<img src="game\pictures\title.jpg">
Hello, and welcome to ''The way to her Heart''.
This is a story-driven game that will go in the direction you choose.
If you are new and a bit more sensible, some parts of this fiction could be a bit "rough". But in the end, you decide the path of your journey.
I hope you will have fun playing and get drawn into the story.
<img src="game\pictures\title 2.jpg">
[[Start your journey][$fem += 1]]
Further information
Welcome <<textbox "$name" "Dave">>.
<img src="game\pictures\start your journey.jpg">
You are a young college student who's trying to find his place in this world.
You live in a town with your mother and your sister.
<img src="game\pictures\start your journey 2.jpg">
Lately, nothing special is happening except that the money situation in your family is getting a bit tighter...
[[Let's go]]
[[Skip to first decission|You fell asleep]][[Sources]]
This Story-Game contains adult themes and is not suited for people under 18. Characters engaged in sexual conduct in any way, shape, or form are considered adults and at least 18 years old. Every Character in this Story is fictional.
You must be considered an adult in your legal jurisdiction to play this game.
I certify that I am 18 years or older
<img src="game\pictures\lets go.jpg">
<img src="game\pictures\lets go 2.gif">
<<speech "You" "$name">>DON'T LASER ME!!!<</speech>>
<img src="game\pictures\lets go 3.gif">
<<speech "You" "$name">>*WTF...*<</speech>>
You wake up in your Room.
<img src="game\pictures\bedroom.jpg">
It's Monday morning, and you need to get ready for the lectures.
[[The door opens.]]Build for your Beedroom
[[Mother Bedroom]]
[[Sister Bedroom]]
[[Mother Bedroom]]
[[Sister Bedroom]]
The sources are listed below:
<a href="https://www.freepik.com/free-vector/modern-city-buildings_4393650.htm#query=town&position=3&from_view=search&track=sph">Image by vectorpocket</a> on Freepik
Bild von <a href="https://pixabay.com/de/users/bessi-909086/?utm_source=link-attribution&utm_medium=referral&utm_campaign=image&utm_content=736885">bess.hamiti@gmail.com</a> auf <a href="https://pixabay.com/de//?utm_source=link-attribution&utm_medium=referral&utm_campaign=image&utm_content=736885">Pixabay</a>
<a href="https://www.freepik.com/free-photo/female-tourists-hand-have-happy-travel-map_3953407.htm#query=journey&position=16&from_view=search&track=sph">Image by jcomp</a> on Freepik
<a href="https://www.freepik.com/free-photo/beautiful-sunny-cityscape_896896.htm#query=town&position=7&from_view=search&track=sph">Image by evening_tao</a> on Freepik
Bild von <a href="https://pixabay.com/de/users/pexels-2286921/?utm_source=link-attribution&utm_medium=referral&utm_campaign=image&utm_content=1834327">Pexels</a> auf <a href="https://pixabay.com/de//?utm_source=link-attribution&utm_medium=referral&utm_campaign=image&utm_content=1834327">Pixabay</a>
Bild von <a href="https://pixabay.com/de/users/laney5569-2477194/?utm_source=link-attribution&utm_medium=referral&utm_campaign=image&utm_content=3036579">Alexander</a> auf <a href="https://pixabay.com/de//?utm_source=link-attribution&utm_medium=referral&utm_campaign=image&utm_content=3036579">Pixabay</a>
<a href="https://www.freepik.com/free-photo/pretty-student-girl-with-ginger-hair-knot-relaxing-home-after-college-headshot-tender-charming-young-woman-with-freckles-wearing-white-blouse-posing_9438319.htm#query=redhead&position=23&from_view=search&track=sph">Image by wayhomestudio</a> on Freepik
Photo by <a href="https://unsplash.com/@naomish?utm_source=unsplash&utm_medium=referral&utm_content=creditCopyText">Naomi Hébert</a> on <a href="https://unsplash.com/s/photos/kitchen?utm_source=unsplash&utm_medium=referral&utm_content=creditCopyText">Unsplash</a>
Photo by <a href="https://unsplash.com/@shootdelicious?utm_source=unsplash&utm_medium=referral&utm_content=creditCopyText">Eiliv Aceron</a> on <a href="https://unsplash.com/?utm_source=unsplash&utm_medium=referral&utm_content=creditCopyText">Unsplash</a>
Bild von <a href="https://pixabay.com/de/users/victoria_rt-6314823/?utm_source=link-attribution&utm_medium=referral&utm_campaign=image&utm_content=3368014">Victoria_rt</a> auf <a href="https://pixabay.com/de//?utm_source=link-attribution&utm_medium=referral&utm_campaign=image&utm_content=3368014">Pixabay</a>
Bild von <a href="https://pixabay.com/de/users/dominickvietor-6362547/?utm_source=link-attribution&utm_medium=referral&utm_campaign=image&utm_content=5188610">Dominick Vietor</a> auf <a href="https://pixabay.com/de//?utm_source=link-attribution&utm_medium=referral&utm_campaign=image&utm_content=5188610">Pixabay</a>
Photo by <a href="https://unsplash.com/@angelikayakymenko?utm_source=unsplash&utm_medium=referral&utm_content=creditCopyText">Angelika Yakymenko</a> on <a href="https://unsplash.com/?utm_source=unsplash&utm_medium=referral&utm_content=creditCopyText">Unsplash</a>
Photo by <a href="https://unsplash.com/@lyovon?utm_source=unsplash&utm_medium=referral&utm_content=creditCopyText">Levon Vardanyan</a> on <a href="https://unsplash.com/?utm_source=unsplash&utm_medium=referral&utm_content=creditCopyText">Unsplash</a>
Photo by <a href="https://unsplash.com/@brentninaber?utm_source=unsplash&utm_medium=referral&utm_content=creditCopyText">Brent Ninaber</a> on <a href="https://unsplash.com/?utm_source=unsplash&utm_medium=referral&utm_content=creditCopyText">Unsplash</a>
Photo by <a href="https://unsplash.com/@liferondeau?utm_source=unsplash&utm_medium=referral&utm_content=creditCopyText">Joshua Rondeau</a> on <a href="https://unsplash.com/?utm_source=unsplash&utm_medium=referral&utm_content=creditCopyText">Unsplash</a>
Photo by <a href="https://unsplash.com/@liferondeau?utm_source=unsplash&utm_medium=referral&utm_content=creditCopyText">Joshua Rondeau</a> on <a href="https://unsplash.com/?utm_source=unsplash&utm_medium=referral&utm_content=creditCopyText">Unsplash</a>
Bild von <a href="https://pixabay.com/de/users/techno-388112/?utm_source=link-attribution&utm_medium=referral&utm_campaign=image&utm_content=419532">Irene Houston</a> auf <a href="https://pixabay.com/de//?utm_source=link-attribution&utm_medium=referral&utm_campaign=image&utm_content=419532">Pixabay</a>
Bild von <a href="https://pixabay.com/de/users/jaymantri-362084/?utm_source=link-attribution&utm_medium=referral&utm_campaign=image&utm_content=405876">JayMantri</a> auf <a href="https://pixabay.com/de//?utm_source=link-attribution&utm_medium=referral&utm_campaign=image&utm_content=405876">Pixabay</a>
Photo by <a href="https://unsplash.com/@christinhumephoto?utm_source=unsplash&utm_medium=referral&utm_content=creditCopyText">Christin Hume</a> on <a href="https://unsplash.com/?utm_source=unsplash&utm_medium=referral&utm_content=creditCopyText">Unsplash</a>
Bild von <a href="https://pixabay.com/de/users/un-perfekt-9295476/?utm_source=link-attribution&utm_medium=referral&utm_campaign=image&utm_content=4002834">un-perfekt</a> auf <a href="https://pixabay.com/de//?utm_source=link-attribution&utm_medium=referral&utm_campaign=image&utm_content=4002834">Pixabay</a>
Bild von <a href="https://pixabay.com/de/users/ds_30-1795490/?utm_source=link-attribution&utm_medium=referral&utm_campaign=image&utm_content=4869872">Dmitriy</a> auf <a href="https://pixabay.com/de//?utm_source=link-attribution&utm_medium=referral&utm_campaign=image&utm_content=4869872">Pixabay</a>
Photo by <a href="https://unsplash.com/@felifox?utm_source=unsplash&utm_medium=referral&utm_content=creditCopyText">Felix Fuchs</a> on <a href="https://unsplash.com/?utm_source=unsplash&utm_medium=referral&utm_content=creditCopyText">Unsplash</a>
Photo by <a href="https://unsplash.com/@pictorious?utm_source=unsplash&utm_medium=referral&utm_content=creditCopyText">William Chiesurin</a> on <a href="https://unsplash.com/?utm_source=unsplash&utm_medium=referral&utm_content=creditCopyText">Unsplash</a>
Photo by <a href="https://unsplash.com/@tothnorex?utm_source=unsplash&utm_medium=referral&utm_content=creditCopyText">Norbert Tóth</a> on <a href="https://unsplash.com/?utm_source=unsplash&utm_medium=referral&utm_content=creditCopyText">Unsplash</a>
<a href="https://www.freepik.com/free-photo/beautiful-hotel-with-many-apartments-mountain-resort_27205836.htm#query=building&position=24&from_view=search">Image by atlascompany</a> on Freepik
Bild von <a href="https://pixabay.com/de/users/ecor73-5423737/?utm_source=link-attribution&utm_medium=referral&utm_campaign=image&utm_content=2331757">ecor73</a> auf <a href="https://pixabay.com/de//?utm_source=link-attribution&utm_medium=referral&utm_campaign=image&utm_content=2331757">Pixabay</a>
<a href="https://www.freepik.com/free-photo/tv-cabinet-modern-living-room-with-armchair-plant-dark-marble-wall-3d-rendering_13892583.htm#query=lobby&position=21&from_view=search">Image by vanitjan</a> on Freepik
Photo by <a href="https://unsplash.com/@urban00?utm_source=unsplash&utm_medium=referral&utm_content=creditCopyText">Edouard Percevault</a> on <a href="https://unsplash.com/?utm_source=unsplash&utm_medium=referral&utm_content=creditCopyText">Unsplash</a>
Photo by <a href="https://unsplash.com/@thetrentonsmith?utm_source=unsplash&utm_medium=referral&utm_content=creditCopyText">Smitty</a> on <a href="https://unsplash.com/?utm_source=unsplash&utm_medium=referral&utm_content=creditCopyText">Unsplash</a>
Photo by <a href="https://unsplash.com/@5tep5?utm_source=unsplash&utm_medium=referral&utm_content=creditCopyText">Aleksandr Popov</a> on <a href="https://unsplash.com/?utm_source=unsplash&utm_medium=referral&utm_content=creditCopyText">Unsplash</a>
Photo by <a href="https://unsplash.com/@dotnny?utm_source=unsplash&utm_medium=referral&utm_content=creditCopyText">Donny Jiang</a> on <a href="https://unsplash.com/?utm_source=unsplash&utm_medium=referral&utm_content=creditCopyText">Unsplash</a>
Photo by <a href="https://unsplash.com/@brechtdenil?utm_source=unsplash&utm_medium=referral&utm_content=creditCopyText">Brecht Denil</a> on <a href="https://unsplash.com/s/photos/car-night?utm_source=unsplash&utm_medium=referral&utm_content=creditCopyText">Unsplash</a>
<a href="https://www.freepik.com/free-vector/open-closed-white-wooden-doors_6690785.htm#query=door&position=0&from_view=search&track=sph">Image by vectorpocket</a> on Freepik
<a href="https://www.freepik.com/free-photo/background-blurry-restaurant-shop-interior_1042964.htm#query=canteen&from_query=mensa&position=13&from_view=search&track=sph">Image by mrsiraphol</a> on Freepik
<a href="https://www.freepik.com/free-photo/beautiful-shot-outdoor-cafe-narrow-bystreet-paros-greece_9184013.htm#query=canteen&from_query=mensa&position=42&from_view=search&track=sph">Image by wirestock</a> on Freepik<img src="game\pictures\door.jpg">
<<speech "Sister" "Celine">>Why the Hell are you shouting!?<</speech>>
It's your Sister, she probably heard your "Dream Conversation".
