<img src="images/misc/banner.jpg" />
Hi there, welcome to To the Fullest.
Please enter your name:
<<textbox "$name" "">>
[[I here by confirm that I'm 18+ and that I want to start this adult game.->intro]]
<<dialog 'Warning!'>>
<center>This game has sound in several scenes! Check your volume!
Volume can be adjusted in the in game settings.</center>
<<if $livingatashley is "true">>
<<if $time gt 10>>
<<set $time to 1>>
<<goto "ashleyforcesleep">><</if>>
<<if $time gt 10>>
<<set $time to 1>>
<<goto "forcesleep">>
<<if $sarahsexclub2 is "true" and $sarahsexclub21 is "true" and $sarahsexclub21after is "false">>
<<goto "sarahsexclub21after">><</if>>
<<if $sarahsexclub2 is "true" and $sarahsexclub23 is "true" and $sarahsexclub23after is "false">>
<<goto "sarahsexclub23after">><</if>>
<<if $webcamshow is "true" and $nfirstwebcamshow is "false">>
<<goto "nfirstwebcamshow">><</if>>
<<if $moviedateplan is "true" and $time is 9 and $moviedatearr is "false">>
<<dialog 'Date Time!'>>
<center>Your phone warns you that you have a date with Sarah.
<a data-passage="cinema"><div class="talkloc">Go on the date with Sarah.</div></a>
<<if $dinnerdateplan is "true" and $time is 9 and $dinnerdatearr is "false">>
<<dialog 'Date Time!'>>
<center>Your phone warns you that you have a date with Sarah.
<a data-passage="dinnerdate"><div class="talkloc">Go on the date with Sarah.</div></a>
<<if $fnoelle gte 90 and $fnoelle gte $rnoelle / 2>>
<<if $onoelle gte 90 and $onoelle gte $tnoelle and $fearob is "false" and $feartr is "false" and $relationob is "false" and $relationtr is "false">>
<<set $name2 to "$name">>
<<set $noelle to "girl">>
<<set $fearob to "true">>
<<dialog 'Slave'>>
<center>Obey or else!<br>
Noelle will do anything you tell her because she is very scared of you and is afraid of the consequences.
<div id="talkplayer"><<link "What does this mean">>
<<replace "#talkplayer">>
This means that you molded Noelle into one of the options available, her stats now have a maximum and a minimum (which are not always 100) and all future scenes will be based on what you molded her into. Also, you can change her what you call her in sexscenes in the rules section in the guestroom.
<<elseif $tnoelle gte 90 and $tnoelle gt $onoelle and $fearob is "false" and $feartr is "false" and $relationob is "false" and $relationtr is "false">>
<<set $feartr to "true">>
<<dialog 'Misplaced faith'>>
<center>Trust me, I will not harm you, unless..<br>
Noelle is very scared of you, but she has learned to trust you that you will not harm her unless she really steps over the line of course.
<div id="talkplayer"><<link "What does this mean">>
<<replace "#talkplayer">>
This means that you molded Noelle into one of the options available, her stats now have a maximum and a minimum (which are not always 100) and all future scenes will be based on what you molded her into.
<<elseif $rnoelle gte 190 and $rnoelle / 2 gt $fnoelle>>
<<if $onoelle gte 90 and $onoelle gte $tnoelle and $fearob is "false" and $feartr is "false" and $relationob is "false" and $relationtr is "false">>
<<set $name2 to "$name">>
<<set $noelle to "girl">>
<<set $relationob to "true">>
<<dialog 'Like a pet'>>
<center>She loves and listens.<br>
Noelle loves you and listens to every word you say and will do anything you tell her to.
<div id="talkplayer"><<link "What does this mean">>
<<replace "#talkplayer">>
This means that you molded Noelle into one of the options available, her stats now have a maximum and a minimum (which are not always 100) and all future scenes will be based on what you molded her into. Also, you can change her what you call her in sexscenes in the rules section in the guestroom.
<<elseif $tnoelle gte 90 and $tnoelle gt $onoelle and $fearob is "false" and $feartr is "false" and $relationob is "false" and $relationtr is "false">>
<<set $relationtr to "true">>
<<dialog 'Lovebirds'>>
<center>All the relationship bases covered.<br>
Ah, love is in the air. She trusts you, you trust her. Amazing isn't it?
<div id="talkplayer"><<link "What does this mean">>
<<replace "#talkplayer">>
This means that you molded Noelle into one of the options available, her stats now have a maximum and a minimum (which are not always 100) and all future scenes will be based on what you molded her into.
<<if $suspicious gte 5 and $suspiciousevent is "false">>
<<goto "suspicious1">>
<<if $rsarah lt 225 and $noelleloss is "true" and $stopsdialog is "false">>
<<dialog 'Declining relationship'>>
<center>It seems that Sarah still has all the events in the back of her mind. I should make sure that our relationship maintains strong and stop the decline. Who knows what will happen otherwise.</center>
<<set $stopsdialog to "true">><</if>>
<<if $angrymode is "true" and $sarahsrevengeangry is "false" and $angrytimer gte 3>>
<<goto "sarahsrevenge16a">>
<<if tags().includes('outside')>>
<<if $exhibitionist is "true" and $bdsm2 is "true" and $dayt is 2 and $neighbour1 is "false" and $noneighbour1 is "false">>
<<goto "neighbour1">><</if>>
<<if tags().includes('home')>>
<<if $copevent9 is "true" and $noellebfreturnsabina is "true" and $noellebfreturnsabina2 is "false" and $time gte 6 and $noellebfreturn1 is "true">>
<<goto "noellebfreturnsabina2">>
<<if $copevent9 is "true" and $sabinahelps is "true" and $noellebfreturnsabina2a is "false" and $time gte 6 and $noellebfreturn1 is "true">>
<<goto "noellebfreturnsabina2a">>
<<if $guestnoellereltr6 is "true" and $livtalknoelleloss4tr is "true" and $terrrealationtr11 is "true" and $noellebfreturn1 is "false" and $time gte 8>>
<<goto "noellebfreturn1">>
<<if $guestnoellefeartr2 is "true" and $livingfeartr1a is "true" and $terrfeartr13 is "true" and $noellebfreturn1 is "false" and $time gte 8>>
<<goto "noellebfreturn1">>
<<if $sarahsexclub1 is "true" and $sarahsexclub2 is "false" and $sarahsexclubtimer gte 3 and $dayt is 2 and $time gte 7>>
<<goto "sarahsexclub2">>
<<if $neighbour4 is "true" and $time gte 8 and $neighbour5 is "false" and $sarahneigtimer gte 3>>
<<switch random(1, 10)>>
<<case 1>>
<<goto "neighbour5">>
<<case 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10>>
<<if $neighbour3 is "true" and $neighbour3j is "true" and $neighbour4 is "false" and $sarahneigtimer gte 3>>
<<switch random(1, 10)>>
<<case 1>>
<<goto "neighbour4">>
<<case 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10>>
<<if $neighbour2prev1a is "true" and $time gte 8 and $neighbour3 is "false" and $sarahneigtimer gte 3>>
<<switch random(1, 10)>>
<<case 1 2>>
<<goto "neighbour3">>
<<case 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10>>
<<if $neighbour2prev2a is "true" and $time gte 8 and $neighbour3 is "false" and $sarahneigtimer gte 3>>
<<switch random(1, 10)>>
<<case 1 2>>
<<goto "neighbour3">>
<<case 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10>>
<<if $neighbour2prev3a is "true" and $time gte 8 and $neighbour3 is "false" and $sarahneigtimer gte 3>>
<<switch random(1, 10)>>
<<case 1 2>>
<<goto "neighbour3">>
<<case 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10>>
<<if $neighbour1talk is "true" and $dayt is 2 and $neighbour2prev is "false" and $sarahneigtimer gte 3>>
<<switch random(1, 10)>>
<<case 1 2>>
<<goto "neighbour2prev">>
<<case 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10>>
<<if $neighbour1 is "true" and $dayt is 2 and $neighbour1talk is "false" and $sarahneigtimer gte 1>>
<<switch random(1, 10)>>
<<case 1 2 3>>
<<goto "neighbour1talk">>
<<case 4 5 6 7 8 9 10>>
<<if $dayt is 2 and $time gte 3 and $time lte 8 and $neighbour2prev1 is "true" and $neighbour2prev1a is "false" and $sarahneigtimer gte 3>>
<<goto "neighbour2prev1a">>
<<if $dayt is 2 and $time gte 3 and $time lte 8 and $neighbour2prev2 is "true" and $neighbour2prev2a is "false" and $sarahneigtimer gte 3>>
<<goto "neighbour2prev2a">>
<<if $dayt is 2 and $time gte 3 and $time lte 8 and $neighbour2prev3 is "true" and $neighbour2prev3a is "false" and $sarahneigtimer gte 3>>
<<goto "neighbour2prev3a">>
<<if $christelevent10c is "true" and $christelevent10b is "false">>
<<goto "christelevent10c1a">>
<<if $christelevent10b is "true" and $noelleloss is "true" and $christelevent11 is "false">>
<<goto "christelevent11">>
<<if $time gte 6 and $christelevent7yes is "true" and $christelevent7yestalk is "false">>
<<goto "christelevent7yes">><</if>>
<<if $time gte 6 and $christelevent7no is "true" and $christelevent7notalk is "false">>
<<goto "christelevent7no">><</if>>
<<if $sarahchristel1timer gte 5 and $christelevent7 is "false" and $time gte 3 and $time lte 5 and $dayt is 1>>
<<goto "christelevent7">><</if>>
<<if $lockupday gte 2 and $locksarah is "false">>
<<goto "locksarah">><</if>>
<<if $lockupday gte 6 and $locksarah2 is "false">>
<<goto "locksarah2">><</if>>
<<if $nclean gte 9>>
<<goto "lockssmell">><</if>>
<<if tags().includes('bedroom') and $christelevent6 is "true" and $sarahchristel1 is "false" and $time gte 10>>
<<goto "sarahchristel1">><</if>>>
<<if $sarahnakedout is "false" and $time gte 6 and $time lte 9 and $nakedout is "true">>
<<goto "sarahnakedout">><</if>>
<<if $copevent5 is "true" and $fbivisit is "false">>
<<switch random(1, 20)>>
<<case 1 2 3>>
<<goto "fbivisit">>
<<case 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20>>
<<if $rsarah lt 200 and $noelleloss is "true" and $sarahsrevenge is "false" and $time gte 4>>
<<goto "sarahsrevenge">><</if>>
<<if $dinnerdateplan is "true">>
<<goto "dinnerdate">><</if>>
<<if $truthrevealed is "true" and $burynoelle is "false" and $time gte 10>>
<<goto "burynoelle">><</if>>
<<if $day is 5 and $time gte 7 and $christeldinner is "false" and $rsarah gte 200 and $metchristel is "true">>
<<goto "christeldinner">><</if>>
<<if $day is 6 and $time gte 7 and $christeldinner is "false" and $rsarah gte 200 and $metchristel is "true">>
<<goto "christeldinner">><</if>>
<<if $day is 7 and $time gte 7 and $christeldinner is "false" and $rsarah gte 200 and $metchristel is "true">>
<<goto "christeldinner">><</if>>
<<if $cheatcount gte 7 and $time gte 10 and $dayt is 1 and $scheater is "false" and $caughtevent is "false" and $sarahsrevenge is "false">>
<<goto "cheatevent">>
<<if $cheatcount gte 7 and $time gte 10 and $dayt is 1 and $scheater is "false" and $noelleloss is "true" and $sarahsrevenge is "false">>
<<goto "cheatevent">>
<<if $rnoelle gte 180 and $rsarah gte 230 and $firstfuck is "true" and $caughtevent is "false" and $time gte 9 and $caughteventblocker is "false" and $christelevent2 is "true">>
<<goto "caughtevent">>
<<if $day is 5 and $time gte 10 and $rnoelle gte 90 and $firsttimeevent is "false">>
<<goto "firsttimeevent">>
<<if $day is 6 and $time gte 10 and $rnoelle gte 90 and $firsttimeevent is "false">>
<<goto "firsttimeevent">>
<<if $day is 6 and $time gte 3 and $time lte 6 and $firsttime is "true" and $fkevent is "false" and $rnoelle gte 120>>
<<goto "fkevent">>
<<if $day is 7 and $time gte 3 and $time lte 6 and $firsttime is "true" and $fkevent is "false" and $rnoelle gte 120>>
<<goto "fkevent">>
<<if $day is 1 and $time gte 3 and $time lte 5 and $rnoelle gte 160 and $firstkiss is "true" and $ffevent is "false" and $ffeventno is "false">>
<<goto "ffevent">>
<<if $day is 2 and $time gte 3 and $time lte 5 and $rnoelle gte 160 and $firstkiss is "true" and $ffevent is "false" and $ffeventno is "false">>
<<goto "ffevent">>
<<if $day is 3 and $time gte 3 and $time lte 5 and $rnoelle gte 160 and $firstkiss is "true" and $ffevent is "false" and $ffeventno is "false">>
<<goto "ffevent">>
<<if $day is 4 and $time gte 3 and $time lte 5 and $rnoelle gte 160 and $firstkiss is "true" and $ffevent is "false" and $ffeventno is "false">>
<<goto "ffevent">>
<<if $day is 5 and $time gte 3 and $time lte 5 and $rnoelle gte 160 and $firstkiss is "true" and $ffevent is "false" and $ffeventno is "false">>
<<goto "ffevent">>
<<if $dayt is 2 and $time gte 3 and $time lte 8 and $noellebfreturnpi is "true" and $noellebfevent2 is "false">>
<<goto "noellebfeven2PI">>
<<if $dayt is 2 and $time gte 3 and $time lte 8 and $noellebfreturnsabina is "true" and $noellebfevent2 is "false">>
<<goto "noellebfevent2Sabina">>
<<if tags().includes('unievent')>>
<<if $christeldinner is "true" and $dayt is 1 and $time gte 3 and $time lte 5 and $rchristel gte 75 and $christelevent1 is "false">>
<<goto "christelevent1">>
<<if tags().includes('ashleyhome')>>
<<if $hearashleyfuck1 is "true" and $williamevent1 is "false" and $livingatashleytimer gte 3 and $time gte 6>>
<<goto "williamevent1">>
<<if $williamevent1 is "true" and $caughttalksarah is "true" and $sarahproves is "false" and $livingatashleytimer gte 4 and $time gte 5>>
<<goto "sarahproves">>
<<if tags().includes('cop')>>
<<if $christelevent7 is "true" and $copevent8 is "true" and $chissabtimer gte 5 and $christelevent8 is "false" and $time gte 7>>
<<switch random(1, 20)>>
<<case 1>>
<<goto "christelevent8">>
<<case 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20>>
<<if $copevent7 is "true" and $copevent8 is "false" and $copeventtimer gte 2>>
<<switch random(1, 20)>>
<<case 1>>
<<goto "copevent8">>
<<case 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20>>
<<elseif $copevent6 is "true" and $copevent7 is "false" and $copeventtimer gte 2>>
<<switch random(1, 20)>>
<<case 1>>
<<goto "copevent7">>
<<case 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20>>
<<elseif $fbivisit is "true" and $copevent6 is "false" and $time gte 7 and $copeventtimer gte 1>>
<<switch random(1, 20)>>
<<case 1>>
<<goto "copevent6">>
<<case 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20>>
<<elseif $copevent5 is "false" and $copevent4 is "true" and $copeventtimer gte 4>>
<<switch random(1, 20)>>
<<case 1>>
<<goto "copevent5">>
<<case 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20>>
<<elseif $copevent4 is "false" and $copevent3 is "true" and $copeventtimer gte 3>>
<<switch random(1, 20)>>
<<case 1>>
<<goto "copevent4">>
<<case 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20>>
<<elseif $copevent3 is "false" and $copevent2 is "true" and $copeventtimer gte 3>>
<<switch random(1, 20)>>
<<case 1>>
<<goto "copevent3">>
<<case 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20>>
<<elseif $copevent2 is "false" and $copevent1 is "true" and $copeventtimer gte 5>>
<<switch random(1, 20)>>
<<case 1>>
<<goto "copevent2">>
<<case 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20>>
<<elseif $cop is "true" and $copevent1 is "false" and $copeventtimer gte 3>>
<<switch random(1, 20)>>
<<case 1>>
<<goto "copevent1">>
<<case 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20>>
<<if $christelevent4 is "true" and $christelevent5 is "false" and $time gte 9 and $christeltimerr gte 3>>
<<goto "christelevent5">>
<<if $sabinahelpstimer is "true" and $sabinanoelle is "false" and $time gte 6>>
<<goto "sabinanoelle">>
<<if $sarahspihelpstimer is "true" and $sarahspihelpsnoelle is "false" and $time gte 6>>
<<goto "sarahspihelpsnoelle">>
<<if $elliecrash is "true" and $ellieevent1 is "false">>
<<switch random(1, 4)>>
<<case 1 2 3>>
<<goto "ellieevent1">>
<<case 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20>>
<<if $ellieevent1 is "true" and $ellieevent2 is "false" and $time gte 3 and $time lte 6 and $ellietimer gte 1>>
<<switch random(1, 20)>>
<<case 1>>
<<goto "ellieevent2">>
<<case 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20>>
<<if $ellieevent3 is "true" and $ellieevent4 is "false" and $time gte 3 and $time lte 6>>
<<switch random(1, 20)>>
<<case 1>>
<<goto "ellieevent4">>
<<case 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20>>
<<if $ellieevent4 is "true" and $ellieevent5 is "false" and $time gte 3 and $time lte 6 and $ellietimer gte 3>>
<<switch random(1, 20)>>
<<case 1>>
<<goto "ellieevent5">>
<<case 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20>>
<<if $ellieevent5 is "true" and $ellieevent6 is "false" and $time gte 3 and $time lte 6 and $ellietimer gte 3>>
<<switch random(1, 20)>>
<<case 1>>
<<goto "ellieevent6">>
<<case 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20>>
<<if tags().includes('center') or tags().includes('mall')>>
<<if $noelleloss is "true" and $ashleyevent1 is "false">>
<<switch random(1, 20)>>
<<case 1>>
<<goto "ashleyevent1">>
<<case 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20>>
<<set $rules to 0>>
<<set $rule1 to "false">>
/* Stats */
<<set $happiness to 85>>
<<set $money to 50>>
<<set $energy to 85>>
<<set $fitness to 3>>
<<set $faithfulness to 99>>
<<set $darkness to 0>>
<<set $hygene to 90>>
<<set $arousal to 75>>
<<set $rsarah to 6>>
<<set $rnoelle to 3>>
<<set $tnoelle to 0>>
<<set $onoelle to 0>>
<<set $fnoelle to 0>>
<<set $rchristel to 0>>
<<set $rashley to 0>>
<<set $work to 0>>
<<set $workfame to 0>>
/* Time */
<<set $time to 1>>
<<set $day to 1>>
<<set $dayt to 1>>
/* General */
<<set $convos to 0>>
<<set $convon to 0>>
<<set $convoa to 0>>
<<set $kisss to 0>>
<<set $kissn to 0>>
<<set $gym to 0>>
<<set $chores to 0>>
<<set $livchores to "false">>
<<set $kitchores to "false">>
<<set $batchores to "false">>
<<set $garchores to "false">>
<<set $hideimage to "false">>
<<set $showcl to "false">>
<<set $ssleeppil to "false">>
<<set $nsleeppil to "false">>
<<set $teacherdone to "false">>
/* Items */
<<set $dildo to "false">>
<<set $anallube to "false">>
<<set $bondagekit to "false">>
<<set $vibo to "false">>
<<set $sextoy1 to "false">>
<<set $sextoy2 to "false">>
<<set $sextoy3 to "false">>
<<set $sextoy4 to "false">>
<<set $pantiesn to "false">>
<<set $camera to "false">>
<<set $sleeppill to 0>>
<<set $clubcard to "false">>
<<set $gun to "false">>
<<set $bigdildo to "false">>
/* Journal */
<<set $sarahjournal to "false">>
<<set $mysteries to "false">>
<<set $sabinajournal to "false">>
/* Sarah */
<<set $cumaddict to 0>>
<<set $cumslut to "false">>
<<set $exhibitionist to "false">>
<<set $exhibitionist2 to "false">>
<<set $talkexh to "false">>
<<set $firstanalfuck to "false">>
<<set $cheatcount to 0>>
<<set $scheater to "false">>
<<set $watchashley1 to "false">>
<<set $moviedateplan to "false">>
<<set $moviedate to "false">>
<<set $moviedatearr to "false">>
<<set $dinnerdateplan to "false">>
<<set $dinnerdate to "false">>
<<set $dinnerdatearr to "false">>
<<set $moreexciting to "false">>
<<set $caughtevent to "false">>
<<set $caughteventblocker to "false">>
<<set $caughteventafter to "false">>
<<set $talkuni to "false">>
<<set $christelcaught1 to "false">>
<<set $foundsarah to "false">>
<<set $catchingnoelleflowers to "false">>
<<set $catchingnoellechocolate to "false">>
<<set $livingatashley to "false">>
<<set $livingatashleytimer to 0>>
<<set $caughttalksarah to "false">>
<<set $sarahproves to "false">>
<<set $goinghome to "false">>
<<set $sabinahelps to "false">>
<<set $sabinahelpstimer to "false">>
<<set $sabinanoelle to "false">>
<<set $sarahspihelps to "false">>
<<set $sarahspihelpstimer to "false">>
<<set $sarahspihelpsnoelle to "false">>
<<set $sabinahelps to "false">>
<<set $sarahsrevenge to "false">>
<<set $sarahsrevengestopped to "false">>
<<set $sarahsrevengeangry to "false">>
<<set $sarahsrevengefuck to "false">>
<<set $sarahnakedout to "false">>
<<set $sarahchristel1 to "false">>
<<set $bdsm1 to "false">>
<<set $bdsm2 to "false">>
<<set $neighbour1 to "false">>
<<set $noneighbour1 to "false">>
<<set $neighbour1talk to "false">>
<<set $neighbour2prev to "false">>
<<set $neighbour2prev1 to "false">>
<<set $neighbour2prev2 to "false">>
<<set $neighbour2prev3 to "false">>
<<set $neighbour2prev1a to "false">>
<<set $neighbour2prev2a to "false">>
<<set $neighbour2prev3a to "false">>
<<set $neighbour3 to "false">>
<<set $neighbour3j to "false">>
<<set $neighbour3n to "false">>
<<set $neighbour4 to "false">>
<<set $neighbour4j to "false">>
<<set $neighbour5 to "false">>
<<set $neighbour5j to "false">>
<<set $sarahneigtimer to 0>>
<<set $sarahsexclubtimer to 0>>
<<set $domsub to 0>>
<<set $angrytimer to 0>>
<<set $sarahsexclub1 to "false">>
<<set $sarahsexclub1j to "false">>
<<set $sarahsexclub2 to "false">>
<<set $sarahsexclub21 to "false">>
<<set $sarahsexclub23 to "false">>
<<set $angrymode to "false">>
<<set $sarahsexclub1n to "false">>
<<set $sarahsexclub21after to "false">>
<<set $sarahsexclub23after to "false">>
<<set $suspiciouschristel3 to "false">>
/* Noelle */
<<set $firsttimeevent to "false">>
<<set $firsttime to "false">>
<<set $fkevent to "false">>
<<set $firstkiss to "false">>
<<set $ffevent to "false">>
<<set $firstfuck to "false">>
<<set $ffeventno to "false">>
<<set $ffeventnotimer to 0>>
<<set $dildon to "false">>
<<set $poolshootnude to "false">>
<<set $suspicious to 0>>
<<set $suspiciousevent to "false">>
<<set $noellespy to 0>>
<<set $noellespyevent to "false">>
<<set $noellespyeventkiss to "false">>
<<set $noellespyeventbj to "false">>
<<set $catchingnoelle to "false">>
<<set $madetheplan to "false">>
<<set $truthrevealed to "false">>
<<set $burynoelle to "false">>
<<set $noellegone to "false">>
<<set $gettingnoelle to "false">>
<<set $noelleloss to "false">>
<<set $fearob to "false">>
<<set $feartr to "false">>
<<set $relationob to "false">>
<<set $relationtr to "false">>
<<set $fearrel to "false">>
<<set $skimout to "false">>
<<set $nakedout to "false">>
<<set $da5 to "false">>
<<set $da10 to "false">>
<<set $da25 to "false">>
<<set $allchores to "false">>
<<set $gropenoelle to "false">>
<<set $lockup to "false">>
<<set $lockupday to 0>>
<<set $nhungry to 0>>
<<set $nclean to 0>>
<<set $ntoilet to 0>>
<<set $locksarah to "false">>
<<set $locksarah2 to "false">>
<<set $noellelossfirsttime to "false">>
<<set $noellelossfirstrape to "false">>
<<set $noelleftanal to "false">>
<<set $noelleanaltr to "false">>
<<set $webcamshow to "false">>
<<set $nfirstwebcamshow to "false">>
<<set $noellebfreturn1 to "false">>
<<set $noellebfreturnpi to "false">>
<<set $noellebfreturnsabina to "false">>
<<set $noellebfreturnsabina2 to "false">>
<<set $noellebfreturnsabina2a to "false">>
<<set $noellebfevent2 to "false">>
/* Christel */
<<set $christeltimerr to 0>>
<<set $christeljournal to "false">>
<<set $metchristel to "false">>
<<set $christeldinner to "false">>
<<set $christelevent1 to "false">>
<<set $christelevent2 to "false">>
<<set $christelevent3 to "false">>
<<set $christeleventtimer34 to 0>>
<<set $christelevent4 to "false">>
<<set $christelevent5 to "false">>
<<set $christelevent6 to "false">>
<<set $christelevent7 to "false">>
<<set $sarahchristel1timer to 0>>
<<set $christelevent7yes to "false">>
<<set $christelevent7yestalk to "false">>
<<set $christelevent7no to "false">>
<<set $christelevent7notalk to "false">>
<<set $chissabtimer to 0>>
<<set $chissabtimeractivator to "false">>
<<set $christelevent8 to "false">>
<<set $christelevent9 to "false">>
<<set $christelevent9a to "false">>
<<set $christelevent9b to "false">>
<<set $christelevent10a to "false">>
<<set $christelevent10b to "false">>
<<set $christelevent10c to "false">>
<<set $christelevent11 to "false">>
<<set $christelevent11talk to "false">>
<<set $suspiciouschristel to 0>>
<<set $suspiciouschristel2 to "false">>
/* Olivia */
<<set $uniseenolivia to "false">>
<<set $parkseenolivia to "false">>
<<set $paigetalk1 to "false">>
<<set $oliviameetgym to "false">>
<<set $oliviaevent1 to "false">>
/* Sabina */
<<set $copeventtimer to 0>>
<<set $cop to "false">>
<<set $copevent1 to "false">>
<<set $copevent2 to "false">>
<<set $copevent3 to "false">>
<<set $copevent4 to "false">>
<<set $copevent5 to "false">>
<<set $fbivisit to "false">>
<<set $copevent6 to "false">>
<<set $copevent6a to "false">>
<<set $copevent6b to "false">>
<<set $searchsabina to 0>>
<<set $clubss to "false">>
<<set $stripclubss to "false">>
<<set $copevent7 to "false">>
<<set $copevent8 to "false">>
<<set $sabinarat to "false">>
<<set $sabinaloyal to "false">>
<<set $copevent9 to "false">>
<<set $sabinarat2 to "false">>
<<set $sabinaloyal2 to "false">>
<<set $copevent10 to "false">>
<<set $ce10calledFBI to "false">>
<<set $ce10nothing to "false">>
/* Ashley */
<<set $hearashleyfuck1 to "false">>
<<set $watchashleyfuck1 to "false">>
<<set $williamevent1 to "false">>
<<set $ashleyevent1 to "false">>
/* Zareana */
<<set $zareanatimer to 0>>
<<set $zareanaimpressed to 0>>
<<set $zareanaseen to "false">>
<<set $zareanabarmeet to "false">>
<<set $zareanaparktraining to "false">>
<<set $parkzareanaspy to "false">>
<<set $zareana1 to "false">>
<<set $zareana2 to "false">>
<<set $zareana3 to "false">>
<<set $zareana4 to "false">>
/* Ellie */
<<set $ellietimer to 0>>
<<set $elliecrash to "false">>
<<set $ellieevent1 to "false">>
<<set $ellieevent2 to "false">>
<<set $ellieevent3 to "false">>
<<set $ellieevent4 to "false">>
<<set $ellieevent5 to "false">>
<<set $ellieevent6 to "false">>
<<set $ellieevent7 to "false">>
<<set $ellieevent8 to "false">>
<<set $ellieend to "false">>
/* Kayla */
<<set $hotstudent to "false">>
<<set $metsarahstudent to "false">>
<<set $foundbradinfo to "false">>
<<set $kayladec to "false">>
<<set $kaylatest1 to "false">>
<<set $kaylagrade to 0>>
<<set $kaylagradepos1 to "false">>
<<set $kaylagradeneg1 to "false">>
<<set $kaylagradepos2 to "false">>
<<set $kaylagradeneg2 to "false">>
<<set $kaylaname to "false">>
<<set $kaylagradepos3 to "false">>
<<set $kaylagradeneg3 to "false">>
<<set $kaylaevent1pos to "false">>
<<set $kaylaevent1neg to "false">>
<<set $kaylabj to "false">>
/* Other */
<<set $bambitotal to 0>>
<<set $bambisex to "false">>
<<set $candytotal to 0>>
<<set $barhooker to "false">>
<<set $barhookerfuck to "false">>
<<set $trapscene to "false">>
<<set $notrap to "false">>
<<set $guestlecture to "false">>
<<set $firstlecture to "false">>
<<set $englishlitclass to 0>>
<<set $fitnesstimer to 0>>
<<set $stopsdialog to "false">>
<<set $bradsmum1 to "false">>
/* Scenes */
/* Sarah */
<<set $livmovesend to "false">>
<<set $kitmoves4 to "false">>
<<set $terraces4 to "false">>
<<set $poolmoves6 to "false">>
<<set $bedmassages7 to "false">>
<<set $bedmoves3 to "false">>
<<set $brmovescsbj3 to "false">>
<<set $bedsleeps3a to "false">>
/* Noelle */
<<set $livmoven120a5 to "false">>
<<set $bathmoven160a4 to "false">>
<<set $kitmoven160a4 to "false">>
<<set $guestmoven160a5 to "false">>
<<set $poolshoot5b to "false">>
<<set $livmoven120a4 to "false">>
<<set $guestmoven120a3 to "false">>
<<set $poolshoot4a to "false">>
<<set $bathspyn4a2 to "false">>
<<set $guestmoven90a3 to "false">>
<<set $garmoven90a4 to "false">>
<<set $bathspyn4b to "false">>
<<set $livingfeartr1a to "false">>
<<set $livtalknoelleloss4tr to "false">>
<<set $terrfeartr13 to "false">>
<<set $terrrealationtr11 to "false">>
<<if $sarahsex1 is "000000000000001">>
<<if $time is 1>>
Early morning
<<elseif $time is 2>>
<<elseif $time is 3>>
Late morning
<<elseif $time is 4>>
<<elseif $time is 5>>
<<elseif $time is 6>>
Late afternoon
<<elseif $time is 7>>
Early Evening
<<elseif $time is 8>>
<<elseif $time is 9>>
Late evening
<<elseif $time is 10>>
<<if $day is 1>>
<<elseif $day is 2>>
<<elseif $day is 3>>
<<elseif $day is 4>>
<<elseif $day is 5>>
<<elseif $day is 6>>
