<<set $location to "Road">>
<<set $locationImages to "Road">>
<div id="intro-screen">
<img src="images/misc/logo.webp" width="200px">
<h1><u>The Road Trip</u></h1>
<h2>A trip for two, LA to Florida, 3.000 miles from home. Every choice you make will shape the journey, your relationship, and your future together.</h2>
<p>Support me on: <a href="https://www.patreon.com/AnonDux1/">Patreon</a> or <a href="https://anondux.fanbox.cc/">FANBOX!!!</a></p>
<p>Disclaimer: This game is for mature audiences, if you are not 18 years old or older then please close the tab or [[GET OUT OF HERE!!!|GETOUT!!!]]</p>
<label> Your name is <<textbox "$name" John>></label>
<<button "Continue">>
<<goto "Packing1-1">>
</div><<set $affection = 50>> <!-- Start at 50, neutral -->
<<set $lust = 50>>
<<set $respect = 50>> <!-- Lust level -->
<<set $mc = "John">> <!-- Default name if not renamed -->
<<set $locationImages to {
"Home": "images/post/home.webp",
"Beach": "images/post/beach.webp",
"Road": "images/post/road.webp",
"Caliroad": "images/post/caliroad.webp",
"Big Bear Lake": "images/post/bbl.webp",
"Highway": "images/post/bbl.webp",
// Add more locations as needed
<<set $deptitem = []>>
<<set $firstdest to []>>
<div id="sidebar">
<div class="sidebar-stats">
<div class="sidebar-header">Jane's Stats</div>
<div class="sidebar-value">Affection: <<print $affection>></div>
<div class="sidebar-value">Lust: <<print $lust>></div>
<div class="sidebar-value">Respect: <<print $respect>></div>
<div class="support-links-container">
<div class="support-links">
<a href="https://anondux.fanbox.cc/">
<img src="images/FANBOX.webp" width="80" alt="FANBOX">
<a href="https://www.boosty.to/AnonDux">
<img src="images/boosty.webp" width="80" alt="Boosty">
<a href="https://www.paypal.me/anondux" class="downward">
<img src="images/pp.webp" width="80" alt="PayPal">
#sidebar {
padding: 7px; /* Increased padding for better spacing */
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margin-left: -90px;
<div id="sidebar">
<div class="passport-container">
<img src="images/passport.webp" alt="Passport" id="passportImage" />
<div id="statsDisplay">
<h2>Jane's Stats</h2>
<img id="gfImage" src="images/melody.webp" alt="Girlfriend" height=200px />
<div class="stats">
Affection: $affection
Curiosity: $curiosity
Lust: $lust
Respect: $respect
<div id="personality" style="font-family: 'Highway Gothic';">Personality: $personality</div>
</div><div id="story-banner" class="story-banner">
<<if $location is "Home">>
<img id="locationImage" src="images/post/home.webp" alt="Current Location">
<<elseif $location is "Beach">>
<img id="locationImage" src="images/post/beach.webp" alt="Current Location">
<<elseif $location is "Road">>
<img id="locationImage" src="images/post/road.webp" alt="Current Location">
<<elseif $location is "California">>
<img id="locationImage" src="images/post/caliroad.webp" alt="Current Location">
<<elseif $location is "Gas Station">>
<img id="locationImage" src="images/post/gstation.webp" alt="Current Location">
<<elseif $location is "Big Bear Lake">>
<img id="locationImage" src="images/post/bbl.webp" alt="Current Location">
<<elseif $location is "CA - AZ Highway">>
<img id="locationImage" src="images/inc/highway1/highway1.webp" alt="Current Location">
<img id="locationImage" src="images/post/default.webp" alt="Current Location">
<div class="location-title">Location: $location</div>
</div><div id="intro-screen">
<img src="images/misc/getout.webp" width=600px>
// Check if jQuery is loaded
if (typeof jQuery !== 'undefined') {
console.log("jQuery is loaded!");
// Display message in the passage
$("body").append("<p>jQuery is loaded!</p>");
} else {
console.log("jQuery is NOT loaded.");
// Display message in the passage
$("body").append("<p>jQuery is NOT loaded.</p>");
<<set $location to "Home">>
<<set $locationImages to "Home">>
<div id="main-screen">
<div class="location-startingstreet">
<div class="overlay"></div>
<<img "images/post/street.webp" "300px" "300px">><</img>>
<blockquote>Just another quiet Monday morning. The birds are chirping, their song filling the stillness of the day. The birds are chirping, their song pierced through the rustle of leaves.</blockquote>
<blockquote>From the industrial area, you can see smoke rising into the sky. Nothing seems to stop their relentless pace, be it the lockdown, the weekend, hell maybe not even the apocalypse itself would slow them down.
<blockquote>The clock reads 7 AM. It's very early in the day.</blockquote>
<blockquote>And you're ready to go...</blockquote>
<blockquote>When she's here, [[that is...|Packing1-2]]</blockquote>
</div></div>/* Hides the story title */
#story-title {
display: none; /* Hides the element */
#sidebar {
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background-size: cover; /* Ensure avatar image fills the space */
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color: white;
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.choice {
color: white;
background-color: #751913
border: 1px solid white;
padding: 8px 8px 8px 8px;
box-shadow: 5px 5px 3px Black;
img {
.pic > img {
padding: 1px;
border: 2px solid white;
border-radius: 5px;
.passage img {
display: block;
max-width: 100%;
height: auto;
margin: 0 auto;
.gf {
background: linear-gradient(135deg, #c94f83, #893559); /* Softer pinks */
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border: 2px solid rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.5); /* Soft border for avatar */
box-shadow: 0 4px 8px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.3); /* Light shadow for a 3D effect */
.mc {
background-color: #000000;
.mc .avatar {
background-image: URL("Images/headmc.webp");
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height: 100%;
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background-color: rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.5); /* Translucent black */
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border: none;
/* Image itself */
.pic img {
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height: auto;
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<div id="sidebar">
<div class="passport-container">
<img src="images/misc/passport.webp" alt="Passport" id="passportImage" />
<div id="statsDisplay">
<h2>Jane Russell</h2> <!-- Changed to her full name -->
<p>Date of Birth: January 21, 1998</p> <!-- Added date of birth -->
<img id="gfImage" src="images/misc/jane.webp" alt="Girlfriend" height=200px />
<div class="stats">
Affection: $affection
Lust: $lust
Respect: $respect
<div class="support-links-container">
<div class="support-links">
<a href="https://anondux.fanbox.cc/">
<img src="images/misc/FANBOX.webp" width="80" alt="FANBOX">
<a href="https://www.patreon.com/AnonDux1">
<img src="images/misc/patreon.webp" width="80" alt="Patreon">
<a href="https://www.paypal.me/anondux" class="downward">
<img src="images/misc/pp.webp" width="80" alt="PayPal">
</div><div id="main-screen">
<div class="location-startingstreet">
<div class="overlay"></div>
#statsDisplay {
display: none; /* Hidden by default */
background: url('images/paper.webp') no-repeat center center; /* Add your texture image */
background-size: cover; /* Cover the entire area */
border: 1px solid #8b5e3c; /* A brownish border to resemble a passport's paper */
border-radius: 8px; /* Slightly rounded corners for a passport page feel */
padding: 20px; /* Padding for spacing */
box-shadow: 0 4px 8px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.2); /* Subtle shadow */
position: fixed; /* Make the stats overlay relative to the entire screen */
top: 20%; /* Position it wherever you want relative to the screen */
left: 50%; /* Center horizontally on the screen */
transform: translateX(-50%); /* Horizontal centering adjustment */
z-index: 1000; /* Ensure it's on top of other content */
width: 350px; /* Passport width */
height: auto; /* Adjust based on content */
font-family: 'Times New Roman', serif; /* Classic font */
font-size: 16px; /* Slightly smaller font for a passport */
color: #3b3b3b; /* Dark grey color for the text */
text-align: center; /* Center-align for passport text style */
line-height: 1.3; /* Slightly closer vertical spacing */
background-size: cover; /* Ensure the texture covers the whole background */
#gfImage {
display: block; /* Ensures the image behaves like a block element */
height: 180px; /* Adjust the height as needed */
width: 140px; /* Adjust width to resemble a passport photo */
border-radius: 5px; /* Optional: slight rounding for the photo */
border: 2px solid #8b5e3c; /* A border around the photo to mimic a passport stamp */
margin-left: auto; /* Center image horizontally */
margin-right: auto; /* Center image horizontally */
margin-bottom: 10px; /* Space between the image and the stats */
box-shadow: 0 4px 12px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.4); /* Deeper shadow for added depth */
<div id="main-screen">
<div class="location-startingstreet">
<div class="overlay"></div>
<blockquote>You glance at your watch, the seconds dragging like hours.</blockquote>
<<speech "mc" "$name">>Take your time, baby...<</speech>>
<blockquote>With a sigh, you lean forward, mashing your forehead against the steering wheel. The world outside the car feels impossibly still, only a sound from a sprinkler coming from your next door neighbor accompanies your impatience.</blockquote>
<<speech "mc" "$name">>Take your time...<</speech>>
<blockquote>"Wait a moment," She said. it was nine moments ago and she's still nowhere in sight. You let out a long yawn, your drowsiness seeping through every word.</blockquote>
<<speech "mc" "$name">><i>Yawn...</i><</speech>>
<blockquote>For a second you closed your eyes. Then, out of nowhere, a sudden thwack echoes from the walkway. You snapped your eyes open and whips your head toward the source of the sound to see a...</blockquote>
<blockquote class="choice-blockquote">
<<link [[Book|Book]]>>
<<set $affection += 10>>
<<set $deptitem to "Book">><</link>>
<<link [[Running shoe|Shoe]]>>
<<set $affection += 5>>
<<set $lust += 5>>
<<set $deptitem to "Shoe">><</link>>
<<link [[Box...?|Box]]>>
<<set $lust += 10>>
<<set $deptitem to "Box">><</link>>
</div><div id="main-screen">
<div class="location-startingstreet">
<div class="overlay"></div>
<blockquote class="location">+10 Affection</blockquote>
<blockquote>You swivel your head toward the walkway and see Jane approaching the trunk, her newly obtained luggage is slightly swaying.</blockquote>
<<speech "mc" "$name">>Finally.<</speech>>
<blockquote>But that was not what attracted your attention, it was the sound.</blockquote>
<<img "images/inc/book.webp" "300px" "300px">><</img>>
<<speech "mc" "$name">>Oh...<</speech>>
<blockquote>Lying on the ground was one of the 'romance' novels she had began to read during the lockdown. Most of them you’ve come to associate with creepy giggles, horny sigh, and raunchy looks. Much to your dismay, sometimes, not most of the times.</blockquote>
<<speech "mc" "$name">>Jane, you dropped something.<</speech>>
<<speech "gfblur" "Jane">>Did I?<</speech>>
<<speech "mc" "$name">>A book, the page is dirty as hell.<</speech>>
<<speech "gfblur" "Jane">>Crap!<</speech>>
<blockquote>She scrambled to gather it up, juggling the luggage in her arms with comical determination.</blockquote>
<<speech "mc" "$name">>Just put your things in, [[I'll grab it for you.|Book1-1]]<</speech>>
</div><div id="main-screen">
<div class="location-startingstreet">
<div class="overlay"></div>
<blockquote class="location">+10 Lust</blockquote>
<blockquote>You swivel your head towards the walkway and see Jane moving towards the trunk.</blockquote>
<<speech "mc" "$name">>Finally.<</speech>>
<blockquote>But it’s not her that catches your attention, it was the sound.</blockquote>
<<img "images/inc/ling.webp" "300px" "300px">><</img>>
<<speech "mc" "$name">>What's that...?<</speech>>
<blockquote>A box lies on the walkway. Looks like Jane dropped it.</blockquote>
<<speech "mc" "$name">>Jane, you dropped something.<</speech>>
<<speech "gfblur" "Jane">>Really?<</speech>>
<blockquote>Her voice is muffled, she's carrying something large. You decided to be a good boyfriend and [[pick up whatever she dropped.|Box1-1]]</blockquote>
</div><div id="main-screen">
<div class="location-startingstreet">
<div class="overlay"></div>
<blockquote class="location">+5 Affection</blockquote>
<blockquote class="location">+5 Lust</blockquote>
<blockquote>You swivel your head toward the walkway and spot Jane heading toward the trunk.</blockquote>
<<speech "mc" "$name">>Finally.<</speech>>
<blockquote>But something else catches your attention, it was the sound.</blockquote>
<<img "images/inc/shoe.webp" "300px" "300px">><</img>>
<<speech "mc" "$name">>Wait a minute, that's mine.<</speech>>
<blockquote>That is, indeed, your running shoes, Jane is packing it in her luggage with the other one falling on the pavement.</blockquote>
<<speech "gfblur" "Jane">>What's yours?<</speech>>
<<speech "mc" "$name">>[[That!|Shoe1-1]]<</speech>>
</div><div id="main-screen">
<div class="location-startingstreet">
<div class="overlay"></div>
<blockquote>You step out of the car and walk toward the book lying on the pavement. As you bend to pick it up, a gust of wind flips the cover, revealing the title.</blockquote>
<<speech "mc" "$name">>"Of Price and Brand" ...what in the world are you even reading?<</speech>>
<<speech "gfblur" "Jane">>It's romance, nerd, you should give it a read.<</speech>>
<<speech "mc" "$name">>Nah... I think I could live without that one.<</speech>>
<blockquote>Jane developed a vice for reading crappy 'romance' novels during the lockdown, much to your amusement, and occasional horror. Now, one of her life goals is to force you to join the cult. A goal that's sadly she’ll never going to achieve.</blockquote>
<<speech "gfblur" "Jane">>Your loss. It could help you improve your 'romancing' skill.<</speech>>
<<speech "mc" "$name">>Why? I got you already.<</speech>>
<blockquote>From behind the trunk, you hear a loud snort of laughter. [[Then, you walk toward the sound.|Book1-2]]</blockquote>
</div><div id="main-screen">
<div class="location-startingstreet">
<div class="overlay"></div>
<blockquote>She slips back into the car just before you reach her position.</blockquote>
<<speech "gfblur" "Jane">>Come on! Miami's waiting!<</speech>>
<<speech "mc" "$name">>Sigh...<</speech>>
<blockquote>The trunk is packed to the brim, from clothes, books, snacks, the newly added bag and another massive bag buried at the bottom. Not only that but Jane must've added even more books during her last trip inside.</blockquote>
<<speech "mc" "$name">>Are you opening a library in Miami?<</speech>>
<<speech "gfblur" "Jane">>Why not? It's not like I got a job.<</speech>>
<<speech "mc" "$name">>Pft~!<</speech>>
<<speech "gfblur" "Jane">>Hey!<</speech>>
<blockquote>It had been a touchy subject before, but not anymore, it seems. With a small grin, you stuff her book back into the overflowing trunk.</blockquote>
<<speech "gfblur" "Jane">>Did you double-check YOUR stuff?<</speech>>
<<speech "mc" "$name">>Well...<</speech>>
<blockquote class="choice-blockquote">
<<link [[No, but who cares? We're running late.|Drive1-1]]>>
<<set $deptcheck to "No">><</link>>
<<link [[One more time never hurts.|Check1-1]]>>
<<set $respect -= 3>>
<<set $deptcheck to "Yes">>
</div><div id="main-screen">
<div class="location-startingstreet">
<div class="overlay"></div>
<blockquote>You open the front seat door and sit behind the wheel. Then, you turn your head toward her.</blockquote>
<<img "images/gf/gf1.webp" "400px">><</img>>
<<speech "gf" "Jane">>There you are~<</speech>>
<blockquote>Jane greets you with excitement. Despite everything that happened during this rough year, you’re glad to see that the adventurous glint is still there in her eyes.</blockquote>
<<speech "gf" "Jane">>Is there something on my face?<</speech>>
<<speech "mc" "$name">>Hmm... no... it's just good looking.<</speech>>
<blockquote>She gives you a curious look.</blockquote>
<<speech "gf" "Jane">>$name... is that your idea of flirting?<</speech>>
<blockquote>Flustered, you turn your head on the wheel.</blockquote>
<<if $deptitem is "Book">>
<<speech "gf" "Jane">>You should read "Of Price and Brand".<</speech>>
<<speech "mc" "$name">>...Fuck off.<</speech>>
<<elseif $deptitem is "Box">>
<<speech "gf" "Jane">>I could eat you up right now.<</speech>>
<<speech "mc" "$name">>S-Stop it.<</speech>>
<blockquote>She then pokes your cheek.</blockquote>
<<speech "mc" "$name">>H-Hey...<</speech>>
<<speech "gf" "Jane">>Heh~ [[you're cute.|Drive1-2]]<</speech>>
</div><div id="main-screen">
<div class="location-startingstreet">
<div class="overlay"></div>
<blockquote class="location">-3 Respect</blockquote>
<<speech "mc" "$name">>Another check wouldn't hurt.<</speech>>
<<speech "gfblur" "Jane">>Really? After all your sighing and moaning about me being slow you're the one who hasn't done anything?<</speech>>
<<speech "mc" "$name">>W-Well...<</speech>>
<blockquote>She's right.</blockquote>
<<speech "mc" "$name">>W-Well, t-this is the triple-check.<</speech>>
<blockquote>With a sheepish shrug, you begin rummaging through your luggage, checking for anything important you might have forgotten. The search is quick, but the result is alarming.</blockquote>
<<speech "mc" "$name">>...I forgot my phone.<</speech>>
<<speech "gfblur" "Jane">>...How?<</speech>>
<blockquote>Heart sinking, you rush back into the house. And there it is, your phone, still charging on the bedside table. And, of course, that also means you forgot the charger. You grab both, breathing a sigh of relief. For once, you’re actually grateful for her frank tone. Or else the trip could have been doomed from the start.</blockquote>
<<speech "mc" "$name">>Sigh...<</speech>>
<blockquote>Returning to the car, you find Jane putting mashing her head on the steering wheel, while giving the fakest yawn you've ever seen in your life towards your direction.</blockquote>
<<speech "gfblur" "Jane">>Yawn~ there you are~ you're probably the first human in the history to forgot their phone before a trip. Come on, [[get in,|Drive1-1]] you knucklehead.<</speech>>
</div><div id="main-screen">
<div class="location-startingstreet">
<div class="overlay"></div>
<blockquote>You step out of the car and head toward the shoe, but a sudden gust of wind sends it tumbling farther down the walkway.</blockquote>
<<speech "mc" "$name">>Dammit...<</speech>>
<blockquote>The gust itself was rather large and it almost knocks you off balance, though it only made you stumble, but you had to take a moment to steady yourself.</blockquote>
<<speech "mc" "$name">>Fucking lockdown...<</speech>>
<blockquote>A small snorts of laughter can be heard from the car.</blockquote>
<<speech "gfblur" "Jane">>You've been flaky since the year nineteen-ninety-eight, baby. Don't blame the lockdown.<</speech>>
<blockquote>With the wind finally settling, you snatch the shoe off the ground and head back [[towards the trunk.|Shoe1-2]]</blockquote>
</div><div id="main-screen">
<div class="location-startingstreet">
<div class="overlay"></div>
<blockquote>Jane slips into the car just as you approach the trunk.</blockquote>
<<speech "gfblur" "Jane">>Come on! Miami's waiting!<</speech>>
<<speech "mc" "$name">>Sigh...<</speech>>
<blockquote>The trunk is packed to the brim, from clothes, books, snacks, the newly added bag and another massive bag buried at the bottom. A closer look reveals she’s added even more of your stuff.</blockquote>
<<speech "mc" "$name">>W-Why...?<</speech>>
<<speech "gfblur" "Jane">>Why what?<</speech>>
<<speech "mc" "$name">>Tracksuit? Running shoes?<</speech>>
<<speech "gfblur" "Jane">>Come on, we’re not spending the whole trip cooped up in the car, right?<</speech>>
<<speech "mc" "$name">>...We're not going on any morning jog either.<</speech>>
<<speech "gfblur" "Jane">>That's not the point, besides, you'll need it against the wind.<</speech>>
<<speech "mc" "$name">>Ugh...<</speech>>
<<speech "gfblur" "Jane">>Heh~ anyway, did you double-checked your stuff?<</speech>>
<<speech "mc" "$name">>Well...<</speech>>
<blockquote class="choice-blockquote">
<<link [[No, but who cares? We're running late.|Drive1-1]]>>
<<set $deptcheck to "No">><</link>>
<<link [[One more time never hurts.|Check1-1]]>>
<<set $respect -= 3>>
<<set $deptcheck to "Yes">>
</div><div id="main-screen">
<div class="location-startingstreet">