<img src="game\pictures\sister\sister.jpg">
<<button "Celine">>
<<speech "You" "$name">>I'm sleeping... i don't know...<</speech>>
With a confused stare, she orders you to go down for Breakfast.
That's unusual...
<<speech "You" "$name">>*Since when does she care that I eat breakfast?*<</speech>>
[[Get ready and go to the kitchen.]]
<img src="game\pictures\kitchen.jpg">
As you go to the kitchen, you can smell already the Breakfast and hear your Mother talking with your Sister. That's uncommon because your Mother is usually working right now.
<img src="game\pictures\breakfast.jpg">
[[Sit down]]<<speech "Mother" "Emilia">>Aa, finally the council is assembled.<</speech>>
<img src="game\pictures\mother\mother.jpg">
<<button "Emilia">>
<<speech "Mother" "Emilia">>We need to talk about something.<</speech>><<speech "Sister" "Celine">>If it's about all the visitors lately, they are just here for a school project.<</speech>>
Said Celine precautionary.
<<speech "Mother" "Emilia">>No, not about that... but we deepen this topic another time.<</speech>>
Your mother gives your sister a skeptical glance with no intention to follow up on that subject.
<<speech "Mother" "Emilia">>As you may have sensed lately, our financial situation isn't that blooming lately. And financing both of your degrees doesn't make it easier. Which means you need to get jobs, both of you.<</speech>><<speech "Sister" "Celine">>Ok.<</speech>>
[[You say "Ok."]]
<img src="game\pictures\mother\mother 2.jpg">
<<speech "Mother" "Emilia">>Well, this was easy.<</speech>><<speech "Sister" "Celine">>I have already a job, i could probably even expand it.<</speech>><<speech "Mother" "Emilia">>I know you have both a lot to do already with the university, but if it's just a small job that doesn't take too much time, it would be ok.<</speech>>
With that in mind, you're getting ready to go and start to think where you could find a job.
[[Go to school.]]<img src="game\pictures\university outside.jpg">
On your way, you met your best Friend Alex.
<img src="game\pictures\alex\alex.jpg">
<<button "Alex">>
<<speech "Friend" "Alex">>How's it hanging?<</speech>>
You look a bit down. All the work you have currently, and on top of that, you need to find a job.
But you know that's just a phase you have to go through, and maybe you have a bit more extra money, which isn't the worst.
<<speech "You" "$name">>Yeah..., i don't know. Ok i guess? You are in a good mood it seems, disgusting...<</speech>>
You continue the shit chat for a while.
<<speech "You" "$name">>By the way, you don't know a place where i can find work?<</speech>><<speech "Friend" "Alex">>Work you say? Well, i don't really know, but my cousin told me they are looking constantly for service personal in the "Fun Mile". There are plenty of new establishments, and they keep opening new stores and lounges.<</speech>><<speech "You" "$name">>Service? I don't know about that...<</speech>>
[[You enter the building.]]<img src="game\pictures\university inside.jpg">
<<speech "Friend" "Alex">>Well, see you maybe later, if i can get some news on the job front, i let you know.<</speech>><<speech "You" "$name">>Yeah, thanks. See ya.<</speech>>
You think about the mentioned "service" opportunities and start already to get nervous. It's not really your thing to be constantly in crowded places or meeting nonstop new people. Before you despair, you remember that you didn't even begin to look for a job.
Meanwhile, the lectures begins and after a draining day you make your way out of the building.
You hear someone from behind
<<speech "Crush" "Lisa">>Hey!<</speech>>
You recognize this voice immediately, and you get into a good mood, your heart behaves everything but normal.
<img src="game\pictures\lisa\lisa school.jpg">
<<button "Lisa">>
<<speech "You" "$name">>Hey! How are you?<</speech>><<speech "Crush" "Lisa">>I'm good, thanks to the early end of class.<</speech>><<speech "You" "$name">>Aren't you finished later?<</speech>><<speech "Crush" "Lisa">>Right, but due to several changes in my schedule, it seems we have some parallel ending days. Are you going home?<</speech>><<speech "You" "$name">>Yes, you want to escort me?<</speech>><<speech "Crush" "Lisa">>Sure.<</speech>>
[[Go home]]
<img src="game\pictures\dark neighborhood.jpg">
While you were walking home together, you come through the mentioned "Fun Mile". It's more like a Theme Park for adults that opens up when the sun goes down. You call the place just "Dark Neighborhood". But what really happens here never comes to your attention.
Anyway you remembered the job hunting.
<<speech "You" "$name">>Do you know, by chance, a place that hires people, mainly part-time or something small? <</speech>>
<<speech "Crush" "Lisa">>Uhm, indeed i do. <</speech>>
She looks at you, suprised.
<<speech "Crush" "Lisa">>A friend of me is working in a bookstore, and she asked me if i wanted to help them out a bit. If you want, i could give her your number and put in a good word. I think this should work out. What do you think?<</speech>><<speech "You" "$name">>Really? That's fantastic!<</speech>><<speech "Crush" "Lisa">>Great, i will take care of it.<</speech>><<speech "You" "$name">>Oh, thank YOU! I thought i have to work in a bar or even worse.<</speech>>
She bursts into laughter.
<<speech "Crush" "Lisa">>In a bar? I don't think you want to work in any of the bars around here. I don't even know if there's a place that hires guys.<</speech>>
While you were walking, an expensive-looking sports car is slowly driving past you. The guy on the passenger seat is looking like a starving animal at you guys. He has a bottle of beer in his hand, he finished the bottle and threw it on the sidewalk.
Lisa runs to the bottle, took it up and threw that thing like a Baseball Professional.
<<speech "Crush" "Lisa">>STOP FUCKING LITTERING!!!<</speech>>
The bottle lands right on top of the car. It stopped immediately.
She came to you, grabbed your hand and looked at you.
<<speech "Crush" "Lisa">>Run!<</speech>>
After a while you are at here place where you drift apart.
<<speech "Crush" "Lisa">>Man, I hate these thoughtless people! Phew! Two more bottles and I would take out these guys.<</speech>>
She bragged proudly. You weren't so sure, but you would defend her no matter what, and probably dying while trying...
<<speech "Crush" "Lisa">>Due to my new schedule it seems we have tomorrow the same times, mind picking me up in the morning?<</speech>><<speech "You" "$name">>Sure thing, see you tomorrow!<</speech>><<speech "Crush" "Lisa">>Bye.<</speech>>
While you catch a last glimpse of her smile, you move towards your home.
[[It's late]]
Today was a good day for you, and you feel wonderful.
The fact that you can spend more time with Lisa is a great opportunity, but you need to talk to her how you feel. This is making you anxious. What if she says no? What if it's not the right time?
Even though you know it better, you just can't avoid thinking like that instead of just trying...
As you come near your House, you can see two girls walking out of it.
<img src="game\pictures\girls at house.jpg">
You have no idea who that was.
You enter the kitchen, where your sister is preparing some food.
<<speech "You" "$name">>Ah! Nice, i'm here at the right time, what's on the menu?<</speech>>
<<speech "Sister" "Celine">>Two options, my fist or my foot!<</speech>>
She answered angry.
<<speech "You" "$name">>Ok, ok. Where's Mom?<</speech>><<speech "Sister" "Celine">>I don't know, maybe working.<</speech>><<speech "You" "$name">>Isn't it a bit late for that, since when do you work so late as an accountant?<</speech>><<speech "Sister" "Celine">>She said something about a new opportunity at work where she can earn more.<</speech>><<speech "You" "$name">>Ok... Who were your visitors?<</speech>><<speech "Sister" "Celine">>NONE of your business!<</speech>>
She's getting too edgy for your taste, and you don't want to try your luck anymore.
[[End the day]]<img src="game\pictures\bedroom.jpg">
It's Tuesday and you are pretty thrilled. First you pick up Lisa, and later you can maybe finalize the job mission.
As you slowly stroll right into the bathroom, you find something on the ground.
<img src="game\pictures\mask.jpg">
You stay for one second
<<speech "You" "$name">>Weird.<</speech>>
You get ready while the rest of your family is still asleep.
[[Go to Lisa]]
<img src="game\pictures\lisas house.jpg">
You arrived at Lisa's place and find someone in front of it.
<img src="game\pictures\angry guy\angry guy.jpg">
It's her Stepdad. You don't know him really well, but you can't stand him, how can anyone, you ask yourself. But you just try to be polite.
<<speech "You" "$name">>Good Morning.<</speech>>
<img src="game\pictures\angry guy\angry dude 2.jpg">
He just stands there and stares at you...
The door opens, what a relief, you think.
<<speech "Random" "Lisa's Stepfather">>Be careful who you do business with.<</speech>>
He hissed after her while she's passing by.
<<speech "Crush" "Lisa">>Yea, goodbye.<</speech>>
<<speech "You" "$name">>Did he mean me?<</speech>>
You asked cautious.
<<speech "Crush" "Lisa">>No! Forget him, he's nuts.<</speech>>
She just laughed.
[[You made your way to school.]]<<speech "Crush" "Lisa">>Ah, by the way, I gave your number to Lana, and she will call you in the next few days.<</speech>>
You look really confused.
<<speech "You" "$name">>And this is about?<</speech>><<speech "Crush" "Lisa">>The job, you dummy.<</speech>><<speech "You" "$name">>Oh crap, right, thank you allot, i owe you one.<</speech>><<speech "Crush" "Lisa">>I'll come back to it.<</speech>>
She smiles bright.
<img src="game\pictures\university outside.jpg">
As you come near your school, you encounter two girls.
<img src="game\pictures\mila\mila and friend.jpg">
It's Mila... with her.. new toy.