<<elseif $day is 7>>
<<nobr>><br>Relationship Sarah:
<<if $rsarah gte 250>>
<<nobr>><<if $noelleloss is "true">><div id="replacethis">Relationship Noelle:
<<if $rnoelle gte 200>>
Noelle Fear: $fnoelle<br>
Noelle Trust: $tnoelle<br>
Noelle Obedience: $onoelle</div>
<<if $relationtr is "true">>
<<replace "#replacethis">>
Relationship Noelle: <<link "Lovebirds">>
<<run Dialog.setup("Lovebirds")>>
<<run Dialog.wiki("<center>All the relationship bases covered.<br><br>Ah, love is in the air. She trusts you, you trust her. Amazing isn't it?</center>")>>
<<run Dialog.open()>>
<<elseif $relationob is "true">>
<<replace "#replacethis">>
Relationship Noelle: <<link "Like a pet">>
<<run Dialog.setup("Like a pet")>>
<<run Dialog.wiki("<center>She loves and listens.<br><br>Noelle loves you and listens to every word you say and will do anything you tell her to.</center>")>>
<<run Dialog.open()>>
<<elseif $feartr is "true">>
<<replace "#replacethis">>
Relationship Noelle: <<link "Misplaced faith">>
<<run Dialog.setup("Misplaced faith")>>
<<run Dialog.wiki("<center>Trust me, I will not harm you, unless..<br><br>Noelle is very scared of you, but she has learned to trust you that you will not harm her, unless she really steps over the line of course.</center>")>>
<<run Dialog.open()>>
<<elseif $fearob is "true">>
<<replace "#replacethis">>
Relationship Noelle: <<link "Slave">>
<<run Dialog.setup("Slave")>>
<<run Dialog.wiki("<center>Obey or else!<br><br>Noelle will do anything you tell her because she is very scared of you and is afraid of the consequences.</center>")>>
<<run Dialog.open()>>
Relationship Noelle:
<<if $rnoelle gte 200>>
<<nobr>><<if $christeldinner is "true">>
Relationship Christel:
<<if $rchristel gte 200>>
Money: $money
Energy: $energy<<nobr>>
<<if $fitness lt 20>>
/ 100
<<elseif $fitness gte 20 and $fitness lt 40>>
/ 125
<<elseif $fitness gte 40>>
/ 150
Fitness: <<nobr>>
<<if $fitness gte 50>>
Happiness: $happiness
Hygene: $hygene
Arousal: $arousal
Royalties: <<nobr>>
<<if $workfame is 1>>
<<elseif $workfame is 2>>
<<elseif $workfame is 3>>
<<elseif $workfame is 4>>
<<elseif $workfame is 5>>
<<elseif $workfame gte 6>>
+25 (Max)
<table style="text-align:center">
<<if $truthrevealed is "true" and $burynoelle is "false">>
<a data-passage="bedroomsarah2">Bedroom</a>
<<elseif $caughtevent is "true" and $livingatashley is "false" and $noelleloss is "false">>
<<elseif $livingatashley is "true">>
<<if $time is 1 and $dayt is 1>>
<a data-passage="ashleybathsarah">Bathroom</a>
<<elseif $time is 2 and $dayt is 1>>
<a data-passage="ashleykitsarah">Kitchen</a>
<<elseif $time is 3 and $dayt is 1>>
<a data-passage="ashleyhouse">University</a>
<<elseif $time is 4 and $dayt is 1>>
<a data-passage="ashleyhouse">University</a>
<<elseif $time is 5 and $dayt is 1>>
<a data-passage="ashleyhouse">University</a>
<<elseif $time is 6 and $dayt is 1>>
<a data-passage="ashleylivsarahkid">Livingroom</a>
<<elseif $time is 7 and $dayt is 1>>
<a data-passage="ashleykitsarahashley">Kitchen</a>
<<elseif $time is 8 and $dayt is 1>>
<a data-passage="ashleyguestsarahkid">Guestroom</a>
<<elseif $time is 9 and $dayt is 1>>
<a data-passage="ashleybathsarah">Bathroom</a>
<<elseif $time is 10 and $dayt is 1>>
<a data-passage="ashleyguestsarah">Guestroom</a>
<<elseif $time is 1 and $dayt is 2>>
<a data-passage="ashleyguestsarah">Guestroom</a>
<<elseif $time is 2 and $dayt is 2>>
<a data-passage="ashleybathsarah">Bathroom</a>
<<elseif $time is 3 and $dayt is 2>>
<a data-passage="ashleyguestsarah">Guestroom</a>
<<elseif $time is 4 and $dayt is 2>>
<a data-passage="ashleylivsarahkid">Livingroom</a>
<<elseif $time is 5 and $dayt is 2>>
<a data-passage="ashleypoolsarah">Terrace</a>
<<elseif $time is 6 and $dayt is 2>>
<a data-passage="ashleyterrsarah">Pool</a>
<<elseif $time is 7 and $dayt is 2>>
<a data-passage="ashleykitsarahashley">Kitchen</a>
<<elseif $time is 8 and $dayt is 2>>
<a data-passage="ashleylivsarah">Livingroom</a>
<<elseif $time is 9 and $dayt is 2>>
<a data-passage="ashleybathsarah">Bathroom</a>
<<elseif $time is 10 and $dayt is 2>>
<a data-passage="ashleyguestsarah">Guestroom</a>
<<elseif $livingatashley is "false" or $noelleloss is "true">>
<<if $time is 1 and $dayt is 1>>
<a data-passage="bathroomsarah">Bathroom</a>
<<elseif $time is 2 and $dayt is 1>>
<a data-passage="kitchensarah">Kitchen</a>
<<elseif $time is 3 and $dayt is 1>>
<a data-passage="university">University</a>
<<elseif $time is 4 and $dayt is 1>>
<a data-passage="university">University</a>
<<elseif $time is 5 and $dayt is 1>>
<a data-passage="university">University</a>
<<elseif $time is 6 and $dayt is 1>>
<a data-passage="livingroomsarahkid">Livingroom</a>
<<elseif $time is 7 and $dayt is 1>>
<a data-passage="kitchensarahnoelle">Kitchen</a>
<<elseif $time is 8 and $dayt is 1>>
<a data-passage="nurserysarah">Nursery</a>
<<elseif $time is 9 and $dayt is 1>>
<a data-passage="bathroomsarah">Bathroom</a>
<<elseif $time is 10 and $dayt is 1>>
<a data-passage="bedroomsarah">Bedroom</a>
<<elseif $time is 1 and $dayt is 2>>
<a data-passage="bedroomsarah">Bedroom</a>
<<elseif $time is 2 and $dayt is 2>>
<a data-passage="bathroomsarah">Bathroom</a>
<<elseif $time is 3 and $dayt is 2>>
<a data-passage="nurserysarah">Nursery</a>
<<elseif $time is 4 and $dayt is 2>>
<a data-passage="livingroomsarahkid">Livingroom</a>
<<elseif $time is 5 and $dayt is 2>>
<a data-passage="terracesarah">Terrace</a>
<<elseif $time is 6 and $dayt is 2>>
<a data-passage="poolsarah">Pool</a>
<<elseif $time is 7 and $dayt is 2>>
<a data-passage="kitchensarahnoelle">Kitchen</a>
<<elseif $time is 8 and $dayt is 2>>
<a data-passage="livingroomsarah">Livingroom</a>
<<elseif $time is 9 and $dayt is 2>>
<a data-passage="bathroomsarah">Bathroom</a>
<<elseif $time is 10 and $dayt is 2>>
<a data-passage="bedroomsarah">Bedroom</a>
<<if $noelleloss is "true">>
<<if $time is 1 and $dayt is 1 and $lockup is "false">>
<a data-passage="guestroomnoelleloss">Guestroom</a>
<<elseif $time is 2 and $dayt is 1 and $lockup is "false">>
<a data-passage="bathroomnoelleloss">Bathroom</a>
<<elseif $time is 3 and $dayt is 1 and $lockup is "false">>
<a data-passage="nurserynoelleloss">Nursery</a>
<<elseif $time is 4 and $dayt is 1 and $lockup is "false">>
<a data-passage="kitchennoellekidloss">Kitchen</a>
<<elseif $time is 5 and $dayt is 1 and $lockup is "false">>
<a data-passage="terracenoelleloss">Terrace</a>
<<elseif $time is 6 and $dayt is 1 and $lockup is "false">>
<a data-passage="poolnoelleloss">Pool</a>
<<elseif $time is 7 and $dayt is 1 and $lockup is "false">>
<a data-passage="kitchensarahnoelleloss">Kitchen</a>
<<elseif $time is 8 and $dayt is 1 and $lockup is "false">>
<a data-passage="bathroomnoelleloss">Bathroom</a>
<<elseif $time is 9 and $dayt is 1 and $lockup is "false">>
<a data-passage="livingroomnoelleloss">Livingroom</a>
<<elseif $time is 10 and $dayt is 1 and $lockup is "false">>
<a data-passage="guestroomnoelleloss">Guestroom</a>
<<elseif $time is 1 and $dayt is 2 and $lockup is "false">>
<a data-passage="guestroomnoelleloss">Guestroom</a>
<<elseif $time is 2 and $dayt is 2 and $lockup is "false">>
<a data-passage="kitchennoelleloss">Kitchen</a>
<<elseif $time is 3 and $dayt is 2 and $lockup is "false">>
<a data-passage="bathroomnoelleloss">Bathroom</a>
<<elseif $time is 4 and $dayt is 2 and $lockup is "false">>
<a data-passage="terracenoelleloss">Terrace</a>
<<elseif $time is 5 and $dayt is 2 and $lockup is "false">>
<a data-passage="poolnoelleloss">Pool</a>
<<elseif $time is 6 and $dayt is 2 and $lockup is "false">>
<a data-passage="livingroomnoelleloss">Livingroom</a>
<<elseif $time is 7 and $dayt is 2 and $lockup is "false">>
<a data-passage="kitchensarahnoelleloss">Kitchen</a>
<<elseif $time is 8 and $dayt is 2 and $lockup is "false">>
<a data-passage="bathroomnoelleloss">Bathroom</a>
<<elseif $time is 9 and $dayt is 2 and $lockup is "false">>
<a data-passage="livingroomnoelleloss">Livingroom</a>
<<elseif $time is 10 and $dayt is 2 and $lockup is "false">>
<a data-passage="guestroomnoelleloss">Guestroom</a>
<<elseif $lockup is "true">>
<a data-passage="guestroomnoelleloss2">Guestroom</a>
<<elseif $livingatashley is "true">>
<<elseif $truthrevealed is "true" and $burynoelle is "false">>
<<elseif $noellegone is "true" and $noelleloss is "false">>
<<elseif $caughtevent is "true">>
<<if $time is 1 and $dayt is 1>>
<a data-passage="guestroomnoellecaught">Guestroom</a>
<<elseif $time is 2 and $dayt is 1>>
<a data-passage="bathroomnoellecaught">Bathroom</a>
<<elseif $time is 3 and $dayt is 1>>
<a data-passage="terracenoellecaught">Terrace</a>
<<elseif $time is 4 and $dayt is 1>>
<a data-passage="kitchennoellecaught">Kitchen</a>
<<elseif $time is 5 and $dayt is 1>>
<a data-passage="terracenoellecaught">Terrace</a>
<<elseif $time is 6 and $dayt is 1>>
<a data-passage="poolnoellecaught">Pool</a>
<<elseif $time is 7 and $dayt is 1>>
<a data-passage="kitchennoellecaught">Kitchen</a>
<<elseif $time is 8 and $dayt is 1>>
<a data-passage="bathroomnoellecaught">Bathroom</a>
<<elseif $time is 9 and $dayt is 1>>
<a data-passage="livingroomnoellecaught">Livingroom</a>
<<elseif $time is 10 and $dayt is 1>>
<a data-passage="guestroomnoellecaught">Guestroom</a>
<<elseif $time is 1 and $dayt is 2>>
<a data-passage="guestroomnoellecaught">Guestroom</a>
<<elseif $time is 2 and $dayt is 2>>
<a data-passage="kitchennoellecaught">Kitchen</a>
<<elseif $time is 3 and $dayt is 2>>
<a data-passage="bathroomnoellecaught">Bathroom</a>
<<elseif $time is 4 and $dayt is 2>>
<a data-passage="terracenoellecaught">Terrace</a>
<<elseif $time is 5 and $dayt is 2>>
<a data-passage="poolnoellecaught">Pool</a>
<<elseif $time is 6 and $dayt is 2>>
<a data-passage="livingroomnoellecaught">Livingroom</a>
<<elseif $time is 7 and $dayt is 2>>
<a data-passage="kitchennoellecaught">Kitchen</a>
<<elseif $time is 8 and $dayt is 2>>
<a data-passage="bathroomnoellecaught">Bathroom</a>
<<elseif $time is 9 and $dayt is 2>>
<a data-passage="livingroomnoellecaught">Livingroom</a>
<<elseif $time is 10 and $dayt is 2>>
<a data-passage="guestroomnoellecaught">Guestroom</a><</if>>
<<if $time is 1 and $dayt is 1>>
<a data-passage="guestroomnoelle">Guestroom</a>
<<elseif $time is 2 and $dayt is 1>>
<a data-passage="bathroomnoelle">Bathroom</a>
<<elseif $time is 3 and $dayt is 1>>
<a data-passage="nurserynoelle">Nursery</a>
<<elseif $time is 4 and $dayt is 1>>
<a data-passage="kitchennoellekid">Kitchen</a>
<<elseif $time is 5 and $dayt is 1>>
<a data-passage="terracenoelle">Terrace</a>
<<elseif $time is 6 and $dayt is 1>>
<a data-passage="poolnoelle">Pool</a>
<<elseif $time is 7 and $dayt is 1>>
<a data-passage="kitchensarahnoelle">Kitchen</a>
<<elseif $time is 8 and $dayt is 1>>
<a data-passage="bathroomnoelle">Bathroom</a>
<<elseif $time is 9 and $dayt is 1>>
<a data-passage="livingroomnoelle">Livingroom</a>
<<elseif $time is 10 and $dayt is 1>>
<a data-passage="guestroomnoelle">Guestroom</a>
<<elseif $time is 1 and $dayt is 2>>
<a data-passage="guestroomnoelle">Guestroom</a>
<<elseif $time is 2 and $dayt is 2>>
<a data-passage="kitchennoelle">Kitchen</a>
<<elseif $time is 3 and $dayt is 2>>
<a data-passage="bathroomnoelle">Bathroom</a>
<<elseif $time is 4 and $dayt is 2>>
<a data-passage="terracenoelle">Terrace</a>
<<elseif $time is 5 and $dayt is 2>>
<a data-passage="poolnoelle">Pool</a>
<<elseif $time is 6 and $dayt is 2>>
<a data-passage="livingroomnoelle">Livingroom</a>
<<elseif $time is 7 and $dayt is 2>>
<a data-passage="kitchensarahnoelle">Kitchen</a>
<<elseif $time is 8 and $dayt is 2>>
<a data-passage="bathroomnoelle">Bathroom</a>
<<elseif $time is 9 and $dayt is 2>>
<a data-passage="livingroomnoelle">Livingroom</a>
<<elseif $time is 10 and $dayt is 2>>
<a data-passage="guestroomnoelle">Guestroom</a>
<a data-passage="Journal"><div class="talkplayer">Journal</div></a>
<a data-passage="Cheatmenu"><div class="talkplayer">Cheatmenu</div></a>
<<if $hideimage is "false">>
<<set $waitpassage to passage()>>
<<button "Hide image" $waitpassage>><<set $hideimage to "true">><</button>>
<<if $fitness lte 19>><img src="images/player/misc/chubby.png" width="230" height="290"/><<elseif $fitness lte 34>><img src="images/player/misc/normal.jpg" width="230" height="290" /><<elseif $fitness gte 35>><img src="images/player/misc/fit.jpg" width="230" height="290"/>
<<elseif $hideimage is "true">>
<<set $waitpassage to passage()>>
<<button "Show image" $waitpassage>><<set $hideimage to "false">><</button>><br>
[[Gallery + Complete Scenelist]]
<a href="https://www.patreon.com/royarus">\
<img src="images/misc/patreon.jpg" style="max-width: 200px; max-height: 200px;">\
<a href="https://subscribestar.adult/royarus">\
<img src="images/misc/subscribestarlogo.jpg" style="max-width: 100px; max-height: 100px;">\
<a href="https://f95zone.to/threads/to-the-fullest-rebuild-v0-03-royarus.70584/">\
<img src="images/misc/f95logo.jpg" style="max-width: 100px; max-height: 100px;">\
<a href="https://royarus.itch.io/to-the-fullest-rebuild-royarus/">\
<img src="images/misc/itchlogo.jpg" style="max-width: 100px; max-height: 100px;">\
<<if $caughteventblocker is "true">>
<<set $waitpassage to passage()>><<button "Event activation" $waitpassage>><<set $caughteventblocker to "false">><</button>>
<<if $day gte 6>>
<<set $dayt to 2>>
<<set $dayt to 1>>
<<if $time is 1>>
Early morning
<<elseif $time is 2>>
<<elseif $time is 3>>
Late morning
<<elseif $time is 4>>
<<elseif $time is 5>>
<<elseif $time is 6>>
Late afternoon
<<elseif $time is 7>>
Early Evening
<<elseif $time is 8>>
<<elseif $time is 9>>
Late evening
<<elseif $time is 10>>
<<if $day is 1>>
<<elseif $day is 2>>
<<elseif $day is 3>>
<<elseif $day is 4>>
<<elseif $day is 5>>
<<elseif $day is 6>>
<<elseif $day is 7>>
<<nobr>><br>Relationship Sarah:
<<if $rsarah gte 250>>
<<nobr>><<if $noelleloss is "true">><div id="replacethis">Relationship Noelle:
<<if $rnoelle gte 200>>
Noelle Fear: $fnoelle<br>
Noelle Trust: $tnoelle<br>
Noelle Obedience: $onoelle</div>
<<if $relationtr is "true">>
<<replace "#replacethis">>
Relationship Noelle: <<link "Lovebirds">>
<<run Dialog.setup("Lovebirds")>>
<<run Dialog.wiki("<center>All the relationship bases covered.<br><br>Ah, love is in the air. She trusts you, you trust her. Amazing isn't it?</center>")>>
<<run Dialog.open()>>
<<elseif $relationob is "true">>
<<replace "#replacethis">>
Relationship Noelle: <<link "Like a pet">>
<<run Dialog.setup("Like a pet")>>
<<run Dialog.wiki("<center>She loves and listens.<br><br>Noelle loves you and listens to every word you say and will do anything you tell her to.</center>")>>
<<run Dialog.open()>>
<<elseif $feartr is "true">>
<<replace "#replacethis">>
Relationship Noelle: <<link "Misplaced faith">>
<<run Dialog.setup("Misplaced faith")>>
<<run Dialog.wiki("<center>Trust me, I will not harm you, unless..<br><br>Noelle is very scared of you, but she has learned to trust you that you will not harm her, unless she really steps over the line of course.</center>")>>
<<run Dialog.open()>>
<<elseif $fearob is "true">>
<<replace "#replacethis">>
Relationship Noelle: <<link "Slave">>
<<run Dialog.setup("Slave")>>
<<run Dialog.wiki("<center>Obey or else!<br><br>Noelle will do anything you tell her because she is very scared of you and is afraid of the consequences.</center>")>>
<<run Dialog.open()>>
Relationship Noelle:
<<if $rnoelle gte 200>>
<<nobr>><<if $christeldinner is "true">>
Relationship Christel:
<<if $rchristel gte 200>>
Money: $money
Energy: $energy<<nobr>>
<<if $fitness lt 20>>
/ 100
<<elseif $fitness gte 20 and $fitness lt 40>>
/ 125
<<elseif $fitness gte 40>>
/ 150
Fitness: <<nobr>>
<<if $fitness gte 50>>
Happiness: $happiness
Hygene: $hygene
Arousal: $arousal
Royalties: <<nobr>>
<<if $workfame is 1>>
<<elseif $workfame is 2>>
<<elseif $workfame is 3>>
<<elseif $workfame is 4>>
<<elseif $workfame is 5>>
<<elseif $workfame gte 6>>
+25 (Max)
<table style="text-align:center">
<<if $truthrevealed is "true" and $burynoelle is "false">>
<<elseif $caughtevent is "true" and $livingatashley is "false" and $noelleloss is "false">>
<<elseif $livingatashley is "true">>
<<if $time is 1 and $dayt is 1>>
<<elseif $time is 2 and $dayt is 1>>
<<elseif $time is 3 and $dayt is 1>>
<<elseif $time is 4 and $dayt is 1>>
<<elseif $time is 5 and $dayt is 1>>
<<elseif $time is 6 and $dayt is 1>>
<<elseif $time is 7 and $dayt is 1>>
<<elseif $time is 8 and $dayt is 1>>
<<elseif $time is 9 and $dayt is 1>>
<<elseif $time is 10 and $dayt is 1>>
<<elseif $time is 1 and $dayt is 2>>
<<elseif $time is 2 and $dayt is 2>>
<<elseif $time is 3 and $dayt is 2>>
<<elseif $time is 4 and $dayt is 2>>
<<elseif $time is 5 and $dayt is 2>>
<<elseif $time is 6 and $dayt is 2>>
<<elseif $time is 7 and $dayt is 2>>
<<elseif $time is 8 and $dayt is 2>>
<<elseif $time is 9 and $dayt is 2>>
<<elseif $time is 10 and $dayt is 2>>
<<elseif $livingatashley is "false" or $noelleloss is "true">>
<<if $time is 1 and $dayt is 1>>
<<elseif $time is 2 and $dayt is 1>>
<<elseif $time is 3 and $dayt is 1>>
<<elseif $time is 4 and $dayt is 1>>
<<elseif $time is 5 and $dayt is 1>>
<<elseif $time is 6 and $dayt is 1>>
<<elseif $time is 7 and $dayt is 1>>
<<elseif $time is 8 and $dayt is 1>>
<<elseif $time is 9 and $dayt is 1>>
<<elseif $time is 10 and $dayt is 1>>
<<elseif $time is 1 and $dayt is 2>>
<<elseif $time is 2 and $dayt is 2>>
<<elseif $time is 3 and $dayt is 2>>
<<elseif $time is 4 and $dayt is 2>>
<<elseif $time is 5 and $dayt is 2>>
<<elseif $time is 6 and $dayt is 2>>
<<elseif $time is 7 and $dayt is 2>>
<<elseif $time is 8 and $dayt is 2>>
<<elseif $time is 9 and $dayt is 2>>
<<elseif $time is 10 and $dayt is 2>>
<<if $noelleloss is "true">>
<<if $time is 1 and $dayt is 1 and $lockup is "false">>
<<elseif $time is 2 and $dayt is 1 and $lockup is "false">>
<<elseif $time is 3 and $dayt is 1 and $lockup is "false">>
<<elseif $time is 4 and $dayt is 1 and $lockup is "false">>
<<elseif $time is 5 and $dayt is 1 and $lockup is "false">>
<<elseif $time is 6 and $dayt is 1 and $lockup is "false">>
<<elseif $time is 7 and $dayt is 1 and $lockup is "false">>
<<elseif $time is 8 and $dayt is 1 and $lockup is "false">>
<<elseif $time is 9 and $dayt is 1 and $lockup is "false">>
<<elseif $time is 10 and $dayt is 1 and $lockup is "false">>
<<elseif $time is 1 and $dayt is 2 and $lockup is "false">>
<<elseif $time is 2 and $dayt is 2 and $lockup is "false">>
<<elseif $time is 3 and $dayt is 2 and $lockup is "false">>
<<elseif $time is 4 and $dayt is 2 and $lockup is "false">>
<<elseif $time is 5 and $dayt is 2 and $lockup is "false">>
<<elseif $time is 6 and $dayt is 2 and $lockup is "false">>
<<elseif $time is 7 and $dayt is 2 and $lockup is "false">>
<<elseif $time is 8 and $dayt is 2 and $lockup is "false">>
<<elseif $time is 9 and $dayt is 2 and $lockup is "false">>
<<elseif $time is 10 and $dayt is 2 and $lockup is "false">>
<<elseif $lockup is "true">>
<<elseif $livingatashley is "true">>
<<elseif $truthrevealed is "true" and $burynoelle is "false">>
<<elseif $noellegone is "true" and $noelleloss is "false">>
<<elseif $caughtevent is "true">>
<<if $time is 1 and $dayt is 1>>
<<elseif $time is 2 and $dayt is 1>>
<<elseif $time is 3 and $dayt is 1>>
<<elseif $time is 4 and $dayt is 1>>
<<elseif $time is 5 and $dayt is 1>>
<<elseif $time is 6 and $dayt is 1>>
<<elseif $time is 7 and $dayt is 1>>
<<elseif $time is 8 and $dayt is 1>>
<<elseif $time is 9 and $dayt is 1>>
<<elseif $time is 10 and $dayt is 1>>
<<elseif $time is 1 and $dayt is 2>>
<<elseif $time is 2 and $dayt is 2>>
<<elseif $time is 3 and $dayt is 2>>
<<elseif $time is 4 and $dayt is 2>>
<<elseif $time is 5 and $dayt is 2>>
<<elseif $time is 6 and $dayt is 2>>
<<elseif $time is 7 and $dayt is 2>>
<<elseif $time is 8 and $dayt is 2>>
<<elseif $time is 9 and $dayt is 2>>
<<elseif $time is 10 and $dayt is 2>>
<<if $time is 1 and $dayt is 1>>
<<elseif $time is 2 and $dayt is 1>>
<<elseif $time is 3 and $dayt is 1>>
<<elseif $time is 4 and $dayt is 1>>
<<elseif $time is 5 and $dayt is 1>>
<<elseif $time is 6 and $dayt is 1>>
<<elseif $time is 7 and $dayt is 1>>
<<elseif $time is 8 and $dayt is 1>>
<<elseif $time is 9 and $dayt is 1>>
<<elseif $time is 10 and $dayt is 1>>
<<elseif $time is 1 and $dayt is 2>>
<<elseif $time is 2 and $dayt is 2>>
<<elseif $time is 3 and $dayt is 2>>
<<elseif $time is 4 and $dayt is 2>>
<<elseif $time is 5 and $dayt is 2>>
<<elseif $time is 6 and $dayt is 2>>
<<elseif $time is 7 and $dayt is 2>>
<<elseif $time is 8 and $dayt is 2>>
<<elseif $time is 9 and $dayt is 2>>
<<elseif $time is 10 and $dayt is 2>>
<a data-passage="Journal"><div class="talkplayer">Journal</div></a>
<a data-passage="Cheatmenu"><div class="talkplayer">Cheatmenu</div></a>
<<if $hideimage is "false">>
<<set $waitpassage to passage()>>
<<button "Hide image" $waitpassage>><<set $hideimage to "true">><</button>>
<<if $fitness lte 19>><img src="images/player/misc/chubby.png" width="230" height="290"/><<elseif $fitness lte 34>><img src="images/player/misc/normal.jpg" width="230" height="290" /><<elseif $fitness gte 35>><img src="images/player/misc/fit.jpg" width="230" height="290"/>
<<elseif $hideimage is "true">>
<<set $waitpassage to passage()>>
<<button "Show image" $waitpassage>><<set $hideimage to "false">><</button>><br>
[[Gallery + Complete Scenelist]]
<a href="https://www.patreon.com/royarus">\
<img src="images/misc/patreon.jpg" style="max-width: 200px; max-height: 200px;">\
<a href="https://subscribestar.adult/royarus">\
<img src="images/misc/subscribestarlogo.jpg" style="max-width: 100px; max-height: 100px;">\
<a href="https://f95zone.to/threads/to-the-fullest-rebuild-v0-03-royarus.70584/">\
<img src="images/misc/f95logo.jpg" style="max-width: 100px; max-height: 100px;">\
<a href="https://royarus.itch.io/to-the-fullest-rebuild-royarus/">\
<img src="images/misc/itchlogo.jpg" style="max-width: 100px; max-height: 100px;">\
<<if $caughteventblocker is "true">>
<<set $waitpassage to passage()>><<button "Event activation" $waitpassage>><<set $caughteventblocker to "false">><</button>>
<<if $day gte 6>>
<<set $dayt to 2>>
<<set $dayt to 1>>
<</if>>/* v0.32 -> v0.33 */
<<if !$domsub>>
<<set $domsub to 0>>
<<if !$angrytimer>>
<<set $angrytimer to 0>>
<<if !$angrymode>>
<<set $angrymode to "false">>
<<if !$sarahsexclub1n>>
<<set $sarahsexclub1n to "false">>
<<if !$sarahsexclub21after>>
<<set $sarahsexclub21after to "false">>
<<if !$sarahsexclub23after>>
<<set $sarahsexclub23after to "false">>
<<if !$sarahsexclub2>>
<<set $suspiciouschristel3 to "false">>
/* v0.31 -> v0.32 */
<<if !$sarahsexclubtimer>>
<<set $sarahsexclubtimer to 0>>
<<if !$sarahsexclub2>>
<<set $sarahsexclub2 to "false">>
<<if !$sarahsexclub21>>
<<set $sarahsexclub21 to "false">>
<<if !$sarahsexclub23>>
<<set $sarahsexclub23 to "false">>
/* v0.30 -> v0.31 */
<<if !$zareana3>>
<<set $zareana3 to "false">>
<<if !$zareana4>>
<<set $zareana4 to "false">>
<<if !$watchashley1>>
<<set $watchashley1 to "false">>
<<if !$webcamshow >>
<<set $webcamshow to "false">>
<<if !$nfirstwebcamshow >>
<<set $nfirstwebcamshow to "false">>
<<if !$bigdildo >>
<<set $bigdildo to "false">>
/* v0.29 -> v0.30 */
<<if !$suspiciouschristel2>>
<<set $suspiciouschristel2 to "false">>
<<if !$teacherdone>>
<<set $teacherdone to "false">>
<<if !$copeventtimer>>
<<set $copeventtimer to 0>>
<<if !$sarahneigtimer >>
<<set $sarahneigtimer to 0>>
<<if !$zareanatimer>>
<<set $zareanatimer to 0>>
<<if !$ellietimer>>
<<set $ellietimer to 0>>
<<if !$christeltimerr>>
<<set $christeltimerr to 0>>
/* v0.28 -> v0.29 */
<<if !$kaylabj>>
<<set $kaylabj to "false">>
/* v0.27 -> v0.28 */
<<if !$oliviaevent1>>
<<set $oliviaevent1 to "false">>
<<if !$neighbour4 >>
<<set $neighbour4 to "false">>
<<if !$neighbour4j>>
<<set $neighbour4j to "false">>
<<if !$neighbour5>>
<<set $neighbour5 to "false">>
<<if !$neighbour5j>>
<<set $neighbour5j to "false">>
<<if !$sarahsexclub1>>
<<set $sarahsexclub1 to "false">>
<<if !$sarahsexclub1j>>
<<set $sarahsexclub1j to "false">>
/* v0.26 -> v0.27 */
<<if !$bradsmum1>>
<<set $bradsmum1 to "false">>
<<if !$ellieevent7>>
<<set $ellieevent7 to "false">>
<<if !$ellieevent8>>
<<set $ellieevent8 to "false">>
<<if !$ellieend>>
<<set $ellieend to "false">>
<<if !$neighbour3>>
<<set $neighbour3 to "false">>
<<if !$neighbour3j>>
<<set $neighbour3j to "false">>
<<if !$neighbour3n>>
<<set $neighbour3n to "false">>
/* v0.25 -> v0.26 */
<<if !$christelevent11>>
<<set $christelevent11 to "false">>
<<if !$christelevent11talk>>
<<set $christelevent11talk to "false">>
<<if !$suspiciouschristel>>
<<set $suspiciouschristel to 0>>
<<if !$christelevent10c>>
<<set $christelevent10c to "false">>
/* v0.24 -> v0.25 */
<<if !$christelevent10a>>
<<set $christelevent10a to "false">>
<<if !$christelevent10b>>
<<set $christelevent10b to "false">>
<<if !$noellebfevent2>>
<<set $noellebfevent2 to "false">>
<<if !$neighbour2prev1a>>
<<set $neighbour2prev1a to "false">>
<<if !$neighbour2prev2a>>
<<set $neighbour2prev2a to "false">>
<<if !$neighbour2prev3a>>
<<set $neighbour2prev3a to "false">>
/* v0.23 -> v0.24 */
<<if !$ellieevent6>>
<<set $ellieevent6 to "false">>
<<if !$kaylaname>>
<<set $kaylaname to "false">>
<<if !$kaylagradepos3>>
<<set $kaylagradepos3 to "false">>
<<if !$kaylagradeneg3>>
<<set $kaylagradeneg3 to "false">>
<<if !$kaylaevent1pos>>
<<set $kaylaevent1pos to "false">>
<<if !$kaylaevent1neg>>
<<set $kaylaevent1neg to "false">>
<<if !$christelevent9>>
<<set $christelevent9 to "false">>
<<if !$christelevent9a>>
<<set $christelevent9a to "false">>
<<if !$christelevent9b>>
<<set $christelevent9b to "false">>
/* v0.22 -> v0.23 */
<<if !$exhibitionist2>>
<<set $exhibitionist2 to "false">>
<<if !$copevent10>>
<<set $copevent10 to "false">>
<<if !$zareana2>>
<<set $zareana2 to "false">>
<<if !$ce10calledFBI>>
<<set $ce10calledFBI to "false">>
<<if !$ce10nothing>>
<<set $ce10nothing to "false">>
/* v0.21 -> v0.22 */
<<if !$noellebfreturn1>>
<<set $noellebfreturn1 to "false">>
<<if !$noellebfreturnpi>>
<<set $noellebfreturnpi to "false">>
<<if !$noellebfreturnsabina>>
<<set $noellebfreturnsabina to "false">>
<<if !$chissabtimer>>
<<set $chissabtimer to 0>>
<<if !$chissabtimeractivator>>
<<set $chissabtimeractivator to "false">>
<<if !$christelevent8>>
<<set $christelevent8 to "false">>
<<if !$copevent9>>
<<set $copevent9 to "false">>
<<if !$sabinaloyal2>>
<<set $sabinaloyal2 to "false">>
<<if !$sabinarat2>>
<<set $sabinarat2 to "false">>
<<if !$noellebfreturnsabina2>>
<<set $noellebfreturnsabina2 to "false">>
<<if !$noellebfreturnsabina2a>>
<<set $noellebfreturnsabina2a to "false">>
/* v0.20 -> v0.21*/
<<if !$terrfeartr13>>
<<set $terrfeartr13 to "false">>
<<if !$terrrealationtr11>>
<<set $terrrealationtr11 to "false">>
<<if !$ellieevent5>>
<<set $ellieevent5 to "false">>
/* v0.19 -> v0.20 */
<<if !$kaylagradepos1>>
<<set $kaylagradepos1 to "false">>
<<if !$kaylagradeneg1>>
<<set $kaylagradeneg1 to "false">>
<<if !$kaylagradepos2>>
<<set $kaylagradepos2 to "false">>
<<if !$kaylagradeneg2>>
<<set $kaylagradeneg2 to "false">>