<div class="overlay"></div>
<blockquote>You get out of the car and walk towards the box. Suddenly, a gust of wind blows, sending the contents of the box flying through the air.</blockquote>
<<speech "mc" "$name">>Oh...<</speech>>
<blockquote>It's... a sexy lingerie.</blockquote>
<<speech "mc" "$name">>...Why are we packing this?<</speech>>
<<speech "gfblur" "Jane">>Ohhh~ that one~ why not? Don’t you want to see me in it?<</speech>>
<<speech "mc" "$name">>W-Well, I mean...<</speech>>
<<speech "gfblur" "Jane">>Right, you'll rather see me without it. Without anything really.<</speech>>
<blockquote>You can hear the smirk in her voice. But before she can tease you further, a shushing sound comes from the neighbor’s lawn.</blockquote>
<<speech "gfblur" "Jane">>S-Sorry!<</speech>>
<blockquote>She quickly rushed into the car leaving you with a smirk as you [[pick up the lingerie.|Box1-2]]</blockquote>
</div><div id="main-screen">
<div class="location-startingstreet">
<div class="overlay"></div>
<blockquote>She’s already inside the car when you walk over to the trunk. Probably mortified after being shushed by the neighbor.</blockquote>
<<speech "gfblur" "Jane">>C-Come on! M-Miami's waiting!<</speech>>
<<speech "mc" "$name">>Heh...<</speech>>
<blockquote>The trunk is packed to the brim, from clothes, books, snacks, the newly added bag and another massive bag buried at the bottom. Not only that but Jane must've added some frivolous and sexy clothes in there.</blockquote>
<<speech "mc" "$name">>We're not going to a honeymoon, are we?<</speech>>
<<speech "gfblur" "Jane">>A-Anytime could be a honeymoon if we want, baby.<</speech>>
<blockquote>You shake your head, sometimes it’s hard to have such a lusty girlfriend. Honestly, sometimes it’s just hard all the time.</blockquote>
<<speech "mc" "$name">>Heh...<</speech>>
<<speech "gfblur" "Jane">>What?<</speech>>
<<speech "mc" "$name">>N-Nothing, nothing.<</speech>>
<<speech "gfblur" "Jane">>Anyway, did you double-checked your stuff?<</speech>>
<<speech "mc" "$name">>Well...<</speech>>
<blockquote class="choice-blockquote">
<<link [[No, but who cares? We're running late.|Drive1-1]]>>
<<set $deptcheck to "No">><</link>>
<<link [[One more time never hurts.|Check1-1]]>>
<<set $respect -= 3>>
<<set $deptcheck to "Yes">>
</div><div id="main-screen">
<div class="location-startingstreet">
<div class="overlay"></div>
<blockquote>You clap your hands on the steering wheel, trying to cool the redness creeping up your face.</blockquote>
<<speech "mc" "$name">>O-Okay! Let's go!<</speech>>
<<speech "gf" "Jane">>Where are we going?<</speech>>
<<speech "mc" "$name">>...What?<</speech>>
<<speech "gf" "Jane">>What's our destination?<</speech>>
<<speech "mc" "$name">>...You know where we're going. You said it when I'm outside.<</speech>>
<<if $deptcheck is "Yes">>
<<speech "gf" "Jane">>You literally forgot your phone, $name. The least you can do is to make me sure that you remember the route.<</speech>>
<<speech "mc" "$name">>[[Sigh...|Drive1-3]]<</speech>>
<<speech "gf" "Jane">>I'm talking about the route! We talked about it last night, right? Might as well give it a little refresher.<</speech>>
<<speech "mc" "$name">>[[Okay.|Drive1-3]]<</speech>>
</div><div id="main-screen">
<div class="location-startingstreet">
<div class="overlay"></div>
<blockquote>Jane hands you her phone, with the map app already open, so you can point out the route the two of you planned yesterday.</blockquote>
<<img "images/post/gas.webp" "400px" "400px">><</img>>
<<speech "mc" "$name">>First destination is the gas station, to refill and maybe grab something else for the road.<</speech>>
<blockquote>You glance at the map, but your thoughts drift to the mountain of snacks already crammed into the trunk.</blockquote>
<<speech "mc" "$name">>Keep the snack at a minimum though.<</speech>>
<<speech "gf" "Jane">>Sure~ but I don't think you could consider that place a destination.<</speech>>
<blockquote class="choice-blockquote">
<<link [[She's right, maybe you could skip it.|Drive1-4]]>>
<<set $respect -= 3>>
<<set $GSWrong = true>>
<<link [[No, it's a super necessary destination.|Drive1-4]]>>
</div><div id="main-screen">
<div class="location-startingstreet">
<div class="overlay"></div>
<blockquote>She gives you a quick look.</blockquote>
<<if $GSWrong is true>>
<blockquote class="location">-3 Respect</blockquote>
<<speech "gf" "Jane">>What...? I'm just kidding.<</speech>>
<<speech "mc" "$name">>O-Oh...<</speech>>
<blockquote>She shakes her head slightly, her gaze returning to the map.</blockquote>
<<speech "mc" "$name">>A-Anyway, we'll be going to this place after that.<</speech>>
<<speech "mc" "$name">>After a quick refuel and buying some snacks we'll be going to this place.<</speech>>
<<speech "gf" "Jane">>What place?<</speech>>
<<img "images/post/bbl.webp" "400px">><</img>>
<<speech "mc" "$name">>Big Bear Lake.<</speech>>
<blockquote>Jane’s eyes light up at the mention of the lake.</blockquote>
<<speech "gf" "Jane">>Mmm~ mmm~ let's swim!<</speech>>
<blockquote class="choice-blockquote">
<<link [[S-Swimming...?|Drive1-5]]>>
<<set $affection -= 3>>
<<set $BBLWrong = true>>
<<link [[Shit! We can swim!?|Drive1-5]]>>
<<set $affection += 3>>
<<set $BBLRight = true>><</link>>
</div><blockquote class="choice-blockquote">
<<link [[Maybe I could find farther gas station /-3 Respect|Drive1-4]]>>
<<set $respect -= 3>>
<<set $firstdest.push("GSWrong")>>
<<link [[No, it's a super necessary destination.|Drive1-4]]>>
<div id="main-screen">
<div class="location-startingstreet">
<div class="overlay"></div>
<<if $BBLWrong is true>>
<blockquote class="location">-3 Affection</blockquote>
<<speech "gf" "Jane">>Still scared of water?<</speech>>
<<speech "mc" "$name">>N-No...<</speech>>
<<speech "gf" "Jane">>Riiiigggghhhhtttt~<</speech>>
<blockquote>Her teasing tone digs just a little too deep, and you can't help but feel embarrassed.</blockquote>
<<speech "mc" "$name">>I-I'm more scared of the big bear.<</speech>>
<<speech "gf" "Jane">>Haha~!<</speech>>
<<elseif $BBLRight is true>>
<blockquote class="location">+3 Affection</blockquote>
<<speech "mc" "$name">>I didn't know we could swim.<</speech>>
<<speech "gf" "Jane">>Cool your horses, baby~ It's probably illegal at the moment.<</speech>>
<<speech "mc" "$name">>Aw crap.<</speech>>
<<speech "gf" "Jane">>I know, it's bullcrap I know.<</speech>>
<<speech "mc" "$name">>Is it because of the bears?<</speech>>
<<speech "gf" "Jane">>Hah!<</speech>>
<blockquote>You lift your finger from the Big Bear Lake marker on her phone screen and move it to another area.</blockquote>
<<speech "mc" "$name">>And finally, we end the first leg in Tucson.<</speech>>
<<speech "gf" "Jane">>Hmm~ mmm~ I guess you remember the route after all.<</speech>>
<blockquote>Her voice carries a playful satisfaction, and you smirk, feeling a little proud of yourself.</blockquote>
<<speech "gf" "Jane">>But is that really all?<</speech>>
<<speech "mc" "$name">>What?<</speech>>
<blockquote>Without another word, she swipes her phone screen and points to a rather nondescript rest area in the [[middle of nowhere.|Drive1-6]]</blockquote>
</div><div id="main-screen">
<div class="location-startingstreet">
<div class="overlay"></div>
<<speech "mc" "$name">>...Yes?<</speech>>
<blockquote>There's really nothing in that area, just a simple restroom in the middle of the highway. You turn to her wondering what she's meantt.</blockquote>
<<img "images/gf/gf2.webp" "400px">><</img>>
<<speech "mc" "$name">>Mmhh~!<</speech>>
<<speech "gf" "Jane">>Heheh~ don't act like you never seen my boobs before.<</speech>>
<<if $deptitem is "Box">>
<<speech "mc" "$name">>D-Do you want to get screamed at by Mr. Smith again?<</speech>>
<<speech "gf" "Jane">>O-Oh...<</speech>>
<blockquote>You slowly turns your head and look at her perfectly shaped boobs.</blockquote>
<<speech "gf" "Jane">>Hehe~ Put that place as another stop, then.<</speech>>
<blockquote>She tucks her tits back in.</blockquote>
<<speech "gf" "Jane">>One of the joy of traveling is finding a wild place for having fun. You'll never guess just how many times I caught naughty perverts sneaking to join the mile-high club.<</speech>>
<blockquote class="choice-blockquote">
<<link [[I guess we could fit that place in...|Drive1-7]]>>
<<set $affection +=2>>
<<set $lust +=5>>
<<set $extrafirststop = true>>
<<link [[L-Let's just do it in the hotel room later.|Drive1-7]]>>
<<set $affection -=3>>
<<set $lust +=5>>
<<set $extrafirststop = false>>
</div><div id="main-screen">
<div class="location-startingstreet">
<div class="overlay"></div>
<<if $extrafirststop is true>>
<blockquote class="location">+5 Affection</blockquote>
<blockquote class="location">+5 Lust</blockquote>
<<speech "gf" "Jane">>Mmm~ you're getting the vibe of a road trip now, baby.<</speech>>
<<speech "mc" "$name">>Yeah...<</speech>>
<<speech "gf" "Jane">>I'm sure we'll find more spots like this, from Cali all the way to Florida~<</speech>>
<blockquote>After being locked inside your house for an entire year, you can't deny the thrill of doing something a little more daring.</blockquote>
<<elseif $extrafirststop is false>>
<blockquote class="location">+5 Lust</blockquote>
<blockquote class="location">-3 Affection</blockquote>
<<speech "gf" "Jane">>Hmph~ what a bummer. I thought being locked up for a year would make you a little more daring.<</speech>>
<blockquote>She pouted,</blockquote>
<<speech "mc" "$name">>J-Jane...<</speech>>
<<speech "gf" "Jane">>...Just kidding, babe! Come on! We lived together for nearly year now, you know I'm just teasing.<</speech>>
<<speech "mc" "$name">>Sigh... I know, I know.<</speech>>
<blockquote>The two of you go quiet for a moment before you glance at her [[one last time.|Drive1-8]]</blockquote>
</div><div id="main-screen">
<div class="location-startingstreet">
<div class="overlay"></div>
<<img "images/gf/gf1.webp" "400px">><</img>>
<<speech "mc" "$name">>So?<</speech>>
<<speech "gf" "Jane">>So?<</speech>>
<<speech "mc" "$name">>Are we ready?<</speech>>
<blockquote>She smirks, her eyes lingering on your face.</blockquote>
<<speech "gf" "Jane">>Not yet, look outside.<</speech>>
<<speech "mc" "$name">>Huh?<</speech>>
<blockquote>You turn around, curiosity piqued by her words, but you see nothing unusual.</blockquote>
<<speech "gf" "Jane">>[[Heh~|Drive1-9]]<</speech>>
</div><div id="main-screen">
<div class="location-startingstreet">
<div class="overlay"></div>
<<vid "Images/gf/gfs1.webm">>
<blockquote>You turn back just in time for her to pull you into a light but unexpected kiss.</blockquote>
<<speech "gf" "Jane">>Now we're ready.<</speech>>
<<speech "mc" "$name">>Haa...<</speech>>
<blockquote>You can feel blush spreading on your cheeks.</blockquote>
<<speech "mc" "$name">>L-Let's go...<</speech>>
<<speech "gf" "Jane">>Where's your spirit?<</speech>>
<<speech "mc" "$name">>Haa...<</speech>>
<blockquote>You take a deep breath, steadying yourself.</blockquote>
<<speech "mc" "$name">>[[LET'S FUCKING GOOOOOOO~!!!|Opening1-1]]<</speech>>
</div><<set $location to "Road">>
<<set $locationImages to "Road">>
<div id="main-screen">
<div class="location-road">
<div class="overlay"></div>
<img src="images/misc/logo.webp" width="200px">
<h1><u>The Road Trip</u></h1>
<blockquote>Welcome to the first release of my new project, The Road Trip. As the title might suggest, the game will be about a road trip, to be exact from LA to Miami, in which the couple will face adversities, hurdles, and temptation that would impact their relationship.</blockquote>
<blockquote>Like all my previous projects, this game is mainly an NTR project, BUT unlike my other games that was mostly kinetic, this game is open ended as your choices really does matter, you can end the game without her or you cheating on each other.</blockquote>
<blockquote>This will be a big project that will take time to develop, so unlike Locked Down, which I somehow finished in an update / two weeks schedule, this might actually take a monthly release, I hope I will be faster than that but we'll see. So if you like the game and want to actively support the development then please subscribe to my <a href="https://www.patreon.com/AnonDux1/">Patreon</a> or <a href="https://anondux.fanbox.cc/">FANBOX.</a> Thank you.</blockquote>
<blockquote>Anyway, enough talking, let's go back [[on the road.|Opening1-2]]</blockquote>
</div><<set $location to "California">>
<<set $locationImages to "Caliroad">>
<div id="main-screen">
<div class="location-caliroad">
<div class="overlay"></div>
<blockquote>The road stretches out under the soft morning sun, still quiet and empty.</blockquote>
<<img "images/gf/gf3.webp" "600px">><</img>>
<<speech "gf" "Jane">>Are we there yet?<</speech>>
<<speech "mc" "$name">>Hmm... Only about 3,000 miles to go.<</speech>>
<<speech "gf" "Jane">>Oh, so close~<</speech>>
<blockquote>You smirk as you steer out of your suburban neighborhood, waving to a few neighbors. The trip has only just begun.</blockquote>
<<speech "mc" "$name">>It's nice to see people out of their house.<</speech>>
<<speech "gf" "Jane">>I know...<</speech>>
<blockquote>Eight months. That's how long you'd been locked inside your house. Even now, the restrictions aren't fully lifted, but thankfully interstate travel is allowed because that's the whole reason your mother invited you to come.</blockquote>
<<speech "gf" "Jane">>It's a wonder we didn’t lose our minds.<</speech>>
<blockquote>Unlike Jane, who kept active with her daily jogs, you'd barely left the house. For you, the only connection to the outside world, besides virtual work, was the occasional trip to the supermarket, just ten minutes away.</blockquote>
<<speech "mc" "$name">>Agreed...<</speech>>
<blockquote>It was tough at first, but having each other made it easier to handle.</blockquote>
<<speech "gf" "Jane">>Lookin' good!<</speech>>
<blockquote>Jane shouted out the car window at a group of kids riding skateboards. One of them, flustered by her attention, blushed, a sight that made you chuckle.</blockquote>
<<speech "mc" "$name">>Heh! Now put your head back in, we're about to enter the [[main road.|Opening1-3]]<</speech>>
</div><div id="main-screen">
<div class="location-caliroad">
<div class="overlay"></div>
<<speech "mc" "$name">>What's wrong?<</speech>>
<<speech "gf" "Jane">>...I forgot my kindle.<</speech>>
<blockquote>You glance at her, blinking. That’s certainly a thing to forget.</blockquote>
<<speech "mc" "$name">>You got a whole ass library at the back, Jane.<</speech>>
<<speech "gf" "Jane">>Please, please, please... turn back, babe, *please*...<</speech>>
<blockquote>She flashes the best puppy-dog eyes you’ve ever seen. And, of course, it works.</blockquote>
<<speech "gf" "Jane">>Please... I’ll love you for the rest of my life...<</speech>>
<<speech "mc" "$name">>You’re not already doing that?<</speech>>
<<speech "gf" "Jane">>I do, but I’ll love you *a little bit more*...<</speech>>
<<speech "mc" "$name">>Okay, okay, you win.<</speech>>
<<speech "gf" "Jane">>[[You're the best!|ForgetKindle2]]<</speech>>
</div><div id="main-screen">
<div class="location-caliroad">
<div class="overlay"></div>
<<speech "gf" "Jane">>How long do you think we're gonna be on the road for?<</speech>>
<<speech "mc" "$name">>You tell me, you're the one who traveled all over the world.<</speech>>
<<speech "gf" "Jane">>Three thousand miles, huh... I'll give it five hours.<</speech>>
<<speech "mc" "$name">>Five hours exactly?<</speech>>
<<speech "gf" "Jane">>Well, give or take.<</speech>>
<blockquote>She digs her hand into the bag of chips, popping some into her mouth before handing you one.</blockquote>
<blockquote>Suddenly, her phone rings. She lazily grabs it and answers.</blockquote>
<<speech "gf" "Jane">>...It's your mom. *beep* Hello~!<</speech>>
<blockquote>She adopts her best flight attendant voice. You wonder why she called her instead of you.</blockquote>
<<speech "gf" "Jane">>We're on the road right now. He's driving, maybe that's why. You know how he is, he always put his phone on silent.<</speech>>
<<if $deptcheck is "No">>
<blockquote>Not silent, but vibrate. Though you haven’t felt any vibration in your pocket since the start of the drive. You quickly check your pockets.</blockquote>
<<speech "mc" "$name">>...............................<</speech>>
<<speech "mc" "$name">>No way.<</speech>>
<blockquote>The red light up ahead gives you a chance to check. You quickly search your pockets again the moment you [[stop the car.|ForgetPhone1-1]]</blockquote>
<<elseif $deptcheck is "Yes">>
<blockquote>Not silent, but vibrate. You recall putting it on driving mode earlier, maybe that’s why you haven’t felt any notifications.</blockquote>
<<speech "gf" "Jane">>Listen, ma'am -uhh mom, he nearly forgot his phone! Can you believe it!?<</speech>>
<<speech "mc" "$name">>Why... why why why would you tell her...?<</speech>>
<blockquote>She sticks her tongue out.</blockquote>
<<speech "gf" "Jane">>I know, right? [[Hahahaaaa~|NoForget1-2]]<</speech>>
</div><<set $location to "Home">>
<<set $locationImages to "Home">>
<<set $affection += 3>>
<div id="main-screen">
<div class="location-startingstreet">
<div class="overlay"></div>
<blockquote class="location">+3 Affection</blockquote>
<blockquote>You find yourself back on the familiar street. That was a quick trip. Jane gives you a quick kiss before hopping out of the car to grab her Kindle.</blockquote>
<<speech "mc" "$name">>Haa...<</speech>>
<blockquote>With a sigh, you settle in to wait, rummaging through your pocket for your phone.</blockquote>
<<if $deptcheck is "No">>
<<speech "mc" "$name">>Mmm...?<</speech>>
<blockquote>Your pocket comes up empty. You check the other one with the same result.</blockquote>
<<speech "mc" "$name">>No way.<</speech>>
<blockquote>Panic sets in as you rush to the trunk, searching for your phone, but find nothing.</blockquote>
<<speech "mc" "$name">>Shit!<</speech>>
<blockquote>You sprint [[back inside the house.|ForgetKindle3a-1]]</blockquote>
<<elseif $deptcheck is "Yes">>
<<speech "mc" "$name">>Mmm...<</speech>>
<blockquote>You pull out your phone and notice a few unread messages. It’s from your parents.</blockquote>
<<speech "familyblur" "Mom">>"Hey, $name. Are you on the road yet?"<</speech>>
<<speech "mc" "$name">>"We're getting started, had to turn back cause Jane forgot her Kindle."<</speech>>
<blockquote>The reply comes almost instantly.</blockquote>
<<speech "familyblur" "Mom">>"What's a kindle?"<</speech>>
<<speech "mc" "$name">>"Something that's not that important."<</speech>>
<<speech "familyblur" "Mom">>"Well, it clearly meant a lot to her, anyway, make sure to check your own luggage, dear!"<</speech>>
<<speech "mc" "$name">>"I have. Oh, here she comes."<</speech>>
<<speech "familyblur" "Mom">>"Okay~ drive safely, $name. We’re looking forward to seeing you two! And don’t annoy Jane too much, okay?"<</speech>>
<<speech "mc" "$name">>Why is it always me...?<</speech>>
<blockquote>You mutter to yourself as Jane circles the car and hops back into the front seat.</blockquote>
<<speech "gf" "Jane">>Hehe~<</speech>>
<<speech "mc" "$name">>There you are. Let's go.<</speech>>
<blockquote>She nods, and you turn the engine back on to [[continue your journey.|DriveCont1-0a]]</blockquote>
</div><div id="main-screen">
<div class="location-bedroom">
<div class="overlay"></div>
<<set $respect -= 5>>
<blockquote>You rush upstairs, only to find Jane already there.</blockquote>
<<speech "gf" "Jane">>Hey, look what I found.<</speech>>
<blockquote>She holds the Kindle in her right hand and your phone in her left. Her expression carries a mix of amusement and disappointment.</blockquote>
<blockquote class="location">-5 Respect</blockquote>
<<speech "gf" "Jane">>So much for not double-checking, huh?<</speech>>
<<speech "mc" "$name">>Y-Yeah...<</speech>>
<blockquote>You check your phone for a few moment, to see some message coming from your mom.</blockquote>
<<speech "gf" "Jane">>Oh! Your mom, tell her that you forget your phone.<</speech>>
<<speech "mc" "$name">>I'll tell her that you forgot your kindle.<</speech>>
<blockquote>That counterattack doesn't work because your mom doesn't know what the hell a kindle even is. Jane put her hand on her hips in victory stance.</blockquote>
<<speech "gf" "Jane">>Let's go then.<</speech>>
<blockquote>As you move to follow her, your eyes land on the bed. A stray thought pops into your head.</blockquote>
<blockquote class="choice-blockquote">
