<if $money gte 252>> <<print (($money - ($money % 252))/252)>> guinea<<if $money gte 504 >>s<</if>><</if>> <<print ((($money % 252)- ($money % 12))/12) >> / <<print $money % 12 >>
<table style="width:100%">
<tr> <<if $hat neq "none">><th><<hatimage I>></th><</if>><<if $wig neq "none">><th><<wigimage I>></th><</if>>
</tr> </table>\
<table style="width:100%">
<tr><<if $outfit neq "none">><th><<outfitimage I>></th><<elseif $top neq "none">><th><<topimage I>></th><</if>>
<<if $bra neq "none">><th><<braimage I>></th><<elseif $outfit eq "none" and $top eq "none" and $bra eq "none">><th><<braimage I>></th><</if>>
</tr> </table>\
<table style="width:100%"><tr>\
<<if $outfit eq "none" and $bottom neq "none">><th><<bottomimage I>></th><</if>>
<<if $panties neq "none">><th><<pantiesimage I>></th><<elseif $outfit eq "none" and $bottom eq "none" and $panties eq "none">><th><<pantiesimage I>></th><</if>>
</tr> </table>\
<table style="width:100%">
<<if $shoes neq "none">><th><<shoesimage I>></th><</if>>
<th><<stockingsimage I>></th>
[[Check your Stats->Stats]]
[[Check your To Do List->To Do]]
[[Dramatis Personae]]
v0.22 By Ohara
<a href="https://discord.gg/DmrRe7Cj28">Discord</a>
<a href="https://www.patreon.com/ScarletLetters">Patreon</a>
\Main character summary
You - male, young, inexperienced and naive
Sir Edward Walsingham - Black King. Minister for industry. Dom, not sure if romanceable?
Megan - Expensive prostitute. HC Black Queen - domme.
Dr Cornelius Ambrose - pharmacist, experimenter
Daisy Ambrose - his daughter, MC friend. bi. main love interest. can go domme, not sub
Mrs Helena Ambrose. his wife. sub of Walsingham possible MILF/cuckold/sub to player
Mrs Hathaway - coffee shop proprietress and madam
Ruby Hathaway - her daughter. In illicit lesbian relationship with Daisy. poss love interest / unsure about dom/sub.
Matthew - best friend. love interest if mc goes fem/trans and
Michaela - trans sub, possible romance or sub for player
Nicola - Players ex. From religious family. Now very sub. introduced through main plot (end ch 1?) romanceable
Ohara - a barmaid. author avatar and hintbot
Gabriel - Michaela's brother - security guard at the HC
To add
Orlando - Red King. Immortal sex changer of myth
Ms Scarlett (Melissa Hildegarde) - Red Queen. XXX and nympho
Lady Victoria Bentley - White Queen- chapter 2?
Lord Arthur Bentley - White King- chapter 2? aristocrat and pervert
Prince Kasim N'lson - a Nigerian prince, dom and owner of 2 subs, Wendy and Lisa
Wendy (asian) and Lisa (white) - his F subs
Antioch - a diplomat and shibaru specialist
Mimi - his japanese sub. very flexible.
Female MC -out of scope. Maybe in the sequel...
Are you a man or a woman?
* <label><<radiobutton "$sex" "male" autocheck>> Man</label>
* <label><<radiobutton "$sex" "female" autocheck>> Woman</label>Your notepad contains a neat list of your appointments and commitments.
<span class="note">\
<b>To do:</b>
<<if $HCevent lt 1>> Work. Sleep. Work. Sleep.
I should get a hobby.
<<else>>You look at your diary. The next event at the Hellfire club is written in capitals and underlined. You found your hobby. It's a kinky sex club.
\<<if $mic_event gt 0>>I am meeting Michaela at the Hellfire club <<if $day eq "Monday">>this <<else>>on Monday <</if>>evening to go on a date.
\<<if $nic_event gt 0>>I am meeting Nicola at <<if Flag("nichouse")>>home <<else>>the church <</if>>to 'confess her sins' <<if $day eq "Tuesday">> today <<else>> on Tuesday <</if>>
<<if $Daisydomevent gt 0>>I am to submit to my mistress Miss Daisy upstairs at the coffee shop on Tuesday evening.
\<<if $meet_matt eq 1>>I'm meeting Matthew <<if $day eq "Wednesday">> this <<else>> on Wednesday <</if>> evening for drinks at the pub.
\<<if $Megandomevent gt 0>>I am to submit to my Mistress Megan on Thursday evening at her apartment on Charlton Avenue.
\<<elseif $meet_megan eq 1>>I'm meeting Megan <<if $day eq "Thursday">> this <<else>> on Thursday <</if>> evening for expensive sex at her apartment on Charlton Avenue.
\<<if $HCevent eq 8 and $day neq "Saturday">>I am to travel to Paris on Friday morning for the weekend with $HC8
\<<elseif $Daisydomevent gt 0 or $Daisyevent gt 0>>I am taking Daisy on a date on Friday evening.
\<<if $meet_daisy eq 1>>I am meeting Daisy for a walk in the park <<if $day eq "Saturday" and $time neq "Evening">>this <<else>> on Saturday \<</if>>afternoon.
<<else>>Saturday is a lovely day for a walk in the park.
\<<if $foundHC eq 1 or $HCevent gt 0>> <b>The Hellfire club puts on a special event most Saturday evenings. It is open every evening for more casual entertainment.</b>
\<<if $day eq "Sunday" and $time eq "Morning">>There is a church service this morning. <<else>> There is a church service every Sunday morning.
\<<if $foundHC eq 1 or $HCevent gt 0>> Most members are around the Hellfire club on Sunday evenings for casual chats and to discuss the previous nights extravaganza.
</span> \
<<back "Return">>
\<<set $time = "Night">>
You climb into bed and lay your head on the pillow.
Before long, you start to slumber on the soft bed.
<<if $Daisydomevent gt 0 and $chastity eq 0 and $penis neq "none">>
You sleep fitfully. It is warm and you have pushed the covers off your body. You dream about Daisy, dressing you in pink like a doll. In your dream you lift your hand to your face and see shiny painted wood. You look in a mirror and see a smooth face with red lips and blue eyes painted on. You try to scream but the painted mouth does not move.
Your hand reaches down to your crotch, and you feel a cold hard smooth surface. No cock. No pussy. Nothing.
You sit up, screaming. "Just a dream." you say. You put your hand down to your legs just to check. And feel a cold hard smooth surface.
"I knew it’d wake him up." says a voice in the darkness. Ruby.
"You were right, honey, I admit it." Says another. Daisy.
"What the hell are you doing in my room?" You ask. Then remember. "And what have you done to my cock?"
"Well I was talking to Megan at the club over a drink, and I asked for some advice about keeping you from wandering. And the first thing she said was to lock it away. And she gave me this lovely chastity device. Ruby was having a sleepover, and we had some gin, and decided we’d get it straight onto you."
She giggles, as does Ruby.
"We’d better go. Mummy will go spare if she knows I’m here."
"But what about me?"
She holds out a small key on a chain around her neck.
"You’re perfectly safe."
The girls depart leaving you alone with your cage.
<<chastity 1>>
[[Go back to sleep->Wake up]]
<<set $hetero10dreamset = [1, 2, 3, 4]>>\
<<set $hetero10dreamchoice = $hetero10dreamset.pluck()>>\
<<if $hetero10dreamchoice eq 1>>
You dream of a red headed lady, who floats into your room naked. Her lips are like fire as she kisses you all over.<</if>>\
<<if $hetero10dreamchoice eq 2>>
Daisy stands behind the counter of the pharmacy, wearing only a flimsy petticoat and holding a flask of bubbling green liquid. "Drink this now my lord, and it will make your member mighty." You sip the concoction, only to find your penis shrivelling away to nothing.<</if>>\
<<if $hetero10dreamchoice eq 3>>
You dream of a fierce wolf, chasing you. You run and run, knowing if it catches you then you will die. You stumble, and it pounces at you. You wake in a cold sweat before its jaws close upon you..<</if>>\
<<if $hetero10dreamchoice eq 4>>
Your thoughts turn to church, and the knowing tones of your bishop telling you you are a sinner.
<<if ($sermon eq 0) >>You fear that you have not attended church recently, and dream of eternal torment in the fires of Hell. You do not sleep well.
<img src="Images/Places/Hellfire.jpg" width=512 />\
<<elseif ($sermon eq 1) >>You dream of Pride.
<img src="Images/Places/Pride.webp" width=512 />\
<<elseif ($sermon eq 2) >>You dream of Gluttony.
<img src="Images/Places/Gluttony.webp" width=512 />\
<<elseif ($sermon eq 3) >>You dream of Avarice.
<img src="Images/Places/Avarice.webp" width=512 />\
<<elseif ($sermon eq 4) >>You dream of Envy.
<img src="Images/Places/Envy.webp" width=512 />\
<<elseif ($sermon eq 5) >>You dream of Lust.
<img src="Images/Places/Lust.webp" width=512 />\
<<elseif ($sermon eq 6) >>You dream of Wrath.
<img src="Images/Places/Wrath.webp" width=512 />\
<<elseif ($sermon eq 7) >>You dream of Sloth.
<img src="Images/Places/Sloth.webp" width=512 />\
[[Wake up]]<</if>>\<<day>><<dayreset>>
\<<if $day eq "Monday">> <<set $prescriptionsdone = 0>>
<<if $farmopen gt 0>> <<farm>>
\<<if $house eq 0>>You pay 2 shillings in rent. <<set $money -= 24>>
<<elseif $house eq 1>>You pay 15 shillings towards your house mortgage. <<set $money -= 180>>
\<<if $medF eq 1 and $objects["Substance O"].inv gte 1>>You take <<if $objects["Substance O"].inv eq 1>>your last <<else>>a <</if>>dose of the femininity medicine Substance O. <<set $femdose+=1>><<inv-1 "Substance O">>
\<<if $medM eq 1 and $objects["Substance T"].inv gte 1>>You take <<if $objects["Substance T"].inv eq 1>>your last <<else>>a <</if>>dose of the masculinity medicine Substance T. <<set $mascdose+=1>><<inv-1 "Substance T">>
\<<if $medC eq 1 and $objects["Substance P"].inv gte 1>>You take <<if $objects["Substance P"].inv eq 1>>your last <<else>>a <</if>>dose of the fertility medicine Substance P. <<set $fertdose+=1>><<inv-1 "Substance P">>
\<<if $medM eq -1 or ($medM eq 1 and $objects["Substance T"].inv lt 1)>><<set $mascdose -=1>>You are no longer taking doses of the masculinity medicine Substance T and feel its effects are beginning to fade.
\<<if $medF eq -1 or ($medF eq 1 and $objects["Substance O"].inv lt 1)>><<set $femdose -=1>>You are no longer taking doses of the femininity medicine Substance O and feel its effects are beginning to fade.
\<<if $medC eq -1 or ($medC eq 1 and $objects["Substance P"].inv lt 1)>><<set $fertdose -=1>>You are no longer taking doses of the fertility medicine Substance P and feel its effects are beginning to fade.
\<<set $dirty += 1>>
\<<if $femdose lt 1>><<set $facialhair += 1>><<set $bodyhair += 1>><<set $armhair += 1>><<set $leghair += 1>><</if>>
<<if $routine gt 1>><<routine>><</if>>
\<<if $money lt 0>> [[You are bankrupt->Bankrupt Ending]]
<<elseif $mascdose eq 5 or $femdose eq 5 or $fertdose eq 5>>[[You notice some changes in your body->Bodychanges]]
<<elseif $mascdose lt 0 or $femdose lt 0 or $fertdose lt 0>>[[You notice your body reverting to its natural state->Bodyreversal]]
[[You are ready to get on with the day->YourRoom]]<</if>>
<<set $p = 0>>
This game is erotic in nature. All characters are 18 years old or greater.
Please confirm that you are 18, or of legal age to view erotic content.
[[I am of legal age in my country to view adult or pornographic content->Initialization]]
<<SetFlag "event">>
<<set $endingmode = 1>>
<<set $hetero = 10>>
<<set $homo = 0>>
<<set $fem = 0>>/* status - was unused - now variable to indicate version number. 0 indicates v0.07 nd below, 8 indicates v0.08 etc */
/* x */
<<set $daisystatus = 21>>
<<set $playername = "John">>
<<set $playersurname = "Smith">>
<<set $daynumber = 1>>
<<set $day = "Wednesday">>
<<set $time = "Morning">>
<<set $money = 120>>
<<set $playersex = "man">>
<<set $femname = "Jane">>
<<set $hasfemname = 0>>
<<set $Mattfetish = "Bondage">>
<<set $expenses = 1>>
<<set $fem = 0>>
<<set $dirty = 2>>
<<set $researchknowledge = 0>>
<<set $researchfocus = 0>>
/* research consecutive doses and whether you are taking each med currently */
<<set $researchfem = 0>>
<<set $researchfert = 0>>
<<set $researchmasc = 0>>
<<set $researchtoday =0>>
<<set $femdose=0>>
<<set $mascdose=0>>
<<set $fertdose=0>>
<<set $medF=0>>
<<set $medM=0>>
<<set $medC=0>>
/* What dose each npc currently taking */
<<set $playermed="none">>
<<set $mattmed="none">>
<<set $daisymed="none">>
<<set $rubymed="none">>
<<set $playerdrugcounter=0>>
<<set $mattdrugcounter=0>>
<<set $rubydrugcounter=0>>
<<set $drugtestM = 0>>
<<set $drugtestF = 0>>
<<set $drugtestC = 0>>
<<set $Daisy_location ="Pharmacy">>
<<set $Daisykey = 0>>
<<set $daisydrugcounter=0>>
<<set $HCevent = 0>>
<<set $found_megan= 0>>
<<set $meet_megan = 0>>
<<set $Megandomevent = 0>>
<<set $meganevent = 0>>
<<set $meganbondage = 0>>
<<set $safeword = "custard">>
<<set $megname = "Mistress" >>
<<set $found_michaela= 0>>
<<set $michaelasex=0>>
<<set $michaelatoday =0>>
<<set $michaeladrugcounter=0>>
<<set $michaelamed="none">>
<<set $michaela_date= 0>>
<<set $michaelalove = 0>>
<<set $michaelasub = 0 >>
<<set $michaeladay=10000>>
<<set $nic_event = 0>>
<<set $found_nic= 0>>
<<set $nicdomname = "Master">>
<<set $nicdenial =1>>
<<set $niclove =1>>
<<set $nicsub = 0>>
<<set $niccorrupt = 1>>
<<set $nicname = "Master">>
/* work counters - days worked or consecutive days in chastity */
<<set $coffeework = 0>>
<<set $pharmwork = 0>>
<<set $chastitycount = 0>>
/* skills 0 (none) to 10 (expert) */
<<set $dom = 0>>
<<set $sub = 0>>
<<set $bondage = 0>>
<<set $masochist = 0>>
<<set $heels = 0>>
<<set $brains = 2>>
<<set $looks = 3>>
<<set $fitness = 2>>
<<set $arousal = 7>>
<<set $energy = 10>>
<<set $burglary = 0>>
<<set $pharmacy = 0>>
/* skills counters. Skill levels up when counter equals skill */
<<set $domcounter = 0>>
<<set $subcounter = 0>>
<<set $bondagecounter = 0>>
<<set $paincounter = 0>>
<<set $heelscounter = 0>>
<<set $brainscounter = 0>>
<<set $lookscounter =0>>
<<set $fitnesscounter = 0>>
<<set $pharmacycounter = 0>>
/* found 0 (not) or 1 (yes) */
<<set $found_hc = 0>>
<<set $found_wals= 0>>
<<set $hcmember = 0>>
<<set $found_bishop= 0>>
<<set $libraryaccess=0>>
<<set $found_football= 0>>
<<set $found_brothel = 0>>
/* meet arranged for the next available occasion 0 (not) or 1 (yes)*/
<<set $meet_matt = 0>>
<<set $meet_nick =0>>
/* date - counter of number so far */
<<set $megan_date= 0>>
<<set $mrsa_date= 0>>
<<set $daisy_date= 0>>
/* love 0 (not) to 10 (devoted) */
<<set $daisylove = 0>>
<<set $Daisydom = 0 >>
<<set $mrsalove = 0>>
<<set $mrsasub = 0 >>
/* daily counter resets on sleep */
<<set $daisyflirt= 0>><<set $mrsaflirt= 0>><<set $michaelaflirt= 0>>
<<set $confessiontoday =0>>
/* dating 0 (not) or 1 (yes) or 2 (dom/sub path for Daisy/Mic) */
<<set $datingdaisy = 0>>
<<set $datingmichaela = 0>>
<<set $datingnic= 0>>
/* event - next arranged event */
<<set $mattevent = 0>>
<<set $crosspanties = 0>>
<<set $crossbra = 0>>
<<set $crossoutfit = 0>>
<<set $crossheels = 0>>
<<set $crossstockings = 0>>
/* fetishes 0 not expressed interest 1 admitted interest */
<<set $fetish_bondage =0>>
<<set $fetish_cum =0>>
<<set $fetish_piss =0>>
<<set $fetish_humilation =0>>
<<set $fetish_masochism =0>>
<<set $fetish_fist =0>>
<<set $fetish_pet =0>>
<<set $fetish_chastity =0>>
<<set $fetish_anal =0>>
<<set $fetish_milk =0>>
<<set $fetish_sissy =0>>
<<set $fetish_lactation =0>>
<<set $fetish_leather =0>>
<<set $fetish_cross =0>>
<<set $fetish_sub =0>>
<<set $fetish_dom=0>>
<<set $fetish_gay=0>>
<<set $fetish_slave=0>>
<<set $outfit = "brown suit">>
<<set $panties = "longjohns">>
<<set $shoes = "brown boots">>
<<set $socks = "brown socks">>
<<set $top = "none">>
<<set $wig = "none">>
<<set $bottom = "none">>
<<set $bra = "none">>
<<set $hat = "brown cap">>
<<set $sleepsocks = "none">>
<<set $sleeppanties = "none">>
<<set $sleepbra = "none">>
<<set $chastity = 0>>
<<set $hat_on =1>>
<<set $wig_on =0>>
<<set $neck_on =0>>
<<set $bra_on =0>>
<<set $garter_on =0>>
<<set $dress_on =1>>
<<set $toy = "none">>
/* physical attributes*/
<<set $face = 1>>
/* chest 1 flat or male 2 small 3 average 4 large 5 huge*/
<<set $chest = "flat">>
/* hair 0 smooth 1 stubble increases 1 per day*/
<<set $facialhair = 1>>
<<set $leghair = 7>>
<<set $bodyhair = 7>>
<<set $armhair = 7>>
/* penis 0 none 1 tiny 2 small 3 average 4 large 5 huge*/
<<set $penis = "average">>
/* nails 1 short 2 average 3 long */
<<set $nails = 1>>
<<set $lips = 1>>
/* ass 1 virgin 2 tight 3 loose */
<<set $ass = 1>>
/* sex counts some duplicated - check */
<<set $sex_cum_count = 0>>
<<set $sex_penis_vag_count = 0>>
<<set $sex_fellatiogive_count = 0>>
<<set $sex_fellatioreceive_count = 0>>
<<set $sex_cunnigive_count= 0>>
<<set $sex_cunnireceive_count = 0>>
<<set $sex_penis_ass_count = 0>>
<<set $sex_ass_penis_count = 0>>
<<set $sex_ass_toy_count = 0>>
<<set $sex_cumswallow_count = 0>>
<<set $sex_pissswallow_count = 0>>
<<set $sex_pussyg_count = 0>>
<<set $sex_pussyr_count = 0>>
<<set $sex_wsg_count = 0>>
<<set $sex_wsr_count = 0>>
<<set $caged_count = 0>>
<<set $sex_virginityloss = "Nobody">>
<<set $sex_analvirginityloss = "Nobody">>
<<set $wearingfemunderwear = 0>>
<<set $wearingfemoutfit = 0>>
<<set $hasfemoutfit = 0>>
<<set $hasskirt = 0>>
<<set $haspanties= 0>>
<<set $hasheels= 0>>
<<set $hasbra= 0>>
<<set $hasstockings= 0>>
<<set $hasbuttplug= 0>>
/* random story variables */
<<set $volunteer = 0>>
<<set $drunk = 0>>
<<set $sermon = 0>>
<<set $returnloc = "YourRoom">>
<<set $testedO = 0>>
<<set $testedP = 0>>
<<set $testedT = 0>>
<<set $daisyday = 10000>>
/* just in case wearall gets called before stripall */
<<set $outfitsave = "brown suit">>
<<set $pantiessave = "longjohns">>
<<set $brasave = "none">>
<<set $wigsave = "none">>
<<set $hatsave= "brown cap">>
<<set $shoesave = "brown boots">>
<<set $socksave = "brown socks">>
<<set $topsave = "none">>
<<set $bottomsave = "none">>
<<set $toysave = "none">>
<<set $chastitysave = "none">>
<<set $temp = 0>>
<<set $temp1 = 0>>
<<set $temp2 = 0>>
<<set $temp3 = 0>>
<<set $temp4 = 0>>
<<set $temp5 = 0>>
<<set $temp6 = 0>>
<<set $harlequindom = 0>>
<<set $hbride = "none">>
<<set $confession =0>>
<<set $farmopen=0>>
<<set $repayment = 0>>
<<set $weeklyP = 0>>
<<set $weeklyO = 0>>
<<set $weeklyT = 0>>
<<set $farm = 0>>
<<set $farmO=0>>
<<set $farmP=0>>
<<set $farmT=0>>
<<update23>>Here you will find
<b>Primary Characters</b>
<table style="width:100%">
<th>Profile Picture</th>
<td><<if $face eq 1>><img src="Images/Body/face1.jpg" width=200 /><<elseif $face eq 2>><img src="Images/Body/face2.jpg" width=200 /><<elseif ($face eq 3) and ($faceoption eq "a")>> <img src="Images/Body/face3a.jpg" width=200 /> <<elseif ($face eq 3) and ($faceoption eq "b")>> <img src="Images/Body/face3b.jpg" width=200 /> <<elseif ($face eq 3) and ($faceoption eq "c")>> <img src="Images/Body/face3c.jpg" width=200 /> <<elseif ($face eq 4) and ($faceoption eq "a")>> <img src="Images/Body/face4a.jpg" width=200 /> <<elseif ($face eq 4) and ($faceoption eq "b")>> <img src="Images/Body/face4b.jpg" width=200 /> <<elseif ($face eq 4) and ($faceoption eq "c")>> <img src="Images/Body/face4c.jpg" width=200 /> <<elseif ($face eq 5) and ($faceoption eq "a")>> <img src="Images/Body/face5a.jpg" width=200 /> <<elseif ($face eq 5) and ($faceoption eq "b")>> <img src="Images/Body/face5b.jpg" width=200 /> <<elseif ($face eq 5) and ($faceoption eq "c")>> <img src="Images/Body/face5c.jpg" width=200 /> <<elseif ($face eq 6) and ($faceoption eq "a")>> <img src="Images/Body/face6a.jpg" width=200 /> <<elseif ($face eq 6) and ($faceoption eq "b")>> <img src="Images/Body/face6b.jpg" width=200 /> <<elseif ($face eq 6) and ($faceoption eq "c")>> <img src="Images/Body/face6c.jpg" width=200 /> <<elseif ($face eq 7) and ($faceoption eq "a")>> <img src="Images/Body/face7a.jpg" width=200 /> <<elseif ($face eq 7) and ($faceoption eq "b")>> <img src="Images/Body/face7b.jpg" width=200 /> <<elseif ($face eq 7) and ($faceoption eq "c")>> <img src="Images/Body/face7c.jpg" width=200 /> <<elseif ($face eq 8) and ($faceoption eq "a")>> <img src="Images/Body/face8a.jpg" width=200 /> <<elseif ($face eq 8) and ($faceoption eq "b")>> <img src="Images/Body/face8b.jpg" width=200 /> <<elseif ($face eq 8) and ($faceoption eq "c")>> <img src="Images/Body/face8c.jpg" width=200 /><</if>></td>
<td><<if $hasfemname eq 0>><b>$playername</b><<else>><span class="pink"><b>$femname</b></span><</if>></td>
<td><i>This is you!</i></td>
<td><<if $todddate lte 3>><img src="Images/Home/contacttodd1.jpg" width=200 /><<else>><img src="Images/Home/contacttodd2.jpg" width=200 /><</if>></td>
<td><span class="matt"><b>Matt</b></span></td>
<td>Your best friend.</td>
<<back "Return">>
<b>Secondary Characters</b>
<table style="width:100%">
<th>Profile Picture</th>
<td><<if $teacherstatus gte 17>><img src="Images/Home/contactteacher2.jpg" width=200 /><<else>><img src="Images/Home/contactteacher1.jpg" width=200 /><</if>></td>
<td><span class="teacher"><b>Ms.Domina</b></span></td>
<td><<if $teacherstatus gte 17>>Your professor and mentor at university. After a breakthrough with her therapist, she has become a more positive and accepting role model for all women, trans and cis alike.<<else>>A professor at the university, known for her radical views on gender equity. She is your <<if $hasfemname eq 1>>Feminisation<<else>>Gender Studies<</if>> teacher.<</if>></td>
<<back "Return">>
<<back "Return">>
<</nobr>><img src="Images/Places/oxfordcircus.gif" width=500 />
After a short journey you arrive at London's finest shopping destination, Oxford Street.
All manner of stores are here, from large department stores, to individual stalls and traders at the Pantheon bazaar. A short walk away is Saville row, home of the finest tailors in the world.
[[Go to Peasbody's Gentlemans Outfitters->Mshop]]
[[Enter Harrod's womenswear department ->Fshop]]
[[Head the Velvet Parlour lingerie store->Underwear]]
[[Head to Priscilla's Pink Paradise->Pink]]
[[Enter the Masquerade costumiers->Costumes]]
\<<if $HCevent gt 2>>[[Head to Fitzsimons Male Formalwear->FormalM]]
[[Head to Fitzsimons Ladies Formalwear->FormalF]]
\<<if $HCevent gt 7>>[[Enter Devere's curiosities ->Toys]]
\<<link [[Head back to Kensington Avenue|KensingtonAv]]>><<wait>><</link>><img src="Images/Places/train.webp" width=600 />
<b>The Hellfire Club
Act One - Money</b>
It is a warm spring day in the year 1899.
Queen Victoria sits upon the throne, and you have arrived in the great city of London after being discharged from the army, to seek to work as an apprentice to your mother's brother Dr Cornelius Ambrose, a learned man whom you have not seen for many years.
Excited at the prospect of moving to the capital, you have arranged to meet an old army friend, Matthew, at a tavern near to Dr Ambrose's this very evening. <<set $meet_matt = 1>>
With ten shillings in your pocket, and a small bag of personal belongings, you climb down from the crowded third class carriage onto the platform at Euston station.
<<set $objects["ornate Venetian mask"].inv = 0>>
What do you do?
[[Hail a horse drawn cab->Intro_cab]]
[[Ask a local for help->Intro_local]]
[[Attempt to find your own way to Dr Ambrose's->Intro_lost]]<<back "Return">>
<<if $HCevent eq 100>>
All values are out of 10.
<b>Brains</b>: $brains
<b>Looks</b>: $looks
<b>Fitness</b>: $fitness
<<if $fem gt 0>><b>Feminisation</b>:$fem<</if>>
<u>Skills. Practice makes perfect.</u>
<b>B</b>ondage: $fetish_bondage
<b>D</b>ominating another: $dom
<b>S</b>ubmitting to your Dom(me): $sub
<b>M</b>asochism. Getting pleasure from pain: $masochist
Walking in heels: $heels
<<if $pharmacy gt 0>>Pharmacy: $pharmacy<</if>>
<<else>>I haven't been keeping on top of stats with my focus on narrative in recent updates. As they arent doing anything to save confusion I have temporarily disabled them with the exception of:
<b>Fitness</b>: $fitness <</if>>
Things you have enjoy, have tried, or might like to try that you probably wouldn't tell your grandmother about.
These are currently just flags so 1 = yes
(Fetishes will not appear until you have started to explore them)\
<<if $fetish_bondage gt 0>> <b>Bondage</b>: $fetish_bondage <</if>>\
<<if $fetish_latex gt 0>> <b>Latex</b>: $fetish_latex <</if>>\
<<if $fetish_cross gt 0>> <b>Crossdressing</b>: $fetish_cross <</if>>\
<<if $fetish_piss gt 0>> <b>Watersports</b> :$fetish_piss <</if>>\
<<if $fetish_cum gt 0>> <b>Drinking Cum</b>: $fetish_cum <</if>>\
<<if $fetish_humiliation gt 0>> <b>Humiliation</b>: $fetish_humilation <</if>>
<<if $fetish_fist gt 0>> <b>Fisting</b>: $fetish_fist <</if>>\
<<if $fetish_pet gt 0>> <b>Petplay</b>: $fetish_pet <</if>>\
<<if $fetish_chastity gt 0>> <b>Chastity Play</b>: $fetish_chastity <</if>>\
<<if $fetish_anal gt 0>> <b>Receiving Anal Sex</b>: $fetish_anal <</if>>\
<<if $fetish_milk gt 0>> <b>Milking</b>: $fetish_milk <</if>>\
<<if $fetish_sissy gt 0>> <b>Sissification</b>: $fetish_sissy <</if>>\
<<if $fetish_lactation gt 0>> <b>Lactation</b>: $fetish_lactation <</if>>\
<<if Flag("cuckold")>> <b>Being cuckolded</b>: $cuckcount <</if>>\
<<back "Return">>Whilst all situations in this game are fictional, some are inspired by fiction or real life. This is my first game since messing around on 8 bit computers in the 80s and some technical help and advice was appreciated.
So in no particular order thanks to:
AI sites for naughty pictures. Especially Tungsten, and EveValentine's fantastic models and helpful feedback on discord,
Also sexy.ai, and made.porn, and builders of any models there I might have used.
Lobsterman9999 for creating the game The Good Son, which was both fun to play and simple enough I could pull it apart in Twine to learn how to put one of these games together
Deedee and Sashka for creating the game Secretary and for advice on its discord
Westane (for creating the game The Company) and Engelstein on its discord for advice about AI art.
Everyone who has spotted bugs, especially in the early builds of the game. Callouts to my unofficial playtesters:
Stormi, Treckermaster98, Megras, Jamieoaks, LadyAlexa and Taichanie
Stjepan Šejić for the comic Sunstone, delightful imagery and insight into a subculture I'm way too vanilla to explore in person
Skin Two, formerly Honour clothing, in Waterloo for your lovely outfits, and giving a safe space to explore my fetishes.
Chris and John for words and pictures
To Diana and Emma (Rigg and Frost), for helping me develop an appreciation of the finer points of corsetry.
As well as the above, influences on the game come from the works of:
Charles Dickens, especially A Christmas Carol and Great Expectations.
The Marquis de Sade. Justine and Juliette.
Sarah Waters - Fingersmith and tipping the Velvet
Alan Moore - From Hell
10cc - One night in Paris
And to those individuals who might have inspired characters and situations in the game and enriched my life. No names.
<<back "Return">><img src="Images/Places/horsecab.webp" width=600 />
The cab fare is expensive, at a shilling, but the driver, an elderly gentleman with massive sideburns and top hat, drives his carriage to the address that you have given him, 118 Kensington Avenue.
<<set $money -= 12>>
[[Approach the building->Intro_pharmacy]]You ask a passing urchin to lead you to Dr Ambrose's address, 118 Kensington Avenue.
After haggling over the price - 2 coppers, one before, one after, he leads you eagerly down a nearby street, pausing briefly to check you are following.
<<set $money -= 1>>
<<if random(1, 10) gt 5>> [[follow->Intro_pharmacy][$money -= 1]]
<<else>> [[follow->Intro_mugged]] <</if>>You stride confidently into the London streets, before losing your bearings and getting hopelessly lost.
You think that you catch sight of a landmark you recognise
<<if random(1, 10) gt 9>> [[Keep going->Intro_pharmacy]]
<<else>> [[Keep going->Intro_mugged]] <</if>>You arrive at 118 Kensington Avenue, outside a well kept looking business.
A neat sign indicates this to be the premises of a Dr C Ambrose, Pharmacist.
A newly painted crest to the right of this shows the letters EW
You push at the door and approach the counter, where a friendly looking girl a few years younger than you is serving. "What can I getcha, mister?"
<img src="Images/Places/Daisypharmacy.webp" width=600 />
"Daisy, Daisy. How many times do I need to tell you how to serve a customer." comes a weary male voice from further back in the store. A middle aged gentleman, smartly dressed in shirt, tie and waistcoat approaches you.
"Is that $playername? I haven't seen you in four years. My you've turned into a fine looking young $playersex."
<<if $money lt 61>> "What has happened to you - you look as if you've been mugged." He pulls out some iodine and starts dabbing at the cut on your face before applying a dressing <</if>>
You greet Mr Ambrose, or Cornelius as he insists on you calling him.
"Ah yes, the apprenticeship." He looks sheepish. "I did promise your mother, may she rest in peace, before you entered the military, so I will do what I can, but I may not be able to offer you as much as you hoped. I have come into some financial difficulties of late, and have had to take on a partner, Sir Edward Walsingham, a local businessman. He owns the property and has a majority stake in the business. I can offer you work in the mornings, running errands and the like for 3s a morning, and you can lodge in the attic room for 2s a week, but I cannot offer you an apprenticeship at this time. I hope this is better than nothing. " he says apologetically.
"Daisy, take your cousin to the attic. And mind your manners young lady."
She grins and takes your hand, holding it perhaps longer than necessary as she leads you upstairs to your room. "Make yourself comfortable. I'll be in my room if you need anything" she says
[[Enter your room->YourRoom][$Daisy_location="DaisyRoom"; $time = "Afternoon"]]You hear a cry from behind "Here's a likely one!" as three burly thugs approach you from all sides.
"A traveller, new to London by the look of him. Let's give him a warm welcome!"
They rough you up a little, and by the end you are grateful they only take the contents of your wallet. Thankfully you had left some of your money hidden in your shoe and you are not left penniless.
<<set $money -= 60>>
[[You wander the streets, eventually finding your way to your destination->Intro_pharmacy]]<<if $HCevent gt 19 and $spouse neq "Matthew">>
Daisy's room is empty. She is a married woman now.
<img src="Images/People/Daisy/Daisy_1c.webp" width=600 />
Daisy smiles sweetly, a finger running through her blonde hair.
<<if $Daisykey eq 1 and $chastity eq 1>>You spy a small golden key hanging from a thin chain about her neck, and you harden against your metal cage. <</if>>
So what do you want to know about, $playername ?
\<<if $Daisydomevent lt 0 and $Daisyevent lt 0>> "I think I made it perfectly clear that we have nothing to talk about, Cousin."
\[[Head back to your own room->YourRoom]]<img src="Images/Places/Daisypharmacy.webp" width=600 />
You arrive at the Pharmacy ready for a day of work.
It's pretty dull stuff, checking inventory, lifting crates on and off wagons, and loading shelves with stock, but it pays the bills.
<<set $energy -=2>><<set $pharmwork +=1>><<if $energy lt 0>> <<set $energy = 0>><</if>>
<<if $pharmwork eq 3>>[[During your shift, a mysterious figure enters the Pharmacy->Pharm_walsevent1]]
<<link [[Finish work for the morning->Pharmacy]]>><<wait>><<money 36>><</link>><</if>>\You are in Dr Ambrose's Pharmacy store.
The front counter faces the glass front of the store, with a storage area behind where you are employed.
Dr Ambrose's office and laboratory is accessible through a side door.
<<set $ret = "Pharmacy">>
\<<if $time eq "Morning" and $day neq "Sunday">>
Daisy is here, standing behind the counter.
<img src="Images/Places/Daisypharmacy.webp" width=600 />
[[Work in the Pharmacy->Pharm_work]]
\<<elseif $time eq "Afternoon" and $day neq "Sunday">>
Mrs Ambrose is here, standing behind the counter.
<img src="Images/Places/mrsApharmacy.webp" width=600 />
\<<elseif $day eq "Sunday">> It is the Sabbath and the store is closed. <<else>>It is not morning, you cannot work in the Pharmacy now.
[[Check Dr Ambrose' office->AmbroseLab]]
<<if $house eq 0>>[[Go upstairs to your room->YourRoom]]
\[[Go to the bathroom->Bathroom]]
[[Go to the kitchen->Kitchen]]
[[Go to Daisy's Room->DaisyRoom]]
[[Go to Dr Ambrose's Room->AmbroseRoom]]
[[Go outside->KensingtonAv]]You stand on Kensington Avenue, outside Dr Ambrose's Pharmacy store
Across the street is Mrs Hathaway's coffee shop
At one end of the street is the church, and at the other the Broken Doll tavern.
<<if $time eq "Night">>It is late and you can only go home.
<img src="Images/Places/Winthropnight.webp" width=600 />
<img src="Images/Places/Winthropday.webp" width=600 />
[[Enter the Ambrose house and Pharmacy Store->Pharmacy]]
[[Go to the coffee Shop->Cafe]]
[[Go to the tavern->Bar]]
[[Go to church->Church]]
\<<if $house eq 0>> [[Look at the large house for sale at number 22->forsale]]
\<<if $found_hc eq 1>> [[Go to the Hellfire Club->Hellfire]]
\<<if $found_megan eq 1 or $meet_megan eq 1>> [[Go to Charlton Square->Megan]]
\[[Go somewhere else in London->London]]<</if>>
[[Go inside to your Room->YourRoom]]You are in the well stocked kitchen behind the pharmacy
<<if $time eq "Morning">> Mrs Ambrose is here, preparing the days meals.
<img src="Images/Places/mrsAkitchen.webp" width=600 />
"Good morning sweetheart, are you hungry?"<</if>>
<<if $Energy eq 10>> You are not hungry <<else>> [[Eat->Kitchen][$energy = 10]]<</if>>
<<if $time eq "Morning" and $day neq "Sunday">> [[Work in the Pharmacy->Pharm_work]] <<else>> The pharmacy is closed, you cannot work there now.<</if>>
[[Speak to Mrs Ambrose->MrsA_conv]]
<<if $house eq 0>>[[Go upstairs to your room->YourRoom]]
\[[Go to Dr Ambrose's Room->AmbroseRoom]]
[[Go to Daisy's Room->DaisyRoom]]
[[Go downstairs to the Pharmacy Store->Pharmacy]]
[[Go outside->KensingtonAv]]Coming from a humble background, you are amazed at the indoor bathroom with running water coming from taps and a proper privy. You recall Dr Ambrose mentioning that he designed the plumbing himself<<if $house gt 0>> and you copied the designs for your own house<</if>>.
<img src="Images/Places/bathroom.webp" width=500 />
<<mirror>><<set $ret = "Bathroom">>
<<if $dirty eq 0>>Your body is already clean, there is no need to wash. <<else>> [[Wash->Bathroom][$dirty = 0]]<</if>>
<<if $facialhair eq 0>>You are already clean shaven, there is no need to shave.<<else>> [[Shave your face->Bathroom][$facialhair= 0]]
<<if $armhair eq 0>>Your arms are smooth and hairless, there is no need to shave. <<else>> [[Shave your arms->Bathroom][$armhair= 0]]
<<if $bodyhair eq 0>>Your body is already smooth as a baby, there is no need to shave. <<else>> [[Shave your body->Bathroom][$bodyhair= 0]]
<<if $leghair eq 0>>Your legs are already clean shaven, there is no need to shave them. <<else>> [[Shave your legs->Bathroom][$leghair= 0]]
<<if $leghair eq 0 and $bodyhair eq 0 and $armhair eq 0 and $facialhair eq 0>>You are smooth and clean everywhere - there is nothing left to shave. <<else>> [[Wash and shave face, arms, legs and body->Bathroom][$leghair= 0, $bodyhair= 0, $armhair= 0, $facialhair= 0, $dirty = 0]]
[[Start or change a daily routine|Bathroom Routine][$routine = 1]]
<<if $ring eq 1 and $spouse neq "none" and ($spouse neq "Daisy" or $Daisy neq "dom")>><<if $penis eq "none">><<link [[Take off your wedding ring and grow your penis back|Bathroom]]>><<ring>><</link>>
\<<else>><<link [[Put on your wedding ring and grow a vagina|Bathroom]]>><<ring>><</link>>
\<<if $medF neq 1 and $objects["Substance O"].inv gte 1>>
<<link [[Start taking daily doses of the feminising drug Substance O|Bathroom]]>><<inv-1 "Substance O">><<femdose>> <</link>>
\<<if $medM neq 1 and $objects["Substance T"].inv gte 1>><<link [[Start taking daily doses of the masculising drug Substance T|Bathroom]]>><<inv-1 "Substance T">><<mascdose>> <</link>>
\<<if $medC neq 1 and $objects["Substance P"].inv gte 1>>
<<link [[Start taking daily doses of the contraceptive drug Substance P. How could this possibly go wrong?|Bathroom]]>><<inv-1 "Substance P">><<fertdose>> <</link>>
\<<if $medF eq 1>> <<link [[Stop taking daily doses of the feminising drug Substance O|Bathroom]]>> <<set $medF = -1>> <</link>>
\<<if $medM eq 1>><<link [[Stop taking daily doses of the masculising drug Substance T|Bathroom]]>><<set $medM = -1>> <</link>>
\<<if $medC eq 1>><<link [[Stop taking daily doses of the contraceptive drug Substance P|Bathroom]]>><<set $medC = -1>> <</link>>
\<<if Flag("chastitykey") and $chastity eq 1>><<link [[Remove your chastity|Bathroom]]>><<chastity 0>><</link>>
\<<elseif Flag("chastitykey") and $chastity eq 0>><<link [[Replace your chastity device|Bathroom]]>><<chastity 1>><</link>>
<<if $testedV eq 0>>[[Test Substance V on yourself|Research_Selftest][$temp = "V"]]
\<<if $penis eq "huge" and $testedM eq 0>> You fear that any further increase in size might cause irreversible tearing to the penile tissue. Best not to risk testing substance M on yourself.
\<<elseif $testedM eq 0>>[[Test Substance M on yourself|Research_Selftest][$temp = "M"]]
[[Return to your room->YourRoom]]You open your wardrobe, and look at yourself in the mirror.
<table style="width:100%">\
<td>Hat or Mask
Suit or Dress
<<if $chest eq 1>>Vest<<else>>Bra<</if>>
<<if $sleepbra neq "none">>$sleepbra<</if>> <<if $sleeppanties neq "none">>$sleeppanties<</if>><<if $sleepsocks eq "none" and $sleeppanties eq "none" and $sleepbra eq "none">>nude<</if>> <<if $sleepsocks neq "none">>$sleepsocks <</if>>
- </td>\
[[Change hat or mask->Closet_hat]]
[[Change wig->Closet_wig]]
[[Change suit or dress->Closet_suit]]
[[Change top->Closet_top]]
[[Change bottom->Closet_bottom]]
<<if $chest eq 1>>[[Change vest->Closet_bra]]<<else>>[[Change bra->Closet_bra]]<</if>>
[[Change underwear->Closet_panties]]
[[Change socks->Closet_socks]]
[[Change shoes->Closet_shoes]]
[[Change sleepwear->Closet_sleep]]
[[Change swimwear->Closet_swim]]</td> </tr>
<th><<link [[Remove all clothing|Wardrobe]]>><<StripAll>><</link>></th>
<th><<link [[Wear removed clothing|Wardrobe]]>><<WearAll>><</link>></th>
<th>[[Store current outfit or wear saved outfit->Closet_outfit]]</th>
<<if $chastity eq 0 and $caged_count gt 0 and ($Daisydomevent gt 0 or $Megandomevent gt 0) >>
You are not wearing your chastity belt. Your mistress will be displeased. Thankfully you don’t need the key to put it on.
<<link [[Lock your penis in chastity|Wardrobe]]>><<chastity 1>><</link>>
\<<if $femcheck gt 4>>You are currently looking extremely feminine.
\<<elseif $femcheck gt 2>>You are currently looking feminine.
\<<elseif $femcheck gt 0>>You are currently looking slightly feminine.<</if>>
\<<if $top eq "none" and $outfit eq "none">> You need to cover up more to leave. <<elseif $bottom eq "none" and $outfit eq "none">> You need to cover up more to leave. <<elseif $socks eq "none" or $shoes eq "none">> You should put something else on your feet, you'll get blisters.
\<<if $Wardrobe eq "YourRoom">><<link [[Return->YourRoom]]>><<femcheck>><</link>>
\<<elseif $Wardrobe eq "HC_change">><<link [[Return->HC_change]]>><<femcheck>><</link>>
\<<elseif $Wardrobe eq "HC_event7">><<link [[Return->HC_event7]]>><<femcheck>><</link>>
\<<elseif $Wardrobe eq "HC_event10">><<link [[Head downstairs to drinks|HC10_6]]>><<femcheck>><</link>>
\<<elseif $Wardrobe eq "HC11">><<link [[Head back to the ball|HC11_5]]>><<femcheck>><</link>>
\<<elseif $Wardrobe eq "Beachshop">><<link [[Head back to the shop|beachshop]]>><<femcheck>><</link>>
\<<elseif $Wardrobe eq "HC11">><<link [[Head back to the garden party|HC11_4]]>><<femcheck>><</link>>
\<<elseif $Wardrobe eq "HC13">><<link [[Check you are ready for the party|HC13]]>><<femcheck>><</link>>
\<<else>><<link [[Return|$Wardrobe]]>><<femcheck>><</link>>
<</if>><<if $HCevent gt 19 and $spouse neq "Matthew">>
Daisy's room is empty. She is a married woman now and lives elsewhere.
\<<if $day eq "Friday" and $time eq "Evening">>
\<<if $Daisydomevent gt 0 or $Daisyevent gt 0 >>
\You pick up Daisy in her home, ready for your date.
[[Head on a date->Daisydatehub]]
\<<else>> It is Friday evening and Daisy is out.
\<<if $Daisykey eq 1>> [[Unlock the door->DaisyRoom_1]] <<elseif $burglary gt 0>> [[Pick the lock->DaisyRoom_1]] <</if>>
[[Go to the kitchen->Kitchen]]
[[Go to Dr Ambrose's Room->AmbroseRoom]]
[[Go downstairs to the Pharmacy Store->Pharmacy]]
[[Go outside->KensingtonAv]]
[[Go to your Room->YourRoom]]<</if>><</if>>
\<<if $day neq "Friday" or $time neq "Evening">>
You stand outside Daisy's room. The door is painted white and decorated with pink flowers.
\<<if $time eq "Night">> Daisy is asleep and the door is locked.
<<if $Daisykey eq 1>> [[Unlock the door->DaisyRoom_1]] <<elseif $burglary gt 0>> [[Pick the lock->DaisyRoom_1]] <</if>>
<<elseif $time eq "Morning">> Daisy is not here and the door is locked.
<<if $Daisykey eq 1>> [[Unlock the door->DaisyRoom_1]] <<elseif $burglary gt 0>> [[Pick the lock->DaisyRoom_1]]<</if>>
<<else>>Daisy is in her room.
[[Speak to Daisy->Daisy_conv]]<</if>>
<<if $time eq "Morning" and $day neq "Sunday">> [[Work in the Pharmacy->Pharm_work]] <<else>> The Pharmacy is closed, you cannot work there now.<</if>>
[[Go to the kitchen->Kitchen]]
[[Go to Dr Ambrose's Room->AmbroseRoom]]
[[Go downstairs to the Pharmacy Store->Pharmacy]]
[[Go outside->KensingtonAv]]
<<if $house eq 0>>[[Go to your room->YourRoom]]
<</if>><</if>><<set $room = "DaisywifeRoom>><img src="Images/HC21/Daisyroom.webp" width=600 />
Daisy is in her room and turns to face you. "Hello darling, what brings you here?"
<<Daisyconv>>You stand outside the master bedroom.
<<if $time eq "Evening" and $mrsalove gte 2 and ($day eq "Monday")>>The door is ajar.
[[Quietly enter the room->MrsAsex]]
<<else>>The door is heavy and locked.
<<if $Ambrosekey eq 1>> [[Unlock the door->AmbroseRoom_1]] <<elseif $burglary gt 1>> [[Pick the lock->AmbroseRoom_1]] <</if>> <</if>>
<<if $time eq "Morning" and $day neq "Sunday">> [[Work in the Pharmacy->Pharm_work]] <<else>> You cannot work in the Pharmacy now.<</if>>
<<if $house eq 0>>[[Go to your room->YourRoom]]
\[[Go to the kitchen->Kitchen]]
[[Go to Daisy's Room->DaisyRoom]]
[[Go downstairs to the Pharmacy Store->Pharmacy]]
[[Go outside->KensingtonAv]]<img src="Images/Places/Daisyroom.webp" width=500 />
The room is unoccupied, and very girly, with a pink floral theme
There is a small bed against the window. You note it is a single, unfortunately. A chest of drawers sits next to it.
The fresh smell of Daisy's perfume lingers in the air
You do not currently have anything to do here
[[Return->DaisyRoom]]<img src="Images/Places/Ambroseroom.webp" width=600 />
The room is unoccupied, with a large bed dominating the space.
There is a thick velvet curtain on a brass curtain rail against one wall, although curiously this is not against the window.
A woman's dressing table and large wardrobe sit against the other wall
You do not currently have anything to do here
[[Return->AmbroseRoom]]I'm grateful to be working for your father, but two shillings a day isn't going to make my fortune. Do you know of any other work?
<<if $coffeework eq 0>> She thinks a moment, before running a slender finger down your cheek.
"Well you are a very pretty boy, if you don't mind my saying. My friend Ruby was saying yesterday that they were looking for some waitresses at the coffee shop in the afternoons and evenings. A shilling a shift, plus tips."
<<back "Dressing as a girl? That's a ridiculous idea">>
[[Well it would be more money, and I've always wondered what I would look like in a dress->Daisywaitress]]
<<else>> She has already got you work at the coffee shop.
<<return "Return">><</if>>"Daddy is clever, brilliant some would say, but he's a bit old fashioned.
All he does is work it seems." She looks a little sad, then pulls herself together. "He worked terribly hard to set up his business, and then ran into some money problems a few months ago. Sir Walsingham was in like a vulture to offer him a loan, and one thing led to another and now he owns half the business, along with everything else around here."
<<return "Return">>"There's not much to tell about me. I live here above the pharmacy store with my father and mother. I know my parents wanted another child but mummy fell ill after I was born. Daddy works too hard and is a bit awkward around people.
My best friend is Ruby, she lives across the road, her mother owns the coffee shop there. We're very close, share everything." She looks at you for a moment and bites her lower lip. "Well almost everything."
<<return "Return">><img src="Images/People/Daisy/Daisy_1b.webp" width=600 />
"You are looking especially beautiful today, Daisy" <<set $daisyflirt=1>>
<<if $daisylove lt 2>> <<set $daisylove += 1>> "Why $playername I do believe you are flirting with me. Not that I mind, but don't let Daddy find out or he'll throw you out on the street, so he will. "
<<else>> She reaches in and touches your arm, softly. "So you keep telling me, and I must say you are looking so very pretty yourself." She giggles and bites her lower lip.<</if>>
<<if $meet_daisy eq 1>> You have already arranged a date at the park this Saturday <<else>> <<if $datingdaisy eq 0>>[[Ask her if she wants to go for a walk in the park this Saturday->Daisyaskdate]]
<<else>> [[Ask her if she wants to go for another walk in the park this Saturday->Daisyaskdate]]<</if>><</if>>
[[Try to Kiss her->Daisykiss]]
<<return "Return">>"Oh this is going to be so much fun. They work in long black tights and have long sleeves, so as long as you are clean shaven on your face you should pass for a girl if we do a bit of makeup. I'll arrange things with Ruby, and you can start anytime."
"Won't people notice? What about her mother - she's going to know who is working for her."
"Calm yourself. Mrs Hathaway is <b>very</b> broadminded. Who knows, if you work hard she might even have some other jobs you can do." She giggles, but doesn't elaborate. "Follow me." She heads out dragging you towards the coffee shop.
<<set $coffeework = 1>><<if $time eq "Morning">><<wait>><</if>>
[[Follow Daisy->Cafe]]\<<if $day eq "Tuesday" and $time eq "Evening" and $Daisydomevent gte 1>>
<img src="Images/Places/cafe.webp" width=500 />
It is Tuesday and time for one of your "special" evenings with Daisy. She has feigned fatigue and pretended to take an early night, but instead is meeting you upstairs at Mrs Hathaway's.
[[Head to Mrs Hathaway's upstairs room->Daisydomeventhub]]
<<if $time eq "Afternoon" or $time eq "Evening">>\
<img src="Images/Places/cafe.webp" width=500 />
Mrs Hathaway's coffee shop is a large well lit establishment with two dozen square wooden tables serving a wide range of snacks and hot drinks at reasonable prices. Mrs Hathaway herself stands behind the counter, expertly making drinks and plating up food.
<<if $coffeework eq 1 >> Daisy takes your hand and leads you into a back room.
[[Follow her->Coffeechange]]
[[Chicken out->KensingtonAv]]<</if>>
<<if $coffeework gt 1>> [[Sneak in the back door and get changed.->Coffeechange]]<</if>>
[[Sit down and order a coffee->Coffeecustomer]]
[[Speak to the proprietress->Coffee_MrsH]]
<<if $found_brothel eq 1>>[[Ask about "collecting a cake"->Brothel]]<</if>>
<<if $time eq "Morning" or $time eq "Night">> The coffee shop is closed.<</if>> <</if>>[[Leave->KensingtonAv]]<img src="Images/Places/Hydepark2.jpg" width=600 />
You arrive at Hyde Park, the largest open space in the city. It is busy, but does not feel crowded as it is so vast. Birds sing as you walk along the Serpentine
<<if $day eq "Saturday" and $meet_daisy eq 1>><<if $time eq "Morning">>You are meeting Daisy here this afternoon.
<<link [[Wait|Park]]>><<wait>><</link>> <<elseif $time eq "Afternoon" >>Daisy is here, looking ravishing in a long dress and holding a parasol.
[[Walk with Daisy->DaisyWalk]]<</if>>
<<elseif $found_football eq 1 and $day eq "Sunday">>
<<if $time eq "Morning">>Your team is playing football here this afternoon. But you should be in church...
<<link [[Wait|Park]]>><<wait>><</link>><<elseif $time eq "Afternoon" >>You see the team warming up on the football field
[[Join the game->Park_match]]<</if>>
<<elseif $found_football eq 1 and $day eq "Friday">>
<<if $time neq "Evening">>Your team is training here this evening.
<<link [[Wait|Park]]>><<wait>><</link>><<elseif $time eq "Evening" >>You see your team warming up on the football field
[[Join the training->Park_training]]<</if>>
[[Go home->YourRoom]]
[[Return to Kensington Avenue->KensingtonAv]]
<<if $found_hellfireclub eq 1>> [[Go to the Hellfire Club->Hellfire]] <</if>><img src="Images/Places/Berkley2.webp" width=600 /><<if $farm gt 0 and $hcmember eq 0>><<set $hcmember = 1>><</if>>
You arrive at Berkeley Square, a well to do area of London surrounding an attractive oval garden planted with plane trees surrounding a fountain. On the south side of the square stands the imposing building of Dashwood House.
The building is large, and set back from the street behind a wrought iron fence. Standing in the gate are a pair of guards, clad in formal finery of tail coats and dress shirts. <<femcheck>>
\<<if $time neq "Evening">> "I am sorry, <<sir>>. But the club is closed except in the evenings."
<<elseif $time eq "Evening">> They greet you "Welcome to the club, <<sir>>."
<<if $HCevent eq 2 and ($day eq "Saturday") >>[[Join the Easter celebration->HC_event3][$HCevent = 3]]
\<<elseif $HCevent eq 3 and ($day eq "Saturday") >>[[Enter the debutantes ball->HC_event 4][$HCevent = 4]]
\<<elseif $HCevent eq 4 and ($day eq "Saturday") >>[[Enter the St. Georges Day banquet->HC_event 5][$HCevent = 5]]
\ <<elseif $HCevent eq 5 and ($day eq "Saturday") >>[[Enter the May Day celebration->HC_event 6][$HCevent = 6]]
\ <<elseif $HCevent eq 6 and ($day eq "Saturday") >>[[Enter the masquerade ball->HC_event7][$HCevent = 7]]
\ <<elseif $HCevent eq 7 and ($day eq "Saturday") >>Tonight is the Exposition de Siecle. Who do you wish to enter the expo with? <<temp>>
[[Enter alone->HC_event8][$temp = "none", $HCevent = 8]]
\<<if $Daisyevent gt 0>>[[Enter with Daisy as your romantic partner->HC_event8][$temp = "Daisy", $HCevent = 8]]
\<<if $Daisydomevent gt 0>>[[Enter with Daisy as your Mistress->HC_event8][$temp = "Miss Daisy", $HCevent = 8]]
\<<if Flag("nicsub") or Flag("niclove")>>[[Enter with Nicola as your submissive->HC_event8][$temp = "Nicola", $HCevent = 8]]<</if>>
\ <<elseif $HCevent gt 7 and $HCevent lt 12 and ($day eq "Saturday") >>This weeks event does not take place at the club. Wait until the start of the weekend.
You can still go inside the club if you wish.
[[Walk inside->HC_foyer][$p = 0]]
\ <<elseif $HCevent eq 12 and ($day eq "Saturday") >>The Hellfire club ballroom is booked for a private function tonight. Thankfully you have other plans.
You can still go inside the club if you wish.
[[Walk inside->HC_foyer][$p = 0]]
\ <<elseif $HCevent eq 13 and ($day eq "Saturday") >>[[Attend the Midsummer Eve performance->HC14][$HCevent = 14]]
\ <<elseif $HCevent gt 13 and ($day eq "Saturday") >>There are no more Hellfire events written yet- check back next update. You can still go inside the club if you wish.
[[Walk inside->HC_foyer][$p = 0]]
\<<if $hcmember gt 0>>[[Walk inside->HC_foyer][$p = 0]]
\<<else>> However on inspecting you, they block your entry, looking down at you curiously.
"Do you have an appointment?"
\<<if $found_wals eq 1>>[[Show Walsingham's card->HC_cardcheck]]
\<<if $megHCinvite eq 1>>[[Show Megan's card->HC_cardcheck]]
[[Return Home ->KensingtonAv]]You reach in and gently place your lips against Daisy's.
They are soft and tender.
<<if $daisylove lt 2>>"You must mistake me for some kind of harlot, $playername"
<<set $daisylove -= 1>>
<<else>> <<if $daisylove lt 4>>"Why $playername what kind of a girl do you think I am?" She pushes you away, but smiles gently. <<set $daisylove += 1>>\
<<else>> She puts an arm around your neck and kisses you passionately. <</if>><</if>>
<<Daisyconv>>"Would you like to walk with me in the park, this Saturday afternoon, Daisy?" you ask nervously.
<<if $daisylove gt 1>>"I'd be delighted to, $playername."
<<set $meet_daisy = 1>>
<<else>> "We hardly know each other, it wouldn't be proper. I'm flattered though, perhaps another time." <</if>>
<<Daisyconv>><<temp>><<set $randomset = [1, 2, 3]>>\
<<set $random = $randomset.pluck()>>\
<<if $ret eq "Daisyspouseroom">>
<<if $Daisy eq "dom" and Flag("cuckold") and $random eq 1>>
"I have a surprise for you." says Daisy.
[[Wait for your surprise|DaisyMattcuck]]
\ <<elseif $random eq 2 and $spouse eq "Daisy">>
"I asked Ruby to join us. I hope you don't mind." says Daisy.
[[A threesome, what a tragedy|RubyDaisysex]]
<<elseif $Daisy eq "dom">>
"Oh it is my sweet bride. What are we to do with you?" says Daisy, running a finger down the length of your body as you shiver with anticipation at the contact.
"Strip for me." she commands.
You do as she says, before carefully taking off her clothing as well.
<img src="Images/People/Daisy/daisy_nude2.webp" width=600 />
Daisy turns and embraces you. "Oh darling, I've missed you."
The pair of you tear at each others clothes passionately until you lie naked in each others arms.
<img src="Images/People/Daisy/daisy_nude2.webp" width=600 />
Daisy and you step into the members' bedroom at the Hellfire club, closing the door behind you. After checking the door is securely locked, you untie her bodice, revealing a beautiful pert pair of breasts, topped with rosy pink nipples. Her bobbed blonde hair cascades over her shoulders.
<img src="Images/People/Daisy/daisyunderwear_2.webp" width=600 />
"Alone at last, darling." she gasps, nibbling your ear affectionately.
She steps out of her underthings, standing stark naked in front of you, before stripping off your clothing as well, stroking you gently between the legs and making you aroused.
<img src="Images/People/Daisy/daisy_nude2.webp" width=600 />
<</if>><img src="Images/People/Daisy/daisynakedcun.webp" width=600 />
You bow down before her and start licking between her legs. She ruffles your hair as she enjoys the feeling of your lips and tongue nimbly working across her lower lips.
You breathe in her scent and suck hungrily on her clitoris, making her gasp with pleasure and squeeze your head firmly between her thighs.
\<<set $arousal +=1>>
<<if $arousal eq 10 and $chastity eq 0>>You feel your climax approaching and can do nothing apart from [[Cum->Daisycum]]
\<<elseif $arousal eq 10 and $chastity eq 1>>Your cock pushes against its chastity, throbbing on the edge but unable to climax. Taking pity on you Daisy pushes a finger deep inside your ass. [[Cum->Daisycum]]
<<if $Daisy neq "dom">>>> [[Make her cum->Daisycum2]]<</if>>
<</if>>You push your $penis penis into her open mouth. She teases the tip of your cock with her tongue before sucking greedily upon the rest of it, her petite lips stretching across its hard girth. You thrust deeper and deeper as she starts to gag slightly.
<img src="Images/People/Daisy/Daisyblowjob.webp" width=600 />
<<set $arousal +=3>>
<<if $arousal eq 10>> You feel your climax approaching and can do nothing apart from [[Cum->Daisycum][$temp1 = 1]] <<else>>
[[Cum->Daisycum][$temp1 = 1]]
<</if>>She unhooks the chain from around her neck, and teases you with the small gold key hanging from it.
"Have you been a good little girl for me? Shall we let you out to play?"
<img src="Images/People/Daisy/daisynakedsqiat.webp" width=600 />
She pushes you back onto the bed and squats across your face. "Let us see if you can persuade me." She forces her weight down onto your mouth as your tongue darts into her moist folds, licking back and forth as she squirms on your face. You taste her juices as you increase the pressure, until she moans loudly and shudders with pleasure.
<img src="Images/People/Daisy/daisy_nude2.webp" width=600 />
"Well done, my princess." She inserts the key into the lock and releases your $penis cock, which had been painfully pushing against its contraints. It hardens rapidly, pointing up toward her face. <<chastity 0>>
<<daisysex>>She lies back on the pillow, as you hold her gently and rub the tip of your cock against her vulva. It is slippery with her arousal.
"More" she moans, and you oblige, pushing first the head, then the rest of your member deep inside her.
She squeals with pleasure as she tightens around you.<<set $arousal +=3>>
<<penisvag "Daisy">>
<img src="Images/People/Daisy/daisyfucked.webp" width=600 />
<<if $arousal eq 10>> You feel your climax approaching and can do nothing apart from [[Cum->Daisycum]]
<</if>>Daisy lies on her front on the bed, lifting her ass toward you.
<img src="Images/People/Daisy/Daisynudebed4.webp" width=600 />
"Be gentle my love." she begs, as she licks her fingers and uses them to lubricate her back passage. You force yourself inside her tight ass a little at a time, before she gasps as the head of your penis pushes inside fully.
"Fuck my ass." she gasps through gritted teeth, and you dont need to be asked twice as you start thrusting harder and harder in time with her moans.
<<if $sex_virginityloss eq "Nobody">>I am so happy I lost my virginity to my cousin Daisy.<<set $sex_virginityloss = "Daisy Ambrose, my cousin">><</if>>
<<set $arousal +=3>>
<<if $arousal eq 10>> You feel your climax approaching and can do nothing apart from [[Cum->Daisycum]] <<else>>
<</if>>You pull out just before you come, spraying semen
\<<if $temp1 eq 1>> over her face.
<img src="Images/People/Daisy/dasiycumface.webp" width=600 />
\<<else>>across her breasts and stomach.
<img src="Images/People/Daisy/daisycumtits.webp" width=600 />
She puts a finger into the sticky fluid and raises it to her lips. "I love the taste of this stuff." she says as she licks it, her flushed cheeks growing slightly pinker.
<<if $Daisydomevent gt 0 and $chastity eq 0 and $penis neq "none">>After wiping you clean, she gently replaces the cage about your softening member, clicking the lock back into place. "Let's keep your clitty safe and secure. Until next time anyhow my sweet." She replaces the key on the chain around her neck.<<chastity 1>> <</if>>\
You hurriedly dress and kiss passionately before leaving
<<if $ret eq "HC_foyer">><<link [[You dress before heading back into the club->HC_foyer]]>><<wait>><<WearAll>><</link>>
\<<else>><<link [[Finish and get dressed->YourRoom]]>><<wait>><<WearAll>><</link>><</if>><<SetFlag "event">><<if $coffeework eq 1 >> Daisy pushes you behind a stack of shelves and throws a dress, panties and long black stockings at you. "Panties?" you cry. "Well you cant exactly wear your longjohns can you? Its these or go without. Seeing little alternative at this point you take off your male clothing, pulling on the panties and stockings and squeezing into the slightly too small dress. <<StripAll>><<maidwear>>
\You step out from behind the shelves. "I feel ridiculous."
"But with a bit of work you won't look it."
<<if $facialhair gt 0 >> "You're supposed to be a girl. Remember to shave next time." She thows soap and water across your face and expertly shaves your chin. You wonder how she became so proficient with a razor. <<set $facialhair =0>><</if>>
"Now, lets see what we can do with a bit of makeup." She dabs powder onto your face, before applying a little blusher and eyeshadow, and finishes off with a thin smear of lipstick, before brushing your hair back and tying it in a bow.
She pulls out a small mirror and holds it in front of you.
"What do you think, gorgeous?"
A feminine face looks back at you. Not stunning, but at least pretty.
<<set $fem += 1>><<set $crossoutfit += 1>><<set $crossstockings += 1>>
A slow handclap comes from across the room, as a tall, thin, dark haired girl wearing the same waitress uniform as you approaches. She embraces Daisy fondly before looking you up and down.
"I'm Ruby. And you are late for your shift my dear $playername.
Oh that just won't do, what girls name are we going to call you?
<<if $femname neq "Jane">>"$femname" <<else>><<textbox "$femname" "Jane">> <</if>>
<<else>> You sneak into the back room and carefully undress, placing your clothes in a neat pile before pulling on the long black stockings and black long sleeved dress and tying your hair back with a bow. You dab on makeup as Daisy showed you before checking the results in the tiny mirror on the wall.<<set $crossoutfit += 1>><<set $crossstockings += 1>><<StripAll>><<maidwear>><</if>>
[[Start your shift->Coffee_work]]You pay 2d and sip on a cup of fine black coffee.
<<set $money -= 2>><<if $energy lt 10>><<set $energy += 1>><</if>>
[[Order another->Coffeecustomer]]
[[Leave the coffee shop->KensingtonAv]]She moans with pleasure as she squirts into your mouth. You lick her clean, before snuggling. \
<img src="Images/People/Daisy/daisysquirt.webp" width=600 />
<<if $Daisydomevent gt 0 and $chastity eq 0 and $penis neq "none">>After wiping you clean, she gently replaces the cage about your softening member, clicking the lock back into place. "Let's keep him safe and secure. Until next time anyhow my sweet." She replaces the key on the chain around her neck.<<chastity 1>> <</if>>
You hurriedly dress and kiss passionately before leaving
<<if $ret eq "HC_foyer">><<link [[You dress before heading back into the club->HC_foyer]]>><<wait>><<WearAll>><</link>>
\<<else>><<link [[Finish and get dressed->YourRoom]]>><<wait>><<WearAll>><</link>><</if>><img src="Images/Places/cafe.webp" width=500 />
<<set $coffeework += 1 >>
\You wait tables, delivering coffee and cakes to what seems like hundreds of customers.
\<<set $tips = random(1, 3) + $femcheck - $facialhair>><<if $tips lt 0>><<set $tips = 0>><</if>>
<<if $coffeework gt 20>>You have been working at the coffee shop so long by now that you know the regulars by name, bringing them their orders without them asking, asking after their families and resting a hand on their arm as you talk. <<set $tips += random(2, 6)>>
\<<elseif $coffeework gt 10>>You are practiced at this by now and sway your hips suggestively as you walk, which catches the eye of the mainly male customers. <<set $tips += random(1, 3)>>
You make $tips d in tips. <<money $tips>><<money 12>><<set $energy -=2>><<if $energy lt 0>> <<set $energy = 0>><</if>>
<<if $time eq "Afternoon">> <<link [[Work another shift->Coffee_work]]>><<wait>><</link>><</if>>
[[Finish your shift->Coffee changeback]]You take off your waitress uniform and fold it neatly, putting back on the clothes you arrived in. <<WearAll>><<SetFlag "event" false>>
Mrs Hathaway pops her head back and throws you some sixpences. "Good work today, lassie" she exclaims. Next time work those hips a bit more to get more tips, $femname.
<<wait>> [[Leave the coffee shop->KensingtonAv]]<<if $time eq "Night">>It is night. The pub's lights are off and no-one is home. A couple of drunks are throwing up in the alley behind and this doesn't look a fun place to stay.
<<elseif $time eq "Morning">>After a brisk walk you arrive at the tavern.
Sadly, it isn't open yet, even for the desperate. You'll have to come back in the evening.
<<link [[Wait|Bar]]>><<wait>><</link>>
[[Return to Kensington Avenue->KensingtonAv]]
<<elseif $time eq "Afternoon">> After a brisk walk you arrive at the tavern.
Sadly, it isn't open yet, even for the desperate. You'll have to come back in the evening.
<<if $meet_nick eq 1 and $burglary lt 2>>[[Pop into the Alley to learn to pick locks with Nick->Nickalley]]<</if>>
<<link [[Wait|Bar]]>><<wait>><</link>>
[[Return to Kensington Avenue->KensingtonAv]]
<<elseif $time eq "Evening">>After a short walk, you arrive at your local, The Broken Doll. The sign shows a marionnette limply hanging from a single string. Like the image on the sign, the Doll has seen better days, the interior is faded, with unidentifiable stains on the wooden floor. A cloud of blue smoke wafts out of the lower room where working class folk in flat caps are playing billiards.
There are a few regulars sitting at tables drinking pints of beer and muttering, and one woman standing alone by the end of the bar, occasionally glancing at the rest of the patrons.
<<if $day eq "Wednesday">> Your best friend Matthew is sitting at your usual table, two drinks in front of him, and beckons toward you.
I got the drinks in, $playername.
<<if $mattevent eq 0>> [[Sit down next to Matthew->Matt1]]
\<<elseif $mattevent eq 1>> [[Sit down next to Matthew->Matt2][$mattevent = 2]]
\<<elseif $mattevent eq 2>> [[Sit down next to Matthew->Matt3][$mattevent = 3]]
\<<elseif $mattevent gt 3 and $butler eq 0>> [[Sit down next to Matthew->Matt4]]
\<<elseif $mattevent gt 3>> [[Sit down next to Matthew->Matt5][$mattevent = 5]] \<<else>>[[Sit down next to Matt->Mattchat]] <</if>>
<<else>>The barmaid, Ohara, catches your eye.\
<<set $randomset = [1, 2]>>\
<<set $random = $randomset.pluck()>>\
<<if $random eq 1>>There is a dodgy looking man playing billiards.
[[Challenge him to a game->Billiards]]<</if>>
[[Order a drink and look around->Bar_Drink]]
[[Look around->Bar_random]]
[[Chat to the barmaid->Bar_Ohara]]
[[Chat to the woman->Bar_Nell]]
[[Go home->YourRoom]]
<<set $p = 0>> \<img src="Images/People/Matt/mattpub2.webp" width=600 />
You take your usual seat and begin sipping your drink, catching up with your friend.
As usual you start reminiscing about your army days. Matthew was, and still is, charming, confident, popular and attractive. You, not so much. He had a constant stream of girlfriends, one in each place you were stationed and was captain of the regimental football team, however was not deemed to be officer material and ended up somewhat dishonorably discharged after an incident, before moving back to London and getting a job with his family firm. Something in sales, you recall.
In contrast you had a fairly boring few years in the service, serving competently. You had a girlfriend back home for several months, Nicola but it never really progressed. She came from a very religious background and wanted to wait for sex until you were married. Eventually you split up, after a row. You really loved that girl.
After being discharged to the reserves you lost touch with Matthew, but four drinks later, you are still talking about old times. <<set $drunk=4>><<set $money -=8>>
"Do you ever catch up with Nicola? You two were good together"
You shake your head, admitting you haven't been in contact for over a year.
"So what happened? It was a year ago, you never told me what you argued about."
You are reluctant to go into more detail, not wanting to relive old memories, but Matthew eventually wears you down.
Well it's a bit embarrassing. You know she didn't want sex, because of her family. So I suggested we try something different.
[[I suggested we tried dressing up and roleplay ->Matt1_1][$Mattfetish = "Roleplay"]]
[[I suggested we try anal sex ->Matt1_1][$fetish_anal =1; $Mattfetish = "Anal"]]
[[She caught me trying on some of her clothes->Matt1_1][$fetish_cross =1; $Mattfetish = "Crossdressing"]]
[[I suggested we try peeing on each other->Matt1_1][$fetish_piss =1; $Mattfetish = "Pissing"]]
[[I asked her to tie me up->Matt1_1][$fetish_bondage =1; $Mattfetish = "Bondage"]]
Dev note - if you are in any way averse to submissive content, I suggest you pick roleplay here."You kinky bugger, $playername. I didn't know you had it in you.
Seems a bit of an overreaction though, if you ask me. $Mattfetish is a perfectly ordinary fetish. You remember that time after that football team when we were posted in Scandinavia. There was that Swedish girl, Helga. I tried that with her once."
He heads off to the bathroom, before popping back a few minutes later.
"Anyhow, it's getting late, and I've got to travel out of town tomorrow. Sorry I can't see you for your birthday."
Your birthday. You'd forgotten. Twenty two tomorrow. And what do you have to show for it. Single. An attic room. Only one real friend. And a virgin to boot. And now Matthew knows you've got a fetish for $Mattfetish.
"Oh crap" he cries. "Can you do me a favour. I've got a delivery I cant make tomorrow, some paperwork from a sale last week. Girl was out when I called by, and I dont have time to arrange a courier. Lives a few streets down from you - can you drop it by tomorrow? I know its your birthday but you said you didn't have plans, and it'll be quick."
He hands you a plain brown envelope with an address and apartment number on it, Apartment 1b, 212 Charlton Square, before saying his farewells and staggering off. "Same time next week, right?"
[[Go home->YourRoom][$meet_megan =1; $mattevent=1; $time = "Night"]]<img src="Images/Places/Meganhouse.webp" width=600 />
\<<if $time neq "Evening" or $day neq "Thursday" or ($meet_megan eq 0 and $Megandomevent lt 1)>>
You arrive at 212 Charlton Square but there is no reply at the door and the blinds of the basement flat are firmly closed.
<<link [[Wait|Megan]]>><<wait>><</link>>
\<<elseif $time eq "Evening" and $day eq "Thursday" and $meet_megan eq 1 and $meganevent eq 0>> Following the directions you find the address that Matthew asked you to deliver to, 212 Charlton Square. It is a well maintained brownstone building in a fashionable area of the city. Checking the main door it appears that apartment 1b is a basement flat with its own entrance down a short iron staircase.
[[Betray Matt's confidence and look inside the envelope->Megan_1b]]
[[Descend the stairs and ring the doorbell->Megan1]]
\<<elseif $time eq "Evening" and $day eq "Thursday" and (Flag("domtraining") eq 1 or Flag("dommetraining") eq 1 or $Megandomevent gt 0)>>
You arrive apprehensively at Mistress Megan's apartment at 212 Charlton Square. You descend the steps, unsure what she will have in store for you today.
\<<if Flag("domtraining")>>[[Enter with Nicola for training->Megandomtraininghub]]
\<<if Flag("dommetraining")>>[[Enter with Daisy for training->Megansubtraininghub]]
\<<if $Megandomevent gt 0>>[[Enter alone to serve Megan->Megan_domeventhub]]
[[Enter alone for a regular session with Megan->Megan2]]
\<<elseif $time eq "Evening" and $day eq "Thursday" and $meet_megan eq 1 and $meganevent gt 0>> You arrive at Megan's basement flat in the fashionable brownstone building. Your heart beats faster as you see the closed black door at the bottom of the short iron staircase.
[[Descend the stairs and ring the doorbell->Megan2]]
[[Go home->YourRoom]]
<<set $p = 0>> \You peel open the envelope carefully and take a look inside.
You find a single sheet of plain paper, with the single word $Mattfetish ! written on it, wrapped around what looks like about 10 shillings in cash.
You get the feeling you are being set up.
You push the money back into the envelope and try to close the seal, but it doesn't quite close properly. It'll probably be fine.
[[Descend the stairs and ring the doorbell->Megan1]]
[[Go home->YourRoom]]You ring the bell and wait patiently. The door opens a crack and a woman's voice enquires "Yes, who is it?"
"It's $playername, Matthew's friend. He asked me to bring round some papers for you."
<<SetFlag "event">>
There's a brief pause. "Why yes, I remember - do come on in." Her voice is polite and refined.
The door opens half way and you step inside before it is closed quickly behind you.
<img src="Images/People/Megan/Megandress_2b.webp" width=600 />
The owner of the voice is a gorgeous brunette in her mid thirties. She is wearing a tight black dress, high heeled patent black shoes and dark tights or stockings. Her right arm has a tattoo of a rose coiled around it like a snake. You can't help notice that her tits are enormous and very pert.
<<set $found_megan= 1>>
"Pleased to meet you, $playername." She reaches in and kisses you gently on the cheek. Her musky perfume is striking, a little overpowering. "Can I get you a drink? White wine, Champagne, water?"
[[White wine would be lovely thanks->Megan_1d]]
[[Champagne. I'm celebrating, it's my birthday->Megan_1e]]
[[Just water please->Megan_1ea]]
[[Whatever you are having, gorgeous->Megan_1d]]You take the money and put it in your wallet, feeling a little embarrassed at your conversation with your friend. You hope he'll have calmed down by Thursday.
<<money 120>>
[[Go home->YourRoom]]She hands you a glass of white wine, and pours one for herself, before clinking glasses.
"Cheers, here's to meeting new people."
<img src="Images/People/Megan/Megan_kiss.webp" width=600 />
"I'm Megan by the way", she says. "Now can I have that envelope?"
You smile back and [[hand her the envelope->Megan_1f]]Well happy birthday to you. I should give you a present shouldn't I?
She leans in and kisses you passionately with her full red lips.
<img src="Images/People/Megan/Megan_kiss.webp" width=600 />
I'm Megan by the way, she says. Now can I have that envelope?
Too shocked to do anything else, you [[hand her the envelope->Megan_1f]]Megan takes the envelope and opens it, turning away from you and looking at the contents before putting it into a dresser drawer.
She turns back to you, looking stern, before putting her hands on your shoulders.
<img src="Images/People/Megan/Megandress_4.webp" width=600 />
"All seems to be in order. Now $playername, I understand you've been a bit of a naughty boy. You've been thinking about sex, haven't you. Not just regular sex, but you are after things you can't ask nice girls. $Mattfetish is what you are lusting after isn't it. Well that and me I hope. " She looks down at the bulge in your pants and smiles. "I thought so."
"This is how it's going to work. You are going to go into the bathroom over there and freshen up. I'm going to get changed into my work clothes. And then I'm going to help you with your little problem. And if you make me happy..." she leans in and whispers in your ear, "I'll fuck your brains out. Assuming you want to that is. I'm a professional, and consent is very important to me. So what's it to be honey?"
<<set $meet_megan = 0>>
\<<if $Mattfetish eq "Roleplay">>[[Freshen up->Megan_roleplay_1]]
\<<else>>[[Freshen up->Megan_1g]] <</if>>
[[Apologise and go home->YourRoom]]"Water is good. It's important to stay hydrated. You're looking a little warm, honey, it's fine, I'm not going to bite. Not yet anyhow!"
<img src="Images/People/Megan/Megan_kiss.webp" width=600 />
"I'm Megan by the way", she says. "Now can I have that envelope?"
[[hand her the envelope->Megan_1f]]You strip, leaving your clothes and shoes in a neat pile under the sink, then freshen up, scrubbing soap around your semi-erect dick, under your arms and ass crack. You notice the bland unscented soap - perfect for philandering husbands you guess.
\On one hand you're finally going to get laid. And have your kinky fantasies fulfilled. By a gorgeous beauty no less.
On the other it's obvious she's a whore, even if an upmarket one. Perhaps you could call her a courtesan.
You dry off with a towel, wrap it around your waist and emerge back into what you now think of as Megan's boudoir.
<img src="Images/People/Megan/Megan01_1.webp" width=600 />
She stands feet wide apart wearing thigh high leather boots and a matching corset, with her huge tits poking out from the top of it. Her brunette hair is tied up, and her arms are by her side.
"Did I say that you could look at me, my pet? You aren't worthy to make eye contact with me are you?"
"No what?"
"No Megan."
She strokes the side of your face gently. "That is Mistress Megan to you. Or just Mistress. Why don't you try again?"
"Sorry Mistress. No I'm not worthy to look at you." you say sheepishly. <<if $sub lt 2>> <<set $sub = 2>> <</if>>
"Very good. Now take off that towel and let me look at you."
You loosen the towel and let it fall to the floor, your cock now standing erect as she inspects you. "Very nice, I am going to have some fun with this. Now before we start, let me establish some rules.
You refer to me as Mistress or Mistress Megan.
You never make eye contact.
If you are uncomfortable with something, you say your safeword and we will stop, no questions asked. But only if you say your safeword. Otherwise no matter how much you beg, plead or say no, I keep going until I decide to stop. Now what do you want your safeword to be?"
<<textbox "$safeword" "custard">>
She laughs. "Very well. Now come into my playroom." She gestures at the bedroom door.
<<if $Mattfetish eq "Anal">> You take one look at the tight leather curves around her shapely ass and [[walk through the door ->Megan_anal_1_1]]
<<elseif $Mattfetish eq "Crossdressing">> You take one look at her gorgeous attire and wish that it was you wearing it and [[walk through the door ->Megan_cross_1]]
<<elseif $Mattfetish eq "Pissing">> You wonder what she tastes like and [[walk through the door ->Megan_piss_1]]
<<elseif $Mattfetish eq "Bondage">> You see the silken ropes in her hands and [[walk through the door ->Megan_bondage_1]]<</if>>
[[Your nerves betray you and you can't go through with it, and say your safeword ->Megan_safeword]]"$safeword"
You speak the word and her stern expression disappears as she returns you to comfort before hugging you softly. "It's ok hun, it's just a game. It's just a bit much for you, I know. Come, sit down."
She gestures to the couch.
She sits next to you, her leather clad body next to your naked frame.
"Let's just try regular, shall we. No Mistress. Just Megan."
She kisses you softly, her tongue twining around your mouth as her hand gently starts stroking your cock, teasing it with her fingertips.
"Let's take the edge off things."
She kneels in front of you and puts the tip of your penis between her lips, licking the precum from its end expertly before rocking back and forward. Her fingernails gently caress your balls as her saliva filled mouth sucks harder and harder until you can't hold any more...
She gently pulls back and licks her lips.
<<set $oralr_count += 1>>
<<set $cum_count += 1>>
"You bad boy, coming without warning me. Mistress Megan would have made you swallow that you know. Now it's my turn while he's waiting to get excited again."
She strips naked, apart from her boots, and pulls your head between her legs. "Lick my pussy, sweetie."
You can't wait and dive in, rubbing her shaven lips with your thumbs before licking at her moist clefts. You only ever did this once before with Nikki when she was really drunk, and never really spoke about it afterwards, though you remember the taste. It's much easier with Megan's fully shaven cunt.
As you suck and lick she moans like a pro and shudders.
"Oooh, ooh, Oh fucking god yes!"
<<set $oralg_count += 1>>
She holds you gently on the couch, and you chat for a little while about your background, your job, and your ex., as well as your friend Matthew.
"He sounds like a good friend. I think you might owe him a drink when you see him next. And as for her, she doesn't know what she is missing, I love this cock! Speaking of which, he seems to have woken up. "
She looks deep into your eyes. "I want you to fuck me, $playername."
She gets you comfortable lying on the couch, sucking your cock until its erect again, before she unrolls a condom and pulls it over your erection, then lifting her body above yours and gently lowering herself over you, pushing your face between her ample breasts. You push deep within her, so tight, thrusting for a few minutes before coming a second time with spurts of spunk deep within the sheath.
<<set $cum_count += 1>> <<set $pussyg_count += 1>> <<set $arousal = 0>> <<set $energy -= 2>> <<if $energy lt 0 >> <<set $energy = 0>> <</if>>
She gently lifts up from you, unrolling the sheath from your wilting cock and wiping you with a damp cloth.
<<if $meganevent eq 0>> [[lie back exhausted ->Megan firsttime end]]
<<else>> [[lie back exhausted ->Megan_end]] <</if>>She leads you into the bedroom and pushes you down upon a silken black sheet.
"So we want to be mess around, do we? Let's play a game. I'm going to get you good and hard. But you can't touch yourself. And if you want to come, you just have to do one teeny tiny little favour for me."
She kisses you deeply, licking the inside of your lips with her firm tongue.
"You do want to make your mistress happy don't you?"
" Yes mistress"
"Good boy. Now lets just make sure you can't cheat."
She pulls your arms behind your back and clicks your wrists together with handcuffs, leaving you sitting on the bed with your erect cock poking out.
She kneels between your legs and starts licking the end with the tip of her tongue. "Oh I do love this cock" she says before wrapping her scarlet lips around it.
You start to moan softly as you feel your excitement build, but she stops abruptly, scratching your balls with her fingertips and squeezing your nipples. "Oh, you want to cum, baby? Does my piss slut want to cum?"
"Yes mistress"
"Well all you have to do is lie back and drink up for me. You can do that can't you?"
She pushes you back onto the sheet and crouches over you.
[[Drink up ->Megan_piss_1_1][$sex_pissswallow =+ 1]]
[[You can't go through with it, and say your safeword ->Megan_safeword]]You enter the bedroom, and notice a large bed with an ornate metal frame, covered with a black silk bedspread.
"Lie down on your back." she commands
You do as instructed, and she gently takes a wrist and wraps a silken loop around it before tying it to the headboard. She repeats this with the other wrist, pulling it tightly so your arms are secured, then moves to your legs, tying them to the other corners of the bed and pulling them tightly. She finally takes a blindfold and wraps it around your head.
<<set $meganbondage +=1>>
<<bondage 3>>
<<set $arousal =10>>
"Can you move or see anything?"
"No mistress"
"Very good. Now we shall begin shall we."
You feel her hair moving down your chest, caressing you gently, and the feel of a firm breast brushing against your cheek. Her perfume fills your nostrils as your sense of sight is replaced by touch and smell. She continues to tease you for what feels like half an hour but is probably much shorter, as your erection strains at your crotch. There is a sudden warmth as you feel her lips around your cock and you gasp as she sucks at you greedily, covering you with warm saliva as you feel her mouth move back and forward.
Unable to resist much longer, you spurt deeply into her mouth.
"Did I give you permission to cum my pet? This won't do at all."
You feel her lips brush against yours, and taste your salty semen on her lips as she parts them with her tongue, and spits your cum into your mouth.
"Now be a good pet and clean that all up for me."
<<set $cum_count += 1>>
[[Swallow ->Megan_bondage_1_1][$sex_cumswallow =+ 1]]
[[Spit it out and say your safeword ->Megan_safeword]]She takes your hand and leads you to a wardrobe and selects some items.
"These should be about your size. I used to have a crossdressing client who kept all his outfits here. Until his wife found out, then he stopped visiting and never collected them. Let's see. Panties, Dress. Heels." She takes one look at you. "No tits, these won't work." You see her throwing a bra back into the drawer. "Stockings it is. Fishnet I think with those legs. These are all the rage in Paris at the moment"
"Ok, my little girl. Time to get dressed. And I'm going to watch." She starts rubbing her nipples through her corset. "First your stockings. Sit down and unroll them onto your legs. Make sure the seams are straight or I might have to punish you."
You inexpertly roll the first stocking up your calf, secretly thrilled by the feel of the soft fabric against your admittedly hairy legs, and smooth the lacy upper part over your pale thigh, before repeating with the other. Your cock hangs limply against the top of one, semi erect.
"Adequate, for a first time. Straighten that seam now."
You do as instructed.
"Now panties - cover up that cock. We dont want to see that. Not unless you're a very good girl."
You pull the panties over your smooth legs, the lacy material matching the top of the stocking feels incredible stretched over the growing bulge of your cock.
"And now the dress." Megan commands.
The dress is a short black party dress. You pull it over your head and shimmy into it. You feel like a teenage girl preparing for a first date.
"And the heels"
"But I've never..."
"The heels." she orders, slapping your ass with the palm of her hand.
"Yes, Mistress."
You step into the high heeled black shoes, wobbling a little.<<slut1>>
\"Oh you are pretty. Give us a twirl" she giggles, before coming over to you and adjusting the dress, rubbing your crotch for good measure. "Someone is getting excited. Look at yourself in the mirror"<<set $crosspanties += 1>><<set $crossoutfit += 1>><<set $crossheels += 1>><<set $crossstockings += 1>>
You had not noticed the full length mirror before, but are surprised how feminine your body looks, the fishnet stockings hiding the hairiness of your legs, and the tight dress revealing a surprisingly shapely ass.
"Now makeup. First some foundation." She pushes you down firmly at a dressing table and rubs a cream into your cheeks.
"Now we need to conceal here and here, and blend this all in nicely. There we go you pretty little thing. We are going to make such a slutty little minx out of you. Lets put some eyeliner on here, some eyeliner, nice and smoky as you're such a slut, and a little blusher - just a hint, you're blushing enough already. And some eyelashes"
She puts some glue on some false eyelashes and with a few tries, and slaps for you to keep still, affixes them to your upper eyelids.
"Almost there. You can do your own lipstick. Use the lip pencil to trace the edge of your lips, keep it light, then fill in with the lip gloss. This pink will suit you I think. Its called flamingo pink, but in your case I think we can call it flabimbo pink. Oh yes, that is just perfect. One more thing."<<wigon "black bob wig">>
She takes a short black wig from a mannequin head and adjusts it over your head.
"Gorgeous. Now what are we going to call you? $playername just won't do."
<<if $femname neq "Jane">> "Er you can call me $femname" you reply. <<else>>
<<textbox "$femname" "Jane">><</if>>
<<if $fem lt 3 >><<set $fem = 3>><</if>>
<<set $arousal += 5>><<if $arousal gt 10>><<set $arousal = 10>><</if>>
[[Look in the mirror->Megan_cross_1_1]]<img src="Images/People/Megan/Megancatmask1.webp" width=600 />
She walks with you into the bedroom and pushes you down aggressively onto the bed, pinning you down and kissing you. You notice she has even put a cat mask on to add to the excitement.
"You're going to be my ass slut today, $playername. I'm going to fuck that little hole of yours. It looks so tight, it might even be a virgin asshole. Now bend over you little slut."
You comply, bending over the foot of the bed. You feel a cold stickiness in your ass, as she pushes a finger inside, rubbing oil around it.
"At least you're clean. Now, lets plug that hole while we get you warmed up."
You feel something hard pushing between your ass cheeks and spreading your ass wide. She gently increases the pressure until you feel the small buttplug get sucked inside your asshole. <<set $sex_analtoy += 1>>
"Now start playing with your cock as I spank you. And count."
You feel a smack on your ass.
"Er, one."
"One thank you mistress." she corrects, smacking you again, harder.
"Two, thank you mistress." You reply
"Work that cock harder" she commands, before spanking you again and again as you count 3, 4, 5. You are starting to get excited now and start to moan
"Don't you dare cum or I'll fuck your ass without any lubrication. Keep going." she panks you again, harder with something firm that might be a paddle.
[[Six, thank you mistress Megan ->Megan_anal_1_2]]
[[The pain is too much and you say your safeword ->Megan_safeword]]"Thanks honey for sharing your first time with me. I think you enjoyed that, but I'm afraid our time is up for today. But I'd love to see you again, if you want. You go freshen up, ok honey."
<img src="Images/People/Megan/Megandress_1.webp" width=500 />
You come out of the shower dressed and clean, and she is back in her black dress, touching up her makeup. She hands you a business card with a picture of a rose on it. "Book through Mrs Hathaway at the coffee shop. I don't think your friend will pay again next time though." <<WearAll>> <<wigoff>>
Well on one hand, you had the most erotic, sexual and fulfilling evening you can remember. On the other hand it was with a prostitute, and whilst she's more than happy to repeat the experience, it's going to cost you 10 shillings a time.
Your rent is 2 shillings a week
You spend about 1 shilling a day on food and other expenses.
You make 2 shillings a day from your job.
Which leaves you about a shilling a week. You really dont want to have to wait two months to do this again.
<<set $megan_date += 1>><<set $meet_megan =0>><<set $meganevent +=1>>
[[Think about how to make more money as you walk home ->YourRoom][$time = "Night"]]You swallow as commanded, the thick salty liquid running down your throat.
You gag and cough slightly not used to the taste of your own semen, but are aroused by being commanded to do this by your mistress.
"Good pet, what a sweet little cumslut you are today."
You feel a kiss on your forehead and feel proud.
"Now its my turn." she says ominously.
Helpless and unable to move, you hear the sound of her undressing, before you feel her sitting on top of you. A musky smell fills your nostrils as she lowers her sex upon your face and she pushes her pussy into your mouth.
Unable to resist, you start licking and sucking her moist folds, realising her cunt is fully shaven and smooth
"Yes, yes, suck my clit baby" she calls, as her excitement rises, before she comes with a shriek, clamping your face with her thighs and spurting sweet liquid onto your tongue.
<<set $oralg_count += 1>>
She rises off you and you feel your blindfold being untied. The room is dimly lit, and you see her naked body glistening with sweat.
"You've been a good little slave today, and I think you deserve a reward. I'm going to dress you in latex too."
She unrolls a condom onto your again erect penis, and pushes her breasts toward your mouth.
"Now I am going to fuck you, as you have pleased me. But you can't cum until I give you permission."
She teases the tip of your cock against the outside of her pussy, rocking back and forward as you are still tied to the bedframe. You gasp as you enter her for the first time and she leans down and kisses you deeply from her dominant cowgirl position, before putting all her weight on you and thrusting you deep inside her with a gasp.
"Fuck me hard, little sluttoy"
You obey and buck your groin upwards from the mattress, faster and faster
"Yes mistress. Please can I cum, Mistress Megan?"
"Not yet." she slows and pulls away, teasing you and keeping you on the edge before repeating the process twice and a third time
Eventually you are begging her. "Please let your fucktoy cum, Mistress Megan."
She thrusts upon you one last time with a gasp and you feel her tighten around your cock.
"Come for me now, $playername. Come in your Mistress."
You spurt into her in triumph with a gasp. <<set $meganbondage+= 1>>
<<set $pussyg_count += 1>> <<set $arousal = 0>><<set $energy -= 3>><<if $energy lt 0 >> <<set $energy = 0>> <</if>>
<<penisvag "Megan">><<cum>>
Afterwards she unties your limbs and gently massages your wrists to restore blood flow, before snuggling naked next to you for a moment. "I think you liked that, being my little slave for a while. Maybe we can take things to the next level next time."
<<if $meganevent eq 0>> [[Snuggle ->Megan firsttime end]]
<<else>> [[Snuggle->Megan_end]] <</if>>After today's session Megan returns to her usual friendly self. "I can tell you enjoyed that, Honey, but I'm afraid our time is up for today. I'd love to see you again, if you want. You go freshen up, ok sweetie."
You come out of the bathroom dressed and clean, and she is wearing stockings, panties and bra. <<WearAll>><<wigoff>>
<<if $megHCinvite eq 0 and $HCmember eq 0 and $meganevent gt 0>>"I guess this makes you a regular now. I think we have a connection now. There is a club that I help manage, I think you'd fit right in. And if you talk to me there I might find some other ways to entertain you. I'm there Monday and weekend evenings." She hands you a card, jet black. On one side is the monogram HC, and an address, Dashwood House, Berkeley Square, Mayfair. <<set $found_hc = 1>><<set $megHCinvite = 1>><<else>>You should speak to me at the Hellfire club again sometime, now we have got to know each other better. I might find some other ways to entertain you. I'm there Monday and weekend evenings.<</if>>
She kisses your cheek gently. and opens her apartment door.
<<set $megan_date += 1>><<set $meet_megan =0>><<set $meganevent +=1>>
<<if $chastity eq 0 and $caged_count gt 0 and $Megandomevent lt 1 >>[[Ask your mistress to be locked in chastity until you meet her again->Megan_chastity3]]
<<elseif $chastity eq 0 and $Megandomevent gte 1 >>Your mistress locks your cock away again with a patient smile. "For your own good, sweetie." <<set $chastity = 1>><</if>>
[[Leave ->YourRoom][$time = "Night"]]A pretty girl looks back at you, with short dark hair, bright pink lipstick, smokey eyes and a smooth complexion. She's wearing a party dress and a shocked expression. It dawns on you that this vision is you.
"You do make a very pretty girl, $femname. A pretty little slut with cocksucking lips. Say that into the mirror and tell yourself how naughty you are."
"I'm $femname and I'm a slut. I want to suck cock and swallow cum." says the girl in the mirror.
"Now touch yourself, start wanking that little girlcock. Tease yourself $femname. But no orgasm until I say."
You start playing with your rock hard cock which is by now poking out of your lacy panties. A dribble of precum is oozing from its end. Megan wipes this with her finger and pushes her finger between your lips. "See how good you taste, $femname."
"I'm getting near. Can I cum, Mistress?"
"Not yet. What do bimbo sluts do to cum. What do you want to do to cum, $femname?"
<<set $cum_count += 1>>
"Swallow it, Mistress."
"Good girl." She kisses your lipstick glazed lips passionately. "Cum for me, $femname." She holds a wine glass at the end of your cock as you spurt thick shots of semen into it. She then pushes your head back and pours the contents over your face and mouth.
<img src="Images/People/self_cross.jpg" width=500 />
"Look at my <<if $fetish_sissy eq 1>>sissy <</if>>girlslut cumwhore. Aren't you beautiful?"
The makeup of the girl in the mirror is running from her cum smeared face, and her lipstick is smeared from the kissing, but she still looks sexy.
<<set $arousal -= 2>>
"Keep the wig as a momento of tonight - anyhow, I can't be bothered to wash the cum out of it. " <<set $objects["black bob wig"].inv = 1>>
<<if $meganevent eq 0>>
[[Lick your lips and swallow the cum->Megan firsttime end][$cumswallow_count += 1]]
[[Spit it out and wipe your face->Megan firsttime end]]
<<else>> [[Lick your lips and swallow the cum->Megan_end][$cumswallow_count += 1]]
[[Spit it out and wipe your face->Megan_end]]
[[lie back exhausted ->Megan_end]] <</if>>You open your mouth wide as she pushes her crotch into your face. A warm stream of urine flows onto your tongue, surprisingly sweet, and down your throat. You gag a little, spilling some onto the black sheets, but keep most of it down with only a little choking.
"What a good little piss drinker you are." She kisses your cheek, careful not to touch your piss covered lips. "Well you did your part of the bargain."
She sits back on your face, reverse cowgirl this time, then lowers herself into a 69 position and resumes sucking your cock, harder and deeper this time until it fills her throat. Consumed by the taste of her you lick at her cunt, which is slick with her juices. You cum quickly, deep within her mouth.
<<set $oralr_count += 1>>
<<set $cum_count += 1>>
"Do you want to... No I think You've drunk enough for today. Maybe next time." she sits up and licks her lips, before snuggling next to you on the sheet.
You chat for a few minutes. About work and your youth, about her time as a prostitute, although she is surprisingly coy about revealing any details. "You wouldn't want me talking about your fetishes with another customer, would you? Speaking of which, since you like messy play..."
She strips off her corset and reveals her huge naked breasts, before bringing out a bottle of oil which she pours over them and your cock. She starts massaging her boobs with one hand and your penis with the other, before guiding your hand to play with her fantastic tits. They are incredibly firm, as is her ass which she clasps your other hand onto.
"I thought you'd like the oil. Now I can't fuck you like this, the oil wont work with the sheath, but this is the next best thing."
She slides your cock, hard again, between her oiled breasts and cups your balls with her hand, sliding it back and forth between the slick orbs. "Cum for me again, baby." she whispers seductively. The oil shows up the massive vein at the base of your penis, but there isn't enough friction and you remain tantalisingly the wrong side of orgasm until she wraps her glistening hand around your glans and finishes you with an oily handjob as you cum in thick spurts all over her fantastic breasts.
<<set $cum_count += 1>> <<set $arousal = 0>>
<<set $energy -= 2>> <<if $energy lt 0 >> <<set $energy = 0>> <</if>>
<<if $meganevent eq 0>> [[Snuggle ->Megan firsttime end]]
<<else>> [[Snuggle ->Megan_end]] <</if>>"Six, thank you Mistress Megan" you shriek
She whacks each buttock again in quick succession.
"Seven, eight thank you"
"N...Nine thank you istress."
"When I get to ten I want you to come for me you little fucktoy, then I want you to thank me."
The hardest blow yet falls on your ass as you scream in pain but simultaneously cum all over your hand.
"Thank you for letting me cum, Mistress."
"Good boy." She says, resting your head on her lap and stroking your face. The cold hard buttplug is still firmly up your ass.
"Now I've never fucked your ass before. I'm guessing your an anal virgin so I will go slow and use my smallest dildo. I want you to relax and think horny thoughts." She arranges you so you are facing an erotic painting on the wall of two naked girls entwined. Megan then strips off her corset and affixes a strap on belt around her waist, pushing a double headed leather bound dildo through it and pushing one end inside her with a gasp.
"We are going to get you to associate having your ass fucked with pleasure."She wraps her hand around your cock and starts massaging it. "Now bend over."
You bend over the bed, supporting yourself with your arms and feel her pulling the butt plug out slowly. There is an audible pop as air rushes back inside your ass when it comes out. You then feel cool oil being rubbed around you. In contrast the dildo is soft and rubbery, and a little warm. Its bigger than the plug and pushes deeper inside you, and you gasp in pain and pleasure. As she hears you gasp Megan increases the pressure around your cock.
"Bite on this" she says, pushing a leather gag between your teeth as she continues to thrust gently into you for a few minutes, moaning softly as she does so.
"Oh, oh, I'm coming" she calls out, squeezing your nipples as she shudders and you feel her orgasm as she thrusts harder inside you. Her hand squeezes hard, nails pressing into your balls and you come almost instantly.
<<set $cum_count += 2>> <<set $analr_count += 1>> <<set $arousal = 0>><<set $energy -= 4>><<if $sex_analvirginityloss eq "Nobody">><<set $sex_analvirginityloss = "Mistress Megan">>You are unsure if you should brag about losing your anal virginity, although this was a spectacular way to do so.<</if>>
She pulls out of you and cuddles you on the bed.
"Now thank me for taking your anal cherry, my little buttslut."
"thank you for fucking my ass, Mistress Megan"
She kisses you softly as she gently massages your ass. You are impressed at the
tenderness of the aftercare, as she describes it.
"It's important after play that the submissive feels calm and relaxed, especially if they have been uncomfortable or in pain. Tell me, was that what you wanted?"
<<if $meganevent eq 0>> [[Yes thank you ->Megan firsttime end]]
[[I'm glad I tried it but it wasn't for me ->Megan firsttime end]]
<<else>> [[Yes thank you ->Megan_end]]
[[I'm glad I tried it but it wasn't for me ->Megan_end]] <</if>><img src="Images/People/Matt/mattpub2.webp" width=600 />
He grins at you with a knowing smile
"So $playersurname, how was your birthday?"
[[Play it cool->Matt2_1]]
<<if $found_megan eq 0>> [[Say it was fine->Matt2_1]]
[[Talk about Megan->Matt_Megan]]
<</if>><img src="Images/People/Matt/mattpub2.webp" width=600 />
Matthew is his usual friendly self. You enjoy a few drinks and chat.
<<if $HCevent gt 8 and ($nicengagement gt 0 or $micengagement gt 0 or $daisyengagement gt 0)>>[[Talk about your engagement|Mattengagement]]
\<<if $HCevent gt 0 or $meganevent gt 0 or $found_megan eq 0>>[[Talk about Megan->Matt_Megan]]
\[[Talk about your ex->Matt_nikki]]
[[Talk about fetishes->Matt_fetishes]]
[[Talk about work->Matt_work]]
[[Talk about sport->Matt_sport]]
\<<if $HCevent gt 1>> [[Talk about the Hellfire Club->Matt_club]]
\<<if $HCevent gt 8>> [[Talk about Paris->Matt_Paris]]
\<<if $fem gte 5 and $fetish_gay eq 1>> [[flirt with Matt->Matt_flirt]]
\<<if ($objects["Substance T"].inv gte 7) or ($objects["Substance O"].inv gte 7)or ($objects["Substance V"].inv gte 4)>>
[[Talk about testing medicines->Matt_drugs]]
\[[Go home->YourRoom][$time = "Night"]]"I've been thinking about what you said. About $Mattfetish not being anything to be embarrassed about. I think I might have been a bit repressed in the past."
"$playername, our whole fucking society is a bit repressed. No sex before marriage, and when you are if you're lucky once a week she'll lie back and think of England while you bounce up and down on her for 3 minutes. And if you're lucky you might get a blowjob on your birthday. Until you knock her up that is, at which point you might as well give up. No - as long as it's not hurting anyone, I think you should be free do what you want. As long as it doesn't involve animals - that's just fucking weird."
[[Have another drink->Mattchat][$money -=2, $drunk +=1]]
[[Go home->YourRoom][$time = "Night"]]<img src="Images/People/Matt/mattpub2.webp" width=600 />
<<if $nic_event eq 0>>
"I wonder what Nicola is doing..." you muse, over your drink.
"I heard she was still in town. Caught up with one of her girlfriends over the weekend who said they'd seen her. Doing well for herself it seems. And not married. Maybe you could give it another go?"
"I think that ship might have sailed. Anyhow - do you know where she is. London is a big city."
"Not today, but I'll keep an ear out. Who knows, maybe you'll just bump into her."
\<<elseif $nicengagement gt 0>>"Things are going well with Nicola and I. And the wedding plans. But she's a bit kinky."
"Kinky how? She lets you have her up the ass?"
"She lets me have it anywhere. No inhibitions. Completely submissive. She calls me $nicdomname and will do whatever I say."
"Anything? Oral? Anal? Threesomes? Bondage?"
You nod and keep nodding.
"You lucky fucker. You hit the jackpot, mate. And she's gorgeous."
"She is."
"So that leaves me free to move in on your cousin then?"
"Feel free. I couldnt think of anyone better for Daisy than you."
\<<elseif $nic_event lt 5>>"I might have started seeing Nicola again." you confess
"Might have? Were you drunk, or just absentminded."
"It's complicated."
"That girl was always complicated. A mass of contradictions. She led you on then turned the taps off. What's she doing with herself now, anyhow?"
"Er, she's a nun."
"A nun. As in convent, wimple, forgive me father for I have sinned type of nun?"
"That's the one."
"And you are seeing her for bible studies?"
"Not exactly. She's a changed."
"Well of course she's changed. She's a fucking nun. Pledged to god. You can't win there, mate."
"Well I might be winning. She's a sexy nun who's desperate for sex."
"Wow. Well cheers. Let me know how it works out."
\<<elseif $nic_event gt 4>>"So you remember I mentioned I was seeing Nicola again?"
"You might have mentioned it. Living in a convent, right?"
"Yes. Well it's now more regular. We're sort of meeting up for sex every Tuesday."
"In the convent."
"Of course not." Though that is a sexy idea. But they wouldn't let a man inside.
"And it's good."
"It's brilliant. She is up for everything."
"Cheers, glad you're happy mate."
[[Have another drink->Mattchat][$money -=2, $drunk +=1]]
[[Go home->YourRoom][$time = "Night"]]\
<<if $found_football eq 0>>"Are you still playing sport?"
"Sure - a bit of rugger - even played a bit for Wasps last season, but I'm not good enough to be a regular. And going along to watch the Woolwich Arsenal playing football. Only London club in the football league. Keep getting hammered by those northern clubs, but they're getting better."
"You still play? We do a kickabout in Hyde park on a Sunday afternoon and training there Friday evenings before finishing here for drinks. Be good for you, get you out the house. Girls love a muscled leg you know."
"I'll think about it" you reply, noting down the details. <<set $found_football=1>>
<<else>> You chat about the Sunday football team, reminding yourself they're meeting in Hyde park for training on Friday evening and a match on Sunday afternoon.<</if>>
[[Have another drink->Mattchat][$money -=2, $drunk +=1]]
[[Go home->YourRoom][$time = "Night"]]"Matthew, remember that time in the regimental bathroom when I caught you looking at my arse?"
As you talk, you put your hand on his and leave it there.
"Oh not this again. I was drunk, all I could see was your butt sticking out, and I thought it was a girls so gave it a feel. You do have a cute arse for a chap you know. But I'm not like that. I like girls, you know that"
"But what if I was a girl?"
He looks you up and down. "Well you're not. I'm a simple man, pretty face, nice hair, smooth legs, nice pair of tits and something warm and wet to shove my cock into, and that's not you is it?" He takes his hand away
"Let's change the subject" he says, sounding a little embarrassed.
[[Have another drink->Mattchat][$money -=2, $drunk +=1]]
[[Go home->YourRoom][$time = "Night"]]You have no money, and are unable to survive in Victorian London.
\<<if $house eq 0>>With a weary shake of his head, Dr Ambrose asks you to leave his household, and says how very disappointed he is in you.
\<<else>> Mr Prescott has an eager glint in his eye as he takes possession of your house, knowing he has profited greatly from your recklessness.<</if>>
Living on the streets, you soon turn to drink, and selling your ass for coppers on the street corners.
You live a few more years before succumbing to an illness caused by alcoholism and the pox.
<b>The End</b>
<<link "Start Again ">><<script>>UI.restart()<</script>><</link>>You tell Matthew abut your work at the Pharmacy.
"Good on you. There's some prospects there - your uncle is getting on, no son to pass it onto. Play your cards right and you could take on a right little earner there. Folk are always going to need medicines, and with your training in the army you'll easily be able to do the study to do that - giving an old dear some smelling salts is easy compared with battlefield medicine, right?"
"And what about your cousin. She'll be eighteen, nineteen now?"
"Nineteen. And she is beautiful."
"There's the plan then. Charm her father, seduce the daughter, inherit the business and live happily ever after."
You both laugh at this.
[[Have another drink->Mattchat][$money -=2, $drunk +=1]]
[[Go home->YourRoom][$time = "Night"]]After an agonising pause, the door swings open. <<SetFlag "event">>
Megan is standing there, dressed elegantly as previously in a long dress and high heels.
<img src="Images/People/Megan/Megandress_2b.webp" width=500 />
She kisses your cheek like an old friend, takes your hand and leads you inside, settling you on a chair and handing you a drink.
It is good to see you back $playername. Shall we get business sorted before we start?
<<if $money gte 120 and $meganevent eq 1>>
[[Hand over 10 shillings->Megan2a][$money -= 120]]
\<<if $money gte 120 and $meganevent neq 1 and $chastity eq 0>>[[Hand over 10 shillings->Megan2b][$money -= 120]]
\<<if $money gte 120 and $meganevent neq 1 and $chastity eq 1>>[[Hand over 10 shillings->Megan2c][$money -= 120]]
\<<if $money gte 120 and $meganevent neq 1 and $chastity eq -1>>[[Hand over 10 shillings->Megan2d][$money -= 120]]
\[[I'm not sure I can part with that kind of money now->Megan_nopay]]<<if $chastity eq 1>> "Very well, as you have been so good." She takes the key from around her neck and clicks the lock open, carefully taking the metal cage from around your sensitive parts and placing it on the table, before putting her hands on her hips <<chastity 0>><</if>>
<<if $Megandomevent lt 1>>After taking your payment and filing it away, she turns back to face you. "Marvellous. Now that business is out of the way, let us proceed to pleasure. Or pain, depending on what you wish to experience today. First - I think you are a little overdressed - why don't you freshen up and come back to me naked?"
You do as she commands, stripping and scrubbing quickly so as not to waste the precious time you have together. When you return her formal dress is gone, replaced as before by boots, corset and a stern demeanor. She laughs. "Very good, my pet. Welcome back to my playroom."<<WearAll>><<StripAll>>
Remember this is a safe space, but hopefully we can have some fun. Now tell me, what do you want to indulge in today?"
[[I want to change my fetishes->Megan2a]]
\<<if $fetish_anal eq 1>>[[I want you to fuck my ass, Mistress ->Megan_anal_1_1]]
\<<if $fetish_cross eq 1>>[[I'd like to dress up as a girl, Mistress ->Megan_cross_1]]
\<<if $fetish_piss eq 1>>[[I want you to pee on me, Mistress ->Megan_piss_1]]
\<<if $fetish_bondage eq 1>>[[I want you to tie me up, Mistress ->Megan_bondage_1]]
\<<if $fetish_milk eq 1>>[[I want you to milk me, Mistress ->Megan_milking_1]]
\<<if $fetish_chastity eq 1 and $chastity eq 0>>[[I want you to put me in chastity, Mistress ->Megan_chastity_1]]
\[[I want you to do some roleplay, Megan ->Megan_roleplay_1]]
[[Your nerves betray you and you can't go through with it, and say your safeword ->Megan_safeword]]She looks at you with a withering glance.
"Well that is disappointing. I'm a busy woman, and don't take kindly to my time being wasted. But I am a professional, and no matter how cute you are, I do not offer my services for free. That's what wives and sluts are for."
She opens a cupboard and removes a long, leather bound dildo from a wooden case, before pushing you firmly towards the door.
"Now you are going to leave and reflect on why I am fucking this delightful object for the next hour and not you."
She closes the door behind you. <<set $meet_megan = 0>>
[[Leave->Megan]]<img src="Images/People/Walspharmacy.webp" width=512 />
"Good morning, young $playersex. Is Dr Ambrose around?"
"No, he's visiting patients. Can I help you? Actually shouldn't you be at the front of the store, customers aren't allowed back here."
"Ah, but I'm not a customer. I'm your employer. Allow me to introduce myself, I am Sir Edward Walsingham, local businessman, entrepreneur and Member of Parliament."
You look up at the figure for the first time, seeing a very well dressed gentleman in his early forties. He has a black waistcoat with gold pocket watch, silk shirt and top hat, as well as a black cane that seems to be mainly for show as he does not seem to need to rest on it to walk.
"Walsingham. Uncle Ambrose's partner?"
"Uncle? Ah, you must be $playername. I heard that Ambrose had taken on new help." He pauses a moment in contemplation, before looking around and continuing, more softly.
"How would you like to earn a little more for your time here."
"I would like that very much Sir, how can I help my employer?" You reply politely.
"Ambrose is an excellent scientist. A genius some say. But his business skills are lacking. I am aware that he has made a number of pharmaceutical discoveries with a commercial application that he has not published or pursued. If you were to identify one or more of these and could bring it to me I would reward you handsomely. Or if you feel that might be a betrayal of family trust you could persuade Dr. Ambrose to develop these in a more profitable manner. Or you could do so yourself, you look like a bright young thing."
As he turns to leave he hands you a card. "When you find something, come and see me in my club. Think on it. Fortune comes to those who act."
The card is black. On one side is the monogram HC, and an address, Dashwood House, Berkeley Square, Mayfair. <<set $found_hc = 1>>
He turns and leaves as the church bell strikes noon.<<set $found_wals= 1>>
<<link [[Finish work for the morning->Pharmacy]]>><<wait>><<money 36>><</link>><<if $time eq "Night">> You arrive at the church at the end of Kensington Avenue, but it is shuttered closed.
[[Go home->YourRoom]]
<<elseif $day eq "Sunday" and $time eq "Morning">>
<img src="Images/Places/church.webp" width=600 />
It is Sunday morning, and the church is busy. The congregation are arriving in their Sunday finery, with most wearing dark suits and somber dresses. Children are mainly dressed in white.
[[Attend the Service->Service]]
[[Wander around the grounds->Church grounds]]
[[Return Home ->KensingtonAv]]
<<else>> There is currently no service in progess. The church door is open
[[Wander around the grounds->Church grounds]]
<<if $confessiontoday neq 1>>[[Take confession->Confession][$p = 0]]<<else>>You have already attended confession today.<</if>>
[[Speak to the bishop|Bishop][$temp = 0]]
[[Return Home ->KensingtonAv]]
<</if>>You wander around the church grounds, contemplating the inevitable while looking respectfully at gravestones.
You feel more peaceful, but there is no other effect.
<<return "Return">><img src="Images/Places/Confession.webp" width=500 />
The Right reverend Bishop Green runs a very traditional church, almost Catholic in its presentation. As such there is a confession booth at the back, and he encourages all the congregation to confess their sins regularly.
<<if $confession eq 0 or ($nic_event gt 0 and $day neq "Tuesday")>>
You step into the booth, kneel before the grille, and bow your head.
"Welcome, youngster. Tell me of your transgressions, so that God might wipe your soul clean of your sins."
[[Confess to the sin of Lust->Lust]]
[[Confess to the sin of Pride->Pride]]
[[Confess to the sin of Gluttony->Gluttony]]
[[Confess to the sin of Avarice->Avarice]]
[[Confess to the sin of Envy->Envy]]
[[Confess to the sin of Sloth->Sloth]]
[[Confess to the sin of Wrath->Wrath]]
<<link [[Finish confession->Church]]>><<set $confession +=1>><<set $confessiontoday =1>><</link>>
<<elseif $confession eq 1 and $nic_event eq 0>> You approach the confession booth, but are surprised to see the priest's booth door empty and the penitent's door closed. You hear a young woman's voice praying from within. You are about to leave when something in the voice sounds familiar. Could that be...? Unable to resist, you step inside the priest's cubicle and close the door.
Through the grille you see the silhouette of a young woman wearing a nuns habit, kneeling and praying. "...Mother of God, pray for us sinners, now and at the hour of our death. Amen."
"Forgive me father for I have sinned. It has been a week since my last confession."
You were right, that angelic voice is unmistakable. It is your ex-girlfriend Nicola.
[["Continue my dear"->Nicconfess1][$found_nic = 1, $nic_event = 1]]
<<elseif $nic_event eq 1 and $day eq "Tuesday">>
You return to the confession booth at the requested time, noting that the regular clergy are fortunately absent at this hour. As before, you see the silhouette of Nicola kneeling in the small wooden chamber.
[[Enter the priest's side of the booth->Nicconfess2][$nic_event = 2]]
<<elseif $nic_event eq 2 and $day eq "Tuesday">>
For a third time, you arrive at the confession booth hoping not to confess your sins but to add to them. At least in the eyes of some. Your heart skips a beat when you see a kneeling form enter just ahead of you, her white skirts trailing behind you. As the door clicks shut behind her you hurry toward the open priests door.
[[Enter the confession booth->Nicconfess3][$nic_event = 3]]
<<elseif $nic_event eq 3 and $day eq "Tuesday">>
You aren't sure if she'll be there, but you feel you owe Nicola an explanation, so arrive at the church on the same day of the week as before. She is sitting inside with the door open, but on seeing you arrive she stands up. I think we should talk.
[[Talk->Nicconfess4][$nic_event = 4]]
<<elseif $nic_event gt 3 and $day eq "Tuesday">>
<<if Flag("nichouse")>>Nicola is not here, as you have agreed to meet at your house on Tuesdays from now on.
<<link [[Finish confession|Church]]>><<set $confessiontoday =1>><</link>>
<<elseif Flag("niclove") or Flag("nicsub")>>
<img src="Images/People/Nic/Nicchurchgoth.webp" width=600 />
You head to the confession booth, but find Nicola kneeling on the front pew of the church, praying.
Taking a look around that noone is watching, she gives you a deep kiss and embrace.
"So $playername, do you have somewhere you can have your wicked way with me?
<<if $house gt 0>>"I have my own house now, we can meet there. Number 22 Kensington Avenue."
She takes your hand. "A palace of wickedness and depravity. I can't wait." she licks her lips. Shall we go there now?"
You smile, and leave the church, with Nicola following a discreet distance behind. <<SetFlag "nichouse">>
[[Head to your bedroom->Nicsexhub]]
"Not yet, but I am working on it. I wanted to see you."
She lifts her skirts up to show you what you are missing, revealing a bare crotch which she fingers gently.
"And when you do, this shall be yours to do with what you will. But not before."
<<link [[Finish confession|Church]]>><<wait>><<set $confessiontoday =1>><</link>><</if>>
You head to the confession booth, but find Nicola kneeling on the front pew of the church, praying.
Taking a look around that noone is watching, she gives you a deep kiss and embrace.
"So $playername, have you decided how you want to proceed?"
[[I want to resume our romance, as well as be your Master->Nicconfess5][$nic_event = 5, $temp = 1]]
[[I no longer have no romantic feelings for you, but can still be your Master->Nicconfess5][$nic_event = 5, $temp = 2]]
<</if>><</if>><img src="Images/Places/churchinterior.webp" width=600 />
You sit down and listen to the Sermon.
<<set $randomset = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7]>>\
<<set $sermon = $randomset.pluck()>>\
<<if ($sermon eq 1) >> The Right Reverend Bishop Greene stands up at the pulpit, clad in fabulous golden regalia, and gives a sermon on the evils of Pride. \
<<elseif ($sermon eq 2) >>After communion, the Reverend Greene finishes off the blessed communion wine and wafers, before rising to deliver a short sermon on the sin of gluttony. He pauses half way through to wipe crumbs from his lips.
<<elseif ($sermon eq 3) >>Clad in magnificent regalia including a golden mitre and holding a jewel encrusted sceptre, the Right Reverend Bishop Greene stands before you in opulent splendour and delivers a magnificent sermon on what can befall those who fall to the sin of Avarice. <<if $found_wals eq 1>> His attention throughout this appears to be focused upon Sir Walsingham who is sitting in the front row. \ <</if>>
<<elseif ($sermon eq 4) >>Bishop Greene stands up at the pulpit, clad in green robes that match his name, and gives a sermon on the evils of Envy. "Man should not covet another mans ox, or wife" he cries. You glance across at your Aunt, who is looking especially attractive this morning in a tight black dress that accentuates her body, before wiping such improper thoughts from your mind. \
<<elseif ($sermon eq 5) >>After whispering quietly to a pretty nun in an antechamber, Bishop Greene straightens his cassock then climbs up to the pulpit and delivers a sermon on the evils of Lust. He describes how since Adam laid with Eve mankind has suffered mightily from the effects of this sin. You feel his eyes boring into your as he does so, and look away, only for your eyes to fall upon Daisy who is looking radiant in a virginal white dress and smiles sweetly at you. \
<<elseif ($sermon eq 6) >>The Reverend Greene stands at the pulpit and gives a passionate sermon on the evils of Wrath, threatening those who fall victim to it with eternal damnation and suffering in hellfire. \
<<elseif ($sermon eq 7) >>The Right Reverend Bishop Greene is not present today. No reasons for this are given, although there is a brief chuckle in the congregation at the news. In his absence the rector gives a lengthy but humble address on the sin of Sloth. \<</if>>\
<img src="Images/People/BishopGreene.webp" width=600 />
The hymn is \
<<set $randomset = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5]>>\
<<set $randomchoice = $randomset.pluck()>>\
<<if ($randomchoice eq 1) >>All things Bright and Beautiful.
<<elseif ($randomchoice eq 2) >>Jerusalem.
<<elseif ($randomchoice eq 3) >>Onward Christian Soldiers.
<<elseif ($randomchoice eq 4) >>To Be a Pilgrim.
<<elseif ($randomchoice eq 5) >>Amazing Grace.
[[Leave the Church after the service->Church][$time = "Afternoon"]]"I am overcome with lustful thoughts. I see attractive people around me and wish to indulge in carnal and improper acts with them, outside of the sanctity of marriage." you admit.
"My young friend, it is expected that you have these thoughts. Young beautiful bodies are a gift from god and it is right that we admire and cherish them. Indeed to not do so would be to spurn the gifts of our creator."
[[Confess to the sin of Pride->Pride]]
[[Confess to the sin of Gluttony->Gluttony]]
[[Confess to the sin of Avarice->Avarice]]
[[Confess to the sin of Envy->Envy]]
[[Confess to the sin of Sloth->Sloth]]
[[Confess to the sin of Wrath->Wrath]]
<<link [[Finish confession->Church]]>><<set $confession +=1>><<set $confessiontoday =1>><</link>>"Sometimes I take undue pleasure in my own achievements, and feel proud."
"My child, there is nothing more human than to strive to better yourself, and once you have done so to look back and take pride in that achievement. But when you have done so it is better to look to do more. To go better, further, faster, harder... And if this means you have a record that you can be proud of, then so be it."
[[Confess to the sin of Lust->Lust]]
[[Confess to the sin of Gluttony->Gluttony]]
[[Confess to the sin of Avarice->Avarice]]
[[Confess to the sin of Envy->Envy]]
[[Confess to the sin of Sloth->Sloth]]
[[Confess to the sin of Wrath->Wrath]]
<<link [[Finish confession->Church]]>><<set $confession +=1>><<set $confessiontoday =1>><</link>>You admit to overindulgence, especially drinking ale at the tavern and enjoying Mrs Hathaway's cream pies a little more than you ought to.
"It is only natural to want a taste that is sweet once in a while, young one. As you can tell from my less than slight frame, I am not immune from the sin of gluttony myself. Try to be more temperate and think of those less fortunate than yourself". The reply sounds less than convincing.
[[Confess to the sin of Lust->Lust]]
[[Confess to the sin of Pride->Pride]]
[[Confess to the sin of Avarice->Avarice]]
[[Confess to the sin of Envy->Envy]]
[[Confess to the sin of Sloth->Sloth]]
[[Confess to the sin of Wrath->Wrath]]
<<link [[Finish confession->Church]]>><<set $confession +=1>><<set $confessiontoday =1>><</link>>"I have become obsessed with wealth. I have interests that require more coin than I have, and spend my time grinding to achieve more money."
"It is not a sin to work hard, or to be rewarded for the toil that you perform. And it is fair and just to spend those earnings on wholesome interests."
[[Confess to the sin of Lust->Lust]]
[[Confess to the sin of Pride->Pride]]
[[Confess to the sin of Gluttony->Gluttony]]
[[Confess to the sin of Envy->Envy]]
[[Confess to the sin of Sloth->Sloth]]
[[Confess to the sin of Wrath->Wrath]]
<<link [[Finish confession->Church]]>><<set $confession +=1>><<set $confessiontoday =1>><</link>>"I desire that which others have. I look lustfully upon other people's wives, and desire their fine clothes and luxurious living standards."
"This is the natural order of things, young one. The working classes look at your clean clothing and comfortable lifestyle and thereby work hard to improve their station, In turn you look upon your betters and desire to improve your lot. This is how the British Empire is arranged."
It almost sounds as if Envy is not a sin at all but a key feature of modern society.
[[Confess to the sin of Lust->Lust]]
[[Confess to the sin of Pride->Pride]]
[[Confess to the sin of Gluttony->Gluttony]]
[[Confess to the sin of Avarice->Avarice]]
[[Confess to the sin of Sloth->Sloth]]
[[Confess to the sin of Wrath->Wrath]]
<<link [[Finish confession->Church]]>><<set $confession +=1>><<set $confessiontoday =1>><</link>>You think back to your time in the military, and whilst you served at a time of relative peace, you did your fair share of enforcing the power of empire upon the local population, and at time gave into anger.
"Sometimes I feel angry, and wish to punish or hurt others." You admit.
"This is natural, youngster. People will do things which are irrational, or unkind, or just different from what you might desire. And sometimes that behaviour needs to be corrected. This can be achieved both with a kindly word and the smite of a rod, however. Seek to balance the two, and not to smite in anger for gratification, only for correction."
His breathing appears heavier, as if he is becoming excited by the thought of punishment.
[[Confess to the sin of Lust->Lust]]
[[Confess to the sin of Pride->Pride]]
[[Confess to the sin of Gluttony->Gluttony]]
[[Confess to the sin of Avarice->Avarice]]
[[Confess to the sin of Envy->Envy]]
[[Confess to the sin of Sloth->Sloth]]
<<link [[Finish confession->Church]]>><<set $confession +=1>><<set $confessiontoday =1>><</link>>You admit to sometimes not wanting to work, to just lie in bed and rest.
"Sometimes we find it hard to push for what we want or need. Some seek to cheat in life's game, to be impatient and not wish to toil or grind for the rewards that are bestowed by the eternal. "
[[Confess to the sin of Lust->Lust]]
[[Confess to the sin of Pride->Pride]]
[[Confess to the sin of Gluttony->Gluttony]]
[[Confess to the sin of Avarice->Avarice]]
[[Confess to the sin of Envy->Envy]]
[[Confess to the sin of Wrath->Wrath]]
<<link [[Finish confession->Church]]>><<set $confession +=1>><<set $confessiontoday =1>><</link>>You stand in the grand entrance foyer of the Hellfire Club.
<img src="Images/Places/HCfoyer.webp" width=512 />
<<if $p eq 0>>A pretty girl wearing a skimpy maids uniform takes your coat and hat, and hands you a glass of champagne.<</if>><<set $p=1>>
A large noticeboard details upcoming events in golden calligraphy.
To the side is a changing room, for those who might wish to wear attire at the club that is not appropriate for the streets of London.
[[Read the noticeboard->HC_board]]
[[Enter the changing room->HC_change]]
[[Go to the bar->HC_bar]]
[[Go upstairs->HC_upstairs]]
<<if $HCevent gt 8 and Flag("wedbish") and Flag("wedclub") eq 0>>[[Speak to the club clerk about your wedding reception->HC_clerk]]
\<<if $micengagement eq 1>> [[Speak to Gabriel|Gabrielchat]] to ask for Michaela's hand
\<<if $time eq "Evening">> [[Sit down in the ballroom and enjoy tonight's entertainment->Ballroom]] <<else>> It is not evening so the ballroom is closed. <</if>>
<<if $found_wals eq 1>>[[Go to Walsingham's office->HC_Walsoffice]]<</if>>
<<if $time eq "Afternoon" or $time eq "Morning">><<link [[Wait|HC_foyer]]>><<wait>><</link>><</if>>
<<if ($top eq "none" and $outfit eq "none") or ($bottom eq "none" and $outfit eq "none")>> Whilst anything goes at the Hellfire club, you need to cover up more to go outside. <<elseif $socks eq "none" or $shoes eq "none" >>You should put something else on your feet, you'll get blisters outside.<<else>>[[Leave the club->KensingtonAv]]<</if>>Ah yes, you are expected. "Welcome to the club, <<sir>>."
[[Walk inside->HC_foyer][$p = 0]]
[[Return Home ->KensingtonAv]]<img src="Images/Places/HCbar2.webp" width=600 />
You enter the bar area, where a smartly dressed young man stands behind a bar stocked with every drink you can imagine. A number of members are sitting at small tables or standing by the fire.
<<if $tonightsshow eq -1 >> You spot Michaela and her Mistress standing by the bar. [[Speak with them->HC_bar_michaelamegan]] <</if>><<set $randomset = [1, 2, 3, 4 ]>><<set $randombarevent = $randomset.pluck()>>\
<<if ($randombarevent eq 1 or $day eq "Sunday") >>You see <<if $found_bishop eq 0>>a fat man in a bishop's cassock<<else>>Bishop Greene<</if>> sitting in the corner, laughing uproariously. [[Go and speak to the bishop->HC_bishop]]<</if>>
<<if ($tonightsshow neq -1) and ($randombarevent eq 2 or $day eq "Monday" or $day eq "Sunday" or $day eq "Saturday") >>You see <<if $found_megan eq 0>>a tall beautiful raven haired woman in a long black dress<<else>>Mistress Megan<</if>> sitting alone at a table, looking deep in thought.[[Go and speak to her->HC_bar_megan]]<</if>>
<<if ($randombarevent eq 4 or $day eq "Wednesday" or $day eq "Saturday" or $day eq "Sunday") >>You see <<if $found_wals eq 0>>a tall powerful looking man in<<else>>Walsingham wearing<</if>> an expensive suit speaking loudly to a group of men and women by the fireplace.
[[Go and speak with him->HC_barwals]]\ <</if>>
<<if $found_michaela eq 1 and $michaelatoday eq 0 and $tonightsshow neq -1 >><<if ($randombarevent eq 3 or $day eq "Tuesday" or $day eq "Sunday")>>You see a slim girl with curly blonde hair wearing a choker that you recognise as Michaela standing quietly in the corner. [[Go and speak to her->HC_Michaela_chat]]<</if>><</if>>
<<if $HCevent gt 5>> You spot Yvette and Babette pouring drinks. [[Speak to them->HC_barYvette]]
\<<if $tonightsshow eq 2 or $day eq "Monday" or $day eq "Saturday" or $day eq "Sunday" >> You spot Mr Antioch standing by the bar. [[Speak with him->HC_bar_antioch]] <</if>>
[[Return to the foyer->HC_foyer]]
<<if ($top eq "none" and $outfit eq "none") or ($bottom eq "none" and $outfit eq "none")>> Whilst anything goes at the Hellfire club, you need to cover up more to go outside. <<elseif $socks eq "none" or $shoes eq "none" >>You should put something else on your feet, you'll get blisters outside.<<else>>[[Leave the club->KensingtonAv]]<</if>><img src="Images/Places/Wals_office2.webp" width=600 />
You enter Walsingham's office at the Hellfire club
It is an ornate suite with a large fireplace, and several comfortable armchairs surrounding a small table. At the back is a heavy mahogany desk, and through a door at the back you can spot a large four poster bed.
\<<if $farm eq 0>>He sits you down and indicates a decanter of whisky. "So boy, what have you found out about Ambrose's research?"<<else>>"My dear lad. How can I help?"<</if>>
\<<if $researchknowledge eq 0>> "I haven't actually managed to find out anything yet." You apologetically splutter "...but its only a question of time." Walsingham rises, his well built frame towering over you. He takes the glass from your hand and puts it down. "I am disappointed in you, $Hname. I am usually a good judge of character, and unlike your uncle I thought you were ambitious.
He moves quickly, lashing the back of your legs and buttocks with his walking cane. You double over with pain.
[[Stop please, I will do better next time->HCeviction]]
[["More!" you beg as you enjoy the whipping->HCeviction][$fetish_masochism +=1]]
\<<elseif $testedO eq 0 and $testedP eq 0 and $testedT eq 0>> Under his commanding gaze, you feel unable to not comply. You tell Walsingham how you have procured one of Ambrose's journals, and describe the 3 approaches - contraception, feminisation or increased masculinity. You say how you need to use the lab to produce materials and test them but are confident you will have results soon. He pauses briefly then laughs, slapping you on the back. "Excellent, I knew you would work out. Let me fulfil my part of the bargain. "He takes out a silver pin with what looks like 3 intertwined letters, two Ps and an L. PLP.
'Pecunia, Libidine, Potentia.' Money, Sex, Power. These are the wheels around which our world turns. Everyone you will meet wants these 3 things, those that deny it are lying. At the Hellfire club, we are at least honest in our desires.
If you have enough of one, you can usually get the other two, but we have different approaches and balances between the three. Myself, I favour wealth. That has gained me political power and as much pussy as I want.
<<if $hcmember eq 0>>And now you are, at least provisionally while you retain my favour, a member. You can come and go as you wish. You will need to look the part however. I suggest you get yourself some formal attire for when you are here. And groom yourself. You look like you are living on a shilling a day! And now I must work. Update me when you have progressed with the testing."<<expenses 2>><<set $hcmember = 1>><</if>>
[[Return to the foyer->HC_foyer]]
\<<if $testedO eq 1 and $farmO eq 0>>[[Talk about the feminisation treatment Substance O->wals_O]]
\<<if $testedT eq 1 and $farmT eq 0>>[[Talk about the masculisation treatment Substance T->wals_T]]
\<<if $testedP eq 1 and $farmP eq 0>>[[Talk about the fertility treatment Substance P->wals_P]]
\<<if $farm eq 1>>
<<if $house eq 0 and (Flag("buyinghouse") eq false ) and Flag("walsrecommend") eq false>>[[Ask about a letter of recommendation->Walsrecommendation]]<<else>>You do not need a letter of recommendation from Walsingham<</if>>
\[[Nothing for now. Return to the foyer->HC_foyer]]
<</if>><img src="Images/Places/HCstage.webp" width=512 />
<<if $hcmember gte 1>> You see some faces that you recognise and sit down at a table with other members. <<else>> Slightly apprehensively you take a quiet seat at a table at the back by yourself. <</if>>
Tonight's entertainment is just about to begin.
<<nobr>><<if $HCevent eq 0>>
[[Watch the show->HC_event1][$HCevent =1, $tonightsshow = -1]]
<<elseif $HCevent eq 1 and $day eq "Saturday">>[[Watch the show->HC_event2][$HCevent =2, $tonightsshow = -2]]
<<else>><<set $randomset = [1, 2, 3]>>
<<set $tonightsshow = $randomset.pluck()>>
<<if ($tonightsshow eq 1) >> [[Watch the show->HC_show1]]
<<elseif ($tonightsshow eq 2) >> [[Watch the show->HC_show2]]
<<elseif ($tonightsshow eq 3) >> [[Watch the show->HC_show3]]<</if>><</if>><</nobr>><img src="Images/People/Megan/Meganstage.webp" width=512 /><<SetFlag "event">>
"Please give me a big hand for the Hellfire Club's very own queen, the woman we all call Mistress." The crows applauds in anticipation.
A stern woman walks onto stage, wearing black thigh high boots, a leather corset and elegant fur lined cape. Her long dark hair is tied up in a severe style.
<<nobr>><<if $found_megan eq 1>>You are shocked to recognise Mistress Megan in her work attire. As she scans the room you lock eyes with her and she smiles as she recognises you. <</if>><</nobr>>
"Ladies and gentlemen of the Hellfire club. A number of you may remember a wager between myself and Sir Walsingham a month ago tonight. We were discussing our different approaches to submission, as we often do, and our noble patron challenged me to turn a boy into a girl. I of course refused to do anything so crude, but he persisted, so I accepted his challenge, in my own way."
She sits on a chair, nay a throne that is arranged in the centre of the stage, lifts a small bell from an adjacent table and rings it.
From the left of the stage, one of the security detail walks in. Wearing a standard dark suit, polished shoes, looking like a waiter in a high end restaurant.
"May I present to you my latest project, Michaela. A month ago my latest project worked at this club in security like Gabriel here. They were identical twin brothers, Michael and Gabriel. Note Gabriel's masculine demeanor." She stands and walks over to the man, removing his jacket as he stands motionless and gently caressing his body.
"This is the change in a month. Ladies and gentlemen, may I present to you my latest project, Michaela." From the right, a young woman walks in wearing a simple black dress, high heeled shoes and a metal choker around her neck. She is the same height as the man but the difference in appearance is striking. She has shoulder length blonde hair and is pretty, though not quite beautiful, standing attentively facing the audience. You look on in awe as the Mistress details the training regime, diet, exercise, and shows off Michaela's ability to walk in heels.
"Michaela, remove your dress." The girl complies, her dress falling to the floor, revealing a smooth hairless body clad in bra and panties. Her ass is tight, although her chest is flat. "I hope you agree she is pretty. You would want those lips between your legs, you would fuck that ass. I have done, repeatedly." She smiles, lasciviously as the audience laughs.
<img src="Images/People/Mic/michaela2.JPG" width=300 />
"The key to my training is chastity. Michaela, remove your panties." They fall to the floor, revealing a tiny metal cage strapped around the girls waist, covering her crotch. "I have one of our members Mr Helmstrom to thank for his exquisite metalwork here. For the last month, Michaela's cock has been locked away. I hold the only key here." She holds up a chain from around her neck.
"Michaela. Do you have anything that you would like to say?"
"Only to thank you for training me, Mistress."
"And do you want me to unlock your cock?"
"No, Mistress. I'm a good girl. Girls don't use cocks." A pause. "Not their own anyhow." The audience erupts in laughter at the obviously scripted line.
"I think that concludes tonight's entertainment, but Michaela and I will be available in the bar later should anyone wish to observe her more closely. And Edward, I'd be interested in seeing if you can do better. Next month perhaps." She blows a kiss at Sir Walsingham before departing the stage hand in hand with Michaela.
<<if $fetish_cross gt 0>> You can't stop thinking about how feminine Michaela appeared on stage. So confident. If only.... <</if>>
[[Finish the show->HC_showend][$found_michaela=1]]<img src="Images/People/HC_event2_1.webp" width=600 />
The compere introduces tonight's act. "And now for your education and entertainment, the master of Shibari, Mr Antioch." The crowd applauds politely.
A thin man wearing a shirt with no tie steps onto the stage. Softly spoken he commands someone off the stage with a single word. "Approach."
An oriental girl, looking about nineteen but it is hard to tell, crawls forward on all fours. She is wearing a simple silken gown.
"Strip" he commands, and she does so, standing naked looking at the floor.
"Turn". She does so, slowly rotating on the spot so the audience can see her from all angles, before returning to her position facing her master.
For the next twenty minutes, Mr Antioch proceeds to bind the girl in a complicated pattern of knotwork, scarlet ropes tightly crisscrossing her body, pulling each not to test it as he does so. The girl is compliant and does not say a word. When finished, the girl lies on a plinth at the front of the stage, face down. Antioch claps twice, and a hook descents from the ceiling of the theatre, which he attaches to a loop at her waist, securing with other attachments to her wrists and ankles. He claps again, and the harness raises, so that she is suspended by five cords.
Music begins to play, and her ropes move in time with the melody, making her lithe naked form appear to dance, or swim through the air gracefully.
"May I have a couple of volunteers from gentlemen in the audience" asks the calm voice of Mr Antioch.
<<if $penis neq "tiny" and $chastity eq 0>>[[Volunteer->HC2_Vol][$volunteer = 1]]<<else>>Your lack of a suitable uncaged penis prevents you from taking part in this demonstration. <</if>>
[[Observe->HC2_Obs]]"And now, visiting specially from Montmartre, Paris, we have the girls of the Moulin Rouge cabaret."
<img src="Images/Places/Hellfire_event_cancan3.webp" width=600 />
A quintet of high kicking beauties can can their way across the stage, flashing their garters and thighs, before stripping off their bras and dancing topless through the aisles to much amusement.
[[Finish the show->HC_showend]]You put your hand up to volunteer, and are picked from the audience, along with another gentleman thet you do not recognise.
Antioch turns to you first. "The delightful Mimi is trained to pleasure through all her orifices. May I ask which you prefer to partake of?"
[[pussy]]Unwilling or unable to volunteer, you sit back and watch as two men, one young, one elderly step up and after exchanging a few words loosen their undergarments and bring out their members. Antioch asks them their preferences and one thrusts into the girls mouth, the other between her legs. Your already hard cock throbs watching this live sex show in front of you.
The audience applauds. "Bravo - tis like a spit roast" calls someone from the crowd. Mr Antioch looks sternly and they fall silent. His arms raise like a conductor and the music begins anew. The girl moves sinuously backwards and forwards, as the tempo of the music increases so does the speed of her movement.. As the crescendo is reached she is bouncing forward and backwards every second and as a drum roll begins you hear the two men groan and climax simultaneously.
The audience applauds the spectacle, giving a standing ovation, as the music fades and the still bound girl rises toward the ceiling, cum dripping from both ends.
The curtain falls.
[[Finish the show->HC_showend]]Slightly embarrassed at disrobing in front of an audience, but excited by the spectacle of it all, you partially disrobe and free your member from your undergarments. You are already hard from watching the erotic show for the past half hour, and your cock stands proudly to attention. Mimi opens her lips with a smile and you push yourself inside her mouth. She teases the tip of your cock with her tongue.
At the other end, the other volunteer pushes his cock, which you notice to be massive, deep between her legs.
The audience applauds. "Bravo - tis like a spit roast" calls someone from the crowd. Mr Ambrose looks sternly and they fall silent. His arms raise like a conductor and the music begins anew. Mimi moves sinuously backwards and forwards, and you feel her ass muscles clamping onto and massaging your cock as she does so. By the expression on your partners face she is doing the same with her mouth and throat.
The tempo of the music increases and so does the speed of her movement and the pumping on your engorged dick. As the crescendo is reached she is bouncing forward and backwards every second and as a drum roll begins you feel your orgasm begin to sweep over you simultaneously with the gentleman filling her other end.
[[cum->HC2_cum]]Slightly embarrassed at disrobing in front of an audience, but excited by the spectacle of it all, you partially disrobe and free your member from your undergarments. You are already hard from watching the erotic show for the past half hour, and your cock stands proudly to attention. Mimi spreads her legs obligingly and you push yourself inside her ass which appears to have already been lubricated.
At the other end, the other volunteer pushes his cock, which you notice to be massive, deep inside her eager mouth.
The audience applauds. "Bravo - tis like a spit roast" calls someone from the crowd. Mr Ambrose looks sternly and they fall silent. His arms raise like a conductor and the music begins anew. Mimi moves sinuously backwards and forwards, and you feel her ass muscles clamping onto and massaging your cock as she does so. By the expression on your partners face she is doing the same with her mouth and throat.
The tempo of the music increases and so does the speed of her movement and the pumping on your engorged dick. As the crescendo is reached she is bouncing forward and backwards every second and as a drum roll begins you feel your orgasm begin to sweep over you simultaneously with the gentleman filling her mouth.
<<penisass>> <<cum>><<if $sex_virginityloss eq "Nobody">>I lost my virginity to Mimi, a Japanese submissive.<<set $sex_virginityloss = "Mimi, a Japanese submissive.">><</if>>
[[cum->HC2_cum]]Slightly embarrassed at disrobing in front of an audience, but excited by the spectacle of it all, you partially disrobe and free your member from your undergarments. You are already hard from watching the erotic show for the past half hour, and your cock stands proudly to attention. Mimi spreads her legs obligingly and you push yourself inside her moist folds.
At the other end, the other volunteer pushes his cock, which you notice to be massive, deep inside her eager mouth.
The audience applauds. "Bravo - tis like a spit roast" calls someone from the crowd. Mr Ambrose looks sternly and they fall silent. His arms raise like a conductor and the music begins anew. Mimi moves sinuously backwards and forwards, and you feel her pussy muscles clamping onto and massaging your cock as she does so. By the expression on your partners face she is doing the same with her mouth and throat.
The tempo of the music increases and so does the speed of her movement and the pumping on your engorged dick. As the crescendo is reached she is bouncing forward and backwards every second and as a drum roll begins you feel your orgasm begin to sweep over you simultaneously with the gentleman filling her mouth.
<<penisvag "Mimi">> <<cum>>
[[cum->HC2_cum]]The audience applauds the spectacle, giving a standing ovation.
As the music fades away, Mimi rises toward the ceiling, cum dripping from both ends.
You wipe yourself clean with a handkerchief passed to you by an attendant, dress yourself and are led back to your seat.
[[Finish the show->HC_showend]]<img src="Images/Places/HCstage.webp" width=512 />
The show over, the lights begin to dim and the crowd disperses, some leaving for the bar area, some exiting the building, a few heading upstairs in pairs or in small groups. <<set $time = "Night">>
<<if $hcmember eq 0 and $found_wals eq 1>>
A large hand places itself upon your shoulder. "It is good manners when you are invited to meet a gentleman in his club to make an effort to meet him, not merely to take advantage of his hospitality." You stand to find Walsingham looking at your sternly, before he breaks into laughter "Your face - it is a picture. I am glad that you enjoyed the performance. <<if $volunteer eq 1>> And it was enlightening to see you dropping your inhibitions on stage. <</if>> Come, follow me to my office, the hour is late and there is business to be discussed."
[[Go to Walsingham's office->HC_Walsoffice]]<<else>> [[Return to the Foyer->HC_foyer]]<</if>>\ <<if $hcmember eq 0>> A uniformed guard blocks your path as you attempt to climb the staircase. "I am sorry, but you are not permitted upstairs as you are not a member." He quietly ushers you [[back to the foyer->HC_foyer]].
\<<elseif $hcmember eq 1>> A uniformed guard blocks your path as you attempt to climb the staircase. "I am sorry, but as you are only a provisional member you cannot roam upstairs unaccompanied. Please - enjoy the amenities offered downstairs. you are not permitted upstairs as you are not a member." He quietly escorts you [[back to the foyer->HC_foyer]].
\<<else>>You are upstairs in the Hellfire club members area. There are bedrooms and staff, all available for member use.
Developer note - congratulations on becoming a full Hellfire club member. This area will be added to in future updates. In the meantime you can use this area for repeatable sex scenes if you are in relationships.
\<<if $Daisyevent gt 0 or $Daisydomevent gt 0>><<link [[Head into an unoccupied bedroom with Daisy->Daisysex]]>><<set $ret = "HC_foyer">><</link>>
\<<if $nic_event gt 4>><<link [[Head into an unoccupied bedroom with Nicola->Nicsexhub]]>><<set $ret = "HC_foyer">><</link>>
\[[Return to the foyer->HC_foyer]]. <</if>><img src="Images/Places/lab.webp" width=500 />
<<set $ret = "Pharmacy">>
<<if $day neq "Sunday" and $time neq "Evening">> Ambrose is inside and waves at you as he sees you standing at the door
<<else>>Ambrose is out of his office at the moment. The door is locked.
<<if $objects["AmbroseKey"].inv eq 1>> [[Unlock the door->AmbroseLab_empty]] <<elseif $burglary gt 1>> [[Pick the lock->AmbroseLab_empty]] <</if>><</if>>
[[Return->Pharmacy]]<img src="Images/Places/lab.webp" width=500 />
You stand at the entrance to Dr Ambrose's office. Well he calls it an office, but the piles of disorganised papers, half read journals, scribbled notes and empty sandwich wrappers are anything but official.
<<set $ret = "Pharmacy">>
To one side is a laboratory bench equipped with laboratory glassware, chemicals and standard pharmaceutical preparations.
In a corner is a small cage containing three rabbits.
<<if $researchknowledge gt 0>>
[[Search the papers->labpapers1]]
[[Examine the equipment->labequip1]]
[[Look at the rabbits->labanimals1]]
<<if $researchtoday eq 0>>[[Start Researching->Research3]]<<elseif $researchknowledge gt 0 and $researchtoday eq 1>>You have already done research today - come back tomorrow to check your results.<</if>>
<<else>>"Ah, good to see you're keen on my work. How can I help - is everything alright in the store?"
[[Ask if you can help him with his research->AmbroseResearch]]
\<<if $nicengagement gt 0 or $micengagement gt 0>>You cannot ask to marry Daisy as you are pledged to another.
\<<elseif ($Daisyevent gt 0 or $Daisydomevent gt 0 or $daisyengagement gt 0) and $daisyengagement lt 2>>[[Ask to marry Daisy->AmbroseDaisywedtalk]]
\[[Return to the Pharmacy->Pharmacy]]<img src="Images/Places/lab.webp" width=500 />
You stand in Dr Ambrose's office. Well he calls it an office, but the piles of disorganised papers, half read journals, scribbled notes and empty sandwich wrappers are anything but official.
To one side is a laboratory bench equipped with laboratory glassware, chemicals and standard pharmaceutical preparations.
In a corner is a small cage containing three rabbits.
[[Search the papers->labpapers1]]
[[Examine the equipment->labequip1]]
[[Look at the rabbits->labanimals1]]
<<if $researchknowledge gt 0 and $researchtoday eq 0>>[[Start Researching->Research3][$ret = "Pharmacy"]]<<elseif $researchknowledge gt 0 and $researchtoday eq 1>>You have already done research today - come back tomorrow to check your results.<</if>>
[[Return to the Pharmacy->Pharmacy]]<img src="Images/Places/lab.webp" width=500 />
<<if $pharmacy lt 2 >><<set $pharmacy =2>><</if>>
Looking through the papers, the work seems to consist on the use of extracts
Hormones, Ambrose calls them, with some side notes about correspondence he has been having with the physician Ernest Starling here in London and Eugen Steinach in Austria who has been working in similar areas.
There are 3 areas that appear to contain opportunities to your initial reading, all taking extracts from the sex organs like the rabbits here in the lab.
The first is around pregnancy, Initial studies show some treatments to temporarily reduce fertility. Imagine a world where you could have sex without a sheath and no chance of pregnancy. The church would hate it of course, but it would be fantastic for both women and men.
The second is around giving the same extracts to men rather than to women. This might make them more effeminate, changing their physique. Making them less hairy, more graceful. <<if $fem gt 0 or $crossoutfit gt 0>> This thought excites you given your recent experiences with wearing women's clothing. <</if>>
The final opportunity is around taking the similar extracts from male animals. These could make one more masculine, Stronger, more sex drive, bigger cock. You think greedily about the profit if sixty year old men are able to fuck like teenagers again.
Each of these ideas would need making of materials in the lab, testing on volunteers (or even yourself, if you are prepared to take the risk) before selling in the shop.
Give your limited experience you think that only one can be worked on at a time
You decide to take some time to think on this
<<return>><img src="Images/Places/lab.webp" width=500 />
The lab equipment is basic but functional. There is standard equipment for formulating medicines into injections, pills and suppositories, as well as a wide stock of chemicals. There are thousands of glass vials, syringes and several needles, as well as rubbing alcohol and soaps for sterilising these which your uncle insists on keeping scrupulously clean unlike the rest of the room.
<<return>>Ambrose gets excited and immediately goes into very technical details about the minutiae of his research.
<<if $pharmacy gt 1 >> You keep up with some of his discussion, and manage to convince your uncle that you are not a complete liability in the laboratory.
"Now can I trust you $playername? My research here is for the good of mankind. But sometimes two heads are better than one, and you might be able to think of practical applications better than me. Just promise me you will take care."
He holds out a spare key to you along with a book he takes from his pile entitled Research Journal
[[Of course you can trust me, uncle->Research2]]
<<else>> You understand very little of it. Perhaps if you did some more reading you might be able to keep up with the discussion. <<set $libraryaccess=1>> <</if>>
[[Leave the Office->Pharmacy]]<<set $objects["AmbroseKey"].inv = 1>>
<<if $researchknowledge lt 1>> <<set $researchknowledge = 1>> <</if>>
Looking through the journal, the work seems to consist on the use of extracts
Hormones, Ambrose calls them, with some side notes about correspondence he has been having with the physician Ernest Starling here in London and Eugen Steinach in Austria who has been working in similar areas.
There are 3 areas that appear to contain opportunities to your initial reading, all taking extracts from the sex organs like the rabbits here in the lab.
The first is around pregnancy. Initial studies show some treatments to temporarily reduce fertility. Imagine a world where you could have sex without a sheath and no chance of pregnancy. The church would hate it of course, but it would be fantastic for both women and men.
The second is around giving the same extracts to men rather than to women. This might make them more effeminate, changing their physique. Making them less hairy, more graceful. <<if $fem gt 0 or $crossoutfit gt 0>> This thought excites you given your recent experiences with wearing women's clothing. <</if>>
The final opportunity is around taking the similar extracts from male animals. These could make one more masculine, Stronger, more sex drive, bigger cock. You think greedily about the profit if sixty year old men are able to fuck like teenagers again.
Each of these ideas would need making of materials in the lab, testing on volunteers (or even yourself, if you are prepared to take the risk) before selling in the shop.
Give your limited experience you think that only one can be worked on at a time
You decide to take some time to think on this
[[Leave the Office->Pharmacy][$researchtoday =1]]He looks down on you on the floor and whips you one more time, before manhandling you out the door of the building.
[[Leave the club->Hellfire]]She goes a little quiet for a moment.
"Mummy is just mummy. She cooks, and cleans, works in the store a bit. I don't really know any of her friends."
You sense she is reluctant to talk further, but don't know why.
<<return "Return">><img src="Images/People/cafeMrsH.webp" width=500 />
Mrs Hathaway is a large lady, mid 40s, and not unattractive, in a very matronly fashion. Despite being surrounded by coffee, flour and sugared pastries her skirts are immaculate, and though her hands are calloused with hard work her nails are beautifully painted.
<<if $meganevent gt 0>>[[Ask about seeing Megan->Cafe_meganbook]]
[[Ask about Megan ->Cafe_MrsHMegan]]<</if>>
<<if $coffeework gte 1>>
"Cor blimey, you still coals and coke, luv?"
You struggle to catch her rhyming slang.
"Money luv, you still broke? Anyhow - how can I help ya?"
[[Ask about a raise->Cafe_MrsHraise]]
[[Ask about the other waitresses->Cafe_MrsHstaff]]
<<if $coffeework gt 4 and $coffeework lt 10>>"You're a regular now, luv. You want to go up the apples and pears with the rest of the lassies? [[Head upstairs->Cafe_upstairs]]
\<<elseif $coffeework gt 9>>"You're popular with the punters, know what I mean luv. Some blokes been askin after you. You ever fancy wetting their poles, you go upstairs and give em a nice ride, eh love?" What you want the dirty buggers to call you anyhow luv?
My whoring name can be: <<textbox "$whorename" $whorename>>
[[Head upstairs->Cafe_upstairs]]
\[[Return to the coffee shop->Cafe]]<img src="Images/People/cafeMrsH.webp" width=500 />
"Oooh, you dirty bugger, you love a bit of the zig and zag. Got you trussed up nice I bet has my lovely girl Megan."
<<if $meet_megan eq 1>> "But you're already meeting her on Thursday. Don't be greedy, luv. Come see me after to book her for next week."<<return "Return">><<else>>
<<if $money lt 120>> "You sure you got enough pie and mash??<</if>>
"She's free <<if $day eq "Thursday">>this<<else>>Thursday<</if>> evening again - that good for you? If not come and see me another time."
[[Confirm and book for Thursday evening->Coffee_MrsH][$meet_megan =1]]
[[Decline->Coffee_MrsH]] <</if>><img src="Images/People/cafeMrsH.webp" width=500 />
"Watcha want to know about the girls? Ask them yerself. Or ask Ruby - she'll tell you, right little gossip is that tart. I know she's my flesh and blood and I was the same at her age, but she'll open her mouth faster than she'll open her legs, and fer less cash too."
You wanna quick ride with one of them, is that it? High class are my girls, not like them filthy tarts down the Doll. 3 shillings they'll set you back, or 4 for ruby as she's special. Just ask at the desk to 'pick up a cake'" At this last point she winks exaggeratedly. <<set $found_brothel= 1>>
Or if you fancy I've got a real classy lady on the books. Just ask me for Megan. But at 10 shillings she's probably out of your league, son. <<set $found_megan= 1>>
<<return "Return">><img src="Images/People/cafeMrsH.webp" width=500 />
You want a what, luv? You'll be asking for stand to attention next! You been at the Scotch mist? I'll tellya what, keep at it here and we can see if you can do some other shifts upstairs with the resta the girls. Make you some sausage and mash, eh?"
<<return "Return">><img src="Images/Places/brotheltrio_lingerie.webp" width=500 />
You head up the stairs, only to be confronted by Mrs Hathaway's daughter Ruby and two of the other waitresses in their underwear.
<<if $found_brothel eq 0>> You cover your eyes in embarrassment and turn around, turning a bright crimson, only to hear giggling from behind.
"Do you think he's not seen breasts before?"
"No, Daisy told me he'd been staring at hers in the pharmacy over dinner.
"I think he's cute, he can look at mine whenever he wants.
"Ssshh. He can hear you."
"Come on over $playername."
You reply back, careful not to stare. "Sorry, I didn't know you were getting changed."
"We're not getting changed, silly. We were just waiting for customers." says the dark haired girl, Charlotte you think her name is.
"But the customers are downstairs" you protest.
"Not for coffee. You know when customers ask to collect a cake, and Mrs Hathaway takes them out back? Didn't you wonder why they didn't come straight out with the cake?"
"I assumed they took it out the rear entrance."
"Some of them like taking it up the rear!" says Ruby, and the others fall about laughing.
Ruby sits down on your knee and holds your hands. "Ess. Eee. Ecks. Sex. Downstairs is coffee. Upstairs is a brothel. Most of the waitresses work here sometimes. All except you I think. Three shillings a time. Plus one for the room."
"He could if he wants to. I've got this little negligee will look lovely with his cute arse poking out of it."
"He'd have to check it with mother. And she'd have to clear it with the coppers and the landlord."says Ruby matter of factly, putting the other two in their place.
Your discussion is disrupted by a gentleman walking up the stairs. He embraces the blonde girl, Amelia, and they disappear into an upstairs room.
"Ooh, Mr Tickell back for more I see." gossips Charlotte.
<<else>>You enter the brothel area at the top of the stairs. Ruby, Amelia and Charlotte are here gossiping.
"Hey $playername." they call out before getting back to their conversation. You aren't sure if you should be flattered of offended that they seem to treat you just like one of the girls. <</if>>
<<set $found_brothel = 1>>
You spot a book lying on the table in the waiting room
<<if $coffeework gt 9 and $femcheck gt 4>><<link [[Prostitute yourself in an upstairs room|Whoring]]>><<temp>><</link>>
\[[Ask Ruby about the brothel->cafe_rubybrothel]]
[[Ask Ruby about Daisy->cafe_rubyDaisy]]
\<<if $money gte 48>>
[[Ask Ruby for sex->cafe_rubysex][$money -= 48]]
\[[Read the book->cafe_book]]
[[Return downstairs->Cafe]]<img src="Images/People/cafeMrsH.webp" width=500 />
"Oh no no, I'm not going to be telling no secrets. She's a classy lady, no doubt and pays me my cut fair and square. I pass her card to likely looking gentlemen, and make her bookings and that's that. Luv her to bits, but I'd have to be elephant's to spill the beans there."
<<return "Return">><img src="Images/People/Ohara.JPG" width=600 />
The barmaid Ohara is an attractive young woman in her late 20s. Slim, with a long blonde ponytail that stretches to her waist, and a no messing attitude.
<<if $drunk lt 1>> You'll have to buy a drink, love. I'm here for paying customers. [[Buy a beer for 2d->Bar_Ohara][$money -=2, $drunk +=1]]
[[Buy a gin for 3d->Bar_Ohara][$money -=3, $drunk +=1]]
<<return "Don't buy anything">><<else>>"Not here with Matthew tonight, $playername?"
You shrug and say you just came here to relax.
[[Tell me about yourself->Ohara_self]]
[[Chat about the bar->Ohara_bar]]
[[Who is that lady in the corner ->Ohara_nell]]
[[I need to speak with someone from the wrong side of the law->Ohara_crime]]
[[Return to the bar->Bar]]"What's your poison?" asks the barmaid, before laughing. "Beer, beer or beer, that's your choice, love. You want something classier you're in the wrong place."
She leans in close. "Got a bottle of gin under the counter for regulars, but don't tell the coppers, they'll be asking for a license."
[[Buy a beer for 2d->Bar][$money -=2, $drunk +=1]]
[[Buy a gin for 3d->Bar][$money -=3, $drunk +=1]]
[[Don't buy anything->Bar]]You look around the bar but don't see anything unusual.
<<return "Return">><img src="Images/People/Ohara.JPG" width=600 />
"You want to know about little old me. How sweet. I'm from up north originally, came to London because of a boy. He ended up joining the army, never came back from South Africa. It would never have worked out anyhow. So I pull pints here in the evenings, owner says I've got a pretty face and the customers seem to like me. "
<<return "Return">><img src="Images/People/Ohara.JPG" width=600 />
"Well its not mine. Not yet anyhow. The owner keeps out of my hair as long as he gets his cut, the customers are all friendly. Some of them are even cute." She smiles.
<<return "Return">>"What, old Nell. You can do better than her I'm sure, good looking thing like you. A three penny upright, she is. Sure, if you want a quick trip up cock alley, go right ahead and get a knee trembler. Good for business though. A few folk need to summon up some dutch courage before spilling their oats, and that sells a few pints."
[[Speak to Ohara some more->Bar_Ohara]]
[[Buy another drink->Bar_Drink]]
[[Go over to speak to Nell->Bar_Nell]]<img src="Images/People/Ohara_cleavage.webp" width=600 />
You chat for a bit, and Ohara leans in, showing you a bit of cleavage and touching your arm. "You're a sweetie, you know that." You want another drink?
[[Buy a beer for 2d->Bar_Ohara][$money -=2, $drunk +=1]]
[[Buy a gin for 3d->Bar_Ohara][$money -=3, $drunk +=1]]
[[Don't buy anything->Bar_Ohara]]<img src="Images/People/nell.webp" width=600 />
"Ooh, here's a live one. You want to get yer dick wet with old Nell, do ya? Just take a little trip outside with me and I'll give youy a lovely ride, so I will. Only threpence, for you my lovely."
Her Irish lilting voice indicates she wasn't born locally, but she seems eager if that's what you want.
[[Hand over 3d and go out back with her->Nellfuck]]
[[You decide that you don't want sex that badly->Bar]]<img src="Images/People/BishopGreene_girl.webp" width=600 />
You approach the bishop, who leers in your direction. You notice a pair of high heels sticking out from under his cassock, and a rhythmic movement up and down. He is breathing heavily.
<<if ($sermon eq 0) >>"You are Ambrose's new ward, yes? I do not believe I have seen you in my congregation. I have a keen eye for my flock, like the shepherd I know when one is missing." He looks you in the eyes "And I know when one has strayed." He stresses the final word. "We are all sinners, especially here. Come to the church this Sunday, let me pray for your sins, young one. Now leave me."
With this he gasps and spasms slightly. A young woman emerges from beneath his robes, licking her lips. <<else>>
"Hah, my child. How can this servant of the Lord help you today?"
[[Ask about this week's sermon->HC_bishop_scripture]]
[[Ask about the girl under his robes->HC_bishop_girl]]
[[Ask about the Hellfire Club->HC_bishop_club]]<</if>>
[[Return to the bar->HC_bar]]<img src="Images/People/Mic/Michaela.webp" width=600 />
<<if $found_megan eq 1>>
"Why $Hname - how delightful to see you again." She kisses your cheek demurely. <<else>> The dark haired woman looks you up and down. Her features are inscrutable, you cannot tell if she approves of you or not. "A new addition to the club, if I am not mistaken. You must be one of Edward's." The woman rises, and holds out a slender hand to you in greeting. You bow and kiss it, feeling this to be the right thing to do in the circumstances. "Oh, you are a charmer. I can tell we are going to get on just fine. My name is Megan, but you can call me Mistress, everyone here does."
You smile and introduce yourself.<</if>>
Did you see our performance? Allow me to introduce my latest project, Michaela.
The slim blonde girl lifts her eyes from the ground demurely and smiles shyly. "I'm sorry, I'm not used to all this attention." she mumbles.
"Nonsense. $Hname is just like you - a young person exploring their sexuality if I am not mistaken. You have a lot in common. $Hname, would you do me a favour and look after Michaela while I attend to some business?"<<set $found_michaela =1>>
[[Speak to Michaela->HC_Michaela_chat]]You spot Antioch standing by the bar. Mimi does not appear to be here. You join him for a drink and ask how he ended up here.
[[Ask about his past->Antioch_past]]
[[Ask about Mimi->Antioch_mimi]]
[[Ask about Shibari->Antioch_shibari]]
<<if $HCevent gt 4>>[[Ask about his work->Antioch_work]]<</if>>
[[Return->HC_bar]]<img src="Images/People/Walsbar.webp" width=600 />
You walk up to Walsingham and join in the conversation. The rest of the crowd is glued to his every word as he gives details of today's wheeling and dealings in Parliament. Noticing you, he nods and excuses himself, and his sycophants dissipate. $Hname right? Ambrose's nephew. I never forget a face. It is good to see you enjoying the club. How can I be of service? He is charm personified, although you are unconvinced by his sincerity.
[[Talk about business->wals_business]]
[[Ask about club membership->HC_wals_member]]
[[Return to the bar->HC_bar]]<img src="Images/Places/nellalley.png" width=600 />
The alley is smelly, with a faint smell of urine. Nell pushes your coins deep within her bag before pulling you close and lifting up her skirts and pulling your hand between her thighs.
She is warm and wet, and you soon begin to harden as she unbuttons your underclothing.
"Let's put it in shall we my lovely, I'll give your pole a nice ride I will."
She pushes you inside and leans back against the wall, moaning softly as you thrust deep inside her. 2 minutes later you come inside her, your knees indeed trembling as you do so.
"Ooh, you're such a gentleman. I hope to see you again soon" she says, kissing your cheek before she heads back inside,
<<penisvag "Nell">><<cum>>
Slightly disgusted with yourself, and unwilling to face the shame of showing your face back inside the bar, you
[[head home->YourRoom][$energy -=2; $mattevent=1; $time = "Night"]]"Ah, you are one of my flock, yes I remember seeing you in the congregation. It is important to have faith in this world. I believe this week we were talking about \
<<if ($sermon eq 1) >>Pride. Of all sins this is the first. As Lucifer gazed upon all that god had wrought, so does man have pride in his own works and his own thoughts and body. There is no need to feel pride, just pleasure in the gifts that are given to us.
<<elseif ($sermon eq 2) >>Gluttony. Well as you can sometimes you should do as I say not as I do, he laughs, patting his ample belly."
<<elseif ($sermon eq 3) >>Avarice.
<<elseif ($sermon eq 4) >>Envy.
<<elseif ($sermon eq 5) >>Lust. We are in a temple of lust, as you can see. The secret is to control it, and that is what this building is for. Outside we are chaste, pure servants of the lord, and the sin is contained within here."
<<elseif ($sermon eq 6) >>Wrath
<<elseif ($sermon eq 7) >>Sloth.
With this he gasps and spasms slightly. A young woman emerges from beneath his robes, licking her lips.
<<return>>"The girl? One of my congregation. Sometimes those who sin ask for ways to rdeeem themselves, and I am moved to serve to save their souls. As they seek to serve my body here on Earth. Amen"
<<return>>"The club? Why yes, I've been a member for years. Edward approached me and thought that as people might get the wrong idea about what we do here, having a supportive voice from within the church made sense. So I help the ecclesiastical authorities turn a blind eye to anything that might not be strictly in accordance with scripture. For the greater good, you understand. Of course you do."
<<return>><<if $found_megan eq 0>> The dark haired woman looks you up and down. Her features are inscrutable, you cannot tell if she approves of you or not. "A new addition to the club, if I am not mistaken. You must be one of Edward's." The woman rises, and holds out a slender hand to you in greeting. You bow and kiss it, feeling this to be the right thing to do in the circumstances. "Oh, you are a charmer. I can tell we are going to get on just fine. My name is Megan, but you can call me Mistress, everyone here does." <<set $megHCinvite eq -1>><<set $found_megan =1>>
You smile and introduce yourself.
\<<else>>She beckons you to sit "It is so good to see you here, $Hname."<</if>>
[[Ask about the club->HC_megan_clubtalk]]
[[Talk about Walsingham->HC_megan_Walstalk]]
<<if $found_michaela eq 1>>[[Talk about Michaela->HC_megan_mictalk]]
\[[Ask about her history->HC_megan_self]]
<<if $meganevent gt 1 or $Megandomevent neq 0>>[[Ask about being her submissive->HC_megan_sub]]
[[Ask about changing your fetishes->HC_megan_fetishes]]
\[[Ask about club membership->HC_megan_member]]
<<if Flag("dommetraining") eq 1 >>[[Speak to Megan about Daisy's domination lessons|Megandommetraining]]
\<<elseif $daisyengagement gt 1 and $Daisydomevent gt 0>>[[Talk to Megan with Daisy|Megandommetraining]]
\<<if Flag("domtraining") eq 1 >>[[Speak to Megan about your domination lessons|Megandomtraining]]
\<<else>>[[Talk to Megan about being a dominant|Megandomtraining]]
[[Return to the bar->HC_bar]]<<if $meganevent eq 1>>"Very good. Now before we start, it is important to establish boundaries. I know that you like $Mattfetish, however your other proclivities are unknown to me. Whilst it can be fun to discover these, it can also be uncomfortable, and I get the impression that the cost of our meetings matters more to you than to some of my wealthier clients. So I have prepared this short list. Just tick or cross if it is something you are interested in exploring. If you are unsure just ask, and I can explain. If the description seems too shocking then it is probably not for you. At least not for now."<</if>>
She touches your cheek gently, hands you a paper and pen and retires behind a screen to change.
* <<checkbox "$fetish_bondage" 0 1 autocheck>> [[Bondage->fetishdescbondage]]
* <<checkbox "$fetish_cross" 0 1 autocheck>> [[Crossdressing->fetishdesccross]]
* <<checkbox "$fetish_anal" 0 1 autocheck>> [[Anal sex->fetishdescanal]]
* <<checkbox "$fetish_piss" 0 1 autocheck>> [[Pissing->fetishdescpiss]]
* <<checkbox "$fetish_leather" 0 1 autocheck>> [[Leather->fetishdescshiny]]
* <<checkbox "$fetish_sub" 0 1 autocheck>> [[Submission->fetishdescsub]]
* <<checkbox "$fetish_cum" 0 1 autocheck>> [[Cum eating->fetishdesccum]]
* <<checkbox "$fetish_humilation" 0 1 autocheck>> [[Humiliation->fetishdeschumil]]
* <<checkbox "$fetish_masochism" 0 1 autocheck>> [[Masochism->fetishdescmas]]
* <<checkbox "$fetish_fist" 0 1 autocheck>> [[Fisting->fetishdescfist]]
* <<checkbox "$fetish_pet" 0 1 autocheck>> [[Petting->fetishdescpet]]
* <<checkbox "$fetish_chastity" 0 1 autocheck>> [[Chastity->fetishdescchastity]]
* <<checkbox "$fetish_milk" 0 1 autocheck>> [[Penis milking->fetishdescmilk]]
* <<checkbox "$fetish_sissy" 0 1 autocheck>> [[Being called Sissy->fetishdescsissy]]
* <<checkbox "$fetish_lactation" 0 1 autocheck>> [[Lactation->fetishdesclact]]
* <<checkbox "$fetish_dom" 0 1 autocheck>> [[Domination->fetishdescdom]]
* <<checkbox "$fetish_gay" 0 1 autocheck>> [[Sex with men->fetishdescgay]]
* <<checkbox "$fetish_slave" 0 1 autocheck>> [[Slavery->fetishdescslave]]
<<link [[All of them. Do your worst->Megan2b]]>><<allfetishon>><</link>>
[[I have selected all my peccadillos->Megan2b]]"Bondage?" you ask.
Megan's voice calls out from behind the screen. "Being tied up. With ropes, belts, locks, chains, collars and restraints. The possibilities are endless. You give up movement, either wholly or partially, and are at the mercy or the whim of your partner. It can be quite intoxicating to submit so fully. You can also lose sense - by being blindfolded or similar, and that will enhance the senses that remain."
<<return>>"Anal?" you ask.
Megan's voice calls out from behind the screen. "Fucking your ass. Or more likely with me having one of my collection of priceless ivory dildos carefully lubricated and plunged inside you. More nerve endings in the ass than anywhere else in the body, a physician once told me as I was fucking his. And the prostate gland in men can be quite delightful when it is stimulated. Or so I am told, I dont have one myself. I have met some who can orgasm from anal sex alone, though this does take practice.
<<return>>"Pissing?" you ask in shock.
Megan's voice calls out from behind the screen. "Some like the taste, some enjoy the sensation of being urinated on, some just like the lure of the forbidden, the taboo. We are taught from an early age that our urine is dirty, and relieve ourselves in private, but the same organ men thrust into their mistresses is used to empty their bladders."
<<return>>"Cum eating ?" you ask.
Megan's voice calls out from behind the screen. "Its perfectly natural. Men have been shoving their cocks into women's mouths for centuries and it hasn't done us any harm. It is an acquired taste to be sure, but one that many enjoy, appreciating the unusual texture and taste. Many men will taste their own, just to see, or you could go one further and taste someone else's..."
<<return>>"Humiliation?" you ask.
Megan's voice calls out from behind the screen. "Within these walls, I do not judge. There are those who like to perform, to show off. And there are those who wish to degrade themselves in front of others - to be called names, to feel embarrassed, sometimes even in front of strangers. If that is not for you then leave that box unchecked, dearlove"
<<return>>"Masochism?" you ask.
Megan's voice calls out from behind the screen. "Pain, dearlove, the enjoyment of pain. The line between pain and pleasure is a thin one, the parts of our body that feel the most pleasure are the most sensitive. And by administering pain, carefully, and with consent, then I can increase arousal and the eventual pleasure a hundredfold.
There are some out there who inflict pain because they enjoy it. I will have no truck with such sadism." She pauses, as if recollecting. "Not any more. And do not be so naive as to link your submission to one such as that. But pain can be used for many things, for correction, for enforcement of will, to establish boundaries, and for some precious few as both reward as well as punishment."
<<return>>"Fisting?" you ask, incredulously.
Megan's voice calls out matter of factly from behind the screen. "Inserting a whole hand inside a cunt or ass. It must be done carefully of course, with lubrication and arousal or it is painful, but it is satisfying to carry out, watch or receive. Something about seeing the hand sucked inside once it passes its widest point just makes me melt."
<<return>>"Petting?" you ask.
Megan's voice calls out from behind the screen. "Have you ever had a pet? A cat or a dog that you loved unconditionally, that depended on you for food, shelter and all its comforts. That shared its body warmth with you, and nuzzled you without complications like words. It is the ultimate in submission, to give up speaking and the use of fingers and to obey like a trained animal, in return for affection or food. Some dress their pets in cute outfits, with ears or tails, others even bind the limbs at the elbows and knees so that movement is restricted. I just like the cuddles and the sensation of my pets licking cream off my body.
<<return>>"Milking, you mean like a cow?" you ask.
Megan's voice calls out from behind the screen. "That is part of the appeal, to feel used, serviced. For men to have the orgasm ruined, reduced to producing seed rather than experiencing pleasure. Or to have it drawn out, to keep ejaculating multiple times or even to have it mechanically extracted. I do love the taste of it, especially with vodka or cognac.
<<return>>"Sissy?" you ask.
Megan's voice calls out from behind the screen. "The word comes from sister I believe. An effeminate male. I don't like the word much myself, some consider it derogatory and I tend to agree. But there are those who embrace crossdressing and humiliation who like the degradation that such a term implies.
<<return>>"Domination?" you ask.
Megan's voice calls out from behind the screen. "Where one partner enforces their will upon another. It is a position of great trust, to place all your agency in the hands of another, and it is not to be abused. You will not be a dominant here with me, as I am not a submissive, but I may be able to arrange something in future."
<<return>>"Leather?" you ask.
Megan's voice calls out from behind the screen. "Or anything suitably shiny. There was a surge in use of latex rubber in clothing a decade or so back, the French popularised it I believe, but the church didn't approve so it is now uncommon in public life. The visual appeal is obvious - tight revealing curves. like a second skin. But the feel smooth, taut and shiny, but yielding, that is something that many of us adore. And it gives a feeling of power - either of dominance, especially leather, or submission, as very tight clothing can feel like having no clothing at all.
<<return>>"Submission?" you ask.
Megan's voice calls out from behind the screen. "This world asks so much of us. To work dawn to dusk in the service of Queen and country, to be responsible. Especially for men, that is the expectation. Sometimes there is value in switching off, just for a while. Do you have military experience, I think you do. Was it not gratifying to take orders, to do what is commanded, without responsibility. To automatically do what your superior asks of you, knowing your place is subservient to them and that their word is law. Just as we would not deny the request of the Queen, it is unthinkable for the submissive to disobey their Master or Mistress, should the bond of trust between them be strong and earned."
<<return>>"Chastity?" you ask.
Megan's voice calls out from behind the screen like a preacher. "One of the three monastic virtues. Poverty, Chastity and obedience. Monks used these to focus their minds away from worldly pleasures to focus on worship. For a true submissive giving up the power to orgasm, or even for their cock to become erect, except at the will of their Mistress is the ultimate surrender. I have one special client who has been encaged for a month without release. His whimpers, no she is a girl now, her whimpers as I tease around her cock with my tongue are delightful. Some enforce this with will alone, but there are devices that will lock the cock away from prying hands until the keyholder wishes otherwise. "
<<return>>"Lactation?" you ask.
Megan's voice calls out from behind the screen. "Some like to drink milk from women's breasts. And some with breasts like to give it to others. I have no preference, and as neither of us are producing milk it doesn't really matter for tonight."
<<return>>"Sex with men?" you ask.
Megan's voice calls out from behind the screen. "Not in here. Here I strictly work alone. But if you are attracted to men, then I could make some introductions. I warn you though, that many Masters tend to be harsher on their pets than Mistresses. But not all. And I can be very strict."
<<return>>"Slavery?" you ask.
Megan's voice calls out from behind the screen. "Sex slavery. No not marriage, although that is what it amounts to for many. And not real slavery, that has been illegal across the empire since 1833 although some beastly colonials still practice it in the Americas I believe. No I mean an agreement of servitude between a submissive and a dominant, extending beyond the bedroom. It could even be formalised with a contract, detailing the financial and sexual power that is transferred. I have men who are captains of industry in the outside world who are my minions in private, who will do my every command for a grateful word or a tug on their balls." She laughs.
<<return>>"Crossdressing?" you ask.
Megan's voice calls out from behind the screen. "Men wearing women's clothing. In private or for some even in public. It's more common than you think, the feel of lacy panties on your privates is quite a turn on. There's a high court judge I know who for the past 15 years has worn panties, stockings and a silken corset beneath his robes before passing sentence"
<<return>>She puts a gloved hand on each shoulder and pushes you to the floor gently but firmly, pulling your chin up so you are looking up at her buxom figure. "My, my. We are eager to give up our freedoms today. Let us make sure."
She opens a drawer and pulls out a small wooden box, opening it to find a steel cylinder closed at one end, a number of rings and rivets, and a brass padlock, sitting on a silken lining.
<img src="Images/Objects/chastity.webp" width=600 />
"This is not just for today - denial for an hour is barely denial at all. This will stay on until I see you here again. At least a week. I just want you to be sure what you are giving up. You won't be able to orgasm, or get hard. Even if that pretty little thing who lives with you decides to suck your cock it's not going to happen.
So say after me. "My cock is yours for a week, Mistress."
[[My cock is yours for a week, Mistress->Megan_chastity2]]
[[You can't go through with it, and say your safeword ->Megan_safeword]]She takes your cock in hand, and runs a fingernail down the side of it, before bending over and kissing the tip tenderly. You harden instinctively, and are shocked as she presses a cloth containing ice firmly against your balls and shaft, which immediately begin to deflate. The look in her eyes is cruel as she sizes up your shrivelled manhood with an experienced gaze, selects a steel three quarter circle ring and squeezes it around your scrotum, popping your balls through one by one. She then rubs a little oil into your glans and shaft, and more around the inside of the small cage, before carefully easing your penis into its home for the next week. You are pleased to see a small hole at the end enabling you to piss as she threads the pins to lock the two parts together and snaps the lock shut.
"I'll keep the key safe here." she says, putting a chain around her neck. "But we still have half an hour left. What shall we do with ourselves. You can't come, oh no, that wouldn't be proper. I know, we can cuddle."
She strips stark naked, and eases her perfumed body next to yours on the couch, pushing her breasts against your caged cock and starts kissing your stomach softly. You harden instinctively, but feel the cold metal pushing back.
<img src="Images/Objects/penisinchastity.jpg" width=600 />
She pushes the tip of the metal cage against her vulva, rubbing her wet slit back and forth. You feel nothing but cold metal. This is going to be a long week. For the next twenty minutes she pokes, prods and teases you as she uses your body to bring herself to arousal and finally, as she sits on your face while scratching your balls with her fingernails, cums in your face with gasps and moans as you reach heights of arousal you didn't know were possible.
<<chastity 1>><<set $arousal = 9>>
"I think that is enough for today, be sure to think of me every night, my sweet."
[[Continue->Megan_end]]<img src="Images/Objects/chastity.webp" width=600 />
She bends down and starts talking to your cock as if it were a puppy. "Oh you were such a good little thing last time, all caged away. Shall we keep you nice and safe again? Yes we will." She eases your now flaccid cock back into the oiled cage and snaps the lock shut with an ominous click, putting the chain around her neck so the key nestles between her breasts.
<img src="Images/People/Megan/Megan_key.webp" width=600 />
<<chastity 1>>
[[Leave ->YourRoom][$time = "Night"]]She smiles at the prospect, taking your hand and leading you into her boudoir. Against the side is a small chaise longue, upholstered in red leather, with a circular hole in the centre that she lies you face down upon.
<img src="Images/People/Megan/Megan_chaiselounge.webp" width=600 />
<<if $fetish_bondage eq 0>> She carefully adjusts the cushions and checks that you are comfortable, before gently pushing your penis through the hole. "Now don't wriggle, usually my clients are restrained for this"
<<else>> She pushes you down firmly, pulling your legs backwards at the knees and snapping something around your ankles, before grabbing each wrist in turn and snapping them onto the same cold hard restraint. Now all your limbs are tied to the small of your back. She takes your hardening cock and balls in hand and pushes them through the hole before clipping something around the base that holds you in place with a loud click <</if>>
<<if $fetish_masochism eq 1 and $fetish_bondage eq 1>>"It would be a shame not to take advantage of you in such a position." she notes, taking a short whip from directly in front of you and beginning to strike you across the thighs and buttocks. With each strike you spasm, and pull hard on your restrained cock, making your balls ache with the friction. <</if>>
You see her put on two tight gloves made of a shiny black material and take a large brandy glass in hand, before she lies down on the thick carpet and rolls under the chaise lounge. The next thing you feel is some cold liquid, perhaps oil, being rubbed into your cock and balls.
"Yes, mistress is going to milk this <<if $fetish_humilation eq 1>>little<<else>>big<</if>> cock, and you're going to make lots of cum for me, aren't you my pet?"
The pressure on your cock is incessant as she slaps your balls and thrusts your shaft back and forth. You can't see her but her soft voice keeps talking, about your cock, your balls and your cum.
"Ugh, I'm cumming!" you cry" as you spurt out in thick globs. But she doesn't stop, and keeps pumping your shaft as she squeezes your balls tightly. The pain begins to rise in your groin, like fire, as every drop is pushed out.
"Hmm. Is that all? I guess it will have to do."
She <<if $fetish_bondage eq 1>>unties your bonds, then <</if>> lifts you up from the couch, and sits down next to you, holding the cum filled glass in one hand and a bottle of cognac in the other. "One of my favourite drinks is a Brandy Alexander. Cream, Creme de Cacao and cognac. <<if $playername.includes("Alex") eq "true" or $playername.includes("Lex") eq "true" or $playername.includes("lex") eq "true">> The irony is not lost on me, honey. <<else>> Today I think we'll have a Brandy $playername. <</if>>
She pours a little of the spirit into the glass and swirls it around, allowing the thick liquid to dissolve slightly, before tipping it back into her mouth.
<img src="Images/Objects/Cocktail1.jpg" width=400 />
<<if $fetish_cum eq 0>> She opens her mouth and you see your cum on her tongue before she swallows it down. <<else>> She moves towards you, tilting your head back and kissing your lips gently before releasing the alcohol and sperm mixture into your mouth, before french kissing you, smearing the divine liquid across both of your tongues.<</if>>
She licks the glass then her lips clean for good measure before holding you on the chaise lounge.
<<set $cum_count += 1>> <<set $arousal = 0>>
<<set $energy -= 2>> <<if $energy lt 0 >> <<set $energy = 0>> <</if>>
[[Snuggle->Megan_end]]<img src="Images/Places/Museum.jpg" width=600 />
You arrive at Great Russell Street. The pillars of the Greek revival styled British Museum thrust upwards as you make your way to the library.
[[Read about Pharmacy->Library_Pharm]]
[[Return Home->KensingtonAv]]<img src="Images/People/Daisy/Daisypark.webp" width=500 />
You spend a fine afternoon with Daisy, walking arm in arm in the fine London air. You speak about music, food, and family.
By the end of the walk you are hand in hand.
"thank you for a lovely day, $playername." she says, squeezing your hand softly.
It is beginning to grow dark and you walk her back home.
[[Return to Kensington Avenue->KensingtonAv][$time = "Evening"; $meet_daisy =0; $daisylove += 1]]<img src="Images/People/Nick_billiards.webp" width=600 />
"Ha, you think you can beat Nick with stick and balls, do yer?" He shouts lewdly."Tuppence says you can't"
<<if $money lt 2>>You cannot afford the wager. <<return>>
<<else>> You slap down the wager and rack up the balls
[[You feel confident->Billiardsend]]<</if>>"You do do you? I do not want to know what this is about, just keep me and my pub out of it. You might want to speak with Nick the crow. He's in here playing billiards sometimes. Just keep an eye on your purse around him, alright."
<<return>><<set $randomset = [1, 2, 3, 4]>>\
<<set $billiards = $randomset.pluck()>>\
<<if $billiards eq 4>>Despite his superior skill, you play a tactical game and beat him 5-4 on the last ball. <<money 2>>"Hah, a lucky shot. Well played."
<<else>>His superior skill and years of practice show and he defeats you easily<<set $money -=2>><</if>>
[[Ask him to train you in lockpicking->Nicktraining]]
[[Return to the bar->Bar]]<<if $meet_nick eq 1>> "Forgetful sod, you've already asked me. You been at too many of Ohara's pints, you have."
<<elseif $burglary gt 1>> "I've taught you all I can unless you come do a job with me"
<<else>>"I knew you weren't such a clean liver, you got a dark side about you no mistake. Yeah, I can teach you a thing or two, for a price. 5 shillings oughta do it" he leans in "But you tell the coppers and I'll slit you throat to gizzard I will"
"Come to the alley here, afternoon time. You can help me shimmy a few locks."
<<set $meet_nick=1>><</if>>
[[Return to the bar->Bar]]<img src="Images/People/Nick_alley.webp" width=600 />
"Ah, you turned up then. Let's see your cash."
You turn over the 5shillings, hoping he isn't just going to mug you for the cash.
"Don't look so scared. Honour among thieves, right. <<set $money -=60>>
<<if $burglary eq 0>>
"Ok, we'll start off here with this gate. Simple latch, just need a couple of picks like these - you can get away with any stiff wire at a push, give it a go."
After half an hour you manage to get a feel for the lock, and click its tumblers into place. Two hours later you have grown used to it and are opening it easily within a minute.
"Hah - you've picked yer first lock. Come back another day and we can do some indoor locks. They're a bit trickier. 5 shillings again though. "<<set $burglary =1>>
<<elseif $burglary eq 1>> He leads you inside an open exterior door and kneels down in front of a smaller interior door. It reminds you of the one leading to your uncle's office. "More tumblers here - usually doors like this protect rooms with valuables. Jewellery. cash. Nothing major and sometimes you can break 'em down easier than pick them.
Three hours later your fingers are blistered and you are frustrated but the lock finally clicks open
"I thought you'd never do it," says Nick. "Was getting worried the owner would come home and catch you." Seeing your expression he guffaws. "Oh that's a picture. Don't worry, me and the owner are best mates. Anyhow, that's the easy stuff, any more you'll need to come with me on a job in the evening"<<set $burglary =2>>
[[Return to outside the tavern->Bar][$time = "Evening"]]<<if $time eq "Night">>It is night and you can go nowhere other than home. [[Go inside to your Room->YourRoom]]
\<<else>>You prepare to head further afield in London.
[[Go for a walk in Hyde Park->Park]]
<<if $time eq "Morning" or $time eq "Afternoon">> [[Head to Oxford Street to do some shopping->OxfordSt]]<<else>>There is no point going to Oxford Street as the shops will be closed.
<<if $day neq "Sunday" and ($time eq "Morning" or $time eq "Afternoon")>> [[Head to the bank->Bank]]<<else>>There is no point going to the bank as it will be closed.
<<if $libraryaccess eq 1>>[[Go to the British Library->Library]]
\<<if $found_hc eq 1>> [[Go to the Hellfire Club->Hellfire]]
\<<if $found_megan eq 1 or $meet_megan eq 1>> [[Go to Charlton Square->Megan]]
<<if Flag("clinic") and $time neq "Evening">>[[Work at Antioch's Harley Street Medical Practice|Clinic]]
<<if Flag("nichouse")>>[[Visit Nicola's convent|Convent]]
[[Go back to Kensington Avenue->KensingtonAv]] <</if>><img src="Images/Places/Library.jpg" width=600 />
You sit down and study
<<if $pharmacy gt 1>>I try to study but cannot improve my knowledge by books alone - I need to practice my skills.
<<else>> I spend the $time reading and feel more confident with my knowledge. <<set $pharmacy += 1 >><</if>>
<<if $time eq "Evening">> <<set $time = "Night">>
<<elseif $time eq "Morning">> <<set $time = "Afternoon">>
<<elseif $time eq "Afternoon">> <<set $time = "Evening">><</if>>
[[Return Home->KensingtonAv]]<<widget setensemble0>>
<<set $outfit0 = $outfit>>
<<set $panties0 = $panties>>
<<set $bra0 = $bra>>
<<set $hat0 = $hat>>
<<set $shoes0 = $shoes>>
<<set $socks0 = $socks>>
<<set $top0 = $top>>
<<set $bottom0 = $bottom>>
<<set $ensembleset[0] = 1>>
<<widget wearensemble0>>
<<set $outfit = $outfit0>>
<<set $panties = $panties0>>
<<set $bra = $bra0>>
<<set $hat = $hat0>>
<<set $shoes = $shoes0>>
<<set $socks = $socks0>>
<<set $top = $top0>>
<<set $bottom = $bottom0>>
<<widget setensemble1>>
<<set $outfit1 = $outfit>>
<<set $panties1 = $panties>>
<<set $bra1 = $bra>>
<<set $hat1 = $hat>>
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<<set $socks1 = $socks>>
<<set $top1 = $top>>
<<set $bottom1 = $bottom>>
<<set $ensembleset[1] = 1>>
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<<set $outfit = $outfit1>>
<<set $panties = $panties1>>
<<set $bra = $bra1>>
<<set $hat = $hat1>>
<<set $shoes = $shoes1>>
<<set $socks = $socks1>>
<<set $top = $top1>>
<<set $bottom = $bottom1>>
<<widget setensemble2>>
<<set $outfit2 = $outfit>>
<<set $panties2 = $panties>>
<<set $bra2 = $bra>>
<<set $hat2 = $hat>>
<<set $shoes2 = $shoes>>
<<set $socks2 = $socks>>
<<set $top2 = $top>>
<<set $bottom2 = $bottom>>
<<set $ensembleset[2] = 1>>
<<widget wearensemble2>>
<<set $outfit = $outfit2>>
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<<set $hat = $hat2>>
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<<set $top = $top2>>
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<<set $socks3 = $socks>>
<<set $top3 = $top>>
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<<set $outfit = $outfit3>>
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<<set $socks = $socks3>>
<<set $top = $top3>>
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<<set $socks4 = $socks>>
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<<set $top5 = $top>>
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<<set $image to $garterbelt>><<displayimage $args[0]>>
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<<widget StripOuter>>
<<set $outfitsave = $outfit>>
<<set $hatsave= $hat>>
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<<set $outfit = "none">>
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<<widget WearAll>><<nobr>>
<<set $outfit = $outfitsave>>
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<<set $toy = $toysave>>
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<<set $shoes = $shoesave>>
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<<set $top = $topsave>>
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<<widget WearOuter>>
<<set $outfit = $outfitsave>>
<<set $hat= $hatsave>>
<<set $shoes = $shoesave>>
<<set $top = $topsave>>
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<<widget maidwear>><<nobr>>
<<set $outfit = "maid uniform">>
<<set $hat= "maid headpiece">>
<<set $panties = "black maid panties">>
<<set $socks = "black stockings">>
<<set $shoes = "flat black shoes">>
<<set $bra = $brasave>>
<<widget sexymaidwear>>
<<set $outfit = "maid uniform">>
<<set $hat= "maid headpiece">>
<<set $panties = "black crotchless panties">>
<<set $bra = "sexy black bra">>
<<set $socks = "sexy stockings">>
<<set $shoes = "black sexy heels">>
<<widget slut1>>
<<set $outfit = "sexy black dress">>
<<set $panties = "black lace panties">>
<<set $socks = "black fishnet stockings">>
<<set $shoes = "black strappy heels">>
<<set $bra = $brasave>>
<<set $hat = "none">>
<<widget lingerie>><<nobr>>
<<set $bra = "sexy black bra">>
<<set $panties = "sexy panties">>
<<set $socks = "sexy stockings">>
<<widget wigon>><<nobr>>
<<set $wig = _args[0]>>
<<set $wig_on =1>>
<<widget wigoff>><<nobr>>
<<set $wig = "none">>
<<set $wig_on =0>>
<<widget sissy1>>
<<set $outfit = "pink bow dress">>
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<<set $socks = "pink stockings">>
<<set $shoes = "pink bow shoes">>
<<set $bra = "pink frilly bra">>
<<widget sissygift>>
<<set $objects["pink bow dress"].inv = 1>>
<<set $objects["pink frilly panties"].inv = 1>>
<<set $objects["pink frilly bra"].inv = 1>>
<<set $objects["pink bow shoes"].inv = 1>>
<<set $objects["pink stockings"].inv = 1>>
<<widget clothescheck>>
<<if $outfit eq "none" and $top eq "none" and $bra eq "none">><<SetFlag "topless" >><</if>>
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<<widget StripToy>>
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<<set $toy = "none">>
<<SetFlag "assplug" = false>>
<<widget WearToy>>
<<set $toy= $toysave >>
<<widget dressinggown>>
<<if $femcheck lt 1>><<set $outfit = "male dressing gown">>
<<else>><<set $outfit = "red satin dressing gown">>
<<widget top>>
<<if $outfit neq "none">> $outfit
<<elseif $top neq "none">> $top
<<elseif $bra neq "none">> $bra
<<else>> bare chest look
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<<set $enssemblenames to ["Brown mens clothes", "not set", "not set", "not set", "not set", "not set", "not set", "not set", "not set", "not set"]>>
<<set $ensembleset to [1,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0]>>
<<set $objects = {
"AmbroseKey": { price: 0, type: "usable", specific: "key", image: "Images/Objects/key.webp", description: "Dr Ambrose's key, which opens his office/lab.", inv: 0, gender: "N", },
"backless evening dress": { price: 200, type: "clothing", specific: "outfit", image: "Images/ClothesF/backless evening dress.jpg", description: "backless evening dress", inv: 2, gender: "F", },
"black boots": { price: 50, type: "clothing", specific: "shoes", image: "Images/Shoes/blackboots.jpg", description: "black boots", inv: 2, gender: "F", },
"black bra": { price: 50, type: "clothing", specific: "bra", image: "Images/Bras/blackbra1.jpg", description: "black bra", inv: 4, gender: "F", },
"black bustier": { price: 100, type: "clothing", specific: "bra", image: "Images/Bras/bustier.jpg", description: "black bustier", inv: 4, gender: "F", },
"black corset top": { price: 60, type: "clothing", specific: "top", image: "Images/ClothesF/blacktop1.jpg", description: "black corset top", inv: 2, gender: "F", },
"black corset": { price: 50, type: "clothing", specific: "bra", image: "Images/Bras/Blackcorset.webp", description: "black corset", inv: 4, gender: "F", },
"black crotchless panties": { price: 50, type: "clothing", specific: "panties", image: "Images/Panties/black crotchless panties.jpg", description: "black crotchless panties", inv: 4, gender: "F", },
"black derby hat": { price: 50, type: "clothing", specific: "hat", image: "Images/Hats/Derbyhat.webp", description: "black derby hat", inv: 0, gender: "M", },
"black fedora": { price: 50, type: "clothing", specific: "hat", image: "Images/Hats/BlackFedora.webp", description: "black fedora", inv: 0, gender: "M", },
"black fishnet stockings": { price: 20, type: "clothing", specific: "socks", image: "Images/Socks/fishnets.webp", description: "a pair of sexy black fishnet stockings.", inv: 4, gender: "F", },
"black formal trousers": { price: 100, type: "clothing", specific: "bottom", image: "Images/ClothesM/blacktrousers.jpg", description: "black formal trousers", inv: 3, gender: "M", },
"black french knickers": { price: 50, type: "clothing", specific: "panties", image: "Images/Panties/black french knickers.webp", description: "black french knickers", inv: 4, gender: "F", },
"black frock coat": { price: 300, type: "clothing", specific: "top", image: "Images/ClothesM/BlackFrockcoat.webp", description: "black frock coat", inv: 3, gender: "M", },
"black high waist trousers": { price: 200, type: "clothing", specific: "bottom", image: "Images/ClothesM/blackhigh.webp", description: "black high waist trousers", inv: 3, gender: "M", },
"black lace panties": { price: 12, type: "clothing", specific: "panties", image: "Images/Panties/black panties.jpg", description: "A pair of sexy black panties made from finest French lace.", inv: 4, gender: "F", },
"black lace top": { price: 40, type: "clothing", specific: "top", image: "Images/ClothesF/blacktop2.jpg", description: "black lace top", inv: 2, gender: "F", },
"black maid panties": { price: 50, type: "clothing", specific: "panties", image: "Images/Panties/maid panties.jpg", description: "black maid panties", inv: 4, gender: "F", },
"black negligee": { price: 50, type: "clothing", specific: "bra", image: "Images/Bras/black negligee.jpg", description: "black negligee", inv: 4, gender: "F", },
"black sheer panties": { price: 50, type: "clothing", specific: "panties", image: "Images/Panties/black sheer panties.jpg", description: "black sheer panties", inv: 4, gender: "F", },
"black skirt": { price: 30, type: "clothing", specific: "bottom", image: "Images/ClothesF/blackskirt.jpg", description: "black skirt", inv: 2, gender: "F", },
"black socks": { price: 5, type: "clothing", specific: "socks", image: "Images/Socks/Blacksocks.jpg", description: "black socks", inv: 3, gender: "M", },
"black stockings": { price: 5, type: "clothing", specific: "socks", image: "Images/Socks/blackstockings.jpg", description: "black stockings", inv: 4, gender: "F", },
"black strappy heels": { price: 40, type: "clothing", specific: "shoes", image: "Images/Shoes/blackheels.jpg", description: "black strappy heels", inv: 2, gender: "F", },
"black top hat": { price: 50, type: "clothing", specific: "hat", image: "Images/Hats/TopHat.webp", description: "black top hat", inv: 3, gender: "M", },
"blonde bob wig": { price: 50, type: "clothing", specific: "wig", image: "Images/Wigs/blondebob.jpg", description: "blonde bob wig", inv: 0, gender: "F", },
"blue bra": { price: 50, type: "clothing", specific: "bra", image: "Images/Bras/bluebra.jpg", description: "blue bra", inv: 4, gender: "F", },
"blue cotton dress": { price: 40, type: "clothing", specific: "outfit", image: "Images/ClothesF/blue cotton dress.jpg", description: "blue cotton dress", inv: 2, gender: "F", },
"blue cotton panties": { price: 50, type: "clothing", specific: "panties", image: "Images/Panties/blue cotton panties.jpg", description: "blue cotton panties", inv: 4, gender: "F", },
"blue frock coat": { price: 300, type: "clothing", specific: "top", image: "Images/ClothesM/BlueFrockcoat.webp", description: "blue frock coat", inv: 3, gender: "M", },
"brown boots": { price: 50, type: "clothing", specific: "shoes", image: "Images/Shoes/brownboots.jpg", description: "A pair of rugged brown work shoes.", inv: 1, gender: "M", },
"brown bowler hat": { price: 50, type: "clothing", specific: "hat", image: "Images/Hats/Bowlerhat.webp", description: "brown bowler hat", inv: 0, gender: "M", },
"brown cap": { price: 18, type: "clothing", specific: "hat", image: "Images/Hats/Browncap.jpg", description: "A brown tweed cap.", inv: 1, gender: "M", },
"brown fedora": { price: 50, type: "clothing", specific: "hat", image: "Images/Hats/BrownFedora.webp", description: "brown fedora", inv: 0, gender: "M", },
"brown jacket": { price: 50, type: "clothing", specific: "top", image: "Images/ClothesM/BrownJacket.webp", description: "brown jacket", inv: 3, gender: "M", },
"brown pants": { price: 50, type: "clothing", specific: "bottom", image: "Images/ClothesM/Brownpants.webp", description: "brown pants", inv: 3, gender: "M", },
"brown socks": { price: 4, type: "clothing", specific: "socks", image: "Images/Socks/Mustardsocks.jpg", description: "A pair of yellow brown male socks.", inv: 1, gender: "M", },
"brown suit": { price: 200, type: "clothing", specific: "outfit", image: "Images/ClothesM/Brownsuit.jpg", description: "Brown Tweed Suit", inv: 1, gender: "M", },
"burgundy jacket": { price: 300, type: "clothing", specific: "top", image: "Images/ClothesM/BurgandyJacket.webp", description: "burgundy jacket", inv: 3, gender: "M", },
"checked cap": { price: 50, type: "clothing", specific: "hat", image: "Images/Hats/CheckedCap.webp", description: "checked cap", inv: 0, gender: "M", },
"elegant grey panties": { price: 50, type: "clothing", specific: "panties", image: "Images/Panties/elegant grey panties.jpg", description: "elegant grey panties", inv: 4, gender: "F", },
"fancy black hat": { price: 50, type: "clothing", specific: "hat", image: "Images/Hats/Floralhat.jpg", description: "fancy black hat", inv: 2, gender: "F", },
"flat black shoes": { price: 30, type: "clothing", specific: "shoes", image: "Images/Shoes/flatshoes.jpg", description: "flat black shoes", inv: 2, gender: "F", },
"grey bra": { price: 50, type: "clothing", specific: "bra", image: "Images/Bras/greybra.jpg", description: "grey bra", inv: 4, gender: "F", },
"grey striped trousers": { price: 100, type: "clothing", specific: "bottom", image: "Images/ClothesM/greytrousers.webp", description: "grey striped trousers", inv: 3, gender: "M", },
"light blue dress": { price: 40, type: "clothing", specific: "outfit", image: "Images/ClothesF/light blue dress.jpg", description: "light blue dress", inv: 2, gender: "F", },
"longjohns": { price: 0, type: "clothing", specific: "panties", image: "Images/Panties/longjohns.jpg", description: "a pair of off white longjohn underpants", inv: 1, gender: "M", },
"maid headpiece": { price: 50, type: "clothing", specific: "hat", image: "Images/Hats/maidhat.jpg", description: "maid headpiece", inv: 2, gender: "F", },
"maid uniform": { price: 30, type: "clothing", specific: "outfit", image: "Images/ClothesF/maid.jpg", description: "maid uniform", inv: 2, gender: "F", },
"navy frock coat": { price: 300, type: "clothing", specific: "top", image: "Images/ClothesM/Frockcoat.jpg", description: "navy frock coat", inv: 3, gender: "M", },
"pink chemise": { price: 50, type: "clothing", specific: "bra", image: "Images/Bras/pink chemise.jpg", description: "pink chemise", inv: 4, gender: "F", },
"pink corset": { price: 200, type: "clothing", specific: "bra", image: "Images/Bras/pinkcorset1.jpg", description: "pink corset", inv: 4, gender: "F", },
"pink high waist trousers": { price: 200, type: "clothing", specific: "bottom", image: "Images/ClothesM/pinkhigh.webp", description: "pink high waist trousers", inv: 3, gender: "M", },
"red bra": { price: 50, type: "clothing", specific: "bra", image: "Images/Bras/redbra1.jpg", description: "red bra", inv: 4, gender: "F", },
"red crotchless panties": { price: 50, type: "clothing", specific: "panties", image: "Images/Panties/red crotchless panties.jpg", description: "red crotchless panties", inv: 4, gender: "F", },
"red dress": { price: 50, type: "clothing", specific: "outfit", image: "Images/ClothesF/RedDress.jpg", description: "red dress", inv: 2, gender: "F", },
"red jacket": { price: 300, type: "clothing", specific: "top", image: "Images/ClothesM/RedJacket.webp", description: "red jacket", inv: 3, gender: "M", },
"red sexy bra": { price: 50, type: "clothing", specific: "bra", image: "Images/Bras/redbra2.webp", description: "red sexy bra", inv: 4, gender: "F", },
"red silk dress": { price: 100, type: "clothing", specific: "outfit", image: "Images/ClothesF/red silk dress.jpg", description: "red silk dress", inv: 2, gender: "F", },
"red skirt": { price: 30, type: "clothing", specific: "bottom", image: "Images/ClothesF/redskirt1.jpg", description: "red skirt", inv: 2, gender: "F", },
"red top": { price: 25, type: "clothing", specific: "top", image: "Images/ClothesF/redtop1.jpg", description: "red top", inv: 2, gender: "F", },
"scarlet frock coat": { price: 300, type: "clothing", specific: "top", image: "Images/ClothesM/ScarletFrockcoat.webp", description: "scarlet frock coat", inv: 3, gender: "M", },
"sexy black bra": { price: 50, type: "clothing", specific: "bra", image: "Images/Bras/blackbra2.jpg", description: "sexy black bra", inv: 4, gender: "F", },
"sexy black dress": { price: 150, type: "clothing", specific: "outfit", image: "Images/ClothesF/sexy black dress.jpg", description: "sexy black dress", inv: 2, gender: "F", },
"sexy panties": { price: 50, type: "clothing", specific: "panties", image: "Images/Panties/sexy panties.webp", description: "sexy panties", inv: 4, gender: "F", },
"white bra": { price: 50, type: "clothing", specific: "bra", image: "Images/Bras/whitebra.jpg", description: "white bra", inv: 4, gender: "F", },
"white dress": { price: 300, type: "clothing", specific: "outfit", image: "Images/ClothesF/white dress.jpg", description: "white dress", inv: 2, gender: "F", },
"white floral dress": { price: 50, type: "clothing", specific: "outfit", image: "Images/ClothesF/white floral dress.jpg", description: "white floral dress", inv: 2, gender: "F", },
"white jacket": { price: 300, type: "clothing", specific: "top", image: "Images/ClothesM/WhiteJacket.webp", description: "white jacket", inv: 3, gender: "M", },
"white sexy bra": { price: 50, type: "clothing", specific: "bra", image: "Images/Bras/white sexy bra.jpg", description: "white sexy bra", inv: 4, gender: "F", },
"white silk shirt": { price: 50, type: "clothing", specific: "top", image: "Images/ClothesM/Shirt.webp", description: "white silk shirt", inv: 3, gender: "M", },
"white thong": { price: 50, type: "clothing", specific: "panties", image: "Images/Panties/white thong.jpg", description: "white thong", inv: 4, gender: "F", },
"woolen shirt": { price: 20, type: "clothing", specific: "top", image: "Images/ClothesM/Woolenshirt.jpg", description: "woolen shirt", inv: 3, gender: "M", },
"yellow summer dress": { price: 60, type: "clothing", specific: "outfit", image: "Images/ClothesF/yellow summer dress.jpg", description: "yellow summer dress", inv: 2, gender: "F", },
"Substance O": { price: 0, type: "usable", specific: "drug", image: "", description: "A medicine designed to increase femininity", inv: 0, },
"Substance P": { price: 0, type: "usable", specific: "drug", description: "A medicine designed to prevent pregnancy", inv: 0, },
"Substance T": { price: 0, type: "usable", specific: "drug", description: "A medicine designed to increase masculinity", inv: 0, },
"black bob wig": { price: 50, type: "clothing", specific: "wig", image: "Images/Wigs/blackbob.jpg", description: "black bob wig", inv: 0, gender: "F", },
"sexy stockings": { price: 50, type: "clothing", specific: "socks", image: "Images/Socks/sexystockings.jpg", description: "a pair of sexy sheer black stockings.", inv: 4, gender: "F", },
"Columbine dress": { price: 0, type: "clothing", specific: "outfit", image: "Images/ClothesF/Columbinedress.jpg", description: "Columbine dress", inv: 0, gender: "F", },
"Columbine mask": { price: 0, type: "clothing", specific: "hat", image: "Images/Hats/Columbinemask.jpg", description: "Columbine mask", inv: 0, gender: "F", },
"Harlequin mask": { price: 0, type: "clothing", specific: "hat", image: "Images/Hats/Harlequinmask.jpg", description: "Harlequin mask", inv: 0, gender: "M", },
"Harlequin suit": { price: 0, type: "clothing", specific: "outfit", image: "Images/ClothesM/Harlequinsuit.jpg", description: "Harlequin suit", inv: 0, gender: "M", },
"Pierrot mask": { price: 0, type: "clothing", specific: "hat", image: "Images/Hats/Pierrotmask.jpg", description: "Pierrot mask", inv: 0, gender: "M", },
"Pierrot suit": { price: 0, type: "clothing", specific: "outfit", image: "Images/ClothesM/Pierrotsuit.jpg", description: "Pierrot suit", inv: 0, gender: "M", },
<<set $outfit0 = "brown suit">>
<<set $panties0 = "longjohns">>
<<set $bra0 = "none">>
<<set $hat0 = "brown cap">>
<<set $shoes0 = "brown boots">>
<<set $socks0 = "brown socks">>
<<set $top0 = "none">>
<<set $bottom0 = "none">>
<<set $outfit1 = "none">><<set $panties1 = "none">><<set $bra1 = "none">>
<<set $hat1 = "none">><<set $shoes1 = "none">><<set $socks1 = "none">><<set $top1 = "none">><<set $bottom1 = "none">>
<<set $outfit2 = "none">><<set $panties2 = "none">><<set $bra2 = "none">>
<<set $hat2 = "none">><<set $shoes2 = "none">><<set $socks2 = "none">><<set $top2 = "none">><<set $bottom2 = "none">>
<<set $outfit3 = "none">><<set $panties3 = "none">><<set $bra3 = "none">>
<<set $hat3 = "none">><<set $shoes3 = "none">><<set $socks3 = "none">><<set $top3 = "none">><<set $bottom3 = "none">>
<<set $outfit4 = "none">><<set $panties4 = "none">><<set $bra4 = "none">>
<<set $hat4 = "none">><<set $shoes4 = "none">><<set $socks4 = "none">><<set $top4 = "none">><<set $bottom4 = "none">>
<<set $outfit5 = "none">><<set $panties5 = "none">><<set $bra5 = "none">>
<<set $hat5 = "none">><<set $shoes5 = "none">><<set $socks5 = "none">><<set $top5 = "none">><<set $bottom5 = "none">>
<<set $outfit6 = "none">><<set $panties6 = "none">><<set $bra6 = "none">>
<<set $hat6 = "none">><<set $shoes6 = "none">><<set $socks6 = "none">><<set $top6 = "none">><<set $bottom6 = "none">>
<<set $outfit7 = "none">><<set $panties7 = "none">><<set $bra7 = "none">>
<<set $hat7 = "none">><<set $shoes7 = "none">><<set $socks7 = "none">><<set $top7 = "none">><<set $bottom7 = "none">>
<<set $outfit8 = "none">><<set $panties8 = "none">><<set $bra8 = "none">>
<<set $hat8 = "none">><<set $shoes8 = "none">><<set $socks8 = "none">><<set $top8 = "none">><<set $bottom8 = "none">>
<<set $outfit9 = "none">><<set $panties9 = "none">><<set $bra9 = "none">>
<<set $hat9 = "none">><<set $shoes9 = "none">><<set $socks9 = "none">><<set $top9 = "none">><<set $bottom9 = "none">>She looks down at your caged cock and kisses you deeply. "You have been such a good little caged pet, haven't you? It's been, let me see, $chastitycount days of denial.
Now, do you want me to let you out to play?
Or would you rather I teased you for an hour?" she says sweetly, like a tiger playing with its lunch."
[[Beg to be released->Megan2b]]
[[Beg to be teased->Megan_chastitytease]]She looks down at your cock and shakes her head.
"So disappointing. I do believe you were supposed to be locked up safe and sound. Your cage please."
You hand over the chastity cage, shamefacedly and she secures it in place. <<set $chastity = 1>>
Now, do you want me to let you out to play?
Or would you rather I teased you for an hour?" she says sweetly, like a tiger playing with its lunch."
[[Beg to be released->Megan2b]]
[[Beg to be teased->Megan_chastitytease]]"I don't think I should be released yet, Mistress."
Very well, that is your choice. You are my client, not my slave. Not yet anyhow. Now strip for me." <<StripAll>>
She stands back looking at you, touching her breast with her left hand as she watches you strip naked apart from your heavy cage around your cock. She steps forward and gently touches your naked body, running her fingers through your hair, across your shoulders, between your legs. She holds the weight of your cage in her hands and gives it a little tug, before running a long red nail down its length. "You are so sweet to embrace your chastity, to know that your cock is mine to do with as I want.
Tell me, why do you think you need to stay locked up?"
<<if $fetish_masochism eq 1>>[[I want to be punished->Meganchastitytorture]]<</if>>
<<if $fetish_cross eq 1>>[[I want to be a girl, not a boy->Meganchastityfem]]<</if>>
[[I enjoy being denied the pleasure of cumming->Meganchastityruined]]"Oh, I can punish you, alright, my sweet little plaything,"
She ties a collar around your throat, and attaches a chain, like a dog's leash, before dragging you across the apartment and securing the chain to a the bedpost.
"Now let us start with these balls. They look so full and swollen. So tender."
Thwack. Her hand strikes you hard between the legs. Once. Twice, three times.
"thank you Mistress."
"Very good. Now I think I am a little overdressed."
She sensuously strips, slowly, taking off each item within inches of your face, rubbing her breasts, her body, her cunt against you until you are both naked. Apart from your cage.
"Do you want to fuck me, $playername? I want to fuck you."
She pushes you down and spreads out your limbs, tying them to the edges of the bed so that you are immobile, before squatting down over your crotch.
"Now with that smooth metal prison, you wont be able to feel a thing. But I can. I can feel your metal cock fucking me." She eases herself down, gasping as your cage penetrates her.
You dont feel a thing, except your cock straining against the hard metal.
Her hand scratches your chest, your back as she rides your smooth metal carapace to orgasm, and as she does so, she squeezes your balls tightly. The pain is more than you're experienced.
[[Grit your teeth and bear it->Meganchastitytorthhard]]"Oh, I think we can go one better than denial, my pet."
She reaches into a closet and takes out a metal belt, with an odd loop at the front. She clips this around your waist, easing the loop around your chastity cage and balls, before admiring her handiwork.
"This was brought for my by an admirer from the United States. It has an electric battery inside. And if I activate it just so..."
You feel a mild tingling, as the belt and loop start to vibrate, along with another not unpleasurable sensation in your groin, like when you touch a door handle and receive an electric shock.
She tightens the loop, scratching your balls absentmindedly.
"Now for a man with an erect penis, this enhances the sensation, but for you, I think it won't be that much fun."
<<if $fetish_anal eq 1>> She pushes something cold and hard up your ass and starts moving it in and out.<<else>> she teases your nipples.<</if>>
You feel your orgasm begin to build from the vibrations and the electricity, but your cock is too small. As you start to moan she turns off the device and watches you twitching. A tiny dribble of cum drips out the end of your chastity cage from your ruined orgasm.
"Pathetic." She pushes her high heeled boot into the cum and lifts it to your lips. "
"Maybe in another week you might deserve to climax properly. "
[[Return->Megan_end]]She stops immediately.
"Oh honey, was it too much. I'm sorry. Let us get you out of there and take a look." She takes the key from around her neck and clicks the lock open, carefully taking the metal cage from around your sensitive parts and placing it on the table.<<set $chastity = 0>>
"It does look a little sore. I don't think it's up to fucking to be honest. I think it needs something soft. I know just the thing"
She unties your collar before kneeling down over you. She pours some warm scented oil into your hands and brings them to her breasts, allowing you to knead them gently. Your aching cock starts to harden, freed from its sheath, but is sore from its encasement and recent mistreatment.
<img src="Images/People/Megan/meganboobjob.webp" width=500 />
"There, there my sweet." She lowers herself over your cock, rubbing it gently between her enormous oiled breasts. This is both erotic and soothing, the warm oil gliding over your tender cock and balls. With the lightest of touches she glides back and forth, kissing y ou gently until you softly squirt over her oiled body. "That's better, honey, isn't it? Now why dont you get cleaned up?"
[[Return->Megan_end]]"Good slave." she pants, lifting herself up from your aching cock.
"Now put that mouth to work"
She sits herself upon your face, teasing and prodding your aching cock as you bring her to a second, then a third climax with your tongue. Each time she theatrically calls out, and you taste her warm juices but meet them with none of your own. Occasionally she strikes your cock, or squeezes your balls or nipples, but you feel no pleasure through the hard metal.
After her third climax, she relents.
"Sssh, baby. You are such a good painslut. Now let us check that you are in one piece." She examines you carefully, rubbing a little ointment into your aching balls and caressing your chest as she does so.
"You're going to have to wait another week for release. If you're lucky the bruising will have gone down by then."
She unties your bonds, then without glancing back walks away to change, leaving you to sort yourself out,
[[Return->Megan_end]]"Then we shall make you into a beautiful princess, my sweet."<<if $femname neq "Jane">>"$femname"
<<else>>What girl name shall we call you? <<textbox "$femname" "Jane">> <</if>>
She takes your hand and walks you to the bathroom, stripping naked as she does so. You step together into a warm and soapy bathtub, and she lathers soap over your body, paying careful attention to clean inside your ass, before bringing forth a long, straight razor.<<set $dirty = 0>>
<<if $facialhair eq 0 and $bodyhair eq 0 and $leghair eq 0>>""Hmm, you are already very smooth, but I can see a little bit of stubble and that won't do." <</if>><<set $facialhair = 0>><<set $bodyhair = 0>><<set $leghair =0>><<lingerie>>
She patiently shaves all the hair from your body, your face and your legs, massaging perfumed cream into each area as she does so, kissing you sensuously throughout before toweling you both dry. She then selects matching lingerie, dressing you both in silken lace bra, panties and stockings, before spraying a little perfume on your neck.
<img src="Images/People/Megan/megan_bra.webp" width=500 />
You feel completely relaxed, forgetting about your caged cock entirely, intoxicated by her beauty.
"Now lie down, and I'm going to make you feel like a woman"
She places a blindfold about your eyes, before you feel her fingers at your ass, and stroking the soft skin between ass and balls. You feel her tongue sliding inside you, licking and rimming your shaved asshole, followed by two, no three oiled fingers gently pushing inside. The pressure is gentle but insistent as they push forward inside you rubbing back and forth, a couple of inches deep inside you, as she licks and kisses the outside rim.
You feel it start to rise slowly, a sensation you hadn't had before, as your ass tightens about her fingers. "There we are. Now just relax. "
And then you cum. Not from your cock, or balls, but from your prostate, deep within your ass. You feel dampness inside your cage as your soft penis leaks a little fluid out as you gasp and moan.<<set $arousal = 0>>
"There, there $femname. How was that my sweet girl?
You hold her softly, until she tells you your time is up.
[[Return->Megan_end]]"Yeah, it was fine. Just a quiet day, you know, nothing special."
He looks a little bemused "I guess you like your privacy." but doesn't say anything else on the subject.
[[Have another drink->Mattchat][$money -=2, $drunk +=1]]
[[Go home->YourRoom][$time = "Night"]]"Where did you find her?" You ask. She's like something out of the magazines."
"Oh, you like, do you. I thought she might be your type, all sultry and mysterious. I was introduced by a client after closing a sale, it was nice and all but a bit full on for me. I tend to like to be in charge in the bedroom. Are you seeing her again?"
<<if $meet_megan eq 1>> "Yeah, tomorrow..."
"You dark dog, you. Its an expensive habit, but so worth it.
<<else>>"Maybe. I have her card."<</if>>
[[Have another drink->Mattchat][$money -=2, $drunk +=1]]
[[Go home->YourRoom][$time = "Night"]]<img src="Images/People/Matt/mattpub2.webp" width=600 />
"So, are you seeing anyone at the moment?" you ask.
<<if $HCevent lt 4 or $daisyengagement gt 0>>"Noone special. There’s a few girls but nothing serious.
<<elseif $HCevent gt 3 and $HCevent lt 9>> "I’ve got my eyes on someone. Not sure if they’re interested yet."
"Someone from the club?"
"Who? Mistress Megan?"
"No way, a toffer like that would eat me alive. You know I don’t go in for all that kinky stuff. I just like a regular cunny and a nice sloppy lick from her quail pipe."
"So this special someone. Another of your conquests and then move on?"
"Maybe it's time for me to settle down, now I’m mixing in high society."
"Oh. Matthew is smitten!"
You try to wheedle the name out of him but he changes the subject to your sex life.
<<elseif $datingmatt gt 0>>"Well that’s a silly question. You of course. Let’s go somewhere nice next week, not the pub."
<<elseif $nicengagement gt 0 or $micengagement gt 0>>"To tell the truth I’m rather partial to that cousin of yours. We were sort of flirting at the Hellfire club while you were away in Paris, and now I know you’re out of the picture. I thought we could start courting."
"That is fantastic. I couldn’t be happier. Flirting you say?"
"Well maybe a little more than flirting. You know what that place is like."
"A gentleman never tells."
"Since when were you a gentleman?"
"You have me there. I might have got my hands on those magnificent udders of hers."
"They are quite the handful."
"So you’ve changed a bit from the straight laced young man who once suggested $mattfetish to Nicola. What are you up to in your den of depravity?"
[[Nothing much. Nothing I’ll share with you anyhow!|Matt_sextalk_2][$temp = 1]]
[[I’m keen on becoming more dominant|Matt_sextalk_2][$temp = 2]]
[[I’m keen on becoming more submissive|Matt_sextalk_2][$temp = 3]]
[[Have another drink and change the subject->Mattchat][$money -=2, $drunk +=1]]
[[Go home->YourRoom][$time = "Night"]]<img src="Images/People/team.webp" width=500 />
You meet up with the football team and discuss tactics before starting the match
<<set $randomset = [0, 1, 2, 3]>>\
<<set $for = $randomset.pluck()>>\<<set $against = $randomset.pluck()>>\<<set $scored = $randomset.pluck()>>\
90 minutes later...
You <<if $for gt $against>>win<<elseif $for eq $against>>draw<<else>>lose<</if>> the match $for - $against.
<<if $for neq 0 and $scored eq 3>>You scored a goal!<</if>>
As evening draws in, some of the team are going to the pub to <<if $for gt $against>>celebrate<<else>>commiserate<</if>>.
<<link[[Go to the pub->Bar]]>><<wait>><</link>>
<<link[[Return to Kensington Avenue->KensingtonAv]]>><<wait>><</link>><img src="Images/People/team.webp" width=500 />
You meet up with the football team and run about practicing kicking a leather ball around the park for a couple of hours.
<<fitness 10>>
You end up back at the <<link [[Broken Doll|Bar]]>><<wait>><</link>> for a couple of pints and a post session debrief.<img src="Images/People/Rubybra.webp" width=500 />
"Its a job. Lying on my back makes more than tips from the coffee shop. And most of the customers are ok. Not all as cute as you though. I guess most of us follow our family trade - you work in your uncle's pharmacy, I work in my mum's brothel."
She seems a little defensive at having to justify what she does to you
<<return>><img src="Images/People/Rubybra.webp" width=500 />
"Daisy? She's my best friend. We've known each other since we were toddlers, running around the streets here. Got into all kinds of scrapes we have. Shared all sorts. Our first kiss in that alley back there - Thomas Altringham. We were 13. He paid us each a penny. He liked me best because I used my tongue though. I love that girl - so don't you go breaking her heart or I'll rip yours out."
You think she's joking about that last bit, but aren't quite sure.
<<return>><img src="Images/Objects/Harris_covent_garden_ladies.jpg" width=500 />
The book is a very old tome, looking to be decades old. It is entitled Harris's List of Covent Garden Ladies and details the attributes, locations and prices of 18th century prostitutes in London. There are a number of titillating engravings, though not as lovely as the three girls here with you. Why are you reading porn rather than chatting to half naked women?
<<return>><img src="Images/People/rubynude.webp" width=500 />
Pocketing your cash, she pulls you into a small bedroom. There is no floorspace here for anything other than the one single bed. She strips naked and kisses you deeply, pulling off your clothes as she does so. "Oh you are a big boy aren't you" she says as she pulls down your underwear.
\<<if $chastity eq 1>>"Er, I don't think I can get this thing off without hurting you." she says, holding your chastity cage gently. How about I give you a nice massage instead?
She lays you down on a towel and rubs some scented oil into your back, easing your tired muscles as she rubs her naked body up and down yours. She then turns you over and rubs your chest with her oiled hands, and lifts your hands to touch her shapely breasts, panting as you massage them.
"I hope you aren't getting too excited in there - I certainly am."
She lies back on the bed and pulls your head toward her crotch, letting you lick at her vagina as she moans like a pro, quivering as you push your tongue deep inside her.
"I should be the one paying you." she says after you are finished, giving you a sloppy wet kiss and a wicked smile.
\<<else>>She kneels before you and takes you in her mouth first, her plump red lips sliding up and down your cock as you run your hands through her red hair. Feeling your excitement grow, she draws back. "Not yet, I've got to have my fun too you know." She pushes you down on the bed and straddles you, lowering her hot moist crotch onto your erect cock. "I see what Daisy likes about you. Well we do share everything." she giggles, gasping as you fill her.
She puts your hands on her ass and another on her breast as she holds your shoulders and rocks back and forth, squeezing you tightly and moaning "Yes, yes. Just like that, right there. Come on big boy. Oh, oh..." She starts moaning theatrically, her eyes half closed before her orgasm sets you off and you come deep within her.
She holds still for a moment, hugging you, before throwing you a napkin to wipe yourself down. "Time's up, sweetie." she says. <<cum>><<penisvag "Ruby">><<fellatio>> <</if>>
[[Finish->Brothelleave]]To do list to v0.1 (and 0.2)
Pharmacy events - synthesis, testing, production - (v0.2 Alternative work routes : prostitution, factory, farm))
HC random events
HC membership via patronage from Wals or Megan
HC timed events (June - solstice;(to come 0.2 and beyond - Aug - Sept - back to school; equinox, Oct - Cornucopia; Nov Halloween; Dec - midwinter solstice; Jan New Year)
Side events (Jack, Cluedo, TinyTim, Summer Vacation)
Walsingham - links to plot events, patronage, start Dom route
Megan - links to plot events, patronage, finish escort options, start Domme route
Mrs Ambrose - chat, flirt, cuckoldress route events 1-5
(sub route to follow in 0.2)
Michaela - introduction, chat, flirt, (sub route and sex to follow in 0.2)
Nicola - (re)introduction, (sub route and and sex to follow in 0.2)
Matthew - more chat, flirt, (romance route and sex to follow in 0.2)
Ruby - (sex to follow in 0.2)
Daisy - tidy up romance route (domme / cuck routes to follow in 0.2)
Time progression
Own house (to come in 0.2)
Colour scheme?
reverted to black, but code used is here:
/*General Design*/
font-family: 'Garamond', serif;
background-color : #ffff66;
color: black;
transition: none;
-webkit-transition: none;
-moz-transition: none;
a {
color: #000066;
background-color : #ffff66;
table, th, td {
border: 1px solid black;
}You have the following hats and masks:
<table style="width:100%">\
<th> </th>
<th><<if $hat eq "none">> You have nothing on your head <<else>>[[Remove hat->Closet_hat][$hat ="none"]]<</if>> </th>
<<if $objects["brown cap"].inv eq 1>><tr>\
<th>brown cap</th>
<th><<set $image to $objects["brown cap"].image >><<displayimage I>></th>
<th>$objects["brown cap"].description</th>
<th><<if $hat eq "brown cap">> Worn <<else>>[[Wear->Closet_hat][$hat ="brown cap"]]<</if>> </th>
<<if $objects["black derby hat"].inv eq 1>><tr><th>black derby hat</th><th><<set $image to $objects["black derby hat"].image >><<displayimage I>></th><th>$objects["black derby hat"].description</th><th><<if $hat eq "black derby hat">> Worn <<else>>[[Wear->Closet_hat][$hat ="black derby hat"]]<</if>> </th> </tr><</if>>
<<if $objects["black fedora"].inv eq 1>><tr><th>black fedora</th><th><<set $image to $objects["black fedora"].image >><<displayimage I>></th><th>$objects["black fedora"].description</th><th><<if $hat eq "black fedora">> Worn <<else>>[[Wear->Closet_hat][$hat ="black fedora"]]<</if>> </th> </tr><</if>>
<<if $objects["black top hat"].inv eq 1>><tr><th>black top hat</th><th><<set $image to $objects["black top hat"].image >><<displayimage I>></th><th>$objects["black top hat"].description</th><th><<if $hat eq "black top hat">> Worn <<else>>[[Wear->Closet_hat][$hat ="black top hat"]]<</if>> </th> </tr><</if>>
<<if $objects["brown bowler hat"].inv eq 1>><tr><th>brown bowler hat</th><th><<set $image to $objects["brown bowler hat"].image >><<displayimage I>></th><th>$objects["brown bowler hat"].description</th><th><<if $hat eq "brown bowler hat">> Worn <<else>>[[Wear->Closet_hat][$hat ="brown bowler hat"]]<</if>> </th> </tr><</if>>
<<if $objects["brown fedora"].inv eq 1>><tr><th>brown fedora</th><th><<set $image to $objects["brown fedora"].image >><<displayimage I>></th><th>$objects["brown fedora"].description</th><th><<if $hat eq "brown fedora">> Worn <<else>>[[Wear->Closet_hat][$hat ="brown fedora"]]<</if>> </th> </tr><</if>>
<<if $objects["checked cap"].inv eq 1>><tr><th>checked cap</th><th><<set $image to $objects["checked cap"].image >><<displayimage I>></th><th>$objects["checked cap"].description</th><th><<if $hat eq "checked cap">> Worn <<else>>[[Wear->Closet_hat][$hat ="checked cap"]]<</if>> </th> </tr><</if>>
<<if $objects["fancy black hat"].inv eq 1>><tr><th>fancy black hat</th><th><<set $image to $objects["fancy black hat"].image >><<displayimage I>></th><th>$objects["fancy black hat"].description</th><th><<if $hat eq "fancy black hat">> Worn <<else>>[[Wear->Closet_hat][$hat ="fancy black hat"]]<</if>> </th> </tr><</if>>
<<if $objects["maid headpiece"].inv eq 1>><tr><th>maid headpiece</th><th><<set $image to $objects["maid headpiece"].image >><<displayimage I>></th><th>$objects["maid headpiece"].description</th><th><<if $hat eq "maid headpiece">> Worn <<else>>[[Wear->Closet_hat][$hat ="maid headpiece"]]<</if>> </th> </tr><</if>>
<<if $objects["Harlequin mask"].inv eq 1>><tr><th>Harlequin mask</th><th><<set $image to $objects["Harlequin mask"].image >><<displayimage I>></th><th>$objects["Harlequin mask"].description</th><th><<if $hat eq "Harlequin mask">> Worn <<else>>[[Wear->Closet_hat][$hat ="Harlequin mask"]]<</if>> </th> </tr><</if>>
<<if $objects["Columbine mask"].inv eq 1>><tr><th>Columbine mask</th><th><<set $image to $objects["Columbine mask"].image >><<displayimage I>></th><th>$objects["Columbine mask"].description</th><th><<if $hat eq "Columbine mask">> Worn <<else>>[[Wear->Closet_hat][$hat ="Columbine mask"]]<</if>> </th> </tr><</if>>
<<if $objects["Pierrot mask"].inv eq 1>><tr><th>Pierrot mask</th><th><<set $image to $objects["Pierrot mask"].image >><<displayimage I>></th><th>$objects["Pierrot mask"].description</th><th><<if $hat eq "Pierrot mask">> Worn <<else>>[[Wear->Closet_hat][$hat ="Pierrot mask"]]<</if>> </th> </tr><</if>>
<<if $objects["Pink bunny ears"].inv eq 1>><tr><th>Pink bunny ears</th><th><<set $image to $objects["Pink bunny ears"].image >><<displayimage I>></th><th>$objects["Pink bunny ears"].description</th><th><<if $hat eq "Pink bunny earse">> Worn <<else>>[[Wear->Closet_hat][$hat ="Pink bunny ears"]]<</if>> </th> </tr><</if>>
<<if $objects["black domino mask"].inv eq 1>><tr><th>black domino mask</th><th><<set $image to $objects["black domino mask"].image >><<displayimage I>></th><th>$objects["black domino mask"].description</th><th><<if $hat eq "black domino mask">> Worn <<else>>[[Wear->Closet_hat][$hat ="black domino mask"]]<</if>> </th> </tr><</if>>
<<if $objects["black lace mask"].inv eq 1>><tr><th>black lace mask</th><th><<set $image to $objects["black lace mask"].image >><<displayimage I>></th><th>$objects["black lace mask"].description</th><th><<if $hat eq "black lace mask">> Worn <<else>>[[Wear->Closet_hat][$hat ="black lace mask"]]<</if>> </th> </tr><</if>>
<<if $objects["cat mask"].inv eq 1>><tr><th>cat mask</th><th><<set $image to $objects["cat mask"].image >><<displayimage I>></th><th>$objects["cat mask"].description</th><th><<if $hat eq "cat mask">> Worn <<else>>[[Wear->Closet_hat][$hat ="cat mask"]]<</if>> </th> </tr><</if>>
<<if $objects["dog mask"].inv eq 1>><tr><th>dog mask</th><th><<set $image to $objects["dog mask"].image >><<displayimage I>></th><th>$objects["dog mask"].description</th><th><<if $hat eq "dog mask">> Worn <<else>>[[Wear->Closet_hat][$hat ="dog mask"]]<</if>> </th> </tr><</if>>
<<if $objects["elegant butterfly mask"].inv eq 1>><tr><th>elegant butterfly mask</th><th><<set $image to $objects["elegant butterfly mask"].image >><<displayimage I>></th><th>$objects["elegant butterfly mask"].description</th><th><<if $hat eq "elegant butterfly mask">> Worn <<else>>[[Wear->Closet_hat][$hat ="elegant butterfly mask"]]<</if>> </th> </tr><</if>>
<<if $objects["iron mask"].inv eq 1>><tr><th>iron mask</th><th><<set $image to $objects["iron mask"].image >><<displayimage I>></th><th>$objects["iron mask"].description</th><th><<if $hat eq "iron mask">> Worn <<else>>[[Wear->Closet_hat][$hat ="iron mask"]]<</if>> </th> </tr><</if>>
<<if $objects["ornate Venetian mask"].inv eq 1>><tr><th>ornate Venetian mask</th><th><<set $image to $objects["ornate Venetian mask"].image >><<displayimage I>></th><th>$objects["ornate Venetian mask"].description</th><th><<if $hat eq "ornate Venetian mask">> Worn <<else>>[[Wear->Closet_hat][$hat ="ornate Venetian mask"]]<</if>> </th> </tr><</if>>
<<if $objects["plague doctor mask"].inv eq 1>><tr><th>plague doctor mask</th><th><<set $image to $objects["plague doctor mask"].image >><<displayimage I>></th><th>$objects["plague doctor mask"].description</th><th><<if $hat eq "plague doctor mask">> Worn <<else>>[[Wear->Closet_hat][$hat ="plague doctor mask"]]<</if>> </th> </tr><</if>>
<<if $objects["sexy gold mask"].inv eq 1>><tr><th>sexy gold mask</th><th><<set $image to $objects["sexy gold mask"].image >><<displayimage I>></th><th>$objects["sexy gold mask"].description</th><th><<if $hat eq "sexy gold mask">> Worn <<else>>[[Wear->Closet_hat][$hat ="sexy gold mask"]]<</if>> </th> </tr><</if>>
<<if $objects["Bonnet"].inv eq 1>><tr><th>Bonnet</th><th><<set $image to $objects["Bonnet"].image >><<displayimage I>></th><th>$objects["Bonnet"].description</th><th><<if $hat eq "Bonnet">> Worn <<else>>[[Wear->Closet_hat][$hat ="Bonnet"]]<</if>> </th> </tr><</if>>
<<if $objects["Straw Bonnet"].inv eq 1>><tr><th>Straw Bonnet</th><th><<set $image to $objects["Straw Bonnet"].image >><<displayimage I>></th><th>$objects["Straw Bonnet"].description</th><th><<if $hat eq "Straw Bonnet">> Worn <<else>>[[Wear->Closet_hat][$hat ="Straw Bonnet"]]<</if>> </th> </tr><</if>>
<<if $objects["Feathered Hat"].inv eq 1>><tr><th>Feathered Hat</th><th><<set $image to $objects["Feathered Hat"].image >><<displayimage I>></th><th>$objects["Feathered Hat"].description</th><th><<if $hat eq "Feathered Hat">> Worn <<else>>[[Wear->Closet_hat][$hat ="Feathered Hat"]]<</if>> </th> </tr><</if>>
<<if $objects["Ladies straw hat"].inv eq 1>><tr><th>Ladies straw hat</th><th><<set $image to $objects["Ladies straw hat"].image >><<displayimage I>></th><th>$objects["Ladies straw hat"].description</th><th><<if $hat eq "Ladies straw hat">> Worn <<else>>[[Wear->Closet_hat][$hat ="Ladies straw hat"]]<</if>> </th> </tr><</if>>
<<if $objects["Pink hat with bow"].inv eq 1>><tr><th>Pink hat with bow</th><th><<set $image to $objects["Pink hat with bow"].image >><<displayimage I>></th><th>$objects["Pink hat with bow"].description</th><th><<if $hat eq "Pink hat with bow">> Worn <<else>>[[Wear->Closet_hat][$hat ="Pink hat with bow"]]<</if>> </th> </tr><</if>>
<<if $objects["Elaborate Hat"].inv eq 1>><tr><th>Elaborate Hat</th><th><<set $image to $objects["Elaborate Hat"].image >><<displayimage I>></th><th>$objects["Elaborate Hat"].description</th><th><<if $hat eq "Elaborate Hat">> Worn <<else>>[[Wear->Closet_hat][$hat ="Elaborate Hat"]]<</if>> </th> </tr>
<<if $objects["Wide hat"].inv eq 1>><tr><th>Wide hat</th><th><<set $image to $objects["Wide hat"].image >><<displayimage I>></th><th>$objects["Wide hat"].description</th><th><<if $hat eq "Wide hat">> Worn <<else>>[[Wear->Closet_hat][$hat ="Wide hat"]]<</if>> </th> </tr><</if>>
<<if $objects["Police helmet"].inv eq 1>><tr><th>Police helmet</th><th><<set $image to $objects["Police helmet"].image >><<displayimage I>></th><th>$objects["Police helmet"].description</th><th><<if $hat eq "Police helmet">> Worn <<else>>[[Wear->Closet_hat][$hat ="Police helmet"]]<</if>> </th> </tr><</if>>
<<if $objects["Leather bridle"].inv eq 1>><tr><th>Leather bridle</th><th><<set $image to $objects["Leather bridle"].image >><<displayimage I>></th><th>$objects["Leather bridle"].description</th><th><<if $hat eq "Leather bridle">> Worn <<else>>[[Wear->Closet_hat][$hat ="Leather bridle"]]<</if>> </th> </tr><</if>>
[[Return->Wardrobe]]You have the following outfits:
<table style="width:100%">\
<th> </th>
<th><<if $outfit eq "none">> You have no outfit on<<else>>[[Remove outfit->Closet_suit][$outfit ="none"]]<</if>> </th>
<<if $objects["brown suit"].inv eq 1>><tr><th>brown suit</th><th><<set $image to $objects["brown suit"].image >><<displayimage I>></th><th>$objects["brown suit"].description</th><th><<if $outfit eq "brown suit">> Worn <<else>>[[Wear->Closet_suit][$outfit ="brown suit", $top="none", $bottom ="none"]]<</if>> </th> </tr><</if>>
<<if $objects["light blue dress"].inv eq 1>><tr><th>light blue dress</th><th><<set $image to $objects["light blue dress"].image >><<displayimage I>></th><th>$objects["light blue dress"].description</th><th><<if $outfit eq "light blue dress">> Worn <<else>>[[Wear->Closet_suit][$outfit ="light blue dress", $top="none", $bottom ="none"]]<</if>></th> </tr><</if>>
<<if $objects["backless evening dress"].inv eq 1>><tr><th>backless evening dress</th><th><<set $image to $objects["backless evening dress"].image >><<displayimage I>></th><th>$objects["backless evening dress"].description</th>
<th><<if $outfit eq "backless evening dress">> Worn <<else>>[[Wear->Closet_suit][$outfit ="backless evening dress", $top="none", $bottom ="none"]]<</if>> </th> </tr><</if>>
<<if $objects["maid uniform"].inv eq 1>><tr><th>maid uniform</th><th><<set $image to $objects["maid uniform"].image >><<displayimage I>></th><th>$objects["maid uniform"].description</th><th><<if $outfit eq "maid uniform">> Worn <<else>>[[Wear->Closet_suit][$outfit ="maid uniform", $top="none", $bottom ="none"]]<</if>> </th> </tr><</if>>
<<if $objects["blue cotton dress"].inv eq 1>><tr><th>blue cotton dress</th><th><<set $image to $objects["blue cotton dress"].image >><<displayimage I>></th><th>$objects["blue cotton dress"].description</th><th><<if $outfit eq "blue cotton dress">> Worn <<else>>[[Wear->Closet_suit][$outfit ="blue cotton dress", $top="none", $bottom ="none"]]<</if>> </th> </tr><</if>>
<<if $objects["red dress"].inv eq 1>><tr><th>red dress</th><th><<set $image to $objects["red dress"].image >><<displayimage I>></th><th>$objects["red dress"].description</th><th><<if $outfit eq "red dress">> Worn <<else>>[[Wear->Closet_suit][$outfit ="red dress", $top="none", $bottom ="none"]]<</if>> </th> </tr><</if>>
<<if $objects["red silk dress"].inv eq 1>><tr><th>red silk dress</th><th><<set $image to $objects["red silk dress"].image >><<displayimage I>></th><th>$objects["red silk dress"].description</th><th><<if $outfit eq "red silk dress">> Worn <<else>>[[Wear->Closet_suit][$outfit ="red silk dress", $top="none", $bottom ="none"]]<</if>> </th> </tr><</if>>
<<if $objects["sexy black dress"].inv eq 1>><tr><th>sexy black dress</th><th><<set $image to $objects["sexy black dress"].image >><<displayimage I>></th><th>$objects["sexy black dress"].description</th><th><<if $outfit eq "sexy black dress">> Worn <<else>>[[Wear->Closet_suit][$outfit ="sexy black dress", $top="none", $bottom ="none"]]<</if>> </th> </tr><</if>>
<<if $objects["white dress"].inv eq 1>><tr><th>white dress</th><th><<set $image to $objects["white dress"].image >><<displayimage I>></th><th>$objects["white dress"].description</th><th><<if $outfit eq "white dress">> Worn <<else>>[[Wear->Closet_suit][$outfit ="white dress", $top="none", $bottom ="none"]]<</if>> </th> </tr><</if>>
<<if $objects["white floral dress"].inv eq 1>><tr><th>white floral dress</th><th><<set $image to $objects["white floral dress"].image >><<displayimage I>></th><th>$objects["white floral dress"].description</th><th><<if $outfit eq "white floral dress">> Worn <<else>>[[Wear->Closet_suit][$outfit ="white floral dress", $top="none", $bottom ="none"]]<</if>> </th> </tr><</if>>
<<if $objects["yellow summer dress"].inv eq 1>><tr><th>yellow summer dress</th><th><<set $image to $objects["yellow summer dress"].image >><<displayimage I>></th><th>$objects["yellow summer dress"].description</th><th><<if $outfit eq "yellow summer dress">> Worn <<else>>[[Wear->Closet_suit][$outfit ="yellow summer dress", $top="none", $bottom ="none"]]<</if>> </th> </tr><</if>>
<<if $objects["Harlequin suit"].inv eq 1>><tr><th>Harlequin suit</th><th><<set $image to $objects["Harlequin suit"].image >><<displayimage I>></th><th>$objects["Harlequin suit"].description</th><th><<if $outfit eq "Harlequin suit">> Worn <<else>>[[Wear->Closet_suit][$outfit ="Harlequin suit", $top="none", $bottom ="none"]]<</if>> </th> </tr><</if>>
<<if $objects["Columbine dress"].inv eq 1>><tr><th>Columbine dress</th><th><<set $image to $objects["Columbine dress"].image >><<displayimage I>></th><th>$objects["Columbine dress"].description</th><th><<if $outfit eq "Columbine dress">> Worn <<else>>[[Wear->Closet_suit][$outfit ="Columbine dress", $top="none", $bottom ="none"]]<</if>> </th> </tr><</if>>
<<if $objects["Pierrot suit"].inv eq 1>><tr><th>Pierrot suit</th><th><<set $image to $objects["Pierrot suit"].image >><<displayimage I>></th><th>$objects["Pierrot suit"].description</th><th><<if $outfit eq "Pierrot suit">> Worn <<else>>[[Wear->Closet_suit][$outfit ="Pierrot suit", $top="none", $bottom ="none"]]<</if>> </th> </tr><</if>>
<<if $objects["Pink bunny outfit"].inv eq 1>><tr><th>Pink bunny outfit</th><th><<set $image to $objects["Pink bunny outfit"].image >><<displayimage I>></th><th>$objects["Pink bunny outfit"].description</th><th><<if $outfit eq "Pink bunny outfit">> Worn <<else>>[[Wear->Closet_suit][$outfit ="Pink bunny outfit", $top="none", $bottom ="none"]]<</if>> </th> </tr><</if>>
<<if $objects["White strapped gown"].inv eq 1>><tr><th>White strapped gown</th><th><<set $image to $objects["White strapped gown"].image >><<displayimage I>></th><th>$objects["White strapped gown"].description</th><th><<if $outfit eq "White strapped gown">> Worn <<else>>[[Wear->Closet_suit][$outfit ="White strapped gown", $top="none", $bottom ="none"]]<</if>> </th> </tr><</if>>
<<if $objects["White striking gown"].inv eq 1>><tr><th>White striking gown</th><th><<set $image to $objects["White striking gown"].image >><<displayimage I>></th><th>$objects["White striking gown"].description</th><th><<if $outfit eq "White striking gown">> Worn <<else>>[[Wear->Closet_suit][$outfit ="White striking gown", $top="none", $bottom ="none"]]<</if>> </th> </tr><</if>>
<<if $objects["White tie suit"].inv eq 1>><tr><th>White tie suit</th><th><<set $image to $objects["White tie suit"].image >><<displayimage I>></th><th>$objects["White tie suit"].description</th><th><<if $outfit eq "White tie suit">> Worn <<else>>[[Wear->Closet_suit][$outfit ="White tie suit", $top="none", $bottom ="none"]]<</if>> </th> </tr><</if>>
<<if $objects["White tulle gown"].inv eq 1>><tr><th>White tulle gown</th><th><<set $image to $objects["White tulle gown"].image >><<displayimage I>></th><th>$objects["White tulle gown"].description</th><th><<if $outfit eq "White tulle gown">> Worn <<else>>[[Wear->Closet_suit][$outfit ="White tulle gown", $top="none", $bottom ="none"]]<</if>> </th> </tr><</if>>
<<if $objects["White backless gown"].inv eq 1>><tr><th>White backless gown</th><th><<set $image to $objects["White backless gown"].image >><<displayimage I>></th><th>$objects["White backless gown"].description</th><th><<if $outfit eq "White backless gown">> Worn <<else>>[[Wear->Closet_suit][$outfit ="White backless gown", $top="none", $bottom ="none"]]<</if>> </th> </tr><</if>>
<<if $objects["White hooped gown"].inv eq 1>><tr><th>White hooped gown</th><th><<set $image to $objects["White hooped gown"].image >><<displayimage I>></th><th>$objects["White hooped gown"].description</th><th><<if $outfit eq "White hooped gown">> Worn <<else>>[[Wear->Closet_suit][$outfit ="White hooped gown", $top="none", $bottom ="none"]]<</if>> </th> </tr><</if>>
<<if $objects["White lace gown"].inv eq 1>><tr><th>White lace gown</th><th><<set $image to $objects["White lace gown"].image >><<displayimage I>></th><th>$objects["White lace gown"].description</th><th><<if $outfit eq "White lace gown">> Worn <<else>>[[Wear->Closet_suit][$outfit ="White lace gown", $top="none", $bottom ="none"]]<</if>> </th> </tr><</if>>
<<if $objects["White low cut gown"].inv eq 1>><tr><th>White low cut gown</th><th><<set $image to $objects["White low cut gown"].image >><<displayimage I>></th><th>$objects["White low cut gown"].description</th><th><<if $outfit eq "White low cut gown">> Worn <<else>>[[Wear->Closet_suit][$outfit ="White low cut gown", $top="none", $bottom ="none"]]<</if>> </th> </tr><</if>>
<<if $objects["White ruffled gown"].inv eq 1>><tr><th>White ruffled gown</th><th><<set $image to $objects["White ruffled gown"].image >><<displayimage I>></th><th>$objects["White ruffled gown"].description</th><th><<if $outfit eq "White ruffled gown">> Worn <<else>>[[Wear->Closet_suit][$outfit ="White ruffled gown", $top="none", $bottom ="none"]]<</if>> </th> </tr><</if>>
<<if $objects["White satin gown"].inv eq 1>><tr><th>White satin gown</th><th><<set $image to $objects["White satin gown"].image >><<displayimage I>></th><th>$objects["White satin gown"].description</th><th><<if $outfit eq "White satin gown">> Worn <<else>>[[Wear->Closet_suit][$outfit ="White satin gown", $top="none", $bottom ="none"]]<</if>> </th> </tr><</if>>
<<if $objects["pink bow dress"].inv eq 1>><tr><th>pink bow dress</th><th><<set $image to $objects["pink bow dress"].image >><<displayimage I>></th><th>$objects["pink bow dress"].description</th><th><<if $outfit eq "pink bow dress">> Worn <<else>>[[Wear->Closet_suit][$outfit ="pink bow dress", $top="none", $bottom ="none"]]<</if>> </th> </tr><</if>>
<<if $objects["pink dress"].inv eq 1>><tr><th>pink dress</th><th><<set $image to $objects["pink dress"].image >><<displayimage I>></th><th>$objects["pink dress"].description</th><th><<if $outfit eq "pink dress">> Worn <<else>>[[Wear->Closet_suit][$outfit ="pink dress", $top="none", $bottom ="none"]]<</if>> </th> </tr><</if>>
<<if $objects["pink pretty dress"].inv eq 1>><tr><th>pink pretty dress</th><th><<set $image to $objects["pink pretty dress"].image >><<displayimage I>></th><th>$objects["pink pretty dress"].description</th><th><<if $outfit eq "pink pretty dress">> Worn <<else>>[[Wear->Closet_suit][$outfit ="pink pretty dress", $top="none", $bottom ="none"]]<</if>> </th> </tr><</if>>
<<if $objects["pink satin dress"].inv eq 1>><tr><th>pink satin dress</th><th><<set $image to $objects["pink satin dress"].image >><<displayimage I>></th><th>$objects["pink satin dress"].description</th><th><<if $outfit eq "pink satin dress">> Worn <<else>>[[Wear->Closet_suit][$outfit ="pink satin dress", $top="none", $bottom ="none"]]<</if>> </th> </tr><</if>>
<<if $objects["chainmail bra and panties"].inv eq 1>><tr><th>chainmail bra and panties</th><th><<set $image to $objects["chainmail bra and panties"].image >><<displayimage I>></th><th>$objects["chainmail bra and panties"].description</th><th><<if $outfit eq "chainmail bra and panties">> Worn <<else>>[[Wear->Closet_suit][$outfit ="chainmail bra and panties", $top="none", $bottom ="none"]]<</if>> </th> </tr><</if>>
<<if $objects["jester costume"].inv eq 1>><tr><th>jester costume</th><th><<set $image to $objects["jester costume"].image >><<displayimage I>></th><th>$objects["jester costume"].description</th><th><<if $outfit eq "jester costume">> Worn <<else>>[[Wear->Closet_suit][$outfit ="jester costume", $top="none", $bottom ="none"]]<</if>> </th> </tr><</if>>
<<if $objects["knight costume"].inv eq 1>><tr><th>knight costume</th><th><<set $image to $objects["knight costume"].image >><<displayimage I>></th><th>$objects["knight costume"].description</th><th><<if $outfit eq "knight costume">> Worn <<else>>[[Wear->Closet_suit][$outfit ="knight costume", $top="none", $bottom ="none"]]<</if>> </th> </tr><</if>>
<<if $objects["princess dress"].inv eq 1>><tr><th>princess dress</th><th><<set $image to $objects["princess dress"].image >><<displayimage I>></th><th>$objects["princess dress"].description</th><th><<if $outfit eq "princess dress">> Worn <<else>>[[Wear->Closet_suit][$outfit ="princess dress", $top="none", $bottom ="none"]]<</if>> </th> </tr><</if>>
<<if $objects["black cutaway suit"].inv eq 1>><tr><th>black cutaway suit</th><th><<set $image to $objects["black cutaway suit"].image >><<displayimage I>></th><th>$objects["black cutaway suit"].description</th><th><<if $outfit eq "black cutaway suit">> Worn <<else>>[[Wear->Closet_suit][$outfit ="black cutaway suit"]]<</if>> </th> </tr><</if>>
<<if $objects["black smoking jacket"].inv eq 1>><tr><th>black smoking jacket</th><th><<set $image to $objects["black smoking jacket"].image >><<displayimage I>></th><th>$objects["black smoking jacket"].description</th><th><<if $outfit eq "black smoking jacket">> Worn <<else>>[[Wear->Closet_suit][$outfit ="black smoking jacket"]]<</if>> </th> </tr><</if>>
<<if $objects["black working clothes"].inv eq 1>><tr><th>black working clothes</th><th><<set $image to $objects["black working clothes"].image >><<displayimage I>></th><th>$objects["black working clothes"].description</th><th><<if $outfit eq "black working clothes">> Worn <<else>>[[Wear->Closet_suit][$outfit ="black working clothes"]]<</if>> </th> </tr><</if>>
<<if $objects["brown safari suit"].inv eq 1>><tr><th>brown safari suit</th><th><<set $image to $objects["brown safari suit"].image >><<displayimage I>></th><th>$objects["brown safari suit"].description</th><th><<if $outfit eq "brown safari suit">> Worn <<else>>[[Wear->Closet_suit][$outfit ="brown safari suit"]]<</if>> </th> </tr><</if>>
<<if $objects["burgundy smoking jacket"].inv eq 1>><tr><th>burgundy smoking jacket</th><th><<set $image to $objects["burgundy smoking jacket"].image >><<displayimage I>></th><th>$objects["burgundy smoking jacket"].description</th><th><<if $outfit eq "burgundy smoking jacket">> Worn <<else>>[[Wear->Closet_suit][$outfit ="burgundy smoking jacket"]]<</if>> </th> </tr><</if>>
<<if $objects["floral nightdress"].inv eq 1>><tr><th>floral nightdress</th><th><<set $image to $objects["floral nightdress"].image >><<displayimage I>></th><th>$objects["floral nightdress"].description</th><th><<if $outfit eq "floral nightdress">> Worn <<else>>[[Wear->Closet_suit][$outfit ="floral nightdress"]]<</if>> </th> </tr><</if>>
<<if $objects["frock coat suit"].inv eq 1>><tr><th>frock coat suit</th><th><<set $image to $objects["frock coat suit"].image >><<displayimage I>></th><th>$objects["frock coat suit"].description</th><th><<if $outfit eq "frock coat suit">> Worn <<else>>[[Wear->Closet_suit][$outfit ="frock coat suit"]]<</if>> </th> </tr><</if>>
<<if $objects["gold smoking jacket"].inv eq 1>><tr><th>gold smoking jacket</th><th><<set $image to $objects["gold smoking jacket"].image >><<displayimage I>></th><th>$objects["gold smoking jacket"].description</th><th><<if $outfit eq "gold smoking jacket">> Worn <<else>>[[Wear->Closet_suit][$outfit ="gold smoking jacket"]]<</if>> </th> </tr><</if>>
<<if $objects["gray suit"].inv eq 1>><tr><th>gray suit</th><th><<set $image to $objects["gray suit"].image >><<displayimage I>></th><th>$objects["gray suit"].description</th><th><<if $outfit eq "gray suit">> Worn <<else>>[[Wear->Closet_suit][$outfit ="gray suit"]]<</if>> </th> </tr><</if>>
<<if $objects["Inverness coat"].inv eq 1>><tr><th>Inverness coat</th><th><<set $image to $objects["Inverness coat"].image >><<displayimage I>></th><th>$objects["Inverness coat"].description</th><th><<if $outfit eq "Inverness coat">> Worn <<else>>[[Wear->Closet_suit][$outfit ="Inverness coat"]]<</if>> </th> </tr><</if>>
<<if $objects["lab coat"].inv eq 1>><tr><th>lab coat</th><th><<set $image to $objects["lab coat"].image >><<displayimage I>></th><th>$objects["lab coat"].description</th><th><<if $outfit eq "lab coat">> Worn <<else>>[[Wear->Closet_suit][$outfit ="lab coat"]]<</if>> </th> </tr><</if>>
<<if $objects["male dressing gown"].inv eq 1>><tr><th>male dressing gown</th><th><<set $image to $objects["male dressing gown"].image >><<displayimage I>></th><th>$objects["male dressing gown"].description</th><th><<if $outfit eq "male dressing gown">> Worn <<else>>[[Wear->Closet_suit][$outfit ="male dressing gown"]]<</if>> </th> </tr><</if>>
<<if $objects["red satin dressing gown"].inv eq 1>><tr><th>red satin dressing gown</th><th><<set $image to $objects["red satin dressing gown"].image >><<displayimage I>></th><th>$objects["red satin dressing gown"].description</th><th><<if $outfit eq "red satin dressing gown">> Worn <<else>>[[Wear->Closet_suit][$outfit ="red satin dressing gown"]]<</if>> </th> </tr><</if>>
<<if $objects["safari outfit"].inv eq 1>><tr><th>safari outfit</th><th><<set $image to $objects["safari outfit"].image >><<displayimage I>></th><th>$objects["safari outfit"].description</th><th><<if $outfit eq "safari outfit">> Worn <<else>>[[Wear->Closet_suit][$outfit ="safari outfit"]]<</if>> </th> </tr><</if>>
<<if $objects["smart brown suit"].inv eq 1>><tr><th>smart brown suit</th><th><<set $image to $objects["smart brown suit"].image >><<displayimage I>></th><th>$objects["smart brown suit"].description</th><th><<if $outfit eq "smart brown suit">> Worn <<else>>[[Wear->Closet_suit][$outfit ="smart brown suit"]]<</if>> </th> </tr><</if>>
<<if $objects["teal suit"].inv eq 1>><tr><th>teal suit</th><th><<set $image to $objects["teal suit"].image >><<displayimage I>></th><th>$objects["teal suit"].description</th><th><<if $outfit eq "teal suit">> Worn <<else>>[[Wear->Closet_suit][$outfit ="teal suit"]]<</if>> </th> </tr><</if>>
<<if $objects["black leather fetish harness"].inv eq 1>><tr><th>black leather fetish harness</th><th><<set $image to $objects["black leather fetish harness"].image >><<displayimage I>></th><th>$objects["black leather fetish harness"].description</th><th><<if $outfit eq "black leather fetish harness">> Worn <<else>>[[Wear->Closet_suit][$outfit ="black leather fetish harness"]]<</if>> </th> </tr><</if>>
<<if $objects["Black Ball Gown"].inv eq 1>><tr><th>Black Ball Gown</th><th><<set $image to $objects["Black Ball Gown"].image >><<displayimage I>></th><th>$objects["Black Ball Gown"].description</th><th><<if $outfit eq "Black Ball Gown">> Worn <<else>>[[Wear->Closet_suit][$outfit ="Black Ball Gown"]]<</if>> </th> </tr><</if>>
<<if $objects["Black formal dress"].inv eq 1>><tr><th>Black formal dress</th><th><<set $image to $objects["Black formal dress"].image >><<displayimage I>></th><th>$objects["Black formal dress"].description</th><th><<if $outfit eq "Black formal dress">> Worn <<else>>[[Wear->Closet_suit][$outfit ="Black formal dress"]]<</if>> </th> </tr><</if>>
<<if $objects["Blue Dress"].inv eq 1>><tr><th>Blue Dress</th><th><<set $image to $objects["Blue Dress"].image >><<displayimage I>></th><th>$objects["Blue Dress"].description</th><th><<if $outfit eq "Blue Dress">> Worn <<else>>[[Wear->Closet_suit][$outfit ="Blue Dress"]]<</if>> </th> </tr><</if>>
<<if $objects["Burgundy Ballgown"].inv eq 1>><tr><th>Burgundy Ballgown</th><th><<set $image to $objects["Burgundy Ballgown"].image >><<displayimage I>></th><th>$objects["Burgundy Ballgown"].description</th><th><<if $outfit eq "Burgundy Ballgown">> Worn <<else>>[[Wear->Closet_suit][$outfit ="Burgundy Ballgown"]]<</if>> </th> </tr><</if>>
<<if $objects["Cream Dress with Train"].inv eq 1>><tr><th>Cream Dress with Train</th><th><<set $image to $objects["Cream Dress with Train"].image >><<displayimage I>></th><th>$objects["Cream Dress with Train"].description</th><th><<if $outfit eq "Cream Dress with Train">> Worn <<else>>[[Wear->Closet_suit][$outfit ="Cream Dress with Train"]]<</if>> </th> </tr><</if>>
<<if $objects["Cream Dress"].inv eq 1>><tr><th>Cream Dress</th><th><<set $image to $objects["Cream Dress"].image >><<displayimage I>></th><th>$objects["Cream Dress"].description</th><th><<if $outfit eq "Cream Dress">> Worn <<else>>[[Wear->Closet_suit][$outfit ="Cream Dress"]]<</if>> </th> </tr><</if>>
<<if $objects["Floral Dress"].inv eq 1>><tr><th>Floral Dress</th><th><<set $image to $objects["Floral Dress"].image >><<displayimage I>></th><th>$objects["Floral Dress"].description</th><th><<if $outfit eq "Floral Dress">> Worn <<else>>[[Wear->Closet_suit][$outfit ="Floral Dress"]]<</if>> </th> </tr><</if>>
<<if $objects["Green Dress"].inv eq 1>><tr><th>Green Dress</th><th><<set $image to $objects["Green Dress"].image >><<displayimage I>></th><th>$objects["Green Dress"].description</th><th><<if $outfit eq "Green Dress">> Worn <<else>>[[Wear->Closet_suit][$outfit ="Green Dress"]]<</if>> </th> </tr><</if>>
<<if $objects["Narrow waisted red dress"].inv eq 1>><tr><th>Narrow waisted red dress</th><th><<set $image to $objects["Narrow waisted red dress"].image >><<displayimage I>></th><th>$objects["Narrow waisted red dress"].description</th><th><<if $outfit eq "Narrow waisted red dress">> Worn <<else>>[[Wear->Closet_suit][$outfit ="Narrow waisted red dress"]]<</if>> </th> </tr><</if>>
<<if $objects["Pink floral dress"].inv eq 1>><tr><th>Pink floral dress</th><th><<set $image to $objects["Pink floral dress"].image >><<displayimage I>></th><th>$objects["Pink floral dress"].description</th><th><<if $outfit eq "Pink floral dress">> Worn <<else>>[[Wear->Closet_suit][$outfit ="Pink floral dress"]]<</if>> </th> </tr><</if>>
<<if $objects["White Floral dress"].inv eq 1>><tr><th>White Floral dress</th><th><<set $image to $objects["White Floral dress"].image >><<displayimage I>></th><th>$objects["White Floral dress"].description</th><th><<if $outfit eq "White Floral dress">> Worn <<else>>[[Wear->Closet_suit][$outfit ="White Floral dress"]]<</if>> </th> </tr><</if>>
<<if $objects["Pink layered dress"].inv eq 1>><tr><th>Pink layered dress</th><th><<set $image to $objects["Pink layered dress"].image >><<displayimage I>></th><th>$objects["Pink layered dress"].description</th><th><<if $outfit eq "Pink layered dress">> Worn <<else>>[[Wear->Closet_suit][$outfit ="Pink layered dress"]]<</if>> </th> </tr><</if>>
<<if $objects["Pink wide dress"].inv eq 1>><tr><th>Pink wide dress</th><th><<set $image to $objects["Pink wide dress"].image >><<displayimage I>></th><th>$objects["Pink wide dress"].description</th><th><<if $outfit eq "Pink wide dress">> Worn <<else>>[[Wear->Closet_suit][$outfit ="Pink wide dress"]]<</if>> </th> </tr><</if>>
<<if $objects["Wide red dress"].inv eq 1>><tr><th>Wide red dress</th><th><<set $image to $objects["Wide red dress"].image >><<displayimage I>></th><th>$objects["Wide red dress"].description</th><th><<if $outfit eq "Wide red dress">> Worn <<else>>[[Wear->Closet_suit][$outfit ="Wide red dress"]]<</if>> </th> </tr><</if>>
<<if $objects["White blouse and skirt"].inv eq 1>><tr><th>White blouse and skirt</th><th><<set $image to $objects["White blouse and skirt"].image >><<displayimage I>></th><th>$objects["White blouse and skirt"].description</th><th><<if $outfit eq "White blouse and skirt">> Worn <<else>>[[Wear->Closet_suit][$outfit ="White blouse and skirt"]]<</if>> </th> </tr><</if>>
<<if $objects["White tutu"].inv eq 1>><tr><th>White tutu</th><th><<set $image to $objects["White tutu"].image >><<displayimage I>></th><th>$objects["White tutu"].description</th><th><<if $outfit eq "White tutu">> Worn <<else>>[[Wear->Closet_outfit][$outfit ="White tutu"]]<</if>> </th> </tr><</if>>
<<if $objects["Medieval jerkin"].inv eq 1>><tr><th>Medieval jerkin</th><th><<set $image to $objects["Medieval jerkin"].image >><<displayimage I>></th><th>$objects["Medieval jerkin"].description</th><th><<if $outfit eq "Medieval jerkin">> Worn <<else>>[[Wear->Closet_outfit][$outfit ="Medieval jerkin"]]<</if>> </th> </tr><</if>>
<<if $objects["Peasants Jerkin"].inv eq 1>><tr><th>Peasants Jerkin</th><th><<set $image to $objects["Peasants Jerkin"].image >><<displayimage I>></th><th>$objects["Peasants Jerkin"].description</th><th><<if $outfit eq "Peasants Jerkin">> Worn <<else>>[[Wear->Closet_outfit][$outfit ="Peasants Jerkin"]]<</if>> </th> </tr><</if>>
<<if $objects["Red medieval dress"].inv eq 1>><tr><th>Red medieval dress</th><th><<set $image to $objects["Red medieval dress"].image >><<displayimage I>></th><th>$objects["Red medieval dress"].description</th><th><<if $outfit eq "Red medieval dress">> Worn <<else>>[[Wear->Closet_outfit][$outfit ="Red medieval dress"]]<</if>> </th> </tr><</if>>
<<if $objects["Black leather bondage harness"].inv eq 1>><tr><th>Black leather bondage harness</th><th><<set $image to $objects["Black leather bondage harness"].image >><<displayimage I>></th><th>$objects["Black leather bondage harness"].description</th><th><<if $outfit eq "Black leather bondage harness">> Worn <<else>>[[Wear->Closet_outfit][$outfit ="Black leather bondage harness"]]<</if>> </th> </tr><</if>>
<<if $objects["Garish pink dress"].inv eq 1>><tr><th>Garish pink dress</th><th><<set $image to $objects["Garish pink dress"].image >><<displayimage I>></th><th>$objects["Garish pink dress"].description</th><th><<if $outfit eq "Garish pink dress">> Worn <<else>>[[Wear->Closet_outfit][$outfit ="Garish pink dress"]]<</if>> </th> </tr><</if>>
[[Return->Wardrobe]]You have the following underwear:
<table style="width:100%">\
<th> </th>
<th><<if $panties eq "none">> You have no underwear on <<else>>[[Remove underwear->Closet_panties][$panties ="none"]]<</if>> </th>
<<if $objects["black crotchless panties"].inv eq 1>><tr><th>black crotchless panties</th><th><<set $image to $objects["black crotchless panties"].image >><<displayimage I>></th><th>$objects["black crotchless panties"].description</th><th><<if $panties eq "black crotchless panties">> Worn <<else>>[[Wear->Closet_panties][$panties ="black crotchless panties"]]<</if>> </th> </tr><</if>>
<<if $objects["black french knickers"].inv eq 1>><tr><th>black french knickers</th><th><<set $image to $objects["black french knickers"].image >><<displayimage I>></th><th>$objects["black french knickers"].description</th><th><<if $panties eq "black french knickers">> Worn <<else>>[[Wear->Closet_panties][$panties ="black french knickers"]]<</if>> </th> </tr><</if>>
<<if $objects["black lace panties"].inv eq 1>><tr><th>black lace panties</th><th><<set $image to $objects["black lace panties"].image >><<displayimage I>></th><th>$objects["black lace panties"].description</th><th><<if $panties eq "black lace panties">> Worn <<else>>[[Wear->Closet_panties][$panties ="black lace panties"]]<</if>> </th> </tr><</if>>
<<if $objects["black maid panties"].inv eq 1>><tr><th>black maid panties</th><th><<set $image to $objects["black maid panties"].image >><<displayimage I>></th><th>$objects["black maid panties"].description</th><th><<if $panties eq "black maid panties">> Worn <<else>>[[Wear->Closet_panties][$panties ="black maid panties"]]<</if>> </th> </tr><</if>>
<<if $objects["black sheer panties"].inv eq 1>><tr><th>black sheer panties</th><th><<set $image to $objects["black sheer panties"].image >><<displayimage I>></th><th>$objects["black sheer panties"].description</th><th><<if $panties eq "black sheer panties">> Worn <<else>>[[Wear->Closet_panties][$panties ="black sheer panties"]]<</if>> </th> </tr><</if>>
<<if $objects["blue cotton panties"].inv eq 1>><tr><th>blue cotton panties</th><th><<set $image to $objects["blue cotton panties"].image >><<displayimage I>></th><th>$objects["blue cotton panties"].description</th><th><<if $panties eq "blue cotton panties">> Worn <<else>>[[Wear->Closet_panties][$panties ="blue cotton panties"]]<</if>> </th> </tr><</if>>
<<if $objects["elegant grey panties"].inv eq 1>><tr><th>elegant grey panties</th><th><<set $image to $objects["elegant grey panties"].image >><<displayimage I>></th><th>$objects["elegant grey panties"].description</th><th><<if $panties eq "elegant grey panties">> Worn <<else>>[[Wear->Closet_panties][$panties ="elegant grey panties"]]<</if>> </th> </tr><</if>>
<<if $objects["longjohns"].inv eq 1>><tr><th>longjohns</th><th><<set $image to $objects["longjohns"].image >><<displayimage I>></th><th>$objects["longjohns"].description</th><th><<if $panties eq "longjohns">> Worn <<else>>[[Wear->Closet_panties][$panties ="longjohns"]]<</if>> </th> </tr><</if>>
<<if $objects["red crotchless panties"].inv eq 1>><tr><th>red crotchless panties</th><th><<set $image to $objects["red crotchless panties"].image >><<displayimage I>></th><th>$objects["red crotchless panties"].description</th><th><<if $panties eq "red crotchless panties">> Worn <<else>>[[Wear->Closet_panties][$panties ="red crotchless panties"]]<</if>> </th> </tr><</if>>
<<if $objects["sexy panties"].inv eq 1>><tr><th>sexy panties</th><th><<set $image to $objects["sexy panties"].image >><<displayimage I>></th><th>$objects["sexy panties"].description</th><th><<if $panties eq "sexy panties">> Worn <<else>>[[Wear->Closet_panties][$panties ="sexy panties"]]<</if>> </th> </tr><</if>>
<<if $objects["white thong"].inv eq 1>><tr><th>white thong</th><th><<set $image to $objects["white thong"].image >><<displayimage I>></th><th>$objects["white thong"].description</th><th><<if $panties eq "white thong">> Worn <<else>>[[Wear->Closet_panties][$panties ="white thong"]]<</if>> </th> </tr><</if>>
<<if $objects["pink cotton panties"].inv eq 1>><tr><th>pink cotton panties</th><th><<set $image to $objects["pink cotton panties"].image >><<displayimage I>></th><th>$objects["pink cotton panties"].description</th><th><<if $panties eq "pink cotton panties">> Worn <<else>>[[Wear->Closet_panties][$panties ="pink cotton panties"]]<</if>> </th> </tr><</if>>
<<if $objects["pink crotchless panties"].inv eq 1>><tr><th>pink crotchless panties</th><th><<set $image to $objects["pink crotchless panties"].image >><<displayimage I>></th><th>$objects["pink crotchless panties"].description</th><th><<if $panties eq "pink crotchless panties">> Worn <<else>>[[Wear->Closet_panties][$panties ="pink crotchless panties"]]<</if>> </th> </tr><</if>>
<<if $objects["pink satin panties"].inv eq 1>><tr><th>pink satin panties</th><th><<set $image to $objects["pink satin panties"].image >><<displayimage I>></th><th>$objects["pink satin panties"].description</th><th><<if $panties eq "pink satin panties">> Worn <<else>>[[Wear->Closet_panties][$panties ="pink satin panties"]]<</if>> </th> </tr><</if>>
<<if $objects["pink thong"].inv eq 1>><tr><th>pink thong</th><th><<set $image to $objects["pink thong"].image >><<displayimage I>></th><th>$objects["pink thong"].description</th><th><<if $panties eq "pink thong">> Worn <<else>>[[Wear->Closet_panties][$panties ="pink thong"]]<</if>> </th> </tr><</if>>
<<if $objects["pink tiny thong"].inv eq 1>><tr><th>pink tiny thong</th><th><<set $image to $objects["pink tiny thong"].image >><<displayimage I>></th><th>$objects["pink tiny thong"].description</th><th><<if $panties eq "pink tiny thong">> Worn <<else>>[[Wear->Closet_panties][$panties ="pink tiny thong"]]<</if>> </th> </tr><</if>>
<<if $objects["pink frilly panties"].inv eq 1>><tr><th>pink frilly panties</th><th><<set $image to $objects["pink frilly panties"].image >><<displayimage I>></th><th>$objects["pink frilly panties"].description</th><th><<if $panties eq "pink frilly panties">> Worn <<else>>[[Wear->Closet_panties][$panties ="pink frilly panties"]]<</if>> </th> </tr><</if>>
<<if $objects["pink lace panties"].inv eq 1>><tr><th>pink lace panties</th><th><<set $image to $objects["pink lace panties"].image >><<displayimage I>></th><th>$objects["pink lace panties"].description</th><th><<if $panties eq "pink lace panties">> Worn <<else>>[[Wear->Closet_panties][$panties ="pink lace panties"]]<</if>> </th> </tr><</if>>
<<if $objects["pink panties"].inv eq 1>><tr><th>pink panties</th><th><<set $image to $objects["pink panties"].image >><<displayimage I>></th><th>$objects["pink panties"].description</th><th><<if $panties eq "pink panties">> Worn <<else>>[[Wear->Closet_panties][$panties ="pink panties"]]<</if>> </th> </tr><</if>>
<<if $objects["blue silk shorts"].inv eq 1>><tr><th>blue silk shorts</th><th><<set $image to $objects["blue silk shorts"].image >><<displayimage I>></th><th>$objects["blue silk shorts"].description</th><th><<if $panties eq "blue silk shorts">> Worn <<else>>[[Wear->Closet_panties][$panties ="blue silk shorts"]]<</if>> </th> </tr><</if>>
<<if $objects["grey shorts"].inv eq 1>><tr><th>grey shorts</th><th><<set $image to $objects["grey shorts"].image >><<displayimage I>></th><th>$objects["grey shorts"].description</th><th><<if $panties eq "grey shorts">> Worn <<else>>[[Wear->Closet_panties][$panties ="grey shorts"]]<</if>> </th> </tr><</if>>
<<if $objects["white cotton shorts"].inv eq 1>><tr><th>white cotton shorts</th><th><<set $image to $objects["white cotton shorts"].image >><<displayimage I>></th><th>$objects["white cotton shorts"].description</th><th><<if $panties eq "white cotton shorts">> Worn <<else>>[[Wear->Closet_panties][$panties ="white cotton shorts"]]<</if>> </th> </tr><</if>>
<<if $objects["white drawers"].inv eq 1>><tr><th>white drawers</th><th><<set $image to $objects["white drawers"].image >><<displayimage I>></th><th>$objects["white drawers"].description</th><th><<if $panties eq "white drawers">> Worn <<else>>[[Wear->Closet_panties][$panties ="white drawers"]]<</if>> </th> </tr><</if>>
<<if $objects["Long White Bloomers"].inv eq 1>><tr><th>Long White Bloomers</th><th><<set $image to $objects["Long White Bloomers"].image >><<displayimage I>></th><th>$objects["Long White Bloomers"].description</th><th><<if $panties eq "Long White Bloomers">> Worn <<else>>[[Wear->Closet_panties][$panties ="Long White Bloomers"]]<</if>> </th> </tr><</if>>
<<if $objects["Short White Bloomers"].inv eq 1>><tr><th>Short White Bloomers</th><th><<set $image to $objects["Short White Bloomers"].image >><<displayimage I>></th><th>$objects["Short White Bloomers"].description</th><th><<if $panties eq "Short White Bloomers">> Worn <<else>>[[Wear->Closet_panties][$panties ="Short White Bloomers"]]<</if>> </th> </tr><</if>>
<<if $objects["White Bloomers"].inv eq 1>><tr><th>White Bloomers</th><th><<set $image to $objects["White Bloomers"].image >><<displayimage I>></th><th>$objects["White Bloomers"].description</th><th><<if $panties eq "White Bloomers">> Worn <<else>>[[Wear->Closet_panties][$panties ="White Bloomers"]]<</if>> </th> </tr><</if>>
<<if $objects["Black leather crotchless panties"].inv eq 1>><tr><th>Black leather crotchless panties</th><th><<set $image to $objects["Black leather crotchless panties"].image >><<displayimage I>></th><th>$objects["Black leather crotchless panties"].description</th><th><<if $panties eq "Black leather crotchless panties">> Worn <<else>>[[Wear->Closet_panties][$panties ="Black leather crotchless panties"]]<</if>> </th> </tr><</if>>
[[Return->Wardrobe]]You have the following socks:
<table style="width:100%">\
<th> </th>
<th><<if $socks eq "none">> You have no socks on <<else>>[[Remove socks->Closet_socks][$socks ="none"]]<</if>> </th>
<<if $objects["black fishnet stockings"].inv eq 1>><tr><th>black fishnet stockings</th><th><<set $image to $objects["black fishnet stockings"].image >><<displayimage I>></th><th>$objects["black fishnet stockings"].description</th><th><<if $socks eq "black fishnet stockings">> Worn <<else>>[[Wear->Closet_socks][$socks ="black fishnet stockings"]]<</if>> </th> </tr><</if>>
<<if $objects["sexy stockings"].inv eq 1>><tr><th>sexy black stockings</th><th><<set $image to $objects["sexy stockings"].image >><<displayimage I>></th><th>$objects["sexy stockings"].description</th><th><<if $socks eq "sexy stockings">> Worn <<else>>[[Wear->Closet_socks][$socks ="sexy stockings"]]<</if>> </th> </tr><</if>>
<<if $objects["black socks"].inv eq 1>><tr><th>black socks</th><th><<set $image to $objects["black socks"].image >><<displayimage I>></th><th>$objects["black socks"].description</th><th><<if $socks eq "black socks">> Worn <<else>>[[Wear->Closet_socks][$socks ="black socks"]]<</if>> </th> </tr><</if>>
<<if $objects["black stockings"].inv eq 1>><tr><th>black stockings</th><th><<set $image to $objects["black stockings"].image >><<displayimage I>></th><th>$objects["black stockings"].description</th><th><<if $socks eq "black stockings">> Worn <<else>>[[Wear->Closet_socks][$socks ="black stockings"]]<</if>> </th> </tr><</if>>
<<if $objects["brown socks"].inv eq 1>><tr><th>brown socks</th><th><<set $image to $objects["brown socks"].image >><<displayimage I>></th><th>$objects["brown socks"].description</th><th><<if $socks eq "brown socks">> Worn <<else>>[[Wear->Closet_socks][$socks ="brown socks"]]<</if>> </th> </tr><</if>>
<<if $objects["White stockings"].inv eq 1>><tr><th>White stockings</th><th><<set $image to $objects["White stockings"].image >><<displayimage I>></th><th>$objects["White stockings"].description</th><th><<if $socks eq "White stockings">> Worn <<else>>[[Wear->Closet_socks][$socks ="White stockings"]]<</if>> </th> </tr><</if>>
<<if $objects["Black mens socks"].inv eq 1>><tr><th>Black mens socks</th><th><<set $image to $objects["Black mens socks"].image >><<displayimage I>></th><th>$objects["Black mens socks"].description</th><th><<if $socks eq "Black mens socks">> Worn <<else>>[[Wear->Closet_socks][$socks ="Black mens socks"]]<</if>> </th> </tr><</if>>
<<if $objects["pink stockings"].inv eq 1>><tr><th>pink stockings</th><th><<set $image to $objects["pink stockings"].image >><<displayimage I>></th><th>$objects["pink stockings"].description</th><th><<if $socks eq "pink stockings">> Worn <<else>>[[Wear->Closet_socks][$socks ="pink stockings"]]<</if>> </th> </tr><</if>>
<<if $objects["pink sheer stockings"].inv eq 1>><tr><th>pink sheer stockings</th><th><<set $image to $objects["pink sheer stockings"].image >><<displayimage I>></th><th>$objects["pink sheer stockings"].description</th><th><<if $socks eq "pink sheer stockings">> Worn <<else>>[[Wear->Closet_socks][$socks ="pink sheer stockings"]]<</if>> </th> </tr><</if>>
<<if $objects["pink bow stockings"].inv eq 1>><tr><th>pink bow stockings</th><th><<set $image to $objects["pink bow stockings"].image >><<displayimage I>></th><th>$objects["pink bow stockings"].description</th><th><<if $socks eq "pink bow stockings">> Worn <<else>>[[Wear->Closet_socks][$socks ="pink bow stockings"]]<</if>> </th> </tr><</if>>
<<if $objects["Striped stockings"].inv eq 1>><tr><th>Striped stockings</th><th><<set $image to $objects["Striped stockings"].image >><<displayimage I>></th><th>$objects["Striped stockings"].description</th><th><<if $socks eq "Striped stockings">> Worn <<else>>[[Wear->Closet_socks][$socks ="Striped stockings"]]<</if>> </th> </tr><</if>>
<<if $objects["Pale pink stockings"].inv eq 1>><tr><th>Pale pink stockings</th><th><<set $image to $objects["Pale pink stockings"].image >><<displayimage I>></th><th>$objects["Pale pink stockings"].description</th><th><<if $socks eq "Pale pink stockings">> Worn <<else>>[[Wear->Closet_socks][$socks ="Pale pink stockings"]]<</if>> </th> </tr><</if>>
<<if $objects["Blue Stockings"].inv eq 1>><tr><th>Blue Stockings</th><th><<set $image to $objects["Blue Stockings"].image >><<displayimage I>></th><th>$objects["Blue Stockings"].description</th><th><<if $socks eq "Blue Stockings">> Worn <<else>>[[Wear->Closet_socks][$socks ="Blue Stockings"]]<</if>> </th> </tr><</if>>
[[Return->Wardrobe]]You have the following shoes:
<table style="width:100%">\
<th> </th>
<th><<if $shoes eq "none">> You have no shoes on <<else>>[[Remove shoes->Closet_shoes][$shoes ="none"]]<</if>> </th>
<<if $objects["black boots"].inv eq 1>><tr><th>black boots</th><th><<set $image to $objects["black boots"].image >><<displayimage I>></th><th>$objects["black boots"].description</th><th><<if $shoes eq "black boots">> Worn <<else>>[[Wear->Closet_shoes][$shoes ="black boots"]]<</if>> </th> </tr><</if>>
<<if $objects["black strappy heels"].inv eq 1>><tr><th>black strappy heels</th><th><<set $image to $objects["black strappy heels"].image >><<displayimage I>></th><th>$objects["black strappy heels"].description</th><th><<if $shoes eq "black strappy heels">> Worn <<else>>[[Wear->Closet_shoes][$shoes ="black strappy heels"]]<</if>> </th> </tr><</if>>
<<if $objects["brown boots"].inv eq 1>><tr><th>brown boots</th><th><<set $image to $objects["brown boots"].image >><<displayimage I>></th><th>$objects["brown boots"].description</th><th><<if $shoes eq "brown boots">> Worn <<else>>[[Wear->Closet_shoes][$shoes ="brown boots"]]<</if>> </th> </tr><</if>>
<<if $objects["flat black shoes"].inv eq 1>><tr><th>flat black shoes</th><th><<set $image to $objects["flat black shoes"].image >><<displayimage I>></th><th>$objects["flat black shoes"].description</th><th><<if $shoes eq "flat black shoes">> Worn <<else>>[[Wear->Closet_shoes][$shoes ="flat black shoes"]]<</if>> </th> </tr><</if>>
<<if $objects["Black mens dress shoes"].inv eq 1>><tr><th>Black mens dress shoes</th><th><<set $image to $objects["Black mens dress shoes"].image >><<displayimage I>></th><th>$objects["Black mens dress shoes"].description</th><th><<if $shoes eq "Black mens dress shoes">> Worn <<else>>[[Wear->Closet_shoes][$shoes ="Black mens dress shoes"]]<</if>> </th> </tr><</if>>
<<if $objects["White elegant heels"].inv eq 1>><tr><th>White elegant heels</th><th><<set $image to $objects["White elegant heels"].image >><<displayimage I>></th><th>$objects["White elegant heels"].description</th><th><<if $shoes eq "White elegant heels">> Worn <<else>>[[Wear->Closet_shoes][$shoes ="White elegant heels"]]<</if>> </th> </tr><</if>>
<<if $objects["White flat shoes"].inv eq 1>><tr><th>White flat shoes</th><th><<set $image to $objects["White flat shoes"].image >><<displayimage I>></th><th>$objects["White flat shoes"].description</th><th><<if $shoes eq "White flat shoes">> Worn <<else>>[[Wear->Closet_shoes][$shoes ="White flat shoes"]]<</if>> </th> </tr><</if>>
<<if $objects["pink bow shoes"].inv eq 1>><tr><th>pink bow shoes</th><th><<set $image to $objects["pink bow shoes"].image >><<displayimage I>></th><th>$objects["pink bow shoes"].description</th><th><<if $shoes eq "pink bow shoes">> Worn <<else>>[[Wear->Closet_shoes][$shoes ="pink bow shoes"]]<</if>> </th> </tr><</if>>
<<if $objects["pink fluffy shoes"].inv eq 1>><tr><th>pink fluffy shoes</th><th><<set $image to $objects["pink fluffy shoes"].image >><<displayimage I>></th><th>$objects["pink fluffy shoes"].description</th><th><<if $shoes eq "pink fluffy shoes">> Worn <<else>>[[Wear->Closet_shoes][$shoes ="pink fluffy shoes"]]<</if>> </th> </tr><</if>>
<<if $objects["pink striking shoes"].inv eq 1>><tr><th>pink striking shoes</th><th><<set $image to $objects["pink striking shoes"].image >><<displayimage I>></th><th>$objects["pink striking shoes"].description</th><th><<if $shoes eq "pink striking shoes">> Worn <<else>>[[Wear->Closet_shoes][$shoes ="pink striking shoes"]]<</if>> </th> </tr><</if>>
<<if $objects["pink lockable shoes"].inv eq 1>><tr><th>pink lockable shoes</th><th><<set $image to $objects["pink lockable shoes"].image >><<displayimage I>></th><th>$objects["pink lockable shoes"].description</th><th><<if $shoes eq "pink lockable shoes">> Worn <<else>>[[Wear->Closet_shoes][$shoes ="pink lockable shoes"]]<</if>> </th> </tr><</if>>
<<if $objects["red sexy heels"].inv eq 1>><tr><th>red sexy heels</th><th><<set $image to $objects["red sexy heels"].image >><<displayimage I>></th><th>$objects["red sexy heels"].description</th><th><<if $shoes eq "red sexy heels">> Worn <<else>>[[Wear->Closet_shoes][$shoes ="red sexy heels"]]<</if>> </th> </tr><</if>>
<<if $objects["black sexy heels"].inv eq 1>><tr><th>black sexy heels</th><th><<set $image to $objects["black sexy heels"].image >><<displayimage I>></th><th>$objects["black sexy heels"].description</th><th><<if $shoes eq "black sexy heels">> Worn <<else>>[[Wear->Closet_shoes][$shoes ="black sexy heels"]]<</if>> </th> </tr><</if>>
<<if $objects["white captains boots"].inv eq 1>><tr><th>white captains boots</th><th><<set $image to $objects["white captains boots"].image >><<displayimage I>></th><th>$objects["white captains boots"].description</th><th><<if $shoes eq "white captains boots">> Worn <<else>>[[Wear->Closet_shoes][$shoes ="white captains boots"]]<</if>> </th> </tr><</if>>
<<if $objects["red velvet ankle boots"].inv eq 1>><tr><th>red velvet ankle boots</th><th><<set $image to $objects["red velvet ankle boots"].image >><<displayimage I>></th><th>$objects["red velvet ankle boots"].description</th><th><<if $shoes eq "red velvet ankle boots">> Worn <<else>>[[Wear->Closet_shoes][$shoes ="red velvet ankle boots"]]<</if>> </th> </tr><</if>>
<<if $objects["brown riding boots"].inv eq 1>><tr><th>brown riding boots</th><th><<set $image to $objects["brown riding boots"].image >><<displayimage I>></th><th>$objects["brown riding boots"].description</th><th><<if $shoes eq "brown riding boots">> Worn <<else>>[[Wear->Closet_shoes][$shoes ="brown riding boots"]]<</if>> </th> </tr><</if>>
<<if $objects["black cavalry boots"].inv eq 1>><tr><th>black cavalry boots</th><th><<set $image to $objects["black cavalry boots"].image >><<displayimage I>></th><th>$objects["black cavalry boots"].description</th><th><<if $shoes eq "black cavalry boots">> Worn <<else>>[[Wear->Closet_shoes][$shoes ="black cavalry boots"]]<</if>> </th> </tr><</if>>
<<if $objects["black gaiters"].inv eq 1>><tr><th>black gaiters</th><th><<set $image to $objects["black gaiters"].image >><<displayimage I>></th><th>$objects["black gaiters"].description</th><th><<if $shoes eq "black gaiters">> Worn <<else>>[[Wear->Closet_shoes][$shoes ="black gaiters"]]<</if>> </th> </tr><</if>>
<<if $objects["black ladies ankle boots"].inv eq 1>><tr><th>black ladies ankle boots</th><th><<set $image to $objects["black ladies ankle boots"].image >><<displayimage I>></th><th>$objects["black ladies ankle boots"].description</th><th><<if $shoes eq "black ladies ankle boots">> Worn <<else>>[[Wear->Closet_shoes][$shoes ="black ladies ankle boots"]]<</if>> </th> </tr><</if>>
<<if $objects["black ladies boots"].inv eq 1>><tr><th>black ladies boots</th><th><<set $image to $objects["black ladies boots"].image >><<displayimage I>></th><th>$objects["black ladies boots"].description</th><th><<if $shoes eq "black ladies boots">> Worn <<else>>[[Wear->Closet_shoes][$shoes ="black ladies boots"]]<</if>> </th> </tr><</if>>
<<if $objects["black riding boots"].inv eq 1>><tr><th>black riding boots</th><th><<set $image to $objects["black riding boots"].image >><<displayimage I>></th><th>$objects["black riding boots"].description</th><th><<if $shoes eq "black riding boots">> Worn <<else>>[[Wear->Closet_shoes][$shoes ="black riding boots"]]<</if>> </th> </tr><</if>>
<<if $objects["Black embroided shoes"].inv eq 1>><tr><th>Black embroided shoes</th><th><<set $image to $objects["Black embroided shoes"].image >><<displayimage I>></th><th>$objects["Black embroided shoes"].description</th><th><<if $shoes eq "Black embroided shoes">> Worn <<else>>[[Wear->Closet_shoes][$shoes ="Black embroided shoes"]]<</if>> </th> </tr><</if>>
<<if $objects["Blue embroidered shoes"].inv eq 1>><tr><th>Blue embroidered shoes</th><th><<set $image to $objects["Blue embroidered shoes"].image >><<displayimage I>></th><th>$objects["Blue embroidered shoes"].description</th><th><<if $shoes eq "Blue embroidered shoes">> Worn <<else>>[[Wear->Closet_shoes][$shoes ="Blue embroidered shoes"]]<</if>> </th> </tr><</if>>
<<if $objects["Blue Shoes"].inv eq 1>><tr><th>Blue Shoes</th><th><<set $image to $objects["Blue Shoes"].image >><<displayimage I>></th><th>$objects["Blue Shoes"].description</th><th><<if $shoes eq "Blue Shoes">> Worn <<else>>[[Wear->Closet_shoes][$shoes ="Blue Shoes"]]<</if>> </th> </tr><</if>>
<<if $objects["White high heeled shoes"].inv eq 1>><tr><th>White high heeled shoes</th><th><<set $image to $objects["White high heeled shoes"].image >><<displayimage I>></th><th>$objects["White high heeled shoes"].description</th><th><<if $shoes eq "White high heeled shoes">> Worn <<else>>[[Wear->Closet_shoes][$shoes ="White high heeled shoes"]]<</if>> </th> </tr><</if>>
<<if $objects["White laced shoes"].inv eq 1>><tr><th>White laced shoes</th><th><<set $image to $objects["White laced shoes"].image >><<displayimage I>></th><th>$objects["White laced shoes"].description</th><th><<if $shoes eq "White laced shoes">> Worn <<else>>[[Wear->Closet_shoes][$shoes ="White laced shoes"]]<</if>> </th> </tr><</if>>
<<if $objects["Fancy white shoes"].inv eq 1>><tr><th>Fancy white shoes</th><th><<set $image to $objects["Fancy white shoes"].image >><<displayimage I>></th><th>$objects["Fancy white shoes"].description</th><th><<if $shoes eq "Fancy white shoes">> Worn <<else>>[[Wear->Closet_shoes][$shoes ="Fancy white shoes"]]<</if>> </th> </tr><</if>>
<<if $objects["White embroided shoes"].inv eq 1>><tr><th>White embroided shoes</th><th><<set $image to $objects["White embroided shoes"].image >><<displayimage I>></th><th>$objects["White embroided shoes"].description</th><th><<if $shoes eq "White embroided shoes">> Worn <<else>>[[Wear->Closet_shoes][$shoes ="White embroided shoes"]]<</if>> </th> </tr><</if>>
<<if $objects["Purple shoes"].inv eq 1>><tr><th>Purple shoes</th><th><<set $image to $objects["Purple shoes"].image >><<displayimage I>></th><th>$objects["Purple shoes"].description</th><th><<if $shoes eq "Purple shoes">> Worn <<else>>[[Wear->Closet_shoes][$shoes ="Purple shoes"]]<</if>> </th> </tr><</if>>
<<if $objects["Ballet shoes"].inv eq 1>><tr><th>Ballet shoes</th><th><<set $image to $objects["Ballet shoes"].image >><<displayimage I>></th><th>$objects["Ballet shoes"].description</th><th><<if $shoes eq "Ballet shoes">> Worn <<else>>[[Wear->Closet_shoes][$shoes ="Ballet shoes"]]<</if>> </th> </tr><</if>>
<<if $objects["Black pony heels"].inv eq 1>><tr><th>Black pony heels</th><th><<set $image to $objects["Black pony heels"].image >><<displayimage I>></th><th>$objects["Black pony heels"].description</th><th><<if $shoes eq "Black pony heels">> Worn <<else>>[[Wear->Closet_shoes][$shoes ="Black pony heels"]]<</if>> </th> </tr><</if>>
[[Return->Wardrobe]]You are currently sleeping in <<if $sleepbra neq "none">>$sleepbra , <</if>><<if $sleeppanties neq "none">>$sleeppanties , <</if>><<if $sleepsocks neq "none">>$sleepsocks <</if>><<if $sleepsocks eq "none" and $sleeppanties eq "none" and $sleepbra eq "none">>nude<</if>>
[[Change sleepwear to current vest/bra->Closet_sleep][$sleepbra = $bra]]
[[Change sleepwear to current underwear->Closet_sleep][$sleeppanties = $panties]]
[[Change sleepwear to current socks->Closet_sleep][$sleepsocks = $socks]]
The following pieces of sleepwear you own are listed below for convenience:
<table style="width:100%">\
<<if $objects["black negligee"].inv eq 1>><tr><th>black negligee</th><th><<set $image to $objects["black negligee"].image >><<displayimage I>></th><th>$objects["black negligee"].description</th><th><<if $bra eq "black negligee">> Worn <<else>>[[Wear->Closet_sleep][$bra ="black negligee"]]<</if>> </th> </tr><</if>>
<<if $objects["pink chemise"].inv eq 1>><tr><th>pink chemise</th><th><<set $image to $objects["pink chemise"].image >><<displayimage I>></th><th>$objects["pink chemise"].description</th><th><<if $bra eq "pink chemise">> Worn <<else>>[[Wear->Closet_sleep][$bra ="pink chemise"]]<</if>> </th> </tr><</if>>
<<if $objects["Cream Shift"].inv eq 1>><tr><th>Cream Shift</th><th><<set $image to $objects["Cream Shift"].image >><<displayimage I>></th><th>$objects["Cream Shift"].description</th><th><<if $bra eq "Cream Shift">> Worn <<else>>[[Wear->Closet_sleep][$bra ="Cream Shift"]]<</if>> </th> </tr><</if>>
<<if $objects["Lace Nightgown"].inv eq 1>><tr><th>Lace Nightgown</th><th><<set $image to $objects["Lace Nightgown"].image >><<displayimage I>></th><th>$objects["Lace Nightgown"].description</th><th><<if $outfit eq "Lace Nightgown">> Worn <<else>>[[Wear->Closet_sleep][$outfit ="Lace Nightgown"]]<</if>> </th> </tr><</if>>
<<if $objects["Plain nightgown"].inv eq 1>><tr><th>Plain nightgown</th><th><<set $image to $objects["Plain nightgown"].image >><<displayimage I>></th><th>$objects["Plain nightgown"].description</th><th><<if $outfit eq "Plain nightgown">> Worn <<else>>[[Wear->Closet_sleep][$outfit ="Plain nightgown"]]<</if>> </th> </tr><</if>>
<<if $objects["White long shift"].inv eq 1>><tr><th>White long shift</th><th><<set $image to $objects["White long shift"].image >><<displayimage I>></th><th>$objects["White long shift"].description</th><th><<if $outfit eq "White long shift">> Worn <<else>>[[Wear->Closet_sleep][$outfit ="White long shift"]]<</if>> </th> </tr><</if>>
<<if $objects["White petticoat"].inv eq 1>><tr><th>White petticoat</th><th><<set $image to $objects["White petticoat"].image >><<displayimage I>></th><th>$objects["White petticoat"].description</th><th><<if $bra eq "White petticoat">> Worn <<else>>[[Wear->Closet_sleep][$bra ="White petticoat"]]<</if>> </th> </tr><</if>>
<<if $objects["White short shift"].inv eq 1>><tr><th>White short shift</th><th><<set $image to $objects["White short shift"].image >><<displayimage I>></th><th>$objects["White short shift"].description</th><th><<if $outfit eq "White short shift">> Worn <<else>>[[Wear->Closet_sleep][$outfit ="White short shift"]]<</if>> </th> </tr><</if>>
[[Return->Wardrobe]]You have the following vests and bras:
<table style="width:100%">\
<th> </th>
<th><<if $bra eq "none">> You have no <<if $chest eq "flat">>vest<<else>>bra<</if>> on <<else>>[[Remove->Closet_bra][$bra ="none"]]<</if>> </th>
<<if $objects["black bra"].inv eq 1>><tr><th>black bra</th><th><<set $image to $objects["black bra"].image >><<displayimage I>></th><th>$objects["black bra"].description</th><th><<if $bra eq "black bra">> Worn <<else>>[[Wear->Closet_bra][$bra ="black bra"]]<</if>> </th> </tr><</if>>
<<if $objects["black bustier"].inv eq 1>><tr><th>black bustier</th><th><<set $image to $objects["black bustier"].image >><<displayimage I>></th><th>$objects["black bustier"].description</th><th><<if $bra eq "black bustier">> Worn <<else>>[[Wear->Closet_bra][$bra ="black bustier"]]<</if>> </th> </tr><</if>>
<<if $objects["black corset"].inv eq 1>><tr><th>black corset</th><th><<set $image to $objects["black corset"].image >><<displayimage I>></th><th>$objects["black corset"].description</th><th><<if $bra eq "black corset">> Worn <<else>>[[Wear->Closet_bra][$bra ="black corset"]]<</if>> </th> </tr><</if>>
<<if $objects["black negligee"].inv eq 1>><tr><th>black negligee</th><th><<set $image to $objects["black negligee"].image >><<displayimage I>></th><th>$objects["black negligee"].description</th><th><<if $bra eq "black negligee">> Worn <<else>>[[Wear->Closet_bra][$bra ="black negligee"]]<</if>> </th> </tr><</if>>
<<if $objects["blue bra"].inv eq 1>><tr><th>blue bra</th><th><<set $image to $objects["blue bra"].image >><<displayimage I>></th><th>$objects["blue bra"].description</th><th><<if $bra eq "blue bra">> Worn <<else>>[[Wear->Closet_bra][$bra ="blue bra"]]<</if>> </th> </tr><</if>>
<<if $objects["grey bra"].inv eq 1>><tr><th>grey bra</th><th><<set $image to $objects["grey bra"].image >><<displayimage I>></th><th>$objects["grey bra"].description</th><th><<if $bra eq "grey bra">> Worn <<else>>[[Wear->Closet_bra][$bra ="grey bra"]]<</if>> </th> </tr><</if>>
<<if $objects["pink chemise"].inv eq 1>><tr><th>pink chemise</th><th><<set $image to $objects["pink chemise"].image >><<displayimage I>></th><th>$objects["pink chemise"].description</th><th><<if $bra eq "pink chemise">> Worn <<else>>[[Wear->Closet_bra][$bra ="pink chemise"]]<</if>> </th> </tr><</if>>
<<if $objects["pink corset"].inv eq 1>><tr><th>pink corset</th><th><<set $image to $objects["pink corset"].image >><<displayimage I>></th><th>$objects["pink corset"].description</th><th><<if $bra eq "pink corset">> Worn <<else>>[[Wear->Closet_bra][$bra ="pink corset"]]<</if>> </th> </tr><</if>>
<<if $objects["red bra"].inv eq 1>><tr><th>red bra</th><th><<set $image to $objects["red bra"].image >><<displayimage I>></th><th>$objects["red bra"].description</th><th><<if $bra eq "red bra">> Worn <<else>>[[Wear->Closet_bra][$bra ="red bra"]]<</if>> </th> </tr><</if>>
<<if $objects["red sexy bra"].inv eq 1>><tr><th>red sexy bra</th><th><<set $image to $objects["red sexy bra"].image >><<displayimage I>></th><th>$objects["red sexy bra"].description</th><th><<if $bra eq "red sexy bra">> Worn <<else>>[[Wear->Closet_bra][$bra ="red sexy bra"]]<</if>> </th> </tr><</if>>
<<if $objects["sexy black bra"].inv eq 1>><tr><th>sexy black bra</th><th><<set $image to $objects["sexy black bra"].image >><<displayimage I>></th><th>$objects["sexy black bra"].description</th><th><<if $bra eq "sexy black bra">> Worn <<else>>[[Wear->Closet_bra][$bra ="sexy black bra"]]<</if>> </th> </tr><</if>>
<<if $objects["white bra"].inv eq 1>><tr><th>white bra</th><th><<set $image to $objects["white bra"].image >><<displayimage I>></th><th>$objects["white bra"].description</th><th><<if $bra eq "white bra">> Worn <<else>>[[Wear->Closet_bra][$bra ="white bra"]]<</if>> </th> </tr><</if>>
<<if $objects["white sexy bra"].inv eq 1>><tr><th>white sexy bra</th><th><<set $image to $objects["white sexy bra"].image >><<displayimage I>></th><th>$objects["white sexy bra"].description</th><th><<if $bra eq "white sexy bra">> Worn <<else>>[[Wear->Closet_bra][$bra ="white sexy bra"]]<</if>> </th> </tr><</if>>
<<if $objects["pink frilly bra"].inv eq 1>><tr><th>pink frilly bra</th><th><<set $image to $objects["pink frilly bra"].image >><<displayimage I>></th><th>$objects["pink frilly bra"].description</th><th><<if $bra eq "pink frilly bra">> Worn <<else>>[[Wear->Closet_bra][$bra ="pink frilly bra"]]<</if>> </th> </tr><</if>>
<<if $objects["pink lace bra"].inv eq 1>><tr><th>pink lace bra</th><th><<set $image to $objects["pink lace bra"].image >><<displayimage I>></th><th>$objects["pink lace bra"].description</th><th><<if $bra eq "pink lace bra">> Worn <<else>>[[Wear->Closet_bra][$bra ="pink lace bra"]]<</if>> </th> </tr><</if>>
<<if $objects["pink sexy bra"].inv eq 1>><tr><th>pink sexy bra</th><th><<set $image to $objects["pink sexy bra"].image >><<displayimage I>></th><th>$objects["pink sexy bra"].description</th><th><<if $bra eq "pink sexy bra">> Worn <<else>>[[Wear->Closet_bra][$bra ="pink sexy bra"]]<</if>> </th> </tr><</if>>
<<if $objects["pink satin and lace bra"].inv eq 1>><tr><th>pink satin and lace bra</th><th><<set $image to $objects["pink satin and lace bra"].image >><<displayimage I>></th><th>$objects["pink satin and lace bra"].description</th><th><<if $bra eq "pink satin and lace bra">> Worn <<else>>[[Wear->Closet_bra][$bra ="pink satin and lace bra"]]<</if>> </th> </tr><</if>>
<<if $objects["red corset"].inv eq 1>><tr><th>red corset</th><th><<set $image to $objects["red corset"].image >><<displayimage I>></th><th>$objects["red corset"].description</th><th><<if $bra eq "red corset">> Worn <<else>>[[Wear->Closet_bra][$bra ="red corset"]]<</if>> </th> </tr><</if>>
<<if $objects["Blue corset"].inv eq 1>><tr><th>Blue corset</th><th><<set $image to $objects["Blue corset"].image >><<displayimage I>></th><th>$objects["Blue corset"].description</th><th><<if $bra eq "Blue corset">> Worn <<else>>[[Wear->Closet_bra][$bra ="Blue corset"]]<</if>> </th> </tr><</if>>
<<if $objects["Laced corset"].inv eq 1>><tr><th>Laced corset</th><th><<set $image to $objects["Laced corset"].image >><<displayimage I>></th><th>$objects["Laced corset"].description</th><th><<if $bra eq "Laced corset">> Worn <<else>>[[Wear->Closet_bra][$bra ="Laced corset"]]<</if>> </th> </tr><</if>>
<<if $objects["Pink corset"].inv eq 1>><tr><th>Pink corset</th><th><<set $image to $objects["Pink corset"].image >><<displayimage I>></th><th>$objects["Pink corset"].description</th><th><<if $bra eq "Pink corset">> Worn <<else>>[[Wear->Closet_bra][$bra ="Pink corset"]]<</if>> </th> </tr><</if>>
<<if $objects["Red corset"].inv eq 1>><tr><th>Red corset</th><th><<set $image to $objects["Red corset"].image >><<displayimage I>></th><th>$objects["Red corset"].description</th><th><<if $bra eq "Red corset">> Worn <<else>>[[Wear->Closet_bra][$bra ="Red corset"]]<</if>> </th> </tr><</if>>
<<if $objects["White corset"].inv eq 1>><tr><th>White corset</th><th><<set $image to $objects["White corset"].image >><<displayimage I>></th><th>$objects["White corset"].description</th><th><<if $bra eq "White corset">> Worn <<else>>[[Wear->Closet_bra][$bra ="White corset"]]<</if>> </th> </tr><</if>>
<<if $objects["Pale blue corset"].inv eq 1>><tr><th>Pale blue corset</th><th><<set $image to $objects["Pale blue corset"].image >><<displayimage I>></th><th>$objects["Pale blue corset"].description</th><th><<if $bra eq "Pale blue corset">> Worn <<else>>[[Wear->Closet_bra][$bra ="Pale blue corset"]]<</if>> </th> </tr><</if>>
[[Return->Wardrobe]]You enter Peasbody's Gentleman Outfitters
<<set $shop = "M">>
The following items are available:
<<if $objects["black cutaway suit"].inv eq 1>>You have already purchased the black cutaway suit<<else>>[[black cutaway suit->Shopbuy][$item = "black cutaway suit"]]<</if>>
<<if $objects["black smoking jacket"].inv eq 1>>You have already purchased the black smoking jacket<<else>>[[black smoking jacket->Shopbuy][$item = "black smoking jacket"]]<</if>>
<<if $objects["black working clothes"].inv eq 1>>You have already purchased the black working clothes<<else>>[[black working clothes->Shopbuy][$item = "black working clothes"]]<</if>>
<<if $objects["brown safari suit"].inv eq 1>>You have already purchased the brown safari suit<<else>>[[brown safari suit->Shopbuy][$item = "brown safari suit"]]<</if>>
<<if $objects["burgundy smoking jacket"].inv eq 1>>You have already purchased the burgundy smoking jacket<<else>>[[burgundy smoking jacket->Shopbuy][$item = "burgundy smoking jacket"]]<</if>>
<<if $objects["frock coat suit"].inv eq 1>>You have already purchased the frock coat suit<<else>>[[frock coat suit->Shopbuy][$item = "frock coat suit"]]<</if>>
<<if $objects["gold smoking jacket"].inv eq 1>>You have already purchased the gold smoking jacket<<else>>[[gold smoking jacket->Shopbuy][$item = "gold smoking jacket"]]<</if>>
<<if $objects["gray suit"].inv eq 1>>You have already purchased the gray suit<<else>>[[gray suit->Shopbuy][$item = "gray suit"]]<</if>>
<<if $objects["Inverness coat"].inv eq 1>>You have already purchased the Inverness coat<<else>>[[Inverness coat->Shopbuy][$item = "Inverness coat"]]<</if>>
<<if $objects["lab coat"].inv eq 1>>You have already purchased the lab coat<<else>>[[lab coat->Shopbuy][$item = "lab coat"]]<</if>>
<<if $objects["male dressing gown"].inv eq 1>>You have already purchased the male dressing gown<<else>>[[male dressing gown->Shopbuy][$item = "male dressing gown"]]<</if>>
<<if $objects["safari outfit"].inv eq 1>>You have already purchased the safari outfit<<else>>[[safari outfit->Shopbuy][$item = "safari outfit"]]<</if>>
<<if $objects["smart brown suit"].inv eq 1>>You have already purchased the smart brown suit<<else>>[[smart brown suit->Shopbuy][$item = "smart brown suit"]]<</if>>
<<if $objects["teal suit"].inv eq 1>>You have already purchased the teal suit<<else>>[[teal suit->Shopbuy][$item = "teal suit"]]<</if>>
Jackets and shirts:
<<if $objects["black frock coat"].inv eq 1>>You have already purchased the black frock coat<<else>>[[black frock coat->Shopbuy][$item = "black frock coat"]]<</if>>
<<if $objects["blue frock coat"].inv eq 1>>You have already purchased the blue frock coat<<else>>[[blue frock coat->Shopbuy][$item = "blue frock coat"]]<</if>>
<<if $objects["brown jacket"].inv eq 1>>You have already purchased the brown jacket<<else>>[[brown jacket->Shopbuy][$item = "brown jacket"]]<</if>>
<<if $objects["burgundy jacket"].inv eq 1>>You have already purchased the burgundy jacket<<else>>[[burgundy jacket->Shopbuy][$item = "burgundy jacket"]]<</if>>
<<if $objects["navy frock coat"].inv eq 1>>You have already purchased the navy frock coat<<else>>[[navy frock coat->Shopbuy][$item = "navy frock coat"]]<</if>>
<<if $objects["red jacket"].inv eq 1>>You have already purchased the red jacket<<else>>[[red jacket->Shopbuy][$item = "red jacket"]]<</if>>
<<if $objects["scarlet frock coat"].inv eq 1>>You have already purchased the scarlet frock coat<<else>>[[scarlet frock coat->Shopbuy][$item = "scarlet frock coat"]]<</if>>
<<if $objects["white jacket"].inv eq 1>>You have already purchased the white jacket<<else>>[[white jacket->Shopbuy][$item = "white jacket"]]<</if>>
<<if $objects["white silk shirt"].inv eq 1>>You have already purchased the white silk shirt<<else>>[[white silk shirt->Shopbuy][$item = "white silk shirt"]]<</if>>
<<if $objects["woolen shirt"].inv eq 1>>You have already purchased the woolen shirt<<else>>[[woolen shirt->Shopbuy][$item = "woolen shirt"]]<</if>>
<<if $objects["black socks"].inv eq 1>>You have already purchased the black socks<<else>>[[black socks->Shopbuy][$item = "black socks"]]<</if>>
<<if $objects["brown socks"].inv eq 1>>You have already purchased the brown socks<<else>>[[brown socks->Shopbuy][$item = "brown socks"]]<</if>>
<<if $objects["Black mens socks"].inv eq 1>>You have already purchased the black mens socks<<else>>[[Black mens socks->Shopbuy][$item = "Black mens socks"]]<</if>>
<<if $objects["Blue Stockings"].inv eq 1>>You have already purchased the Blue Stockings<<else>>[[Blue Stockings->Shopbuy][$item = "Blue Stockings"]]<</if>>
<<if $objects["Striped stockings"].inv eq 1>>You have already purchased the Striped stockings<<else>>[[Striped stockings->Shopbuy][$item = "Striped stockings"]]<</if>>
<<if $objects["Black mens dress shoes"].inv eq 1>>You have already purchased the Black mens dress shoes<<else>>[[Black mens dress shoes->Shopbuy][$item = "Black mens dress shoes"]]<</if>>
<<if $objects["brown boots"].inv eq 1>>You have already purchased the brown boots<<else>>[[brown boots->Shopbuy][$item = "brown boots"]]<</if>>
<<if $objects["black cavalry boots"].inv eq 1>>You have already purchased the black cavalry boots<<else>>[[black cavalry boots->Shopbuy][$item = "black cavalry boots"]]<</if>>
<<if $objects["black gaiters"].inv eq 1>>You have already purchased the black gaiters<<else>>[[black gaiters->Shopbuy][$item = "black gaiters"]]<</if>>
<<if $objects["black riding boots"].inv eq 1>>You have already purchased the black riding boots<<else>>[[black riding boots->Shopbuy][$item = "black riding boots"]]<</if>>
<<if $objects["brown riding boots"].inv eq 1>>You have already purchased the brown riding boots<<else>>[[brown riding boots->Shopbuy][$item = "brown riding boots"]]<</if>>
<<if $objects["white captains boots"].inv eq 1>>You have already purchased the white captains boots<<else>>[[white captains boots->Shopbuy][$item = "white captains boots"]]<</if>>
<<if $objects["black formal trousers"].inv eq 1>>You have already purchased the black formal trousers<<else>>[[black formal trousers->Shopbuy][$item = "black formal trousers"]]<</if>>
<<if $objects["black high waist trousers"].inv eq 1>>You have already purchased the black high waist trousers<<else>>[[black high waist trousers->Shopbuy][$item = "black high waist trousers"]]<</if>>
<<if $objects["brown pants"].inv eq 1>>You have already purchased the brown pants<<else>>[[brown pants->Shopbuy][$item = "brown pants"]]<</if>>
<<if $objects["grey striped trousers"].inv eq 1>>You have already purchased the grey striped trousers<<else>>[[grey striped trousers->Shopbuy][$item = "grey striped trousers"]]<</if>>
<<if $objects["pink high waist trousers"].inv eq 1>>You have already purchased the pink high waist trousers<<else>>[[pink high waist trousers->Shopbuy][$item = "pink high waist trousers"]]<</if>>
<<if $objects["black derby hat"].inv eq 1>>You have already purchased the black derby hat<<else>>[[black derby hat->Shopbuy][$item = "black derby hat"]]<</if>>
<<if $objects["black fedora"].inv eq 1>>You have already purchased the black fedora<<else>>[[black fedora->Shopbuy][$item = "black fedora"]]<</if>>
<<if $objects["black top hat"].inv eq 1>>You have already purchased the black top hat<<else>>[[black top hat->Shopbuy][$item = "black top hat"]]<</if>>
<<if $objects["brown bowler hat"].inv eq 1>>You have already purchased the brown bowler hat<<else>>[[brown bowler hat->Shopbuy][$item = "brown bowler hat"]]<</if>>
<<if $objects["brown cap"].inv eq 1>>You have already purchased the brown cap<<else>>[[brown cap->Shopbuy][$item = "brown cap"]]<</if>>
<<if $objects["brown fedora"].inv eq 1>>You have already purchased the brown fedora<<else>>[[brown fedora->Shopbuy][$item = "brown fedora"]]<</if>>
<<if $objects["checked cap"].inv eq 1>>You have already purchased the checked cap<<else>>[[checked cap->Shopbuy][$item = "checked cap"]]<</if>>
<<if $objects["longjohns"].inv eq 1>>You have already purchased the longjohns<<else>>[[longjohns->Shopbuy][$item = "longjohns"]]<</if>>
<<if $objects["blue silk shorts"].inv eq 1>>You have already purchased the blue silk shorts<<else>>[[blue silk shorts->Shopbuy][$item = "blue silk shorts"]]<</if>>
<<if $objects["grey shorts"].inv eq 1>>You have already purchased the grey shorts<<else>>[[grey shorts->Shopbuy][$item = "grey shorts"]]<</if>>
<<if $objects["white cotton shorts"].inv eq 1>>You have already purchased the white cotton shorts<<else>>[[white cotton shorts->Shopbuy][$item = "white cotton shorts"]]<</if>>
<<if $objects["white drawers"].inv eq 1>>You have already purchased the white drawers<<else>>[[white drawers->Shopbuy][$item = "white drawers"]]<</if>>
Bathing Costumes:
<<if $objects["Mens red bathing costume"].inv eq 1>>You have already purchased the Mens red bathing costume<<else>>[[Mens red bathing costume->Shopbuy][$item = "Mens red bathing costume"]]<</if>>
<<if $objects["Mens blue bathing costume"].inv eq 1>>You have already purchased the Mens blue bathing costume<<else>>[[Mens blue bathing costume->Shopbuy][$item = "Mens blue bathing costume"]]<</if>>
[[Return to Oxford Street->OxfordSt]]You enter the Velvet Parlour lingerie store.