<<if !$copevent8>>
<<set $copevent8 to "false">>
<<if !$sabinarat>>
<<set $sabinarat to "false">>
<<if !$sabinaloyal>>
<<set $sabinaloyal to "false">>
<<if !$zareana1>>
<<set $zareana1 to "false">>
<<if !$neighbour2prev>>
<<set $neighbour2prev to "false">>
<<if !$neighbour2prev1>>
<<set $neighbour2prev1 to "false">>
<<if !$neighbour2prev2>>
<<set $neighbour2prev2 to "false">>
<<if !$neighbour2prev3>>
<<set $neighbour2prev3 to "false">>
<<if !$oliviameetgym>>
<<set $oliviameetgym to "false">>
/* v0.17 -> v0.18 */
<<if !$neighbour1talk>>
<<set $neighbour1talk to "false">>
<<if !$livingfeartr1a>>
<<set $livingfeartr1a to "false">>
<<if !$livtalknoelleloss4tr>>
<<set $livtalknoelleloss4tr to "false">>
/* v0.16 -> v0.17 */
<<if !$neighbour1>>
<<set $neighbour1 to "false">>
<<if !$noneighbour1>>
<<set $noneighbour1 to "false">>
<<if !$kayladec>>
<<set $kayladec to "false">>
<<if !$kaylatest1>>
<<set $kaylatest1 to "false">>
<<if !$kaylagrade>>
<<set $kaylagrade to 0>>
/* v0.15 -> v0.16 */
<<if !$moviedatearr>>
<<set $moviedatearr to "false">>
<<if !$dinnerdatearr>>
<<set $dinnerdatearr to "false">>
<<if !$ellieevent4>>
<<set $ellieevent4 to "false">>
<<if !$copevent7>>
<<set $copevent7 to "false">>
<<if !$zareanabarmeet>>
<<set $zareanabarmeet to "false">>
<<if !$zareanaparktraining>>
<<set $zareanaparktraining to "false">>
<<if !$parkzareanaspy>>
<<set $parkzareanaspy to "false">>
/* v0.14 -> v0.15 */
<<if !$noelleftanal>>
<<set $noelleftanal to "false">>
<<if !$noelleanaltr>>
<<set $noelleanaltr to "false">>
<<if !$paigetalk1>>
<<set $paigetalk1 to "false">>
<<if !$guestnoellefeartr2>>
<<set $guestnoellefeartr2 to "false">>
<<if !$guestnoellereltr6>>
<<set $guestnoellereltr6 to "false">>
/* v0.13 -> v0.14 */
<<if !$sarahchristel1timer>>
<<set $sarahchristel1timer to 0>>
<<if !$christelevent7>>
<<set $christelevent7 to "false">>
<<if !$christelevent7talk>>
<<set $christelevent7talk to "false">>
<<if !$christelevent7yes>>
<<set $christelevent7yes to "false">>
<<if !$christelevent7yestalk>>
<<set $christelevent7yestalk to "false">>
<<if !$chistelevent7no>>
<<set $chistelevent7no to "false">>
<<if !$christelevent7notalk>>
<<set $christelevent7notalk to "false">>
<<if !$ffeventno>>
<<set $ffeventno to "false">>
<<if !$ffeventnotimer>>
<<set $ffeventnotimer to 0>>
<<if !$bdsm2>>
<<set $bdsm2 to "false">>
/* v0.12 -> v0.13 */
<<if !$noellelossfirsttime>>
<<set $noellelossfirsttime to "false">>
<<if !$noellelossfirstrape>>
<<set $noellelossfirstrape to "false">>
<<if !$copevent6>>
<<set $copevent6 to "false">>
<<if !$copevent6a>>
<<set $copevent6a to "false">>
<<if !$copevent6b>>
<<set $copevent6b to "false">>
<<if !$searchsabina>>
<<set $searchsabina to 0>>
<<if !$clubss>>
<<set $clubss to "false">>
<<if !$stripclubss>>
<<set $stripclubss to "false">>
/* V0.11 -> V0.12 */
<<if !$hotstudent>>
<<set $hotstudent to "false">>
<<if !$metsarahstudent>>
<<set $metsarahstudent to "false">>
<<if !$foundbradinfo>>
<<set $foundbradinfo to "false">>
<<if !$sextoy4>>
<<set $sextoy4 to "false">>
<<if !$vibo>>
<<set $vibo to "false">>
<<if !$bdsm1>>
<<set $bdsm1 to "false">>
<<if !$lockup>>
<<set $lockup to "false">>
<<if !$lockupday>>
<<set $lockupday to 0>>
<<if !$nhungry>>
<<set $nhungry to 0>>
<<if !$nclean>>
<<set $nclean to 0>>
<<if !$ntoilet>>
<<set $ntoilet to 0>>
<<if !$locksarah>>
<<set $locksarah to "false">>
<<if !$locksarah2>>
<<set $locksarah2 to "false">>
/* V0.10 -> V0.11 */
<<if !$fbivisit>>
<<set $fbivisit to "false">>
<<if !$fearob>>
<<set $fearob to "false">>
<<if !$feartr>>
<<set $feartr to "false">>
<<if !$relationob>>
<<set $relationob to "false">>
<<if !$relationtr>>
<<set $relationtr to "false">>
<<if !$skimout>>
<<set $skimout to "false">>
<<if !$nakedout>>
<<set $nakedout to "false">>
<<if !$da5>>
<<set $da5 to "false">>
<<if !$da10>>
<<set $da10 to "false">>
<<if !$da25>>
<<set $da25 to "false">>
<<if !$allchores>>
<<set $allchores to "false">>
<<if !$gropenoelle>>
<<set $gropenoelle to "false">>
<<if !$sarahnakedout>>
<<set $sarahnakedout to "false">>
<<if !$sarahchristel1>>
<<set $sarahchristel1 to "false">>
<<if !$ellieevent1>>
<<set $ellieevent1 to "false">>
<<if !$ellieevent2>>
<<set $ellieevent2 to "false">>
<<if !$ellieevent3>>
<<set $ellieevent3 to "false">>
/* V0.09 -> V0.10 */
<<if !$christelevent6>>
<<set $christelevent6 to "false">>
/* V0.08 -> V0.09 */
<<if !$stopsdialog>>
<<set $stopsdialog to "false">>
<<if !$moviedateplan>>
<<set $moviedateplan to "false">>
<<if !$moviedate>>
<<set $moviedate to "false">>
<<if !$dinnerdateplan>>
<<set $dinnerdateplan to "false">>
<<if !$dinnerdate>>
<<set $dinnerdate to "false">>
<<if !$moreexciting>>
<<set $moreexciting to "false">>
<<if !$sarahsrevenge>>
<<set $sarahsrevenge to "false">>
<<if !$sarahsrevengestopped>>
<<set $sarahsrevengestopped to "false">>
<<if !$sarahsrevengeangry>>
<<set $sarahsrevengeangry to "false">>
<<if !$sarahsrevengefuck>>
<<set $sarahsrevengefuck to "false">>
<<if !$copevent5>>
<<set $copevent5 to "false">>
<<if !$ashleyevent1>>
<<set $ashleyevent1 to "false">>
/* V0.07 -> V0.08 */
<<if !$noellegone>>
<<set $noellegone to "false">>
<<if !$sabinahelps>>
<<set $sabinahelps to "false">>
<<if !$sabinahelpstimer>>
<<set $sabinahelpstimer to "false">>
<<if !$sabinanoelle>>
<<set $sabinanoelle to "false">>
<<if !$sarahspihelps>>
<<set $sarahspihelps to "false">>
<<if !$sarahspihelpstimer>>
<<set $sarahspihelpstimer to "false">>
<<if !$sarahspihelpsnoelle>>
<<set $sarahspihelpsnoelle to "false">>
<<if !$gettingnoelle>>
<<set $gettingnoelle to "false">>
<<if !$noelleloss>>
<<set $noelleloss to "false">>
<<if !$tnoelle>>
<<set $tnoelle to 0>>
<<if !$onoelle>>
<<set $onoelle to 0>>
<<if !$fnoelle>>
<<set $fnoelle to 0>>
<<if !$zareanaimpressed>>
<<set $zareanaimpressed to 0>>
<<if !$zareanaseen>>
<<set $zareanaseen to "false">>
<<if !$elliecrash>>
<<set $elliecrash to "false">>
<<if !$guestlecture>>
<<set $guestlecture to "false">>
<<if !$firstlecture>>
<<set $firstlecture to "false">>
<<if !$englishlitclass>>
<<set $englishlitclass to 0>>
<<if !$fitnesstimer>>
<<set $fitnesstimer to 0>>
<<if !$copevent4>>
<<set $copevent4 to "false">>
<<if !$gun>>
<<set $gun to "false">>
/* V0.06 -> V0.07 */
<<if !$trapscene>>
<<set $trapscene to "false">>
<<if !$notrap>>
<<set $notrap to "false">>
<<if !$copevent2>>
<<set $copevent2 to "false">>
<<if !$copevent3>>
<<set $copevent3 to "false">>
<<if !$truthrevealed>>
<<set $truthrevealed to "false">>
<<if !$burynoelle>>
<<set $burynoelle to "false">>
<<if !$christeleventtimer34>>
<<set $christeleventtimer34 to 0>>
<<if !$christelevent4>>
<<set $christelevent4 to "false">>
<<if !$christelevent5>>
<<set $christelevent5 to "false">>
/* V0.05 -> V0.06 */
<<if !$foundsarah>>
<<set $foundsarah to "false">>
<<if !$clubcard>>
<<set $clubcard to "false">>
<<if !$noellespy>>
<<set $noellespy to 0>>
<<if !$noellespyevent>>
<<set $noellespyevent to "false">>
<<if !$noellespyeventkiss>>
<<set $noellespyeventkiss to "false">>
<<if !$noellespyeventbj>>
<<set $noellespyeventbj to "false">>
<<if !$catchingnoelle>>
<<set $catchingnoelle to "false">>
<<if !$madetheplan>>
<<set $madetheplan to "false">>
<<if !$catchingnoelleflowers>>
<<set $catchingnoelleflowers to "false">>
<<if !$catchingnoellechocolate>>
<<set $catchingnoellechocolate to "false">>
<<if !$livingatashley>>
<<set $livingatashley to "false">>
<<if !$livingatashleytimer>>
<<set $livingatashleytimer to 0>>
<<if !$rashley>>
<<set $rashley to 0>>
<<if !$convoa>>
<<set $convoa 0>>
<<if !$caughttalksarah>>
<<set $caughttalksarah to "false">>
<<if !$hearashleyfuck1>>
<<set $hearashleyfuck1 to "false">>
<<if !$watchashleyfuck1>>
<<set $watchashleyfuck1 to "false">>
<<if !$williamevent1>>
<<set $williamevent1 to "false">>
<<if !$sarahproves>>
<<set $sarahproves to "false">>
<<if !$goinghome>>
<<set $goinghome to "false">>
/* V0.04 -> V0.05 */
<<if !$bambitotal>>
<<set $bambitotal to 0>>
<<if !$bambisex>>
<<set $bambisex to "false">>
<<if !$candytotal>>
<<set $candytotal to 0>>
<<if !$barhooker>>
<<set $barhooker to "false">>
<<if !$barhookerfuck>>
<<set $barhookerfuck to "false">>
<<if !$cop>>
<<set $cop to "false">>
<<if !$copevent1>>
<<set $copevent1 to "false">>
<<if !$copevent2>>
<<set $copevent2 to "false">>
<<if !$sabinajournal>>
<<set $sabinajournal to "false">>
<<if !$christelevent3>>
<<set $christelevent3 to "false">>
/* V0.03 -> V0.04 */
<<if !$talkuni>>
<<set $talkuni to "false">>
<<if !$christeljournal>>
<<set $christeljournal to "false">>
<<if !$christelcaught1>>
<<set $christelcaught1 to "false">>
/* V0.02 -> V0.03 */
<<if !$parkseenolivia>>
<<set $parkseenolivia to "false">>
<<if !$caughteventafter>>
<<set $caughteventafter to "false">>
<<if !$suspicious>>
<<set $suspicious to 0>>
<<if !$hideimage>>
<<set $hideimage to "false">>
<<if !$showcl>>
<<set $showcl to "false">>
<<if !$suspiciousevent>>
<<set $suspiciousevent to "false">>
<<if !$sarahjournal>>
<<set $sarahjournal to "false">>
<<if !$mysteries>>
<<set $mysteries to "false">>
/* V0.01 -> V0.02 */
<<if !$uniseenolivia>>
<<set $uniseenolivia to "false">>
<<if !$christeldinner>>
<<set $christeldinner to "false">>
<<if !$christelevent1>>
<<set $christelevent1 to "false">>
<<if !$christelevent2>>
<<set $christelevent2 to "false">>
<<if !$caughtevent>>
<<set $caughtevent to "false">>
<<if !$caughteventblocker>>
<<set $caughteventblocker to "false">>
<</if>><img src="images/player/misc/chubby.png" />
Hello $name.
This is you. You are not bad looking, but you have seen better days in all honesty.
You are living it a beautifull house with your wife and child.
You are a collumn writer, you work from home and you work solo.
Before me move on, let's introduce some people:
[[Move forward->sarah]]
<img src="images/misc/sarah.jpg" />
This is Sarah, your beautiful 33 year old wife.
You two have been together for a little over 5 years now.
Everything went well between you, amazing even, until Sarah got pregnant. After she found out, and insisted on keeping the baby, you suddenly found yourself married less then 2 months later and a baby about 9 months later.
Since then everything went from bad to worse. Sarah with her busy university life, where she's a full-time teacher, and you with your columns and part-time teacher job and of course the baby. You were not able to find any time for each other or yourselves for that matter.
In short, life sucks!
But, as said above, it used to be amazing. You were really happy and the sex, the sex was amazing. Sarah used to be really sexually open. She loved to please you and you also loved to please her. She had no issues for you to cum anywhere you wanted on her body, you even started a little bit of experimenting with anal, but you did not came further then a finger, but she did seem to enjoy it.
The one thing Sarah does not like and hasn't liked before is to have cum in her mouth or swallowing it, but maybe even you can change her mind about that.
After a lot of pushing you got her so far to hire a fulltime au pair: [[Noelle->noelle]]
<img src="images/misc/noelle.jpg" />
This is Noelle, your 21 year old au pair from Europe. She is here to help and support you and Sarah with your son Peter.
The reason she came all the way from Europe is because she will go the University where you and Sarah teach while supporting you and Sarah around the house.
You don't know much else about her other than she's apparently good with kids and that even Sarah approved of her which says a lot.
Talking about kids, let's meet [[Peter->peter]], your son.
<img src="images/misc/kid.jpg" />
This is Peter, your son. The kid who... came at an inconvenient time. Yes.. Let's stick with that.
You tried to convince Sarah to not keep the baby because your lives are too busy, you even offered her a coat hanger, but she rejected it and could also not see the fun of it.
So, well, that.
Let's just [[continue->story]].
So what now? That's up to you.
Your relationship with Sarah, your wife, is not good, maybe you should save it? For the sake of Peter?
Or maybe just don't. It's all up to you. All you know is that you do still love your wife, it's just been hard to do it all. But maybe now, with the au pair, it will become better?
Now some [[intructions->instruction]].
Hi and welcome to To the Fullest.
This is a quick guide to the game.
Basically all you need to know is that you need to raise the stats to progress.
The <strong>relationship</strong> stats are the most important, but don't forget about the other ones.
<strong>Fitness</strong> is not only strength but also how people perceive you. Higher fitness is more positive feedback from the ladies. Fitness also raises your <strong>maximum energy</strong> and <strong>decreases the amount of arousal required</strong> (more info below).
Don't forget to work out once in a while. If you don't do a workout every 5 days, your fitness will reduce.
<strong>Energy and happiness</strong> are two other important stats. When too low, <strong>certain actions and events will not be possible</strong>.
You will get a message like this:
<div class="general">
<img src="images/player/misc/mood.jpg" /><br>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>I'm not in the mood for this.<</speech>><br>
This same screen can also appear if your arousal is to low. A sex scene will not be triggered in this case. In general options might <strong>stay hidden</strong> if your <strong>arousal is too low</strong>.
Arousal will be reset everytime you go to sleep and otherwise you can spy on certain girls or watch porn.
There are also plenty of options to raise happiness and / or energy like reading a book, watching tv, taking a nap and, of course, having sex.
You can work in the office to earn money. You'll get paid after you have worked 3 times.
A lot of events <strong>trigger automatically</strong> once you increase your stats, <strong>but you still need to be in the //right place at the right time//.</strong> Not to worry, the time and places are general and not too specific.
Stats that have a higher maximum then 100 will say 'max' when their limit is reached.
There is a sort of <strong>walkthrough</strong>, which is called the <strong>Life Goals Journal</strong> which you can find in the bottom left.
If you want to know if you missed anything when it comes to the sex scenes, check the scenelists. There are two. One for the current scenes available for the point in the game where you are, one with all the scenes in total.
Be warned, the scenelist is made 'general' there might be more endings to a scene then one, but you only need one ending to cross it off your list.
That's it, now let's [[begin!->entrance]]
<<if $noelleloss is "true">>
<<if $time is 6 and $dayt is 1>>
<th><a data-passage="livingroomsarahkid" class="travell">
<img src="images/travel/livingroomsarah.jpg" style="max-height: 200px"></a></th>
<<elseif $time is 9 and $dayt is 1 and $lockup is "false">>
<th><a data-passage="livingroomnoelleloss" class="travell">
<img src="images/travel/livingroomnoelle.jpg" style="max-height: 200px"></a></th>
<<elseif $time is 4 and $dayt is 2>>
<th><a data-passage="livingroomsarahkid" class="travell">
<img src="images/travel/livingroomsarah.jpg" style="max-height: 200px"></a></th>
<<elseif $time is 8 and $dayt is 2>>
<th><a data-passage="livingroomsarah" class="travell">
<img src="images/travel/livingroomsarah.jpg" style="max-height: 200px"></a></th>
<<elseif $time is 6 and $dayt is 2 and $lockup is "false">>
<th><a data-passage="livingroomnoelleloss" class="travell">
<img src="images/travel/livingroomnoelle.jpg" style="max-height: 200px"></a></th>
<<elseif $time is 9 and $dayt is 2 and $lockup is "false">>
<th><a data-passage="livingroomnoelleloss" class="travell">
<img src="images/travel/livingroomnoelle.jpg" style="max-height: 200px"></a></th>
<<elseif $time gte 3 and $time lte 5 and $dayt is 1 and $bdsm1 is "true" and $bondagekit is "true" and $bdsm2 is "false" and $firstanalfuck is "true">>
<th><a data-passage="bdsm2" class="travell">
<img src="images/travel/livingroom.jpg" style="max-height: 200px"></a>
<th><a data-passage="livingroom" class="travell">
<img src="images/travel/livingroom.jpg" style="max-height: 200px"></a>
<<if $time is 2 and $dayt is 1>>
<th><a data-passage="kitchensarah" class="travelr">
<img src="images/travel/kitchensarah.jpg" style="max-height: 200px">
<<elseif $time is 7>>
<<if $lockup is "false">>
<th><a data-passage="kitchensarahnoelleloss" class="travelr">
<img src="images/travel/kitchensarahnoelle.jpg" style="max-height: 200px">
<th><a data-passage="kitchensarah2" class="travelr">
<img src="images/travel/kitchensarah.jpg" style="max-height: 200px">
<<elseif $time is 4 and $dayt is 1 and $lockup is "false">>
<th><a data-passage="kitchennoellekidloss" class="travelr">
<img src="images/travel/kitchennoelle.jpg" style="max-height: 200px">
<<elseif $time is 2 and $dayt is 2 and $lockup is "false">>
<th><a data-passage="kitchennoelleloss" class="travelr">
<img src="images/travel/kitchennoelle.jpg" style="max-height: 200px">
<th><a data-passage="kitchen" class="travelr">
<img src="images/travel/kitchen.jpg" style="max-height: 200px">
<th><a data-passage="office" class="travell">
<img src="images/travel/office.jpg" style="max-height: 200px"></a>
<th><a data-passage="garden" class="travelr">
<img src="images/travel/garden.jpg" style="max-height: 200px"></a>
<th><a data-passage="upstairs" class="travell">
<img src="images/travel/upstairs.jpg" style="max-height: 200px"></a>
<th><a data-passage="outside" class="travelr">
<img src="images/travel/outside.jpg" style="max-height: 200px"></a>
<<elseif $noellegone is "true">>
<<if $time is 6 and $dayt is 1>>
<th><a data-passage="livingroomsarahkid" class="travell">
<img src="images/travel/livingroomsarah.jpg" style="max-height: 200px"></a></th>
<<elseif $time is 4 and $dayt is 2>>
<th><a data-passage="livingroomsarahkid" class="travell">
<img src="images/travel/livingroomsarah.jpg" style="max-height: 200px"></a></th>
<<elseif $time is 8 and $dayt is 2>>
<th><a data-passage="livingroomsarah" class="travell">
<img src="images/travel/livingroomsarah.jpg" style="max-height: 200px"></a></th>
<th><a data-passage="livingroom" class="travell">
<img src="images/travel/livingroom.jpg" style="max-height: 200px"></a>
<<if $time is 2 and $dayt is 1>>
<th><a data-passage="kitchensarah" class="travelr">
<img src="images/travel/kitchensarah.jpg" style="max-height: 200px">
<<elseif $time is 7>>
<th><a data-passage="kitchensarah" class="travelr">
<img src="images/travel/kitchensarah.jpg" style="max-height: 200px">
<th><a data-passage="kitchen" class="travelr">
<img src="images/travel/kitchen.jpg" style="max-height: 200px">
<th><a data-passage="office" class="travell">
<img src="images/travel/office.jpg" style="max-height: 200px"></a>
<th><a data-passage="garden" class="travelr">
<img src="images/travel/garden.jpg" style="max-height: 200px"></a>
<th><a data-passage="upstairs" class="travell">
<img src="images/travel/upstairs.jpg" style="max-height: 200px"></a>
<th><a data-passage="outside" class="travelr">
<img src="images/travel/outside.jpg" style="max-height: 200px"></a>
<<elseif $caughtevent is "false">>
<<if $time is 6 and $dayt is 1>>
<th><a data-passage="livingroomsarahkid" class="travell">
<img src="images/travel/livingroomsarah.jpg" style="max-height: 200px"></a></th>
<<elseif $time is 9 and $dayt is 1>>
<th><a data-passage="livingroomnoelle" class="travell">
<img src="images/travel/livingroomnoelle.jpg" style="max-height: 200px"></a></th>
<<elseif $time is 4 and $dayt is 2>>
<th><a data-passage="livingroomsarahkid" class="travell">
<img src="images/travel/livingroomsarah.jpg" style="max-height: 200px"></a></th>
<<elseif $time is 8 and $dayt is 2>>
<th><a data-passage="livingroomsarah" class="travell">
<img src="images/travel/livingroomsarah.jpg" style="max-height: 200px"></a></th>
<<elseif $time is 6 and $dayt is 2>>
<th><a data-passage="livingroomnoelle" class="travell">
<img src="images/travel/livingroomnoelle.jpg" style="max-height: 200px"></a></th>
<<elseif $time is 9 and $dayt is 2>>
<th><a data-passage="livingroomnoelle" class="travell">
<img src="images/travel/livingroomnoelle.jpg" style="max-height: 200px"></a></th>
<th><a data-passage="livingroom" class="travell">
<img src="images/travel/livingroom.jpg" style="max-height: 200px"></a>
<<if $time is 2 and $dayt is 1>>
<th><a data-passage="kitchensarah" class="travelr">
<img src="images/travel/kitchensarah.jpg" style="max-height: 200px">
<<elseif $time is 7>>
<th><a data-passage="kitchensarahnoelle" class="travelr">
<img src="images/travel/kitchensarahnoelle.jpg" style="max-height: 200px">
<<elseif $time is 4 and $dayt is 1>>
<th><a data-passage="kitchennoellekid" class="travelr">
<img src="images/travel/kitchennoelle.jpg" style="max-height: 200px">
<<elseif $time is 2 and $dayt is 2>>
<th><a data-passage="kitchennoelle" class="travelr">
<img src="images/travel/kitchennoelle.jpg" style="max-height: 200px">
<th><a data-passage="kitchen" class="travelr">
<img src="images/travel/kitchen.jpg" style="max-height: 200px">
<th><a data-passage="office" class="travell">
<img src="images/travel/office.jpg" style="max-height: 200px"></a>
<th><a data-passage="garden" class="travelr">
<img src="images/travel/garden.jpg" style="max-height: 200px"></a>
<th><a data-passage="upstairs" class="travell">
<img src="images/travel/upstairs.jpg" style="max-height: 200px"></a>
<th><a data-passage="outside" class="travelr">
<img src="images/travel/outside.jpg" style="max-height: 200px"></a>
<<elseif $caughtevent is "true">>
<<if $time is 9 and $dayt is 1>>
<th><a data-passage="livingroomnoellecaught" class="travell">
<img src="images/travel/livingroomnoelle.jpg" style="max-height: 200px"></a></th>
<<elseif $time is 6 and $dayt is 2>>
<th><a data-passage="livingroomnoellecaught" class="travell">
<img src="images/travel/livingroomnoelle.jpg" style="max-height: 200px"></a></th>
<<elseif $time is 9 and $dayt is 2>>
<th><a data-passage="livingroomnoellecaught" class="travell">
<img src="images/travel/livingroomnoelle.jpg" style="max-height: 200px"></a></th>
<th><a data-passage="livingroom" class="travell">
<img src="images/travel/livingroom.jpg" style="max-height: 200px"></a>
<<if $time is 7>>
<th><a data-passage="kitchennoellecaught" class="travelr">
<img src="images/travel/kitchennoelle.jpg" style="max-height: 200px">
<<elseif $time is 4 and $dayt is 1>>
<th><a data-passage="kitchennoellecaught" class="travelr">
<img src="images/travel/kitchennoelle.jpg" style="max-height: 200px">
<<elseif $time is 2 and $dayt is 2>>
<th><a data-passage="kitchennoellecaught" class="travelr">
<img src="images/travel/kitchennoelle.jpg" style="max-height: 200px">
<th><a data-passage="kitchen" class="travelr">
<img src="images/travel/kitchen.jpg" style="max-height: 200px">
<th><a data-passage="office" class="travell">
<img src="images/travel/office.jpg" style="max-height: 200px"></a>
<th><a data-passage="garden" class="travelr">
<img src="images/travel/garden.jpg" style="max-height: 200px"></a>
<th><a data-passage="upstairs" class="travell">
<img src="images/travel/upstairs.jpg" style="max-height: 200px"></a>
<th><a data-passage="outside" class="travelr">
<img src="images/travel/outside.jpg" style="max-height: 200px"></a>
<<if $noelleloss is "true">>
<<if $time is 5 and $dayt is 1 and $lockup is "false">>
<th><a data-passage="terracenoelleloss" class="travell">
<img src="images/travel/terracenoelle.jpg" style="max-height: 200px"></a></th>
<<elseif $time is 5 and $dayt is 2>>
<th><a data-passage="terracesarah" class="travell">
<img src="images/travel/terracesarah.jpg" style="max-height: 200px"></a></th>
<<elseif $time is 4 and $dayt is 2 and $lockup is "false">>
<th><a data-passage="terracenoelleloss" class="travell">
<img src="images/travel/terracenoelle.jpg" style="max-height: 200px"></a></th>
<<elseif $time is 6 and $dayt is 1 and $christelevent11 is "true">>
<th><a data-passage="terracechristel" class="travell">
<img src="images/travel/terracechristel.jpg" style="max-height: 200px"></a></th>
<<elseif $time is 6 and $dayt is 2 and $christelevent11 is "true">>
<th><a data-passage="terracechristel" class="travell">
<img src="images/travel/terracechristel.jpg" style="max-height: 200px"></a></th>
<th><a data-passage="terrace" class="travell">
<img src="images/travel/terrace.jpg" style="max-height: 200px">
<<if $time is 6 and $dayt is 1 and $lockup is "false">>
<th><a data-passage="poolnoelleloss" class="travelr">
<img src="images/travel/poolnoelle.jpg" style="max-height: 200px"></a></th>
<<elseif $time is 6 and $dayt is 2>>
<th><a data-passage="poolsarah" class="travelr">
<img src="images/travel/poolsarah.jpg" style="max-height: 200px"></a></th>
<<elseif $time is 5 and $dayt is 2 and $lockup is "false">>
<th><a data-passage="poolnoelleloss" class="travelr">
<img src="images/travel/poolnoelle.jpg" style="max-height: 200px"></a></th>
<<elseif $time is 6 and $dayt is 1>>
<th><a data-passage="poolsarah" class="travelr">
<img src="images/travel/poolsarah.jpg" style="max-height: 200px"></a></th>
<<elseif $time is 7 and $dayt is 2 and $christelevent11 is "true">>
<th><a data-passage="poolchristel" class="travell">
<img src="images/travel/poolchristel.jpg" style="max-height: 200px"></a></th>
<th><a data-passage="pool" class="travelr">
<img src="images/travel/pool.jpg" style="max-height: 200px"></a>
<<if $christelevent11 is "true" and $dayt is 1 and $time gte 1 and $time lte 2>>
<th><a data-passage="shed" class="travell">
<img src="images/travel/shedchristel.jpg" style="max-height: 200px"></a>
<<elseif $christelevent11 is "true" and $dayt is 1 and $time gte 7>>
<th><a data-passage="shed" class="travell">
<img src="images/travel/shedchristel.jpg" style="max-height: 200px"></a>
<<elseif $christelevent11 is "true" and $dayt is 2 and $time gte 1 and $time lte 3>>
<th><a data-passage="shed" class="travell">
<img src="images/travel/shedchristel.jpg" style="max-height: 200px"></a>
<<elseif $christelevent11 is "true" and $dayt is 2 and $time gte 8>>
<th><a data-passage="shed" class="travell">
<img src="images/travel/shedchristel.jpg" style="max-height: 200px"></a>
<th><a data-passage="shed" class="travell">
<img src="images/travel/shed.jpg" style="max-height: 200px"></a>
<th><a data-passage="entrance" class="travelr">
<img src="images/travel/entrance.jpg" style="max-height: 200px"></a>
<<elseif $noellegone is "true">>
<<if $time is 5 and $dayt is 2>>
<th><a data-passage="terracesarah" class="travell">
<img src="images/travel/terracesarah.jpg" style="max-height: 200px"></a></th>
<th><a data-passage="terrace" class="travell">
<img src="images/travel/terrace.jpg" style="max-height: 200px">
<<if $time is 6 and $dayt is 2>>
<th><a data-passage="poolsarah" class="travelr">
<img src="images/travel/poolsarah.jpg" style="max-height: 200px"></a></th>
<<elseif $time is 6 and $dayt is 1>>
<th><a data-passage="poolsarah" class="travelr">
<img src="images/travel/poolsarah.jpg" style="max-height: 200px"></a></th>
<th><a data-passage="pool" class="travelr">