<<link [[Ask her|ForgetKindle3a-2]]>>
<<set $respect -= 5>>
<<set $firstpushy to "True">><</link>>
<<link [[No, we're late as it is|DriveCont1-1]]>>
<<set $firstpushy to "False">><</link>>
</div><<set $location to "California">>
<<set $locationImages to "Caliroad">>
<div id="main-screen">
<div class="location-caliroad">
<div class="overlay"></div>
<blockquote>The trip continues at a steady pace, with Jane munching on a bag of potato chips. As the crunching filled the car, a thought struck you.</blockquote>
<<img "images/inc/caliroad2.webp" "600px">><</img>>
<<speech "mc" "$name">>Know any good places to grab a bite?<</speech>>
<<speech "gf" "Jane">>On the road? Not really. There’s probably a restaurant by the lake, and if not, we’ll find something along the way. We’re not exactly starving right now anyway.<</speech>>
<blockquote>True, you ate earlier this morning.</blockquote>
<<speech "mc" "$name">>Wait... why were we rushing again?<</speech>>
<<speech "gf" "Jane">>Because we don’t want to hit Tucson at night.<</speech>>
<<speech "mc" "$name">>Right.<</speech>>
<<speech "gf" "Jane">>You know, I never actually been to Tucson before.<</speech>>
<<speech "mc" "$name">>You've been to Paris but never to Tucson?<</speech>>
<<speech "gf" "Jane">>Everyone’s been to Paris, $name.<</speech>>
<<speech "mc" "$name">>Well, not me.<</speech>>
<<speech "gf" "Jane">>You should! It’s a great place! Oh, by the way, did you know Tucson’s name comes from the O’odham word *Cuk Ṣon*? It means “at the base of the black hill” or “spring at the foot of a black mountain.” It refers to the area near Sentinel Peak, which was a landmark for the indigenous people.<</speech>>
<<speech "mc" "$name">>......................................<</speech>>
<<speech "gf" "Jane">>Was my fun fact that impressive?<</speech>>
<<speech "mc" "$name">>...No, it just reminded me of something else.<</speech>>
<<speech "gf" "Jane">>Of what?<</speech>>
<<speech "mc" "$name">>[[...Never mind.|DriveCont1-1.1]]<</speech>>
</div><div id="main-screen">
<div class="location-bedroom">
<div class="overlay"></div>
<<speech "mc" "$name">>Say...<</speech>>
<<speech "gf" "Jane">>Yeah?<</speech>>
<blockquote>You point at your bed.</blockquote>
<<speech "gf" "Jane">>Seriously?<</speech>>
<blockquote class="location">-5 Respect</blockquote>
<blockquote class="location">She will remember this.</blockquote>
<<if $affection >= 65>>
<blockquote>She looks at you with a little incredulity but then relents.</blockquote>
<<speech "gf" "Jane">>You're lucky I love you.<</speech>>
<blockquote>She points to the bed and to your pants.</blockquote>
<<speech "gf" "Jane">>Take it off.<</speech>>
<<speech "mc" "$name">>I could get you off if you want.<</speech>>
<<speech "gf" "Jane">>We don't have two fucking hours, $name.<</speech>>
<<speech "mc" "$name">>O-Okay...<</speech>>
<blockquote>That was an indirect shot towards you but you [[missed it completely.|ForgetKindle3a-3]]</blockquote>
<blockquote>She looks at you with actual anger.</blockquote>
<<speech "gf" "Jane">>Are you fucking kidding me now?<</speech>>
<blockquote>That means no.</blockquote>
<<speech "gf" "Jane">>Get your horny ass back in the car.<</speech>>
<<speech "mc" "$name">>I-I'm sorry...<</speech>>
<blockquote>You silently follows her back into the car and then turns on the engine.</blockquote>
<<speech "gf" "Jane">>Drive.<</speech>>
<blockquote>She commanded with a stern voice. She's genuinely pissed.</blockquote>
<<speech "mc" "$name">>
<<link [[I-I'm sorry...|DriveCont1-1]]>>
<<set $affection -= 5>>
<blockquote>You uttered silently as you restarted your journey.</blockquote>
</div><div id="main-screen">
<div class="location-bedroom">
<div class="overlay"></div>
<<set $firsthj = true>>
<blockquote>You sit down on the bed, watching her taking off her clothes.</blockquote>
<<speech "gf" "Jane">>Cum quickly.<</speech>>
<<speech "mc" "$name">>Y-Yes.<</speech>>
<<vid "Images/gf/gfs2.webm">>
<<if $extrafirststop is true>>
<<speech "gf" "Jane">>So much for that stop on the highway.<</speech>>
<<speech "mc" "$name">>M-Mhh...<</speech>>
<<speech "gf" "Jane">>Ohh~ so hard already.<</speech>>
<<speech "mc" "$name">>Haa...<</speech>>
<<speech "gf" "Jane">>Make it [[quick now.|ForgetKindle3a-4]]<</speech>>
</div><div id="main-screen">
<div class="location-bedroom">
<div class="overlay"></div>
<<vid "Images/gf/gfs3.webm">>
<<speech "mc" "$name">>Ahhh... nghhh...<</speech>>
<<speech "gf" "Jane">>Look at you tensing up like that.<</speech>>
<<speech "mc" "$name">>Nghh...<</speech>>
<<speech "gf" "Jane">>Cumming already?<</speech>>
<<speech "mc" "$name">>Y-Yes...<</speech>>
<blockquote>[[She smirks.|ForgetKindle3a-5]]</blockquote>
</div><div id="main-screen">
<div class="location-bedroom">
<div class="overlay"></div>
<<set $lust += 5>>
<<vid "Images/gf/gfs4.webm">>
<<speech "gf" "Jane">>Heh~<</speech>>
<<speech "mc" "$name">>H-Haa...<</speech>>
<<speech "gf" "Jane">>I said to do it fast. But not this fast.<</speech>>
<blockquote class="location">+5 Lust</blockquote>
<<speech "mc" "$name">>Haa... haa... I-I don't want to make us late...<</speech>>
<<speech "gf" "Jane">>Hahaha~ sure, come on, back to the car.<</speech>>
<blockquote>She left almost immediately after putting her clothes back on, you do the same but before replying to your mom's text.</blockquote>
<<speech "familyblur" "Mom">>"Hey, $name. Are you on the road yet?"<</speech>>
<<speech "mc" "$name">>"Yes, yes, we're on our way, please don't text me."<</speech>>
<blockquote>You lied, well there's no way she could've known anyway. The reply then came in mere moments.</blockquote>
<<speech "familyblur" "Mom">>"Oohhh. Drive safely okay? And please say hi to Jane for me."<</speech>>
<<speech "mc" "$name">>"Yes, mom."<</speech>>
<<speech "familyblur" "Mom">>"Okay then. We're waiting for you guys here. See you."<</speech>>
<blockquote>You turn off your phone screen and immediately follows Jane as soon as you finished putting your pants [[back on.|ForgetKindle3a-6]]</blockquote>
</div><div id="main-screen">
<div class="location-caliroad">
<div class="overlay"></div>
<<set $affection -= 20>>
<<set $respect -= 20>>
<<set $firstanger to true>>
<blockquote>You search yourself from top to bottom and find nothing. Jane stares at you for a moment, her expression unreadable.</blockquote>
<<speech "gf" "Jane">>Sup?<</speech>>
<<speech "mc" "$name">>I-I forgot my phone.<</speech>>
<<speech "gf" "Jane">>Oh, you motherfucker.<</speech>>
<blockquote class="location">-20 Affection</blockquote>
<blockquote class="location">-20 Respect</blockquote>
<blockquote class="location">Jane will remember this.</blockquote>
<blockquote>She says it, even though your mom is still on the line. Realizing her mistake, Jane quickly apologizes profusely and explains the situation. You’re sweating bullets, and it only gets worse when she hands you her phone.</blockquote>
<<speech "familyblur" "Mom">>Have you lost your darn mind?<</speech>>
<<speech "mc" "$name">>N-No, only my ph-<</speech>>
<<speech "familyblur" "Mom">>Don't get smart with me, young man.<</speech>>
<<speech "mc" "$name">>S-Sorry...<</speech>>
<blockquote>From the corner of your eye, you see Jane looking genuinely angry, but there’s also a little curve on her mouth. She’s enjoying this.</blockquote>
<<speech "familyblur" "Mom">>$name, you will turn back, grab your phone, and then call me. Oh, and apologize to Jane.<</speech>>
<<speech "mc" "$name">>Y-Yes mom...<</speech>>
<blockquote>And here you thought that becoming an adult and living independently would have spared you from her wrath. Clearly, you underestimated her.</blockquote>
<<speech "familyblur" "Mom">>What are you waiting for? Turn back! I won’t hang up until I hear a skidding sound!<</speech>>
<blockquote>You sigh and shake your head, catching Jane subtly giggling beside you. As the light turns green, you decide to do a full-on [[U-turn,|ForgetPhone1-2]] complete with the *skiiiiiiiid* of your tires.</blockquote>
</div><div id="main-screen">
<div class="location-caliroad">
<div class="overlay"></div>
<blockquote>The two women keep gossiping like they're old friends. Despite never meeting face-to-face, they’ve grown close over the pandemic.</blockquote>
<<speech "gf" "Jane">>That one place you keep telling me about? Of course, we’ll go there!<</speech>>
<blockquote>At first, your mother had her reservations about Jane. After all, Jane’s a Cali girl through and through, while your family lives in the rural parts of Miami. The two don’t exactly match.</blockquote>
<<speech "gf" "Jane">>I’d say a week or two, mom... Oh, come on~ We’ve been locked up in the house for a year! We’ve gotta at least enjoy the trip, right?<</speech>>
<blockquote>Ironically, they found common ground in their shared love for a cheesy, utterly crappy telenovela, much to your dismay.</blockquote>
<<speech "gf" "Jane">>Right, $name?<</speech>>
<<speech "mc" "$name">>...What?<</speech>>
<<speech "gf" "Jane">>We won't make her wait, right?<</speech>>
<<speech "mc" "$name">>Of course not. We’ve been driving 90 since the start, mom. We’ll be ther-<</speech>>
<blockquote>You suddenly hear clattering from the other side of the line, followed by what sounds like a prayer... and [[then a scream.|NoForget1-3]]</blockquote>
</div><<set $location to "Home">>
<<set $locationImages to "Home">>
<div id="main-screen">
<div class="location-startingstreet">
<div class="overlay"></div>
<blockquote>Here you are again. You parked your car imperfectly on the side of the road and offered an apologetic look to Jane.</blockquote>
<<speech "mc" "$name">>S-Sorry...<</speech>>
<<speech "gf" "Jane">>So much for not double-checking, huh?<</speech>>
<blockquote>If looks could kill...</blockquote>
<<speech "gf" "Jane">>[[Go!|ForgetPhone1-3]]<</speech>>
</div><div id="main-screen">
<div class="location-bedroom">
<div class="overlay"></div>
<blockquote>You rushed into your room and immediately spotted your phone on the nightstand, still plugged in and charging. You’d forgotten your charger too. it seems like, but brushed that off and called your mother.</blockquote>
<<speech "familyblur" "Mom">>That was fast, $name! Did you speed?<</speech>>
<<speech "mc" "$name">>Do you want me to be fast or slow? And no, I didn’t. We’re still close to home.<</speech>>
<<speech "familyblur" "Mom">>$name, $name... after all these years, you haven’t changed at all.<</speech>>
<<speech "mc" "$name">>I get it, okay? Can I go now? Jane’s waiting in the car.<</speech>>
<<speech "familyblur" "Mom">>Can you see her from the window?<</speech>>
<blockquote>You glance out the window. You can see the car, but not Jane.</blockquote>
<<speech "mc" "$name">>She's inside, what about it?<</speech>>
<<speech "familyblur" "Mom">>Bless her heart. If I were her, I’d be slashing your tires right now.<</speech>>
<blockquote>You shake your head in amused exasperation.</blockquote>
<<speech "familyblur" "Mom">>Go down, apologize, and treat her to something nice.<</speech>>
<<speech "mc" "$name">>Yes, mom. I will. See you, okay?<</speech>>
<blockquote>She ended the call, leaving you to walk back [[to the car.|ForgetPhone1-4]]</blockquote>
</div><div id="main-screen">
<div class="location-startingstreet">
<div class="overlay"></div>
<<speech "mc" "$name">>H-Hey.<</speech>>
<blockquote>You hop back into the car to see Jane still exasperated, staring at you.</blockquote>
<<speech "gf" "Jane">>What did she say?<</speech>>
<<speech "mc" "$name">>She said she’ll be slashing my tires when we arrive.<</speech>>
<blockquote>That light remark seems to ease the tension a little.</blockquote>
<<speech "gf" "Jane">>My kind of lady.<</speech>>
<<speech "mc" "$name">>You should be her daughter.<</speech>>
<<speech "gf" "Jane">>Hm? I AM going to be one.<</speech>>
<blockquote>It’s that ridiculous confidence of hers you love. Most people would blush, but she says it like she means it.</blockquote>
<<speech "mc" "$name">>Anyway, ready?<</speech>>
<<speech "gf" "Jane">>Ready for the last hour or so.<</speech>>
<<speech "mc" "$name">>R-Right... o-onward~!<</speech>>
<blockquote>You start the engine and [[continue your journey.|DriveCont1-0a]]</blockquote>
</div><div id="main-screen">
<div class="location-startingstreet">
<div class="overlay"></div>
<blockquote>You hobbled down the stairs and approach your car, your dick is still sensitive after what just happened.</blockquote>
<blockquote>You opened the car door and sit on the driver's seat. Jane is looking at her phone as you came in.</blockquote>
<<speech "mc" "$name">>Hey, uhh, thanks for earlier.<</speech>>
<<speech "gf" "Jane">>Mmm...<</speech>>
<blockquote>You started the engine and begin to drive.</blockquote>
<<speech "gf" "Jane">>Your mom just texted me.<</speech>>
<<speech "mc" "$name">>...Yes?<</speech>>
<<speech "gf" "Jane">>She asked where we are. You know, I like your mom, she's fun.<</speech>>
<<speech "mc" "$name">>...And what did you say exactly?<</speech>>
<<speech "gf" "Jane">>I said that we're still home. But she said that she's really really eager to meet you, I don't know why she only said you though..<</speech>>
<blockquote class="location">Your mom will remember this.</blockquote>
<<speech "mc" "$name">>...Fuck.<</speech>>
<blockquote>Now all parts of you wanted to take the [[longest route possible.|DriveCont1-0]]</blockquote>
</div><div id="main-screen">
<div class="location-caliroad">
<div class="overlay"></div>
<<speech "familyblur" "Mom">>WHAT THE HECK DO YOU THINK YOU'RE DOING, YOUNG MAN!?<</speech>>
<<speech "mc" "$name">>I'm speeding, mom.<</speech>>
<blockquote>You can practically hear her hyperventilating from across the country.</blockquote>
<<speech "mc" "$name">>Mom, I'm obviously joking.<</speech>>
<<speech "familyblur" "Mom">>Yeah? Then I'm obviously cutting you out of my will.<</speech>>
<blockquote>You snicker in amusement. Jane does too, though she hides it better.</blockquote>
<<speech "familyblur" "Mom">>DO NOT SPEED!!! Got that? Jane! If he ever goes over 40, call me immediately.<</speech>>
<<speech "mc" "$name">>Do you want us to make it there by Christmas?<</speech>>
<<speech "familyblur" "Mom">>At least you’ll make it here alive.<</speech>>
<<speech "mc" "$name">>Okay, okay, I get it. I won’t speed, I won’t drink before driving, I won’t do drugs before driving. I wo-<</speech>>
<<speech "familyblur" "Mom">>Don't do drugs at all.<</speech>>
<<speech "mc" "$name">>Sure, sure. One more thing. I won't talk on the phone while driving.<</speech>>
<blockquote>She let out a loud tsk.</blockquote>
<<speech "familyblur" "Mom">>Whoever taught you to talk back to your own mother... it’s those darn Californians, I’m telling you. Jane, I’ll call you later tonight, okay?<</speech>>
<blockquote>She [[ended the call.|NoForget1-4]]</blockquote>
</div><div id="main-screen">
<div class="location-caliroad">
<div class="overlay"></div>
<<img "images/gf/gf3.webp" "600px">><</img>>
<<speech "gf" "Jane">>Did she forget that I’m a Californian too?<</speech>>
<<speech "mc" "$name">>You’re one of the good ones.<</speech>>
<blockquote>She chuckled.</blockquote>
<<speech "gf" "Jane">>I really want to meet her now.<</speech>>
<<speech "mc" "$name">>Same here. It’s been years for me too. Last time was at graduation, and even then, they had to rush back because of some emergency.<</speech>>
<<speech "gf" "Jane">>Yeah... I didn’t even get to see her during graduation.<</speech>>
<<speech "mc" "$name">>You guys would probably get along.<</speech>>
<<speech "gf" "Jane">>We got along now.<</speech>>
<<speech "mc" "$name">>It’s not hard to get along with you, to be honest.<</speech>>
<<speech "gf" "Jane">>Hah~ Charmer.<</speech>>
<blockquote>You continue to drive in a relatively [[quiet mood.|DriveCont1-1]]</blockquote>
</div><div id="main-screen">
<div class="location-caliroad">
<div class="overlay"></div>
<blockquote>Silence reigns inside of the car.</blockquote>
<<speech "gf" "Jane">>...........................................<</speech>>
<<img "images/gf/gf6.webp" "600px">><</img>>
<blockquote>She shifts uncomfortably in her seat, doing her best to avoid your gaze.</blockquote>
<<speech "mc" "$name">>"Leave the room to me~"<</speech>>
<<speech "gf" "Jane">>U-Ugh...<</speech>>
<<speech "mc" "$name">>So?<</speech>>
<<speech "gf" "Jane">>I-I'm sorry...<</speech>>
<blockquote>The two of you passed out at the same time.</blockquote>
<blockquote class="choice-blockquote">
<<link [[Tell her to reserve one now.|DriveCont1-3]]>>
<<set $respect += 5>>
<<set $firstreserve to "Yes">><</link>>
<<link [[No matter, it'll work out somehow.|DriveCont1-3]]>>
<<set $affection += 5>>
<<set $firstreserve to "No">><</link>>
</div><div id="main-screen">
<div class="location-caliroad">
<div class="overlay"></div>
<<if $firstreserve is "Yes">>
<blockquote class="location">+5 Respect</blockquote>
<<speech "mc" "$name">>Reserve a room now. It doesn’t matter if it’s just a motel in the middle of nowhere.<</speech>>
<<speech "gf" "Jane">>R-Right... I'm sorry, it slipped my mind.<</speech>>
<<speech "mc" "$name">>No worries, as long as we have a place to sleep.<</speech>>
<<speech "gf" "Jane">>...We can sleep in the car.<</speech>>
<<speech "mc" "$name">>We can, I just don't want to.<</speech>>
<blockquote>Jane pulls out her phone and starts looking for a [[place to reserve.|DriveCont1-4]]</blockquote>
<<elseif $firstreserve is "No">>
<blockquote class="location">+5 Affection</blockquote>
<<speech "mc" "$name">>Don’t worry about it. We’ll figure something out.<</speech>>
<<speech "gf" "Jane">>W-What? No! You’re being sweet, but this is a total screw-up.<</speech>>
<<speech "mc" "$name">>We all make mistakes.<</speech>>
<<speech "gf" "Jane">>Stop that! I swear, $name, if I can’t find a place, I’ll let you fuck me whenever you want, wherever and however.<</speech>>
<<speech "mc" "$name">>...Sounds good.<</speech>>
<blockquote>She grumbles and begins searching her phone for a [[room to reserve.|DriveCont1-4]]</blockquote>
</div><div id="main-screen">
<div class="location-caliroad">
<div class="overlay"></div>
<<speech "gf" "Jane">>No... Tucson... Tucson...<</speech>>
<blockquote>A few minutes pass before she suddenly turns to you.</blockquote>
<<speech "gf" "Jane">>$name, I think I found the perfect place. It’s a motel on the outskirts of Arizona, two hours away from Tucson, but I think it’s ideal.<</speech>>
<<speech "mc" "$name">>Why’s that?<</speech>>
<<speech "gf" "Jane">>Given our pace and when we’ll be at the lake, we’ll probably reach Tucson around 5 PM, which is too late for lunch but too early for dinner.<</speech>>
<<speech "gf" "Jane">>If we stop here, we’ll get there around 3 PM. I don’t know about you, but I could survive on potato chips for a few more hours. That means we can make this stop lunch, dinner, and a place to sleep.<</speech>>
<blockquote>So far, so good.</blockquote>
<<speech "gf" "Jane">>And remember that tiny rest area I mentioned? It’s just a few miles before the motel, so we can skip it and take care of it at the motel instead.<</speech>>
<blockquote>You hear the hint of a smirk in her voice.</blockquote>
<<speech "gf" "Jane">>So...?<</speech>>
<blockquote>Seeing no downside to the plan, you immediately [[agree to it.|DriveCont1-5]]</blockquote>
</div><div id="main-screen">
<div class="location-caliroad">
<div class="overlay"></div>
<<img "Images/gf/gf3.webp" "600px">><</img>>
<<speech "gf" "Jane">>I knew you'd like it.<</speech>>
<blockquote>Jane grins at your immediate agreement. The conversation picks up again as you approach the gas station.</blockquote>
<<img "Images/post/gas.webp" "300px">><</img>>
<<speech "gf" "Jane">>Park first. I’ve got something to buy.<</speech>>
<<speech "mc" "$name">>You're not the only one.<</speech>>
<<speech "gf" "Jane">>Just don’t let it be all snacks.<</speech>>
<<speech "mc" "$name">>Right back at you.<</speech>>
<blockquote>You ease into a parking spot and turn off the engine.</blockquote>
<<speech "gf" "Jane">>Ahhhh~<</speech>>
<blockquote>Jane steps out of the car, stretching her arms with a cheerful smile.</blockquote>
<<speech "gf" "Jane">>First destination. reached!<</speech>>
<blockquote>Distances to go: [[2997 miles.|GSParkCenter1a]]</blockquote>
</div><<set $location to "Gas Station">>
<<set $locationImage to "Gas Station">>
<div id="main-screen">
<div class="location-gstation">
<div class="overlay"></div>
<blockquote class="location">Location: Parking lot</blockquote>