<<set $shop = "U">>
The following items are available
<<if $objects["black crotchless panties"].inv eq 1>>You have already purchased the black crotchless panties<<else>>[[black crotchless panties->Shopbuy][$item = "black crotchless panties"]]<</if>>
<<if $objects["black french knickers"].inv eq 1>>You have already purchased the black french knickers<<else>>[[black french knickers->Shopbuy][$item = "black french knickers"]]<</if>>
<<if $objects["black lace panties"].inv eq 1>>You have already purchased the black lace panties<<else>>[[black lace panties->Shopbuy][$item = "black lace panties"]]<</if>>
<<if $objects["black maid panties"].inv eq 1>>You have already purchased the black maid panties<<else>>[[black maid panties->Shopbuy][$item = "black maid panties"]]<</if>>
<<if $objects["black sheer panties"].inv eq 1>>You have already purchased the black sheer panties<<else>>[[black sheer panties->Shopbuy][$item = "black sheer panties"]]<</if>>
<<if $objects["blue cotton panties"].inv eq 1>>You have already purchased the blue cotton panties<<else>>[[blue cotton panties->Shopbuy][$item = "blue cotton panties"]]<</if>>
<<if $objects["elegant grey panties"].inv eq 1>>You have already purchased the elegant grey panties<<else>>[[elegant grey panties->Shopbuy][$item = "elegant grey panties"]]<</if>>
<<if $objects["red crotchless panties"].inv eq 1>>You have already purchased the red crotchless panties<<else>>[[red crotchless panties->Shopbuy][$item = "red crotchless panties"]]<</if>>
<<if $objects["sexy panties"].inv eq 1>>You have already purchased the sexy panties<<else>>[[sexy panties->Shopbuy][$item = "sexy panties"]]<</if>>
<<if $objects["white thong"].inv eq 1>>You have already purchased the white thong<<else>>[[white thong->Shopbuy][$item = "white thong"]]<</if>>
<<if $objects["Long White Bloomers"].inv eq 1>>You have already purchased the Long White Bloomers<<else>>[[Long White Bloomers->Shopbuy][$item = "Long White Bloomers"]]<</if>>
<<if $objects["Short White Bloomers"].inv eq 1>>You have already purchased the Short White Bloomers<<else>>[[Short White Bloomers->Shopbuy][$item = "Short White Bloomers"]]<</if>>
<<if $objects["White Bloomers"].inv eq 1>>You have already purchased the White Bloomers<<else>>[[White Bloomers->Shopbuy][$item = "White Bloomers"]]<</if>>
<<if $objects["black bra"].inv eq 1>>You have already purchased the black bra<<else>>[[black bra->Shopbuy][$item = "black bra"]]<</if>>
<<if $objects["black bustier"].inv eq 1>>You have already purchased the black bustier<<else>>[[black bustier->Shopbuy][$item = "black bustier"]]<</if>>
<<if $objects["black negligee"].inv eq 1>>You have already purchased the black negligee<<else>>[[black negligee->Shopbuy][$item = "black negligee"]]<</if>>
<<if $objects["blue bra"].inv eq 1>>You have already purchased the blue bra<<else>>[[blue bra->Shopbuy][$item = "blue bra"]]<</if>>
<<if $objects["grey bra"].inv eq 1>>You have already purchased the grey bra<<else>>[[grey bra->Shopbuy][$item = "grey bra"]]<</if>>
<<if $objects["pink chemise"].inv eq 1>>You have already purchased the pink chemise<<else>>[[pink chemise->Shopbuy][$item = "pink chemise"]]<</if>>
<<if $objects["red bra"].inv eq 1>>You have already purchased the red bra<<else>>[[red bra->Shopbuy][$item = "red bra"]]<</if>>
<<if $objects["red sexy bra"].inv eq 1>>You have already purchased the red sexy bra<<else>>[[red sexy bra->Shopbuy][$item = "red sexy bra"]]<</if>>
<<if $objects["sexy black bra"].inv eq 1>>You have already purchased the sexy black bra<<else>>[[sexy black bra->Shopbuy][$item = "sexy black bra"]]<</if>>
<<if $objects["white bra"].inv eq 1>>You have already purchased the white bra<<else>>[[white bra->Shopbuy][$item = "white bra"]]<</if>>
<<if $objects["white sexy bra"].inv eq 1>>You have already purchased the white sexy bra<<else>>[[white sexy bra->Shopbuy][$item = "white sexy bra"]]<</if>>
<<if $objects["black corset"].inv eq 1>>You have already purchased the black corset<<else>>[[black corset->Shopbuy][$item = "black corset"]]<</if>>
<<if $objects["pink corset"].inv eq 1>>You have already purchased the pink corset<<else>>[[pink corset->Shopbuy][$item = "pink corset"]]<</if>>
<<if $objects["red corset"].inv eq 1>>You have already purchased the red corset<<else>>[[red corset->Shopbuy][$item = "red corset"]]<</if>>
<<if $objects["Blue corset"].inv eq 1>>You have already purchased the Blue corset<<else>>[[Blue corset->Shopbuy][$item = "Blue corset"]]<</if>>
<<if $objects["Laced corset"].inv eq 1>>You have already purchased the Laced corset<<else>>[[Laced corset->Shopbuy][$item = "Laced corset"]]<</if>>
<<if $objects["Pale blue corset"].inv eq 1>>You have already purchased the Pale blue corset<<else>>[[Pale blue corset->Shopbuy][$item = "Pale blue corset"]]<</if>>
<<if $objects["Pink corset"].inv eq 1>>You have already purchased the Pink corset<<else>>[[Pink corset->Shopbuy][$item = "Pink corset"]]<</if>>
<<if $objects["Red corset"].inv eq 1>>You have already purchased the Red corset<<else>>[[Red corset->Shopbuy][$item = "Red corset"]]<</if>>
<<if $objects["White corset"].inv eq 1>>You have already purchased the White corset<<else>>[[White corset->Shopbuy][$item = "White corset"]]<</if>>
<<if $objects["black fishnet stockings"].inv eq 1>>You have already purchased the black fishnet stockings<<else>>[[black fishnet stockings->Shopbuy][$item = "black fishnet stockings"]]<</if>>
<<if $objects["black stockings"].inv eq 1>>You have already purchased the black stockings<<else>>[[black stockings->Shopbuy][$item = "black stockings"]]<</if>>
<<if $objects["sexy stockings"].inv eq 1>>You have already purchased the sheer black stockings<<else>>[[sheer black stockings->Shopbuy][$item = "sexy stockings"]]<</if>>
<<if $objects["White stockings"].inv eq 1>>You have already purchased the White stockings<<else>>[[White stockings->Shopbuy][$item = "White stockings"]]<</if>>
<<if $objects["Pale pink stockings"].inv eq 1>>You have already purchased the Pale pink stockings<<else>>[[Pale pink stockings->Shopbuy][$item = "Pale pink stockings"]]<</if>>
<<if $objects["Blue Stockings"].inv eq 1>>You have already purchased the Blue Stockings<<else>>[[Blue Stockings->Shopbuy][$item = "Blue Stockings"]]<</if>>
<<if $objects["Striped stockings"].inv eq 1>>You have already purchased the Striped stockings<<else>>[[Striped stockings->Shopbuy][$item = "Striped stockings"]]<</if>>
<<if $objects["floral nightdress"].inv eq 1>>You have already purchased the floral nightdress<<else>>[[floral nightdress->Shopbuy][$item = "floral nightdress"]]<</if>>
<<if $objects["red satin dressing gown"].inv eq 1>>You have already purchased the red satin dressing gown<<else>>[[red satin dressing gown->Shopbuy][$item = "red satin dressing gown"]]<</if>>
<<if $objects["White petticoat"].inv eq 1>>You have already purchased the White petticoat<<else>>[[White petticoat->Shopbuy][$item = "White petticoat"]]<</if>>
<<if $objects["Cream Shift"].inv eq 1>>You have already purchased the Cream Shift<<else>>[[Cream Shift->Shopbuy][$item = "Cream Shift"]]<</if>>
<<if $objects["White long shift"].inv eq 1>>You have already purchased the White long shift<<else>>[[White long shift->Shopbuy][$item = "White long shift"]]<</if>>
<<if $objects["White short shift"].inv eq 1>>You have already purchased the White short shift<<else>>[[White short shift->Shopbuy][$item = "White short shift"]]<</if>>
<<if $objects["Plain nightgown"].inv eq 1>>You have already purchased the Plain nightgown<<else>>[[Plain nightgown->Shopbuy][$item = "Plain nightgown"]]<</if>>
<<if $objects["Lace Nightgown"].inv eq 1>>You have already purchased the Lace Nightgown<<else>>[[Lace Nightgown->Shopbuy][$item = "Lace Nightgown"]]<</if>>
[[Return to Oxford Street->OxfordSt]]You enter Harrod's women's store:
<<set $shop = "F">>
The following items are available:
<<if $objects["backless evening dress"].inv eq 1>>You have already purchased the backless evening dress<<else>>[[backless evening dress->Shopbuy][$item = "backless evening dress"]]<</if>>
<<if $objects["blue cotton dress"].inv eq 1>>You have already purchased the blue cotton dress<<else>>[[blue cotton dress->Shopbuy][$item = "blue cotton dress"]]<</if>>
<<if $objects["light blue dress"].inv eq 1>>You have already purchased the light blue dress<<else>>[[light blue dress->Shopbuy][$item = "light blue dress"]]<</if>>
<<if $objects["maid uniform"].inv eq 1>>You have already purchased the maid uniform<<else>>[[maid uniform->Shopbuy][$item = "maid uniform"]]<</if>>
<<if $objects["red dress"].inv eq 1>>You have already purchased the red dress<<else>>[[red dress->Shopbuy][$item = "red dress"]]<</if>>
<<if $objects["red silk dress"].inv eq 1>>You have already purchased the red silk dress<<else>>[[red silk dress->Shopbuy][$item = "red silk dress"]]<</if>>
<<if $objects["sexy black dress"].inv eq 1>>You have already purchased the sexy black dress<<else>>[[sexy black dress->Shopbuy][$item = "sexy black dress"]]<</if>>
<<if $objects["white dress"].inv eq 1>>You have already purchased the white dress<<else>>[[white dress->Shopbuy][$item = "white dress"]]<</if>>
<<if $objects["white floral dress"].inv eq 1>>You have already purchased the white floral dress<<else>>[[white floral dress->Shopbuy][$item = "white floral dress"]]<</if>>
<<if $objects["yellow summer dress"].inv eq 1>>You have already purchased the yellow summer dress<<else>>[[yellow summer dress->Shopbuy][$item = "yellow summer dress"]]<</if>>
<<if $objects["Black Ball Gown"].inv eq 1>>You have already purchased the Black Ball Gown<<else>>[[Black Ball Gown->Shopbuy][$item = "Black Ball Gown"]]<</if>>
<<if $objects["Black formal dress"].inv eq 1>>You have already purchased the Black formal dress<<else>>[[Black formal dress->Shopbuy][$item = "Black formal dress"]]<</if>>
<<if $objects["Blue Dress"].inv eq 1>>You have already purchased the Blue Dress<<else>>[[Blue Dress->Shopbuy][$item = "Blue Dress"]]<</if>>
<<if $objects["Burgundy Ballgown"].inv eq 1>>You have already purchased the Burgundy Ballgown<<else>>[[Burgundy Ballgown->Shopbuy][$item = "Burgundy Ballgown"]]<</if>>
<<if $objects["Cream Dress with Train"].inv eq 1>>You have already purchased the Cream Dress with Train<<else>>[[Cream Dress with Train->Shopbuy][$item = "Cream Dress with Train"]]<</if>>
<<if $objects["Cream Dress"].inv eq 1>>You have already purchased the Cream Dress<<else>>[[Cream Dress->Shopbuy][$item = "Cream Dress"]]<</if>>
<<if $objects["Floral Dress"].inv eq 1>>You have already purchased the Floral Dress<<else>>[[Floral Dress->Shopbuy][$item = "Floral Dress"]]<</if>>
<<if $objects["Floral Dress"].inv eq 1>>You have already purchased the Floral Dress<<else>>[[Floral Dress->Shopbuy][$item = "Floral Dress"]]<</if>>
<<if $objects["Green Dress"].inv eq 1>>You have already purchased the Green Dress<<else>>[[Green Dress->Shopbuy][$item = "Green Dress"]]<</if>>
<<if $objects["Narrow waisted red dress"].inv eq 1>>You have already purchased the Narrow waisted red dress<<else>>[[Narrow waisted red dress->Shopbuy][$item = "Narrow waisted red dress"]]<</if>>
<<if $objects["Pink floral dress"].inv eq 1>>You have already purchased the Pink floral dress<<else>>[[Pink floral dress->Shopbuy][$item = "Pink floral dress"]]<</if>>
<<if $objects["Pink layered dress"].inv eq 1>>You have already purchased the Pink layered dress<<else>>[[Pink layered dress->Shopbuy][$item = "Pink layered dress"]]<</if>>
<<if $objects["Pink wide dress"].inv eq 1>>You have already purchased the Pink wide dress<<else>>[[Pink wide dress->Shopbuy][$item = "Pink wide dress"]]<</if>>
<<if $objects["White Floral dress"].inv eq 1>>You have already purchased the White Floral dress<<else>>[[White Floral dress->Shopbuy][$item = "White Floral dress"]]<</if>>
<<if $objects["Wide red dress"].inv eq 1>>You have already purchased the Wide red dress<<else>>[[Wide red dress->Shopbuy][$item = "Wide red dress"]]<</if>>
<<if $objects["black corset top"].inv eq 1>>You have already purchased the black corset top<<else>>[[black corset top->Shopbuy][$item = "black corset top"]]<</if>>
<<if $objects["black lace top"].inv eq 1>>You have already purchased the black lace top<<else>>[[black lace top->Shopbuy][$item = "black lace top"]]<</if>>
<<if $objects["red top"].inv eq 1>>You have already purchased the red top<<else>>[[red top->Shopbuy][$item = "red top"]]<</if>>
<<if $objects["Pink blouse"].inv eq 1>>You have already purchased the Pink blouse<<else>>[[Pink blouse->Shopbuy][$item = "Pink blouse"]]<</if>>
<<if $objects["Purple Blouse"].inv eq 1>>You have already purchased the Purple Blouse<<else>>[[Purple Blouse->Shopbuy][$item = "Purple Blouse"]]<</if>>
<<if $objects["White Blouse"].inv eq 1>>You have already purchased the White Blouse<<else>>[[White Blouse->Shopbuy][$item = "White Blouse"]]<</if>>
<<if $objects["black skirt"].inv eq 1>>You have already purchased the black skirt<<else>>[[black skirt->Shopbuy][$item = "black skirt"]]<</if>>
<<if $objects["red skirt"].inv eq 1>>You have already purchased the red skirt<<else>>[[red skirt->Shopbuy][$item = "red skirt"]]<</if>>
<<if $objects["Black skirt"].inv eq 1>>You have already purchased the Black skirt<<else>>[[Black skirt->Shopbuy][$item = "Black skirt"]]<</if>>
<<if $objects["Purple skirt"].inv eq 1>>You have already purchased the Purple skirt<<else>>[[Purple skirt->Shopbuy][$item = "Purple skirt"]]<</if>>
<<if $objects["Wine coloured skirt"].inv eq 1>>You have already purchased the Wine coloured skirt<<else>>[[Wine coloured skirt->Shopbuy][$item = "Wine coloured skirt"]]<</if>>
<<if $objects["Yellow skirt"].inv eq 1>>You have already purchased the Yellow skirt<<else>>[[Yellow skirt->Shopbuy][$item = "Yellow skirt"]]<</if>>
Blouse and skirt combinations:
<<if $objects["White blouse and skirt"].inv eq 1>>You have already purchased the White blouse and skirt<<else>>[[White blouse and skirt->Shopbuy][$item = "White blouse and skirt"]]<</if>>
<<if $objects["fancy black hat"].inv eq 1>>You have already purchased the fancy black hat<<else>>[[fancy black hat->Shopbuy][$item = "fancy black hat"]]<</if>>
<<if $objects["maid headpiece"].inv eq 1>>You have already purchased the maid headpiece<<else>>[[maid headpiece->Shopbuy][$item = "maid headpiece"]]<</if>>
<<if $objects["Bonnet"].inv eq 1>>You have already purchased the Bonnet<<else>>[[Bonnet->Shopbuy][$item = "Bonnet"]]<</if>>
<<if $objects["Elaborate Hat"].inv eq 1>>You have already purchased the Elaborate Hat<<else>>[[Elaborate Hat->Shopbuy][$item = "Elaborate Hat"]]<</if>>
<<if $objects["Feathered Hat"].inv eq 1>>You have already purchased the Feathered Hat<<else>>[[Feathered Hat->Shopbuy][$item = "Feathered Hat"]]<</if>>
<<if $objects["Ladies straw hat"].inv eq 1>>You have already purchased the Ladies straw hat<<else>>[[Ladies straw hat->Shopbuy][$item = "Ladies straw hat"]]<</if>>
<<if $objects["Pink hat with bow"].inv eq 1>>You have already purchased the Pink hat with bow<<else>>[[Pink hat with bow->Shopbuy][$item = "Pink hat with bow"]]<</if>>
<<if $objects["Straw Bonnet"].inv eq 1>>You have already purchased the Straw Bonnet<<else>>[[Straw Bonnet->Shopbuy][$item = "Straw Bonnet"]]<</if>>
<<if $objects["Wide hat"].inv eq 1>>You have already purchased the Wide hat<<else>>[[Wide hat->Shopbuy][$item = "Wide hat"]]<</if>>
<<if $objects["black boots"].inv eq 1>>You have already purchased the black boots<<else>>[[black boots->Shopbuy][$item = "black boots"]]<</if>>
<<if $objects["black sexy heels"].inv eq 1>>You have already purchased the black sexy heels<<else>>[[black sexy heels->Shopbuy][$item = "black sexy heels"]]<</if>>
<<if $objects["black strappy heels"].inv eq 1>>You have already purchased the black strappy heels<<else>>[[black strappy heels->Shopbuy][$item = "black strappy heels"]]<</if>>
<<if $objects["flat black shoes"].inv eq 1>>You have already purchased the flat black shoes<<else>>[[flat black shoes->Shopbuy][$item = "flat black shoes"]]<</if>>
<<if $objects["red sexy heels"].inv eq 1>>You have already purchased the red sexy heels<<else>>[[red sexy heels->Shopbuy][$item = "red sexy heels"]]<</if>>
<<if $objects["White elegant heels"].inv eq 1>>You have already purchased the White elegant heels<<else>>[[White elegant heels->Shopbuy][$item = "White elegant heels"]]<</if>>
<<if $objects["White flat shoes"].inv eq 1>>You have already purchased the White flat shoes<<else>>[[White flat shoes->Shopbuy][$item = "White flat shoes"]]<</if>>
<<if $objects["black ladies ankle boots"].inv eq 1>>You have already purchased the black ladies ankle boots<<else>>[[black ladies ankle boots->Shopbuy][$item = "black ladies ankle boots"]]<</if>>
<<if $objects["black ladies boots"].inv eq 1>>You have already purchased the black ladies boots<<else>>[[black ladies boots->Shopbuy][$item = "black ladies boots"]]<</if>>
<<if $objects["red velvet ankle boots"].inv eq 1>>You have already purchased the red velvet ankle boots<<else>>[[red velvet ankle boots->Shopbuy][$item = "red velvet ankle boots"]]<</if>>
<<if $objects["Black embroided shoes"].inv eq 1>>You have already purchased the Black embroided shoes<<else>>[[Black embroided shoes->Shopbuy][$item = "Black embroided shoes"]]<</if>>
<<if $objects["Blue embroidered shoes"].inv eq 1>>You have already purchased the Blue embroidered shoes<<else>>[[Blue embroidered shoes->Shopbuy][$item = "Blue embroidered shoes"]]<</if>>
<<if $objects["Blue Shoes"].inv eq 1>>You have already purchased the Blue Shoes<<else>>[[Blue Shoes->Shopbuy][$item = "Blue Shoes"]]<</if>>
<<if $objects["Fancy white shoes"].inv eq 1>>You have already purchased the Fancy white shoes<<else>>[[Fancy white shoes->Shopbuy][$item = "Fancy white shoes"]]<</if>>
<<if $objects["Purple shoes"].inv eq 1>>You have already purchased the Purple shoes<<else>>[[Purple shoes->Shopbuy][$item = "Purple shoes"]]<</if>>
<<if $objects["White embroided shoes"].inv eq 1>>You have already purchased the White embroided shoes<<else>>[[White embroided shoes->Shopbuy][$item = "White embroided shoes"]]<</if>>
<<if $objects["White high heeled shoes"].inv eq 1>>You have already purchased the White high heeled shoes<<else>>[[White high heeled shoes->Shopbuy][$item = "White high heeled shoes"]]<</if>>
<<if $objects["White laced shoes"].inv eq 1>>You have already purchased the White laced shoes<<else>>[[White laced shoes->Shopbuy][$item = "White laced shoes"]]<</if>>
Bathing Costumes
<<if $objects["Ladies white bathing costume"].inv eq 1>>You have already purchased the Ladies white bathing costume<<else>>[[Ladies white bathing costume->Shopbuy][$item = "Ladies white bathing costume"]]<</if>>
<<if $objects["Navy ladies bathing suit"].inv eq 1>>You have already purchased the Navy ladies bathing suit<<else>>[[Navy ladies bathing suit->Shopbuy][$item = "Navy ladies bathing suit"]]<</if>>
[[Return to Oxford Street->OxfordSt]]Item: $item
shop $shop
Description: $objects[$item].description
<<set $image to $objects[$item].image >><<displayimage>>
Cost: <<if $objects[$item].price gte 252>> <<print (($objects[$item].price - ($objects[$item].price % 252))/252)>> guinea<<if $money gte 504 >>s<</if>><</if>> <<print ((($objects[$item].price % 252)- ($objects[$item].price % 12))/12) >> / <<print $objects[$item].price % 12 >>
<<if $objects[$item].inv eq 1>>You already own this item. <<elseif $money gte $objects[$item].price>>
\<<if $shop eq "M">>[[Buy->Mshop][$objects[$item].inv = 1; $money -= $objects[$item].price]]
\<<elseif $shop eq "F">>[[Buy->Fshop][$objects[$item].inv = 1; $money -= $objects[$item].price]] <<elseif $shop eq "U">>[[Buy->Underwear][$objects[$item].inv = 1; $money -= $objects[$item].price]]
\<<elseif $shop eq "P">>[[Buy->Pink][$objects[$item].inv = 1; $money -= $objects[$item].price]]
\<<elseif $shop eq "FF">>[[Buy->FormalF][$objects[$item].inv = 1; $money -= $objects[$item].price]]
\<<elseif $shop eq "FM">>[[Buy->FormalM][$objects[$item].inv = 1; $money -= $objects[$item].price]]
\<<elseif $shop eq "Costume">>[[Buy->Costumes][$objects[$item].inv = 1; $money -= $objects[$item].price]]
\<<elseif $shop eq "Toys">>[[Buy->Toys][$objects[$item].inv = 1; $money -= $objects[$item].price]]
\<<elseif $shop eq "B">>[[Buy->beachshop][$objects[$item].inv = 1; $money -= $objects[$item].price]] <</if>>
<<else>> You cannot afford this item.<</if>>
<<return>>You have the following tops:
<table style="width:100%">\
<th> </th>
<th><<if $top eq "none" and $outfit eq "none">> You have no top on <<else>>[[Remove top->Closet_top][$top ="none", $outfit="none"]]<</if>> </th>
<<if $objects["black corset top"].inv eq 1>><tr><th>black corset top</th><th><<set $image to $objects["black corset top"].image >><<displayimage I>></th><th>$objects["black corset top"].description</th><th><<if $top eq "black corset top">> Worn <<else>>[[Wear->Closet_top][$top ="black corset top"]]<</if>> </th> </tr><</if>>
<<if $objects["black lace top"].inv eq 1>><tr><th>black lace top</th><th><<set $image to $objects["black lace top"].image >><<displayimage I>></th><th>$objects["black lace top"].description</th><th><<if $top eq "black lace top">> Worn <<else>>[[Wear->Closet_top][$top ="black lace top", $outfit="none"]]<</if>> </th> </tr><</if>>
<<if $objects["brown jacket"].inv eq 1>><tr><th>brown jacket</th><th><<set $image to $objects["brown jacket"].image >><<displayimage I>></th><th>$objects["brown jacket"].description</th><th><<if $top eq "brown jacket">> Worn <<else>>[[Wear->Closet_top][$top ="brown jacket", $outfit="none"]]<</if>> </th> </tr><</if>>
<<if $objects["red jacket"].inv eq 1>><tr><th>red jacket</th><th><<set $image to $objects["red jacket"].image >><<displayimage I>></th><th>$objects["red jacket"].description</th><th><<if $top eq "red jacket">> Worn <<else>>[[Wear->Closet_top][$top ="red jacket", $outfit="none"]]<</if>> </th> </tr><</if>>
<<if $objects["red top"].inv eq 1>><tr><th>red top</th><th><<set $image to $objects["red top"].image >><<displayimage I>></th><th>$objects["red top"].description</th><th><<if $top eq "red top">> Worn <<else>>[[Wear->Closet_top][$top ="red top", $outfit="none"]]<</if>> </th> </tr><</if>>
<<if $objects["scarlet frock coat"].inv eq 1>><tr><th>scarlet frock coat</th><th><<set $image to $objects["scarlet frock coat"].image >><<displayimage I>></th><th>$objects["scarlet frock coat"].description</th><th><<if $top eq "scarlet frock coat">> Worn <<else>>[[Wear->Closet_top][$top ="scarlet frock coat", $outfit="none"]]<</if>> </th> </tr><</if>>
<<if $objects["white jacket"].inv eq 1>><tr><th>white jacket</th><th><<set $image to $objects["white jacket"].image >><<displayimage I>></th><th>$objects["white jacket"].description</th><th><<if $top eq "white jacket">> Worn <<else>>[[Wear->Closet_top][$top ="white jacket", $outfit="none"]]<</if>> </th> </tr><</if>>
<<if $objects["white silk shirt"].inv eq 1>><tr><th>white silk shirt</th><th><<set $image to $objects["white silk shirt"].image >><<displayimage I>></th><th>$objects["white silk shirt"].description</th><th><<if $top eq "white silk shirt">> Worn <<else>>[[Wear->Closet_top][$top ="white silk shirt", $outfit="none"]]<</if>> </th> </tr><</if>>
<<if $objects["woolen shirt"].inv eq 1>><tr><th>woolen shirt</th><th><<set $image to $objects["woolen shirt"].image >><<displayimage I>></th><th>$objects["woolen shirt"].description</th><th><<if $top eq "woolen shirt">> Worn <<else>>[[Wear->Closet_top][$top ="woolen shirt", $outfit="none"]]<</if>> </th> </tr><</if>>
<<if $objects["navy frock coat"].inv eq 1>><tr><th>navy frock coat</th><th><<set $image to $objects["navy frock coat"].image >><<displayimage I>></th><th>$objects["navy frock coat"].description</th><th><<if $top eq "navy frock coat">> Worn <<else>>[[Wear->Closet_top][$top ="navy frock coat", $outfit="none"]]<</if>> </th> </tr><</if>>
<<if $objects["blue frock coat"].inv eq 1>><tr><th>blue frock coat</th><th><<set $image to $objects["blue frock coat"].image >><<displayimage I>></th><th>$objects["blue frock coat"].description</th><th><<if $top eq "blue frock coat">> Worn <<else>>[[Wear->Closet_top][$top ="blue frock coat", $outfit="none"]]<</if>> </th> </tr><</if>>
<<if $objects["brown jacket"].inv eq 1>><tr><th>brown jacket</th><th><<set $image to $objects["brown jacket"].image >><<displayimage I>></th><th>$objects["brown jacket"].description</th><th><<if $top eq "brown jacket">>
Worn <<else>>[[Wear->Closet_top][$top ="brown jacket", $outfit="none"]]<</if>> </th> </tr><</if>>
<<if $objects["black frock coat"].inv eq 1>><tr><th>black frock coat</th><th><<set $image to $objects["black frock coat"].image >><<displayimage I>></th><th>$objects["black frock coat"].description</th><th><<if $top eq "black frock coat">> Worn <<else>>[[Wear->Closet_top][$top ="black frock coat", $outfit="none"]]<</if>> </th> </tr><</if>>
<<if $objects["burgundy jacket"].inv eq 1>><tr><th>burgundy jacket</th><th><<set $image to $objects["burgundy jacket"].image >><<displayimage I>></th><th>$objects["burgundy jacket"].description</th><th><<if $top eq "burgundy jacket">> Worn <<else>>[[Wear->Closet_top][$top ="burgundy jacket", $outfit="none"]]<</if>> </th> </tr><</if>>
<<if $objects["Pink blouse"].inv eq 1>><tr><th>Pink blouse</th><th><<set $image to $objects["Pink blouse"].image >><<displayimage I>></th><th>$objects["Pink blouse"].description</th><th><<if $top eq "Pink blouse">> Worn <<else>>[[Wear->Closet_top][$top ="Pink blouse"]]<</if>> </th> </tr><</if>>
<<if $objects["Blue Blouse"].inv eq 1>><tr><th>Blue Blouse</th><th><<set $image to $objects["Blue Blouse"].image >><<displayimage I>></th><th>$objects["Blue Blouse"].description</th><th><<if $top eq "Blue Blouse">> Worn <<else>>[[Wear->Closet_top][$top ="Blue Blouse"]]<</if>> </th> </tr><</if>>
<<if $objects["Purple Blouse"].inv eq 1>><tr><th>Purple Blouse</th><th><<set $image to $objects["Purple Blouse"].image >><<displayimage I>></th><th>$objects["Purple Blouse"].description</th><th><<if $top eq "Purple Blouse">> Worn <<else>>[[Wear->Closet_top][$top ="Purple Blouse"]]<</if>> </th> </tr><</if>>
<<if $objects["White Blouse"].inv eq 1>><tr><th>White Blouse</th><th><<set $image to $objects["White Blouse"].image >><<displayimage I>></th><th>$objects["White Blouse"].description</th><th><<if $top eq "White Blouse">> Worn <<else>>[[Wear->Closet_top][$top ="White Blouse"]]<</if>> </th> </tr><</if>>
[[Return->Wardrobe]]You have the following bottoms:
<table style="width:100%">\
<th> </th>
<th><<if $bottom eq "none" and $outfit eq "none">> You have no bottom on <<else>>[[Remove bottom->Closet_bottom][$bottom ="none", $outfit="none"]]<</if>> </th>
<<if $objects["black skirt"].inv eq 1>><tr><th>black skirt</th><th><<set $image to $objects["black skirt"].image >><<displayimage I>></th><th>$objects["black skirt"].description</th><th><<if $bottom eq "black skirt">> Worn <<else>>[[Wear->Closet_bottom][$bottom ="black skirt", $outfit="none"]]<</if>> </th> </tr><</if>>
<<if $objects["brown pants"].inv eq 1>><tr><th>brown pants</th><th><<set $image to $objects["brown pants"].image >><<displayimage I>></th><th>$objects["brown pants"].description</th><th><<if $bottom eq "brown pants">> Worn <<else>>[[Wear->Closet_bottom][$bottom ="brown pants", $outfit="none"]]<</if>> </th> </tr><</if>>
<<if $objects["red skirt"].inv eq 1>><tr><th>red skirt</th><th><<set $image to $objects["red skirt"].image >><<displayimage I>></th>
<th>$objects["red skirt"].description</th>
<th><<if $bottom eq "red skirt">> Worn <<else>>[[Wear->Closet_bottom][$bottom ="red skirt", $outfit="none"]]<</if>> </th> </tr><</if>>
<<if $objects["black formal trousers"].inv eq 1>><tr><th>black formal trousers</th><th><<set $image to $objects["black formal trousers"].image >><<displayimage I>></th><th>$objects["black formal trousers"].description</th><th><<if $bottom eq "black formal trousers">> Worn <<else>>[[Wear->Closet_bottom][$bottom ="black formal trousers", $outfit="none"]]<</if>> </th> </tr><</if>>
<<if $objects["grey striped trousers"].inv eq 1>><tr><th>grey striped trousers</th><th><<set $image to $objects["grey striped trousers"].image >><<displayimage I>></th><th>$objects["grey striped trousers"].description</th><th><<if $bottom eq "grey striped trousers">> Worn <<else>>[[Wear->Closet_bottom][$bottom ="grey striped trousers", $outfit="none"]]<</if>> </th> </tr><</if>>
<<if $objects["black high waist trousers"].inv eq 1>><tr><th>black high waist trousers</th><th><<set $image to $objects["black high waist trousers"].image >><<displayimage I>></th><th>$objects["black high waist trousers"].description</th><th><<if $bottom eq "black high waist trousers">> Worn <<else>>[[Wear->Closet_bottom][$bottom ="black high waist trousers", $outfit="none"]]<</if>> </th> </tr><</if>>
<<if $objects["pink high waist trousers"].inv eq 1>><tr><th>pink high waist trousers</th><th><<set $image to $objects["pink high waist trousers"].image >><<displayimage I>></th><th>$objects["pink high waist trousers"].description</th><th><<if $bottom eq "pink high waist trousers">> Worn <<else>>[[Wear->Closet_bottom][$bottom ="pink high waist trousers", $outfit="none"]]<</if>> </th> </tr><</if>>
<<if $objects["Black skirt"].inv eq 1>><tr><th>Black skirt</th><th><<set $image to $objects["Black skirt"].image >><<displayimage I>></th><th>$objects["Black skirt"].description</th><th><<if $bottom eq "Black skirt">> Worn <<else>>[[Wear->Closet_bottom][$bottom ="Black skirt"]]<</if>> </th> </tr><</if>>
<<if $objects["Purple skirt"].inv eq 1>><tr><th>Purple skirt</th><th><<set $image to $objects["Purple skirt"].image >><<displayimage I>></th><th>$objects["Purple skirt"].description</th><th><<if $bottom eq "Purple skirt">> Worn <<else>>[[Wear->Closet_bottom][$bottom ="Purple skirt"]]<</if>> </th> </tr><</if>>
<<if $objects["Wine coloured skirt"].inv eq 1>><tr><th>Wine coloured skirt</th><th><<set $image to $objects["Wine coloured skirt"].image >><<displayimage I>></th><th>$objects["Wine coloured skirt"].description</th><th><<if $bottom eq "Wine coloured skirt">> Worn <<else>>[[Wear->Closet_bottom][$bottom ="Wine coloured skirt"]]<</if>> </th> </tr><</if>>
<<if $objects["Yellow skirt"].inv eq 1>><tr><th>Yellow skirt</th><th><<set $image to $objects["Yellow skirt"].image >><<displayimage I>></th><th>$objects["Yellow skirt"].description</th><th><<if $bottom eq "Yellow skirt">> Worn <<else>>[[Wear->Closet_bottom][$bottom ="Yellow skirt"]]<</if>> </th> </tr><</if>>
[[Return->Wardrobe]]<<if Flag("cheat") eq 0>>
Enter cheat code:
<<set $answer to ''>>\
<<textbox '$answer' '' autofocus>>\
<span id='textbox-submit'>\
<<button 'Submit'>>
<<set $answer to $answer.trim().toLowerCase()>>
<<if hashStr($answer) == 175907463>>
<<replace '#textbox-submit'>>\
/* Removes the button */
<<replace '#textbox-reply'>>\
<<SetFlag "cheat">>
<<run $('#textbox-answer').attr('readonly', 'true');>>
<<replace '#textbox-reply'>>\
@@.alert;Incorrect.@@ Please try again.\
$(document).one(":passagerender", function (ev) {
$(ev.content).find("#textbox-answer").on("keyup", function (e) {
if (e.keyCode === 13) {
$("#textbox-submit button").trigger("click");
<span id='textbox-reply'></span>
<<link "Return" `previous()`>><</link>>
<</if>><<widget Cheat>>
This menu is meant for debugging. Apologies if it ruins your game...
[[Return to Your Room->YourRoom]]
<<link "Money" `previous()`>><<set $money += 10000>><</link>>
<<link "Monday" `previous()`>><<set $day = "Monday">><</link>>
<<link "Tuesday" `previous()`>><<set $day = "Tuesday">><</link>>
<<link "Wednesday" `previous()`>><<set $day = "Wednesday">><</link>>
<<link "Thursday" `previous()`>><<set $day = "Thursday">><</link>>
<<link "Friday" `previous()`>><<set $day = "Friday">><</link>>
<<link "Saturday" `previous()`>><<set $day = "Saturday">><</link>>
<<link "Sunday" `previous()`>><<set $day = "Sunday">><</link>>
<<link "Morning" `previous()`>><<set $time = "Morning">><</link>>
<<link "Afternoon" `previous()`>><<set $time = "Afternoon">><</link>>
<<link "Evening" `previous()`>><<set $time = "Evening">><</link>>
<<link "Advance Day" `previous()`>><<day>><</link>>
<<link "Gain 7 Compound T" `previous()`>><<inv7 "Substance T">><</link>>
<<link "Gain 7 Compound O" `previous()`>><<inv7 "Substance O">><</link>>
<<link "Gain 28 Compound P" `previous()`>><<inv7 "Substance P">><</link>>
[[Goto Hellfire club->HC_foyer]]
<<link "Wash and Shave" `previous()`>><<cleanshave>><</link>>
<<link "Wear pink" `previous()`>><<sissy1>><</link>>
<<link "Set all drugs to tested" `previous()`>><<set $testedO = 1>><<set $testedP = 1>><<set $testedT = 1>><</link>>
<<link "Increase breast size" `previous()`>><<breast 1>><</link>>
<<link "Decrease breast size" `previous()`>><<breast -1>><</link>>
<<link "Increase penis size" `previous()`>><<penis 1>><</link>>
<<link "Decrease penis size" `previous()`>><<penis -1>><</link>>
[[Return to Your Room->YourRoom]]
<<link "Remove all face leg arm and body hair" `previous()`>><<set $facialhair = 0>><<set $bodyhair = 0>><<set $armhair = 0>><<set $leghair = 0>><</link>>
[[Return to Your Room->YourRoom]]
<<link "Set Megan debt to zero" `previous()`>><<set $meganmoney = 0>><</link>>
<<link "Remove chastity" `previous()`>><<chastity 0>><</link>>
<<link "Replace chastity" `previous()`>><<chastity 1>><</link>>
Debugging only:
<<if $HCevent gte 4>>Set debutante choice to<<link "Daisy" `previous()`>><<set $HC4choice = "daisy">><</link>> <<link "Michaela" `previous()`>><<set $HC4choice = "mic">><</link>><</if>>
<<if $HCevent gte 8>>Set Paris trip choice to<<link "Daisy" `previous()`>><<set $HC8 = "Daisy">><</link>> <<link "Michaela" `previous()`>><<set $HC8 = "Michaela">><</link>> <<link "Nicola" `previous()`>><<set $HC8 = "Nicola">><</link>> <<link "Matthew" `previous()`>><<set $HC8 = "Matthew">><</link>><</if>>
Set engagement choice to (breaks all other betrothals) <<link "Daisy" `previous()`>><<set $mattengagement = 0>><<set $micengagement = 0>><<set $nicengagement = 0>><<set $daisyengagement = 3>><</link>> <<link "Michaela" `previous()`>><<set $mattengagement = 0>><<set $daisyengagement = 0>><<set $nicengagement = 0>><<set $micengagement = 2>><</link>> <<link "Nicola" `previous()`>><<set $mattengagement = 0>><<set $daisyengagement = 0>><<set $micengagement = 0>><< set $nicengagement = 2>><</link>> <<link "Matthew" `previous()`>><<set $daisyengagement = 0>><<set $micengagement = 0>><<set $nicengagement = 0>><<set $mattengagement = 1>><</link>>
Story skip (not fully tested. use at your own peril. Report any issues on Discord)
[[Jump to Paris trip (you will get a choice to choose partner)|HC9]]
[[Jump to the stag/hen parties (you will get a choice to choose partner)|HC13][$temp = 1]]
[[Jump to the wedding (you will get a choice to choose partner)|HC20][$temp = 0]]
[[Return to Your Room->YourRoom]]
<</widget>><img src="Images/Places/mrsAkitchen.webp" width=600 />
"Good $time $playername. It is so good to have you staying with us. It's nice to have some company for Daisy about her own age, and Cornelius appreciates the help around the business. I hope you are settling in ok. Is there anything I can help you with?"
<<if $found_wals eq 1>>[[Ask about Walsingham->MrsA_wals]]<</if>>
[[Ask about Daisy->MrsA_Daisy]]
[[Ask about Mr Ambrose->MrsA_MrA]]
<<if $mrsaflirt eq 1>> You have already flirted with Mrs Ambrose today <<else>>[[Flirt->MrsA_flirt]]<</if>>
[[return->Kitchen]]<img src="Images/Places/mrsAkitchen.webp" width=600 />
"Oh she is lovely isn't she, the best daughter a woman could hope for. She's pretty and kind and helpful. If you ask me I think she's a bit sweet on you, you know. Spends a bit too much time with that Ruby girl across the street though. I mean Ruby's nice enough but a bit common if you ask me.
We only ever had the one child. After Daisy was born I wasn't able to have any more. She is our blessing, and I pray for her happiness every day."
<<if $Daisyevent gt 0>> I am so glad that you are Daisy are courting. You do make a sweet couple. <</if>>
<<return>><img src="Images/Places/mrsAkitchen.webp" width=600 />
"Cornelius is my husband. We married young, I was only seventeen, and we have been together for almost twenty years now. I came from a big family, but he only had the one sibling that survived past infancy, your mother. He's a complicated man, spends a lot of time inside that big brain of his, and doesn't always show what he is feeling. But I do love him, truly I do. We know what each other wants and give each other what they need."
<<if $mrsa_date gt 1>>You start to ask about what happened with the three of you in the master bedroom, but she puts her finger to your mouth. "Not here, sweetie."<</if>>
<<return>><img src="Images/Places/mrsAkitchen.webp" width=600 />
She pauses for a moment, considering her words. "He is a very interesting man, Mr Walsingham. He only came into our lives recently, and we should be grateful, I suppose, that the business is no longer at risk. I am not sure that Cornelius likes or trusts him fully, but better the devil you know, I guess."
<<return>><img src="Images/People/MrsA/MrsAcleavage_kitchen.webp" width=500 />
You catch a glimpse of her looking at you with a smile on her face and a decidedly improper expression.
"You are a beautiful woman Mrs Ambrose." you declare. <<set $mrsaflirt=1>>
<<if $mrsalove lt 1>> <<set $mrsalove += 1>> She leans forward toward you. "Do you really think so, $playername? I do so appreciate having a young, strong man about the house." She puts her hand on yours for a moment, before returning to her work.
<<else>> <<if $mrsalove lt 2>><<set $mrsalove = 2>><</if>>She leans in and puts a hand between your legs, stroking your crotch lightly. "And you are very attractive. I can see what my daughter sees in you. I shall leave my door open on Monday evenings. I would be so very grateful if you were to visit."<</if>>
<<if $Daisyevent gt 0>>She looks a little guilty for a moment. "Daisy must never know of what we do. It would break her heart. I would stop now, but..." She licks her lips suggestively. <</if>>
<<return>><img src="Images/Places/mrsAbedroom.webp" width=500 />
The room is dark, with the curtains pushed closed and only a single candle for illumination. Mrs Ambrose is standing here, dressed less formally than usually, her cleavage is exposed so you can see the top of her breasts. She hands you a glass of brandy and kisses you gently on the lips.
"I am glad that you came." She pushes the door firmly closed behind her.
\<<if $mrsa_date eq 0>>"Now tell me, young $playername, have you been with a woman before?"
[[No, its my first time->MrsAsex2]]\
<<elseif $mrsa_date eq 1>>I think we should get undressed. We both know why we are here.
She begins to undo her dress.
<<elseif $mrsa_date eq 2>>"I think we need to talk about last time."
<<elseif $mrsa_date eq 3>>"I am so happy you agreed to our terms." She starts to strip and indicates you do the same.
<<else>>She looks up and down your body greedily, and pulls you in to kiss you deeply. You see titching behind the heavy drapes, but do not care. "I have been thinking about your big young cock" she says loud enough for her husband to hear. There is a little moan from behind the curtain. "I think you should take off your clothes so I can see it."
<<if $dom gte 0>>
[[No, I think you should earn it. Kneel->MrsAsexdom]]<<else>>You are not dominant enough to exert your will here.<</if>>
[[Awkwardly back out of the room->YourRoom]]<img src="Images/People/MrsA/MrsAcleavage_bedroom.webp" width=500 />
She takes off her dress, revealing a tight corset and stockings, and sits down on the bed, beckoning you to sit beside her.
She loosens your breeches, <<if $chastity eq 1>> her hand resting on the metal cage beneath. "Oh dear. This won't do at all. I fear there has been a terrible mistake." She gently ushers you to the door and pushes you outside.
[[Leave->YourRoom]] <<else>>gently stroking your cock with her gloved hand as she puts her lips to yours. "Now just sit there and relax." She falls to her knees, putting her lips around your cock and bobbing her head back and forth softly.
Her technique is practiced, working the tip with her tongue as she cups your balls in her hand, varying the pressure as your excitement grows. You begin to moan but she puts hand across your mouth. "I've seen your eyes looking at me, wanting to screw your Aunt. Thinking about fucking me. My husband can't satisfy me, not like with your young cock. Now tell me I'm a cocksucking whore."
You repeat this after her "You're a cocksucking whore." as she greedily sucks harder and harder before you climax in her mouth. You spasm and must have knocked something as you hear something fall to the ground behind you.
She stands up, playing with it in her mouth, and taking some of your semen on her finger and rubbing it across her breast.
"You can go now. Perhaps I will see you again in a day or two."
You find the ending abrupt, but realise that she must not want Daisy or Mr Ambrose to notice your visit.
[[Awkwardly back out of the room->YourRoom][$time = "Night"; $mrsa_date += 1; $sex_cum_count += 1; $sex_fellatioreceive_count +=1]]<</if>><img src="Images/People/MrsA/MrsA_nude_bed.webp" width=500 />
She takes off her dress and corset, lying down on the bed wearing only gloves and stockings, as well as her customary choker. "Now get naked and join me here"
\<<if $chastity eq 1>> She sees the metal cage as you remove your underwear. "Oh dear. This won't do at all. I fear there has been a terrible mistake." She gently ushers you to the door and pushes you outside to run the short journey to your room holding your clothing.
\<<else>>\<<StripAll>>She takes your cock in her hand, and kisses it, before lifting her ass toward you, shaking it slightly as she puts on a show. "Touch me, feel how wet I am for you."
Her skin is soft, though a bit plumper than that of women your age, and as you touch her pussy lips you feel them to be puffier, less tight than you have experienced before. She has given birth, you think, she is a mother. You wonder a moment if she will still be tight, but as you push your fingers inside her you feel her hot wetness squeezing them eagerly.
"My pussy needs to feel a real man's cock. Fuck me, $playername"
You don't need any more encouragement, your cock is hard at the thought of fucking this older woman, and you grab her ass with both hands and start thrusting.
She begins moaning theatrically. "Yes, yes, fuck me. I want to feel you come inside me."
She keeps squeezing your cock as you thrust, but does not look at you, her attention seemingly on the other side of the room. You guess that adultery is easier when you don't look it in the eye, and slap her ass a little as you increase the pace.
"Rub my clit, make me come. I want to come for you my love." she pants as she approaches her climax. You do as she says, licking your fingers and rubbing the sides of her vulva and clit as you thrust faster and faster
"Yes, yes, YES!" she screams, squeezing the bedspread with both hands as she climaxes, and you squirt deep inside her.
At this point there is a crash, and the curtain pole on the other side of the room comes down. You see your uncle Dr Ambrose sitting behind the curtain, naked, and red faced, with his penis in his hand, masturbating furiously.
Mrs Ambrose looks sheepishly at you. "I think you had better go, my sweet. We can talk about this tomorrow." Ambrose says nothing, averting his gaze.
[[Grab your clothes and leave->YourRoom][$time = "Night"; $mrsa_date += 1; $sex_cum_count += 1; $sex_penis_vag_count +=1]]<</if>><img src="Images/People/MrsA/MrsAcleavage_bedroom_2.webp" width=500 />
She sits down on the bed and gestures at a chair opposite.
"I suppose I should explain. We all have needs. My husband's are more complex than most. I love him, he loves me, but that is not enough. He does not think himself worthy of me, and the anguish this causes him means he cannot get hard enough to penetrate me. But what he does like to do is watch. Watch me with other men. Sometimes just flirting with them in the store, I know this turns him on. And sometimes we go out together, arriving at a tavern where nobody knows us, and he watches me seducing strangers. And sometimes, like last time, he watches me going further. Taking them with my mouth, my cunt, even my ass.
And I am his cuckoldress. I am sorry I did not ask your permission. It is not an easy thing for him to admit. He won't speak of it to you. But with you being family, it is easier having you here in the house, there is less chance of being spotted, before we took risks sometimes. If you wish to continue, then we can pick up where we left off. My body is I think still pleasing to the eye. But only here, with Cornelius in the room.
I will let you think on this. If you come back another night, then I know you accept these terms. If not, then please speak of this to noone. Although we are not blood related, adultery with an Aunt is still illegal. Which makes no sense - you could marry and father children with my daughter, your cousin, who you share blood with, and the church would bless your union, but although you share no blood tie with me it is not just considered adultery but incest! It is a crazy world that we live in. I wonder what the twentieth century will bring."
<<set $mrsa_date = 3>>
Kissing your cheek softly, she leads you to the door.
[[Leave->YourRoom][$time = "Night"]]<img src="Images/People/MrsA/MrsAfuckme.webp" width=500 />
She kneels on the bed, naked apart from her black stockings, and looks at you undressing over her shoulder.
<<if $chastity eq 1>> her hand resting on the metal cage beneath. "Oh dear. This won't do at all. I fear there has been a terrible mistake." She gently ushers you to the door and pushes you outside.
<<else>><<StripAll>>"I have been in the bath for the last hour. I've been touching myself thinking of you. Thinking of your cock in me the last time. Thinking about the taste of your semen. Cornelius likes me to call it semen, not cum. Seminal fluid. Tasting semen in my mouth. Feeling semen on my bosom. Feeling semen spurting hot into my vagina. Last time after you had gone I lay on the bed like this, and opened my legs, and Cornelius came and licked it out of me. I came so much from his tongue that night, you probably heard me screaming.
"Now I want you in my ass. I cleaned it especially for you. But I need you to take it. Forcefully." She sticks her bottom further in the air, fingering her clitoris as she looks straight at the crack in the curtain. "
Your cock is rock hard at the thought of this.
"Helena, I am not sure" you start.
"Well I am. I want you to fuck my ass. Hard. Right here in front of my husband." She closes her eyes and gasps at the thought, and there is a matching whimper from behind the curtain.
Unable to resist, you take the bottle of oil from off the dressing table and rub your penis with it, before lubricating her asshole with your two largest fingers. You push the tip of it inside and she gasps, "So big..." It's much tighter than her pussy was, she might even be an anal virgin, you can't be sure. "Fill me..." she begs, as she lowers her whole weight down upon your cock, then rises up, her naked back glistening with sweat.
It doesn't take long, after a few minutes the tight sphincter squeezes and you shudder to a climax. She gently rises off you and sits knees together on the bed,
<img src="Images/People/MrsA/MrsAstockings.webp" width=500 />
"Do you want to stay and watch? I think Cornelius would like that."
[[Leave->YourRoom][$time = "Night"; $mrsa_date += 1; $sex_cum_count += 1; $sex_penis_ass_count +=1]]
[[Stay and watch->MrsAsex5a][$time = "Night"; $mrsa_date += 1; $sex_cum_count += 1; $sex_penis_ass_count +=1]]<</if>><img src="Images/People/MrsA/mrsAsex.jpg" width=500 />
<<if $chastity eq 1>> her hand resting on the metal cage beneath. "Oh dear. This won't do at all. I fear there has been a terrible mistake." She gently ushers you to the door and pushes you outside. \
[[Leave->YourRoom]] <<else>><<StripAll>>
<<set $randomset = [1, 2, 3]>><<set $sextype = $randomset.pluck()>>\
<<if $sextype eq 1 >>She falls to her knees in front of you, gently teasing your cock with her mouth and fingers, whispering to her husband as she does so about being a cock hungry whore. As she pleasures you with her mouth, Ambrose crawls forward and starts licking her pussy lips and ass, averting his eyes from yours as he does so. As you come in her mouth she shudders and clasps her thighs together around his head, dripping your seed into his waiting mouth before kissing him deeply. <<fellatio>> \
<<elseif $sextype eq 2 >>She gently lies you down on the bed, licking and teasing your penis until it is rock hard, before straddling you and lowering herself, facing away from you and rocking back and forth like she were riding a horse. "So big, fill me you young stud." She moans, squeezing her breasts and rubbing her clit as she rides you to climax.
Afterward she lies down gently as Ambrose crawls forward and licks your cum from her sticky pussy lips. <<penisvag "MrsA">> \
<<elseif $sextype eq 3 >>"I need you in my ass, $playername." she states, simply. Taking a small bottle of oil she rubs it expertly up the length of your shaft, coating your balls for good measure, before coating her fingers and sliding them deep into her rear hole, lubricating it well. She braces herself against the bed and spreads her legs for you. She is less tight than last time, but no less eager, begging for your cock as you thrust inside her. "Yes, please, more. Fill my ass." It is not long before you oblige her, squirting another load deep within her, which her husband will no doubt feed on later. "thank you darling." she says, dismissing you. <<penisass>><</if>>
[[Grab your clothes and leave->YourRoom][$time = "Night"; $mrsa_date += 1; $sex_cum_count += 1; ]]<</if>><img src="Images/People/MrsA/MrsAnudebed.webp" width=500 />
You sit down on a chair silently and watch as Dr Ambrose creeps out from behind the curtain. He does not make eye contact with you, but kneels before his wife. "Time for you to eat up, my dear."
She lies him down on the bed, and straddles his head, before unclenching her ass and dripping your cum into his mouth. She massages his tiny cock as she does so, and as he licks the last of your seed from her ass he comes himself, a pitiful dribble. She offers her hands out to him and he licks this also from her fingers, before crawling back behind the curtain.
"Thank you for staying. It means a lot to both of us."
She kisses you deeply, squeezing your naked ass with both hands as she does so, before watching you dress, caressing herself softly as you do so.
[[Leave->YourRoom][$time = "Night"; $mrsa_date += 1; $sex_cum_count += 1; $sex_penis_ass_count +=1]]Not yet implemented. Sorry<img src="Images/Places/Rabbits.webp" width=500 />
You browse the lab notes, both Ambrose's and your own musings.
<<if $testedO neq 0 and $testedP neq 0 and $testedT neq 0 and $researchfocus lt 3>> Now that you have extracted and tested multiple substances from the rabbits, you think about what other areas you can turn your expertise to.
You look at the rabbits in the cage. Which of their characteristics could you apply to humans. Would it be ethical or desirable to do so?
<<if $researchV lt 5 >>[[Research the virility of the male rabbits|Research4][$researchfocus = 4, $researchtoday =1]]
\<<else>>You have already researched Substance V. <<if $testedV neq 1>>Why not test it on yourself or Matthew?<</if>>
<<if $researchB lt 5 >>[[Research the sexuality of the female rabbits|Research4][$researchfocus = 5, $researchtoday =1]]
\<<else>>You have already researched Substance B. <<if $testedB neq 1>>Why not test it on the twins?<</if>>
<<if $researchM lt 5 >>[[Further research the masculinity of the male rabbits|Research4][$researchfocus = 6, $researchtoday =1]]
\<<else>>You have already researched Substance M. <<if $testedM neq 1>>Why not test it on yourself? <</if>>
<<if $researchD lt 5 >>[[Further research the femininity of the female rabbits|Research4][$researchfocus = 7, $researchtoday =1]]
\<<else>>You have already researched Substance D. <<if $testedD neq 1>>Why not test it on Ruby? <</if>>
\<<elseif $researchfocus eq 0>>
You have not yet decided on a current research focus.
[[Research fertility][$researchfocus = 1, $researchtoday = 1]]
[[Research femininity][$researchfocus = 2, $researchtoday = 1]]
[[Research masculinity][$researchfocus = 3, $researchtoday = 1]]
<<elseif $researchfocus eq 1>>
[[Continue working on fertility->Research fertility][$researchtoday = 1]]
<<elseif $researchfocus eq 2>>
[[Continue working on femininity->Research femininity][$researchtoday =1]]
<<elseif $researchfocus eq 3>>
[[Continue working on masculinity->Research masculinity][$researchtoday =1]]
<<elseif $researchfocus eq 4>>
[[Continue working on virility->Research4][$researchtoday =1]]
<<elseif $researchfocus eq 5>>
[[Continue working on sluttiness->Research4][$researchtoday =1]]
<<elseif $researchfocus eq 6>>
[[Continue working on extreme masculinity->Research4][$researchtoday =1]]
<<elseif $researchfocus eq 7>>
[[Continue working on extreme femininity->Research4][$researchtoday =1]]
\[[Change research focus->Research3][$researchfocus = 0]]
\<<if $ret eq "Pharmacy">>[[Return to the Pharmacy->Pharmacy]]
\<<elseif $ret eq "Farm">>[[Return to the Farm->Farm]]
</nobr><img src="Images/Places/Rabbits.webp" width=500 />
There are three rabbits in a cage here, one male and two female. They have tags on their ankles with their names - Peter, Elisabeth and Victoria.
<<return>><img src="Images/Places/rabbitsex.jpg" width=300 /><<set $researchfert += 1>>
Checking Ambrose's notes, he discusses a substance P that he associates with the fertility cycle of the rabbits. By isolating this, you should be able to do the same to related mammals, like humans. You contemplate the benefit this might bring, ending unwanted pregnancies from ever occuring. And the profit this is sure to bring in.
<<if $researchfert lt 5>><<set _i = 5-$researchfert>>
You estimate that in another _i days you will have isolated sufficient of this substance P for testing.
<<elseif $researchfert eq 5>>After 5 days of work, you hold a small vial of the straw coloured liquid that you isolated from the female rabbit, enough for a months dosage you believe. If your theory is right, this will prevent pregnancy in a woman of childbearing age. Whilst this is hard to test without long-term consequences, you think that giving it to a woman who is not having sex and seeing if their time of the month is affected will be a good first step.
You cannot test this on yourself for obvious reasons, and consider who you know that you could offer this to. <<inv28 "Substance P">>
<<elseif $researchfert gte 6>>
You have researched as much as you can on Substance P for now. You can prepare more, or think about changing your research focus.
<<link [[Prepare another vial of Substance P|Pharmacy]]>><<set $researchtoday =1>><<inv28 "Substance P">><<wait>><</link>>
[[Research femininity][$researchfocus = 2]]
[[Research masculinity][$researchfocus = 3]] <</if>>
\<<if $ret eq "Pharmacy">><<link [[Finish research for today|Pharmacy]]>><<set $researchtoday =1>><<wait>><</link>>
\<<elseif $ret eq "Farm">><<link [[Finish research for today|Farm]]>><<set $researchtoday =1>><<wait>><</link>>
<</if>><img src="Images/Places/Femresearch.jpg" width=300 /><<set $researchfem += 1>>
Checking Ambrose's notes, he discusses a substance O that he believes triggers the development of female sexual characteristics in the rabbits. By isolating this, you should be able to do the same to related mammals, like people.
You aren't sure what form this might take, but this could change body hair, cause breast development, or alter penis size. You think it's unlikely to grow the recipient a vagina though. Whilst the demand for this won't be huge, you know the benefit this might bring to those who wish to be more feminine. Although a little part of you is worried about the danger this could bring in the wrong hands. What if an unscrupulous employer made all their secretaries feminine! No the idea is ridiculous and you put it to one side as you continue your research.
<<if $researchfem lt 5>><<set _i = 5-$researchfem>>
You estimate that in another _i days you will have isolated sufficient of this substance O for testing.
<<elseif $researchfem eq 5>>After 5 days of work, you hold a small vial of the pink coloured liquid that you isolated from the female rabbit, enough for a week's dosage you believe. Now you must choose who you could give this to.
You could test it on yourself. Or you could test it on another man. Or you could try giving it to a woman. <<inv7 "Substance O">>
<<link [[Finish research for today|Pharmacy]]>><<set $researchtoday =1>><<wait>><</link>>
<<link [[Inject a dose into your arm|SelfTest]]>><<set $researchtoday =1>><<inv-1 "Substance O">><<femdose>><<wait>><</link>>
\<<else>>You have researched as much as you can on Substance O for now. You can prepare more, or think about changing your research focus.
<<link [[Prepare another vial of Substance O|Pharmacy]]>><<set $researchtoday =1>><<inv7 "Substance O">><<wait>><</link>>
[[Research fertility][$researchfocus = 1]]
[[Research masculinity][$researchfocus = 3]]
\<<if $ret eq "Pharmacy">><<link [[Finish research for today|Pharmacy]]>><<set $researchtoday =1>><<wait>><</link>>
\<<elseif $ret eq "Farm">><<link [[Finish research for today|Farm]]>><<set $researchtoday =1>><<wait>><</link>>
<</if>><img src="Images/Places/Mascresearch.jpg" width=300 /><<set $researchmasc += 1>>
Checking Ambrose's notes, he discusses a substance T that he associates with the male sexual characteristics, dominance and sex drive of the male rabbits. By isolating this, you should be able to do the same to related mammals, like people.
You know that the potential for misuse of this is high, and that it could have disastrous consequences on crime, oreven be misused on soldiers. On the other hand who doesn't want a bigger dick? You are going to be rich
<<if $researchmasc lt 5>><<set _i = 5-$researchmasc>>
You estimate that in another _i days you will have isolated sufficient of this substance T for testing.
<<elseif $researchmasc eq 5>>After 5 days of work, you hold a small vial of the opaque white liquid that you isolated from the male rabbit, enough for a months dosage you believe.
You could test it on yourself. Or you could test it on another man. Or you could try giving it to a woman. <<inv7 "Substance T">>
<<link [[Inject a dose into your arm|SelfTest]]>><<set $researchtoday =1>><<inv-1 "Substance T">><<mascdose>><<wait>><</link>>
<<else>>You have researched as much as you can on Substance T for now. You can prepare more, or think about changing your research focus.
<<link [[Prepare another vial of Substance T|Pharmacy]]>><<set $researchtoday =1>><<inv7 "Substance T">><<wait>><</link>>
[[Research femininity][$researchfocus = 2]]
[[Research fertility][$researchfocus = 1]]<</if>>
\<<if $ret eq "Pharmacy">><<link [[Finish research for today|Pharmacy]]>><<set $researchtoday =1>><<wait>><</link>>
\<<elseif $ret eq "Farm">><<link [[Finish research for today|Farm]]>><<set $researchtoday =1>><<wait>><</link>>
<</if>>A few things to help
Every day is divided into Morning, Afternoon and Evening.
Aside from story, time progresses by working or sex scenes.
At night you cannot leave your room except under very limited circumstances.
Different characters have dates, mainly on different nights of the week. If you miss one you can always do it next time and most are repeatable.
Story events are usually weekly, most often Saturday nights at the Hellfire club
If you do not progress the plot then the weeks will keep looping around - do not be alarmed if it stays April for a while.
1899 is very predecimalisation. There are :
12 pence in a shilling,
20 shillings in a pound. a pound and a shilling (so 21 shillings) in a guinea
A middle class person like yourself can survive comfortably on a shilling a day, but a more opulent lifestyle like you aspire to will be closer to a pound a day...
Check your to do list if you aren't sure
Different things happen on different days and people have schedules when they will be in certain places.
Some repeatable events are random but apart from branching plot choices most content should be accessible in a single playthrough.
You can't do everything at once, and some actions will have consequences.
Consent is important. If you want to change your fetish flags speak to Megan from second meeting onwards, otherwise some options may not be visible.
On the topic of fetishes, the game currently includes bondage, dom/sub, urine, milking, crossdressing, feminisation, anal, leather/latex, milf, cuckold, prostitution and chastity.
If there are others you wish to explore, post in the discord.
I have no plans for bestiality or anything scatalogical, and male-male gay content will be limited and principally M-transF as I simply dont have the experience to write about it well.
I know gender dysphoria is more than a fetish, and hope to deal with this sensitively. All feedback welcome.
There are references to animal testing in some of the research scenes. No rabbits were harmed during the making of this game.
Do post any bugs at the discord (link in sidebar)
The game is free, this is my first game and I'm writing it in my spare time but I will try to fix as soon as reasonable. Donations via Patreon are welcome.
<<back "Return">><img src="Images/Objects/syringe.jpg" width=300 />
You roll up your arm and inject the contents of the syringe into it. You wait apprehensively for any immediate effects but aside from a little lightheadedness you feel fine. You decide to give it a few days, and make a note to keep taking a dose every morning.
[[Finish research for today|Pharmacy]]\<<if $mattmed eq "none">> You talk to Matthew about your recent research, and how you have been working to change the sex characteristics of people, and now you need to test these.
"You want me to be a guinea pig. For untested medicines? Why can't you use them on yourself first?"
You explain that you couldn't observe the changes objectively if you took them yourself, but he doesn't seem convinced.
[[Ask if he wants to have a dose of medicine to make him more masculine->MattdrugsM][$temp = "M"]]
[[Ask if he wants to have a dose of medicine to make him more feminine->MattdrugsF]]
<<if $objects["Substance V"].inv gte 4 and $testedV eq 0>>>>[[Ask if he wants to have a dose of medicine to make him more virile->MattdrugsM][$temp = "V"]]<</if>>
\<<elseif $mattmed eq "F">> "You fucking prankster - I can't believe I fell for that one. I'd smack you one if it wasn't so funny. Come, look at this." He leads you to the urinal stalls at the back of the pub, checking noone is around before pulling open his shirt. "Tits, man. I've got titties. I mean they're not big, and they're getting smaller after I stopped taking that shit a couple of days ago, but you gave me boobs. You got me good, man. I guess that serves me right after we shaved your eyebrows off that time in Alexandria, right?"
You walk back to the table. "What, you want the full lowdown? I stopped needing to shave, my chin was smooth as a babies arse after a few days. Chest too. I shaved that so I could, er, see the effects better and it stayed smooth. But as well as the titties my cock was definitely getting smaller. That's what made me stop, I mean its nice to play with boobs and all but you're not taking the Mattahorn away, know what I mean?"
You nod and laugh. //Hair - tick. Breasts - tick. Cock - tick. A complete success.//
"Any other changes - in how you feel?"
"If you're asking if I fancy you, then I will have to punch you" he laughs. "No, I'm still 100% a ladies man."
//No mental changes, you note. Subject appears to remain a heterosexual male after 5 days dosing.//<<set $testedO = 1>><<set $mattmed = "none">>
\<<elseif $mattmed eq "M">> "You sir are a bonafide genius. I mean look at me - I'm normally pretty toned, but feel this." He puts your hand on his bicep which feels like iron. "And as for the Mattahorn, lets say the ladies have to put in a bit more work to climb it this week." He gestures with hands a foot apart next to his crotch. "Side effects? Need to shave twice a day, that's all
You nod and laugh. //Improved physique. Larger penis. Some extra hair growth. A complete success.//
"Any other changes? You do anything different?"
"Not that I can notice - still me, charming the ladies. Got in a fight last week when some idiots insulted the Arsenal but they were asking for it.
//possible increased aggression and dominant behaviour// you mentally note.
"So, you got any more? I mean I ran out this morning and I'm kind of happy the way things had changed." You reassure him that he can pick some up from the Pharmacy tomorrow.<<set $testedT = 1>><<set $mattmed = "none">>
\<<elseif $mattmed eq "V">>
"So, was it a success?" you ask.
"I need more. Those things are incredible."
"Let me know the results. In as much detail as you can."
"Well I took one as you said just before sex, and it was great. I lasted longer and felt harder."
"Any increase in size?" you ask.
He shakes his head. "It just felt firmer, but was the same size, the tip reaching just up to the bottom of my ribcage."
"And then?" you query.
"Well we cuddled a bit, and 5 minutes later she felt the Matterhorn pressing into her again. 5 minutes. So one thing led to another and we did it again. Twice."
"Three times in total?"
"Three times in three quarters of an hour. Then a couple more over the next hour. Though the last one was just a blowjob, she was begging me to stop by the end, said she was too sore. It shrivelled up after that.""
<i>Five ejaculations, reduced refractory period, two hour duration.</i> you note.
"And did you try it again?"
"Yes a couple of days later. I was a bit sore the next day. Same again, bloody brilliant."
"Excellent. Can I have the rest of the pills back?"
"I might have used them. I got carried away and we had this threesome so I took both of them, one for each girl."
"You could have overdosed! These are experimental medicines. So, tell me everything."
"About the girls? Well the new one was Mabel and..."
"I don't want to know about your conquests, I want to know about the effects."
"Well my vision went a bit blue and my dick stayed hard for six hours but I couldn't cum."
"I admire your dedication to the pursuit of science, but let us stick to one pill from now, shall we?"
<<set $testedV = 1>><<set $mattmed = "none">>
<b>Substance V tested. You can now give this to men or take yourself in sex scenes.</b>
[[Change the subject->Mattchat]]<<if $temp eq "V">>
"I was wondering if you could test a medicine for me?" you ask Matthew
"And what does this one do? Make my dick drop off?" he jokes.
"Only if you use it too much. It helps you get erections."
"I don't really have any problems in that regard." he retorts.
"Not even the second or third time? It also reduces your refractory period."
"I can see just fine thank you."
"Refractory. The time between orgasm and erection." you clarify.
"Oh. So if I cum I can fuck again quicker?"
"That's the plan. Are you tempted?"
"Is the Pope Catholic? Damn right I am."
You hand over four pale blue pills. "Don't take more than one at a time. But if you can test on a few separate days that would be ideal."<<inv-4 "Substance V">>
Matthew beams. "I will see you next week."
"Let's see if I get this straight. Bigger cock. More masculine. Will I be stronger? Faster? Better at sport?"
"Maybe. Probably?" you shrug.
"And there's no side effects?"
"No, you say confidently."
<<if $objects["Substance T"].inv gte 7 and $testedT eq 0>>
[[Inject a dose of masculising Substance T into his arm->MattTest][$mattmed="M"]]<</if>>
<<if $objects["Substance O"].inv gte 7 and $testedO eq 0>>
[[Bluff and inject a dose of feminising Substance O into his arm->MattTest][$mattmed="F"]]<</if>>
[[Change the subject and have another drink->Mattchat][$money -=2, $drunk +=1]]
[[Go home->YourRoom][$time = "Night"]]"Read my lips, $playername. No fucking way.
I love you like a brother, you know that. But if I take these things you'll want to love me some whole other way and that is just not going to happen. "
He does seem quite insistent, and changes the subject
[[Have another drink->Mattchat][$money -=2, $drunk +=1]]
[[Go home->YourRoom][$time = "Night"]]<img src="Images/Objects/syringe.jpg" width=300 />
You inject the serum into his arm, then hand him the rest of the weekly dose and agree to meet back next week to discuss the effects.
"I feel a little woozy. You sure it's safe to to mix this thing with beer?" He asks.
With hindsight, you think that unproven medicines should probably not be combined with alcohol, but it seems a little late to mention this.
<<if $mattmed eq "M">><<inv-7 "Substance T">><<elseif $mattmed eq "F">><<inv-7 "Substance O">><</if>>
[[Go home->YourRoom][$time = "Night", $mattdrugcounter=$day]]"Cake, sure special delivery - just squeeze yourself in the rear entrance here" says Mrs Hathaway, chortling at her innuendo as she opens the small door at the back of the store.
<img src="Images/People/rubybrothel.webp" width=500 />
Climbing the stairs you are greeted by Mrs Hathaway's daughter, Ruby.
\<<if $Daisydomevent lt 1 and $Daisyevent lt 1>>"Hey sweetie. You after something special? Come with me and I'll make you feel real good." she says, taking your hand and running her hand down your chest. "
[[Pay 4 shillings->cafe_rubysex][$money -= 48]]
\<<elseif $Daisydomevent gt 0>> "Hey princess. It's not time to play with Daisy up here. And I'll get so much crap from her if I touch her $subname without her, so you be good and wait patiently."
She gives you a little kiss on the cheek, and strokes your hair playfully. "She does really care about you, even if she has got a funny way of showing it."
<<else>>"And just what do you think you are doing up here? I may be a tart, and I know your money is good, but I'm not fucking my best friend's boyfriend. Not without her joining in anyhow. And count yourself lucky that I don't tell her you accidentally wandered up here."
\<<if $objects["Substance O"].inv gt 6 and $testedO eq 0>>[[Ask about testing Substance O|Research_TestO][$temp = "Ruby", $ret = "Brothel"]]
\<<if $objects["Substance P"].inv gt 27 and $testedP eq 0>>[[Ask about testing Substance P|Research_TestP][$temp = "Ruby", $ret = "Brothel"]]
\<<if $objects["Substance D"].inv gt 6 and $testedD eq 0>>[[Ask about testing Substance D|Research_TestD][$temp = "Ruby", $ret = "Brothel"]]
\[[Return downstairs->Cafe]]<img src="Images/People/rubybrothel3.webp" width=500 />
Ruby drapes a blanket around her shoulders as she watches you dress and bids you farewell. "See ya sweetie, give Daisy my love" she calls out.
You head downstairs and out the back door, trying not to attract attention.
[[Leave->KensingtonAv]]As well as the clothes in your wardrobe, you have:
<table style="width:100%">\
<<if $objects["AmbroseKey"].inv gt 1>><tr><th>Ambrose Key</th><th>$objects["AmbroseKey"].description</th><th>$objects["AmbroseKey"].inv </th> </tr><</if>>
<<if $objects["Substance O"].inv gt 1>><tr><th>Substance O</th><th>$objects["Substance O"].description</th><th>$objects["Substance O"].inv </th> </tr><</if>>
<<if $objects["Substance P"].inv gt 1>><tr><th>Substance P </th><th>$objects["Substance P"].description</th><th>$objects["Substance P"].inv </th> </tr><</if>>
<<if $objects["Substance T"].inv gt 1>><tr><th>Substance T</th><th>$objects["Substance T"].description</th><th>$objects["Substance T"].inv </th> </tr><</if>>
<<if $objects["Substance M"].inv gt 1>><tr><th>Substance M</th><th>$objects["Substance M"].description</th><th>$objects["Substance M"].inv </th> </tr><</if>>
<<if $objects["Substance D"].inv gt 1>><tr><th>Substance D</th><th>$objects["Substance D"].description</th><th>$objects["Substance D"].inv </th> </tr><</if>>
<<if $objects["Substance V"].inv gt 1>><tr><th>Substance V</th><th>$objects["Substance V"].description</th><th>$objects["Substance V"].inv </th> </tr><</if>>
<<if $objects["Substance B"].inv gt 1>><tr><th>Substance B</th><th>$objects["Substance B"].description</th><th>$objects["Substance B"].inv </th> </tr><</if>>
<<if Flag("piping")>><tr><th>The lead piping</th><th>A worn length of lead pipe, used for plumbing. Or murder. </th><th>1 </th> </tr><</if>>
<<if Flag("candlestick")>><tr><th>The candlestick</th><th>A heavy brass candlestick, smeared with blood. </th><th>1 </th> </tr><</if>>
<<if Flag("rope")>><tr><th>The rope</th><th>A length of strong silken rope, suitable for hanging or bondage. </th><th>1 </th> </tr><</if>>
<<if Flag("wrench")>><tr><th>The wrench</th><th>A large heavy spanner, with a slick oiled finish. </th><th>1 </th> </tr><</if>>
<<if Flag("revolver")>><tr><th>The revolver</th><th>A well maintained service revolver loaded with five bullets. </th><th>1 </th> </tr><</if>>
<<if Flag("poison")>><tr><th>The poison</th><th>A bottle of arsenic rat poison. </th><th>1 </th> </tr><</if>>
<<if $chastity eq 1>>Your penis is safely locked in a chastity device.<</if>>
<<if $toy neq "none">>Your tight ass is filled with a $toy.<</if>>
<<back "Return">>Waking up, you feel different. A little hot, you think you might be coming down with something, so take off your clothes and take a look at yourself in the bathroom mirror. <<StripAll>>
\<<if ($femdose gte 5) and ($mascdose gte 5) and( $fertdose gte 5)>>Ok this is ridiculous. Three experimental drugs at once is asking for trouble. But rather than waking up with two heads, the Substance P has accelerated the effect of Substance O and your breasts have swollen to a delightful C cup, combined with a larger than average 8 inch cock. Your body is smooth and hairless as well.<<set $penis = "large">><<set $chest ="large">><<set $facialhair = 0>><<set $leghair = 0>><<set $bodyhair = 0>><<set $armhair = 0>><<set $testedT = 1>><<set $testedO = 1>>
\<<elseif $femdose gte 5 and $fertdose gte 5>>You have grown larger breasts. They aren't huge, but they are average sized and perky. You give them a good squeeze and realise your nipples are really sensitive now. But your cock is tiny. It doesn't go really erect, just an inch and a half, maybe two if you squint. <<set $penis = "tiny">><<set $chest ="average">><<set $facialhair = 0>><<set $leghair = 0>><<set $bodyhair = 0>><<set $armhair = 0>><<set $testedO = 1>>
\<<elseif $femdose gte 5 and $mascdose gte 5>>You weren't sure if mixing both the male and female drugs would work. Would they cancel each other out? Would it kill you? Would it turn you into a dribbling sex crazed beast. Well the last one is quite likely now as you have both small, perky but very cute boobs as well as a large cock. Your body is smooth and hairless as well.<<set $penis = "large">><<set $chest ="small">><<set $facialhair = 0>><<set $leghair = 0>><<set $bodyhair = 0>><<set $armhair = 0>><<set $testedT = 1>><<set $testedO = 1>>
\<<elseif $femdose eq 5>>You have grown breasts. They are pretty small, but very cute. You can't help playing with them. Maybe you should wear a bra. Your skin also feels softer and your hair smoother. You shave what is left of your leg, body and facial hair and are now beautifully smooth. But you think maybe your cock has shrunk. Yup, its definitely smaller. Still usable but down from its usual 6 inches to about 4.<<set $penis = "small">><<set $chest = "small">><<set $facialhair = 0>><<set $leghair = 0>><<set $bodyhair = 0>><<set $armhair = 0>><<set $testedO = 1>>
\<<elseif $mascdose eq 5 and $fertdose gte 5>>Your cock feels massive. Even when flaccid it is bigger than it ever used to be when hard. And when you wake up with an erection like you did this morning it is almost a foot long. It's like having a snake between your legs. Thick purple veins run down its length.. <<set $penis = "huge">><<set $testedT = 1>>
\<<elseif $mascdose eq 5>>At first you think you've just got an especially impressive erection. You were definitely having some good dreams last night. But no, it's definitely bigger, even when flaccid. You give your large dick a good squeeze, and vow to do something with it in the near future. <<set $penis = "large">><<set $testedT = 1>><</if>>
[[You are ready to get on with the day->YourRoom]]<img src="Images/People/Daisy/Daisy_1c.webp" width=600 />
<<if $objects["Substance P"].inv gt 27 and $testedP eq 0>>
"Er.." you ask, embarrassed. I've been working with your father on a new discovery that might help women. With their, er...
"Yes?" she asks sweetly
"When your Aunt comes to visit."
"I don't have an Aunt." she says, confused.
"Your time, of the month."
"Oh!" she says, shocked. "I shouldn't talk of such things with you. It isn't ladylike."
"This could help. Stop you from, er, bleeding. And maybe stop you from getting pregnant."
<<if $daisylove gt 3 or $HCevent lt 4>> She is a little apprehensive, but agrees to test it, saying she is due in a few days and should know in a week if it has worked. You hand over the rest of the monthly dose. <<set $daisymed="C">><<set $daisyday=$daynumber>><<inv-28 "Substance P">><<else>>She shakes her head. "Daddy is very clear not to put anything into your body unless you are sure about it." <</if>>
<<elseif $objects["Substance D"].inv gt 6>>[[Ask about testing Substance D][$temp = "Daisy", $ret = "Daisyconv"]]
<<else>>You do not have any medicines to test on Daisy.
<<Daisyconv>><img src="Images/People/Daisy/Daisy_1c.webp" width=600 />
<<if ($daynumber - $daisyday) lt 7 >> She shakes her head and says that she hasn't noticed any changes yet.
<<elseif ($daynumber - $daisyday) gte 7>>
She puts her arms around you and gives you a hug. "Oh it's marvellous, $playername. No scarlet visit this month. I'm usually regular as clockwork, should have come in 2 days ago but nothing. Just a bit tingly. Good tingly you know." She leans in and whispers. "Sexy tingly."
//Subject has stopped periods after a weeks dosing. A promising preliminary result.//<<set $testedP = 1>>
<</if>><img src="Images/People/Mic/michaeladress1.webp" width=500 />
<<if ($daynumber - $michaeladay) lt 5 or $michaelabody eq 1>>You sit down at the table next to Michaela and talk. She smiles and tells you she's in here ever Tuesday and Sunday when she's off shift. <<if $michaelamed eq "O">> She shakes her head and says that she hasn't noticed any changes yet. <</if>>
[[Ask about her past->Michaelapast]]
[[Ask about chastity->Michaelachast]]
[[Ask about the Hellfire club->Michaelaclub]]
[[Ask about her sexuality->Michaelasexuality]]
[[Ask about Megan->Michaela_megan]]
<<if $michaelaflirt eq 1>>You have already flirted with Michaela today.
<<else>>[[Flirt romantically with Michaela->Michaelaflirtrom]]
[[Flirt dominantly with Michaela->Michaelaflirtdom]]
\<<if $michaelalove gte 4 or $michaelasub gte 4>> [[Take her back to her room->Michaelasex]]
\<<if ($objects["Substance O"].inv gte 7) and $michaelamed neq "O">>[[Offer her some medicines to make her more feminine->Michaela_drugs]]
\[[Return to the bar->HC_bar]]
<<elseif ($daynumber - $michaeladay) gte 5>>She takes your hand wordlessly and leads you through a back door, and into the staff quarters, less glamorous than the rest of the club, but still part of a grand old building. She leads you into what must be her room, or one she shares, and slips off her dress before sitting on one of the two single beds in there.
<img src="Images/People/Mic/michaelapanties2.webp" width=500 />
"Aren't they beautiful? Touch them." she says, putting your hand to her small but perfectly formed budding breasts. Her skin is soft and she trembles slightly at your touch. "Anything else?" you inquire. "It's safely locked away still, but definitely smaller. And softer. It still goes hard when I'm excited, but is more manageable now. A little girlcock." she jokes. "But I will keep it locked away still I think." You note the changes mentally: //Subject has developed small breasts and penis has shrunk after a weeks dosing. A successful result.//<<set $testedO = 1>>
<<set $michaelabody=1>>
"Now remind me. What did we agree as payment?" You both know full well what was agreed, but it seems she is giving you an opportunity to reaffirm or change your decision, now she is more desirable.
[[Ask for money->Michaeladrugs3][$michaelalove +=1, $michaelasub +=1]]
[[Ask for sex->Michaeladrugs4][$michaelalove +=1, $michaelasub +=1]]
[[Give it for free->Michaeladrugs5][$michaelalove +=2]]<</if>><img src="Images/People/Mic/michaeladress1.webp" width=500 />
"Well I guess you heard the story from Megan on stage. there's not much more to tell. My brother and I were close, twins, but he always took the lead. People assumed we were alike as we looked identical, so I followed him. Same friends, same interests. We even ended up here in the same job after a friend of his gave him a recommendation, and worked in security here the last year.
But I never fitted in. He is confident, masculine, forward - I'm the opposite. I felt like a fraud, an imposter in my brother's body, never my own person. I should have been born a girl, I was just never brave enough to admit it.
But working here - it's a brave new world. Within these walls, anything goes. Mainly for the rich and powerful, not the staff, its true. Some of the things they have us do... we aren't allowed to talk. Discretion is important. But I saw men wearing dresses, men wearing makeup. Men being women. We can stay around the common areas when off shift, so I bought some makeup and a dress, and tried being a girl for a day. And it was wonderful.
After 2 weeks Megan saw me and made a deal. Some kind of bet with Walsingham. So she's been training me. Nothing sexual - well not having sex with her anyhow. Just teaching me femininity. How to walk. How to put on makeup. How to behave around men." She puts her hand on your arm, softly. "And the chastity, that has helped."
So what about you. How did you end up here?"
You chat about yourself for a bit before you:
[[Change the subject->HC_Michaela_chat]]
[[Return to the bar->HC_bar]]<img src="Images/People/Mic/michaelachastity5.webp" width=500 />
Her eyes light up, suddenly excited, proud even. "Do you want to see it?"
You nod and she lifts up her dress to reveal the shiny silver carapace surrounding her crotch.
"It's a special design. Most of these are just for show, for dominants to tease their submissives with, and they can wriggle out or make themselves climax. But this one is more secure - like a girdle." You gaze at the smooth metal dome over her crotch, which snigly fits around her upper thighs. There is a small hole on the underneath, for drainage, she explains, blushing, and the back is open showing off her pert butt cheeks and securing about her waist like a belt. But you can not see any sign of her cock or balls. Indeed aside from a trace of masculine features like an Adam's apple you could not tell she was different from other girls you know."
"Do you think I'm pretty?" she asks?
[[Yes, continue chatting->HC_Michaela_chat]]
[[No, return to the bar->HC_bar]]<img src="Images/People/Mic/michaelachastity5.webp" width=500 />
She lifts up her dress, showing off her chastity belt.
"Its hard to be sure. Everything has changed so much the past few weeks. I know I dont want to use whats locked up here. It's funny, I never even wanted to beforehand - my brother teased me and said I'd die a virgin and I just thought 'good'. Now I'm a girl, at least in here. It feels funny calling myself that. Is it ok to call me she? Her? Does that mean I should be with men? I'm too shy to speak to most of them. You're different, I think. But outside here , what man would want a woman with a coc..." she stops, and wipes a tear from her eye. "There are women who like to be with other women, perhaps I could marry one of those and live together secretly like this."
She shrugs. "I don't know. Mistress Megan says I should experiment, try to be with men and women, see what I prefer."
[[Chat about something else->HC_Michaela_chat]]
[[Return to the bar->HC_bar]]<img src="Images/People/Mic/michaeladress1.webp" width=500 />
"Megan? She's the Queen Bee around here. Been here since the start, longer than me anyhow, acts like she owns the place. Maybe she does for all I know. Noone says no to her. Not to her face anyhow. You just can't. She just makes everything sound so reasonable. In a month she's made me more comfortable in my own skin than I've felt before. Just checking on me every few days, a little training here and there, some teasing."
She pauses. "It's personal. Sometimes its good to submit, to let someone else make important decisions for you. Don't you think?"
So what about you. Are you a dominant or a submissive? Most people here are one or the other. Or a bit of both, what did she call them, switches?
[[Dominant, you say confidently->HC_Michaela_chat]]
[[I am submissive, like you->HC_Michaela_chat]]
[[Switch, I think. you say without conviction->HC_Michaela_chat]]
[[Return to the bar->HC_bar]][[Act dominant->Michaelaflirtdom]]
[[Act friendly->Michaelaflirtrom]]<<if $michaelamed neq "O">>
"I have some medicine." you start. "It's experimental, but I think you might benefit from it. It could make you more feminine."
"Like makeup and shaving? I've been doing a lot of that" she jokes.
"No more than that. Breasts. Softer skin. Maybe a smaller cock."
She gasps, disbelieving, but with a look or hope, or possibly desperation, in her eye. "Don't tease me so. You would break my heart."
<img src="Images/People/Mic/michaeladress1.webp" width=500 />
<<if $chest neq "flat">> You put her hand to your chest to have a feel.
<<if $chest eq "small" >><<set $image to "Images/Bras/chest3.jpg">><<elseif $chest eq "average" >><<set $image to "Images/Bras/chest4a.jpg">><<elseif $chest eq "large" >><<set $image to "Images/Bras/chest5.jpg">>
<</if>><<displayimage I>>
"I was born like you." She gasps, disbelieving. "And a vagina too?" You shake your head. "Medicine can only go so far, my dear."<</if>>
She looks you deep in the eye. "I would give anything. Do anything. Try anything. To be a real girl. " Her intensity is striking.
[[Ask for money->Michaeladrugs2][$michaelalove +=1, $michaelasub +=1]]
[[Ask for sex->Michaeladrugs2][$michaelalove +=1, $michaelasub +=1]]
[[Give it for free->Michaeladrugs2][$michaelalove +=2]]
<<else>>You have already offered Michaela medicines to make her more feminine.<</if>><img src="Images/People/Mic/michaeladress1.webp" width=500 />
"The Hellfire club? I've worked here a while. Not since the beginning - its been three maybe four years since it reopened. Oh yes, its not the first Hellfire club. Sir Francis Dashwood and the Earl of Sandwich ran one in the 18th century. Not here though, though I do believe Walsingham named this Dashwood house in his honour.
It's two or three years since Walsingham founded this place. Hes always going on about the new century, a brave new world is his phrase he likes to use.
Money, sex, power - that's the motto. To be a full member you have to be wealthy and nominated by a member, and within these walls anything goes as long as its consensual. Or at least that's the official line. There's a ruling council - Walsingham, Mistress Megan, a few others that are less public. I think one is an earl or a duke or something.
There are shows most nights. Cabaret stuff usually with a bit more sex. And once a week, usually on Saturdays tends to be bigger events - they really pull out all the stops sometimes, the Midsummer ball, Hallow's eve, New Year were spectacular this past year. There's a list on the noticeboard in the hall of upcoming events.
The staff are well paid, mainly, though sometimes have to wear fairly risque stuff. I don't mind, I quite like dressing up. Though the naked masquerade was a bit of an eye opener. All I had on was a little harlequin mask and a bow tie to show I was staff.
Upstairs is just for the full members. There are bedrooms, some suites with offices for the council. Even a penthouse that I've never been in. And in the basement there's. No, I'd better not go into that. Never a dull moment here, anyhow.
[[Chat about something else->HC_Michaela_chat]]
[[Return to the bar->HC_bar]]<img src="Images/People/Mic/michaeladress2.webp" width=500 />
You take her hand and talk about how much you admire the path she has chosen for herself, and compliment her on her beauty. She blushes, but smiles as you kiss her hand.
<<set $michaelaflirt=1>><<if $michaelasub lt 2 and $michaelamed neq "O">> <<set $michaelasub += 1>><<elseif $michaelasub lt 5 and $michaelamed eq "O">><<set $michaelasub += 1>> <</if>>
<<if $michaelasub lt 5>>You hold her hands between yours and look deep into her eyes.
"You have taken the first steps toward being a woman. But you need someone who will look after you. Someone who can focus on you. Someone you can serve, to fulfill their needs and help you achieve your dreams. I could be that person, Michaela, if you let me. Think about it. Would you surrender the key to this?" You reach down and lift up her dress, revealing her chastity cage.
<img src="Images/People/Mic/michaelachastity5.webp" width=500 />
She pauses for a second. "Megan did say this she could not look after me forever. That she would have to give the key to me or to another. And I am tempted I will think on your words. What can you offer me?
[[Haven't you always wanted to feel a man inside you?->HC_Michaela_chat]]
[[Haven't you always wanted to submit to another. For their happiness to be your desire?->HC_Michaela_chat]]
[[Haven't you always wanted someone to be in control of your pleasure. To tease you so that the release is all the sweeter for the waiting?->HC_Michaela_chat]]
<<elseif $michaelasub gt 4>>
"At this club, we have seen a number of 'unconventional' relationships. Where one of a couple finds pleasure in submitting to another. I sense that within you."
"I am unsure. About so many things. But isn't that how society expects women to behave around men, subserviently? Both in the bedroom and elsewhere?"
"Perhaps. But there is more than that. I would draw that out of you, nurture it, deny you then give you ecstatic release. Is that something that you might want?"
She considers for a while.
"Yes. I might enjoy trying that. But do not push me too far. I may look like a girl, but I'm tougher than I look."
You glance at her frame and notice a wiry athleticism under her waiflike body. And she moves with poised grace.
[[Take her back to her room->Michaelasex]]
[[Continue chatting->HC_Michaela_chat]]
<</if>><img src="Images/People/Mic/michaelacute.webp" width=500 />
<<set $michaelaflirt=1>><<if $michaelalove lt 2 and $michaelamed neq "O">> <<set $michaelalove += 1>><<elseif $michaelalove lt 8 and $michaelamed eq "O">><<set $michaelalove += 1>> <</if>>
You sit with Michaela for a while. You find her easy to talk to, educated, though not from a wealthy background, her mother was a schoolteacher, her father an artillery officer who died when she was young. She seems to open up with you, talking about her past, and as you sip your wine you find your hands touching hers. They are soft, the nails well cared for, and you find yourself taking more than one glance at her shapely figure under her dress.
She smiles at you, running a hand through her long blonde hair,
\<<if $michaelalove lt 5>>
"Does it bother you. Me not having lady parts?"
You shrug. Not having had much experience of them most of your life you aren't really sure what your ideal woman would have between her legs, although you probably wouldn't have said a cock. Now you're not so sure. She is striking.
\<<elseif $michaelalove lt 8>>
"Do you want to go for a walk? In the park say, one day?
She looks terrified, like a deer in front of a carriage. "No, I couldn't leave the club. Not like this. One day, maybe. "
\<<elseif $michaela_date eq 0 and $michaelalove gt 7>>
"I am becoming very fond of you, Michaela."
"And I of you."
"I was wondering if we might be able to start courting. Somewhere other than here in the club, I mean."
"Are you asking me on a date?"
"Yes, yes I am."
"I would like that. My day off is Monday. Hyde park maybe. I think if you were with me I might have the courage to walk there like this."
"Excellent - Hyde Park this Monday it is." You lean in and kiss her on the cheek, and she blushes and giggles, before smiling at you and taking your hand. <<michaela_date 1>>
\<<elseif $michaela_date gt 0>>"You have already asked me out my dear, remember? I shall see you on Monday on my day off"<</if>>
\[[Chat about something else->HC_Michaela_chat]]
[[Return to the bar->HC_bar]]You agree to any payment after a successful trial.
"Don't worry about secrecy, people take all sorts in here. Sometimes they have morphine Mondays when everyone lies about in a drugged up stupor."
<img src="Images/People/Mic/michaelacute.webp" width=500 />
Retiring to a quiet corner, you give her a dose of the medicine, then hand her the rest of the weekly dose and agree to meet back in 5 or more days to discuss the effects. She reminds you she's in here every Tuesday and Sunday when not working. "I can't speak with you when I'm working - not like this. They are strict about that. There are punishments."
<<set $michaelamed="O">><<set $michaeladay=$daynumber>><<inv-7 "Substance O">>
She kisses you on the lips, looking deep into your eyes. "Thank you. Even if it doesn't work. For giving me hope." Before she leaves, too emotional to talk any more.
A little overcome by her intensity, you decide it is time to leave the club also.
[[Leave the club->KensingtonAv]]<img src="Images/People/Mic/michaelapanties3.webp" width=500 />
She seems disappointed that you have not fallen for her charms, but accepting, and partly covers her body with a cotton robe."Very well. I am not wealthy, but here are the savings that I have put aside. For what you have given me I offer all that I have."
She hands you a small pouch with what looks like two guineas in assorted change.
<<link [[Take the money and leave->HC_bar]]>><<set $michaelasub +=1>><<set $michaelatoday =1>><<money 500>><</link>>
[[Hand her back the money, showing your power over her. "I have decided I want something else instead"->Michaeladrugs4][$michaelasub +=1]]<img src="Images/People/Mic/michaelapanties2.webp" width=500 />
"I am glad. I hoped, prayed that you would desire this new body. I have never been with anyone before, I wanted you to be my first". She takes off her panties, leaving only the silver thong covering her little girlcock, and bends over, offering her cute ass towards you.
You quickly undress before joining her on the bed.<<StripAll>><<if $chastity lt 1>> She takes your cock in her hand, running her fingers down its $penis length.
[[Pull her mouth down onto your cock->Michaelasex_oral]]
[[Take her ass->Michaelasex_anal]]
<<else>>"It seems we are both locked away tonight. I am sure we can think of some things to do my sweet."
[[Improvise->Michaelasex_analingus]]<</if>><img src="Images/People/Mic/michaelapanties2.webp" width=500 />
She looks at you in wonder, then stands up and kisses you deeply. "You barely know me, $Hname, but you give me such a gift that means so much to me. Now will you stay with me tonight? Not as payment, but because I want you. This body wants you. "
[[Kiss her back and join her on the bed->Michaeladrugs4]]
[[Decline and leave->HC_bar]]<img src="Images/People/Mic/michaelapanties2.webp" width=500 />
<<if $michaelalove lt 8 >><<set $michaelalove += 1>> <</if>>
She takes off her panties, leaving only the silver thong covering her little girlcock, and bends over, offering her cute ass towards you.
You quickly undress before joining her on the bed.<<StripAll>><<if $chastity lt 1>> She takes your $penis cock in her hand, running her fingers down its length.
[[Pull her mouth down onto your cock->Michaelasex_oral]]
[[Take her ass->Michaelasex_anal]]
<<else>>"It seems we are both locked away tonight. I am sure we can think of some things to do my sweet."
[[Improvise->Michaelasex_analingus]]<</if>><img src="Images/People/Mic/michaelaasschastity.webp" width=500 />
You see a little sapphire coloured jewel sticking out of her rear at the gap in her chastity belt which exposes her ass. "I've been preparing it" she explains as you gently move the plug in and out, causing her to moan. You repeat this for a few minutes, caressing her small breasts. Between pants she lets you know that there is a bottle of oil in the bedside drawer.
You pour a little down her ass crack and she gasps as the cold liquid runs along her body, before massaging a little into her tight hole with your index finger. She greedily closes about your digit as you do so. "More, she gasps, give me more, $Hname."
You pour a little oil over your hand and put two, then three fingers into her tight hole, probing inside until you feel a hard spot that you begin stroking. She trembles and gasps. "Yes..." You gently maneuver her around and place her tiny nipple inside your mouth and suck gently as you push your fingers deep inside her
"Keep going my sweet, she gasps between moans as she trembles and shudders beneath your touch. You feel a little wetness as some liquid leaks out of her chastity cage onto your leg.
"Now it is my turn." she kneels and licks the outside of your asshole, taking her little jewelled plug and teasing you with it "I have had this in for over a month now, my only source of pleasure. Now I can share it with you. You feel its hardness against your prostate and gasp at the sensation.
<<if ($sex_ass_penis_count + $sex_ass_toy_count) lt 5>>The feeling is divine but despite your arousal you are not yet able to come to climax through anal stimulation alone, and after a while simply lie down and kiss Michaela on the small bed. <<else>> The sensation builds and you feel a <<if $fetish_sissy eq 1>>sissygasm <<else>>anal orgasm <</if>>crash over you. Your flaccid cock leaks cum out of your cage and you smile with relief.<<cum>><</if>>
<<set $michaelasex+=1>>
You snuggle for a while before dressing and heading back to your room
<<link [[Leave|YourRoom]]>><<night>><<WearAll>><</link>><img src="Images/People/Mic/michaelachastity.webp" width=500 />
She lowers you onto the bed softly then kneels down before you. She starts by kissing you gently, on the stomach, and thighs, before cupping her fingers around your scrotum and kissing the very tip of your cock with her soft pink lips.
<<if $penis eq "tiny">> Your tiny cock stiffens slightly, attaining the semi-erect inch and a half that is the most it can achieve after your treatments. "Your clitty is so cute", she exclaims, as she opens her lips and begins licking it, spitting on it until it is dripping wet before putting the entirety of it, balls and all, inside her mouth. You feel her tongue and teeth moving around your tiny member almost in a chewing motion, accompanied by a wet slurping. As your excitement grows she slips her index finger into your asshole and starts massaging your prostate softly. The combination of sensation tips you over the edge as you dribble cum into her mouth. She opens it wide to show you the thick white liquid on her tongue before licking her lips and swallowing it, sticking a clean tongue out as proof.
<<elseif $penis eq "small">> Your pretty pink girlcock hardens at the sight of her, and she strokes it appreciatively. "It's so soft and pretty. Mine is like that now too. But I like that it still gets hard for me." Scratching your balls lightly with her manicured pink fingernails she licks the tip with her tongue, teasing gently before popping the glans between her lips and sucking at first gently, then more firmly, taking its length into her mouth and almost to her throat. She rocks back and forward, nuzzling the tip gently with her teeth as she squeezes your balls, and increasing the pressure. She pulls back as she gasps for air, before resuming with greater vigour. You dont last much longer, climaxing into her throat as you scream with pleasure. She licks her lips and smiles.
<<elseif $penis eq "average">> She gasps at the sight of your six inch cock. "It's bigger than mine used to be, she acknowledges. Michaela licks up and down its length tenderly, tracing the throbbing vein with her tongue as she lubricates it with spit. "I used to try to put my own in my mouth, to see what it would be like to suck one. I never got more than the tip in, like this." She cups her lips around the very end of your penis, licking it with her tongue. After a minutes teasing she relents and very slowly pushes more into her mouth, inch by inch. She gags slightly before relaxing and slipping the whole length into her so that it fills her throat, before coughing and pulling back. "I saw some girls on stage do that. It's trickier than it looks. Perhaps next time." She resumes by sucking the tip as she works the shaft with her hand, touching her left breast with the other. As your orgasm approaches she increases the pressure, opening her mouth as you spurt over her mouth and breasts. She carefully wipes the sticky cum off her face into her mouth, licking her finger sensuously. "I think you enjoyed that." she laughs.
<<else>>It is so big! I'm not sure my lips will fit around it. She wraps both hands around your massive cock, working the shaft with them as she sucks the end, before working her mouth down the whole length and sucking on your balls for a while. She valiantly tries to put it into her tiny mouth, but only really manages to fit the tip inside, before admitting defeat and working you to climax with a mixture of spitting, licking and vigorous wanking from both hands. You spurt all over her face and tits, covering her in a shower of spunk from your huge balls. "I feel like such a whore covered in your cum." she jokes, but does not seem to mind, running her fingers through it and licking it off.<</if>><<set $sex_fellatioreceive_count += 1>><<set $sex_cum_count +=1>><<set $michaelasex+=1>>
You snuggle for a while before dressing and heading back to your room
<<link [[Leave|YourRoom]]>><<night>><<WearAll>><</link>><img src="Images/People/Mic/michaelaasschastity.webp" width=500 />
You see a little sapphire coloured jewel sticking out of her rear at the gap in her chastity belt which exposes her ass. "I've been preparing it" she explains as you gently move the plug in and out, causing her to moan. You repeat this for a few minutes, caressing her small breasts. Between pants she lets you know that there is a bottle of oil in the bedside drawer.
You pour a little down her ass crack and she gasps as the cold liquid runs along her body, before massaging a little into her tight hole with your index finger. She greedily closes about your digit as you do so. "I want you inside me, $Hname."
You pour a little oil into your <<if $penis neq "tiny">>already rock hard <</if>>cock and she runs her hand down its length, massaging and lubricating it for you, teasing the glans at the end.
<<if $penis eq "tiny">> Your $penis cock does not get fully hard any more, so you probe her hole with your finger as you push your semi-hard clitty against her ass, rubbing the oil into its soft pink warmth. You manage to force the tip of it into her hole and she rocks back and forth against you for a few minutes, gasping until the friction builds and you explode inside her.
<<elseif $penis eq "small" >>She smiles as she eases your little girlcock into her ass, gasping as it fills her tight hole. "It's so pretty, just like mine." she comments as you start thrusting, teasing her sensitive nipples from behind as you do so. After a few minutes as your arousal builds she lowers you back onto the bed, changing position as she rocks and gyrates with her full pressure on your groin until you come deep within her ass as she trembles and gasps on top of you.. You feel a little wetness as some liquid leaks out of her chastity cage onto your leg.
<<elseif $penis eq "average">> She gasps as the tip of your six inch cock pushes inside her ass. You get about half its length inside before she winces slightly so you ease off and begin thrusting it slowly against her prostate. She moans as you put your anatomical knowledge to good use. She whimpers and squirms as a moment before you she climaxes, and wet droplets drip out of the hole in her cage as you fill her ass with hot spunk.
<<else>> "It is so big. I'm not sure it will fit." she gasps at one glance at the girth of your enormous cock. She rubs the tip and the upper part of it with oil before pulling her legs wide apart and presenting her ass for you, eyes closed. You push your glans inside her and she gasps, a single tear forming in her eye as she tries not to show the pain. She reaches behind and massages the length of you that does not fit inside her as her ass muscles tighten around your tip. Over time she loosens and you slip further inside her, gyrating gently until you climax inside her, cum leaking out of her tight asshole. <</if>>
<<if $michaelasex eq 0>> After she recovers she leans over and kisses your mouth, thank you for being my first, my sweet.<</if>><<set $michaelasex+=1>><<set $sex_penis_ass_count += 1>><<set $sex_cum_count +=1>>
<<if $sex_virginityloss eq "Nobody">>I lost my virginity to Michaela, a beautiful trans girl. <<set $sex_virginityloss = "Michaela Taylor">> <</if>>
You snuggle for a while before dressing and heading back to your room. <<cum>><<set $michaelasex+=1>>
<<link [[Leave|YourRoom]]>><<night>><<WearAll>><</link>>"And now, visiting specially from Montmartre, Paris, we have the girls of the Moulin Rouge cabaret."
<img src="Images/Places/Hellfire_event_cancan3.webp" width=600 />
A quintet of high kicking beauties can can their way across the stage, flashing their garters and thighs, before stripping off their bras and dancing topless through the aisles to much amusement.
[[Finish the show->HC_showend]]<img src="Images/People/Walsbar.webp" width=600 />
"Ah, straight to the point. I appreciate someone who does not waste my time with chit chat. Shall we discuss this in my office?
<<set $researchknowledge =1>>
[[Continue to his office->HC_Walsoffice]]<img src="Images/Places/Wals_office2.webp" width=512 />
"I have isolated an extract which increases the feminine attributes of a subject - breast size, body hair and skin tone that were apparen't after about a week."
<<if $chest neq "flat">>"I can see. Quite a shapely figure you have now, $Hname." <</if>>
He contemplates for a moment before querying. "Not perhaps the most immediately profitable of the research ventures, but interesting, with definite niche market potential. <<if $farm eq 0>>How had you thought about commercialising this?
"Er, not really. We have 3 rabbits in the lab, and one can produce a weeks dose in a day, We could maybe breed a few more to handle a few dozen patients..." you muse
"Dozens? Where is the profit in that. I know of a hundred men who would pay for their mistresses to have bigger breasts, and you can probably find as many sailor boys down the docks who like wearing dresses. Hell, half the membership of this place would give it a try. Is it reversible?
"I'm not strictly sure. Probably over time."
"Caveat emptor. We can work with that. Rabbits you say?" You nod.
He clinks his glass against yours. "Well it is a good thing that they fuck like rabbits, don't you think? What we need is a rabbit farm. Give me a few days and I'll have the paperwork drawn up. You can run the place - dont worry you can draw a daily wage, lets say 20 shillings. I have no head for science, and the only animals I can tolerate are my hounds and my horses. I'll put in the capital. We split the profit after expenses 70:30. 70 to me of course"
"50:50?" you venture. "It is my invention."
"Discovered in my pharmacy using my equipment. I think a court might find that it is my invention. Pray I do not change the deal further."<<else>> I know of a hundred men who would pay for their mistresses to have bigger breasts, and you can probably find as many sailor boys down the docks who like wearing dresses. Hell, half the membership of this place would give it a try. We might need to test if it is reversible, but we can say caveat emptor, that will work. I think we may need to buy a few more hutches at the rabbit farm.<</if>>
[[Return->HC_Walsoffice][$farm =1, $farmO=10, $farmday = $daynumber + 2]]<img src="Images/Places/Wals_office2.webp" width=512 />
"I have isolated an extract which increases the masculine attributes of a subject - penis size principally. Some slight behavioural changes - dominance, aggression, hair growth but nothing significant. ,
"Did you test this on yourself? Show me."
<<if ($penis eq "large" or $penis eq "huge" and $chastity eq 0)>>You pull down your underclothes and slightly embarrassed show the man your cock. "Don't fret, its nothing I haven't seen in this place. Not bad I guess.."<<else>>You shake your head. "Scientific restraint - afraid of side effects, eh? Most men would kill for a bigger dick. I know three personally that have done. Your choice."<</if>>
He mutters to himself. "Dominance and aggression. I wonder....", before returning to the subject in hand.
<<if $farm eq 0>>How had you thought about commercialising this?
"Er, not really. We have 3 rabbits in the lab, and one can produce a weeks dose in a day, We could maybe breed a few more to handle a few dozen patients..." you muse
"Dozens? Where is the profit in that? Every man in the land will want to try this. But we should go exclusive, make it a luxury product. Can't have the plebs luring young ladies with their massive willies. Look at the problems they had over in the colonies with Africans. No, we should keep this to the upper and middle classes. A gentleman's pick me up. Rabbits you say?" You nod.
He clinks his glass against yours. "Well it is a good thing that they fuck like rabbits, don't you think? What we need is a rabbit farm. Give me a few days and I'll have the paperwork drawn up. You can run the place - dont worry you can draw a daily wage, lets say 20 shillings. I have no head for science, and the only animals I can tolerate are my hounds and my horses. I'll put in the capital. We split the profit after expenses 70:30. 70 to me of course"
"50:50?" you venture. "It is my invention."
"Discovered in my pharmacy using my equipment. I think a court might find that it is my invention. Pray I do not change the deal further."<<else>> Every man in the land will want to try this. But we should go exclusive, make it a luxury product. Can't have the plebs luring young ladies with their massive willies. Look at the problems they had over in the colonies with Africans. No, we should keep this a gentleman's pick me up. I think we may need to buy a few more hutches at the rabbit farm.<</if>>
[[Return->HC_Walsoffice][$farm =1, $farmT=10, $farmday = $daynumber + 2]]<img src="Images/Places/Wals_office2.webp" width=512 />
"I have isolated an extract which stops the periods of women. It is likely to also stop pregnancies but that needs further testing."
"Hmm. Too many ghastly children around, because working men like to get their dicks wet. I can see profit here. But we don't want to turn the church against us for promoting lechery. So we should maybe start in small markets. Older women who have already had families, that kind of thing. Publically of course. And then we flog it to whores and strumpets for a black market markup. "
<<if $farm eq 0>>"How quickly can you make say a thousand doses? We can monitor those before expanding."
"Er.. We have 3 rabbits in the lab, and one can produce a months dose in a day, so about a year..." you muse
"You have to think bigger. Rabbits you say?" You nod.
He clinks his glass against yours. "Well it is a good thing that they breed like rabbits, don't you think? What we need is a rabbit farm. Give me a few days and I'll have the paperwork drawn up. You can run the place - dont worry you can draw a daily wage, lets say 20 shillings. I have no head for science, and the only animals I can tolerate are my hounds and my horses. I'll put in the capital. We split the profit after expenses 70:30. 70 to me of course"
"50:50?" you venture. "It is my invention."
"Discovered in my pharmacy using my equipment. I think a court might find that it is my invention. Pray I do not change the deal further."<<else>> We are going to need a thousand or so doses. I think we may need to buy a few more hutches at the rabbit farm.<</if>>
[[Return->HC_Walsoffice][$farm =1, $farmP=10, $farmday = $daynumber + 2]]<table style="width:100%">\
<th>Outfit Number</th>
<th>Wear or Change</th>
<tr> <td>1
10 </td>\
$enssemblenames[9] </td>
<td><<if $ensembleset[0] eq 1>><<link [[Wear|Closet_outfit]]>><<wearensemble0>><</link>> <</if>>[[Set to current ensemble->Closet_ensembleset][$temp=0]]
<<if $ensembleset[1] eq 1>><<link [[Wear|Closet_outfit]]>><<wearensemble1>><</link>> <</if>>[[Set to current ensemble->Closet_ensembleset][$temp=1]]
<<if $ensembleset[2] eq 1>><<link [[Wear|Closet_outfit]]>><<wearensemble2>><</link>> <</if>>[[Set to current ensemble->Closet_ensembleset][$temp=2]]
<<if $ensembleset[3] eq 1>><<link [[Wear|Closet_outfit]]>><<wearensemble3>><</link>> <</if>>[[Set to current ensemble->Closet_ensembleset][$temp=3]]
<<if $ensembleset[4] eq 1>><<link [[Wear|Closet_outfit]]>><<wearensemble4>><</link>> <</if>>[[Set to current ensemble->Closet_ensembleset][$temp=4]]
<<if $ensembleset[5] eq 1>><<link [[Wear|Closet_outfit]]>><<wearensemble5>><</link>> <</if>>[[Set to current ensemble->Closet_ensembleset][$temp=5]]
<<if $ensembleset[6] eq 1>><<link [[Wear|Closet_outfit]]>><<wearensemble6>><</link>> <</if>>[[Set to current ensemble->Closet_ensembleset][$temp=6]]
<<if $ensembleset[7] eq 1>><<link [[Wear|Closet_outfit]]>><<wearensemble7>><</link>> <</if>>[[Set to current ensemble->Closet_ensembleset][$temp=7]]
<<if $ensembleset[8] eq 1>><<link [[Wear|Closet_outfit]]>><<wearensemble8>><</link>> <</if>>[[Set to current ensemble->Closet_ensembleset][$temp=8]]
<<if $ensembleset[9] eq 1>><<link [[Wear|Closet_outfit]]>><<wearensemble9>><</link>> <</if>>[[Set to current ensemble->Closet_ensembleset][$temp=9]]</td></tr></table>
[[Return->Wardrobe]]Outfit <<print $temp +1>> has been set to:
<table style="width:100%">\
Suit or Dress
<<if $chest eq 1>>Vest<<else>>Bra<</if>>
<th>Set outfit name to: </th>
<th><<textbox "$enssemblenames[$temp]" $enssemblenames[$temp]>></th></tr>
<<if $temp eq 0>><<setensemble0>>
<<elseif $temp eq 1>><<setensemble1>>
<<elseif $temp eq 2>><<setensemble2>>
<<elseif $temp eq 3>><<setensemble3>>
<<elseif $temp eq 4>><<setensemble4>>
<<elseif $temp eq 5>><<setensemble5>>
<<elseif $temp eq 6>><<setensemble6>>
<<elseif $temp eq 7>><<setensemble7>>
<<elseif $temp eq 8>><<setensemble8>>
<<elseif $temp eq 9>><<setensemble9>><</if>><</nobr>>
[[return->Closet_outfit]]<img src="Images/Places/HCfoyer.webp" width=512 />
The board details events for the next few weeks:
<<if $HCevent lt 2>>\
1st April 1899 - The Harlequinade. A performance.
<<if $HCevent lt 3>>\
8th April 1899 - Easter Celebrations.
<<if $HCevent lt 4>>\
15th April 1899 - Debutantes Ball. Formal dress. Debutantes in white. Debutante tickets still available.
<<if $HCevent lt 5>>\
22nd April 1899 - St George's Day Medieval Banquet. Fancy Dress provide on the door.
<<if $HCevent gt 2 and $HCevent lt 6>>\
29th April 1899 - May Day Weekend. In the gardens weather permitting.
<<if $HCevent gt 3 and $HCevent lt 7>>\
6th May 1899 - Masquerade ball. Mask compulsory. Clothing optional.
<<if $HCevent gt 4 and $HCevent lt 8>>\
13th May 1899 - Exposition de Siecle. Prospective exhibitors please contact the committee.
<<if $HCevent gt 5 and $HCevent lt 9>>\
20th May 1899 - Salome. London Premiere. With an introduction by the author.
\<<if $HCevent gt 7>>CANCELLED due to illness. <</if>>
<<if $HCevent gt 6 and $HCevent lt 10>>\
27th May 1899 - Whitsuntide. Members and a guest are invited to the country estate of Lord and Lady Bentley. Carriages available from Horsham station to the estate from noon.
<<if $HCevent gt 7 and $HCevent lt 11>>\
3rd June 1899 - May Week garden party. Outside, weather permitting.
<<if $HCevent gt 8 and $HCevent lt 12>>\
10th June 1899 - Annual General Meeting
<<if $HCevent gt 9 and $HCevent lt 13>>\
17th June 1899 - Evening entertainment not yet announced
<<if $HCevent gt 10 and $HCevent lt 14>>\
24th June 1899 - Midsummer solstice., including scenes from 'A Midsummer Night's Dream' by members of the club.
<<if $HCevent gt 11 and $HCevent lt 15>>\
1st July 1899 - <<if Flag("wedclub")>>Booked for a private event.<<else>> Evening entertainment not yet announced.<</if>>
<<if $HCevent gt 10>>
Next to the noticeboard is the trophy cabinet. The May Bumps trophy is here, engraved with <<if $bumpswinner eq "MC">> your <<else>>$bumpswinner 's <</if>>name.<</if>>
[[Return->HC_foyer]]<img src="Images/Places/Theatre.webp" width=500 /><<SetFlag "event">>
The poster at the entrance to the ballroom advertises a traditional Harlequinade. You faintly recognise the word but have never seen one before. Were they French, or did they go out of fashion decades ago? Something with Jesters? It is April Fool's day after all.
You enter and see many, but not all, of the audience dressed in fancy dress. The invite did not mention this so you assume, or indeed hope this to be optional. At either side of the door is Sir Walsingham, dressed to look like a 17th century European Aristocrat carrying a short black cane and wearing a domino mask that does nothing to disguise him, and Megan wearing an elaborate white ballgown with black sash, not bothering to cover her face with the half mask she holds in her hand.
She greets you warmly "$playername! How good to see you at one of our events." and kisses your offered hand in greeting. <<if $found_megan eq 0>> You had no idea that she knew who you were. She must take an interest in all new members.<<set $found_megan =1>> <</if>>
You take a seat, near the back, and wait for the event to start.
An orchestra starts to play, mainly strings to start, as part of the warm up. Megan and Walsingham walk on stage to polite applause.
"Welcome Hellfire, to the dawn of Spring. A new season is upon us, the last before the new Century." starts Walsingham. "We have some treats in store for you this year, but we are going to start with a little old fashioned pantomime, and some audience participation. In this hat, I have the names of all our newest members. Lady Megan, would you be so kind as to draw one out?"
"Why certainly, Lord Edward." She reaches in and draws out a slip of paper. "Our first new member who will be joining our theatre troop on stage tonight. Is..."
Oh fuck. You know where this is going. You look desperately for an exit, but they are too far away.
"$playername $playersurname. Do come and join us on stage, $playername."
Everyone is looking at you. Absolutely everyone. You make the way to the stage accompanied by whoops, cheers, pats on the back and quite a few squeezes of your bottom.
"What a reception. Well, $playername. As you are first out of the hat you get first choice in the part that you will play. Will you choose Harlequin, the flamboyant and amoral court servant . Will you choose Columbine, the beautiful princess who loves him. Or will you choose the melancholic Pierrot, whose heart aches unrequitedly for Columbine?"
[[Dominant - "I choose Harlequin"->HCevent2_1][$eventrole="Harlequin", $harlequindom+=1]]
[[Feminine - "I choose Columbine"->HCevent2_1][$eventrole="Columbine"]]
[[Submissive - "I choose Pierrot"->HCevent2_1][$eventrole="Pierrot", $harlequindom -=1]]<img src="Images/Places/Harlequinade.webp" width=500 />
<<StripAll>><<if $eventrole eq "Harlequin">><<set $outfit = "Harlequin suit">><<set $hat ="Harlequin mask">><<set $objects["Harlequin mask"].inv = 1>><<elseif $eventrole eq "Columbine">><<set $outfit = "Columbine dress">><<set $hat ="Columbine mask">><<set $objects["Columbine mask"].inv = 1>> <<elseif $eventrole eq "Pierrot">><<set $outfit = "Pierrot suit">><<set $hat ="Pierrot mask">><<set $objects["Pierrot mask"].inv = 1>><</if>>
You are taken backstage, stripped and put into your character's costume. Curiously it does not come with underwear.
Two other club members join you and are similarly attired as their characters. \
\<<if $eventrole neq "Harlequin">> Harlequin is being played by Stanley Wilberforce, a Colonel on leave from the King's Royal Rifle Corps.<</if>>
\<<if $eventrole neq "Columbine">> Columbine is being played by Melissa Hildegarde, the younger daughter of a Surrey Viscount. <</if>>
\<<if $eventrole neq "Pierrot">>Pierrot is being played by Alfred Wilkins, a timid looking man of about 30 who you believe to work in finance. <</if>>
The other main roles, as well as the chorus, are being played by members of the Italian travelling theatre troupe. Giovanni Campano, the troupe lead, is playing Cassandre, Columbine's father, and gives the three of you directions before the first scene
"Your role is to play the parts, we will give you the cues, and we will improvise and work around you. Columbine, my daughter she love the Harlequin. But he is not a suitable match, so I lock her up. Pierrot, my servant, he lusts after her, but is cowardly and obeys my commands. Harlequin, he is a trickster, and unpredictable. He loves everybody, especially himself. We all ready - good, good! Now we go. Break the leg!"
Feeling woefully unprepared, you are ushered onto the stage
[[Scene 1->HCevent2_2]]<img src="Images/Places/Pierrot-Columbine.jpg" width=500 />
Columbine's father Cassandre announces that if she will not marry the rich but old and charmless Léandre then she will be locked away. In the Hellfire club this seems to involve her being bound by Pierrot in a leather bondage harness that leaves little to the imagination.
\ <<if $eventrole eq "Pierrot">>
[[Tie her loosely, professing your love for her->HCevent2_3][$harlequindom -=1]]
[[Tie her up tightly, exposing her ass->HCevent2_3][$harlequindom +=1]]
\ <<elseif $eventrole eq "Columbine">>
[[Struggle a little but get bound by Pierrot->HCevent2_3][$harlequindom -=1]]
[[Turn the tables on Pierrot and tie him up instead->HCevent2_2a][$harlequindom +=1]]
\ <<elseif $eventrole eq "Harlequin">>
Harlequin sneaks into Pierrot's chamber where the pitiful clown slumbers, calling out in his dreams for his love Columbine
[[Stealthily take the key->HCevent2_3]]
[[Pretend to be Columbine, teasing and mocking Pierrot, before making off with the key->HCevent2_3][$harlequindom +=1]]
<</if>><img src="Images/Places/Harlequin-columbine2.jpg" width=500 />
Harlequin sneaks into Columbine's tower armed with the key which he has stolen. He unties Columbine and shares a tender embrace, before opening the balcony window to make his escape with his love.
\ <<if $eventrole eq "Pierrot">>You enter as Pierrot, and you and Harlequin fight.
[[Overpower Harlequin, throwing him from the balcony->HCevent2_4][$harlequindom +=1]]
[[Lose the fight, and be struck down by Harlequin->HCevent2_31][$harlequindom -=1]]
\ <<elseif $eventrole eq "Columbine">>Pierrot enters, furiously and the two fight.
[[Help Harlequin to defeat Pierrot->HCevent2_31][$harlequindom +=1]]
[[Help Pierrot to defeat Harlequin, who is thrown from the balcony->HCevent2_4][$harlequindom +=1]]
[[Sit helplessly as two men fight over you until Harlequin overpowers Pierrot->HCevent2_31][$harlequindom -=1]]
\ <<elseif $eventrole eq "Harlequin">>Pierrot enters, furiously and he and you fight.
[[Overpower Pierrot, before trying to escape->HCevent2_31][$harlequindom+=1]]
[[Lose the fight, and be struck down by Pierrot->HCevent2_4][$harlequindom -=1]]
<</if>><img src="Images/Places/Harlequinfairy.jpg" width=500 />
Alas, poor Harlequin lies broken and near death. But the good fairy appears, waving her wand and restores him to life. She presents him with his slapstick. In most versions of the performance this is a baton, but in this lewd rendition it takes the form of a spanking paddle.
The renewed Harlequin climbs the tower to confront Pierrot, who is confessing his love to Columbine.
<<if $eventrole eq "Harlequin">>
[[Spank Pierrot->HCevent2_5][$harlequindom +=1]]
[[Spank Columbine->HCevent2_5][$harlequindom +=1]]
<<elseif $eventrole eq "Pierrot">>
[[Take the stick and spank Harlequin->HCevent2_5][$harlequindom +=1]]
[[Bend over and enjoy the beating->HCevent2_5][$harlequindom -=1]]
<<elseif $eventrole eq "Columbine">>
[[Join in spanking Pierrot->HCevent2_5][$harlequindom +=1]]
[[Offer your ass for spanking as well->HCevent2_5][$harlequindom -=1]]
<</if>>The audience roars with laughter as Columbine slips past the hapless Pierrot and locks him in the bondage instead. As she sneaks out the room, she is met by her disapproving father who drags her back in and chastises Pierrot, giving them both a spanking for good measure before tying his daughter up himself.
[[Continue->HCevent2_3]]<img src="Images/Places/Harlequin-columbine2.jpg" width=500 />
Holding his love Columbine in his arms, Harlequin attempts to escape. With a cry of "behind you!" the audience warns of danger, as Columbine's father and two of his guards carrying batons approach. They beat him backwards and he tumbles from the tower.
[[Oh no!->HCevent2_4]]<img src="Images/Places/Harlequin-Pierrot.jpg" width=500 />
There follows a chaotic ballet as spankings are given and received on all sides. The costumes of Harlequin, Pierrot and Columbine are torn off in the melee, which ends with the three protagonists collapsed into a naked heap.
<<set $outfit = "none">>
<<if $eventrole eq "Harlequin">>
[[Ask to Marry Columbine->HCevent2_6][$hbride = "Columbine"]]
[[Ask to Marry Pierrot->HCevent2_6][$hbride = "Pierrot"]]
<<elseif $eventrole eq "Pierrot">>
[[Ask to Marry Columbine->HCevent2_6][$hbride = "Columbine"]]
[[Ask to Marry Harlequin->HCevent2_6][$hbride = "Pierrot"]]
<<elseif $eventrole eq "Columbine">>
[[Ask to Marry Harlequin->HCevent2_6][$hbride = "Harlequin"]]
[[Ask to Marry Pierrot->HCevent2_6][$hbride = "Pierrot"]]
<</if>><img src="Images/Places/Harlequin-columbine.jpg" width=500 />
In the final scene, the whole cast has gathered to celebrate the wedding of $eventrole and $hbride. Wearing an eye-catching costume made of strips of lace that barely cover her figure, the Good Fairy officiates the ceremony. Using traditional language she asks if anyone here has any impediment to the marriage.
Cassandre interrupts the ceremony to demand that Columbine return home to marry Léandre. She refuses, and Cassandre orders his henchmen to attack. With slaps from the spanking paddle the henchmen's armour falls off and they are transformed into bound submissives following Harlequin's commands.
As it comes to a close, all join together in a simulated orgy of joyous celebration.
You take a curtain call to rapturous applause, before returning backstage to dress. The troupe lets you keep the mask as a keepsake, but the costume is returned.
In the bar afterwards you come across Megan and Walsingham in heated discussion.
"This performance was a load of tosh, a farcical pantomime. The plot is derivative and paper thin, the characterisation makes no sense, and even with added tits and arse its a load of old nonsense."
"Why yes, Edward dearest. Its not about the plot. It's about the stereotypes of the
italian commedia dell'arte going through ritual scenes of tragedy, love and comedy so the audience can join in as they know what to expect."
"Nonsense. It's a dying art. Noone will pay to watch this in the century to come."
"We will see. Anyhow, hold your tongue, here is the star of the show, dearest $playername, our $eventrole. That was a most <<if $harlequindom gt 0>>dominant <<set $dom += 1>><<elseif $harlequindom lt 0>>submissive <<set $sub += 1>><<else>>traditional <</if>> performance.
<<link [[Retire to the bar|HC_bar]]>><<wait>><</link>><img src="Images/People/Nic/nic.webp" width=500 />
"I have had lustful thoughts for several years now. I have tried to bury them within, but without success. I am still pure of body, but not of mind or I fear soul. I cannot take my vows while I am so troubled, but know not how to control my urges.
Last week I woke to find myself touching myself lewdly. I know that masturbation is a sin, so I whipped myself soundly on waking. But this made it worse. I enjoyed the flagellation. It made me more excited, so I had to submerge myself in a cold bath until my lusts were abated.
I have had dreams of a young man to whom I was almost betrothed. I broke his heart, when we parted, as I wanted to remain chaste before marriage, as I was taught by my priest and family, but I fear that it was for all naught.
What shall I do, Father?"
You reply, trying to disguise your voice and sound as priestlike as possible:
[[These urges are natural. The only sin is in denying them->Nic1sin][$nicsub +=1]]
[[I must know more to advise you. Tell me more about your urges->Nic1talk]]
[[You must pray to overcome your sin. Take my hands and pray->Nic1pray][$nicsub -=1]]<img src="Images/People/Nic/nic_confwhite.webp" width=500 />
She gasps in shock, then pauses, thoughtfully,
"Then it is not just I? Others think these thoughts? Other holy people. Do you, Father?"
You murmur an assent, hoping that she will not recognise your voice.
"But it seems so wrong. It is not just the act of love that I crave, but submission, even depravity. As I deny myself the pleasures of the body my desire for them only grows. To avoid touching myself I tied myself to my bedposts, and found my arousal increased tenfold by the morning. I fear I am becoming a monster.
Even hearing your voice, you are young Father, are you not, I am drawn to it, wanting to feel your touch. I am not a Jezebel, I wish to do good, truly I do." But then whispers under her breath. "But sometimes I so want to do bad things as well."
She breaks down sobbing.
"I have burdened you enough, Father, but your words have comforted me. Please, let us speak again, this next Tuesday."
Gathering her composure she heads out of the booth
<<link [[Finish confession|Church]]>><<wait>><<set $confession +=1>><<set $confessiontoday =1>><<set $found_nic =1>><</link>><img src="Images/People/Nic/nic_confwhite.webp" width=500 />
You hold your hand through the narrow gap between the two chambers and she takes it in both of hers. Her touch is soft, and her scent, fresh and floral is still unmistakably her after all this time.
She whispers Hail Mary's in an attempt at absolution, and you feel her tears fall upon your palm.
"thank you father. I think I have strength to go on with things. I have burdened you enough for now Father, but your words have comforted me. Please, let us speak again, this next Tuesday."
Gathering her composure she heads out of the booth
<<link [[Finish confession|Church]]>><<wait>><<set $confession +=1>><<set $confessiontoday =1>><<set $found_nic =1>><</link>><img src="Images/People/Nic/nic_confwhite.webp" width=500 />
"I think it began when my boyfriend $playername and I split up. He had urges, all menn do I suppose, and I remained steadfast. Outwardly at least - I so longed to share my body with him when we were married. It was a few weeks before he was to leave with the army and he suggested we.. Well I shall not go into the details, but I was taken aback and overreacted. I suggested we pause our courting, and before I knew it he departed for his service and we parted on ill terms.
I knew I had done him wrong, and sought to punish myself. That I guess is when I started thinking about the convent. To lock myself away from men so that I would not get the release that I had denied him. But it did not succeed, my lusts grew, as did my guilt.
She breaks down sobbing.
"I have burdened you enough, Father, but your words have comforted me. Please, let us speak again, this next Tuesday."
Gathering her composure she heads out of the booth.
<<link [[Finish confession|Church]]>><<wait>><<set $confession +=1>><<set $confessiontoday =1>><<set $found_nic =1>><</link>><img src="Images/People/Nic/nic2.webp" width=500 />
"Forgive us our trespasses, as we forgive those that trespass against us... Oh sorry, Father, I did not hear you come in. Sorry I have sinned. Oh, that's not it. Forgive my sins. No, I got it all wrong, let's start again properly. Sorry, sorry, sorry."
She is obviously flustered. How do you react?
[[Gently->Nic2_1][$niclove +=1]]
[[Strictly->Nic2_1s][$nicsub +=1]]<img src="Images/People/Nic/Nic_conf3.webp" width=500 />
"Sssh, it's ok. Let's take it slowly. Tell me what troubles you."
You reach through the gap between the alcoves and take her hands in yours.
"I've not slept well this past week, after speaking with you last time. I've been troubled, thinking about sex. And thinking about more than that. But I've been good, I've not been touching myself. It's been a strain though. But I'm not sleeping, and find it hard to concentrate as I'm all aroused."
"It is fine to give yourself relief my touching yourself. Your body is a gift from god, as is the pleasure it can bring."
"But the teachings say this is a sin, outside of wedlock. This is what I have been told since I was a girl. Only in matrimony can I take pleasure in sex."
You feel her hands shaking in yours as she stumbles through her words,
"But look what it's doing to you. And you're a nun - if you take your vows what then?"
"I'm not sure. I will submit to do God's will."
"It is not healthy for you to be like this. You say you have been like this all week?
"Since we last spoke. I want to, but I can't. I need to... I need to be given permission."
"By me? Are you asking me for permission?"
"Yes. I am begging you. Only I don't know what to call you. Shall I keep calling you Father? Or Master. Or Sir like a schoolteacher? Or Daddy, you do remind me of him sometimes. And sometimes you remind me of my dear $playername. Or something else?"
So many options
"You can call me"
<<textbox "$nicdomname" "Master">>
[[Continue->Nic2_2]]"That is not correct." You say strictly. "Repeat after me. Forgive me Father, for I have sinned."
"Forgive me Father for... I have sinned." she repeats, stuttering.
"Better. But I think you need a more physical reminder to correct your behaviour. Why don't you bend over and tell me your sins this past week. Have you been wicked?" You stress the last word.
She blushes, whether with excitement or embarrassment you aren't; sure, but does as you command, hitching up her skirts and revealing a pert bottom just next to the gap between the sides of the confession booth that you slide open.
<img src="Images/People/Nic/nic3.webp" width=500 />
"I have committed the sin of lust. I have thought about having carnal relations with men."
Slap. Your open palm lands upon her bottom firmly.
"Oh." She is surprised but not offended. You rest your hand there and wait. "Go on."
"I have been touching myself, edging myself close to climax."
Slap. Harder this time. She moans softly.
"But have you made yourself climax?" You ask.
"No, I want to, but I can't. I need to... I need to be given permission."
"By whom?"
"I do not know. God? A husband? A master?" Me? you think.
You see a hint of a naughty smile as she confesses to her last sin.
"I have been thinking about you in anticipation of our meeting, hoping that you would see fit to punish me for my transgressions. Even you spanking me now is making me excited."
You slap her a final time, then slide a finger forward to touch the front of her panties. It comes away damp, as you feel the sticky remnants of her lust and she quivers beneath your touch.
"How long have you been denying yourself relief"
"Over a week. Since we last spoke."
"Are you asking me for permission?"
"Yes. I am begging you. Only I don't know what to call you. Shall I keep calling you Father? Or Master. Or Sir like a schoolteacher? Or Daddy, you do remind me of him sometimes. And sometimes you remind me of $playername. Or something else?"
So many options
"You can call me"
<<textbox "$nicdomname" "Master">>
[[Continue->Nic2_2]]<img src="Images/People/Nic/Nic_conf3.webp" width=500 />
"Please $nicdomname. May I climax?"
She is so guilt ridden she needs permission from an authority figure to overcome this. Perhaps if she were married it would become normal but until then you think you'd only be helping her if you gave her the relief she craves. Or you could deny her, which seems cruel, although given the misery she put you through when you split up you can see some justification.
[[Yes my dear, I give you permission to cum. Touch yourself->Nic2_3a][$nicsub +=1, $niclove +=1]]
[[Take off your panties and let me give you the gift of release->Nic2_3b][$nicsub +=1, $niclove +=1]]
[[You must be strong my child. Say your prayers and take a cold bath until these evil lusts leave you->Nic_end_denial][$nicdenial +=1]]
[[You can only cum when I give you permission. If you wait another week I may choose to do so, if you show me you are worthy->Nic_end_denial][$nicdenial +=1, $nicsub +=1]]<img src="Images/People/Nic/nicpussy.webp" width=500 />
"thank you $nicdomname. thank you." Tears of relief pour down her face as she puts a hand inside her white cotton panties and touches her wet mound. You see her face redden with arousal and passion as she grips one breast with her left hand and plunges her other between her legs.
"Fuck me $playername, fuck me." she whispers, her eyes closed. She bucks and spasms, her orgasm rising quickly, before shuddering and sitting still."
"That was better than before. The waiting made it so intense. Usually there is guilt, and revulsion, but this was pure somehow. I think it was the permission. Having your permission took away the guilt. Is it wrong that I enjoyed that?"
"There is no sin in this. Now go about your business, say your prayers and meet me back here next week. No release until then, as I don't want you feeling guilty again.
"Yes $nicdomname. thank you."
<<link [[Finish confession|Church]]>><<wait>><<set $confession +=1>><<set $confessiontoday =1>><<set $nicdenial =1>><</link>><img src="Images/People/Nic/nic_pussy.webp" width=500 />
Lying back on her seat she pulls down her panties and pushes her wet crotch towards the gap between the alcoves, within reach of your hand. You never so much as got a look at this in the months you were courting, never mind a touch, and she is offering it to you without any argument, begging you to bring her relief.
You reach out apprehensively, and gently run your fingers across the outside lips of her vulva, as she moans gently and quivers, biting her lower lip. "More." she begs.
You put one fingertip then two inside her and rock the palm of your hand back and forth, putting a little pressure on her pelvis as your fingers massage inside her. She is soaking wet and trembling under your touch. You do believe her when she says she has been thinking of sex for a week and has not cum in that time.
As your motion gets faster you feel her squirm beneath your touch and her climax approaches.
[[Rub faster bringing her to climax->Nic2_3d][$niclove +=1]]
[[Stop abruptly, denying her climax->Nic_end_denial]]
[[Edge her as she nears, drawing her climax out over several minutes->Nic2_3d][$niclove +=2]]Tears begin to fill her eyes as the implications sink in. "Another week? I can't, I won't, I ..." You see a flicker of resistance rise, then fall as she submits to your decision, looking crestfallenly down at the ground.
"Yes $nicdomname." She says sullenly before covering herself up and departing the chamber slowly, wiping her tears away.
<<link [[Finish confession|Church]]>><<wait>><<set $confession +=1>><<set $confessiontoday =1>><<set $nicdenial +=1>><</link>><img src="Images/People/Nic/Nic_conf3.webp" width=500 />
She shudders and cums, her eyes closed murmuring something you can't make out. Is it $playername? After a minute she opens her eyes, looking at your silhouette behind the wooden grille. "thank you, $nicdomname. thank you. That was beautiful, so much better than before. The waiting and your touch made it so intense. And usually afterwards there is guilt, and revulsion, but this was pure somehow. I think it was the permission. Having your permission took away the guilt. Is it wrong that I enjoyed that?"
"There is no sin in this. Now go about your business, say your prayers and meet me back here next week. No release until then, as I don't want you feeling guilty again."
"Yes $nicdomname. thank you."
<<link [[Finish confession|Church]]>><<wait>><<set $confession +=1>><<set $confessiontoday =1>><<set $nicdenial =1>><</link>>"Forgive... Do I need to confess? I'm not sure I do. I don't think you're even a priest. You're certainly an unusual one. But I do feel better when I'm here, more settled, more centred. I've never even seen your face.
"How can I serve you today, $nicdomname."
Her face takes on a serene quality as she asks, anxiety falling away as she submits.
[[I want you to take me in your mouth->Nic3_1a][$nicsub +=1]]
[[I want you to take me in your ass->Nic3_1b][$nicsub +=2]]"My mouth? Oh you mean...". She makes the sign of the cross over herself instinctively, before falling to her knees before you, closing her eyes as if praying. She breathes deeply and opens her mouth a fraction, unsure what to do.
You reach forward with your hands, just able to fit them both through the gap in the trellis and guide her lips toward your $penis cock.
\<<if $chastity eq 1>> With your cock in chastity she is a little confused as to what to do, when her lips touch the cold metal she opens her eyes with a start, but settles for nuzzling and licking your balls. It's very pleasant, but after five minutes or so its clear that you aren't getting anywhere
\<<else>>Her technique is, to put it frankly, amateur. She was a decent kisser, in the few moments you got together without a chaperone, but she has clearly never had a penis between her lips. She is too firm in your sensitive regions and too gentle when you need friction, and she only puts the very tip of your cock into her mouth. However it is warm and wet and when it comes down to it there's no such thing as a bad blowjob. You spasm and come in her mouth, and watch her shocked expression as she jumps back and it dribbles down her chin.
"Oh. It's very..." She licks her lips. "Interesting. It tastes a bit like oysters." She observes. You recall she did hail from Southend, a seaside town.
You see her turn her head toward you afterwards, with a glazed expression in her eyes, desperate after $nicdenial week<<if $nicdenial gt 1>>s<</if>> of denial. "thank you $nicdomname. I hope I have pleased you. I beg you, please may I come now?"
[[Lick her pussy to orgasm->Nic3_1c][$niclove +=1]]
[[Refuse and deny her climax->Nic3_end_denial]]<<if $Mattfetish eq "Anal">> She laughs. A long time ago, a man I loved asked me to do that and I refused. I was a fool then. I won't make the same mistake<</if>>The angle is awkward, but by bending over and bracing against the bench she pushes her asshole against the opening between the two halves of the booth. Standing on a stool you pull down your clothing.
\<<if $chastity eq 1>> With your cock in chastity you cannot fuck Nicola's ass. You slide two fingers into her instead, after licking them to moisten them, and push them deep into her moist asshole, playing with your caged cock with the other hand. You feel yourself harden painfully, as her scent, so reminiscent of your time together, fills your nostrils. Eventually slightly frustrated you stop.
\<<else>>Seeing a bottle of scented lamp oil you rub some on your cock, and wipe a little around her puckered asshole before easing the tip of your cock inside. You are finally fucking Nicola's ass, something you had dreamed of doing, but had given up the hope you would ever have the chance to experience since you split up. With the screen between you you can't put much force into your thrusting, but her virgin ass is so tight it doesn't matter, as it squeezes your $penis dick tightly.
"Oh, oh, please. $nicdomname. Take my arse. You feel so big in there." She twerks her bottom round and round, pushing back against you until the pressure builds up unbearably and you come deep inside her tight hole. <</if>>
You see her turn her head toward you afterwards, with a glazed expression in her eyes, desperate after $nicdenial week<<if $nicdenial gt 1>>s<</if>> of denial. "thank you $nicdomname. I hope I have pleased you. I beg you, please may I come now?"
[[Lick her pussy to orgasm->Nic3_1c][$niclove +=1]]
[[Refuse and deny her climax->Nic3_end_denial]]You urge her to put her pussy in the gap between the alcoves and she manages this, admittedly having to brace herself in an uncomfortable angle with her feet high in the air. You bend down, making sure your features are concealed from her, and start licking gently, noticing a neatly groomed little triangle of red hair above a dripping moist mound. You have dreamed of this for years, this secret treasure she carried with her all the months you were together, and savour the taste, licking around it with the tip of your tongue before probing inside with one finger then two.
Her moaning grows louder and more insistent as she pushes her mound toward you, the wooden barrier between you preventing any more contact. You push another finger inside and then start sucking, gently on the bud at the tip of her pussy lips, her tiny pink clitoris.
"Oh my fucking God!" she squeals, as you take her clit between your lips and alternate sucking on and gently blowing over it, as you fuck her with your fingers.
"Oh yes, don't stop, oh sweet Jesus please...." she moans, her voice full of passion as she shudders to a climax.
As she spasms, her legs straighten and her back arches, forcing her heels into the wooden trellis which gives way. She falls to the ground off her bench, and as the wooden barrier between you collapses, you overbalance and fall on top of her.
As you pick your head up out of her damp crotch, she takes one look at your face.
"$playername? You're my $nicdomname?" Her face runs through several emotions in a few seconds. Shock. Surprise. Denial, Relief. Confusion.
She pulls her underclothes around her and runs out of the chamber, not saying another word.
You both have a lot to talk about. Perhaps next week.
<<link [[Finish confession|Church]]>><<wait>><<set $confession +=1>><<set $confessiontoday =1>><<set $nicdenial =1>><</link>>\<<if $nicdenial lt 2>> Tears begin to fill her eyes as the implications sink in. "Another week? I can't, I won't, I ..." You see a flicker of resistance rise, then fall as she submits to your decision, looking crestfallenly down at the ground.
"Yes $nicdomname." She says sullenly before covering herself up and departing the chamber slowly, wiping her tears away.
<<link [[Finish confession|Church]]>><<wait>><<set $confession +=1>><<set $confessiontoday =1>><<set $nic_event = 2>><<set $nicdenial +=1>><</link>>
\<<elseif $nicdenial gte 2>> She breaks down sobbing. "I can't do this, week after week. It's too cruel. You're evil, you hear me, evil!"
Sobbing, she staggers out of the church. You never see her again.
<<link [[Finish confession|Church]]>><<wait>><<set $confession +=1>><<set $confessiontoday =1>><<set $nic_event = -1>><<set $dom +=1>><</link>>
<</if>><img src="Images/People/Nic/nic2.webp" width=500 />
She walks over to the front pew and sits down. You sit a few feet away from her.
"You first."
"No you."
"Well I guess you are the dominant one in this relationship. Where shall I start? A couple of years ago, I guess. When we split up. I took it badly, I guess I thought that we would have got married. And you asked about $Mattfetish. And I overreacted. Well to be fair it was a bit out of the blue. You were going away anyhow, and I didn't want to deal with that, and I thought you were going to propose but instead you asked about kinky sex stuff. Does that fit with your recollection?"
"Pretty much."
"Well I cried for about a month. And then I drank a lot of gin, until Daddy locked me in a room until I was sober. And then I tried the first half of the season as a Debutante. I hated it, all fake civility and fluttering eyelashes and dainty sandwiches. I was still a mess. And then I started drinking again. So Daddy put me in the convent. No, not like the whores and criminals and other ruined women, he put in a word with the Bishop, they go way back, and got me accepted as an initiate. And it worked for a bit - routine, ritual, discipline - I realised that is what I needed. No more than that, that is what I craved."
"So you were happy? I'm glad. And I'm sorry for what happened."
"Wait. It's not a happy ever after story. There was authority - the sisters, Mother Superior, and above her the almighty. And I felt good doing what they asked. But not good enough. I was, I am, living in a dormitory with other initiates. And you know what girls are like. Ok you probably don't - you never had a sister, though you were close to that pretty cousin of yours when you were younger you said. Don't look like that, you had that picture of her family you showed me once."
"They invited me to move in with them, in their spare room."
She raises an eyebrow. "Did they now? And is the cousin still pretty?"
Is that jealousy in her voice?
[[Reassure her. "She's not as pretty as you, Nic."->Nic4_1][$niclove +=1]]
[[Dominate her. "You should be grateful I came back to spend time with you, my pet."->Nic4_1][$nicsub +=1]]<img src="Images/People/Nic/nic2.webp" width=500 />
"Er, yes." Somewhat reassured she continues. "Where was I ? Girls being girls. The initiates dorm is like a girls school, or a sewing circle. Gossipy, with status hierarchy and petty bitchiness. Don't judge - just because we are faithful doesn't make us perfect. And not everyone there was a believer - some were just in it because their families couldn't afford a dowry, and they were the worst of the bunch. Anyow, one of them, Amanda, was a complete slut - kept sneaking out of the convent to meet boys, and one night I followed her, yeah I wanted to get her into trouble, but I miscalculated and she doubled back with some man into the room I was in. So I hid, in a wooden storage chest, looking at them through the keyhole. It was tiny and cramped and I could barely move, and if I did I'd alert them, so I sat motionless for an hour and watched them. Oh I tried not to at first, I prayed and closed my eyes but I couldn't help myself."
You nod, smiling. "Sometimes its fun to watch."
"And they did everything. She let him use her mouth, her pussy, her ass. I'd never even imagined some of the things they did. At one point he sat on the box, his cock hanging down in front of the keyhole, and I saw her lips as she knelt down and sucked him off. That was when I started touching myself. I came at the same time he did. but neither noticed."
"And that was the start of it. I'd masturbated before of course - everyone does, but it was better with the constraint - not being able to move. So I tried a few things - wrapping stockings about my limbs as I went to bed, gagging myself with a cord. I made it a game with one of the other girls, we alternated tying ourselves up and releasing each other in the morning. I said it was to help me focus my prayers - I'm not sure she was convinced."
\<<if $Mattfetish eq "Bondage">>"It's funny. Bondage is why we split up, you wanting to try it, me being shocked, and a couple of years later I'm at it every night. I'm sorry, for what it's worth."
"It's ok. I don't blame you." You reply.<</if>>
\"So I now have this massive bondage fetish going on, with occasional voyeurism and a lot of wanking, at the same time I'm purifying my soul to become a bride of Christ. So the guilt went through the roof. Because on one hand it felt so good, on the other I knew it was forbidden, I mean that's part of what makes it exciting, but I wanted to be given permission. I wanted to submit. And I knew that the ultimate submission to God wasn't going to scratch this itch. But I heard rumours about the bishop, how he occasionally had some of the girls over for prayers. They were sworn to secrecy but after a bit too much communion wine some said a few words. They talked about a club he took them to. With powerful men and women and girls who were pulled around on leashes and commanded to, to do things. And I wanted to see it, at least once, before it was too late. So I came to his confession booth, to see if I had the nerve. But he wasn't here - I met you instead."
She pauses, and looks in your eyes.
"And I'm glad, $playername. Or should I still call you $nicdomname? Anyhow - what's your story. "
[["Only call me that when we are playing."->Nic4_2][$nicname = $playername]]
[["I think you should always refer to me that way."->Nic4_2][$nicname = $nicdomname]]<img src="Images/People/Nic/nic2.webp" width=500 /> <<temp>>
"Yes, $nicname, I will. So you were going to tell me about what you have been up to the past few years. Aside from seducing initiate nuns in confession booths. Have you been seeing anyone?
You breathe in deeply and tell her about the past few years, skirting over some of the more hair raising or violent episodes from your military service. You explain how you were posted overseas, and how you and Matthew had remained friends throughout this time. She seems reassured that you did not have a girlfriend during this period, though rolls her eyes when told of Matthew's girl in every port.
You then move to more recent times, how your mother had died and you returned to sort out her affairs. "Oh I'm so sorry, $playername. <<if $nicname neq $playername>> I mean $nicname.<</if>>" She moves closer and puts an arm around you to comfort you.
You continue, explaining that with little in savings after paying off her debts, you moved to London to work for your uncle and move in with his family, and have settled the last few weeks, occasionally meeting with Matthew socially.
[[Tell her about Daisy->Nic4daisy][$temp1 =1]]
\<<if $found_megan eq 1>>[[Tell her about Megan->Nic4megan][$temp2 =1]]<</if>>
\<<if $found_hc eq 1>>[[Tell her about The Hellfire Club->Nic4HC][$temp3 =1]]<</if>>
\<<if $found_wals eq 1>>[[Tell her about Walsingham->Nic4wals][$temp4 =1]]<</if>>
\<<if $found_michaela eq 1>>[[Tell her about Michaela->Nic4mic][$temp5 =1]]<</if>>
\<<if $penis neq "average" or $chest neq "flat">>[[Talk about your changing body->Nic4body][$temp6 =1]]<</if>>
[[Finish talking about your recent experiences->Nic4_3]]<img src="Images/People/Nic/nic2.webp" width=500 />
"There is a woman, Megan. She's... a courtesan I suppose you would call her."
"A whore?"
"No, definitely not a whore. Well maybe she used to be, but she's a lady now. We met, and I paid her, well Matthew did, it was my birthday, it's a long story, and we tried $Mattfetish."
She blushes. "You finally got your wish. We can do that now. And you don't have to pay me."
"I know. But she taught me things. About myself, my sexuality. She taught me to accept how I am, to embrace it."
"I could have done with a Megan in my life these past few years. I still haven't fully accepted my urges."
"She's quite a woman."
"And you love her?"
"No, nothing like that. It's strictly professional, a business relationship."
"I was right, she is a whore."
"More of a therapist. But yes, her services are not free."
"And could you take me to see her?"
"I don't know. Maybe."
\<<if $temp1 eq 1>>You have already spoken about Daisy.<<else>>[[Tell her about Daisy->Nic4daisy][$temp1 =1]]<</if>>
\<<if $found_hc eq 1>><<if $temp3 eq 1>>You have already spoken about The Hellfire Club.<<else>>[[Tell her about The Hellfire Club->Nic4HC][$temp3 =1]]<</if>>
\<<if $found_wals eq 1>><<if $temp4 eq 1>>You have already spoken about Walsingham.<<else>>[[Tell her about Walsingham->Nic4wals][$temp4 =1]]<</if>>
\<<if $found_michaela eq 1>><<if $temp5 eq 1>>You have already spoken about Michaela.<<else>>[[Tell her about Michaela->Nic4mic][$temp5 =1]]<</if>>
\<<if $penis neq "average" or $chest neq "flat">><<if $temp6 eq 1>>You have already spoken about your body.<<else>>[[Talk about your changing body->Nic4body][$temp6 =1]]<</if>>
[[Finish talking about your recent experiences->Nic4_3]]<img src="Images/People/Nic/nic2.webp" width=500 />
"There's a club I've been visiting. The Hellfire club."
"A gentleman's club?"
"Sort of, but they have lady members as well."
"Is this the one that Bishop Greene takes the initiates to?"
"Probably. It sounds like the same sort of place and there can't be two of them in London. Can there?"
"So what happens there. Is it a sex club." She bites her lower lip in excitement just thinking about it.
"Yes, well mainly. It's about sex, but also power. Somewhere to get away from hypocrisy and be able to explore whatever desires you want - as long as you are rich enough I guess."
"So you could take me there and I could be your..." She looks excitedly at you. "Your submissive, your sex slave. In public?"
"Up on stage if you wanted. Or just have a drink in the bar. Or there are bedrooms there as well."
"I'd like that. I don't want to be ashamed of what I want to do. But if I told the nuns, or my parents, I'd be out on the streets, no better than a common streetwalker."
"I'll see what I can arrange. I'd like to take you there too."
<<if $hcmember eq 0>>"I'm not a member yet but I'm working on it."<<elseif $hcmember eq 1>>"I'm only a provisional member so don't think I can bring guests, maybe on special occasions?"<<elseif $hcmember gt 1>>"I'm a member so can bring a guest whenever I want." She beams with excitement at the thought.<</if>>
\<<if $temp1 eq 1>>You have already spoken about Daisy.<<else>>[[Tell her about Daisy->Nic4daisy][$temp1 =1]]<</if>>
\<<if $found_megan eq 1>><<if $temp2 eq 1>>You have already spoken about Megan.<<else>>[[Tell her about Megan->Nic4megan][$temp2 =1]]<</if>>
\<<if $found_hc eq 1>><<if $temp3 eq 1>>You have already spoken about The Hellfire Club.<<else>>[[Tell her about The Hellfire Club->Nic4HC][$temp3 =1]]<</if>>
\<<if $found_wals eq 1>><<if $temp4 eq 1>>You have already spoken about Walsingham.<<else>>[[Tell her about Walsingham->Nic4wals][$temp4 =1]]<</if>>
\<<if $found_michaela eq 1>><<if $temp5 eq 1>>You have already spoken about Michaela.<<else>>[[Tell her about Michaela->Nic4mic][$temp5 =1]]<</if>>
\<<if $penis neq "average" or $chest neq "flat">><<if $temp6 eq 1>>You have already spoken about your body.<<else>>[[Talk about your changing body->Nic4body][$temp6 =1]]<</if>>
[[Finish talking about your recent experiences->Nic4_3]]<img src="Images/People/Nic/nic2.webp" width=500 />
"So I moved in with my uncle, and my cousin Daisy is there too."
"And you're courting her?"
<<if $daisylove gt 0 and $daisylove lt 3>>Well sort of. Nothing serious yet, just flirting, walks in the park, that kind of thing. <<elseif $daisylove gte 4>>We have started courting. She's a very sweet girl.<<elseif $daisylove eq 0>>We are just friends - she's my cousin. We talk but nothing more than that.<</if>>
She looks at you jealously. "And where do I fit into this then? Does she know about me?"
"Only that we used to court. Years ago."
"So you haven't told your sweet beautiful cousin that you licked my pussy out last week. Or that I like to call you $nicdomname? How do you think she would react to that?"
You shrug. "I'm not sure. She's a complicated girl. Very different from you, to be sure. She wants romance and status and marriage one day."
A tear wells up in her eye. "And I don't? I'm not a whore, I don't just want to be screwed. But..." She moves closer and takes your hands. "I will be frank. I understand if you've moved on, even though it hurts. But I need you. I need this, whatever it is we have between us. Submission, let's call it. I want more, but the alternative of being alone is scary place and I'm not ready for that right now. And I can't just go back to being your girlfriend - I have nowhere to go, I can't go back home, I can't just move into your room at your uncle's, as much as I'd like to - you have a reputation to maintain after all. So for now I'll take as much of you as I can, $nicdomname." She looks into your eyes meaningfully as she says the last words.
\<<if $found_megan eq 1>><<if $temp2 eq 1>>You have already spoken about Megan.<<else>>[[Tell her about Megan->Nic4megan][$temp2 =1]]
\<<if $found_hc eq 1>><<if $temp3 eq 1>>You have already spoken about The Hellfire Club.<<else>>[[Tell her about The Hellfire Club->Nic4HC][$temp3 =1]]
\<<if $found_wals eq 1>><<if $temp4 eq 1>>You have already spoken about Walsingham.<<else>>[[Tell her about Walsingham->Nic4wals][$temp4 =1]]
\<<if $found_michaela eq 1>><<if $temp5 eq 1>>You have already spoken about Michaela.<<else>>[[Tell her about Michaela->Nic4mic][$temp5 =1]]
\<<if $penis neq "average" or $chest neq "flat">><<if $temp6 eq 1>>You have already spoken about your body.<<else>>[[Talk about your changing body->Nic4body][$temp6 =1]]
[[Finish talking about your recent experiences->Nic4_3]]<img src="Images/People/Nic/nic2.webp" width=500 />
"There's a local businessman and politician I have been working with. He co-owns my uncle's pharmacy, and has asked me to work with him."
"My, we are moving up in the world."
"Perhaps. I'm not sure I like him, I'm a little scared of him to be honest, he's very commanding."
"So are you if you put your mind to it. I like it when you tell me what to do."
\<<if $temp1 eq 1>>You have already spoken about Daisy.<<else>>[[Tell her about Daisy->Nic4daisy][$temp1 =1]]<</if>>
\<<if $found_megan eq 1>><<if $temp2 eq 1>>You have already spoken about Megan.<<else>>[[Tell her about Megan->Nic4megan][$temp2 =1]]<</if>>
\<<if $found_hc eq 1>><<if $temp3 eq 1>>You have already spoken about The Hellfire Club.<<else>>[[Tell her about The Hellfire Club->Nic4HC][$temp3 =1]]<</if>>
\<<if $found_michaela eq 1>><<if $temp5 eq 1>>You have already spoken about Michaela.<<else>>[[Tell her about Michaela->Nic4mic][$temp5 =1]]<</if>>
\<<if $penis neq "average" or $chest neq "flat">><<if $temp6 eq 1>>You have already spoken about your body.<<else>>[[Talk about your changing body->Nic4body][$temp6 =1]]<</if>>
[[Finish talking about your recent experiences->Nic4_3]]<img src="Images/People/Nic/nic2.webp" width=500 />
"There's a girl I'm friends with. Well sort of. She was born a boy but she's a girl now."
Nicola raises an eyebrow. "I think I know a little more than you about being a girl. So a man who wears dresses, like a pantomime dame?"
"Its not like that. Well not just like that, though she does wear dresses. You'd have to meet her."
"And you are courting? Or more than that?"
"It's complicated. She's a bit like you. You know how you've been finding out about yourself, about accepting what you are like inside. It's the same. And Michaela's accepting that she's not a boy despite how she was born."
"I see." she replies, despite evidently this being far from the case.
\<<if $michaelasex gt 0>>"We've been with each other. At the club."
"You said you'd met her there. Oh, BEEN with her." Again a flash of jealousy. She touches your hand. "I'm sorry, I wanted to be your first. It's ok, I'm not jealous. Well I am, but I can hardly blame you, can I? Is she like me, willing to submit and do anything for you?" She lifts your hand on her chest and you can feel her full breast beneath it.
"I think she is. As I said. You're very alike in that way. Maybe I could be $nicdomname to both of you."
"I think you might be getting a little greedy, $nicname."
She nibbles her lower lip as she says this though. She's definitely excited by the thought.
"I will try to keep my jealousy in check. After all, she hasn't got one of these, has she?" She lifts her skirts and flashes her crotch at you. She seems to have forgotten to put on underwear today. "And I think I'd like to meet her."<</if>>
\<<if $temp1 eq 1>>You have already spoken about Daisy.<<else>>[[Tell her about Daisy->Nic4daisy][$temp1 =1]]<</if>>
\<<if $found_megan eq 1>><<if $temp2 eq 1>>You have already spoken about Megan.<<else>>[[Tell her about Megan->Nic4megan][$temp2 =1]]<</if>>
\<<if $found_hc eq 1>><<if $temp3 eq 1>>You have already spoken about The Hellfire Club.<<else>>[[Tell her about The Hellfire Club->Nic4HC][$temp3 =1]]<</if>>
\<<if $found_wals eq 1>><<if $temp4 eq 1>>You have already spoken about Walsingham.<<else>>[[Tell her about Walsingham->Nic4wals][$temp4 =1]]<</if>>
\<<if $found_michaela eq 1>><<if $temp5 eq 1>>You have already spoken about Michaela.<<else>>[[Tell her about Michaela->Nic4mic][$temp5 =1]]<</if>>
\<<if $penis neq "average" or $chest neq "flat">><<if $temp6 eq 1>>You have already spoken about your body.<<else>>[[Talk about your changing body->Nic4body][$temp6 =1]]<</if>>
[[Finish talking about your recent experiences->Nic4_3]]<img src="Images/People/Nic/nic2.webp" width=500 />
"Thank you for meeting with me and letting me know a bit more about you. I'll let you think on it and decide what to do. We can go back to courting if you like - I can change out of the habit and wimple, it would be nice to walk with you by the river. Or we could just satisfy our lusts. Though I'd prefer if we had somewhere more private. There are so many things I want to try, $nicdomname, and only so much we can do in a confession booth. I will be here every Tuesday. Until then my dear."
She kisses your forehead lightly and then stands before walking off. You can tell the self control it is taking, but realise that by giving you time to think you can work out what relationship you both want to have. How did your life get so complicated all of a sudden?
<<link [[Finish confession|Church]]>><<wait>><<set $confession +=1>><<set $confessiontoday =1>><<set $nicdenial +=1>><</link>><img src="Images/People/Nic/nic2.webp" width=500 />
"I have undergone some changes myself recently."
\<<if $chest neq "flat">> You lift her hand to your chest and let her feel your breasts.
"I had noticed, I was wondering when you were going to tell me about them. You are getting me all confused, I didn't think I was attracted to women, I live in a convent for God's sake. But they are pretty. And suit you I think. I remember being twelve, and being the only girl in class with a flat chest. And praying so hard that I could have breasts. And then these massive things arrived. Be careful what you wish for.<</if>>
\<<if $penis neq "average" or $chastity eq 1>> You pick up her hand and put it down your underwear. She gasps with surprise.<</if>>
\<<if $penis neq "average">><<if $penis eq "tiny">> I know we didn't do much with this before, but it's $penis now. It doesn't really go very hard any more. I hope this isn't disappointing."
"Well I can't say it isn't a shock. You come back after a couple of years with tits as big as mine and a little clit instead of a cock. You're just going to think of other ways of getting me off, my sweet." Her disappointment is obvious.
\<<elseif $penis eq "small">> I know we didn't do much with this before, but it's a little smaller now. And cute, to match my titties. It still goes hard, but I wanted to let you know.
"Small but perfectly formed, right? I'm still tight inside, I think you'll fit just fine." She does a reasonable job of covering her disappointment with surprise.
\<<elseif $penis eq "large" or $penis eq "huge">> "Are you just really pleased to see me? Just be gentle, to start with at least, $nicname." She bites her lower lip, obviously excited by the thought of your $penis cock.<</if>>
Did this just happen overnight?
"Just about. There was some medicine involved."<</if>>
<<if $chastity eq 1>> So what is the deal with this metal cage thing between your legs? Don't get me wrong, it's really sexy, but I'm sure there is a story there."
"Like you I am submissive. Sometimes at least - though not with you. My cock belongs to my mistress. "
"You don't have the key?"
"No, if I serve my mistress well, then sometimes she lets me out. To play."
"So we can't make love?"
"Not without her permission, no."
"But I had thought we could..." She goes pale. "I thought I was submitting to you, only to find you're some kind of middleman. My $nicdomname isn't even his own master. I mean I can sympathise, it's sort of what I want after all, but I thought..."
She's obviously confused, and understandably so.
"Just give me time. And perhaps I could meet this mistress, that might help."
You nod.
She bites her lower lip. "And I'd really like it if I can have one. Do they even make them for girls?"<</if>>
\<<if $temp1 eq 1>>You have already spoken about Daisy.<<else>>[[Tell her about Daisy->Nic4daisy][$temp1 =1]]<</if>>
\<<if $found_megan eq 1>><<if $temp2 eq 1>>You have already spoken about Megan.<<else>>[[Tell her about Megan->Nic4megan][$temp2 =1]]<</if>>
\<<if $found_hc eq 1>><<if $temp3 eq 1>>You have already spoken about The Hellfire Club.<<else>>[[Tell her about The Hellfire Club->Nic4HC][$temp3 =1]]<</if>>
\<<if $found_wals eq 1>><<if $temp4 eq 1>>You have already spoken about Walsingham.<<else>>[[Tell her about Walsingham->Nic4wals][$temp4 =1]]<</if>>
\<<if $found_michaela eq 1>><<if $temp5 eq 1>>You have already spoken about Michaela.<<else>>[[Tell her about Michaela->Nic4mic][$temp5 =1]]<</if>>
[[Finish talking about your recent experiences->Nic4_3]]<img src="Images/People/Grosvenor1.webp" width=500 />
A thin weasel of a man wearing a faded black suit like an undertaker is standing here, looking pointedly at a golden pocket watch. "Time is money Mr. $playersurname. My name is Mr Grosvenor. I am Sir Walsingham's lawyer. I have some papers for you to sign, and then I am to take you to a..." He puts on a pair of hornrimmed glasses and reads, with precision and slightly sarcastic emphasis on the first syllable "...rabbit farm."
He places a pile of paperwork on the kitchen table. It is drawn up in complex legalese, and Grosvenor drums his fingers showing his irritation as you look it over to check that you aren't being screwed. You are being screwed of course, there's no way around that. There are all sorts of allowances for setup and running costs so it will be months before the place turns a profit, and despite the fact that this is your idea and you'll be doing the work, even after the costs are paid off Walsingham will get more than twice the profit that you will. You guess that's why they call it capitalism. But you will get 5 shillings salary each day that you work there, which is a massive improvement on now, although it will be a full days work.
[[Sign the contract->Farmevent_01]]
[[Refuse to sign->Farmevent_01a]]"An excellent choice, Mr. $playersurname." He watches eagle eyed as you sign and date the paperwork, and gives you a copy for his records,.
"With the paperwork concluded, we should travel to your new place of business. I took the liberty of ordering a carriage."
With little choice in the matter you follow, watching the London streets pass by for about half an hour. You head west, toward Richmond, and the houses become less densely packed and you spy more rural areas. Eventually you alight upon a small area of farmland. You estimate this will be a little over an hours walk from Kensington, so possible to work without carriage, although that would be tiring every day.
The farm is small, a couple of acres perhaps. There is a barn-like building, a stable block and a small farmhouse. The farmhouse has a small apartment where one farmhand lives. Grosvenor introduces him as Sergei. "Sergei will live here and feed and tend the livestock. You will manage the extraction of the substances and package them for shipment. I will arrange for them to be collected weekly and make delivery of any payments."
The barn contains a small number of rabbits with numbered cages. There is plenty of room for expansion.
What was a stable block has been converted into a laboratory for you.
Outside there is a paddock area next to the barn with weed strewn grass.
"Yer would need to put up fencing and so on but the bunnies could run about here, get some fresh air. The ground is chalky so they wont dig much."
Grosvenor checks his watch then takes his leave. "Any questions, please contact my secretary. Here is my card. Sergei will fill you in on where things are." <<set $farmopen=1>>
[[Check out the Farm->Farm]]<img src="Images/People/Grosvenor1.webp" width=500 />
Grosvenor looks slightly surprised. "I beg your pardon? Did you say you wouldn't be signing."
"That is correct."
"The terms in this contract are non-negotiable, I hope you understand. And if you refuse then Sir Walsingham will simply set the farm u without you and claim intellectual property for the work you have done as his employee, up to and including preventing you from benefiting from the discovery. "
So no more rabbit treatments for you or your friends. You might slow him down a little, but Walsingham gets everything he wants. You recall something your mother once told you, "Principles are all very well, but you can't eat them."
[[Change your mind->Farmevent_01]]
[[Stick to your principles->Walswinsending]]The next few weeks are distressing. After Grosvenor's visit, he returned later in the day with a policeman in tow and a warrant to confiscate the contents of the laboratory, rabbits and all.
Although there is no provable link, you are pretty sure that the Health inspector who arrives condemning the Pharmacy building is probably in Walsingham's employ also. Before long Ambrose's family are destitute and homeless.
<<if $house eq 1>>Mr Prescott from the bank arrives, pointing out some irregularities in your mortgage payments and letting you know that regretfully he will have to repossess your house.<</if>>
Ambrose ekes out a living for a few more years treating the illnesses of the poor, but soon succumbs to ill health. Daisy moves in with Ruby and Mrs Hathaway and works days and nights at the coffee shop, although she does not speak to you again, blaming you rightly for the change in her families fortunes.
Two years later Walsingham is made a peer of the realm for his services to industry. His contraceptive pill is the toast of London, enabling women to work free of the struggles of unwanted pregnancies. The resulting increase in labour reduces costs in factories, like those owned by Walsingham.
<b>The End</b>
Note: This path may be revisited in a later version of the game, but the "moral high ground" path is a bit low down priorities at this early stage. It's a sex game, not Dickens. Just like in real life, villains prosper
<<link "Start Again ">><<script>>UI.restart()<</script>><</link>><img src="Images/Places/rabbits.jpg" width=500 />
<<SetFlag "event" false>>
The farm is dirty and smells of rabbit droppings. Still, it pays well.
<<set $ret = "Farm">>
[[Check the financial reports->Farm_profits]]
<<if $time eq "Morning">>[[Work in the farm->Farm_work]]<<else>>You have already done all you can with the rabbits today.<</if>>
[[Carry out research|Research3][$ret = "Farm"]]
[[Speak to Sergei->Farm_Sergei]]
[[Return home->YourRoom]]<img src="Images/Places/Rabbits.webp" width=500 /><<SetFlag "event">>
You get to work in the farm. It's a fairly tedious process to gather all your specimens, extract the serums from them all, and carefully label and package them all, while maintaining hygiene and cleaning up after, and it takes most of the day. Still, it's good pay and better than lifting boxes in the pharmacy.
\<<if $farmO gt 0>>You have $farmO soft white lady rabbits with pretty pink eyes, and extract a weeks dose of Substance O from each of them.
\<<if $farmT gt 0>>You have $farmT boy rabbits with fluffy brown fur that, after you stop them trying to hump anything that moves you manage to extract a weeks dose of Substance T from each of them.
\<<if $farmP gt 0>>You have $farmP black and white spotted girl rabbits with delicate features. You carefully take a months dose of Substance P from each of these.
\<<if $farmD gt 0>>You have $farmD straw coloured girl rabbits with large brown nipples. You carefully take a few doses of Substance D from each of these and make them into purple pills.
\<<if $farmM gt 0>>You have $farmM jet black male rabbits with large penises. You carefully take a few doses of Substance M from each of these and make them into purple pills.
\<<if $farmV gt 0>>You have $farmV large athletic male rabbits that you have to keep separate so they do not hump each other. You carefully take a few doses of Substance V from each of these and make them into blue pills.
\<<if $farmB gt 0>>You have $farmB pale pink girl rabbits with big pink ears that keep trying to mount each other. You carefully take a few doses of Substance B from each of these and make them into pink pills.
<<set $weeklyT += $farmT>><<set $weeklyO += $farmO>><<set $weeklyP += $farmP>>
You think you can take one dose for personal use without affecting quotas too badly. Do you:
<<if $farmO gt 0>><<link [[Take a weeks dose of feminising Substance O|Farm]]>><<wait>><<wait>><<inv7 "Substance O">><<set $weeklyO -=7>><<money 240>><</link>>
<<if $farmT gt 0>><<link [[Take a weeks dose of masculising Substance T|Farm]]>><<wait>><<wait>><<inv7 "Substance T">><<set $weeklyT -=7>><<money 240>><</link>>
<<if $farmP gt 0>><<link [[Take a months dose of fertility affecting Substance P|Farm]]>><<wait>><<wait>><<inv28 "Substance P">><<set $weeklyP -=28>><<money 240>><</link>>
\<<if $farmM gt 0>><<link [[Take 4 doses of penis enhancing Substance M|Farm]]>><<wait>><<wait>><<inv28 "Substance M">><<set $weeklyM -=4>><<money 240>><</link>>
\<<if $farmD gt 0>><<link [[Take 4 doses of penis enhancing Substance MP|Farm]]>><<wait>><<wait>><<inv28 "Substance D">><<set $weeklyD -=4>><<money 240>><</link>>
\<<if $farmV gt 0>><<link [[Take 4 doses of virility enhancing Substance V|Farm]]>><<wait>><<wait>><<inv28 "Substance V">><<set $weeklyV -=4>><<money 240>><</link>>
\<<if $farmB gt 0>><<link [[Take 4 doses of submission inducing Substance B|Farm]]>><<wait>><<wait>><<inv28 "Substance B">><<set $weeklyB -=4>><<money 240>><</link>>
\<<link [[Don't take any|Farm]]>><<wait>><<money 240>><</link>>You look through the books. You really ought to organise these properly one day, there are all sorts of gaps in your records.
[[Return->Farm]]Sergei is pretty uncommunicative. He's arm deep cleaning up rabbit poo. Maybe he'll be more talkative another day
[[Return->Farm]]\<<if $Eastercount gte 50>> A gong sounds, and a loud announcement is made. "All of the Easter Eggs have been found. Please gather in the ballroom for the prize announcement.
[[Follow everyone to the ballroom->HCevent3_end]]
\The bar is its usual lively state, with small groups of revelers talking, laughing and a number seem to be lewdly and messilly kissing. Bishop Greene seems to be master of ceremonies in here, cheering couples on lustily in a manner that does not appear wholly compatible with the church's views while handing out chocolate eggs.
Across the other side of the room, a few people are sitting eating. The special appears to be eggs benedict tonight.
<<if $temp5 eq 0>>[[Sit down at a table and order eggs benedict->HCevent3_meal][$Eastercount +=5]]<<else>> You have already eaten the special today.<</if>>
<<if $temp6 eq 0>>[[Ask the bishop what the kissing game is about->HCevent3_kiss][$Eastercount +=1]]<<else>>You have already played the kissing game.<</if>>
[[Head to the foyer->HCevent3_foyer][$Eastercount +=2]]
<<if $temp2 eq 0>>[[Head to the ballroom->HCevent3_show][$Eastercount +=2]]<<else>>You have already seen tonight's performance.<</if>>
<<if $temp3 eq 0>>[[Look upstairs->HCevent3_upstairs][$Eastercount +=2]]<<else>>You have already been upstairs<</if>>
<</if>>\<<if $Eastercount gte 50>> A gong sounds, and a loud announcement is made. "All of the Easter Eggs have been found. Please gather in the ballroom for the prize announcement.
[[Follow everyone to the ballroom->HCevent3_end]]
<<set $temp2 = 1>>
The crowd starts gathering for another of the clubs weekly entertainments. You silently pray that you are not today's star of the show, and are relieved that you merely have to take a seat.
The lights soon dim and the performance begins. Half a dozen of the female club staff wearing their rabbit ears and tails start dancing on stage, on all fours as if they are real rabbits. They cavort about seductively, kissing and touching each other. A few even jump off stage and flirt animalistically with the audience, but you are a couple of tables back and aren't selected.
<img src="Images/Places/Easterperformance.webp" width=512 />
Two of the male waiting staff, you recognise one from the bar, come on stage now, topless and again wearing the bow ties and rabbit ears and tails. The bunnies act as if they are in heat, shaking their asses in time at the audience, and lifting their fishnet clad legs high. The bucks crawl around on all fours, sniffing the tails of the bunnies before they select their mate. They pull down the panties of the nearest doe and start to mount them.
Suddenly there is a loud cry. From offstage comes a roar, and a fierce figure walks into view. <<if $found_prince eq 1>>It is the Prince<<else>>It is a large tattooed black man with dreadlocked hair<</if>>, naked apart from a black bunny tail and ears, with a huge cock pointing out from between his thighs. He bounds at the two bucks who scatter offstage. The six does start dancing around him, stripping down so that they are naked apart from their ears, collars, fluffy tails and stockinged heels. They start kissing and stroking his massive member, showing his position as alpha among the warren. One of them that you recognise as Bunny, the waitress from the foyer, carefully mounts him from above and rocks back and forward on his crotch, moaning passionately as she does. The remainder rub themselves over his body - one pushing her crotch into his hand, another putting her breasts in his mouth, a third straddling his chest, a fourth nuzzling his toes, and the last sucking his balls. They move around and change positions, until with a gasp he jerks and appears to climax.
The lights dim and the five form a circle around Bunny who is lying on her back looking very pleased with herself. One licks the alpha buck's cock clean and he possessively touches each of them on the collar before walking offstage to cheers of "The Prince!"
The music is now calm and melodic, and Bunny starts rubbing her stomach. She walks calmly toward the edge of the stage and down the steps into the audience. She is looking directly at you. Oh crap. Not again.
She puts an arm around your neck and starts stroking your hair. The audience whoops and cheers, and she puts her cute ass on your lap, kissing you gently before grimacing as if in pain. The music begins to increase in volume and tempo as she strains on your lap. You watch in amazement as she pushes and the tip of a glistening golden egg emerges from her vagina. With a push it plops onto your lap, and she laughs and bounds off.
You think it slightly rude to point out that rabbits are mammals and dont lay eggs after she gives you such a nice present.
It is only when you pick it up that you realise it is still wet with the Prince's semen.
The music stops playing and the show ends.
<<egg>><<set $Eastercount +=20>>
[[Head to the foyer->HCevent3_foyer][$Eastercount +=2]]
[[Head to the bar->HCevent3_bar][$Eastercount +=2]]
<<if $temp3 eq 0>>[[Look upstairs->HCevent3_upstairs][$Eastercount +=2]]<<else>>You have already been upstairs<</if>>
<</if>>\<<if $Eastercount gte 50>> A gong sounds, and a loud announcement is made. "All of the Easter Eggs have been found. Please gather in the ballroom for the prize announcement.
[[Follow everyone to the ballroom->HCevent3_end]]
\You are on the upper floor hallway. A dozen or so doors lead off here toward various bedrooms and offices. Most of these are closed, however you see one open door which you head towards.
Inside you are met by an impressive sight. Sitting on the bed, stark naked is a tall black man with tattooed skin and long hair. You are unaccustomed to seeing dark skinned people, there are only a few hundred in London you guess, mainly working in service, but he is something else entirely. Flanking him are two beautiful women, one sitting cross legged wearing a feather headdress with arms similarly decorated with feathers, the other one oriental naked apart from a metal collars around her neck. <<set $found_prince= 1>>
"Hey, don't be shy. Come join the party." he calls out in a deep booming voice. "Wendy, give our guest a hand." The oriental girl stands up and takes your hand, leading you into the room.
"Er, I'm not sure I should be here" you mumble. "Three's a crowd, so four must be..."
"A party. And don't play the innocent - this is the Hellfire club - its legend has spread all the way to Nigeria - so much that I, Prince Nelson, travel to London to attend a few times a year, though I bring a little of my Harem with me when I do. And I am honoured that my hosts asked me to be a part of tonight's celebrations, both here and on stage tonight."
Try as you might your gaze keeps being drawn to the Prince's member. It is the largest you have ever seen. Over a foot long, with almost proportionate girth. It glistens as if oiled, and perhaps it is.
"It is magnificent is it not. Go on, touch it - it won't bite. No, you are shy. It is not surprising when faced with royalty, I know. So I assume you are here about the egg."
"There is an egg here? May I have it?"
"Lisa - show him the egg you are keeping warm. Has it hatched yet?"
"No my prince." The other girl turns toward you. You see that her arms are bound behind her back and her outthrust arms are decorated with multicoloured feathers to look like wings. The overall effect is that of a bird sitting on a nest, and as she leans forward you see her rubbing a golden egg with her crotch.
"And what do I have to do to get the egg?" you ask.
"Why simple. Put my cock in your mouth. All of it. - Wendy, show him how it is done."
The girl leans over and runs her fingers down the length of his cock before cupping his balls in her hands and opening her mouth wide. You think she must have dislocated her jaw as it opens so wide, but she effortlessly slides her head down his member until you see her throat bulging as it enters there. She pulls back without gagging, in one seamless motion. As she pulls back you notice the girls secret - she appears to have no teeth.
"Care to give it a try, whiteboy?"
<<set $temp3 =1>>
[[Open Wide->HCevent3_prince][$Eastercount +=2]]
[[Run away to the foyer->HCevent3_foyer][$Eastercount +=2]]
[[Flee to the bar->HCevent3_bar][$Eastercount +=2]]
<<if $temp2 eq 0>>[[Make your excuses and head to the ballroom->HCevent3_show][$Eastercount +=2]]<<else>>You have already seen tonight's performance.<</if>>
<</if>>\<<if $Eastercount gte 50>> A gong sounds, and a loud announcement is made. "All of the Easter Eggs have been found. Please gather in the ballroom for the prize announcement.
[[Follow everyone to the ballroom->HCevent3_end]]
\The foyer is elaborately decorated in hundreds of tiny flowers, arranged in displays, pots, and elaborate garlands that are wrapped around the stairs.
<img src="Images/Places/HCfoyer_Easter.webp" width=512 />
<<if $temp1 eq 0>>A waitress dressed as a rabbit is holding a tray of drinks at the bottom of the staircase.
[[Speak to the bunny girl->HCevent3_bunny][$Eastercount +=1]]<</if>>
[[Head to the bar->HCevent3_bar][$Eastercount +=2]]
<<if $temp2 eq 0>>[[Head to the ballroom->HCevent3_show][$Eastercount +=2]]<<else>>You have already seen tonight's performance.<</if>>
<<if $temp3 eq 0>>[[Look upstairs->HCevent3_upstairs][$Eastercount +=2]]<<else>>You have already been upstairs<</if>>
<<if $temp4 eq 0>>[[Examine the staircase->HCevent3_stairs][$Eastercount +=1]]<<else>>You have already found the egg on the stairs.<</if>>
<</if>><img src="Images/People/Bunny1.webp" width=512 />
You head over to speak to the 'bunny girl' who handed you the drink. She has dyed pink hair, which combined with the pinkness of her somewhat revealing outfit and fluffy extremities makes her exceedingly cute.
"Hey there. Happy Easter, sweetie. Do you want another drink?"
[[Ask about the Easter Egg Hunt->HCevent3_hunt][$Eastercount +=1]]
[[Flirt->HCevent3_flirt][$Eastercount +=1]]
[[Look around the foyer->HCevent3_foyer][$Eastercount +=1]]
[[Head to the bar->HCevent3_bar][$Eastercount +=2]]
[[Head to the ballroom->HCevent3_show][$Eastercount +=2]]
[[Look upstairs->HCevent3_upstairs][$Eastercount +=2]]She giggles. "There are ten golden eggs hidden in the club. There is a prize for the person who finds the most."
"Can you give me any hints?"
"That would be cheating! Some are ''very'' well hidden. Some are in plain sight.
"Can I give you anything to persuade you?"
"I'm afraid that bribery is most certainly against the rules, sir." She says firmly.
"So what can I do? Tickle you until you tell me?"
She pauses. "Well you are allowed to touch the staff. Within reason. But if you tickle me I might drop these drinks and that would really cause a scene."
[[Return->HCevent3_bunny]]<img src="Images/People/Bunny1.webp" width=512 />
You reach out and start stroking her ears, petting her as if she were a real rabbit.
"So what is your name my dear?" you ask.
"Why Bunny of course! Well Barbara, but everyone calls me Bunny. So when Easter came around they put me centre stage. I do like what you're doing to my ears though, it makes me all tingly."
"What about your tail? Can I play with that?"
If you like. Just be careful.
[[Play with her tail->HCevent3_tail][$Eastercount +=1]]
[[Talk about something else->HCevent3_bunny]]You stroke her tail, which is made from the same soft fur as her ears. As you caress it you note that it doesn't appear to be attached to her costume. You give it a little tug and Bunny moans a little. "Oh!" You twist it slightly and she wobbles, closing her eyes as she concentrates on holding the drinks tray.
"Does your tail go inside you?"
She nods, gasping.
You smile, and start gently easing the plug in and out of her, just a fraction, and without alerting the rest of the guests milling around to what you are doing. You give an experimental hard tug but it does seem to be secured quite tightly up there.
"Can we get some drinks over here please?" Calls another guest.
[[Leave her to deliver drinks->HCevent3_foyer]]
[[Keep going and start rubbing her crotch->HCevent3_bunnycum][$Eastercount +=1]]She starts gasping as you work on her with both hands, one rubbing her pussy through the silken material, the other easing the butt plug half an inch in and out, stimulating her asshole. She must have had this up there for at least an hour, and you feel wetness through the leotard material as she gasps.
"Please, keep going" she gasps, wobbling slightly on her heels and spilling a little champagne.
"Some people have no respect these days" says an elegantly dressed older woman who had been making noises earlier. Her partner takes two glasses of champagne and mutters "Get a room.", before walking away as you continue to work on Bunny.
"Oh fuck" she screams, as she cums. The tray of drinks falls to the ground and shatters. As her muscles spasm, the bunny tail eases out of her ass, revealing a golden butt plug attached to the white fur, well lubricated by her juices by now.
It appears to be shaped like an egg.
She smiles with relief and kisses you full on the lips, before announcing to all the guests:
"Mr $playersurname has found a golden egg in the egg hunt! He was very naughty, as it was up my arse!"
The crowd applauds and laughs as you leave with your prize, and Bunny heads off to freshen up and find a new tail.
[[Return->HCevent3_foyer][$bunnylove +=1, $temp1 = 1]]<img src="Images/People/Megan/Meganstage.webp" width=500 />
It is getting late after the evenings activities. All of the guests gather and take a seat in the ballroom. You recognise some friendly faces and sit down next to them.
The lights dim and Megan and Walsingham take their places on the stage, as the two most recognisable faces in the club. Walsingham begins the announcements:
"Ladies and Gentlemen. I hope that you have all had an enjoyable evening. I know that I have. I have been thinking a little on rabbits recently, and I hope that you have enjoyed the Easter bunny attire of our staff today. I do like the ears, gives me something to hold onto."
The audience laughs politely as Megan takes over.
"Now as you know there were ten eggs hidden about the club today. \
\<<if $egg_count lt 2>>
Our runner up today with two eggs is my protege Michaela,
and our winner with a grand total of four eggs is Melissa Hildegarde<<if $eventrole neq "Columbine">> who you might remember as a very memorable Columbine in last weeks Harlequinade<</if>>."
You applaud with the rest of the audience, frustrated that your haul of $egg_count was not sufficient to receive recognition. "Well it is not golden, but it is just about egg shaped." says Megan. The waitress Bunny hands the two prizewinners metal butt plugs adorned with a cute pink fluffy tail. "Do you want me to put it in for you?" she asks cheekily. The winner also receives a cute pink bunny costume. "I think it is just your size." says Megan. <</if>>
\<<if ($egg_count eq 3) or ($egg_count eq 2)>> Our runner up today with $egg_count eggs is $playername $playersurname, who you might remember as a very memorable $eventrole in last weeks Harlequinade, and our winner with a grand total of 4 eggs is Melissa Hildegarde<<if $eventrole neq "Columbine">> who was also on stage last week as Columbine. You two will have to stop meeting up here <</if>> ."
You step up to receive your prize , frustrated that your haul of $egg_count was narrowly beaten.
"Well it is not golden, but it is just about egg shaped." says Megan. The waitress Bunny hands you and the winner metal butt plugs adorned with a cute pink fluffy tail. "Do you want me to put it in for you?" she asks cheekily. <<set $objects["Bunny tail buttplug"].inv = 1>>
The winner also receives a cute pink bunny costume. "I think it is just your size." says Megan. <</if>>
\<<if $egg_count gt 3>> Our runner up today with 3 eggs is Melissa Hildegarde<<if $eventrole neq "Columbine">> who you might remember as Columbine in last weeks Harlequinade<</if>>, and our winner with a grand total of $egg_count eggs is $playername $playersurname, who you might remember as a very memorable $eventrole in <<if $eventrole eq "Columbine">> last weeks Harlequinade.<<else>>the same performance. You two will have to stop meeting like this up here!"<</if>>
The crowd applauds as you step up to receive your prize.
"Well it is not golden, but it is just about egg shaped." says Megan. The waitress Bunny hands you and the runner up metal butt plugs adorned with a cute pink fluffy tail. "Do you want me to put it in for you?" she asks cheekily.
As the winner you also receive a cute pink bunny costume. "For the lady in your life. Unless you wish to wear it yourself..." says Megan. "You can work here with me - we can be twins!" says Bunny. <<set $objects["Bunny tail buttplug"].inv = 1>><<set $objects["Pink bunny ears"].inv = 1>><<set $objects["Pink bunny outfit"].inv = 1>><</if>>
Before closing the event, Megan reminds everyone about next week. "Remember everyone the season is upon us, and our debutante's ball is next week. If you have a special young lady of refined upbringing who shares out values, a niece, a daughter perhaps, although knowing most of you - a mistress is more likely! Anyhow we will have a small number of tickets available for debutantes on the evening. Come and speak to me if you are interested."
The crowds gradually disperse as the guests depart for the evening.
[[Speak to Megan about the debutantes ball->HCevent3_ball][$p = 0]]
<<link [[Leave the club|YourRoom]]>> <<wait>> <</link>><<nobr>><<SetFlag "event">>
<<set $egg_count =0>>
<<set $bunnylove = 0>>
<<set $Eastercount = 0>>
<<set $found_prince= 0>>
<img src="Images/Places/HCfoyer_Easter.webp" width=512 />
The club is decorated for the annual Easter celebrations. Garlands of flowers adorn the walls and staircases in a pageant of spring. A beautiful girl offers you a glass of champagne. You take it absentmindedly, before noticing that she is dressed as a rabbit. Her main clothing seems to be a tight pink leotard, like worn by a circus performer. Her hair is secured by a headband adorned with long fluffy white and pink furry ears. Attached to her pert ass is a fluffy white tail. To set this off she is wearing a little white collar with a pink bow tie, black fishnet stockings and high heels that raise her ass further in the air showing off her impressive figure.
The noticeboard describes the evening's entertainment:
Ballroom - Easter Bunny performance
Around the club - Easter Egg Hunt
Restaurant and Bar - Canapes and chocolate eggs
[[Look around the foyer->HCevent3_foyer][$Eastercount +=1]]
[[Speak to the bunny girl->HCevent3_bunny][$Eastercount +=1]]
[[Head to the bar->HCevent3_bar][$Eastercount +=2]]
[[Watch the show->HCevent3_show][$Eastercount +=2]]
[[Look upstairs->HCevent3_upstairs][$Eastercount +=2]]<<widget wait>>
<<if $time eq "Evening" or $time eq "evening" or $time eq "night">> <<set $time = "Night">>
<<elseif $time eq "Morning" or $time eq "morning">> <<set $time = "Afternoon">>
<<elseif $time eq "Afternoon" or $time eq "afternoon" >> <<set $time = "Evening">><</if>>
<<widget event>>
<<set $event =_args[0]>>
<<widget night>>
<<set $time = "Night">>
<<widget day>>
<<set $daynumber +=1>><<if $day eq "Monday">> <<set $day = "Tuesday">> <<elseif $day eq "Tuesday">> <<set $day = "Wednesday">> <<elseif $day eq "Wednesday">> <<set $day = "Thursday">> <<elseif $day eq "Thursday">> <<set $day = "Friday">> <<elseif $day eq "Friday">> <<set $day = "Saturday">> <<elseif $day eq "Saturday">> <<set $day = "Sunday">> <<else>> <<set $day = "Monday">>
<<if $chastity eq 1>><<set $chastitycount += 1>>
<<if $penistemp neq 0>><<set $penis = $penistemp>><<set $penistemp = 0>>
<<widget inv1>>
<<set $objects[_args[0]].inv +=1>>
<<widget inv4>>
<<set $objects[_args[0]].inv +=4>>
<<widget inv7>>
<<set $objects[_args[0]].inv +=7>>
<<widget inv28>>
<<set $objects[_args[0]].inv +=28>>
<<widget inv-x>>
<<set $objects[_args[0]].inv -= _args[1]>>
<<if $objects[_args[0]].inv lt 0>><<set $objects[_args[0]].inv = 0>><</if>>
<<widget inv-1>>
<<set $objects[_args[0]].inv -=1>>
<<widget inv-4>>
<<set $objects[_args[0]].inv -=4>>
<<widget inv-7>>
<<set $objects[_args[0]].inv -=7>>
<<widget inv-28>>
<<set $objects[_args[0]].inv -=28>>
<<widget mascdose>>
<<set $mascdose+=1>><<set $medM=1>>
<<widget femdose>>
<<set $femdose+=1>><<set $medF=1>>
<<widget fertdose>>
<<set $fertdose+=1>><<set $medC=1>>
<<widget dispense>>
<<set $prescriptionsdone = 1>>
\<<inv-x "Substance T" $temp11>>
\<<inv-x "Substance O" $temp12>>
\<<inv-x "Substance P" $temp13>>
\<<inv-x "Substance M" $temp14>>
\<<inv-x "Substance D" $temp15>>
\<<inv-x "Substance V" $temp16>>
\<<inv-x "Substance B" $temp17>>
<<set $temp18 = 25*($temp11 + $temp12) + 3*$temp13 + 90*($temp14 + $temp15 + $temp16) + 120*($temp17)>>
<<money $temp18>>
<<widget presc>>
<<if _args[0] eq "T">>
<<set $money += 180 >>
<<elseif _args[0] eq "P">>
<<set $money += 24 >>
<<set $Ppres += 7 >>
<<elseif _args[0] eq "O">>
<<set $money += 180 >>
<<set $Opres += 7 >>
<<elseif _args[0] eq "B">>
<<set $money += 480 >>
<<set $Bpres += 4 >>
<<elseif _args[0] eq "M">>
<<set $money += 360 >>
<<set $Mpres += 4 >>
<<elseif _args[0] eq "V">>
<<set $money += 360 >>
<<set $Vpres += 4 >>
<<elseif _args[0] eq "D">>
<<set $money += 360 >>
<<set $Dpres += 4 >>
<<widget expenses>>
''Your tastes are becoming more expensive. Your expenses are now _args[0] shillings a day. You should also wear appropriate attire for your new social standing.'' <<set $expenses = _args[0]>>
<<widget "DeleteMatch">>
<<set $matchinventory = $matchinventory.filter(function (element) { return element.name != this; }, $args[0])>>
<<widget egg>>
<<set $egg_count +=1>>
You have found $egg_count of the eggs in the Easter egg hunt.
<<widget femcheck>>
<<set $femcheck = 0>>
<<if $facialhair gt 0>><<set $femcheck -= 1>><</if>>
<<if $chest neq "flat">><<set $femcheck += 1>><</if>>
<<if $objects[$outfit].gender eq "F">><<set $femcheck += 2>><</if>>
<<if $objects[$wig].gender eq "F">><<set $femcheck += 1>><</if>>
<<if $objects[$top].gender eq "F">><<set $femcheck += 1>><</if>>
<<if $objects[$bottom].gender eq "F">><<set $femcheck += 1>><</if>>
<<if $outfit eq "none" and $top eq "none" and $objects[$bra].gender eq "F">><<set $femcheck += 1>><</if>>
<<if $outfit eq "none" and $bottom eq "none" and $objects[$panties].gender eq "F">><<set $femcheck += 1>><</if>>
<<if $objects[$shoes].gender eq "F">><<set $femcheck += 1>><</if>>
<<widget sir>>
<<if $femcheck gt 1>>madam<<else>>sir<</if>><</widget>>
<<widget daisyevent>>
<<SetFlag "event">>
<<if $Daisyevent lt _args[0] >><<set $Daisyevent =_args[0]>><</if>>
<<widget michaela_date>>
<<SetFlag "event">>
<<if $michaela_date lt _args[0] >><<set $michaela_date =_args[0]>><</if>>
<<widget mattdate>>
<<SetFlag "event">>
<<if $mattdate lt _args[0] >><<set $mattdate =_args[0]>><</if>>
<<widget Daisydomevent>>
<<set $Daisydomevent +=1>>
<<widget cleanshave>>
<<set $dirty = 0>><<set $facialhair =0>><<set $leghair = 0>><<set $bodyhair = 0>><<set $armhair = 0>>
<<widget boy>>
<<if $femcheck gt 1>><<set $boy = "girl">><<else>><<set $boy ="boy">><</if>><</widget>>
<<widget chastity>>
<<if _args[0] eq 1>>
<<if $chastity eq 0>>
<<set $chastity = 1>><<set $chastitycount = 0>><<set $caged_count += 1>>
<<elseif _args[0] eq 0>>
<<set $chastity = 0>>
<<widget penis>>
<<if _args[0] eq 1>>
<<if $penis eq "tiny">><<set $penis = "small">>
<<elseif $penis eq "small">><<set $penis = "average">>
<<elseif $penis eq "average">><<set $penis = "large">>
<<elseif $penis eq "large">><<set $penis = "huge">><</if>>
<<elseif _args[0] eq -1>>
<<if $penis eq "huge">><<set $penis = "large">>
<<elseif $penis eq "large">><<set $penis = "average">>
<<elseif $penis eq "average">><<set $penis = "small">>
<<elseif $penis eq "small">><<set $penis = "tiny">><</if>>
<<widget breast>>
<<if _args[0] eq 1>>
<<if $chest eq "flat">><<set $chest = "small">>
<<elseif $chest eq "small">><<set $chest = "average">>
<<elseif $chest eq "average">><<set $chest = "large">>
<<elseif $chest eq "large">><<set $chest = "huge">><</if>>
<<elseif _args[0] eq -1>>
<<if $chest eq "huge">><<set $chest = "large">>
<<elseif $chest eq "large">><<set $chest = "average">>
<<elseif $chest eq "average">><<set $chest = "small">>
<<elseif $chest eq "small">><<set $chest = "flat">><</if>>
<<widget temp>>
<<set $temp = 0>><<set $temp1 = 0>><<set $temp2 = 0>><<set $temp3 = 0>>
<<set $temp4 = 0>><<set $temp5 = 0>><<set $temp6 = 0>><<set $temp7 = 0>>
<<set $temp8 = 0>><<set $temp9 = 0>><<set $temp10 = 0>><<set $temp11 = 0>><<set $temp12 = 0>><<set $temp13 = 0>><<set $temp14 = 0>><<set $temp15 = 0>><<set $temp16 = 0>><<set $temp17 = 0>><<set $temp18 = 0>><<set $temp19 = 0>>
<<widget mclothcheck>>
<<set $mclothcheck = 0>>
<<if $objects[$wig].gender eq "M">><<set $mclothcheck += 1>><</if>>
<<if $objects[$outfit].gender eq "M">><<set $mclothcheck += 1>><</if>>
<<if $objects[$panties].gender eq "M">><<set $mclothcheck += 1>><</if>>
<<if $objects[$bra].gender eq "M">><<set $mclothcheck += 1>><</if>>
<<if $objects[$hat].gender eq "M">><<set $mclothcheck += 1>><</if>>
<<if $objects[$shoes].gender eq "M">><<set $mclothcheck += 1>><</if>>
<<if $objects[$socks].gender eq "M">><<set $mclothcheck += 1>><</if>>
<<if $objects[$top].gender eq "M">><<set $mclothcheck += 1>><</if>>
<<if $objects[$bottom].gender eq "M">><<set $mclothcheck += 1>><</if>>
<<widget allfetishon>>
<<set $fetish_bondage = 1>>
<<set $fetish_cross = 1>>
<<set $fetish_anal = 1>>
<<set $fetish_piss = 1>>
<<set $fetish_leather = 1>>
<<set $fetish_sub = 1>>
<<set $fetish_cum = 1>>
<<set $fetish_humilation = 1>>
<<set $fetish_masochism = 1>>
<<set $fetish_fist = 1>>
<<set $fetish_pet = 1>>
<<set $fetish_chastity = 1>>
<<set $fetish_milk = 1>>
<<set $fetish_sissy = 1>>
<<set $fetish_lactation = 1>>
<<set $fetish_dom = 1>>
<<set $fetish_gay = 1>>
<<set $fetish_slave = 1>>
<<widget money>>
<<set $money += _args[0] >>
<<if $Megandomevent gt 0 and _args[0] gt 0>><<set $meganmoney += ((_args[0] - (_args[0] % 10))/10)>><</if>>
<<widget printmoney>>
<<if _args[0] gte 252>> <<print ((_args[0] - (_args[0] % 252))/252)>> guinea<<if _args[0] gte 504 >>s<</if>><</if>> <<print (((_args[0] % 252)- (_args[0] % 12))/12) >> / <<print _args[0] % 12 >>
/* SetFlag : Set Flag X to value Y (Y defaults to True). Flag names are NOT case sensitive. */
/* EXAMPLE: <<SetFlag "Mentor" "Bob">> */
/* EXAMPLE: <<SetFlag "TrialMed">> = sets TrialMed flag to True */
<<widget "SetFlag">>
<<set _Fnam = $args[0].toLowerCase()>>
<<if ndef $Flags>>
<<set $Flags = {}>>
<<if def $args[1]>>
<<if $args[1] == false>>
<<if def $Flags[_Fnam]>>
<<run delete $Flags[_Fnam]>>
<<set $Flags[_Fnam] = $args[1]>>
<<set $Flags[_Fnam] = true>>
/* Event flags: */
<<widget monsieur>>
<<if $femcheck lt 2>>Monsieur
<<widget shilling>>
<<if _args[0] gte 252>> <<print ((_args[0] - (_args[0] % 252))/252)>> guinea<<if _args[0] gte 504 >>s<</if>><</if>> <<print (((_args[0] % 252)- (_args[0] % 12))/12) >> / <<print _args[0] % 12 >>
<<widget month>>
<<if $HCevent lt 2>>March 1899
<<elseif $HCevent lt 6>>April 1899
<<elseif $HCevent lt 10>>May 1899
<<elseif $HCevent lt 14>>June 1899
<<elseif $HCevent lt 24>>July 1899
<<elseif $HCevent lt 26>>August 1899
<<elseif $HCevent lt 29>>September 1899
<<elseif $HCevent lt 33>>October 1899
<<elseif $HCevent lt 38>>November 1899
<<elseif $HCevent lt 43>>December 1899<</if>>
<<widget sissy>>
<<if $fetish_sissy eq 1>>sissy<<else>>girlfriend<</if>>
<<widget nicevent>>
<<SetFlag "event">>
<<if $nic_event lt _args[0]>><<set $nic_event= _args[0]>><</if>>
<<widget ring>>
<<if $penis eq "none">>
<<set $penis = $penisold>>
<<set $penisold = $penis>>
<<set $penis = "none">>
<<widget bodycheck>>
\<<if ($femdose gte 5) and ($mascdose gte 5) and ($fertdose gte 5)>>
<<set $penis = "large">><<set $chest ="large">><<set $facialhair = 0>><<set $leghair = 0>><<set $bodyhair = 0>><<set $armhair = 0>><<set $testedT = 1>>
<<elseif $femdose gte 5 and $fertdose gte 5>>
<<set $penis = "tiny">><<set $chest ="average">><<set $facialhair = 0>><<set $leghair = 0>><<set $bodyhair = 0>><<set $armhair = 0>>
\<<elseif $femdose gte 5 and $mascdose gte 5>><<set $penis = "large">><<set $chest ="small">><<set $facialhair = 0>><<set $leghair = 0>><<set $bodyhair = 0>><<set $armhair = 0>>
\<<elseif $femdose gte 5>><<set $penis = "small">><<set $chest = "small">><<set $facialhair = 0>><<set $leghair = 0>><<set $bodyhair = 0>><<set $armhair = 0>>
\<<elseif $mascdose gte 5 and $fertdose gte 5>> <<set $penis = "huge">>
\<<elseif $mascdose gte 5>> <<set $penis = "large">>
<<else>><<set $penis = "average">><<set $chest = "flat">>
<</widget>><<widget consequences>>
<<set $temp16 = $temp>>
<<set $temp16 %= $temp2>>
<<if $temp16 eq 0>>
<<set $temp17 += $temp3>>
<<set $r = $randomset.pluck()>> <<set $temp18 += $r >>
<<set $r = $randomset.pluck()>> <<set $temp19 += $r >>
\<<elseif $temp16 eq 1>>
<<set $r = $randomset.pluck()>> <<set $temp17 += $r >>
<<set $temp18 += $temp3>>
<<set $r = $randomset.pluck()>><<set $temp19 += $r >>
<<elseif $temp16 eq 2>>
<<set $r = $randomset.pluck()>> <<set $temp17 += $r >>
<<set $r = $randomset.pluck()>> <<set $temp18 += $r >>
<<set $temp19 += $temp3>>
<</widget>>"Just put it in my mouth? And you won't cum."
"Hey, I can't promise - you give me good head and I just might. But <<if $temp2 eq 0>>I'm saving myself for my performance. <<else>>I was pretty much drained on stage just now, so you're probably ok. <</if>>You got to take it all though, or at least the first ten inches." He laughs and gets comfortable.
You kneel down in front of him and start licking your lips and moistening your throat. You have one advantage over the girl, a larger jaw and mouth, although you do have teeth and far less practice than she with this enormous black cock.
You decide to start slow, and put the tip of it inside your lips. Your mouth feels full immediately, but you breathe through your nose and start gradually pushing down. You had to go through initiation games when joining the military after all.
After a few more inches though, you feel the tip of his penis touching your tonsils, and with the salty taste of his precum filling your mouth you still have a few inches to go. Your jaw is starting to hurt.
"Hey whitey - you doing good. You wanna join my harem? Keep sucking there, bitch."
You did not come this far to give up, so with a final effort you push forward again until you feel him filling your throat. You immediately start gagging and pull back, but not before the three of them cheer your effort.
"We have a winner! Hey Wendy, clean whitey up, and Lisa you better give him that egg. I think he earned it."
The unbound girl wipes the spittle off your face with a cloth and kisses your face gently, before leaning underneath her compatriot and handing you the small golden egg.
<<if $temp2 eq 0>> I got to go get ready for the performance - you come and watch, right?" The three of them get up to leave, showing you the door<</if>>
[[Head to the foyer->HCevent3_foyer][$Eastercount +=2]]
[[You think you need a drink after that, head to the bar->HCevent3_bar][$Eastercount +=2]]
[[Make your excuses and head to the ballroom->HCevent3_show][$Eastercount +=2]]<img src="Images/Places/HCfoyer_Easter.webp" width=512 />
<<set $randomset = [1, 2, 3, 4]>><<set $temp4 = $randomset.pluck()>>
You search among the garlands and flower beds, and find <<if ($temp4 eq 1) >>a small golden egg hidden in a flower pot at the bottom of the staircase.
[[Keep searching the staircase->HCevent3_stairs][$Eastercount +=1]]<</if>>
<<if $temp1 eq 0>>A waitress dressed as a rabbit is holding a tray of drinks at the bottom of the staircase.
[[Speak to the bunny girl->HCevent3_bunny][$Eastercount +=1]]<</if>>
[[Head to the bar->HCevent3_bar][$Eastercount +=2]]
<<if $temp2 eq 0>>[[Head to the ballroom->HCevent3_show][$Eastercount +=2]]<<else>>You have already seen tonight's performance.<</if>>
<<if $temp3 eq 0>>[[Look upstairs->HCevent3_upstairs][$Eastercount +=2]]<<else>>You have already visited the upstairs room.<</if>>Your waiter leads you to your table and you order the special, Eggs Benedict.
<img src="Images/Places/EggsBenedict.jpg" width=512 />
It is simple but delicious, poached eggs with cooked ham in a light hollandaise sauce on a toasted muffin. The waiter explains that it is a dish that was developed recently at the Waldorf hotel in New York, where the club's current chef worked for a time.
<<set $randomset = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10]>><<set $temp5 = $randomset.pluck()>>
<<if ($temp5 eq 1) >>While eating you notice a tiny golden egg, the size of a quail's egg, hidden in your sauce. "Be careful with that, don't swallow it!" says the waiter, as he celebrates your find.
<<if $temp6 eq 0>>[[Ask the bishop what the kissing game is about->HCevent3_kiss][$Eastercount +=1]]<<else>>You have already played the kissing game.<</if>>
[[Head to the foyer->HCevent3_foyer][$Eastercount +=2]]
<<if $temp2 eq 0>>[[Head to the ballroom->HCevent3_show][$Eastercount +=2]]<<else>>You have already seen tonight's performance.<</if>>
<<if $temp3 eq 0>>[[Look upstairs->HCevent3_upstairs][$Eastercount +=2]]<<else>>You have already been upstairs<</if>>"Another contestant. Marvellous, marvellous" says the Bishop. The rules are simple, You must pass the yolk from mouth to mouth as many times as you can without it breaking, watch this next attempt. He indicates a young couple demonstrating the game. The man opens his mouth and the glistening yolk slips from his partners lips and falls onto her dress.
<img src="Images/Places/Eggpass.webp" width=512 />
"Oh, that stain will never come out. Never mind. I make that one successful pass there - not even on the leaderboard I am afraid. Still, have a chocolate egg. Now $playername, you are up next. The score to beat is three passes. Oh, are you by yourself, you need a partner for this I'm afraid."
You look around the room and see a few faces that you recognise.
[[Ask Megan->HCevent3_kiss2][$temp6 = "Megan"]]
[[Ask Michaela->HCevent3_kiss2][$temp6 = "Michaela", $michaelalove +=1]]
[[Ask Bunny->HCevent3_kiss2][$temp6 = "Bunny", $bunnylove +=1]]<img src="Images/Places/Eggpass.webp" width=512 />
She replies with a joyful laugh. "Of course $playername, I would love to. Noone has asked me tonight. \
\<<if $temp6 eq "Megan">>I am not taking part in the main egg competition but I don't think this is against the rules." She leans in close and whispers. "But I do expect you to win, I have standards to maintain and I do NOT want to get egg on this dress, do you understand?"
\<<elseif $temp6 eq "Michaela">>I am trying to collect eggs tonight, so I guess we will have to share this one if we win!" The bishop concurs that it will count towards both your totals.
\<<elseif $temp6 eq "Bunny">><<if $temp1 eq 0>>I mean as staff we have to do what the guests ask, but I would have said yes anyhow, you're far cuter than the rest of the members here.<<else>>So you want to put eggs into me as well as take them out?<</if>>" she giggles, stroking her rabbit ears a little. <</if>>
You and your partner stand face to face, looking into each others eyes. The bishop ceremoniously cracks the egg on the side of a golden chalice and carefully separates the egg whites into it, keeping the yolk in one half of the shell. Inspecting carefully to ensure it is intact he says "Ladies first" and gently tips it into $temp6's mouth.
She puts her soft lips to yours and opens them delicately, before tipping your head back and gently easing the yolk onto your waiting tongue. You carefully cradle her chin in your hand, raising your head above hers and brush her lips with the slightest of kisses, before opening your lips again. The yolk slides into her mouth, reminding you of semen in its glutinous texture as it slips between her lips.
Again she takes the lead, this time only lifting her head slightly above yours and making a seal of your lips, before putting her tongue into your mouth and depositing the egg whole onto yours. She pulls back and you reveal the unbroken yolk.
"You have equalled the record. One more for the win." says Bishop Green excitedly, fumbling with something beneath his robe. His fingers look slick but it is probably just the egg white.
[[Pass the yolk into her mouth with your tongue->HCevent3_kissfail]]
[[Allow it to drop from your lips to hers under gravity ->HCevent3_kissfail]]
[[Kiss her delicately, thinking of how soft her lips are ->HCevent3_kisswin]]The yolk breaks, and smears all over her face.
\<<if $temp6 eq "Megan">>Really? I expected better." says Megan with a tone of disappointment. She stands above you. "Open." she commands before spitting the remnants of the yolk into your mouth and walking off without looking back.
<img src="Images/People/Megan/Meganyolk.jpg" width=500 />
\<<elseif $temp6 eq "Michaela">>Michaela laughs and licks her lips, swallowing and showing you an empty clean mouth, before kissing you on the lips. "Its not just eggs I can do that with." she says suggestively.
<img src="Images/People/Mic/Michaelaegg.webp" width=500 />
\<<elseif $temp6 eq "Bunny">>Bunny giggles and smears the sticky yellow fluid across your face as she gives you a passionate open mouthed kiss. "See you later, honey." she says suggestively as she gets back to work.
<img src="Images/People/Bunnyyolk.jpg" width=508 />
"Better luck next time." says the Bishop, handing you a chocolate egg by way of commiseration.
<<if $temp5 eq 0>>[[Surprisingly you haven't had enough egg in your mouth. Sit down at a table and order eggs benedict->HCevent3_meal][$Eastercount +=5]]<<else>> You have already eaten the special today.<</if>>
[[Head to the foyer->HCevent3_foyer][$Eastercount +=2]]
<<if $temp2 eq 0>>[[Head to the ballroom->HCevent3_show][$Eastercount +=2]]<<else>>You have already seen tonight's performance.<</if>>
<<if $temp3 eq 0>>[[Look upstairs->HCevent3_upstairs][$Eastercount +=2]]<<else>>You have already been upstairs<</if>><img src="Images/Places/eggkiss2.jpg" width=512 />
You think about her soft lips and how much you desire them, and as you do so the yolk slips effortlessly onto her waiting tongue. She opens her mouth to show her glistening prize, still intact. The bishop applauds. "We have a winner. Four intact passes. Do you wish to try for five?"
\<<if $temp6 eq "Megan">>Megan nods, and dominantly puts her lips above yours and drops the egg yolk into your mouth. At the last moment she bites, piercing the egg sac and your mouth fills with gooey liquid. She closes your mouth firmly. "Now swallow it all up like a good little pet." With no choice you obey, knowing that she has once clearly shown you and the audience who is in charge here.
<img src="Images/People/Megan/Meganyolk.jpg" width=500 />
\<<elseif $temp6 eq "Michaela">>Michaela moves to pass you the yolk again but as she opens her mouth the yolk splits and starts running down her chin. She laughs and licks her lips, swallowing and showing you an empty clean mouth, before kissing you on the lips. "Its not just eggs I can do that with." she says suggestively.
\<<elseif $temp6 eq "Bunny">>Bunny moves closer toward you and pushes her lips against yours forcefully. She opens them and sticky yolk fills both of your mouths. Her tongue mingles with yours as you share the thick yellow fluid, kissing you deeply until you have both had your fill, before pulling back and showing her pretty face with a smear of yolk on her chin.
<img src="Images/People/Bunnyyolk.jpg" width=508 /><</if>>
The audience applauds and the Bishop hands you both a small golden egg.
<<if $temp5 eq 0>>[[Surprisingly you haven't had enough egg in your mouth. Sit down at a table and order eggs benedict->HCevent3_meal][$Eastercount +=5]]<<else>> You have already eaten the special today.<</if>>
[[Head to the foyer->HCevent3_foyer][$Eastercount +=2]]
<<if $temp2 eq 0>>[[Head to the ballroom->HCevent3_show][$Eastercount +=2]]<<else>>You have already seen tonight's performance.<</if>>
<<if $temp3 eq 0>>[[Look upstairs->HCevent3_upstairs][$Eastercount +=2]]<<else>>You have already been upstairs<</if>><img src="Images/People/Megan/Meganstage.webp" width=500 />
\<<if $p eq 0>>"Why if it isn't <<if $egg_count gt 3>>our winner<<elseif $egg_count eq 3>>our runner up<<else>>$playername<</if>>. How can I help?"
You ask about the debutantes ball.
The event is for young women aged 18 and over. Traditionally they are from the upper and upper middle classes, but here we do not do a full background check. Lord Percy brought a common streetwalker last year, which was frowned upon, to be sure but not against the rules. Although he was a little miffed when she was found giving blowjobs in the kitchen for a shilling a time. There is a charge for those girls attending as debs though - a guinea a piece for non members."
<<if $fem gt 1 or $femcheck gt 2>>"Are you interested? You are perhaps slightly too old, but unmarried and ever so cute so I am sure we can make an exception. I can recommend a delightful gown outfitter. You could even bring a friend, d<<else>>D<</if>>o you have a special someone in your life?
\<<else>>You take the ticket, hoping that Daisy will be thrilled. You then realise perhaps she might expect you to buy her a gown as well.
Megan smiles. "Do you wish to buy a ticket for anyone else?<</if>>
They need to be female, wearing a white gown, and the tickets are a guinea each I am afraid. If you do not have the cash on you now then feel free to pay and collect on the door. <<set $p = 1>>
<<if $money gte 252>><<if $daisydeb neq 1 >>[[Buy a ticket for Daisy->HCevent3_ball][$money -= 252, $daisydeb = 1]]<<else>>You have already bought a ticket for Daisy.<</if>><</if>>
<<link [[Leave the club|YourRoom]]>> <<wait>> <</link>><<widget updatevers>>
<<if $daisystatus eq 0>><<update8>><</if>>
<<if $daisystatus eq 8>><<update8a>><</if>>
<<if $daisystatus eq 8.1>><<update9>><</if>>
<<if $daisystatus eq 9>><<update10>><</if>>
<<if $daisystatus eq 10>><<update11>><</if>>
<<if $daisystatus eq 11>><<update12>><</if>>
<<if $daisystatus eq 12>><<update13>><</if>>
<<if $daisystatus eq 13>><<update14>><</if>>
<<if $daisystatus eq 14>><<update15>><</if>>
<<if $daisystatus eq 15>><<update16>><</if>>
<<if $daisystatus eq 16>><<update17>><</if>>
<<if $daisystatus eq 17>><<update18>><</if>>
<<if $daisystatus eq 18>><<update19>><</if>>
<<if $daisystatus eq 19>><<update20>><</if>>
<<if $daisystatus eq 20>><<update21>><</if>>
<<if $daisystatus eq 21>><<update22>><</if>>
<<if $daisystatus eq 22>><<update23>><</if>>
<<widget update8>>
<<set $objects["Bunny tail buttplug"] to { price: 0, type: "toy", specific: "buttplug", image: "Images/Objects/Bunnyplug.jpg", description: "A metal buttplug with a cute fluffy bunny tail attached. ", inv: 0, gender: "F" }>>
<<set $objects["Pink bunny ears"] to { price: 0, type: "clothing", specific: "hat", image: "Images/Hats/Bunnyears.jpg", description: "A pair of pink and white fluffy bunny ears", inv: 0, gender: "F", }>>
<<set $objects["Pink bunny outfit"] to { price: 0, type: "clothing", specific: "outfit", image: "Images/ClothesF/Bunnyoutfit.jpg", description: "A pink leotard and accessories for dressing as a bunny girl", inv: 0, gender: "F", }>>
<<set $objects["none"] to {price: 0, type: "none", specific: "none", image: "Images/Objects/blank_item.png", description: "none", inv: 0, gender: "N", }>>
<<set $objects["Black mens dress shoes"] to {price:50, type: "clothing", specific: "shoes", image: "Images/Shoes/mensdressshoes.jpg", description: "Black mens dress shoes", inv: 0, gender: "M",}>>
<<set $objects["Black mens socks"] to {price:10, type: "clothing", specific: "socks", image: "Images/Socks/mensblacksocks.jpg", description: "Black mens socks", inv: 0, gender: "M",}>>
<<set $objects["White backless gown"] to {price:360, type: "clothing", specific: "outfit", image: "Images/ClothesF/deb5.jpg", description: "White backless gown", inv: 0, gender: "F",}>>
<<set $objects["White elegant heels"] to {price:50, type: "clothing", specific: "shoes", image: "Images/Shoes/Whiteheels.webp", description: "White elegant heels", inv: 0, gender: "F",}>>
<<set $objects["White flat shoes"] to {price:50, type: "clothing", specific: "shoes", image: "Images/Shoes/Whiteflats.webp", description: "White flat shoes", inv: 0, gender: "F",}>>
<<set $objects["White hooped gown"] to {price:300, type: "clothing", specific: "outfit", image: "Images/ClothesF/deb6.jpg", description: "White hooped gown", inv: 0, gender: "F",}>>
<<set $objects["White lace gown"] to {price:132, type: "clothing", specific: "outfit", image: "Images/ClothesF/deb1.jpg", description: "White lace gown", inv: 0, gender: "F",}>>
<<set $objects["White low cut gown"] to {price:300, type: "clothing", specific: "outfit", image: "Images/ClothesF/deb8.jpg", description: "White low cut gown", inv: 0, gender: "F",}>>
<<set $objects["White ruffled gown"] to {price:420, type: "clothing", specific: "outfit", image: "Images/ClothesF/deb7.jpg", description: "White ruffled gown", inv: 0, gender: "F",}>>
<<set $objects["White satin gown"] to {price:300, type: "clothing", specific: "outfit", image: "Images/ClothesF/deb4.jpg", description: "White satin gown", inv: 0, gender: "F",}>>
<<set $objects["White stockings"] to {price:20, type: "clothing", specific: "socks", image: "Images/Socks/white_stockings.jpg", description: "White stockings", inv: 0, gender: "F",}>>
<<set $objects["White strapped gown"] to {price:300, type: "clothing", specific: "outfit", image: "Images/ClothesF/deb3.jpg", description: "White strapped gown", inv: 0, gender: "F",}>>
<<set $objects["White striking gown"] to {price:300, type: "clothing", specific: "outfit", image: "Images/ClothesF/deb2.jpg", description: "White striking gown", inv: 0, gender: "F",}>>
<<set $objects["White tie suit"] to {price:360, type: "clothing", specific: "outfit", image: "Images/ClothesM/whitetie.jpg", description: "White tie suit", inv: 0, gender: "M",}>>
<<set $objects["White tulle gown"] to {price:480, type: "clothing", specific: "outfit", image: "Images/ClothesF/deb9.jpg", description: "White tulle gown", inv: 0, gender: "F",}>>
<<set $objects["pink bow dress"] to {price:100, type: "clothing", specific: "outfit", image: "Images/Pink/pinkbowdress.jpg", description: "pink bow dress", inv: 0, gender: "F",}>>
<<set $objects["pink bow shoes"] to {price:100, type: "clothing", specific: "shoes", image: "Images/Pink/pinkbowshoes.jpg", description: "pink bow shoes", inv: 0, gender: "F",}>>
<<set $objects["pink bow stockings"] to {price:20, type: "clothing", specific: "socks", image: "Images/Pink/pinksissystockings.jpg", description: "pink bow stockings", inv: 0, gender: "F",}>>
<<set $objects["pink cotton panties"] to {price:20, type: "clothing", specific: "panties", image: "Images/Pink/pinkcottonpanties.webp", description: "pink cotton panties", inv: 0, gender: "F",}>>
<<set $objects["pink crotchless panties"] to {price:20, type: "clothing", specific: "panties", image: "Images/Pink/pinkcrotchless.jpg", description: "pink crotchless panties", inv: 0, gender: "F",}>>
<<set $objects["pink dress"] to {price:100, type: "clothing", specific: "outfit", image: "Images/Pink/pinkdress.webp", description: "pink dress", inv: 0, gender: "F",}>>
<<set $objects["pink fluffy shoes"] to {price:100, type: "clothing", specific: "shoes", image: "Images/Pink/pinkfluffyshoes.webp", description: "pink fluffy shoes", inv: 0, gender: "F",}>>
<<set $objects["pink frilly bra"] to {price:20, type: "clothing", specific: "bra", image: "Images/Pink/pinkfrillybra.jpg", description: "pink frilly bra", inv: 0, gender: "F",}>>
<<set $objects["pink frilly panties"] to {price:20, type: "clothing", specific: "panties", image: "Images/Pink/pinkfrillypanties.jpg", description: "pink frilly panties", inv: 0, gender: "F",}>>
<<set $objects["pink lace bra"] to {price:20, type: "clothing", specific: "bra", image: "Images/Pink/pinklacebra.jpg", description: "pink lace bra", inv: 0, gender: "F",}>>
<<set $objects["pink lace panties"] to {price:20, type: "clothing", specific: "panties", image: "Images/Pink/pinklacepanties.jpg", description: "pink lace panties", inv: 0, gender: "F",}>>
<<set $objects["pink lockable shoes"] to {price:100, type: "clothing", specific: "shoes", image: "Images/Pink/pansybowshoes.jpg", description: "pink lockable shoes", inv: 0, gender: "F",}>>
<<set $objects["pink panties"] to {price:20, type: "clothing", specific: "panties", image: "Images/Pink/pinkpanties.webp", description: "pink panties", inv: 0, gender: "F",}>>
<<set $objects["pink pretty dress"] to {price:100, type: "clothing", specific: "outfit", image: "Images/Pink/pinkprettydress.jpg", description: "pink pretty dress", inv: 0, gender: "F",}>>
<<set $objects["pink satin and lace bra"] to {price:50, type: "clothing", specific: "bra", image: "Images/Pink/pinksissybra.jpg", description: "pink satin and lace bra", inv: 0, gender: "F",}>>
<<set $objects["pink satin dress"] to {price:100, type: "clothing", specific: "outfit", image: "Images/Pink/pinksatindress.jpg", description: "pink satin dress", inv: 0, gender: "F",}>>
<<set $objects["pink satin panties"] to {price:20, type: "clothing", specific: "panties", image: "Images/Pink/pinksatinpanties.jpg", description: "pink satin panties", inv: 0, gender: "F",}>>
<<set $objects["pink sexy bra"] to {price:50, type: "clothing", specific: "bra", image: "Images/Pink/pinksexybra.jpg", description: "pink sexy bra", inv: 0, gender: "F",}>>
<<set $objects["pink sheer stockings"] to {price:20, type: "clothing", specific: "socks", image: "Images/Pink/pinkstockings2.jpg", description: "pink sheer stockings", inv: 0, gender: "F",}>>
<<set $objects["pink stockings"] to {price:20, type: "clothing", specific: "socks", image: "Images/Pink/pinkstockings.jpg", description: "pink stockings", inv: 0, gender: "F",}>>
<<set $objects["pink striking shoes"] to {price:100, type: "clothing", specific: "shoes", image: "Images/Pink/pinkstrikingshoes.webp", description: "pink striking shoes", inv: 0, gender: "F",}>>
<<set $objects["pink thong"] to {price:20, type: "clothing", specific: "panties", image: "Images/Pink/pinkthong2.jpg", description: "pink thong", inv: 0, gender: "F",}>>
<<set $objects["pink tiny thong"] to {price:20, type: "clothing", specific: "panties", image: "Images/Pink/pinkthong.jpg", description: "pink tiny thong", inv: 0, gender: "F",}>>
<<set $daisystatus = 8>>
<<set $daisydeb = 0>>
<<set $megHCinvite =0>>
<<set $femcheck = 0>>
<<set $meganslave = 0>>
<<set $Hname = $playername>>
<<set $HC4choice = "none">>
<<widget update7>>
<<set $objects["Columbine dress"] to { price: 0, type: "clothing", specific: "outfit", image: "Images/ClothesF/Columbinedress.jpg", description: "Columbine dress", inv: 0, gender: "F", }>>
<<set $objects["Columbine mask"] to { price: 0, type: "clothing", specific: "hat", image: "Images/Hats/Columbinemask.jpg", description: "Columbine mask", inv: 0, gender: "F", }>>
<<set $objects["Harlequin mask"] to { price: 0, type: "clothing", specific: "hat", image: "Images/Hats/Harlequinmask.jpg", description: "Harlequin mask", inv: 0, gender: "M", }>>
<<set $objects["Harlequin suit"] to { price: 0, type: "clothing", specific: "outfit", image: "Images/ClothesM/Harlequinsuit.jpg", description: "Harlequin suit", inv: 0, gender: "M", } >>
<<set $objects["Pierrot mask"] to { price: 0, type: "clothing", specific: "hat", image: "Images/Hats/Pierrotmask.jpg", description: "Pierrot mask", inv: 0, gender: "M", }>>
<<set $objects["Pierrot suit"] to { price: 0, type: "clothing", specific: "outfit", image: "Images/ClothesM/Pierrotsuit.jpg", description: "Pierrot suit", inv: 0, gender: "M", }>>
<<widget update8a>>
<<set $Daisydomevent = 0>>
<<set $Daisyevent = 0>>
<<set $Nicsubevent = 0>>
<<set $Micsubevent = 0>>
<<set $subname = "Princess">>
<<set $daisystatus = 8.1>>
<<widget update9>>
<<set $objects["long black wig"] to {price:50, type: "clothing", specific: "wig", image: "Images/Wigs/longblackwig.jpg", description: "long black wig", inv: 0, gender: "F",}>>
<<set $objects["long blonde wig"] to {price:50, type: "clothing", specific: "wig", image: "Images/Wigs/longblondewig.jpg", description: "long blonde wig", inv: 0, gender: "F",}>>
<<set $objects["long brown wig"] to {price:50, type: "clothing", specific: "wig", image: "Images/Wigs/longbrownwig.jpg", description: "long brown wig", inv: 0, gender: "F",}>>
<<set $objects["long red wig"] to {price:50, type: "clothing", specific: "wig", image: "Images/Wigs/longredwig.jpg", description: "long red wig", inv: 0, gender: "F",}>>
<<set $objects["chainmail bra and panties"] to {price:0, type: "clothing", specific: "outfit", image: "Images/ClothesF/chainmailbikini.jpg", description: "chainmail bra and panties", inv: 0, gender: "F",}>>
<<set $objects["jester costume"] to {price:0, type: "clothing", specific: "outfit", image: "Images/ClothesM/jester.jpg", description: "jester costume", inv: 0, gender: "M",}>>
<<set $objects["knight costume"] to {price:0, type: "clothing", specific: "outfit", image: "Images/ClothesM/knight.jpg", description: "knight costume", inv: 0, gender: "M",}>>
<<set $objects["princess dress"] to {price:0, type: "clothing", specific: "outfit", image: "Images/ClothesF/princess.jpg", description: "princess dress", inv: 0, gender: "F",}>>
<<set $item = "none">>
<<set $daisystatus = 9>>
<<widget update10>>
<<set $YvBabmaid =0>>
<<set $found_stables =0>>
<<set $ponytype = "none">>
<<set $bet = "none">>
<<set $cuckcount =0>>
<<set $house =0>>
<<set $daisystatus = 10>>
<<set $objects["black sexy heels"] to {price:40, type: "clothing", specific: "shoes", image: "Images/Shoes/blackfetishheels.webp", description: "black strappy heels", inv: 2, gender: "F",}>>
<<set $objects["red sexy heels"] to {price:40, type: "clothing", specific: "shoes", image: "Images/Shoes/redfetishheels.jpg", description: "black strappy heels", inv: 2, gender: "F",}>>
<<set $objects["none"] to {price:0, type: "clothing", specific: "none", image: "Images/Objects/white.jpg", description: "none", inv: 0, gender: "N",}>>
<<set $daisyengagement = 0>>
<<widget update11>>
<<set $meganmoney =0>>
<<set $daisystatus = 11>>
<<widget update12>>
<<set $objects["black domino mask"] to {price:10, type: "clothing", specific: "hat", image: "Images/Hats/domino.jpg", description: "black domino mask", inv: 2, gender: "N",}>>
<<set $objects["black lace mask"] to {price:30, type: "clothing", specific: "hat", image: "Images/Hats/lacemask.webp", description: "black lace mask", inv: 2, gender: "N",}>>
<<set $objects["cat mask"] to {price:50, type: "clothing", specific: "hat", image: "Images/Hats/catmask.webp", description: "cat mask", inv: 2, gender: "N",}>>
<<set $objects["dog mask"] to {price:50, type: "clothing", specific: "hat", image: "Images/Hats/dogmask.jpg", description: "dog mask", inv: 2, gender: "N",}>>
<<set $objects["elegant butterfly mask"] to {price:30, type: "clothing", specific: "hat", image: "Images/Hats/butterflymask.jpg", description: "elegant butterfly mask", inv: 2, gender: "N",}>>
<<set $objects["iron mask"] to {price:100, type: "clothing", specific: "hat", image: "Images/Hats/ironmask.jpg", description: "iron mask", inv: 2, gender: "N",}>>
<<set $objects["ornate Venetian mask"] to {price:100, type: "clothing", specific: "hat", image: "Images/Hats/elegantmask.jpg", description: "ornate Venetian mask", inv: 2, gender: "N",}>>
<<set $objects["plague doctor mask"] to {price:50, type: "clothing", specific: "hat", image: "Images/Hats/plaguedoctormask.jpg", description: "plague doctor mask", inv: 2, gender: "N",}>>
<<set $objects["sexy gold mask"] to {price:100, type: "clothing", specific: "hat", image: "Images/Hats/sexygoldmask.jpg", description: "sexy gold mask", inv: 2, gender: "N",}>>
<<set $daisystatus = 12>>
<<widget update13>>
<<set $objects["mothers engagement ring"] to {price:0, type: "object", specific: "jewellery", image: "Images/Objects/engagementring.webp", description: "Your mother's sapphire and diamond engagement ring", inv: 0, gender: "F",}>>
<<set $objects["mothers wedding ring"] to {price:0, type: "object", specific: "jewellery", image: "Images/Objects/weddingring.jpg", description: "Your mothers wedding ring", inv: 0, gender: "F",}>>
<<set $daisystatus = 13>>
<<widget update14>>
<<set $nic_sex= 0>>
<<set $nic_arousal= 0>>
<<set $nic_stamina= 8>>
<<set $nic_maxstamina= 8>>
<<set $nic_subskill=1>>
<<set $HC8 = "none">>
<<set $daisystatus = 14>>
<<widget update15>>
<<set $michaelabody=0>>
<<set $micengagement =0>>
<<set $nicengagement =0>>
<<set $clinicwork = 0>>
<<set $objects["huge black dildo"] to {price:150, type: "object", specific: "dildo", image: "Images/Objects/blackdildo.webp", description: "huge black dildo", inv: 0, gender: "N",}>>
<<set $objects["large black butt plug"] to {price:100, type: "object", specific: "ass", image: "Images/Objects/largebuttplug.jpg", description: "large black butt plug", inv: 0, gender: "N",}>>
<<set $objects["large black strap on"] to {price:150, type: "object", specific: "strap", image: "Images/Objects/straponblack.webp", description: "large black strap on", inv: 0, gender: "N",}>>
<<set $objects["purple dildo"] to {price:75, type: "object", specific: "dildo", image: "Images/Objects/purpledildo.jpg", description: "purple dildo", inv: 0, gender: "N",}>>
<<set $objects["ruby butt plug"] to {price:50, type: "object", specific: "ass", image: "Images/Objects/rubybuttplug.jpg", description: "A steel putt plug with an imitation ruby at its base", inv: 0, gender: "N",}>>
<<set $objects["sapphire butt plug"] to {price:75, type: "object", specific: "ass", image: "Images/Objects/sapphirebuttplug.jpg", description: "A steel putt plug with an imitation sapphire at its base", inv: 0, gender: "N",}>>
<<set $objects["strap on dildo"] to {price:100, type: "object", specific: "strap", image: "Images/Objects/straponwhite.jpg", description: "strap on dildo", inv: 0, gender: "N",}>>
<<set $objects["blue silk shorts"] to {price:150, type: "clothing", specific: "panties", image: "Images/Panties/bluesilkboxers.jpg", description: "fine blue silk mens underwear shorts", inv: 0, gender: "M",}>>
<<set $objects["grey shorts"] to {price:100, type: "clothing", specific: "panties", image: "Images/Panties/silkboxers.jpg", description: "grey silk boxer shorts", inv: 0, gender: "M",}>>
<<set $objects["white cotton shorts"] to {price:50, type: "clothing", specific: "panties", image: "Images/Panties/cottonboxers.jpg", description: "white cotton shorts", inv: 0, gender: "M",}>>
<<set $objects["white drawers"] to {price:30, type: "clothing", specific: "panties", image: "Images/Panties/drawers1.jpg", description: "a pair of white drawer underpants", inv: 0, gender: "M",}>>
<<set $micplug = "none">>
<<set $nicplug = "none">>
<<set $daisyplug = "none">>
<<set $strap = "none">>
<<set $dildo = "none">>
<<set $daisystatus = 15>>
<<widget update16>>
<<set $datingmatt= 0>>
<<set $Melissasex =0>>
<<set $daisystatus = 16>>
<<set $nicolaatoday =0>>
<<set $objects["black cavalry boots"] to {price:100, type: "clothing", specific: "shoes", image: "Images/Shoes/blackcavalryboot.jpg", description: "black cavalry boots", inv: 0, gender: "M",}>>
<<set $objects["black cutaway suit"] to {price:200, type: "clothing", specific: "outfit", image: "Images/ClothesM/blackcutawaysuit.jpg", description: "black cutaway suit", inv: 0, gender: "M",}>>
<<set $objects["black gaiters"] to {price:100, type: "clothing", specific: "shoes", image: "Images/Shoes/mensgaiters.jpg", description: "black gaiters", inv: 0, gender: "M",}>>
<<set $objects["black ladies ankle boots"] to {price:100, type: "clothing", specific: "shoes", image: "Images/Shoes/ladiesblackankleboot.jpg", description: "black ladies ankle boots", inv: 0, gender: "F",}>>
<<set $objects["black ladies boots"] to {price:100, type: "clothing", specific: "shoes", image: "Images/Shoes/ladiesblackboot.jpg", description: "black ladies boots", inv: 0, gender: "F",}>>
<<set $objects["black riding boots"] to {price:100, type: "clothing", specific: "shoes", image: "Images/Shoes/blackridingboot.jpg", description: "black riding boots", inv: 0, gender: "M",}>>
<<set $objects["black smoking jacket"] to {price:200, type: "clothing", specific: "outfit", image: "Images/ClothesM/smokingjacket.jpg", description: "black smoking jacket", inv: 0, gender: "M",}>>
<<set $objects["black working clothes"] to {price:200, type: "clothing", specific: "outfit", image: "Images/ClothesM/blackworkingclothes.jpg", description: "black working clothes", inv: 0, gender: "M",}>>
<<set $objects["brown riding boots"] to {price:100, type: "clothing", specific: "shoes", image: "Images/Shoes/brownridingboot.jpg", description: "brown riding boots", inv: 0, gender: "M",}>>
<<set $objects["brown safari suit"] to {price:200, type: "clothing", specific: "outfit", image: "Images/ClothesM/brownsafarisuit.jpg", description: "brown safari suit", inv: 0, gender: "M",}>>
<<set $objects["burgundy smoking jacket"] to {price:200, type: "clothing", specific: "outfit", image: "Images/ClothesM/burgundysmoking.jpg", description: "burgundy smoking jacket", inv: 0, gender: "M",}>>
<<set $objects["floral nightdress"] to {price:75, type: "clothing", specific: "outfit", image: "Images/ClothesF/floralnightdress.jpg", description: "floral nightdress", inv: 0 , gender: "F",}>>
<<set $objects["frock coat suit"] to {price:200, type: "clothing", specific: "outfit", image: "Images/ClothesM/frockcoatsuit.jpg", description: "frock coat suit", inv: 0, gender: "M",}>>
<<set $objects["gold smoking jacket"] to {price:200, type: "clothing", specific: "outfit", image: "Images/ClothesM/goldsmokingjacket.jpg", description: "gold smoking jacket", inv: 0, gender: "M",}>>
<<set $objects["gray suit"] to {price:200, type: "clothing", specific: "outfit", image: "Images/ClothesM/graysuit.jpg", description: "gray suit", inv: 0, gender: "M",}>>
<<set $objects["Inverness coat"] to {price:200, type: "clothing", specific: "outfit", image: "Images/ClothesM/invernesscoat.jpg", description: "Inverness coat", inv: 0, gender: "M",}>>
<<set $objects["lab coat"] to {price:200, type: "clothing", specific: "outfit", image: "Images/ClothesM/labcoat.jpg", description: "lab coat", inv: 0, gender: "M",}>>
<<set $objects["male dressing gown"] to {price:75, type: "clothing", specific: "outfit", image: "Images/ClothesM/dressinggownmale.jpg", description: "male dressing gown", inv: 0, gender: "M",}>>
<<set $objects["red corset"] to {price:100, type: "clothing", specific: "bra", image: "Images/Bras/redcorset.jpg", description: "red corset", inv: 0, gender: "F",}>>
<<set $objects["red satin dressing gown"] to {price:75, type: "clothing", specific: "outfit", image: "Images/ClothesF/Satindressinggown.jpg", description: "red satin dressing gown", inv: 0, gender: "F",}>>
<<set $objects["red velvet ankle boots"] to {price:100, type: "clothing", specific: "shoes", image: "Images/Shoes/redavelvetankleboot.jpg", description: "red velvet ankle boots", inv: 0, gender: "F",}>>
<<set $objects["safari outfit"] to {price:200, type: "clothing", specific: "outfit", image: "Images/ClothesM/safarioutfit.jpg", description: "safari outfit", inv: 0, gender: "M",}>>
<<set $objects["smart brown suit"] to {price:200, type: "clothing", specific: "outfit", image: "Images/ClothesM/smartbrownsuit.jpg", description: "smart brown suit", inv: 0, gender: "M",}>>
<<set $objects["teal suit"] to {price:200, type: "clothing", specific: "outfit", image: "Images/ClothesM/tealsuit.jpg", description: "teal suit", inv: 0, gender: "M",}>>
<<set $objects["white captains boots"] to {price:100, type: "clothing", specific: "shoes", image: "Images/Shoes/whitecaptainsboots.jpg", description: "white captains boots", inv: 0, gender: "M",}>>
<<set $objects["black leather fetish harness"] to {price:100, type: "clothing", specific: "outfit", image: "Images/ClothesF/Leatherharness.jpg", description: "Straps of black leather that restrain the wearer and leave nothing to the imagination.", inv: 0, gender: "N",}>>
<<widget update17>>
<<set $daisystatus = 17>>
<<set $butler = 0>>
<<set $domtraining = 0>>
<<set $nicsubname = "none">>
<<set $objects["Black Ball Gown"] to {price:300, type: "clothing", specific: "outfit", image: "Images/HC11/blackballgown.jpg", description: "Black Ball Gown", inv: 0, gender: "F",}>>
<<set $objects["Black embroided shoes"] to {price:50, type: "clothing", specific: "shoes", image: "Images/HC11/blackembroidedshoes.jpg", description: "Black embroided shoes", inv: 0, gender: "F",}>>
<<set $objects["Black formal dress"] to {price:300, type: "clothing", specific: "outfit", image: "Images/HC11/blackformaldress.jpg", description: "Black formal dress", inv: 0, gender: "F",}>>
<<set $objects["Black skirt"] to {price:50, type: "clothing", specific: "bottom", image: "Images/HC11/blackskirt.jpg", description: "Black skirt", inv: 0, gender: "F",}>>
<<set $objects["Blonde Updo Wig"] to {price:100, type: "clothing", specific: "wig", image: "Images/HC11/blondeupdowig.jpg", description: "Blonde Updo Wig", inv: 0, gender: "F",}>>
<<set $objects["Blue Blouse"] to {price:50, type: "clothing", specific: "outfit", image: "Images/HC11/blueblouse.jpg", description: "Blue Blouse", inv: 0, gender: "M",}>>
<<set $objects["Mens blue bathing costume"] to {price:50, type: "clothing", specific: "top", image: "Images/HC11/blueandwhiteswimsuitmale.jpg", description: "Mens blue bathing costume", inv: 0, gender: "M",}>>
<<set $objects["Blue corset"] to {price:50, type: "clothing", specific: "bra", image: "Images/HC11/bluecorset.jpg", description: "Blue corset", inv: 0, gender: "F",}>>
<<set $objects["Blue Dress"] to {price:200, type: "clothing", specific: "outfit", image: "Images/HC11/bluedress.jpg", description: "Blue Dress", inv: 0, gender: "F",}>>
<<set $objects["Blue embroidered shoes"] to {price:50, type: "clothing", specific: "shoes", image: "Images/HC11/bliueembroidedshoes.jpg", description: "Blue embroidered shoes", inv: 0, gender: "F",}>>
<<set $objects["Blue Shoes"] to {price:50, type: "clothing", specific: "shoes", image: "Images/HC11/blueshoes.jpg", description: "Blue Shoes", inv: 0, gender: "F",}>>
<<set $objects["Blue Stockings"] to {price:20, type: "clothing", specific: "socks", image: "Images/HC11/bluestockings.jpg", description: "Blue Stockings", inv: 0, gender: "N",}>>
<<set $objects["Bonnet"] to {price:50, type: "clothing", specific: "hat", image: "Images/HC11/bonnet.jpg", description: "Bonnet", inv: 0, gender: "F",}>>
<<set $objects["Brown Elaborate Wig"] to {price:100, type: "clothing", specific: "wig", image: "Images/HC11/brownelaboratewig.jpg", description: "Brown Elaborate Wig", inv: 0, gender: "F",}>>
<<set $objects["Burgundy Ballgown"] to {price:300, type: "clothing", specific: "outfit", image: "Images/HC11/burgundyballgown.jpg", description: "Burgundy Ballgown", inv: 0, gender: "F",}>>
<<set $objects["Cream Dress with Train"] to {price:200, type: "clothing", specific: "outfit", image: "Images/HC11/creamtraindress.jpg", description: "Cream Dress with Train", inv: 0, gender: "F",}>>
<<set $objects["Cream Dress"] to {price:200, type: "clothing", specific: "outfit", image: "Images/HC11/creamdress.jpg", description: "Cream Dress", inv: 0, gender: "F",}>>
<<set $objects["Cream Shift"] to {price:50, type: "clothing", specific: "bra", image: "Images/HC11/creamshift.jpg", description: "Cream Shift", inv: 0, gender: "F",}>>
<<set $objects["Elaborate Hat"] to {price:50, type: "clothing", specific: "hat", image: "Images/HC11/elaboratehat.jpg", description: "Elaborate Hat", inv: 0, gender: "F",}>>
<<set $objects["Elaborate red wig"] to {price:100, type: "clothing", specific: "wig", image: "Images/HC11/redelaboratewig.jpg", description: "Elaborate red wig", inv: 0, gender: "F",}>>
<<set $objects["Fancy white shoes"] to {price:50, type: "clothing", specific: "shoes", image: "Images/HC11/whiteheelsv2.jpg", description: "Fancy white shoes", inv: 0, gender: "F",}>>
<<set $objects["Feathered Hat"] to {price:50, type: "clothing", specific: "hat", image: "Images/HC11/featheredhat.jpg", description: "Feathered Hat", inv: 0, gender: "F",}>>
<<set $objects["Floral Dress"] to {price:200, type: "clothing", specific: "outfit", image: "Images/HC11/floraldress.jpg", description: "Floral Dress", inv: 0, gender: "F",}>>
<<set $objects["Floral Dress"] to {price:200, type: "clothing", specific: "outfit", image: "Images/HC11/seagreendress.jpg", description: "Floral Dress", inv: 0, gender: "F",}>>
<<set $objects["Green Dress"] to {price:200, type: "clothing", specific: "outfit", image: "Images/HC11/greendress.jpg", description: "Green Dress", inv: 0, gender: "F",}>>
<<set $objects["Lace Nightgown"] to {price:100, type: "clothing", specific: "bra", image: "Images/HC11/lacenightgown.jpg", description: "Lace Nightgown", inv: 0, gender: "F",}>>
<<set $objects["Laced corset"] to {price:50, type: "clothing", specific: "bra", image: "Images/HC11/lacedcorset.jpg", description: "Laced corset", inv: 0, gender: "F",}>>
<<set $objects["Ladies straw hat"] to {price:50, type: "clothing", specific: "hat", image: "Images/HC11/strawhat.jpg", description: "Ladies straw hat", inv: 0, gender: "F",}>>
<<set $objects["Ladies white bathing costume"] to {price:50, type: "clothing", specific: "outfit", image: "Images/HC11/whitebathingladies.jpg", description: "Ladies white bathing costume", inv: 0, gender: "F",}>>
<<set $objects["Long White Bloomers"] to {price:20, type: "clothing", specific: "panties", image: "Images/HC11/bloomers1.jpg", description: "Long White Bloomers", inv: 0, gender: "F",}>>
<<set $objects["Mens red bathing costume"] to {price:50, type: "clothing", specific: "outfit", image: "Images/HC11/redswimsuitmale.jpg", description: "Mens red bathing costume", inv: 0, gender: "M",}>>
<<set $objects["Narrow waisted red dress"] to {price:250, type: "clothing", specific: "outfit", image: "Images/HC11/reddress2.jpg", description: "Narrow waisted red dress", inv: 0, gender: "F",}>>
<<set $objects["Navy ladies bathing suit"] to {price:50, type: "clothing", specific: "outfit", image: "Images/HC11/navybathingladies.jpg", description: "Navy ladies bathing suit", inv: 0, gender: "F",}>>
<<set $objects["Pale blue corset"] to {price:50, type: "clothing", specific: "bra", image: "Images/HC11/palebluecorset.jpg", description: "Pale blue corset", inv: 0, gender: "F",}>>
<<set $objects["Pale pink stockings"] to {price:20, type: "clothing", specific: "socks", image: "Images/HC11/pinkstockings.jpg", description: "Pale pink stockings", inv: 0, gender: "F",}>>
<<set $objects["Pink blouse"] to {price:50, type: "clothing", specific: "top", image: "Images/HC11/pinkblouse.jpg", description: "Pink blouse", inv: 0, gender: "F",}>>
<<set $objects["Pink corset"] to {price:50, type: "clothing", specific: "bra", image: "Images/HC11/pinkcorset.jpg", description: "Pink corset", inv: 0, gender: "F",}>>
<<set $objects["Pink floral dress"] to {price:200, type: "clothing", specific: "outfit", image: "Images/HC11/pinkfloraldress.jpg", description: "Pink floral dress", inv: 0, gender: "F",}>>
<<set $objects["Pink hat with bow"] to {price:50, type: "clothing", specific: "hat", image: "Images/HC11/pinkbowhat.jpg", description: "Pink hat with bow", inv: 0, gender: "F",}>>
<<set $objects["Pink layered dress"] to {price:250, type: "clothing", specific: "outfit", image: "Images/HC11/pinklayereddress.jpg", description: "Pink layered dress", inv: 0, gender: "F",}>>
<<set $objects["Pink wide dress"] to {price:250, type: "clothing", specific: "outfit", image: "Images/HC11/pinkwidedress.jpg", description: "Pink wide dress", inv: 0, gender: "F",}>>
<<set $objects["Plain nightgown"] to {price:50, type: "clothing", specific: "bra", image: "Images/HC11/plainnightgown.jpg", description: "Plain nightgown", inv: 0, gender: "F",}>>
<<set $objects["Purple Blouse"] to {price:50, type: "clothing", specific: "top", image: "Images/HC11/purpleblouse.jpg", description: "Purple Blouse", inv: 0, gender: "F",}>>
<<set $objects["Purple shoes"] to {price:50, type: "clothing", specific: "shoes", image: "Images/HC11/purpleshoes.jpg", description: "Purple shoes", inv: 0, gender: "F",}>>
<<set $objects["Purple skirt"] to {price:50, type: "clothing", specific: "bottom", image: "Images/HC11/purpleskirt.jpg", description: "Purple skirt", inv: 0, gender: "F",}>>
<<set $objects["Red corset"] to {price:50, type: "clothing", specific: "bra", image: "Images/HC11/redcorset.jpg", description: "Red corset", inv: 0, gender: "F",}>>
<<set $objects["Short Brown Wig"] to {price:100, type: "clothing", specific: "wig", image: "Images/HC11/shortbrownwig.jpg", description: "Short Brown Wig", inv: 0, gender: "F",}>>
<<set $objects["Short White Bloomers"] to {price:20, type: "clothing", specific: "panties", image: "Images/HC11/bloomers3.jpg", description: "Short White Bloomers", inv: 0, gender: "F",}>>
<<set $objects["Straw Bonnet"] to {price:50, type: "clothing", specific: "hat", image: "Images/HC11/bonnet2.jpg", description: "Straw Bonnet", inv: 0, gender: "F",}>>
<<set $objects["Striped stockings"] to {price:20, type: "clothing", specific: "socks", image: "Images/HC11/stripedstockings.jpg", description: "Striped stockings", inv: 0, gender: "N",}>>
<<set $objects["White Bloomers"] to {price:20, type: "clothing", specific: "panties", image: "Images/HC11/bloomers2.jpg", description: "White Bloomers", inv: 0, gender: "F",}>>
<<set $objects["White blouse and skirt"] to {price:75, type: "clothing", specific: "outfit", image: "Images/HC11/whiteblouseandskirt.jpg", description: "White blouse and skirt", inv: 0, gender: "F",}>>
<<set $objects["White Blouse"] to {price:50, type: "clothing", specific: "top", image: "Images/HC11/whiteblouse.jpg", description: "White Blouse", inv: 0, gender: "F",}>>
<<set $objects["White corset"] to {price:50, type: "clothing", specific: "bra", image: "Images/HC11/whitecorset.jpg", description: "White corset", inv: 0, gender: "F",}>>
<<set $objects["White embroided shoes"] to {price:50, type: "clothing", specific: "shoes", image: "Images/HC11/whiteembroidedshoes.jpg", description: "White embroided shoes", inv: 0, gender: "F",}>>
<<set $objects["White Floral dress"] to {price:150, type: "clothing", specific: "outfit", image: "Images/HC11/floraldress2.jpg", description: "White Floral dress", inv: 0, gender: "F",}>>
<<set $objects["White high heeled shoes"] to {price:50, type: "clothing", specific: "shoes", image: "Images/HC11/highwhiteheels.jpg", description: "White high heeled shoes", inv: 0, gender: "F",}>>
<<set $objects["White laced shoes"] to {price:50, type: "clothing", specific: "shoes", image: "Images/HC11/whiteheelsv.jpg", description: "White laced shoes", inv: 0, gender: "F",}>>
<<set $objects["White long shift"] to {price:50, type: "clothing", specific: "bra", image: "Images/HC11/whiteshift.jpg", description: "White long shift", inv: 0, gender: "F",}>>
<<set $objects["White petticoat"] to {price:50, type: "clothing", specific: "bra", image: "Images/HC11/whitepetticoat.jpg", description: "White petticoat", inv: 0, gender: "F",}>>
<<set $objects["White short shift"] to {price:50, type: "clothing", specific: "bra", image: "Images/HC11/whiteshift2.jpg", description: "White short shift", inv: 0, gender: "F",}>>
<<set $objects["Wide hat"] to {price:50, type: "clothing", specific: "hat", image: "Images/HC11/widehat.jpg", description: "Wide hat", inv: 0, gender: "F",}>>
<<set $objects["Wide red dress"] to {price:300, type: "clothing", specific: "outfit", image: "Images/HC11/reddress.jpg", description: "Wide red dress", inv: 0, gender: "F",}>>
<<set $objects["Wine coloured skirt"] to {price:50, type: "clothing", specific: "bottom", image: "Images/HC11/wineskirt.jpg", description: "Wine coloured skirt", inv: 0, gender: "F",}>>
<<set $objects["Yellow skirt"] to {price:50, type: "clothing", specific: "bottom", image: "Images/HC11/yellowskirt.jpg", description: "Yellow skirt", inv: 0, gender: "F",}>>
<<widget update18>>
<<set $daisystatus = 18>>
<<set $objects["Pink wide dress"] to {price:250, type: "clothing", specific: "outfit", image: "Images/HC11/pinkwidedress.jpg", description: "Pink wide dress", inv: 0, gender: "F",}>>
<<set $objects["ornate Venetian mask"] to {price:100, type: "clothing", specific: "hat", image: "Images/Hats/elegantmask.jpg", description: "ornate Venetian mask", inv: 1, gender: "N",}>>
<<set $objects["Pale pink stockings"] to {price:20, type: "clothing", specific: "socks", image: "Images/HC11/pinkstockings.jpg", description: "Pale pink stockings", inv: 0, gender: "F",}>>
<<widget update19>>
<<set $daisystatus = 19>>
<<set $Wals =0>><<set $Mel =0>><<set $LadyB =0>><<set $Megan =0>><<set $disobedience = 0>>
<<set $mattdate = 0>><<set $accused = "none">><<set $fiance = "none">>
<<set $objects["Ballet shoes"] to {price:0, type: "clothing", specific: "shoes", image: "Images/HC12/balletshoes.jpg", description: "White silk ballerina shoes", inv: 0, gender: "F",}>>
<<set $objects["White tutu"] to {price:0, type: "clothing", specific: "outfit", image: "Images/HC12/tutu.jpg", description: "White Ballerina outfit with tutu skirt", inv: 0, gender: "F",}>>
<<widget update20>>
<<set $daisystatus = 20>>
<<set $bride = "none">>
<<set $groom = "none">>
<<set $routine = 1>>
<<set $objects["Police helmet"] to {price:0, type: "clothing", specific: "hat", image: "Images/HC13/policehelmet.jpg", description: "A policeman's helmet. You have no recollection of how you obtained it. ", inv: 0, gender: "N",}>>
<<widget update21>>
<<set $daisystatus = 21>>
<<set $micpenis = "small">>
<<set $micchastity = 1>>
<<set $micpenis = "small">>
<<set $nicchastity = 0>>
<<set $daisypenis = "none">>
<<set $daisychastity = 0>>
<<set $mattpenis = "large">>
<<set $mattchastity = 0>>
<<set $mattdom = 2>>
<<set $micdom = -2>>
<<set $nicdom = -4>>
<<set $daisydom = 1>>
<<set $objects["Black leather bondage harness"] to {price:200, type: "clothing", specific: "outfit", image: "Images/HC14/bondageharness2.jpg", description: "Black leather bondage harness", inv: 0, gender: "F",}>>
<<set $objects["Black leather crotchless panties"] to {price:100, type: "clothing", specific: "panties", image: "Images/HC14/leathercrotchlesspanties.webp", description: "Black leather crotchless panties", inv: 0, gender: "F",}>>
<<set $objects["Black pony heels"] to {price:200, type: "clothing", specific: "shoes", image: "Images/HC14/ponyheels.jpg", description: "Black pony heels", inv: 0, gender: "F",}>>
<<set $objects["Leather bridle"] to {price:100, type: "clothing", specific: "hat", image: "Images/HC14/bridle2.webp", description: "Leather bridle", inv: 0, gender: "N",}>>
<<set $objects["Medieval jerkin"] to {price:200, type: "clothing", specific: "outfit", image: "Images/HC14/jerkin.webp", description: "Medieval jerkin", inv: 0, gender: "M",}>>
<<set $objects["Peasants Jerkin"] to {price:100, type: "clothing", specific: "outfit", image: "Images/HC14/peasantsjerkin.jpg", description: "Peasants Jerkin", inv: 0, gender: "N",}>>
<<set $objects["Red medieval dress"] to {price:200, type: "clothing", specific: "outfit", image: "Images/HC14/medievaldress.jpg", description: "Red medieval dress", inv: 0, gender: "F",}>>
<<widget update22>>
<<set $daisystatus = 22>>
<<set $Daisy = "switch">><<set $Matthew = "switch">><<set $Nicola = "sub">><<set $Michaela = "switch">>
<<set $micvirgin = 0>>
<<set $mcvirgin = 0>>
<<set $objects["white lace panties"] to { price: 50, type: "clothing", specific: "panties", image: "Images/Panties/whitelacepanties2.jpg", description: "white lace panties", inv: 4, gender: "F", }>>
<<widget update23>>
<<set $daisystatus = 23>>
<<set $researchV = 0>>
<<set $researchM = 0>>
<<set $researchD = 0>>
<<set $researchB = 0>>
<<set $testedV = 0>>
<<set $testedM = 0>>
<<set $testedD = 0>>
<<set $testedB = 0>>
<<set $micpussy = 0>>
<<set $micsafeword = "Red">>
<<set $daisysafeword = "Red">>
<<set $nicsafeword = "Cinnamon">>
<<set $micdomname = "Master">>
<<set $Rubymaid = 0>>
<<set $Nicmaid = 0>>
<<set $Micmaid = 0>>
<<set $Master = "Master">>
<<set $houseeventtoday = 0>>
<<set $niccruel = 0>>
<<set $nicsub = $niccorrupt>><<unset $niccorrupt>>
<<set $Ss = "none">><<set $S = "none">><<set $Ds = "none">><<set $D = "none">>
<<set $daisypregnant = 0>>
<<set $nicpregnant = 0>>
<<set $rubyday = 0>>
<<set $antiochday = 0>>
<<set $penistemp = 0>>
<<set $prescriptionsdone = 1>>
<<set $ring = 0>>
<<set $Tpres = 0>>
<<set $Ppres = 0>>
<<set $Opres = 0>>
<<set $Bpres = 0>>
<<set $Mpres = 0>>
<<set $Vpres = 0>>
<<set $Bpres = 0>>
<<set $farmM = 0>>
<<set $farmV = 0>>
<<set $farmB = 0>>
<<set $farmD = 0>>
<<set $weeklyB = 0>>
<<set $weeklyM = 0>>
<<set $weeklyD = 0>>
<<set $weeklyV = 0>>
<<set $h = 0>>
<<set $whorename = "Alex">>
<<set $objects["Garish pink dress"] to {price:0, type: "clothing", specific: "outfit", image: "Images/HC21/fuschiadress.webp", description: "Garish pink dress", inv: 0, gender: "F",}>>
<<set $objects["Substance V"] to { price: 0, type: "usable", specific: "drug", description: "A medicine designed to increase virility", inv: 0, }>>
<<set $objects["Substance M"] to { price: 0, type: "usable", specific: "drug", description: "A medicine designed to increase penis size", inv: 0, }>>
<<set $objects["Substance D"] to { price: 0, type: "usable", specific: "drug", description: "A medicine designed to increase breast size", inv: 0, }>>
<<set $objects["Substance B"] to { price: 0, type: "usable", specific: "drug", description: "A medicine designed to increase submissiveness", inv: 0, }>>
<</widget>>"So Daisy, have you ever been a debutante?"