<img src="images/travel/pool.jpg" style="max-height: 200px"></a>
<<if $christelevent11 is "true">>
<th><a data-passage="shed" class="travell">
<img src="images/travel/shed.jpg" style="max-height: 200px"></a>
<th><a data-passage="shed" class="travell">
<img src="images/travel/shed.jpg" style="max-height: 200px"></a>
<th><a data-passage="entrance" class="travelr">
<img src="images/travel/entrance.jpg" style="max-height: 200px"></a>
<<elseif $caughtevent is "false">>
<<if $time is 5 and $dayt is 1>>
<th><a data-passage="terracenoelle" class="travell">
<img src="images/travel/terracenoelle.jpg" style="max-height: 200px"></a></th>
<<elseif $time is 5 and $dayt is 2>>
<th><a data-passage="terracesarah" class="travell">
<img src="images/travel/terracesarah.jpg" style="max-height: 200px"></a></th>
<<elseif $time is 4 and $dayt is 2>>
<th><a data-passage="terracenoelle" class="travell">
<img src="images/travel/terracenoelle.jpg" style="max-height: 200px"></a></th>
<th><a data-passage="terrace" class="travell">
<img src="images/travel/terrace.jpg" style="max-height: 200px">
<<if $time is 6 and $dayt is 1>>
<th><a data-passage="poolnoelle" class="travelr">
<img src="images/travel/poolnoelle.jpg" style="max-height: 200px"></a></th>
<<elseif $time is 6 and $dayt is 2>>
<th><a data-passage="poolsarah" class="travelr">
<img src="images/travel/poolsarah.jpg" style="max-height: 200px"></a></th>
<<elseif $time is 5 and $dayt is 2>>
<th><a data-passage="poolnoelle" class="travelr">
<img src="images/travel/poolnoelle.jpg" style="max-height: 200px"></a></th>
<<elseif $time is 6 and $dayt is 1>>
<th><a data-passage="poolsarah" class="travelr">
<img src="images/travel/poolsarah.jpg" style="max-height: 200px"></a></th>
<th><a data-passage="pool" class="travelr">
<img src="images/travel/pool.jpg" style="max-height: 200px"></a>
<<if $christelevent11 is "true" and $dayt is 1 and $time gte 1 and $time lte 2>>
<th><a data-passage="shed" class="travell">
<img src="images/travel/shedchristel.jpg" style="max-height: 200px"></a>
<<elseif $christelevent11 is "true" and $dayt is 1 and $time gte 7>>
<th><a data-passage="shed" class="travell">
<img src="images/travel/shedchristel.jpg" style="max-height: 200px"></a>
<<elseif $christelevent11 is "true" and $dayt is 2 and $time gte 1 and $time lte 3>>
<th><a data-passage="shed" class="travell">
<img src="images/travel/shedchristel.jpg" style="max-height: 200px"></a>
<<elseif $christelevent11 is "true" and $dayt is 2 and $time gte 8>>
<th><a data-passage="shed" class="travell">
<img src="images/travel/shedchristel.jpg" style="max-height: 200px"></a>
<th><a data-passage="shed" class="travell">
<img src="images/travel/shed.jpg" style="max-height: 200px"></a>
<th><a data-passage="entrance" class="travelr">
<img src="images/travel/entrance.jpg" style="max-height: 200px"></a>
<<elseif $caughtevent is "true">>
<<if $time is 5 and $dayt is 1>>
<th><a data-passage="terracenoellecaught" class="travell">
<img src="images/travel/terracenoelle.jpg" style="max-height: 200px"></a></th>
<<elseif $time is 4 and $dayt is 2>>
<th><a data-passage="terracenoellecaught" class="travell">
<img src="images/travel/terracenoelle.jpg" style="max-height: 200px"></a></th>
<<elseif $time is 3 and $dayt is 1>>
<th><a data-passage="terracenoellecaught" class="travell">
<img src="images/travel/terracenoelle.jpg" style="max-height: 200px"></a></th>
<th><a data-passage="terrace" class="travell">
<img src="images/travel/terrace.jpg" style="max-height: 200px">
<<if $time is 6 and $dayt is 1>>
<th><a data-passage="poolnoellecaught" class="travelr">
<img src="images/travel/poolnoelle.jpg" style="max-height: 200px"></a></th>
<<elseif $time is 5 and $dayt is 2>>
<th><a data-passage="poolnoellecaught" class="travelr">
<img src="images/travel/poolnoelle.jpg" style="max-height: 200px"></a></th>
<th><a data-passage="pool" class="travelr">
<img src="images/travel/pool.jpg" style="max-height: 200px"></a>
<<if $christelevent11 is "true">>
<th><a data-passage="shed" class="travell">
<img src="images/travel/shed.jpg" style="max-height: 200px"></a>
<th><a data-passage="shed" class="travell">
<img src="images/travel/shed.jpg" style="max-height: 200px"></a>
<th><a data-passage="entrance" class="travelr">
<img src="images/travel/entrance.jpg" style="max-height: 200px"></a>
<<if $noelleloss is "true">>
<<if $time is 10>>
<th><a data-passage="bedroomsarah" class="travell">
<img src="images/travel/bedroomsarah.jpg" style="max-height: 200px"></a></th>
<<elseif $time is 1 and $dayt is 2>>
<th><a data-passage="bedroomsarah" class="travell">
<img src="images/travel/bedroomsarah.jpg" style="max-height: 200px"></a></th>
<th><a data-passage="bedroom" class="travell">
<img src="images/travel/bedroom.jpg" style="max-height: 200px">
<<if $lockup is "false">>
<<if $time is 1>>
<th><a data-passage="guestroomnoelleloss" class="travelr">
<img src="images/travel/guestroomnoelle.jpg" style="max-height: 200px"></a></th>
<<elseif $time is 10>>
<th><a data-passage="guestroomnoelleloss" class="travelr">
<img src="images/travel/guestroomnoelle.jpg" style="max-height: 200px"></a></th>
<th><a data-passage="guestroom" class="travelr">
<img src="images/travel/guestroom.jpg" style="max-height: 200px">
<th><a data-passage="guestroomnoelleloss2" class="travelr">
<img src="images/travel/guestroomnoelle.jpg" style="max-height: 200px"></a></th><</if>>
<<if $time is 1 and $dayt is 1>>
<th><a data-passage="bathroomsarah" class="travell">
<img src="images/travel/bathroomsarah.jpg" style="max-height: 200px">
<<elseif $time is 2 and $dayt is 1 and $lockup is "false">>
<th><a data-passage="bathroomnoelleloss" class="travell">
<img src="images/travel/bathroomnoelle.jpg" style="max-height: 200px"></a></th>
<<elseif $time is 2 and $dayt is 2>>
<th><a data-passage="bathroomsarah" class="travell">
<img src="images/travel/bathroomsarah.jpg" style="max-height: 200px">
<<elseif $time is 3 and $dayt is 2 and $lockup is "false">>
<th><a data-passage="bathroomnoelleloss" class="travell">
<img src="images/travel/bathroomnoelle.jpg" style="max-height: 200px">
<<elseif $time is 9 and $dayt is 1>>
<th><a data-passage="bathroomsarah" class="travell">
<img src="images/travel/bathroomsarah.jpg" style="max-height: 200px">
<<elseif $time is 9 and $dayt is 2>>
<th><a data-passage="bathroomsarah" class="travell">
<img src="images/travel/bathroomsarah.jpg" style="max-height: 200px">
<<elseif $time is 8 and $dayt is 1 and $lockup is "false">>
<th><a data-passage="bathroomnoelleloss" class="travell">
<img src="images/travel/bathroomnoelle.jpg" style="max-height: 200px">
<<elseif $time is 8 and $dayt is 2 and $lockup is "false">>
<th><a data-passage="bathroomnoelleloss" class="travell">
<img src="images/travel/bathroomnoelle.jpg" style="max-height: 200px">
<th><a data-passage="bathroom" class="travell">
<img src="images/travel/bathroom.jpg" style="max-height: 200px">
<<if $time is 8 and $dayt is 1>>
<th><a data-passage="nurserysarah" class="travelr">
<img src="images/travel/nurserysarah.jpg" style="max-height: 200px"></a></th>
<<elseif $time is 3 and $dayt is 1 and $lockup is "false">>
<th><a data-passage="nurserynoelleloss" class="travelr">
<img src="images/travel/nurserynoelle.jpg" style="max-height: 200px"></a></th>
<<elseif $time is 3 and $dayt is 2>>
<th><a data-passage="nurserysarah" class="travelr">
<img src="images/travel/nurserysarah.jpg" style="max-height: 200px"></a></th>
<th><a data-passage="nursery" class="travelr">
<img src="images/travel/nursery.jpg" style="max-height: 200px"></a>
<th><a data-passage="entrance" class="travell">
<img src="images/travel/entrance.jpg" style="max-height: 200px"></a>
<<elseif $noellegone is "true">>
<<if $time is 1 and $dayt is 2>>
<th><a data-passage="bedroomsarah" class="travell">
<img src="images/travel/bedroomsarah.jpg" style="max-height: 200px"></a></th>
<th><a data-passage="bedroom" class="travell">
<img src="images/travel/bedroom.jpg" style="max-height: 200px">
<th><a data-passage="guestroom" class="travelr">
<img src="images/travel/guestroom.jpg" style="max-height: 200px">
<<if $time is 1 and $dayt is 1>>
<th><a data-passage="bathroomsarah" class="travell">
<img src="images/travel/bathroomsarah.jpg" style="max-height: 200px">
<<elseif $time is 2 and $dayt is 2>>
<th><a data-passage="bathroomsarah" class="travell">
<img src="images/travel/bathroomsarah.jpg" style="max-height: 200px">
<<elseif $time is 9 and $dayt is 1>>
<th><a data-passage="bathroomsarah" class="travell">
<img src="images/travel/bathroomsarah.jpg" style="max-height: 200px">
<<elseif $time is 9 and $dayt is 2>>
<th><a data-passage="bathroomsarah" class="travell">
<img src="images/travel/bathroomsarah.jpg" style="max-height: 200px">
<th><a data-passage="bathroom" class="travell">
<img src="images/travel/bathroom.jpg" style="max-height: 200px">
<<if $time is 8 and $dayt is 1>>
<th><a data-passage="nurserysarah" class="travelr">
<img src="images/travel/nurserysarah.jpg" style="max-height: 200px"></a></th>
<<elseif $time is 3 and $dayt is 2>>
<th><a data-passage="nurserysarah" class="travelr">
<img src="images/travel/nurserysarah.jpg" style="max-height: 200px"></a></th>
<th><a data-passage="nursery" class="travelr">
<img src="images/travel/nursery.jpg" style="max-height: 200px"></a>
<th><a data-passage="entrance" class="travell">
<img src="images/travel/entrance.jpg" style="max-height: 200px"></a>
<<elseif $truthrevealed is "true" and $burynoelle is "false">>
<th><a data-passage="bedroomsarah2" class="travell">
<img src="images/travel/bedroomsarah.jpg" style="max-height: 200px">
<th><a data-passage="guestroom" class="travelr">
<img src="images/travel/guestroom.jpg" style="max-height: 200px">
<th><a data-passage="bathroom" class="travell">
<img src="images/travel/bathroom.jpg" style="max-height: 200px">
<th><a data-passage="nursery" class="travelr">
<img src="images/travel/nursery.jpg" style="max-height: 200px"></a>
<th><a data-passage="entrance" class="travell">
<img src="images/travel/entrance.jpg" style="max-height: 200px"></a>
<<elseif $caughtevent is "false">>
<<if $time is 10>>
<th><a data-passage="bedroomsarah" class="travell">
<img src="images/travel/bedroomsarah.jpg" style="max-height: 200px"></a></th>
<<elseif $time is 1 and $dayt is 2>>
<th><a data-passage="bedroomsarah" class="travell">
<img src="images/travel/bedroomsarah.jpg" style="max-height: 200px"></a></th>
<th><a data-passage="bedroom" class="travell">
<img src="images/travel/bedroom.jpg" style="max-height: 200px">
<<if $time is 1>>
<th><a data-passage="guestroomnoelle" class="travelr">
<img src="images/travel/guestroomnoelle.jpg" style="max-height: 200px"></a></th>
<<elseif $time is 10>>
<th><a data-passage="guestroomnoelle" class="travelr">
<img src="images/travel/guestroomnoelle.jpg" style="max-height: 200px"></a></th>
<th><a data-passage="guestroom" class="travelr">
<img src="images/travel/guestroom.jpg" style="max-height: 200px">
<<if $time is 1 and $dayt is 1>>
<th><a data-passage="bathroomsarah" class="travell">
<img src="images/travel/bathroomsarah.jpg" style="max-height: 200px">
<<elseif $time is 2 and $dayt is 1>>
<th><a data-passage="bathroomnoelle" class="travell">
<img src="images/travel/bathroomnoelle.jpg" style="max-height: 200px"></a></th>
<<elseif $time is 2 and $dayt is 2>>
<th><a data-passage="bathroomsarah" class="travell">
<img src="images/travel/bathroomsarah.jpg" style="max-height: 200px">
<<elseif $time is 3 and $dayt is 2>>
<th><a data-passage="bathroomnoelle" class="travell">
<img src="images/travel/bathroomnoelle.jpg" style="max-height: 200px">
<<elseif $time is 9 and $dayt is 1>>
<th><a data-passage="bathroomsarah" class="travell">
<img src="images/travel/bathroomsarah.jpg" style="max-height: 200px">
<<elseif $time is 9 and $dayt is 2>>
<th><a data-passage="bathroomsarah" class="travell">
<img src="images/travel/bathroomsarah.jpg" style="max-height: 200px">
<<elseif $time is 8 and $dayt is 1>>
<th><a data-passage="bathroomnoelle" class="travell">
<img src="images/travel/bathroomnoelle.jpg" style="max-height: 200px">
<<elseif $time is 8 and $dayt is 2>>
<th><a data-passage="bathroomnoelle" class="travell">
<img src="images/travel/bathroomnoelle.jpg" style="max-height: 200px">
<th><a data-passage="bathroom" class="travell">
<img src="images/travel/bathroom.jpg" style="max-height: 200px">
<<if $time is 8 and $dayt is 1>>
<th><a data-passage="nurserysarah" class="travelr">
<img src="images/travel/nurserysarah.jpg" style="max-height: 200px"></a></th>
<<elseif $time is 3 and $dayt is 1>>
<th><a data-passage="nurserynoelle" class="travelr">
<img src="images/travel/nurserynoelle.jpg" style="max-height: 200px"></a></th>
<<elseif $time is 3 and $dayt is 2>>
<th><a data-passage="nurserysarah" class="travelr">
<img src="images/travel/nurserysarah.jpg" style="max-height: 200px"></a></th>
<th><a data-passage="nursery" class="travelr">
<img src="images/travel/nursery.jpg" style="max-height: 200px"></a>
<th><a data-passage="entrance" class="travell">
<img src="images/travel/entrance.jpg" style="max-height: 200px"></a>
<<elseif $caughtevent is "true">>
<th><a data-passage="bedroom" class="travell">
<img src="images/travel/bedroom.jpg" style="max-height: 200px">
<<if $time is 1>>
<th><a data-passage="guestroomnoellecaught" class="travelr">
<img src="images/travel/guestroomnoelle.jpg" style="max-height: 200px"></a></th>
<<elseif $time is 10>>
<th><a data-passage="guestroomnoellecaught" class="travelr">
<img src="images/travel/guestroomnoelle.jpg" style="max-height: 200px"></a></th>
<th><a data-passage="guestroom" class="travelr">
<img src="images/travel/guestroom.jpg" style="max-height: 200px">
<<if $time is 2 and $dayt is 1>>
<th><a data-passage="bathroomnoellecaught" class="travell">
<img src="images/travel/bathroomnoelle.jpg" style="max-height: 200px"></a></th>
<<elseif $time is 3 and $dayt is 2>>
<th><a data-passage="bathroomnoellecaught" class="travell">
<img src="images/travel/bathroomnoelle.jpg" style="max-height: 200px">
<<elseif $time is 8 and $dayt is 1>>
<th><a data-passage="bathroomnoellecaught" class="travell">
<img src="images/travel/bathroomnoelle.jpg" style="max-height: 200px">
<<elseif $time is 8 and $dayt is 2>>
<th><a data-passage="bathroomnoellecaught" class="travell">
<img src="images/travel/bathroomnoelle.jpg" style="max-height: 200px">
<th><a data-passage="bathroom" class="travell">
<img src="images/travel/bathroom.jpg" style="max-height: 200px">
<th><a data-passage="nursery" class="travelr">
<img src="images/travel/nursery.jpg" style="max-height: 200px"></a>
<th><a data-passage="entrance" class="travell">
<img src="images/travel/entrance.jpg" style="max-height: 200px"></a>
<<if $copevent6 is "true">>
<th><a data-passage="center" class="travell">
<img src="images/travel/center.jpg" style="max-height: 200px"></a>
<th><a data-passage="park" class="travelr">
<img src="images/travel/park.jpg" style="max-height: 200px"></a>
<th><a data-passage="university" class="travell">
<img src="images/travel/university.jpg" style="max-height: 200px"></a>
<th><a data-passage="suburbs" class="travelr">
<img src="images/travel/suburbs.jpg" style="max-height: 200px"></a>
<th><a data-passage="slums" class="travell">
<img src="images/travel/slums.jpg" style="max-height: 200px"></a>
<th><a data-passage="entrance" class="travelr">
<img src="images/travel/entrance.jpg" style="max-height: 200px"></a>
<th><a data-passage="center" class="travell">
<img src="images/travel/center.jpg" style="max-height: 200px"></a>
<th><a data-passage="park" class="travelr">
<img src="images/travel/park.jpg" style="max-height: 200px"></a>
<th><a data-passage="university" class="travell">
<img src="images/travel/university.jpg" style="max-height: 200px"></a>
<th><a data-passage="suburbs" class="travelr">
<img src="images/travel/suburbs.jpg" style="max-height: 200px"></a>
<th><a data-passage="entrance" class="travell">
<img src="images/travel/entrance.jpg" style="max-height: 200px"></a>
<<if $noellespyevent is "true" and $christelevent1 is "true">>
<th><a data-passage="mall" class="travell">
<img src="images/travel/mall.jpg" style="max-height: 200px"></a>
<th><a data-passage="gym" class="travelr">
<img src="images/travel/gym.jpg" style="max-height: 200px"></a>
<th><a data-passage="university" class="travell">
<img src="images/travel/university.jpg" style="max-height: 200px"></a>
<th><a data-passage="christelapartment" class="travelr">
<img src="images/travel/christelapartment.jpg" style="max-height: 200px"></a>
<th><a data-passage="casino" class="travell">
<img src="images/travel/casino.jpg" style="max-height: 200px"></a>
<th><a data-passage="bar" class="travelr">
<img src="images/travel/bar.jpg" style="max-height: 200px"></a>
<th><a data-passage="nightclub" class="travell">
<img src="images/travel/nightclub.jpg" style="max-height: 200px"></a>
<th><a data-passage="stripclub" class="travelr">
<img src="images/travel/stripclub.jpg" style="max-height: 200px"></a>
<th><a data-passage="entrance" class="travell">
<img src="images/travel/home.jpg" style="max-height: 200px"></a>
<<elseif $noellespyevent is "true">>
<th><a data-passage="mall" class="travell">
<img src="images/travel/mall.jpg" style="max-height: 200px"></a>
<th><a data-passage="gym" class="travelr">
<img src="images/travel/gym.jpg" style="max-height: 200px"></a>
<th><a data-passage="university" class="travell">
<img src="images/travel/university.jpg" style="max-height: 200px"></a>
<th><a data-passage="casino" class="travelr">
<img src="images/travel/casino.jpg" style="max-height: 200px"></a>
<th><a data-passage="bar" class="travell">
<img src="images/travel/bar.jpg" style="max-height: 200px"></a>
<th><a data-passage="nightclub" class="travelr">
<img src="images/travel/nightclub.jpg" style="max-height: 200px"></a>
<th><a data-passage="stripclub" class="travell">
<img src="images/travel/stripclub.jpg" style="max-height: 200px"></a>
<th><a data-passage="entrance" class="travelr">
<img src="images/travel/home.jpg" style="max-height: 200px"></a>
<<elseif $christelevent1 is "true">>
<th><a data-passage="mall" class="travell">
<img src="images/travel/mall.jpg" style="max-height: 200px"></a>
<th><a data-passage="gym" class="travelr">
<img src="images/travel/gym.jpg" style="max-height: 200px"></a>
<th><a data-passage="university" class="travell">
<img src="images/travel/university.jpg" style="max-height: 200px"></a>
<th><a data-passage="christelapartment" class="travelr">
<img src="images/travel/christelapartment.jpg" style="max-height: 200px"></a>
<th><a data-passage="casino" class="travell">
<img src="images/travel/casino.jpg" style="max-height: 200px"></a>
<th><a data-passage="bar" class="travelr">
<img src="images/travel/bar.jpg" style="max-height: 200px"></a>
<th><a data-passage="stripclub" class="travell">
<img src="images/travel/stripclub.jpg" style="max-height: 200px"></a>
<th><a data-passage="entrance" class="travelr">
<img src="images/travel/home.jpg" style="max-height: 200px"></a>
<th><a data-passage="mall" class="travell">
<img src="images/travel/mall.jpg" style="max-height: 200px"></a>
<th><a data-passage="gym" class="travelr">
<img src="images/travel/gym.jpg" style="max-height: 200px"></a>
<th><a data-passage="university" class="travell">
<img src="images/travel/university.jpg" style="max-height: 200px"></a>
<th><a data-passage="casino" class="travelr">
<img src="images/travel/casino.jpg" style="max-height: 200px"></a>
<th><a data-passage="bar" class="travell">
<img src="images/travel/bar.jpg" style="max-height: 200px"></a>
<th><a data-passage="stripclub" class="travelr">
<img src="images/travel/stripclub.jpg" style="max-height: 200px"></a>
<th><a data-passage="entrance" class="travell">
<img src="images/travel/home.jpg" style="max-height: 200px"></a>
<<if $time is 1 or $time gte 9>>
<center><div class="general2">The mall is closed.</div></center>
<th><a data-passage="center" class="travell">
<img src="images/travel/center.jpg" style="max-height: 200px"></a>
<th><a data-passage="entrance" class="travelr">
<img src="images/travel/home.jpg" style="max-height: 200px"></a>
<th><a data-passage="electronics" class="travell">
<img src="images/travel/electronics.jpg" style="max-height: 200px"></a>
<th><a data-passage="pharmacy" class="travelr">
<img src="images/travel/pharmacy.jpg" style="max-height: 200px"></a>
<th><a data-passage="erotica" class="travell">
<img src="images/travel/erotica.jpg" style="max-height: 200px"></a>
<th><a data-passage="cinema" class="travelr">
<img src="images/travel/cinema.jpg" style="max-height: 200px"></a>
<th><a data-passage="center" class="travell">
<img src="images/travel/center.jpg" style="max-height: 200px"></a>
<th><a data-passage="entrance" class="travelr">
<img src="images/travel/home.jpg" style="max-height: 200px"></a>
<</nobr>><img src="images/player/bedroom/sleep.jpg" />
<div class="general">You took a long sleep.</div>
<<if $angrymode is "true">>
<div class="general">Sarah does not like it that you ignore her and that you are angry with her, but she does accept and understand it. She also realizes that she still really loves you.</div><br>
<<addrsarah 5>>
<<if $caughtevent is "false">>
<<if $chores gte 1>>
<div class="general">Sarah noticed you efforts around the house and seems happier with you.</div><br>
<a data-passage="upstairs"><div class="talkplayer">Let’s do something else</div></a>
<<if $webcamshow is "true">>
<<set $money to $money +50>>
<<if $angrymode is "true">>
<<set $angrytimer to $angrytimer +1>>
<<if $angrytimer gte 5>>
<<set $angrymode to "false">>
<<set $teacherdone to "false">>
<<set $convoc to 0>>
<<set $copeventtimer to $copeventtimer +1>>
<<set $sarahneigtimer to $sarahneigtimer +1>>
<<set $zareanatimer to $zareanatimer +1>>
<<set $ellietimer to $ellietimer +1>>
<<set $christeltimerr to $christeltimerr +1>>
<<set $sarahsexclubtimer to $sarahsexclubtimer +1>>
<<if $caughteventafter is "false">>
<<if $caughtevent is "true">>
<<goto "caughteventafter">>
<<if $caughtevent is "false">>
<<if $chores is 1>>
<<addrsarah 3>>
<<elseif $chores is 2>>
<<addrsarah 7>>
<<elseif $chores is 3>>
<<addrsarah 14>>
<<elseif $chores is 4>>
<<addrsarah 20>><</if>>
<<if $cumslut is "true">>
<<set $cheatcount to $cheatcount +1>><</if>>
<<set $chores to 0>>
<<set $livchores to "false">>
<<set $kitchores to "false">>
<<set $batchores to "false">>
<<set $garchores to "false">>
<<addenergy 150>>
<<set $arousal to 100>>
<<set $convos to 0>>
<<set $convon to 0>>
<<set $gym to $gym -1>>
<<set $kisss to 0>>
<<set $kissn to 0>>
<<set $time to 1>>
<<set $day to $day +1>>
<<if $day gt 7>>
<<set $day to 1>>
<<if $workfame is 1>>
<<set $money to $money +5>>
<<elseif $workfame is 2>>
<<set $money to $money +7>>
<<elseif $workfame is 3>>
<<set $money to $money +10>>
<<elseif $workfame is 4>>
<<set $money to $money +15>>
<<elseif $workfame is 5>>
<<set $money to $money +20>>
<<elseif $workfame gte 6>>
<<set $money to $money +25>>
<<if $gym gte 1>>
<<set $gym to $gym -1>><</if>>
<<if $fitnesstimer gte 6>>
<<set $fitness to $fitness -1>><</if>>
<<set $fitnesstimer to $fitnesstimer +1>>
<<if $christelevent3 is "true" and $christelevent4 is "false">>
<<set $christeleventtimer34 to $christeleventtimer34 +1>><</if>>
<<if $sabinahelps is "true">>
<<set $sabinahelpstimer to "true">><</if>>
<<if $sarahspihelps is "true">>
<<set $sarahspihelpstimer to "true">><</if>>
<<if $gettingnoelle is "true">>
<<addrsarah -5>><</if>>
<<if $skimout is "true">>
<<addonoelle +1>>
<<addrnoelle +1>>
<<if $nakedout is "true">>
<<addrnoelle -3>>
<<addonoelle +3>><</if>>
<<if $da5 is "true">>
<<addrnoelle +3>>
<<addtnoelle +1>>
<<set $money to $money -5>><</if>>
<<if $da10 is "true">>
<<addrnoelle +5>>
<<addtnoelle +2>>
<<set $money to $money -10>><</if>>
<<if $da25 is "true">>
<<addrnoelle +8>>
<<addtnoelle +3>>
<<set $money to $money -25>><</if>>
<<if $allchores is "true">>
<<set $livchores to "true">>
<<set $kitchores to "true">>
<<set $garchores to "true">>
<<addonoelle +10>>
<<addrnoelle -5>>
<<set $chores to 3>>
<<set $gropenoelle to "false">>
<<if $lockup is "true">>
<<set $lockupday to $lockupday +1>>
<<if $lockupday is 1>>
<<addrnoelle -3>>
<<addonoelle +2>>
<<addfnoelle +1>>
<<elseif $lockupday is 2>>
<<addrnoelle -6>>
<<addonoelle +3>>
<<addfnoelle +2>>
<<elseif $lockupday is 3>>
<<addrnoelle -9>>
<<addonoelle +5>>
<<addfnoelle +3>>
<<elseif $lockupday is 4>>
<<addrnoelle -14>>
<<addonoelle +7>>
<<addfnoelle +4>>
<<elseif $lockupday is 5>>
<<addrnoelle -20>>
<<addonoelle +10>>
<<addfnoelle +5>>
<<set $nhungry to $nhungry +3>>
<<set $nclean to $nclean +3>>
<<set $ntoilet to $ntoilet +3>>
<<if $sarahchristel1 is "true">>
<<set $sarahchristel1timer to $sarahchristel1timer +1>>
<<if $ffeventno is "true">>
<<set $ffeventnotimer to $ffeventnotimer +1>><</if>>
<<if $ffeventnotimer gte 7>>
<<set $ffeventno to "false">><</if>>
<<set $ssleeppil to "false">>
<<if $christelevent7 is "true" and $copevent8 is "true">>
<<set $chissabtimeractivator is "true">><</if>>
<<if $chissabtimeractivator is "true">>
<<set $chissabtimer to $chissabtimer +1>><</if>>
<<if $copevent9 is "true" and $copevent10 is "false">>
<<goto "copevent10">><</if>>
<<if $rnoelle gte 50 and $caughtevent is "false">>
<<switch random(1, 5)>>
<<case 1 2 3 4>>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Read a book->livingrbook]]</span></div><br>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Watch tv->livingrtv]]</span></div><br>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Vacuum the livingroom->livingrchores]]</span></div><br>
<a data-passage="entrance"><div class="talkloc">Let’s go somewhere else</div></a>
<<case 5>>
<img src="images/noelle/livingroom/noelletease.jpg" /><br>
<div class="general">Noelle walks past you and gives you a teasing look and shows herself off.</div><br>
<<speech "Player" "$name">><i>Oh damn, she is trouble.</i><</speech>><br>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Read a book->livingrbook]]</span></div><br>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Watch tv->livingrtv]]</span></div><br>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Vacuum the livingroom->livingrchores]]</span></div><br>
<a data-passage="entrance"><div class="talkloc">Let’s go somewhere else</div></a>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Read a book->livingrbook]]</span></div><br>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Watch tv->livingrtv]]</span></div><br>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Vacuum the livingroom->livingrchores]]</span></div><br>
<a data-passage="entrance"><div class="talkloc">Let’s go somewhere else</div></a>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Take a snack->snack]]</span></div>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Clean the kitchen->kitchores]]</span></div>
<a data-passage="entrance"><div class="talkloc">Let’s go somewhere else</div></a>
<<nobr>><<if $happiness lte 15>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">><i>I'm not motivated enought to work.