<<img "Images/inc/gstation1/gs1.webp" "300px">><</img>>
<blockquote>The first stop of [[your journey,|Reminisce1-1]] is the gas station. Jane wasn’t wrong when she joked that this place doesn’t really count as a destination. After all, it’s just the spot where you’ve filled your tank countless times before.</blockquote>
<blockquote>You’re standing in the parking lot, watching a few cars pass by on the road. Even fewer linger here, fitting for a time when lockdown restrictions have just been lifted and most people are still working from home.</blockquote>
<blockquote>The main reason for stopping is to grab a few essentials from the convenience store, which sits [[just ahead.|GSStoreExt1a]] You turn back, stretching a hand out toward Jane, only to find her [[peeking into the trunk.|LugCheck1-1]]</blockquote>
</div><div id="main-screen">
<div class="location-gstation">
<div class="overlay"></div>
<blockquote>Your eyes linger on the streets of the city. California. You remember how nervous you were when you first arrived in this sprawling metropolis.</blockquote>
<<speech "mc" "$name">>..............................<</speech>>
<blockquote>Back then, you were just a high school graduate, a kid who dared to apply to the biggest campus in California, choosing one of the hardest majors imaginable, well, not because you're ambitious or anything. It was a plan rigged to fail from the start, and you rigged it yourself. You only did it to get your parents off your back. In truth, you expected rejection, assuming you'd end up at a smaller, closer college where you could stay with your friends.</blockquote>
<<speech "mc" "$name">>Sigh...<</speech>>
<blockquote>But, of course, the plan fell apart when you *did* get accepted. You still remember the shock of receiving the acceptance letter, the strange mix of emotions as your family celebrated with a party while you sat stone-faced. Then came the nervousness during the flight to California. You even recall dropping your fork mid-flight as you tried to eat, your hands trembling with anxiety. Thankfully, a flight attendant came to your rescue...</blockquote>
<<speech "gf" "Jane">>Sup?<</speech>>
<blockquote>Not her, obviously. Jane was probably off somewhere having fun with her friends, while you were grappling with fear and uncertainty on that plane.</blockquote>
<<speech "mc" "$name">>Nothing...<</speech>>
<blockquote>But in the end, it all worked out. You graduated from a great college, made lifelong friends, landed a fantastic job, and, most importantly, met her.</blockquote>
<<speech "gf" "Jane">>[[Creep-o~|GSParkCenter1a]]<</speech>>
</div><div id="main-screen">
<div class="location-gstation">
<div class="overlay"></div>
<blockquote class="location">Location: Store Exterior</blockquote>
<<img "Images/inc/gstation1/gs3.webp" "300px">><</img>>
<blockquote>You head toward the store, with your car parked behind you at [[the parking lot.|GSParkCenter1a]] The door to the [[convenience store|GSStoreIn1a]] in front. From here, you can already spot the clerk, someone you're familiar with.</blockquote>
<<if $first_child is true>>
<blockquote>Jane is right behind you, urging you to hurry up.</blockquote>
<<speech "gf" "Jane">>Come on! Do you want the sun to bake your brain out in the lake?<</speech>>
<blockquote>She's got a point. Time's slipping away, and you should get in there and grab what you need.</blockquote>
<blockquote>You turn around, expecting Jane to be following close behind.</blockquote>
<<speech "gf" "Jane">>......................................<</speech>>
<blockquote>But she’s distracted, her gaze fixed on a middle-aged couple by the gas pump, chatting to each other.</blockquote>
<<speech "mc" "$name">>Jane... don't be no-<</speech>>
<blockquote>Then you see the rear door of the car slowly open, and without thinking, [[Jane approaches the car.|Childout1-1]]</blockquote>
</div><div id="main-screen">
<div class="location-gstation">
<div class="overlay"></div>
<<set $first_seeluggage to true>>
<blockquote>Jane stands over the trunk, holding a flashlight, as you approach her from behind.</blockquote>
<<speech "mc" "$name">>Did you forget something?<</speech>>
<<speech "gf" "Jane">>It’s the opposite. I just don’t want to double up on stuff.<</speech>>
<<speech "mc" "$name">>I see.<</speech>>
<blockquote>Good thinking. You step beside her and scan the trunk’s contents. The large bag from earlier is open now, revealing blankets, a pillow, reusable bottles, boxes of masks, medicines, and some toiletries.</blockquote>
<<speech "gf" "Jane">>I think I need to buy some shampoo.<</speech>>
<<speech "mc" "$name">>Why? The hotel will probably have some.<</speech>>
<<speech "gf" "Jane">>People stole shit from planes all the time, $name. It's worse with hotel.<</speech>>
<blockquote>Your eyes drift back to the trunk. Two large water bottles rest near the books, clothes, and snacks she packed this morning.</blockquote>
<<speech "mc" "$name">>We’re missing sweets.<</speech>>
<<speech "gf" "Jane">>[[Bingo.|GSParkCenter1a]]<</speech>>
</div><<set $location to "California">>
<<set $locationImages to "Caliroad">>
<div id="main-screen">
<div class="location-caliroad">
<div class="overlay"></div>
<blockquote>You resumed your trip, that was quite a long detour, you hope that it will not affect your schedule that much. The warm sun has now slightly turning hotter, even the sunshine is at the eye level.</blockquote>
<blockquote>Jane takes out her Kindle and stares at it for a few moments, you thought she was going to read it before she tows it back to her luggage.</blockquote>
<<speech "mc" "$name">>You're not going to read it?<</speech>>
<<speech "gf" "Jane">>I can't read Kindle in a car, it makes me sick.<</speech>>
<blockquote>You hold the steering wheel a tiny bit tighter.</blockquote>
<<speech "mc" "$name">>What have I done to deserve you, [[my love?|DriveCont1-1]]<</speech>>
</div><div id="main-screen">
<div class="location-gsc">
<div class="overlay"></div>
<<img "Images/npc/clerk1.webp" "400px">><</img>>
<<speech "clerk1" "Clerk">>Welcome- oh, it's you! It's been a nearly a year!<</speech>>
<blockquote>The young man at the register greets you warmly. He's right, it’s been a while since you last saw each other.</blockquote>
<blockquote>You used to visit this place often, and over time, the two of you developed an odd sort of friendship. He hops off the counter and gives you a quick bro-hug, ignoring any personal space.</blockquote>
<<speech "clerk1" "Clerk">>Glad to see you're doing well, dude.<</speech>>
<<speech "mc" "$name">>Likewise.<</speech>>
<<set $gconvitem = []>>
<blockquote>His gaze then shifts to the woman standing behind you.</blockquote>
<<speech "clerk1" "Clerk">>Ah! Welcome! Sorry, I didn't see you there.<</speech>>
<<speech "mc" "$name">>She's with me.<</speech>>
<<speech "gf" "Jane">>I am?<</speech>>
<blockquote>She smiles and then casually wanders off to another part of the store.</blockquote>
<<set $bconvitem = []>>
<<speech "gf" "Jane">>Don’t buy any soap or shampoo, okay?<</speech>>
<blockquote>She heads straight for the toiletries aisle, leaving you alone with the clerk.</blockquote>
<<speech "clerk1" "Clerk">>Your girlfriend?<</speech>>
<<speech "mc" "$name">>Yeah.<</speech>>
<<set $convitem to []>>
<<speech "clerk1" "Clerk">>Nice.<</speech>>
<blockquote>He chuckles and nudges you toward the aisle. You turn to protest, but then he freezes, his face pulling into an exaggerated gesture, like he’s lifting something from his mouth to his nose.</blockquote>
<<if $firsthj is true>>
<blockquote>You gulp, mortified. You sniff your clothes, then give an apologetic nod.</blockquote>
<<speech "mc" "$name">>S-Sorry, I had no time to take a bath...<</speech>>
<<speech "clerk1" "Clerk">>...your mask.<</speech>>
<<speech "mc" "$name">>...oh.<</speech>>
<<speech "clerk1" "Clerk">>...happy [[shopping.|Aisle1-1]]<</speech>>
<blockquote>You quickly pull your mask up to cover your nose.</blockquote>
<<speech "clerk1" "Clerk">>[[Happy shopping~|Aisle1-1]]<</speech>>
</div><div id="main-screen">
<div class="location-gstation">
<div class="overlay"></div>
<<set $first_child to true>>
<blockquote>The door opens slowly, and from inside, a young girl, no older than five, sneaks out of the car, completely unnoticed by the couple.</blockquote>
<<speech "mc" "$name">>O-Oh-<</speech>>
<blockquote>But before you can even react, or hell, before the girl can take her first step, Jane is already in front of her.</blockquote>
<blockquote>You can't hear their conversation from where you're standing, but you can see Jane’s bright teeth shining as she talks with the little girl, who also catches the attention of the couple.</blockquote>
<<speech "mc" "$name">>.................................<</speech>>
<blockquote>Still smiling, Jane greets them warmly and explains the situation. A few minutes later, the couple sighs in relief, ruffling the girl’s hair.</blockquote>
<blockquote>The girl then climbs back into the car, now accompanied by her mother. Before going inside, she waves at Jane and you, which makes you smile a little. With that little event settled, Jane walks back to you.</blockquote>
<<speech "mc" "$name">>That was cool.<</speech>>
<<speech "gf" "Jane">>That's it? Praise me more~<</speech>>
<blockquote>She teases you with a playful grin.</blockquote>
<<speech "gf" "Jane">>Just kidding, come on, [[let's go.|GSStoreExt1a]]<</speech>>
</div><div id="main-screen">
<div class="location-gsc">
<div class="overlay"></div>
<blockquote class="location">Click on those you want to buy or skip them by not clicking.</blockquote>
<<img "Images/inc/gstation1/gs5.webp" "300px">><</img>>
<blockquote>Jane is nowhere to be seen, so it's just you and the aisle.</blockquote>
<<speech "mc" "$name">>First things first.<</speech>>
<blockquote>Your eyes immediately fall on a <<linkreplace "charger and power banks.">><<run $convitem.push("Charger")>><<run $gconvitem.push("Charger")>>charger and power banks. 🛒<</linkreplace>></blockquote>
<blockquote>You then continue on to the next aisle where the food lies. There are multiple things that interest you as soon as you walk towards it.</blockquote>
<<speech "mc" "$name">><<linkreplace "Energy bars...">><<run $convitem.push("Energy")>><<run $gconvitem.push("Energy")>>Energy bars... 🛒<</linkreplace>> Candy, there you are... what else...<</speech>>
<blockquote>You grab the candies without thinking twice before turning back to the fridge.</blockquote>
<<speech "mc" "$name">><<linkreplace "Water.">><<run $convitem.push("Water")>><<run $bconvitem.push("Water")>>Water. 🛒<</linkreplace>><</speech>>
<blockquote>Feeling you're finished in this aisle, you proceed to the [[next section.|Aisle1-2]]</blockquote>
</div><div id="main-screen">
<div class="location-gsc">
<div class="overlay"></div>
<blockquote>Your journey continues as you approach another aisle—the health section.</blockquote>
<<speech "mc" "$name">>There.<</speech>>
<blockquote><<linkreplace "Mask,">><<run $convitem.push("Mask")>><<run $bconvitem.push("Mask")>>Mask, 🛒<</linkreplace>><<linkreplace "OTC-medications,">><<run $convitem.push("Meds")>><<run $bconvitem.push("Meds")>>OTC-medication, 🛒<</linkreplace>> and some other personal care items are here, you fully expect to see Jane here but it seems like she's already gone. There are also <<linkreplace "sunscreen">><<run $convitem.push("Sunscreen")>><<run $gconvitem.push("Sunscreen")>>sunscreen🛒<</linkreplace>> on display along with other accessories.</blockquote>
<<speech "mc" "$name">>That's all...<</speech>>
<blockquote>Behind you is the automotive and travel essentials. Things like <<linkreplace "maps">><<run $convitem.push("Maps")>><<run $gconvitem.push("Maps")>>maps🛒<</linkreplace>>, <<linkreplace "flashlight">><<run $convitem.push("Flashlight")>><<run $bconvitem.push("Flashlight")>>flashlight🛒<</linkreplace>>, and other <<linkreplace "car maintenance items">><<run $convitem.push("Caritems")>><<run $gconvitem.push("Caritems")>>car maintenance items.🛒<</linkreplace>></blockquote>
<<speech "mc" "$name">>Yeah, I think that's all.<</speech>>
<blockquote>You grab your shopping bag and head [[to the counter.|Aisle1-3]].</blockquote>
</div> <div id="main-screen">
<div class="location-gsc">
<div class="overlay"></div>
<<speech "clerk1" "Clerk">>To Florida?<</speech>>
<<speech "gf" "Jane">>$name's parents asked us to visit since the lockdown is being phased out and all.<</speech>>
<blockquote>You spot Jane, chatting with the clerk.</blockquote>
<<speech "clerk1" "Clerk">>$name, huh... so that's his name.<</speech>>
<<speech "gf" "Jane">>...Aren't you guys friends?<</speech>>
<<speech "clerk1" "Clerk">>We are! He's been my loyal customer before he even bought a car.<</speech>>
<<speech "gf" "Jane">>Wait... how does that work?<</speech>>
<blockquote>You approach them, shopping bag in hand.</blockquote>
<<speech "gf" "Jane">>$name, this guy doesn't know your name.<</speech>>
<<speech "clerk1" "Clerk">>What's my name, $name?<</speech>>
<blockquote>You quickly glance at his nametag.</blockquote>
<<speech "mc" "$name">>Steve.<</speech>>
<<speech "clerk1" "Clerk">>No.<</speech>>
<<speech "mc" "$name">>Fuck. Does knowing each other's name really matter though?<</speech>>
<blockquote>If confusion had a face, it would be Jane's. She turns around and walks away.</blockquote>
<<speech "gf" "Jane">>I-I'm waiting in the car.<</speech>>
<<speech "mc" "$name">>Is it really that confusing?<</speech>>
<blockquote>'Steve' shrugs and tells you to put your shopping back [[on the counter.|Aisle1-4]].</blockquote>
</div><div id="main-screen">
<div class="location-gsc">
<div class="overlay"></div>
<<img "Images/npc/clerk1.webp" "400px">><</img>>
<<speech "clerk1" "'Steve'">>In a car with your girlfriend for an entire week, huh? Sounds like good times.<</speech>>
<<speech "mc" "$name">>Doesn't mean much. We've been living together for about a year now. And, you know, It's actually surprising that you haven't met her.<</speech>>
<<speech "clerk1" "'Steve'">>A year? When did she move in?<</speech>>
<<speech "mc" "$name">>Before March.<</speech>>
<<speech "clerk1" "'Steve'">>Literally right before the lockdown. No wonder I’ve never met her. Anyway, is that everything?<</speech>>
<blockquote>He pointed to the shopping bag.</blockquote>
<<speech "mc" "$name">>Wouldn't be here if it's not.<</speech>>
<blockquote>He took the bag and began to [[check it.|Aisle1-5]]</blockquote>
</div><div id="main-screen">
<div class="location-gsc">
<div class="overlay"></div>
<<if $convitem.length == 0>>
<blockquote class="location">You bought a grand total of zero item..</blockquote>
<<speech "clerk1" "'Steve'">>...There's literally fucking nothing in that bag. Just this candy.<</speech>>
<<speech "mc" "$name">>...Really? T-Then I'll take a peppermint and another candy.<</speech>>
<<speech "clerk1" "'Steve'">>You sure you're okay, dude?<</speech>>
<<speech "mc" "$name">>I-I am, just tell me how much.<</speech>>
<<speech "clerk1" "'Steve'">>One single american dollar.<</speech>>
<<speech "mc" "$name">>H-Here you go.<</speech>>
<<elseif $convitem.length >= 1 && $convitem.length <= 4>>
<blockquote class="location">You didn't bought that much.</blockquote>
<<speech "clerk1" "'Steve'">>Traveling light, huh?<</speech>>
<<speech "mc" "$name">>Just don't want to buy too much, we're already pretty stocked up.<</speech>>
<<speech "clerk1" "'Steve'">>I see, that's cool. I’d still prefer if you bought more, though.<</speech>>
<<speech "mc" "$name">>Mmm... give me that peppermint and that candy.<</speech>>
<<speech "clerk1" "'Steve'">>That'll be one extra dollar, thank you.<</speech>>
<<elseif $convitem.length >= 5 && $convitem.length <= 8>>
<blockquote class="location">You bought a lot of items..</blockquote>
<<speech "clerk1" "'Steve'">>That's a pretty good haul.<</speech>>
<<speech "mc" "$name">>It's a long trip, we'll need it.<</speech>>
<<speech "clerk1" "'Steve'">>You sure will. And it’s much better to buy those supplies here.<</speech>>
<<speech "mc" "$name">>Better for you?<</speech>>
<<speech "clerk1" "'Steve'">>Yup.<</speech>>
<blockquote>He smiled as he checked out your items. You handed him the money, a bit more than necessary.</blockquote>
<<speech "mc" "$name">>Keep the change.<</speech>>
<<speech "clerk1" "'Steve'">>It's cashless, brother.<</speech>>
<<speech "mc" "$name">>Uhh... force of habit.<</speech>>
<blockquote>You purse your lips then pay for the amount, properly this time.</blockquote>
<<speech "clerk1" "'Steve'">>Thanks for your patronage~<</speech>>
<<elseif $convitem.length == 9>>
<blockquote class="location">You bought the entire store.</blockquote>
<<speech "clerk1" "'Steve'">>Holy shit, I thought you were driving to Florida, not to fucking Berlin.<</speech>>
<<speech "mc" "$name">>Better safe than sorry.<</speech>>
<<speech "clerk1" "'Steve'">>I guess...?<</speech>>
<blockquote>He scanned each item, one by one. In the meantime, you prepared the money to pay.</blockquote>
<<speech "clerk1" "'Steve'">>Done, it'll be-<</speech>>
<<speech "mc" "$name">>Here, keep the change.<</speech>>
<blockquote>You handed him the money without much thought. He gave you a blank stare in return.</blockquote>
<<speech "clerk1" "'Steve'">>...It's not enough, fucker. Besides, it's cashless.<</speech>>
<<speech "mc" "$name">>W-What?<</speech>>
<blockquote>You checked the screen on the register and realized he was right. With a blush creeping onto your face, you paid him the correct amount and also in the proper way.</blockquote>
<<speech "clerk1" "'Steve'">>Thank you for your patronage.<</speech>>
<blockquote>With the payment settled, you packed the items and gave 'Steve' another handshake.</blockquote>
<<speech "clerk1" "'Steve'">>Drive safe, dude.<</speech>>
<<speech "mc" "$name">>Of course.<</speech>>
<blockquote>With that, you [[continue outside.|GSStoreExt1b]]</blockquote>
</div><div id="main-screen">
<div class="location-gstation">
<div class="overlay"></div>
<blockquote class="location">Location: Store Exterior</blockquote>
<<img "Images/inc/gstation1/gs3.webp" "300px">><</img>>
<blockquote>You walk outside the building just as a [[couple|Couple1-1]] walks in. The man gives you a small nod, while the woman tugs at his sleeve from behind.</blockquote>
<blockquote>The scene outside is growing busier. A line of cars forms, each waiting to fill their tanks, though the line is shorter than pre-pandemic days. There are even sounds of a heated argument about the Niners, but you pay no mind. You're a Dolphins liver, through thick or thin. Though given your age, it's all thin.</blockquote>
<blockquote>As you stand there, you hear the deep rumble of a large truck engine idling beside you. A couple of seconds later, it roars to life, a flash of light as it pulls out of the lot. The driver, an old man with a cowboy hat, gives a curt nod as he passes by, the long road already calling him. The tires leave small streaks on the ground, a reminder of the road ahead.</blockquote>
<blockquote>Jane is already in the car, so you better [[get there.|GSParkCenter1b]].</blockquote>
</div><div id="main-screen">
<div class="location-gstation">
<div class="overlay"></div>
<blockquote class="location">Location: Parking lot</blockquote>
<<img "Images/inc/gstation1/gs1.webp" "300px">><</img>>
<blockquote>[[Jane|CargoCheck1-1]] ⭐ is not waiting in the car but is instead checking the trunk one last time. You glance around the parking lot and spot more cars, newly parked. [[One of them|NYPlate1-1]] must belong to the couple [[you met at the entrance.|GSStoreExt1b]]</blockquote>
<blockquote>Further back in the parking lot, a man is inspecting the hood of his car. Judging by his shirtless appearance and sweat dribbling on his well-defined chest, you figure he must have pushed the car here.</blockquote>
<blockquote>A few feet away, you notice a small pile of discarded face masks scattered on the pavement, evidence of the pandemic’s lingering presence. There's a noticeable gap between parked cars, a subtle reminder that people are still cautious despite the recent easing of social distancing rules.</blockquote>
</div><div id="main-screen">
<div class="location-gstation">
<div class="overlay"></div>
<blockquote>The couple steps inside just as you walk out. Something feels off about them, maybe it’s their clothes or their accent. Hard to say.</blockquote>
<<speech "mc" "$name">>Travelers?<</speech>>
<blockquote>Could they be heading out on a journey like yours with Jane?