"If only. I asked Mummy last year and she rolled her eyes and spoke about the cost. If Daddy's business was doing better, maybe next year she said, but I'll be twenty then. Oh, it'd be dreamy though - a white silk gown, and meeting the queen, and dancing. Oh and the gentlemen in their white tie and tailcoats. But even if we had the money it's too late for this season - it started last week."
"Well I can't offer you the whole season, but there is a debutante's ball at my club, and I do have a spare ticket. For you." You hold out the ticket you purchased.
Her eyes pop out of her head. "For me? And there'll be other debs there?"
You nod.
"Which club is this?" she asks skeptically. "I didn't know you had a London club."
"I only joined recently. The Hellfire Club."
She blushes. "But isn't that a bit, naughty? You hear rumours. It's an Ess Eee Ehcks club. Oh mummy would never let me go there."
"I'm sure we could come up with a cover story. Say you are staying with Ruby this Saturday?"
"I guess, but - this Saturday! But I haven't a thing to wear. And my hair. And shoes. And..."
She gets flustered, but then calms down.
"You are sweet, getting me a ticket. Why yes, I will go to the ball with you." She offers her hand, as if at the ball, for you to kiss and you oblige. <<set $daisylove +=1>>
"I guess the next step is a dress. We could go to Fitzsimons. It'll be fun. I'll bring Ruby and we can have a wonderful day."
<<if $femcheck gt 2>>"And will you be going as $playername, or as $femname?" she asks. "Will we be debutantes together? Oh you have to let me help choose your dress.<</if>>
[[Return->Daisy_conv][$daisydeb =2]]<img src="Images/Places/Berkley2.webp" width=600 /><<SetFlag "event">>
You join the line to enter the ball.
The security guards take a look at your identification and attire.
"Welcome to the Hellfire Debutante ball, <<sir>>
\<<if $outfit.includes("White") eq true>>He nods appreciatively at your $outfit, and steps aside to allow you to enter.
<<if $daisydeb neq 0>>
<img src="Images/People/Daisy/DaisyandRubydeboutside.webp" width=768 /><</if>>
Daisy steps out of the shadows, flanked by Ruby. "Phew. Only just got away. Mother kept following me everywhere - I had to pretend to be ill and then climb out of my window to get here."
\<<if $daisydeb eq 3>> She is wearing her dress and looks stunning.
\<<elseif $daisydeb eq 2>>"Do you like the dress? I'm sorry you couldn't be there when we bought it." The tone of her voice suggests she is very disappointed in you. You hope you have a chance to make it up to her.
\<<elseif $daisydeb eq 1>>" Oh, I forgot. She kisses you on the lips. thank you for the ticket. I found it when tidying my room. It had my name on it and everything, I'm sure you were just shy about asking if I'd want to come. Well I do!" The tone of her voice is playful, yet a little disappointed in you. You hope you have a chance to make it up to her.
[[Enter the debutantes ball->HC_event4_1][$HCevent = 4]]
\<<else>>"Tonight's event is white tie for gentlemen, white gown for ladies. I cannot allow you to enter inappropriately attired. It wouldn't be proper, <<sir>>."
[[Look about for other options ->HC_event4change]]
[[Return Home->KensingtonAv]]\<<if $Megandomevent eq 0>>She takes your hand and looks deeply into your eyes. "This is a significant request, and one you understand requires proper consideration. I have not had a proper submissive for some time. I am an exacting mistress and most either do not meet my standards or tire of the arrangement after a few weeks. Whilst it is enjoyable, for both of the participants when done correctly, it is not a game. It is a lifestyle. Now do you wish to hear my terms?"
You nod, slightly apprehensively.
"I will require three things of you. Firstly, I require obedience. This is not a fantasy for an hour arrangement like in my apartment. I will be your mistress, your goddess, your everything and I require your absolute devotion. In return I will bring you to heights of ecstasy you cannot imagine. When I choose to. Pleasing me will be your principal overriding concern, not because you have to, but because you will want to. And whilst you will keep your safeword, it is for emergencies only. I will honour it, but should you overuse it I will terminate the arrangement permanently. Is this clear?"
You nod again.
"Secondly my time is not cheap. I expect to be compensated for it, especially as I will be investing a significant amount of it in you. The church asks for a tithe of one tenth of your income in order to safeguard your soul. I cannot ask for less in order to look after your mind, your body and your soul. When we are apart you will still work, and as anticipation leads to arousal I think that meeting once a week initially should be quite sufficient, let us keep our Wednesday assignation, plus of course other events as I require them. As you know Saturdays are for the club, and I may require your service for some of those, or other times at weekends."
Equally aroused and scared, but undaunted, you nod assent a third time.
"Finally, you must remember that I own your body for the duration of this arrangement. That your pleasure is a gift from me, and me alone. I do not want you distracting yourself with onanism or with any pretty young thing who takes your fancy. So you need to be marked as mine. To start with I will lock you in chastity. Afterwards, we shall see. I tend to prefer my submissives to be collared but we can work up to that after you have proven yourself."
Did she say collared? You're not a dog.
"Yes. You heard me right. Collared. But not right away. Anyhow, you have heard my terms. When you are not required to serve your time is your own. But not your cock. That is mine. You can even spend your time with boyfriends or girlfriends if you must, although romance may be limited when you are under lock and key, but do keep yourself clean and free of the pox. So, do you agree to my terms?"
[[Agree to be Mistress Megan's submissive->Megansubevent1]]
[[On reflection this sounds like a crazy idea. Politely decline->HC_bar_megan]]
\<<elseif $Megandomevent eq 1>>
I think we have discussed all we need to on this matter. We can start on Thursday evening.
\<<elseif $Megandomevent gt 1>>
"I think it is going very well, so far, my pet. Now present yourself. "
You walk to about three feet away from your Mistress and lower your eyes to the ground. You kneel in a fluid motion, without touching the ground with your hands, and place your hands behind your back.
You wait patiently, not saying anything, keeping your eyes fixed on the floor.
After a minute, she steps forward and offers her hand to you. "Very good my pet. You may kiss my hand."
You do so, raising your head just high enough to judge distance, but not making eye contact. You kiss the tips of her fingers delicately.
"Thank you Mistress." you reply.
She sits back and applauds. "Marvellous presentation. You have been practicing. Let us save the rest for our next session. As you were, my pet."
You stand and resume your conversation. Curiously the interchange felt natural and not at all weird.
\<<elseif $Megandomevent lt 0>>
"We tried. I am sorry it didn't work out, truly I am. And I enjoyed what time we did spend together. But like all relationships, we can only go forward, not back. Find another Mistress. Or a girlfriend. Or even a wife. Or come and visit me in a professional capacity. But not as my submissive, not any more."
<</if>>"The club? Isn't it grand? I am so proud of it. A place where Londoners can be themselves without forcing themselves into the roles society makes for us. That is my vision of it anyhow. Edward and the others have different views.
'Pecunia, Libidine, Potentia.'
Money, Sex, Power.
And I guess as one of the council of this place I now have all three. How things change."
"How did the club come about?" You ask.
"Edward wanted access to people and their secrets. For political influence mainly. No not blackmail, that's far too crude. It's more giving them their dreams - that's how he wants to control them. He provided most of the capital - he is frightfully rich, But he needed a bit of finesse, which is where I came in. And the others, they provided the contacts."
"I am not one to gossip or betray confidences. Some people like to keep their heads down. I'm sure you'll meet everyone if you stay around here long enough."
[[Return->HC_bar_megan]]"You want me to talk ill of my business partner? Well that would be unbecoming would it not. And what could I tell you that you could not learn from a glance at a newspaper? He is a very successful businessman. He has interests in mining, manufacturing, finance and property. He comes from money but is self made, if that is not a contradiction. His family were very wealthy. Slaveowners I believe, owned most of an island in the Caribbean. They lost most of that after it was outlawed, and some poor investments followed. And with Edward being a third son there was nothing left for him to inherit. So he set out on his own, and forged a business empire. And now he's a politician. An honourable member, so to speak."
"And is there anything between the two of you?"
She raises an eyebrow. "A lady does not kiss and tell. So it is a good thing that I am no lady. To tell the truth he's probably the only man in this place I haven't fucked. I thought that he was gay, but that's not it. Edward likes to own things, own people, and by the time I met him I was done with being owned by anyone but myself, thank you very much. So we are partners. Amicable, sometimes even friendly. Rivals at times, perhaps."
[[Return->HC_bar_megan]]"Michaela? She's just scrumptious, isn't she? <<if $michaelalove gt 1>>And she is getting quite sweet on you you know? <</if>>I'm sure she's told you her story - we aren't always born in the body we belong in, but I was able to help her with that little problem<<if $michaelamed neq "none">>, and I see that you were as well<</if>>. She is a little vulnerable, perhaps naive. I would hate for anyone to take advantage of her unassuming nature. She needs a lover, or a master. Perhaps both. Do you see yourself fitting one or both of those roles?"
[[Return->HC_bar_megan]]"Why of course. Though do bear in mind that not everyone is as accepting of boundaries as I."
She hands you a paper and pen and leaves you a moment to consider your thoughts.
* <<checkbox "$fetish_bondage" 0 1 autocheck>> Bondage
* <<checkbox "$fetish_cross" 0 1 autocheck>> Crossdressing
* <<checkbox "$fetish_anal" 0 1 autocheck>> Anal sex
* <<checkbox "$fetish_piss" 0 1 autocheck>> Pissing
* <<checkbox "$fetish_leather" 0 1 autocheck>> Leather
* <<checkbox "$fetish_sub" 0 1 autocheck>> Submission
* <<checkbox "$fetish_cum" 0 1 autocheck>> Cum eating
* <<checkbox "$fetish_humilation" 0 1 autocheck>> Humiliation
* <<checkbox "$fetish_masochism" 0 1 autocheck>> Masochism
* <<checkbox "$fetish_fist" 0 1 autocheck>> Fisting
* <<checkbox "$fetish_pet" 0 1 autocheck>> Petting
* <<checkbox "$fetish_chastity" 0 1 autocheck>> Chastity
* <<checkbox "$fetish_milk" 0 1 autocheck>> Penis milking
* <<checkbox "$fetish_sissy" 0 1 autocheck>> Being called Sissy
* <<checkbox "$fetish_lactation" 0 1 autocheck>> Lactation
* <<checkbox "$fetish_dom" 0 1 autocheck>> Domination
* <<checkbox "$fetish_gay" 0 1 autocheck>> Sex with men
* <<checkbox "$fetish_slave" 0 1 autocheck>>Slavery
<<link [[All of them. Do your worst->HC_bar_megan]]>><<allfetishon>><</link>>
[[I have updated all my perversions for now->HC_bar_megan]]Her eyes sparkle.
"Now let me see. She takes out a notebook and checks a few things. "I do have some non negotiables. You are essentially signing up to sex slavery for a period. And bondage and chastity will be required as part of that. Plus occasional buggery - there's nothing like a dildo shoved up a slave's arse to teach them who is in charge. Well actually there are quite a lot of things we can put up there come to think of it... And you have seen my work uniform, there is a lot more leather and rubber where that came from.
<<if $fetish_bondage eq 0 or $fetish_anal eq 0 or $fetish_leather eq 0 or $fetish_sub eq 0 or $fetish_chastity eq 0 or $fetish_slave eq 0>>I suggest you review your fetishes to see if you can settle on some that are compatible with my methods.
<<else>>Hmm. You seem to be happy with all of those. Lactation, cumplay, milking, pissplay, fisting, crossdressing, public humiliation are all tools I like to employ on occasion but if you insist these can be worked around, and I certainly wouldn't make you have sex with men against your will.
Do note that my methods will involve punishment for correction and training, so some amount of discomfort, even pain will be involved.
"Oh this is going to be so much fun. I suggest we meet next Thursday and we can begin. Do enjoy your last few days of freedom, sweetie."
Her statement is somewhat ominous.
Now, do you want to talk about anything else?
<<set $Megandomevent = 1>><<set $meganmoney = 0>>
[[Speak about something else ->HC_bar_megan]]
[[Return to the bar->HC_bar]]<</if>>"You want to talk about me? But I'm sure you know it all already."
She looks deep into your eyes.
"I'm a whore. Isn't that what you think about me. Soiled goods. Scarlet woman. Harlot. Jezebel. Maybe you don't - you're different from most of the others. Maybe you're a little more like me than I first thought.s
I won't bore you with all the little details. I was born poor, so used the only gift I had - my beauty, and skill in the bedroom. I was soon a sought after courtesan, wooed by noblemen across Europe. A greek prince proposed to me once, although he was rather drunk and his parents would never have allowed the marriage. But I did not want to be anyone's mistress, although that was the obvious route to take. I wanted to be their Mistress." The stress she puts on the word makes it clear it is a very different role. "I had earned my independence and I was damned if I was going to give it up and be a rich mans plaything. So I live life on my own terms. Yes, I'm a whore. A prostitute. A courtesan. But I'm not ashamed of those things. I don't even have to sell my body any more - I am financially comfortable from my stake in this place. But I enjoy the work, and I am so very good at it. I like sex, and I like meeting people, although I choose my clients carefully these days. So yes, I am a whore, and proud of it."
She smiles, and touches your hand softly, and with meaning.
[[Talk to her about something else->HC_bar_megan]]
[[Return to the bar->HC_bar]]<img src="Images/Places/HC_change.webp" width=512 />
The changing room is bigger than the ground floor of the house you grew up in. A blue velvet curtain separates the mens and women's sections. Along one wall are porcelain sinks with golden fittings and large mirrors. The opposite wall has booths for those who wish to change with more privacy. Toilet and shower cubicles are also available.
[[Change your clothes->Wardrobe][$Wardrobe="HC_change"]]
<<if $dirty eq 0>>Your body is already clean, there is no need to wash. <<else>> [[Take a shower->HC_change][$dirty = 0]]<</if>>
<<if $facialhair eq 0>>You are already clean shaven, there is no need to shave. <<else>> [[Shave your face->HC_change][$facialhair= 0]]<</if>>
<<if $armhair eq 0>>Your arms are smooth and hairless, there is no need to shave. <<else>> [[Shave your arms->HC_change][$armhair= 0]]<</if>>
<<if $bodyhair eq 0>>Your body is already smooth as a baby, there is no need to shave. <<else>> [[Shave your body->HC_change][$bodyhair= 0]]<</if>>
<<if $leghair eq 0>>Your legs are already clean shaven, there is no need to shave them. <<else>> [[Shave your legs->HC_change][$leghair= 0]]<</if>>
[[Return to the foyer->HC_foyer]]<<widget dayreset>><<nobr>>
<<set $energy = 10>><<set $tonightsshow =0>>
<<set $time = "Morning">> <<set $houseeventtoday = 0>>
<<set $daisyflirt= 0>><<set $mrsaflirt= 0>><<set $michaelaflirt= 0>><<set $michaelatoday =0>><<set $drunk =0>><<set $researchtoday =0>><<set $confessiontoday =0>><<set $nicolaatoday =0>><<set $h = 0>>
You pay $expenses shilling<<if $expenses gt 1>>s<</if>> for daily living expenses. <<set $money -= (12*$expenses)>><<set $h = 0>><<set $whoretoday = 0>>
<<widget mirror>>
You look at yourself in the mirror:
<<if $hat neq "none">>On your head is a $hat.<</if>>
You are wearing
<<if $outfit neq "none">>a $outfit, <</if>>
<<if $top neq "none">>a $top, <</if>>
<<if $bottom neq "none">>a $bottom<</if>>
<<if $outfit eq "none" and $top eq "none" and $bottom eq "none">> no outerwear!<</if>><</nobr>>
Next to your skin you are wearing \
<<if $bra neq "none">> a $bra and \<</if>>
\<<if $panties eq "none">>no underwear.
On your legs you have \
<<if $socks eq "none">>no socks <<else>>$socks <</if>>and <<if $shoes eq "none">>no shoes <<else>>$shoes. <</if>>
With your clothes and appearance you are looking <<if $femcheck lt 2>>masculine <<elseif $femcheck eq 4>> slightly feminine <<elseif $femcheck lt 6>> feminine <<elseif $femcheck gt 5>> very feminine<</if>>.
People would describe your looks as \
\<<if $looks eq 0>>ugly.
\<<elseif $looks eq 1>>plain.
\<<elseif $looks eq 2>>average.
\<<elseif $looks eq 3>>cute.
\<<elseif $looks eq 4>>pretty.
\<<elseif $looks eq 5>>attractive.
\<<elseif $looks eq 6>>gorgeous.
\<<elseif $looks eq 7>>stunning.
\<<elseif $looks eq 8>>beautiful.
\<<elseif $looks eq 9>>flawless.
\<<elseif $looks eq 10>>divine..<</if>>
<<if $chest eq "flat" and $fem lte 4>> Your chest is \
\<<if $fitness lt 2>>feeble.
\<<elseif $fitness gt 1 and $fitness lt 4>> a little out of shape.
\<<elseif $fitness gt 3 and $fitness lt 6>> toned.
\<<elseif $fitness gt 5 and $fitness lt 8>> muscular.
\<<elseif $fitness gt 7 and $fitness lt 10>> powerful.
\<<elseif $fitness eq 10>> Herculean.<</if>>
\<<elseif $chest eq "flat" >> You are flat chested and have no breasts.
\<<else>>You have $chest breasts.<</if>>
Your penis size is <<if $penis eq "none">>just a tiny clitty.<<else>>$penis.<</if>>
<<if $dirty eq 0>>Your body is freshly cleaned.\
\<<elseif $dirty eq 1>>You are fairly clean.\
\<<elseif $dirty eq 2>>You are a little unclean and starting to smell.\
\<<else>>You are dirty and smell quite bad.<</if>>
Your face is \
<<if $facialhair eq 0>>perfectly smooth.
\<<elseif $facialhair eq 1>>a little rough and stubbly.
\<<elseif $facialhair gt 1 and $facialhair lt 4>>fairly rough
\<<else>>covered with manly facial hair.<</if>>
Your arms are <<if $armhair eq 0>>perfectly smooth.
\<<elseif $armhair eq 1>>a little rough and stubbly.
\<<elseif $armhair gt 1>>hairy.<</if>>
Your body is <<if $bodyhair eq 0>>perfectly smooth.
\<<elseif $bodyhair eq 1>>a little rough and stubbly.
\<<elseif $bodyhair gt 1>>hairy.<</if>>
Your legs are <<if $leghair eq 0>>perfectly smooth.
\<<elseif $leghair gt 0 and $leghair lt 4>>fairly smooth.
\<<elseif $leghair gt 3 and $leghair lt 7>>stubbly.
\<<elseif $leghair gt 6>>hairy.<</if>>
<<widget HCevent7>>
You see the following currently unoccupied masked figures that you could speak to:
<<set $temp1 = random(11)>><<set $temp2 = random(11)>><<set $temp3 = random(11)>><<set $temp4 = random(11)>>
\<<if $temp1 eq 0 or $temp2 eq 0 or $temp3 eq 0 or $temp4 eq 0>>
\<<if $temp5 eq 1>>You have already spoken to Bunny.
\[[Speak to the pink haired naked girl with the rabbit mask->HC7_bunny][$temp5 = 1]]
\<<if $temp1 eq 1 or $temp2 eq 1 or $temp3 eq 1 or $temp4 eq 1>>
\<<if $temp6 eq 1>>You have already spoken to The Prince.
\[[Speak to the tall black man with the sun god mask->HC7_prince][$temp6 = 1]]
\<<if $temp1 eq 2 or $temp2 eq 2 or $temp3 eq 2 or $temp4 eq 2>>
\<<if $temp7 eq 1>>You have already spoken to her ladyship.
\[[Speak to the elegant woman in the Venetian mask->HC7_LadyB][$temp7 = 1]]
\<<if $temp1 eq 3 or $temp2 eq 3 or $temp3 eq 3 or $temp4 eq 3>>
\<<if $temp8 eq 1>>You have already spoken to Daisy.
\[[Speak to the blonde girl wearing lingerie->HC7_Daisy][$temp8 = 1]]
\<<if $temp1 eq 4 or $temp2 eq 4 or $temp3 eq 4 or $temp4 eq 4>>
\<<if $temp9 eq 1>>You have already spoken to Mistress Megan.
\[[Speak to the dominant woman in the corset->HC7_Megan][$temp9 = 1]]
\<<if $temp1 eq 5 or $temp2 eq 5 or $temp3 eq 5 or $temp4 eq 5>>
\<<if $temp10 eq 1>>You have already spoken to Matthew.
\[[Speak to the young man in the blue suit->HC7_Matthew][$temp10 = 1]]
\<<if $temp1 eq 6 or $temp2 eq 6 or $temp3 eq 6 or $temp4 eq 6>>
\<<if $temp11 eq 1>>You have already spoken to Walsingham.
\[[Speak to the man in the black suit->HC7_Wals][$temp11 = 1]]
\<<if $temp1 eq 7 or $temp2 eq 7 or $temp3 eq 7 or $temp4 eq 7>>
\<<if $temp12 eq 1>>You have already spoken to his lordship.
\[[Speak to the older man in the white suit and mask->HC7_LordB][$temp12 = 1]]
\<<if $temp1 eq 8 or $temp2 eq 8 or $temp3 eq 8 or $temp4 eq 8>>
\<<if $temp13 eq 1>>You have already spoken to the twins.
\[[Speak to the pair of serving girls->HC7_Yvette][$temp13 = 1]]
\<<if $temp1 eq 9 or $temp2 eq 9 or $temp3 eq 9 or $temp4 eq 9>>
\<<if $temp14 eq 1>>You have already spoken to Michaela.
\[[Speak to the thin blonde girl in the white mask->HC7_Michaela][$temp14 = 1]]
\<<if $temp1 eq 10 or $temp2 eq 10 or $temp3 eq 10 or $temp4 eq 10>>
\<<if $temp15 eq 1>>You have already spoken to the colonel.
\[[Speak to the young man in the golden waistcoat and mask->HC7_Colonel][$temp15 = 1]]
\<<if $temp1 eq 11 or $temp2 eq 11 or $temp3 eq 11 or $temp4 eq 11>>
\<<if $temp16 eq 1>>You have already spoken to Melissa.
\[[Speak to the beautiful girl in the red dress->HC7_Melissa][$temp16 = 1]]
[[Wander around to find someone else->HC7_wait]]
[[Wait for the end of the evening ->HC7_end]]
<<widget HCevent8>>
<<if $temp1 eq 0>>[[Latex - 20th century wonder material!->HC_event8_latex][$temp1 = 1]]<<else>>You have already visited the latex stall.<</if>>
<<if $temp2 eq 0>>[[Mon amour - accessories to spice up the bedroom->HC_event8_toys][$temp2 = 1]]<<else>>You have already visited the sex toys stall.<</if>>
<<if $temp3 eq 0>>[[Chastity belts. The key to a modern relationship->HC_event8_chastity][$temp3 = 1]]<<else>>You have already visited the chastity belt exhibit.<</if>>
<<if $temp4 eq 0>>[[Practicing restraint->HC_event8_bondage][$temp4 = 1]]<<else>>You have already visited the bondage stall.<</if>>
<<if $temp6 eq 0>>[[Fucking machines->HC_event8_machine][$temp6 = 1]]<<else>>You have already visited the machine sex stall.<</if>>
<<if $temp7 eq 0>>[[Moving pictures->HC_event8_cinema][$temp7 = 1]]<<else>>You have already visited the cinema stall.<</if>>
<<if $temp8 eq 0>>[[Join the mile high club->HC_event8_zeppelin][$temp8 = 1]]<<else>>You have already visited the Zeppelin stall.<</if>>
<<if $temp9 eq 0>>[[Made to measure->HC_event8_furniture][$temp9 = 1]]<<else>>You have already visited the furniture stall.<</if>>
<<if $temp11 eq 0>>[[Knickers and smalls->HC_event8_underwear][$temp11 = 1]]<<else>>You have already visited the underwear stall.<</if>>
<<if $farm gt 0>><<if $temp10 eq 0>>[[Demonstrate your gender enhancing substances at your own stall->HC_event8_demo][$temp10 = 1]]<<else>>You have already demonstrated your work.<</if>><</if>>
[[This expo is making you thirsty - head for the bar->HC_event8_bar]]
[[Wait for the finale in the ballroom->HC_event8_end]]
<<widget nicsex>>
\<<if Flag("nicnude")>><<else>>[[Strip her naked->Nicsex_strip]]
\<<if Flag("nicbound") eq false>>[[Tie her to the bed->Nicsex_bind]]
\<<if Flag("nickneel") eq false>>[[Command her to kneel in front of you->Nicsex_kneel]]
\<<if Flag("nicbound")>>[[Strip->Nicsex_undress]]
<<else>> [[Command her to undress you->Nicsex_undress]]
\[[Kiss her->Nicsex_kiss]]
[[Tease her pussy->Nicsex_tease]]
[[Spank her ass->Nicsex_spank]]
[[Choose a toy to use on Nicola->Nictoybox]]
<<if $chastity neq 1 and $penis neq "tiny" and Flag("playercum") eq false>>[[Fuck her mouth->Nicsex_mouth]]
\<<if $chastity neq 1 and $penis neq "tiny" and Flag("playercum") eq false>>[[Fuck her pussy->Nicsex_pussy]]
\<<if $chastity neq 1 and $penis neq "tiny" and Flag("playercum") eq false>>
<<if $nicplug eq "none">>[[Fuck her ass->Nicsex_ass]]<<else>>You cannot fuck Nicola's ass as she is wearing a butt plug.
[[Play with Nicola's butt plug|Nicsex_buttplugplay]]
\<<if $nicplug neq "none">>[[Inspect her butt plug->Nicsexpluginspect]]
[[Remove her butt plug->Nicsexplugremove]]
<<widget daisysex>>
<<if $Daisy eq "dom">>
\<<set $randomset = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5]>>
\<<set $temp1 = $randomset.pluck()>>
\<<if $temp1 eq 1>>"Get licking down there" Daisy commands as she opens her legs.
[[Lick between her legs->DaisyCun]]
\<<elseif $temp1 eq 2>>"I need a good hard fucking." says Daisy.
<<if $chastity eq 1>>Unlocking your chastity belt <<chastity 0>>
\Daisy takes a good look at your clitty, rubbing it between her fingers.
<<if $penis neq "huge" and $penis neq "large">>"I guess a woman has to make do, but I do wish it was a bit bigger at times like this, sweetie. Are you not excited to be with me? I guess it's not your fault you have a small one. Oh I forget, it is, you made it small so you could be a pretty girl for me. Silly thing."
<<if $penis eq "none">>[[Strap on a dildo so that you can satisfy your wife|Daisydomsex][$temp3 = 3]]
\ <<else>>[[Lie back as Daisy straddles you|Daisydomsex][$temp3 = 4]]
\ <<if $penis neq "huge" and $objects["Substance M"].inv gt 0 and $testedM gt 0>>
[[Offer to take a Substance M to satisfy her|Daisydomsex][$temp3 = 2]]
\<<elseif $temp1 eq 3>>
"I think I want to use a toy on you, $subname. Do have a look what we have."
[[Look in the box for Daisy|Dommedaisytoybox]]
\<<elseif $temp1 eq 4>>
"I want you to sit there and watch as I touch myself." says Daisy. "No making yourself cum now, I want you to be a good girl."
[[Sit down and watch|Daisydomsex][$temp3 = 5]]
\<<elseif $temp1 eq 5>>
"You have been thinking dirty thoughts again. I know you have."
"No Miss Daisy, I am a good girl." you protest, saying the words that you hope will placate her.
"No, I can tell these things. Come and lie on my lap for your punishment."
[[Bend over Daisy's knee to be spanked|Daisydomsex][$temp3 = 6]]
[[Refuse|Daisydomsex][$temp3 = 1]]
[[Lick between her legs->DaisyCun]]
<<if $chastity eq 0 and $penis neq "none">>[[Lower her mouth down onto your member->DaisyFel]]
[[Fuck her pussy->DaisyFuck]]
\<<if $fetish_anal neq 0>>[[fuck her ass->Daisyanal]]<</if>>
<<else>>Your penis is locked in chastity.
[[Ask Daisy to unlock your chastity cage->Daisychastityremove]]
\<<if $Daisydomevent gt 0>>[[Choose a toy for Daisy to use on you->Dommedaisytoybox]]<<else>>[[Choose a toy to use on Daisy->Daisysex_toybox]]
\<<if $toy neq "none">>
[[Present your ass for inspection->Daisypluginspect]]
[[Let Daisy play with your buttplug->Dommedaisybuttplugplay]]
<<widget mattsex>>
[[Suck his cock->Mattoral]]
<<if $penis eq "none">>[[Lie down and let Matt fuck your pussy->MattFuck]]
\[[Bend over and let Matt fuck your ass->MattAnal]]
<<widget micsex>>
<<if $micpussy eq 0>>
\<<if $chastity neq 1 and $penis neq "none" and Flag("playercum") eq false>>[[Fuck her pussy->Micsex_pussy]]
\<<if Flag("micbound") eq false>>[[Tie her to the bed->Micsex_bind]]
\<<if Flag("mickneel") eq false>>[[Command her to kneel in front of you->Micsex_kneel]]
\[[Kiss her->Micsex_kiss]]
[[Spank her ass->Micsex_spank]]
[[Choose a toy to use on Michaela->Mictoybox]]
<<if $chastity neq 1 and $penis neq "none" and Flag("playercum") eq false>>[[Fuck her mouth->Micsex_mouth]]
\<<if $chastity neq 1 and $penis neq "none" and Flag("playercum") eq false>>
<<if $micplug eq "none">>[[Fuck her ass->Micsex_ass]]<<else>>You cannot fuck Michaela's ass as she is wearing a butt plug.
[[Play with Michaela's butt plug|Micsex_buttplugplay]]
\<<if $micplug neq "none">>[[Inspect her butt plug->Micsexpluginspect]]
[[Remove her butt plug->Micsexplugremove]]
<<widget HC10>>
<<if $temp7 eq 0>>[[Speak to the Bishop and Lord Bentley|HC10_Bishop]]<<else>>You have already spoken to the Bishop and Lord Bentley.<</if>>
<<if $temp8 eq 0>>[[Speak to Megan and Walsingham|HC10_Megan]]<<else>>You have already spoken to Megan and Walsingham.<</if>>
<<if $temp9 eq 0>>[[Speak to the Professor|HC10_Prof]]<<else>>You have already spoken to the Professor.<</if>>
<<if $temp10 eq 0>>[[Speak to Melissa|HC10_Melissa]]<<else>>You have already spoken to Melissa.<</if>>
<<if $temp11 eq 0>>[[Speak to Matthew and the Colonel|HC10_Colonel]]<<else>>You have already spoken to Matthew and the Colonel.<</if>>
<<if $temp12 eq 0>>[[Speak to Lady Bentley and Daisy|HC10_LadyB]]<<else>>You have already spoken to Daisy and Lady Bentley.<</if>>
[[Wait for dinner|HC10_end]]
<<widget Megandom>>
\<<if $Megandomevent eq 2>>[[Proceed with training->Megan_domevent2][$Megandomevent =3]]
\<<elseif $Megandomevent eq 3>>[[Proceed with training->Megan_domevent3][$Megandomevent =4]]
\<<elseif $Megandomevent eq 4>>[[Proceed with training->Megan_domevent4][$Megandomevent =5]]
\<<elseif $Megandomevent eq 5>>[[Proceed with training->Megan_domevent5][$Megandomevent =6]]
\<<elseif $Megandomevent eq 6>>[[Proceed with training->Megan_domevent6][$Megandomevent =7]]
\<<elseif $Megandomevent eq 7>><<link [[Proceed with training->Megan_domevent7]]>><<set $Megandomevent =8>><<set $temp19 = 1>><</link>>
\<<elseif $Megandomevent eq 8 and $HCevent gt 12>>[[Proceed with training->Megan_domevent8][$Megandomevent =9]]
\<<elseif $Megandomevent eq 9 >>[[Proceed with training->Megan_domevent9][$Megandomevent =10]]
\<<elseif $Megandomevent eq 10 >>[[Proceed with training->Megan_domevent10][$Megandomevent =11, $temp = 1]]
\<<elseif $Megandomevent eq 11 >>[[Proceed with training->Megan_domevent11][$Megandomevent =12]]
<<else>>Further scenes not yet written - sorry. [[Proceed to normal playtime with Megan->Megan2b]]
[[Repeat the "Protocol" scene->Megan_domevent1]]
[[Repeat the "Positions" scene->Megan_domevent2]]
[[Repeat the "Trust" scene->Megan_domevent3]]
[[Repeat the "Limits" scene->Megan_domevent4]]
[[Repeat the "Service" scene->Megan_domevent5]]
[[Repeat the "Denial" scene->Megan_domevent6]]
[[Repeat the "Worship" scene->Megan_domevent8]]
[[Experience or Repeat the "Brat" scene->Megan_domevent7]]
[[Repeat the "Power" scene->Megan_domevent9]]
The "Stress" scene was a one off. Given what transpired Megan is in no hurry to repeat that one, but if you insist... [[Repeat the "Stress" scene->Megan_domevent10]]
[[Repeat the "Dinner" scene->Megan_domevent11]]
<<widget r>>
<<widget yourhouse>>
<<if $room neq "YourRoom">>[[Go to the Master Bedroom->YourRoom]]
\<<if $room neq "Parlour">>[[Go to the Parlour->Parlour]]
\<<if $room neq "Diningroom">>[[Go to the Dining Room->Diningroom]]
\<<if $room neq "Bathroom">>[[Go to the Bathroom->Bathroom]]
\<<if $room neq "YourKitchen">>[[Go to the Kitchen->YourKitchen]]
<<if $spouse eq "Daisy" and $room neq "DaisywifeRoom">>[[Go to Daisy's Room->DaisywifeRoom]]
\<<if $room neq "Cellar">>[[Go to the Cellar->Cellar]]
\<<if $room neq "Attic">>[[Go to the Attic->Attic]]
\<<if $room neq "Servantsroom">>[[Go to the Servants Quarters->Servantsroom]]
\<<if $room neq "Guestroom">><<if $Rubymaid eq 1>>[[Go to Ruby's room->Guestroom]]<<else>>[[Go to the Guest Room->Guestroom]]<</if>>
<<widget housereturn>>
\<<set $h = 2>>[[Return|$room]]
[[Go to Your Room->YourRoom]]
[[Go outside->KensingtonAv]]
<<widget HC11>>
<<if $temp11 eq 0>>[[Speak to Lord Bentley|HC11_lordB]]<<else>>You have already spoken to Lord Bentley.<</if>>
<<if $temp12 eq 0>>[[Speak to Lady Bentley|HC11_ladyB]]<<else>>You have already spoken to Lady Bentley.<</if>>
<<if $temp13 eq 0>>[[Speak to Walsingham|HC11_wals]]<<else>>You have already spoken to Sir Walsingham.<</if>>
<<if $temp14 eq 0>>[[Speak to Bunny|HC11_bunny]]<<else>>You have already spoken to Bunny.<</if>>
<<if $temp15 eq 0>>[[Speak to Bishop Greene|HC11_bishop]]<<else>>You have already spoken to Bishop Greene.
<<if $Megandomevent gt 0>><<if $temp16 eq 0>>[[Ask to serve Mistress Megan|HC11_megan]]<<else>>You have already spoken to Megan.<</if>>
\<<if $temp17 eq 0>>[[Speak to Melissa|HC11_melissa]]<<else>>You have already spoken to Melissa.<</if>>
[[Wait for the end of the Ball|HC11_6]]
<<widget HC12timer >>
\<<set $HC12timer +=_args[0]>>
\<<set _min = (30 + ($HC12timer * 2.5) )% 60>>
The time is \
\<<if _min lt 3>>
\<<elseif _min lt 7>> five past \
\<<elseif _min lt 12>> ten past \
\<<elseif _min lt 17>> quarter past \
\<<elseif _min lt 22>> twenty past \
\<<elseif _min lt 27>> twenty-five past \
\<<elseif _min lt 32>> half past \
\<<elseif _min lt 37>> twenty-five to \
\<<elseif _min lt 42>> twenty to \
\<<elseif _min lt 47>> quarter to \
\<<elseif _min lt 52>> ten to \
\<<elseif _min lt 57>> five to \
\<<if $HC12timer lt 25>>Eleven
\<<elseif $HC12timer lt 49>>Midnight
\<<elseif $HC12timer lt 73>>One<</if>>
\<<if _min lt 3 and ($HC12timer lt 25 or $HC12timer gt 48)>> o'clock<</if>>.
<<widget timer>>
\<<set $timer +=_args[0]>>
\<<set _min = (($timer * 5) )% 60>>
The time is \
\<<if _min lt 3>>
\<<elseif _min lt 17>> quarter past \
\<<elseif _min lt 32>> half past \
\<<elseif _min lt 47>> quarter to \
\<<if $HC12timer lt 7>>Eight
\<<elseif $HC12timer lt 19>>Nine
\<<elseif $HC12timer lt 31>>Ten
\<<elseif $HC12timer lt 43>>Eleven
\<<elseif $HC12timer lt 55>>Midnight
\<<elseif $HC12timer lt 67>>One<</if>>
\<<if _min eq 0>> o'clock<</if>>.
<<widget drunk>>
\<<set $drunk += _args[0]>>You are feeling
\<<if $drunk gt 9>>absolutely smashed and quite unwell. You should probably stop drinking.
\<<elseif $drunk gt 7>>very drunk.
\<<elseif $drunk gt 5>>drunk.
\<<elseif $drunk gt 3>>intoxicated.
\<<elseif $drunk gt 1>>tipsy.
<<widget routine>>
<<if $routine eq 2>>
You wash your face and body. <<set $dirty = 0>>
You will continue doing this every morning until you change this.
\<<elseif $routine eq 3>>
You wash your face and body. <<set $dirty = 0>>
You shave your face. <<set $facialhair= 0>>
You will continue doing this every morning until you change this.
\<<elseif $routine eq 4>>
You wash your face and body. <<set $dirty = 0>>
You shave your face, arms, legs and body <<set $facialhair= 0>><<set $leghair = 0>><<set $bodyhair = 0>><<set $armhair = 0>>
You will continue doing this every morning until you change this.
<</if>><</widget>><<widget our>>
<<if $spouse eq "none">>
<<widget theseare>>
<<if $spouse eq "none">>
this is
these are
<<widget andspouse>><<if $spouse neq "none">>and $spouse <</if>><</widget>>
<<widget Herr>><<if $femcheck gt 2>>Herr<<else>>Fraulein<</if>><</widget>>
<<widget random5>>
\<<set $randomset = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5]>>\
\<<set _temp = $randomset.pluck()>>
\<<if _temp eq 1>>_args[0]
\<<elseif _temp eq 2>>_args[1]
\<<elseif _temp eq 3>>_args[2]
\<<elseif _temp eq 4>>_args[3]
\<<elseif _temp eq 5>>_args[4]
\<</widget>>Fitzsimons is a very classy establishment. There are two floors - gentlemen upstairs and ladies on the ground floor. The clothing is of the highest quality.
<<set $shop = "FM">>
The following are available for the discerning gentleman:
<<if $objects["White tie suit"].inv eq 1>>You have already purchased the White tie suit<<else>>[[White tie suit->Shopbuy][$item = "White tie suit"]]<</if>>
<<if $objects["Black mens socks"].inv eq 1>>You have already purchased the Black mens socks<<else>>[[Black mens socks->Shopbuy][$item = "Black mens socks"]]<</if>>
<<if $objects["Black mens dress shoes"].inv eq 1>>You have already purchased the Black mens dress shoes<<else>>[[Black mens dress shoes->Shopbuy][$item = "Black mens dress shoes"]]<</if>>
[[Head to the Ladies' floor->FormalF]]
[[Return to Oxford Street->OxfordSt]]Fitzsimons is a very classy establishment. There are two floors - gentlemen upstairs and ladies on the ground floor. The clothing is of the highest quality.
<<set $shop = "FF">>
<<if $HCevent eq 3 and $daisydeb eq 2>>
Daisy and Ruby are here already, eagerly looking at the gowns. "Oh, look at this one, the lace is exquisite." Daisy gasps.
[[This is going to take a while->Daisydebshopping1]]
The following are available:
<<if $objects["White hooped gown"].inv eq 1>>You have already purchased the White hooped gown<<else>>[[White hooped gown->Shopbuy][$item = "White hooped gown"]]<</if>>
<<if $objects["White lace gown"].inv eq 1>>You have already purchased the White lace gown<<else>>[[White lace gown->Shopbuy][$item = "White lace gown"]]<</if>>
<<if $objects["White low cut gown"].inv eq 1>>You have already purchased the White low cut gown<<else>>[[White low cut gown->Shopbuy][$item = "White low cut gown"]]<</if>>
<<if $objects["White ruffled gown"].inv eq 1>>You have already purchased the White ruffled gown<<else>>[[White ruffled gown->Shopbuy][$item = "White ruffled gown"]]<</if>>
<<if $objects["White satin gown"].inv eq 1>>You have already purchased the White satin gown<<else>>[[White satin gown->Shopbuy][$item = "White satin gown"]]<</if>>
<<if $objects["White strapped gown"].inv eq 1>>You have already purchased the White strapped gown<<else>>[[White strapped gown->Shopbuy][$item = "White strapped gown"]]<</if>>
<<if $objects["White striking gown"].inv eq 1>>You have already purchased the White striking gown<<else>>[[White striking gown->Shopbuy][$item = "White striking gown"]]<</if>>
<<if $objects["White tulle gown"].inv eq 1>>You have already purchased the White tulle gown<<else>>[[White tulle gown->Shopbuy][$item = "White tulle gown"]]<</if>>
<<if $objects["White backless gown"].inv eq 1>>You have already purchased the White backless gown<<else>>[[White backless gown->Shopbuy][$item = "White backless gown"]]<</if>>
<<if $objects["White stockings"].inv eq 1>>You have already purchased the White stockings<<else>>[[White stockings->Shopbuy][$item = "White stockings"]]<</if>>
<<if $objects["White elegant heels"].inv eq 1>>You have already purchased the White elegant heels<<else>>[[White elegant heels->Shopbuy][$item = "White elegant heels"]]<</if>>
<<if $objects["White flat shoes"].inv eq 1>>You have already purchased the White flat shoes<<else>>[[White flat shoes->Shopbuy][$item = "White flat shoes"]]<</if>>
[[Head to the Gentlemen's floor->FormalM]]
[[Return to Oxford Street->OxfordSt]]You sit in a comfortable leather armchair and wait as the girls disappear into a changing room, giggling.
Ten minutes later Daisy comes out.
<img src="Images/People/Daisy/Daisydebcleavage.webp" width=768 />
"Do my boobs look big in this one? Too much I think." She heads back into the changing room.
Another quarter of an hour, she comes out again.
<img src="Images/People/Daisy/Daisydeb.webp" width=768 />
"The sleeves here are like napkins. I keep catching them on door handles."
5 more minutes pass.
<img src="Images/People/ruby2.webp" width=768 />
"Whaddaya think? Sexy right?" It's not even Daisy this time. Ruby does look stunning, but it isn't her you are supposed to be shopping for.
She heads back inside with her friend. Another 20 minutes pass. You start to doodle in your notebook.
"Cover your eyes $playername." calls out Daisy.
You do so, hoping that she has finally found a dress she likes.
"Ok, you can look now."
<img src="Images/People/Daisy/daisyandrubydeb.webp" width=768 />
Those aren't even dresses. It's barely underwear. You can see they aren't wearing panties. You look around for the staff, scared you will be thrown out or arrested, but Mr Fitzsimons himself puts a hand on your shoulder. "Do not worry sir, the girls are just having a bit of fun. And I understand that they are shopping for the Debutante ball at the Hellfire Club. Mistress Megan is one of my dearest customers, so I am fully conversant with the activities that go on there. Say no more.
"Don't you think we're pretty, $playername?" Daisy asks.
"You are both beautiful. Now hurry up and choose a dress before the store closes and they throw us out on the street."
Daisy finally emerges half an hour later.
Your jaw drops - she is stunning.
<img src="Images/People/Daisy/Daisydeb1.webp" width=768 />
"You shall go to the ball, princess." calls out Ruby.
You are, for once speechless
"There is the small matter of the bill, <<sir>>. That dress is delightful, but is made of silk. I am afraid the cost is 3 pounds and 2 shillings." Great. You only have a shilling change from 3 guineas.
<<if $money gte 384>>[[Pay for the dress->dressbuyrich][$money -=384]]<</if>>
[[I don't quite have enough->dressbuypoor]]"It's okay." says Daisy. "I didn't expect you to buy the whole thing.
You check your pocketbook.
<<if $money gte 220>>"I can pay half."<<set $money -=192>><<elseif $money gte 120>><<set $money -=96>> "I can put in about a quarter."<</if>>
"It's ok, sweetie. What are besties for? Ruby takes a sheaf of notes out of her bag and starts counting them out. "I've been working overtime the last month. And you've wanted to be a debutante since you were five."
"You are the best l girlfriend ever. I will make it up to you. Shekisses Ruby, slightly more passionately than is probably acceptable for a high end retail store, before heading off to change. You note Ruby handing over more money and making a purchase for herself as well.
<<set $daisylove +=1>><<set $daisydeb =3>>
Daisy and Ruby depart with their shopping, after Daisy kisses you once again.
"Very good <<sir>>. Will there be anything else?" asks Fitzsimons.
[[Continue shopping->FormalF]]
[[Return to Oxford Street->OxfordSt]]Daisy looks at you in amazement. "But I didn't expect you to.. "
She is speechless.
She puts her arms around you and gives you a long passionate kiss. With tongues.
"Ahem, madam. This is not that kind of establishment." interrupts Mr. Fitzsimons. You might want to keep that kind of behaviour for the club."
Daisy pulls back, but keeps hold of your hand.
"You are the best boyfriend<<if $femcheck gt 2>>, well girlfriend,<</if>> ever. I will make it up to you." She puts your hand to her breast to show you just how she plans to make it up to you, before heading off to change. As she steps back you note Ruby making a purchase as well.
<<set $daisylove +=3>><<set $daisydeb =3>>
Daisy and Ruby depart with their shopping, after Daisy kisses you once again.
"Very good <<sir>>. Will there be anything else?"
[[Continue shopping->FormalF]]
[[Return to Oxford Street->OxfordSt]]<<if $Megandomevent gt 0>>
"This is not the place. Wednesday evening at Charlton Square as usual. Be clean, and on time.
\<<elseif $meganevent gt 0>>Not here, sweetie. I do have a reputation to maintain. "Meet me at Charlton square. Make an appointment through Mrs Hathaway."
\<<else>> Why I don't believe I've had the pleasure. And you are not unattractive. I do offer my services in that area, professionally that is, although not here, I do have a reputation to maintain. Make an appointment through Mrs Hathaway then meet me at Charlton Square."<<set $meganevent = 1>>
<<return>><img src="Images/People/Gabrieloutside.webp" width=768 />
You leave the queue and walk around to the staff entrance. You see Gabriel, Michaela's brother, standing outside, smoking. He is wearing the smart uniform of Hellfire security.
"Good evening $playername. Members entrance is at the front."
"I don't have the correct clothes. Money is a bit tight at the problem."
"I know that feeling. They dress us up in finery, but the pay is only a little better than other jobs given some of the stuff we have to go through here. But that gives me an idea. There is loads of clothing in the staff room - there must be something suitable for you. Just give it back to me at the end of the evening"
He leads you inside the staff entrance into a service corridor by the kitchen and into a changing room where half a dozen staff are rushing around, oblivious to you. He pulls out some garments from a massive wardrobe at one side.
"We have suits and gowns. Not too fancy but should just about do the trick if you aren't trying to impress anyone."
You thank him gratefully and change before heading back to the queue, promising to return the clothing at the end of the evening
<<link [[Wear a White tie tailcoat|HC_event 4]]>><<StripAll>>
<<set $outfit = "White tie suit">><<set $socks ="Black mens socks">><<set $shoes = "Black mens dress shoes">><<set $panties = $pantiessave>>
<<set $bra = $brasave>><</link>>
<<link [[Wear a White debutante gown|HC_event 4]]>><<StripAll>>
<<set $outfit = "White lace gown">><<set $socks ="White stockings">><<set $shoes = "White elegant heels">><<set $panties = $pantiessave>>
<<set $bra = $brasave>><</link>><<widget bondage>>
<<set $bondagecounter +=1>>
<<if $bondage lt _args[0] and $bondagecounter gte $bondage>>
<<set $bondage +=1>>
<<set $bondagecounter =0>>
<<widget sub>>
<<set $subcounter += _args[0]>>
<<if ($sub lt _args[0] and $subcounter gte $sub) or ($subcounter gte ($sub+10) and $sub lt 10)>>
<<set $sub +=1>>
<<set $subcounter =0>>
<<widget dom>>
<<set $domcounter +=_args[0]>>
<<if $dom lt _args[0] and $domcounter gte $dom>>
<<set $dom +=1>>
<<set $domcounter =0>>
<<widget pain>>
<<set $paincounter += _args[0]>>
<<if $pain lt _args[0] and $paincounter gte $pain>>
<<set $pain +=1>>
<<set $paincounter =0>>
<<widget heels>>
<<set $heelscounter += _args[0]>>
<<if $heels lt _args[0] and $heelscounter gte $heels>>
<<set $heels +=1>>
<<set $heelscounter =0>>
<<widget brains>>
<<set $brainscounter += _args[0]>>
<<if $brains lt _args[0] and $brainscounter gte $brains>>
<<set $brains +=1>>
<<set $brainscounter =0>>
<<widget looks>>
<<set $lookscounter += _args[0]>>
<<if $looks lt _args[0] and $lookscounter gte $looks>>
<<set $looks +=1>>
<<set $lookscounter =0>>
<<widget fitness>>
<<set $fitnesscounter += _args[0]>>
<<if $fitness lt _args[0] and $fitnesscounter gte $fitness>>
<<set $fitness +=1>>
<<set $fitnesscounter =0>>
<<widget love>>
<<if _args[0] eq "Daisy">> <<set $daisylove += _args[1] >>
<<elseif _args[0] eq "Michaela" or _args[0] eq "Mic">><<set $michaelalove += _args[1] >>
<<elseif _args[0] eq "Nicola" or _args[0] eq "Nic">><<set $niclove += _args[1] >>
<<elseif _args[0] eq "Matthew" or _args[0] eq "Matt">><<set $mattlove += _args[1] >>
<</widget>>You stand in the grand entrance foyer of the Hellfire Club.
<img src="Images/Places/HCfoyer.webp" width=512 />
Everyone is even more smart than usual, this being a formal occasion. The doors to the ballroom are wide open and you can hear the sound of a string quartet emanating from the room.
There are about a dozen young ladies you don't recognise milling around the foyer, sipping champagne, looking furtively at other attendees, giggling and resuming their conversation. Most look to be about eighteen or nineteen.
<<if $chastity eq 1>>You hear a discreet cough from one side and see Megan beckoning toward you. You discreetly step aside, as she pulls you behind a curtain, revealing the key around her neck. "Tonight is a special night. I give you permission, if you choose, to use your cock. Remember, it is mine, take care of it. I will expect a full report. She unlocks the padlock and pops the cage into a pocket for safekeeping. <<set $chastity = -1>><</if>>
<<if $daisydeb neq 0>>Daisy takes your arm and holds it tightly, she is trembling a little. "It is so grand. I feel like a princess. But what if the other girls are snobby - I'm just a pharmacist's daughter. I don't belong here."
You reassure her and calm her slightly, though she is still apprehensive. <</if>>
You walk towards the ballroom, and the announcer checks your invitation and confirms your name and title. <<femcheck>>
You are about to be introduced into Hellfire society. If you wish to be known as something other than $playername, <<if $outfit neq "White tie suit">>perhaps $femname, <</if>>now is the time to say.
<<set $Hname = $playername>>
I wish to be known as <<textbox "$Hname" $Hname>>
[[Enter the ball|HC_event4_2]]As you enter, the announcer calls out:
"<<if $outfit eq "White tie suit">>Mr<<else>>Miss<</if>> $Hname $playersurname<<if $daisydeb gt 0>> and Miss Daisy Ambrose<</if>>."
There is a round of polite applause.
<img src="Images/Places/Debutantes4.webp" width=768 />
<<if $outfit eq "White tie suit">> "You walk to the left hand side of the room, where the gentlemen and non debutante members are standing. <<if $daisydeb gt 1>> Daisy walks to the right.<</if>>
Along the right hand wall stand a selection of girls, all between eighteen and twenty, all beautiful. A couple you recognise from the society pages of The Times, younger daughters of Viscount this or Sir Whatnot of that. They glance with disdain in your general direction, and you know they are on the hunt for more impressive prey than you.
You <<if $daisydeb neq 0>>and Daisy <</if>>take your place with the debutantes, a selection of girls, all between eighteen and twenty, all beautiful. A couple you recognise from the society pages of The Times, younger daughters of Viscount this or Sir Whatnot of that. They glance with disdain in your general direction, before pointedly turning away from you and ignoring any attempts at conversation.
You take a drink and listen to the announcements as the attendees arrive.
The first couple are more pretty daughters of minor nobility. You feel increasingly out of place. Then:
<img src="Images/People/Mic/micdeb3.webp" width=768 />
"Gabriel and Michaela Taylor."
Gabriel escorts his sister in and she looks stunning in a simple cotton gown with a blue flower in her hair. He joins the guests while she walks to the right to join the debutantes.
<img src="Images/People/Melissa.webp" width=768 />
"Miss Melissa Hildegarde"
You recognise Melissa as your rival from the Easter egg hunt<<if $eventrole neq "Columbine">> and Columbine from the Harlequinade<</if>>. She gives you a smile as she walks across the floor. With her black hair she almost looks like a younger Megan.
<img src="Images/People/ColMuniform.webp" width=768 />
"Colonel Stanley Wilberforce"
You recognise Colonel Wilberforce from his time in the military<<if $eventrole neq "Harlequin">>, as well as his performance in the Harlequinade<</if>>. He was branded a coward after his first combat engagement, but because of family connections managed to gain promotion above you. Colonel mustard was his nickname from the troops. It is just like him to turn up wearing uniform which while it is considered formal dress is entirely inappropriate for the occasion.
<img src="Images/People/BabetteYvette2.webp" width=768 />
"Miss Babette and Miss Yvette de Fontaine"
Wow. Twins. French twins. Sexy French twins. They smile at you as they glide in, hand in hand.
<img src="Images/People/Alfredformal.webp" width=768 />
"Mr Alfred Wilkins"
\<<if $eventrole neq "Pierrot">>You recognise Pierrot from a couple of weeks ago. <<else>> You think you've seen him about the club before but can't place him. <</if>>He looks terrified.
<<if $daisydeb eq 0>>
<img src="Images/People/Daisy/Daisydebslut.webp" width=768 />
"Miss Daisy Ambrose."
What the absolute fuck? And what is she wearing? She looks like a complete slut. She looks straight at you as she walks in, head held high but stands as far away from you as is possible.
<img src="Images/People/ruby2.webp" width=768 />
"Miss Ruby Hathaway."
Ok, this is getting ridiculous. What the hell is a waitress who lives across the road from you doing her? Who's next - Nell the whore from the Broken doll? You'll have to catch up with her. She beams at you as she walks in, and stands next to Daisy who embraces her like a sister.
<img src="Images/People/Matthewformal.webp" width=768 />
"Lieutenant Matthew Chadwick."
And now Matthew. Using his old military title as well. And wearing a medal he got for bravery when he saved your life.
<img src="Images/People/Bunnydeb2.webp" width=768 />
"Miss, er, Bunny."
Bunny giggles as she enters. She still has her ears on from last week, and is treating the whole thing like a joke. She blows you a kiss.
"And now if you can put your hands together to welcome our hosts for the evening, Mistress Megan and Sir Edward Walsingham."
Megan and Walsingham enter. Both wearing black, and going all out to fill the role of monarchs to welcome in the debutantes. They are even wearing crowns.
They take seats, ok, thrones, at the end of the table and everyone spends the next half hour walking past them exchanging pleasantries.
<img src="Images/People/Megan/Megan_queen.webp" width=768 />
When it gets to your turn, Megan holds out her hand. "My Queen." you say, <<if $outfit eq "White tie suit">>bowing<<else>>curtseying<</if>> before kissing her offered hand lightly.
<<if $outfit eq "White tie suit">>"Oh you do look dashing. Good enough to eat." she licks her lips, suggestively. "<<else>>"You look radiant my dear - I knew you would make a beautiful debutante. <</if>>And is that your cousin I've heard so much about over there. I will have to catch up with her, we have so much to talk about. "
<img src="Images/People/Walsking.webp" width=768 />
"And I salute you, my King" you nod to Walsingham. He nods in acknowledgement. "<<if $outfit eq "White tie suit">>I am glad that you rose to the formality of the occasion, Mr $playersurname.<<else>>I see that you have embraced your feminine side. It suits you, accepting that you are less than a man. And here you are, trying to attract the attention of real men. What a brave new world we live in."<</if>>
Eventually the formalities conclude, and the dancing begins.
The pattern seems to be that the men are on side and the debutantes and older women on the other. Each side selects a partner and dances, before the debs pair up and dance while the men smoke and admire them. The pattern then repeats.
For your first dance you look for a familiar face. You try to dance with Daisy but notice that Walsingham gets there first. You feel your hand being taken and look to see Ruby holding it.
<<set $temp1=0>><<set $temp2=0>><<set $temp3=0>><<set $temp4=0>><<set $temp5=0>><<set $temp6=0>><<set $temp7=0>><<set $temp8=0>><<set $temp9=0>><<set $temp10=0>><<set $temp11=0>>
[[Dance->HC_4_Ruby]]You dance with Daisy, holding her close as you catch up.
<<if $daisydeb neq 0>>
\<img src="Images/People/Daisy/Daisydeb1.webp" width=768 />
"Oh this is magnificent. The glamour, the beauty. But it's a little odd. Three men have squeezed my arse since I've been here and one complimented me on my cleavage. I didn't expect it to be quite so forward. But the queen is so glamorous - how well do you know her?"
"We've met once or twice." you deflect, not feeling that now is the right time to discuss your relationship with a professional courtesan.
\<img src="Images/People/Daisy/Daisydebslut2.webp" width=768 />
"I didn't expect to meet you here, Daisy."
"I could say the same about you. So this is where you have been slipping off to in the evenings. You have moved up in the world recently. And didn't see fit to invite me along."
"I didn't think it was your kind of place. You need to be careful here. And what are you wearing?"
"It was a gift, like the invitation, from nice Sir Walsingham. He called by yesterday and said that he was guilty that I was missing the season due to Daddy's money troubles, but asked if I wanted to come along tonight. And isn't this dress sexy. I feel like an exotic dancer.
You look like a slut, you think, but don't speak out loud.
"Anyhow, don't ruin it, lets just have a lovely evening, $Hname. <<if $Hname neq $playername>>That's cute - I shall call you that here from now on. <</if>>
<<if $outfit eq "White tie suit">>"Oh, I could dance here all night. With you, my sweet sweet cousin. You are looking very handsome tonight." She leans in and kisses you softly. <<else>> You do look very pretty, like the sister I never had. I just want to braid your hair and dress you up in pretty little frocks all day, you beautiful girl." That does sound nice. <</if>><</if>>
You hold her tight until the end of the dance.
<<set $temp1=1>>
<<if $outfit eq "White tie suit">>[[Talk to one of the men while waiting for the next dance|HC_event4_choosemale]] <<else>>[[Dance with another man|HC_event4_choosemale]]<</if>>
[[Pass on this round and wait to dance with another girl->HC_event4_choosegirl]]
[[Finish dancing|HC_event4_enddance]]<img src="Images/People/ruby2.webp" width=768 />
"Why good evening, $playername.<<if $Hname neq $playername>> Or should I call you $Hname? I think I will<</if>>"
"I'm a little confused. What are you doing here, Ruby. It doesn't seem like your sort of soiree."
"Oh, you think I'm too common for a ball, do you?"
Realising you have put your foot in it, you backtrack. "No, it's not like that, it's just that..."
"I'm messing with ya. Salt of the earth me, don't want nothing too do with fancypants balls and stuff. But Mr W was asking Mum if she had a few girls for the event, and I thought Daisy might need looking after, and the money is really really good."
"They want you to..."
"To fuck and suck, yes. Last year apparen'tly there were far more men than girls here. Seems nice refined girls don't give up their virtue like us common lassies, so there are a few of us scattered around to keep the gentlemen happy, so to speak. We're all paid for, so if you want to go for a round later..."
"But I thought Debutante's balls were about the girls courting and finding husbands."
"Oh you are so sweet, $Hname. Naive as hell, but sweet. I can see why Daisy likes you, you're like one of those characters in those romance novels she reads."
The music ends and Ruby holds you close, kissing you softly. "The offer is still there you know. Or come see me at the coffee shop. Daisy won't mind. Now go and enjoy the dance, honey,"
<<if $outfit eq "White tie suit">>[[Talk to one of the men while waiting for the next dance|HC_event4_choosemale]]
<<else>>[[Dance with one of the men|HC_event4_choosemale]]<</if>>\<img src="Images/Places/Debutantes5.webp" />
<<if $outfit eq "White tie suit">>You take a look at the gathered gentlemen for someone to talk to while waiting for the next dance.
<<if $temp7 eq 0>>[[Talk to Matthew->HC_4_Matthew]]<<else>>You have already talked to Matthew.<</if>>
<<if $temp8 eq 0>>[[Talk to Walsingham->HC_4_Wals]]<<else>>You have already talked to Walsingham.<</if>>
<<if $temp9 eq 0>>[[Talk to Gabriel->HC_4_Gabriel]]<<else>>You have already talked to Gabriel.<</if>>
<<if $temp10 eq 0>>[[Talk to Colonel Wilberforce->HC_4_Colonel]]<<else>>You have already talked to the Colonel.<</if>>
<<if $temp11 eq 0>>[[Talk to Alfred->HC_4_Alfred]]<<else>>You have already talked to Alfred.<</if>>
The rest of the men make polite conversation but are far more interested in the girls than in talking to you.
You take a look at the gathered gentlemen and decide who to dance with next.
<<if $temp7 eq 0>>[[Dance with Matthew->HC_4_Matthew]]<<else>>You have already danced with Matthew.<</if>>
<<if $temp8 eq 0>>[[Dance with Walsingham->HC_4_Wals]]<<else>>You have already danced with Walsingham.<</if>>
<<if $temp9 eq 0>>[[Dance with Gabriel->HC_4_Gabriel]]<<else>>You have already danced with Gabriel.<</if>>
<<if $temp10 eq 0>>[[Dance with Colonel Wilberforce->HC_4_Colonel]]<<else>>You have already danced with the Colonel.<</if>>
<<if $temp11 eq 0>>[[Dance with Alfred->HC_4_Alfred]]<<else>>You have already danced with Alfred.
None of the other gentlemen are giving you the slightest attention. You aren't sure if this is because of your upbringing, your looks, or the cock between your legs. <</if>>
[[Pass on this round and wait to dance with a girl->HC_event4_choosegirl]]
[[Finish dancing|HC_event4_enddance]]As the last dance finishes, you notice a few couples quietly departing from the hall, arm in arm.
It is beginning to dawn on you. This isn’t a regular debutantes ball. This is a meat market. The men are not looking for wives, they are looking for mistresses at best, receptacles for their seed at worst.
And your friends are here. Daisy. Michaela. Ruby. Matthew.
Walsingham stands up on the stage, and calls for quiet.
"My friends of Hellfire. We have danced, and helped introduce these girls into society. They have made contacts and started relationships that will help them in their lives. I hope many of you have met their future mistress. Or even wife, if you like soiled goods." As the audience cheers you notice Megan put her hand to her face. She clears her throat loudly,
"Let me speak for the ladies. You have seen the compact that you are expected to enter. Your bodies in return for riches. Either as a wife, or a mistress. All I ask of you is to enter into it freely. Consent is everything. And within these walls, your pleasure is as important as that of the men."
They then stand together, and say in unison.
"Let the orgy begin."
Oh crap. You see men around you taking off their jackets, reaching for the closest female and grabbing a handful.
Ruby is already down to her lingerie with her hands down a middle aged man’s pants, like a pro.
You have mere moments to get away with one of the other guests, maybe take them to one of the upstairs rooms under the guise of a private liaison. Or if you prefer, you could stay.
[[Take Daisy upstairs|HC4daisy]]
[[Take Michaela upstairs|HC4mic]]
<<if $outfit eq "White tie suit">><<if $temp4 neq 0>>[[Take Babette and Yvette upstairs|HC4bab]]<</if>>
<<if $temp6 neq 0>>[[Take Bunny upstairs|HC4bunny]]<</if>><</if>>
Matthew is already stripping down for the orgy and it would take half a rugby team to pull him away.
[[Join the orgy|HC4orgy]]\<img src="Images/Places/Debutantes5.webp" />
You take a look at the debutantes and other women here and decide who to dance with next.
You have already danced with Ruby.
<<if $temp1 eq 0>>[[Dance with Daisy->HC_4_Daisy]]<<else>>You have already danced with Daisy.<</if>>
<<if $temp2 eq 0>>[[Dance with Michaela->HC_4_Michaela]]<<else>>You have already danced with Michaela.<</if>>
<<if $temp3 eq 0>>[[Dance with Melissa->HC_4_Melissa]]<<else>>You have already danced with Melissa.<</if>>
<<if $temp4 eq 0>>[[Dance with Babette. Or is it Yvette?->HC_4_Babette]]<<else>>You have already danced with Babette and Yvette.<</if>>
<<if $temp5 eq 0>>[[Dance with Megan->HC_4_Megan]]<<else>>You have already danced with Megan.<</if>>
<<if $temp6 eq 0>>[[Dance with Bunny->HC_4_Bunny]]<<else>>You have already danced with Bunny.<</if>>
None of the other girls are giving you the slightest attention, no chance of a dance there.
[[Pass on this round and wait to dance with a man->HC_event4_choosemale]]
[[Finish dancing|HC_event4_enddance]]<img src="Images/People/Mic/micdeb3.webp" width=768 />
You dance with Michaela. Her footing is uncertain in the heels she is wearing, and she is a little nervous, but reassured at dancing with a friendly face.
"I don't think most of the people here know what to make of me. They look at me with desire, but behind my back I hear them saying unkind things."
<<if $outfit eq "White tie suit">>You reassure her that you are not like that, although you are unsure in your heart if you are as open minded as you say. <<else>>You reassure her that you are feeling the same way, but that not all of the men out there are that bad. "And if not, we girls can stick together, right?<</if>>
Her fears eased, she holds you tight, letting you lead the waltz steps as the string quartet plays Mozart for you.
<<set $temp2=1>>
<<if $outfit eq "White tie suit">>[[Talk to one of the men while waiting for the next dance|HC_event4_choosemale]] <<else>>[[Dance with another man|HC_event4_choosemale]]<</if>>
[[Pass on this round and wait to dance with another girl->HC_event4_choosegirl]]
[[Finish dancing|HC_event4_enddance]]<img src="Images/People/Melissa.webp" width=768 />
<<if $outfit eq "White tie suit">>Melissa dances elegantly, swaying sinuously to the polka that the quartet is playing as she holds one hand in hers with the other around your neck. She looks at you curiously, not quite able to place why she is interested in you. It is clear that you can currently offer her money or status, and at present she obviously cares for such things more than she does any other pleasures you can bring her. A part of you remains proud that one day you might change her mind.
<<else>>Melissa dances with you out of politeness, but shows little interest in you or your conversation. She dances well, as one born to such things. She looks at you with curiosity, perturbed by how you have upset what is to her mind the natural order of things.
<</if>><<set $temp3=1>>
<<if $outfit eq "White tie suit">>[[Talk to one of the men while waiting for the next dance|HC_event4_choosemale]] <<else>>[[Dance with another man|HC_event4_choosemale]]<</if>>
[[Pass on this round and wait to dance with another girl->HC_event4_choosegirl]]
[[Finish dancing|HC_event4_enddance]]<img src="Images/People/BabetteYvette2.webp" width=768 />
You take the hand of the gorgeous Babette that she offers for you to kiss, before a lovers waltz strikes up. She dances sinuously next to you, her body close. In a husky heavy French accent, she whispers in your ear.
"You are not one of the nobility, non? I would have recognized you, bien sur? Nouveaux riche, maintenant?" she lapses in and out of French, you think more so that her words sound seductive than due to any difficulties with the English tongue. As you spin her around, she lets go your hand and you find your arm grasped by another. It is her sister, Yvette. She kisses you softly. She has a similar accent to her sister but a softer voice and perfect English
"We share everything, you know. Toys when we were little. Food on our plates. We slept in the same bed until we were twelve, despite Papa's mansion having a dozen bedrooms. Sometimes we still do."
After circling half the room, another pirouette and the twins once again swap.
"Papa, his great grandfather s'échapper le Paris dans le revolution. Comes to Angleterre. Avec gold and silver. He was a Duc. Avoided Madame guillotine, but gets the English weather instead. I think the guillotine would have been kinder, non?
<<if $outfit eq "White tie suit">>I think we will have you. Zese men here, they think they are looking for the mademoiselles that they can buy with gold and jewels. We have all the jewels we need. What we need is le coq."
She leans into your arms as the music finishes and whispers. "Baise-nous ce soir." before planting a moist kiss on your lips. <<else>>They are graceful, but it is clear they are not looking for another girlfriend. <</if>>
<<set $temp4=1>>
<<if $outfit eq "White tie suit">>[[Talk to one of the men while waiting for the next dance|HC_event4_choosemale]] <<else>>[[Dance with another man|HC_event4_choosemale]]<</if>>
[[Pass on this round and wait to dance with another girl->HC_event4_choosegirl]]
[[Finish dancing|HC_event4_enddance]]<img src="Images/People/Bunnydeb2.webp" width=768 />
"Heya. I know you, you were the one with the egg last week." calls out Bunny's high pitched voice.
A tango begins, and she dances enthusiastically, letting you take the lead.
<<if $outfit eq "White tie suit">>She checks out your suit with a professional eye. <<else>>She admires your dress. "That looks really pretty on you." You don't think she has noticed you are different from the other girls except Michaela - she's not the sharpest tool in the drawer. <</if>>"You know, most of the men here just want to get into my panties. How about you? Do you want to get in my panties?"
You aren't sure if it would be ruder to say yes or no, so mumble slightly. She takes your hand and presses it between her legs. "See what you're missing down there, lover." Your hand comes away slightly moist, with a deep musky scent on the fingers.
As the tango finishes, she lowers gracefully to the floor, impressively splitting her legs far apart, and you imagine how flexible she might be in the bedroom.
<<set $temp6=1>><<if $outfit eq "White tie suit">>[[Talk to one of the men while waiting for the next dance|HC_event4_choosemale]] <<else>>[[Dance with another man|HC_event4_choosemale]]<</if>>
[[Pass on this round and wait to dance with another girl->HC_event4_choosegirl]]
[[Finish dancing|HC_event4_enddance]]<img src="Images/People/Megan/Megan_queen.webp" width=768 />
Megan dances elegantly, professionally.
"Well, are you happy with your choices?" she asks.
"Which choices?"
"<<if $outfit neq "White tie suit">>Your beautiful dress. <<else>>Your elegant suit. <</if>>\
\<<if $chest neq "flat" or $penis neq "average">>The changes to your body. <</if>>\
\Your choice of dance partners. Or bed partners. Whether you are dominant or submissive, or indeed both or neither. Whether you work with the devil or face the consequences of opposing him. We are the sum of the choices we make."
"I guess I am happy, I think. We will see."
"Indeed we shall. I spoke with your cousin Daisy. She is stunning. And I think more than a little taken with you. I gave her some advice."
"What kind of advice?"
"Ah that would be telling."
"Were you ever a debutante, my Queen?"
"I don't think white is my colour, do you?"
You shake your head as the music fades, before kissing her hand at the end of the dance.
<<set $temp5=1>>
<<if $outfit eq "White tie suit">>[[Talk to one of the men while waiting for the next dance|HC_event4_choosemale]]
<<else>>[[Dance with another man|HC_event4_choosemale]]<</if>>
[[Pass on this round and wait to dance with another girl->HC_event4_choosegirl]]
[[Finish dancing|HC_event4_enddance]]<img src="Images/People/Matthewformal.webp" width=768 />
"Just what on Earth are you doing here, Matthew?"
"Well it's a funny story really. You see my uncle died a few months ago, and they just got around to sorting out the estate. We always got on well, used to tell him dirty stories when he was bedridden toward the end. Kept the old bugger happy before the cancer got him. Anyhow, he didn't leave me much, his house and so on went to his daughter. Face like the back end of a toad, that one. Not like your cousin, she's gorgeous. But he left me a hundred pounds and his membership to this place. It's like a share certificate, but you can't sell it and can only pass it on to a blood relative of the same sex. Crazy rules, but I'm not complaining. Anyhow - what are you doing here? <<if $outfit neq "White tie suit">>And more importantly, why are you're wearing a dress. <<if $chest neq "flat">> And you've got tits!<</if>><</if>>
You explain about the last few weeks, the people you've met and what has been happening to you. "That's crazy, brother. <<if $outfit neq "White tie suit">> Do I still say brother? I mean I always worried a bit that you were playing for the other team, I mean all that time with Nicola without getting your end away, but this is unexpected." As old friends you continue to take the mickey out of each other, though it has a slightly more flirtatious quality to it. Perhaps...<</if>>
He continues on until the musicians stop playing and it is time for another dance.
You don't notice him again until later in the evening when you see him talking with Megan. Perhaps they are joking about how he set you up with her.
<<set $temp7=1>>
[[Dance with another girl|HC_event4_choosegirl]]
<<if $outfit eq "White tie suit">>[[Pass on this round and wait to talk to another of the men|HC_event4_choosemale]] <<else>> [[Pass on this round and wait to dance with another man|HC_event4_choosemale]]
[[Finish dancing|HC_event4_enddance]]<img src="Images/People/Walsking.webp" width=768 />
\<<if $outfit eq "White tie suit">>"So, $Hname, have you found a mistress yet?"
"A mistress?"
"Aye. A filly. That is what this event is for. The regular balls are for finding breeding stock, for courting wives, this is for racehorses. Do you ride? Horses that is, not wenches. Military man like you I'm sure you do. Whilst there is something to be said for a purebred, I like taking a wild mare, putting a saddle and bridle on it for the first time, and taking it out on the fields, riding it until it is exhausted. And then it is mine, to train. But by then I am usually tired of them, and give them away. It is breaking their spirit that I most enjoy, seeing the spark go out of their eyes as they realise they have lost."
The man truly is a monster, but an impressive one.
\<<else>>"So you have decided to become a woman then? Not the choice I would have expected - you are given the advantage of superior strength, intellect and station in life, not to say a cock, and you spurn them. It is like in the animal pack, the alpha wolf rules, and the betas do his bidding. But you are like a gamma - joining the she-wolves. I should put you in your place. Perhaps one day I shall. But not today, you are still useful I think."<</if>>
<<if $daisydeb eq 0>>"This is not the place for a girl like my cousin." you say, signalling your disapproval. "And that dress, she looks like a whore."
"Why you do have some spine. Look at her, she is having the time of her life. Attracting attention from eligible bachelors. And the dress shows off her assets well. She shows off her tits like a peacock its feathers."
"She's attracting the wrong sort of attention. She wants to be a wife, not a mistress."
"Does she now. It is good that she has you to speak up for her. Why don't you marry her yourself if you care so much. Or are you too busy spending your evenings here with tarts to court her. Hypocrite." He spits the last word at you. <</if>>
The music ends with a crescendo, reminding you what a magnificent monster he is.
<<set $temp8=1>>
[[Dance with another girl|HC_event4_choosegirl]]
<<if $outfit eq "White tie suit">>[[Pass on this round and wait to talk to another of the men|HC_event4_choosemale]] <<else>> [[Pass on this round and wait to dance with another man|HC_event4_choosemale]]
[[Finish dancing|HC_event4_enddance]]<img src="Images/People/Gabrielindoors.webp" width=768 />
Gabriel is a little scruffier than the other attendees, dressed in black rather than white tie. He explains "I'm not really supposed to be here, but I didn't want to miss my sister's coming out. It's taken a while to accept her as she is.
He talks casually, as one who has seen all the secrets that go on in this place. When questioned about the club, he just smiles enigmatically. "It is not my place to say, I just work here".
\<<if $michaelamed eq "O">>"I want to thank you for what you did for my sister. With the medicine. She's never been happier - look at her." He gestures across at Michaela, dancing joyously on the other side of the room. I just want to know that if you wanted to pursue anything with her, you'd have my blessing.<</if>>
\<<if $outfit neq "White tie suit">>He dances well and gallantly, unlike many of the other men here who seem to grope the girls more than caress them as they move on the dancefloor. As the music ends he kisses your hand and bids you adieu.<</if>>
\<<set $temp9=1>>
[[Dance with another girl|HC_event4_choosegirl]]
<<if $outfit eq "White tie suit">>[[Pass on this round and wait to talk to another of the men|HC_event4_choosemale]] <<else>> [[Pass on this round and wait to dance with another man|HC_event4_choosemale]]
[[Finish dancing|HC_event4_enddance]]<img src="Images/People/ColMuniform.webp" width=768 />
The Colonel is the most sexist pig you can ever recall meeting, and you are quickly reminded why all of his regiment hated him.
\<<if $outfit eq "White tie suit">>As you talk he points out the features of the girls dancing - their hair, legs, breasts in the basest possible way, describing the ones he has squeezed and touched in previous dances. He is especially crude about Daisy, who he describes as 'a nice pair of tits attached to a cracking arse, shame she can't keep her bloody mouth closed. I know what I could shove in there to quieten her down, though!' before laughing at his own crude humour. You resist the urge to punch him, knowing that striking a superior officer, even after discharge from the service, is highly unwise. Perhaps one day you might get the opportunity to exact some measure of revenge.
\<<else>> Although he is not unattractive, he does not bother with gallantry like introductions or kissing your offered hand, just boorishly putting one hand on your arse and wrapping the other behind you so he can squeeze your chest.<<if $chest eq "flat">> He is unimpressed with your lack of cleavage, so moves it down so both hands are squeezing your buttocks. <</if>>His next move is to try to put a tongue down your throat, but you feign a coughing spell, and disengage and are thankfully saved by the song ending.<</if>>
\<<set $temp10=1>>
[[Dance with another girl|HC_event4_choosegirl]]
<<if $outfit eq "White tie suit">>[[Pass on this round and wait to talk to another of the men|HC_event4_choosemale]] <<else>> [[Pass on this round and wait to dance with another man|HC_event4_choosemale]]
[[Finish dancing|HC_event4_enddance]]<img src="Images/People/Alfredformal.webp" width=768 />
\<<if $outfit eq "White tie suit">>The nervous young man attempts to strike up a conversation with you. "I haven't seen you here before. <<if $eventrole neq "Pierrot">>He doesn't seem to recall your turn on stage together where he was a comically bad Pierrot.<</if>> "Have you met anyone you like the look of?"
"One or two." you reply. "Which is your favourite?"
"Well I couldn't really say. I don't think this is really my sort of place. I was gifted the membership by my father, said it'd make a man out of me, but it all seems a bit risque. I tried to go to one of the regular debutante balls last week, but none of the girls really talked to me much. I mean I'm not too bad looking, and I've got a good job, I'm just not much of a ladies man."
You remember your evenings out with Matthew when you were similarly nervous, but not to the extent of this virginal young man.
"What about that one?" He says, pointing out Daisy. "She looks nice."
You decide to have some fun at his expense. "Oh she's an Italian princess, over here incognito. Apparen'tly she likes to have her feet kissed."
As the music for the next dance starts up, you see him wandering over to Daisy, kneeling down and kissing her feet. She blushes as you laugh.
\<<else>>"May I, may I have this dance?" says the blushing young man.
You raise your hand, which he kisses, nervously, before shuffling you onto the dancefloor. "Have I seen you somewhere before? You are very striking looking. And tall, for a woman." As he is only a fraction over five feet tall you think that anyone in heels will probably be taller than him, but you accept the compliment.
"My name is Alfred. Alfred Wilkins. I haven't been a member here long, just a few weeks. It was a gift. From my father. Do you come to these sort of things often?"
His small talk is almost as bad as his dancing. He means well, it's obvious, and he's not unattractive, although short and inexperienced.
You have just the thought for him. "Next dance, go and speak to the queen."
"But she's not a debutante!" he protests.
"Tell her I sent you, and that you would like some of her special instruction."
"That is very kind of you." He replies, without a clue of what he is letting himself in for, kissing your hand and thanking you for the dance.<</if>>
<<set $temp11=1>>
[[Dance with another girl|HC_event4_choosegirl]]
<<if $outfit eq "White tie suit">>[[Pass on this round and wait to talk to another of the men|HC_event4_choosemale]] <<else>> [[Pass on this round and wait to dance with another man|HC_event4_choosemale]]
[[Finish dancing|HC_event4_enddance]]You see Colonel Wilberforce grabbing hold of Daisy and pulling at her dress which tears, revealing her white lacy lingerie. You push him from behind, he won't know who did it you hope, as you grab her arm and pull her away from him, rushing out the stage door. You take Daisy upstairs and take her into one of the bedrooms.
She starts sobbing, holding you close.
"They were going to, going to.... I didn't want that. Not all of them. It was fun flirting but..."
"Shh, it's ok, it's ok."
"But Ruby is.."
"Ruby knows what she is doing. She's tougher than the rest of them put together."
She laughs, nodding, and rests her head against your chest.
<img src="Images/People/Daisy/Daisydeblingerie.webp" width=768 />
I want, I want to be with you, $Hname. Just to lie here for a bit.
She strips naked and lies there, holding your body as she sobs and trembles.
After half an hour or so she starts kissing you, softly at first, then more insistently. She carefully takes off your clothes until you lie there naked together.
"We might as well make the most of having no chaperone" she jokes.
<img src="Images/People/Daisy/Daisynudebed3.webp" width=768 />
<<if $chest eq "flat">> She runs her fingers down your chest, stroking the line of the muscles, <<else>> She tweaks gently at your soft nipples, caressing your breast, <</if>> before moving her hands and mouth down to your crotch. Daisy kisses gently at your $penis penis, licking the tip of it with her tongue.
\<<if $chastity eq 1>>She looks in wonder at your caged cock.
"I've never seen one before, and yours is locked away. Are you saving yourself for the right girl?"
"Something like that. It's a long story."
"Well one of us can have some fun. Do you want to kiss me down there?" she asks, pointing between her legs.
You kneel reverently and start licking at her exposed pussy. Within a few minutes she is moaning softly, and clasping your head between her thighs while pulling on your hair as she comes.
\<<elseif $penis eq "tiny" or $penis eq "small">>"It's almost like my clitty. It's so pink and pretty. I want you to be my pink pretty princess when we're together." She takes all of your $penis cock into her wet warm mouth, sucking it at first gently, then more insistently. You get hard from the attention, and she starts rubbing at your asshole with her finger as well, kneading the soft skin between your ass and girlcock. You moan and climax in her mouth, and she licks her lips and as she moves up to kiss you deeply, you taste your seed on her tongue. <<cum>>
<<penisvag "Daisy">><<fellatio>>
\<<elseif $penis eq "average" or $penis eq "large">> "I want you inside me. She straddles your body and rubs her clit against your rapidly hardening cock. "It's so big. Be gentle, please." She puts just the first inch inside her vulva lips and gently rocks back and forward, teasing you with the sensation before pushing down on your whole length and gasping. As you near orgasm she slides off and replaces her cunt with her warm lips. You moan and climax in her mouth, and she licks her lips and as she moves up to kiss you deeply, you taste your seed on her tongue. <<cum>>
<<penisvag "Daisy">><<fellatio>><</if>>
Over an hour later it begins to quieten downstairs. You both dress and you place your jacket around her shoulders, and quietly creep downstairs.
<<set $HC4choice = "daisy">><<set $daisylove +=2>>
[[Leave the ball|HC4_end]]You see Michaela looking anxious at the edge of the room. Her brother Gabriel and you both move towards her. As he sees you he smiles and nods, moving protectively between you and the rest of the growing melee. You take advantage and slip out if the back and take her upstairs.
"It was getting a little wild in there." she says. "I know what it can be like, I've been at these orgies before, working, but I've never been on the receiving end. As a woman. Some of them looked terrified."
"I just wanted you to be safe."
"I don't need protecting. I'm stronger than I look. But thank you, it is flattering for you to do so." She bends down and kisses you on the lips.
"We seem to have a bedroom all to ourselves. What could we get up to?" she says suggestively.
<img src="Images/People/Mic/Micdebcock.webp" width=768 />
You strip her naked and are shocked to find the chastity belt removed from her
<<if $michaelamed eq "O">>semi erect tiny pink girlcock. <<else>> hardening cock. <</if>>
"Megan took it off this evening. For one night only. Said that as it was my entrance to society, I should make the most of it. I'm glad that you are here to help me with that."
\<<if $penis neq "tiny">>
<img src="Images/People/Mic/michaelaassnude.webp" width=768 />
She crouches on the bed, raising her smooth pert buttocks in the air. "I want you inside my ass, $playername." You waste no time in fulfilling her request, spitting on her asshole to lubricate it before pushing your $penis cock balls deep inside, an inch at a time. She gasps, rubbing at her own cock as she does so. "I never imagined..." she moans, as the sensations in her prostate and cock combine to take her over the edge. You feel her ass muscles tighten which triggers your own orgasm as you cum deep inside her. <<penisass>>
<<if $sex_virginityloss eq "Nobody">>I lost my virginity to Michaela, a beautiful trans girl. <<set $sex_virginityloss = "Michaela Taylor">> <</if>>
\<<else>>She kisses your tiny pink clitty and rubs it with her own cock. "It is very cute, but I don't think its going to get hard enough for my ass. She pulls open a drawer and reveals a curved ivory horn, smooth at both ends. "The rooms here are usually full of sex toys" she jokes. She sucks on both ends and inserts one side into your ass, the other into hers, and gently starts rocking back and forward. She puts your hand around her cock and with hers starts massaging your tiny penis, as you bring each other to a beautiful near simultaneous climax, squirting cum over each others cock and stomachs. She bends over and licks up your combined seed from your body. <<set $sex_ass_toy_count += 1>><<set $michaelasex +=1>>
<<if $sex_analvirginityloss eq "Nobody">>I lost my anal virginity to Michaela, a beautiful trans girl. <<set $sex_analvirginityloss = "Michaela Taylor">><</if>><</if>>
"Thank you, my love." she whispers, as you lie naked together.
<<cum>><<set $HC4choice = "mic">><<set $michaelalove +=2>>
[[Leave the ball|HC4_end]]"Oh, we were hoping it would be you."
"This is le charcuterie, no romance. Shall we adieu to the boudoir?"
You don’t have to be asked twice, grabbing one twin with each hand and rushing upstairs. By the time you are inside the bedroom all three of you are half naked, kissing and touching each other.
<img src="Images/People/BabetteYvette4.webp" width=768 />
The rest of the evening is a blur. One of them sits on your cock, the other on your face, as they kiss each other, before swapping positions like in the dance. They bring each other to climax (simultaneously of course), before they crouch down and start working your dick from each end with their mouths. As you come they kiss, sharing your seed as they share everything.
<img src="Images/People/BabetteYvettenude3.webp" width=768 />
Afterwards they light cigarettes and blow smoke rings whispering softly in French.
<<penisvag "Babette">><<cum>>
<<set $HC4choice = "bab">>
[[Leave the ball|HC4_end]]Bunny takes your hand, and drags you upstairs. She doesn’t talk, just giggles, as she strips down to her underwear, kissing you all over.
<img src="Images/People/Bunny_lingerie.webp" width=768 />
She pulls down her panties, revealing a perfect triangle of pink pubic hair, before pulling your mouth toward it. You sup there for a while, her sweet juices making her pubes taste like candy floss.
<img src="Images/People/Bunnynudebed.webp" width=768 />
After, she lies on her front, encouraging you to climb on her back and take her from behind until you screw to mutual climax like a pair of rabbits.
The ears remain on throughout it all.
<<penisvag "Bunny">><<cum>>
<<set $HC4choice = "bun">>
[[Leave the ball|HC4_end]]<img src="Images/Places/HCorgy.webp" width=768 />
An hour and a half of mindless lust falls upon the room.
You lose track of the fucking that takes place, as like an animal you take every partner that is available. You cum at least three times. Someone definitely takes your ass
Ruby is star of the show. At one point she has four cocks in three separate holes as well as one in each hand. One of them was yours.
As you stagger out, you wipe sticky fluids from your body and hair, unsure which are yours and which are not.
\<<penisvag "Orgy">>
\<<if $outfit neq "White tie suit">><<penisass>><<else>>\<<asstoy>><</if>>
<<if $sex_analvirginityloss eq "Nobody">>I can't believe I lost my anal virginity in an orgy at the Hellfire Club. There were so many people there I can't even remember who to. <<set $sex_analvirginityloss = "Multiple partners in a free for all orgy">><</if>><<set $HC4choice = "orgy">>
[[Leave the ball|HC4_end]]You stagger out of the club in the early hours of the morning. The ballroom and foyer smells of sweat and sex, with naked bodies strewn about collapsed in the after effects of passion all around as you walk through the foyer.
<<if $chastity eq -1>>Just before you leave, Megan beckons toward you. "Aren't you forgetting something?" She stands arms folded until happy that you have secured your cock in chastity again, before giving it a tug for safekeeping and hanging the key around her neck once again. "I hope you made good use of that opportunity. It may not come around again for a while." she says ominously. <<set $chastity = 1>><<set $chastitycount = 0>><</if>>
As soon as you are home you strip and scrub yourself clean to remove the smell of sex from your body.
<<link [[Leave the club|YourRoom]]>> <<wait>><<WearAll>><<StripAll>><</link>>Priscilla is a tall woman with a colonial accent. Australian perhaps.
Everything in the store is pink.
Dresses, underwear, shoes
She has her theme and goes for it. And then some.
<<set $shop = "P">>
The following items are available:
<<if $objects["pink bow dress"].inv eq 1>>You have already purchased the pink bow dress<<else>>[[pink bow dress->Shopbuy][$item = "pink bow dress"]]<</if>>
<<if $objects["pink dress"].inv eq 1>>You have already purchased the pink dress<<else>>[[pink dress->Shopbuy][$item = "pink dress"]]<</if>>
<<if $objects["pink pretty dress"].inv eq 1>>You have already purchased the pink pretty dress<<else>>[[pink pretty dress->Shopbuy][$item = "pink pretty dress"]]<</if>>
<<if $objects["pink satin dress"].inv eq 1>>You have already purchased the pink satin dress<<else>>[[pink satin dress->Shopbuy][$item = "pink satin dress"]]<</if>>
<<if $objects["Pink blouse"].inv eq 1>>You have already purchased the Pink blouse<<else>>[[Pink blouse->Shopbuy][$item = "Pink blouse"]]<</if>>
<<if $objects["pink bow shoes"].inv eq 1>>You have already purchased the pink bow shoes<<else>>[[pink bow shoes->Shopbuy][$item = "pink bow shoes"]]<</if>>
<<if $objects["pink fluffy shoes"].inv eq 1>>You have already purchased the pink fluffy shoes<<else>>[[pink fluffy shoes->Shopbuy][$item = "pink fluffy shoes"]]<</if>>
<<if $objects["pink lockable shoes"].inv eq 1>>You have already purchased the pink lockable shoes<<else>>[[pink lockable shoes->Shopbuy][$item = "pink lockable shoes"]]<</if>>
<<if $objects["pink striking shoes"].inv eq 1>>You have already purchased the pink striking shoes<<else>>[[pink striking shoes->Shopbuy][$item = "pink striking shoes"]]<</if>>
<<if $objects["pink cotton panties"].inv eq 1>>You have already purchased the pink cotton panties<<else>>[[pink cotton panties->Shopbuy][$item = "pink cotton panties"]]<</if>>
<<if $objects["pink crotchless panties"].inv eq 1>>You have already purchased the pink crotchless panties<<else>>[[pink crotchless panties->Shopbuy][$item = "pink crotchless panties"]]<</if>>
<<if $objects["pink frilly panties"].inv eq 1>>You have already purchased the pink frilly panties<<else>>[[pink frilly panties->Shopbuy][$item = "pink frilly panties"]]<</if>>
<<if $objects["pink lace panties"].inv eq 1>>You have already purchased the pink lace panties<<else>>[[pink lace panties->Shopbuy][$item = "pink lace panties"]]<</if>>
<<if $objects["pink panties"].inv eq 1>>You have already purchased the pink panties<<else>>[[pink panties->Shopbuy][$item = "pink panties"]]<</if>>
<<if $objects["pink satin panties"].inv eq 1>>You have already purchased the pink satin panties<<else>>[[pink satin panties->Shopbuy][$item = "pink satin panties"]]<</if>>
<<if $objects["pink thong"].inv eq 1>>You have already purchased the pink thong<<else>>[[pink thong->Shopbuy][$item = "pink thong"]]<</if>>
<<if $objects["pink tiny thong"].inv eq 1>>You have already purchased the pink tiny thong<<else>>[[pink tiny thong->Shopbuy][$item = "pink tiny thong"]]<</if>>
<<if $objects["pink frilly bra"].inv eq 1>>You have already purchased the pink frilly bra<<else>>[[pink frilly bra->Shopbuy][$item = "pink frilly bra"]]<</if>>
<<if $objects["pink lace bra"].inv eq 1>>You have already purchased the pink lace bra<<else>>[[pink lace bra->Shopbuy][$item = "pink lace bra"]]<</if>>
<<if $objects["pink satin and lace bra"].inv eq 1>>You have already purchased the pink satin and lace bra<<else>>[[pink satin and lace bra->Shopbuy][$item = "pink satin and lace bra"]]<</if>>
<<if $objects["pink sexy bra"].inv eq 1>>You have already purchased the pink sexy bra<<else>>[[pink sexy bra->Shopbuy][$item = "pink sexy bra"]]<</if>>
<<if $objects["pink bow stockings"].inv eq 1>>You have already purchased the pink bow stockings<<else>>[[pink bow stockings->Shopbuy][$item = "pink bow stockings"]]<</if>>
<<if $objects["pink sheer stockings"].inv eq 1>>You have already purchased the pink sheer stockings<<else>>[[pink sheer stockings->Shopbuy][$item = "pink sheer stockings"]]<</if>>
<<if $objects["pink stockings"].inv eq 1>>You have already purchased the pink stockings<<else>>[[pink stockings->Shopbuy][$item = "pink stockings"]]<</if>>
<<if $objects["Pale pink stockings"].inv eq 1>>You have already purchased the Pale pink stockings<<else>>[[Pale pink stockings->Shopbuy][$item = "Pale pink stockings"]]<</if>>
[[Return to Oxford Street->OxfordSt]]Waking up, you feel different. Hot and cold flushes, you think you might be coming down with something, so take off your clothes and take a look at yourself in the bathroom mirror. <<StripAll>>
\<<if $mascdose lt 0>>The effects of the masculinity drug Substance T have worn off. <<if $penis eq "large" or $penis eq "huge">><<set $penis = "average">>Your penis has shrunk and is now an average size.<</if>><<set $mascdose = 0>><<set $medM = 0>>
\<<if $femdose lt 0>>The effects of the femininity drug Substance O have worn off. <<if $chest neq "flat">><<set $chest = "flat">>Your breasts have shrunk to a flat chest. You feel itchiness all over as you see the faint signs of hair beginning to grow on your body again .<</if>><<set $femdose = 0>><<set $medF = 0>>
\<<if $fertdose lt 0>>The enhancing effects of the fertility drug Substance P have worn off. <<if $chest eq "large" or $chest eq "average">><<set $chest = "small">>Your breasts have shrunk and they are now small and perky. <</if>><<if $penis eq "huge">> <<set $penis = "large">><<elseif $penis eq "large">> <<set $penis = "average">><</if>><<set $fertdose = 0>><<set $medC = 0>>
You are no longer taking this medicine. If you decide to start taking it again, do so in the bathroom.
[[You are ready to get on with the day->YourRoom]]You speak to her about Michaela. How you have grown closer these past few weeks, but you sense a desire in her to submit to you.
She sighs, and puts her hands together.
"I am, I think, partly to blame here. Pride is my weakness, and I took on Michaela to prove a point. And I kindled that seed for submission within her to help release her feminine side. But I am not the right fit for her, she is too sweet and innocent for me, and I do not want her to see the darkness within my soul. She needs both a lover a dominant if she is to continue on that path, she needs more than I can give her. But perhaps you can?
<<if Flag("Michaelakey") eq 0>>
She solemnly takes a chain from her neck. Here, to start with you can take control of her chastity belt. And perhaps in future I can train you to look after her.
<<SetFlag "Michaelakey">><</if>>
[[Talk to her about something else->HC_bar_megan]]
[[Return to the bar->HC_bar]]
Domination lessons with Megan and Michaela will be available in a future update.You speak to her about Nicola. How you have rekindled your relationship, and how she seems to need, crave a dominant touch.
"She does sound like a true submissive, but fragile. Broken even. I don't know what trauma might have caused this - you are a sweetie but I don't think that one breakup alone will cause that in a girl. And it sounds as if you already have a dominant-submissive relationship, but one that is built only upon desire and need. Which is a start, but not a healthy foundation. I can work with this. My apartment at Charlton place on Thursday evenings. A guinea per session, I do not part with the secrets of my trade cheaply."
"And should I bring my pet?"
"Naturally. A sculptor must work with clay, after all."
<<link [[Agree to bring Nicola for domination sessions->HC_bar_megan]]>><<SetFlag "domtraining">><</link>>
[[Talk to her about something else->HC_bar_megan]]
[[Return to the bar->HC_bar]]"This is the one who was here, at the ball? Blonde, pretty, a bit in awe of the place?"
You nod. <<femcheck>>
"That girl is not a submissive. Has she asked you to dominate her, more than just ordinary sexual behaviour? I thought not. She does not want a Master, she wants a husband. Or thinks she does at any rate, Jane Austen has a lot to answer for, filling the dreams of young women with romantic twaddle. If anything I would have said she was more dominant, but unable to exercise that in our society. No, I do not believe that would work. If you care for her, court her, screw her, marry her and live happily ever after."
<<if $femcheck gt 2>> Although that might be a little challenging if you keep dressing as a woman. Miss Austen put her heroines in dresses and the men they were to marry in expensive suits and that is what your Daisy will expect.<</if>>
Now, anything else?"
[[Talk to her about something else->HC_bar_megan]]
[[Return to the bar->HC_bar]]<img src="Images/People/Daisy/Daisy_1b.webp" width=600 />
<<if $HC4choice neq "daisy">> "I am not sure there is a relationship. Not after what happened at the club at the ball. You left me in an orgy. I was violated. They stripped me naked. Ruby saw what was going on and took the pressure off me, let me get away. If she hadn't I hate to think what would...
\<<if $HC4choice eq "orgy">> And you joined in! One look at that collection of pussy and you jumped right in. I saw you, fucking anything that moved. Did you even look to see if I was alright? Did you see my tears? Well I hope you enjoy your sex club because you won't be getting any here."
\<<elseif $HC4choice eq "bab">> And while this was going on you sneaked out to fuck some French twins. Well go back to your oo-la-la. because you are never having me. "
\<<elseif $HC4choice eq "bun">> And while this was going on you went to fuck a pink haired bimbo. Was your whore worth it? Go back to her, my cousin, as you are not courting me."
\<<elseif $HC4choice eq "mic">> And you ran off with that blonde skinny girl. Fine. She's pretty I guess, if you dont like breasts. I hope you are very happy together. <</if>><<set $Daisydomevent = -1>><<set $Daisyevent = -1>>
[[Give up all hope of ever dating Daisy and go back to your room->YourRoom]] <</if>>
<<femcheck>><<if $Daisydomevent eq 0 and $Daisyevent eq 0>>
"I wanted to speak to you. After what happened at the club at the ball. I think there is a connection between us. You saved me in the club, from that horrible Colonel. And I did so very much enjoy our time in the bedroom together. <<if $daisylove gt 3>> I am so very fond of you. <</if>>
\<<if $femcheck lt 2>> I would like us to continue courting, if that is pleasing to you. Publically I mean. I know we are cousins, but Mummy and Daddy approve of you."
[[I would like that very much->Daisy_event0]]
[[I don't think that would be a good idea->Daisy_refuse]]
\<<elseif $femcheck gte 2>> I find it confusing, you dressing as a woman. But I accept it, I accept you as you are. I see an opportunity, I think. In public I can court you, as you are, at least legally, male. We could even get married one day. But in private we can be ourselves. You can dress like a princess, and I can help you with that. It'll be fun. And you can give me the respectability in public that a single woman cannot have in this day and age. Would you like that? It may take some time, but Megan said that it might be the best option."
"You spoke to Megan about me?"
"Yes, I spoke to your dominatrix at your sex club. Because my cousin was wearing dresses about the home and flirting with me at the same time, and I was confused. Who else could I talk to about it? Mother just wouldn't understand, Ruby said to just screw you and have fun, and I was confused, God damn you."
"I'm sorry. I didn't mean to hurt you."
"You haven't. I won't let you, I can be in charge, but to the world outside it will look like an ordinary courtship. So, would you like to give it a go?"
[[Submissive - Agree->Daisy_domevent0]]
<<elseif $Daisydomevent gt 0>>
"Why $subname. What is there to talk about? We must keep up appearances in public - every other Friday should be satisfactory I should think. And until you get your own place where we can play without my parents snooping then I guess we will have to sneak around. I hope that you are working on that.
[[End your relationship->Daisy_dump]]
<<if $Daisydomevent gt 0>>[[Change to a less submissive relationship->Daisy_switch]]<<elseif $Daisydomevent lt 0>>[[Change to a more submissive relationship->Daisy_switch]]<</if>>
<<elseif $Daisyevent gt 0>>
"I am so happy that we are courting. I do hope that you have made some plans for our date on Friday evening. Mummy has agreed to chaperone and it is going to be marvellous."
[[End your relationship->Daisy_dump]]
<<if $femcheck gt 1>>[[Change to a more submissive relationship->Daisy_switch]]<</if>>
<<Daisyconv>><img src="Images/People/Daisy/Daisystern.webp" width=600 />
She smiles. It isn't a smile you've seen before, something more confident, a sense of power about her that you hadn't noticed before. Like when playing a card game and you realise you have a winning hand.
"Excellent. Now to start with we need to agree what to call each other. What name shall Ruby and I call you when we are together, my princess?
<<textbox "$femname" $femname>>
<<set _Options = ["Princess" , "Doll", "Kitten" , "Angel" , "Cherry" , "Sweetie", "Baby", "Pet", "Honey", "Girlie", "Slut", "Whore", "Treasure", "Flower", "Missy", "Piglet", "Fucktoy", "Sissy", "Fuckhole"] >>
And what pet name should I have for you when we are playing together?
<<cycle "$subname" autoselect>>
<<optionsfrom _Options>>
And you can call me Miss Ambrose. Daisy is I think a little familiar, given that I am in charge now, don't you think?
[[Yes Miss Ambrose|Daisy_domevent0_1]]<img src="Images/People/Daisy/daisycry.webp" width=600 />
She looks shocked, surprised and disappointed. A tear starts to well up in her eye.
"But I thought after we made love, at the club, that you cared for me. I thought that you would want this. You were my first, I had been saving myself, and now.."
She pauses and composes herself, wiping her eye with a lace handkerchief.
"So be it. You have had your way with me and that is it. I thought you a better man than that, cousin. <<if $femcheck gte 2>>Although with how you dress nowadays you are not much of a man at all. <</if>>I think that concludes our conversation. Good day to you." <<set $Daisydomevent = -1>><<set $Daisyevent = -1>>
[[Give up all hope of ever courting Daisy and go back to your room->YourRoom]]<img src="Images/People/Daisy/daisyunderwear_2.webp" width=600 />
She looks about to check that her mother is not about, then pulls you into her room against the wall, pushing her huge breasts into your chest and kissing you passionately as her dress falls to the floor.
"I know your secrets, Mr $playersurname. I know all about your naughty sex club. In public you can be respectable and I will dress modestly, we can court with a chaperone and hold hands in the park while you think about the treasure between my legs. And on Saturdays you can take me to your Hellfire club, and I shall dress wantonly and you can fuck me on the ballroom floor."
She puts your hand between her legs, and you can feel the wetness in her panties.
"But that can wait. We can't do that here. I am a lady and I have standards to maintain.
Take me somewhere marvellous on Friday, my love. "
She pushes you out the door, giggling. The scent of her on your fingers lingers along with her joyous laugh in your ear.
<<set $Daisyevent = 1>>
[[Go to Your Room->YourRoom]]<img src="Images/People/Daisy/daisycry.webp" width=600 />
She looks disappointed. A tear starts to well up in her eye.
"I understand. I thought, after we had been together at the club, when we made love, that you would want more. But with all your changes I can understand if you are reluctant to commit. I have had nineteen years of living as a woman - you have barely had nineteen days. I could support you with this. And Ruby too, we could be three girlfriends together. If you reconsider, you know where to find me. "
[[Submissive - Reconsider and agree->Daisy_domevent0]]
<<Daisyconv>><img src="Images/People/Daisy/Daisystern.webp" width=600 />
"It is settled then, $femname. You are my $subname, and I am Miss Ambrose.
Now listen carefully. I have been shopping, and I want you to wear these.
She lays out a pair of matching pink bra and panties, a pink dress, pink shoes and stockings. "I found a store where everything was pink, and thought of you."
I expect you to be clean, smooth and shaven at all times, like a good little girl. I expect to see you wearing nice girls' clothes when we are together. If we have to go out in public together or you are outside or working then I guess there might be times you have to wear men's clothes, but never when we are playing, or at the Hellfire club, do you understand?"
"Yes Dai.. I mean Miss Ambrose"
She looks at you sternly. "Now get dressed, $subname $femname and come and lie on my knee."
You do as she says, taking off your clothes and putting on the pink ensemble. You look very cute, like a child's doll. Like Daisy's doll. You lie across her knees as she asked.
<<StripAll>><<sissy1>> <<sissygift>>
"Lovely. Now we need to do a little bit of training. Just until you get used to how things are. Dear Miss Megan told me that we should reinforce things physically, so I'm going to spank you a little, as you have been a bad girl. Do you know why you've been bad $subname?"
"No Miss Ambrose."
Spank. She lifts up your skirt and slaps you on your pink panties. "Firstly you called me Daisy earlier. Now thank me for your correction."
"Thank you Miss Ambrose"
"Much better. Now secondly you confused me the last few weeks and made me think you were a boy, you're not a boy, you're a pretty girl, aren't you?" Slap
"Sorry Miss Ambrose. Thank you Miss Ambrose."
"Apology accepted, sweetpea. And thirdly you danced with all those other people at the ball, and I saw you looking at them, like a little slut. You're not their slut, you're MY $subname." She slaps you harder this time.
"Sorry Miss Ambrose. Thank you Miss Ambrose."
Very good. Now I think we are out of time for today. So you go play in your room and we can have fun again on Tuesday evening. Don't be late. We can meet over at Ruby's mother's place - we can book rooms by the hour there. Come dressed just like this as a pretty little $subname.
Oh, and I told mummy we are courting, so pick me up on Friday for a date. But dress as a boy then as we'll be in public. This can be our little secret, darling."
<<set $Daisydomevent = 1>><<set $Daisyevent = 1>>
[[Go to Your Room->YourRoom]]<<femcheck>> <<if $femcheck gt 2 and $daisyengagement lt 3>>Daisy takes one look at your outfit and quickly pinches you. "What are you wearing? You know you need to dress like a man when we are going out with Mummy as a chaperone. Really. What were you thinking? <<if $Daisydomevent gt 0>>But do wear panties underneath. I do like to think of your cock wrapped in silky pink undies.
<</if>> She ushers you back to [[your room|YourRoom]]
\<<else>>Daisy looks radiant in a dark blue gown, with her blond hair glowing like tresses of gold.
\<<if $daisyengagement eq 2>>Her mother stands next to her in her usual stern black, and smiles warmly. "I thought we could all stay in tonight. Cornelius and I wanted to have a dinner with you both. As a family." She stresses the last word a little heavily.
<<temp>><img src="Images/People/Daisy/Daisyemptyplate.webp" width=600 />
You and Daisy sit down with Dr Ambrose in the small dining room adjacent to the kitchen. It is only since you bought your own similarly sized abode that you realise the Ambrose residence is a little cramped, with the pharmacy and laboratory taking up much of the ground floor, so the dining room is where your servants quarters are. The table only has room for the four of you, but Mrs Ambrose has prepared a feast for today, which is all the more impressive given she has no servants and has been working half a day in the store as usual.
The first course is a chilled pea and mint soup. You carefully try to eat without spilling any. You feel Daisy's hand on your knee under the table, as she chats about her day.
The main course is roasted duck, with roasted carrots and potatoes. Ambrose carves the pair of birds at the table, offering you the choicest portions first.
<img src="Images/Places/duck.jpg" width=600 />
For pudding Mrs Ambrose has made her specialty, bread and butter pudding - It is remarkable how stale bread and dried fruit can by baking in a sweet milky custard be turned into the food of the gods. As you finish, she spoons you a second portion. "You will make me fat!" you cry, as she smiles with motherly affection.
<img src="Images/Places/BBP.jpg" width=600 />
As Mrs Ambrose tidies away the pudding bowls, Dr Ambrose strikes his glass with a fork, making a ringing noise.
"Thank you all for a lovely evening. Helena and I have something we need to take care of next door, but should be back in a few minutes. I believe that $playername has something they wish to ask you, Daisy." He puts his hand on your shoulder in an affectionate gesture and he and Mrs Ambrose step next door.
You knew that this day would come, but you feel butterflies in your stomach. As is traditional you need to give her the ring and ask her to be your bride. Or you can chicken out and run for the hills, but that would be the end of your courtship.
[[Go down on one knee and propose in the traditional manner->Daisyproposal1][$temp =1]]
[[Kiss her passionately before proposing->Daisyproposal1][$temp =2]]
<<if $Daisydomevent eq 4>>[[Kneel at her feet and submissively beg her to marry you->Daisyproposal1][$temp =3]]
\[[Decide you can't go through with it and split up with Daisy->Daisy_dump]]
\<<elseif $daisyengagement lt 3>>Her mother stands next to her in her usual stern black, the chaperone for the evening.
"Where are we going tonight, $playername?" asks Mrs Ambrose,
<<if $Daisydomevent gt 0>>Daisy pipes up. "$playername is taking me..."
<<elseif $Daisyevent gt 0>>"I am taking Daisy..."<</if>>
[[for a meal->Daisydatemeal]]
<<if $Daisyevent gt 1>>[[to the Opera->Daisydateopera]]<</if>>
<<if $Daisyevent gt 2>>[[ice skating->Daisydateskating]]<</if>>
<<if $Daisyevent gt 3>>You will need to get engaged before you can have any more dates with Daisy<</if>>
\<<elseif $daisyengagement gt 2>>As you are engaged you do not need a chaperone, although need to behave appropriately in public.
<<if $Daisydomevent gt 0>>Daisy pipes up. "$playername is taking me..."
<<elseif $Daisyevent gt 0>>"I am taking Daisy..."<</if>>
[[for a meal->Daisydatemeal]]
<<if $Daisyevent gt 1>>[[to the Opera->Daisydateopera]]
\<<if $Daisyevent gt 2>>[[ice skating->Daisydateskating]]
\<<if $Daisyevent gt 3>>[[to the Park|daisydatepark]]
\<<if $Daisyevent gt 4>>[[to the Beach|daisydatebeach]]
\<<if $Daisyevent gt 5>><<link [[to the Ballet|Date_Ballet]]>><<set $date = "Daisy">><<daisyevent 7>><</link>>
\<<if $Daisyevent gt 6>><<link [[to a Magic show|Date_Magic]]>><<set $date = "Daisy">><<daisyevent 8>><</link>>
\<<if $Daisyevent gt 7>><<link [[to a Promenade Concert|Date_Proms]]>><<set $date = "Daisy">><<daisyevent 9>><</link>>
\<<if $Daisyevent gt 8>><<link [[to dinner at Antioch's house|Date_Antioch]]>><<set $date = "Daisy">><<daisyevent 10>><</link>>
\<<if $Daisyevent gt 9>>Sorry no new dates with Daisy yet - check next update
\I don't have any plans for tonight. [[Return to your room->YourRoom]] <</if>><</if>><<daisyevent>>
Date Ideas?
[[To the theatre->Daisydatetheatre]]
[[To the opera->Daisydateopera]]
[[To the music hall->Daisydatemusic]]
[[To a magic performance->Daisydatemagic]]
[[Ice skating->Daisydateskating]]
[[A carriage ride->Daisydatecarriage]]
[[Horse riding->Daisydatetheatre]]<<daisyevent 4>>
"Ice skating?" says Mrs Ambrose with incredulity. But it is <<if $HCevent lt 6>>April<<elseif $HCevent lt 11>>May<<elseif $HCevent lt 20>>the hottest Summer in memory<<elseif $HCevent lt 30>>Autumn and still unseasonably warm<<else>>not cold enough<</if>>!"
"Not outside, at the Glacarium."
"But isn't that members only?"
You flash a smile. Another of your contacts at the Hellfire club has paid off.
"We <b>are</b> members. For tonight anyhow."
You wrap up warm and take a carriage the short distance to the Kings Road Chelsea where the Glacarium, the worlds first artificially cooled ice rink, is located. You show your credentials and are admitted inside. "Welcome to the Glacarium Sir, and Ladies."
<img src="Images/Places/Glaciarium.jpg" width=600 />
Inside the walls are decorated with pictures of the alps, and a small orchestra i a gallery is playing something Germanic. Bach you think. The ice 'rink' is an impressive forty feet long, with room for several dozen skaters at once. The concrete floor is covered with a thick layer of ice cooled you presume by some chemical process in pipes underneath the surface. Daisy hoists her skirt up and ties it with a sash so that it does not catch on the ice, to the obvious discomfort of her mother who gives her exposed ankles a disapproving look.
"You are not taking me on that surface." says Mrs Ambrose sternly. I shall watch from the gallery. And no taking liberties. You may hold her hand to help if she falls, that is all."
You and Daisy strap the skates onto your feet and relish being able to take the leave of your chaperone if only for an hour. You are in public but for at least half your circuits you are out of the view of Mrs Ambrose and you think that everyone else is more concerned with not falling over than checking you are chaste. At one point Daisy grabs your arm and spins, and you fall to the ice, with Daisy falling on top of you, laughing. Her ample breasts press against your arms and she kisses you in secret before hoisting herself up.
<<if $daisylove gt 5 and $Daisydom lt 1>>"I do rather think I am in love with you, $playername."
<<elseif $Daisydom gt 1>> "Skating like this I sometimes forget that you are my $subname. We have a double life, you and I. Look at everyone around us, each of them trapped by convention. Half of them only courting for status, or money. Some of the men probably don't even like girls. And I want the status, don't get me wrong, it would be hell to live poor or ostracised in London. But I also want to be myself. With you, with Ruby. Can we do that, $femname? To be like this to the outside world and give each other the space to be what we want, what we need to be?"
<<else>>"Thank you for another delightful evening, $playername"<</if>>
You do not get a chance to reply, as Mrs Ambrose is standing at the side of the rink looking on sternly. "That was most definitely more than a helping hand, young Mr. $playersurname. I think you should retire to the gallery and buy us all hot chocolate while I speak to my daughter about decorum."
This chaperone business is getting tedious. <<if $daisyengagement lt 3>>But that is what society demands. Until you become engaged at least. Then you can be together without a chaperone. And would that be so bad, to marry Daisy? You have had worse ideas. <<else>>Now that your relationship with Daisy is formalised you should be able to take Daisy out without a chaperone.<</if>>
You sip on your hot chocolate and enjoy the rest of the date while Mrs Ambrose looks on sternly, ensuring you and Daisy sit at arms length from each other.
Afterwards, chill sets in and you head home
When you return home, you find a gift waiting for you in your pocket. A small envelope, scented with Daisy's perfume. Containing a lock of her hair tied with a pale blue ribbon.
<<link [[ Head home->YourRoom]] >><<set $daisylove +=1>><<wait>><</link>><<daisyevent 3>>
<img src="Images/Places/opera.jpg" width=600 />
You are fortunate indeed to have secured three tickets for La Bohème at the Royal Opera house. You are even more fortunate that they are in a secluded box. It does pay to have influential friends and acquaintances at the Hellfire club.
You are less fortunate that one of those tickets is taken by Mrs Ambrose, your girlfriend's mother whose womanly frame is sitting in between you and the object of your desires.
The opera tells the story of a poor seamstress and her artistic friends, living a bohemian lifestyle in 1830s Paris. The irony is not lost on you that everyone seated in the audience is at least middle class and would not stop to talk to an impoverished French bohemian in the street for fear of being robbed or catching typhus.
Both Daisy and her mother are taken by the romantic tale, Daisy swooning over the leads Mimi and Rodolpho, whist her mother is rather taken by the dashing baritone Marcello.
Your opportunities to talk to Daisy however are limited to occasional glances at her at the other side of the box, absently brushing her hair with a pearl handled brush.
Part way through the second act, as Marcello's former sweetheart Musetta attempts to seduce him by singing an aria as she waltzes about the stage, Mrs Ambrose's attention is firmly fixed upon the stage. You nudge your chair back so that you can take a furtive glance at Daisy. She spots you and smiles, angling her chair so that you, but not her mother, can glance up her skirt. She is not wearing the usual petticoat, and on further inspection she is not wearing any panties at all.
She takes her hairbrush in hand and licks the handle, before gently pushing it, handle first, between her skirts. She bites her lip to stifle a gasp as she pushes the tip inside her, moving it gently in and out in time with the music of Musetta's waltz.
As the music reaches a crescendo, Daisy closes her eyes and gasps, a tear of pleasure rolling down her face. Her mother turns to see her.
"Ohh you're crying, poor dear. It is so romantic isn't it, seeing the opera when courting. And you've dropped your hairbrush. Do be a dear $playername and pick it up."
You oblige, taking the brush in hand and taking care of it for the rest of the evening, as you lick your fingers after wiping Daisy's juices from the sticky handle.
The end of the opera is tragic as Mimi splits up with Rodolpho for a wealthy suitor who she does not love, before leaving him, reuniting with Rodolpho and swiftly dying of what you suspect is tuberculosis, although your Italian is not sufficient to make out all the symptoms, and both Daisy and her mother are in tears as they leave.
"When I marry it shall be for love, Mother."
"Yes dear. But if Mimi had married for love she might have starved to death before the final act."
"Do you love me, $playername?"
You are taken aback by the suddenness of the question, and begin to reply before Mrs Ambrose cuts you off, saving you the embarrassment of answering.
"That is not an appropriate question to be asking when you are courting, my dear."
You silently mouth your response to Daisy in the carriage ride home.
<<link [['I love you'->YourRoom]] >><<set $daisylove +=2>><<wait>><</link>>
<<link [['I want you'->YourRoom]] >><<set $daisylove +=1>><<wait>><</link>>
<<link [[Say nothing->YourRoom]] >><<set $daisylove -=1>><<wait>><</link>><<daisyevent>>You quietly head to Mrs Hathaway's and head to the back entrance. It is unlocked as arranged, and you check noone is looking before slipping inside.
<<femcheck>><<if $femcheck lt 2>> Daisy catches you climbing up the stairs and folds her arms sternly. "Just what do you think you are wearing. Get back to your room and come back properly dressed as a girl."
"But people might see me crossing the street!" you protest.
She walks down to you and pulls your hair. "Then let them see. We have precious little time together as girls. You need to learn to make yourself beautiful for me. Don't be ashamed of who you are."
[[Head back to your room to change->YourRoom]]
<<elseif $dirty gt 1>>
"Have you not cleaned yourself before coming here? Get to the bathroom and sort yourself out!" she says sternly.
[[Head back to your bathroom to clean yourself->Bathroom]]
<<elseif $facialhair gt 1 or $leghair gt 1 or $bodyhair gt 1 or $armhair gt 1>>
"Have you not shaved before coming here? Get to the bathroom and sort yourself out!"she says sternly.
[[Head back to your bathroom to shave yourself->Bathroom]]
"The room is 4 shillings for the night. Just put the cash down there for Mrs Hathaway. "
You comply, and put down a few coins, before entering the back room. <<set $money -= 48>>
\<<if $Daisydomevent eq 1>>[[Enter the room->Daisydomevent1]]<</if>>
\<<if $Daisydomevent eq 2>>[[Enter the room->Daisydomevent2]]<</if>>
\<<if $Daisydomevent eq 3>>[[Enter the room->Daisydomevent3]]<</if>>
\<<if $Daisydomevent eq 4>>
\<<if $daisyengagement lt 3>>You need to ask Dr Ambrose about marrying Daisy and give her a ring before you have any more events with her.
\<<else>>[[Enter the room->Daisydomevent4]]<</if>><</if>>
\<<if $Daisydomevent eq 5>>[[Enter the room->Daisydomevent5]]<</if>>
\<<if $Daisydomevent gt 5>>Sorry - no new daisydomme events yet. Try again next update <</if>>
[[Return home->YourRoom]]<</if>><<Daisydomevent>><<set $temp = 1>>
<img src="Images/People/Daisy/daisydom3.webp" width=600 />
Daisy folds her arms and looks you up and down, before nodding in approval.
She is not wearing her usual blue dress, but instead a tight silken corset that accentuates her massive breasts, along with stockings and suspenders.
"So, $subname, do you approve?"
"Yes Miss Ambrose." You reply, remembering the formalities.
"Oh I am so glad you are here, I have waited so long. All that pretending around Mummy." She kisses you passionately on the lips.
Ruby was so sweet and arranged for us to have the room for a couple of hours. Plenty of time. So I know that you haven't had much practice with hair and makeup, what with not being a girl until recently. So I thought that we would give you some practice. Sit down here and strip. "The last two words are not a request.
She takes out a bag and starts taking out various cosmetics, as you begin to strip.
<<link [[Remove your outer clothing|Daisydomevent1_1]]>><<StripOuter>><</link>><<Daisydomevent>>
<img src="Images/People/Daisy/Daisyrubylingerie.webp" width=600 />
You enter the upstairs room at Mrs Hathaway's and are surprised to see Ruby there along with Daisy. They are both sitting on a bed in their underwear.
"Oh, isn't he pretty?" says Ruby. "I do like the wig. He looks just like you said."
"She, not he." corrects Daisy. "This is $femname, my $subname."
"Oh, sorry. I thought it'd be he because she has a cock."
"She does not have a cock. $femname, strip for us down to your underwear. "
You take off your clothes as requested, intrigued about where this is going, before sitting as beckoned between the two young women.
"Ooh, I do like how she is all smooth and hairless.
\<<if $chest neq "flat">> And look at those lovely titties. Can I touch them?"
"Of course you can. Have a play with them." You hear pride in Daisy's voice, as her friend admires her plaything. Ruby squeezes and caresses your $chest breasts, before popping a nipple in her mouth and sucking lightly.
\<<else>> She doesn't have any boobs though."
"True enough, but it's not polite to be rude about a girl's shortcomings. Anyhow, I've got tits enough for both of us." Ruby laughs as Daisy wobbles her massive cleavage, and runs her fingers down your smooth hairless chest, squeezing one of your nipples. <</if>>
"Now, take off your underwear." commands Daisy.
Again you comply, stripping naked in front of the two girls.
<<if $chastity neq 1>>
Daisy looks disappointed as she sees your cock not in its chastity device. "And where is your cage, $subname?"
You mutter an excuse, saying that you forgot to ask Megan to put it back on.
"It is bad enough that we have to share, it's only because Megan is so helpful in training you that I let you have another Mistress. But next time make sure that she locks you up good and tight after you play with her." She puts out her hand and waits as you give her the unlocked metal chastity device.
Ruby looks in awe at the shiny silver cage around your cock. "Ooh. What is that."
"That is to protect my property." says Daisy. "So that $femname doesn't do anything dirty or naughty. Not without my permission anyhow. But I think we can take it off now. Have you been good, $femname?"
"Yes Miss Ambrose." you reply innocently. "I'm very well behaved."
She takes a small silver key from a chain and clicks it into the lock, carefully releasing you from your confinement.
"Good girl." says Daisy. Now what is that between your legs, $subname?"
"That is my clitty." you reply, remembering how Daisy likes to call it.
"Yes it is. Good girls don't have cocks, they have clittys."
\<<if $penis eq "average" or $penis eq "large" or "penis" eq "huge">>"Isn't it a bit big for a clitoris?" enquires Ruby. "Some of my gentleman visitors have smaller ones than that. Can I play with it?"
Daisy sighs. "How many times have I told you not to be rude about a girl's shortcomings, Ruby. Really, you do have no manners sometimes. And yes, we will play with it soon."
<<elseif $penis eq "small">> "It is so cute. All little and soft and pink. It's a little girlcock. Can I touch it?"
"It is. It does get hard though, so we can have some fun with it later. And yes you can touch it soon."
<<elseif $penis eq "tiny">> "It is a little clitty. It's only an inch long. How adorable. Does it get hard? I want to rub it."
"Not really, no. It sometimes gets excited, but its still only a couple of inches and about as firm as a stick of wilted celery. But you can put it inside you and it is ever so sensitive. And we can rub it soon." <</if>>
Daisy looks you up and down, examining your underwear.
"Now, three girls in our knickers on a bed. I think we should practice kissing first. Ruby and I have been kissing for years - she gets lots of practice with the boys at work so she's been giving me lots of tips.
[[Practice Kissing->Daisydomevent2_1]]<img src="Images/People/Daisy/daisydom4.webp" width=600 />
She speaks patiently to you, as if you are a child.
"First you need to clean your face - here use this bowl of water."
She watches as you clean your face - the water is very hot.
"Don't be a baby. Nice hot water opens up your pores, gives your skin a nice glow."
She pats your face dry with a fluffy white towel, caressing your shoulder as she does so.
"Next is foundation. This gives a nice base for the rest of the makeup. I think this one matches your colour." She dabs some on your forehead, cheeks and chin.
"Now blend it in. Be patient - don't rush."
You rub it in until it looks about right in the small mirror.
"No!" she slaps your thigh, catching the end of your $penis cock with the end of her fingers. "You missed a bit here. And here. Try again."
You dab on a tiny bit more foundation and blend it in.
"That is... acceptable for first try I guess. Next blusher. I think this rose pink wil suit you nicely. Dab a bit on each cheek and blend it in."
You do as asked, carefully blending with the rabbit hair brush, and taking your time so to avoid another slap."
"Good girl!"
She kisses you on the nose.
"Now your eyes. First let me get rid of some of those stray hairs. I really ought to take you to my hairdresser to sort you out one day."
She takes out some tweezers and pulls at some stray eyebrow hairs, painfully removing them, then doing one from your nostril for good measure.
She hands you a soft pencil.
"Now carefully trace the line of your eyebrow, and extend it at the end - like mine. Look carefully, you only get one shot at this."
Hand trembling, you take the pencil and trace a thin line first on one brow then the other.
"No, not like that." she reprimands. "I'm going to have to do it for you aren't I?" She shakes her head in disapproval and takes the pencil from you, correcting over your mistake with a deft touch.
"Now your eyeshadow. I think some nice pink to match the outfits I want you to wear. "
You start to protest, she isn't giving you any choice in the matter, but on reflection you realise that is probably the point. You are her doll, and she is playing with you.
You take the pink glittery powder and blend it above your eyes. You are getting quite good at blending now and are starting to enjoy yourself. You add a little silvery glitter just under your eye. To 'brighten the look' as Daisy puts it.
"You look lovely. Now some mascara. I thought about getting you some false eyelashes, your natural ones are just too feeble, but they look a bit slutty, and you are a good girl, aren't you my $subname?"
"Yes Miss Daisy. I mean Miss Ambrose."
She looks fierce, then softens. "Miss Daisy. I like that. You may call me that when we are playing. But still Miss Ambrose for formal occasions or when we have company."
You start to worry about what company she might mean, then realise you have an entire sex club worth of company she might want to flaunt you at.
Five minutes later you have darkened and lengthened your lashes with the mascara.
"Now lipstick to finish off. I picked this shade. It matches the end of your clitty." She goes as far as pulling down your panties and comparing the shade with the tip of your penis, before handing your the greasy makeup stick and guiding you to rub it sparingly over your lips.
"Oh you look beautiful - my gorgeous girl. Give me a twirl."
You stand up in your lingerie and try to spin gracefully as she admires you from all angles.
"Oh, $femname. You owe me six shillings and three pence for all this makeup. Do be a dear and pass me your purse."
<<set $money -= 75>>You pass her the purse and she takes the cash out.
Now. The coup de grace. What colour would you describe your natural hair as?
[[Brown->Daisydomevent1_2][$item = "long brown wig"]]
[[Blonde->Daisydomevent1_2][$item = "long blonde wig"]]
[[Black->Daisydomevent1_2][$item = "long black wig"]]
[[Red->Daisydomevent1_2][$item = "long red wig"]]<img src="Images/People/Daisy/daisydom5.webp" width=600 />
\<<if $wig eq $item>>"Oh you are such a good girl, you put on exactly the same wig as I bought for you!" She beams with pride as she shows you a matching item. "Now pass it here, I just want to adjust it." and takes the $wig
\<<elseif $wig neq "none">>"I'm not sure about that wig. Let's try this one on." She puts your old one to one side before taking a long wig out of another bag and comparing it with your natural hair colour,
\<<else>>"I know that. I mean what precise shade? No matter, I think this will match." She takes a long wig out of another bag and compares it with your natural hair colour, <</if>>before smearing a cool sticky liquid on your head and carefully adjusting the wig on top of your head.
<<set $objects[$item].inv = 2>><<wigon $item>>
"What did you put under the wig?"
"Just some glue. To keep it in place."
"But what if I want to remove it later?"
"Don't be silly. Girls dont have short hair like boys. And you haven't time to grow yours."
"But you have short hair - I could grow a bob like you."
She raises her hand and slaps you hard between the thighs. You wince at the pressure on your cock through your panties.
"You are my $subname. And I have gone to a lot of trouble to make you look pretty, missy, so I want you to apologise and act like a good girl while we wait for this glue to dry. You don't want me to have to punish you, do you?"
[[No, Miss Ambrose. Sorry, Miss Ambrose->Daisydomevent1_3a]]
[[Protest some more->Daisydomevent1_3b]]<img src="Images/People/Daisy/daisydom4.webp" width=600 />
You feel cold metal clasping around your wrist, as a handcuff that was attached to the bedpost is closed around it by Daisy. You pull against it, but the bed is steel framed and does not move.
"You are a bad, naughty girl, and bad girls must be taught manners."
She takes out a thin leather belt, and holds it by the buckle, before swinging it at your chest. You put out your free arm to protect yourself and the belt whips you on the forearm, stinging.
"Now look what you made me do. Look at that horrid mark. We don't have enough makeup to cover that."
She aims a second strike at your crotch. You wince in agony as it connects with your cock. You are starting to think if defiance about the wig was the sensible option.
"Now. I think five strikes to your arse should make you remember who is in charge here. Unless you want me to hit your clitty again?"
"No Miss. I am sorry Miss Ambrose." You roll over and present her your bottom and she slides your underwear down.
"One... Two...Three. Four..." The belt falls with each count, leaving you a red mark on your buttocks as well as a sear of pain up your spine.
"And five." The last strike is harder, and catches you on both buttocks.
"I did not enjoy that. This is supposed to be out lovely playtime, I don't know what came over you. Now, are you ready to behave?"
"Yes Miss Ambrose"
"Good. But I will leave you cuffed there until we are done I think. To teach you a lesson." Now give me a kiss. <<set $temp = 1>>
[[Lean in and kiss Daisy->Daisydomevent1_3a]]You have the following wigs:
<table style="width:100%">\
<th> </th>
<th><<if $wig eq "none">> You have nothing on your head <<else>>[[Remove wig->Closet_wearwig][$item ="none"]]<</if>> </th>
<<if $objects["black bob wig"].inv gt 0>><tr><th>black bob wig</th><th><<set $image to $objects["black bob wig"].image >><<displayimage I>></th><th>$objects["black bob wig"].description</th><th><<if $wig eq "black bob wig">> Worn <<else>>[[Wear->Closet_wearwig][$item ="black bob wig"]]<</if>> </th> </tr><</if>>
<<if $objects["blonde bob wig"].inv gt 0>><tr><th>blonde bob wig</th><th><<set $image to $objects["blonde bob wig"].image >><<displayimage I>></th><th>$objects["blonde bob wig"].description</th><th><<if $wig eq "blonde bob wig">> Worn <<else>>[[Wear->Closet_wearwig][$item ="blonde bob wig"]]<</if>> </th> </tr><</if>>
<<if $objects["long black wig"].inv gt 0>><tr><th>long black wig</th><th><<set $image to $objects["long black wig"].image >><<displayimage I>></th><th>$objects["long black wig"].description</th><th><<if $wig eq "long black wig">> Worn <<else>>[[Wear->Closet_wearwig][$item ="long black wig"]]<</if>> </th> </tr><</if>>
<<if $objects["long blonde wig"].inv gt 0>><tr><th>long blonde wig</th><th><<set $image to $objects["long blonde wig"].image >><<displayimage I>></th><th>$objects["long blonde wig"].description</th><th><<if $wig eq "long blonde wig">> Worn <<else>>[[Wear->Closet_wearwig][$item ="long blonde wig"]]<</if>> </th> </tr><</if>>
<<if $objects["long brown wig"].inv gt 0>><tr><th>long brown wig</th><th><<set $image to $objects["long brown wig"].image >><<displayimage I>></th><th>$objects["long brown wig"].description</th><th><<if $wig eq "long brown wig">> Worn <<else>>[[Wear->Closet_wearwig][$item ="long brown wig"]]<</if>> </th> </tr><</if>>
<<if $objects["long red wig"].inv gt 0>><tr><th>long red wig</th><th><<set $image to $objects["long red wig"].image >><<displayimage I>></th><th>$objects["long red wig"].description</th><th><<if $wig eq "long red wig">> Worn <<else>>[[Wear->Closet_wearwig][$item ="long red wig"]]<</if>> </th> </tr><</if>>
<<if $objects["Blonde Updo Wig"].inv eq 1>><tr><th>Blonde Updo Wig</th><th><<set $image to $objects["Blonde Updo Wig"].image >><<displayimage I>></th><th>$objects["Blonde Updo Wig"].description</th><th><<if $wig eq "Blonde Updo Wig">> Worn <<else>>[[Wear->Closet_wig][$wig ="Blonde Updo Wig"]]<</if>> </th> </tr><</if>>
<<if $objects["Brown Elaborate Wig"].inv eq 1>><tr><th>Brown Elaborate Wig</th><th><<set $image to $objects["Brown Elaborate Wig"].image >><<displayimage I>></th><th>$objects["Brown Elaborate Wig"].description</th><th><<if $wig eq "Brown Elaborate Wig">> Worn <<else>>[[Wear->Closet_wig][$wig ="Brown Elaborate Wig"]]<</if>> </th> </tr><</if>>
<<if $objects["Elaborate red wig"].inv eq 1>><tr><th>Elaborate red wig</th><th><<set $image to $objects["Elaborate red wig"].image >><<displayimage I>></th><th>$objects["Elaborate red wig"].description</th><th><<if $wig eq "Elaborate red wig">> Worn <<else>>[[Wear->Closet_wig][$wig ="Elaborate red wig"]]<</if>> </th> </tr><</if>>
<<if $objects["Short Brown Wig"].inv eq 1>><tr><th>Short Brown Wig</th><th><<set $image to $objects["Short Brown Wig"].image >><<displayimage I>></th><th>$objects["Short Brown Wig"].description</th><th><<if $wig eq "Short Brown Wig">> Worn <<else>>[[Wear->Closet_wig][$wig ="Short Brown Wig"]]<</if>> </th> </tr><</if>>
[[Return->Wardrobe]]\<<if $objects[$wig].inv eq 2>>
Your wig is glued to your head - you cannot remove it!
\<<elseif $item eq "none">> You carefully remove the wig and put it away. <<set $wig =$item>>
\<<else>> You put the wig onto your head and adjust it carefully.<<set $wig =$item>>
[[Return->Wardrobe]]"Now who's a good $subname?"
She offers her hand for you to kiss and you oblige.
"That should be dry by now, let me have a look." She tugs on the wig, and it pulls your hair painfully.
"Yes that isn't going anywhere. Pass me that hairbrush, $femname."
You pass her a pearl handled brush, and sit in front of her on the bed. You feel her warm thighs behind your buttocks as she begins carefully brushing your tresses. The first few strokes are painful, as the brush pulls against slight tangles in the wig.
"Do you know where they get these wigs from? Girls in the poorhouse grow them from early childhood, then have them cut off when they reach the maximum length. So there is a girl right now sitting with short boyish hair while you are wearing her lovely locks. Aren't you grateful to me that you are the one with the lovely long locks?"
"Yes Miss Daisy."
She continues brushing, running her hands through your fine long hair and down your neck. She finishes up by tying it back with a pretty pink bow.
You look in the mirror and she is right, you look like a perfect porcelain doll. A hairless body, pale makeup with pink lips, eyelids and cheeks and lovely long hair.
"Now what do you say, $femname?"
"Thank you Miss Ambrose. I look beautiful."
"Why yes you do. But I think you should thank me properly, don't you?"
"Do you want to fuck?"
"What a vulgar word. And no, we have gone to all this trouble to make you feminine today, I don't think we want your clitty today. Maybe next time. I want you to be a naughty girl. I want you to use your tongue."
She pushes you down onto the hard wood floor and pulls down her panties, revealing a dripping wet pair of pussy lips. She has obviously been anticipating this all evening.
"Now lick, my $subname."
You start kissing her pink nether lips, sliding your tongue between them as she starts to gasp, her hands resting on your new hair. You move your tongue in long vertical strokes, lingering on her tiny pink clit with each one, and every time she lets out a sweet moan.
<img src="Images/People/Daisy/daisydomtopless.webp" width=600 />
She starts panting. "More." and pushes you down onto the ground before pulling her full breasts out of her bra and squeezing her nipples with her fingers. She puts the full weight of herself on your face and rocks back and forward, forcing your tongue deep inside her. <<if $temp1 eq 1>> It is uncomfortable with your arm cuffed to the frame, but you aren't able to do anything about that.<</if>>
"Yes there, just there."
She digs her fingernails deep into your chest as she rides to climax on your face, before clamping your head with her thighs as she squirts slightly sour tasting fluid all over your face. She stays sitting there for half a minute as you lap at her juices.
"That was lovely. But look at you - such a mess. And after all that effort."
You look in the mirror and see that your makeup is ruined, with pink smears all over your lower face and your mascara running and smudging around your eyes. Your hair is unkempt and slightly sticky also.
"You look like a slut. "
She's right. You do.
"I'm afraid we don't have any time. We only had the room for a couple of hours. You'll have to go home to sort yourself out. But it was fun to play, wasn't it?"
"Yes Miss Ambrose. Thank you Miss Ambrose."
<<if $temp1 eq 1>> She unlocks your cuff. "And no more unpleasantness next time, silly."<</if>>
You put on your clothes and <<link [[return home->YourRoom]]>><<wait>><<WearOuter>><</link>>/* presentation, expectations and protocol */
<img src="Images/People/Megan/Megan01_1.webp" width=600 />
"Take a seat." says Megan
You look about and see a comfortable sofa, and are just about to sit in it when she shakes her head.
"Submissives do not sit on furniture." she states, gesturing at the floor.
You take a place where she indicates, noting that your lower position and marvel at this new world you have chosen, where a simple pleasure like a chair is denied you except at the grace of your mistress.
"Today we are going to talk about protocol and presentation. But first I just want to remind ourselves of our expectations.
You, by your admission, are submissive. You get pleasure, sometimes sexual pleasure, from submitting to my will, and by giving up control.
I by contrast am a dominant. Like almost everyone I like people doing things for me, but more than that I enjoy creating a fantasy that enhances your pleasure.
The combination of a dom and a sub, in symbiosis, is a beautiful thing. But it will take time, and effort. So we need to establish a few rules.
Firstly, expectations. We will either be playing as dom and sub, or together but not playing, or in company. When playing I expect you to follow these rules to the best of your ability. If you do not, I will correct your behavior. This is not punishment, it is more like training a puppy.
If it gets too much, for whatever reason, say your safeword. Remind me what it is again:
<<textbox "$safeword" $safeword>>
When you say this, we stop playing. Without question. Not all dominants respect this but for me it is absolute. You might want to stop, or you might just need a break. You do not need to continue to follow my commands, but I expect a general level of respect as I am still your Mistress. For example at the Hellfire club.
I do not expect us to meet in public away from the club, but there you can treat me like anyone else. Our relationship will just be our little secret.
Any questions?"
"Three levels - play, at the club, public. No, that all makes sense, Mistress."
[[Continue->Megan_domevent_1_1]]<<temp>><<set $temp19 = 1>>
<img src="Images/People/Megan/Megan01_1.webp" width=600 />
The door opens a crack and you hear one word, "Enter." It is not a request.
You walk into the room and spot Megan standing imperious against one wall, clad in her work uniform of thigh high boots and black leather corset, arms folded.
"Leave the money on the side. One tenth of what you earn belongs to me, as you are mine."
\<<if $money lte $meganmoney>>
You look down at the ground, realising you have spent Megan's share of your earnings. She points silently at the door.
[[Return home->YourRoom]]
\<<else>><<set $money -= $meganmoney>> You place an envelope containing <<if $meganmoney gte 252>> <<print (($meganmoney - ($meganmoney % 252))/252)>> guinea<<if $meganmoney gte 504 >>s<</if>><</if>> <<print ((($meganmoney % 252)- ($meganmoney % 12))/12) >> / <<print $meganmoney % 12 >> on the dresser.
\<<boy>><<if $Megandomevent eq 1>>
"Good $boy, you are on time, I am pleased. Now strip for me, you won't be needing any clothes today."
You take off your clothes and leave them in a neat pile, standing slightly awkwardly naked in front of her.<<StripAll>>
She takes a look at you, circling you imperiously.
When we meet like this I expect you to be clean, and appropriately attired. Although that will most frequently be naked unless I request otherwise.
<<if $dirty gt 1>>For today, I did not give you clear instructions. Go and freshen up in the bathroom. In future then do clean yourself before you travel to see me." she points in the direction of the bathroom with an impatient look.
You do as she says and wash and dry yourself, returning clean and naked. <<set $dirty = 0>><</if>>
[[Proceed with training->Megan_domevent1][$Megandomevent =2]]
"Present yourself, my pet."
You do as requested, looking toward the ground, walking until you are about 3 feet away, then kneeling with bowed head and hands held out palm upwards.
"Undress for me, my slave. I wish to inspect you."<<StripAll>>
She walks around you, checking that you meet her requirements.
<<if $dirty gt 1>>She shakes her head. "You are to present yourself clean, my pet."<<set $temp1 = 1>><</if>>
<<if $Megandomevent gt 1 or $chastity eq 1>>"Show me your chastity is intact."
<<if $chastity eq 0>>She looks down at your crotch, and shakes her head in disappointment.
"Dear dear dear. You cannot expect to improve yourself when you are free to get into trouble, can you? What are we to do with you? I think we may need to nudge you to make some better choices in future. <<set $temp2 = 1>>
<<else>> She pulls on your chastity cage to check it is secure and inspects the lock.
"All is secure and locked up tight. Good $boy."<</if>><</if>>
<<if $temp1 eq 1 or $temp2 eq 1>>[[Await correction]]
<<else>>Very well, you have passed inspection. I expected nothing less, but I am pleased. She kisses you on the top of your head.
"Now, shall we proceed with your training?"
<</if>><</if>><</if>>/* positions */
<img src="Images/People/Megan/Megan01_1.webp" width=600 />
As before, she asks you to sit, and you take your position on the floor.
"Today you will be practicing your posture. You are slouching. We will correct that."
You sit up instinctively, not wanting to displease her. She smiles.
"Hold out your wrists and ankles."
You do so, and watch as she straps leather cuffs to all four joints, tightening the straps so they are snug but not uncomfortable. You notice thick steel rings attached to each.
"We wouldn’t want to cut off your blood flow, would we? I prefer rope, Mr Antioch has taught me some lovely knots, but these are much quicker. Maybe we can play with rope another day. "
She takes your hands and rubs them gently.
Our first position today is the first one you ever assumed. The fetal position. Now crouch, your knees up against your chest, hands behind your back."
You do as she says, feeling vulnerable as you put your arms where they cannot protect you. She grasps your right wrist and pulls it down to just behind your left ankle. With a click you hear that she has locked the two together. She repeats the process with your left wrist and right ankle.
"Now struggle. If you free yourself I'll let you fuck me any way you want."
You eagerly test your bonds, but quickly overbalance and find yourself wriggling impotently on the wooden floor. Megan laughs at the entertaining spectacle.
"The fetal or ball tie is one of the key bondage positions. It is not the most strenuous, although it is not ideal for sexplay as the genitals are fairly inaccessible. By locking your wrists to your ankles you cannot extend your legs. Try to position yourself vertically, my sweet."
You roll onto your side, then your back and eventually end up on your knees in front of her. You attempt to sit back on your feet but topple backwards, repeating the process so you are again kneeling in front of her. With one heel she pushes you backwards again and you lie bound on your back.
"I'm like one of those football players at Arsenal, kicking about a leather bound ball" she jokes, before reaching in and deftly unlocking your chastity cage.
"As you can see, the submissive is entirely unable to protect themselves from myy actions. whether painful." At this point she squeezes your testicles until you wince. "Or pleasurable." She releases her grip and runs a feather along your exposed inner thighs softly. It tickles and you gasp.
"How are you feeling, my sweet. Do you wish to continue?
[[Continue->Megan_domevent_2_1]]/* trust */
Today the playroom has been cleared, with the bed pushed up against one wall and a large black leather pommel horse protruding from one wall that looks more suited to a bedroom than a gymnasium. There is an odd hole in the wall level with the top of the horse.
"Is that for me?" you ask.
"It is, but remember your station. Silent until spoken to. Today is about trust. Do you trust me my pet?"
"Yes $megname." You nod, slightly worried why feels the need to ask.
"I have made modifications to this pommel horse. There are attachment points for the same wrist and ankle cuffs you wore last time. You will also wear a similar collar so that your neck is tied to the horse. And a leather harness about your waist. Why don't you sit on it and get comfortable."
You examine the horse - it certainly looks quite comfortable, compared with last weeks positions, and is well padded. One end has had the leather removed and appears to be stuffed with damp silk.
"Now put your cuffs on. Do your ankles first, nice and tight, then your neck, then your wrists. The wrists are fiddly to tighten - I suggest you use your teeth."
You pull the leather straps around your limbs, the smell of the leather bringing back memories of pleasure and pain from last week. But mainly pleasure.
"Good $boy. Now lie on the horse, face down."
You do so, and she clips your arms to an attachment point on the bottom of te furniture, and your neck to a padded ring on the top. You are not immobile but are only able to move an inch or so in each direction.
"Now for the fiddly bit." She unclips your chastity cage and puts in to one side, on a silver platter. "Ah, what a pretty cock. And it is all mine." She buckles something about your waist, like a harness or a sturdy belt, and clips your ankles to the legs. She adjusts the height slightly so your feet just sit on the ground.
"Perfect. Now I have been redecorating. Do you like my artwork?"
She pulls down a curtain, revealing a large landscape picture against one wall entirely fulling your field of vision. It depicts an erotic scene, an orgy with at least two dozen figures in various sexual positions. Breasts, cocks and cunts are freely on display. You feel yourself harden as you see the pornographic tableau. As you do your cock begins to push against the moist silk and slips inside. It feels just like a woman's pussy - it is even warm!
"It took a lot of effort to simulate that. Something soft and warm and wet. Heated oils infused into twenty layers of the finest silk, inside a sheath of indian rubber. There is a tank filled with boiling water that will keep it warm for hours. Outside the rubber are a series of moving balls that will move with the slightest motion, so it will never be still. The feeling is remarkably like sex, is it not?"
The simulated vagina is tight, and you feel yourself being stimulated as you move about inside. You thrust experimentally and gasp at the feedback. Hold on, did she say hours? You try to withdraw but the harness does not allow you to withdraw from the horses cunt, just to push deeper inside.
"And you are just now realising your predicament. And now for a few additions. First a gag. I don't want you disturbing the neighbours."
She puts a scarlet ball like used for billiards into your mouth, strapping it around your head tightly. You try to protest but only make a muted grunting.
[[Wait to see what happens. You don't really have much of a choice->Megan_domevent3_1]]/* pain and limits */
"Good evening. Strip and present yourself." <<set $temp = 0>>
<<StripAll>>In the hallway you strip naked, folding your clothes neatly, before kneeling in front of your Mistress, your hands facing out to her. She takes your hand and smiles.
"Well done, good $boy. Today we are going to explore your limits. Of pain and of pleasure. What you are physically and emotionally able to endure. Before we start, I must stress that this is about you. I am not a sadist, I do not enjoy your suffering, and I will only cause you pain in order to heighten your pleasure or as a correction. And this is not about you showing off, it is no badge of honour to endure everything and end up unconscious or broken. We all have limits. You have nothing to prove here, other than to show me what you do and don't enjoy. Let us remind us of your safeword. Say it now."
"$safeword" you reply
"Good. But sometimes you might be gagged or restrained and unable to talk. In that case you need to be clear. A firm shaking of the head, left to right three times. Practice it now. You may need it."
You purposefully shake your head left and right, left and right, left and right.
"Good $boy. You are a fast learner." She ruffles your hair affectionately.
"Let us begin."
She starts by leading you towards the wall where a metal ring is secured to the wall. She straps a collar around your neck and clips it to the ring with you facing the wall. You have to bend slightly to reach it, so you crouch, sticking your ass out toward Megan.
She cuffs your hands behind your back, and clips your ankles to a steel bar that is about three feet long. This spreads your legs wide and you can feel your ass exposed behind you.
"Good, now hold that position."
You feel something cold and hard slide inside your ass, then hear Megan walking away. There is the sound of a cork being pulled, and the pouring of liquid. A few moments later she is in your peripheral vision, supping a glass of wine.
"What to do with you my pet. That ass is just too tempting. The plug has a little jewel at the end, sticking out of your rear like a prize ruby. Lets see if we can make the rest of your ass red as well."
She walks to a shelf and picks up a whip with about a dozen leather straps spreading off the handle.
"Count for me my pet."
"1, 2, 3... "She strikes your ass with the whip, gently at first then increasing. You note that as you count you are in effect asking for your own whipping.
"4, 5, 6" She strikes harder
"7, 8, 9" This is getting quite painful now. She is angling the strokes so some are falling on your caged cock as well as your ass.
"10." SLAP. Ow! That one really hurt
[[Say your safeword->Megan_domevent4_end][$limit = 1]]
[[Say "Thank you Mistress"->Megan_domevent4_1]]/* service */
Megan is sitting wearing an elegant black dress, high heels and exquisite jewellery. Who would have thought that prostitution paid so well.
<img src="Images/People/Megan/Megandress_1.webp" width=600 />
"Present yourself, sweet $boy." she says, watching carefully as your training of the past few weeks kicks in and you do so automatically. You realise that you are instinctively not looking at her now, just at the floor, as you present yourself for her inspection.
"Delightful. We are nearing the end of our initial training, and today's lesson is one of the more important ones. Today is about service. The relationship between a dominant and a submissive can take many forms - sometimes sexual, sometimes painful, but at its core is a desire by one to submit to the will of the other. To get pleasure from giving me what I want. And a dominant must realise this and be clear in their desires. Over time they may be predicted, even anticipated, but that takes time. So let us start simple. Earl Grey tea. Lemon. One sugar."
Her instructions are precise, but leave plenty of room for error.
You glance about her parlour, and note the kitchen at the side and set about boiling water, identifying the Earl Grey by its smell of oil of Bergamot. While boiling you slice a lemon and find a teapot. You remember watching your mother making tea, Earl Grey was always her favourite too, adding a teaspoon of tea leaves to the pot per person as well as one for the pot, so do this and pour on freshly boiled water.
[[Wait->Megandomevent5_1]]<img src="Images/People/Megan/Megan01_3.webp" width=600 />
"Marvellous. Now my expectations. These will help you acclimatise to a submissive role. In a scene you will not speak unless spoken to. You will avoid eye contact - ideally look at the floor, or at my body - I know you like admiring my body, but never at my face. When speaking to me the last thing you say will be my title. You may refer to me as Mistress, Mistress Megan, my Queen, Goddess or anything else suitably respectful.
Is there one of these that you especially favour?
<<textbox "$femname" $femname>>
<<set _Options = ["Mistress" , "Mistress Megan", "Queen" , "Goddess"] >>
<<cycle "$megname" autoselect>>
<<optionsfrom _Options>>
"Very well. And I will call you whatever takes my fancy. In time you will learn the things that I like, and may seek to preempt my desires. That is good - I desire a well trained submissive, not a mindless slave. I will however ask you to do things. Sometimes sex, sometimes service, or acts of submission like sitting on the floor. And I expect you to do so to the best of your ability. You may find it difficult, or painful, or even think it impossible. That is not the point - you will do as I request because it pleases you to do so. You do want to please me, don't you?"
[[Agree->Megan_domevent_1_2]]<img src="Images/People/Megan/Megan01_3.webp" width=600 />
"Yes, $megname" you agree, looking at feet in her elegant boots.
"Oh that is marvellous. Good $boy.
Now onto sex. Because let's be honest, that is why you are here is it not? I am a sexual being. I enjoy sex, I like fucking both men and women. Sometimes at the same time. I like to receive pleasure, especially from submissives in my thrall. If you please me, then I will please you. I don't even need to ask, you want to please me, don't you, my pet?
"Yes my $megname." you agree, getting into the swing of things.
"Very good." she ruffles your hair as you sit next to her on the floor. "Do rub my feet for me, these boots are a little tight."
You proceed as she asks, gently massaging her toes, ankles and calves through the supple leather. "
"Mmm. Delightful. Now, onto presentation. A submissive needs to be ready to service their Mistress at all times. But on first arriving in front of them, or indeed in front of any dominant, it is customary for them to present formally. Now listen carefully, I shall say this only once and then you will carry it out.
Firstly, approach the dominant respectfully, with eyes lowered.
Next stop three feet away. Just outside of arms reach
Thirdly lower yourself to the ground, onto your knees. This will move you forward within arms reach. With practice you should be able to do this without using your hands. They may be bound in any case.
Fourth, though only if your arms are free, then present them palms upward at your head level. This is especially important when carrying something for the dominant.
Fifth wait. As long as required, completely immobile. You will need to practice to develop your posture. Remember your Mistress may have more important matters than you to attend to, she will determine the priority and will let you know when you can move or speak.
Sixth, when commanded then repond, either verbally or with an action as required
And Finally, thank your mistress.
"Let us practice. Bring me that apple and present." She half moves a single finger towards a ruby-red apple sitting on a side table
<<set $temp1 = 1>>
[[Take the apple and throw it to her->Megan_domevent_1fail]]
[[Take the apple, walk towards her->Megan_domevent_1fail]]
[[Take the apple, walk towards her with eyes lowered->Megan_domevent_1_3]]<img src="Images/People/Megan/Megan01_2.webp" width=600 />
She shakes her head in disappointment, stands up and places the apple back on the table and picks up a long black riding crop. She places a single strike upon your bare ass before replacing the crop and sitting down again.
"This is not punishment. This is corrective training. I am disappointed in myself for not giving sufficient instruction. Now try again."
<<set $temp1 += 1>>
[[Take the apple and throw it to her->Megan_domevent_1fail]]
[[Take the apple, walk towards her and hand it to her->Megan_domevent_1fail]]
[[Take the apple, walk towards her and stop three feet away->Megan_domevent_1_3]]<img src="Images/People/Megan/Megan_chaiselounge.webp" width=600 />
You walk slowly towards your $megname.
[[Keep walking then hand her the apple->Megan_domevent_1fail]]
[[Stay three feet away and kneel slowly->Megan_domevent_1_4]]
[[Bend down and kiss her feet->Megan_domevent_1fail]]<img src="Images/People/Megan/Megan_chaiselounge.webp" width=600 />
You kneel slowly in front of your $megname, keeping your eyes to the ground.
[[Lift your arms to your head level and wait->Megan_domevent_1_5]]
[[Lift your arms to your head level and say "Here is your apple, Mistress"->Megan_domevent_1fail]]
[[Wait patiently->Megan_domevent_1fail]]<img src="Images/People/Megan/Megan_chaiselounge.webp" width=600 />
You wait patiently.
[[Say "Here is your apple, Mistress"->Megan_domevent_1fail]]
[[Keep waiting->Megan_domevent_1_6]]
[[Lower your arms->Megan_domevent_1fail]]<img src="Images/People/Megan/Megan_chaiselounge.webp" width=600 />
You wait patiently.
[[Say "Here is your apple, Mistress"->Megan_domevent_1fail]]
[[Keep waiting->Megan_domevent_1_7]]
[[Lower your arms->Megan_domevent_1fail]]<img src="Images/People/Megan/Megan_chaiselounge.webp" width=600 />
You wait patiently. Your arms and back are beginning to hurt
[[Stand up->Megan_domevent_1fail]]
[[Keep waiting->Megan_domevent_1_8]]
[[Lower your arms->Megan_domevent_1fail]]She smiles and takes the apple. Very good. Well done my pet. <<if $temp1 eq 1>>And on your first try too. Excellent. <<sub 5>><<sub 5>><<elseif $temp lt 4>> And it only took you $temp1 attempts.<<sub 5>><<else>> Dear oh dear, $temp1 attempts. Next time listen to instructions more carefully my pet. <<sub 5>><</if>>
"Thank you $megname"
"Oh and you remembered to thank me as well. That is wonderful!"
So, we have discussed expectations, protocol and presentation. Our final lesson today is on chastity. She loosens her corset and reveals her perfect huge breasts for you.
<img src="Images/People/Megan/Megantopless_1.webp" width=600 />
\<<if $chastity eq 1>> She takes a small key from a golden box and unlocks your cock, which leaps free from its prison. <<chastity 0>>
"It is good that you have been practicing this already my sweet." She kisses your forehead as she cradles
\<<else>> She reaches between your legs and takes<</if>> your cock in her gloved hand.
You were born a man, and so you have a cock. Most men in my experience will shove their cock into anything that is warm, wet and willing. <<if $penis eq "tiny">> Now this is tiny, barely a cock at all. But it is sensitive and we still need to prevent it from getting excited, don't we?
\<<elseif $penis eq "small">> Now even though you have this cute pink little girlcock it can still get hard and excited. And we need to stop that so you can focus on being a good sub, don't we? <<else>> It is a lovely big cock, and I fully intend to make use of it. But I don't want it to get worn out when you are not here, so I need to keep it safe, don't I?"<</if>>
"Yes $megname" you reply
Now you have been so good today that I am going to fuck you. And then I am going to lock you in chastity for a week. What do you say to that?"
"Thank you $megname"
"I thought you would be happy. But there is one more rule to learn today. You do not cum until I give you permisssion. By delaying your orgasm with chastity and discipline, it will feel marvellous when I allow you to have one. Next time we will practice that denial with bondage, but today I am feeling gracious. Now as you are kneeling lets put that mouth to good use. Worship your $megname. Get licking. "
She opens her thighs and reveals a slit in her panties through which you spy her exposed pussy lips. You lean in eagerly and start licking at first slowly, then more swiftly, nuzzling and sucking at the hard pearl of her clit. She puts both gloved hands on your head and rubs at your hair.
"Deeper. Use your fingers my little sex slave."
You push first one then two fingers inside her cunt, which is dripping wet within the leather panties. You slide them in and out while continuing to lick, and within a few minutes she is moaning happily.
"Such a good pussy licker. I knew you were a perfect sub." she pants, before squeezing your head hard between her thighs as she gasps, and squirts sweet nectar into your mouth. She holds still, then lies back on the couch.
"Good $boy. Now crouch on all fours, my pet. "
You do as she says <<if $penis neq "tiny">> your cock hard and erect by now, <</if>> licking her juices from your lips.
She reaches down puts one gloved hand on your cock and starts rhythmically moving it back and forward. You feel your climax approaching swiftly but she pauses. "Now, remember what I said. Do not cum until I give you permission. Do you want to cum."
"Yes $megname, please $megname."
"Not quite yet. Just feel my fingers." She strokes your scrotum. You notice she has removed a glove and is scratching it gently with her long red fingernails. The sensation is exquisite. With her other hand she continues to knead the tip of your cock.
"Now, have you been a good $boy this week. Do you think you deserve to cum?"
[[Yes I have been good->Megan_domevent_1_9]]
[[No I have been naughty->Megan_domevent_1_9ruined]]<img src="Images/People/Megan/Megantopless_1.webp" width=600 />
"Cum for me my sweet prince<<if $femcheck gt 1>>ss<</if>>."
She squeezes your balls with one hand as she spits on her gloved hand before rubbing it hard up and down the length of your cock."
You moan in pleasure and quickly spurt cum into her gloved hand.
\<<if $fetish_cum eq 0>>"Such a shame you do not share my taste for this divine gift. Some dominants think it demeaning to eat cum, but I do so love the taste, and it is rude to spurn a present. She licks her fingers clean before turning back to you.
<<else>>She presents her hand to you with your semen covering the shiny black glove. "Do clean it up, my pet." You start licking and sucking at her fingers until you have gobbled up all your seed. "What a good $boy."<</if>>
Now it is time to lock you up again. She takes the cage and clicks it firmly in place around your $penis penis, tugging twice to ensure it is secure. <<set $chastitycount= 0>><<set $chastity= 1>>
She kisses you firmly on the lips. "I'm so proud of you my pet. You have taken your first steps towards a new life. Until next week."
She sits back and gestures at the door, then laughs.
"Playtime is over. You can get dressed before leaving, $playername."
"Thank you $megname. you reply, dipping your head before getting dressed and departing.
<<link [[Dress and Head home->YourRoom]] >><<WearAll>><<wait>><</link>><img src="Images/People/Megan/Megantopless_1.webp" width=600 />
She shakes her head in disappointment, and gently squeezes the head of your penis.
"It is still important with chastity that you do ejaculate occasionally. However it is possible to do so without the pleasurable release of orgasm. If I do not think you deserve that release, or as today you think you are unworthy, then we can ruin that climax
<<if $fetish_anal gt 0>>She slides one gloved finger into your ass<<else>>She rubs your balls<</if>>, deftly finding and squeezing a sensitive spot there, while rubbing at the base of your cock with the other hand. Her movements are slow and deliberate, watching your face and cock intently. You feel yourself peaking and approaching the point of no return, and then she stops and steps away. Your cock twitches once, twice, and a dribble of semen emerges from the end, along with a slight pain in your balls. You wait for the accompanying surge of pleasure, but it is gone and you see your cock beginning to soften.
"What a shame." she says, cruelly. <<if $fetish_cum eq 1>> "Lick it up." You comply, rubbing your tongue against the wooden floor.<<else>>"Clean it up." You take a handkerchief from your pile of clothes and wipe up the sticky patch on the wooden floor<</if>>
Now it is time to lock you up again. She takes the cage and clicks it firmly in place around your $penis penis, tugging twice to ensure it is secure. <<chastity 1>>
She kisses you firmly on the lips. "I'm so proud of you my pet. You have taken your first steps towards a new life. Until next week."
She sits back and gestures at the door, then laughs.
"Playtime is over. You can get dressed before leaving, $playername."
"Thank you $megname. you reply, dipping your head before getting dressed and departing.
<<link [[Dress and Head home->YourRoom]] >><<WearAll>><<wait>><</link>><<if $temp2 eq 1>>
She holds out her hand. "Your cage." before taking it from you. Before clicking it in place she pushes on your naked cock with a stiletto heel, reminding you of the damage she could do if she tried. <</if>>
<<if $temp1 eq 1>>
Looking in disgust at your smelly body, she administers a single painful tweak to each nipple. Go and freshen up in the bathroom. In future then do clean yourself before you travel to see me." she points in the direction of the bathroom with an impatient look.
You do as she says and wash and dry yourself, returning clean and naked. <<set $dirty = 0>><</if>>
"Now, shall we proceed with your training?"
<<Megandom>>She pushes you onto your front and you are unable to resist, before unclipping one of your wrists. You hope to get a moment to stretch your aching muscles but hear it click in place, and feel it bound to the other wrist, still behind your back. She releases your legs however.
"Stand and stretch those legs, get some blood flowing again."
You stretch and squat, like exercising in the army.
"Now, lie on your front."
You do so and she takes one leg and pulls it back behind you, clipping it to the two arms, then repeats with the fourth. All 4 limbs are now bound together behind you and you lie on your belly, able to wriggle and raise your neck but little else.
"This is a hogtie. Names after the position pigs are tied in to be bled in the abattoir. Don't fear we shall not do anything quite so fatal to you. All four of your limbs are bound to a single steel ring. You can probably feel a little tingling in your extremities. Do keep wiggling your fingers and toes, I want to keep some circulation going there. Now this position is more fun than the ball tie as your cock is beautifully exposed." She pushes at you with her heeled boot and you fall onto your side as she presses her boot toe against your exposed $penis cock<<if $penis neq "tiny">> which begins to harden involuntarily<</if>>. She continues to rub at it with her boot, massaging the base firmly.
"The downside of hogtie is that you cannot easily rest on your back, and i do not want to lower myself to the floor. It can work well on a bed however, especially for fucking a submissive in the ass or pussy. Or you can be suspended like this from the ceiling. Which leads us onto our next position. Are you ready to continue?"
All along she has been rubbing your cock with her boot, and it is beginning to glisten and leak a little precum onto her patent leather clad toe.
"Yes my $megname." you whimper
[[The third position->Megan_domevent2_2]]She loosens your feet from the ring binding them to your wrists, before clipping them to similar rings that are set into the wooden floor. They are spread wide, about three feet apart, and you feel your ass cheeks widen.
Megan takes your arms and lifts them above your head, which pushes down in response. You bend your elbows to relieve the pressure.
"This next position is strappado. The word like the technique I believe comes from Italy, it was used in its more severe forms as torture. I will be merciful however."
"Thank you $megname" comes out of your mouth as a reflex.
She clips the ring binding your arms to something out of your field of view, then moves away. I have hooked you like a piece of meat at the butcher. And the hook is attached to this pulley looped around the roof beam. I had to have the beam reinforced with a steel bar to hold the weight. Now your feet are on the ground, so you can support your weight, but you will note as I raise the hook your head is forced further and further down. Your arms straighten as she says this and as your shoulders are pulled up, your head goes down until your torso is almost horizontal.
"Excellent. You will feel a pulling in your tendons. Now you are completely at my mercy."
<img src="Images/People/Megan/megan_nudeboots1.webp" width=600 />
She walks in front of you and you see that she has been stripping as she talks and is now naked aside from her boots. She pushes her crotch into your face and you smell her musky scent. She steps back and you see her stepping into a strapped leather harness to which she affixes a shiny white cylinder. You think it might be an ivory horn. Thankfully the end is rounded not sharp as you have a pretty good idea where it is going to go.
She twists your arms up slightly further and you move onto the balls of your feet, raising your ass in the air.
You feel some cool liquid being rubbed into your asshole before something ice cold is shoved deep inside you.
"I keep it in a coolbox, with ice. I find that it enhances the sensation. I hope you agree. Not that you are in a position to do much about it."
She continues to move gently inside you, the cold hard horn filling your ass as she does so. With each thrust your push your ass up to meet her and your head goes further down.
The fucking goes on for about ten minutes, with Megan panting softly as she does so. You think the horn is double ended with her pussy getting penetrated with each thrust she gives you from her excited gasps.
"Countdown from ten for me, my bitch." she commands.
"10, 9, 8" She thrusts harder with each count.
"7, 6, 5" She pushes deeper each time. Your inexperienced ass is starting to hurt a little.
[[Say your safeword->Megan_domevent2_3safe]]
[[Keep counting->Megan_domevent2_3]]<img src="Images/People/Megan/megan_nudeboots1.webp" width=600 />
"$safeword." you gasp as the pain gets too much
She stops immediately and loosens your bonds, rubbing and massaging them to get the blood back flowing.
"Too much, baby? I'm sorry, I thought you could take it. I got carried away a little there. Come and sit on the bed."
She hugs you on the bed as the pain in your arms and ass subsides.
"Is that better? Dont worry, you are going to like this last position."
[[The last position->Megan_domevent2_4]]<img src="Images/People/Megan/megan_nudeboots1.webp" width=600 />
"4, 3, 2, 1" The thrusts are powerful and deep by now but you are getting into the rhythm, feeling a throb in your cock and prostate with each one. With the final one she lets out a deep animal moan of lust and swears, her perfect diction dripping for a moment revealing a hint of Essex accent
"Fuck, that was delicious."
She wraps her arms around you and you feel the warm sweat glistening on her as your bodies rub together.
"Let's get you down from there. You are such a good $boy today my sweet."
She unclips your cuffs and leads you to the bed where she rubs your limbs to ensure there is no pain.
"I have one more position for you to try. Are you ready my little fucktoy?"
[[The last position->Megan_domevent2_4]]<img src="Images/People/Megan/Megan_nudeboots.jpg" width=600 />
She takes your wrists and ties them to silken ropes at end of the bed frame, then does the same with your ankles.
"This final position is sometimes called the spread eagle, like on a Roman standard. It exposes the genitals although your ass is less accessible here. This can be done standing if I attach your arms to two different anchor points."
Her voice is beautiful as she softly lectures you on the finer points of the bondage she is inflicting upon your body.
"I find this also works well with a blindfold." She wraps some cloth around your head, and all falls dark. "Now your sense of sight is removed so the other senses increase to compensate. Firstly hearing. Focus on my voice. I have so enjoyed playing with you today and you have been such a good $boy that I want to reward you."
"Thank you $megname."
"Secondly smell. You feel her body moving close to you and smell her exotic perfume in your nostrils. You breathe in deeply as it is replaced by a more musky odour."
"And now taste." Her voice is further away as she pushes her wet pussy deep into your mouth, filling it with her wet juices. She rocks back and forward as you sup in her sweet flavours.
"And finally touch." You feel her long hair brushing over your crotch as she lifts her body away from you, and then her fingernails tracing a line from your ankle up to your inner thigh and back, up and back. <<if $penis neq "tiny">>Your cock pokes up as hard as it is able to get, pulling eagerly away from your crotch.<</if>> Her touch moves around your body, squeezing your nipples, kissing your neck, rubbing your balls, as each part in turn is teased and caressed.
Then without prompting you feel a hot wetness on your crotch. With an involuntary gasp from your open mouth you feel your cock slip inside her. You feel her thighs press together as she squeezes your chest.
"Fuck me, my sweet sweet slave. Fuck your $megname."
The binding is not as tight as earlier and you are able to move sufficiently to push upwards deep inside her.
You feel the pleasure building and then suddenly she slips off you. There is a cold feeling on your balls as she presses something against them. Ice perhaps. Your arousal subsides.
"Not yet, my sweet."
The process repeats. Touching, teasing, arousal and Megan pushing you deep inside her, thrusting and then stopping just before you climax. And as you are bound you can do nothing to prevent it. Then a third time. And a fourth she slips off your cock.
By this time you are a quivering mess.
"Please $megname. Please let me cum. I beg you."
"Sshh, baby, shh."
You feel a fire in your crotch as you slip inside her for a fifth time. This time is more forceful, more urgent, and you feel her arousal growing as well.
"Come for me, my sweet slave." she commands
And you do. Like never before, spurting deep deep within her again and again.
<<penisvag "Megan">><<cum>>
She lies there for a time, your limbs still tied as she cuddles you close, whispering sweet nothings against your chest. Eventually your cock grows flaccid and slips out of her.
<<if $fetish_cum eq 1>> She remembers her station and you hear her moving and positioning herself above your mouth, smelling a mixture of cum and her own juices, before you feel this liquid dripping between your lips.
"Now swallow every drop, my cum drinking princess." she commands <</if>>
After a while the blindfold is removed, and she takes the leather cuffs off
Exhausted you clean the sweat and sex from your body, before she clips you back into your chastity cage.
<<set $chastitycount= 0>><<set $chastity= 1>>
"I think we can agree that the denial makes the climax more intense. For both of us."
"Thank you $megname" you reply, taking in her beauty a little as you dress before departing.
<<link [[Dress and Head home->YourRoom]] >><<WearAll>><<wait>><</link>><img src="Images/People/Daisy/daisycry.webp" width=600 />
"What?" she cries out in surprise
But why?"
[[There is someone else->Daisy_refuse]]
[[I need some freedom for a while->Daisy_refuse]]
<<if $Daisydomevent gt 0>>[[You are too cruel and selfish when we are together. I am not your doll->Daisy_refuse]]<</if>>"All in one place except for one thing. I hope you haven't cum yet, I haven't given you permission."
She is right, you haven't, although the pleasure on your cock is intense.
"On the other side of the wall is an employee of the club, Pierre. Pierre has two skills. First he is an accomplished pianist. Do play for us Pierre."
A beautiful melody starts up from through the wall that you can hear perfectly from your prone position.
"Secondly he is a keen cyclist. He dreams of returning to France and setting up a cycle race, a tour de France. On the other side of the wall is a cycle. Attached to it through an elaborate gearing mechanism of his devising is a piston. And attached to that piston, very soon, will be this cock."
She standd in front of you holding a large dildo that appears to be made of latex rubber. The other end has a long steel rod with a thick screw on it.
"So Pierre is going to play the piano and cycle. The cycle will move the piston, the piston will move the cock, and the cock will fuck your ass. All while you are immobile with your head looking at my delightful artwork.
"Sight, sound, touch, what am I forgetting? Oh yes, smell."
She takes off her panties and wraps them about your head. The combination of her perfume and juices from her cunt fills your nostrils. "
And now I am off to the club. I should be back in six or seven hours. Unless I get lucky in which case I will see you in the morning. Don't worry, Pierre will keep you company with his music. Do start cycling Pierre."
As she was talking she must have been screwing the dildo to the piston, as you feel a thrusting as it starts going into and out of your gaping arse.
"Oh, you may cum, my sweet. As many times as you are able."
You try to thank her but simply drool into your gag instead. The first thrust makes you climax almost instantly as the force pushes your cock deeper into the oiled silken folds. As you lie recovering you note the intricacies of the scene in front of you, noting a young woman tied and being taken from behind in a similar fashion to yourself. You gasp as the thrusting behind you continues, and feel your arousal build once again.
[[Continue->Megan_domevent3_2]]You rise to a second orgasm, and a little while later a third. Your cock is starting to feel sore at this point. The thrusting in your rear is intermittent. Sometimes it is in time with the music, sometimes fast, sometimes slow. It stopped for 5 minutes at one point along with the piano and you prayed that it was over, but Pierre must have just been taking a break, because it resumed again soon after.
All you can smell is Megans' panties and perfume.
All you can see is erotic artwork
All you can hear is the piano and your own moaning
All you can taste is the leather gag and your own saliva
But you can feel everything. The dildo in your arse. Your cock wrapped in oiled silks. Every thrust you give, every thrust you receive.
"No more" you cry, but it comes out as "nnn mre..."
You strain your head to see if you can see the time at a carriage clock on the bedside table, but note that it is turned and positioned just out of view. How long has it been? Two hours? You think it dark outside from the level of light in the room. You feel a little cramp in your calf muscle and move to readjust your weight, but only succeed in enhancing the delightful sensation in your groin. Against your wishes you feel another arousal grow. You think you can smell semen through the panties - unsurprising as you have climaxed so many times. When will Megan be back? Another four hours or so?
The piano strikes up a rousing rendition of the French national anthem La Marseillaise, as you feel the tempo of the piston match the upbeat pace of the music. Your cock must be red raw, and only semi hard, but keeps pumping away. The fake cunt is still as tight as a virgins arse and you feel a pleasurable tickling in your balls with every thrust from behind. Although not experienced at prostate stimulation, you feel something growing there too as the rubber cylinder rubs against it rhythmically.
Oh god, oh no, you're going to come again.
You feel yourself dribble once again into the silken hole, but in your ass there is no relief as La Marseillaise continues.
Tears start to run down your face
[[Mumble your safeword into the gag in despair->Megan_domevent3_3]]"$safeword"
Or that is what you mean to say. The consonants all sound like F or S and the vowels are a mumbled uuuh
The thrusting stops.
The music stops.
Something touches your shoulder and you jump out of your skin.
"Sssh, my pet. It's ok. Your Mistress is here."
She was in the room all along. She unties you carefully, rubbing a soothing balm into your ass and cock, and wrappping a blanket around you she lies next to you, not talking on the soft cotton sheets.
You remember her words from when you first agreed to this
'When you say your safeword, we stop playing. Without question. Not all dominants respect this but for me it is absolute. '
She wouldn't leave you - not somewhere she couldn't hear you say or attempt to say your safeword. She said today was about trust.
Half an hour later you are just about recovered. She draws you a soapy bath and sponges you down, before patting you dry with the fluffiest of white cotton towels.
"I fear you might not be able to hear La Marseillaise without wincing in future my pet,"
You laugh at her jest, enjoying the momentary reversal of your roles.
"While we play, I am dominant, but after the scene has ended it is important to ensure you feel comfortable, both physically but also emotionally. It is called aftercare. I am not your Mistress because you serve me, I am your Mistress because you trust me to make decisions for the good of both of us. Did you enjoy today?"
"Yes $megname"
"And did you believe that I had gone?"
"Yes $megname"
"And did you trust that I would not let you come to harm?"
You consider for a moment.
[[Yes, I trusted you->Megan_domevent3_4]]
[[No, I had my doubts->Megan_domevent3_4]]She nods, softly.
"I understand. And lasting trust does take time. I cannot protect you from the outside world, but in here you are safe. But our time is again up."
She clips your red shrivelled cock back into its chastity cage before kissing your lips softly, like a lover.
<<set $chastitycount= 0>><<set $chastity= 1>>
"Thank you " you reply as you leave. "What are you teaching me next week, $megname?"
"Oh, next time will be fun. We will be exploring your limits of pain and pleasure."
<<link [[Dress and Head home->YourRoom]] >><<WearAll>><<wait>><</link>><<daisyevent 2>>
You sit opposite Daisy at a table big enough for four. To your side sits Mrs Ambrose, her stern look ensuring that you remain chaste, wary of lewd acts like holding hands or kissing,
You gaze at Daisy, and ask how her day has been. Next you talk about the weather, the church, family and other mundane topics.
You feel something moving between your legs. You are about to call out when Daisy looks deep into your eyes and smiles. There is a stroking motion against your
<<if $chastity eq 1 >> chastity cage, and she gives you a slightly cruel smile as she toys with your trapped cock.
<<else>> cock, and you realise she is stroking it with her foot. You chew gently on your meal, enjoying the sensation. A second foot joins it, and together they rub you until you climax in your $panties. <<cum>>
"Ahem." Says Mrs Ambrose. "And how are your business ventures progressing, $playername", obviously trying to find out the prospects of a prospective future son in law.
You mumble a noncommittal reply, before trying to change the subject.
You slip your foot out of your shoe and try to return the favour, sliding your $socks clad foot between her thighs. She bites her lip. "Do go on" she asks. You don’t think she’s talking about your conversation. You slip your toe inside her panties, sliding it back and forth.
"Mmmmh, this pudding is divine." Says Daisy as she puts another mouthful of sweet cream between her lips. "Yes it is, dear." Says her mother.
"Mmmmm. " She repeats as you feel her crotch twitch against your toe. You put your foot back in your shoe and continue the rest of the meal.
<<set $daisylove +=1>>
As you leave the restaurant, Mrs Ambrose walks a few feet behind the two of you as you return home. Daisy has much rosier cheeks on the return walk than the way out.
<<link [[ Head home->YourRoom]] >><<wait>><</link>>Ruby, Daisy and you sit on the bed and start kissing - first lips, soft and gentle at the start but getting more passionate. You run your fingers through eac others hair and breathe in their perfumed scents. Daisy is the least experienced, kissing nervously, and then overcompensating by bossing you around.
"Now kiss Ruby, on her neck, just there. Good girl. Take her bra off now and start kissing her titties. Aren't they good enough to eat. You might as well take mine off while you are at it.
"Before a few minutes have gone by the girls are topless and you and they are kissing each others breasts.
<img src="Images/People/Daisy/DaisyandRuby.webp" width=600 />
Ruby is getting quite impatient, and starts putting her hands into your panties to touch with your cock. <<if $penis neq "tiny">>It is getting quite hard from all the kissing and breast play. <</if>>
"I want to play with her cock, her clit I mean."
"Ok, have a little play, but don't make it cum just yet, that would ruin all our fun."
Ruby takes your $penis cock in her hand and starts stroking it expertly, just teasing the tip and running her fingers down the balls.
"I do love how she is all smooth and clean and hairless. All the men I have to fuck are hairy and smelly. I like the cocks, but the rest of them is a bit gross to be honest
"I know what you mean
You speak up, trying to agree that you prefer to be smooth and clean, but Daisy puts her finger over your mouth. "You are not here to talk, sweetness." she reminds you.
Ruby leans down and puts the tip of her tongue against your cock. <<if $penis neq "tiny">>It is now as hard as it gets, pushing up out of your panties. <</if>>
"I think its time to fuck. Just look how excited she is."
Ok. I'll let you fuck her. But you have to kiss me at the same time.
Daisy lies you down flat on the bed and whispers in your ear. "I want you to fuck her then fuck me. And don't dare to cum before we do, or there'll be some spanking for you. Now strip."
<<link [[Strip->Daisydomevent2_2]]>><<WearOuter>><<StripAll>><</link>><img src="Images/People/Daisy/DaisyandRuby_nude.webp" width=600 />
You lie on the bed and Daisy sits astride your face, pushing her wet pussy deep onto your lips. Ruby then clambers on top of your groin, pushing herself onto your $penis cock. The 2 girls kiss each other as you pleasure them with your mouth and member, squeezing each others breasts, scratching your thighs and generally fucking like a couple of cats in heat.
Ruby rocks back and forth like a pro, bucking her hips and moaning as she does so. You are getting quite close to cumming from all this attention.
<<penisvag "Ruby">>
[[Cum in Ruby->Daisydomevent2_3a]]
[[Pull out to delay your climax->Daisydomevent2_3b]]<img src="Images/People/rubynude.webp" width=600 />
Ruby squeals as she cums, and the friction pushes you over the edge and you squirt your seed inside her. <<cum>>
"Oooh. That was lovely. Kissing my best friend while having a lovely cock cumming inside me."
"Cumming? I told her not to cum."
Daisy climbs off your mouth and looks at Ruby, seeing the sticky creampie inside her.
"You won't get pregnant will you?"
"Nah, this happens all the time. And I don't think she's got the clap. I'll go clean up."
"No, I've got a better idea."
The girls swap position. She locates Ruby where she was sitting earlier, and takes her position on your softening cock, moving her pussy lips back and forward along its length teasing you. Ruby opens her legs slightly, showing highly impressive pelvic control, and the salty sticky liquid drips out of her cunt into your mouth. You lick her out as commanded, <<if $fetish_cum eq 1>> lapping it down eagerly, and relishing the taste of your cum mixed with her juices. <<else>> grimacing at the taste of your own cum but unable to do anything to stop her. <</if>>
Your arousal begins to increase again and Daisy slips her thighs around you and squeezes as she pushes her pussy lips about your cock and rides your cock.
"Fuck me my little cumslut. Suck Ruby dry and fuck my tight little virgin hole. Well almost a virgin anyhow. Only fucked by you<<if $cuckcount gt 0>> and $cuckcount other<<if $cuckcount gt 1>>s<</if>><</if>> and you're not really a man so don't count." <<penisvag "Daisy">>
You keep going as she screams and cums, but as you get close to cumming a second time she stops, and squeezes your balls painfully.
"I don't think she should cum again. It's not fair, and she did cum in you without permission. I think we should just lock her up again."
Ruby nods and puts some cold water on your throbbing cock until the erection subsides before squeezing you back into your cage and clicking the lock closed.
"I'm sorry, she whispers. I did like you fucking me, even if you did cum."
<<chastity 1>>
Daisy watches carefully, with a smile somewhere between possessive and cruel. "Good girl, your clitty all locked up nice and safe again. Anyhow, fun over for today, so time to head home, sweet $subname. "
Her and Ruby get back to kissing on the bed, ignoring you as you pick up your clothes and leave.
<<link [[return home->YourRoom]]>><<WearAll>><<wait>><</link>><img src="Images/People/rubynude.webp" width=600 />
You pull out and finish Ruby off with your finger, squeezing the base of your cock with your other hand to stave off your own climax. Thankfully you have stopped just in time although you feel deflated as your erection starts to wane.
Ruby squeals as she cums, and squirts sticky fluid all over your fingers
"Oooh. That was lovely. Kissing my best friend while having a lovely cock fucking me. But its a shame she pulled out, I do love feeling cum inside me."
"$femname is a good girl. I told her not to cum. Maybe later if she keeps behaving. Anyhow, it must be my turn now."
Daisy climbs off your mouth and the girls swap position. Ruby sits on your mouth and you taste her sticky juices as you lick her tender cunt with its tiny ginger triangle of hair nuzzling your chin. Daisy takes her position on your softening cock, moving her pussy lips back and forward along its length teasing you.
Your arousal begins to increase again and Daisy slips her thighs around you and squeezes as she pushes her pussy lips about your cock and rides your cock.
"Fuck me my little cumslut. Suck Ruby dry and fuck my tight little virgin hole. Well almost a virgin anyhow. Only fucked by you and you're not really a man so don't count."
You keep going as she screams and screams in pleasure
"Oh fuck, fuck me my little $subname. Cum in mummy, yes cum for your Miss Daisy."
Unable to resist you squirt a huge load inside her, your pleasure doubled by the denial you had to endure earlier. Ruby joins in the fun also, as your eager tongue smothers her clit to a second orgasm.
<<penisvag "Daisy">>
The three of you lie in a heap of entangled limbs afterwards, kissing and touching each other. Daisy seems to have forgotten you are anything other than three girlfriends enjoying each others bodies. Ruby alternates between kissing you both, until she notices the time and starts dressing.
"You had better go too, $femname." Daisy says. But we need to put your clitty away, as lovely as it was to play with her today. She kisses the tip before clicking the lock in place. <<chastity 1>>
"Same time next week, sweet girl."
<<link [[return home->YourRoom]]>><<WearAll>><<wait>><</link>><<widget cum>>
<<set $sex_cum_count += 1>>
<<set $arousal = 1>>
<<widget cuck>>
<<set $cuckcount +=1>>
<<widget fellatio>>
<<set $sex_fellatioreceive_count +=1>>
<<widget cunni>>
<<set $sex_cunnigive_count += 1>>
<<widget penisvag>>
<<set $sex_penis_vag_count +=1>>
<<if $sex_virginityloss eq "Nobody" and _args[0] eq "MrsA">>
<<set $sex_virginityloss = "Mrs Ambrose, your Aunt">>This was not how you expected to lose your virginity.<</if>>
<<if $sex_virginityloss eq "Nobody" and _args[0] eq "Ruby">><<set $sex_virginityloss = "Ruby Hathaway">>You are pleased to have lost your virginity to a pretty girl like Ruby. <</if>>
<<if $sex_virginityloss eq "Nobody" and _args[0] eq "Daisy">>I am so happy I lost my virginity to my cousin Daisy.<<set $sex_virginityloss = "Daisy Ambrose, my cousin">><</if>>
<<if $sex_virginityloss eq "Nobody" and _args[0] eq "Megan">><<set $sex_virginityloss = "Mistress Megan">>You are pleased to have lost your virginity to a goddess like Mistress Megan, even if you did have to pay for it.<</if>>
<<if $sex_virginityloss eq "Nobody" and _args[0] eq "Nell">>I can't believe I lost my virginity to a dirty street whore.<<set $sex_virginityloss = "Nell, a 3 penny street prostitute">><</if>>
<<if $sex_virginityloss eq "Nobody" and _args[0] eq "Mimi">>I lost my virginity to Mimi, a Japanese submissive.<<set $sex_virginityloss = "Mimi, a Japanese submissive.">><</if>>
<<if $sex_virginityloss eq "Nobody" and _args[0] eq "Babette">>I lost my virginity to Babette and Yvette de Fontaine, a pair of French twins .<<set $sex_virginityloss = "Babette and Yvette de Fontaine, a pair of French twins">><</if>>
<<if $sex_virginityloss eq "Nobody" and _args[0] eq "Bunny">>I lost my virginity to Bunny, a pink haired bimbo nymphomaniac .<<set $sex_virginityloss = "Bunny, a pink haired bimbo nymphomaniac">><</if>>
<<if $sex_virginityloss eq "Nobody" and _args[0] eq "Orgy">>I can't believe I lost my virginity in an orgy at the Hellfire Club. There were so many people there I can't even remember who to.
<<set $sex_virginityloss = "Multiple partners in a free for all orgy">><</if>>
<<if $sex_virginityloss eq "Nobody" and _args[0] eq "Melissa">>I lost my virginity to Melissa Hildegarde, a Viscount's daughter.<<set $sex_virginityloss = "Melissa Hildegarde, a Viscount's daughter">><</if>>
<<widget penisass>>
<<set $sex_penis_ass_count +=1>>
<<widget asspenis>>
<<set $sex_ass_penis_count +=1>>
<<if $sex_analvirginityloss eq "Nobody" and _args[0] eq "LordB">>I lost my anal virginity to Lord Bentley, a peer of the realm with a love of buggery .<<set $sex_virginityloss = "Lord Bentley, a peer of the realm with a love of buggery">><</if>>
<<widget asstoy>>
<<set $sex_ass_toy_count +=1>>
<<widget nicend>>
<<SetFlag "nicgag" false>>
<</widget>><<widget houseevent>>
\<<set $randomset = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7]>><<set $h = 1>>
\<<set $r = $randomset.pluck()>>
\<<if $r lt 3>>
\<<if $spouse eq "Daisy">>[[You are interrupted as you notice Daisy|Events_Daisy]]
\<<elseif $spouse eq "Matthew">><<set $h = 0>>
\<<elseif $spouse eq "Michaela">><<set $h = 0>>
\<<elseif $spouse eq "Nicola">>[[You are interrupted as you notice Nicola|Events_Nicola]]
<<else>><<set $h = 0>>
\<<elseif $r eq 3 and $Rubymaid eq 1>>[[You are interrupted as you notice Ruby|Events_Ruby]]
\<<elseif $r eq 4 and $Nicmaid eq 1>>[[You are interrupted as you notice Nicola|Events_Nicmaid]]
\<<elseif $r eq 5 and $Micmaid eq 1>><<set $h = 0>>
\<<elseif $r eq 6 and $YvBabmaid eq 1>>[[You are interrupted as you notice one of the twins|Events_YvBab]]
\<<elseif $r eq 7 and $butler eq 1>>>>[[You are interrupted as you notice Ernest|Events_Butler]]
\<<else>><<set $h = 0>>
\<</if>><</widget>><<widget Homesexmenu>><<if $spouse eq "Daisy">>[[Go to Daisy's room to see if she is in the mood|Daisysex]]
\<<elseif $spouse eq "Matthew">>[[Go to Matthew's room for sex|Mattsex]]
<<if $Rubymaid eq 1>>[[Go to Ruby's room for sex|Rubysex]]
\<<if $Nicmaid eq 1 or $spouse eq "Nicola">>[[Go to Nicola's room for sex|Nicsex_bedroom]]
\<<if $Micmaid eq 1 or $spouse eq "Michaela">>[[Go to Michaela's room for sex|Michaelasex]]
<</if>> <</widget>>
<<widget Daisycuckend>>
\<<set $randomset = [1, 2]>>
\<<set $temp1 = $randomset.pluck()>>
\<<if $temp1 eq 1>>Daisy finishes and stands next to you.
"Have you been a good girl? I've been thoroughly wicked, look at all this spunk in me. Now if you lick it up I'll let you cum.
[[Start licking semen from Daisy's vagina|DaisyMattcuck][$temp = 11]]
[[Refuse and go back to your room to mocking laughter|YourRoom]]
<<elseif $temp1 eq 2>>"Oh look at you, you so want to cum don't you. Well not tonight. Go and get your beauty sleep my darling.
[[Go to Your bedroom|YourRoom]]"
<<widget RubyDaisysex>><<if $Daisy eq "dom" and $p lt 3>><<set $randomset = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6]>><<set $r = $randomset.pluck()>><<if $penis neq "none">>
<<if $p eq 1>>Daisy takes your cock between thumb and forefinger.
"I think we can have some fun with this, Ruby."
She points to indicate how she wants you to perform.<</if>>
\<<if $r eq 1>>[[Obey and lie on your back|RubyDaisysex][$temp = 4]]
\<<elseif $r eq 2>>[[Obey and lie on your back|RubyDaisysex][$temp = 5]]
\<<elseif $r eq 3>>[[Obey and fuck Ruby from behind|RubyDaisysex][$temp = 6]]
\<<elseif $r eq 4>>[[Obey and fuck Daisy from behind|RubyDaisysex][$temp = 7]]
\<<elseif $r gt 4>>[[Obey and watch Ruby and Daisy play|RubyDaisysex][$temp = 11]]
\<<else>><<if $p eq 1>>Daisy strokes your tight pink pussy with a forefinger.
"My, how wet you are. I think my princess wants to play."
She points to indicate how she wants you to perform.
\<<if $r eq 1>>[[Obey and lie back|RubyDaisysex][$temp = 8]]
\<<elseif $r eq 2>>[[Obey and rub your pussy against theirs|RubyDaisysex][$temp = 9]]
\<<elseif $r eq 3>>[[Obey and start licking|RubyDaisysex][$temp = 10]]
\<<elseif $r eq 4>>[[Obey and start touching them|RubyDaisysex][$temp = 12]]
\<<elseif $r gt 4>>[[Obey and watch Ruby and Daisy play|RubyDaisysex][$temp = 11]]
[[Refuse|RubyDaisysex][$temp = 99]]
\<<elseif $Daisy eq "dom" and $p eq 3>>\<<set $randomset = [1, 2]>><<set $r = $randomset.pluck()>>
\<<if $r eq 1>>"It is late, I think we should go to sleep." says Daisy with a satisfied sigh.
"Aren't you going to let $femname cum?" asks Ruby.
Daisy shakes her head. "I don't think so. I like her when she's a little frustrated. She is much more eager that way, aren't you sweetie. Maybe tomorrow."
Without another word you are ushered out of the room and return to your own, feeling a little used and incredibly aroused.
<<link [[Sleep]]>><<WearAll>><</link>>
\<<elseif $r eq 2>>"$subname has been such a good girl, I think we shall let her climax, Ruby. Go on $subname, cum for me my darling."
\<<elseif $p lt 5>> [[Kiss them both|RubyDaisysex][$temp = 2]]
<<if $penis neq "none">>[[Get them to suck your cock|RubyDaisysex][$temp = 3]]
[[Lie on your back and fuck Daisy while sucking Ruby|RubyDaisysex][$temp = 4]]
[[Lie on your back and fuck Ruby while sucking Daisy|RubyDaisysex][$temp = 5]]
[[Fuck Ruby from behind|RubyDaisysex][$temp = 6]]
[[Fuck Daisy from behind|RubyDaisysex][$temp = 7]]
[[Masturbate while you watch them|RubyDaisysex][$temp = 11]]
\<<else>>[[Get them to lick your pussy|RubyDaisysex][$temp = 8]]
[[Rub your pussies together|RubyDaisysex][$temp = 9]]
[[Go down on them|RubyDaisysex][$temp = 10]]
[[Masturbate while you watch them|RubyDaisysex][$temp = 11]]
<<elseif $p gt 4>>You feel your climax coming and have no choice but to:
\<</widget>><<widget whore>>
You look around the upstairs room. The wallpaper is fading with a faint yellowing from tobacco smoke and there is a strong scent of lavender, which you assume is masking other odours.
<<if $whoretoday gt 5>> You feel degraded, used and thoroughly fucked. There is dry cum in your hair and you ache in places you didn't know about. You should probably go to bed.
[[Head home|YourRoom]]
\<<if $time eq "Night">>It is late, though there are still a few punters about.
\<<elseif $time eq "Evening">>It is peak time for business, with a queue forming outside the room.
\<<elseif $time eq "Afternoon">>It is quiet in the afternoon, although a steady stream of punters come upstairs asking for "cake".
\<<elseif $time eq "Morning">>It is the quietest part of the day and most of the girls are not working yet.
<<if $sexwork lt 10>>As you are new at this kind of thing Mrs H recommended that you stick with manual relief to start off with.
\<<elseif $sexwork lt 20>>As you are less experienced at this kind of thing Mrs H recommended that you move onto oral sex.
[[Offer a blowjob|Whoring_oral]]
\<<if $sexwork gt 9>>You are an old hand at this now and can suck cocks like a professional. Mrs H has agreed you can move onto offering other parts of your body
<<if $penis eq "none">>You feel a momentary reluctance to use your 'wedding present' for sex with strangers, but your time in the club has removed feelings like guilt and shame from your lexicon.
[[Offer vaginal sex|Whoring_vag]]
[[Offer anal sex|Whoring_anal]]
\ [[Offer a handjob|Whoring_hand]]
[[Decide you don't need the money after all and head downstairs|Cafe]]
<<widget punter>>
\<<set $whoretoday +=1>>
\<<set $randomset = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5]>>\
\<<set $temp1 = $randomset.pluck()>>\
\<<if $time eq "Morning">> <<set $temp1 -=3>>
\<<elseif $time eq "Night">> <<set $temp1 -=1>>
\<<elseif $time eq "Afternoon">> <<set $temp1 -=2>>
\ <</if>>
\<<if $temp1 gt 0>>
\<<set $randomset = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5]>>\
\<<set $temp2 = $randomset.pluck()>>\
\<<if $temp2 eq 1>><img src="Images/HC21/punter1.webp" width=600 />
The punter is an older gentleman who introduces himself as Lord John. You think it is unlikely he is a lord, but play along, calling him "My Lord" as you undress him.
\ <<elseif $temp2 eq 2>><img src="Images/HC21/punter2.webp" width=600 />
The punter is a married man, as you can tell from his furtive manner and periodically rubbing the space where his wedding ring has been removed. He looks nervous but excite as you kiss him gently on the cheek and start pulling down his breeches.
\ <<elseif $temp2 eq 3>><img src="Images/HC21/punter3.webp" width=600 />
The punter is a common sort of fellow, middle aged and in a manual trade given the callouses on his fingers. He is not one for small talk and starts undressing as soon as he is in the room.
\ <<elseif $temp2 eq 4>><img src="Images/HC21/punter4.webp" width=600 />
The punter is an attractive, though arrogant sort of young man, perhaps working in bookkeeping or some such trade. He talks about himself a lot, so you encourage him with flattery as you take off his clothes.
\ <<elseif $temp2 eq 5>><img src="Images/HC21/punter5.webp" width=600 />
The punter is an inexperienced youth who appears terrified. Perhaps it is their first time. You reassure them and gently start undressing them.
\ <</if>>
<<widget whoreend>>
You clean up, then kiss him on the cheek as he departs.
<<if $whoretoday eq 2 or $whoretoday eq 4>><<wait>><</if>>
It is $time.
<</widget>><<SetFlag "event">>The foyer is full of medieval costumes, as a score of costumiers are dressing guests behind screens
As you enter, a trumpeter plays, and a staff member clad in a medieval jerkin approaches you. "Hero or knave?" he inquires?
Behind him you see a range of outfits in a makeshift changing area. Knightly plate armour, ballgowns fit for a princess, fine lordly silks and what looks like a chainmail bra and panties.
[[Dominant "Hero" - choose armour->HC_event5_1][$temp1 = "hero"]]
[[Submissive "Knave" - choose finery->HC_event5_1][$temp1 = "knave"]]<<femcheck>>
<<if $temp1 eq "hero">>
\<<if $femcheck lt 2>> You are presented with a set of armour. Well a woollen jerkin dyed silver to look like mail, covered with a breastplate emblazoned with the red cross of England and a lion rampant. A helmet that reminds you of a bucket is handed to you to finish the outfit off. You look suitably heroic but you hope that you won't be fighting any dragons today. <<StripAll>><<set $outfit = "knight costume">>
\<<else>> You are handed the chainmail panties and bra. They do seem to be made of metal, and thankfully have a satin lining, although you expect they will chafe a little. Any protective value they might offer from their metallic construction is offset by the fact that the remaining ninety percent of you is completely unclad and only the unluckiest of dragons landing a blow on your tits or ass would find itself impeded in any way. On the other hand you do look very sexy. <<StripAll>><<set $outfit = "chainmail bra and panties">>
\<<if $femcheck lt 2>>
You are handed a jesters outfit. You start to protest, suggesting that you would make a far better baron or Duke than a jester, and anyhow, isn't this more a role for one of the staff, but the costumier shrugs and moves to assist a less argumentative customer. <<StripAll>><<set $outfit = "jester costume">>
\<<else>>You are handed a long pink medieval gown. It is long and elegant and you look like a virgin princess. You seem to recall something about the story of St. George involving a dragon that was partial to virgin princesses, but soon forget this given the soft silks you are wearing. <<StripAll>><<set $outfit = "princess dress">>
[[Enter the banquet->HC_event5_2]]You enter the Ballroom which is set up as a medieval banquet hall with roaring fireplace, heraldic tapestries and even a stags head set upon one wall. You find a seat about half way down one of the two long wooden tables set up, and sit upon the wooden bench there. As expected Megan and Walsingham are at the top table clad as king and queen. Next to Megan sits Gabriel, Michaela's brother, clad in shining white mail with a red St. George's cross on his breast. Given tonight's theme it is pretty clear which character he is representing. Michaela is sitting next to her brother in a virginal white gown.
"Heya" calls a familiar voice. "You want some ale?"
<img src="Images/People/Bunnybeer.jpg" width=600 />
Bunny is dressed as a serving wench. Her ample bosom is falling out of a pale pink blouse. Somehow the bunny ears are still present despite everything that has happened since Easter.
"How are you doing Bunny?" you ask
\<<if $HC4choice eq "bun">>She leans in and kisses you on the lips. "I've been missing you, sweetie. We had fun last time. I'm up for a rematch if you are.
\<<else>>"Not so bad. Just about recovered from last week's orgy. I bet this redhead girl to see who could take the most cock and she beat me, so I've got something to prove this week." <</if>>
"So what are you supposed to be today?"
<<if $temp1 eq "hero">>"Some kind of knightly hero I think. I'm hoping there won't be any actual fighting involved."
<<elseif $outfit eq "princess dress">>"Some kind of noblewoman. Maybe a princess? This dress looks your colour."
<<else>> "Comedy relief? It could be worse, they could have given me a lute." <</if>>
Bunny heads off to serve some more drinks as a gong sounds to indicate that dinner is served. Bishop Greene is dressed in brown as a monk of some sort and says grace in Latin, you think: "Exhilarator omnium Christe, Sine quo nihil suave, nihil jucundum est. Benedic, quaesumus, cibo et potui servorum tuorum, Quae jam ad alimoniam corporis apparavisti".
The banquet begins as the serving staff start hacking chunks off two large pigs that are roasting in the fireplace. The meat is delicious as is the beer, and you soon get into the swing of things, although Bunny objects every time you call out "Wench, more ale!" every time she passes.
As the main course finishes, there is a sounding of trumpets. A lone soldier clad in similar armour to the knights around the table but covered with blood, presumably fake, rushes through the door. "The Dragon is here! It demands a sacrifice of a beautiful princess" he calls out, before falling to the ground.
"At least it's not asking for a virgin - wouldn't find one here." calls out a voice, followed by laughter.
Gabriel as St George stands up.
"To arms, my knights" he calls out, pointing at a rack of swords against one wall."
<<if $temp1 eq "hero">>[[Take a sword and go fight a dragon->HC_event_5_3]]<<else>>[[Offer yourself as a sacrifice->HC_event_5_5]]<</if>>
[[Watch from the sidelines->HC_event_5_5bad][$temp2 =3]]<<SetFlag "event">>
It is early evening, and you are surprised to be led through the foyer into the garden, which is pleasantly warm. Spring flowers are in bloom, and fruit trees are showing blossom.
"Voulez vous Le Pimms, <<sir>>?"
"C'est ne pas 'voulez vous'. Ees 'Would you like the Pimms.'"
You turn and see Yvette and Babette dressed in the black serving outfits, stockings and heels of hellfire staff.
<img src="Images/People/YvetteBabettegardenmaids3.webp" width=600 />
"I didn't know you worked here?"
Babette puts on a stony face, while Yvette wipes away a tear. "C'est un tale of tragedy et misère. Papa is dead. And the house and all his fortune is left to his new wife, La Chienne. She is barely older than us. And the day after the funeral she casts us out and calls us, what was the phrase, 'Good for nothing lazy sluts.'"
"She has a nerve. Fucking a man twice her age to inherit his fortune. Who is she calling a slut? She killed dear papa with sex, his heart could not take it, poor lapin."
"And now we work here. On weekends anyhow. But we are looking for somewhere to stay. And work. If you hear of somewhere we would be grateful."
"Very grateful."
<<if $house gt 0>>[[I have recently moved into a property and was looking for maids.->Yvette Babette maidoffer]]
[[I am sorry for your loss, and will keep a look out for you->HC_event 6_2]]Time to be a hero. You are the first to stand up and loudly proclaim (as you have had one or two ales too many) "I shall help you fight this dragon, Saint George!"
There is a rousing cheer from a crowd of middle aged men dressed as noblemen in velvet jerkins and pantaloons. Bunny gives you a kiss on the cheek. "My hero!" she swoons.
You take a sword and shield. Sadly the swords all look to be made of wood, someone obviously decided that having real swords at a feast with drunken revellers was probably a bad idea. You hope that the dragon is similarly fake, although the shield is sturdy enough.
Three other knights stand with you and Gabriel. You don't recognise them, but Gabriel leads you out into the foyer as the double doors are opened wide so that the audience can see the show you are putting on.
A figure, you presume an actor or one of the staff, is crawling on the foyer ground, a long green cloak pulling behind him decorated like a dragons wings. He rasks, unintelligibly, then stands up to a gasp from the crowd. He is almost seven feet tall, a giant of a man, with biceps like taut rope.. He is also painted green with bodypaint, with a scaled pattern inked onto his muscled flesh. And between is legs is a penis the likes of which you have never seen before. It is at least fourteen inches long and almost two inches wide. He rushes at one of the knights and throws him bodily at the staircase where he lands with a crash. Ouch - that must have hurt.
The 'Dragon' calls out. "Phfuck. Nnnneeedd. Ffuckkk."
"What the hell is that thing?" cries Gabriel. Walsingham said it was an actor painted green."
"Well he is painted green..."
"What should we do?"
[[Charge him all together->HC_event_5_5bad][$temp2 = 1]]
[[Try to arrange a distraction->HC_event_5_4]]
[[Run away->HC_event_5_5bad][$temp2 = 2]]"I offer myself to the dragon to save the kingdom!"
Offer yourself as a sacrifice to a dragon. Even in a fantasy banquet at a sex club this sounds like a bad idea. Maybe especially in a fantasy banquet at a sex club. But you've said it now.
Gabriel, dressed as St George, puts on a suitably solemn expression, blathering on about nobility and how the kingdom will honour your sacrifice. Megan beams proudly, and Walsingham looks at you as if you are an idiot.
The double doors to the foyer are opened and the 'Dragon' s revealed. You see a tall man, at least six and a half feet and broadly built with a green cloak flowing behind him to represent wings. So far so good. As his cloak billows around him you realise he's naked, and extremely well muscled. Ok, that is less good. And then you catch a glimpse between his legs of the biggest cock you've ever seen. Well over a foot long, almost two inches wide. You have no orifice that is going to fit into. And if he tries you are going to be hurt a lot.
"Fffuck princess...." Calls the dragon.
Gabriel and three other knights stand behind as you step gingerly forward towards the dragon.
[[Bend over and try to distract the dragon->HC_event_5_5verybad]]
[[Wait for it to get close and kick it in the balls->HC_event_5_5good][$temp2 = 3]]
[[Run away->HC_event_5_5bad][$temp2 = 2]]Thinking quickly, and taking one look at the 'Dragon's' erect cock, you think of a suitable distraction. You aren't really dressed to impress the beast, but you know who is.
"Bunny - get your tits out and give this thing a show. Trust me!"
She catches on to your plan quickly, or maybe she just takes any excuse to undress, you aren't quite sure, and quickly strips off her blouse and starts lifting up her skirt alluringly.
<img src="Images/People/Bunny_strip.webp" width=600 />
"Mr Dragon. Do you want some pussy Mr Dragon?
She does sound quite sincere. And if you know anyone who would go for monster cock, it's probably Bunny. She walks slowly away from you, luring the creature in the opposite direction. It advances on her slowly, licking its lips as it drools and you hear it calling out. "Tiiits. Like tits. Wanna fffuckkk ears." It does sound drunk.
The creature pounces at Bunny and pins her to the ground and she screams.
"Now!" cries Gabriel, as the four of you rush for its unprotected back with your swords
[[CHARGE!->HC_event_5_5good][$temp2 = 2]]\<<if $temp2 eq 1>>You rush at the beast, but he is prepared for you and smashes his arm down, breaking your flimsy wooden sword and knocking you to the ground. Gabriel fares little better, being smashed to one side and knocking his head. He lies still, unconscious.
\<<elseif $temp2 eq 2>>This is not your finest hour. In the confusion you and several others make a bid for freedom to get away from the monster.
\<<elseif $temp2 eq 3>>You sit back and watch as three knights join Gabriel and pull open the doors. A figure, you presume an actor or one of the staff, is crawling on the foyer ground, a long green cloak pulling behind him decorated like a dragons wings. He rasks, unintelligibly, then stands up to a gasp from the crowd. He is almost seven feet tall, a giant of a man, with biceps like taut rope.. He is also painted green with bodypaint, with a scaled pattern inked onto his muscled flesh. And between is legs is a penis the likes of which you have never seen before. It is at least fourteen inches long and almost two inches wide. He rushes at one of the knights and throws him bodily at the staircase where he lands with a crash.
Chaos reigns, as participants rush for every exit, some heading upstairs, some for the kitchens. The creature rushes into the remaining knights and knocks them aside. You hear a scream as the creature grabs hold of a young woman dressed as a princess and starts thrusting at her.
A short while later there is a gunshot, followed by another.
When you emerge you see Walsingham holding a pistol, and the actor playing the creature lying in a pool of red blood. Its victim is screaming hysterically, covered in a mixture of her assailants and her own blood.
"Well that got out of hand faster than I expected." says Walsingham. "I guess we will have to make the usual payments to the police to make this all go away. "
Along with the rest of the crowd you disperse, not feeling the need for any further revelry. <<if $testedT eq 1>>The sight of the dragon man stays with you. Huge penis. Increased aggression. High sex drive. It's like all the effects of Substance T magnified to a horrific extent.<</if>>
<<link [[Leave the club|YourRoom]]>> <<wait>><<WearAll>><</link>>\<<if $temp2 eq 2>>You leap to Bunny's defense as the green painted monstrosity attempts to penetrate her, with Gabriel and the others not far behind. The creature is distracted and mounts no defense, but your sword is pretty ineffectual. You drop it and
\<<elseif $temp2 eq 3>>You hold your nerve as the creature approaches you, its long green erection poking out in a terrifying fashion. When it gets within reach you kick out suddenly, and you feel a crunch as the full force of your foot collides with its crotch. It doubles over as its foot long erection explodes in pain. You<</if>> grab a bronze candlestick that you crash about the creature's head, and it falls to the ground.
The sight of the dragon man stays with you however. Huge penis. Increased aggression. High sex drive. It's like all the effects of Substance T magnified to a horrific extent.
There is cheer from the crowd, as Gabriel and the other knights lift you aloft, carrying you back to the dining hall, where a place is set for you up on the top table.
Walsingham sets about the foyer dealing with the fallout of the attack, muttering something about staff vetting, and sets security staff and cleaners about the place to sort things out, while you continue with feasting and debauchery.
You are given much wine to deal with the bruising you endured, and the roast hog is followed by a very pleasant fruit pie. Megan apologises for the treatment you endured and offers for you to keep your outfit as a token of appreciation. <<set $objects[$outfit].inv = 1>>
During desert, Bunny arrives and wraps her arms around you.
"My hero!" she swoons, kissing you repeatedly about head and neck. She doesn't seem to have covered herself up any, and the half naked beauty is making very clear that she wants to thank you personally after the feast.
The feast dies down, as people head off, the excitement over.
[[Head upstairs with Bunny->HC_event_5_bunnysex]]
<<link [[Leave the club|YourRoom]]>> <<wait>><<WearAll>><</link>>You bend over and present your ass to the green painted man-monster in front of you. He grabs hold of you and pushes you to the ground.
The next two and a half minutes is indescribably painful as something the size of a small marrow is forced into your rear.
You do however distract the creature long enough for Gabriel and his knights to coordinate an attack behind it and whack it about the head, rendering it unconscious.
Walsingham arrives on the scene, muttering something about staff vetting, and sets security staff and cleaners about the place to sort things out, while the rest of the crowds continue with the general feast and debauchery.
You lie upstairs for a few hours to recover, unable to sit down after your anal mauling. You hear much revelry from downstairs though and are pleased that your noble gesture defended the club from a lone brain addled dragon. They do let you keep your outfit, however as a gesture of thanks.
The sight of the dragon man stays with you. Huge penis. Increased aggression. High sex drive. It's like all the effects of Substance T magnified to a horrific extent.
<<set $objects[$outfit].inv = 1>>
<<link [[Leave the club|YourRoom]]>> <<wait>><<WearAll>><</link>>Bunny takes your hand, and drags you upstairs, kissing you before leaving you on the bed as she changes. She throws the scraps of torn serving wench outfit on the floor, giggling that she has something more appropriate,
<img src="Images/People/Bunnynudecuffs.webp" width=768 />
She walks back in nude, with a leather collar and restraints around her wrists. She secures one wrist to the bedpost, before offering you the other.
"You saved me from that beast. Do what you want with me, my <<if $femcheck gt 2>>lady<<else>>lord<</if>>."
You secure her other wrist before stripping naked yourself and admiring your prize.
She has a few scratches and bruises, and has had an ordeal today, so you treat her tenderly, kissing her restrained body all over, before
\<<if $chastity eq 0>>rubbing your $penis penis against her perfect pink triangle of pubic hair.
You slip deep inside her.
"You're not quite as big as the dragon was, but I think I prefer you." she jokes, before gasping as you growl like a dragon and start fucking her harder.
"Yes my sweet knight..." she moans, straining against her bonds until you cum deep inside her.
<<penisvag "Bunny">><<cum>>
<<else>>using your mouth and fingers on her and kissing her passionately.
"Yes my sweet knight..." she moans, straining against her bonds until your flicking tongue makes her climax. <</if>>
<<link [[Leave the club|YourRoom]]>> <<wait>><<WearAll>><</link>><img src="Images/People/YvetteBabettegardenmaids2.webp" width=600 />
"Work for you? As maids? Cleaning and cooking?"
"In our own room? You are not just asking us for the sexytimes?"
"No, there is a room with 2 beds you can use."
"I can cook." says Babette. "I can prepare you a feast. I can spotted your dick, and I batter your sausage to make the hole with the toad and other British meals."
"She is rather good. She was screwing Monsieur Roux, le chef a la maison and he teaches her the techniques. And I can clean, with the little feather duster I get into all of your dirty holes"
You negotiate a little over price, but once you take board and lodging into account you feel you have secured a good deal, and helped out these two down-on-their-luck ladies.
"But no putain. It would not be proper for you to take advantage."
"Maybe a little putain?"
"Ok, le petit putain."<<set $YvBabmaid =1>>
They kiss your cheeks, one left, one right in unison, and then get back to their duties
<<if $HCevent eq 6 and $day eq "Saturday">>[[Return to the May Day celebration->HC_event 6_2]]
<<else>>[[Return to the bar->HC_bar]]<</if>><img src="Images/People/YvetteBabettegardenmaids.webp" width=600 />
You sip upon your Pimms and Lemonade, realising quickly that it is both very sweet and very alcoholic, and take a look about the garden.<<drunk 1>>
There is a noticeboard describing the evening's festivities:
Pimms and ale at the Bar
Morris Dancing
Hobby horse riding
Maypole competition
Garland King and Queen
Green Man - cancelled due to unforseen circumstances last week
Finale - Hunting the Earl of Tyrone
[[Head for the bar->HC_event 6_bar]]
[[Take a look at the maypole competition->HC_event 6_maypole]]
[[Watch the Morris dancing->HC_event 6_morris]]
[[Check out the hobby horses->HC_event 6_horses]]
[[Investigate the Garland King and Queen->HC_event 6_queen]]
[[Wait for the Finale->HC_event 6_finale]]<<set $temp1 = 1>>
You wander over to the area indicated for the maypole, but instead of the traditional ribbon adorned pillar, you see a screen with four small holes at waist height, next to a low raised platform.
Two members of staff, one male, one female are encouraging the participants
"Good evening, are you here to provide a pole or to judge one?"
You look at them in confusion.
"I am sorry, most of the guests remember this event from last year. Volunteers who are 'suitably endowed' step behind the screen and put their member through the hole. One of my colleagues is there for 'encouragement'. The remaining guests, mainly ladies, will judge the maypoles on their length, girth and appearance. The winning contestant will then take pride of place on the platform here and the maypole will be decorated with ribbons in the traditional manner."
It is certainly a novel take on the idea, but in fitting with the phallic symbolism of the maypole and the traditions of May Day as a fertility ritual.
[[I wish to submit my Maypole for consideration->HC_event 6_maypole1]]
[[I just want to observe->HC_event 6_maypole2]]A bell rings to indicate the end of the evening, and all gather behind the main house.
"Ladies and Gentlemen. It is the start of May, and as is traditional, we celebrate the hunting of the Earl of Tyrone. In Elizabeth's reign, during the Irish rebellion, he was an outlaw who led his pursuers a merry dance before he was caught.
To commemorate this, we give a convicted thief a chance to escape their captivity. We will give this man here one minute head start, after which we will pursue him with horse and hound. If he can get over the gates at the back of the compound, he can go free. If not, he will serve the rest of his sentence. Earl of 'Rone. Do you have anything to say?"
"You're all barking mad the lot of you. But I'm not passing up a chance for freedom - I'm off"
With this the shabby looking man starts running in the direction of a glade of trees.
After 30 seconds a horn sounds.
You see Walsingham in a light chariot pulled by two ponygirls and two ponyboys, whipping at them to go faster. A couple of leather clad subs are on all fours, sniffing the ground for the man's scent. It is reminiscent of a fox hunt.
You join most of the pursuers on foot, and you trot through the woods. The pursuit is mainly for show, you are in central London after all, but you can imagine Walsingham regularly takes part in hunts on his estate. Whether he hunts humans you aren't entirely sure but are a little too afraid to ask.
You exit the woods into a clearing, and see the prisoner climbing the iron fence at the end of the compound, his only means of escape.
From the side, you hear a shot ring out. The man falls to the ground. Dead.
"What-ho. I think I bagged the kill, dear."
The voice comes from a man in a white suit on horseback. In his fifties his blonde hair is turning white. He holds a hunting rifle, smoking from the end. Behind him on a beautiful grey mare is a woman in her early forties. Wearing a white blouse and riding skirt, her long hair cascades behind her
"Well they did start without us. We rode all evening to get here and only just got here for the finale." she replies, disappointedly
"I will make it up to you. I am sure they missed us while we were away."
Without another look at the man turns and rides toward where Walsingham is stepping down from his chariot.
"My, my, my, the prodigals return. Victoria - how was your vacation?" Walsingham helps the lady down from her horse and kisses her hand. "Arthur - still a crack shot I see."
"One tries to keep ones hand in, Edward, one tries."
"Ladies and Gentlemen, our council is now complete. For those new to the club may I introduce Lord and Lady Bentley."
Behind, two of the staff pick up the body and start dragging it away.
Walsingham, Megan and the Bentleys look at each other across the lawn. Beneath the veneer of politeness, you sense rivalry, animosity, possibly more between Walsingham and Arthur Bentley. Megan looks at Lady Victoria with venom.
"Why Victoria. It has been so quiet without you. I hope your trip was not too tiring, I know that you can be delicate."
"Nonsense, I am as fit as ever. A little skiing and winter sunshine is good for one. You should try it, it might bring some colour to your cheeks being outside rather than 'working' in your boudoir."
Lady Victoria speaks down to Megan like she would a servant. There is no love lost there either.
"We have much to discuss." says Walsingham.
The four walk inside together, across the black and white checked floor of the patio. Two in black, two in white. Like a pair of kings and queens on a chessboard.
<b>End of Act One : Money</b>
<<link [[Leave the club|YourRoom]]>> <<wait>><<WearAll>><</link>><img src="Images/People/ponygirls4.webp" width=600 />
There is much excitement as you step into the paddock area.
Two young women clad in leather bridles and harnesses are warming up, trotting about the grass. Their thighs are well muscled, but aside from the leather straps they are quite naked. They are also wearing heeled boots that look at best uncomfortable, at worst dangerous to run in.
Each has a trainer calling out instructions.
You see Walsingham exchanging a sheaf of notes with another man. "Ah, <<boy>>. Come to watch the fillies? I was just placing a bet. We are down to the final pair.
"What do they do?"
"Race, dear <<boy>>$boy, race. With a rider either on their back as today, or in a cart. They need to travel the length of the paddock, around that post and back to this line. Oh, and jump that fence at the end." He indicates a small foot high obstacle"
"And the riders - men or women?"
"Traditionally the opposite sex from the ponies. Usually small folk. There was a fad for midgets a few years back but that was viewed as cheating. They are over there." You see two silk clad skinny men chatting to each other, not an inch over five feet either of them.
"Could I take part?" you ask.
"Not today - ponygirls and their riders train for weeks. You would need to find a suitable partner and practice. There are other ponygirl, and ponyboy, events later in the annual club calendar. I am sure Mistress Megan can set you up with a trainer and partner for next time. Anyhow, the race is about to start - place a bet if you wish."
<<if $money lt 252>>You do not have a guinea so cannot bet.
\<<else>>[[Bet a guinea on red. Odds of 2/1->HC_event 6_horses_2][$money -= 252 , $bet = "red"]]
[[Bet a guinea on the favourite, blue. Odds of 1/2->HC_event 6_horses_2][$money -= 252 , $bet = "blue"]]
\[[Don't place a bet - just watch the race->HC_event 6_horses_2][$bet = "none"]]Six men stand facing each other, wearing traditional white shirts and trousers and holding sticks, with bells around their ankles, with flowers adorning their hats.
They turn and start to dance, shaking their ankles in time and striking their sticks together. Two musicians play in the background, one on a flute, one on a drum.
After striking their stiicks three times, the dancers step back into two lines, and each removes their shirt.
The process repeats. Spin, dance, jump, strike. Spin, dance, jump, strike. Spin, dance, jump, strike. Again three times, then the lines reform and the white trousers are removed. The men now stand naked aside from their floral hats and their ankle bells. They drop their sticks, and turn to face each other again. All appear to be rather more aroused than one might expect from a little dancing
The third time they strike their penises together. Once, twice and three times as before. There is a cheer and the dance ends. The eight then set about each other in a display of kissing, touching and collapse into an eight man orgy reminiscent of a rugby scrum.
You are somewhat bemused by the whole affair.
<<set $temp2 =1>>
[[Head to the bar->HC_event 6_bar]]
<<if $temp1 eq 0>>[[Take a look at the maypole competition->HC_event 6_maypole]]<<else>>You have already taken part in the maypole competition<</if>>
<<if $temp3 eq 0>>[[Check out the hobby horses->HC_event 6_horses]]<<else>>You have watched the hobby horses.<</if>>
<<if $temp4 eq 0>>[[Investigate the Garland King and Queen->HC_event 6_queen]]<<else>>You have seen the Garland queen.<</if>>
[[Wait for the Finale->HC_event 6_finale]]\<<if $temp5 eq 0>>You find a heated argument in force at the bar between Megan and Bishop Greene.
"May Day is a fertility celebration, the birth of spring. It's about sex." states Megan, simply.
"No, it is a celebration of the virgin Mary, Mary's day. May - Mary. They are only one letter different." replies the bishop.
"It was celebrated in pagan times by people who had never read the bible."
"The May queen - dressed in simple white - who could that be apart from Mary?" counters the bishop
"Then what is the maypole? Something Joseph knocked up in his carpenters shop? It's a phallic symbol - a great big cock."
"Hmm. I will have to dwell on the scripture of this. Another Pimms, my Queen?"
"Gladly, your Grace."
The two beckon a young man over who refills their glasses from a large jug.
\<<else>>Megan and Bishop Greene are still in heated discussion about the origins of May day. They seem to be several glasses of Pimms down each and quite merry.<</if>>
<<link[[Get another drink->HC_event 6_Pimms]]>><</link>>
[[Speak to the Bishop->HC_event 6_bishop]]
[[Speak to Megan->HC_event 6_megan]]
<<if $temp1 eq 0>>[[Take a look at the maypole competition->HC_event 6_maypole]]<<else>>You have already taken part in the maypole competition
<<if $temp2 eq 0>>[[Watch the Morris dancing->HC_event 6_morris]]<<else>>You have already seen the Morris dancing
<<if $temp3 eq 0>>[[Check out the hobby horses->HC_event 6_horses]]<<else>>You have watched the hobby horses.
<<if $temp4 eq 0>>[[Investigate the Garland King and Queen->HC_event 6_queen]]<<else>>You have seen the Garland queen.
[[Wait for the Finale->HC_event 6_finale]]<<set $temp4 =1>>
You head off the main garden to a side area where a pair of flower adorned chairs are sitting on a raised platform. A small crowd is gathering to await the unveiling of this year's Hellfire spring queen.
"As May Day is a symbol of fertility, then a young man and woman symbolise the potential for new life and the changing of the guard from the last generation to this."
you note Megan has walked in behind you, helpfully explaining the situation.
<<if $femcheck gt 2>> "Could I be this year's queen?" you ask, looking as feminine as you can.
"I don't think even our club is quite ready for that. Maybe next year. "
<<else>> "Do we vote for the Queen?"
"Heavens no, what do you think Britain is, a democracy? <</if>> The Queen is appointed, and then she selects her consort. Like our Empress Victoria did her dear departed Prince Albert so many years ago."
"My you do sound so very traditional. I thought you were a suffragette, Megan." Walsingham has entered just behind her
"I am a feminist. Victoria is the only bastion we have against you lot." she jests. "Anyhow, it is time." She walks up on stage. "On behalf of the Hellfire club, I would like to announce this years May Queen for 1899. May I present to you, Miss Daisy Ambrose."
<img src="Images/People/Daisy/Daisymayqueen.webp" width=600 />
Your cousin walks out onto the platform from behind the curtain. She is radiant, though wearing very little - a garland of flowers that hangs over her naked breasts, a floral circlet on her golden locks, and some shoes. She sits down beaming on the rightmost chair to polite applause.
"I didn't want to spoil the surprise. We have become quite close since the ball, your cousin and I. <<if $HC4choice eq "daisy">> And whilst after your advances she isn't quite a virgin any more, we do take what we can get in this place. <</if>>"
Daisy starts to speak. "My dearest subjects." there is laughter at this. "I am new to this world of Hellfire, meeting some of you for the first time at the Debutantes ball, but it is an honour to serve you today as your May Queen. I will speak to a few of you now, and announce my consort in due course.
She steps down from the platform and starts to circulate.
<<if $HC4choice neq "daisy" or ($Daisydomevent eq -1 and $Daisyevent eq -1)>>She walks up to you with a frosty look. "Cousin. How delightful to see you here. They made me a member. I know you normally need property for full membership, but as I am Daddy's only heir she decided it was only a matter of time. I wonder which of these strapping young things I shall make my consort today. No, of course it won't be you. You had your chance but <<if $HC4choice eq "orgy">>decided to fuck everyone but me it seems.
<<elseif $HC4choice eq "bab">>ran off with a pair of French tarts.
<<elseif $HC4choice eq "mic">>decided you couldn't manage a real woman.
<<elseif $HC4choice eq "bun">>screwed the help instead.
<<else>>got cold feet. Coward. <</if>>
\Anyhow, a good day to you."
She turns her back. It does seem she has not yet forgiven you,
A short while later she walks up onto stage with Colonel Wilberforce, who is grinning ear to ear. He takes off his shirt and is presented with a floral garland and floral crown, before they sit down on their thrones.
You applaud politely, before deciding to make yourself scarce.
[[Head to the bar->HC_event 6_bar]]
<<if $temp1 eq 0>>[[Take a look at the maypole competition->HC_event 6_maypole]]<<else>>You have already taken part in the maypole competition<</if>>
<<if $temp2 eq 0>>[[Watch the Morris dancing->HC_event 6_morris]]<<else>>You have already seen the Morris dancing<</if>>
<<if $temp3 eq 0>>[[Check out the hobby horses->HC_event 6_horses]]<<else>>You have watched the hobby horses.<</if>>
[[Wait for the Finale->HC_event 6_finale]]
<<elseif $Daisydomevent gt 0>>She walks up to you with an imperious look and kisses your cheek politely "$subname, how good to see you here, <<if $femcheck gt 2>>and properly attired as well. <<else>>although you are looking very masculine today, I thought this was the one place you could be yourself. <</if>>So would you like to be my consort today. You are a man, on paper at least. And I am ever so fond of you. Or if you prefer, I shall pick Colonel Wilberforce. Will that please you, to see him touching me? Would you like to watch us together? You've seen how he looks at me. I wouldn't fuck him, not yet anyhow, but I might let him touch me with you watching - would you like that, poppet?
[[Agree to be the May King to Daisy's Queen->HC_event6_king]]
[[Submissive - Cuckold - Say you would prefer if Wilberforce was the consort->HC_event6_cuck]]
<<else>>She walks up to you with an imperious look, kisses your cheek politely "$subname, how good to see you here, <<if $femcheck gt 2>>and properly attired as well. <<else>>although you are looking very masculine today, I thought this was the one place you could be yourself. <</if>>So would you like to be my consort today. You are a man, on paper at least. And I am ever so fond of you. Or if you prefer, I shall pick Colonel Wilberforce. Will that please you, to see him touching me? Would you like to watch us together? You've seen how he looks at me. I wouldn't fuck him, not yet anyhow, but I might let him touch me with you watching - would you like that, poppet?
[[Agree to be the May King to Daisy's Queen->HC_event6_king]]
[[Submissive - Cuckold - Say you would prefer if Wilberforce was the consort->HC_event6_cuck]]
<</if>>"Mary's day, I tell you, It's only missing an R, and what's one letter. R, arse, sounds like arse!"
The poor fellow is absolutely sozzled.
"Aren't you one of my congregation? Thimgummy? $Hname? <<if $femcheck gt 2>>And looking most enticing today, I see. <</if>>Wearing a skirt is like wearing a cassock, gives you a bit of air about the balls, don't you find?"
He leans in and leers, as you can smell the alcohol on his breath.
"I'll let you in on a secret. I never wear underwear. Not even when giving sermons. Let the crown jewels just hang out under the robes."
You make your excuses and leave.
[[Get another drink->HC_event 6_Pimms][$drunk +=1]]
[[Speak to Megan->HC_event 6_megan]]
<<if $temp1 eq 0>>[[Take a look at the maypole competition->HC_event 6_maypole]]<<else>>You have already taken part in the maypole competition<</if>>
<<if $temp2 eq 0>>[[Watch the Morris dancing->HC_event 6_morris]]<<else>>You have already seen the Morris dancing<</if>>
<<if $temp3 eq 0>>[[Check out the hobby horses->HC_event 6_horses]]<<else>>You have watched the hobby horses.<</if>>
<<if $temp4 eq 0>>[[Investigate the Garland King and Queen->HC_event 6_queen]]<<else>>You have seen the Garland queen.<</if>>
[[Wait for the Finale->HC_event 6_finale]]<img src="Images/People/Megan/Meganoutdoors2.webp" width=600 />
She looks at you in relief and makes her apologies to the Bishop before stepping away.
"Thank you for saving me from that god fearing oaf, I like an argument as much as the next woman, but he is insufferable sometimes."
"Did you study history?"
She laughs. "Formally I did not study anything. One of my former employers was a professor, a learned man, and he had many books in his library. History, classics and philosophy mainly. When we were not spending time together I used to read. He was an elderly man, and took time to recover between sessions so I had plenty of time. Before I met him I could not even read."
She has a nostalgic almost regretful look in her eyes.
"No matter. How do you like our May day celebrations?"
<<if $temp5 eq 0>>[[Ask about May Day->HCevent6_meg1]]<<else>>You have already asked about May Day.<</if>>
<<if $temp6 eq 0>>[[Ask about St George's Day disaster->HCevent6_meg3]]<<else>>You have already asked about St George's Day.<</if>>
<<if $temp7 eq 0>>[[Ask about Yvette and Babette->HCevent6_meg4]]<<else>>You have already asked about Yvette and Babette. <</if>>
<<if $temp3 eq 1 and $found_stables eq 0>>[[Ask about ponygirls->HC_meg_ponygirls]]<</if>>
[[Get another drink->HC_event 6_Pimms][$drunk +=1]]
<<if $temp8 eq 0>>[[Speak to the Bishop->HC_event 6_bishop]]<<else>>You have already spoken to the bishop.<</if>>
<<if $temp1 eq 0>>[[Take a look at the maypole competition->HC_event 6_maypole]]<<else>>You have already taken part in the maypole competition<</if>>
<<if $temp2 eq 0>>[[Watch the Morris dancing->HC_event 6_morris]]<<else>>You have already seen the Morris dancing<</if>>
<<if $temp3 eq 0>>[[Check out the hobby horses->HC_event 6_horses]]<<else>>You have watched the hobby horses.<</if>>
<<if $temp4 eq 0>>[[Investigate the Garland King and Queen->HC_event 6_queen]]<<else>>You have seen the Garland queen.<</if>>
[[Wait for the Finale->HC_event 6_finale]]<img src="Images/People/Megan/Meganoutdoors3.webp" width=600 />
"As I was saying to the Bishop, May day is a pagan fertility ritual to celebrate the birth of spring. Some of its traditions have been appropriated by Easter, but historically communities would gather around the maypole, sing and dance chase off any evil spirits and the evening would typically end with participants pairing off or in more liberated communities an orgy."
"Is that what you are planning here??"
"Why, dear <<boy>>$boy you will have to find out. I can't spoil all my surprises can I?"
<<set $temp5 = 1>>
<<if $temp6 eq 0>>[[Ask about St George's Day disaster->HCevent6_meg3]]<<else>>You have already asked about St George's Day.<</if>>
<<if $temp7 eq 0>>[[Ask about Yvette and Babette->HCevent6_meg4]]<<else>>You have already asked about Yvette and Babette. <</if>>
<<if $temp3 eq 1 and $found_stables eq 0>>[[Ask about ponygirls->HC_meg_ponygirls]]<</if>>
[[Get another drink->HC_event 6_Pimms][$drunk +=1]]
<<if $temp8 eq 0>>[[Speak to the Bishop->HC_event 6_bishop]]<<else>>You have already spoken to the bishop.<</if>>
<<if $temp1 eq 0>>[[Take a look at the maypole competition->HC_event 6_maypole]]<<else>>You have already taken part in the maypole competition<</if>>
<<if $temp2 eq 0>>[[Watch the Morris dancing->HC_event 6_morris]]<<else>>You have already seen the Morris dancing<</if>>
<<if $temp3 eq 0>>[[Check out the hobby horses->HC_event 6_horses]]<<else>>You have watched the hobby horses.<</if>>
<<if $temp4 eq 0>>[[Investigate the Garland King and Queen->HC_event 6_queen]]<<else>>You have seen the Garland queen.<</if>>
[[Wait for the Finale->HC_event 6_finale]]<img src="Images/People/bartendergarden.webp" width=600 />
The waiter refills the jug before pouring you another drink. As he does so he explains that Pimms is a gin based drink infused with citrus and botanicals. He adds some lemonade to dilute it, before stirring in some chopped cucumber, mint leaves and strawberries.
"The first strawberries of the season." he says proudly. "From the botanical gardens here at the club"
The drink is delicious. although you can feel it going to your head.
<<drunk 1>>
[[Get another drink->HC_event 6_Pimms]]
[[Speak to the Bishop->HC_event 6_bishop]]
[[Speak to Megan->HC_event 6_megan]]
<<if $temp1 eq 0>>[[Take a look at the maypole competition->HC_event 6_maypole]]<<else>>You have already taken part in the maypole competition<</if>>
<<if $temp2 eq 0>>[[Watch the Morris dancing->HC_event 6_morris]]<<else>>You have already seen the Morris dancing<</if>>
<<if $temp3 eq 0>>[[Check out the hobby horses->HC_event 6_horses]]<<else>>You have watched the hobby horses.<</if>>
<<if $temp4 eq 0>>[[Investigate the Garland King and Queen->HC_event 6_queen]]<<else>>You have seen the Garland queen.<</if>>
[[Wait for the Finale->HC_event 6_finale]]<img src="Images/People/Megan/Meganoutdoors4.webp" width=600 />
"Last time was... unfortunate. Edward insisted on arranging matters, and I was a little preoccupied. Normally I will oversee most of the events, at least while there are just the two of us on the council."
"There are others?"
"A couple are overseas. They usually winter abroad. Their ship was delayed I believe. The rest, it needn't bother you. We all enjoy our privacy."
You take the hint.
"And Walsingham arranged the dragon?"
"It was supposed to be an actor. Painted green, grope the princess a little, get soundly defeated by the knights. I didn't expect some kind of drugged green hulk. Edward says the poor unfortunate took some type of stimulant, but..."
<<if $testedT eq 1>>"I have seen some of those signs before. The physical changes, some of the aggression. My work is not nearly so extreme, but I believe them to be related."<</if>>
"That is worrying. Sadly the individual is not around to question. Walsingham made sure of that."
"You sound as if you don't trust him."
"A snake acts according to its nature. Walsingham is simply a creature of his time. He will overplay his hand in time."
<<set $temp6 = 1>>
<<if $temp5 eq 0>>[[Ask about May Day->HCevent6_meg1]]<<else>>You have already asked about May Day.<</if>>
<<if $temp7 eq 0>>[[Ask about Yvette and Babette->HCevent6_meg4]]<<else>>You have already asked about Yvette and Babette. <</if>>
<<if $temp3 eq 1 and $found_stables eq 0>>[[Ask about ponygirls->HC_meg_ponygirls]]<</if>>
[[Get another drink->HC_event 6_Pimms][$drunk +=1]]
<<if $temp8 eq 0>>[[Speak to the Bishop->HC_event 6_bishop]]<<else>>You have already spoken to the bishop.<</if>>
<<if $temp1 eq 0>>[[Take a look at the maypole competition->HC_event 6_maypole]]<<else>>You have already taken part in the maypole competition<</if>>
<<if $temp2 eq 0>>[[Watch the Morris dancing->HC_event 6_morris]]<<else>>You have already seen the Morris dancing<</if>>
<<if $temp3 eq 0>>[[Check out the hobby horses->HC_event 6_horses]]<<else>>You have watched the hobby horses.<</if>>
<<if $temp4 eq 0>>[[Investigate the Garland King and Queen->HC_event 6_queen]]<<else>>You have seen the Garland queen.<</if>>
[[Wait for the Finale->HC_event 6_finale]]<img src="Images/People/Megan/Meganoutdoors3.webp" width=600 />
"I met Yvette and Babette at the entrance. What happened to their family?"
She shakes her head
"It is a shame. Their father was an old man and not in the best of health, it is true. A little overpartial to the foie gras. His first marriage was full of love but childless, and the second was to a beauty I knew well, but she died in childbirth. Without a mother figure the twins became spoiled as he indulged them so. He remarried a few years ago, some might say she seduced him - but she had to put up with his advances nightly - no young woman wants a fat wrinkled old man who smells of piss sticking their cock into them, no matter what they might say in public. And the man was a dirty old sod - he came onto me on several occasions. But the stepmother's treatment of the girls was cruel - she has a fortune and a mansion, there was no need to be unkind. Arrange a couple of swift marriages with a moderate dowry and she would keep most of her wealth as well as her reputation."
"You know the stepmother?"
"Only indirectly. Ambitious, beautiful but lacking empathy. And no fun at all. She came here once and sat in a corner all evening."
"What will become of the twins?"
"It may be the making of them. They were due to ruin their reputations and lose the chance at decent marriages - this way they can act true to their natures without being ostracised by society. They seem to work well as maids, although we have only taken them on part time."
<<if $YvBabmaid eq 1>>"I have offered them positions in my household, as kitchen maid and housemaid."
"Oh you are a dear. Do let me know how they get on"
<<set $temp7 = 1>>
<<if $temp5 eq 0>>[[Ask about May Day->HCevent6_meg1]]<<else>>You have already asked about May Day.<</if>>
<<if $temp6 eq 0>>[[Ask about St George's Day disaster->HCevent6_meg3]]<<else>>You have already asked about St George's Day.<</if>>
<<if $temp3 eq 1 and $found_stables eq 0>>[[Ask about ponygirls->HC_meg_ponygirls]]<</if>>
[[Get another drink->HC_event 6_Pimms][$drunk +=1]]
<<if $temp8 eq 0>>[[Speak to the Bishop->HC_event 6_bishop]]<<else>>You have already spoken to the bishop.<</if>>
<<if $temp1 eq 0>>[[Take a look at the maypole competition->HC_event 6_maypole]]<<else>>You have already taken part in the maypole competition<</if>>
<<if $temp2 eq 0>>[[Watch the Morris dancing->HC_event 6_morris]]<<else>>You have already seen the Morris dancing<</if>>
<<if $temp3 eq 0>>[[Check out the hobby horses->HC_event 6_horses]]<<else>>You have watched the hobby horses.<</if>>
<<if $temp4 eq 0>>[[Investigate the Garland King and Queen->HC_event 6_queen]]<<else>>You have seen the Garland queen.<</if>>
[[Wait for the Finale->HC_event 6_finale]]Behind the pole Michaela is manning security, accompanied by Bunny. She appears to only be wearing a pink thong, heels and her ears, and is currently giving a tall stark naked short-haired gentleman a blowjob.
"Ugh, hegh theurgh. Jesht ah mehnuthhh."
She removed her mouth and licks her lips. "There ya go, all nice and hard. Just go stick it in the hole sir. The one in the screen, not mine."
"How ya doin' $Hname? Get those clothes off and let me see your cock."
You strip as requested and stand in front of her.
\<<if $chastity eq 1>>Michaela steps forward, and reveals a small key from around her neck. "Megan entrusted me with this in case anyone was volunteering who was encaged. I am under orders to lock it up again afterwards, I hope you understand. She carefully unlocks your member and gives it a little stroke before placing the cage to one side.<</if>>
\Bunny takes one look at your penis.
\<<if $penis eq "tiny">> "Er, where is it? That's not really going to go through the hole. I guess I'll give it a go." She valiantly tries to tease an erection out of your tiny clitty, licking, sucking and kissing it, before giving you a show of her fingering herself, but it remains at best half erect.
\<<elseif $penis eq "small">> "That is so cute. All pink and hairless and beautiful. What a beautiful little girlcock." She strokes it gently, before licking it like a lollipop, working hard to get it erect. She sits you down to play with her boobs as she does so.
\<<elseif $penis eq "average">>"Evenly proportioned, no blemishes. Maybe not the biggest but it's got it where it counts." She opens her mouth and deepthroats the whole thing, smearing thick saliva all over your cock.
\<<elseif $penis eq "large">> "Bazinga, that is a big cock. Just needs a little fluffing." she says with a professional eye. She delicately puts it in her mouth and teases the underside with her tongue, tickling your balls while giving you a nice view of her boobs."
\<<elseif $penis eq "huge">> "Fucking hell, I don't think even I can get that in my mouth." She licks her lips and gives it a good try, but just sucks on the end and massages the balls. <</if>>
"Ok, you're good to go. Just stick it through the hole, the judging is about to begin."
You stick your cock in the gloryhole and wait. From the other side you hear women talking before you feel hands on your cock, stroking and touching it. A few times you feel lips about your member, but the judges are careful only to tease, not to make you ejaculate.
"Hmm, the length is good but lacking girth I think."
"Good even pink colour."
"What do you think about the balls? I think this one is a bit bigger than the left."
"Mmmh. Clean but slightly salty. Yum."
"It is such a shame the Prince isn't competing this year."
"That wasn't a competition, that was a coronation, sweetie."
"Ooh, this one is circumcised. I do think that makes them look nicer"
"Oh that one is so cute. But you wouldn't want to fuck it, would you. It would barely fit inside."
"Just look at the size of this one. Imagine that on your wedding night?"
"Imagine it? I want to try it out."
It is hard to make out which comments are referring to you and which to your fellow contestants who are being similarly handled.
After about ten minutes, but it feels like longer, Michaela announces that the judging is over.
\<<if $penis eq "large"or $penis eq "huge">>Your cock is victorious. It wins in both categories of length and girth, and came second in appearance. You are brought out to a cheer and laid upon the plinth. A dozen of the female judges set u pon you with long ribbons, tying them about the base of your cock as they stroke, touch and kiss you. Once attached, they wrap and bind you in the ribbons, until you lie, immobile and bound in silk, with every movement tugging gently on your cock. They then climb upon you and start fucking you, taking it in turn to mount the winning pole and thrust once or twice before giving way to the next girl. This teasing goes on for half an hour, never enough to make you cum. Sometimes while waiting they sit on your face or shove a nipple into your mouth, but you can do little other than suck as you are restrained. Eventually when you can bear no more, one young woman, you don't recognise her, steps forward from the crowd and strips naked aside from a floral wreath. She kneels gently above your cock, and lowers herself onto it, gasping as she takes its whole length inside her inch by inch. The remainder take their ribbons and pull on them , so you feel a tightening at the base of your penis as you thrust deep inside her.
A chorus raises up, accompanied by clapping in time "Fuck the maypole, fuck the maypole, fuck the maypole." As you cum, the girl gasps and lies back as the remaining girls take turns supping your juices from between her legs.
\<<elseif $penis eq "average">>You come a commendable second place. You gain good scores for both length and girth, as well as general appearance, but the winner just pips you at the post for an extra half an inch. The winner is taken to the plinth and surrounded by a gaggle of young women. They tie ribbons around his cock and tease, suck and finally one is selected to fuck him until he cums exhausted. "That could have been me", you think, ruefully."
\<<elseif $penis eq "small" or $penis eq "tiny">>You are judged in last place. Whilst you gained marks for cute appearance, you fell far behind the others in the length and girth categories. The winner is taken to the plinth and surrounded by a gaggle of young women. They tie ribbons around his cock and tease, suck and finally one is selected to fuck him until he cums exhausted. You are on reflection glad that your $penis cock was not subjected to that as you dont think it could have managed the strain. <</if>>
<<if $chastity eq 1>>Michaela locks you away again after the event.<</if>>
Get dressed then:
<<link [[Head to the bar->HC_event 6_bar]]>><<WearAll>><</link>>
<<if $temp2 eq 0>><<link [[Watch the Morris dancing->HC_event 6_morris]]>><<WearAll>><</link>><<else>>You have already seen the Morris dancing<</if>>
<<if $temp3 eq 0>><<link [[Check out the hobby horses->HC_event 6_horses]]>><<WearAll>><</link>><<else>>You have watched the hobby horses.<</if>>
<<if $temp4 eq 0>><<link [[Investigate the Garland King and Queen->HC_event 6_queen]]>><<WearAll>><</link>><<else>>You have seen the Garland queen.<</if>>
<<link [[Wait for the Finale->HC_event 6_finale]]>><<WearAll>><</link>>"Oh don't be shy. You can cast a vote like everybody else."
You wait, surrounded by eager young women in floral dresses. As the competition starts, four penises emerge through the holes. Most are above average in either length or girth. One is slightly misshapen with a blemish on the scrotum, and the women are merciless in their judgements:
"Hmm, the length is good but lacking girth I think."
"Good even pink colour."
"What do you think about the balls? I think this one is a bit bigger than the left."
"Mmmh. Clean but slightly salty. Yum."
"It is such a shame the Prince isn't competing this year."
"That wasn't a competition, that was a coronation, sweetie."
"Ooh, this one is circumcised. I do think that makes them look nicer"
"Oh that one is so cute. But you wouldn't want to fuck it, would you. It would barely fit inside."
"Just look at the size of this one. Imagine that on your wedding night?"
"Imagine it? I want to try it out."
The comments continue until the voting begins. The favourite is clear, so you vote along with the majority.
The winner is taken to the plinth and surrounded by the gaggle of young women. They tie ribbons around his cock and tease, suck and finally one is selected to fuck him until he cums exhausted.
[[Head to the bar->HC_event 6_bar]]
<<if $temp2 eq 0>>[[Watch the Morris dancing->HC_event 6_morris]]<<else>>You have already seen the Morris dancing<</if>>
<<if $temp3 eq 0>>[[Check out the hobby horses->HC_event 6_horses]]<<else>>You have watched the hobby horses.<</if>>
<<if $temp4 eq 0>>[[Investigate the Garland King and Queen->HC_event 6_queen]]<<else>>You have seen the Garland queen.<</if>>
[[Wait for the Finale->HC_event 6_finale]]"Megan, after seeing the ponygirls perform, I was wondering if it would be possible to take part in future. <<set _Options = ["pony" , "rider", "unsure"] >>
"You wish to be trained? As a pony or as a rider?"
<<cycle "$ponytype" autoselect>>
<<optionsfrom _Options>>
Interesting. I am sure that it can be arranged. Let me give you the address of our stables. There is a trainer there, Mistress Penelope who can whip you into shape. No, I am not being metaphorical, she takes her calling very seriously."
<<set $found_stables =1>>
<<if $temp5 eq 0>>[[Ask about May Day->HCevent6_meg1]]<<else>>You have already asked about May Day.<</if>>
<<if $temp6 eq 0>>[[Ask about St George's Day disaster->HCevent6_meg3]]<<else>>You have already asked about St George's Day.<</if>>
<<if $temp7 eq 0>>[[Ask about Yvette and Babette->HCevent6_meg4]]<<else>>You have already asked about Yvette and Babette. <</if>>
[[Get another drink->HC_event 6_Pimms][$drunk +=1]]
<<if $temp8 eq 0>>[[Speak to the Bishop->HC_event 6_bishop]]<<else>>You have already spoken to the bishop.<</if>>
<<if $temp1 eq 0>>[[Take a look at the maypole competition->HC_event 6_maypole]]<<else>>You have already taken part in the maypole competition<</if>>
<<if $temp2 eq 0>>[[Watch the Morris dancing->HC_event 6_morris]]<<else>>You have already seen the Morris dancing<</if>>
<<if $temp3 eq 0>>[[Check out the hobby horses->HC_event 6_horses]]<<else>>You have watched the hobby horses.<</if>>
<<if $temp4 eq 0>>[[Investigate the Garland King and Queen->HC_event 6_queen]]<<else>>You have seen the Garland queen.<</if>>
[[Wait for the Finale->HC_event 6_finale]]<img src="Images/People/ponygirls4.webp" width=600 />
The girls start next to each other as their riders climb aboard their backs, holding leather riding crops. The starter fires a small pistol and the girls start running encouraged by gentle slaps to their asses. The pony in red takes an early lead, but stumbles at the first turn, misjudging the weight of her rider. Blue overtakes on the bend and gets a length ahead, but her rider is using the whip liberally and she appears to be tiring. As she reaches the jump she loses her footing and the rider swears loudly, striking her ass forcefully. Red gains, by a head, as they near the finish line...
<<set $randomset = [1, 2, 3]>> <<set $temp9 = $randomset.pluck()>>
<<if $temp9 eq 1 and $bet eq "red">>The girl in red keeps the lead, breaking the finish ribbon with her outthrust breasts a fraction before the blue ponygirl. You have won. You collect your winnings from the bookie. <<set $money += 504>>
<<elseif $temp9 eq 1 and $bet neq "red">>The girl in red keeps the lead, breaking the finish ribbon with her outthrust breasts a fraction before the blue ponygirl. You should have bet on red.
\<<elseif $temp9 neq 1 and $bet eq "blue">>The girl in red strains as she nears the line, but the blue rider keeps smacking his whip and her face seared with pain blue pushes ahead, forcing her bosom forward to breaks the finish ribbon with her outthrust breasts. As she crosses the line she collapses exhausted. You have won. You collect your winnings from the bookie. <<money 252>>
<<elseif $temp9 neq 1 and $bet neq "blue">>The girl in red strains as she nears the line, but the blue rider keeps smacking his whip and her face seared with pain blue pushes ahead, forcing her bosom forward to breaks the finish ribbon with her outthrust breasts. As she crosses the line she collapses exhausted. You should have bet on blue. <</if>>
You move to speak to the ponygirls, but their trainers quickly corral them into a stable building. The losing trainer looks unhappy and muzzles the poor girl with a leather hood.
<<set $temp3 =1>>
[[Head to the bar->HC_event 6_bar]]
<<if $temp1 eq 0>>[[Take a look at the maypole competition->HC_event 6_maypole]]<<else>>You have already taken part in the maypole competition<</if>>
<<if $temp2 eq 0>>[[Watch the Morris dancing->HC_event 6_morris]]<<else>>You have already seen the Morris dancing<</if>>
<<if $temp4 eq 0>>[[Investigate the Garland King and Queen->HC_event 6_queen]]<<else>>You have seen the Garland queen.<</if>>
[[Wait for the Finale->HC_event 6_finale]]<<if $chastity eq 1>> "I think you might be needing this, my dear. Do give it back to me at the end of the evening." says Megan, handing you a small key on a chain. You discretely click the lock open around your penis.<</if>>
You take Daisy's hand and step onto the platform with her, then <<if $outer neq "none" or $top neq "none" or $bottom neq "none">>your outer clothing is removed and <</if>>a crown of flowers placed on your head. You hold Daisy's hand as she sits next to you and the crowd applaud, throwing petals at you until the platform is covered in a floral banquet. <<StripAll>>
"It is time." calls the crowd
Time for? Oh.
Daisy looks deep into your eyes and kisses you, before pulling you down onto the floral bed. She loosens your underclothes before taking your cock in her hand and smiling. It is strange doing this in front of an audience, especially as you and Daisy have not had much time together privately, but part of you is turned on by the experience, and it is easy to lose yourself in her smell and taste and touch. She gasps as you enter her, and hold your head in her hands.
"Just look at me. Ignore the rest. Just us."
The smell of flowers mixes with her scent as she wraps her legs around your ass and squeezes you tightly with her pelvic muscles, scratching your back as she enjoys the moment. With all the sensation you cum quickly and are unsure if she does, but she holds you tightly afterwards, kissing you repeatedly. Megan throws a sheet over the pair of you. "You are so sweet together". she gushes.
<<penisvag "Daisy">><<set $daisylove +=2>>
"Enjoy the rest of the evening. I will see you at the finale." says Daisy as you dress.
You put your clothes back on and return to the party.
\<<if $chastity eq 1>>"Aren't we forgetting something now we have had our fun?" calls out Megan's voice.
"Yes Mistress."
"That's better."
She retrieves her key and walks off with an imperious smile.
\Get Dressed then:
<<link [[Head to the bar->HC_event 6_bar]]>><<WearAll>><</link>>
<<if $temp1 eq 0>><<link [[Take a look at the maypole competition->HC_event 6_maypole]]>><<WearAll>><</link>><<else>>You have already taken part in the maypole competition<</if>>
<<if $temp2 eq 0>><<link [[Watch the Morris dancing->HC_event 6_morris]]>><<WearAll>><</link>><<else>>You have already seen the Morris dancing<</if>>
<<if $temp3 eq 0>><<link [[Check out the hobby horses->HC_event 6_horses]]>><<WearAll>><</link>><<else>>You have watched the hobby horses.<</if>>
<<link [[Wait for the Finale->HC_event 6_finale]]>><<WearAll>><</link>>"I understand. Watch me carefully now my $subname, no looking away." She squeezes your hands tightly before giving you a tender smile and turning away.
"I choose Colonel Wilberforce as my consort for today." she calls
A short while later she walks up onto stage with Colonel Wilberforce, who is grinning ear to ear. He takes off his shirt and is presented with a floral garland and floral crown, before they sit down on their thrones. The crowd applaud, throwing petals at them until the platform is covered in a floral banquet.
"It is time." calls the crowd
Time for? Oh.
Daisy looks deep into your eyes as she stands up and strips naked, taking Wilberforce's hand and and pulling him down onto the floral bed. The audience cheers, but throughout the act Daisy's eyes remain locked on yours. She gasps as he enters her, thrusting frantically at her soft beautiful form.
You see his hairy ass pounding up and down and she begins to moan softly, squeezing one breast with her free hand.
She makes him pull out before climax, and he cums on her stomach and breasts,
<<set $daisylove +=1>><<cuck>>
She pushes Wilberforce off, thanking him before calling you over.
"Help clean me up, $subname $femname.
[[Lick up the cum from her body->HC_event6_cuck2][$sex_cumswallow_count += 1, $temp10 = 1]]
[[Wipe off the cum from her body->HC_event6_cuck2]]You
\<<if $temp10 eq 1>> lick up every drop of the other mans seed, swallowing every drop, before helping<</if>>
\ clean Daisy up. She puts her clothes back on.
"I am just checking you are ok. That was intense, and I enjoyed it, but are you sure it is what you wanted?"
You nod.
"She has momentarily lost the confidence she has shown before when she has been dominant, but once reassured, it reasserts itself.
"Good. This is how it must be. I will take my pleasure with whom I want. And you will watch, or join in if I command. Is that understood?"
"Yes Miss Ambrose."
"Excellent, Enjoy the rest of the evening $subname. I will see you at the finale." says Daisy.
[[Head to the bar->HC_event 6_bar]]
<<if $temp1 eq 0>>[[Take a look at the maypole competition->HC_event 6_maypole]]<<else>>You have already taken part in the maypole competition<</if>>
<<if $temp2 eq 0>>[[Watch the Morris dancing->HC_event 6_morris]]<<else>>You have already seen the Morris dancing<</if>>
<<if $temp3 eq 0>>[[Check out the hobby horses->HC_event 6_horses]]<<else>>You have watched the hobby horses.<</if>>
[[Wait for the Finale->HC_event 6_finale]]You have met the following in the course of the game:
<b>Primary Characters</b>
<table style="width:100%">
<td><img src="Images/Profiles/Daisy.jpg" width=200 /></td>
<td><b>Daisy </b></td>
<td>Your cousin Daisy Ambrose. Since you knew her as a child she's all grown up.</td>
<td><img src="Images/Profiles/Matthew.jpg" width=200 /></td>
<td><b>Matthew Chadwick</b></td>
<td>Your best friend Matthew. You served together in the military. Now works in a dull job in sales.</td>
<<if $found_megan gt 0>> <tr>
<td><img src="Images/Profiles/Megan.jpg" width=200 /></td>
<td>An expensive courtesan and dominatrix. <<if $HCevent gt 1>>Black Queen of the Hellfire club. <</if>><<if $Megandomevent gt 0>>Your Mistress. <</if>>
<td><img src="Images/Profiles/Walsingham.jpg" width=200 /></td>
<td><b>Sir Edward Walsingham</b></td>
<td>Entrepreneur, Member of Parliament, Minister for Industry and co-owner of your uncle's pharmacy business. <<if $HCevent gt 1>>Black King of the Hellfire club. <</if>></td>
<<if $found_michaela gt 0>> <tr>
<td><img src="Images/Profiles/Michaela.jpg" width=200 /></td>
<td><b>Michaela Taylor</b></td>
<td>A beautiful girl trapped in the body of a man. <<if $michaelasex gt 0>>Your lover.<</if>>
<<if $nic_event neq 0>> <tr>
<td><img src="Images/Profiles/Nicola.jpg" width=200 /></td>
<td>Your ex girlfriend, now an initiate nun. <<if $nic_event gt 1>>Your submissive.<</if>>
<<back "Return">>
<b>Secondary Characters</b>
<table style="width:100%">
<th>Profile Picture</th>
<td><b>Dr. Ambrose</b></td>
<td>Your Uncle Cornelius. A learned man, pharmacist and scientist.</td>
<td><img src="Images/Profiles/MrsA.jpg" width=200 /></td>
<td><b>Mrs. Ambrose</b></td>
<td>Your Aunt Helena. Works in her husbands pharmacy and looks after their household as they have no servants.</td>
<td><img src="Images/Profiles/Bishop.jpg" width=200 /></td>
<td><b>Bishop Greene</b></td>
<td>Bishop of your diocese. Has known your family for years, Was the priest that baptised you.
<<if $coffeework gt 0 or $meganevent gt 1>> <tr>
<td><img src="Images/Profiles/MrsH.jpg" width=200 /></td>
<td><b>Mrs Hathaway</b></td>
<td>Proprietress of the local 'coffee shop'. Cockney through and through.
<<if $HCevent gt 2>> <tr>
<td><img src="Images/Profiles/Bunny.jpg" width=200 /></td>
<td>A waitress and performer at the hellfire club. Insatiable. Always wearing rabbit ears for no explicable reason.
<<if $HCevent gt 4>> <tr>
<td><img src="Images/Profiles/BabetteYvette.jpg" width=200 /></td>
<td><b>Babette and Yvette de Fontaine</b></td>
<td>Twin heiresses to a French aristocrat living in the Cotswalds. Spoiled rotten.
<td><img src="Images/Profiles/Ohara.jpg" width=200 /></td>
<td>Barmaid at your local the Broken Doll. Occasional source of in game hints.</td>
<<back "Return">><<if $limit lt 3>> "$safeword"
Megan stops her administration and gently caresses you.
"Ssshh, my pet. There there. I thought you might last a little longer, but no matter."
<<elseif $limit lt 6>>You furiously shake your head back and forth.
Megan stops her administration and gently caresses you.
"Ssshh, my pet. There there. You have done well. "
<<elseif $limit eq 6>>"Stupid, stupid man. I am not a torturer. I know your limits even if you do not. Much more of that and you would pass out. Learn to trust your body. With time we may push you further, if we both desire it, but I want a submissive, not a corpse."<</if>>
She unties you and lays you down on a soft cushion, rubbing some ointment into your sorest parts, before laying your head against her breast and holding you softly, stroking your hair and carefully locking you back in your cage.
<<set $chastitycount= 0>><<set $chastity= 1>>
"I think that will be all for today. I now have a better idea I think of what you can tolerate. As do you. Next time will be the last of these training sessions. You will be focusing on my pleasure. I am definitely looking forward to that."
<<link [[Dress and Head home->YourRoom]] >><<WearAll>><<wait>><</link>>"Very well. Let us add a little more stimulation.
\<<if $chest neq "flat">>As you have these delightful breasts I think we should play with them. Mens nipples are normally too small for clamps, but yours are just perfect. Here we go."
<<else>>"Hmm, your nipples are a little small for most clamps, but I find that this should do the trick."
She pulls a leather strap around your chest, just above your nipples, and another one below, tightening them so that your nipples and the flesh underneath stick out more prominently than usual.<</if>>
She clamps two small metal clips to your nipples, attached by a loop of chain. The chain has a length hanging down which she adjusts and clips to the top of your chastity cage, and one going up which she attaches to your collar. As you breathe in and out you feel a sensation in your chest that is both pleasurable and painful.
"Now that red ass of yours looks good enough to fuck. Which is exactly what I'm going to do to it."
You feel a gasp of air rushing into your ass as the plug is removed, and soon replaced by a gloved finger spreading oil into your tight hole.
"Now with every thrust I want you to beg me to fuck you harder. This ass is mine and you are my bitch. Understand?"
With this you feel something hard and unyielding push into your ass. You push against it and feel a tugging in your nipples.
"Fuck me harder mistress." you beg
And she does, thrusting at first only a few inches, then deeper and harder into you.
After half a dozen thrusts she pulls her hand around and starts tugging on your caged cock, which is straining against your cage as you struggle to fend off arousal.
"Harder mistress, please."
She pulls back on your hair, sliding the strap on deep inside your ass, and starts slapping your caged cock with every thrust.
The sensation in your ass, cock, nipples and hair is overwhelming.
[[Say your safeword->Megan_domevent4_end][$limit = 2]]
[[Say "More please, Mistress"->Megan_domevent4_2]]"More? Well I wouldn't want to disappoint you, my sweet."
She pulls out, and replaces the strap on with a much larger plug than before, sliding it in slowly until you feel it sucked in as the widest part passes your sphincter. She pulls your arms back into a reverse prayer, and clips the cuffs to your collar so your head is pulled back. This puts pressure on your nipples that are beginning to sting.
You feel her tighten something - leather perhaps, about your forearms, binding them and pushing your elbows together awkwardly, You feel an aching in your arms and back as you assume this unnatural position, as she unties you from the wall and spins you around so you are facing out from the wall.
She stands just in your field of view and you see her removing her gloves, revealing fingers adorned with long red nails, which carefully place a large red ball gag between your lips. You start dribbling saliva at the sight of her.
"You do remind me of Dr. Pavlov's puppy. Such sweet eyes and drooling at the thought of what is about to come."
Her fingers then unlock your cage, but she loops the chain from your nipple clamps about your scrotum instead, keeping the downward pressure on them.. <<set $chastity = 0>>
"Perhaps one day we could pierce this beautiful cock. Women put metal in their ears to make themselves look pleasing to their husbands. Would you have your cock pierced if I asked?"
You can't answer because of the gag.
"Not today. You'd be no good to me after that for a couple of weeks."
She slaps your ass hard, making you jolt against your restraints, then picks up two cups. One seems to contain iced water, the other tea. She takes a sip from the iced one, and then lowers her head and places her lips about your cock. The chill makes it shrivel. She holds her mouth there for a moment, then sips some tea from the other cup. You know what is coming next. Her hot mouth engulfs your cock, which feels like fire compared to what was there before.
Next she takes an ice cube from the water and places it against the tip of your cock, rubbing it up the shaft until it melts completely. Testing the temperature of the tea with a finger she nods appreciatively and then plunges your cock into the hot liquid. A stream of fiery pain runs up your spine as you spasm.
[[Shake your head back and forth to make this stop->Megan_domevent4_end][$limit = 3]]
[[Relish the sensation->Megan_domevent4_3]]"More? Oh if you insist."
She clips your arms to a hook in the ceiling, the same one she used on you in an earlier session, and adjusts the height until you are standing on tip toes.
<<if $fetish_cross eq 1>> "I should have put you in heels first. Actually, let's do that." She departs for a moment and comes back with a pair of very high patent black hig heeled shoes and straps your feet into them before lifting your arms a further few inches to compensate
"Much better"<<set $shoes ="black sexy heels">><</if>>
Your face is pushed down below your waist levell as your arms are lifted high and the pain in your muscles is agonising. Your ass is throbbing from the huge plug inside it after the pounding it has received and your cock hangs limply after the temperature play. Megan notices this and takes it in her hand, scratching her long nails down its length. It starts to respond and stiffen slightly.
"Naughty $boy." She squeezes your balls cruelly and slaps your ass, teasing your cock with her fingernails.
"I have you completely at my mercy. This is so romantic. What could make it better? some music? No, candlelight! She dims the gas lamps so that all is left is a single candle, illuminating her face with a fiery glow as she brings it close to you. You feel a burning on your back as the hot wax drips over your body - then on your ass, and she then holds out your balls and drips wax on them too. Each time the hot liquid falls you jerk with pain, which sends a spasm through your bound arms, nipples, cock and ass as you stumble to regain a comfortable position on your toes.
She starts massaging your cock again, bringing you close to release, then again squeezing your balls and dripping wax onto your body. Then again. And again.
Do you want release, my pet? Shake your head if you want this to stop.
[[Enough! Shake your head back and forth to make this stop->Megan_domevent4_end][$limit = 4]]
[[Lose yourself in the sensation->Megan_domevent4_4]]Megan shakes her head in disappointment.
"Ah well. I did say I would find your limits. And I am a woman of my word,"
She takes a leather hood and places it around your face. There is no eye hole, only a small space at the nose for you to breathe through.
Next, the hoist is raised another few inches. You feel a click in your spine and your shoulder twinges and your arms come to their limit of movement.
Something wraps about your testicles, squeezing them, and you feel them being pulled downwards. You feel wetness about your cock as something - her hand, mouth, pussy - you can't tell - engulfs it and squeezes.
Then smack - a painful whipping on cock and balls. You feel yourself cum from the combination of pain and pleasure, but the whipping keeps going. The raw feel of the leather slapping onto your tender post orgasm cock is the worst agony you have ever endured. You feel a haziness in your head as all the blood has rushed to your crotch. <<cum>>
[[You cannot take any more! Shake your head back and forth to make this stop->Megan_domevent4_end][$limit = 5]]
[[Refuse to concede->Megan_domevent4_end][$temp = 6]]/* orgasm denial - edging */
<img src="Images/People/Megan/Megan01_1.webp" width=600 />
"Well, my sweet, you now know all the basics of being a submissive. How do you feel? Speak honestly."
Continuing to look at the floor, you reply.
"More confident, secure. Less ashamed about my desires. And happy - happy to serve, to get fulfilment from your pleasure."
"And the orgasms?"
"Mind blowing. The sensations. Having them only when you permit them makes them special, more of a gift."
"You are a natural submissive. Now you must make a choice."
"A choice? I don’t want a choice, you make the choices, Mistress."
She laughs. "Not the important ones."
<<if $Daisydomevent gt 0>>"You have another mistress. And that is fine, for now. But I do not want to stand on her toes. Standing on your toes is another matter of course." To emphasise her point she playfully rubs her stiletto heel against your bare foot and applies gentle pressure.
"Should she ask, or should you formalise your submission to her by contract or collar, then I shall terminate our relationship amicably."
"Contract? Like marriage?"
"What is marriage other than a contract of submission?"
The idea of this thrills you, somewhat worryingly.
<<if Flag("dommetraining") eq 0>>"You could even bring her to see me. I could teach her how to treat you properly."
<<else>>"Do continue to bring her to see me. I have so much to teach her."<</if>>
<<elseif $nic_event gt 1>>"I understand you have a submissive of your own. That pretty little convent girl."
You nod. "Yes, Mistress. I should have spoken to you about her."
"No matter. You are free to do what you want outside our sessions. Unlike some dominants I do not wish to control every aspect of your life. Does this affect your relationship with her?" She rubs your chastity device with her foot.
You nod. "It makes things somewhat complicated." you agree.
She thinks for a moment, then lays a small key next to your clothing.
"You have to live your life. Who knows, you might end up marrying this girl. Ensure you are caged for our sessions, but you cannot be dominant when you are marked as a submissive. I suggest you remove it when with her."
\<<SetFlag "chastitykey">>
<<else>>"I see you playing with others when at the club. You are free to do what you want outside our sessions. Unlike some dominants I do not wish to control every aspect of your life. Does this affect your relationships?" She rubs your chastity device with her foot.
You nod. "It makes things somewhat complicated." you agree.
She thinks for a moment, then lays a small key next to your clothing.
"You have to live your life. Who knows, you might end up marrying one day. Ensure you are caged for our sessions, but feel free to remove it outside of those.
\<<SetFlag "chastitykey">>
"Thank you mistress."
<img src="Images/HC11/megandomass3.webp" width=600 />
"And now on with our session for today. Today we are going to learn about denial. Follow me."
She walks into her boudoir, and you crawl behind her with a view of her slender legs and tight arse in front of you.
<img src="Images/HC11/megandom4.webp" width=600 />
She stands in front of the double bed, talking to herself.
"Hmm. The bed? No, too comfortable. The cage? Not yet. Ah, I know, the cross. Come over here."
She pulls a drape off a piece of furniture against the wall, revealing a pair of wooden beams like a letter X, about six feet tall, resting at an angle so the top is about waist height. Attached to each beam are two leather straps, one at each end. It is very clear what their purpose is. You are quickly secured by your ankles and wrists, before a blindfold is placed over your face.
\<<if $chest neq "flat" and ($penis eq "small" or $penis eq "tiny")>>
<img src="Images/HC11/futaboundsmallcock2.jpg" width=600 />
\<<elseif $chest neq "flat">><img src="Images/HC11/futabound.webp" width=600 />
You tense immediately, trying to work out what will be first, pain or pleasure. Your heart starts beating harder as you prepare yourself for Megan’s touch. Which doesn’t come. What you do notice is her perfume, her maddening scent filling your nostrils. Her cologne is distinctive and expensive, French you believe, and you have never smelt it elsewhere. She must have reapplied it as it was barely noticeable before but is now filling your nostrils, along with something else, something musky. You breathe in deep and feel your cock standing up between your naked legs. On instinct you stick your tongue out and just taste a hint of something soft and wet on your tongue before it darts away.