<<button "Mila">>
<<speech "Mila" "Mila">>Hey you two. You look sweet together, are you guys a thing?<</speech>><<speech "You" "$name">>Ahm *i wish, yes*<</speech>><<speech "Crush" "Lisa">>Why? Are you interested? <</speech>>
Lisa answered with a challenging glance at her.
<<speech "Mila" "Mila">>Maybe? Yes.<</speech>>
She said while she scanned both of you.
<<speech "Mila" "Mila">>By the way, this is Cindy. Say Hello Cindy.<</speech>>
She just waved and looked kind of stoned.
<<speech "Mila" "Mila">>Oh, while i have you here, this Friday party at my place, you guys have to come.<</speech>>
<<speech "You" "$name">>Uhm<</speech>><<speech "Mila" "Mila">>Good, see you then!<</speech>>
And there she goes, towing Cindy around.
[[You carry on till lunch.]]
<img src="game\pictures\sister\sister profile 2.jpg">
Celine is your older Sister. She has an assertive personality
and is quick-witted. She's... nice, you would say, and very
temperamental. But actually, she isn't that bad, when it
counts, you can rely on her. She wouldn't sell you for an
apple, for sure, maybe just for a day but not more.
When you were seven, she tried to earn money by offering
you as a butler for the school day.
She goes to the same University as you. Same as you and
most of the people there, you were at the same
High School.<img src="game\pictures\mother\profile mother.jpg">
Emilia is your Mother, She takes care of the family.
Your father left a long time ago. She is an independent
and determined woman. She has a hard time supplying
the family, but somehow she's managed it every time,
no matter the obstacles.
She's currently employed by a new company as an
accountant. <img src="game\pictures\alex\avatar.jpg">
Alex is your best friend. You know each other
for years. Usually, you are always on the same
page about anything. He's kind of thoughtless
and likes to experiment, too much for his own sake.
He lives with his..., you are not really in the picture
of his "special" family situation. His parents work
abroad. He lives with Kristina, she's a family member.
The second flatmate is his older cousin, she's also in
the same school.<img src="game\pictures\lisa\profil.jpg">
You know Lisa for several years. Just lately you developed a much
more intense interest in her. So far you didn't come to a point
where you made a step toward her, but you are determined to
change that!
Lisa is an outgoing and optimistic person, she has this charismatic
aura that draws people inside her zone. Like a sun with too much
gravity. When she steps into a room, the attention is on her, if
she wants it or not. The remarkable thing is that she's aware of this,
but doesn't take advantage of it.
She has a good heart and does care more about her surroundings
than herself. She lives with her Stepfather in her "temporary" home
as long as she's studying. Her Mother lives with her Sister in another
town due to work. And it is probably a bit understating to say she
has a hard time with her family as far as you know. <img src="game\pictures\mila\profile.jpg">
You know Mila since you began at the university. She's from the older semesters.
Mila isn't someone you want as an enemy, if she has a reason she can be evil.
Usually, she has someone with her, for her entertainment. She has no "preferences"
as far as you know, but you have never seen her with a guy. She is a dominant
person and really manipulative. You're just glad to know her and she's nice to
you, so far...
Your sister used to hang out with her, but not so much lately.
<img src="game\pictures\mensa.jpg">
You meet Alex for Lunch time.
<<speech "Friend" "Alex">>How does the job hunt go?<</speech>><<speech "You" "$name">>Good, i hope. I will receive a call soon about a job in a bookstore. <</speech>>
While you grab something to eat, you spot Lisa in the distance, sitting with someone for lunch.
<img src="game\pictures\lunch.jpg">
<<speech "Mila" "Mila">>What are you guys staring at? Oh, i see one girl for two guys.<</speech>>
You startled a bit and looked at Alex.
<img src="game\pictures\stand of.jpg">
<<speech "Mila" "Mila">>Don't worry, you guys don't need to fight, i find someone else for you. I'm not even sure if she's into guys.<</speech>><<speech "Friend" "Alex">>Really?<</speech>>
And again you look a bit confused at Alex.
<<speech "You" "$name">>If you mean the short encounter with Vivian, it wasn't even a week. That was years ago.<</speech>>
You counter Mila.
<<speech "Mila" "Mila">>Well, i don't know... Anyway, this is for your Sister. Give it to her, please, and don't look inside.<</speech>>
<img src="game\pictures\package.jpg">
She gave you a small Package. You didn't waste a thought on it and putted it in the bag.
<<speech "Friend" "Alex">>I see you later, after lecture?<</speech>><<speech "You" "$name">>Y-Yes.<</speech>>
[[The work day Ends and you meet with Alex and Lisa]]The three of you walked home.
<<speech "Crush" "Lisa">>Are you on board this Friday?<</speech>><<speech "Friend" "Alex">>What's Friday?<</speech>><<speech "Crush" "Lisa">>The Party?<</speech>><<speech "Friend" "Alex">>What Party?<</speech>><<speech "You" "$name">>Mila just didn't tell you yet.<</speech>><<speech "Friend" "Alex">>Why didn't she invited me...<</speech>><<speech "Crush" "Lisa">>Don't worry, you come with us. That's not a problem at all.<</speech>>
Lisa went home and you guys are alone.
<<speech "Friend" "Alex">>Are you into Lisa?<</speech>>
You froze for a moment.
<<speech "You" "$name">>Yes.<</speech>>
A short silent moment goes by.
<<speech "Friend" "Alex">>Fuck.<</speech>><<speech "You" "$name">>I... I don't know what to say.<</speech>><<speech "Friend" "Alex">>Yea. That's some bad shit...<</speech>><<speech "You" "$name">>I guess you don't just forget it and move onto anyone else?<</speech>><<speech "Friend" "Alex">>Could you?<</speech>>
<<speech "You" "$name">>No.<</speech>><<speech "Friend" "Alex">>How about this, we just behave like nothing is going on. We don't sabotage each other and declare this topic as a neutral competition.<</speech>><<speech "You" "$name">>No brawl, we just act as if nothing were, except...<</speech>><<speech "Friend" "Alex">>Yes! What do you say?<</speech>>
<img src="game\pictures\handshake.jpg">
<<speech "Friend" "Alex">>To a fair skirmish!<</speech>>
[[With your Gentlemen agreement, the day ends, and you arrive at home.]]<img src="game\pictures\clips\dream.gif">
<<speech "You" "$name">>I WILL WIN!!!<</speech>>
Your sister rushed into your room with a comb as weapon.
<<speech "Sister" "Celine">>What is happening?! Is someone here?!<</speech>>
You're just sitting on your bed, and you stare at her.
<<speech "Sister" "Celine">>Oa, what's wrong with you...<</speech>>
You enter the kitchen, where your mother is preparing breakfast. It's Wednesday.
<<speech "Mother" "Emilia">>So, how's the job search?<</speech>><<speech "You" "$name">>Oh, great, i have a Job interview in prospect.<</speech>><<speech "Mother" "Emilia">>Oh! Wow. That's a lot quicker than i expected. It would be a big relief, to be honest, if that works out for you.<</speech>>
You hear a noisy car stopping in front of your house and honking.
<img src="game\pictures\violet\car.jpg">
<<speech "You" "$name">>Are you kidding me!<</speech>><<speech "Mother" "Emilia">>Wow<</speech>>
Your sister storms into the kitchen and grabs something from your Plate.
<<speech "Sister" "Celine">>I have to go. Bye.<</speech>>
She sprints to the car and jumped in.
<<speech "Mother" "Emilia">>Too bad, it's a two-seater.<</speech>><<speech "You" "$name">>Well, i don't mind. I would sit in the trunk.<</speech>><<speech "Mother" "Emilia">>Oh, i have a little bit of different shifts now. That means I'm more at home in the morning and will come home a bit later sometimes.<</speech>>
[[School]]Your day was quiet, till now...
You are at lunch when you sight something.
<img src="game\pictures\lunch 2.jpg">
It's Lisa... with someone...
You are watching what is happening, disbelieving.
Your world just starts to crumble slowly...
<<speech "Mila" "Mila">>Hey peach tart. Why the sad look? Oh, i see, you are really into her, aren't you?<</speech>>
You hardly notice her while you slowly watch into her direction.
<<speech "You" "$name">>W-Who told you that?<</speech>><<speech "Mila" "Mila">>Oh good, i'm right.<</speech>><<speech "You" "$name">>fuck<</speech>><<speech "Mila" "Mila">>Don't worry, he's gay. <</speech>><<speech "You" "$name">>Really?<</speech>>
You hug her very motivated.
<<speech "Mila" "Mila">>Wow, it feels like i gave you a little "happy end". Well, if you really mean it, i could help you.<</speech>>
Your sense for bad stuff is tingling like crazy. She will demand something, like your liver.
<<speech "Mila" "Mila">>But can i remind you who you have to compete with?<</speech>>
Does she know about Alex?
Mila is staring over your shoulder, you turn your head.
<img src="game\pictures\vivian\lunch.jpg">
It's Vivian.
<<speech "Mila" "Mila">>Just look, don't stare.<</speech>><<speech "You" "$name">>Why do you always dig out this old stuff?<</speech>><<speech "Mila" "Mila">>Because it's the truth? And look at her, if she approaches someone you can't simply say no to her, even if you aren't into girls. She will bend you in every direction she wants.<</speech>>
To be honest, you don't know what to answer.
<<speech "Vivian" "Vivian">>Hey guys. Are you gossiping about me?<</speech>>
<img src="game\pictures\vivian\lunch 2.jpg">
<<speech "Mila" "Mila">>Yes indeed we do. Tell us about you and Lisa.<</speech>><<speech "Vivian" "Vivian">>Oh, that. You know what, a gentlewoman enjoys in silent.<</speech>>
Now you are definitive eager to know more about her and Lisa.
<<speech "Mila" "Mila">>Stop teasing.<</speech>><<speech "Vivian" "Vivian">>Come on, that was a long time ago, just forget it. I have to go, see you guys Friday.<</speech>><<speech "Mila" "Mila">>Don't worry, i will crack her and bring to surface what she's hiding. But now to you. I know exactly what can help you if you approach her like i tell you.<</speech>>
<<speech "Friend" "Alex">>To help with, what and who are you approaching?<</speech>><<speech "Mila" "Mila">>Oh great, please tell me you also try to hook up with Lisa.<</speech>><<speech "Friend" "Alex">>What if?<</speech>><<speech "Mila" "Mila">>Oh my... I'm dreaming. Don't worry guys, i will help you. I'm on your side, no matter who wins, no one will lose.<</speech>><<speech "You" "$name">>I doubt that.<</speech>><<speech "Friend" "Alex">>Cool, i'm on board.<</speech>><<speech "You" "$name">>What? No!<</speech>><<speech "Mila" "Mila">>Great, how about tomorrow evening at my place? Perfect timing for my party, i will prepare you guys, trust me.<</speech>><<speech "You" "$name">>No! Stop, nothing will happen.<</speech>><<speech "Friend" "Alex">>Sounds like a plan to me.<</speech>><<speech "You" "$name">>*What is happening*<</speech>>
Your last lecture ends and you are tired. You make your way straight home.