<<speech "mc" "$name">>.............................<</speech>>
<blockquote>You consider asking for travel tips, curious about their experiences on the road. But when you glance back inside, they’re gone.</blockquote>
<<speech "mc" "$name">>[[Bummer.|GSStoreExt1b]]<</speech>>
</div><div id="main-screen">
<div class="location-gstation">
<div class="overlay"></div>
<blockquote>A New York plated car, they're far from home. There are faster plane trip and there are faster train ride, but those two choose to ride their car all the way here.</blockquote>
<<speech "mc" "$name">>.....................................<</speech>>
<blockquote>Just like what you're about to do. You wonder why they would make such a trip? Revenge for the long lockdown? A family visit? Long vacation? Or just because?</blockquote>
<blockquote>The two of them looks tight by the way they acted earlier, though you only saw them for a few seconds. You wonder the relationship between you and Jane would be by the end of [[your own trip.|GSParkCenter1b]]</blockquote>
</div><div id="main-screen">
<div class="location-gstation">
<div class="overlay"></div>
<blockquote>Jane was arranging the items she just bought, but she stopped as soon as she noticed you approaching.</blockquote>
<<speech "gf" "Jane">>There you are. Did you say your farewell to Steve?<</speech>>
<<speech "mc" "$name">>Kinda. But it's not like we'll be gone forever.<</speech>>
<<speech "gf" "Jane">>Heh~ anyway, what did you buy?<</speech>>
<<if $convitem.length == 0>>
<<speech "mc" "$name">>This.<</speech>
<blockquote>You hand her the peppermint and the candy.</blockquote>
<<speech "gf" "Jane">>...That's it?<</speech>>
<<speech "mc" "$name">>We need sweets, so I bought sweets.<</speech>>
<<speech "gf" "Jane">>I mean, I guess...<</speech>>
<blockquote>With that, you continue to the door before a [[voice|ManHelp1-1]] stops you in your tracks.</blockquote>
<<elseif $convitem.length >= 1 && $convitem.length <= 4>>
<<speech "mc" "$name">>Here.<</speech>>
<<speech "gf" "Jane">>Looks light. You didn’t buy much?<</speech>>
<<speech "mc" "$name">>[[Mmm~|CargoCheck1-2]]<</speech>>
<<elseif $convitem.length >= 5>>
<<speech "mc" "$name">>Here you go.<</speech>>
<blockquote>You put the shopping bag beside her huge luggage and begin to [[unpack it.|CargoCheck1-2]]</blockquote>
</div><div id="main-screen">
<div class="location-gstation">
<div class="overlay"></div>
<<speech "gf" "Jane">>Let's see...<</speech>>
<blockquote>She pulls an item from the bag.</blockquote>
<<if $convitem.includes("Charger")>><<set $affection += 2>>
<blockquote>Jane pulled the power bank out of the bag.</blockquote>
<blockquote class="location">+2 Affection</blockquote>
<<speech "gf" "Jane">>Ahh~ a power bank! And it's 30k too. Geez~<</speech>>
<<speech "mc" "$name">>It was the first thing I grabbed, not gonna lie.<</speech>>
<<speech "gf" "Jane">>Of course~ It's you we're talking about. And then...<</speech>>
<<if $convitem.includes("Energy")>><<set $affection += 2>>
<blockquote>Jane pulled the granola bars out.</blockquote>
<blockquote class="location">+2 Affection</blockquote>
<<speech "gf" "Jane">>Nice. You know, we used to get these as rations during short flights.<</speech>>
<<speech "mc" "$name">>Only short flights?<</speech>>
<<speech "gf" "Jane">>Mmm~ For long flights, we got filet mignon.<</speech>>
<<speech "mc" "$name">>...What?<</speech>>
<<if $convitem.includes("Water")>><<set $affection -= 2>>
<blockquote>She stares at the bottle of water you bought.</blockquote>
<blockquote class="location">-2 Affection</blockquote>
<<speech "gf" "Jane">>Sigh...<</speech>>
<blockquote>She points to two huge bottles of water already in the trunk.</blockquote>
<<speech "gf" "Jane">>We already have those.<</speech>>
<<speech "mc" "$name">>S-Sorry...<</speech>>
<<if $convitem.includes("Mask")>><<set $affection -= 2>>
<blockquote>Jane shakes her head as she saw you bought another box of mask.</blockquote>
<blockquote class="location">-2 Affection</blockquote>
<<speech "gf" "Jane">>Didn't you pack those masks yourself yesterday?<</speech>>
<blockquote>She points to three whole boxes of masks inside the trunk.</blockquote>
<<speech "mc" "$name">>W-What's one more, right?<</speech>>
<<speech "gf" "Jane">>It's too much.<</speech>>
<<if $convitem.includes("Meds")>><<set $affection -= 2>>
<blockquote>You can hear Jane sighing when she sees the medicine.</blockquote>
<blockquote class="location">-2 Affection</blockquote>
<<speech "gf" "Jane">>Sigh... We're not going to be on the road for months, $name. We don’t need this much medicine.<</speech>>
<<speech "mc" "$name">>What's wrong with overpacking this?<</speech>>
<<speech "gf" "Jane">>We already have medicine, dummy. Are you setting up an aspirin smuggling ring?<</speech>>
<<if $convitem.includes("Sunscreen")>><<set $affection += 2>>
<blockquote>Jane is pleasantly surprised as she pulls out the sunscreen.</blockquote>
<blockquote class="location">+2 Affection</blockquote>
<<speech "gf" "Jane">>Shit, sunscreen! I knew I forgot something!<</speech>>
<<speech "mc" "$name">>Aren't you lucky to have me, then?<</speech>>
<<speech "gf" "Jane">>Ha~! Sure, sure~<</speech>>
<<if $convitem.includes("Maps")>><<set $affection += 2>>
<blockquote>Jane murmurred in agreement as she sees the map.</blockquote>
<blockquote class="location">+2 Affection</blockquote>
<<speech "gf" "Jane">>Ah~! A map. Good thinking.<</speech>>
<<speech "mc" "$name">>I don’t really think we’re gonna need it, but it won’t hurt, right?<</speech>>
<<speech "gf" "Jane">>Yep.<</speech>>
<<if $convitem.includes("Flashlight")>><<set $affection -= 2>>
<<speech "gf" "Jane">>$name...<</speech>>
<blockquote class="location">-2 Affection</blockquote>
<blockquote>She says as she dangles a flashlight in her hand.</blockquote>
<<speech "mc" "$name">>Wait, when did you get that?<</speech>>
<<speech "gf" "Jane">>I didn’t get it. I took it from the house.<</speech>>
<<speech "mc" "$name">>O-Oh...<</speech>>
<<if $convitem.includes("Caritems")>><<set $affection += 2>>
<blockquote>Jane nods her head in agreement as she sees the the car maintenance items.</blockquote>
<blockquote class="location">+2 Affection</blockquote>
<<speech "gf" "Jane">>Ahh~ now that's what we truly needs.<</speech>>
<<speech "mc" "$name">>You can't go on a road trip without these.<</speech>>
<<speech "gf" "Jane">>True, but we nearly forgot them.<</speech>>
<<speech "mc" "$name">>R-Right.<</speech>>
<<speech "gf" "Jane">>That's it.<</speech>>
<blockquote>She crossed her hands after [[seeing your haul.|CargoCheck1-3]]</blockquote>
</div><div id="main-screen">
<div class="location-gstation">
<div class="overlay"></div>
<<img "Images/inc/gstation1/man1.webp" "500px">><</img>>
<blockquote>The man stood by his car, his gaze locked onto you. It was him, he was the one who had called out earlier.</blockquote>
<<speech "muscman" "Muscular Man">>A little help, friend?<</speech>>
<blockquote>He asked for help, but there was no pleading in his voice. His tone was calm, almost expectant, like he knew you'd say yes.</blockquote>
<<speech "muscman" "Muscular Man">>Battery's dead, I forgot to change it.<</speech>>
<<speech "gf" "Jane">>Oh, do you need a jumpstart?<</speech>>
<<speech "muscman" "Muscular Man">>Bingo.<</speech>>
<blockquote>That was the first time he smiled and it was directed at your girlfriend. Irritation sparks in your chest, and you leaned to whisper to Jane.</blockquote>
<<speech "mc" "$name">>Should I help him...?<</speech>>
<<speech "gf" "Jane">>...Obviously? Why wouldn't you?<</speech>>
<blockquote>She's too kind for her own good. You wanted to help him just to get it over with, but there was one problem: you had no idea how to jumpstart a car.</blockquote>
<<speech "muscman" "Muscular Man">>No worries, man. I’ve got a starter in here if you don’t have one, just need your car.<</speech>>
<blockquote>That makes thing easier, but...</blockquote>
<blockquote class="choice-blockquote">
<<link [[Be honest|ManHelp1a-1]]>>
<<set $affection -= 2>>
<<set $respect -= 2>>
<<set $first_honest to true>><</link>>
<<link [[Try to do it anyway|ManHelp1b-1]]>>
<<set $first_honest to false>><</link>>
</div><div id="main-screen">
<div class="location-gstation">
<div class="overlay"></div>
<<if $gconvitem.length == 5 && $bconvitem == 0>>
<<set $affection += 10>>
<<set $respect += 10>>
<<set $first_conv_pissedoff = false>>
<blockquote class="location">+10 Affection</blockquote>
<blockquote class="location">+10 Respect</blockquote>
<blockquote>Jane turns to you with a wide smile, her eyes gleaming with approval.</blockquote>
<<speech "gf" "Jane">>That was all perfect choices, $name.<</speech>>
<<speech "mc" "$name">>Is it?<</speech>>
<<speech "gf" "Jane">>Mmm~<</speech>>
<blockquote>She throws her arms around you, pulling you into a kiss that lingers just long enough to make your heart race.</blockquote>
<<speech "gf" "Jane">>Consider this your reward.<</speech>>
<<speech "mc" "$name">>C-Cool.<</speech>>
<<elseif $bconvitem.length == 4 && $gconvitem.length == 0>>
<<set $affection -= 10>>
<<set $respect -= 10>>
<<set $first_conv_pissedoff = true>>
<blockquote class="location">-10 Affection</blockquote>
<blockquote class="location">-10 Respect</blockquote>
<blockquote>Jane crosses her arms, her gaze sharp and unwavering as she looks you up and down.</blockquote>
<<speech "gf" "Jane">>You're doing this on purpose, aren't you?<</speech>>
<<speech "mc" "$name">>D-Doing what?<</speech>>
<<speech "gf" "Jane">>Every single thing you picked is wrong. How does that even happen? Are you deliberately trying to piss me off?<</speech>>
<blockquote>Her words cut deep as she shakes her head in disappointment, her disdain barely concealed.</blockquote>
<<speech "gf" "Jane">>Tch, no matter.<</speech>>
<<speech "gf" "Jane">>Well, guess that's that.<</speech>>
<blockquote>With a shrug, Jane methodically packs your haul into the trunk, her movements calm but measured.</blockquote>
<<speech "mc" "$name">>Okay then.<</speech>>
<blockquote>As the two of you finish, a loud roar erupts from a nearby engine, only to sputter and die moments later.</blockquote>
<<speech "mc" "$name">>Mm?<</speech>>
<blockquote>Turning toward the sound, you spot the muscular man from earlier struggling with his car. He notices your gaze and raises a hand, waving with a sheepish grin.</blockquote>
<<speech "muscman" "Muscular Man">>Hey~ [[A little help?|ManHelp1-1]]<</speech>>
</div><div id="main-screen">
<div class="location-gstation">
<div class="overlay"></div>
<blockquote>You chose to be honest.</blockquote>
<<speech "gf" "Jane">>You... don't know how to jumpstart a car?<</speech>>
<blockquote>She looks genuinely surprised, even a bit perturbed.</blockquote>
<<speech "mc" "$name">>I bought the car a few months before the pandemic, Jane. I literally didn’t have time to fiddle with it.<</speech>>
<<speech "gf" "Jane">>W-Well... that's...<</speech>>
<blockquote>It seems like she wants to say something more, but she holds back.</blockquote>
<blockquote class="location">-2 Affection</blockquote>
<blockquote class="location">-2 Respect</blockquote>
<blockquote>The man looks like he's holding his laughter after hearing your confession.</blockquote>
<<speech "muscman" "Muscular Man">>Pft- so where are you two headed, anyway? That’s a lot of luggage.<</speech>>
<<speech "gf" "Jane">>...Florida.<</speech>>
<<speech "muscman" "Muscular Man">>Well, that's fucking stupid.<</speech>>
<<speech "mc" "$name">>W-What?<</speech>>
<blockquote>Jane bit her lip, but [[this guy doesn't hold back.|ManHelp1a-2]]</blockquote>
</div><div id="main-screen">
<div class="location-gstation">
<div class="overlay"></div>
<blockquote>The muscular man walked over to his trunk and handed you the jumper cables. You could already feel the sweat starting to form.</blockquote>
<<speech "mc" "$name">>W-Why don't you set it up? I-I'll drive my car closer.<</speech>>
<<speech "muscman" "Muscular Man">>Nah, bro. You set it up, I'll do my thing.<</speech>>
<blockquote>He flexed his muscles, and for a moment, Jane couldn’t help but glance at him.</blockquote>
<<speech "muscman" "Muscular Man">>I'll push mine.<</speech>>
<blockquote>You nodded stiffly, walking toward the front of your car and lifting the hood. No clue what to do, but hey, you're a programmer, trial and error is your thing. How hard could this be?</blockquote>
<<speech "gf" "Jane">>.................................<</speech>>
<blockquote>Out of the corner of your eye, you caught Jane lingering on his frame.</blockquote>
<blockquote class="location">+2 Lust</blockquote>
<<set $lust += 2>>
<blockquote>A wave of [[mixed feelings|ManHelp1b-2]] stirred inside you.</blockquote>
</div><div id="main-screen">
<div class="location-gstation">
<div class="overlay"></div>
<<speech "muscman" "Muscular Man">>Do you really think you're gonna drive 4,000 fucking miles without knowing a damn thing about cars? Wake up, bro.<</speech>>
<<speech "mc" "$name">>H-Hey...<</speech>>
<blockquote>He's now standing over you, his posture aggressive. Jane watches from a distance, still averting her gaze from you.</blockquote>
<<speech "muscman" "Muscular Man">>You can’t just Google your way out of a problem when your engine blows up. You better know what’s going on!<</speech>>
<blockquote>To be fair, he's speaking the truth. But that doesn't make him any less of an asshole.</blockquote>
<<speech "mc" "$name">>S-Stop...<</speech>>
<<speech "muscman" "Muscular Man">>What else can't you do? Can you change a tire? Bet you can't.<</speech>>
<blockquote>He's towering over you now, and you can feel the frustration boiling up inside. You can’t hold it back any longer, but...</blockquote>
<blockquote class="choice-blockquote">
<<link [[Fight back!|ManHelp1a-3a]]>>
<<set $affection += 5>>
<<set $respect += 5>>
<<set $lust += 5>>
<<set $first_defend to true>><</link>>
<<link [[Take it...|ManHelp1a-3b]]>>
<<set $respect -= 5>>
<<set $affection -= 5>>
<<set $first_defend to false>><</link>>
</div><div id="main-screen">
<div class="location-gstation">
<div class="overlay"></div>
<<speech "mc" "$name">>Fuck off!<</speech>>
<blockquote class="location">+5 Affection</blockquote>
<blockquote class="location">+5 Respect</blockquote>
<blockquote>You pushed him away with all your strength. He’s a big guy, but you managed to shove him back, getting him out of your face.</blockquote>
<<speech "muscman" "Muscular Man">>What? I’m just concerned. Florida’s far, man. If you can’t do anything, you’re gonna end up dead.<</speech>>
<blockquote>He says he’s concerned, but you can tell it’s not about that. You saw the way he was eyeing Jane when he stalked toward you.</blockquote>
<<speech "mc" "$name">>So what? Got any advice for a rookie traveler? Huh?<</speech>>
<<speech "muscman" "Muscular Man">>Advice? Well, did you even check your car before you started driving? <</speech>>
<blockquote>Did you? You did.</blockquote>
<<speech "mc" "$name">>Oh! I fucking did. I sent it to a garage for a check-up, a tune-up, all that shit. Is that enough for you?<</speech>>
<blockquote>Now you're the one who's standing in front of his face.</blockquote>
<<speech "muscman" "Muscular Man">>Wel-<</speech>>
<<speech "mc" "$name">>Oh! I even remembered to change the fucking battery, you know, unlike someone here.<</speech>>
<<speech "muscman" "Muscular Man">>Oh y-<</speech>>
<<speech "mc" "$name">>Asshole.<</speech>>
<blockquote>You turned your back on him, quickly dragging Jane into the car. Then, you slammed the [[door shut.|ManHelp1a-3a2]]</blockquote>
</div><div id="main-screen">
<div class="location-gstation">
<div class="overlay"></div>
<blockquote>You really want to fight back, but you can’t. Not with this guy.</blockquote>
<blockquote class="location">-5 Affection</blockquote>
<blockquote class="location">-5 Respect</blockquote>
<<speech "mc" "$name">>................................<</speech>>
<<speech "muscman" "Muscular Man">>Oh, don’t be a pussy. Look at me, I’m talking here.<</speech>>
<<speech "mc" "$name">>S-Stop it...<</speech>>
<<speech "muscman" "Muscular Man">>Look at those noodle arms. Hah! You got a huge car, can you even push that thing?<</speech>>
<<speech "mc" "$name">>...............................<</speech>>
<<speech "muscman" "Muscular Man">>Well, guess your girlfriend's here, maybe she’s strong enough to do it.<</speech>>
<blockquote>He’s tearing into your dignity, but there’s nothing you can do.</blockquote>
<<speech "muscman" "Muscular Man">>You know what? I think she'll be better off in my car.<</speech>>
<blockquote>He finally turns to Jane with a smirk on his face and gives her an inviting look. Jane, now shaken out of her shock, takes action.</blockquote>
<<speech "gf" "Jane">>O-Okay, that’s it! Do you want us to help you, or do you want to keep being a fucking asshole?<</speech>>
<<speech "muscman" "Muscular Man">>I’m not being an asshole, baby, I’m just giving him some friendly advice. And I do need your he-<</speech>>
<<speech "gf" "Jane">>Go find someone else.<</speech>>
<blockquote>Jane rushes in and pulls you [[into the car.|ManHelp1a-3b2]]</blockquote>
</div><div id="main-screen">
<div class="location-gstation">
<div class="overlay"></div>
<<speech "mc" "$name">>Tch!<</speech>>
<<img "Images/inc/interior1.webp" "700px">><</img>>
<blockquote>He’s fuming outside the car, but you just ignore him. After a few minutes, he walks away.</blockquote>
<<speech "mc" "$name">>Fucking asshole...<</speech>>
<blockquote>You take a deep breath, letting your anger settle and calm down.</blockquote>
<<speech "gf" "Jane">>Damn, $name.<</speech>>
<<speech "mc" "$name">>Sigh...<</speech>>
<<speech "gf" "Jane">>I never saw you like that before.<</speech>>
<<speech "mc" "$name">>Sorry about that...<</speech>>
<<speech "gf" "Jane">>No no no~<</speech>>
<blockquote>You turn to her, confused.</blockquote>
<<speech "gf" "Jane">>It's kinda sexy.<</speech>>
<<speech "mc" "$name">>...Hah!<</speech>>
<blockquote>You can’t help but chuckle at her unexpected reaction.</blockquote>
<<speech "mc" "$name">>Let's just go.<</speech>>
<<speech "gf" "Jane">>Mmm~ me likey~<</speech>>
<<set $firstsexy to true>>
<blockquote>With amusement tugging at your lips, you start driving, [[your mood lifted..|ManHelp1a-3a3]]</blockquote>
</div><<set $location to "Road">>
<<set $locationImages to "Road">>
<div id="main-screen">
<div class="location-road">
<div class="overlay"></div>
<blockquote>The two of you continue the trip on a much improved mood. From here, it will probably take a few hours to reach Big Bear Lake.</blockquote>
<blockquote>Jane fiddles with the radio until she heard a familiar tune.</blockquote>
<blockquote>The sun's begin to rise as you continue your journey. Light breeze slips through the window, carrying the distant scent of pine and fresh mountain air.</blockquote>
<blockquote>Jane began to sing along, her voice was far from good but you enjoyed it regardless. Soon, the landscape changed into those of trees and high mountains</blockquote>
<blockquote>Finally, the lake's calm blue waters appear on the horizon, framed by rugged peaks though still covered by morning mist. Big Bear Lake, [[in sight!|BBL1-0]]</blockquote>
</div><div id="main-screen">
<div class="location-gstation">
<div class="overlay"></div>
<<set $firstinsult to true>>
<<img "Images/inc/interior1.webp" "700px">><</img>>
<blockquote>Jane slammed the door.</blockquote>
<<speech "mc" "$name">>.................................<</speech>>
<<speech "gf" "Jane">>Grow a fucking spine.<</speech>>
<blockquote>This is probably the first time in your relationship that she’s ever insulted you. And it actually stings.</blockquote>
<<speech "mc" "$name">>...Sorry.<</speech>>
<<speech "gf" "Jane">>Apologize to yourself.<</speech>>
<blockquote>You go silent. She’s right.</blockquote>
<<speech "gf" "Jane">>Just... drive, okay?<</speech>>
<blockquote>And [[you do.|ManHelp1a-3b3]]</blockquote>
</div><<set $location to "Road">>
<<set $locationImages to "Road">>
<div id="main-screen">
<div class="location-road">
<div class="overlay"></div>
<blockquote>The tension is palpable inside of the car. Jane turned her face from you and went straight to her phone.</blockquote>
<blockquote>The warm rays of California sun is now tinted with uneasiness as you continue your journey. The trip to Big Bear lake will probably take a few hours, you wonder when this oppresive silence will end.</blockquote>
<blockquote>To combat the silence, you decided to fiddle with the radio, but then a lucky coincidence strike as Jane appeared to the same conclusion. Both of your hand touched the knob at the same time and brushed against each other. She offered a small apologetic look, which you gladly meet with a faint, relieved smile.</blockquote>
<blockquote>Soon enough the ice begins to crack, bit by bit, as the two of you resumed to talk, there is still some tension but it's soon got overwhelmed by the scenery of pines, high mountains, and the beautiful glinting waters of the lake.</blockquote>
<blockquote>You exchanged smiles with Jane. Big Bear Lake is in sight, the first proper destination on your [[long journey.|BBL1-0]]</blockquote>
</div><div id="main-screen">
<div class="location-gstation">
<div class="overlay"></div>
<blockquote>You shook the thought away and forced yourself to focus. The inside of a car is similar to the inside of a computer. It should be easy for someone who understands that, but not for you.</blockquote>
<<speech "mc" "$name">>...What the fuck is this?<</speech>>
<blockquote>You stared blankly, completely clueless. You knew Google held the answers to everything, but before you could even reach for your phone, the man appeared beside you, sweat glistening off his chest.</blockquote>
<<speech "muscman" "Muscular Man">>Phew~ now, give me the cab- what the hell were you doing?<</speech>>
<<speech "mc" "$name">>I-I, uhh, got a message.<</speech>>
<blockquote>Jane approached, curiosity piqued.</blockquote>
<<speech "gf" "Jane">>You still haven't hooked it up?<</speech>>
<blockquote>Your pride is stung and with no desire to be embarrassed, you decided to hook the cable into whatever looked hookable.</blockquote>
<<speech "muscman" "Muscular Man">>That's the engine.<</speech>>
<<speech "mc" "$name">>O-Oh.<</speech>>
<blockquote>Trial and error, right? You scanned again and this time seen the battery. Trial and error says you should hook it and then try it again if it's not working, so that's what you di-</blockquote>
<<speech "muscman" "Muscular Man">>Whoa, whoa, whoa! You trying to blow us up?<</speech>>
<blockquote>Blow up? The realization hits hard, you hadn't considered the risk.</blockquote>
<<speech "muscman" "Muscular Man">>You have zero idea how to do this, do you?<</speech>>
<<speech "mc" "$name">>...............................<</speech>>
<blockquote>Without another word, he yanked the cable [[out of your hand.|ManHelp1b-3]]</blockquote>
</div><div id="main-screen">
<div class="location-gstation">
<div class="overlay"></div>
<<set $firsthumiliation to true>>
<blockquote>He shoved you out of the way.</blockquote>