"Oh so eager. But that can wait. I believe I have spoken before about Dr. Pavlov. You are more of a scientist than I, but you can see how even the scent of my pussy gives rise to a reaction from you, this lovely erection here.<<if $penis eq "tiny">> Or at least as much of one as you are capable of these days.<</if>>"
You feel her fingers stroking gently against your cock, the most delicate of touches, and then something soft and ticklish, her hair perhaps, running over your stomach and thighs, stimulating and teasing you. Something wet, her tongue, her pussy, you can’t tell, it’s warm and wet and feels incredible and..
And then, nothing. It stops, with a sharp slap and a tug on your balls. You call out, and have something shoved into your mouth as you do so. You think it might be a nipple, and suck on it hungrily.
"Ggghhjhs." You drool.
"That wasn’t your safeword was it, sweetie. No, I don’t think so. I’ll keep going. Now I really want a cock inside me, but that’s not going to happen, so I’ll have to make do with this dildo. Oh that feels good. In and out, in and oh, it’s big, and so hard, just like you sweetie, but you’re not getting any of this, my pussy isn’t for you. Not unless you beg. Do you want to fuck me, sweetie?"
"Please. Please may I fuck you, Mistress Megan?"
She laughs, and you feel something cold and hard against your cock, which is now straining at its maximum length.
"No, I think I’ll stick with this."
<img src="Images/HC11/Meganddildocumface.webp" width=600 />
Your blindfold is quickly pulled off and you see Megan sitting on a chair in front of you, rapidly pushing a huge black dildo in and out of her cunt, while moaning with pleasure. You strain forward, but can’t move, and just lie against your bonds as you see her bring herself to climax, shuddering, with eyes closed.
She pulls the dildo out and rubs it against your cock, dripping her juices onto your quivering member.
<img src="Images/HC11/Meganpussycloseup2.webp" width=600 />
"Smell. Sound. Sight. Time for taste I think." With a creak she turns a wheel and your restraints are lowered to a horizontal position. Megan lowers herself onto your face, her recently fucked crack dripping as your tongue laps between her lips.
"Now be a good little pussy licker. Yes, just like that."
As you thrust your tongue back and forward you feel hers doing the same thing, but never enough to take you to the edge, just teasing, until you feel fit to burst.
She gets closer and closer, until she pulls off your mouth and slides her hot wet pussy over your cock, rocking back and forward on it briefly for a minute as you feel yourself getting closer.
"Please, may I cum mistress?"
She stands up and looks at you.
"By all means, go ahead and cum." She folds her arms and looks down at you. "Oh, you want me to do all the work. I think you misunderstand today’s lesson."
She pulls on a leather glove and takes the tip of your cock between thumb and forefinger, teasing gently, as you feel yourself getting closer and closer.
Then stops.
<img src="Images/HC11/Meganruined2.webp" width=600 />
You thrash back and forward, pulling at your bonds, but are unable to pleasure yourself. "Anything mistress, I beg of you, anything."
"You forget, I own this cock. You don’t have anything to offer me. Let this be a lesson to you."
Once more she massages your cock, keeping you at the edge for what feels like an eternity, saying nothing. Finally with the tip of her finger she flicks at the end of your cock. You twitch, and feel a trickle of semen leak out as your balls tighten, like an orgasm but without any of the pleasure, just the let down as you leak out, and a numb pain in your balls.
"Oh, what a shame. I do love ruining an orgasm." <<chastity 1>>
There is a click as she reattaches your cage, not bothering to clean you up first, then undoes your bonds before she walks away from you, taking the dildo in hand and lying upon the satin sheets of her bed. "Let yourself out. I do hope you enjoyed tonight."
"Thank you mistress." you reply, your head down, feeling down and a little dejected.
You move to pick up your clothes, and feel a touch on your shoulder. Megan, now naked, wraps her arms around you.
"Come here Honey." she embraces you tenderly, pressing your head against her breasts, before the pair of you recline on the sheets. You say nothing for ten minutes, just listening to her breath and feeling her pulse as she strokes your hair.
"Is that better, sweetie?"
You nod.
"Sometimes, after a particularly intense scene, either physically or emotionally, you need a bit of aftercare. I wasn’t sure how you would take today, Some submissives enjoy the humiliation, that’s a bigger high than the orgasm would have been. Some masochists enjoy the pain in their balls when the promised orgasm doesn’t come but the semen releases anyhow. But it’s only the cruellest dominants who will just let their submissives suffer at the end of a scene. Tell me, how do you feel?"
"Safe in your arms, Mistress."
"I’m glad to hear that, honey. Now I think our time is up. You go and clean yourself up and head home."
<<link [[Dress and Head home->YourRoom]] >><<WearAll>><<wait>><</link>><<Daisydomevent>><<set $temp = 1>>
<img src="Images/People/Daisy/daisyblackdress2.webp" width=600 />
Today Daisy is wearing an alluring black dress that her mother most certainly would not approve of. The room is messier than last time, with items of clothing and ornaments strewn about. She folds her arms and looks at you.
"You are late, $subname."
"Sorry - I tried to not attract attention when I was arriving."
She looks you up and down, checking that you are correctly attired.
<<if $mclothcheck eq 0>>"Very good, nice and feminine. I like you dressing like this."
<<elseif $mclothcheck lt 3>>I want ''all'' of your clothes to be feminine, remember
<<else>>No this won't do at all, you need to dress like a pretty girl for me."<</if>>
She beams with excitement
"Anyhow, off with it all. I have a lovely plan for today. You are going to be my ladies maid. And I am going to be the lady of the house. And you are going to tend to my wishes. All of my wishes. So get into this."
She indicates a maids outfit. <<if $coffeework gt 0 >>It looks suspiciously like the one you use downstairs for waitressing. It even has a little coffee stain on the hem.<</if>>But the sexy underwear and shoes are very impractical for housework.
<<link [[Get Changed->Daisydomevent3_1]]>><<StripAll>><<sexymaidwear>><</link>><img src="Images/People/Daisy/daisyblackdress1.webp" width=600 />
Daisy assumes a haughty voice, and looks at you with a superior glance.
"Oh, $femname. This room is a state - do sort it out will you."
She sits in a chair in the centre of the room and puts her feet up while you set about tidying the room. Every time you walk past she puts a hand up your short maid's skirt and gives your ass a squeeze. You bend over to pick up a fallen ornament and '''slap'' she spanks your ass, right on your sexy crotchless panties.
"You do have a lovely ass, $subname."
"Thank you Miss Daisy" you reply, getting into the swing of the game.
You fold all the clothes neatly, and after ten minutes the room is presentable.
"All the clothes have been put away, Miss Ambrose." you say in your best maids voice.
"Not all of them. I want you to help dress me for bed. Take off my clothes, maid $femname."
"Yes Miss Daisy."
You carefully undo her dress straps and lift the dress from her, revealing her beautiful breasts. You carefully fold the dress and look at her sitting in a chair in her stockings, garter belt and panties.
<img src="Images/People/Daisy/Daisylingeriechair.webp" width=600 />
"How do I look, $subname?"
"Beautiful, Miss Daisy."
"I think my hair needs tending to. Give it a good brush, will you, $femname?"
She sits down at a dressing table in front of a mirror. You stand behind her and using her pearl handled hairbrush you carefully smooth out her blonde bobbed hair. As you do so her hand lingers on your crotch, and squeezes your caged cock.
"That is lovely, thank you, Now make the bed."
The sheets are a little crumpled, but you do your best to smooth them out, and fold neat square corners in the starched white linen before plumping up the pillows.
"Now, as you have been so good, I will give you a choice. Do you want to stay a caged little girl today, or let your cock out to play?
[[Stay caged->Daisydomevent3_2]]
[[Ask Daisy to remove your cage->Daisydomevent3_3]]"I want to stay caged today Miss Daisy."
"What a good girl you are, my $subname. Keep that little clitty locked away where it can't get you into any trouble.
"Now just kneel down there and start worshipping my feet, there's a good girl. "
<img src="Images/People/Daisy/Daisylingeriedomme.webp" width=600 />
You kneel down as she towers above you, and start kissing her toes, rubbing them sensually before putting them one by one in your mouth and licking them with your tongue. Daisy sits back on the bed and relishes the sensation. You move onto the balls of the feet, then her heels, rubbing each in turn, and applying little kisses, before working your way up her calf.
"Mmmm. Keep going my sweet $subname."
You part her thighs and kiss the inside of each, knowing you are getting closer to the heavenly taste of her sex, but decide it is best to ask for permission first.
"May I kiss your pussy, Miss Ambrose?"
"Of course you can. Let me help you."
She pulls her panties aside and widens her legs, pushing her thighs either side of your face, so all you can see is her crotch. You stick out your tongue and give a long lick, starting at the tiny hard pea of her clitoris, lapping at her labia and finishing at her ass. She gasps as you repeat this, getting deeper each time. You feel your cock pushing at the constraints of your cage, but ignore the sensation, focusing on your Mistress' pleasure.
Daisy is gasping and moaning now as you stick your tongue and a couple of fingers deep inside her cunt, and as her excitement builds she grabs the wig affixed to your head and pulls hard on your hair. You feel it loosen slightly through the pain.
"Yes, just like that. Don't stop my sweet, keep going, oh yes, yes...."
Your mouth fills with a spasm of warm juices as she cums, but she holds your head in place for half a minute, before curling into a fetal position and stroking your back tenderly.
"You are such a sweet thing, cousin. I do love you visiting me like this."
[[Snuggle->Daisydomevent3_end]]"I think I would like to be free today, Miss Ambrose"
"Oh we are a naughty girl today. But you have done your maid duties well, so I think we will let you get your lovely clitty out. But you will have to tend to mine first."
"Yes Miss Daisy"
She takes her key from around her neck and clicks your chastity cage open, revealing your flaccid $penis cock.
"Now just kneel down there and start worshipping my feet, there's a good girl. "
<img src="Images/People/Daisy/Daisylingeriedomme.webp" width=600 />
You kneel down as she towers above you, and start kissing her toes, rubbing them sensually before putting them one by one in your mouth and licking them with your tongue. Daisy sits back on the bed and relishes the sensation. You move onto the balls of the feet, then her heels, rubbing each in turn, and applying little kisses, before working your way up her calf.
"Mmmm. Keep going my sweet $subname."
You part her thighs and kiss the inside of each, knowing you are getting closer to the heavenly taste of her sex, but decide it is best to ask for permission first.
"May I kiss your pussy, Miss Ambrose?"
"Of course you can. Let me help you."
She pulls her panties aside and widens her legs, pushing her thighs either side of your face, so all you can see is her crotch. You stick out your tongue and give a long lick, starting at the tiny hard pea of her clitoris, lapping at her labia and finishing at her ass. She gasps as you repeat this, getting deeper each time. You feel your cock getting hard, but for now you focus on your Mistress' pleasure.
Daisy is gasping and moaning now as you stick your tongue and a couple of fingers deep inside her cunt, and as her excitement builds she grabs the wig affixed to your head and pulls hard on your hair. You feel it loosen slightly through the pain.
"Yes, just like that. Don't stop my sweet, keep going, oh yes, yes...."
Your mouth fills with a spasm of warm juices as she cums, but she holds your head in place for half a minute, before curling into a fetal position and stroking your back tenderly.
"You are such a sweet thing, cousin. I do love you visiting me like this. Now it is your time for a little reward.
She takes your cock in her hand and gently runs her fingers down its length, before pushing you onto the bed and towering above you. Pinning your arms down with hers she slides her wet pussy lips along the length of your cock, not letting you penetrate her, but moistening you with her juices. She moves her hands down your chest, scratching there with her nails and squeezing your nipples through your maids dress.
"You have been so good I think I will let you inside me. What do you say."
"Thank you Miss Ambrose," you purr.
She slips the tip of your cock into her vagina, squeezing the base of the shaft and rocking back and forth, keeping you on the edge of climax.
"Now beg to cum, my little fucktoy."
"Please Miss Daisy, please can I cum?"
"Five. Four. Three."
She slides you in and out with each count. Then pauses with a cruel smile on her face.
"Two." Then silence
"Please" you beg.
"Do you love your Mistress?"
"Yes, yes I love you." you beg, desperate at the edge of climax
"Good girl, One - cum for me now, $subname."
Keeping just the tip of you inside her and squeezing with her pelvic muscles, you can hold on no longer and squirt inside her. She gently holds you, before moving up your body and crouching above your face.
"Now lick me one last time, my sweet."
You sup at the sticky white fluid as it drips from her pussy lips into your mouth, before you hold each other on the bed.
[[Snuggle->Daisydomevent3_end]]"I suppose we should get this wig off you." She takes out a bottle of lotion and rubs it into your scalp. The glue loosens and the wig is now removable. She leaves it on your head, but you will be able to remove it whenever you want. <<set $objects[$wig].inv = 1>>It does look pretty but Mummy was starting to ask questions. And we need her and Daddy to be happy with you when you ask to marry me.
"Yes, silly. It's ideal. I get to be with you without a chaperone so we can have lots of lovely sex and we can go to the Club whenever we want, and you get to be my $subname whenever we are at home which I know you like so much.
\<<if $house eq 1>>Now that you've got your own place and are working you are respectable, so Daddy is bound to agree.
\<<else>> Of course you'll have to get your own place first. There's that nice house for sale up the road at number 22 that would be perfect. Do be a dear and look into it.<</if>>"
You nod, openmouthed. She has it all worked out.
"So it's agreed. You sort everything out and dress all smart and manly and ask Daddy for my hand, we can have a nice short engagement and a lovely wedding with you wearing frilly panties under your suit and me in my debutante dress, and then I can move in with you. To the outside world we'll be Mr and Mrs $playersurname, and behind closed doors we can be Miss and $subname Hellfire. Some nights I'll dress you up like a princess and noone will know. We can have Ruby come and visit us, or even move in, though she's a rubbish cook and a terrible maid, not a pretty maidslut like you, so people might ask questions. And you can do all the naughty things you want at the club, and so can I and we will have a fabulous time.
\<<if $cuckcount gt 1>>And if you want to just stay as a girl, I can take a lover. Discreetly of course, and you can watch us. I know you like that sometimes. I could ''make'' you watch us. Or even make you join in. But not before the wedding. <</if>>Isn't that what you want?"
[[This is all a bit fast, I'm not sure I want to marry you, Daisy->Daisydomevent3_coldfeet]]
[[Go down on one knee, and ask her to marry you->Daisydomevent3_proposal]]She wobbles slightly, and wipes a tear from her eye.
"Oh this is so romantic. You on one knee, and me all tingly after you've licked all my special places. Of course I'll marry you, $playername. Oh there's so much to do. You need to ask Daddy's permission. And buy a ring and give it to me properly. And we need to speak to the bishop about the church. And book a venue for afterwards. Maybe we could do that at the club, they aren't all that busy except on Saturdays. And Ruby will have to be my bridesmaid. And that cute friend of yours can be your best man, the army one. Matthew. And Daddy can walk me down the aisle."
She gives you a long, deep kiss, quite overcome by emotion.
"You get along now. And don't forget to talk to Daddy. No more $subname sexiness until you do. Now where is Ruby, I've got to tell her my news. " <<set $daisyengagement = 1>>
<<link [[return home->YourRoom]]>><<WearAll>><<wait>><</link>>"You don't? But what about all our special times here? And when we made lo.. when we screwed. I thought you cared for me? Were you just using me like your sluts at the club?"
She starts crying.
"I don't think I'm ready for marriage. I'm confused about who I am at the moment. A couple of months ago I was a regular medic in the army, now I'm wearing dresses <<if $penis neq "average" or $chest neq "flat">> and my body is changing <</if>>and I don't really know who I am any more.
"You're my dear cousin, silly. It doesn't matter about all that. It's easy for you, you were born a man. You can do what you want, fuck any woman you want... I'm not even allowed out on my own. If I so much as look at a man with desire they call me a whore. So don't you sob about who you are. If we get married we can be whoever we want. You don't have to love me, though I hope you are fond of me. We do have so much fun together. I don't want babies or any of that, and I know that most men have lovers and mistresses. Let's stop this $subname play until you commit, shall we. Or are you stopping courting me as well?"
[[Change your mind, go down on one knee, and ask her to marry you->Daisydomevent3_proposal]]
[[Split up with Daisy->Daisydomevent3_dump]]
<<link [[Make excuses and leave (keep courting Daisy, but no kinky events until you change your mind)->YourRoom]]>><<WearAll>><<wait>><</link>>"You bastard. Or maybe I should call you a bitch given you dress like one. It would be a shame if all the respectable people in London knew you were a little <<if $fetish_sissy eq 1>>sissy<<else>>faggot<</if>> who likes wearing dresses. You're not a real man at all. Get out, get out now. I never want to see you again."
She sobs heavily as she pushes you away.
<<set $Daisydomevent = -1>><<set $Daisyevent = -1>>
<<link [[return home->YourRoom]]>><<WearAll>><<wait>><</link>>Fetishes:
Although narratively better to set these in discussion with one of the main characters, you can also amend these here. Not all NPCs will respect these boundaries, but they should filter out most unwanted content.
* <<checkbox "$fetish_bondage" 0 1 autocheck>> Bondage
* <<checkbox "$fetish_cross" 0 1 autocheck>> Crossdressing
* <<checkbox "$fetish_anal" 0 1 autocheck>> Anal sex
* <<checkbox "$fetish_piss" 0 1 autocheck>> Pissing
* <<checkbox "$fetish_leather" 0 1 autocheck>> Leather
* <<checkbox "$fetish_sub" 0 1 autocheck>> Submission
* <<checkbox "$fetish_cum" 0 1 autocheck>> Cum eating
* <<checkbox "$fetish_humilation" 0 1 autocheck>> Humiliation
* <<checkbox "$fetish_masochism" 0 1 autocheck>> Masochism
* <<checkbox "$fetish_fist" 0 1 autocheck>> Fisting
* <<checkbox "$fetish_pet" 0 1 autocheck>> Petting
* <<checkbox "$fetish_chastity" 0 1 autocheck>> Chastity
* <<checkbox "$fetish_milk" 0 1 autocheck>> Penis milking
* <<checkbox "$fetish_sissy" 0 1 autocheck>> Being called Sissy
* <<checkbox "$fetish_lactation" 0 1 autocheck>> Lactation
* <<checkbox "$fetish_dom" 0 1 autocheck>> Domination
* <<checkbox "$fetish_gay" 0 1 autocheck>> Sex with men
* <<checkbox "$fetish_slave" 0 1 autocheck>>Slavery
<<link "Turn them all on. Hurry. Oh no" `previous()`>><<allfetishon>><</link>>
<<link "Return" `previous()`>><</link>><<if $h eq 0>><<houseevent>>
\<<if $h neq 1>>
<<set $room = "YourKitchen">>You are in your kitchen. An adjacent pantry contains an assortment of ingredients.
\<<set $randomset = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5]>>
\<<set $temp = $randomset.pluck()>>
<<if $time eq "night" or $YvBabmaid lt 1>>
There is nobody here. Maybe you should hire a cook.
<<elseif ($temp eq 1) >><img src="Images/HC11/YvBavkitchen.webp" width=600 />
Babette is here working in the kitchen. Her twin sister Yvette is helping her.
[[Flirt with Yvette and Babette|YvBabkitchensex]]
<<if $testedB eq 0 and $objects["Substance B"].inv gt 0>>[[Ask them about testing substance B|Research_TestB][$temp = 1]]
\<<elseif ($temp eq 2) >>
The kitchen is empty
\<<else>><img src="Images/HC11/Yvkitchen.webp" width=600 />
Babette is here working in the kitchen, wearing a little apron that barely covers her shapely body.
There is a warming smell of something delicious coming from the side.
"Bonjour <<monsieur>> $playersurname. Do you wish for anything to put between your lips?"
[[Flirt with Babette|Babkitchensex]]
\[[Eat->YourKitchen][$energy = 10]]
\<<yourhouse>><<set $room = "Cellar">><<if Flag("dungeon")>>You have fitted out the cellar as a dungeon. It is no longer cold and damp, with a small fireplace and chimney now in place. There are various restraints fitted against two of the walls to allow guests to be held in a range of positions. A large wooden bench rests in the centre of the room equipped with manacles. Against one wall is a row of hooks, holding a range of floggers, paddles and other instruments of punishment, along with blindfolds and clamps.
To one side sits a small wine cellar accessible from the kitchen. It never hurts to have more than one vice, and domination can be thirsty work.
\<<else>>The cellar is cold, damp and dirty. A small collection of wine bottles is gathering dust here, along with a container with salted meats for the kitchen. <</if>>
\A flight of steps leads up to a door next to the kitchen.
<<yourhouse>><<set $room = "Attic">>
The attic room is accessed by a narrow staircase. It reminds you of your old room at Dr Ambrose's, being a similar size and shape.
\<<if Flag("playroom")>>You have cleaned and decorated the attic room as your playroom. The floor has a thick carpet and several soft cushions. A small chest contains bottles of scented oils and your collection of intimate toys. Against a wall is a wardrobe containing your more risqué outfits that are not suitable for the streets of London.
\<<else>>The attic room is sparse and empty, the fireplace blocked up. You guess that in most households this would be either a child's room or a servants quarters. However it occurs to you that with the privacy offered by being so far from the rest of the household, you could make this into a playroom. The low roof and beams would offer many attachment points for ropes or swings, and you could maintain the respectability of a master bedroom and indulge your fantasies in here.
<<yourhouse>><<set $room = "Servantsroom">>
\<<if $YvBabmaid eq 1>>
Yvette and Babette have moved into the servants quarters. The room is clean and airy, and the twins' possessions have filled the room - mainly clothing which from their upbringing is far grander than that of usual servants, as well as a few treasured personal trinkets.
The servants quarters is empty, with a fine layer of dust. Two single beds sit at opposite sides of the room, either side of a narrow fireplace. There is a chest at the bottom of each bed, and an empty wardrobe.
A house of this size should have at least two servants - a cook and a maid, with possibly a butler as well, although he would of course sleep separately from the female servants. <<if Flag("married" )>>Your wife would expect to have a ladies maid as well, and there is room for a third bed in here in an alcove. <</if>>
<<yourhouse>><<set $room = "Parlour">><img src="Images/Places/parlour.webp" width=600 />
<<if $h eq 0>><<houseevent>>
\<<if $h neq 1>>The parlour is the main lounge of the house, usually kept tidy to receive guests.
There is a large sofa, three armchairs and a small table on a rug with a bright floral design. The room is comfortable and relaxing.
<<set $temp = random(2)>>
<<if $time neq "night" and $YvBabmaid eq 1 and $temp eq 0>>
Yvette is here, wearing a pretty little maids uniform, and bending over to clean something. She is not wearing any panties.
"Allo <<monsieur>> $playersurname." she calls out. Do you have anything dirty that needs cleaning?"
<</if>><<set $room = "Guestroom">><img src="Images/Places/guestroom.webp" width=600 />
<<if $h eq 0>><<houseevent>>
\<<if $h neq 1>>
\<<if $Rubymaid eq 1>>The guest room has been occupied semi-permanently by Ruby, in her role as Daisy's "ladies maid". You have been very clear that she is not to conduct any of her whoring from your house, and the arrangement is working quite well. She is unfortunately terrible at cooking, cleaning or menial chores, but she is very skilled at helping Daisy dress, with entertaining and waitressing and ably assists her in her wifely duties.
<img src="Images/HC21/Rubymaidbed1.webp" width=600 />
You knock on Ruby's door.
"Come in." she calls in her friendly manner.
You open and come inside, she is sitting at a dressing table and smiles as he sees you.
"Hello $Master. How can I help?"
[[Flirt|Rubysex][$temp = 1]]
<<if $objects["Substance O"].inv gt 6 and $testedO eq 0>>[[Ask about testing Substance O|Research_TestO][$temp = "Ruby", $ret = "Guestroom"]]
\<<if $objects["Substance P"].inv gt 27 and $testedP eq 0>>[[Ask about testing Substance P|Research_TestP][$temp = "Ruby", $ret = "Guestroom"]]
\<<if $objects["Substance D"].inv gt 6 and $testedD eq 0>>[[Ask about testing Substance D|Research_TestD][$temp = "Ruby", $ret = "Guestroom"]]
\<<else>>The guest room is not currently occupied, though clean and furnished ready for you to receive visitors. A double bed fills most of the room, decorated with a green bedspread.
\<<set $randomset = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5]>>
\<<set $temp = $randomset.pluck()>>
\<<if ($temp eq 1) >><img src="Images/HC11/YvBavbedroom.webp" width=600 />
Yvette is here tidying the room. Her twin sister Babette is helping her.
[[Flirt with Yvette and Babette|YvBabbedroomsex]]
\<<elseif ($temp eq 2) >>
<img src="Images/HC11/Babbedroom2.webp" width=600 />
Yvette is here tidying the room
[[Flirt with Yvette|Yvbedroomsex]]
<</if>><<set $room = "Diningroom">><img src="Images/Places/diningroom.webp" width=600 />
<<if $h eq 0>><<houseevent>>
\<<if $h neq 1>>The dining room is ornate, intended for family meals and special occasions.
The mahogany table is <<if $YvBabmaid eq 1>>gleaming and polished<<else>>gathering a thin layer of dust. Perhaps you should get a maid<</if>>.
<<set $temp = random(2)>>
<<if $time neq "night" and $YvBabmaid eq 1 and $temp eq 0>>
Yvette is here, wearing a pretty little maids uniform, and bending over to clean something. She is not wearing any panties.
"Allo <<monsieur>> $playersurname." she calls out. Do you have anything dirty that needs cleaning?"
<</if>>You are at 67 Harley Street, at the medical practice of Dr Antioch.<<temp>>
<img src="Images/Places/harleystreet.webp" width=600 />
<<if $day eq "Sunday">>As it is Sunday the clinic is closed.
\<<elseif $clinicwork gt 0>>
<<if $time eq "Morning">>You wave hello to Mimi at reception and settle into your office.
<img src="Images/People/mimikimono2.webp" width=600 />
<<else>>The afternoon sunshine drapes your office in a warm glow. <</if>>
\<<set $randomset = [1, 2, 3]>>\
\<<set $temp1 = $randomset.pluck()>>
<<if $temp1 neq 1>>A patient knocks on the door
[[Invite the patient inside|Clinic_patient]]
<<else>>The $time is uneventful and passes quickly. The work is fairly trivial, obseving symptoms of general ailments, measuring blood pressures or using a stethoscope and prescribing poultices, ointments or other medications.
<<wait>><<set $clinicwork +=1>><<money 100>>
<<if $time eq "Afternoon">>[[Continue to work at the clinic|Clinic]]<</if>>
<<elseif $clinicwork eq 0>><<set $prescriptionsdone = 1>>
You knock on the door and enter a large office area with a reception desk. Behind it sits someone you recognise, Mimi - Dr Antioch's submissive lover, stage partner and assistant. She stands in her traditional kimono and bows respectfully.
<img src="Images/People/mimikimono2.webp" width=600 />
"$playersurname-san. Antioch-dono said that you would be dropping by." Her English is flawless, although heavily accented and punctuated by Japanese honorifics.
She leads you to an empty office.
"This will be yours. It was Antioch-dono's partner before he retired last year. He was a general practitioner, although he did specialise in gynaecology."
She leaves you alone and you get your affairs in order, sorting out your office and speaking to a few patients. The work is fairly trivial, observing symptoms of general ailments, measuring blood pressures or using a stethoscope and prescribing poultices, ointments or other medications.
<<set $clinicwork +=1>><<money 100>>
<<if $time eq "Afternoon">>[[Continue to work at the clinic|Clinic]]<</if>>
\<<if $prescriptionsdone eq 0>> [[Dispense your private weekly prescriptions|Clinic_prescriptions]]
\[[Return Home|YourRoom]]\<<set $randomset = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7]>>\
\<<set $temp1 = $randomset.pluck()>>
<<if $temp1 eq 1>>
A pretty blonde girl enters, and describes the fact that she seems unable to get pregnant.
"My husband and I have been trying for months. Every night. I have even tried being on top, although that seems very unladylike."
"And he is able to do the deed?"
"Usually yes, although sometimes he struggles to get hard."
You part her legs and examine her vagina, giving it a good probing with your fingers. It is a little dry, but seems to be in good working order.
What is your diagnosis?
<<if $objects["Substance V"].inv gt 3 and $testedV gt 0>> [[Her husband is likely impotent. Offer her substance V to improve his erections|Clinic_patientend]]
\<<if $objects["Substance B"].inv gt 1 and $testedB gt 0 and $penis neq "none" and $chastity neq 1>> [[Her husband is likely impotent. Give her substance B and fuck her yourself|Clinic_patientfuck]]
\<<elseif $temp1 eq 2>>An older woman is complaining about severe headaches every time her husband tries to be familiar with her.
You examine her and see that she is dry as a bone inside her vagina.
What is your diagnosis?
<<link [[Prescribe olive oil as a lubricant|Clinic_patientend]]>><<money 20>><</link>>
<<link [[Prescribe opium for the pain|Clinic_patientend]]>><<money 100>><</link>>
<<if $objects["Substance B"].inv gt 1 and $testedB gt 0 and $penis neq "none" and $chastity neq 1>> [[Her husband obviously can't satisfy her. Give her substance B and fuck her yourself|Clinic_patientfuck]]
\<<elseif $temp1 eq 3>>A harassed looking woman in her mid thirties enters the room, looking around furtively.
"Can I speak to you in confidence?" she asks.
You nod. "We respect doctor-patient confidentiality here, madam."
"I have been pregnant seven times, and am the mother of four lovely healthy children from fourteen to three. But my last pregnancy took its toll on me, I lost the baby and fear I almost died myself. BUt when my husband comes back from the pub he takes his way with me, and I fear it is only a matter of time before I fall pregnant again. I beg you, is there anything you can offer to help?"
What is your diagnosis?
[[Suggest that the woman find other ways of satisfying her husband, for example her mouth or ass|Clinic_patientend]]
<<if $objects["Substance P"].inv gt 6 and $testedP>>
\<<link [[Offer her a weeks supply of Substance P|Clinic_patientend]]>><<money 90>><<inv-7 "Substance P">><</link>>
\<<elseif $temp1 eq 4>>
A plain woman comes in, with a chest as flat as a board. She complains that her husband is philandering, and asks if there is anything medical you can offer to give her marriage more zest.
You give her an inspection, noting that everything is in working order, although her breasts are baerely developed.
What is your diagnosis?
[[Suggest that the woman act and dress less modestly|Clinic_patientend]]
[[Ask Mimi in to demonstrate fellatio techniques on a vegetable|Clinic_patientend]]
<<if $objects["Substance O"].inv gt 6 and $testedO>>
\<<link [[Offer her a weeks supply of Substance O to enhance her figure|Clinic_patientend]]>><<money 120>><<inv-7 "Substance O">><</link>>
\<<elseif $temp1 eq 5>>
A veiled figure in a dress enters, sitting down and talking softly. They say that they are having "difficulties" as they were never the most feminine of girls, and they have heard that the clinic offers solutions in that area.
You ask to inspect their genitals to see they are in working order, but they refuse, citing religious modesty. Suspicious, you look at their throat, noting an adam's apple.
What is your diagnosis?
[[Suggest shaving of body hair and makeup techniques|Clinic_patientend]]
<<if $objects["Substance O"].inv gt 6 and $testedO>>
\<<link [[Offer her a weeks supply of Substance O to enhance her femininity|Clinic_patientend]]>><<money 120>><<inv-7 "Substance O">><</link>>
<<if $objects["Substance P"].inv gt 6 and $testedP>>
\<<link [[Offer her a weeks supply of both Substance P and O to dramatically enhance her femininity|Clinic_patientend]]>><<money 210>><<inv-7 "Substance P">><<inv-7 "Substance O">><</link>>
<</if>> <</if>>
\<<elseif $temp1 eq 6>>
A couple enter. The woman is pretty, though does not speak, sitting quietly in the corner. The man says that she is a shrew, and frigid in the bedroom. And asks what is wrong with her. His tone is rude, perhaps abusive.
You ask to inspect her alone, and he assents, going outside where you see him starting to flirt with Mimi at the reception desk. You ask about their relationship. She says that she does not find him attractive, he is hairy and smelly, and he thinks he only married her for her family money. Sometimes when drunk he asks her to spank him, then strikes her in the morning when sober. She once found him masturbating wearing her petticoat.
The man returns and asks your diagnosis:
<<if $objects["Substance O"].inv gt 6 and $testedO>>
\<<link [[The man is a closet crossdresser and submissive. A touch of femininity will restore balance to their marriage. Prescribe substance O|Clinic_patientend]]>><<money 120>><<inv-7 "Substance O">><</link>>
<<if $objects["Substance B"].inv gt 3 and $testedB>>
\<<link [[The fault is with the wife. Prescribe substance B to make her more agreeable. One pill to be taken before marital relations|Clinic_patientend]]>><<money 120>><<inv-7 "Substance O">><</link>>
\<<elseif $temp1 eq 7>>
A woman enters. She seems tearful, and when you eventually get her to speak she says that she thinks she has the pox, and is afraid to face her husband. You ask if she has had any other partners, and she says only him, although you are unsure of her honesty.
You inspect her and it is indeed the clap, a nasty case with pus everywhere. You clear the worst of it.
<<link [[Prescribe silver protargol for the Gonnorhea|Clinic_patientend]]>><<money 80>><</link>>
\<<link [[Prescribe a placebo of sugar pills and hope it improves by itself|Clinic_patientend]]>><<money 40>><</link>>
<<link [[Prescribe a diet of a healthy diet and exercise. That might work|Clinic_patientend]]>><</link>><<if $Tpres eq 0 and $Ppres eq 0 and $Bpres eq 0 and $Vpres eq 0 and $Opres eq 0>>
You have not prescribed any medicines yet this game.
[[Return to the clinic|Clinic]]
<<else>>You look through the weekly repeat prescription book:
This shows the medicines that you have prescribed to help your patients. If you have sufficient in stock, you can resupply them for this week:
<table style="width:100%">\
<th>Doses Outstanding</th>
<th>Doses in stock</th>
<th>Number to Dispense</th>
<<if $testedT gt 0 and $Tpres gt 0>> <tr>\
<td>Substance T</td>
<td>$objects["Substance T"].inv</td>
<td><<numberbox "$temp11" $Tpres>></td>
<<if $testedO gt 0 and $Opres gt 0>> <tr>\
<td>Substance O</td>
<td>$objects["Substance O"].inv</td>
<td><<numberbox "$temp12" $Opres>></td>
<<if $testedP gt 0 and $Ppres gt 0>> <tr>\
<td>Substance P</td>
<td>$objects["Substance P"].inv</td>
<td><<numberbox "$temp13" $Ppres>></td>
<<if $testedM gt 0 and $Mpres gt 0>> <tr>\
<td>Substance M</td>
<td>$objects["Substance M"].inv</td>
<td><<numberbox "$temp14" $Mpres>></td>
<<if $testedD gt 0 and $Dpres gt 0>> <tr>\
<td>Substance D</td>
<td>$objects["Substance D"].inv</td>
<td><<numberbox "$temp15" $Dpres>></td>
<<if $testedV gt 0 and $Vpres gt 0>> <tr>\
<td>Substance V</td>
<td>$objects["Substance V"].inv</td>
<td><<numberbox "$temp16" $Vpres>></td>
<<if $testedB gt 0 and $Bpres gt 0>> <tr>\
<td>Substance B</td>
<td>$objects["Substance B"].inv</td>
<td><<numberbox "$temp17" $Bpres>></td>
<<button "Dispense the quantities above">><<if $temp11 lt 0 or $temp12 lt 0 or $temp13 lt 0 or $temp14 lt 0 or $temp15 lt 0 or $temp16 lt 0 or $temp17 lt 0 or $temp11 gt $objects["Substance T"].inv or $temp11 gt $Tpres or $temp12 gt $objects["Substance O"].inv or $temp12 gt $Opres or $temp13 gt $objects["Substance P"].inv or $temp13 gt $Ppres or $temp14 gt $objects["Substance M"].inv or $temp14 gt $Mpres or $temp15 gt $objects["Substance D"].inv or $temp15 gt $Dpres or $temp16 gt $objects["Substance V"].inv or $temp16 gt $Vpres or $temp17 gt $objects["Substance B"].inv or $temp17 gt $Bpres >> <<replace "#prescriptions">>You cannot dispense more medicines than you have, more than are outstanding or negative amounts.<</replace>> <<else>><<dispense>><<replace "#prescriptions">>You have dispensed for this week. Do not click the button again. <</replace>><</if>><</button>>
[[Return to the clinic|Clinic]]
<span id="prescriptions">Note - You can only dispense repeat prescriptions once a week. If not dispensed by Saturday the opportunity will be lost. If you try to dispense more doses than you have in stock excess will not be dispensed. </span>
<</if>><<wait>><<set $clinicwork +=1>><<money 100>>
She thanks you and takes the prescription, paying you the agreed upon sum of which you keep half.
<<if $time eq "Afternoon">>[[Continue to work at the clinic|Clinic]]
\<<if $prescriptionsdone eq 0>> [[Dispense your private weekly prescriptions|Clinic_prescriptions]]
\[[Return Home|YourRoom]]\<<inv-1 "Substance B">>
"I think I have just the thing for your symptoms." you reply, offering her a pink pill.
"Oh, thank you Doctor." she replies, taking it and swallowing it down with the glass of water you offer.
You continue to monitor her symptoms, until you note her eyes begin to glaze over, and rest a hand on her arm.
"How do you feel now?" you ask.
"Is it me, or is it getting warm in here." she replies, unbuttoning her dress.
<<if $temp1 eq 1>>
\<<elseif $temp1 eq 2>>
\<<elseif $temp1 eq 3>>
\<<elseif $temp1 eq 4>>
\<<elseif $temp1 eq 5>>
\<<elseif $temp1 eq 6>>
\<<elseif $temp1 eq 7>>
<<if $time eq "Afternoon">>[[Continue to work at the clinic|Clinic]]<</if>>
\[[Return Home|YourRoom]]<<set $HC8 = "Daisy">>
daisylove = $daisylove
<<love $HC8 2>>
daisylove = $daisylove
test<<if $day eq "Saturday" or $day eq "Sunday" or $time eq "Evening" or $time eq "Night">>
A brass plaque informs you that bank opening hours are 9am to 4pm Monday to Friday. Return on a weekday during the day.
[[Return to Kensington Avenue->KensingtonAv]]
\You arrive at Prescott & Co, no 62, Threadneedle Street.
A grey haired clerk looks up at you.
"A Good $time to you, <<sir>>. Do you have an appointment?"
You explain that you do not, but wish to enquire about:
<<if Flag("buyinghouse") eq false and $house eq 0>>[[Taking a mortgage to buy a house->Bank_house]]<<else>> You have already bought a house<</if>>
Investing your money (not yet implemented - sorry)
[[Apologise for wasting his time and return to Kensington Avenue->KensingtonAv]] <</if>><<widget profits>>
Weekly Farm accounts:
Cost of land and buildings - £400
Cost of farm and laboratory equipment - £100
<<if $farmO gt 0>>Feminising O rabbits: $farmO
\<<if $farmT gt 0>>Masculinising T rabbits: $farmT
\<<if $farmP gt 0>>Fertility P rabbits: $farmP
\<<if $farmM gt 0>>Large penis M rabbits: $farmM
\<<if $farmD gt 0>>Large teated D rabbits: $farmD
\<<if $farmV gt 0>>Virile V rabbits: $farmV
\<<if $farmB gt 0>>Docile B rabbits: $farmB
\<<set $temp1 = ($farmO+$farmT+$farmP+$farmM+$farmB+$farmD+$farmV)*12>>Cost of livestock @ 1 shilling per animal : <<shilling $temp1>>
Capital repayment to date: <<shilling $repayment>> <<set $temp2 = 120000 + $temp1 - $repayment>>
Outstanding balance <<shilling $temp2>> <<if $temp2 gt 0>><<set $temp3 = (($temp2 - ($temp2 % 1000))/1000)>>
Interest payment @ 5.2% per annum equals 0.1% per week
Weekly Interest Payment: <<shilling $temp3>><<else>><<set $temp2 = 0>><<set $temp3 = 0>><</if>>
Farmhand - 1 pound per week
Manager - 6 pounds per week
Weekly overheads, taxes etc: 3 pounds per week.
<<set $temp4 = 2400 + $temp3>>Total Weekly Expenditure including salaries and interest payments: <<shilling $temp4>>
<<set $temp5 = $weeklyO*120>><<set $temp6 = $weeklyP*60>><<set $temp7 = $weeklyT*120>><<set $temp11 = $weeklyM*120>><<set $temp12 = $weeklyD*120>><<set $temp13 = $weeklyV*120>><<set $temp14 = $weeklyB*120>>
''Sales this week:''
<<if $weeklyO gt 0>>$weeklyO Substance O @ 10 shillings: <<shilling $temp5>>
\<<if $weeklyP gt 0>>$weeklyP Substance P @ 5 shillings: <<shilling $temp6>>
\<<if $weeklyT gt 0>>$weeklyT Substance T @ 10 shillings: <<shilling $temp7>>
\<<if $weeklyM gt 0>>$weeklyM Substance M @ 10 shillings: <<shilling $temp11>>
\<<if $weeklyD gt 0>>$weeklyD Substance D @ 10 shillings: <<shilling $temp12>>
\<<if $weeklyV gt 0>>$weeklyV Substance V @ 10 shillings: <<shilling $temp13>>
\<<if $weeklyB gt 0>>$weeklyB Substance B @ 10 shillings: <<shilling $temp14>>
<<set $temp8 = $temp5 + $temp6 + $temp7+ $temp11+ $temp12+ $temp13+ $temp14>>Total Revenue: <<shilling $temp8>>
<<set $temp9 = $temp8 - $temp4>>
Profits in week to date = Revenue - Expenditure
= <<shilling $temp9>>
<<widget farm>>
/* if profit lte debt */
<<if $temp9 lte $temp2>>
<<set $repayment += $temp9>>
<<set $temp2 = 120000 + $temp1 - $repayment>>
All farm profits are used for repaying debt this week. Outstanding balance is <<shilling $temp2>>
/* else repay all debt */
<<else>><<set $repayment += $temp2>>
/* temp10 is profit after debt repaid */
<<set $temp10 = $temp9 - $temp2>>
/* temp11 is player share. temp12 is this minus fractions of a penny */
<<set $temp11 = ($temp10*0.3)>>
<<set $temp12 = ($temp11 - ($temp11 % 1))>>
All farm debt is repaid. You earn 30% of the profits, <<shilling $temp12>>
<<money $temp12>>
<</if>><<set $weeklyO = 0>><<set $weeklyT = 0>><<set $weeklyP = 0>>
<</nobr>><</widget>>The store is relatively new, catering for the current fashion for fancy dress costumes
<<set $shop = "Costume">>
They stock a selection of masks, with a sign indicating that full costumes are expected in soon.
<<if $objects["black domino mask"].inv eq 1>>You have already purchased the black domino mask<<else>>[[black domino mask->Shopbuy][$item = "black domino mask"]]<</if>>
<<if $objects["black lace mask"].inv eq 1>>You have already purchased the black lace mask<<else>>[[black lace mask->Shopbuy][$item = "black lace mask"]]<</if>>
<<if $objects["cat mask"].inv eq 1>>You have already purchased the cat mask<<else>>[[cat mask->Shopbuy][$item = "cat mask"]]<</if>>
<<if $objects["dog mask"].inv eq 1>>You have already purchased the dog mask<<else>>[[dog mask->Shopbuy][$item = "dog mask"]]<</if>>
<<if $objects["elegant butterfly mask"].inv eq 1>>You have already purchased the elegant butterfly mask<<else>>[[elegant butterfly mask->Shopbuy][$item = "elegant butterfly mask"]]<</if>>
<<if $objects["iron mask"].inv eq 1>>You have already purchased the iron mask<<else>>[[iron mask->Shopbuy][$item = "iron mask"]]<</if>>
<<if $objects["ornate Venetian mask"].inv eq 1>>You have already purchased the ornate Venetian mask<<else>>[[ornate Venetian mask->Shopbuy][$item = "ornate Venetian mask"]]<</if>>
<<if $objects["plague doctor mask"].inv eq 1>>You have already purchased the plague doctor mask<<else>>[[plague doctor mask->Shopbuy][$item = "plague doctor mask"]]<</if>>
<<if $objects["sexy gold mask"].inv eq 1>>You have already purchased the sexy gold mask<<else>>[[sexy gold mask->Shopbuy][$item = "sexy gold mask"]]<</if>>
<<if $objects["lab coat"].inv eq 1>>You have already purchased the lab coat<<else>>[[lab coat->Shopbuy][$item = "lab coat"]]<</if>>
More available in a future update
<<if $objects["black bob wig"].inv eq 1>>You already own the black bob wig<<else>>[[black bob wig->Shopbuy][$item = "black bob wig"]]<</if>>
<<if $objects["blonde bob wig"].inv eq 1>>You have already purchased the blonde bob wig<<else>>[[blonde bob wig->Shopbuy][$item = "blonde bob wig"]]<</if>>
<<if $objects["long black wig"].inv eq 1>>You have already purchased the long black wig<<else>>[[long black wig->Shopbuy][$item = "long black wig"]]<</if>>
<<if $objects["long blonde wig"].inv eq 1>>You have already purchased the long blonde wig<<else>>[[long blonde wig->Shopbuy][$item = "long blonde wig"]]<</if>>
<<if $objects["long brown wig"].inv eq 1>>You have already purchased the long brown wig<<else>>[[long brown wig->Shopbuy][$item = "long brown wig"]]<</if>>
<<if $objects["long red wig"].inv eq 1>>You have already purchased the long red wig<<else>>[[long red wig->Shopbuy][$item = "long red wig"]]<</if>>
<<if $objects["Blonde Updo Wig"].inv eq 1>>You have already purchased the Blonde Updo Wig<<else>>[[Blonde Updo Wig->Shopbuy][$item = "Blonde Updo Wig"]]<</if>>
<<if $objects["Brown Elaborate Wig"].inv eq 1>>You have already purchased the Brown Elaborate Wig<<else>>[[Brown Elaborate Wig->Shopbuy][$item = "Brown Elaborate Wig"]]<</if>>
<<if $objects["Elaborate red wig"].inv eq 1>>You have already purchased the Elaborate red wig<<else>>[[Elaborate red wig->Shopbuy][$item = "Elaborate red wig"]]<</if>>
<<if $objects["Short Brown Wig"].inv eq 1>>You have already purchased the Short Brown Wig<<else>>[[Short Brown Wig->Shopbuy][$item = "Short Brown Wig"]]<</if>>
[[Return to Oxford Street->OxfordSt]]The Hellfire Club <<SetFlag "event">>
<b>Act Two - Sex</b>
As you enter the foyer, one of the staff members wearing a smart suit with a small domino mask stops you to check your attire. From the hair you suspect that it might be Gabriel.
<<if $hat.includes("mask") eq true>>He observes your mask. "You came prepared I see, <<else>>"Masks only beyond this point, <</if>><<sir>>. You can wear anything else you want. Or indeed nothing, but masks must remain on all evening.
<<if $objects["black domino mask"].inv neq 1>>He hands you a simple domino mask. <<set $objects["black domino mask"].inv = 1>><</if>>
<<if $Daisydomevent gt 1>>You hear a whisper in your ear as you head inside. "I want people to know you are mine tonight. Dress in pink. Or strip off nude and show your cage, like a pretty little $subname." You turn to reply but just see a flash of blonde hair walking away from you into the ballroom.<</if>>
[[Head to the dressing room to change->Wardrobe][$Wardrobe = "HC_event7"]]
\<<if $hat.includes("mask") eq true>>[[Enter the ballroom->HC_event7_1]]
\<<else>>You are not wearing a mask and are refused entry.<</if>><img src="Images/Places/Masquerade.webp" width=600 />
The central part of the ballroom has been cleared of furniture, and the air is filled with beautiful music from a string quartet on the stage area. The edges of the room are dim, with couches and chairs spread around the outside.
Everyone in here from staff to guests are wearing masks. Some are small, and their identity is obvious, but many cover their whole faces and you have no idea who they are. The anonymity is refreshing, even in the usually exhibitionist surroundings of the Hellfire Club, there is even more than usual flirting and sexual activity. Couples are dancing, and touching each other while doing so, with several retiring to the outside to take their dalliances further.
<<HCevent7>><img src="Images/People/Bunnymasknude3.webp" width=600 />
Pink hair, rabbit ears. whiskers. She's not even trying to hide who she is. But she is cute as a button and apart from the mask as naked as the day she was born.
She rushes up to you, excited.
"This is brilliant. Noone knows who I am. You don't know who I am. I don't know who you are. Do I know you?"
Worryingly, you don't think that she is pretending.
She points over at a naked black man wearing a sun mask. "Have you seen the size of that thing? It's beautiful. I mean no offense, I am sure yours is too, but don't you just want to touch it?"
You mutter something noncommittal.
"Oh that is a lovely dress. I wonder who she is?"
You shrug.
"I couldn't think what to wear for this. So I thought I could just go naked, as noone will know it's me. I mean I'm supposed to be working, but I was helping with the setup and I got an hour off to rest as long as I'm ready for the orgy at the end. Which is silly really I mean who needs to rest to get ready for an orgy? Though I might want to warm up a bit. Anyhow, do you want me to suck you off"
She gestures at a couch over on the side.
She is very forward, but cute as a button.
[[Accept enthusiastically->HC7_bunny2][$temp = 1]]
[[Decline politely->HC7_bunny2][$temp = 2]]<img src="Images/People/Princemask2.webp" width=600 />
You approach the naked black man masked as a sun god. He has two girls, one clinging to each leg, both naked, one white, one asian. Their faces are covered in silver simulacrums of human faces, with expressions of ecstasy carved into the metal.
It is not hard to work out who this is. There are not many black men in London, and only a handful that are members of the Hellfire club. And the tribal tattoos are very distinctive. As is the enormous penis handing between his carved ebony thighs. Indeed apart from the mask he is entirely naked. But in keeping with the spirit of the occasion you feign ignorance as to his identity.
"Look up here at my face - I know you can't take your eyes away from my magnificence, you are only human after all."
"Hail, God of the sun. Would you and your slaves like this dance?"
"When I dance the universe expands!" he responds, beckoning to his two slavegirls as he moves. They link hands with you and the prince, and perform a sinuous dance between the two of you, their fingers tracing paths along your limbs and chest, not lingering long in any one place.
"These strings are fine enough, but we need a drummer in here. Dum-dada-dum-dada." he booms out, his huge hands slapping the drumbeats into the asian girls ass. Despite it leaving a red mark on her porcelain skin, she does not flinch.
"So whitey. What do you think of my harem?"
"Two isn't quite a harem."
"Hah, I like you. I have dozens back in my palace. I only bring a few when I travel. Plenty of soft white flesh here in London eager for the Prince. All the English ladies love a nice big cock, and their husbands know it. And after they have had me, they can't forget, they lie back and think of the prince as their husbands little dicks barely touch the sides of their stretched pussies and asses."
"Can I play with them?"
He shakes his head. "They would if I commanded it, but it wouldn't be fair. They are so stretched inside that you wouldn't be able to satisfy them.
<<if $chastity neq 1 and ($penis eq "large" or $penis eq "huge")>>[[I'm pretty big myself you know. How about a contest - whoever is bigger gets to fuck one of your slaves->HC7_prince1][$temp = 1]]<</if>>
[[Can I touch it?->HC7_prince1][$temp = 2]]
[[Could I join your harem->HC7_prince1][$temp = 3]]<img src="Images/People/LadyBmask.webp" width=600 />
The figure you approach is an older lady, early fifties perhaps, with long white hair. She is still beautiful, and her body shapely, although close up you see some of the creases of age. She is wearing a silver-white mask that matches her hair, which obscures the top of her face, and an elegant black lace ballgown.
"Well what do we have here. Stand straight, $boy, lets take a look at you." Her voice is commanding, as if one born to rule, and you instinctively obey. "Hmm. Well at least you're wearing a mask. So many of the newcomers have no respect for tradition. And how are you enjoying tonight's little soiree?"
You reply that it is quite a party, and comment on the number of people who seem to be entirely naked apart from their masks.
"Well yes. It'll probably descend into an orgy in a couple of hours. These things usually do. I used to enjoy that sort of thing in my youth, but these days I prefer to watch. I could rather get used to watching you, you're quite a pretty little thing aren't you.
"Tell me, are you one of Edward's? Or one of hers?"
The last word comes out full of spite and venom, but it's obvious that she is talking about Megan
[[My patron is Walsingham->HC7_LadyB_1][$temp = 1]]
[[My Mistress is Megan->HC7_LadyB_1][$temp = 2]]
[[Neither of them. Maybe I could be yours->HC7_LadyB_1][$temp = 3]]
[[I am my own person->HC7_LadyB_1][$temp = 4]]<img src="Images/People/Daisy/Daisymask1.webp" width=600 />
Daisy is wearing a delicate black lace mask along with a black veil that she lifts from her face as you approach. The rest of her attire is daring, more suited to the boudoir than the ballroom, a collection of black lace and silk.
<<if $Daisydomevent gt 1>>"You don't fool me, little $subname. I've seen every inch of you before, you can't hide behind a mask. I hope you have been enjoying yourself. Now let's see if you have dressed as I asked. "
\<<if $outfit.includes("pink") eq true or $top.includes("pink") eq true or $bottom.includes("pink") eq true>>"Very good my pet, pink suits you. Dance with me a little while."
\<<elseif Flag("bottomless")>>"I do like you showing your caged little clitty to the world. Dance with me a little while."
<<else>> "I said pink or naked." This is insufficiently pink and I cannot see your caged little clitty. Perhaps next time I shall have to dress you myself if you cannot follow simple instructions.
She reaches in and pulls at your cage through your clothing painfully, before squeezing your balls for good measure, then walking off.
[[Look around for someone else->HC7_wait]]<</if>>
<<elseif $Daisyevent eq -1 and $Daisydomevent eq -1>>She does not seem to immediately recognise you, and you realise this is the first time since your row that you have had the opportunity to say any civil words to each other. You realise this might be an opportunity to build bridges
[[Dance with her silently->HC7_Daisy1]]
[[Speak to her and apologise->HC7_Daisy2]]
<<else>>Daisy embraces you passionately, kissing you through her lace veil. "I do so enjoy meeting with you here my love - I can be myself, without pretending to be a perfect little lady like in a novel. Look over there - they are screwing in public, it''s like ancient Rome. Maybe we could too, later. But first I want to dance."
<</if>><img src="Images/People/Megan/meganmaskcorset3.webp" width=600 />
Megan is looking radiant as always, in a black and gold mask, tight corset and holding a black rod, like a queen holding a scepter of office. As is convention at masquerades, she does not acknowledge you by name.
"Why good evening <<sir>>. And what brings you to our fine establishment this evening?"
"Enchanté my lady." You reply, bowing slightly and kissing her outstretched hand. "Would you care for a dance?"
She accepts, and you swirl across the dancefloor. She is graceful, though you become aware before long that she is leading you, not the oter way around, with gentle nudges and pulls so you were almost unaware of her guidance. She holds you close, and whispers in your ear.
"Has that bitch Bentley tried to get her claws into you yet? She usually has a go with new members. I don't think she has anything to offer your unique tastes, no matter how well you present it mutton is no substitute for tender veal. I guess some weak minded sorts are attracted to that veneer of power that lingers around the aristocracy. It's not often that I agree with the French, but they might have had the right idea there with madame Guillotine. Keep an eye out for her. Or even better, string her along a little. She likes to watch so put on a show."
You were right. They really don't get on.
You thank her for the advice then change the subject, asking what the rod is for.
Her eyes twinkle. "Wouldn't you like to know? Maybe if you are a good $boy you might find out in the finale."
<<if $chastity eq 1>>She strokes the key she has on a chain around her neck seductively, before shaking her head and tapping on your crotch so you can feel your cage reverberate. "Not tonight, I think. That cock does not belong to you, and it would do you good to be all locked away while everyone else is using theirs. That was your choice, after all."<</if>>
She curtseys as the music stops, and you kiss her cheek before heading off your own way
<<HCevent7>><img src="Images/People/Matthewmask.webp" width=600 />
"Hey $playername."
<<if $playername neq $Hname>> "Or is it $Hname now?"
You nod, "$Hname when I am in the club, yes."
\<<if $chest neq "flat">>"So you're a woman now? I mean your clothes, your chest - its all a bit different."
You shrug. "It's still me. I just guess I was always like this - there was never a place to show it before."
"You definitely didn't used to have those. We shared a barracks remember. You had that puny hairy chest. Those are attractive. I shouldn't be saying this - you're my best friend."
"And you're not allowed to find your best friend attractive?"
"No. NO! Not like that anyhow."
"But one day, if you get married, you'd want to be friends with your wife?"
"Well of course - it'd be a rubbish marriage if we didn't like each other."
"So what's the difference?"
He leans in. "The difference is that you have a cock. Or has that changed too?"
<<if $penis eq "small" or $penis eq "tiny">>"It's smaller now, softer. More feminine."<</if>>
<<if $chastity eq 1>>"Anyhow, I keep it locked away. For safekeeping."
"In case you get tempted to stick it in a hole."
"Basically, yes. And when I do get to use it after the waiting, it's incredible. Far better than just wanking every day."
"You sound like those monks we ran into in north Africa. They were into practicing denial. But they just looked miserable."
"I'm far from miserable."<</if>>
"So does that mean you like men now?" He looks a little apprehensive.
[[I still like girls->HC7_matthew_1][$temp =1]]
[[My tastes are more specialised these days->HC7_matthew_1][$temp =2]]
[[I like both men and women->HC7_matthew_1][$temp =3]]
[[Why? Do you want to kiss me->HC7_matthew_2]]<</if>>
<<if $chest eq "flat">>
\"So this club. It's something else. There's always been brothels and I've never had any problem getting sex, but it's always been sordid. Here it's celebrated"
"Sex shouldn't be something you're ashamed of."
"Tell that to my mother. She used to cane me if there were signs that I'd been wanking. A stain on my sheet, A suggestive postcard. Thwack. Why do you think I was so keen to join the army."
"It's not her fault. Blame the church."
"I reckon she just wasn't getting any from my old man. loved my old mam I did, but she wasn't a looker. Nor was my dad. I wonder where I get it from?"
"I hear your home town had an attractive blacksmith." You joke
"Yeah, he moved there from yours - that's why we look alike" he retorts.
"Anyhow - are you seeing anyone? In here I mean."
"Well I had a quick shag with that American girl, Bunny. But I think everyone has. She's insatiable. Other than that I'm biding my time. Most of them are a bit upper class. I could score with them fine, but I think they'd just be using me."
"What a hardship. Being used for your enormous cock. I think I have the world's smallest violin to play for you."
"How about you? Anyone special here?"
[[The queen over there, Megan->HC7_matthew_1][$temp =4]]
[[My cousin, Daisy. She's a member now->HC7_matthew_1][$temp =5]]
[[That thin girl over there, Michaela->HC7_matthew_1][$temp =6]]
[[Just casual at the moment, inside the club anyhow->HC7_matthew_1][$temp =7]]
<</if>><img src="Images/People/Walsmask.webp" width=600 />toind
There is no mistaking Walsingham. His mask is a tiny black affair that barely covers his eyes, and he is wearing his usual black suit.
He is drinking heavily. Scotch and water by the looks of it.
"Another magnificent party."
He shrugs. "If you like that kind of thing."
"The Bentleys adore this kind of pantomime. They've never worked a day in their lives, so playing games is all they know. And Megan is a born entertainer."
"You prefer giant green dragon monsters?"
"Oh, the 'hulk' creature. I had nothing to do with that."
"The evidence is conveniently deceased. A tragic accident."
<<if $farm gt 0>>"Was that my research from the farm you were using?"<<else>>"What benefit did it serve?"<</if>>
"We live in a dangerous world. The Great powers have conquered all the land they can.. It's been thirty years since the Franco-PRussian war, Kaiser Wilhelm is poking China but soon enough will turn on Europe. Ten, fifteen years. Twenty at most there will be war."
"And you plan to win it with mindless beasts painted green."
"Only if they are fighting in the fields. I'll paint them yellow if we are fighting in the desert."
"War is a game to you. At least the Bentleys aren't harming anyone."
"I am deadly serious. I plan to be prime minister one day. If there is war in Europe I will win it any way I can. Morality is for priests and women."
His look tells you that the conversation is over and he bids you farewell.
<<HCevent7>><img src="Images/People/LordBmask2.webp" width=600 />
The older man takes a look at you with a calculating gaze.
<<if Flag("topless") or Flag("bottomless")>>"A bold choice of outfit."<<else>>"An interesting sartorial choice."<</if>>
<<if $femcheck gt 2>>"You dress like a woman but something about you? The jaw, neckline - don't worry, I prefer boys anyhow.<</if>>
"You're new, aren't you. Are you staff? No, not dressed like that. I haven't had you before, no I never forget an arse. New member then. Welcome to the club. You're not averse to a bit of buggery I hope. Oh don't be such a prude - just bend down over that chaise lounge there and we can get this over with. You do have a splendid arse, you know. "
You are somewhat unsure how to take this compliment.
[[Bend over and take it->HC7_LordB_1]]
[[Make your excuses and leave->HC7_wait]]<img src="Images/People/Yvettebabettemasks.webp" width=600 />
You approach the two maids tidying up glasses at the side of the room and go over to talk to them.
"Bonjour <<monsieur>>"says one.
"Good evening" says the other, still with a French accent, nudging the other to speak in English."
"Can we get you anything. Something to drink perhaps?"
"Or a fuck. We could do that."
"We cannot fuck. We are working."
"It is a sex club. Fucking is the point."
"Do you think of nothing else, sister?"
"Non." she replies flatly.
The other whispers something in her ear, and the second one smiles, before pouring you some champagne from a large green bottle.
"No sex. And definitely no sex at the end of the evening. No, no no."
They head off, picking up more glasses.
<<HCevent7>><img src="Images/People/Mic/Micmask2.webp" width=600 />
You see the slim woman standing shyly by the side of the room, and take her hand. She is dressed like Marie Antoinette in a silken gown, her face painted white with red lips beneath a sapphire blue mask, her golden curls cascading around it. As you get closer you recognise Michaela, still awkward in these settings as a woman, but growing into her beauty.
"May I have this dance, my lady?" you say graciously.
She beams, recognising your voice despite the mask, and seems to relax, although makes some missteps on the dancing, occasionally wanting to lead and then getting confused.
As the dance nears the end, she bites her lip and tries to summon up some courage. "If you want to we could sit for a while, at the side?"
"Yes. And maybe more..."
The invitation hangs in the air as she
[[Walk with Michaela to the side and sit. And maybe more.->HC7_Michaela1]]
[[Decline politely and thank her for the dance->HC7_wait]]<img src="Images/People/ColMask.webp" width=600 />
<<if $chest eq "average" or $chest eq "large">> "Well you're a pretty little thing, aren't you? Let's have a feel of those."
He puts both hands out and gives your tits a squeeze.
"Don't get many of those to the pound, do you? So, how about a kiss, and maybe if you're good I'll let you suck my cock. That's the best offer you're going to get tonight, love."
<<else>>"I don't think you're quite my cup of tea. I was after some totty and I like something to hold onto. Give those melons a squeeze, if you know what I mean. That one over there, in the black knickers - the blonde one. That's what I've got in mind, I'd love to give her a good rodgering.
You aren't sure, but you suspect that the object of his affections is Daisy.
You make your excuses and leave. Even if you wanted young cock, you have your limits, and you aren't going to let this stuck up idiot stick anything up you tonight.
<<HCevent7>><img src="Images/People/Melissamask4.webp" width=600 />
You approach the woman in red, uncertain at first who she might be. There is something familiar about her, her hair, the way she holds herself, and she has a raw sensuality about her.
"Good evening. May I have this dance?" she enquires, forwardly.
You agree, taking her hand and beginning a slow waltz.
"Your dancing is superb? Have you had training?"
"My governess was Russian, a former ballerina. I used to wake at 6 and do pliés for an hour before breakfast."
"You must be very flexible" you remark suggestively.
"Very." she agrees. She does not seem to be one for small talk.
You realise where you have seen her before. Melissa Hildegarde. Daughter of European aristocracy, Count Hildegarde. One of the debutantes from a few weeks ago.
"So how do you like the club? I think we both joined recently."
"It is refreshing. Lady Bentley is a family friend and made me aware of it. It is quite different from the other gatherings of the season. One tires of flapping a fan at suitors when you both want something more,"
"And do you want something more now?"
"A kind offer. As charming and as good a dancer as you are, I think I will keep my virtue intact for tonight. My dress is not the only thing scarlet about me today, alas. But do not let me keep you - there are many other guests. I will give you a little something to remember me by, until we meet again."
She sips on some champagne then pulls you into a close embrace and puts one hand on your buttocks, the other on the back of your head, and presses your body against hers as she kisses you deeply, her tongue swirling around your mouth. The bubbles of the drink flow from her mouth to yours, and she keeps a tight seal until you have swallowed the fine wine.
"1892 was a superb vintage, don't you think?" she quips as she turns and walks off.
She is a natural dominant, you observe, toying with your arousal and leaving you wanting more, almost as skilled as Megan. Indeed, with the mask on, aside from the age difference they could almost be twins.
<<HCevent7>><img src="Images/People/LadyBmask.webp" width=600 />
\<<if $temp eq 1>>"Yes, I rather thought so. You can almost smell the avarice. I guess one has to admire the desire to better yourselves, however futile. <<SetFlag "ladyb" 1>>
\<<elseif $temp eq 2>>"Yes, you do seem her type. She tend to collect fragile damaged little things. Somehow she always ends up leaving them even more broken when she loses attention and moves on. Don't say I didn't warn you. <<SetFlag "ladyb" 1>>
\<<elseif $temp eq 3>>She laughs. "Oh I like your gumption. Maybe I can make use of you. Let me think on it. <<SetFlag "ladyb" 2>>
\<<elseif $temp eq 4>>She smiles. "Oh the arrogance of youth. We all have our price. I suspect yours is lower than you think. <<SetFlag "ladyb" 1>><</if>>
\"Anyhow, go on and have fun. I'll keep my eye on you. Maybe one day I'll take a peek under that mask."
She turns and greets another partygoer. You feel as if you have been dismissed.
<<HCevent7>><img src="Images/Places/Masquerade.webp" width=600 />
You wander around the ballroom a little, listening out for a voice that you recognise or someone to dance with.
<<HCevent7>>A gong sounds to indicate the end of the evenings entertainment.
The partygoers scrape together their clothing and gather, decency more or less intact, in the centre of the room.
Lady Bentley addresses the crowd.
"Ladies and Gentlemen of Hellfire. I apologise for being away from you for so long. I have missed this revelry. I have had my eye on all of you this evening and am pleased to see that you have not forgotten how to have a good time in my absence. Now as is traditional, we will end the evening with an orgy."
Her tone is very matter of fact, the same way your mother might announce that as is traditional we will have goose for Christmas lunch.
"But with a twist. In it I have randomly paired every one of you up with another partygoer. That is who you are to start with for the finale. Of course as you are wearing masks you might not be able to identify each other, so I have here an envelope for every participant. Find the matching card."
"Objection - consent!" calls out Megan
"I am not forcing them to do anything. Just nudging them together. If they want to break good manners and ignore each other, that is their business."
There is a general muttering, and one by one, people walk forward to their tables and take a pristine envelope. Inside each is an outsize playing card, with a pin to attach it. Most seem to have played a variant of this game before, and are pinning the card to their outfit or mask and looking for its twin.
You take your card. A queen of clubs, ominous.
Next to you Megan draws an ace of spades. "Fucking upper class bitch." she mutters under her breath. "Random my arse." with her heavy Essex accent coming out unfiltered in her fury.
You see some interesting pairings as you look around for your matching heart.
- Lady Bentley and Colonel Wilberforce. Pure coincidence that she has drawn a young buck
- Daisy and Matthew? He looks at you guiltily, and shrugs, showing their pair of seven of diamonds. <<if $Daisydomevent eq -1 and $Daisyevent eq -1>>She grins and licks her lips as she leads him toward an empty chair. <<elseif $Daisydomevent gt 0>>She strokes your hair as she passes you. "I'll be sure to tell you all about it next week, $subname." <<else>>She looks toward you for reassurance, permission even. You nod your head - it would be hypocritical to do otherwise, and you try to hold any feelings of jealousy at bay.<</if>>
- Megan and the Prince. "The Black Queen and the Black Prince. What a combination." booms his deep voice. "Are you ready for my cock." "I think I can manage", she says with calm professionalism, although you see fury in her eyes.
- Walsingham and Bunny. Whilst you are sure she will give him the night of his life, it is either a coincidence or a statement putting the politician with the biggest tart in the room.
- Lord Bentley and Michaela. Dirty old sod. <<if $temp12 eq 1>>You recall his fondness for buggery and his bisexuality, and realise this is again an apt pairing. For him at least. The combinations are obviously rigged. <</if>>
-Yvette and Babette only seem to have the one envelope between them, and each take one hand of a bespectacled young man that you recognise as the accountant
Alfred Wilkins, who they lead away, giggling.
The crowd is thinning out, and your eyes catch a red picture card pinned to a shapely red corset.
<img src="Images/People/Melissamask.webp" width=600 />
<<if $temp16 eq 1>>"When I said until we meet again, I did not think it would be so soon." she quips. <<else>>"I do not believe I have had the pleasure this evening."<</if>>
As you are the last couple to pair up, you are left alone in the centre of the dancefloor. "It appears that all the furniture is taken. Still, we have the floor, which given my circumstances might be for the best. I am afraid that I have my monthly visitor this evening. Is this a problem for you?"
[[Take Melissa enthusiastically, despite being on her period->HC7_end2][$temp = 1]]
<<if $chastity eq 0>>[[Fuck Melissa, but don't go down on her->HC7_end2][$temp = 2]]<</if>>
[[Just kiss her->HC7_end2][$temp = 3]]<img src="Images/People/Bunnymasknude.webp" width=600 />
<<if $temp eq 1>>
Bunny as always is a whirlwind of desire. "I want that cock." she demands, coming on to you like a runaway carriage. You struggle to last more than a few minutes, as she finishes with you, before kissing you sweetly and heading off.
"Places to go, people to fuck." she says, matter of factly as she leaves you slightly stunned.
<<penisvag "Bunny">><<cum>>
<<else>>She looks disappointed, but soon gets over it.
That's ok. I'll go and ask that guy with the huge black cock. I might not even be able to get my mouth around it, but I'll try.
She heads off eagerly.
<<HCevent7>><img src="Images/People/LordBmask1.webp" width=600 />
As requested, you head over to the side and <<if Flag("bottomless" )>>bend over, sticking your naked ass in the air. <<else>> pull down your clothes, before you <</if>>bend over, sticking your naked ass in the air. His Lordship pulls down his breeches, revealing a partly erect and slightly wrinkled cock.
"Ah, I do love a new arse. I remember my days at Eton, such a thrill when I was made a prefect and we could go around and take our pick of the new boys. And then at Oxford, where we used to fuck the shopgirls. Boots the chemist was my favourite., they had such pretty little things. I used to have them round my rooms and fuck them up the arse every Saturday. Do you fuck the girls from Boots?"
He eases into you and thrusts theatrically. It is over remarkably quickly, and you get little pleasure from it. He gives your buttocks a slap for good measure and buttons up his pants.
<<asspenis "LordB">>
"Well thank you my $boy. You do have a fantastically tight arse. I knew it."
He heads toward a pale haired lady in a white dress nearby, who appears to have been watching avidly. She embraces him warmly and runs a finger through his hair.
<<HCevent7>>You are taken in to speak to Mr Prescott Jr.
<<if Flag("visitedbank")>>Ah, welcome back.<</if>>
He has sandy coloured hair, a smart pin striped suit, and small round glasses.
"Now <<if $femcheck gt 2>>Miss <<else>> Mr. <</if>>$playersurname. I understand you wish to purchase a property."
<<SetFlag "visitedbank">>
You explain that you are interested in the unoccupied house at 22 Kensington Avenue, but do not have the 500 pounds needed to purchase it.
"Hmm. We would normally ask a new customer for a 6% interest rate per annum, and a five percent deposit. So that would be twenty five pounds deposit and about three pounds a month payments over the next twenty years. Or until you pay the loan off in full.
You do some quick calculations and estimate that along with running costs for the household this will raise your living expenses to about five shillings a day, and the mortgage will increase massively from your weekly rent of 2 shillings to about 15.
Your overall weekly cost of living will be about 50 shillings. Two and a half pounds! But on the other hand you will have your own place, some privacy to indulge in your "hobbies", and as a property owner would be able to join the Hellfire club as a full member.
[[Regretfully decline and return home->YourRoom]]
[[Say that you do not quite have the deposit->Bank_nodeposit]]
<<if $money gt 6000>>[[Agree and prepare to write a cheque for twenty-five pounds!->Bank_deposit]] <</if>>"Hmm. We do require some collateral. Whilst we can of course repossess the house should you fail to keep up payments, this is a tedious business, and we are a bank, not a charity." he explains in a cordial manner, like a cobra explaining how its venom will slowly paralyse and kill its prey.
"The only exceptions we would make would be if you had a letter of recommendation from an upstanding citizen, an existing customer in good credit who was able to vouch for you."
You think carefully about who might be a respectable citizen in good credit. Not Ambrose - his business is on shaky ground. Matthew is far from respectable. <<if $HCevent neq 0>>Perhaps someone at the club? <</if>>
<<if Flag("walsrecommend")>>You pull out your letter of recommendation from Walsingham and hand it over.
"Well why didn't you say you were friends with the Minister? He is on the board here after all. This will do nicely, we will draw up the paperwork and you should be able to move in on Monday.
You spend the next hour looking through the documents he has drawn up, but they seem to be as described, and you sign them eagerly.
<<SetFlag "buyinghouse">>
<<else>>You thank him and agree to return with a letter of recommendation. <<if $HCevent neq 0>>You mention there might be one or two members of your club who might be able to provide such a document.<</if>><</if>>
[[Head home->YourRoom]]<<money -6000>>
"Very good, this is quite satisfactory. Naturally the contract will allow the bank to repossess the house should you fail to keep up payments, we are a bank, not a charity." he explains in a cordial manner, like a cobra explaining how its venom will slowly paralyse and kill its prey.
You spend the next hour looking through the documents he has drawn up, but they seem to be as described, and you sign them eagerly.
This will do nicely, we will draw up the paperwork and you should be able to move in on Monday.
<<SetFlag "buyinghouse">>
[[Head home->YourRoom]]<<SetFlag "buyinghouse" false>><<set $expenses = 5>><<set $house =1>>
You are greeted at Threadneedle Street by Mr Prescott Jr. who shakes your hand warmly and hands over the deed. Congratulations on being a property owner. Note that you are now eligible to vote. I believe you know your current MP Sir Walsingham. I am sure he will be in touch later in the year at election time.
You head to your new house. It is a similar size to the Ambrose residence, but without the pharmacy store at the bottom it seems much larger. Downstairs is a parlour, a dining room, a study and a kitchen. There are four bedrooms upstairs - one master bedroom, a guest room, a servants quarters and an attic room much like where you have been staying the past few weeks, along with a small indoor bathroom. The basement is just a dusty cellar.
You open the door to your new house eagerly:
[[Go to the Master Bedroom->YourRoom]]
[[Go to the Parlour->Parlour]]
[[Go to the Dining Room->Diningroom]]
[[Go to the Bathroom->Bathroom]]
[[Go to the Kitchen->YourKitchen]]
[[Go to the Cellar->Cellar]]
[[Go to the Attic->Attic]]
[[Go to the Guest Room->Guestroom]]
[[Go to Servants Quarters->Servantsroom]]
[[Go outside->KensingtonAv]]<img src="Images/People/Daisy/Daisymask3.webp" width=600 />
You hold Daisy close and dance with her, squeezing her lace covered ass as you do so. She seems to be enjoying the anonymity of the masquerade, whispering into your ear and calling you "my mysterious stranger" as she runs a finger through your hair.
\<<if $mrsalove gte 2>>You wonder what Mrs Ambrose would think of the two of you in this den of debauchery with your hands all over each other. Furious, or jealous? Daisy is in some ways her mothers daughter after all.
\As the dance progresses, you and Daisy get more intimate, groping at each other with desire, but leaving your masks untouched.
Daisy pulls you toward a chaise lounge at the edge of the room.
<<if $Daisydomevent gte 1>>"I want you to suck my clit, my $subname."
<<else>>"I want you to fuck me, fuck me hard, my masked stranger."
<<if $chastity eq 1>>You can't fuck Daisy as you are in chastity.<<else>>[[Head to the couch and fuck Daisy->HC7_Daisysex]]<</if>>
\[[Head to the couch and go down on Daisy->HC7_Daisyoral]]
[[Thank her for the dance but decline politely->HC7_wait]]<img src="Images/People/Daisy/Daisymask3.webp" width=600 />
You take her hand and dance a short while, before you speak to her.
"Daisy, I just wanted to say sorry for what happened?"
"For which bit? For toying with my affections and leading me on, or for leaving me to be raped?"
"For all of it."
"Hmm. Here at the club anyhow, I guess I can treat you civilly. I wouldn't be here if not for you and it is so deliciously naughty here. But at home, I shall still ignore you I am afraid. Mummy is still dreadfully mad at you, and you're lucky Daddy is so obsessed with work he's still speaking with you. Ruby said I should just cut your cock off, but she can be a bit protective."
You gesture over to one of the unoccupied couches. "We could always..."
"Or we could not. Don't think that one little sorry will get your cock into my cunt. Though maybe if you use that lovely tongue of yours on it I might think better of you and accept your apology."
<<SetFlag "daisyreconciled">>
[[Head to the couch and go down on Daisy->HC7_Daisyoral]]
[[Thank her for the dance and look around for a while->HC7_wait]]<img src="Images/People/Daisy/Daisymask2.webp" width=600 />
Daisy takes your hand and walks you over to the chaise lounge, where she removes her veil and pulls her panties down. She lies back. legs astride, and pulls your masked face towards her soft moist folds. You
\<<if $hat eq "plague doctor mask" or $hat eq "dog mask" or $hat eq "ornate Venetian mask" or $hat eq "Harlequin mask" or $hat eq "Pierrot mask" or $hat eq "iron mask">>move your mask aside so that your lips are free, and <</if>>start lapping at her vulva lips, which are soft and sticky with her arousal. She fingers at her clitoris, looking not at you but at the nearby couples in various stages of intimacy, some kissing, some screwing, some merely holding each other tenderly.
"Yes, just like that. Just there." she gasps, pushing your head deeper as she clasps you hard with her thighs.
You lick and suck for about ten minutes, bringing her close to climax each time before letting her subside briefly. Her body is covered in tiny droplets of sweat as she quivers with arousal
"Stop teasing me so. I need to cum. Put some fingers in me and finish me off."
You comply with her wishes, continuing to lick and suck as you push your index and middle fingers deep inside her cunt. She spasms almost instantly, crying out as if in pain. "Thank you, my sweet."<<cunni>>
<<if $chastity eq 1>>Your cock is pushed painfully against your cage with excitement.<</if>>
You look into her eyes, wondering if she will reciprocate.
"I want you to think of me the next few hours. With my taste on your lips and my smell on your fingers. Maybe if you are good I will see you again later in the evening. But for now we are just two masked strangers enjoying each others company, yes?"
You smile at her as you head your separate ways.
<<HCevent7>><img src="Images/People/Daisy/Daisymask2.webp" width=600 />
<<StripAll>><<set $hat= $hatsave>>
She wants to be fucked hard, and you plan to oblige. You tear at her scraps of lingerie, pulling them down roughly and slapping her ass with the palms of your hands
<<if Flag("bottomless") and Flag("topless")>> she grabs at your cock which is by now hard from all of your foreplay and sucks on it greedily.<<else>>she tears off your clothing swiftly, before grabbing at your cock which is by now hard from all of your foreplay and sucking on it greedily.<</if>>
You turn her over and start fingering her from behind, squeezing her magnificent breasts with your other hand.
"Fuck me, please. I need this." she begs. You realise quite how turned on she is from all the sexual activity going on elsewhere in the room, and are flattered that she has saved herself this evening for you.
You slap her ass a few more times, before pushing her head first onto the chaise lounge. She spreads her legs and grinds her buttocks against your crotch and you ease into her wet cunt.
"Yes, like that. Harder - I want to feel every inch of that cock."
<<if $penis eq "tiny">>You thrust away with your tiny cock but it doesn't seem to satisfy her. With some stimulation from your hand she does climax some time after you do, but you can tell she is not satisfied. If this is going to be regular you are going to need something bigger to pleasure her with.
\<<elseif $penis eq "small">>Even though your cock is small, you are still able to make her cum, and she squeals with pleasure, grasping on the golden rim of the furniture as she climaxes a few seconds after you.
<<else>>You start off slow, but it is soon apparen't that she is able to take everything you can offer and you push your entire length deep inside her. She gasps but matches your rhythm as you fuck her pussy energetically, holding her breasts tightly from behind for balance. She gasps as she cums, but you keep thrusting harder, feeling your climax begin to mount. Tears run down her face as she begs you not to stop, and you feel her spasm around you to a second climax which brings your own squirting deep inside her.
<</if>><<penisvag "Daisy">>
"Thank you my sweet." she whispers, as you lie together for a time. "I think I just need some time to recover - you go and enjoy the party. I'll see you later."
<<HCevent7>>You summon up some courage to talk to Ambrose. On one hand, it is a ridiculous idea to have to ask permission from a girl's father to marry, dating back to ancient times when women were possessions and unable to make decisions for themselves. However Daisy has made very clear that she values the trappings of society and would not want to be ostracised from it.
"Dr. Ambrose. I have a very serious question to ask."
"Why yes. Is it about my work?<<if $pharmacy gt 1 >> We have already talked at length about that, have you had new insights?<</if>>"
"No, it is not about work. It is about Daisy."
"Is she alright? I know that the two of you have been courting and..."
"She is fine. Better than fine - she is marvellous. Dr Ambrose, I would like permission to marry your daughter."
"To what? Did I hear you right? To marry her?"
"Yes. I am now a person of means. I have my new home up the road. There is plenty of room for Daisy. For servants. Perhaps one day a family."
"I, I think that I would like that. Just a moment. Helena!"
He calls through for his wife, and Mrs Ambrose arrives a few minutes later.
"Yes, what is it dear?"
"$playername has just asked for Daisy's hand in marriage."
"And what did you say, dear?"
"I thought that I should check with you first."
"Oh, you are such a pudding. They are very sweet together and make a lovely couple. And $playername is quite a catch now. A man of means. Of course they can marry. Were you planning a long or a short engagement."
"Short I think. I mean it is not as if we need to get to know each other, she's my cousin."
"You haven't got her pregnant have you?" Mrs Ambrose's tone turns stern.
"No, nothing like that." you reply, hoping that your nocturnal dalliances with Daisy haven't resulted in her being with child.
"Wonderful. Yes, you may marry with our blessing. Isn't that right, dear?"
"Why of course. With our blessing." adds Ambrose, more certain now he has conferred with his wife, taking your hand and shaking it warmly.
"Excellent. Now we had better go and make some arrangements. You will have to get a ring. And a venue. You'll be getting married in the church of course, I can speak to the bishop. You hurry off as Cornelius and I need to talk. My little girl, getting married at last!"
<<set $daisyengagement = 2>>
[[Return to the Pharmacy->Pharmacy]]You enter Helmstrom's nervously, looking sheepishly at the display cabinets
"Are you after something in particular?"
"Er, an engagement ring."
"Oh how romantic." replies the shopgirl. "And did you have anything in particular in mind? Diamonds are traditional, either on their own or with another stone.
"Her favourite colour is blue. It matches her eyes."
"A sapphire perhaps. We do have this lovely item."
She shows a lovely golden ring with two diamonds flanking a sapphire.
"And how much is that?"
"Less than fifty pounds."
"How much less?"
"Well not much less. Forty nine pounds."
"That is quite a lot. Do you have anything simpler?"
"There is this one for ten pounds. It is still a sapphire set in gold, but much smaller as you can see. "
<<if $money gt 11760>>[[Buy the expensive ring->OxfordSt]]
\<<if $money gt 2400>>[[Buy the cheaper ring->OxfordSt]]
\<<if $Daisyevent gt 3 or $Daisydomevent gt 3>>[[Head to Rosebery's Jewellers->Jewellers]]
<</if>>The gentleman at the door introduces himself as Horatio Dashwood. A junior partner in Dashwood, Dashwood and Flick. You look at him without recognition until he explains that he has been dealing with the sale of your mothers estate.
"I thought that it had all been taken by her creditors?" You ask
"Well most of it was. We sold the house and the possessions, but the amount came to a little more than expected on auction, so as her only heir then it is my duty as executor to provide you with the remainder."
"I see."
"I have for you a total of twenty three pounds, eleven shillings and eightpence. After removing our fee, naturally."
"As well as her wedding and engagement rings."
"Her rings? I thought she had pawned them."
"Well she had, but as the pawnbroker was one of the creditors, we came to an arrangement that they would be returned as part of the settlement."
<<SetFlag "inheritance">><<set $objects["mothers engagement ring"].inv = 1>><<set $objects["mothers wedding ring"].inv = 1>>
<<link [[Return->YourRoom]]>><<money 5660>><</link>><img src="Images/People/Matthewmask.webp" width=600 />
\<<if $temp eq 1>>
"A good thing too. Don't want my cock to get in the way of our friendship, do you?"
\<<elseif $temp eq 2>>
"Specialised? Well I guess there was the $Mattfetish. More than that? Hey whatever rocks your boat. Not for me. I'm not much for all this kinky stuff. Whips and chains don't do it for me. Then again, just look at those two over there" he points out two half naked beauties entwined on a rug in the corner, each with their mouth buried between the others legs. "Ok, threesomes. I could go for one of those. Maybe I'll see if I can join in."
\<<elseif $temp eq 3>>
"Spread the love, eh? There's a lot of people in the world, you can't have them all. And you're pretty now. You could have anyone you wanted.
[[Lean in and kiss him->HC7_matthew_2]]
[[Go your separate ways, agreeing to meet up later->HC7_wait]]
\<<elseif $temp eq 4>>
"The queen? You sure you don't want someone more attainable. I hear Victoria's free now that Albert has passed. She's sexy as hell, but there's something cold about her."
"You just need to get to know her. She has a way with people."
"And have you had your way with her?"
"I think it's more the other wasy around. She gets what she wants. And she makes you want what she wants."
"I'm not much for all this kinky stuff. Whips and chains don't do it for me. Then again, just look at those two over there" he points out two half naked beauties entwined on a rug in the corner, each with their mouth buried between the others legs. "Ok, threesomes. I could go for one of those. Maybe I'll see if I can join in."
\<<elseif $temp eq 5>>
"Your cousin is gorgeous. I'd be in there like a shot you know, if you weren'. Blonde, huge tits, cute smile. Hey, don't get me wrong, you don't moe in on a friend's girl. You take care of that one.
\<<elseif $temp eq 6>>
"She's cute. In a bony kind of way. You know me, I'm a boob man."
\<<elseif $temp eq 7>>
"$playersurname, playing the field. You were always so boring. In a nice way - you and Nic were sweet together, but you were so disapproving when I went off with different girls. I tried to set you up and you just stayed in and did some reading."
<<if $temp neq 3>>You continue to chat about old times, and comment on the debauchery you see around you, before heading off elsewhere in the room to mingle at the party. <</if>>
<<HCevent7>><img src="Images/People/Matthewmask.webp" width=600 />
You lean in and share a tender kiss with Matthew.
It's different from the girls that you have kissed. The rough stubble on his chin, his scent is sweaty, primal, and his body is firm and unyielding.
<<SetFlag "kissedmatt">>
"Wow. You are some kisser. Look this is a lot to take in. I'm not sure if it is just this place - it's like some kind of brothel, they're screwing over there in the corner, all your desire just comes out at once there's no barriers."
"That's a good thing."
"Well yes, but you're a friend. I don't do relationships. A girl in every port remember."
"And can't I be one of them?"
"No. Maybe? I don't know. But not tonight. Give me some time to think about it. We can chat in the pub."
You embrace him warmly, and chat a little about old times, then head off in separate directions.
<<HCevent7>><img src="Images/People/Mic/Micmasknude.webp" width=600 />
She kisses you delicately, not wanting to smudge her makeup.
"It took ages to get smooth." she jokes. "I was going to wear one of those porcelain things over my mouth, but then I realised I wouldn't be able to kiss. And I so wanted to kiss you."
You compliment her on her exquisite look before kissing her shoulders and pulling her dress down to reveal a tiny nipple that you press between your lips. She gasps and presses her fingernails into the back of your shoulders.
"Do you want me to see about removing your cage?"
"Not today. I'd like to stay locked away. I've been practicing with toys in my mouth and in my ass, I'm getting quite good. Would you like me to show you?" she asks coyly.
<<if $chastity eq 1 or $penis eq "tiny">><<if $chastity eq 1>> "Well that makes two of us. And I don't have the key for mine either. "
<<elseif $penis eq "tiny">>"I don't think my little girlcock is really up to penetration these days you say, showing off your tiny pink clitty. She kisses it gently and smiles."<</if>>
"I might have the solution to that" she retorts, reaching to her bag. Inside you see what looks like two candlesticks or stool legs joined at an angle, made of carved lacquered wood with rounded bulbous ends.
"It's bent in the middle so it can come out." She explains. We can both put it in our ass and sort of wiggle about a bit.
She hands it to you and lies back, lifting her smooth legs up and you slide it into her tight arsehole before sitting down facing her and shuffling your ass onto the device. Michaela gently eases it into you and you gasp as the bulbous end passes yoir sphincter and sucks into you.
With the angle you both sit up a little, holding hands and gasping as the movement of either of you sends delicious sensations into the other. You are unable to quite meet you lips, so instead kiss and lick each other fingers and toes. Michaela pushes back against the couch for pressure and gets a steady rhythm going which you match, finding the two person love seat aptly named with just the right amount of space for you both to thrust away. Your metal cages occasionally clash together making a delightful ringing sound.
<<if ($sex_ass_toy_count + $sex_ass_penis_count) gte 5>> Your experience with having cocks and toys up your arsehole seems to be paying off, as after about quarter of an hour you feel a rising pleasure and you dribble cum into your cage. Michaela smiles and puts her fingers into the residue before licking them sensually. <</if>>She closes her eyes and pants more deeply. "Yes there, just there. F-F-fuck yes. Oh...." before spasming and lying still.
"Thank you my sweet." she says, gently easing the device out of you and holding you softly for a while.
<<else>><<penisass "Michaela">>
You strip until you are both naked, revelling in the touch of your bodies. Her smooth cage cups around her crotch, with the rest of her belt clasped around her waist keeping her unmentionables locked safely away. She kneels on the floor, lifting her ass high in the air for you, looking over her shoulder. "Take me now." she asks.
A little jeweled plug is sticking out of her pink asshole, which you pull on, making her gasp with pleasure as the metal slides out. You quickly replace it with your cock which is by now fully hard and eager for her ass, squeezing at her small chest and boyish hips as you do so.
"Do you think I'm pretty like the other girls?" she asks as you ravish her.
"Beautiful. You are unique my sweet."
"Don't be gentle. I've been practicing. I want to feel all of you."
<<if $penis eq "large" or $penis eq "huge">>She gasps and winces as you comply, your $penis cock being wider than she is used to, so you slow your thrusts slightly until she stretches around you. <</if>>Your thrusting gets faster and harder as you feel your orgasm approaching, and you scream with pleasure as you cum deep within her greedy ass which tightens around you as you cum.
"Thank you my sweet." she says. "You make me feel like a real girl."
"You are a real girl" you reassure her.
You caress and kiss some more, before you eventually go your separate ways.
<<HCevent7>><img src="Images/People/Princemask2.webp" width=600 />
<<if $temp eq 1>>"There is large and there is the Prince. Get it out, lets compare. " he laughs. You take out your $penis cock and stroke it gently
"It is large. Though not quite erect. Wendy - kiss it."
The Chinese girl crawls over to you and starts licking your cock, cradling your balls in one hand as her tongue traces along its length. She puts your hand onto her breast, and you soon feel your erection pushing into her mouth.
"Enough. Let us compare."
<<if $penis eq "large">>"Nice try whiteboy, but the Prince is superior. Still, you got your cock into my slave's mouth, so you can't complain. Let me show you how it is done.
He puts his hand around Wendy's throat and pushes until it is flat on the ground, watching her ass lift up to compensate. Squatting slightly, he pulls her legs apart and thrusts into her. Unlike the rest of the party who are indulging in carnality around the edge of the room, the Prince is fucking his slave right in the middle of the dancefloor. The rest of the attendees have stopped to watch, you note eagerness and desire on the face of most of the females watching. They want to be the girl on the floor, submitting to that cock.
<<elseif $penis eq "huge">>"No, this cannot be." he booms as he measures his length and girth against yours. Wendy smiles with desire, as she puts her hand back on your member. It is close, but you are a fraction of an inch longer with the
"I think you trained her to like big cock a little too well, my prince."
He shakes his head. "It is the travel. I am unwell. Or you cheated. Still, a deal is a deal. Wendy - present your xhosa."
The girl puts her head flat against the dancefloor and lifts her naked ass in the air, spreading her pussy lips eagerly. "Fuck me my master for this evening." she drawls.
You don't need to be asked twice, thrusting into her hard, feeling a need to dominate but also to compete, to show your worth. The gir is used to having a huge cock inside her and rocks in time with every thrust. As you do so you note the audience watching you avidly, one or two of them licking their lips
"You climax with a roar, leaving the slavegirl in a quivering heap on the floor where her friend helps her up."<</if>>
<<elseif $temp eq 2>>
"As you asked so nicely. Touch it. Kiss it if you want.
You reach down and take his huge member in both hands. The vein running up the side throbs slightly as you do so. The tip is circumcised, and you note the tribal tattoos running up its length. That must have hurt. You bend down subserviently and place a tiny kiss upon its tip before bowing in deference and stepping back.
<<elseif $temp eq 3>>
<<if $chest neq "flat">>"There are laws about slavery in your country. It was fine of you to come to mine and take my countrymen and women, but your government kicks up a fuss, even if you want to be my slave. <<if $chest neq "flat">>Still, you are pretty enough, for a shemale. Maybe one day. But not today. And it only takes one look at you to know you would break if you tried to take the Prince's cock in your ass.<</if>>
<<else>>"Only women in my harem. Betas like you are welcome to fight over what I leave behind."<</if>>
"Until the next time, whiteboy."
The prince walks off, dragging his two slaves on a chain behind him.
<<HCevent7>>Let me get this ridiculous thing off. I want to look at you properly.
<img src="Images/People/Melissared.webp" width=600 />
She takes off her mask and gazes into your eyes as you pull each other to the ground and start undressing. You run your fingers through her fine brown hair as she places gentle kisses on your neck and chest, before returning to your mouth and kissing you passionately there also. <<StripAll>>
"So. Have you made a decision?"
\<<if $temp eq 1>>
"I am not one to back down, especially not when one as beautiful as you is offering herself to me. You strip away the last of her underwear, revealing her naked frame with a trace of scarlet staining between her thighs. You crouch down in front of her and start to lick, opening her up with your thumbs and rubbing her clit with your forefingers. As you lick at the metallic tasting fluid, you recall the name for this fetish, menophilia. Not to be confused with Haemophilia, a rare blood disorder. You mentally tell your medical training to shut up as you focus on the task at hand.
Your bold move seems to have caught her unaware, and she gasps with pleasure as you eat her out, before rolling over and straddling you.
<<elseif $temp eq 2>>
"I think we were paired tonight for a reason, and I do not wish to disappoint the fates." you reply, casting the rest of both your clothes to the ground. You think about using your mouth and fingers on her for foreplay, but decide given her condition that simple intercourse will be the least messy option. You are about to take her in the missionary position when she flips you both over and straddles above you.
\<<if $temp lt 3>>
<<if $chastity eq 0>>Melissa pushes herself down upon you. She feels incredibly wet, and you realise that the menstrual blood is acting as a lubricant. You look down as you pull out of her, and see a red colouration on your cock, before you thrust inside again. "At least I won't get pregnant this way." she jokes.
Her pussy feels soft, and she gasps with pleasure, the sensitivity and arousal perhaps increased by the period. "Sovokuplyat'sya menya" she moans, in Russian by the sound of it. You are too lost in desire yourself to care. She pulls herself aloft as she cums, clawing at your chest with animal passion. <<penisvag "Melissa">>
You finish, leaving a mess of sticky fluids on the floor. Blood, sweat, cum, vaginal juices. There might be a little pee in there too, she came so hard.
<<elseif $chastity eq 1>>"I don't think this cage is going to satisfy me. You had better get back to work down there" she commands, clambering on top of your face and rocking back onto your tongue until she cums in your mouth. <</if>>
She puts her mask back on, and with it her modesty. "Thank you my lord."
<<else>>You shake your head. "I'm happy just like this. As Megan said, consent is important and I don't think I'm quite ready for that. I barely know you."
She looks a little disappointed, but plays along enthusiastically, allowing you to touch her breasts and nibbing your ear while whispering in Russian, which you find incredibly erotic.
The rest of the evening descends as expected into an orgy. You are somewhat exhausted after the rest of the evening and remember little after your encounter with Melissa, although you do remember cheering on Bunny as she took the Prince in her ass.
<<link [[Leave the club|YourRoom]]>> <<wait>><<WearAll>><</link>><<Daisydomevent>>
<img src="Images/People/Daisy/Daisyrubynightout2.webp" width=600 />
Daisy and Ruby are waiting inside.
"Oh goody, we were wondering when you would get here. It's almost time to go."
"Go where?" You've only just got here.
"To a music hall. For dancing and drinking and everything. We need to celebrate our engagement. So we are having a girls night out - you, me and Ruby. Oh it's so exciting, I'm going to be married, and I'll be lady of my own house and have servants and everything."
"You mean my house."
"Oh you are so funny sometimes. You're my pretty little $subname, so when we get married it'll be my house, won't it? Now let's check we are all ready to go out.
Daisy starts to check your hair, makeup and outfit, but Ruby looks out of the window.
"Our carriage is here!"
She and Ruby grab your hands and pull you down the stairs into the waiting carriage. They haven't even told you where you are going.
The three of you sit inside the carriage, and the driver closes the door and sits on top before starting travelling. Daisy takes a look at you.
"Oh, just look at the state of you. Your stockings are not straight. And your hair is a mess. And you still need to work on your makeup. No, I can't do it here, the carriage is bouncing up and down like a..."
"Like me when I'm whoring." interjects Ruby.
"You are such a tart, Ruby. Don't ever change my sweet. But that's given me an idea. She puts her hands in her bag and pulls out three ivory cylinders.
"I met this lovely African prince at the club, and he gave me this set of lovely carved ivory balls. I think he was trying to persuade me to join his harem, of all things. Now they're different sizes - you can have the big ones Ruby as you're such a slut, and I think $femname can have the chain of little ones as she's only just started putting things in her pretty little arsehole and hasn't got a pussy like us. What do you say, $subname?"
"Thank you Miss Daisy."
"There's a good little girl. Now you just bend over and I'll put it in for you."
You bend over in the cramped carriage and <<if $panties neq "none">>pull down your $panties. <<else>> Daisy remarks "What a naughty $subname you are, you aren't wearing any panties.<</if>> You feel a cold hard sensation as Daisy firmly pushes the string of small balls one by one into your tight ass, before her and Ruby push their pairs of larger ones between their legs.
"Ooh. they wiggle when you move!" says Ruby, giggling,
The three of you hold hands sitting on the carriage, you facing the two girls, and feel the sensation of the balls moving in your intimate regions as the carriage bounces over the uneven London roads.
"Oh my." gasps Daisy, as the carriage turns down a cobblestone lined street, and the vibrations increase in intensity. "I think I'm, gasp, oooh." she closes her eyes blissfully.
"Did you cum, Daisy?" asks her friend.
"No. Not really. Maybe a little one."
The carriage pulls to a halt, and you step out, tipping the driver who doffs his cap at you. You recognise the large fountain of Leicester Square.
You are in front of the Alhambra music hall. You hear raucous laughter inside from the variety acts that start the show.
"Are we leaving these things in?" You ask, feeling an odd yet arousing sensation as you walk forward. "Of course. Unless we find something better to put inside!"
Daisy takes yours and Ruby's arms and you enter as a trio.
You start with a trip to the bar.
Daisy orders wine, Ruby a pink gin
[[Order some wine->Daisydomevent4_1][$temp = 1, $drunk +=1]]
[[Order some gin->Daisydomevent4_1][$temp = 2, $drunk +=2]]
[[Order some beer->Daisydomevent4_1][$temp = 3, $drunk +=1]]<<if $temp eq 1>>"I do like how you imitate me, darling. Maybe we can do your hair like mine as well."
<<elseif $temp eq 2>>"As long as I don't have to drag you two drunkards home. They don't call it mother's ruin for nothing. Oh but it is such a pretty pink colour here." observes Daisy.
<<elseif $temp eq 3>>"Beer? This is a girls night out. She'll have wine like me." says Daisy firmly, overruling your choice.
The three of you sip your drinks, as you head towards your seats.
On the way you are met by a group of three male youths,
"Hah, what have we got here. You three looking for a good time?" one asks
Daisy looks a little apprehensive, momentarily stepping behind you as if for protection.
[[Flirtatious - Maybe later, we'll keep an eye out for you at the interval->Daisydomevent4_2][$temp = 1]]
[[Rude - Not with the likes of you->Daisydomevent4_2][$temp = 2]]
[[Forceful - Push past him, surprising him with your strength->Daisydomevent4_2][$temp = 3]]You leave the youths behind as you head to the main hall.
"Good one, $femname." calls out Ruby. "Though the one on the end was quite cute."
Daisy holds your arm closer, squeezing it affectionately. "You are such a thoughtful and protective little poppet, sometimes I could just eat you up."
You take your seats in the stalls, putting your drinks down and listening to the bawdy songs being performed on stage by a man dressed in a sailor suit playing a piano.
"Oh, I like this one. "says Ruby.
//'Twas on the good ship Venus,
By Christ you should have seen us,
The figurehead
Was a whore in bed,
And the mast a rampant penis.//
The crowd whoops and cheers at the last word.
"I'd like to be a figurehead." muses Ruby
//The captain's wife was Mabel
And by God was she able
To give the crew their daily screw
Upon the galley table.//
"Sounds like my mother." laughs Ruby.
"Not mine. She's such a prude. I think with me they tried sex once and decided they didn't like it. That's why I haven't got any sisters." replies Daisy. "Still, I've got $femname now."
<i>When we reached our station
Through skilful navigation
The ship got sunk in a wave of spunk
From too much fornication.</i>
The performer repeats the first verse again before the crowd applauds enthusiastically as he leaves the stage.
While the act is changing, you look around. The room is fairly crowded, mainly with working class men in various stages of inebriation. There are a few tables of women, but you are definitely outnumbered. A small number of whores are plying their trade, walking up and down the ailes and handing out their cards to various men, or taking their hands and wandering off.
"Are they going to do it outside?" asks Daisy with disgust.
"Some do. Though I heard they have a few beds upstairs - the coppers turn a blind eye if the girls give them a freebie once in a while. Anyhow, here's the next act. "
A loud voice announces.
"And now, straight from the jungles of South America, we present for your entertainment Marian the Amazon Queen."
<img src="Images/Places/amazon2.jpg" width=600 />
The tallest woman you have ever seen walks onto the stage, flanked by man that she dwarfs by comparison. They start to perform various comic scenes where he is weak and ineffectual, and she is strong and dominant.
"She has to be a man. No woman could be that tall." exclaims Daisy
"No, you interject - look at the shape of her arms, her throat. She is definitely a woman. Though not as feminine as us. She is a bit matronly."
<<if $chest neq "flat">>"Perhaps you could help her out in that respect. Your medicines have done wonders for your figure, after all."<</if>>
The scene ends with the pair climbing into bed. Marian lies there with a bored expression as the man bounces up and down, before flipping him over and straddling him at which point the bed breaks theatrically and the curtain comes down to general applause.
"One more act until the interval. "
The final performance before the interval is a light ballet, where the showgirl dancers warm up before their scandalous second half act. Tonight's performance seems to be swan lake, with young women dressed in tutus and tights parading about the stage The audience gasps as one does the splits
"I can do that. Its all to do with pelvic control. I'd like to see her do it with a cock between her legs." boasts Ruby.
"Speaking of stuff between your legs, these balls are still rocking about and making me feel all dreamy." comments Daisy. You agree, and you feel Daisy taking your hand and placing it under her skirts as she watches the dancers. You start massaging her inside her panties and she gasps, squeezing your hand between her thighs until you feel her quiver and your fingers come away sticky and wet as the dancers finish their set
"Good $subname," she whispers.
"And I thought I was a slut. You two are insatiable. Let's get to the bar" calls Ruby as the interval begins.
The interval at the Alhambra is a lengthy affair. Many of the performers from earlier acts are socialising in the bar, and there is a crowd of young men vying for the attention of the dancers, buying them drinks in return for kisses, or more.
"We should try that. I have a plan - lets earn ourselves some drinks." Ruby whistles. "Hey boys - three pink gins over here. We'll make it worth your while."
As the youth brings her the drinks, Ruby bends over provocatively and shows him her leg, before giving him a long kiss on the mouth.
A second youth seems to have taken a shine to Daisy, while a third is holding a drink, but seems to want something in return.
"Now $femname. You're my little pink princess remember, so you need to act like a girl here. This is important to me on our special celebration day. Don't let me down."
<<if $temp eq 1>>"You were right, you said you'd see us at the interval. How much do you want this drink, honey?"
\<<elseif $temp eq 2>>"Too good for us but not too good for our drinks? I think you'd better earn this gin you slut"
\<<elseif $temp eq 3>>"You bruised me earlier. You're like that Marian woman, some kind of Amazon. I wonder what you'd be like struggling in my bed with my cock between your legs."
[[Let him kiss your cheek demurely->Daisydomevent4_3][$temp = 1]]
[[Give him a passionate kiss on the lips->Daisydomevent4_3][$temp = 2]]
[[Back away and spurn his advances->Daisydomevent4_3][$temp = 3]]<<if $temp eq 1>>You turn your head, not really wanting a man to kiss you, and his wet lips smack against your cheek. You smell the reek of ale on his breath as his hairy chin brushes against your soft cheek. "Come here sweetness. You've got to earn your drink." he mutters as you feel his hand pushing against your chest and copping a feel before he hands you your drink.
\<<elseif $temp eq 2>>You eagerly link mouths with the young man, surprising him by being as forward as Ruby. "Come here big boy." you whisper as you push your tongue into his waiting mouth. He tastes of tobacco and cheap beer, and his stubble itches as it rubs against your face, but you feel sexy and a warm glow as you catch Daisy's admiring glance, before he hands you your drink.
<<elseif $temp eq 3>>You back away, but Daisy stands firm behind you. "That isn't very polite, is it $femname. I will show you how it is done." She kisses her admirer deeply on the mouth, then turns to the one that was holding your drink and does the same to him. You spot him reaching in and squeezing her breast as well. She takes a gin in each hand and hands you yours with a stern look.
"Might we see you three at the stage door later?" one of the group asks.
"If you're lucky." is Ruby's ambiguous reply.
Three gins later, Daisy Ruby and yourself are singing along to one of the tunes from earlier in the evening, making up new verses.
<i>The cabin girl was Ruby
She worked all in the nudey
She asked the crew
if they wanted to screw
And cum all on her boobies</i>
The three of you fall about laughing at the terrible rhymes. The gin is definitely going to your heads.
<i>The mate they were so pretty
Their dick a little clitty
They wore a dress
upon their breast
And took it up the shitty!</i>
This one was definitely directed at you.
<i>The captains name was Daisy
She drank till she was hazy
She fucked so hard
Her cunt was scarred
And her head a little crazy. </i>
The three of you sing arm in arm as you take an other drink and return to your seats.
The rest of the evening is a blur. The 'Parisian Colonna' troupe ends the evening doing the can can dance, kicking their legs so high that you can see the colour of their panties.
The three of you just about manage to stumble into your carriage and start the bumpy journey home.
In the privacy of the carriage, Daisy draws the curtain on the door closed.
"What a lovely evening. And now I think it's time that my pretty little $subname finishes us off, don't you think Ruby."
The pair of them giggle and pull down their panties. "Get down there and lick, there's a good girl."
You kneel down in front of them and start lapping at their wet cunts. As your tongue slides inside you feel the ivory balls still within them and start teasing them in and out as you lick at first one, then the other girls pussy lips. Daisy and Ruby are kissing each other passionately on the hard seat of the carriage as you sup at their soft perfumed lips, moaning softly but paying you little attention as they squeeze at each othere breasts.
The carriage bumps over an uneven patch of ground, and you feel Daisy cum above you, panting deeply and squeezing the balls out of her wet cunt into your hands. You swap your attention to Ruby and start licking her deeply.
"There's a good $subname. Just think, when we are married you can do this every night. I think we should reward her don't you think Ruby?"
Ruby just moans as her climax approaches. You feel Daisy moving behind you, then a tugging sensation as she gently pulls the string of balls out of your ass, then reinserts it, working it in and out, in and out, as she squeezes your balls beneath your cage. After the pressure of it in your ass all evening you can't bear it any more, and cum furiously through your cage. <<cum>>.
"Oh, what a mess my princess has made in her panties. What a little cumslut she is. Now lick it all up." You eagerly lap at your own juices.
As the carriage pulls into Kensington Avenue, you share a passionate three way kiss, before heading home.
<<link [[Return home->YourRoom]]>><<wait>><</link>><img src="Images/Places/teapot.jpg" width=600 />
<<set $temp1 +=1>>
The tea has been brewing for $temp1 minute<<if $temp1 gt 1>>s<</if>>.
[[Pour it into a cup and bring it to Megan->Megandomevent5_2][$temp2 = 1]]
[[Place the pot and cup on a tray and carry it to her->Megandomevent5_2][$temp2 = 2]]<<if $temp2 eq 1>> You pour out the tea, add a spoonful of sugar and a slice of lemon and carry it carefully to Megan, kneel and present it to her at eye level as she dictated a submissive should offer a gift to their mistress. She takes the tea and sips gently.
"Slightly cold. You should always pour tea in front of the drinker - never out of view. Some philistines even make it directly in the cup, and I have heard our American cousins attempt to make it using water that is not even at a boil, although one would struggle to call that tea.
<<else>><<set $temp1 +=1>>You take a minutes to carry the tea to Megan on the tray, before setting it on the small table and pouring out into the cup, before adding a spoonful of sugar and a slice of lemon, kneeling and presenting it to her at eye level as she dictated a submissive should offer a gift to their mistress. She takes the tea and sips gently.
"A perfect temperature. Thank you my sweet.
\<<if $temp1 lt 3>>It has not brewed for long enough, the flavours have not had time to develop. No less than three minutes, no more than four.
<<elseif $temp1 gt 4>>It has brewed for too long, the bitterness of the black tea is overwhelming the other flavours. No less than three minutes, no more than four.
<<else>>A lovely flavour - three to four minutes brewing time including when you were in transit.
\<<if $temp2 eq 1 or $temp1 lt 3 or $temp1 gt 4>>Your presentation was excellent but the tea not quite perfect. I blame myself for giving inadequate instruction. Still, you will learn with time." She puts the cup down unfinished, and you feel hurt, partly by the damning word inadequate, but mainly by letting her down.
\<<else>> Flawless execution and near perfect tea. You are a natural. Perhaps I shall make you my kitchen maid." You feel a beam of pride as she sips your tea slowly, ruffling your hair affectionately as she does so.<</if>>
"Onto your next task. After a long day I find my feet are sometimes sore. Take off my shoes and massage them for me, my pet."
As instructed you remove her extremely expensive looking high heeled shoes, and place them carefully to one side. You note that her usually stockinged legs are naked, and you admire for the first time her perfectly pedicured toes, each carefully painted with the same red lacquer she wears on her fingers. Starting with the top of the foot, you rub it with your thumbs, before moving down the side, and then the underside, rubbing in circular motions with your thumbs. You gently swap to the other foot, repeating the process. She starts to sigh gently, arching her feet and pointing her toes out toward you as she does so.
[[Continue to massage the tissues on the underside of her foot to relax her->Megandomevent5_3][$temp3 = 1]]
[[Stroke her feet gently and start kissing them->Megandomevent5_3][$temp3 = 2]]
[[Start to suck her toes->Megandomevent5_3][$temp3 = 3]]<<if $temp3 eq 1>>"Sometimes you need to pick up on non-verbal cues from your mistress. I will not always give a command, but you need to be alert to such things. Still, the moment has passed."
\<<elseif $temp3 eq 3>>"Delightful, but possibly a little too forward. Whilst I do love having my toes sucked, you should beg permission first.
"My apologies Mistress. Should I continue?"
"No, the moment has passed."
\<<elseif $temp3 eq 2>>"Delightful. Picking up on my non verbal cues. And such a lovely technique too. Much as I wish you could keep doing that all night my pet, I think we need to move on."
<img src="Images/People/Megan/meganblackdress2.webp" width=600 />
She stands up and opens a door you have not been through before. Inside is a pristine bedroom. The bed is a four poster with crisp white sheets, next to a large dressing table that is empty apart from an ornate mirror. A large wardrobe fills one entire wall. Everything is perfectly neat and ordered. This room does not have the seductive quality of the playroom you have been in before, but there is something intimate about being in Megan's private bedroom, a place where perhaps she is able to truly be herself rather than the facade she puts on for her clients.
"Undress me."
You comply, unzipping her dress and hanging it up carefully in the wardrobe, noting that almost all of her clothing is black.
"Keep going," You then step behind her and unclip her bra, revealing her perfectly shaped breasts, and then kneel before her to take down her black lace panties, which she carefully steps out of, standing stark naked in front of you. You tremble slightly, awaiting her next command, aroused by the sight of her beautiful form.
She moves her foot slightly, nudging at the cage between your legs with her foot, and judging the extent of your arousal. "Don't get your hopes up, sugar. Tonight is about my wishes, remember. Taking a silken cord from a gown, she binds your hands behind your back. "You will only be using your tongue tonight. Don't wear it out by talking."
She beckons for you to kneel in front of her, before standing with legs spread a few inches in front of your face. "Now lick."
You bend in and start working your tongue around her pussy, starting with her thighs, and kissing as you move up to lick her outer lips, marvelling at her scent and the smoothness of her perfectly shaved labia. She is wet inside, and you work that around her pussy with your tongue, licking your tongue in vertical strokes such that she wriggles as it brushes against the hood of her clitoris with each motion. You find it awkward without your hands to help, and your tongue is starting to tire with the repetitive motion.
You feel her start to pant heavily and begin to moan.
[[Start to lick and suck on her clitoris->Megandomevent5_6][$temp6 = 2]]
[[Ease off and give her gentler strokes->Megandomevent5_4]]
[[Pause and rest your tongue a moment->Megandomevent5_6][$temp6 = 1]]Megan gasps and you feel her spasming, gripping your head in her hands and your face with her thighs. She gently lowers herself onto your body and holds you softly. <<if $temp4 eq 4>>"That was simply perfect. Any more and I would have been in agony, but you kept me at the point of release for as long as I could bear. You simply must consider becoming a dominant. Not to me of course."
\<<else>>"Oh, that was magnificent, my pet. You have been paying attention."<</if>>
"I think you should be rewarded. Let me think. I could let you cum, but that would I think detract from today's lesson. Oh I know just the thing. Tonight you can share my bed."
A whole night with Megan! You know that some courtesans are mistresses, without the capital M, and will spend the night with their clients, usually when they are "working" away from their wives, but you had only previously had an hour or two at a time in her company. You aren't sure if you have the stamina for all night.
She pulls back the crisp white sheet and gestures for you to lie down. When you comply, she surprises you by taking out a pair of silken cords and binding your legs at the ankles, and your wrists behind your back - not painfully, thankfully. "No touching, This is a reward, not playtime. Just a couple of final touches. "
Megan kisses your mouth, than puts a blindfold over your eyes, before you feel her snuggle in next to you, wrapping her arms around you as she spoons her naked body next to yours and cups her hand protectively about your cage. Soon she is snoring lightly and you feel her breath on your neck as she sleeps. You take some time to doze off yourself, as your arousal is still pressing, but with her beautiful scent in your nostrils you fall blissfully asleep on the firm matters and soft pillows.
You awaken and it is still dark, as a soft kiss brushes against your lips and your blindfold is removed.
"Good morning. I trust that you slept well. I hope that you recognise the honour of being allowed into not only my private chamber but also my bed. I do think I am becoming very fond of you indeed. Your basic training is now complete, if you are happy to continue we can move onto some more advanced lessons next week. I suggest that you head home now, honey."
Feeling content but also satisfied that you served your Mistress well, you pull on your clothes and head home, crashing onto your own bed to get a couple of hours of rest before the day begins. <<WearAll>>
[[Sleep]]<<set $temp4 +=1>>
She gasps as you slow to relieve the pressure and her arousal subsides, pushing herself deeper into your face as she craves the intensity of your tongue.
Your light touch starts to intensify, from gentle kisses to slow long strokes along the length of her pussy, until you are gently licking at the hood of her clitoris. With this her legs begin wobbling slightly
Again you feel her start to pant heavily and begin to moan with pleasure
\<<if $temp4 gt 2>> quivering slightly<</if>>
\<<if $temp4 gt 3>> and grasping your head with her hands<</if>>
\<<if $temp4 eq 4>>. She cries your name, pushing her crotch deep into your mouth<</if>>.
<<if $temp4 gt 1>>[[Start to lick and suck on her clitoris->Megandomevent5_5]]<<else>>[[Start to lick and suck on her clitoris->Megandomevent5_6][$temp6 = 2]]<</if>>
<<if $temp4 lt 4>>[[Ease off and give her gentler strokes->Megandomevent5_4]]
<<else>>[[Ease off and give her gentler strokes->Megandomevent5_6][$temp6 = 3]]<</if>>
[[Pause and rest your tongue a moment->Megandomevent5_6][$temp6 = 1]]<<if $temp6 eq 1>>You stop sucking and licking, resting a moment. Megan stands there, then shakes her head ruefully. "It was all going so well, and then you gave up. I think I need to give you additional instruction. And motivation."
\<<elseif $temp6 eq 2>>You suck hard on her clitoris, slurping it into her mouth and she moans and you feel her thighs tighten about you. "Too soon, honey. You need to slow down once in a while. Let me show you."
\<<elseif $temp6 eq 3>>You continue to tease her, easing off for what must be a fifth time. "Damn you", she cries, pushing you to the ground. "You have forgotten your place, you are the submissive, it is I that tease you, not the other way around. Let me show you."<</if>>
She bends your legs and binds your feet to your arms behind your back, somewhat painfully, with another silken cord. She then takes her used panties and shoves them in your mouth, then ties a pair of stockings around your head making a crude but effective gag. She then unclips your chastity cage, putting the key to one side, before sitting herself on her bed in full view of you and beginning to touch herself.
<<if $temp6 eq 3>>"It is clear that you know this, but I am going to teach you just the same. To prove a point."<</if>>
"The trick is to keep your partner at the edge of orgasm, slacking off as they near it, then resuming, and letting their pleasure mount." As she does this her fingers slide against her wet lips, one pushing inside, then two as she gasps. She then slows, and just beings stroking slowly again.
"This cycle can be repeated three or four times. Much more becomes painful as they beg for release. And it is hard when masturbating to maintain the control needed."
As she talks, she is demonstrating, and you see sweat beginning to form on her chest as she brings herself almost to release then stops.
You feel yourself hardening, and she strokes it with her big toe. "Oh no, no release for you, sweetpea." Her toes press down hard on your testicles, and your arousal painfully subsides.
Two, three, four times she brings herself close to orgasm, at the same time as teasing you with her foot, but denying you release also. Finally she can bear it no more and rubs her clitoris hard, screaming with pleasure. "Oh sweet Jesus yes!" before lying prone a moment,
"Now what to do with you?" She takes your cock in hand and strokes it with the tips of her fingers, rubbing a drop of precum from the end that she smooths along its length.
"I am used to working nights. I'm a light sleeper. I can keep this up for hours."
And she is right. You hear the clock strike ten. Eleven. Midnight. Occasionally she lies down on the bed and naps, but gets up every few minutes to tend to your maddening throbbing between your legs. Sometimes fingers. Sometimes toes. Once or twice she leans in and teases you with the tip of her tongue. At one point you think she is going to relent, as she moistens her hand and gives four or five powerful strokes, but stops abruptly and leaves you on the floor for an hour to sleep. Even asleep, her soft breathing arouses you.
By the time the clock strikes two your arms and legs are beginning to cramp. She checks your bindings, massages your wrists until satisfied, and stands pensively for a moment. "You're missing something.". She retrieves something from a drawer, pushes you over and you feel a hard pressure at your sphincter as something cold is pushed into your ass. "Much better," Megan says before getting back into bed.
On the hour as the clock strikes three, four, five she rises, teases your cock, balls and ass, rubbing her body against your face but denying you even the hope of an orgasm.
At six, dawn begins to be seen through the window. You have barely rested, and once again Megan is in front of you. She unties your gag.
"Now let us try that again. Lick."
This time you do not stop, and as instructed slow as she reaches arousal before letting it build again, sucking on her clit on the third wave as she gushes into your mouth.
She moans and screams with pleasure before resuming her composure "Delightful, here endeth the lesson." before locking you back in your cage.
<<set $chastitycount= 0>><<set $chastity= 1>>
Untied, you pull on your clothes and rush home, crashing into bed to get a couple of hours rest before the day begins. <<WearAll>>
[[Sleep]]<<temp>><img src="Images/People/Daisy/daisydom3.webp" width=600 />
Daisy is pacing the room apprehensively wearing a red corset. She is certainly dressing more provocatively these days.
"It is frustrating having to keep meeting like this. We are engaged for goodness' sake, yet are still hiding in back rooms. Before we start our 'play' for tonight, we need to have a conversation. A serious one. We should probably have discussed this before the engagement.
I'm a woman. I have needs. I like both boys and girls - in bed I mean. And most of the time with you, or with Ruby, it's lovely. But sometimes I just want a cock.
<<if $penis eq "tiny">>
And you haven't got one. Not any more. You've just got this little clitty. It's ever so pretty, but I'm not sure it even works like a cock any more. It doesn't even get hard.
\<<elseif $penis eq "small">>
And yours is a little, I know men don't like us saying this, but its a bit small these days. I know that means you've got lovely tits and you're all smooth and soft, but sometimes I just dream of a great big thick hard one filling me up. See, I'm getting excited just thinking about it.
\<<else>> And yours is great. <<if $penis neq "average">>Better than great - it's enormous. <</if>>But with the dresses and the cage I needed to check you would be happy using it like that sometimes. As a man. Rather than being locked away and all pretty and girly.<</if>>
I like you like this, truly I do. And I do love you. But once in a while I'm going to need a good hard fuck. I mean where are the children going to come from if we don't?
[[Children? Who said anything about children?->Daisydomevent5_1][$temp1 = 1]]
[[You'll make a great mother someday, Daisy, but we can wait a bit and enjoy ourselves first->Daisydomevent5_1][$temp1 = 2]]
[[I want to make babies with you->Daisydomevent5_1][$temp1 = 3]]<img src="Images/Objects/engagementring.webp" width=500 />
<<if $temp eq 1>>
You kneel in front of her, bringing out the diamond and sapphire ring that used to belong to your mother. "Daisy, we have been courting for some time, and I wish our love to never end. Will you do me the honour of becoming my bride?
She gasps, and put a hand to her mouth. "Oh it is beautiful. How did you afford it?"
"It used to be my mothers. It is all I have to remember her by. But I want you to wear it."
"Of course I'll marry you, my darling."
You take her slender pale finger and slide the engagement ring onto it, then she wraps her arms around your neck and kisses you deeply.
"A short engagement I think? We know each other already and I can't wait to share your bed. Properly I mean."
You agree, seeing no reason to put it off any longer.
\<<elseif $temp eq 2>>
As soon as the door closes you put your arms to either side of Daisy's face and kiss her deeply, sliding your tongue between her lips as you slip your hand beneath her skirt. She starts panting deeply as you stroke her between the legs.
"Mr $playersurname. Are you going to fuck me in my parents' dining room?"
The thought crosses your mind, but you hold off from anything more, stroking her harder until she starts to moan, before asking her the question.
"Daisy Ambrose. You are the most beautiful sexy woman I know. Will you marry me?" With this you slide your fingers inside her, rubbing the sensitive top of her vagina and pressing her clit with your thumb. She shudders as she climaxes.
"Oh god yes. If you promise to do that to me on our wedding night I'd marry you tomorrow. I like the sound of being Mrs Daisy $playersurname." She licks your fingers as she hastily straightens her skirts, before you slide a ring onto her finger.
\<<elseif $temp eq 3>>You fall to the ground and start kissing her feet. "Mistress Daisy. I know that I am not worthy to pretend to be your husband, and I'd rather wear a wedding dress than a morning suit, but I beg that we can have a marriage ceremony so that we can live and play in our house together. "
She looks down at you kissing her pink toes. "Oh you are such a sweet little $subname. Miss Daisy's got it all worked out. We have a nice short engagement. You dress up like a boy for the last ever time when we get married, and after we can swap and you put on the dress and we can have a lovely party at the club and live happily ever after at your, my new house. As I'm in charge, I should be doing the asking, anyhow. $femname. Will you marry me?"
A tear comes to your eye. "Yes, Daisy I will."
She takes the ring and slips it onto her finger with a smile.
\<<set $objects["mothers engagement ring"].inv = 0>>
\<<set $daisyengagement = 3>>
A few minutes later her parents reenter the room.
"Dr Ambrose, Mrs Ambrose. Daisy and I are to be married." you say solemnly.
"Let's not have any more of this Doctor and Mrs nonsense. You were already family - I insist now, call us Cornelius and Helena."
"Of course Cornelius. We have decided on a short engagement. Six weeks should be sufficient to make arrangements."
"Six weeks is barely long enough to choose a hat!" exclaims your soon to be mother-in-law.
"Helena, really."
Now you are engaged the rules of courtship open up slightly. Whilst you no longer need a chaperone, you are still forbidden from being alone together. Officially you cannot touch each other, except for support should your fiance stumble when walking. But your days of sneaking around to be with each other are coming to an end.
Cornelius, as you must now think of him, brings cigars for you and he to toast the occasion. Helena brings out coffee and you sit around the table making wedding preparations. After a lovely evening, you kiss your fiance farewell.
<<link [[ Head home->YourRoom]] >><<set $daisylove +=2>><<wait>><</link>><img src="Images/People/Daisy/daisydom4.webp" width=600 />
<<if $temp1 eq 1>>
Her tone turns stern. "Well of course we're going to have children. Not immediately, but soon enough. And if you won't or can't put them in me I will find someone who can.."
\<<elseif $temp1 eq 2>>
She strokes your hair. "Well of course we will enjoy ourselves first. And I don't expect to get pregnant straight away. I just want to make plans, so when we decide we want babies everything is working as it should
\<<elseif $temp1 eq 3>>
"Hold on tiger. I'm not Mrs $playersurname yet. Some people already think I must be pregnant with the short engagement, including my mother, so we will need to hold on for decencies sake. But on our wedding night you can fuck my brains out."
"So that's agreed. The spare room or attic will make a lovely nursery. Which brings us back to the question of your cock, well your clitty. Or two questions really. Firstly are you happy to use it to put babies in me when the time comes, and secondly where am I going to get my good hard fucking from? Do I have to find a lover as well as a husband?
\<<if $cuckcount gt 0>> I know that before you liked watching me with another man. We can do that - I'll pick people that are discreet, and I'll not leave you out, you can join in as my pretty <<sissy>>.<</if>>
<<if $penis eq "tiny">>
But there's still one problem. Your tiny little thing won't satisfy me. I need something hard between my legs."
\<<elseif $penis eq "small">>
It's just a little bit small. But I guess when it comes out of its cage it will get excited." she looks a little disappointed.
\<<else>> I want to keep yours locked away so noone else can have it, but every once in a while I'll take it out and fuck with it. And then put it away for safekeeping.
<<if $penis neq "average">>Other girls might jealous.<</if>>
[[Yes, I'd like to join you with other men->Daisydomevent5_cuck][$temp2 = 1]]
[[I don't think I'd be comfortable with you fucking other men, but I don't want to use my penis. I'm sure we can think of something ->Daisydomevent5_nocuck][$temp2 = 2]]
<<if $penis neq "tiny">>[[I like dressing as a girl, but I can fuck you with my clitty when you command, Miss Daisy->Daisydomevent5_nocuck][$temp2 = 3]]
\<<if $penis eq "tiny">>[[I can make my penis big again when we want to try for babies. And before that we can be creative->Daisydomevent5_nocuck][$temp2 = 4]]<</if>>Number 22 Kensington Avenue is a large house, very similarly sized to the Ambrose residence. Except with residential rooms where Ambrose has his business.
Looking through the window you note a large parlour and an elegant dining room
A sign lists the particulars:
Bathroom with indoor plumbing
Master bedroom
Guest room
Servants Quarters
Attic room, ideal for a nursery, child's room or additional servants quarters
A sign says that due to the death of the previous owner the house is being sold with furniture, at a cost of five hundred pounds.
The sign continues : for inquiries, contact the bank Prescott & Co, at no 62, Threadneedle Street. Mortgages available to gentlemen of reliable income with suitable references.
Just think. If you had your own house you would not have to stay in a pokey attic room. You could have visitors. People could even stay the night.
And as a homeowner you would get the vote. <<if $HCevent neq 0>>And even be able to join the Hellfire club. <</if>>
Of course you need five hundred pounds, or persuade the bank to loan it to you.
[[Head straight to the bank->Bank]]
[[Return to Kensington Avenue->KensingtonAv]]
[[Go somewhere else in London->London]]
[[Go back to your Room->YourRoom]]You explain that you are seeking to buy a property, but do not have sufficient deposit to use as collateral.
Walsingham straightens his suit, and asks for financial details, going through them with an impressive attention to detail.
"The price is 500, so with the mortgage and overheads, house running costs, fuel, servants, you'll need about fifty shillings a week. Add on some extra for clothing, entertainment etc. Call it three pounds a week. Now that is easily covered by your shifts at the farm, so assuming you have no significant debts I am happy to write you a letter of recommendation. "
He brings out his quill and writing on house of commons headed notepaper he does write such a letter, marking it with a seal from his signet ring.
"Now of course it is understood that I am doing you a favour here. At some point in the future I might ask you to return that favour. Are we clear.
<<SetFlag "walsrecommend">>
You see little alternative but to reply.
[["Yes Sir Walsingham" and leave his office->HC_foyer]]<img src="Images/People/Daisy/daisydomred3.webp" width=600 />
She holds your head in her hands and looks at you with a curious expression. Pity? Remorse possibly? But mixed with excitement. You feel you might be starting something you can't control here. But that is the point isn't it. You don't want to control. You want to be controlled.
"Are you sure. I don't think I'll be able to stop once I start down this path"
(Developer note. This will permanently affect your relationship with Daisy. It will activate the Cuckold Fetish Flag and you wont be able to stop cuckold content in future. Daisy will also be at her maximum level of dominance, and unlike Megan won't be checking for consent or using safewords. You are literally putting your balls in her hands. Are you sure?)
[[Yes I am sure->Daisydomevent5_cuck2]]
[[I don't think I'd be comfortable with you fucking other men, but I don't want to use my penis. I'm sure we can think of something ->Daisydomevent5_nocuck][$temp2 = 2]]
<<if $penis neq "tiny">>[[I like dressing as a girl, but I can fuck you with my clitty when you command, Miss Daisy->Daisydomevent5_nocuck][$temp2 = 3]]
\<<if $penis eq "tiny">>[[I can make my penis big again when we want to try for babies. And before that we can be creative->Daisydomevent5_nocuck][$temp2 = 4]]<</if>><img src="Images/People/Daisy/daisydomred3.webp" width=600 />
<<StripAll>><<chastity 0>>
<<if $temp2 eq 3>>"Good girl. I'm glad that you came around to seeing things my way. Now let's get you out of those clothes and get that clitty good and hard for me."
You strip as she asks. You are already quite aroused by her domineering tone and the pert breasts poking out of her corset, and your cock stands at attention as it is released from its bonds.
<<else>>Daisy looks sternly at you. "I'm not sure that's good enough. What's the point in getting married if I don't have a cock to fuck, or at least something close to one. Let's take a look at it and make a plan.
She sits down while you take off your clothes, and then clicks the lock of your cage open, pulling on your clitty somewhat painfully in frustration.
\<<if $penis eq "tiny">>"Just look at it. I can't fuck this." She slaps it with her hand, leaving a red mark where her palm struck you. "Oh look what you've made me do, you silly thing. These medicines of yours, you can't just reverse them?"
"Well I can, but it takes time. Days probably. And then I wouldn't be a girl any more."
"Hmm. I like you too much like this for a permanent change. And if I want to be screwed I don't want to wait days, I'd just burst."
\<<else>>"You're just being unreasonable. I'm your mistress so it's my clitty, and if I want to fuck it then I can."<</if>>
You look sorrowfully at the floor. "I want to please you Miss Daisy. At the club I've seen things I could wear, a harness or suchlike with a dildo."
Her tone softens.
"It's not the same, but I guess it will have to do if you are being so selfish. Though I've half a mind to put it on and fuck your arsehole with it.
You giggle. "I might enjoy that."
"Give me a moment. I'll see if I can borrow something from Ruby. "
She comes back a few minutes later with what looks like a leather belt that she throws at you. "Put this on."
You comply, tightening the straps around your legs and waist and pushing the hard dilso through the opening. It looks like wood carved into the shape of a penis, covered in a rubber coating.
Daisy grins, looking between your legs, and pushes you back onto the bed. "What, you thought I was going to lie back and think of England?"
She takes your left wrist and ties it to the bedpost, then the right, pulling your arms painfully tight as she does so.
"Did that hurt, little $subname?"
She pulls off her panties and lowers herself onto your face, rubbing her nipples as she forces you to lick between her legs. "Go on, get me good and wet. I know you love to taste me down there."
She leans forward and you feel her rubbing your crotch, checking your girth <<if $temp2 neq 3>>and tightening the strapon <</if>>before clambering forward. You can just see her back and ass and the outline of her breasts as she eases herself onto the hardness between your legs with a gasp.
She rides you like this for several minutes, slapping your thighs when you slow the pace of your thrusts, before turning to face you and occasionally teasing you by leaning forward and rubbing her breasts against your chest.
As you tire, you slow down, and she squeezes your nipples painfully.
"Oh no you don't. I wanted a fucking and a fucking I am going to have. Keep going until I say, princess."
<<if $temp2 eq 3>>You feel your climax approaching, but Daisy does not seem to have cum yet.
[[Cum in her->Daisydomevent5_cum][$temp4 =1]]
[[Ask for permission to cum->Daisydomevent5_2][$temp4 =2]]
[[Squeeze your pelvic muscles tight and delay your climax->Daisydomevent5_2][$temp4 =3]]
With little feedback to your own erogenous zones, you can focus fully on Daisy's pleasure, and after some time you feel her trembling above you.
[[Fuck her hard and make her cum->Daisydomevent5_3][$temp5 =1]]
[[Slow down and delay her climax->Daisydomevent5_3][$temp5 =2]]<</if>><<SetFlag "cuckold">>
She bends down and kisses you, before calling out.
"You were wrong, Ruby. That's two shillings you owe me. Bring him in."
"Damn girl. I thought I'd have this one to myself tonight. Still, a deal's a deal."
Ruby comes up the stairs, leading a man a little older than you up the stairs.
"This is Adrian. He doesn't talk, some war thing. But he does like screwing and is a perfect gentleman. He comes to see me once a month for relaxation. I thought he might be good for this threesome thing you wanted as he'll be discreet.
Adrian. This is Daisy and $femname."
He smiles and kisses Daisy's hand, followed by yours.
"Have fun, sweetie. I'd stay to play but I'm on the clock tonight. And I'm keeping Adrian's payment - call it a finders fee." Ruby heads back out, leaving the three of you alone.
"Oh this is going to be such fun. Let's all get comfortable. Strip down to your underwear, $subname. And lets get a look at your cock, Adrian." Daisy eases her magnificent breasts out of her corset and puts Adrian's hand on them as you disrobe. <<StripOuter>>
<img src="Images/People/Daisy/daisydomtopless.webp" width=600 />
"Now $femname over there is my little $subname. She does whatever I ask her to. But this is the first time we've done something like this so I'm going to be gentle with her. Oh this is such a lovely cock. Come and touch it, $femname." She runs her hands up and down the length of Adrian's member and takes your hand to join her. You've seen cocks before - changing after sports and at the Hellfire club, but you haven't made a habit of touching them. It is hard, with a thick blue vein running along its length. The end is circumcised, and you can't help but compare it to your own, safely locked away.
Adrian just sits there, slightly bemused by the whole thing, keeping rubbing her breasts, before leaning in to kiss one of them. She gasps lightly as she runs her fingers through his hair, then pulls you in toward her other breast, suckling you like a pair of twins.
"Now be a good $subname and put that condom on Adrian." Daisy commands. You pick up the thick latex sheath and start rolling it over the man's hard penis. He starts to fondle you too, but Daisy dissuades him. "No, keep your attention on me." she sounds a little jealous. "Go and sit over there, $femname. I just want you to watch, and imagine all the fun I'm having with a real man."
You take a seat, touching your clitty through the cage, as you watch Daisy rest her hands on the bed and spread her legs wide apart, revealing her wet moist folds. You want to go over and touch her, but she has commanded you, so you sit, squirming uncomfortably as the other man pushes his hard latex covered cock into her damp cunt. She gasps, looking away from you both, but pushing back on him and muttering lustful obscenities. Fuck this. Cock that. Big. Hard. Then moaning, quite theatrically you think, but she's starting to tremble, as you see her climax building up.
Adrian spasms, and cums in the condom. Daisy looks a little disappointed, as her arousal starts to dissipate when he pulls out.
"Quick, $femname. Come and finish me off."
You eagerly run forward as Adrian lies back in post coital bliss, reaching in with your fingers and tongue and rubbing, sucking teasing her until you feel her quiver and spasm beneath your touch.
"Mmm. Such a good princess."
The three of you lie on the bed for a while, touching and kissing, before Ruby knocks on the door. "Time up, loverbirds. We need the bed. There's a shipload of Portuguese sailors turned up downstairs."
"Can I?" starts Daisy
"No you cannot. They'd drag you back to Lisbon in no time." replies Ruby protectively.
The three of you hurriedly dress and depart, knowing that this is the start of a new chapter in yours and Daisy's relationship.
<<link [[Return home->YourRoom]]>><<wait>><</link>><img src="Images/People/Daisy/daisydomtopless.webp" width=600 />
"Did you cum? Oh you bad girl, you did. And you didn't even ask first. Oh my special plan and you went and ruined it."
She pushes herself forward to try to climax, but you are softening and sliding out of her. <<cum>>
She roll off you and slaps you painfully on your tender post-orgasmic cock.
"You do not cum without asking. Ever. Do you understand?"
Each phrase is punctuated with a hard slap of her palm against your sticky balls.
You wince. "Sorry Miss Daisy."
"Well you are just going to have to make me cum using your tongue."
She clambers back on top of your face, this time sitting down forcefully and grinding her clit into your mouth. You feel your nose pushing towards her asshole as she gets comfortable, and taste your semen dripping out of her into your mouth. Your tongue starts working away as she squeezes at your balls to encourage you to work harder.
"Yes, suck that slit you little bitch." she calls, rocking and grinding onto you and getting more vulgar as she nears her climax.
Eventually she squeals with pleasure and squeezes the sides of your head tightly with her thighs as she squirts a mixture of your spunk, her juices, and you think a little pee into your mouth.
"Well I think you have just about redeemed yourself, but do not let it happen again."
She lies on your naked body a little longer, playing with your hair and body a little, but your time together soon runs out.
"Just think, when we are married we can do this all night, my darling girl."
You dress and leave after she has secured your clitty in its cage once more, kissing it on the tip for good measure before she does so.
<<link [[Return home->YourRoom]]>><<wait>><<chastity 1>><<WearAll>><</link>><img src="Images/People/Daisy/daisydomtopless.webp" width=600 />
<<if $temp5 eq 2>>You slow your pacing, keeping her on the edge of climax but pressing your crotch up against her clit. Without use of your hands or mouth you cannot stimulate her more, but she tightens her pelvic muscles around your strapon and shakes her head from side to side.
"Oh fucking hell that's incredible. Just keep doing that. Yes. Please. Oh, I can't take it any more, fuck me now, make me cum my beautiful fucktoy." You pick your pace back up and tip her over the edge.
\She shakes and quivers, screaming with pleasure before lying still on top of you.
"Thank you my sweet." she kisses you on the nose.
"I guess you deserve some kind of a reward. I have just the thing. Well you do, but that is easily rectified."
She unties the strap on from you, slick with her juices, and rubs it against your mouth. You eagerly lick at it, tasting the rubber but also her distinctive womanly flavours.
Standing up, she adjusts the straps around her own waist, and pushes a pillow to raise your ass slightly off the bed.
"Now get that good and wet. You know where it is going next."
You spit and lick at the dildo, before she pushes it through the straps and tightens it, before crouching between your legs.
You clench your teeth as the dildo enters your ass. She is inexperienced at this, and pushes too hard at first, making you wince, but thankfully does not seem to want to be cruel, and apologises before pushing into you with a gentler pace, rubbing at your nipples with her fingers.
"Does my sweet girl like being fucked?"
"Yes Miss Daisy" you gasp in between thrusts.
"And to think this cock in your ass was in my pussy just five minutes ago. You are so lucky to have my juices lubricating your hole, aren't you?"
"Yes Miss Daisy. Thank you Miss Daisy."
Feeling your responses, she angles her thrusts against your prostate, and takes your $penis penis in her hand, rubbing its tip with her thumb.
"Does my baby girl want to cum?"
"Yes Miss Daisy."
She stops, and laughs. "Oh I think you can do better than that. Ask very nicely and I'll let you cum."
"Please Miss Daisy, that feels so good. Don't stop, keep fucking my ass and playing with my pink clitty my mistress."
"You are such a little slut, you know. Well as you ask so nicely."
She squeezes your cock hard in her fist, and starts wanking it in pace with her accelerating pounding of your ass. Eventually you can bear it no longer and cum all over her fingers. <<cum>>
"Oh what a mess my little dear has made. I think you need to clean that up, don't you?" She lifts her fingers to your mouth and makes you lick her hand clean. Bound as you still are you have little choice in the matter,
She lies on your naked body a little longer, playing with your hair and body a little, but your time together soon runs out.
"Just think, when we are married we can do this all night, my darling girl."
You dress and leave after she has secured your clitty in its cage once more, kissing it on the tip for good measure before she does so.
<<link [[Return home->YourRoom]]>><<wait>><<chastity 1>><<WearAll>><</link>><img src="Images/People/Daisy/daisydomtopless.webp" width=600 />
<<if $temp4 eq 2>>"I'm getting close, may I cum mistress?"
"Don't you fucking dare. Oh, God, yes. Just there. Keep going."
She tugs hard on your balls to slow you down, but continues to grind away above you, moaning softly.
\<<else>>You try desperately to stave off climax, closing your eyes so you can't see Daisy's magnificent breasts bouncing up and down in time with her pushing you deeper and deeper inside her. You bite on the insid eof your cheek and taste a little blood, and the distraction is enough to stave off your orgasm. <</if>>
She shakes and quivers, screaming with pleasure before lying still on top of you.
"Oh, does my little $subname want to cum as well?"
"Yes Miss Daisy. Please Miss Daisy." you beg.
She pulls herself off you, and your cock stands erect, as she slides her slick vulva along its slower surface, just allowing the tip of you to poke inside her.
"I think cumming in me should just be for special occasions. Have you been a good girl?"
"Yes mistress."
"Well you did fuck me like I asked. And you are so very pretty. But good girls don't use their cocks, I think you're a naughty girl."
"But you asked me to!"
"Are you arguing?" She slides off your cock and starts flicking at its head with her finger, making you wince.
"No Miss Daisy, sorry Miss Daisy. "
She smiles, and steps off you, taking one of your legs and lifting it up, over your head, and tying it above your arm to the headrest of the bed. She repeats with the other, so all four of your limbs are loosely secured to the metal frame. All you can see is your erect cock above you, pointing at your face.
"Can you lick it?"
You stick out your tongue ineffectuallly, but are nowhere near flexible enough to reach your cock.
"You could, Miss Daisy." you ask hopefully.
She slaps your ass for your impertinence, but playfully, before grasping your cock in her hand.
"I will have to give you a helping hand. You're a naughty girl, and naughty girls like to suck cock. I guess this is as close as we can get today."
She starts to massage your cock, rubbing the shaft with both hands, and it isn;t long before you return to your previous state of arousal. She squeezes the base of your cock. "Now ask nicely.
"Please may I cum, Miss Daisy?"
"Of course you may $femname. Open wide and cum for me."
She waits for you to open your mouth, then holds it open with one hand, tugging you off with the other while angling so your spurts of semen shoot straight onto your tongue. "Oh you messy girl. Just look at you."
She lifts her fingers to your mouth and makes you lick her hand clean. Bound as you still are you have little choice in the matter,
She lies next to your naked body a little longer, playing with your hair and body a little, but your time together soon runs out.
"Just think, when we are married we can do this all night, my darling girl."
You dress and leave after she has secured your clitty in its cage once more, kissing it on the tip for good measure before she does so.
<<link [[Return home->YourRoom]]>><<wait>><<chastity 1>><<WearAll>><</link>><img src="Images/Places/HCfoyer.webp" width=600 />
<<SetFlag "event">>You did not know what to expect today, An 'expo' could be a great number of things. You recall tales of your grandparents going to the Great Exhibition at the Crystal Palace fifty years ago, with all the wonder of new technology displayed for them to marvel at. This is of course on a smaller scale, and somewhat more niche, although no less fascinating.
The foyer is strewn with signs showcasing the exhibits at the expo. You do not think your grandparents would have approved of many of these.
You look carefully and decide where to visit:<<femcheck>>
<<HCevent8>>A sign reads: 'Latex - miracle fabric of the future. Waterproof, durable, sexy.'
Walsingham is sitting behind the desk, with <<if $farm eq 1>>his accountant Grosvenor <<else>>an elderly man in a shabby suit <</if>>beside him. On the table sit various objects - a wheel with a thick black rim, a raincoat, a long tube.
To the side of the desk stand a pair of models, one male, one female. Both are clad head to toe in tight skin fitting rubber. The pink hair and ears on the girl are easily recognisable as Bunny.
<img src="Images/People/bunnylatex.webp" width=600 />
"Go on, touch them. That is the highest quality natural latex, grown on my plantation in Sri Lanka from seeds imported from South America by my business partner Sir Henry Wickham twenty years ago. We grew those trees to maturity and now my factories can process it into whatever shape we desire. Look at this wheel - air filled rubber. Within a decade I plan to clad every carriage in London with these. This pipe can carry water far more flexibly than the rusting pipes under this city, and thicker ones can carry away waste hygienically. Soon every house in your borough will have running water - no more sharing a well for the poor of Kensington.
And for tonight, we have some more sensual uses. Look how the tight fabric clings to the bodies of Paul and Maria here. Go on, touch them. That's what they are being paid for. See how firm it makes her tits feel."
He reaches over and gives Bunny's left breast a tight squeeze.
"Hey, not so rough, Mistah W." she protests
"Mariah?" you enquire? "I hate it, why do you think they call me Bunny? You want to play?"
[[Play with Bunny->HCevent8_latex1][$temp17 = 1]]
[[Ask about the manufacture->HCevent8_latex1][$temp17 = 4]]\<<if $temp18 eq 0>>Taking a break from the convention, you head to the bar for refreshments. The usual barman is on duty.
<img src="Images/Places/HCbar2.webp" width=600 />
\<<elseif $temp18 eq 1>>
Lord Bentley and Colonel Wilberforce are sitting at opposite ends of a green baize card table. They appear to be in various states of undress. The colonel is down to a pair of yellow shorts, whilst Bentley is wearing a shirt over his underpants and socks.
"An audience, eh? The game is Whist. Strip German Whist to be precise. Oh you are not familiar, then let me enlighten you. Every time your opponent gets a trick, you lose an item of clothing. First to lose all thirteen and the game is over. As you can see I have gained the poor colonels socks, shoes, pants, jacket, shirt, vest, hat, tie, belt, and even his trademark yellow waistcoat."
<img src="Images/People/colonelboxers.webp" width=600 />
"Stop gloating, you old goat. I have a good feeling about this hand" replies his almost naked opponent.
"Balderdash. Humbug. Anyhow, make your play, you cad."
The colonel places down a Jack of Spades, with a smile.
"Hah." says the older man with a call of triumph, slapping a matching king on top. "Off with your shorts. Let me see that arse."
"But, but I was counting, I was sure that had been played."
"Are you calling me a cheater. Bring me my bullwhip, girl." he calls to Yvette nearby, who retrieves a leather whip from behind the bar.
"No, I meant no offense, my Lord."
"Too late - I have won the game so I believe your arse belongs to me for the next fifty nine and a half minutes - get you upstairs, lad."
The crack of the whip on his buttock speeds the colonel up as the older man pursues him out of the bar and up the stairs.
\<<elseif $temp18 eq 2>>
Alfred looks relieved at your approach, giving him an opportunity to make his excuses and head off.
<img src="Images/People/LadyBdress.webp" width=600 />
"Did you see him dart off, like a rabbit pursued by hounds. I only said that he and the maid over there made an attractive pairing, and I would very much like to watch them screw. Bent as a hairpin, that one. I should give him to my husband as an anniversary present. Anyhow, $Hname, isn't it? <<if $temp neq "none">>And who is this with you? Charmed, my dear. She turns her attention back to you and ignores $temp entirely. <</if>> How are you enjoying this tiresome event. An exposition. It's all so industrial. I can smell the coal burning from the back room. Back in my day all you needed for a good time was a serving lad and a large carrot from the scullery. Now it's rubber this and dildo that, and even machines. What next - one of Babbage and Byron's daughter's infernal thinking engines composing you erotic poetry?"
"I take it this event is not to your liking, my lady?"
"No it is not. My husband partakes, as he does of everything with an arse, but I am not going to be driven out by those two in black. So I shall sit here with my sherry. We shall restore some standards in a fortnight - are you coming to our estate for Whitsuntide?"
"I am honoured by your gracious invitation my lady."
"Oh, you are a charmer. "
She moves on to small talk, but is quite tipsy and the conversation soon withers.
\<<elseif $temp18 eq 3>>
<img src="Images/People/Mel/Melissareddress.webp" width=600 />
"Why $Hname, how delightful to see you here." Melissa touches your arm with casual familiarity. "Allow me to introduce an old family friend, Professor Fairfax.
The professor shakes your hand firmly, weighing it up as he looks at you through slightly tinted spectacles.
<img src="Images/People/professor1.webp" width=600 />
"Phineas Fairfax at your service. But everyone calls me the professor. And how do you like my club, <<sir>>?"
"<b>Your</b> club, sir?"
"Yes, my club. Well it was my idea. I'm far too old for this kind of thing any more, but I introduced Megan to the Bentleys and Walsingham at a dinner party a few years ago, and this is the result."
"So are you part of the council here?"
"Only rarely. I have a casting vote in the event of a tie, but I infrequently come into the city. I prefer my books. Now twenty years ago, that was a different matter, wasn't it girlie?"
"I wouldn't know" Melissa replies.
"Ah yes, I get confused sometimes. How are your parents keeping, Melissa?" he changes the subject rapidly.
"Count and Countess Hildegarde are well, I believe. I have been here for the season, so have not been to their chateau in the Alps since the end of February."
"They are good people, kind, if conventional. It is such a shame they never had a brother or sister for you."
"I am just fine without, thank you. I had my Russian governess, the servants, friends from my finishing school at Mont-Choisi. And I would appreciate your keeping my personal affairs private."
"Just so, just so my dear."
She takes his hand affectionately, and indicates quietly that they would like to be left alone.
\<<elseif $temp18 eq 4>>
<img src="Images/People/maidsindoors.webp" width=600 />
"Oh, it is you. What do you want, we are very busy." Brigitte snaps in her heavily accented English.
"A gin and tonic"
"We are just collecting glasses, order at the bar."
"Do not be rude, Brigitte. I apologise. My sister is just finding her change in station difficult."
"Any word on your family situation?"
"Nothing. We spoke to a lawyer, but he said the inheritance could not be challenged. Not unless Daddy's marriage was invalid. And apparen'tly being an adulterous slutty chienne is 'not grounds for annulment.'"
"So you have no options?"
"We are French. We will wait, and plot, and we will take our revenge. We may not be able to regain our inheritance, but that cow of a stepmother won't be able to enjoy it either."
"Perhaps $Hname can help us?"
"Would you. We would be ever so grateful." The pair of them touch an arm each, making clear quite how grateful they might be.
<<if $temp neq "none">>"Hmmph." says $temp. "One flash of thigh from a French hussy and you are anyone's."
"We are not hussies. We are ze nobility, fallen on 'ard times."
"I apologise."<</if>>
You mutter that you would be pleased to help any way you can, hoping this does not commit you to anything illegal.
\A number of members you recognise are sitting at small tables or standing by the fire.
<<if $temp12 eq 0>>Lord Bentley is playing a card game against Colonel Wilberforce. <<else>>Lord Bentley's card table is deserted. <</if>>
Lady Bentley has cornered an uncomfortable looking Alfred Wilkins.
Melissa is deep in conversation with an elderly man that you do not recognise.
Yvette and Brigitte are waiting tables and flirting with customers.
\<<if $temp12 eq 0>>[[Speak to Lord Bentley->HC_event8_bar][$temp12 = 1, $temp18=1]]<<else>>You have already spoken to Lord Bentley.<</if>>
\<<if $temp13 eq 0>>[[Speak to Lady Bentley->HC_event8_bar][$temp13 = 1, $temp18=2]]<<else>>You have already spoken to Lord Bentley.<</if>>
\<<if $temp14 eq 0>>[[Speak to Melissa->HC_event8_bar][$temp14 = 1, $temp18=3]]<<else>>You have already spoken to Melissa and the Professor.<</if>>
\<<if $temp15 eq 0>>[[Speak to Yvette and Brigitte->HC_event8_bar][$temp15 = 1, $temp18=4]]<<else>>You have already spoken to Yvette and Brigitte.<</if>>
Otherwise you can return to the convention:
<<if $temp1 eq 0>>[[Latex - 20th century wonder material!->HC_event8_latex][$temp1 = 1]]<<else>>You have already visited the latex stall.<</if>>
<<if $temp2 eq 0>>[[Mon amour - accessories to spice up the bedroom->HC_event8_toys][$temp2 = 1]]<<else>>You have already visited the sex toys stall.<</if>>
<<if $temp3 eq 0>>[[Chastity belts. The key to a modern relationship->HC_event8_chastity][$temp3 = 1]]<<else>>You have already visited the chastity belt exhibit.<</if>>
<<if $temp4 eq 0>>[[Practicing restraint->HC_event8_bondage][$temp4 = 1]]<<else>>You have already visited the bondage stall.<</if>>
<<if $temp6 eq 0>>[[Fucking machines->HC_event8_machine][$temp6 = 1]]<<else>>You have already visited the machine sex stall.<</if>>
<<if $temp7 eq 0>>[[Moving pictures->HC_event8_cinema][$temp7 = 1]]<<else>>You have already visited the cinema stall.<</if>>
<<if $temp8 eq 0>>[[Join the mile high club->HC_event8_zeppelin][$temp8 = 1]]<<else>>You have already visited the Zeppelin stall.<</if>>
<<if $temp9 eq 0>>[[Made to measure->HC_event8_furniture][$temp9 = 1]]<<else>>You have already visited the furniture stall.<</if>>
<<if $temp11 eq 0>>[[Knickers and smalls->HC_event8_underwear][$temp11 = 1]]<<else>>You have already visited the underwear stall.<</if>>
<<if $farm gt 0>><<if $temp10 eq 0>>[[Demonstrate your gender enhancing substances at your own stall->HC_event8_demo][$temp10 = 1]]<<else>>You have already demonstrated your work.<</if>><</if>>
[[Wait for the finale in the ballroom->HC_event8_end]]A gong calls, as is customary for the end of the evening, and the stalls begin emptying and tidying away. You make your way to the ballroom, where rows of seats have been put out.
<img src="Images/Places/HCstage.webp" width=600 />
Walsingham strides out onto stage in his finery.
"As you may know, this event has been made possible in collaboration with our sister organisation at the Moulin Rouge in Paris, who are involved in the preparations for next year's Paris expo. By way of gratitude, they have offered an all expenses trip to Paris next week for one lucky member and a guest. Under each seat is an envelope. Can everyone check now to see who is our winner."
There is a general muttering about the room as everyone looks beneath their chairs. You open yours and
\<<if $temp eq "none" or $temp eq "Nicola">>are unsurprised to find a card with a picture of the Eiffel tower on it. The crowd applauds and you walk up onto stage, to shake Walsingham's hand.
"I am grateful, but after the Harlequinade, May Queen, St George's every event at this place seems to revolve around me, This is getting to be too much of a coincidence."
"I don't know what you are talking about, $Hname. It's not as if I knew which seat you would pick on entering the room, did I?"
He is right, but you are still suspicious.
"So, who are you going to take to Paris?"
You think a moment.
"I will take..."
[[Daisy->HC_event8_end2][$HC8 = "Daisy"]]
[[Michaela->HC_event8_end2][$HC8 = "Michaela"]]
[[Matthew->HC_event8_end2][$HC8 = "Matthew"]]
<<if Flag("nicsub") or Flag("niclove")>>[[Nicola->HC_event8_end2][$HC8 = "Nicola"]]<</if>>
<<else>> are grateful that for once you are not the centre of attention, for the card is blank. Daisy next to you shrieks however. "Paris! I've never been further than Brighton, and I'm going to Paris." she kisses your deeply on the mouth, overcome with excitement, before walking up on stage.
"Miss Ambrose. Congratulations. So who are you taking as your travelling companion?"
"Well..." she pauses playfully. "I think I shall take my darling $Hname.
\<<if $daisyengagement gt 0>> We are to be married after all, and it is the city of love.<</if>>"
The crowd applauds, as you [[walk up to join her->HC_event8_end2][$HC8 = "Daisy"]]
<</if>><<if $Megandomevent gt 0>>Mistress <</if>>Megan is here, along with a short elderly man with wire rimmed spectacles.
"This is Gustav. By trade he is a metalsmith, specialising in jewellery. He makes the Hellfire pins for members. I have been reading up on medieval chastity, and you can see some of the historical examples here. Some are delightfully creative, others quite beastly.
<img src="Images/Places/chastity1.jpg" width=600 />
"This one from the 16th century is quite beautiful. The stylised hearts and clubs indicate a playful design, and the curvature is sculpted to fit the female form. The ass is free for whatever use the wearer wishes. But the pussy is off limits. It belongs to the keyholder. Now I am sure that this was not used in a consensual way 300 years ago, but to keep the wife, or mistress, in their place. Involuntary sexual slavery. However we know that denial brings anticipation, which leads to arousal and happier sex all round than a three minute tumble.
<img src="Images/Places/malechastitybelt.jpg" width=600 />
"Look now to this equivalent male piece. It would definitely have been used as an instrument of torture, for the victor in some squalid dispute to assert dominance on a conquered foe or fornicating wrongdoer. But the basic design principle is timeless. Which leads us onto Gustav's designs."
For men, we have this updated design, to stop erections and prevent intercourse. The cage can be decreased in size as wished. He is a made to measure craftsman. For women, or less endowed men who desire that feminine smoothness, we have this belt design. Whilst we do not generally favour the spiked design for safety reasons, there are a number of stimulating enhancements available, such as here where we have both vaginal and anal beads. "
<img src="Images/Places/chastity2.jpg" width=600 />
"All of these and more are available at Gustav's jewellery store, Helmstrom's, just off Oxford street. Discretion is assured."
You examine some of the pieces and consider a trip there in the near future.
\<<if $temp eq "Miss Daisy" or ($temp eq "Daisy" and $Daisydomevent gt 0)>>"I wonder if we could get you an update to your cage. Maybe one of those smooth ones so your clitty was all squeezed on with nowhere to go. Or just one where only I have the key, and you can't go pleading with Megan to let you go." Daisy remarks.
\<<elseif $temp eq "Daisy">>"I just don't see the point of these" Daisy remarks. "I want to have your cock all of the time. And you want to fuck me with it. It seems like a lot of unnecessary bother."
\<<elseif $temp eq "Nicola">>"Maybe you could get one of those for me." Nicola mutters. "It is so hard resisting temptation when I am away from you. I would feel safe all locked away, unable to have even a little stroke until you unlocked me. Oh, I'm getting wet just thinking about it."
<<HCevent8>><img src="Images/People/Orlando/Orlandomale1.webp" width=600 />
A tall, effeminate man with slicked back hair, and a red tie stands behind a large table covered with sex toys. Dildos, anal beads, nipple clamps, spanking paddles, whips, handcuffs, butt plugs, the list is endless. Everything that you have used, or seen being used, is displayed on the table. The range of materials is huge - metal, glass, wood, rubber. Something that looks and feels like flesh that you drop immediately on touching it.
A naked woman you do not recognise lies on a table to one side demonstrating the merchandise, as an expo attendee is pulling a string of large red glass beads out of her ass.
<img src="Images/Places/toysanal.webp" width=600 />
The proprietor shakes your hand.
"Orlando Devere at your service. Does anything take your fancy?"
\<<if $temp eq "Miss Daisy">>"I want two of everything to use on my lovely pet here." Daisy remarks.
"Oh, my apologies madam. I assumed... Please accept my forgiveness, with the exception of Mistress Megan so few of our dominants are ladies. I am also afraid that my store is not quite up and running yet, and I can't part with my display merchandise. I am expecting a delivery any day now, so do drop by Soho and I am sure I can satisfy your desires."
\<<elseif $temp eq "Daisy">>
\<<elseif $temp eq "Nicola">>"What is this?" Nicola asks, holding up two metal spheres connected by a cord.
"Ah, my Rin-no-tama spheres. I picked these up in the far east, a geisha in the imperial court swore by them. They enhance the pelvic muscles. And move around quite intoxicatingly. A momentary look of bliss crosses his face. "Or so I am told."
You pick up a rounded metal cone, capped by a faceted jewel. "I assume this is not a real ruby?"
"That one, no. Although I have seen ones with valuable gemstones. It is designed to plug the anus of the recipient, both beautifying and stimulating it. They come in a range of sizes, although most ladies start with the more petite sizes. At first."
You lift up her skirt and squeeze Nicola's arse appreciatively, picking up a medium sized plug to inspect.
"He said start with the small, dear." she says pointedly.
"May I?" you ask.
"Why of course."
You carefully slide the plug into Nicola's tight ass as she gasps, and move it back and forth.
<img src="Images/People/Nic/nicdressbuttplug.webp" width=600 />
"Is this available for purchase?"
"Not today - I must insist that you return it."
He hands you his card with the address of his store off Oxford Street in Soho, and assures you he will have stock in the next week or so.
<<HCevent8>>You recognise Antioch standing beside a paraphenalia of rope, leather and metal bondage gear at a stall entitled Practicing Restraint.
"Do you make these?" you enquire.
"Heavens no, I'm a doctor, not a tradesman. As a member I am just sponsoring the stall today. Most of this is for sale at the workshop of Mr Norris, who is manning the furnishings stall over there. I have an interest in the noble Japanese art of Shibari, and other methods of restraint. Look here, we have handcuffs. They are crude iron things, and rivetting them closed does make for a semi-permanent restraint, but quite effective, especially with the belt to tie them behind the back.
<img src="Images/Places/beltwithcuffs.jpg" width=600 />
I prefer these leather ones however - four in tandem can hogtie the recipient quite speedily. I can fit these to Mimi in less than a minute, for example.
<img src="Images/Places/leathercuffs.jpeg" width=600 />
Rope is the choice of the true connoisseur with time on their hands. This red silken fibre is my favourite. He indicates Mimi, bound and gagged exquisitely.
<img src="Images/People/mimi5.webp" width=600 />
\<<if $temp eq "Miss Daisy">>Daisy picks up the leather belt and cuffs. "These are unbreakable?"
"Used properly, Miss, I believe so. Even a slight thing like you could restrain the strongest man, to use at your whim."
"Oh my. I might need to invest in some of these." she remarks, candidly. They make my home made efforts quite amateurish.
\<<elseif $temp eq "Daisy">>"She does look so lovely tied up there." remarks Daisy, sttroking the asian girl's soft skin with a finger. "And peaceful. Some of these look quite painful, but the idea of being unable to prevent the advances of a loved one is quite intoxicating." She leans over to you. "Perhaps if you are lucky I might let you tie me up and then ravish me. I think I might like that." She has quite a naughty look in her eye.
\<<elseif $temp eq "Nicola">>
Nicola stands spellbound, looking at the girl, Mimi. Her jaw is open, as if in love. "Are you alright?" you ask.
"That is, that is what I dream of. To be bound so tight, that I am at the mercy of any who come upon me. Would you do that for me, my $nicdomname?"<</if>>
"Mr Norris' workshop is in Soho. Do take his card if you are interested."
<<HCevent8>>A smell of smoke and steam fills your nostrils as you approach this back room full of machinery. The back doors are open to vent some of the fumes, but it is not cold as some of the engines are giving off heat.
Most of the machines are connected to pistons of one type or another that are moving back and forward at varying speeds. At the end of most are dildos or other phallic protuberances thrusting far more energetically than even the most athletic man. A couple are vibrating in place, giving off a low hum.
A man in a striped top is giving a lecture, while sitting and cycling atop a bicycle. The chain is attached to a series of cogs that are again driving a thrusting dildo. At the end of it a middle aged woman is kneeling, lifting up her skirts and moaning in time with the thrusts from the dildo.
"As you see, the driving force can come from a range of sources. The bicycle efficiently transfers energy without me exerting myself, so can keep it up for many times longer than if I were doing the fucking. It is also quiet. The steam engines are for those who prefer a more industrial aesthetic, although are probably not going to fit into your bedroom and do present a fire risk. We do now have a range of electrical motors, for those who have a mains electricity supply. As I am sure you are aware, there are plans to electrify the whole city over the next decade. Whilst many of you will use this for the mundanity of lighting, think how much more exciting it will be to pleasure your partner instead. I myself gave my lover a dozen orgasms last night with that electrical vibration machine over there. She is still recovering this evening."
You examine the machines. Whilst several are wholly impractical, you do see some that would fit your lifestyle.
"I am Pierre. Do you see anything that interests you, <<sir>>?"
\<<if $temp eq "Miss Daisy">>"I think my pet here might like to try one, wouldn't you, sweetie."
"Yes Miss Daisy" you say uncertainly.
"Very good ma'am. And which would you like to try on her?"
"Oh the big one I think. The steam engine."
"It is a prototype, but I think you will appreciate it. "
[[Do as your mistress commands->HC_event8_machine2][$temp19 = 1]]
\<<elseif $temp eq "Daisy">>Daisy looks aghast at the contraptions. "You sir are a monster. Like Dr Frankenstein, you've made machines in the shape of a man. If I wanted to be fucked by a machine I would marry an accountant."
"Do not criticise that which you have not tried, Mademoiselle. Would you care to try one of my smaller models? You do not need to disrobe, just hold this next to your crotch, on top of your outergarments." He holds out a black metal cylinder with a rounded end. The other end has a thick electrical cord connecting to the club's power supply.
"Very well. Though I do not see what the fuss is about. What do the two switches do?"
"The first turns it on. The second increases the intensity."
"Very well. She clicks the first switch and the machine lets out an intense hum."
"It is very loud. Let me see what all the fuss is about." She lowers it to her groin. "See, it is... oh my. Gosh, that OOOH, is oh my god that is Oh my God!!!" The humming noise increases, as she clicks the intensity button and slips the cylinder beneath her skirts." She pants and gasps, her other hand moving to her breasts as she loses herself in pleasure, before clicking the machine off and adjusting her dress.
<img src="Images/People/Daisy/daisyecstatic.webp" width=600 />
"I stand corrected" she says apologetically. "This is for sale?"
"Soon. And you will need a house with an electrical supply."
"Hmm. Kensington Avenue does not yet have that. But the club does..."
Daisy whispers to you. "That was incredible. I need one of those. Kill to get it if you have to. I am not kidding."
You consider trying one of the machines yourself:
[[Try a steam powered dildo up your ass->HC_event8_machine2][$temp19 = 1]]
[[Try a vibration cylinder against your crotch->HC_event8_machine2][$temp19 = 2]]
[[Politely decline, and ask where you might be able to purchase these for personal use->HC_event8_machine2][$temp19 = 3]]
\<<elseif $temp eq "Nicola">>
"Do you have anything small that I can use on my submissive?" you enquire.
"Well we do have this vibration cylinder." He holds out a black metal cylinder with a rounded end. The other end has a thick electrical cord connecting to the club's power supply.
You indicate for Nicola to sit down in a chair and pull her skirt up, before clicking the device on, on the lower of its two intensities. As the rounded end vibrates, it makes a loud buzzing sound.
"It sounds like an angry bee!" Nicola laughs, as you hold it to her panties. "Buzz, buzz, Oh sweet jesus that is like nothing I have.."
You pull the device away.
"No, please don't stop."
<img src="Images/People/Nic/Nicchairdress.webp" width=600 />
You continue to tease her with a few seconds of pleasure at a time, withdrawing it at the end. After five minutes, she is in tears of frustration, aroused beyond compare but not reaching release.
"I beg of you, let me come my lord."
[[Let her cum->HC_event8_machine2][$temp19 = 4]]
[[Shake your head and hand the cylinder back to Pierre->HC_event8_machine2][$temp19 = 5]]
You consider trying one of the machines yourself:
[[Try a steam powered dildo up your ass->HC_event8_machine2][$temp19 = 1]]
[[Try a vibration cylinder against your crotch->HC_event8_machine2][$temp19 = 2]]
[[Politely decline, and ask where you might be able to purchase these for personal use->HC_event8_machine2][$temp19 = 3]]
<</if>><img src="Images/Places/cinema.jpg" width=600 />
A side room has been set up as a mini theatre, with a dozen chairs arranged around a small screen. The room is dark, except for an electric light which is projecting a moving picture upon the screen. In the picture a woman is kneeling before a man and putting his penis in her mouth. The scene lasts about a minute, after which the man pulls out and cums on the woman's face, before the projected image stops.
"As you can see the series of photographs are projected in sequence to make the illusion of a moving picture. We can copy this and distribute it to any home or business with one of these projectors.
The idea is nice, but the picture quality is far from ideal. You don't think this will ever catch on. You head off in serach of more real nudity outside the room.
<<HCevent8>><img src="Images/Places/Zeppelin.jpg" width=600 />
A moustached man with a bald head is standing in front of a sketch of some kind of vehicle floating in the air. He comes to you enthusiastically, shaking your hand and speaking in a strong Germanic accent.
"Ah, an investor. I am Count Ferdinand Adolf Heinrich August Graf von Zeppelin. Behind me is a technical drawing off my finest invention, the flying machine. I name it after myself - the Zeppelin. Sealed bags of hydrogen, a gas lighter than air, will elevate the air ship high into the air. Mechanical propellors will then fly it through the sky, without any friction or need for roads.
"But why are you exhibiting it here - you can't fuck an airship."
"Ah, but you can fuck on an airship. I envisage a floating palace, for the upper classes. I call it Kilometerhoher Verein, but as you English have not yet embraced the metric system, your currency is ridiculous by the way, you can call it the mile high club. I know the members here seek to fuck everone everywhere and in every way - indoors, outdoors. Why not while flying like birds? I even imagine that if you do it while descending rapidly then you will have the feeling of weightlessness.
"What about safety - isn't hydrogen flammable?"
"The chances of ignition are minimal. The passenger areas are far from the gas sacs. Do I look like the kind of man who would invite his guests onto a fiery deathtrap?
He does indeed look like that kind of man, but you are intrigued.
"And what might I get for my investment?"
For every pound you invest there is one share. When we commercialise this in a few years you will get many times your investment back. "
You think carefully but decide not to invest at this time, however wish him well.
<<HCevent8>><img src="Images/People/Megan/Megan_chaiselounge.webp" width=600 />
After talking admiringly about the club, you enquire about membership.
"I'm so glad you like our little society. It took a little organising to get it off the ground, especially with the church's objections. Considering how keen they are on loving thy neighbour, they seemed very offended when we took them literally.
There are three levels of membership - provisional, full, and the executive council. Provisional members are sponsored by one of the executive, to see if they fit our values and lifestyle. Full membership is I am afraid restricted to landowners. Any property will do, but some of the upper classes who bankroll the place are afraid of us being overrun, and I think we do need to maintain a little exclusivity. In addition to the property you'll need to be formally sponsored by one of the executives - I'd be happy to do it, honey. Did anyone tell you you've got lovely eyes? And the executive are those officers who are supposedly in charge, myself, Sir Walsingham, a few others. Some joke and call us kings and queens. The Black Queen indeed, makes me sound like a villain from a child's storybook.
\<<if $hcmember eq 0>>
\<<if $meganevent lt 2>>I'm not sure I know you well enough to sponsor you for membership, why don't you come and visit me again one evening and we can get to know each other better?" She strokes your cheek with her fingernail, making clear exactly what getting to know her might involve."
\<<else>>I think I know you well enough to sponsor you for membership now. You'll have to keep up a certain lifestyle to not bring the club into disrepute of course. We can't have you turning up unwashed in a shabby suit with holes in your shoes can we?"
[[Join the club->HC_megan_join][$hcmember =1]]<</if>>
\<<elseif $hcmember eq 1>>
\<<if $house lt 1>>I don't believe you meet the property requirement for membership quite yet."
\<<else>>I hear your new house is quite lovely. A lot of potential. I'd be glad to sponsor you for full membership. On the understanding that you support me on certain matters or votes. Think of it as good old fashioned patronage."
<<link [[Become a full member of the club with Megan as your patron->HC_megan_join]]>><<set $hcmember =2>><</link>><</if>>
<<elseif $hcmember eq 2>> You're already a member though. If you want to join the executive, you'll need to wait for our annual meeting or for a vacancy to become available. Though I'm not thinking of stepping down just yet, I'm having far too much fun, sweetie"<</if>>
[[Return->HC_bar_megan]]<img src="Images/People/Megan/Megan_kiss.webp" width=600 />
Megan leans in and kisses you on both cheeks, in the continental fashion.
\<<if $hcmember eq 1>>
"Welcome to the beginning of a beautiful adventure with likeminded perverts, sweetie." She hands you a silver pin with what looks like 3 intertwined letters, two Ps and an L. PLP.
"'Pecunia, Libidine, Potentia.' Money, Sex, Power.
My upbringing has taught me not to underestimate the first. Without money your choices are rather limited.
Judicious application of the second has brought me to where I am in life. Like most women in our society, I have traded sex for security - in my case financial rather than marital, but the trade is just as real in either case.
As for the third, I prefer to apply power in the bedroom than in the boardroom, but recognise its value. Anyhow, you are now free to come and go from the club as you wish. We have events every Saturday evening, some of which are for members only. And you can upgrade to full membership as long as you have the backing of a patron and are a property owner."
<<elseif $hcmember eq 2>><<set $patron = "Megan">>
"Congratulations. You are now a member, indeed a shareholder, in the Hellfire club, with full voting rights. That I expect you to use wisely. Who knows, maybe you will join the council one day. What colour might your crown be, I wonder?" She unclips your silver pin and replaces it with a golden one.
[[Speak about something else->HC_bar_megan]]
[[Return to the bar->HC_bar]]<img src="Images/People/Walsbar.webp" width=600 />
You shake Walsingham's hand and ask how you would go about becoming a member of this club.
\<<if $hcmember eq 0>>
"I have told you already, deliver me the secrets of your uncles research and I will gladly sponsor you for membership of this place. But business is best discussed in my office, I find."
\<<elseif $hcmember eq 1>>
\<<if $house lt 1>>"Like most of London's clubs, we are an exclusive establishment, and whilst some of the lower classes have a raw appeal, some of our members do like slumming it from time to time, we do need to keep up standards for membership. Now were you to purchase a property, that would be a different matter.<<if $farm eq 1>> And I could put in a good word with the bank on that matter, as you are a business associate.<</if>>"
\<<else>>"I understand that you have joined my electorate on Kensington Avenue. As such, as well as being able to vote for your member of parliament." At this he stands up straight, pulling on his lapels and drawing your attention to the houses of parliament portcullis pin displayed there. "You are also eligible to join clubs such as this one.
\<<if $farm eq 0>>In order to sponsor you for membership I would need further knowledge of your character - perhaps if we were to develop our business relationship."
\<<else>>Given our business partnership at the farm, I would of course be delighted to sponsor you for full membership.
[[Become a full member of the club with Walsingham as your patron->HC_wals_join][$hcmember =2]]<</if>><</if>>
<<elseif $hcmember eq 2>> My, my - not long ago you were a pharmacy labourer, now you are angling to join the board of an executive club. Is there no end to your ambition? Who knows, in the event of a tragic accident, a vacancy could become available, and filled by someone with a keen eye for profit. Or there are elections at the annual meeting."<</if>>
[[Return->HC_barwals]]<<if $hcmember eq 2>><<set $patron = "Walsingham">>
"Congratulations. You are now a member, indeed a shareholder, in the Hellfire club, with full voting rights. That I expect you to use as I say." He hands you a golden pin to replace your silver one.
[[Speak about something else->HC_barwals]]
[[Return to the bar->HC_bar]]<<if $temp17 eq 1>>You reach over to Bunny and start pulling up her latex skirt, showing matching pink latex panties. Pulling these down you reveal a damp pussy beneath.
<img src="Images/People/bunnylatexpussy.webp" width=600 />
\<<if $temp eq "Nicola">>You nod at Nicola. "Lick it".
"But I'm not, I've not much experience of other women."
"But she is so very pretty, yes? Just give it a little kiss."
She leans in and starts kissing and licking Bunny, who wriggles and kisses you as Nicola services her.
"Mmmm", says the pink haired girl. "I like your friend. She can lick me any time."
<img src="Images/People/Nic/nicpussylick.webp" width=600 />
<<elseif $chastity eq 1 or $penis eq "tiny">> As your cock is unusable, you reach down and finger her moist slit, licking at it for a few minutes until she climaxes with a little squeal.
\<<if $temp eq "Miss Daisy">>Your mistress Daisy looks on with a pleased smile, and kisses you on the lips. "I love it when you taste of pussy." she remarks.
You pull out your cock and slide it deep into the pink haired slut, who gasps as you do so. "Finally, I've been here an hour and noone has fucked me yet."
<img src="Images/People/bunnylatexfucked2.webp" width=600 />
<<penisvag "Bunny">><<cum>>
You finish quickly, Bunny's tight hole squeezing every last drop of cum from you.
Walsingham looks on with interest.
Walsingham describes the process.
"The factory can process 5 tons of latex a day. Most goes to industrial applications, but I reserve some higher grade material for a second textiles factory where it is dyed and rolled into sheets, then seamstresses carefully build it into garments such as these. I have a new store that is opening in Soho where a delightful lady called Lily is selling these as high end fashion items. But I target all ends of the market - I think there is also profit in making durable work garments for my factory workers. An all in one black latex uniform is now compulsory on my sites. It has reduced contamination considerably."
"Doesn't that get a little warm?"
He shrugs, as if worker happiness was not something that had occurred to him.
<<HCevent8>><<temp>><<set $YvBabmaid = 1>>
<<link [[Nicola|HC20_19]]>><<set $nicengagement = 2>><<set $groom = "MC">><<set $bride = "Nicola">><<set $temp = 1>><<set $Bride = "Nicola">><<set $Brides = "Nicola's">><<set $HC20 = 3>><<set $spouse = "Nicola">><<set $Groom = "you">><<set $Grooms = "your">><</link>>
<<link [[Daisy|HC20_12]]>><<set $daisyengagement = 3>><<set $groom = "MC">><<set $bride = "Daisy">><<set $temp = 1>><<set $Bride = "Daisy">><<set $Brides = "Daisy's">><<set $HC20 = 1>><<set $spouse = "Daisy">><<set $Groom = "you">><<set $Grooms = "your">><</link>>
<<link [[Dommedaisy|HC20_12]]>><<set $objects["White tie suit"].inv = 1>><<set $HC20 = 4>><<set $groom = "MC">><<set $bride = "Daisy">><<set $Daisydomevent = 5>><<set $daisyengagement = 3>><<set $penis = "tiny">><<set $chest = "average">><<set $femcheck = 4>><<set $bride = "Daisy">><<set $temp = 1>><<set $Bride = "Daisy">><<set $Brides = "Daisy's">><<set $spouse = "Daisy">><<set $Groom = "you">><<set $Grooms = "your">><</link>>
<<link [[cuckdaisy|HC20_12]]>><<set $HC11 = "Daisy">><<set $groom = "MC">><<set $Daisydomevent = 5>><<SetFlag "cuckold">><<set $daisyengagement = 3>><<set $penis = "tiny">><<set $chest = "average">><<set $femcheck = 4>><<set $bride = "Daisy">><<set $temp = 1>><<set $Bride = "Daisy">><<set $Brides = "Daisy's">><<set $HC20 = 4>><<set $spouse = "Daisy">><<set $Groom = "you">><<set $Grooms = "your">><</link>>
<<link [[Matthew|HC20]]>><<set $bride = "MC">><<set $groom= "Matthew">><<set $datingmatt = 1>><<set $penis = "tiny">><<set $Grooms = "Matthew's">><<set $femcheck = 4>><<set $chest = "average">><<set $HC8 = "Matthew">><<set $wig = "long blonde wig">><<set $mattengagement = 2>><<set $temp = 1>><<set $HC20 = 5>><</link>>
<<link [[Michaela|HC20]]>><<set $micengagement = 2>><<set $groom = "MC">><<set $bride = "Michaela">><<set $temp = 1>><<set $HC20 = 2>><</link>>
<<link [[Michaelachastity|HC20]]>><<set $groom = "MC">><<set $micengagement = 2>><<set $bride = "Michaela">><<set $chastity = 1>><<set $temp = 1>><<set $HC20 = 2>><</link>>
<<link [[Michaelasub|HC20]]>><<set $groom = "MC">><<set $micengagement = 2>><<set $bride = "Michaela">><<set $michaelasub = 10>><<set $temp = 1>><<set $HC20 = 2>><</link>>
<<link [[MattDaisywed|HC20]]>><<set $bride = "Daisy">><<set $groom= "Matthew">><<set $temp = 1>><<set $HC20 = 6>><<set $Brides = "Daisy's">><<set $Megandomevent = 1>><<set $Grooms = "Matthew's">><</link>>
<<link [[Yousublesson|Megan_domevent10]]>><<set $temp19 = 1>><<set $temp = 1>><</link>>
<<link [[Nicoladate|Date_Proms]]>><<set $nicengagement = 2>><<set $date = "Nicola">><</link>>
<<link [[Daisydate|Date_Proms]]>><<set $daisyengagement = 3>><<set $date = "Daisy">><</link>>
<<link [[Dommedaisydate|Date_Proms]]>><<set $date = "Daisy">><<set $Daisydomevent = 5>><<set $daisyengagement = 1>><<set $penis = "tiny">><<set $chest = "average">><<set $femcheck = 4>><</link>>
<<link [[cuckdaisydate|Date_Proms]]>><<set $date = "Daisy">><<set $Daisydomevent = 5>><<SetFlag "cuckold">><<set $daisyengagement = 1>><<set $penis = "tiny">><<set $chest = "average">><<set $femcheck = 4>><</link>>
<<link [[Matthewdate|Date_Proms]]>><<set $date = "Matthew">><<set $datingmatt = 1>><<set $penis = "tiny">><<set $femcheck = 4>><<set $chest = "average">><<set $HC8 = "Matthew">><<set $wig = "long blonde wig">><</link>>
<<link [[Michaeladate|Date_Proms]]>><<set $micengagement = 1>><<set $date= "Michaela">><</link>>
<<link [[Nicoladomlesson|Megan_domevent9]]>><<set $nicengagement = 2>><<set $temp19 = 3>><<set $nicsub = 9>><</link>>
<<link [[Yousublesson|Megan_domevent9]]>><<set $temp19 = 1>><</link>>
<<link [[Daisysublesson|Megan_domevent9]]>><<set $Daisydomevent = 5>><<SetFlag "cuckold">><<set $daisyengagement = 1>><<set $penis = "tiny">><<set $chest = "average">><<set $femcheck = 4>><<set $temp19 = 2>><</link>><img src="Images/Objects/syringe.jpg" width=300 />
You stand nervously in front of a small crowd, and start talking about the science behind how the body regulates sexual development, and how you have altered this process. Michaela who is working security in the hall tonight between here and the chastity display, stands to one side and monitors the crowd. After two minutes it is obvious that you have completely lost your audience.
"Er, so basically, we are able to increase or decrease the body's natural sex characteristics."
"Show us your big cock then" shouts one of the assembling crowd.
<<if $testedT eq 1>>
\ <<if $chastity eq 0 and ($penis eq "large" or $penis eq "huge")>>
You reluctantly pull down your pants, revealing your $penis member. A few of the female audience sigh appreciatively. One reaches out and prods it, making it twitch in response. "It feels real enough" she notes. "How do we know that you weren’t just born with a big willy?"
You shrug. "You’d have to test it to find out." You don’t think a detailed graph of length vs time will convince these people.
\ <<elseif $mattmed eq "M">>You spot your friend Matthew at a nearby stall and call him over. "Matthew, these fine folk are unconvinced of the efficacy of my substance T." Matt smiles, and goes to work, showing you what a fine salesman he is.
"Ladies and gentlemen, I too was skeptical when my good friend asked me to take part in his trial. But then I thought to myself 'Think of the ladies'. As you can see, I am healthy, with no side effects, other than an increased sex drive. But the results, I think you can agree they are most impressive." With a showmanly flair, he drops his pants and reveals an enormous cock. There is a collective intake of breath. Half a dozen women reach out to touch it, and stroke it lovingly. "Calm down ladies, there's plenty of the Mattahorn for all of you. Gentlemen - I suggest that you have a word with my good friend here to put in your orders for when supplies become available."
\ <<else>>"I am afraid you will have to take my word for it." you say reluctantly, with no evidence at hand. They seem unconvinced.
<<else>>"I have not yet tested medicines that will increase penis size, but am working on it." you concede reluctantly. Several men shrug with disappointment and leave the audience.
\ <<if $testedO eq 1>>"What about tits and ass then?" comes a crude question.
<<if $chest neq "flat">>
You strip naked and show off your feminine curves, revealing your hairless chest and pert $chest breasts. "My chest used to be hairy and flat, now I have the womanly curves I always wanted." you say proudly.
A few onlookers reach in to touch, to check whether the breasts feel as realistic as they look. They pinch and prod at you but seem impressed. A few of the men make some crude remarks, but you are used to them by now, and the Helfire club is on the whole a tolerant place comparred to the rest of London.
\<<elseif $michaelamed eq "O">>You nod at Michaela, who steps forward, and coughs to get quiet.
"Some of you saw me on stage a few weeks ago, with Mistress Megan. You might recall I was flat chested then. I shaved daily. It was a real struggle to fight the signs of masculinity my body assaulted me with. $Hname here saved me from all that." She drops her dress to the floor, revealing pert but beautiful breasts.
<img src="Images/People/Mic/michaelachastity2.webp" width=600 />
"Go on, touch them if you want. I won't bite. I know they aren't huge, but they are part of me. I no longer need to shave and my skin is soft and tender. $Hname's medicine works."
\ <<else>>"I am afraid you will have to take my word for it." you say reluctantly, with no evidence at hand. They seem unconvinced.
"Do they get any bigger? I like a good British handful myself" says one man.
"I haven't yet experimented with the dosage. But in theory, we could increase them to a foot or so in diameter. That could prove uncomfortable of course."
\ <<if $testedP eq 1>>"I have a medicine that will prevent pregnancy when taken, as well as stopping ladies time of the month. No more monthly bleeding, no unwanted babies. Just worry free sex when you want it. " There is some murmuring assent and excitement from both men and women at this, although you do not have anything to demonstrate your results save charts and logbooks.
\ "And how long do these transformations take?"
"A little less than a week. It depends on the subject."
"And is it permanent?"
"As far as I can tell, the transformations reverse without side effects should the patient stop taking the medicine."
Impressed with your demonstration, a number of the crowd hand over their details for when your wonder drugs become available.
<<HCevent8>><img src="Images/People/Nic/Nicchurchgoth.webp" width=600 />
<<if $temp eq 1>>"Oh my sweet $playername. I am yours, body and soul." Her intensity is a little overwhelming, but you recognise the difficulty she has had reconciling her inner desires with her faith, and the responsibility placed upon you to be the outlet for her lusts.
"Shall we resume our walks in the park, or do you just want to meet in the boudoir? Perhaps at first we should keep our relationship clandestine, at least while I settle my affairs at the church. I do not think any of the sisters would consent to being my chaperone anyhow."
<<SetFlag "niclove">>
\<<else>>She falls to her knees and weeps. "Father, why do you curse me with these feelings. Must I suffer in my soul as well as in my body to find release?" She sits quietly for a minute before standing and wiping away her tears.
"Very well. I assume there is someone else. No, don't tell me. It is of no importance. I am debased enough by my lusts. I hope that you are happy together. Have you told them about me? Many men have mistresses, I guess. I just did not think that would be my lot in life. Very well, I shall stay in the convent, but be your submissive when I visit you, and may God have mercy on my soul."<<SetFlag "nicsub">>
She sighs, then faces you.
"I do have some conditions. I no longer wish to debase this house of the Lord with our actions. Find somewhere else. You are a person of means now I can tell, so I am sure that you will be able to find somewhere with privacy. At least as a nun I can travel freely without suspicion, so you won't need me to sneak into a servants entrance."
\<<if $hcmember gt 0>>I was wondering if you might wish to accompany me to the Hellfire club on occasion. Members have the utmost discretion, and there will be plenty of occasions to indulge in our desires.
She beams with excitement. "Who would have thought, $playername $playersurname asking me on a date to a sex club. How could I say no?"
\<<if $house eq 1>> "I have my own house now, we can meet there. Number 22 Kensington Avenue."
She takes your hand. "A palace of wickedness and depravity. I can't wait." she licks her lips. Shall we go there now?"
You smile, and leave the church, with Nicola following a discreet distance behind. <<SetFlag "nichouse">>
[[Head to your bedroom->Nicsexhub]]
\<<else>>There is not enough room to meet at my uncle's, but there is a house for sale on the same street - I will look into it.
She nods with anticipation. "I will be here when you do."
Some other members of the congregation walk in at this point, and your conversation is cut short. She whispers in your ear. "I burn for your touch - hurry and make arrangements."
<<link [[Finish confession|Church]]>><<wait>><<set $confession +=1>><<set $confessiontoday =1>><<set $nicdenial +=1>><</link>><</if>><img src="Images/People/Nic/nicnunhome.webp" width=600 /><<set $nicolaatoday =1>>
<<if $nic_sex eq 0>>
There is a knock at the door and Nicola enters your house for the first time.
"Wow - this is very upmarket $playername. I mean $nicdomname. So how does this work?
"I think we can go to the bedroom today. Though in future I am thinking about equipping a playroom with some specialist equipment. And the cellar might make an excellent dungeon."
"A dungeon? What the hell are you planning on doing to me?" she calls out, before crossing herself for her blasphemy.
"Well that would be telling" you smile wickedly. Nicola goes paler than normal, if that is possible.
You take her hand and lead her to the bedroom, closing the door behind you,
"Before we start, I want to get into something more comfortable. I won't be a minute." She steps into the bathroom, and returns transformed into something altogether more submissive.
<img src="Images/People/Nic/Niccorset1.webp" width=600 />
"That is not standard issue at the convent." you state.
"In your dreams. You remember I had some experimentation after we split up before I embraced life there - the clothes and makeup were part of it. Do you approve."
You smile and nod. "Shall we begin"
"Yes $nicdomname."
Nicola eagerly comes into the house, kissing you passionately at the door "I've missed you, $nicdomname." she whispers huskily in your ear.
You lead her by the hand into the bedroom, where she quickly removes her street clothing, revealing her usual corset.
<img src="Images/People/Nic/Niccorset1.webp" width=600 />
You smile. "Shall we begin"
"Yes $nicdomname."
[[Play in the bedroom->Nicsex_bedroom]]
<</if>><<set $temp10 = 0>><img src="Images/Places/masterbed.webp" width=600 />
<<set $nic_sex += 1>>
The bedroom is spacious, well lit and dominated by a very large king size bed against one wall. The sheets are clean and starched, with plump soft pillows. Against the foot of the bed is a chest containing your 'playthings'. Ignoring them for now, you focus on your most precious plaything, the one you have coveted for years.
<img src="Images/People/Nic/Niccorset1.webp" width=600 />
\<<if Flag("nicgag")>>Nicola grunts against her gag, but her words are not audible. She drools a little with anticipation.
"What is your desire, $nicdomname?" Nicola asks with relish.
\<<if Flag("nicblind")>>Due to the blindfold, she cannot make eye contact with you, and her head moves about slightly, trying to track your location.
\<<else>> She looks respectfully away from your face,
\<<if Flag("nicbed")>>She lies on the bed, wriggling sensuously.
\<<elseif Flag("nickneel")>>She kneels before you, her mouth conveniently at waist level.
\<<elseif Flag("nicbent")>>She bends over, her tight ass sticking invitingly into the air in front of you at the top of her long thin pale legs.
\<<else>> She stands before you, her pale skin glistening like the moon, as she displays her gorgeous form to you from all angles.
\<<if Flag("nicbound")>>She struggles against her bonds a little, testing their strength. Unable to move, she trembles slightly as she waits to see what you have in store for her.
\<<nicsex>>"Take off your clothes, slowly." You instruct, sitting on the bed and watching as she obeys your commands.
She carefully unlaces her corset, and drops it to the ground, followed by her bra, panties and stockings, before standing in front of you start naked. She holds a hand over her breasts and another over her crotch protectively.
You take her hand and sit her down on the bed and start caressing her body, first her neck, then her breasts, tracing each part softly with the tips of your fingers. She gasps, responding to your caresses with a low moan.
<img src="Images/People/Nic/nicnude.webp" width=600 />
<<SetFlag "nicnude" >>
<<nicsex>>You bend in and take Nicola by the throat, pulling her head toward you. She moves eagerly with your touch, her face and yours touching passionately.
<img src="Images/People/Nic/nicsexkiss.webp" width=600 />
You brush your lips against hers at first gently, then more insistently, pushing her lips open and putting your tongue inside, while putting your arms around her slim frame and holding her tightly. You feel her begin to pant and sigh as she kisses you back forcefully, desperate with desire.
You move your mouth down and bite her neck, leaving a red mark where your teeth pressed against her skin, before moving to her nipple and rolling your tongue along its length.
<<nicsex>>Taking some rope, you tie her arms above her head, and strap them to the iron bedframe, pulling them tightly. She gasps with discomfort, but her breathing increases with arousal.
<<SetFlag "nicbound">><<SetFlag "nicnude" >>
"I am at your mercy, $nicdomname. What are you going to do to me?" sha asks playfully.
You quickly pull off the rest of her clothes, and tightly bind more rope around her body, remembering the knots you have seen at the Shibari demonstrations at the club.
<img src="Images/People/Nic/nicropetied.webp" width=600 />
"Now you are at my mercy, sweet Nicola. I can do whatever I want to you, and you can't move. Does that make you wet?"
She nods, and whimpers slightly as you stroke your hand between her legs, and your fingers come away glistening with her juices.
"Taste yourself on my fingers." you command as you put your fingers to her lips and run them against her tongue.
"Fuck me, please $nicdomname." she begs.
<<nicsex>>\<<if Flag("nicbound")>>
Standing in front of her tied form, you slowly take your clothes off, revealing first your chest, then your legs, then finally your underwear drops to the floor and you stand naked before her.
\<<else>>"Undress me." you command. She nods, and walkingup to you begins unbottoning your clothes and removing them, folding them neatly in a pile as she does so. Her fingers linger on your body as she does, craving your touch, your scent as she strips you naked.
<<if $chastity eq 0 and $penis neq "tiny">>"$nicdomname." she gasps, seeing your cock pointing toward her.
"Oh, you want this do you. We will see. If you are good. You have been a good girl, I hope."
She nods obediently. <</if>>
<img src="Images/People/Nic/nicbeauty.webp" width=600 />
<<nicsex>>You take your hand and push her head down, level with your groin.
<img src="Images/People/Nic/nickneel.webp" width=600 />
"Down on your knees in front of your $nicdomname. That's where you belong, how you should always be, sweet thing. Isn't that right?"
She nods, silently.
You rub your crotch in her face, holding her hair tightly ad burying her head against your groin, filling her with your scent.
She starts kissing you, brushing your tender parts with light delicate strokes. You feel yourself hardening as you see her black lips so close to your cock, and desperately want to put it inside her.
\<<SetFlag "nickneel">>
<<nicsex>><img src="Images/People/Nic/nicdoggy.webp" width=600 /><<SetFlag "nicnude" >>
For years you dreamed of sex with Nicola, rushing home after your chase dates and masturbating guiltily thinking of her. Your dreams were never as intense as this though. She crouches on the bed, her ass in the air, and you take her from behind, her pussy wet and ready for you. She moans lightly as you enter her, but eagerly pushes to meet your thrusts, squeezing you tight within her cunny.
You reach around and squeeze her small breasts, pulling her toward you. She arches her back and cries out with pleasure.
Feeling a need to intensify things, you flip her over onto her back, pushing her legs upward as you tower over her and thrust deep within her pussy. She pants and moans louder. "Yes, fuck me, fuck me harder, please, may I cum $nicdomname?"
<img src="Images/People/Nic/nicsexmissionary.webp" width=600 />
[[Rub her clitoris as you fuck her and make her climax as you cum inside her->nicsexcum][$temp = 12]]
[[Keep going and cum in her pussy->nicsexcum][$temp = 2]]
[[Keep going and cum on her body->nicsexcum][$temp = 1]]
Stop before cumming and:
<<nicsex>>You place the tip of your penis against her lips, which start to kiss and lick it passionately, before sliding your cock into her eager open mouth.
<img src="Images/People/Nic/nicblowjob.webp" width=600 />
Despite her lack of experience she is a fast learner, working your head and shaft with her lips, before pulling out and sucking on your balls, teasing with her tongue. You sit back and relish the sensation, running your hands through her lustrous red hair and pushing your penis deep into her mouth until she begins to gag and drool over you.
[[Keep going and cum in her mouth->nicsexcum][$temp = 0]]
[[Keep going, then pull out and cum on her face->nicsexcum][$temp = 4]]
[[Keep going and cum on her body->nicsexcum][$temp = 1]]
Stop before cumming and:
<<nicsex>>You turn her on the bed so that her ass is upright, facing you. <<SetFlag "nicnude" >>
<img src="Images/People/Nic/nicspanking.webp" width=600 />
<<if $penis eq "large" or $penis eq "huge">> She gasps as your $penis cock pushes against the sphincter of her ass. "It's too big." she pleads, but you rub your hand against her damp pussy and transfer some of her juices to your cock before easing it further inside.
<img src="Images/People/Nic/nicanalhuge.webp" width=600 />
You rub her pussy, and as she moans and spreads her legs you push the head of your cock deep within her asshole. She gasps and clenches her teeth, but opens her legs wider to accommodate you, easing you in inch by inch until you are three inches inside her.
<img src="Images/People/Nic/nicanal.webp" width=600 />
You begin to rock in and out more quickly, her tight ass muscles clamping around you and you feel your climax approaching.
[[Reach around, play with her pussy and make her orgasm as you cum inside her->nicsexcum][$temp = 13]]
[[Keep going and cum in her ass->nicsexcum][$temp = 3]]
[[Keep going and cum on her body->nicsexcum][$temp = 1]]
Stop before cumming and:
<<nicsex>><<if Flag("niccum")>>Thank you my $nicdomname, she pants as she recovers her breath after your session, beads of sweat glistening over her body and a pink flush between her breasts from her exertions.
<<set $randomset = [1, 2, 3, 4]>>\
<<set $temp1 = $randomset.pluck()>>
\<<if $temp1 eq 1>><img src="Images/People/Nic/nicaftersexhaitr.webp" width=600 />
\<<elseif $temp1 eq 2>><img src="Images/People/Nic/nicaftersexhair2.webp" width=600 />
\<<elseif $temp1 eq 3>><img src="Images/People/Nic/nicaftersexhair3.webp" width=600 />
\<<elseif $temp1 eq 4>><img src="Images/People/Nic/nicaftersexhair4.webp" width=600 />
You hold each other softly on the bed, as she burrows her head into your chest and kisses you softly.
You carefully stroke all the parts of the body that are sore, chafed or bruised, ensuring that she feels cared for and protected as she snuggles in your arms.
After a while, she gets up. "I would love this to last forever, but I must get back to the convent." She slips into her habit and wimple, the formal respectability covering her sensual body and its desire for submission.
<img src="Images/People/Nic/nicnunhome2.webp" width=600 />
<<if $ret eq "HC_foyer">>
You hurriedly dress <<WearAll>>and kiss passionately, [[before departing separately->HC_foyer]]
\<<else>><<link [[Finish and get dressed->YourRoom]]>><<wait>><<WearAll>><</link>><</if>>
She looks at you aghast. "But I am so close, so aroused. You can't leave me like this, $nicdomname." She tries to control herself, but tears come to her eyes unbidden.
<img src="Images/People/Nic/niccry.webp" width=600 />
[[Relent and make her cum with your fingers->nicsexorgasm]]
[[Firmly deny her, and start to put your clothes back on->nicsexdenial]]
<</if>><<if Flag("nicnude")>><<else>>You pull off her clothes roughly, and push her onto the bed. <<SetFlag "nicnude">><</if>>
Positioning Nicola with her ass toward you, you spread her legs slightly, so that her asshole and pussy are visible, and gently finger both her holes.
<img src="Images/People/Nic/nicspanking.webp" width=600 />
"I think you need to be spanked, young lady. And if you take your punishment well, you might be rewarded."
Your hand strikes her pert ass and she gasps.
"Count." you command.
"One... one thank you $nicdomname."
Smack. "Two, thank you." she whimpers.
Thwack. This time your fingers catch the edge of her pussy lips and she shrieks. "Th..three my lord."
You finger her pussy a little, making her gasp, before resuming your spanking.
4, 5, 6.
By this she is gasping, and her ass red raw.
<img src="Images/People/Nic/nicspanking1.webp" width=600 />
7, 8, 9.
Tears are starting to fall from her eyes from the pain
"One more my dear. Now ask for it nicely."
"Please spank me $nicdomname. Punish me for my sins."
You spread her legs and aim your final blow between them - not hard, but at her most sensitive parts. She cries out. "Ten, ten my $nicdomname. Thank you. Please, may I cum now?
<img src="Images/People/Nic/nicspankedass.webp" width=600 />
You deliberate whether to give herself, you or both pleasure now.
<<nicsex>><<cum>> The delights of fucking Nicola are too much for you to hold off any longer, and your orgasm begins to splash over you as semen begins to spurt out of your cock.
\<<if $temp eq 0>>
You shoot your load into her mouth, holding her head there for a few moments. "Hold it there, I want to see it." you command, gently pulling your softening dick out from her dark lips. She opens wide obediently, showing your semen coating her tongue. <<set $randomset = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5]>>
<<set $temp1 = $randomset.pluck()>>
\<<if $temp1 eq 1>><img src="Images/People/Nic/niccim1.webp" width=600 />
\<<elseif $temp1 eq 2>><img src="Images/People/Nic/niccim2.webp" width=600 />
\<<elseif $temp1 eq 3>><img src="Images/People/Nic/niccim3.webp" width=600 />
\<<elseif $temp1 eq 4>><img src="Images/People/Nic/niccim4.webp" width=600 />
\<<elseif $temp1 eq 5>><img src="Images/People/Nic/niccim5.webp" width=600 />
"Good girl." You gently close her mouth. "Now swallow it." She licks her lips and gulps, then opens wide showing you a clean tongue and empty mouth.
\<<elseif $temp eq 1>>
You pull out and spurt thick loads of cum all over her tits and stomach, claiming her as your property, and squeezing the base of your balls until you are empty. You wipe your cock against her mouth, and leave her lying there like that for a while, a soiled beautiful cum covered canvas.
<img src="Images/People/Nic/niccumonbody.webp" width=600 />
\<<elseif $temp eq 2>>
Holding her buttocks tightly you push yourself in as deep as you can and fill her with your thick warm cum, kissing her mouth deeply and passionately as you feel yourself softening inside her.
You slip out, and your seed dribbles out of her onto the sheets.
<img src="Images/People/Nic/niccreampie.webp" width=600 />
\<<elseif $temp eq 3>>
Gripping tight to her sides, you pull her close as you cum deep within her tight asshole. At least there is no chance of pregnancy if you come inside her this way, you think. You pull out and a thick dribble of cum follows, as she lies still on her stomach, panting softly from the exertion.
<img src="Images/People/Nic/nicasscum.webp" width=600 />
\<<elseif $temp eq 4>>
You pull out of Nicola's mouth, and spurt all over her face, covering her in sticky white gloop.
<<set $randomset = [1, 2]>>\
<<set $temp1 = $randomset.pluck()>>
\<<if $temp1 eq 1>><img src="Images/People/Nic/nicfacial2.webp" width=600 />
\<<elseif $temp1 eq 2>><img src="Images/People/Nic/nicfacial.webp" width=600 />
"You look so beautiful like that." you comment, admiring her for a moment before wiping your seed down her face to her lips, where she eagerly licks it off your hand.<</if>>
\<<elseif $temp eq 12>><<SetFlag "niccum">>
Holding onto one of her leg to open her up, you thrust forcefully while rubbing her swollen clitoral nub with your thumb. "Cum for me, Nicola." you pant in her ear, as you spurt deep inside her. She grips you with her thighs and her abdomen buck up and down as she climaxes, screaming your name with pleasure.
<img src="Images/People/Nic/nicorgasm2.webp" width=600 />
You hold there inside her for what seems like an eternity, two lovers intertwined in passion, kissing her gently.
\<<elseif $temp eq 13>><<SetFlag "niccum">>
Gripping tight to her sides, you pull her close as you push inside her ass, and rub her clit energetically as you spurt inside her. "Cum for me now, my pet." You command. You feel her scream with pleasureas you both orgasm within a few seconds of each other, her ass contracting and squeezing the last of your spunk out of you. You hold her tenderly for a moment, then pull out and a thick dribble of cum follows, as she lies still on her stomach, panting softly from the exertion.
<img src="Images/People/Nic/nicasscum.webp" width=600 />
After satisfying your lusts on her, you decide whether to stop or continue.
<<nicsex>>\<<SetFlag "niccum">>
\<<set $randomset = [1, 2, 3, 4]>>\
\<<set $temp1 = $randomset.pluck()>>
\<<if $temp1 eq 1>><img src="Images/People/Nic/nicaftersexhaitr.webp" width=600 />
\<<elseif $temp1 eq 2>><img src="Images/People/Nic/nicaftersexhair2.webp" width=600 />
\<<elseif $temp1 eq 3>><img src="Images/People/Nic/nicaftersexhair3.webp" width=600 />
\<<elseif $temp1 eq 4>><img src="Images/People/Nic/nicaftersexhair4.webp" width=600 /><</if>>
Her moaning becomes more insistent, as she bucks up and down on the bed. Her pelvis begins to spasm. "Oh fucking hell, yes, I'm coming, oh yes please, don't stop sweet Jesus yes, YES!"
You feel her vaginal muscles contract tightly as she cums.
[[Keep rubbing her pussy even after she cums->nicsexmultiple]]
[[Kiss her->Nicsex_kiss]]
[[Spank her ass->Nicsex_spank]]
<<if $chastity neq 1 and $penis neq "tiny" and Flag("playercum") eq false>>[[Fuck her mouth->Nicsex_mouth]]
\<<if $chastity neq 1 and $penis neq "tiny" and Flag("playercum") eq false>>[[Fuck her pussy->Nicsex_pussy]]
\<<if $chastity neq 1 and $penis neq "tiny" and Flag("playercum") eq false>>[[Fuck her ass->Nicsex_ass]]
\[[Finish->Nicsexend]]<img src="Images/People/Nic/niccry.webp" width=600 />
She dresses while sobbing, putting her clothes back on.
"$nicdomname, this denial is too much. I can barely hold my desires within me for a day, now you ask me to do so for another week. I fear I am not strong enough. Why do you torture me so?"
"Every hour of that week I want you thinking of me, my touch, my smell, my cock inside you. And next week, if I let you cum, imagine how great your release will be."
She nods, dutifully but not wholly convinced.
<img src="Images/People/Nic/nicsadnun.webp" width=600 />
<<if $ret eq "HC_foyer">><<link [[You dress before heading back into the club->HC_foyer]]>><<wait>><<WearAll>><</link>>
\<<else>><<link [[Finish and get dressed->YourRoom]]>><<wait>><<WearAll>><</link>><</if>><img src="Images/People/Nic/nicfingering.webp" width=600 /><<SetFlag "nicnude" >>
Lying next to Nicola on the bed, you gently start stroking your hand between her legs, rubbing the outside lips of her pussy and sliding first one, then two fingers inside. She lets out a low moan of pleasure, pushing her groin forward onto your hand as she desires more. You rub the hood of her clitoris with your thumb, putting just enough pressure onto it to tease, before slipping a third finger inside her and sliding the half hand inside, curling your fingers to stimulate the tender parts inside of her.
"Yes, just like that." she gasps. "More."
[[Start fisting her->nicsexfist]]
[[Start licking her->nicsexcun]]
[[Edge her to the limit, then stop her climaxing->nicsexedge]]
[[Kiss her->Nicsex_kiss]]
[[Spank her ass->Nicsex_spank]]
<<if $chastity neq 1 and $penis neq "tiny" and Flag("playercum") eq false>>[[Fuck her mouth->Nicsex_mouth]]
\<<if $chastity neq 1 and $penis neq "tiny" and Flag("playercum") eq false>>[[Fuck her pussy->Nicsex_pussy]]
\<<if $chastity neq 1 and $penis neq "tiny" and Flag("playercum") eq false>>[[Fuck her ass->Nicsex_ass]]
\[[Finish->Nicsexend]]You kiss and lick at her clit, until you see her chest flush and panting become more intense. At this, you stop and move away, spanking her ass sharply. The spank brings her down from her near climax, and she pants. "No, I was so close. Please $nicdomname."
<img src="Images/People/Nic/nicspanking.webp" width=600 />
"You cum when I give you permission, not before."
She nods in acceptance, and you cuddle and hold her gently, before starting something new.
<<nicsex>>\<<SetFlag "niccum">>
\<<set $randomset = [1, 2]>>\
\<<set $temp1 = $randomset.pluck()>>
\<<if $temp1 eq 1>><img src="Images/People/Nic/nicsexorgasm.webp" width=600 />
\<<elseif $temp1 eq 2>><img src="Images/People/Nic/nicorgasm.jpg" width=600 />
You keep stimulating her without mercy, rubbing back and forth at her already tender clit, while thrusting fingers inside and sucking on a nipple, overwhelming her with sensations from all her pleasure centers. She screams in pain and lust as she comes a second time on the back of the first, before lying there broken, still and unmoving.
After a minute she opens her eyes.
"I thought you were never going to stop, my darling. I can barely move."
You snuggle next to her on the bed to give her a moment to recover, before deciding whether to continue or stop.
<<nicsex>>Your hand is slick with her juices now, and you add your little finger inside, cupping her womanhood with your palm and rubbing her clit with your thumb. She stretches her legs wide apart, and it occurs to you that you might slip your whole hand inside if you try. Part of you thinks to ask for permission, but you know she wants you to take control.
You narrow your hand and slip your thumb inside her than push gently, half an inch at a time, until your whole hand slips inside her. "That fills me up. Yes, just like that." she starts gasping and moaning now as you gently rock your hand inside her.
After a few minutes you pull it out and hold your hand next to her face,
<img src="Images/People/Nic/nicsexfist.webp" width=600 />
"Smell yourself on there. My whole hand was in your cunt. And you were begging for more."
"Does this make me a slut?" she asks.
"No, it makes you my slut."
[[Start licking her->nicsexcun]]
[[Edge her to the limit, then stop her climaxing->nicsexedge]]
[[Kiss her->Nicsex_kiss]]
[[Spank her ass->Nicsex_spank]]
<<if $chastity neq 1 and $penis neq "tiny" and Flag("playercum") eq false>>[[Fuck her mouth->Nicsex_mouth]]
\<<if $chastity neq 1 and $penis neq "tiny" and Flag("playercum") eq false>>[[Fuck her pussy->Nicsex_pussy]]
\<<if $chastity neq 1 and $penis neq "tiny" and Flag("playercum") eq false>>[[Fuck her ass->Nicsex_ass]]
\[[Finish->Nicsexend]]<img src="Images/People/Nic/nicreceivecun.webp" width=600 />
You bend down and start licking her tender cunt, bringing her to the brink of climax with your tongue. Her taste is sweet and musky, her moist folds dripping against your chin as you lap at her, darting your tongue deep inside as you suck at her pussy.
"Please, let me cum. $nicdomname." she quivers and pleads with you.
[[Lick her clit and make her cum->nicsexorgasm]]
[[Edge her to the limit, then stop her climaxing->nicsexedge]]
<<nicsex>><<widget wakeeventcheck>>
\<<SetFlag "wakeeventcheck">><<SetFlag "event">>
\<<if $daynumber eq $farmday and $time eq "Morning" and $farmopen neq 1>> There is a knocking at the door. Early, it must be 7 o'clock. You throw on some clothes <<WearAll>> and [[meet them in the kitchen.->Farmevent_0]]
\<<elseif Flag("buyinghouse") and $day eq "Monday" and $time eq "Morning">>It is Monday and your house purchase is complete. You realise you have woken late.
[[Change your clothes->Wardrobe][$Wardrobe="YourRoom"]]
<<if ($top eq "none" and $outfit eq "none") or ($bottom eq "none" and $outfit eq "none")>> You need to cover up more to leave your room. <<elseif $socks eq "none" or $shoes eq "none" >>You should put something else on your feet, you'll get blisters.
\<<else>> [[Rush to the bank to collect your deeds->movein1]]<</if>>
\<<elseif $HCevent gt 6 and $time eq "Morning" and Flag("inheritance") eq false>>There is a hammering at the door, and you wonder what the commotion is
[[Change your clothes->Wardrobe][$Wardrobe="YourRoom"]]
<<if ($top eq "none" and $outfit eq "none") or ($bottom eq "none" and $outfit eq "none")>> You need to cover up more to leave your room. <<elseif $socks eq "none" or $shoes eq "none" >>You should put something else on your feet, you'll get blisters.
\<<else>>[[Answer the door->inheritance]]<</if>>
\<<elseif $HCevent eq 8 and ($day eq "Friday") and $time eq "Morning">>Today is the date of your trip to Paris. You have arranged to meet $HC8 at the station.
[[Change your clothes->Wardrobe][$Wardrobe="YourRoom"]]
<<if ($top eq "none" and $outfit eq "none") or ($bottom eq "none" and $outfit eq "none")>> You need to cover up more to leave your room. <<elseif $socks eq "none" or $shoes eq "none" >>You should put something else on your feet, you'll get blisters.
\<<else>>[[Head to the station->HC_event9]]<</if>>
\<<elseif $HCevent eq 9 and ($day eq "Saturday") and $time eq "Morning">>Today you have been invited to the Bentley's country estate for the weekend
[[Change your clothes->Wardrobe][$Wardrobe="YourRoom"]]
<<if ($top eq "none" and $outfit eq "none") or ($bottom eq "none" and $outfit eq "none")>> You need to cover up more to leave your room. <<elseif $socks eq "none" or $shoes eq "none" >>You should put something else on your feet, you'll get blisters.
\<<else>>[[Head to the station->HC_10]]<</if>>
\<<elseif $HCevent eq 10 and ($day eq "Saturday") and $time eq "Morning">>Today is the Hellfire club's May Week Garden party
[[Change your clothes->Wardrobe][$Wardrobe="YourRoom"]]
<<if ($top eq "none" and $outfit eq "none") or ($bottom eq "none" and $outfit eq "none")>> You need to cover up more to leave your room. <<elseif $socks eq "none" or $shoes eq "none" >>You should put something else on your feet, you'll get blisters.
\<<else>>[[Head to the party->HC11]]<</if>>
\<<elseif $HCevent eq 11 and ($day eq "Saturday") and $time eq "Morning">>Today is the Hellfire club's meeting at Professor Fairfax's house. You should head there after checking a few things at work.
[[Change your clothes->Wardrobe][$Wardrobe="YourRoom"]]
<<if ($top eq "none" and $outfit eq "none") or ($bottom eq "none" and $outfit eq "none")>> You need to cover up more to leave your room. <<elseif $socks eq "none" or $shoes eq "none" >>You should put something else on your feet, you'll get blisters.
\<<else>>[[Head to work then get the train->HC12]]<</if>>
\<<elseif $HCevent eq 12 and ($day eq "Saturday")>>
<<if Flag("wedbish") eq 1 and Flag("wedclub") eq 1 and ($daisyengagement eq 3 or $nicengagement eq 2 or $micengagement eq 2 or $mattengagement eq 1)>>It is the day of you and your fiance<<if $femcheck lt 2>>e<</if>>'s stag and hen parties.
[[Get ready|HC13][$temp = 1]]
<<elseif $daisyengagement gt 0 or $nicengagement gt 0 or $micengagement gt 0 or $mattengagement gt 0>>You have not made all your wedding preparations. Your fiance<<if $femcheck lt 2>>e<</if>> will be disappointed.
I should [[check on wedding preparations|WeddingPrep]]
<<else>>It is the day of Matthew and Daisy's stag and hen parties.
[[Get ready|HC13][$temp = 1]]
\<<elseif $HCevent eq 14 and ($day eq "Saturday") and $time eq "Morning">>It is the day of the wedding...
[[Get ready|HC20][$temp = 0]]
<<link [[It can wait|YourRoom]]>><<wait>><</link>>
\<<elseif $HCevent eq 20 >>You feel an urge to step outside
[[Get ready|HC21][$temp = 0]]
\<<elseif $HCevent eq 21 and ($day eq "Friday") and $time eq "Morning">>It is time to leave on your summer adventure
<<if ($top eq "none" and $outfit eq "none") or ($bottom eq "none" and $outfit eq "none")>> You need to cover up more to leave your room. <<elseif $socks eq "none" or $shoes eq "none" >>You should put something else on your feet, you'll get blisters.
\<<else>>[[Leave|HC22][$temp = 0]]<</if>>
[[Get changed first->Wardrobe][$Wardrobe="YourRoom"]]
<<link [[It can wait|YourRoom]]>><<wait>><</link>>
Developer note - the summer holiday/honeymoon is only partly written, so starting this now will reach a point where you can't continue with side quests as you will be half way across Europe. Focus for the next update will be on completing this. If you wait time will pause so you won't lose anything.
\<<else>><<SetFlag "wakeeventcheck" false>><</if>>
<</widget>>Fast Travel Navigation sidebar
Close when not in use. $time
\<<if Flag("event")>> You cannot fast travel now, wait until you finish your current event.
\<<elseif $time eq "Night">> You cannot fast travel now, rest until morning.
\<<elseif ($top eq "none" and $outfit eq "none") or ($bottom eq "none" and $outfit eq "none") or $socks eq "none" or $shoes eq "none" >>You can't fast travel while inappropriately clothed.
<<if $time neq "Evening">><<link "Wait" `passage()`>><<wait>><</link>><</if>>
<<if $time neq "Evening">><<link "Wait" `passage()`>><<wait>><</link>><</if>>
\<<if $found_hc eq 1>> [[Hellfire Club->Hellfire]]
\<<if $farmopen neq 1 and $time eq "Morning" and $day neq "Sunday">>
[[Work in the Pharmacy->Pharm_work]]
\<<elseif $farmopen eq 1 and $time eq "Morning" and $day neq "Sunday">>[[Work at the rabbit Farm->Farm]]
<<if Flag("clinic") and $time neq "Evening">>[[Work at Antioch's Harley Street Medical Practice|Clinic]]
[[Kensington Avenue->KensingtonAv]]
[[Ambrose house and Pharmacy->Pharmacy]]
[[Coffee Shop->Cafe]]
Elsewhere in London
[[Hyde Park->Park]]
<<if $time eq "Morning" or $time eq "Afternoon">>[[Shopping->OxfordSt]]<<else>>There is no point going to Oxford Street as the shops will be closed.
<<if $time eq "Morning" or $time eq "Afternoon">> [[Bank->Bank]]<<else>>There is no point going to the bank as it will be closed.
<<if $libraryaccess eq 1>>[[Go to the British Library->Library]]
\<<if $found_megan eq 1 or $meet_megan eq 1>> [[Go to Charlton Square->Megan]]
<</if>><<if $temp eq "Daisy" or $temp eq "Miss Daisy">>
Daisy waits for you to come to her side. "Your cousin, an interesting choice." says Walsingham. "But very romantic."
\<<elseif $HC8 eq "Daisy">>
You wait for Daisy to walk up and stand next to you.
<<if $Daisyevent gt 0 or $Daisydomevent gt 0>>"Well at least you invited me to one event - I waited for you to ask me here tonight and <<if $temp eq "none">> you preferred to go alone. <<else>> you brought that tramp down there. She holds your arm affectionately, looking at $temp with an unsubtle "I'm going to Paris and you aren't" glare. <</if>><<else>>"Is this a reconciliation? Are we courting now?"
You nod. "I guess we are. Will you come to Paris with me Daisy?"
She puts her arms around you and kisses you. "Of course I will, you silly lump."<</if>>
\<<elseif $HC8 eq "Nicola" and $temp eq "Nicola">>
Nicola stands up when you call her name and looks about nervously. "Paris?" You reach down from the stage and pull her up next to you. "It'll be fun. Romantic. Sexy."
\<<elseif $HC8 eq "Nicola">>
"And where is this Nicola? A precious jewel you are hiding away from us?"
"In a convent." you deadpan.
The crowd roars with laughter. "No, I'm serious." They laugh more.
"Very well, I am sure that the Lord can spare her from her prayers for one entirely above board trip to the city of lights. I hope her vows survive the experience. But do bring her to the club next time."
\<<elseif $HC8 eq "Michaela">>
Michaela looks up from the doorway where she is on duty.
"Me?" she calls out?
Walsingham beckons, and she walks up to join you.
"I can see that you have taken a shine to this one, $Hname. I think we can spare the lovely Michaela from club duties for one weekend. Do take good care of her for us."
Michaela stands next to you speechless, squeezing your hand tightly and trembling.
\<<elseif $HC8 eq "Matthew">>
Matthew wanders up next to you on stage. "There must be some kind of mistake. I know we are good friends and all, but don't you want to take one of these fillies? It's Paris for god's sake, the most romantic place on the planet. If that isn't going to get their panties wet nothing will."
"You are my friend, Matthew. My <b>best</b> friend. It will be an adventure. Like shore leave."
"Oh, you want me as your wingman with the Mademoiselles. Why didn't you say so. And thank you."
"Well I must congratulate $Hname and $HC8 on their upcoming travels. I will arrange for a letter from the Home Secretary's office to ease your passage through ports. A train will leave London for Dover on Friday morning, followed by a ferry to Calais, and a connecting train should get you to Paris in time for supper."
"For the rest of you, I would also like to apologise, but next week's performance of Salome has had to be cancelled due to illness amongst the cast. I understand that the Parisian cast is still performing it, so at least $Hname and $HC8 will be able to see it. How is your French?"
"Ce n'est pas mal" you reply, with decent grammar but a terrible accent.
You step down from the stage as the evening draws to a close,
\<<if ($HC8 eq "Nicola" or $HC8 eq "Michaela") and ($Daisyevent gt 0 or $Daisydomevent gt 0) >>and are accosted by Daisy.
"Well, well, well. Taking this hussy to Paris instead of me. How long has this been going on for? Behind my back? Do you take me for a fool, $Hname? I don't mind about the sex, you can screw who you want, but I do care about the public humiliation. Consider our relationship over. "<<set $Daisyevent = 0>><<set $Daisydomevent = 0>><<SetFlag "Daisyhumiliation">>
<<if $daisyengagement gt 2>>"And you are not getting the ring back just so you can give it to her, you bastard." She storms off. I guess the engagement is over. <<set $daisyengagement = -1>><</if>>
\<<elseif $HC8 eq "Matthew" and ($Daisyevent gt 0 or $Daisydomevent gt 0) >>and are accosted by Daisy. "A boys trip to Paris. I can't say I'm not disappointed, but I am sure you have your reasons. Do enjoy yourself, I certainly will do, with the whole club to myself next weekend."
\<<else>> and you and $temp head off out of the club. Paris! You wonder what excitement the city of love will bring.<</if>>
<<link [[Leave the club|YourRoom]]>> <<wait>><<WearAll>><</link>><img src="Images/Places/lingerie.webp" width=600 />
You recognise the lettering behind the desk as that of the Velvet Parlour, a high end lingerie store on Oxford Street.
A collection of their wares is displayed over the desk.
Inspecting more closely, you notice this is the more risque end of their offering. Crotchless panties, thin gauzy strips of fabric, lace, silk and a little leather and velvet.
Your eye is also drawn to some wider underwear on an adjacent table
"Ah, our gentlemans collection. Our designer was thinking that longjohns are not as easy to disrobe as we might like, in the heat of passion, and lack a certain sensual quality. We have here a few items that might interest the discerning gentleman. These are similar in style to what is worn in a boxing ring - shorter than traditional underwear - we call them shortjohns, or shorts.
Smaller than that we have these more tight fitting briefs, desiged to accentuate the more well endowed male anatomy.
And finally there is this 'thong' - it is not as painful as it looks to wear. "
"Are these in stock now?"
Not yet <<sir>> but I am told they will come in in a week or two.
\<<if $temp eq "Miss Daisy">>"It is too late for you to go back to men's underwear, my pet. Pink and pretty is how I like you, remember."
\<<elseif $temp eq "Daisy">>"It is about time men had to wear something impractical next to their privates to look good for us ladies. I want to see you in a pair of those briefs, clinging around your lovely tight arse." Daisy remarks, giving your ass a squeeze to make her point.
\<<elseif $temp eq "Nicola">>"I think you should treat yourself, my sweet. Those short ones in black silk would really suit you. And I could feel you through them when I stroke your cock."
<<HCevent8>>A tall wooden structure like a gallows is constructed here in the foyer, with rope hanging down towards metal rings affixed to its base.
Beside it is a X shaped crucifix, a chair with a hole in the centre of the seat and a set of stocks, such as those used to publically display criminals in the town square.
<img src="Images/Objects/sexcross.jpg" width=600 />
"And you are...?" you enquire.
"Name's Norrris. Craftsman. Carpenter. Blacksmith when needed. I make items to measure. Wood. Metal. Leather and rope are my materials. I'll construct in my workshop then assemble in your home, should you be interested."
"And where do your clients keep all this?"
"Some have dungeons. I have one that sold his horses and uses the stable block. His submissive sleeps on the straw, never lets him indoors."
"If you haven't room I've got some smaller items, Antioch is manning the restraints table in the main hall. My workship is in Soho, off Oxford street if you are interested. I can also make regular furniture, top quality."
Slightly lost for words, you look about for another stall.
<<HCevent8>><<if $temp19 eq 1>><img src="Images/Objects/assmachine.jpg" width=600 />
Applying the lubricant offered and slipping a fresh sheath over the dildo, you lean forward as the dildo is slipped towards your ass. It starts thrusting slowly, and you can feel the heat of the steam on your bare ass as it builds up momentum. Half a minute later it sounds like a train pulling out of St Pancras station, forcing itself six inches into your ass and out again every three seconds. The sensation is exquisite but relentless.
<<if $temp eq "Miss Daisy">>Daisy holds your hands firmly, watching you lovingly as you take the pounding from behind.
When you can bear no more, you beg for the machine to stop, as you lie exhausted on the mat in front of it.
<<elseif $temp19 eq 2>>
You click the switch and feel powerful vibrations through your cock and balls. Even on a low setting, it is intense. You rub it up the length of your shaft, through your clothing. It is not quite as satisfying as penetration, you think, but is a delightful alternative. Not wishing to cum in your underwear, you regretfully switch the device off and hand it back to Pierre.
\<<elseif $temp19 eq 4>>
<img src="Images/People/Nic/niccum.jpg" width=600 />
Nicola gasps in pleasure and jerks in her chair as you turn the device to its maximum setting and grind it against her panties. You hold it there for a full minute, until tears are streaming down her face and she is begging you to stop. You click the switch and hand it back to Pierre.
"You did ask me not to stop, my dear."
"Will you buy one of those, sweetheart?" she asks longingly.
\<<elseif $temp19 eq 5>>
"She looks sullen, but nods. As you wish, $nicdomname." biting her lip as she does when aroused.
\You keenly take the card of Pierre's London store, noting the Soho street name, a short walk from Oxford Street.
<<HCevent8>><<if $meet_megan eq 0>>You strip, leaving your clothes and shoes in a neat pile under the sink, then freshen up, scrubbing soap around your semi-erect dick, under your arms and ass crack. You notice the bland unscented soap - perfect for philandering husbands you guess.
\On one hand you're finally going to get laid. And have your kinky fantasies fulfilled. By a gorgeous beauty no less.
On the other it's obvious she's a whore, even if an upmarket one. Perhaps you could call her a courtesan.
<img src="Images/People/Megan/meganrobe2.webp" width=600 />
You dry off with a towel, wrap it around your waist and emerge back into what you now think of as Megan's boudoir.
"Now before we start, if you are uncomfortable with something, you say your safeword and we will stop, no questions asked. But only if you say your safeword. I don't expect we will need it today, but I do insist on arranging it with my clients first. Now what do you want your safeword to be?"
<<textbox "$safeword" "custard">>
She laughs. "Very well. Now come into my playroom." She gestures at the bedroom door.
[[Enter->Megan_roleplay_2]]Who are you taking to Paris?
[[Daisy|HC_event9][$HC8 = "Daisy"]]
[[Nicola|HC_event9][$HC8 = "Nicola"]]
[[Michaela|HC_event9][$HC8 = "Michaela"]]
[[Matthew|HC_event9][$HC8 = "Matthew"]]\<<love $HC8 3>><<set $HCevent = 9>>
<<if $penis isnot "average" or $chest isnot "flat">>
You check that you have a good supply of your medicines to take with you as you pack for your weekend away, before heading to the station.
\The train departs London's Charing Cross station at 9am sharp on Friday morning. It is refreshing to have a weekday when you do not have to work, although you are aware this means you will also miss out on a day's pay.
At the station, you meet your companion for the weekend, $HC8.
<<if $HC8 eq "Nicola">><img src="Images/People/Nic/nicstreet2.webp" width=600 />
Nicola is wearing an elegant black dress, and you do a double take as she is not in her usual ecclesiastical outfit. "Do you like it?" she asks. I changed as soon as I left the convent.
"It is very striking. You were always so demure when we were together - now you are sultry, wanton even."
"Is that a bad thing?"
"As long as it is only me that you desire."
"I am yours, $nicdomname."
"And what do they say about this look at the convent?"
"It is not approved of. The mother superior sometimes gives me a whipping for my insolence. She has not yet realised that I enjoy the punishment."
You are slightly worried about Nicola. The sex is great, and the sense of power you get is exhilarating, but you are not yet used to the level of submission, and fear that if you push her limits, she might break before you find them.
<<elseif $HC8 eq "Michaela">><img src="Images/People/Mic/micstreet.webp" width=600 />
Michaela is wearing a yellow summer dress that matches her hair. She is slightly awkward walking in public, but beams as soon as she sees you. "$Hname!" she rushes to you and hugs you. "Do I look alright? I wasn’t sure. I only have a few dresses and…"
You calm her, stroking her face. "You look lovely."
"The last time I was on a train was a trip to the seaside with my brother. Our parents died when we were young so we had to look out for each other, but always tried to have a holiday at the beach. Brighton or Bournemouth. We even went to Great Yarmouth once."
\<<elseif $HC8 eq "Daisy">><img src="Images/People/Daisy/Daisystreet.webp" width=600 />
Daisy as usual is clad in blue, clutching a case. "I had to pack in a rush, I hope I have enough." she says. You take her case from her and carry it as you walk to the platform. "I had to tell so many lies to come here. Sir Edward was so helpful, he asked if I could be spared for the weekend to help in his constituency office, given how he had seen me in the Pharmacy, and Mummy and Daddy can’t really say no to him what with the debt and all."
<<if $Daisydomevent gt 0>>She reaches between your legs and squeezes your balls gently. "Oh we are going to have so much fun. Now did I bring that chastity key?" You look worried for a second, but she shows you it dangling on a chain between her breasts. "I do so love teasing you." <</if>>
\<<elseif $HC8 eq "Matthew">><img src="Images/People/Matt/matthewstreet.webp" width=600 />
"Just like old times. Chadwick and $playersurname on another foreign adventure. The mademoiselles won't know what's hit them.
"The last time we were on a foreign adventure we were stuck with a bunch of squaddies in a barracks somewhere in the Mediterranean, and didn’t see anything more attractive than a nanny goat."
"Well we’d better make up for lost time then."
Your train arrives at Dover where you board a ferry to Calais. The water is choppy, and the crossing, although short, is uncomfortable.
"I think I’m feeling a bit seasick", says $HC8. You hold them lightly as they stand on deck without talking further. After the crossing there is thankfully an hour's break where you recuperate and eat a light lunch before the second train to Paris. This is opulent and comfortable, although you have to share a carriage with an elderly woman. You and $HC8 share glances while she eyes you both suspiciously.
"Don’t look at me like that, she snaps in French accented English. "I’m not so old that I forget what it is like to be in love."
\<<if $HC8 eq "Matthew">>
The pair of you quickly deny any impropriety, "It’s not like that, we’re just good friends." and she nods sceptically.
\$HC8 blushes, and gives you a quick kiss. "Do make sure you climb the Eiffel tower at sunset - the view across the Seine is unforgettable." the lady continues.
\After a few hours it is early evening, and you arrive in Paris. Your hotel is only a short walk from the Gare du Nord station, and you do not have much luggage, so you walk
\<<if $HC8 neq "Matthew">> arm in arm<</if>>
\ through the Paris streets, chatting happily. After checking in you are led to a large suite - two bedrooms, a bathroom and a comfortable lounge.
"So, what is first on our Paris adventure?" asks $HC8.
You check your itinerary. "Sightseeing I think. Something about a red Windmill, a <i>moulin</i>."
$HC8 shrugs. "Sounds dull."
[[Investigate the Moulin->HC9_2]]Heading just off Oxford Street into the more bohemian area of Soho, you come across Devere's curiosities. This is a eclectic store with a range of items for sale. Antiques, ornaments and items that are either beautiful to look at or come with an interesting history. <<set $shop = "Toys">>
<<if $day eq "Monday" or $day eq "Wednesday" or $day eq "Friday">>
<img src="Images/People/Orlando/Orlandomale1.webp" width=600 />
Orlando DeVere is standing behind the counter. You give him a nod, and he seems to recognise you. "Ah, a discerning customer, am I right? I assume you are here to view my special selection?"
<img src="Images/People/Orlando/Orlandofem1.webp" width=600 />
A tall woman with striking angular features, wearing a dark suit and red tie is standing behind the counter."
"Is Mr DeVere here? You inquire."
"Ah, you must be thinking of Orlando my, er, brother. No, he is indisposed. May I assist?"
"I was interested in your private selection."
"Ah yes, come this way please".
You nod, and they direct you to a cabinet at the back of the store that they unlock.
Inside, you can see an array of sex toys.
Butt Plugs:
<<if $objects["large black butt plug"].inv eq 1>>You have already purchased the large black butt plug<<else>>[[large black butt plug->Shopbuy][$item = "large black butt plug"]]<</if>>
<<if $objects["ruby butt plug"].inv eq 1>>You have already purchased the ruby butt plug<<else>>[[ruby butt plug->Shopbuy][$item = "ruby butt plug"]]<</if>>
<<if $objects["sapphire butt plug"].inv eq 1>>You have already purchased the sapphire butt plug<<else>>[[sapphire butt plug->Shopbuy][$item = "sapphire butt plug"]]<</if>>
<<if $objects["huge black dildo"].inv eq 1>>You have already purchased the huge black dildo<<else>>[[huge black dildo->Shopbuy][$item = "huge black dildo"]]<</if>>
<<if $objects["purple dildo"].inv eq 1>>You have already purchased the purple dildo<<else>>[[purple dildo->Shopbuy][$item = "purple dildo"]]<</if>>
<<if $objects["large black strap on"].inv eq 1>>You have already purchased the large black strap on<<else>>[[large black strap on->Shopbuy][$item = "large black strap on"]]<</if>>
<<if $objects["strap on dildo"].inv eq 1>>You have already purchased the strap on dildo<<else>>[[strap on dildo->Shopbuy][$item = "strap on dildo"]]<</if>>
[[Return to Oxford Street->OxfordSt]]"Now I understand that you want to try anal sex.
Consent is very important to me, as it should be to any couple wanting to be intimate. And like anyone, I have my preferences and limits. Receiving of anal sex is one of those, it is something I will not do professionally. Not any more. But I do enjoy giving it. Some call it pegging. Now even if you are naturally dominant, I suggest you try it, at least once, to empathise the next time you choose to stick your cock into someone's arse. But that will not be today, and will not be my arse."
<img src="Images/People/Megan/meganass.webp" width=600 />
She is incredibly well spoken, even the way she says arse is divine. And she wiggles her bottom at you temptingly, showing you the forbidden fruit.
"If not, we can try something more vanilla, a little roleplay perhaps."
[["My ass is yours." Point your rear at her and bend over submissively|Megan_anal_1_1]]
[["I'll try anything once." apprehensively agree to pegging|Megan_anal_1_1]]
[["Not today thank you, can we try some roleplay instead?" You are grateful for the opportunity to try something you are more comfortable with.|Megan_roleplay_2]]<<if $Mattfetish eq "Anal" and $meganevent eq 0>>
\<img src="Images/People/Megan/meganrobe2.webp" width=600 />
She slips away to change, returning in a simple silk robe.
\Her robe drops to the ground, revealing a starched white dress. She places a little white headdress on her head.
<img src="Images/People/Megan/Megannurse.webp" width=600 />
"I hear that you like to roleplay. So let us pretend. I am a nurse. You are my patient. Are you sitting comfortably?"
"Yes nurse."
"Very good. Now I need to find out where it hurts. So I am going to touch your body. And I want you to tell me how it feels. Can you do that for me, honey?"
You nod, feeling your cock getting erect beneath the towel.
She starts by stroking your arm, delicately. "How does that feel?"
She raises an eyebrow. "How about your shoulders?" She puts her hands on them and begins massaging slowly, bringing her ample chest toward you as she does so. You feel tension falling away from you as her fingers knead your muscles. "Has anyone told you that you have a lovely body? Anyhow, you dont seem to be hurting there, lets try somewhere else."
She moves down and places a long, soft kiss on your lips, her tongue tracing between your teeth momentarily.
"All good, nothing sore there?"
"No nurse."
"What about down here. Is this causing you any trouble?" She puts her hand on your towel, rubbing your erection. "I'm sure it is not meant to be like that - let me take a look." The towel drops away, and your cock pokes up at her.
"You appear to be suffering from some inflammation. I know just the treatment. Now just relax and do what comes naturally."
She bends down and puts her lips around it, sucking lightly while gently cupping your testicles in her hand. Her tongue teases the end as she caresses your balls, before starting to work the shaft with her hand.
You feel that you are very close to cumming, but she stops and shakes her head. "No, I think we might need some additional medicine. Hmm, let me see." She leans down into a bag, revealing her ass underneath her very short skirt and showing that she is not wearing any panties, before emerging with a jar of ointment.
She unbuttons her blouse and reveals the most perfect round soft breasts you have ever seen, before smearing the ointment onto your hard cock and rubbing it between her tits.
<img src="Images/People/Megan/Megannursetopless.webp" width=600 />
"Now, I think we are almost finished with our first course of treatment, let me just rub it better a little more and..."
You spurt thick cum all over her tits, moaning and gasping with pleasure.
"...and the inflammation seems to be subsiding. Another satisfied patient."
After wiping herself clean, she lies next to you, stroking your chest gently as you recover and kissing your head tenderly.
"Now I find that generally the patient, especially a young patient like yourself, needs two courses of treatment to make a full recovery. Yes, I was right, look at your symptoms returning."
She starts stroking your cock gently, which starts to stir back to life. Putting her lips around it she spits and sucks on it, taking it all the way to the back of her throat, before pulling out and slipping a thick latex sheath over it.
"Now lie back on the hospital bed and let me know if this hurts." she asks, stripping naked apart from her white headdress. She clambers above you and gently lowers her crotch onto yours, and you see and feel your hard penis sliding into the warm crevices of her pussy.
"It doesn't hurt." you whimper. "Feels fantastic."
"Sssh baby. Come for your nurse now, Oh yes, cum inside me honey."
She rides you, bucking back and forth until you explode a second time inside her.
<img src="Images/People/Megan/megannakedsex.webp" width=600 />
"I think you're cured now, sweetie."
[[Finish->Megan_end]]<img src="Images/HC9/moulinrouge.jpg" width=600 />
You pass a poster, giving an indication of wher you are heading to tonight. After wandering an interminable number of side streets, and getting lost twice, you think you have found your destination. A large sign in gold paint, featuring elaborately painted pictures of dancing girls underneath highlights your objective: The Moulin Rouge.
As if this was not enough, the building is topped with a lifesize red Windmill.
<img src="Images/HC9/moulinrouge.webp" width=600 />
You show your complimentary tickets to the guard, a no-nonsense looking bruiser with shaven hair and a menacing scowl. "D’accord." he growls, opening the door for you.
"Bonsoir Monsieur. Comment ça va? Ah Anglaise. Good evening, and welcome to the Moulin rouge. May I see your tickets? Ah, our important guests from the Hellfire club, please come to your reserved table." Like scenes at the Hellfire Club, the main hall is set up with a large stage, and she leads you towards front of house seats at a table set up with a chilled bottle of champagne. On stage, a woman in a red gown is starting her act, standing in front of a man dressed as a policeman.
<img src="Images/HC9/showgirlpoliceman.webp" width=600 />
‘I was a stripper, On the Champs Elysees,
He was a gendarme, in the gendarmerie,
Going Oh La, Oh La, Oh La, Oh La Lay.’
You and your companion take your seats, as the lady singer disrobes on stage in time with the music, down to some very expensive looking lingerie. Another figure walks on, an african man wearing all black.
<img src="Images/HC9/pimp.webp" width=600 />
‘He was a pimp, In a black beret
But he was an artiste, In his own way
Oh La, Oh La, Oh La, Oh La Lay.’
The two men fight over the woman, theatrically. The gendarme falls to the ground, seemingly dead. The woman shrugs, and continues her striptease, as the pimp watches on lasciviously.
‘Paris is only one step away,
Murder is only one step away
Notre Dame is ringing her bells
Another gendarme has gone to Hell’
At this point the woman is naked, and the man pushes her onto a bed and begins forcing himself on her. She continues to sing, punctuated by moaning. You aren’t sure if they are screwing for real or not.
‘One night in Paris, Is like a year in any other place
One night in Paris, Will wipe the smile off your pretty face
One girl in Paris, Is like loving every woman
This night in Paris
May be your last!’
The lights go off as she shrieks the last word orgasmically.
"Well that was something." observes $HC8. A scantily clad waitress tops up your champagne glasses.
"Et maintenant, s'il vous plaît, accueillez Cha-U-Kao." calls the announcer. On stage, a woman dressed as a clown in black and yellow performs an elaborate contortion.
<img src="Images/HC9/Cha-U-Kao.jpg" width=600 />
"And now, our finale" calls the announcer. On stage, a group of girls starts singing in harmony.
‘Voulez-vous coucher avec moi, ce soir?
Voulez-vous coucher avec moi?’
They start a synchronised dance, kicking their legs high into the air and showing their garter clad stockinged legs and their underwear, although a couple appear to have neglected to wear any, giving the spectators a treat. As the musical number reaches its crescendo, the dancers spread throughout the hall, sitting down at tables with guests and repeating the chorus: ‘Voulez-vous coucher avec moi, ce soir?’ It strikes you that these are not merely dancers, these are courtesans, and you are being propositioned. At your table is a brunette with the longest eyelashes you have ever seen, wearing an elaborate gown.
<img src="Images/HC9/Marie.jpg" width=600 />
"Bon soir. I am Marie, and who is this pretty little thing?"
"Er, that is $HC8. A good friend of mine."
"A good friend, or a <i>very</i> good friend?" she laughs. Aren’t you going to offer me some of your champagne?" Her English is excellent, with a heavy and seductive French accent.
"That was some show you put on up there."
"You like the can-can? I kick so high you can see my pussy. Do you want to see it again? She lifts her skirt, flashing you a beautiful pink sight. "So what is it to be, the hand, 5 francs, my mouth for 10 or for only 20 francs you can fuck me right here."
You do some quick mental mathematics and calculate full sex as about a pound, as one shilling and one French franc are roughly equivalent. She is pricey, but quite exquisite.
\<<if $HC8 eq "Daisy" and $Daisydomevent gt 0>> Before you can answer, Daisy pipes up. "I will take your mouth, please. Pay the girl $femname."
She sits on your lap and leans back, placing your hands to squeeze her delicious breasts, while Marie climbs beneath her skirts and begins working on Daisy. You cannot see what she is doing but it seems to be doing wonders for Daisy who gasps and moans until with flushed cheeks, Marie emerges, licking her lips. "Au revoir mon coeur." she calls, blowing Daisy a kiss.
<<money -120>>
It has been a long day, with hundreds of miles of travel as well as several hours of entertainment. Midnight was a long time ago, and you decide to call it a night. You and $HC8 head to your hotel, the night doorman raising an inquisitive eyebrow as you call for him to open the door. "I trust that we are enjoying <i>everything</i> that Paris has to offer. Le petit déjeuner à dix heures? You nod, a late breakfast will be welcome, but now you must sleep.
You and $HC8 head into your room. "Is it ok if we just snuggle tonight. It’s been a long day and I don’t travel well. I promise I’ll make it up to you tomorrow." she says, licking her lips suggestively.
<<link [[Sleep->HC9_4]]>><<day>><<set $time = "Morning">><<set $energy = 10>><</link>>
\<<if $HC8 eq "Matthew">>
"Don’t mind if I do, old chap." says Matthew, taking the girl’s hand and walking her to a back room. "Let me show you the Matterhorn".
Twenty minutes later he returns. "What happens in Paris, stays in Paris, old chap." Marie is by his side and strokes your face. "Your friend, he is very athletic. But I am ready for you now."
\<<else>>$HC8 looks at you. "Go on, you know you want to. We are not, how do they say, exclusive, and she is so very pretty. As long as I can watch. I might pick up a few tricks."
\<<if $chastity eq 0>>[[Pay for a handjob->HC9_3][$temp = 1]]
[[Pay for a blowjob->HC9_3][$temp = 2]]
[[Pay for intercourse->HC9_3][$temp = 3]]
\<<else>>You cannot have sex with Marie as you are locked in chastity.
[[Politely decline->HC9_3][$temp = 4]]
<</if>><<if $temp neq 4>>Marie leads you through a curtain at the side of the room to a corridor with half a dozen doors on each side, like a cheap hotel. The first two are occupied, with moans audible from within, but she pulls you into the third. $HC8 sits on a side chair, touching her breasts while Marie starts disrobing you. <<StripAll>> <</if>>
<<if $temp eq 1>>
\<<money -60>>
\Marie sits you on the bed and sits beside you, taking off her top and revealing small but perky breasts that she encourages you to play with. She takes a bottle of lotion from her bag and begins rubbing it onto her hands, before lightly tracing along the main vein in your throbbing cock. "C’est grande." she comments appreciatively, pouring more lotion onto your dick as she starts massaging the balls with one hand while working the shaft with the other. Every third or fourth stroke she teases the head with a flick of her wrist, such that after 5 minutes you are lying back on the bed moaning with pleasure. You glance across at $HC8 who is fingering herself furiously. Marie increases her pace, whispering seductively "cum for me my sweet" and all you can do is comply, spurting forth over her fingers.
"May I?" asks $HC8, who kneels down and starts licking your seed from Marie’s fingers.
\<<if $HC8 eq "Daisy">><img src="Images/People/Daisy/daisyfingerlick.jpg" width=600 />
\<<elseif $HC8 eq "Michaela">><img src="Images/People/Mic/micfingerlick.jpg" width=600 />
\<<elseif $HC8 eq "Nicola">><img src="Images/People/Nic/nicfingerlick.jpg" width=600 />
The French girl giggles, holding out her palm and letting your woman suck one finger at a time before washing her hands in the small basin. <<cum>>
<<elseif $temp eq 2>>
<<money -120>>Marie removes her bra, revealing perky breasts as she kneels down in front of you. She works up a mouthful of saliva, opening her mouth over your cock and coating it in her wet drool, while gripping the base firmly. With one hand she scratches at your balls sensuously while you feel just the tiniest hint of her teeth on the shaft of your penis as her tongue works around its tip. You glance across at $HC8 who is fingering herself furiously. Marie increases her pace, whispering seductively "cum for me my sweet" and all you can do is comply, spurting deeply into her mouth. "May I?" asks $HC8, who kneels down and starts kissing Marie open mouthed, laying her head down so that Marie drips all the cum onto her waiting tongue. <<cum>>
\<<if $HC8 eq "Daisy">><img src="Images/People/Daisy/daisycumswap.webp" width=600 />
\<<elseif $HC8 eq "Michaela">><img src="Images/People/Mic/miccumswap.webp" width=600 />
\<<elseif $HC8 eq "Nicola">><img src="Images/People/Nic/niccumswap.webp" width=600 />
<<elseif $temp eq 3>>
<<money -240>>Marie lowers you to the bed then gives you a teasing treat, stripping down to her garter belt and stockings, bending over and gently sucking on your cock. "You are ready now, I think, Monsieur." she purrs, taking your member firmly in hand and lowering herself onto it. She kisses you deeply while riding you, screaming "cum for me Monsieur" and squeezing her pelvic muscles, increasing in intensity until you squirt your load deep into her wet cunt. "May I?" asks $HC8, who kneels down and starts licking the cum from your cock and Marie’s pussy, rubbing it over her face and guzzling it greedily.
\<<if $HC8 eq "Daisy">><img src="Images/People/Daisy/daisycreampielick.webp" width=600 />
\<<elseif $HC8 eq "Michaela">><img src="Images/People/Mic/miccreampielick.webp" width=600 />
\<<elseif $HC8 eq "Nicola">><img src="Images/People/Nic/niccreampielick.webp" width=600 />
After dressing, you return to the main hall. "Au revoir mon coeur." she calls, blowing you a kiss.
<<elseif $temp eq 4>>
Marie looks a little disappointed, but soon heads off in search of paying customers.
It has been a long day, with hundreds of miles of travel as well as several hours of entertainment. Midnight was a long time ago, and you decide to call it a night. You and $HC8 head to your hotel, the night doorman raising an inquisitive eyebrow as you call for him to open the door. "I trust that we are enjoying <i>everything</i> that Paris has to offer. Le petit déjeuner à dix heures? You nod, a late breakfast will be welcome, but now you must sleep.
\<<if $HC8 eq "Matthew">>Matthew grins and bids you goodnight, and you head alone into your room.
\<<else>> You and $HC8 head into your room. "Is it ok if we just snuggle tonight. It’s been a long day and I don’t travel well. I promise I’ll make it up to you tomorrow." she says, licking her lips suggestively.
<<link [[Sleep->HC9_4]]>><<day>><<set $time = "Morning">><<set $energy = 10>><</link>><img src="Images/HC9/croissants.webp" width=600 />
<<if $chastity eq 1>><<set $chastitycount += 1>>
\You wake the next day late, having not got back to your hotel until the early hours. Room service brings coffee and croissants, and it is almost noon by the time you are dressed and ready for sightseeing.
You and $HC8 take in the sights of Paris, spending three hours wandering around the Louvre, being distinctly unimpressed by how small the Mona Lisa is in reality, although the eyes do unnervingly follow you around the room.
<img src="Images/HC9/monalisa.webp" width=200 />
$HC8 covers your eyes. "Imagine her naked."
You do. But it's still very small.
<img src="Images/HC9/monalisanude.jpg" width=200 />
After this you wander <<if $HC8 neq "Matthew">>arm in arm <</if>> across the river Seine. You spot a young couple tossing something into the water, and ask what they are doing. They show you a small cluster of locked padlocks attached to the bridge, pointing out their names, Louie and Elodie, engraved onto a small brass lock. "We lock it here and throw away the key, to symbolise our love. Here, do you wish to do the same?" Elodie pushes a lock into your hands and walks off hand in hand with Louie.
[[Stupid tradition. Toss the lock into the river->HC9_5]]
<<link[[Engrave your names into the lock and lock it to the bridge then throw the key into the river->HC9_5]]>><<love $HC8 2>><</link>>You continue along the banks of the Seine towards Notre Dame cathedral. As it rings, you do your best Quasimodo impression, hunching over and muttering with a lisp: "Esmeralda, the bells, the bells" making $HC8 laugh hysterically at your comically bad acting.
\<<if $HC8 eq "Daisy">><img src="Images/People/Daisy/daisynotredame.webp" width=600 />
\<<elseif $HC8 eq "Michaela">><img src="Images/People/Mic/micnotredame.webp" width=600 />
\<<elseif $HC8 eq "Nicola">><img src="Images/People/Nic/nicnotredame.webp" width=600 />
\<<elseif $HC8 eq "Matthew">><img src="Images/People/Matt/matthewnotredame.webp" width=600 />
A little down from Notre Dame you eat your dinner, Steak Frites served by a surly waiter, who takes your order with a scowl and on his return practically slams the food down in front of you. After, in the early evening, you walk along the river towards the city's most famous landmark.
\<<if $HC8 eq "Daisy">><img src="Images/People/Daisy/daisyeiffel.webp" width=600 />
\<<elseif $HC8 eq "Michaela">><img src="Images/People/Mic/miceiffel.webp" width=600 />
\<<elseif $HC8 eq "Nicola">><img src="Images/People/Nic/niceiffel1.webp" width=600 />
\<<elseif $HC8 eq "Matthew">><img src="Images/People/Matt/mattheweiffel.webp" width=600 />
You and $HC8 ascend the Eiffel Tower, looking out across the twinkling lights of the city from hundreds of feet up. The moonlight glints off the river<<if $HC8 neq "Matthew">> and $HC8 takes your hand
\<<if $HC8 eq "Michaela">>
<img src="Images/People/Mic/miceiffeltop.webp" width=600 />
"Oh this is so romantic. A year ago I could never have imagined being here in Paris. As a woman. With you, my love. That is not too forward, is it, to say that I love you?"
You feel that if you wish to commit to Michaela, now is the time.
[[I love you too. When we return to England, would you consider moving in with me?->HC9_6][$temp1 = 2]]
[[I love you too ->HC9_6_1][$temp1 = 1]]
[[You are a pretty distraction, with a great arse. But I do not love you. If you submit to me I will bring you pleasure and teach you, however. ->HC9_6][$temp1 = 3]]
\<<elseif $HC8 eq "Nicola">>
<img src="Images/People/Nic/niceiffeltop2.webp" width=600 />
"Oh this is so romantic. A year ago I had pledged myself to the church, giving up all hope of finding fulfilment as a woman. That has all changed with you, my love. That is not too forward, is it, to say that I love you?"
You feel that if you wish to commit to Nicola, now is the time.
[[I love you too. I didn’t ask this when we courted before as I was not bold enough. Will you marry me, Nicola?->HC9_6][$temp1 = 2]]
[[I love you too->HC9_6_1][$temp1 = 1]]
[[I am fond of you, in my way. As a pet, not a girlfriend or wife however ->HC9_6][$temp1 = 3]]
\<<elseif $HC8 eq "Matthew">>
<img src="Images/People/Matt/mattheweiffeltop.webp" width=600 />
"So why did you ask me here, $playername? This is the point on a romantic trip where you would be down on one knee proposing marriage and gazing into a lover’s eyes. Instead it’s you and me and no fillies. It’s been a fun trip, don’t get me wrong, last night was incredible, but I think there is something you aren’t telling me.
[[You’re my best friend. Sometimes that’s all I need -->HC9_6][$temp1 = 1]]
[[With all the changes in me recently, I think I love you, Matthew->HC9_6][$temp1 = 2]]
[[I don’t want to get tied down. Playing the field is easier with a wingman->HC9_6][$temp1 = 3]]
\<<elseif $HC8 eq "Daisy" and $Daisydomevent lt 1>>
<img src="Images/People/Daisy/daisyeiffeltop.webp" width=600 />
\<<if $daisyengagement lt 1>>You feel that if you wish to commit to Daisy, now is the time.
[[Kiss her and ask her to marry you->HC9_6][$temp1 = 2]]
[[Kiss her and tell her you love her ->HC9_6_1][$temp1 = 1]]
\[[Kiss her and tell her you love her ->HC9_6][$temp1 = 1]]
\[[Just kiss her, saying nothing->HC9_6_1][$temp1 = 3]]
<<elseif $HC8 eq "Daisy" and $Daisydomevent gt 0>>
<img src="Images/People/Daisy/daisyeiffeltop.webp" width=600 />
Oh my sweet $femname, my pretty $subname. This is just so lovely, You, me, and the moonlight glittering on the river. I had thought that I would have to submit to a man one day, and had thought that would make me happy. But now I have found another path. You give me the freedom to fulfil my desires as I wish. And ask nothing in return. And you are happy like this?"
You nod. "Very happy, Miss Daisy."
"Show me then. Kneel." She lifts her skirts, revealing she is wearing no panties.
[["Yes Miss Ambrose." Kneel down and start licking->HC9_6][$temp1 = 1]]
[["But we are in public, people might see." Refuse->HC9_6][$temp1 = 2]]
<</if>>\<<if $HC8 eq "Michaela">>
<<if $temp1 eq 1>>
<img src="Images/People/Mic/michaelaupskirteiffel2.jpg" width=600 />
"I love you too." you say sincerely, looking deeply into $HC8’s eyes.
You hold each other and kiss at the top of the tower, putting your hands around her shapely arse and squeezing as you do so. <<love $HC8 1>>
<<elseif $temp1 eq 2>>
<img src="Images/People/Mic/michaelaupskirteiffel2.jpg" width=600 />
"Move in? You mean like a wife? Are you asking me to marry you?"
"Well the law says we are both male. But behind closed doors we can be whatever we want to be."
"Can we do it properly? A ceremony, in my white debutante dress? I know it won't be binding, but it matters to me."
You hold each other and kiss at the top of the tower, putting your hands around her shapely arse and squeezing as you do so.
"Of course. We can be together, that is what matters, Michaela darling"
<<love $HC8 3>>
<<set $micengagement =1>>
<<elseif $temp1 eq 3>>
<img src="Images/People/Mic/michaelaeiffelblowjob.jpg" width=600 />
"I cannot say I had not hoped for more. I thought, when you asked me to Paris, that you would share my feelings. But this is enough. It has to be enough. She wipes a tear from her eye and kneels before you submissively. You rub her hair affectionately, reinforcing your power and control over her.<<if $chastity eq 0>>Unbuttoning your pants, you slip your cock into her mouth and lean back, gazing at the moon glistening across the Paris skyline as she pleasures you with her mouth, swallowing it all down and gazing at you adoringly. <</if>><</if>>
\<<elseif $HC8 eq "Nicola">>
<<if $temp1 eq 1>><img src="Images/People/Nic/niceiffeltop2.webp" width=600 />
"I love you too." you say sincerely, looking deeply into $HC8’s eyes.
You hold each other and kiss at the top of the tower, putting your hands around her delicate pale body and squeezing as you do so.
<<elseif $temp1 eq 2>>Her jaw falls with disbelief. "Marry you?" she looks terrified for a moment. "And still have what we have together - in private. The submission?"
You nod.
"Of course I will, my $nicdomname. With all my heart and soul." Unable to resist she wraps her arms around you and kisses you deeply, tears of joy welling up in her eyes, before pausing. "I am sorry, $nicdomname, I should have asked permission."
"It is fine - we are in public, and if we are to be married there will be times we will have to appear normal. But in our home I can be as strict as you like with you.
"You promise?" she asks suggestively.
You slap her arse firmly. "Until death do us part."
"I hope we can have a short engagement? I will not be welcome in the convent once word gets out that I am engaged and matters are difficult enough already. In Daddy's absence you’ll have to formally ask the Mother Superior, I guess."
"Yes, I want to do this right. But we can perhaps have a more private part of the ceremony, to symbolise the unique part of our relationship." you reply, thinking through some ideas.
<img src="Images/People/Nic/nicoutsideblowjobsexy.webp" width=600 />
She bites her lower lip and touches her breast. "Thank you $nicdomname. May I show my thanks?" before kneeling before you submissively. You rub her hair affectionately, reinforcing your power and control over her.<<if $chastity eq 0>>Unbuttoning your pants, you slip your cock into her mouth and lean back, gazing at the moon glistening across the Paris skyline as she pleasures you with her mouth, swallowing it all down and gazing at you adoringly. <</if>>
<<set $nicengagement = 1>><<love $HC8 3>>
<<elseif $temp1 eq 3>>
She wipes a tear from her eye.
"A pet? That is all I am to you? And what of when you tire of me, will you cast me aside?"
She pauses. "I am sorry $nicdomname. It is not my place to question you. My place is down here."
<img src="Images/People/Nic/niceoutsideblowjobsad.webp" width=600 />
Not even looking around to see if anyone is watching, she kneels down in front of you and unbuttons your pants. You slip your cock into her mouth and lean back, gazing at the moon glistening across the Paris skyline as she pleasures you with her mouth, swallowing it all down and gazing at you with a hint of sadness in her tear filled eyes.
\<<elseif $HC8 eq "Matthew">>
<img src="Images/People/Matt/mattheweiffeltop.webp" width=600 />
<<if $temp1 eq 1>>
\"And you are my best mate also. Come on, let's go find some girls, show them another tower or two."
<<elseif $temp1 eq 2>>
\"You love me That's what we say after eight pints isn't it - I love you brother?" he pauses, quiet for once, and stares out over the Parisian skyline. He puts a hand on your shoulder. "Give me some time to get used to the new you, ok? Until then, can we just have some fun?"
You nod and smile.
<<elseif $temp1 eq 3>>
\"Couldn't have said it better myself. I mean one day it'll be good to settle down, if I find the right girl, but I'm living my best life right now. This is what I was been telling you all these years, when you were studying or pining after Nic."
\<<elseif $HC8 eq "Daisy" and $Daisydomevent lt 1>>
<<if $temp1 eq 1>>
<img src="Images/People/Daisy/daisykisseiffel.webp" width=600 />
"I love you too." you say sincerely, looking deeply into $HC8’s eyes.
You hold each other and kiss at the top of the tower, putting your hands around her curvaceous body and squeezing as you do so.
<<elseif $temp1 eq 2>>
<img src="Images/People/Daisy/daisykisseiffel.webp" width=600 />
\Without hesitation she grabs you in a deep hug. "Marry you. Of course I will, darling. Oh, how romantic, proposing at the top of the Eiffel tower. We will need to celebrate. Something special. Something <i>naughty.</i> She kisses you deeply, oblivious to everything else in the world.
After a few minutes, she releases you from her arms. "You will have to ask Daddy of course. That is the way that things are done. And then I will act all surprised and girly when you give me a ring. <<set $daisyengagement = 1>>
<<elseif $temp1 eq 3>>
\<img src="Images/People/Daisy/daisykisseiffel.webp" width=600 />
You hold each other and kiss at the top of the tower, putting your hands around her curvaceous body and squeezing as you do so.
<<elseif $HC8 eq "Daisy" and $Daisydomevent gt 0>>
<<if $temp1 eq 1>>
<img src="Images/People/Daisy/outsidecunni.webp" width=600 />
And there in a corner of the viewing gallery at the top of the Eiffel tower, you knelt down and start licking and fingering her pussy, as she grinds her crotch into your face, her hands holding your head tightly until with a moan she cums, her cry echoing out into the Parisian night.
"Thank you, Mistress." you smile, and the two of you embrace in the moonlight.
Noticing another group ascending the tower she dresses quickly.
<img src="Images/People/Daisy/daisyupskirteiffel.jpg" width=600 />
She shakes her head with disappointment. "What is life if you aren't prepared to take some risks?", before touching herself between her legs, making her fingers slick with her juices. She seems to be turned on by your nervousness at the thought of discovery, opening her legs further so that you can see her quivering pussy as she touches herself and moans into the Parisian night. As another group ascends the stairs she drops her skirt and pulls up her dress, looking once again the model of respectability.
"I do love you, you know. Never forget that. Even if my actions appear cruel, it is not that I do not care, but that I care too much."
After sharing this moment, you and $HC8 descend the tower. The next stop on your itinerary is the Théâtre de la Comédie-Parisienne to watch the short play Salome by the notorious Irish playwright Oscar Wilde.
In the first scene, Salome is infatuated by the captured Iokanaan, also known as John the baptist, but he spurns her advances, cursing her as a lewd woman.
<img src="Images/HC9/7veils.webp" width=600 />
Over the next scene she seduces the king, Herod, offering to perform the erotic dance of the seven veils for him, if he but grant her one request. He accepts, and she dances beautifully, removing her silken veils one by one until she dances naked before him.
When he asks what she wants, she demands Iokanaan’s head. A promise is a promise, and the executioner kills the poor man, bringing Salome his head on a silver platter which she kisses seductively on the mouth.
<i>Ah! I have kissed thy mouth, Iokanaan, I have kissed thy mouth. There was a bitter taste on thy lips. Was it the taste of blood? ... But perchance it is the taste of love. ... They say that love hath a bitter taste. ... But what of that? what of that? I have kissed thy mouth, Iokanaan.</i>
A terrified Herod orders the soldiers to "Kill that woman!", and they crush her to death under their shields.
"So, what do you think." asks the elderly man sitting in the stall next to you.
"It was a little far fetched, but I appreciated the symbolism, and shining a light on the hypocrisy of those in power, and the raw sexuality."
He nods. "Thank you. I must return to my chambers, but it was pleasant speaking to you. There is only one thing in life worse than being talked about, and that is not being talked about. Alas, I shall soon be forgotten."
"Surely you have many years ahead of you" you lie, seeing his yellowing skin and flaccid flesh.
<img src="Images/HC9/oscar.webp" width=600 />
"Enjoy your youth, and take every opportunity that comes to you. The only way to get rid of temptation is to yield to it I find. I can resist everything but temptation. I suggest you do the same. But before we go, a drink I think." He gestures to a garçon, who brings you all a pale green glass of Absinthe. "My doctor tells me that I should eat a bowl of leafy greens each day, and may have a small glass of spirits each night. You will be pleased to know that I am only four weeks behind on the leafy greens, and a mere two months ahead on the small glasses of spirits."
Standing feebly, he shakes your hand and shambles away.
Thinking on Wilde’s words, you decide to live life to the full, and head for Le Chabanais, the most famous of Paris’ brothels, frequented by the Prince of Wales himself.
[[To the brothel->HC9_7]]After entering through the ordinary looking doorway, you are surprised to see the entrance hall plastered and decorated to look like a stone cave, lit by oil lamps high on the walls, with a waterfall running down one wall into a pool where two naked women are kissing each other.
<img src="Images/HC9/pool.webp" width=600 />
You are surprised by a lilting Irish twang greeting you. "Welcome to <i>Le Chabanais</i>. Let’s get you comfortable and see how we can help you. I’m Madame Kelly, your hostess for the evening. And you must be our guests from the Hellfire Club. Now let me see which suites we have available today. The ambassador is in the Japanese suite, which is a shame that you can't see it, that one is up for a design award. And there’s an orgy going on in Pompeii. Hmm, we are a little full tonight. I guess the prince is out of town, and this is the suite of choice for our English guests."
<img src="Images/HC9/corridor.webp" width=600 />
She leads you up a marble staircase and down a corridor. You walk past two girls who leer at you seductively. "Sylvie, go and find Amelie please." says Madame Kelly. You arrive at a opulently decorated chamber, at the centre of which is an extraordinary piece of furniture:
<img src="Images/HC9/lovechair.jpg" width=600 />
"This is the siège d'amour, crafted by Monsieur Soubrier for your own future king, Edward (or as he likes the girls to call him, Bertie), so that he could be entertained by two or three of our mademoiselles at a time." You gaze at the golden piece of furniture. A large oval padded cushion, the size of a small bed lies at ground level, and raised three feet above this by painted wood is a smaller padded rectangular area, large enough for someone to recline. Two white posts stand at either side and there are some metallic constructions on both lower and upper levels.
"How does it work, exactly?" asks $HC8. "Does the man kneel down with one girl on each level?"
<img src="Images/HC9/loveseat1.jpg" width=600 />
"Or if the prince lies down then he can have two girls sitting atop him." you suggest
<img src="Images/HC9/loveseat2.jpg" width=600 />
"No, one girl on top with her feet in those thinggies, and then he can kiss her between the legs and one below can suck him off. Or two below, the other can nibble his toes."
<img src="Images/HC9/loveseat3.jpg" width=600 />
"How about an orgy? The prince can fuck a girl on the top, and one under can eat his ass out while if one lies down there she can suck on the second girls clit, and one can kneel at the end there and eat her out too. And another guy can fuck the first one in the mouth, so she's got two cocks in her at once, and a final whore with a strap on can fuck him up the arse."
<img src="Images/HC9/loveseat4.jpg" width=600 />
"Indeed. We have done all of those. And more. I guess it is rather up to you. I’m sure the girls will show you. Now let me know your requirements. Tell me about your relationship."
She listens intently as you tell her about you and $HC8, and she nods. "I know just the thing." before clapping her hands. A lingerie clad woman in her mid twenties approaches and listens to some whispered instructions before returning with company.
Two girls approach you and $HC8 and each takes one of you by the hand. You are led toward a large copper bath-tub filled with hot soapy water. The girl, a beautiful blonde who introduces herself as Sylvie, then proceeds to remove your clothing slowly, pausing to caress and stroke each area of revealed skin as she does so, before lowering your naked form into the water, stripping and climbing in with you.
<img src="Images/HC9/bath.webp" width=600 />
Over half an hour she cleans every crevice of your body, before gently patting you dry with the softest fluffiest towel you have felt. Drying herself, she puts on some expensive looking lingerie. You try to reach out and touch her as she does this but she looks sternly at you. "Non, pas encore."
"Ah, Amélie" calls Sylvie, as the other girl enters, leading a naked but very content looking $HC8 who appears to have been similarly cleaned.
<<if $HC8 eq "Matthew">>
\<img src="Images/HC9/sylvie1.jpg" width=600 />
The two girls lead you both to the chamber with the large double chair. Sylvie beckons for you to sit upon the upper seat. You comply, and she moves one of your legs to each of the footrests, adjusting them until your legs are comfortably spread, and places a plump pillow under your head. There is a gap just underneath your cock and ass, but the foot rests support you securely. "C’est bon?" she enquires. You nod, then see Amélie crouch and crawl underneath you onto the lower seat. She proceeds to start fellating Matthew, who gasps as the beauty starts sucking his long thick member. Observing them with satisfaction, Sylvie proceeds to clamber on top of you. You are worried that the chair won’t hold the weight of both of you, but she laughs. "It was built to hold Bertie, and he is tres grand." <<if $chastity eq 0>>She expertly strokes your cock, teasing it to full erection <<elseif $chastity eq 1>>She looks confused at your encaged cock, before muttering "L'anglais!" with a shrug and tying a thick strapon dildo about your waist before proceeding undeterred <</if>>as she rubs your face with her lace clad breasts, before leaning back, allowing her long blonde tresses to trail across your chest. She kisses you full on the mouth, then slides her tongue behind your lips, nibbling them slightly and guiding your hand to the wetness inside her panties.
"Now this is what is going to happen. You are going to lie there and be pleasured. I am going to mount you and fuck you with my pussy, ma chatte. And Monsieur Matthew is going to fuck me dans le cul, ‘in the ass’ as you say."
"At the same time?"
"Ça va. Two holes are better than one, oui?"
"What about Amélie?"
"Ah, don’t you worry about Amélie. You will find out."
\<img src="Images/HC9/DP.jpg" width=600 />
She shimmies out of her panties, lowering herself onto you while panting lightly and putting your hands onto her lace covered breasts. She holds still, bracing herself but soon lets out a deep moan as Matt enters her ass. You feel the movement of his cock through her soft tissues, as you begin thrusting into her, trying to match your rhythms. Matthew holds onto the two vertical posts for stability as he pushes himself deep into her anus, while you squeeze her tits as you push into her cunt.
Just as you are getting into this, you feel a moist probing as Amélie’s tongue slides deep into your asshole, rimming you with the same lips that were sucking Matthew’s cock just a few minutes ago.
"Sperme dans moi." Sylvie gasps, as you feel her orgasm overcoming her. Her muscles contract and <<if $chastity eq 0>>both you and Matthew ejaculate into her simultaneously<<cum>><<else>>Matthew ejaculates deep inside her with a groan<</if>>. You are impressed by Monsieur Soubrier’s engineering as the chair does not so much as creak under this pressure. As you lie back to recover, you see Amelie lapping away between Sylvie’s legs.
<<elseif $HC8 eq "Daisy" and Flag("cuckold")>>
\<img src="Images/People/Daisy/daisyleskiss.webp" width=600 />
The two girls lead you both to the chamber with the large double chair. Sylvie beckons for Daisy to sit upon the upper seat, and positions her feet in the foot rests so that her thighs are parted comfortably, her pussy and ass protruding over a hole in the chair for ease of access. Amélie crouches below her and begins licking at her asshole and pussy lips.
"Where do I go?" you ask.
Sylvie points at a simple wooden chair to the side of the room, which you sit your naked ass upon. You are close enough to see everything, but just too far away to touch. She binds your arms to the sides of the chair so you cannot touch yourself, then clambers on top and fills Daisy’s mouth with her pussy, grinding on her face eagerly.
"Raphael. C'est l'heure" calls Sylvie. A muscled man in his early twenties approaches with a grin on his face, and an eight inch cock between his legs. "Oh my!" gasps Daisy from beneath Sylvie as he rubs his girth between her thighs. "Is he for me?"
"If you wish, Mademoiselle. The other one seems to be locked away, and you did tell Madame Kelly that you wished to be fucked well tonight."
After glancing over to you for reassurance, Daisy addresses Raphael. "Fuck me. How do I say that in French?"
"Baise-moi." replies Sylvie.
"Baise-moi." repeats Daisy, then gasps as the Frenchman enters her. "Baise-moi. BAISE-MOI." she calls out as a moaning mantra as he ploughs into her. He seems to lack finesse and artistry, but makes up for it in vigour and stamina, as he relentlessly fucks Daisy. On top, Sylvie plays with Daisy’s breasts, while below Amélie keeps squeezing and licking at her ass.
\<img src="Images/People/Daisy/Daisy4some.webp" width=600 />
A few minutes later, Daisy cries out in orgasm, but the man keeps on fucking her. Sylvie holds down her arms and Amélie grips her legs as the man thrusts on for another 90 seconds. Daisy comes twice more in this time, screaming in a mixture of pleasure and pain by the end, until she begs "no more, no more."
Raphael departs with a grin, kissing Sylvie deeply as he goes.
Sylvie unties you and leads you to crouch between Daisy’s red raw pussy. You tenderly kiss it and lick the mixture of juices from your mistress, revelling in her musky tastes.
<<elseif $HC8 eq "Daisy">>
\<img src="Images/People/Daisy/daisyleskiss.webp" width=600 />
<<if $chastity eq 1>>"Oh, I think he wants to come out" says Daisy, tapping at your cage playfully. The two other girls kiss and stroke your naked body maddeningly. "Very well, I think we can do without that for this evening" says Daisy, unlocking your cage as your penis thrusts out of its bonds. <</if>>
The two girls lead you both to the chamber with the large double chair. Sylvie beckons for you to sit upon the upper seat. You comply, and she moves one of your legs to each of the footrests, adjusting them until your legs are comfortably spread, and places a plump pillow under your head. There is a gap just underneath your cock and ass, but the footrests support you securely. "C’est bon?" she inquires. You nod, then see Amélie crouch and kneel between your legs on the lower seat. Her plump lips are tantalisingly close to your cock, which twitches in anticipation.
"Oh those lips aren’t for you, my pretty." says Daisy. "Now lie still. Sylvie, if you get on top that’ll put $Hname's lips to good use." The blonde girl smiles and climbs atop your face, lowering her naked pussy down onto your face, and squeezing your balls until you start licking her eagerly. "What a good pussylicker you are. My turn. Now remember, no cumming until I say, sweetie. Kiss me now Sylvie."
\<img src="Images/People/Daisy/Daisycuckfoursome.webp" width=600 />
You are unable to see a thing, with Sylvie’s asscheeks covering your eyes as she grinds on your face, but feel a hot warmth as something soft lowers itself onto the length of your erect cock. "Not yet, just hold still." Daisy calls out. "Now Sylvie, if you aren’t <b>too</b> distracted, can you oh yes, just like that." You feel Sylvie lean forward and catch a glimpse of her stroking Daisy’s breasts, before you feel a tickling along your balls and Daisy shudders. "Yes. Suck down there, Amélie." The other mademoiselle is lapping away at Daisy’s slit and clit, as she rides you while you suck on Sylvie’s cunt.
The thrill of fucking these three beauties almost brings on an immediate climax, but you feel a sharp tug on your balls as you get close, and you realise Amelie is not just there to orally pleasure Daisy but also to keep you from cumming. "Keep fucking me" swears Daisy, as her moaning and gasping overwhelms her and you feel her spasming and cumming around you. A tight pulling on the base of your cock stops you from joining her as Daisy rests a moment atop you.
There is shuffling above, as Daisy twists about face, and you hear kissing as she and Sylvie make out above your body. Your girlfriend kissing a French beauty and you can’t see it, as your face is buried deep in said beauty’s snatch. "Lick that asshole for me, Amélie." Daisy commands, and she rides you once again while being rimmed by Amélie. You suck hard on Sylvie who squirts bitter juices all over your face as she cums.
"Oh, oh, I’m coming again." moans Daisy. "Now. Cum in me now my sweet love."
Unable to resist you squirt deep inside your lover’s pussy as her second orgasm squeezes every drop out of you.
Sylvie lifts herself off your mouth and her crotch is replaced by Daisy’s mouth as she leans forward to kiss you deeply. "I love it when you taste of pussy, my dear. Even when it’s not mine." The two French girls lick the pair of you clean as you kiss and caress Daisy on the prince’s love chair.
<<if $chastity eq 1>>"Time to lock you away again my sweet." notes Daisy, clicking the chastity cage around your flaccid cock.<</if>>
<<elseif $HC8 eq "Nicola">>
The two girls lead you both to the chamber with the large double chair. Sylvie beckons for Nicola to lie upon the upper seat, her head hanging over the end. She straps her legs to the two posts with golden rope, pulling her thighs apart and revealing her wet slit, and binds her wrists against the sides of the furniture. She struggles playfully, but you can tell she is excited.
\<img src="Images/People/Nic/nicbound3.webp" width=600 />
"Mademoiselle is helplessly bound here, and can only watch as Amélie and I fuck you. Poor little chienne." She positions you in the two wide footrests, and you smear your genitals across Nicola’s upturned face, coating her lips in your juices and marvelling how she is so perfectly positioned to deepthroat your cock.
Amélie climbs on top of Nicola in a 69 position, teasing your bound slave’s pussy with her tongue while wiggling her own enticingly in your face. You oblige her by giving her some long slow licks from asshole to clitoris, sliding a couple of fingers into her hot wet cunt.
Below, you feel Sylvie’s fingers massaging your balls as she slides her tongue deep into your ass. "Baise-moi." moans Amélie.
You and Amélie tease Nicola for half an hour, the french girls’ fingers and tongue bringing her close to climax, then lifting away with a muttered "non, non, non." For your part you keep facefucking Nicola, filling the girl’s mouth and throat with your hard cock.
"Do you want to taste my cum?" you ask. Nicola nods, pleadingly. You pull out of her mouth and slide your cock deep into Amélie’s wet cunt as she squirms on top of Nicola’s immobilised body. You are momentarily distracted by Sylvie grabbing your hand and using it to masturbate herself. You continue fucking the two French girls as Nicola just looks on, her eyes wide with arousal but denied even the pleasure of your cock in her throat. With a cry of triumph, you spurt and fill Amélie with a torrent of sperm. She squeezes you tightly, then positions herself above Nicola’s upturned mouth and slowly opens her snatch, dripping your cum between Nicola’s upturned lips.
"What do you say, my pretty?"
"Merci, monsieur." says Nicola, in a passable imitation of a French accent.
"She is so pretty. Can I make her cum?" asks Amélie.
You nod, having had Nicola on the verge for almost an hour she is practically in tears. Amelie plants tiny licks and kisses onto Nicola’s vulva, while Sylvie pushes her fingers inside her. For your part you stroke her face and gaze into her eyes, watching sweat drip from her brow onto the floor and her pupils dilate as she climaxes violently.
<<elseif $HC8 eq "Michaela" and $chastity eq 1>>
"You wish to keep those on?" asks Sylvie, pointing at your chastity cages. You and Michaela nod. Sylvie shrugs. "Comme vous voulez."
\<img src="Images/People/Mic/micstrapon.webp" width=600 />
The two girls lead you both to the chamber with the large double chair, naked apart from your pair of gleaming metal chastity belts. Sylvie asks you both to lie on the top ‘bunk’ facing each other, and you comply eagerly, with you lying below, and Michaela on top. She adjusts the footrests so that they support your thighs which are both spread wide. There is a gentle clinking as your chastity cages rub against each other. You crane your neck to see Sylvie strapping a large belt to her waist, equipped with not one but two ornately carved dildos, one white, one black, like a pair of chess pieces. You are soon distracted by Amélie, who clambers on top and squats her sweet smelling pussy between yours and Michaela’s lips, so you both lap at her cunt as you brace yourself for what is coming at the other end. As you suck on Amélie, you feel Sylvie push herself into your ass. The dildo is warm, and she pushes slowly, easing the pair of phalluses into you and Michaela simultaneously. " Lèche-moi, lick me." commands Amélie imperiously, as her colleague fucks your asses. You and Michaela rub your hands over each others breasts and faces as you lick and finger fuck Amélie to climax.
"Oh, hold me my darling I’m going to…." gasps Michaela as she starts shaking, and you feel a warm flow of fluid dripping from her cage onto your groin below. Your ass also starts to tremble, and Amélie pushes her clit deep into your mouth. You slurp at her juices as you feel your prostate explode in pleasure.
<<elseif $HC8 eq "Michaela">>
The two girls lead you both to the chamber with the large double chair. Sylvie beckons for Michaela to sit upon the upper seat. She looks a little worried until you nod, and she lies face down atop the comfortable padded cushion. Sylvie lifts her legs, moving each thigh so that it is supported by one of the footrests, which spreads her legs wide, raising her tight pink asshole tantalisingly high, with her little girlcock flapping below. "C’est bon?" she enquires. Michaela nods.
You stand behind her, naked and place your hands upon her buttcheeks, kneading them softly, before signalling to the girls. Amélie crouches and kneels between your legs on the lower seat. She starts sucking your cock expertly. Sylvie stands at the other end, facing you both and smiles, before leaning down and kissing Michaela deeply, caressing her blonde curls and stroking at her body. "Does she want to eat my chatte?" she asks. "Not now. I just like watching the two of you kissing." Michaela grins as she snogs the pretty mademoiselle, then gasps as Amélie moves her attention from your now stiff cock to lick at Michaela’s clitty. At this you push yourself gently into Michaela’s waiting asshole, and she moans at the attention she is getting from the three of you.
\<img src="Images/People/Mic/micanalcowgirl.webp" width=600 />
As you thrust harder, Amélie’s tongue flicks from Michaela’s girlcock to your balls and back, with one of her hands on each of these. Sylvie starts to stroke herself between the legs while kissing Michaela furiously.
"I, I, I think I’m going to…" gasps Michaela, as her ass tightens around you, You both cum at the same time, you into her asshole, Michaela into Amélie’s open mouth.
Afterwards Amelie and Sylvie clean and dry the pair of you once again as you and $HC8 relax and chat about your weekend.
"Well?" asks Madame Kelly. "I hope that everything was to your satisfaction. Do call again, next time you are in Paris."
You head back to your hotel, exhausted but satisfied.
\<img src="Images/HC9/hotel.webp" width=600 />
<<if $HC8 eq "Matthew">> You and Matthew part to head to your separate rooms. "What a night!" he exclaims. "You are a true friend, inviting me for all this. Whatever favour you ask, I owe you one."
<<else>> In your large four poster bed that night, you and $HC8 snuggle, kissing tenderly as you recall the hectic past two days. "We’ll always have Paris." $HC8 mutters as she falls asleep, her head snuggled against your chest.
After a breakfast of fresh baked pastries, the journey home the next day is uneventful, both of you exhausted from the exertions of the previous day. Train, boat, train convey you back to Charing Cross station, from where you head <<link [[Home->YourRoom]]>><<day>><<set $time = "Evening">><<set $energy = 2>><</link>>\<<if $HC8 eq "Michaela">>
<img src="Images/People/Mic/miceiffeltop.webp" width=600 />
\<<elseif $HC8 eq "Nicola">>
<img src="Images/People/Nic/niceiffeltop2.webp" width=600 />
\<<elseif $HC8 eq "Daisy" and $Daisydomevent lt 1>>
<img src="Images/People/Daisy/daisyeiffeltop.webp" width=600 />
She seems a little disappointed, as if waiting for something, and stands looking out over the Paris skyline, not talking.
You realise that if you don't ask her now, you may not get another opportunity, with life as hectic as it is currently. You are still young however, and a bachelor lifestyle is not without its attractions, especially as a member of an exclusive sex club.