[[Home.]]<img src="game\pictures\bookstore.jpg">
You arrive at the bookstore and enter. It's a bit narrow and full but it looks comfy.
<<speech "Lana" "Lana">>Hi, can i help you?<</speech>><<speech "You" "$name">>Ehm, yes, i'm her for the interview.<</speech>><<speech "Lana" "Lana">>Oh, the job, right. Nice to meet you. Let's start with a tour.<</speech>><img src="game\pictures\Lana\Lana.jpg">
<<speech "You" "$name">>I've brought all the documents if you need to take a look.<</speech>><<speech "Lana" "Lana">>Oh, i don't think that's necessary. The hiring process just ended at the moment i realized you have two working arms and legs. If you want, you can start right ahead.<</speech>><<speech "You" "$name">>OK, that's great. Let's get to it.<</speech>>
You worked your way through two hours. You finished all necessary and you are officially employed. Odd, but you don't complain.
<img src="game\pictures\lets go.jpg">
Day of decision.
It's Thursday. You wake up and think about the day and your weird dream. What decision you ask yourself. Anyway, the day is packed, and you start right away.
Luckily, the day was relaxed so far. Now you have to deliver the package.
You come to a small skyscraper.
<img src="game\pictures\skyscraper.jpg">
You Enter the Lobby where three strong looking Security Gentlemen awaits you.
<img src="game\pictures\lobby.jpg">
One is checking something on his screen and is shaking his head. Another one is immediately in your way and stops you.
<<speech "Random" "Security Guy">>What you want?<</speech>>
<<speech "You" "$name">>Ahm, i want to deliver something for Vi?<</speech>>
He comes closer to you and starts to feel for every corner of your body.
You needed way too long to realize that he's searching you for weapons.
<<speech "Random" "Security Guy">>You can go, if you plan to come again, you need to register yourself at the Check-in and bring an Invitation Letter from Vi if she gives you one.<</speech>>
You assent that with an empty glance.
<<speech "You" "$name">>OK, will do.<</speech>>
As you make your way to the elevators, he's shouting behind you.
<<speech "Random" "Security Guy">>Top floor level, 15.<</speech>>
The elevator opens in front of you and a bunch of girls left it. As soon as they perceive you, they began to eagerly stare you down.
You stand in the elevator and try to find the 15.
<<speech "You" "$name">>Weird.<</speech>>
There is one blank button, you just try it.
The elevator stops, and you are again in another lobby, or are you already in a flat?
<img src="game\pictures\penthouse.jpg">
You hear someone is coming. As you turn towards the presence, you discover a stunning woman.
<img src="game\pictures\violet\violet.jpg">
<<speech "Violet" "Violet">>Hello? Who are you?<</speech>><<speech "You" "$name">>Ehm i.. I'm her to deliver a package, for Vi.<</speech>><<speech "Violet" "Violet">>That's me. Thank you. But why did Celine send you?<</speech>><<speech "You""$name">>I have no Idea.<</speech>><<speech "Violet" "Violet">>That's a pretty important object, i'm a bit surprised that she just send someone else to complete this task.<</speech>><<speech "You" "$name">>Oh, i'm her brother, she asked me yesterday to bring it to you.<</speech>><<speech "Violet" "Violet">>Ah! That explains all.<</speech>>
She smiles and starts to unwrap whatever you delivered.
<<speech "Violet" "Violet">>Come in, i just need a second. You can call me Violet if you want.<</speech>><<speech "You" "$name">>Thank you. What for a place is this?<</speech>><<speech "Violet" "Violet">>My home.<</speech>><<speech "You""$name">>OK. Why are there so much security people in the lobby<</speech>><<speech "Violet" "Violet">>For security.<</speech>>
You realize that you don't get any answer you're looking for. During your wandering through the flat, you realize that it is big and expensive, as the furnishings.<<speech "Violet" "Violet">>Here, this is for you. Oh, and this, give this to the check-in, so you can visit any time without a problem.<</speech>>
She gives you an envelope and a card. You have no idea what it is, but it is for you.
<<speech "You" "$name">>Thank you allot.<</speech>><<speech "Violet" "Violet">>Unfortunately i have to go, but you can come another time, and you can bring your sister gladly with you.<</speech>><<speech "You" "$name">>Yes i will. *Probably?*<</speech>><<speech "Violet" "Violet">>I hope i see you soon.<</speech>>
<img src="game\pictures\violet\violet 2.jpg">
What a nice person you think.
You gave the card at the check-in, and they took photos of every angle of you.
You just gave up asking any questions.
You check the time and realized you are late for your "meeting" with Alex.
[[The Mila conversion.]]
You are at the meeting point and waiting for Alex.
While you wait, your phone is buzzing, and you got a message. It's from Jilian. She asks if you go to the party and with whom. You bring her into the picture and bridge over the waiting time.
<<speech "Friend" "Alex">>Hey, are you ready?<</speech>><<speech "You" "$name">>No, and for what?<</speech>><<speech "Friend" "Alex">>I have no idea but she said she will help us.<</speech>><<speech "You" "$name">>Do you even know Mila a little bit? She will enslave us or even worse.<</speech>><<speech "Friend" "Alex">>Ah, come on, she isn't that bad.<</speech>>
You have a terrible feeling about this.
You are at her place and realize where she lives.
<<speech "You" "$name">>Did you know she lives in the middle of "The Dark Neighbourhood"?<</speech>><<speech "Friend" "Alex">>No, and i didn't even know you can live here...<</speech>>
You are at a club you don't know. It looks relatively discrete, so you have no chance to bring to light what is going on in there. You walk around the building and try to find Mila's place. You found a stairway on the side that led to the top of the building. On the top, you have found it.
[[You push the bell.]]
<img src="game\pictures\mila\welcome.gif">
<<speech "Mila" "Mila">>You are here! I'm so excited. Please sit down anywhere.<</speech>>
As you Enter you realize the light and the furnishings look a little bit too much like a night club.
<img src="game\pictures\milas home.jpg">
<<speech "You" "$name">>Why does your apartment look like a nightclub?<</speech>>
You ask her very slowly.
<<speech "Mila" "Mila">>I'm sharing a few rooms with the club under me. But don't worry. Usually, no one is coming in. It's more like a stockroom. That means I have my own bar<</speech>>
<<speech "Friend" "Alex">>It has its own charm.<</speech>>
You just shake your head.
<<speech "Friend" "Alex">>When do you come out with your master plan?<</speech>>
<<speech "Mila" "Mila">>Just a moment i will prepare anything, get comfortable.<</speech>>
While you wait for Mila, the door opens. It's the blue one which obviously leads to the club.
<img src="game\pictures\waitress.jpg">
<<speech "RandomGirl" "Waitress">>Hi guys, here are your drinks. I'm sorry. I've been told there are three of you but don't worry, I take the leftover with me.<</speech>>
<<speech "You" "$name">>Oh, it's probably for Mila she's coming in a second.<</speech>>
<<speech "RandomGirl" "Waitress">>Uh, i don't think so.<</speech>>
She left and took the third drink with her.
<img src="game\pictures\cocktails.jpg">
<<speech "You" "$name">>Weird.<</speech>>
<<speech "Friend" "Alex">>Yea, indeed. Anyway, free stuff!<</speech>>
He took the glass and drank the glass down like it was a challenge. You have this unconfirmed feeling that he tries to challenge you whenever he can lately.
[[Drink normally]]
[[Accept the challenge and drink it down]]You stay calm and just drink normally and take a sip.
<<speech "Mila" "Mila">>Sry for letting you wait.<</speech>>
<img src="game\pictures\products.jpg"><img src="game\pictures\veet.jpg">
She brought a bunch of beauty products and some hair removal stuff.
<<speech "You" "$name">>I don't know if i like the direction where this is going.<</speech>>
<<speech "Mila" "Mila">>Well, if I'm correct about Lisa, she's more into, let's say, more feminine people. That means I will take care of this and will make you more "handsome". Today is your spa day, just relax.<</speech>>
<<speech "You" "$name">>I still don't know.<</speech>>
This is getting into a direction you didn't even think of, and it feels like you're already in Mila's web.
[[I'll pass]]
[[Let it happen!?]]You drink it down. You know that you guys move in the wrong direction, but your fighting spirit is awakening.
<<speech "Mila" "Mila">>Sorry for letting you wait.<</speech>>
<img src="game\pictures\products.jpg"><img src="game\pictures\veet.jpg">
She brought a bunch of beauty products and some hair removal stuff.
It looks really flashy, is it the lighting?
<<speech "Mila" "Mila">>I will take care of you. Today is your spa day, just relax.<</speech>>
You feel different, and everything she said makes sense and feels right.
[[Let it happen!?]]
You look at Alex, he's done. He is barely moving. You remember the Cocktail. Could it be spiked with something?
<<speech "Mila" "Mila">>OK, it's time to show some skin.<</speech>>
Mila grabs Alex and helps him to get rid of his clothes. She's starting with her procedure. You changed your mind because... you don't even know it yourself.
Neither you nor Alex protest even in the slightest.
<<speech "Mila" "Mila">>For today, we skip your private parts, we don't want to escalate today or do we?<</speech>>
She glances at you.
Alex doesn't respond, he's in another world right now.
[[Mila gets serious!]]
[[You won't play her games and finish the proceeding|Alex' home][$lov += 1]]You look at Alex, he's done. He is barely moving. You remember the Cocktail. Could it be spiked with something?
<<speech "Mila" "Mila">>Ok guys, it's time to show some skin.<</speech>>
Mila grabs each of you one after another and helps you to get rid of your clothes.
Neither you nor Alex protest even in the slightest.
<<speech "Mila" "Mila">>For today, we skip your private parts, we don't want to escalate today or do we?<</speech>>
She glances at you.
Alex doesn't respond, he's in another world right now.
[[Mila gets serious!]]Mila grabs your arm and pulls you into her bathroom.
You feel like in the passenger seat, you just watch where you go.
After she finished you, she took off her remaining clothes and began to take care of herself.
<img src="game\pictures\mila\shower.gif">
At this point, you don't even know any more if you dream or not, you just enjoy it.
<<speech "Mila" "Mila">>You are too relaxed for my taste, but that's ok. Today was special, and now you receive a reward for your patience.<</speech>>
<img src="game\pictures\mila\reward.gif">
For a few seconds, you lost consciousness. You can't remember you had a better feeling. She wasn't the first girl for you, but still, this was something different.
She literally just drained the life out of you.
You just laid there. After 30 minutes you realized you're still at Mila's place. Alex sits next to you, sleeping while something is going on on Mila's TV.
<<speech "Mila" "Mila">>Finally, you're awake, don't tell me you drank the cocktails in the room outside.<</speech>>
<<speech "You" "$name">>A little bit, i guess...<</speech>>
<<speech "Mila" "Mila">>That explains a lot, the waitress must've been taking the wrong door or something. But you guys should be ok in no time, don't worry.<</speech>>
While you examine yourself, you notice that you feel like a silk skin human.