<<speech "muscman" "Muscular Man">>By the way, saw your luggage, where you headed?<</speech>>
<<speech "mc" "$name">>...Florida.<</speech>>
<<speech "muscman" "Muscular Man">>Florida? You’re driving to Florida without even knowing how to jumpstart a car? That’s fucking retarded.<</speech>>
<<speech "mc" "$name">>H-Hey...<</speech>>
<<speech "muscman" "Muscular Man">>Can you even change the tire?<</speech>>
<<speech "mc" "$name">>O-Of course I can.<</speech>>
<<speech "muscman" "Muscular Man">>Very convincing.<</speech>>
<<speech "mc" "$name">>S-Shut-<</speech>>
<blockquote>You raise your voice, ready to defend yourself, when someone else cuts in.</blockquote>
<<speech "gf" "Jane">>Get off him, $name.<</speech>>
<<speech "mc" "$name">>J-Jane? B-But he...<</speech>>
<<speech "gf" "Jane">>But he's what? He's right?<</speech>>
<blockquote>The man chuckles, deep and hearty. Your face burns with embarrassment, chest tight as you step over to Jane.</blockquote>
<<speech "mc" "$name">>W-Why did you side with him...?<</speech>>
<<speech "gf" "Jane">>He thought you could do it. Hell, I thought you could too. It’s fair if he’s angry, especially after you nearly blew us up.<</speech>>
<<speech "mc" "$name">>....................................<</speech>>
<<speech "gf" "Jane">>If you can't do something, just say it.<</speech>>
<<set $respect -= 10>>
<<set $affection -= 5>>
<blockquote class="location">-10 Respect</blockquote>
<blockquote class="location">-5 Affection</blockquote>
<<speech "mc" "$name">>[[S-Sorry...|ManHelp1b-4]]<</speech>>
</div><div id="main-screen">
<div class="location-gstation">
<div class="overlay"></div>
<<img "Images/inc/interior1.webp" "400px">><</img>>
<blockquote>The man got straight to work. Unlike you, he knew exactly what he was doing. Your protest died in your throat when Jane's sharp glare stopped you cold as he slipped into your car to start the engine.</blockquote>
<<speech "gf" "Jane">>.......................................<</speech>>
<blockquote>Minutes passed, and you couldn't help but notice Jane's gaze lingering on his well-defined arms and chest. Her breaths hitched ever so slightly.</blockquote>
<<set $lust += 5>>
<blockquote class="location">+5 Lust</blockquote>
<<speech "mc" "$name">>J-Jane?<</speech>>
<<speech "gf" "Jane">>.......................................<</speech>>
<blockquote>She didn't even acknowledge you.</blockquote>
<blockquote>Ten minutes later, his car roared back to life. He turned to you both, and you braced yourself for a usual thanks, but instead...</blockquote>
<<speech "muscman" "Muscular Man">>Jane, right? Hop in my car.<</speech>>
<<speech "mc" "$name">>W-Wha?<</speech>>
<<speech "muscman" "Muscular Man">>Hah! I'm just kidding.<</speech>>
<blockquote>He said it with a grin, but his eyes were locked on Jane, deep and unwavering. You saw the way her cheeks reddened, clearly flustered.</blockquote>
<<speech "muscman" "Muscular Man">>Thanks for the help guys, I'll see you around.<</speech>>
<blockquote>With that, he slid into his car and drove off, leaving a quiet, tense air behind.</blockquote>
<<speech "mc" "$name">>Haa... c-come on, Jane.<</speech>>
<blockquote>She followed without a word. You didn’t even realize that she [[never denied his offer.|ManHelp1a-5]] joke or not.</blockquote>
</div><<set $location to "Road">>
<<set $locationImages to "Road">>
<div id="main-screen">
<div class="location-road">
<div class="overlay"></div>
<<img "Images/inc/interior1.webp" "700px">><</img>>
<blockquote>You bite your lip as you restart the drive, replaying what just happened in your head. It was entirely your fault, and Jane didn’t hold back from calling you out. You steal a glance at her, only to see her focused on her phone, deliberately ignoring you.</blockquote>
<blockquote>The bright California sun feels relentless, exposing your vulnerability rather than offering warmth. The drive to Big Bear Lake will take a few hours, and you find yourself hoping that by the time you arrive, things will feel normal again.</blockquote>
<blockquote>Halfway through, the cityscape gradually fades into tall pines and rugged mountains. The change catches your rural boy's eye, and you murmur your amazement, forgetting yourself for a moment.</blockquote>
<blockquote>Jane laughs at your reaction, breaking the silence. She then orders you to open the windows, which you gladly do. Cold mountain air rushes in, catching you off guard, and your gasp only makes her laugh harder.</blockquote>
<blockquote>As you drive on, her teasing softens, slipping back into the easy banter you both know. When Big Bear Lake finally comes into view, you unconsciously press the gas a bit harder, which she catches with an adoring smile. You’ve nearly arrived at [[your destination.|BBL1-0]]</blockquote>
</div><<set $location to "Big Bear Lake">>
<<set $locationImages to "Big Bear Lake">>
<div id="main-screen">
<div class="location-bblpark">
<div class="overlay"></div>
<<img "Images/inc/bbl1/bbl1.webp" "400px">><</img>>
<<speech "mc" "$name">>ACHOO~!<</speech>>
<blockquote>You arrived a few minutes later, the first thing you noticed is the cold. The cold air bites at your exposed nape. It's still early in the day, just a few minutes before the clock strikes 10 AM. You sit behind the car, tying your shoes.</blockquote>
<<speech "mc" "$name">>Done...<</speech>>
<blockquote>The parking lot is sparsely populated, with only a few cars scattered here and there. You can probably guess why that is.</blockquote>
<<speech "mc" "$name">>Ngh...<</speech>>
<blockquote>You tighten your jacket, trying to ward off the chill. Jane has already gone ahead and is currently leaning on the guardrails. Unlike you, who’s struggling with the cold, she doesn’t seem bothered by it. She’s staring out at the lake, and for some reason, you catch a hint of guilt flickering across her face.</blockquote>
<<speech "gf" "Jane">>...............................<</speech>>
<blockquote>You walk over to where she’s standing, just below a sign that reads [["Watch your distance."|BBL1-2]]</blockquote>
</div><div id="main-screen">
<div class="location-bblpark">
<div class="overlay"></div>
<<img "Images/inc/bbl1/bbl4.webp" "400px">><</img>>
<<speech "mc" "$name">>Hey.<</speech>>
<blockquote>Jane stiffened the moment she heard you call her name. Slowly, she turns around.</blockquote>
<<speech "gf" "Jane">>Sorry... I guess we picked the wrong time to come here.<</speech>>
<blockquote>She gestures toward the lake. It's a beautiful sight, but something’s missing. There’s hardly anyone around, and the lake itself is eerily still, blanketed in mist, with no signs of life.</blockquote>
<<speech "mc" "$name">>..................................<</speech>>
<blockquote class="choice-blockquote">
<<link [[Are we?|BBL1-3]]>>
<<set $affection += 3>>
<<set $bbl_1 to "good">><</link>>
<<link [[We? Don't you mean you?|BBL1-3]]>>
<<set $affection -= 3>>
<<set $bbl_1 to "bad">><</link>>
</div><div id="main-screen">
<div class="location-bblpark">
<div class="overlay"></div>
<<if $bbl_1 is "good">>
<blockquote class="location">+3 Affection</blockquote>
<blockquote>You smile softly, resting your hand gently on her shoulder.</blockquote>
<<speech "mc" "$name">>Are we? It looks to me like we got the entire place to ourselves.<</speech>>
<<speech "gf" "Jane">>You’re being sweet.<</speech>>
<<speech "mc" "$name">>I am.<</speech>>
<<speech "gf" "Jane">>Oh you!<</speech>>
<blockquote>She playfully punches you in the shoulder, and you wince exaggeratedly.</blockquote>
<<speech "mc" "$name">>Oww~<</speech>>
<<speech "gf" "Jane">>Toughen up!<</speech>>
<blockquote>She stops after a few more lighthearted punches, then flashes a smile before turning back to the lake. You glance around and notice a secluded shore further down, the perfect hidden spot to relax.</blockquote>
<<speech "mc" "$name">>What do you think? Want to head down there?<</speech>>
<blockquote>She looks in the direction you’re pointing, her curiosity piqued.</blockquote>
<<speech "gf" "Jane">>There? Really? [[Sure!|BBL1-4]] But don't you dare lose your breath.<</speech>>
<<elseif $bbl_1 is "bad">>>
<blockquote class="location">-3 Affection</blockquote>
<blockquote>You feel a flicker of irritation as her words hit you.</blockquote>
<<speech "mc" "$name">>We? Jane, you picked this place.<</speech>>
<blockquote>Her eyes widen for a moment, then quickly avert as she looks away from you, clearly feels guilty.</blockquote>
<<speech "gf" "Jane">>...I'm sorry.<</speech>>
<<speech "mc" "$name">>Even the boats are out of service.<</speech>>
<<speech "gf" "Jane">>...I know.<</speech>>
<<speech "mc" "$name">>Maybe a little more research before making plans next time, huh?<</speech>>
<<speech "gf" "Jane">>.................................<</speech>>
<<speech "mc" "$name">>I mean, you even forgot about the hotel, that shou-<</speech>>
<<speech "gf" "Jane">>I get it already! Geez...<</speech>>
<blockquote>She half screamed at you, frustration seeping through her words. She half-turns away, visibly trying to hold it together, and you feel the sting of her reaction.</blockquote>
<<speech "mc" "$name">>A-Ah... s-shit...<</speech>>
<blockquote>The air feels thick now, tension brewing in the space between you. You both walk in silence, but then something catches your eye, a beautiful spot along the lake’s edge, just off the path.</blockquote>
<<speech "mc" "$name">>Let's go there.<</speech>>
<blockquote>She glances over at the spot you pointed out, her expression unreadable for a moment before softening.</blockquote>
<<speech "gf" "Jane">>...Yeah, it does look pretty.<</speech>>
<<speech "mc" "$name">>Let’s go then. [[Come on, let’s go.|BBL1-4]]<</speech>>
</div><div id="main-screen">
<div class="location-bblforest">
<div class="overlay"></div>
<<img "Images/inc/bbl1/bbl2.webp" "400px">><</img>>
<blockquote>The two of you continue down the trail leading to the lake.</blockquote>
<<speech "mc" "$name">>Careful.<</speech>>
<blockquote>The trail is slick, still damp from the rain, making each step precarious.</blockquote>
<<speech "gf" "Jane">>Right back at you.<</speech>>
<blockquote>Jane moves with ease, her practiced grace evident. Her past job required her to stay in top shape, and it clearly shows.</blockquote>
<<speech "mc" "$name">>Ngh...<</speech>>
<blockquote>Unlike you, a junior programmer that got turned into a WFH-ing junior programmer, so it's your choice to keep yourself in shape or not, and you chose not to.</blockquote>
<<speech "gf" "Jane">>Regretting not joining me for those jogs yet?<</speech>>
<<speech "mc" "$name">>I-I don't think jogging would affect these damn mud.<</speech>>
<<speech "gf" "Jane">>Oh? You sure about that?<</speech>>
<blockquote>With a teasing grin, she hops in front of you, her feet never slipping on the slick trail.</blockquote>
<<if $deptitem is "Shoe">>
<<speech "gf" "Jane">>Well, you got beaten by the wind. So I guess that makes sense.<</speech>>
<<speech "mc" "$name">>Come on... forget that already.<</speech>>
<blockquote>She smirks, then dashes ahead, her steps light and sure as she runs toward the [[end of the trail.|BBL1-5]]</blockquote>
</div><div id="main-screen">
<div class="location-bblforest">
<div class="overlay"></div>
<<speech "mc" "$name">>W-What?<</speech>>
<blockquote>As if gliding, she hopped from one dry spot to another, maintaining her balance all along the way.</blockquote>
<<speech "gf" "Jane">>I think it helps, $name.<</speech>>
<blockquote>She's far away, but you can feel her smirking.</blockquote>
<<speech "mc" "$name">>.......................................<</speech>>
<blockquote>She's acting smug, and you can't help but feel a little ticked off. What will you do about that?</blockquote>
<blockquote class="choice-blockquote">
<<link [[Run!|BBL1-6]]>>
<<set $respect -= 3>>
<<set $bbl_2 to "bad">><</link>>
<<link [[Don't get provoked.|BBL1-6]]>>
<<set $respect += 3>>
<<set $bbl_2 to "good">><</link>>
</div><div id="main-screen">
<div class="location-bblforest">
<div class="overlay"></div>
<<if $bbl_2 is "good">>
<blockquote class="location">+3 Respect</blockquote>
<<speech "mc" "$name">>Haa...<</speech>>
<blockquote>You take a deep breath, steadying yourself, and continue walking at a measured pace.</blockquote>
<<speech "gf" "Jane">>Come on~<</speech>>
<<speech "mc" "$name">>Shut up, witch.<</speech>>
<blockquote>You refuse to let her get to you, focusing on keeping your cool.</blockquote>
<<if $deptitem is "Shoe">>
<<speech "gf" "Jane">>Wait... are you wearing that running shoes?<</speech>>
<<speech "mc" "$name">>Yeah.<</speech>>
<blockquote class="location">+3 Affection</blockquote>
<<speech "gf" "Jane">>Why would you wear that here? Hah, well... good call on not running.<</speech>>
<<set $affection += 3>>
<blockquote>Despite the slippery terrain, you press on, carefully navigating around the large wet patches on the ground.</blockquote>
<<speech "gf" "Jane">>Took your time, old man.<</speech>>
<blockquote>You catch up with her after a moment, your pace steady despite the challenges.</blockquote>
<<speech "mc" "$name">>Let's move on.<</speech>>
<<speech "gf" "Jane">>[[Lead the way.|BBL1-7]]<</speech>>
<<elseif $bbl_2 is "bad">>
<blockquote class="location">-3 Respect</blockquote>
<blockquote>You take a deep breath, try to steady yourself, and as you sprint forward, but you slip before you even take a proper step.</blockquote>
<<speech "mc" "$name">>FUCK!!!<</speech>>
<blockquote>Luckily, you manage to catch yourself with one hand before you face-plant into the mud.</blockquote>
<<speech "gf" "Jane">>$name!<</speech>>
<blockquote>Jane quickly rushes back to you, concern written all over her face.</blockquote>
<<speech "gf" "Jane">>Are you okay?<</speech>>
<<speech "mc" "$name">>Y-Yeah...<</speech>>
<<if $deptitem is "Shoe">>
<<speech "gf" "Jane">>Wait, why are you wearing running shoes here? Are you out of your mind?<</speech>>
<blockquote class="location">-3 Respect</blockquote>
<<speech "mc" "$name">>G-Give me a break, Jane.<</speech>>
<<speech "gf" "Jane">>O-Oh, sorry.<</speech>>
<<set $respect -= 3>>
<blockquote>As you steady yourself, Jane is practically holding you up like you're an elderly man.</blockquote>
<<speech "mc" "$name">>I-I can walk, Jane.<</speech>>
<blockquote>She lets go of you, her grip loosening slightly.</blockquote>
<<speech "mc" "$name">>EEPPPPP~!!!<</speech>>
<blockquote>Just as you find your balance again, your feet slip out from under you, and you go down once more. From behind, you hear someone laughing.</blockquote>
<blockquote>A jogger, watching the whole scene unfold, is struggling to hold back his laughter, but he's doing a very very bad job at it.</blockquote>
<<speech "gf" "Jane">>...Let's go, old man.<</speech>>
<<speech "mc" "$name">>Y-Yeah...<</speech>>
<blockquote>Jane, not missing a beat, leads you [[all the way down.|BBL1-7]]</blockquote>
</div><div id="main-screen">
<div class="location-bblrest">
<div class="overlay"></div>
<<img "Images/inc/bbl1/bbl3.webp" "400px">><</img>>
<blockquote>The two of you reach the bottom of the pathway and spot a resting area ahead.</blockquote>
<<speech "mc" "$name">>It still misty, huh?<</speech>>
<<speech "gf" "Jane">>I know, right? Even though it's already around 10.<</speech>>
<blockquote>The path ahead still seems long, with your destination quite a distance away.</blockquote>
<<speech "mc" "$name">>Wanna sit down for a bit?<</speech>>
<<speech "gf" "Jane">>Out of breath already?<</speech>>
<<speech "mc" "$name">>W-What? No.<</speech>>
<<speech "gf" "Jane">>Just teasing, babe. But you’re right, we should wait for the fog to clear a little.<</speech>>
<blockquote>You nod in agreement, though the real reason you want to sit down is because you’re actually are [[out of breath.|BBL1-8]]</blockquote>
</div><div id="main-screen">
<div class="location-highway1">
<div class="overlay"></div>
<<set $location to "CA - AZ Highway">>
<<set $locationImage to "Highway1">>
<<speech "mc" "$name">>*brrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr*<</speech>>
<<img "Images/inc/caliroad2.webp" "500px">><</img>>
<<speech "gf" "Jane">>What was that? Are you growling at me or something?<</speech>>
<<speech "mc" "$name">>It's my tummy.<</speech>>
<blockquote>The detour to Big Bear Lake has come to an end, and you’re now back on the road.</blockquote>
<<speech "mc" "$name">>How much farther do we have to go?<</speech>>
<<speech "gf" "Jane">>About fifty miles. *gulp*<</speech>>
<<speech "mc" "$name">>Shit... I'm going to starve to death...<</speech>>
<<speech "gf" "Jane">>That's strange, I don't feel hungry at all. *cruch*<</speech>>
<blockquote>She said this while munching on a bag of potato chips.</blockquote>
<<speech "gf" "Jane">>Mmm... shit...<</speech>>
<blockquote>She paused mid-crunch, looking at the now-empty bag.</blockquote>
<<speech "mc" "$name">>Guess I won't starve alone after all.<</speech>>
<blockquote>Unbothered, she leaned over to the passenger seat and grabbed another bag of chips.</blockquote>
<<speech "mc" "$name">>[[Haa...|TheRoad1-1]]<</speech>>
</div><div id="main-screen">
<div class="location-bblrest">
<div class="overlay"></div>
<blockquote>You can feel the residual dampness in the air from last night's rain, and it makes the cold bite even harder, colder than usual.</blockquote>
<<speech "mc" "$name">>Haa...<</speech>>
<<speech "gf" "Jane">>Is it really that cold?<</speech>>
<<speech "mc" "$name">>I-I don’t know how you’re handling it, to be honest.<</speech>>
<blockquote>Jane stands there in her usual clothes, unaffected, while you're wrapped up in a jacket, still shivering with your teeth chattering.</blockquote>
<<speech "gf" "Jane">>I’ve lived here my whole life, but you're the strange one. You've been here for what, six years? And you still can’t handle the cold?<</speech>>
<<speech "mc" "$name">>I-I can, but this is different!<</speech>>
<blockquote>Jane shakes her head with a small smile, clearly amused.</blockquote>
<<speech "gf" "Jane">>Well, you're lucky I brought this,<</speech>>
<blockquote>She reaches into her bag and pulls out a bottle of heated water and some cocoa powder.</blockquote>
<<speech "gf" "Jane">>Let's [[have a party.|BBL1-9]]<</speech>>
</div><div id="main-screen">
<div class="location-bblrest">
<div class="overlay"></div>
<<img "Images/inc/bbl1/bbl6.webp" "400px">><</img>>
<blockquote>The sweetness and slight bitterness of the cocoa blend together perfectly, its warmth seeping through you, offering much-needed comfort.</blockquote>
<<speech "mc" "$name">>Ahh... thanks.<</speech>>
<blockquote>Jane only nods, her eyes scanning the area around you as if lost in thought.</blockquote>
<<speech "gf" "Jane">>$name... do you think things will go back to normal once we’re back?<</speech>>
<<speech "mc" "$name">>Normal, huh? I don't even know what "normal" is anymore.<</speech>>
<blockquote>It was a casual quip, but you notice Jane hesitate, her gaze lingering on you for a moment longer than usual.</blockquote>
<<speech "gf" "Jane">>...Before everything happened.<</speech>>
<blockquote>You take a moment to look around. The resting spot is almost eerily quiet, with only a few scattered people. An occasional jogger, some sitting on the pier, and a girl absorbed in a book under a nearby tree.</blockquote>
<<speech "mc" "$name">>Before everything happened...<</speech>>
<blockquote class="choice-blockquote">
<<link [[Be hopeful|BBL1-10]]>>
<<set $affection += 4>>
<<set $bbl_3 to "good">><</link>>
<<link [[Be realistic|BBL1-10]]>>
<<set $affection -= 4>>
<<set $bbl_3 to "bad">><</link>>
</div><div id="main-screen">
<div class="location-bblrest">
<div class="overlay"></div>
<<if $bbl_3 is "good">>
<blockquote class="location">+4 Affection</blockquote>
<blockquote>You set your cup down, offering Jane a gentle smile.</blockquote>
<<speech "mc" "$name">>I think it will.<</speech>>
<<speech "gf" "Jane">>...Really?<</speech>>
<blockquote>There's a note of uncertainty in her voice. She wants to believe you, but it’s hard to do so.</blockquote>
<<speech "mc" "$name">>Trust me. The moment we're back, my boss will drag everyone back into the office.<</speech>>
<blockquote>She chuckles at your attempt at humor, the tension easing from her shoulders.</blockquote>
<<speech "mc" "$name">>And you’ll be back in the air soon enough.<</speech>>
<blockquote>At the mention of "in the air," she gazes up at the sky for a moment, her thoughts distant.</blockquote>
<<speech "gf" "Jane">>.................................<</speech>>
<blockquote>She turns back to you, her expression unreadable.</blockquote>
<<speech "gf" "Jane">>What if I don't want to?<</speech>>
<<speech "mc" "$name">>Then you can spend the rest of your life watching shitty telenovela with my mom.<</speech>>
<<speech "gf" "Jane">>Heh... fuck you.<</speech>>
<blockquote>The conversation settles into a comfortable silence, and gradually, you feel the warmth of the cocoa slowly working its way through you, soothing your chilled body. [[The warmth spreads through you.|BBL1-11]]</blockquote>
<<elseif $bbl_3 is "bad">>
<blockquote class="location">-4 Affection</blockquote>
<blockquote>You lower your cup, your gaze lost in the misty expanse of the lake.</blockquote>
<<speech "mc" "$name">>I don't think so.<</speech>>
<<speech "gf" "Jane">>...You don't?<</speech>>
<blockquote>You stare absently at the cup in your hands, your thoughts far away.</blockquote>
<<speech "mc" "$name">>I don’t even think this restriction lift is going to last. I’m sure we’ll be locked inside our homes again after our road trip.<</speech>>
<<speech "gf" "Jane">>...That's rather negative, $name.<</speech>>
<<speech "mc" "$name">>I'm just being realistic.<</speech>>
<<speech "gf" "Jane">>Or cynical.<</speech>>
<<speech "mc" "$name">>If that’s what it is, then sure.<</speech>>
<blockquote>You turn your gaze to the horizon, the mist still lingering in the air.</blockquote>
<<speech "mc" "$name">>It's the truth.<</speech>>
<blockquote>Jane falls silent, the words hanging between you. You take another sip of the cocoa, feeling the warmth slowly spread through you. [[The warmth courses through your body.|BBL1-11]]</blockquote>
</div><div id="main-screen">
<div class="location-bblrest">
<div class="overlay"></div>
<blockquote>The mist slowly begins to fade, and the air is becoming slightly warmer.</blockquote>
<<speech "mc" "$name">>Ahh...<</speech>>
<blockquote>Waiting for the mist to completely dissipate could take hours, so you stretch out your hand toward Jane.</blockquote>
<<speech "mc" "$name">>Let's continue.<</speech>>
<blockquote>She takes your hand in hers.</blockquote>
<<speech "gf" "Jane">>Not tired anymore?<</speech>>
<<speech "mc" "$name">>No, not anymore.<</speech>>
<<speech "gf" "Jane">>Mm-<</speech>>
<<speech "mc" "$name">>I-I mean, I wasn’t even tired in the first place!<</speech>>
<<speech "gf" "Jane">>Sure, $name. Whatever you say, $name.<</speech>>
<blockquote>She stands up and walks beside you, her pace matching yours.</blockquote>