[[Do not propose->HC9_6]]
[[Reconsider, and commit to a life with her->HC9_6][$temp1 = 2]]<<if Flag("clinic") eq 1>>
<<if $clinicwork eq 0>>
"I told you, you are welcome to come and join me at the clinic. It would be good to have someone likeminded to talk to about medical matters. Come along on a weekday, Mimi will sort out all the details when you get there
\"I see you are settling in well at the clinic. I'm glad to have you on board. Have you met Mrs Staines yet? The biggest hypochondriac patient we have. Every time there's a new doctor she comes along to them with the most ridiculous symptoms. I swear she's making them up half the time."<</if>>
\I inherited my father’s medical practice when I was travelling the far east. He and my uncle set it up thirty years ago, but it is just me there now, I hear that you have some medical training.
You nod, explaining that you studied but could not afford to attend University, but worked as a medic in the army.
"Practical experience is more important than a certificate. I know one man from college, Jeffrey, who spent his first year drinking, and when it came to the night before his exams, he had to make a tough decision, to either revise the arm or the leg, gambling on what would come up in the test.
"And did he pass."
"The exams, yes. The question was indeed on the arm and he passed with a third class degree. Unfortunately he lost his medical licence two years ago after he did not recognise the signs of gout on Lord Bullingham’s ankle and the Lord’s family ruined Jeffrey."
"Swollen ankles. Several of the older officers suffered from it."
"Indeed. I knew you were sharp. So, are you interested? It’s mainly listening to rich widows and giving out occasional morphine."
"Are you offering me a job?"
He nods. Just come along to my practice on Harley Street when you are ready. Mimi will get you set up, she runs the reception there.
"A girl of many talents."
"You don’t know the half of it."
<<SetFlag "clinic">><<set $clinicwork = 0>>
<<return>>"I travelled extensively and ended up in the far east. I am a keen sailor, racing yachts and the like, and have always been good with knots. When in Japan I was tying my rigging and one of the crew on a skiff there admired my handiwork and we got talking, and he has some exquisite netting. Hand crafted from silken ropes. I asked him for some tips and he took me back to his home and showed me. On his wife. It was the most beautiful thing I had ever seen. He trussed her up like a cod caught in a net. I stayed there three months longer than I had planned. When I left he gave me two things - a chest of silken ropes and his daughter, Mimi."
"He gave you his daughter?"
"Well not gave, exactly. We had become quite close by then. And I did save his life with a minor medical procedure, so it was a fair trade. She shares her mother's grace, and we all realised that the life of a peasant fisherman was not as rewarding as what I coukd offer her. So when not working we travel, mainly in Europe, the burlesque clubs are crazy for this show at the moment. I spiced it up a bit for tonight. Mimi is very submissive but does like it when I pick her attractive young suitors from the audience."
"So I can't borrow her?"
"Certainly not. She is my muse. My love. I have asked her to marry me, but she refuses, the only one of my commands she will not obey. I think she thinks herself unworthy of me as she cannot bear children, and knows that I desire an heir."
"But you let other men fuck her."
He shrugs. "When you have been a member here for long enough, nothing about people's sexual preferences will surprise you. She knows that I am turned on by watching her with other men and women, we will talk about it and reenact it when we are alone together. And she fantasises about being a sex object, thinking about me giving her to a stranger makes her incredibly horny."
<<return>>Antioch describes his background. "After finishing my medical degree, I was lacking purpose, not wanting to settle down. I was twenty two without siblings or a lover so I travelled to the far east, setting up in Kyoto initially for a few years, before travelling through China and ending up in Hong Kong. As I travelled I learned some tricks - acupuncture and some herbal remedies, as well as becoming an expert at knots. Initially I told myself it was to help my sailing, but now I accept that I just love seeing a beautiful girl tied up. I met Mimi out there and we became close. Then I learned that my father had died, leaving me a London property, his medical practice and a sizable fortune. So I returned here with Mimi.
<<return>>The art of tight binding. It’s more precisely called Kinbaku, but many western advocates prefer to call it Shibari. It derives from the binding forms used for prisoners and torture in Edo-era Japan. Now they use manacles the same as us, so the Nawashi, the rope masters, diversified into artistic performance. They are much more open about sexuality there, and sexual submission is part of the culture. No suffragettes in Japan!
Maybe one day I could teach you - ask again in the future
<b>Dev note - Shibari scenes to be added in future update.</b>You open the wooden chest at the foot of the bed, and look through your collection of sex toys, deciding which to use on Nicola.
<table style="width:100%">\
<th>Use toy</th>
<<if $objects["ruby butt plug"].inv eq 1>><tr><th>ruby butt plug</th><th><<set $image to $objects["ruby butt plug"].image >><<displayimage I>></th><th>$objects["ruby butt plug"].description</th><th><<if $nicplug eq "ruby butt plug">> This is already in Nicola's ass. <<elseif $micplug eq "ruby butt plug">> This is already in Michaela's ass.<<elseif $daisyplug eq "ruby butt plug">> This is already in Daisy's ass. <<elseif $toy eq "ruby butt plug">> This is already in your ass.<<else>>[[Use->Nic_plug][$nicplug ="ruby butt plug"]]<</if>> </th> </tr><</if>>
<<if $objects["sapphire butt plug"].inv eq 1>><tr><th>sapphire butt plug</th><th><<set $image to $objects["sapphire butt plug"].image >><<displayimage I>></th><th>$objects["sapphire butt plug"].description</th><th><<if $daisyplug eq "sapphire butt plug">> This is already in Nicola's ass. <<elseif $micplug eq "sapphire butt plug">> This is already in Michaela's ass.<<elseif $daisyplug eq "sapphire butt plug">> This is already in Daisy's ass. <<elseif $toy eq "sapphire butt plug">> This is already in your ass. <<else>>[[Use->Nic_plug][$nicplug ="sapphire butt plug"]]<</if>> </th> </tr><</if>>
<<if $objects["large black butt plug"].inv eq 1>><tr><th>large black butt plug</th><th><<set $image to $objects["large black butt plug"].image >><<displayimage I>></th><th>$objects["large black butt plug"].description</th><th><<if $daisyplug eq "large black butt plug">> This is already in Nicola's ass. <<elseif $micplug eq "large black butt plug">> This is already in Michaela's ass.<<elseif $daisyplug eq "large black butt plug">> This is already in Daisy's ass. <<elseif $toy eq "large black butt plug">> This is already in your ass. <<else>>[[Use->Nic_plug][$nicplug ="large black butt plug"]]<</if>> </th> </tr><</if>>
<<if $objects["purple dildo"].inv eq 1>><tr><th>purple dildo</th><th><<set $image to $objects["purple dildo"].image >><<displayimage I>></th><th>$objects["purple dildo"].description</th><th>[[Use->Nic_dildo][$dildo ="purple dildo"]] </th> </tr><</if>>
<<if $objects["huge black dildo"].inv eq 1>><tr><th>huge black dildo</th><th><<set $image to $objects["huge black dildo"].image >><<displayimage I>></th><th>$objects["huge black dildo"].description</th><th> [[Use->Nic_dildo][$dildo ="huge black dildo"]]</th> </tr><</if>>
<<if $objects["strap on dildo"].inv eq 1>><tr><th>strap on dildo</th><th><<set $image to $objects["strap on dildo"].image >><<displayimage I>></th><th>$objects["strap on dildo"].description</th><th>[[Use->Nic_strap][$dildo ="strap on dildo"]] </th> </tr><</if>>
<<if $objects["large black strap on"].inv eq 1>><tr><th>large black strap on</th><th><<set $image to $objects["large black strap on"].image >><<displayimage I>></th><th>$objects["large black strap on"].description</th><th>[[Use->Nic_strap][$dildo ="large black strap on"]]</th> </tr><</if>>
<<return>>Nicola stares at the sight of the $dildo with a look of awe. She shakes her head slightly. "It’s too big. Be gentle please $nicdomname."
<img src="Images/People/Nic/nicdildo1.webp" width=600 />
You smile cruelly and gesture for her to open her legs. With a nod she complies. You lift them high, resting against the headboard, and spit upon her exposed cunt. The saliva drips down her thighs, already moist with Nicola’s own juices. You start by teasing her, stroking the length of the dildo against her outer lips, before pushing the huge head inside her just an inch. She grits her teeth as you do so, resisting slightly, but as you start to work it in and out she begins to gasp and spreads her legs wider.
<<if $dildo eq "huge black dildo">><img src="Images/People/Nic/nichugedildo.webp" width=600 /><<else>><img src="Images/People/Nic/nicdildoselffuck.webp" width=600 /><</if>>
"Fuck yourself with it, slut." you command, putting her hand onto the end and watching her lustfully fucking herself with the long rubberised shaft, panting as she does so. As you see her reaching a point of cumming you snatch the dildo from her grasp and pull it out suddenly, leaving her quivering and desperate.
"Please." she begs, looking forlorn as her pussy gapes open without the dildo inside.
You lick the tip of the dildo, rubbing her juices across your lips, before tapping it against her vulva and clitoris, gently then more forcefully. Her arousal abated you start to fuck her with the dildo again, this time more slowly, but ensuring that the full length of the dildo fills her before rotating it inside her and pushing it up against her g spot while fingering her clit.
"So full." she whimpers, beginning to quiver again. "May I cum please $nicdomname?"
[[Keep fucking her with the dildo and make her cum->nicsexorgasm]]
[[Edge her to the limit, then stop her climaxing->nicsexedge]]
<<nicsex>>You decide to tease your pet with a $nicplug. You position Nicola on all fours, parting her legs slightly, before taking it from its container, and unwrapping it, revealing the hard bulbous surface.
<<if Flag("nicblind")>>
Unable to see you due to her blindfold, she is unaware what is to befall her, and you see a sense of apprehension come over her as she waits, vulnerable, with her ass exposed.
She sees the plug and her eyes open wide with the realisation of what you are going to do to her.
\<<if Flag("nicgag")>>You spit on her ass, sticking a finger in to lubricate it well, before licking the end of the $nicplug, getting it good and wet.
<<else>>You stick the plug into her mouth. "Suck on this, get it good and wet. You know where it is going and you don't want it to hurt. Much." She opens her mouth and you see it dripping with saliva as she anticipates your request, coating the plug with the thick mucus from the back of her throat.<</if>> You take the lubricated buttplug and place the tip of it at the opening to her ass, applying a little pressure as her tight hole begins to widen. You pause a moment to gauge her reaction, waiting for her to beg you to push it in further, and further. She sucks in a deep intake of breath as the widest part pushes her hole apart, and then as it passes the point of no return the plug is sucked deep inside her with an audible slurp, like a swallowing. You wiggle it back and forth, ensuring it is a good tight fit, as you examine your plugged submissive, spotting the juices dripping from her cunt as she revels in the pressure inside her.
<img src="Images/People/Nic/nicbuttplug2.webp" width=600 />
"What a good little slut you are, taking that $nicplug in your ass. And look how wet it is making you. I think you can stay like that until I say. I might take it out if I choose to fuck your ass, or perhaps you can keep it in all week, stretching you nice and wide. Would that make you wet?"
She nods eagerly at the idea.
<<nicsex>><img src="Images/People/Nic/nicbuttplug3.webp" width=600 />
Nicola opens her legs wide and presents her ass for inspection. She is not wearing any underwear, and you can clearly see the head of the plug emerging, its jewelled head shining.
You examine her ass, wiggling the plug for good measure which causes her to moan slightly.
"Has it been in all week?" you ask.
"Yes. Well except for the toilet. But I put it straight back in afterwards."
"Good girl." You praise her and caress her face, gently moving the plug in and out half an inch at a time with your other hand to her obvious pleasure.
Like a puppy, she reacts to your praise, rubbing herself against you affectionately.
<<nicsex>><img src="Images/People/Nic/nicbuttplug.webp" width=600 />
You firmly take hold of the jewelled end of the plug, and rotate it before starting to pull slowly but firmly. Nicola lets out a deep gasp as the widest part of the plug starts to stretch her asshole open, and you see her pussy start to leak a little with her arousal. You pause, pushing it back in and teasing her, easing it in and out a few times, before finally pulling it a fraction at a time, until it finaly passes her sphincter and rapidly slips out.
<<set $nicplug = "none">>
\<<if Flag("nicgag")>> You rub the plug against her gagged mouth, smearing its moistness against her lips before raising it to her nostrils. She inhales her scent deeply.
\You put the plug to her lips. "Taste yourself." You command, and she sucks on it greedily, licking her juices from the surface of the plug, and fellating it like it were your cock.
<img src="Images/People/Nic/niclick.webp" width=600 />
You place the plug back in its box after cleaning it, and return to inspecting her ass. Her hole is stretched wide after holding the large plug, and gapes appealingly for you. You spit on it, your saliva running between her ass cheeks, and stick a finger inside, lubricating her asshole.
<img src="Images/People/Nic/nicassshow.webp" width=600 />
"Now what do you think we should with this lovely hole?" you ask out loud.
<<if Flag("nicblind")>>
Nicola's expression is hidden behind her blindfold but she wriggles her ass enticingly at your words.
\Nicola looks at you with a suggestive glint in her eyes, her 'please fuck my ass' look.
<img src="Images/People/Nic/nicfuckmyass.webp" width=600 />
<<nicsex>><img src="Images/People/Nic/nicbuttplug6.webp" width=600 />
You arrange Nicola on her back, so that her legs are beside her head, revealing her vulnerable ass with its jewelled plug poking invitingly up at you. Her pretty pink pussy is moist with her juices, and you kiss it lightly, making her squirm as you pay attention to her asshole.
"Today I'm going to work on your pretty arse." You smack it lightly three times, leaving a pink mark of your fingers, before taking hold ogf the plug. You start by pushing it in further, maximising the pressure inside her and pushing it hard against her insides, before wiggling it left and right, stretching her out. With your other hand you moisten your fingertip from her cunt, and then start pushing it inside her twat in time with rotating the plug inside her ass.
\<<if Flag("nicgag")>>She drools and gasps against her gag, writhing in pleasure.
"More" she gasps, "Fuck both my holes, $nicdomname."
You push a further two fingers inside her, at the same time as moving the plug in and out an inch at a time, stretching her witth each movement but not enough for the plug to come out. As your fingers rub against the wall of her pussy you can feel the firm hardness of the buttpluug through her flesh, and her responsiveness to each movement.
You start to turn your attention to her clit, rubbing it with your thumb, as you pull the plug out fully, past here sphincter, then immediately back in again. With each movement there is the gulping sound of air nmoving in and out of her, accompanied by little moans of pleasure. You see her stomach quiver, one of the signs that her arousal is about to peak, and slap her pussy sharply with your hand. She cries out in a mixture of shock and ecstacy, her arousal subsiding, and you wait a few seconds, strokeing her cheek gently as you whisper in her ear.
"My beautiful ass slut. Think what the Mother superior would think if she saw you like this, begging for me to play with your ass. Shall I stop?"
She silently shakes her head, indicating she wants more.
You repeat the process, bringing her close to climax once again with one hand in her pussy, the other pulling the plug in and out. Her face is flushed with pleasure as she again nears climax.
<<nicsex>>You take the $dildo from its box and strap it around your waist.
Nicola looks worried as you adjust the leather buckles to hold it securely. It sticks out from your groin proudly, pointing straight at your beautiful submissive.
\<<if $penis neq "tiny" and $chastity neq 1>>Underneath your own cock juts out parallel.
"They do say that two cocks are better than one, $nicdomname." she says, regretting her impertinence almost immediately.
[[Fuck her in both holes at the same time->Nicstrap2]]
[[Let her worship the strapon with her mouth->Nicstrap1]]
[[Fuck her pussy with the strapon->Nicstrap3]]You open the wooden chest at the foot of the bed, and look through your collection of sex toys, deciding which to use with Daisy.
<table style="width:100%">\
<th>Use toy</th>
<<if $objects["ruby butt plug"].inv eq 1>><tr><th>ruby butt plug</th><th><<set $image to $objects["ruby butt plug"].image >><<displayimage I>></th><th>$objects["ruby butt plug"].description</th><th><<if $nicplug eq "ruby butt plug">> This is already in Nicola's ass. <<elseif $micplug eq "ruby butt plug">> This is already in Michaela's ass.<<elseif $daisyplug eq "ruby butt plug">> This is already in Daisy's ass. <<elseif $toy eq "ruby butt plug">> This is already in your ass.<<else>>[[Use->Daisy_plug][$daisyplug ="ruby butt plug"]]<</if>> </th> </tr><</if>>
<<if $objects["sapphire butt plug"].inv eq 1>><tr><th>sapphire butt plug</th><th><<set $image to $objects["sapphire butt plug"].image >><<displayimage I>></th><th>$objects["sapphire butt plug"].description</th><th><<if $daisyplug eq "sapphire butt plug">> This is already in Nicola's ass. <<elseif $micplug eq "sapphire butt plug">> This is already in Michaela's ass.<<elseif $daisyplug eq "sapphire butt plug">> This is already in Daisy's ass. <<elseif $toy eq "sapphire butt plug">> This is already in your ass. <<else>>[[Use->Daisy_plug][$daisyplug ="sapphire butt plug"]]<</if>> </th> </tr><</if>>
<<if $objects["large black butt plug"].inv eq 1>><tr><th>large black butt plug</th><th><<set $image to $objects["large black butt plug"].image >><<displayimage I>></th><th>$objects["large black butt plug"].description</th><th><<if $daisyplug eq "large black butt plug">> This is already in Nicola's ass. <<elseif $micplug eq "large black butt plug">> This is already in Michaela's ass.<<elseif $daisyplug eq "large black butt plug">> This is already in Daisy's ass. <<elseif $toy eq "large black butt plug">> This is already in your ass. <<else>>[[Use->Daisy_plug][$daisyplug ="large black butt plug"]]<</if>> </th> </tr><</if>>
<<if $objects["purple dildo"].inv eq 1>><tr><th>purple dildo</th><th><<set $image to $objects["purple dildo"].image >><<displayimage I>></th><th>$objects["purple dildo"].description</th><th>[[Use->Daisy_dildo][$dildo ="purple dildo"]] </th> </tr><</if>>
<<if $objects["huge black dildo"].inv eq 1>><tr><th>huge black dildo</th><th><<set $image to $objects["huge black dildo"].image >><<displayimage I>></th><th>$objects["huge black dildo"].description</th><th> [[Use->Daisy_dildo][$dildo ="huge black dildo"]]</th> </tr><</if>>
<<if $objects["strap on dildo"].inv eq 1>><tr><th>strap on dildo</th><th><<set $image to $objects["strap on dildo"].image >><<displayimage I>></th><th>$objects["strap on dildo"].description</th><th>[[Use->Daisy_dildo][$dildo ="strap on dildo"]] </th> </tr><</if>>
<<if $objects["large black strap on"].inv eq 1>><tr><th>large black strap on</th><th><<set $image to $objects["large black strap on"].image >><<displayimage I>></th><th>$objects["large black strap on"].description</th><th>[[Use->Daisy_dildo][$dildo ="large black strap on"]]</th> </tr><</if>>
<<return>><<if $daisylove lt 10 and $daisy neq "sub">><img src="Images/People/Daisy/daisynakeddomme.webp" width=600 />
You take out the $daisyplug and approach Daisy with a gleam in your eye.
"I don't know what you think you are doing with that, but it is going nowhere near my ass, my love." says Daisy firmly.
"Don't you want to try it?"
"No I do not, thank you very much."
<<set $daisyplug = "none">>
<img src="Images/People/Daisy/daisyasshole.webp" width=600 />
Daisy looks apprehensively at the butt plug. "Are you sure it won't hurt? I'm not used to putting things up there."
"I will be gentle my sweet. Tell me if it hurts and I will stop."
"I trust you. I love you." she replies, sticking her ass into the air.
You put the plug to Daisy's lips, getting her to suck deeply on it.
"Mmmmhh. I prefer to suck your cock, sweetie. But there you go, it's good and wet now. A bit like me, Im getting all squelchy down there."
You gently lick her pale pink asshole, spitting into it before pushing the tip of the plug inside, and working it in a fraction at a time, rubbing her pussy at the same time to keep her excited. With a slurp it passes her sphincter and is sucked deep inside her. Daisy gasps "Ooh. It feels so big inside there, I'm so full, like when you are inside me but different. Is there room for you to fit inside as well? I think I want you to fuck me."
<img src="Images/People/Daisy/daisybuttplug4.webp" width=600 />
You admire your lover, the jewelled tip off the plug sticking out of her pretty arse, and gently squeeze her buttocks as you kiss her, rubbing your body against hers.
"Very well, Daisy."
You crouch her over the bed doggy style so that you can see the plug clearly as you rub your cock against the outside lips of her cunt, the tip of your cock nestling against the hood of her clit. As you do you feel her moistness coating you, and slip inside just an inch. She lets ouut a groan. "There's no room for you in there. Be gentle darling." but you continue to apply pressure, keeping pushing until you are half inside. You grasp her fabulous breasts, one in each hand, for balance, then push in the last few inches until you feel the tip of her cervix. A tear wells up at the corner of Daisy's eye.
"Oh my lord, oh fucking Lord, it's like two of you screwing me at once."
She begins to grind her buttocks against you, squealing at the effect this has inside her as the buttplug and your cock both rub against her tender parts.
With your right hand you start to wiggle the plug in and out in time with your thrusts, and you feel her climax around you, unable to control herself, her juices dripping on the bed as you continue to fuck her.
<<daisysex>>You take the $dildo and hold it in front of Daisy.
"Oh, is that for me? It’s very big. Do you think it will fit in my tight little pussy?" she asks coyly, opening her legs a fraction so you can see exactly what she is talking about.
"I think it will be fun to find out." you reply.
<img src="Images/People/Daisy/daisydildosuck.webp" width=600 />
"She starts off by sucking on the dildo, running her tongue up and down it, before taking it whole into her mouth. She takes it out, slick with her saliva and hands it to you. "I can practise on this for when I want to suck cock." she says. "It’s not the same though, it doesn’t wriggle when I do that thing with my tongue you like. Anyhow, how do you want me?"
"On your back I think,
She positions herself as you ask, and you start rubbing the dildo between the lips of her vulva. She groans, as if it were a cock, but you are able to focus more on her pleasure with the toy, and it is much firmer than your own member. You slip the tip of it inside her slick hole, which parts wide as she spreads her legs and gasp.
"More. Give me more." she begs "I want it to fill me up."
<img src="Images/People/Daisy/daisydildopussy1.webp" width=600 />
Easing it back and forth, you gradually work more of its length into her tight pink slit, leaning in to nuzzle her clit with your tongue as you do.
"Oh my god, it’s so big. Fuck me, fuck me with it. Harder."
You start to push the dildo in with more speed, seeing sticky white fluids along its length as she begins to sweat and gasp as it brings her closer to climax. With each thrust, you see her belly shudder as she takes its full length inside her.
<img src="Images/People/Daisy/daisydildofuckedcum.webp" width=600 />
With a cry, she cums and squirts as tears start welling up in her eyes as she lies back panting.
"I don’t think I’ve ever felt so full. No disrespect, I do love your cock, but that was scrummy. "
She sits up and kisses you softly on the lips in thanks.
<<daisysex>><img src="Images/People/Daisy/daisynakeddomme.webp" width=600 />
\<<if $toy neq "none">>
She takes hold of the plug in your ass, giving it a firm push. "Good girl, that makes your hole look so sweet and pretty. Almost makes me want to fuck it right now. Is that what you want me to do, fuck you like a little buttslut?"
You nod eagerly at your Mistress. "Yes Miss Daisy."
She shakes her head in disappointment. "I distinctly remember leaving your ass plugged when last I saw it. And whilst it is fine to take it out to clean or for any of that messy business, I expect you to put it back. You need to take care of mummy's things, like her toys and this asshole. Isn't that right, $subname?"
"Sorry Miss Daisy." You hand over the missing buttplug.
"Well at least you haven't lost it. Now bend over."
You stand, touching your toes, with your ass high in the air. Daisy slaps your ass painfully to punish you and you count dutifully
"One thank you Miss Daisy. Two thank you Miss Daisy. Three thank you Miss Daisy."
There is then a painful swelling sensation as she pushes the plug firmly inside your ass in a single motion, making you gasp.
<<SetFlag "assplug">><<SetFlag "daisyplugged">><<WearToy>>
<<daisysex>>You open the wooden chest at the foot of the bed, and look through your collection of sex toys, deciding which to offer to Daisy.
<table style="width:100%">\
<th>Use toy</th>
<<if $objects["ruby butt plug"].inv eq 1>><tr><th>ruby butt plug</th><th><<set $image to $objects["ruby butt plug"].image >><<displayimage I>></th><th>$objects["ruby butt plug"].description</th><th><<if $nicplug eq "ruby butt plug">> This is already in Nicola's ass. <<elseif $micplug eq "ruby butt plug">> This is already in Michaela's ass.<<elseif $daisyplug eq "ruby butt plug">> This is already in Daisy's ass. <<elseif $toy eq "ruby butt plug">> This is already in your ass.<<else>>[[Use->DommeDaisy_plug][$toy ="ruby butt plug"]]<</if>> </th> </tr><</if>>
<<if $objects["sapphire butt plug"].inv eq 1>><tr><th>sapphire butt plug</th><th><<set $image to $objects["sapphire butt plug"].image >><<displayimage I>></th><th>$objects["sapphire butt plug"].description</th><th><<if $daisyplug eq "sapphire butt plug">> This is already in Nicola's ass. <<elseif $micplug eq "sapphire butt plug">> This is already in Michaela's ass.<<elseif $daisyplug eq "sapphire butt plug">> This is already in Daisy's ass. <<elseif $toy eq "sapphire butt plug">> This is already in your ass. <<else>>[[Use->DommeDaisy_plug][$toy ="sapphire butt plug"]]<</if>> </th> </tr><</if>>
<<if $objects["large black butt plug"].inv eq 1>><tr><th>large black butt plug</th><th><<set $image to $objects["large black butt plug"].image >><<displayimage I>></th><th>$objects["large black butt plug"].description</th><th><<if $daisyplug eq "large black butt plug">> This is already in Nicola's ass. <<elseif $micplug eq "large black butt plug">> This is already in Michaela's ass.<<elseif $daisyplug eq "large black butt plug">> This is already in Daisy's ass. <<elseif $toy eq "large black butt plug">> This is already in your ass. <<else>>[[Use->DommeDaisy_plug][$toy ="large black butt plug"]]<</if>> </th> </tr><</if>>
<<if $objects["purple dildo"].inv eq 1>><tr><th>purple dildo</th><th><<set $image to $objects["purple dildo"].image >><<displayimage I>></th><th>$objects["purple dildo"].description</th><th>[[Use->DommeDaisy_dildo][$dildo ="purple dildo"]] </th> </tr><</if>>
<<if $objects["huge black dildo"].inv eq 1>><tr><th>huge black dildo</th><th><<set $image to $objects["huge black dildo"].image >><<displayimage I>></th><th>$objects["huge black dildo"].description</th><th> [[Use->DommeDaisy_dildo][$dildo ="huge black dildo"]]</th> </tr><</if>>
<<if $objects["strap on dildo"].inv eq 1>><tr><th>strap on dildo</th><th><<set $image to $objects["strap on dildo"].image >><<displayimage I>></th><th>$objects["strap on dildo"].description</th><th>[[Use->DommeDaisy_strap][$dildo ="strap on dildo"]] </th> </tr><</if>>
<<if $objects["large black strap on"].inv eq 1>><tr><th>large black strap on</th><th><<set $image to $objects["large black strap on"].image >><<displayimage I>></th><th>$objects["large black strap on"].description</th><th>[[Use->DommeDaisy_strap][$dildo ="large black strap on"]]</th> </tr><</if>>
<<return>><img src="Images/People/MC/assholechastity.webp" width=600 />
You hand over the $toy to Daisy and she runs her fingers over it, feeling its weight and girth. "Shall we see if it's a tight fit?"
She holds the $toy in hand and gestures. You pull down your $panties and grip your ankles with your hands, feeling a cool breeze waft about your exposed ass. She slips the toy into your mouth, and you suck on it coating it in a thick layer of saliva, knowing that it will go in more smoothly when lubricated.
She pulls it out of your mouth and starts teasing your asshole with it, just stretching it out a little, then pushing it in and out.
"Oh, this is so much fun. It's like your bum is trying to eat swallow it down. In and out and in and out."
With each push you gasp as you feel yourself stretching, until with a <i>schlurp</i> your ass sphincter sucks the plug deep inside as it passes its maximum width.
"And there it goes. Oh that is so pretty in there, give me a twirl. How does it feel."
"Full, and a little cold." You spin around, and the movement gives you a pleasurable sensation in your ass. "But it does feel nice in there."
<img src="Images/People/MC/buttplugandchastity.jpg" width=600 />
Good girl. <<if $toy neq "large black butt plug">> I do like that shiny jewel there. Makes you look so very sexy, I just want to eat you up. <</if>>Come here and snuggle and let me play with it."
You sit down next to Daisy and you kiss and make out on the bed as she pushes the plug in and out of your ass for the next 10 minutes until you are a gasping wreck with a stretched out hole.
"Oh no, I think I had better stop. You almost look like you are about to cum there and we can't have that yet. Now keep your toy in there, it looks so pretty in there so I think I will leave it there until I need to use your arse. Make sure you clean your hole regularly, but put it straight back in, like a good little buttslut."
"Yes Miss Daisy" you say, getting used to the feeling of the cold hard metal against your insides.
<<daisysex>><<if $chastity eq 0>><<set chastity =1>>Daisy locks your cock away in chastity. "Can't have you getting hard here - this is the only cock we are playing with now." she laughs, rubbing her hands up and down the length of the dildo. <</if>>
<img src="Images/People/MC/assholechastity.webp" width=600 />
"Show me your asshole, sweetpea." commands Daisy, holding the $dildo in her hands. You comply, lying back and spreading your legs to reveal your rear hole.
"What do you think of this?" she asks, placing the huge dildo next to your shrivelled caged cock. "It's so much bigger than your little pink clitty isn't it? I like fucking myself with toys like this - maybe one day I'll let you watch. I think about a muscled black man like the Prince slipping his huge cock inside me. But today this is going inside your pretty pink asshole."
She leans over you and dribbles saliva into your tight hole, before starting to work the tip of the cock inside. It is very wide, and it takes a little effort to fit the tip inside, but Daisy perseveres, until a couple of inches of the dildo is filling up your asshole.
<img src="Images/People/MC/transchastitydildo2.jpg" width=600 />
Tears are starting to well up in your eyes from the pain, but there is also pleasure with the hard surface pushing up against your prostate. You grit your teeth and concentrate on the pleasure and try to ignore the pain.
"Do you like being fucked, my little princess? You did say that you wanted to be a real girl, didn't you? And this is what real girls do, they have cocks pushed up inside their bodies. Mainly in their cunts, but you are a little deficient there, so we'll just have to fuck your asshole instead. And it is stretching so nicely. "
She pulls out the dildo abruptly, and cool air fills your now empty hole as you lie there gaping.
<img src="Images/People/MC/gapingchastity.webp" width=600 />
"You are such a good buttslut today. Not complaining at all. I think I am going to let you cum after all."
She pushes the dildo back in and starts working it furiously, simultaneously fingering your balls and rubbing your chastity cage with her hand. "Come on baby, come for me, lets see that cum. Is that what you want?"
"Yes Miss Daisy, keep fucking my ass please miss Daisy." you beg, feeling your climax approaching.
<img src="Images/People/MC/dildochastitycum.webp" width=600 />
"What a good little slut you are. A messy little slut, such a lot of cum, but I do love to see you taking cock like a real girl." Daisy kisses you proudly, before throwing you a rag to clean yourself up.
You hurriedly dress and kiss passionately before leaving.
<<if $ret eq "HC_foyer">><<link [[You dress before heading back into the club->HC_foyer]]>><<wait>><<WearAll>><</link>>
\<<else>><<link [[Finish and get dressed->YourRoom]]>><<wait>><<WearAll>><</link>><</if>>"Oh I do so love playing with my favourite doll. Come here sweetie and lie on my lap." She beams with pride as you obey her request, laying face down on top of her knees with your naked plugged ass within reach of her hands. She starts massaging your buttocks, teasing around your upper thighs, before bending over and tugging gently on the plug, gently easing the butt plug out of your damp asshole, and you tingle a little, feeling a bead of precum forming at the end of your cock as it slides out. You suddenly feel empty and incredibly horny.
"Oh, my baby wants this, don't you? You are such a naughty girl. I think you should beg mummy for it."
You lost your dignity in situations like this a long time ago, and enjoy the game, playing up to her teasing you.
"Please mummy. Can you put it back in my ass?"
"You had it in you ass, sweetie, do you want more?"
"Yes mummy. I want you to put it all the way in."
"And what do you want me to do then? Beg for it baby doll."
"Please can you fuck me with the buttplug, Miss Daisy?"
"Of course I can my sweet. As you asked so nicely. You are such a sweet slutty doll, aren't you?"
<img src="Images/People/MC/buttplugandchastity.jpg" width=600 />
She kisses your shoulder, and begins to work the toy deep into your rear, as you squirm lying across her. She starts slow, but soon gets a good rhythm, jiggling the toy inside you, then gently pulling it out and you feel a glorious pleasure as it pushes you wider until it slips out of your ass, before she pushes iit back in again, stretching your hole in and out with each motion. Beneath you, you feel her thighs part as she slides a finger between them, touching herself with her left hand as she works the buttplug in and out of your hole. As she approaches her own climax, her intensity increases, and you feel the plug tickling against your prostate with greater urgency, pulling it out past your sphincter with an audible slurp then back in again. It's not quite big enough to make you cum, and you end up panting and moaning like a cat in heat on her lap, begging for more.
"I think that is enough for now. I'm going to leave it in there for now.
She slaps you affectionately on the ass, and puts her moist fingers into your mouth. You smell her musky scent on them and lick her sweet juices from them as she gently teases your other end with the plug. <<set $panties = "none">>
<<daisysex>><img src="Images/People/YvBabmaids.webp" width=600 />
Yvette and Brigitte are very playful tonight.
"Would you like a glass of champagne?" asks one, stressing the French word with her beautiful accent.
"Or something a little stronger, to get you in the mood?" asks the other.
<<if $house gt 0 and $YvBabmaid neq 1>>[[I have recently moved into a property and was looking for maids.->Yvette Babette maidoffer]]<</if>>
[[Return to the bar->HC_bar]]<<widget Titania>>
<img src="Images/HC14/MeganTitania.jpg" width=600 />
<<widget Oberon>>
<img src="Images/HC14/WalsinghamOberon5.webp" width=600 />
<<widget Puck>>
<img src="Images/HC14/orlandoMpuck.webp" width=600 />
<<widget Peaseblossom>>
<img src="Images/HC14/Michaelafairy2.webp" width=600 />
<<widget Cobweb>>
<img src="Images/HC14/Bunnyfairyhoneytits.webp" width=600 />
<<widget Mustardseed>>
<<if $date eq "Nicola">><img src="Images/HC14/nicfairy3.webp" width=600 />
<<widget Theseus>>
<img src="Images/HC14/antiochforest.webp" width=600 />
<<widget Hippolyta>>
<img src="Images/HC14/Mimihippolyta1.webp" width=600 />
<<widget Egea>>
<img src="Images/HC14/LadyBentleyPlay.webp" width=600 />
<<widget Bottom>>
<<if $Bottom neq "you">><img src="Images/HC14/ColonelBottom.webp" width=600 /><</if>>
<<widget Lysander>>
<img src="Images/HC14/MatthewLysander.webp" width=600 />
<<widget Hermia>>
<img src="Images/HC14/DaisyHermia2.webp" width=600 />
<<widget Demetrius>>
<<if $Demetrius neq "you">><img src="Images/HC14/GabrielDemetrius.webp" width=600 /><</if>>
<<widget Helena>>
<<if $Helena neq "you">><img src="Images/HC14/Melissahelenaforest.webp" width=600 /><</if>>
<<widget PonyBottom>>
<img src="Images/HC14/Bottomponygirl.webp" width=600 />
<</widget>><<set $HCevent = 10>><<SetFlag "event">><<temp>>There is no Saturday evening event at the Hellfire club this week, instead you are invited to take a guest to Lord and Lady Bentley’s estate. Although it is only for one night, you pack carefully and set out for Charing Cross station once again.
Your invite is for yourself and one guest.
<img src="Images/Places/train.webp" width=600 />
<<if $daisyengagement lt 1 and $micengagement lt 1 and $nicengagement lt 1>>
\Who do you choose to go with?
[[Board the train with Daisy|HC10_1][$HC10 = "Daisy"]]
[[Board the train with Michaela|HC10_1][$HC10 = "Michaela"]]
[[Board the train with Nicola|HC10_1][$HC10 = "Nicola"]]
[[Board the train with Matthew|HC10_1][$HC10 = "Matthew"]]
[[Board the train alone|HC10_1][$HC10 = "none"]]
<<elseif $daisyengagement gt 0>>
\Given your engagement it would be inappropriate for you to take anyone other than Daisy this weekend.
[[Board the train with Daisy|HC10_1][$HC10 = "Daisy"]]
<<elseif $micengagement gt 0>>
\Given your engagement it would be inappropriate for you to take anyone other than Michalea this weekend.
[[Board the train with Michaela|HC10_1][$HC10 = "Michaela"]]
<<elseif $nicengagement gt 0>>
\Given your engagement it would be inappropriate for you to take anyone other than Nicola this weekend.
[[Board the train with Nicola|HC10_1][$HC10 = "Nicola"]]
<</if>>Departing once again from Charing Cross Station, you take the shorter journey into Surrey, passing green English countryside in the full bloom of spring. Blossom covers fruit trees by the side of the line.
\<<if $HC10 eq "Daisy">>
"I can’t believe we are going to a real Lord’s estate. A Viscount! And I’m just a pharmacist’s daughter. I dressed for the occasion, but now I’m worried I’ll be a bit shabby."
"You could never be shabby, Daisy."
"You are such a smooth talker. But thank you, my love. I haven’t spoken much to Lord and Lady Bentley, what are they like?
"Lady Bentley is an arrogant voyeur, and Lord Bentley a sadistic sodomite as far as I can tell."
"So nothing special by club standards then?" she deadpans.
You both laugh at the crazy world you are now moving in.
\<<elseif $HC10 eq "Nicola">>
"You came from Surrey originally, didn’t you Nicola?"
"Yes. Guildford, just a few miles from the Bentley’s estate. My family still live there."
"Do you ever want to go back?"
"I am pretty much disowned. My father’s last words to me before I joined the convent were 'Now I only have two children.'"
"You were that much of a disappointment? I thought he was a religious man."
"Church gave him somewhere to show off and to confirm his prejudices on a Sunday. He wanted me to marry above my station and to give him grandchildren."
"What about your mother, your siblings?"
"I would like to see them again. One day, perhaps."
You both sit quietly, thinking about your families and your unconventional relationship as the train journeys through the English countryside.
\<<elseif $HC10 eq "Michaela">>Michaela is strangely silent throughout the journey. You ask what is wrong, and she shrugs. "I do not like to speak ill of my employers, but Bentley is a cruel one. He has had servants whipped for the slightest transgressions, the spilling of a drink, or a button missing from a uniform. And there are stories of worse going on in the club’s dungeon.
"The club has a dungeon?"
"It is not for general member use - just Megan, Walsingham and the Bentleys. But Lord Bentley uses it most weeks when he is in town."
"He is a sadist then?"
She nods. You sense she is holding something back.
"Has he hurt you, Michaela?"
She goes quiet. "Let us talk of happier things. He will do nothing when we are together, I am sure of it."
\<<elseif $HC10 eq "Matthew">>
"So, Chadwick and $playersurname off on another adventure. And to a Lord and Lady’s mansion. We are moving up in the world.
\<<if $femcheck gt 2>>I have to say, you are looking most pretty these days. I mean I don’t mind that you dress like a girl, you can dress how you want, and it suits you. I’m getting used to you like this."
"Do you think of me as a man or a woman then?"
"Old you was a man. And now you’re not. But you’re the same person. You were always the smart one, stop asking me hard questions." You share a laugh about the old times and find yourself enjoying each other’s company. <</if>>
So this invite says plus one, and you pick me. Are you still playing the field? There’s no one special?
\<<if $Megandomevent gt 0>>[[Megan is my Mistress and she likes me to expand my horizons|HC10_2]]
\<<if $Daisyevent gt 0>>[[Daisy. I think she might be in love with me|HC10_2]]
\<<if $nic_event gt 2>>[[Nicola and I sorry of got back together, but it’s complicated|HC10_2]]
\<<if $michaelasub gt 0 or $michaelalove gt 0>>[[I am quite fond of Michaela|HC10_2]]
\[[Well there is someone, but I don’t know if they are interested|HC10_2]]
[[Only you, Matthew|HC10_2]]
[[So many girls and only one of me, why would I want to restrict myself to one? |HC10_2]]
\<<elseif $HC10 eq "none">> You sit quietly by yourself, enjoying the solitude. <</if>>
\<<if $HC10 neq "Matthew">>
You feel the train slowing as it approaches its [[destination|HC10_2]]<</if>>The train pulls into Woking station and you disembark.
As you leave the station and climb into your carriage you see a fire engine rushing down the road.
"What’s that about?" you ask the carriage driver.
"Some commotion on Horsell Common. A meteor or something has fallen and set some trees alight. I’m sure it’s nothing to worry about."
Half an hour later your carriage arrives at the Bentleys’ country estate. It is a large red brick building, you suspect about 150 years old. You are a little surprised, you assumed from his manner that Bentley was old wealth, aristocracy dating back the Tudors or even the Normans, but the Georgian house makes you reconsider that the family wealth was more recently acquired.
You see a few familiar faces standing around singly or in pairs: Antioch with Mimi, Megan with the Professor, Walsingham alone, Colonel Wilberforce with a young woman you do not recognise, and several others.
There is a call on a brass instrument, perhaps a bugle, and a servants voice calls out.
"Dear guests. Luncheon is served on the front lawn. Afterwards, the hunt will begin. Please ensure that you are changed, ready for the event, by Two o’clock. Horses are available in the stables, and if you wish your pets to partake, please check them in at the kennels.
Lunch is a perfectly civilised affair of cucumber sandwiches and elderflower cordial.
As you are eating, you spot Megan and Walsingham in conversation under a tree, facing away from you. You step over to ask one of them something, but pause as you overhear their conversation:
"He still has his uses. They both do."
"But he’s getting out of hand. We can make the police look the other way, but only up to a point. Do you know how difficult it was to tidy up the mess after May Day. He killed a man as if it was nothing."
"It was only a vagrant."
She stands and looks at him.
"I forget, you were common once."
She gives him a withering glance. "We are all common to them. They look down on us."
"Not in the century to come. We will buy their country houses and their fancy titles too."
"Your arrogance. You think you’d make a better King Edward than Bertie"
"That is indisputable, you saw Bertie last time he was at the club. All he cares about is whores and booze."
"A fair point. But back to Bentley. One day he will shoot or strangle someone important enough to not conveniently disappear. I will not have the club that I have spent so long building up be ruined by him.
"And what do you want me to do about it, Megan?"
She shrugs. "Speak to his wife. She might listen to you. She hates me."
"She’s a rat faced old shrew who hates everybody. But she does hate you more."
"Do it quickly. Think about what a scandal at the club could do to your political ambitions."
Walsingham is silent for a moment, then puts on his hat and walks off purposefully.
You grab another sandwich and hope they didn’t notice your eavesdropping. While eating, you ask your host Lady Bentley about what the hunt will involve.
"Oh, I wouldn’t want to spoil the surprise. It’s like foxes and hounds with a twist. It will be fun." You are about to follow up but your attention is caught by some shouting off to one side. Lord Bentley is in a heated discussion with Colonel Wilberforce.
"You cannot make me do this!"
"Oh, but I can. I do recall that you owe me a debt from your gambling indiscretions the last two weeks. Your first lost game of whist earned me a session with your arse, and you foolishly tried to regain your dignity last week. And here we are. So kneel down and let the servants put the muzzle on you."
"I think your puppy needs training, Arthur. It is vulgar to correct them in public you know."
"Needs must, Victoria. I only have this one for the day."
"I’ll kill you for this, Bentley."
The look on Colonel Wilberforce’s face is one of rage, as a servant places a gag between his teeth and a leash around his neck. The colonel is on all fours, dressed all in leather with a tail sticking out of his rear.
"Take him to the kennels with the rest of the hounds and prepare him for the hunt." Bentley instructs the servant.
"Now where were we?" asks Lady Victoria. "Foxes and hounds. As you can see, our hounds are taken by submissives in our group. Would you <<if $HC10 neq "none">> or your partner <</if>>like to play that part?"
"What does it involve?" you enquire.
"Oh, I wouldn’t want to spoil the surprise - I think the colonel has given you the idea." My kennelmaster Geoffrey here will make all the arrangements.
<<if $HC10 eq "Nicola">>
You turn to Nicola who has a scared look on her face. "I am not an animal." She says haughtily. "Please don’t make me do this." she begs.
You weigh up whether expanding her horizons like this will be something you would enjoy.
"What a delightful specimen your submissive is. I can make her as cute as a button, or if you prefer I can make her more of a brought to heel bitch, whichever you prefer." offers Geoffrey
[[Take my sweet pet and make her as pretty as you can, good fellow|HC10_3][$temp4 = "nic1"]]
[[Please can you take Nicola to the kennels, she will make a lovely bitch|HC10_3][$temp4 = "nic2"]]
[[It’s alright, darling, we can just watch|HC10_3][$temp4 = "none"]]
<<elseif $HC10 eq "Michaela">>
Michaela looks at you. "I had to take part in this last year, they were short of one of the hounds. It wasn’t something I enjoyed, running on all fours with a tail in my ass."
"I bet you looked cute."
"I like looking cute for you. I’m not an exhibitionist."
"What if I asked nicely?"
<<if $michaelasub gt 1>>She looks at the ground with a resigned look.
[[Please can you take Michaela to the kennels, she will make a lovely bitch|HC10_3][$temp4 = "mic"]]
<<else>>"Do not ruin a lovely day, dear. If you want a puppy we can get a real one."
[[It’s alright, Michaela, we can just watch|HC10_3][$temp4 = "none"]]
<<elseif $HC10 eq "Daisy">>
<<if $Daisydomevent gt 0>>"Oh, you will make such a sweet little puppy, $subname. Geoffrey, can you take my sweet $Hname here and dress her up like a little bitch for me. As cute as can be please, like a sweet poodle."
"It would be my pleasure, young lady."
His tone changes. "At heel. Time for walkies." he calls in a commanding voice to you with a gesture towards his feet.
[[Fall to all fours and follow the kennelmaster|HC10_3][$temp4 = "MC"]]
[[Refuse|HC10_3][$temp4 = "none"]]
<<else>>"Do not even think about it, darling. I am not parading about on all fours for you."
[[It’s alright, Daisy, we can just watch|HC10_3][$temp4 = "none"]]<</if>>
<<elseif $HC10 eq "Matthew">>
Matthew looks at the departing form of Colonel Wilberforce. "Oh, if only his old company could see this now. I am going to enjoy this. I can’t believe people do that voluntarily. .
[[I will enjoy watching too, Matthew|HC10_3][$temp4 = "none"]]
<<if $Megandomevent gt 1 and $Daisydomevent lt 1>>Megan walks up to you and smiles. "I am not going to force you, my pet, but it would please me to see you taking part this afternoon. And you do so love to please me, don’t you?" She holds up a key. "I’ll even unlock you so you can have your way with the pretty little fox if you catch her."
<<link [[Fall to all fours and follow the kennelmaster|HC10_3]]>><<set $temp4 = "MC">><<chastity 0>><</link>>
[[You are not an animal. Decline to take part|HC10_3][$temp4 = "none"]]
<</if>><<if $temp4 eq "none">>Intrigued by the idea of grown men and women dressing as animals, you follow the kennel master to his place of work.
<<elseif $temp4 neq "MC">>You follow the kennelmaster to the kennels as he clips a collar onto $HC10’s neck and leads them on a leash, tagging gently with soft encouragement. "Come on, walkies."
<<else>> <<set $objects["black leather fetish harness"].inv = 1>><<StripAll>><<set $outfit = "black leather fetish harness">>The kennel master clips a collar around your neck and gently pushes you to all fours, before pulling you toward his kennels. "Come on, pup, you are going to love this. I am going to take such good care of you, yes I am." Egged on by his encouragement you follow Geoffrey to his kennels.
The kennels are a large barn-like building, part of it seems to contain cages for real dogs, who you can hear barking and growling with all the commotion. But half of the building seems to have larger pens, more like a stable in size. You see a couple of people, one male, one female lying on straw in here. The man is naked aside from a leather harness, and seems to have painted on whiskers and a muzzle shaped like a dogs snout. The woman has a long red-brown fox tail and long brown hair, and is preening herself.
In the central chamber is a large assortment of leather harnesses, leads, muzzles and the like, as well as a collection of ears, tails and other costumery. The ‘volunteers’ are stripped naked, and under the kennel master Geoffrey’s direction are expertly groomed, dressed and made to look like animals - some more canine, some more feline, by his two assistants. They have already started on Colonel Wilberforce, who is protesting as a long leathery tail attached to a steel butt plug is being inserted into his ass before being secured with a tight belt.
"Bad dog!" says one of the assistants as he tries to pull it out, slapping his ass. They pull his hands into leather mittens a little like boxing gloves, and put a muzzle over his face. Deprived of fine motor control and the use of his voice heis quickly subdued and puts his head between his legs and lets out a low growl.
"Good dog." says the assistant, rubbing his hair and pushing a meaty treat into the hole in his muzzle. After affixing some ears to each side of his face and styling his hair so they appear natural, they lead him out to a paddock and let him trot about.
<<if $temp4 eq "MC">>
The attendants remove your clothing without ceremony, and lift you onto a table where they sponge you clean and dry you, all the while giving you encouragement. "What a good pet you are." You are strapped into a black leather harness around your chest, and your hands bound in tight mittens. Your feet are clad in leather stockings that resemble paws and prevent your legs from fully straightening, forcing you into an all fours position. Two furry ears are placed on your head and secured, and the assistant grooms your hair around them.
"You are a beautiful puppy, yes you are."
She pats you on the ass, before pulling your buttocks apart and gently pushing a lubricated plug into your asshole with a black and white tail attached. She clips this through a ring on a girdle that she secures around your waist. With the gloves preventing the use of your hands, you cant take this off, although the firm feeling in your ass is quite arousing.
"Good pup. Walkies now." she gestures and you eagerly leap off the low table onto the floor and follow her into a low paddock.
<<elseif $temp4 eq "mic" or $temp4 eq "nic1">>
You struggle to contain your arousal as your dearest $HC10 is stripped naked in front of you. The two assistants gently lift her onto the bench and start sponging her with soapy water, before patting her dry with fluffy pink towels. They then start dressing her in a leather harness, collar, gloves and boots
"I can’t pick anything up in these" she protests.
"Of course you can't pick things up with your paws, you need to use your mouth." explains the assistant. "When you aren’t muzzled that is."
$HC10 looks at you with a sulky though very cute look as the assistants attach ears to her head, and slide a long tail into her ass, securing it with a tight leather belt.
"Oh what a pretty girl you are, you’ve been so good for us - here is a treat. Do you want to give it to her?" She hands you a small savoury biscuit.
"Sit, $HC10." you command, and watch as she crouches on what you now think of as her hind legs. You stroke her cheek and hold out your hand, and she licks the biscuit from your fingers with devotion.
\<<if $temp4 eq "nic1">> <img src="Images/HC10/nicpetplay3.webp" width=600 /><</if>>
\<<if $temp4 eq "mic">><img src="Images/HC10/micpetplay1.webp" width=600 /><</if>>
After she finishes, the attendant fits her mouth with a gag securely.
"We’ll take her to the paddock and do a little training with the others, don’t worry we will return her to you shortly."
<<elseif $temp4 eq "nic2">>"I understand that your pet needs some disciplining." asks the assistant. You nod, knowing that Nicola’s protests of earlier were not befitting a well trained submissive. "We have a lot of experience of breaking them in. If you want she can sleep here in the kennels overnight."
You weigh this up, but decide you would like to show her off at dinner tonight. "A kind offer. Perhaps another time."
The assistant straps Nicola into a tight and uncomfortable looking harness, clamping a bit gag between her teeth and shoving a butt plug tail up her ass. Nicola looks thoroughly miserable, but you hold her chin in her hand. "You must learn to obey my decisions without question. That whining and begging earlier was what a child or an animal would do. So an animal you have become. Nod if you understand." She nods silently.
"Now purr for me." you stroke her breasts softly and gently tease between her thighs. You see the glazed over look she gets as she enters her submissive state and a feline noise comes out of her mouth.
<img src="Images/HC10/nicpetplay2.webp" width=600 />
"What a well trained pet you have." says the assistant with admiration.
"She is feisty, and sometimes needs a firm hand." you reply.
"We’ll take her to the paddock and do a little training with the others, don’t worry we will return her to you shortly."
<<elseif $temp4 eq "MC">>You are stripped naked and washed with scented bubbles, before being patted dry by an attendant, all the while talking in a soft voice about how soft your fur is and ruffling your hair. A pair of puppy ears are attached to your head, and you are strapped into a leather harness that reveals everything before having your hands wrapped in soft leather mittens. You are just getting used to this when a muzzle is placed over your mouth and a cold metal butt plug bearing a fluffy black tail is gently, though firmly, put into your asshole.
<<if $Daisydomevent gt 0>>Daisy has been standing watching you, and claps with joy at your transformation.
"Oh what a pretty little puppy bitch you are. Does my princess want a treat, of course she does. She loosens your gag and holds out a biscuit on her hand, pulling your head toward it by your hair until you lick it down. She reties your gag and hands you to the attendant for training."
<<else>>Megan looks down at you and strokes your tail with her long fingers.
<<if $chastity eq 1>><<chastity 0>>She unlocks your chastity cage and gives your cock a little slap. "See, I'm even letting you out to play. "<</if>>
"I expect you to catch that fox. And fuck it."
<<elseif $temp4 eq "none">>You see Bunny getting fitted with pink leather harness and ears, She looks exceptionally excited, but cannot talk as she is gagged and just drools at you.
<img src="Images/HC10/bunnypetplay.webp" width=600 />
In the paddock the ‘hounds’ as they are described are put through some humiliating basic training.
"Sit", "Beg" and "Heel" are simple, and rewarded with encouraging words, pats, or little sweet treats. "Fetch" is the most humiliating command, collecting sticks and bringing them back with the mouth.
The fox is then brought out, the almost naked girl you saw earlier.
<img src="Images/HC10/fox3.webp" width=600 />
In turn, the hounds are led up to her to get her scent, pushing their heads into her bare crotch to sniff in her musky aroma. Colonel Wilberforce, or "Rex" as the kennelmaster now calls him, growls at her viciously, getting into the role.
\<<if $temp4 eq "mic">>Michaela softly strokes the poor foxes hair with her paw and kisses her gently.
\<<elseif $temp4 eq "nic1" or $temp4 eq "nic2">>Nicola pulls away, not appreciating her mouth being forced close to another woman’s crotch. The assistant holds it there firmly for an extra ten seconds, covering her mouth so forcing her to breathe in deeply through her nose.
\<<elseif $temp4 eq "MC" >> Her scent is stronger than you are used to, quite earthy, and you lock eyes with her. She looks scared and turns away, whether in fear or playing her role you are unsure.
A bugle blows and the kennel master pulls the leads of the hounds with a firm hand, tying them to a post. Some of them start pawing at each other ,and he checks that gags and muzzles are secure.
<img src="Images/People/bentleyhorse.webp" width=600 />
"I am so glad that you could join me for today’s hunt" announces Lord Bentley, sitting atop a elegant white mare. As you can see we have a delightful fox to give us the chase today, provided as usual by the Bishop."
Bishop Greene puts on a proud smile as he strokes the hair of the girl inside her cage, before getting back onto a stout pony.
"I’m not quite sure this is what the young protester at the house of Lords last week meant when she was demanding compassion for animals and an end to fox hunting. I suspect not." marks Walsingham wryly.
"Quite." observes Megan, clad in tight riding gear, her thigh high boots gripping the flanks of a magnificent black stallion.
<img src="Images/People/Megan/Meganhorseback.webp" width=600 />
"The fox will be given three minutes head start. Then the hounds will pursue on foot and we will follow. If the fox is not caught in one hour, she will get the promised reward of one hundred pounds. If she is caught then we can watch as the hounds have their way with her."
The girl clad as a fox shudders at the thought, wiping a tear from her eye with a paw.
"In ancient Japan, the kitsune was a fox spirit with the ability to assume the form of a human. Here we have the reverse" Antioch wryly observes.
A bugle sounds and the kennelmaster opens the cage. The fox girl runs into the woods.
"Do the foxes ever win?" asks Melissa.
"Don’t be ridiculous, girl." says Lady Bentley dismissively. "Where would the sport be in that?"
<img src="Images/HC10/nekos.jpg" width=600 />
Checking his pocket watch carefully, after 3 minutes Lord Bentley cruelly says:
"Release the hounds"
The kennel master unclips their leashes and the submissives rush on all fours after the girl, heading into the deep undergrowth and wooded area she headed for.
<<if $temp4 eq "MC">>
Your leash untied, you awkwardly run forward with the other ‘hounds’, unaccustomed to moving in the crouched position and not being able to stand. Your ability to speak is curtailed by the gag between your teeth, meaning you can only drool and grunt like a beast.
Lagging a little behind the others you have a decision
[[Follow the rest of the pack|HC10_4][$temp = 2]]
[[Cut through some undergrowth to your left avoiding the woods|HC10_4][$temp = 3]]
[[Skirt right around the edge of the wood|HC10_4][$temp = 4]]
<<else>> You climb onto a provided horse, a dull brown mare. With little practice on horseback you sit unsteadily, making idle conversation with the other hunters.
[[Follow the hounds on horseback|HC10_4][$temp = 1]]
<</if>><<if $temp eq 4>><img src="Images/HC10/fox4.webp" width=600 />
Moving more easily on the grass, you think you have moved ahead of the pack that followed the fox directly, and spot a trail cutting through bushes. You take this, and soon head into the the wood on your leather clad hands and feet. Ahead, you spot the fox girl attempting to climb a tree. The rest of the pack can be heard a little behind, you only have a minute to act.
[[Let her climb on your back to help her into the tree, then lead the rest of the ‘hounds’ away|HC10_4][$temp = 5]]
[[Leap on her, and claim her as your prize|HC10_4][$temp = 6]]
\<<elseif $temp eq 3>>
You think you are progressing quickly into the woods, but soon get caught in thick bracken which scratches your exposed flesh. You retreat, heading for easier ground and head for the noise of baying hounds.
[[Join the pack|HC10_4][$temp = 2]]
\<<elseif $temp eq 2>>
The group heads as a pack into the woods, following a clear trail that is easy to traverse on your leather clad hands and feet. Rex, as you now think of the colonel, catches sight of something up ahead and darts towards it, the rest of you following. You see the girl trying to climb a tree, but Rex leaps and they fall together to the ground. He howls in triumph and starts mating with her on the grass. He growls at the rest of the pack to not disturb him as he claims his reward.
<img src="Images/HC10/foxhoundsex1.jpg" width=600 />
\<<elseif $temp eq 5>>
The rest of the hounds catch up with you a moment after the fox has ascended into the tree. You dash off down another path and they follow you, and you soon get subsumed into the rest of the pack. You run around in the woods for half an hour, tiring quickly in the spring heat. Bentley rushes in, shouting, striking Rex and a few of the others with his riding crop. "Pathetic excuses for hounds, the lot of you. Should have you all shot if I had my way. " he checks his watch as you run around sniffing at undergrowth and startling the odd rabbit.
"I think that is an hour, Arthur, blow your bugle and let's be done with this. I tire of this game." says his wife.
<img src="Images/People/bentleyhorse.webp" width=600 />
With a look of rage, he blows thrice on his horn. "Come out you damn vixen, you’ve won. A hundred pounds and a slap up supper in the servants quarters for you."
A few minutes later she comes out from a high up branch and swings down gracefully
"Foxes can’t climb trees. That’s cheating."
<img src="Images/HC10/fox2.webp" width=600 />
She sticks her tongue out at him impishly, before walking back to the kennels, rubbing her body against yours seductively as she departs.
"Did you have something to do with this, you cur?" asks Bentley
"Ruff!" you bark, shaking your head.
\<<elseif $temp eq 1>>
You follow the pack into the woods at a gentle trot. They are not fast, as they are obviously not built for moving on all fours, but appearances are everything. You hear the hounds making some noises up ahead and Bentley blows his bugle. A few minutes later, you and the rest of the hunters come upon a scene of one of the pack, Rex, thrusting his cock into the foxes pussy as the rest of the pack howl at them.
<img src="Images/HC10/foxhoundsex3.jpg" width=600 />
<<elseif $temp eq 6>>
You jump on top of the girl, pinning her down with your greater size. She does not struggle much, accepting that the game is lost, but rubs her body against yours seductively.
<<if $chastity neq 1>> You momentarily pause, unsure if you should go through with this. She meets your eyes and nods. "I’m being paid for my role here. Now play yours." She rolls over into a doggy style position and parts her legs. Full of adrenaline after the chase you don’t hesitate, thrusting yourself into her wet cunt without delay. The rest of the pack emerges to see you claiming your prize, and howl to mark the end of the hunt as you thrust your way to climax. <<cum>>
<img src="Images/HC10/foxhoundsex3.jpg" width=600 />
<<else>>Without a free cock to claim your prize, you are pushed out of the way when the rest of the pack arrives, and Rex, previously known as Colonel Wilberforce, aggressively starts rutting with her on the lawn.
<img src="Images/HC10/foxhoundsex1.webp" width=600 /><</if>>
\<<if $temp eq 1 or $temp eq 2 or $temp eq 6>>
"Well we got the vixen, but it was a disappointingly short hunt. Get me a fox with a bit of spunk next time Bishop." says Bentley.
"I think the fox has plenty of spunk now" observes Megan wryly as the vixen lies on her back, cum dribbling out of her pussy. A few of the female hounds move over to her, sniffing and caressing her with their paw clad hands and gagged faces, welcoming her to the pack.
\<<if $temp neq 3 and $temp neq 4>>
\"Right - head back to the house, freshen up and change. Drinks at 5, dinner at seven." calls Lady Bentley. "Formal attire, naturally."
<<if $temp4 neq "MC">>[[Return to the house|HC10_5]]<</if>>
<<if $temp4 eq "nic2" or $temp4 eq "nic1" or $temp4 eq "mic">> [[Spend some time with your ‘hound’ first|HC10_4a][$temp6 = $HC10]]
<<elseif $temp4 eq "MC">>Your mistress calls you. [[Follow her|HC10_4b]]
<<else>>You spot Bunny in her pink pet outfit. [[Play with Bunny|HC10_4a][$temp6 = "Bunny"]]
<</if>><</if>>After retiring to your room, you freshen up in the bathroom cleaning all the grime of the afternoon’s exertions off yourself before standing naked in front of your mirror deciding what to wear. <<StripAll>><<set $dirty = 0>>
<<if $HC10 neq "Matthew" and $HC10 neq "none">>$HC10 is taking every garment she has brought with her, trying them on and taking them off again. "What can I wear for dinner at a Duke’s? Everything I own looks shabby by comparison to this place!"
"He’s not a Duke. I think he’s an Earl or a Viscount."
"You are <b>not</b> helping."
"You will be beautiful whatever you put on. This is the Hellfire club - they won’t bat an eyelid if you turn up naked."
"As you said, he’s an Earl, not an Emperor, so I will skip the nudity. I guess this will have to do." she says, picking out an elegant evening gown and starting to slip into it.
<<if $HC10 eq "Daisy">>
<img src="Images/HC10/daisysexy.webp" width=600 />
\<<elseif $HC10 eq "Michaela">>
<img src="Images/HC10/micsexy.webp" width=600 />
\<<elseif $HC10 eq "Nicola">>
<img src="Images/HC10/nicsexy.webp" width=600 />
You look at the clothes you brought with you, trying to find something formal for the occasion. You are glad that you packed thoroughly, even if you are only staying for one night.
<<if $penis neq "tiny" and $chastity neq 1>>Your cock sticks up hard as you watch her getting dressed.
[[It would be a shame to waste a good erection|HC10_5blowjob]]<</if>>
[[Enter Wardrobe|Wardrobe][$Wardrobe="HC_event10"]]
[[Head downstairs to drinks|HC10_6]]Taking your leave of the group, you affix a leash to $temp6’s collar and walk her into a secluded glade. "Did you enjoy walkies?" you ask in a playful voice. She struggles in her harness and looks at you with venom.
"Now, as you’ve been such a good girl, it’s time for your reward."
You tie her to a nearby stump and sit down next to her, starting to pet her by stroking her hair, playing with her ears and touching her nipples.
Her glowering look subsides, as she relishes the attention and your touch.
"There, there. Look at this lovely tail you have." You stroke the fur, pulling the base lightly to move in fractionally in and out of her ass. At the same time your other hand reaches down between her legs.
"Oh, you are excited down there. Did you get turned on by all this?"
$temp6 purrs beneath you, starting to pant heavily.
<<if $temp4 eq "mic">> <img src="Images/HC10/micpetplay1.webp" width=600 />
<<elseif $temp4 eq "nic1">> <img src="Images/HC10/nicpetplay3.webp" width=600 />
<<elseif $temp4 eq "nic2">> <img src="Images/People/Nic/nicpetplayreal1.webp" width=600 /><</if>>
<<if $temp6 neq "Bunny">>"I think after all that protestation, you secretly like playing like this, giving in to your animal lusts. Isn’t that right?"
"You are such a slut Bunny. I do think you are the naughtiest girl in all of London."
She moans and nods as you continue stroking her crotch and fucking her with the butt plug, rolling on her back with her legs in the air like a bitch in heat.
<<if $chastity neq 1>>"My turn now." You unclip her gag and unbutton your undergarments, letting your $penis cock hang out towards her face. "You know what to do with this now, don’t you?"
<<if $temp4 eq "mic">> <img src="Images/HC10/micnekofellatio.webp" width=600 />
\<<elseif $temp4 eq "nic1">> <img src="Images/HC10/nicpetplaybj.webp" width=600 />
\<<elseif $temp4 eq "nic2">><img src="Images/HC10/nicpetplayblowjob1.webp " width=600 />
\<<else>> Bunny has already been serviced by some other guests and is covered in cum. <img src="Images/HC10/bunnypetplayfacial2.webp" width=600 />
You decide to take her gag off so you can feel her incredible lips around your shaft. <</if>>
$temp6 sucks on it greedily, taking you deep into her mouth before you cum all over her face.
<<if $temp4 eq "mic">> <img src="Images/HC10/micnekofellatiosmallcock2.webp " width=600 />
\<<elseif $temp4 eq "nic1">><img src="Images/HC10/nicpetplayfacial2.webp" width=600 />
\<<elseif $temp4 eq "nic2">> <img src="Images/HC10/nicpetplayrealcum.webp" width=600 />
\<<else>> <img src="Images/HC10/bunnynekocum2.webp" width=600 /> <</if>>
"Good girl" you say, rubbing her belly. Now let's get you cleaned up.
You head back to the kennels before retiring to your rooms to change.
[[Return to the house|HC10_5]]<<if $Daisydomevent gt 0>><img src="Images/HC10/Daisydommecrop.webp" width=600 />
Daisy takes you by the leash and pulls you toward her.
"You did well today, Princess. All dressed up pretty with such a lovely tail." She unties your gag and kisses you on the mouth. Now you cats and puppies had your fun, rolling around in the mud together, I think it’s my turn. Don’t you?
"Yes Miss D.."
She slaps your naked ass with a riding crop.
"No. Pets do not talk. Let us try again. I think it’s my turn. Don’t you?
Chastised, you let out a cheerful animal yelp of affirmation
<<else>><img src="Images/People/Megan/megriding.webp" width=600 />
Megan takes you by the leash and pulls you toward her.
"What a good pup you are. I knew you would take to this." She unties your gag and kisses you on the mouth.
<<if $temp eq 6>>And you caught the fox as well on your first time. I see you have already had your reward" she notes, prodding at the juices on your sticky crotch with her riding crop.
<<elseif $temp eq 5>>You didn’t have to help her you know. She was being paid. Whilst Lord Bentley would enslave the world if he could, I ensure that for Hellfire business he does it above board and pays the girls and boys well. Though I am sure she will appreciate the win bonus. Noone has ever got that off Bentley before.
\Now, time for my reward. I just can’t resist a little petplay."
"Sit." she commands
You rest on your hind legs (no, they’re just legs, stop thinking like a pet) and look eagerly at her.
You put your forelegs up in front of her and pant heavily, your tongue out.
"What a good pet. Now dinner time. Lick"
<<if $Daisydomevent gt 0>><img src="Images/HC10/Daisydommeliftingskirt.webp" width=600 /><<else>><img src="Images/People/Megan/megridingpussy4.webp" width=600 /><</if>>
She lifts her riding skirt, revealing a wet slit and no panties. You plunge your head in deeply and lick at her sticky wet lips. When you momentarily slow down she taps you lightly with the riding crop for encouragement until you lick her to climax and sup down all her sticky juices she squirts onto your tongue.
"I think I like you like this, my special puppy." she gasps as she lies on the grass to recover, snuggling with you and stroking your ears. After a while you head back to the kennels before retiring to your rooms to change.
[[Return to the house|HC10_5]]<<if $HC10 eq "Nicola">><img src="Images/People/Nic/nicstairs.webp" width=600 />
\<<elseif $HC10 eq "Daisy">><img src="Images/People/Daisy/Daisyballgown.webp" width=600 />
\<<elseif $HC10 eq "Michaela">><img src="Images/HC10/micstaircase.webp" width=600 />
\<<elseif $HC10 eq "Matthew">><img src="Images/HC10/matthewstairs.webp" width=600 />
After your deliberations with your wardrobe, and getting lost in this enormous house, you find you <<if $HC10 neq "Matthew" and $HC10 neq "none">>and $HC10 <</if>>are the last of the guests to descend the staircase to arrive at drinks.
Most of those you saw for the hunt are here, along with a couple of others you recognise, Professor Fairfax and Melissa. Bunny is absent but perhaps she is working.
Most are speaking in ones and twos around the large library that is being used as a function room for the evening.
Walsingham and Megan are talking in a corner.
Colonel Wilberforce and Matthew are drinking heavily at the bar.
The professor sits alone on a large leather chair, reading a book.
Melissa stands by the window, looking outside at the evening sky.
Lady Bentley stands by the entrance, welcoming guests as the hostess with charm and grace. She is currently in conversation with Daisy.
Lord Bentley appears to be in conversation with Bishop Greene.
<<HC10>><img src="Images/HC10/bentleybishop.jpg" width=600 /><<set $temp7 = 1>>
The Bishop and Bentley appear to be in heated discussion.
"No, I cannot get you any more so soon. They’re asking too many questions."
"But the last pair didn’t last at all. They just don’t have any stamina any more. One more. Or I might have to tell the Archbishop about our little arrangement."
Seeing you walking over the pair rapidly change the subject.
"And how is my favourite parishioner?" asks the bishop.
<<if $nicengagement gt 0 or $micengagement gt 0 or $daisyengagement gt 0>> "I hear that you have the sound of wedding bells in your future. Congratulations. I do hope that you will be getting married in our church."
"Well I wasn’t sure. I have a somewhat unconventional lifestyle now."
"Nonsense. Come and see me in my office there and we can draw up all the paperwork."<</if>>
Bentley turns to you.
"I did not realise you were one of Greene’s parishioners. He is always so considerate with his flock, I find, looking out for their best interests. We were just discussing that weren’t we, Bishop? How you find ways for the less fortunate to rise above their station."
"Oh yes, indeed."
<<if $temp4 eq "mic" or $temp4 eq "nic1" or $temp4 eq "nic2" >> Turning to $HC10 Bentley says. "I do think you made a delightful hound today, my sweet. You can gnaw on my bone any time you like."
<<elseif $temp4 eq "MC" >> Changing the subject Bentley says. "I do think you made a delightful hound today. You can gnaw on my bone any time you like."
You make your excuses and leave.
<<HC10>><<set $temp8 = 1>><img src="Images/HC10/meganwals.webp" width=600 />
Megan and Walsingham see you wandering over and stop their conversation, before greeting you. She is wearing a stunning red corset accentuating her figure, and they appear to be flirting.
"Ah, the prodigal returns. And how did you enjoy today’s hunt?"
\<<if $temp4 eq "MC">>You look at the ground sheepishly. "It is good to get exercise in the fresh air."
\<<elseif $temp4 eq "mic" or $temp4 eq "nic">>"It was fun. My pet enjoyed it too." You ruffle $HC10’s hair affectionately.
\<<else>>"Entertaining enough. Though it would be more fun with a hound of my own.
Megan smiles, knowingly. "The Bentleys are most gracious hosts. Although a little traditional."
"Indeed, my dear Megan. They seem unaware there is a new century dawning in a matter of months. The Victorian age is soon at an end."
"What next? The Edwardian age?" You know she speaks of the Queen’s son, but the dual meaning of the words is not lost on you or Sir Edward Walsingham.
"Perhaps. And would I have your support? To clear out the old and sweep in the new?" he speaks to both of you.
Before you can answer Megan touches your lips. "Walls have ears, dearlove. There will be a time and a place to declare your allegiances.
The pair politely but firmly step away, indicating they have 'business' to discuss. You thought they didn’t like each other. Still, your enemy’s enemy is your friend, and it is clear neither cares for the Bentleys much.
<<HC10>><<set $temp9 = 1>>
<img src="Images/People/professor1.webp" width=600 />
<<if $temp eq 5>>
"Me? I’m just an old historian. Peterhouse, Cambridge, though I live out in the country nowadays. I don’t write much these days."
"And you helped found the club?"
"Shall we say I helped establish its principles in my youth. And when the next generation decided to formalise it, I gladly gave them my blessing."
"So this isn’t the first Hellfire club?"
"Heavens no. Wharton’s club at the beginning of the 18th century is the first we know about. And Dashwood’s in the 1850s the most notorious. There were several in Ireland after that. And I established it at Cambridge four decades or so ago. Not on this scale though - it was little more than a postgraduate drinking and shagging club in those days. We used to bring over girls from London or Paris, show off with some fancy words in Latin, get drunk on port and have an orgy. Oh, we thought we were so sophisticated."
"And after that?"
"I remained a bachelor, continued my research. Split my time between college and my country house, much more modest than this one of course. And met Megan during that time of course."
"Do you have children?"
"I find it better to cherish that which I do have than to pine over choices not made."
\<<elseif $temp eq 1>>
"Megan? My greatest success. I am so proud of the way that she turned out."
"You have known her for some time then?"
"You might say that. I guided her through some challenges in her life."
"Were you her Master?"
"I think that you had better direct that question to her. Even in a club such as ours, one keeps some aspects of relationships private. Especially when they were so far in the past."
\<<elseif $temp eq 3>>
"Bentley? The latest in a long line of morally deficient cretins. They made their money in the slave trade you know, shipping Africans to the New World, and shipping cotton back here. Bentley will claim to be a blue blooded aristocrat but he’s just the descendant of merchants with murder on their hands."
"You don’t get on?"
"He has connections, wealth, useful to keep the authorities looking the other way and sponsors for the club who will fund us in return for us catering to their special tastes. It is the way of the world, as a historian I don’t have to like it, but recognise human nature. But something about him just rubs me up the wrong way. He has a sense of entitlement, and thinks that can ride roughshod over everyone he considers beneath him. A person can consent to almost anything with sufficient remuneration, but I think Bentley would prefer it if his family trade was still in force.
\<<elseif $temp eq 2>>
"Megan approached me a few years ago with a plan. She knew all about the old clubs from my journals, used to read them when she was younger. Said she wanted a place to explore desire safe from hypocrisy, and asked if I could put her in touch with people with money and connections. Walsingham and the Bentleys were obvious choices, though sometimes I regret the compromise. I think it’s about time I stepped back from it. I don’t think I can take many more orgies at my age. "
\<<elseif $temp eq 4>>
"Her ladyship is from a very old family, unlike her husband. Oh she was such a beauty in her youth. You can see it in her cheekbones. They didn’t marry for love of course, but her ancestry and his wealth were a perfect fit."
"And she joins in club activities?"
"Up to a point. She is a voyeur. I don’t recall her even joining any of the orgies, just sitting on the sidelines taking everything in. I do admire her commitment to a singular fetish. From an intellectual perspective I mean."
\<<elseif $temp eq 6>>
"Oh she is such a darling. I’m sort of her godfather, her parents aren’t religious, but she does look after me. I guess this is the closest I will get to having a granddaughter."
"How do you know the Hildegardes?"
"He was a student of mine. Terrible scholar, but a family chateau will pull enough strings to get you a degree. He was a superb rower I recall. Fantastically tight arse from all that time on the water. We kept in touch after he returned to Europe."
"Does she look like her parents?"
"Spitting image of her mother, don’t you think?"
"I wouldn’t know, I haven’t met the Hildegardes."
"Forgive me, an old man forgets details sometimes."
Professor Fairfax is sitting in a comfortable looking armchair, nibbling on a canape and sipping a small glass of sherry.
"Ah, dear $Hname. And this must be $HC10. Do take a seat and tell me how you are getting on. How was Paris?"
You reply that it was most agreeable, without going into the more intimate details.
"What happens in Paris stays in Paris. I know the rules. It was the same in my day."
You chat amiably for a little while, as he enquires about your background, family, and how you came to join the club.
\<<if $temp neq 5>>[[Ask about his past->HC10_Prof][$temp = 5]]
\<<if $temp neq 2>>[[Ask about the club->HC10_Prof][$temp = 2]]
\<<if $temp neq 1>>[[Ask about Megan->HC10_Prof][$temp = 1]]
\<<if $temp neq 3>>[[Ask about Lord Bentley->HC10_Prof][$temp = 3]]
\<<if $temp neq 4>>[[Ask about Lady Bentley->HC10_Prof][$temp = 4]]
\<<if $temp neq 6>>[[Ask about Melissa->HC10_Prof][$temp = 6]]
Or, bid the Professor farewell and continue your evening:<<HC10>><<set $temp10 = 1>>
<img src="Images/HC10/melissasexy.webp" width=600 />
Melissa barely notices you, staring out of the window at the stars.
"Lost in thought, Melissa?"
"Hmm. No, just not very talkative tonight."
"I didn’t see you while hunting this afternoon."
"No, I arrived late. I’d been home visiting my parents for a week"
"That’s on the continent, right?"
"Yes. Switzerland. They are good enough people. A little stuffy. They are more interested in skiing and opera. This isn’t really their scene."
"Probably a good thing. You don’t want your parents around when you are swapping partners or getting your bits out in public."
"Probably not. That could get a little embarrassing. Although the membership shares are transferable - didn’t your friend Matthew inherit his membership?"
"His uncle I think. Must have been a dirty old man."
"A bit like our host for tonight. What is your family like?"
"I’m an orphan. I didn’t know my father. My mother died this winter."
"Oh. I’m sorry."
"Thank you. I’m an only child but I do have a cousin."
"Oh yes, Daisy. She’s the blonde one over there with the enormous…"
"Yes. That’s her."
"Were you two courting? Or was it a lover’s tiff. I heard rumours."
\<<if $daisyengagement gt 0>>"Yes, we’re engaged. "
\<<elseif $nicengagement gt 0>>"No, I’m engaged to Nicola here."
\<<elseif $micengagement gt 0>>"No, I’m engaged to Michaela here."
\<<elseif $Daisyevent gt 0>>"Yes, we are courting. Taking it slowly. "
\<<elseif $Daisyevent lt 0>>"There was a disagreement, yes. But we’re family. We’ll get past it. "
<<HC10>><<set $temp11 = 1>>
<img src="Images/HC10/colonelsmart.webp" width=400 /><img src="Images/HC10/matthewsmart.webp" width=400 />
It is strange to see Matthew bonding with Colonel Wilberforce. In the army they hated each other. I guess since Matthew’s change in fortunes means that the colonel doesn’t look down on him any more.
"You should have seen you today. Your tail wagging and everything. You are such a good pup!" teases Matthew.
"I don’t want to talk about it. I lost a bet, I took it like a man."
"No, I believe you took it like an animal." you interject.
"Not you as well." replies the colonel. <<if $femcheck gt 2>> "Anyhow, you’re not one to criticise, with your attire. I doubt you’ve taken anything like a man for a while now."
"Touche." you reply<</if>>
"So did you enjoy it? Is it a submissive’s life for you now?" asks Matthew.
"Certainly not." says the Colonel.
"What if you lose another bet with Bentley."
"After this weekend I never want to see that upper class fuck again. I’d kill the bastard if I could get away with it. He’ll get what's coming to him, mark my words. Until then, I’ll just drink his cellar dry. Cheers!"
You, Matthew and the colonel drain your glasses in a toast to Lord Bentley getting his comeuppance.
<<HC10>><img src="Images/People/Daisy/Daisyballgown2.webp" width=450 /><img src="Images/HC10/MrsB.webp" width=450 />
<<set $temp12 = 1>>
"And how is the new golden child of the club?" asks Lady Bentley. "No don’t be so shy - I hear you have been making a name for yourself the past few weeks. You two know each other, yes?"
\<<if $daisyengagement gt 0>>"Yes, we’re engaged."
\<<elseif $Daisyevent gt 0>>"Yes, we are courting."
\<<else>>"Yes, Daisy is my cousin."
"I do hope you are enjoying our little gathering. It’s nothing fancy of course, just a few friends from our dear little club, but Arthur and I do like to play our games. The aristocracy has always enjoyed hunting. Arthur loves the thrill of the chase more than me, I just like to watch sometimes. My son and daughter take after him in that respect.
"You have children? I didn’t know. Are they here?"
"Not today. My daughter Beatrice is with her husband. She is with child, we will finally be grandparents. And our son Charles is travelling."
"Congratulations. Family is important. Do they join club events?"
"From time to time. Although like all children they express disdain for the actions of their parents. And who can blame them? Nobody wants to watch their parents rutting. Almost nobody anyhow." The last sentence is an afterthought, said in a tone of regret to nobody in particular.
"And how about you, my dear? Are you enjoying the party?" she asks Daisy.
Daisy gushes like the young woman she is, overcome by the occasion. "It's magnificent. You have a beautiful house, Lady Bentley. And the grounds are so wonderful. I am a bit of a city girl, so I haven't seen its like before.
"Oh." says Lady Bentley, who had obviously mistaken Daisy for somebody else. "And how did you come upon the club, Miss…"
"Ambrose. Daisy Ambrose. I was invited by Sir Walsingham. He’s a business partner of my father’s. He’s a frightfully clever man, a pharmacist."
"Oh, a tradesman. How quaint. Anyhow, I see more guests approaching, please excuse me."
<<HC10>>Dinner is exceptionally formal. The tables are set for six courses.
You are seated opposite <<if $HC10 eq "none">>Matthew<<else>>$HC10<</if>> and next to the pair of you are Melissa and Megan.
The first course is some cured sweetmeats. They taste delicious, until someone points out that they are actually sheep testicles.
This is followed by a cold pea soup.
The fish course follows - trout caught on the Bentley’s Scottish estate apparently,
By now you are losing track of which cutlery to use, but Megan nudges you toward the correct implement with tact and discretion.
The main course is rabbit. The meat is soft and delicious, accompanied by spring greens.
<img src="Images/HC10/bunnydessert.webp" width=600 />
This is followed by desert, which appears to be a concoction of cream, fruit and meringue served off Bunny’s naked body. "I just love being covered in cream." she purrs, as the waiter spoons some strawberries from between her breasts and places them on your plate.
The final course is a savoury one, 'Devils on horseback', also known as prunes wrapped in bacon. Like the previous ones it is delicious.
Walsingham clinks his glass and toasts the hosts.
"An impressive feast. I particularly liked the twist on Eton Mess. Were you at Eton, Lord Bentley?"
"Harrow." he replies, with a touch of resentment.
"Ah yes. I thought I didn’t recall your family name there."
"Did you enjoy the savoury? I do find prunes keep me regular. Reminds me of my Cambridge days. Are you looking forward to our May week celebrations next Saturday Edward?"
"I certainly am. I was of course there a lot more recently than you were. May week was in May when you were there I believe."
"Travesty moving it."
"They did find that all that drinking interfered with the examinations. Some of us studied and passed our degrees you know."
"The only thing I needed to pass was the port. Some of us have the breeding to pass port to the left, not just grab the bottle."
Megan shakes her head at the pair trading insults, and picks a silver box from in front of her. "Snuff?"
"I beg your pardon."
"Snuff. Powdered tobacco. They pass it around at the end of the meal with the port. They have two types, for gentlemen and ladies. The ladies’ is more perfumed. Try some."
You take the offered pinch and snort it up your nostril as Megan did, finding it tingles and makes you want to sneeze.
"It is an acquired vice. But like the best vices quite stimulating."
You note that Melissa is studiously ignoring Megan, and on thinking about it hasn’t said a word to her all evening.
"Did you enjoy dinner, Melissa?" you ask, trying to engage her in conversation.
"It was most agreeable, although I prefer red meat to white. Doesn’t everyone?" she sips at the blood-red port which matches her scarlet dress.
Megan sips her port silently, her eyes flitting between you and Melissa, a hint of a smile on her face.
Bentley taps the side of a glass to call the room to attention.
"Friends, Romans, countrymen, lend me your arses"
There is a groan around the room. Lady Bentley shakes her head in desperation.
"Tonight, for those who wish to participate, we have a little game
Ladies. Take one of these red tokens and write your name on it and place it in this glass. Gentlemen, do the same with these blue ones and place it in my top hat here. And then we shall pair you up. Our couples can pick a room - we do have at least eighteen guest rooms here at last count, and what they do the rest of the evening is up to them.
"The last time you did this it was rigged."
"Oh, but you did so beautifully take the Prince’s cock, Megan. And this time there are no tricks, the lady must just pick from the hat.
<<if $HC10 eq "Daisy" and $Daisydomevent gt 0>>
"Take a red token, my princess. And I will take one too. You must follow the instructions of whoever you are picked with, and I expect all the juicy details when I see you again. Oh, this is such fun." She takes a red token and hands you one.
[[Write your name on a red token|HC10_end2][$temp =1]]
<<elseif $HC10 eq "Nicola">>
\<<if $femcheck gt 2>> [[Write your name on a red token|HC10_end_nic][$temp =1]]<<else>>You are not feminine enough to take a red token.<</if>>
[[Write your name on a blue token|HC10_end_nic][$temp =2]]
[[Decline to take part and sit back|HC10_end_nic][$temp =3]]
\<<if $femcheck gt 2>> [[Write your name on a red token|HC10_end2][$temp =1]]<<else>>You are not feminine enough to take a red token.<</if>>
[[Write your name on a blue token|HC10_end2][$temp =2]]
[[Decline taking part, sit back and observe|HC10_end2][$temp =3]]
<</if>><<if $temp eq 3 and ($HC10 eq "Daisy" or $HC10 eq "Michaela")>>"I only have eyes for you tonight my sweet. She smiles and squeezes your hand.<</if>>
<<if $HC10 eq "Daisy" and $Daisydomevent lt 1 and $temp neq 3>>Daisy looks nervously at you. "I’m still yours, my love. This will just be a bit of fun, I won't go all the way." she kisses you on the cheek before writing her name on a token and putting it in the hat.
\<<elseif $HC10 eq "Daisy" and Flag("cuckold")>>Daisy smiles. "I wonder who will fuck me tonight. Just think about their cock going into me, I know that makes you wet my sweet."
\<<elseif $HC10 eq "Michaela">>Michaela shakes her head. "I don’t mind what you do, but I like to choose who I spend my nights with." she says firmly, remaining in her seat and not taking a token.
\<<elseif $HC10 eq "Nicola" and $temp1 gt 0>>Nicola reluctantly takes a red token and writes her name on it in her elegant handwriting, dropping it into the hat with a forlorn look.
You see others placing tokens. Red tokens for Megan, Bunny, Mimi<<if $HC10 neq "Daisy" or $temp neq 3>>, Daisy<</if>> and Lady Bentley as well as a few you do not recognise. Blue tokens are taken by many including Colonel Wilberforce, Walsingham, Bishop Greene, Antioch, Matthew and of course Lord Bentley. There are more male members than women and many of the red tokens are taken by their guests, some of whom have the appearance of professional courtesans.
A few are noticeable by not partaking. Melissa watches eagle eyed with a hint of a smile on her face.
With a leering grin on his face, Bentley takes a red token from the glass and reads the name. "Bunny".
"Yay!" calls the deep American accent, her hand reaching into the hat for a blue token. "Who do I get to fuck?" She peers at the name. "No, this isn’t green, it’s definitely blue."
"Greene would be me." says the bishop, taking her by the hand.
The black queen stands up elegantly and takes a chip from the hat. "Edward. It looks like we will get an opportunity to continue our conversation from earlier." Walsingham rises, kisses her hand, and the pair depart."
The Japanese girl looks anxious, before Antioch reassures her. She draws a token and nervously says "Bentley."
"Take care of her, my Lord." says Antioch. "I expect her back intact."
"Why naturally." replies Bentley, a tone of disappointment in his voice.
<<if $temp neq 1 and ($temp neq 3 or $HC10 neq "Daisy")>>
Your cousin Daisy stands up excitedly and takes a blue token. "Matthew." she says, with a note of excitement in her voice. Your friend gives you an ear to ear grin as he leads her away. <<set $temp19 = 1>>
<<if $temp eq 1 and ($temp neq 3 or $HC10 neq "Daisy")>>
Your cousin Daisy stands up excitedly and takes a blue token. "Colonel Wilberforce." she says, with a note of excitement in her voice. The gallant young officer takes her hand with a predatory look and they walk off. <<set $temp19 = 2>>
<<if $temp1 gt 0>>"Nicola"
Your partner stands up nervously and takes a blue token. "Antioch."
The good doctor takes her hand and leads her up the staircase, giving you a reassuring wink as he does so. You think she will be in good hands. <<set $temp18 = 3>>
<<if $temp eq 1>>[[Draw Your Token|HC1-_end2_1]]
\<<elseif $temp eq 2>>[[Keep waiting|HC1-_end2_2]]
<<elseif $temp1 eq 2>>You follow Nicola and Antioch discreetly, watching as they enter a bedroom and opening the door behind. Antioch gives you a nod and indicates a chair on the side where you can practise your voyeurism. He stands in front of Nicola and speaks to her reassuringly.
"What is your safeword, my sweet?"
"Cinnamon." she replies, demurely.
"Very well. Strip for me."
You watch as Nicola takes her clothing off, standing in front of Antioch with one hand covering her breasts as if ashamed of her nakedness.
<img src="Images/People/Nic/nicshy.webp" width=600 />
"Have you ever been tied up before?"
She nods.
"Not like this you haven’t. Now give me your hand."
You watch as he goes to work like a true artist, wrapping Nicola in fine silken rope until it covers her like a spiderweb, before stepping back to admire his handiwork. Nicola wriggles but is unable to move.
<img src="Images/People/Nic/nicshibari2.webp" width=600 />
Antioch closes her eyes, before removing a fine metal pinwheel from a case. He runs the sharp steel over her sensitive parts, starting on the soles of her feet, before running up her calves and her thighs. Deprived of movement and sight, she twitches with the sensations, and you recognise her moans as she enters her deep submissive space where she hovers close to orgasm.
At this point you would barely be able to avoid fucking her, with her beautiful body quivering and dripping with arousal, but Antioch remains fully clothed, teasing her with the pinwheel as he moves it across her bound breasts and nipples.
"May I cum, master?" she begs.
It seems odd for her to call another man master, yet you know that in her state of arousal she is acting from instinct.
"Soon. soon." he says soothingly
He moves the wheel down between her legs, and expertly teases the soft skin of her thighs, pulling gently at the ropes to massage her labia beneath. He pulls on a single latex glove, lubricates it with oil and thrusts it deep inside her, rubbing at her cunt and clit vigorously.
"Cum for me now, Nicola, and keep cumming."
<img src="Images/People/Nic/nicshibari4.webp" width=600 />
He rubs for three minutes without stopping, and she squirts and writhes on the bed, crying out in pain and ecstasy, cumming at least thrice until spent she whimpers. "Cinnamon. Cinnamon. Cin…"
He stops and steps back, carefully untying her bonds and massaging to ensure there is proper blood flow.
"She’s all yours, $Hname" before putting his tools back in his bag and departing with a smile.
[[Return to your room->HC10_end3]]
\<<elseif $temp eq 3>>Eventually all the tokens are drawn. Most of the guests have now departed in their pairings, and a few sounds of sex can be heard echoing down the corridors. You bid the rest of the guests goodnight, and [[retire to your rooms|HC10_end3]]
<</if>><<if $datingmatt gt 0>>Matthew snores next to you on the bed, and you lie awake, thinking what the future might bring. <<if $HC10 neq "none" and $HC10 neq "Matthew">>You wonder what $HC10 will think of your absence. You should probably explain it at breakfast.<</if>>
[[Fall asleep next to Matthew->HC10_end4]]
\<<elseif $HC10 eq "Michaela" or $HC10 eq "Nicola" or $HC10 eq "Daisy">>As soon as you and $HC10 are alone, she pulls you into a deep embrace. "Oh, my darling, it is good to be alone with you at last.
<<if $temp eq 1>>How was your reunion with Matthew? Did you fuck?"
You shake your head.
<<if $temp3 eq 1>> "I might have sucked his cock a little. Is that bad?" She shakes her head. "Sometimes a girl needs a little cock." she says suggestively, putting your hand to her breast.
\<<elseif $temp3 eq 2>>"We just kissed and cuddled. It was nice but I don’t think I’m ready for sex with a man yet.
\<<elseif $temp2 lt 2>>"Not great. I don’t think he fancies me."
"I can have you all to myself then." she says, looking deep into your eyes. <</if>>
\<<elseif $temp eq 2>>Did you fuck the old witch? Was her pussy wrinkled like a prune?"
"She was remarkably well presented for her years. It was… odd, and she dismissed me at the end like a common servant. I don’t think I will ever understand the nobility."
\<<else>>I am glad that you did not choose to be with any of the others. I know that is expected at the Hellfire club, and sometimes that is fine, but it makes me so happy to know that you choose me. I love you, $Hname. <<love $HC10 3>><</if>>
\<<if $temp19 neq 0 and $HC10 eq "Daisy">><<if $temp19 eq 2>>"And how was your evening? Did it meet your expectations?"
She looks a little disappointed. "He was adequate. A selfish lover unfortunately, though quite well endowed. Didn’t even think of going down on me, but had plenty of stamina and a big enough cock so it wasn’t all bad. Can you smell him on me?"
\<<elseif $temp19 eq 1>>"And how was your evening? Did it meet your expectations?"
She looks a little disappointed. "He was a delightful lover, and so big. He licked me almost as well as you do. Can you smell him on me?"<</if>>
"You nod, noting the musky smell of sweat on her."
"Does that make you jealous."
"A little. It makes me want you more."
"Good. And I want you. Now. Who would have thought that fucking other people would bring us together." <</if>>
\<<if $HC10 eq "Nicola" and $temp18 eq 3>>"And how was the good Doctor? I trust that his treatment was therapeutic."
"She looks you deep in your eyes. I was like putty in the hands of a sculptor. If you are able to learn any techniques from him I would be most appreciative. She bites her lips suggestively."<</if>>
\You lean down and kiss her, tearing each others’ clothes off so you stand naked before each other<<StripAll>> before looking around the room. It appears ordinary, though ornate, apart from a rope contraption hanging above the bed.
"What is that?"
"Some sort of a swing?" she replies, stripping off and testing the ropes. "They seem secure. Maybe we’re supposed to hang from them and screw."
You look at each other then back at the swing.
"What kind of place is this? A mansion with a sex swing!"
"It would be rude not to test it out."
"I can think of several rude ways we could test it out." she says suggestively, swinging back and forward.
\<<if $HC10 eq "Nicola">> <img src="Images/People/Nic/nicsexswing.webp" width=600 />
The swing has several thick leather straps attached to it that make a crude harness. You tie these around her body and thighs, securing her to the swing. To one side is a blindfold that you wrap around her eyes, before giving her a little push and watching her naked bound form swinging back and forth. "I’m at your mercy, $nicdomname, she whispers heavily, relishing the sensation."
<<if $penis neq "tiny" and $chastity neq 1>>You clamber onto the swing next to her, slipping your already rock hard cock into her and holding onto her restraints. The ropes creak, but hold your weight securely, and you start rocking back and forth. The gentle motion pushes your genitals together and apart without the need for thrusting, and you focus your attention on squeezing and biting her nipples, flicking her clit with your fingernail, and whisperiing into her ear.
"You’re my fuckswing, a piece of meat hanging from a hook for my cock to cum in."
She licks her lips at the words, squeezing you with her pussy, and increasing the amplitude of the swing by pulling on the ropes like at the playground. "Cum in your fuckswing, $nicdomname". At the top of every oscillation your cock is forced deep into her with a gasp from each of you, and relieved only when you have finished the next ascent and start moving backwards. In, out, in out, but with a delightfully unusual cadence.
You moan and gasp as you spurt deep globs of semen inside her, and fall backwards onto the bed, watching her tied form swinging above you dripping cum out of her red fucked pussy.
<<else>>Unable to fuck her due to the state of your cock, you use a spare strap as a whip and make her move uncontrollably, swinging so that her whole body is exposed. You do not strike hard, but ensure that no part of her apart from arms and head is left untouched, slapping the soles of her feet, her nipples, pussy, ass and stomach. For half an hour you slap at her until sobbing she begs her safeword at you "Cinnamon. Mercy $nicdomname, cinnamon."
Although you are enjoying yourself, you know that rules of the club, and of your relationship, necessitates stopping when a safeword is invoked. You stop the whipping and start touching her tenderly, stroking and kissing all the areas you were previously hurting, rubbing soothing lotion into and sliding your fingers into her. One, Two, three, four. She is slick and wet and even your thumb slides into her with ease as she rocks back and forwards on your fist. "Please may I cum?" she begs, quivering and trembling.
"Soon." you keep rocking her with gentle motions, until she is gasping and crying out, before granting her release. "Cum for me now my pet." you command, and with a shudder she climaxes, squirting hot wet fluid all over your hand and the bed. <</if>>
<img src="Images/People/Nic/nicsexswingcum.webp" width=600 />
You leave her there for a further 5 minutes, not saying a word as hangs there uncomfortably, before letting her down, untying her and holding her gently.
"Thank you $nicdomname, she says, kissing you.
[[Sleep snuggled with Nicola in the bed->HC10_end4]]
[[Use the straps to tie her up at the foot of the bed and sleep alone->HC10_end4]]
\<<elseif $HC10 eq "Michaela">>
Examining the contraption it appears that you can tie Michaela and suspend her a few feet above the ground, her weight secured by a thick leather belt and ropes around her wrists. You do this, and give her a gentle push, as she floats delightfully above you, her chastity clad cock wobbling with the vibrations. "This is fun!" she calls with a girlish laugh, then tries to move and finds she is at your mercy.
<img src="Images/People/Mic/micsuspendedfuck.webp" width=600 />
<<if $penis neq "tiny" and $chastity neq 1>>You stand next to her and slip your hard cock between her ass cheeks. "I can fuck your ass from here and you can’t do anything about it."
You adjust the angle until you can take her deeply, and she gasps as with one hand you grip her breasts, and with another squeeze her chastity clad cock, stroking the balls gently.
"Oh, I don’t think you’ve ever been this deep. I feel so full." she gasps as you feel the tightness of her prostate pushing down on your cock. With the rocking motion you are able to take her with less effort than usual and her body is less tense than your previous lovemaking. You see a dribble of liquid coming out of her cage, and pouring on the floor as she cums, gasping your name in tie with the rocking of the ropes as her ass muscles spasm uncontrollably. This brings on your own orgasm and you spurt deep into her ass, beforee falling spent on the bed.
<img src="Images/People/Mic/micsuspendedcum2.jpg" width=600 />
As you lie there you see Michaela suspended, cum dripping from her cock and ass. "Let me down!" she calls, but you just push her and laugh as she flails impotently, enjoying the evening for a few last minutes before you let her down and cuddle.
You push and kiss her as she swings close to you, teasing her asshole, nipples and mouth with every motion, before clambering onto the ropes yourself and swinging with her. With a creak, the supports holding the ropes give way and the pair of you fall laughing onto the bed below, enjoying the feel of your bodies as you lie next to eack other.
"I wish I had a pussy." Michaela whispers in your ear as you lie together afterward. "I love the feeling of you in my ass, but I know I’m not a real girl."
"You are the only girl I want." you whisper, spooning up to her in the darkness.
[[Sleep snuggled with Michaela in the bed->HC10_end4]]
\<<elseif $HC10 eq "Daisy">>
<img src="Images/People/Daisy/Daisysexswing.webp" width=600 />
<<if $chastity eq 1>>"I think we might need that off for tonight" she observes, taking a key from around her neck and unlocking your chastity belt. <<chastity 0>><</if>>
<<if $penis eq "tiny">>She strokes your tiny girlcock, holding it between two of her fingers. "It’s so very cute, but I think I want something bigger tonight. Can you put this on?" she takes a strap on dildo from her bag and affixes it around your waist.<</if>>
<<if $Daisydomevent gt 0>>"I think you should sit here, $subname." she gestures at the seat of the swing and you place yourself there, your
<<if $penis eq "tiny">>strap on <<else>>cock<</if>> sticking out toward her. She takes one of the leather cords and binds your arm to one of the ropes, then the other on the other side, before tying your thighs to the seat with two further cords. Fully restrained you sit there, as she puts a hand to your groin and pushes you back and forth. "I used to push my dolly on the swings at the park. She didn’t have a cock though. And I couldn’t do this. She slowly mounts you, gasping as she does so.
\<<else>>Daisy gestures for you to sit on the chair, and she snuggles in front of you, her soft breasts against your chest and moist slit resting against your groin. She pushes off gently, and the rocking motion of the swing eases you into her wet pussy half an inch at a time. <</if>>
The two of you pull on the ropes as you swing back and forth, easily getting into the rhythm of the device, and each time it reaches the top of its ascent and changes direction the shaft pushes deeper into Daisy’s pussy, causing her to gasp. She pushes her mouth towards yours, opening your lips and pushing her tongue inside. "One day I shall be lady of a fine house like this, and if you are lucky you can fuck me every night."
The two of you swing yourselves to climax,
<img src="Images/People/Daisy/Daisucreampiesexswing.webp" width=600 />
Afterward, spent, you collapse on the bed, as Daisy continues to swing above you
\ <<if $penis neq "tiny">> <<cum>>oblivious to your sperm dripping out of her wet slit. <</if>>
Afterwards you snuggle on the bed.
<<if $Daisydomevent gt 0>>"I don’t think you should be in the same bed as your mistress, $subname. Not always anyhow. Why don’t you curl up down there instead." She gestures to a rug at the foot of the bed, and after throwing you a sheet she sprawls alone in the huge soft bed as you lie on the hard floor.
[[Uncomfortably get to sleep->HC10_end4]]
<<else>>"I couldn’t be happier" says Daisy, lying in your arms afterwards. As much sex as we both want, with trust and honesty between us. Do you think things will be like this forever?" Outside a cloud covers the moon, shrouding the room in darkness and you feel an ominous chill, but it soon passes as you and Daisy snuggle under the blankets.
[[Fall asleep in your lover’s arms->HC10_end4]]
<<else>> You lie down in your bed alone, reflecting on the choices that led you to end up this way. Do you wish to remain a playboy bachelor for the near future. If so, there are worse clubs to be a member than the Hellfire club, with a steady stream of beauties of both sexes available. But you do think you might be missing out by not committing. Still, there are many girls in the club, and you are still young.
\<<if $Megandomevent gt 0>>You think of your Mistress, Megan, and miss being next to her serving her whims. Could that be something permanent? The crazy fantasy of marrying her, serving her for all your days passes through your head, and though it fills you with bliss, you realise it is probably nothing more than a pipe dream. <</if>>
[[Fall asleep alone->HC10_end4]]
<</if>><<if $temp3 eq 1>>
\<<if $wig eq "black bob wig" or $wig eq "long black wig">>
<img src="Images/HC10/fellatioblackbob2.webp" width=600 />
\<<elseif $wig eq "long red wig"or $wig eq "long brown wig">>
<img src="Images/HC10/brunettedeepthroatnude.webp" width=600 />
<img src="Images/HC10/fellatioblonde.jpg" width=600 />
"Time to taste the Matterhorn." you smile, kneeling down and putting your lips to his large cock. He grins as you take him slowly in your mouth, enjoying the salty taste of his precum as you roll your tongue around his glans. You know from your own experience how it feels, and you tease him with your tongue, ensuring you coat it in plenty of spit as your fingers gently stroke his balls and keep pressure on the base. "I want you to cum in my mouth," you whisper as you suck with increasing pressure, feeling his excitement growing before a spurt of hot fluid hits your tonsils. You fight the urge to spit it out, and gulp it down, ignoring the unfamiliar taste of his semen and keeping eye contact with him as you lick his shaft clean.
"Have you been practising? I never took you for an expert cocksucker, $playersurname."
"I am full of surprises" you reply, kissing him deeply, sharing the taste of his cum with him.
"I would reciprocate, but sucking cock isn’t really my thing."
"I know." you say. "Let’s take this one step at a time."<</if>>
You snuggle on the bed, putting one of his hands on your breast and another on your panty clad ass as you kiss and caress each other lazily.
Afterwards, as you lie in bed together. Matthew lights a cigarette and offers you one. He takes a deep drag then asks:
"Does this mean we are courting, or is this a one time thing?"
This is not like Matthew. He usually has a few girls on the go at any one time, none of them serious. You don’t believe he has ever seriously courted anyone, except when wearing down those who are playing hard to get.
<<link [["Let us keep this casual. Tonight was fun, and perhaps we might do it again, but I don’t want anything serious" before heading back to your room|HC10_end3]]>><<WearAll>><</link>>
[["I think I would like that." You snuggle next to him in the bed|HC10_end3][$datingmatt = 1]]\<<dressinggown>>Pulling on a borrowed dressing gown and staggering out of your room to answer the call of nature a little after midnight, you hear raised voices as you look for the bathroom in the dark.
"You know you want to. You’ll barely feel a thing."
"That, my lord, is because your cock is old and withered. I’d rather shove a prune up my arse."
"You have quite a mouth on you. Maybe you should put it to use down here. You wouldn’t want to displease your host would you." That voice is definitely Lord Bentley. The girl’s voice is familiar too.
"No. I am going to bed. Alone."
You hear scuffling, and walk ahead to get a closer look. As you turn the corner you see Bentley with his trousers around his ankles grabbing Melissa by the throat.
"отвали!" she snarls with a rage you hadn’t heard before. She pushes and must have caught him off balance as he is knocked across the corridor with some force. He scuttles away, leaving you alone with Melissa.
<img src="Images/HC10/melissanight2.webp" width=600 />
"Are you alright?" You ask Melissa
"Fine, thanks for checking on me. I can handle myself, but that is sweet of you." She walks past you, giving you a peck on the cheek. "Maybe I knocked some sense into the old sodomite." Behind you hear Bentley retiring to his rooms.
You make a note not to anger Melissa in future. She must exercise regularly given the strength of her push.
[[Finish in the bathroom then return to your room|HC10_end5]]
[[Ask Melissa if she wants any company|HC10_end4a]]<<day>> <<set $energy = 10>><<set $time = "Afternoon">>
At breakfast the next morning, the atmosphere is more subdued than the night before. Some couples from yesterday arrive together, some singly, but there is a general impression that for most this was a one off, a moment shared and not to be spoken of.
<<if $Melissasex eq 1>> You feel a pain in your neck as your clothing rubs against your body. You dress quickly and try to cover up your bruises, ashamed in the light of morning of your actions of the night before.
\<<if $HC10 eq "Daisy" or $HC10 eq "Nicola" or $HC10 eq "Michaela">> "You’ve cut yourself my love." says $HC10, running a finger down your neck. "You should take more care of yourself." <</if>>You spot Melissa entering the breakfast chamber and she gives you a knowing smile, stroking the red silk scarf tied around her neck.<</if>>
Lord and Lady Bentley bid you farewell after breakfast, speaking to each of their guests in turn and checking that you enjoyed your stay, apparently perfect hosts despite the strangeness of yesterday’s activities.
You board a carriage back to the station and from there back to Charing Cross just as the clock strikes noon. You realise you have missed Sunday service, but given the partner swapping going on last night, you think that hearing the Bishop speaking on the sinfulness of coveting your neighbour’s ass may be a little too close to home.
<<SetFlag "event" false>>
[[Continue with your day|London]]<img src="Images/HC10/melissanight2.webp" width=600 />
"You look a little pale. Do you need accompanying back to your room?" you ask innocently.
"Why thank you kind stranger." she says, a playful lilt in her voice.
As you arrive at her room’s door, you look at her meaningfully.
<<if $chastity gt 0>>She puts one hand between your legs and squeezes on your metal cage. "I do not think you are in any fit state to accompany me any further. A shame. Sweet dreams, my gallant knight in shining armour." She gives you a peck on the cheek and closes the door behind her.
<<elseif $penis eq "tiny">>She puts one hand between your legs and squeezes on your tiny cock. "I do not think this is what I am in need of tonight. A shame. Sweet dreams, little princess." She gives you a peck on the cheek and closes the door behind her.
<<if $daisyengagement gt 0 or $micengagement gt 0 or $nicengagement gt 0 or $datingmatt gt 0>>"I do believe you are pledged to another. Still, we all have needs, and if they were satisfying yours you would not have propositioned me."<</if>>
"Would you like to come in for a nightcap?" she asks suggestively.
You nod, and she pours you a glass of vodka along with one for herself, handing it to you.
You clink glasses and sip down the strong liquor.
"Vodka’s Russian. I thought your parents were Swiss."
"They were, but my governess was Russian, as were several of my friends at finishing school. I picked up some bad habits, like swearing, drinking and fucking."
"Fucking isn’t a bad habit." You move closer.
"It depends on who you do it with." she whispers, untying your robe which drops to the floor and taking your cock in her hand. It stiffens immediately as you feel it engorging with blood. <<set $outfit eq "none">>
<img src="Images/HC10/melissakiss2.jpg" width=600 />
She leans in to kiss you, after a while gliding past your mouth and nuzzling your neck.
"Did you know it takes less than a quarter of a pint of blood to make a man’s cock firm?" she whispers, putting your hand between her legs. But it happens so quickly, as it has some of the biggest arteries in the body." She nips the skin of your neck painfully, leaving a love bite there before kneeling down and running her tongue down the blood vessels of your hard cock. You feel very vulnerable all of a sudden, as she takes the tip of your cock between her teeth, but this fear only heightens the sensation as she gently fellates you while cupping your balls. Unlike most girls you have been with she keeps her teeth in gentle contact with your shaft, and you can feel them moving up and down.
She pulls out momentarily and licks her lips. "Such trust. Putting your manhood into the mouth of a girl you barely know. One bite and I’d be covered in pints of your blood." She nibbles her teeth against your cock and you almost think she will carry out her threat.
"I guess I will have to settle for your cum. "I hope you have some left for me."
She almost sounds disappointed, before kneeling back down and thrusting your cock to the back of her throat. She is energetic and before long you cum deep into her throat. She licks her lips. "Now it is my turn. I want you to hurt me. Scratch my back. Bite my neck. Fuck me hard. Can you do that?"
You nod. "If you are sure."
"I would not have asked if I had not. I don’t want you to strike me, but to ravish me, like a beast devouring its prey."
You move closer to her and put your hands on her shoulders. She responds by clawing at your back with her fingernails and putting her teeth to your neck, giving you a deep lovebite. Aroused, you respond, squeezing her throat with one hand and scratching at her back with your other, until you have both drawn blood in several places.
<img src="Images/HC10/melissabloody2.webp" width=600 />
She moans, clambering on top of you and slipping you into her hot wet cunt. "Fuck me." she demands, digging her nails into the muscles of your chest. As you thrust into her you put her nipple in your mouth and bite down hard. She screams in ecstasy, quivering and clamping down on your cock with her pussy muscles. "Harder." she demands. You see your blood on her fingernails as she continues to scratch at your chest and back, and you bite her shoulder deeply, breaking the skin. "Yes, yes, yes."
You taste her blood on your lips as she rides you to climax, pulling out as you cum all over her breasts and face.
<img src="Images/HC10/melissacumbloody2.webp" width=600 />
"Thank you. You may return to your room now." She has a cold look in her eyes a world away from the animal passion of a few minutes ago. The dismissal is abrupt, and you feel used and a little sore.
<<set $Melissasex +=1>>
[[Return to your room|HC10_end5]]<<SetFlag "event">>
You arrive at the convent, a brass plaque on the door states:
<b>Chelsea Cloisters
Bringing young ladies closer to the Lord. </b>
You ring the large brass bell and hear it echo beyond the heavy wooden door.
<img src="Images/HC10/sistermary.webp" width=600 />
A blonde nun in her late twenties opens a viewing hatch and looks through. "Yes?" she asks, quizzically.
[[Ask to speak to Nicola|nic_convent1_1][$temp = 1]]
[[Ask to speak to the Mother Superior|nic_convent1_4][$temp = 2]]
[[Ask for a tour|nic_convent1_2][$temp = 3]]
[[Leave|YourRoom]]<<michaela_date 2>><<SetFlag "event">><img src="Images/People/Mic/Micpark2.webp" width=600 />
You wait in the park at the time you agreed with Michaela. It is slightly overcast, and ten minutes past the agreed time when you see her walking slowly toward you. She is wearing a bonnet, carrying a parasol, and a tight dress with high heels, and moving painstakingly slowly.
"I’m sorry, darling. I got this new dress and shoes, but hadn’t tried walking in them before."
"You look radiant."
The pair of you sit on a bench while Michaela rests her feet, throwing scraps of bread at the ducks on the pond and holding hands in the sunshine, while catching up on your experiences since you last saw each other.
"Oh." she says, suddenly, sounding apprehensive.
"What is it?"
"Enoch Hand. A boy, well a man now, from school. Not quite a friend, more of a rival. Nasty bit of work. He’s walking this way."
"What of it? Are you afraid?"
"I’m scared he’ll recognise me and say something. About my appearance I mean."
"You’re gorgeous. Maybe he’ll just flirt with you. He probably won’t recognise you."
"No, he’s a friend of my family. He might say something." Her hand trembles in yours.
You only have a few seconds to act.
[[Lean in and kiss Michaela|Michaela_date1_2][$temp = 1]]
[[Sharply turn and walk away him|Michaela_date1_2][$temp = 2]]
[[Do nothing|Michaela_date1_2][$temp = 3]]<<michaela_date 3>><<SetFlag "event">><img src="Images/People/Mic/Micrestaurant1.webp" width=600 />
For your next date, you choose a less public venue, dinner in a quiet restaurant, <i>Rule's</i> in Covent Garden. The waiter shows you to your table, and leaves you alone a few minutes with the menu.
"It’s funny. We spend so long in the club that even fancy places like this don’t seem so grand any more. Yet I can count on one hand the number of times I’ve eaten in a proper restaurant."
"I hope this one is memorable. The oysters here are supposed to be superb."
"Oysters. They’re supposed to be an aphrodisiac, aren’t they? Are you trying to get me in the mood for something?"
You don’t reply, merely lifting your eyebrow suggestively, before ordering oysters for two.
You talk about your upbringings, describing how you were a studious only child, with a happy though quiet adolescence, ending when not being wealthy enough to go to University, you joined the army instead. She describes growing up with her twin brother, inseparable and emulating him in everything, though not really fitting in.
"I even tried boxing, I was terrible at it. Thankfully at the club it was mainly service rather than security I had to do. I hate to think what I would have done if I had to fight anyone."
She asks about your previous romances before the club.
[[Tell her about Nicola|Michaela_date2_2][$temp = 1]]
[[Lie and say you had lots of experience|Michaela_date2_2][$temp = 2]]
[[Lie and say you had no romances beforehand|Michaela_date2_2][$temp = 3]]<<if $nic_event eq 6>><<set $nic_event = 7>><</if>><<set $nicolaatoday =1>><<SetFlag "event">><<wait>>You have been sitting in the restaurant for ten minutes when Nicola arrives, looking round cautiously then beaming as she sees your face.
"Mademoiselle." says the waiter as he pulls out her chair and she sits down.
As usual she is wearing black, with evening gloves and a wicked smile.
"And why are you so happy this evening?"
"Because this is a hundred times better than the bread and gruel they are serving at the convent tonight."
"How do you know? You haven’t ordered yet. Maybe I requested bread and gruel for you. I am your $nicdomname. Perhaps I could eat the finest rare steak and most expensive wines, and you could sit chained to the floor and eat from a bowl like an animal."
You see her consider the scenario, and note a tiny nibble on her bottom lip. By now you recognise this as her tell, her sign of arousal. Both of you know you would not do that in public, not here in a London restaurant. But at the club, or at home, you think that might appeal. But she does not know your plan for tonight.
You order soup, followed by Venison, and a pavlova of raspberries and cream.
As the soup arrives, Nicola looks about and see she has no spoon. She is about to call out, when you shake your head. "I will feed you tonight. Put your hands beneath the table." She is about to say something, then nods and does so.
"Yes $nicdomname."
Before she arrived you slipped a couple of coins to the waiter and explained that your date had a mild case of palsy and was unable to use cutlery, but did not want to be embarrassed so you would feed her. He understood and placed you in a corner booth facing away from other diners. But you do not explain this to Nicola, just patiently lift the spoon to her mouth like feeding a baby, as she gazes into your eyes helplessly and sups the delicious Vermicelli soup. You take care to feed her first before tucking into your own soup, which is still warm enough, and then wipe a piece of bread around the inside of her bowl and tear off small pieces which you lift to her deep black lips. She licks her lips, panting.
<img src="Images/People/Nic/nicrestaurant.webp" width=600 />
The main course is Venison in a red wine sauce, with creamed potato. The venison seems to have been cooked all day and is soft as butter. You slice a thin slice and place it between her lips.
"This is agony. I am not a baby."
"I could ask them to bring you a bottle of milk."
She relents and chews the delicious meat.
"And how has your week been?"
"The usual. Poverty, chastity and obedience. Scripture. Some work in the laundry. Communal showers with the other sisters, you’d like that bit."
"No chance of corrupting your sisterhood then?"
"I think not. You’d need to put something in the water to loosen them up.
Hmm. There’s a thought.
"And Mother Superior is a stuck up old prude. "
The waiter clears away your main course after you finish.
"Touch yourself. I want to see you cum before the waiter brings dessert."
You see her arms moving beneath the tablecloth, and her small breasts moving up and down as she fingers herself beneath the table. You part her legs with your feet and rest a knee against hers, feeling it quiver as she gets closer and closer to climax, before she lets out a little whine.
<img src="Images/People/Nic/nicrestaurantwanking.webp" width=600 />
"Is your dining companion alright?" asks the waiter as he places a bowl of pavlova in front of an embarrassed Nicola.
"She is fine. A little indigestion is all."
He refills your wine glasses and leaves.
"You could have warned me he was coming."
"I thought it was you who was cumming." you retort, cheekily.
<<if $chastity eq 0 and $penis neq "tiny">> You take her bowl and lower it beneath the tablecloth.
"What are you doing?
"It didn’t look as if there was enough cream there." You are rock hard after watching her masturbate and it does not take long for you to do likewise, depositing your semen on top of her raspberry pavlova.
<<else>>You slip your spoon under the table and run it between her thighs, moistening it with the ejaculated juices from her recent adventure. Nicola is a squirter, and quite messy when aroused. You lift the spoon up carefully and dribble the juices across her dessert,
"You expect me to eat that?"
"It will add to the flavour." You break the meringue with your spoon, taking some fruit and cream as well as your special ingredient, and lift it to her face.
"Close your eyes and open your mouth."
"Just as long as you don’t put your cock in there."
"Later, if you are lucky." you joke.
You slip the spoon inside and she licks it clean, following it with another until the bowl is empty.
"I think I have a new favourite pavlova flavour." she smiles.
You finish the meal with coffee, and then walk home arm in arm, after tipping the waiter for his attentive service.
[[Return Home|YourRoom]]<<if $nic_event eq 5>><<set $nic_event = 6>><</if>>
\<<set $nicolaatoday =1>><<SetFlag "event">>
\<img src="Images/People/Nic/nicparkdate1.webp" width=600 />
You meet Nicola in Hyde Park as planned, seeing her approach cautiously, wearing a black lace dress.
"Hello." she says nervously, as you take her arm.
"Still wearing black? Are you in mourning?"
"Perhaps. For my family. For my old self."
"How do you mean."
"I was an ordinary middle class girl when we were courting the first time, destined for an ordinary life. Not quite rich enough to be a debutante, I was still happy. I wanted marriage, children, or thought I did."
"I remember. Did you not? Do you not?"
"Patience my love. It is hard enough to put myself in the head of that girl. She knew she was a sinner, had thoughts that she locked away. Occasionally they leaked out and I was punished for them?"
"Punished? By whom?"
"My father. I thought he was a good man, but he was strict, and struck out at that he did not agree with. He tried to beat the wickedness out of me, and when he did not succeed he locked me away in the convent."
"You weren't a prisoner. You could leave."
"Leave where? Before I met you I had nowhere to go. My family had disowned me, the church was the second chance. If I left there I would end up on the street. And much as I like sex, I don't think I would make a good whore."
"I don't know. You are very good at it."
She raises an eyebrow, composing herself and regaining some dignity.
"Which brings me to our current situation, and a forking of the path. On the surface we will wed and I will be redeemed. Perhaps my family will even forgive me. And in private you accept, encourage, inflame my perversions."
"They aren't perversions."
"There is a whole chapter of the bible about me. Sodom and Gomorrah. Do you not know that the unrighteous will not inherit the kingdom of God? Do not be decieved. Neither fornicators, nor idolaters, nor adulterers, nor homosexuals, nor sodomites. Not to mention whipping, gags, butt plugs, shibari, orgies, sex clubs, and dreaming of being blindfolded, bound, teased, brought to the edge of orgasm, then given half a dozen climaxes and left in a quivering heap covered in your cum."
"Till death us do part."
"Amen, $nicdomname" she smiles at you.
<img src="Images/People/Nic/nicparkbareshoulders.webp" width=600 />
"I am feeling a little flushed after our walk in the park. Might we retire behind those bushes to explore this further, my lady?"
"In public?" she looks around apprehensively.
"Your $nicdomname commands it."
She grins, and puts her head high, walking determinedly towards the bushes.
<img src="Images/People/Nic/nicparkdatekneel.webp" width=600 />
She lowers herself in front of you submissively.
"Present your pussy. Touch yourself"
She lifts her dress up, revealing she is wearing no panties, before opening up her lower lips with her fingers to show you her moist glistening slit.
<img src="Images/People/Nic/nicparkdatemasturbate.webp" width=600 />
"Now spread, show me your ass." She complies, revealing \
<<if $nicplug neq "none">> a shiny plug in her tight asshole.
<img src="Images/People/Nic/nicparkbuttplug.webp" width=600 />
<<else>>her tight asshole.
<img src="Images/People/Nic/nicparkpussyshot.webp" width=600 /><</if>>
<<if $chastity eq 0 and $penis neq "tiny">>[[Fuck her mouth|Nicdate1_2][$temp1 = 1]]
[[Fuck her pussy|Nicdate1_2][$temp1 = 2]]
[[Fuck her ass|Nicdate1_2][$temp1 = 3]]
\[[Spank her ass|Nicdate1_2][$temp1 = 4]]
[[Tease her to the edge of climax, then stop|Nicdate1_2][$temp1 = 5]]<<if $temp eq 1>>
You pull in Michaela close and kiss her on the lips. Around there is a chorus of disapproval, as you seem to have drawn attention to yourself rather than hidden yourself from Enoch’s gaze.
"Disgraceful" you hear one passerby saying.
"Young people of today. They probably aren’t even engaged. Kissing in public, disgusting."
"Michael? Michael Taylor?"
You and Michaela rush away from the commotion.
\<<elseif $temp eq 2>>
Turning away from him, you walk briskly, pulling Michaela with you.
"Michael? Michael Taylor?"
You walk away without interacting with him, but feel Michaela’s hand shaking in yours as the man calls her previous name.
\<<elseif $temp eq 3>>
The young man walks up to the pair of you, is just about to walk past, but does a double take.
"Michael? Michael Taylor?"
Turning her head away from him, Michaela says in as feminine a voice as she can manage
"I think you have me mistaken for someone else, sir." before taking your hand and walking away.
"Why are you wearing a dress?" he calls out, as you pace away from him.
A few moments later, you find a secluded spot by the lake.
"He recognised me. He called me Michael."
"Maybe. Maybe not. He only saw you for a second. He’ll probably forget about it. Are you ashamed of what you are?"
"No, but I’m not sure I’m ready for being in public. Take me home please $Hname."
<img src="Images/People/Mic/miccarriage.jpg" width=600 />
You call a carriage and ride back to Michaela’s rooms at the Hellfire club. In the back seat you calm Michaella’s nerves by kissing her and gently touching her breast and stroking between her thighs, but she is obviously still upset by the experience and your date ends quicker than you would have liked.
<<link[[Return Home|YourRoom]]>><<wait>><</link>><img src="Images/People/Mic/Micrestaurant1.webp" width=600 />
<<if $temp eq 1>>
"There was a girl before I was in the army, she was called Nicola."
"Did you love her?"
"Maybe. You fall in love as easily as breathing when you are a teenager. We never had sex, we were both young."
"She missed out." she smiles.
\<<elseif $temp eq 2>>
"There were a few. Girls in every port when I was in the army. I had a bit of a reputation."
"And you struck me as a quiet type. Appearances can be deceptive."
"Are you jealous?"
"I am here with you now. They are not."
\<<elseif $temp eq 3>>
"There wasn’t anyone special before you."
"I was your first?"
"The first one that mattered." You touch her hand gently and look into her cornflower blue eyes as you sip your wine.
"How about you? Did you have anyone before you became Michaela?"
"I courted a girl when I was living at home, Emilia Hand. She had long straight black hair, and I used to brush it for her. I found myself becoming hard thinking about her clothes and her hair. I wanted to be her, not to be with her, if you see what I mean. It didn’t last."
"Hand? A relation of that man at the park?"
"His sister. She was lovely. Him, not so much. I think he disapproved of me courting his sister and even more for stopping. You can’t please some people."
She stops to suck down an oyster, whole, licking her lips afterwards.
"Well I guess I know how to please <i>some people</i>" she says, a flirtatious look in her eye. "Follow me in a minute."
Finishing your oysters, you watch her depart to the ladies’ room, and a minute later you follow.
\<<if $femcheck gt 1>>Dressed as you are, you are not stopped entering and follow Michaela into a cubicle.
\<<else>>Looking around furtively, you sneak into the women’s bathroom and are pleased to find it unoccupied other than by Michaela, and follow her into a cubicle.
<img src="Images/People/Mic/mictoiletfuck2.webp" width=600 />
She pulls her dress down and reveals her naked body, placing your hand against her chest. "I want you. Now. I think those oysters are working. Or maybe it’s just the talk of past lovers and I want you all to myself."
<<if $chastity eq 0 and $penis neq "tiny">>Her hand descends to your undergarments and grips around your hardening $penis cock. "I want this inside me." She lifts her ass up and bends over the toilet, opening her legs and revealing her asshole to you. Knowing you might be discovered any minute you do not waste any time, pulling your member free of its clothing and pushing it against her ass
[[Fuck her ass hard|Michaela_date2_3][$temp = 1]]
[[Make love to her tenderly|Michaela_date2_3][$temp = 2]]
<<else>>She pulls down your clothes and rubs her chastity cage against your crotch as you kiss passionately. "Not a working cock between us!" she giggles at the thought. She pulls a strap on out of her purse. "Your ass or mine, sweetie?" she asks
[[Strap on the dildo and fuck her ass hard|Michaela_date2_3][$temp = 3]]
[[Strap on the dildo and make love to her tenderly|Michaela_date2_3][$temp = 4]]
[[Make her wear the strap on and bend over|Michaela_date2_3][$temp = 5]]
<</if>><<if $temp eq 1>>
You push Michaela onto the cold hard floor and spit on her ass before speading her legs wide and roughly shoving your cock into its waiting hole. She gasps at the rough treatment, but you put a hand around her mouth and keep thrusting into her. She looks about to complain, but seems in two minds and starts to enjoy the rough treatment as you squeeze her small breasts and slap her on the ass as you continue to pound into her. "Don’t stop" she begs, a tear welling up at the corner of her eye, as her ass bucks up to meet your thrusts. You come quickly, excited by the feeling of power over her, pulling out as she lies in a heap, your cum leaking out of her ass.
<img src="Images/People/Mic/mictoiletfuckcum1.webp" width=600 />
\<<elseif $temp eq 2>>
Stroking her naked body, you caress her gently as you nibble the back of her neck and put an arm around her waist. Even though it isn’t the most romantic of settings, you can’t keep your hands off her, and are soon rock hard as you suck on her small hard nipples. "Put it in, darling" she begs, and you fulfil her request, moistening her tight hole with your saliva before pushing the head of your cock an inch into her waiting hole. She gasps at the pressure, whimpering "Yes, yes, so big" as you push deeper inside of her. She braces herself against the floor, pushing back with beach thrust and letting out a tiny feminine moan each time. You see her cock straining against its cage, and gently stroke the sensitive skin around it, squeezing her balls as you push into her ass.
"With a cry, you bury your head in her long blonde curls as you cum deep in her ass, and feel her prostate spasm against you as you feel her cum through her cage and dribble her own seed on your hand. You lift it up to her mouth and she gently licks your fingers clean before kissing you hungrily.
"You can fuck me anywhere, darling. I do so love you, $Hname." she whispers as she snuggles against you.
<img src="Images/People/Mic/mictoiletfuckcum1.webp" width=600 />
\<<elseif $temp eq 3>>
You push Michaela onto the cold hard floor and spit on her ass before speading her legs wide and roughly shoving your dildo into its waiting hole. She gasps at the rough treatment, but you put a hand around her mouth and keep thrusting into her. She looks about to complain, but seems in two minds and starts to enjoy the rough treatment as you squeeze her small breasts and slap her on the ass as you continue to pound into her. "Don’t stop" she begs, a tear welling up at the corner of her eye, as her ass bucks up to meet your thrusts. You keep going until you tire of the feeling of power over her, pulling out as she lies in a whimpering heap..
\<<elseif $temp eq 4>>
Stroking her naked body, you caress her gently as you nibble the back of her neck and put an arm around her waist. Even though it isn’t the most romantic of settings, you can’t keep your hands off her, and are soon rock hard as you suck on her small hard nipples. "Put it in, darling" she begs, and you fulfil her request, moistening her tight hole with your saliva before pushing the head of your strap on an inch into her waiting hole. She gasps at the pressure, whimpering "Yes, yes, so big" as you push deeper inside of her. She braces herself against the floor, pushing back with beach thrust and letting out a tiny feminine moan each time. You see her cock straining against its cage, and gently stroke the sensitive skin around it, squeezing her balls as you push into her ass.
"With a cry, you bury your head in her long blonde curls as you thrust deep in her ass, and feel her prostate spasm against you as you feel her cum through her cage and dribble her own seed on your hand. You lift it up to her mouth and she gently licks your fingers clean before kissing you hungrily.
"You can fuck me anywhere, darling. I do so love you, $Hname." she whispers as she snuggles against you.
\<<elseif $temp eq 5>>
"This is different, I don’t usually get to go on top.". She straps on the dildo uncertainly, before parting your legs and pushing her tongue deep into your asshole, licking you out deeply and leaving you wet and tingling. She then pushes the small dildo into your ass a little at a time, gripping you about the hips, and kissing the back of your neck.
"Is that ok? I never did this with my own cock, so I’m not sure how fast I should go."
"You were a virgin when you were a man?"
"I’m making up for it now, sweetie." she laughs, pushing herself all the way into you so you gasp, leaning around and kissing her full on the lips until spent you collapse in each others arms.
After you lie together on the cubicle floor briefly, holding each other. You are both excited by the thrill of carrying on your relationship publicly, outside the Hellfire club, but are soon disturbed by the sounds of others using the toilets outside your cubicle. You wait a few minutes until quiet, before you hear your waiter calling from the corridor.
"Madame? Is everything alright? You have been gone for some time and I heard noises."
Michaela covers her mouth and can’t stop laughing as she pulls on her clothes.
"We can’t go back out there, not together."
"I guess we could climb out the window."
You dress quickly, and hoist Michaela’s lithe form out of the bathroom window, before following yourself, falling into some bushes outside the rear of the restaurant, Hand in had you run off into the night, laughing together as you do so.
<<link[[Return Home|YourRoom]]>><<wait>><</link>><<wait>><<if $temp1 eq 1>>
<img src="Images/People/Nic/nicparkdateblowjobreal.webp" width=600 />
You slide your cock into her wet mouth and thrust quickly. As much as you want Nicola to be excited and maybe even humiliated by having sex in public you don’t much fancy being arrested for grand indecency. Pulling on her hair you encourage her to suck you hard, commanding her at the same time.
"Make me cum, and make sure you swallow it all down like the cocksucking slut you are."
<img src="Images/People/Nic/nicparkdateblowjobrealcum.webp" width=600 />
With a groan of triumph, you cum in her mouth, but pull out straight away as a couple of old ladies walk past beside you. You quickly pull up your pants, and see Nicola licking her lips to clear the cum off her face."
"Has your sweetheart dropped something down there. Do you want us to help you look?" ask the shortsighted old dears.
"Thank you, it’s fine. I think she’s got it all now."
Nicola, her mouth full, says nothing, but bursts out laughing as they leave.
<<elseif $temp1 eq 2>>
<img src="Images/People/Nic/nicparkvagsex.webp" width=600 />
Putting your hand around her mouth to stifle her moans, you thrust your already stiff cock into her wet pussy. You’ve been thinking about fucking her all throughout your date, and now she’s sitting on the damp grass exposing her even damper folds to you you can’t hold back and fuck her as hard as you can. You squeeze her ass with your other hand, teasing her ass a little as you near climax and then cum deep inside her, leaving her sticky and unsatisfied as you pull out, wiping your cock on her dress.
Composing herself while still flush with arousal, she starts to clean herself up, but you shake your head. "Keep that inside you. Clench tightly or it might drip out on your way back to the convent. Then when you are home, I give you permission to eat what is left."
<<elseif $temp1 eq 3>>
<<if $nicplug neq "none">>You carefully pull the butt plug out of her ass and lay it on the soft grass.<</if>>
Putting an arm around her, you start fingering her wet pussy from behind, until her juices start dripping all over your hand and she begs you.
"Fuck me from behind. I want you in me."
<img src="Images/People/Nic/nicparkanal.webp" width=600 />
You slide your cock into her ass, but continue to finger her vulva lips and gently tease her clitoral hood with your thumb, leaving her gasping and grinding on your groin with pleasure. She squeezes your cock with her ass sphincter muscles, as you both near a climax. "May I cum?" she begs and you nod, as you squirt your sperm deep inside her. You cover her mouth as she cries out, before pulling out, your seed dripping down over her wet pussy lips.
<<if $nicplug neq "none">>Picking up the butt plug, you carefully slide it inside her ass, sealing some of your sperm deep inside her with a smile.<</if>>
<<elseif $temp1 eq 4>>
<img src="Images/People/Nic/nicparkspanking.webp" width=600 />
You sit comfortably and lay her upon your lap, lifting up her skirts, before curling her red hair around your left hand, and striking her with your right firmly upon the ass. Each time you strike, you give her hair a little tug. "Count, my beautiful painslut" you command
"One, $nicdomname"
Slap. Slap. Slap. "Two $nicdomname. Three $nicdomname. Four $nicdomname." each followed by a little gasp of pleasure. You keep going, to ten until her ass is red raw, then release her hair and start fingering her pussy with your other hand in between strokes. Your left hand is drenched with her juices, and she starts to beg you.
"May I cum $nicdomname?"
"When we reach twenty you may cum my dear. Now keep counting."
You are thrusting three fingers deep inside her now, thumbing her clit as your other hand keeps slapping her beautiful arse, leaving crimson marks against skin the colour of cream as you go past fifteen. Sixteen.
"Seventeen $nicdomname, oh my God"
"Eighteen $nicdomname" an uncontrollable drool follows
"N-n-nineteen $nicdomname" she shudders, knowing she is almost there, tears streaming down her face.
"Twenty, thank you thank you thank you" her body spasms as you thrust your entire fist inside her pussy and slap her red raw arse one final time."
She lies quiet for a minute. You think she is praying in Latin. Then she opens her eyes and looks at you with an unbroken gaze of devotion.
"I don’t think I will be able to sit down for a week. But it was worth it."
<<elseif $temp1 eq 5>>
<img src="Images/People/Nic/nicparkfingering.webp" width=600 />
You sit down next to her, and slide a hand beneath her skirts, starting to finger her pussy and ass, while kissing her on the lips. In your secluded position you are undisturbed, though occasionally hear passers by which adds to her arousal. Each time you feel her approaching climax you give a sharp tap to her pussy and pause, leaving her quivering and biting her lower lip. At the third time of doing this, you see a tear fall from her eye. "Please may I cum, $nicdomname?" You reach out your fingers and make her lick them one by one.
"But I thought…"
You shake your head and reply firmly. "You cum when I say. And only then."
"Yes $nicdomname" she replies, her head bowed deep
She lies in a heap, her pussy exposed for a few minutes. You occasionally touch her exposed perfectly shaven lips, like a child playing with its food, eliciting a moan or whimper each time.
<<if $temp1 eq 2 or $temp1 eq 3>><img src="Images/People/Nic/nicparkcumshot.webp" width=600 />
<<elseif $temp1 eq 4>><img src="Images/People/Nic/nicpostspanking.webp" width=600 />
\<<else>><img src="Images/People/Nic/nicparkpussy2.webp" width=600 />
Afterwards you resume your walk, arm in arm, though less innocent and carefree than this morning. You have reminded each other of the special nature of your relationship, but know that you can never share this side of yourselves with the rest of London. You walk her close to the convent then let her walk the last half mile alone, then you [[Return Home|YourRoom]]<img src="Images/HC10/sistermary.webp" width=600 />
<<if $femcheck lt 2>>
"That is not possible, You are a man, we do not permit men onto the main body of the convent. The mother superior may meet with males to discuss secular matters, the rest of us only on our free days and then only with a chaperone.
[[Ask to speak to Nicola|nic_convent1_1][$temp = 1]]
[[Ask to speak to the Mother Superior|nic_convent1_4][$temp = 1]]
"Curious, we do not normally get visitors. Are you thinking of joining us?"
You nod.
"And you are of the faith? Devout? And wishing to spend the rest of your days obeying our rules of poverty, chastity and obedience."
"Yes" you lie, thinking that chastity and obedience here have very different meanings from in the Hellfire club.
"Very well, sister. Follow me. My name is Sister Mary. Please be silent for the course of the tour. I will take your questions at the end."
She leads you through the main gate into a cloistered courtyard, pointing out the Mother Superior’s office and rooms, and then through a second locked door. You see about a dozen robed figures going about their business, some praying silently, some tending to a garden, others handing sheets up to dry in the sunshine.
You pass a familiar figure who looks up to you in surprise, stifles a gasp, then looks down and goes about her business.
<img src="Images/People/Nic/nicnunoutside1.webp" width=600 />
"This is Sister Nicola. She has been here for two years now. I will leave you with her a moment to discuss life in the convent. She had a troubled time outside our walls, and I think we have brought her contentment. She has seemed at peace especially the past few weeks."
Sister Mary walks away, leaving you with Nicola
"What are you doing here? We can’t do anything here, we’ll get discovered.
"Remind me who is in control in this relationship, my pet."
"You are, $nicdomname."
"Very good. And if I were to tell you that I was going to fuck you here in the convent, how does that make you feel?"
She bites her bottom lip. "Wet and aroused, $nicdomname. But I'm a little scared. If we are discovered..."
"Is there somewhere quiet here where we won’t be disturbed."
"Through here in the chapel. I was working here today but have just finished."
She leads you into a small chamber with stained glass windows and makes to close the door behind her, but you stop her. "No, leave it open. I like the look on your face when you are worried."
"Lift your skirt." You command, smiling. She does as you ask.
<<if $nicplug eq "none">><img src="Images/People/Nic/nicnunpussyshot2.webp" width=600 /><<else>><img src="Images/People/Nic/nicnunassbuttplug.webp" width=600 />
You see her butt plug is still in place and praise her.<</if>>
You put a hand against her pussy and stroke her gently, sliding just your index finger inside her.
"This is how I like you, my pet, all wet for me." She moans lightly, soon forgetting about being disturbed. "Take me here, please $nicdomname." she pleads.
<<if ($penis eq "tiny" or $chastity eq 1)>>You take a strapon from your bag and tighten it about your waist, before returning your attention to Nicola.<</if>>
You slide into her, amazed at how wet Nicola is, but then you would be aroused all the time if surrounded by pretty nuns. Taking her from behind you hear Nicola moaning as she bites on a prayer cushion, and decide whether to let her cum.
[[Let Nicola cum|nic_convent1_3][$temp1 eq 1]]
[[Deny her release|nic_convent1_3][$temp1 eq 2]]
<</if>><img src="Images/HC10/Mothersuperior.webp" width=600 />
You are led into a small garden, where a middle aged though still attractive woman sits on a simple wooden chair.
She looks at you quizzically. "Yes? How may I help you?" she enquires.
You introduce yourself.
<<if $nicengagement eq 1>>
"I courted Nicola some years ago. We have been reacquainted recently and I now realise that I still love her and wish to marry her."
"You are the one that broke her heart. Tell me - do you have prospects. A job? A house for her to move into after you are wed?"
You nod.
"And you are a good Christian?"
"I was baptised by bishop Greene, my lady."
"I am not a lady. You may call me Mother."
"I was baptised by Bishop Greene, Mother."
"This is most irregular. Let us hear what she has to say."
<<if $temp eq 1>>She rings a small bell and speaks to Sister Mary, who arrives with Nicola a few minutes later. You stand in silence in the meantime. <</if>>
The Mother Superior ignores you completely, focussing on Nicola.
"Sister Nicola. Do you wish to marry this man?"
"I do, Mother Superior. With all my heart."
"And will you remain devout, and of the faith, and raise any children of this union in accordance with our scriptures?"
"I will."
"It will be a shame to lose you. I do think we were making some progress. But that had slowed in recent weeks. I see why now. Very well, I give your union my blessing. I trust you can arrange a short engagement, as your father was very clear you were not to return home, and I do not wish you to disturb the sisters with your secular ways. But you may remain here for a few weeks. When you do marry, you must remember your place. You must love, honour and above all obey this man in all things. Do you think you can do that, Nicola?"
"I think so, Mother."
"Good. Return to your duties, Nicola." <<set $nicengagement = 2>>
Nicola departs, giving you a parting smile.
"She is a wilful one, that one. You may need to be strict with her, for her own good. I recommend a firm hand. But she has a good heart. Now, is there anything else?"
\<<elseif $nicengagement gt 1>>
"We have discussed the matter of your marriage to Nicola. I am a busy lady. What else do you wish to discuss?
\<<else>>"And how can I help you today?"
[["Nothing, Mother." Leave|YourRoom]]<<set $nicolaatoday =1>><<if ($penis eq "tiny" or $chastity eq 1)>>
\<<if $nicplug eq "none">>
\<img src="Images/People/Nic/nicnunfuckstraponnobuttplug.webp" width=600 /><<else>>
\<img src="Images/People/Nic/nicnunstraponfuckbuttplug.webp" width=600 /><</if>>
<<else>><<if $nicplug eq "none">>
<img src="Images/People/Nic/nicnunfuck.webp" width=600 /><<else>><img src="Images/People/Nic/nicnunfuckbuttplug.webp" width=600 /><</if>><</if>>
As you slide your shaft into her dripping cunt, you wet your fingers with her juices and run your fingers up and down the hood of her clitoris and vulva lips. She gasps and grits her teeth. "May I cum please $nicdomname?"
<<if $temp1 eq 1>>"Yes, cum for me my pet." you say sofly.
"Oh fucking god thank you." she blasphemes as your thrusts tip her over the edge and she cries out with pleasure.
<<elseif $temp1 eq 2>>"Not this time. My pleasure must come first, remember." she nods, submissively, squeezing you with her pussy muscles like a good slut. <</if>>
<<if ($penis neq "tiny" and $chastity eq 0)>>The contractions in her pussy bring on your orgasm and suck the sperm out of your cock deep inside her. You pull out and see it dripping out of her. She puts a finger between her legs cleaning herself and licks her fingertip clean. "Mmm. Blessed are those who hunger and thirst. For they shall be filled. Amen."<<cum>><</if>>
"Ah, there you are." says Mary, returning to you just as you have rearranged your clothing. And you are worshipping with sister Nicola. I hope she has tended to you carefully?"
"Yes, she is looking after all my needs." you reply. Nicola coughs to muffle a laugh.
"Sister. Please treat our guest with respect."
"Anyhow, I hope that you have seen all that you wanted to. Do come back if you wish to join our sisterhood.
<<link[[Leave|YourRoom]]>><<wait>><</link>><<daisyevent 5>>It is refreshing to be able to spend time in public with Daisy without a chaperone, and today you enjoy walking in the park arm in arm with her, simply talking and enjoying each other’s company.
She looks beautiful, wearing a blue cotton dress, with her hair styled up and secured with a pin.
<img src="Images/People/Daisy/daisypark3.webp" width=600 />
"Dearest $Hname. I thought that we should talk. About us. And what it will be like after marriage."
"Do we need to talk? It will be wonderful, Daisy."
"I think it might help. In a few weeks you’ve gone from a penniless ex soldier to a wealthy member of a sex club. I love you, but I think it would help to know what each of us wants. Do you want to be faithful, or have other lovers? Will you be jealous if I do? Women, or men too? Do you want children? If so soon, in a while or never?"
"I see what you mean. When did things get so complicated? As we are being honest, why don’t you start?"
"Very well. I want a traditional wedding for the family. You in a dark suit, me in a white dress. I assume you’ll have Matthew as your best man, I’ll have Ruby as my bridesmaid. With a meal and speeches.
"But after that I want a reception in the Hellfire club. To celebrate that private part of us."
<<if $Daisydomevent gt 0>>"There I want you in a dress, pretty and pink. Don’t worry I’ll make all the arrangements. <</if>>
"At the club you like to play. So do I. So we can both have other lovers.
<<if Flag("cuckold")>>"As you seem to enjoy watching me with others I’ll take both men and women as lovers. Sometimes you can join in, or watch.
<<else>> I know you don’t want to see me with other men, so I’ll just be with women as long as this satisfies me when I need it." She rests a hand on your cock.
"Once we’re married, I want children. But we are both still young, so we can wait a couple of years before trying if you want."
[[I can’t wait to start a family with you->Daisydatepark_2]]
[[I think we should wait a year or two before becoming parents.|Daisydatepark_2]]
<<if Flag("cuckold")>>"[[I don’t want to impregnate you, but we can find another man to do so|Daisydatepark_2]]<</if>><img src="Images/People/Daisy/daisypark3.webp" width=600 />
"Very well, that’s settled. Onto our household. I want a ladies maid. I think Ruby would be good at this - I want her to cut down on her night work, and a regular job might help. Plus she can help me with my special needs when you aren’t around."
"Oh, you want your girlfriend to move into our marital bed, is that it?"
She looks at you sweetly. "She can help tend to your special needs too. Don’t you want to fuck both of us together?"
The thought does appeal. You quickly agree.
"I knew you would, darling."
<<if $Daisydomevent gt 0 or $femcheck gt 1>>"Lastly your clothes. Appearances matter. About the house you can wear what you want, and at the club of course, but for some social occasions you do need to dress like a man, darling. Even if you’re a pretty girl deep inside."
"But I am not comfortable in shirts and ties. You know that."
"Yes I do, and there’s nothing I love more than you in frilly pink knickers sucking away at my pussy, but sometimes we have to do things we don’t enjoy. And if I am going to have to carry the children in our marriage before pushing them out of my vagina, then it is a small hardship for you to occasionally have to wear some trousers. When my parents visit, or at church, or we are hosting a dinner party for people outside the club. You can wear panties underneath of course."
"Yes Miss Daisy." you say resignedly.
You continue walking about the park, before passing a secluded area hidden behind a bush.
"I see that we have no chaperones. I do believe that I have dropped something behind here. Would you be so kind as to help me find it?" Daisy smiles coquettishly and slips out of view. You glance about and follow, seeing her sitting on the grass pulling the top of her dress down touching herself between her legs.
<img src="Images/People/Daisy/daisyparktopless.webp" width=600 />
"And what have you lost, Daisy?"
"My inhibitions."
You put your lips to her nipples and start sucking on her amazing breasts greedily.
<<if $penis neq "tiny" and $chastity neq 1>>"Fuck me my love." she whimpers, pulling down your pants and rubbing your hardening cock with her fingers. She lies on the damp grass and you plunge into the far damper area between her thighs, continuing to suckle at her breasts like a babe in arms. She starts moaning and you roll over so she is on top, covering her mouth with your own to stifle her noises, bucking together in the grass until you climax and cum deep inside her.
<img src="Images/People/Daisy/daisyparktoplessfuck.webp" width=600 />
<<else>>She hitches up her skirts and indicates the wet area between her thighs. .
"Quickly. Before anyone finds us."
You kneel down and start licking, using your fingers, lips and tongue on her most intimate parts. She buries her head in the grass as she starts to tremble from your ministrations, soon shaking with orgasm as she pees a little over your face as she climaxes. You smile and gently clean her up.
<img src="Images/People/Daisy/daisyparktoplesspussy2.webp" width=600 /><</if>>
After you straighten her skirts, trying your best to recover decorum before you emerge, arm in arm and continue walking through the park as if nothing had happened, your expressions are ones of innocence.
<<link [[return home|YourRoom]]>><<wait>><</link>>You lean in and kiss $HC10 tenderly
"We have at least half an hour."
"But it will take me twice that to do my hair."
"It's fashionable to be late, I hear" You stroke her breasts softly. "
"But I've just got dressed. You, my love, are insatiable. Just oral though, I dont have time for another bath.
She kneels down and takes your cock inside her mouth.
<<if $HC10 eq "Daisy">>
<img src="Images/HC10/daisyoral2.webp" width=600 />
\<<elseif $HC10 eq "Michaela">>
<img src="Images/HC10/fellatioblonde.webp" width=600 />
\<<elseif $HC10 eq "Nicola">>
<img src="Images/HC10/nicfellatio.webp" width=600 />
\By the time she has finished, you are both naked, and your erection is beginning to subside. <<cum>>
<<if $HC10 eq "Daisy">>
<img src="Images/HC10/daisyfellatiocumlarge3.webp" width=600 />
\<<elseif $HC10 eq "Michaela">>
<img src="Images/HC10/oralmic.webp" width=600 />
\<<elseif $HC10 eq "Nicola">>
<img src="Images/HC10/nicfellatio2.webp" width=600 />
Afterward, you both dress once again.
[[Enter Wardrobe|Wardrobe][$Wardrobe="HC_event10"]]
[[Head downstairs to drinks|HC10_6]]<img src="Images/HC10/sistermary.webp" width=600 />
<<if $day neq "Tuesday">> "I am sorry, that is quite out of the question. Sister Nicola is occupied with her duties at the moment. Her free day is Tuesday.
[[Ask to speak to the Mother Superior|nic_convent1_4][$temp = 2]]
[[Ask for a tour|nic_convent1_2][$temp = 3]]
<<elseif $day eq "Tuesday">> "Hmm. This is her free day. It is quite irregular though. Please wait in the cloister.
She opens the door and she admits you to the entrance courtyard and you sit on the cold stone bench in the shade. A few minutes later she returns, walking ahead of Nicola who follows, head bowed.
The nun from the door stands a short distance away, looking at you with a disapproving expression.
"What are you doing here? You shouldn’t have come."
"I missed you."
"Sssh. She can hear you."
\<<if $nicengagement eq 1>>"I thought we could talk to the Mother Superior together. About marriage."
She softens. "I guess that is a good enough reason for coming. And I have missed you too, darling." At the word ‘marriage’ you notice the watching nun gasp, and sharply intake breath.
"Mary there is the biggest gossip in the convent. I guess my secret is out now. Mary, I know you’re listening, can you take us to the Mother Superior. There is something important we need to discuss."
After some back and forth, during which you and Nicola are never left alone, you are escorted to the small stone office of the mother superior.
\<<elseif $nicengagement gt 1>>"We have already talked to the mother superior about marriage, you are disturbing the other sisters by being here. I will see you later at home.
\<<elseif $nicengagement lt 1>>She whispers quietly so the other nun cannot hear "You are disturbing the other sisters by being here. I will see you later at… the other place."
<</if>><</if>>\Nicola looks apprehensive. "I do not think I want to be with another man. Not without you."
\<<if $temp eq 3>>[["I want to watch you with someone else. I will be with you. Do you trust me?"|HC10_end2][$temp1 =2]]
<<link [["I don’t want to take part either. I only want you tonight."|HC10_end2]]>><<set $niclove +=2>><</link>>
\[[Insist that she takes part|HC10_end2][$temp1 =1]]
[["It’s ok. You don’t have to. I will come and see you afterwards."|HC10_end2]]
<</if>>You take a blue token from the hat, and look at it nervously.
"Oh." you say softly, reading the name written in familiar handwriting. "Matthew."
You look up at your oldest friend, who looks at you from head to toe.
"You look pretty tonight, $playersurname. That <<top>> suits you."
"And you scrub up well yourself, Chadwick."
"This is awkward."
"Very. Shall we talk privately."
You depart, with the guests who have not whispering and no doubt talking about you. The Hellfire club may be a bunch of perverts and fetishists, but they can gossip with the best of them. After climbing the stairs and passing a door from which you hear moans that sound suspiciously like Daisy you enter one of the very many empty rooms in the mansion. He sits on the bed
<img src="Images/HC10/matthewbed.webp" width=600 />
You both start laughing.
"As I said, awkward. So what are we supposed to do, fuck?"
"Do you want to?"
"Yes. Maybe. I don’t know. You’re my mate, but you’re also pretty and I’ve had a few drinks and I think I fancy you. But you’re a guy and I’m not, you know, like that."
"Do I look like a guy?" You reply.
<<if $wig neq "none">>You take his left hand and run it through the strands of your $wig. "What about my hair? Does this feel like a guy?"
"It’s soft. Feels nice." <<set $temp2 +=1>>
\<<if $chest neq "flat">>You take his right hand and put it to your breast. "How about here. Does this feel like a man’s chest?"
He squeezes, and a grin breaks out. "No, you’ve got great tits."
<<set $temp2 +=1>>
"Close your eyes." He complies, and you lean in and kiss him softly on the lips. He hesitates momentarily, then kisses you back.
\<<if $wig eq "black bob wig" or $wig eq "long black wig">>
<img src="Images/HC10/mattkissblackbob.webp" width=600 />
\<<elseif $wig eq "long red wig"or $wig eq "long brown wig">>
<img src="Images/HC10/mattredheadkiss.webp" width=600 />
<img src="Images/HC10/mattkissblonde.webp" width=600 />
<<if $HC8 eq "Matthew">> I chose you to accompany me to Paris with you because I want to be with you, Matthew. As a woman. Is that what you want?"<<set $temp2 +=1>>
<<if $temp2 lt 2 and $Daisydomevent lt 1>> He sits on the bed and shakes his head. "I just don’t know. I’m not sure and think we should just stay friends. I’m sorry if that disappoints you."
He wipes a tear from your eye before turning and leaving.
You lie down on the bed and think about choices you could have made differently.
\<<if $HC8 neq "Matthew">>Maybe you could have taken him to Paris. <</if>>
\<<if $wig eq "none">>Your hair is short and masculine. Maybe you could have worn a wig. <</if>>
\<<if $chest eq "flat">>Your chest is flat. Matthew was always a boob man.<<if $testedO eq 1>>Maybe you should have taken your substance O. <<else>>But what could change that? <</if>><</if>> You sob gently, hoping you have not ruined your friendship, before
\[[Returning to your room->HC10_end3][$datingmatt= -1]]
<<else>>"In for a penny, in for a pound." He squeezes your bosom as he parts his lips and kisses your soft lips, his fingers untying your clothing which begins to fall to the ground. You respond greedily, pulling off his shirt and untying his breeches until you stand naked before each other.<<StripAll>>
<img src="Images/HC10/mattnaked4.webp" width=600 />
<<if $chastity eq 1>>He looks between your legs. "Is that always like that? Do you not use it any more?"
You shake your head. "It is easier this way. It removes the distractions, and allows me to focus on being a woman."
<<elseif $penis eq "small" or $penis eq "tiny">>"Wasn’t it bigger in the old days?"
You nod. "It’s the medication. Big boobs, smooth skin, small cock.
"Does it still work?"
"Not really. I still feel pleasure there, but it’s not going to satisfy a woman much."
"It is a good thing I am not a woman then."
<<elseif $penis neq "average">>"That is bigger than in the old days. What have you been feeding it?"
"Blondes." you joke. <</if>>
He looks a little disconcerted. "It feels a little odd doing it with that there."
You pull your panties back on. "Better?"<<set $panties = $pantiessave>>
He nods.
Your eyes go down to look at his cock. It was always impressive, but this time his erection is caused by you, and you feel a warm sensation of pride. You take it in your hand and run your fingers down it. You know from years of conversations that his favourite thing is long slow blowjobs, with plenty of saliva, and consider whether you want to make him cum with your mouth, or if that is a step too far.
<<if $HC10 eq "Daisy" and $Daisydomevent gt 0>>"So I believe Daisy told you to do everything I commanded you to."
You nod.
"Then suck it."<</if>>
[[Go down on him->HC10_end2matt][$temp3 = 1]]
[[Just snuggle->HC10_end2matt][$temp3 = 2]]
Lady Bentley stands up with a flourish and puts her hand into the hat. "I hope it’s someone new" she says with a gleam in her eye, reading the name on the token. "$Hname"
She meets your eye. "Well, well, well. Let me give you a special tour of my home, ending in the bedroom. "
You take Lady Bentley’s arm, and she leads you upstairs, giving you a commentary on the provenance of a particular portrait or vase as you walk. Her hand moves down and rests on your ass lightly as she leads you to the master bedroom.
"Have you ever been with an older woman?"
<<if $mrsa_date gt 0>>You nod, recalling Mrs Ambrose. <<else>>You shake your head. <</if>>
"I hope that I can show you the benefits of experience." She runs a hand through your hair as she rings a small bell. A maid brings you both a glass of champagne and takes your jacket before standing attentively to one side.
<img src="Images/HC10/LadyBbedroom.webp" width=600 />
Despite her age Lady Bentley is still a beauty, with high cheekbones, delicate features and although wrinkled an elegant visage.
"May I call you Victoria?"
"I think not. Lady Bentley is fine. Or milady, if you prefer. Now Lily here is my current ladies maid. A lovely thing, no don’t look at her, look at me. Now, Lily is going to undress me, and then I am going to see if your oral skills are as good as I was informed."
The maid removes Lady Bentley’s outergarments leaving her clad in a white silk corset.
<img src="Images/HC10/LadyBcorset.webp" width=600 />
Then continues, taking off her panties. Her ladyship lies on the bed, opening her thighs to reveal fine white pubes.
<img src="Images/HC10/LadyBcunni.webp" width=600 />
"Now lick, boy." she commands with a voice used to being obeyed due to generations of fine breeding.
You kneel down on the bed and start licking. She is much drier than the younger girls you have been with, but soon starts responding to your ministrations, opening her legs wide.
"Good boy. Just there. Yes, don’t be afraid, put the tongue in nice and deep, keep licking. Yes just like that." She closes her eyes as you start to push your fingers inside her, going silent until she shudders with an unladylike squeal, before recovering her composure.
<img src="Images/HC10/LadyBcumface3.webp" width=600 />
"Quite satisfactory, thank you. Now, being a man I expect you want me to return the favour. Let me take a look at you.
She pulls down your undergarments and starts to gently lick your cock, getting it good and hard
<img src="Images/HC10/ladybblowjob2.webp" width=600 />
"Mmm, I'd forgotten what a nice cock tasted like. Let me just have another taste." She slips her lips over it and with practiced ease slides it into her throat deepthroating you.
<img src="Images/HC10/mrsbblowjob.webp" width=600 />
However, she soon slips her mouth off you. "Getting carried away there. I must remember my station. Lily, lie down under me, as I taught you."
The maid pulls off her panties and lies on the bed, and Lady Bentley sits on top of her so that only the girl’s legs and cunt are visible.
<img src="Images/HC10/LadyBfuck2.webp" width=600 />
"Now, you may fuck Lily while kissing me. I am afraid that you fucking me is quite out of the question."
You push yourself deep into the maid’s pussy, not bothering with foreplay, both of you realise what her role here is. You pay your attention instead to Lady Bentley, stroking her hair, nuzzling her shoulder and kissing her on the neck as your cock slides in and out of her maid. You spot the maid’s fingers and mouth working her mistresses pussy from beneath, and increase the pace of your thrusts, kissing the upper class older woman as you do so.
"Fuck us harder, you young stud." commands Lady Bentley, squeezing your shoulder while clasping your ass with her other hand.
You feel yourself cumming hard into the maid who squeezes her pussy tightly, milking every drop of cum from you without a sound.
"Well that was most entertaining. You are a fine addition to the club I think. We simply must do this again sometime. Lily, do let Mr $playersurname out." Her attention is elsewhere as you leave, dismissed and feeling somewhat used.
<<link[[Return to your room->HC10_end3]]>><<WearAll>><</link>>Where are you meeting Nicola today?
[[at the Convent->Convent]]
[[for a walk in the park->Nic_date1]]
<<if $nic_event gt 5>>[[for a meal->Nic_date2]]
\<<if $nic_event gt 6>><<link [[a trip to the beach->Nic_date3]]>><<set $date = "Nicola">><<nicevent 8>><</link>>
\<<if $nic_event gt 7>><<link [[to the Ballet|Date_Ballet]]>><<set $date = "Nicola">><<nicevent 9>><</link>>
\<<if $nic_event gt 8>><<link [[to a Magic show|Date_Magic]]>><<set $date = "Nicola">><<nicevent 10>><</link>>
\<<if $nic_event gt 9>><<link [[to a Promenade Concert|Date_Proms]]>><<set $date = "Nicola">><<nicevent 11>><</link>>
\<<if $nic_event gt 9>><<link [[to dinner at Antioch's house|Date_Antioch]]>><<set $date = "Nicola">><<nicevent 12>><</link>>
\<<if $nic_event gt 11>>Sorry no new dates with Nicola yet - check next update
\[[Return to your room->YourRoom]]Where are you meeting Michaela today?
[[for a walk in the park->Michaela_date1]]
<<if $michaela_date gt 1>>[[for a meal->Michaela_date2]]<</if>>
<<if $michaela_date gt 2>>[[at the beach->Michaela_date3]]<</if>>
<<if $michaela_date gt 3>><<link [[to the ballet->Date_Ballet]]>>
<<set $date = "Michaela">><<michaela_date 5>><</link>><</if>>
<<if $michaela_date gt 4>><<link [[to a magic show->Date_Magic]]>>
<<set $date = "Michaela">><<michaela_date 6>><</link>>
<<if $michaela_date gt 5>><<link [[to a promenade concert->Date_Proms]]>>
<<set $date = "Michaela">><<michaela_date 7>><</link>>
<<if $michaela_date gt 6>><<link [[to dinner at Antioch's house|Date_Antioch]]>>
<<set $date = "Michaela">><<michaela_date 8>><</link>>
\<<if $michaela_date gt 7>>Sorry no new dates with Michaela yet - check next update<</if>>
[[Return to your room->YourRoom]]<img src="Images/People/Nic/Nicdp4.jpg" width=600 />
You lift her legs to reveal both her holes, before you line up the dildo with her wet pussy lips and start pushing your cock into her tight ass. She feels tighter than ever, with the huge strapon filling her cunt, and her ass sqeezes irresistably on your pussy.
She closes her eyes and her hands claw at the sheets.
"Oh, sweet Jesus. It's like two of you fucking me at once. I'm in fucking heaven, oh God keep doing this to me my sweet."
<<link[[Keep going, fucking her hard and let her cum->Nicstrapcum]]>><</link>>
[[Fuck her mouth with the strapon->Nicstrap1]]
[[Fuck her pussy with the strapon->Nicstrap3]]
\<<if $penis neq "tiny" and $chastity neq 1>>[[Fuck her in both holes at the same time->Nicstrap2]]<</if>>\<<if $temp10 eq 0>><img src="Images/People/Nic/nicstrapsuck.webp" width=600 />
You part her lips with the strapon cock, and she gasps as the shaft, harder than any penis, pushes into her mouth.
"Lick it" you command. She sticks her tongue out and runs it down the length of the hard shaft, before pursing her lips about the tip and fellating it gently.
<<link [[Keep going->Nicstrap1]]>><<set $temp10 +=1>><</link>>
\<<elseif $temp10 eq 1>><img src="Images/People/Nic/nicstrapdeepthroat.webp" width=600 />
You ease it deeper and deeper into her throat, coating it with her wet saliva, until she starts to gag. She looks pleadingly at you.
<<link [[Keep going->Nicstrap1]]>><<set $temp10 +=1>><</link>>
\<<elseif $temp10 eq 2>><img src="Images/People/Nic/nicstrapfacefuck.webp" width=600 />
You push it in further, deepthroating her. Her throat bulges and you hear her trying to mouth something.
<<link [[Keep going->Nicstrap1]]>><<set $temp10 +=1>><</link>>
\<<elseif $temp10 eq 3>><img src="Images/People/Nic/nicstrapfacefuck.webp" width=600 />
She starts to choke and cough, tears streaming down her eyes. "Shinaflgh." she splutters. It sounds like her safeword, cinnamon.
<<link [[Keep going->Nicstrap6]]>><<set $temp10 +=1>><</link>>
[[Stop and comfort her->Nicstrap5]]<</if>>
[[Fuck her pussy with the strapon->Nicstrap3]]
\<<if $penis neq "tiny" and $chastity neq 1>>[[Fuck her in both holes at the same time->Nicstrap2]]<</if>><img src="Images/People/Nic/nicstraponsex.webp" width=600 />
You lie her down and spread her legs before sliding the monstrous strapon inside her wet pussy. She gasps at the size, but you soon get a rhythm going. Unlike with a cock, you don't get an overwhelming pleasurable sensation yourself so can focus on her experience alone, changing the angle and force to keep pressure on her most sensitive parts, while squeezing her breasts tightly.
[[Keep going, fucking her hard and let her cum->Nicstrapcum]]
[[Fuck her mouth with the strapon->Nicstrap1]]
[[Fuck her pussy with the strapon->Nicstrap3]]
\<<if $penis neq "tiny" and $chastity neq 1>>[[Fuck her in both holes at the same time->Nicstrap2]]<</if>>You snuggle and comfort her.
"You did do well, taking that in your mouth for so long. I'm so proud of you my pet."
She smiles appreciatively as you lie with your arms around her.
"I think I'm ready for some more now" she says with a sultry glint in her eye.
[[Fuck her pussy with the strapon->Nicstrap3]]
\<<if $penis neq "tiny" and $chastity neq 1>>[[Fuck her in both holes at the same time->Nicstrap2]]<</if>><img src="Images/People/Nic/nicstrapfacefuck.webp" width=600 />
With great effort, she pushes back and rolls off the bed, crouching down and holding her throat. She retches, throwing up a little in the corner, before putting her arms around her knees and sobbing.
"I said my safeword. Why did you keep going? That thing is too big and hard, I can't breathe with it in there. I'm sorry $nicdomname."
"I need some time to think."She gets up and dresses before leaving the room.
<<if $ret eq "HC_foyer">><<link [[You dress before heading back into the club->HC_foyer]]>><<wait>><<WearAll>><</link>>
\<<else>><<link [[Finish and get dressed->YourRoom]]>><<wait>><<WearAll>><</link>><</if>>She gasps as the huge dildo keeps pounding her cunt and her eyes go glassy with desire.
"Yes, yes, please, it's so hard, keep fucking me, I'm going to cum, $nicdomname, please, may I cum?" she begs.
You increase your pressure, spitting on her clit and rubbing it as you fill her to her limit, and she writhes beneath you, her limbs flailing until she lies still.
"I like real cocks, but sometimes its nice to have something I'm not afraid to break when I squeeze it." she pants, as she lies on her back, sweat pooling between her small breasts.
You pack the strapon away in its box after wiping it clean <<set $dildo ="none">>
<<nicsex>>With a serious expression on her face, Daisy affixes the $dildo about her waist.
She slaps you in the face with it a few times.
"Kiss my cock, my little slut"
You give it tiny kisses along its length, before opening your lips and gently sucking on the tip of her fake cock.
"Is this what it is like to be a man? How awkward, having one of these swinging about all of the time. Still I guess they do have their uses. Have you got that good and wet yet?"
"Yes Miss Daisy"
"Good girl. Now bend over for me and spread your legs."
<img src="Images/People/Daisy/daisystrap3.jpg" width=600 />
You do as she asks, ad she eases the huge dildo between your thighs, inch by inch, until you feel as if you are splitting apart, before rocking back and forward as you gasp.
She strokes your neck and touches the sensitive skin of your thighs below your caged cock as she does so, and you feel more than ever like a real girl, being filled with a cock as your lover whispers and moans into your ear.
"How does it feel for me to fuck you my sweet?"
You gasp incompehensively as the dildo pushes up and rubs your prostate as she starts tugging on your chastity cage.
"I'm going to cum." you pant, feeling the pressure building at the same time in your cock and your ass.
<img src="Images/People/Daisy/daisystrap4.jpg" width=600 />
"Cum for me my princess." She thrusts harder and harder, squeezing your balls tightly as you dribble semen from your flaccid caged cock. She catches it in her hand and lifts her fingers to your mouth as the pair of you lie together on the sticky sheets.
You hurriedly dress and kiss passionately before leaving
<<if $ret eq "HC_foyer">><<link [[You dress before heading back into the club->HC_foyer]]>><<wait>><<WearAll>><</link>>
\<<else>><<link [[Finish and get dressed->YourRoom]]>><<wait>><<WearAll>><</link>><</if>><img src="Images/People/Daisy/Daisy_1b.webp" width=600 />
<<if $Daisydomevent lt 1>>
"I see how you look at me when I'm dressed as a girl, like a cat stalking a bird."
"I like you when you are all pretty. It gives me some ideas."
"What kind of ideas?"
"Naughty ideas. Things I want to do but can't in public. Like Megan at the club, to play with you, maybe hurt you a little, then have my way with you. To be your mistress."
"With me as a girl?"
"Only when we play together. Unless I get a bit carried away. Is that what you want?"
"It might be fun. And if I change my mind."
"We can always swap back. Just talk to me."
"Yes Miss Ambrose." you say, subserviently.
"Kiss my foot, my pet."
You kneel down and kiss her dainty stocking clad toe. She giggles.
<<if $Daisydomevent eq 0>>
"This is going to be so much fun. But there are a few things we need to sort out first
[[What have I let myself in for?->Daisy_domevent0]]
<<else>>"This is going to be so much fun. Shall we pick up where we left off then?"
You nod. "Tuesday night then. I will pick out my sexiest panties for you."<<set $Daisydomevent = (0 - $Daisydomevent)>>
I want to continue to see you, I just think it's a bit much. Sometimes I might like to wear women's clothing, but I don't want to be treated like a slave.
She looks you deep in the eyes and starts to cry.
"I'm sorry my love. I was trying so hard, I thought that was what you wanted. I talked to Megan at the club and asked how to be dominant."
"I just want you. And when we are together, maybe sometimes you could take the lead, or sometimes me."
"As equals then?"
"As equals."
"Very well." she leans in and kisses you. "I am sorry for hurting you. Will you forgive me?"
You nod and kiss her back.
"And if you change your mind, just ask." she says with a twinkle in her eyes. "It was fun to pretend to be the Queen Bitch."
<<set $Daisydomevent = (0 - $Daisydomevent)>>
<</if>>For the third week in a row the club’s events have extended beyond the usual Saturday evening slot. You recognise that they are making the most of the pleasant weather before the days start to grow shorter again, and that the summer period is quieter when many head for foreign shores for holiday. Still, the pace is somewhat relentless.
<<set $HCevent = 11>><<SetFlag "event">><<temp>>
<<if $daisyengagement gt 0>>
\Given your engagement it would be inappropriate for you to take anyone other than Daisy
[[Enter the celebrations with Daisy|HC11_1][$HC11 = "Daisy"]]
<<elseif $micengagement gt 0>>
\Given your engagement it would be inappropriate for you to take anyone other than Michaela
[[Enter the celebrations with Michaela|HC11_1][$HC11 = "Michaela"]]
<<elseif $nicengagement gt 0>>
\Given your engagement it would be inappropriate for you to take anyone other than Nicola
[[Enter the celebrations with Nicola|HC11_1][$HC11 = "Nicola"]]
\<<elseif $datingmatt gt 0>>[[Enter the celebrations with Matthew|HC11_1][$HC11 = "Matthew"]]
[[Enter the celebrations alone|HC11_1][$HC11 = "none"]]
<</if>>\<<if $domtraining eq 0>><<set $domtraining = 1>><</if>><<SetFlag "event">>Megan counts the guinea with a keen eye then turns to you.
"To start with I merely want to observe you with your submissive.
\<<if Flag("dommetraining")>>She sits on a chair and indicates Daisy to sit opposite her. Daisy removes her coat, revealing a tight red corset beneath and sits next to Megan.
\<img src="Images/HC11/Daisydommesofa.webp" width=600 />
"Very nice, Daisy. Oh, I should probably use your title here. What do you call each other when you are doing scenes together?"
"I am Miss Ambrose, or sometimes Miss Daisy. And this is $subname."
"Very good. Now ask $subname to join us."
"Would you like to sit next to me, $subname" asks Daisy, patting the sofa next to her.
Megan shakes her head.
"In a scene your submissive should know their place. Clothed and sitting next to you shows equality, and that will not do. Try again."
"$subname. Strip and kneel before me." commands Daisy
"Much better. A nice authoritative tone."
<<link[[Strip naked and kneel|domtraining1_2]]>><<StripAll>><</link>>
[[Refuse|domtraining1_refuse][$temp = 1]]
\<<elseif Flag("domtraining")>>
<<if $chastity eq 1>>"Oh this is not going to work. You simply cannot be dominant if you are visually submitting. You may not want to use it, but that has to be your choice, or your submissive here will not respect your sexual dominance over her. She hands you a key and gestures at your crotch. You discreetly unclip your cage and return to face Nicola. <<set $chastity = -1>><</if>>
\Megan sits on a chair and indicates you to sit opposite her.
"Good evening $Hname. Oh, I should probably use your title here. What do you call each other when you are doing scenes together?"
"I am $nicdomname. And this is Nicola."
"Sometimes a pet name is helpful when playing to emphasise the power imbalance between you. Would you like to give her one?"
"You had never thought to formalise your new relationship with a specific name for her, but it does make sense.
<<set _Options = ["Princess" , "Doll", "Kitten" , "Angel" , "Cherry" , "Sweetie", "Baby", "Pet", "Honey", "Bitch", "Treasure", "Flower", "Missy", "Piglet", "Fucktoy", "Fuckhole", "Slut", "Whore"] >>
"I shall call you <<cycle "$nicsubname" autoselect>>
<<optionsfrom _Options>>
"Very good. Now ask her to join us."
You indicate the sofa next to you, but Megan shakes her head.
"In a scene your submissive should know their place. Clothed and sitting next to you shows equality, and that will not do. Try again."
<img src="Images/HC11/nicstrip.webp" width=600 />
Looking deep into Nicola’s eyes you command her to strip and kneel at your feet.
"Yes my $nicdomname." she replies, carefully stripping naked and folding her garments neatly before kneeling before you.
[[Reward her with a kissl|domtraining1_2][$temp = 1]]
[[Wait for Megan’s instructions|domtraining1_2][$temp = 2]]
<</if>>"Very good. I can see that you have been training this one well.
<<if Flag("dommetraining")>>
\<<if $Megandomevent gt 0>> Although I might have had something to do with that myself.<</if>> Do not forget to praise your pet when they carry out your instructions, even if it is a simple task. This serves to reinforce your different roles.
Daisy ruffles your hair affectionately. "Good girl."
<<elseif Flag("domtraining")>>You look down at Nicola and use your new name for her for the first time. "Well done my sweet $nicsubname.", kissing her on the forehead affectionately.
Next I want you to ask your submissive to carry out a service for you. Nothing too extreme at this stage, you need to build up to things. A drink, a massage. It could be something routine you want when you first meet them. Personally I like mine to kneel naked in supplication, but worship is hard to maintain in a regular relationship.
<<if Flag("dommetraining")>>
<img src="Images/HC11/nicfootfetish3.webp" width=600 />
Daisy looks at you and sticks her foot out. "My feet are hurting, $subname. Be a sweetie and give me a foot massage."
[[Remove her boots and enthusiastically worship her footl|domtraining1_3][$temp = 1]]
[[Remove her boots and rub her toes|domtraining1_3][$temp = 2]]
[[Refuse|domtraining1_refuse][$temp = 2]]
\<<elseif Flag("domtraining")>>
<img src="Images/HC11/nicsit.webp" width=600 />
You look down at Nicola who returns your gaze with a look of absolute devotion.
[[Undo your clothing and command her to suck your cockl|domtraining1_4][$temp = 1]]
[[I am thirsty, my sweet. Get Megan and I some wine|domtraining1_3][$temp = 2]]
<</if>>Daisy looks at you, furiously, as if you embarrassed her in public. She smacks you about the face, knocking you to the ground. before standing up and shouting. "Bad $subname!" she scolds you.
<<set $disobedience +=1>>
"If I may?" Megan intervenes. "Whilst it is important to correct your submissive, firm verbal correction can be more effective. Infliction of pain even with a masochistic submissive is best reserved to increase arousal, rather than for punishment, for example for scenes like whipping or spanking."
She whispers into Daisy’s ear, then sits back down, observing carefully.
Daisy steps towards you, stroking your face softly where she slapped you.
"Sweetpea, I’m so disappointed in you. I thought you were better than this, and now you’re embarrassing me in front of Mistress Megan. I wanted so much to show off how well behaved you are for me, and then maybe I could give you a little treat."
<img src="Images\HC11\Daisydommenippleflash.webp" width=600 />
She pulls down the top of her corset, revealing a pale pink nipple that she fingers seductively before putting it away. "Now do you want to try that again and show us both what a good girl you are?"
In the background Megan smiles.
\<<if $temp eq 1>><<link[[Strip naked and kneel|domtraining1_2]]>><<StripAll>><</link>>
\<<elseif $temp eq 2>>[[Remove Daisy’s shoe and enthusiastically worship her foot|domtraining1_3][$temp = 1]]
[[Remove Daisy’s shoe and rub her toes|domtraining1_3][$temp = 2]]
\<<elseif $temp eq 3>><<link[[Crawl over and service Daisy|domtraining1_4]]>><</link>>
[[Continue to refuse|domtraining1_refuse2]]Very good. Some dominants demand sex, particularly oral sex, straight away. But I find it is usually best to build up to that, if you are not in a hurry.
Megan stands patiently as she watches.
<<if Flag("dommetraining")>>
<<if $temp eq 1>>
<img src="Images/HC11/nicfootfetish4.webp" width=600 />
You take off Daisy’s shoe and begin kissing her toes, licking between them and taking each one into your mouth in turn, while rubbing the underside.
<<else>>You don’t much care for feet, knowing that Daisy has far greater assets you would rather worship. You take off her shoe and rub her heel and the ball of her foot, before swapping your attention and repeating with her left foot. <</if>>
"Sometimes the submissive might be way too enthusiastic, enjoying the performance and the act of obedience more than ensuring that the task is done well. And other times their performance might just fall short, either because of inadequate training, or they may be distracted, perhaps thinking of pleasure to come. In either case, you must correct this. Go ahead."
"$subname, I blame myself, for not giving you clearer instructions. Give gentle pressure with your thumbs, and keep going until I ask you to stop. A few kisses is lovely, but no tongues. Save that for my pussy later."
Encouraged, you follow her instructions to the letter, feeling yourself getting aroused at the thought of her pussy, but pull your attention back to her feet, which you massage attentively for ten minutes.
"That was heavenly, darling. Why don’t you do the same too Megan now while I get ready."
Feeling a warm contentedness come over you, you take off Megan’s high heeled shoes and gently massage her feet also, keeping going until she coughs to draw your attention.
"I think Miss Daisy wants you for something."
You turn to see Daisy has removed her panties and is sitting fingering her shaven wet pussy as she watches you servicing Megan’s feet.
"Come poppet. Miss Daisy is all wet for you now. "
[[Crawl over and service Daisy|domtraining1_4][$temp = 4]]
[[Refuse|domtraining1_refuse][$temp = 3]]
<<elseif Flag("domtraining")>>
"Yes $nicdomname."
She stands aloft and walks to the sidebar, picking up a decanter of wine which she pours into two glasses. She walks seductively towards you, kneeling in one smooth movement and holding them out toward you and Megan. Megan takes hers with an amused smile.
<img src="Images/HC11/nicdrink2.webp" width=600 />
You take the glass and lift your feet, resting them upon her naked body which you use as a footstool, sipping genty on the fine wine.
"A fine vintage, Megan. Ninety-one?"
"Close, the ninety-two was superior."
You and Megan chat for quarter of an hour as you sup your wine, occasionally adjusting the position of your shoes upon Nicola’s immobile frame. Nicola does not complain, or indeed say anything. After a while you put your feet down and beckon her to rest her head upon your lap as you stroke her red hair.
<img src="Images/HC11/nicallfours.webp" width=600 />
"Your submissive is exquisite. How long have you been training her?"
"Just a few weeks."
"Really? She is such a natural. And so comfortable with you. I think for our final act today I’d like to see how you command her sexually."
[[Command her to suck your cockl|domtraining1_4][$temp = 2]]
[[Command her to lick your ass|domtraining1_4][$temp = 3]]
[[Command Nicola to go down on Megan|domtraining1_4][$temp = 4]]
<</if>><<if Flag("dommetraining")>>
<img src="Images/HC11/nicsofacunni6.webp" width=600 />
You crawl forward and start gently licking at Daisy’s outer folds the way that she likes, not rushing and letting the sensation build, using only your lips and tongue. As you do so she opens up and pushes her vulva into your mouth, and you increase your pace, slipping two fingers inside her as you keep eating her out. She starts panting and moaning, oblivious to the older woman watching you who you see reflected in a mirror, idly touching her hair, more curious than aroused. Opening Daisy up with your thumbs, you stick the length of your tongue inside and lick with long strokes from the tip of her clitoris to the entrance to her asshole, which you tease momentarily before reversing the journey.
After ten minutes of this slow licking, Daisy is panting and moaning, and your dick is hard against its cage.
<img src="Images/HC11/daisysofacunnisquirt.webp" width=600 />
"Now sweetheart. Make me come." she commands, and you increase your urgency, pushing a third finger inside her while sucking hard on her clitoris. Almost instantly she shudders and squirts a little sour liquid into your mouth, dribbling the remainder onto the sofa, clutching your hair tightly as she buries your face in her snatch.
"Mmmh. I feel all squiffy. I just love having a sex slave so much."
"They are wonderful, aren’t they? Every woman should have one."
Daisy pauses, as if having forgotten something.
"Should I reciprocate? After I climax, I just want to snuggle, but I know my pet might want to cum too."
"That is up to you. This is not romance, where you are equal. As long as you show your appreciation for the service, then a good submissive will be happy. They know that you own their orgasms, and they can only cum when you permit it. We can talk about that next lesson."
Daisy lets you go and gives you a long slow wet kiss.
"Thank you pumpkin. That was delightful. Now go and thank Mistress Megan for her hospitality and we will be on our way." She seems to have decided no orgasm for you tonight. You hope that you don’t have to wait for next week’s lesson for that reward. As instructed you crawl over to Megan, bowing your head in respect as she pats you on the head.
"You did very well, $subname. You are a credit to your mistress."
You return to a proud looking Daisy, who leads you to the door.
"Oh, I almost forgot. Clothes!"
She puts her coat over her corset, looking respectable once more.
<<link[[Dress and Return Home|YourRoom]]>><<wait>><<WearAll>><</link>>
<<elseif Flag("domtraining")>>
<<if $temp eq 1>>Megan shakes her head.
"A submissive’s service is something to be savoured, not something to be rushed through. You do not need to start with sex."
<<if $temp eq 1 or $temp eq 2>>
Megan observes and comments out loud once more.
"Whilst oral sex is of course delightful, it does help to mix it up once in a while. I do know one dominant who likes his submissive to welcome him home daily with a sloppy blowjob as soon as he enters the house, and though it does give her a nice routine and reinforce the power dynamic, I just prefer something more varied. Each to their own."
<img src="Images/HC11/nickneelblowjob.webp" width=600 />
You stop listening to Megan halfway through her commentary as Nicola has your cock deep in her soft wet lips, as she rubs them up and down the length of your shaft while teasing the end with her tongue. You like the idea of coming home daily to a blowjob like this, and Nicola genuinely does seem to love giving you pleasure. You look up and see Megan eyeing you both curiously.
"Give her some direction. Either verbally or with your hands. Remember who is in charge."
You take Nicola’s head in your hands, grasping her hair in your fingers. Her eyes look glassy as she loses herself in her submissive state, before you force yourself deep into her throat, making her gag slightly, before relieving the pressure.
"Now keep me at the edge for ten minutes. Don’t let me cum."
Megan smiles, enjoying the game, as Nicola slows her pace and just uses delicate strokes and licks as you wriggle in pleasure. Megan seems almost disappointed when six minutes later you cum all over Nicola’s porcelain features, unable to resist her beauty and tender administrations.
<img src="Images/HC11/nicfacialindoors.webp" width=600 />
You look sternly at Nicola. "Six minutes. You are getting better, but still not good enough. Do make sure you clean that all up. "
Looking sad, Nicola pushes the sperm from her face into her mouth with a finger, before leaning down to lick the remainder from the floor.
"Whilst striving for perfection is admirable, do not be so hard on the poor girl. I think that was a delightful effort."
You relent and stroke Nicola’s face as she lays her head in your lap, gazing adoringly at you.
<<elseif $temp eq 3>>
<img src="Images/HC11/nicanilingus.webp" width=600 />
"Challenging and demeaning. Do ensure that your sub is happy with giving and receiving anal, as some really do not care for it. Although by her eagerness this does not apply here. My, I’ve rarely seen anyone eat an arsehole quite so greedily."
Nicola’s fingers and tongue play with your sphincter for some time, as she sups away. It is not enough to bring you to climax, but does demonstrate nicely your power over your submissive to make her do this in front of an audience.
<<elseif $temp eq 4>>
<img src="Images/HC11/niccunni2.webp" width=600 />
"Why thank you for sharing your dear $nicsubname with me." Megan lifts her skirt and opens her legs to reveal a perfectly shaven pussy which Nicola starts licking at first slowly, then more insistently. You touch your groin as you watch her try to bring the older woman to climax, slipping her long white fingers inside one by one to rub Megan from the inside as her dextrous tongue nibbles on her clit.
"That’s enough, dear." Megan comments, lifting Nicola’s chin up and kissing her on the lips. "Full marks for effort, but I think you need a little more practice with a vagina that is not your own. One does not try to play the cathedral organ before you master the piano."
Downhearted, Nicola retreats between your legs with her head on your lap and you comfort her, stroking her neck softly.
"Our time is at end. You did very well, $nicsubname. You are a credit to your $nicdomname."
Nicola beams with pride at the compliment from the experienced dominatrix.
"Same time next week, $Hname? I hope today’s session was informative."
You thank Megan and motion for Nicola to dress before heading for the door.
<<if $chastity eq -1>>"Aren’t we forgetting something?" She points discreetly at your chastity cage sitting on the side bench. You pick it up and clip it back in place, then follow Nicola out the door.<<chastity 1>><</if>>
<<link[[Return Home|YourRoom]]>><<wait>><</link>>
<</if>>Oh dear." says Megan. <<set $disobedience +=2>>
"Sometimes they are like this. What did I do wrong?"
"You did everything correct there, but the submissive is being wilfully defiant. This probably means that they want to be punished. Now there is a time and place for that, perhaps being slightly sloppy at a task to get a spanking, but this is of a different order and needs to be addressed at once."
"With what?"
"Discomfort and denial, my dear. Now help me get them into this cage."
<<WearAll>><<StripAll>>The pair of them drag you into a metal cage that is bolted to the corner of the room, throwing your clothes in a pile outside it. There is insufficient headroom for you to sit up straight, and you feel a sharp pain beneath you. Looking down you see the floor of the cage is coated in raw rice that is sticking into your hands and knees. As you are coming to terms with this, you look up and see Daisy throwing a bucket of water over you. It is freezing cold and you shout out as it hits you, leaving you damp and miserable.
"That I think is discomfort. And now for denial."
<img src="Images/HC11/daisymegan.webp" width=600 />
Megan embraces Daisy on the sofa, which you note is positioned so that you can observe the pair perfectly but just out of reach. Megan is careful to describe in exquisite detail every action she is taking, as she uses her mouth, fingers and tongue to bring Daisy to the edge of ecstasy and keep her there for what seems like an age. Locked in chastity as you are, cold, wet and unable to sit still due to the rice you can’t help but watch the pair touching and caressing each other. You try closing your eyes but can still hear Daisy’s orgasmic squeals, and soon open them again to take in her beauty.
<img src="Images/HC11/daisymegancunni.jpg" width=600 />
Daisy stands up and dresses, before coming over to you and opening the cage.
"I have never been so embarrassed in my life. What came over you? I hope you have learned your lesson."
You bow your head. "Yes Miss Daisy. Sorry Miss Daisy."
"And apologise to Mistress Megan as well."
"I am sorry Mistress Megan."
Megan does not even acknowledge your apology, but gives you a look of disdain before turning to embrace Daisy warmly.
"I suggest we start this lesson again next time. I suggest that you keep it locked in chastity for a week so that it learns its lesson. At least you and I had fun, my dear."
Daisy giggles, touching her breast, before waiting arms folded for you to dress and leaving without another word.
<<if $domtraining eq 1>><<set $domtraining = 0>><</if>>
<<link [[Dress and return Home|YourRoom]]>><<wait>><<WearAll>><</link>><img src="Images/HC11/Meganformal.webp" width=600 /><<temp>><<set $temp19 = 3>>
Nicola looks at you with a worried expression. You place a hand on her shoulder and reassure her, "It's alright my sweet, this will bring us closer together." before descending the steps.
Megan welcomes you in, wearing a simple black gown with none of the theatrical dominance you normally associate with her.
"Today I am a teacher, not a mistress. Just leave the payment on the bureau over there."
<<if $money lt 252>>You do not have the required funds, and make your apologies. Megan looks at you with a disappointed expression. "In future I suggest you do not make arrangements you are unable to afford."
<<if $domtraining eq 0>><<link [[Enter Megan's apartment|domtraining1_1]]>><<set $domtraining = 1>><<money -252>><</link>>
<<elseif $domtraining eq 1>><<link [[Enter Megan's apartment|Megan_domevent7]]>><<set $domtraining = 2>><<money -252>><</link>>
<<elseif $domtraining eq 2>><<link [[Enter Megan's apartment|Megan_domevent9]]>><<money -252>><<set $domtraining = 3>><</link>>
<<else>>No more domination training scenes yet. Check in future updates.
Alternatively repeat previous sessions (no money cost)
[[Repeat Training session One - Introductions|domtraining1_1]]
[[Repeat Training session Two - Pleasure|Megan_domevent7]]
[[Repeat Training session Three - Power|Megan_domevent9]]
\[[Leave|YourRoom]]<img src="Images/HC11/Meganformal.webp" width=600 /><<temp>><<set $temp19 = 2>>
Daisy looks at you possessively. "Just remember who your mistress is, $subname." before descending the steps.
Megan welcomes you in, wearing a simple black gown with none of the theatrical dominance you normally associate with her.
"Today I am a teacher, not a mistress. Just leave the payment on the bureau over there."
<<if $money lt 252>>You do not have the required funds, and make your apologies. Megan looks at you with a disappointed expression. "In future I suggest you do not make arrangements you are unable to afford."
<<if $domtraining eq 0>><<link [[Enter Megan's apartment|domtraining1_1]]>><<set $domtraining = 1>><<money -252>><</link>>
<<elseif $domtraining eq 1>><<link [[Enter Megan's apartment|Megan_domevent7]]>><<set $domtraining = 2>><<money -252>><</link>>
<<elseif $domtraining eq 2>><<link [[Enter Megan's apartment|Megan_domevent9]]>><<money -252>><<set $domtraining = 3>><</link>>
<<else>>No more domination training scenes yet. Check in future updates.
Alternatively repeat previous sessions (no money cost)
[[Repeat Training session One - Introductions|domtraining1_1]]
[[Repeat Training session Two - Pleasure|Megan_domevent7]]
[[Repeat Training session Two - Power|Megan_domevent9]]
\[[Leave|YourRoom]]You arrive at the venue, a private walled garden with a canal running through it into the Thames.
"It is not Cambridge, but it will suffice for today." says a voice, that you recognise as Walsingham.
"So why do you call it May week? It is June." You ask.
"The celebrations we are recreating originally took place in May, before examinations. It was deemed a distraction to the students so they moved after the exams, into June. However the name of the boat races, the May bumps, stuck. So May week is in June. The week starts officially on the sunday, known colloquially as Suicide Sunday, due to the amount of alcohol consumed. Balls and garden parties take place over the next few days, with the rowing taking place from Wednesday until Saturday."
"And you studied there?"
"Indeed. I read engineering at Trinity."
"I sadly did not get a chance to study at university. I always wanted to, but..."
"Well perhaps today you get a taste of that student life not lived. "
\<<if $HC11 neq "none">>Megan calls out to you and $HC11. "You are a little early, we are still setting up - why don’t you take a punt along the river?"
You see him point out a punt, a large flat bottomed boat, with seats for two to sit facing each other. Inside sits a basket of strawberries and a bottle of champagne. You and $HC11 take your seats, stepping in warily as the boat wobbles. A figure carrying a long pole stands on the back and propels you slowly through the water by pushing it along the canal’s bed.
"This is just delightful." says $HC11. "Sunshine, company and these strawberries are delicious."
"I’m not sure I can eat strawberries the same way after Bunny’s display last week."
"Well she is very sweet, a perfect dessert." $HC11 dips a strawberry in the cream and sensually licks the cream off before popping it into their mouth whole as you laugh at the spectacle.
"I haven’t seen her yet today. I wonder if she’ll be stretching her boundaries again."
"Boundaries? That girl has no boundaries. The only thing she stretches is her cunt. I do swear she’s the naughtiest girl in London."
"Are you jealous?"
"Maybe a little. Though she does share so generously you can’t really complain."
The punt reaches the end of the short stretch of river through the garden and the man turns it around by moving the pole in the water before stepping off.
"Would either of you like a go? It is quite straightforward, you just stick the pole in and push."
<<if $penis eq "tiny" or $penis eq "small" or $chastity eq 1>>"I think I’d better take it" says $HC11, those do sound like things you have struggled with in the past. You look down at your crotch, getting their joke.
<<link [[Sit back as your partner punts you|HC11_Punting]]>><<set $temp = 1>><</link>>
[[Take the pole and have a go|HC11_Punting][$temp = 2]]
[[Sit back as your partner punts you|HC11_Punting][$temp = 1]]
<<else>>Megan sees you standing alone. "Come and help me with these decorations - you might as well make yourself useful as you haven’t got a partner to entertain."
You spend the next half hour helping Megan coordinate the setup before a gong sounds to indicate the start of the festivities proper.
<img src="Images/HC11/daisymattproposal.webp" width=600 />
Looking toward the river bank you notice Matthew on one knee in front of Daisy. He stands and they embrace passionately.
"What is happening?" you ask.
"Daisy has agreed to marry me," says Matthew. "It’s time for me to settle down."
"Congratulations, old bean, couldn’t be happier for you." You slap him on the back, and look for a drink to celebrate.
<<SetFlag "MattDaisyengaged">>
[[Join the festivities|HC11_2]]
<</if>><img src="Images/HC11/lordbgarden.webp" width=600 />
"My Friends." starts Lord Bentley.
"It is time for my favourite part of May week, the May Bumps. As I am sure you all know, on the river the boats all start the same distance apart and the goal is to overtake the boat ahead of you. Over the course of the week boats trade places. So today we are going to do something similar with sex."
"The rules are simple. Participants are ranked and compete in pairs, both naked. Each has to make the other orgasm. The partner who cums first loses, and swaps places with the person ranked below them. Then repeat for three more rounds."
"This seems needlessly complicated." observes Daisy.
"Overly complicated rules are de rigueur for Cambridge, I am afraid" notes Walsingham
"And what does the winner get?"
"Their name is painted on this trophy." says Megan proudly, holding aloft a wooden shield. Her name appears three times next to the years 1896, 1897, 1898.
"You are the reigning champion then?"
"Never beaten." she boasts.
Pierre pipes up. "Are we allowed mechanical assistance?"
He looks upset at the strength of the rebuttal.
Looking at the sign you note two competitions, mixed and women’s, and ask about the difference.
"The women’s competition is a Sapphic affair, women only. The mixed pairs participants of opposite sexes. We did consider a male only competition but didn’t have enough takers. Maybe next year." explains Megan.
[[Enter the competition|HC11_3][$temp = 1]]
[[Just watch the competition|HC11_3_4][$temp = 3]]<<if $chastity eq 1>><<chastity 0>>
\<<if $Daisydomevent gt 0>>"I guess we can let you out to play, just for now. But we'll lock you away again afterwards, sweetness." says Daisy. unlocking your cage and pocketing it discreetly.
\<<else>>"It wouldn't do to give you an unfair advantage, would it? Like two knights entering battle with one armoured and the other not." She unlocks your cage and hands it to you. "Be sure to put it back before you come to see me."
\<img src="Images/HC11/bunnybumps2.webp" width=600 />
The first round is against the pink haired American girl Bunny. She giggles. "I’m terrible at this game. I just want to cum cum cum all the time."
"I think I can help you with that," you joke.
She strips off and lies on the competition grounds with you, your head next to her groin and hers next to yours. A gong rings and you start to touch her sensitive bud, licking and stroking. As expected Bunny forgets about making you cum entirely and loses herself in pleasure as soon as you go down on her, and you win within a few minutes as she squirms in ecstasy.
"Thank you sugar, that was dreamy." She breathes heavily. "Come back later and I’ll finish you off if you like, it’s only fair."
You rest for a short period while the rest of the competitors finish off. Megan has easily defeated her pairing who is lying in a blissful heap, and she remains top of the contest bracket. Melissa has moved up also and is now in third place.
The second round is against your cousin Daisy.
<<if $Daisydomevent gt 0>>She leans in close to you and whispers in your ear as you begin. "If you beat me here, you may regret it next time we have any special time together. Do you understand me?"
You understand perfectly. She wants you to intentionally lose the match.
\<<elseif $Daisyengagement gt 0>>"Don’t think I will go easy on you because we are engaged, my sweet.
[[Intentionally lose to Daisy|HC11_3_1][$temp = 3]]
\<<set $randomset = [1, 2]>>
\<<set $temp = $randomset.pluck()>>
[[Go down on Daisy and try to win|HC11_3_1]]<img src="Images/People/Matt/mattpub2.webp" width=600 />
"You’ve got a spring in your step today. What’s got you so pleased with yourself?"
"Nothing much. Everything is just normal."
"Are you still working for your uncle?"
<<if Flag("clinic")>>
"No, I’m working as a doctor."
"That’s brilliant. You always said you wanted to do that. And you were fantastic at field medicine. Pretty sure I’d not be here if you hadn’t patched me up that time. But don’t you need to study at university for that?"
"Apparently not. It’s not as if there’s a national health service keeping track of these things, and as long as someone reputable vouches for you then patients are queuing up."
"Better you than me. Phlegmy babies and mangy lepers."
"More rich housewives with ladies problems."
"Oh really? I guess you finally found a way to get between a woman’s legs, $playersurname."
<<elseif $farmopen eq 1>>"No, I’m working with this businessman, Walsingham, doing some research."
"Walsingham? <b>The</b>Walsingham? Minister of industry, owns a dozen factories Walsingham?"
"Yeah, sounds like him."
"You are moving up in the world. What next, you could run for parliament!"
"Yes." you reply in a downbeat manner.
"Hey, it’s a job. Something will come up. You’re one of the smartest people I know, you know all that science and medicine stuff that makes my head hurt. As long as it doesn’t involve talking to ladies you’re a pro."
You joke goodnaturedly with each other over your drinks.
[[Have another drink->Mattchat][$money -=2, $drunk +=1]]
[[Go home->YourRoom][$time = "Night"]]<img src="Images/People/Matt/mattpub2.webp" width=600 />
You and Matthew are disturbed by some shouting in the corner of the bar.
"Just look at him. Fucking nancy boy."
"Thinks he can just show his face around here, does he? Let’s show him how things work in these parts." There is a crash as the two open the side door to the alley, before throwing a small figure outside. The barmaid looks at the pair of you pleadingly.
"I think they might have had one or two drinks too many. Do you fancy intervening, old boy?" asks Matthew.
[[Head outside and intervene|Matt4_1]]
[[Ignore the disturbance and don’t get involved|Mattchat][$butler = -2]]<img src="Images/People/Matt/mattpub2.webp" width=600 />
"So, $HC8 and I are getting closer, and have been courting. And I wanted you to know that we are getting hitched."
"Hitched? As in married?"
"Not the other way. I'm not a carthorse."
"It'd be less hassle than marriage. Only kidding mate, I'm really happy for you. So you proposed? And she said yes?"
You nod.
"I guess she took pity on you."
"I’ll have you know I’m quite a catch. My prospects have never been higher.
<<if $micengagement gt 0>> "Isn’t she a he? I mean legally speaking."
"Matthew. I expect better of you. Isn’t the point of the club to transcend such narrow thinking?"
"In the club, sure. But you’re not getting married in the club. You have to live in the real world."
"We’ll manage."
<<elseif $Daisyengagement gt 0 >>
"Marrying your cousin. Don’t they have laws against that."
"That’s sisters. Cousins is allowed. Encouraged in some parts to stop family blood mingling with common folk like you."
"I’m not good enough for your cousin am I?"
"Not at all, she just prefers my cock to yours is all."
"She doesn’t know what she’s missing."
<<elseif $nicengagement gt 0 >>
"Nicola as in your ex Nicola? You sure she's not going to split up with you again?"
"No she's different now. Quite devoted to me."
"Told you you should have just fucked her the first time. Would have saved you years of wallowing in self pity."
"You're probably right, but maybe we both had to go through this to get where we are."
"I thought she was pledged to God. Did you make her a better offer?"
"She reconsidered, thankfully."
"$playersurname, saving London’s womenfolk from a life of chastity one pussy at a time."
\"Well congratulations. Ohara, do you have any champagne? My friend here is getting married."
The barmaid brings over an extremely dusty bottle of sparkling wine that would not pass a Parisian sommelier’s test, but bubbles pleasantly as Matthew toasts your happiness.
"Would you do me a favour, Matthew? I’d like you to be my best man."
"That means that if you chicken out I have to marry her, right? That would be tragic with her being so ugly and all, but I’ll take one for the team. More seriously, I would be honoured. And more importantly, I get to organise the stag night."
"Oh fuck." you swear. Matthew’s drinking nights are legendary.
<<SetFlag "wedbestm">>
[[Have another drink->Mattchat][$money -=2, $drunk +=1]]
[[Go home->YourRoom][$time = "Night"]]<img src="Images/People/Matt/mattpub2.webp" width=600 />
<<if $HCevent lt 4>>"So I joined a members club."
"A gentlemans club, excellent. Which one? Brook’s, White’s? I know, the Athenaeum, that's the one for clever sods like you. My uncle’s in one so exclusive he won't even tell me its name. I looked into joining one but they’re a bit snooty and I can’t really stump up the cash at the moment."
"None of them. It’s called the Hellfire club."
"Satanists or resurrectionists?"
"Neither. It’s full of perverts. Sex shows and half naked waitresses, it’s like some naughty schoolboys fantasy."
"You’re kidding. No, I can tell by that grin on your face. How did you manage that?"
"Virgin $playersurname and his sex club. What a turn around!"
"So you joined the Hellfire club?" you say
"I inherited it. From my uncle, randy old sod."
"And what do you think?"
"Well I haven’t been going as much as you, but it’s an eye opener. The girls are so pretty!"
<<if $femcheck gt 1>>"You don’t think I’m as pretty as they are?"
"Well you are dressing very ladylike at the moment, but you’re $playersurname!"
"So I’ll see you there on Saturday?"
"Wouldn’t miss it, mate."
[[Have another drink->Mattchat][$money -=2, $drunk +=1]]
[[Go home->YourRoom][$time = "Night"]]<img src="Images/People/Matt/mattpub2.webp" width=600 />
"I’m starving. Shall we eat?" says Matthew.
He calls over the barmaid, and orders today’s special, which seems to be rabbit pie. "Fresh and silky smooth, makes your mouth water and slips down your throat nicely."
<<if $HCevent gte 3>>"Sounds like another Bunny I know." you say. Matthew raises an eyebrow.<</if>>
[[Have another drink->Mattchat][$money -=2, $drunk +=1]]
[[Go home->YourRoom][$time = "Night"]]<img src="Images/People/butlerbeaten.webp" width=600 />
Outside, the two men are alternating kicking someone on the ground
"So you like men do you, see if you like this you fop."
"Do you think he’ll still want to fuck us after we kick the shit out of him?"
"Probably makes him hard."
"Ahem." Matthew makes a loud coughing sound as the pair of you walk into the alley.
"Do step away from my friend there, or you might regret it." you threaten.
<<if $femcheck gt 5>>"Come on sweetheart, we don’t want to fight a girl. Why don’t you come inside and Jack and I will show you a good time?"
<<elseif $femcheck gt 1 and $femcheck lt 5>>"You’re not a woman, you’re another poof like him!" The first thug moves forward and throws a punch at you
<<else>>"Yeah, you and whose army?" asks one of the thugs
You shake your head and step forward.
[[Threaten them|Matt4_2][$temp = 1]]<</if>>
[[Fight the thugs to drive them away|Matt4_2][$temp = 2]]
[[Use your skill to seriously injure them|Matt4_2][$temp = 3]]<<if $temp eq 1 and $fitness gt 4>>You stand imposingly next to Matthew, showing off your toned physique.
"Oh screw this. Little pansy isn’t worth it." The pair run off into the shadows.
<<elseif $temp lt 3>>
You and Matthew get into a fight with the two. They are both drunk and not a match for your military training, but you don’t seriously injure them, just causing some bruising and a black eye or two. With a cry of "Oh screw this. Little pansy isn’t worth it." the pair run off into the shadows.
<<elseif $temp eq 3>> You feint a punch, then as he moves to counter it you place a hard kick at the man’s kneecap. With the crunch of splintering bone, you feel his joint give way and he collapses to the ground. His friend looks around. "Fucking hell. We didn’t mean any harm. Come on Bill." before pulling his friend away out of the alley.<</if>>
With the assailants out of the picture, you approach the bleeding man lying in the gutter. He is thin, and covered in blood and filth.
"It’s ok, son, they’ve gone. Can you stand?"
"I think so. Thank you. I’m Ernest. Who are my gallant rescuers?"
You and Matthew introduce yourselves, and drag him back into the bar. Matthew orders a brandy for Ernest’s nerves, whilst you set about tending his wounds. He has a gash above his eye, and the makings of several nasty bruises, but nothing seems to be broken, thankfully. Ohara the barmaid thanks you and agrees that he can stay in the spare room above the bar for a few days.
As you treat him, you get his life story. Originally from the Midlands, he shunned life working the family trade in cotton mills, and signed on as a cabin boy on one of the transatlantic ships, serving the officers and captain.
"So why did you leave the ship?"
"Captain found me in bed with the first mate. Said I was a bad influence and grounded me without any pay."
"Do you know anyone, have you anywhere to stay?"
"Not around here. Was hoping to save a few bob and travel back to Derbyshire."
"Do you want to go back there?"
"Not really. But I’ve been blacklisted from shipping, and I won’t get a reference to work in service down here."
You think carefully. Your new household could do with a butler. And he does have some experience, and as a ‘confirmed bachelor’ is unlikely to raise too much of an issue about your unconventional practices.
[[Offer Ernest a job as your butler|Matt4_3][$temp = 1]]
[[Leave him to his own devices|Matt4_3][$temp = 2]]
<<if $chastity eq 0 and $penis neq "tiny">>[[Ask him to step back into the alley with you to give you a "reward"|Matt4_3][$temp = 3]]<</if>><<if $temp eq 1>>
"A job? As a butler? With room and board and a bed?"
"Yes, all those things."
"Where do I sign?"
You give him the address and he agrees to move in and turn up for work from tomorrow.
<<set $butler = 1>>
[[Have another drink with Matthew->Mattchat][$money -=2, $drunk +=1]]
[[Go home->YourRoom][$time = "Night"]]
<<elseif $temp eq 2>>
He thanks you for you for saving him and says if he can ever help you out again you might find him here. <<set $butler = -1>>
[[Have another drink with Matthew->Mattchat][$money -=2, $drunk +=1]]
[[Go home->YourRoom][$time = "Night"]]
<<elseif $temp eq3>>
<img src="Images/People/butlermeetblowjob2.webp" width=600 />
He quickly gets what you are alluding to, and follows you outside into the alley.
"I thought you might be like me, but I wasn't sure."
He kneels down in front of you, and undoes your fly, before putting your $penis cock into his mouth. He is enthusiastic enough, given his bruised state, and obviously has some experience in this, quickly getting you hard while teasing your balls with his fingers. He spits on the shaft and works it up and down, before you spurt a load deep into his throat.
He gulps your semen down, before standing up.
"I guess that makes us equal. Will I see you again?" he asks as you walk back into the bar.
[[Offer Ernest a job as your butler|Matt4_3][$temp = 1]]
[[Leave him to his own devices|Matt4_3][$temp = 2]]
<</if>><img src="Images/People/Matt/mattpub2.webp" width=600 />
\<<if $temp eq 1>>
"Fine, suit yourself. I was just offering my expertise. You were a virgin not so long ago, I thought you might want some tips from the master.
\<<elseif $temp eq 2>>
"Dominant? That's just being a man, right? We're naturally dominant and the fillies are happy with that."
"Some are, some aren't. It's a funny world. And there's more to domination than just getting your cock sucked once in a while."
<<if $HCevent gt 3>>"You should speak to Megan at the club. I mean domination is her thing. When I met her she smiled that smile of hers and told me I was a natural dom, and should come to her for lessons if I ever needed them."
\<<elseif $temp eq 3>>
"Submission? I don't understand you sometimes $playersurname. It was fuunny enough when you spent 3 years protecting your virginify like it was a family treasure, now you want fillies to put your balls in a cheese grater."
"That's masochism, not submission,"
"Don't tell me that's not part of it."
"Maybe. It's complicated. I'm still finding out."
"You need your head seeing to mate. Maybe that's it, you should see a professional."
"That's what started this whole thing, remember. You sent me to a professional."
He shrugs. "So see her again. Follow this crazy thing through to the end."
[[Have another drink->Mattchat][$money -=2, $drunk +=1]]
[[Go home->YourRoom][$time = "Night"]]<img src="Images/People/Matt/mattpub2.webp" width=600 />
\<<if $HC8 eq "Matthew">>
"Paris was an experience. What did you enjoy the most?"
"Well the Moulin Rouge was up there. Marie definitely made an impression."
"You did look as if you were enjoying yourself."
"And the sightseeing was fun. I never thought I’d climb the Eiffel tower."
"What about Bertie’s sex chair?"
"Do you think he’ll bring it over from Paris instead of the throne when he becomes king."
The pair of you laugh as you reminisce about your adventures.
\<<else>>"Paris was magnificent. Such a lively city."
"So what did you get up to? Did you and $HC8 get any private time?"
"We visited the Moulin Rouge. Drinking, cabaret and courtesans. A bit like the Hellfire club, with better music."
"Oh la la."
"Indeed. We did some sightseeing - the Eiffel tower, the Louvre."
"Cultured and sophisticated. That isn’t like you."
"And we finished off fucking in the Prince of Wales’ sex chair."
"You what?"
"You heard me. Bertie has a special golden chair for screwing two or more girls at a time, and $HC8 and I sort of tested it out."
He shakes his head, obviously jealous.
[[Have another drink->Mattchat][$money -=2, $drunk +=1]]
[[Go home->YourRoom][$time = "Night"]]<<if $Daisydomevent gt 0 and $chastity eq 0 and $penis neq "none">>"Aren't we forgetting something?" calls Daisy as you approach the party. She holds out your cage in her slender hand.
"Thank you for reminding me, Miss Daisy." you reply, securing yourself behind a bush before the pair of you join the occasion. <<chastity 1>>
\Entering the garden with $HC11 on your arm, you see a large banner "The Dionysians welcome the Hippolytans."
Lord Bentley is wearing his typical white suit and fawns over you. "Ah, our newest member. "The Dionysians was my old drinking society. Ah the times we had. We were banned from eleven colleges."
"It is a shame we can’t ban you from more places, Bentley." quips Walsingham
"You are only jealous that you spent your youth studying."
"Some of us do need to work for a living, my Lord."
"And who are the Hippolytans?" you ask.
"Brillantmont. Class of 1898. I invited them over for a school reunion, and Lord and Lady Bentley were so kind to accept." You recognise Melissa’s sweet tones, standing under a parasol in the shade of a mulberry tree.
<img src="Images/HC11/anneliese.webp" width=600 />
"This is Anneliese, my closest friend. We do everything together." She indicates a young woman with strawberry blonde plaited hair and freckles.
<img src="Images/HC11/thaitwins.webp" width=600 />
"The twins are Chathira and Sunnalee. Their father owns the biggest goldmine in Thailand and sent them to Europe to receive a western education." Two asian beauties smile at you, waving fans in unison.
<img src="Images/HC11/tatiana0.webp" width=600 />
And finally Tatiana. Who I have not seen since last year’s wedding in Moscow." She embraces a blonde woman sitting on the grass, heavily pregnant.
The table is laden with drinks, wine and several jugs of Pimms. Bentley is already merry, and Colonel Wilberforce seems to have had a few too many as well, staggering over to the foreign guests and boorishly forcing himself on them.
[[Watch|HC11_4a][$temp = 1]]
[[Intervene|HC11_4a][$temp = 2]]<img src="Images/HC11/coloneldrunk.webp" width=600 />"You've brought some lovely totty here today, Melissa. Awfully kind of you. Do you girls want me all at once or one at a time? He leers as he puts an arm around Anneliese.
<<if $temp eq 1>>
You watch as the drunken buffoon gropes the girl. She lifts up one knee and moves it forcefully between his legs, straightening her skirts as he falls to the ground. The girl necks her drink and then rejoins her friends who fall about laughing.
<<elseif $temp eq 2>>
"Why Colonel Wilberforce. It is so good to see you again. And wearing clothes, last week I do believe you were naked with a tail in your arse."
The colonel reddens, remmebrering last week's humiliation.
"Oh I remember" replies Melisssa. He did make such a cute little puppy. "Go on, get on all fours and give us all a show. Bark for us, colonel. Woof woof."
The embarassed military man mutters something about getting another drink and disappears in the direction of the bar.
"Thank you for helping to get rid of him. I think we could have managed, but sometimes men can be a little persistent. "
<<if $chastity lt 1>>"My friends here were just saying that this was their first trip to England. Would you care to show any of them some British hospitality?"
[[Approach Tatiana, the pregnant woman|HC11_4b][$temp = 1]]
[[Approach Chathira and Sunnalee, the twins|HC11_4b][$temp = 2]]
<<else>>Melissa stands close to you and taps a fingernail against the hard metal of your chastity cage "It is such a shame that you are not able to show any of my friends some British hospitality. Are boors and eunuchs all that this country has to offer? Anneliese might still be interested if your tongue is up to it though.
[[Approach Anneliese, the blonde woman with braided hair|HC11_4b][$temp = 3]]
[[Decline and Wait for the next event|HC11_5][$temp = 0]]<<if $temp eq 1>>
<img src="Images/HC11/tatiana2.webp" width=600 />
The pregnant woman looks at you and beckons you to sit on the grass next to her. "Melissa has told me about you. You are young and virile." she says in a heavy Russian accent. "It is some months since my husband left me in this state, and I wish to feel a man inside me once again. Come, touch my belly."
She takes your hand and places it upon her swollen pregnant belly.
"Have you ever made a woman pregnant? Put new life inside her? It is a magnificent feeling, motherhood. But it makes you so horny." She pulls down her blouse, revealing massive breasts with brown swollen nipples, then takes your head and pulls it down toward one.
You are surprised to find a little white milk oozing out, which tastes sweet, thick and creamy.
"It is too hot to be pregnant in this weather. My doctor tells me that sex will bring on labour. Could you assist me, kind sir?"
<img src="Images/HC11/tatianafuck3.webp" width=600 />
She lifts up her skirt, revealing her womanhood and opens her legs, before pulling down your underclothes and lowering herself upon you.
You enter her slowly, one hand resting on her swollen belly as you gently move in and out, continuing to nuzzle on her breasts.
"Don’t worry. You can’t put another one in there. Not yet. Fuck me, my English lover. Enjoy me, put your seed into another man’s woman."
<img src="Images/HC11/tatianafuck6.webp" width=600 />
She shifts position, onto all fours, and you take her from behind. Her pregnant stomach sways beneath you as you move in and out, and you rub the bud of her clitoris with your other hand as you approach your climax.
"Fill me. Fuck, yes, bozhe moi. Da, da, da!" she screams and you feel a movement in her belly as she spasms and collapses on top of you, your sperm dribbling down her thighs as you lie on the grass together.
<<elseif $temp eq 2>>
<img src="Images/HC11/thaitwins.webp" width=600 />
The twins take your hands and lead you to a secluded area of the garden, laying out a rug to ensure you are comfortable sitting on the lawn, before sitting on either side of you, kissing you <<if $HC11 neq "none">> and $HC11<</if>> gently.
"You like?" they ask, in broken English.
You nod, appreciatively.
<<if $HC11 neq "none">>$HC11 moves to touch one of them, but they push back firmly. <</if>>"Sit back and enjoy. We pleasure you now."
You recline as you sit back, and the two remove their dresses and your clothing, before kneeling in front of your hardening cock.
<img src="Images/HC11/thaitwins2.webp" width=600 />
<<if $penis neq "small">>"So big!" they gasp.<</if>>. They touch it with their dainty hands, before taking turns to kiss and lick it. You realise you have no idea which is which as one puts the tip between her soft lips and presses gently while the other gently puts a finger into your asshole while sucking your balls.
<<if $HC11 neq "none">>"I hope I get a turn later." says $HC11, lying next to you on the grass and kissing you gently. <</if>>
<img src="Images/HC11/thaitwins5.webp" width=600 />
You relax on the grass as your pleasure builds, and one of the girls squeezes your balls gently as you start to ejaculate, spraying their faces with your warm semen.
<<if $HC11 neq "none">><<if $HC11 eq "Matthew">><img src="Images/HC11/thaimassagemale2.webp" width=600 />
\<<else>><img src="Images/HC11/thaimasssage3.webp" width=600 />
"Now your turn." they say, turning to $HC11. Chathira lays them down naked on the grass and rub oil over $HC11’s chest and groin before doing the same with herself. She then caresses $HC11’s body with her own, gently massaging her to orgasm as her sister embraces you, occasionally kissing you with her cum stained lips. <</if>>
<<elseif $temp eq 3>>
<img src="Images/HC11/anneliesepussy.webp" width=600 />
"Sit down on the grass." commands the woman strictly in a heavy accent.
You do as you are told, and she lifts up her skirt.
<img src="Images/HC11/anneliesepussy2.webp" width=600 />
"I didn’t warn you that Anneliese enjoys facesitting." laughs Melissa. "Take a deep breath."
<img src="Images/HC11/anneliesepussy3.webp" width=600 />
The German girl moves closer
and closer
<img src="Images/HC11/anneliesefacesitting.webp" width=600 />
before she lowers her plump arse onto you,
<img src="Images/HC11/pussycloseup5.jpg" width=600 />
positioning her hole over your tongue and pussy over your nose. You inhale her womanly scent as she pushes down, forcing your tongue deep into her asshole and smothering you. As you pleasure her she gets wetter and rubs her crotch over your face, until you are dripping with her juices.
"Leck mich, lutsch mir den arsch." she mutters. "Ja, ja, so wie das"
Eventually with a scream she cums, squeezing your head between her massive thighs so hard you fear it might pop as she releases a stream of warm piss into your open mouth.
She stands up and straightens her skirt, before kissing you chastely on the cheek.
"Thank you." she says in perfect English, before taking Melissa’s hand and walking off giggling.
[[Wait for the next event|HC11_5][$temp = 0]]<<if $temp eq 0>><img src="Images/HC11/bishopdrunk.webp" width=600 />
The quiet is punctuated by an extremely drunk bishop slurring his words at Lord Bentley.
"No, no a thousand times no. I cannot give you any more parishioners."
"Just one little stray, a waif, no one will notice. The last one broke so quickly."
"They are not toys. And people are noticing. The Archbishop will have my hide."
"What about the convent? They can spare a couple of initiates. Preferably ones with vows of silence."
"The mother superior is suspicious as well. Our agreement is over."
"I will give you a week to think it over, or that photograph of you and the choirboy will be on the front page of the Times."
A gong rings, and Megan walks out.
"Ladies and Gentlemen, the May Ball will start in about an hour. Do use this time to freshen up and to dress formally.
[[Change your clothes|Wardrobe][$Wardrobe="HC11"]]
[[Just attend the ball as you are|HC11_5][$temp = 1]]
<<elseif $temp eq 1>>
The evening ends with dancing into the night, to the sounds of a string quartet. As the first dance gets underway, Colonel Wilberforce staggers onto the dance floor, obviously drunk, and starts shouting at Lord Bentley."
"You are a filthy bugger, sir."
"Filthy? Never. I bathe twice a day. As for a sodomite, I have never denied it."
Lady Bentley puts her head in her hands. "Don’t make a scene, Colonel. It is embarrassing enough being married to a degenerate like my husband." She looks mortified.
"A scene? He put a collar on me. And as for what he did in his dungeon..."
"You looked like you were enjoying it at the time" ventures Lord Bentley.
The colonel looks at him with rage and wildly lashes out, striking the Lord on the side of the face.
"I think you’ve had enough, Stanley." says Matthew, firmly leading him away. A few minutes later there comes the sound of vomiting in the bushes.
After the commotion dies down, the string quartet restarts its set, and the evening progresses with conversation, dancing and merriment.
<<if Flag("MattDaisyengaged")>>Daisy and Matthew dance all night in each other's arms, On reflection, they had been spending a lot of time together at events recently, and you are pleased for your friend and your cousin. <</if>>
<</if>><<set $temp11 =1>><img src="Images/HC11/lordbgarden2.webp" width=600 />
Lord Bentley is drunk. Very very drunk. In fact just before you wander over to him you see him surreptitiously throwing up in a bush.
"Ah, it’s thingummy. The new member. How do you like our little party?"
"It is somewhat different from what I am accustomed to."
"Not a college <<if $femcheck gt 2>>girl<<else>>boy<</if>> then?"
"No. I was in the army."
"Make up for lost time then. Have another drink. And another fuck."
"I heard you talking to the bishop. Is everything alright?"
"Fat old fuck will do what he’s told or get what’s coming to him."
"Is there anything I can do to help?"
He looks you up and down.
"I don’t think so. I don’t think you’d be trustworthy. You strike me as the kind of person who listens in on other people’s conversations and doesn’t mind their own business. The kind of person who could find themselves having an unfortunate accident. Now if you don’t mind, I have a little more vomiting to do before I go over there and try my luck with that pregnant lassie."
<<HC11>><img src="Images/HC11/ladybgarden.webp" width=600 />
Lady Bentley is sitting in the garden, cooling herself by wafting a lace fan and holding a pair of opera glasses.
"If it isn’t young $Hname. Do take a seat. You seem to be enjoying yourself."
"What are you doing."
"Watching. I do find it delightful observing the antics of our membership. Look over there, my husband is in the bushes rutting with some filly or other."
You spot some movement in the bushes but can’t make out any details.
"If you say so. And does this not bother you?"
"Better he puts his cock in her ass than mine, thank you very much. I tried it once, but did not much care for it. I gave him an heir and a spare, and now he is welcome to as many wenches as he cares to screw."
"So you don’t mind his infidelities."
"Men have been cheating on their wives since they were in caves. I am just honest about it. As long as it happens behind closed doors," she looks about the garden. "Figuratively anyhow. It is the scandal I can’t abide."
"And does he keep to these rules?"
"My you are an inquisitive one, all these questions. What do you think?"
"I think he believes himself above the common folk and immune to any consequences. The day I met you both he shot a man dead in cold blood and he’s free as a bird."
"He is a little impulsive, an infuriating man. You know I don’t recall why I married him. He married me for the money of course, but there were plenty of virile young noblemen vying for my hand in those days."
"Perhaps you loved him?"
"Love. How quaint. Love is for penny dreadfuls and the common people. Desire I can respect, and lust of course. I admire the sight of a pair of smooth arses going at it as much as anyone, but love. Never. That is one area my husband and I see eye to eye on."
"And you aren’t afraid of one scandal too many."
"Blood is thicker than water. There’s always another Lord Bentley."
"You would remarry?"
"Do not be ridiculous. I’m far too old. But I do have a son only too eager to inherit. Anyhow, we have spoken enough. Go off and screw someone. But do make sure I get a good view, eh?"
She slaps you on the buttock by way of dismissing you, then lifts her opera glasses to her eyes and starts scanning the shrubbery again.
<<set $temp12 =1>>
<<HC11>><<set $temp13 = 1>>
Walsingham stands surveying the party.
"Are you not joining in, Sir Edward?"
"It is not quite my scene. At University I spent much of my time in the library, not parties. I was not born to privilege like Bentley, and was there on a scholarship. Do not get me wrong, I have fond memories of Cambridge, but then like now there were those that were there to excel at study and those that merely thought they were born to be there. Though to be fair that sort mainly go to Oxford."
"Quite a rise from a scholarship boy to a Cabinet minister."
"Indeed. I am the very model of a self made man. My company was profitable and I invested wisely across the Empire."
"But you do not seem to enjoy the fruits of your labour. I have never once seen you taking part in any of the club's activities."
"I am not a monk, dear fellow. I just prefer a little discretion. I am a politician after all. Go on and enjoy the festivities."
It is clear that Walsingham does not welcome you digging into his past.
<<HC11>><<set $temp14 =1>>
"Hey $Hname. Did you want to fuck?"
"You are being very forward today. Maybe later, I just wanted a drink and maybe to talk."
"Oh." She seems dejected by this. "Just a little one." She moves close and starts rubbing herself against your thigh.
"Are you alright?" She doesn’t have the giggly flirtatiousness you remember, it’s just straight to the sex.
"Oh you are sweet. Yes I’m fine, honey, I’m just feeling horny all the time. It’s all I can think about."
You look her up and down with a scientific eye. She seems healthy enough, no sign of a temperature, but something is…
"Are your breasts bigger?"
"Oh, you noticed. Yes, do you like them?"
They seem to have swollen to the size of melons, each almost as big as her head. She puts your hand toward them and you squeeze. They are firm and soft and she gasps a little as you do.
"Have you been taking anything? Drugs, medicines?"
"No, I don’t do any of that stuff. It’s against my whatsit called. Principles."
A waiter waves at her with a bottle of champagne, and she pecks you on the cheek. "You missed your chance, sweetie. Duty calls. Maybe later, ok."
<<HC11>><<set $temp15 =1>><img src="Images/HC11/bishopdrunk2.webp" width=600 />
Bishop Greene is sitting in a chair, looking somewhat worse for wear. An empty bottle of champagne is sitting on the grass next to him
"Oh, $playersurname. Do take a seat my child. I may have had a drink or two too many this afternoon."
You sit down next to him, noting a stain of vomit on his robes.
"It does not sound as if you are getting on with Bentley."
"That treacherous swine, spawn of Satan, I curse the day I got into bed with him."
"Literally or figuratively?"
"Both of course, this is the Hellfire club. Pecunia, Libidine, Potentia. Ah, with my weakness for the first two I have surrendered the last."
"He is blackmailing you?" You think of your overheard conversation from earlier.
"You must say nothing of it, the man is a monster. He does unspeakable things to lower classes."
"Rape, torture, murder?" You detail what you think he might be capable of.
He nods, slowly. "A sadist of the first order."
"Wherever he can. At his home. At the dungeon in the club."
"Do you have evidence? Could you tell the police?"
"He’s a peer of the realm. He’d walk away scot free and I’d end up defrocked."
"So what are you going to do?"
He shakes his head solemnly and shrugs.
<<HC11>><<set $temp16 =1>><img src="Images/HC11/megangardensit1.webp" width=600 />
"Well, well, well. All these beautiful young things around and you choose me. Am honoured."
"It is I that am honoured to serve you, my mistress."
"Come, sit at my feet. Tell me what you see. I wish to rest my eyes."
She lifts her legs and rests them upon your back as you crouch at the foot of her chair, her sun hat covering her face.
"Melissa and her school friends are getting very drunk, and cosying up with whomever will have them. Both men and women."
"Youthful exuberance never hurt anyone. But is Melissa joining in?"
"No, she just seems to be watching."
"I admire her restraint. But you will often see one of the pack protecting the others. What of our resident nymphomaniac?"
"Bunny? She seems to be entertaining the bishop."
"The Reverend Greene did seem agitated earlier. It will be good for him to work out his frustrations. And what of Walsingham?"
You look about. "Not a sign."
<<if $HC11 neq "none">> "And what of your partner? Are they upset that you have abandoned them?"
"A little. They know the nature of our relationship."
"And accept it? They must truly care for you."
"And what am I to do with you my sweet? I think you can start with my feet. Strip and worship them would you?"
<img src="Images/HC11/megangardenfoot2.webp" width=600 />
As commanded you strip naked and start caressing Mistress Megan’s toes, kneading them softly with a small jar of oil she absentmindedly drops down beside you. The nails are perfectly pedicured with dainty painted red nails which you pop in your mouth one by one, rolling your tongue around them.
"Delightful. Now crawl under the chair. I have a surprise waiting for you"
<img src="Images/HC11/pussycloseup3.webp" width=600 />
Intrigued you crawl under and look up. There is a circular hole in the chair like a toilet seat, and Megan’s glistening shaved pussy and asshole are visible above you. There is just enough room to position yourself underneath, and it is clear what is expected of you.
"Do you like my throne? They call it a Queening chair. I enjoy sitting on it outdoors, feeling the cool breeze against my clit, and with your head there I can enjoy your tongue against it too. Now get nice and comfy, you’re going to be there a little while. That’s good. Now get licking, I’m not letting you up until I’ve come thrice."
Once you are positioned, she puts her weight down upon you, smothering your face with her muscular thighs and grinding her cunt into your mouth.
<img src="Images/HC11/pussycloseup6.webp" width=600 />
You keep licking, running your tongue from her asshole to her clit and back, flicking it left and right across her vulva lips as you do so. You are rewarded by a pretty little moan as she shudders and a trickle of her pussy juices down your face from her first climax. She adjusts her posture, and as you slide your tongue along the length of her slit, you realise your body is almost entirely covered by her skirt. Noone knows you are there.
<img src="Images/HC11/Meganskirt.webp" width=600 />
"Why Daisy, how good to see you." you hear Megan say from above.
"Are you alright, Lady Megan? I thought I heard you cry out."
"I am quite all right, thank you my dear. And I am no lady, Megan is fine."
Daisy is obviously flustered and in awe of the older woman, "I’m sorry, La… Megan. "
"Don’t be so nervous, just relax. Come, sit here next to me and, oooh."
<img src="Images/HC11/megandaisyoutside.webp" width=600 />
As you hear your cousin sit on the adjacent chair, you intentionally suck harder on the bud of her clitoris while thrusting the full length of your tongue deep into her snatch, making her squirm on your face and squirt on you a second time. Your face is dripping wet with her juices now.
"I am sorry, I lost my train of thought for a moment. Just reminiscing about the contest this afternoon."
"An impressive display."
<<if $bumpswinner eq "MC">> "Not impressive enough. I do not enjoy coming in second place. Even to your dear cousin."
<<elseif $bumpswinner eq "Melissa">> "Not impressive enough. I do not enjoy coming in second place. I shall keep a close eye on Miss Hildegarde."
<<else>>"Thank you. In my line of work it is important to control one's climaxes."<</if>>
"My best friend is a, I mean she does what you do, with men, for money."
"Call us what we are. She is a whore, yes?"
"Yes, but not like you, she just works above the coffee shop. You say you can control your climaxes? I just can’t help myself."
"Sometimes it is important to learn to fake it. Try it with me, take my hands and let us pretend. Pretend someone is licking away at your pussy, sucking on your clit, <b>faster and faster and harder and harder</b>" You notice the tone of command and start increasing your pace under Megan’s skirt
"Ah, aah, yes, more, keep going, come on baby, yes, just like that." says Megan, panting and moaning as you lick away at her.
"Come on, yes, suck my clit you stud." says Daisy less convincingly, not as practiced at the bedroom talk as Megan.
"Just try panting and moaning, In time with me. Start touching yourself to get in the mood."
The sounds of the two girls moaning, one in response to your tongue, the other pleasuring herself drive you to further heights. You slip your fingers up and open her wide, allowing you to push your tongue deeper and deeper as her moans grow louder.
"Oh yes, good Lord yes, just like that, make me cum again you little fucktoy, oh god yes, yes yes!"
<img src="Images/HC11/pussycloseup7.webp" width=600 />
\<<if $fetish_piss gt 0>> You feel a shower of piss running down your face and into your mouth as she climaxes.
\<<else>>A third spurt of sour tasting pussy juices runs into your mouth as she climaxes again.
"Wow. That was really impressive. It sounded like you were really cumming. You’re even got a flushed face and everything. I guess sounding convincing helps if you’ve got some fat old bloke thrusting away, to help bring them along."
"Indeed. I just imagine I’ve got a fit young sex slave sitting under me, and I can convince anyone."
"I shall practise that. Thank you for the tips Megan."
"Any time."
A few minutes pass as she sits immobile upon you. "You can stop now. That was quite delightful. How is your head?" She stands and releases the pressure on your face.
<img src="Images/HC11/megangardenupskirt1.webp" width=600 />
Despite your tongue being barely able to move any more and the crick in your neck, you do not wish to appear weak in front of your Mistress. "I am grateful for the opportunity to serve you Mistress Megan."
"You are such a sweet thing. And such a talented tongue too." Go and enjoy the rest of the party.
<<HC11>><img src="Images/HC11/melissaparasol3.webp" width=600 />
<<set $temp17 =1>>
You catch Melissa away from her group of school friends for a moment.
"Your friends are very lively."
"People tend to be more outgoing when they are on holiday, don’t you find? In class they were a restrained, even demure collection." she replies.
"You were very competitive earlier in the bumps." you observe.
"I like to win. So does Megan, it seems." she seems a little prickly.
"There is nothing wrong with friendly rivalry, as long as it does not become personal." you counter
"And if it is personal?" she asks.
"Pistols at dawn." you jest.
She smiles. "Let us hope it does not come to that."
You are relieved that it seems like just a friendly rivalry.
"For her sake. I can shoot a squirrel through the eyes from horseback."
Or perhaps not.
You see the group of foreign girls wandering back after their tour of the gardens.
"My friends return. Perhaps we can play later?"
<<HC11>>Megan calls for attention.
"Ladies and Gentlemen. Every six months the Hellfire club council meets to set out its direction for the coming year. Lord and Lady Bentley, Sir Walsingham and myself. Chaired by the professor. We also traditionally each invite one other to join us. Council, who do you propose?"
Walsingham speaks first. "Colonel Wilberforce. A fine military man."
Bentley rubs his bruised face and gives him a withering glare.
Lady Bentley speaks up next. "Melissa Hildegarde. She does come from a fine family."
The professor is next. "Dr Antioch. A little rationality will be helpful I think after the events of today."
Lord Bentley. "The bishop. He can pray for our souls."
And Megan speaks last. "And I choose $Hname. Very well. The ten of us. In a week."
The evening continues with music and dancing. As time passes various guests depart - either home, or in twos and threes into secluded areas of the garden. You see Melissa and her Hippolytan friends dancing merrily in a group. Megan is sitting alone surveying the scene drinking a glass of wine. Bunny is dancing enthusiastically, quite inebriated.
\<<if $HC11 neq "none">>You dance slowly with $HC11, holding each other close, They take your hand, and look up at the crescent moon in the sky. "It is a clear night. Make love to me under the stars."
[[Go with them|HC11_Finale_romance]]
<<else>>As you did not come with a partner, you look about for who else is unaccompanied.
\<<if $chastity lt 1 and $penis neq "tiny">>[[Approach the group of women|HC11_Finale_orgy]]
<<else>>Melissa takes a look at your crotch and shakes her head. She whispers to her friends and they all laugh.
<<if $penis neq "tiny">>[[Play with Bunny|HC11_Finale_nympho]]<</if>>
[[Wait for the end of the ball|HC11_End]]You walk arm in arm with your betrothed through the gardens until you find a secluded spot. It is growing quiet now, aside from quiet conversation and the occasional lewd moan coming from elsewhere in the garden.
"Do you think it has always been like this for the ruling classes like Bentley and Walsingham? Drink, sex and excess?" $HC11 asks.
"Money, sex, power <b>is</b> the club's motto." you reply.
"And which of those do you prefer?" they ask.
"Let me think on it." you respond. "Although at the moment the sex might be winning."
"You are so easily pleased." they say, drawing you into a deep kiss as they pull you down onto the soft grass.
\<<if $HC11 eq "Matthew">><img src="Images/HC11/mattnudegarden.jpg" width=600 />
\<<elseif $HC11 eq "Michaela">><img src="Images/HC11/miclawnnaked2.webp" width=600 />
\<<elseif $HC11 eq "Nicola">><img src="Images/HC11/niclawnnaked.webp" width=600 />
\<<elseif $HC11 eq "Daisy">><img src="Images/HC11/daisygarden.webp" width=600 />
As you undress, you hear increasing sounds of debauchery from the centre of the party. Melissa's friends certainly seemed to be on a mission and seem to have found plenty of club members to join them in what sounds like an orgy.
<<if $HC11 neq "Matthew">>$HC11 sighs as you caress her naked form.
"A dozen girls to choose from, an orgy no less, and you chose to spend it with me. I do love you $Hname.<</if>>
You ignore the distraction, only haveing eyes for each other, and undress slowly, taking care to gently touch each part of your bodies as exposed, neck, shoulders, back, arms, staying away from your erogenous zones initially, seeking to get to know each others bodies intimately.
Eventually your lust takes over, but you just touch and caress, teasing each other with the lightest of touches, taking an hour or more without penetration until the pair of you bring each other to orgasm using your fingers alone.
"That was different."
"Normally we are rushed, only together for an hour or two. I wanted to take our time."
"Once we are married we'll have all the time in the world."
You wipe your sticky bodies clean and retrieve your clothes beforre returning to the finale.
[[Wait for the end of the ball|HC11_End]]Melissa and her friends look at you eagerly, They appear to have had quite a bit to drink and start touching you and
"Do you mind if I join in, $playersurname?"
"The more the merrier at an orgy, Chadwick" you reply.
You look at the girls, arranged invitingly in a circle. The heavily pregnant Russian girl Tatiana seems a little weary and is reclining on a chaise lounge talking to the Thai twins Chathira and Sunnalee, and the freckled Anneliese. And of course the dusky beauty Melissa is holding court over all of them.
One of the twins walks up to each of you and Matthew, you can't tell which, and without asking begins undressing you, until you both stand naked in front of the girls. Melissa's eyes rove from your crotch to Matthews and back.
"Impressive" she says, her eyes lingering especially on Matthew's impressive member.
<<if Flag("MattDaisyengaged")>>"I understand you are celebrating your engagement today Mr Chadwick. I thought traditionally your engagement day was spent with your fiance?"
"Since when was the Hellfire club constrained by tradition? Daisy pointed out that you were only over here for the weekend, and practically commanded me to enjoy myself."
"Then we shall ensure she is not disappointed."
\<<else>>"I don't believe I have had the pleasure, Mr Chadwick."
<img src="Images/HC11/orgy4.webp" width=600 />
Melissa nods at the Thai girls, who lay you down on the grass, and begin rubbing scented oils into you and Matthew until your chests, thighs, buttocks, abdominals and cocks are slick and gleaming in the warm evening light. Chathira and Sunnalee look at you approvingly then lead you toward Melissa and Anneliese, who they similarly disrobe and rub oil into, while kissing and embracing them. Yours and Matthew's cocks begin to stand to attention as you watch this sapphic spectacle.
<img src="Images/HC11/orgy3.webp" width=600 />
Next, you are gently laid to the ground, you between Chathira (you think) and Anneliese, Matthew between Sunnalee and Melissa. You rub your fingers over their oil covered bodies, kissing and touching their soft slick skin, The slim Asian girl's olive skin contrasts with the pale freckled German girl's pale rounded hips, chest and arse. After kissing the pair for a while, you recline and lie in a triangle and ease your cock into Anneliese's pussy. In turn she licks at Sunnallee's cunt, shile the Thai girl gives Matthew an expert blowjob. Your best friend is sucking away at Melissa's clit, and she is kissing Chathira, who has lowered her tiny vulva to your lips and you lick away at her quim which tastes faintly of citrus.
"I do love a daisy chain." exclaims Tatiana, stroking her swollen belly while fingering her wide pussy underneath.
"Ahem." calls a voice. "I do believe for a Daisy chain you need a Daisy. May I join you?" Your cousin stands watching the proceedings, and drops her dress.
<<if Flag("MattDaisyengaged")>>"Hello Darling. Were you feeling left out?" asks Matthew.
\<<elseif $daisyengagement gt 0>>"Hello Darling. Were you feeling left out?" you ask.
\"The more the merrier." replies Melissa, opening a gap between the Thai girl's mouth and her own. Daisy interposes herself, kissing Melissa who rubs oil into her breasts, while Chathira starts munching on her vulva.
<img src="Images/HC11/orgy1.webp" width=600 />
After a while, you swap positions, moving in twos and threes, a pussy here, a cock there, breasts everywhere. A few others join in, and someone throws a whole bottle of oil over the group of you at one point.
<img src="Images/HC11/orgy2.webp" width=600 />
Half an hour later there are a dozen naked bodies lying intertwined covered in oil, sweat and cum.
<img src="Images/HC11/orgy5.webp" width=600 />
[[Wait for the end of the ball|HC11_End]]Bunny is kneeling on the grass naked. "Oh shugar, just who I was looking for. Do you wanna come fuck me here? I’ve been such a naughty girl, thinking about cocks and pussies for hours, and I haven’t had a screw all day, can you imagine that? Just feel here between my legs, see how wet I am?"
She takes your hand and puts it between her thighs and it comes away dripping. She licks her juices from your fingers slowly. "Well, what are you waiting for honey?"
You remove your clothes and start squeezing her oversized breasts, that you are sure have grown since last time you saw them.
"Just like that. I want a cock in my pussy. And one in my ass. And one in my mouth."
"I do swear you are the filthiest girl in all of London, Bunny."
"Oh you are funny. I just love sex. Doesn’t everyone. Anyhow, hurry up and get that cock into me." She gets on all fours and wriggles her ass at you.
<img src="Images/HC11/bunnyoutdoorsex1.webp" width=600 />
Without being asked again you slip your cock inside her, gripping her hips tightly as you start rocking back and forth in her well lubricated pussy,
"Yes, just like that. Keep going."
Her tits start rocking back and forth like melons in a sack as you establish a rhythm, and her moans rock out across the garden.
"Steady on, you’ll put someone’s eyes out with those things. Hold on, is that you $playersurname?" You look up and see Matthew looking down as you plough into Bunny.
"Join us, the more the merrier. Can I suck your cock?" drawls Bunny in a syrup sweet voice. Matthew strips off and takes out his massive member which he pushes between Bunny’s soft pink lips.
<img src="Images/HC11/bunnyspitroast3.jpg" width=600 />
"Two cocks are better than one." she giggles, as she takes most of the length of it into her mouth and continues grinding her round ass against your crotch.
"Room for one more?" A well muscled man you don’t recognise starts stripping off in front of you. Withdrawing her mouth from Matthew’s cock she calls out eagerly. "Henry!" before returning her attention to you and Matthew.
"Right, you lie down there, and you pull out my pussy and get in my ass instead, and then I can do this."
<img src="Images/HC11/bunny4someoutside2.jpg" width=600 />
Matthew lies down under her and she straddles his immense dick, wet with her saliva. As she spreads her ass invitingly for you you push into her tight asshole, feeling the movement of Matthew’s cock through the soft walls of her ass. "Oh honey, that is so tight, I love it!" she shrieks, before the stranger called Henry shoves his cock between her lips. The four of you gyrate upon the grass, Matthew trying hard to focus on Bunny’s tits and not on Henry's asshole.
"Oh God yes I’m cumming, yes fuck me all of you fuck yes, yes, yes" Bunny screams as she pushes hard onto the double cocks fucking her from behind as Henry squirts thick globs of cum over her face. With a shudder you feel Matthew cumming inside her and this sets you off as you too ejaculate into her asshole, all four of you then collapsing into a sticky heap on the grass .
[[Wait for the end of the ball|HC11_End]]After your encounter, you return to the dancefloor where you mingle, talk, and dance until a little after 4 you see the lights of dawn begin to shine down across the London skyline.
Those remaining gather for a 'Survivor's photograph'. A few faces are missing, either through exhaustion, inebriation or a romantic encounter that has gone on longer than expected, but most seem happy and to have enjoyed the evening.
<<if $HC11 neq "none">>$HC11 puts an arm around your waist and rests their head against yours as the photographer asks you to stand still and presses the shutter.
The crowds disperse in ones and twos, and you retire back to your rooms for a few hours sleep before Sunday morning starts.
<<link [[Leave the club|Sleep]]>><</link>><<if $HC11 eq "Nicola">>
<img src="Images/HC11/nicpunt.webp" width=600 />
"So does this make <<if $temp eq 1>>you<<else>>me<</if>> a punter?" you ask
"I don’t know. Maybe you should ask Megan, that is her area of expertise."
The pair of you continue on, zigzagging across the river due to lack of experience.
"So, what did he say, take the pole firmly in hand, drop it vertically into the wetness, push hard and try not to drip everywhere?"
"Now you are just being filthy."
"Hey, mind where you are sticking that, you’re splashing water everywhere." <<if $temp eq 1>>you call<<else>>$HC11 calls<</if>> out as an enormous splash of water splatters across the punt.
"It’s my first time, and the pole is getting wet and slippery. Oh fuck."
The boat keeps moving down the water as the pole, stuck into the mud on the river bed, stays poking vertically out of the water.
<<if $HC11 eq "Nicola">><img src="Images/HC11/nicpunttopless2.webp" width=600 />
\"Oh well. We’ll float to shore soon. Best keep ourselves busy." says $HC11, sounding a little tipsy after the champagne they have been drinking. They sit opposite you in the punt and start unbuttoning their clothes.
"You are insatiable."
"All this talk of wet poles does it for me I’m afraid." replies $HC11.
<<if $HC11 eq "Daisy" and $Daisydomevent gt 0>>
<img src="Images/HC11/daisypuntdildo2.jpg" width=600 />
"Speaking of which, why don’t you come here and make this pole wet?" She lifts up her skirts, revealing a strapon dildo beneath.
"Yes Miss Daisy." you reply, kneeling down carefully to stop the boat rocking and taking it in your mouth. She puts her hands against your head and strokes your hair softly.
"Good girl, now turn around and let us see that bottom of yours."
You do as asked and part your legs, and your mistress eases herself into your waiting ass. The motion makes the punt rock wildly, and river water splashes onto you as Daisy thrusts into you from behind.
"Oh my goodness, you are a sexy thing today." she exclaims, rubbing herself between the legs as she grips you tightly with the other hand. "I’ve wanted to see you like this all week, just think, once we are married we can do this every day, won’t that be fun?"
You gasp in agreement, the feeling of the latex clad shaft against your prostate quite exhilarating.
<img src="Images/HC11/daisypuntdildoanal.jpg" width=600 />
Her motion slows as she is overcome by her own orgasm, and she collapses on the boat next to you, leaving you aroused but unsatisfied. The pair of you snuggle on the cushion as the boat continues on its way.
<<elseif $HC11 eq "Daisy">><img src="Images/HC11/daisypunt2.webp" width=600 />
"You don’t think we’ll sink if you make love to me in here, do you?"
"Shall we find out?"
"Can I go on top? I get seasick."
<img src="Images/HC11/daisypunttopless3.webp" width=600 />
<<if $chastity eq 0>>You smile and lie back as Daisy climbs on top of you and gently eases her pussy on top of you, rubbing it back and forth along your erection before slipping inside. "Oh, you feel so good in there, a perfect fit, like a hand in a glove."
"I can put my hand in if you want."
"Oh you are so naughty, darling. Yes, just like that, just there, oh yes."
You lick her breasts that she so conveniently pushes towards your face as she rides you from above, and the boat alarmingly rocks back and forward. With a squeal she climaxes on top of you, squeezing you tightly with her thighs and bringing on your own orgasm. <<cum>>
She puts a hand to your groin and feels the cold metal there. "Sweetness, can’t you do something about this. I know you enjoy your time with Megan, but sometimes I just want your cock." Lifting up her skirt, she eases herself onto your face, pushing herself down hard so you have no option but to lick her deeply. You feel the boat rocking with increasing intensity as her pace quickens, until with a squeal she climaxes on top of you, squeezing your face tightly with her thighs.
<<elseif $HC11 eq "Michaela">>
<img src="Images/HC11/micpunt.webp" width=600 />
Michaela looks around furtively. <<if Flag("Michaelakey") eq 0>>Seeing no one she hands you a small key. <</if>>
"Do you think we could do it without the chastity cage? I need to present a facade to the world for everyone else, but I want you to accept me how I am.
[[Agree and unlock the chastity belt|HC11_Punting2][$temp =1]]
[[Decline and keep Michaela’s chastity device intact|HC11_Punting2][$temp =2]]
<<elseif $HC11 eq "Nicola">>
<img src="Images/HC11/nicpuntsex.webp" width=600 />
<<if $chastity eq 0 and $penis neq "tiny">>You fuck her hard and quickly, the punt rocking violently from side to side with your movements as you focus entirely on your own pleasure, using her just as a hot wet receptacle for your cock. She starts to protest, but you shove a hand across her face, stifling her protests and continue ploughing into her. <<cum>>
<img src="Images/HC11/nicpuntsexcum.webp" width=600 />
With a spasm you cum, filling her up with your seed.
"Like that. Is that what you wanted?"
"Not exactly."
"You are complaining. I think you know what happens. Bend over."
"No, I wasn’t. I.."
"Bend. Over."
"Yes $nicdomname" she replies with a smile.
You take the paddle that is lying unused in the boat, realising too late you should probably have used it to get back to your pole. You have a better use for it now. You strike her offered ass with the short oar, leaving a red mark on her ass and a delicious moan as it strikes her wet pussy.
"One, $nicdomname" she says, getting into the game straight away.
You continue striking her quickly, noting the desire in her voice and her arousal.
You start touching her pussy lips, fingering them, slick with your cum and her own juices.
"Oh sweet Jesus. Just like that. Oh I’m going to cum and oh, please. Ahhh. Four "
She shrieks as you smack her ass again, this time right on her exposed and aroused pussy lips. Her head starts rocking from side to side as she closes her eyes and starts praying in Latin, lost in a world of pain and pleasure.
"Regina coeli, laetare, alleluia. Regina coeli, laetare, alleluia. "
You alternate fingering her with a short smack for another few minutes, until her sweat covered body starts shaking.
"No more, please, let me cum."
<img src="Images/HC11/nicpuntsexcumspank4.webp" width=600 />
You relent and put down the paddle, leaning in <<if $chastity eq 0 and $penis neq "tiny">>and putting your erect again penis into her red raw pussy as you rub her clit furiously. She cums almost instantly, and you feel her tight pelvic muscles gripping your cock as she does so<<else>>as you rub her clit furiously. She cums almost instantly<</if>>, clawing at your back with her arms.
"Oh Lord, that sting of pleasure, that was incredible." she gasps as you lie in the boat with her afterwards. "And we didn’t sink."
\<<if $HC11 eq "Matthew">>
<img src="Images/HC11/matthewboat1.webp" width=600 />
Matthew looks at you with lust in his eyes, pushing you down to the cushion and pulling down your undergarments. "You do have the most delightful arse, $playersurname. And I can’t seem to keep my hands off it." He gives your buttocks a good squeeze while easing his large cock between them.
"It’s not too big is it?"
"No, put it in Matthew. I want you"
He gently lubricates your tight hole before putting the tip of his cock inside. You clench your teeth at the unfamiliar sensation, but feel your body tingling, reminding yourself how you care for this man, your friend, your best friend. The boat rocks gently as you get into a rhythm, increasing in intensity.
<img src="Images/HC11/matthewassfuckpuntcum.jpg" width=600 />
With a cry, you feel a warm stickiness deep inside as Matthew’s hands grip your breasts tightly. He pauses and the pair of you snuggle on the base of the boat for a moment arms wrapped around each other.
"Hey, $playersurname. I've got an idea. Let's get married."
"Married? But we can't, not legally."
"It's fine - I was talking to some lawyer at the club in the week, and he is able to get some papers. Just look at you, noone is going to disagree that you're a woman."
"I guess. It's not as if they're going to stick a hand up my skirt to check."
"That's my job."
"Any time. And what then?"
"Well we can move in together. My place is a bit small though."
<<if $house eq 0>>"We can't move into my uncle's spare room. But if we save I can get somewhere of our own I'm sure."
\<<else>>"There's plenty of room at mine."
"So that's a yes? You'll marry me?"
[[Yes, I will.|HC11_2][$mattengagement =1]]
[[No. You're my best friend, but I don't want to marry you.|HC11_2][$mattengagement =0]]
\<<elseif $HC11 neq "Matthew" and $HC11 neq "Daisy" and $daisyengagement eq 0>>Afterwards, you note that the boat has drifted closer to shore and hear the sounds of merriment, so you clean yourselves up and disembark.
<img src="Images/HC11/daisymattproposal.webp" width=600 />
You arrive back at shore to the sight of Matthew on one knee in front of Daisy. He stands and they embrace passionately.
"What is happening?" you ask.
"Daisy has agreed to marry me," says Matthew. "It’s time for me to settle down."
"Congratulations, old bean, couldn’t be happier for you." You slap him on the back, and look for a drink to celebrate. <<SetFlag "MattDaisyengaged">>
\<<else>>Afterwards, you note that the boat has drifted closer to shore and hear the sounds of merriment, so you clean yourselves up and disembark.
[[Join the festivities|HC11_2]]<<if Flag("dommetraining") eq 1 >>
<<if $domtraining eq 0>>"We haven't had any sessions yet. Be patient."
<<elseif $domtraining gt 0>>"I think the sessions are proceeding quite well. I look forward to seeing you on Thursday."
\<<link [[We wish to pause our domination sessions for now->HC_bar_megan]]>>
<<SetFlag "dommetraining" = 0>><</link>>
\<<else>>"I understand you are to be married. Congratulations."
"Thank you. Are you married?" asks Daisy
Megan laughs. "Anyone can purchase my cunt for a handful of shillings, but it would take a very special man indeed to win my heart. I think I prefer things this way."
"You disapprove of marriage?"
"I think the notion is sweet, but a little dated. Still, you seem well suited, and you do seem to have $Hname in their place."
"That is what I wish to speak to you about. " says Daisy
<<if $Megandomevent gt 1>>"We seem to share the same submissive."
"It is difficult for someone to serve two masters. Or two mistresses in this case."
"Do you wish me to relinquish my control over them?" asks Megan.
"Yes. No. I don’t know much about being a domme, and welcome the training you are giving them."
"$Hname is coming along nicely."<</if>>
"I was wondering if you could perhaps give me some lessons. I have spent the last few years learning how to be a good wife and mother, to run a household, to cook, to…"
"To fuck?"
"Not really much of that. Just lie back and think of England."
"This country is at times truly barbaric. I hope our little society has put you right on some of those notions. Anyhow, you were speaking of lessons."
"I wish to learn to be a better dominant. For the good of our marriage."
"You want me to submit to you. I think not." says Daisy.
"You are a lady who knows her own mind, I think."
"I am a woman. I have spent the last nineteen years submitting, thank you very much."
"Oh, I do like this one. I think we can skip the submission training here."
She shrugs. "As you like. Although the lessons may not be quite as effective."
"A guinea per session. I do not part with the secrets of my trade cheaply."
"And should I bring my pet?"
"Naturally. A sculptor must work with clay, after all."
Daisy looks at you affectionately, and strokes your cheek.
"I am doing this all for you, my love."
The thought of two mistresses working on you together fills you initially with arousal before being replaced by a mild terror. <<SetFlag "dommetraining">>
"I shall see you both on Thursday then. I will make preparations."
[[Talk to her about something else->HC_bar_megan]]
[[Return to the bar->HC_bar]]<<if Flag("domtraining") eq 1 >>
<<if $domtraining eq 0>>"We haven't had any sessions yet. Be patient."
<<elseif $domtraining gt 0>>"I think the sessions are proceeding quite well. I look forward to seeing you on Thursday."
\<<link [[I want to pause my domination sessions for now->HC_bar_megan]]>>
<<SetFlag "domtraining" = 0>><</link>>
\<<else>>"Mistress Megan. I have a request. There is someone close to me that is submissive. They want me to be dominant toward them and I am not sure how to go about it. I don't want to hurt them. Not permanently anyhow. I was wondering if you could train me?"
"I beg your pardon?"
"I want you to help me to become a dominant."
She sits, pensively.
"The point of a dominant, dearlove, is that they are in control. Dominance comes from within. Being trained defeats the purpose."
"So you received no training?"
"There isn't a school for this sort of thing. Or an instruction book, though you could just take everything de Sade wrote and try doing the opposite I guess. The man was a degenerate. Most of us learn through our actions, but this runs the risk of hurting us or our submissives. I can't think of any who have walked this path perfectly. All have had mishaps along the way although some have ended up happily, more or less "I learned the hard way. I was a whore first, then a submissive, and then a dominant. There is an argument that in order to dominate you should be able to empathise with your submissive."
"Tell me about this someone. I assume it is a girl."
[[Tell her about Michaela->MegMictalk]]
[[Tell her about Nicola->MegNictalk]]
[[Tell her about Daisy->MegDaisytalk]]
\[[Talk to her about something else->HC_bar_megan]]
[[Return to the bar->HC_bar]]<<if $temp eq 2>><<set $michaelasub += 2>>
You shake your head. "I think I prefer you locked away. Maybe one day we can find a way to get rid of your cock entirely."
<img src="Images/HC11/micpunttoplesscage2.webp" width=600 />
"Oh don’t tease, you know I want nothing more than to be a woman for you." she replies, covering up her disappointment well. She pulls down her dress and lifts up her skirts, revealing her tiny tits and tight asshole perched upon one of the boat cushions.
\<<if $chastity eq 0>>You lean in and kiss her between the legs, spitting and rubbing the entrance to her ass with your finger, before easing the tip of your cock into her wet opening. She leans back, closing her eyes, and as she does so the boat rocks sideways.
<img src="Images/HC11/micpunttoplessfuckcage.webp" width=600 />
"Did the earth move for you too, darling?" she jokes.
You take it slowly, just holding her while rocking with the movement of the water, covering each other with soft kisses until you feel your climax start to build. You push deeper into her and soon cum deep in her ass. <<cum>>You pull out and admire her half naked form, lying sticky covered in your seed.
\<<else>>She looks at your caged cock with disappointment, but beckons you to lie beside her on the boat’s cushions. Embracing you from behind, you feel her rubbing her nake dbody against you as she strokes your balls through your cage. You feel yourself start to stir and whilst you cannot get hard or climax, her smell and eager fingers suffice to bring you pleasure through the cage.
<<elseif $temp eq 1>><<set $michaelalove += 2>><img src="Images/HC11/micpunttopless.webp" width=600 />
You unlock her cage and take her small cock in your hand, stroking it gently as she gasps. "It has been locked away for so long it’s so sensitive."
"Just like a clitoris?"
"I guess."
<<if $chastity eq 0>><img src="Images/HC11/micpunttoplessfuckcock.webp" width=600 />
You lean in and kiss her between the legs, spitting and rubbing the entrance to her ass with your finger, before easing the tip of your cock into her wet opening. She leans back, closing her eyes, and as she does so the boat rocks sideways.
"Did the earth move for you too, darling?" she jokes.
You take it slowly, just holding her while rocking with the movement of the water, covering each other with soft kisses until you feel your climax start to build. You push deeper into her and start rubbing her cock with your hand, and she soon spurts over your fingers as you do the same deep in her ass. <<cum>>You pull out and admire her half naked form, lying sticky covered in your mingled seed.
<img src="Images/HC11/micpunttoplessfuckcumnochastity.webp" width=600 />
<<else>>She looks at your caged cock with disappointment, but beckons you to lie beside her on the boat’s cushions. Embracing you from behind, you feel her rubbing her semi erect cock between your legs as she strokes your balls through your cage. You feel yourself start to stir and whilst you cannot get hard or climax, her smell and eager fingers suffice to bring you pleasure through the cage.
You turn and look down on her, and take her cock in your hand. Rocking it slowly, she soon spurts over your fingers which you lift to her mouth to lick clean.
Afterwards, you note that the boat has drifted closer to shore and hear the sounds of merriment, so you clean yourselves up and disembark.
<img src="Images/HC11/daisymattproposal.webp" width=600 />
You arrive back at shore to the sight of Matthew on one knee in front of Daisy. He stands and they embrace passionately.
"What is happening?" you ask.
"Daisy has agreed to marry me," says Matthew. "It’s time for me to settle down."
"Congratulations, old bean, couldn’t be happier for you." You slap him on the back, and look for a drink to celebrate.
<<SetFlag "MattDaisyengaged">>
[[Join the festivities|HC11_2]]<<if $temp eq 3>>You put on a good show, \
\<<elseif $temp eq 2>>You try your best, \
\<<elseif $temp eq 1>>Lying naked head against her crotch you gently lick at her clit while teasing her nipples between your finger and thumb. She sucks hard at your penis, but without much lubrication and you try to ignore it as you focus on her pleasure. You hear her start moaning beneath you and sensing victory you slip two fingers inside as you the sensitive front of her vagina and stroke in a slow rhythmic motion.
"Oh my goodness." she cries as her belly starts to rise and fall, before with a shriek and a little dribble from her slit she lies back defeated.
<img src="Images/HC11/Daisybumpscum.webp" width=600 />
As you were successful but took longer, you have overbumped, rising three places and leapfrogging the competitors above you. You realise this is not terribly fair on those you overtook, who succeeded faster than you did but you did have to work harder and you guess will find the next round harder with less recovery period.
Your penultimate round is against Melissa. Like you she started low in the competition this year but has succeeded in both rounds so far easily. She looks at you hungrily and licks her lips.
"Well well well. And I thought that little cock of yours wouldn’t last this long. Let me put it out of its misery."
As before you lie down on a blanket, your face against her bare crotch.
[[Focus on her clitoris|HC11_3_2][$temp = 1]]
[[Lick her pussy hard|HC11_3_2][$temp = 2]]
[[Tease her with gentle strokes|HC11_3_2][$temp = 3]]
[[Mix it up and vary your technique|HC11_3_2][$temp = 4]]
\<<if $temp gt 1>>but change technique too frequently, the constant variation preventing Daisy from reaching the peaks of arousal. In contrast, she maintains a steady rhythm, alternating deep wet sucking of the tip of your penis with firm strokes at the base with her hand. You soon succumb and cum in her mouth. Looking up at you, she licks her lips in victory.
<img src="Images/HC11/69.webp" width=600 />
Your remaining rounds are uneventful. Whilst you are slow to cum having already done so, you are unable to make your partner cum either. A bell rings in your furious stalemate as the person below you in the ranking has succeeded in making their partner orgasm, thereby "bumping" you. You fall another place in the rankings and resolve to do better next year.
[[Watch the final round|HC11_3_4][$temp = 1]]
<</if>><<if $temp eq 3>>You sip at a glass of Pimms and chat to other spectators as you watch the event.
The dozen competitors lay down in pairs and begin touching, licking, stroking. The techniques vary, but the overall effect is supremely erotic as the garden is filled with the sounds of arousal, moaning and finally screams of climactic pleasure. This progresses through three rounds until the sweat drenched contestants face each other a final time.
The final contest at the top of the bracket is between Megan and Melissa. The pair eye each other warily before laying down top to tail and getting to work. Both work fingers and tongues nimbly for ten minutes.
<img src="Images/HC11/meganbumpmelis1.webp" width=600 />
The contest appears a stalemate, but eventually you see sweat building up on Megan’s naked chest, along with a pink flush. Melissa moves her mouth over the older woman’s clitoris and delves deep while pushing four fingers inside dexterously. With a cry Megan climaxes, laying back defeated.
"Where did you learn that, girl? I haven’t been sucked that way in years."
"Just natural I guess, maybe I inherited it from my mother. And of course lots of practice with the girls from finishing school."
"The queen is dead, long live the queen." calls out Lord Bentley, crowning Melissa with a garland of flowers.
You overhear Megan whispering under her breath. "Dead? Just resting, dear, just resting."
<<set $bumpswinner = "Melissa">>
The next event is an afternoon garden party. An ornate stone building next to the entrance serves as a changing room for anyone wishing to freshen up after the morning’s events.
[[Change|Wardrobe][$Wardrobe = "HC11"]]
[[Enter the Garden Party|HC11_4]]\<<set $randomset = [1, 2, 3]>>
\<<set $temp1 = $randomset.pluck()>>
\<<if $temp1 eq $temp>>
\You focus on your game plan and get into a clear rhythm, stroking and licking at her nether lips. Her technique is distracting, taking you deep into her wet mouth while massaging your balls and prostate, but she uses her teeth slightly too much fot your liking and you just hold off as you feel her arousal grow. Sensing victory, you rub her clit hard as you delve your tongue deep in her pussy, and are rewarded by a shower of juice as she screams with orgasmic pleasure.
<img src="Images/HC11/Melissacum.webp" width=600 />
"I was so close!" she curses, a look of rage in her eyes, before calming and replacing this with a serene smile.
"To the victor the spoils. Do give Megan my regards in the final."
After your narrow victory over Melissa, you are matched with the reigning champion, Megan.
<<if $Megandomevent gt 0>>"Fear not my pet, I would not cheat by commanding you to lose. I do have the advantage of knowing just what makes you tick, however."<</if>>
She takes off her black silken robe, revealing a perfectly sculpted body that a girl half her age would be proud of. She lies down in front of you, flaunting her curves, and opens her legs a fraction.
As before you assume the position the French call le soixante–neuf, your head against her groin and hers against yours. The gong sounds indicating the final round has begun. You feel a moist softness about your phallus as her lips engulf you and you try to focus your attention on her pink pussy.
[[Focus on her clitoris|HC11_3_3][$temp = 1]]
[[Lick her pussy hard|HC11_3_3][$temp = 2]]
[[Tease her with gentle licks|HC11_3_3][$temp = 3]]
[[Push your whole hand inside and massage her vagina while sucking on her clit|HC11_3_3][$temp = 4]]
[[Mix it up and vary your technique|HC11_3_3][$temp = 5]]
You start confidently, you have won two rounds easily after all. Melissa looks at you like an animal eyeing up its prey and lays her smooth body against yours. Her scent is intoxicating, and you soon get to work with tongue and fingers.
Her oral technique is unlike others you have encountered. She takes you deep in her mouth and runs her lips and teeth lightly against the skin of your shaft, while massaging the tip with her throat which feels like moist silk. All the while one hand is expertly massaging your balls, while her other hand slips inside your ass and rubs your sensitive prostate.
<img src="Images/HC11/melissabumpscum2.webp" width=600 />
The combination of sensations is too much for you and you collapse in pleasure, cumming into her throat for what seems like a full minute.
"Where did you learn to do that?" you ask
"Swiss finishing school, darling. They have been teaching the future wives and mistresses of the nobility for generations, after all." She gives you a peck on the cheek and prepares for the next round.
Your final round is uneventful. Whilst you are slow to cum having already done so, you are unable to make your partner cum either. A bell rings in your furious stalemate as the person below you in the ranking has succeeded in making their partner orgasm, thereby "bumping" you. You fall another place in the rankings and resolve to do better next year.
[[Watch the final round|HC11_3_4][$temp = 1]]
<</if>>\<<set $randomset = [1, 2, 3, 4]>>
\<<set $temp1 = $randomset.pluck()>>
<<if $temp1 eq $temp>>
You focus on her body and get into a clear rhythm, stroking and licking at her nether lips. Her technique is distracting, taking you deep into her wet mouth while massaging your balls and prostate, but she uses her teeth slightly too much for your liking and you just hold off as you feel her arousal grow. Sensing victory, you rub her clit hard as you delve your tongue deep in her pussy, and are rewarded by a shower of juice as she screams with orgasmic pleasure.
"I was so close!" she curses, a look of rage in her eyes, before calming and replacing this with a serene smile.
"I guess that congratulations are in order. But I will not let you off so easily next year."
<<set $bumpswinner = "MC">>
You are presented with the winning trophy, which is engraved with your name next to the year 1899.
Within seconds you realise that you are hopelessly outmatched. Megan uses her whole body to overwhelm your sensations, her lips and tongue working your cock while her breasts push against your stomach and her fingers caress your buttocks and chest. She takes your whole erect penis into her mouth, then with a gulp takes in your balls as well. Her mouth moves like she is eating, her tongue rolling over your testicles as her throat opens and closes over your cock. She seems to have no gag reflex, fucking your cock hard with her mouth.
<img src="Images/HC11/meganbumpscum3.webp" width=600 />
Outmatched, you clench your teeth to try to focus on licking her pussy, rubbing it furiously, but the sensation is too much and you soon cum deep into her throat.
<<set $bumpswinner = "Megan">>
"I declare Megan our champion of the May bumps, 1899." calls out Lord Bentley.
"Did you ever doubt me, Arthur."
"Certainly not, although I was worried you would dislocate your jaw at one point."
She raises an eyebrow. "It was only one cock. I do believe my record is three."
He presents her the trophy, once again engraved with her name.
The next event is an afternoon garden party. An ornate stone building next to the entrance serves as a changing room for anyone wishing to freshen up after the morning’s events.
[[Change|Wardrobe][$Wardrobe = "HC11"]]
[[Enter the Garden Party|HC11_4]]<<daisyevent 6>>"The beach? But it’s late."
"If we leave now we can just catch the train, an hour to Brighton, see sunset at the coast, and catch the last train back a few hours later."
Twenty minutes later the pair of you are running along the platform and leap onboard the train just as the conductor blows his whistle.
Brighton station is a short walk from the beach, and the pair of you walk hand in hand, enjoying the sea breeze and the feeling of the small town.
"Oh no. We left in such a hurry I didn’t bring my bathing costume or a towel" remarks Daisy.
[[Pop into a nearby shop|beachshop][$temp = 1]]
[[Just head to the beach|Daisydatebeach1]]<img src="Images/HC11/bathingwhitestylish.webp" width=600 />
You enter the beach shop, a large poster on the wall indicating the nautical style currently in fashion.
<<set $shop = "B">>
The following items are available:
<<if $objects["Mens blue bathing costume"].inv eq 1>>You have already purchased the Mens blue bathing costume<<else>>[[Mens blue bathing costume->Shopbuy][$item = "Mens blue bathing costume"]]<</if>>
<<if $objects["Mens red bathing costume"].inv eq 1>>You have already purchased the Mens red bathing costume<<else>>[[Mens red bathing costume->Shopbuy][$item = "Mens red bathing costume"]]<</if>>
<<if $objects["Navy ladies bathing suit"].inv eq 1>>You have already purchased the Navy ladies bathing suit<<else>>[[Navy ladies bathing suit->Shopbuy][$item = "Navy ladies bathing suit"]]<</if>>
<<if $objects["Ladies white bathing costume"].inv eq 1>>You have already purchased the Ladies white bathing costume<<else>>[[Ladies white bathing costume->Shopbuy][$item = "Ladies white bathing costume"]]<</if>>
There is also a changing room where you can put on purchased items
[[Enter the changing room->Wardrobe][$Wardrobe="Beachshop"]]
<<if $temp eq 1>>[[Return to Brighton seafront|Daisydatebeach1]]
\<<elseif $temp eq 2>>[[Return to Brighton seafront|Nicdatebeach1]]
\<<elseif $temp eq 3>>[[Return to Brighton seafront|Micdatebeach1]]
\<<elseif $temp eq 4>>[[Return to Brighton seafront|Mattdatebeach1]] <</if>><img src="Images/HC11/daisybathing2.webp" width=600 />
You walk hand in hand along the beach, taking off your shoes and feeling the sand between your toes as you do. Daisy is wearing a new and quite revealing bathing costume, which is far too small to cover her ample cleavage and has not put on the skirt part. "The beach is deserted, no one will see." she protests. The dying sun shines down upon the two of you and you forget about the complications of your lives, just two young people enjoying each others company.
"After the wedding, do you think we could go somewhere sunny? Maybe even abroad?"
"Where would you like to go?"
"Italy perhaps?"
You smile and say you will look into it as you walk along the narrow beach.
"I haven’t been in the sea for years." says Daisy. "Daddy has been too busy with work recently to take us."
She walks into the sea and swims out until she is waist deep, beckoning for you to follow her. As you do, she swims up to you and gives you a long tender kiss.
"Thank you my darling for bringing me here. Here is your reward."
She lowers the front of her bathing costume, revealing her shapely breasts, and places your hands upon them. You stroke them, their soft skin slick with the sea water, and hold her body close to yours.
<<if Flag("cuckold")>> "I know just what you would like, $subname. Now swim to shore and watch carefully. It would please me if you play with yourself as you watch me."
You do as commanded, sitting on some rocks and watch as Daisy swims over in front of where a bored looking lifeguard is sitting. She starts splashing wildly, her head falling below the water. You panic, about to leap up to help her, but the lifeguard is closer and is soon in the shallow water, pulling her out. You see that her breasts are still uncovered, and lying in the dunes edge closer so you can observe them.
"My hero. You saved me." You can hear the pretence in her voice as she seduces the young man who you estimate as being eighteen.
"Just doing my job, ma’am. Are you alright? You should cover up." he says nervously.
She takes his hand and rests it on her breast. "Can you feel my heart beating?"
""Yes ma’am."
She leans forward and kisses him, slipping one hand down the front of his red striped swimming costume. "I should reward you for saving my life, my gallant knight."
<img src="Images/HC11/daisydombeachfuck.webp" width=600 />
You start rubbing your crotch through your cage at the sight of your fiance with another man, aroused by the sight of her body and knowing that soon you will smell his scent all over her. She rolls over on top of him on the sand and looks you straight in the eye as she pulls out his cock and slips him inside her with a gasp.
<img src="Images/HC11/daisybeachblowjob.webp" width=600 />
"Fuck me." she begs, gyrating on top of him and moaning theatrically for your benefit. A few minutes later he starts to thrust harder and she climbs off him, kneeling in front of him and taking his penis in her mouth. The lifeguard spasms as he cums into your fiance’s face, after which she gets up and runs away from him, leaving him speechless on the sand.
<img src="Images/HC11/daisybeachcumswap2.webp" width=600 />
Daisy beckons toward you without a word and leans over before depositing a mouthful of salty cum into your waiting lips. She meets you lips with her own and swirls her tongue inside your mouth. "Now be a good girl and swallow that all down for mummy."
You do as commanded, before the pair of you clean up in the water, dress and return to the shore, sated but happy in the glowing sunset.
<<elseif $Daisydomevent gt 0>><img src="Images/HC11/daisysunset.webp" width=600 />
Swimming back to shore, you lie down in a secluded sand dune, out of sight as the sun begins to set.
"Lie down there, $subname."
"Yes Miss Daisy."
She towers above you, touching her breast as her bathing costume falls to the ground.
"Do you like my body?"
"It is beautiful, Miss Daisy."
"That is very sweet for you to say so. Now you look a little thirsty with all this sun and sand. I think you need a drink."
"I’m fine."
"I said you need a drink. Now open wide."
<img src="Images/HC11/daisypissbeach4.webp" width=600 />
You lie back and open your mouth as she squats above you, her perfect pussy wet and glistening above you. You put out your tongue to start licking and without warning, a stream of golden liquid comes from her hole and she pisses deep down your throat.
"Good girl. Drink it all up for me."
By the time she is finished your face is soaked with her piss which showers the sand around you. She sits down on the sand, getting comfortable.
"That’s better. Now lick me until I cum."
<img src="Images/HC11/nictoplessbeachcunni.webp" width=600 />
You do as commanded, your mistress squeezing your face between her thighs as she cries out in pleasure, before the pair of you clean up in the water, dress and return to the shore, sated but happy in the glowing sunset.
<<elseif $chastity eq 0>>
Swimming back to shore, you lie down in a secluded sand dune, out of sight as the sun begins to set.
<img src="Images/HC11/daisybeachblowjob.webp" width=600 />
"I need something to get the taste of salt out of my mouth." says Daisy, pulling down your clothing. She slips your cock into her mouth and sucks greedily upon it, occasionally taking a break and rubbing the tip and shaft between her ample tits.
"When we are married I want to wake you up like this every day." she says, wanking the base of your cock firmly as you spurt deep into her open mouth, rolling the thick white fluid around her tongue before swallowing it all down. "I think I have worked up an appetite now, my love. Let us get something to eat."
<img src="Images/HC11/daisybeachfacial.webp" width=600 />
<img src="Images/HC11/daisyswimtopless.webp" width=600 />
After, the pair of you swim naked in the water, holding hands as you splash and forget everything except each other. As night draws in, you have a meal of fresh fish and chips wrapped in paper from a seaside kiosk before catching the last train back to London.
<<link [[Return home|YourRoom]]>><<wait>><</link>>You have the following swimwear. Wearing one of these will remove all your other clothing:
<table style="width:100%">\
<<if $objects["Ladies white bathing costume"].inv eq 1>><tr><th>Ladies white bathing costume</th><th><<set $image to $objects["Ladies white bathing costume"].image >><<displayimage I>></th><th>$objects["Ladies white bathing costume"].description</th><th><<if $outfit eq "Ladies white bathing costume">> Worn <<else>><<link [[Wear->Closet_swim]]>><<StripAll>><<set $outfit ="Ladies white bathing costume">><</link>><</if>> </th> </tr><</if>>
<<if $objects["Mens blue bathing costume"].inv eq 1>><tr><th>Mens blue bathing costume</th><th><<set $image to $objects["Mens blue bathing costume"].image >><<displayimage I>></th><th>$objects["Mens blue bathing costume"].description</th><th><<if $outfit eq "Mens blue bathing costume">> Worn <<else>><<link [[Wear->Closet_swim]]>><<StripAll>><<set $outfit ="Mens blue bathing costume">><</link>><</if>> </th> </tr><</if>>
<<if $objects["Mens red bathing costume"].inv eq 1>><tr><th>Mens red bathing costume</th><th><<set $image to $objects["Mens red bathing costume"].image >><<displayimage I>></th><th>$objects["Mens red bathing costume"].description</th><th><<if $outfit eq "Mens red bathing costume">> Worn <<else>><<link [[Wear->Closet_swim]]>><<StripAll>><<set $outfit ="Mens red bathing costume">><</link>><</if>> </th> </tr><</if>>
<<if $objects["Navy ladies bathing suit"].inv eq 1>><tr><th>Navy ladies bathing suit</th><th><<set $image to $objects["Navy ladies bathing suit"].image >><<displayimage I>></th><th>$objects["Navy ladies bathing suit"].description</th><th><<if $outfit eq "Navy ladies bathing suit">> Worn <<else>><<link [[Wear->Closet_swim]]>><<StripAll>><<set $outfit ="Navy ladies bathing suit">><</link>><</if>> </th> </tr><</if>>
[[Return->Wardrobe]]<img src="Images/HC11/nicicecream.jpg" width=600 />
As you approach the beach, you spot a small stall selling ice cream. Nicola’s eyes light up. "I love ice cream. May I have one please, $nicdomname."
"Have you been good?"
"Apart from all the wicked thoughts about the things I want you to do to me."
"I guess you will need some energy for this evening." You purchase a couple of ice creams and watch as she seductively licks the sweet cream from the cone, purring as she does so. "Thank you $nicdomname."
After you walk along the sand, taking off your shoes until you reach a quiet part of the beach with slightly damp sand.
<img src="Images/HC11/nicbathing2.webp" width=600 />
"Now strip."
"But this is a public beach. There might be people."
"There might. I said strip."
<img src="Images/HC11/nicbeachnaked.webp" width=600 />
She takes off her black dress and lies it on the sand before standing naked in front of you.
You hand her a bucket and spade.
"Now dig." you command
"For what, treasure?"
You slap her bare ass quickly. "Don’t answer back."
"Sorry, $nicdomname." She starts digging with the spade until she has made a shallow hole. You wait patiently until it is deep enough, then command her to get into the hole.
A look of fear fills her eyes.
"Only up to your chest. This time."
<img src="Images/HC11/nicsand2.webp" width=600 />
She lowers herself into the hole and sits as you shovel in the sand after her, until she is buried with only the tops of her breasts, shoulders and head visible.
"Can you move?"
She wriggles making a few crack on the surface of the sand then shakes her head. "I am at your mercy, $nicdomname." Again she bites her lower lip.
\<<if $chastity eq 0 and $penis neq "tiny">> Looking around, you pull down your swimming costume and put your cock into her mouth. She devours it greedily, fellating it with her black lips and nimble tongue, trying not to grimace when she gets sand into her mouth. You pull out to adjust your position.
<img src="Images/HC11/nicfacialbeach2.webp" width=600 />
"What do you prefer licking? My cock or the ice cream?"
"The cock, $nicdomname." she replies, playing the game as you both enjoy. You shove it back in, deeper this time until she gags, using her mouth as a sex toy until you shower her face with your seed. <<cum>>
"Thank you $nicdomname." she replies, licking her lips and failing to get the cum off her face, with her tongue.
\<<else>>You kiss her and play with her nipples, enjoying the feeling of helplessness as she wriggles in the sand, panting heavily with arousal.
"You were right, the sand is getting everywhere. No fucking me today, it’ll be like sandpaper!"
There is a noise from behind and you see two young men in their early twenties walking along the beach toward you. You quickly pull your costume back and look down at a terrified Nicola.
[[Cover her up until they walk past|Nicdatebeach3][$temp = 3]]
[[Call over to them to approach|Nicdatebeach2]]<img src="Images/HC11/micbathing2.webp" width=600 />
"Brighton is a bit classier than Southend. I guess all the rich folk from Surrey come down here, rather than folk from the East end."
You shrug, as you grew up inland and didn’t get to go out to the coast often. The pair of you walk along the beach hand in hand.
<img src="Images/HC11/micbathing3.webp" width=600 />
After a while you reach a secluded spot. She sits in the water and splashes in the waves with her feet, before stopping, suddenly.
"You don’t think this is a bit tight do you. Can you see my thingy?"
You look down and see a bulge at her crotch. She turns away from you, upset.
"It’s… normally it’s all locked away, but I didn’t want to rust. I’m sorry, I didn’t want you to see me like this."
"Are you aroused?"
"I’m always aroused when I’m with you, my sweet."
[[I like you just how you are, you don’t have to hide yourself from me|Micdatebeach2][$temp1 = 1]]
[[Here, put this back on, you can just stay out of the water|Micdatebeach2][$temp1 = 2]]<img src="Images/HC11/mattbathing2.webp" width=600 />
The pair of you walk along the beach, taking in the fresh sea air, until you reach a small jetty with a sailing boat on it. After a little haggling, Matthew agrees a price and hires the ship, and the pair of you are soon floating on the open sea.
"Just the two of us. None of the complications of London."
"What are we going to do?" you reply, seductively.
He puts the sails down, letting the boat float unaided before leaning in and kissing you.
"I want to see you. Naked. All of you."
"Even my…" you say, looking down.
"All of you." <<StripAll>>
Your clothing falls to the floor and you stand uneasily in the small boat, naked before him.
He takes your $penis cock in hand. "I guess I’ll have to get used to this thing. It won’t be easy, I do like a nice quim, so bear with me."
You return the favour and pull down his breeches, until the pair of you are lying naked on the floor of the boat, caressing each others shoulders, chests and thighs.
"I can’t get over how incredible your breasts are." he says. "Those medicines are miraculous. They will make your fortune one day." To prove his point he lowers his mouth and starts nuzzling on them.
There is a thud, as the boat runs aground on a secluded part of the beach.
"Shall we retire to solid ground?"
<img src="Images/HC11/mattnakedbeach3.webp" width=600 />
Unable to keep your hands off each other, you roll out of the boat onto the sand, hurriedly putting a blanket on the ground before you crouch in front of him.
"Are you sure you want to? I’m pretty big."
"I am sure."
<img src="Images/HC11/mattsexonbeach.jpg" width=600 />
He rubs your ass with a little oil and you feel a pressure behind as he pushes the tip of his cock against your tight hole. It opens a little with the pressure and he slips inside an inch before stopping. You gasp at the sensation.
In response you push backward as he grips you about the breasts, and he slides further inside, slipping past your sphincter until he is a full three inches inside you.
"I’ll be gentle, my sweet."
He rocks back and forth on the sand, occasionally stroking at your cock and tits and you aren’t sure which sensation is most pleasurable, him pushing up inside your rear, or the feel of his hand on your penis and breasts. You get into a rhythm, you pushing back, and Matthew thrusting forward, until you hear him gasping as he increases his intensity and starts moving his hand faster and faster on your cock. With a cry you feel a tickling inside, then a wet dribble out of your rear as he falls on the sand, spent.