<img src="game\pictures\skin.jpg">
<<speech "You" "$name">>Oh shit, what is going on?!<</speech>>
<<speech "Mila" "Mila">>Well you can thank me later, come on i take you guys home it's already late.<</speech>>
You checked Alex, he's also completely bald... but smooth.
[[Alex' home][$cor += 1]]
Mila drives you guys home. You can't really remember you agreed to all of this, but suddenly you are hairless...
You arrived at Alex' house.
<<speech "You" "$name">>That's OK, i'll take him home and walk the rest.<</speech>>
<<speech "Mila" "Mila">>Are you sure, you guys seem a bit weaken right now.<</speech>>
<<speech "You" "$name">>Don't worry, i'm OK.<</speech>>
<<speech "Mila" "Mila">>As you wish, see you tomorrow.<</speech>>
You try to hold Alex with his new smooth and silk skin, turns out it isn't that easy.
But you made it to his house and need to bring him into his room.
<img src="game\pictures\alex home.jpg">
It seems no one is sleeping in this household. His house is big, you just try to be silent and deliver him fast.
You made it upstairs and tow him across the Floor.
You hear some sounds, but you don't really care. As you pass by Kristina's Bedroom, you glimpsed in for a second.
<img src="game\pictures\kristina\night.gif">
<<speech "You" "$name">>OK, shit shit shit.<</speech>>
For one second you hopped she didn't see you, while you made eye contact...
You tow him faster and throw him into his bed, where he just continues with his deep sleep.
You're trying to find another way out of the house. You have luck they live in a palace, in your eyes.
You made your way home, finally.
Sadly, your sister is still awake.
<<speech "Sister" "Celine">>What happened to you?<</speech>>
<<speech "You" "$name">>Please don't ask, i need sleep.<</speech>>
<<speech "Sister" "Celine">>And why are so shiny?<</speech>>
<<speech "You" "$name">>Please no questions.<</speech>>
<<speech "Sister" "Celine">>And where the hell are your arm hair?<</speech>>
<<speech "You" "$name">>Sleep!<</speech>>
You shout while she bursts into laughter.
[[Friday][$fem += 1]]
As you wake up, the evening slowly starts to go through your head. It's a bit too much to think about now, in addition to that you have other things to worry about. You need to talk to Lisa, everything else isn't important now.
Fortunately, you pick her up for school later. Without delay, you're getting ready and move to the kitchen where your sister is sitting.
<<speech "Sister" "Celine">>Hey tender being.<</speech>>
You remember your Spa sessions. Your new appearance is unaccustomed to you.
<<speech "Sister" "Celine">>How was the delivery? Did you get your new style there?<</speech>><<speech "You" "$name">>No. It was alright.<</speech>><<speech "Sister" "Celine">>Great, she did give you something or?<</speech>><<speech "You" "$name">>Yes, wait. This envelope.<</speech>><<speech "Sister" "Celine">>Good, give it to me.<</speech>><<speech "You" "$name">>Hey! That was for me... HOLY SHIT!<</speech>>
While she opens it, you see a lot of banknotes.
<<speech "Sister" "Celine">>It's for me, here are 50 bucks for you.<</speech>><<speech "You" "$name">>Nice.<</speech>><<speech "Sister" "Celine">>No wait, she put more in then agreed, guess here are another 100 for you.<</speech>>
The day starts good for you.
<<speech "You" "$name">>What place is this where Violet lives?<</speech>><<speech "Sister" "Celine">>You mean here home?<</speech>><<speech "You" "$name">>That doesn't look like a "home".<</speech>><<speech "Sister" "Celine">>I don't know, her family is rich and there are a few companies in the building as well. Important stuff, i guess.<</speech>>
You are not really smarter about all of this but you decide to lay it down for now.
<<speech "You" "$name">>Are you going to the party today?<</speech>><<speech "Sister" "Celine">>Mila's party? No. Don't tell me you go.<</speech>><<speech "You" "$name">>I will why?<</speech>><<speech "Sister" "Celine">>That's not a party, it's more like a hunting ground for her and maybe one of here co-worker.<</speech>><<speech "You" "$name">>That sounds strange.<</speech>><<speech "Sister" "Celine">>Anyway, it's your decision, but please don't drink anything there.<</speech>><<speech "You" "$name">>No drinks... noted.<</speech>>
That sounds weird, but you agree.
You're getting ready to go, you hear again a noisy car outside.
As you exit the house and open the door, someone is standing right in front of you.
<img src="game\pictures\nina\nina.jpg">
<<speech "You" "$name">>Uf?! I-I'm sorry.<</speech>><<speech "Nina" "Nina">>Hello, i would like to visit Celine?<</speech>><<speech "Sister" "Celine">>Move. Come in Nina<</speech>>
She shoved you away.
<<speech "Nina" "Nina">>Thank you.<</speech>>
She smiled at you. She seems really polite in contrast to your sister.
Anyway, you need to move on, Lisa is waiting.
You realized the car is still standing there, but the driver is still inside.
<<speech "Violet" "Violet">>Good Morning.<</speech>><<speech "You" "$name">>Oh, hi, nice to see you again.<</speech>><<speech "Violet" "Violet">>Can i take you somewhere?<</speech>><<speech "You" "$name">>That's really generous of you, but someone is waiting for me.<</speech>><<speech "Violet" "Violet">>Alright, anyway, have a nice day.<</speech>>
You say goodbye and realize again how friendly she is. Almost to friendly.
[[You pick up Lisa]]
You arrive at Lisa's place. You talk about school and stuff, but you realize she seems concerned. Before you can ask her what's going on, your lectures are already beginning, and you arrange to meet after they end.
You run into Alex. He seems lively and in good mood. He's new shininess doesn't hurt his appearance at all.
<<speech "Friend" "Alex">>Hey. You look a bit tired.<</speech>>
<<speech "You" "$name">>Ah well, short night you know.<</speech>>
He laughs.
<<speech "Friend" "Alex">>Thank you for bringing me home, i was trashed.<</speech>><<speech "You" "$name">>So, you remember the evening?<</speech>><<speech "Friend" "Alex">>Not at all. I can't even remember we startet to drink. Kristina told me you took care of me.<</speech>>
Your face went blank. You completely forgot your encounter with her.
<<speech "Friend" "Alex">>Anyway. I will pick you up to the party later. My cousin or me will drive, so the rest can get wasted.<</speech>>
The day ends and you wait for Lisa.
As you spot her in the distance, you notice Jilian next to her. They stopped and have a conversation, a serious one it seems.
After two minutes, Lisa is joining you, but you can tell she's a bit tense.
After a few steps, you ask her if she's ok.
She looked a bit concerned.
<img src="game\pictures\lisa\concerned.jpg">
<<speech "Crush" "Lisa">>Can i ask you something?<</speech>>
You swallow. She sounds really serious.
You just nod.
<<speech "Crush" "Lisa">>Don't go to the party.<</speech>><<speech "You" "$name">>What, why?<</speech>><<speech "Crush" "Lisa">>I don't know, i just don't want you to go.<</speech>>
You're confused and don't know what to answer.
<<speech "You" "$name">>Don't you go?<</speech>><<speech "Crush" "Lisa">>Yea... you know what, just forget it. We will have fun.<</speech>>
You're completely uncertain what that was about. But she seems to be concerned about something.
You arrive home and get ready for the party.
[[get ready]]
<img src="game\pictures\jilian\jilian profile.jpg">
You know Jilian for a long time. You used to hang out with her a lot, but
she changed a bit and wanted to hang out with more "popular" people.
Furthermore, you didn't understand why she changed so much. You knew
she was a good person and didn't grudge against her. From time to time,
you still hang out with her together with other people. She's more like
the girl every guy wants to "hang out with" but it seems she is a bit picky.
Actually, you really like her. But due to the fact she decided to cut you out
of her life with other people you know, you hadn't that much in common
anymore. <img src="game\pictures\party.jpg">
At the party, you tried to orientate where what is.
You quickly lost everyone, but Mila found you.
<<speech "Mila" "Mila">>Hey, my favourite plaything.<</speech>>
She grabbed you to the bar, where some more girls are hanging out.
While you guys were talking, someone is appearing behind you and lay his hands on your shoulder. You shiver a bit.
<img src="game\pictures\athena\athena.jpg">
<<speech "Athena" "Athena">>Who do we have here, is this one of your new projects, Mila?<</speech>>
Mila grabs your arm and draw you a bit towards her.
<<speech "Mila" "Mila">>No, he belongs to me.<</speech>>
You feel like a piece of meat and two lions are fighting for it.
<<speech "Athena" "Athena">>Ok, relax. But if you want here's my number, if you want to hang out a bit you can call any time.<</speech>>
She went somewhere else.
<<speech "Mila" "Mila">>Don't get involved with her, she's no good.<</speech>>
You are at a point where you don't ask questions any more...
The party goes on and you remember your goal. You're scanning the location for Lisa.
Finally, you have found her, but she's in a deep talk with Vivian.
You get nervous, since you begun this "competition" with Alex, everyone is a potential competitor. You try to wait for your chance till someone touches your shoulder.
<img src="game\pictures\jilian\jilian party.jpg">
<<speech "Jilian" "Jilian">>Hey, we didn't see each other for a while, how about talking a bit somewhere else?<</speech>>
She has two drinks, and they look familiar.
[[go for talk with Jilian][$cor += 1]]
[[Put her off until later.][$lov += 1]]
You decided to talk with her. She asks you to wait for minute while shes at the bathroom. She left quickly with a half empty glass.
You are pretty nervouse about the wohle situation. You inspect the drink she gave you.
<<speech "You" "$name">>*Don't drink it. Don't drink it. Don't drink it.*<</speech>>
You knew Jilian wouldn't give you something, but you had your experience and your sister told you explicit not to drink anything.
You waited and glanced from time to time to Lisa, but she seems to be still in talks with Vivian. You get even more nervous and while you stand there and think about what to say, you sip probably the fourth or sixth time from your drink.
<<speech "You" "$name">>Fuck.<</speech>>
Jilian came back, with a full glass. She's smiling a lot...
<<speech "Jilian" "Jilian">>Come.<</speech>>
You go into a quiet corner where she starts grinning at you.
<<speech "Jilian" "Jilian">>You know i wanted to talk to you the whole time, but i have a better idea now.<</speech>><<speech "You" "$name">>Ehm Jilian, how much of these drinks did you had already?<</speech>><<speech "Jilian" "Jilian">>I don't know, maybe two? Don't worry, i can tolerate a bit of alcohol.<</speech>><<speech "You" "$name">>I'm not concerned about the alc...<</speech>>
You start to feel something again, like the last time you were with Mila. This is not good, and Jilian seems completely possessed.
She starts to work her way through your pants.
<<speech "You" "$name">>Oh this is not good.<</speech>>
You say while completely apathetic standing there. Jilian is already fully busy.