<<speech "gf" "Jane">>Every day morning jog, 30 push-ups, 30 sit-ups, 30 chin-ups, small dumbbell exercises... What else...?<</speech>>
<<speech "mc" "$name">>What?<</speech>>
<<speech "gf" "Jane">>Your workout plan.<</speech>>
<<speech "mc" "$name">>I-I don't need one.<</speech>>
<<speech "gf" "Jane">>Sure you do.<</speech>>
<blockquote>Together, you continue [[on the trail.|BBL1-12]]</blockquote>
</div><div id="main-screen">
<div class="location-bblforest">
<div class="overlay"></div>
<<img "Images/inc/bbl1/bbl2.webp" "400px">><</img>>
<blockquote>The two of you continue bickering about workout regimes as you walk together. Soon enough, the sight of the lake disappears behind the trees again. The coldness from the mist is mostly gone as time goes by.</blockquote>
<blockquote>But it wasn’t all positive. The muddy track is still as muddy as ever, and now with the trail sloping upwards, you find yourself expending extra energy to [[avoid slipping.|BBL1-13]]</blockquote>
</div><div id="main-screen">
<div class="location-bblforest">
<div class="overlay"></div>
<<speech "gf" "Jane">>Don't faint now.<</speech>>
<<speech "mc" "$name">>Hell no, I won't.<</speech>>
<blockquote>The trail is rather steep, so you better walk slowly and watch your breath, but Jane, as usual, skips to the top.</blockquote>
<<speech "gf" "Jane">>Well?<</speech>>
<<speech "mc" "$name">>Again? Nah.<</speech>>
<blockquote>You continue walking, ignoring her attempts to provoke you.</blockquote>
<<speech "gf" "Jane">>Bummer.<</speech>>
<blockquote>You reach the top, carefully avoiding the wet spots and maintaining your steady breath. Meanwhile, Jane is looking around the area.</blockquote>
<<speech "gf" "Jane">>...It's pretty silent, here.<</speech>>
<<speech "mc" "$name">>So?<</speech>>
<<speech "gf" "Jane">>We're not going to that small rest area, right...?<</speech>>
<<speech "mc" "$name">>...Aren't we gonna skip it anyway?<</speech>>
<blockquote>She tugs her shirt up.</blockquote>
<<speech "gf" "Jane">>Well, we'll consider it a slight [[change of plan.|BBL1-14]]<</speech>>
</div><div id="main-screen">
<div class="location-bblforest">
<div class="overlay"></div>
<<img "Images/inc/bbl1/bbl7.webp" "700px">><</img>>
<<speech "mc" "$name">>*gulp*<</speech>>
<blockquote>She winked.</blockquote>
<<speech "gf" "Jane">>So...?<</speech>>
<blockquote>Your dick is solid but the circumstances is very much questionable. What if someone saw you? What if they call the police? What if they record you and blackmail you for the rest of your life?</blockquote>
<<speech "mc" "$name">>Ngh...<</speech>>
<blockquote>All of those thoughts are swirling in your mind but her wiggling tits is beckoning you in.</blockquote>
<<speech "gf" "Jane">>$name~<</speech>>
<blockquote class="choice-blockquote">
<<link [[Fuck it! Let's do it!|BBL1-15a]]>>
<<set $affection += 3>>
<<set $bbl_4 to "good">><</link>>
<<link [[No, don't do it.|BBL1-15b]]>>
<<set $affection -= 5>>
<<set $respect -= 5>>
<<set $lust += 10>>
<<set $bbl_4 to "bad">><</link>>
</div><div id="main-screen">
<div class="location-bblforest">
<div class="overlay"></div>
<blockquote class="location">+3 Affection</blockquote>
<<speech "gf" "Jane">>Heheh~ I know you want it.<</speech>>
<<vid "Images/gf/gfs5.webm">>
<<speech "mc" "$name">>A-Ahhnn...<</speech>>
<<speech "gf" "Jane">>So big already~<</speech>>
<blockquote>She pulls out your dick but you're still a little paranoid.</blockquote>
<<speech "mc" "$name">>W-Wai- [[ahhnnn~|BBL1-15a-2]]<</speech>>
</div><div id="main-screen">
<div class="location-bblforest">
<div class="overlay"></div>
<blockquote>You shook your head furiously which draw a huge sigh of exasperation from Jane.</blockquote>
<<speech "gf" "Jane">>Come on...<</speech>>
<blockquote>But she hasn't given up yet.</blockquote>
<<img "Images/inc/bbl1/bbl7.webp" "700px">><</img>>
<<speech "mc" "$name">>S-Stop it... this is not the place.<</speech>>
<<speech "gf" "Jane">>Oh? It's not? Where is the place then?<</speech>>
<blockquote>Exasperation turns to annoyance as she approach you.</blockquote>
<<speech "gf" "Jane">>Your house? Your bed? Nowhere else?<</speech>>
<<speech "mc" "$name">>W-We'll reach the motel in a few hours, right?<</speech>>
<<speech "gf" "Jane">>Motel, huh? Guess the next we'll do it after that is when we reach your parents house. You're boring, $name.<</speech>>
<blockquote class="location">-5 Affection</blockquote>
<blockquote class="location">-5 Respect</blockquote>
<<speech "mc" "$name">>J-Jane...<</speech>>
<blockquote>She tidied herself back up and led the way forward, leaving you behind [[to catch up.|BBL1-16]]</blockquote>
</div><div id="main-screen">
<div class="location-bblforest">
<div class="overlay"></div>
<<vid "Images/gf/gfs6.webm">>
<<speech "gf" "Jane">>There's nobody here, baby.<</speech>>
<blockquote>She said while licking the tip of your dick.</blockquote>
<<speech "gf" "Jane">>There's only you and me.<</speech>>
<blockquote>She stood up and turned back.</blockquote>
<<speech "gf" "Jane">>Isn't this exciting?<</speech>>
<blockquote>It is [[very exciting.|BBL1-15a-3]]</blockquote>
</div><div id="main-screen">
<div class="location-bblforest">
<div class="overlay"></div>
<<vid "Images/gf/gfs7.webm">>
<<speech "gf" "Jane">>Ahhnnn~<</speech>>
<blockquote>The thrill is second to none, you only got started but you're already shaking with excitement.</blockquote>
<<speech "mc" "$name">>Ngh~<</speech>>
<<speech "gf" "Jane">>Fuck me, baby~ fuck me~<</speech>>
<blockquote>You [[speeded up your thrusting.|BBL1-15a-4]]</blockquote>
</div><div id="main-screen">
<div class="location-bblforest">
<div class="overlay"></div>
<<vid "Images/gf/gfs8.webm">>
<<speech "gf" "Jane">>Ahhnn, baby~<</speech>>
<<speech "mc" "$name">>Fuck... t-this is so fucking hot...<</speech>>
<<speech "gf" "Jane">>Heheh~<</speech>>
<blockquote>But as you're about to continue, you can hear rustling coming from the trails, specifically coming from the bushes.</blockquote>
<<speech "mc" "$name">>!<</speech>>
<<speech "gf" "Jane">>[[!|BBL1-15a-5]]<</speech>>
</div><div id="main-screen">
<div class="location-bblforest">
<div class="overlay"></div>
<<if $bbl_4 is "good">>
<<img "Images/inc/bbl1/bbl2.webp" "400px">><</img>>
<blockquote>The walk continues with a jovial mood, both of you finding the experience thrilling and at the same time funny.</blockquote>
<blockquote>Your ignorance towards the place doesn’t get spared by Jane, who snickers to herself while muttering the word 'bear.' It’s only a slight embarrassment, but you can take the punches, especially if it’s from her.</blockquote>
<blockquote>After more than five minutes of walking, you smell the familiar scent of the lake, this time more distinct. You’re very close now, so the two of you quicken your pace and finally find [[the clearing|BBL1-17]] you’ve been looking at from afar.</blockquote>
<<elseif $bbl_4 is "bad">>
<<img "Images/inc/bbl1/bbl2.webp" "400px">><</img>>
<blockquote>She walks ahead at a pace she knows you'll struggle to keep up with. A few minutes later, that's exactly what happens, you lose your breath and have to take a breather.</blockquote>
<blockquote>Jane stops too, noticing you gasping for air and struggling to breathe. Guilt crosses her face for a brief moment, but it’s quickly replaced by that same annoyance she showed before.</blockquote>
<blockquote>You take a few minutes to recover, while Jane waits impatiently. Eventually, you get up and walk toward her.</blockquote>
<<speech "gf" "Jane">>You sure took your time.<</speech>>
<<speech "mc" "$name">>Haa... haa... I think I’ll join you for jogging after this trip.<</speech>>
<blockquote>A grin spreads across her face.</blockquote>
<<speech "gf" "Jane">>That's the start.<</speech>>
<blockquote>The walk continues with a lighter, more relaxed mood, but it doesn’t last long—not because of another conflict, but because you’ve finally reached [[the clearing|BBL1-17]] you were aiming for.</blockquote>
</div><div id="main-screen">
<div class="location-bblclearing">
<div class="overlay"></div>
<<img "Images/inc/bbl1/bbl5.webp" "700px">><</img>>
<<speech "mc" "$name">>W-Wow...<</speech>>
<blockquote>The mist has completely subsided, revealing the lake in its majestic glory before you.</blockquote>
<<speech "mc" "$name">>Beautiful...<</speech>>
<blockquote>Without a second thought, you sit down in the middle of the clearing, unconcerned with dirt or mud. Jane immediately follows your lead.</blockquote>
<<speech "gf" "Jane">>..................................<</speech>>
<blockquote>She lets you soak in the beauty of the sight on your own.</blockquote>
<<speech "mc" "$name">>.....................................<</speech>>
<blockquote>The air is fresh and unspoiled. You take a deep, generous breath, a wide smile spreading across your face as a wave of satisfaction washes over you.</blockquote>
<<speech "gf" "Jane">>You never seen something like this before, huh?<</speech>>
<<speech "mc" "$name">>Nope... never.<</speech>>
<<speech "gf" "Jane">>What do you think?<</speech>>
<<speech "mc" "$name">>...I want to live here forever.<</speech>>
<blockquote>She chuckles at your childlike wonder.</blockquote>
<<speech "gf" "Jane">>If only, $name... [[if only...|BBL1-18]]<</speech>>
</div><div id="main-screen">
<div class="location-bblclearing">
<div class="overlay"></div>
<<img "Images/inc/bbl1/bbl5.webp" "700px">><</img>>
<<speech "gf" "Jane">>Was there no place like this where you grew up?<</speech>>
<<speech "mc" "$name">>No. This feels like a whole new world.<</speech>>
<blockquote>You grew up surrounded by beautiful beaches, a tropical environment, and bustling crowds. This serene lake is the complete opposite of that.</blockquote>
<<speech "mc" "$name">>We should come here again after our trip.<</speech>>
<<speech "gf" "Jane">>Hah~! Already making plans? We're literally sitting right in front of it.<</speech>>
<<speech "mc" "$name">>What? You don’t want to try the boats? I want to try sleeping in one of those.<</speech>>
<<speech "gf" "Jane">>Who's gonna row it then? Me?<</speech>>
<<speech "mc" "$name">>We'll figure it out later.<</speech>>
<blockquote>The two of you share a laugh, basking in the moment.</blockquote>
<<speech "gf" "Jane">>Haa...<</speech>>
<<speech "mc" "$name">>Hey, let me [[take your picture.|BBL1-19]]<</speech>>
</div><div id="main-screen">
<div class="location-bblclearing">
<div class="overlay"></div>
<<img "Images/inc/bbl1/bbl5.webp" "700px">><</img>>
<<speech "gf" "Jane">>Of me? Sure.<</speech>>
<blockquote>She got up and walked to the center of the clearing.</blockquote>
<<speech "gf" "Jane">>We'll take a picture together after this, alright?<</speech>>
<<speech "mc" "$name">>Sure, whatever.<</speech>>
<blockquote>You’re a bit camera-shy, but for a moment like this, there’s no excuse not to take a picture together.</blockquote>
<<speech "gf" "Jane">>Do I look good?<</speech>>
<<speech "mc" "$name">>You always look good. Okay, I'm taking it now, ready?<</speech>>
<<speech "gf" "Jane">>Mmmm~<</speech>>
<<img "Images/inc/bbl1/bbl8.webp" "500px">><</img>>
<<speech "mc" "$name">>Cheese~!!!<</speech>>
</div><div id="main-screen">
<div class="location-highway1">
<div class="overlay"></div>
<<speech "gf" "Jane">>Ahhh~ don’t be such a drama queen. Here, take this.<</speech>>
<<if $convitem.includes("Energy")>>
<blockquote>She handed you the granola bar you bought at the gas station earlier.</blockquote>
<<speech "mc" "$name">>So much for emergency snacks.<</speech>>
<<speech "gf" "Jane">>Aren't you starving to death?<</speech>>
<blockquote>She held the already opened bar up to your mouth. Without hesitation, you leaned in and took a huge bite.</blockquote>
<<speech "gf" "Jane">>Watch it! that's my hand.<</speech>>
<<speech "mc" "$name">>Shorry bhout that- mmm...<</speech>>
<blockquote>She handed over another bag of potato chips.</blockquote>
<<speech "mc" "$name">>Geez, how many did you buy?<</speech>>
<<speech "gf" "Jane">>Four.<</speech>>
<<speech "mc" "$name">>There's still one more then? Alright, sent it in.<</speech>>
<blockquote>You opened your mouth, and with a smirk, she popped a chip directly in.</blockquote>
<<speech "mc" "$name">>Mmm~ I could get used to this.~<</speech>>
<blockquote>You chewed happily as the car glided along the winding desert highway. The scenery had shifted dramatically, trading the serene mountain views for the stark, rugged beauty of a harsh desert landscape.</blockquote>
<<speech "mc" "$name">>By the way, [[what time is it?|TheRoad1-2]]<</speech>>
</div><div id="main-screen">
<div class="location-highway1">
<div class="overlay"></div>
<blockquote>She glanced at her phone to check the time. Judging by the sun, though, you guessed it couldn’t be too late.</blockquote>
<<speech "gf" "Jane">>It's around 2.<</speech>>
<<speech "mc" "$name">>Only 2? Feels like we’ve been out all day.<</speech>>
<<speech "gf" "Jane">>Well, we didn’t exactly do much at the lake. Not like there was a ton to do anyway.<</speech>>
<blockquote>She's still kicking herself after the restriction mishap.</blockquote>
<<speech "mc" "$name">>Anyway… what are we even supposed to do in a motel at 2 PM?<</speech>>
<<speech "gf" "Jane">>Eat, play around, traveling, chatting to strangers, sleeping, sexing, there's a lot of things to do, $name.<</speech>>
<<speech "mc" "$name">>Sounds like fun.<</speech>>
<<speech "gf" "Jane">>Mmm~<</speech>>
<blockquote>The conversation lulled, leaving a comfortable silence. As the car rolled down the highway, you unwrapped a candy and popped it into your mouth.</blockquote>
<<speech "gf" "Jane">>Gimme.<</speech>>
<blockquote>Without waiting for a reply, she reached over, snagged one from the bag, and plopped it into her mouth.</blockquote>
<<speech "mc" "$name">>That's mine! What the hell did you even buy at the [[gas station?|TheRoad1-3]]<</speech>>
</div><div id="main-screen">
<div class="location-highway1">
<div class="overlay"></div>
<<speech "gf" "Jane">>Tissues, trash bags, soap, shampoo... pretty much everything practical.<</speech>>
<blockquote>She listed off the items she bought, her tone casual and unbothered.</blockquote>
<<speech "mc" "$name">>That’s it? No surprises?<</speech>>
<<speech "gf" "Jane">>Well...<</speech>>
<blockquote>She rummaged through her bag before scattering a handful of items onto the dashboard.</blockquote>
<<speech "gf" "Jane">>These.<</speech>>
<blockquote>Condoms, lots of condoms.</blockquote>
<<speech "mc" "$name">>Fucking horndog.<</speech>>
<<speech "gf" "Jane">>And you love me for it.<</speech>>
<blockquote>You couldn’t help but smirk. You do love her for that. With the road ahead clear and straight, you risked glancing at the pile for a few seconds, but something unusual caught your eye.</blockquote>
<<speech "mc" "$name">>Mmm?<</speech>>
<blockquote>Among the standard wrappers was a single black package, distinctly larger than the rest, about three times your size. You squinted, confused.</blockquote>
<<speech "mc" "$name">>What the hell is that?<</speech>>
<<speech "gf" "Jane">>That? No idea. It was in the container. Probably a packing mistake or something.<</speech>>
<<speech "mc" "$name">>Packing mistake, huh? For a second there, I thought you’d bought it on purpose for some... bizarre reason... Packing mistake, heh...<</speech>>
<blockquote>You chuckled, aiming to keep the tone light, but there was an undeniable tension creeping into your voice... one she completely missed.</blockquote>
<<speech "gf" "Jane">>Hmm, who knows? Maybe I’ll use it on someone else.<</speech>>
<blockquote>Your grip tightened on the wheel as your heart jumped. Instinctively, your foot slammed the brakes. The tires screeched against the pavement, jolting the car and sending both of you lurching forward as the vehicle swerved to the side of the road.</blockquote>
</div>SS<div id="main-screen">
<div class="location-highway1">
<div class="overlay"></div>
<blockquote>A loud blast of profanity erupted from the car behind you.</blockquote>
<<speech "unknown" "Other driver">>FUCKING ASSHOLE!!!<</speech>>
<blockquote>The blare of their horn rang out as you struggled to regain control. The car lurched and swerved before finally grinding to a shaky stop at the side of the road.</blockquote>
<<speech "gf" "Jane">>AHHH~!!!<</speech>>
<blockquote>Jane’s scream tore through the chaos. Panic painted her face as she clutched the seatbelt tightly. Her fear, however, quickly morphed into anger.</blockquote>
<<speech "gf" "Jane">>WHAT THE FUCK IS WRONG WITH YOU!?<</speech>>
<blockquote>You barely registered her words. Your breathing was ragged, your grip on the steering wheel white-knuckled. Sweat trickled down your forehead, dripping onto the seat below.</blockquote>
<<speech "mc" "$name">>Haa... haa... haa...<</speech>>
<blockquote>Your chest heaved as you fought to steady yourself. The adrenaline coursing through your veins made your vision blur slightly. For a moment, everything was noise, horns blaring, Jane’s yelling, your heart pounding in your ears.</blockquote>
<<speech "gf" "Jane">>$name! Wha-<</speech>>
<blockquote>Her voice faltered mid-sentence. You felt her gaze shift toward you, her expression softening, confusion overtaking her frustration. The words on her mouth stopped as soon as her eyes fell on your...</blockquote>
<blockquote class="choice-blockquote">
<<link [[Raging hard-on|TheRoad1a-1]]>>
<<set $first_ntr to "true">><</link>>
<<link [[Trembling hand|TheRoad1b-1]]>>
<<set $first_love to "true">><</link>>
</div><div id="main-screen">
<div class="location-highway1">
<div class="overlay"></div>
<<speech "gf" "Jane">>$name...?<</speech>>
<blockquote>Sweat trickled down your face as you gripped the wheel tightly, your knuckles white with tension.</blockquote>
<<speech "mc" "$name">>D-Don't joke about that...<</speech>>
<<speech "gf" "Jane">>W-What? The condom?<</speech>>
<<speech "mc" "$name">>J-Just stop it...<</speech>>
<blockquote>Her face froze for a moment, confused, before softening as she began to sense something was wrong.</blockquote>
<<speech "gf" "Jane">>Did... Did I say something bad?<</speech>>
<blockquote>You exhaled sharply, massaging your temples. Words felt heavy, stuck in your throat, but her questioning gaze pressed you.</blockquote>
<<if $affection >= 60>>
<blockquote>But she hesitated, noticing the stress written all over your face. Her voice softened.</blockquote>
<<speech "gf" "Jane">>Hey... it’s okay. We don’t have to talk about it right now. Let’s just focus on driving, okay?<</speech>>
<<speech "mc" "$name">>Haa... y-yeah...<</speech>>
<<speech "gf" "Jane">>Ah! Wait.<</speech>>
<blockquote>She reached back and grabbed a bottle of water, twisting the cap off before offering it to you.</blockquote>
<<speech "mc" "$name">>Thanks...<</speech>>
<<speech "gf" "Jane">>You sure you’re okay?<</speech>>
<<speech "mc" "$name">>I-I think so...<</speech>>
<blockquote>[[She smiled gently.|TheRoad1b-2a]]</blockquote>
<blockquote>Her curiosity got the better of her, even as she noticed your unease.</blockquote>
<<speech "gf" "Jane">>What's wrong? Is there something you can't tell me?<</speech>>
<<speech "mc" "$name">>H-Haa...<</speech>>
<<speech "gf" "Jane">>$name... you can share it with me if you like...<</speech>>
<<speech "mc" "$name">>J-Jane... s-stop...<</speech>>
<<speech "gf" "Jane">>It always makes me feel better than to bottle it up.<</speech>>
<blockquote>Your grip on the wheel tightened. You grit your teeth before you finally spoke.</blockquote>
<<speech "mc" "$name">>My first girlfriend fucked my classmate cause his cock was way fucking bigger, her words.<</speech>>
<blockquote>Silence. Jane’s eyes widened for a moment before she quickly looked away.</blockquote>
<<speech "gf" "Jane">>[[O-Oh...|TheRoad1b-2b]]<</speech>>
</div><div id="main-screen">
<div class="location-highway1">
<div class="overlay"></div>
<<speech "gf" "Jane">>W-What...?<</speech>>
<blockquote>Her eyes grows wide when she sees the growth on your pants. You can feel her gaze and immediately tried to hide your boner, but it's too little too late.</blockquote>
<<speech "gf" "Jane">>A-Are you...? N-No fucking way...<</speech>>
<<speech "mc" "$name">>N-No, i-it's not what you think!<</speech>>
<blockquote>You pleaded but...</blockquote>
<<if $affection <= 40>>
<<speech "gf" "Jane">>Bullshit.<</speech>>
<<speech "mc" "$name">>N-No...<</speech>>
<blockquote>She's seen it, there is no way out of this.</blockquote>
<<speech "gf" "Jane">>My eyes is not lying to me, $name.<</speech>>
<<speech "mc" "$name">>N-No! T-This is just a mistake.<</speech>>
<blockquote>You're still trying to hide it, despite what's happening.</blockquote>
<<speech "gf" "Jane">>Really? Then show me.<</speech>>
<<speech "mc" "$name">>W-What...?<</speech>>
<<speech "gf" "Jane">>[[Take it out.|TheRoad1a-2a]]<</speech>>
<<speech "gf" "Jane">>I-I can't believe this...<</speech>>
<blockquote>She turns her head away from you.</blockquote>
<<speech "mc" "$name">>Jane... t-this is not what you think...<</speech>>
<<speech "gf" "Jane">>What is that then? Tell me.<</speech>>
<<speech "mc" "$name">>T-This is... I-I just...<</speech>>
<blockquote>You couldn't find a way to say anything.</blockquote>
<<speech "gf" "Jane">>...............................<</speech>>
<<speech "mc" "$name">>Haa... s-shit...<</speech>>
<blockquote>The conversation [[dies down immediately.|TheRoad1a-2b]]</blockquote>
</div><div id="main-screen">
<div class="location-highway1">
<div class="overlay"></div>
<blockquote>Her usually bright and cheerful face is now replaced by confusion mixed with anger.</blockquote>
<<speech "gf" "Jane">>If that's not what I think it is then take it out.<</speech>>
<<speech "mc" "$name">>B-But...<</speech>>
<<speech "gf" "Jane">>It should be easy, right? If you got nothing to hide that is.<</speech>>
<<speech "mc" "$name">>J-Jane...<</speech>>
<blockquote>You don't want to do it.</blockquote>
<<if $respect <= 40>>
<<speech "gf" "Jane">>Okay! If that's what you want.<</speech>>
<blockquote>She snatched your phone that is lying on the dashboard and begin to browse through it.</blockquote>
<<speech "mc" "$name">>J-Jane! S-Sto-<</speech>>
<<speech "gf" "Jane">>Oh...<</speech>>
<blockquote>Her face turns into one of utter disgust for a split second.</blockquote>
<<speech "gf" "Jane">>Cuckolding, netorare, sharing... most of the girls look like me too, huh...?<</speech>>
<blockquote>She turns to you her face now is completely blank. Your phone gently slids off her hand and fall with a thud.</blockquote>
<<speech "mc" "$name">>I-I can explain...<</speech>>
<<speech "gf" "Jane">>Can you?<</speech>>
<blockquote>You can't.</blockquote>
<<speech "gf" "Jane">>Take it off.<</speech>>
<blockquote>There's no humor in her tone, it's completely unlike her. Silently, you undo your belt and [[loosened up your pants.|Sex1a-1]]</blockquote>
<<speech "gf" "Jane">>Haa...<</speech>>
<blockquote>She lunged towards you and begin to rub her hand on your crotch.</blockquote>
<<vid "Images/gf/gfs9.webm">>
<<speech "mc" "$name">>Ahhnnn~<</speech>>
<<speech "gf" "Jane">>Holy shit... this might be the hardest I've ever feel you...<</speech>>