"Did you come?" he asks. You shake your head. Wrapping one arm around you he puts his right hand back on your $penis cock and rubs it with his sticky hand until you too climax, and your seed mingle on the sand beneath you.
"Sex on the beach. What would people say back in London."
"They’d be jealous."
Afterward the pair of you lie embracing on the sand, just kissing quietly and holding each other. After the sun has gone down you dress and sail back to the jetty and walk into town. As night draws in, you have a meal of fresh fish and chips wrapped in paper from a seaside kiosk before catching the last train back to London.
<<link [[Return home|YourRoom]]>><<wait>><</link>><<if $nic_event eq 7>><<set $nic_event = 8>><</if>>
\<<set $nicolaatoday =1>><<SetFlag "event">>
Nicola looks suspiciously at you. "Brighton is lovely, but the seaside? Daddy used to take us there for some dreadful holidays. And the sand gets everywhere."
"It will by the time I’m finished with you."
"Oh." she bites her lower lip and looks down at the floor with an eager expression, realising what you might have planned. "Yes $nicdomname."
"If we leave now we can just catch the train, an hour to Brighton, see sunset at the coast, and catch the last train back a few hours later."
Twenty minutes later the pair of you are running along the platform and leap onboard the train just as the conductor blows his whistle.
On the train, you have the carriage to yourself.
"So tell me, what fantasies do you have that we haven’t done enough yet?"
"I like it when you surprise me. Sometimes I think I just want to be used for sex, treated roughly, then held in your arms afterwards until I’m feeling calm and safe again."
"Do you like it when there are other people, like at the club?"
"I’m not sure. It makes me nervous. But excited. I don’t want to be a whore though."
"Any limits - things you would never do?"
"Blood, shit, filth - I am a lady after all, even if I am a pervert." she laughs.
She looks shocked. "People do that?"
You nod. "I have seen it at the club."
"I am not sure. But I do have a safeword. Cinnamon. I can say that if I want you to stop. And you would stop, wouldn’t you darling?"
Brighton station is a short walk from the beach, and the pair of you walk hand in hand, enjoying the sea breeze and the feeling of the small town. There are plenty of small stores along the seafront selling swimming attire
[[Pop into a nearby shop for beach clothing|beachshop][$temp = 2]]
[[Just head to the beach|Nicdatebeach1]]<<if $temp eq 3>>"Thank you. I wasn’t sure I was ready for that. Part of me wanted to lie here and be an object of desire, but…Maybe another time"
"You are mine to do what I want with you, my pet. If I had wanted they could have fucked you, but that is a pleasure I keep for myself alone."
"Yes, I am yours."
<img src="Images/HC11/nicbeachaftersex.webp" width=600 />
You dig her out of the hole and she lays her pale white body along the sand, stretching out.
"I think we should get you cleaned up. We can’t get you back on the train like that."
[[Let her clean herself in the sea|Nicdatebeach3][$temp = 1]]
[[Piss on her, then drag her into the water|Nicdatebeach3][$temp = 2]]
<<elseif $temp eq 2>>
<img src="Images/HC11/nicgoldenshower5.webp" width=600 />
"Open wide now." You get your cock out and let loose a stream of pale yellow urine over her face and body. She swallows some of it down, but gags and it dribbles down her chin and over her breasts.
"You’re my plaything. My whore. My toilet if I say so."
"I am yours $nicdomname." she says submissively, although she seems disoriented and a little upset.
<img src="Images/HC11/nicdrowned.webp" width=600 />
Taking her by the hair you pull her towards the water and hold her under for a few seconds, raising her up until she gasps for breath.
You put a hand between her legs and start rubbing her damp pussy, sliding your fingers inside it under the water and thumbing her clitoris until she calls out in ecstasy, then take her back to the shore, trembling. You wrap a towel around her and lie next to her on the sand, saying nothing as the sun sets and you hold her in your arms tenderly.
You dress and walk back to the promenade. As night draws in, you have a meal of fresh fish and chips wrapped in paper from a seaside kiosk before catching the last train back to London.
<<link [[Return home|YourRoom]]>><<wait>><</link>>
<<elseif $temp eq 1>>
<img src="Images/HC11/nicswimnaked.webp" width=600 />
You lift her in your arms and carry her naked body to the water, before falling backwards with a splash. The two of you clean yourselves and laugh, embracing and kissing passionately in the sea. You feel her push her body close against yours and rub her between the legs.
"Please." she begs.
You cover her lips with yours and keep rubbing her gently until her moans subside and she wraps her limbs around you, holding on in the water like an anchored ship. You carry her back to shore, wrap a towel around her and lie next to her on the sand, saying nothing as the sun sets and you hold her in your arms tenderly.
You dress and walk back to the promenade. As night draws in, you have a meal of fresh fish and chips wrapped in paper from a seaside kiosk before catching the last train back to London.
<<link [[Return home|YourRoom]]>><<wait>><</link>>
<</if>>"Hey lads, come over here." you call.
"What!" cries Nicola.
"The two wander over. They are clad in working class clothes and are holding bottles of beer.
"What do you think of my pretty mermaid here?"
The two look on with lust. "She’s got her titties out."
"Yes she has. Do you want to touch them - go on, have a feel.
The two start groping at Nicola’s bare breasts and squeezing roughly. She is obviously not enjoying this but grits her teeth.
"Do you know what she really likes? She likes men to wank on her, cover her in cum. Do you want to have a go?"
"Really, you’re not like a copper or something?"
"Really. Go on, Nicola. Tell them what you want them to do.
Warming to the game, Nicola speaks up in a pristine accent. "I want you to pull your breeches down and get your big cocks out, then shower me with your seed, gentlemen."
The two look about to see if anyone is about, then pull down their trousers and get out their already hard cocks.
"Will she suck them?"
You think about Nicola sucking their cocks, but they are common folk, unlike the refined members of the Hellfire club, and you fear they might be carrying a venereal disease, so shake your head. "Not her mouth, but you can rub them on her body if you want."
One kneels down and starts rubbing his cock between her breasts, "Get me a lovely tit wank from this slapper." he says. The other starts kissing her face, breathing in her scent of her hair while furiously pumping at his cock. In less than a minute he sprays cum all over her face and hair with a groan. A minute later his friend erupts over her chest and breasts.
"That was great, she’s fucking gorgeous. But such a slut."
"Now Nicola, what do we say?"
"Thank you for cumming on me." she replies sweetly.
"Good girl."
"How much to fuck her?" one asks.
"Oh, she’s not a whore. She’s my sex slave."
"You lucky bastard. Thanks anyhow." He throws a sixpence down at Nicola on the sand. "She earned that."
<img src="Images/HC11/nicbeachbukkake3.webp" width=600 />
The pair walk off, laughing. You return your gaze to Nicola, helping her out of the sand and she lies on the ground, strangers’ seed smeared across her face and breasts.
"I wasn’t sure I was ready for that. Part of me wanted to lie here and be an object of desire, but I did as you asked. I thought about using my safeword but I wanted you to be proud of me."
"And I am so very proud of you my darling. Look at you, covered in cum like a whore, your makeup all running. I think we should wash that off. We can’t get you back on the train like that."
[[Let her clean herself in the sea|Nicdatebeach3][$temp = 1]]
[[Piss on her, then drag her into the water|Nicdatebeach3][$temp = 2]]<<michaela_date 4>><<SetFlag "event">>
"The seaside, I love the seaside." sparks Michaela. "But I don’t have a bathing suit."
"Don’t worry, we can pick one up there. But we have to hurry, the train leaves in twenty minutes and there isn’t another one for an hour."
You both rush to the station, just catching the train before it departs, and before long are on your way to Brighton.
"We used to go to Southend-on-sea. Gabriel and I, when our mum was alive. He used to clamber over the rocks and collect crabs. I used to build sandcastles, and imagine I was a princess living in them. I never told anyone that before, $Hname."
The pair of you get off the train and walk the short journey toward the sea front. "Oh look, I can get a bathing suit here." Michaela rushes into a ladies shop and comes out a few minutes later wearing a pale white dress of light, easy drying fabric, a straw hat, and a bucket and spade "It’s pretty, but it does seem silly that we have to cover our legs up - I like to kick when I swim."
She puts a metal cage into your hand. "Take care of this. I don’t want it to rust in the water."
[[Pop into a nearby shop for beach clothes|beachshop][$temp = 3]]
[[Just head to the beach|Micdatebeach1]]<<if $temp1 eq 1>><img src="Images/HC11/micwatercock.webp" width=600 />
She smiles and wraps her arms around you, pressing her body towards yours. You feel every part of her, from her slender though muscled arms, her tiny budding breasts, and the erection pushing against your thigh.
"Do you prefer this, or being locked away?"
"Most of the time I want to put it away. It’s hard when I’m with you and you make me full of desire, and it pushes against the cage so painfully. I wish I could just cut it off sometimes. But knowing you want me for who I am inside helps. I do wish I could be a real woman and not have to hide behind a cage.
"You are a real woman to me. Even with this." You rest her dainty cock in your hand, stroking it gently as she gasps.
The two of you walk into the water, her cock hanging out and embrace, feeling her wet bathing costume clinging against her breasts. You squeeze her ass and massage her cock lightly and she melts in your hands, whimpering lightly until you feel her climax and wrap her limbs about you like a doll. You rinse your hand in the salt water and pull her toward you for a long deep kiss.
<img src="Images/HC11/micswimming.webp" width=600 />
"I understand. I wish I could be a real woman for you. To squeeze you in my lady parts."
The two of you walk into the water, hand in hand. You squeeze her ass and stroke her small breasts before you pull her toward you for a long deep kiss. She quivers under your touch, craving release but unable to achieve it.
\<<if $chastity eq 0>>\"Now your turn. Do you want my arse or my mouth? No don't be greedy, you can't have both."
<<else>>"It doesn’t seem fair that I can unlock myself to play but your mistress won’t let you. You should ask. Just sometimes, as a reward."
You nod and kiss her gently. "Maybe. My relationship with her is an awkward one. I don’t think either you or I work quite how we were designed to."
After the pair of you lie embracing on the sand, just kissing quietly and holding each other. After the sun has gone down you dress and walk back to the promenade. As night draws in, you have a meal of fresh fish and chips wrapped in paper from a seaside kiosk before catching the last train back to London.
<<link [[Return home|YourRoom]]>><<wait>><</link>>"Brighton? Well sure I guess."
He doesn’t seem too keen, but you persuade him with a kiss and a hint of more to come.
Twenty minutes later you are rushing along the platform at Charing Cross station, leaping onto the train that has already started to move.
"I haven’t been to the beach since I was a child. Used to go and stay in a hut by the shore and go sailing in my uncle’s dinghy when I was little."
"I didn’t know you could sail."
"Not been in a boat for years, but yeah I got pretty good at it. Got more sea legs than you, you used to throw up when we shipped out on duty."
The memories of that transport ship filled with soldiers crossing the English channel are not pleasant, but you reminisce about old times, thinking that in a way they happened to another person.
After stepping off the train you walk hand in hand with Matthew, relishing the feeling of his muscled hand in yours. Since taking your medicine your skin is softer and your hands feel daintier.
"I’m in my work suit, I can’t wear this - I’ll get sand in it."
The pair of you stop outside a beach outfitters and Matthew turns up wearing a striped bathing suit.
"Don’t laugh.
"Excited are we?"
He looks down at a bulge in his crotch. "It’s tight, alright. Anyhow, be flattered, that’s the effect you have on me."
[[Pop into a nearby shop for beach clothes|beachshop][$temp = 4]]
[[Just head to the beach|Mattdatebeach1]]<img src="Images/HC11/YvBavkitchen.webp" width=600 />"Yvette, Babette. Present yourself for inspection."
"At once." They stand to attention beside the stove.
You look them up and down.
"Babette. You are supposed to be tidying the parlour, not gossiping to your sister in the kitchen. And Yvette, you have stains all down your uniform."
She comes close to you, and runs a hand through your hair.
"I can think of other ways to get stains on my uniform…"
<img src="Images/HC11/YvBabblowjob.webp" width=600 />
She and Babette kneel in front of you and pull out your already hard cock. They take turns at sucking and licking it, one caressing your balls while one takes it in their mouth, then swapping and one licking the shaft with their tongue while the other sucks at the tip.
Before long you spurt your load over both of their faces.
<img src="Images/HC11/YvBabblowjobcum.webp" width=600 />
"I think the owner of the household has shown us our place, sister."
"Indeed. Let us tidy up." The pair start kissing, licking the cum from each other's faces. You leave them to it.
<<yourhouse>><img src="Images/HC11/Babblowjob.webp" width=600 />
"Careful, I am busy here, mind the stove." remarks Babette
You stroke her hair. "You have been working very hard, I think it is time to take a break."
"I think you are flirting with me sir."
"And what if I am?"
"I do not think that one little blowjob will hurt."
She kneels down and starts sucking upon your cock, twirling her tongue around its tip as she works your balls with her fingers.
Soon you cum all over her face.
<img src="Images/HC11/Babblowjobcum3.webp" width=600 /><<cum>>
"See, you have made a mess. It is good you did not cum in the soup, it would ruin the flavour. Now get out of here, I have work to do."
<<yourhouse>><img src="Images/HC11/Babbedroom2.webp" width=600 />
Yvette is cleaning the room with a duster. As she bends over you see her tight ass under her skirt. You quietly reach in and give it a squeeze.
"Voulez vous coucher avec moi? Maintenant? No I have to do the things. A little suck then I get back to work."
She pulls down your underclothes and starts licking and sucking at your cock, taking it deep within her hot wet mouth. You paw at her full breasts as she does so, squeezing them through their lacy fabric.
Before long you can hold back no longer and spurt a thick shot of semen deep within her lips. Some falls onto the drawers she was cleaning.
<img src="Images/HC11/Yvblowjobcum2.webp" width=600 />
"Monsieur! Now I have to clean it again."
<<yourhouse>>"This bedroom is messy. The sheet is untidy and looks as if it has been slept in."
Yvette looks at her sister and pushes her over, kissing her on the bed. "Would you care to join us?"
You don’t have to be asked twice, and lie back and kiss the two girls deeply, moving from one soft pink pair of lips to the other. You lose track of which is which and as one kisse syou the other moves down to your undergarments and takes your cock within her lips, coating it in thick wet saliva. You moan and gasp, until the other twin pushes her lips against yours, silencing you.
<img src="Images/HC11/YvBabbedroomblowjobcum2.webp" width=600 />
After a short while, the second twin kneels down on the bed with her sister and they both take you in their mouths. Unable to resist this delicious pleasure for long you squirt over both their faces, uniforms and the sheets. They lick your cock clean before starting on each others faces.
"And now we must change the sheets again, monsieur." laugh the girls
<<yourhouse>>She lifts her dress off and bends down, revealing her pretty pink arsehole to you. You waste no time in disrobing and taking her on the sand. It is over quickly, both of you a little nervous about being seen, as sodomy is outlawed, as is sex in public, but thrilled by the excitement of it all.
<<if $temp1 eq 1>>
<img src="Images/HC11/micbeachfuck.webp" width=600 />
Afterward, she lies on the towel, her tiny pink penis sitting in the setting sun, a wet pool of cum dribbling out of her ass.
<img src="Images/HC11/micbeachlienaked.webp" width=600 />
\<<elseif $temp1 eq 2>>
<img src="Images/HC11/micbeachfuckchastitybelt2.webp" width=600 />
Afterward, she sits on the sand, your semen dribbling out of her tight arsehole into the sand, her cock safely locked away by your command.
<img src="Images/HC11/micbeachfuckchastitybeltaftersex.webp" width=600 />
\For a time the pair of you lie embracing on the sand, just kissing quietly and holding each other. After the sun has gone down you dress and walk back to the promenade. As night draws in, you have a meal of fresh fish and chips wrapped in paper from a seaside kiosk before catching the last train back to London.
<<link [[Return home|YourRoom]]>><<wait>><</link>><<if $penis eq "small" or $penis eq "tiny">><img src="Images/HC11/micswimblowjobsmall.webp" width=600 />
<<elseif $chest eq "flat">><img src="Images/HC11/micswimblowjob.webp" width=600 />
\<<else>><img src="Images/HC11/micswimblowjobbreasts.webp" width=600 />
She sits you down on a bench at the water's edge and lowers herself in front of you, taking you in her mouth. You run your hand through her wet blond tresses as she does so, pulling her mouth toward you so your cock fills her mouth. Her fingers trace a pattern on the underside of your scrotum, teasing your balls and squeezing them gently as you approach your climax so you spurt deep in her mouth. <<cum>>
<img src="Images/HC11/micfacialsunset.webp" width=600 />
"Mmm. Thank you darling. Just like licking ice cream at the seaside." She licks her lips before swimming under the water to clean her face and hair.
After the pair of you lie embracing on the sand, just kissing quietly and holding each other. After the sun has gone down you dress and walk back to the promenade. As night draws in, you have a meal of fresh fish and chips wrapped in paper from a seaside kiosk before catching the last train back to London.
<<link [[Return home|YourRoom]]>><<wait>><</link>><<if $chest eq "flat">>You take one look at your flat manly chest and realise that Matthew is not going to be interested in you. He's definitely a boob man.
[[Return to Your Room|YourRoom]]
<<elseif $wig eq "none">>Your short manly hair is not feminine enough to go out with Matthew
[[Change your clothes or wig->Wardrobe][$Wardrobe="YourRoom"]]
[[Return to Your Room|YourRoom]]
<<elseif $femcheck lt 3>>You are not dressed femininely enough to go on a date with Matthew
[[Change your clothes->Wardrobe][$Wardrobe="YourRoom"]]
[[Return to Your Room|YourRoom]]
Where are you and Matt going today?
[[Go on a date to the beach|Mattdatebeach]]
<<link [[to the ballet->Date_Ballet]]>><<set $date = "Matthew">><<mattdate 3>><</link>>
<<link [[to a magic show->Date_Magic]]>><<set $date = "Matthew">><<mattdate 4>><</link>>
\<<if $matt_date gt 3>><<link [[to a promenade concert->Date_Proms]]>><<set $date = "Matthew">><<mattdate 5>><</link>><</if>>
\<<if $matt_date gt 4>><<link [[to dinner at Antioch's house|Date_Antioch]]>><<set $date = "Matthew">><<mattdate 6>><</link>><</if>>
\<<if $matt_date gt 5>>Sorry no new dates with Matthew yet - check next update<</if>>
<b>More dates in future updates</b>
<</if>><<if $HC12timer gt 75>>Antioch claps you on the shoulder.
"It is late, and we are all weary. Ithink we should bring this investigation to a close."
[[Review the evidence |HC12_end][$temp = 1]]
\<<if $temp eq 0>>You knock at the front door, but there is no reply.
"It is surprising that the servants are not answering. We are expected after all." remarks Antioch. "The lights are on, let us try the servants entrance."
You shrug and lift your case and walk around the back of the Professor's country house. It is more modest than the Bentley's estate, covered in crawling ivy and in need of some refurbishment in parts, but it is a sizeable house, set in spacious grounds a few miles outside of Cambridge.
You reach the servants door which is ajar, knock and let yourselves in. The storeroom and kitchen to the side are empty, and the remains of dinner appears to have been left part way through tidying up.
"This is curious. The professor only has two staff but they are quite diligent." says Antioch.
There is the sound of raised voices from up ahead. You wak that way with the good doctor, and enter the ballroom.
<img src="Images/HC12/Bentleydead2.webp" width=600 />
Lord Bentley lies in a pool of blood on the ballroom floor. Antioch rushes up to him, checks for a pulse. "Dead." he intones.
<img src="Images/HC12/suspects.jpg" width=600 />
You look up and see the faces staring back at you.
Melissa Hildegarde
Colonel Wilberforce
Bishop Greene
Lady Bentley
Professor Fairfax
Standing to one side are two servants you do not recognise, a Chinese girl and an African man.
"What happened here?" you ask.
Megan steps forward with an authoritative manner. "It appears that Lord Bentley slipped from the balcony and fell to his death. We were spread throughout the house relaxing after dinner. Bunny found the body when tidying up, and the scream brough the rest of us here. It was only about a quarter of an hour ago."
"Has anyone called the police?" you ask.
"I do not have a telephone." replies the Professor. "This is not London. We can send one of the servants out in the morning."
"If I may." ventures Antioch. "This may not have been an accident. This could be a crime scene and evidence is present. $Hname and myself are the only two who could not have been involved, so it is logical that we carry out the preliminary investigation. Are you familiar with the works of Arthur Conan Doyle, my friend?"
"The consulting detective? I have read some."
"Then I shall be your Watson, my good fellow. The rest of you - lock yourself in your rooms. $Hname and myself will question you after we have investigated the scene."
"Are you suggesting that somebody here killed my husband?" shrieks Lady Bentley, wiping a tear from her face with a lace hankerchief.
"I am afraid that is a strong possibility, my lady." replies Antioch.
With much muttering and consternation, the guests head to their rooms. The servants stay downstairs and ensure the exits are locked, handing you and Antioch the keys.
"Well, the game is afoot. We should have at least a couple of hours before everyone needs to sleep. Find out what you can, I shall stay with the body."
What do you want to do now?
<</if>><<HC12timer 1>>
[[Investigate the scene|HC12_scene][$temp = 0]]
[[Speak to Lady Bentley|HC12_LadyB][$temp = 0]]
[[Speak to Megan|HC12_Megan][$temp = 0]]
[[Speak to the Colonel |HC12_Colonel][$temp = 0]]
[[Speak to Melissa |HC12_Melissa][$temp = 0]]
[[Speak to Bishop Greene |HC12_Bishop][$temp = 0]]
[[Speak to the Professor |HC12_Prof][$temp = 0]]
[[Speak to Bunny |HC12_Bunny][$temp = 0]]
[[Speak to the servants |HC12_staff][$temp = 0]]
[[Review the evidence |HC12_end][$temp = 0]]
<</if>><<nobr>><<set $HCevent = 12>><<SetFlag "event">><<temp>>
<<set $HC12timer = 0>>
<<set $bismot = 0>><<set $bismea = 0>><<set $bisopp = 0>>
<<set $megmot = 0>><<set $megmea = 0>><<set $megopp = 0>>
<<set $ldymot = 0>><<set $ldymea = 0>><<set $ldyopp = 0>>
<<set $colmot = 0>><<set $colmea = 0>><<set $colopp = 0>>
<<set $profmot = 0>><<set $profmot2 = 0>><<set $profmea = 0>><<set $profopp = 0>>
<<set $bunmot = 0>><<set $bunmea = 0>><<set $bunopp = 0>>
<<set $walmot = 0>><<set $walmea = 0>><<set $walopp = 0>>
<<set $melmot = 0>><<set $melmot2 = 0>><<set $melmea = 0>><<set $melopp = 0>>
<img src="Images/HC12/profhousestorm.webp" width=600 />
It is bad enough that you had to work late today, but your train being delayed and there being no carriage at the station made it worse. And tonight was the fun bit of the weekend, dinner and socialising. Tomorrow is tedious meetings until mid afternoon before you depart back to London.
You and Antioch shared the late train up from London, and after a tense negotiation managed to get a lift in a cart to half a mile from your destination. But it is now gone ten o'clock and you are tired, wet and cold.
You shelter under the porch of the Professor's house having finally reached your destination.
[[Knock on the door|HC12_1]]<img src="Images/HC12/LadyB2.webp" width=600 />
<<if $temp eq 0>>You enter the parlour where Lady Bentley is sitting and she looks up at you. Her eyes are wet with tears, and she turns away from you.
<<if $temp2 eq 0>><<set $temp2 = 1>>
"Have you nothing better to do than disturb a widow's grief?"
"My apologies, my Lady. I was hoping you could answer a few questions."
"If I must. You really think there was foul play?"
"I hope that my investigations will get to the truth of the matter."
She dabs at her face with a black lace hankerchief, then turns to face you, assuming a calm, almost regal pose.
"Can you not leave a grieving woman in peace? What is it this time?"
\<<elseif $temp eq 1>>
"Mourning my husband. What do you think?"
"Before that - go from when you and Lord Bentley arrived. Please don't miss out any details."
"We started in Surrey this morning. You remember our home there, don't you. We stopped for luncheon at the Ritz before getting the train here. Took a carriage from Cambridge station, arrived late afternoon, maybe four or so. I was tired so came here, Arthur went to talk to our host, the Professor for a while. He came back about half an hour later to dress for dinner."
"How did he seem?"
"He was himself - good natured, joking, even a little horny. Oh God I miss him." Tears start flowing that she dabs at with her hankerchief, before composing herself.
"Horny? And did you..."
"I don't see that is any of your business."
"No, I apologise. And later?"
"We dressed for dinner, he headed down ten minutes or so before me, and I went straight to the dining hall. I was sitting between the Colonel and the Professor I believe. Arthur came in, and..."
"He left first but arrived after you?"
"Yes, I guess so."
"Did you see him speaking to anyone?"
"No, he came through the other door, from the library."
"And after dinner?"
"I was feeling a little light headed. Too much wine I think, so I went for a walk in the garden. And a bit later I heard Bunny's scream."
"Thank you. So just to confirm you were alone with the victim for some time before dinner?"
"Of course - we shared a room. This does not make me a killer, does it?" <<set $ldyopp = 1>>
\<<elseif $temp eq 2>>
"He was my husband. What else do you want to know?"
"How was your relationship? Were you close?" you ask.
"That is a rather improper question to ask a lady." she retorts. "Next you will be asking how often we fucked."
"But he did fuck others, men and women. Did this make you jealous?" <<set $ldymot = 1>>
"Jealous enough to kill him? Is that your question? No, I was not jealous. Better he sated his urges on strumpets and wastrels than on me. Our marriage was complicated, aren't they all? I forget, you aren't married. You'll find out. We had our interests and our preferences."
"And what were Lord Bentley's preferences?"
"Buggery. He liked a nice arse. Always did. Said that's what attracted him to me, my arse. It was more pert in those days, I will admit."
"And is that why he married you, love?"
"No, he married me for my family's money. And I married him for his title. Oh, bless, you really are naive enough to marry for love, aren't you? You will regret it one day, believe me."
\<<elseif $temp eq 4>>
"The Colonel. Did you speak to him tonight?"
"Why yes as a matter of fact. We had a nice conversation in the gardens after dinner. He seemed a little agitated."
"Did he says why?" You ask.
"Oh, it was definitely Arthur. My husband had been pulling his strings for weeks. Called him his latest project. He had worked on the Colonel's bravado and gambling habit and was thrilled by the thought of humiliating him."
"And what did the colonel think of this?"
"He seemed unhappy. He was in his cups, ruddy faced after too much wine, and I might have teased him a little. He was angry, tore a piece of lead piping from the external plumbing. Very strong and manly."
"Lead piping. That could hurt someone if they were struck with it."
"Oh, you don't think he killed Arthur do you? He did seem angry enough."
"Did you see where he went after you spoke to him?"
"Inside. It would have been five or ten minutes before we all found the body."
<<set $colmea = 1>>
\<<elseif $temp eq 5>><<set $walmea = 1>>
"Edward always hated Arthur. Chalk and cheese. Jealous that however hard he worked, however much money he had, he would never have class or breeding."
You ask if Walsingham ever threatened Lord Bentley.
"Oh, nothing so blatant. The threat was unspoken, but always there. They were like two bulls in a ring, trying to upstage one another."
"Do you think Walsingham might have had something to do with your husband's death?"
"I can't see how. He wasn't here. Though I am sure he is delighted at the outcome."
\<<elseif $temp eq 5>>
"Your first fiance died suddenly, didn't he?"
"Yes, a weak heart. I do not see how that is relevant."
"Some poisons have symptoms similar to a heart attack. It seems curious that both these men have died suddenly when they might be causing an inconvenience to you."
" I do not have any poison about my person."
"You could have thrown it away."
"Idle speculation. Do you have evidence of these accusations?Then I suggest you withdraw them. Good day!"
<</if>><<HC12timer 1>>
[[Ask what she was doing earlier this evening|HC12_LadyB][$temp = 1]]
[[Ask about Lord Bentley|HC12_LadyB][$temp = 2]]
[[Ask about the Colonel|HC12_LadyB][$temp = 4]]
[[Ask about Sir Walsingham|HC12_LadyB][$temp = 5]]
<<if $ldymea eq 1>>[[Ask about her first engagement|HC12_LadyB][$temp = 6]]<</if>>
[[Leave|HC12_1][$temp = 1]]<img src="Images/HC12/Meganseductive.webp" width=600 />
<<if $temp eq 0 and $temp3 eq 0>>Megan is sitting by the bed wearing a flimsy silken nightdress which leaves nothing to the imagination.
\<<if $Megandomevent gt 0>>"Now, my pet." she walks forward confidently and places a hand on your head. "I am sure that you did not mean to come in here accusing me of murder. Why don't you take your place down there and when you've eased the stresses of the evening I can tell you what you need to know."
<img src="Images/HC12/meganpussy.webp" width=600 />
She parts her legs invitingly, revealing a bare crotch and a welcoming dampness between her thighs.
[[Kneel down between Megan's legs and start licking|HC12_Megansex][$temp = 1]]
[[Refuse|HC12_Megansex][$temp = 2]]
She pours a glass of brandy for herself and offers you one.
"Now I am frightfully tired after a perfectly shitty day, and not really in the mood for you to play detective. Is there a way that we can speed this up so that I can get some rest?" She runs a finger through her brunette hair and smiles sweetly at you, making entirely clear what she is offering.
[[Flirt|HC12_Megansex][$temp = 4]]
[[Ignore her seduction and continue questioning Megan|HC12_Megan][$temp = 1]]
\<<else>><<if $temp3 eq 1>>
"Back again? Well if we must continue with this ridiculous dance, get it over with."
\<<elseif $temp eq 2>>
She looks at you with aloof disdain. "And I thought you honourable. Insted you are like one of those punters who screws without paying. In the east end I would send a couple of stout lads to make redress. Alas, it appears I am a poor judge of character. What do you want?"<<set $Megan -=10>>
\<<elseif $temp eq 1>>
"Ask your questions. You may not like the answers."<<set $Megan -=2>>
She seems impatient with you, as if she has better things to be doing with her time.
<<elseif $temp eq 8>>
"We arrived at various times during the late afternoon and gathered at half past six for drinks. Dinner was a tedious affair. The colonel was flirting with me badly, and seemed in a sour mood when I rejected his advances. Afterwards we headed off, some remained in the dining room, some wandered around the house. I sat in the library for a while."
"The library?"
"For old times sake. There is something about the smell of leather bound books. After about half an hour I heard a scream and came to the ballroom. Bentley was lying on the floor, Bunny was hysterical. And then you arrived ten minutes later. Now what was really interesting was that Sir Edward is still in London. Parliament business. Very convenient if you ask me."
\<<elseif $temp eq 9>>
"The Professor and I are old friends."
"Just friends?"
"And business partners, of course"
"But nothing personal."
"That is none of your business."
\<<elseif $temp eq 3>>
"Colonel Mustard I believe they called him, for cowardice in the face of the enemy. It does not surprise me. He is a cad who thinks a smart uniform gives him the right to screw any girl in town. And too many young ladies are taken in by his superficial charm."
"You must have slept with worse in your line of work."
"There is a difference between business and pleasure. And I do get to exercise some discretion. I like my lovers to be clean, disease free and ideally not arseholes."
"Aside from his crude advances, did you see the colonel acting suspiciously tonight?"
"He flirted with both Melissa and I. I think by the time he was on the second bottle of wine he was even trying it on with Lady Bentley. After dinner I overheard him challenging Lord Bentley to billiards, although he was barely able to hold a cue straight. But a loss at billiards is scarcely something to kill over. "
\<<elseif $temp eq 4>>
"Tell me of Lord Bentley. You did not seem to get on."
"I believe in consent, respect and equal property and voting rights for men and women. Lord Bentley was a dinosaur who thought he was better than the rest of us because he was born an aristocratic male. He used people as things, sex objects, whipping posts or just plain victims. The buddhists believe in karma, that people will get what is coming to them. I will shed no tears for Bentley, he was a monster."
"Did you kill him?"
"Of course not. I sat next to him at dinner during which time we were politely dreadful to each other. Afterward I did not see him until he was dead. "
"But it would be to your advantage for Bentley to be gone? Less embarrassment and more chance of running the club your way?"
"Perhaps. Better the devil you know. Bentley was the only thing keeping Edward in check. The two hated each other. If you are looking for someone with a motive to get rid of him I suggest y ou look there. Very convenient he is fifty miles away. Still, what is done is done. Between Walsingham, Lady Victoria and myself I suspect there will be a tense few weeks."<<set $walmot = 1>>
She tells a good tale, but there is definitely a motive here. <<set $megmot = 1>>
\<<elseif $temp eq 5>>
"Melissa. What of her?"
"Was she doing anything suspicious tonight?"
"No. She was quiet at dinner. And we were together for a period in the library reading afterwards. She did not speak to me, I do not think she likes me very much. Perhaps I remind her of the fact that she has not had to strive for much in her short life."
"And after?"
"She left. I suppose she was bored and found someone else to bother."
<<elseif $temp eq 11>>
"Very well. And I had such high hopes for you, you are a natural submissive. I shall put this down to the stress of the evening. Although do not think I shall forget this impertinence next time we play. <<SetFlag "Megancross">>
She runs her fingers through her hair seductively, reminding you of all the pain and pleasure you are passing up.
"Now what is it you wanted to know?"
\<<elseif $temp eq 6>>
"My my, you've suddenly grown a spine. I shall remind you of this next time we are alone together. Do your worst."<<set $Megan -=10>>
\<<elseif $temp eq 10>>
<<set $megmea = 1>><<SetFlag "candlestick">>Ignoring Megan's protests, you look about the room. It contains a double bed, bedside table with lit candle, and a small chest of drawers on top of which sits her travelling case. Her clothing is unpacked and in the drawers. <<set $HC12timer +=4>>
"Do you enjoy rifling through ladies underwear? It is all a little sordid don't you think?"
From the back of the drawer you pull out a large brass candlestick. One end is stained bright red with what looks like blood. "Would you care to explain this?" you ask.
Megan turns pale. "I have never seen that before in my life. It was not there when I unpacked my things. "
"Did you hide it there after you struck Lord Bentley with it?" you ask.
"No, I did not. Someone else must have been in the room. One of the servants perhaps. I do believe I am being framed for murder. How exciting." She seems to have recovered her composure, but has a wary look.
"You were seen on the balcony with the victim."
"That is a lie. I did not speak to him after dinner. Who told you this?"
\<<if $Megandomevent gt 0>>You instinctively obey your mistress and blurt out "Melissa." before thinking.
"Good pet." she says, ruffling your hair. "Now go and find out why she framed me."
\<<else>>You consider revealing Melissa's name to Megan, but decline to do so at this time. <</if>>
\<<if $temp neq 0 or $temp3 eq 1>><<HC12timer 1>>
[[Ask what she was doing earlier this evening|HC12_Megan][$temp = 8]]
[[Ask about the Professor |HC12_Megan][$temp = 9]]
[[Ask about the Colonel |HC12_Megan][$temp = 3]]
[[Ask about Lord Bentley |HC12_Megan][$temp = 4]]
[[Ask about Melissa |HC12_Megan][$temp = 5]]
<<if $megopp eq 1 and Flag("candlestick") eq 0>> [[Search her room |HC12_Megan][$temp = 10]]<</if>>
\[[Leave|HC12_1][$temp = 1, $temp3 = 1]]
<</if>><</if>><img src="Images/HC12/Coloneldrunk.webp" width=600 />
<<if $temp eq 0>>The colonel is sitting in the dining room. He has a half empty decanter of red wine next to him and is drinking heavily.
<<if $temp4 eq 0>><<set $temp4 = 1>>
\"Look, I didn't do it. I didn't like the man but I wouldn't kill him" blurts out the colonel before you say a word.
"Back again? Look I'm not going to confess no matter how much you question me."
\The colonel has a worried expression, and is sweating profusely. If appearances were proof of guilt then he's your murderer.
<<elseif $temp eq 1>>
"I arrived quite late - I'd been meeting up with some filly in Cambridge this afternoon. You know they have colleges there for girls now? Those student girls go mad for a man in uniform. Anyhow after I'd given her one I rode over here."
"Rode? Still the cavalry man?"
"Always. You infantry types just wouldn't understand. Got here about five, tied the horse up out back, played some billiards, then dinner."
"And after dinner?" you ask.
"Afterward I had a smoke with the Professor, then played some more billiards. Had another smoke afterwards and then heard the scream. That's when I saw the body."
"Nothing else?"
<<elseif $temp eq 2>>
You take out the length of lead pipe.
"Do you recognise this?"
"It's a pipe."
"And if I were to dust it for fingerprints, would we find yours?"
"Ok, I was angry. I pulled it from the wall. But I didn't hit him with it. I calmed down and threw it out a window."
"An upstairs window? So you were on the balconyy with a weapon heavy enough to deal the killing blow around the time of the murder?"
He looks resignedly at his boots. <<set $colopp = 1>>
<<elseif $temp eq 3>><<set $colmot = 1>>
This evening? Sat opposite him at dinner. He talked all evening about his kennels and getting new collars for his hounds. Stuck up little shit. Had a smoke after, he was puffing on some fat cigar. He and I then played billiards for a bit. Fancied my chances, but lost. The fucker cheated I'm sure of it."
"Was a wager involved?" you ask.
He nods.
"Something degrading? Something you might want to get out of?"
"I may be many things, but I'm not one to welsh on a bet. Or kill to get out of it."
"So you say. And did you see him after the billiards?"
"No. Just the body."
<<elseif $temp eq 4>>
"Well if you didn't do it, who did? Did you see anyone else doing anything suspicious this evening?"
"Let me think. Everyone was in good spirits before dinner. I was showing off at billiards to try to impress Melissa. Frigid cow wasn't paying any attention. The Bishop was having a drink alone with Lord Bentley in the library, I didn't see anyone else. Other than the professor of course - he was welcoming guests in the parlour.
Dinner I was sat between Lady Bentley and Melissa. Her ladyship was charming. Shame she's too old to roger, bet she was a looker thirty years ago. Melissa ignored me, barely said a word all evening. Do you think she might be one of those sapphic types?" <<set $bisopp = 1>>
"I couldn't say. Go on."
"Had a smoke with the Professor after dinner - he's a nice enough old chap, bit of a weak sort though, would rather talk than fight. Smart though, smart enough to kill someone and get away with it."
"And did you see anyone else?"
He pauses and thinks. "Melissa - she was on the stairs - five or ten minutes before the body was found. Barely saw her, just a flash of red skirt from the light of the candle she was carrying."<<set $melopp = 1>>
<<elseif $temp eq 5>>
"Is this the candlestick Melissa was holding on the stairs?"
"Yeah, that's the one. Looks pretty heavy, even a slip of a girl like that could knock someone out with that."<<set $melmea = 1>>
<</if>><<HC12timer 1>>
[[Ask about what he was doing this evening|HC12_Colonel][$temp = 1]]
[[Ask about Lord Bentley|HC12_Colonel][$temp = 3]]
[[Ask about the other guests|HC12_Colonel][$temp = 4]]
<<if Flag("piping")>>[[Show him the lead piping |HC12_Colonel][$temp = 2]]<</if>>
\<<if Flag("candlestick") and $melopp eq 1>>[[Show him the candlestick |HC12_Colonel][$temp = 5]]
[[Leave|HC12_1][$temp = 1]]<<if $temp5 eq 0>><<set $temp5 = 1>>
<img src="Images/HC12/Melissabilliards3.webp" width=600 />
Melissa is leaning against a billiard table in the games room, wearing a slinky red dress.
"Do you play?" she asks, rubbing her hand up and down a cue suggestively. "I do enjoy the feeling of something long and hard between my fingers, moving it precisely..." She strikes a white ball with the cue, which strikes the red, knocking it into a pocket. "until the desired hole is filled."
"This is no time for games, Melissa. Lord Bentley is dead."
"Would you rather talk about a tiresome old bore with an arse fixation, or lay down with me and put some stains on this green baize?"
[[Fuck Melissa|HC12_Melsex]]
[[Question her|HC12_Melissa][$temp = 1]]
\<<elseif $temp5 gt 0>><img src="Images/HC12/Melissabilliards2.webp" width=600 />
\<<if $temp eq 0>>
Melissa looks up at you from the billiard table.
"Oh, you're back. With more tiresome questions I surmise."
She stifles a yawn.
You take in her curvaceous young body falling out of her slinky red dress, and her attitude: aloof, playful, and unconcerned about the seriousness of what has happened tonight. But Melissa Hildegarde is no fool. Could she have killed Lord Bentley, a femme fatale in truth as well as appearance?
\<<elseif $temp eq 1>>
"I'm too much of a woman for you? Staying true to your sweetheart? Your loss."
\<<elseif $temp eq 2>>
"And now that you have had your way with me you renege on our agreement? So much for your word is your bond. I guess you prefer a more material form of bondage. Ask away, I have nothing to hide."
You take in her curvaceous young body falling out of her slinky red dress, and her attitude: aloof, playful, and unconcerned about the seriousness of what has happened tonight. But Melissa Hildegarde is no fool. Could she have killed Lord Bentley, a femme fatale in truth as well as appearance?
\<<elseif $temp eq 3>>
"What was I doing? Attending a perfectly dreadful dinner with too many old maids and no eligible bachelors."
"Be more specific. Let me know your movements this evening."
"If we must play this game. I arrived by horse and cab late afternoon and walked in the gardens a little, before making myself ready for dinner in my room. I came down to dinner, and sat next to Bishop Greene and the Colonel. After dinner I sat in the library for a time reading. I had had enough of idle conversation.
"Megan was with me
<<elseif $temp eq 4>>
"You had a run in with Lord Bentley a couple of weeks ago, did you not?"
"I don't recall."
"At his estate. You pushed him against a wall. Quite forcefully if I remember."
"Oh yes, he was making unwanted advances. What of it?"
"Just thinking about motive."
"Sweetheart, if a woman killed a man every time he made an unwanted advance or lecherous comment, there wouldn't be a man alive in London. You weren't born a girl, you don't know what it feels like to walk the streets every day with men's gaze on your chest and rear, overhearing what they would do to us given half a chance. Like the thousand other times it has happened I moved on. "
You wonder. <<set $melmot = 1>>
<<elseif $temp eq 5>>
"Tell me about Megan. Did you notice her doing anything unusual tonight."
"She was her usual arrogant self at dinner, queening it over everyone. Her and Lady Bentley, who cares who is top bitch of the club?"
After I sat in the library for a time. She came in for a while. We did not talk. Then she left, using a candle to see her way. I followed her, saw her ascending the stairs to the balcony. I heard raised words from up there. Something about the club, and its future. I came back to the library and that's when I heard the scream. You don't think she could have..." Her voice trails off. <<set $megopp = 1>>
<<elseif $temp eq 6>>
"I guess the clerical frock does it for some people, but not me. I sat opposite him at dinner. The Bishop kept trying to grope my leg, until I stuck a fork in his hand. That stopped his advances somewhat, although he did spend most of the evening looking down my cleavage. No class, that one."
<<elseif $temp eq 7>>
"The Colonel? A dullard. I doubt he's bright enough to kill someone a general didn't order him to. He seemed quite put out when I told him I'd rather rather join a convent than fuck him. And believe me, I am not one to step foot in a church."
<<elseif $temp eq 8>>
"Do you recognise this?"
"It is a candlestick. Do you want me to find some matches?"
"You were seen holding a candlestick, and this was found with blood on it."
"She shrugs. It was dark. I may have been carrying a candle. Is that a crime? I am sure there are many similar candlesticks in the house. I did not kill anyone."
A flat denial. She is either innocent, or an excellent liar.
<<HC12timer 1>>
[[Ask what she was doing tonight|HC12_Melissa][$temp = 3]]
[[Ask about Lord Bentley |HC12_Melissa][$temp = 4]]
[[Ask about Megan |HC12_Melissa][$temp = 5]]
[[Ask about the Bishop |HC12_Melissa][$temp = 6]]
[[Ask about the Colonel |HC12_Melissa][$temp = 7]]
<<if Flag("candlestick") and $melmea eq 1>>[[Show her the candlestick |HC12_Melissa][$temp = 8]]<</if>>
[[Leave|HC12_1][$temp = 1]]
<</if>><img src="Images/HC12/bishoplibrary.webp" width=600 />
<<if $temp eq 0>>The bishop is haggard looking, with dark rings under his eyes and an unkept appearance.
<<if $temp6 eq 0>><<set $temp6 = 1>>
He is startled as you enter the library, and starts to stand up, but quickly recovers his composure. "Ah, young $Hname. I was hoping we could have a little talk tonight. Would you like some wine? I find it helps me relax. Ask me anything, I have no secrets before the Lord."
"Back again my young friend. Have you found anything of interest in your investigation? How might I be able to assist you?"
\<<elseif $temp eq 1>>
You ask him to recount his actions today.
"Well I had a morning service at the cathedral, nothing out of the ordinary, then travelled to Kings Cross to catch the Cambridge train. I probably arrived here about three or so. I had a constitutional walk in the gardens, you may have noticed I am a trifle overweight these days, and then prepared for dinner.
\<<elseif $temp eq 2>><<set $bismot = 1>>
"What was your relationship like with Lord Bentley?"
"We had known each other for years. He is, was, a great philanthropist."
"And did he ask for anything in return?"
"We named a wing of the Cathedral after the Bentleys."
"You have been seen arguing with him at recent events. About blackmail and parishioners."
"Oh." he goes quiet for a bit. "It started a few years ago. We had had a few drinks, and Bentley was doing one of his rants about common people, and asked what lengths one of them would go to for ten guineas. And I replied that some of my parishioners were so poor they would do almost anything. So we came to an arrangement, I would provide him with the poor and destitute for him to sate his urges on. And he provided generously for their families. And for the church."
"And for yourself?"
"I am the Lord's servant on earth, nothing more."
"So you became a slave trader?"
"Certainly not. It was more like indentured servitude. 'The Path to Paradise Begins in Hell' as Dante said."
"So why the disagreement?"
"Bentley wanted more - wanted them in his dungeon for weeks at a time instead of days, and some of his punishments left lasting scars. Word was getting around, people with unexplained injuries, a few loose tongues. I wanted out of the arrangement before the archbishop found out."
"So Bentley blackmailed you?"
The bishop nods. "To my shame. I was weak. Full of pride and avarice."
"What about anger? Blackmail is a motive to murder. Did you kill Bentley?"
"No, I realise it doesn't look good, but I am no killer, my young friend."
\<<elseif $temp eq 3>>
"Before dinner you were seen alone with the victim." you state to the Bishop.
"Oh yes we had a drink before dinner. A glass of wine."
"Just the two of you?"
"Yes. Well apart from Bunny who nipped to the cellar and provided some wine. Delightful girl, so obliging." He closes his eyes as if reminiscing about something.
"Did either of you make any threats?"
"Certainly not. A few heated words might have been spoken, but we got to the bottom of any unpleasantness."
"But you were alone with him. Long enough to poison his wine perhaps?"
"I don't know what you are insinuating. I did nothing of the sort.
\<<elseif $temp eq 4>>
\<<elseif $temp eq 7>><<SetFlag "wrench">><<HC12timer 4>>You look about the library, and find a heavy wrench discarded under one of the sets of bookshelves.
"What is this, Bishop?"
"It looks like a spanner. It's not mine."
"It is heavy enough to cause some damage." you state, pocketing it for use in your investigations.
\<<elseif $temp eq 6>>
"A bottle of rat poison was found in your room."
He appears flustered.
"It's for the church. We have a dreadful rodent problem in the summer heat. I am the named person on the poisons register and we had run out so I procured some on the way here. Wouldn't want rats running around ruining midnight mass, would we?"
"Bentley was old. It wouldn't have taken much to finish him off."
"It was the fall that killed him. I wouldn't, I'm a good Christian..." he tails off.
<</if>><<HC12timer 1>>
[[Ask about his actions today|HC12_Bishop][$temp = 1]]
[[Ask about Lord Bentley|HC12_Bishop][$temp = 2]]
\<<if $bisopp eq 1>>
[[Confront him about being alone with the victim|HC12_Bishop][$temp = 3]]<</if>>
\<<if Flag("wrench") eq 0>>[[Search the library|HC12_Bishop][$temp = 7]]
\<<if $bismea eq 1>>[[Ask about rat poison|HC12_Bishop][$temp = 6]]
[[Leave|HC12_1][$temp = 1]]The professor is sitting quietly in his study in a heavy leather armchair.
<<if $temp eq 0>>
<<if $temp7 eq 0>><<set $temp7 = 1>>
"Dear oh dear. I just wanted a quiet dinner and to try to resolve some of the disagreements in the club. And now it is all so much worse. I do fear this may all end in tears."
"Lady Bentley is already in tears, sir."
He nods. "Quite, quite. Very well, you have your role to play as do I. You are the master detective and I the absent minded professor. It's a little like one of those parlour games Megan and I liked to play." Ask away.
"How are your investigations going? It is getting late, and I am not as young as I once was. How may I help you?"
\<<elseif $temp eq 1>>
"My dear fellow, I hope you don't think I had anything to do with Lord Bentley's death. Let me see, I woke as I usually do and took breakfast in bed. I then dressed and gave instructions to the staff before taking a morning constitutional walk. After luncheon young Miss Bunny arrived, and I welcomed her and put her in the care of Jerome and Li my servants. I did some light paperwork here, and read a little in the library. Guests started arriving so I greeted them for drinks in the parlour before sittig down to dinner."
"And did you see Lord Bentley after dinner?"
"He joined myself and the colonel for a smoke. I had my pipe, Bentley had a cigar and the colonel cigarettes I believe. Bentley then challenged the colonel to a game of billiards and they departed. I remained here speaking to Megan. Or was it Melissa? I get confused sometimes. Then I went to check on the servants to see that all was ready for the morning. And that is when I hear the scream so went straight to the ballroom. Was that sufficient detail for you?"
"Yes thank you."
\<<elseif $temp eq 2>>
"Is this really pertinent to this investigation?" he asks, hopefully, before looking down with a resigned expression. "I fear it may be. Very well. I only ask that you do not share this more widely unless necessary, the poor girl has been hurt enough."
He pours a whisky from a crystal decanter, not bothering to offer you one, sits oon his chair and answers your question.
"Megan is my protege. My muse. My lover and my pupil. When I met her she was plying her trade in the East End. A pretty thing, for sure, but any man could have her for a shilling. And I did. There was something about her though, so I went back the following day, and the next I made her pimp an offer he couldn't refuse. Megan moved here with me, and lived as my submissive for the next three years."
"A slave for three years!" you cry.
"Not a slave. A submissive. I would expect you to know the diffference."
"You bought her from a man for sex. Did she know the difference? What was the alternative, life on the streets?"
"I made my choices as did she. This is not some utopia, or a fairy tale where living happily ever after is an option. I was her master, and she was mine to do what I wanted with."
"Were you a kind dominant?" You ask.
He pauses, a guilty look passing over his face. "No, I was strict. But never cruel. Never that. I did care for her. Like Pygmalion I grew to love my creation. Who could not, she is magnificent."
You nod in agreement.
"So she knows the house well?"
"I guess. She was wilful in those early months and would sometimes roam if not restrained. Though she spent much of her time in the library. Taught herself to read in there."
"And why did she leave? Did you fall out?"
"Like any couple we grew apart. Marriage was never an option. I think I had taught her all I could. One spring morning she ended our arrangement and left.
"Yet you remain on good terms?"
"I gave her some financial support to establish herself initially, and helped her in one or two other matters. After we drifted apart. However when years later she came to me with the idea to revive the club I was grateful of the opportunity to reconcile."
<<elseif $temp eq 3>>
"Tell me about Melissa. You seem very close." You ask.
"Melissa. Such a lovely girl grown into a delightful young woman. It is a shame she cannot stay here more often, like in her youth. Oh the times we had. I remember the day Megan moved in, what a sight she was."
"I thought you were her godfather. Have you not known her since birth?"
"Oh yes, we were talking about Melissa."
"You keep getting Megan and Melissa mixed up. What is the truth?"
"I am an old man, sometimes I struggle to keep facts straight."
You look at him impassively, and he sighs.
"Very well. Though I ask you to not reveal this unless it is necessary for your investigation. You are, I think, a person of honour. Do you so swear?"
"I do."
"Some months after Megan left my employ she returned, during a rainy evening much like tonight. She was heavily pregnant. I took her in and tended to her. Some months later she gave birth here. She was still young and showed no desire to be a mother. I offered to arrange for her daughter to be adopted.
"Who is the father? You?"
"Perhaps. The timings would work for the end of her time with me, but given her line of work it could have been one of a number of men. She was quite popular with the aristocracy by then. Who knows, she could be a bastard princess given young Bertie's proclivities!"
"So where do the Hildegardes fit in?"
"They had been students of mine that I was still in touch with. Her mother suffered injury after a skiing accident and could not bear children. She came to stay with me for some months under the pretence of a convolescence, and returrned to Europe with the babe. No questions were asked. They have been excellent parents to Melissa. And I am her godfather."
"Are you a godly man?"
"Far from it. I am a godless heathen, blasphemer and fornicator. But noone is perfect. I have looked after her over the years, she has visited from time to time both with and seperately from her parents.
"And does Melissa know of her mother?"
"I told her on her eighteenth birthday. She had a cold response I recall. 'She wanted nothing to do with me, I want nothing to do with her.' was her wording if I recall. And yet she joined our little club not a year later. They are so similar, both in looks and in temperament.
"Might she want revenge on her mother for abandoning her?"
"I think not. She is a good hearted girl. "<<set $melmot2 = 1>>
\<<elseif $temp eq 4>>
"Tell me about your house. It seems very old."
"Sixteenth century. Been here since Tudor times. It was an old coaching inn, frequented by smugglers who landed their goods from Europe on the East Anglian beaches and stopped here on their way to London. I bought it a quarter of a century ago when I wanted somewhere out of town to host private events."
"And you live here alone?"
"Just me and the two servants currently. I have had more servants, and Megan was with me for a few years in the early 1880s."
You do some mental mathematics. "Which makes her...?"
"Never ask a lady her age. Especially if she is older than you."
"It is a big house for one or two."
"Yes, there are eight guest rooms - the Bentleys, Megan, Melissa, the Colonel, the Bishop, yourself and the good doctor each occupying one, Sir Walsingham would have been in the last one. Bunny is in the servants quarters if she doesn't end up in one of the guests rooms. And downstairs we have the dining room and ballroom, a kitchen, parlour, billiard room, and library."
"A colourful residence. Are there any stories about its past?"
"There is one, since you ask. A highwayman named William Plunkett is said to have escaped here and taken up running the inn under a pseudonym after his accomplice was captured and hanged. He swore the place was haunted as he kept hearing his old partners voice in the night, and ended up selling up at a loss and was never heard from again. When she moved in Megan found some old passages running between some of the rooms, must have been used by the smugglers, and its my theory that an enemy of Plunkett's was hiding in them trying to drive him mad. I wrote a paper on it some years ago."
\<<elseif $temp eq 5>>
"Tell me about your relationship with the Bentleys."
"Lord Bentley I have known for many years. We got on quite well, I was a young academic when he was an undergraduate, he was part of my group of hellfires at college. As for Lady Bentley, I remember her debutante season. Forty years ago, it was 1859. She was an absolute beauty, cheekbones you could die for. New money though, her father was big in the East India company. She was an heiress looking for a title, Bentley was a Viscount looking for a fortune. It was love at first sight. Well second sight. She was engaged beforehand. Some second son. A decent enough catch but not a viscount."<<set $ldymea = 1>>
"You sound cynical. She called the engagement off?"
"No, he died, suddenly. A heart attack. They said it was a broken heart when she spurned him. Or perhaps she murdered him too." his eyes twinkle as he says this. "I jest of course. Oh, I am sure they get on as well as any married couple. She produced him the required heir, and now she gets to rule the roost with her title and mansion in the country, and he gets to spend some of her daddy's ill gotten gains."
"Ill gotten? Was he a criminal."
"Only if you consider pillaging a continent theft. Which the laws of the empress of India do not. No, the Bentley's fortune is legally sound, and as morally questionable as Bentley's own ancestors gains from the slave trade that built his manor."
"And you still see eye to eye?"
"Not so much. He has squandered his life and fortune in self-gratification and the abuse of others. Whippings and other punishments, Torture, maiming. Even murder on occasion. Nothing provable of course. You were there when he shot that man dead at May Day were you not. A dozen witnesses, and none would so much as accuse him in a court of law. The death certificate says he was killed in self defense when trespassing. The rest are the same. The dregs of society that noone will miss."
"So did you take the law into your own hands?"
"No I did not. The devil himself deserves a fair trial before sentencing."
"But what if Bentley's wrongdoing were to be exposed? The fallot to your beloved club. Megan. Your reputation. Is that worth killing for?"
"It is a motive. Not enough to stand up in a court of law though. Keep trying."<<set $profmot = 1>>
\<<elseif $temp eq 6>>
"Ah, now you are thinking like a detective. Let me see. Everyone on the council I guess. Except myself, naturally. I am too old for these power games. Walsingham and Bentley were sworn enemies, old money against earned wealth, Walsingham represents the coming century, Bentley the old way of doing things. His wife was usually aligned with him when voting but I know they disagreed in private. And dear sweet Megan and Bentley had very different approaches to what they saw the purpose of the club as. For her it was a symbol of liberalism and consensual sexual utopia. For Bentley it was another toy in his playpen. I was often the arbiter between their arguments. Oh I don't think she killed him of course, but it would save her a lot of grief. <<set $walmot = 1>>
\<<elseif $temp eq 6>><<SetFlag "rope">><<HC12timer 4>>You look about the study, checking in drawers and behind firniture for anything incriminating. In the Professor's desk, you find a long length of fine silken rope.
"I do not see what this has to do with the investigation. Bentley was not hanged."
"I think I shall hold onto this just in case, it looks like it could cause some damage if used incorrectly."
"I suggest you ask your friend Dr. Antioch on advice on its correct use then. " says the professor with a gleam in his eye. <<set $HC12timer +=4>>
<</if>><<HC12timer 1>>
[[Ask about his movements this evening|HC12_Prof][$temp = 1]]
[[Ask about Megan|HC12_Prof][$temp = 2]]
[[Ask about the Bentleys|HC12_Prof][$temp = 5]]
[[Ask who would benefit from Bentley's death|HC12_Prof][$temp = 6]]
[[Ask about Melissa|HC12_Prof][$temp = 3]]
[[Ask about the house|HC12_Prof][$temp = 4]]
<<if Flag("rope") eq 0>>[[Search the study|HC12_Prof][$temp = 7]]<</if>>
[[Leave|HC12_1][$temp = 1]]<<if $temp19 eq 0>><img src="Images/HC12/bunnypinklatex5.webp" width=600 /><<elseif $temp19 eq 1>><img src="<img src="Images/HC12/bunnytornsuit.webp" width=600 />" width=600 /><<elseif $temp19 eq 2>><img src="Images/HC12/bunnybound3.webp" width=600 /><</if>>
<<if $temp8 eq 2>>
Bunny is still sleeping on the bed as you left her. She is in no state to fuck or answer questions, so you decide to leave her be.
[[Leave|HC12_1][$temp = 1]]
<<if $temp eq 0>>
<<if $temp8 eq 0>><<set $temp8 = 1>>
You find Bunny upstairs in the servants quarters. She is wearing a suit of skintight pink latex that leaves nothing to the imagination. If you are not mistaken her breasts are if anything even bigger than the last time you saw her.
\<<else>>Bunny is still on her bed. She looks at you like a long lost friend, not seeming to recall your previous conversation.
\"Heya <<if $femcheck gt 2>>Miss <<else>>Mistah <</if>>$Hname. You like my outfit?"
"It's very you, Bunny."
<img src="Images/HC12/bunnypinklatex2.webp" width=600 />
"I'm not sure if it makes my ass look big. What do you think?" She leans forward on the bed, lifting her ass. You see that the shape of her pussy is visible through the tight fabric and feel a stirring in your loins.
"No, your ass is just the right size." you confirm.
"Oh you're such a sweetie. You wanna fuck?" she starts undoing your clothing without waiting for an answer.
[[Fuck Bunny|HC12_Bunnysex][$temp = 1]]
[[Push her away and start questioning her|HC12_Bunny][$temp = 8]]
<<if $temp eq 1>>
"Just working, you know. I'm a good worker, everyone says so. Eddie calls me his worker bee."
"Sir Walsingham's a stuffy name. I call him Eddie when we're together."
"Where were you working?"
"I was getting people drinks before dinner. Artie and the Bish were in the library."
"Lord Bentley and Bishop Greene were drinking alone?" you ask. She nods. "Yeah, Artie and the Bish. Just the two of them."<<set $bisopp = 1>>
"The rest of the party were in the parlour with the Prof. Then I served dinner, and after I went around with a few bottles, all over the place, was really busy. And then I saw Artie dead and screamed and screamed."
\<<elseif $temp eq 2>>
"Artie's my special English friend. He likes my ass the bestest of all. Brought me all the way over from America. I don't think his wife likes me though, she just watches with those cold eyes again and again while he fucks my asshole."
"Did he hurt you?"
"Not more than I deserve. Sometimes he'll tie me up and spank my ass, but I like that, it makes me all hot."<<set $bunmot =1>><<set $bunopp = 1>>
"And did you see him tonight."
"Yes, I gave him lots of special wine. I gave everyone lots of wine tonight. I'm the wine bunny. Like at Easter, with wine instead of eggs."
"Special wine?"
"The '88. Artie likes the 1888 Château Latour."
"And when did you give him special wine?"
"Before dinner, in the library, and after when he was playing billiards."
\<<elseif $temp eq 3>>
"Tell me about the colonel. Did you see him tonight?"
"Oh I do like Stanley. His moustache tickles when he's licking my pussy. Do you want to lick my pussy?"
"Later maybe. Did you see him tonight?"
"Of course I saw him, he was at the dinner."
"Did you see him with Lord Bentley?"
"I saw them at dinner, and after, when I was giving them drinks. They were pplaying billiards. Stanley was angry as Artie was beating him. I asked if he wanted to fuck to make him happy but he ran off."
\<<elseif $temp eq 4>>
\<<elseif $temp eq 5>>
"Do we have to talk? Can't we fuck some more?"
"No, now is time for talking."
She looks disappointed, but sits patiently on the bed, her lusts satisfied for now.
\<<elseif $temp eq 6>>
\<<elseif $temp eq 7>>
"What about Megan."
"I call her the queen, she's so perfect and English. She's nice to me, checks on me every time she sees me. People think she's cold and heartless but she's nice to the girls in the club."
"Did you see her doing anything tonight?"
"She was at the dinner. I remember as I asked if she wanted wine and she just had water."
"Is that usual?"
"She doesn't drink much. Sometimes she asks me to top up everyone else's glass. She likes to be in control. Not like me, I like people to take charge."
"And after dinner?" you ask.
"I was wandering around getting people drinks. I don't remember seeing her.
\<<elseif $temp eq 8>>
"This is not the time for that, Bunny."
She looks disappointed. "But I wanna fuck. Don't you think I'm pretty?" she mutters.
"You are very pretty, Bunny. Why don't you answer my questions and perhaps we can fuck after."
"Yes Master." She says, obediently.
\<<elseif $temp eq 9>>
"I'm just peachy, thanks for asking."
"You seem different. Your breasts are bigger. <<if $testedO eq 1>>And you haven't been taking any of my treatments. <</if>>Much bigger."
"Don't you like my titties? They're like big pillows. Have a squeeze." She puts your hand to her breast and it does indeed feel delightful.
She leans down as you do and pushes her lips against your ear. "Fuck me. please." she whispers.
[[Fuck Bunny|HC12_Bunnysex][$temp = 1]]
\<<elseif $temp eq 10>>"This outfit does not seem like something you can just buy. Was it a gift?"
"Eddie gave it to me. He made it in his factory."
"It does not seem very practical. What if you need to use the bathroom?"
"You can just tear it, silly. I've got a whole wardrobe of latex."
"And did Sir Walsingham, Eddie, give you anything else?"
"He's ever so nice to me, the nicest master a girl ever had. Lets me come up to his office every morning and, and..."
"And what? Sex?"
"Oh no. He doesn't fuck me. He wants me to fuck everyone else. We just have a drink and he tells me how pretty I'm looking. Then I wake up and go to work."
"Wake up?"
"I am awake. I only get sleepy after sexytimes. What do you want to know?"
<</if>><<HC12timer 1>>
[[Ask how she is feeling|HC12_Bunny][$temp = 9]]
[[Ask what she was doing earlier this evening|HC12_Bunny][$temp = 1]]
[[Ask about Lord Bentley |HC12_Bunny][$temp = 2]]
[[Ask about the Colonel |HC12_Bunny][$temp = 3]]
[[Ask about Megan |HC12_Bunny][$temp = 7]]
[[Ask about her outfit |HC12_Bunny][$temp = 10]]
\[[Leave|HC12_1][$temp = 1]]
<</if>><</if>><img src="Images/HC12/staff.webp" width=600 />
<<if $temp eq 0>>You enter the kitchen, where you see the Professor's two staff, an asian maid and a black butler holding hands sitting at the kitchen table.
<<if $temp9 eq 0>><<set $temp9 = 1>>
"It is so horrrible, what has happened." cries the maid.
"This will pass, Li." says the butler stoically, before turning to you.
"I am Jemal. This is Li. Please, ask your questions."
Jemal and Li look at you wearily. "Yes?" asks the butler "How can we help?"
\<<elseif $temp eq 1>>
"Tell me what you can remember of this evening." You ask.
"We spent much of the day preparing for the evenings activities.
"I was making up the guest rooms in the morning, before coming to cook in the afternoon. I stayed here until I heard the scream when the body was discovered." states Li.
"I assisted in the kitchen until the guests started arriving at about four. I then tended to their needs in the parlour until dinner. During dinner I moved between the diing room and here, assisted by Bunny.
\<<elseif $temp eq 2>>
Jamal starts. "I am from Lagos in Africa. What you British call the Niger Coast Protectorate." he emphasises the last word with a slightly sardonic tone. I travelled here after meeting the professor on one of his trips abroad, and now maintain his home for him as butler as well as tending the grounds.
"And I am Li Shuren."
"And did you also meet the Professor on one of his trips abroad?"
"No, I was born in London, in Limehouse. What you call Chinatown. There is a small but close knit community there. Many of the women work in domestic service."
"I noticed you holding hands. Are you married?"
They laugh. "The Professor does not hold with traditions like marriage. He is our master, but encourages us to be, how do you say, promiscuous."
"With each other?" you ask.
"And with the guests. And him. Do you wish to join us? It will be relaxing?"
Decline and ask another question:
\<<elseif $temp eq 3>>
You ask about the Professor.
They look at one another, then back at you.
"He would not have done this thing. He is a good man. Strict, but fair."
"Go on."
"He is a simple retired academic. Spends most of his time in the library, smoking his pipe. He has guests rarely. Once a month or so he travels to London, to his club."
"Has he told you about his club?"
"Only yesterday, before the dinner. He said the members were open minded and commanded that we should obey them and oblige all their requests."
"He meant that we should fuck them if they asked." says Jenel.
"Is this usual for domestic staff?" you inquire.
"No, but the Professor is not a usual employer. He has certain needs. He likes to..." He pauses.
"He did ask you to obey us. Go on."
Li blushes. "He likes us to work naked when there are no guests present. And likes to watch us fucking."
"Does he join in?"
"From time to time, although most of the time he just watches and I finish him off with my mouth. Do you wish to watch us? It will be relaxing?"
Decline and ask another question:
\<<elseif $temp eq 4>>
"She is a pretty one, with her hair and ears." Li points her fingers at either side of her face, imitating Bunny's fluffy ears.
Jenel continues. "We are only two, which is fine for looking after one old man, but not for entertaining a dozen. So the Professor asked for help from the club for tonight. She arrived first thing this morning. She's a good worker, for an American. She set out the dining room and helped prepare the meals, before helping me with the serving.
"Was she alone at any point?" you ask.
"At times. We were quite busy and she was helpful, carrying food and drinks to the guests and bringing items from the storeroom. She also had a couple of cigarette breaks. The first in the storeroom, but after that I told her to go to the garden."
\<<elseif $temp eq 5>>
There are two storerooms off the kitchen, a pantry for food and a locked room for other items.
The pantry is unremarkable, with a range of dried, preserved and canned items as well as fresh breads, meats and cheeses. An adjacent wine cellar contains a connoisseur's selection worthy of a Cambridge don.
Jenel unlocks the other room where you see pots, pans and cleaning materials.
"Why is this locked?" you ask.
"To keep guests from wandering in. There is nothing important in there, cooking equipment, mops and brooms. Oh, and rat poison. The rodents are a pain in the summer months."
You look inside. <<if $bunmea eq 0>>The room is tidy apart from a couple of cigarette butts on the floor. They are stained with bright pink lipstick.
"I told Bunny not to smoke in here." scolds Li before picking them up. <<set $bunmea = 1>><</if>>
\There are shelves stacked with the items you would expect. On a high shelf is a box marked with a skull and crossbones containing an open packet of arsenic rat poison. You carefully pick it up and place it in a pocket. <<SetFlag "poison" = 0>>
"Who had access to this place?" You ask.
"The pair of us, the professor of course, and Bunny earlier today."<<set $profmea = 1>><<set $profopp = 1>>
\<<elseif $temp eq 6>>
You ask about Lord Bentley.
"We had not seen him before. I showed him and his wife to their room and served him at dinner, that is all." states Jenel.
"And I did not see him at all." says Li.
"Did anyone act suspiciously toward him?" you ask?
Both shake their heads.
"And the Professor. Did he mention the victim before tonight?"
Jenel starts to say no, but Li interjects.
"A few nights ago he was sipping port in the library and muttering about 'that bothersome Lord.' Something about bringing ruin on the club. I do not know what he meant though.
\<<elseif $temp eq 9>>
You bring out the spanner that you found in the library. "Do you recognise this?"
Jenel takes a look. "It looks like one of mine. I was doing some plumbing earlier, there was a leak in a pipe in the library. I must have left it there.
"It could have been used to attack the victim."
"I guess so." he agrees.
\<<elseif $temp eq 7>>
You bring out the candlestick that you found in Megan's room. "Do you recognise this?"
"It looks like one from the library. It was there this afternoon, I remember polishing it." says Jenel. "Where did you find this? Is that blood?"
You nod. "It was in one of the guests' rooms. Did any of you enter the rooms after dinner?"
Both shake their heads. "We were busy."
"And who has the keys to the guest rooms?"
"I do" replies Li, taking out a large key ring and checking it is intact. "And the guests themselves of course."
"And you have had the key all day?" She nods.
"Curiouser and curiouser."
\<<elseif $temp eq 8>>
"Have you seen anything suspicious about the house?" You ask.
Jenel gives a clear no, but Li speaks up. "I did see something in the bishop's room. A bottle in his bag. Poison. Like we have in the store room for rats."
You ask her to go and retrieve this, and she brings you an amber glass bottle with a skull and crossbones poison symbol. You should ask the bishop about this. <<set $bismea = 1>>
<</if>><<HC12timer 1>>
[[Ask what they were doing this evening |HC12_staff][$temp = 1]]
[[Ask about their backgrounds |HC12_staff][$temp = 2]]
[[Ask about the Professor |HC12_staff][$temp = 3]]
[[Ask about Bunny |HC12_staff][$temp = 4]]
[[Ask about Lord Bentley |HC12_staff][$temp = 6]]
[[Ask if they have seen anything suspicious about the house |HC12_staff][$temp = 8]]
[[Check the storerooms |HC12_staff][$temp = 5]]
<<if Flag("candlestick")>>[[Ask about the candlestick |HC12_staff][$temp = 7]]<</if>>
<<if Flag("wrench")>>[[Ask about the wrench |HC12_staff][$temp = 9]]<</if>>
[[Leave|HC12_1][$temp = 1]]<img src="Images/HC12/Bentleydead2.webp" width=600 />
<<if $temp eq 0>>
<<if $temp1 eq 0>><<set $temp1 = 1>>
You walk to the scene of the crime, seeing your friend Antioch kneeling over the body of Lord Bentley. A high balcony is situated about a dozen feet above, with a minstrels gallery circling the ballroom. Bentley's body is on the ground in a pool of blood.
You return to the scene of the crime. Dr Antioch has finished his examinations and has covered the body with a white tablecloth, sitting to one side writing in a small notebook.
\<<elseif $temp eq 1>>
You kneel down next to Antioch and look at the body.
"So how did he die?" you ask.
"Time of death about ten o'clock, no more than thirty minutes before we arrived. Blunt trauma damage to the back of his skull. It is possible it was caused in the fall, or he was struck there beforehand.
But this is the really interesting bit. Look here in the mouth, flecks of vomit, dehydration and this discoloration on the tongue. I do believe this man may have been poisoned. Arsenic if I am not mistaken. In high doses it causes nausea, vomiting, dehydration and diarroeah. It is largely undetectable in food and drink, especially in the doses needed to kill an elderly person. And it is commonly available, for example in rat poison."
"So what killed him, the injury or the poison?"
He shrugs. "I cannot say at this time. I suggest you look into means, motive and opportunity.
\<<elseif $temp eq 2>>
You look at the ballroom. The hard tiled floor would certainly have been enough to cause head damage. Looking up there is a sturdy bannister, he would have to have been extremely drunk to have fallen over it. There are two exits from the ballroom to corridors, you can see the open door to the dining room through one where Colonel Wilberforce can be seen sitting at the table. The other leads to the kitchen where the household staff are working.
\<<elseif $temp eq 3>>
You walk upstairs to investigate. A flight of stairs runs up from a corridor between the ballroom and the kitchen to another hall just off the gallery. In the gallery you see three things. A small pool of vomit in the corner, a small dent in the otherwise immaculate plaster of the gallery wall, and a partially dried bloodstain on the carpet. A second corridor leads off the other side of the gallery. You exit this way spotting an open window with a view of the garden and descend a second flight of steps. This leads to another corridor, one door of which leads outside to the garden, another to the dining room, and a third to the ballroom. You return back to the ballroom. <<set $temp10 = 1>>
<<elseif $temp eq 4>>
You ask how Antioch is feeling.
"I have been better my friend. It was Bentley who introduced me to the club. He came to see me with a nasty case of the pox. I cleared it up for him discreetly, no questions asked. We got talking afterwards and I think Mimi caught his eye. One thing led to another and before long I was a member. He and I didn't quite see eye to eye, I am more aligned with Megan's views on consent, but I would not wish this fate on anybody."
\<<elseif $temp eq 5>>
"She is well, thank you for asking. But I am glad she is not here to witness this, she is a sensitive soul."
"Did you or Mimi ever have relations with Bentley, at the club?"
"Relations? Did we fuck him, no. Although Bentley once gave her a sound whipping. She was black and blue for weeks."
"Might that make you want to seek revenge?"
"Certainly not, she loved it. I am naturally dominant but never cruel, and sometimes I struggle to understand how some submissives are naturally masochistic. It was a one off, and it helped me understand her limits and my own better."
You nod, wondering if your friend is telling the truth.
\<<elseif $temp eq 6>>
You walk outside to the garden, noting as you do so that the side door is unlocked. It leads to a pleasant rose garden. You see a pair of discarded cigarette butts on the ground. On investigation, one bears the signs of lipstick, the other does not. You are about to walk inside when you spot a glint in the moonlight. Checking it further, you find a length of corroded lead piping sitting atop some undergrowth. It matches the thickness and style of some plumbing on the outside of the house where there is a missing section, but it would not have fallen here naturally. Looking up at the house, if thrown from an open upstairs window it is possible it could have landed here. You pick it up. <<SetFlag "piping">>
\<<elseif $temp eq 7>>
Lord Bentley is wearing his customary white suit, stained red with his blood. A broken glass lies to one side of him. His neck is twisted at an unusual angle. He is clearly very dead.
You look through his pockets. There is nothing unusual there, a pocket watch, broken from the fall, stopped at two minutes past ten. And a note. Typed.
'Meet me on the balcony. Alone. 10pm. Important.'
There is no name.
"A typed note. From the killer, or a coincidence" you muse. <<SetFlag "note">>
<</if>><<HC12timer 1>>
[[Ask about the body|HC12_scene][$temp = 1]]
[[Search the body|HC12_scene][$temp = 7]]
[[Ask how Antioch is feeling|HC12_scene][$temp = 4]]
[[Ask about Mimi|HC12_scene][$temp = 5]]
[[Investigate the crime scene|HC12_scene][$temp = 2]]
[[Investigate the balcony|HC12_scene][$temp = 3]]
<<if $temp10 eq 1>>[[Investigate the garden|HC12_scene][$temp = 6]]<</if>>
[[Leave|HC12_1][$temp = 1]]You go through all the evidence that you have:
\<<if $bismot eq 1>> Lord Bentley was blackmailing Bishop Greene.
\<<if $bismea eq 1>> Rat poison contains arsenic and was found in the Bishop's room. He claims it was for the cathedral to control vermin.
\<<if $bisopp eq 1>> The Bishop was seen offering a glass of wine to Bentley before the meal. Could he have poisoned it?
\<<if $megmot eq 1>> Lord Bentley's increasingly blatant nonconsensual activities were a risk to Megan's beloved club.
\<<if $megmea eq 1>> A bloodied candlestick was found in Megan's bedroom. She denies she put it there, naturally.
\<<if $megopp eq 1>> Megan was seen arguing with Bentley at the top of the stairs. Could she have attacked him there or pushed him from the balcony?
\<<if $ldymot eq 1>> Lord Bentley was becoming an embarrassment to his wife and risking her status should his activities become public.
\<<if $ldymea eq 1>> Lady Bentley's first fiance died under mysterious circumstances and whilst she was not charged there were rumours she poisoned him. Could lightning strike twice?
<<if $ldyopp eq 1>> Lady Bentley was with her husband all day with no witnesses, and had plenty of opportunity to poison him, although she has not been found near any poison.
\<<if $colmot eq 1>> Colonel Wilberforce wanted revenge on Bentley for public humilation and had stated so publicly.
\<<if $colmea eq 1>> The colonel was seen near the lead piping which was found discarded in the gardens. There was no blood but it could easily have been wiped off.
\<<if $colopp eq 1>> The colonel was seen rushing down from the balcony near where Lord Bentley fell from with something in his hands.
\<<if $profmot eq 1>> The professor does not have a high regard for Lord Bentley, nor for his behaviour. The Hellfire club is his legacy. Would he turn to murder to prevent it becoming something he disapproved of? He appears a mild mannered old man but was a steel willed dominant in his prime.
\<<if $profmot2 eq 1>> The professor is also fiercely protective of his goddaughter, Melissa, who you saw have a run in with Lord Bentley. Could he have killed Bentley to protect her?
\<<if $profmea eq 1>> The professor had a key to the store room where the rat poison was kept, and would have been able to take some without suspicion.
<<if $profopp eq 1>> The professor was in the kitchens earlier in the afternoon before dinner and would have been able to poison Lord Bentleys food, or even order one of his loyal staff to do it.
\<<if $bunmot eq 1>> Bunny has been acting strangely recently and has gaps in her memory but surely the poor girl wouldn't hurt a fly. Bentley had been fucking her for years though, perhaps he pushed her too far.
\<<if $bunmea eq 1>> Bunny was working as extra help for today's event. She briefly had access to the rat poison in the kitchen stores.
<<if $bunopp eq 1>> Bunny was working as a waitress today and would easily have been able to apply poison to Lord Bentley's meal.
\<<if $melmot eq 1>> Lord Bentley accosted Melissa two weeks ago in the corridor of his home, but murder seems quite an overreaction.
\<<if $melmea eq 1>>Melissa was seen carrying a heavy candlestick.
<<if $melopp eq 1>> Melissa was seen ascending the stairs near the time of Bentley's death.
\<<if $melmot2 eq 1 and $megmot eq 1 and $megopp eq 1 and $megmea eq 1 and $melmea eq 1 and $melopp eq 1>>You have learned that Melissa is Megan's daughter, abandoned as a baby. She has seemingly never forgiven Megan for this. All the evidence against Megan was conveniently offered by Melissa. Melissa was on the balcony at the time of the murder, with a candlestick, and is stronger than she looks. Could she have killed Bentley to frame her mother?
\<<if $walmot eq 1>> Walsingham and Bentley always hated each other and were rivals within the club.
\<<if $walmea eq 1 and $walopp eq 1 and $bunmea eq 1 and $bunopp>> It is very far fetched to suggest that a Minister of State would coerce, hypnotise or control the actions of a young woman to kill a rival while he has a perfect alibi by being a hundred miles away. The very idea is preposterous, and would certainly not stand up in a court of law. Even so, Bunny did have access to poison and the opportunity to give in to Bentley, with no motive to do so herself.
\<<if $temp eq 0>>[[Continue gathering evidence|HC12_1][$temp = 1]]
Or call the suspects into the ballroom and deliver your conclusions:
\<<else>>You call the suspects into the ballroom to deliver your conclusions:<</if>>
<<if $bismot eq 1 and $bismea eq 1 and $bisopp eq 1>>[[Accuse Bishop Greene|HC12_end2][$accused = "Bishop Greene"]]<<else>>You do not have enough evidence to accuse Bishop Greene.<</if>>
<<if $megmot eq 1 and $megmea eq 1 and $megopp eq 1>>[[Accuse Megan|HC12_end2][$accused = "Megan"]]<<else>>You do not have enough evidence to accuse Megan.<</if>>
<<if $ldymot eq 1 and $ldymea eq 1 and $ldyopp eq 1>>[[Accuse Lady Bentley|HC12_end2][$accused = "Lady Bentley"]]<<else>>You do not have enough evidence to accuse Lady Bentley.<</if>>
<<if $colmot eq 1 and $colmea eq 1 and $colopp eq 1>>[[Accuse Colonel Wilberforce|HC12_end2][$accused = "Colonel Wilberforce"]]<<else>>You do not have enough evidence to accuse Colonel Wilberforce.<</if>>
<<if $profmot eq 1 and $profmea eq 1 and $profopp eq 1>>[[Accuse Professor Fairfax|HC12_end2][$accused = "Professor Fairfax"]]<<else>>You do not have enough evidence to accuse Professor Fairfax.<</if>>
<<if $bunmot eq 1 and $bunmea eq 1 and $bunopp eq 1>>[[Accuse Bunny|HC12_end2][$accused = "Bunny"]]
<<else>>You do not have enough evidence to accuse Bunny.<</if>>
<<if $melmot2 eq 1 and $melmea eq 1 and $melopp eq 1>>[[Accuse Melissa|HC12_end2][$accused = "Melissa Hildegarde"]]<<else>>You do not have enough evidence to accuse Melissa.
<<if $walmot eq 1 and $walmea eq 1 and $walopp eq 1>>[[Accuse Sir Walsingham|HC12_end2][$accused = "Sir Walsingham"]]<</if>>
[[End the investigation without accusing anybody|HC12_end2][$accused = "none"]]<<if $temp eq 1>>
She leans back, opening her legs wide and revealing her tight asshole to you.
"Just stick your tongue deep in there. It's been a stressful day and I want a nice deep rimming."
<<if $femcheck gt 1>><img src="Images/HC12/meganrimmingf.jpg" width=600 />
\<<else>><img src="Images/HC12/meganass2.webp" width=600 />
<</if>>"Yes Mistress." You reply, kneeling down and sticking your tongue deep in her ass. After a few minutes she relaxes and starts running her fingers through your hair.
"You are a good little arselicker, aren't you. Now it is time for your reward."
<img src="Images/HC12/Meganseductive6.webp" width=600 />
She slips a hand into your underwear and with a click removes your chastity device, then starts squeezing your cock between her breasts firmly before easing off, keeping you at the point of peak arousal.
"Do you want to cum my sweet?" she asks, applying the lightest pressure to the tip of your cock.
"Yes." you whimper.
"Yes my Queen." she corrects.
"Yes my Queen." you reply.
<img src="Images/HC12/megancocklick3.webp" width=600 />
She smiles, and licks around the tip of your cock in a circular motion until you spray a thin trail of cum across her face and breasts.
"And you have even given me dessert." she exclaims, licking your semen from your wet cock as you lie exhausted before clipping you back in your cage.
"Now I will tell you what you need to know. We arrived at various times during the late afternoon and gathered at half past six for drinks. Dinner was a tedious affair. The colonel was flirting with me badly, and seemed in a sour mood when I rejected his advances. Afterwards we headed off, some remained in the dining room, some wandered around the house. I sat in the library for a while."
"The library?"
"For old times sake. There is something about the smell of leather bound books."
"Were you alone?"
"You gave up the right to ask questions when you accepted my favours. A deal is a deal, you can't have your cake and eat it, sweetie." She puts a finger to her breast and licks some of your cum from it.
"After about half an hour I heard a scream and came to the ballroom. Bentley was lying on the floor, Bunny was hysterical. And then you arrived ten minutes later. Now what was really interesting was that Sir Edward is still in London. Parliament business. Very convenient if you ask me. Now I have held up my end of the bargain. Go and let me rest. I shall see you in the morning."
<<HC12timer 10>>
[[Leave|HC12_1][$temp = 1]]
\<<elseif $temp eq 2>><img src="Images/HC12/Meganseductive3.webp" width=600 />
"No." you say, firmly, looking up from her pussy and staring deep into her eyes. "This isn't playtime. Someone is dead and might have been killed. "
"You sound so righteous. Like the policemen who used to move me on from wealthy establishments when I was on the streets. Sometimes they beat me, sometimes they had their way with me first, but it was their righteous manner I couldn't stand. Is your sudden zeal for justice is more important than all our special times together?"
She moves close, and traces a finger down your neck.
"There has to be trust between a submissive and their mistress after all. Now, what is it to be? One little act of submission, or I will be oh so very disappointed in you."
[[Kneel down between Megan's legs and start licking|HC12_Megansex][$temp = 1]]
[["Tell me where you were earlier this evening"|HC12_Megan][$temp = 11]]
<<elseif $temp eq 4>><img src="Images/HC12/Meganseductive3.webp" width=600 />
You sit down next to her on the bed and sip the offered brandy, resting your hand on her thigh. She loosens her nightgown, revealing a pair of pert nipples atop her soft pink breasts.
"You don't need to play games, honey, I have been doing this a long time."
She leans in and gives you a deep slow kiss.
"So how about I make you nice and comfortable and you leave convinced that I had nothing to do with this unpleasant business?"
You nod, accepting the bargain.
<<if $chastity eq 1>><<chastity 0>>She slips a hand into your underwear and with a click removes your chastity device. <</if>>
"Now just lie back there and get comfortable."
She carefully undresses you, caressing each part of your body as she does so, running her long dark tresses over your skin. Her fingertips trace a pattern on your flesh, and her intoxicating perfume fills your nostrils as she leans forward to face your naked body.
<img src="Images/HC12/Meganseductive5.webp" width=600 />
She places one of your hands on her breast as she slides her pussy lips over your hard cock, rocking back and forth before pulling your head to her breasts as she wraps her legs around you and pulls you deep inside. As your pleasure builds she slips away, holding the base of your cock and again teasing you with her pussy lips, before repeating the process, each time stopping just before the point of no return.
"Do you want to cum my sweet?" she asks, applying the lightest pressure to the tip of your cock.
"Yes." you whimper.
"Yes my Queen." she corrects.
"Yes my Queen." you reply.
<img src="Images/HC12/Meganseductive8cumshot.webp" width=600 />
She smiles, and pushes onto you with more pressure, until you spray thick jets of cum across her belly, nightdress and breasts.
"What a mess you have made." she exclaims, licking your semen from your wet cock as you lie exhausted.
"Now I will tell you what you need to know. We arrived at various times during the late afternoon and gathered at half past six for drinks. Dinner was a tedious affair. The colonel was flirting with me badly, and seemed in a sour mood when I rejected his advances. Afterwards we headed off, some remained in the dining room, some wandered around the house. I sat in the library for a while."
"The library?"
"For old times sake. There is something about the smell of leather bound books."
"Were you alone?"
"You gave up the right to ask questions when you accepted my favours. A deal is a deal, you can't have your cake and eat it, sweetie." She puts a finger to her breast and licks some of your cum from it.
"After about half an hour I heard a scream and came to the ballroom. Bentley was lying on the floor, Bunny was hysterical. And then you arrived ten minutes later. Now what was really interesting was that Sir Edward is still in London. Parliament business. Very convenient if you ask me. Now I have held up my end of the bargain. Go and let me rest. I shall see you in the morning."
<<HC12timer 10>>
[[Leave|HC12_1][$temp = 1, $temp3 = 1]]
[[Continue questioning Megan|HC12_Megan][$temp = 2]]
<</if>><<if $accused neq "none" and $accused neq "Sir Walsingham">>You point at $accused.
"$accused. I accuse you of the murder of Lord Bentley. <</if>>\
<<if $accused eq "Bishop Greene">>In the library. With poison. You had rat poison in your bag that you brought with you, and opportunity to give it to the victim when you were alone with him in the library before dinner. He had been blackmailing you over acquiring the destitute of your parish that nobody would miss, and you feared this becoming public. A lethal dose of poison to such an old man and he fell to his death from the balcony after his heart failed."
"I never, I wouldn't. It was not I. The poison is mine, for the cathedral. Thou shalt not kill is a commandment."
"So is coveting your neighbour's ass, and you do covet a lot of ass, Bishop."
"I am a sinner, I admit. But no murderer."
"We shall leave the police to decide that."
<<elseif $accused eq "Megan">>In the ballroom. With the candlestick. You were seen talking to Lord Bentley on the balcony shortly before he died and a bloody candlestick was found in your room. He was a rival within the club whose actions, admittedly reprehensible, may have led to the club's ruin."
"And hid the murder weapon in my own bedroom. Just how stupid do you think I am? I was framed, honey."
"I suggest you think about who saw me with Lord Bentley. Are they a reliable witness? What may they have to gain from my demise?"
She looks regally about the room, her eyes accusing those around her. "I doubt any charges will stick. I swear I shall find out who is responsible for these accusations and they will wish they suffered as easy a fate as Bentley. As for you, Judas." she locks her gaze upon you. "We shall have words back at the club." <<set $Megan -=20>>
<<elseif $accused eq "Lady Bentley">>With poison. In the bedroom. You had plenty of opportunity to poison your husband, most easily when you were alone before dinner. He had cheated on you for years and his actions were becoming more and more risky, threatening your comfortable lifestyle. Thirty years ago your first fiance died mysteriously of heart failure, and now suspiciously so does his replacement."
"Supposition and hearsay. Is that the best you can do, repeat ancient gossip and say I must have killed him. I thought you educated. Does anyone else believe this claptrap?" <<set $LadyB -=20>>
Antioch takes your arm. "I think without more evidence you probably should stop now my friend, before you end up in a trial for slandering her ladyship.
\<<elseif $accused eq "Colonel Wilberforce">>In the ballroom. With the lead piping. You had threatened him with violence in the past, and were seen carrying the pipe upstairs shortly before the victim died."
The colonel looks ashen faced. "I didn't do it. I took the pipe, sure. I just meant to threaten him, to get him to back off. But I didn't hit him with it. He was talking to someone, so I threw it out the window into the bush."
Antioch intervenes. "So you admit you were on the balcony with the intent to threaten Bentley with a heavy blunt weapon, and ten minutes later he is found dead with a head wound."
"I know it doesn't sound good, but it's the truth. I'm innocent."
"I think we will let the police determine that."
\<<elseif $accused eq "Professor Fairfax">>By means of poison. You had access to the rat poison in the storeroom, and plenty of opportunity to poison Lord Bentley's food or drink, or even get one of your staff to do it. You wrote the seating plan and knew who was receiving each plate. A lethal dose of poison to such an old man and he fell to his death from the balcony after his heart failed. "
"Poppycock. You have been reading too many penny dreadfuls my young friend. Maybe he got what was coming to him, but your evidence is circumstantial at best. He was a drunk old fart who fell off a balcony. And that is what the papers will say tomorrow. Let us call the police here tomorrow but I think we should all have some sleep now."
<<elseif $accused eq "Bunny">>By means of poison. You had access to the rat poison in the storeroom, and plenty of opportunity to poison Lord Bentley's wine. You knew he was the only one drinking his favourite 1888 vintage. A lethal dose of poison to such an old man and he fell to his death from the balcony after his heart failed. "
"Is this true, did you poison my husband, girl?" asks Lady Bentley.
Bunny looks tearful and shakes her head. "I don't think so, I don't know, I can't remember. It's all a blur. I wouldn't hurt him, I liked Artie, sometimes I think I'm the only one who did. He said I had a cute little ass. And now he's dead." she starts sobbing uncontrollably.
"I am afraid the police will have to question you, young lady." says Antioch.
<<elseif $accused eq "Melissa Hildegarde">>In the ballroom. With the candlestick. You tried to frame Megan for this by hiding the candlestick in her bedroom, but were seen carrying it up the stairs yourself."
"And why would I do such a thing?"
"Revenge, because Megan is your mother who abandoned you at birth."
There is a gasp from around the room. All eyes turn to Megan, whose usual composure is shattered by the revelation.
"My baby?" she whimpers, tears welling up in her eyes. "I thought I'd lost you". She turns to the Professor for confirmation, who wraps his arms around her. "There, there my dear. I thought it was for the best. You were scarcely more than a child yourself."
Melissa stands alone. "Is this where we all hug and make up? I think not. There is little enough evidence for any of your accusations. I always thought you'd take her side over mine, godfather."<<set $Mel -=20>>
<<elseif $accused eq "Sir Walsingham">>I do not think the true murderer is with us. There is evidence that Sir Walsingham is the true killer, although insufficient to prosecute him sadly."
"I have trouble believing this, how did he do it?" asks Antioch. "He is still in London."
"By means of drugs and hypnosis he persuaded Bunny to poison Lord Bentley"
"Is this true, did you poison my husband, girl?" asks Lady Bentley.
Bunny looks tearful and shakes her head. "I don't think so, I don't know, I can't remember. It's all a blur. I wouldn't hurt him, I liked Artie, sometimes I think I'm the only one who did. He said I had a cute little ass. And now he's dead." she starts sobbing uncontrollably. <<set $Wals -=20>>
"I am afraid the police will have to question you, young lady." says Antioch.
<<else>>"I have questioned all the suspects and there is insufficient evidence. I think this may have just been an unfortunate accident where Lord Bentley fell drunkenly from the balcony and hit his head when he fell."
"Are you sure?" asks Antioch. "The discoloration of the mouth, the damage to the skull?"
"All the evidence is I am afraid circumstantial. I will not damage the reputations of those here by throwing around baseless accusations."
Antioch calls the guests to order.
"I think that we have all had a traumatic evening. I suggest we all get some rest. $Hname and myself will file a report with the police in the morning. "
"You will do no such thing." says Lady Bentley. "I will not have common policemen running through my husband's affairs. He was a lord of the realm and shall be treated as such. "
"Neither he nor his killer are above the law, milady." responds Antioch.
"We will see."
<<day>><<set $time = "Afternoon">>
<<SetFlag "piping" = 0>>
<<SetFlag "candlestick" = 0>>
<<SetFlag "poison" = 0>>
<<SetFlag "revolver" = 0>>
<<SetFlag "wrench" = 0>>
<<SetFlag "note" = 0>>
<<unset $bismot>><<unset $bismea>><<unset $bisopp>>
<<unset $megmot>><<unset $megmea>><<unset $megopp>>
<<unset $ldymot>><<unset $ldymea>><<unset $ldyopp>>
<<unset $colmot>><<unset $colmea>><<unset $colopp>>
<<unset $profmot>><<unset $profmot2>><<unset $profmea>><<unset $profopp>>
<<unset $bunmot>><<unset $bunmea>><<unset $bunopp>>
<<unset $walmot>><<unset $walopp>>
<<unset $melmot>><<unset $melmea>><<unset $melopp>>
You wake and breakfast, the rest of the guests being uncharacteristically quiet. Shortly afterwards the police arrive. They question you, Antioch, Lady Bentley and the Professor, as well as the rest of the guests. And then nothing. Lady Bentley was quite correct
You return to London. The afternoon papers headlines are stark. "Viscount dies in his sleep." There is no mention of foul play or even an accidental fall. But you think that this is not the last of this matter that you will hear about within the walls of the Hellfire club.
[[Exhausted after being up all night you go to bed|Sleep]]<<HC12timer 10>><img src="Images/HC12/Melissabilliards4.webp" width=600 />
She leans back on the billiard table suggestively, beckoning for you to join her. You ease yourself up onto the soft green fabric and begin unbuttoning her dress, kissing her firm breasts softly as she strokes the nape of your neck with her fingernails. Loosening her corset, you slip her nipples out and start sucking them eagerly.
<img src="Images/HC12/Melissabilliards5.webp" width=600 />
"How about we make a deal? You and I fuck each others brains out, and you go and find someone else to bother about Bentley's misfortune."
Breathing in her musky perfume you murmuur agreement, and run a hand under her skirt to feel her milky white thigh and some warm lace undergarments beneath.
<<if $chastity eq 1>>
"You are still wearing this tiresome thing? I guess it's sweet, for whoever holds the key. So many lovers will just race to orgasm and then roll over without caring about their partners pleasure."
<img src="Images/HC12/Melissabilliards10.webp" width=600 />
She leans back on the baize and drops her dress to the floor, wearing only her scarlet corset. Her voice assumes a dominant tone.
"Now, my precious. I suggest you put that tongue to good use as your mistress has taught you. I will tell you when you can stop."
<img src="Images/HC12/melcunni1.jpg" width=600 />
You start lapping away at her pussy, as she holds your head firmly in place with her muscled thighs. Her sharp fingernails play on your neck and back, painfully pressing in every time you ease off, until with a scream her thighs grip tight about your head as she shudders and cums in your face."
<img src="Images/HC14/Melissabilliards10.webp" width=600 />
"Oh, someone has been training you well, dear. I did enjoy that. Let me show you how much.
She leans in and kisses you, at first the top of your lips, then the underside, her tongue sneaking inside your mouth. She runs her fingers around the underside of your chastity device, stroking the sensitive skin of your crotch.
"These things aren't infallible you know. They just stop direct stimulation. But there are so many places I can bring you pleasure." She tweaks your nipple between her fingers, rubbing her soft skin against yours, keeping pressure against the base of your penis where the chastity device meets your flesh.
Her lips part from yours, replaced by her index finger which you suck for a second, before she slides it into your rear, gently massaging your prostate as your head nestles in her cleavage. She brings you past the point of no return, then stops, as you twitch to a ruined orgasm within your chastity device, dribbling out onto the surface of the billiard table.
"What a waste. Still, I believe it was your choice."
<img src="Images/HC12/Melissabilliards8.webp" width=600 />
She undresses you slowly, and drags her breasts cross your abdomen, rubbiing sensuously against you.
"I do believe I want that cock of yours inside me. Would you be a gentleman and oblige me?"
<img src="Images/HC12/Melissabilliards7.webp" width=600 />
You nod and pull down your underclothes, as Melissa mounts you upon the billiard table, lifting herself up slowly before sliding her wet pussy lips down the hard shaft of your cock.
"Just like that. Yes, $Hname, I want you to fill me up. Harder, harder I swear, fuck me like a man."
She bucks back and forth on top of you like a beast possessed, slipping off before you have climaxed and grabbing your cock firmly in her hand.
"Wouldn't do for you to put a baby in me, I think I'd make a terrible mother. Let me finish you off with my hand."
<img src="Images/HC12/Melissabilliardscumshot2.webp" width=600 />
Lying on the table she spits on your cock before massaging your cock and balls with her fingers until you spurt semen in her face and hair. <<cum>>
"What a mess you have made." she says disapprovingly as she licks a finger.
"Now that we are both satisfied, I suggest you depart and find our murderer. Or save us all time and just announce the druken old sod fell off the balcony."
[[Leave|HC12_1][$temp = 1]]
[[Continue questioning Melissa|HC12_Melissa][$temp = 2]]<img src="Images/HC12/maidbutler2.webp" width=600 />
Li kneels down and unbuttons Jenel's starched black trousers, before taking the entirety of his huge penis into her mouth. She almost dislocates her tiny jaw as you see her throat bulge as she fellates his cock, the thick veins throbbing as it slides in and out.
<img src="Images/HC12/maidbutler4.webp" width=600 />
Before long, he spurts white cum over her face, which she licks up with a smile.
<<if $chastity eq 0>>She spies the bulge at your crotch, and walks over to you. "It would be a shame to waste this, yes?"
<img src="Images/HC12/asianmaidfuck.webp" width=600 />
She leans over the kitchen table, hitching her skirts up, cum still glistening in her hair. Her dark pussy beckons and you waste no time in gripping her pert buttocks and pushing yourself between them doggy style.
She calls out with pleasure, a high pitched yipping, as Jenel encourages you. "Fuck her hard, that's how she likes it. Don't stop."
<img src="Images/HC12/asianmaidcum3.webp" width=600 />
Feeling her pussy spasming around you you think about slowing, but heeding Jenel's words you push through, holding her down as you increase your speed, bringing yourself to a thunderous climax. <<cum>>
\<<else>><img src="Images/HC12/staffsexcum.webp" width=600 />
You watch eagerly as Jenel bends her over the kitchen table, spreading her legs before thrusting hard between them. She squeals and moans as the massive black cock forces deep inside her tiny frame, pinned down by the African man's strength. Her body writhes with the force of her orgasm, but the man does not stop, pounding mercilessly until with a cry of triumph he cums a second time, leaving her lying exhausted on the table, cum dripping from both ends.
<</if>><img src="Images/HC12/asianmaidcum4.webp" width=600 /><<HC12timer 10>>
[[Ask what they were doing this evening |HC12_staff][$temp = 1]]
[[Ask about their backgrounds |HC12_staff][$temp = 2]]
[[Ask about the Professor |HC12_staff][$temp = 3]]
[[Ask about Bunny |HC12_staff][$temp = 4]]
[[Ask about Lord Bentley |HC12_staff][$temp = 6]]
[[Ask if they have seen anything suspicious about the house |HC12_staff][$temp = 8]]
[[Check the storerooms |HC12_staff][$temp = 5]]
<<if Flag("candlestick")>>[[Ask about the candlestick |HC12_staff][$temp = 7]]<</if>>
[[Leave|HC12_1][$temp = 1]]<<HC12timer 10>><<set $temp19 eq 1>>
<<if $chastity eq 1>>
\"What's this silly thing doing? How am I supposed to fuck you through metal?
As you kiss her, her soft lips pressed against yours as her tongue darts about inside your mouth, you feel maddeningly aroused. Your $penis cock pushes hard against its metal cage, more firmly than any time since you have been wearing this.
<img src="Images/HC12/bunnytornsuit.webp" width=600 />
"Lick my pussy. Please." she begs, tearing at the rubber around her crotch until her wet snatch is revealed. You kneel down and sup at her lips, that are soaked wet, and she climaxes almost instantly, squealing and panting.
"Yummy. Now your turn."
She pushes the end of your chastity cage inside her pussy and grips the base of your penis with her fingers, massaging your shaft and balls through the spaces in the cage. "
"I could get used to this. An iron cock. So hard against my pussy. Yes, keep fucking me."
<img src="Images/HC12/bunnychastityfuck3.jpg" width=600 />
It takes longer than usual, but she perseveres, wanking you around the outside off the cage until you cum inside it, painfully with the pressure of the metal on your throbbing cock. It leaks from the cage into Bunny's pussy.
<<else>><img src="Images/HC12/bunnyblowjob.webp" width=600 />
She tears off your underclothes and begins sucking on your cock, which seems bigger and harder than it has in weeks. Overcome with lust, you paw at her enormous breasts, freeing them from their latex covering as she dribbles saliva over your cock, working her plump lips up and down its length.
<img src="Images/HC12/bunnytornsuitcowgirl2.jpg" width=600 />
"I want you inside me." she begs tearing a hole in the latex between her legs. She climbs upon you and rides you to climax, pushing her plump tits into your face so that they are all you can see as you cum violently inside her.
<img src="Images/HC12/bunnytornsuitcum.webp" width=600 />
She rolls off you, before rubbing your semen from her cunt across her massive breasts before licking it from her fingers."<<cum>>
"Yummy cummy. My favorite." she says.
<img src="Images/HC12/bunnycumcrying.webp" width=600 />
Afterwards, lying in a sticky mess on the bed, she starts crying.
"What's the matter?" you ask.
"Nothing. "That was just peachy. I just, sometimes I just look at myself and feel ashamed. Do you think I'm stupid?"
"No bunny, you are not stupid."
"I wanted to be a teacher when I was little. I taught myself to read from my daddy's newspaper. Now I can't remember the last time I read anything. It seems the bigger these things get the smaller my brain gets." she squeezes her breasts, which are indeed about the size of her head.
"Do you want to tie me up now?" she says abruptly, her voice once again assuming a vacant tone.
[[Tie her up|HC12_Bunnybondage][$temp = 1]]
[[Leave|HC12_1][$temp = 1]]
[[Continue questioning Bunny|HC12_Bunny][$temp = 5]]<<if $temp eq 1>><<HC12timer 10>>
<img src="Images/HC12/bunnycumballgag.webp" width=600 />
You look down at her beautiful cum covered body and don't think twice. Noting her open case on the chest of drawers you grab a blindfold, gag and restraints, tying her arms behind her head tightly and shackling her legs apart. She moans against her pink ball gag, the smooth pink surface filling the space between her puffy pink lips. You turn your attention to her other lips, dripping with your seed. You are unable to cum again so soon, but decide to see how much you can tease her, so tightly tie the blindfold around her eyes.
<img src="Images/HC12/bunnycumbondage2.webp" width=600 />
You work her pussy and ass with dildos you find in her case, tightening clampps around her swollen nipples for good measure. Every time she nears climax you tighten them and tweak her clit, knocking her arousal back. After 10 minutes she is a sweaty trembling wreck, tears of agony and ecstasy pouring down her face from being kept at the edge of orgasm. Through her gag you hear her begging to cum.
<img src="Images/HC12/bunnybound3.webp" width=600 />
[[Let her cum|HC12_Bunnybondage][$temp = 2]]
[[Deny her release|HC12_Bunnybondage][$temp = 3]]
<<elseif $temp eq 2>>
<img src="Images/HC12/bunnycumcrying.webp" width=600 />
She rocks the bed with the force of her climax, knocking the headboard against the wall audibly. You untie her and she whimpers.
"Thank you. My head is clear finally. All I could think about is sex, sex, sex."
"Do you know why?"
"It was like I was in a dream, or drugged. Looking down on this parody of myself, unable to do anything except fuck.
"Do you know who did this to you?"
"Sir Walsingham. He took me to his office, I thought he finally wanted to fuck me, but he gave me a drink and said I was going to help him. I don't remember anything after that. I kept going back, every morning. And my body kept changing. My lips, my tits.
She pauses. "Did he drug me? Hypnotise me? Did he make me kill Artie? I can't remember this evening. It's all a blur."<<set $walmea = 1>><<set $walopp = 1>>
"Sssh, Bunny. We'll get to the bottom of this. Maybe not today, but I promise we will."
"Bottom. You said bottom. You can fuck mine if you want. I need to sleep now." She is gone now, back to her bimbo self. You leave her exhausted cum covered body on the bed and depart.
[[Leave|HC12_1][$temp = 1]]
<<elseif $temp eq 3>><<set $temp19 eq 2>>
<img src="Images/HC12/bunnybound3.webp" width=600 />
You stop abruptly, leaving her tied to the bed. A sadistic thrill fills you seeing this girl totally in your control, unable to move, talk, see or cum without your permission. Exhausted, she seems to have fallen asleep. You decide to leave her be.
[[Leave|HC12_1][$temp = 1]]
<</if>><<SetFlag "event">>"I have tickets to the ballet this evening" you announce.
<<if $date eq "Nicola">>"The ballet? I love the ballet. I took lessons when I was a girl."
Nicola gleams with excitement as she pirouettes before you, before laughing and hugging you. "Which ballet is it?"
"Swan Lake. The Imperial Russian Ballet are touring while the Mariinsky Theatre in Moscow is being renovated."
She grips your hand with glee,
\<<elseif $date eq "Michaela">>"I have never been to the ballet." Michaela replies. "Do you think I would enjoy it?"
"You will love it, I guarantee it. Music, grace and beauty for three hours."
She nods and does a slight smile, taking your hand to depart.
\<<elseif $date eq "Daisy">>"Must we? Mummy made me do ballet lessons as a child. I hated it. I was never flexible enough and my legs were too short. And I hardly have a ballerina's figure." She juggles her breasts up and down to make her point.
"Have you ever seen a ballet?"
"Does a bunch of eight year old girls performing for their parents count?"
"Very well. I will go in with an open mind."
\<<elseif $date eq "Matthew">>"Ballet? Do we have to? Its just a bunch of people poncing around on a stage."
"Have you ever been to a ballet, Matthew?"
"No, and I don't see why I should start now."
You do really want to go, so try a new tactic. You put his hand on your thigh and whisper in his ear.
"The lead ballerina is gorgeous. Her legs go on for ever and she has muscle control you can't imagine. Maybe afterwards I could wear a tutu and we could play."
Easily persuaded, Matthew agrees.
You have seats near the front of the circle, a decent view, but not the best in the house. The plot is difficult to follow, something about a prince, played by the handsome Dmitri, falling in love with the Swan Queen Odette who takes human form only at night due to a sorcerer's curse that can only be broken by true love's kiss.
<img src="Images/HC12/ballerinaT3.webp" width=600 />
The sorcerer casts a spell onto Odile to take the appearance of Odette. Dancing as a black swan she tricks the prince, who declares his love for her.
<img src="Images/HC12/anyadance1.webp" width=600 />
True love foiled, Odette drowns herself, followed by the heartbroken Prince dramatically taking his own life in the final scene.
\<<if $date eq "Nicola">>Tears streaming down her face, Nicola turns to you.
"That was the most beautiful thing I have ever seen, my darling."
\<<elseif $date eq "Michaela">>Michaela turns to you wide eyed, a look of awe on her face.
"Thank you darling. I had the most wonderful evening. I did not know that I would love the ballet so much. They were so graceful."
\<<elseif $date eq "Daisy">>Daisy rubs her eye, her face pale.
"Sorry, something in my eye." she whispers.
"It is alright to cry."
"I wasn't. Maybe a little. Why did they have to die?" She hugs you tight, and you feel dampness from her eyes against your neck and shoulder.
\<<elseif $date eq "Matthew">>"Well the girls were easy on the eye but I couldn't really follow what was going on. Why did he think that other one was his bird? She looked nothing like her and was wearing a black outfit."
"You are overthinking it. Focus on the movement and the music."
"I was too busy focussing on the pretty girls."
You shake your head in despair, fearing you still have many steps to go to get Matthew used to high society.
"Do you want to meet the dancers?"
"I have an invitation to them from the club. Come with me."
You take her hand and head backstage, where a burly Russian blocks your way.
You put a coin in his hand and smile, and he steps aside as you and $date make your way to the dressing rooms.
<img src="Images/HC12/ballerinaschanging4.webp" width=600 />
You sneak a glance at the chorus through the door, seeing half a dozen attractive girls half undressed.
"Stop ogling them, darling. I thought you were on a date with me tonight." says $date.
Eventually you make your way to the changing room for the lead dancers. You knock and wait.
"Ya. Who is it?" calls out a male voice.
"I have a business proposition for you."
The door swings open and you see three figures:
<img src="Images/HC12/anyachange2.webp" width=600 />
A waiflike blonde girl, perhaps nineteen or so, with dark eye makeup wearing a black tutu. You recognise her as Anya, the girl who was playing the roole of Odile
<img src="Images/HC12/ballerinaT1.webp" width=600 />
A redheaded young woman in her mid-twenties, in a white tutu. This is Katerina, the prima ballerina of the company who was playing the Swan Queen Odette. She does not seem embarassed that you are gazing upon her body as she changes.
The third figure is Dmitri, the lead male dancer whose father runs the company.
"We are busy - we danced tonight, and yesterday and tomorrow. What is this proposition you have?"
"I am a member of a private members club. We put on exclusive shows for our members, and were hoping you might perform for us."
"Why do they not buy a ticket like everyone else?"
"They are politicians, royalty, business people. And they require something else. Glamour, sex, maybe a view like the one I am getting right now. If you perform at the Hellfire club, you can make contacts that will get you set for life. I know a few of your girls make a few shillings after hours doing private dances. They could make ten times that with much less risk."
<img src="Images/HC12/ballerinat13.webp" width=600 />
"I'm interested." says Katerina. "Call me Katya. And you are?"
"I am $Hname and this is $date."
She offers her dainty hand for you to kiss and you bend down to do so, admiring her shapely bosom as you do so.
"You do not avert your gaze from my nakedness like most English. You are not shocked."
"After what I have seen at our club, I am not easily shocked."
<img src="Images/HC12/ballerinaT11.webp" width=600 />
"I see. So this is an audition." she lifts a leg high in the air, revealing her bare shaven pussy, and stands there immobile for twenty seconds.
"It is a start. Do you do more? You will be rewarded handsomely."
<img src="Images/HC12/ballerinaT10sex.webp" width=600 />
She nods at Dmitri, who pulls down his breeches and slides into her wet waiting pussy.
"I have heard of your Hellfire club. It is a sex club, for the English aristocrats. There is a private show we put on for the Tsar that I think you will appreciate, ya?" he says, his words in time with his thrusts.
<img src="Images/HC12/ballerinaT12cum.webp" width=600 />
Dmitri grunts as he climaxes, and pulls out of Katya. She holds her position a moment longer as cum dribbles down her thigh, then gracefully lowers her leg.
At the back of the room, you notice that young ballerina Anya has not said a word up to now.
"I do not wish to do this. I am a dancer, not a shlyukha."
"There there little one." says Katya. "You are strong, like the bear."
"I am devstvennik. I have not been with a man."
You speak up. "You will not have to do anything you do not want to. Our club is consensual. You are very beautiful. Might you dance naked for us?"
<img src="Images/HC12/anyachange1.webp" width=600 />
Anya nods, and strips off her tutu, before gracefully dancing in front of you. You think it a shame that no man has had her yet, but perhaps she may change her mind in time.
You agree terms with Dmitri and Katya, who say they will bring a small group of their company to the club when their schedule allows.
<<SetFlag "ballet">>
As you move to depart, you see a discarded tutu sitting to one side. "Do you think I could borrow this?" you ask.
"Da. After the deal you have offered us I could buy a hundred skirts." laughs Dimitri.
<<set $objects["Ballet shoes"].inv = 1>><<set $objects["White tutu"].inv = 1>>
<<if $date eq "Nicola">>"Do you think you could teach me to dance, or at least pose like you?" Asks Nicola.
"Ha. To do this you have to have trained from the age of three."
"I did dance as a girl. And I keep in shape. My $nicdomname requires it." she adds, looking at you."
"Let me look at you. Stand in the first position."
Nicola does as commanded, heels together, toes pointed outwards to the side.
"Adequate. Now fifth position." she commands.
Nicola awkwardly crosses her legs and puts her feet together with the heel of one foot placed beside the toes of the other.
"Poor. Now plie"
Nicola bends her knees, showing admirable flexibility as her crotch almost touches the floor.
"Impressive? How do you maintain such control?"
"I practice strict bondage, and am punished for transgressions." states Nicola.
Katya looks at you with a new found respect. "We must discuss training techniques. Speak to me at your Hellfire club and I will see if this sweet creature of yours can improve.
You head home with $date, chatting about the evening, the show and the music.
When you arrive home you go to the parlour and have a drink, before getting out the tutu.
<<if $date eq "Matthew" or ($date eq "Daisy" and $Daisydomevent gt 0)>>"Put it on, I want to see what it looks like on you." they say.
[[Get changed|Date_ballet2]]
<<else>>You hand the tutu to $date. "Put it on, I want to see what it looks like on you." you say.
[[Wait for them to get changed|Date_ballet2]]
<</if>><<if $date eq "Nicola">><img src="Images/HC12/nicballerina.webp" width=600 />
"I am not sure that white is my colour." she states. "Perhaps we should have got the black swan's outfit."
"It makes you look innocent, like a virgin."
<img src="Images/HC12/nicballerina2.webp" width=600 />
She dances in front of you, her pale skin gleaming in the moonlight, before twirling into your arms.
"Touched for the very first time." she whimpers breathlessly.
<<if $chastity neq 1>>You pull her on top of you, kissing her back and slip easily inside her, noting her taut muscles of her vulva gripping your cock tight as she sits on top of you. Having her in the dominant position like this is unusual, but exciting, and you know you could reassert control with a word. But you choose not to, sitting back and letting her do all the work wordlessly, as she rides you until you spurt deep within her. <<cum>>
<<else>>You hold each other in the moonlight, kissing tenderly.
"This was a perfect evening. Can we just lie here a little while?" she asks, laying her head upon your chest.
\<<elseif $date eq "Michaela">><img src="Images/HC12/michaelaballerina.webp" width=600 />
She enters the parlour awkwardly after changing, stepping gingerly in the tight ballet shoes, before swirling nervously.
You applaud, as you did the performance earlier in the evening.
She leans in to kiss you passionately.
"I am not a very good dancer. Nobody has ever taught me."
"Perhaps we could ask if Katya could give you lessons, if she is performing at the club."
"I can be your sexy ballerina girlfriend." she gasps, putting on a Russian accent. "I am Michaela, ze sexy balletina. Da, fuck me after I dance for you." You both fall about laughing at her terrible acting, before pulling her towards you, tugging down her outfit to reveal her nipples.
<img src="Images/HC12/michaelaballetstand.jpg" width=600 />
<<if $chastity neq 1>>"Well as you ask so nicely..."
She bends over the sideboard, lifting up ger skirt to reveal her cute pert ass. You pull down your clothes and gently rub your cock between her buttocks.
<img src="Images/HC12/michaelaballetsex.webp" width=600 />
"Can we be gentle tonight?" she asks and you nod, rocking slowly back and forth and touching the soft skin of your bodies for half an hour until you bring each other to climax. <<cum>>
<img src="Images/HC12/michaelaballetstandcum3.webp" width=600 />
<<else>>You hold each other in the moonlight, kissing tenderly, stroking each others soft skin.
<<if $femcheck gt 1>><img src="Images/HC12/michaelaembraceF.webp" width=600 /><<else>><img src="Images/HC12/michaelaembraceM.webp" width=600 /><</if>>
"This was a perfect evening. Can we just lie here a little while?" she asks, laying her head upon your chest.
\<<elseif $date eq "Daisy" and $Daisydomevent lt 1>><img src="Images/HC12/daisyballerina.webp" width=600 />
Daisy totters unsteadily on her ballet shoes, looking at her dress with a sour look.
"I look like a meringue, not a swan." she protests.
"You look beautiful." you reassure her, moving close and stroking her hair.
"I am not going to dance for you. Maybe Katya might give me lessons."
"We can ask her at the club."
The pair of you hold each other softly, kissing in the moonlight, at first tenderly, but with increasing passion.
"The skirt does have some advantages." she says, putting your hand between her legs to feel her wet lips beneath.
"No panties? You are brave tonight."
<<if $chastity neq 1>>"I want you inside me. This hole is yours."
She bends over, revealing her soft pink pussy and parts her legs slightly, swaying in the moonlight. You ease yourself between her thighs and she pants, standing up on tiptoes and matching each of your thrusts with a barely audible moan.
"Make love to me my prince" she whispers, her eyes closed. You now realise why she wore the dress. She wants to recreate the romance of the ballet, her as the Swan Queen, you as the prince. You throw yourself into the role.
"I would give my life for one night in your arms, my queen." you reply.
<img src="Images/HC12/daisyballetsex.webp" width=600 />
Turned on by the roleplay, her passion mounts and you hold her arms, bulling them back like the wings of a swan as you thrust harder and harder from behind. She cries out as she cums, turning her head to smother your lips with her wet mouth as you fill her with your sticky seed.
<img src="Images/HC12/daisyballetsexcum2.webp" width=600 />
<<else>>You hold each other in the moonlight for an age, not saying a word. <</if>>
After you lie and kiss tenderly, stroking each others soft skin.
\<<elseif $date eq "Daisy" and $Daisydomevent gt 0>><<StripAll>><<set $outfit = "White tutu">><<set $shoes ="Ballet shoes">>
<img src="Images/HC12/ballerinaMC.webp" width=600 />
After changing, you stand before Daisy in your ballerina outfit.
"You look beautiful, my swan princess. Dance for me." she commands, sitting in a comfortable chair as a hand edges beneath her skirts.
<img src="Images/HC12/Daisymast.webp" width=600 />
You stand uneasily in your ballet shoes and tutu and attempt to twirl gracefully, before standing on one leg and revealing your ass to Daisy.
"Would you die of a broken heart if you did not have my love, darling? If I gave myself to another?"
"I would, Miss Daisy."
"Then you had better satisfy me, my sweet." She lifts her skirt up revealing her pussy. You kneel before her and start to lick at her lips that are dripping with her pussy juices.
<img src="Images/HC12/daisycunni2.jpg" width=600 />
"Oh yes, just there, Use your fingers too my sweet." she runs her hands through your hear as you flick your tongue against her, tasting her pleasure as you lick at her. As instructed you push two fingers inside.
"Fuck me my swan queen." she whimpers, her thights tightening against the sides of your head as her pleasure grows, until with a squeal she cums. She pulls you against her and you lie on the sofa together.
"That was delightful. At times like this i am so glad you like to be a girl, my sweet $subname."
\<<elseif $date eq "Matthew">><<StripAll>><<set $outfit = "White tutu">><<set $shoes = "ballet shoes">>
<img src="Images/HC12/ballerinaMC.webp" width=600 />
You step out in front of Matthew wearing your new tutu, and twirl uncertainly. You feel graceful, although standing on tiptoes still eludes you. The pair of you laugh and embrace.
<img src="Images/HC12/ballerinasex2.jpg" width=600 />
You climb on top of him, and feel him rock hard beneath you.
"I want you inside me." you say and he nods.
You lower yourself on top of him as he squeezes your breasts, feeling his large penis filling your rear, but show no sign of discomfort, but instead gently rock back and forth, the joining of your bodies hidden by your ballerina skirt.
<img src="Images/HC12/ballerinacum.jpg" width=600 />
When finished you stand and lean forward against the window. A cool drip of spunk runs down your legs from your ass but you do not mind.
\<<link [[Leave|YourRoom]]>><<WearAll>>
<<set $time = "Night">> <</link>><<set $temp = (16-$HCevent)>>
My wedding is only $temp week
\<<if $temp neq 1>>s<</if>> away
<<if Flag("wedbish") eq 0>>I should [[meet with the bishop|Church]] to discuss the ceremony
\<<if $nicengagement eq 1>>I should [[speak to the Mother Superior at the convent|Convent]] to ask for Nicola's hand
\<<if $micengagement eq 1>>I should [[speak to Gabriel|Hellfire]] to ask for Michaela's hand
\<<if $daisyengagement gt 0 and $Daisyevent gt 0 and $daisyengagement lt 2>>I should [[speak to Dr Ambrose|AmbroseLab]] to ask for Daisy's hand
\<<if Flag("wedbish") eq 1 and Flag("wedclub") eq 0>>I should [[go the the Hellfire club|Hellfire]] to discuss the reception.
\<<if Flag("wedbestm") eq 0 and ($daisyengagement gt 0 or $nicengagement gt 0 or $micengagement gt 0)>>I should ask Matthew to be my best man - I should meet him at the [[pub|Bar]] on Wednesday evening<</if>>
<<if Flag("wedbish") eq 1 and Flag("wedclub") eq 1 and ($daisyengagement eq 3 or $nicengagement eq 2 or $micengagement eq 2 or $mattengagement eq 1)>>All arrangements are in order. I just need to think about what to wear and wait for the big day at the start of July.<</if>>
<<if $HCevent eq 12 and ($day eq "Saturday")>>You have made preparations in time for you and your fiance<<if $femcheck lt 2>>e<</if>>'s stag and hen parties.
[[Get ready|HC13][$temp = 1]]
[[Leave|YourRoom]]<img src="Images/HC12/bishopsit.webp" width=600 />
<<if $temp eq 0>>You find Bishop Greene in the vestry.
"Good $time my child. Blessings be upon you. How can I help you today?"
\<<if $accused eq "Bishop Greene">>"I do hope that we can put all those terrible murder accusations behind us. I will chalk it up to a misunderstanding due to stress. The police did question me and am satisfied I had nothing to do with the matter, thankfully."
\You nod respectfully.
<<elseif $temp eq 1>><<SetFlag "wedbish">>
"Ah, your upcoming nuptials. I do hope you wish the ceremony to take place here."
"Yes. In July if that is suitable?"
He checks his diary. "Normally the verger would do all this but we are a little short handed at the moment. And you are one of my favourite parishioners after all. Now let me see, July. We have a vacancy on the 1st. Is that suitable?"
"It's a little early but I am sure we can make the preparations in time."
"Good, good. I do love a summer wedding. And will the bride be wearing white?"
"Is that important?"
"Oh yes. I know that it is traditionally associated with virginity, but we don't get many of those in the Hellfire club these days now, do we? But appearances must be kept up."
"White it is."
"Now, I need your full legal names for the register. As on your birth certificate. Do remind me. You are?"
"$playername $playersurname".
Very good. And your partner?
<<if $daisyengagement gt 0>>"Daisy Ambrose."<<set $fiance = "Daisy">>
"Oh yes, your delightful cousin, the one with the enormous knockers. You don't get many of those to the pound. Let me just add that, Daisy Ambrose of this parish."
\<<elseif $nicengagement gt 0>>"Nicola Anne Spencer"
"Spencer. Very good. Oh, sister Nicola from the convent. Our loss is your gain it seems. She is not of this Parish is she, where was she born?"
"Guildford, in Surrey." you reply.
"And you are not getting married in her parish? It is traditional."
"No, she and her family are not on good terms."
"Ah, it is for the best you marry here then. "
\<<elseif $micengagement gt 0>>"Michaela Taylor. Er, well Michael Taylor officially."
"Ah yes. I can't help noticing that your birth names are both male."
You look down at your feet. "Does this mean we can't go ahead?"<<set $fiance = "Michaela">>
"No, I had a visit from Miss Taylor earlier on today. She is such a sweet little thing isn't she? And as she is an employee in good standing of the club, I arranged for her to have a replacement birth certificate issued. She is indeed Miss Michaela Taylor of London, so we can go ahead. Not strictly legally I hope you understand, and I do hope you appreciate the favour you owe me."
"I do, your grace."
"Very good." he licks his lips.
\<<elseif $mattengagement gt 0>>"Matthew Chadwick."<<set $fiance = "Matthew">>
"Very good, Matthew Chadwick." he pauses slightly, then looks up. "I can't help noticing that your birth names are both male. "
"That is correct, although I now live as a woman."
"Most irregular. And not strictly legal I must add."
"Is this a problem?"
"I think problems are there to be solved. We will just have to issue you a new birth certificate. Now let me see. What do you wish to be known as? This will be your legal name.
<<textbox "$femname" "Jane">><<set $temp = 3>>
[[Take the birth certificate|Bishop][$playername = $femname]]
<<if $temp neq 3>>"Very well that is all in the church register. Will there be anything else?"<</if>>
<<elseif $temp eq 3>>
He hands you a new Birth certificate, backdated to the day of your birth.
The sex is labelled as girl and the name as "$playername $playersurname"
"Your masculinity erased at the stroke of a pen. The Lord works in mysterious ways."
"Very well that is all in the church register. Will there be anything else?"
<<elseif $temp eq 2>><<set $temp18 = 1>>You and $fiance sit down to talk about the service with the Bishop.
"A traditional service I think. The groom and best man. Organ music as the bride arrives. A few minutes late is traditional my dear. Have you any thought on hymns?"
"I have always liked Jerusalem." says $fiance.
"It is a delightful tune." agrees the bishop
<<if $femcheck gt 0 and $fiance neq "Matthew">>"Now I must insist that you wear a suit for the ceremony, Mr. $playername. I know that things are a little more liberal in the club, but I can't have you both turning up in white satin dresses can I?"
"It is fine, darling. Just for an hour. You can change back for the reception." says your fiance.
\He talks at length about flowers, the choir, bells and the number of guests, but the details are unimportant. You are just happy to be marrying your beloved $fiance at last.
<<if Flag("wedbish") eq 0 and ($daisyengagement gt 0 or $nicengagement gt 0 or $micengagement gt 0 or $mattengagement gt 0)>>[[Arrange a wedding service|Bishop][$temp = 1]]
<<elseif Flag("wedbish") eq 1 and $temp18 eq 0>>[[Speak to the bishop about your wedding service|Bishop][$temp = 2]]
[[Return to the church|Church]]
[[Return home|YourRoom]]<img src="Images/HC12/HCclerk.jpg" width=600 />
The club clerk is a boring looking man in a smart suit. You catch a glimpse of a leather collar under his shirt, the only sign of anything out of the ordinary.
<<if $fiance eq "Daisy" and $Daisydom gt 1>>
"Good $time <<sir>>. How can I help you today?"
"I would like to discuss a wedding reception. "
"Ah yes, 1st July. Everything seems to be in order."
"But I haven't arranged anything yet."
"Let me check the record. Yes, Miss Ambrose came in to discuss it earlier. Menu, decorations, order of events and. Oh. That is peculiar."
"Go on."
"There is a note here that I am not to discuss the arrangements with you. It is to be a surprise, apparently."
Your heart skips a beat, partly out of love that your dear Daisy is making arrrangements, partly out of apprehension.
It is probably nothing, how bad could a surprise wedding reception arranged by your dominatrix fiance in a sex club be, after all?
"Could you give me any clues?"
"No the booking is very clear, I think we shall have to leave those for you to experience when you are married. Good day <<sir>>."
<<else>>"You and $fiance enter to discuss your nuptials.
"Good $time <<sir>>. And your lovely fiance as well. How can I help you today?"
"We were hoping to have our wedding reception here."
"Oh. That is quite irregular. I am not sure that maiden aunts will cope well with the way that we do things here."
"We don't have big families. So it will mainly be friends anyhow. Most of them are members or have been here before."
"That does make things more straightforward. Do you have a date?"
"The 1st of July."
"There is nothing in the calendar for then. And that will be after Midsummer eve, we have been spending some time getting the place just right for the summer solstice. So, I presume you will be dining. How many guests will you be having?"
"A couple of dozen. Not a big event."
"An intimate event. Very good. Now onto the menu. A starter. I would normally suggest oysters but that would not be advisable in the summer. I know, a chilled soup as it is so warm this year." You nod.
"Next a fish course. I recommend the Dover sole. Our chef is very good at preparing it." Again you defer to his expertise.
"And the main. Our beef wellington is exceptional."
"And for dessert something sharp and light. A lemon tart perhaps."
You nod.
"Excellent. So arrive, drinks and canapes. We can arrange a photographer to preserve images of the occasion. And then on to the wedding breakfast, menu as discussed. I shall let the sommelier match wine to the menu. Speeches I assume. Dinner and dancing. Will there be anything else?
<<if $fiance eq "Nicola">>"Just wait outside a moment darling." you say to Nicola. She nods and steps outside.
"There are a couple of 'special' arrangements I would like to make given the nature of our relationship." you add
"Oh, I understand completely."
You make your specific requests to his eager approval, before meeting with Nicola again in the hall.
"Is everything alright, darling?" she asks.
"Just perfect." you say, smiling enigmatically. <</if>>
<<SetFlag "wedclub" >>
\<img src="Images/People/Orlando/Orlandomale1.webp" width=600 />
As you leave the clerks office, you are met by Orlando.
"Oh, it is a good thing that I ran into you. A little bird told me that you were getting married."
"Yes we are. The first of July. The reception is here, Will you be able to join us?"
"I would be honoured. On that topic I was hoping you might be so kind as to let me provide the rings."
"I was going to use my mothers wedding band." you state.
"Ah, and family tradition is important, but I do have this matching pair that I think is ideal for my special friends. Consider this my wedding gift to you."
"He brings forth a small box and opens it. Inside is a pair of golden rings. One inlaid with a tiny sapphire, one with a similar red-pink ruby."
"There is a tale of their provenance but I shall not bore you with it."
"Oh, they are beautiful. Thank you."
"I shall get them to you safely on the day." he assures you.
[[Return to the foyer->HC_foyer]]
[[Head home|YourRoom]]<img src="Images/People/Gabrieloutside.webp" width=768 />
Gabriel is outside the club on security detail as usual.
"Good evening <<sir>>. How can I help you?"
"I do not think we need to be so formal. $Hname is fine."
"Not when I am on duty, <<sir>>."
"If you insist. This is personal not business however."
"Is Michaela alright?"
"Yes, she is fine. More than fine. I have a request of you. I wish to marry Michaela, and would normally ask her father for her hand in marriage. As you are orphans, as her only male relative I believe that I must make this request of you."
"Married? She had spoken of such things but... You are serious arent you?"
"Never more so."
"And the little question of you both being born as boys?"
"It is being addressed. You know how this place works."
"That is wonderful news. Then I give you my permission, indeed my blessing. She is my twin, we share much, but I will gladly share her with you, my friend."
You shake his hand warmly.
<<set $micengagement = 2>>
[[Return to the foyer->HC_foyer]]
[[Head home|YourRoom]]<<nobr>>
<<if $temp19 eq 1>><<set $temp2 = "you">><<set $temp1 = "Megan">><<set $temp3 = "Veronica">>
<<elseif $temp19 eq 2>><<set $temp2 = "you">><<set $temp1 = "Daisy">><<set $temp3 = "Daisy">>
<<elseif $temp19 eq 3>><<set $temp2 = "Nicola">><<set $temp1 = "you">><<set $temp3 = "Veronica">><</if>>
<<SetFlag "event">>
/*giving pleasure*/
<img src="Images/HC13/Meganboots.webp" width=600 />
Megan disrobes before standing imperiously with arms folded, her legs clad tightly in her black leather boots. As she speaks her bosom heaves and threatens to burst out from behind her folded arms. .
"Sit." she commands
<<if $temp19 eq 2>>Daisy sits on a comfortable chair, and points wordlessly at the floor in front of her. You sit down naked at the floor as commanded.
<<elseif $temp19 eq 3>>You sit on the chair in Megan's parlour, and point at the floor in front of you. Without a word Nicola lowers herself to the floorand sits at your feet.
<<else>>You sit on the ground in front of Megan, awaiting her instruction.
"Today we are going to focus on pleasure. Specifically a submissive giving pleasure to their master or mistress. At its heart the submissive gains satisfaction in three ways. Firstly through the act of submission itself, removing the burdens of decision making or responsibility - something many submissives find sensually gratifying.
Secondly through sex. Through denial, edging, and the like the dominant can enhance the submissive's pleasure so that the orgasm is overwhelming. That is not today's lesson however.
And finally through service, humans are sociable creatures and gain satisfaction from doing good for family or friends. The dom-sub relationship focusses this, and a true submissive wants nothing more than their dominant's will to be done, or to make them happy. The pinnacle of this is obviously to give them the perfect orgasm, a goal forever just out of reach, but delightfully fun to strive for." This is what we are going to focus on today.
<<if $temp19 eq 2>>"But $subname is already very good at making me cum. She licks my pussy so sweetly." She ruffles your hair as she speaks.
"Miss Ambrose. If I may be so bold, how many lovers have you had? Men or women."
"Well there's Ruby of course. And $subname here. And a few at club events,, and in Paris, but they were just dalliances really, mainly just kissing and touching."
"So two. And you are what, nineteen?"
"And a half."
"Nineteen and a half. The innocence of youth. When I was your age I had fucked a hundred men. More. They said I gave the best blowjob in London. I don't want to boast of course, but my point is that practice makes perfect. And after today subname will lick and suck with the best of them."
Daisy clutches your hair tightly as you feel her desire grow. <</if>>
\<<if $temp19 eq 3>>Megan kneels down and strokes Nicola's chin.
"Such a pretty little thing aren't you. Now tell me, do you like sucking cock?"
"Yes. Though only my $nicdomname's cock, Mistress Megan." answers Nicola.
Megan lifts her chin up and meets her gaze. "That is a start, although a better answer is that you like sucking whichever cock your $nicdomname asks you to suck."
She turns to you. "Do not be too greedy, $Hname. This one is too precious to keep to yourself. And you should teach her to pleasure both men and women."
\<<else>>Megan kneels down and strokes your chin.
"Now my pretty little pet. Now tell me, do you like licking pussy?"
You nod, smiling slightly. "Yes Mistress."
"What about cock? Would you suck a cock if I asked? No, don't answer that, we can come onto that later. "
\<img src="Images/HC13/Veronicacagechained.webp" width=600 />
Megan affixes her gaze on $temp2. "Now I want you to watch carefully. This is Veronica. She is wilful and bratty, but the best pussy licker in England. I trained her myself, and she is now the property of a dear friend of mine." she indicates a girl sitting in a cage to the side of the room. She had been so quiet and still you had not noticed her earlier.
"Property?" you ask.
"A contract was signed, yes. Consensually of course. Mistress Penelope looks after Veronica, and Veronica carries out her duties in her household. I believe she sometimes works in Mistress Penelope's stables as well."
"So she is a slave?"
"Veronica requires boundaries. Tell us where I found you, Veronica."
The girl looks up. "In Limehouse. In an opium den. Turning tricks for a copper a time."
"And what happened."
"You saved me, Mistress Megan. And chained me here until I was free of the opium. And then you trained me."
"And do you resent me for this?"
"Every day, Mistress."
She turns back to you. "Veronica, Penelope and I all know that if she was set free she would be back in an opium den within a week. Isn't that true Veronica?"
"Yes Mistress." her eyes smoulder at the thought.
"Now, do you need punishing, or are you going to show this submissive how to lick cunt."
"The former." says Veronica, smiling sweetly.
Megan sighs. "I had hoped that your time with Penelope would have cured you of this. A side lesson before the main event then. Veronica is what we call a brat. She feels a compulsion to strain against her boundaries. Indeed she craves the punishment that it causes. Bend over Veronica."
The young woman turns so her ass is facing Megan and puts her head to the ground, smiling. You note red marks on her back and buttocks.
"It is regretful. And with one so obviously masochistic the dominant must take care not to reward insolence with what the submissive desires. It becomes a game, which can be enjoyable for both. But not when we have guests, Veronica."
<img src="Images/HC13/Veronicaridingcrop.webp" width=600 />
She takes out a riding crop and administers five hard strokes to the girls backside., and a couple to the soft flesh of her back. The look of pleasure she has from the first is soon replaced by pain.
<img src="Images/HC13/Veronicawhipped2.webp" width=600 />
"Thank you Mistress." she says, the crooked smile wiped off her lips.
<img src="Images/HC13/meganbootssit.webp" width=600 />
"Very good. I am sorry that you had to see that. Now watch carefully."
Megan sits down and opens her legs, revealing a perfect pale pussy.
<img src="Images/HC13/Veronicathighlick.webp" width=600 />
"Veronica starts with teasing around the outside of the crotch - the legs, the inside of thighs and the stomach. See how she kisses softly. She is only using her mouth, lips and tongue, a true submissibve should be able to bring her mistress to climax without fingers, she may be bound of course.
<img src="Images/HC13/Veronicapussylick2.webp" width=600 />
Next she moves on to the vulva lips. She starts by soft touches on the outside, nibbles, kisses and licks with the tip of her tongue. Note the variation of position. "
<img src="Images/HC13/Veronicapussylick4.webp" width=600 />
"After this long strokes with the flat of her tongue. Oh goodness I had forgotten quite how divine that is. See that her tongue is wet at this point, but nothing so crude as spitting, she moistens her tongue without breaking strokes. What a good girl you are, Veronica." Megan runs her nails along the other girls neck possessively.
"At this point she continues to vary technique. She worships the pussy, sticks her tongue deep inside it to the sensitive tissue on the upper surface of the vagina. Oh sweet Jesus yes, just like that."
<img src="Images/HC13/Veronicarimming1.webp" width=600 />
Megan is panting and sweating a little now, breathing heavily as she speaks.
"As orgasm approaches, there are 2 main choices. Either continue maintaining a steady pressure to build to climax, or to edge the recipient to greater pleasure. This takes practice and a knowledge of each other that can only come with time. For example she can lick the perineum, or even rim my asshole."
Megan is beginning to strain to maintain concentration.
"But eventually it is time for release. A dominant can keep a sub edged for hours, but not the generally the other way around. Now Veronica. Suck my clit."
<img src="Images/HC13/Veronicaclitsuck.webp" width=600 />
As requested Veronica sucks hard on Megan's most sensitive parts, and she gasps and screams in pleasure, scratching at Veronica's back as she cums.
"Enough. Stop, no more." calls Megan.
The young woman licks her lips and crawls back to her cage smiling.
<img src="Images/HC13/veronicacagesmile.webp" width=600 />
Megan waits a while and then composes herself. "Any questions?"
<<if $temp1 eq "Daisy">>Daisy is grinning ear to ear. "Can I borrow Veronica?"
"I am afraid not. It was difficult enough transferring her affections to Mistress Penelope. She would service you if I asked, but that is not why we are here, is it? And this one will learn to please you like that in time. Now make yourself comfortable and we will see how much attention your $subname has been paying."
Daisy settles herself on the chair and lifts her skirts.
[[Start licking|Megan_domevent7_2]]
[[Refuse|Megan_domevent7_punish][$temp = 2]]
\<<elseif $temp2 eq "Nicola">><img src="Images/HC13/Nickneel.webp" width=600 />
You look down at Nicola. She reluctantly looks up to meet your eyes.
"Can you do that for me, $nicsubname?"
"I, I don't like girls in that way."
"I thought you did at the convent."
She shakes her head. "Some of the girls did. Never me. It was always you, only you."
"But would you try, for me, if I commanded you?"
A single tear wells up in her eye but she stays silent.
<<link[[Command her to lick pussy|Megan_domevent7_2]]>><<set $nicsub +=1>><</link>>
<<link[[Relent and move on|Megan_domevent7_3]]>><<set $temp = 2>><<set $niclove +=1>><</link>>
\<<else>>The lesson was clear, as is the task ahead of you. Then again, you could follow the other lesson of Veronica. You glance at the riding crop and make your choice
[[Start licking|Megan_domevent7_2]]
[[Refuse|Megan_domevent7_punish][$temp = 2]]
<</if>><<if $temp eq 0>>
$temp1 puts down the crop and starts stroking the tender flesh of your buttock.
"It's alright. It was just a game. We were just playing."
She holds you softly until the pain in your backside subsides and you are able to get up. In the corner of the room you catch Veronica looking at you with a look of disdain.
"Weak." she mouths silently.
"I think that is enough for today. I suggest you come back and repeat this lesson when you are ready."
You put your clothes back on and head home
<<link [[Leave|YourRoom]] >><<wait>><<WearAll>><</link>>
<<elseif $temp gt 10>>
<<if $temp1 eq "Daisy">>Daisy looks at Megan unsure what to do. "Do I keep hitting?"
\Megan looks at you with a cruel expression. "Classic masochism. The submissive is enjoying the pain and attention. There are two alternatives, either exceed their pain threshold, or provide an alternative punishment. In this case I suggest the latter. We do not torture, we reward or correct behaviour. I never provide pain as a correction or punishment unless sure the submissive can withstand it.
She beckons at Veronica who steps out of her cage before leading you inside and binding your arms to the bars before blindfolding you.
<<if $temp1 eq "Daisy">>"It appears you will get your wish, Daisy." says Megan. Veronica, please edge Daisy to the same heights you showed me. <<else>>"Veronica. It appears that I need your services again." <</if>>
The next twenty minutes is agonising. You cannot see, or smell or taste or feel. All you hear are $temp1's pants, moans, squeals, screams, sighs and cries or pleasure. Initially soft and soothing, growing in intensity, until she is screaming obscenities and begging Veronica not to stop. And when she reaches her peak she remains there, cumming for what seems like an eternity, although on reflection is probably five minutes, still many times the normal length of an orgasm.
All is quiet for a while, until you hear the cage door open and a soft body moving against yours as Veronica takes her place back in the cage.
"I think that is enough for today. I suggest you come back and repeat this lesson when you are ready." states Megan simply as she unties you.
You put your clothes back on and head home.
<<link [[Leave|YourRoom]] >><<wait>><<WearAll>><</link>>
<<else>>You sit immobile, looking clearly at your mistress. <<set $disobedience +=1>>
"Dear oh dear. I do rather think that this submissive has learned the wrong lesson from Veronica today. Brattiness was not on the menu today."
She leans down and picks up the riding crop.
<<if $temp1 eq "Daisy">>Handing it to Daisy she smiles. "I believe this is your duty. Now the key is not to reward insolence. The submissive knew the punishment, and licking pussy is well within their boundaries. That said I would not go straight to the level of punishment we did earlier, unless wilful disobedience is a common occurrence."
Daisy picks up the crop and stands over you, her face impassive.
"All fours." your mistress commands
You bend on hands and knees, your rear facing her, knowing what is to come
$temp1 strikes you hard with the crop, harder than you expected.
"One, thank you Mistress." you say
Thwack. "Two, thank you Mistress."
Another two blows. You thank her for each one.
THWACK. The fifth blow is harder than the others. You wince in pain.
"F-five, thank you. Mistress."
"Now, are you ready to do as your Mistress commands?" asks Megan.
<<if $temp eq 2>>[[Obey|Megan_domevent7_2][$temp = 0]]
\<<else>>[[Obey|Megan_domevent7_4a][$temp = 0]]
<<link [[Continue to refuse|Megan_domevent7_punish]]>><<set $temp += 10>><</link>>
[[Say your safeword|Megan_domevent7_punish][$temp = 0]]
<</if>><<if $temp1 eq "Daisy">><img src="Images/HC13/Daisychair.webp" width=600 />
Daisy sits herself on the sofa and makes herself comfortable on the cushions before making eye contact with you.
"Come to Miss Daisy, sweet $subname. Show me what a good girl you are."
\<<elseif $temp2 eq "Nicola">>Nicola with bowed head wipes the tear from her eye and kneels attentively.
"Such obedience, I am impressed." observes Megan. "Now I am a little sensitive after that demonstration. Veronica - you have earned a reward. Do sit here. Yes, on the furniture, I know that is not your place but it is important for Nicola here to get practice."
<img src="Images/HC13/Veronicasofa.webp" width=600 />
Veronica bounds out of her cage with a spring in her step, sitting on the sofa like a puppy being allowed on the furniture for the first time before spreading her legs wide.
Nicola swallows slightly before kneeling before the girl. She looks at you for reassurance and you nod and smile at her.
\<<else>>"Now I am a little sensitive after that demonstration. Veronica - you have earned a reward. Do sit here. Yes, on the furniture, I know that is not your place but it is important for $Hname here to get practice."
<img src="Images/HC13/Veronicasofa.webp" width=600 />
Veronica bounds out of her cage with a spring in her step, sitting on the chair like a puppy being allowed on the furniture for the first time before spreading her legs wide, looking possessively at you, to emphasise you are beneath her in the pecking order today.
<<if $temp2 eq "Nicola">><img src="Images/HC13/niccunni1.webp" width=600 />
Nicola starts nuzzling at Veronica's thighs, softly tracing her black lips along them as instructed, kissing the backs of her knees and licking her belly button before tracing her lips around the outer lips. Veronica starts panting like bitch in heat and Nicola withdraws slightly, nuzzling her thighs lightly until Veronica calms down.
<img src="Images/HC13/niccunni4.webp" width=600 />
She then opens her mouth and laps at Veronica's pussy with a flat wet tongue, licking her from perineum to clitoris and back in a single stroke.
"Very good." says Megan eagerly as Veronica's hands squeeze the armrest tightly.
<img src="Images/HC13/Veronicaarmchaircum2.webp" width=600 />
Nicola continues to work on Veronica until she starts moaning loudly, at which point she sucks the other girls clitoris deep inside her mouth and you hear slurping.
"Fuck me!" screams the girl, thrashing on the sofa as she squirts all over Nicola's face.
"That is enough, you can stop now Nicola. A very creditable performance, though you could have drawn it out slightly at the end.
[[Wait for further instruction|Megan_domevent7_4]]
\<<else>>From your kneeling position you look up at $temp3
<<set $temp4 = 0>><<set $temp5 +=1>>
[[Suck her clitoris|Megan_domevent7_2a][$temp = 6]]
[[Kiss her outer vulva lips|Megan_domevent7_2a][$temp = 2]]
[[Nuzzle her thighs|Megan_domevent7_2a][$temp = 1]]
[[Push your tongue into her vagina|Megan_domevent7_2a][$temp = 4]]
[[Lick her ass and perineum|Megan_domevent7_2a][$temp = 5]]
[[Lick her pussy|Megan_domevent7_2a][$temp = 3]]
<</if>><<if $temp eq 2>>
"There there. You don't have to do anything you aren't comfortable with."
"You aren't going to cane me?"
"Do you want me to?"
Nicola shakes her head. "Not today, $nicdomname."
Megan claps her hands.
"Such touching devotion, although obedience needs some work. I suggest you establish boundaries clearly, and in future only ask your submissive to do things they are comfortable doing. I will leave you to sort that out. I see that unlike Veronica this one is not wilfully disobedient. A blessing."
Megan stands once again, arms folded. She seems to have recovered from her orgasm, although is still slightly flushed.
[[Wait for further instruction|Megan_domevent7_4]]<<set $temp5 +=1>>
<<if $temp5 eq 15>>Your lips and tongue are too sore to continue, and your subsequent efforts are half hearted at best.
"A shame." says Megan. You started very well. But you have let me down. Watch and observe carefully."
She kneels in your place, expertly finishing off $temp3 with deft licks of her tongue.
<<if $fetish_gay eq 1 or ($temp1 eq "Daisy" and Flag("cuckold") eq 1)>>[[Wait for further instruction|Megan_domevent7_4]]
\<<else>>[[Thank Megan for the lesson|Megan_domevent7_6][$temp = 1]]
\<<else>><<if $temp eq 1>>You nuzzle at $temp3's thighs, kissing them lightly.
<<if $temp4 lt 1>><<set $temp4 =1>>She opens her legs slightly further, enjoying the sensation.
<<else>>It does not seem to elicit much response.
\<<elseif $temp eq 2>>You kiss the lips of $temp3's pussy with your lips, moistening them with the tip of your tongue.
<<if $temp4 lt 3>><<set $temp4 +=1>>She purrs as you do this, and you taste her juices.
\<<elseif $temp eq 3>>You make your tongue flat and moisten it with saliva before licking the length of $temp3's pussy with long, slow strokes. She sighs, enjoying the sensation.
<<if $temp4 gt 1 and $temp4 lt 6>><<set $temp4 +=2>><<elseif $temp4 lt 8>><<set $temp4 +=1>><</if>>
\<<elseif $temp eq 4>>Moving as close as you can, you make your tongue erect and push it as deep into $temp3's vagina as you can. You move it in and out like a tiny wet cock, licking the sensitive upper tissue just inside her.
<<if $temp4 gt 3 and $temp4 lt 8>><<set $temp4 +=2>>She moans deeply, her crotch moving in time with your licks.
<<elseif $temp4 lt 4>>She does not seem to be very wet and you have to work hard to get any response from her.
<<elseif $temp4 gt 7>>She continues moaning and panting, sweat running down her body.
\<<elseif $temp eq 5>>You move your head down her body and start licking below her pussy, nuzzling the perineum and asshole. It does not seem to have much effect on her arousal but you feel very dirty and submissive doing so.<<set $temp4 +=1>>
\<<elseif $temp eq 6>>You place your lips over $temp3's clitoris and start nuzzling and sucking it, at first gently, then with more intensity.
<<if $temp4 gt 8>><<set $temp4 +=2>><img src="Images/HC13/pussysquirt.webp" width=600 />
She starts to thrash her head from side to side, moaning loudly as your work your tongue against her most sensitive parts, until with a cry she clutches her thighs about your head, screaming in pleasure as she cums.
"I think that was quite satisfactory." states Megan, observing with amusement.
<<if $fetish_gay eq 1 or ($temp1 eq "Daisy")>>[[Wait for further instruction|Megan_domevent7_4]]
\<<else>>[[Thank Megan for the lesson|Megan_domevent7_6][$temp = 1]]
\<<else>>She shrieks "No, too much." and pulls away from you. <<set $temp4 -=2>>
<<if $temp4 lt 10>><<if $temp4 lt 2>><img src="Images/HC13/pussy0.webp" width=600 />
<<elseif $temp4 lt 4>><img src="Images/HC13/pussy1.webp" width=600 />
<<elseif $temp4 lt 6>><img src="Images/HC13/pussy2.webp" width=600 />
<<else>><img src="Images/HC13/pussy3.webp" width=600 /><</if>>
What will you do next?
<<if $temp neq 6>>[[Suck her clitoris|Megan_domevent7_2a][$temp = 6]]
\<<if $temp neq 2>>[[Kiss her outer vulva lips|Megan_domevent7_2a][$temp = 2]]
\<<if $temp neq 1>>[[Nuzzle her thighs|Megan_domevent7_2a][$temp = 1]]
\<<if $temp neq 4>>[[Push your tongue into her vagina|Megan_domevent7_2a][$temp = 4]]
\<<if $temp neq 5>>[[Lick her ass and perineum|Megan_domevent7_2a][$temp = 5]]
\<<if $temp neq 3>>[[Lick her pussy|Megan_domevent7_2a][$temp = 3]]<</if>>
<</if>><</if>><<femcheck>><<if $temp eq 1>><<set $HCevent = 13>><<SetFlag "event">><<set $time eq "Evening">>
[[Get changed|Wardrobe][$Wardrobe="HC13"]]
<<if $daisyengagement lt 1 and $nicengagement lt 1 and $micengagement lt 1 and $mattengagement neq 1 and $mattengagement neq 2 and $mattengagement neq 3>><<set $mattengagement = 0>>Your best friend Matthew is marrying your cousin Daisy.
\[[Join Matthew for his stag night|HC13_1][$HC13 = "stag", $groom = "Matthew", $bride = "Daisy"]]
<<if $femcheck gt 1>>[[Join Daisy for her hen night|HC13_1][$HC13 = "hen", $groom = "Matthew", $bride = "Daisy"]]<<else>>You do not look feminine enough to attend Daisy's hen party<</if>>
\<<elseif $daisyengagement eq 3 >> You are marrying your cousin Daisy
\<<if $Daisydomevent eq 0>>[[Join Matthew for your stag night|HC13_1][$HC13 = "stag", $groom = "MC", $bride = "Daisy"]]
<<else>>Miss Daisy says that as you are a pretty girl you should come on the hen party instead. It is unusual, but then so is your relationship.
<<if $femcheck gt 1>><<set $HC13 = "hen">><<set $groom = "MC">><<set $bride = "Daisy">>
\[[Join Daisy for your joint hen night|HC13_1]]
\<<else>>You do not look feminine enough to attend your and Daisy's hen party<</if>><</if>>
\<<elseif $nicengagement eq 2 >> You are marrying the lovely submissive Nicola
\[[Join Matthew for your stag night|HC13_1][$HC13 = "stag", $groom = "MC", $bride = "Nicola"]]
\<<elseif $micengagement eq 2 >> You are marrying the delightful Michaela
\[[Join Matthew for your stag night|HC13_1][$HC13 = "stag", $groom = "MC", $bride = "Michaela"]]
\<<elseif $mattengagement eq 1 >> You are marrying your best friend Matthew
<<if $femcheck gt 1>>[[Join Daisy for your hen night|HC13_1][$HC13 = "hen", $bride = "MC"]]<<else>>You do not look feminine enough to attend a hen party, you should change.<</if>>
[[No! That is all wrong. This must be a bad dream. Change who is getting married!|HC13][$temp =2]]
\<<elseif $temp eq 2>>
You think carefully about the upcoming pre wedding celebrations, getting it clear in your mind before you wake up.
[[I am marrying my beautiful cousin Daisy|HC13][$daisyengagement = 3, $temp = 1]]
[[I am marrying my submissive girlfriend Nicola|HC13][$nicengagement = 2, $temp = 1]]
[[I am marrying the lovely trans girl Michaela|HC13][$micengagement = 2, $temp = 1]]
[[I am marrying my best friend Matthew|HC13][$mattengagement = 1, $temp = 1]]
[[I am best man for my friend Matthew when he marries my cousin Daisy|HC13][$daisyengagement = 0, $nicengagement = 0, $micengagement = 0, $mattengagement = 0, $temp = 1]]
\<b>Dev note. A couple of folk had mentioned some awkward bugs with them being locked into marrying the wrong person. This serves as a check and fix for that and allows for a jumping on point part way through the game.</b>
<</if>><<temp>><<if $HC13 eq "stag">><img src="Images/HC13/matthew.webp" width=600 />
"It’s time."
Matthew stands at the entrance to your house dressed smartly, a beaming smile upon his face. A carriage is parked outside, the driver looking at you impatiently.
<img src="Images/HC13/Ruby7.webp" width=600 />
You see Ruby walking up the street towards the Ambrose residence.
‘Good evening gentlemen." She says sweetly. "Going anywhere nice? Oh I’m not working I’m afraid, just going to meet up with Daisy for a girls night out. Do have fun without us." She turns and gives a knowing wink as she walks off up the lane, and you notice the cab driver's eyes following the swaying curves of her ass.
<img src="Images/HC13/Ruby8.webp" width=600 />
"Good looking girl." He says defensively, before urging you to enter the carriage.
<<if $femcheck gt 1>>"The whole dressing as a woman thing isn’t quite in keeping with the evening’s theme.<<if $groom eq "MC">> You are the groom, right?"
"Only technically. $bride and I are both women. It’s not my fault the law of the land won’t let us get married that way."
"I feel comfortable dressing like this.
"You are supposed to be my best MAN. Oh, nevermind, let’s just go."
"I am still your friend, Matthew. And I do want to support you in your wedding."
\"You do still like pretty girls, right?"
"Oh yes."
"Then I think you will still enjoy the evening, my friend."
\"So where are we going?" You ask.
"All in good time, just waiting for one more from here. Do come in Dr Ambrose."
<img src="Images/HC13/DrAmbrose.webp" width=600 />
He opens the door and your uncle steps in with an apprehensive look on his bespectacled face.
"It’s a long time since I’ve been on one of these affairs, almost back in my student days. I remember your father’s stag night, young $playername. There were ladies there flashing their thighs at us, can you imagine?"
You suspect ladies might be flashing more than their thighs at you before the end of the evening.
The three of you settle and the carriage moves off, pausing briefly at the end of Kensington Avenue. Looking out the window you see the shapely rear and flash of red hair of Ruby as she climbs the steps of the rear entrance to her mothers coffee shop.
With a thrash of the reins the carriage moves off.
<img src="Images/HC13/Antiochbeard.webp" width=600 />
The next stop is Dr Antioch’s, and your friend the medic enters the carriage, sitting alongside your uncle. The two men are soon engrossed in medical and scientific talk. It is clear that your uncle is the more learned man, and you wonder what flaw in his character led to his relatively unsuccessful career.
"One more stop." says Matthew.
"Who?" You ask. "Walsingham, the bishop?"
"More chance of getting Lord Bentley back from the dead." Matthew jests grimly. "Sir Walsingham is busy with a private meeting at the club, and the bishop is keeping a very low profile after last week’s shenanigans. No, we are collecting Colonel Wilberforce."
"Mustard? But he’s an idiot and a cad."
"It’s not as if you are blessed with male relatives, you’re an only child and an orphan. I can’t name a friend of yours that isn’t in this cab who doesn’t have tits."
"Tits!" Calls out Ambrose excitedly. "My apologies, I might have had a small sherry before I came out, for my nerves."
"Ahem." Interjects Matthew. "Every stag night needs someone who gets embarrassingly drunk, picks a fight and ends the night in disgrace. This way we make sure that it isn’t you or I."
<img src="Images/HC13/ColonelM.webp" width=600 />
You think there is a fault in his logic somewhere but decide it would be indelicate to point it out. The carriage slows and the colonel squeezes in.
"What ho! It’s the groom. And still sober I see. Let’s see what we can do about that." The colonel passes around a bottle of whiskey, courteously offering you the bottle first.
[[Take a sip|HC13_2][$drunk = 1]]
[[Take a gulp|HC13_2][$drunk = 2]]
[[Pretend to take a sip|HC13_2]]
<<elseif $HC13 eq "hen">><img src="Images/HC13/daisy5.webp" width=600 />
"It’s time."
Daisy stands at the entrance to her house dressed in a beautiful silk gown, a playful smile upon her face. A carriage is parked outside, the driver looking at you impatiently.
<img src="Images/HC13/Ruby1.webp" width=600 />
You see Ruby walking up the street towards the Ambrose residence.
"I see our carriage is here. Is everyone ready?" She asks. You notice the cab driver's eyes following the swaying curves of her ass as she walks up to the carriage.
<img src="Images/HC13/Ruby8.webp" width=600 />
"Good looking girl." He says defensively, before urging you to enter the carriage.
"So where are we going?" You ask.
"Patience, $femname, and move along the seat, we need room for one more from here. Do come in Mummy."
<img src="Images/HC13/MrsA.webp" width=600 />
Mrs Ambrose climbs the steps to the carriage, wearing an elegant gown in her usual black, but more elaborate than usual.
<<if $bride eq "Daisy">>"You look different, Mummy. Nice." Daisy comments.
"I wanted to make an effort for your special day, sweetheart."
\She looks at you curiously. "Aren’t hen nights supposed to be girls only?" She says curiously.
"Oh don’t be silly. You know by now that $femname likes being one of the girls, and looks so much prettier this way."
<<if $groom eq "MC">>"I still don’t approve of my daughter marrying a Molly."
"Oh don’t be a prude. We all have our little secrets in the bedroom. Don’t we mother?" She says the last sentence quite pointedly. "Anyhow, $femname will be a perfect gentleman at the church service, she appreciates the importance of keeping up appearances and keeping me happy, don’t you darling?"
"Yes Miss Daisy." You reply submissively.
"Ok, one more stop. Grosvenor square please driver."
The driver nods and cracks his whip, his eyes lingering just a little too long on Ruby for your liking. You guess it’s just part of being a woman, you had not thought about the effect of being stared at by a man before your transformation, but now when you leave the house dressed like this you frequently notice men’s eyes following you. Sometimes it is flattering, others more sinister.
After quarter of an hour the carriage stops and the door opens. The American accent of Bunny is unmistakable.
<img src="Images/HC13/Bunny1.webp" width=600 />
"Heya! Girls night out, am I right?"
She’s wearing an elegant pink gown, slightly too tight and revealing for polite society, although a shawl retains some of her modesty, and has dispensed with the ears for the evening.
"Daisy, Ruby, oh, $Hname, you’re all pretty tonight. And you must be Mrs Ambrose. I’m Bunny, pleased tameetcha."
"Call me Helena. Charmed my dear. Is this everyone, Daisy?"
"One more, but she’s meeting us later."
"Enough talking." Says Ruby, taking charge, and handing out glasses from a small case, before filling them with pink gin. "Here’s to the end of <<if $bride eq "Daisy">>Daisy’s <<else>>$femname’s<</if>> days as a single woman.
[[Take a sip|HC13_3][$drunk = 1]]
[[Take a gulp|HC13_3][$drunk = 2]]
[[Pretend to take a sip|HC13_3]]
<</if>>\<<if $temp eq 0>><img src="Images/HC13/matthew2.webp" width=600 />
"First stop, the Lamb’s head." exclaims Matthew. This is a relatively respectable hostelry, and the five of you are soon sitting around a table with a pint of ale in front of you.
\<<elseif $temp eq 1>><img src="Images/HC13/matthew2.webp" width=600 />
"Here’s to marriage." toasts Matthew, draining his glass and waiting for you to do the same.
<<if $groom eq "Matthew">>
"I can’t believe I’m finally tying the knot. And to your cousin of all people. But she really is the one. She’s innocent and sexy and traditional yet will try anything. The girl is completely insatiable. Was she always like this?"
You think back to the sweet young girl you knew in your childhood and shake your head.
"She’s always wanted the traditional life, a white wedding, handsome groom, settle down to be a wife and eventually mother, but something’s changed in her the past few months."
"The Hellfire club?"
"Yes, but it’s more than that. She’s seen another way to live, not just the submissive wife of her novels."
"I realise now, all my conquests were like that. Submissive. And that’s not what I wanted."
"If you wanted a domme you should marry Megan."
He drinks deeply. "No fucking way, that bird is scary. She’d cut my balls off for breakfast."
"Only if you wanted her too."
"That’s what’s scary about her. She makes you want her to hurt you. Daisy is more of an equal."
"You mean you tie each other up in the bedroom?"
The flush of scarlet in Matthew’s cheeks indicates that’s exactly what he and Daisy get up to. He changes the subject quickly.
"What about you? No bride on the horizon?"
"That ship has sailed. For now anyhow. I’m just enjoying myself."
"About bloody time. Think about all those opportunities wasted when you were pining over Nicola."
You nod, and enjoy reminiscing about your years of friendship.
\<<elseif $groom eq "MC">>
"So what happened? You spend 2 years pining over Nicola, don’t so much as court a girl in that time, then you join a sex club and get hitched. It’s all a bit on or off with you. Binary as that Babbage fellow said."
"What can I say? I met the girl of my dreams."
<<if $bride eq "Daisy">>
"She’s your cousin. You just had to wait for her to grow those enormous…"
You toast to Daisy’s assets, thankful that her father is deep in conversation with Antioch and oblivious to your banter.
You think back to the sweet young girl you knew in your childhood and shake your head.
"She’s always wanted the traditional life, a white wedding, handsome groom, settle down to be a wife and eventually mother, but something’s changed in her the past few months."
"The Hellfire club?"
You just nod, trying to think exactly what it is about Daisy that you find special but find it hard to articulate, so you remain silent.
\<<elseif $bride eq "Michaela">>
"And all it took was a girl with a cock between her legs."
"Matthew! It’s not like that. I don’t think of her as a he."
"I’m just kidding with you. She’s a gem, I’m happy for you. But no little $playersurname’s though."
You shrug. "That’s not important. We can cross that bridge later. Adopt perhaps."
\<<elseif $bride eq "Nicola">>
"Wouldn’t it have been easier to marry her the first time you were courting?"
"She was a different woman then, just a girl really."
"I remember. You frightened her off with $mattfetish."
"She does a whole lot more than that now."
"I bet. I’ve seen how she looks at you at the club. And you like that, being dominant? I didn’t think you had it in you."
"I guess I’ve had my eyes opened."
"I think it’s Nicola’s legs that have opened." he jokes smuttily.
\The pair of you enjoy your drinks, reminiscing about your years of friendship.
<<elseif $temp eq 2>><img src="Images/HC13/Ambrosepub.webp" width=600 />
"Well congratulations. Your mother would be so proud." says Ambrose. "I wish she could be here with us. Well not here, obviously, this being a gentleman’s soirée."
You laugh and recall your mother. She was a gentle sort, restrained but determined, and passionate at defending her only child.
"It’s been a while since I was on a stag night. What do you think your friend Matthew has in store for us?"
"Nothing too extravagant, just a few drinks and a meal." You lie, just as apprehensive about the evening as your uncle.
<<elseif $temp eq 3>><img src="Images/HC13/Antiochpub.webp" width=600 />
"I’m jealous, you know. Not of $bride, I’m very happy with Mimi, but I must have proposed a dozen times, and she refuses. It’s the only thing she denies me."
"Does she say why?"
"Our society is not an equal one, they look down on the oriental. Not all are as open minded as we are. She wants me to marry a pretty girl like your $bride and have white babies to carry on my family name. She says she does not want to dishonour me."
He empties his glass, before changing the subject to your bride and raising his glass.
"To $bride, and her virtue. Or lack of it!"
The pair of you drain your drinks.
<<elseif $temp eq 4>><img src="Images/HC13/colonelm2.webp" width=600 />
"Never going to get me tied down to one woman." boasts the colonel.
"Perhaps you haven’t met the right girl yet." You counter.
"I’d be slaving away earning and the butch would probably cheat on me with the butler."
With an attitude like that, he’s probably right.
<<elseif $temp eq 5>>
In the back room of the bar, Matthew sets about a range of drinking games, most of which involve teasing you about your love life or making jokes about the size of your penis before everyone drains their glasses.
After an hour of this it is time to move on.
<<drunk 2>>
For the next stop in Matthew’s itinerary he leads you to an unmarked door.
"Time to eat." He exclaims.
"Is this a restaurant? I see no sign" exclaims Ambrose.
"Best food in London. Run by a ships cook I know and a couple of ex servicemen from the Raj."
The food is spicy: dhaal, curry, rice and flatbreads with a range of chutneys. The very drunk Colonel has no idea what to eat so you take delight in ordering him the spiciest dish in the menu, with an ale to wash it down.
<img src="Images/HC13/curry1.webp" width=600 />
After the meal, Matthew makes a sign to the waiter and a curtain draws back. A pretty young Indian woman starts dancing, to the backing of a musical instrument you can’t place.
<img src="Images/HC13/curry2.webp" width=600 />
She starts fully clothed and veiled, but soon a veil drops revealing her navel which writhes most pleasantly. She is prettier but moves less skilfully than the similar act you saw in Paris, you can sense nervousness at performing in front of unknown men.
<img src="Images/HC13/curry3.webp" width=600 />
She removes her face veil, revealing a soft brown face and alluring eyes, and drapes the veil over your face as she nears you. As she dances, more and more of her items of clothing fall away, each one being deposited on a member of your group.
<img src="Images/HC13/curry4.webp" width=600 />
Her hair covering is next to go, and she lets her long brown hair glide over an appreciative Antioch.
<img src="Images/HC13/curry5.webp" width=600 />
She moved close to Matthew, shaking her belly in his face. He blows a kiss into jher navel.
<img src="Images/HC13/curry6.webp" width=600 />
"Oh my!" exclaims Dr Ambrose as the now topless woman drapes her bra over his bespectacled head, perching it between her pert nipples. "I am not sure that Helena would approve."
<img src="Images/HC13/curry7.webp" width=600 />
Antioch looks on approvingly without a word, admiring the artistry of the striptease.
Finally the girl stands naked in front of you, only clad in golden jewellery.
The colonel stands up and makes to grab hold of her, but is pulled back by Matthew. "No touching, it’s not that kind of place."
<img src="Images/HC13/Indianstrip14.webp" width=600 />
The waiters bring forth a large platter of fruit and place it in front of you. The woman takes a banana and lies back on the table, rubbing it between her legs while moaning softly.
<<if $groom eq "Matthew">>Sitting her naked body on Matthew’s lap, she peels the banana, and takes a bite of the fruit, placing it in his mouth with her lips. He swallows and kisses the girl with a beaming smile.
<<else>>Sitting her naked body on your lap, she peels the banana, and takes a bite of the fruit, placing it in your mouth with her lips. The fruit is soft, mashed by the squeezing of her pussy.
<img src="Images/HC13/curry8.webp" width=600 />
She departs with a wink, picking up her veils as you tuck into the fruit greedily.
"Quite exquisite." comments Antioch. "So many cultures of the world are much more sensual than us poor repressed brits."
"What do you expect? Her majesty is a puritan who thinks all flesh should be under at least four layers of clothing, preferably black. It’s amazing she let Albert close enough to produce one heir, let alone nine children."
"Sex. Tried it once, didn’t like it." says Matthew in a passable imitation of the monarch.
"We are not amused." Replies Antioch, showing a gift for mimicry.
Ambrose interrups. "Anyhow, I must be going, I'm getting rather tipsy and I have to go to church tomorrow. Don't do anything I wouldn't do, gentlemen."
As he stands, you notice him ttying to conceal a rather striking erection.
"Maybe Helena can help you with that when you get home." you joke.
Ambrose turns a deeper shade of purple and departs.
[[Wait to see what is in store next|HC13_6][$temp = 0]]
\<<if $temp lt 5>><<if $temp1 eq 0>><<link [[Speak to Matthew|HC13_2]]>><<set $temp = 1>>
<<set $temp1 =1>><<drunk 1>><</link>><<else>>You have already spoken to Matthew.
<<if $temp2 eq 0>><<link [[Speak to Dr Ambrose|HC13_2]]>><<set $temp2 =1>><<drunk 1>><<set $temp = 2>>
<</link>><<else>>You have already spoken to Dr Ambrose.
<<if $temp3 eq 0>><<link [[Speak to Antioch|HC13_2]]>><<set $temp3 =1>><<drunk 1>><<set $temp = 3>>
<</link>><<else>>You have already spoken to Antioch.
<<if $temp4 eq 0>><<link [[Speak to the Colonel|HC13_2]]>><<set $temp4 =1>><<drunk 1>><<set $temp = 4>>
<</link>><<else>>You have already spoken to the Colonel.
<<link [[Drink and wait to see what happens next|HC13_2]]>><<set $temp = 5>>
<<drunk 1>><</link>>
<</if>><<if $temp eq 0>>The carriage pulls up at an address near The Strand, and you depart the carriage. As it pulls away, the driver turns to look at you all.
"Was it me, or was that driver a bit of a creep?" asks Daisy. "Old enough to be your grandfather, but kept staring at you, Ruby."
"I’m used to it, I do get paid for looking pretty. But I’m not working tonight and the only men I’m after are young, fit and hung like stallions."
"What have you arranged for us, Ruby?" You ask.
"First, we deserve to be pampered a little." Ruby leads you into a large communal dressing room and starts stripping until she stands naked. "And the rest of you!" She commands, sipping her gin.
You strip off as she demands, although Mrs Ambrose covers her body with a towel out of modesty. <<StripAll>>
You head into the next chamber, a marble lined pool, and immerse yourselves in the warm water. After, you lie on benches by the pool, and a group of maids working there tend to you, trimming, polishing and painting finger and toenails, brushing your hair, and rubbing scented lotions into your bodies, all the while ensuring that your gin glasses are full. They avert their eyes and hands from the area between your legs, deciding to treat you like the others.
You sip your gin and look at your companions.
\<<elseif $temp eq 1>><img src="Images/HC13/daisy3.webp" width=600 />
You turn to face Daisy, who gives a huge smile and sips her gin.
"I do love a wedding. The romance, flowers, dresses, music. I’ve dreamed of getting married since I was a little girl."
<<if $bride eq "Daisy" and $groom eq "Matthew">>
"Matthew is crazy about you, you know."
"I do love him so much. It’s been a whirlwind romance. I don’t think I ever properly thanked you fir bringing us together."
"You are good together. I never thought I’d see him tamed."
"I’ve been taking dominance lessons from Megan."
"Really? You tie him up?"
"And the rest. I think we are both naturally dominant, so we take turns. Sometimes we toss a coin."
"What’s he like in bed? He’s always thought he’s God’s gift to women."
"Well he is very big. Which is wonderful, except up my ass. I don’t exactly have a lot to compare him to, I was a virgin up until very recently." She whispers this last bit, making sure her mother can’t overhear.
"Well except for playing with Ruby, but that’s just girl stuff, it doesn’t really count."
"If you ever want to get Matthew to do something, go down on him. He loves nothing more."
She thanks you and spends some time quizzing you on Matthew’s preferences, in order to prepare for her wedding night.
\<<elseif $bride eq "Daisy" and $groom eq "MC" >>
"Though I bet you never expected to be spending your hen night with your future spouse."
"It is all rather unconventional. But we have talked about this, we don’t need to be ashamed of what we are, we just need to present society with what it expects and live our lives as we wish to. You wish to be submissive and a woman, I wish to be dominant. Those are our choices, not anyone else’s."
\<<elseif $bride eq "MC" and $groom eq "Matthew">>
"Thank you for helping me with the hen party, I haven’t much experience of these things."
"You are welcome. And I am grateful for the chance to be a bridesmaid before I’m too old. Ruby has done most of the planning to tell the truth. It is hard to experience the hidden hedonism of London with a chaperone. I am glad that we are friends again. I was cross after the debutantes ball, at one point I thought that we might get married. What a thought! Now I realise you are more like a sister to me, another girlfriend like Ruby. Though I still haven’t forgiven you for getting married so quickly, you’ve barely been a girl for three months. I’ve been at this for nineteen years and am still single."
"Do you have your eye on anyone?" You ask.
"Aside from that Matthew of yours? He is quite a catch. Is his cock really as big as they say?"
You nod, illustrating its length with your hands. Daisy’s eyes widen.
"I thought I might find someone eligible at the Hellfire Club. But they’re either old, married or dreadful cads like that colonel."
"It’s only your first season. Enjoy being the centre of attention."
"I think Miss Hildegarde has that honour. She stands to inherit a castle in the alps, me the flat above a pharmacy."
"You do have other assets."you joke, glancing at her chest.
She points across the room at Bunny. "They’re not even the biggest in the club. I do swear Bunny’s have grown again.
\<<elseif $temp eq 2>><img src="Images/HC13/MrsA2.webp" width=600 />
You turn to Mrs Ambrose, noting approvingly how she has kept her figure despite motherhood and her advancing years.
<<if $mrsa_date gt 0>>You recall your private times with her and her husband. You start to speak of them but note her glance toward her daughter and a firm shake of the head. <</if>>
\<<if $bride eq "Daisy" and $groom eq "MC">> "I can’t say that I approve of this side of you. Daisy needs a strong man in her life, her father has always indulged her and not been firm enough with her I fear. I see a little too much of myself in the girl. But you are happy together, that is I think what counts. I give you both my blessing." She kisses your forehead chastely.
\"Your mother always wanted a daughter. Not that she didn’t love you, but she spoke of wanting more children. I told her the Lord had blessed us each with one healthy child and to be content. But she saw the bond between Daisy and myself. I remember once when she started brushing Daisy’s hair, and the girl pushed her away and insisted that I did it.
She runs her fingers through your hair. "She would have liked this you, I think. Your father would not accept it, but no one except your mother could convince him of anything."
\<<elseif $temp eq 3>><img src="Images/HC13/ruby3.webp" width=600 />
You turn to Ruby, admiring her curvaceous form as the maid polishes and paints her fingernails.
"Oh it is so lovely to be pampered once in a while." she sighs. You notice the callouses on her hands from a life of work, that no manicure can fully hide.
"I’m so happy for
\<<if $bride eq "Daisy">> <<if $groom eq "MC">>you and <</if>>Daisy. A proper wedding. And after I’m to be her maid, so you’ll be seeing a lot more of me."
"I’m seeing quite a lot of you right now." You say.
\<<else>> you and Matthew. Though Daisy is frightfully jealous. She’s wanted to get married since forever, and you’ve turned from an ugly duckling into a princess and are marrying a handsome bachelor all in a few months."
"It is all very fast. It is good to have some girlfriends to share it with."
"We need to teach you how to please your new husband. Especially as you haven’t got a pussy."
"It’s very rude to point out a girl’s shortcomings"
"Men like cunts. Trust me, I know these things. Whenever I get a bad john I just slip him in there and squeeze away. Much less effort than my mouth and finishes him quicker. Still, as my mum always says, as long as it’s pink, warm and wet the customer is always happy. And I don’t think she was talking about her rhubarb crumble, although it is delicious."
She opens her legs and reveals a perfect soft pink pussy.
\"Look but don’t touch, we don’t want Daisy getting jealous do we?" She says playfully. "But perhaps when you’re married we might have some fun together."
"Will you be keeping your night job?" you ask.
"The money is good but Daisy wants me to stop. She thinks it’s dangerous. I think she just wants me all for herself."
"And what do you want, Ruby?"
"I’m realistic. Girls like me don’t get a happily ever after. I love Daisy, and after a few years of drunken men thrusting into me I’m not sure I could settle down with one of them. Oh, I like the sex, just not the men."
"Maybe you haven’t met the right man."
"You’re as bad as Daisy is. Now shush and make yourself useful, rub some of that oil into my boobs."
You don’t need to be asked twice.
\<<elseif $temp eq 4>><img src="Images/HC13/Bunny.webp" width=600 />
"Have you ever thought about getting married, Bunny?" You ask.
"Married? Why would I want to just have one man? Think of all the cock and pussy I’d be missing out on."
"You don’t want to be a mother one day?"
She looks at you with a blank incomprehension, then laughs.
"Oh you’re messing with me. I’m just a fucktoy."
"You don’t want more than that."
She pauses, and thinks really hard.
"No. I’m quite happy doing this, thanks. Do you want to play?"
"Here? I don’t think the others would approve, especially my Aunt."
"I’m just going to powder my nose." Says Bunny loudly, standing up and heading for the toilet.
[[Follow and fuck Bunny|HC13_3][$temp = 6]]
[[Leave her alone|HC13_3][$temp = 5]]
\<<elseif $temp eq 5>><img src="Images/HC13/Megan.webp" width=600 />
"How do you like my bath house?" comes a voice from the far side of the room. Looking up, you see a naked figure emerge from a cloud of steam.
"Next door is the site of an old Roman bathhouse. I thought it was time London had another. You should try the sauna, darlings. I had a Scandinavian lover who swore by them. I am sorry I could not join you earlier, I was making some preparations."
<<if $mrsa_date gt 0 and $bride eq "Daisy" and $groom eq "MC">>
"Before we proceed, I have a little family business to attend to." interrupts Daisy. "Mother, dear. Did you start fucking my fiancé before or after we were courting?"
Mrs Ambrose turns pale.
"Oh you thought I didn’t know about it. You and Daddy and your occasional late night visitors. I’ve known for years. Now what you get up to behind closed doors is your own business, but I would rather you left my marriage out of it."
"I’m sorry darling, it just happened and it was good for your father so it was hard to stop. We shall make other arrangements." Mrs Ambrose turns to you and hugs you. "Thank you." She says, simply.
<<set $mrsa_date = (0-$mrsa_date)>>
Megan claps her hands, and the maid attendants return bearing towels and small bowls.
"Now we all look beautiful, it is time to feel beautiful. These girls are the best masseuses in London. Now lie down and relax."
<img src="Images/HC13/massage1.webp" width=600 />
You lie on your front as the woman wearing a simple white gown kneads your back and shoulders, rubbing oil into every crevice, before slipping off the gown and rubbing her naked body over yours. You begin to relax, the gin you have drunk quite going to your head. Her hands move down to squeeze your thighs, calves and toes, before she turns you over.
<img src="Images/HC13/daisymassage2.webp" width=600 />
You glance across and see the others. One masseuse is working diligently on Daisy’s chest, your blonde cousin’s eyes closed as she enjoys the sensation.
Bunny has abandoned all propriety and is embracing her masseuse, and the pair are rubbing their slick naked breasts together while fingering between each other’s legs.
Ruby is asking questions as the masseuse touches her, and reciprocating, obviously keen to add a new skill to her nocturnal repertoire.
Megan sits silently, watching attentively with a protective expression.
<img src="Images/HC13/MrsAcum3.webp" width=600 />
And Mrs Ambrose? She lies there while the young masseuse slips her hands between the older woman’s thighs, eyes closed and muttering softly to herself. You smile as the girl teases your Aunt, initially just glancing a stray touch while rubbing her thighs, but soon escalating until she has three oiled fingers deep inside and is suckling on her breasts. Your Aunt cries out in climax, before opening her eyes and realising you are all looking at her.
"Oh my. I may have overdone the gin. Is that the time? I do think I ought to be getting back to Cornelius. Now do be a good girl and return home before it gets too late, Daisy." Flustered and embarrassed she backs away, leaving the rest of you to finish your sensual encounters with your own masseuses.
"What a shame Daisy, I was just getting to like your mother. Do you think she might give your father a treat tonight?" asks Megan.
"Ugh, perish the thought!" your cousin responds. "I’m no prude, but I have no wish to imagine my parents fucking."
Megan is strangely silent at this, then shrugs.
[[Wait to see what Megan has arranged for you|HC13_4][$temp = 0]]
\<<elseif $temp eq 6>>
You follow Bunny out of the main room, making the excuse that you’ve had a little too much to drink. In the antechamber Bunny pushes her plump lips against yours, kissing you while her fingers tweak your nipples.
"It’s so hard having to behave in public. So many rules. Covering up from neck to ankle, no latex, no sex talk. You British are so boring."
You lower your mouth to her huge breasts and suckle on one of her engorged nipples. A trickle of sweet milk squirts out.
"Sorry, it does that sometimes."
Part of you thinks this is not normal, lactation only usually occurs after giving birth, but your thoughts soon give way to lust and you suckle deeply as your fingers move between her legs rubbing her pussy lips softly. Bunny moans with delight.
"I hope we aren’t interrupting anything." says a voice from behind. You look up and see Daisy and Ruby watching you with amusement.
"Now we had better hurry before she finishes her massage, or mummy will get suspicious."
<img src="Images/HC13/bunnycunni2.jpg" width=600 />
The four of you set about each other, a delicious orgy of tongues, breasts, legs fingers and pussies as you quickly bring each other to climax.
<<if $Daisydomevent gt 0>>
"Now if you’d asked, I’d have let you out to play, you naughty girl. As it is I left your key behind so you’ll just have to make me cum instead, darling."<</if>>
<<if $chastity eq 1>>
Locked in your cage, you kneel down between Daisy’s legs and lick and finger her to climax, as beside you Bunny does the same to Ruby. Ruby and Daisy kiss each other softly as the pair of you service them, clutching at Ruby as she cums.
\<<else>>You finish by leaning Bunny over and fucking her tight pussy doggy style, your hands squeezing her enormous boobs as she sucks on Ruby’s clit. Sitting on her friend's face, Daisy watches you as you cum deep inside the pink haired girl, before succumbing to her own climax. You feel a little pang of jealousy seeing the others with their lovely clits and pussies, knowing that you can’t offer Matthew one of your own.<<cum>>
You quickly make yourself presentable before returning to the main room. Mrs Ambrose gives you all a knowing glare as you do, and you feel a slight pang of shame at your furtiveness.
\<<if $temp neq 5>>
\<<if $temp1 eq 0>>
\<<link [[Speak to Daisy|HC13_3]]>><<set $temp = 1>><<set $temp1 =1>><<drunk 1>><</link>>
\<<else>>You have already spoken to Daisy.
<<if $temp2 eq 0>><<link [[Speak to Mrs Ambrose|HC13_3]]>><<set $temp2 =1>><<drunk 1>><<set $temp = 2>>
<</link>><<else>>You have already spoken to Mrs Ambrose.
<<if $temp3 eq 0>><<link [[Speak to Ruby|HC13_3]]>><<set $temp3 =1>><<drunk 1>><<set $temp = 3>>
<</link>><<else>>You have already spoken to Ruby.
<<if $temp4 eq 0>><<link [[Speak to Bunny|HC13_3]]>><<set $temp4 =1>><<drunk 1>><<set $temp = 4>>
<</link>><<else>>You have already spoken to Bunny.
<<link [[Drink and wait to see what happens next|HC13_3]]>><<set $temp = 5>>
<<drunk 1>><</link>>
<</if>><<if $temp eq 0>>"Anyhow, with our chaperone departed, I think that it is time for the main course." Megan announces. She again claps her hands and the masseuses depart, replaced by two tall, muscular African men.
<img src="Images/HC13/black1.webp" width=600 />
"Oh my." Remarks Daisy, catching a glimpse of a massive member beneath his robe.
"My math isn’t good, but there are only two of them" says Bunny.
"Indeed, we will have to share. Or some may merely wish to indulge their voyeurism." replies Megan.
"To what?"
"To watch, Bunny, to watch."
"Not me, I want both of them." says the pink haired girl eagerly.
"I think it would be polite to let our bride decide first. This is her party after all."
<<if $bride eq "MC">>
[[So hard to choose. I’ll have that one|HC13_4][$temp = 1]]
[[Is it greedy if I play with both of them?|HC13_4][$temp = 2]]
[[I’ll just watch. I’m saving myself for Matthew|HC13_4][$temp = 3]]
<<elseif $bride eq "Daisy" and $groom eq "MC">>
<<if Flag("cuckold")>>"So hard to choose. I’ll take that one I think. What’s his name?"asks Daisy
"Temitope. But he answers to Timmy. The other is Dike, or Dicky."
"Very good, come here Timmy." commands Daisy. "Do you want to play with Dicky, Ruby? You just sit and watch, $subname."
<img src="Images/HC13/rubydaisy4some4.webp" width=600 />
Ruby smiles and starts kissing one of the men while Daisy rubs her body shamelessly up and down the other. Before long the pair of them are fucking the well hung black men on the floor in full view of you, gasping and moaning as their huge cocks fill their tight holes.
"Oh fucking hell, yes. Fill me up." cries Daisy.
Ruby is looking at her friend as the other one is pounding into her.
Soon, both are finished and the men stand, leaving your friends lying covered in sticky cum.
"Oh, what a mess. Do come here $subname. Clean it up, will you?" says Daisy matter of factly.
<img src="Images/HC13/daisydommecreampielick.webp" width=600 />
You kneel down between her legs and start licking up the thick white semen from her vagina, licking deeply at your mistress' tender lips as she squirms.
"Ooh that's just squiffy. What a good girl you are. I'm all clean. Oh, you've got a little bit on your lips, you do look like a cum eating slut don't you? That's better, all swallowed down now." she caresses your face as you clean the last of the cum from it with your tongue like a cat eating cream.
[[Let Bunny have her turn|HC13_4][$temp = 4]]
<<else>>Daisy turns to you and kisses you.
"The sacrifices I make for you, darling. All these lovely cocks, and the only one I can have is yours. Look what I'm missing out on?"
<img src="Images/HC13/daisystroke.jpg" width=600 />
She strokes one of the black cocks regretfully, before turning back to you.
"Still, they are very handsome, and a girl can watch, right?"
The pair of you kiss tenderly as you watch Ruby getting down to it with one of the men.
<img src="Images/HC13/daisy2.webp" width=600 />
Daisy lies back, fingering her oiled pussy as she watches her friend getting fucked hard.
"I can't bear it any more, I need to cum. Lick me." she commands.
You obey eagerly, kneeling in your customary place between her legs and lapping away until she is satisfied.
[[Let Bunny have her turn|HC13_4][$temp = 4]]
<<elseif $bride eq "Daisy" and $groom eq "Matthew">>"It's my party and I get to choose first. So hard to choose. I’ll take that one I think. What’s his name?"asks Daisy
"Temitope. But he answers to Timmy. The other is Dike, or Dicky."
"Very good, come here Timmy." commands Daisy. "Do you want to play with Dicky, Ruby?"
<img src="Images/HC13/daisystroke.jpg" width=600 />
Daisy starts kissing the man, stroking his big cock before putting it in her mouth. "Even bigger than Matty's, but don't tell him, he's very proud of his lovely cock."
<img src="Images/HC13/DaisyIRcowgirl3.jpg" width=600 />
She pushes the man to the ground and climbs on top of him, pushing him inside her with a gasp as she rides his body eagerly.
<img src="Images/HC13/RubyIRfuck.webp" width=600 />
Across the room, Ruby is fucking her chosen partner also. You watch patiently as you wait your turn.
Once they are finished, the two men turn to you.
[[So hard to choose. I’ll have that one|HC13_4][$temp = 11]]
[[Is it greedy if I play with both of them?|HC13_4][$temp = 12]]
[[I’ll just watch. I’m saving myself for Matthew|HC13_4][$temp = 4]]
<<elseif $temp eq 1 or $temp eq 11 >>
You approach the man who kisses you deeply, admiring your body. He wraps his muscular arm around your body, lifting you off the ground and carrying you away from the others, before gently arranging you on all fours. Pushing your head down, he lifts your ass to waist level and starts rubbing his thick hard black cock between your arse cheeks.
<img src="Images/HC13/IRsex1.webp" width=600 />
What will it be like when you are married? You love Matthew, but you have only just discovered sex. Will you be able to stay faithful to him? Do you want to? As you relax the man pushes the tip of his cock, just the tip given its size, into your back hole and holds you firmly about the breasts, rocking you back and forward as he pushes into you.
You enjoy the sensation, and the man's body is a marvel, and eventually worn out you lie back.
<<if $temp eq 1>>[[Watch the others|HC13_4][$temp = 3]]
\<<else>>[[Let Bunny have her turn|HC13_4][$temp = 4]]<</if>>
\<<elseif $temp eq 2 or $temp eq 12>>You approach the men who lift you off your feet and kiss you deeply, admiring your body. They then carry you away from the others, before gently arranging you on all fours. One lifts your ass to waist level and starts rubbing his thick hard black cock between your arse cheeks, while the other one stands before you and offers his fat cock to your greedy mouth
<img src="Images/HC13/IRthreesome.webp" width=600 />
What will it be like when you are married? You love Matthew, but you have only just discovered sex. Will you be able to stay faithful to him? Do you want to? As you relax the man behind pushes the tip of his cock, just the tip given its size, into your back hole and holds you firmly about the breasts, rocking you back and forward as he pushes into you, forcing his compatriots thick penis deeper into your mouth.
You enjoy the sensation of being fucked from both ends, although it does make you feel like a slut. Eventually they finish and you lie back exhausted
<<if $temp eq 2>>[[Watch the others|HC13_4][$temp = 3]]
\<<else>>[[Let Bunny have her turn|HC13_4][$temp = 4]]<</if>>
\<<elseif $temp eq 3>>
So hard to choose. I’ll take that one I think. What’s his name?"asks Daisy
"Temitope. But he answers to Timmy. The other is Dike, or Dicky."
"Very good, come here Timmy." commands Daisy. "Do you want to play with Dicky, Ruby?"
<img src="Images/HC13/daisystroke.jpg" width=600 />
Daisy starts kissing the man, stroking his big cock before putting it in her mouth. "I don't think I've had one this big before!" she gasps.
<img src="Images/HC13/DaisyIRcowgirl3.jpg" width=600 />
She pushes the man to the ground and climbs on top of him, pushing him inside her with a gasp as she rides his body eagerly.
<img src="Images/HC13/RubyIRfuck.webp" width=600 />
Across the room, Ruby is fucking her chosen partner also.
After they finish, Ruby and Daisy lie in a sticky heap, holding hands.
[[Let Bunny have her turn|HC13_4][$temp = 4]]
<<elseif $temp eq 4>>
"I’ve been ever so good waiting. Is it my turn yet?" pleads Bunny.
"Oh you poor thing." says Megan. "It must have been torture for you not joining in. Which do you want, dear."
"Both. I’ve got three holes and there’s only two of them so it should be easy."
"You are a marvel. The floor is yours."
The rest of you sit back as Bunny approaches the two men, resting after their previous exertions. She takes one of their flaccid cocks in each hand and smiles sweetly.
"Hello boys. Do you have anything left for little old me?"
One of the men picks her up and turns her upside down, lapping at her pussy as she devours his cock. The other squeezes her breasts from behind as she gasps.
Both the men are fully erect now and Bunny is lowered to the ground where she rests on all fours and opens her legs invitingly.
"I want both of you. And don’t be gentle."
<img src="Images/HC13/BunnyIRdoggy3.webp" width=600 />
With the three of them generously oiled up it does not take any effort for one of them to slip his massive cock inside Bunny.
<img src="Images/HC13/BunnyIRDP.webp" width=600 />
The other eases beside his colleague and squeezes in also, causing a gasp from between her swollen pink lips.
"Oh sweet Jesus yes. Harder." She begs and swears as the two thrust into her alternately. Soon her head shakes side to side as she drools with pain and pleasure, spasming to climax and riding its wave as they continue fucking her.
<img src="Images/HC13/BunnyIRDP2.webp" width=600 />
They swap positions, lifting her up between them as one takes her in the mouth, the other keeping forcing himself hip deep into her vagina until he cums deep inside her, but keeps moving. Bunny sucks the cock deep into her throat and with a groan he also cums into her throat.
<img src="Images/HC13/BunnyIRspitroast3.webp" width=600 />
As semen drips from her lips at both ends they lower her to the floor, where she lies, fingering the stickiness between her legs and licking her lips.
"That was dreamy."
Having serviced the whole group, the pair bow and depart.
[[You have worked up an appetite, head to dinner|HC13_5][$temp = 0]]
<<if $Megandomevent gt 0>>[[Ask to service Mistress Megan first|HC13_4][$temp = 5]]<</if>>
<<elseif $temp eq 5>>
"You seem to have been left out, Mistress Megan." you comment.
"Oh how observant. I am fine thank you."
"May I serve you?" you counter.
"Oh what a sweetheart you are. Yes you may bathe me." She steps into the warm bath next to you, and indicates soap and a sponge.
<img src="Images/HC13/meganservicebath.webp" width=600 />
You carefully apply soap to her standing body, rubbing suds across her neck, stomach and breasts, tracing along her arms and rubbing her hands, before carefully cleaning between her legs, eliciting a delicious pant from your Mistress as you linger there, until she gently moves your fingers away. "Not now, my pet."
You move down to her thighs, knees and calves, ending by cleaning each of her red painted toes.
You then lift the container of warm water and rinse the soap from her. Megan steps out of the bath and you towel her dry, kissing each part of her body softly before moving onto the next. You finish drying between her legs with delicate pats of the soft white cotton before placing a soft reverent kiss on her vulva lips before backing away.
Megan pats you on the head affectionately. "Very well done, my pet."
[[You have worked up an appetite, head to dinner|HC13_5][$temp = 0]]
<</if>>\<<if $temp eq 0>>
The group of you put your clothes on and walk to the next room where you sit down and eat the light meal set out at the table. Salads, fruits, some grilled meats and flatbreads, all very Mediterranean, in keeping with the setting. There is wine to drink, and you soon get chatting, about your lives, hopes, fears and dreams.
"When I'm married I want a big house and eight children." announces Daisy.
"Eight? You do know how much they hurt when they come out, and childbirth is the leading cause of death of women in England." states Megan.
Daisy goes pale. "Maybe just a couple to start."
"Men are all bastards anyhow. You see the truth of it when you fuck them every night. I don't want any children, London's overrun with urchins already." says Ruby.
"I told you Rubes, I'll look after you when I'm married" says Daisy.
"I don't want looking after."
"What do you call the useless bit of skin on the end of a penis." asks Bunny, trying to lighten the tone.
"A man!" the rest call in unison.
"Oh, you've heard it before?" says Bunny, dejectedly.
"What about you, Megan? Did you ever think about marriage?" you ask.
"Once. When I was a girl, about your age, Daisy."
"To a handsome young man?"
"No. To the professor. I was young and naive. I thought he loved me. I thought I loved him. Love is sadly overrated. But don't let my experience cast a shadow on your nuptials." Megan stands, raising her glass.
"A toast to all the brides out there.
You all drink deeply, before calling for more wine.
<<if $bride eq "Daisy" and $groom eq "MC">><img src="Images/HC13/Daisydomme.webp" width=600 />
"Peel me a grape, darling." asks Daisy, sweetly. You comply, popping the peeled fruit between her soft lips.
"Good girl." She replies, putting a hand on your shoulder and lowering you to sit at her feet.
<<if $Megandomevent gt 0>>"I wish to thank you for the training that you are giving $femname." Daisy says to Megan.
"The pleasure is all mine." Megan replies.
"Do you wish me to stop?"
"No. I do not have the experience you do in these matters. I think you should continue until you think she is properly trained."
"Very good."
\"Now you’ve been a little bit naughty when I haven’t been around, haven’t you? No don’t try to deny it.
<<if $nic_event gt 3>>[[Nod guiltily|HC13_5][$temp = 2]]
<<elseif $michaelalove gt 1 or $michaelasub gt 1 >>[[Nod guiltily|HC13_5][$temp = 3]]
<<else>>[[Nod guiltily|HC13_5][$temp = 5]]
\<<else>>[[Finish the night|HC13_8]]
\<<elseif $temp eq 5>>"Nothing too bad, just playing at the club. And we did agree that was fine, we can both have our fun. As long as we are honest with each other. You have been honest with me haven't you darling?"
You nod apprehensively.
"Good girl, sweet $subname. We are going to have so much fun when we are married." she sips champagne, before kissing you and opening her mouth, letting bubbly liquid pour down your throat and over your lips.
[[Finish the night|HC13_8]]
\<<elseif $temp eq 2>>Daisy claps her hands, and one of the maids pulls back a sheet that was covering a cage. Inside, bound and gagged, is Nicola, her makeup smudged from tears.
<img src="Images/HC13/nicboundgagged.jpg" width=600 />
"Now correct me if I’m wrong, but I thought you and Miss Spencer had stopped courting some years ago. But now I find out you’ve been sneaking out to fuck her behind my back. Is there anything you’d like to say?"
[[Confess, declare your love for Daisy and beg forgiveness|HC13_5][$temp = 6]]
[[Say you’d rather be with Nicola|Nicspurnedending]]
\<<elseif $temp eq 6>><img src="Images/HC13/Nicolacaged.webp" width=600 />
"It’s nothing serious, I love you Daisy." you say.
"Give her to me then. She wishes to submit, she can submit to us both." She steps forward and removes Nicola’s gag.
"Do you love my fiancé?"
Nicola nods, a tear falling from her eye.
"She is adorable, I can see why you like her." Says Daisy, before facing Nicola.
"If you submit to me, you can move into our household once $femname and I are married. But you will serve us both. And make no mistake, I am the one you will need to keep happy. Do you understand and accept this?"
Nicola looks at you for reassurance and you nod. She turns back to face Daisy.
"Yes what?"
"Yes Mistress." says Nicola, her head bowed.
"Good girls." says Daisy, standing above you both as she one of her hands strokes each of your heads possessively. <<SetFlag "nicsub">>
<<if $michaelalove gt 1 or $michaelasub gt 1 >>[[Wait to see if she is finished|HC13_5][$temp = 3]]
<<else>>[[Finish the night|HC13_8]]
\<<elseif $temp eq 3>>
<img src="Images/HC13/Michaela.webp" width=600 />
"You can come in now." Says Megan.
Michaela steps into the room, wearing a pretty pink dress. She looks nervously at you, then at Daisy.
"Another who wants so hard to be a girl. But I am a jealous sort I am afraid, especially when you are sneaking around behind my back with my fiancé." says Daisy scornfully
"But..." you reply.
"Shush, you. I want to hear what Michaela has to say. What is your relationship?Love? Sex? Power?"
<<if $michaelasub lt 4>>Michaela looks defiantly at you both.
"I have more dignity than this. I will be the other woman no longer. Choose between us $Hname." she says clearly to you.
[[Choose Daisy|HC13_5][$temp = 8]]
[[Choose Michaela|Michaelapoorending]]
<<else>>"I am not sure if I love them. I just know that I need them."
"There is more to being a woman that I can help you with. Join us, once we are married. You can be $femname’s ladies maid and Ruby can be mine. All girls together."
"An unconventional solution, but it may work." comments Megan.
"Will you teach me how to be a lady?" asks Michaela
"Amongst other things."
"Then I accept, Mistress." Michaela kisses Daisy's hand before departing. <<SetFlag "micsub">>
[[Finish the night|HC13_8]]<</if>>
\<<elseif $temp eq 8>>
<img src="Images/HC13/Michaela.webp" width=600 />
"I choose you, Daisy." you can't bear to meet Michaela's gaze.
"I understand. She can offer you what I cannot. In time she may be able to offer love and compassion also. I wish you both well." replies Michaela with dignity, a tear falling down her cheek.
Head held high she walks away. Megan smiles admiringly.
<<set $michaelalove = (0-$michaelalove)>>
Daisy looks confused momentarilly then shrugs.
"Well I'm glad that is all cleared up, darling."
[[Finish the night|HC13_8]]
<</if>><<if $temp eq 0>>
"And now, time for tea!" exclaims Matthew.
"Tea? After beer and curry?" you reply.
"Well we are English. Trust me."
The group of you walk through the late evening streets, trying not to appear quite as inebriated as you are. Some passers by give you a wide berth, with comments about disgusting behaviour, public drunkenness, lack of morals and so on. You soon reach the borough of Limehouse.
"Limehouse? I thought we were going for tea?"
"We are - welcome to Chinatown."
You had heard tales of the oriental community here in Limehouse, exaggerated accounts of crime, opium dens and the like. The reality is far more civilised. The group of you walk into a small tearoom where a pretty girl smiles at Matthew, who is obviously expected and takes your coats.
<img src="Images/HC13/asiantea2.webp" width=600 />
Another beautiful girl wearing traditional dress kneels and offers you tea, which the group of you sip.
"So we are just going to drink tea now?"
"Patience" replies Matthew.
More girls enter now and one sits next to each of you, attentively caressing your face and rubbing your shoulders. Across the room you see two more kissing each other and undressing.
"Oh, it’s a brothel." you exclaim
"And you are meant to be the smart one."
The girl next to you stands and takes your hand, leading you into a small antechamber
[[Go with her|HC13_6][$temp = 1]]
[[Take 2 girls into the room|HC13_6][$temp = 2]]
<<if $groom eq "MC">>[[I’m celebrating the end of my bachelorhood - take 3 girls into the room|HC13_6][$temp = 3]]<</if>>
[[Decline and just stay and watch|HC13_6][$temp = 4]]
\<<elseif $temp eq 1 or $temp eq 2 or $temp eq 3>>
You take the girl’s hand and ask her name.
"Zi." she replies. She sits you down and strips you naked.
<<if $chastity eq 1>>When she encounters your caged cock, she stops and struggles to keep from laughing.
"What is this?"
"I can’t use that without my Mistress' permission." you explain.
"Wife is strict."
"Not my wife. Mistress."
She struggles to understand the distinction but gets to work anyhow, kissing and stroking your balls and rubbing her breasts over your body. It is not enough to bring you to climax, but that is after all the point of the cage, which she respects as a boundary.
As you reach your peak arousal, your semi erection pushing against the cage, she pushes your cock between your legs and hides it away.
"If you cannot cum then I will."
She lowers her beautiful pussy upon your face and moans passionately as you service her, thinking about your mistress as you do.
<img src="Images/HC13/asianfacesit.webp" width=600 />
[[Return to the main room|HC13_6][$temp = 5]]
\<<else>>She takes your cock in her mouth and starts licking and sucking.
<<if $temp eq 1>><img src="Images/HC13/asianblowjob1.webp" width=600 />
\<<elseif $temp eq 2>>
<img src="Images/HC13/asianduoblowjob1.webp" width=600 />
The other girl joins her and you sit back with two delightful beauties pleasuring you with their tongues.
\<<elseif $temp eq 3>><img src="Images/HC13/asiantrioblowjob1.webp" width=600 />
The other girls join her and you lie back with three delightful beauties pleasuring you with their tongues.
She then pulls back and looks you deep in the eyes.
"Do whatever you want to me."
\<<if $temp eq 1>>[[Cum in her mouth|HC13_7][$temp1 = 1]]
\[[Finish cumming on her face|HC13_7][$temp1 = 6]]
[[Fuck her pussy|HC13_7][$temp1 = 2]]
[[Fuck her ass|HC13_7][$temp1 = 4]]
[[Piss in her mouth|HC13_7][$temp1 = 5]]
\<<elseif $temp eq 4 or $temp eq 5>>
\<<if $temp eq 4>>You do not join in. Perhaps you are saving yourself for a special someone. <<if $chastity eq 1>>Or maybe because your mistress has forbidden it and you are an obedient submissive. <</if>>Whatever the reason you sit back and sip your tea. The other guests leave to adjacent chambers with a girl each, leaving Matthew to enjoy himself here.
<img src="Images/HC13/asiancuunni.webp" width=600 />
The two remaining girls look disappointed, and start disrobing for your pleasure, kissing and stroking each other, before one bends down and starts licking at the other’s wet slit.
<img src="Images/HC13/asiancunni3.webp" width=600 />
They moan and whisper words that you don’t understand as one spreads her pussy wide, gaping for your approval and rubbing her clitoris until she whimpers to silence.
<img src="Images/HC13/asiancunni2.webp" width=600 />
After they finish you turn and look at your best friend.
\<<else>>You return to the main room to see Matthew enjoying himself.
\Two girls lean over Matthew. One tries to put his cock into her tiny tight pussy but it does not fit. The diminutive girl looks disappointed but Mathew takes her head and pulls it down to his crotch.
<img src="Images/HC13/asiancowgirlduohuge.webp" width=600 />
"Not everyone can climb the Matterhorn, lass. Just give it a nice big lick instead."
The two girls start licking and stroking at his massive member, one working the shaft and balls while the other puts the tip between her lips. They tease him, keeping up pressure at the base of his cock until he starts moaning.
"Get ready for it, it's going to explode."
In a shower of spunk Matthew ejaculates over the two girls, covering their faces, hair and breasts in globs of thick white spunk.
Matthew lies back with a satisfied grin on his face.
<img src="Images/HC13/asianduohugeBJcum.webp" width=600 />
<<if $groom eq "Matthew">>"Won’t Daisy mind you sleeping with all these other girls?"
"Maybe. Is she the jealous type? You’ve known her longer than I. Then again, I don’t ask what she and Ruby get up to when I’m not around."
"But they’re both girls."
"Is it that different?"
\<img src="Images/HC13/Antiochbrothel.webp" width=600 />
Over the next half hour your friends return. Antioch is chatting in what you presume is Chinese to a young lady, who bows and kisses his hand before leaving.
"Quite fascinating. It almost makes me want to return to Hong Kong again."
"And will you tell Mimi about this encounter?"
"Of course. We share everything. Honesty is the foundation of a good relationship."
"Does she not get jealous?"
"No, she knows I will always return to her, just as when I ask her to be with other men or women it is so that we can learn better how to please each other."
There is some shouting from next door, and a distraught looking naked girl rushes out.
"Your friend, he is not well."
Antioch steps up and you follow, to find the Colonel lying in a pool of vomit, half naked. He still has his breeches on, and it appears did not get to experience the delights of his chosen partner due to his inebriation. You and he pull him up and wipe him clean
"Just resting - did I miss anything?"
"Just some tea. Time to get home now."
Matthew hands a handful of notes to the girls, who smile sweetly, and apologises for the mess.
"Do come again" they cry.
[[Finish the night|HC13_8]]
<</if>><<if $temp1 eq 1 or $temp1 eq 6>>You thrust your cock between Zi’s lips, gasping as she expertly sucks and licks its head.
<<if $temp eq 2>>The other girl joins her, working the shaft of your cock.
<<elseif $temp eq 3>>The other girls join her, one licking the shaft of your cock, the other sucking your balls.
Before long you are unable to hold on any further and shoot your load
\<<if $temp eq 1 and $temp1 eq 6>>deep into her throat.
<img src="Images/HC13/asianblowjob3.webp" width=600 />
She carefully licks the remaining cum from your member, cleaning it carefully with her tongue
\<<elseif $temp eq 1>>all over her face.
<img src="Images/HC13/asianblowjob4.webp" width=600 />
Zi carefully licks the remaining cum from your member, cleaning it carefully with her tongue, leaving your gift covering her pretty features
\<<elseif $temp eq 2>>all over their faces.
<img src="Images/HC13/asianduoblowjob3.webp" width=600 />
Zi carefully licks the remaining cum from your member, cleaning it carefully with her tongue, leaving your gift covering her pretty features
\<<elseif $temp eq 3>>all over their faces.
<img src="Images/HC13/asiantrioblowjob2.webp" width=600 />
Zi carefully licks the remaining cum from your member, cleaning it carefully with her tongue, leaving your gift covering her pretty features
\before retreating a step and bowing.
"Thank you for allowing us to serve you. <<cum>>
[[Return to the main room|HC13_6][$temp = 5]]
<<elseif $temp1 eq 2>>
Zi climbs above you and lowers her wet pussy upon your hard waiting cock.
<<if $temp1 eq 1>><img src="Images/HC13/asiancowgirl.webp" width=600 />
<<elseif $temp eq 2>><img src="Images/HC13/asiancowgirlduo.webp" width=600 />The other girl joins her, sucking her breast as you fuck her.
<<elseif $temp eq 3>><img src="Images/HC13/asiantriosex.webp" width=600 />
The other girls join her, kissing each other as you fuck her. You are unable to hold on for long and soon cum deep inside her.
<img src="Images/HC13/asiancowgirltrio2.webp" width=600 />
<<if $temp eq 1>><img src="Images/HC13/asianrevcowgirl2.webp" width=600 />
Zi turns around, her ass facing you, and grinds her crotch into yours, squeezing hard with her pelvic muscles. Before long you are unable to hold on any further and shoot your load deep in her cunt. She doesn’t stop though, and keeps grinding, until your sperm pours out of her snatch and drips out over your belly.
<img src="Images/HC13/asianrevcowgirl.webp" width=600 />
\<<elseif $temp eq 2>><img src="Images/HC13/asiancowgirlduo2.webp" width=600 />
Zi lifts her body on top of you and bounces up and down with increasing pace as her partner holds you down. You feel yourself approaching climax and soon explode within her. She turns around, wriggling while you stay inside her until her ass is facing you, then gyrates her crotch, spreading your sperm deep inside her as her friend giggles, stroking both your bodies.
<img src="Images/HC13/asianrevcowgirlduo.webp" width=600 />
\Zi carefully licks the remaining cum from your member, cleaning it carefully with her tongue, before retreating a step and bowing.
"Thank you for allowing us to serve you. <<cum>>
[[Return to the main room|HC13_6][$temp = 5]]
<<elseif $temp1 eq 4>>"I want your ass." you say, calmly.
<img src="Images/HC13/asiananal1.webp" width=600 />
Zi nods, opening herself wide and rubbing scented oil into your cock before lowering herself upon it, her back facing you. You fuck her ass hard, before pulling out, tearing her clothes off and pulling her toward you, this time facing you. Again you plunge into her asshole, and she gasps a mixture of pain and pleasure as you push yourself into her tight rear hole.
<img src="Images/HC13/asiananal2.webp" width=600 />
You adjust your position a final time as you feel your climax approaching, pushing into her once again from behind before filling her ass with your spunk.
<img src="Images/HC13/asiananalcum2.webp" width=600 />
Zi carefully licks the remaining cum from your member, cleaning it carefully with her tongue, before retreating a step and bowing.
"Thank you for allowing us to serve you. <<cum>>
[[Return to the main room|HC13_6][$temp = 5]]
<<elseif $temp1 eq 5>>
<img src="Images/HC13/asianpiss3.webp" width=600 />
You stand up and start pissing in the girl's mouth. She looks surprised but opens it wide and starts sipping it down.
<<if $temp gt 1>><img src="Images/HC13/asianpiss2.webp" width=600 />
The second girl kneels before you, opening her mouth wide and moving your cock so you squirt urine across her face then between her waiting lips.
<<if $temp eq 3>><img src="Images/HC13/asianpiss1.webp" width=600 />
The third girl also kneels down and you move your body so that you urinate on her, soaking her body until your bladder is empty.
\<<if $temp eq 1>>[[Finish cumming in Zi’s mouth|HC13_7][$temp1 = 1]]
\[[Finish cumming on her face|HC13_7][$temp1 = 6]]
[[Fuck her pussy|HC13_7][$temp1 = 2]]
[[Fuck her ass|HC13_7][$temp1 = 4]]
<</if>>Daisy slaps you hard, across the face, tears streaming down her cheeks.
"You are cancelling our wedding. After everything? Get out. Just get out, I never want to see you again."
After making your choice, Megan takes your arm.
"I think you should probably leave now."
The next few days are difficult. Daisy breaks the engagement of course, and your adulterous nature becomes common knowledge. Certain photographs of you dressed as a woman performing lewd acts make their way into the public realm, and your life in high society begins to evaporate, as you are ostracised. Your financial status also suffers, as no one will work with you and the bank withdraws its credit, asking you to pay back any loans. The Hellfire club cancels your membership, wishing to avoid scandal.
<img src="Images/HC13/nicbeautiful.webp" width=600 />
You try to seek comfort with Nicola, but she too shuns you. It seems the sight of you being dominated by Daisy diminished you in her eyes. You meet once more, and she looks at you with pity, but no affection.
"Daisy is my mistress now." is her response, as she rubs a black collar and turns away from you.
You end your days alone, unmourned and unloved.
<b>The End</b>
<<link "Start Again ">><<script>>UI.restart()<</script>><</link>>After making your choice, Megan takes Michaela and you and leads you out.
"I think you should probably leave now. You have chosen each other. A little late perhaps, but we shall see where that leaves you."
The next few days are difficult. Daisy breaks the engagement of course, and your adulterous nature becomes common knowledge. Certain photographs of you dressed as a woman performing lewd acts make their way into the public realm, and your life in high society begins to evaporate, as you are ostracised. Your financial status also suffers, as no one will work with you and the bank withdraws its credit, asking you to pay back any loans. The Hellfire club cancels your membership, wishing to avoid scandal, and your uncle cuts off all contact with you after the shame you put his daughter through.
You never set foot in the Hellfire club again, but hear of the tumultuous and tragic next few months there through letters from Gabriel.
You seek comfort with Michaela however, and the two of you are happy together. The two of you eventually end up emigrating to Canada to escape the scandal, and live simply, adopting two children and escaping the worst horrors of the twentieth century as you grow old together.
<b>The End</b>
<<link "Start Again ">><<script>>UI.restart()<</script>><</link>><<temp>><img src="Images/HC13/Megandressed.webp" width=600 />
"Today I want you to worship me."
"Yes my pet, worship. I am your mistress after all, you live to serve?"
"Yes, Mistress Megan."
"So it’s only one step up to being a goddess. I want you to worship me body and soul. My ass, my breasts, my pussy, my very essence. Be creative. You have a quarter of an hour to prepare."
"Yes my goddess." you reply,
Megan walks away to her boudoir, leaving you alone in her parlour, naked and on your knees.
You think about what you know about worship, through your times at church. What does it involve?
Prayer. Repeated words of supplication.
Ritual. A focus of your thoughts, actions and emotions on the subject of your worship.
A gift or offering. In ancient times a blood sacrifice, nowadays a coin on the collection plate.
But above all submission. Placing yourself literally and figuratively below your deity.
You check the clock. Thirteen minutes left. What are you going to do to prepare?
[[Run a warm soapy bath|Megan_domevent8_1][$temp = 1, $temp19 = 5]]
[[Set up for a massage|Megan_domevent8_1][$temp = 2, $temp19 = 4]]
[[Kneel and prepare yourself spiritually, thinking only about Megan|Megan_domevent8_1][$temp = 3, $temp19 = 3]]
[[Write a poem|Megan_domevent8_1][$temp = 4, $temp19 = 4]]
[[Just wait|Megan_domevent8_1][$temp = 5, $temp19 = -5]]<<if $temp eq 1>>
You head to the bathroom, noting a large bathtub. You run hot and cold water into the tub, carefully adjusting the temperature so that it is comfortable, before finding a bottle of liquid soap and adding this until the tub is filled with luxurious suds. To the side you lay out sponges and bottles of soap and shampoo.
"What have we here?" calls out Megan's voice.
"I was hoping that you would appreciate a bath, Mistress."
"How kind. Proceed, my pet."
<img src="Images/HC13/Meganbath.webp" width=600 />
You stand and carefully remove her robe, before taking her hand and helping her step into the water. She sits until only head and shoulders rise above the surface.
You wash her carefully, lathering the sponge and rubbing it along her hand, arm, then shoulder, slowly but with purpose, before moving onto the other arm. You keep your eyes lowered respectfully, not making eye contact. A hint of a smile forms at the corner of Megan's mouth as you move onto her back, then the rest of her body. She lifts one leg at a time from the suds allowing you to clean them also, carefully rubbing their soles.
<img src="Images/HC13/Meganbath2.webp" width=600 />
Next you wash her hair, wetting it then applying shampoo, rinsing, massaging her scalp witth your fingers.
"Oh, that is just lovely. There's a bottle there, Brilliantine, I'm testing it for a friend Edouard in Paris. Do pop rub some in."
You carefully brush her hair while she sits in the bath, ten strokes, twenty, thirty until it runs free like silk through your hands.
<img src="Images/HC13/Meganbath3.webp" width=600 />
After you finish, Megan steps naked out of the bath, like Aphrodite from the waves and stands with legs apart. You pat her dry with thick Egyptian cotton towels, kneeling at her feet to dry between her toes. You then move to dry her womanly places, her full breasts, rounded bottom and the space between her legs.
You feel contentment at a job well done, looking up from your knees to the vision of your goddess above you.
\<<elseif $temp eq 2>>
Stacked neatly at one side of the parlour you find a leather clad massage bench. You realise how out of place it would be in your parlour, but recognise that Megan probably only uses this residence for professional engagements. You set it out in the centre of the room, arranging an assortment of scented oils on an adjacent table, and lighting some aromatic candles for atmosphere.
<img src="Images/HC13/Meganstanding.webp" width=600 />
Exactly on time, Megan steps back into the parlour, silently taking in your efforts.
"A massage, what an excellent idea. It has been the most stressful week."
You start with her lying on her front. She seems to keep in shape well, her body is toned and smooth. You carefully oil your hands and massage her shoulders,
unknitting her tight muscles, before moving down to her back. She sighs softly and relaxes under your touch.
"Mmmh. Just like that my pet."
You start to work on her buttocks, which are incredibly firm, but yield under your firm touch. Next the thighs, knees and calves, but you take your time, tenderly rubbing each part before moving onto the next.
"Please can you turn over Mistress, so that I can work on your front?" you ask.
"Of course." she says, gracefully rolling over to reveal her full breasts and beautiful face.
You start at the top again, rubbing her temples and neck before oiling her breasts and gently stroking them.
"Is this a massage or foreplay?" she asks.
"Perhaps both?" you reply playfully."
You move down her body, tracing along her belly and circling her belly button, before you start tracing her inner thighs with your thumbs. She opens her legs a fraction and you stroke her outer pussy lips, lubricating them with neutral oils, keeping gentle pressure with your fingers.
"May I massage inside you, Mistress?" you ask."
"Yes." she pants wordlessly.
You slide a finger inside her, keeping rubbing on the outside lips with your other hand, as you feel her pleasure begin to grow, and try to ignore the pressure in your groin as you focus on her. Megan's eyes are closed and she is whispering to herself as you begin to rub the hood of her clitoris with your thumb.
Her moans grow louder and breathing heavier, but you patiently keep massaging, adding a second finger inside with one hand as the other rubs her clit more forcefully. Her belly starts shaking and with a scream she climaxes, her vagina clamping tightly about your fingers.
"Yes. Sweet mother. Ahh." her words drown out in a scream of pleasure before a hand takes yours and pushes it away.
She lies silently, curling herself into a fetal ball for a moment, before recovering her composure.
"That was more than adequate. Quite delightful. Now I think it is time for you to continue your worship."
She rises from the table and stands above you, a hint of arousal still present in her flushed cheeks.
You have made an offering of service. Now it is time to continue your worship.
\<<elseif $temp eq 3>>
Closing your eyes, you kneel, as if in prayer, hands folded in front of you. You focus on Megan, the features of her face, and think back to your time together, especially your sessions in this apartment, but also her at the club, reigning over it like a Queen. You think about the power she has over you, power freely given. You could walk away at any time, but know that you are trapped at her exquisite mercy. You crave her like a drug, seeing her gracious smile and knowing you made her happy is a reward in itself. But you are drawn to the greater rewards, the power returned back to you a hundredfold in the form of sweet pain and pleasure. The two blend into each other, the pain intensifying the pleasure, the pleasure amplifying the pain. You feel yourself straining against your cage as you think about the delights you have experienced while here with your mistress, your goddess Megan.
<img src="Images/HC13/Meganstanding.webp" width=600 />
You are shocked from your recollection by a soft touch on your chin lifting your head gently but firmly. You open your eyes and see Megan in the flesh, looking down at you with that perfect smile, naked as the day she was born. Her bare toes nudge between your legs and you wince at the pressure on the erection against your chastity cage.
"A supplicant at prayer, purifying your mind. And are you ready to worship me now, my pet?"
"Yes, Mistress Megan." you reply, lowering your eyes respectfully.
You have purified yourself through ritual prayer. Now it is time to continue your worship.
\<<elseif $temp eq 4>>
You sit at the desk and take out pen and paper, feeling slightly awkward as your naked buttocks sit upon the hard wood. You think of what Megan means to you, trying to put into words the complex thoughts and feelings that she arouses in you.
You hear footsteps behind you as you write the final line.
<img src="Images/HC13/Meganstanding.webp" width=600 />
"Well?" she says quizzically.
"I have written you a poem, Mistress."
"A different approach. Bold some might say. Do recite this composition, my pet."
You kneel before her and speak your words clearly:
Beneath your gaze, I kneel in bliss,
A humble servant to your kiss.
Your power draws me, I am doomed,
By you, my very soul consumed.
Your voice commands, and I obey,
In your embrace, I lose my way.
To worship you is pure delight,
In darkness, you are all my light.
My body yours, my soul entwined,
To serve, to please, my heart aligned.
Mistress, goddess, all I see—
In every breath, I’m bound to thee.
She lowers and kisses your forehead. "Thank you, my sweet."
You have made an offering of words and heartfelt feelings. Now it is time to continue your worship.
\<<elseif $temp eq 5>><img src="Images/HC13/Meganstanding.webp" width=600 />
After fifteen minutes pass Megan returns, naked and beautiful and looks at you with a glare.
"Well?" she asks in an unimpressed tone.
"I didn't need to prepare." you say confidently.
"Very well." she states, unconvinced.
[[Worship her breasts|Megan_domevent8_2][$temp = 1]]
[[Worship her ass|Megan_domevent8_2][$temp = 2]]
<<if $temp neq 2>>[[Worship her pussy|Megan_domevent8_2][$temp = 3]]<<else>>You should probably not worship her pussy so soon after massaging it<</if>>
[[Worship her feet|Megan_domevent8_2][$temp = 4]]
[[Refuse to worship her|Megan_domevent8_5][$temp = 2]]<<if $temp eq 1>><<set $temp1 = 1>><<set $temp19 += 2>><img src="Images/HC13/Meganbreasts.webp" width=600 />
"May I worship your breasts, Mistress?"
She sits on a thick cushion in front of you as you kneel before her, her breasts at your eye level. They are firm and large, almost perfect hemispheres topped with pale pink nipples. You start by stroking them, caressing softly, before lowering your head and planting gentle kisses upon them. You breathe in the soft smell of her perfume, floral yet musky, and a hint of talc you think. Spreading your palms out you cup both her breasts and squeeze them gently, alternating pressure and moving your thumbs across her nipples, flicking them gently. You place the flat of your tongue against her soft flesh to maximise contact, licking the underside of her breasts and the space between them, working around her body in a circular motion.
Megan's nipples harden at your touch, her areola shrinking as both enticing buds point out toward you. In response you lower your head to her left nipple and place it between your lips, kissing before flicking it back and forth with your tongue, while continuing to caress and squeeze her twin ivory domes. You continue in this way for a few minutes before swapping to the other, then back again, worshipping each of her breasts in turn.
[[Suck on her teat like a baby|Megan_domevent8_3]]
\<<elseif $temp eq 2>><<set $temp2 = 1>><<set $temp19 += 2>>
<img src="Images/HC13/meganass3.webp" width=600 />
"May I worship your ass, Mistress?" you beg.
She smiles a cruel smile and lies down on her front on a chaise lounge, opening her legs a fraction to reveal a clean pink asshole. Kneeling on the floor you start to worship her ass. You start by admiring its perfection, smooth alabaster skin with a taut curve of muscle beneath. The asshole is perfectly clean and hairless, free from blemishes. You begin caressing her buttocks, stroking them lovingly and smothering them with kisses. You move your head closer and kiss the soft tissue of her perineum, between her perfectly shaven pussy and asshole, and breathe in her musky scent before licking as you squeeze her ass with both hands. Megan pushes her bottom deep into your face and moves it up and down, wiping her ass on your face as you worship her.
[[Put your tongue in your mistress' asshole and start licking her out|Megan_domevent8_3]]
\<<elseif $temp eq 3>><<set $temp3 = 1>><<set $temp19 += 2>><img src="Images/HC13/Meganpussy.webp" width=600 />
"I know I am not worthy, but may I worship your pussy, Mistress?"
She pushes your shoulder firmly so you fall to your knees on the ground in front of her, before sitting herself on a chair in front of you. She smiles and opens her legs wide, revealing her perfectly shaven pink lips, glistening with a hint of moisture. You take in the sight for a moment before kneeling and inhale, breathing in her perfume as you caress her thighs. You place a kiss upon her navel, then move down, across her lower belly and nuzzle her inner thighs, licking gently where her leg meets her abdomen. You move around her crotch, brushing with your lips and the tips of your fingers before delicately licking at her outer pussy lips. She quivers at your touch, opening her legs a fraction more.
At this invitation you wet your tongue and start to lick, long strokes from just below her clitoris to her perineum, then back again, up and down, up and down. With each stroke you push your tongue slightly deeper, opening her slit with pressure from your thumbs revealing more of the wet pink hole inside. You slip a finger in and continue licking with long strokes, up and down, mingling your saliva with the juices that are beginning to flow from her quim. Your jaw is beginning to ache, but you keep going with the same strokes, flicking her clit at the end of every upward motion. Megan's breathing becomes heavier and you slide another finger in deeper, focussing your attention on her clitoral hood which you blow on gently before sucking tit inside your mouth while rubbing her pubic mound with your palm.
"Yes, yes." she whispers as you taste her, sucking more intently until you feel her cum with a groan.
[[Ask your Mistress to sit on your face|Megan_domevent8_3]]
\<<elseif $temp eq 4>><<set $temp4 = 1>><<set $temp19 += 2>><img src="Images/HC13/Meganfoot2.webp" width=600 />
"May I worship your feet, Mistress Megan?"
Megan sits on the chair in front of you and stretches out her long legs, resting them upon your knees. You admire the carefully painted toenails as you rub a little oil into your hands. Placing both hands upon her left foot you begin to massage it, rubbing the sole with your thumbs, then moving down its side to the heel and up to each toe. You bend to kiss it, starting on the little toe and brushing each one in turn with your lips, continuing to caress the sole of her foot as you do so. There is a faint perfume scent, a hint of leather from their time in her boots, a little soap from being cleaned, all combined with the womanly musk of the woman you are servicing.
<img src="Images/HC13/Meganfoot1.webp" width=600 />
You swap and repeat with her right foot, rubbing, stroking, kissing and licking, before you open your lips and place the whole of her big toe inside your mouth and suck upon it like it were a nipple. You note some callouses on the base of the foot, high heeled boots must take their toll you surmise, and pay particular attention to soothing these parts of your Mistress' divine feet as in turn you place every part of them between your lips or against the flat of your tongue.
[[Ask your Mistress to stand on you|Megan_domevent8_3]]
\<<elseif $temp eq 5>>
<<if $temp1 neq 1>>[[Worship her breasts|Megan_domevent8_2][$temp = 1]]<<else>>You have already worshipped your Mistress' breasts.<</if>>
<<if $temp2 neq 1>>[[Worship her ass|Megan_domevent8_2][$temp = 2]]<<else>>You have already worshipped your Mistress' ass.<</if>>
<<if $temp3 neq 1>>[[Worship her pussy|Megan_domevent8_2][$temp = 3]]<<else>>You have already worshipped your Mistress' pussy.<</if>>
<<if $temp4 neq 1>>[[Worship her feet|Megan_domevent8_2][$temp = 4]]<<else>>You have already worshipped your Mistress' feet.<</if>>
[[Finish worship|Megan_domevent8_4]]<<if $temp eq 1>><img src="Images/HC13/Meganbreasts.webp" width=600 />
After you lie down, your head resting on Megan's lap, in a state of perfect contentment. You gradually begin to resume consciousness, turning your head to face Megan, who smiles and strokes your face tenderly.
"Welcome back, $Hname." Her tone is conversational, without the commanding tones of earlier.
"Back? I didn't go anywhere."
"Not physically, but your mind was a thousand miles away."
"I was.. did you drug me? Opium perhaps?"
"Nothing so crude, this was all you. It's a state that some submissives reach. A submissive state, or space, of tranquility, near to ecstasy, though different from orgasm."
"What causes it?"
"Usually a repetitive trigger. For some it is pain. Spanking, hair pulling perhaps. For others tight bondage or sensual deprivation."
"Have you experienced it, this subspace?"
"I have, in the past. It is a beautiful experience, is it not?"
You agree. Then realise you are feeling uncomfortable and shiver.
"I'm starving. And cold."
She wraps a blanket around your naked body and returns with a bowl of soup that she spoons into your mouth. You feel safe and warm and lo... No, not loved, but looked after, your needs met."
<<if $temp19 gt 10>>\<img src="Images/HC13/Meganrobe.webp" width=600 />
"I think we made good progress today, $Hname. The worship. The sex, the pairing of dominant and submissive." Megan has pulled a robe about her shoulders and is talking frankly, the scene ended.
<<if $bride eq "Daisy" and $groom eq "Matthew">>You think about your relationship with Megan, how it is the most significant link to another person that you have. You have not sought out a spouse, but instead have pledged yourself to this Mistress with as much intensity as any love affair.
"You look troubled. What is it. We must be honest, especially in this period of aftercare."
"I am thinking of us. This. Whatever it is."
"What do you feel, guilt? You are not married. This is not adultery. It is a relationship based on honesty and respect. You need to balance your emotions. I am very fond of you, it is rare to find a natural submissive such as yourself. But let me give you some advice. Do not fall in love with me. That will not end well, for either of us. And for my part I shall try my best not to fall in love with you."
How pragmatically unromantic. You take what feelings you have for Megan and lock them away, like you did your feelings for Nicola after your split. But lying naked on her lap, you can't help but think what if?
\<<else>>You think of your partner, <<if $bride eq "MC">>$groom<<else>>$bride<</if>>. You have not worshipped them with the intensity that you just have Megan. There is more affection there, love, compatibility, affection, but you feel a pang of guilt."
"You look troubled. What is it. We must be honest, especially in this period of aftercare."
"I am thinking of <<if $bride eq "MC">>$groom<<else>>$bride<</if>>. I love them, but..."
"Do you feel guilty?"
You nod.
"It is usual. You need to balance your emotions. What we do is not love, it fulfils a different need. Be honest with yourself, and with them. And if you are happy to, then we can continue this."
You continue to lie in Megan's embrace as she kisses your head and you nuzzle into her breast, until you are fully recovered.
\<<elseif $temp19 gt 0>><img src="Images/HC13/Meganstanding.webp" width=600 />
"I am unconvinced of your devotion, worm." she says witheringly. "There are times when you must focus on your own needs but a good submissive is satisfied, no is made whole by prioritising their dominant's needs above their own. This was a half hearted effort at best. I think our time here is done today." She turns and leaves you. You feel empty inside, disappointed that you have displeased Megan.
\<<else>><img src="Images/HC13/Meganstanding.webp" width=600 />
"I am not sure that worship is for you. You are stubborn, disobedient and unsubmissive. I am still deciding if you are having difficulty accepting authority, or if you are intentionally misbehaving as you crave punishment. Probably the latter, which is why I shall not give it to you. I expect obedience, and you are not worthy of my attention. Leave now, and come back with a better attitude."
Was that what you wanted? Probably. You must have known that you were not obeying her wishes. There is a time for disobedience, and you are impressed that Megan knows you so well she does not even reward this with punishment.
<<link [[Dress and Head home->YourRoom]] >><<WearAll>><<wait>><</link>><<if $temp eq 1>><<set $temp1 = 1>><<set $temp19 += 2>><img src="Images/HC13/Megabreastsmother.webp" width=600 />
Lying sideways, you start to suckle her teat like a baby feeding at its mother's breast. You feel relaxed and serene, triggering some primordial feeling of safety and security. Her hands stroke through your hair as her breasts push against your face.
"There, there baby, Mummy is here."
You keep sucking harder, cupping her bosom with both hands and squeezing. Taking pity on you she pulls back and rubs a hand between her legs, coating them with slick juices that she transfers to her nipple before putting it back in your mouth. You taste her sweet taste and guzzle with renewed fervour as she hums the tune of a childhood lullaby, the only sight you can see is her two massive breasts in front of your face.
She pulls back, shaking her head.
"I would give you milk if I could, sweet baby."
\<<elseif $temp eq 3>><<set $temp3 = 1>><<set $temp19 += 4>>
<<if $femcheck gt 1>><img src="Images/HC13/facesitfemale.webp" width=600 /><<else>><img src="Images/HC13/facesitmale.webp" width=600 /><</if>>
"Would you smother me with your pussy, Mistress Megan?"
"Of course, my pet." she replies, gently pushing you onto your back onto a cushion before lowering herself onto your face. She rubs her pussy over your face, coating it with her juices until you are dripping wet before putting her weight onto you. Her muscular thighs grip tightly at either side of your cheeks as she forces her cunt onto your face. You stick your tongue deep inside her and start licking hard, your pace dictated by the pressure of her body. Your nose is pushed up against her clit, which is grinding against your upper lip as your tongue works deep inside her. You try to breathe but her flesh pushes hard against you and little air enters your lungs, just a waft of sticky pussy juice and her heavenly musky womanly scent.
Just as you feel you are about to pass out, she eases back gently and you breathe in deeply through your nose, before she grinds against your face once again. Your tongue moves in and out, and you feel her fingers next to your nose, working her clit as she fucks your face, and feel her passion growing. Twice more she lets you up for air, but only momentarily, each time afterwards making you lick and suck for at least a minute.
Suddenly as she grips your head tightly between her legs you feel a twitching and she puts her full weight upon your lips as she cries out. A gush of liquid flows over your face and into your nostrils as she squirts all over you with her climax. You feel yourself drowning in her juices, before she rolls off you and lies next to you, stroking your hair affectionately as you recover your breath.
\<<elseif $temp eq 2>><<set $temp2 = 1>><<set $temp19 += 5>><img src="Images/HC13/meganass2.webp" width=600 />
Grasping her cheeks with each hand you stick out your tongue and push the tip of it into her asshole. It is tight, and you feel resistance, but persevere, moving your head beneath her and pushing an inch inside. Keeping your tongue muscle tensed you start pushing it in and out, feeling the hole begin to loosen as you work your way deeper. Megan pushes down and grinds her body against your head and you feel your tongue slide in a further inch as you lap at the sour taste of her asshole and work it in and out. You feel her hands resting against the sides of your head and her legs lift and rest on your shoulders, hearing muffled pants and groans though her thighs cover your ears.
<img src="Images/HC13/rimming1.jpg" width=600 />
You remain there licking until you hear the clock chime, you must have been working her ass for a quarter of an hour and your tongue is beginning to grow numb, but gripped in her thighs you can't move your head but keep sucking, licking, worshipping, caressing the soft mounds of her buttocks as you crave the taste of her. Your nose is right next to her pussy and you smell her womanly scent and a dribble of moisture runs into your nostril. Eventually you feel her grip loosen and move back, and you gently withdraw your tongue, planting a single kiss on the rose of her sphincter as you withdraw.
\<<elseif $temp eq 4>><<set $temp4 = 1>><<set $temp19 += 4>>
<img src="Images/HC13/Megancrouch.webp" width=600 />
You lie on the floor in front of her apprehensively.
"I would be honoured if you would stand on me, Mistress Megan." you plead.
She smiles, and bends down, withdrawing your chastity cage with a click and placing it on the side
She starts by placing her foot on your head, pushing it into your cheek as you lick her toes. She laughs and moves it to your chest before applying weight until she stands upon you on one foot. You gasp, and struggle to inhale with her full weight pushing on your lungs. You feel a tickling at her groin as she rubs the toes of her other foot against your naked cock, then pain as she flicks your balls with her toes, left then right with increasing force.
She moves her foot in front of your face , the ball of her heel pushing into your sternum and you open wide as she crams all her toes deep into your face, her other foots toes continuing to flick your scrotum. Then pain as she pushes it hard onto your balls. You cry out thinking they might pop, and she laughs.
"Keep licking, my pet. Focus on my feet."
"You keep sucking her toes as the pain grows, worshipping one foot as she starts moving the other up and down your cock, which is at its full erection despite being stood on. She steps off you and you watch as she moves both feet up and down your cock, trampling it beneath her heel.
Just before you think you will pass out, she stops, and lifts a dainty foot to your lips. You lick, tasting a little precum from your cock that has dribbled onto her big toe, and place its entirety into your mouth, suckling on it as she rubs her heel into your chest.
<<if $temp1 neq 1>>[[Worship her breasts|Megan_domevent8_2][$temp = 1]]<<else>>You have already worshipped your Mistress' breasts.<</if>>
<<if $temp2 neq 1>>[[Worship her ass|Megan_domevent8_2][$temp = 2]]<<else>>You have already worshipped your Mistress' ass.<</if>>
<<if $temp3 neq 1>>[[Worship her pussy|Megan_domevent8_2][$temp = 3]]<<else>>You have already worshipped your Mistress' pussy.<</if>>
<<if $temp4 neq 1>>[[Worship her feet|Megan_domevent8_2][$temp = 4]]<<else>>You have already worshipped your Mistress' feet.<</if>>
<<if $temp19 gte 10>>[[Finish worship|Megan_domevent8_4]]<<else>>[[Finish worship|Megan_domevent8_5][$temp = 2]]<</if>><<if $temp19 gte 20>>"I am truly impressed." says Megan, looking you deep in the eyes. "I accept your worship, your adoration. Now let me reward you, rest here a moment."
\<<elseif $temp19 gte 10>>"Very well done my pet, you have worked hard and shall be rewarded. Come, lie down here."
\You feel exhausted from the time you have spent on your knees, your jaw especially sore from the ministrations you have given to Megan. Your legs are sore and as you lie back you feel tranquility. Megan pops a pillow under your head as she places a blindfold over your eyes. She moves your limbs gently but firmly and you feel pressure around your wrists and ankles as they are secured in place one by one. Immobile you feel a click as the cage around your cock is removed. Megan strokes your face tenderly, and you feel her breasts against your chest as she whispers in your ear, what a <b>good</b> pet you are, how well behaved, how obedient, how she is so lucky to have you worshipping her. You feel safe, and looked after. There is a sensation of warmth against your crotch, feeling your cock resting against her, not penetrating, but a divine feeling as she moves her breasts up and down your body. Unable to do a thing you feel yourself sinking deeper into the cushion, your limbs heavy but your mind floating, unable to do anything but submit to her desires. There is a tinge of pain as she squeezes your nipples, but it doesn't shock you out of your trance but deeper into it. You try to say something but can't, your brain unable to put words together, just a soft daze of obedience and submission as Megan uses your body like an object, caressing, teasing, stroking, kissing, fucking, biting, scratching, whispering divine words in your ear while her fingers squeeze your nipples and her wet pussy rubs against your cock.
"Cum for me, sweet pet." she whispers, "You've been so good today." There is a tight grip on the base of your cock as it slips deep inside your Mistress, inside her perfect pussy that you were worshipping earlier, and she fucks your immobile body, fingernails pushing into your chest as you climax. <<cum>>
You aren’t thinking at this point, just floating on a sea of bliss.
[[Finish worship|Megan_domevent8_5][$temp = 1]]<<if $routine eq 1>>You look in the mirror and decide what your daily routine should be:
[[Nothing, just take each day as it comes|Bathroom]]
[[Wash your face and body|Bathroom Routine][$routine = 2]]
[[Wash your face and body and shave your face|Bathroom Routine][$routine = 3]]
[[Wash your face and body and shave everywhere|Bathroom Routine][$routine = 4]]
<<if $routine neq 1>>[[Return to your room->YourRoom]]<</if>><</if>><<SetFlag "event">>
\"Houdini? Never heard of him."
"He’s only the greatest stage magician and escape artist in the world." you reply. "His acts are legendary."
"And a friend at the club got you tickets."
"It’s his first trip to England. He’s been sold out in New York for the last six months."
You and $date take a carriage to the Alhambra Theatre where Houdini is performing six nights a week.
<<if $Daisydomevent gt 4 and $date eq "Daisy">>"A little different from our last trip here, Daisy" you comment, recalling your girl’s night out here with Ruby and Daisy.
She smiles and strokes your cheek affectionately, snuggling next to you in the carriage.
\You take your seats in the stalls, two rows back at the side. You usually prefer to be in the circle, but for magic you prefer to be up close, to see if you can spot how the trick is done.
<img src="Images/HC13/houdini1.webp" width=600 />
The lights darken and there is a cheer as Harry Houdini steps on stage, accompanied by a pretty girl assisting him.
<<if $date eq "Matthew">>"I bet he’s fucking her." says Matthew, eyeing up the girl in her stage outfit of fishnet tights and a tight leotard.
"I should hope so, she’s his wife" you reply.
\<<elseif $date eq "Michaela">>"She’s so pretty" says Michaela, interested for the first time by the costume the girl is wearing.
"That’s his wife, Bess, who works as his stage assistant." you inform her.
\<<elseif $date eq "Daisy">>"She’s not so pretty. Skinny little thing if you ask me."
"She has to be to help in his acts. Wriggle through secret compartments, that kind of thing."
"Not an ounce of flesh on her." you sense a hint of jealousy in Daisy’s voice.
\<<elseif $date eq "Nicola">>Nicola eyes the girl carefully. "I hear that they tie each other up on stage," she says, flirtatiously.
"Unlike you my dear, they escape from their bonds."
"Well they would make terrible submissives." she observes.
The act starts with some card tricks, nothing too fancy, just to get the crowd warmed up. An audience member chooses a card and Houdini shuffles the pack, only to retrieve the card from his assistant’s girdle.
A few more tricks ensue, one involving a rabbit that is placed in Houdini’s hat and disappears, before Houdini brings two wooden cabinets onto stage. His assistant steps into one of them, and Houdini spins it around, opening it to reveal it is empty. He theatrically opens the second, only to reveal that his assistant has moved to the other cabinet. He closes the cabinet and again spins it, revealing that it is now empty. He opens the first cabinet again, but it too is vacant.
"She’s gone! Ah well, I guess that I will need some more assistance. Now she was so good, that I’m going to need two of you to replace her. Can I have a couple to volunteer?"
[[Call out|Date_Magic_2][$temp = 1]]
<<if $date eq "Matthew" or ($date eq "Daisy" and $Daisydomevent gt 0)>>[[Stay quiet|Date_Magic_2][$temp = 2]]
\<<else>>[[Stay quiet|Date_Magic_2][$temp = 3]]
<</if>><<if $temp lt 3>>
<<if $temp eq 2>>"Here!" calls out $date.
"No!" you cry, but it is too late.
"Live a little, it’ll be fun," says $date, with a slightly cruel smile. <</if>>
The pair of you are bundled onto stage, to the applause of the crowd.
\<<if $femcheck gt 1 and $date neq "Matthew">>"Two ladies, and beauties at that. Let us see which of you can be my new assistant. If you can step in this cabinet here and you in the other one."
He ushers you and $date into different boxes, and closes the doors.
"So for my next date I am going to bring these two lovelies together."
\<<elseif $femcheck lt 2>>"Very good. Now if this gentleman can enter the first cabinet here," you are ushered inside the box. "Right, let’s see if we can make him disappear so I can have you all to myself, my dear."
The audience laughs.
"No, that would be too cruel, do come and step here my sweet." You see $date entering the other cabinet before the magician closes both boxes
"So for my next trick I am going to bring these two lovebirds together."
<<else>>"Very good. Now if this gentleman can enter the first cabinet here," Matthew is ushered inside the box. "Right, let’s see if we can make him disappear so I can have you all to myself, my dear."
The audience laughs.
"No, that would be too cruel, do come and step here my sweet." You are ushered into the other cabinet before the magician closes both boxes
"So for my next trick I am going to bring these two lovebirds together."
<</if>> You feel your cabinet spinning and from inside the magician’s assistant appears from a hidden panel.
[[Embrace her|Date_Magic_2][$temp = 4]]
[[Kiss her|Date_Magic_2][$temp = 4]]
[[Sit her on your knee|Date_Magic_2][$temp = 4]]
[[Point out the hidden panel to the audience|Date_Magic_2][$temp = 5]]
\<<elseif $temp eq 3>>
You stay silent, and another couple calls out from the other side of the hall. They are invited on stage, and take part in the vanishing cabinets act, with the assistant reappearing at the end to general hilarity.
[[Watch the rest of the act|Date_Magic_3]]
\<<elseif $temp eq 4>>
The cabinets open and the audience laughs at you and Houdini’s assistant embracing.
"Bess! What are you doing to our volunteer?" he calls out in mock shock.
He quickly closes the cabinet. Bess gives you a thank you peck on the cheek and sneaks back into the secret passage. A minute later the doors reopen and she is sitting on $date’s knee.
"I am feeling very left out here now." says the magician. Do you three want to get a room?
The audience laughs.
"Last try." says Houdini, closing the cabinets again. This time $date is brought through the passage by Bess and embraces you, before Bess sneaks back again.
The two cabinets open a final time and the audience see you and $date in each other's arms and a smug looking Bess Houdini sitting alone in the final cabinet, the missing rabbit in her hands.
<img src="Images/HC13/assistantbunny.webp" width=600 />
"At least you found my bunny," says the Magician as the crowd applauds the performance.
[[Watch the rest of the act|Date_Magic_3]]
\<<elseif $temp eq 5>>
Houdini looks very cross for a moment, before distracting the audience with a shower of pyrotechnics. You and $date are escorted back to your seats after your attempt to sabotage the show.
[[Watch the rest of the act|Date_Magic_3]]
<</if>><img src="Images/HC13/assitantcrate.webp" width=600 />
The later parts of the act are spectacular. Houdini places his assistant in a box, covers it with a sheet and proceeds to saw the box in half. She theatrically screams halfway through, to $date’s shock, before the two halves of the box are separated, a pair of legs poking out of one half. Houdini looks worried but pushes the two halves together, covers them and says some magic words before the girl is revealed as safe and sound afterwards.
"A hidden compartment to be sure." you observe
"You are ruining it," replies $date.
<img src="Images/HC13/houdinijacket1.webp" width=600 />
For his finale Houdini is placed into a straightjacket, his hands handcuffed together by a member of the London police. He is then chained and lowered into a tank full of water.
<img src="Images/HC13/houdinijacket3.webp" width=600 />
<<if $date eq "Nicola">>Nicola is looking strangely excited.
"Are you alright my dear?" you ask.
"It’s just the idea of being so immobile, the handcuffs and jacket is making me feel quite faint."
"Do you want me to tie you up like that?"
"I don’t think I would be able to free myself. I would be completely at your mercy."
You see her hand touching herself beneath her dress at the thought.
\<<elseif $date eq "Michaela">>"He’s going to die!" cries Michaela, overcome with distress. "We have to help him."
"He’s a professional, this is what he does. He will escape."
"But what if he doesn’t?" she is quite upset, so you put your arm around her to calm her nerves.
\<<elseif $date eq "Daisy">>"This is quite ridiculous. Wouldn’t a pistol be quicker? Look at the crowd, it’s like the public executions of yesteryear."
"Do you not think he will escape?"
"I am sure he will, if only to further trick these simpletons of their coin tomorrow evening. I wonder if the policeman is in on the act."
"You have so little faith, Daisy."
"I am just realistic, darling."
\<<elseif $date eq "Matthew">>"That’s not so hard. I’m sure I could break those chains." boasts Matthew.
"Those are police handcuffs. Solid steel." you remind him.
"Hmm. He’s a skinny little runt, probably too small for the cuffs."
<img src="Images/HC13/houdinijacket4.webp" width=600 />
The pair of you watch as the tank is covered with a cloth and a clock next to it counts the time. 1 minute, two, three.
The assistant is starting to look worried, and glances under the cloth, before walking over to the policeman and whispering to him.
"I think we may have witnessed Houdini’s final act." you say as the clock ticks past four minutes.
<img src="Images/HC13/houdinetriumph.webp" width=600 />
A few seconds later there is a cheer as the wet magician emerges, gasping for breath before handing the cuffs back to the policeman.
"We should get Antioch to tie him up. He’d never get out then." you quip.
In the carriage on the way back, you and $date discuss the show.
<<if $date eq "Nicola">>"The very idea of being tied, immobile, unable to move, fills me with such a thrill. I would be totally at your mercy, my darling. What would you do to me?"
"One day, you might find out."
\<<elseif $date eq "Michaela">>"I cannot work out how he did those tricks, darling. But the glamour was intoxicating. The lights, the assistant’s costume, all sequins and makeup. Everyone was so focussed on what she looked like that they did not notice she was almost as skilled as he was."
"But you did?"
"I am somewhat practiced at seeing what is hidden beneath the surface, sweetheart."
\<<elseif $date eq "Daisy" and $Daisydomevent gt 0 >>"I would like to handcuff you like in the act. To bind you so tightly that you cannot move a muscle. Would you like that?"
You nod, submissively. "And what would you do to me then, Miss Daisy?"
"I am not sure. I might use you for my pleasure, or just rest my feet on you like a piece of furniture."
The thought is strangely arousing.
\<<elseif $date eq "Daisy">>"I could not be restrained like that. I like to move. I have seen girls and men at the club tied like that, or worse. Is it appealing to you?"
"I am unsure. It is sometimes nice to give all the control to one partner."
"But what if they don’t let you go?"
"You have to trust them. Do you trust me, Daisy?"
"I love you, but it does not seem very ladylike."
"We belong to a sex club my sweet. Ladies would faint in shock at most of what we get up to on a Saturday night."
"You do have a point, darling."
\<<elseif $date eq "Matthew">>"Would you let me tie you up, handcuff you before I have my way with you?" asks Matthew.
You think carefully on this and smile before replying. "Perhaps. Would you let me restrain you?"
"Certainly not."
"Why, don’t you trust me?"
"Worse than that, I know what you are like!"
The pair of you kiss in the back of the carriage as you return home.
\<<link [[Leave|YourRoom]]>>
<<set $time = "Night">> <</link>><<widget Daisyconv>>
\<<if $spouse neq "Daisy">>
\<<if $HCevent gt 3 and $Daisydomevent eq 0 and $Daisyevent eq 0>>[[Speak to Daisy about your relationship->Daisyrelationshiphub]]
[[Tell me about yourself->Daisyself]]
[[Tell me about Dr Ambrose->Daisydaddy]]
[[Tell me about Mrs Ambrose->Daisymummy]]
\<<if $megan_date gt 0>>[[How can I get more money?->Daisycash]]
\<<if $daisyflirt eq 1>> You have already flirted with Daisy today <<else>> [[Tell her how pretty she is looking->Daisyflirt]]
\<<if ($objects["Substance P"].inv >= 28) and ($daisyday eq 10000)>>[[Ask if she wants to have a dose of medicine to stop her periods->DaisydrugsC]]
<<elseif $daisyday lt 10000>> [[Speak to her about taking medicines->DaisydrugsC1]]
\<<if $HCevent eq 3 and $daisydeb eq 1>> [[Speak to her about the Debutantes' ball->Daisy_deb]]<<elseif $HCevent eq 3 and $daisydeb eq 2>>You have already spoken to Daisy about the Debutantes' ball and are meeting her at Fitzsimons on Oxford Street to buy a dress. <<elseif $HCevent eq 3 and $daisydeb eq 3>>You have already spoken to Daisy about the Debutantes' ball and are meeting her at the Hellfire club on Saturday evening.
\<<if $spouse eq "Daisy" or $Daisydomevent gt 0 or $Daisy eq "dom">>[[Talk about your genitals|Daisycocktalk][$temp = 0]]
\<<if $Daisydomevent gt 0 or $Daisy eq "dom">>[[Ask to change to a less submissive relationship->Daisy_switch]]
[["Can we change what we call each other when we play?"|Daisynames][$temp = 0]]
\<<if $Daisydomevent lt 0 or ($spouse eq "Daisy" and $Daisy neq "dom")>>[[Ask to change to a more submissive relationship->Daisy_switch]]<<elseif $HCevent gt 3>>[[Speak to Daisy about your relationship->Daisyrelationshiphub]]
\<<if Flag("cuckold")>>[[I want you to stop sleeping with other men|Daisyconv_cuck][$temp = 1]]
<<elseif $spouse eq "Daisy" and $Daisy eq "dom">>[[It would excite me to see you to sleep with other men|Daisyconv_cuck][$temp = 2]]
\[[Head back to your own room->YourRoom]]
<</widget>><<if $temp eq 0>>
"Very well. Let us take a look at you then. Don't be shy."
<<if $Daisy neq "dom" and $Daisydomevent lt 1>>"Whilst I do like a nice big cock, I am happy with whatever you have down there, darling."
<<if $penis eq "none">><<set $chastity = 0>>
Daisy sits down and looks admiringly at the pale pink pussy between your legs.
"It is so very pretty. You do make a lovely girl. And we don't have to mess around with that silly chastity cage."
[[Ask to have your cock back and go back in the cage|Daisycocktalk][$temp = 1]]
<<if $chastity eq 0>>
"I do recall that I asked you to be locked up in your cage. Have you forgotten? Now hand it over."
You do as asked, and Daisy patiently squeezes your cock into place, pushing the metal down until it clicks into place. "That is much better. We wouldn't want you getting tempted to use it, would we, as you are such a good girl? <</if>>
She holds your chastity cage in her hand. "All mine, to play with when I want. Now what do you want to talk about?
<<if $spouse eq "Daisy">> Mr Orlando did give me a little something that would take this problem away and replace your little willy with a proper slitty and clitty. How does that sound?"
[[Agree to transform to female genitals|Daisycocktalk][$temp = 3]]
[[Ask to be let out of your chastity cage|Daisycocktalk][$temp = 2]]
[[Ask about changing the size of your cock|Daisycocktalk][$temp = 4]]
<</if>> <</if>>
<<elseif $temp eq 1>>
"Very well. I guess even if it is my property it is part of your body. But we will need to lock it up so that noone else can play with it."<<ring>>
She carefully loosens the catch on your collar pressing the ring against your skin, and your clitoris starts to grow and your vagina closes up until you are left with a $penis penis sitting in the palm of her hand.
<<if $penis eq "huge">>"It is so very big. I do like it when I have it inside me. But so will all the other girls which is why it must be locked away."
<<elseif $penis eq "tiny" or $penis eq "small">>"It's barely big enough to do anything with anyhow. I will need something bigger to satisfy me.
<<else>>"I guess it will do. Although I do dream of fucking a really big one."
[[Ask about changing the size of your cock|Daisycocktalk][$temp = 4]]
<<elseif $temp eq 2>>
"But if we took the cage away you might forget it belongs to me and be tempted to use your clitty on some poor unsuspecting girl. No, we can't have that."
You look at her forlornly, lamenting your lost manhood.
<<if $spouse eq "Daisy">> "Oh you poor girl. Mr Orlando did give me a little something that would take this problem away and replace your little willy with a proper slitty and clitty. How does that sound?"
[[Agree to transform to female genitals|Daisycocktalk][$temp = 3]]
<<elseif $temp eq 3>><<set $ring = 1>>
Daisy takes the golden wedding ring and affixes it in the collar about your neck which pushes against the skin of your neck when she clasps it shut. You feel a tingling down below as your penis visibly shrinks and a pretty vagina opens up between your legs. <<ring>>
"Oh that is just beautiful. There's even a drip of moisture there. Are you excited my sweet girl?" she puts a finger between your pussy lips and licks the pussy juice from its tip.
<<elseif $temp eq 4>>
"Well that is a dilemma. Most of the time I would like you shrunken away, but sometimes I want a nice big cock to be fucked with."
<<if $testedM gt 0>>"I do have a medicine that will grow it temporarily. Then you could have your ways with it and shrink it away again Miss Daisy."
"Oh that is delightful. You must bring that to my bedchamber, sweetness. But until then it must be locked away, yes?"
This is not a question, so you remain silent.
[[Talk about something else|Daisyconv]]
[[Go back to Your Room|YourRoom]]<<if $temp eq 1>>
"I am sorry $subname. Could you repeat that? I thought you were telling me who I could fuck."
"Sleeping with other men, it is upsetting me. It makes me feel jealous."
"But I am a woman, and have needs. I need to have a big cock inside of me now and again. Your kisses are lovely and I love you dearly, but sometimes Miss Daisy needs a good hard rogering with a big cock, or at least not a pathetically small clitty. Could you do that for me?
[[No Miss Daisy, I don't think my cock is able to satisfy you|Daisyconv]]
<<if $penis eq "none" and ($penisold eq "small" or $penisold eq "tiny")>>[[I could take the ring off when you want to fuck, and stop taking the medicines that make my cock small|Daisyconv_cuck][$temp = 3]]
<<elseif $penis eq "none">>[[I could take the ring off when you want to fuck, my cock is quite big without it|Daisyconv_cuck][$temp = 3]]
<<elseif $penis eq "small" or $penis eq "tiny">[[I could stop taking the medicines that make my cock small|Daisyconv_cuck][$temp = 3]]
<<else>>[[My cock is yours to do what you want with, Miss Daisy|Daisyconv_cuck][$temp = 3]]
<<if $testedM gt 0>>[[Offer to use Substance M to grow a huge penis for Daisy to fuck|Daisyconv_cuck][$temp = 3]]
<<elseif $temp eq 2>>
"What is that darling? Could you say that again?"
"I like the idea of seeing you with other men. When I see you flirt with them at the club it makes me excited."
"And aren't you afraid I will like them more than you?" she says teasingly.
"No Miss Daisy. I trust you."
"Any men? That friend of yours Matthew is quite handsome. Would you like to watch me fucking him. Taking his big cock in my mouth, stretching my pussy around it? What if I became pregnant with another man's child?
She leans in close and kisses your soft lips. "I would like this also, but only if you are happy with it. It is you that I married, my sweet."
[[Back down, this is more than you had bargained for|Daisyconv]]
<<link [[Agree. She will stop if you ask her to. Won't she?|Daisyconv]]>><<SetFlag "cuckold">><</link>>
<<elseif $temp eq 3>>
<<if $cuckcount gt 5>>
Daisy leans in and whispers in your ear.
"But sweetness. I have grown to really like fucking other men while you watch. Indeed I don't think that you can satisfy me that way any more. I do so love you, but you are not a real man, not any more.
You realise that the consequences of your choices are now irreversible. Daisy is a cock crazed slut, and you are a pathetic cuckold.
Daisy moves in and gives you a deep soft kiss on the lips.
"Very well. We shall give it a try you naughty little thing. I promise I won't fuck any more delicious lovely huge cocks again unless you agree it's for the best.
<<SetFlag "cuckold" = 0>>
<</if>> <</if>><<if $temp eq 0>>"Can we change what we call each other when we play?"
"If you insist, but I do like Miss Daisy."
"I'm not so keen on $subname."
"Would you like me to give you more choices, or to pick your own?
[[Choose from an option|Daisynames][$temp = 1]]
[[Pick your own|Daisynames][$temp = 2]]
\<<elseif $temp eq 1>>
"There's so many things I could call you. Princess, Kitten, Angel, Cherry, Sweetie, Baby, Honey."
Daisy starts getting quite excited, stroking your face as the names get more humiliating.
"Pet, Girlie, Slut, Whore. No, don't like those. Treasure, Flower, Missy? Or maybe you want to be humilated more? Piglet, Fucktoy, Sissy, Fuckhole? It's only for when we play, darling. Which do you like?"
<<set _Options = ["Princess" , "Doll", "Kitten" , "Angel" , "Cherry" , "Sweetie", "Baby", "Pet", "Honey", "Girlie", "Slut", "Whore", "Treasure", "Flower", "Missy", "Piglet", "Fucktoy", "Sissy", "Fuckhole"] >>
<<cycle "$subname" autoselect>>
<<optionsfrom _Options>>
I think I like that one
<<elseif $temp eq 2>>
"I would like you to call me <<textbox "$subname" "$subname">>
"I could get used to that. It suits you." she replies with a smile.
<</if>>The rest of the evening is a little bit of a blur. You drink too much. There might be some dancing. You definitely told someone they were your best friend. Did you kiss someone in the dancehall? You really can't remember. You have some recollection of being thrown out of a carriage. You might have been sick. Oh dear. And then staggering up Kensington Avenue.
You fall asleep. When you wake, you are naked other than a policeman's helmet upon your head. You have no memory of where it came from.
<<StripAll>><<set $hat ="Police helmet">>
<b>End of Act Two : Sex</b>
[[Face the next day|Sleep]]"Now it is time to observe the art of fellatio."
<img src="Images/HC13/Veronicakneel.webp" width=600 />
At a gesture, Veronica crawls forward toward you.
"No, their turn will come later. Oh where is he. I promised him the blowjob of the century, and the century is almost over, damn him." Megan seems uncharacteristicallly flustered. At this there is a rapping on the door. Megan opens it stark naked and pulls the knocker inside. It is Matthew.
"What the hell are you doing here, $playersurname?" he asks.
"He is taking part in my lesson."replies Megan. he turns to her.
"Aren't you a little underdressed for a teacher?"
She rolls her eyes. "Mr Chadwick. I suggest you remove your trousers. sit in front of this young lady here."
"Well, hello there. Who might you be."
"You do not need to flirt, just take out your member."
Matthew pulls his breeches down, his cock flopping out, impressively long despite being flaccid.
"You may begin, Veronica. Are you watching carefully?" she addresses $temp2.
<img src="Images/HC13/Veronicablowjob2.webp" width=600 />
"See how she starts by kissing, licking, almost worshiping the penis. Little touches up and down its length until it is fully erect. You can go on like this for a considerable time. The longest I ever saw Veronica working a cock was three hours. But usually men like to cum quite quickly, so five or ten minutes is more typical.
In general keep the teeth away, the lips, tongue and throat are the main areas you want to make contact with. Lots of saliva, especially the nice thick stuff from the back of the throat, which is an excellent lubricant. Good girl, just like that.
<img src="Images/HC13/veronicadeepthroat.webp" width=600 />
As you can see, Veronica's gag reflex is particularly suppressed. Watch as she is able to take the penis all the way into her throat without distress. I am told that this sensation is exquisite for those with a cock, and of course increases their feelings of dominance."
"Lots of saliva, and as climax approaches working the shaft and balls as well with her hands. And swallowing it all down at the end, none of that lovely goodness wasted. Very good, Veronica."
Matthew is panting heavily as Veronica leans back from him, opening her mouth to show his load in her mouth before swallowing it down and crawling smugly back to her cage.
"Fucking hell. Can I marry her?"
"You would not last a week, Mr Chadwick. Thank you for your time. I trust you have been suitably compensated." replies Megan.
"You didn't lie. Best blowjob I've ever had. Best in London you say?"
"I believe so, currently."
"Who taught her to do that thing with her teeth?"
"Me." says Megan, closing the door as she pushes your friend out into the cold London air.
\<<if $temp19 eq 3 and $penis neq "none">>
"Now Nicola, it is your turn. " says Megan.
<<if $chastity eq 1>>Megan unlocks your chastity belt and your penis springs out in front of Nicola who licks her lips eagerly. <<set $chastity = -1>>
"Positively pavlovian." remarks Megan..<</if>>
Nicola kneels eagerly in front of you.
<img src="Images/HC13/nicblowjob.webp" width=600 />
She has been paying attention, following the other girls movements, but repeating them with a tenderness and affection that was missing earlier.
<img src="Images/HC13/nicblowjob2.webp" width=600 />
She playfully kisses your thighs and stomach, muttering words of devotion, before tracing the length of your semi erect penis with her black painted lips, brushing it lightly, then opening her mouth and resting it in there for a moment.
<img src="Images/HC13/nicdeepthroat.webp" width=600 />
She then wordlessly opens her mouth and takes the whole length of your cock into her throat. You see her eyes beginning to redden, but she stubbornly keeps going, determined not to be outdone by the other girl.
<img src="Images/HC13/nicfacefuc4.webp" width=600 />
The thrill of dominance, of knowing that this girl would do anything for you, is thrilling, and you start thrusting harder, facefucking her until you feel your climax building and with a cry of triumph ejaculate into her throat.
You pull out and she lies coughing on the floor.
[[Praise and comfort her|Megan_domevent7_6][$temp = 5]]
[[Drag her to the cage|Megan_domevent7_6][$temp = 6]]
\<<elseif $temp19 eq 3 and $penis eq "none">>
Nicola takes a look at you and licks her lips. "I did like sucking yours when you had it, shame I can't practice now. I'll just get better at licking pussy for you."
[[Hug her|Megan_domevent7_6][$temp = 5]]
\<<elseif $temp18 eq 1>>
"Come out Max, your time has come." calls Megan.
From a side door comes a man in a black mask, his crotch bare Megan gestures to you and he stands with his groin level with your face, a semi erect penis jutting forward.
<img src="Images/HC13/penis.webp" width=600 />
[[Start sucking his cock|Megan_domevent7_5]]
[[Say your safeword|Megan_domevent7_6][$temp = 4]]
\<<elseif $temp19 eq 2 and Flag("cuckold") and $temp18 neq 2>>
"That was most informative." says Daisy. "If $femname is very well behaved I might reward her with that one day. But as sweet $subname has decided to live as a woman, we have agreed that I will need to take other men as as lovers. I love women but do need a nice fat cock sometimes."
"Indeed, they are delightful, especially when a submissive can join in." replies Megan.
"We can practice you sucking cock. Is this what you both want?" she asks, checking for consent.
[[Agree to practice giving fellatio|Megan_domevent7_4][$temp18 = 1]]
[[Decline and Kiss Daisy instead|Megan_domevent7_6][$temp = 1]]
\<<elseif $temp19 eq 2>>
"That was most informative." says Daisy. "If $femname is very well behaved I might reward her with that one day. Would you suck a cock for me if I asked, sweetie? I do think you love me so much that you might. But Megan has taught me to respect your limits, so I will not ask that of you. Not today anyhow. What do you say?"
"Thank you Miss Daisy."
She offers you a hand to kiss.
[[Kiss her|Megan_domevent7_6][$temp = 1]]
<<else>>You look around awkwardly, hoping that you won't have to suck any penises.
"Don't worry, my pet. I want your tongue all to myself." says Megan. "For now, anyhow."
She offers you a hand to kiss.
[[Kiss her|Megan_domevent7_6][$temp = 1]]
<</if>><<if $temp eq 1>>
You feel a sense of satisfaction at having pleased your Mistress, who praises you and strokes your face tenderly.
\<<elseif $temp eq 2>>
You instinctively spit out the semen that is filling your mouth, unused to its gelatinous texture and distinctive taste.
"Veronica, do clean that mess up." says Megan dismissively. The girl eagerly crawls forward and licks up the semen from the floor, before licking the man's cock clean for good measure.
<img src="Images/HC13/veronicacum.webp" width=600 />
She opens her mouth, revealing the cum on her tongue before swallowing it down and showing you an empty mouth.
"Exemplary as always, dear." praises Megan, stroking her hair.
<<elseif $temp eq 3>>
Despite the gelatinous texture and distinctive taste of the cum in your mouth, you swallow it down and lick your lips.
"What a good girl." says your mistress.
\<<elseif $temp eq 4>>
"$safeword" you say.
Daisy looks a little disappointed, but Megan gives her a nod, and she moves towards you and holds your head softly.
"It's alright, darling. We were just playing. Let's have a talk about this at home."
\<<elseif $temp eq 5>>You hold Nicola in your arms, snuggling with her as she recovers her composure.
"Was that alright? Did you like it?" she asks. <<set $niclove +=1>>
"You were magnificent, darling." you reply, stroking her hair.
Megan looks on maternally. "You did very well. I think this lesson is over."
\<<elseif $temp eq 6>>You grab Nicola's hair and pull her, cum dribbling from her lips toward Veronica's cage, and push her in there roughly.
"Was she unsatisfactory? Did she displease you?" asks Megan quietlym so Nicola cannot hear
"No, it was pretty good." you admit.<<set $nicsub +=1>>
"Do be careful about dishing out punishment and degradation. You run the risk of ruining the spark inside her that loves and enjoys submission. I will not get involved in your relationship, but I have seen too many masters become bullies and ending up driving their submissives away.
<img src="Images/HC13/Meganrobe.webp" width=600 />
The scene over, Megan's tone softens. "I hope that you enjoyed today."
<<if $chastity eq -1>><<set $chastity = 1>>She locks you safely in your cage, giving it a tug for good measure.<</if>>
<<if $temp1 eq "Daisy">>"Thank you for today, Megan. It was most informative. And I had a lot of fun. It was very nice to meet you, Veronica."
\<<elseif $temp2 eq "Nicola">>You thank Megan for todays lesson with a polite peck on both cheeks. After dressing and ending the scene, Nicola does likewise.
"I am learning so much in these sessions, Megan. You are a wonderful teacher." Nicola embraces the other woman warmly, before turning and thanking Veronica also.
\<<else>>"It was interesting, focussing completely on someone else's pleasure." you reply.
<img src="Images/HC13/Veronicacage.webp" width=600 />
Veronica gives you a surly scowl from her cage.
<<link [[Dress and return Home|YourRoom]]>><<wait>><<WearAll>><</link>>"$safeword" you say.
"It's ok, honey." says Megan. It's just a game, remember.
She puts and arm around you to check that you are alright.
<<if $temp1 eq "Daisy">>After a pause Daisy does likewise.
"I love you, darling. You know that right?"
<<link [[Dress and return Home|YourRoom]]>><<wait>><<WearAll>><</link>><img src="Images/HC13/penis.webp" width=600 />
You aren't quite sure what to do, but move your head towards the man, and as Veronica did you start kissing his penis tip. Out of the corner of your eye you see Daisy watching intently, touching between her legs as she watches you fellate the man.
You open your mouth and slip it between them, licking the head and tasting a salty droplet of precum that forms at the end.
You increase your intensity, starting to use your hands as well to put pressure at the base of his cock, as you remember you liked to be touched, and a groan comes from your partners lips. Suddenly a shot of salty spunk fills your mouth as he unexpectedly cums.
<img src="Images/HC13/peniscum.webp" width=600 />
"Max. Cumming so quickly and without permission, That is not like you at all. I am disappointed." says Megan.
[[Spit it out|Megan_domevent7_6][$temp = 2]]
[[Swallow|Megan_domevent7_6][$temp = 3]]<b>Act Three: Power</b>
<<temp>><<SetFlag "event">>
It is Midsummer eve, the final Hellfire gala of the summer, before most civilised folk depart London for the summer for a few weeks as the sweltering heat makes the smell of the city unbearable.
<<if $groom eq "MC" and $bride eq "Daisy">>
[[Enter the event with Daisy|HC14_0][$date = "Daisy"]]
\<<elseif $groom eq "Matthew" and $bride eq "MC">>
[[Enter the event with Matthew|HC14_0][$date= "Daisy"]]
\<<elseif $groom eq "MC" and $bride eq "Nicola">>
[[Enter the event with Nicola|HC14_0][$date = "Nicola"]]
\<<elseif $groom eq "MC" and $bride eq "Michaela">>
Michaela is working tonight and has been setting up for the event, but you have agreed to meet her inside.
[[Enter the event|HC14_0][$date = "Michaela"]]
[[Enter the event alone|HC14_0][$HC14 = "none"]]
<</if>><<SetFlag "event">>
"The Royal Albert Hall? For what?"
"A promenade concert."
"Aren’t they usually in gardens?"
"Yes, but it’s raining tonight, and it’s a special charity performance with some new compositions."
"I’m not sure about new stuff, I prefer the classics. Come on, our carriage is here."
<img src="Images/HC14/Alberthall1.webp" width=600 />
You arrive at the Royal Albert Hall which is packed with attendees all dressed formally. Evening suits and ball gowns glitter as the audience takes its place. You move towards your expected seats, when an usher looks at your ticket and gestures you to one side.
"Would you care to take a box tonight?"
"That would be delightful. But our tickets are for the stalls."
"Indeed, but I understand you to be members of a certain establishment frequented by the conductor, and you have been upgraded with his compliments."
You are led to a secluded box at the side of the theatre with an excellent view, and four seats just for the use of the pair of you.
<img src="Images/HC14/Alberthall3.webp" width=600 />
The concert starts with some classics, Brahms and Liszt, before going through notable works by Mendelssohn, Schubert and Wagner. You and $date watch with enjoyment.
The finale starts with an unusual composition, Blake’s poem Jerusalem, put to music by the composer Hubert Parry. It’s quite catchy, perhaps it will catch on:
<i>And did those feet in ancient time,
Walk upon England’s mountains green:
And was the holy Lamb of God,
On England’s pleasant pastures seen!
And did the Countenance Divine,
Shine forth upon our clouded hills?
And was Jerusalem builded here,
Among these dark Satanic Mills?
Bring me my Bow of burning gold:
Bring me my Arrows of desire:
Bring me my Spear: O clouds unfold:
Bring me my Chariot of fire!
I will not cease from Mental Fight,
Nor shall my Sword sleep in my hand:
Till we have built Jerusalem,
In England's green & pleasant Land.</i>
"Arrows of desire." says $date. "I think I was hit by one of those."
You look about the box you are sitting in. It is quite dark, and you are alone. You could lie down at the back and no one would know, or one of you could kneel in front of the other out of view of the rest of the audience.
[[Submissive - kneel before your date and go down on them|Date_proms_sub]]
<<if $chastity eq 0>>[[Dominant - get your date to kneel before you and go down on you|Date_proms_dom]]<<else>>You are locked in chastity, they can’t go down on you.<</if>>
[[Romantic - lie down with your partner at the back of the box and make love|Date_proms_rom]]
[[Conventional - just watch the rest of the show|Date_proms_end]]<<sub 4>>You quickly duck below the level of the box and kneel in front of $date, undoing <<if $date eq "Matthew">>his<<else>>her<</if>> undergarments.
\<<if $date eq "Michaela" and $micpenis eq "none">><img src="Images/HC14/micpussyshow.webp" width=600 />
\<<elseif $date eq "Daisy">><img src="Images/HC14/daisycunni.webp" width=600 />
\<<elseif $date eq "Nicola">><img src="Images/HC14/nicpussyshow.webp" width=600 />
\<<if $date eq "Matthew">><img src="Images/HC14/matttheatrecock.webp" width=600 />
You smile eagerly as the Matterhorn springs forth, grabbing its massive length with both your hands as you start to suck and lick at its tip, coating it in thick saliva before getting as much as you can into your throat. You hear the music intensity grow behind you, and hope that the orchestra is drowning out most of your slurping as you take it into your throat. He runs hs hands through your hair as you take the massive cock as far into your mouth as you can, but pull back as he cums, and a spurt of semen gushes forth landing all over your face and hair.
<img src="Images/HC14/matttheatrecockcum3.webp" width=600 />
"Oops" he says. "Got a little carried away there."
You tidy yourself up as best you can and take your seat back next to him.
\<<elseif $date eq "Michaela" and $micpenis neq "none">>
<<if $micchastity eq 1>><img src="Images/HC14/mictheatrecock2.webp" width=600 />Michaela’s gleaming chastity cage gleams in front of you, and you lick and tease her before clicking it open with the key around your neck. Her $micpenis cock springs forth.
\"Are you sure, darling?" she whispers, but you nod and start nuzzling at her, as she lies back, enjoying the feeling of your warm mouth around her. As the music builds, she quickly squirts into your mouth, unable to hold off her arousal for long.
<img src="Images/HC14/mictheatrecockcum.webp" width=600 />
You stand back up and kiss her, passing her semen back into her waiting lips before you resume the show. Your kiss seems to have attracted the ire of an old lady in the audience who mouths "disgusting" at you. If only she knew what you had been up to earlier.
You lift up $date’s dress and petticoats and stick your head between her legs, pushing them wide apart as you lick and suck at her sweet pussy. Over the music you hear $date make a little gasp, and her fingers run through your hair as you push two fingers deep inside her while nuzzling at her outer lips. You move your tongue in time with the music, increasing in intensity as it grows in strength, before sucking hard on her clitoris as the crescendo approaches. She clasps your head between her thighs as she cums, her whimpers drowned out by the brass section.
After you sit back next to her and hold her hand through the rest of the performance, aroused by the faint scent of her juices that lingers from your fingers.
[[Wait for the end of the show|Date_proms_end]]<<if $Daisydomevent gt 0 and $date eq "Daisy">>
You put your hand on Daisy’s shoulder and start to push her down toward your crotch, but she gives you a look of indignation.
"What kind of a whore do you take me for? I think you have this all the wrong way around. Now why don’t you get down there and start licking and I might forget all about this."
[[Submissive - kneel before Daisy and go down on her|Date_proms_sub]]
[[Refuse - just watch the rest of the show|Date_proms_end]]
<<elseif $penis neq "none" and $date eq "Matthew">>
"Look, I like you and all, but sucking cock just isn’t my thing. And you’re so much better at it than me. You can suck mine if you want. If you had a pussy, I’d eat you up in a jiffy. You know that, love."
[[Submissive - kneel before Matthew and go down on him|Date_proms_sub]]
[[Refuse - just watch the rest of the show|Date_proms_end]]
<<else>><<dom 4>>
\<<if $penis eq "none">>
\<<if $date eq "Matthew">>PIC
\<<elseif $date eq "Michaela">><img src="Images/HC14/mictheatrecunni1.webp" width=600 />
\<<elseif $date eq "Daisy">><img src="Images/HC14/daisytheatrecunni1.webp" width=600 />
\<<elseif $date eq "Nicola">><img src="Images/HC14/nictheatrecunni2.webp" width=600 />
\You open your legs, revealing a perfect pink pussy, and put a hand on the back of $date’s head. They soon get the picture and kneel down at the front of the box, starting to lick at your soft womanly folds. You enjoy the rest of the concert, your pleasure growing as the music reaches a crescendo, and can’t help but let out a little moan of pleasure as you cum with $date’s tongue and fingers deep inside you. Thankfully all eyes are on the performance and you don’t think that anybody noticed.
\<<if $date eq "Matthew">>PIC
\<<elseif $date eq "Michaela">><img src="Images/HC14/micsalivadrip.webp" width=600 />
\<<elseif $date eq "Nicola">><img src="Images/HC14/nictheatrecunni3.webp" width=600 />
\<<elseif $date eq "Daisy">><img src="Images/HC14/daisycunnicum.webp" width=600 />
$date gets up, licking their fingers with a guilty look, straightening their clothes as they sit back down. You hold their hand through the rest of the performance, aroused by the faint scent of your juices that lingers from their fingers.
<<elseif $penis neq "none">>
\<<if $date eq "Michaela">><img src="Images/HC14/mictheatreblowjob1.webp" width=600 />
\<<elseif $date eq "Daisy">><img src="Images/HC14/daisytheatreblowjob4.webp" width=600 />
\<<elseif $date eq "Nicola">><img src="Images/HC14/nictheatreblowjob2.webp" width=600 />
\You undo your undergarments, and your cock springs out. $date looks at it, then at your face and smiles wickedly, before kneeling down and taking it in her mouth. She does not move vigorously, but just sits there, warming your cock between her lips for half an hour as you listen to the rest of the concert. As the final song, Land of Hope and Glory, starts up, she starts sucking more vigorously, and you come in her mouth as the final movement, your orgasmic gasp drowned out by the music. She licks your lips and stands up, straightening her skirt before sitting down next to you.
\<<if $date eq "Michaela">><img src="Images/HC14/mictheatreblowjob2.webp" width=600 />
"Do you think anyone saw us?" asks Michaela nervously. You shake your head to reassure her, thinking that if anyone had you would be thrown out or jailed for public indecency.
\<<elseif $date eq "Daisy">><img src="Images/HC14/daisytheatreblowjob3.webp" width=600 />
"Don’t think this will happen every time we go to a concert, darling. Next time I expect you to do the same for me."
\<<elseif $date eq "Nicola">><img src="Images/HC14/nictheratreblowjobcum.webp" width=600 />
She puts a finger to her face, moving the cum off her cheeks and licking her finger clean.
"I used to like to eat ice cream at the interval at the theatre when I was a girl. This is even better."
[[Wait for the end of the show|Date_proms_end]]
<</if>>You take $date's hand and pull them towards the darkened rear of the box, lying down next to them on the thick maroon carpet behind the seats.
"What are you doing, I was enjoying that" they whisper.
You push your mouth against theirs, and they soon get the picture.
<<if $date eq "Matthew">><img src="Images/HC14/Matthewcarpet2.webp" width=600 />
\<<elseif $date eq "Michaela">><img src="Images/HC14/Michaelacarpet2.webp" width=600 />
\<<elseif $date eq "Nicola">><img src="Images/HC14/Nicolacarpet.webp" width=600 />
\<<elseif $date eq "Daisy">><img src="Images/HC14/Daisycarpet2.webp" width=600 />
\The pair of you furtively loosen each others undergarments, fumbling on the ground like inexperienced youths trying to remain undetected. In the background, the music soars, covering the noises you make.
<<if $date eq "Matthew">><img src="Images/HC14/Matthewcarpetcum.webp" width=600 />
\<<elseif $date eq "Michaela">><img src="Images/HC14/Michaelacarpetcum.webp" width=600 />
\<<elseif $date eq "Nicola">><img src="Images/HC14/Nicolacarpet5.webp" width=600 />
\<<elseif $date eq "Daisy">><img src="Images/HC14/Daisycarpet3.webp" width=600 />
\You slide your hands beneath $date's underclothes, rubbing while kissing them passionately. They do the same to you, rubbing you to climax with their fingers. $date cries out a little, but the sound is muffled by the music and your kisses.
After, you sit back in your seats, straightening your clothes. $date licks their fingers absent mindedly as the music.
[[Wait for the end of the show|Date_proms_end]]The music finishes and you and $date leave the theatre, holding hands as you walk out towards your carriage.
<<if $date eq "Matthew">>"That wasn’t bad. Quite a catchy little number at the end. Dum dum dum dum da da da."
\<<elseif $date eq "Michaela">>"I enjoyed it, but it’s a little bit formal for my tastes. I feel so out of place in a fancy dress in a place like this."
You reassure Michaela but she just grips your arm and goes quiet.
\<<elseif $date eq "Daisy">>Daisy is beaming with excitement as you leave. "Did you see the dresses they were wearing in the next box along.? And I’m sure that was Lady Aster we passed just now. I had such a marvellous time tonight, darling."
\<<elseif $date eq "Nicola">>Nicola is quiet.
"Did you not enjoy the evening?" you ask.
"Oh, I did. Very much so. I love music, I used to play all the time, the piano and the flute."
"Is that why you are good with your mouth <i>and</i> your fingers?" you ask?
She blushes slightly, before regaining her composure. "But I stopped playing when I left home. My father demanded perfection, and when I missed a note he…"
"He what?"
"He used to strike me. With a cane."
She goes silent for a while, snuggling up to you in the back of the carriage.
\The pair of you hum the tune of the final song, Land of Hope and Glory, in the carriage as you return home.
<<link [[Leave|YourRoom]]>>
<<set $time = "Night">> <</link>><<if $temp eq 0>><img src="Images/HC14/Titania.webp" width=600 />
"No fighting over our roles this year, Victoria?" asks Megan, wearing a fetching fairy costume with black gossamer wings.