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Watch some porn->officewatchporn]]</span></div><br>
<<if $poolshootnude is "true">>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Watch pictures of Noelle->officewatchnoelle]]</span></div><br><</if>>
<<if $neighbour2prev2a is "true">>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Watch Sarah's video with your neighbor->neighbour2prev2a3]]</span></div><br>
<<if $neighbour3 is "true">>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Watch Sarah's 2nd video with your neighbor->neighbour3a]]</span></div><br>
<<if $neighbour4 is "true">>
<a data-passage="neighbour4"><div class="talkplayer">Watch 3rd the video Sarah gave you.</div></a><br><</if>>
<<if $webcamshow is "true" and $time gte 9>>
<a data-passage="nwebcamshow"><div class="talkplayer">Watch Noelle's webcam show.</div></a><br><</if>>
<a data-passage="entrance"><div class="talkloc">Let’s go somewhere else</div></a>
<<elseif $energy lte 24>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">><i>I'm to tired to work.</i><</speech>><br>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Watch some porn->officewatchporn]]</span></div><br>
<<if $poolshootnude is "true">>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Watch pictures of Noelle->officewatchnoelle]]</span></div><br><</if>>
<<if $neighbour2prev2a is "true">>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Watch Sarah's video with your neighbor->neighbour2prev2a3]]</span></div><br>
<<if $neighbour3 is "true">>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Watch Sarah's 2nd video with your neighbor->neighbour3a]]</span></div><br>
<<if $neighbour4 is "true">>
<a data-passage="neighbour4"><div class="talkplayer">Watch 3rd the video Sarah gave you.</div></a><br><</if>>
<<if $webcamshow is "true" and $time gte 9>>
<a data-passage="nwebcamshow"><div class="talkplayer">Watch Noelle's webcam show.</div></a><br><</if>>
<a data-passage="entrance"><div class="talkloc">Let’s go somewhere else</div></a>
<<if $workfame gte 5 and $guestlecture is "false">>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[You have a new email->workemail1]]</span></div><br><</if>>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Do some work->work]]</span></div><br>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Watch some porn->officewatchporn]]</span></div><br>
<<if $neighbour2prev2a is "true">>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Watch Sarah's video with your neighbor->neighbour2prev2a3]]</span></div><br>
<<if $neighbour3 is "true">>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Watch Sarah's 2nd video with your neighbor->neighbour3a]]</span></div><br>
<<if $neighbour4 is "true">>
<a data-passage="neighbour4"><div class="talkplayer">Watch 3rd the video Sarah gave you.</div></a><br><</if>>
<<if $poolshootnude is "true">>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Watch pictures of Noelle->officewatchnoelle]]</span></div><br><</if>>
<<if $noellespyevent is "true" and $catchingnoelle is "false" and $madetheplan is "true" and $goinghome is "false">>
<a data-passage="catchingnoelle5"><div class="talkplayer">Let’s make the trick phonecall</div></a><br><</if>>
<<if $goinghome is "true" and $truthrevealed is "false">>
<a data-passage="truthrevealed"><div class="talkplayer">Let's see what Noelle has been up to.</div></a><br><</if>>
<<if $webcamshow is "true" and $time gte 9>>
<a data-passage="nwebcamshow"><div class="talkplayer">Watch Noelle's webcam show.</div></a><br><</if>>
<a data-passage="entrance"><div class="talkloc">Let’s go somewhere else</div></a>
<<if $caughtevent is "true" and $goinghome is "false">>
<<speech "Player" "$name">><i>It's quite silent and empty without Sarah here..</i><</speech>><</if>><</nobr>><br>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Take a nap->bedrnap]]</span></div>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Go to sleep->bedrsleep]]</span></div>
<a data-passage="upstairs"><div class="talkloc">Let’s go somewhere else</div></a>
<<nobr>><div class="general">Since Noelle is not there you so you enter her room.</div><br>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Search her room->guestsearch]]</span></div><br>
<<if $dildo is "true" and $dildon is "false">>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Leave the dildo for Noelle->leavedildonoelle]]</span></div><br><</if>>
<a data-passage="upstairs"><div class="talkloc">Let’s go somewhere else</div></a>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Take a shower.->shower]]</span></div>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Clean the bathroom->batchores]]</span></div>
<a data-passage="upstairs"><div class="talkloc">Let’s go somewhere else</div></a>
<<if $goinghome is "true">>
<<speech "Player" "$name">><i>Nothing to do here.</i><</speech>>
<<elseif $caughtevent is "true">>
<<speech "Player" "$name">><i>No Peter, no Sarah, I'm not sure how to feel about his..</i><</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">><i>Nothing to do here.</i><</speech>>
<a data-passage="upstairs"><div class="talkloc">Let’s go somewhere else</div></a>
<<if $rnoelle gte 50 and $caughtevent is "false">>
<<switch random(1, 5)>>
<<case 1 2 3 4>>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Mow the lawn->garchores]]</span></div><br>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Read a book->readbookgar]]</span></div><br>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Take a nap->garsleep]]</span></div><br>
<a data-passage="garden"><div class="talkloc">Let’s go somewhere else</div></a>
<<case 5>>
<img src="images/noelle/garden/noelletease.jpg" /><br>
<div class="general">You sit on the terrace when Noelle walks past you. When she sees you, she stops for second. Then she sucks seductively on her lollypop before she walks off again.</div><br>
<<speech "Player" "$name">><i>This girl got my blood going to all the wrong places.</i><</speech>><br>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Mow the lawn->garchores]]</span></div><br>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Read a book->readbookgar]]</span></div><br>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Take a nap->garsleep]]</span></div><br>
<a data-passage="garden"><div class="talkloc">Let’s go somewhere else</div></a>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Mow the lawn->garchores]]</span></div><br>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Read a book->readbookgar]]</span></div><br>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Take a nap->garsleep]]</span></div><br>
<a data-passage="garden"><div class="talkloc">Let’s go somewhere else</div></a>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Take a relaxed swim->poolrelax]]</span></div>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Take an active stim->poolactive]]</span></div>
<a data-passage="garden"><div class="talkloc">Let’s go somewhere else</div></a>
<<nobr>><<if $truthrevealed is "true" and $noellegone is "false">>
<div class="general">You see Noelle laying there under several sheets.</div><br>
<<speech "Player" "$name">><i>I hope her body doesn't start to smell before we bury her.</i><</speech>><br>
<a data-passage="garden"><div class="talkplayer">Let’s do something else</div></a><br>
<<elseif $christelevent11 is "true">>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>This is where Christel live sright now.<</speech>><br>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Knock on the door->shedchristelknock]]</span></div><br>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Walk around the shed->shedchristelwalk]]</span></div><br>
<<if $suspiciouschristel2 is "true" and $dayt is 2 and $day gte 3>>
<a data-passage="suspiciouschristel3a"><div class="talkplayer">Execute plan</div></a><br><</if>>
<a data-passage="garden"><div class="talkloc">Let’s go somewhere else</div></a>
<div class="general">Nothing to do here.</div><br>
<a data-passage="garden"><div class="talkloc">Let’s go somewhere else</div></a>
<<if $sextoy1 is "true" or $sextoy2 is "true" or $sextoy3 is "true">>
<<if $parkseenolivia is "false">>
<div class="general">You walk into the park.</div><br>
<<speech "Player" "$name">><i>It's a really nice day.</i><</speech>><br>
<div class="general">A girl walks by you and gives you a bright smile.</div><br>
<img src="images/olivia/oliviapark.jpg" /><br>
<<speech "Player" "$name">><i>Look at that cutie.. Wait a sec.. Where do I know her from?</i><</speech>><br>
<div class="general">By the time you have turned around she has dissapeared.</div><br>
<<speech "Player" "$name">><i>I know I've seen her before.. But where?</i><</speech>><br>
<a data-passage="park"><div class="talkplayer">Let’s do something else</div></a>
<<set $parkseenolivia to "true">>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Relax in the park->parkrelax]]</span></div><br>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Go for a run->parkjog]]</span></div><br>
<<if $zareanabarmeet is "true">>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Look for Zareana->parkzareana]]</span></div><br><</if>>
<a data-passage="outside"><div class="talkloc">Let’s go somewhere else</div></a>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Relax in the park->parkrelax]]</span></div><br>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Go for a run->parkjog]]</span></div><br>
<<if $zareanabarmeet is "true">>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Look for Zareana->parkzareana]]</span></div><br><</if>>
<a data-passage="outside"><div class="talkloc">Let’s go somewhere else</div></a>
<<if $time is 1 or $time gte 9>>
<center><div class="general2">The university is closed.</div></center>
<th><a data-passage="center" class="travell">
<img src="images/travel/center.jpg" style="max-height: 200px"></a>
<th><a data-passage="entrance" class="travelr">
<img src="images/travel/home.jpg" style="max-height: 200px"></a>
<th><a data-passage="unilobby" class="travell">
<img src="images/travel/unilobby.jpg" style="max-height: 200px"></a>
<<if $time is 3 and $dayt is 1>>
<th><a data-passage="uniclassroomsarah" class="travelr">
<img src="images/travel/uniclassroomsarah.jpg" style="max-height: 200px"></a>
<<elseif $time is 5 and $dayt is 1>>
<th><a data-passage="uniclassroomsarah" class="travelr">
<img src="images/travel/uniclassroomsarah.jpg" style="max-height: 200px"></a>
<<elseif $time is 4 and $dayt is 1>>
<th><a data-passage="uniclassroomchristel" class="travelr">
<img src="images/travel/uniclassroomchristel.jpg" style="max-height: 200px"></a>
<th><a data-passage="uniclassroom" class="travelr">
<img src="images/travel/uniclassroom.jpg" style="max-height: 200px"></a>
<<if $time is 4 and $dayt is 1>>
<th><a data-passage="uniofficesarah2" class="travell">
<img src="images/travel/uniofficesarah2.jpg" style="max-height: 200px"></a></th>
<th><a data-passage="uniofficesarah" class="travell">
<img src="images/travel/uniofficesarah.jpg" style="max-height: 200px"></a></th>
<<if $christeldinner is "true" and $time is 5 and $dayt is 1>>
<th><a data-passage="uniofficechristel2" class="travelr">
<img src="images/travel/uniofficechristel2.jpg" style="max-height: 200px"></a>
<<elseif $christeldinner is "true" and $time is 3 and $dayt is 1>>
<th><a data-passage="uniofficechristel2" class="travelr">
<img src="images/travel/uniofficechristel2.jpg" style="max-height: 200px"></a>
<<elseif $christeldinner is "true">>
<th><a data-passage="uniofficeother" class="travelr">
<img src="images/travel/uniofficeother.jpg" style="max-height: 200px"></a>
<th><a data-passage="uniofficeother" class="travelr">
<img src="images/travel/uniofficeother.jpg" style="max-height: 200px"></a>
<th><a data-passage="yourclassroom" class="travell">
<img src="images/travel/yourclassroom.jpg" style="max-height: 200px"></a>
<th><a data-passage="center" class="travelr">
<img src="images/travel/center.jpg" style="max-height: 200px"></a>
<th><a data-passage="entrance" class="travell">
<img src="images/travel/home.jpg" style="max-height: 200px"></a>
<<if $time is 1 or $time gte 9>>
<center><div class="general">The gym is closed.</div></center><br>
<a data-passage="center"><div class="talkplayer">Let’s do something else</div></a>
<<elseif $energy lt 30>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">><i>What am I doing here? I'm way too tired to sport.</i><</speech>><br>
<a data-passage="center"><div class="talkplayer">Let’s do something else</div></a>
<<elseif $happiness lt 20>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">><i>I'm not in the mood to sport.</i><</speech>><br>
<a data-passage="center"><div class="talkplayer">Let’s do something else</div></a>
<<elseif $gym gte 1>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">><i>Well, I'm here, my subscribtion is active, let's do this.</i><</speech>><br>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Start working out->gymworkout]]</span></div><br>
<a data-passage="center"><div class="talkplayer">Let’s do something else</div></a>
<<speech "Player" "$name">><i>Maybe if I start working out, Sarah and other people will start liking me more?</i><</speech>><br>
<<speech "random" "gymguy">>Hi there, how can I help you?<</speech>><br>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Good morning, I would like to use your gym.<</speech>><br>
<<speech "random" "gymguy">>Alright, we have two options for you. $15 for a day or $50 for the week. As you can see the $50 options is a lot cheaper.<</speech>><br>
<<nobr>><<if $money gte 15>>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[It will be just today->gym1]]</span></div><br><</if>>
<<if $money gte 50>>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[I'll take the week subscription->gym2]]</span></div><br><</if>>
<a data-passage="outside"><div class="talkloc">Let’s go somewhere else</div></a>
<<if $sextoy1 is "true" or $sextoy2 is "true" or $sextoy3 is "true">>
<<if $uniseenolivia is "false">>
<div class="general">You walk into the lobby.</div><br>
<<speech "Player" "$name">><i>Damn, I remember the times I was this age. Hmmm, those were great.</i><</speech>><br>
<div class="general">A girl walks by you and gives you a bright smile.</div><br>
<img src="images/olivia/oliviaschool.jpg" /><br>
<<speech "Player" "$name">><i>Damn.. Wait a sec? Where do I know her from? She looks so familliar.</i><</speech>><br>
<div class="general">By the time you have turned around she has dissapeared into the masses.</div><br>
<a data-passage="university"><div class="talkplayer">Let’s do something else</div></a>
<<set $uniseenolivia to "true">>
<div class="general">Nothing to do here.</div><br>
<a data-passage="university"><div class="talkloc">Let’s go somewhere else</div></a>
<div class="general">Nothing to do here.</div><br>
<a data-passage="university"><div class="talkloc">Let’s go somewhere else</div></a>
<</if>><</nobr>><div class="general">Nothing to do here.</div>
<a data-passage="university"><div class="talkloc">Let’s go somewhere else</div></a>
<div class="general">Sarah isn't here.</div>
<a data-passage="university"><div class="talkloc">Let’s go somewhere else</div></a>
<div class="general">No-one here.</div>
<a data-passage="university"><div class="talkloc">Let’s go somewhere else</div></a>
<<if $camera is "true">>
<<speech "random" "electronicsguy">>Hi, where can I help you with?<</speech>><br>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>No, I'm good. I'm just browsing.<</speech>><br>
<<speech "random" "electronicsguy">>Alright, let me know if you need any help.<</speech>><br>
<div class="general">You walk around the store but find nothing of interest.</div><br>
<a data-passage="mall"><div class="talkplayer">Let’s do something else</div></a>
<<speech "random" "electronicsguy">>Hi, where can I help you with?<</speech>><br>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Hello, I would like to buy a camera.<</speech>><br>
<<speech "random" "electronicsguy">>And what kind of camera where you thinking about?<</speech>><br>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Eeehm, one you take pictures with?<</speech>><br>
<div class="general">He looks at you like you are an idiot.</div><br>
<<speech "random" "electronicsguy">>Well I got a perfect one for you then, it's only $500. A real good one for.. Ehh, starters.<</speech>><br>
<<nobr>><<if $money gte 500>>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Alright I'll take it->camera]]</span></div><br><</if>>
<a data-passage="mall"><div class="talkloc">That is to expensive for me</div></a>
<<speech "random" "pharmagirl">>Good day, how can I help you?<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>I really have trouble sleeping, do you have sleepingpills or something?<</speech>>
<<speech "random" "pharmagirl">>Yes we do have those, let me get them for you.<</speech>>
<div class="general">She walks away and comes back with some pills.</div>
<<speech "random" "pharmagirl">>So here I have a couple, there are $150 a piece.<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Are you kidding? Will they turn me into gold?<</speech>>
<<speech "random" "pharmagirl">>I know it's expensive, but some bigshot bought all the patents and he is deciding the prices now.<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Bastards.<</speech>>
<<nobr>><<if $money gte 150>>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Well, I do need them, so I would like to buy one->sleeppills]]</span></div><</if>><br>
<a data-passage="mall"><div class="talkloc">Well, that is to expensive for my taste</div></a>
<div class="general">A cute young girl walkts up to you once you enter the store.</div><br>
<<speech "random" "eroticagirl">>Hi there, can I help you with something? Looking for anything specific?<</speech>><br>
<<if $dildo is "true" and $vibo is "true" and $anallube is "true" and $bondagekit is "true">>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>No thank you, I'm just looking around.<</speech>><br>
<<speech "random" "eroticagirl">>Alright, let me know if you need some help.<</speech>><br>
<div class="general">You look around, but find nothing of interest.</div><br>
<a data-passage="mall"><div class="talkplayer">Let’s do something else</div></a>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Well, yes, I'm looking for:<</speech>><br>
<<if $dildo is "false">>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[a dildo->eroticdildo]]</span></div><br><</if>>
<<if $vibo is "false">>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[a vibrator->eroticvibrator]]</span></div><br><</if>>
<<if $anallube is "false">>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[anal lube->eroticlube]]</span></div><br><</if>>
<<if $bondagekit is "false">>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[a bondage kit->eroticbdsm]]</span></div><br><</if>>
<<if $bigdildo is "false" and $nfirstwebcamshow is "true">>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[the big dildo->eroticbigdildo]]</span></div><br><</if>>
<a data-passage="mall"><div class="talkloc">Let’s go somewhere else</div></a>
<<nobr>><<if $moviedateplan is "true" and $time is 9>>
<div class="general">You walk to the Cinema and see that Sarah is already there. She seems exited.</div><br>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Hi honey.<</speech>><br>
<<speech "Sarah" "Sarah">>Hi! So what are we going to watch?<</speech>><br>
<<speech "Player" "$name">><i>Time to make the most important decision of the night.</i><</speech>><br>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Romantic->moviedaterom]]</span></div><br>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Comedy->moviedatecom]]</span></div><br>
<<set $moviedatearr to "true">>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Watch a movie->cinema2]]</span></div><br>
<a data-passage="mall"><div class="talkloc">Let’s go somewhere else</div></a><</if>><</nobr>>
<<widget "addenergy">><<silently>>
<<if $fitness lt 20>>
<<set $energy to Math.clamp($energy + $args[0], 0, 100)>>
<<elseif $fitness gte 20 and $fitness lt 40>>
<<set $energy to Math.clamp($energy + $args[0], 0, 125)>>
<<elseif $fitness gte 40>>
<<set $energy to Math.clamp($energy + $args[0], 0, 150)>><</if>>
<<widget "addhappiness">><<set $happiness to Math.clamp($happiness + $args[0], 0, 100)>><</widget>>
<<widget "addfaithfulness">><<set $faithfulness to Math.clamp($faithfulness + $args[0], 0, 100)>><</widget>>
<<widget "addfitness">><<set $fitness to Math.clamp($fitness + $args[0], 0, 50)>><</widget>>
<<widget "addhygene">><<set $hygene to Math.clamp($hygene + $args[0], 0, 100)>><</widget>>
<<widget "addrsarah">><<set $rsarah to Math.clamp($rsarah + $args[0], 0, 250)>><</widget>>
<<widget "addfnoelle">><<silently>>
<<if $fearob is "true">>
<<set $fnoelle to Math.clamp($fnoelle + $args[0], 80, 100)>>
<<elseif $feartr is "true">>
<<set $fnoelle to Math.clamp($fnoelle + $args[0], 80, 100)>>
<<elseif $relationob is "true">>
<<set $fnoelle to Math.clamp($fnoelle + $args[0], 0, 50)>>
<<elseif $relationtr is "true">>
<<set $fnoelle to Math.clamp($fnoelle + $args[0], 0, 50)>>
<<set $fnoelle to Math.clamp($fnoelle + $args[0], 0, 100)>>
<<widget "addrnoelle">><<silently>>
<<if $fearob is "true">>
<<set $rnoelle to Math.clamp($rnoelle + $args[0], 0, 150)>>
<<elseif $feartr is "true">>
<<set $rnoelle to Math.clamp($rnoelle + $args[0], 0, 150)>>
<<elseif $relationob is "true">>
<<set $rnoelle to Math.clamp($rnoelle + $args[0], 150, 200)>>
<<elseif $relationtr is "true">>
<<set $rnoelle to Math.clamp($rnoelle + $args[0], 150, 200)>>
<<set $rnoelle to Math.clamp($rnoelle + $args[0], 0, 200)>>
<<widget "addonoelle">><<silently>>
<<if $fearob is "true">>
<<set $onoelle to Math.clamp($onoelle + $args[0], 80, 100)>>
<<elseif $feartr is "true">>
<<set $onoelle to Math.clamp($onoelle + $args[0], 0, 50)>>
<<elseif $relationob is "true">>
<<set $onoelle to Math.clamp($onoelle + $args[0], 80, 100)>>
<<elseif $relationtr is "true">>
<<set $onoelle to Math.clamp($onoelle + $args[0], 0, 50)>>
<<set $onoelle to Math.clamp($onoelle + $args[0], 0, 100)>>
<<widget "addtnoelle">><<silently>>
<<if $fearob is "true">>
<<set $tnoelle to Math.clamp($tnoelle + $args[0], 0, 50)>>
<<elseif $feartr is "true">>
<<set $tnoelle to Math.clamp($tnoelle + $args[0], 80, 100)>>
<<elseif $relationob is "true">>
<<set $tnoelle to Math.clamp($tnoelle + $args[0], 0, 50)>>
<<elseif $relationtr is "true">>
<<set $tnoelle to Math.clamp($tnoelle + $args[0], 80, 100)>>
<<set $tnoelle to Math.clamp($tnoelle + $args[0], 0, 100)>>
<<widget "addrchristel">><<set $rchristel to Math.clamp($rchristel + $args[0], 0, 200)>><</widget>>
<<widget "addrashley">><<set $rashley to Math.clamp($rashley + $args[0], 0, 200)>><</widget>>
<<widget "addcumaddict">><<set $cumaddict to Math.clamp($cumaddict + $args[0], 0, 50)>><</widget>>
<<widget "addarousal">><<set $arousal to Math.clamp($arousal + $args[0], 0, 100)>><</widget>>
<<widget "adddarkness">><<set $darkness to Math.clamp($darkness + $args[0], 0, 100)>><</widget>>
<<widget "addBMSN">><<set $BMSN to Math.clamp($BMSN + $args[0], 0, 100)>><</widget>>
<<switch random(6)>>
<<case 1>>
<img src="images/player/livingroom/reading/reading1.jpg" />
<<case 2>>
<img src="images/player/livingroom/reading/reading2.jpg" />
<<case 3>>
<img src="images/player/livingroom/reading/reading3.jpg" />
<<case 4>>
<img src="images/player/livingroom/reading/reading4.jpg" />
<<case 5>>
<img src="images/player/livingroom/reading/reading5.jpg" />
<img src="images/player/livingroom/reading/reading6.jpg" />
<div class="general">You read a book for a while.</div>
<a data-passage="entrance"><div class="talkplayer">Let’s do something else</div></a>
<<addenergy 20>>
<<set $time to $time +1>>
<<switch random(5)>>
<<case 1>>
<img src="images/player/livingroom/tv/tv1.jpg" />
<<case 2>>
<img src="images/player/livingroom/tv/tv2.jpg" />
<<case 3>>
<img src="images/player/livingroom/tv/tv3.jpg" />
<<case 4>>
<img src="images/player/livingroom/tv/tv4.jpg" />
<img src="images/player/livingroom/tv/tv5.jpg" />
<div class="general">You watch some tv.</div>
<a data-passage="entrance"><div class="talkplayer">Let’s do something else</div></a>
<<addenergy -15>>
<<addhappiness 10>>
<<set $time to $time +1>>
<<nobr>><<if $livchores is "true">>
<<speech "Player" "$name">><i>I already cleaned the livingroom today.</i><</speech>><br>
<a data-passage="entrance"><div class="talkplayer">Let’s do something else</div></a>
<img src="images/player/chores/livchores.jpg" /><br>
<div class="general">You vacuum the livingroom.</div><br>
<a data-passage="entrance"><div class="talkplayer">Let’s do something else</div></a>
<<set $chores to $chores +1>>
<<set $livchores to "true">>
<<addhappiness -5>>
<<addenergy -15>>
<<addhygene -20>>
<<set $time to $time +1>>
<</if>><</nobr>><<switch random(6)>>
<<case 1>>
<img src="images/player/kitchen/snack/snack2.jpg" />
<<case 2>>
<img src="images/player/kitchen/snack/snack11.jpg" />
<<case 3>>
<img src="images/player/kitchen/snack/snack12.jpg" />
<<case 4>>
<img src="images/player/kitchen/snack/snack13.jpg" />
<<case 5>>
<img src="images/player/kitchen/snack/snack15.jpg" />
<<case 6>>
<img src="images/player/kitchen/snack/snack26.jpg" />
<img src="images/player/kitchen/snack/snack20.jpg" />
<div class="general">You ate a snack.</div>
<a data-passage="entrance"><div class="talkplayer">Let’s do something else</div></a>
<<addenergy 25>>
<<set $time to $time +1>>
<<nobr>><<if $kitchores is "true">>
<<speech "Player" "$Name">>I already cleaned the kitchen today.<</speech>><br>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Let's do something else->kitchen]]</span></div>
<img src="images/player/chores/kitchores.jpg" /><br>
<div class="general">You clean the kitchen.</div><br>
<a data-passage="entrance"><div class="talkplayer">I think Sarah will be pleased</div></a>
<<set $chores to $chores +1>>
<<set $kitchores to "true">>
<<addhappiness -5>>
<<addenergy -15>>
<<addhygene -20>>
<<set $time to $time +1>>
<</if>><</nobr>><<nobr>><<if $pantiesn is "true">>
<img src="images/player/items/panties.jpg" /><br>
<div class="general"><i>I still have Noelle her panties.</i></div><br>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Use them to masturbate->officewatchporn1]]</span></div><br>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Just watch porn->officewatchporn2]]</span></div>
<<switch random(3)>>
<<case 1>>
<img src="images/player/office/porn/porn1.gif" />
<<case 2>>
<img src="images/player/office/porn/porn2.gif" />
<<case 3>>
<img src="images/player/office/porn/porn3.gif" />
<<case 4>>
<img src="images/player/office/porn/porn4.gif" />
<<case 5>>
<img src="images/player/office/porn/porn5.gif" />
<img src="images/player/office/porn/porn6.gif" />
<<if $arousal gte 95>>
<br><<speech "Player" "$name">><i>Oooh fuck, this is hot. I'm cumming!</i><</speech>><br>
<div class="general">You cum.</div><br>
<a data-passage="entrance"><div class="talkplayer">Let’s do something else</div></a>
<<addarousal 15>>
<<addhygene -10>>
<<addhappiness 10>>
<<if $fitness gte 0 and $fitness lt 25>>
<<addarousal -35>>
<<elseif $fitness gte 20 and $fitness lt 40>>
<<addarousal -30>>
<<elseif $fitness gte 40>>
<<addarousal -25>><</if>>
<<set $time to $time +1>>
<br><div class="general">You watch some porn, which turns you on a bit.</div>
<br><a data-passage="entrance"><div class="talkplayer">Let’s do something else</div></a>
<<addarousal 15>>
<<addhygene -10>>
<<addhappiness 5>>
<<set $time to $time +1>>
<<switch random(5)>>
<<case 1>>
<img src="images/player/office/work/workpaper1.jpg" />
<<case 2>>
<img src="images/player/office/work/workpaper2.jpg" />
<<case 3>>
<img src="images/player/office/work/workpaper3.jpg" />
<<case 4>>
<img src="images/player/office/work/workpaper4.jpg" />
<<case 5>>
<<goto "worksarah">>
<br><div class="general">You do some work.</div><br>
<<addhappiness -8>>
<<addenergy -15>>
<<set $work to $work +1>>
<<set $time to $time +1>>
<<if $work gte 3>>
<div class="general">You sell your work and make some money and increase your royalties.</div><br>
<<set $work to 0>>
<<set $money to $money +125>>
<<set $workfame to $workfame +1>><</if>>
<a data-passage="entrance"><div class="talkplayer">Let’s do something else</div></a>
<img src="images/player/office/porn/cumpanties.gif" />
<<speech "Player" "$name">><i>Damn this feels good, even though it's bad.</i><</speech>>
<a data-passage="entrance"><div class="talkplayer">Let’s do something else</div></a>
<<set $pantiesn to "false">>
<<set $time to $time +1>>
<<addarousal 15>>
<<addhygene -10>>
<<addhappiness 15>>
<<if $fitness gte 0 and $fitness lt 25>>
<<addarousal -35>>
<<elseif $fitness gte 20 and $fitness lt 40>>
<<addarousal -30>>
<<elseif $fitness gte 40>>
<<addarousal -25>><</if>><<nobr>>
<<switch random(3)>>
<<case 1>>
<img src="images/player/office/porn/porn1.gif" />
<<case 2>>
<img src="images/player/office/porn/porn2.gif" />
<<case 3>>
<img src="images/player/office/porn/porn3.gif" />
<<case 4>>
<img src="images/player/office/porn/porn4.gif" />
<<case 5>>
<img src="images/player/office/porn/porn5.gif" />
<img src="images/player/office/porn/porn6.gif" />
<<if $arousal gte 95>>
<br><<speech "Player" "$name">><i>Oooh fuck, this is hot. I'm cumming!</i><</speech>><br>
<div class="general">You cum.</div><br>
<a data-passage="entrance"><div class="talkplayer">Let’s do something else</div></a>
<<addarousal 15>>
<<addhygene -10>>
<<addhappiness 10>>
<<if $fitness gte 0 and $fitness lt 25>>
<<addarousal -35>>
<<elseif $fitness gte 20 and $fitness lt 40>>
<<addarousal -30>>
<<elseif $fitness gte 40>>
<<set $time to $time +1>>
<<addarousal -25>><</if>>
<br><div class="general">You watch some porn, which turns you on a bit.</div>
<br><a data-passage="entrance"><div class="talkplayer">Let’s do something else</div></a>
<<addarousal 15>>
<<addhygene -10>>
<<addhappiness 5>>
<<set $time to $time +1>>
<</if>><</nobr>><img src="images/player/bedroom/sleep.jpg" />
<div class="general">You take a nap.</div>
<a data-passage="upstairs"><div class="talkplayer">Let’s do something else</div></a>
<<addenergy 30>>
<<set $time to $time +2>>
<<addarousal 25>>
<img src="images/player/bedroom/sleep.jpg" />
<div class="general">You took a long sleep.</div>
<<if $angrymode is "true">>
<div class="general">Sarah does not like it that you ignore her and that you are angry with her, but she does accept and undertand it. She also realizes that she still really loves you.</div><br>
<<addrsarah 5>>
<<if $caughtevent is "false">>
<<if $chores gte 1>>
<div class="general">Sarah noticed your efforts around the house and seems happier with you.</div><br>
<a data-passage="upstairs"><div class="talkplayer">Let’s do something else</div></a>
<<if $webcamshow is "true">>
<<set $money to $money +50>>
<<if $angrymode is "true">>
<<set $angrytimer to $angrytimer +1>>
<<if $angrytimer gte 5>>
<<set $angrymode to "false">>
<<set $teacherdone to "false">>
<<set $convoc to 0>>
<<set $copeventtimer to $copeventtimer +1>>
<<set $sarahneigtimer to $sarahneigtimer +1>>
<<set $zareanatimer to $zareanatimer +1>>
<<set $ellietimer to $ellietimer +1>>
<<set $christeltimerr to $christeltimerr +1>>
<<set $sarahsexclubtimer to $sarahsexclubtimer +1>>
<<if $caughteventafter is "false">>
<<if $caughtevent is "true">>
<<goto "caughteventafter">>
<<if $caughtevent is "false">>
<<if $chores is 1>>
<<addrsarah 3>>
<<elseif $chores is 2>>
<<addrsarah 7>>
<<elseif $chores is 3>>
<<addrsarah 14>>
<<elseif $chores is 4>>
<<addrsarah 20>><</if>>
<<if $cumslut is "true">>
<<set $cheatcount to $cheatcount +1>><</if>>
<<set $chores to 0>>
<<set $livchores to "false">>
<<set $kitchores to "false">>
<<set $batchores to "false">>
<<set $garchores to "false">>
<<addenergy 150>>
<<set $arousal to 100>>
<<set $convos to 0>>
<<set $convon to 0>>
<<set $gym to $gym -1>>
<<set $kisss to 0>>
<<set $kissn to 0>>
<<set $time to 1>>
<<set $day to $day +1>>
<<if $day gt 7>>
<<set $day to 1>>
<<if $workfame is 1>>
<<set $money to $money +5>>
<<elseif $workfame is 2>>
<<set $money to $money +7>>
<<elseif $workfame is 3>>
<<set $money to $money +10>>
<<elseif $workfame is 4>>
<<set $money to $money +15>>
<<elseif $workfame is 5>>
<<set $money to $money +20>>
<<elseif $workfame gte 6>>
<<set $money to $money +25>>
<<if $gym gte 1>>
<<set $gym to $gym -1>><</if>>
<<if $fitnesstimer gte 6>>
<<set $fitness to $fitness -1>><</if>>
<<set $fitnesstimer to $fitnesstimer +1>>
<<if $christelevent3 is "true" and $christelevent4 is "false">>
<<set $christeleventtimer34 to $christeleventtimer34 +1>><</if>>
<<if $sabinahelps is "true">>
<<set $sabinahelpstimer to "true">><</if>>
<<if $sarahspihelps is "true">>
<<set $sarahspihelpstimer to "true">><</if>>
<<if $gettingnoelle is "true">>
<<addrsarah -5>><</if>>
<<if $skimout is "true">>
<<addonoelle +1>>
<<addrnoelle +1>>
<<if $nakedout is "true">>
<<addrnoelle -3>>
<<addonoelle +3>><</if>>
<<if $da5 is "true">>
<<addrnoelle +3>>
<<addtnoelle +1>>
<<set $money to $money -5>><</if>>
<<if $da10 is "true">>
<<addrnoelle +5>>
<<addtnoelle +2>>
<<set $money to $money -10>><</if>>
<<if $da25 is "true">>
<<addrnoelle +8>>
<<addtnoelle +3>>
<<set $money to $money -25>><</if>>
<<if $allchores is "true">>
<<set $livchores to "true">>
<<set $kitchores to "true">>
<<set $garchores to "true">>
<<addonoelle +10>>
<<addrnoelle -3>>
<<set $chores to 3>>
<<set $gropenoelle to "false">>
<<if $lockup is "true">>
<<set $lockupday to $lockupday +1>>
<<if $lockupday is 1>>
<<addrnoelle -3>>
<<addonoelle +2>>
<<addfnoelle +1>>
<<elseif $lockupday is 2>>
<<addrnoelle -6>>
<<addonoelle +3>>
<<addfnoelle +2>>
<<elseif $lockupday is 3>>
<<addrnoelle -9>>
<<addonoelle +5>>
<<addfnoelle +3>>
<<elseif $lockupday is 4>>
<<addrnoelle -14>>
<<addonoelle +7>>
<<addfnoelle +4>>
<<elseif $lockupday is 5>>
<<addrnoelle -20>>
<<addonoelle +10>>
<<addfnoelle +5>>
<<set $nhungry to $nhungry +3>>
<<set $nclean to $nclean +3>>
<<set $ntoilet to $ntoilet +3>>
<<if $sarahchristel1 is "true">>
<<set $sarahchristel1timer to $sarahchristel1timer +1>>
<<if $ffeventno is "true">>
<<set $ffeventnotimer to $ffeventnotimer +1>><</if>>
<<if $ffeventnotimer gte 7>>
<<set $ffeventno to "false">><</if>>
<<set $ssleeppil to "false">>
<<if $christelevent7 is "true" and $copevent8 is "true">>
<<set $chissabtimeractivator to "true">><</if>>
<<if $chissabtimeractivator is "true">>
<<set $chissabtimer to $chissabtimer +1>><</if>>
<<if $copevent9 is "true" and $copevent10 is "false">>
<<goto "copevent10">><</if>>
<<switch random(1, 10)>>
<<case 1>>
<img src="images/player/items/panties.jpg" /><br>
<div class="general">You find some panties.</div>
<a data-passage="upstairs"><div class="talkplayer">Let’s do something else</div></a>
<<set $pantiesn to "true">>
<<case 2 3 4>>
<img src="images/player/items/laptop.jpg" /><br>
<div class="general">You find her computer.</div>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Try to access it->guestcpu]]</span></div>
<a data-passage="upstairs"><div class="talkplayer">Let’s do something else</div></a>
<<case 5 6>>
<img src="images/player/items/clubcard.jpg" /><br>
<<speech "Player" "$name">><i>What is this? Seems like someone is secretly going to parties. Seems like this happens every friday and saturday night. I could catch her in the act.</i><</speech>>
<a data-passage="upstairs"><div class="talkplayer">Let’s do something else</div></a>
<<set $clubcard to "true">>
<<case 7 8 9 10>>
<div class="general">You find nothing.</div>
<a data-passage="upstairs"><div class="talkplayer">Let’s do something else</div></a>
<<case default>>
<div class="general">You find nothing.</div>
<a data-passage="upstairs"><div class="talkplayer">Let’s do something else</div></a>
<<set $time to $time +1>>
<img src="images/player/items/dildo.jpg" />
<div class="general">You leave the dildo for Noelle in a place where she will definitely find it.</div>
<a data-passage="upstairs"><div class="talkplayer">Let’s do something else</div></a>
<<set $dildon to "true">>
<<set $dildo to "false">>
<<set $time to $time +1>>
<img src="images/noelle/guestroom/cpunopass.jpg" />
<div class="general">You don't know the password.</div>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Let's do something else->guestroom]]</span></div>
<img src="images/player/bathroom/shower.jpg" />
<div class="general">You take a shower.</div>
<a data-passage="upstairs"><div class="talkplayer">Let’s do something else</div></a>
<<set $hygene to 100>>
<<addhappiness 5>>
<<addenergy 10>>
<<set $time to $time +1>>
<<nobr>><<if $batchores is "true">>
<<speech "Player" "$name">><i>I already cleaned the bathroom today.</i><</speech>><br>
<a data-passage="upstairs"><div class="talkplayer">Let’s do something else</div></a>
<img src="images/player/chores/batchores.jpg" /><br>
<div class="general">You clean the bathroom.</div><br>
<a data-passage="upstairs"><div class="talkplayer">I think Sarah will be pleased</div></a>
<<set $chores to $chores +1>>
<<set $batchores to "true">>
<<addhappiness -5>>
<<addenergy -20>>
<<set $time to $time +1>>
<<addhygene -20>>
<</if>><</nobr>><<nobr>><<if $garchores is "true">>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>I already mowed the lawn.<</speech>><br>
<a data-passage="garden"><div class="talkplayer">Let’s do something else</div></a>
<img src="images/player/chores/garchores.jpg" />
<br><div class="general">You mow the lawn.</div><br>
<a data-passage="garden"><div class="talkplayer">I think Sarah will be pleased</div></a>
<<set $chores to $chores +1>>
<<set $garchores to "true">>
<<addhappiness -10>>
<<addenergy -25>>
<<addhygene -20>>
<<set $time to $time +1>>
<<switch random(6)>>
<<case 1>>
<img src="images/player/livingroom/reading/reading1.jpg" />
<<case 2>>
<img src="images/player/livingroom/reading/reading2.jpg" />
<<case 3>>
<img src="images/player/livingroom/reading/reading3.jpg" />
<<case 4>>
<img src="images/player/livingroom/reading/reading4.jpg" />
<<case 5>>
<img src="images/player/livingroom/reading/reading5.jpg" />
<img src="images/player/livingroom/reading/reading6.jpg" />
<div class="general">You read a book for a while.</div>
<a data-passage="garden"><div class="talkplayer">Let’s do something else</div></a>
<<addenergy 20>>
<<set $time to $time +1>>
<img src="images/player/bedroom/sleep.jpg" />
<div class="general">You take a nap.</div>
<a data-passage="garden"><div class="talkplayer">Let’s do something else</div></a>
<<addenergy 30>>
<<set $time to $time +2>>
<<addarousal 25>><<nobr>><<if $energy gt 15>>
<img src="images/player/pool/swimming2.jpg" />
<br><div class="general">You took a relaxing swim.</div><br>
<a data-passage="garden"><div class="talkplayer">Let’s do something else</div></a>
<<set $time to $time +1>>
<<addenergy 10>>
<<addhappiness 5>>
<<addhygene 20>>
<img src="images/garden/pool/pool.jpg" />
<br><div class="general">I'm to tired to swimm.</div><br>
<a data-passage="garden"><div class="talkplayer">Let’s do something else</div></a>
<<nobr>><<if $energy gt 50>>
<img src="images/player/pool/swimming1.jpg" />