<blockquote>And despite your protest, she unbuckled your belt and [[loosened your pants.|Sex1b-1]]</blockquote>
</div><div id="main-screen">
<div class="location-highway1">
<div class="overlay"></div>
<blockquote>She quickly averted her gaze from you, her face hidden behind a veil of silence.</blockquote>
<<set $first_ntrstate to "easy">>
<<speech "gf" "Jane">>...............................<</speech>>
<blockquote>The words caught in your throat. The air between you thickened, laden with unsaid things that neither of you could bear to speak.</blockquote>
<<speech "mc" "$name">>.................................<</speech>>
<blockquote>You couldn’t bring yourself to look at her. Every ounce of pain you felt was reflected in the silence that now enveloped the car. The trip had barely begun, yet it already felt like a failure.</blockquote>
<<speech "gf" "Jane">>...let's continue.<</speech>>
<blockquote>Her voice, soft but resolute, broke the stillness. But there was no warmth behind it.</blockquote>
<<speech "mc" "$name">>...yes.<</speech>>
<blockquote>It took every ounce of willpower to move your hands, to shift your gaze back to the road. You focused on the wheel, as if the motion itself could somehow erase the tension thickening the air between you. </blockquote>
<blockquote>Jane, meanwhile, stared out the window, her face obscured by the wind whipping her hair into disarray. Her thoughts seemed miles away, distant and lost somewhere in the desert. The sun beat down, relentless and unforgiving, but she didn’t flinch from its heat.</blockquote>
<blockquote>The desert stretched endlessly ahead of you, a harsh reminder of how far you were from where you started and how far you still had to go.</blockquote>
<blockquote>The silence hung heavy, as if both of you were still trapped in that moment. And yet, neither of you [[dared to speak.|TBC1-1]]</blockquote>
</div><div id="main-screen">
<div class="location-highway1">
<div class="overlay"></div>
<<set $first_ntrstate to "medium">>
<<vid "Images/gf/gfs10.webm">>
<<speech "gf" "Jane">>Is this because of what I said earlier? Holy crap...<</speech>>
<<speech "mc" "$name">>Haa... haa... haa...<</speech>>
<<speech "gf" "Jane">>It was literally just a joke... I can't believe you reacted like that...<</speech>>
<<speech "mc" "$name">>N-No...<</speech>>
<<speech "gf" "Jane">>$name... y-you're not turned on by what I'm thinking, right?<</speech>>
<<speech "mc" "$name">>[[H-Haa...|Sex1b-2]]<</speech>>
</div><div id="main-screen">
<div class="location-highway1">
<div class="overlay"></div>
<<set $first_ntrstate to "hard">>
<blockquote>Your hardened dick plopped out of your pants, much to Jane's incredulity.</blockquote>
<<speech "gf" "Jane">>Holy fuck...<</speech>>
<<speech "mc" "$name">>...................................<</speech>>
<<speech "gf" "Jane">>I don't even know what to say.<</speech>>
<blockquote>Her eyes is tightly locked with your dick, but she stayed silent for a few minutes. Thinking that this humiliation has ended, you tried to put your dick back inside, before she stops you.</blockquote>
<<speech "gf" "Jane">>Who told you to do that?<</speech>>
<<speech "mc" "$name">>B-But...<</speech>>
<blockquote>She lunged on your dick and grabs it.</blockquote>
<<vid "Images/gf/gfs10.webm" "500px">>
<<speech "gf" "Jane">>This is literally the hardest your dick has ever been.<</speech>>
<<speech "mc" "$name">>J-Jane...<</speech>>
<<speech "gf" "Jane">>I can't believe this...<</speech>>
<<speech "mc" "$name">>H-Haa...<</speech>>
<blockquote>She [[continues to stroke.|Sex1a-2]]</blockquote>
</div><div id="main-screen">
<div class="location-highway1">
<div class="overlay"></div>
<<vid "Images/gf/gfs11.webm" "500px">>
<<speech "gf" "Jane">>I thought doing it outside would be a turn on for you but... geez... you're literally never been so hard...<</speech>>
<<speech "mc" "$name">>J-Jane, ahh- s-stop...<</speech>>
<<speech "gf" "Jane">>Is this what you get off to when I'm away? Fantasizing about me?<</speech>>
<<speech "mc" "$name">>N-Ngh... n-no...<</speech>>
<<speech "gf" "Jane">>Bullshit. Your cock is literally about to blow up.<</speech>>
<<speech "mc" "$name">>Haa... haa... haa...<</speech>>
<<speech "gf" "Jane">>So what the fuck am I supposed to do, $name?<</speech>>
<blockquote>She said as she idly [[strokes your dick.|Sex1a-3]]</blockquote>
</div><div id="main-screen">
<div class="location-highway1">
<div class="overlay"></div>
<<vid "Images/gf/gfs12.webm" "500px">>
<<speech "gf" "Jane">>It must be rough for you when I got laid-off, huh? All the fantasy just stopped.<</speech>>
<<speech "mc" "$name">>N-No... I-I would never...<</speech>>
<<speech "gf" "Jane">>It's probably worse when I got locked up with you, and only you.<</speech>>
<<speech "mc" "$name">>Jane... p-please... ngh...<</speech>>
<<speech "gf" "Jane">>So what should I do, $name? We'll be on the road for the next two weeks.<</speech>>
<<speech "mc" "$name">>Haa... haa... haa...<</speech>>
<<speech "gf" "Jane">>Should I jump on the next man I see?<</speech>>
<blockquote>You're tensing up.</blockquote>
<<speech "gf" "Jane">>Better yet, should I call that douche at the gas station? I'm sure he'll fuck me well.<</speech>>
<<speech "mc" "$name">>J-Jane! [[UGHHHH~!!!|Sex1a-4]]<</speech>>
</div><div id="main-screen">
<div class="location-highway1">
<div class="overlay"></div>
<<vid "Images/gf/gfs13.webm" "500px">>
<<speech "mc" "$name">>NGH!!!<</speech>>
<<speech "gf" "Jane">>Geez...<</speech>>
<blockquote>You came hard.</blockquote>
<<speech "gf" "Jane">>What a fucking mess...<</speech>>
<blockquote>She grabs one of the bottled water and washed her hand on the side window.</blockquote>
<<speech "mc" "$name">>Haa... haa... haa...<</speech>>
<blockquote>You covered your face in agony. The trip has just started and the worse possible disaster has already struck.</blockquote>
<<speech "gf" "Jane">>..................................<</speech>>
<blockquote>You grit your teeth and grab the wheel, shaking you our of [[your stupor.|Sex1a-5]]</blockquote>
</div><div id="main-screen">
<div class="location-highway1">
<div class="overlay"></div>
<<img "Images/gf/gf100.webp" "500px">><</img>>
<<speech "gf" "Jane">>Drive. We'll talk about this later.<</speech>>
<blockquote>Reluctantly, you turn your focus back on the wheel and continues the journey, while Jane is putting her head out of the window, deep in thought, not minding the shines of the baking [[desert sun.|TBC1-1]]</blockquote>
</div><div id="main-screen">
<div class="location-highway1">
<div class="overlay"></div>
<blockquote class="location">Make sure to save your game.</blockquote>
<<img "Images/inc/highway1/highway1.webp" "400px">><</img>>
<blockquote>The drive continues.</blockquote>
<blockquote>[[To be continued.|Afterword1-1]]</blockquote>
</div><div id="main-screen">
<div class="location-highway1">
<div class="overlay"></div>
<<vid "Images/gf/gfs11.webm">>
<<speech "gf" "Jane">>$name... b-be honest...<</speech>>
<<speech "mc" "$name">>J-Jane... u-ugh...<</speech>>
<<speech "gf" "Jane">>A-Are you...?<</speech>>
<<speech "mc" "$name">>Y-You're wrong...<</speech>>
<<speech "gf" "Jane">>Then why are you so fucking hard?<</speech>>
<<speech "mc" "$name">>Jane... s-stop...<</speech>>
<blockquote>You plead, but that last plea seems to zapped Jane back to normal.</blockquote>
<<speech "gf" "Jane">>[[.........................|Sex1b-3]]<</speech>>
</div><div id="main-screen">
<div class="location-highway1">
<div class="overlay"></div>
<blockquote>She quickly averted her gaze from you, her face hidden behind a veil of silence.</blockquote>
<<speech "gf" "Jane">>...............................<</speech>>
<blockquote>The words caught in your throat. The air between you thickened, laden with unsaid things that neither of you could bear to speak.</blockquote>
<<speech "mc" "$name">>.................................<</speech>>
<blockquote>You couldn’t bring yourself to look at her. Every ounce of pain you felt was reflected in the silence that now enveloped the car. The trip had barely begun, yet it already felt like a failure.</blockquote>
<<speech "gf" "Jane">>...let's continue.<</speech>>
<blockquote>Her voice, soft but resolute, broke the stillness. But there was no warmth behind it.</blockquote>
<<speech "mc" "$name">>...yes.<</speech>>
<blockquote>It took every ounce of willpower to move your hands, to shift your gaze back to the road. You focused on the wheel, as if the motion itself could somehow erase the tension thickening the air between you. </blockquote>
<blockquote>Jane, meanwhile, stared out the window, her face obscured by the wind whipping her hair into disarray. Her thoughts seemed miles away, distant and lost somewhere in the desert. The sun beat down, relentless and unforgiving, but she didn’t flinch from its heat.</blockquote>
<blockquote>The desert stretched endlessly ahead of you, a harsh reminder of how far you were from where you started and how far you still had to go.</blockquote>
<blockquote>The silence hung heavy, as if both of you were still trapped in that moment. And yet, neither of you [[dared to speak.|TBC1-1]]</blockquote>
</div><div id="main-screen">
<div class="location-highway1">
<div class="overlay"></div>
<blockquote>You place your hands on the wheel and take a deep breath, steadying yourself.</blockquote>
<<set $first_lovestate to "easy">>
<<speech "mc" "$name">>Haa...<</speech>>
<<speech "gf" "Jane">>..............................<</speech>>
<blockquote>Without a word, she leans over and rests her head on your shoulder.</blockquote>
<<speech "mc" "$name">>J-Jane?<</speech>>
<<speech "gf" "Jane">>Yes?<</speech>>
<blockquote>She casually pulls out her phone, scrolling through YouTube as if nothing had happened, her laughter soon filling the car as she watches a funny video.</blockquote>
<<speech "mc" "$name">>..........................<</speech>>
<<speech "gf" "Jane">>Weren't you hungry?<</speech>>
<<speech "mc" "$name">>*brrrrrrrrrrrrrrr*<</speech>>
<<speech "gf" "Jane">>Pft-! Listen to that!<</speech>>
<<speech "mc" "$name">>P-Piss off.<</speech>>
<blockquote>Despite everything, you can’t help but crack a small smile. You press your foot on the gas pedal and [[continue the drive.|TBC1-1]]</blockquote>
</div><div id="main-screen">
<div class="location-highway1">
<div class="overlay"></div>
<blockquote>Her eyes widen as your dry confession settles in, leaving her momentarily speechless.</blockquote>
<<set $first_lovestate to "medium">>
<<speech "mc" "$name">>.........................<</speech>>
<blockquote>Despite her curiosity, hearing it out loud doesn’t feel satisfying, for either of you.</blockquote>
<<speech "gf" "Jane">>A-Ah... u-umm...<</speech>>
<blockquote>You grip the wheel firmly, signaling your intent to continue driving and leave the conversation behind.</blockquote>
<<speech "gf" "Jane">>H-Hey... $name...<</speech>>
<<speech "mc" "$name">>..........................<</speech>>
<<speech "gf" "Jane">>I-I'm sorry.<</speech>>
<<speech "mc" "$name">>...yeah.<</speech>>
<<speech "gf" "Jane">>$name... I mean it, I’m sorry...<</speech>>
<blockquote>You ease your foot onto the gas pedal, the car inching forward as the tension lingers.</blockquote>
<<speech "mc" "$name">>I know, Jane. [[I know.|TBC1-1]]<</speech>>
</div><<set $location to "Road">>
<<set $locationImages to "Road">>
<div id="main-screen">
<div class="location-road">
<div class="overlay"></div>
<blockquote class="location">DO NOT SAVE HERE!!!</blockquote>
<img src="images/misc/logo.webp" width="200px">
<h1><u>The Road Trip</u></h1>
<blockquote>Thank you for playing the first release of my new project, The Road Trip. As I said before, this game will primarily be an NTR project with different flavors according to the choices you made during the game. There will also be the choices you can make towards the entire game to make the main character and Jane stayed true to each other without falling into NTR, all the way into the ending.</blockquote>
<blockquote>There are four different ways for this release to end, each interactions in the future release will only be influenced by the choice and not locked into a traditional routes like in a regular VN, for instance, those who ended the release in good terms with Jane, with her not knowing his true fetish will have the chance to do NTR in the future but even those who got exposed by Jane will also got the chance to keep their relationship pure all the way till the end depending on the choices you made in the future.</blockquote>
<blockquote>For the next chapter, I'm planning to make the setting entirely on the motel and it's surrounding area, where you can interact with Jane, with the world, and see how the game will works. Everything will culminates into one final major event, where the choices you made, and the stats you have, will influence how the event will ends. Stay tuned.</blockquote>
<blockquote>Finally, to reiterate, this will be a big project that will take time to develop, so unlike Locked Down, which I somehow finished in an update / two weeks schedule, this will be a monthly release, I hope I will be faster than that but we'll see. So if you like the game and want to actively support the development then please subscribe to my <a href="https://www.patreon.com/AnonDux1/">Patreon</a> or <a href="https://anondux.fanbox.cc/">FANBOX</a>. Thank you.</blockquote>
</div><div id="main-screen">
<div class="location-caliroad">
<div class="overlay"></div>
<<speech "gf" "Jane">>So? Are we there yet?<</speech>>
<<speech "mc" "$name">>Hmm... probably around 2999 miles to go.<</speech>>
<<speech "gf" "Jane">>Now, we're getting really close.<</speech>>
<blockquote>It's a funny gag, but you'll probably be shooting your head if she keeps this up for every single mile.</blockquote>
<blockquote>Jane suddenly perks up and turns around.</blockquote>
<<if $deptitem is "Book">>
<blockquote>She leans over the front seat to grab something from the passenger side.</blockquote>
<<speech "mc" "$name">>Careful.<</speech>>
<<speech "gf" "Jane">>Relax, babe. I’ve handled turbulence. I can handle your shit driving.<</speech>>
<blockquote>Her playful jab earns a chuckle from you as she settles back with a familiar book in her hand.</blockquote>
<<speech "mc" "$name">>You really like that one, huh?<</speech>>
<<speech "gf" "Jane">>Of course! That's why I keep telling you to read it!<</speech>>
<<speech "mc" "$name">>I don't read romance.<</speech>>
<<speech "gf" "Jane">>You don't read at all.<</speech>>
<<speech "mc" "$name">>What? I do!<</speech>>
<<speech "gf" "Jane">>Self-help doesn’t count, babe~ Life’s about stories, so you better start living and absorbing them, got it?<</speech>>
<<speech "mc" "$name">>I-I don’t read self-help *all* the time...<</speech>>
<<speech "gf" "Jane">>Sure, sure. Here, let me recommend som- [[shit...|ForgetKindle1]]<</speech>>
<blockquote>She leans over the front seat to grab something from the passenger side.</blockquote>
<<speech "mc" "$name">>Careful.<</speech>>
<<speech "gf" "Jane">>Relax, babe. I’ve handled turbulence. I can handle your shit driving.<</speech>>
<blockquote>Her playful jab earns a chuckle from you as she settles back with a snack in her hand.</blockquote>
<<speech "mc" "$name">>Already diving in, huh?<</speech>>
<<speech "gf" "Jane">>We’re stopping at a gas station, right? I’ll inhale this, and we can stock up more.<</speech>>
<<speech "mc" "$name">>Hmm... I guess that works.<</speech>>
<blockquote>She opens the bag of chips, and you share a few bites in comfortable silence.</blockquote>
<<speech "gf" "Jane">>Three thousand miles, huh? Think you’ll last?<</speech>>
<<speech "mc" "$name">>It’s 3,000 miles *and* more, but keep feeding me chips, and I just might.<</speech>>
<<speech "gf" "Jane">>Mmm~<</speech>>
<blockquote>She grins, popping a chip into her mouth, then playfully offers one to you. [[You take it with a laugh.|NoForget1-1]]</blockquote>
<<set $location to "California">>
<<set $locationImages to "Caliroad">>
<div id="main-screen">
<div class="location-caliroad">
<div class="overlay"></div>
<blockquote>You resume your trip, hoping the detour won’t throw off your schedule too much. The warm sun has now turned slightly hotter, its rays sitting right at eye level.</blockquote>
<<speech "gf" "Jane">>It's them again.<</speech>>
<blockquote>The children from earlier are still there, playing with their skateboards. Jane waves at them once more.</blockquote>
<<speech "gf" "Jane">>They're probably wondering if they're hallucinating after seeing us twice.<</speech>>
<<speech "mc" "$name">>Maybe, but I think that one kid is just glad to see you again.<</speech>>
<<speech "gf" "Jane">>Heh... charmer...<</speech>>
<blockquote>With that, you drive onto the same [[main road|DriveCont1-1]] for the second time in fifteen minutes.</blockquote>
</div><div id="main-screen">
<div class="location-caliroad">
<div class="overlay"></div>
<blockquote>Wanting to get your mind out of it, you decided to ask Jane the most important question.</blockquote>
<<speech "mc" "$name">>Where are we going to stay by the way?<</speech>>
<<speech "gf" "Jane">>Mmm... do you know Hotel Santa Rita?<</speech>>
<<speech "mc" "$name">>No? Is that where we're staying?<</speech>>
<<speech "gf" "Jane">>Nope. It closed down in 1972. It used to be the most luxurious hotel in Tucson. I kinda wish I could’ve stayed there at least once.<</speech>>
<<speech "mc" "$name">>Well, it’s not exactly an option now. So, where are we staying?<</speech>>
<<speech "gf" "Jane">>A smaller hotel a few miles from there. It’s cozy, maybe a bit cramped, but it’s the only place I found that’s still half-operating *and* had a vacancy.<</speech>>
<blockquote>You couldn’t help but notice how the lingering impact of restrictions still affected the area.</blockquote>
<<speech "mc" "$name">>Presidential, right?<</speech>>
<<speech "gf" "Jane">>HA!!! You wish.<</speech>>
<blockquote>You chuckled, remembering how last night devolved into a playful argument over the room type. You wanted Executive Suite, which would’ve bankrupted you, while Jane wanted Presidential Suite, which would’ve bankrupted you and your extended family.</blockquote>
<<speech "gf" "Jane">>Haa...<</speech>>
<blockquote>Silence fell between you for a moment.</blockquote>
<<speech "mc" "$name">>So... which room did we end up getting?<</speech>>
<blockquote>You were genuinely curious. The debate from last night was the last thing you remembered before passing out.</blockquote>
<<speech "gf" "Jane">>...oh.<</speech>>
<<speech "mc" "$name">>[[Jane...?|DriveCont1-2]]<</speech>>
</div><div id="main-screen">
<div class="location-road">
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<<img "Images/inc/bbl1/bbl9.webp" "400px">><</img>>
<blockquote>You gently press the gas pedal, your eyes captivated by the scenery, even though most of it is still shrouded in mist.</blockquote>
<<speech "mc" "$name">>It's still so misty...<</speech>>
<<speech "gf" "Jane">>We're in the mountains, $name. It’s always like this.<</speech>>
<<speech "mc" "$name">>Well... I've never been to a mountainous area before.<</speech>>
<blockquote>Jane smirks and lightly bops your nose.</blockquote>
<<speech "gf" "Jane">>Then you should know what to wear.<</speech>>
<blockquote>She turns toward the luggage and begins rummaging through it.</blockquote>
<<if $deptitem is "Box">>
<<speech "gf" "Jane">>I think I'll be wearing this.<</speech>>
<blockquote>Jane pulls out something, and it’s her lingerie from before.</blockquote>
<<speech "mc" "$name">>Very cool, Jane. Don't wear that though, I don't want you to die so soon.<</speech>>
<<speech "gf" "Jane">>Aww~ didn’t know you cared so much, baby.<</speech>>
<<speech "mc" "$name">>Yeah... we brought too much luggage already, don't need another one.<</speech>>
<blockquote>Jane lightly punch you in the face.</blockquote>
<<speech "mc" "$name">>H-Hey! Do you want us to fall to the lake?<</speech>>
<blockquote>Jane laugh and get back to rummaging the luggage.</blockquote>
<<speech "gf" "Jane">>I think I'll go with this.<</speech>>
<blockquote>A crop top and a short. You instinctively lower the car window, and a burst of cold air rushes in, making you shiver.</blockquote>
<<speech "mc" "$name">>Are you out of your mind?<</speech>>
<blockquote>Jane, however, looks completely unfazed.</blockquote>
<<speech "gf" "Jane">>Well, most of us developed cold resistance, babe.<</speech>>
<blockquote>You glance back at the swirling mist outside, trembling as you realize that it, you are [[not one of those people.|BBL1-0.1]]</blockquote>
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<<speech "mc" "$name">>B-By the way, what can we do down there?<</speech>>
<blockquote>You ask as your gaze drifts to the misty lake below.</blockquote>
<<speech "gf" "Jane">>Plenty! You can rent a boat, fish... hell, you can even swim. Though, I’m not sure about that last one, given the restrictions and all.<</speech>>
<<speech "mc" "$name">>And the fucking weather.<</speech>>
<<speech "gf" "Jane">>Oh, come on! It's not that bad.<</speech>>
<blockquote>You rolled your eyes, she's still bragging about her high cold tolerance.</blockquote>
<<speech "mc" "$name">>But what are we gonna do?<</speech>>
<<speech "gf" "Jane">>Well, I didn't make a schedule but I kinda have a gist about what we'll do. I've been here before, you know.<</speech>>
<<speech "mc" "$name">>You've been everywhere.<</speech>>
<<speech "gf" "Jane">>That I am. You know, there's plenty of silent spots in the woods.<</speech>>
<<speech "mc" "$name">>...so?<</speech>>
<<speech "gf" "Jane">>Maybe we could... you know... wood, too?<</speech>>
<<speech "mc" "$name">>...keep your day job, Jane.<</speech>>
<<speech "gf" "Jane">>I don't have a job.<</speech>>
<<speech "mc" "$name">>I'm sorry to hear that.<</speech>>
<blockquote>You slam the gas pedal, wanting to get the fuck away from this conversation [[as fast as possible.|BBL1-1]]</blockquote>
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<blockquote>You unplugged your cock from her pussy and pulled your pants up, she quickly do the same, then, as if nothing happened, you got back on the trail.</blockquote>
<<speech "mc" "$name">>Haa... haa... haa...<</speech>>
<<speech "gf" "Jane">>I-Is there someone behind us?<</speech>>
<blockquote>You quickly snapped your head to that direction but there's nothing.</blockquote>
<<speech "mc" "$name">>...I-I don't think so.<</speech>>
<<speech "gf" "Jane">>Nothing?<</speech>>
<<speech "mc" "$name">>No... w-wait... what if it's the big bear?<</speech>>
<<speech "gf" "Jane">>There's no bear in this place, $name.<</speech>>
<<speech "mc" "$name">>R-Really? T-Then why the fuck does it called Big Bear Lake?<</speech>>
<<speech "gf" "Jane">>Pfftt- f-fuck should I know?<</speech>>
<blockquote>The two of you continue up the slope towards your destination, though a few steps later, Jane smiled and grabbed a handful of your ass and whispered to your ears.</blockquote>
<<speech "gf" "Jane">>We'll finish it [[later.|BBL1-16]]<</speech>>