<img src="game\pictures\jilian\clips\jilian.gif">
You can't think straight anymore, and Jilian probably too. It's not like you can't move, you just don't want to. But you can move with the flow and accept whatever is happening right now, which is quite inevitable at the moment...
<img src="game\pictures\jilian\clips\jilian 2.gif">
Especially if you look at her...
<img src="game\pictures\Jilian\Clips\Jilian 3.gif">
You both break down in ecstasy.
You don't know how long you guys needed to get up again, but it took a while.
You made your way back to the party and Jilian seems to be just drunk.
<<speech "You" "$name">>*This is weird.*<</speech>>
[[back to the party]]
You told here you talk with her later. You just need to take care of something.
Hectical, you're starting to watch around and wonder where Alex is.
You come to a corridor with a few Doors. At first, you hesitate to open them, scared of what you can find here, you never know. After a few tries, you found another floor and hear some talking. You decided to follow the voices...
It sounds like Athena.
<img src="game\pictures\party doors.jpg">
<img src="game\pictures\jilian\clips\jilian 4.gif">
It is indeed Athena, with Jilian and another Girl!!
You can't believe what is happening. You wonder if this has something to do with the drinks...
You rush back and try to get out of this.
<<speech "You" "$name">>Oh fuck. Shit Shit Shit<</speech>>
The door doesn't open up from your side...
You panic and start to look for an exit, but it seems like the only exit is in the "busy" Room.
You hide somewhere and hope it is over soon.
<<speech "Athena" "Athena">>I like the newcomer.<</speech>>
It seems like they are gone. You move out of your hideout. As you walk into the room, you startle a bit. Jilian is still there. She doesn't really look that vital, but conscious.
You help her out of the situation and bring her back to the party. It seems like she's really drunk.
[[back to the party]]
<img src="game\pictures\party 2.jpg">
You look for a spot to relax a bit. As you sit down, Jilian leans into you and give you a kiss on the cheek.
<<speech "Jilian" "Jilian">>Thank you.<</speech>>
You wonder for what that was.
It seems she just starts to sleep...
<<speech "You" "$name">>Great.<</speech>>
You start to remember what your objective was and think desperately how to reach your goal. It's like there's always any event that prevents you from archiving anything.
<<speech "Friend" "Alex">>Hey, my best enemy.<</speech>><<speech "You" "$name">>I'm not in the mood for any trouble right now.<</speech>><<speech "Friend" "Alex">>So how's things going with Lisa for you?<</speech>><<speech "You" "$name">>Not good... but im not sure if i should tell you that.<</speech>><<speech "Friend" "Alex">>Don't worry, it doesn't go that well for me either. Oh and while I said that, it seems the ball is on my side. Lean back and take care of Jilian. Excuse me, please.<</speech>>
He stands up and walks somewhere. He spots Lisa, which is alone right now. The whole evening you have waited for this moment just to see it got taken away in front of your eyes.
<<speech "You" "$name">>*NOOOOOOO*<</speech>>
You just sit there patiently, occupied by the sleeping Jilian.
The party is ending slowly, and you stare at the ceiling.
<img src="game\pictures\party ceiling.jpg">
<<speech "Crush" "Lisa">>So did she or did you tow her up?<</speech>>
With bright eyes you see Lisa.
<img src="game\pictures\lisa\party.jpg">
<<speech "You" "$name">>It's not what it looks like. She's just sleeping, i can't leave her like that...<</speech>>
She smiles at you
<<speech "Crush" "Lisa">>Let's go, we go home.<</speech>>
As you guys set off, you realized that you didn't move one step closer to your plans.
Arrived home you immediately go to sleep.
As you wake up and start your day, you hear a lively conversation.
Someone came to visit.
<<speech "You" "$name">>Oh god...<</speech>>
<img src="game\pictures\mila\mila home.jpg">
<<speech "Mother" "Emilia">>Hey, keep us company, Mila decided to visit us.<</speech>><<speech "You" "$name">>Yes, i see...<</speech>><<speech "Sister" "Celine">>Seems like you survived.<</speech>><<speech "Mila" "Mila">>Nothing special happened, it was all restrained.<</speech>>
You can't agree with that, but you go with it.
After a while, You are alone with Mila.
<<speech "Mila" "Mila">>I wanted to tell you something the whole time. But i forgot somehow... Anyway, what happened yesterday?<</speech>><<speech "You" "$name">>What do you mean?<</speech>><<speech "Mila" "Mila">>You know what i mean.<</speech>>
She can't know, or maybe someone told her? What's with Jilian.
<<speech "Mila" "Mila">>Fine, then nothing, but there's something i need to tell you. I heard a talk between Lisa and Jilian.<</speech>>
Your eyes brighten up and you listen eagerly.
<<speech "You" "$name">>How, when and what did they say?<</speech>><<speech "Mila" "Mila">>I overheard them talking in the school hallway.<</speech>><<speech "You" "$name">>Sigh<</speech>><<speech "Mila" "Mila">>Jilian asked if you are occupied by someone. She did say no, but she isn't sure.<</speech>>
What does that mean? Who could give her the impression to be not sure about this?
<<speech "Mila" "Mila">>I was speculating that something will happen at the party.<</speech>><<speech "You" "$name">>Oh, nothing happened...<</speech>><<speech "Mila" "Mila">>Too bad, but I hope you see I'm on your side, of course, Alex' too, but we will work something out.<</speech>><<speech "You" "$name">>Let's see.<</speech>><<speech "Mila" "Mila">>Don't think too much. Alex is already in, this evening, at my place.<</speech>>
This is getting out of hand...
<img src="game\pictures\bedroom.jpg">
You lay in your Room and stare at the ceiling. You have absolutely no idea what to do, and every day something new and unforeseen adds up. For the moment you should get more information about these weird cocktails.
Maybe you can call Athena and speak with her and see what she knows.
Mila said she's evil, but maybe she just tricked me into not getting involved with her, so she hasn't to share...
Or you can go to the club and try your luck by playing detective. Seems dumb, but subtle.
The third choice would be to relax, get slowly ready and go directly to Alex to pick him up for... whatever will happen this time.
[[Call Athena][$cor += 1]]
[[Go to the Club]]
[[Relax][$lov += 1]]You decided to try your luck with Athena.
It's probably a fifty, fifty chance that this will be a fatal idea, but you need answers.
You arranged a meeting with her.
Tensely, you make your way to the agreed bar.
You can see her already in the distance.
<img src="game\pictures\athena\athena bar.jpg">
<<speech "Athena" "Athena">>Hey! I'm so glad you decided to hang out with me. You won't regret it, ill make sure about that.<</speech>>
Not many bars are open, the prime time hasn't even begun yet.
You went into a relatively empty bar. Athena was taking care of the drinks.
You saw a weird dispenser.
<img src="game\pictures\athena\dispenser.gif">
Also, there's a woman across the room. She's taking notes about something and is inspecting you from time to time.
<img src="game\pictures\jeanne\jeanne.jpg">
Athena sat down with the drinks you were aware of.
<<speech "Athena" "Athena">>I have a little surprise prepared.<</speech>><<speech "You" "$name">>Ahm, that sounds interesting.<</speech>>
Surprises aren't your thing right now.
<<speech "You" "$name">>Can i ask you something about this weird looking blue drinks?<</speech>><<speech "Athena" "Athena">>Sure, did you try one yet?<</speech>><<speech "You" "$name">>Not the blue one... Do you maybe know if they have some influence on people?<</speech>><<speech "Athena" "Athena">>They can help you to get a bit more loose, maybe to let go a bit. Sometimes people need a little bit of a push into a direction. Isn't that the purpose of this drinks generally?<</speech>>
How she explains it makes sense to you.
<<speech "You" "$name">>I guess you are right. Is it possible that there are different versions of this stuff?<</speech>><<speech "Athena" "Athena">>You think too much, come i want to show you something.<</speech>>
She puts her claws in you and pulls you into a corridor with several doors.
<<speech "You" "$name">>Where are we going?<</speech>><<speech "Athena" "Athena">>Patience.<</speech>>
<img src="game\pictures\athena\door.jpg">
She pushed you forward, but you hesitate...
<img src="game\pictures\athena\grab.gif">
You can feel her nails drilling in your arm. You can't move backwards, she's walking slightly against you.
<img src="game\pictures\athena\room.gif">
Almost whispering, you're asking.
<<speech "You" "$name">>What is this here?<</speech>><<speech "Athena" "Athena">>We are just visitors, relax.<</speech>>
You turned your head with the intention to go out but she does not allow it.
<<speech "Athena" "Athena">>Maybe you want to have some fun too? Or maybe you want to keep her company and help her a bit?<</speech>>
You slowly shook your head.
<<speech "Athena" "Athena">>It's ok. We don't have to hurry. We can take it slow, this time. Go back to the table, i'm coming in a minute.<</speech>>
Slowly you walk back, your heart is racing. Lost in thoughts, you were inattentive...
You decided to search for answers right at the club.
But you need to enter if you hope to get some answers.
You slowly walk towards the entry as someone is suddenly shouting from the side.
<<speech "Random Dude" "Guy">>Hey, you look familiar.<</speech>>
You have no idea who that is.
<<speech "Random Dude" "Guy">>Yea, you look a bit different, but that was you who threw the bottle with the other girl.<</speech>>
His friend grabs you on the neck.
<<speech "Random Dude" "Guy">>Do you know what we do with daintily little boys like you?<</speech>>
That's your end, you begin to accept whatever will be your fate...
<<speech "Mila" "Mila">> Hey Shitheads! Leave your hands off him and walk away. Else I'll make sure you won't be able to. <</speech>>
<img src="game\pictures\mila\mila and bouncer.jpg">
<img src="game\pictures\bouncer.jpg">
Mila comes to your rescue, with the bouncer from the club ready to take people apart.
They let off of you and walk away.
<<speech "Random Dude" "Guy">>Seems you have luck today...<</speech>>
<<speech "Mila" "Mila">>You ok?<</speech>><<speech "You" "$name">>Yes, thanks to you and this...<</speech>><<speech "Mila" "Mila">>Thank you Brad.<</speech>>
He just nods and walks back to the door.
<<speech "You" "$name">>What coincidence you are here, i wouldn't know what would else happen.<</speech>>
<img src="game\pictures\mila encounter.jpg">
<<speech "Mila" "Mila">>You know i live here, right?<</speech>>
Irrefutable logic.
<<speech "Mila" "Mila">>Let's go, i help you come down a bit.<</speech>><<speech "You" "$name">>Yes. Wait, what?<</speech>>
[[Mila's Place]]
You decided to relax, there's enough stuff going on right now. Before you trip into the next rabbit hole, it's probably a good idea to take a breath and get a clear head.
After a while, your phone was ringing. It's Lisa!
<<speech "Crush" "Lisa">>Hi! How are you?<</speech>><<speech "You" "$name">>Good, i'm just relaxing a bit.<</speech>><<speech "Crush" "Lisa">>Recovery from the party? Did something eventful happen last night?<</speech>><<speech "You" "$name">>No, it was more calmly than expected. What about you?<</speech>>
You just couldn't come out with your adventure.