<br><div class="general">You did some laps and feel fitter.</div><br>
<a data-passage="garden"><div class="talkplayer">Let’s do something else</div></a>
<<addenergy -50>>
<<addfitness 1>>
<<set $time to $time +1>>
<<addhygene 10>>
<<set $fitnesstimer to 0>>
<div class="general">I'm to tired to swim.</div><br>
<a data-passage="garden"><div class="talkplayer">Let’s do something else</div></a>
<img src="images/player/park/parkrelax.jpg" />
<div class="general">You relax in the park.</div>
<a data-passage="outside"><div class="talkplayer">Let’s do something else</div></a>
<<addenergy 20>>
<<set $time to $time +1>>
<<if $energy gt 49>>
<<switch random(1, 10)>>
<<case 1>>
<img src="images/other/park/zareana/zareanasport1.jpg" /><br>
<div class="general">You find yourself running behind a good looking figure.</div><br>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Try to pass her->parkjogzareana]]</span></div><br>
<a data-passage="park"><div class="talkplayer">Call it a day</div></a>
<<addenergy -50>>
<<addfitness 1>>
<<set $time to $time +1>>
<<addhygene -15>>
<<set $fitnesstimer to 0>>
<<case 2 3 4 5>>
<img src="images/player/park/running.jpg" />
<br><div class="general">You jog for some time and feel fitter.</div><br>
<<speech "Player" "$name">><i>This should please Sarah.</i><</speech>><br>
<a data-passage="park"><div class="talkplayer">Let’s do something else</div></a>
<<addenergy -50>>
<<addfitness 1>>
<<set $time to $time +1>>
<<addhygene -15>>
<<set $fitnesstimer to 0>>
<<case 6>>
<img src="images/other/park/luna/lunasport1.jpg" /><br>
<br><div class="general">You jog for some time and then you see girl standing still, resting.</div><br>
<<speech "Player" "$name">><i>Hmmmm, not bad looking at all.</i><</speech>><br>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Look back->parkjogluna]]</span></div><br>
<a data-passage="park"><div class="talkplayer">Keep on running</div></a>
<<addenergy -50>>
<<addfitness 1>>
<<set $time to $time +1>>
<<addhygene -15>>
<<set $fitnesstimer to 0>>
<<case 7 8 9 10>>
<img src="images/player/park/running.jpg" />
<br><div class="general">You jog for some time and feel fitter.</div><br>
<<speech "Player" "$name">><i>This should please Sarah.</i><</speech>><br>
<a data-passage="park"><div class="talkplayer">Let’s do something else</div></a>
<<addenergy -50>>
<<addfitness 1>>
<<set $time to $time +1>>
<<addhygene -15>>
<<set $fitnesstimer to 0>>
<div class="general">I'm to tired to jog.</div><br>
<a data-passage="park"><div class="talkplayer">Let’s do something else</div></a>
<<speech "random" "gymguy">>Alright then, here you go.<</speech>>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Start working out->gymworkout]]</span></div>
<a data-passage="center"><div class="talkplayer">Let’s do something else</div></a>
<<set $money to $money -15>>
<<set $gym to $gym +1>><<speech "random" "gymguy">>Alright then, here you go.<</speech>>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Start working out->gymworkout]]</span></div>
<a data-passage="center"><div class="talkplayer">Let’s do something else</div></a>
<<set $gym to 7>>
<<set $money to $money -50>>
<<speech "random" "gymguy">>Alright then, have a good one.<</speech>>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Start working out->gymworkout]]</span></div>
<a data-passage="center"><div class="talkplayer">Let’s do something else</div></a>
<<if $neighbour1 is "true" and $sextoy1 is "true" and $sextoy2 is "true" and $sextoy3 is "true" and $bdsm2 is "true" and $oliviameetgym is "false" and $uniseenolivia is "true" and $parkseenolivia is "true">>
<div class="general">You enter the gym and just as you want to start your workout you look up and see someone you recognize.</div><br>
<a data-passage="oliviaevent1"><div class="talkplayer">It's her!</div></a>
<<switch random(2)>>
<<case 1>>
<img src="images/player/gym/sport.jpg" />
<<case 2>>
<img src="images/player/gym/sport1.jpg" />
<img src="images/player/gym/sport2.jpg" />
<<addenergy -30>>
<<addfitness 3>>
<<set $time to $time +1>>
<<set $fitnesstimer to 0>>
<<if $fitness gte 50>>
<br><<speech "Player" "$name">><i>I don't think I can get anymore buffed then this.</i><</speech>><br>
<a data-passage="center"><div class="talkplayer">Let’s do something else</div></a>
<br><a data-passage="center"><div class="talkplayer">Let’s do something else</div></a>
<</nobr>><<speech "random" "gymguy">>Great, here you go, have fun with it, there's a manual included.<</speech>>
<a data-passage="mall"><div class="talkplayer">Alright, thank you very much</div></a>
<<set $camera to "true">>
<<set $money to $money -500>>
<<set $time to $time +1>>
<img src="images/player/items/sleeppill.jpg" />
<div class="general">You bought a sleeppingpill.</div>
<<speech "random" "pharmagirl">>Will that be all?<</speech>>
<a data-passage="mall"><div class="talkplayer">Yes, thank you</div></a>
<<set $sleeppill to $sleeppill +1>>
<<set $money to $money -150>>
<<set $time to $time +1>>
<<speech "random" "eroticagirl">>Alright, well, we have several options, like this one.<</speech>>
<div class="general">She hands you a dildo.</div>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>How much would this one cost me?<</speech>>
<<speech "random" "eroticagirl">>This one is $200, I know that's quite a lot, but believe me, it will be worth every penny!<</speech>>
<<nobr>><<if $money gte 200>>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Alright, I'll take it->eroticdildo2]]</span></div><br><</if>>
<a data-passage="mall"><div class="talkplayer">That is to much for me</div></a><</nobr>>
<<speech "random" "eroticagirl">>Cool! I like openminded people who like to experiment. So is this going to be your first time using the other hole?<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Uh, yes, yes it is.<</speech>>
<<speech "random" "eroticagirl">>Cool, then this should be perfect for you.<</speech>>
<div class="general">She hands you a tube with lube.</div>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Alright and what is it going to cost me?<</speech>>
<<speech "random" "eroticagirl">>It's only a $100.<</speech>>
<<nobr>><<if $money gte 100>>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Alright, sounds good, I'll take it->eroticlube2]]</span></div><br><</if>>
<a data-passage="mall"><div class="talkplayer">Sorry, but that is to much for me</div></a><</nobr>><<speech "random" "eroticagirl">>Oeh kinky! I like it! You came to the right place, follow me.<</speech>>
<div class="general">You follow her to the back of the store.</div>
<<speech "random" "eroticagirl">>This is the best starterskit we have.<</speech>>
<div class="general">She shows you a box with everything a starter need in it.</div>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Looks good, how much is it?<</speech>>
<<speech "random" "eroticagirl">>It's yours for only $250<</speech>>
<<nobr>><<if $money gte 250>>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Alright, sounds good, I'll take it->eroticbdsm2]]</span></div><br><</if>>
<a data-passage="mall"><div class="talkplayer">Sorry but that is to much for me</div></a></span></div><</nobr>>
<<speech "random" "eroticagirl">>Great! Here you go and have fun with your purchase!<</speech>>
<a data-passage="mall"><div class="talkplayer">Alright, thank you very much.</div></a>
<<set $dildo to "true">>
<<set $money to $money -200>>
<<set $sextoy1 to "true">>
<<set $time to $time +1>>
<<speech "random" "eroticagirl">>Great! Here you go and have fun with your purchase!<</speech>>
<a data-passage="mall"><div class="talkplayer">Thank you very much.</div></a>
<<set $anallube to "true">>
<<set $money to $money -100>>
<<set $time to $time +1>>
<<set $sextoy2 to "true">>
<img src="images/player/items/bdsmkit.jpg" />
<<speech "random" "eroticagirl">>Great! Here you go and have fun with your purchase!<</speech>>
<a data-passage="mall"><div class="talkplayer">Thank you very much.</div></a>
<<set $bondagekit to "true">>
<<set $money to $money -250>>
<<set $time to $time +1>>
<<set $sextoy3 to "true">>
<<if $angrymode is "true">>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>I don’t even want to look at her right now. It's probably better to leave this room.<</speech>><br>
<div class="general">When you walk away, you notice that Sarah is sad that you walk away like that.</div><br>
<a data-passage="entrance"><div class="talkloc">Let’s go somewhere else</div></a>
<<elseif $hygene lte 15>>
<img src="images/sarah/sarahangry.jpg" /><br>
<<speech "Sarah" "Sarah">>You smell terrible, go take a shower or something, just get away from me!<</speech>><br>
<a data-passage="entrance"><div class="talkloc">Let’s go somewhere else</div></a>
<<if $fitness gte 0 and $fitness lt 20>>
<<addrsarah -15>>
<<elseif $fitness gte 20 and $fitness lt 40>>
<<addrsarah -10>>
<<elseif $fitness gte 40>>
<<addrsarah -5>><</if>>
<<elseif $energy lt 10 or $happiness lt 20>>
<img src="images/player/misc/mood.jpg" /><br>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>I'm not in the mood for this.<</speech>><br>
<a data-passage="entrance"><div class="talkplayer">Let’s do something else</div></a>
<<elseif $cumaddict gte 40 and $cumslut is "false">>
<div class="general">When you walk into the livingroom you see Sarah on the couch.</div><br>
<<speech "Sarah" "Sarah">>Just the person who I was looking for. Come here babe.<</speech>><br>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Go to her->livingcs1]]</span></div><br>
<a data-passage="entrance"><div class="talkplayer">Let’s do something else</div></a><br>
<img src="images/sarah/livingroom/sarah.jpg" /><br>
<div class="general">Sarah is here.</div><br>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Talk to Sarah->livtalksarah]]</span></div><br>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Kiss Sarah->livkisssarah]]</span></div><br>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Go to Sarah->livmoves]]</span></div><br>
<<if $gettingnoelle is "true" and $rsarah gte 150>>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Propose to go on a date->livroomdateprop]]</span></div><br><</if>>
<<if $christelevent9a is "true" and $christelevent10a is "false">>
<a data-passage="christelevent10al"><div class="talkplayer">Talk about Christel</div></a>
<<elseif $christelevent9 is "true" and $chistelevent10>>
<a data-passage="christelevent10bl"><div class="talkplayer">Talk about Christel</div></a>
<a data-passage="entrance"><div class="talkloc">Let’s go somewhere else</div></a>
<<if $neighbour5 is "true" and $neighbour5j is "false">>
<a data-passage="neighbour5"><div class="talkplayer">Ask Sarah about her latest adventure with the neighbour.</div></a>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Read a book->livingrbook]]</span></div><br>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Watch tv->livingrtv]]</span></div><br>
<a data-passage="entrance"><div class="talkloc">Let’s go somewhere else</div></a>
<<if $angrymode is "true">>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>I don’t even want to look at her right now. It's probably better to leave this room.<</speech>><br>
<div class="general">When you walk away, you notice that Sarah is sad that you walk away like that.</div><br>
<a data-passage="entrance"><div class="talkloc">Let’s go somewhere else</div></a>
<<elseif $hygene lte 15>>
<img src="images/sarah/sarahangry.jpg" /><br>
<<speech "Sarah" "Sarah">>You smell terrible, go take a shower or something, just get away from me!<</speech>><br>
<a data-passage="entrance"><div class="talkloc">Let’s go somewhere else</div></a>
<<if $fitness gte 0 and $fitness lt 20>>
<<addrsarah -15>>
<<elseif $fitness gte 20 and $fitness lt 40>>
<<addrsarah -10>>
<<elseif $fitness gte 40>>
<<addrsarah -5>><</if>>
<img src="images/sarah/sarahkid.jpg" /><br>
<div class="general">You see Sarah playing with Peter.</div><br>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Join Sarah and Peter->livsarahkid1]]</span></div><br>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Try to get Sarah's attention->livsarahkid2]]</span></div><br>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Read a book->livingrbook]]</span></div><br>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Watch tv->livingrtv]]</span></div><br>
<a data-passage="entrance"><div class="talkloc">Let’s go somewhere else</div></a>
<<if $christelevent11 is "true">>
<<switch random(1, 5)>>
<<case 1 2 3>>
<div class="general">You stand in front of the bathroom door, you are pretty sure that Sarah is inside.</div><br>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Enter->bathroomsarah1]]</span></div><br>
<a data-passage="upstairs"><div class="talkloc">Let’s go somewhere else</div></a>
<<case 4 5>>
<div class="general">You stand in front of the bathroom door, you are pretty sure that Sarah is inside.</div><br>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Enter->bathroomsarahchr]]</span></div><br>
<a data-passage="upstairs"><div class="talkloc">Let’s go somewhere else</div></a>
<<if $angrymode is "true">>
<div class="general">You stand in front of the bathroom door, you are pretty sure that Sarah is inside.</div><br>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>I don’t even want to look at her right now. It's probably better to go somewhere else.<</speech>><br>
<div class="general">When you walk away, you notice that Sarah is sad that you walk away like that.</div><br>
<a data-passage="entrance"><div class="talkloc">Let’s go somewhere else</div></a>
<div class="general">You stand in front of the bathroom door, you are pretty sure that Sarah is inside.</div><br>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Enter->bathroomsarah1]]</span></div><br>
<a data-passage="upstairs"><div class="talkloc">Let’s go somewhere else</div></a>
<<nobr>><<if $hygene lte 15>>
<img src="images/sarah/sarahangry.jpg" /><br>
<<speech "Sarah" "Sarah">>You smell terrible, go take a shower or something, just get away from me!<</speech>><br>
<a data-passage="entrance"><div class="talkloc">Let’s go somewhere else</div></a>
<<if $fitness gte 0 and $fitness lt 20>>
<<addrsarah -15>>
<<elseif $fitness gte 20 and $fitness lt 40>>
<<addrsarah -10>>
<<elseif $fitness gte 40>>
<<addrsarah -5>><</if>>
<img src="images/sarah/kitchen/sarah.jpg" /><br>
<div class="general">You walk into the kitchen and see Sarah.</div><br>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Talk with Sarah->kittalksarah]]</span></div><br>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Kiss Sarah->kitkisssarah]]</span></div><br>
<<if $fitness gte 0 and $fitness lt 25 and $arousal gte 35 or $fitness gte 25 and $fitness lt 40 and $arousal gte 30 or $fitness gte 40 and $arousal gte 25>>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Compliment Sarah->kitmoves1]]</span></div><br><</if>><</nobr>>
<a data-passage="entrance"><div class="talkloc">Let’s go somewhere else</div></a>
<<if $truthrevealed is "true" and $burynoelle is "false">>
<div class="general">Sarah isn't here, she at home in bed.</div><br>
<a data-passage="university"><div class="talkloc">Let’s go somewhere else</div></a>
<<elseif $caughtevent is "true" and $suspiciousevent is "true" and $madetheplan is "false">>
<div class="general">You enter Sarah's office.</div><br>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Hi.. Can we..<</speech>><br>
<<speech "Sarah" "Sarah">>Hell no! Get out! How dare you come to my work! GET OUT!!<</speech>><br>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Alright, I'll leave.<</speech>><br>
<a data-passage="university"><div class="talkplayer">Let’s do something else</div></a>
<<addhappiness -5>>
<<addhygene -5>>
<<addenergy -5>>
<<set $time to $time +1>>
<<set $talkuni to "true">>
<<elseif $caughtevent is "true" and $madetheplan is "false">>
<div class="general">You enter Sarah's office.</div><br>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Hi.. Can we..<</speech>><br>
<<speech "Sarah" "Sarah">>Hell no! Get out! How dare you come to my work! GET OUT!!<</speech>><br>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Alright, I'll leave.<</speech>><br>
<a data-passage="university"><div class="talkplayer">Let’s do something else</div></a>
<<addhappiness -5>>
<<addhygene -5>>
<<addenergy -5>>
<<set $time to $time +1>>
<<elseif $angrymode is "true">>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>I don’t even want to look at her right now. It's probably better to go somewhere else.<</speech>><br>
<div class="general">When you walk away, you notice that Sarah is sad that you walk away like that.</div><br>
<a data-passage="university"><div class="talkloc">Let’s go somewhere else</div></a>
<<elseif $hygene lte 15>>
<img src="images/sarah/sarahangry.jpg" /><br>
<<speech "Sarah" "Sarah">>You smell terrible, go take a shower or something, just get away from me!<</speech>><br>
<a data-passage="university"><div class="talkloc">Let’s go somewhere else</div></a>
<<if $fitness gte 0 and $fitness lt 20>>
<<addrsarah -15>>
<<elseif $fitness gte 20 and $fitness lt 40>>
<<addrsarah -10>>
<<elseif $fitness gte 40>>
<<addrsarah -5>><</if>>
<<elseif $energy lt 10 or $happiness lt 20>>
<img src="images/player/misc/mood.jpg" /><br>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>I'm not in the mood for this.<</speech>><br>
<a data-passage="university"><div class="talkplayer">Let’s do something else</div></a>
<<if $metchristel is "false">>
<<speech "Sarah" "Sarah">>Hey baby, what are you doing here?<</speech>><br>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>I'm here for you.<</speech>><br>
<<speech "Christel" "Christel">>Hey Sarah do you.. Oh hello.<</speech>><br>
<<speech "Sarah" "Sarah">>Hi Christel, meet my husband, $name<</speech>><br>
<<speech "Christel" "Christel">>Hi, I'm Christel, I'm basically Sarah's best friend. Anyway, I will leave you both to it and I will come back later.<</speech>><br>
<div class="general">Christel leaves the room.</div><br>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Continue->meetchristel1]]</span></div>
<img src="images/sarah/university/sarah.jpg" /><br>
<div class="general">Sarah is here</div><br>
<<speech "Sarah" "Sarah">>Hey baby, what are you doing here?<</speech>><br>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>I'm here for you.<</speech>><br>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Talk to Sarah->unitalksarah]]</span></div><br>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Kiss Sarah->unikisssarah]]</span></div><br>
<<if $gettingnoelle is "true" and $rsarah gte 150>>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Propose to go on a date->unidateprop]]</span></div><br><</if>>
<a data-passage="university"><div class="talkloc">Let’s go somewhere else</div></a>
<</if>><</if>><</nobr>><<nobr>><<if $ssleeppil is "true">>
<img src="images/sarah/bedroom/sleep/brsleeps.jpg" /><br>
<div class="general">You enter the bedroom and see Sarah sleeping.</div><br>
<<speech "Player" "$name">><i>I guess the sleepingpill does its work.</i><</speech>><br>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Touch Sarah->bedsleeps1]]</span></div><br>
<a data-passage="bedrnap"><div class="talkplayer">Take a nap</div></a><br>
<a data-passage="bedrsleep"><div class="talkplayer">Go to sleep</div></a><br>
<a data-passage="upstairs"><div class="talkloc">Let’s go somewhere else</div></a><br>
<<elseif $christelevent11 is "true">>
<<switch random(1, 5)>>
<<case 1 2 3 4>>
<img src="images/sarah/bedroom/sarah1.jpg" />
<br><div class="general">You enter the bedroom and see Sarah laying on bed.</div><br>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Join Sarah->bedjoins]]</span></div><br>
<a data-passage="bedrnap"><div class="talkplayer">Take a nap</div></a><br>
<a data-passage="bedrsleep"><div class="talkplayer">Go to sleep</div></a><br>
<a data-passage="upstairs"><div class="talkloc">Let’s go somewhere else</div></a>
<<case 5>>
<<if $suspiciouschristel gte 15>>
<div class="general">You walk towards the bedroom. When you come closer you hear Sarah.</div><br>
<<speech "Sarah" "Sarah">>Hmmm yes, yes.<</speech>><br>
<<speech "Player" "$name">><i>What is she doing?</i><</speech>><br>
<div class="general">You try open the door, but it’s locked.</div><br>
<<speech "Christel" "Christel">>Oh!<</speech>><br>
<<speech "Sarah" "Sarah">>Yes.. Ehhhm.. That looks so good on you!<</speech>><br>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Sarah, why is the bedroom door locked?<</speech>><br>
<<speech "Sarah" "Sarah">>Ohw. Sorry, eeehm, Christel and I are trying on some new clothes.<</speech>><br>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Alright..<</speech>><br>
<a data-passage="upstairs"><div class="talkloc">Let’s go somewhere else</div></a>
<<set $time to $time +1>>
<<set $suspiciouschristel to $suspiciouschristel +5>>
<<elseif $suspiciouschristel gte 10>>
<div class="general">You try to open the bedroom door.</div><br>
<<speech "Player" "$name">><i>That is odd, the bedroom door is closed.</i><</speech>><br>
<div class="general">Then you suddenly hear Sarah and Christel giggling from behind the door.</div><br>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Sarah, why is the bedroom door locked?<</speech>><br>
<<speech "Sarah" "Sarah">>Ohw. Sorry, eeehm, Christel and I are trying on some new clothes.<</speech>><br>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Alright.<</speech>><br>
<a data-passage="upstairs"><div class="talkloc">Let’s go somewhere else</div></a>
<<set $time to $time +1>>
<<set $suspiciouschristel to $suspiciouschristel +5>>
<<elseif $suspiciouschristel gte 5>>
<div class="general">You try to open the bedroom door.</div><br>
<<speech "Player" "$name">><i>That is odd, the bedroom door is closed.</i><</speech>><br>
<div class="general">Then you suddenly hear Sarah from behind the door.</div><br>
<<speech "Sarah" "Sarah">>Hmmmm.. Yes..<</speech>><br>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Sarah, why is the bedroom door locked?<</speech>><br>
<<speech "Sarah" "Sarah">>Ohw shi... Sorry, I’m changing, I’ll open it in a sec.<</speech>><br>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Ok<</speech>><br>
<br><div class="general">Not much later Sarah opens the bedroom and you walk in.</div><br>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Join Sarah->bedjoins]]</span></div><br>
<a data-passage="bedrnap"><div class="talkplayer">Take a nap</div></a><br>
<a data-passage="bedrsleep"><div class="talkplayer">Go to sleep</div></a><br>
<a data-passage="upstairs"><div class="talkloc">Let’s go somewhere else</div></a>
<<set $time to $time +1>>
<<set $suspiciouschristel to $suspiciouschristel +5>>
<div class="general">You try to open the bedroom door.</div><br>
<<speech "Player" "$name">><i>That is odd, the bedroom door is closed.</i><</speech>><br>
<div class="general">Then you suddenly hear Sarah giggling from behind the door.</div><br>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Sarah, why is the bedroom door locked?<</speech>><br>
<<speech "Sarah" "Sarah">>Ohw. Sorry, I’m changing, I’ll open it in a sec.<</speech>><br>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Ok<</speech>><br>
<br><div class="general">Not much later Sarah opens the bedroom and you walk in.</div><br>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Join Sarah->bedjoins]]</span></div><br>
<a data-passage="bedrnap"><div class="talkplayer">Take a nap</div></a><br>
<a data-passage="bedrsleep"><div class="talkplayer">Go to sleep</div></a><br>
<a data-passage="upstairs"><div class="talkloc">Let’s go somewhere else</div></a>
<<set $time to $time +1>>
<<set $suspiciouschristel to $suspiciouschristel +5>>
<<elseif $angrymode is "true">>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>I don’t even want to look at her right now. It's probably better to go somewhere else or go directly to sleep.<</speech>><br>
<div class="general">When you walk away, you notice that Sarah is sad that you walk away like that.</div><br>
<a data-passage="entrance"><div class="talkloc">Let’s go somewhere else</div></a><br>
<a data-passage="bedrsleep"><div class="talkplayer">Go to sleep</div></a><br>
<img src="images/sarah/bedroom/sarah1.jpg" />
<br><div class="general">You enter the bedroom and see Sarah laying on bed.</div><br>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Join Sarah->bedjoins]]</span></div><br>
<a data-passage="bedrnap"><div class="talkplayer">Take a nap</div></a><br>
<a data-passage="bedrsleep"><div class="talkplayer">Go to sleep</div></a><br>
<a data-passage="upstairs"><div class="talkloc">Let’s go somewhere else</div></a>
<<if $angrymode is "true">>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>I don’t even want to look at her right now. It's probably better to go somewhere else.<</speech>><br>
<div class="general">When you walk away, you notice that Sarah is sad that you walk away like that.</div><br>
<a data-passage="entrance"><div class="talkloc">Let’s go somewhere else</div></a>
<<elseif $hygene lte 15>>
<img src="images/sarah/sarahangry.jpg" /><br>
<<speech "Sarah" "Sarah">>You smell terrible, go take a shower or something, just get away from me!<</speech>><br>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Let's do something else->garden]]</span></div>
<<elseif $exhibitionist is "false" and $rsarah gte 150>>
<img src="images/sarah/garden/gardensexh/sarah.jpg" /><br>
<div class="general">You see Sarah in a bikini with a sort of vest. She seems a bit uncomfortable.</div><br>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Hi honey, eehm, are you ok?<</speech>><br>
<<speech "Sarah" "Sarah">>It's that creepy fucking neighbour of ours.<</speech>><br>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>What do you mean?<</speech>><br>
<<speech "Sarah" "Sarah">>He is continuesly spying on me when I'm in the garden or the pool.<</speech>><br>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Really?<</speech>><br>
<<speech "Sarah" "Sarah">>Yes, he's watching right now, look, second floor bedroom window.<</speech>><br>
<div class="general">You turn around and look and indeed.</div><br>
<img src="images/sarah/garden/gardensexh/terracesarah.jpg" /><br>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Oh wow, I did not even realize that.<</speech>><br>
<<speech "Sarah" "Sarah">>It's just.. It makes me really uncomfortable.<</speech>><br>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Continue talking->gardensexh1]]</span></div>
<img src="images/sarah/garden/terraces/sarah.jpg" /><br>
<div class="general">You see Sarah on the terrace.</div><br>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Talk to Sarah->terracetalk]]</span></div><br>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Kiss Sarah->terracekisss]]</span></div><br>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Read a book->readbookgar]]</span></div><br>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Take a nap->garsleep]]</span></div><br>
<<if $gettingnoelle is "true" and $rsarah gte 150>>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Propose to go on a date->terracedateprop]]</span></div><br><</if>>
<a data-passage="garden"><div class="talkloc">Let’s go somewhere else</div></a>
<<if $angrymode is "true">>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>I don’t even want to look at her right now. It's probably better to go somewhere else.<</speech>><br>
<div class="general">When you walk away, you notice that Sarah is sad that you walk away like that.</div><br>
<a data-passage="entrance"><div class="talkloc">Let’s go somewhere else</div></a>
<<elseif $rsarah gte 80>>
<div class="general">Sarah sees you walking towards to pool and waves you over.</div><br>
<video src="images/sarah/pool/poolmoves/poolmoves.webm" autoplay loop ></video><br><br>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Go to Sarah->poolmoves1]]</span></div><br>
<img src="images/sarah/pool/poolmoves/poolmoves.jpg" /><br>
<div class="general">You walk towards the pool and you see Sarah relaxing in the sun.</div><br>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Talk to Sarah->pooltalksarah]]</span></div><br>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Kiss Sarah->poolkisssarah]]</span></div><br>
<<if $gettingnoelle is "true" and $rsarah gte 150>>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Propose to go on a date->pooldateprop]]</span></div><br><</if>>
<a data-passage="garden"><div class="talkloc">Let’s go somewhere else</div></a>
<</if>><</nobr>><<speech "Player" "$name">>Sarah is teaching a class better not to disturb her.<</speech>>
<a data-passage="university"><div class="talkplayer">Let’s do something else</div></a>
<<set $time to $time +1>><<nobr>>
<<if $convos gt 5>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>I shouldn’t bother her to much with my conversations.<</speech>><br>
<a data-passage="entrance"><div class="talkplayer">Let’s do something else</div></a>
<<if $rsarah gte 0 and $rsarah lt 50>>
<<switch random(5)>>
<<case 1>>
<<if $fitness lte 20>>
<<speech "Sarah" "Sarah">>How am I this skinny and you.. You know they have invented gyms right?<</speech>>
<<speech "Sarah" "Sarah">>At least I have my job, something I like.<</speech>><</if>>
<<case 2>>
<<if $fitness lte 20>>
<<speech "Sarah" "Sarah">>Your boobs are bigger than mine, I'm not sure for whom that is more embarrassing.<</speech>>
<<speech "Sarah" "Sarah">>It's really though, taking care of Peter and you.<</speech>><</if>>
<<case 3>>
<<if $fitness lte 20>>
<<speech "Sarah" "Sarah">>Can you even still see your dick if you look down?<</speech>>
<<speech "Sarah" "Sarah">>Sometimes I doubt if I made the right descission about us and Peter.<</speech>><</if>>
<<case 4>>
<<speech "Sarah" "Sarah">>It's really though, taking care of Peter and you.<</speech>>
<<case 5>>
<<speech "Sarah" "Sarah">>Couldn't you work a bit harder around here?<</speech>>
<<speech "Sarah" "Sarah">>I hope you'll start soon with showing me how much you actually love me.<</speech>>
<br><a data-passage="entrance"><div class="talkplayer">Let’s do something else</div></a>
<<addenergy -5>>
<<addhappiness 1>>
<<if $fitness gte 0 and $fitness lt 20>>
<<addrsarah 1>>
<<elseif $fitness gte 20 and $fitness lt 40>>
<<addrsarah 2>>
<<elseif $fitness gte 40>>
<<addrsarah 3>><</if>>
<<set $convos to $convos +1>>
<<set $time to $time +1>>
<<elseif $rsarah gte 50 and $rsarah lt 100>>
<<switch random(5)>>
<<case 1>>
<<if $fitness lte 20>>
<<speech "Sarah" "Sarah">>How am I this skinny and you.. You know they have invented gyms right?<</speech>>
<<speech "Sarah" "Sarah">>Can you take care of yourself some more.<</speech>><</if>>
<<case 2>>
<<if $fitness lte 20>>
<<speech "Sarah" "Sarah">>Your boobs are bigger than mine, I'm not sure for whom that is more embarrassing.<</speech>>
<<speech "Sarah" "Sarah">>I miss the old us, when you at least tried.<</speech>><</if>>
<<case 3>>
<<if $fitness lte 20>>
<<speech "Sarah" "Sarah">>Can you even still see your dick if you look down?<</speech>>
<<speech "Sarah" "Sarah">>I see some improvent, but you can do a lot better.<</speech>><</if>>
<<case 4>>
<<speech "Sarah" "Sarah">>Maybe I should have stayed with Steve.<</speech>>
<<case 5>>
<<speech "Sarah" "Sarah">>At least we have this beautifull house.<</speech>>
<<speech "Sarah" "Sarah">>I'm tired.<</speech>>
<br><a data-passage="entrance"><div class="talkplayer">Let’s do something else</div></a>
<<addenergy -5>>
<<addhappiness 1>>
<<if $fitness gte 0 and $fitness lt 20>>
<<addrsarah 1>>
<<elseif $fitness gte 20 and $fitness lt 40>>
<<addrsarah 2>>
<<elseif $fitness gte 40>>
<<addrsarah 3>><</if>>
<<set $convos to $convos +1>>
<<set $time to $time +1>>
<<elseif $rsarah gte 100 and $rsarah lt 150>>
<<switch random(5)>>
<<case 1>>
<<if $fitness lte 20>>
<<speech "Sarah" "Sarah">>I mean, your are not fat.. But.. You know.. Ok maybe you are.<</speech>>
<<speech "Sarah" "Sarah">>I see you trying, keep improving.<</speech>><</if>>
<<case 2>>
<<if $fitness lte 20>>
<<speech "Sarah" "Sarah">>Everything bounces when you walk around.<</speech>>
<<speech "Sarah" "Sarah">>See, you can improve!<</speech>><</if>>
<<case 3>>
<<speech "Sarah" "Sarah">>Maybe this wholo nanny thing was a good idea.<</speech>>
<<case 4>>
<<speech "Sarah" "Sarah">>I feel better lately.<</speech>>
<<case 5>>
<<speech "Sarah" "Sarah">>Thank you for trying harder, you are not there yet, but you are on the right track.<</speech>>
<<speech "Sarah" "Sarah">>I really enjoy my job.<</speech>>
<br><a data-passage="entrance"><div class="talkplayer">Let’s do something else</div></a>
<<addenergy -5>>
<<addhappiness 1>>
<<if $fitness gte 0 and $fitness lt 20>>
<<addrsarah 1>>
<<elseif $fitness gte 20 and $fitness lt 40>>
<<addrsarah 2>>
<<elseif $fitness gte 40>>
<<addrsarah 3>><</if>>
<<set $convos to $convos +1>>
<<set $time to $time +1>>
<<elseif $rsarah gte 150 and $rsarah lt 200>>
<<switch random(5)>>
<<case 1>>
<<if $fitness lte 20>>
<<speech "Sarah" "Sarah">>It’s a bit odd that I can’t see your face when I suck your dick.<</speech>>
<<speech "Sarah" "Sarah">>I do love you, you know.<</speech>><</if>>
<<case 2>>
<<if $fitness lte 20>>
<<speech "Sarah" "Sarah">>I wish I had your size boobs.<</speech>>
<<speech "Sarah" "Sarah">>You look good today.<</speech>><</if>>
<<case 3>>
<<speech "Sarah" "Sarah">>I really enjoy our time together, it feels good.<</speech>>
<<case 4>>
<<speech "Sarah" "Sarah">>Maybe we can have some type of fun tonight.<</speech>>
<<case 5>>
<<speech "Sarah" "Sarah">>I want to feel you all over me.<</speech>>
<<speech "Sarah" "Sarah">>If you join me in the bathroom, I might have a suprise for you.<</speech>>
<br><a data-passage="entrance"><div class="talkplayer">Let’s do something else</div></a>
<<addenergy -5>>
<<addhappiness 1>>
<<if $fitness gte 0 and $fitness lt 20>>
<<addrsarah 1>>
<<elseif $fitness gte 20 and $fitness lt 40>>
<<addrsarah 2>>
<<elseif $fitness gte 40>>
<<addrsarah 3>><</if>>
<<set $convos to $convos +1>>
<<set $time to $time +1>>
<<elseif $rsarah gte 200>>
<<switch random(5)>>
<<case 1>>
<<if $fitness lte 20>>
<<speech "Sarah" "Sarah">>I love all of you, and if you have looked at yourself in the mirror lately, you know that that is a lot.<</speech>>
<<speech "Sarah" "Sarah">>I want you, deep inside me.<</speech>><</if>>
<<case 2>>
<<if $fitness lte 20>>
<<speech "Sarah" "Sarah">>You understand that missionary is out of the question right? I would be crushed underneath you.<</speech>>
<<speech "Sarah" "Sarah">>We should go and swim naked.<</speech>><</if>>
<<case 3>>
<<speech "Sarah" "Sarah">>I like sushi, but I love Italian.<</speech>>
<<case 4>>
<<if $fitness lte 20>>
<<speech "Sarah" "Sarah">>I love you fatty, I mean $name.<</speech>>
<<speech "Sarah" "Sarah">>It feels really good between us again, it feels like the old us.<</speech>><</if>>
<<case 5>>
<<speech "Sarah" "Sarah">>Why don't we leave Peter with Noelle and go upstairs.<</speech>>
<<speech "Sarah" "Sarah">>I like a romance movies, but comedies are so much better.<</speech>>
<br><a data-passage="entrance"><div class="talkplayer">Let’s do something else</div></a>
<<addenergy -5>>
<<addhappiness 1>>
<<if $fitness gte 0 and $fitness lt 20>>
<<addrsarah 1>>
<<elseif $fitness gte 20 and $fitness lt 40>>
<<addrsarah 2>>
<<elseif $fitness gte 40>>
<<addrsarah 3>><</if>>
<<set $convos to $convos +1>>
<<set $time to $time +1>>
<</if>><</if>><</nobr>><<nobr>><<if $kisss gte 3>>
<img src="images/player/misc/clingy.jpg" />
<br><<speech "Player" "$name">><i>I shouldn’t become to clingy.</i><</speech>><br>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Let's do something else->entrance]]</span></div>
<<elseif $rsarah lt 50>>
<img src="images/sarah/sarahangry.jpg" />
<br><<speech "Sarah" "Sarah">>Not now, please just leave me alone.<</speech>><br>
<a data-passage="entrance"><div class="talkplayer">Let’s do something else</div></a>
<<elseif $rsarah gte 50>>
<img src="images/sarah/sarahkiss.gif" />
<br><div class="general">You kiss Sarah.</div><br>
<a data-passage="entrance"><div class="talkplayer">Let’s do something else</div></a>
<<addenergy -5>>
<<addhappiness 3>>
<<if $fitness gte 0 and $fitness lt 20>>
<<addrsarah 1>>
<<elseif $fitness gte 20 and $fitness lt 40>>
<<addrsarah 3>>
<<elseif $fitness gte 40>>
<<addrsarah 5>><</if>>
<<set $kisss to $kisss +1>>
<<set $time to $time +1>>
<</if>><</nobr>><<nobr>><<if $rsarah lt 75>>
<img src="images/sarah/sarahangry.jpg" />
<<speech "Player" "$name">>You move towards Sarah and start touching her a little bit.<</speech>><br>
<<speech "Sarah" "Sarah">>$name, please, please just leave me alone.<</speech>><br>
<div class="general">Dissapointed you take your leave.</div><br>
<a data-passage="entrance"><div class="talkplayer">Let’s do something else</div></a>
<img src="images/sarah/livingroom/livmoves180/sarah.jpg" />
<<speech "Sarah" "Sarah">>Hi honey, want to join me on the couch and watch a movie with me?<</speech>><br>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[I would love to->livmoves1]]</span></div><br>
<a data-passage="entrance"><div class="talkplayer">Let’s do something else</div></a>
<<if $energy lt 15 or $happiness lt 20>><br>
<img src="images/sarah/sarahkid.jpg" /><br>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>I'm not in the mood for this.<</speech>><br>
<a data-passage="entrance"><div class="talkplayer">Let’s do something else</div></a>
<<elseif $hygene lte 15>>
<img src="images/sarah/sarahangry.jpg" />
<<speech "Sarah" "Sarah">>Seriously $name? Smell yourself, you are disgusting. Go Away!<</speech>><br>
<a data-passage="entrance"><div class="talkplayer">Let’s do something else</div></a>
<<if $fitness gte 0 and $fitness lt 20>>
<<addrsarah -15>>
<<elseif $fitness gte 20 and $fitness lt 40>>
<<addrsarah -10>>
<<elseif $fitness gte 40>>
<<addrsarah -5>><</if>>
<img src="images/sarah/sarahangry.jpg" />
<br><<speech "Sarah" "Sarah">>$name, can't you see I'm with Peter now. Please leave us.<</speech>><br>
<a data-passage="entrance"><div class="talkplayer">Let’s do something else</div></a>
<<if $fitness gte 0 and $fitness lt 20>>
<<addrsarah -15>>
<<elseif $fitness gte 20 and $fitness lt 40>>
<<addrsarah -10>>
<<elseif $fitness gte 40>>
<<addrsarah -5>><</if>>
<<if $energy lt 15 or $happiness lt 20>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">><i>I'm not in the mood for this.</i><</speech>><br>
<a data-passage="entrance"><div class="talkplayer">Let’s do something else</div></a>
<<elseif $hygene lt 15>>
<img src="images/sarah/sarahangry.jpg" />
<<speech "Sarah" "Sarah">>Seriously $name? Smell yourself, you are disgusting. Go Away!<</speech>><br>
<a data-passage="entrance"><div class="talkplayer">Let’s do something else</div></a>
<<if $fitness gte 0 and $fitness lt 20>>
<<addrsarah -15>>
<<elseif $fitness gte 20 and $fitness lt 40>>
<<addrsarah -10>>
<<elseif $fitness gte 40>>
<<addrsarah -5>><</if>>
<img src="images/sarah/sarahyoukid.jpg" />
<div class="general">You spend some time with Sarah and Peter.