<img src="Images/HC14/LadyBforest2.webp" width=600 />
"No, it is your turn to play Titania, I did it last year. And to tell the truth my heart is not in it after the loss of Arthur. It would not feel right to play either Titania or Hippolyta without him at my side."
The two women embrace, before Lady Bentley heads off to change.
<<if $Megandomevent gt 0 or $Daisydomevent gt 0>>"I have a special role for you today, my pet. We have taken a few liberties with the story but it will be so much fun."
Megan smiles as she strokes your cheek possessively.
<<link [[Agree to play Bottom|HC14_1]]>><<set $HC14 = "Bottom">><<set $Helena = "Melissa">><<set $Demetrius = "Gabriel">><<set $Bottom = "you">><<StripAll>><<set $outfit = "Peasants Jerkin">><<set $objects["Peasants Jerkin"].inv = 1>><</link>>
[[Refuse and ask for another role|HC14_0][$temp = 1]]
<<if $femcheck lt 2>>"I think you would be perfect for the role of Demetrius today, $Hname." says Megan. "Or there is his lover Helena. \
<<else>>"I think you would be perfect for the role of Helena today, $Hname." says Megan. "Or there is her lover Demetrius. \
<</if>>In Shakespeare’s time all the female roles were played by men of course. "
<<link [[Choose to play Helena|HC14_1]]>><<set $HC14 = "Helena">><<set $Helena = "you">><<set $Demetrius = "Gabriel">><<set $Bottom = "Colonel Wilberforce">><<StripAll>><<set $outfit = "Red medieval dress">><<set $objects["Red medieval dress"].inv = 1>><</link>>
<<link [[Choose to play Demetrius|HC14_1]]>><<set $HC14 = "Demetrius">><<set $Helena = "Melissa">><<set $Demetrius = "you">><<set $Bottom = "Colonel Wilberforce">><<StripAll>><<set $outfit = "Medieval jerkin">><<set $objects["Medieval jerkin"].inv = 1>><</link>>
\<<elseif $temp eq 1>>
"Spoiling my fun. You have read the play, I presume. The fairy queen does fall in love with the simple weaver Bottom. Ah well, I shall have to lavish my attention on the good colonel instead. <<if $femcheck lt 2>>"Alternatively you could play the role of Demetrius today, $Hname." says Megan. "Or there is his lover Helena. \
<<else>>"Alternatively you could play the role of Helena today, $Hname." says Megan. "Or there is her lover Demetrius. \
<</if>>In Shakespeare’s time all the female roles were played by men of course. "
<<link [[Choose to play Helena|HC14_1]]>><<set $HC14 = "Helena">><<set $Helena = "you">><<set $Demetrius = "Gabriel">><<set $Bottom = "Colonel Wilberforce">><<StripAll>><<set $outfit = "Red medieval dress">><<set $objects["Red medieval dress"].inv = 1>><</link>>
<<link [[Choose to play Demetrius|HC14_1]]>><<set $HC14 = "Demetrius">><<set $Helena = "Melissa">><<set $Demetrius = "you">><<set $Bottom = "Colonel Wilberforce">><<StripAll>><<set $outfit = "Medieval jerkin">><<set $objects["Medieval jerkin"].inv = 1>><</link>>
<<link [[Relent and agree to play Bottom|HC14_1]]>><<set $HC14 = "Bottom">><<set $Helena = "Melissa">><<set $Demetrius = "Gabriel">><<set $Bottom = "you">><<StripAll>><<set $outfit = "Peasants Jerkin">><<set $objects["Peasants Jerkin"].inv = 1>><</link>>
<</if>>You head to the club’s elaborate bathrooms to change after collecting your costume, before heading into the gardens where the play is being performed. It is one you have seen before, so are familiar with the plot, and the part of $HC14 that you are playing today.
You sit at the side of the stage with the other players.
Megan is playing Titania, Queen of the Fairies .
<img src="Images/HC14/WalsinghamOberon5.webp" width=600 />
Sir Walsingham is playing Oberon, her faithless husband the Fairy king.
<img src="Images/HC14/orlandoMpuck.webp" width=600 />
Orlando is playing Puck, a mischievous Fairy.
Michaela is playing Peaseblossom, one of Titania’s retinue.
Bunny is playing Cobweb, another fairy serving Titania.
<<if $HC14 eq "Nicola">><<Mustardseed>>
Nicola is playing Mustardseed, another fairy serving Titania.
Antioch is playing Theseus, Lord of Athens
Mimi is playing Hippolyta, his bride to be.
Lady Bentley is playing Egea, an Athenian noblewoman
<<if $Bottom eq "you">>You are
\<<else>><img src="Images/HC14/ColonelBottom.webp" width=600 />
Colonel Wilberforce is<</if>>
\ playing Bottom, a weaver and actor.
Matthew is playing Lysander, who loves Hermia.
Daisy is playing Hermia, who loves Lysander
<<if $bride eq "Daisy" and $groom eq "MC">>You are sure you can trust your best friend and fiancée to stay professional.
\<<elseif ($bride eq "Daisy" and $groom eq "Matthew") or $bride neq "Daisy">>They are gazing adoringly at each other and you do not think it is just preparing for the roles.
<<if $Demetrius eq "you">>You are
Gabriel is<</if>>
\ playing Demetrius, who has asked for Hermia’s hand in marriage.
<<if $Helena eq "you">>You are
Melissa is<</if>>
\ playing Helena, who loves Demetrius.
Various others are playing other roles, but your attention is drawn by your friends and those of note in the club.
The lights dim and the first scene begins. If you had any illusions that this play would be performed traditionally, they are soon disavowed. As usual, the play starts with Theseus returning from war with his conquered bride-to-be, Hippolyta.
<i>Now, fair Hippolyta, our nuptial hour
Draws on apace. Four happy days bring in
Another moon; but O, methinks, how slow
This old moon wanes! She lingers my desires,
Like to a step-dame, or a dowager,
Long withering out a young man’s revenue.</i>
But rather than a regal queen, Hippolyta is bound in chains, a captive of war.
<i>Four days will quickly steep themselves in night
Four nights will quickly dream away the time
And then the moon, like to a silver bow
New bent in heaven, shall behold the night
Of our solemnities.</i>
The looks between them, of lust, but the need to hold off consummation before their marriage, makes you think of the upcoming ceremony next week.
Egea enters,
followed by Hermia
and Demetrius, played by $Demetrius
<i>Full of vexation come I, with complaint
Against my child, my daughter Hermia.</i>
Egea pleads with Theseus to force her daughter Hermia to marry Demetrius in an arranged marriage. Hermia declares that she loves another, Lysander. Theseus and her parent forbid it however, declaring that she must wed Demetrius, enter a convent or be put to death.
Lysander enters and the lovers plead with Theseus and Egea, declaring that Demetrius is unfaithful and has slept with another, Helena, who loves him back. But to no avail. The king and Hippolyta depart, his judgement unchanged.
Lysander and Hermia make plans to elope together:
<i>"There, gentle Hermia, may I marry thee;
And to that place the sharp Athenian law
Cannot pursue us. If thou lovest me, then
Steal forth thy father’s house tomorrow night;"
"My good Lysander,
I swear to thee, by Cupid’s strongest bow,
In that same place thou hast appointed me
Tomorrow truly will I meet with thee."</i>
Helena enters, played by $Helena, bemoaning the fact that her beloved Demetrius loves her friend Hermia:
<i>"I frown upon him; yet he loves me still."
"O that your frowns would teach my smiles such skill!"
"I give him curses; yet he gives me love."
"O that my prayers could such affection move!"
"The more I hate, the more he follows me."
"The more I love, the more he hateth me."
"His folly, Helena, is no fault of mine."
"None but your beauty; would that fault were mine!"</i>
Lysander and Hermia depart, and Helena decides to tell Demetrius of Hermia’s plans.
A second scene starts, with a group of Athenian amateur actors introduced, including a weaver named Bottom played by $Bottom, who plan to perform the tragedy of Pyramus and Thisbe. They are given their parts, with Bottom to play the hero Pyramus. Bottom says that he also wants to play the heroine Thisbe, and the lion also.
<i>Let me play the lion too. I will roar, that I will do any man’s heart good to hear me. I will roar, that I will make the Duke say, "Let him roar again; let him roar again."</i>
[[So far, so traditional. Start Act 2|HC14_2][$temp = 1]]<<if $temp eq 1>>The next act starts in a fairies’ grove, lit by twinkling lanterns. The king and Queen of the faeries are not happy with each other. You are not sure that Megan and Walsingham are having to act for their roles, their disdain is quite apparent.
<i>Ill met by moonlight, proud Titania.
"What, jealous Oberon? Fairies, skip hence
I have forsworn his bed and company."
"Tarry, rash wanton! Am not I thy lord?"</i>
To be fair Titania is looking especially wanton in her fairy outfit. The pair accuse each other of affairs and jealousy before Titania’s entourage of fairies arrives:
<img src="Images/HC14/Michaelafairy2.webp" width=600 />
<img src="Images/HC14/Bunnyfairyhoneytits.webp" width=600 />
And Mustardseed
<img src="Images/HC14/nicfairy1.webp" width=600 />
With a slavegirl in tow.
<img src="Images/HC14/changelingsub.webp" width=600 />
<i>Why should Titania cross her Oberon?
I do but beg your changeling girl,
To be my willing slave
Give me that girl, and I will go with thee.
Not for thy fairy kingdom. Fairies, away!
We shall chide downright, if I longer stay.</i>
Titania and her retinue depart and Oberon calls for his servant, Puck. He asks for a magic herb that will make the person it is used on fall in love with the next creature they see, and plans to use this to bring Titania down a step or two so that she gives him the slavegirl.
<i>Fetch me that flow’r; the herb I showed thee once.
The juice of it on sleeping eyelids laid
Will make or man or woman madly dote
Upon the next live creature that it sees.</i>
Puck departs, smiling enigmatically:
<i>I’ll put a girdle round about the earth
In forty minutes.</i>
Oberon heads to the side of the grove,
then Helena
and Demetrius head in from the other.
She is fawning over him and he is spurning her.
<i>"Do I entice you? Do I speak you fair?
Or rather do I not in plainest truth
Tell you I do not nor I cannot love you?" </i>
He pushes her away.
<i>"And even for that do I love you the more;
I am your spaniel; and, Demetrius,
"The more you beat me, I will fawn on you.
Use me but as your spaniel; spurn me, strike me,
Neglect me, lose me; only give me leave,
Unworthy as I am, to follow you.
What worser place can I beg in your love
(And yet a place of high respect with me)
Than to be used as you use your dog?"
"Tempt not too much the hatred of my spirit,
For I am sick when I do look on thee."
"And I am sick when I look not on you."</i> she replies
<<if $Demetrius eq "you">>
[[Take advantage of Helena’s submissive nature and make her go down on you|HC14_2][$temp = 2]]
[[Walk away from her, saying your lines as you leave her|HC14_2][$temp = 3]]
\<<elseif $Helena eq "you">>
[[Show Demetrius how submissive you are by giving him a blowjob|HC14_2][$temp = 2]]
[[Fall to the ground crying|HC14_2][$temp = 3]]
[[Wait to see what happens next|HC14_2][$temp = 2]]
\<<elseif $temp eq 2>><img src="Images/HC14/MelissaHelenablowjob.webp" width=600 />
Helena falls to her knees and pulls at Lysanders breeches, placing his hands upon her head and fellating him, sucking and licking as she begs to submit to him.
He momentarily waits obviously enjoying the sensation before pushing her off him.
\<<if $temp gt 1>>
<i>You do impeach your modesty too much,
To leave the city and commit yourself
Into the hands of one that loves you not;
To trust the opportunity of night,
And the ill counsel of a desert place,
With the rich worth of your virginity.</i>
Demetrius pushes her to the ground and leaves her crying as he walks off.
The tearful Helena calls after him:
<i>I’ll follow thee and make a heaven of hell,
To die upon the hand I love so well.</i>
But is spotted by Oberon, who surprisingly seeks to aid her in her quest for Demetrius’ love:
<i>Fare thee well, nymph. Ere he do leave this grove,
Thou shalt fly him, and he shall seek thy love.</i>
Puck returns, bearing the magic flowers and Oberon takes one to administer to Titania, asking Puck to put some of the juice from another flower in Demetrius’ eyes so that he might love her back :
<i>A sweet Athenian lady is in love
With a disdainful youth; anoint his eyes,
But do it when the next thing he espies
May be the lady. Thou shalt know the man
By the Athenian garments he hath on.</i>
Puck bows, agreeing to his master's wishes with a look that indicates he will do nothing of the sort.
[[Applaud the end of the scene and wait for the next|HC14_3][$temp = 1]]
<</if>><<if $temp eq 1>><img src="Images/HC14/Meganbedofflowers2.webp" width=600 />
Titania enters, followed by her entourage. She strips and lies down naked on a bed of flowers.
<img src="Images/HC14/MeganTitaniamassage.webp" width=600 />
The fairies caress and touch her, stroking her hair, caressing her breasts and massaging her thighs.
<img src="Images/HC14/bunnicunni2.webp" width=600 />
Cobweb falls between her legs and starts licking her pussy, then the other fairies join in, serving their Mistress.
<img src="Images/HC14/meganfairycunni1.webp" width=600 />
Titania moans softly as she drifts into a blissful ecstacy of sleep. The other fairies start kissing and touching each other before similarly falling asleep across the grove.
Oberon enters, admiring the naked beauties. He pauses, as if thinking to take one of them as a lover, before continuing to stand in front of his Queen, Titania. He brings forth the magic flower and squeezes drops from it into her sleeping eyes.
<i>What thou seest when thou dost wake,
Do it for thy true-love take;
Love and languish for his sake.
Be it ounce, or cat, or bear,
Pard, or boar with bristled hair,
In thy eye that shall appear
When thou wak’st, it is thy dear
Wake when some vile thing is near.</i>
His spell cast, he kisses her upon the brow and leaves with a sinister look.
Lysander and Hermia enter from the other side of the stage. They start to kiss, and disrobe, their passion growing as he kisses her breasts. Lysander obviously wants to fuck her right here in the forest.
<i>Two bosoms interchained with an oath,
So then two bosoms and a single troth.
Then by your side no bed-room me deny;
For lying so, Hermia, I do not lie.</i>
Hermia is having none of it, wishing to preserve her virginity, if not her innocence, and insists that they sleep separately:
<i>Lysander riddles very prettily.
Now much beshrew my manners and my pride,
If Hermia meant to say Lysander lied.
But, gentle friend, for love and courtesy,
Lie further off, in humane modesty;
Such separation as may well be said
Becomes a virtuous bachelor and a maid,
So far be distant; and good night, sweet friend.
Thy love ne’er alter till thy sweet life end!</i>
The pair fall asleep, but the devilish Puck soon enters, looking left and right for Demetrius. He mistakes the sleeping Lysander for his quarry, as he is clad in Athenian garb and douses his eyes with the potent flower.
<i>Night and silence—Who is here?
Weeds of Athens he doth wear:
This is he, my master said
Despised the Athenian maid;
And here the maiden, sleeping sound,
On the dank and dirty ground.
Pretty soul, she durst not lie
Near this lack-love, this kill-courtesy.
Churl, upon thy eyes I throw
All the power this charm doth owe.
When thou wak’st, let love forbid
Sleep his seat on thy eyelid.
So awake when I am gone,
For I must now to Oberon.</i>
As soon as Puck leaves, Helena arrives, panicked and lost in the woods.
She sees Lysander lying on the ground, and thinking him hurt, she moves to inspect his sleeping form.
<i>But who is here? Lysander! On the ground?
Dead, or asleep? I see no blood, no wound.
Lysander, if you live, good sir, awake.</i>
Lysander awakes and due to the flower’s spell immediately falls in love with her:
<i>Content with Hermia? No; I do repent
The tedious minutes I with her have spent.
Not Hermia, but Helena I love.
Who will not change a raven for a dove?</i>
<<if $Helena eq "you">>
[[Accuse him of mocking you|HC14_3][$temp = 2]]
[[Slap him|HC14_3][$temp = 3]]
[[Kiss him back|HC14_3][$temp = 4]]
Helena, played by Melissa, takes one look at the half naked Lysander (Matthew) and smiles wickedly before kissing him full on the lips. He is too surprised to protest, knowing this is not in the script, but kisses her back in a passionate embrace.
<<if ($bride eq "Daisy" and $groom eq "Matthew") or ($bride neq "Daisy" and $groom eq "MC")>>Daisy playing Hermia takes one look at what is going on and wakes, slapping Melissa across the face and continuing in very non-Shakespearean language
"Get your hands off my fiance, you bitch."
"I was just improvising. He seemed to enjoy it, didn’t you, darling?" She runs out of the scene and Lysander looks confused, unsure whether to run after Helena as the script demands or stay with Hermia.
"Go after her. I’ll have words with you after the play, Matthew." she says sternly.
He leaves, and she lies down again, before waking and panicking that Lysander is gone, rushing off scene after them.
[[Wait to see what happens next|HC14_4][$temp = 1]]
\<<elseif $temp eq 2 or $temp eq 3>>
<<if $temp eq 3>>You slap Lysander hard across the face, improvising your reaction but not realising your own strength. Matthew playing the character looks at you with a sorrowful hurt look, before you continue with your lines.
\You deliver your lines through tears, acting superbly as a woman scorned by the man she loves and pursued by one she does not care for:
<i>Wherefore was I to this keen mockery born?
When at your hands did I deserve this scorn?
Is’t not enough, is’t not enough, young man,
That I did never, no, nor never can,
Deserve a sweet look from Demetrius’ eye,
But you must flout my insufficiency?
Good troth, you do me wrong (good sooth, you do)
In such disdainful manner me to woo.
But fare you well; perforce I must confess
I thought you lord of more true gentleness.
O that a lady, of one man refus’d,
Should of another therefore be abus’d!</i>
You rush off, pursued by Lysander.
Hermia wakes, and panicking that Lysander is gone, rushing off scene after the pair of you.
[[Wait to see what happens next|HC14_4][$temp = 1]]
\<<elseif $temp eq 4>>
You take one look at the half naked Lysander (Matthew) and smile wickedly before kissing him full on the lips. He is too surprised to protest, knowing this is not in the script, but kisses you back in a passionate embrace.
<<if ($bride eq "Daisy" and $groom eq "Matthew") or ($bride neq "Daisy" and $groom eq "MC")>>Daisy playing Hermia takes one look at what is going on and wakes, slapping you across the face and continuing in very non-Shakespearean language
"Get your hands off my fiance, you bitch."
"I was just improvising. He seemed to enjoy it, didn’t you, Matthew?" You run out of the scene and Lysander looks confused, unsure whether to run after Helena as the script demands or stay with Hermia.
"Go after her. I’ll have words with you after the play, Matthew." she says sternly.
He leaves, and she lies down again, before waking and panicking that Lysander is gone, rushing off scene after them.
\<<else>>You push him away flirtatiously, then rush off, pursued by Lysander.
Hermia wakes, and panicking that Lysander is gone, rushing off scene after the pair of you.
[[Wait to see what happens in the next Act|HC14_4][$temp = 1]]
<</if>><<if $temp eq 1>><<Bottom>>
Bottom is practicing lines in the forest for the upcoming play. Their voice can be heard from the bushes, but they cannot be seen.
<i>Thisbe, the flowers of odors savors sweet;
So hath thy breath, my dearest Thisbe dear.
But hark; a voice! Stay thou but here a while,
And by and by I will to thee appear.</i>
Puck hears him, and crafts a plan.
<i>What hempen home-spuns have we swagg’ring here,
So near the cradle of the Fairy Queen?</i>
He waves his hand at the bush and there is a flash of coloured sparks.
<<if $Bottom eq "you">> You feel tingly, and not quite yourself. Your body is smooth and feminine, your hair long and brown, and you have a horsehair tail attached to a butt plug sticking out of your ass. You don’t recall how you arrived in this form, you thought you were just putting on a pair of donkey ears for this scene. But you do feel incredibly sexy in this outfit.
<<set $outfit = "Black leather bondage harness">><<set $shoes = "Black pony heels">><<set $panties = "Black leather crotchless panties">><<set $objects["Black leather bondage harness"].inv = 1>><<set $objects["Black pony heels"].inv = 1>><<set $objects["Black leather crotchless panties"].inv = 1>>
\Bottom emerges from the bushes, clad in leather straps as an effeminate ponygirl.
<i>This is to make an ass of me, to fright me, if they could;
but I will not stir from this place, do what they can.
I will walk up and down here, and I will sing,
that they shall hear I am not afraid.</i>
Bottom begins to sing, and awakens the sleeping Titania
<img src="Images/HC14/Meganwaking.webp" width=600 />
<i>What angel wakes me from my flow’ry bed?</i> she says
Bottom sings
<i>The finch, the sparrow, and the lark,
The plainsong cuckoo grey,
Whose note full many a man doth mark,
And dares not answer nay.</i>
She looks at Bottom with a look of lust and love, moving to kiss them
<i>I pray thee, gentle mortal, sing again.
Mine ear is much enamored of thy note;
So is mine eye enthralled to thy shape;
And thy fair virtue’s force (perforce) doth move me
On the first view to say, to swear, I love thee.</i>
<<if $Bottom eq "you">>[[Push Titania away|HC14_4][$temp = 2]]
[[Kiss Titania|HC14_4][$temp = 3]]
[[Submit to Titania|HC14_4][$temp = 4]]
\<<else>>[[Wait to see what happens next|HC14_4][$temp = 5]]
\<<elseif $temp eq 2>><img src="Images/HC14/Bottomponygirl2.webp" width=600 />
Titania looks at you with a flash of anger, before grabbing your reins and wrapping them around a tree, tethering you. She looks you in the eyes and strokes your bound body covetously, then commands you.
\<<elseif $temp eq 3>><img src="Images/HC14/Titaniabottomkiss.webp" width=600 />
Titania embraces you, enjoying the forward manner she did not expect, and slips her warm tongue between your lips, licking your bit and bridle as the pair of you grope and touch each other with fond desire.
\<<elseif $temp eq 4>><img src="Images/HC14/Titaniabottomcunnitree.webp" width=600 />
You look at Titania nervously, before bowing and falling to her feet. She smiles regally, taking your bridle, and strokes your flesh covetously, before pushing her naked crotch into your face. You start to licks at her wet folds deeply, and Titania moans lasciviously at the attention from her new pet.
\<<elseif $temp eq 5>><img src="Images/HC14/Titaniabottomcunnitree.webp" width=600 />
Bottom looks at Titania nervously, before bowing and falling to her feet. She smiles regally, taking Bottom’s bridle, and strokes their flesh covetously, before pushing her crotch into Bottom’s face. Bottom licks deeply, and Titania moans lasciviously at the attention from her new pet.
\<<if $temp gt 1>><img src="Images/HC14/Megan_titanianude.webp" width=600 />
<i>Out of this wood do not desire to go;
Thou shalt remain here, whether thou wilt or no.
I am a spirit of no common rate;
The summer still doth tend upon my state;
And I do love thee; therefore go with me.
I’ll give thee fairies to attend on thee;
And they shall fetch thee jewels from the deep,
And sing while thou on pressed flowers dost sleep.
And I will purge thy mortal grossness so,
That thou shalt like an aery spirit go.
Peaseblossom! Cobweb! Moth! And Mustardseed!</i>
<img src="Images/HC14/Titaniabottomkiss.webp" width=600 />
Titania’s entourage enters, seeing their mistress in an embrace with the bound ponygirl.
Megan starts to give them commands to attend to her new love:
<i>Be kind and courteous to this ponygirl,
Hop in her walks and gambol in her eyes;
Feed them with apricots and dewberries,
With purple grapes, green figs, and mulberries;
The honey-bags steal from the humble-bees,
And for night-tapers crop their waxen thighs</i>
At this, one of the fairies strikes Bottom upon the thighs with a riding crop.
<i>And light them at the fiery glow-worm’s eyes,
To have my love to bed and to arise;
And pluck the wings from painted butterflies,
To fan the moonbeams from his sleeping eyes.
Nod to them, elves, and do them courtesies.</i>
<img src="Images/HC14/Bottomponygirl3.webp" width=600 />
They circle Bottom, taking her reins and playing with her, pulling her hair, slapping her ass, and teasing her by rubbing their bodies against hers.
<i>Come wait upon them; lead them to my bower.
The moon methinks looks with a wat’ry eye;
And when she weeps, weeps every little flower,
Lamenting some enforced chastity.
Tie up my lover’s tongue, bring him silently.</i>
<<if $Bottom eq "you">>The fairies clip a chastity belt about your midriff, and a gag upon your mouth. With the fairies looking after you, you are led away to Titania’s fairy bower.
\<<else>>The fairies clip a chastity belt about Bottom’s midriff, and a gag upon their mouth
With the fairies looking after them, Bottom is led away to Titania’s fairy bower.
[[Wait for the next Scene|HC14_5][$temp =1]]
<</if>><<if $temp eq 1>><img src="Images/HC14/walsoberon6.webp" width=600 />
The next scene starts with Oberon sitting upon a grand leafy throne. His servant Puck enters, and he asks him what has happened with Titania:
<i>I wonder if Titania be awak’d;
Then what it was that next came in her eye,
Which she must dote on in extremity.
Here comes my messenger. How now, mad spirit?</i>
<i>My mistress with a monster is in love.</i>
Oberon smiles wickedly at this news. In a lengthy speech, the fairy Puck explains how he enchanted Bottom into the form of a ponygirl who was the first thing Titania saw when she awakened, ending with:
<i>When in that moment (so it came to pass)
Titania wak’d, and straightway lov’d an ass.</i>
"She has always loved a nice ass." says someone in the audience, to general amusement.
Walsingham looks at the audience with scorn, and they grow silent. He continues his speech as Demetris and Helena enter:
<i>This falls out better than I could devise.
But hast thou yet latch’d the Athenian’s eyes
With the love-juice, as I did bid thee do?
Stand close; this is the same Athenian.</i>
<i>This is the woman; but not this the man.</i>
Replies Puck, indicating he may have given the love potion to the wrong Athenian.
Hermia starts accusing Demetrius of murder as Lysander is missing.
<i>Now I but chide; but I should use thee worse,
For thou (I fear) hast given me cause to curse.
If thou hast slain Lysander in his sleep,
Being o’er shoes in blood, plunge in the deep,
And kill me too.</i>
\<<if $Demetrius eq "you">>
[[Make a move on Hermia now Lysander is out of the picture|HC14_5][$temp = 2]]
[[Rest while she leaves to go and find Lysander|HC14_5][$temp = 3]]
\<<elseif $Demetrius neq "you">>
[[Wait to see Demetrius’ response|HC14_5][$temp = 3]]
\<<elseif $temp eq 2>><<Hermia>>
You flatter Hermia’s beauty:
<i>So should the murdered look, and so should I,
Pierc’d through the heart with your stern cruelty.
Yet you, the murderer, look as bright, as clear,
As yonder Venus in her glimmering sphere.</i>
<img src="Images/HC14/demetriushermiakiss2.webp" width=600 />
Then hold her tightly in a hug while she cries into your jerkin. Rubbing your fingers through her hair, you lower your face toward hers. She looks a little confused as you push your mouth against hers for a kiss, shaking her head to say no. But her eyes say something different. You push her up against a tree, squeezing her soft bosom as you do and she gasps. "Demetrius…" as you slide your tongue into her mouth.
Eventually she pushes you away, but you can tell from her response that she enjoyed that. And it wasn’t Daisy’s acting. Maybe she likes being taken against her will...
[[Rest while she leaves to go and find Lysander|HC14_5][$temp = 3]]
\<<elseif $temp eq 3>><<Demetrius>>
Demetrius defends himself against Hermia’s accusations
<i>You spend your passion on a mispris’d mood.
I am not guilty of Lysander’s blood;
Nor is he dead, for aught that I can tell.
I pray thee, tell me then that he is well.
And if I could, what should I get therefore?
A privilege never to see me more.
And from thy hated presence part I so:
See me no more, whether he be dead or no.</i>
Hermia storms off stage in tears as Demetrius lies down to rest:
<i>There is no following her in this fierce vein.
Here therefore for a while I will remain.</i>
Watching the pair arguing, Oberon accuses Puck, striking him to the ground:
<i>What hast thou done? Thou hast mistaken quite,
And laid the love-juice on some true-love’s sight.</i>
An apologetic Puck dashes off, promising to return with the right Athenians. While he is gone, Oberon applies the love potion to Demetrius’ eyes:
<i>Flower of this purple dye,
Hit with Cupid’s archery,
Sink in apple of his eye.
When his love he doth espy.</i>
Before Puck returns, followed by Helena and Lysander.
<i>Captain of our fairy band,
Helena is here at hand,
And the youth, mistook by me,
Pleading for a lover’s fee.
Shall we their fond pageant see?
Lord, what fools these mortals be!</i>
Demetrius wakes, spying Helena who he falls madly in love with.
<i>O Helen, goddess, nymph, perfect, divine!
To what, my love, shall I compare thine eyne?
Crystal is muddy. O, how ripe in show
Thy lips, those kissing cherries, tempting grow!
That pure congealed white, high Taurus’ snow,
Fann’d with the eastern wind, turns to a crow
When thou hold’st up thy hand. O, let me kiss
This princess of pure white, this seal of bliss!</i>
Shocked at going from no suitors to two, Helena accuses the pair of mocking her.
<i>O spite! O hell! I see you all are bent
To set against me for your merriment.
If you were civil and knew courtesy,
You would not do me thus much injury.
Can you not hate me, as I know you do,
But you must join in souls to mock me too?
If you were men, as men you are in show,
You would not use a gentle lady so;</i>
\<<if $Demetrius eq "you">>
[[Use the gentle lady in a threesome|HC14_5][$temp = 4]]
[[Fight Lysander for her affections|HC14_5][$temp = 5]]
[[Say your lines and wait for Hermia to arrive|HC14_5][$temp = 6]]
\<<elseif $Helena eq "you">>
[[Flirt with and fuck both of them|HC14_5][$temp = 4]]
[[Let them fight over you|HC14_5][$temp = 5]]
[[Say your lines and wait for Hermia to arrive|HC14_5][$temp = 6]]
\<<else>><img src="Images/HC14/MelissaHelenanaked.webp" width=600 />
Helena, played by Melissa, has a twinkle in her eyes and strips before she starts to kiss both men.
"If you both want me, you’ll have to share." she says wickedly, going off script.
[[Watch as she takes them both|HC14_5][$temp = 4]]
\<<elseif $temp eq 4>><img src="Images/HC14/Helenathreesome.webp" width=600 />
Demetrius kisses Helena, as Lysander lifts up her skirt from behind.
The audience gasps. This most definitely was not in the original script. Helena starts sucking on Demetrius’ cock as Lysander forces into her from behind, Matthew taking advantage of the situation to get himself some fine ass.
<img src="Images/HC14/Helenathreesomecum.webp" width=600 />
The pair take her from both ends until they cum, covering Helena’s face and ass in sticky semen, just as Hermia enters the scene.
[[Wait to see what happens|HC14_5][$temp = 6]]
\<<elseif $temp eq 5>>
\<<if $Helena eq "you">>You kiss one of the men, then the other, inflaming their passions as you stroke their hair, their chests and touch them between the legs, then sit back and going off script declare that the winner can have your arse.
\Demetrius and Lysander start wrestling, fighting with each other. Demetrius initially has the upper hand, with some disciplined moves, but Lysander as the stronger man, and a trained soldier twists his arm behind him until Demetrius submits.
<img src="Images/HC14/Helenadoggysex.webp" width=600 />
<<if $Helena eq "you">>Lysander walks toward you, claiming his prize and kissing you, before bending you over and pushing himself into your tight ass with a cry of triumph and possession. He covers your face and ass in sticky semen, just as Hermia enters the scene.
\<<elseif $Helena neq "you">>Lysander walks toward Helena, claiming his prize and kissing her, before bending her over and pushing himself into her tight arse with a cry of triumph and possession. He covers her face and ass in sticky semen, just as Hermia enters the scene.
\[[Wait to see what happens|HC14_5][$temp = 6]]
\<<elseif $temp eq 6>><<Hermia>>
Hermia enters, seeing the pair of men lusting after Helena and is shocked and upset:
<i>Thou art not by mine eye, Lysander, found;
Mine ear, I thank it, brought me to thy sound
What love could press Lysander from my side?</i>
Lysander responds, declaring his love for Helena:
<i>Lysander’s love, that would not let him bide
Fair Helena! Who more engilds the night
Than all yon fiery oes and eyes of light.
Why seek’st thou me? Could not this make thee know,
The hate I bare thee made me leave thee so?</i>
Hermia cries out <i>You speak not as you think. It cannot be.</i> but Helena thinks all three of them are playing a joke on her:
<i>Lo! She is one of this confederacy.
Now I perceive, they have conjoin’d all three
To fashion this false sport, in spite of me.
Injurious Hermia, most ungrateful maid!</i>
<<if $Helena eq "you" or $Demetrius eq "you">>
[[Two boys. Two girls. Time for an orgy|HC14_5][$temp = 7]]
\[[Follow the script and let Oberon sort everything out|HC14_5][$temp = 8]]
\<<elseif $temp eq 7>><<Hermia>>
Shakespeare would turn in his grave as his lines are misused in the ensuing foursome. Hermia looks at the three of them:
<i>Lo! She is one of this confederacy.
Now I perceive, they have conjoin’d all three
To fashion this false sport, in spite of me.
Injurious Hermia, most ungrateful maid!
Have you conspir’d, have you with these contriv’d
To bait me with this foul derision?
Is all the counsel that we two have shar’d,
The sisters’ vows, the hours that we have spent,
Like to a double cherry, seeming parted,
But yet an union in partition,
Two lovely berries moulded on one stem;
So with two seeming bodies, but one heart.</i>
<img src="Images/HC14/hermiahelenakisssex.jpg" width=600 />
With this she bends down and kisses Helena, who returns her kiss with a lascivious look and a wet tongue:
<i>I am amazed at your passionate words
I scorn you not; it seems that you scorn me.
Ay, do! Persever, counterfeit sad looks,
Make mouths upon me when I turn my back</i>
declares Helena, kissing Hermia as Lysander slides between her ass cheeks.
<img src="Images/HC14/hermiahelenakisssex2.webp" width=600 />
<i>O excellent!</i> she moans, meeting his thrusts with circling motions of her smooth rounded arse.
<i>Sweet, do not scorn her so.<i> says Hermia, kissing Helena as Demetrius takes Hermia from behind.
<img src="Images/HC14/hermiahelenakisssexcumshot3.webp" width=600 />
<i>If she cannot entreat, I can compel.</i> calls Demetrius as he squeezes Hermia’s firm white breasts
<i> Helen, I love thee, by my life I do!
I swear by that which I will lose for thee,
To prove him false that says I love thee not.</i>
woos Lysander, declaring his love for Helena as he fucks her hard,
<i>I say I love thee more than he can do.</i> calls Demetrius, thrusting himself vigorously as his climax approaches.
<img src="Images/HC14/hermiahelenakisssexcumshot2.webp" width=600 />
<i> If thou say so, withdraw, and prove it too.</i> challenges Lysander, pulling his throbbing cock out at the point of orgasm. Demetrius does the same.
<img src="Images/HC14/hermiahelenakisssexcumshot.webp" width=600 />
<i>Quick, come!</i> calls Demetrius and the pair shower thick white cum all over Hermia and Helena’s soft white skin. The girls smile as they kiss each other.
[[Let Oberon sort everything out|HC14_5][$temp = 8]]
\<<elseif $temp eq 8>>
Puck renters, and sees the foursome. He waves his hand, sprinkling fairy dust upon the group. Helena and Hermia once again start arguing over the love of Lysander. Hermia starts by accusing Helena of being wanton:
<img src="Images/HC14/hermiahelenawrestle2.webp" width=600 />
<i>O me, you juggler, you canker-blossom,
You thief of love! What, have you come by night
And stol’n my love’s heart from him?
Fine, i’ faith!
Have you no modesty, no maiden shame,
No touch of bashfulness? What, will you tear
Impatient answers from my gentle tongue?
Fie, fie, you counterfeit, you puppet, you!</i> responds Helena, hinting at Hermia being a virgin. The shorter Hermia takes offense, thinking Helena mocks her height:
<i>"Puppet"? Why so? Ay, that way goes the game.
Now I perceive that she hath made compare
Between our statures: she hath urg’d her height,
And with her personage, her tall personage,
Her height, forsooth, she hath prevail’d with him.
And are you grown so high in his esteem,
Because I am so dwarfish and so low?
How low am I, thou painted maypole? Speak!
How low am I? I am not yet so low
But that my nails can reach unto thine eyes.</i>
<img src="Images/HC14/hermiahelenawrestle.webp" width=600 />
Hermia lunges at Helena, their language becoming far from Shakesperian:
The pair tear at each other's clothing, wrestling each other to the ground.
Oberon reenters, and Puck waves his arm, causing the four to collapse upon the ground and sleep. The fairy king accuses Puck of causing this chaos, but his servant protests his innocence:
<i>This is thy negligence. Still thou mistak’st,
Or else commit’st thy knaveries willfully.
Believe me, king of shadows, I mistook.
Did not you tell me I should know the man
By the Athenian garments he had on?
And so far blameless proves my enterprise,
That I have ’nointed an Athenian’s eyes.</i>
Oberon commands him to make it right:
<i>When they next wake, all this derision
Shall seem a dream and fruitless vision,
And back to Athens shall the lovers wend
With league whose date till death shall never end.
Whiles I in this affair do thee employ,
I’ll to my queen and beg her joy;
And then I will her charmed eye release
From monster’s view, and all things shall be peace.</i>
He departs the scene, and Puck leans down over Demetrius:
<i>When thou wak’st,
Thou tak’st true delight
In the sight of thy former lady’s eye;
And the country proverb known,
That every man should take his own,
In your waking shall be shown.
Jack shall have Jill;
Nought shall go ill:
The man shall have his mare again, and all shall be well.</i>
He sprinkles fairy dust over the sleeping couples and departs with a laugh
[[Wait for the next scene|HC14_6][$temp = 1]]
<</if>><img src="Images/HC14/titaniabdsm.webp" width=600 />
The next scene opens with Titania and her entourage in a fairy grove. The queen is dominating Bottom, striking her ass with a whip and teasing her between the legs. Bottom is panting like a farm animal as they are brought to the edge of arousal and kept there. Titania then sits next to Bottom, helplessly bound and twitching, and kisses Bottom’s soft ears:
<img src="Images/HC14/meganbottombound2.webp" width=600 />
<i>Come sit thee down upon this flow’ry bed
While I thy amiable cheeks do coy,
And stick musk-roses in thy sleek smooth head,
And kiss thy fair large ears, my gentle joy.</i>
<img src="Images/HC14/Bottomtied5.webp" width=600 />
Bottom is unable to move, but can talk, and calls for the fairies to attend her:
<i>Scratch my head, Peaseblossom.</i>
Peaseblossom comes close and scratches her behind the ears, causing Bottom to release a deep purr.
<img src="Images/HC14/Michaelabottomkiss.webp" width=600 />
Next Bottom calls for Cobweb.
<i>Mademoiselle Cobweb, get you your weapons in your hand, and kill me a red-hipp’d humble-bee on the top of a thistle; and, good mademoiselle, bring me the honey-bag.</i>
<img src="Images/HC14/Bunnyfairyhoneytits6.webp" width=600 />
Bunny looks confused, but reaches for a honey jar and smears it over her breasts, before placing them in front of Bottom who licks the sweet nectar from them.
<<if $date eq "Nicola">><i>Give me your neaf, mademoiselle Mustardseed.
What’s your will?</i> she responds.
<i>Nothing, good mademoiselle , but to help Cobweb to scratch.<</i>>
<img src="Images/HC14/nicfairycunni.jpg" width=600 />
Nicola as Mustardseed kneels submissively and starts scratching at Bottom, teasing her breasts and the space between her legs with her painted fingernails.
<<if $Bottom eq "you">> You have never felt anything like this before. Bound as you are you cannot see what they are doing, but your crotch feels different, dripping wet, and rather than the build up to an inevitable ejaculation your pleasure keeps growing, teasing and throbbing. You swear you can feel their fingers inside you, but that’s impossible, surely?"
<img src="Images/HC14/Bottomtied4.webp" width=600 />
\<<else>>With the three fairies working on her, Bottom is soon brought right to the edge of a climax. And kept there, moaning and drooling with pleasure.
<img src="Images/HC14/bottombound.webp" width=600 />
Titania claps her hands and the fairies stop, before bringing forth clothing made of shiny black cloth. They wrap it around Bottom, binding her tightly and leave her trussed on the bed of flowers, tied, immobile and unable to see, speak or do anything except drool through her gag. Titania waves the fairies away and caresses her bound slave, lying down beside Bottom.
<i>Sleep thou, and I will wind thee in my arms.
Fairies, be gone, and be all ways away.
So doth the woodbine the sweet honeysuckle
Gently entwist; the female ivy so
Enrings the barky fingers of the elm.
O, how I love thee! How I dote on thee!</i>
They curl up and sleep together, dozing on a bed of flowers, as Oberon and Puck enter the scene. Oberon smiles, his power unchecked, and gloats.
<i>And now I have the changeling, I will undo
This hateful imperfection of her eyes.
And, gentle Puck, take this transformed scalp
From off the head of this Athenian swain,
That they, awaking when the other do
May all to Athens back again repair,
And think no more of this night’s accidents
But as the fierce vexation of a dream.
But first I will release the Fairy Queen.</i>
He bends down and touches Titania’s eyes:
<i>Be as thou wast wont to be;
See as thou wast wont to see.
Dian’s bud o’er Cupid’s flower
Hath such force and blessed power.
Now, my Titania, wake you, my sweet queen.</i>
<img src="Images/HC14/Meganwaking.webp" width=600 />
Titania wakes and sits up, looking at Oberon:
<i>My Oberon, what visions have I seen!
Methought I was enamor’d of an ass.
<img src="Images/HC14/bottombound.webp" width=600 />
There lies your love.</i> he replies, pointing out Bottom's bound form.
Puck attends upon his Master and Mistress, pointing out the coming dawn:
<i>Fairy King and Queen, attend and mark;
I do hear the morning lark.</i>
The three of them depart, leaving the slumbering Athenians, Puck throwing a shimmering dust over Bottom as they go.
<<if $Bottom eq "you">>With a sprinkle of fairy dust, you feel your bindings loosen, and reach down in shock to check your groin. It is normal, unchanged, just your ordinary $penis cock between your legs. Just a wonderful dream of being a submissive girl.
<<link [[Finish the play|HC14_7]]>><<set $temp = 1>><<set $outfit = "Peasants Jerkin">><</link>>
Wilbeforce, playing Bottom, gets up with a start and puts his hand down his undergarments.
"Still there, thank God. I thought my cock had enchanted away. Damned funny business." he mutters to himself.
[[Finish the play|HC14_7][$temp = 1]]
<</if>>The rest of the play is much as Shakespeare wrote it. The lovers are reunited with their mother and Duke Theseus, who forces Helena to make her choice. Demetrius renounces his marriage claim, and proposes to Helena instead, and Hermia is free to wed Lysander.
<img src="Images/HC14/Daisybride.webp" width=600 />
<<if $Helena eq "Melissa">><img src="Images/HC14/Melissabride.webp" width=600 /><</if>>
A triple wedding ceremony follows, with Theseus joining with Hippolyta, Lysander with Hermia, and Demetrius with Helena. Titania and Oberon attend as guests to the wedding and Bottom and his company perform their comedy play. Badly.
The ceremony over, the Duke concludes the play:
<i>The iron tongue of midnight hath told twelve.
Lovers, to bed, ’tis almost fairy time.
I fear we shall outsleep the coming morn
As much as we this night have overwatch’d.
This palpable-gross play hath well beguil’d
The heavy gait of night. Sweet friends, to bed.
A fortnight hold we this solemnity,
In nightly revels and new jollity.</i>
The Duke sits on his throne, and the lights dim, except a red light shining upon Puck, sitting cross legged in a tree, a mischievous look upon their face which looks effeminate in the fading light:
<img src="Images/HC14/orlandoFpuck2.webp" width=600 />
<i>If we shadows have offended,
Think but this, and all is mended,
That you have but slumber’d here
While these visions did appear.
And this weak and idle theme,
No more yielding but a dream,
Gentles, do not reprehend:
if you pardon, we will mend:
And, as I am an honest Puck,
If we have unearned luck
Now to ‘scape the serpent’s tongue,
We will make amends ere long;
Else the Puck a liar call;
So, good night unto you all.
Give me your hands, if we be friends,
And Robin shall restore amends.</i>
The light fades to black and the audience applauds. As part of the cast, you step out to take your bow. Afterward, the professor hobbles onto the stage and sits, before asking for quiet.
<img src="Images/HC14/Professorforest.webp" width=600 />
"Ladies and Gentlemen, may I have your attention. Before we commence our usual midsummer revelry, I have an announcement to make. I am stepping down as the chair of the club, and from its management. I am getting too old for this kind of thing, so am passing things on to a younger generation.
I am therefore exercising my executive authority to propose an emergency vote for three additional council members to replace myself and poor departed Arthur Bentley and join Megan, Sir Walsingham and Lady Bentley on the council.
All members get a single vote. Tonight. I am sorry for the sudden announcement, but I wanted people to vote with their hearts.
An attendant starts passing voting slips among the membership.
Who do you vote for?
(click to change)
<<set _Options = ["Yourself" , "Daisy", "Matthew" , "Antioch" , "Melissa" , "Orlando", "Bunny", "Colonel Wilberforce", "Someone else", "noone"] >>
\Vote for <<cycle "$vote" autoselect>>
<<optionsfrom _Options>>
You put the name on a slip of paper and pop it in the voting box.
[[Await the results|HC14_8]]You sit impatiently as the votes are counted.
"Who do you think will get the nod, old chap?" asks Matthew.
"Maybe you?" you reply.
"I certainly hope not. Too much like hard work, I’m just here for the shagging, you know that."
<img src="Images/HC14/Daisybride.webp" width=600 />
"I think we need more women on the council." interrupts Daisy.
"There’s more women than men there at the moment."
"Only because one of the men is retiring and another is dead." she replies. "It was three to two"
"Be grateful you get a vote at all, sweetie." says the colonel.
You hear the professor clearing his throat, calling for quiet.
"I am pleased to announce that our three elected council members are.."
There is a dramatic pause, as a piece of paper is handed to him.
The enigmatic shopkeeper steps forward, still clad in his "Puck" makeup, and shakes the Professor’s hand.
<img src="Images/HC14/Melissabride.webp" width=600 />
The young heiress walks forward and embraces the old man warmly, before standing next to Orlando and whispering in his ear.
"A white queen and a black queen, and now a red queen. It’s very through the looking glass here all of a sudden." says Matthew.
And "$Hname". Says the professor, looking at you as he says your name. <<if $bride eq "MC" or $groom eq "MC">>"Who I know has a very important occasion next week in this very club."<</if>>
Antioch shakes your hand firmly as he pushes you toward the stage. The professor congratulates you. "I think you’ll do a wonderful job."
"These three, as well as Megan, Sir Walsingham and Lady Bentley, will select a new chair from their number after the summer. And now before we break for the summer, my last act as outgoing chairman is to wish you health and happiness. To which end, it is time for our midsummer festival. For those new to the club this is traditionally a naked orgy under the stars. Pick a partner, or several, and celebrate all our club has to offer."
<<link [[Strip|HC14_choice]]>><<StripAll>><</link>>\<<if $chastity eq 1>>Megan walks carefully over to you and looks down at your naked body, "I think we can dispense with that tonight. But be sure to put it back on after the celebrations." She carefully removes your chastity device, revealing your $penis pink cock which springs to attention at her touch.<<set $chastity = -1>><</if>>
<<if $temp1 eq 0>>[[Speak to Megan|HC14_Megan][$temp1=1]]<<else>>You have already spoken to Megan tonight.<</if>>
<<if $temp2 eq 0>>[[Speak to Walsingham|HC14_Walsingham][$temp2=1]]<<else>>You have already spoken to Sir Walsingham tonight.<</if>>
<<if $temp3 eq 0>>[[Speak to Melissa|HC14_Melissa][$temp3=1]]<<else>>You have already spoken to Melissa tonight.<</if>>
<<if $temp4 eq 0>>[[Speak to Daisy|HC14_Daisy][$temp4=1]]<<else>>You have already spoken to Daisy tonight.<</if>>
<<if $temp5 eq 0>>[[Speak to Michaela|HC14_Michaela][$temp5=1]]<<else>>You have already spoken to Michaela tonight.<</if>>
<<if $temp6 eq 0>>[[Speak to Matthew|HC14_Matthew][$temp6=1]]<<else>>You have already spoken to Matthew tonight.<</if>>
<<if $temp7 eq 0>>[[Speak to Antioch|HC14_Antioch][$temp7=1]]<<else>>You have already spoken to Antioch tonight.<</if>>
<<if $temp8 eq 0>>[[Speak to Orlando|HC14_Orlando][$temp8=1]]<<else>>You have already spoken to Orlando tonight.<</if>>
<<if $temp9 eq 0>>[[Speak to Lady Bentley|HC14_Bentley][$temp9=1]]<<else>>You have already spoken to Lady Bentley tonight.<</if>>
<<if $temp10 eq 0>>[[Speak to Bunny|HC14_Bunny][$temp10=1]]<<else>>You have already spoken to Bunny tonight.<</if>>
<<if $date eq "Nicola">><<if $temp11 eq 0>>[[Speak to Nicola|HC14_Nicola][$temp11=1]]<<else>>You have already spoken to Nicola tonight.<</if>>
\<<if $temp12 eq 0>>[[Speak to the twins|HC14_twins][$temp12=1]]<<else>>You have already spoken to the twins tonight.<</if>>
<<if $temp13 eq 0>>[[Speak to the colonel|HC14_colonel][$temp13=1]]<<else>>You have already spoken to the Colonel tonight.<</if>>
<<if $temp14 eq 0>>[[Speak to the Professorl|HC14_prof][$temp14=1]]<<else>>You have already spoken to the Professor tonight.<</if>>
[[Finish the evening|HC14_end][$temp = 1]]<<if $temp1 eq 1>><img src="Images/HC14/Megan_titanianude2.webp" width=600 />
"Congratulations, darling." says Megan, embracing you warmly. She is stark naked, but still radiant, and unlike yourself not at all self conscious. "What is your poison tonight? Most don’t go into these orgies sober. There is some gin punch over there, and I think Orlando has some hashish over there. There’s probably cocaine about somewhere."
"I’m not sure." you say, sipping a drink cautiously.
"The point of the orgies is to let loose your inhibitions. Even Sir Walsingham lets his hair down for one night of the year.
\<<if $Megandomevent gt 1>>"Are we playing tonight, Mistress?" you ask.
"Not tonight, today we are all equals under the stars. But we can screw, if it pleases you, my sweet."<</if>>
\She leans in and kisses you deep on the lips.
"I do hope that we can work together on the council in the months to come.
You do believe that Megan is a little tipsy. It is rare that she does not have absolute control.
"And what about the others? Walsingham? Bentley, Orlando? Melissa?"
"I'll manage Edward and Victoria as I have for years. Orlando will tire of things and get bored soon enough."
She pointedly does not speak of Melissa and you decide to not push the matter further tonight.
"Now, a beautiful woman is offering you her body. Are you going to talk or act?"
[[Lie down with Megan|HC14_Megan][$temp1 = 2]]
[[Leave and speak to somebody else|HC14_choice]]
<<elseif $temp1 eq 2>>
Up until tonight, every sexual moment with Megan has been a professional one. The dominatrix. The regal queen. The actress. Even when not the professional dominant, she has maintained a professional demeanor. Tonight is different. Whilst you doubt she is revealing her true self to you, this is a step closer to the woman behind the mask.
<<if $femcheck lt 2>><img src="Images/HC14/Megancowgirlfuck.webp" width=600 />
\<<else>><img src="Images/HC14/MegancowgirlfuckF.webp" width=600 />
She pulls you to the ground and explores your body like a bride on her wedding night, caressing you lightly with fingers that know exactly how and where to touch, taking your hand and placing it on her thigh as she pushes you to the ground.
She straddles you, slipping you effortlessly inside her furnace as she mounts you.
"They called this the George and Dragon back in my youth." she says, her raven hair flowing behind her like wings as she gyrates on your $penis cock. You see the imagery, your cock is the sword, and like a dragon devouring its prey she towers above you, taking your hand and rubbing it against her clit as she does so.
"Yes, oh god yes just like that" she cries as she brings herself to a climax, gripping your cock with her cervix tightly and bringing you to the brink.
"Where do you want to cum." she says with unexpected forwardness, grasping you by the back of the head and kissing you again.
"Within reason. My arse is off limits."
[[Dominant - Cum in her mouth|HC14_Megan][$temp1 = 3]]
[[Cum in her pussy|HC14_Megan][$temp1 = 4]]
[[Submissive - Cum on her body and lick it off|HC14_Megan][$temp1 = 5]]
<<elseif $temp1 eq 3>><img src="Images/HC14/Meganfacial.webp" width=600 />
<<dom 2>>You pull out of her just before climax and squirt a load over her beautiful face.
"All over my face, just like the whore I am?"
"Something like that."
"You men are quite predictable. Ejaculate on a girls face and think you own them. I've lost track of the men who thought that. You can't own me, just hire me for an hour at a time. And afterwards I can clean up your seed and I am still whole. And you were just giving me my favourite dessert."
She wipes your semen into her mouth and licks her lips.
<<elseif $temp1 eq 4>>
\<<if $femcheck lt 2>><img src="Images/HC14/Megancowgirlfuckcum.webp" width=600 />
\<<else>><img src="Images/HC14/MegancowgirlfuckFcum.webp" width=600 />
You squirt your load deep inside her as she orgasms with a cry.
"Yes, yes, YES! Oh darling that was quite magnificent. You are a delightful lover. If only I were ten years younger I might choose to marry you myself."
She stops, changing her tone suddenly.
"Don't get any ideas. It was just a fuck." She is back to being her normal conttrolled self.
\<<elseif $temp1 eq 5>><img src="Images/HC14/Megancumonbelly.webp" width=600 /><<sub 2>>
You pull out and squirt over her belly with her hand finishing you off.
"What a mess you have made. You know what you have to do now."
You nod and kneel down, licking up your semen with long strokes of your tongue as she runs her fingers through your hair.
"Show me." she commands when you have finished.
<<if $femcheck lt 2>><img src="Images/HC14/cumontongueM.jpg" width=600 />
\<<else>><img src="Images/HC14/cumontongue2.jpg" width=600 />
You open your lips, revealing a mouth full of your own cum.
"And swallow." she commands.
"What a good little cumslut you are." she says, patting you on the head, .
<<if $femcheck lt 2>><img src="Images/HC14/nocuminmouthM.jpg" width=600 />
\<<else>><img src="Images/HC14/nocumontongue.jpg" width=600 />
\<<if $temp1 gt 2>>
When you have finished, she lies next to you in the grass.
"Thank you, that was most pleasant. Considering I have sex for my job, I so rarely just have a shag because I feel like it, just enjoying the moment. Carpe diem, seize those moments, because once gone, they may never return. Things will change around here after the summer. I hope for the better, I fear for the worse.
I hope we can be allies. Friends even. Perhaps more. The choice is yours."
[[Leave and speak to somebody else|HC14_choice]]
<</if>><<if $temp2 eq 1>><img src="Images/HC14/walsoberon6.webp" width=600 />
Unlike most of the rest of the membership, Walsingham is still fully clothed. He is unperturbed by your nakedness however and offers his hand.
"Congratulations. I am sure you will make a fine addition to the council. I trust that you will support me in my efforts to modernise the way this place is run. Shakespeare is all very well, I do appreciate the classics, but consider what we could do if we really put our minds to it?"
"Such as?"
"Look over there. He runs a law practice. She is the niece of the chancellor of the exchequer. And over there, that masked man is a high court judge, so greedily sucking the cock of that banker over there."
"And your point is?"
"Power, dear $Hname, power."
"Do you seek to blackmail them?"
"Certainly not. This place is far too useful for that. But it is too small for my purposes. And there are only so many things that people will do for money."
"O thought you disagreed with Bentley’s approach of forcing people into degradation."
"Bentley used a hammer. I prefer to wield a scalpel. You have a choice, join me, and get very rich, or not."
"Do go on."
"All in good time. You enjoy the party."
"You are still dressed, are you not taking part in the orgy?"
"I prefer my romantic engagements to be a little more private. And I have several business deals to seal this evening."
<<if $accused eq "Sir Walsingham">>"I have not spoken to you about the murder of Lord Bentley."
"Oh yes, I heard that you accused me of murder. A stretch I think as I was not there. Still, a colourful imagination is a gift in a place like this. A word of advice. Do not cross me, $Hname. You may live to regret it. Or you may not."
"Is that a threat?"
"Merely an observation."
[[Ask about Bunny|HC14_Walsingham][$temp2 = 2]]
<<elseif $temp2 eq 2>>
"What did you do to Bunny?"
"I gave her her heart's desire. She wanted to be a sex doll, now she is."
"Did you use my uncle’s research to change her?"
"I know better than to divulge trade secrets. Look at her, pliant, sensual, insatiable. She is everything a man could want. In a mistress anyhow, perhaps she is a little single minded for a wife."
"And the hypnosis?"
"Suggestibility was a side effect. It was remarkable how effective it was."
"So you admit you killed Bentley."
"I have admitted nothing of the sort. I happen to know a very good lawyer should you slander me publicly about this matter. He’s over there with the fourth best fuck in London."
"Fourth best?"
"Opinions vary. Maybe fifth. She is very good. I digress. I will let you think about my proposal. I think the uneasy stalemate of old against new money has come to an end with Lord Bentley’s passing. Orlando is wily, I’ve never been able to make them out, but we shall deal as businessmen. Melissa is just a girl. And you are smart enough to know what to do. I am confident I will have sufficient allies after the summer."
[[Leave and speak to somebody else|HC14_choice]]<<if $temp3 eq 1>><img src="Images/HC14/Melissahelenaforest.webp" width=600 />
"Councillor $Hname" she greets you.
"Councillor Melissa." you reply.
"We have both come a long way since the Debutante’s ball."
"Indeed. How do you plan to use your new position?"
"I just want everybody to be able to enjoy themselves to the fullest. I think I will start by getting to know the other councillors better."
"Does that include me?"
She laughs, looking your naked frame up and down.
<<if $HC14 eq "Demetrius">>"Well Demetrius and Helena do have to celebrate their wedding night." she says suggestively.
\<<if $chastity eq 1>>She points down at your chastity cage. "Still wearing that old thing I see. Spoiling my fun. I guess I had better go and find myself a real man."
She turns and leaves you with a smirk.
[[Speak to someone else|HC14_choice]]
"No time like the present, and we are both naked. Shall we?"
[[Fuck Melissa|HC14_Melissa][$temp3=2]]
[[Decline and speak to somebody else|HC14_choice]]
\<<elseif $temp3 eq 2>><img src="Images/HC14/MelissaHelenanaked.webp" width=600 />
Melissa strips, revealing a lithe form decorates with delicate flowers from the play. She takes your hand and kisses you surprisingly passionately, nibbling at your lips as her hand strokes a line down your back and rests on your ass, before pushing you back against a tree. The rough bark digs into your flesh as she pushes her soft curves against you, squeezing your balls lightly with her scarlet tipped fingers.
<img src="Images/HC14/Melissafuxkagainsttree.webp" width=600 />
"Fuck me hard. Here. Against this tree." She reverses your positions, leaning against the tree for support and lifting her thighs around you as she rubs her moist cleft against your hardening cock. You see her rub a finger in the cut the bark made on your shoulders, and she lifts it to her lips, licking your lifeblood with the tip of her tongue.
She gasps with pleasure as you enter her, and her nails dig deeper into your shoulders.
"More. I want all of you in there."
You see the bark scratching her back and pause "You’re bleeding,"
"I bleed every fucking month, let me worry about that. Just keep fucking me or I’ll tear your balls off." She squeezes them harder, as if to remind you, and the pressure makes you if anything harder than you were.
<img src="Images/HC14/Melissafuxkagainsttree2.jpg" width=600 />
"More, more." she cries as you feel your climax building, no foreplay just passionate lust, fucking like animals in heat. With a cry she bites deep in your shoulder and grips the base of your cock hard as you spasm inside her, holding tightly with arms and legs and teeth until she stops shaking. You fall to your knees then lie back, with her still wrapped around you, wordless now, cuts and scratches marring the perfect ivory of her back.
<img src="Images/HC14/Melissafuck.webp" width=600 />
"So. Am I a better fuck than my mother?"
<<if $melmot2 eq 0>>"Your mother?"
\<<else>>"The professor did say, during the investigation. I wasn’t sure if it was true."
\"Megan. The bitch abandoned me as a baby. Can’t you see the resemblance?
The two are similar, not twins, but more like sisters. Even though Megan looks youthful she must have been very young when Melissa was born.
"You are different. Like fire and ice."
"Which of us will you back?
\<<if $Megandomevent gt 0>>I know you are her creature, but think<<else>>Think<</if>> how much fun we could have together?
Ssh. You don’t have to say now. Just lie still.
You feel her squeezing your shrunken cock inside with her vaginal muscles, pulsing in time with her words, and wonder if you can trust her. Is she just using you to get back at her mother? Might you end up hurting one another more than a few cuts and bruises? If the sex is this good do you care?"
<img src="Images/HC14/MelissaHelenanakedblood.webp" width=600 />
After a while she stands up, undisturbed by the blood dripping down her body. "I think I might enjoy working with you. Enjoy the summer."
[[Head off and speak to someone else|HC14_choice]]
<</if>><<if $temp4 eq 1>>
\<img src="Images/HC14/Daisybride.webp" width=600 />
"Congratulations on your election, cousin." says Daisy, hugging you affectionately.
"I am as surprised as you are."
She looks at your naked body and drops her dress to the ground.
<img src="Images/HC14/Daisyforestnude.webp" width=600 />
"A homeless soldier to a councillor of the Hellfire club in three short months. You have made an impression. Up here when I am talking to you."
Your eyes had glanced down her naked body as she was talking, and you quickly look back up to meet her gaze.
"My apologies, your nakedness is distracting."
"I certainly hope so, that is the point, I believe.
\<<if $Daisydomevent gt 0>> So my $subname. After today’s performance I am quite weary. Would you be so kind as to massage my back?" She lies down on her front before waiting for your reply.
<img src="Images/HC14/Daisyforestnudelying.webp" width=600 />
[[Do as Daisy requests|HC14_Daisy][$temp4 = 3]]
[[Refuse|HC14_Daisy][$temp4 = 4]]
\<<elseif $Daisydomevent lt 1>> So my darling cousin. We were told to pick a partner for tonight. I pick you."
She puts an arm around your neck, slightly surprised by her own forwardness.
[[Sleep with Daisy|HC14_Daisy][$temp4 = 2]]
[[Decline and speak to somebody else|HC14_choice]]
<<elseif $temp4 eq 2>><img src="Images/HC14/Daisyforestnudelying.webp" width=600 />
You and Daisy lie down on the cool grass and kiss each other gently, stroking your hands over her soft curves. You lower your head to her full nipple and lick it, as her hands run through your hair and down your back. She guides your hand between her thighs and smiles slightly as your finger touches between them.
\<<if $bride eq "Daisy">>"This time next week I will be a married woman, with responsibilities and a household to run. But now I just want to lie with you here on the grass."
\She lies back and parts her legs invitingly.
"What would Lysander say of his Hermia giving herself to another?" you say, jokingly.
"Verily I don’t think Lysander cares right now, I think that’s his arse over there" she indicates a rapidly moving rear partly obscured by a bush."
You sit down next to Daisy and start kissing her, taking her breasts in your hands and gently teasing the nipples with your thumbs as you lie on top of her.
"I want to pretend that you are taking me against my will. WIll you do that for me? I will struggle a little, and say no, but I want you to force yourself on me. Not hurting me, but wearing my resistance down."
"If you are sure."
\<<if $breasts neq "none">><img src="Images/HC14/daisycncsex1F.webp" width=600 />
\<<elseif $breasts eq "none">><img src="Images/HC14/daisycncsex1.webp" width=600 />
\She starts pushing against you, shaking her head, although the look in her eyes says something different. You push your face against hers, putting a hand around her throat as you hold her on the ground.
"No, please, I’m a virgin." she says.
You put a hand between her legs and feel how wet she is, slipping a finger inside her.
She pushes against your chest, weaker this time, as a delicate moan comes out of her lips.
You squeeze her tits harder, and push your erection against her thigh so she can feel it.
"No, please don’t." she whimpers as you slip your penis between her legs and force yourself inside.
"Don’t, no, don’t hurt me oh, oh fucking hell yes."
\<<if $breasts neq "none">>
\<img src="Images/HC14/daisycncsex1Fcum.webp" width=600 />
\<<elseif $breasts eq "none">>
\<img src="Images/HC14/daisycncsex.webp" width=600 />
\Her play resistance is soon over as the rhythm of your lovemaking takes over, and the pair of you are soon kissing passionately as you move in unison. Before long you feel your climax coming and pull out, ejaculating over her belly and breasts, claiming her for yourself.
\<<if $breasts neq "none">>
\<img src="Images/HC14/daisycowgirlFcum.webp" width=600 />
\<<elseif $breasts eq "none">>
\<img src="Images/HC14/DaisycowgirlforestMcumshot.webp" width=600 />
"Was that what you wanted?" you ask afterwards, as she climbs above you, keeping your cock inside her as you do.
"Thank you, I always had a fantasy of being taken against my will. I just wanted to try it. I know that rape is horrid, but sometimes in my dreams there is a stranger, and I hate myself for wanting him."
"It is a fantasy, nothing more. It is good to indulge our desires in this place."
The pair of you lie on the soft grass a little longer, before Daisy starts to wipe herself clean.
[[Leave and speak to someone else|HC14_choice]]
\<<elseif $temp4 eq 3>>
\<img src="Images/HC14/Daisylesmassage3.webp" width=600 />
You drop to your knees and start massaging Daisy, falling easily into your submissive role. Carefully attending to each part you work your way down her body, stroking her neck, her shoulders, her back and then the soft flesh of her round arse.
"Mmmh, just like that my sweet. Will you do this when we are married? Every day. That would be divine. Let me turn over now."
She rotates, and pulls your head towards her bosom, smothering you in the two vast globes there as you inhale her scent, before passion takes both of you and you kiss and touch each other in the fading light.
<img src="Images/HC14/Daisylesmassage1.webp" width=600 />
She touches you tenderly, on the breasts and thighs, avoiding the space between your legs, before pushing your head down between hers.
"Use your tongue darling. Just your tongue, and don’t stop until you have made me cum."
You start lapping between her legs, knowing this is her favourite place for you, loving the taste of her as she pushes your head deep between her legs and grips it with her thighs.
"Good little princess, keep going, oh yes, almost there, yes, deeper, more give me more oh yes just there, don’t stop…"
Her words become fainter as her pleasure mounts, until with a little sour squirt into your mouth you feel her cum. You keep lapping away a few more seconds until she pushes you away.
<img src="Images/HC14/Daisylesmassage2.webp" width=600 />
"That was nice. Let us just lie here for a while my sweet girl."
She holds you, a hand resting protectively over your crotch, another running through your hair as you lie intertwined.
After a while you see that she is asleep. You cover her with her clothes so she does not get cold and leave her to rest.
[[Leave and speak to someone else|HC14_choice]]
<<elseif $temp4 eq 4>>
"I don’t want to. Not here."
"Do you not like playing my $subname in public? It's just a massage"
"My friends are out there, and strangers as well. What we do, it’s more of a private thing."
"Are you ashamed of what we do?"
"Not ashamed, I just want it to be us."
"I love you, my darling, and I love what we do together. I want the whole world to know that, especially people here, who understand us. But we can just fuck, if you like. There’s something I’d like to try. Or we could see some other people and tell each other about it later?"
[[Fuck with Daisy|HC14_Daisy][$temp4 = 2]]
[[Agree to service her|HC14_Daisy][$temp4 = 3]]
[[Speak to somebody else|HC14_choice]]
<</if>><<if $temp5 eq 1>><img src="Images/HC14/Michaelafairy3.webp" width=600 />
"So are you now my employer?" asks Michaela.
"I think our relationship won't change much." you add.
"I am glad."
She moves close and embraces you, timidly, like a skittish deer, trembling as she does so.
"Are you cold, scared?"
"A little. I am not used to being outside naked. Do you think you could warm me up?"
[[Romantic - Lie down with Michaela and make love|HC14_Michaela][$temp5 = 2]]
[[Dominant - Fuck Michaela hard|HC14_Michaela][$temp5 = 3]]
<<elseif $temp5 eq 2>>
You lie her down on the grass, kissing her softly while tracing your finger down the curve of her neck.
"Forsooth, your lady does wish to lie with you." she says, putting on her best mock Shakespearian accent,.
You touch each other tenderly, until your arousal is painful.
<<if $penis neq "tiny">><img src="Images/HC14/michaelassex.webp" width=600 />
"I want you inside me." she says, turning her back on you and opening her legs. She lubricates her hole with her saliva before lowering herself gently upon your cock, rocking back and forth while you touch her breast, singing sweetly until with a gasp you explosde inside he.
<<else>><img src="Images/HC14/michaelalessex.webp" width=600 />You both glance down at your tiny penises, shrivelled from the effects of substance O.
"We must have the smallest cocks in this place."
"Don't think of them as small cocks, just as big clitorises."
"Then we should just rub them together like that lesbian couple over there." she replies.
She lies down on top of you and you rub your crotches together, using saliva and precum to lubricate until both of you climax over each others tiny cocks, before lying in each others arms.
<<elseif $temp5 eq 3>>
<img src="Images/HC14/michaeladoggyrough.webp" width=600 />
You push Michaela to the ground roughly and put a hand around her neck.
"Don't hurt me." she cries, though you sense some excitement in her words.
"You're being a slut. This is what you wanted isn't it?"
"Yes. I'm a slut. Fuck me like a slut. Take my ass."
"I want you wet for me."
She spits on her hand and lubricates her rear hole for you before you push yourself into her from behind, holding her shoulder for purchase as you slide in and out of her. You find release quickly, and leave her lying on the grass after.
<img src="Images/HC14/michaeladoggycum.webp" width=600 /><<cum>>
"Was that how you want me? Slutty?" she asks.
You nod.
"Sometimes. It was how I wanted you today."
"I think I can do that. To pretend. I'm not wanton, I see all the others at this club around and know I am not like them, not like you. I only want one lover, but I found I loved acting today in the play. I pretended to be a boy for years, I think I can pretend to be a slut for you my sweet."
\[[Leave and speak to somebody else|HC14_choice]]<<if $temp6 eq 1>><img src="Images/HC14/Matthewnude.webp" width=600 />
"If it isn’t $playersurname, big chief of the Hellfire club." Matthew exaggerates your name, bowing as you approach.
"Get up you big ugly lug. It’s still me."
"Hey, less of the ugly. Or I won’t vote for you next time."
"You voted for me?"
"Of course I did. You’re my best friend. I didn’t want you to end up with no votes. I just didn’t realise there were so many others who felt sorry for you."
You fall easily into jokes, insulting each other good naturedly.
"So, is this your first orgy?" you ask.
"Well there was the one at the Debutante’s ball. But yes. Yourself?"
"Much the same. It doesn’t seem to have quite got going yet. A few pairs and groups going, but the night is young. And midnight is a little while away yet."
<<if $bride eq "MC" and $groom eq "Matthew" and $femcheck gt 1>>"We have a week until the wedding. But it seems a shame not to take advantage of such a romantic evening." He runs his fingers through your hair.
[[Fuck Matthew|HC14_Matthew][$temp6 = 2]]
\<<elseif $datingmatt gt 0 and $femcheck gt 1>>"It does seem a shame not to take advantage of such a romantic evening." He runs his fingers through your hair.
[[Fuck Matthew|HC14_Matthew][$temp6 = 2]]
\<<elseif $temp6 eq 2>><img src="Images/HC14/mattbeforesex.webp" width=600 />
"Come here you." you say, beckoning him to crawl over and kiss you. You smoochh for a while, before you take his huge cock in your hand. "I want this thing inside me." you say.
<img src="Images/HC14/mattfuck1.webp" width=600 />
He starts to push inside you, but shakes his head.
"Sorry, I can't with your thing there. It's distracting and getting in the way. Let's turn you over. I do wish you had a pussy for me to fuck as well."
"Then you'd need two cocks." you joke.
"It's a deal - you get a cunt, I'll get another cock."
<img src="Images/HC14/mattfuck2.webp" width=600 />
You turn onto your front, lifting your ass and gritting your teeth as he pushes his large member inside you. You relax as the head passes your sphincter, feeling the wave of pleasure as it slides past your prostate. He starts pushing inside, but reaches around and wanks your cock at the same time with his right hand, and squeezes your nipples with his left. Sensations fly in from all directions as you hear him moaning from behind you.
<img src="Images/HC14/mattfuckcum.webp" width=600 />
You feel a warmth inside as he cums, and feel his spunk dripping out of your ass just as your own climax erups, spraying your own semen over your belly.
After you lie on your back, your semen mingling with Matthew's.
"I do love summer evenings." you say, as he strokes your hair.
<<if $penis eq "small" or $penis eq "tiny">><img src="Images/HC14/afftermattfucksmallcock.webp" width=600 />
\<<else>><img src="Images/HC14/afftermattfuckbigcock.webp" width=600 />
\[[Speak to somebody else|HC14_choice]]<<if $temp7 eq 1>><img src="Images/HC14/Antiochnaked2.webp" width=600 />
Antioch grips your hand firmly, congratulating you. Mimi by his side kisses you on the cheek warmly.
<img src="Images/HC14/Mimihippolyta2.webp" width=600 />
"All hail the conquering hero." he says, in the deep theatrical tone he used for the part of Theseus.
"May they watch over us and rule wisely, my lord." continues Mimi, in the voice she used for Hippolyta.
"Stop your mockery. I didn’t ask for this."
"Tough. I voted for you. And encouraged others to do so."
"So you are my campaign manager now? Did you not want the position yourself?"
"Heavens no. I have a business to run, as well as my stage show. And Mimi here doesn’t get nearly enough of my time. Speaking of which, do you wish to join us?"
"A threesome?"
"Something like that."
[[Join Antioch and Mimi|HC14_Antioch][$temp7 = 2]]
\<<elseif $temp7 eq 2>>
Mimi bows submissively before you.
"What is your will, my love and Master?"
Antioch hands her a small bottle of oil.
"Prepare yourself to the point of arousal." He commands.
<img src="Images/HC14/mimihippolytanaked1.webp" width=600 />
She strips naked, before taking the bottle and anointing her body with it, rubbing it sensuously into her neck, arms, breasts, bottom and legs, before rubbing her oiled hands between her legs. She starts panting, rubbing while keeping her eyes locked intently on Antioch.
"I am close, Master."
"Good. Stop now and kneel."
You note that she does not ask to cum, but just stops as requested, her arousal evident from the flush of her chest and sweat on her brow. She kneels on the bare earth, trembling slightly. Antioch takes a blindfold and places it over her eyes, and takes two small wax pellets, placing them in her ears.
<img src="Images/HC14/mimihippolytanakedblindfold1.webp" width=600 />
"We have talked over this fantasy of hers, but never enacted it, her bringing herself to the edge of arousal, then taking her senses away so that she can be used by me and others. She is a delight, so trusting.
"Would you like to have your way with her?"
[[Fuck Mimi’s pussy|HC14_Antioch][$temp7 = 3]]
[[Fuck Mimi’s mouth|HC14_Antioch][$temp7 = 4]]
[[Ask if you can have the same treatment as Mimi|HC14_Antioch][$temp7 = 5]]
\<<elseif $temp7 eq 3>>
<img src="Images/HC14/mimifuck.webp" width=600 />
You look at the gorgeous girl in front of you, completely at your mercy, and are honoured to be the first to have her. You open her legs and tease her clit slightly, hearing her moan, before pushing your erect cock inside suddenly, filling her up. You take her breasts in your hands and squeeze, starting to thrust harder, all the more exciting as you know she cannot see or hear you, but only wants to be taken by strangers while her lover and Master watches.
From the other end you see Antioch put his own cock in her mouth which she greedily devours, and you fuck her from both ends, until losing balance you and her roll over so she sits astride you.
<img src="Images/HC14/mimiDP.webp" width=600 />
"Hold on." He says, standing up and entering her ass from behind. The pair of you double penetrate her, you in her tight warm pussy as your friend fucks her hard in the ass. She gasps and pants, but does not cum, perhaps it is too painful, perhaps she is conditioned not to unless given permission. You both cum deep inside her with a cry of lust.
<img src="Images/HC14/mimigangbang.webp" width=600 />
A crowd had formed around you and several others, men and women start taking their turns with Mimi, fucking her mouth, pussy ass and hands, each man spraying their seed over her until she is drenched.
<img src="Images/HC14/mimibukkake3.webp" width=600 />
After a dozen or so have had their way with her, Antioch kneels down over her and relentlessly rubs her clitoris as he fucks her hard one final time. Unable to hold on longer she screams as she cums, then lies still.
"Well my love, how was it?" asks Antioch after removing her blindfold and earplugs.
"I was so intense. I was just a thing to be fucked. So many, it felt like hundreds. Did I bring you joy, my love?"
<img src="Images/HC14/mimicumddrenched.webp" width=600 />
"You were beautiful. Let us sort you out now." He kisses her forehead affectionately, checking she is alright as he wipes her clean with a damp towel.
[[Clean yourself up then go and speak to somebody else|HC14_choice]]
\<<elseif $temp7 eq 4>>
<img src="Images/HC14/mimihippolytanakedblindfold3.webp" width=600 />
You look at the gorgeous girl in front of you, completely at your mercy, and are honoured to be the first to have her. You open her mouth and place your hands on either side of her head before pushing your cock deep between her soft red lips. She sucks you greedily, licking your shaft and pushing the head all the way into her throat, covering your member in wet saliva, starting to thrust harder, all the more exciting as you know she cannot see or hear you, but only wants to be taken by strangers while her lover and Master watches. From the other end you see Antioch put his own cock in her cunt and start fucking her hard, squeezing her breasts with his hands, and you fuck her from both ends.
<img src="Images/HC14/mimiDPoral.webp" width=600 />
She gasps and pants, but does not cum, perhaps it is too painful, perhaps she is conditioned not to unless given permission. You both cum deep inside her with a cry of lust.
A crowd had formed around you and several others, men and women start taking their turns with Mimi, fucking her mouth, pussy ass and hands, each man spraying their seed over her until she is drenched.
<img src="Images/HC14/mimibukkake2.webp" width=600 />
After a dozen or so have had their way with her, Antioch kneels down over her and relentlessly rubs her clitoris as he fucks her hard one final time. Unable to hold on longer she screams as she cums, then lies still.
"Well my love, how was it?" asks Antioch after removing her blindfold and earplugs.
"I was so intense. I was just a thing to be fucked. So many, it felt like hundreds. Did I bring you joy, my love?"
<img src="Images/HC14/mimicumddrenched.webp" width=600 />
"You were beautiful. Let us sort you out now." He kisses her forehead affectionately, checking she is alright as he wipes her clean with a damp towel.
[[Clean yourself up then go and speak to somebody else|HC14_choice]]
<<elseif $temp7 eq 5>>
"Not what I was expecting, but it can be arranged. You are not my type but am sure I can find some willing folk to take you. And by the look of it you are already quite aroused my friend."
<img src="Images/HC14/mimihippolytanakedblindfold5.webp" width=600 />
Mimi kneels before you, taking the remaining oil, and rubbing it over your body, stroking your penis, to bring you close to orgasm.
"I am ready." you say. Antioch hands you a blindfold and all goes dark, before you feel a sticky warmth entering each ear. You are suddenly blind and deaf, and feel hands pushing you onto your back on the cool grass. Your arms are spread, like a marionette, and held down.
You feel a pressure on your chest, as someone sits on you, and before you know it the hot wetness of a pussy is in your mouth. You lick and suck at it greedily, feeling someone playing with your cock, and fingers pulling on your balls. You feel the woman on your face climax, her pussy juices running down your tongue as it licks her relentlessly.
\<<if $fetish_gay eq 0>>You panic a moment that you might be taken by men as well as women, and you are in no state to fend them off, but trust that your friend knows your limits well enough, and you only feel the touch of women upon you, smelling their perfume and musky scents as they use your body.
\<<if $fetish_anal eq 1>>A cold hardness pushes against your ass, as you feel a dildo entering your sphincter, at first gently, then more firm, as someone fucks your ass. It must be a strap on as you feel their thrusts, silently forcing into you as someone else grinds their pussy into your face.
\<<else>>The woman on your face lifts herself off, and you feel her replaced by something harder. The salty taste of precum fills your mouth, as a thick cock enters your mouth. You summon up some saliva, still tasting of the woman you pleasured, and work the head of his penis with your lips and tongue. With a gasp, you feel another man’s cock enter your ass, and feel the pair of them thrusting into you in unison, until they pull out simultaneously and you feel hot sticky fluid splashing across your face and stomach. This continues for a while, until eventually your own cock is grabbed and a firm hand works you past the point of no return, and you feel one more load of cum, your own, splattering onto your body.
You are rolled over, and feel a sticky cum covered body next to yours. Mimi. You snuggle up to her, kissing and rubbing her with your body and now flaccid penis until you feel her shudder to her own climax. You rest, in peace, arm in arm with Mimi, until you feel your blindfold being removed and the wax plugs removed from your ears. You see Mimi covered in cum, the same as yourself.
<img src="Images/HC14/mimicumddrenched.webp" width=600 />
"Well my love, how was it?" asks Antioch.
"I was so intense. I was just a thing to be fucked. So many, it felt like hundreds. Did I bring you joy, my love?"
"You were beautiful. Let us sort you out now." He kisses her forehead affectionately, checking she is alright as he wipes her clean with a damp towel.
"And you, my friend. Was it what you hoped for?"
You nod, agreeing with Mimi.
[[Clean yourself up then go and speak to somebody else|HC14_choice]]
<</if>><<if $temp8 eq 1>><img src="Images/HC14/orlandoFpucknakedsmoking.webp" width=600 />
You approach a figure clad in the costume of Puck, that you assume is Orlando, who turns to face you. You are surprised to see his sister.
"Oh, I thought you were your brother."
She laughs, drawing deeply on a cigarette. "Oh, I am. I have no brother, there’s only me."
"But weren’t you a man a minute ago?"
"Man, woman. It’s all the same to me. It’s been so long I forget which I started as."
<img src="Images/HC14/orlandoFpucknaked2.webp" width=600 />
You look dowan at her body which is quite beautiful.
"You don’t look that old. What are you, mid thirties?"
She takes your hand. "Dearest, never tell a lady she looks over twenty-five. It’s just rude. Even Gloriana in her fading days welcomed being told she was the most beautiful woman in the kingdom."
"Curious. Do you take medicine for this?"
"Something like that," she replies enigmatically.
"It’s a very complete transformation. Is this something you could share?"
"I’m a businessman, well woman. If I could commercialise this I would have. <<if $testedO gt 0 or $testedP gt 0 or $testedT gt 0>>I understand you have made some advances in this area yourself."
"I have some preparations that affect the chemical balance of the body, yes. Is that how you have changed?"
"My approach is a little less scientific. Although I have spent some time looking into this. Perhaps we can discuss this another time."
"I would like that." you reply. <</if>>
"The fairy scenes today. They were very realistic."
"I do strive for perfection" says Orlando modestly.
\<<if $Bottom eq "you">>"But when I was transformed into a ponygirl, my body, it changed. My cock was gone. I had a quim!"
"You exaggerate, surely. You were just acting. I can see it is there now, and quite aroused apparently."
\<<else>>"But when the colonel was transformed into a ponygirl, his body, it changed, he was a woman!"
"You exaggerate, surely. He was just acting, as were we all."
"<<if $Demetrius eq "you" or $Helena eq "you">>When we were in the forest, you enchanted us, we fell asleep. <</if>>
\Hermia and Helena fighting like they hated each other, such lust from Lysander and Demetrius."
"Surely you are not suggesting there is such a thing as fairy dust and love potions. You do realise quite how ridiculous you sound, $Hname?"
"Why yes, but… Perhaps it was just the acting."
"The dream is a whimsical play, written to transport us to a world that is not real. And is that such a bad thing? Now was there anything else you wanted to discuss?"
"You shake your head."
"What are your plans for the council, $Hname?" asks Orlando, changing the subject.
"I don’t really know. It’s quite sudden. I was surprised to be elected." you admit.
""You are more popular than you think. I have some ideas. Perhaps make the place a little more spiritual. I do fear our Sir Walsingham would whore out every Englishman and woman if he could, to make him richer. Let’s talk, after the summer."
"Are you taking part in the orgy?" you ask
"Perhaps later. Would you care for a puff?" she offers you the pipe.
[[Accept the hashish pipe and inhale|HC14_Orlando][$temp8 = 2]]
[[Decline and speak to someone else|HC14_choice]]
\<<elseif $temp8 eq 2>>
<img src="Images/HC14/orlandoFpucknaked.webp" width=600 />
You suck deep on the pipe, and acrid smoke fills your lungs, more aromatic than the tobacco you are used to. Your head feels lighter, and the painted face of Orlando as puck seems to warp and flex like the demon it portrayed. Your lips meet hers, and kiss. She arranges you both cross legged, your penis resting against the lips of her vulva, as she passes the pipe from mouth to mouth and you rock back and forth.
"This is how they used to relax in Xanadu, in the harem of Kublai Khan," she whispers, as the green leaves of the forest spin around you in a daze. "None of this grunting and thrusting of the Englishman, just hours of pleasure of sex and pipe. That does feel nice, doesn’t it?"
You agree, kissing her soft lips as she traces a pattern with her fingers down your back. The hashish relaxes you, and your penis sits semi erect, just nuzzling against her as she whispers in your ear, telling tales of far off lands and long past times with such vivid detail and sensual description it is as if she had been there.
Eventually, you lie back and wake slowly, as if from a dream. Orlando is no longer here.
[[Get up and speak to someone else|HC14_choice]]
<</if>><<if $temp9 eq 1>>
<img src="Images/HC14/LadyBlawn.webp" width=600 />
"Oh, it’s you. Well I suppose they had to put someone on the council. Do you think you can fill my husbands shoes?"
You don’t answer the obviously rhetorical question but try to rise above it.
"I am sorry for your loss, Lady Bentley. I do hope that we will be able to work together for the good of the club."
"I don’t give a golden monkey about the good of the club. I know the rest of them hate me, but maybe you can see the value of tradition. It’s all change, change, change, but sometimes we need to conserve and steward what is good in this nation of ours."
<i>Like inherited wealth, class privilege and sucking up to your betters</i> you think.
"I can see the value in that." you say diplomatically.
"Perhaps we can work together. You did help find Arthur’s killer after all. I shall not forget that. Now, I have my eyes on those two perfectly well endowed young studs over there. I want to watch them fucking each other. You are welcome to join me if you wish.
[[Sit next to her and watch the pair|HC14_Bentley][$temp9=2]]
\<<elseif $temp9 eq 2>>
<img src="Images/HC14/gaysceneingarden.webp" width=600 />
You sit on the grass next to Lady Bentley and watch the pair getting down to it. They are fine specimens, with the sideburns and moustaches that remind you of the Colonel, but far better physiques. They approach each other like Greek wrestlers, their oiled bodies gleaming before they start kissing and touching each others penises. They jostle for advantage, before one pins the other to the ground and starts forcing his legs apart.
<img src="Images/HC14/LadyBmast2.webp" width=600 />
You glance to the side and see Lady Bentley touching herself between the legs as she whispers.
"Go on, take him you stud."
The larger of the men puts his hand on the other's neck as he pushes his hard cock into the others’ ass. The other gives up resistance and lies there, bucking his ass up to meet the thrusts of his partner.
"Magnificent, isn’t he." says the Viscountess absentmindedly, her fingers working furiously between her legs as she watches intently. "He’s the middle son of some baronet or other. Hasn’t the brain he was born with, too stupid to work the family estate, but what a body."
<img src="Images/HC14/ladyBandstud1.webp" width=600 />
His act of sodomy finished, the man walks over to the pair of you and bows to Lady Bentley, who opens her legs. He kneels between them and starts licking, bringing her to a swift climax before wordlessly getting up and leaving with another bow.
"How did you?"
"Power, child. Power. He is grateful for my patronage, and gives me what I want in return. Now leave me, I am an old woman and need my rest." she wraps her gown about her and closes her eyes.
[[Get up and speak to someone else|HC14_choice]]<<if $temp10 eq 1>>
<img src="Images/HC14/bunnyfairy7.webp" width=600 />
You approach Bunny, who is emerging from a pool. As you approach she rises, water dripping from her sleek form, her breasts unnaturally large and her tight latex clothing hiding none of the details of what is beneath. She smiles, her enormous breasts popping out of the straps of pink latex that support her fairy wings.
"Cobweb. That’s what my character was called. Silly name. Why can’t a fairy have a pretty name like Tinkerbell."
"That was Peter Pan, not Shakespeare, Bunny."
"Oh. I love an orgy. I get to fuck him and her but not him as he’s a bit smelly but oh, just look at that cock, it’s so pretty I could just eat it up. And maybe I will." babbles Bunny
"You are looking happy, Bunny."
She puts an arm around you, pulling you close.
"Do I call you boss now that you’re on the council?"
"$Hname is fine, Bunny."
"Very well, boss."
"As I am your superior, I might have to discipline you if you continue like this."
<img src="Images/HC14/bunnyfairy8.webp" width=600 />
"Oh please, do you promise?" she replies suggestively. "Anyhow, you’re naked, and I’m almost naked. Do you want to…"
[[Fuck Bunny|HC14_Bunny][$temp10 = 2]]
\<<elseif $temp10 eq 2>>
<img src="Images/HC14/bunnyfairy6.webp" width=600 />
She towers above you and you cannot help but marvel at the unrealistic proportions of her body.
You lean in and kiss her soft lips, noting her breasts are again bigger than you have seen before, but perfectly smooth. She clambers on top of you, smothering you with their weight as she rubs them over your face.
"You love my huge titties don’t you. Don’t deny it. They are so tingly, like a little spark going from my nipples to my pussy every time you touch them." She pulls her latex undergarments to one side and pushes your hand between her legs and it comes away soaked, dripping with her juices.
"How are you so wet, Bunny?"
"I’m always like that now. Just constantly thinking of sex, about cocks and tits and pussy and ass. But mainly cock. Get it out now, don’t be shy."
<img src="Images/HC14/bunnyblowjob.webp" width=600 />
She works between your legs, freeing your cock before devouring, sucking it between her lips and into her throat. She is a great cocksucker, and you lie back and admire her head bobbing up and down as you run your fingers through her pink hair.
"Oh sweet Jesus yes." you moan as her slick saliva covered lips rub up and down your shaft. She looks up and stops, climbing above you. "I haven’t had a cock in my pussy all day. That’s hours. I need you in me, $Hname."
<img src="Images/HC14/bunnyfairysex.webp" width=600 />
There is a look of desperation in her eyes as she lowers her soft pussy upon you and pulls your face towards her massive wet breasts. She grinds on top of you, burning hot as she moans in her fake, high pitched babygirl voice.
"Just like that, baby. Yes, fuck me in there, harder now. Fill me up with your cum baby, I want to taste you inside me."
<<cum>><img src="Images/HC14/bunnyfairysexcum.webp" width=600 />
Unable to resist you start to ejaculate, but slip out of her and spray your semen over he breasts and stomach. She giggles, lifting some to her lips.
"You’ve made me all messy now, silly."
She dives back in the water to freshen up, then departs, looking for more conquests.
[[Speak to somebody else|HC14_choice]]
<</if>><<if $temp11 eq 1>><img src="Images/HC14/nicfairy2.webp" width=600 />
You see Nicola sniffing a flower by a tree, standing alone and looking a little unhappy.
"You aren't socialising? Or naked. This is an orgy you know."
"I know. I'm still not used to this place. I know these are your friends, but I have been in a convent the past two years, this is all very new to me. And as for an orgy, I only want you."
"What if I commanded it."
"Then I might have to try to overcome mmy shyness. <b>If</b> you commanded it. Or you could have me all to yourself.
[[Fuck Nicola|HC14_Nicola][$temp11=2]]
[[Try to persuade her into a threesome|HC14_Nicola][$temp11=3]]
[[Decline and speak to somebody else|HC14_choice]]
\<<elseif $temp11 eq 2>>
<img src="Images/HC14/nicfairynude.webp" width=600 />
"You are a little overdressed. Strip and start touching yourself." you command.
Nicola smiles, recognising the scene has begun. "Yes $nicdomname."
She takes off her pretty blue fairy dress until she is naked apart from the wings glued to her back, and stretches her legs wide, fingering her clit while keeping her eyes locked on yours.
"And what is my $nicdomname's command?" she asks.
"Put on your harness. From that last scene. I liked the way you looked then."
<img src="Images/HC14/nicolafairybdsm.webp" width=600 />
She reaches into her bag and puulls out the flimsy leather straps, placing them around her body, before handing you the chain which you pull tightly, keeping her close to the ground.
<img src="Images/HC14/nicfairysex.webp" width=600 />
You then take her roughly from behind, not noticing if it is her ass or her cunt that you are thrusting into. She gasps and cries out, turned on by the rough sex. You pull hard on her chain, feeling your orgasm approaching.
<img src="Images/HC14/nicfairysexoral2.webp" width=600 />
"Finish me off with your mouth. I want a blowjob from a bondage fairy."
She sucks hard, licking her juices from your cock before you spray thick starnds of semen all over her face,
<img src="Images/HC14/nicolafairyfacial.webp" width=600 />
\<<elseif $temp11 eq 3>>You spy a pair of girls a dozen yards away and walk over with Nicola in hand.
"Would you mind if we joined you? Nicola here needs her shyness treating."
The girls take her in hand, removing her dress and kissing her.
"She doesn't seem shy at all. Look at that dripping pussy."
<img src="Images/HC14/nicthreesomeles.webp" width=600 />
One burrows bwtween Nicola's legs ad starts licking while the other entwines her tongue around Nicola's. Before long the three are rolling on the grass in a sapphic mix of limbs that is hard to wor out which is which. Nicola is moaning heavily.
"May I cum, $nicdomname?" she calls out.
"Only when I am inside you." you command, lying down and beckoning she lower herself upon you.
<img src="Images/HC14/nicthreesomeles3cum.webp" width=600 />
You start fucking her ass, while the two other beauties work on her pussy and breasts, and soon cum deep in her ass as she cries out her own orgasm.
"Yes, oh my god yes!" she calls.
<img src="Images/HC14/nicthreesomelescumlick.webp" width=600 />
After, one of the pair, you never catch her name, gently licks your seed from inside Nicola as she lies exhausted, before they leave you and Nicola alone
\<<if $temp11 gt 1>>
When finished she lies down on the grass contentedly.
"Thank you, $nicdomname."
"You didn't cum?"
"No. But sometimes I don't want to. It is enough to have you. I love you you know."
"I know."
You kiss her forehead and leave her lying in the grass recovering,
[[Head off and speak to someone else|HC14_choice]]
<</if>><img src="Images/HC14/YvBabkissforest.webp" width=600 />
You come across the twins, Yvette and Babette. Unlike most of the rest of the people at the party they are dressed, at least partially, in fishnet stockings, suspender belts and high heels. They are kissing each other. They notice you and sit down, looking at you seductively.
<img src="Images/HC14/YvBabsexy3.webp" width=600 />
"C'est lui le patron maintenant?"
"Oui. La fellation?"
"Oui. C’est traditionelle."
<img src="Images/HC14/YvBabblowjob3.webp" width=600 />
The pair move in front of you and drop to their knees before you can protest, taking your cock in their hands and starting to alternate sucking it. One works the shaft while the other sucks your balls, before swapping and continuing until you can bear it no longer and spray semen across both of their beautiful visages.
<img src="Images/HC14/YvBabblowjobcum.webp" width=600 />
"Congratulations monsieur. " they say as they lick your seed from each other's faces.
"Who next, ma sœur?"
"Orlando? Ou Melissa?"
"Les deux?"
"Oui, les deux."
"Au revoir." They walk off hand in hand, eager to screw the entire council by the end of the evening.
[[Speak to somebody else|HC14_choice]]<img src="Images/HC14/coloneloutside.webp" width=600 />
"Not a single fucking vote. Not one. Embarrassing, that’s what it is."
"You didn't even vote for yourself?"
"We were allowed to vote for ourselves? Well nobody told me. That’s just the perfectly shitty end to a crap day."
"You would only have got one if you had. At least this way you can pretend you didn’t want the position."
<<if $femcheck lt 1 and $Daisydomevent lt 1 and $chest eq "flat">>At least with you there’s one more real man on the council. Bentley was a prick, but I’m not sure about Orlando, so it's up to you and Walsingham to save this club from these fillies."
\<<else>>"Only one real man on the council now, I don’t know what things are coming to. Maybe Orlando too, but there's something a bit off about him."
[[Speak to somebody else|HC14_choice]]<img src="Images/HC14/profrobe.webp" width=600 />
The professor shakes your hand warmly. He is wearing a loose silken robe for modesty, or perhaps to keep the evening chill off him.
"Congratulations. I am so glad that the club is being handed over to a new generation. With you and Melissa I am confident it will be in good hands."
"Your faith in me is touching. I will try to be worthy of it. Do you have any advice?"
He sits back and ponders, sucking on a pipe as he does so.
"Trust no one."
"That is a little nihilistic."
"This way you won’t be disappointed. Make alliances, deals and bargain by all means, but expect to be double crossed."
"Is this how you have lived your life?"
"It is."
"And are you happy with the way it has turned out? No wife. No partner. No children."
"If you are trying to make me regret my decisions in life, you are not succeeding my young friend. I have had a successful career, published many academic papers, and have bedded the most beautiful women, and men, that the century has had to offer. Just because I have not achieved the monogamous union of Miss Austen’s novels does not mean my life is unhappy, far from it."
"And you would make the same decisions again?"
"Probably not, but I am older and wiser now than I was. Life is not a game where you can redo your choices, after all."
"And what is your advice about the new council then?"
"You are wise to seek my counsel. You will go far. Megan is driven by a desire for equality that our society will I fear never give her. She will bow to no man or woman, neither Prime Minister or Queen, and give her heart to none either I fear. I think she learned too much from me. But you can earn her respect."
"Lady Bentley will never respect you on the other hand. You are beneath her in social status, and will only be a useful tool."
"And sir Walsingham?"
"He is quite possibly the most dangerous man in England. He will either doom us all, or perhaps the opposite. In times of war I would rather be ruled by a lion than a lamb after all, and storms are brewing across the continent."
"And what of your goddaughter Melissa?"
"Something has changed in her the past year. Her growing womanhood, a broken heart? I know not. She was a lovely girl, sweet and full of life, but there is now darkness there also. She could be your staunchest ally or your fiercest enemy. I advise you never to cross her."
"And Orlando?"
"An enigma. They are older than they look, and less fair."
You thank the professor for his advice.
[[Speak to somebody else|HC14_choice]]<<if $temp eq 1>><img src="Images/HC14/orgy1.webp" width=600 />
The night descends into hedonistic chaos. There is drink and drugs aplenty, and before long all who wish to are fucking merrily. Some in pairs, some in trios, but the majority end up rolling together in the centre of the field, lips, limbs and bodies intertwined in a giant naked orgy.
<<if $HC14 neq "none">><<link [[Just lie with your partner|HC14_end]]>><<set $temp = 2>><</link>>
\[[Join the orgy|HC14_end][$temp = 3]]
[[Just lie back and watch|HC14_end][$temp = 4]]
\<<elseif $temp eq 2>>
<<if $HC14 eq "Matthew">><img src="Images/HC14/Matthewnude.webp" width=600 />
\<<elseif $HC14 eq "Daisy">><img src="Images/HC14/Daisyforestnudelying.webp" width=600 />
\<<elseif $HC14 eq "Nicola">><img src="Images/HC14/nicfairy1.webp" width=600 />
\<<elseif $HC14 eq "Michaela">><img src="Images/HC14/Michaelafairy3.webp" width=600 />
You lie with $HC14, observing the scene and staring at the stars, too tired to do more than enjoy each others company.
\<<if $temp gte 2>><img src="Images/HC14/bunnyorgy.webp" width=600>
Bunny of course is at the centre of things, trying to break a record for the number of people fucking her at once. You think she manages two cocks in each hole and one in each hand at her peak, before collapsing in a pink cum covered haze.
<img src="Images/HC14/bunnycum.webp" width=600 />
\Megan and Orlando seem to be getting on famously, the pair passing hashish cigarettes and inhaling before they continue their embrace.
<img src="Images/HC14/LadyBmast2.webp" width=600 />
Lady Bentley sits watching the orgy, furiously masturbating while snorting cocaine from a diamond encrusted snuff box.
Melissa straddles <<if $HC14 neq "Matthew">>Matthew<<else>>Colonel Wilberforce<</if>>, riding him in triumph, her nails digging deep into his chest.
\<<if $temp eq 3>><img src="Images/HC14/orgy2.webp" width=600 />
You move from suitor to suitor in a blur, quite forgetting who you are with and end up in a threesome with a high court judge and a young lady you have no idea who her name is who speaks not a word of English.
\<<elseif $temp gte 4>><img src="Images/HC14/orgy2.webp" width=600 />
For your part you are content to lean against a tree and watch the revelry, until the sun comes up.
<<if $temp gt 1>>
As dawn breaks, a little before five in the morning, most move on to go their own ways.
\<<if $chastity eq -1>>Megan clicks your chastity cage back on with a smile. "Now that you’ve had your fun let’s keep you nice and safe, shall we."<<set $chastity = 1>><</if>>
\The evening, like the play before it, is already taking on the semblance of a dream. You head home to catch a few hours sleep before you rise.
[[Face the next day|Sleep]]
<</if>><<if $temp19 eq 1>><<set $temp2 = "you">><<set $temp1 = "Megan">>
<<elseif $temp19 eq 2>><<set $temp2 = "you">><<set $temp1 = "Daisy">>
<<elseif $temp19 eq 3>><<set $temp2 = "Nicola">><<set $temp1 = "you">><</if>>
<<SetFlag "event">><img src="Images/HC13/Megandressed.webp" width=600 />
"Good evening, take a seat, each of you." says Megan, indicating two chairs facing each other. You are a little surprised, normally the submissive is not permitted onto furniture, but Megan is quite insistent.
"Today’s lesson is about power exchange. I want to start you off as equals, sitting here clothed in your outside attire facing each other. But the core of the dominant-submissive dynamic is the voluntary exchange of power, the removing of freedoms or acceptance of restrictions. At any point the dominant can refuse, deciding this is power they do not wish to accept, or the submissive can say their safeword, indicating they wish the scene to pause or end. Do remind me of your safeword, darling."
<<if $temp2 eq "Nicola">><img src="Images/HC14/Nicseated.webp" width=600 />
"Cinnamon." says Nicola, calmly.
\<<else>> "$safeword" you say.
\"Excellent. And what about if you are unable to speak, if gagged for example?"
"I’m not really sure." you reply.
"It is important to consider this. Some use a dropped object, like a handkerchief. Some communicate with three blinks, like Morse code, or three taps on a surface, like in wrestling. ‘No’ or a shake of the head is not a terribly good as a safeword as many submissives like the thrill of being forced, to pretend it is not consensual. But everyone has their limit, and I expect we will reach yours today. It is not a failure to use your safeword. It is a failure to pass your limits without doing so. Are you ready?"
<<if $temp1 eq "Megan">><img src="Images/HC14/Megansit.webp" width=600 />
You nod.
\<<elseif $temp1 eq "Daisy">><img src="Images/HC14/Daisydommeseat.webp" width=600 />
You and Daisy both nod.
\<<elseif $temp2 eq "Nicola">>You and Nicola both nod.
"Excellent. We are coming on so well. Our first power exchange is about position." She turns to $temp2. "Sit on the floor."
<<if $temp2 eq "Nicola">>[[Watch Nicola|Megan_domevent9_1][$temp = 1]]
<<else>>[[Sit on the floor|Megan_domevent9_1][$temp = 1]]
[[Refuse and say your safeword|Megan_domevent9_end]]
<</if>><<if $temp eq 1>><<set $temp3 = 1>>
\<<if $temp2 eq "Nicola">><img src="Images/HC14/Nicfloorsit.webp" width=600 />
Nicola carefully stands up and sits at the ground at your feet. You smile and run your fingers through her hair affectionately.
<<elseif $temp1 eq "Megan">><img src="Images/HC14/meganfloorsit.webp" width=600 />
You leave your chair and sit on the hard wooden floor at Megan’s feet. You have to angle your head up to look at them, and have an immediate awareness of your own position as a subordinate.
<<elseif $temp1 eq "Daisy">><img src="Images/HC14/Daisyfloorsit.webp" width=600 />
You leave your chair and sit on the hard wooden floor at Daisy’s feet. You have to angle your head up to look at them, and have an immediate awareness of your own position as a subordinate.
"An excellent start. There has been an immediate exchange of power, as you acknowledge your role in the scene by your relative positioning. This is important to set the tone, to know your roles, and should always be done early. Even with a dominant and submissive in a loving relationship, when they are playing, and for some that is all the time, they should not position themselves as equals.
There has also been a small exchange of comfort. A comfortable chair has been replaced by a cold floor. It is the dominant’s choice whether to make you comfortable or not.
<<if $temp2 eq "Nicola">>[[Pass Nicola a cushion|Megan_domevent9_1][$temp = 2]]
[[Emphasise your comfort by leaning back in the chair|Megan_domevent9_1][$temp = 3]]
<<elseif $temp1 eq "Megan">><img src="Images/HC14/Megcushion.webp" width=600 />
Megan passes you a soft silk embroidered cushion that you place underneath you. "By providing comfort, even after removing it, the dominant reinforces their position as the one in charge but also as caregiver."<<set $temp = 9>>
<<elseif $temp1 eq "Daisy">><img src="Images/HC14/Daisycushionsit.webp" width=600 />
Megan looks at Daisy a moment, who looks down at you. "I think they are quite sweet sitting down there like that. You are comfortable down there, aren’t you darling?"
You nod, ignoring the hard floor. Daisy adjusts the soft cushions beneath her dress. Megan nods. "A nice touch, Daisy, reinforcing your position and getting your submissive to accept theirs. "<<set $temp = 9>>
<<elseif $temp eq 2>><img src="Images/HC14/Niccushion.webp" width=600 />
You reach down and hand Nicola a cushion. "Thank you $nicdomname." she replies, before sitting on it.
\<<elseif $temp eq 3>><img src="Images/HC14/nicseat2.webp" width=600 />
You stretch out on the sofa and look down at Nicola admiringly, and she gazes at you with her perfect blue eyes and a slight smile.
\<<if $temp neq 1>>"Now we move onto the second power transfer, clothing. $temp2, undress now. Totally naked would be best I think."
<<if $temp2 eq "Nicola">>[[Watch Nicola strip|Megan_domevent9_2][$temp = 1]]
<<else>>[[Carefully remove your clothes|Megan_domevent9_2][$temp = 1]]
[[Refuse and say your safeword|Megan_domevent9_end]]
<</if>><</if>><<if $temp3 lt 3>>"$safeword"
Megan looks at you.
"I am surprised, refusing so quickly in the scene, at things I am sure you have done many times before. Still, consent is the bedrock of our play, and sometimes the submissive may be reluctant, or tired, or not in the mood. It happens to us all.
\<<if $temp3 gt 1>>Get dressed. <</if>>\We can repeat this another time when you are in the right frame of mind.
\<<elseif $temp18 eq 1>>"No." You say clearly. I do not think I wish $temp2 to do that."
"Very good." says Megan, surprising you. You have clearly identified your own limits. This is not a competition, and some things that one dominant may find tame is a line that another might not wish to cross, or that they are not in the right mood for. There are two absolutes. That the submissive consents, and that the dominant decides."
<<elseif $temp18 eq 2>>"No." You say clearly. I do not think I wish to do that."
"I am glad that you have some limits." says Megan. Although you need to work on yours, Nicola. It is not sufficient to blindly follow the wishes of your dominant, no matter what your relationship."
\<<elseif $temp18 eq 3>>You move to throw the key out the window, but Megan catches it as you do so. She speaks quietly in a voice that cannot be overheard.
"I did not believe you would do that. You mean everything to that poor girl in there, and you treat her like a slave. You are proficient at the technical aspects of being a dominant, but need to work on your own boundaries, as does she, or she is going to end up more damaged than she already is. It is not my place to interfere, but I will not be a party to that. I suggest you let her out and comfort her."
You take the key and release Nicola, holding her naked sobbing form for some time after you release her bonds and rub life back into her sore ankles and wrists. Megan drapes a blanket around you both.
<<elseif $temp18 eq 4>>You shudder to a climax inside Nicola as she screams her orgasm, unable to move due to her bonds but quivering with pleasure.
"Very romantic, but not quite what was asked for. However it is your relationship and the pair of you may prefer to have sex this way. And you both seemed to enjoy it. I think we should probably end our session here, however."
<<elseif $temp18 eq 5>>You hold Nicola, comforting her.
"There there darling. It was just a game, a silly game. You’re here with me now. I would never hurt you my sweet."
"I love you. I would do anything for you, you know that. But I couldn’t… I don’t like small spaces. And she said you might sell me."
"It was symbolic. I wasn’t going to pack you off to Arabia."
"If you’re good."
She stays in your arms for a while.
<<elseif $temp18 eq 6>>As you stand there Megan comforts Nicola.
"A submissive is not a plaything to be mistreated. Their wants and needs are as important, perhaps more so, than those of the dominant. And if you forget that, then they may go and play elsewhere."
"No, I love them, it’s just, I couldn’t… I don’t like small spaces. And she said you might sell me."explains Nicola.
"I suggest you work on rebuilding trust in your relationship. Decide on your limits. Push them, but do not cross the line." advises Megan.
\<<elseif $temp3 eq 3>>"It is just a blindfold. We are all afraid of the dark when we are children, and with good reason. You must trust that your dominant will look after you, even if you cannot see or are otherwise unable to look after yourself. I suggest you work on that before our next session.
\<<elseif $temp3 eq 4>>"Bondage is an acquired taste. Some find it enhances their play sessions, some find it awkward or painful, or a step too far in surrendering control. If you have established boundaries beforehand and trust each other then it can be refreshing to be physically restrained.
\<<elseif $temp3 eq 5>>"Sex is the core of our hobby. If Professor Freud is to be believed, it is the most important driving force in all our decision making. To allow another to use your body for their own pleasure, without a care for your own, is a divine gift."
<<elseif $temp3 eq 6>>"It is a beautiful thing to put your pleasure in the hands of another. Sex is better than onanism, after all. But it takes trust that they will not abuse that. I suggest you work on that trust, and talk about what you are happy to do."
<<elseif $temp3 eq 7>>"Pain is always something that must be consented to, even if the submissive has been spanked or caned before. Never be ashamed if this is not something you are willing to receive. But equally if you wish to, do not be embarrassed of that either."
\<<elseif $temp3 eq 8>>
"Gags, like other restraints, should be temporary. If you want a sex object, fuck some furniture. But in moderation they are delightful, as without words we regress to our more animalistic urges of lust and moans to signal pain and pleasure.
\<<elseif $temp3 gt 8>>"Our play is a wonderful thing, but it must have limits. There are those that buy, sell, torture, injure and even kill their submissives. Lord Bentley came perilously close to these at times. I do not believe these are things that one can consent to. Know your limits, push them, but do not exceed them. And always allow the chance for a change of mind."
<<if $temp gt 2>><img src="Images/HC14/Meganwine.webp" width=600 />
I think we have learned much today. Should you wish to, we can repeat this in future, perhaps when your limits have grown. There are a number of other types of power transfer that are less suitable for a training session like this:
Power over someone’s body - cutting hair, tattoos, piercings or even branding with hot metal.
Giving away your humanity, by acting as an animal for a scene or an extended period. This is often combined with bondage and gags - I do love a ponygirl or puppy play with a pet.
And finally loss of dignity, due to public humiliation, urination or the like. In our society the public aspect is of course difficult, outside of like minded individuals such as at the club, but at club events this is common."
<<link [[Dress and return Home|YourRoom]]>><<wait>><<WearAll>><</link>><<set $temp3 = 2>>
\<<if $temp2 eq "Nicola">><img src="Images/HC14/Nicseatnaked.webp" width=600 />
Nicola elegantly undresses, removing her dress first, and petticoat, then her stockings, and finally her underwear. She does not rise from the floor while doing so and keeps her eyes fixed on yours.
"An excellent display, and without standing either, bravo! Some dominants refuse to let their submissives look directly at them, but she is so sweet, and loves you so much, how could you not look at those pretty blue eyes?" comments Megan.
\<<else>>You take off your clothes, trying to be seductive about it, and lay them neatly to the side, before resuming your position on the wooden floor in front of $temp1. The boards feel much colder now you are naked.
"Now as well as position, the power dynamic is reinforced by your attire. Some dominants will wear special clothes, I generally put on my leather corset when playing, some men will wear a business suit, I think the tie is a phallic symbol of some sort. The submissive does not have to be naked of course. French lace underwear, leather straps, a latex bodysuit, or a domestics uniform all serve the same dual purpose - to differentiate the dominant and submissive and to start arousal. Of both parties ideally. I do know dominants who like to work naked, but they will generally clad their submissives in some way to differentiate them, if only a collar. Now, onto task three.
<<if $temp1 eq "Megan">><img src="Images/HC14/Megseat2.webp" width=600 />
I am thirsty. Do bring me some wine."
Megan gestures at the drinks trolley in the corner of the parlour.
[[Walk to the drinks trolley and get some wine|Megan_domevent9_3][$temp = 1, $temp4 = "walk", $temp5 = "wine"]]
[[Crawl to the drinks trolley and get some wine|Megan_domevent9_3][$temp = 1, $temp4 = "crawl", $temp5 = "wine"]]
[[Refuse and say your safeword|Megan_domevent9_end]]
\<<elseif $temp1 eq "Daisy">><img src="Images/HC14/dasiysit5.webp" width=600 />
From now you can give the commands I think. They will increase in severity. You equally have your limits and do not need to give orders you are not comfortable with."
She hands Daisy a card. Daisy reads it and smiles before crossing her legs.
"Bring me a gin, darling. With tonic, ice and lemon if you have it, Megan."
Megan gestures at the drinks trolley in the corner of the parlour.
[[Walk to the drinks trolley and get some gin|Megan_domevent9_3][$temp = 1, $temp4 = "walk", $temp5 = "gin"]]
[[Crawl to the drinks trolley and get some gin|Megan_domevent9_3][$temp = 1, $temp4 = "crawl", $temp5 = "gin"]]
[[Refuse and say your safeword|Megan_domevent9_end]]
\<<elseif $temp1 eq "you">>From now you can give the commands I think. They will increase in severity. You equally have your limits and do not need to give orders you are not comfortable with."
She hands you a card. It reads <i>3. Service. Ask for a drink.</i>
You note the drinks trolley in the corner of the parlour.
[[Ask for some wine|Megan_domevent9_3][$temp = 1, $temp5 = "wine"]]
[[Ask for some whisky|Megan_domevent9_3][$temp = 1, $temp5 = "whisky"]]
[[Ask for some brandy|Megan_domevent9_3][$temp = 1, $temp5 = "brandy"]]
[[Ask for some gin|Megan_domevent9_3][$temp = 1, $temp5 = "gin"]]
<</if>><<set $temp3 = 3>>
<<if $temp4 eq "walk">>You stand up and take the decanter of $temp5 from the drinks trolley before pouring it and walking back to deliver it to $temp1. She points markedly at the floor and you resume your position there before handing her the glass.
\<<elseif $temp4 eq "crawl">>With some effort you move on hands and knees towards the drinks trolley, rising only far enough to reach the decanter. You prepare the drink and return it to $temp1, head bowed. Megan smiles with approval.
\<<else>>Nicola crawls toward the drinks trolley, wiggling her slim bottom seductively as she does so, and prepares your drink. She brings it back to you, keeping low to the ground, and offers it with both hands, her head bowed low. You pause a moment, admiring her posture, before taking the $temp5 from her.
\<<if $temp1 eq "Megan">><img src="Images/HC14/Meganwine.webp" width=600 />
\<<elseif $temp1 eq "Daisy">><img src="Images/HC14/Daisygin.webp" width=600 />
\<<elseif $temp5 eq "wine">><img src="Images/HC14/Nicwine.webp" width=600 />
\<<elseif $temp5 eq "gin">><img src="Images/HC14/nicgin.webp" width=600 />
\<<else>><img src="Images/HC14/Nicwhisky.webp" width=600 />
\Megan nods approvingly. "Gossips that allude to submission make out that it is all sexual. And sex is a big part of it, but it is more about the exchange of power. Men have always taken power, whether the king on his throne, the husband in his marital bed or the soldier on the battlefield. But to give or receive it willingly is the true essence of dominance. To be served, for your desires to take precedence over those of the submissive as their greatest desire is to submit to your will. It is refreshing to not have to make decisions. Some of my clients are politicians, decorated military figures or captains of industry, And these services can be sexual, but we shall come to that. I need you focussed now.
<<if $temp1 eq "Megan">>Megan hands over a blindfold. "Put this on." she says clearly.
[[Secure the blindfold over your eyes|Megan_domevent9_4][$temp = 1]]
[[Half heartedly put it on so you can see a little|Megan_domevent9_4][$temp = 2]]
[[Refuse and say your safeword|Megan_domevent9_end]]
\<<elseif $temp1 eq "Daisy">>She hands Daisy an envelope. Daisy opens it and takes out a card, reads it, then reaches into the envelope and takes out a black blindfold.
"We can’t have you looking at me all the time, $subname, you might get excited. Put this on nice and tightly."
[[Secure the blindfold over your eyes|Megan_domevent9_4][$temp = 1]]
[[Half heartedly put it on so you can see a little|Megan_domevent9_4][$temp = 2]]
[[Refuse and say your safeword|Megan_domevent9_end]]
\<<elseif $temp1 eq "you">>She hands you an envelope. Inside is a card that reads <i>4. Senses. Apply the blindfold. </i>
[[Secure the blindfold over Nicola’s eyes|Megan_domevent9_4][$temp = 1]]
[[Hand the blindfold to Nicola and ask her to put it on|Megan_domevent9_4][$temp = 1]]
[[Refuse|Megan_domevent9_end][$temp18 = 1]]
<</if>><<if $temp eq 1>><<set $temp3 = 4>>
\<<if $temp1 eq "Megan">><img src="Images/HC14/megapplyblindfold0.webp" width=600 />
<img src="Images/HC14/megapplyblindfold1.jpg" width=600 />
<img src="Images/HC14/megapplyblindfold2.jpg" width=600 />
<img src="Images/HC14/megapplyblindfold3.jpg" width=600 />
\<<elseif $temp1 eq "Daisy">><img src="Images/HC14/Daisyblindfold0.jpg" width=600 />
<img src="Images/HC14/Daisyblindfold1.jpg" width=600 />
<img src="Images/HC14/Daisyblindfold2.jpg" width=600 />
<img src="Images/HC14/Daisyblindfold3.jpg" width=600 />
With the blindfold secured, $temp2 cannot see.
"Sight is our most obvious sense, but the skilled dominant can also remove hearing with earplugs, taste and smell with masks or gags, although must be careful to allow the submissive to breathe, one cannot consent to death. Removal of one sense enhances the others, and the loss of a sense increases the vulnerability of the submissive, and their reliance on the dominant for protection.
\<<if $temp1 eq "you">>Go on, show them."
<img src="Images/HC14/nicblindfolded.webp" width=600 />
You touch Nicola’s body with the tip of a finger, tracing down the length of her spine, before holding her hair and pulling her head back. You take a sip of your drink then put your lips to hers, before opening them and letting the fluid flow over her tongue. She gasps, her tongue reaching for yours, and kiss her before releasing your grip.
<img src="Images/HC14/nicblindfoldddrool.webp" width=600 />
\<<elseif $temp1 eq "Daisy">>Go on, show them."
You cannot see, but picture in your minds eye what is hidden from you.
<img src="Images/HC14/Daisydommepussy.webp" width=600 />
You hear a girlish giggle, then feel the soft warmth of Daisy’s breasts on your face, and smell her floral perfume. She kisses your mouth, before pulling away and you feel pressure on your arms. The distinctive smell of her pussy fills your nostrils, she must be sitting with her cunt an inch from your nose, and you inhale deeply, relishing the scent.
\<<elseif $temp1 eq "Megan">>Allow me to demonstrate."
You cannot see, but picture in your minds eye what is hidden from you.
<img src="Images/HC14/meganwinespit.webp" width=600 />
You feel Megan’s hands pushing you to the ground, then feel her hair moving over your body, its light touch tingling on your flesh from your face, down your chest and across your groin. Her soft perfume fills your nostrils as her breasts move past your cheek, and your lips are soon parted by her tongue. Something wet flows down your mouth and you swallow instinctively so as to not choke, as she passes a mouthful of wine from her mouth to yours. Never has wine tasted as good.
"Next comes restraint.
\<<if $temp1 eq "you" or $temp1 eq "Daisy">>Open the box." continues Megan<</if>>
\<<if $temp1 eq "you">>. You do so and inside see four leather cuffs.
<img src="Images/HC14/cuffs.webp" width=600 />
"Tie her up. One cuff on each wrist, one on each ankle, then lock them together behind her."
[[Hogtie Nicola|Megan_domevent9_5][$temp = 1]]
[[Refuse|Megan_domevent9_end][$temp18 = 1]]
You are still blindfolded, so cannot see what is going on, but soon feel tight restraints being placed around your wrists and ankles as you are tied by your Mistress.
[[Allow yourself to be bound willingly|Megan_domevent9_5][$temp = 1]]
[[Struggle a little|Megan_domevent9_5][$temp = 1]]
[[Refuse and say your safeword|Megan_domevent9_end]]
<<elseif $temp eq 2>><<set $temp3 = 4>><img src="Images/HC14/Daisyheel.jpg" width=600 />
You loosely tie the blindfold about your eyes, keeping a crack open at the bottom that you can glance through. As you do so, looking down through the crack, you see a patent high heeled shoe. It stands on your own toe and presses down painfully.
"Bratty and wilful. Always worth correcting early." says Megan’s voice.
[[Tighten the blindfold properly|Megan_domevent9_4][$temp = 1]]
[[Refuse and say your safeword|Megan_domevent9_end]]
<</if>><<set $temp3 = 5>>
\<<if $temp2 eq "Nicola">><img src="Images/HC14/nicbound2.webp" width=600 />
\After the bondage is complete, Megan removes the blindfold and looks admiringly at $temp2.
"This is a classic hogtie, named after how animals are kept before slaughter. Don’t worry honey, we aren't going to kill you. There are many different types of bondage and restraint - your friend Antioch is partial to ropes, some like handcuffs for speed and the association with law enforcement, I find leather to have a pliant quality all of its own. What they share is that the submissive has given up a degree of freedom of movement. This can range from being leashed so they cannot leave a room, to losing use of one or more limbs, to complete immobility. This puts them completely at the whim of their dominant, only able to say their safeword, beg for mercy, or moan for more." She makes her point by placing the toe of her shoe upon
\<<if $temp2 eq "Nicola">>Nicola’s clit, moving it slightly.
\<<else>>your cock, moving it slightly.
<img src="Images/HC14/meganfootfetish3.webp" width=600 />
She smiles as she observes the response.
"This is the point that requires complete trust, as once sufficiently bound all other freedoms can be taken without consent, or they can be used at the dominants will. Which is of course what many submissives desire. Which brings us onto our next transfer of control. Sex. A submissive may give authority to the dominant to be used for sex in any way, at any time. Roughly or gently, as the dominant wishes. As an aside this is the current legal state that exists within marriage, a husband cannot be convicted of raping his wife in England. Or the other way around."
\<<if $temp2 eq "Nicola">>She looks at you then gestures at Nicola’s bound form.
"Fuck her, hard, but do not let her cum. Take as much pleasure as you wish, in any way. As long as she does not say her safeword."
[[Fuck Nicola gently|Megan_domevent9_6][$temp = 1]]
[[Fuck Nicola’s pussy hard|Megan_domevent9_6][$temp = 2]]
[[Take Nicola in the ass vigorously|Megan_domevent9_6][$temp = 3]]
[[Facefuck Nicola|Megan_domevent9_6][$temp = 4]]
[[Refuse|Megan_domevent9_end][$temp18 = 1]]
\<<elseif $temp1 eq "Daisy">><img src="Images/HC14/Daisyspussy.webp" width=600 />
She looks at Daisy then gestures at your bound form.
"Fuck them, hard, but do not let them cum. Take as much pleasure as you wish, in any way. As long as they do not say their safeword."
[[Brace yourself|Megan_domevent9_6][$temp = 5]]
[[Refuse and say your safeword|Megan_domevent9_end]]
\<<else>><img src="Images/HC14/meganpussycloseup.webp" width=600 />
She looks down at your bound form as she pulls down her underwear, revealing a smooth shaven pussy.
"I am going to fuck you now, hard. I expect I will enjoy it a lot. You are not permitted to cum."
[[Brace yourself|Megan_domevent9_6][$temp = 6]]
[[Refuse and say your safeword|Megan_domevent9_end]]
<</if>><<set $temp3 = 6>>
\<<if $temp eq 1>><img src="Images/HC14/nicboundsex.webp" width=600 />
You lie Nicola down and start to make love to her, gently, kissing her as you do and whispering affectionately in her ear as you push yourself inside her. You are a little aroused by the fact that you are being watched, but continue thrusting into her, in the missionary position like on a marital bed, except Nicola is bound tightly. You feel your climax building and decide to…
[[Pull out and cum over her body|Megan_domevent9_6][$temp = 7]]
[[Cum inside her pussy|Megan_domevent9_6][$temp = 8]]
[[Delay your climax and finger her so that she cums at the same time|Megan_domevent9_end][$temp18 = 4]]
\<<elseif $temp eq 2>><img src="Images/HC14/nicboundsexrough.webp" width=600 />You push Nicola to the ground and start fucking her hard, pulling her hair and holding her throat as you use her for your pleasure. She looks at you with a hurt expression, not expecting you to be so aggressive, but soon starts moving her body in time with yours and obviously enjoys the rough sex, starting to pant and moan. You feel your climax building and decide to…
[[Pull out and cum over her body|Megan_domevent9_6][$temp = 7]]
[[Cum inside her pussy|Megan_domevent9_6][$temp = 8]]
[[Delay your climax and finger her so that she cums at the same time|Megan_domevent9_end][$temp18 = 4]]
\<<elseif $temp eq 3>><img src="Images/HC14/nicboundanalchoke.webp" width=600 />
You push Nicola to the ground and start fucking her ass hard, pulling her hair and holding her throat as you use her for your pleasure. She does not look at you, but soon starts moving her body in time with yours and obviously enjoys the rough sex, starting to pant and moan. You feel your climax building and decide to…
[[Pull out and cum over her body|Megan_domevent9_6][$temp = 7]]
[[Cum inside her ass|Megan_domevent9_6][$temp = 9]]
[[Delay your climax and finger her so that she cums at the same time|Megan_domevent9_end][$temp18 = 4]]
\<<elseif $temp eq 4>><img src="Images/HC14/nicboundoralhairpull.webp" width=600 />
You push Nicola to the ground and start fucking her mouth hard, pulling her hair and holding her throat as you use her for your pleasure. She looks at you with a hurt expression, not expecting you to be so aggressive, and starts to choke a little but continues to suck your cock. You feel your climax building and decide to…
[[Cum deep in her throat|Megan_domevent9_6][$temp = 10]]
[[Pull out and cum over her face|Megan_domevent9_6][$temp = 11]]
\<<elseif $temp eq 5>>Daisy takes an object from Megan and looks at it curiously.
"What is this exactly?"
"A double ended dildo. You put one end in you and the other in her."
"Why can’t I just fuck her the normal way."
"The point is to show dominance. This way you are in control and do not run the risk of your submissive having an orgasm."
She approaches you, oils one end and gently pushes it into herself, gasping.
"Oh my. That is quite filling. Much bigger than your little clitty my sweet. I think I might have to borrow this."
<img src="Images/HC14/daisydildofuck.jpg" width=600 />
She pushes forward and you feel it pushing into your ass, then feel the rocking as Daisy pushes it back and forth. As her end is more lubricated you think she gets more movement, but she starts fucking the dildo harder and with each thrust you feel it pushing harder and harder into your ass.
"Oh yes, just like that. It’s like having an African inside me. Yes, oh god yes."
She starts panting and soon after you feel her sweaty body lying on top of yours, holding you possessively.
\<<elseif $temp eq 6>><img src="Images/HC14/Meganslavefuck.jpg" width=600 />
Megan pushes you to the ground and approaches you with what appears to be a double ended dildo. She oils one end and gently pushes it into herself, gasping, before putting the other end into your waiting ass. She starts to push gently, but soon settles into a rhythm, riding you faster while slapping your ass and pulling your hair.
"Thank me for fucking your ass my pet."
"Thank you for fucking my ass, Mistress." you gasp as you feel her pushing hard against your sphincter.
"Oh, that feels good. Don’t you wish you were inside me right now, feeling my soft pussy. But instead you have my hard cock in your ass. And in my pussy, so harder than you can be, giving me so much pleasure. Oh yes, I’m going to cum while fucking your ass."
She starts to moan and shake as her climax takes over her, and you feel her nails clasping your shoulders as she does so.
Afterward she stands up, removing the dildo from both of you.
"Sometimes a little theatricality is needed. But I did need that. Thank you my sweet."
<<elseif $temp eq 7>><img src="Images/HC14/nicboundsexcum.webp" width=600 />
You pull out and spray your seed all over her belly and breasts, leaving her lying in a sticky mess.
"Clean it up." you order.
With difficulty due to her bindings she spoons the semen into her mouth, showing admirable flexibility given the circumstances.
<<elseif $temp eq 8>><img src="Images/HC14/nicboundsexcum2.webp" width=600 />
You hold her down, continuing to thrust into her dominantly.
"Who owns this pussy?"
"You do, $nicdomname. I am yours."
"All mine," you cry triumphantly as you spurt deep inside her.
<<elseif $temp eq 9>><img src="Images/HC14/nicboundanalcum.webp" width=600 />
You hold her down, continuing to thrust into her dominantly.
"Who owns this arse?"
"You do, $nicdomname. I am yours."
"All mine," you cry triumphantly as you spurt deep inside her.
<<elseif $temp eq 10>><img src="Images/HC14/nicboundoralcum.webp" width=600 />
You hold her down, continuing to thrust into her dominantly.
"Who owns this mouth?"
She cannot reply as your cock fills her mouth and she can only make wet slurping noises.
"All mine," you cry triumphantly as you spurt deep inside her.
<<elseif $temp eq 11>><img src="Images/HC14/nicboundoralcumfacial.webp" width=600 />
You pull out and spray your seed all over her face, leaving her a sticky mess.
"Clean it up." you order.
With difficulty due to her bindings she spoons the semen into her mouth, showing admirable flexibility given the circumstances.
<<if $temp gt 4>>
\<<if $temp1 eq "you">>After you have satisfied yourself, you wipe yourself clean and stand above Nicola’s bound form. She is whimpering from arousal and muttering words that sound like prayer.
"Please may I cum, $nicdomname?" she begs.
<<if $temp1 eq "Daisy">><img src="Images/HC14/Daisyspussy.webp" width=600 />
\<<elseif $temp1 eq "Megan">><img src="Images/HC14/meganpussycloseup.webp" width=600 />
When your mistress is done with you she stands up, leaving you aroused and unsatisfied. Your crotch quivers as you look up at her beautiful body, but you are unable to do anything about it as you are still restrained.
"Do you want to cum, sweetpea?" she asks?
You nod.
This leads us to our next transfer of power. The power over the submissive’s orgasm. They may only cum when the dominant permits it. Chastity devices or restraints can help in this, so they are unable to touch their erogenous zones, especially if they are being denied outside of the play scene. The denial can build up to a fantastic climax, or a ruined orgasm, or they can be left in denial indefinitely. The choice is up to the dominant. Go now, tease them, edge them to the brink. And then choose."
<<if $temp1 eq "you">>
[[Edge Nicola|Megan_domevent9_7][$temp = 1]]
[[Refuse|Megan_domevent9_end][$temp18 = 1]]
\<<elseif $temp1 eq "Daisy">> Daisy looks down at your body and smiles sweetly.
"Oh she is so adorable isn’t she. Do I have to let her cum or can I keep her like this forever?"
[[Wait for what Daisy has in store for you|Megan_domevent9_7][$temp = 2]]
[[Refuse and say your safeword|Megan_domevent9_end]]
\<<elseif $temp1 eq "Megan">>Megan sits down next to you, removing her black gloves slowly.
[[Wait for what Megan has in store for you|Megan_domevent9_7][$temp = 3]]
[[Refuse and say your safeword|Megan_domevent9_end]]
<</if>><</if>><<set $temp3 = 7>>
\<<if $temp eq 1>><img src="Images/HC14/nicfingering.webp" width=600 />
You lie down next to Nicola and get yourself comfortable, before starting work on arousing her. You start by touching her neck, and tracing down her body, caressing her thighs and her stomach. She opens her legs a little and looks at you with her beautiful blue eyes, biting her lower lip as you tease her. Soon you move onto her pussy, rubbing the lips with your thumbs in circular movements. Bound she is unable to resist and is soon gasping and begging for release.
<img src="Images/HC14/nicfingering3.webp" width=600 />
"Please, let me cum, $nicdomname." she whimpers.
You stop abruptly, chatting to Megan for a moment about the club, before returning your attention to Nicola, this time sitting behind her and rubbing her breast with one hand while teasing her clit with the other. Your hand touching her pussy is now soaking wet with her juices and she again starts quivering with arousal. You stop again, let her calm down, then start rubbing her clit vigorously.
"Oh God yes, please, oh my Lord yes."
And stop.
"Please, I must cum, $nicdomname, I beg you."
Her whole body is trembling now as she lies on the edge of arousal.
[[Let her cum|Megan_domevent9_7][$temp = 6]]
[[Ruin her orgasm|Megan_domevent9_7][$temp = 4]]
[[Leave her at the brink unsatisfied|Megan_domevent9_7][$temp = 5]]
<<elseif $temp eq 2>><img src="Images/HC14/daisycunni3.webp" width=600 />
Daisy looks down at you, her tight corset covering her body.
"Are you going to be a good girl for me, $subname?"
"Yes Miss Daisy." you reply
"Show me and maybe I will let you cum."
She lowers her pussy onto your waiting face and gasps as your tongue burrows into her wet folds, lowering her own face towards your cock tied into its cage.
"Look at your little clitty, all safe and sound in here. Can you still cum with this tied up? Shall we find out?"
She starts to play with your cock and balls through the metal as you sup away at her slit. You can’t get fully hard, but the smell of her pussy on your face as well as her teasing fingers makes you push against the hard metal, and her fingers massage the bottom of your shaft.
You feel something entering your ass and realise that Daisy is pushing the dildo she was using earlier a few inches up it, just enough to make you feel full, but not enough to reach your prostate. You gasp as she keeps you close enough to crave an orgasm, but not within touching distance.
"Please may I cum, Miss Daisy?"
"Ladies first. Keep licking, $subname." she insists.
You start sucking at her clit furiously as she rides your face, and as her pleasure mounts she plays with your bound cock more, and pushes the dildo into your ass, reaching your prostate and simultaneously gripping your balls with her fingers.
"Cum for me." she squeals as you feel her juices flow over your face.
<img src="Images/HC14/daisyruined.webp" width=600 />
You start to tip over the edge, but her own climax distracts her and she stops touching you. Without enough stimulation you dribble cum in a tiny spurt, your orgasm ruined.
[[Lie in a heap and recover|Megan_domevent9_7][$temp = 9]]
<<elseif $temp eq 3>><img src="Images/HC14/megannaked.webp" width=600 />
Megan stands above your bound body and takes off her corset, revealing her perfect naked body.
"Have you been good enough for this? Let us see."
She rubs her whole body up and down yours for what seems like an eternity, but is probably closer to half an hour, teasing with her hair, her lips, her breasts, each only lightly making contact with your body, but keeping up teasing pressure. Your cock is rock hard by this point, and with a start she lowers herself on top of it, feeling like a furnace surrounding you.
<img src="Images/HC14/megancowgirl.webp" width=600 />
"Cum for me now, honey. Cum for your Mistress." she commands, as she rocks back and forward on top of your tied frame.
<img src="Images/HC14/megancowgirlcum.webp" width=600 />
And you do, spurting deep inside her. As you do you feel a pressure as she grabs the base of your cock and keeps riding you, pushing her breasts into your face and grinding on top of you, her tight grip preventing your erection from subsiding.
"Keep going. Keep fucking me." she orders.
She rides you until your cock is aching and sore, stretching out your climax for a minute until you think your balls are about to explode, before standing above you, letting your seed drip out onto your naked body.
<img src="Images/HC14/meganafters3ex.webp" width=600 />
"And what do you say?"
"Thank you Mistress Megan." you whisper hoarsely.
"You are welcome, my sweet."
[[Lie in a heap and recover|Megan_domevent9_7][$temp = 9]]
<<elseif $temp eq 4>><img src="Images/HC14/nicaroused2.webp" width=600 />
You gently touch her clitoris, rubbing it for a second, then stopping, while gently rubbing the folds of her vulva lips. You see her face relax, as she passes the point of no return, at which point you stop, and just hold her, your finger on the nub of her clit applying the slightest pressure, but not enough.
"No, I need more." she cries as her orgasm dribbles away, leaving her pained and unsatisfied, her climax ruined.
"Masterful." observes Megan, leaning down and kissing Nicola’s fevered brow in admiration.
[[Stop and let her recover|Megan_domevent9_7][$temp = 9]]
<<elseif $temp eq 5>><img src="Images/HC14/nicaroused2.webp" width=600 />
You stop and return to the armchair, facing Megan.
"No, I don’t think you can cum today. Maybe next time." you say with an air of finality.
Nicola sobs into the carpet as her arousal gradually ekes away, unable to touch herself, but just looks at you forlornly.
[[Stop and let her recover|Megan_domevent9_7][$temp = 9]]
<<elseif $temp eq 6>><img src="Images/HC14/niccum.webp" width=600 />
You increase your pressure on her vagina, putting two fingers inside while stroking her pussy lips with the other hand, rubbing her wetness all over. As she gets closer to climax you smile and start rubbing her clit hard.
"Oh God, yes, just like that, fuck me $nicdomname, fuck me, fuck me, oh sweet Jesus yes." she cries as she cums, her vaginal muscles clamping hard on your fingers.
[[Stop and let her recover|Megan_domevent9_7][$temp = 9]]
[[Keep rubbing her clit, giving her multiple orgasms|Megan_domevent9_7][$temp = 7]]
<<elseif $temp eq 7>><img src="Images/HC14/nicsquirting.webp" width=600 />
As she cries out in pleasure, you increase your intensity, rubbing her clit furiously while squeezing her nipples hard. She gasps.
"No, please, that’s enough." but you keep rubbing, and she spasms again, squirting your hand with her juices as you bring her to a second orgasm within a minute. You immediately push two fingers inside her, then three, rubbing the inside of her vaginal wall with the tips of your fingers as you continue to rub her clit.
"Oh fuck, I can’t take it." she calls as her head rocks from side to side.
Her thighs clamp down on your hand as she has another climax, a third within a short time, and lies still.
"No more. Cinnamon. Cinnamon. Cinnamon." she begs.
Her safeword uttered, you stop and hold her naked body. Megan holds out a blanket and covers you, smiling approvingly.
[[Stop and let her recover|Megan_domevent9_7][$temp = 9]]
<<elseif $temp eq 9>>
"Delightful. Some dominants will stretch out the tension to allow a tremendous release, some prefer to eke out denial over weeks only to ruin it. No choice is wrong of course, but it will depend on the nature of the scene and your relationship, but this must work for both partners. This brings us onto transferring the power of communication. To allow yourself to be gagged, and unable to talk. Some take this further and add objectification, or petplay, to make the submissive a thing or an animal subject to the whims of the dominant. For the length of a scene this can be quite refreshing, for others it is a lifestyle. Have you Mistress Penelope’s pony stables? They are a sight to behold. Anyhow, I digress."
She holds out a black leather gag.
"There are different types of gag. The ball gag and ring gag encourage the submissive to drool. They can use their tongue with a ring gag for limited cunnilingus. The bit gag is a bar like a pony wears that the submissive bites down on, useful when they are receiving pain. All however serve the main function of preventing communication. An alternative safeword is needed. For today, striking the floor three times will be that signal."
<<if $temp1 eq "you">>
\<<if $nicsub gt 6 >>Nicola nods, apprehensively
[[Put the gag on Nicola|Megan_domevent9_8][$temp = 1]]
[[Refuse|Megan_domevent9_end][$temp18 = 1]]
\<<else>>Nicola shakes her head. "I think that is enough for today, Mistress Megan. I am sorry." she apologises to you.
"No need to apologise, dear. "
[[End the scene|Megan_domevent9_end]]
\<<else>>Your Mistress takes the gag in her hand and stands before you.
"Open Wide." she says sweetly.
<<if $temp1 eq "Daisy">>[[Open your mouth|Megan_domevent9_8][$temp = 2]]
\<<elseif $temp1 eq "Megan">>[[Open your mouth|Megan_domevent9_8][$temp = 3]]
\[[Refuse and say your safeword|Megan_domevent9_end]]
<</if>><<set $temp3 = 8>>
<<if $temp eq 1>><img src="Images/HC14/nicgagged.webp" width=600 />
You put the gag on Nicola, forcing her lips uncomfortably wide open, watching her drool onto the floor from her bound position as you touch her most sensitive parts. By this point she is incredibly aroused, and her saliva starts flowing freely, punctuated only by little moans.
Megan leans down and whispers into your ear.
At this point she is just acting on instinct, and might not even be capable of conversation even if she had the gag on. You must beware that you do not assume consent when your submissive is so deeply engaged in the scene, especially before trying something new. But she is so very sweet."
Megan leans in and tweaks Nicola's nipples, eliciting a gasp and a little drool onto her black glove.
<<elseif $temp eq 2>><img src="Images/HC14/slavegirldrool2.webp" width=600 />
The gag spreads your lips wide, but you cannot control your salivation and find yourself drooling onto your chest embarassingly. Mistress Daisy starts combing your hair, running a brush through it a dozen times while her hand rests lightly on your crotch.
"You are making a mess of yourself with all that dribble. Now be a good girl or I shall have to spank you you know."
You grunt aquiescence, but it just causes more saliva to fall from your mouth onto Daisy's hand.
"Oh Megan. What am I to do with her? The gag is good to stop her complaining, but it is so messy."
"All that saliva might be good for something." says Megan suggestively.
<img src="Images/HC14/cunniringgag2.webp" width=600 />
"Oh you are a dear." Daisy replies, turning you around and pulling you down towards her crotch.
"Now be a good girl and start licking. Be as wet as you want."
You find that with effort you can flick your tongue around throug the hole in the ring gag and soon lick Daisy to a passable climax, aided by what seems like half a pint of drool coming from your gagged lips.
<<elseif $temp eq 3>><<if $femcheck lt 2>><img src="Images/HC14/slaveboydrool3.jpg" width=600 /><<else>><img src="Images/HC14/slavegirldrool2.webp" width=600 /><</if>>
The ring gag spreads your lips wide, but you cannot control your salivation and find yourself drooling onto your chest embarassingly. Megan looks down at you aand starts speaking sternly to you.
"I did not say that you could make a mess of my floor. Lick it up immediately."
You try to obey, but succeed only in dribbling more.
"You are like one of Dr Pavlov's dogs today. A flash of thigh and you are a drooling beast. Still, I think there may be some use to that. Get licking."
She pulls you by the neck toward her crotch and her intent is plain.
You find that with effort you can flick your tongue around throug the hole in the ring gag and soon lick Megan to a passable climax, aided by what seems like half a pint of drool coming from your gagged lips.
"We have two more lessons. Should you decide to take them. The penultimate one is pain. This is one of the most controversial of transfers of power, to allow a dominant to hurt a submissive. It was only seven years ago that the law was changed and the right to use corporal punishment on a wife was removed, and many judges will still turn a blind eye to any but the most serious cases. But pain enhances pleasure, and for some is the only way they can receive pleasure. Or it can be used as punishment or for reinforcing training. This does require explicit consent that can be withdrawn at any time, so a safeword should be in place or alternatives if the submissive is unable to speak. Do you consent?" She directs this towards $temp2 as she holds a wooden paddle in her hands.
<<if $temp1 eq "you">>
\<<if $nicsub gt 5 >>Nicola nods, apprehensively.
[[Spank Nicola with the paddle|Megan_domevent9_9][$temp = 1]]
[[Refuse|Megan_domevent9_end][$temp18 = 1]]
\<<else>>Nicola shakes her head. "I think that is enough for today, Mistress Megan. I am sorry." she apologises to you.
"No need to apologise, dear. "
[[End the scene|Megan_domevent9_end]]
[[Brace yourself|Megan_domevent9_9][$temp = 2]]
[[Refuse and say your safeword|Megan_domevent9_end]]
<</if>><<set $temp3 = 9>>
\<<if $temp eq 1>><img src="Images/HC14/Nicolaspank.webp" width=600 />
You lean adjust Nicola's hogtie, leaning her over a cushion and getting her arse at a good angle before taking the paddle in hand. The paddle appears to be shaped like a hand.
"I shall spank you five times. After each count and say thank you."
You bring it down with some force.
"Wah, hankhoo" counts Nicola, trying to speak through the gag, the result far more humiliating than the blow itself.
You strike again, harder.
"Hoo, hankhoo,"
You open her legs wider and angle the third blow so it falls closer to her sensitive lips. She cries out as you strike her, sobbing slightly before responding.
"Free, hankhoo"
<img src="Images/HC14/Nicolaspank2.webp" width=600 />
The remaining two blows are stronger still, and by the end her ass is red raw from the blows.
"Well done, Nicola" you kiss her cheek, tasting a salty tear and noting a proud expression on her face.
\<<elseif $temp eq 2>>
Your Mistress pushes you onto the floor and starts to spank your ass with a wooden paddle shaped like a hand.
"Count each time I do this or I'll start again." she says before bringing the paddle down.
<img src="Images/HC14/spankedass.jpg" width=600 />
One thank you mistress. You try to say, but it comes out as a dribbling moan through the gag.
Two thank you Mistress.
Or "Hoo, Hank hoo Sistress."
Eight more blows ring down, with greater force, until by the end you are just calling out illegibly.
<<if $temp1 eq "Daisy">><img src="Images/HC14/daisyspank.jpg" width=600 /><</if>>
"What a good pet you are." she says, holding you closely as you tearfully recover.
<</if>><img src="Images/HC14/crate.webp" width=600 />
"The final power that can be transferred is everything. Giving yourself body and soul to your dominant, every minute of the day. To do with what they want. To be used, cast aside or even sold. Today this is symbolised by this packing crate. Enter, and you consent to being property, a slave, as much as that is allowed in our nation."
<<if $temp1 eq "you">>
[[Put Nicola in the box|Megan_domevent9_10][$temp = 1]]
[[Refuse|Megan_domevent9_end][$temp18 = 2]]
\<<elseif $temp1 eq "Daisy">>
[[Brace yourself|Megan_domevent9_10][$temp = 2]]
[[Refuse and say your safeword|Megan_domevent9_end]]
\<<elseif $temp1 eq "Megan">>
[[Enter the box|Megan_domevent9_10][$temp = 3]]
[[Refuse and say your safeword|Megan_domevent9_end]]
<</if>><<set $temp3 = 10>>
<<if $temp1 eq "you">>
<<if $nicsub gt 8>>Nicola looks at you with tears in her eyes, and shuffles into the box. You close the lid, leaving her in darkness, and turn the key in the lock.
Megan looks at you with a curious expression.
"Now throw the key away." She opens the window, indicating the open drain of the London Street outside.
[[Throw away the key|Megan_domevent9_end][$temp18 = 3]]
[[Refuse|Megan_domevent9_end][$temp18 = 2]]
<<else>>Nicola taps on the ground, tears pouring from her eyes.
"Shiiallooll!" she drools through her gag, trying desperately to say her safeword.
"It is alright, dear, you can stop now. You are safe." says Megan. She unties Nicola, who cowers on the floor in a foetal position, sobbing.
[[Comfort her|Megan_domevent9_end][$temp18 = 5]]
[[Look at her disappointedly|Megan_domevent9_end][$temp18 = 6]]
\<<elseif $temp1 eq "Daisy">>
Daisy looks at the box, and at you as you walk into it slowly. As you do, she rushes forward and puts her arms around you.
"No. She’s mine. A toy, a pet, a wife. But not a slave."
"Good." says Megan. "This was a test, to see your limits. I think you just passed."
[[End the evening|Megan_domevent9_end]]
\<<elseif $temp1 eq "Megan">>
You look at Megan and shuffle into the box. As you do so, she takes your hand and pulls you back.
"I would never do this to one of my submissives. This was a test, to see your limits. I am not sure if this means you passed or failed."
She unties you and holds your body for a while, silently, hugging you until you are both calm.
[[End the evening|Megan_domevent9_end]]
<</if>><<if $temp eq 2>>You think carefully about the upcoming ceremony, getting it clear in your mind before you wake up.
[[I am marrying my beautiful cousin Daisy tomorrow|HC20_1][$groom = "MC", $bride = "Daisy"]]
[[I am marrying my submissive girlfriend Nicola tomorrow|HC20_1][$groom = "MC", $bride = "Nicola"]]
[[I am marrying the lovely trans girl Michaela tomorrow|HC20_1][$groom = "MC", $bride = "Michaela"]]
[[I am marrying my best friend Matthew tomorrow|HC20_1][$groom = "Matthew", $bride = "MC"]]
[[I am best man for my friend Matthew tomorrow when he marries my cousin Daisy|HC20_1][$groom = "Matthew", $bride = "Daisy"]]
\<<else>><<temp>><<SetFlag "event">><<set $HCevent = 20>>
You have slept fitfully, with such a big day ahead of you.
You go through in your mind what you expect.
<<if $groom eq "MC" and $bride eq "Daisy">>I am marrying my beautiful cousin Daisy tomorrow.
[[Yes, that is correct|HC20_1]]
\<<elseif $groom eq "MC" and $bride eq "Nicola">>I am marrying my submissive girlfriend Nicola tomorrow.
[[Yes, that is correct|HC20_1]]
\<<elseif $groom eq "MC" and $bride eq "Michaela">>I am marrying the lovely trans girl Michaela tomorrow.
[[Yes, that is correct|HC20_1]]
\<<elseif $groom eq "Matthew" and $bride eq "MC">>I am marrying my best friend Matthew tomorrow.
[[Yes, that is correct|HC20_1]]
\<<elseif $groom eq "Matthew" and $bride eq "Daisy">>My best friend Matthew is marrying my cousin Daisy tomorrow.
[[Yes, that is correct|HC20_1]]
<<else>>I know there is a wedding tomorrow but I can't remember who is getting married. Is it me?
[[No! That is all wrong. This must be a bad dream. Change who is getting married!|HC20][$temp = 2]]
\<b>Dev note. A couple of folk had mentioned some awkward bugs with them being locked into marrying the wrong person. This serves as a check and fix for that and allows for a jumping on point part way through the game. Apologies for the break in immersion</b>\<<set $HCevent = 20>><<SetFlag "event">><<temp>>
\<<if $groom eq "MC">><<set $Groom = "you">><<set $Grooms = "your">>
\<<elseif $groom eq "Matthew">><<set $Groom = "Matthew">><<set $Grooms = "Matthew's">><<set $HC20 = 5>><<set $spouse = "Matthew">>
\<<if $bride eq "MC">><<set $Bride = "you">><<set $Brides = "your">>
\<<elseif $bride eq "Daisy">><<set $Bride = "Daisy">><<set $Brides = "Daisy's">><<set $HC20 = 1>><<set $spouse = "Daisy">>
\<<if $Daisydomevent gt 0>><<set $HC20 = 4>>
\<<elseif $groom eq "Matthew">><<set $HC20 = 6>><<set $spouse = "none">>
\<<elseif $bride eq "Nicola">><<set $Bride = "Nicola">><<set $Brides = "Nicola's">><<set $HC20 = 3>><<set $spouse = "Nicola">>
\<<elseif $bride eq "Michaela">><<set $Bride = "Michaela">><<set $Brides = "Michaela's">><<set $HC20 = 2>><<set $spouse = "Michaela">>
\It is the day of $Groom and $Brides wedding.
<<if $HC20 lt 5>><img src="Images/HC20/Matthewsmartentrance.webp" width=600 />
Matthew arrives early, knocking loudly on your door until you let him in.
"It's time!" he calls, "The big day has arrived."
"It's seven in the morning."
"Indeed. In four hours you'll be married. You look a bit rough though, you probably want to take a shower."
You clean yourself up, before putting on your wedding suit<<cleanshave>>
\<<StripAll>><<set $outfit = "White tie suit">><<set $socks ="Black mens socks">><<set $shoes = "Black mens dress shoes">><<set $panties = "blue silk shorts">>
\<<if $daisydomevent gt 0>>, making sure to put on Daisy's favourite pink bra, stockings and panties underneath<<set $panties = "pink frilly panties">><<set $bra = "pink frilly bra">><<set $socks ="Pale pink stockings">>
\<<elseif $HC20 eq 5>>
\Daisy and Ruby come knocking on your door.
"Wakey wakey. We have so much to do. Your dress and your hair and your nails and oh just look at the state of her, we'll never get her ready in time." moans Daisy
"It'll be fine." says Ruby. I can turn myself from a cum covered slut to a pristine blushing virgin in ten minutes between clients with only a washcloth and a hairbrush."
They drag you to the bathroom and scrub you to within an inch of your life, before applying moisturiser, scent, brushing your hair and sorting your makeup.
<<StripAll>><<cleanshave>><<set $facialhair = 0>><<set $bodyhair = 0>><<set $armhair = 0>><<set $leghair = 0>>
"Perfect. Well apart from that little cock. Matthew does know about that, it could end up being an unwelcome surprise on your wedding night." jokes Ruby.
"Now let's get you dressed." says Daisy, bringing out the white gown you have chosen for the occasion.
You think you remember what it was:
[[White hooped gown->HC20_2][$item = "White hooped gown"]]
[[White lace gown->HC20_2][$item = "White lace gown"]]
[[White low cut gown->HC20_2][$item = "White low cut gown"]]
[[White ruffled gown->HC20_2][$item = "White ruffled gown"]]
[[White satin gown->HC20_2][$item = "White satin gown"]]
[[White strapped gown->HC20_2][$item = "White strapped gown"]]
[[White striking gown->HC20_2][$item = "White striking gown"]]
[[White tulle gown->HC20_2][$item = "White tulle gown"]]
[[White backless gown->HC20_2][$item = "White backless gown"]]
\<<else>><img src="Images/HC20/Matthewsmarthouse.webp" width=600 />
Matthew rises early, staying at yours for the night before his wedding. He drags himself into the bathroom and emerges ten minutes later looking passable, with that slightly scruffy look that ladies seem to like so much.
"Do we have everything?" you ask. "Suit. Rings. Flower for your buttonhole."
"On my arse, in your pocket and what the hell do I need a flower for?" he asks.
"To look smart. It wouldn't hurt to comb your hair. You are getting married. To my cousin no less."
"Does this make us related?"
"We saved each other on the battlefield. That makes us brothers, but yes, I guess this makes it official."
You clean yourself up, before putting on your wedding suit<<cleanshave>>
\<<StripAll>><<set $outfit = "White tie suit">><<set $socks ="Black mens socks">><<set $shoes = "Black mens dress shoes">><<set $panties = "blue silk shorts">>
<</if>><<set $outfit = $item>><<set $socks ="White stockings">><<set $shoes = "White elegant heels">><<set $panties = "white lace panties">><<set $bra = "white sexy bra">><<set $objects["white lace panties"].inv = 1>>
Ruby starts singing.
"<i>Something old, something new,
Something borrowed, something blue,
And a silver sixpence in her shoe</i>
Well the panties are new, I bought them yesterday." Ruby says.
"And here is something old." says Daisy, as the door opens and your Aunt walks in.
"Manners, dear. You will need them if you are ever to marry like your cousin here. But you are right, I do have something old for the bride." She takes out an old piece of lace that she pins to your dress.
"This veil was your grandmothers, it is all that remains of her wedding gown. Your mother wore it on teh day she married your father. As you had no sisters she gave it to me for Daisy, but I see now that it is rightfully yours."
Next she takes out a fine silver necklace that she places about your neck.
"I wore this on my wedding day to your uncle. I would be honoured if you could do the same. It is a loan, not a gift, as I hope that Daisy might one day wear it also, so I guess that this counts as borrowed.
You thank your Aunt and hug her tightly.
Daisy leans down and lifts her skirt up, revealing a blue and white garter about her thigh.
"Blue is my colour." she says, taking it off and carefully lifting it above your stockings, giving your panties a seductive rub as she does so.
Mrs Ambrose leaves. "I will go now and sort my husband out. When you girls are ready just knock on the way to the church."
To fulfill the final part of the rhyme, you take a sixpense and slip it inside your shoe.
"We have an hour before you are married. Any last requests?" says Daisy.
"We could fuck. For old times sake." says Ruby.
"Ruby Hathaway! We have done our hair, and our makeup, it would all be ruined." cries Daisy
"Not if we are careful. And we do all look very sexy you have to admit."
She has a point...
[[Mess around with Ruby and Daisy|HC20_3][$temp =3]]
[[Save yourself for your husband and head to the church|HC20_4]]<<if $temp eq 2>><img src="Images/HC20/Babetteblowjob2.webp" width=600 />
Babette kneels down and matter of factly unbuttons first your fly and then Matthew's.
"Sois prudente. Pas de sperme. No cum on the suit. Yvette spent ages getting this clean. Let me eat it all up."
<img src="Images/HC20/Babettedoubleblowjob.webp" width=600 />
She carefully licks at one penis then the other, then opens her mouth wide and takes both of them in at once. The feeling of another man's cock against yours is unnerving, but you soon forget this in the sensation of Babette's tongue rolling around them both. With a spurt, you climax in her mouth, and pull out as Matthew does the same. Babette rolls it around her tongue and swallows it.
"Now go. Get married. I need to get this place tidy for my new mistress."
<img src="Images/HC20/Babettedoubleblowjobcum.webp" width=600 />
<<elseif $temp eq 3>><img src="Images/HC20/bridesmaidkiss.webp" width=600 />
Ruby and Daisy start kissing each other in front of you, their tongues meeting.
"Just your tongue, don't ruin my lipstick." says Daisy.
You step forward and join in, the three of you licking each others tongues while caressing each other through your dresses and underwear.
Then abruptly, they stop.
"Is that it?" you ask.
They nod.
"We can't stop now, I'm all tingly and excited." you protest.
"It's good to be dripping wet and eager for your husband." they reply.
"But I don't get to lie with him for hours."
<img src="Images/HC20/bridesmaidbooblick.webp" width=600 />
Daisy and Ruby suggestively fondle each other, Daisy kissing her friend's breasts before Ruby sinks down and starts licks between her legs.
"Hurry up. We will follow in a couple of minutes."
<img src="Images/HC20/bridesmaidcunni1.webp" width=600 />
[[Make yourself presentable and head to the church|HC20_4]]<<if $bride eq "MC">>
You walk with your uncle the short distance to the church.
Daisy and Ruby chattering behind you as bridesmaids.
"You look so pretty, $femname." says Daisy.
"Matthew won't be able to take his eyes off you" says Ruby.
"I agree. You were born to be a girl." says your uncle.
"I thought you would be cross." you reply.
"I learned the hard way what happens if you don't follow your heart." replies your uncle enigmatically. "This is your moment. Enjoy it."
You arrive at the church door which swings open at your uncle's touch.
\<<elseif $groom eq "MC">><img src="Images/HC20/matthewchurch3.webp" width=600 />
"What is keeping her? We have been here for ages." you fret to Matthew.
"It is traditional for the bride to be late. It is her big day." says your best man.
"It is my big day too! What if she has changed her mind? Look at all these people."
"She won't have changed her mind. She loves you. Crazy girl, I tried to warn her off and run away to Spain with me, but she wasn't having it." teases your best man.
<<elseif $groom eq "Matthew" and $bride eq "Daisy">><img src="Images/HC20/matthewchurch3.webp" width=600 />
"She is late." you comment.
"It is traditional for the bride to be late. It is her big day. Aren't I supposed to be the one fretting and you reassuring me that she hasn't run off to join a convent." says Matthew.
"Daisy is crazy about you. She's not going to pass up the chance to get her hands on that big cock of yours for the rest of her life, is she?"
The organist starts playing <i>Here comes the bride.</i> and all eyes turn to the back of the church as the heavy wooden door opens.
<<if $bride eq "MC">><img src="Images/HC20/matthewchurch2.webp" width=600 />
You slowly walk down the aisle, holding your uncle's arm. At the front you see Matthew waiting, the colonel by his side as best man. You remember joking with Matthew in the army that you would be best men for each other when you got married. Funny how things turn out.
As you reach Matthew he turns to you and smiles.
"You look beautiful." he says.
\<<elseif $bride eq "Michaela">><img src="Images/HC20/michaelabride.webp" width=600 />
Michaela walks slowly down the aisle, her hand resting on Gabriel's arm. She is wearing the same white gown she had on at the Debutante ball, which seems so long ago, but this time she wears it with quiet confidence, having grown into being a woman the past few months.
She reaches you and smiles behind her veil.
"You look beautiful." you say.
\<<elseif $bride eq "Nicola">><img src="Images/HC20/nicbride2.webp" width=600 />
Nicola walks slowly down the aisle, her hand resting on the Mother Superior's arm. She is wearing a long silk white gown, and you realise you have never seen her wear anything but black since you met her again recently.
She reaches you and smiles behind her veil.
"You look beautiful. White suits you." you say.
"For one day only." she replies.
\<<elseif $groom eq "Matthew" and $bride eq "Daisy">><img src="Images/HC20/Daisybride2.webp" width=600 />
You stand next to Matthew as everyone turns to watch Daisy walk slowly down the aisle, her hand resting on her father's arm. She is wearing the same white gown she had on at the Debutante ball, which seems so long ago, and has her head held high, enjoying being the centre of attention.
She reaches Matthew and smiles behind her veil.
"You look beautiful." he says.
"You aren't too shabby yourself." she says.
\<<elseif $bride eq "Daisy">><img src="Images/HC20/Daisybride2.webp" width=600 />
Daisy walks slowly down the aisle, her hand resting on her father's arm. She is wearing the same white gown she had on at the Debutante ball, which seems so long ago, and has her head held high, enjoying being the centre of attention.
She reaches you and smiles behind her veil.
"You look beautiful." you say.
<<if $daisydomevent gt 0>><img src="Images/HC20/Daisybride4.webp" width=600 />
"We will just have to wait a few hours longer and you can put your wedding dress on too, my love."
\<<else>><img src="Images/HC20/Daisybride3.webp" width=600 />
"You aren't too shabby yourself."
\<</if>> she says.
[[The wedding service|HC20_5]]<img src="Images/People/BishopGreene.webp" width=600 />
The Bishop drones on with his sermon. He talks about the different types of love. Love for a sibling, love for a parent, love for a neighbour.
"But the love between spouses is of a different order. It is a bond that is both physical, represented by the act of procreation, and spiritual, for the shared lifetime that is ahead."
He licks his lips as he mentions the act of procreation, and you think you see the bulge of an erection under his robe.
"Dearly beloved, we are gathered together here in the sight of God, and in the face of this Congregation, to join together this man and this woman in holy Matrimony; which is an honourable estate, instituted of God in the time of man's innocence, signifying unto us the mystical union that is betwixt Christ and his Church; which holy estate Christ adorned and beautified with his presence, and first miracle that he wrought, in Cana of Galilee; and is commended of Saint Paul to be honourable among all men: and therefore is not by any to be enterprised, nor taken in hand, unadvisedly, lightly, or wantonly, to satisfy men's <b>carnal lusts and appetites</b>, like brute beasts that have no understanding; but reverently, discreetly, advisedly, soberly, and in the fear of God; duly considering the causes for which Matrimony was ordained."
It is quite clear from the twinkle in his eyes and his theatricality when emphasising carnal lusts and appetites that the bishop believes none of this.
"First, it was ordained for the procreation of children, to be brought up in the fear and nurture of the Lord, and to the praise of His Holy Name. Secondly, it was ordained for a remedy against sin, and to avoid <b>fornication</b>; that such persons as have not the gift of continency might marry, and keep themselves undefiled members of Christ's body. Thirdly, It was ordained for the mutual society, help, and comfort, that the one ought to have of the other, both in prosperity and adversity. Into which holy estate these two persons present come now to be joined. Therefore if any man can show any just cause, why they may not lawfully be joined together, let him now speak, or else hereafter for ever hold his peace."
[[Wait for it...|HC20_6][$temp = 1]]<<if $temp eq 1>>
<<if $HC20 gt 4>><img src="Images/HC20/Clairepregnant2.webp" width=600 />
"I do." A young woman with a swollen belly stands up from the back of the congregation.
"Oh fuck." says Matthew, before crossing himself for swearing in church.
"And you are?" the Bishop asks the woman.
"I'm his wife, Claire." she replies.
"We're not married." says Matthew. "It was a one time thing. Well twice. Ok maybe three but I was drunk so that one doesn't count."
"Do you love her?" <<if $HC20 eq 5>>you ask.
"No, of course not. It was over months ago. Before you came back to London."
You look at the young woman, jealous that she can give Matthew a child, but proud that despite this he is pledging himself to you. The outburst has quite overshadowed your worry that someone might point out that two people with penises aren't technically allowed to wed in 1899.
\<<elseif $HC20 eq 6>>asks Daisy.
"No, of course not. It was over months ago. Before I met you. I only love you, Daisy."
<img src="Images/HC20/Daisybrideangry.webp" width=600 />
Daisy looks at the girl with venom in her eyes.
\"Are you truly married?" asks the Bishop. The girl starts to cry, shaking her head.
"Come my dear. I've been there honey." Megan takes the girl in her arms, walking her to the back of the church and sits next to her, hugging her and wiping her tears from her eyes.
"Ahem. Shall we continue?" says the Bishop.
\<<elseif $HC20 eq 2>>You wait ominously for someone to call out the discrepancy in Michaela's birth gender for what seems like an eternity, but there is only silence. You look at your partner and smile with relief.
<img src="Images/HC20/michaelabride3.webp" width=600 />
\<<elseif $HC20 eq 3>>"<b>I</b> do. She's supposed to be marrying the Lord, not this sinner. Look at him, he has the look of a fornicator, a hound of Beelzebub."
You turn to the church door, and see a middle aged red haired gentleman in a tweed suit striding forward throwing curses at you.
<img src="Images/HC20/Nicdad.webp" width=600 />
"Daddy..." says Nicola in shock.
The crowd start muttering among themselves.
The Bishop addresses the interruption. "She has not taken her vows of sisterhood, have you Miss Spencer?"
"I have not. A girl is allowed to change her mind."
"Then I am afraid Mr Spencer that this does not count as a lawful impediment to marriage. Do you wish your father to stay for the rest of the ceremony, Nicola?"
"Daddy. I am getting married today whether you like it or not. I would be grateful if you could give me your blessing."
"Bless a marriage to this sinner? Never. You are no daughter of mine" He storms off, slamming the church door behind him. Nicola wipes away a tear, leaning on you for support.
"I had hoped my mother and sister might make it here, but they were too afraid to oppose him."
<img src="Images/HC20/nicbride4.webp" width=600 />
\"In that case let us make our vows. <<if $groom eq "MC">>$playername<<else>>$groom<</if>> wilt thou have this woman to thy wedded wife, to live together after God's ordinance in the holy estate of Matrimony? Wilt thou love her, comfort her, honour, and keep her, in sickness and in health; and, forsaking all other, keep thee only unto her, so long as ye both shall live?" asks the bishop.
"I will."
"And <<if $bride eq "MC">>$femname<<else>>$bride<</if>> wilt thou have this man to thy wedded husband, to live together after God's ordinance in the holy estate of Matrimony? Wilt thou obey him, and serve him, love, honour, and keep him, in sickness and in health; and, forsaking all other, keep thee only unto him, so long as ye both shall live?"
"I will."
You are a little unconvinced about the part about forsaking all others given the antics at the Hellfire club over the past few months. The book of common prayer is quite clear on the wording here, however.
"Who giveth this woman to be married to this man?" asks the Bishop.
<<if $HC20 eq 2>><img src="Images/HC20/gabrielchurch.webp" width=600 />
"I do" says Gabriel. He hugs his sister, accepting her for the choices she has made, before passing her hand to the Bishop and stepping back to stand alone on the front row.
\<<elseif $HC20 eq 3>><img src="Images/HC20/mothersuperiorchurch.webp" width=600 />
"I do" says the Reverend Mother, kissing Nicola on both cheeks. "I free you from our sisterhood. Go now with the blessing of the Lord." before passing her hand to the Bishop and stepping back to stand alone on the front row.
\<<elseif $HC20 eq 5>><img src="Images/HC20/ambrosechurch.webp" width=600 />
"I do" says Dr Ambrose. He nods at you, accepting you for the choices you have made, before passing your hand to the Bishop and stepping back to stand next to his wife.
\<<else>><img src="Images/HC20/ambrosechurch.webp" width=600 />
"I do" says Dr Ambrose. He kisses his daughter on the cheek chastely, before passing her hand to the Bishop and stepping back to stand next to his wife.
"It now comes to me to join this man and this woman in holy matrimony." Take each others hands please.
He watches as $Bride and $Groom link their hands before continuing.
He turns to $Groom, asking to repeat the vows.
"I then your full name take thee, then the Bride's full name to be my wedded wife, to have and to hold from this day forward, for better, for worse, for richer, for poorer, in sickness and in health, to love and to cherish, till death us do part, according to God’s holy ordinance; and thereto I plight thee my troth."
<<if $groom eq "MC">>[[Repeat the vows|HC20_6][$temp = 2]]
<<else>>[[Watch Matthew repeat the vows|HC20_6][$temp = 2]]
<<elseif $temp eq 2>>
<<if $groom eq "MC">>
\You swallow to clear your throat before repeating the vows.
"I $playername $playersurname take thee,
\<<if $bride eq "Nicola">>Nicola Anne Spencer
<img src="Images/HC20/nicbride3.webp" width=600 />
\<<elseif $bride eq "Daisy">>Daisy Ambrose
<img src="Images/HC20/Daisybride3.webp" width=600 />
\<<elseif $bride eq "Michaela">>Michaela Taylor
<img src="Images/HC20/michaelabride3.webp" width=600 />
to be my wedded wife, to have and to hold from this day forward, for better, for worse, for richer, for poorer, in sickness and in health, to love and to cherish, till death us do part, according to God’s holy ordinance; and thereto I plight thee my troth."
\<<else>><img src="Images/HC20/matthewchurch3.webp" width=600 />
Matthew steps up and repeats the vows.
"I Matthew Chadwick, take thee,
\<<if $bride eq "MC">>$playername $playersurname
\<<elseif $bride eq "Daisy">>Daisy Ambrose
\<</if>> to be my wedded wife, to have and to hold from this day forward, for better, for worse, for richer, for poorer, in sickness and in health, to love and to cherish, till death us do part, according to God’s holy ordinance; isn't that ammunition? Er and thereto I plight thee my troth. What even is a troth anyway?
"Very good. Very good. Now onto the lovely bride. Repeat after me again.
"I then your full name take thee, then the Groom's full name to be my wedded husband, to have and to hold from this day forward, for better, for worse, for richer, for poorer, in sickness and in health, to love, cherish, and to obey, till death us do part, according to God's holy ordinance; and thereto I give thee my troth."
<<if $bride eq "MC">>[[Repeat the vows|HC20_6][$temp = 3]]
<<else>>[[Watch your beloved repeat the vows|HC20_6][$temp = 3]]
<<elseif $temp eq 3>>
<<if $bride eq "MC">>You swallow to clear your throat before repeating the vows.
"I $playername $playersurname take thee, Matthew Chadwick to be my wedded husband, to have and to hold from this day forward, for better, for worse, for richer, for poorer, in sickness and in health, to love, cherish, and to obey, till death us do part, according to God's holy ordinance; and thereto I give thee my troth."
\<<elseif $bride eq "Daisy">><img src="Images/HC20/Daisybride3.webp" width=600 />
"I Daisy Ambrose take thee, $playername $playersurname to be my wedded husband, to have and to hold from this day forward, for better, for worse, for richer, for poorer, in sickness and in health, to love and to cherish,, till death us do part, according to God's holy ordinance; and thereto I give thee my troth."
She must have just forgotten to say the bit about obeying, you think optimistically.
\<<elseif $bride eq "Nicola">><img src="Images/HC20/nicbride5.webp" width=600 />
I Nicola Anne Spencer take thee, $playername $playersurname to be my wedded husband, to have and to hold from this day forward, for better, for worse, for richer, for poorer, in sickness and in health, to love, cherish, and to <b>obey</b>, till death us do part, according to God's holy ordinance; and thereto I give thee my troth."
She puts a special emphasis on the word obey, looking down demurely as she does so.
\<<elseif $bride eq "Michaela">><img src="Images/HC20/michaelabride3.webp" width=600 />
I Michaela Taylor take thee, $playername $playersurname to be my wedded husband, to have and to hold from this day forward, for better, for worse, for richer, for poorer, in sickness and in health, to love, cherish, and to obey, till death us do part, according to God's holy ordinance; and thereto I give thee my troth."
She looks happier than you have ever seen her, gazing at you with true love in her eyes.
Now say together after me, "With this Ring I thee wed, with my body I thee worship, and with all my worldly goods I thee endow: In the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost. Amen."
<<if $Groom eq "you">>After being handed the rings by your best man, you slip the ring upon $Brides finger and $Bride does likewise to you, repeating the vows.
\<<else>>After being handed the rings by his best man, Matthew slips the ring upon $Brides finger and $Bride does likewise to him, repeating the vows.
\<<if ($bride eq "Daisy" and $Daisydomevent gt 1) or $bride eq "Daisy" and $Daisydomevent gt 1>>
As you feel the ring slip onto your finger you feel a tingling down below. Just wedding nerves you think, but it continues, a sensual teasing in your groin. It feels like your $penis cock is shrivelling, like it does in the cold but with an intense pleasurable warmth.
\<<set $penisold = $penis>><<set $penis = "unknown">>
Your new spouse looks at you with concern. "Is everything alright darling?" they whisper. You nod and look at the bishop to continue.
<<elseif $bride eq "Michaela">>As you slip the ring on her finger Michaela has a strange expression, at once serene and shocked. She surreptitiously rests a hand on her stomach, before looking up to you with a smile.
"Is everything alright darling?" you ask.
"Perfect, It's perfect." she replies
The Bishop continues.
"I now pronounce you husband and wife. You may now kiss the bride." says the Bishop.
<<if $bride eq "Daisy" and $Daisydomevent gt 1>><img src="Images/HC20/Daisymarriedring.webp" width=600 />
Daisy grabs hold of you possessively, wrapping her arms around you tightly and firmly placing her lips upon yours.
"Now you are mine to play with forever you pretty thing."
<<elseif $groom eq "MC">>You lean in and kiss $Bride on the lips. She wraps her arms around you.
<<else>>Matthew wraps his arms around Daisy and gives her a long passionate kiss. She melts in his arms, the picture of happiness.
[[Leave the church|HC20_7]]
<</if>><<if $groom eq "MC" or $bride eq "MC">>
You and $spouse leave the church to the recital of organ music and the throwing of confetti, a mixture of shredded paper and dried rice to symbolise fertility. Outside you are cheered by the passing crowd who wish you well as you head towards a carriage pulled by two large white horses.
You and $spouse step inside, and the carriage starts moving away towards the reception.
You gather outside the church awaiting the exit of Daisy and Matthew, and start the cheering and celebrations by throwing confetti over them, before they head towards a carriage pulled by two large white horses.
\<img src="Images/HC20/horseandcarriage.webp" width=600 />
It has been a perfect traditional wedding. You suspect that the reception may not continue in that vein.
[[Head to the reception at the Hellfire club|HC20_8]]The staff are prepared when the wedding party arrives, handing out canapes and glasses of champagne to all the guests. The atmosphere is informal, with much merriment and laughter as the guests mingle and discuss their memories of the happy couple.
You look around for familiar faces to speak to:
<<if $temp11 eq 0>>[[Speak to Daisy|HC20_9][$temp11 = 1]]<<else>>You have already spoken to Daisy<</if>>
<<if $temp12 eq 0>>[[Speak to Matthew|HC20_9][$temp12 = 1]]<<else>>You have already spoken to Matthew<</if>>
<<if $temp13 eq 0>>[[Speak to Antioch and Mimi|HC20_9][$temp13 = 1]]<<else>>You have already spoken to Antioch and Mimi<</if>>
<<if $temp14 eq 0>>[[Speak to Dr. and Mrs Ambrose|HC20_9][$temp14 = 1]]<<else>>You have already spoken to the Ambroses<</if>>
<<if $temp15 eq 0>>[[Speak to Megan|HC20_9][$temp15 = 1]]<<else>>You have already spoken to Megan<</if>>
<<if $temp16 eq 0>>[[Speak to Sir Walsingham|HC20_9][$temp16 = 1]]<<else>>You have already spoken to Sir Walsingham<</if>>
<<if $temp17 eq 0>>[[Speak to Orlando|HC20_9][$temp17 = 1]]<<else>>You have already spoken to Orlando<</if>>
<<if $temp18 eq 0>>[[Speak to Melissa|HC20_9][$temp18 = 1]]<<else>>You have already spoken to Melissa<</if>>
<<if $temp19 eq 0>>[[Speak to Michaela|HC20_9][$temp19 = 1]]<<else>>You have already spoken to Michaela<</if>>
<<if $temp10 eq 0>>[[Speak to Gabriel|HC20_9][$temp10 = 1]]<<else>>You have already spoken to Gabriel<</if>>
<<if $HC20 eq 1 or $HC20 eq 4 or $HC20 eq 6>><<if $temp9 eq 0>>[[Speak to Ruby|HC20_9][$temp9 = 1]]<<else>>You have already spoken to Ruby<</if>>
\<<if $nicdomevent gt 0>><<if $temp20 eq 0>>[[Speak to Nicola|HC20_9][$temp20 = 1]]<<else>>You have already spoken to Nicola<</if>>
\[[I have spoken to everyone I wish to, time for the speeches|HC20_10]]<<if $temp11 eq 1>><<set $temp11 = 2>><<if $bride eq "Daisy">><img src="Images/HC20/Daisybedroom.webp" width=600 /><<else>><img src="Images/HC20/daisyweddingguest.webp" width=600 /><</if>>
<<if $HC20 eq 1>>"I can't quite believe I am finally married. Mrs Daisy $playersurname. She lifts up the sparkling ring on her finger and beams, putting her arms around you. I am so happy, darling."
"And tomorrow you will be the lady of the house when you move in with me."
"That is so exciting. I've lived in the same house with my parents since I was a baby. It will be so strange to live somewhere else. A whole household to manage. But let's not worry about that now, today has just been perfect."
She looks radiant in her wedding gown, you have never seen her happier.
\<<elseif $HC20 eq 2 or $HC20 eq 3>>"$Hname. Congratulations, I suppose."
"Are you not happy for me, cousin?"
"I am, I guess. Ever since I was young I sort of held a torch for you, my gallant older cousin.And now you are the one that got away. I have Matthew of course who I love dearly, and I am grateful you set us up, but I am a little jealous you are getting married first."
\<<elseif $HC20 eq 4>>"I can't quite believe I am finally married. Mrs Daisy $playersurname. She lifts up the sparkling ring on her finger and beams, putting her arms around you. I am so happy, darling. And after today you won't need to wear a suit again, you can put on pretty dresses all day long. And I will be the lady of the house. That is so exciting. I've lived in the same house with my parents since I was a baby. It will be so strange to live somewhere else. A whole household to manage. But let's not worry about that now, today has just been perfect."
She looks radiant in her wedding gown, you have never seen her happier.
\<<elseif $HC20 eq 5>>Daisy is unusually for her quiet, and when you walk over you see that she has been crying.
"Are you alright, cousin? It is meant to be a celebration. Are you not happy for me?"
"I am, I guess. Ever since I was young I sort of held a torch for you, my gallant older cousin. And then you changed, like the ugly duckling into a beautiful swan and nabbed the most handsome bachelor in this place."
"Are you jealous, Daisy."
"Yes. No. Oh I don't know, probably but I will get over it. We have this club, and maybe you will let me borrow Matthew or I can join the two of you occasionally. Until I get a husband of my own that is. Do you have any other military friends?"
"There's the colonel."
"I'd sooner marry Bunny."
"I don't think she's the marrying type."
The pair of you laugh and embrace.
\<<elseif $HC20 eq 6>>"I can't quite believe I am finally married. Mrs Daisy Chadwick. She lifts up the sparkling ring on her finger and beams, putting her arms around you. I am so happy, thank you for introducing me to Matthew."
She looks radiant in her wedding gown, you have never seen her happier.
\<<elseif $temp12 eq 1>><<set $temp12 = 2>><img src="Images/HC20/Matthewwedding.webp" width=600 />
<<if $HC20 lt 5>>Matthew slaps you on the back.
"All ready for the speeches, $playersurname?"
"I think so. Mine is easy, I just have to thank everybody. You have to be funny."
"Oh that is easy, I'll just take the piss out of you, mate."
"As long as you don't mention the stag and hen nights. I don't think my Aunt would approve."
\<<elseif $HC20 eq 5>>Matthew puts his arms around you and gives you a loving embrace. "How are you enjoying the reception, my darling. Are you ready for the speeches?"
"It is all just lovely. The church, the weather, everyone is so happy for us."
Matthew smiles.
\<<elseif $HC20 eq 6>>Matthew slaps you on the back.
"All ready for the speeches, $playersurname?"
"I think so. Yours is easy, you just have to thank everybody. I have to be funny."
"Oh that is easy, just be yourself. People are always laughing at you."
"I want them to laugh with me, not at me."
"It's a good thing you don't have years of embarassing tales to tell everyone from our army days then."
\<<elseif $temp13 eq 1>><<set $temp13 = 2>><img src="Images/HC20/AntiochMimiwedding.webp" width=600 />
<<if $HC20 eq 6>>Antioch clinks his glass against yours.
"Always the bridesmaid, never the bride, eh?"
You look at him cluelessly for a moment.
"I thought you would tie the knot, not Matthew. You do seem more the putting down roots type. Still, life would not be interesting if it were predictable."
\<<else>>Antioch and Mimi shake your hand warmly.
"Congratulations my friend. You make a delightful couple. I am sure you will be very happy together, as happy as Mimi and myself."
"Can I touch your dress?" Mimi asks $bride.
She runs her fingers along the white lace fabric, stroking it softly.
"In my culture the bride usually wears red, it is considered lucky."
"We have a gift for you." says Antioch. You open the large box and it reveals plates, bowls and assorted other items.
"I hope that it is not too mundane. Tableware, fine china from the far east. When I lived in China the traditional greeting was <i>chi le ma</i>, have you eaten? Mimi always says that I am grumpy when I am hungry, we hope that you will enjoy the food from these plates."
You thank the generous couple, heading off.
"They are such a sweet couple. Why are they not married?" asks $spouse.
"It is a sad tale. She thinks herself unworthy of him, because she is infertile."
"That is ridiculous. They are obviously crazy about each other."
\<<elseif $temp14 eq 1>><<set $temp14 = 2>><img src="Images/HC20/Drandmrsambrose.webp" width=600 />
<<if $HC20 eq 1 or $HC20 eq 4>>Mrs Ambrose is dabbing at her tears with a hankerchief.
"Why are you crying?" you ask as you and Daisy walk over.
"I always cry at weddings. Just look at you. So beautiful, my baby girl."
"I am not a baby any more, Mummy."
"You will always be our baby." says Dr Ambrose.
"At least until you give us grandchildren." adds his wife.
"We have only been married for two hours. Give us time. Unless you want us to pop up to the bridal suite now?"
Dr Ambrose turns a shade somewhere between crimson and purple with embarrassment, before Mrs Ambriose changes the subject. "You do look lovely in that dress, Daisy. I had worried you would not get a nice white gown with missing the Debutante season this spring."
Daisy and you look at each other knowingly.
Dr Ambrose takes you to one side. "About the dowry. You know that I have been having financial troubles of late."
You nod.
"Well until then I cannot give you anything of material value. But I know of your interest in my research. So I have assigned you rights to all of my work. My lab is yours, along with my daughter."
\<<elseif $HC20 eq 2 or $HC20 eq 3>>Dr Ambrose bows his head and takes $spouse's hand, kissing it lightly. "Welcome to the family. You are always welcome in our home." he says warmly. He turns to you "Your mother would have loved to have been here today, she would be very proud of you." before wiping a tear from his eye.
Mrs Ambrose hugs her tightly. "She's wasting away, this one. Looks like she needs a square meal - come around for Sunday lunch. I am sure you and Daisy have lots to gossip about.""
\<<elseif $HC20 eq 5>>Dr Ambrose takes Matthew's hand, shaking it warmly.
"Welcome to the family, son."
"Thank you. I wasn't sure what kind of reception I would get from people who knew $femname before she was $femname."
"It took some getting used to, I won't lie. I promised my sister I would look after her child after she died, and I keep my promises. I know what it is like to struggle to be accepted for what you are."
Mrs Ambrose hugs him warmly. "You are always welcome in our home, Matthew." then turns to you and whispers "You didn't say he was so handsome!". You may have to keep an eye on your Aunt around your husband.
\<<elseif $HC20 eq 6>>Mrs Ambrose is dabbing at her tears with a hankerchief.
"Why are you crying?" you ask.
"I always cry at weddings. Just look at her. She's so beautiful, my baby girl."
You agree, she does look stunning.
"The house will be quiet once she has moved out." you comment.
<<if $mrsa_date gt 0>>"It will be easier for you to visit, if you wish."<</if>>
<<if $mrsa_date gt 0 and $HC20 neq 6>>Mrs Ambrose takes your arm before you leave and speaks softly to you.
"Now that you are married, I think our arrangement should end. It is unseemly, and we do not wish to come between the two of you."
You than her warmly, but leave things open. She is still a good looking woman after all.
\<<elseif $temp10 eq 1>><<set $temp10 = 2>><img src="Images/HC20/gabrielwedding.webp" width=600 />
<<if $HC20 eq 6>>Gabriel stands on duty, as he is not connected to the wedding party.
"Can I help you, <<sir>>?"
"I was just checking how you were."
"Very well thank you <<sir>>. The party seems to be going well."
He is all business this evening and you have little to talk about, so you depart.
\<<elseif $HC20 eq 2>>Gabriel wraps his arms around Michaela in a bear hug, tears of joy running down her face.
"I did it, Brother." she gasps.
"Yes you did. This was not how I imagined your wedding day when we were growing up. I thought I would be your best man."
"This is always how <b>I</b> imagined my wedding day." she says clearly.
"Yes. I know now. And I will always support you. Sister."
He turns to shake your hand firmly.
"Welcome to the family, $Hname. I am afraid I can offer you no dowry, we are orphans without an inheritance."
"That is not important. Your family has given me the greatest treasure I could know." you reply graciously.
You thank him for his role in the ceremony, giving Michaela away, and ask if he is enjoying the celebrations.
"Why yes. It is rare that I get to enjoy one of the club events as I am usually working, <<sir>>."
"$Hname is fine when we are here, you are off duty, Gabriel." you remind him.
"I have a gift for you both. I sketch, in my spare time. I have two portraits here for you."
He hands over two charcoal sketches. One is of you, the other is of your bride.
<img src="Images/HC20/Micportrait.webp" width=600 />
<<else>>"Michaela and I have a gift for you both. Not much I am afraid, we are not a wealthy family. I sketch, in my spare time. I have two portraits here for you."
He hands over two pictures. One is of you, the other is of your spouse.
\<<if $HC20 eq 3>><img src="Images/HC20/Nicportrait.webp" width=600 />
\<<elseif $HC20 eq 4 or $HC20 eq 1>><img src="Images/HC20/Daisyportrait.webp" width=600 />
\<<elseif $HC20 eq 5>><img src="Images/HC20/Mattportrait.webp" width=600 />
You thank him for his kind and personal gift before moving on.
\<<elseif $temp9 eq 1>><<set $temp9 = 2>><img src="Images/HC20/rubybridesmaid5.webp" width=600 />
<<if $HC20 eq 6>>Ruby sits next to you as the bride and groom circulate around the room. "Do you think Daisy looks beautiful?" she asks.
"Well yes, I suppose. They make a lovely couple. You are rather fetching yourself." you compliment her.
"Why thank you kind <<sir>>."
"It was fun today. Being a bridesmaid. Daisy and I always said we would be bridesmaids for each other. We are like sisters really, both only children so we sort of adopted each other."
"I am an only child also." you confess.
She takes you hand and holds it a fraction too long, before Daisy beckons her over.
"I do hope to see you later." she says meaningfully before departing.
\<<elseif $HC20 eq 1 or $HC20 eq 4>>Ruby embraces Daisy as the pair of you move over to speak to you.
"You look beautiful, Daisy."
"You aren't so bad yourself, Rubes. Have you got your eyes on the best man? It is traditional after all."
"Damn right. He is not getting away tonight."
You wonder if you should warn Matthew but decide against it. He's a big lad, he can take care of himself. Probably.
\<<elseif $temp15 eq 1>><<set $temp15 = 2>><img src="Images/HC20/meganwedding.webp" width=600 />
<<if $HC20 eq 6>>Megan greets you as you wander over.
"Young love. It is sweet, in its way. And like a fine wine it will sour."
"You are a cynic today, Megan. Some wines age to subtle yet complex vintages."
"She could have done better than him. He is pleasing on the eye and has a monster between his legs, but the brain is the biggest sex organ and he is a simple man. I had hoped the two of you might have ended up together."
"Maybe I was saving myself?"
"For what, a rainy day? Carpe diem, $Hname."
"For the right person."
"And if they never come along?"
"And what of you?" you reply, changing the subject. "Why have you never married?"
"You forget I am a whore. Most men cannot look past that. If I am to only be a mistress, then I would rather be their Mistress, if you take my meaning."
"I refuse to believe that none of your clients has fallen in love with you."
"A few. One offered to make me his queen, although his mother would never have allowed it. Like you perhaps I waited too long for the right person to come along."
You look at each other in silence then, your hands resting on each others for a moment, before making excuses and separating.
<<if $HC20 eq 2>>Megan embraces Michaela.
"Look at you. My ugly duckling is now a beautiful swan."
"Did you just call my wife ugly?" you joke.
Megan shakes her head. "Is this one the best you could do, Michaela darling?"
The three of you laugh and enjoy the atmosphere.
\<<elseif $HC20 eq 3>>"Love, honour and obey. That is what I heard you vow."
"Yes Mistress Megan." replies Nicola.
"And what if the command is not to your liking?"
"I have not had cause to complain yet." Nicola replies enigmatically.
"I do like this one, $Hname. You have done well for yourself. She is clever as well as beautiful. And a perfect submissive. Take care not to break her."
Nicola looks at her confused, before Megan takes her hand.
"May I borrow your bride a moment?" she asks.
You assent, and Megan leads her aside, and speaks quietly with her, before bringing her back.
"Should my ears be burning?"
"I was merely giving your bride some advice. I hope it brings you both happiness."
Nicola leans in and kisses you on the cheek with a suggestive look in her eyes.
\<<elseif $HC20 eq 4 or $HC20 eq 1>>Megan leans in and embraces Daisy.
"Congratulations my girl, is this everything you wanted?"
"I think so, Megan. I know you disapprove of marriage but we are very happy."
"It is not marriage I disapprove of, it is the subordination of women within it. But I think $Hname and you will find a way to make it work. If you are honest with each other."
\<<elseif $HC20 eq 5>>
Megan turns to you.
"You have done very well for yourself in the few months I have known you. You are now affluent, a homeowner, a council member and married. Admirable progress. I have a gift for you."says Megan. "Something practical, for your new lives together."
You open the large package she indicates, revealing some very well made fabrics.
"Bedsheets. Egyptian cotton for everyday. And Chinese silk for special occasions. You spend a third of your life in bed, you might as well be comfortable there."
You are surprised at her practicality, and thank her.
\<<elseif $temp16 eq 1>><<set $temp16 = 2>><img src="Images/HC20/walssmoking.webp" width=600 />
<<if $HC20 eq 6>>Walsingham shakes your hand. "Your friend and cousin make an attractive couple."
"They do."
"I wish to offer a gift to you." he says."A holiday. I am a wealthy man. And I know to keep my friends close and enemies closer."
"So sending me far away makes us what?"
"Colleagues. We are to work together on the council. I would hope that by accepting this gift you would at least give my perspectives some consideration."
"So it is a bribe?"
"Nothing so crude. It is a gift."
"You are most generous, Sir Walsingham. Can I ask to where."
"I happen to have an interest in railway companies. The Orient Express travels from Paris to Constantinople, via Munich, Vienna, Budapest and Bucharest. It is a most scenic journey."
You consider. It has been a stressful few weeks, and a change of scenery would suit you nicely. You have not had a proper holiday for years.
"You are a most generous man. I accept."
"And I promise not to do anything <b>too</b> drastic here in your absence." replies Walsingham. Somehow his tone is not reassuring.
\<<else>>Walsingham shakes your hands and congratulates you on your nuptials.
"I wish to offer a gift to the happy couple." he says.
"Oh, that is most kind."
"A honeymoon. A trip abroad for the happy couple."
"But you barely know us." says $spouse
"I am a wealthy man. And I know to keep my friends close and enemies closer."
"So sending us far away makes us what?"
"Colleagues. We are to work together on the council. I would hope that by accepting this gift you would at least give my perspectives some consideration."
"So it is a bribe?"
"Nothing so crude. It is a gift."
"You are most generous, Sir Walsingham." replies $spouse, calming the tone. "Can I ask to where."
"I happen to have an interest in railway companies. The Orient Express travels from Paris to Constantinople, via Munich, Vienna, Budapest and Bucharest. It is a most scenic journey."
$spouse is speechless. "You are a most generous man. We accept."
"And I promise not to do anything <b>too</b> drastic in your absence." replies Walsingham. Somehow his tone is not reassuring.
\<<elseif $temp17 eq 1>><<set $temp17 = 2>><img src="Images/HC20/orlandowedding.webp" width=600 />
<<if $HC20 eq 2>>You and Michaela approach Orlando, in his male form. He shakes your hand warmly and embraces Michaela.
"And are you happy with my wedding gift?" he asks.
"The rings. They are most unique. Such elaborate designs."
He raises an eyebrow and looks at Michaela. "Have you not told your husband?"
"I was keeping it as a surprise. For the bedroom."
You look at Michaela with surprise. "Darling, we should not keep secrets from each other."
She blushes and smiles. "Patience my husband."
Orlando smiles. "I hope that you both enjoy it. And I trust that this is the beginning of our mutual collaboration here in the club. It would be unfortunate if such a gift turned out to be temporary."
There is something ominous in his tone, but you ignore it, not wanting to ruin your special day.
\<<elseif $HC20 eq 4>>You and Daisy approach Orlando, in his male form. He shakes your hand warmly and embraces Daisy.
"And are you happy with my wedding gift?" he asks.
"The rings. They are most unique. Such elaborate designs." says Daisy.
He raises an eyebrow and looks at you. "Have you not told your wife?"
Daisy looks at you sternly. "Darling, we should not keep secrets from each other."
"I was keeping it as a surprise. For the bedroom."
Daisy and Orlando burst out laughing.
"You win."says Orlando. I was sure they would tell you in the church.
"She is a shy and submissive creature my wife." says Daisy. Your heart flutters when she describes you as a wife publically. "Can I touch it?" Daisy asks you.
You nod.
Orlando stands blocking view and Daisy puts her hand between your thighs, moving them in a circle. You squirm delicately as her fingers press on where your $penisold cock used to be,but now there is only softness.
"I cannot wait until tonight, my darling." she says possessively.
Orlando smiles. "I hope that you both enjoy it. And I trust that this is the beginning of our mutual collaboration here in the club. It would be unfortunate if such a gift turned out to be temporary."
There is something ominous in his tone, but you ignore it, not wanting to ruin your special day.
\<<elseif $HC20 eq 6>>Orlando lifts his glass. "A toast to the happy couple." he says.
You raise yours also, and you chat about Daisy and Matthew for a while.
"And are you not jealous of your best friend finding happiness with your cousin?" he enquires.
"No, I am happy for them. I am not the settling down type, not yet at least. Or maybe I have not yet met the right person."
"Who knows? Perhaps you have and do not know it yet. They might be in this very room."
"Have you ever been married?" you ask.
"Several times. But not currently. All marriages start with young love, and end in heartbreak. And my heart is too weak to break any more."
\<<else>>"Congratulations to the happy couple" he says. "I trust that the wedding rings are to your satisfaction."
"They are exquisite. Although after last week's Shakespeare I did rather fear they might turn me into a frog."
"And where would the fun be in that?" he replies. "Surely it is better to turn a frog into a prince or princess, who will then be in ones debt."
"Was the gift intended to indebt us?"
"Why no. Sometimes a gift is just a gift. But perhaps one day I might be able to offer you a small service. If that were to come to pass then perhaps we could come to a mutual arrangement."
You sense a chill to his words. But look at your spouse and the exquisite ring on their finger and decide that nothing can spoil this day.
"Have you ever been married?" you ask.
"Several times. But not currently. All marriages start with young love, and end in heartbreak. And my heart is too weak to break any more."
\<<elseif $temp18 eq 1>><<set $temp18 = 2>><img src="Images/HC20/melissareception.webp" width=600 />
<<if $HC20 eq 6>>Melissa sees you approaching and lifts her hand for you to kiss in greeting. "Are all English weddings like this, so formal and pompous?"
"Many are. But there is joy too. Look at the happy couple."
Daisy and Matthew are indeed joyful, sitting side by side holding hands and greeting well wishers.
"Is it not common for men here to marry their cousins?" she asks.
"Less common than it was, but many still do. Daisy is a good friend, and I am happy for her. But my tastes lie elsewhere."
"Indeed." she says, licking her lips flirtatiously.
"And do you expect to marry one day?" you ask.
"I am unsure. I am an only child, so one day I shall be expected to marry, breed and to run the family estate. I am not one for such responsibility." Melissa laughs.
"Do you not want children?"
"I would be a terrible mother" she glances across at Megan as she says this. "Though all things are relative."
\<<else>>Melissa embraces you and $spouse, kissing you on both cheeks in the continental fashion. "Congratulations on your marriage. It was such a quaint ceremony. Is this typical for England?"
You nod. "Ours was grander than most. Although this reception is small. Neither of us has much family, and our friends are mainly those that share our special tastes here at the club."
"In my home weddings are a grand affair, the whole community is often invited."
"And do you expect to marry one day?" asks $spouse.
"I am unsure. I am an only child, so one day I shall be expected to marry and to run the family estate. I am not one for such responsibility." Melissa laughs.
"Do you not want children?"
"I would be a terrible mother." she glances across at Megan as she says this. "Though all things are relative."
\"I wish to give you a gift." says Melissa, indicating a tall cylinder covered with a sheet to her side.
<<if $spouse eq "none">>"But it is not my wedding."
"No, but you are losing a friend to marriage, you will see them less. I find that at these times one is in need of company."
"Why thank you."
You remove the sheet from the cage, revealing a bird with bright plumage.
"A parrot?"
"You are very observant. So is the parrot. They are all the rage at the moment, but they prefer sunlit rooms and I am a night owl, so I am passing him onto you."
\<<elseif $temp19 eq 1>><<set $temp19 = 2>><<if $bride eq "Michaela">><img src="Images/HC20/micreceptionbride.webp" width=600 /><<else>><img src="Images/HC20/micwaitress.webp" width=600 />
\<<if $HC20 eq 2>>Michaela leans over to you and kisses you. "I can't believe we are married." she holds her ring up and smiles.
"And I have such a surprise for you later."
"There should be no surprises between us now." you reply.
She looks at you with an innocent expression.
" Be patient darling. You will find out before the end of the evening."
You wonder what she could mean, and look forward to finding out.
\<<elseif $HC20 eq 6>>Michaela is working, carrying drinks between tables as you bump into her.
"Good afternoon, <<sir>>. Is there anything I can get for you?"
"Just a chat. Are you well?"
"I am. It is a lovely reception. Doesn't Mistress Daisy look radiant."
"<b>Mistress</b> Daisy?"
"She has been spending a lot of time with Mistress Megan recently. I just got used to calling her that. As an employee I do need to refer to members formally, as Sir, Madam, Master or Mistress."
"I see. Yes, she does look rather beautiful today."
\<<else>>Michaela is working, carrying drinks between tables as you bump into her.
"Good afternoon, <<sir>>. Is there anything I can get for you?"
"Just a chat. Are you well?"
"I am. It is a lovely reception. Congratulations. You and $spouse both look radiant."
"Thank you." you reply.
<<if $michaela_date gt 0>>"And what of us? Will you still want to see me now you are married? I know that many men have mistresses."
"We shall see. Perhaps. But today is for me and my bride."
She turns from you and wipes a tear from her eye before resuming her duties.
\<<set $michaelalove -=1>>
\<<set $michaelasub +=1 >>
\<<elseif $temp20 eq 1>><<set $temp20 = 2>>
\<<if $HC20 eq 3>><img src="Images/HC20/nicbride.webp" width=600 />
Nicola rests her head on your shoulder. "I love you my darling. My husband, my love, my $nicdomname. You are my everything. It has all worked out for the best."
"And I love you. I do not promise an easy life, you are my wife but you are also my submissive, and I expect you to perform well in both of these roles."
"Yes $nicdomname." she decrees. "Is there a particular service you wish of me?"
You look about the room. A few too many people for anything too risque with civilians like Dr Ambrose about.
You reach under her wedding dress under the table and start rubbiing her through her lacy lingerie. "Your pleasure is mine to give or to deny, sweetheart. Who owns this body?"
"You do, $nicdomname." she gasps.
"And what do you want?"
"I want you inside me."
You stop, removing your hand and looking her in her eye. "And, dear wife, if you please me then your wish may be granted. Later. Let us greet some more of our guests first."
\<<elseif $HC20 eq 4>><img src="Images/HC20/nicweddingguest.webp" width=600 />
Nicola curteys as you and Daisy walk toward her.
"Mistress Daisy. $nicdomname." she bows her head respectfully.
Daisy lifts her hand for Nicola to kiss and you likewise greet her.
"And are you looking forward to joining our household?" asks Daisy.
"Yes Mistress. I am making arrangements at the convent to leave, and should be able to move in soon. What am I to do there?"
"A servant initially. If you perform well we may let you be a governess to our children."
"A servant? I had hoped..."
"You had hoped above your station. You are a hole to be fucked, a thing to be enjoyed, am I right?"
"Yes Mistress."
You feel your arousal growing as your new wife plays with Nicola expertly.
"Enjoy the party, my pretty little fucktoy" says Daisy as she departs, pulling you after her.
\<<elseif $HC20 eq 6>><img src="Images/HC20/nicweddingguest.webp" width=600 />
Nicola puts her head on your shoulder and sighs. "I love a wedding. So romantic. And I know that that is not our path, that you do not wish to tie yourself to me, or to any other, and I am content with that, I truly am. Yet..."
"What is it, Nicola?"
"Look at them, the bride and groom. So happy. I am filled with envy and loathing for her, for the simple joy I cannot possess. And sometimes for you, my $nicdomname."
"Perhaps in future you can move into my house. Not as a wife, but as..."
"As your whore?"
"I was going to say mistress, but yes."
"I would like that, I think, though hate myself for settling for it."
Nicola wipes a tear from her eye and embraces you, before stepping away."
\<<else>><img src="Images/HC20/nicweddingguest.webp" width=600 />
"I am unsure why you invited me here." says Nicola. Is it usual to bring one's mistress to your wedding? Does $spouse know?""
"I thought that you would be happy for your $nicdomname."
"I am glad that you are happy. But you know my true feelings for you. I wish to be more than a secret lover."
You shake your head ruefully. "I am many different people, in public and in private. Be grateful for the part of me that I choose to share with you. And perhaps one day $spouse and I might welcome you into our household.
"I would like that, I think, though hate myself for settling for it."<<set XXX>>
Nicola wipes a tear from her eye and embraces you, before stepping away.
<<if $temp11 eq 0>>[[Speak to Daisy|HC20_9][$temp11 = 1]]<<else>>You have already spoken to Daisy<</if>>
<<if $temp12 eq 0>>[[Speak to Matthew|HC20_9][$temp12 = 1]]<<else>>You have already spoken to Matthew<</if>>
<<if $temp13 eq 0>>[[Speak to Antioch and Mimi|HC20_9][$temp13 = 1]]<<else>>You have already spoken to Antioch and Mimi<</if>>
<<if $temp14 eq 0>>[[Speak to Dr. and Mrs Ambrose|HC20_9][$temp14 = 1]]<<else>>You have already spoken to the Ambroses<</if>>
<<if $temp15 eq 0>>[[Speak to Megan|HC20_9][$temp15 = 1]]<<else>>You have already spoken to Megan<</if>>
<<if $temp16 eq 0>>[[Speak to Sir Walsingham|HC20_9][$temp16 = 1]]<<else>>You have already spoken to Sir Walsingham<</if>>
<<if $temp17 eq 0>>[[Speak to Orlando|HC20_9][$temp17 = 1]]<<else>>You have already spoken to Orlando<</if>>
<<if $temp18 eq 0>>[[Speak to Melissa|HC20_9][$temp18 = 1]]<<else>>You have already spoken to Melissa<</if>>
<<if $temp19 eq 0>>[[Speak to Michaela|HC20_9][$temp19 = 1]]<<else>>You have already spoken to Michaela<</if>>
<<if $temp10 eq 0>>[[Speak to Gabriel|HC20_9][$temp10 = 1]]<<else>>You have already spoken to Gabriel<</if>>
<<if $HC20 eq 1 or $HC20 eq 4 or $HC20 eq 6>><<if $temp9 eq 0>>[[Speak to Ruby|HC20_9][$temp9 = 1]]<<else>>You have already spoken to Ruby<</if>>
\<<if $nicdomevent gt 0>><<if $temp20 eq 0>>[[Speak to Nicola|HC20_9][$temp20 = 1]]<<else>>You have already spoken to Nicola<</if>>
\[[I have spoken to everyone I wish to, time for the speeches|HC20_10]]It is the end of the reception, and a gong sounds to mark the start of the speeches. Traditionally these are from the Father of the Bride, then the Groom, then the Best Man. But you are in the Hellfire Club, which as traditional as it may appear from the outside, is anything but underneath.
<<if $HC20 eq 1 or $HC20 eq 4 or $HC20 eq 6>><img src="Images/HC20/ambrosespeech.webp" width=600 />
Dr Ambrose gets to his feet, short and slightly shabby as always.
"Dearest friends and family. Helena and I wish to thank you for coming here today to celebrate Daisy's wedding. Daisy has been waiting for this day for about nineteen years, I remember her playing with dolls enacting elaborate ceremonies when she was about three. She was always very exacting about exactly what happened when, and doubtless we are doing it all wrong even now."
The audience laughs along. Daisy does not look amused.
"She is very much her mother's daughter, not like me at all. When she sets her mind on something she gets it. And she was very single minded when her future groom came onto the scene. She was always well presented, her hair brushed to shimmering gold, and immaculately dressed when courting. Sadly this focus did not extend to when she was working in my pharmacy, when she would finish early on a Friday when courting to get ready for her dates."
"My daughter is the most precious thing in my life. My wife and I were only blessed with one child, but now we have another as well. We thank you for the happiness you have brought Daisy and wish you all to raise your glasses in a toast. To the bride and groom!"
\<<elseif $HC20 eq 2>><img src="Images/HC20/gabrielspeech.webp" width=600 />
Gabriel gets to his feet. "Michaela and I are orphans, so it falls to me to make this speech. I am a man of action rather than words, so I will make this short. Despite being twins, Michaela and I were very different growing up. My toy soldiers were always fighting, Michaela's were dressed up in different frocks. But we were always close, even before our parents passed. And afterwards even more so, in the orphanage. I was her protector, then and when we moved here. It is time for me to relinquish that role and pass it on to $Hname. Although if you hurt her I will have to kill you."
The audience laughs, although you are not sure he is joking.
"Michaela has been through a lot in her short life. A transformation some might say, especially those that have known her the longest. But she has never been happier than when she met $Hname, and never happier than today. Thank you for making my sister's dream come true, brother."
He embraces you, before raising his glass.
"Please raise your glasses in a toast. To the bride and groom!"
\<<elseif $HC20 eq 3>><img src="Images/HC20/revmotherspeech.webp" width=600 />
The Abbess gets to her feet uncertainly.
"I am afraid that Mr Spencer is unable to be here today. He did show his face at the church, but the less said about that the better. He has made his choices and may God have mercy on his soul. So as Nicola's keeper for the past two years it falls upon me to say a few words. Nicola has been a terrible nun. She means well, but her vow of poverty is meaningless when she looks radiant even in a wimple. Her vow of chastity is unlikely to survive the night. And obedience? Obedience was never Nicola's strong point."
You beg to differ. She is very good at obeying you.
"Indeed sometimes I would think that she was deliberately disobeying instructions in order to receive punishment. But I persevered, and prayed for Nicola. And the Lord must have thought long and hard about how to make Nicola a good and faithful nun. And then sent her husband to her after concluding she would make a far better wife. It would have been easier had they done this three years ago when courting the first time, but the Lord does work in mysterious ways sometimes. So Mr $playersurname, thank you for taking the most unique, lovely and troublesome initiate I ever had off my hands. And the rest of you, please join me in wishing them the happiest of futures together. To the bride and groom."
\<<elseif $HC20 eq 5>><img src="Images/HC20/ambrosespeech.webp" width=600 />
Dr Ambrose gets to his feet, short and slightly shabby as always.
"Dearest friends and family. Helena and I wish to thank you for coming here today to celebrate $femname's wedding. $femname is my sister's child, and whilst I expected to attend their wedding, I am a little unprepared to be standing here giving this address. They are, shall we say, very diffferent now from how they were growing up. Or indeed when they arrived at my house this spring to reenter our lives. The past few months have broadened our minds and our hearts, teaching Helena and myself about the importance of family, and off accepting people as they are. And we are grateful to Matthew for being as open as ourselves in welcoming $femname, once his friend, still his friend, now his wife. Please join me in wishing them the happiest of futures together. To the bride and groom."
<b>"The bride and groom"</b> choruses across the room as glasses clink together.
<<if $HC20 gt 4>><img src="Images/HC20/matthewspeech.webp" width=600 />
Matthew gives the groom address.
"I must say I really didn't think at the start of the year that I'd be standing here as a married man for many a year. But then I hadn't met Daisy at that point. I knew my old friend $playersurname had a cousin, and teased him that she must be a true beauty if he didn't want me to meet her, but I could not have imagined how right I was. It was truly love at first sight. And I know with such a whirlwind romance, you must think she's pregnant, but you are wrong."
He checks his pocket watchh
"...at least for the next three hours." to polite laughter.
"I am under orders from my new mother in law to give her grandchildren, you see."
"Even more laughter."
"Unusually for me I am rather at a loss for words. I have been accused of not taking life seriously. Perhaps even have being a ladies man. But I have never been more serious than today. From the moment I met Daisy I knew she was different, and now that she is my wife, I am the happiest man alive."
The guests let out an audible sigh.
"But I just want to thank $playersurname. Mainly for giving me a crack at Daisy and not warning her off me. And also to thank the bridesmaid's. Don't they look lovely?""
<<elseif $HC20 lt 5>>You stand and clear your throat, a little nervous, never having spoken in front of an audience before, but take a long sup of Dutch courage and begin.
"When I returned to London four months ago marriage was pretty far from my mind. As was the idea of a place like this. I was fresh out of the army, full of ideas and ambition but not looking for romance. And my life has changed so much in that time. Living in London, becoming a member of this fabulous club, and of course courting $bride."
<<if $bride eq "Michaela">><img src="Images/HC20/micbride.webp" width=600 />
\<<elseif $bride eq "Daisy">><img src="Images/HC20/Daisymarriedring.webp" width=600 />
\<<elseif $bride eq "Nicola">><img src="Images/HC20/nicbrideindoors.webp" width=600 />
"I wish my mother could have been here. She always wanted me to settle down, I think because she had all too brief a time with my father, but I never saw the point while she was alive. Well I do now, mother, I have met the most lovely woman alive and I know you'd love her too if you were here."
Ambrose wipes a tear from his eye at this mention of his sister.
\"Please raise your glasses to the bridesmaids."
<img src="Images/HC20/rubybridesmaid5.webp" width=600 />
Ruby blushes slightly.
<b>"The bridesmaids"</b> choruses across the room as glasses clink together.
\<<if $HC20 eq 6>>You are a little nervous, never having spoken in front of an audience before, but take a long sup of Dutch courage and begin.
For many years I did not expect to be giving this speech. Matthew always seemed to have a girl in every port, some might go so far to call him a ladies man. He was a perfect gentleman, don't get me wrong, he just didn't seem to stay with anyone he was courting for long.
This would not be a best man's speech without an amusing anecdote. There was a time when we were both serving in the Sudan last year. We were celebrating after the battle of Omdurman, and Matthew had had a couple of drinks and was playing a drinking game with the one of the local chieftans, Abdullah something or other. The game was not going well, and he has lost his boots and breeches and was sitting in the African sun wearing his regimental red coat and a cloth about his head. But Matthew is not one to be deterred. He stands up and makes a final bet on who has the biggget knife. The chief puts a massive serrated blade on the table, fully eleven inches long, with a wicked edge. Matthew laughs, and pulls out his bayonet, fully a foot long, managing to salvage a modicum of respect for the regiment."
"It wasn't my bayonet, it was my cock!" whispers Matthew.
"I know, mate, but I'm not going to tell your mother in law that. She'll either kill me or fuck you!"
Matthew nods sagely and lets you continue.
"I would like to say that I could take credit for introducing Daisy and Matthew. They got together soon after I returned to London and joined this establishment. I would like to say that I carefully considered their finer qualities, thought about any sizeable assets either could bring to a relationship and subtly introduced them at a social gathering with appropriate chaperoning. But this would be at best an embelishment of the truth. For Daisy's assets are visible for all to see."
Laughter fills the room.
"I mean of course her charm, beauty and intelligence, as well as her drive to have whatever it is she puts her mind to. Once she spotted Matthew frankly he didn't stand a chance.
As for Matthew, his biggest asset sticks out a mile..."
Again, a few of the club chortle.
"Ahem. I refer to his loyalty. For Matthew is the truest friend anyone could have. He has saved my life, literally when we served together, and figuratively as a friend. And now I know that he will do the same for Daisy.
Ladies and Gentlemen. Please raise your glasses once more for Matthew and Daisy. Your Bride and Groom."
<<elseif $HC20 eq 5>>"Where is he? Where's the colonel? I know that you should have picked a better best man." you whisper with some irrritation.
"Well who else knows me? My football mates can barely string two words together. If my best mate hadn't turned into a woman this might all be easier."
"Then you wouldn't be marrying me."
"True. Ok, well he's not here."
<img src="Images/HC20/colonelspeech.webp" width=600 />
You look around the room and see Colonel Wilberforce staggering back into the room, his tie undone, and slightly blearly eyed. He staggers toward the top table and starts speaking, slurring his words.
"I have known Matthew and $playername, er $femname, for years, ever since the battle of Omdurman. Matthew was part of the Northumberland Fuseliers and I was in the unfortunate situation of having been separated from my regiment.
Matthew is brave, and just the sort of bloke you want helping you out when you are in a pickle. Like when you have been overrun by enemy forces by a sneaky flanking manoever. Now I didn't really need his help, could have fought off Johnny foreigner by myself, but it shows the sort of bloke that Matthew is, always able to help his friends out in a pinch."
At this point Wilberforce lets out an almighty belch.
"Pardon me. Must have been something I ate. Now where was I? Oh yes, $femname. I think you can agree that she is looking quite ravishing. Indeed if Matthew wasn't here I'd try my luck myself."
At this point Wilberforce rambles off into incoherence for a while, before realising everyone is staring at him.
"Oh, still here. Well I guess it's time for us to get pissed and try to shag the bridesmaids. I crashed and burned earlier but the night is young, right. Ladies and gentlemen, the bride and groom."
It was quite possibly the worst speech you have ever heard, but at least it is now over.
<<else>><img src="Images/HC20/matthewspeech.webp" width=600 />
Matthew stands to give his best man address.
"Now those of you know me know that I am not one for giving long speeches. $playername here has described me as a man of action not thought. But I thought I could share a few stories about $playername now that it's too late for $bride to run away."
The audience laughs.
<<if $bride eq "Nicola">>"Now $playername did of course spend a period of time courting Nicola earlier. In fact I wrote most of this speech three years ago when I thought that they would be getting married the first time. Unfortunately there was a little misunderstanding, and he ended up spending three years in the army instead. Perhaps an overreaction given that you are both sitting here today. Next time, maybe try talking things over, you could have had three children by now!"
\<<else>>"Now $playername has not had a lot of relationships before $bride, just the one that I know about. And that ended so well that he ran away to spend three years in the army afterwards. I tried to encourage him to try courting again, but he was reluctant, and as his friend I was worried, and tried setting him up with eligible young ladies, but he was having none of it."
You good naturedly slap Matthew on the back and laugh as he continues.
That was until this year. After he returned to London, he was very quiet about his activities. I thought he was throwing himself into work, and then he mentions this girl he is seeing. And before I know it they are hitched! And I finally get to meet her and I think you can all agree that she's a beauty!"
A cry of hear hear rings out. $bride blushes, and Matthew continues.
"I was going to try to embarrass $playername with some tales from our past, but he's too clean living. In the regiment he was tidy and well behaved, studious, reading books when the rest of us were trying a little too hard to get to know the ladies where we were stationed. He likes a drink, but not to excess. And he wrote home to his mother, may she rest in peace, every week."
"And then he found this place. And everything changed. Now those of you who are members will know that the rumours are entirely unfounded. It's far worse than outsiders think!"
Laughter ensues. "I heard that they have dancing girls!" says Mrs Ambrose with a shocked expression.
"And after becoming a member here, $playername gained confidence. He started dressing better, rather than that shabby brown suit he used to wear. He could speak to ladies without stammering. He even started flirting, can you believe it. And I can assure you that he's still a perfect gentleman, give or take. But I think that $bride has got herself a catch. Because if she'd not stolen his heart then who knows who he's have ended up with. All I ask is that if you have a disappearance, don't send him off to the army for another three years, just send him to the spare room!"
The audience again laughs good naturedly.
"Anyhow to finish off, I think you'll agree that $playername and $bride make a lovely couple. And I think we all know who is in charge in this relationship. And that is just the way they both want it. Ladies and gentlemen, $bride and $playername, your Bride and Groom"
<b>"The Bride and Groom"</b> choruses across the room as glasses clink together.
Afterwards there is some gentle conversation, but with the reception over, some of the guests start to depart. Dr and Mrs Ambrose shake the happy couple's hands warmly as they leave.
"I am sure you will have a lovely life together." they say. A few other conventional guests also head off, those that are not part of the Hellfire club. But those with a connection to the club discreetly change after leaving the ballroom before stepping into the smaller members room.
<<temp>><<set $temp = 1>>
[[Head into the members room|HC20_12]]<<if $temp eq 1>><img src="Images/HC20/Meganceremonytall.jpg" width=600 />
You apprehensively open the door to the members room, noting the darkness inside, lit only by candles. At the front is a bench laid with a scarlet cloth, behind which stands Megan.
"Come forward, this is a joyous occasion." she says.
<<if $HC20 eq 6>>You take a seat at the front and wait for the couple to arrive.
\<<else>>you stand at the front and look at your beloved standing to your side
"Members and friends of the Hellfire club. We are gathered here to witness the union of two of our members. As is traditional, they will make their vows in front of their peers and publicly declare the nature of their relationship. But first, a reminder about our community. Outsiders think this is just about the sex, but in reality it is about exchange of power. Power over Authority, Control and Sensation. So first I ask, who is the dominant in this relationship?"
<<if $HC20 eq 6>>[[Wait for the couple to respond|HC20_12][$temp = 3]]
\<<else>><<if $HC20 neq 4>>[[I am|HC20_12][$temp = 2]]
[[We are equal|HC20_12][$temp = 3]]
<<if $HC20 neq 3>>[[Wait submissively for your partner to speak|HC20_12][$temp = 4]]<</if>>
\<<elseif $temp eq 2>>
"I am" you say.
<<if $HC20 eq 1>><img src="Images/HC20/Daisybride14.webp" width=600 />
"Love, honour and obey." says Daisy.
"Only if you consent" replies Megan.
"I consented at the church this morning." says Daisy confidently. "I am yours, darling." she says to you. Megan seems a little disappointed but continues.<<set $Daisy = "sub">><<set $temp1 = 2>>
<<elseif $HC20 eq 2>><img src="Images/HC20/micsubmissivebride.webp" width=600 />
\<<if $michaelasub lt 5>>"We are equal." says Michaela after a brief pause. You nod to agree as Megan looks at her proudly. Perhaps you can make her more submissive over time.<<set $temp1 = 3>>
Michaela nods and looks at you demurely. Megan seems a little disappointed but continues.<<set $Michaela = "sub">><<set $temp1 = 2>>
\<<elseif $HC20 eq 3>><img src="Images/HC20/nicbride.webp" width=600 />
Nicola is silent, and looks at you with a powerful need. <<set $temp1 = 2>>
\<<elseif $HC20 eq 5>><img src="Images/HC20/mattsmartdominant.webp" width=600 />
"Hold on a minute. That would make me the sub. And that's not me. I mean look at me, I'm the one in trousers here."
"Not all men are dominant. And not all women submissive. Shall we agree that you are equals. For now?" asks Megan.
You agree, but think about how you might work on making Matthew more pliable. <<set $temp1 = 3>>
\<<elseif $temp eq 3>>
<<if $HC20 eq 6>><img src="Images/HC20/Daisybride14.webp" width=600 />
"We are equal" says Daisy confidently. <<set $temp1 = 4>>
\<<else>>"We are equal" you say confidently.
<<if $HC20 eq 1>><img src="Images/HC20/Daisybride14.webp" width=600 />
"We are equal." agrees Daisy after a brief pause. Megan looks at her proudly. <<set $temp1 = 3>>
\<<elseif $HC20 eq 2>>"We are equal." agrees Michaela after a brief pause. Megan looks at her proudly. <<set $temp1 = 3>>
\<<elseif $HC20 eq 3>><img src="Images/HC20/nicbride.webp" width=600 />
Nicola looks at you, shaking her head. "$Hname is being too modest. I am the submissive here." she says demurely. "I am dominant" you say, knowing these are the terms which Nicola requires. <<set $temp1 = 2>>
\<<elseif $HC20 eq 5>><img src="Images/HC20/mattsmartdominant.webp" width=600 />
"I guess we are." says Matthew smiling at you. <<set $temp1 = 3>>
\<<elseif $HC20 eq 6>><img src="Images/HC20/mattsmartdominant.webp" width=600 />
"I guess we are." says Matthew smiling at Daisy. <<set $temp1 = 4>>
\<<elseif $temp eq 4>>
<<if $HC20 eq 1>><img src="Images/HC20/Daisybride14.webp" width=600 />
"I am. No, We are equal." says Daisy after considering for a moment. You nod to agree as Megan looks at her proudly.
"You can always change your mind in future, dear." <<set $temp1 = 3>>
\<<elseif $HC20 eq 2>><img src="Images/HC20/micsubmissivebride.webp" width=600 />
"We are equal." says Michaela after a brief pause. You nod to agree as Megan looks at her proudly. <<set $temp1 = 3>>
\<<elseif $HC20 eq 4>><img src="Images/HC20/daisydombride.webp" width=600 />
"I am" says Daisy confidently. She stands tall, and takes your hand in hers possessively. <<set $Daisy = "dom">><<set $temp1 = 1>>
\<<elseif $HC20 eq 5>><img src="Images/HC20/mattsmartdominant.webp" width=600 />
"Well I guess as the man I am." says Matthew. <<set $Matthew = "dom">><<set $temp1 = 1>>
"Not all men are dominant. And not all women submissive. But in your case I think this is about right." replies Megan.
\<<elseif $temp eq 5>>
\<<set $penis = "none">>
You stand naked in front of Megan, your wedding clothes put to one side.
She looks down between your legs and gasps.
"Now I have seen everything. I am for once speechless."
Between your legs is a soft, pink, wet, perfectly formed pussy.
<img src="Images/HC20/pussycloseuparoused.webp" width=600 />
"And highly aroused too, if I am any judge of these things. Which I am." says Megan matter of factly.
You blush as she highlights how turned on you are by the occasion.
<<if $spouse eq "Daisy">><img src="Images/HC20/daisydombride.webp" width=600 />
Daisy looks also and smiles knowingly, before turning and embracing Orlando.
"A small wedding gift for you, my dear." he says.
"You are my perfect princess wife." she says, hugging your naked body to her beautiful white wedding gown.
"I am going to have so much fun with that tonight."
Megan turns to $spouse. "Now as we discussed, Daisy."
"Daisy turns to you. "You won't be needing that suit any more, darling. Do pop it on that brazier over there and burn it. We can do the rest of your male clothes when we get home. I guess you can keep that shabby old brown suit for if we have visitors."
<<link [[Accept your femininity and burn your suit|HC20_13]]>><<sub 7>><<set $temp = 1>><<set $objects["White tie suit"].inv = -1>><</link>>
[[You aren't quite sure about this, refuse and make a note to speak to Daisy later|HC20_13][$temp = 1]]
\<<elseif $spouse eq "Matthew">><img src="Images/HC20/mattsurprised.webp" width=600 />
Matthew gasps.
"You've got a cunny! Oh this is marvellous. And it's brand new. A virgin bride."
"A small wedding gift for you, my friend" says Orlando from behind.
Matthew embraces you, and can't help but to have a little feel between your legs. You tingle with the novel sensation of your husband's finger running over your new lips.
[[Accept your femininity and embrace your husband|HC20_13][$temp = 1]]
[[You aren't quite sure about this, make a note to speak to Matthew later|HC20_13][$temp = 1]]
\<<elseif $temp eq 6>><<if $bride eq "Daisy">><img src="Images/HC20/daisynakedsub.webp" width=600 />
\<<elseif $bride eq "Nicola">><img src="Images/HC20/nicnakedsub.webp" width=600 />
$spouse stands naked in front of you. She looks proudly at you, ignoring the other eyes on her bare ass.
<<if $spouse eq "Michaela">><img src="Images/HC20/micnaked.webp" width=600 />
Michaela glances down and you follow her gaze. Your jaw drops as you spot between her legs a soft, pink, wet, perfectly formed pussy.
"It's all I ever wanted. Well apart from you. You do like it don't you darling?"
"I think $Hname is speechless." says Megan.
[[Accept Michaela's femininity and embrace your wife|HC20_13][$temp = 1]]
[[You liked her little girlcock. Make a note to speak to her about it later|HC20_13][$temp = 1]]
\<<elseif $spouse eq "Nicola">><img src="Images/HC20/nicnakedkneel.webp" width=600 />
[[Wait for the next vow|HC20_13][$temp = 1]]
\<<else>>[[Wait for the next vow|HC20_13][$temp = 1]]
\<<if $temp gt 1 and $temp lt 5>>
"Very well. We have accepted our roles in the relationship. These are not fixed, even the most dominant amongst us might have been submissive in the past."
"I have heard those rumours about you Megan, but still don't believe them." heckles Sir Walsingham.
"I have only ever submitted to one who was worthy. So I am afraid you are rather out of luck, Edward." she replies bitingly.
"Let us continue. Whether submissive or dominant, an equal in a relationship or a switch changing from scene to scene, we accept our roles and respect our partner's choices. Let us start with authority.
<<if $temp1 eq 1>>She turns to $spouse. "$spouse. You are the dominant in this relationship. Do you vow to cherish $Hname, to look after and care for them, to tend to their needs, to correct their behaviour when it requires it but not administer punishment unfairly, to respect their safeword and to release them from your authority should they request it?"
"I so vow" says $spouse.
Megan turns to you.
"Kneeling would be best, I think." You sink to your knees.
Wilt thou have this woman to thy bound submissive, to live together in the divine state of ecstacy? Wilt thou tie her, fuck her, possess, and comfort her, in pleasure and in pain; to share her with those you both consent to and give her the support to be bound only to you as long as ye both shall live?"
"I will." says $spouse, looking at you hungrily.
"$Hname. Wilt thou have $spouse to be your sworn dominant, to live together in the divine state of ecstacy? Wilt thou obey them and serve them, fuck, suck and worship them, in pleasure and in pain and forsaking all commands except theirs be bound only to them as long as ye both shall live?"
"I will."
"Excellent. You may strip your submissive." he says to $spouse
<<link [[Stand as your clothes are removed|HC20_12]]>><<StripAll>><<set $temp = 5>><</link>>
\<<elseif $temp1 eq 2>>She turns to you. "$Hname. You are the dominant in this relationship. Do you vow to look after $spouse, to care for them, to tend to their needs, to correct their behaviour when it requires it but not administer punishment unfairly, to respect their safeword and to release them from your authority should they request it?"
"I do so vow" you reply.
Megan turns to $spouse.
"Kneeling would be best, I think." She sinks to her knees.
"$spouse. You have consented to be $Hname's submissive. Do you vow to obey their commands, to anticipate their needs, to serve them to the best of your abilities, to respect the terms of a scene they have crafted and to obtain your own pleasure through serving them?"
"I do so vow." she says clearly, a hint of excitement in her voice.
"Excellent. You may strip your submissive." she says to you.
[[Take off her clothes|HC20_12][$temp = 6]]
\<<elseif $temp1 eq 3>>
Megan turns to face you and $spouse.
"The world outside our walls does not recognise a relationship of equals. Love honour and obey is the vow the church asks of a woman entering matrimony, asking that the man cherish her in return. The original meaning of cherish is to look after and care for, as we would ask a dominant to cherish their submissive. So I ask you both. Do you vow to cherish each other, to anticipate your partner's needs, both physical and mental, to give them freedom to grow, to share your desires and to accept each others differences?"
"We do so vow" you say in unison.
[[Wait for the next vow|HC20_13][$temp = 1]]
\<<elseif $temp1 eq 4>>
Megan turns to face Matthew and Daisy.
"The world outside our walls does not recognise a relationship of equals. Love honour and obey is the vow the church asks of a woman entering matrimony, asking that the man cherish her in return. The original meaning of cherish is to look after and care for, as we would ask a dominant to cherish their submissive. So I ask you both. Do you vow to cherish each other, to anticipate your partner's needs, both physical and mental, to give them freedom to grow, to share your desires and to accept each others differences?"
"We do so vow" they say in unison.
[[Wait for the next vow|HC20_13][$temp = 1]]
<</if>><</if>><<if $temp eq 1>>
<<if $temp1 eq 1>>
<<if $spouse eq "Daisy">>
<<if $objects["White tie suit"].inv eq -1>>"What a good girl you are." says Daisy. We'll get you dressed in something more appropriate soon. Though I might just keep you naked so I can keep looking at your pretty pink flower."
<<else>>Daisy looks at you with a cold fury, but says nothing.
"Moving on." says Megan, covering the awkward silence
<img src="Images/HC20/Meganceremony2.webp" width=600 />
"Now, we move onto the next part of our ceremony, the binding." She places some items on the table in front of her. A leash and a selection of collars.
"Now $Hname, if you could take the leash and offer it to $spouse, and repeat after me..."
You take the leash and hold it out to $spouse, repeating the words.
"I offer this leash, so that you may guide me and lead me, to direct me through our life together. It is my desire that I belong to you, always."
$spouse takes the leash from you, repeating the next part of the ceremony after Megan.
"I accept this leash as a symbol of your submission. I promise to guide you through life, wherever it may take us we are bound together."
"Beautiful. You may now collar your sub. Which one would you like, $Hname?"
[[Choose the black leather collar|HC20_13][$temp = 2, $collar = "black"]]
[[Choose the steel collar|HC20_13][$temp = 2, $collar = "metal"]]
[[Choose the pretty pink collar|HC20_13][$temp = 2, $collar = "pink"]]
<<elseif $temp1 eq 2>><img src="Images/HC20/Meganceremony2.webp" width=600 />
"Now, we move onto the next part of our ceremony, the binding." Megan places some items on the table in front of her. A leash and a selection of collars.
"Now $spouse, if you could take the leash and offer it to $Hname, and repeat after me..."
$spouse takes the leash and holds it out to you, repeating the words.
"I offer this leash, so that you may guide me and lead me, to direct me through our life together. It is my desire that I belong to you, always."
You takes the leash from her, repeating the next part of the ceremony after Megan.
"I accept this leash as a symbol of your submission. I promise to guide you through life, wherever it may take us we are bound together."
"Beautiful. You may now collar your sub. Which one would you like, $spouse?"
<<if $spouse eq "Nicola">>"Black I think. It is my colour." says Nicola.
[[Collar Nicola with the black collar|HC20_13][$temp = 3]]
<<elseif $spouse eq "Michaela">>"I like them all. Pink I think, to match my new lady parts." says Michaela.
[[Collar Michaela with the pink collar|HC20_13][$temp = 3]]
<<elseif $spouse eq "Daisy">>"I do not really think any of them are for me. At least not in public. Can we just use my choker?", You and I will know what it signifies now, Darling.""
She takes her lace choker off and hands it to you.
[[Collar Daisy with the lace choker|HC20_13][$temp = 3]]
<<elseif $temp1 eq 3>>
\Not all couples practice bondage and discipline, but they must exercise control nonetheless. Today we symbolise this by binding them together. She takes a thin cord and wraps it around the pair of you.
<<if $bride eq "Michaela">><img src="Images/HC20/micropebride.webp" width=600 />
\<<elseif $bride eq "Daisy">><img src="Images/HC20/daisyrope.webp" width=600 />
"Now repeat after me:"
You and $spouse listen carefully and repeat her words.
"We are bound together, our lives, bodies and minds intertwined. We offer ourselves to each other, so that we may fulfill each others desires, and walk the path of life together, seeking out its wonders and sensations as one."
[[Wait for the final part of the ceremony|HC20_14][$temp = 1]]
<<elseif $temp1 eq 4>><img src="Images/HC20/daisyrope.webp" width=600 />
Not all couples practice bondage and discipline, but they must exercise control nonetheless. Today we symbolise this by binding them together. She takes a thin cord and wraps it around the pair of them.
"Now repeat after me:"
Daisy and Matthew listen carefully and repeat her words.
"We are bound together, our lives, bodies and minds intertwined. We offer ourselves to each other, so that we may fulfill each others desires, and walk the path of life together, seeking out its wonders and sensations as one."
[[Wait for the final part of the ceremony|HC20_14][$temp = 1]]
\<<elseif $temp eq 2>><<if $collar eq "black">>x<img src="Images/HC20/leathercollar.webp" width=300 />
\<<elseif $collar eq "metal">><img src="Images/HC20/Metalcollar.jpg" width=300 />
\<<elseif $collar eq "pink">><img src="Images/HC20/pinkcollar.jpg" width=300 />
$spouse fastens the collar tightly around your neck as they repeat after Megan:
"Will you take this collar and proudly wear it as as a sign of your submission to me?"
"I accept this collar as symbol of my devotion to you. I am yours." you reply.
"You are mine." they say, with a smile.
"I now pronounce you
\<<if $spouse eq "Matthew">>Master
<</if>> and submissive." states Megan.
$spouse looks down at you warmly, stroking your hair and face.
The audience applauds, and you feel pride in your role.
[[Wait for the final part of the ceremony|HC20_14][$temp = 1]]
\<<elseif $temp eq 3>>\<<if $bride eq "Nicola">><img src="Images/HC20/nicleashed.webp" width=600 />
\<<elseif $bride eq "Michaela">><img src="Images/HC20/miccollared.webp" width=600 />
\<<elseif $bride eq "Daisy">><img src="Images/HC20/daisykneelcollared.webp" width=600 />
You fasten the collar tightly around $spouse's neck as you repeat after Megan:
"Will you take this collar and proudly wear it as as a sign of your submission to me?"
"I accept this collar as symbol of my devotion to you. I am yours." they reply.
"You are mine." you say, with a smile.
"I now pronounce you
\<<if $femcheck lt 2>>Master
<</if>>and submissive." states Megan.
The audience applauds.
You look down at $spouse warmly, stroking their hair and face.
The audience applauds, and you feel pride in your role.
[[Wait for the final part of the ceremony|HC20_14][$temp = 1]]
<</if>><<if $temp eq 1>><img src="Images/HC20/Meganceremony3.jpg" width=600 />
The audience quietens, and all eyes turn back to Megan as Mistress of Ceremonies.
"Our couple have made their vows pledging themselves to one another, and have been ritually bound together. Now it is time for their union to be physically consummated."
"In front of all of you?" says $spouse.
Megan laughs. "Not unless you wish to darling, we will let you do that in one of the bedroom upstairs in your own way. For now we just need something symbolic. Something unique to you as a couple. This is a place where we do not hide our perversions, we proudly share them. It might be masochism, performance, bondage, degradation, exhibitionism, or for some a need for worship, teasing or denial. It is a celebration of you as a pair within our community.
<<if $temp1 eq 1>><img src="Images/HC20/Meganceremony2.webp" width=600 />
Megan turns to $spouse.
"As the dominant, it is your choice."
"I think I have an idea" replies $spouse.
They lay you down on the table like a sacrifice on an altar then take a blindfold and tie it about your eyes. You feel your arms being bound to the legs of the table, spreadeagling you, and exposing your new pussy to the eyes of the entire club.
[[Wait|HC20_14][$temp = 2]]
<<elseif $temp1 eq 2>><img src="Images/HC20/Meganceremony2.webp" width=600 />
Megan turns to you.
"As the dominant, it is your choice."
[[Teasing|HC20_15][$temp = 1, $temp2 = 2]]
[[Worship|HC20_15][$temp = 1, $temp2 = 5]]
[[Exhibitionism|HC20_15][$temp = 1, $temp2 = 6]]
<<if $bride eq "Nicola">>[[Pain|HC20_15][$temp = 1, $temp2 = 3]]
[[Degradation|HC20_15][$temp = 1, $temp2 = 4]]<</if>>
<<elseif $temp1 eq 3>><img src="Images/HC20/Meganceremony3.jpg" width=600 />
Megan turns to you and your new spouse.
"As neither of you is dominant, you should choose together."
"What do you think darling?" you ask.
"Well I don't think I want pain, and neither of us is submissive. We could let them tease and worship our bodies, get us in the mood for later. Or if you're feeling bold we could consummate our marriage in front of them."
[[Worship|HC20_15][$temp = 1, $temp2 = 5]]
[[Exhibitionism|HC20_15][$temp = 1, $temp2 = 1]]
\ <<elseif $temp1 eq 4>><img src="Images/HC20/Meganceremony3.jpg" width=600 />
Megan turns to the happy couple.
"As neither of you is dominant, you should choose together."
They pause a moment. "I think I know" says Daisy. "You always said my boobs were my best asset, and obviously your cock is beautiful. Let's show them off, let people worship them."
They sit on the pair of thrones at the side of the room in their wedding finery. <img src="Images/HC20/daisythrone3.webp" width=600 />
Daisy strips naked, revealing her magnificent breasts and round arse. Matthew loosens his trousers and his massive penis springs forth.
<img src="Images/HC20/mattworship.webp" width=600 />
"I agree, they are most impressive." comments Megan. "Men and women of Hellfire, we are here today to celebrate the union of this couple. They have decided that this shall be through body worship. Please form an orderly line, we are British after all, and worship these breasts and this cock. No orgasms though, we do need to let them perform later."
A queue forms behind Megan. She kneels between the couple, resting a hand on Daisy's breast and another on Matthew's cock, gently stroking each. Daisy and Matthew look at each other lovingly. Megan moves her head from nipple to the tip of penis and back with the lightest of licks, tickling the underside of the breast and scrotum with her fingertips as she does. Daisy and Matthew let out a sigh in unison, at which point Megan smiles and stands up.
Those following her in the queue take their place. In the main the men worship Daisy's breasts, kissing and stroking them, licking and sucking the nipples, some adventurously nibbling them. She grips Matthews hand tightly as she is serviced, panting and resisting the urge to touch between her legs. Most, but not all of the women present opt to worship Matthew's penis, kneeling in front of him and using fingers, lips and tongues to honor the couple. Melissa flicks it with her hair, the brunette tresses cascading over his manhood, touching herself between the legs and maintaining eye contact with him like a seductress, before licking her lips and turning to Daisy.
<img src="Images/HC20/melissamattblowjob.webp" width=600 />
"Keep him satisfied or I might have to have another turn." she warns.
Eventually the whole club passes past, leaving you last in line. You look at Daisy and Matthew in front of you, holding hands and quivering with love for each other and lust.
[[Worship Daisy's breasts|HC20_14][$temp = 3]]
[[Worship Matthew's cock|HC20_14][$temp = 4]]
\ <<elseif $temp eq 2>>
You hear $spouse's voice from above you.
"I think you can agree that I have a most lovely bride. And a virgin to boot, this pussy has not been touched by man or woman. Until I fuck her in about an hour. But I think that we owe it to my darling to get used to her new body. And I do believe that I was endowed earlier today with all her worldly goods. So join me in celebrating her body."
You feel $spouse sitting behind you, <<if $HC20 eq 5>>his hardening cock
\<<else>> her damp thighs
\<</if>> behind your head as you hear people begin to file past. They greet $spouse, shaking their hand, embracing or kissing them and wishing them well, before you feel them touching you. Some with a caress, some a kiss, some a lick or a suck. You let out a moan the first time you feel a tongue licking your lower lips, a sensation unlike any you have felt before. All are respectful enough not to stick anything inside you, preserving your virgin cunt for $spouse to deflower later, but you are teased, edged and stroked over every inch of your flesh for what feels like hours, before at the end you feel a delicate nibbling at your clitoris and a tongue lapping at your pussy. You pant and quiver, before you feel a pair of lips next to yours, and smell your womanly scent on them. Your blindfold is removed and you see Megan just above you, dribbling onto your waiting tongue.
<img src="Images/HC20/megandrool.webp" width=600 />
"You make a pretty woman, $Hname. $spouse is lucky to have you." says Megan's soft voice as she transfers your sticky juices to your mouth.
[[Time to recover|HC20_15][$temp2 = 8]]
\ <<elseif $temp eq 3>><<if $femcheck lt 2>><img src="Images/HC20/daisythronemalesuck.webp" width=600 />
\<<else>><img src="Images/HC20/daisythronefemsuck.webp" width=600 />
You kneel between Daisy's legs and kiss her cheek, taking her breasts in your hands.
"Take care of those, mate. Best tits in England those are." jokes Matthew.
"I know" you say, caressing them softly, before kneeling to take one of her engorged nipples into your mouth."
Matthew strokes his cock gently as he watches you, his best friend, suckling on his bride's teat.
"Thank you for bringing us together, $Hname" says Daisy, gasping as your tongue laps at one nipple while your hand squeezes her soft pale mounds.
\ <<elseif $temp eq 4>><img src="Images/HC20/mattworship.webp" width=600 />
You kneel between Matthew's legs and take his cock in your hands.
"Careful with that, mate. I'll be needing that later." jokes Matthew.
"I'll just get you in the mood then." you say, cupping his balls in the palm of your hand before running your tongue down the length of his impressive member.
Daisy squeezes her breasts gently as he watches you, her cousin, suckling on her husband's cock.
A tiny bead of precum forms at the end, which you lick off, before standing and moving your head towards Daisy who sticks her tongue out to you, licking her husband's juices from your tongue.
"Thank you for bringing us together, $Hname" says Daisy after she swallows it.
\<<if $temp gt 2>>
Megan returns to the front of the line.
"And now to the consummation."
The couple is lifted aloft by the members of the club and manhandled into the club's Imperial suite. The bed is laid with rosepetals and lit by candlelight.
<img src="Images/HC20/rosepetalbed.webp" width=600 />
"You aren't going to watch us, are you?" says Daisy?
"Do you want us to?" you ask.
"No!" they both say emphatically.
[[Leave the couple|HC20_16][$temp = 1]]
<</if>><<if $temp2 eq 1>>
<<if $bride eq "Michaela">><img src="Images/HC20/micdoggystyle.webp" width=600 />
Michaela puts her hand over her pussy. "I want to save this just for you, for tonight."
She bends down on the couch, parting her legs. "My ass is yours, my lord."
You slide into her, greedily, pulling hard on her leash with each thrust, until you come deep inside her to a cheer from the watching crowd.
<img src="" width=600 />
\<<elseif $bride eq "Daisy">><img src="Images/HC20/daisydoggystyle.webp" width=600 />
"My first time as a married woman in front of an audience. Let us put on a show, darling."
You slide into her from behind, pulling hard on her leash with each thrust, until you come deep inside her to a cheer from the watching crowd.
<img src="" width=600 />
\<<elseif $bride eq "Nicola">><img src="Images/HC20/nichairpull.webp" width=600 />
"I am yours. Body and soul. You own me. Show them what they are missing." she says.
You pull on her leash and her hair and she clambers above you, fucking her hard as you enjoy your new bride, until you come deep inside her to a cheer from the watching crowd.
<img src="" width=600 />
<<elseif $temp2 eq 2>><<if $bride eq "Michaela">><img src="Images/HC20/micboundtable.webp" width=600 />
\<<elseif $bride eq "Daisy">><img src="Images/HC20/daisytablebound.webp" width=600 />
\<<elseif $bride eq "Nicola">><img src="Images/HC20/nicspreadeagle.webp" width=600 />
\You take $spouse carefully and tie each of her limbs to the table.
"My friends of Hellfire." you say. "$spouse and I are grateful to you for sharing our special day with us. As you can see, she is very excited already. But she does so love being aroused. So I want you to help, with a touch, a caress, a kiss or a stroke. Her holes are mine, but I want her dripping wet by this evening."
You look at $spouse as you speak and see her bottom lip quivering with anticipation as the crowd files past one by one, their fingers gently teasing her body. Many kneel down to suck upon her nipples or to kiss her beautiful naked body. A few linger, massaging her flesh and eliciting moans from her lips. And at the end Megan kneels down in front of her and stretches out her tongue, gently flicking it against her clitoris so $spouse lets out a deep moan, bucking against Megan's tongue in search of the release denied her.
<<if $bride eq "Michaela">><img src="Images/HC20/micorgasmface.webp" width=600 />
\<<elseif $bride eq "Daisy">><img src="Images/HC20/daisyorgasmface.webp" width=600 />
\<<elseif $bride eq "Nicola">><img src="Images/HC20/nictableorgasm.webp" width=600 />
Megan walks up to you and kisses you on the lips, the taste of your wife's pussy on her lips. "Enjoy this one tonight. You have earned her."
<<elseif $temp2 eq 3>><<if $bride eq "Michaela">><img src="" width=600 />
\<<elseif $bride eq "Daisy">><img src="" width=600 />
\<<elseif $bride eq "Nicola">><img src="Images/HC20/niccrouchedass.webp" width=600 />
\You bend $spouse over, revealing her bare ass to the audience, and tie each of her limbs to the floor.
"My friends of Hellfire." you say. "$spouse and I are grateful to you for sharing our special day with us. As you can see, she is very excited already. However my bride is a true masochist. In order to appreciate the pleasure that is to come, she needs to be punished for the sins of her former life before today. Now I do not want her marked, so please restrict your spanking to her perfect arse.
Next to $spouse are placed some paddles, floggers and other instruments . The guests walk up one by one, congratulating you before administering a sharp shock to your bride's behind, some with a hand, some with a cane, some with a paddle. With each stroke she gasps, her legs spread wide, and as her arse scheeks grow redder as her pussy grows damper, dripping with arousal. As time goes on some pull her hair a little, and a few ask to tweak her nipples.
<img src="Images/HC20/nicspanked.webp" width=600 />
Megan walks walks up and looks at $spouse, immobile and trembling with desire. She gently caresses her pussy, lubricating a finger and licking it delicately, before returning it to $spouse's pussy and flicking her clitoris with her fingernail. $spouse lets out an almighty shriek, and Megan nods. "I think she is about ready for you, $Hname."
<img src="Images/HC20/nictears.webp" width=600 />
<<elseif $temp2 eq 4>><img src="Images/HC20/nicleashed3.webp" width=600 />
You attach the leash to Nicola's collar and indicate for her to get on all fours. She glowers at you, unimpressed at your choice of celebration of your union. You yank at the chain, pulling her behind you.
"Nicola is the perfect submissive, the perfect woman." you say confidently.
"To prove this, I wish to lead her through a gauntlet of degradation. Spit at her, piss on her, swear at her.
"Are you truly happy with this, Nicola?" asks Megan, checking for consent.
Nicola nods. "If it pleases my $nocdomname." she says softly.
"Very well." says Megan, although you can tell that she is not happy with the turn that the celebration has taken.
You lead Nicola on her leash. Many of the participants have had a few drinks and start getting into the scene enthusiastically, some slapping her ass as she walks by, others swearing at her.
It is mainly the men, although a few of the women join in.
"Think you're so pretty. You're just a hole to be fucked."
Nicola starts to cry at this, tears streaming down her face, head bowed as you walk her past the other guests. One of the men undoes his pants and starts urinating on her, then two others join in. Another starts masturbating and soon she is covered in urine, cum and saliva.
<img src="Images/HC20/nicsmudged2.webp" width=600 />
Eventually she reaches the end of the gauntlet. You turn to her and she lifts her head to face you, her eyes full of sorrow but her expression proud.
"No matter what the world throws at you, I love you. You are mine, and I will always be there for you." You lean in and kiss her passionately.
<<elseif $temp2 eq 5>><<if $bride eq "Michaela" and $Michaela eq "sub">><img src="Images/HC20/micthrone.webp" width=600 />
<<elseif $bride eq "Michaela">><img src="Images/HC20/micthrone2.webp" width=600 />
\<<elseif $bride eq "Daisy">><img src="Images/HC20/daisythrone.webp" width=600 />
\<<elseif $bride eq "Nicola">><img src="Images/HC20/nicthrone.webp" width=600 />
Megan addresses the audience. "Men and women of Hellfire, we are here today to celebrate the union of this couple. They have decided that this shall be through body worship. Please form an orderly line, we are British after all, and worship these breasts and this cock. No orgasms though, we do need to let them consummate their marriage later."
<img src="Images/HC20/megancunnieyecontact.webp" width=600 />
A queue forms behind Megan. She kneels between you and your partner, resting a hand on $Brides nipple and another on $Grooms cock, gently stroking each. You and $spouse look at each other lovingly. Megan moves her head from clit to the tip of penis and back with the lightest of licks, tickling the underside of the breast and scrotum with her fingertips as she does. You both let out a sigh in unison, at which point Megan smiles and stands up.
<<if $bride eq "Michaela" and $Michaela eq "sub">><img src="Images/HC20/miccollarworshipped.webp" width=600 />
<<elseif $bride eq "Michaela">><img src="Images/HC20/micworshipped.webp" width=600 />
\<<elseif $bride eq "Daisy">><img src="Images/HC20/daisyworship.webp" width=600 />
\<<elseif $bride eq "Nicola">><img src="Images/HC20/niccunnithrone.jpg" width=600 />
Those following her in the queue take their place. In the main the men worship $Brides breasts, kissing and stroking them, licking and sucking the nipples, some adventurously nibbling them. Most, but not all of the women present opt to worship $Grooms penis, kneeling in front and using fingers, lips and tongues to honor the couple. Melissa flicks it with her hair, the brunette tresses cascading over the manhood, touching herself between the legs and maintaining eye contact like a seductress, before licking her lips and turning to $bride.
<img src="Images/HC20/melissaweddingblowjob.webp" width=600 />
"Keep him satisfied or I might have to have another turn." she warns.
<<if $bride eq "Michaela" and $Michaela eq "sub">>
As the last worshipper departs, you stand in front of your bride.
"I think we need one last act of worship." you say, holding your cock out in front of your bride.
She licks it gently, continuing your arousal but saving your climax until later.
<img src="Images/HC20/miccollarblowjob.webp" width=600 />
<<elseif $bride eq "Nicola">>
As the last worshipper departs, you beckon to your bride.
"I think we need one last act of worship." you say, nodding in front of you.
Nicola kneels and takes your manhood gently in her mouth. She licks it gently, continuing your arousal but saving your climax until later.
<img src="Images/HC20/nicthroneblowjob.jpg" width=600 />
<<elseif $temp2 eq 6>><<if $bride eq "Michaela">><img src="Images/HC20/micleashed.webp" width=600 />
\<<elseif $bride eq "Daisy">><img src="Images/HC20/daisyleashed.webp" width=600 />
\<<elseif $bride eq "Nicola">><img src="Images/HC20/nicleashed3.webp" width=600 />
You attach the leash to $spouse's collar and indicate for her to get on all fours. Feeling that it is expected of you you make a short speech.
"My friends. We thank you for joining us here at this special time for us both. As we wish to publicly show our commitment to each other, I would like you to join us in the comsummation of our marriage. If you can clear the hall and make a circle please."
You lead $spouse on all fours to a table in the centre of the room. She complies mutely, a little overawed by the occasion.
"May I have some volunteers to hold her down?" you ask the congregation.
There is a clamor of voices, but you choose those that you are closest to.
<<if $bride eq "Michaela">><img src="Images/HC20/micboundtable.webp" width=600 />
\<<elseif $bride eq "Daisy">><img src="Images/HC20/daisytablebound.webp" width=600 />
\<<elseif $bride eq "Nicola">><img src="Images/HC20/nictablenaked.webp" width=600 />
Matthew takes her by the left arm and holds it down firmly.
"It's alright love, he's a good egg is $playersurname."
Antioch takes her opposite leg, stretching it out and tying a cord around it to keep it in place.
"Such a beautiful body your wife has. I thank you both for sharing this with us."
Megan takes her other arm
"Be calm my dear. Remember this is about you and your dominant showing off your relationship to the club. You should be proud." Nicola manages a nod.
Bunny takes the final leg, holding onto the cord supplied by the good doctor.
"You lucky thing, getting to be fucked in front of everyone. Congratulations on the wedding. I'm not sure I could commit to a single person though, I like getting fucked by everybody."
Her limbs immobile, some others sit by her face, stroking it as you remove your clothing and stand astride her, looking down at her pale body on the ground between her legs. You try to focus on your beautiful bride, and not the audience of dozens watching you perform. She lies s
<<if $bride eq "Michaela">><img src="Images/HC20/micblowjobpovtable.webp" width=600 />""
"Take me my love" she says with a smile, spread out beneath you, her sapphire blue eyes meeting yours and lips parted.
Your $penis penis springs to life, and you start by sliding it between her lips. She eagerly sucks on it, her pale pink lips coating it with saliva as your balls bounce on her chin.
\<<elseif $bride eq "Daisy">><img src="Images/HC20/daisytableoral.webp" width=600 />
"I want you my darling." she says with a smile, spread out beneath you, her pale brown eyes meeting yours and lips parted.
Your $penis penis springs to life, and you start by sliding it between her lips. She eagerly sucks on it, her pink lips coating it with saliva as your balls bounce on her chin.
<img src="Images/HC20/daisytablefuck.webp" width=600 />
\<<elseif $bride eq "Nicola">><img src="Images/HC20/nictableblowjob.webp" width=600 />
"My holes are yours, $nicdomname." she says with a smile, spread out beneath you, her sapphire blue eyes meeting yours and lips parted.
Your $penis penis springs to life, and you start by sliding it between her lips. She eagerly sucks on it, her black lips coating it with saliva as your balls bounce on her chin.
<img src="Images/HC20/nictablefuck.webp" width=600 />
<<if $bride neq "Michaela">>You pull out and slide your wet dick into her cunt, knowing that you will not last long after being next to this beauty all day unable to relieve yourself. She gasps with pleasure, crying out as you fuck her hard, but unable to move with the pressure on her limbs.
<<else>>"I want my first time with this to be just with you, my love." says Michaela. You agree, taking her virgin pussy should be something you take your time over tonight.
<<if $bride eq "Michaela">><img src="Images/HC20/mictableanal.webp" width=600 />
\<<elseif $bride eq "Daisy">><img src="Images/HC20/daisytableanal.webp" width=600 />
\<<elseif $bride eq "Nicola">><img src="Images/HC20/nictableanal.webp" width=600 />
Finally you slip out and take her anally, determined to claim your prize. She<<if $bride neq "Michaela">> is less aroused by this, maybe you need to work on this aspect of your bride, but<</if>> rises to meet each thrust as you near your climax in her tightest of holes.
<<if $bride eq "Michaela">><img src="Images/HC20/mictablecumshot.webp" width=600 />
\<<elseif $bride eq "Daisy">><img src="Images/HC20/daisytablecumshot.webp" width=600 />
\<<elseif $bride eq "Nicola">><img src="Images/HC20/niccumshottable.webp" width=600 />
You pull out, and spray her with your cum, marking her as yours.
"Steady on, old chap, you got a bit on my arm" says Matthew.
[[Let your bride up|HC20_15][$temp = 1, $temp2 = 8]]
[[Offer her body for others to cum on as well|HC20_15][$temp = 1, $temp2 = 7]]
\<<elseif $temp2 eq 7>>
"My friends, if you wish to give the gift of your juices to my bride, she would be only to pleased to receive them." you say.
A few of the men stand up, their erections already visible through their breeches, and start stroking their cocks, some alone, some helped by their partners. A few women also start touching themselves. Bunny is fingering her clit as she licks your semen up from $bride's navel.
<<if $bride eq "Michaela">><img src="Images/HC20/miccumcovered.webp" width=600 />
\<<elseif $bride eq "Daisy">><img src="Images/HC20/daisycumcovered.webp" width=600 />
\<<elseif $bride eq "Nicola">><img src="Images/HC20/niccumcovered.webp" width=600 />
One by one they reach climax, covering $bride's face, breasts and stomach in globs of thick semen. She closes her eyes and you hear her delicate whispers as they do so, knowing the thrill you have of demonstrating your dominance over her.
[[Get your bride cleaned up|HC20_15][$temp = 1, $temp2 = 8]]
\<<elseif $temp2 eq 8 and $HC20 eq 4 and Flag("cuckold")>>
<<set $outfit = "White hooped gown">><<set $socks ="White stockings">><<set $shoes = "White elegant heels">><<set $panties = "white lace panties">><<set $bra = "white sexy bra">><<set $objects["white lace panties"].inv = 1>>You thank Megan for the service, and then with the show over, the bridal couple are taken to be refreshed before their private end to the evening. You wash and scrub yourself before putting on a beautiful white dress chosen for you by Daisy.
<img src="Images/HC20/rosepetalbed.webp" width=600 />
You and your new spouse are hoisted aloft and carried by the club members to the club's Imperial suite. The bed is laid with rosepetals and lit by candlelight. Most of the crowd disperses, as you thank Matthew and the ushers for a fantastic day.
<img src="Images/HC20/Daisybride5.jpg" width=600 />
"Matthew." calls Daisy.
"Yes." he replies curiously.
"I believe the best man has a duty to ensure that all aspects of the day run without a hitch.""
"Well yes. And they have, haven't they?"
"All but one. The marriage needs consummating. This bride needs to be fucked and the groom here hasn't got a cock."
"But that's just the ring. You can take that off." he says weakly.
"Matthew. $femname and I love each other, and have an understanding. She wants to be a pretty girl and doesn't want to use her cock in me. But I am getting fucked on my wedding night, do you understand me? So as best man I am asking you nicely to help us out here. I have seen how you look at me, your erection last week wasn't <b>just</b> the acting was it?"
The penny drops.
"Oh. No, you're every pretty." he says, before turning to you. "Is this what you want, mate?"
[[Agree to be cuckolded by Matthew|HC20_21][$temp = 2, $temp3 =1]]
[[Agree to be cuckolded by Matthew, and invite the ushers in too for an orgy|HC20_21][$temp = 3, $temp3 =2]]
[[This is too much, it's my wedding day. Offer to take the ring off|HC20_20][$temp = 19]]
\<<elseif $temp2 eq 8 >>
<<if $spouse eq "Daisy" and $Daisy eq "dom">><<set $outfit = "White hooped gown">><<set $socks ="White stockings">><<set $shoes = "White elegant heels">><<set $panties = "white lace panties">><<set $bra = "white sexy bra">><<set $objects["white lace panties"].inv = 1>>You thank Megan for the service, and then with the show over, the bridal couple are taken to be refreshed before their private end to the evening. You wash and scrub yourself before putting on a beautiful white dress chosen for you by Daisy.
\<<elseif $outfit eq "none" and $top eq "none">><<WearAll>>You thank Megan for the service, and then with the show over, the bridal couple are taken to be refreshed before their private end to the evening. You wash and scrub yourself and dress again in your bridal outfits.
\<<else>>You thank Megan for the service, and then with the show over, the bridal couple are taken to be refreshed before their private end to the evening. You wash and scrub yourself and dress again in your bridal outfits.
<img src="Images/HC20/rosepetalbed.webp" width=600 />
You and your new spouse are hoisted aloft and carried by the club members to the club's Imperial suite. The bed is laid with rosepetals and lit by candlelight. The heavy oak doors close behind you, with only a faint titter of gossip audible as your friends no doubt are bawdily commenting on what you are about to get up to.
<<if $spouse eq "Daisy" and $Daisy eq "dom">>[[Consummate your marriage|HC20_20][$temp = 1]]
<<elseif $spouse eq "Michaela">>[[Consummate your marriage|HC20_18][$temp = 1]]
<<elseif $spouse eq "Nicola">>[[Consummate your marriage|HC20_19][$temp = 1]]
<<elseif $spouse eq "Matthew">>[[Consummate your marriage|HC20_22][$temp = 1]]
<<elseif $spouse eq "Daisy">>[[Consummate your marriage|HC20_17][$temp = 1]]
<<if $temp2 lt 6>>[[Time to recover|HC20_15][$temp2 = 8]]<</if>><<if $temp eq 1>>You leave the happy couple alone and head down to the bar area. Most of the guests have headed off, and only the few that are staying at the club tonight remain.
<img src="Images/HC20/rubybridesmaid5.webp" width=600 />
You see Ruby, wearing her bridesmaids dress, speaking to Megan. She waves and you walk over.
"What a delightful service. And your speech - that was so touching. And the bit afterwards with them getting naked, that was a little peculiar, but I have been to enough events here to know what you lot get up to."
You remember that Ruby has on occasion been 'hired in' when more girls are needed for club events.
She has had a drink or two, and sits down next to you.
"I do believe it is traditional at these events for the best man and bridesmaid to drink to celebrate the happy couple." says Ruby.
"I think I should leave you two alone." says Megan.
<<if $chastity eq 1>>As your cock strains against your cage you think you should speak to your Mistress
[[Brush off Ruby by saying that you need to speak to Megan on club business|HC20_16][$temp = 11]]
[[Bid Megan goodnight and flirt with Ruby|HC20_16][$temp = 2]]
\<<elseif $temp eq 2>><img src="Images/HC20/rubybridesmaid15.webp" width=600 />
Ruby smiles at you as Megan departs, taking your hand and placing it on her thigh. Her silk bridesmaids dress is split up the side and reveals a hint of garter.
"Daisy and I used to share everything as girls. We were like sisters. Now that she is married I fear that time is over."
"I don't think Matthew will mind you sharing him."
"I think I should leave them alone on their wedding night at least. What do you think they are up to?"
You check the clock. "Matthew likes to take it slow, probably just kissing."
"Like this?" she asks, leaning forward and pressing her soft red lips against yours. Her tongue slides over yours as you inhale her sweet breath. The pair of you kiss and embrace until you need to come up for air.
"Do you have a room here?" she asks?
"Yes. Would you like to see it?"
"Very much."
The pair of you eventually make your way upstairs, stopping every few minutes to continue kissing, stroking and touching. By the time you are at your door you are both half naked and can't keep your hands off each other. You bustle each other through the door and lose the rest of your clothing.
"Now, do you want me naughty or nice?" she asks.
[[Naughty|HC20_16][$temp = 3]]
[[Nice|HC20_16][$temp = 7]]
\<<elseif $temp eq 3>><img src="Images/HC20/Rubybridesmaid4.webp" width=600 />
She strips naked apart from a pair of stockings and wraps her arms around you.
"Well, sailor, it's your lucky night. Three holes to choose from. What's it going to be?"
[[Fuck her ass|HC20_16][$temp = 4]]
[[Fuck her pussy|HC20_16][$temp = 5]]
[[Fuck her mouth|HC20_16][$temp = 6]]
\<<elseif $temp eq 4>><img src="Images/HC20/rubyanal.webp" width=600 />
She kneels on the bed, bending over and pointing her smooth round ass at you, parting her legs slightly. "Greek style. Always a favourite with the naughtier gentleman. Do you want to fuck my arse, you dirty thing? Come on then, put it in."
She spitss on her finger and lubricates her arsehole before spreading her legs wide for you. You waste no time in settling in behind her and ease into her from behind, holding her hips tightly as you squeeze into her. Ruby gasps, and starts mouthing obscenities as you get into a rhythmn.
"Come on big boy, screw my arse. Harder, fuck me like a whore, use my ass. Yes, just like that, squeeze my tits, yes, fuck just like that..."
<img src="Images/HC20/rubyanalcum.webp" width=600 />
Whilst part of you realises she is just getting you to finish quicker, she is very good at playing the part of the cock hungry slut and it is not long before you squirt your load deep inside her rectum.
\<<elseif $temp eq 5>><img src="Images/HC20/Rubybridesmaidsex2.webp" width=600 />
She climbs on top and straddles you, pushing you down on the bed as she pushes your erect cock into her dripping wet snatch.
"Is this what you wanted you big hunk, to fuck my pussy. Yes, fill me up, you're so big, fill me deeper, fuck yes, just like that. Oh god yes, yes, yes."
Whilst part of you realises she is just getting you to finish quicker, she is very good at playing the part of the cock hungry slut and it is not long before you squirt your load deep inside her pussy. She puts her finger between her legs and spoons a glob of it between her lips.
<img src="Images/HC20/Rubybridesmaidsexcum.webp" width=600 />
\<<elseif $temp eq 6>><img src="Images/HC20/rubyblowjob.webp" width=600 />
She leans over you and licks her lips, filling her mouth wth spit before descending on your cock eagerly, sucking it like the pro she is. It glides deep into her throat, and she gives you an extremely sloppy blowjob, working your balls with her hand as she gargles noisily on your cock.
"I'm coming!"you call, and she eases off, letting you spray all over her face, before leaning in and kissing you with her cum covered face.
<img src="Images/HC20/rubysluttyfacial.webp" width=600 />
"Do you think I'm pretty covered in your jizz?" she asks
"You'd be pretty dressed in a sack." you reply.
"You are a charmer, she laughs, cleaning herself up.
\<<elseif $temp eq 7>><img src="Images/HC20/Rubybridesmaid4.webp" width=600 />
She strips off and lies on her back, pulling you towards her.
"It's my first time." she says with a voice smooth as honey. "Will you be gentle with me?"
You resume kissing her, putting a hand to her breast and lying next to her on the bed, and she takes your cock in her hand, stroking it gently.
[[Fuck her pussy|HC20_16][$temp = 8]]
[[Fuck her mouth|HC20_16][$temp = 9]]
\<<elseif $temp eq 8>><img src="Images/HC20/Rubybridesmaidsex3.webp" width=600 />
"It's so big. Will it hurt when it goes in?"
She does the innocent act well, and you reassure her, easing your cock between her pussy lips as she gasps, and softly moans as you thrust into her.
"Fuck my tight virgin pussy." she begs, her professional act taking over as you feel her pelvic muscles squeezing you towards climax. You thrust deep into her as she wraps her legs around you and squirt your load into her.
<img src="Images/HC20/Rubybridesmaidsexcum2.webp" width=600 />
\<<elseif $temp eq 9>><img src="Images/HC20/rubyblowjob3.webp" width=600 />
She starts licking your cock gingerly, first the head and then putting half of it into her mouth, sliding her lips up and down the shaft.
"It's like a toffee apple, I can't put it all in my mouth. I will just have to lick and suck it." she says in an innocent voice. You moan as her tongue slithers around your cock.
[[Fuck her pussy|HC20_16][$temp = 8]]
[[Cum in her mouth|HC20_16][$temp = 10]]
<<elseif $temp eq 10>><img src="Images/HC20/rubyinnocentblowjobcum.webp" width=600 />
Unable to hold on any longer you cum all over her face and lips. She licks it off and snuggles up next to you.
<<elseif $temp eq 11>><img src="Images/HC20/rubybridesmaid5.webp" width=600 />
"I can take a hint." says Ruby. "Your loss, I don't normally give it away for free."
"With that attitude you will go far my dear." replies Megan. "I do believe there was a drunken junior minister by the bar you can seduce. Tell him his Nanny is upset with him. He likes to be spanked and don't take anything less than a guinea an hour from him."
Ruby heads off with a spring in her step in search of her punter, and Megan turns to you
"So, club business? On a day like today?"
"I was just trying to get you alone" you admit.
"Should I be flattered? My rates are twice Miss Hathaway's."
<<link [[Give her 2 guineas for a night of passion you will never forget|HC20_16]]>><<set $temp = 12>><<money -240>><</link>>
[[Rush off after Ruby instead|HC20_16][$temp = 2]]
<<if $Megandomevent gt 0>>[[Submissive: Ask to serve her|HC20_16][$temp = 13]]<</if>>
<<elseif $temp eq 12>>
"Business before pleasure." she replies, pocketing your coins before taking your arm and walking you upstairs to her rooms. The bed is the biggest you have ever seen, a four poster bed of solid oak, with black and red silken sheets and a mirror affixed above it.
Megan takes your arms and lies you down on the bed, tying one limb to each of the four posts with a cord.
"We wouldn't want you getting away, would we?"
<img src="Images/HC20/meganblowjobteasing.webp" width=600 />
She proceeds to start licking your cock for the next hour, gently, teasingly, resting it in her mouth while stroking your balls or running her fingers down your thighs. Tied as you are you can do nothing but squirm as she keeps you aroused but not cumming for an age.
<img src="Images/HC20/meganblowjob2.webp" width=600 />
She takes the whole of you into her mouth at one point and rsts theer, not moving a muscle, as you twitch helplessly, drinking in your frustration with her eyes.
<img src="Images/HC20/megandeepthroat.webp" width=600 />
At one point she moves so her clit rests against your lips, and you lick at her out of frustration, hoping that if you make her come then she will do the same to you, but she just laughs at your attempts and continues, resting your cock between her firm white breasts.
<img src="Images/HC20/megancocktease.webp" width=600 />
"I do like this cock. I like the way you melt when I do this." she says, running her tongue along the soft skin between your scrotum and your asshole. Do you want to come my pretty?"
"Yes." you whimper.
"Yes please Mistress Megan." she insists.
"Yes please Mistress Megan. May I cum?" you repeat.
She wraps something around the base of your cock, you dont see what but feel its tightness encircling you, forcing your erection even harder, then she clambers above you, sitting on your thighs, wearing only a pair of thigh high boots as she eases herself over your cock, stopping her gleaming pussy just a quarter of an inch above you.
<img src="Images/HC20/meganlace1.webp" width=600 />
"Is this what you want? Do you want to fuck me?"
"Yes Mistress Megan."
She slides the tip of your cock two inches inside her and holds perfectly still, massaging your cock with the movement of her internal muscles.
<img src="Images/HC20/meganlace2.webp" width=600 />
"I think you should beg. Tell me how much you want this"
"Please fuck me Mistress Megan. I have never wanted anyone more." you cry, begging with desperation as your aching cock cries for release.
"Of course my sweet." she replies, pressing her hands on your chest and lowering herself onto you so you are balls deep in her hot wetness, before rising up and repeating, each time gripping you tightly with her pelvic muscles.
The strap around your cock keeps you hard and staves off your orgasm, and she rides you for ten minutes, her hair whipping against your face as you feel her passion building. With an almighty cry she leans back, griding against you.
"Cum for me my sweet." she orders.
<img src="Images/HC20/meganridingclimax.webp" width=600 />
And you do, like you have never cum before, all the pent up arousal of the last hour squirting deep inside her. She throws her head back in triumph, but continues riding you until the pain is unbearable.
<img src="Images/HC20/meganriding.webp" width=600 />
"Please stop Mistress Megan." you whimper.
"Stop? I thought you wanted to cum. Oh, it looks like you have!" she laughs, taking a finger to the sticky juices between her legs and licking it, before leaning in to kiss you with her soft red lips, the taste of your sex and hers on her lips.
<img src="Images/HC20/megancumtongue.webp" width=600 />
After, she unties you, and wordlessly snuggles against you on the silken sheets, wrapping an arm around you as you fall into a deep slumber.
<<elseif $temp eq 13>><img src="Images/HC20/Megandress.webp" width=600 />
"May I serve you, Mistress?" you ask.
"Why I am flattered. Turning down young Miss Hathaway. Indeed it could very well have been you getting married tonight, but instead you are offering yourself to me. You do realise I am almost old enough to be your mother."
"Yes Mistress. I'm not interested in the younger girls. Not seriously anyhow."
"But you are interested in me? Have I not warned you that if you play with fire you might get burned?"
"Yes Mistress."
"Well it has been a long day. Come."
She takes your arm and you walk out into the hall. However instead of ascending the stairs to her room, or yours, she takes a large iron key from her pocket and unlocks a wooden side door.
"Where are we going?" you ask.
"To the dungeon." she says ominously. "I have had it cleaned up since Bentley's time. But it seems the proper place to test the extent of your service."
The dungeon is dark, lit only by a pair of braziers on the wall, and in the centre is a set of wooden stocks.
"Strip and place your arms and head in there, sweetie." commands Megan
[[Agree to being restrained|HC20_16][$temp = 14]]
[[Say your safeword|HC20_16][$temp = 19]]
\<<elseif $temp eq 14>>
<<if $femcheck lt 2>><img src="Images/HC20/mcstocks.webp" width=600 />
\<<else>><img src="Images/HC20/mcstocksfem.webp" width=600 />
\You place your clothes in a neat pile and gently lower your head into the pillory. Megan closes it, securing your wrists and neck in solid oak.
"This particular set of stocks was used for public punishments out in Grosvenor square. We had it restored after they fell out of fashion."
You feel your legs being pulled apart, and iron manacles placed around them.
Megan stands in front of you, as naked as the day she was born.
"Now I have you where I want you, and there is nothing between us. I am going to ask you some questions, and if I don't like the answers I am going to beat you with this."
She holds out a somewhat vicious looking whip.
<img src="Images/HC20/Meganwhip3.webp" width=600 />
"Allow me to demonstrate."
She raises it, and steps behind you. You feel an intense pain at the instant you hear it crack behind you, and you cry out.
"Why do you submit to me? You should be up there with young women your own age, not in a dungeon being beaten by someone almost old enough to be your mother."
[[Masochist: "I like pain."|HC20_16][$temp = 15]]
[[Submissive: "You are the only one who accepts my need for submission without wanting to turn me into someone else."|HC20_16][$temp = 16]]
[[Romantic: "I love you."|HC20_16][$temp = 17]]
\<<elseif $temp eq 15>><img src="Images/HC20/Meganwhip.webp" width=600 />
"Then I shall give it to you, with interest. Start counting."
Megan raises the whip and brings it down hard on your buttocks.
"One. Two. Ahgh, three." you count as each blow lands.
"Are you enjoying your friend's wedding day?" she asks.
"Yes Mistress. Four. Five. S...Six." you count as three more blows strike in quick succession.
"You don't seem quite so sure. Wouldn't you rather be fucking that pretty little bridesmaid?"
"No Mistress. Seven. Ahgh. Eight.N...nine Mistress"
"Wouldn't you rather be fucking me?" she asks directly.
"Y...Yes Mistress." You admit.
<img src="Images/HC20/whippedass.jpg" width=600 />
"What a shame." she says as a final blow lands hard between your parted thighs, striking the back of your exposed genitals and making you wince with pain.
"T..Ten Mistress." you scream as you slump forward in the restraints, your legs buckling and unable to support you.
<img src="Images/HC20/Meganstooldungeon.webp" width=600 />
"I think that will do for today. I don't want to damage you. Not permanently anyhow. Now let us see if I can take your mind off your throbbing backside." She sits on a stool in front of you.
[[Wait. It's not as if you can do much else|HC20_16][$temp = 18]]
\<<elseif $temp eq 16>><img src="Images/HC20/Meganwhip.webp" width=600 />
"You are insightful, at least. You are right that I do not wish to change you, far from it, I seek to make you into your best self. Like tempering steel this may need frequent beating, scalding and dousing in cold water. Do you submit to my will?"
"Yes Mistress." you reply, looking at her bare feet.
"Good. Now I have you at my mercy, so I think we shall test your loyalty. That girl earlier, Ruby, did you find her attractive?"
You shake your head, and are rewarded by a sharp spank to the bottom.
"Do not lie to me, my pet. I can tell you know. Now try again. Do you think she is pretty?"
You nod this time.
"What about the bride today, your cousin. Have you ever thought about fucking her?"
You shake your head and receive another whack, before nodding again.
"Better. Now do you think she is as pretty as me?"
You shake your head.
"Good. You are getting better at this game. Beauty is in the eye of the beholder, and I do believe like the mirror in Snow White you think I am the most beautiful woman in the room. Which is very flattering. Let me try one more question. When your friend and cousin have three bouncing babies that grow to be fine young people, when I am ten years older, grey and wrinkled, will you still think the same? Will you regret the choices you made?"
You are silent, thinking for a moment.
"No, don't answer. We cannot live in the future, any more than we can change the past. And for now we have each other, and this pleases me."
<img src="Images/HC20/Meganstooldungeon.webp" width=600 />
Megan sits her perfect form in front of you, and strokes your bound body, tracing her fingers across your taut stretched limbs inquisitively.
[[Wait. It's not as if you can do much else|HC20_16][$temp = 18]]
\<<elseif $temp eq 17>><img src="Images/HC20/Meganwhip.webp" width=600 />
"I beg your pardon?"
The whip cracks again, striking you harder this time.
"I love you." you repeat.
"Punters often say that to their whores, as do men to their mistresses. And submissives to their dominants. I am not sure it means what you think it does. That you find me attractive? That you want to fuck me? That you want to make me happy?"
"Yes. All of them."
"Let me be very clear. I do not love you. I do not do 'love'. There is no happily ever after. Relationships are transactions, nothing more. You have a need to submit, I have a need to dominate. You have a desire to receive punishment, I like to dish it out. You like to worship me, I enjoy being worshipped. And you are happy to pay for this, the ultimate transaction. Does that sound like love to you?"
She cracks the whip again to make her point, sending another jolt of pain up your spine.
"You are unlike any woman I have ever met. A goddess. Worthy of worship."
"Why thank you kind <<sir>>" she replies theatrically. "But I still would not call it love. Anyhow the most esteemed philosophers, greatest poets and most heartbroken of adolescents have debated this question for millenia, I do not think we will solve the mystery of love tonight. But I am grateful for the sentiment." she responds
"Have you never been in love?"
<img src="Images/HC20/whippedass.jpg" width=600 />
The final stroke of the whip is brutal, with no holding back. You cry out in pain as your legs collapse beneath you.
<img src="Images/HC20/Meganstooldungeon.webp" width=600 />
"My past is my own, for good or ill. Now let us see if I can take your mind off your throbbing backside." She sits on a stool in front of you.
[[Wait. It's not as if you can do much else|HC20_16][$temp = 18]]
\<<elseif $temp eq 18>><img src="Images/HC20/megansmother3.webp" width=600 />
You feel the soft warmth of Megan's breasts against your face as you slouch forward in the wooden restraints, and her strong hand behind your head as she pushes your face into them, smothering you with her soft milky orbs. You inhale a scent of talc and perfume, and start suckling on her wide pink nipple.
"There there. Mummy is here, my darling."
You relax and suckle on her teat, as her hand reaches around and starts rubbing cool lotion into your whipped arse. You turn to look up but she pushes you back into her welcoming embrace.
After a while you feel her hand move from your buttocks to your rear hole, still massaging in the cool ointment. Your legs are clamped apart, and unable to resist her lubricated fingers sliding into your arse. First one, then two, all the while rubbing in plenty of lubricant. Your buttocks spread further apart until with a gasp you feel youself widening until with a schlurp you feel your sphincter fill as her whole hand enters you.
"Sssh, baby. Just relax."
Your arms are tied in the stocks, your feet clamped as you feel her fingertips rubbing against your prostate as her hand, her whole fist penetrates you. You bite down on her nipple as a reflex, and she moans as her hand moves in and out of your hole. You feel your cock twitch uselessly, not erect, just responding to the sensation as her hand stimulates your prostate until it leaks semen into a puddle on the ground, keeping stroking inside your ass until your cock twitches painfully.
"There's a good baby."
She pulls her hand out slowly, and you feel youself stretching once again until there is a sharp intake of air.
Megan releases you from your restraints and places a robe about your shoulders, putting one on herself, then puts her arm around you.
"I think it is time for bed for us both."
She walks you up to her suite, and surprises you by inviting you inside.
"Come my pet. I think you can stay here tonight."
You move to sit on the bed, exhausted, but she indicates the foot of the bed, and shackles one arm to there, so you cannot move more than half way up the enormous bed.
<img src="Images/HC20/Meganasleep2.webp" width=600 />
Megan discards her robe and lies down naked, her head on one of the soft pillows that she clearly indicates are for her alone. But she pulls the sheet over both of you and you rest your head against her thigh.
[[Exhausted - Sleep|HC20_end]]
[[Submissive. Since you are down there, get licking|HC20_16][$temp = 20]]
\<<elseif $temp eq 19>>"$safeword" you say.
<img src="Images/HC20/Meganwhip2.webp" width=600 />
"Over so soon? What a shame, I was having so much fun." says Megan.
She checks you are alright, but in a perfunctory, absentminded way before dismissing you, sounding disappointed.
"You head off to bed then, I will find someone else to play with."
\<<elseif $temp eq 20>><img src="Images/HC20/Meganasleep.webp" width=600 />
"My my, I thought you were all worn out. Yes, that is just perfect, keep doing that my pet." she gasps as your tongue starts probing between her legs.
You lick and suck her pussy, noting quite how wet it is after spending the last hour with you. Even though she was dominant, and obviously aroused, she did not demand or even ask that you pleasured her, focussing on your needs, but is very receptive now that you are offering.
"Just there. Not too hard, keep working the outer lips and slide your tongue a fraction inside, yes, just there."
She grinds her pussy against your face, gripping your head with her thighs until with a gasp she pushes hard against you.
"Yes, now suck that clit. Harder. Make me come my pet. Keep going. Yes. Yes..."
<img src="Images/HC20/Meganorgasm.webp" width=600 />
She does not give you any option, threatening to squeeze the life out of you with her thighs until you give her release, which comes quickly. After she falls asleep almost instantly, and you follow soon after, her juices on your lips and scent all over your face as you lie snuggled between your Mistress' legs.
<</if>><<if $temp eq 1>><img src="Images/HC20/Daisybride5.jpg" width=600 />
"Well, we are finally alone, darling." says Daisy.
"How are you feeling?" you ask.
"It has been a beautiful day. Just perfect.
<<if $temp1 eq 2>>I was a little uncertain about the vows downstairs, but I see now that this is part of who you are. And I love you for it. But understand that I am not just a little girl, I will submit when we are alone in the bedroom, although it will be fun to swap now and again, but I did not get married to be your plaything.
\<<else>>I am glad we agreed to be equals downstairs. I like the idea of submitting to you sometimes, but I hope sometimes you might do the same to me. In our bedroom we can choose to show all sides of ourselves. If we do play then
\Megan told me about safewords. I will say Red if I want you to stop."
"Like the lamps on ships?"
She nods.
"So what now?" you ask, leaning in and kissing her.
"Green." she says, with a grin, kissing you back passionately.
"Do you want to play tonight?" you ask.
She considers. "I don't think so. Tonight I want it to be like I dreamed of as a girl. Flower petals and candles and kisses under the moonlight. <i>Reader, she married him</i>, like in Jane Austen."
[[Fuck her mouth|HC20_17][$temp = 2]]
[[Lick her pussy|HC20_17][$temp = 3]]
[[Fuck her pussy|HC20_17][$temp = 4]]
[[Fuck her tits|HC20_17][$temp = 8]]
\<<elseif $temp eq 2>><img src="Images/HC20/daisybrideblowjob2.webp" width=600 />
Daisy kneels in front of you and takes your penis in her mouth.
"With my body, I thee worship." she whispers, as she starts licking and sucking at it, planting small kisses all over as she exaggeratedly worships your cock. Soon it is dripping with her saliva as she teases your throbbing balls with her fingers.
[[Cum in her mouth|HC20_17][$temp = 5]]
[[Lick her pussy|HC20_17][$temp = 3]]
[[Fuck her pussy|HC20_17][$temp = 4]]
\<<elseif $temp eq 3>><img src="Images/HC20/Daisybridehetcuunni.webp" width=600 />
You lie Daisy down on the bed and lift up her wedding dress, parting her underwear and revealing her perfect pink pussy.
"You look beautiful." you say.
"Good enough to eat?" she asks.
You start lapping at it with the flat of your tongue, and she wriggles and gasps in front of you.
"Oh darling, that is just divine. Never stop, my love."
You keep licking, sliding your tongue inside her as she squirms before pushing three fingers deep inside her.
"Oh god yes!" she cries out as you finger her before starting to suck on her clit. This tips her over the edge and she clasps her thighs around your head as she cums from your tongue.
"Is that how I taste?" she asks, kissing you and licking her juices off your lips.
"That was wonderful darling. Now it is your turn."