<<speech "Crush" "Lisa">>It was quete interesting.<</speech>><<speech "You" "$name">>What did you witness?<</speech>><<speech "Crush" "Lisa">>Alex was hitting on me.<</speech>><<speech "You" "$name">>And you ...<</speech>><<speech "Crush" "Lisa">>I don't know, there's probably someone else...<</speech>>
She paused for a short time.
<<speech "You" "$name">>Someone?<</speech>><<speech "Crush" "Lisa">>Oh, and I talked to Vivian, and she told me someone specific was interested in a story about her and me.<</speech>>
Her tone was questioning.
<<speech "You" "$name">>Ugh that could be...<</speech>>
She cut you off.
<<speech "Crush" "Lisa">>Crap, i have to go, we talk later, ok?<</speech>>
With more questions like before, your call ended.
Maybe you can ask Alex later how successful his approach was.
For now, you're getting ready for the meeting.
[[You go to Alex.]]You go to the steps up to Mila's place. At the moment you are a just few steps away from her door, she pushes you against the wall.
<<speech "You" "$name">>Wa...<</speech>>
<img src="game\pictures\mila\on stairs.jpg">
<<speech "Mila" "Mila">>Shh, you are mine now.<</speech>>
You don't dare to backtalk
She puts her hair together and grabbled at your pants.
<img src="game\pictures\mila\mila Stairs 1.gif">
You are just wax in her hands. She's something different...
<img src="game\pictures\mila\mila stairs 2.gif">
You are hugging the wall, trying not to fall down, while you almost collapse in your bliss.
<img src="game\pictures\mila\mila stairs 3.gif">
<<speech "You" "$name">>You are unbelivable.<</speech>>
She starts to kiss you really passionately. Obviously, you taste your own cum, but you don't care right now.
<img src="game\pictures\mila\mila stairs 4.gif">
<<speech "Mila" "Mila">>Just imagine all the fun we will have together, that's just the surface we are scratching on.<</speech>>
You're not sure if you can handle whatever awaits you...
[[You go in.]]
As you enter, you see some packages and some vials with some liquid.
You're wondering if this is the stuff you and the others got drugged with.
<<speech "You" "$name">>Mila. Can i ask you something?<</speech>><<speech "Mila" "Mila">>Sure, go ahead.<</speech>><<speech "You" "$name">>Did you drugged us the last time with Alex?<</speech>><<speech "Mila" "Mila">>I'm sorry, but i told you that the waitress was new, she just got the wrong door. I have no idea what she gave you guys.<</speech>><<speech "You" "$name">>Hm, ok then. It was just weird.<</speech>><<speech "Mila" "Mila">>Don't worry, when i drug you with something it will be much more exciting, and you will know it. I take good care of my boys.<</speech>>
Sometimes... she's kind of nice.
<<speech "You" "$name">>What's in the packages?<</speech>><<speech "Mila" "Mila">>That's a surprise for later. Now let's go, we pick up Alex.<</speech>>
[[You go to Alex.]]<img src="game\pictures\alex home.jpg">
You stand in front of his door.
You pray that Kristina isn't home.
<<speech "You" "$name">>Please. Please. Please.<</speech>>
<img src="game\pictures\kristina\door.jpg">
<<speech "You" "$name">>*Off course.*<</speech>>
<<speech "Kristina" "Kristina">>Oh hi, good to see you. Come in. <</speech>>
You step inside. Lately, you have this feeling like tapping from one spider web into another...
<<speech "Kristina" "Kristina">>I wanted to speak to you about something.<</speech>>
<img src="game\pictures\kristina\kristina back.gif">
You swallow, and your pulse rises, this is too awkward.
<<speech "Kristina" "Kristina">>When you were on the road with Alex, did you guys took anything... special?<</speech>>
<img src="game\pictures\kristina\kristina inside.jpg">
She's losing clothes...
<<speech "You" "$name">>E-Ehm, this is something i'm trying to figure out, to be honest.<</speech>><<speech "Kristina" "Kristina">>Oh, is that so? Well, I was thinking you could share the fun a bit with me. When you get a bit of this stuff again... LET ME KNOW. <</speech>>
This doesn't sound like a suggestion...
<<speech "Friend" "Alex">>Oh, hey sorry for waiting, let's go, Mila's waiting. Bye Kristina.<</speech>>
<<speech "Kristina" "Kristina">>Bye guys and have fun.<</speech>>
You turn a last time.
<img src="game\pictures\kristina\kristina las.gif">
<<speech "You" "$name">>Oh, this is bad, really bad.<</speech>>
[[You drive to Mila]]Once you are there, Mila goes into the club.
<<speech "You" "$name">>Uhm, where did she go?<</speech>><<speech "Friend" "Alex">>No idea. Hey did you see this stuff? What is that?<</speech>>
The door opens and Mila is in company with a girl.
<<speech "Mila" "Mila">>Him.<</speech>>
She points at Alex. The Girl moves swiftly to him and pushed him to the next seat.
She's not losing any time.
<img src="game\pictures\mila\girl.gif">
<<speech "Friend" "Alex">>A-Ahm, is this right?<</speech>><<speech "Mila" "Mila">>Just relax, she will give you a quick release.<</speech>>
She's staring right into your eyes, but that doesn't intimidate you any more. Your comfort level is already down the drain.
It's a matter of seconds.
<img src="game\pictures\mila\girl 2.gif">
<<speech "Friend" "Alex">>Shit. That was...<</speech>><<speech "RandomGirl" "Girl">>What about him?<</speech>>
Mila grabs your crotch. You didn't manage to get hard.
<<speech "Mila" "Mila">>He's okay, thank you.<</speech>>
You are defenetly not okay.
<<speech "Mila" "Mila">>Ok guys, now we get to the real stuff.<</speech>>
Mila grabbles some small bags and throws them at you guys.
<<speech "Mila" "Mila">>This is for you guys, from now on i want you to take care of your skin and face.<</speech>>
<<speech "Friend" "Alex">>Is this a wig?<</speech>><<speech "Mila" "Mila">>Yea, we will get to this part next time.<</speech>>
She throws two strange looking things.
<img src="game\pictures\cage.jpg">
<<speech "Friend" "Alex">>What is that?<</speech>><<speech "Mila" "Mila">>This will help to enhance your experience.<</speech>><<speech "Friend" "Alex">>And what do we doo with that?<</speech>>
Mila grabs the thing and his "relaxed" crotch and put it in.
<<speech "Friend" "Alex">>Wtf?!<</speech>>
Mila comes to you.
<<speech "Mila" "Mila">>So?<</speech>>
[[You play along][$fem += 1]]
[[You can't do that |You play along]]
<<speech "Mila" "Mila">>Ok guys, my work today is done. Remember to take care of your skin and let your hair grow, i want to try some styles on you.<</speech>>
You move home with Alex.
<<speech "You" "$name">>Did this really just happend?<</speech>><<speech "Friend" "Alex">>I guess.<</speech>><<speech "You" "$name">>You seem quete ok with this stuff.<</speech>><<speech "Friend" "Alex">>She said she will help us, and today she helped me really good...<</speech>><<speech "You" "$name">>You are too easy.<</speech>>
At home, you begin to think about your experience. You are not sure if you really like the direction you are moving in currently. Without being able to make a clear thought, you decide it is better to go to sleep.
[[You just end the draining day and go to sleep.]]
<img src="game\pictures\clips\sunrise.gif">
It's Sunday morning. As you wake up, u beg that this will be a quiet day.
Your phone is ringing.
<<speech "Friend" "Alex">>Hey! Did you research this stuff?<</speech>><<speech "You" "$name">>What exactly?<</speech>><<speech "Friend" "Alex">>Mila, she's trying to turn us.<</speech>><<speech "You" "$name">>Into what?<</speech>><<speech "Friend" "Alex">>Girls.<</speech>>
It took you a moment to get to the ground of this, but then it was clear.
<<speech "You" "$name">>Oh.<</speech>><<speech "Friend" "Alex">>I'm heading back to her right now, i need the keys. We talk later.<</speech>>
<<speech "You" "$name">>So much to this sunday...<</speech>>
You waited a bit and got nervous because Alex sounded a bit hysterical.
You got a message from Alex.
<<speech "Friend" "Alex">>Come to Mila.<</speech>><<speech "You" "$name">>*That's it?*<</speech>>
You weren't sure about this, she probably lulled him down.
Anyway, you have no choice, you need to find out what's happening.
[[Go to her.]]You ring at her door.
<<speech "Mila" "Mila">>Hai. Good that you are here come in.<</speech>>
Did she expect you?
<<speech "Mila" "Mila">>Make yourself comfortable i need a minute.<</speech>><<speech "You" "$name">>Mila where's Alex?<</speech>><<speech "Mila" "Mila">>Don't worry he's fine. Just wait here.<</speech>>
You wait and you have a pretty bad feeling.
You see Alex' phone on the table...!?
Someone is coming out of Mila's bathroom...
<img src="game\pictures\alex\alex mila.jpg">
<<speech "Mila" "Mila">>Are you ready for the surprise?<</speech>><<speech "You" "$name">>Who is this?<</speech>><<speech "Mila" "Mila">>Don't you recognize her? That's even better.<</speech>><<speech "You" "$name">>I need the keys Mila.<</speech>><<speech "Mila" "Mila">>How about this. You do something for me, and you get the keys.<</speech>>
She picks up a cocktail glass, but it is just half filled.
<<speech "Mila" "Mila">>You drink it and i give you the keys. Just to get a bit looser.<</speech>>
You think you can handle that, but this is your chance to get a bit more out of it.
<<speech "You" "$name">>Ok, but you need to give me a sample of the blue liquid for the way.<</speech>><<speech "Mila" "Mila">>Are you planing some alone fun time? Ok deal. Now down with it!<</speech>>
<img src="game\pictures\mila\drink.gif">
You gulp it down.
You feel...ok.
You get a flask with strange liquid and Mila gives you the keys.
<<speech "Mila" "Mila">>This sample is a bit stronger, be careful. I think now we can start with the main part, come here.<</speech>>
The Girl walks to you and looks a bit muddle-headed and really clumsy with these heels.
Mila commands you to pull your pants down, and before you even think about it, you obey.
<img src="game\pictures\alex\alex mila.gif">
You weren't able to withstand this. It was too good.
But sadly, you didn't last that long.
Mila goes behind you and helped you to get off.
<img src="game\pictures\alex\alex mila 2.gif">
You burst a short shout-out and fall back into the seat.
They disappear in the bathroom.
You almost forget why you were here till Mila helps you get you together and gives you the flask and the keys.
This was again something else, but who was that?
[[You strolled home]]
As you arrive at home, you can see that there's an unfamiliar car in front.
<img src="game\pictures\car.jpg">
You enter, but it's quiet.
You came by your sister's room.