<<speech "Sarah" "Sarah">>That was nice, you should join us more often.<</speech>><br>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>I will.<</speech>><br>
<a data-passage="entrance"><div class="talkplayer">Let’s do something else</div></a>
<<adddarkness -3>>
<<addenergy -10>>
<<addhappiness 3>>
<<addfaithfulness 3>>
<<if $fitness gte 0 and $fitness lt 20>>
<<addrsarah 2>>
<<elseif $fitness gte 20 and $fitness lt 40>>
<<addrsarah 4>>
<<elseif $fitness gte 40>>
<<addrsarah 6>><</if>>
<<set $time to $time +1>>
<<if $angrymode is "true">>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>I don’t even want to look at her right now. It's probably better to leave this room. I'll grab a snack later.<</speech>><br>
<div class="general">When you walk away, you notice that Sarah is sad that you walk away like that.</div><br>
<a data-passage="entrance"><div class="talkloc">Let’s go somewhere else</div></a>
<<elseif $hygene lte 15>>
<img src="images/sarah/sarahangry.jpg" /><br>
<<speech "Sarah" "Sarah">>You smell terrible, go take a shower or something, just get away from us!<</speech>><br>
<a data-passage="entrance"><div class="talkloc">Let’s go somewhere else</div></a>
<<if $fitness gte 0 and $fitness lt 20>>
<<addrsarah -15>>
<<elseif $fitness gte 20 and $fitness lt 40>>
<<addrsarah -10>>
<<elseif $fitness gte 40>>
<<addrsarah -5>><</if>>
<<if $fitness gte 0 and $fitness lt 20>>
<<addrnoelle -12>>
<<elseif $fitness gte 20 and $fitness lt 40>>
<<addrnoelle -6>>
<<elseif $fitness gte 40>>
<<addrnoelle -3>><</if>>
<img src="images/sarah/kitchen/sarah.jpg" />
<img src="images/noelle/kitchen/noelle.jpg" />
<div class="general">You enter the kitchen and see Sarah and Noelle. They seem to be starting with making dinner.</div><br>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Sit down and eat->eveningdinner]]</span></div><br>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Help cooking]]</span></div><br>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Cook for everyone]]</span></div><br>
<a data-passage="entrance"><div class="talkloc">Let’s go somewhere else</div></a>
<<if $convos gt 5>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>I shouldn’t bother her to much with my conversations.<</speech>><br>
<a data-passage="entrance"><div class="talkplayer">Let’s do something else</div></a>
<<if $rsarah gte 0 and $rsarah lt 50>>
<<switch random(5)>>
<<case 1>>
<<if $fitness lte 20>>
<<speech "Sarah" "Sarah">>How am I this skinny and you.. You know they have invented gyms right?<</speech>>
<<speech "Sarah" "Sarah">>At least I have my job, something I like.<</speech>><</if>>
<<case 2>>
<<if $fitness lte 20>>
<<speech "Sarah" "Sarah">>Your boobs are bigger than mine, I'm not sure for whom that is more embarrassing.<</speech>>
<<speech "Sarah" "Sarah">>It's really though, taking care of Peter and you.<</speech>><</if>>
<<case 3>>
<<if $fitness lte 20>>
<<speech "Sarah" "Sarah">>Can you even still see your dick if you look down?<</speech>>
<<speech "Sarah" "Sarah">>Sometimes I doubt if I made the right descission about us and Peter.<</speech>><</if>>
<<case 4>>
<<speech "Sarah" "Sarah">>It's really though, taking care of Peter and you.<</speech>>
<<case 5>>
<<speech "Sarah" "Sarah">>Couldn't you work a bit harder around here?<</speech>>
<<speech "Sarah" "Sarah">>I hope you'll start soon with showing me how much you actually love me.<</speech>>
<br><a data-passage="entrance"><div class="talkplayer">Let’s do something else</div></a>
<<addenergy -5>>
<<addhappiness 1>>
<<if $fitness gte 0 and $fitness lt 20>>
<<addrsarah 1>>
<<elseif $fitness gte 20 and $fitness lt 40>>
<<addrsarah 2>>
<<elseif $fitness gte 40>>
<<addrsarah 3>><</if>>
<<set $convos to $convos +1>>
<<set $time to $time +1>>
<<elseif $rsarah gte 50 and $rsarah lt 100>>
<<switch random(5)>>
<<case 1>>
<<if $fitness lte 20>>
<<speech "Sarah" "Sarah">>How am I this skinny and you.. You know they have invented gyms right?<</speech>>
<<speech "Sarah" "Sarah">>Can you take care of yourself some more.<</speech>><</if>>
<<case 2>>
<<if $fitness lte 20>>
<<speech "Sarah" "Sarah">>Your boobs are bigger than mine, I'm not sure for whom that is more embarrassing.<</speech>>
<<speech "Sarah" "Sarah">>I miss the old us, when you at least tried.<</speech>><</if>>
<<case 3>>
<<if $fitness lte 20>>
<<speech "Sarah" "Sarah">>Can you even still see your dick if you look down?<</speech>>
<<speech "Sarah" "Sarah">>I see some improvent, but you can do a lot better.<</speech>><</if>>
<<case 4>>
<<speech "Sarah" "Sarah">>Maybe I should have stayed with Steve.<</speech>>
<<case 5>>
<<speech "Sarah" "Sarah">>At least we have this beautifull house.<</speech>>
<<speech "Sarah" "Sarah">>I'm tired.<</speech>>
<br><a data-passage="entrance"><div class="talkplayer">Let’s do something else</div></a>
<<addenergy -5>>
<<addhappiness 1>>
<<if $fitness gte 0 and $fitness lt 20>>
<<addrsarah 1>>
<<elseif $fitness gte 20 and $fitness lt 40>>
<<addrsarah 2>>
<<elseif $fitness gte 40>>
<<addrsarah 3>><</if>>
<<set $convos to $convos +1>>
<<set $time to $time +1>>
<<elseif $rsarah gte 100 and $rsarah lt 150>>
<<switch random(5)>>
<<case 1>>
<<if $fitness lte 20>>
<<speech "Sarah" "Sarah">>I mean, your are not fat.. But.. You know.. Ok maybe you are.<</speech>>
<<speech "Sarah" "Sarah">>I see you trying, keep improving.<</speech>><</if>>
<<case 2>>
<<if $fitness lte 20>>
<<speech "Sarah" "Sarah">>Everything bounces when you walk around.<</speech>>
<<speech "Sarah" "Sarah">>See, you can improve!<</speech>><</if>>
<<case 3>>
<<speech "Sarah" "Sarah">>Maybe this wholo nanny thing was a good idea.<</speech>>
<<case 4>>
<<speech "Sarah" "Sarah">>I feel better lately.<</speech>>
<<case 5>>
<<speech "Sarah" "Sarah">>Thank you for trying harder, you are not there yet, but you are on the right track.<</speech>>
<<speech "Sarah" "Sarah">>I really enjoy my job.<</speech>>
<br><a data-passage="entrance"><div class="talkplayer">Let’s do something else</div></a>
<<addenergy -5>>
<<addhappiness 1>>
<<if $fitness gte 0 and $fitness lt 20>>
<<addrsarah 1>>
<<elseif $fitness gte 20 and $fitness lt 40>>
<<addrsarah 2>>
<<elseif $fitness gte 40>>
<<addrsarah 3>><</if>>
<<set $convos to $convos +1>>
<<set $time to $time +1>>
<<elseif $rsarah gte 150 and $rsarah lt 200>>
<<switch random(5)>>
<<case 1>>
<<if $fitness lte 20>>
<<speech "Sarah" "Sarah">>It’s a bit odd that I can’t see your face when I suck your dick.<</speech>>
<<speech "Sarah" "Sarah">>I do love you, you know.<</speech>><</if>>
<<case 2>>
<<if $fitness lte 20>>
<<speech "Sarah" "Sarah">>I wish I had your size boobs.<</speech>>
<<speech "Sarah" "Sarah">>You look good today.<</speech>><</if>>
<<case 3>>
<<speech "Sarah" "Sarah">>I really enjoy our time together, it feels good.<</speech>>
<<case 4>>
<<speech "Sarah" "Sarah">>Maybe we can have some type of fun tonight.<</speech>>
<<case 5>>
<<speech "Sarah" "Sarah">>I want to feel you all over me.<</speech>>
<<speech "Sarah" "Sarah">>If you join me in the bathroom, I might have a suprise for you.<</speech>>
<br><a data-passage="entrance"><div class="talkplayer">Let’s do something else</div></a>
<<addenergy -5>>
<<addhappiness 1>>
<<if $fitness gte 0 and $fitness lt 20>>
<<addrsarah 1>>
<<elseif $fitness gte 20 and $fitness lt 40>>
<<addrsarah 2>>
<<elseif $fitness gte 40>>
<<addrsarah 3>><</if>>
<<set $convos to $convos +1>>
<<set $time to $time +1>>
<<elseif $rsarah gte 200>>
<<switch random(5)>>
<<case 1>>
<<if $fitness lte 20>>
<<speech "Sarah" "Sarah">>I love all of you, and if you have looked at yourself in the mirror lately, you know that that is a lot.<</speech>>
<<speech "Sarah" "Sarah">>I want you, deep inside me.<</speech>><</if>>
<<case 2>>
<<if $fitness lte 20>>
<<speech "Sarah" "Sarah">>You understand that missionary is out of the question right? I would be crushed underneath you.<</speech>>
<<speech "Sarah" "Sarah">>We should go and swim naked.<</speech>><</if>>
<<case 3>>
<<speech "Sarah" "Sarah">>I like sushi, but I love Italian.<</speech>>
<<case 4>>
<<if $fitness lte 20>>
<<speech "Sarah" "Sarah">>I love you fatty, I mean $name.<</speech>>
<<speech "Sarah" "Sarah">>It feels really good between us again, it feels like the old us.<</speech>><</if>>
<<case 5>>
<<speech "Sarah" "Sarah">>Why don't we leave Peter with Noelle and go upstairs.<</speech>>
<<speech "Sarah" "Sarah">>I like a romance movies, but comedies are so much better.<</speech>>
<br><a data-passage="entrance"><div class="talkplayer">Let’s do something else</div></a>
<<addenergy -5>>
<<addhappiness 1>>
<<if $fitness gte 0 and $fitness lt 20>>
<<addrsarah 1>>
<<elseif $fitness gte 20 and $fitness lt 40>>
<<addrsarah 2>>
<<elseif $fitness gte 40>>
<<addrsarah 3>><</if>>
<<set $convos to $convos +1>>
<<set $time to $time +1>>
<</if>><</if>><</nobr>><<nobr>><<if $kisss gte 3>>
<img src="images/player/misc/clingy.jpg" />
<br><<speech "Player" "$name">><i>I shouldn’t become to clingy.</i><</speech>><br>
<a data-passage="entrance"><div class="talkplayer">Let’s do something else</div></a>
<<elseif $energy lt 10>>
<img src="images/player/misc/mood.jpg" /><br>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>I'm not in the mood for this.<</speech>><br>
<a data-passage="entrance"><div class="talkplayer">Let’s do something else</div></a>
<<elseif $rsarah lt 50>>
<img src="images/sarah/sarahangry.jpg" />
<br><<speech "Sarah" "Sarah">>Not now, please just leave me alone.<</speech>><br>
<a data-passage="entrance"><div class="talkplayer">Let’s do something else</div></a>
<<elseif $rsarah gte 50>>
<img src="images/sarah/sarahkiss.gif" />
<br><div class="general">You kiss Sarah.</div><br>
<a data-passage="entrance"><div class="talkplayer">Let’s do something else</div></a>
<<addenergy -5>>
<<addhappiness 3>>
<<if $fitness gte 0 and $fitness lt 20>>
<<addrsarah 1>>
<<elseif $fitness gte 20 and $fitness lt 40>>
<<addrsarah 3>>
<<elseif $fitness gte 40>>
<<addrsarah 5>><</if>>
<<set $kisss to $kisss +1>>
<<set $time to $time +1>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Good morning beautiful.<</speech>>
<<speech "Sarah" "Sarah">>Hi honey.<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>You are looking good today.<</speech>>
<<speech "Sarah" "Sarah">>Do I?<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Yes you do.<</speech>>
<<if $fitness gte 0 and $fitness lt 25 and $arousal lt 35 or $fitness gte 25 and $fitness lt 40 and $arousal lt 30 or $fitness gte 40 and $arousal lt 25>>
<img src="images/player/misc/mood.jpg" /><br>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>I'm not in the mood.<</speech>><br>
<a data-passage="entrance"><div class="talkplayer">Let’s do something else</div></a>
<<elseif $energy lt 20 or $happiness lt 20>>
<img src="images/player/misc/mood.jpg" /><br>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>I'm not in the mood for this.<</speech>><br>
<a data-passage="entrance"><div class="talkplayer">Let’s do something else</div></a>
<<elseif $rsarah gte 190>>
<div class="general">You move in for a kiss but she dodges you.</div><br>
<<speech "Sarah" "Sarah">>Honey, I know that look and I can't, I have to go to work.<</speech>><br>
<div class="general">You lift her on the counter.</div><br>
<video src="images/sarah/kitchen/kitmoves/kitmoves1a.webm" autoplay loop ></video><br><br>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Continue->kitmoves2]]</span></div>
<<speech "Sarah" "Sarah">>Thanks honey.<</speech>><br>
<div class="general">She gives you a kiss on your cheek and leaves the kitchen.</div><br>
<a data-passage="entrance"><div class="talkplayer">Let’s do something else</div></a>
<<if $fitness gte 0 and $fitness lt 20>>
<<addrsarah 2>>
<<elseif $fitness gte 20 and $fitness lt 40>>
<<addrsarah 4>>
<<elseif $fitness gte 40>>
<<addrsarah 6>><</if>>
<<set $time to $time +1>>
<<nobr>><<nobr>><<switch random(4)>>
<<case 1>>
<img src="images/player/kitchen/dinner/dinner1.jpg" />
<<case 2>>
<img src="images/player/kitchen/dinner/dinner2.jpg" />
<<case 3>>
<img src="images/player/kitchen/dinner/dinner3.jpg" />
<<case 4>>
<img src="images/player/kitchen/dinner/dinner4.jpg" />
<img src="images/player/kitchen/dinner/dinner5.jpg" />
<div class="general">You sit down and eat the dinner prepared for you.</div><br>
<a data-passage="entrance"><div class="talkplayer">Finish dinner</div></a>
<<addenergy 50>>
<<set $time to $time +1>>
<<if $energy lt 15 or $happiness lt 20>>
<img src="images/player/misc/mood.jpg" /><br>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>I'm not in the mood for this.<</speech>><br>
<a data-passage="entrance"><div class="talkplayer">Let’s do something else</div></a>
<<elseif $rnoelle gte 50>>
<<nobr>><<switch random(1, 5)>>
<<case 1>>
<img src="images/player/kitchen/dinner/makingdinner1.jpg" /><br>
<div class="general">You help making dinner, which is appreciated.</div><br>
<a data-passage="entrance"><div class="talkplayer">Finish dinner</div></a>
<<case 2>>
<img src="images/player/kitchen/dinner/makingdinner2.jpg" /><br>
<div class="general">You help making dinner, which is appreciated.</div><br>
<a data-passage="entrance"><div class="talkplayer">Finish dinner</div></a>
<<case 3>>
<img src="images/player/kitchen/dinner/makingdinner3.jpg" /><br>
<div class="general">You help making dinner, which is appreciated.</div><br>
<a data-passage="entrance"><div class="talkplayer">Finish dinner</div></a>
<<case 4>>
<img src="images/player/kitchen/dinner/makingdinner4.jpg" /><br>
<div class="general">You help making dinner, which is appreciated.</div><br>
<a data-passage="entrance"><div class="talkplayer">Finish dinner</div></a>
<<case 5>>
<img src="images/noelle/kitchen/noelletease.jpg" /><br>
<div class="general">While cooking you look at Noelle. When she notices your look she bends over and starts lifting her skirt.</div><br>
<<speech "Player" "$name">><i>Damn, is she actually teasing me? Right in fron of Sarah? She looks very hot though.</i><</speech>><br>
<div class="general">You finish making dinner, which is appreciated.</div><br>
<a data-passage="entrance"><div class="talkplayer">Finish dinner</div></a>
<<addenergy 50>>
<<set $time to $time +1>>
<<addhygene -10>>
<<if $fitness gte 0 and $fitness lt 15>>
<<addrnoelle 1>>
<<elseif $fitness gte 15 and $fitness lt 30>>
<<addrnoelle 3>>
<<elseif $fitness gte 30>>
<<addrnoelle 5>><</if>>
<<if $fitness gte 0 and $fitness lt 20>>
<<addrsarah 2>>
<<elseif $fitness gte 20 and $fitness lt 40>>
<<addrsarah 4>>
<<elseif $fitness gte 40>>
<<addrsarah 6>><</if>>
<<nobr>><<switch random(4)>>
<<case 1>>
<img src="images/player/kitchen/dinner/makingdinner1.jpg" />
<<case 2>>
<img src="images/player/kitchen/dinner/makingdinner2.jpg" />
<<case 3>>
<img src="images/player/kitchen/dinner/makingdinner3.jpg" />
<<case 4>>
<img src="images/player/kitchen/dinner/makingdinner4.jpg" />
<img src="images/player/kitchen/dinner/makingdinner5.jpg" />
<div class="general">You help making dinner, which is appreciated.</div><br>
<a data-passage="entrance"><div class="talkplayer">Finish dinner</div></a>
<<addenergy 50>>
<<set $time to $time +1>>
<<addhygene -10>>
<<if $fitness gte 0 and $fitness lt 15>>
<<addrnoelle 1>>
<<elseif $fitness gte 15 and $fitness lt 30>>
<<addrnoelle 3>>
<<elseif $fitness gte 30>>
<<addrnoelle 5>><</if>>
<<if $fitness gte 0 and $fitness lt 20>>
<<addrsarah 2>>
<<elseif $fitness gte 20 and $fitness lt 40>>
<<addrsarah 4>>
<<elseif $fitness gte 40>>
<<addrsarah 6>><</if>>
<<if $energy lt 20 or $happiness lt 20>>
<img src="images/player/misc/mood.jpg" /><br>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>I'm not in the mood for this.<</speech>><br>
<a data-passage="entrance"><div class="talkplayer">Let’s do something else</div></a>
<<elseif $rnoelle gte 50>>
<<nobr>><<switch random(1, 5)>>
<<case 1>>
<img src="images/player/kitchen/dinner/makingdinner1.jpg" /><br>
<div class="general">You help making dinner, which is appreciated.</div><br>
<<if $sleeppill gte 1>>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Add sleepingpill to Sarah's dinner.->sleeppils]]</span></div><br><</if>>
<a data-passage="entrance"><div class="talkplayer">Finish dinner</div></a>
<<case 2>>
<img src="images/player/kitchen/dinner/makingdinner2.jpg" /><br>
<div class="general">You help making dinner, which is appreciated.</div><br>
<<if $sleeppill gte 1>>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Add sleepingpill to Sarah's dinner.->sleeppils]]</span></div><br><</if>>
<a data-passage="entrance"><div class="talkplayer">Finish dinner</div></a>
<<case 3>>
<img src="images/player/kitchen/dinner/makingdinner3.jpg" /><br>
<div class="general">You help making dinner, which is appreciated.</div><br>
<<if $sleeppill gte 1>>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Add sleepingpill to Sarah's dinner.->sleeppils]]</span></div><br><</if>>
<a data-passage="entrance"><div class="talkplayer">Finish dinner</div></a>
<<case 4>>
<img src="images/player/kitchen/dinner/makingdinner4.jpg" /><br>
<div class="general">You help making dinner, which is appreciated.</div><br>
<<if $sleeppill gte 1>>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Add sleepingpill to Sarah's dinner.->sleeppils]]</span></div><br><</if>>
<a data-passage="entrance"><div class="talkplayer">Finish dinner</div></a>
<<case 5>>
<img src="images/noelle/kitchen/noelletease.jpg" /><br>
<div class="general">While cooking you look at Noelle. When she notices your look she bends over and starts lifting her skirt.</div><br>
<<speech "Player" "$name">><i>Damn, is she actually teasing me? Right in fron of Sarah? She looks very hot though.</i><</speech>><br>
<div class="general">You finish making dinner, which is appreciated.</div><br>
<a data-passage="entrance"><div class="talkplayer">Finish dinner</div></a>
<<addenergy 50>>
<<set $time to $time +1>>
<<addhygene -10>>
<<if $fitness gte 0 and $fitness lt 15>>
<<addrnoelle 2>>
<<elseif $fitness gte 15 and $fitness lt 30>>
<<addrnoelle 6>>
<<elseif $fitness gte 30>>
<<addrnoelle 10>><</if>>
<<if $fitness gte 0 and $fitness lt 20>>
<<addrsarah 4>>
<<elseif $fitness gte 20 and $fitness lt 40>>
<<addrsarah 8>>
<<elseif $fitness gte 40>>
<<addrsarah 14>><</if>>
<<nobr>><<switch random(1,4)>>
<<case 1>>
<img src="images/player/kitchen/dinner/makingdinner1.jpg" />
<<case 2>>
<img src="images/player/kitchen/dinner/makingdinner2.jpg" />
<<case 3>>
<img src="images/player/kitchen/dinner/makingdinner3.jpg" />
<<case 4>>
<img src="images/player/kitchen/dinner/makingdinner4.jpg" />
<div class="general">You make dinner for everyone, which is appreciated.</div><br>
<<if $sleeppill gte 1>>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Add sleepingpill to Sarah's dinner.->sleeppils]]</span></div><br><</if>>
<a data-passage="entrance"><div class="talkplayer">Finish dinner</div></a>
<<addenergy 50>>
<<set $time to $time +1>>
<<addhygene -10>>
<<if $fitness gte 0 and $fitness lt 15>>
<<addrnoelle 2>>
<<elseif $fitness gte 15 and $fitness lt 30>>
<<addrnoelle 6>>
<<elseif $fitness gte 30>>
<<addrnoelle 10>><</if>>
<<if $fitness gte 0 and $fitness lt 20>>
<<addrsarah 4>>
<<elseif $fitness gte 20 and $fitness lt 40>>
<<addrsarah 8>>
<<elseif $fitness gte 40>>
<<addrsarah 14>><</if>>
<<addfaithfulness 5>>
<img src="images/player/kitchen/dinner/addpill.jpg" />
<div class="general">You add a sleepingpill to Sarah's dinner.</div>
<a data-passage="entrance"><div class="talkplayer">Finish dinner</div></a>
<<set $ssleeppil to "true">>
<<set $sleeppill to $sleeppill -1>><div class="general">You take of her bra and squeeze her breast.</div>
<<speech "Player" "$name">><i>This is so hot and bad at the same time as well.</i><</speech>>
<video src="images/sarah/bedroom/bedsleeps/bedsleeps1a.webm" autoplay loop ></video>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Continue->bedsleeps2]]</span></div>
<<if $convos gt 5>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>I shouldn’t bother her to much with my conversations.<</speech>><br>
<a data-passage="upstairs"><div class="talkplayer">Let’s do something else</div></a>
<<elseif $energy lt 10 or $happiness lt 20>>
<img src="images/player/misc/mood.jpg" /><br>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>I'm not in the mood for this.<</speech>><br>
<a data-passage="upstairs"><div class="talkplayer">Let’s do something else</div></a>
<<if $rsarah gte 0 and $rsarah lt 50>>
<<switch random(5)>>
<<case 1>>
<<speech "Sarah" "Sarah">>At least I have my job, something I like.<</speech>>
<<case 2>>
<<speech "Sarah" "Sarah">>It's really though, taking care of Peter and you.<</speech>>
<<case 3>>
<<speech "Sarah" "Sarah">>Sometimes I doubt if I made the right descission about us and Peter.<</speech>>
<<case 4>>
<<speech "Sarah" "Sarah">>It's really though, taking care of Peter and you.<</speech>>
<<case 5>>
<<speech "Sarah" "Sarah">>Couldn't you work a bit harder around here?<</speech>>
<<speech "Sarah" "Sarah">>I hope you'll start soon with showing me how much you actually love me.<</speech>>
<br><a data-passage="upstairs"><div class="talkplayer">Let’s do something else</div></a>
<<addenergy -5>>
<<addhappiness 1>>
<<if $fitness gte 0 and $fitness lt 20>>
<<addrsarah 1>>
<<elseif $fitness gte 20 and $fitness lt 40>>
<<addrsarah 2>>
<<elseif $fitness gte 40>>
<<addrsarah 3>><</if>>
<<set $convos to $convos +1>>
<<set $time to $time +1>>
<<elseif $rsarah gte 50 and $rsarah lt 100>>
<<switch random(5)>>
<<case 1>>
<<speech "Sarah" "Sarah">>Can you take care of yourself some more.<</speech>>
<<case 2>>
<<speech "Sarah" "Sarah">>I miss the old us, when you at least tried.<</speech>>
<<case 3>>
<<speech "Sarah" "Sarah">>I see some improvent, but you can do a lot better.<</speech>>
<<case 4>>
<<speech "Sarah" "Sarah">>Maybe I should have stayed with Steve.<</speech>>
<<case 5>>
<<speech "Sarah" "Sarah">>At least we have this beautifull house.<</speech>>
<<speech "Sarah" "Sarah">>I'm tired.<</speech>>
<br><a data-passage="upstairs"><div class="talkplayer">Let’s do something else</div></a>
<<addenergy -5>>
<<addhappiness 1>>
<<if $fitness gte 0 and $fitness lt 20>>
<<addrsarah 1>>
<<elseif $fitness gte 20 and $fitness lt 40>>
<<addrsarah 2>>
<<elseif $fitness gte 40>>
<<addrsarah 3>><</if>>
<<set $convos to $convos +1>>
<<set $time to $time +1>>
<<elseif $rsarah gte 100 and $rsarah lt 150>>
<<switch random(5)>>
<<case 1>>
<<speech "Sarah" "Sarah">>I see you trying, keep improving.<</speech>>
<<case 2>>
<<speech "Sarah" "Sarah">>See, you can improve!<</speech>>
<<case 3>>
<<speech "Sarah" "Sarah">>Maybe this wholo nanny thing was a good idea.<</speech>>
<<case 4>>
<<speech "Sarah" "Sarah">>I feel better lately.<</speech>>
<<case 5>>
<<speech "Sarah" "Sarah">>Thank you for trying harder, you are not there yet, but you are on the right track.<</speech>>
<<speech "Sarah" "Sarah">>I really enjoy my job.<</speech>>
<br><a data-passage="upstairs"><div class="talkplayer">Let’s do something else</div></a>
<<addenergy -5>>
<<addhappiness 1>>
<<if $fitness gte 0 and $fitness lt 20>>
<<addrsarah 1>>
<<elseif $fitness gte 20 and $fitness lt 40>>
<<addrsarah 2>>
<<elseif $fitness gte 40>>
<<addrsarah 3>><</if>>
<<set $convos to $convos +1>>
<<set $time to $time +1>>
<<elseif $rsarah gte 150 and $rsarah lt 200>>
<<switch random(5)>>
<<case 1>>
<<speech "Sarah" "Sarah">>I do love you, you know.<</speech>>
<<case 2>>
<<speech "Sarah" "Sarah">>You look good today.<</speech>>
<<case 3>>
<<speech "Sarah" "Sarah">>I really enjoy our time together, it feels good.<</speech>>
<<case 4>>
<<speech "Sarah" "Sarah">>Maybe we can have some type of fun tonight.<</speech>>
<<case 5>>
<<speech "Sarah" "Sarah">>I want to feel you all over me.<</speech>>
<<speech "Sarah" "Sarah">>If you join me in the bathroom, I might have a suprise for you.<</speech>>
<br><a data-passage="upstairs"><div class="talkplayer">Let’s do something else</div></a>
<<addenergy -5>>
<<addhappiness 1>>
<<if $fitness gte 0 and $fitness lt 20>>
<<addrsarah 1>>
<<elseif $fitness gte 20 and $fitness lt 40>>
<<addrsarah 2>>
<<elseif $fitness gte 40>>
<<addrsarah 3>><</if>>
<<set $convos to $convos +1>>
<<set $time to $time +1>>
<<elseif $rsarah gte 200>>
<<switch random(5)>>
<<case 1>>
<<speech "Sarah" "Sarah">>I want you, deep inside me.<</speech>>
<<case 2>>
<<speech "Sarah" "Sarah">>We should go and swim naked.<</speech>>
<<case 3>>
<<speech "Sarah" "Sarah">>I love to be naked, here and outside.<</speech>>
<<case 4>>
<<speech "Sarah" "Sarah">>It feels really good between us again, it feels like the old us.<</speech>>
<<case 5>>
<<speech "Sarah" "Sarah">>Why don't we leave Peter with Noelle and go upstairs.<</speech>>
<<speech "Sarah" "Sarah">>Maybe I'll let you try anal with me.<</speech>>
<br><a data-passage="upstairs"><div class="talkplayer">Let’s do something else</div></a>
<<addenergy -5>>
<<addhappiness 1>>
<<if $fitness gte 0 and $fitness lt 20>>
<<addrsarah 1>>
<<elseif $fitness gte 20 and $fitness lt 40>>
<<addrsarah 2>>
<<elseif $fitness gte 40>>
<<addrsarah 3>><</if>>
<<set $convos to $convos +1>>
<<set $time to $time +1>>
<</if>><</if>><</nobr>><img src="images/sarah/bedroom/sarah2.jpg" />
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Talk to Sarah->bedtalks]]</span></div>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Kiss Sarah->bedrkisss]]</span></div>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Offer a massage->bedmassages]]</span></div>
<<if $fitness gte 0 and $fitness lt 25 and $arousal gte 35 or $fitness gte 25 and $fitness lt 40 and $arousal gte 30 or $fitness gte 40 and $arousal gte 25>>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Ask for a blowjob->bedbj]]</span></div><br>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Ask for sex->bedmoves]]</span></div><br><</if>>
<<if $exhibitionist is "true" and $talkexh is "false">>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Talk about her outside adventure->exhtalk]]</span></div><br><</if>>
<<if $exhibitionist is "true" and $time lte 2 and $bdsm2 is "true" and $rsarah gte 200 and $exhibitionist2 is "false">>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Ask her to do something today->askexhibitbed]]</span></div>
<<if $christelevent9a is "true" and $christelevent10a is "false">>
<a data-passage="christelevent10a"><div class="talkplayer">Talk about Christel</div></a>
<<elseif $christelevent9 is "true" and $chistelevent10 is "false">>
<a data-passage="christelevent10b"><div class="talkplayer">Talk about Christel</div></a><br>
<<if $gettingnoelle is "true" and $rsarah gte 200 and $watchashley1 is "false">>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Show her something->watchashley1a]]</span></div><br><</if>>
<a data-passage="upstairs"><div class="talkloc">Let’s go somewhere else</div></a><</nobr>>
<<nobr>><<if $kisss gte 3>>
<img src="images/player/misc/clingy.jpg" />
<br><<speech "Player" "$name">><i>I shouldn’t become to clingy.</i><</speech>><br>
<a data-passage="upstairs"><div class="talkplayer">Let’s do something else</div></a>
<<elseif $energy lt 10 or $happiness lt 20>>
<img src="images/player/misc/mood.jpg" /><br>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>I'm not in the mood for this.<</speech>><br>
<a data-passage="upstairs"><div class="talkplayer">Let’s do something else</div></a>
<<elseif $rsarah lt 50>>
<img src="images/sarah/sarahangry.jpg" />
<br><<speech "Sarah" "Sarah">>Not now, please just leave me alone.<</speech>><br>
<a data-passage="upstairs"><div class="talkplayer">Let’s do something else</div></a>
<<elseif $rsarah gte 50>>
<img src="images/sarah/sarahkiss.gif" />
<br><div class="general">You kiss Sarah.</div><br>
<a data-passage="upstairs"><div class="talkplayer">Let’s do something else</div></a>
<<addenergy -5>>
<<addhappiness 3>>
<<if $fitness gte 0 and $fitness lt 20>>
<<addrsarah 1>>
<<elseif $fitness gte 20 and $fitness lt 40>>
<<addrsarah 3>>
<<elseif $fitness gte 40>>
<<addrsarah 5>><</if>>
<<set $kisss to $kisss +1>>
<<set $time to $time +1>>
<<if $energy lt 15 or $happiness lt 20>>
<img src="images/player/misc/mood.jpg" /><br>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>I'm not in the mood for this.<</speech>><br>
<a data-passage="upstairs"><div class="talkplayer">Let’s do something else</div></a>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Honey, would you like a massage?<</speech>><br>
<<speech "Sarah" "Sarah">>A massage? Where does this come from?<</speech>><br>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>I just thought you would like one.<</speech>><br>
<<if $rsarah gte 110>>
<<speech "Sarah" "Sarah">>You know what, I would like a massage.<</speech>><br>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[She undresses and lays down->bedmassages1]]</span></div>
<<speech "Sarah" "Sarah">>It's nice from you to offer, but I'm good.<</speech>><br>
<a data-passage="upstairs"><div class="talkplayer">Let’s do something else</div></a>
<div class="general">You start touching Sarah and kissing her in her kneck, basically making your intentions known.</div>
<<if $rsarah lte 174>>
<<speech "Sarah" "Sarah">>I know what you want, but it's not going to happen.<</speech>><br>
<a data-passage="upstairs"><div class="talkplayer">Let’s do something else</div></a>
<<elseif $rsarah gte 175>>
<<speech "Sarah" "Sarah">>Hmm what are we doing.<</speech>><br>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>I think you know very well what I'm doing. Do you want me to continue?<</speech>><br>
<<speech "Sarah" "Sarah">>Yes please!<</speech>><br>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Continue->bedmoves1]]</span></div>