[[Fuck her mouth|HC20_17][$temp = 2]]
[[Fuck her pussy|HC20_17][$temp = 4]]
\<<elseif $temp eq 4>><img src="Images/HC20/Daisybridmiss.webp" width=600 />
You lie her back on the bed and admire Daisy's curvaceous body clad in her wedding finery.
"They say white is the colour of virginity." she says. "I want you to deflower me."
You start teasing her, rubbing your cock against her pussy lips but not putting it inside.
"Two can play at that game." she replies, stroking your balls gently and teasing you back, until with a laugh you kiss her and slide your shaft into her wet pussy, moving gently in and out as your tongues mingle. She starts to pant, her hands on your ass with a sense of urgency.
"Fuck me harder. I want your seed in me. Put a baby in me." she demands.
You increase your pace and she puts her head back as she starts to moan, her breasts loosening from the confines of her wedding gown with the vigorous movement as you feeel your climax build.
[[Cum in her pussy|HC20_17][$temp = 6]]
[[Cum on her body|HC20_17][$temp = 7]]
\<<elseif $temp eq 5>><img src="Images/HC20/Daisybridebjcum.webp" width=600 />
You feel your climax build and hold Daisy's short blonde hair as you cum over her lips and face.
"Darling, as much as I like the taste of you, I do not think my throat is the way to put a baby in my belly." she jokes.
"It is a good thing that we have a lifetime to keep practicing." you respond.
\<<elseif $temp eq 6>><img src="Images/HC20/Daisybridmisscum.webp" width=600 />
With a cry you push yourself deep into her wet vagina and erupt in a drawn out climax. Daisy wraps her legs around you and rests there a moment, rocking slightly with a smile upon her face.
"Now I am a proper married woman, wedded and bedded." she says contentedly.
\<<elseif $temp eq 7>><img src="Images/HC20/Daisybridecumontits.webp" width=600 />
You pull out and shower Daisy's breasts with thick globs of cum.
"Darling, we are married noww, you don't have to finish outside any more. How am I supposed to get pregnant if you come on my boobs?" she jokes.
"It is a good thing that we have a lifetime to keep practicing." you respond.
\<<elseif $temp eq 8>><img src="Images/HC20/Daisybridetitwank.webp" width=600 />
You slide your hard cock between her huge round breasts, enjoying their soft feel as you see it sliding between the lace covered orbs.
"You really do love my boobs, don't you darling? Well you can play with them whenever you want now."
[[Cum on her tits|HC20_17][$temp = 7]]
[[Lick her pussy|HC20_17][$temp = 3]]
[[Fuck her pussy|HC20_17][$temp = 4]]
<</if>><<if $temp eq 1>><<if $temp1 eq 2>><img src="Images/HC20/micbridebedroom.webp" width=600 />
Michaela looks at you shly from behind her veil.
"I have waited for this moment all my life. And now that it has arrived I am scared."
"Why are you scared, my love?"
<<elseif $temp1 eq 3>><img src="Images/HC20/micbridebedroom.webp" width=600 />
Michaela looks at you shly from behind her veil.
"I have waited for this moment all my life. And now that it has arrived I am scared."
"Why are you scared, my love?"
"I have something to show you."<<set $micpenis = "none">>
Michaela lifts up thee skirt of her wedding dress and pulls down her panties. Your jaw drops as you spot between her legs a soft, pink, wet, perfectly formed pussy.
<img src="Images/HC20/pussycloseuparoused.webp" width=600 />
"It's all I ever wanted. Well apart from you. You do like it don't you darling?"
"I..." You are momentarily speechless. "How?" is all you can manage.
"It happened when I put the ring on. Your friend Orlando is a magician."
Truly you can see no other explanation.
\"What if I don't know how to be a woman, how to be a wife. I don't know how this thing works! I've never even touched a pussy before."
[[Well we can find out together|HC20_18][$temp = 2]]
[[About that, I did prefer your little cock|HC20_18][$temp = 9, $micpenis = "small"]]
<<elseif $temp eq 2>><img src="Images/HC20/micbridebedroom.webp" width=600 />
I want you inside me, husband, more than I have ever wanted you."
<<link [[Lick Michaela's pussy|HC20_18]]>><<set $temp = 3>><<StripAll>><</link>>
<<link [[Fuck Michaela's pussy|HC20_18]]>><<set $temp = 4>><<StripAll>><</link>>
<<link [[Fuck Michaela's mouth|HC20_18]]>><<set $temp = 7>><<StripAll>><</link>>
<<elseif $temp eq 3>><img src="Images/HC20/micbridecunni.webp" width=600 />
Michaela lies back as you start licking at the outer folds of her pussy, letting out a low moan the first time your tongue touches her wet lips.
"Oh. I never thought it could feel like this..." she gasps.
You probe gently, sliding your index finger inside while lapping at her pussy, and she melts in front of you, her breathing becoming heavier as she grinds against you.
"I want you inside me, husband." she says.
<<link [[Fuck Michaela's pussy|HC20_18]]>><<set $temp = 4>><<StripAll>><</link>>
<<link [[Fuck Michaela's mouth|HC20_18]]>><<set $temp = 7>><<StripAll>><</link>>
<<elseif $temp eq 4>>
<<if $micvirgin eq 0>><<set $micvirgin = 1>>Checking Michaela is comfortable on her back you embrace her and as your lips lock together you rub your cock against her outer pussy lips.
"You are teasing me." she gasps, opening her legs for you.
<img src="Images/HC20/micdeflower.webp" width=600 />
You slide the glans of your cock inside, just an inch, and she gasps. She wraps around your shaft tightly, and you feel resistance as you push inside, realising with a shock that her hymen is intact and she is a true virgin on her wedding night. She nods at you and you push further, feeling wetness as something gives and she cries out. Looking down you see a little blood between her legs as you push in and out.
"It only hurts a little. Keep going my love." she pants.
\<<else>><img src="Images/HC20/micbridefuck.webp" width=600 />
Lowering her on her back you slide yourself again into her pussy, getting into a rhythmn as she grips you tightly, her fingers pushing into your back as her legs wrap around you.
"Enjoy me, my sweet." she gasps.
\<<link [[Cum in Michaela's pussy|HC20_18]]>><<set $temp =13>><<StripAll>><</link>>
<<link [[Lick Michaela's pussy|HC20_18]]>><<set $temp = 3>><<StripAll>><</link>>
<<link [[Roll over so she is on top|HC20_18]]>><<set $temp = 5>><<StripAll>><</link>>
<<link [[Change position and take her from behind|HC20_18]]>><<set $temp = 8>><<StripAll>><</link>>
<<link [[Fuck Michaela's mouth|HC20_18]]>><<set $temp = 7>><<StripAll>><</link>>
\<<elseif $temp eq 5>><img src="Images/HC20/micrevcowgirl.webp" width=600 />
You slide out of her wiping your cock before you turn over, and Michaela climbs on top of you.
"I didn't think I was the dominant one in this marriage." she laughs as she wriggles back and forth. You reach up and start tweaking her pert pink nipples as her slim body rides yours.
\<<link [[Cum in Michaela's pussy|HC20_18]]>><<set $temp =12>><<StripAll>><</link>>
<<link [[Lick Michaela's pussy|HC20_18]]>><<set $temp = 3>><<StripAll>><</link>>
<<link [[Change position to missionary|HC20_18]]>><<set $temp = 4>><<StripAll>><</link>>
<<link [[Change position and take her from behind|HC20_18]]>><<set $temp = 8>><<StripAll>><</link>>
<<link [[Fuck Michaela's mouth|HC20_18]]>><<set $temp = 7>><<StripAll>><</link>>
\<<elseif $temp eq 7>><img src="Images/HC20/micbridebj2.webp" width=600 />
Michaela starts licking at your erect cock. She is more beautiful than you have ever seen her in her wedding finery, and her ringlets crown her face as she gently sucks upon your cock before pushing it deep inside her throat, gagging slightly at the pressure.
[[Cum in Michaela's mouth|HC20_18][$temp = 18]]
<<link [[Fuck Michaela's pussy|HC20_18]]>><<set $temp = 4>><<StripAll>><</link>>
\<<elseif $temp eq 8>><img src="Images/HC20/micbridedoggy.webp" width=600 />
You move behind her and take Michaela doggy style, cupping her breasts with your hands as you slide between her parted thighs. You playfully slap her rounded buttock and she grinds against you.
"Is this alright? It feels divine to me, but I have never done this before." ahe asks.
You answer with a grunt as you push yourself deeper and deeper into her tight virgin vagina, pressure building as you feel your arousal grow.
<<link [[Cum in Michaela's pussy|HC20_18]]>><<set $temp =14>><<StripAll>><</link>>
<<link [[Lick Michaela's pussy|HC20_18]]>><<set $temp = 3>><<StripAll>><</link>>
<<link [[Roll over so she is on top|HC20_18]]>><<set $temp = 5>><<StripAll>><</link>>
<<link [[Change position to missionary|HC20_18]]>><<set $temp = 4>><<StripAll>><</link>>
<<link [[Fuck Michaela's mouth|HC20_18]]>><<set $temp = 7>><<StripAll>><</link>>
\<<elseif $temp eq 12>><img src="Images/HC20/micbridevagcumshot2.webp" width=600 />
Michaela grinds back and forth on top of you.
"I can feel you inside me. Properly inside me, oh god it's like we are one. Oh lord, I'm..."
She spasms, her climax bringing on your own and you squirt deep inside her.
"Now I feel like a real woman." she says, kissing you passionately.
\<<elseif $temp eq 13>><img src="Images/HC20/micbridevagcumshot.webp" width=600 />
With a cry, you thrust harder into Michaela's virgin pussy.
"It's so deep. I feel so full. Oh yes, fill me, fuck me, yes, more, more..." she pants as you ejaculate deep inside her. Fingering her clit, she gasps to her own climax.
"Now I feel like a real woman." she says, kissing you passionately.
\<<elseif $temp eq 14>><img src="Images/HC20/micbridedoggycum3.webp" width=600 />
With a cry, you thrust harder into Michaela's virgin pussy from behind, rubbing her clit hard. She shrieks with pleasure and her pelvic musckles grip you tight as you ejaculate deep inside her. Your warm sperm drips out of her as you pull out.
"Now I feel like a real woman." she says, turning and kissing you passionately.
\<<elseif $temp eq 9>>"About that, it is very pretty and all but I did prefer you with a cock." You say.
"Do you not like it?" Michaela sounds heartbroken.
"I love you. You don't need to change to make me want you."
She embraces you tightly, and carefully eases the wedding ring off her finger. You watch in awe as her pussy closes up and her clitoris grows to be a tiny but perfectly functional penis which springs to a very small erection.
<img src="Images/HC20/micbridecock.webp" width=600 />
"You prefer me like this?"
You nod. "I love all of you, cock and all."
"We can always play with the ring later. Right now I want you inside me, husband, more than I have ever wanted you."
<<link [[Fuck Michaela's mouth|HC20_18]]>><<set $temp = 10>><<StripAll>><</link>>
<<link [[Fuck Michaela's ass|HC20_18]]>><<set $temp = 11>><<StripAll>><</link>>
<<elseif $temp eq 10>><img src="Images/HC20/micbridebj.webp" width=600 />
Michaela starts licking at your erect cock. She is more beautiful than you have ever seen her in her wedding finery, and her ringlets crown her face as she gently sucks upon your cock before pushing it deep inside her throat, gagging slightly at the pressure.
[[Cum in Michaela's mouth|HC20_18][$temp = 18]]
[[Fuck Michaela's ass|HC20_18][$temp = 11]]
<<elseif $temp eq 11>><img src="Images/HC20/micbridetransanal.webp" width=600 />
Michaela lies back on the bed and lifts up her legs, revealing a tight oiled hole. You take hold of her ass cheeks and gently pull them apart before sliding yourself into her wet asshole.
She moans and you see her cock twitch with pleasure as you penetrate her, and start thrusting yourself deeper and deeper into your bride.
[[Cum in Michaela's ass|HC20_18][$temp = 19]]
[[Fuck Michaela's mouth|HC20_18][$temp = 10]]
\<<elseif $temp eq 18>><img src="Images/HC20/micbridebjcum2.webp" width=600 />
Michaela licks and sucks you gleefully, wrapping her tongue and fingers around your cock until with a cry you spurt all over her lips and face. She licks it off greedily.
"Does this count as consummating our marriage?" she asks.
"If you and I think so, then what anyone else thinks doesn't count. We have a lifetime after all."
\<<elseif $temp eq 19>><img src="Images/HC20/micbridetransanalcum2.webp" width=600 />
With a cry, you grip Michaela's nipples firmly and start to push yourself into her harder. She puts her fingers in your mouth before putting her hand over her own tiny cock and starts rubbing it with your saliva, panting as she nears her own climax. You feel her sphincter tightening as you cum deep inside her hole with a cry. She spurts her own seed over her belly, and you lie there, entwined in each others arms.
<<if $temp gt 11>>"I love you, darling." she says.
"And I love you too, my darling wife."
You fall asleep in each others arms.
<</if>><<if $temp eq 1>><img src="Images/HC20/nicbridebedroom.webp" width=600 /><<set $temp2 = 0>>
"Alone at last" says Nicola, embracing you in her pristine wedding dress and immaculate again after her earlier exertions.
"I believe I promised to love, honour and obey." she says. "I want you to enjoy me, to use me, to take pleasure in my orifices. I am yours now until the end of days. What is your desire, my husband?" she asks flirtatiously.
You look at your bride, beautiful, slim and elegant, the tight black collar contrasting with the virginal white of her dress. You are faced with a dilemma, to lie with her as your bride and consummate your marriage, or to treat her as your possession and enforce your dominance over her.
\<<elseif $temp eq 2>>
<<if $temp2 eq 0>><img src="Images/HC20/nicbridemissionary.webp" width=600 />
You lie Nicola on her back and admire her beautiful frame, her wedding veil still attached to her copper locks. She parts her legs slightly and looks at you admiringly.
"Take me, my love."
You do not need to be asked twice, and slide your cock against her vulva lips before pushing yourself inside, making her gasp. You thrust inside her harder, seeking to make her yours.
[[Put your hands to her throat|HC20_19][$temp = 9]]
<<elseif $temp2 eq 1>><img src="Images/HC20/nicbridespreadeaglefuck.webp" width=600 />
With your bride tied to the bed, you are unable to resist the urge to take her. You gently finger her pussy lips, and she moans as your finger rubs at her slick wetness. You push a finger inside for good measure, before replacing it with the head of your cock.
"Fill me, $nicdomname" she whimpers. You push into her, half an inch at a time, relishing the sensation of having this beautiful creature willing, desperate for you to use her as you wish. She gasps as you push the final inch into her and begins squeezing you with her pelvic muscles, her breath coming out in short moans as you plough into her.
<<elseif $temp2 eq 2>><img src="Images/HC20/nichogtiefuck3.webp" width=600 />
You position yourself carefully behind her, holding her bound arms for support as you slide into her wet cunt. She cannot resist and from this angle you are able to enter her deeply, squeezing on her small breasts from behind as you take her.
\<<elseif $temp eq 3>>
\<<if $temp2 eq 0>><img src="Images/HC20/nicbrideblowjob.webp" width=600 />
You gesture at your feet, and your bride kneels in front of you as she has so many times in the past.
"I think this is my favourite position, looking up and worshipping your cock." she says.
"Open." you say, and she obeys, opening her mouth wide and waiting with anticipation. You rest your cock against her lower lip and close your eyes as you enjoy the sensation of her slowly licking it from head to shaft, coating it in saliva before devouring it.
\<<elseif $temp2 eq 1>><img src="Images/HC20/nicspreadeaglebj.webp" width=600 />
Tied to the bed, Nicola cannot resist you slipping your erect cock between her lips, but seems to relish it, licking and sucking at it with gusto until you force yourself deep into her throat. She strains against her bonds a little as you facefuck her on the bed.
\<<elseif $temp2 eq 2>><img src="Images/HC20/nichogtiedbj.webp" width=600 />
The arch of her back pulls up Nicola's head to the perfect height for you to slide your cock between her willing black lips. She smiles eagerly as you part them with your member, and licks and sucks as she is unable to otherwise move in her hogtie.
\<<elseif $temp eq 4>>
<<if $temp2 eq 0>><img src="Images/HC20/nicbrideanaldoggy.webp" width=600 />
You turn Nicola onto her front and part her legs, rubbing scented oil into her rear hole before pushing the tip of your cock against it. Her ass is tight, but you ease yourself into it, squeezing her buttocks tightly as you get into a nice rhythmn.
\<<elseif $temp2 eq 1>><img src="Images/HC20/nicspreadeagleanal.webp" width=600 />
You lift Nicola's rear off the bed slightly with a cushion, revealing her pretty pink asshole which you lubricate with scented oil.
"Fuck my arse, please $nicdomname." she begs, with a depth of desire that still startles you, compared with the chaste maiden you knew only three short years ago. You oblige, easing into her. From this angle you cannot fuck her deeply, but this is offset by the tight bondage allowing you to admire your bride from above as you take her ass, teasing her nipples and pussy as you thrust into her arse.
\<<elseif $temp2 eq 2>><img src="Images/HC20/nichogtiefuck2.webp" width=600 />
After rubbing some oil into her hole and over your cock, you position yourself carefully behind her, holding her bound arms for support as you slide into her oiled arse. She cannot resist and from this angle you are able to enter her deeply, squeezing on her small breasts from behind as you take her.
\<<elseif $temp eq 5>>
<<if $temp2 eq 2>>You untie her hogtie, allowing her a brief moment of respite before resuming her bondage.
\<<set $temp2 = 1>><img src="Images/HC20/nicspreadeaglebride.webp" width=600 />
Lying her on her back, you take Nicola's arms and tie them to the posts at the corners of the bed, pulling the cords so that they are outstretched. You pull her legs apart, spreading her pussy wide and opening her up so that she is at your mercy.
"Fuck me, please $nicdomname" she begs.
\<<elseif $temp eq 6>><img src="Images/HC20/nicbrideonbed.webp" width=600 />
<<if $temp2 eq 1>>You untie her from her spreadeagle position, allowing her a brief moment of respite before resuming her bondage.
\<<set $temp2 = 2>><img src="Images/HC20/nicbridehogtied.webp" width=600 />
You lie Nicola down on her front and take her limbs one by one, tying them together behind her until her back is arched and her hands are tied tightly together and roped to her feet. She is completely helpless and at your mercy.
\<<elseif $temp eq 7>><img src="Images/HC20/nicbrideonbed.webp" width=600 />
You release Nicola from her bonds, carefully releasing the ropes from around her wrists.
"Thank you $nicdomname." she gasps, as circulation returns to her body.
\<<set $temp2 = 0>>
\<<elseif $temp eq 8>><img src="Images/HC20/nicteasebride.webp" width=600 />
You gently rub Nicola's clit with the tip of your finger, bringing her to the edge of climax but stopping abruptly. She moans, her head flapping from side to side.
"Please may I cum, $nicdomname?"
You shake your head. "Soon, my love." before resuming your attention to her body.
\<<elseif $temp eq 9>><img src="Images/HC20/nicbridemissionarychoking.webp" width=600 />
You reach down and put your hand to Nicola's throat, choking her as you fuck her. Her eyes begin to water, and she bucks her pelvis in time with yours, gasping for breath.
\<<elseif $temp eq 12>>You feel your climax arising and thrust yourself harder into your beautiful bride's sweet snatch. Passing the point of no return, you ejaculate with a scream, before lying on top of her. Nicola mutters your name breathlessly as she lies beneath you.
<<if $temp2 eq 0>><img src="Images/HC20/nicbridecumshot.webp" width=600 />
\<<elseif $temp2 eq 1>><img src="Images/HC20/nicspreadeaglecumshot.webp" width=600 />
\<<elseif $temp2 eq 2>><img src="Images/HC20/nicbridehogtiecumshot.webp" width=600 />
\<<elseif $temp eq 13>>You feel your climax arising and thrust yourself harder into your beautiful bride's sweet mouth. Passing the point of no return, you ejaculate with a scream all over her face, before lying on top of her. Nicola mutters your name breathlessly as she lies beneath you.
<<if $temp2 eq 0>><img src="Images/HC20/nicbridecumshot1.webp" width=600 />
\<<elseif $temp2 eq 1>><img src="Images/HC20/nicspreadeaglebjcum.webp" width=600 />
\<<elseif $temp2 eq 2>>
<img src="Images/HC20/nichogtiedbjcum.webp" width=600 />
<<elseif $temp eq 14>>You feel your climax arising and thrust yourself harder into your beautiful bride's sweet ass. Passing the point of no return, you thrust a final time and cum deep inside her ass, pulling her hair as you ejaculate with a scream, before lying on top of her. Nicola mutters your name breathlessly as she lies beneath you.
<<if $temp2 eq 0>><img src="Images/HC20/nicbrideanalcum.webp" width=600 />
\<<elseif $temp2 eq 1>><img src="Images/HC20/nicspreadeagleanalcumshot.webp" width=600 />
\<<elseif $temp2 eq 2>><img src="Images/HC20/nichogtiefuckcum.webp" width=600 />
\<<if $temp gt 10>>
After you lie together in the bed, she snuggles up to you as if for protection.
"Today was just perfect." she says, then rests her head on your chest, with no need for further words.
<</if>><<if $temp eq 19>>
"It's you that I want. It's you that I married my love." says Daisy. But I do need to be fucked tonight." I think if you hurry you might be able to catch Ruby, Matthew.
"Phew, glad that's sorted. I'm off to shag a bridesmaid." says Matthew, making himself scarce from your complicated marital arrangements.
<<set $temp = 1>>
\<<if $temp eq 1>><img src="Images/HC20/daisybrideleskiss3.webp" width=600 />
"Well, we are finally alone, darling." says Daisy, pulling you in for an embrace. You are both dressed in beautiful white wedding dresses.
"It is such a shame that you couldn't wear this for the ceremony. All those guests thought you were still a man! Still, we can always put these dresses on when we play, can't we?"
Your lips meet hers and you kiss her passionately on the bed, before she pulls her dress down and pushes your head towards her nipples. Getting the picture you start to suck on them greedily, and she returns the favour, playing with your smaller breasts as she explores the contours of your body. Eventually her fingers find their way inside your underwear and stroke the soft wet slit inside and you let out the deepest moan you have ever sounded as the sensation overwhelms you.
"Oh $subname. I forgot you had never had a real clitty before. Take off your dress, let me take a look at you."
<<link[[Strip|HC20_20]]>><<StripOuter>><<set $temp = 2>><</link>>
<<elseif $temp eq 2>><img src="Images/HC20/Daisybridecunni.webp" width=600 />
You take off your dress, stripping down to your fine French white bridal lingerie as Daisy fingers the pale pink pussy inside your lace panties. Pushing you down firmly she ties your hands to the bed posts, before starting to lick at you with long wet strokes. You open your mouth to moan, but Daisy shoves own panties into your mouth.
"Ssh darling. You will wake the whole club."
She keeps you at the edge for half an hour, gently teasing your new virgin labia and nibbling your clit before thrusting two fingers inside and wriggling them about delightfully.
Waves of pleasure build within you and you start to shake, but she continues and with a muffled cry you have your first real clitoral orgasm, panting with joy as Daisy keeps gently licking you.
"Did you enjoy that, darling $subname?"
You nod.
"Good girl. Well to get more like that you will have to earn them, won't you?"
You nod again. "Yes Miss Daisy."
"I'm a married woman now. Mrs $playersurname akes me sound like your mother. Mrs. Daisy sounds too stuffy. How about Mistress. I am now the Mistress of our house, after all."
"Yesh Mish..tress Dayshy." you say with your panty filled mouth.
"I think it's my turn. Now it is my wedding day and we need to consummate this properly. Let us try something."
She reaches down to your finger and gently teases off the wedding ring.
[[See what happens|HC20_20][$temp = 3]]
<<elseif $temp eq 3>><<ring>><img src="Images/HC20/daisybridebj1.webp" width=600 />
You feel a warm glow in your genitals, and your clit that is still so sensitive from its climax starts growing, until a minute later your full erect penis is protruding outwards.
"This cock is mine." says Daisy possessively. "It only comes out when I want to be fucked with it. The rest of the time you are my sweet princess, do you understand?"
"Yes Mistress Daisy. Do you want to fuck your cock now?"
"Very much so. And then I will make you a girl again, you are so much prettier that way. But we will have to find a way to stop you taking this ring off, I'm not sure I can trust you by yourself with a cock any more."
"I only love you Mistress Daisy."
"I know, Darling. But sometimes boys think with their willies, and I do want you to be a good girl. Now sit still there and fuck your wife."
[[Fuck Daisy enthusiastically|HC20_20][$temp = 5, $daisycel = 0]]
[[Refuse|HC20_20][$temp = 4, $daisycel = 1]]
<<elseif $temp eq 4>>
\<<if $daisycel eq 1>><img src="Images/HC20/daisybride0.webp" width=600 />
You try to protest, but with Daisy's panties in your mouth all that comes out is garbled moan.
"What is that, you don't want to fuck your wife on her wedding night? Let me make something very clear to you, I want this marriage to be legal and I will be fucked by a cock tonight. So either I call your best man in here right now, or you fuck me with that cock. What is it to be?"
She is magnificent when she is angry, and your cock twitches as she delivers her ultimatum, a tiny bead of pre cum forming on the end.
[[Fuck Daisy resignedly|HC20_20][$temp = 5, $daisycel = 0]]
[[Agree to let her fuck Matthew|HC20_21][$temp = 2]]
<<elseif $temp eq 5>><img src="Images/HC20/Daisybriderevcowgirlfuck.webp" width=600 />
She climbs astride you and shoves the hard cock between her soft white thighs, gripping it tightly as she pushes her buttocks down upon you.
You last longer than usual with her on top, possibly due to your earlier climax, and soon feel yourself building up again, a different sensation to earlier, more urgent, and focussed just in your cock and balls. You rub hard on Daisy's nipple as you ejaculate inside her.
<img src="Images/HC20/Daisybriderevcowgirlfuckcum.webp" width=600 />
"Yes, fuck me, just like that. Harder, yes, just there, don't stop." She grinds on top of you and you feel her pussy spasm, milking the last of the sperm from your deflating cock as she cums.
Daisy lies back on the bed, looking at you.
<<if $penis eq "small" or $penis eq "tiny">>"That was lovely, although you are a teeny bit small. Now we have this under control most of the time is there anything you can do to make it bigger again. You do want to satisfy your Mistress don't you?"
\"Now we are properly married. Did you enjoy that?" your wife asks, taking the panties out of your mouth finally.
<<if $daisycel eq 1>>"Yes, but I preferred it with a pussy, Mistress"
"I know, sweetness. But you do want to make your Mistress happy, don't you? And you have made very clear that you don't want me fucking other men. Most of the time I will be quite happy with your tongue and your clitty, but that isn't going to give me babies is it?"
"No Mistress Daisy."
"So once or twice a month, when I am most fertile, I expect my cock here to perform. The rest of the time you can be $femname with a pretty pink pussy."
\<<else>>"Yes Mistress Daisy."
"Now let us put that cock back where it belongs. Let me see if this works."
She loosens your collar, and secures your ring to it so it will rest snug about your throat, before tightening and locking the collar fixed again.
[[Wait|HC20_20][$temp = 6]]
<<elseif $temp eq 6>><img src="Images/HC20/daisybridepussylick.webp" width=600 />
You feel the same warmth in your genitals and your $penis penis atrophies once again, reducing itself to a tiny cum covered clitoris. A cleft opens up between your thighs, growing in seconds to be a damp vagina.
"Beautiful. I could watch that all day." says Daisy, mesmerised. "I was not sure that would work. Now let us see." she wriggles your collar, but the ring remains fixed against your skin and your vagina remains in place.
"Good. Now I do believe that you have cum twice and myself only once. Does that seem fair to you?"
"No Mistress Daisy."
She affixes the leash to your collar and pulls your head down between her legs. The stench of your semen mixed with her juices fills your nostrils as you see drips of cum leaking from her pussy.
"You know what to do, darling wife."
You get licking, tasting the salty cum that coats her damp just fucked pussy lips. With her holding tight on the leash and wrapping her thighs about you you can only suck and lick, and she keeps you there for almost an hour until your lips and tongue are sore and she has cum thrice more.
"Now we are married we can do this every day. I am so happy, Darling."
The pair of you snuggle up in the bed of the bridal suite and she wraps her arms tightly around you as she falls deeply asleep.
<</if>><<if $temp eq 1>><img src="Images/HC20/daisybride0.webp" width=600 />
[[Agree to be cuckolded by Matthew|HC20_21][$temp = 2]]
[[Agree to be cuckolded by Matthew, and invite the ushers in too for an orgy|HC20_21][$temp = 3, $temp3 =2]]
[[This is too much, it's my wedding day. Offer to take the ring off|HC20_20][$temp = 19]]
<<elseif $temp eq 2>><img src="Images/HC20/daisybride0.webp" width=600 /><<cuck>>
"Sit over there until we need you, darling." says Daisy, indicating an armchair at the side of the room.
You do as you are instructed, sitting quietly. You note that Matthew doesn't make eye contact with you, but Daisy does, looking at you as she embraces Matthew and kisses him on the lips. He responds as he always does to a pretty girl, and soon the pair of them are half naked and caressing each others bodies. You can't help but be aroused and start touching yourself between the legs, feeling a jolt as your finger touches your new clitoris before moving down and rubbing your vulva lips, which you note are slick with your own juices.
Matthew and Daisy are on the bed now, and she has his massive member in her hand.
"Look at the size of this thing. This is what you need to satisfy a married woman. My poor $femname only had a tiny little thing, and now doesn't even have that. What do you think it is like to have this inside you, sweetheart."
"I think you would feel stretched." you reply honestly, but part of you does wonder what it would be like to be penetrated by a real cock.
Your wife looks straight at Matthew.
"Fuck me hard. I want you to stretch me. Put a baby in me on my wedding night."
<img src="Images/HC20/Daisycuckfuck.webp" width=600 />
Matthew turns to you for reassurance and you nod, the game progressed too far for any other option. He turns back to Daisy and starts rubbing his cock against her wet outer lips, before pushing inside. She cries out in pleasure with a deep moan before beckoning over to you.
"Darling, come and join us. Kiss me down here."
You lie down next to them and start licking at Daisy's clit as Matthew's huge penis slides in and out of her. At one point he pulls out entirely and Daisy puts the tip of it in your mouth, and you lick off Matthew's precum as well as Daisy's juices.
"Can you taste me, $femname."
"Yes my wife."
"Good girl. Now get back to licking."
She opens her legs wide and you keep lapping at her as Matthew pushes harder and harder into her.
"Oh God I feel so full, yes, just like that, give me more you real fucking man."
Matthew lets out a deep groan as he ejaculates deep inside your wife, before pulling out and rolling onto his back.
"Oh, what a mess. Why don't you clean that up my sweet?"
You lean down and start licking the cum out of your new bride's pussy as she runs her fingers through your hair.
"Good girl. But what about Matthew. He's all sticky too. Clean him up my sweet."
You turn your attention to Matthew and lean down towards him, with Daisy eagerly pushing at you from behind, relishing the image of you with your best friend's engorged cock between your lips.
<img src="Images/HC20/Daisycuckcockclean.jpg" width=600 />
"Isn't that lovely. My wife is a cum eating slut." says Daisy. "You can do this every time I am fucked, can't you darling? Now swallow it all down, I am sure you have a little room after all that wedding cake."
You swallow, and grimace as the thick slimy liquid goes down your throat, leaving only a salty aftertaste.
"Now, I think it is your turn. Do you want Matthew to test out that new pussy of yours?"
[[Agree to be fucked by Matthew|HC20_21][$temp = 4]]
[[Decline to be fucked by Matthew|HC20_21][$temp = 5]]
<<elseif $temp eq 3>><<set $cuckcount +=3>>
"Sit over there until we need you, darling." says Daisy, indicating an armchair at the side of the room.
You do as you are instructed, sitting quietly. You note that Matthew doesn't make eye contact with you, but Daisy does, looking at you as she embraces Matthew and kisses him on the lips. He responds as he always does to a pretty girl, and soon the pair of them are half naked and caressing each others bodies. You can't help but be aroused and start touching yourself between the legs, feeling a jolt as your finger touches your new clitoris before moving down and rubbing your vulva lips, which you note are slick with your own juices.
<img src="Images/HC20/Daisycuckfuck4some.webp" width=600 />
The two other ushers also join in, and soon six hands are rubbing themselves all over Daisy's body.
She lies on the bed and opens her legs wide.
"Watch as this lovely big cock fucks my hole my $subname. This will never be you, just my lovers. But I will let you lick me out afterwards my sweet."
She gasps as Matthew takes her, his huge cock reminding you of your own tiny member. One of the ushers pulls down his trousers and your wife greedily starts sucking on his penis also, and then the other usher, moving her head from left to right as she alternates fellating them.
<img src="Images/HC20/Daisycuckfuckcumshot.webp" width=600 />
The sight is too much for you and you start rubbing your new clit furiously. The three men cum in turn on your wife, twice on her face, and one in her cunt, which brings you over the edge as you climax yourself, feeling your new pussy spasm uncontrollably.
"Come and clean me up, darling." commands Daisy.
bringing yourself to climax
<img src="Images/HC20/Daisybridecunnireceive.webp" width=600 />
You lean down and start licking the cum out of your new bride's pussy as she runs her fingers through your hair.
"Good girl. But what about Matthew. He's all sticky too. Clean him up my sweet."
You turn your attention to Matthew and lean down towards him, with Daisy eagerly pushing at you from behind, relishing the image of you with your best friend's engorged cock between your lips.
<img src="Images/HC20/Daisycuckcockclean.jpg" width=600 />
"Isn't that lovely. My wife is a cum eating slut." says Daisy. "You can do this every time I am fucked, can't you darling? Now swallow it all down, I am sure you have a little room after all that wedding cake."
You swallow, and grimace as the thick slimy liquid goes down your throat, leaving only a salty aftertaste.
"Now, I think it is your turn. Do you want Matthew to test out that new pussy of yours?"
[[Agree to be fucked by Matthew|HC20_21][$temp = 4]]
[[Decline to be fucked by Matthew|HC20_21][$temp = 5]]
<<elseif $temp eq 4>><img src="Images/HC20/DaisycuckMCfuck.webp" width=600 />
"Good girl. Now you just kneel down here in front of me, and keep licking. Those panties are drenched, get them off you. I hope you have enough left for one more, Matthew. Now yes get in there behind her."
She takes hold of your hair tightly and pulls your face down to her wet snatch, as you feel Matthew's hands on your arse. You are thankful you don't see him, but focus on your wife's clit until you feel yourself being stretched from inside.
"How does she feel, Matthew?"
"Tight. I can barely get in."
"Oh, I forgot she is a virgin. Be gentle, it is her first time."
You cry out as inch by inch Matthew pushes into you from behind, unable to do anything but bury your head between Daisy's legs. You blink tears from your eyes as the pressure increases, knowing that as this is Matthew's second time he will last longer than before. But perhaps be a little smaller and less hard. Though he feels huge. Oh shit, he slides deeper again into you, and reaching behind you feel he still has three inches to go.
"No more." you beg.
"Nonsense. It always hurts the first time. Just keep licking down there, you are doing very well, isn't she Matthew?"
He just grunts, enjoying the sensation of deflowering you.
<img src="Images/HC20/DaisycuckMCfuckcum.webp" width=600 />
After seven minutes or so he speeds up and as he cries out you feel a warm stickiness inside you. Daisy rubs her own clitty and squirts her juices on your face. You are too sore to enjoy the experience much. Matthew pulls out, and you feel cold stickiness dripping onto your thighs from your numb vagina.
Daisy kisses Matthew and dismisses him curtly, before turning her attention to you.
"Oh you poor thing, I remember how it hurts the first time. And for me that was with Ruby and an ivory dildo she was gifted by a Greek sailor. Come and snuggle my sweet princess."
She snuggles up next to you, kissing you lightly as she falls quickly asleep.
<<elseif $temp eq 5>><img src="Images/HC20/daisybrideleskiss.webp" width=600 />
"No thank you my love. My new toy is just for you. I want to see you with other men as I know you need want them, you need their cocks, but I am content just to watch." you say. Daisy throws her arms around you and kisses you.
"Not just to watch. To kiss, and to lick, you are so very good at that. Very well. Let us snuggle up here then. Matthew, if you hurry I saw Ruby making eyes at you earlier. I promised not to tire you out <b>too</b> much, but it is traditional for the best man to screw the bridesmaid. Chop chop."
Matthew pulls on his clothes and gets dressed, confused about what kind of crazy relationship he is mixed up in. He always was a sucker for a bad girl though. Daisy gives him a long kiss goodbye, before she climbs into the centre of the bed, and beckons you to snuggle up.
"Let us take a look at this pussy of yours then."says Daisy.
<img src="Images/HC20/Daisybridecunni.webp" width=600 />
She keeps you at the edge for half an hour, gently teasing your new virgin labia and nibbling your clit before thrusting two fingers inside and wriggling them about delightfully.
Waves of pleasure build within you and you start to shake, but she continues and with a muffled cry you have your first real clitoral orgasm, panting with joy as Daisy keeps gently licking you.
"Did you enjoy that, darling $subname?"
You nod.
"Good girl. I think I am going to enjoy being married. Do you think that Matthew put a baby into me?"
She snuggles up next to you, kissing you lightly as she falls quickly asleep.
<<elseif $temp eq 19>><img src="Images/HC20/Daisybride5.webp" width=600 />
"No, I can't." you say. "It is our wedding day, it should be me."
"But darling, you said you didn't want to put your clitty in me. And now you have a lovely pretty pussy you don't have to. We can get Matthew in when we want cock. He won't mind, will you?"
"Er, perhaps I should wait outside until you sort this out..." mumbles Matthew.
"Look darling. It is quite simple. You either agree to fuck me with a cock when I want, or to let me take other lovers. What is it to be."
[[Agree to be cuckolded by Matthew|HC20_21][$temp = 1, $temp3 =1]]
[[Agree to use your cock|HC20_20][$temp = 1]]
<</if>><<if $temp eq 1>><img src="Images/HC20/Matthewsuitbedroom.webp" width=600 />
"So. This is it. We're married."
"It certainly seems that way." you reply.
"And you're a girl now."
"More miracle medicines?"
"A magic wedding ring, courtesy of Orlando."
"Magic. Pah. It must be some trick of the light. Let me look at it."
"I'll show you mine if you show me yours." you quip.
<img src="Images/HC20/Matthewnaked.webp" width=600 />
He stands next to the bed and unbuttons his trousers, revealing his mighty cock.
"Alright. Was it always that big?"
He nods. "Your turn."
<img src="Images/HC20/pussycloseuparoused.webp" width=600 />
You strip down and reveal your new pussy, gleaming with a little of your juices from all the day's excitement.
"It certainly looks authentic. Can I touch it?"
"That is rather the point, husband." you say.
He gently pushes a finger against your vulva lips and you tremble slightly before smiling.
"So I can consummate the marriage?"
[[Make love to Matthew with your new vagina|HC20_22][$temp = 2]]
[[Talk about going back to how you were|HC20_22][$temp = 11]]
<<elseif $temp eq 2>>
You lie back on the bed.
"Be gentle. I am a virgin remember."
Matthew looks astonished, and slips his finger inside you, feeling your tightness.
"Fuck, a virgin bride. I will take it slow."
He starts off by kissing you all over, starting on your lips and moving down your neck, your breasts and your nipples, before nuzzling your belly button until you laugh.
"Stop, it tickles darling."
He moves to your toes, ankles, moving up until he parts your thighs and plants little kisses on them.
You know what is next and start breathing heavily.
You feel the tip of his tongue tracing around your new anatomy, occasionally flicking at your pussy lips which gives you a little thrill each time, until he starts with long wet strokes of his tongue starting at your clit and moving down to your perineum. You cry out at the first of these.
"Is this how it is for a woman? I'm trembling and you've not even got inside yet."
"Do you want me to?"
<img src="Images/HC20/Matthewvagmissionary2.webp" width=600 />
You nod, and he rests the tip of his cock against your new pussy, just moving inside an inch, and gently pushing against you.
"It feels stuck. I am not sure there is room."
"You are a virgin remember. Just hold tight, this might sting." He kisses you on the mouth as he increases the pressure down below, and you feel a sense of being stretched out and filled up completely, but no pain. You gasp at this.
<img src="Images/HC20/Matthewvagmissionary.webp" width=600 />
"Are you alright?"
"Yes. Just... the sensation. I feel so full."
"The Matterhorn is quite large remember. And it is onlyy half way in."
"Half way! I can't take any more."
"Not tonight. But with practice. I'm looking forward to getting in a lot of practice. Just lie back and enjoy this."
<img src="Images/HC20/mattbridemissfpov.webp" width=600 />
He starts moving out and in, only to half his length, but it still seems as if he is pushing a huge vegetable into you with each thrust. You move your hand down to your nipples and touch the tips lightly, closing your eyes and relishing the sensation. A wave of pleasure starts to build, then stops as Matthew adjusts his posture.
"Keep going. Just like you were before. That was wonderful."
"You're easily pleased, mate. Ok, just like before."
He starts pushing in again, but slightly quicker and a fraction deeper now you are more lubricated from your arousal, and you feel the wave of pleasure come over you again, but stronger this time. You grip his cock with your vaginal muscles and squeeze involuntarily.
"Fuck yes, that is so tight. I'm almost there."
<img src="Images/HC20/mattbridemisscum.webp" width=600 />
"Come inside me, husband. I love you." you moan, your eyes closing as you reach your first vaginal orgasm. Your hand descends to your clit which you rub furiously, tipping you over the edge and your whole abdomen spasms as you feel hot wetness deep inside you as Matthew climaxes. He collapses on top of you.
<img src="Images/HC20/Matthewvagmissionarycumshot.webp" width=600 />
"Did the earth move for you too?" you ask.
"Mmhh. I think you broke me. Your new quim came equipped with some pretty strong muscles down there.
"I think I'll stretch. Over time. We'll have to practice."
"Oh no, sex with my beautiful wife. How will I cope?"
The two of you laugh and snuggle, still lying arm in arm as his erection subsides and he slips out of you.
<<elseif $temp eq 11>><img src="Images/HC20/Matthewnaked.webp" width=600 />
"I am not sure. It doesn't feel right. Do you mind if I go back to how I was?"
Matthew looks disappointed but nods, absentmindedly waving his naked cock around.
<<if $temp1 eq 1>>"I thought I was supposed to be the one in charge in this relationship.
\ I am a simple man, if I see a pretty cunny I want to fuck it. And you do have a very pretty cunny. But I don't want to rush you. I agreed to marry you before you had it so I shouldn't be upset."
You do not want to disappoint your husband, but must do what is right for you.
[[Take off the ring|HC20_22][$temp = 12]]
[[Make love to Matthew with your new vagina|HC20_22][$temp = 2]]
<<elseif $temp eq 12>><img src="Images/HC20/Matthewnaked.webp" width=600 />
<<ring>>You feel a warm glow in your genitals, and your clit that is still so sensitive from its climax starts growing, until a minute later your full erect penis is protruding outwards.
"Wow. Where did that come from?"
"I think it used to be my clitoris."
"At least it's easier to find now." he jokes.
"So. Do you still fancy me like this?" you ask, nervously.
"You're my best mate. And pretty as a picture. I'd fancy you even if you had two cocks. Just don't tell the football team."
"So how do we do this?"
<img src="Images/HC20/mattbottomsex.webp" width=600 />
He lies you on your back and puts a pillow under your bottom, lifting up your rear and revealing your asshole.
"It's easier from behind but I want to look at you." he says.
<<if $Mattfetish eq "Anal">>To think, if I hadn't told Nicola I wanted to try anal I'd probably be married to her. And look at us now." you joke.
Matthew laughs.
\He rubs some scented oil into your hole and pushes his cock against it, while kneading your breasts with both hands, sliding in a few inches. Your own cock twitches at the sensation, though it is a fraction of the size of Matthew's.
"Oh God." you cry out, relishing the sensation as Matthew pays plenty of attention to your nipples and even rubs your tiny cock a little, enjoying teasing you. The head of his cock keeps rubbing against your prostate as his hand stimulates your cock and breasts, and you are in heaven.
"Keep going like that and you'll make me come."
"That makes two of us." he says, rubbing you furiously as he increases his pace.
<img src="Images/HC20/mattbottomsexcumshot.webp" width=600 />
Your cock starts twitching and you ejaculate all over your stomach as you feel your husband do the same in your rear.
"I now pronounce you husband and wife." says Matthew, doing a passable impersonation of the bishop earlier.
"You may fuck the bride up the arse." you reply, and the pair of you fall about laughing before snuggling and falling asleep arm in arm, your stomach and ass still covered in cum, but not wanting to end the moment.
<</if>><<WearAll>><<day>><<set $energy = 10>><<set $time = "Morning">> The morning after you <<if $HC20 neq 6>>and $spouse <</if>>descend to breakfast. You see a number of the other guests there.
<<if $spouse eq "Daisy">>Ruby is sitting next to Matthew, holding hands and stroking his hair.
"It is customary for the bridesmaid and best man to get better acquainted" they explain.
<<elseif $spouse neq "Matthew">>Daisy is sitting next to Matthew, holding hands and stroking his hair.
You eat breakfast and speak to your friends before departing for your home.
<<link [[Leave|HC21]]>><</link>><<widget HC20rubyend>>"Don't you want to cum?" you ask.
"I fuck for a living. It's sometimes nice just to cuddle." she says, her head resting on your chest. "Daisy was a virgin only four months ago, at least she had never been with a man before, only me. She used to tease me about sex, called me her sluttiest friend, but I think she was scared to screw a man. But this place, it's been good for her. And you, you were so boring when we first met you."
You agree, and drift off to sleep, thinking how things have changed.
<<widget nicbridesex>>
<<if $temp neq 2>>[[Fuck her pussy|HC20_19][$temp = 2]]<<else>>[[Cum|HC20_19][$temp = 12]]<</if>>
<<if $temp neq 3>>[[Fuck her mouth|HC20_19][$temp = 3]]<<else>>[[Cum|HC20_19][$temp = 13]]<</if>>
<<if $temp neq 4>>[[Fuck her ass|HC20_19][$temp = 4]]<<else>>[[Cum|HC20_19][$temp = 14]]<</if>>
[[Tease her pussy|HC20_19][$temp = 8]]
<<if $temp2 neq 1>>[[Tie her to the bed|HC20_19][$temp = 5]]
\<<if $temp2 neq 2>>[[Hogtie her|HC20_19][$temp = 6]]
\<<if $temp2 neq 0>>[[Untie her|HC20_19][$temp = 7]]
<<widget DaisyHC20end>>
"I love you, husband." she says, as she snuggles next to you.
"And I love you, my wife." you respond.
<<widget weddingkitchen>>
You head to the kitchen to get something to eat.
<<if $YvBabmaid gt 0>><img src="Images/HC11/Yvkitchen.webp" width=600 />
Babette serves you both some eggs on toast.
"Ze groom is looking tres handsome this matin." she mouths in her heavily accented English. "He can fertilise my eggs any time."
"Sorry, love. I'll be a married man by lunchtime."
"We 'ave time for a quickie, before you are off the menu." she says, leaning over to give you both a view of her tits.
[[Screw the staff|HC20_3][$temp =2]]
<<else>>You eat a light breakfast. Your kitchen seems quiet. Perhaps you should hire a cook.
[[Head to the church|HC20_4]]
<<widget megandomevent10>>
<<if $temp1 eq 0>>[[Call out|Megan_domevent10][$temp = 11]]
\<<if $temp2 eq 0 and $temp3 lt 2>>[[Crawl over to the door|Megan_domevent10][$temp = 12]]
<<elseif $temp2 eq 0>>[[Head to the closed door|Megan_domevent10][$temp = 12]]
\<<elseif $temp2 eq 1>>[[Try to resuscitate Megan|Megan_domevent10][$temp = 15]]
\<<elseif $temp2 eq 2>>
\<<if $temp3 eq 0>>[[Try to get the key to unlock yourself|Megan_domevent10][$temp = 13]]
\<<elseif $temp3 eq 1>>[[Get a knife from the kitchen to cut the armbinder|Megan_domevent10][$temp = 14]]
<</widget>><<if $temp eq 1>><img src="Images/HC20/meganrear.webp" width=600 />
Megan sits before you, wiping her brow.
"It has been a tiring week, rub my shoulders a little while."
You comply, standing behind her and kneading the muscles, feeling a little awkward at doing so naked while she is fully clothed.
She closes her eyes and lets out a sigh of contentment, before beckoning you to sit at her feet, which of course you do without question.
"It is the small often unimportant things that sometimes are most important in a relationship. I do so appreciate your little acts of service." She puts a finger to your chin as she talks, lifting your head to gaze at hers.
<img src="Images/HC20/meganchair.webp" width=600 />
"Today I want to think about stress. A submissive must build up tolerance to be able to endure challenging situations. Whether pain, or discomfort, this inner strength must be flexed and developed, like a muscle. Do not look so afraid, I am not going to hurt you. Not tonight anyhow. I have a gift for you, open the package behind you."
<img src="Images/HC20/packages.webp" width=600 />
You see two packages wrapped in brown paper and carefully unseal the first, revealing a triangular piece of soft black leather, with rivetted holes fitted with laces like a corset.
"What is it?" you ask.
<img src="Images/HC20/armbinder.jpg" width=600 />
"This is an armbinder. It serves to hold your arms immobile, usually behind your back. Open the other."
You comply, revealing a pair of leather boots. They are heavily inclined, like stiletto shoes, but have no heels.
<img src="Images/HC20/balletshoes.webp" width=600 />
"And these are ballet shoes. Not the sort used by ballerinas. But they do force your feet into the same <i>en point</i> position. The rigid sole wil not allow you to do anything other than stand on your toes or fall over. It will take some time to learn to walk in these, so today you are going to practice, against a wall. In time you will be able to bring me a drink wearing these. And your arse will look so much better with you standing on your toes."
[[Change into the shoes|Megan_domevent10][$temp = 2]]
\<<elseif $temp eq 2>>
You change into the shoes which grip your feet tightly. Your first attempt to stand in them results in you falling onto the floor.
"Rome was not built in a day. Now let me sort your arms, to help you focus."
She pulls your arms behind your back, hands at your waist and straps them into the leather, lacing it up tightly before placing a thick belt around your upper arms. This pulls them tightly, and uncomfortably behind your back, pushing your chest out.
<img src="Images/HC20/armsbound.jpg" width=600 />
"That will do to start. My preferred position has the arms inverted, pointing upward like an inverse prayer, but down will have to do for now. And a lock to finish I think."
She loops a small brass padlock through hoops at the end of the laces, which click closed ominously, and places the key on the table.
"Now stand against the wall, honey."
You crawl over against the wall, unable to walk in these shoes, and push yourself up it until you stand vertically on your toes, your had resting against the wall. Megan walks next to you to inspect, her gloved hand gives your arse a squeeze before she nods approvingly.
"A good start. Now stand still for as long as you can. Half an hour should do it."
She turns, seemingly ignoring you, and sets about ordinary activities - sipping wine, rearranging cushions, reading a book, all while staying just within your eyeshot, showing you that she is keeping an eye on you.
The pain in your arm and leg muscles is starting to increase to a dull throb.
[[Continue standing|Megan_domevent10][$temp = 3]]
[[Give up|Megan_domevent10][$temp = 20]]
\<<elseif $temp eq 3>><<set $temp1 = 2>><img src="Images/HC20/meganwalking.webp" width=600 />
You hear the clock strike eight, and Megan nods appreciatively. "Fifteen minutes. That is a good start. I will just go and change into something more comfortable. No peeking."
Here's something to remind you of me. You hear her pulling off her panties which she shoves between your lips as a makeshift gag, then you hear her walking away behind you, and a door close.
A test, you think. To see if you still comply even when you think you are not being watched. You grit your teeth and ignore the pain in your calves, back and shoulders, continuing to stand against the wall. You hear a dull thud from behind you but focus on your task.
<<set $timer = 3>>
You are rewarded by the sound of the clock striking a quarter past eight. You have managed half an hour.
Megan still has not returned, but perhaps this is still part if the test.
<<link [[Continue standing|Megan_domevent10]]>><<set $temp = 4>><</link>>
[[Give up|Megan_domevent10][$temp = 10]]
\<<elseif $temp eq 4>>
You stand still for another quarter of an hour, being rewarded by the chime from the church tower telling you that it is <<timer 3>>.
The pain in your limbs is
\<<if $timer lt 7>>bearable
\<<elseif $timer lt 13>>painful
\<<elseif $timer lt 19>>agonising and you feel a need to go to the lavatory.
\<<elseif $timer lt 25>>excruciating and you have a desperate need to urinate.
\<<else>>overwhelming and you are starting to wet yourself.
<<if $timer gt 24>>[[Collapse in a pool of your own urine|Megan_domevent10][$temp = 9]]
<<else>><<link [[Continue standing|Megan_domevent10]]>><<set $temp = 4>><</link>>
[[Give up|Megan_domevent10][$temp = 10]]
\<<elseif $temp eq 9>>You fall to the floor with a groan, collapsing as you take the weight of your toes. Without your arms to support you as they are tied behind you you inelegantly sprawl on your side, and smell the rank smell of where you wet yourself. Megan will not be happpy with you. You expect a snide comment in Megan's <i>disappointed voice</i>, but are surprised when none is forthcoming. Looking around you see that the door to her boudoir is still closed.
Could something have happened to her? It has been hours. You start to worry.
\<<elseif $temp eq 10>>You fall to the floor with a groan, collapsing as you take the weight of your toes. Without your arms to support you as they are tied behind you you inelegantly sprawl on your side. You expect a snide comment in Megan's <i>disappointed voice</i>, but are surprised when none is forthcoming. Looking around you see that the door to her boudoir is still closed.
Could something have happened to her?
Is this part of the test?
\<<elseif $temp eq 11>>
"Mistress. Mistress Megan!" you call out.
There is no reply.
This is not like Megan at all. <<set $temp1 = 1>>
\<<elseif $temp eq 12>>
You worry about entering your Mistress' sanctum unbidden. You have been in there before of course, some of your most intimate moments have happened behind those doors, but always with her permission.
<<if $temp3 lt 3>>You painfully move yourself over to the door. Unable to use your arms or feet this takes about five minutes or slithering your body against the wooden floor. Once at the closed door you push yourself up and move the handle down with your side, falling against the heavy wooden door to push it open.
\ <<else>>You rush to Megan's boudoir and open the door easily.
<</if>><img src="Images/HC20/meganfloor.webp" width=600 />
\ Once inside you see Megan lying on the floor, unmoving. There is a small cut on her head and she lies awkwardly, as if after a fall.You move to her side and cannot see any sign that she is breathing.
<<set $temp2 = 1>><<set $temp1 = 1>>
\<<elseif $temp eq 13>>
The key is resting on the table, and you are easily able to get to it. You are unfortunately unable to use it. You cannot reach the lock with your hands, and are therefore unable to turn the key. You cannot move your arms enough to move the lock from behind your back, so cannot use your mouth to hold the key.
You think how else you might free your arms. You could call for help from outside, although seeing you naked and bound would cause a small scandal so you discount this plan. Or you could look for a knife in the kitchen to cut the armbinder from you. <<set $temp3 = 1>>
\<<elseif $temp eq 14>>
You crawl into Megan's kitchen, a scrupulously clean room with a stone workbench and a large number of bottles of wine. You worry for a moment that she might drink too much. You spy a collection of knives of the worktop, and knock them with your head onto the floor, hoping that none land on your feet or exposed fleshy parts. Wedging one between your ankles, you rub the straps holding your wrists together against the blade and after ten minutes effort manage to cut through the wrist strap. This frees your hands enough to unlock the padlock and shuffle out of the armbinder. You worry that you have destroyed your Mistress' lovely present, but your hands are now free. You reach down and untie the laces on these ridiculous shoes. <<set $temp3 = 2>>
\<<elseif $temp eq 15>>
You move next to Megan and put your cheek next to her perfect red mouth, but feel no breath. You remember some doctor you met from Gottingen in a military medicine lecture talking about the importance of chest compressions to start bloodflow to the heart, as well as getting air into the lungs through artificial means or blowing.
<<if $temp3 lt 2>> Tied as you are you aren't able to easily compress Megan's ample bosom other than by sitting on it, and to get air into her lungs you are going to have to kiss her. Without permission. The thought horrifies you. But the alternative of letting her die is worse.
You lean down and place your mouth against her soft red lips, blowing in to her lungs hard twice. You then roll her onto her back and awkwardly sit on top of her chest, squatting up and down with some force to work her lungs.
\<<else>>You can compress her chest but that will involve manhandling her body. And to get air into her lungs will involve you kissing her without permission. The thought horrifies you. But the alternative of letting her die is worse.
You lean down and place your mouth against her soft red lips, blowing in to her lungs hard twice. You then roll her onto her back and place your hands over her breastbone, pushing down hard.
\One. Two. Three. Four. Five. Six
[[Try Again!|Megan_domevent10][$temp = 16]]
\<<elseif $temp eq 16>>
<img src="Images/HC20/meganfloor.webp" width=600 />
Starting to panic you call out.
"Help, somebody help!"
You lean down to her lips again and make a seal against them, blowing into them twice more, harder than before. You realise you are struggling to get air in.
The fucking corset.
<<if $temp3 lt 2>>Reaching around behind yourself you fumble
\<<else>>You pull
\<</if>> at the laces, freeing her breasts from their cage and allowing her chest to move again, before blowing once again into her mouth. It is easier this time, and you see her chest move up, her large pink aereola rising as you blow.
<<if $temp3 lt 2>>Again you sit on her chest and squat with all your might.
\<<else>>You place both hands between her breasts and press hard, her bosom first yielding and then you feel her ribcage move beneath your hands.
One, Two, Three. Four.
Breathe damn you! You cry, pushing harder still.
There is a cough and a sharp intake of breath beneath you.
You sit back, shocked.
"You are alive!"
Her eyes open, as she looks at you.
<img src="Images/HC20/meganonbed.webp" width=600 />
"Apparently so. And topless. I do hope you have not been taking advantage of me."
"Er..." you mumble.
"Out with it." She starts to sit up, but soon thinks better of it and lies back down.
"Get me a pillow and a glass of brandy. And do kindly explain what is going on."
"You were on the floor. I think you might have fallen."
"I remember coming in here to get changed. And then nothing."
"Perhaps you fainted."
"Do I look like a slip of a girl in a novel? Still, perhaps you are right. Go on."
"I, I was worried. I waited as you instructed. I heard a noise. But you didn't come back, so I called out. And then came to find you. I am sorry I disobeyed your instructions, Mistress."
"And the clothes?"
"You weren't breathing. I had to push on your chest to get your lungs working. But the corset was in the way and I had to take it off. And I had to blow into your lungs. I am sorry Mistress. I would not have if it had not been life or death."
You bow your head submissively.
"You sweet sweet thing. You saved my life, and you are worried about your submission. It is I that should apologise. I left you tied up without a way out even when I was feeling tired. I was not thinking clearly. Come, hold me my hero."
You lie down next to her and she puts her arms around your naked body.
<<if $temp3 lt 2>>"You are still bound. You managed to get here and save my life without taking this off. You are like that Houdini fellow I have read so much about. Go get the key and I will get this binder off"
You crawl over to where she left the key and bring it back, and she unties your arms and releases your feet.
"You are dutiful, staying loyal to me even when it perilled both of us. I must admit that I am growing quite fond of you."
<<else>>"What happened to the armbinder?"
"I wasn't able to unlock it. I am afraid I had to cut it off."
"Very resourceful. Things can be replaced. I would hope that I am less replaceable in your affections. And I must admit that I am growing quite fond of you.
The pair of you lie together for some time, your head snuggled against her breasts like a new born babe as she puts her arms around you protectively.
"I think after all this excitement I should get some rest. Are you able to get home safely?"
You nod and get dressed.
<<if $timer gt 24>>It is only after you get home that you remember the pool of urine you left on her floor...<</if>>
<<link [[Dress and return Home|YourRoom]]>><<wait>><<WearAll>><</link>>
\<<elseif $temp eq 20>>
You move from your position to the floor, defeated.
"So soon, darling. I am a little disappointed. I don't think you were really trying. Why don't you head off and give it another go next week?"
<<link [[Dress and return Home|YourRoom]]>><<wait>><<WearAll>><<set $Megandomevent =11>><</link>>
<</if>>\<<set $HCevent = 21>><<temp>><<if $daisystatus neq 23>><<updatevers>><</if>>
\<<if $spouse eq "Matthew" or ($spouse eq "Daisy" and $Daisy eq "dom")>><<set $ring = 1>>
\ <<elseif $spouse eq "Michaela">><<set $ring = 2>>
\ <<else>><<set $ring = 0>>
\ <</if>>
<<if $spouse eq "Matthew" or ($spouse eq "Daisy" and $Daisy eq "dom")>><<set $Master = "Mistress">><</if>>
\<<if $spouse eq "Daisy" and $Daisy eq "dom">><img src="" width=600 />
"Well, it is traditional for the bride to be carried over the threshold the first time. Even in circumstances like ours." She looks at you expectantly.
You pick her up and prepare to step through the door.
"Oh darling, this is wonderful, the first day of our new life together." she purrs.
\<<elseif $spouse eq "Daisy">><img src="" width=600 />
You pick $spouse up and step through the door.
"Oh darling, this is wonderful, the first day of our new life together." she purrs.
\<<elseif $spouse eq "Michaela">><img src="" width=600 />
Michaela looks a little nervous as you stand outside the door of your home.
"Your home is so big. Gabriel and I grew up in a tiny little place. I am truly to be the mistress of this home."
You nod to reasure her and pick $spouse up, carrying her through the door.
"Oh darling, this is wonderful, the first day of our new life together." she purrs.
\<<elseif $spouse eq "Nicola">><img src="" width=600 />
Nicola looks a little nervous as you stand outside the door of your home.
"It is strange being here openly, not sneaking in covertly. I feel like an imposter."
"No, you belong here." you reassure her.
You pick $spouse up and step through the door.
"Oh darling, this is wonderful, the first day of our new life together." she purrs.
\<<elseif $spouse eq "Matthew">><img src="" width=600 />
"Well $playersurname. I guess this is it. He puts down his weekend bag and picks you up, giving your arse an affectionate squeeze as he lifts you across the threshold of your new home."
\<<else>>You reach the front door of your house and pause. After all the excitement of the wedding it is refreshing to get back to normality, even if it is a little anticlimactic. You suppose that Matthew is carrying Daisy across the threshold about now. You shrug and step alone into your house.
\<<if $spouse neq "none">>[[Go inside|HC21_1]]
<<else>>[[Go inside|YourRoom]]
<</if>><<if $butler eq 1>>Ernest opens the door, bowing deeply. "It is an honour to serve you, Sir and Madam" he says, perhaps sincerely.
\<<if $YvBabmaid eq 1 >>
As you and $spouse enter your home you are greeted by your staff.
Yvette and Babette curtsey. "Welcome home, Sir and Madam."
\<<else>>You and $spouse enter the hall of your home.
"It is very quiet here." remarks $spouse. "This place is too big for the two of us.
\<<if $spouse eq "Daisy">>We will need a housekeeper. And a cook. I shall make arrangements. And as the Lady of the household I will need a Ladies' maid. I have asked Ruby, hopefully this will get her to stop all that whoring, I do worry about her sometimes. Those should do for now."
\<<elseif $spouse eq "Michaela">>Does a house of this size need servants? I don't know how I would feel being waited on. Yvette and Babette from the club were looking for work, it wouldn't be so bad if it was someone that I know."
\<<elseif $spouse eq "Nicola">>I do not know how to run a household like this. We had servants at home, and lived much more simply in the convent. If it is not too presumptuous, $nicdomname, can I look into getting a cook and housekeeper. I will cook and clean for you if you demand but I fear I won't then be able to serve you properly in other areas." Her eyes glint cheekily. "I think I heard a couple of French girls from the club were looking for work, I will employ them if that meets your approval?"
You nod. "I agree. You will be a little tied up to be able to cook or clean."
\<<elseif $spouse eq "Matthew">>We need some staff, $playersurname. Yvette and Babette from the club were looking for work, you wouldn't mind a couple of French fillies about the place would you? And you'll need a ladies' maid. Your bridesmaid Ruby might fit the bill, common but not too common if you know what I mean."
[[Look about the house|HC21_2]]<<if $spouse eq "Daisy">>
Daisy looks about the bedroom.
"It is the larger room, but it doesn't get the light. No, you can keep this one, I shall have the room across the hall."
You follow as she steps into what she decrees to be the room of the Mistress of the house.
"Yes, this is much better. We will need to decorate of course. New wallpaper, and I will need a bed."
And a wardrobe for all my clothes. But this floor is very cold, so some rugs as well..."
It is at least half an hour that she lists off the improvements that she will require as Mistress of the house, before moving down the corridor.
\<<elseif $spouse eq "Michaela">>
"I don't know what to do with all this space." says Michaela.
"Why do we need separate bedrooms?"
"Well we have plenty of space." you reply. You can keep your stuff in one and me in here."
"But which one will we fuck in?" she says.
"We could take turns." you offer.
"I think I would like that."
\<<elseif $spouse eq "Nicola">>
"Do I need my own room?" asks Nicola. "I would rather stay with you."
"This gives us twice the space to play in." you say. "And my room is full of all my stuff. You will find you do need some privacy, after all."
"You know best, darling. But I am used to a small plain room in the convent. I do not know what I will do with all this space"
\<<elseif $spouse eq "Matthew">>
"All this space!" says Matthew.
"We should have separate rooms. It wouldn't do to be tripping over all that ladies' stuff. You keep the one you are in, I shall take the one across the hall. Yes this will do nicely. But the study downstairs, I shall take that. For work, and smoking. I do like a nice pipe of tobacco. He paces about the study, sitting in an armchair and lighting up a pipe, and looking very content as the man of the house.
[[There is a ringing at the door. Answer it|HC21_3]]<<SetFlag "event" false>>
<<if $spouse eq "Daisy" >><<set $Rubymaid = 1>>
"Darling, Ruby is here." says Daisy.
"Hello Ruby, good to see you. Make yourself comfortable." you reply.
"To be my ladies maid, silly."
You had quite forgotten that Ruby had agreed to serve as Daisy's maid.
"Now you must call me Mistress Daisy when you are working, but we can just be Ruby and Daisy when you are off duty." explains Daisy, taking her friend by the arm and showing her upstairs.
You continue with your business, before realising that you had forgotten to speak to Daisy about arrangements for dinner this evening. You walk upstairs and open the door to Daisy's room to find Daisy and Ruby undressed and kissing passionately.
[[Join in|RubyDaisysex][$temp = 1]]
[[Make your excuses and Quickly leave|YourRoom]]
\<<elseif $spouse eq "Matthew">><<set $Rubymaid = 1>>
"Your new maid is here." says Matthew, leading Ruby into the parlour.
You greet Ruby, who does a passable attempt at a curtsey to show respect to her new mistress.
"What shall I call you?" she asks?
"Mistress Chadwick I suppose, but that sounds very formal." you reply.
You show Ruby to her room.
"I have never had a ladies maid before." you say.
"What are your responsibilities?"
"Well I need to keep you presentable, help you with clothes and makeup and so on."
"That will be a great help. I am still not used to makeup." you admit.
"It does take some getting used to. Anyhow, let's take a look at you. If that is alright with you, Mistress Chadwick."
She starts inspecting your clothes, then shakes her head, and starts to adjust your dress.
For a moment, her eyes meet yours.
[[Kiss Her|Rubysex][$temp = 2]]
[[Make your excuses and Quickly leave|YourRoom]]
<</if>><<if $temp eq 1>><img src="Images/HC21/RubyMaidbed.webp" width=600 />
You step closer and run your hand down her face, noting her pretty freckles.
"I was hoping that you wanted some company tonight, Ruby."
<<if $spouse eq "Daisy" and $Daisy eq "domXX">>"I am not sure that Mistress Daisy would be happy with this. You know that she only likes me to play with her present. Shall we go and call on her?"
[[Go with Ruby to Daisy's room|RubyDaisysex][$temp = 1]]
<<elseif $spouse eq "Daisy">>
"Well we could play, or we see if Daisy wants to join in as well. That might be even more fun" suggests Ruby.
[[Go with Ruby to Daisy's room|RubyDaisysex][$temp = 1]]
[[I just want you tonight, Ruby|Rubysex][$temp = 2]]
"You do know that I'm supposed to be your maid, not a whore any more." says Ruby, not protesting much as she starts to undress.
[[Strip|Rubysex][$temp = 2]]
\<<elseif $temp eq 2>><img src="Images/HC21/Rubybednaked.webp" width=600 />
You and Ruby undress quickly and she gives you a deep kiss with her tongue parting your lips.
"Where do you want me?" she asks, suggestively.
[[Oral|Rubysex][$temp = 3]]
\<<if $penis neq "none" and $chastity neq 1>>[[Vaginal|Rubysex][$temp = 4]]
[[Anal|Rubysex][$temp = 5]]
\<<elseif $temp eq 3>>
\<<if $chastity eq 1>>Ruby takes one look at the metal contraption between your legs.
"I can't do much about that. But your tongue still works, right?"
You nod.
Ruby lies you down and starts massaging you, rubbing her naked body against yours. Your cock presses against the metal frame of your cage painfully and she smiles.
"I didn't have many submissive clients, but the ones I did have knew how to please me with their mouths." she says as she lies back, spreading her legs.
<img src="Images/HC21/Rubymaidfingering.webp" width=600 />
You bend down in front of her and lick and suck at her breathlessly as she keeps massaging your body, driving you wild with sensation until she squeals like a cat and squirts in your mouth.
"Squeee.. Oh, sorry, I lost control a bit there. That was lovely. Do you want to snuggle now?"
You spoon up against her on the bed
<<elseif $penis eq "none">><img src="Images/HC21/Rubycunni4.webp" width=600 />
"Oh, I know what you want. Lie back honey, I have been doing this to Daisy forever. But yours is still so new, I can't get over that."
She gets you comfortable on a pillow and starts licking at your lower lips. Her tongue flicks against your hairless slit, leaving a trail of saliva like a delicious snail creeping across your sex, before burrowing deep inside as her fingers start working in tandem.
You close your eyes as the pretty girl sups at you, and when you open them you see her own pussy hovering above your face. You lick at her as well, burrowing your face between her legs until you both bring yourselves to sweet release.
<<else>><img src="Images/HC21/Rubyblowjob7.webp" width=600 />
Ruby gulps down your hard cock like a pro, teasing her togue down its length and covering it with saliva and drooling as she takes it to the back of her throat, gagging a little for effect. Her tongue teases the had and you soon feel your climax coming, as you pull out she drools thick globs of semen down her face.
<img src="Images/HC21/rubyblowjobcum2.webp" width=600 />
\<<elseif $temp eq 4>><img src="Images/HC21/Rubymissionary2.webp" width=600 />
Ruby lies back and opens her legs wide, fingering her pussy suggestively.
"Is this what you want? Come and get it, my $Master." The stress on the last word is mocking, you know that she does not care for the games of submission practiced at the Hellfire club.
"Wait, just rest it on top." she says as she gently wets your cock with the juices from her pussy, rubbing its head with the tip of her finger. With every breath she takes it creeps lower, until it slips inside her with a barely audible gasp.
"Take me now. Your very own whore living under your own roof. Every man's dream. Fuck me and suck me and go back to being respectable on the morrow but tonight you are mine."
Her words stir a fire within you and you kiss her sweet freckled face, pulling a little on her ponytail.
She pulls you out just before you cum, spraying your seed all over her belly and breasts.
"Don't want me getting pregnant, do we?"
<img src="Images/HC21/Rubycumcovered.webp" width=600 />
<<elseif $temp eq 5>><img src="Images/HC21/Rubyanal1.webp" width=600 />
Ruby bends over and sticks her arse in the air like a pro, mouthing "Fuck my arse" wordlessly.
You take her roughly from behind, she's been a whore for a few years so you guess she is used to being treated this way, and slap her ass for good measure as you push into her.
"Oh god yes, fill my shithole." she says, her cockney acent coming out as she talks in a most unladylike way, rubbing her clit furiously as you thrrust into her.
The dirty talk has its desired effect and you cum quickly, before the pair of you lie on the bed and snuggle.
"Most of the time I screw someone married they leave their home first." she laughs.
<<if $temp neq 1>><<link [[Leave|YourRoom]]>><<WearAll>><</link>>
<</if>><<if $temp neq 1>><<set $p += 1>><</if>><<if $temp eq 1>>\<<set $randomset = [1, 2]>><<set $r = $randomset.pluck()>>
\<<if $r eq 1>><img src="Images/HC21/RubyDaisyleskiss.jpg" width=600 />
\<<elseif $r eq 2>><img src="Images/HC21/rubydasiyleskiss.webp" width=600 />
<</if>><<set $p = 0>>
You stand in the bedroom with Ruby and Daisy. The pair are naked, kissing and stroking each other's hair affectionately as you enter.
"Why Mistress Daisy. It is your darling love, come to give their wife a goodnight kiss." says Ruby with a sarcastic tone.
She leans in and kisses Daisy's lips softly.
"Do you want to join us, Darling?" asks Daisy.
You undress and join them on the bed. <<StripAll>>
\ <<elseif $temp eq 2>><img src="Images/HC21/Daisyyrubykiss.webp" width=600 />
Daisy and Ruby entwine their tongues together and kiss. You lean in and join them, your hands cupping their breasts, Daisy's larger and softer, whilst Ruby's are firmer and more pert. Hands, mouths and fingers start caressing all three of your bodies as you lie on the bed.
\ <<elseif $temp eq 3>><img src="Images/HC21/RubyDaisyblowjobkiss.webp" width=600 />
The pair hold your erect cock in hand as they start to kiss, then move their mouths down and start to plant tiny kisses all down its shaft.
<img src="Images/HC21/RubyDaisyblowjob2.webp" width=600 />
As you start to moan, Ruby opens her mouth and starts to suck the head of your cock, while Daisy looks on approvingly. .
<img src="Images/HC21/RubyDaisyblowjob.webp" width=600 />
The pair keep alternating, licking at your shaft until it is drenched in a mixture of salivaa and your own pre cum.
\<<set $randomset = [1, 2, 3]>><<set $r = $randomset.pluck()>>
\<<if $r eq 1>><img src="Images/HC21/RubyDaisycockworship.webp" width=600 />
\<<elseif $r eq 2>><img src="Images/HC21/RubyDaisycockworship3.webp" width=600 />
\<<elseif $r eq 3>><img src="Images/HC21/RubyDaisycockworship2.webp" width=600 />
\ <<elseif $temp eq 4>><img src="Images/HC21/RubyDaisyrevspitroast5.jpg" width=600 />
Daisy strokes your cock until it is hard before climbing on top of you, sliding it deep inside her.
"Oh my, that is just lovely."
Ruby nods with agreement, kissing you before gently lowering her own pussy onto your face. You start licking at it, noticing the difference in taste and texture between the two girls, as they start to kiss and paw at each other as they ride you harder until you feel Daisy shuddering to a climax above you as Ruby lets out a little squirt into your open mouth with a feline whelp.
\ <<elseif $temp eq 5>><<set $randomset = [1, 2]>><<set $r = $randomset.pluck()>>
\<<if $r eq 1>><img src="Images/HC21/RubyDaisyrevspitroast3.webp" width=600 />
\<<elseif $r eq 2>><img src="Images/HC21/RubyDaisyrevspitroast2.webp" width=600 />
Ruby lowers herself onto your erect cock with an admiring gasp.
"I do love this cock, Daisy."
"Take care of it, I might need it myself later." laughs your wife as she lowers herself onto your face. She starts grinding onto your face as your tongue probes deep into her cunt and arsehole as Ruby rides your cock hard.
\ <<elseif $temp eq 6>><img src="Images/HC21/Rubythreesomefuckfrombehind3.webp" width=600 />
You kneel down behind Ruby and push your cock into her tight hole, fingering her asshole as you fuck her cunt.
"Yes, fuck me hard." she says as Daisy lies in front of her and spreads her legs. Ruby obliges by licking at her pussy, and your wife grins at you as with every one of your thrusts her ladies maid's tongue pushes deeper inside her.
You grip Ruby tightly and push in as hard as you can, almost bending her double and causing a squeal of pleasure from Daisy.
<img src="Images/HC21/Rubythreesomefuckfrombehind2.webp" width=600 />
<<elseif $temp eq 7>><img src="Images/HC21/Daisythreesomefuckfrombehind.webp" width=600 />
You slide your cock into Daisy's pussy as she kneels down and starts lapping at Ruby's moist pussy. You grip her arse tightly, unable to see your wife's face but hearing the moans of her ladies maid as every one of your thrusts is transmitted through Daisy's probing tongue into her most sensitive regions.
<img src="Images/HC21/Daisycunni3.webp" width=600 />
<<elseif $temp eq 8>><img src="Images/HC21/DaisyrubyLesthreesome4.jpg" width=600 />
Ruby kneels between your legs as Daisy guides her down, and she starts licking at your outer pussy lips with a delicate touch. You let out a soft mmoan and relax as you feel her tongue opening you up.
<img src="Images/HC21/Daisycunni5.webp" width=600 />
They swap and Daisy starts licking as well, long strokes from your asshole to your clit that make you tremble more each time.
"I do think my little princess is enjoying this." says Daisy/
<<elseif $temp eq 9>><img src="Images/HC21/DaisyrubyLesthreesome9.webp" width=600 />
The three of you grind your pussies together, alternating intertwining your limbs until you are all slick with each others juices and moaning softly.
<<elseif $temp eq 10>><img src="Images/HC21/Rubyspread.webp" width=600 />
"Me first." says Ruby, pushing her crotch into your face eagerly.
She is already dripping wet, and puts her hand behind your head to keep it in place as you lick her wet lips. You feel Daisy's fingers between your legs, not enough for pleasure, but enough to tease you as you lick her friend.
<img src="Images/HC21/DaisyRubycunni.webp" width=600 />
"My turn now. Watch carefully, this is how you do it." says Daisy, reclining as Ruby kneels between her legs. She expertly eats out your wife, who squirms with pleasure.
"Oh my. You know just how I like to be licked."
"I have been doing it for ages, Daisy. And besides, what are friends for." replies Ruby.
Ruby steps back and gestuures for you to replace her.
"Now little strokes, keep her at the edge and just flick at the clitty now she is all excited."
<img src="Images/HC21/pussylick3.webp" width=600 />
You do as instructed, flicking every few seconds as Daisy's moans increase in volume until she clasps her thighs about your head as she climaxes.
<<elseif $temp eq 11>><img src="Images/HC21/DaisyRubyles1.jpg" width=600 />
"Now where were we?" asks Daisy.
"About here I think." she and Ruby recline on the bed and kiss each other softly, touching each others breasts and thighs.
"Now touch yourself, but no cumming." says Daisy sternly.
You can't help but rub between your legs as the two put on a lesbian show for you, licking, kissing and stroking each other as they produce increasingly audible moans and gasps.
\<<set $randomset = [1, 2]>><<set $r = $randomset.pluck()>>
\<<if $r eq 1>>"I want to try something." says Ruby. "Help me lift her."
She stands up and you lift Daisy who wraps her legs around Ruby's neck for support. The redhead is surprisingly strong.
<img src="Images/HC21/DaisyRubystanding69.webp" width=600 />
"Some of us have to work for a living." she says as you remark on it.
Once secured, Ruby laps between Daisy's thighs as Daisy does the same to her standing friend. You imagine the pair licking at you also and fondle yourself at the spectacle.
"Oh my." says Ruby, wobbling as Daisy hits a sensitive spot, before collapsing next to you on the bed.
\<<elseif $r eq 2>><img src="Images/HC21/RubyDaisyscissor2.webp" width=600 />
The pair move closer, and start rubbing themselves against each other, panting as their pussies touch. They kiss softly as both pairs of lips rub together, oblivious to your presence
\<<elseif $temp eq 12>><img src="Images/HC21/RubyDaisymasturbation.webp" width=600 />
The three of you cuddle together on the bed, your fingers running down each others smooth taut bodies. You and Daisy smile at each other, then touch between Rubys' thighs, enjoying teasing her together, like playing with a doll.
<img src="Images/HC21/pussyspread.webp" width=600 />
"My turn now." says Daisy, sitting back and opening her thighs. You run your fingers around the soft vulva lips, before Ruby kneels down and starts licking as you slide first one then two fingers inside.
"More." commands Daisy. "I want it to feel like a huge man is inside me."
You oblige, coating your hand in Daisy's juices and Rubys saliva before sliding three, four fingers inside, then your entire hand.
"Oh my lord. I feel like I am having a baby." moans Daisy as you slide your fist in and out of her.
<img src="Images/HC21/Rubycunni4.webp" width=600 />
\<<if $temp eq 99>>
"No." you say.
"I beg your pardon?" says Daisy.
"No. $safeword. I don't want to do this any more."
"Sssh baby. It's ok. We are just playing. Come and snuggle."
The three of you climb into the bed together and doze to a restful sleep.
<<else>> <<RubyDaisysex>>
<</if>><<if $temp eq 3>><img src="Images/HC21/RubyDaisyblowjobcum.webp" width=600 />
You spurt your semen all over Daisy's pretty face. Ruby leans in and starts kissing her, licking your seed off her lips and kissing her friend.
"I know a ladies maid's job is to make you look presentable, but you do make it hard when you are covered in this stuff my sweet." she jokes
\<<elseif $temp eq 4>><<if $chest neq "flat">><img src="Images/HC21/RubyDaisyfutaspitroastcumallover.webp" width=600 />
\<<else>><img src="Images/HC21/daisyrubyrevspitcum.jpg" width=600 />
"Fuck yes, cum in me now." screams Daisy, squeezing you tight with her pelvic muscles until you ejaculate deep in her. She slips off you and the semen flies everywhere momentarily, until she mounts you again and rides you hard, kissing Ruby as she does.
"And I thought we might have to stop having fun like this when you were married." jokes Ruby.
\<<elseif $temp eq 5>><<if $chest neq "flat">><img src="Images/HC21/RubyDaisyfutaspitroastcum.webp" width=600 />
\Your hips buck as you cum deep inside Ruby, and feel hot stickiness dripping down onto your thighs. She rubs her fingers in it and transfers some between Daisy's legs, and you keep licking at your juices combined with hers and Rubys until you lie still, completely spent. The girls stay atop you for a while, kissing softly, before the three of you snuggle in bed together and sleep.
\ <<elseif $temp eq 6>><<set $randomset = [1, 2]>>
\<<set $r = $randomset.pluck()>>
\<<if $r eq 1>><<img src="Images/HC21/Rubythreesomefuckfrombehindcum.webp" width=600 />
\<<elseif $r eq 2>><img src="Images/HC21/Rubythreesomefuckfrombehindcum2.webp" width=600 />
\<<elseif $temp eq 7>><img src="Images/HC21/Daisyrubydoggycum.webp" width=600 />
You thrust deeply into Daisy
"Oh yes, just like that, I'm coming, oh lord yes." she mumbles as she desperately licks at Rubys dripping folds. You feel her cunt tightening around you and pass the point of no return, gripping her arse tighly as you cum deep inside her. Ruby smiles at you slyly as the three of you collapse into a sticky heap, kissing each other.
\<<elseif $temp eq 8>><img src="Images/HC21/DaisyRubycunnicum.webp" width=600 />
Daisy and Ruby both lick together, Daisy lying over your stomach, Ruby between your legs, their tongues working in unison on your lips and clit. You moan loudly as your arousal builds, until you squirt a little as they make you come.
"Two tongues are better than one." quips Ruby as her tongue licks your juices from Daisy's face.
\<<elseif $temp eq 9>><img src="Images/HC21/RubyDaisyscissor.jpg" width=600 />
The three of you sit with legs intertwined, rubbing your vaginal lips together until you can bear it no longer, and you feel warmth spreading throughout your body. Your abdomen shakes and the three of you hold each other, sweat dripping off you.
<<elseif $temp gt 9>>The sight of the two beauties is too much for you and you furiously masturbate, rubbing between your legs until you cum.
<<link [[Sleep]]>><<WearAll>><</link>>You go to see your wife in her room.
<<set $ret = "Daisyspouseroom">>
<<if $Daisy eq "dom">>[[Submit to Mistress Daisy|Daisysex]]
\<<else>>[[Have sex with Daisy|Daisysex]]
[[Head back to your own room->YourRoom]]<<if $temp eq 1>>
I thought that it was time I got fucked properly, so I called Matthew over. You don't mind do you, darling? I thought not. Now do you want to join in and use your clitty on me or just watch?
<<link [[Go back to your room and leave them to it|YourRoom]]>><<cuck>><</link>>
<<link [[Join them|YourRoom]]>><<cuck>><<$temp = 2>><</link>>
<<link [[Just watch|YourRoom]]>><<cuck>><<$temp = 3>><</link>>
\<<elseif $temp eq 2>><img src="Images/HC21/DaisyMMFcuck.webp" width=600 />
<<if $penis eq "none">><<ring>>Daisy unlocks your collar and releases the ring from contact with your flesh. Your $penis cock springs to attention.
\<<elseif $chastity eq 1>>Daisy unlocks your chastity cage with the key from around her neck. Your $penis cock springs to attention.<<chastity 0>>
"I want to feel you fucking me from behind with your little babydick while I am sucking a real cock." says Daisy.
She turns away from you and starts fellating Matthew's enormous cock with a passion.
As ordered you push gently into her, noting the small size of your penis compared to your friend's.
"Harder, bitch." she calls. "And don't dare cum in me, you little slut, or I'll see that you never put that cock in a woman again."
You slow your thrusts, enjoying the soft flesh of Daisy's arse, and more than a little excited by the slurps and moans coming from Matthew's crotch as Daisy works her mouth and tongue up and down his member.
"Come on my face you stallion." begs Daisy to Matthew, panting slightly.
You keep thrusting as with a groan Matthew sprays semen all over Daisy's face and breasts. With this Daisy clenches her vaginal muscles tight with her own orgasm.
<img src="Images/HC21/DaisyMMFcuckcum.webp" width=600 />
Unable to control yourself you twitch and ejaculate deep inside Daisy.
With a whirl of fury she turns around.
"How dare you cum in me without permission. Lick it out at once!"
"I'll leave you two to it then." says Matthew, startng to put his clothes back on
Daisy wipes her face on the sheet, then spreads her legs.
"Supper time. You made the mess now clean it up."
\<<elseif $temp eq 3>>
"Sit in your place. But don't you cum unless I let you." says Daisy. Matthew takes care not to meet yoyr gaze, but soon his attention is taken by Daisy.
You sit on the chair in the corner of the room which is angled precisely to give you a good view of the bed and watch as the pair disrobe. Daisy kneels before him and starts fellating his massive cock, making eye contact with you as she runs her lips up and down its shaft. You can't help but to start touching yourself at the sight of her doing with your friend what is denied to you.
Daisy moves off Matthew and lies him on the bed before sitting atop him, giving you a perfect view of his huge cock sliding in and out of her pussy.
"Oh I'm being stretched. Keep fucking me you stallion." she says as she theatrically rides him.
You watch as your wife is fucked to a mindblowing orgasm.
<<elseif $temp eq 11>>
You lick the salty sperm out of Daisy's wet folds, realising that this is your life now, a cum eating cuckold, and note with shock that you are starting to like the taste. Daisy moans gently as your tongue probes deep.
<<if $chastity eq 1>>She unlocks your chastity cage and takes your $penis cock in hand as you lick at her. "Oh look at this thing, isn't it funny watching it trying to get hard." she mocks, squeezing it between thumb and forefinger until you are just about to cum, then lets go, and you twitch to a ruined climax as you ejaculate weakly. She holds out her hand for you to lick clean before locking you up again without bothering to clean the cum from your shrivelled girlcock.
<<elseif $penis neq "none">>She takes your $penis cock in hand as you lick at her. "Oh look at this thing, isn't it funny watching it trying to get hard." she mocks, squeezing it between thumb and forefinger until you are just about to cum, then releases her grip, and you twitch to a ruined climax as you ejaculate weakly. She holds out her hand for you to lick clean.
<<else>>She rubs at your clitoris with her fingers. "Oh isn't her clitty so pretty Matthew. I bet you want to fuck it almost as much as mine." The only thing you feel penetrating you right now is Daisy's index finger, which flicks at your clitoris as you start to tremble. As you begin to climax she stops, and you shudder to a ruined orgasm.
<</if>>\<<set $HCevent = 22>><<SetFlag "event">><<temp>>
Your bags are packed, with most of your outfits fitting into your suitcases for the long journey.
You have sufficient medications that you will not need to worry about them during the journey, and your financial affairs are in order for the next few weeks.
Just as in May you arrive at London's Charing Cross station at 8am sharp on Friday morning.
<<if $spouse eq "none">>Then you travelled with $HC8, however this time you are alone, as you have elected to remain unmarried.
\<<else>>You are accompanied by your lovely new <<if $spouse eq "Matthew">>husband, Matthew<<else>>wife, $spouse<</if>>.
You board the train and soon see the English countryside rushing past, and in less than an hour have reached the coast. You transfer to a ship, and are pleased that the English channel is calm at the height of summer, and miraculously you manage the crossing without throwing up. A second train takes you to Paris, with one day to spend before tomorrow's departure on the Orient express. You arrange transport of your luggage to the Orient Express, leaving you a few hours to spend in Paris.
<<if $spouse eq "Daisy">><img src="Images/HC21/Daisyparis.webp" width=600 />
\<<elseif $spouse eq "Michaela">><img src="Images/HC21/Micparis.webp" width=600 />
\<<elseif $spouse eq "Nicola">><img src="Images/HC21/Nicparis.webp" width=600 />
\<<elseif $spouse eq "Matthew">><img src="Images/HC21/Mattparis.webp" width=600 />
\<<else>><img src="Images/HC21/Paris.webp" width=600 />
<<if $spouse eq "Daisy" and $Daisy eq "dom">>
"I think we should go back to the Moulin Rouge, darling." says Daisy.
Daisy is your dominant, you cannot disobey her.
[[Agree to go to the Moulin Rouge|HC22_2][$temp = 1]]
\<<elseif $spouse eq "Daisy" or $spouse eq "Nicola" or $spouse eq "Michaela">>"Oh I love Paris. This reminds me of our trip here in the spring. Can we go to the Eiffel tower again. That was so romantic."
It does sound romantic. But you only have a few hours here before the Orient express departs, and you did think about returning to the Moulin Rouge.
[[Agree to go to the Eiffel tower|HC22_3][$temp = 1]]
[[Suggest you go to the Moulin Rouge instead|HC22_2][$temp = 1]]
\<<elseif $spouse eq "Matthew">>"Oh la la, J'aime le Paris." says Matthew.
"I didn't know that you spoke French, darling."
"I have been practicing in case we came back. I was hoping we might be able to pop back to the Moulin Rouge."
"To see Marie again?" you say sternly.
"Maybe. Perhaps we could share her this time." says Matthew suggestively.
A threesome on your honeymoon. Not the most romantic suggestion but definitely an exciting one.
[[Agree to go to the Moulin Rouge|HC22_2][$temp = 1]]
<<if $Matthew eq "dom">> You have agreed to be submissive to Matthew so do not feel you can refuse.
\<<else>>[[Suggest you go to the Eiffel tower instead|HC22_3][$temp = 1]]
\<<else>> [[Head to the Moulin Rouge to kill some time|HC22_2][$temp = 1]]
[[Head straight to the station Gare L'est|HC22_4][$temp = 1]]
<</if>><img src="Images/HC9/moulinrouge.webp" width=600 />
<<if $temp eq 1>>After a brief shipping excursion you arrive at the large club topped by the Red Windmill just in time for the end of the après-midi show. The can can girls are on stage, high kicking with the best of them, displaying stockings and garter belts to an extent that would be scandalous in London, outside of the Hellfire club.
A stocky looking gentleman is sitting alone in the audience cheering uproariously and calling "Bravo, bravo!" in an wealthy Midlands accent. He seems slightly familiar, but you ignore him, sitting down and paying attention to the stage show.
<img src="Images/HC21/marieseductive.webp" width=600 />
Afterwards you sit at your table as the stage girls wander down and mingle.
"Ma cherie!" you hear a call and see Marie recognising you.
She puts her arms around <<if $spouse eq "Matthew">>Matthew<<else>>you<</if>>and plants a kiss on both cheeks.
<<if $spouse eq "Matthew">>"I see you remember me Marie."
"I never forget a cock. Certainly not one as big as yours."
"And do you remember my wife, $femname?"
"La femme! Félicitations!" she says, kissing you on both cheeks.
"C'est quelque chose de différent. Have you changed your hair?" she asks.
\<<elseif $spouse eq "Daisy" or $spouse eq "Nicola" or $spouse eq "Michaela">>"Marie. I see you remember my husband." she says with a hint of jealousy in her voice.
"Félicitations!" she says, kissing $spouse on both cheeks.
\She sits at your table, ordering champagne (that naturally she expects you to pay for) chatting flirtatiously as she sits a little too close to you <<if $spouse neq "none">>and $spouse<</if>>
"So what brings you back to Paris?"
"A trip on the Orient Express. It leaves in 2 hours."
"Time for how do you say une baise rapide?"
"A quick fuck?"
<<if $spouse eq "Daisy" and $Daisy eq "dom">>
"Yes, I would like une baise rapide. Come darling, you might learn something." says Daisy. She takes Marie's hand and strolls towards the side rooms, leaving you to follow.
[[Follow|HC22_2][$temp = 2]]
[[Wait for them to return|HC22_2][$temp = 20]]
\<<elseif $spouse eq "Daisy">>"It is not really the sort of thing one does on honeymoon." replies $spouse.
Marie touches her arm softly. "I understand. Fear not, ma cherie, I am not a rival in love."
"It is up to you, darling." she replies.
<<link [[Go with Marie|HC22_2]]>><<set $daisylove -=1>><<set $temp = 3>><</link>>
<<link [[Decline|HC22_2]]>><<set $daisylove +=1>><<set $temp = 21>><</link>>
\<<elseif $spouse eq "Michaela">>"It is not really the sort of thing one does on honeymoon." replies $spouse.
Marie touches her arm softly. "I understand. Fear not, ma cherie, I am not a rival in love."
"It is up to you, darling." she replies.
<<link [[Go with Marie|HC22_2]]>><<set $miclove -=1>><<set $temp = 3>><</link>>
<<link [[Decline|HC22_2]]>><<set $miclove +=1>><<set $temp = 21>><</link>>
\<<elseif $spouse eq "Nicola">>
Nicola looks at you for instruction, eager to hear your desires.
[[Go with Marie|HC22_2][$temp = 4]]
[[Decline|HC22_2][$temp = 21]]
\<<elseif $spouse eq "Matthew">>
"Well it would be rude not to. When in Paris and all that." says Matthew, not waiting for your reply before taking Marie's hand.
[[Follow|HC22_2][$temp = 5]]
[[Wait for them to return|HC22_2][$temp = 20]]
<<elseif $temp eq 2>>
Daisy eagerly enters the room with Marie, stripping down and parting her thighs.
"Now show $femname how to lick une chatte properly." she says, matter of factly.
<img src="Images/HC21/Daisycunni6.jpg" width=600 />
Marie smiles, sticking out a long tongue before working it around the outside of daisy's vulva lips, occasionally darting inside, and keeping her on the edge for about ten minutes as she lies back on the bed, until a mixture of saliva and Daisy's juices is dribbling copiously out of your wife.
"No, stop touching yourself, $femname, I want you doing this just like this when we are on the train. Oh lord yes, just like that, oh you little French hussy that is so sweet. Yes, just there." she stops talking as her pants grow in intensity, before she squirts a little all over Marie's face.
<img src="Images/HC21/MarieDaisyfem3some.jpg" width=600 />
She then positions you on the bed and places Marie on top of you before touching, kissing andd fingering the whore. You barely see, but feel and hear and smell all their movements as they have their way with each other. You are somewhat ignored in the encounter.
[[Finish|HC22_2][$temp = 19]]
<<elseif $temp eq 3>>
$spouse looks a little put out but shrugs, turning away from you and drinking her champagne.
"It is fine, she will come around. Men have needs." says Marie, taking your arm. Once inside she strips down to fine french lingerie and unbuttons your pants before lowering herself onto your hard cock.
"Le coq a faim" she pants as she envelops you, planting her lips onto yours and slipping her tongue inside your mouth.
The sex is brief, but passionate, and as you reach your climax she puts your head between her soft breasts and rocks on top of you, draining your balls dry.
[[Finish|HC22_2][$temp = 19]]
<<elseif $temp eq 4>>
You take Marie's hand, indicating for Nicola to follow. She does so respectfully at a distance, watching you as you wrap your arm around the French courtesan.
"La femme est une voyeuse?" she asks as you enter the small room. Once inside she strips down to fine french lingerie and unbuttons your pants before lowering herself onto your hard cock.
"Le coq a faim" she pants as she envelops you, planting her lips onto yours and slipping her tongue inside your mouth.
Nicola positions herself on a chair where you can see her
"Touch yourself but do not climax." you command, and her fingers move to her crotch, rubbing at her bare pussy lips, then moving away as her arousal grows.
The sex is brief, but passionate, and as you reach your climax she puts your head between her soft breasts and rocks on top of you, draining your balls dry. <<cum>>
Nicola is whimpering as she sits legs parted.
"Pauvre fille, puis-je ?" says Marie, kneeling down before your wife.
You nod, and the French whore licks at Nicola expertly with her long tongue, stopping just as she reaches the brink of climax and shudders to a brief ruined orgasm.
"Servez votre Maître." says Marie as Nicola looks at you both with sorrowful eyes.
[[Finish|HC22_2][$temp = 19]]
<<elseif $temp eq 5>>
You, Matthew and Marie tumble into a small room, fumbling at each other's clothes in a mess of kisses and strokes. Marie lowers herself onto Matthew's massive cock as you kneel before him, licking at his balls and caressing him as you hear his groans from beneath the Gallic courtesan. She rides him theatrically, before stepping off.
<<if $penis eq "none">>
"A ta tour, your turn." she says, lowering your tight pussy upon Matthew's cock as he nuzzles on your breasts. You feel a wetness behind you as you realise Marie has her tongue in your arse, lapping away as you slide yourself up and down your husband's shaft.
\<<else>>"A ta tour, your turn." she says, lowering your tight ass upon Matthew's cock as he nuzzles on your breasts.
\Marie moves from behind you and sits on Matthew's face, kissing you passionately as you ride Matthew to climax, feeling him spurt inside you.
[[Finish|HC22_2][$temp = 19]]
<<elseif $temp eq 19>>
After you finish you leave the side room, only to bump into the stocky figure from earlier.
"Excuse me!" you both say in the manner of the polite English abroad, then note each other's nationalities and introduce yourself.
"Aleister, pleased to meet you" he says, shaking your hand. "Have we met before?"
"I don't think so." you recall, feeling slightly embarassed at making small talk with a fellow punter in a brothel and making a note to wash your hand afterwards, just in case.
"I am sure it will come to me. Until we meet again." He puts a hat over his short cropped hair and leaves the Moulin Rouge.
You leave shortly afterwards also, bidding a fond farewell to Marie who kisses your cheek and wishes you well on your trip.
[[Leave and head to Gare L'est|HC22_4][$temp = 1]]
<<elseif $temp eq 20>>
You sit drinking champagne, a little annoyed that you have been abandoned for a whore on the first day of your honeymoon. But it was better than having to watch you guess. You keep glancing at the side door for $spouse and after about an hour note the stocky figure from earlier exiting. He glances at you as he walks past, and offers his hand.
"Aleister, pleased to meet you" he says, shaking your hand. "Have we met before?"
"I don't think so." you recall, feeling slightly embarassed at making small talk with a punter in a brothel and making a note to wash your hand afterwards, just in case.
"I am sure it will come to me. Until we meet again." He puts a hat over his short cropped hair and leaves the Moulin Rouge.
Five minutes later $spouse arrives, their arm around Marie's waist, with a flushed expression.
Marie wanders over to you and kisses you full on the lips.
"I wish you a lovely honeymoon Ma chérie. I have taught $spouse a trick or two they might share with you."
[[Leave and head to Gare L'est|HC22_4][$temp = 1]]
<</if>>\<<if $spouse eq "Michaela">><img src="Images/People/Mic/miceiffeltop.webp" width=600 />
\<<elseif $spouse eq "Nicola">><img src="Images/People/Nic/niceiffeltop2.webp" width=600 />
\<<elseif $spouse eq "Matthew">><img src="Images/People/Matt/mattheweiffeltop.webp" width=600 />
\<<elseif $spouse eq "Daisy">><img src="Images/People/Daisy/daisyeiffeltop.webp" width=600 />
You spend the next hour traversing Paris, repeating your steps of a few months ago, walking along the Seinne and ending up atop the Eiffel tower. At the summit you embrace $spouse in the warm July breeze.
"Look at the city down there. It is truly beautiful."
"As are you my darling." <<if $spouse eq "Matthew">>replies Matthew.<<else>>you reply.<</if>>
"Hurry. We must catch our train."
"I suppose. What would we do with ourselves with another couple of nights in Paris?"
"The same thing we will do on the train." laughs $spouse.
[[Leave and head to Gare L'est|HC22_4][$temp = 1]]<<if $temp eq 1>>
You <<andspouse>>reach the station and a porter carries your luggage aboard the train. The porter shows you to your cabin, a small but opulent chamber of dark wood and brass fittings with comfortable seats and a pull down bed against one wall.
"Dinner will be served one hour after departure." he says in perfect though accented English.
<<if $spouse eq "Daisy">><img src="Images/HC21/Daisytrain.webp" width=600 />
\<<elseif $spouse eq "Michaela">><img src="Images/HC21/Mictrain.webp" width=600 />
\<<elseif $spouse eq "Nicola">><img src="Images/HC21/Nictrain3.webp" width=600 />
\<<elseif $spouse eq "Matthew">><img src="Images/HC21/Matttrain.webp" width=600 />
\<<else>><img src="Images/HC21/OrientX.webp" width=600 />
\You settle into your cabin as the train departs, watching the Evening Paris skyline retreat through the window, before heading to the dining room.
You <<andspouse>>sit at a vacant table, observing the other guests, a mix of old and young, but all wealthy.
"Is this seat taken?" asks a voice. "I am travelling alone but I do so dislike eating without company."
You look up and see the gentleman you ran into earlier. He is young with thick matted dark hair, with a wide face and stern eyes. He sits down before you can reply.
"Aleister Crowley. Pleased to meet you properly."
<img src="Images/HC21/Crowley.webp" width=600 />
You introduce yourself <<andspouse>>before the waiter fills your glasses with sparkling water and wine and places a plate of crevette in front of you. Aleister takes one of the succulent prawns and pops it whole into his mouth.
"I remember where we have met before. I saw you on stage at the Hellfire club. A harlequinade or some such event."
"Are you a member?" you ask.
"I was. I had a falling out with the management. I attend another establishment now."
You wonder what could have precipitated this, but do not ask out of politeness.
"Another establishment?"
"A gathering of like minded individuals. Libertines like you, in our own way."
"A rival club. How exciting." you remark. "And what is your philosophy."
"Do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the Law." he says solemnly.
"You sound like the late Lord Bentley." you remark.
"Please. He wanted to maintain the structures that have held humanity back for the past millenia. I intend to lead us into a new golden dawn. I speak not of base hedonism, but of succuming to one's true calling." with this he places another large crevette into his mouth, sucking on its pale pink flesh before devouring it whole.
"And if your will conflicts with anothers?"
He shrugs. "Each individual should follow their own path, I do not wish to found a flock of sheep. Conflict is sometimes necessary."
He is enigmatic and does not elaborate, as the waiter clears the plates and brings out a dish of duck à l'Orange.
"And how is the club since Lord Bentley's passing. Has a replacement been elected."
"Three actually. Including myself."
"Congratulations. Too late I fear." he does not elaborate on this, falling silent as he picks up the duck leg, gnawing on its flesh hungrily.
The dessert is tarte tatin, you note the French character to the menu and wonder if it will vary as you pass across Europe. The combination of sweet caramel and sharp apple is divine.
"I am only travelling as far as Stuttgard so must have an early night as we arrive there just after dawn. I am a keen mountaineer, ascending the alps every summer. I plan to travel to the far east next year, to take on some other peaks, and perhaps learn more of Eastern mysticism."
Crowley bids his leave after finishing dessert, washing it all down with a hearty swig of port.
You <<andspouse>>head to your cabin, where the sleeping berth has been pulled down and the bed made up as you ate. You are too tired to do much other than fall asleep, snuggling beneath the crisp white sheets.
[[Sleep|HC22_4][$temp = 2]]
<<elseif $temp eq 2>>
You wake once in the night, as you feel the train slow. Looking out the window you see a station sign indicating Strasbourg, but turn over and go back to sleep. Dawn feels early as you have travelled East, and soon afterwards the train slows as it pulls into Stuttgard. The German Alps are visible in the background. You feel relieved that Crowley is no longer aboard the train. Something about him unsettled you.
<<link [[Wake|HC22_4]]>><<set $temp = 3>><<set $time = "Morning">><<set $day = "Saturday">><</link>>
<<elseif $temp eq 3>><img src="Images/HC21/Megantrain.webp" width=600 />
On breakfasting the first morning, you note a familiar face and an unfamiliar one in the breakfast carriage - Mistress Megan of the Hellfire club, accompanied by an older somewhat plain woman in a fur lined cape.
"$Hname!<<if $spouse neq "none">> and $spouse!<</if>> Do join us, I insist."
You sit next to the pair.
<img src="Images/HC21/Wandatrain.webp" width=600 />
"Allow me to introduce Wanda Sacher-Masoch, an old aquaintance of mine."
"Less of the old, Megan dear." says Wanda in a heavy Austrian accent.
"And this is a business partner from my little club I have told you so much about.<<if $spouse neq "none">>They are travelling on their honeymoon.<</if>>
"I did not see you board the train in Paris." you say.
"No, we joined in Stuttgard an hour or so ago. We are only travelling as far as Vienna."
"That is <<our>> destination also." you reply.
"What a delightful coincidence." replies Frau Sacher-Masoch. "Tell me, have you heard of Dr Freud?"
"The psychiatrist? I have read some of his papers." you reply, pleased to demonstrate you are up to date with medical matters.
"We are meeting him tomorrow. Perhaps you could join us."
You accept, enjoying a breakfast of lightly poached eggs and smoked salmon.
"Might we join you in your cabin?" asks Megan, and you accept, spending the afternoon watching the German countryside go past as the train arrives in Munich.
"I was wondering if you would be able to assist in a disagreement that Wanda and I are having, asks Megan. We are both dominant women, but have a different perspective on who has authority between the dominant and the submissive. I argue that the dominant partner.
"Nein, it is the submissive, especially if they are a man." says Wanda. "The scene is there to cater for their desires, they frame the nature of the encounter and its boundaries."
"Both parties establish their boundaries, naturally. But once this is done the submissive relinquishes all control. It is the choice of the dominant to consider the needs of the submissive, but they do not have to. Be grateful that you never met the late Lord Bentley, a man who never encountered a boundary he would not trample over."
"What do you think, who has ultimate power in the dominant-submissive relationship?" Megan turns to you and asks.
[[The dominant, they make all the decisions|HC22_5][$temp = 1]]
[[The submissive, they can always stop the encounter with a safeword|HC22_5][$temp = 1]]
[[Both share the power equally|HC22_5][$temp = 1]]
<</if>><<if $temp eq 1>><img src="Images/HC21/Megantrain.webp" width=600 />
"Interesting. Perhaps you could join me in a demonstration. It will not hurt."
[[Volunteer yourself|HC22_5][$temp = 2, $temp3 = "your"]]
<<if $spouse eq "Nicola">>[[Volunteer Nicola|HC22_5][$temp = 2, $temp3 = "Nicola's"]]
\<<elseif $spouse eq "Michaela" and $Michaela eq "sub">>[[Volunteer Michaela|HC22_5][$temp = 2, $temp3 = "Michaela's"]]
\<<elseif $spouse eq "Daisy" and $Daisy eq "sub">>[[Volunteer Daisy|HC22_5][$temp = 2, $temp3 = "Daisy's"]]
\[[Politely decline|HC22_5][$temp = 3]]
<<elseif $temp eq 2>><img src="Images/HC21/Megantrain.webp" width=600 />
"Do you trust me?" asks Megan.
A nod.
"I am not going to allow any harm to come to you. But during the scene you may feel discomfort and may not be able to say your safeword." She lifts a hand to $temp3 face, stroking it gently.
"Now lie down there, on the seat".
The train enters a tunnel at this point, casting shadows upon Megan's face.
<img src="Images/HC21/Megantrainfacesit.webp" width=600 />
Megan lowers herself upon $temp3 face, pushing her asshole and pussy down hard.
The train continues its passage in the darkness, vibrating up and down as it makes its way through the tunnel.
"I can't breathe." comes the cry from beneath her.
<b>"That means nothing to me."</b> she says cruelly, grinding herself upon $temp3 face as her climax overcomes her.
<b>"Ooooooh!!!"</b>" she cries, but the sound is drowned out by the whistling of the train as it emerges from the tunnel and the brakes begin to be applied.
<b>"Vienna!"</b> comes a cry from the conductor, walking up the corridor outside the carriage.
<img src="Images/HC21/Wandatrain.webp" width=600 />
"Well, have I convinced you, Wanda?"
"Nein. The submissive had ultimate power because they could decline the scene at the start. When that is not the case, then there is no consent."
"Perhaps you are right. Let us gather our things." replies Megan, unusually conciliatory with the older woman.
[[Leave the train|HC22_Vienna_1]]
<<elseif $temp eq 3>>
"A shame." replies Megan. She and Wanda depart to their own sleeping compartment. You sleep fitfully, waking just before dawn as the train emerges from a tunnel.
<b>"Vienna!"</b> comes a cry from the conductor, walking up the corridor outside the carriage.
[[Leave the train|HC22_Vienna_1]]
<</if>><img src="Images/HC21/Viennaatdawn.webp" width=600 />
<<if $temp eq 1>>You depart the Orient Express at Vienna in order to spend a day in this fine city before reembarking the next scheduled train. You take your bags and board the awaiting carriage which takes you past the Belvedere palace. The carriage driver explains in heavily accented English that this is where the heir to the Austria-Hungarian empire, Franz Ferdinand, now lives. You assume he is probably an overprivileged narcissist like England's heir Bertie. Maybe one day he will get his just desserts.
You arrive at the Grand Hotel Wien after less than ten minutes, the streets almost deserted at this early hour. The staff take your bags and direct you to your room where you freshen up, taking a luxurious bath <<if $spouse neq "none">>with $spouse <</if>> before changing clothes.
[[Get changed first->Wardrobe][$Wardrobe="HC22_Vienna_1", $temp = 2]]
\<<elseif $temp eq 2>>You take a carriage from your hotel to the University, to your appointment with Dr. Freud. You see that Megan and Wanda are already in attendance.
"Greetings, greetings." says the balding bespectacled gentleman who rises from behind his desk.
<img src="Images/HC21/Freud.webp" width=600 />
"I am Sigmund Freud. Please call me Doktor Freud."
"Not Professor?"
"Perhaps one day, although I fear my work may not be of wide interest to warrant such an elevation. Herr Doktor is fine. It is good to meet you.
\<<if $spouse eq "Matthew">>Herr and Fräu Chadwick.
<<elseif $femcheck lt 2>>Herr
\<<if $spouse neq "none">>and Fräu <</if>>
\<<else>>Fräulein $playersurname.
<<if $spouse eq "Daisy">>Fräu. We are married."
"How irregular. I apologise. Fräu and Fräu $playersurname"
"And you know Fräulein Megan and Fräu Sacher-Masoch. Now can you continue Fräulein Megan. I do wish you would let me know your surname, it is so frustrating to use the forename only."
"You know my views on patriarchal naming, Sigmund." replies Megan. "We are here to help you in your work on sexuality. As you know from our written correspondence Wanda and myself are what we call dominants.
<<if ($spouse eq "Matthew" and $Matthew eq "dom") or ($spouse eq "Daisy" and $Daisy eq "dom")>> $spouse here is also a dominant and their wife $Hname is a submissive, and they are members
\<<elseif $spouse eq "Nicola" or ($spouse eq "Daisy" and $Daisy eq "sub") or ($spouse eq "Michaela" and $Michaela eq "sub")>> $Hname is a dominant and their wife $spouse is submissive, and they are members.
\<<elseif $Megandomevent gt 0>>$Hname here is my submissive, as well as being a member
\<<else>> $Hname here is a member
\ of our little society of likeminded perverts."
"Nein. It is not perversion. It is the natural orderip him of sexuality." replies the professor. "This is helpful, to interview those who are open about their sexuality." He takes forth a large leather bound notebook and a fountain pen, before turning to Wanda.
"You first, Frau Sacher-Masoch. Tell me of your husband."
"Must we speak of him?" replies Wanda. "He was a tiresome bore."
"How so?"
"The man was a degenerate fantasist. Have you read any of his work?"
"Of course. I am especially intrigued by Venus in Furs. Are you the Venus of the title?"
"Partly. He liked me to wear furs and to spank and whip him."
"Indeed. My collaegue Richard von Krafft-Ebing in his <i>Psychopathia Sexualis</i> coined the term Masochist to describe this after your husband's name."
Wanda smiled. "He hated that term, to be classed as afflicted."
"I agree. Krafft-Ebing classed masochism along with sadism as aberrations, like the church he saw their practitioners as deviants. I am a little more enlightened. Do go on. Who was in control in the bedroom, you or he?"
"I think I would say he. I did not enjoy these encounters, they bored me. And I could not use this power over him to stop his philandering. I am a plain woman, his mistress Fanny Pistor was his true muse."
"Interesting. So although you were dominant and he submissive, it was his drive that controlled the relationship. Did you not enjoy it at all."
"In the moment. It was pleasant to force him to satisfy me, and I did on occasion get a thrill from whipping him, to punish him for his transgressions."
"So you are a sadist?"
"If I am, then so is every woman who has been wronged by a wandering husband."
"This confirms my thesis entirely. The urges are natural, not aberrations. They lie within all of us."
Freud continues to listen to Wanda, before turning to you.
"So, you are also a deviant, in the sense that your sexual urges deviate from the norm. Tell me about yourself."
[[I am a dominant|HC22_Vienna_2][$temp = "1"]]
[[I am a Submissive|HC22_Vienna_2][$temp = 2]]
[[I am a switch, sometimes dominant, sometimes submissive|HC22_Vienna_2][$temp = 3]]
[[I consider myself normal, I just like fucking|HC22_Vienna_2][$temp = 4]]
<</if>><img src="Images/HC21/Freud.webp" width=600 />
"Interesting. And what do you think brought this about. Tell me about your mother."
"My mother. My mother is dead."
"Please accept my condolences. And these urges, did they start before or after that loss."
"After I suppose. She died earlier this year, and I moved to London. I had been quite restrained in my early years, a virgin."
"Did you masturbate?"
"Er yes."
"And did you have any hidden desires when you did?"
"Sometimes. I thought of $Mattfetish sometimes."
"Interesting, do go on. How did this change?"
"I moved in with my uncle."
"A family member replacing your mother's protection, yes."
"And met Megan."
"A dominant older woman again serving as a mother substitute. Yes it all fits my thesis."
"And what is your thesis."
"The Oedipal complex. A child has an attraction to their opposite sex parent, with a need to compete, in this case with your father for their attention."
"I never knew my father."
"It is hard to compete with the unknown, and you could not then see them as a role model or make peace with them, so you could not displace these emotions toward your mother."
"I did not desire my mother!" you scream.
"Calm, please. This is interesting. So all this was repressed, and on her death hour desires were displaced onto others."
"Megan is not my mother."
"Look at her. A large bosom, a powerful authority, a caring manner, a beautiful visage. She is the perfect mother."
Megan blushes. "You are too kind, Dr Freud."
"So I conclude that
\<<if $temp eq 1>>with your mother gone and father out of the picture you assumed the role of the head of the family and the need to sexually dominate others, ja?"
\<<elseif $temp eq 2>>with your mother gone and father out of the picture you felt the need to submit to others to regain the feelings you had toward her, ja?"
\<<elseif $temp eq 3>>with your mother gone and father out of the picture you are confused and uncertain, seeking to both emulate both parents by alternating between domination and submission, ja?"
\<<elseif $temp eq 4>>with your mother gone and father out of the picture you seek to replace their affection through increasingly extreme acts of sexuality, ja?"
"Nein!" you reply, but the question was rhetorical. Freud turns his attention elsewhere.
<<if $spouse neq "none">>Freud turns to $spouse.
<<if $spouse eq "Nicola">>
"You have said nothing. You are demure, quiet, but I see from your eyes you are taking everything in. You are educated, intelligent, but act without agency. Do you submit because that is what a good wife should do? Tell me about your father."
Nicola turns to you for affirmation, then at your nod begins to speak.
"My father and I are not on the best of terms. He is a godly man, and does not approve of my lifestyle or husband."
"Are you also devout?"
"I am. I believe that God gave us our minds and bodies and the pleasure both can produce."
"Then why do you submit so utterly?"
"It is the only way I can achieve satisfaction."
"Yes. I can only climax when given permission, and when being dominated, spanked, restrained. But also mentally, I feel content and calm when serving another. For a while I thought my purpose was to serve God in a convent. Now I know it is to serve my husband."
"What caused this, I wonder. When you were young, were you disciplined."
"My father was strict. We were caned for the slightest infraction, myself and my sister. On one occasion I was tied to my bedpost for two days for taking the Lord's name in vain."
Freud nods, making notes.
"There is treatment I can suggest to combat this."
Nicola shakes her head.
"I do not wish to be cured. This is who I am. I do not blame myself, my father is a cruel and spiteful man who will receive judgement when he meets the Lord. But I am content, and have found happiness."
"Most interesting. Thank you Frau $playersurname"
\<<elseif $spouse eq "Matthew">>
"I'm a simple man, I just like a good screw with a pretty girl." says Matthew.
"That is how most men are, and nothing to be ashamed of." replies Dr Freud.
\<<elseif $spouse eq "Michaela">>
"I just wanted to be a girl."
Freud looks quizzical. "That is what you evidently are, Frau $playersurname."
"Not always. Megan and $Hname helped me."
"Do go on."
Michaela shakes her head. "Not today. I just wish to enjoy my honeymoon. Perhaps we can correspond in future, when I have had time to come to terms with the changes of the past few months. I would like to help other girls that are trapped in boy's bodies."
"I would find that most enlightening. Please take my card and write to me when you feel ready. Although I fear that the world may not be accepting of this for quite some time."
\<<elseif $spouse eq "Daisy">>
"I just wanted the dream every girl has, a husband, wedding, and lots of babies."
"And do you consider yourself dominant or submissive?"
"I think I am naturally dominant, but society asks me to be otherwise. I want to have the strength of Megan to stand alone, but I also want the happily ever after that I read about in Miss Austen's novels."
"And do you have that."
Daisy looks at you and strokes your face tenderly.
"I think so. In my own way."
"And what of you, Fraulein Megan. Do you seek the regain the affection of your father by your acts of domination over other men and women?"
"I think, Dr Freud, that your theories are interesting, and somewhat more enlightened than those of Krafft-Ebing. At least you are not accusing us of deviancy. But not all of us want to kill one parent and fuck the other. Sometimes, we act because we wish to, becaue it brings us pleasure."
"You wish to satisfy your inner animal?"
"Not just physical pleasure. I am not a bitch that seeks to rut with every hound she encounters. Intellectual pleasure. I seek to dominate both to fulfil a desire in myself and to help release the submissive desire I see repressed in so many. I act because I wish to, not because society or your Oedipal theory dictate that I should. I think therefore I fuck. But I hope that we have given you some food for thought."
"That you have. I shall dwell on these, and with your permission continue corresponding by letter. Maybe one day I will finish cataloguing sexual perversions and write a book on the subject."
"I look forward to reading it. Auf Weidersen, Herr Doktor."
Freud nods his head in a respectful bow. "Auf Weidersen, Fraulein Megan."
[[Leave|HC22_Vienna_2a]]<img src="Images/HC21/musichall.webp" width=600 />
In the evening you <<if $spouse neq "none">>and $spouse <<set $temp1 = $spouse>><<else>>and Megan <<set $temp1 = "Megan">><</if>>head to the Musikverein, Vienna' grand music hall where the Vienna Philharmonic orchestra are based.
<<if $temp1 eq "Daisy" and $Daisydomevent gt 0>><img src="Images/HC21/Daisydomball.webp" width=600 />
Daisy is wearing a smart suit and tie.
"Oh this is fun, to be dressed as a gentleman. And you as the prettiest girl at the ball. Do you think that anyone will be able to tell."
"Most gentlemen do not have your, ahem, assets." you say, nodding at her chest. "And you are far more beautiful than most men."
"Maybe. But Vienna is oh so very cosmopolitan." she says, straightening her suit.
<<elseif $spouse eq "Daisy">><img src="Images/HC21/Daisyviennaball.webp" width=600 />
"I do declare that I have been practicing for this moment since I was a little girl. To be married and then to waltz in the home of Strauss. It is all I ever dreamed of." Daisy leans in and kisses you.
\<<elseif $spouse eq "Michaela">><img src="Images/HC21/Michaelaball1.webp" width=600 />
"I am a little nervous. I am not a natural dancer. Can we not just watch?" says Michaela nervously.
"It is a dance. Everyone needs to join in. Just follow my lead." you reply
\<<elseif $spouse eq "Nicola">><img src="Images/HC21/Nicballgown.webp" width=600 />
Nicola hums alonng to the music gracefully. "I came here once, as a girl. I wished to come to the music halls, but my father insisted that we visit the cathedrals instead. He said that dancing was sinful." says Nicola, her eyes enchanted by the spactacle.
"And was he right?"
"Almost certainly, but all of us are sinners, my darling."
\<<elseif $spouse eq "Matthew">><img src="Images/HC21/MatthewVienna1.webp" width=600 />
"I guess I should practice my dance steps. I am more comfortable propping up the bar rather than prancing about on the floor."
\<<else>><img src="Images/HC21/Meganviennaball3.webp" width=600 />
Megan has graciously agreed to accompany you for the evening. She stands aloof, a picture of beauty. "I do so love to listen to Strauss. When we dance, I expect you to follow my lead. I am afraid that I have difficulty taking anything apart from a dominant role."
<img src="Images/HC21/viennaball.webp" width=600 />
You show your ticket and walk into the grand hall. Tonight the great hall has been cleared of chairs, and instead there is a large dancefloor. The music of Vienna's favourite son, Strauss, fills the air as you enter. You sip on a glass of champagne as you survey the scene.
<<if $spouse neq "Matthew" and $femcheck gt 1>>
"Ahem." says a voice next to you.
"Ladies, may I see some identification?" asks a short balding fellow.
You show your tickets and he scrutinises them carefully. "Very good, Fraulein. I just wanted to check that you were <b>respectable</b>."
"What was all that about?" you ask.
"He was just checking we were not prostitutes." replies $temp1. "There are plenty of them about, I suspect that he gets a cut of their takings."
The first Waltz begins, and you take to the dancefloor with $temp1 in your arms. It is not like the stilted balls of London, where the pace is sedate and couples barely touch. Here the dancing is passionate and the tempo of the Viennese waltz is twice that of the English variant.
<<if $temp1 eq "Daisy" and $Daisydomevent gt 0>><img src="Images/HC21/daisysuitdance.webp" width=600 />
Daisy leads, swirling you in a pirouette like she is playing with her favourite doll. Which in a way she is.
<<elseif $spouse eq "Daisy">><img src="Images/HC21/daisyviennaball2.webp" width=600 />
Daisy dances enthusiastically, smiling like she is a princess for a day. She looks radiant as she swirls in your arms.
\<<elseif $spouse eq "Michaela">><img src="Images/HC21/Michaelaball2.webp" width=600 />
Michaela's dancing is uncertain, she clings to you almost for dear life and wobbles slighty on her high heeled shoes. But by the end of the first dance she is moving with increased confidence.
\<<elseif $spouse eq "Nicola">><img src="Images/HC21/Nicballgown2.webp" width=600 />
Nicola dances beautifully, her lithe elegant figure gracefully spinning on the dancefloor, and turning a few heads as she does so.
\<<elseif $spouse eq "Matthew">><img src="Images/HC21/Matthewdancing2.webp" width=600 />
Matthew tries to lead, but his timing is poor and he frequently stands on your toe, or puts his clumsily under yours. At one point you stand on his big toe with your heel, and he painfully limps off to the side of the room to nurse his hurt foot and more hurt pride.
\<<else>><img src="Images/HC21/Meganviennaball.webp" width=600 />
Megan's dancing is impeccable, her posture perfect with a spine of iron swirling about the dancefloor. She was not joking about leading, dragging you about the dancefloor. Your hand lingers on her posterior, feeling the taut muscles of her buttock and thigh that brook no dissent.
After the first dance, you are obliged to swap partners. You work your way through a variety of <<if $femcheck gt 1>>men<<else>>women<</if>>, young and old, most of whom are perfectly polite, although a couple hold you a little more closely than might be acceptable in London society. You are politely propositioned more than once, as you observe is $temp1. However you both manage to find each other again for the last waltz of the evening.
The violins start playing slowly, and you hold $temp1 closely, the scent of their hair deep in your nostrils.
"I have had a lovely evening, $temp1" you say.
"As have I my
\<<if $temp1 neq "Megan">>darling.
\<<elseif $Megandomevent gt 0>>pet.
<</if>>" they reply. "But the night is young. Shall we retire somewhere more private after this dance?"
As the music fades, you embrace and overcome by the romance of the occasion you fall into a long, passionate kiss, as many couples on the dancefloor are doing. You head hand in hand to a waiting carriage, which takes you back to your hotel room.
<<if $cuckcount gt 0 and $cuckcount lt 6 and $temp1 eq "Daisy">>"So Darling, are you going to screw me tonight or shall I call in that delightful young man I was speaking with who was so eager to put his hands on my arse and doubtless his cock in my cunt. I do believe he is staying in our hotel."
[[Watch as Daisy fucks her new admirer|HC22_Vienna_3][$temp1 = "cuck"]]
[[Make love to Daisy|HC22_Vienna_3]]
\<<elseif $cuckcount gt 5 and $temp1 eq "Daisy">>"Sit over there darling. I gave that delightful young man I was speaking with who was so eager to put his hands on my arse our room number. He should be coming over to ravish me any moment."
[[Wait as you are told, Daisy has far too much of a taste for real cock to want yours now|HC22_Vienna_3][$temp1 = "cuck"]]
[[Make love to them|HC22_Vienna_3]]
<<if $temp1 eq "cuck">>
You head to the corner of the room, stripping off your pretty ballgown until you are naked before sitting down and waiting patiently as Daisy strips off her suit down to her underclothes. There comes a knock on the door, and a man enters, before taking one look at you. <<cuck>>
"My apologies Madam, I thought that you were alone."
"Get in here before someone sees." calls Daisy, and the young man does as he is told.
"Now here is what is going to happen. You are going to fuck me on the bed while $femname here watches. And then you are going to leave and we will never speak of tonight again. Is that understood?"
The man nods, his lust for Daisy overcoming the strangeness of the situation.
"Good." Daisy steps forward and embraces him, angling herself so she is looking at you as she kisses the man on the lips. Her hands slip down to his breeches, and his cock springs out.
<img src="Images/HC21/Daisycuckbj.webp" width=600 />
"My, this is quite satisfactory. See $femname, this is what a real man's cock looks like." Her fingers trace up and down its length as she teases it to a full erection with delicate kisses.
"You are very beautiful, Fraulein." says the man.
"Have you fucked a woman before?" he asks the man.
He pauses, before shaking his head.
"Oh my. I get to deflower a virgin and you get to watch." her lips move to the tip of his cock and start sucking, and barely a minute later the man moans as he ejaculates in her mouth. You remember the quickness of your climax the first time you were with a naked woman.
<img src="Images/HC21/Daisycumdrool.webp" width=600 />
Daisy walks over to you, her mouth dripping with cum, and leans in to you for a kiss.
[[Kiss your wife|HC22_Vienna_3][$temp1 = "cuck2"]]
[[Move your head away|HC22_Vienna_3][$temp1 = "cuck3"]]
\<<elseif $temp1 eq "cuck2" or $temp1 eq "cuck3">>
<<if $temp1 eq "cuck2">><img src="Images/HC21/Daisycumdrool2.webp" width=600 />
Your lips meet Daisy's, her semen covered tongue mingling with yours as you kiss and the distinctive smell and taste of the man's discharge filling your mouth and nostrils.
"Good girl." she says, stroking your hair as she spits the remainder of the man's seed into your mouth, holding your nose until you swallow,
\<<elseif $temp1 eq "cuck3">><img src="Images/HC21/Daisycucktongue.webp" width=600 />
She looks disappointed, and swallows, shaking her head disapprovingly as she swallows and licks her lips, showing you her clean tongue as if to say "This is how you do it" <</if>>
\before making a possessive show of stroking your body, squeezing your chest and flaunting her power over you. After a time she returns her attention to the young man.
"Time for the main event I think." the youth's cock is already semi erect again at watching the pair of you putting on a show.
<img src="Images/HC21/daisycowgirlcuck.webp" width=600 />
Daisy lies him on the bed and climbs astride him, riding his body while watching and talking to you.
"Fick mich, Herr." she mutters in a basic attempt at talking dirty in German, shhich seems to do the job as he responds enthusiastically. You see his cock sliding in and out of your wife as she moans theatrically.
<img src="Images/HC21/daisycowgirlcuck2.webp" width=600 />
"Oh it feels good to be filled by a proper cock. A big, hard cock." she says at you.
<<if $chastity eq 1>>Your own pathetic member pushes against its hard metal cage
\<<else>>Your clit twitches, as the scene reminds you of what you have given up.
\<img src="Images/HC21/Daisycuckcum.webp" width=600 />
The man moans as she rides him to a second climax, her own orgasm overcoming her before collapsing upon him in a tangle of sweaty limbs.
"Danke. You may leave now." she says, dismissing the man. You almost feel sorry for him, although you realise that he has got what he wanted from the encounter. As he dresses Daisy beckons to you and you snuggle up with your wife on the bed, smelling the man's scent on her as you embrace. After the man leaves Daisy turns off the light and you fall asleep in each others arms.
\<<elseif $temp1 eq "Daisy" and $Daisydomevent gt 0>>
"It was fun to be a man for the evening." says Daisy.
You nod in assent.
"And the evening is not over yet." she continues, unbuttoning the fly of her suit. You see a thrusting phallus strapped to her groin that sticks out toward you.
"Did you have that on all evening?" you ask.
She smiles enigmatically as she leans in to kiss you before laying you on the bed on your front and parting your legs. She stands next to the bed and eases herself into your tight <<if $penis eq "none">>pussy.
<img src="Images/HC21/Daisycrossdresssex3.webp" width=600 />
<img src="Images/HC21/Daisycrossdresssexfuta1.jpg" width=600 />
Her thrusting is eager, and as her phallus is carved of hard lacquered wood you find it slightly painful, gasping at each thrust.
"Oh you are such a pretty thing, lying there filled by my big hard shaft. Look at it sliding in and out of you. Come for me my darling wife."
She keeps thrusting harder until you have no choice but to do just that, your muscles tightening about the dildo as it penetrates you and you cry out in pleasure. <<cum>>
<<if $penis neq "none">>A squirt of cum dribbles from the end of your semi erect $penis <<else>>Your clit quivers as you climax, and you squirt a dribble of pee as you lose control <</if>>as Daisy gasps in triumph. She keeps grinding her pussy against the butt of the dildo until she too is satisfied before collapsing on top of you.
"My that was fun. I wonder what it would be like to have a real cock? Just for a day, I wouldn't want to really be a man, after all you didn't want to stay one did you my love."
She snuggles up next to you and dozes offf to sleep.
\<<elseif $temp1 eq "Daisy">><img src="Images/HC21/Daisyviennabed1.webp" width=600 />
"I have something I want to try." says Daisy.
You nod.
"I want to pretend to be asleep. Then you come in from the bathroom and ravish me."
"You want me to rape you?"
"No, not rape, just take me while I sleep."
"Will you be still, or resisting?"
"Still, I think. Like a mannequin or a doll." she says stripping down to her nightgown and lying on the bed with her round ass visible.
You dim the light before retiring to the bathroom, waiting there a few minutes until you think Daisy will be ready. She is making soft snoring noises, perhaps she is truly asleep. The bed is comfortable and she is tired after her travels after all.
<img src="Images/HC21/Daisyviennabed2.webp" width=600 />
You strip naked and creep next to her, then put a hand to her breast, and another between her legs parting them.
"Mmmmh" Daisy exhales, sleepily as you part her thighs, revealing a dripping wet cunny. She is obviously aroused by this scene. You rub between her legs with your fingers, parting them as Daisy moans in her sleep, before slipping the tip of your cock inside. She breathes more heavily, but stays still as you enter her, pushing in with greater force until your $penis cock is balls deep in her soft wet pussy.
<img src="Images/HC21/Daisysex1.webp" width=600 />
You take her breasts in your hands and squeeze, fucking her as she moans in her slumber, like a doll or a mannequin. You feel like you could do anything to her like this, a plaything or an object for your pleasure, and this thought tips you over the edge as you ejaculate deep inside her.
You pull out and Daisy snuggles up next to you.
"I had the most lovely dream, darling." she says, her eyes still closed, as she falls asleep in your arms.
<img src="Images/HC21/Daisyviennabed4.webp" width=600 />
\<<elseif $temp1 eq "Nicola">><img src="Images/HC21/Nicvienna1.webp" width=600 />
As you enter the room Nicola kneels, averting her gaze from yours respectfully. She strips herself naked at your nod, before unbuttoning your breeches and sitting you on the bed, kneeling attentively before you and taking your cock into her mouth. She does not suck it, just sits impassively, watching you with her wide open blue eyes. She likes to do this sometimes, and has spoken about how it makes her feel safe, describing it as "cockwarming".
<img src="Images/HC21/Nicvienna2.webp" width=600 />
"You are an enigma." you think out loud. "Tonight you were so ladylike, the belle of the ball, dancing gracefully with eligible young men. And now you sit there a naked slut, my cock in your mouth, no act too depraved for you to carry out. Is that right?"
She nods, silently, the movement sending delicious sensations through your cock.
"What to do with you tonight. Shall I let you cum or not?" you muse.
Her eyes look at you pleadingly, knowing that she can only cum with your permission.
<img src="Images/HC21/Nicvienna4.webp" width=600 />
You spreadeagle her on the bed, tying her arms and legs, and puttimg a pillow behind her head to keep her comfortable before spending an hour elaborately teasing her, stroking her breasts, neck and thighs with your fingers, then moving to her more sensitive zones. You slide a finger into her ass, spitting on Nicola's shaved pussy and rubbing your saliva into her clit with your thumb which makes her pant and quiver.
<img src="Images/HC21/Nicvienna3.webp" width=600 />
"Not yet, $nicsubname." you whisper, turning your attention to her breasts and licking at her nipples. Your erotic teasing continues until she is a quivering panting mess, and your cock is rock hard, oozing precum from the excitement of having your own bound plaything.
You work on her pussy again, teasing it to the brink of orgasm with your fingers before slapping it lightly as she gets too close, kissing her and whispering in her ears.
"All you are is a hole to be fucked. Say it."
"I am a hole to be fucked." she whispers. "Please. I need it my $nicdomname."
<img src="Images/HC21/Nicvienna8.webp" width=600 />
It is time. You know that you will not last long after you have both been aroused for the last hour, so push unexpectedly into her and start fucking her hard, rubbing her clit vigorously as you do.
"Hold it." you command, feeling your own climax build as you push into her hard.
"Cum for me now." you order as you spurt deep inside her, squeezing her nipples hard as you keep thrusting. She bucks and screams as she cums, her vaginal muscles clamping tight around you.
You withdraw, but keep rubbing on her cum filled pussy, not relenting, your fingers pushing hard on her clit until you feel her spasm beneath you a second time, and two minutes later a third.
<img src="Images/HC21/Nicvienna7.webp" width=600 />
"No more!" she begs, tears running down her face after the third orgasm.
You stop, untying her and wrapping your arms around your wife as she trembles in your embrace, drenched in sweat and cum.
"Was that worth waiting for?" you ask.
"Yes my $nicdomname. Thank you for a perfect evening."
She falls asleep in a tight bundle, content like a newborn.
<img src="Images/HC21/Nicvienna10.webp" width=600 />
<img src="/Images/HC21/nicbeautiful.webp" width=600 />
\<<elseif $temp1 eq "Matthew">><img src="Images/HC21/Mattdarkroom.webp" width=600 />
"I have something I want to try." says Matthew.
You nod.
"I want you to pretend to be asleep. And I will come in from the bathroom and ravish you."
"You want to rape me?"
"No, not rape, just take you while you sleep."
"Do you want me still, or resisting?"
"Still, I think. Like a mannequin or a doll."
"I'll be your doll my darling." you say, stripping naked and lying on the bed in as sultry a pose as you can.
<img src="Images/HC21/nakedMC.webp" width=600 />
Matthew dims the light before retiring to the bathroom. The bed is comfortable and you are tired after your travels, and before you know it you start to doze.
You are awakened by a hand caressing your breast, and another between your legs parting them.
"Mmmmh" you exhale, sleepily.
<img src="Images/HC21/nakedMC2.webp" width=600 />
You feel something long and hard pushing between your ass cheeks, and befor you know it feel it penetrating your <<if $penis eq "none">>pussy<<else>>ass<</if>>. Matthew is not messing around.
You pretend you are still asleep and make little panting noises as you feel yourself being filled by Matthew's massive cock. He starts to pant as he pushes deep into you, squeezing your nipples from behind as he does so, but not talking, and in the dark you imagine it might not be Matthew but could be a handsome stranger having his way with you. This thought arouses you more than being fucked by your husband, and you spread your legs, moaning louder and pulling him in to kiss.
<img src="Images/HC21/MattnakedMC.webp" width=600 />
With a few more thrusts he finishes and pulls out, his cum dripping down between your thighs as he snuggles up against you.
<img src="Images/HC21/MattnakedMC2.webp" width=600 />
"Sleeping beauty was always my favourite fairy tale." he whispers.
"I don't remember Prince charming fucking her awake." you retort.
"Don't you remember that chap who had been in the French foreign legion? He knew all the old tales. In the original French version he makes her pregnant while she sleeps and she only awakens on giving birth."
"What next, screwing corpses?"
"Matthew's silence indicates he is considering it, until you elbow him in the ribs."
"I'll pretend to doze for you, but I draw the line at that."
The pair of you snuggle as you fall asleep.
\<<elseif $temp1 eq "Michaela">><img src="Images/HC20/miclingerie.webp" width=600 />
"Make love to me, $Daddy." says Michaela.
"$Daddy?" you reply.
"I am an orphan. I've been reborn as a girl. And I want you to look after me. Can I call you $Daddy? Is that alright? Megan says I should try to express my desires, my fetishes as she calls them."
"And if I look after you?"
She looks deep in your eyes. "Then I shall be ever so grateful." Shhe kisses you with her soft pink lips before stripping down to fine pink French lingerie.
"I bought this in Paris. I hope you like it. $Daddy."
You get into the game.
"You naughty girl, spending my money without my permission. But I will forgive you as you are such a pretty girl. Now how can you make it up to me?"
She kneels between your legs and starts undoing your undergarments, before burying her head between your legs and licking softly.
<img src="Images/HC20/Micbj.webp" width=600 />
"I do so love having you in my mouth. Does that make me a bad girl?"
"Mmmh." you moan, playing with her tiny nipples through the lace of her lingerie as she sucks at you.
She looks up at you, her cornflower blue eyes meeting yours.
"I am yours, darling. Make love to me, $Daddy."
<img src="Images/HC20/miclingeriefuck.webp" width=600 />
You strip down and gently fuck her on the antique hotel bed, her soft pink lips mouthing $Daddy with every thrust, until the pair of you cum in unison, her sweat glistening against the fine french lace as you hold her in the moonlight.
<<if $micpenis neq "none">><img src="Images/HC20/micfutafuck.webp" width=600 />
\<<else>><img src="Images/HC20/miclingeriefuck2.webp" width=600 />
\She kneels down afterwards, taking your semi erect cock in her mouth and licking it clean, dribbling cum down her chin.
<img src="Images/HC20/miccumdrool2.webp" width=600 />
"I do so love you. Am I a good girl now, $Daddy?"
You nod, running your fingers through her hair and wrapping your arms around her protectively as you doze off to sleep.
<<elseif $temp1 eq "Megan">><img src="Images/HC21/Meganvienna3.webp" width=600 />
"Mistress Megan?" you ask.
She places a finger over your lips.
"No Mistress. Not tonight. I have had a lovely romantic evening, and do not wish for it to end. So now I am going to have my way with you. Is that something that is agreeable to you?"
You nod. It is as if she has removed the mask she wears in public, and you are seeing a rare glimpse of the woman beneath.
She unbuttons her corset as she leans in and whispers in your ear.
"I want you inside me. I want you to enjoy me. I want you to fuck me hard and not stop until I beg, is that something that you can do?"
You nod again, and she lets her dress fall to the floor, standing on front of you in black lace lingerie. Her lips press against yours and her fingers deftly remove your clothes piece by piece.
<<if $chastity eq 1>>She unlocks your cage with a smile. "Time to come out and play."<<set $chastity = -1>><</if>><img src="Images/HC21/Meganviennacowgirl2.jpg" width=600 />
Your $penis penis stands erect. Cupping it in one hand she takes a ribbon from her hair and ties it tightly around the base of the cock and around your balls.
"That should keep it nice and hard and stop you from stopping too early. Now lie back and think of England." she orders, pushing you back on the bed as she presses her soft red lips against yours.
She sits astride you and lowers herself upon your cock, putting hands around your waist as she starts bouncing up and down rhythically. It is a hot evening, and you are soon both drenched in sweat. Her breasts soon free themselves from her corset and jiggle in front of you so you grab and squeeze them .
<img src="Images/HC21/Meganviennasweat.webp" width=600 />
"Harder." she commands, grinding her pelvis into yours and clawing at your chest.
You oblige, rutting upwards with force and pushing her against the wall, until her moans start to grow in volume.
"Yes, yes, YES!! Fuck me, come for me now, oh my fucking God yes." she wails, as the pair of you climax before collapsing in a sweaty heap.
<img src="Images/HC21/Meganviennasexcum.webp" width=600 />
After she strips off her corset and you lie naked in each others arms, your semi erect cock pressing against her bare ass.
"Mmmh I do like the way you feel against my skin. Sex is a beautiful gift, and you are rather good at it. Trust me, I know these things. Now hold me my sweet." Her sleepy tone is different from the usual commanding imperious one, almost romantic.
She falls asleep in your arms.
<img src="Images/HC21/Meganasleep.webp" width=600 />
When you wake, she has gone.
A note on the dresser reads.
"One perfect night was just what I needed.
I have business to attend to, and apologise for departing without a word.
I shall see you again in London.
A lipstick kiss mark is at the bottom of the letter.
<<if $chastity eq -1>>p.s. I do not expect you to remain locked up for the rest of your holiday. I give you permission to enjoy yourself, on the condition that you tell me about your adventures in libidinous detail on your return. <<set $chastity = 0>><</if>>
<<if $temp neq "cuck">><<link [[Sleep|HC22_Vienna_4]]>><<WearAll>><</link>><</if>><b>This is the end of the v0.22 update. The honeymoon is not yet finished, so please save here if you wish to continue the story. 0.22 will just contain honeymoon content so I can get it out faster as side content isn't available on the Orient Express. </b>delete and merge into last one?
Check Wardrobe?
<<set $time = "Morning">><<set $day = "Sunday">>
You rise on the Sabbath, awakened by the sounds of the bells of St. Stephen's Cathedral ringing calling the populace to mass. As you arrived only yesterday the next train is not due for another day so you spend the day sightseeing <<if $spouse neq "none">>with $spouse<</if>> and taking in the main attractions of the city.
The cathedral is impressive, although your German is not good enough to make out the words of the sermon. Something about lust and other sin, no doubt.
Afterwards, you take in a traditional luncheon of Brettljause, a plate of meats and cheeses, washed down by a hearty glass of beer. The waiter is very attentive, you think he is<<if $spouse neq "Matthew" and $spouse neq "none">>trying to flirt with $spouse<<elseif $femcheck gt 2>>trying to flirt with you<<else>>just after a good tip<</if>> but you soon move on.
After you head to the Kunsthistorisches museum and gallery. Vienna has a fine tradition of the arts, indeed the Belvedere palace was the first public museum, before it became the heir Franz Ferdinand's palace. At least most of the works were relocated here. You <<andspouse>>wander through the gallery, pausing for a while to admire Raphael's St Margaret and the Dragon and Bruegel's Tower of Babel.
In the evening you spend some time in the town square drinking a fine pilsner and eating the local delicacy of Wiener schnitzel, pan fried breaded veal with a salad viniagrette, followed by a chocolate Sachertorte. There is a welcome refreshing breeze coming down from the mountains and you are beginning to relax for the first time in months.
<<if $spouse eq "none">>You sleep alone tonight
\<<else>>You and $spouse continue to celebrate married life with a night of passion, making love for over an hour before sleeping in each others arms. From the outside your relationship is at best unconventional, though you know some that see you as perverts and abominations. But you do love each other, and love being with each other.
\, but awaken after a particularly erotic dream involving Bunny pleasuring herself with a range of foodstuffs including carrots, cucumbers and a variety of sausages.
"I can't cum. This one is the Wurst!" she keeps saying as the sausage keeps breaking."
The next day you repack your belongings and in the early mohead to the station after a breakfast of dark bread and darker coffee. The train appears almost identical to the last.
"Melissa! What are you doing here?"
"I was attending a party at the Belvedere. Sophie was celebrating finally being able to wed. Five years she has been courting the Archduke, but as she's only a Count's daughter the Emperor forbade the wedding. It was the party of the season, so I had to attend of course. What are you doing here?"
<<if $spouse eq "none">>"I am taking a holiday. It is good to get out of London."
"Why yes. Would you care to join me?"
"I am only travelling as far as Bucharest, but I would be honoured, kind <<sir>>." she replies theatrically. <<set $temp1 = "Melissa">>
<<else>>"We are on honeymoon." explains $spouse.
"Oh of course. The wedding seems like it was months ago. And is married life everything you thought it would be?" she asks somewhat suggestively.
"It looks as if we will be sharing the train. I am only travelling as far as Bucharest, but I am sure we will see each other on the train. "<<set $temp1 = $spouse>>
The train follows the path of the river Danube closely, and after less than two hours stops briefly at Pozsony, picking up a small number of passengers before continuing on its way. The river glistens like a necklace of liquid sapphires in the summer sunshine, and despite the breeze from the open window the cabin begins to get warm.
"Do you mind if I pull down the shade?" asks Melissa, starting to so so before you reply. The heat is affecting her badly, as you can see sweat pooling in the cleft between her breasts.
The folding blinds keep out some of the sunshine, although she does still seem a mite uncomfortable he tries to strike up a conversation.
"Where are you travelling to?" she asks.
"Constantinople. But with a short stop in Budapest first, and a few days in Bucharest."
"Have you been to either before? I recommend the baths in Budapest, the waters are quite invigorating."
"Why are you travelling to Bucharest?" you ask.
"To meet up with an old..." she pauses, trying to find the right word.
"...friend?" you offer.
"Perhaps. He is a nobleman, a friend of my family certainly."
"And does this friend live in Bucharest?"
"A short journey from the city. Count Wallachia's family used to rule the whole province, but now his lands are more modest. He does throw the most magnificent parties though."
"And how might one be invited to such a soiree?" you ask.
Melissa leans in suggestively. "I could put in a good word for you."
The day passes quickly, although there is a delay of a few hours while some repairs are carried out on the track. You pass the time drinking wine.
"In vino veritas." mutters Melissa.
"How do you mean?" you ask.
"Don't you find that people's tongues are liberated by wine? Let us play a game. Questions and Commands. We take it in turns to<<set $temp1 = "Melissa">>
[[Start|HC23_2][$temp = 1]]<<if $temp lt 2>><<set $temp17 = "">><<set $temp18 = "">><<set $temp19 = "">>
\ <<if $temp1 = "Melissa">><<set $temp2 = 2>><<else>><<set $temp2 = 3>><</if>>
"Let us play Consequences." says Melissa. "You know the rules of course."
You do, it is a common parlour game. Each player writes down a word or phrase to fit a description such as "an animal", optionally with some extra words to make the story. Each player then folds the paper over to hide the most recent line, and hands it to the next person. At the end of the game, the stories are read out.
You nod your assent
"Excellent. Let us start with an adjective. When you have written it fold your paper to cover it and pass to the next person." commands Melissa.
<<textbox "$temp3" "Boring">><<set $randomset = ["Impotent", "Hideous", "Grotesque", "Handsome", "Muscular", "Sleazy", "Ancient", "Virile", "Effeminate", "Vigorous"]>>
\<<elseif $temp eq 2>>"Marvellous. Now a man's name." says Melissa, smiling sweetly. "Perhaps someone you know."
<<textbox "$temp3" "John">><<set $randomset = ["Matthew", "Edward", "Vlad", "Marcus", "Arthur", $playername, "Alfred", "Ernest", "Maximillian", "Gabriel", "The Pope", "Prince Bertie"]>>
\<<set $temp17 += " ">><<set $temp18 += " ">><<set $temp19 += " ">>
\<<elseif $temp eq 3>>"Marvellous. Now write the word met followed by another adjective. Something descriptive."
You pick up your pen and write <b>met</b> <<textbox "$temp3" "vicious">><<set $randomset = ["sexy", "voluptuous", "cruel", "dominant", "submissive", "wanton", "intoxicated", "sultry", "delicious", "open-minded"]>>
\<<set $temp17 += " met ">><<set $temp18 += " met ">><<set $temp19 += " met ">>
\<<elseif $temp eq 4>>"And now a woman's name." she leans in seductively, affording you a glimpse of her breasts. "Are you thinking of me you wicked thing!"
<<textbox "$temp3" "Jane">><<set $randomset = ["Bunny", "Daisy", "Megan", "Melissa", "Vanessa", "Lady Bentley", "Queen Victoria", "Michaela", "Elizabeth", "Babette", "Nicola"]>>
\<<set $temp17 += " ">><<set $temp18 += " ">><<set $temp19 += " ">>
\<<elseif $temp eq 5>>"And now write the word at followed by a place, where they met:"
You pick up your pen and write <b>at</b> <<textbox "$temp3" "Westminster Abbey">><<set $randomset = ["a Parisian cafe", "a graveyard", "a Viennese ball", "the flower garden", "the privy", "the Orient Express", "a church confession booth", "The Hellfire Club", "her childhood bedroom", "the kitchen", "Westminster Abbey", "Buckingham Palace", "the houses of Parliament", "The Tower of London", "The Moulin Rouge", "a brothel"]>>
\<<set $temp17 += " at ">><<set $temp18 += " at ">><<set $temp19 += " at ">>
\<<elseif $temp eq 6>>"Next write the word <b>to</b> followed by what they went there for:"
You pick up your pen and write <b>to</b> <<textbox "$temp3" "talk">><<set $randomset = ["fuck", "kill", "deflower her", "devour", "submit", "obey", "tease", "kiss", "entertain", "hunt for treasure","lick", "suck", "cross-dress"]>>
\<<set $temp17 += " to ">><<set $temp18 += " to ">><<set $temp19 += " to ">>
\<<elseif $temp eq 7>>"Now we are getting somewhere. On the next line write the words <b>He wore</b> followed by what he was wearing:"
You pick up your pen and write <b>He wore</b> <<textbox "$temp3" "a shabby brown suit">><<set $randomset = ["a fashionable suit", "a pair of lace panties", "an ivory mask", "peasants rags", "a golden crown", "a velvet smoking jacket", "nothing at all", "a top hat", "a silk dressing gown", "a golden cloak", "a collar and leash", "smelly beige longjohns", "a suit of armour"]>>
\<<set $temp17 += ". He wore ">><<set $temp18 += ". He wore ">><<set $temp19 += ". He wore ">>
\<<elseif $temp eq 8>>"Now <b>she wore</b> followed by what she was wearing. Perhaps a dress like this one...""
You pick up your pen and write <b>he wore</b> <<textbox "$temp3" "a revealing red dress">><<set $randomset = ["a tightly laced corset", "French lace lingerie", "a strapon dildo", "riding clothes", "a pair of cat's ears", "thigh high leather boots", "a very short skirt", "a collar and leash", "an expensive ballgown", "a string of pearls around her neck", "nothing but expensive perfume"]>>
\<<set $temp17 += ". She wore ">><<set $temp18 += ". She wore ">><<set $temp19 += ". She wore ">>
\<<elseif $temp eq 9>>"Now what did they do. Write <b>He then</b> and what he did. Something naughty no doubt."
You pick up your pen and write <b>He then</b> <<textbox "$temp3" "took her roughly from behind">><<set $randomset = ["poured a glass of wine", "took her roughly from behind", "fell to his knees to beg for mercy"]>>
\<<set $temp17 += ". He then ">><<set $temp18 += ". He then ">><<set $temp19 += ". He then ">>
\<<elseif $temp eq 10>>"And what did she do? Write <b>She</b> and what she did."
You pick up your pen and write <b>She</b> <<textbox "$temp3" "swallowed">><<set $randomset = ["swallowed", "fainted", "slapped him", "climaxed", "blushed", "fell to her knees", "opened her legs", "took him deep in her mouth", "grabbed him by the balls", "climbed on top and fucked the life out of him"]>>
\<<set $temp17 += ". She ">><<set $temp18 += ". She ">><<set $temp19 += ". She ">>
\<<elseif $temp eq 11>>"Almost done. Now write <b>And the consequence was: </b> and what happened next."
You pick up your pen and write <b>And the consequence was</b> <<textbox "$temp3" "Reader she married him">><<set $randomset = ["Reader she married him", "A shotgun wedding", "Identical twins nine months later", "A nasty case of the pox", "A life of penury and destitution", "they all lived happily ever after", "a lifetime of embarrassment", "They never saw each other again, but each thought of that moment on their deathbed, years later.", "After that night, they were never satisfied again.", "They enjoyed it so much they met up to repeat this every year", "unsatisfying for both of them", "she became pregnant","they never saw each other again", "they fell passionately in love", "they ended up hating each other", "one was wounded fatally", "she swore vengeance", "he became her slave", "perversions of the highest order"]>>
\<<set $temp17 += ". And the consequence was: ">><<set $temp18 += ". And the consequence was: ">><<set $temp19 += ". And the consequence was: ">>
\<<elseif $temp eq 12>>"Last one. What did the world think of this event? Finish off with <b>And the world said</b> and a witty or poignant remark."
You pick up your pen and write <b>And the world said</b> <<textbox "$temp3" "What a scandal!">>!<<set $randomset = ["What a scandal!", "It's the end of the world as we know it.", "Well they would do that, wouldn't they?", "I'll have what she's having please.", "nothing, they were too jealous.", "Won't somebody think of the children?", "Men only think about one thing.", "She was asking for it really", "What a slut.", "I think they took a wrong turn somewhere", "Somehow, I think I saw this coming", "Nobody expects the Spanish Inquisition", "Here we go again", "And they all lived happily ever after", "Some people just want to watch the world burn", "Veni Vidi Vici", "This has all happened before, and will happen again", "Is that all?"]>>
\<<set $temp17 += ". And the world said : ">><<set $temp18 += ". And the world said : ">><<set $temp19 += ". And the world said : ">>
\<<elseif $temp eq 13>>"And now we are finished. Open it up and read."
You take your paper and read aloud.
"How droll. Now my turn."
<<if $spouse neq "none">>$spouse unfolds their paper and reads the final passage:
Melissa claps her hands in amusement. "Oh how funny. It's like being back at school again. Do you want to play again or shall we do something else?"
[[Play again|HC23_2][$temp = 1]]
[[Do something else|HC23_3][$temp = 1]]
<<if $temp lt 13>><<link [[Fold the paper and pass it along|HC23_2]]>><<consequences>><<set $temp +=1>><</link>>
"Budapest, Budapest!" calls the guard. The time has flown, it was less than six hours since you left Vienna. You <<andspouse>> gather your cases and head for the exit. Melissa kisses you on both cheeks in the continental style, her expensive perfume lingering as she does.
"It has been fun spending time with you the past day, I had worried I would be bored on the journey. I do hope you will join me at the Count's little soiree in Bucharest when you arrive there. It promises to be quite the occasion. You will be welcome, he said I could bring a friend or two."
<<if $spouse eq "Daisy">>"Well now we have to go shopping." states Daisy.
"Why is that, darling?"
"For the party. He's a count. He'll have courtiers and a palace and I haven't a thing to wear."
"What is in this case then?" you counter. "It's quite heavy for no clothes."
"You know what I mean. I'm a commoner. I used to work in a shop. I can't pretend I'm a noblewoman."
"Then don't pretend."
"You really don't understand do you? The way the upper classes look down on us."
"We don't have to go."
"Oh yes we do, darling. I'm damned if that bitch is going to get one up on us. We are going to buy the most fabulous clothes, and we are going to dance at that castle as if we own the place."
Daisy has a very stubborn streak when she sets her mid to it, like she seems to have done here.
\<<elseif $spouse eq "Michaela">>"A count. Can we go to a party with a real live count?" asks Michaela. "Please, $Daddy." Michaela opens her big blue eyes wide and puts on her sweetest expression, snuggling up against you as you leave the train.
"Well it would be rude to turn down the invitation."
"But I haven't a thing to wear. Do they have shops in Budapest?"
"We are still in the Austrian-Hungarian empire, not the back of beyond. I think we can find you a pretty frock, sweetness."
"I am the luckiest wife in the world" says Michaela, in a tone that makes you believe it.
\<<elseif $spouse eq "Nicola">>"I am not sure that I trust that woman." says Nicola, coldly.
"You are just jealous, dear." you reply.
"She latched onto you like a limpet. $Hname let me tell you about my rich friends. $Hname come to the party."
"I thought I was the one making decisions in our marriage, $nicsubmname."
"In the bedroom, of course. But this is more than that. She looked, I don't know, hungry."
"You are definitely jealous. You'll feel much better once we are relaxed at our hotel."
\<<elseif $spouse eq "Matthew">>"That Melissa is a bit of a looker, eh?"
"She was fawning all over you." you reply.
"Well you do keep telling me how handsome I am. Can you blame her?" he jests.
You lightly punch him in the arm to puncture his ego.
"Ow! Anyhow she was mainly talking to you."
"But looking at you."
"So she likes men."
"You're mine. She can get her own."
"You don't want to share?"
"I don't think she is the sharing type. A femme fatale that one."
"I thought she was just being friendly." replies your husband. Sometimes you wonder if he is being intentionally obtuse or is just a bit dim.
\<<else>>You think about Melissa's invitation. You are travelling alone, and you don't know anyone in Bucharest. A party is just what you need, you did enjoy the ball in Vienna with Megan after all. And the daughter is so much like the mother - beautiful, dominant, sensual, but closer to your own age. In your mind'd eye the image of one swaps to the other and back, until they seem like one. You realise your heart is pounding and your core is aflame with desire.
\You take a short carriage ride to the Grand Hotel Royal, a modern building in the French Renaissance style that your carriage driver informs you is the most luxurious in all Hungary. He is not joking, the hotel boasts three hundred and fifty rooms, a hairdresser, two restaurants, its own spa next door, and even its own bank. The concierge greets you at the door.
<<if $spouse>>"Herr and Frau Chadwick.
\<<elseif $spouse neq "none">>Herr and Frau $playersurname.
\<<else>><<Herr>> $playersurname.<</if>>
\"Let my boy here take your bags. We have a lovely suite for your stay with us, 2 days yes? You must be tired after your train journey. Pálinka?" he thrusts a tulip shaped glass of pale amber spirits into your hand, and whilst it is barely noon you feel obliged to take a sip. It is very sweet, apricot you think, and delicious.
"And will you be joining us for luncheon?" he asks, in perfect English.
Very good. I will see you in an hour then.
He claps his hands and a small army of attendants rush out, to take your bags, lead you to your room and collect your Pálinka glasses.
You freshen up and then head to lunch, opting to try local delicacies. Hungary is one of those countries where the main meal of the day is eaten at lunch, and the scents wafting in from the kitchen are delicious. Starter is a cold fruit soup with peaches and sour cherries. The main course is a heavily spiced poultry dish, Paprikash. The smoked flavour is quite delicious. And for dessert, a fine layered cake is brought up by M. Gerbeaud, a Swisss confectioner who runs the cafe on the premises. There are several layers of shortcrust pastry slathered with a moist layer of apricot and walnut, covered with a thick smear of melted chocolate. It is divine, although you fear you may not be able to move for the rest of your stay.
"Might I suggest a trip to the steam baths this afternoon?" says the concierge. It is a little warm today, so I would recommend you save sightseeing for the morning or evening."
Shopping.\<<if $temp lt 11>><<set $randomset = [1, 2, 3, 4]>>
\<<set $temp = $randomset.pluck()>>
\<<if $temp eq 1>>Daisy stands before you, holding two rolls of differently coloured wallpaper.
"Which do you think, the green or the blue?" she asks.
"For where?" you ask.
"For here, you silly. I simply can't live with this colour any longer. You have lived alone in this place too long and it needs a proper woman's touch."
You look about. The paint in here is a little faded, and not quite up to the latest fashions, but it isn't that bad.
Daisy gives you a soft kiss, pushing her amble bosom up against you.
"I will make it up to you, my love." she says.
"If it makes you happy, darling." you say, not wanting to cause a fight, and looking forward to Daisy's promise.
"Excellent. The blue it is. A bargain at a guinea for the room."
You hand over the coins from your money belt, hoping that she does not decide to redecorate the whole house in a hurry"
<<money -252>>
\<<elseif $temp eq 2>>You see Daisy and Ruby looking at you, before laughing girlishly then turning back to you. You walk over to them.
"Good $time darling wife."you say, kissing Daisy's hand.
"And Good $time to you as well." Daisy replies, before giggling.
"Is something wrong?"
"Ruby and I were just discussing something, and wanted to ask your opinion."
"About what?"
"Your friend Matthew. His, er, member. Is it the biggest that you have seen, or have you seen larger?"
"Well I don't make a habit of looking at men's penises." you say.
"But when you were in the army, or at sports."
"There was an African fellow in the Sudan. It was a full eleven inches long. He and Matthew almost came to blows, until they found a pair of sisters and agreed to share."
"Like the Prince?" says Ruby.
"Ooh, I have heard about him."
"A foot long, and two inches in width. I could not sit down for a week." says Ruby.
<<if $penis eq "none">>"Imagine having that inside you, darling." says Daisy, her eyes widening.
<<elseif $penis eq "small" or $penis eq "tiny">>"" says Daisy, her eyes widening.
<<elseif $penis eq "medium">>"I like a more normal sized one" says Daisy, although you are unsure if she is just being polite.
<<elseif $penis eq "large" or $penis eq "huge">>"I think my darling can give the Prince a run for his money" says Daisy, placing her hands nine or ten inches apart.
\<<elseif $temp eq 3>>You see Daisy from afar, talking to one of the servants. She has grown into her role as mistress of the household, and you watch admiringly as she commands the girl, standing regally aloof as she observes. It is a far cry from the pretty girl you saw behind the pharmacy counter only a few months back. You feel pride, this is what she always aspired to.
"Good $time darling wife." you say, kissing Daisy's hand.
"And Good $time to you. How are you today?"
"I am well. And yourself?"
"I am content. No, better than content, we have a beautiful home, and I am truly happy here."
"Is there anything that would improve it?"
She rests a hand upon her belly.
<<if $daisypregnant eq 0>>"This would be a happy place to start a family, I think."
<<elseif $daisypregnant eq 1>>"No, we are just perfect." Daisy replies, stroking her belly.
\<<elseif $temp eq 4>>"No, this is quite unacceptable". you overhear Daisy saying. "This is not the colour that I ordered."
"We could dye it." says Ruby.
"Not with both silk and lace, they would take the colour differently. And dye would ruin this fabric. No, I cannot wear it."
You step forward, noticing Daisy holding a bright fuschia gown with a yellow sash.
"Look at these colours, what do you think?"
[[I like the colour|Events_Daisy][$temp = 11]]
[[The colours are a little garish|Events_Daisy][$temp = 12]]
\<<elseif $temp eq 5>>XX
\<<elseif $temp eq 11>>
<<if $Daisy eq "sub">> Daisy's tone changes.
"You like it? Don't you think it clashes with my hair?"
"No, I think you would be very pretty in it." You lean in close and whisper. "I would very much like taking you out of it as well."
Daisy giggles.
"Very well. I will keep it and wear it for you. But I am not wearing it to the ball."
\<<else>>"And what do you know of dresses? If you like it so much, you can have it then. I shall get myself a new one in the colour that I ordered." <<set $objects["Garish pink dress"].inv = 1>>
\<<elseif $temp eq 12>>"Garish! Even $Hname thinks so. Take it, maybe you can wear it when whoring, Ruby, although it will clash with your hair terribly. Now get it out of my sight."
<</if>>\<<if $temp lt 11>><<set $randomset = [1]>>
\<<set $temp = $randomset.pluck()>>
\<<if $temp eq 1>>You pass by the parlour to hear the sounds of Mother Superior in deep conversation with Nicola. You pop your head around the door to see them having tea. "
"Are you happy here my dear?" she asks.
"I think the Lord works in mysterious ways, but yes, I am very happy, Mother."
"Good. Marriage suits you. You seem to have a weight lifted from your shoulders for the first time since I have known you."
Noticing you, the Abbess addresses you:
"I invited myself around to see how my favourite initiate was getting on now that she has left the convent. You have a lovely home."
"Squawk!" your parrot lets out a loud noise from its cage near the window.
"And an interesting pet. Does it talk?"
"Sometimes." you say.
"Fuck me. Fuck me harder. Yes, yes, yes!" squawks the bird.
"Oh my." says the Abbess.
"I can't think where the bird picked that up. It was a gift." you explain.
The abbess laughs. "Its language is as colourful as its plumage. It is good that I am broadminded. I shall see myself out."
\<<elseif $temp eq 2>>XX
\<<elseif $temp eq 3>>XX
\<<elseif $temp eq 4>>XX
\<<elseif $temp eq 5>>XX
<<set $houseeventtoday +=1>>\<<if $temp lt 11>><<set $randomset = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5]>>
\<<set $temp = $randomset.pluck()>>
\<<if $temp eq 1>>
Nicola is kneeling on the ground, scrubbing hard at a stubborn stain on the floor. Her thighs and ass are visible from behind due to the short maid's skirt she is made to wear. She is not making much progress due to holding the scrubbing brush at the wrong angle.
You admire her for a moment, before deciding whether to help her or not.
[[Kind - Show her the correct way to use the brush|Events_Nicmaid][$temp = 11]]
[[Dominant - Place your foot in front of her and get her to clean your shoe|Events_Nicmaid][$temp = 12]]
[[Cruel - Knock her bucket over|Events_Nicmaid][$temp = 13]]
\<<elseif $temp eq 2>>You see Nicola sitting in a corner, her head in her hands.
Hearing you, she looks up. You see that she has been crying.
"Sorry, $nicdomname. I was just getting back to work."
"Why are you crying?"
"It is all just a bit much. The changes in my life. I was an ordinary young woman, not wealthy but certainly privileged. Then I was an initiate in the convent. And now I am a servant, passed over by the one I love, without even the dignity to walk away, but too great a sinner for the church or my family to take me back."
"Is it truly that bad? I thought this is what you wanted?"
"I wanted you. You did not return that love.
<<if $spouse eq "Daisy">> And then you married another. Mistress Daisy truly hates me I think. She is cruel, seeing me as a rival even after she is your bride. This morning she struck me with a riding crop.<</if>>"
"I have given you all that I am able. You are free to leave if that is not enough. When we play, is that not what you desire?"
She nods, biting her lip.
"I am a slave to my lusts, like de Sade's Juliette, but suffering the indignities of her sister Justine. Will you come to me tonight?"
You are noncommittal, but the idea of having her a beautiful woman so desperate for you she will suffer to be a common scullery maid is intoxicating. <<set $temp = 10>>
\<<elseif $temp eq 3>>
You see Nicola sitting quietly, reading. The book is bound in leather, but has no title you can see.
"What are you reading?"
"Sorry $nicdomname. I was just taking a breather. I will get straight back to work."
"That was not my question. What are you reading? The bible?"
She blushes and shakes her head, handing it over. The title page is "Justine, or the misfortunes of virtue."
"De Sade?" you ask.
"It is the tale of a modest pious girl forced into a life of depravity."
"Do you see yourself in this tale?"
"No. I was not forced. I chose this life. Somehow that makes it worse, I think. Justine still has her soul."
You cannot remember the whole tale, although you remember Megan summarising it during one of her diatribes about the 'grubby little Marquis'.
"You are feeling shame?"
She nods. "My lusts are unnatural, unquenchable. I fear there may be no depravity too much for me. And that scares me. So I give all control up to another. Does that absolve me of guilt?"
<<link [[Supportive - "I am no priest. You hurt noone except yourself. You enjoy the pleasure caused by the body God gave you. That is no sin."|Events_Nicmaid]]>><<set $temp = 10>><<set $niclove +=1>><</link>>
<<link [[Dominant - "This is what you were meant to be."|Events_Nicmaid]]>><<set $temp = 10>><<set $nicsub +=1>><</link>>
<<link [[Vindictive - "You are a submissive slut, only good for being used."|Events_Nicmaid]]>><<set $temp = 10>><<set $niccruel +=1>><</link>>
\<<elseif $temp eq 4>>
You hear a whimper at first, then open the door to see Nicola with her hand up her skirt, touching herself. She does not notice you, focussed on her own pleasure as she rubs at her clit with her slender white fingers.
<<link [[Voyeur - Watch Nicola as she masturbates|Events_Nicmaid]]>><<set $temp = 14>><<set $nicsub +=1>><</link>>
<<link [[Lover - Help her reach climax|Events_Nicmaid]]>><<set $temp = 15>><<set $niclove +=1>><</link>>
<<link [[Authority - Cough to let her know you are there|Events_Nicmaid]]>><<set $temp = 16>><<set $niccruel +=1>><</link>>
\<<elseif $temp eq 5>>You pass by the parlour to hear the sounds of Mother Superior in deep conversation with Nicola. You pop your head around the door to see them having tea. "
"Are you happy here my dear?" she asks.
"I think the Lord works in mysterious ways, but yes, I am content, Mother."
"A scullery maid? I had higher hopes for you." she says sternly.
"I thought that pride was a sin. As well as avarice. I have merely continued my vows of poverty annd obedience" replies Nicola.
"And what of chastity? Or do you not consider lust a sin any more."
Nicola looks at the floor, silent.
Noticing you, the Abbess addresses you:
"It is not for me to interfere in the lives of those outside the convent walls. I am just checking that Nicola is not being mistreated. She has had to deal with a lot in her life. Anyhow, I have said all that I need to say. You have a lovely home."
"Squawk!" your parrot lets out a loud noise from its cage near the window.
"And an interesting pet. Does it talk?"
"Sometimes." you say.
"Fuck me. Fuck me harder. Yes, yes, yes!" squawks the bird.
"Oh my." says the Abbess.
"I can't think where the bird picked that up. It was a gift." you explain.
The abbess laughs. "Its language is as colourful as its plumage. It is good that I am broadminded. I shall see myself out. Remember what I said about Lust, Nicola."
\<<elseif $temp eq 10>>
\<<elseif $temp eq 11>>You take her hand angling the brush slightly and move it against the stain, feeling her soft skin under yours as you apply pressure.
"Thank you $nicdomname. I am not used to housework. Even at the convent I struggled with such things. Perhaps I am just spoiled.
"You will improve with practice, it makes me happy to see you working hard at keeping our home tidy."
Nicola smiles and gets back to work, angling her rear to give you a good view. <<set $niclove +=1>>
\<<elseif $temp eq 12>>
"You are treading where I just cleaned, $nicdomname." says Nicola.
"My shoe is dirty. Clean it."
She raises the brush to your shoe and you kick it out of her hand.
"Not with that filthy brush. Use your tongue."
Nicola smiles and sticks out her tongue, placing long strokes from your toe to the heel and back again. You imagine the tip of her tongue on a more sensitive part of your body and feel yourself tingle.
"Is that satisfactory, $nicdomname?" she asks.
You nod, patting her arse affectionately.
<<set $nicsub +=1>>
\<<elseif $temp eq 13>>
You kick at her bucket, spilling dirty water all over the floor Nicola has spent the last hour cleaning. She looks at you with tears in her eyes.
"The floor is dirty, $nicsubname. I expect to be able to see my face in it when I return.
<<set $niccruel +=1>>
\<<elseif $temp eq 14>>
Biting her lower lip, Nicola rubs beneath her skirt, breathing heavily as she gets closer an closer to her orgasm. Her stockinged knees start to shake as she squeezes at her nipple and she lets out a muffled cry as she cums. As she does she looks up and meets your gaze.
"$nicdomname! I am sorry. I was just so aroused. This uniform you have me wearing, with the tight stockings and no underwear. I am sorry I touched myself and climaxed without permission."
"You put on a lovely show, my sweet."
You lift her damp fingers to her mouth and make her lick them one by one.
"Now make yourself presentable, you little strumpet."
She stands up and straightens her stockings, pulling down her very short skirt so it at least covers half of her thighs.
\<<elseif $temp eq 15>>
You reach down and take Nicola's hand, kissing her as you slide your fingers inside her.
"Cum for me, $nicsubname." you whisper in her ear.
She is dripping wet, and your touch brings her over the edge, shuddering to a climax with a moan.
"Thank you $nicdomname." she pants. "I was just so aroused. This uniform you have me wearing, with the tight stockings and no underwear. I am sorry I touched myself without permission."
\<<elseif $temp eq 16>>
"Ahem." you cough. "What have we here?"
Flustered, Nicola looks up, pulling down her skirt and standing up sharply.
"I was just having a.."
She looks at the ground, shamefaced.
"You know the rules. You are not allowed to touch yourself or to cum without permission."
\<<if $temp gt 9>>Nicola nods, then gets back to work.<<housereturn>><</if>>\<<if $temp lt 11>><<set $randomset = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5]>>
\<<set $temp = $randomset.pluck()>>
\<<if $temp eq 1>>XX
\<<elseif $temp eq 2>>XX
\<<elseif $temp eq 3>>XX
\<<elseif $temp eq 4>>XX
\<<elseif $temp eq 5>>XX
<<housereturn>>\<<if $temp lt 11>><<set $randomset = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5]>>
\<<set $temp = $randomset.pluck()>>
\<<if $temp eq 1>>XX
\<<elseif $temp eq 2>>XX
\<<elseif $temp eq 3>>XX
\<<elseif $temp eq 4>>XX
\<<elseif $temp eq 5>>XX
<<housereturn>>\<<if $temp lt 11>><<set $randomset = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5]>>
\<<set $temp = $randomset.pluck()>>
\<<if $temp eq 1>>XX
\<<elseif $temp eq 2>>XX
\<<elseif $temp eq 3>>XX
\<<elseif $temp eq 4>>XX
\<<elseif $temp eq 5>>XX
<<housereturn>>\<<if $temp lt 11>><<set $randomset = [1]>>
\<<set $temp = $randomset.pluck()>>
\<<if $temp eq 1>>You smell a distinctive smell of perfume in the air. Turning the corner you are surprised to see Ruby. This is not her normal scent. In fact you have a very good idea wheer it comes from.
"Is that
\<<if $spouse eq "none" or $spouse eq "Matthew">>my<<else>>$spouse's<</if>> perfume you are wearing, Ruby?" you ask.
She nods, guiltily.
"Do you have permission to take it?"
She shakes her head. "It was just a little squirt. It smells so nice, see."
She moves her neck closer to you, so you can smell the delicate floral scent coming from her soft pale neck.
"It does smell pleasant. But that does not give you the right to take "
\<<if $spouse eq "none" or $spouse eq "Matthew">>my<<else>>$spouse's<</if>> things without permission.
She puts her hands behind her back.
"Do you want to punish me, or can I make it up to you some other way?"
[[Spank her|Events_Ruby][$temp = 11]]
[[Fuck her|Rubysex]]
[[Let her off with a warning|Events_Ruby][$temp = 12]]
\<<elseif $temp eq 2>>XX
\<<elseif $temp eq 3>>XX
\<<elseif $temp eq 4>>XX
\<<elseif $temp eq 5>>XX
\<<elseif $temp eq 11>>You sit down and indicate for Ruby to lie across your lap. Lifting her skirt, you administer three short spanks on her bare ass.
"Thank you $Master." she says, before going about her way.
\<<elseif $temp eq 12>>I am disappointed with you today, Ruby. I thought that your mother would have taught you better than this."
"Thank you $Master." she says, before going about her way.
<</if>>\<<if $temp lt 11>><<set $randomset = [1, 2]>>
\<<set $temp = $randomset.pluck()>>
\<<if $temp eq 1>>"Non!" cries Babette.
"Ma souer. C'est terrible."
You enter the kitchen to see a souffle that is slightly burnt on top.
"Is it meant to be singed?" you ask, unhelpfully
"It is bronzed! It gives flavour." insists Babette.
"You have burned it. Like King Alfred and the cakes." teases her sister.
"Baise-moi. I cannot do this. J'ai arrêté. I resign."
"Quoi?" asks her sister.
"You heard me. I do not have to put up with you criticising my cooking. All you have to do is fold sheets and hold crockery."
"Now now ladies." you say, attempting to calm the situation. "It is just a souffle."
"Non, it is a magnificent souffle."
"Quite right, it is a magnificent souffle. Now I suggest we put all this behind us and get back t work."
Babette stands tall, pleased that you have sided with her.
Yvette shrugs. "The English know nothing about food. They boil meat until it is flavourless. Of course they would like a burnt souffle." she says as she turns her back and leaves.
\<<elseif $temp eq 2>>Passing the kitchen, you see one of the twins, Babette you think, helping herself to a cream topped cake.
"Ahem." you cough. She turns around startled, cream on her lip confirming her guilt.
"And was that cake not meant for the parlour later?" you ask.
"It is just one cake." says Babette. "I was testing it."
"To see if the cream had gone off."
"And had it gone off?"
She puts a finger in the cream and licks it suggestively.
"Non." she says. "It is good."
"And how do you suggest that I punish you for stealing cake?" you ask.
"A spanking?" she suggests.
"If I must. Now get over my knee."
She bends over your knee, lifting up her skirt. Noting that she is not wearing underwear, you administer three short spanks to her bare cheeks before saying "And don't let me catch you again."
"No $Master." she replies with a cheeky smile.
You bite into the remaining cake. It is remarkably good.
\<<elseif $temp eq 3>>XX
\<<elseif $temp eq 4>>XX
\<<elseif $temp eq 5>>XX
<<housereturn>>\<<if $temp lt 11>><<set $randomset = [1]>>
\<<set $temp = $randomset.pluck()>>
\<<if $temp eq 1>>You notice Ernest sitting quietly, reading. He normally works hard, so you are not too displeased, and step quietly behind, reading over his shoulder:
<i>“Wanda!” I run toward her, and am about to throw my arm about her to kiss her. She retreats a step, measuring me from top to bottom.
“Mistress!” I kneel down, and kiss the hem of her garment.
“That is as it should be.”
“Oh, how beautiful you are.”
“Do I please you?” She stepped before the mirror, and looked at herself with proud satisfaction.
“I shall become mad!”
Her lower lip twitched derisively, and she looked at me mockingly from behind half-closed lids.
“Give me the whip.”</i>
"Ahem" you cough.
Ernest looks up, his face flushed.
"What are you reading." you ask.
"A novel. I was taking a short break. I shall get back to work forthwith."
"May I see it?"
He squirms, trying to deflect for a moment, before handing over the book. The title, "Venus in furs" is accompanied by a suggestive drawing of a lady.
<<if $HCevent gt 21>>"I met her, you know."
"Met whom?"
"Wanda von Sacher-Masoch. In Vienna. She was wearing a fur coat as it happens. She was stern and uncompromising. I think you might have liked to serve her."
You look down at Ernest, and the slight bulge in his trousers.
"I suggest in future you keep such reading to when you are off duty in your bedrooom, Ernest."
"Yes $Master."
\<<elseif $temp eq 2>>
\<<elseif $temp eq 3>>XX
\<<elseif $temp eq 4>>XX
\<<elseif $temp eq 5>>XX
<<if $spouse eq "XX">>[[Go to dinner at Antioch's house|Date_Antioch]]
<<else>>Your friend Antioch is a respectable sort and will only entertain you with your spouse.
<</if>>You look at the invite from your friend.
<i>Mimi and I would be delighted to have the company of you and $date for dinner this $day. </i>
<<if $date eq "Daisy" and $Daisy eq "dom">>
"Well we simply have to attend. And I expect you to be on your best behaviour and not show me up. Dr Antioch is a professional dominant. And Mimi has been his submissive for years. Oh, this simply will not do, what shall I wear?"
She ignores you completely as she frets, trying on half a dozen outfits as before she settles on one that she is happy with.
\<<elseif $date eq "Daisy" and $Daisy eq "sub">>
"I am scared, husband. We have only been married a few short while. Will he expect me to be a submissive in public?"
"Just be yourself." you reassure her.
\<<elseif $date eq "Daisy">>
"Are you going in that? Do make yourself presentable, darling. What is the Doctor's house like? Daddy did want to be a Doctor but wasn't able to study, poor man."
\<<elseif $date eq "Michaela">>
"It will be funny going to Dr Antioch's as a guest. He has been a club member since I started working there, I am so used to waiting on him."
"Just be yourself."
<<if $Michaela eq "sub">>"And will we playing at the good doctor's?"
"Playing? Oh, <b>playing</b>. Perhaps. Are you going to be a good girl?"
"Perhaps." she smiles, wickedly. recently Michaela has been developing a naughty side.
\<<elseif $date eq "Nicola">>
"A dinner with Dr Antioch? Is this a club thing, or a dominant thing, or.." Nicola is a little confused.
"It is just dinner with friends, darling."
"But he is a dominant. And Mimi his submissive."
"Yes, the same as us. But you are also my date. There is nothing to worry about, darling. You don't want me to have to command you to come to dinner, do you?"
"No, dear, I was just worrying. I am still unsure about the boundaries of when we are, how do you say, playing."
"Do you want this meal to be playtime?"
She looks at her feet, with a passive expression, biting her lip nervously.
"$nicdomname, it is your desires that are important, not mine."
You know her well enough by now to recognise the body language. Despite the nervousness she is excited by the idea of being your submissive in front of your friend.
You pull on her collar and kiss her deeply.
\<<elseif $date eq "Matthew">>
"This Antioch chap, the two of you aren't just going to talk science and stuff are you?"
"More likely we will talk about the club."
"Phew, I thought I'd be left talking Chinese with that Mimi lassie."
"Japanese. Probably best not to get that one wrong, they were at war a few years ago."
<<if $Matthew eq "dom">>"Mimi is his slave, right?"
"Submissive. Why do you ask, do you want to play at the good doctor's?"
"Play? Oh, <b>playing</b>. Well I have to show you off don't I. And you are going to be a good girl for me?"
"Yes my husband." you say, recognising his competitive streak that you have seen many times before.
\<<else>>After the fuss of Matthew and Daisy's wedding you think it will be a nice change of pace to have a quiet dinner with friends.
<img src="Images/HC21/mimikimono.webp" width=600 />
You head out to your friend's house, a smart red stone building in a quiet part of the city a short cab ride from yours, arriving fashionably, but not rudely, a few minutes late.
Mimi opens the door wearing an enchanting traditional kimono, and bows deeply.
"We are honoured by your presence. May I take your coats?"
You step inside the home, which is immaculate.
"Don't you have servants?"
"Oh no, that would be dishonourable." she says, looking shocked.
Antioch steps forward, putting a hand on her shoulder.
"Mimi is very protective of our home, and would be offended if anyone else was required to tend to my needs." he explains. "I am a simple man, with no need for a butler or valet, and Mimi is an excellent housekeeper, maid and cook."
"And she works for you as well?" asks $date.
"Indeed. She has a commendable work ethic."
You look at Mimi who glows with the compliment, as she stands attentively.
<img src="Images/HC21/mimisushi.webp" width=600 />
"Come in, sit down, I am starving. The house has been full of the scent of Mimi's cooking for hours." says Antioch, inviting you into the dining room. Mimi sits Antioch down first, pouring him a glass of wine before kneeling in front of him. He tastes it, then nods appreciatively and she pours glasses for the rest of you.
[[Sit down for the meal|Date_Antioch2]]<img src="Images/HC21/mimistrip1.webp" width=600 />
After the meal, Mimi rises and carries the plates to the kitchen, before kneeling before you.
"Now I was wondering about post dinner entertainment." says Antioch. "We have been practicing something I'd like to show to you, but it might be more fun if you join in. If you don't mind me asking I was wondering how you wanted to partake in this? You can watch, or play as you like."
Mimi begins to remove her kimono.
<<if $date eq "Daisy" and $Daisy eq "dom">>
[[Submissive - Daisy tells Antioch that you would like to join Mimi in service|Date_Antioch3][$temp = 4]]
\<<elseif $date eq "Matthew" and $Matthew eq "dom">>
[[I'd just like to watch|Date_Antioch3][$temp = 1]]
[[Submissive - I would like to join Mimi in service|Date_Antioch3][$temp = 4]]
\<<elseif $date eq "Nicola" or ($date eq "Daisy" and $Daisy eq "sub") or ($date eq "Michaela" and $Michaela eq "sub")>>
[[I'd just like to watch|Date_Antioch3][$temp = 1]]
[[Dominant - I'd like to join in|Date_Antioch3][$temp = 2]]
[[Dominant - I would like my submissive to serve us|Date_Antioch3][$temp = 3]]
[[I'd just like to watch|Date_Antioch3][$temp = 1]]
[[Dominant - I'd like to join in|Date_Antioch3][$temp = 2]]
[[Submissive - I would like to join Mimi in service|Date_Antioch3][$temp = 4]]
<</if>><<if $temp eq 2>>
"You are someone after my own heart, a dominant not afraid of the unknown. Hopefully you might learn a few things. How are your knots?" says Antioch to you.
"I learned a few pitching tents with the army. Nothing too fancy."
"A shame you had the red uniform and not the blue. In the navy our ropework was superior." You note the good natured rivalry between the branches of the military, and you do not contest the indisputable.
"Now just go an take a seat through in the parlour."
\<<elseif $temp eq 3>>"You are someone after my own heart, a dominant not afraid of the unknown. Hopefully you might learn a few things. How are your knots?" says Antioch to you.
"I learned a few pitching tents with the army. Nothing too fancy."
"A shame you had the red uniform and not the blue. In the navy our ropework was superior." You note the good natured rivalry between the branches of the military, and you do not contest the indisputable.
"Now just go an take a seat through in the parlour."
He turns to $date.
"Don't worry my dear. I am sure you will enjoy this. Do remind me of your safeword."
<<if $date eq "Nicola">>"$nicsafeword." Nicola replies.
\<<elseif $date eq "Daisy">>"<<textbox "$daisysafeword" $daisysafeword>>." Daisy replies.
<<elseif $date eq "Michaela">>"<<textbox "$micsafeword" $micsafeword>>." Michaela replies.
"Very good. Now follow me and kneel over there." He nods at the floor where Mimi is already kneeling, her head bowed.
<<if $date eq "Nicola">>Nicola dutifully obeys, kneeling down and mimicing Mimi's position easily.
\<<elseif $date eq "Daisy">>Daisy looks at you and you nod. She carefully arranges her dress so as not to crease and kneels awkwardly next to Mimi.
\<<elseif $date eq "Michaela">>Michaela wanders over next to Mimi and sits on the floor
\<<elseif $temp eq 4>><<if $date eq "Matthew">>"You are someone after my own heart, a dominant not afraid of the unknown. Hopefully you might learn a few things. How are your knots?" Antioch addresses $date
"I learned a few when pitching tents with the army. Nothing too fancy." Matthew replies
"A shame you had the red uniform and not the blue. In the navy our ropework was superior." You note the good natured rivalry between the branches of the military, and Matthew does not contest the indisputable. "Now just go an take a seat through in the parlour."
\<<elseif $date eq "Daisy">>"You are someone after my own heart, a dominant not afraid of the unknown. Hopefully you might learn a few things. How are your knots?" Antioch addresses $date
"Mummy taught me a few knots when we were finished with needlework. She said it might come in useful when I was married." replies Daisy.
"She sounds like a very wise woman." remarks Antioch astutely. "Now just go an take a seat through in the parlour."
\Antioch turns to you. "Don't worry my friend. I am sure you will enjoy this. Do remind me of your safeword."
<<textbox "$safeword" $safeword>> you reply
"Follow me and kneel over there." He nods at the floor where Mimi is already kneeling, her head bowed.
You carefully wander over next to her and kneel.
<<if $temp eq 1 or $temp eq 2>>
"As you wish. Come to the parlour and take a seat."
You sit as indicated in a comfortable armchair. Antioch sits down next to you after pouring you both a large after dinner brandy.
\<<elseif $temp eq 3>>"As you wish. Come to the parlour and take a seat."
You sit as indicated in a comfortable armchair. Antioch sits down next to you after pouring you both a large after dinner brandy.
You point toward the carpet by your feet and $date sits by your legs, resting her head on your lap.
\<<elseif $temp eq 4>>
"I thought you might. Come to the parlour." he says, reaching for a decanter of brandy as he gets there.
\<<if $date neq "none">>
"Take a seat." he asks $date
They sit as indicated in a comfortable armchair. Antioch sits down next to them after pouring two large after dinner brandies. He offers one to $date and sits down next to them.
\You think about asking for a drink but stay silent, recognising the deliberate slight - dominants get comfortable chairs and brandy, submissives are grateful for carpet on the floor.
Mimi stands before the audience, barefoot in her kimono and perfectly still.
"Strip." Antioch speaks a single word.
She bows, then begins loosening her clothes, placing them neatly to one side until she stands stark naked.
<<if $temp eq 1 or $temp eq 2>>She keeps her gaze on Antioch throughout, until he gestures towards you. "Show our guest your beauty, my love."
She smiles and moves towards you, turning slowly to show her naked form from every angle, before taking your hand and tracing it along her porcelain pale skin, as smooth as silk.
\<<elseif $temp eq 3>>
"Your turn, $date." you say, not wanting to be outdone. "Strip."
<<if $date eq "Daisy">>
Daisy looks at you for confirmation. "Here?" she says.
"Yes here. We are among friends."
She looks at Mimi who smiles, before putting on a determined expression not to be outdone. Her dress and corset soon come off and she displays here beautiful breasts to both of you.
"Bravo." calls Antioch appreciatively.
\<<elseif $date eq "Michaela">>
She looks at you and shakes her head. "No."
"No?" you reply.
"I only want to strip for you, $micdomname."
"It would make me happy if you did this. Don't you want to be a good girl?"
She nods at you as she meets your gaze, and you stroke her hair. She rises and stands next to Mimi, before slowly taking off her shoes, dress, petticoat, stockings and underwear, before standing naked wearing only her collar.
"What a good girl you are, and pretty as a picture." says Antioch.
\<<elseif $date eq "Nicola">>
Nicola stands up, walking over next to Mimi, and turns a full circle, showing her slim body to both of you. She unties her dress and it falls to the ground, revealing the corset beneath. She seductively removes her stockings and the corset, keeping her eyes fixed on you, until she stands wearing only her collar, and turns once again, showing off her body from all angles. Without prompting she stands before Antioch and does the same.
"Enchanting." he says. "Where did you find this beauty?"
"In a convent." you laugh.
\<<elseif $temp eq 4>><<if $date eq "Daisy" and $Daisy eq "dom">>
"Your turn, darling, don't be shy." says Daisy.
She sips at her brandy and looks at you eagerly.
You stand up and walk next to Mimi, before trying to remove your clothing as gracefully as you can manage. It is not a patch on what Mimi managed, as she has been stripping gracefully for years and you are a comparative novice, but Daisy seems satisfied.
\<<if $temp eq 1>><img src="Images/HC21/mimishibari3.webp" width=600 />
Antioch rises and takes a length of rope from the sideboard, wrapping it around Mimi's waist, before twisting it into loops around her breasts and arms. The process takes about ten minutes, before she is beautifully trussed up and unable to move.
"Impressive. How long can she stay bound this way?" you ask.
\<<elseif $temp eq 2>><img src="Images/HC21/mimishibari3.webp" width=600 />
Antioch rises and takes a length of rope from the sideboard, and hands it to you. He guides you in wrapping it around Mimi's waist, showing you how to twist and tie it to avoid discomfort or worse.
"The most important thing is never to leave a bound submissive alone. A shifting of weight can cut off air or blood flow." he explains.
He then teaches you to twist the rope into loops around her breasts and arms. The process takes about thirty minutes, before she is beautifully trussed up and unable to move. You sit back and admire your handiwork.
"I think I am getting the hang of this. How long can she stay bound this way?"
"With training, several hours. But novices tend to be very uncomfortable after a while. The longest I have kept Mimi constrained is a day and a half, but she built up to that for a year and took a week to recover."
\<<elseif $temp eq 3>><<if $temp2 eq "Daisy">><img src="Images/HC21/Daisyshib3.webp" width=600 />
\<<elseif $temp2 eq "Michaela">><img src="Images/HC21/Micshibari1.webp" width=600 />
\<<elseif $temp2 eq "Nicola">><img src="Images/HC21/nicshibari2.webp" width=600 />
Antioch rises and takes a length of rope from the sideboard, handing a second one to you. He demonstrates on Mimi, asking you to copy his movements. He is an excellent and patient teacher, guiding you in wrapping the rope around $date's waist, showing you how to twist and tie it to avoid discomfort or worse.
"The most important thing is never to leave a bound submissive alone. A shifting of weight can cut off air or blood flow." he explains.
He then teaches you to twist the rope into loops around her breasts and arms. The process takes about thirty minutes, before she is beautifully trussed up and unable to move. You sit back and admire your handiwork.
"I think I am getting the hang of this. How long can I keep her this way?"
"With training, several hours. But as she is a novice it will start to be very uncomfortable after a while. The longest I have kept Mimi constrained is a day and a half, but she built up to that for a year and took a week to recover."
\<<elseif $temp eq 4>><img src="Images/HC21/mimishibari3.webp" width=600 />
Antioch rises and takes a length of rope from the sideboard, handing a second one to $date. He demonstrates on Mimi, asking $date to copy his movements. He is an excellent and patient teacher, guiding them in wrapping the rope around your waist, showing you how to twist and tie it to avoid discomfort or worse.
"The most important thing is never to leave a bound submissive alone. A shifting of weight can cut off air or blood flow." he explains.
<img src="Images/HC21/MCfemtied.webp" width=600 />
He then teaches $date to twist the rope into loops around your chest and arms. The process takes about thirty minutes, before you are beautifully trussed up and unable to move. $date walks around you admiring their handiwork.
"Oh she is so pretty like this, unable to move a muscle. How long can I keep her this way?" they ask.
"With training, several hours. But as they are a novice it will start to be very uncomfortable after a while. The longest I have kept Mimi constrained is a day and a half, but she built her tolerance up to that for a year and took a week to recover."
"I am sure I can do two days now, Neko."
"Shh now Nezumi. You would walk on hot coals barefoot if I let you, but I do not wish to hurt you." says Antioch calmly, stroking Mimi's fine black hair.
"My pet name for Mimi. It is Japanese for mouse. She calls me Neko, cat. "
He walks around Mimi calmly, tightening ropes here and loosening a knot he finds disagreeable.
"The submissive is now bound and able to serve their dominant. You can tease them if you wish, or use them for your pleasure, whatever you desire."
<<if $temp eq 1>><img src="Images/HC21/mimishibari2.webp" width=600 />
You sit back as Antioch takes a peacock feather and starts running it over Mimi's body. She starts off giggling, but soon starts moaning with the sensation of it moving over her nipples and between her legs.
"Do you wish me to let my friend have you, Nezumimi?" he asks?
"Whatever you desire, Neko." is her breathless response.
He holds the feather out to you.
"You can keep tickling her if you wish. Or she can pleasure you with her mouth. Or take one of her holes while she is bound."
The tied girl grins at you as you ponder the decision.
[[Tease Mimi|Date_Antioch4][$temp1 = 1, $temp2 = "Mimi"]]
[[Fuck Mimi's mouth|Date_Antioch4][$temp1 = 2, $temp2 = "Mimi"]]
[[Fuck Mimi's pussy|Date_Antioch4][$temp1 = 3, $temp2 = "Mimi"]]
[[Fuck Mimi's ass|Date_Antioch4][$temp1 = 4, $temp2 = "Mimi"]]
[[Decline politely and keep watching|Date_Antioch4][$temp1 = 5]]
\<<elseif $temp eq 2>><img src="Images/HC21/mimishibari2.webp" width=600 />
Antioch hands you a peacock feather and gestures at his beloved. You start running it over Mimi's body. She starts off giggling, but soon starts moaning with the sensation of it moving over her nipples and between her legs.
"Do you wish me to let my friend have you, Nezumimi?" he asks?
"Whatever you desire, Neko." is her breathless response.
"You can keep tickling her if you wish. Or she can pleasure you with her mouth. Or take one of her holes while she is bound."
The tied girl grins at you as you ponder the decision.
[[Tease Mimi|Date_Antioch4][$temp1 = 1, $temp2 = "Mimi"]]
[[Fuck Mimi's mouth|Date_Antioch4][$temp1 = 2, $temp2 = "Mimi"]]
<<if $penis neq "none">> [[Fuck Mimi's pussy|Date_Antioch4][$temp1 = 3, $temp2 = "Mimi"]]
[[Fuck Mimi's ass|Date_Antioch4][$temp1 = 4, $temp2 = "Mimi"]]
\[[Decline politely|Date_Antioch4][$temp1 = 5]]
\<<elseif $temp eq 3>> <img src="Images/HC21/mimishibari2.webp" width=600 />
Antioch takes a peacock feather and starts running it over Mimi's body. She starts off giggling, but soon starts moaning with the sensation of it moving over her nipples and between her legs. He hands you another feather and encourages you to do the same to $date. You start running it over her sensitive nipples and down her belly.
<<if $date eq "Michaela">><img src="Images/HC21/Micshibari0.webp" width=600 />
Michaela starts shrieking. "You know I'm ticklish you brute, stop that, it's Oohhh" before cursing you as she thrashes about in frustration, pleasure and ticklish discomfort.
<<elseif $date eq "Nicola">>Nicola puts on her most serene expression, whispering a prayer beneath her breath. You tease her with the feather for ten minutes, ending up running it between her thighs, tickling her clitoris with it until she gasps as she approaches a climax. You pull it away, leaving her quivering.
"Masterful." observes Antioch. "You are playing her like a violinist."
\"What do you wish now? I think you have about twenty minutes before the ropes begin to burn. You are the guest, so I will follow your lead, but I see more than one tempting hole on display."
He leans over to whisper. "Or, if you wish, we could swap for the evening. Mimi is quite keen on you you know."
[[Swap partners and Fuck Mimi's mouth|Date_Antioch4][$temp1 = 2, $temp2 = "Mimi"]]
<<if $penis neq "none">> [[Swap partners and Fuck Mimi's pussy|Date_Antioch4][$temp1 = 3, $temp2 = "Mimi"]]
\ [[Tease your date|Date_Antioch4][$temp1 = 1, $temp2 = $date]]
<<if $$date eq "Daisy">>[[Fuck Daisy's tits|Date_Antioch4][$temp1 = 7, $temp2 = $date]]
\[[Fuck your date's mouth|Date_Antioch4][$temp1 = 2, $temp2 = $date]]
<<if $penis neq "none" and ($date neq "Michaela" or $micpussy eq 1)>>[[Fuck your date's pussy|Date_Antioch4][$temp1 = 3, $temp2 = $date]]
<<if $penis neq "none">>[[Fuck your date's ass|Date_Antioch4][$temp1 = 4, $temp2 = $date]]
\[[Decline politely|Date_Antioch4][$temp1 = 5]]
\<<elseif $temp eq 4>>
Antioch turns to $date. "So, what do you want to do with them? You are the guest here, you can use your date, or Mimi if you prefer."
<<if $date eq "Daisy" and and Flag("cuckold")>>
"Maybe we should play while they are unable to interfere." says Daisy flirtatiously, running her hands down Antioch's chest.
"I am flattered ma'am, but I must respectfully decline. You can play with Mimi if you like, she would enjoy it I assure you."
"No, I want to learn. Tie Mimi as tightly as you dare and fuck her to within an inch of her life." says Daisy, cruelly.
<img src="Images/HC21/mimishibarifuckextreme.webp" width=600 />
Antioch smiles, before adjusting Mimi's restraints, tying her wrists and ankles together painfully. He strips, revealing a long hard cock which he slides into Mimi's gaping slit without resistance. The tied girl can do nothing but moan softly as he fucks her hard from behind.
"Are you enjoying this $subname. I want to see more, Antioch."
<img src="Images/HC21/mimishibarifuckextreme4.webp" width=600 />
He puts a gag into Mimi's mouth and hoists her from the ground, before resuming his congress with the suspended girl who can do naught but drool until he is sated with her. He pulls out, leaving her dripping his seed onto the ground.
"Bravo." applauds Daisy, who had been watching eagerly. She turns to face you.
<<if $penis neq "none">><img src="Images/HC21/MCshibfuta.webp" width=600 />
\<<else>><img src="Images/HC21/MCshibfem.webp" width=600 />
"Just think what fun we can have at home like this, darling."
You cannot wait...
[[Finish|Date_Antioch4][$temp1 = 6]]
\<<elseif $date eq "Daisy">>
Daisy walks over to you and Mimi.
"They are so pretty together. I want to watch them play."
She arranges you top to tail and Antioch adjusts your bounds so the pair of you are tied together. Daisy watches admiringly as you lick Mimi's cunny and she does likewise to your<<if $penis eq "none">>s.
<img src="Images/HC21/Mimishibduo.webp" width=600 />
<<else>>$penis cock.
<img src="Images/HC21/Mimishibduo69.jpg" width=600 />
\"Maybe we should tie them together all night?" she suggests.
"I think $Hname may need practice being tied first. But it is lovely having two submissives bound. It is amazing what they do to pass the time when they only have their mouths to work with." replies Antioch.
You soon lose focus on what they are saying, convcentrating instead on the delicious feeling coming from your groin, and lick furiously at Mimi's snatch.
"Which of them will come first do you think? Would you like to wager?"
"I will not take your money. Mimi will not cum until I commmand it. I do not think she can any more."
"One day I will train my darling like that." says Daisy admiringly. "We can start now. Let us leave her begging for more."
"Enough Mimi." commands Antioch, and Mimi's tongue withdraws from your groin leaving you trembling helplessly
[[Finish|Date_Antioch4][$temp1 = 6]]
<<elseif $date eq "Matthew">>
"Your Mimi is very beautiful. Are you sure you do not mind?"
"Be my guest. She likes me to command her to fuck other men. Do you wish me to let our guest have you, Nezumimi?" he asks?
"Whatever you desire, Neko." is her breathless response."
<img src="<img src="Images/HC21/Matthewmimifuck.webp" width=600 />" width=600 />
Matthew walks over and lies her down on the futon before taking her roughly from behind. You watch, unable to move, as your date fucks the beautiful Japanese girl. Antioch sits behind you stroking your hair, watching his beloved.
"Tonight I will get her to describe how it felt being fucked while I watch her. For some this is an act of cuckoldry, but she does this as I command it, because I wish her to."
<<if $penis eq "none">> <img src="Images/HC21/MCshibPOVfuck.webp" width=600 />
He pulls out and turns his attention to you, sliding his cock already slick from Mimi's juices into your waiting pussy. You are unable to move muscle, but tremble with pleasure as your well muscled lover thrusts his huge cock into you over and over until he fills you with hot spurts of spunk.
<img src="Images/HC21/MCshibPOVfuckcum.jpg" width=600 />
<<else>> Matthew finishes, spraying his seed over Mimi's body.
<img src="Images/HC21/mimishibaripostsex2.webp" width=600 />
[[Finish|Date_Antioch4][$temp1 = 6]]
<</if>><</if>><<if $temp1 eq 1>> <<if $temp2 eq "Mimi">><img src="Images/HC21/mimishibtease.webp" width=600 />
\<<elseif $temp2 eq "Daisy">><img src="Images/HC21/Daisytease.webp" width=600 />
\<<elseif $temp2 eq "Michaela">><img src="Images/HC21/micshibtease.webp" width=600 />
\<<elseif $temp2 eq "Nicola">><img src="Images/HC21/nicshibtease.webp" width=600 />
You tickle $temp2's naked body, as they are unable to move they just moan softly at your attention. You slip a finger inside them and slide it in and out, watching their expression as they are helpless beneath your touch. For a moment you wonder what it would be like to take a stranger, bind and gag her and have her as your sex slave, but this crude thought passes quickly, as you are grateful for the consenting submissive beauty quivering at your touch.
[[Fuck their mouth|Date_Antioch4][$temp1 = 2]]
<<if ($temp2 neq "Michaela" or $micpussy eq 1) and $penis neq "none">>[[Fuck their pussy|Date_Antioch4][$temp1 = 3]]
\<<if $penis neq "none">>[[Fuck their ass|Date_Antioch4][$temp1 = 4]]
\[[Decline politely|Date_Antioch4][$temp1 = 5]]
\<<elseif $temp1 eq 2>>
<<if $penis eq "none">><<if $temp2 eq "Mimi">><img src="Images/HC21/mimilyingshibari.webp" width=600 />
\<<elseif $temp2 eq "Daisy">><img src="Images/HC21/daisyshibcuni.webp" width=600 />
\<<elseif $temp2 eq "Michaela">><img src="Images/HC21/micshibariblowjob.webp" width=600 />
\<<elseif $temp2 eq "Nicola">><img src="Images/HC21/nicshibariblowjob.webp" width=600 />
You position $temp2 in front of you and hold their head gently as they lap at your soft pink pussy lips. She is tightly bound, and the only part of their body she can move is her lips and tongue, but she puts these to good work and you are soon moaning. Antioch is watching attentively, his focus on the bound girl rather than you. You soon lose track of everything apart from your orgasm. <<cum>>
<<else>> <<if $temp2 eq "Mimi">><img src="/Images/HC21/mimishibbj.webp" width=600 />
\<<elseif $temp2 eq "Daisy">><img src="Images/HC21/daisyshibbj.webp" width=600 />
\<<elseif $temp2 eq "Michaela">><img src="Images/HC21/micshibariblowjob.webp" width=600 />
\<<elseif $temp2 eq "Nicola">><img src="Images/HC21/nicshibariblowjob.webp" width=600 />
\You position $temp2 in front of you and slide your hard cock between their lips. You have to position yourself more carefully, unlike most fellatio $temp2 is barely able to move, but you are able to push yourself deep into her mouth without resistance, just a bound head to fuck at your will. You really need to learn how to do Shibari. Before long you feel your climax building and spray sperm over their face.
<<if $temp2 eq "Mimi">><img src="Images/HC21/mimishibbjcum.webp" width=600 />
\<<elseif $temp2 eq "Daisy">><img src="Images/HC21/Daisyshibfacial.webp" width=600 />
\<<elseif $temp2 eq "Michaela">><img src="Images/HC21/micshibarifacial.webp" width=600 />
\<<elseif $temp2 eq "Nicola">><img src="Images/HC21/nicshibariblowjobcum.webp" width=600 />
\[[Finish|Date_Antioch4][$temp1 = 6]]
\<<elseif $temp1 eq 3>>
<<if $temp2 eq "Mimi">><img src="Images/HC21/mimishibarifuck3.webp" width=600 />
\<<elseif $temp2 eq "Daisy">><img src="Images/HC21/Daisyshibfuck.webp" width=600 />
\<<elseif $temp2 eq "Michaela">><img src="Images/HC21/Michaelashibarisex2.webp" width=600 />
\<<elseif $temp2 eq "Nicola">><img src="Images/HC21/nicshibarisex2.webp" width=600 />
\Never in your wildest dreams before this year would you have imagined that a beauty would be lying bound in rope ready for you to push your cock into. Their legs are tied apart and offer no resistance to you, and you push balls deep into her. You increase intensity, squeezing her ass tightly before pulling out and ejaculating over her belly.
<<if $temp2 eq "Mimi">><img src="Images/HC21/mimishibaripostsex.webp" width=600 />
\<<elseif $temp2 eq "Daisy">><img src="Images/HC21/Daisyshibfuckcum2.webp" width=600 />
\<<elseif $temp2 eq "Michaela">><img src="Images/HC21/micshibsexcum.webp" width=600 />
\<<elseif $temp2 eq "Nicola">><img src="Images/HC21/nicshibsexcum.webp" width=600 />
[[Finish|Date_Antioch4][$temp1 = 6]]
/<<elseif $temp1 eq 7>><img src="Images/HC21/Daisyshibtitfuck.webp" width=600 />
The rope squeezing on them makes Daisy's breasts even more appealing than usual, appearing to be almost twice their usual size, and you cannot resist sliding your cock between them. She smiles from her prostrate bound position as you rub oil into them and squeeze them through your fingers as your member rubs back and forth between the soft white mounds. With a cry you spray your sperm over her bound tits and face.
<img src="Images/HC21/Daisyshibtitfuckcum.webp" width=600 />
[[Finish|Date_Antioch4][$temp1 = 6]]
/<<elseif $temp1 eq 4>>
<<if $temp2 eq "Mimi">><img src="Images/HC21/mimishibariass.webp" width=600 />
\<<elseif $temp2 eq "Daisy">><img src="Images/HC21/Daisyshibanal.webp" width=600 />
\<<elseif $temp2 eq "Michaela" and $micpenis eq "none">><img src="Images/HC21/Michaelashibarifutaanal1.webp" width=600 />
\<<elseif $temp2 eq "Michaela">><img src="Images/HC21/Michaelashibarianal1.webp" width=600 />
\<<elseif $temp2 eq "Nicola">><img src="Images/HC21/nicshibarianal.webp" width=600 />
\You turn $temp2 away from you, arranging their bindings so that their legs stay spread, before rubbing a little oil on their pretty pink arsehole. Your cock stands to attention at the sight of the bound beauty on her knees in front of you, and you grasp her ass with both hands, pushing yourself deep inside. You feel yourself slide past her sphincter and get into a rhythm before pulling out and spraying cum over her rope tied body.
<<if $temp2 eq "Mimi">><img src="Images/HC21/mimishibariasscum.webp" width=600 />
\<<elseif $temp2 eq "Daisy">><img src="Images/HC21/Daisyshibanalcum.webp" width=600 />
\<<elseif $temp2 eq "Michaela" and $micpenis neq "none">><img src="Images/HC21/Michaelashibarifutaanalcum.webp" width=600 />
\<<elseif $temp2 eq "Michaela">><img src="Images/HC21/Michaelashibarianalcum.webp" width=600 />
\<<elseif $temp2 eq "Nicola">>
[[Finish|Date_Antioch4][$temp1 = 6]]
/<<elseif $temp1 eq 5>>
"Very well. I can see you are a private person. I apologise if we overstepped your boundaries. Nezumimi, we shall play more later."
[[Finish|Date_Antioch4][$temp1 = 6]]
<<elseif $temp1 eq 6>>
Afterward Antioch patiently unties the knots, checking the exposed skin for signs of chafing, before everyone gets dressed. <<WearAll>>
Mimi brings around small cups of sake which Antioch downs in one so you do likewise.
"A most pleasant evening. We must do this again." he says.
"Indeed. But not before we return the invitation at mine." you reply.
You walk home, exhausted but happy after spending an evening in such good company.
[[Go to bed|Sleep]]
<</if>>"Hello my dove" says Matthew, giving you a great bearhug of an embrace while leaning in for a sloppy kiss. His hand starts wandering down your back, giving your arse a squeeze, and before you know it you are both rolling naked on the bed.
<img src="Images/HC21/mattbednaked.webp" width=600 />
<<set $ret = "YourRoom">>
[[Suck his cock->Mattoral][$temp = 1]]
<<if $penis eq "none">>[[Lie down and let Matt fuck your pussy->MattFuck]]
\[[Bend over and let Matt fuck your ass->MattAnal]]<img src="Images/HC21/matthandjob.webp" width=600 />
<<if $temp eq 1>>You kneel down in front of Matthew, always impressed by the girth and length of his cock. You lick your lips seductively and stick out your tongue, licking slowly from the base of his member to the very tip, where you roll your tongue around the head and start repeating the process. A tiny bead of precum forms at the end and you lick it off, savouring the texture. Matthew lets out a little whimper as you place your lips around the head of his cock, inching it into your mouth as you cup your hands around the shaft.
"That's just beautiful. I could watch you suck that all day."
You don't reply, as your mouth by now is full of his engorged penis, and you move more saloiva froom the back of your throat, spitting messily on him as you start squeezing on the base of his cock and tickling his balls.
[[Take him deep into your throat|Mattcum][$temp = 2]]
<<elseif $temp eq 2>>
You brace yourself and open your throat wide, fitting as much of Matt's huge penis as you can inside, and noisily slurp as it slides back and forth. He groans in pleasure at this until a few seconds later you feel a gagging sensation in your throat. You ignore this and concentrate on pleasuring him, squeezing his balls until you feel him twitching inside your mouth.
\[[Make him cum|Mattcum][$temp = 1]]
<<mattsex>>"Oh my. I still can't get used to this pussy. I mean all of you is beautiful, but this bit is special." Matthew says as he rubs a finger along your labia. You smile and kiss him deeply, holding the base of his penis between your fingers as you rub it with your wet lips, until with a gasp you lie back as he enters you.
<img src="Images/HC21/Matthewmiss.webp" width=600 />
He starts slow, pushing in just an inch at a time, and you feel yourself being stretched out, but he starts moving faster, and you moan deeply, unable to resist the wave of pleasure as he rubs your clitoris with his thumb. Soon he is fucking you hard, almost painfully, and you cry out his name as you feel an orgasm building.
[[Make him cum|Mattcum][$temp = 2]]
<<mattsex>>"Fuck my ass." you say suggestively, crouching on all fours on the bed and opening your legs, revealing your pink rear hole to him.
"Are you sure?" he asks and you nod.
He spits on his fingers and rubs them inside your hole and over his cock which is already hard, before pushing the tip inside your tight asshole. He is far too big to fully fit inside, but gently eases in a fraction of an inch at a time, until you feel a release as he slips past your sphincter and you suck him inside you.
<img src="Images/HC21/Mattanaldoggy3.webp" width=600 />
He puts his hands on your breasts, squeezing them tightly as he rocks his cock inside your arse, moving more and more vigorously.
[[Make him cum|Mattcum][$temp = 3]]
<<mattsex>><<if $temp eq 1>><img src="Images/HC21/matthandjobcum.webp" width=600 />
\<<elseif $temp eq 2>>You see Matthew's face flush as he nears climax, and rub your clitoris furiously to try to come as well.
<<set $randomset = [1, 2, 3, 4]>>\
<<set $temp1 = $randomset.pluck()>>\
<<if $temp1 eq 1 >>Matthew pulls out of you at the last minute and sprays your body with semen, showering your belly and tits with cum as he cries out in triumph.
"Did you have to?" you ask, the moment ruined as not only do you fail to cum but you are also covered in congealing sticky fluid.
\<<elseif $temp1 eq 2 >>Matthew slows, his eyes locking with yours as he rocks back and forward. He lowers his head to your nipple and licks slowly, rubbing between your legs until you feel your arousal grow and tip you over the edge. You feel your abdomen spasming as you cum, and this sets Matthew off a moment later, feeling his hhuge cock spurting deep inside you. He continues moving inside you for another minute, the delightful sensation ebbing away until you feel him slipping out of you as his erection subsides and he soon lies immobile next to you. <<cum>>
\<<elseif $temp1 eq 3 >>Matthew thrusts harder and harder, closing his eyes and gurning as he ejaculates inside your tight pussy.
"Yes, yes, yes!" he calls as he cums deep within you, before pulling out as you feel sticky fluid dripping between your thighs.
\<<elseif $temp1 eq 4 >>You moan loudly, timing the movement of your pelvis with Matthew's thrusts as you feel fuller than you ever believed possible. "Cum for me, lover." you whisper in his ear. Your left hand's fingers dig deep into his muscled back as he climaxes, your right rubbng your clut hard so that a moment later you cum also, screaming like a cat in heat as he squirts deep inside you.
You both lie still, for a moment.
"Did the earth move for you too, $playersurname" he asks.
You nod, and hold him tightly. <<cum>>
\<<elseif $temp eq 2>>
"Oh God yes!" cries out Matthew, and you feel his hands squeeze your chest tightly as he shudders deep inside your cunt. There is a momentary pressure before he pulls out of you, before you feel cool stickiness running out of your slit. He lies, one arm draped around you and soon starts dozing.
\<<elseif $temp eq 3>><img src="Images/HC21/Mattanalcum2.jpg" width=600 />
"Oh God yes!" cries out Matthew, and you feel his hands squeeze your chest tightly as he shudders deep inside your arse. There is a momentary pressure before he pulls out of you, before you feel cool stickiness running out of your rear. He lies, one arm draped around you and soon starts dozing.
<<r>>You and Michaela embrace, your lips pressing together as you hold each other. Your fingers tear at each others clothing until you are both naked.
She takes one look between your legs.
"I think you are pleased to see me. Is it playtime?" she asks flirtatiously.
You nod, tracing your finger down her slim smooth frame.
<<micsex>>"Oh, I love dressing up. Who do you think I should be today?" asks Michaela.
[[A Bride|MicsexRPbride]]
Other options will be available in future updates.You gently push Michaela onto her back and kneel between her legs.
"I want you inside me." she says with a husky whisper, opening her thighs wide and wrapping her arms around you. She guides you into her tight pussy with a gasp as you enter her.
"Oh I never thought it could be like this my love." she whispers as you rock back and forth inside her.
<<micsex>>"I think I should tie you up." you say.
"Why, $micdomname, haven't I been a good girl?" she asks in a voice as sweet as honey.
She nestles her blonde curls against your chest and trembles slightly.
"Although I did have a naughty dream yesterday about fucking a stranger."
She looks deep into your eyes.
"Does that make me a bad girl, $micdomname?"
You nod, and take her hands, tying them to the bed with pink rope.
<<micsex>>You place a hand on Michaela's shoulder and gently push her to the ground, kneeling in front of you.
"My, what big feet you have." she says cheekily.
"Kiss them." you say.
She lowers her head and places a tiny peck on each big toe, before returning her gaze to you.
<<micsex>>You push your lips against Michaela's and she opens hers to you, her pink tongue fluttering against yours as a girlish sigh leaves her mouth.
You put one hand to the back of her head and another on her bottom and enjoy the touch of her body as your tongues intertwine.
<<micsex>>You plant a hard slap onto Michaela's pert bottom, and she shrieks as it connects.
"Please my love, I'll be a good girl." she mutters.
<<micsex>><<if $penis eq "none">>
<<else>>You push Michaela to her knees and push your cock between her soft pink lips. She starts to kiss it gently, moistening the tip with her tongue as you run your fingers through her tight blonde curls. She starts sucking more insistently and you grasp her head between your palms, pushing yourself into her mouth until she gags slightly, before moving her head back and forth.
"Who is my best little cocksucking girl?" you ask.
There is a muffled response from Michaela as she continues to blisfully suck at your $penis penis.
[[Cum|Micsex_cum][$temp = 1]]
<</if>>You open the wooden chest at the foot of the bed, and look through your collection of sex toys, deciding which to use on Michaela.
<table style="width:100%">\
<th>Use toy</th>
<<if $objects["ruby butt plug"].inv eq 1>><tr><th>ruby butt plug</th><th><<set $image to $objects["ruby butt plug"].image >><<displayimage I>></th><th>$objects["ruby butt plug"].description</th><th><<if $nicplug eq "ruby butt plug">> This is already in Nicola's ass. <<elseif $micplug eq "ruby butt plug">> This is already in Michaela's ass.<<elseif $daisyplug eq "ruby butt plug">> This is already in Daisy's ass. <<elseif $toy eq "ruby butt plug">> This is already in your ass.<<else>>[[Use->Micsex_plug][$micplug ="ruby butt plug"]]<</if>> </th> </tr><</if>>
<<if $objects["sapphire butt plug"].inv eq 1>><tr><th>sapphire butt plug</th><th><<set $image to $objects["sapphire butt plug"].image >><<displayimage I>></th><th>$objects["sapphire butt plug"].description</th><th><<if $daisyplug eq "sapphire butt plug">> This is already in Nicola's ass. <<elseif $micplug eq "sapphire butt plug">> This is already in Michaela's ass.<<elseif $daisyplug eq "sapphire butt plug">> This is already in Daisy's ass. <<elseif $toy eq "sapphire butt plug">> This is already in your ass. <<else>>[[Use->Micsex_plug][$micplug ="sapphire butt plug"]]<</if>> </th> </tr><</if>>
<<if $objects["large black butt plug"].inv eq 1>><tr><th>large black butt plug</th><th><<set $image to $objects["large black butt plug"].image >><<displayimage I>></th><th>$objects["large black butt plug"].description</th><th><<if $daisyplug eq "large black butt plug">> This is already in Nicola's ass. <<elseif $micplug eq "large black butt plug">> This is already in Michaela's ass.<<elseif $daisyplug eq "large black butt plug">> This is already in Daisy's ass. <<elseif $toy eq "large black butt plug">> This is already in your ass. <<else>>[[Use->Micsex_plug][$micplug ="large black butt plug"]]<</if>> </th> </tr><</if>>
<<if $objects["purple dildo"].inv eq 1>><tr><th>purple dildo</th><th><<set $image to $objects["purple dildo"].image >><<displayimage I>></th><th>$objects["purple dildo"].description</th><th>[[Use->Micsex_dildo][$dildo ="purple dildo"]] </th> </tr><</if>>
<<if $objects["huge black dildo"].inv eq 1>><tr><th>huge black dildo</th><th><<set $image to $objects["huge black dildo"].image >><<displayimage I>></th><th>$objects["huge black dildo"].description</th><th> [[Use->Micsex_dildo][$dildo ="huge black dildo"]]</th> </tr><</if>>
<<return>>You decide to tease your pet with a $micplug. You position Michaela on all fours, parting her legs slightly, before taking it from its container, and unwrapping it, revealing the hard bulbous surface.
She sees the plug and her eyes open wide with the realisation of what you are going to do to her.
You stick the plug into her mouth. "Suck on this, get it good and wet. You know where it is going and you don't want it to hurt." She opens her mouth and you see it dripping with saliva as she anticipates your request, coating the plug with the thick mucus from the back of her throat. You take the lubricated buttplug and place the tip of it at the opening to her ass, applying a little pressure as her tight hole begins to widen. You pause a moment to gauge her reaction, waiting for her to beg you to push it in further, and further. She sucks in a deep intake of breath as the widest part pushes her hole apart, and then as it passes the point of no return the plug is sucked deep inside her with an audible slurp, like a swallowing. You wiggle it back and forth, ensuring it is a good tight fit.
"What a good little slut you are, taking that $micplug in your ass. And look how wet it is making you. I think you can stay like that until I say. I might take it out if I choose to fuck your ass, or perhaps you can keep it in all week, stretching you nice and wide. Would that make you wet?"
She nods eagerly at the idea.
<<micsex>>Michaela stares at the sight of the $dildo.
"Is that for me?" she asks with a smile.
You slip it between her lips, and slide it in and out until it is moist, and then reach down and part her legs.
<<if $micpenis eq "none">>You slide it into her waiting pussy.
\<<else>>You slide it into her waiting ass.
[[Keep fucking her with the dildo and make her cum->Micsex_orgasm]]
<<micsex>>You gently ease the $micplug into Michaela's rear, sliding it in and out slowly while caressing her breasts with your other hand. Each time it eases past her sphincter her body sucks it inside, accompanied by a little moan from her parted lips.
<<micsex>>Michaela lies on her front, opening her legs wide and presents her ass for inspection. Her pert bottom sticks in the air and you can clearly see the head of the plug emerging, from her cute behind.
You examine her ass, wiggling the plug for good measure which causes her to moan slightly.
"Has it been in all week?" you ask.
"Yes. Well except for the toilet. But I put it straight back in afterwards."
"Good girl." You praise her and caress her face, gently moving the plug in and out half an inch at a time with your other hand to her obvious pleasure.
Like a puppy, she reacts to your praise, rubbing herself against you affectionately.
<<micsex>><<set $micplug = "none">>
You firmly take hold of the jewelled end of the plug, and rotate it before starting to pull slowly but firmly. Michaela lets out a deep gasp as the widest part of the plug starts to stretch her asshole open.You pause, pushing it back in and teasing her, easing it in and out a few times, before finally pulling it a fraction at a time, until it finaly passes her sphincter and rapidly slips out.
You place the plug back in its box after cleaning it, and return to inspecting her ass. Her hole is stretched wide after holding the large plug, and gapes appealingly for you. You spit on it, your saliva running between her ass cheeks, and stick a finger inside, lubricating her arse.
"Now what do you think we should with this lovely hole?" you ask out loud.
"Stick a flower in it?" says Michaela cheekily.
You slap her arse in response to her cheekiness, and tease her ass with your finger until she starts to drool and moan.
"Please fuck me." she begs.
<<micsex>><<if $temp eq 1>>You push yourself deep into Michaela's soft mouth, grabbing handfully of her curly hair as you climax deep in her mouth. Pulling out, she sticks out her tongue, coated in your sperm which dribbles down her chin.
"Does this make me a good girl or a bad girl?" she asks suggestively as she plays with the mess you have made.
<<elseif $temp eq 2>>As your orgasm approaches you pull out and spray Michaela's face with sperm as you ejaculate furiously over her, glazing her face and splashing her pretty blonde curls.
She sits immobile for a moment, looking at you with a pout before wiping it off.
<<elseif $temp eq 3>>You push hard
<<elseif $temp eq 4>>As your orgasm approaches you pull out and spray Michaela's body with sperm as you ejaculate furiously over her, leaving a pool of your seed dripping off her belly onto the sheets. She sits immobile for a moment, looking at you with a pout before wiping it off
<<elseif $temp eq 5>>
You push hard into Michaela's tight arse as you squeeze her waist with both hands. With a cry you cum deep inside her, holding still for a moment. As you pull out your semen drips out of her pretty pink asshole onto the sheets.
<<elseif $temp eq 6>>
As your orgasm approaches you pull out and spray Michaela's ass with sperm as you ejaculate furiously over her. It drips down between her legs, and she wiggles her bum at you like a bitch in heat before wiping it off.
<</if>>You lie with Michaela after you have finished, running your hands through her blonde hair.
<<if $time eq "Evening" or $time eq "Night">>[[Sleep]]
\<<else>>You leave her to rest and head back to your room to change.
<<link [[Leave|YourRoom]]>><<wait>><</link>>
<</if>><img src="Images/HC21/Megandommesit.webp" width=600 />
You are surprised on entering Megan's apartment not to be immediately faced with the sight of her in her black corset, but instead she is wearing a long elegant dress. She is, of course, stunning, and you almost forget your station but recover, falling to your knees and assuming the usual submissive position.
"Rise, honey." she says, taking your hand. "I thought tonight we could have dinner. And talk."
"Talk, Mistress? About what?"
"About us. I wish to know more about you. And I am sure there are questions you have about me."
"Will we be dining out?" you ask, worried that a servant might intrude on your 'playtime'.
"No, here. Don't worry, it will just be us."
It occurs to you that you have never seen servants at Megan's house. She does spend an awful lot of time at the club, but even so she is a lady of standing who you would expect to have some help about the house.
"Make yourself immaculate. We eat in half an hour."
You head into the indicated room, where an elegant black dress and smart suit hang against one wall, and a small basin is equipped with toiletries and the like.
<<link [[Choose the male outfit|Megan_domevent11_1]]>><<set $temp1 = "boy">><<set $outfit = "frock coat suit">><</link>>
<<link [[Choose the female outfit|Megan_domevent11_1]]>><<set $temp1 = "girl">><<set $outfit = "Black formal dress">><</link>><img src="Images/HC21/Megandining3.jpg" width=600 />
You change and return, following the delicious smell to the dining table which is set with two places at either end. One seat is ornate and padded with a soft red cushion. The other is plain wood. It is clear which is yours.
"My, aren't you a picture, baby $temp1." says Megan as she walks behind you. One more touch I think.
She stands behind you and places a pair of thick leather mittens upon your hands, tying them tightly about the wrists. They restrict most of your hands actions, but are not uncomfortable.
"Do take a seat." says Megan convversationally, as if dining with a submissive wearing bondage mittens was the most natural thing in the world.
You sit, and she heads to the kitchen, before returning with two bowls of steaming soup that she places before you, then sits opposite you with a slight smile.
<img src="Images/HC21/Megandining2.webp" width=600 />
"Well, aren't you going to try the soup?" asks Megan. "I would say it was my mother's recipe, but give that I have not seen her since I was thirteen, and her cooking was dreadful, this is better. It was a recipe that the Professor's cook taught me."
You look down at your hands clad within their tight mittens and try to grasp a soup spoon, but it slips off the shiny material.
"Do you need some help, sweetie?" Megan asks, her voice as smooth as butter.
[[Ask Megan for help|Megan_domevent11_3][$temp = 1]]
[[Persevere|Megan_domevent11_3][$temp = 2]]
[[Say your safeword|Megan_domevent11_end][$temp = 1]]<img src="Images/HC21/Megandining2.webp" width=600 />
<<if $temp eq 1>>
"Can you help me, Mistress?" you ask.
"Why of course darling. What do you need help with?" she asks innocently.
"Can you help me eat?" you ask, emphasising your helpnessness with the words.
Megan sits on the arm of your chair and puts an arm around you. You feel comfort at her touch.
"Open wide, baby." she says.
With no other option you sit as she feeds you the admittedly delicious soup, like a baby being weaned by its mother. Her heavy breasts rubbing on your chest as she sits next to you don't avert this maternal image.
"Swallow it all down for me, there's a good $temp1."
<img src="Images/HC21/Megandining4.webp" width=600 />
[[The Second Course|Megan_domevent11_4][$temp = 1]]
\<<elseif $temp eq 2>>
Clasping the spoon between both hands, you awkwardly manoeuvre it into the soup, picking up a small amount that you lift between your lips, spilling a little down your napkin. Megan raises an eyebrow, and delicately raises her own spoon between her lips, and removes it, licked clean.
You try again, getting a second spoonful almost to your lips before it slips from your grasp, clattering to the floor.
<img src="Images/HC21/megansoup.jpg" width=600 />
"I admire your perserverence, dearlove, but your pride will be your downfall."
[[Ask Megan for help|Megan_domevent11_3][$temp = 1]]
[[Pick up the spoon|Megan_domevent11_3][$temp = 3]]
[[Say your safeword|Megan_domevent11_end][$temp = 1]]
\<<elseif $temp eq 3>>
Undeterred, you fall to your knees and squeeze your hands about the spoon, lifting it from the ground at the third attempt. You return to your chair and alter your grip, but your gloves are by now slippy with soup, and your spoon clatters into the bowl. As you reach for it, you notice that Megan has stood and is next to you, putting a hand on yours. She reaches for the spoon and wipes it clean with your napkin, before sitting on the arm of your chair and putting an arm around you. You feel comfort at her touch.
"Open wide, baby." she says.
With no other option you sit as she feeds you the admittedly delicious soup, like a baby being weaned by its mother. Her heavy breasts rubbing on your chest as she sits next to you don't avert this maternal image.
<img src="Images/HC21/Megandining4.webp" width=600 />
"Swallow it all down for me, there's a good $temp1."
[[The Second Course|Megan_domevent11_4][$temp = 1]]
<</if>><img src="Images/HC21/Megandining.webp" width=600 />
<<if $temp eq 1>>Megan dabs your lips with a napkin, before licking it and rubbing at a little bit of stray soup.
"My baby $temp1 is nice and clean. And what a good $temp1 for cleaning your bowl." she kisses your forehead, and you feel a sense of pride.
You look forward to what the main course might be. Perhaps something French, you know that Megan is fond of Parisian culture. She walks into the kitchen and returns with two plates. On one rests steak frites, with a Bearnaise sace. The other has a small perfectly formed pie, a hemisphere of mashed potato as well as your least favourite vegetable, cabbage.
Why did it have to be cabbage?
Megan sits opposite you and picks up her knife and fork.
<img src="Images/HC21/megansteak.webp" width=600 />
"You seemed to be struggling, so I cooked something soft. Maybe you can have steak like Mother when you learn to use a knife properly. I'm not going to cut it up for you. Remember to eat up all your vegetables, or there will be no pudding for you."
[[Ask Megan for help|Megan_domevent11_5][$temp = 2]]
[[Try to pick up the cutlery normally|Megan_domevent11_4][$temp = 3]]
[[Just use the fork|Megan_domevent11_4][$temp = 4]]
[[Say your safeword|Megan_domevent11_end][$temp = 1]]
\<<elseif $temp eq 2>>
"No Honey, baby needs to learn." says Megan.
<img src="Images/HC21/megansteak.webp" width=600 />
"My, this steak is delicious, even if I say so myself."
[[Try to pick up the cutlery normally|Megan_domevent11_4][$temp = 4]]
[[Just use the fork|Megan_domevent11_4][$temp = 5]]
[[Eat it with your hands|Megan_domevent11_4][$temp = 3]]
[[Say your safeword|Megan_domevent11_end][$temp = 1]]
\<<elseif $temp eq 3>> You reach down and pick up the pie with your hand and raise it to your lips.
"No!" says Megan, sternly, speaking to you as if she was commanding a dog. "Naughty $temp1." You are shocked by her sudden outburst and sit immobile, lowering the pie to the plate as she walks toward you. She takes your wrist in one hand and strikes your fingers with her other, just a corrective slap, but done with a loving expression.
"Now try again with the cutlery." she says, returning to her place.
[[Try to pick up the cutlery normally|Megan_domevent11_4][$temp = 4]]
[[Just use the fork|Megan_domevent11_4][$temp = 5]]
[[Say your safeword|Megan_domevent11_end][$temp = 1]]
\<<elseif $temp eq 4>>
The smooth knife slides off your glove almost immediately and falls to the floor. Megan looks up and shakes her head, before pointing at the fork with a single scarlet tipped finger.
\<<if $temp gt 3>>You manage to grasp the fork in a clenched fist in the glove, and roughly use it to bash through the elegant egg glazed pastry to the soft steak and kidney filling inside. You personally find the kidney a little bitter, but stab at a chunk of the food and raise it to your lips, swallowing it with a jolt, relishing the buttery flaky pastry and salty perfectly seasoned meaty gravy.
Megan claps her hands together joyously. "Well done my little $temp1."
You keep going, alternating the pie with spoonfuls of the creamy mashed potato.
"This is delicious, Mother." you say, playing along with Megan's scenario.
"Why thank you, darling." she replies. "Now don't forget to eat all your vegetables."
You have made a serious error. The pie and its gravy are almost all gone, and there is little remaining to mask the taste of the cabbage. You pierce some with the fork and put it to your lips. It is not the overcooked cabbage of your youth, your school matron was not a talented cook and tended to boil vegetables well past the point of edibility, but the distinctive flavour is still unpleasant to your palate.
"Eat it <b>all</b> up or there will be no pudding. And we both know how much you like pudding." says Megan, the word pudding seductively rolling off her lips as the metaphor for sex you knew, or at least hoped, that it was.
You clench your teeth and stab at the remaining cabbage, swallowing it down without chewing, until your plate is clean.
"Very good. Do you want seconds? There is more cabbage in the pan?"
"No thank you, Mother." you reply.
[[Pudding!|Megan_domevent11_5][$temp = 1]]
[[Say your safeword|Megan_domevent11_end][$temp = 1]]
<</if>><img src="Images/HC21/Megandessert.webp" width=600 />
After clearing away the plates, Megan returns with two small bowls containing a cream coloured substance.
"Five ingredients. Cream, butter, eggs, sugar and white chocolate. I was taught the recipe by the head chef at the Ritz in Paris when it opened last year. I hear César has plans to open a Hotel Ritz here in London in a few years. I digress. Time for your reward for clearing your plate."
<img src="Images/HC21/Megandessertbreast.webp" width=600 />
She stands next to you and unbuttons her top, revealing round breasts and large pink nipples. She carefully spoons some of the dessert upon her nipple and then moves towards your waiting mouth. The taste of the white chocolate mousse is divine, but enhanced tenfold by the serving platter. You suckle at her nipple like a breastfeeding babe, greedy for everything she can offer.
The next spoonful she carefully places on her other nipple and you repeat the process, eliciting a soft moan from her as you lick her other breast. You feel a tingling of arousal between your legs as she continues alterating left and right. The final spoonful she balances between the two mounds of her breasts, and you lick it onto your waiting tongue before licking the pink globes clean of stickiness, burying your head between them as Megan rubs the back of your neck.
"Did my baby enjoy that? I think you did. Let us take a look." She reaches down between your legs, unbuttoning to reveal your
\<<if $penis eq "none">><img src="Images/HC21/pussy2.webp" width=600 />
soft pink vagina, dripping with juices.
"I am always amazed when I see what our dear friend Orlando has done to you. It does suit you though my sweet. And so wet. Now let us see how responsive it is."
She gently rubs your clit and pussy lips with her fingers, keeping your face pushed against her bosom until you come with a gasp, almost biting down on her nipple. Megan backs away from you and you see her hand dripping with your juices that she drizzles onto her own dessert.
\<<else>>$penis cock, quivering with the biggest erection you are capable of. She nods approvingly, and takes the tip between thumb and index finger, rubbing it with increasing intensity, keeping your face pushed against her bosom until you come with a gasp, almost biting down on her nipple. Megan backs away from you and you see her hand dripping with your sperm that she drizzles onto her own dessert.
<img src="Images/HC21/Megancream2.webp" width=600 />
"I find the recipe almost too sweet, so like to add a certain je ne sais quoi to offset the flavour. She puts her head towards the seasoned dessert and licks at it with her tongue, closing her eyes with bliss before licking her lips and swallowing.
"Divine. Have a taste." she says, raising her fingers sticky with your <<if $penis eq "none">>fragrant pussy juices <<else>> salty sperm <</if>> to your lips.
You suck at her fingers, swallowing your own secretions and licking them clean as she smiles at you maternally.
"Bath time, baby $temp1." she says. Then takes your hand and leads you to her bathroom, a small but well proportioned marble walled room dominated by a large copper bathtub. She turns a faucet and steaming hot water pours into the tub.
"Well don't just stand there, strip." she says.
You hold up your bound hands forlornly, and she unties them, laughing about her mistake, before reasserting her tone and folding her arms over her bare breasts after she turns off the faucet.
"Now strip."
<<link [[Strip|Megan_domevent11_6]]>><<StripAll>><<set $temp = 1>><</link>>
[[Say your safeword|Megan_domevent11_end][$temp = 1]]<img src="Images/HC21/Meganbath1.webp" width=600 />
You stand naked as Megan swirls soap into the tub, producing a lather of bubbles, before gesturing at you to undress her. You kneel in front of her and start unclipping her skirt, unlacing her corset and removing her stockings, marvelling at the skin tone and appearance of a woman over a decade older than you. There are signs, a few wrinkles at the eyes, the soft breasts not quite as pert as the nineteen and twenty year old nymphs that attend every Hellfire event, but they are subtle. Not quite old enough to be your mother, you judge, but not far off.
She takes your hand for support and steps into the bathtub, submerging below the bubbles, before raising a leg to rest on the side of the tub.
"Clean me now, sweetness. All over."
<img src="Images/HC21/Meganbath3.webp" width=600 />
You locate a sponge and start rubbing the proffered leg, before swapping to the other and then each of her arms in turn. She turns her back to you and sits up, lifting her hair as you clean from Megan's neck to her waist, then her taut arse, feeling the sculpted muscles like steel beneath her buttocks. You could break a golf ball between those things you think as she turns back to face you.
"I think you had better get in for the next part."
You step into the bath, the water still blissfully warm.
<<if $penis eq "none">> She cups her hand over your pink pussy which tingles at her touch. "My my, this new toy of yours is very responsive isn't it? Do you find it more sensitive than your old cock?"
You nod. "Yes Mistress."
\<<else>>Your cock sticks out toward Megan's breasts and she flicks the end playfully.
"Hard again so soon? You are insatiable my little pet."
\"Now my front, if you please." Her tone is polite, but firm, an iron fist clad in a silken glove. You pick up the sponge and carefully soap her breasts and stomach.
She sits you down and then lowers herself upon you, her soft wet ass gliding up against your crotch. She opens her thighs, pushing your legs further apart, and guides your hand between them. You start by rubbing the sponge, but as she starts to moan you realise she is after a different service from you. You gently rub her outer pussy lips with the fingers of both hands as she leans back into you, panting as you part her pussy, sliding a finger inside her as your thumb circles her clitoris.
"More." she commands.
You reach further and slide two fingers from each hand inside as you rub the flesh either side of her clit between your thumbs. She leans to one side and sinks her teeth into your bicep, stifling a moan before sitting up.
<img src="Images/HC21/Meganbath5.webp" width=600 />
"I am clean outside. Now time for inside. How good are you at holding your breath?" she gasps, standing up and turning around.
<img src="Images/HC21/Meganpussyunderwwater.jpg" width=600 />
Megan lies back and takes your head in both hands, before pulling it towards her crotch, submerging you under the soapy water. You start to lick at her soft pussy lips, the sensation different from other times due to the water and the lack of the usual musky scent. You lick furiously as you feel her holding you tight under the water, hoping that she will come before you drown. Even if you said your safeword she could not hear you now. Her moans are audible but distorted by the water and the thighs clasping over your ears. She bucks back and forth in the water as you push your tongue deep inside her until with your last breath you feel her spasm and push her fingernails into your temples before releasing you and lying panting in an embrace as the water cools around you both.
"Magnificent. You are a wonderful pussy licker."
"Better than Veronica?"
"Maybe. Now dry me before the compliments go to your head my pet."
You nod and reach for a soft cotton towel that you pat her dry with, marvelling that despite the last half hour her hair is almost perfectly dry save the ends. Once dry you turn you attention to yourself, before following her to the bedroom.
<img src="Images/HC21/Meganbednaked1.webp" width=600 />
As you arrive you see Megan sitting up in bed, stark naked. She points to the foot of the bed and you recline there.
"I think a little pillow talk is in order. Why don't we play a game? You ask me a question, then I ask you one. Why don't you start?
<<set $temp19 =0>>
[[Why me?|Megan_domevent11_7][$temp = 5]]
[[Ask about the Professor|Megan_domevent11_7][$temp = 1]]
[[Ask about Melissa|Megan_domevent11_7][$temp = 2]]
[[Ask about the house|Megan_domevent11_7][$temp = 3]]
[[Ask about your relationship|Megan_domevent11_7][$temp = 4]]
[[What do you believe in?|Megan_domevent11_7][$temp = 6]]
[[Do you ever have romantic partners?|Megan_domevent11_7][$temp = 7]]
[[I love you, Mistress|Megan_domevent11_7][$temp = 20]]<<if $temp eq 1>><img src="Images/HC21/Meganbed3.webp" width=600 />
"How did you end up with the Professor?"
"The Professor bought me from my parents after I caught his attention as he strolled through the East end. I found the transaction in his accounts many years later. Six pounds and eight shillings. They didn't think twice, they could barely afford to eat, it would have seemed a fortune to them, I have earned ten times that by selling my body for a night.
"Did you ever see them again?"
"I investigated, out of curiosity. My mother died in childbirth shortly after I left, my father of Typhus a year later. Like you I am an orphan."
"What was the Professor like?"
"At best a harsh master who taught me valuable lessons. At worst a cruel, vain sadistic pervert."
"Like Bentley? He seems like a kindly old man."
"He has mellowed with age. I think my leaving made him reflect on his ways. He never took another submissive."
"You are irreplaceable." you say sincerely. Megan laughs it off.
\<<elseif $temp eq 2>><img src="Images/HC21/Meganbed4.webp" width=600 />
"It is true, she is my daughter. I spent some time investigating after Bentley's death when the Professor informed me. The trail is well hidden, but there are people who will talk, for a price, of the baby girl taken from its mother and delivered to the wealthy foreign couple."
"Have you spoken with her?"
"To say what? I am sorry that I was unable to look after you and gave you away to live in a castle rather than in a brothel. I am not sorry that I gave her away, we would both have been miserable."
"She seems to hate you."
"Can you blame her? My parents gave me away too, I can empathise."
"So tell her."
Megan shrugs. "We have made our choices. Let us talk of something else."
\<<elseif $temp eq 3>><img src="Images/HC21/Meganbed5.webp" width=600 />
"You have a fine property here." you comment.
"It is more a place of work than a home, a place to entertain clients, not sit quietly practicing needlework. I live at the club as much as I do here."
"Where do you feel most like yourself?"
"In bed?" She stretches out, laughing as her breasts bounce in front of you. "Or sometimes alone, in the parlour sitting quietly with a book. Just for a moment I can drop the facade that is Mistress Megan and be that girl sitting in the Professor's library again."
"A facade?"
"More a facet. It is part of me, a big part. But it is a stereotype, a caricature. Women want to be me and men want to be with me. No one can live up to that, not even me. Like an actor stepping onto the stage, or a teacher with their class I assume the role."
"Why are you telling me this?"
"It is important that you know, as we explore your submission. The aftercare we follow our sessions with is for both of our benefit. I need to step down from being the dominant occasionally, or I will become a monster like the Professor, Bentley or Walsingham."
"They are all men, you are not."
"And women cannot be monsters? It is true that most powerful women are portrayed as witches by men that fear them, but we are as corruptible as they are. Most just do not have the opportunity to express it."
\<<elseif $temp eq 4>><img src="Images/HC21/Meganbed2.jpg" width=600 />
"What is it that we have between us?" you ask. "Mistress and submissive, or something more?" you ask.
"What more do you want?" Megan retorts
<<if $spouse neq "none">>"If I were not married, would it be different?"
"Is that a proposal? A little late for that I think."
"And if it were not?"
She looks at you, and puts a finger to your lips. "You are recently wed, to someone that cares for you more than I can. I can be your dominant, but not your wife."
"I am married, but it is different with us."
"So you would have me be your mistress as well as your Mistress?" she asks, emphasising the difference with tone of voice. I do not wish or need to be a kept woman, or to be shackled to one lover."
\<<else>>"I am not married. You are not married."
"Is that a proposal? It seems to lack romance. No, do not even think about it, the answer would be no. I value my independence too much."
"Could this evolve into something long term, permanent perhaps?"
"Are you offering to move in here, be my fuck toy on demand, answer my every request and offer your body as a canvas for my whims?"
You look at her like a puppy at its owner, as if this is your hearts desire.
"You truly are submissive. It could work. Or the scandal could ruin us both. Let the next few months run their course and I might reconsider if you jump through a few more hoops for me."
\<<elseif $temp eq 5>><img src="Images/HC21/Meganbed7.webp" width=600 />
"Why did you pick me? You must meet a lot of people in the course of your work. You seem to care for me, to wish to protect me."
"You are the most natural submissive I have come across in many years. It is refreshing to work, to <i>play</i> rather, with someone who relishes it as much as you do. Most of the time it is a bored banker, officer or politician who misses their nanny, or wishes to be punished to assuage the guilt they feel for inflicting suffering on others. Yes, I care for you. Very much."
You snuggle closer to Megan with these words.
"And this thing that we have, how long can it continue?"
"I have heard of dominants and submissives being together for many years. Some marry, though that is of course out of the question. It can continue as long as we both wish it to. And that makes me content."
\<<elseif $temp eq 6>><img src="Images/HC21/Meganbed8.webp" width=600 />
"Do you believe in something more than this world?"
"I am not a religious woman. Most religions seem to be designed to enforce men's power over women, to put us in our place. Usually flat on our backs being fucked or giving birth."
"What about the supernatural?"
"I think our friends Mr and Miss Orlando are proof that there is more than is always apparent in this world.
\<<if $penis eq "none">>As well as this, of course. She points a laquered nail between your legs.
\However in the main our lives are determined by our own choices, those of other women and men, and random chance. I intend too make the most of the life I have here, and if there is an afterlife I will treat it as a bonus.
"Do you not worry that your actions are sinful?"
"Because I take pleasure when it is offered, or because I inflict pain when it is requested?"
"Both, the church would say."
"I have screwed enough priests and bishops in my time to know that for hypocrisy."
\<<elseif $temp eq 7>><img src="Images/HC21/Meganbed7.webp" width=600 />
"Do you ever have romantic partners, Megan?" you ask.
"This is romantic. Candlelight, silk sheets. Fucking in the bath."
"That is not what I mean."
"Do you mean without the dominance, or without the payment."
"Either. Both."
"I am not a naive girl, and have not been for some time. It takes more than a dozen roses to win my heart. But yes, I have had partners which have been more conventional, where I am wined and dined and put upon a pedestal. But it is still transactional. I am just paid in jewellery, or fine clothes, or the use of a suite of rooms in a palace. And I earned those payments through loaning my beauty and giving men my body."
"Did you feel any romantic spark?"
She pauses and thinks. "There was one man, once. Wealthy but of common enough stock that it would not bring disgrace upon him to marry a whore. It did not last."
"Why not?"
"He wanted to change me. He could not accept me as I am."
\<<elseif $temp eq 20>><img src="Images/HC21/Meganbed10.webp" width=600 />
"If I had a shilling for every time I had been told that. How am I supposed to reply? To say <i>I love you too.</i> Isn't that what every punter wants, to redeem their fallen lady. Is what we have not enough? I trade in affection, lust, pain and pleasure, but not in love."
"Can affection not grow into love?" you persist.
\<<if $spouse neq "none">>"You are married. It is them you should love, not I." Megan replies.
\<<else>>"Perhaps." Megan shrugs, then pauses, wiping a tear from her eye.
"Would you marry me, if I asked?"
"I would not, so do not waste your breath. I enjoy very much being an independent woman. Should I marry my possessions and freedoms are no longer my own."<</if>>
"I loved my parents, and they sold me like a prize calf. I loved the professor long ago, when I was but a girl, but that fell on an empty heart. I loved the babe I bore for but a moment before she was taken from me, and now she hates me. So I put my heart in a velvet box in a room without a door. The key is lost forevermore."
"How poetic. Quoth the raven, Nevermore."
"I read Poe in the Professor's library. It too is about lamenting the loss of love. Let us change the subject."
\<<elseif $temp eq 21>><img src="Images/HC21/Meganbed9.webp" width=600 />
She listens to your answer carefully and nods, accepting it, but not enquiring further, respecting the answer you have given.
"Now your turn."
[[Why me?|Megan_domevent11_7][$temp = 5]]
[[Ask about the Professor|Megan_domevent11_7][$temp = 1]]
[[Ask about Melissa|Megan_domevent11_7][$temp = 2]]
[[Ask about the house|Megan_domevent11_7][$temp = 3]]
[[Ask about your relationship|Megan_domevent11_7][$temp = 4]]
[[What do you believe in?|Megan_domevent11_7][$temp = 6]]
[[Do you ever have romantic partners?|Megan_domevent11_7][$temp = 7]]
[[I love you, Mistress|Megan_domevent11_7][$temp = 20]]
<<if $temp18 eq "tea" or $temp18 eq "coffee">>[[You have no more questions|Megan_domevent11_end][$temp = 3]]
<</if>> <</if>>
\<<if $temp lt 21>>
"Time for me to ask you a question." <<set $temp19 +=1>>
<<if $temp19 eq 1>><img src="Images/HC21/Meganbed2.jpg" width=600 />
"Do you prefer tea or coffee?"
[[Tea|Megan_domevent11_7][$temp = 21, $temp18 = "tea"]]
[[Coffee|Megan_domevent11_7][$temp = 21, $temp18 = "coffee"]]
<<elseif $temp19 eq 2>><img src="Images/HC21/Meganbed8.webp" width=600 />
"Why are you a submissive?"
[[I like to be cared for|Megan_domevent11_7][$temp = 21]]
[[Sometimes I want someone else to make decisions|Megan_domevent11_7][$temp = 21]]
[[I'm a pathetic worm|Megan_domevent11_7][$temp = 21]]
[[It makes me feel good|Megan_domevent11_7][$temp = 21]]
<<elseif $temp19 eq 3>><img src="Images/HC21/Meganbed9.webp" width=600 />
"What are your limits?"
[[Death or disfigurement|Megan_domevent11_7][$temp = 21]]
[[Anything involving blood|Megan_domevent11_7][$temp = 21]]
[[Serious pain|Megan_domevent11_7][$temp = 21]]
[[Discomfort. I like psychological dominance but am not a masochist|Megan_domevent11_7][$temp = 21]]
<<elseif $temp19 eq 4>><img src="Images/HC21/Meganbed5.webp" width=600 />
"What do you want out of our arrangement that you do not have already?"
[[I want to worship and serve you forever|Megan_domevent11_7][$temp = 21]]
[[I want you to help push my limits|Megan_domevent11_7][$temp = 21]]
[[I am happy with how things are now|Megan_domevent11_7][$temp = 21]]
<<elseif $temp19 eq 5>><img src="Images/HC21/Meganbed4.webp" width=600 />
"Do you want children one day?"
[[Yes|Megan_domevent11_7][$temp = 21]]
[[No|Megan_domevent11_7][$temp = 21]]
[[I'm not sure. Perhaps one day|Megan_domevent11_7][$temp = 21]]
<<elseif $temp19 eq 6>><img src="Images/HC21/Meganbed3.webp" width=600 />
"Mother, Madonna or Whore?"
"I beg your pardon?" you reply.
"Which need do I fulfil most in you. Protection, worship or lust?"
[[Mother|Megan_domevent11_7][$temp = 21]]
[[Madonna|Megan_domevent11_7][$temp = 21]]
[[Whore|Megan_domevent11_7][$temp = 21]]
<<else>>She smiles enigmatically. "I have no more questions. Not today anyhow. Time for bed I think"
[[Bed|Negan_domevent11_end][$temp = 2]]
<</if>><<if $temp eq 1>><img src="Images/HC21/Megandining3.jpg" width=600 />
"$safeword." you say.
Megan shakes her head ruefully.
"That is always an option, but if you don't play, you can never win. It is good to know your limits, but you are early in your journey as a submissive, and may wish to test them. You are capable of more than you think."
She carefully removes your restraints and rubs your wrists, before hugging you gently, checkking that you are calm and content, if unsatisfied.
"Until next time."
<<link [[Leave|YourRoom]]>><<wait>><<WearAll>><</link>>
<<elseif $temp eq 3>><img src="Images/HC21/Meganonpillow.webp" width=600 />
"Now my sweet it is time to sleep."
You look at the bed, with its inviting soft pillows and crisp sheets next to Megan's naked form.
"I think you presume too much. I like to stretch out when I sleep. But I wish to keep you close, though not that close." Megan points at a basket at the side of the bed, the sort that a large dog might sleep in.
"A basket?"
"Why don't you try it. Unless you'd rather go home."
You lie down in the basket which is surprisingly comfortable, with a soft pillow and a faint smell of Megan's perfume it has absorbed from her bedroom. You have to curl up to fit, into a foetal position, and Megan lowers a blanket over your naked frame, tucking you in before she lies down in the large double bed next to you. She dangles her arm over the bed next to you and rests it on your body protectively as she falls asleep.
<img src="Images/HC21/Meganasleep2.webp" width=600 />
<<link [[Sleep|Megan_domevent11_end]]>><<set $temp = 2>><<WearAll>><</link>>
\<<elseif $temp eq 2>><img src="Images/HC21/meganbreakfastnomakeup.webp" width=600 />
You awaken to the smell of frying bacon. Walking to the kitchen you find bacon, toast and a hot pot of $temp18.
"Did you sleep well?" asks Megan, pouring you a cup of $temp18. Her hair is messy and she has no makeup on. She is still beautiful, but it is a natural unaffected beauty.
You nod, unaccustomed to this domestic mundanity.
"I am as human as you, and at this time in the morning my glamour is rather faded I am afraid."
She walks close to you and puts two fingers to your eyelids, lowering them.
"Can you hear my voice, my pet?"
"Yes Mistress." you reply, sensing the tone of authority in her words.
"Good. Just because I may not look the part, your Mistress is always in here. Just as I know my pet is always in there, even when you are with others or parted from me. And this makes me happy. Now open your eyes and enjoy your breakfast."
She sits and sips her $temp18, chatting to you about your day, before you head your separate ways. You head back to your home to change, her to the Hellfire Club to work.
<</if>>Wals wins - all thralls
Wals defeated
Wals persuaded - PM but not disgraced - compromiseWalsingham the king
MC in charge
Power couple - MC and Daisy
Power couple - MC and Megan
Power Couple - MC and Melissa
Megan and Wals
Vampire Queen
Orlando triumphantMarried to Daisy
Married to Nicola
Married to Melissa
Megan's pet
Megan's partner
Married to Michaela
Married to Matthew
Walsingham's thrallromantic
enthralledMarried Happysub
Married harshsub
Slave in harem
Left MC
Never met MC againMarried to MC
Married harshsub
Sub in harem
left MCMarried to MC romantic
Married to MC dominant
Married to MC submissive
Married to MC Sissy
Married to Daisy - open relationship
Married to Daisy - cuckDaisyandMC
Nicola and MC
Melissa - adopt
Megan - no kids
Matthew - adopt or womb side quest?
Michaela -adopt or womb side quest?
line 10:
"start": "Start",<<if $researchfocus eq 4>><<if $researchV lt 5>><<set $researchV += 1>><</if>>
You look at the rabbits shagging in the cage and think to yourself, I wish I had their stamina. Even in your twenties you cum once and need a rest before you can do it again. A refractory period is what the doctors call it. What will it be like when you are 30 or 40? The older men at the club sometimes just watch. You shudder at the thought.
Maybe you can extract whatever substance it is that makes the rabbits so virile. This will be more work than before as you'll need to cross breed your horniest male rabbits
V for Virile, you could call it Substance-V. You get to work.
<<if $researchV lt 5>><<set _i = 5-$researchV>>
You estimate that in another _i days you will have isolated sufficient of this substance V for testing.
<<elseif $researchV eq 5>>You have completed your research.
You can now produce substance V in the lab!
After 5 days of work, you hold four blue pills of the substance that you isolated from the male rabbit, each enough for a single dose you believe. Now you must choose who you could give this to.
You could test it on yourself, perhaps in the privacy of your own bathroom. Or you could test it on another man, Matthew perhaps. You think it might be dangerous to give it to a woman. <<inv4 "Substance V">>
<<else>>You have researched as much as you can on Substance V for now. You can prepare more, or think about changing your research focus.
\<<if $ret eq "Pharmacy">><<link [[Prepare another sample of Substance V|Pharmacy]]>><<set $researchtoday =1>><<inv4 "Substance V">><<wait>><</link>>
\<<elseif $ret eq "Farm">><<link [[Prepare another sample of Substance V|Farm]]>><<set $researchtoday =1>><<inv4 "Substance V">><<wait>><</link>>
[[Change research focus|Research3][$researchfocus = 0]]
\<<elseif $researchfocus eq 5>><<if $researchB lt 5>><<set $researchB += 1>><</if>>
There's a pink eared rabbit in the cage who reminds you of your friend Bunny. She's always attentive to the male rabbits in the cage next door, sometimes pushing aside the other females to get near them, and offering herself to them at mating time. You take her out and examine her. Physically she is similar to the others. Most of the difference is behavioural. She's just more of a slut, just like Bunny.
Is this something you can extract, from your own little submissive rabbit. If you could would it be ethical to give it to people? It can't be any more harmful than alcohol or cocaine, you surmise. If you gave a clear warning that it would be used with consent, then any problems would be for the user, just like getting drunk. Caveat emptor.
This will be more work than before as you'll need to cross breed your sluttiest female rabbits. But soon Substance-B shall be yours. B for Bunny. Or what did she call herself, a Bimbo.
<<if $researchB lt 5>><<set _i = 5-$researchB>>
You estimate that in another _i days you will have isolated sufficient of this substance B for testing.
<<elseif $researchB eq 5>>You have completed your research.
You can now produce substance B in the lab!
After 5 days of work, you hold four pink pills of the substance that you isolated from the female rabbit, each enough for a single dose you believe. Now you must choose who you could give this to.
You think that if you test it on yourself you might not be clear headed enough to interpret the results. A woman who is not naturally submissive or overly promiscuous you think. But how to show an effect when it might be subtle and behavioural?
You think hard about how you can test your new Substance-B. Scientific method would suggest that you compare with a control, but behavioural responses are hard to predict and will vary from encounter to encounter. How can you tell that something is caused by the medicine and not just ordinary lust? And you can't tell the recipient what the effect might be, as that would change the result.
You recall some of Sir Francis Galton's papers that you read on the use of twins in developmental studies. Perhaps you could do the same here.<<inv4 "Substance B">>
<<else>>You have researched as much as you can on Substance B for now. You can prepare more, or think about changing your research focus.
\<<if $ret eq "Pharmacy">><<link [[Prepare another sample of Substance B|Pharmacy]]>><<set $researchtoday =1>><<inv4 "Substance B">><<wait>><</link>>
\<<elseif $ret eq "Farm">><<link [[Prepare another sample of Substance B|Farm]]>><<set $researchtoday =1>><<inv4 "Substance B">><<wait>><</link>>
[[Change research focus|Research3][$researchfocus = 0]]
\<<elseif $researchfocus eq 6>><<if $researchM lt 5>><<set $researchM += 1>><</if>>
Just look at that specimen of a rabbit! You call him Matthew, after your best friend, mainly on account of his enormous penis. Rabbit penises are usually an inch and three quarters erect. This one is a little over three. Now the rabbit vagina is almost seven inches long, there's plenty of space for it, and Matthew's partners seem happy enough. He's definitely the alpha of the colony, seemingly bigger and stronger than the others, and the females seem to prefer him.
You take a blood sample and run some tests. His substance T count is off the scale! But it's not just that, there's a related substance in there too you haven't seen in the other rabbits. If you can isolate substance T, what about this one. A Substance M after Matthew here. You make a note not to let your friend Matthew anywhere near it, the loss of blood to his brain on erection might prove fatal.
<<if $researchM lt 5>><<set _i = 5-$researchM>>
You estimate that in another _i days you will have isolated sufficient of this substance M for testing.
<<elseif $researchM eq 5>>You have completed your research.
You can now produce substance M in the lab!
After 5 days of work, you hold seven purple pills of the substance that you isolated from the male rabbit, enough for a week's dose you believe. Now you must choose who you could give this to.
You could test it on yourself, perhaps in the privacy of your own bathroom, or give it to another man with an average sized penis. Not Matthew, he would be unbearable. <<inv7 "Substance M">>
<<else>>You have researched as much as you can on Substance M for now. You can prepare more, or think about changing your research focus.
\<<if $ret eq "Pharmacy">><<link [[Prepare another sample of Substance M|Pharmacy]]>><<set $researchtoday =1>><<inv7 "Substance M">><<wait>><</link>>
\<<elseif $ret eq "Farm">><<link [[Prepare another sample of Substance M|Farm]]>><<set $researchtoday =1>><<inv7 "Substance M">><<wait>><</link>>
[[Change research focus|Research3][$researchfocus = 0]]
\<<elseif $researchfocus eq 7>><<if $researchD lt 5>><<set $researchD += 1>><</if>>
Those are the biggest nipples you've ever seen on a rabbit. Most of the time unless nursing the males and females have the same sized nipples, an eighth of an inch in diameter or so, but these ones are swollen and have more flesh and fatty deposits beneath them, like tiny titties.
You take the rabbit out and examine her. You call her Daisy after your cousin, she certainly has the tits to match. And sleeker smoother fur. This is a very feminine rabbit!. A blood sample shows that she has high Substance-O levels, which is unsurprising given that tends to match secondary sexual characteristics, but there's another related substance in there. You christen it Substance D in honour of Daisy's massive breasts. Now if you could isolate it, you surmise it might result in even bigger breast development. Best not give it to your cousin or she might fall over.
<<if $researchD lt 5>><<set _i = 5-$researchD>>
You estimate that in another _i days you will have isolated sufficient of this substance M for testing.
<<elseif $researchD eq 5>>You have completed your research.
You can now produce substance D in the lab!
After 5 days of work, you hold seven red pills of the substance that you isolated from the female rabbit, enough for a week's dose you believe. Now you must choose who you could give this to.
You should test it on a woman with ordinary breasts. Not Daisy, her breasts might explode. Or Bunny, the world might end.<<inv7 "Substance D">>
<<else>>You have researched as much as you can on Substance D for now. You can prepare more, or think about changing your research focus.
\<<if $ret eq "Pharmacy">><<link [[Prepare another sample of Substance D|Pharmacy]]>><<set $researchtoday =1>><<inv7 "Substance D">><<wait>><</link>>
\<<elseif $ret eq "Farm">><<link [[Prepare another sample of Substance D|Farm]]>><<set $researchtoday =1>><<inv7 "Substance D">><<wait>><</link>>
[[Change research focus|Research3][$researchfocus = 0]]
\<<if $ret eq "Pharmacy">><<link [[Finish research for today|Pharmacy]]>><<set $researchtoday =1>><<wait>><</link>>
\<<elseif $ret eq "Farm">><<link [[Finish research for today|Farm]]>><<set $researchtoday =1>><<wait>><</link>>
<</if>><<if $temp eq "V">><<inv-1 "Substance V">>
You swallow the small blue pill, which has a bitter taste but is not unpleasant.
<<if $penis eq "none">>There is no effect at all. This is perhaps unsurprising given yoyr lack of functioning male genitalia.
\<<else>>After 15 minutes you examine yourself in the mirror, noticing no physical changes except a semi hard erection. Might as well not waste it, you think, checking there is nobody in the lab and locking the door. You take out a few erotic postcards and leaf through them, stroking your cock and soon have an acceptable $penis erection. No bigger than usual you note. You pleasure yourself to the pornographic pictures, and happily ejaculate, taking a little longer than usual. Improved longevity, that's good you think. You wipe yourself clean and pull your underclothes back on and get back to work.
Five minutes later you realise that you left the postcards out. As you tidy them away, you admire the pretty girl there touching her nipple and feel your cock twitch again. So soon! You wank again and wait another ten minutes. Then a third time. You are starting to feel a little bit sore but whack a fourth one out for science, and finally a fifth just before an hour is up. That is a new record for you, but you try to get your mind back on work.
An hour later you look at the pictures again, but there is little response from your sore cock.
<i>Increased longevity. Dramatically reduced refractory period. Short lived duration.</i> you note in your log.
<<set $testedV = 1>>
<b>Substance V tested. You can now give this to patients or take yourself in sex scenes.</b>
<<elseif $temp eq "M">> <<inv-1 "Substance M">>
You take the purple pill. There is no immediate effect, so you go about your business.
An hour later you look back inside your trousers to note your cock is a massive eleven inches long.
<<set $penistemp = $penis>><<set $penis = "huge">>
<<if $penistemp = "none">>You are pleasantly surprised that this overcomes the effect of the ring. You note the vagina is still present, although inaccessible due to the enormous cock and balls that your clitty and vulva have swollen into.
You take out a few erotic postcards and leaf through them, stroking your cock and soon have a $penis erection. You pleasure yourself to the pornographic pictures, and happily ejaculate before you wipe yourself clean and pull your underclothes back on and get back to your business. <<cum>>
<i>Dramatic increase in penis size. No change in refractory period. Effect appears temporary.</i> you note in your log.
<<set $testedM = 1>>
<b>Substance M tested. You can now give this to patients or take yourself in sex scenes.</b>
<<r>>"So, what are the effects?"
"No change whatsoever.
\<<if $temp eq "Nicola">>Still flat as a pancake."
"I prefer to think of them as small and perfectly formed."
\<<elseif $temp eq "Daisy">>Still big and bouncy. At least I can still fit into my dresses."
\<<elseif $temp eq "Ruby">>I wanted them to be as big as Daisy's."
"They are lovely just as they are."
"Yes but the girls at the coffee shop with bigger boobs get more tips, and more punters upstairs. Still, it was worth a shot."
"Well thank you for trying. Not all science works after all."
<<r>><<if $temp eq "Ruby" and $rubyday gt ($daynumber - 1)>>
You take a look at Ruby. She definitely looks well endowed.
"Well?" you ask.
She wraps her arms around you in a tight embrace.
"Just look at my titties. They are perfect."
She pulls down her dress, showing you the massive globes underneath.
"Are they bigger than Daisy's"
"About the same. But she was bigger than me to start."
"May I inspect them?"
"Is that what you say to all the girls?"
You take out your tape measure and estimate that Ruby's breasts have swollen to about twice their former size.
<<set $testedD = 1>>
"And how long did it take?"
"I took one of the pills the day you gave it to me and they grew like this within an hour. Then shrunk down when I slept. I took another this morning."
<b>Substance D tested on Ruby. You can now give this to women, or at least ones that were born that way.</b>
<<elseif $temp eq "Ruby" and $rubyday eq 0>>
"Be patient, you have only just given them to me!" says Ruby.
<<elseif $temp eq "Ruby">>
"You want me to try a medicine that might make my boobs bigger? Didn't the last one fail on girls?" asks Ruby.
"Well yes. But this one is different. And it might make you more desirable."
"Are you saying I'm not pretty?"
"That wasn't what I said."
"Very well. Hand it over. One a day you say."
You nod, handing over a weeks supply of the medicines.
<<inv-4 "Substance D">><<set $rubyday = $daynumber>>
<<elseif $temp eq "Daisy">>
"No." says Daisy. "They are big enough already. It hurts my back sometimes walking around with them. Find someone else to test them, there's plenty of flat chested girls out there."
You try and fail to convince her.
"What about Ruby. She's always been jealous of my boobs." suggests Daisy.
<<elseif $temp eq "Michaela">>
"No." says Michaela. "They are big enough already. I'm grateful for the offer but I am happy with the way I look now. I'd look ridiculous with tits the size of Bunny's."
You try and fail to convince her.
"What about your cousin's friend Ruby? I am sure she was bemoaning her lack of a cleavage last time I saw her."
<<elseif $temp eq "Nicola">>
"No." says Nicola. "I am happy the way that God created me."
You try and fail to convince her.
"It would make your $nicdomname happy" you try.
"I am sure it would, but so would me kneeling down between your legs an extra time each day, you are easily pleased. No is my answer."
You decide to test it elsewhere and perhaps try again with Nicola another time.
\<<r>><<if $temp eq "Antioch" and $antiochday = 0>>
"Antioch my friend, have you ever wished you had a larger penis?"
"Hasn't every man? But I am quite happy with the one I have."
"My researches have led me to a medicine that might enlarge the male member significantly."
"Temporarily or permanently?"
"Temporary. It induces plasticity in the erectile tissue."
"Interesting. And what are the side effects?"
"I can't say. Perhaps increased dominance, at least that is what I observed in the animal subjects."
"Well dominance is my specialist area. Very well then. In the interest of science."
You hand over four of the purple pills. <<inv-4 "Substance M">><<set $antiochday = $daynumber>>
<<elseif $temp eq "Antioch" and $antiochday gt ($daynumber - 1)>>
\<<set $testedM = 1>>
"Well my friend, what was the result?"
"Quite remarkable. I took one of the pills as you instructed and within an hour my penis was a full eleven inches long. I had made sure to drink plenty of water beforehand so that I was not affected unduly by the change in blood pressure."
"And how long did it last for?"
"It was back to normal the next morning."
"Did it perform as usual?"
"I am not one to brag, but yes, Mimi was quite satisfied by the increased length and girth."
"Any psychological effects?"
"I did feel a little more dominant, but that may be a placebo effect of having a larger member."
<b>Substance M tested on Antioch. You can now give this to men or take yourself.</b>
<<elseif $temp eq "Antioch" and $rubyday eq 0>>
"Be patient, you have only just given them to me!" says Antioch.
[[Return]]<<if $temp eq 1>>
"So you wish one of us to take a pill, but you won't tell us which, or what the effect will be, Monsieur?"
"Indeed. In fact I won't know until after."
"And then what? We just talk."
"We see what happens."
"You English are strange. We will be together, you are not drugging us so you can rape us?"
"Don't be silly. We would fuck him anyway."
"C'est vrai." her sister replies.
"D'accord. We will do this. Pour le science."
You have prepared two identical envelopes in advance, each containing a sealed note describing whether the pill contained is Substance-B or a fake sugar pill, a placebo. You shuffle the envelopes and write Yvette on one, Babette on the other.
"You are sure you can tell us apart, Monsieur?"
"I think I know you well enough by now. Yvette has the mole on her inner thigh, and you have that cut on your hand from working in the kitchen."
"Plus I am prettier." declares Babette.
"But I am the sexier." says her sister.
You wait for them to take their pills and clink glasses, washing them down with champagne.
For about twenty minutes the three of you talk about your week, and what you have been up to, gossiping about the club and your friends.
"Then le colonel says to me he wishes to fuck me in le cul, the ass. I say non, monsieur, you are drunk. My sister and I do not like that, we like our pussies fucked."
You put your hand on the girls thighs to see if they are responsive, but they keep chatting, ignorimg you. You are disappointed that there does not seem to be an immediate effect.
After another five minutes Yvette stands up and stretches. "C'est tres chaud." she comments, unbuttoning her blouse.
"Non, c'est froid." her sister replies.
Yvette sits back down right next to you, and you feel her hand settle on your thigh as she snuggles up to you.
"Yvette? What are you doing?"
"Just getting comfortable with Monsieur."
Not wanting to be outdone Babette sits on the other side of you and starts kissing you, and before you know it the three of you are engaged in a passionate three way kiss.
Fun as this is, you fear you may not get good data, but you persevere in the interests of science.
Yvette starts undoing your underwear and falls between yoir legs.
"I need your cock in me, monsieur."
"Non, Yvette. We tease him first, then we fuck him later."
Yvette pushes her sister away and starts sucking on your cock. She moans as it enters her mouth and is fingering herself as she does so.
"Take off your clothes." you say.
Babette shrugs, unbuttoning her top slowly. You tur to
"Will you fuck my pussy, Monsieur?"
Given the speed of the change in her behaviour and the contrast with her sister you are pretty convinced the experiment has been a success, but decide to take it one step further.
"No, I will fuck you in the ass." you declare.
Yvette turns around and presents her bare bottom to you, rubbing it up and down your body seductively. She opens her legs and you notice the distinctive mole as her tight hole points out at you.
"Take this virgin ass, monsieur." she says with a hint of desperation in her voice.
"I think we can stop this now Monsieur" says Babette. "It is obvious you have drugged my sister."
<<inv-1 "Substance B">>
[[Fuck Yvette in the ass|Research_TestB][$temp = 2]]
[[You have enough data, stop the test and check the envelopes|Research_TestB][$temp = 3]]
\<<elseif $temp eq 2>>
"Bof! Les hommes. Ils sont tous pareils!" says Babette in disgust, turning her back on you as you push your $penis penis into her sisters tight rear hole. Yvette grinds against it, fingering her nipple with one hand and rubbing her clit with another until you cum deep inside her.
<<link [[Cum|Research_TestB]]>><<cum>><<set $temp = 3>><</link>>
<<elseif $temp eq 3>>
After you ask the girls to open the envelope. As expected the envelope shows that Yvette was the one with the substance-B. In less than half an hour she turned from her usual flirtatious self into a sex crazed slut, doing acts that she normally would not consider.
You leave Yvette with her sister and watch. After about an hour she has reverted back to normal.
"Do you remember the last hour?" you ask.
She nods, silently, a little embarrassed. "It was not me, monsieur. I like you, and I like the sex, but not in the bumhole. It was not desire, it was obsession."
The experiment was a complete success, although you are a little worried about the effects of such a medicine.
<<set $testedB = 1>>
<b>Substance B tested on the twins. You can now give this to women, or at least ones that were born that way, in certain scenes, but to so non consensually will result in certain irreversible changes in characters reactions to you.</b>
<</if>><<if $temp3 eq 1>>
"No." you say.
"My, you are no fun at all today. This is what you agreed to, Mistress Daisy and obeying all my desires? Do you want me to punish you, or do you just want to leave me to frig myself to sleep. We can talk when I am less aroused."
[[Agree to be spanked|Daisydomsex][$temp3 = 6]]
\<<elseif $temp3 eq 2>><img src="Images/HC21/Futahugecock.webp" width=600 />
You take the purple pill and watch as your penis grows to a huge size.
"My, that is something. I am not sure how I will fit that all in. You are such a good girl doing that to satisfy your Miss Daisy aren't you?"
Even when you have an erection the size of Wales she still manages to demean you, but this monster needs feeding and Daisy lays herself out like a banquet. Normally she would be on top, but today she lies back making herself comfortable and opens her legs wide.
<img src="Images/HC21/Daisysexhugepenis.webp" width=600 />
"Fuck me darling."
She closes her eyes, and you are unsure if she is thinking of you or a more virile manly lover, but start pushing the tip of your engorged monster penis inside her wet snatch.
"Oh my. I feel so full darling. Keep going, take me with that big hard cock. Imagine you are an African slave and I am your Mistress. "
<img src="Images/HC21/Daisysexhugepenis2.webp" width=600 />
You are unsure about the tastefulness of Daisy's fantasy, slavery having only been abolished in the new world a few years before you were born, but plough on, literally and figuratively, as you push deeper inside her to a tremendous climax.
<img src="Images/HC21/Daisysexhugepeniscum3.webp" width=600 />
\<<elseif $temp3 eq 3>>
"Well I suppose a toy is better than no cock at all. And much better at fucking me than this little thing." She rubs your <<if $penis neq "none">>$penis cock<<else>>clitoris<</if>> between her fingers, sending a thrill up your spine.
<img src="Images/HC21/Daisystraponsex.webp" width=600 />
She sits, arms folded, while you strap the dildo to your waist, before climbing atop you.
She moans theatrically as she rides you. It is quite pleasant, although you do not nearly get the sensation that she does from the little bit of friction on your groin.
"Yes, fuck me with that big hard black cock!" she screams, squeezing at your breasts in triumph before collapsing atop you.
\<<elseif $temp3 eq 4>><<if $penis eq "small">><img src="Images/HC21/Daisytinycockfuck3.webp" width=600 />
\<<elseif $penis eq "tiny">><img src="Images/HC21/Daisytinycockfuck4.webp" width=600 />
\<<elseif $penis eq "large" or $penis eq "huge">><img src="Images/HC21/Daisydomsexcowgirl2.webp" width=600 />
\<<else>><img src="Images/HC21/Daisydomsexcowgirl.webp" width=600 />
Daisy pushes you to the bed and climbs atop you, slipping your $penis cock into her soft warm pussy.
"Hmmm. This is nice. Are you going to put a baby into me today my love."
She rocks back and forth, her enormous breasts slapping into your face with each movement, as her excitement grows.
<<if $penis eq "small" or $penis eq "tiny">><img src="Images/HC21/Daisytinycockfuckcum2.webp" width=600 />
Your diminutive member does not seem to satisfy her and you slip out, dribbling cum from your cock.
Daisy slaps it painfully.
"This pathetic little thing barely touched the sides, you came without permission and now I'm all sticky and still tingly. I hope you know how to make it up to me."
You kneel in and start licking, your tongue sliding inside as you finish her off, ignoring the smell and taste of your semen as you do so.
\<<else>><img src="Images/HC21/Daisydomsexcowgirl3.webp" width=600 />
The size of your cock seems enough for Daisy, and she moans to a loud orgasm that you fear might wake the rest of the building.
"Come inside me!" she commands, amd you oblige, squirting a hot jet of semen deep into her.
"That was lovely my sweet." she says, snuggling with you afterwards.
\<<elseif $temp3 eq 5>><<set $randomset = [1, 2, 3, 4]>>\
\<<set $temp = $randomset.pluck()>>
\<<if $temp eq 1>><img src="Images/HC21/Daisymast1.webp" width=600 />
\<<elseif $temp eq 2>><img src="Images/HC21/Daisymast2.webp" width=600 />
\<<elseif $temp eq 3>><img src="Images/HC21/Daisymast3.webp" width=600 />
\<<elseif $temp eq 4>><img src="Images/HC21/Daisymast4.webp" width=600 />
\You sit in the chair in the corner of the room with a view of the bed, as Daisy starts fingering between her legs. You are close enough to smell her perfume and see her nipples swell as she rubs her vulva and slips first one then three fingers inside, frigging herself with them until she twitches and lies still.
"Taste me." she demands, stretching her fingers toward you.
You lick her juices from her fingers, knowing this is all of her sex you will get today.
"Thank you Miss Daisy." you say in gratitude.
\<<elseif $temp3 eq 6>><<set $randomset = [1, 2]>>\
\<<set $temp = $randomset.pluck()>>
\<<if $temp eq 1>><img src="Images/HC21/Daisyspanking1.jpg" width=600 />
\<<elseif $temp eq 2>><img src="Images/HC21/Daisyspanking2.jpg" width=600 />>
\You lie down on the bed over Daisy's legs, conscious of the feel of her naked flesh under yours as she places a hand on your bare ass.
"Now every time I spank you I want you to apologise. Let us start. Firstly this is for being a naughty girl."
SLAP. Her hand comes down on your ass.
"Sorry Miss Daisy." you say.
"Good girl. You are forgiven. And this is for lusting after other girls."
SLAP. Harder this time.
"I am sorry Miss Daisy." you cry out, beginning to get aroused by the blood flowing into your nether regions.
"And this is for not paying your lovely Mistress enough attention."
Another slap. Another apology.
"And for not taking enough care of your appearance. How are we supposed to make a good girl out of you when you are so slovenly."
A fourth slap.
She pauses.
"Are you enjoying this?"
"No Mistress."
"Liar!" a harder slap. She runs her hands between your legs.
I can feel you getting <<if $penis eq "none">>wet<<else>>hard<</if>> down there."
"Sorry Miss Daisy. I can't help it."
"You are a naughty submissive little slut who likes to be punished. Say it"
"I am a naughty submissive slut who loves to be spanked by you Miss Daisy." you admit.
She slaps your ass five times in quick succession, contacting your genitals with each slap.
<img src="Images/HC21/Daisycunni6.jpg" width=600 />
"Now make it up to me. Kneel and show me how much you love me."
She opens her legs, revealing her perfect pink pussy, wet with excitement from her treatment of you. You kneel and start licking and sucking, her nails digging into the back of your head as she climaxes loudly.
Daisy starts to dress, putting a lace nightgown on.
"Go and get to bed. I need my beauty sleep, darling."
<<if $penis neq "none" and $chastity eq 0>>Daisy locks you up tight again before you leave. <<chastity 1>>
You hurriedly dress before leaving
<<if $ret eq "HC_foyer">><<link [[You dress before heading back into the club->HC_foyer]]>><<wait>><<WearAll>><</link>>
\<<else>><<link [[Finish and get dressed->YourRoom]]>><<wait>><<WearAll>><</link>><</if>>$whoretoday
<<whore>><<punter>><<set $temp3 +=1>>
You take the man's shilling <<money 9>>and pocket it, knowing you will have to give threpence to Mrs Hathaway.
<img src="Images/HC21/handjob4.webp" width=600 />
You put some cold cream on your hands and apply it to the man's penis which is jutting out toward you. He gasps at your touch as you massage his shhaft and balls with your lubricated fingers, muttering dirty words to get him to cum more quickly:
"What a big cock you've got, have you got a present for $whorename?" you say as you lick your lips.
With a groan the man ejaculates all over your fingers.
<img src="Images/HC21/handjobcum2.webp" width=600 />
<<whoreend>>\<<punter>><<set $temp3 +=1>>
\You take the man's two shillings <<money 18>>and pocket it, knowing you will have to give sixpence to Mrs Hathaway.
<img src="Images/HC21/blowjob1.webp" width=600 />
You kneel down in front of the man, gathering saliva in your mouth for the tast that is to come. You
put some cold cream on your hands and apply it to the man's penis which is jutting out toward you. He gasps at your touch as you massage his shhaft and balls with your lubricated fingers, muttering dirty words to get him to cum more quickly:
"What a big cock you've got, have you got a present for $whorename?" you say as you lick your lips.
With a groan the man ejaculates all over your fingers.
<img src="Images/HC21/blowjobcum4.webp" width=600 />
<<whoreend>>\<<punter>><<set $temp3 +=1>>
You take the man's two shillings and sixpence <<money 22>>and pocket it, knowing you will have to give eightpence to Mrs Hathaway.
<img src="Images/HC21/whoreanal2.webp" width=600 />
You rub some grease on the man's cock then bend over and ease the man's cock into your ass. You moan loudly as he fills your rear passage, squeezing tightly to get him to finish quickly. He is not gentle and your ass hurts after he pulls out.
<img src="Images/HC21/whoreanalcumshot.webp" width=600 />
<<whoreend>>\<<punter>><<set $temp3 +=1>>
You take the man's three shillings <<money 27>>and pocket it, knowing you will have to give ninepence to Mrs Hathaway.
<img src="Images/HC21/whorevag3.webp" width=600 />
You lift up your skirts and take the man's cock in your hands. "It's so big. Are you going to put all that in me?" He nods and slides inside your tight cunny. As he fucks you you see his face redden with each thrust, until with a grunt he climaxes.
<img src="Images/HC21/whorevagcum2.webp" width=600 />
<<whoreend>>Honeymoon scenes:
Budapest. The contessa. Arr 11pm Day 2
Train - Melissa
Bucharest. The count. Arr 6pm day 3
Constantinople. Arr noon day 4
Cruise home
rome. 2 nights later.
Spouse if travelling
Megan. Strasbourg to Vienna.
Melissa - Vienna to Bucharest
Aleister - travelling to Alps. Only as far as Strasbourg. Golden Dawn
Professor Freud
Wanda von Sacher-Masoch
The count. Bucharest
Countess. Budapest to Bucharest.
Bunny - Bucharest to Constantinople
NOT Wals, OrlandoRework daisy conversations esp when sulkingwhoring not working
house events not working
Daisy dom sex scenes need pics
Daisy sex scenes exit to HC
$penis size