<img src="game\pictures\sister\nina sister.gif">
<<speech "You" "$name">>Uf.<</speech>>
You rush to the bathroom. You are just blank, too much stuff is happening right now.
Someone appears at the door frame.
<img src="game\pictures\nina\bathroom.jpg">
<<speech "Nina" "Nina">>Hey peeping Tom.<</speech>><<speech "You" "$name">>I'm really sorry, i didn't mean to...<</speech>><<speech "Nina" "Nina">>Don't worry, i'm not mad. I heard you're working for Vi.<</speech>><<speech "You" "$name">>D-Do i?<</speech>><<speech "Nina" "Nina">>That means we will have more to do in the future. Here's my phone number, you will probably need it<</speech>>
You go to the kitchen. You need to eat and proccess what is going on right now.
<<speech "Sister" "Celine">>Hey, you look bad.<</speech>><<speech "You" "$name">>You have no idea. Who is Nina?<</speech>><<speech "Sister" "Celine">>We work together.<</speech>><<speech "You" "$name">>That didn't look like legit work.<</speech>><<speech "Sister" "Celine">>Shut up. She's the personnel manager in Vi's company. So we work together, technically.<</speech>><<speech "You" "$name">>And what is your job?<</speech>><<speech "Sister" "Celine">>I'm Vi's assistant. Her family owns half of the establishments in this town. So a lot of work. Oh and you can work for her too if you want.<</speech>><<speech "You" "$name">>I don't know, but i keep it in mind.<</speech>>
Without even thinking about what this work is about you made your way into your bedroom. Carefully you examine the flask. It's tempting to try it out but you have no idea how it affects you. You postpone further investigation with it and you check the keys. It seems the keys are just for your device
Maybe you can bring more light into it tomorow and talk with Alex.
[[sleep]]<img src="game\pictures\title.jpg">
<<if $fem is 0>><img src="game\pictures\test.jpg">
<<elseif $fem is 1>><img src="game\pictures\fem\fem 1.jpg">
<<elseif $fem is 2>><img src="game\pictures\fem\fem 2.jpg">
<<elseif $fem is 3>><img src="game\pictures\fem\fem 2.jpg">
<<elseif $fem is 4>><img src="game\pictures\fem\fem 4.jpg">
<<elseif $fem is 5>><img src="game\pictures\fem\fem 5.jpg">
<<elseif $fem is 6>><img src="game\pictures\fem\fem 6.jpg">
<<elseif $fem is 7>><img src="game\pictures\fem\fem 7.jpg">
<<elseif $fem is 8>><img src="game\pictures\fem\fem 8.jpg">
<<elseif $fem is 9>><img src="game\pictures\fem\fem 9.jpg">
<<elseif $fem is 10>><img src="game\pictures\fem\fem 10.jpg">
<</liveblock>><<set $fem to 0>>
<<set $cor to 0>>
<<set $lov to 0>> <img src="game\pictures\jeanne\ambush.gif">
Someone is grabbing you from behind with skilful grips.
Impossible to resist, you got drawn into one of the rooms.
<<speech "Jeanne" "Jeanne">>No sound or move!<</speech>>
After a minute, she loosens her grip.
Slowly, she withdraws her hand from your mouth.
<img src="game\pictures\jeanne\jeanne room.jpg">
<<speech "You" "$name">>What are you going to do with me?<</speech>>
Almost angry, she gave you a crooked look.
<<speech "Jeanne" "Jeanne">>I saved your ass. You look like someone stupid enough to get into things involved he didn't seek for.<</speech>>
She knows you pretty well for a stranger...
<<speech "You" "$name">>I can't deny that...<</speech>><<speech "Jeanne" "Jeanne">>I show you where you can leave without someone noticing it.<</speech>><<speech "You" "$name">>Why are you here and why are you helping me?<</speech>><<speech "Jeanne" "Jeanne">> I'm working here, but not what you think. I'm the manager of a few bars here. Some are a bit "special". I see a lot of different people, but someone like you is not that common here, so my guess was right. <</speech>><<speech "You" "$name">>Thank you, i'm in your debt.<</speech>><<speech "Jeanne" "Jeanne">>It's already forgotten. Just try to stay away from trouble, and keep an eye open for these blue drinks, they obscure your mind.<</speech>>
Thankful for the rescue, you made it out of the bar.
You are still agitated about what happened, but your plan worked out in the end, more or less. So far, you know about the blue liquid, but there's still more to find out.
Athena tried to ask where you were via text message. You made something up and said you need to think about all this. She didn't hold back that she had another "surprise" in the backhand...
Still tense about that event, you walk home and get ready for the Mila excursion.
[[You go to Alex.]]
<<if $cor is 0>>[[lov sense]]
<<elseif $cor is 1>>[[lov hard]]
[[fem lov]]
<<elseif $cor is 2>>[[fem cor]]
[[cor sens]]
<<elseif $cor is 3>>[[cor hard]]
While you eat something, your phone rings.
<<speech "Lana" "Lana">>Hi, this is Lana. Lisa gave me your number because you are looking for a job?<</speech>><<speech "You" "$name">>Yes, that's right! Thank you for calling, i could send you the application documents right away.<</speech>><<speech "Lana" "Lana">>Oh, i don't think that necessary. If you can, we could meet tomorrow after your lectures and talk about the subtleties.<</speech>><<speech "You" "$name">>Ok, that's great, i will be there.<</speech>><img src="game\pictures\home.jpg">
As you step into your home you encounter your sister.
<<speech "Sister" "Celine">>Hey slowpoke, mom will be late again.
<</speech>><<speech "You" "$name">>Ok. Oh, here's a package from Mila.<</speech>>
<img src="game\pictures\Package.jpg">
She risked a short look inside. Her eyes went big.
<<speech "Sister" "Celine">>Did you look inside?!<</speech>><<speech "You" "$name">>No.<</speech>><<speech "Sister" "Celine">>Are you sure?<</speech>><<speech "You" "$name">>Yes, what's in there?<</speech>><<speech "Sister" "Celine">>Nothing.<</speech>>
She yelled as she rushes into her room.
You witness much weird stuff lately.
You have a lot to process. You think about the day and tomorrow, but you have a feeling that something strange is hiding from your sight...
[[Sleep]]You're at home. You were curious about your sister and her "friend" from the Morning. She's in her Room.
<img src="game\pictures\sister bedroom.jpg">
<<speech "You" "$name">>Hey Sis, who is your sugar daddy from early morning?<</speech>><img src="game\pictures\Sister\Angry Sis.jpg"><<speech "Sister" "Celine">>First i don't need any sugar daddy and second it was a sugar mommy.<</speech>><<speech "You" "$name">>Oh, then is there a spot free for someone in need?<</speech>><<speech "Sister" "Celine">>Listen here you little shit. Take this and deliver it tomorrow to this address, hand it over to Vi and i forgive this conversation.<</speech>><<speech "You" "$name">>What? Why? I'm starting to feel like a delivery boy.<</speech>><<speech "Sister" "Celine">>So where's the problem, you need anyway a job and if you have success there's maybe a little bit of money in for you.<</speech>><<speech "You" "$name">>Ha, to your disappointment, i just have a job in prospect. But i take your offer.<</speech>>
You are tired as hell. You decide to sleep. Furthermore, you are still processing all the events lately, and you don't come by to work on your most important points.
You still need to talk to Lisa. But what about Alex? Now you have to get a job and a little less time... your degree... the... Mila....
[[You fell asleep]]<img src="game\pictures\clips\sunlight.gif">
It's Monday morning. A new week is waiting for you. The morning starts slow and you made your way to university where you meet Alex.
<<speech "You" "$name">>Hey, are you ok?<</speech>>
<<speech "Friend" "Alex">>Yes, why are you asking so worried?<</speech>>
<<speech "You" "$name">>Couse, you didn't respond anymore yesterday?<</speech>>
<<speech "Friend" "Alex">>Oh, no it's fine I'm good.<</speech>>
<<speech "You" "$name">>I see. But you didn't sound really composed. I was really worried.<</speech>>
<<speech "Friend" "Alex">>Relax I'm ok, I don't know why I made such a panic.<</speech>>
Way more concerned than before your wondering what caused this change of mind.
<<speech "You" "$name">>Yesterday when I was at Milas's place, I was able to manage to get the keys. But it seems they are just for my device. How about yours?<</speech>>
<<speech "Friend" "Alex">>Oh, don't worry I'm fine with it.<</speech>><<speech "You" "$name">>Yea, don't you remember what she said? It will help us and so far Mila didn't disappoint us.<</speech>>
Conflicted about this whole situation you weren't able to tell he was wrong. Next time you have to make sure you guys go together, to make sure you don't miss anything.
Thoughts scattered, you drag yourself from one lecture to the next. In between one you have your highlight at lunch...
<img src="game\pictures\mensa outside.jpg">
<<speech "Crush" "Lisa">>Hey, dreamer. Why the pensive face?<</speech>>
<<speech "You" "$name">>Oh hey. I don't know, much to think about.<</speech>><<speech "Crush" "Lisa">>I'm eager to know about what. But I'm short on time currently... <</speech>><<speech "You" "$name">>Don't worry it's probably nothing.<</speech>><<speech "Crush" "Lisa">>You and Alex seem to alter your appearance a bit lately.<</speech>><<speech "You" "$name">>Oh, that. You know there was a fire... I got burned a bit or just some hair aaaand so i made it evenly but...<</speech>><<speech "Crush" "Lisa">>You know what, keep your secret.<</speech>>
She couldn't hide how funny your try was to think about an excuse.
<<speech "Crush" "Lisa">>I wanted to talk with you about something, but this has to wait sadly. I will visit to my mother for a while, family matters.<</speech>>
Almost shocked you asked her.
<<speech "You" "$name">>Nothing terrible. I'm not sure a few days maybe a week.<</speech>>
<<speech "Crush" "Lisa">>Nothing terrible. I'm not sure a few days maybe or a week.<</speech>>
The day goes on.
With this news you arrive at home.
You don't feel very well. Lately, you are confronted with drastic events. Alex is drifting somewhere away. Lisa is gone for a while, but the fact that you still didn't tell her about how you feel is nagging you the most.
For the moment you just lay there and try to get along.
[[breather]]end for nowYou arrive home and get ready for the party.
You can't think about anything else than your conversation earlier.
With a determined look, you decided to talk with her, about what is worrying her and maybe more.
Alex is waiting outside.
You step out of the house and see Alex with Jilian waiting.
<img src="game\pictures\jilian\jilian.jpg">
<<button "Jilian">>
<<speech "Jilian" "Jilian">>Hi, long time no see.<</speech>><<speech "You" "$name">>Yea, you look nice, i'm glad to see you again.<</speech>><<speech "Friend" "Alex">>Quick, we still have a stopover.<</speech>>
You rushed into the car.
<<speech "You" "$name">>What about your cousin?<</speech>><<speech "Friend" "Alex">>She's busy with something else.<</speech>>
You picked up Lisa and went to the party.
It was really packed with people, it looks like the club opened up for Mila...