<</if>><</nobr>><div class="general">Once she lays down you start you massage.</div>
<video src="images/sarah/bedroom/massage/bedmassages1a.webm" autoplay loop ></video>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Continue->bedmassages2]]</span></div><<speech "Sarah" "Sarah">>Honey!<</speech>>
<div class="general">Then you lift up her dress, put her panties aside and start licking her pussy.</div>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>You know you want this.<</speech>>
<video src="images/sarah/kitchen/kitmoves/kitmoves1b.webm" autoplay loop ></video>
<<speech "Sarah" "Sarah">>Ooh honey please!<</speech>>
<div class="general">You keep licking.</div>
<<speech "Sarah" "Sarah">>Fuck this feels so good, why are you doing this to me?<</speech>>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Continue licking her->kitmoves3]]</span></div>
<<if $angrymode is "true">>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>I don’t even want to look at her right now. It's probably better to go somewhere else, she can handle Peter on her own for now.<</speech>><br>
<div class="general">When you walk away, you notice that Sarah is sad that you walk away like that.</div><br>
<a data-passage="entrance"><div class="talkloc">Let’s go somewhere else</div></a>
<div class="general">Sarah seems busy with Peter.</div>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Talk with Sarah->nurserysarahtalk]]</span></div>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Help Sarah with Peter->nurserysarahhelp]]</span></div>
<a data-passage="upstairs"><div class="talkloc">Let’s go somewhere else</div></a>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Do you want some help?<</speech>>
<<speech "Sarah" "Sarah">>Actually, I really could use some help.<</speech>>
<div class="general">You help Sarah with Peter.</div>
<a data-passage="upstairs"><div class="talkplayer">Let’s do something else</div></a>
<<if $fitness gte 0 and $fitness lt 20>>
<<addrsarah 3>>
<<elseif $fitness gte 20 and $fitness lt 40>>
<<addrsarah 5>>
<<elseif $fitness gte 40>>
<<addrsarah 7>><</if>>
<<addenergy -10>>
<<addhappiness -5>>
<<addhygene -10>>
<<set $time to $time +1>>
<<addfaithfulness 2>>
<<speech "Sarah" "Sarah">>$name, can't you see I'm busy.. Just get out.<</speech>>
<a data-passage="upstairs"><div class="talkplayer">Let’s do something else</div></a>
<<if $fitness gte 0 and $fitness lt 20>>
<<addrsarah -7>>
<<elseif $fitness gte 20 and $fitness lt 40>>
<<addrsarah -5>>
<<elseif $fitness gte 40>>
<<addrsarah -3>><</if>><<speech "Player" "$name">>But why? You are a beautiful woman, if anything you should show off that body of yours.<</speech>>
<<speech "Sarah" "Sarah">>But.. I.. I don't know.<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>You should just be able to relax in your own garden in the way you want. You shouldn't care about a creepy neighbour, you should be proud that he is watching.<</speech>>
<<speech "Sarah" "Sarah">>Why don't you seem to mind he is watching me?<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Because every guy looking at my wife is a compliment.<</speech>>
<<speech "Sarah" "Sarah">>I guess you have a point.<</speech>>
<div class="general">She starts taking of her vest.</div>
<video src="images/sarah/garden/gardensexh/gardensexh1a.webm" autoplay loop ></video>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Is that it?<</speech>>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Continue->gardensexh2]]</span></div>
<div class="general">You leave Sarah to have her time in the sun.</div>
<video src="images/sarah/garden/gardensexh/gardensexhend1a.webm" autoplay loop ></video>
<a data-passage="garden"><div class="talkplayer">Let’s do something else</div></a>
<<if $fitness gte 0 and $fitness lt 20>>
<<addrsarah 3>>
<<elseif $fitness gte 20 and $fitness lt 40>>
<<addrsarah 6>>
<<elseif $fitness gte 40>>
<<addrsarah 19>><</if>>
<<addenergy -5>>
<<addhappiness 3>>
<<addhygene -5>>
<<set $time to $time +1>><<nobr>>
<<if $convos gt 5>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>I shouldn’t bother her to much with my conversations.<</speech>><br>
<a data-passage="entrance"><div class="talkplayer">Let’s do something else</div></a>
<<if $rsarah gte 0 and $rsarah lt 50>>
<<switch random(5)>>
<<case 1>>
<<if $fitness lte 20>>
<<speech "Sarah" "Sarah">>How am I this skinny and you.. You know they have invented gyms right?<</speech>>
<<speech "Sarah" "Sarah">>At least I have my job, something I like.<</speech>><</if>>
<<case 2>>
<<if $fitness lte 20>>
<<speech "Sarah" "Sarah">>Your boobs are bigger than mine, I'm not sure for whom that is more embarrassing.<</speech>>
<<speech "Sarah" "Sarah">>It's really though, taking care of Peter and you.<</speech>><</if>>
<<case 3>>
<<if $fitness lte 20>>
<<speech "Sarah" "Sarah">>Can you even still see your dick if you look down?<</speech>>
<<speech "Sarah" "Sarah">>Sometimes I doubt if I made the right descission about us and Peter.<</speech>><</if>>
<<case 4>>
<<speech "Sarah" "Sarah">>It's really though, taking care of Peter and you.<</speech>>
<<case 5>>
<<speech "Sarah" "Sarah">>Couldn't you work a bit harder around here?<</speech>>
<<speech "Sarah" "Sarah">>I hope you'll start soon with showing me how much you actually love me.<</speech>>
<br><a data-passage="entrance"><div class="talkplayer">Let’s do something else</div></a>
<<addenergy -5>>
<<addhappiness 1>>
<<if $fitness gte 0 and $fitness lt 20>>
<<addrsarah 1>>
<<elseif $fitness gte 20 and $fitness lt 40>>
<<addrsarah 2>>
<<elseif $fitness gte 40>>
<<addrsarah 3>><</if>>
<<set $convos to $convos +1>>
<<set $time to $time +1>>
<<elseif $rsarah gte 50 and $rsarah lt 100>>
<<switch random(5)>>
<<case 1>>
<<if $fitness lte 20>>
<<speech "Sarah" "Sarah">>How am I this skinny and you.. You know they have invented gyms right?<</speech>>
<<speech "Sarah" "Sarah">>Can you take care of yourself some more.<</speech>><</if>>
<<case 2>>
<<if $fitness lte 20>>
<<speech "Sarah" "Sarah">>Your boobs are bigger than mine, I'm not sure for whom that is more embarrassing.<</speech>>
<<speech "Sarah" "Sarah">>I miss the old us, when you at least tried.<</speech>><</if>>
<<case 3>>
<<if $fitness lte 20>>
<<speech "Sarah" "Sarah">>Can you even still see your dick if you look down?<</speech>>
<<speech "Sarah" "Sarah">>I see some improvent, but you can do a lot better.<</speech>><</if>>
<<case 4>>
<<speech "Sarah" "Sarah">>Maybe I should have stayed with Steve.<</speech>>
<<case 5>>
<<speech "Sarah" "Sarah">>At least we have this beautifull house.<</speech>>
<<speech "Sarah" "Sarah">>I'm tired.<</speech>>
<br><a data-passage="entrance"><div class="talkplayer">Let’s do something else</div></a>
<<addenergy -5>>
<<addhappiness 1>>
<<if $fitness gte 0 and $fitness lt 20>>
<<addrsarah 1>>
<<elseif $fitness gte 20 and $fitness lt 40>>
<<addrsarah 2>>
<<elseif $fitness gte 40>>
<<addrsarah 3>><</if>>
<<set $convos to $convos +1>>
<<set $time to $time +1>>
<<elseif $rsarah gte 100 and $rsarah lt 150>>
<<switch random(5)>>
<<case 1>>
<<if $fitness lte 20>>
<<speech "Sarah" "Sarah">>I mean, your are not fat.. But.. You know.. Ok maybe you are.<</speech>>
<<speech "Sarah" "Sarah">>I see you trying, keep improving.<</speech>><</if>>
<<case 2>>
<<if $fitness lte 20>>
<<speech "Sarah" "Sarah">>Everything bounces when you walk around.<</speech>>
<<speech "Sarah" "Sarah">>See, you can improve!<</speech>><</if>>
<<case 3>>
<<speech "Sarah" "Sarah">>Maybe this wholo nanny thing was a good idea.<</speech>>
<<case 4>>
<<speech "Sarah" "Sarah">>I feel better lately.<</speech>>
<<case 5>>
<<speech "Sarah" "Sarah">>Thank you for trying harder, you are not there yet, but you are on the right track.<</speech>>
<<speech "Sarah" "Sarah">>I really enjoy my job.<</speech>>
<br><a data-passage="entrance"><div class="talkplayer">Let’s do something else</div></a>
<<addenergy -5>>
<<addhappiness 1>>
<<if $fitness gte 0 and $fitness lt 20>>
<<addrsarah 1>>
<<elseif $fitness gte 20 and $fitness lt 40>>
<<addrsarah 2>>
<<elseif $fitness gte 40>>
<<addrsarah 3>><</if>>
<<set $convos to $convos +1>>
<<set $time to $time +1>>
<<elseif $rsarah gte 150 and $rsarah lt 200>>
<<switch random(5)>>
<<case 1>>
<<if $fitness lte 20>>
<<speech "Sarah" "Sarah">>It’s a bit odd that I can’t see your face when I suck your dick.<</speech>>
<<speech "Sarah" "Sarah">>I do love you, you know.<</speech>><</if>>
<<case 2>>
<<if $fitness lte 20>>
<<speech "Sarah" "Sarah">>I wish I had your size boobs.<</speech>>
<<speech "Sarah" "Sarah">>You look good today.<</speech>><</if>>
<<case 3>>
<<speech "Sarah" "Sarah">>I really enjoy our time together, it feels good.<</speech>>
<<case 4>>
<<speech "Sarah" "Sarah">>Maybe we can have some type of fun tonight.<</speech>>
<<case 5>>
<<speech "Sarah" "Sarah">>I want to feel you all over me.<</speech>>
<<speech "Sarah" "Sarah">>If you join me in the bathroom, I might have a suprise for you.<</speech>>
<br><a data-passage="entrance"><div class="talkplayer">Let’s do something else</div></a>
<<addenergy -5>>
<<addhappiness 1>>
<<if $fitness gte 0 and $fitness lt 20>>
<<addrsarah 1>>
<<elseif $fitness gte 20 and $fitness lt 40>>
<<addrsarah 2>>
<<elseif $fitness gte 40>>
<<addrsarah 3>><</if>>
<<set $convos to $convos +1>>
<<set $time to $time +1>>
<<elseif $rsarah gte 200>>
<<switch random(5)>>
<<case 1>>
<<if $fitness lte 20>>
<<speech "Sarah" "Sarah">>I love all of you, and if you have looked at yourself in the mirror lately, you know that that is a lot.<</speech>>
<<speech "Sarah" "Sarah">>I want you, deep inside me.<</speech>><</if>>
<<case 2>>
<<if $fitness lte 20>>
<<speech "Sarah" "Sarah">>You understand that missionary is out of the question right? I would be crushed underneath you.<</speech>>
<<speech "Sarah" "Sarah">>We should go and swim naked.<</speech>><</if>>
<<case 3>>
<<speech "Sarah" "Sarah">>I like sushi, but I love Italian.<</speech>>
<<case 4>>
<<if $fitness lte 20>>
<<speech "Sarah" "Sarah">>I love you fatty, I mean $name.<</speech>>
<<speech "Sarah" "Sarah">>It feels really good between us again, it feels like the old us.<</speech>><</if>>
<<case 5>>
<<speech "Sarah" "Sarah">>Why don't we leave Peter with Noelle and go upstairs.<</speech>>
<<speech "Sarah" "Sarah">>I like a romance movies, but comedies are so much better.<</speech>>
<br><a data-passage="entrance"><div class="talkplayer">Let’s do something else</div></a>
<<addenergy -5>>
<<addhappiness 1>>
<<if $fitness gte 0 and $fitness lt 20>>
<<addrsarah 1>>
<<elseif $fitness gte 20 and $fitness lt 40>>
<<addrsarah 2>>
<<elseif $fitness gte 40>>
<<addrsarah 3>><</if>>
<<set $convos to $convos +1>>
<<set $time to $time +1>>
<</if>><</if>><</nobr>><<nobr>><<if $kisss gte 3>>
<img src="images/player/misc/clingy.jpg" />
<br><<speech "Player" "$name">><i>I shouldn’t become to clingy.</i><</speech>><br>
<a data-passage="garden"><div class="talkplayer">Let’s do something else</div></a>
<<elseif $energy lt 10 or $happiness lt 20>>
<img src="images/player/misc/mood.jpg" /><br>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>I'm not in the mood for this.<</speech>><br>
<a data-passage="garden"><div class="talkplayer">Let’s do something else</div></a>
<<elseif $rsarah lt 50>>
<img src="images/sarah/sarahangry.jpg" />
<br><<speech "Sarah" "Sarah">>Not now, please just leave me alone.<</speech>><br>
<a data-passage="garden"><div class="talkplayer">Let’s do something else</div></a>
<<elseif $rsarah gte 50>>
<video src="images/sarah/garden/terraces/terracekisss.webm" autoplay loop ></video><br><br>
<div class="general">You kiss Sarah.</div><br>
<a data-passage="garden"><div class="talkplayer">Let’s do something else</div></a><br>
<<if $fitness gte 0 and $fitness lt 25 and $arousal gte 35 or $fitness gte 25 and $fitness lt 40 and $arousal gte 30 or $fitness gte 40 and $arousal gte 25>>
<<if $rsarah gte 200 and $talkexh is "true">>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Start touching her->terraces1]]</span></div><</if>><</if>><</nobr>>
<<set $time to $time +1>>
<<addenergy -5>>
<<addhappiness 3>>
<<if $fitness gte 0 and $fitness lt 20>>
<<addrsarah 1>>
<<elseif $fitness gte 20 and $fitness lt 40>>
<<addrsarah 3>>
<<elseif $fitness gte 40>>
<<addrsarah 5>><</if>>
<<set $kisss to $kisss +1>>
<</if>><</nobr>><<speech "Sarah" "Sarah">>Where are those hands going?<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>I think you know very well where they are going.<</speech>>
<video src="images/sarah/garden/terraces/terraces1a.webm" autoplay loop ></video>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Continue->terraces2]]</span></div>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Hi honey.<</speech>>
<<speech "Sarah" "Sarah">>Hi.<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>How are you feeling?<</speech>>
<<speech "Sarah" "Sarah">>I'm ok, why?<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Well, you fled the scene quite quickly after your.. Your garden adventure.<</speech>>
<div class="general">Sarah blushes.</div>
<<speech "Sarah" "Sarah">>I can't believe I did that.<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>I didn't made you feel good?<</speech>>
<<speech "Sarah" "Sarah">>Well, it did, and that is what bothers me. I mean, what does that say about me?<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>That you are a beautiful and adventurous woman who likes to be watched.<</speech>>
<<speech "Sarah" "Sarah">>Doesn't that bother you?<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Honestly, I think is quite hot.<</speech>>
<<speech "Sarah" "Sarah">>Really?<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Yes! And if you like to be watched, then be watched, who cares?<</speech>>
<div class="general">Sarah thinks for a moment.</div>
<<speech "Sarah" "Sarah">>Maybe you are right.<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Just don't worry about it. You are an amazing woman and wife.<</speech>>
<<speech "Sarah" "Sarah">>Thanks honey.<</speech>>
<div class="general">You hug each other.</div>
<<speech "Sarah" "Sarah">>I love you so much.<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>I love you too.<</speech>>
<a data-passage="upstairs"><div class="talkplayer">Let’s do something else</div></a>
<<if $fitness gte 0 and $fitness lt 20>>
<<addrsarah 10>>
<<elseif $fitness gte 20 and $fitness lt 40>>
<<addrsarah 13>>
<<elseif $fitness gte 40>>
<<addrsarah 15>><</if>>
<<addenergy -5>>
<<addhappiness 5>>
<<set $time to $time +1>>
<<set $talkexh to "true">>
<div class="general">You stand next to Sarah.</div>
<<speech "Sarah" "Sarah">>Hmmmm. Hi babe.<</speech>>
<div class="general">She takes off her shirt, crawls towards you and starts undoing your pants.</div>
<<speech "Sarah" "Sarah">>I've been waiting for this all day.<</speech>>
<video src="images/sarah/livingroom/livingcs/livingcs1a.webm" autoplay loop ></video>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Continue->livingcs2]]</span></div>
<<if $convos gt 5>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>I shouldn’t bother her to much with my conversations.<</speech>><br>
<a data-passage="entrance"><div class="talkplayer">Let’s do something else</div></a>
<<if $rsarah gte 0 and $rsarah lt 50>>
<<switch random(5)>>
<<case 1>>
<<if $fitness lte 20>>
<<speech "Sarah" "Sarah">>How am I this skinny and you.. You know they have invented gyms right?<</speech>>
<<speech "Sarah" "Sarah">>At least I have my job, something I like.<</speech>><</if>>
<<case 2>>
<<if $fitness lte 20>>
<<speech "Sarah" "Sarah">>Your boobs are bigger than mine, I'm not sure for whom that is more embarrassing.<</speech>>
<<speech "Sarah" "Sarah">>It's really though, taking care of Peter and you.<</speech>><</if>>
<<case 3>>
<<if $fitness lte 20>>
<<speech "Sarah" "Sarah">>Can you even still see your dick if you look down?<</speech>>
<<speech "Sarah" "Sarah">>Sometimes I doubt if I made the right descission about us and Peter.<</speech>><</if>>
<<case 4>>
<<speech "Sarah" "Sarah">>It's really though, taking care of Peter and you.<</speech>>
<<case 5>>
<<speech "Sarah" "Sarah">>Couldn't you work a bit harder around here?<</speech>>
<<speech "Sarah" "Sarah">>I hope you'll start soon with showing me how much you actually love me.<</speech>>
<br><a data-passage="entrance"><div class="talkplayer">Let’s do something else</div></a>
<<addenergy -5>>
<<addhappiness 1>>
<<if $fitness gte 0 and $fitness lt 20>>
<<addrsarah 1>>
<<elseif $fitness gte 20 and $fitness lt 40>>
<<addrsarah 2>>
<<elseif $fitness gte 40>>
<<addrsarah 3>><</if>>
<<set $convos to $convos +1>>
<<set $time to $time +1>>
<<elseif $rsarah gte 50 and $rsarah lt 100>>
<<switch random(5)>>
<<case 1>>
<<if $fitness lte 20>>
<<speech "Sarah" "Sarah">>How am I this skinny and you.. You know they have invented gyms right?<</speech>>
<<speech "Sarah" "Sarah">>Can you take care of yourself some more.<</speech>><</if>>
<<case 2>>
<<if $fitness lte 20>>
<<speech "Sarah" "Sarah">>Your boobs are bigger than mine, I'm not sure for whom that is more embarrassing.<</speech>>
<<speech "Sarah" "Sarah">>I miss the old us, when you at least tried.<</speech>><</if>>
<<case 3>>
<<if $fitness lte 20>>
<<speech "Sarah" "Sarah">>Can you even still see your dick if you look down?<</speech>>
<<speech "Sarah" "Sarah">>I see some improvent, but you can do a lot better.<</speech>><</if>>
<<case 4>>
<<speech "Sarah" "Sarah">>Maybe I should have stayed with Steve.<</speech>>
<<case 5>>
<<speech "Sarah" "Sarah">>At least we have this beautifull house.<</speech>>
<<speech "Sarah" "Sarah">>I'm tired.<</speech>>
<br><a data-passage="entrance"><div class="talkplayer">Let’s do something else</div></a>
<<addenergy -5>>
<<addhappiness 1>>
<<if $fitness gte 0 and $fitness lt 20>>
<<addrsarah 1>>
<<elseif $fitness gte 20 and $fitness lt 40>>
<<addrsarah 2>>
<<elseif $fitness gte 40>>
<<addrsarah 3>><</if>>
<<set $convos to $convos +1>>
<<set $time to $time +1>>
<<elseif $rsarah gte 100 and $rsarah lt 150>>
<<switch random(5)>>
<<case 1>>
<<if $fitness lte 20>>
<<speech "Sarah" "Sarah">>I mean, your are not fat.. But.. You know.. Ok maybe you are.<</speech>>
<<speech "Sarah" "Sarah">>I see you trying, keep improving.<</speech>><</if>>
<<case 2>>
<<if $fitness lte 20>>
<<speech "Sarah" "Sarah">>Everything bounces when you walk around.<</speech>>
<<speech "Sarah" "Sarah">>See, you can improve!<</speech>><</if>>
<<case 3>>
<<speech "Sarah" "Sarah">>Maybe this wholo nanny thing was a good idea.<</speech>>
<<case 4>>
<<speech "Sarah" "Sarah">>I feel better lately.<</speech>>
<<case 5>>
<<speech "Sarah" "Sarah">>Thank you for trying harder, you are not there yet, but you are on the right track.<</speech>>
<<speech "Sarah" "Sarah">>I really enjoy my job.<</speech>>
<br><a data-passage="entrance"><div class="talkplayer">Let’s do something else</div></a>
<<addenergy -5>>
<<addhappiness 1>>
<<if $fitness gte 0 and $fitness lt 20>>
<<addrsarah 1>>
<<elseif $fitness gte 20 and $fitness lt 40>>
<<addrsarah 2>>
<<elseif $fitness gte 40>>
<<addrsarah 3>><</if>>
<<set $convos to $convos +1>>
<<set $time to $time +1>>
<<elseif $rsarah gte 150 and $rsarah lt 200>>
<<switch random(5)>>
<<case 1>>
<<if $fitness lte 20>>
<<speech "Sarah" "Sarah">>It’s a bit odd that I can’t see your face when I suck your dick.<</speech>>
<<speech "Sarah" "Sarah">>I do love you, you know.<</speech>><</if>>
<<case 2>>
<<if $fitness lte 20>>
<<speech "Sarah" "Sarah">>I wish I had your size boobs.<</speech>>
<<speech "Sarah" "Sarah">>You look good today.<</speech>><</if>>
<<case 3>>
<<speech "Sarah" "Sarah">>I really enjoy our time together, it feels good.<</speech>>
<<case 4>>
<<speech "Sarah" "Sarah">>Maybe we can have some type of fun tonight.<</speech>>
<<case 5>>
<<speech "Sarah" "Sarah">>I want to feel you all over me.<</speech>>
<<speech "Sarah" "Sarah">>If you join me in the bathroom, I might have a suprise for you.<</speech>>
<br><a data-passage="entrance"><div class="talkplayer">Let’s do something else</div></a>
<<addenergy -5>>
<<addhappiness 1>>
<<if $fitness gte 0 and $fitness lt 20>>
<<addrsarah 1>>
<<elseif $fitness gte 20 and $fitness lt 40>>
<<addrsarah 2>>
<<elseif $fitness gte 40>>
<<addrsarah 3>><</if>>
<<set $convos to $convos +1>>
<<set $time to $time +1>>
<<elseif $rsarah gte 200>>
<<switch random(5)>>
<<case 1>>
<<if $fitness lte 20>>
<<speech "Sarah" "Sarah">>I love all of you, and if you have looked at yourself in the mirror lately, you know that that is a lot.<</speech>>
<<speech "Sarah" "Sarah">>I want you, deep inside me.<</speech>><</if>>
<<case 2>>
<<if $fitness lte 20>>
<<speech "Sarah" "Sarah">>You understand that missionary is out of the question right? I would be crushed underneath you.<</speech>>
<<speech "Sarah" "Sarah">>We should go and swim naked.<</speech>><</if>>
<<case 3>>
<<speech "Sarah" "Sarah">>I like sushi, but I love Italian.<</speech>>
<<case 4>>
<<if $fitness lte 20>>
<<speech "Sarah" "Sarah">>I love you fatty, I mean $name.<</speech>>
<<speech "Sarah" "Sarah">>It feels really good between us again, it feels like the old us.<</speech>><</if>>
<<case 5>>
<<speech "Sarah" "Sarah">>Why don't we leave Peter with Noelle and go upstairs.<</speech>>
<<speech "Sarah" "Sarah">>I like a romance movies, but comedies are so much better.<</speech>>
<br><a data-passage="entrance"><div class="talkplayer">Let’s do something else</div></a>
<<addenergy -5>>
<<addhappiness 1>>
<<if $fitness gte 0 and $fitness lt 20>>
<<addrsarah 1>>
<<elseif $fitness gte 20 and $fitness lt 40>>
<<addrsarah 2>>
<<elseif $fitness gte 40>>
<<addrsarah 3>><</if>>
<<set $convos to $convos +1>>
<<set $time to $time +1>>
<</if>><</if>><</nobr>><<nobr>><<if $kisss gte 3>>
<img src="images/player/misc/clingy.jpg" />
<br><<speech "Player" "$name">><i>I shouldn’t become to clingy.</i><</speech>><br>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Let's do something else->garden]]</span></div>
<<elseif $rsarah lt 50>>
<img src="images/sarah/sarahangry.jpg" />
<br><<speech "Sarah" "Sarah">>Not now, please just leave me alone.<</speech>><br>
<a data-passage="garden"><div class="talkplayer">Let’s do something else</div></a>
<<elseif $rsarah gte 50>>
<img src="images/sarah/sarahkiss.gif" />
<br><div class="general">You kiss Sarah.</div><br>
<a data-passage="garden"><div class="talkplayer">Let’s do something else</div></a>
<<addenergy -5>>
<<addhappiness 3>>
<<if $fitness gte 0 and $fitness lt 20>>
<<addrsarah 1>>
<<elseif $fitness gte 20 and $fitness lt 40>>
<<addrsarah 3>>
<<elseif $fitness gte 40>>
<<addrsarah 5>><</if>>
<<set $kisss to $kisss +1>>
<<set $time to $time +1>>
<</if>><</nobr>><<speech "Sarah" "Sarah">>Hi honey.<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Hi beautiful.<</speech>>
<<speech "Sarah" "Sarah">>So I have a great idea.<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Really?<</speech>>
<<speech "Sarah" "Sarah">>Yes! I was thinking you could give me a massage.<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>And what do I get in return.<</speech>>
<<speech "Sarah" "Sarah">>You get to touch me.<</speech>>
<<if $energy lt 10 or $happiness lt 20>>
<img src="images/player/misc/mood.jpg" /><br>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>I'm not in the mood for this.<</speech>><br>
<a data-passage="garden"><div class="talkplayer">Let’s do something else</div></a>
<<elseif $fitness gte 0 and $fitness lt 25 and $arousal lt 35 or $fitness gte 25 and $fitness lt 40 and $arousal lt 30 or $fitness gte 40 and $arousal lt 25>>
<img src="images/player/misc/mood.jpg" /><br>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>I'm not in the mood for this.<</speech>><br>
<a data-passage="garden"><div class="talkplayer">Let’s do something else</div></a>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Give her a massage->poolmoves2]]</span></div><br>
<a data-passage="garden"><div class="talkplayer">Let’s do something else</div></a><br>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Alright, lay down and I'll give you your massage.<</speech>>
<div class="general">She lays down on her belly and you start your massage.</div>
<video src="images/sarah/pool/poolmoves/poolmoves2a.webm" autoplay loop ></video>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Continue->poolmoves3]]</span></div>
<<speech "Sarah" "Sarah">>Thanks honey.<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>You are welcome.<</speech>>
<a data-passage="garden"><div class="talkplayer">Let’s do something else</div></a>
<<if $fitness gte 0 and $fitness lt 20>>
<<addrsarah 3>>
<<elseif $fitness gte 20 and $fitness lt 40>>
<<addrsarah 6>>
<<elseif $fitness gte 40>>
<<addrsarah 9>><</if>>
<<addenergy -10>>
<<addhygene -5>>
<<set $time to $time +1>><div class="general">You enter the bedroom and see Sarah sitting there with a troubled look on her face.</div>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Hi honey.<</speech>>
<<speech "Sarah" "Sarah">>Hi.<</speech>>
<div class="general">She looks down onto the ground.</div>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Are you ok?<</speech>>
<<speech "Sarah" "Sarah">>No, not really. Sit down, we need to talk.<</speech>>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Oh boy->cheatevent1]]</span></div>
<<set $cheatcount to 0>>
<<speech "Sarah" "Sarah">>I did something stupid.<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>What did you do?<</speech>>
<<speech "Sarah" "Sarah">>I sorta cheated on you..<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>You cheated on me?! And what does sorta mean?<</speech>>
<<speech "Sarah" "Sarah">>I did cheat on you yes, but.. It was only one blowjob.. Just sit down and I'll tell you everything.<</speech>>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Listen to her->cheatevent2]]</span></div>
<<speech "Sarah" "Sarah">>So it all started this morning, I woke up so fucking horny. I.. I didn't know what was happening, I.. It was crazy, I haven't felt anything like it before. I just wanted sex and suck dick and...<</speech>>
<div class="general">She goes silent.</div>
<<speech "Sarah" "Sarah">>I know how it sounds, it was just a crazy feeling and well.. You where already gone.<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Are you blaming me?<</speech>>
<<speech "Sarah" "Sarah">>No, no, that's not what I'm saying.. I think.. Anyway, I all started when I cought one of my students smoking.<</speech>>
<video src="images/sarah/events/cheatevent/cheatevent2a.webm" autoplay loop ></video>
<<speech "Sarah" "Sarah">>So naturally I had to give him detention. So I took him to my classroom and well there it went well.. Wrong.<</speech>>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Let her continue->cheatevent3]]</span></div>
<<speech "random" "student">>Why am I even here, smoking is not illegal.<</speech>>
<<speech "Sarah" "Sarah">>No but smoling on school property is.<</speech>>
<<speech "random" "student">>That's bullshit.<</speech>>
<<speech "Sarah" "Sarah">>Watch your language mister!<</speech>>
<<speech "random" "student">>Alright alright I'm sorry. Can I go now?<</speech>>
<<speech "Sarah" "Sarah">>No! You have detention, you can not just go now.<</speech>>
<<speech "random" "student">>Fuck me! How long do I have to stay?<</speech>>
<<speech "Sarah" "Sarah">>Language! Now you can stay as long as I'm here and that will be at least two more hours.<</speech>>
<<speech "random" "student">>Damn. Well could have been worse I guess.<</speech>>
<<speech "Sarah" "Sarah">>What is that supposed to mean?<</speech>>
<div class="talksarah"><span class="playerlink">[[Continue->cheatevent4]]</span></div>
<<speech "random" "student">>Well you are probably the most attractive teacher around here.<</speech>>
<<speech "Sarah" "Sarah">><i>Wait what?</i><</speech>>
<<speech "random" "student">>So yeah, it could be worse.<</speech>>
<<speech "Sarah" "Sarah">>You know you can't flirt your way out of this.<</speech>>
<<speech "random" "student">>Maybe I could offer you something better.<</speech>>
<<speech "Sarah" "Sarah">>What do you mean?<</speech>>
<<speech "random" "student">>His hand moves down his body then you see it.<</speech>>
<video src="images/sarah/events/cheatevent/cheatevent4a.webm" autoplay loop ></video>
<<speech "Sarah" "Sarah">><i>Oh god, he is already hard.</i><</speech>>
<div class="talksarah"><span class="playerlink">[[Continue->cheatevent5]]</span></div>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Who was that exactly?<</speech>>
<<speech "Sarah" "Sarah">>That is Christel, we used to go to uni together, she used to live across the country, but recently she moved back here and, after I gave her the tip, she now works here.<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Alright, sounds fun.<</speech>>
<<speech "Sarah" "Sarah">>It is, even though it has been years, everything feels like it used to be between us. Anyway, I have to get back to work, thanks for coming by and see you at home.<</speech>>
<a data-passage="university"><div class="talkplayer">Let’s do something else</div></a>
<<set $metchristel to "true">>
<<if $fitness gte 0 and $fitness lt 20>>
<<addrsarah 1>>
<<elseif $fitness gte 20 and $fitness lt 40>>
<<addrsarah 3>>
<<elseif $fitness gte 40>>
<<addrsarah 5>><</if>>
<<addenergy -5>>
<<set $time to $time +1>><<nobr>>
<<if $convos gt 5>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>I shouldn’t bother her to much with my conversations.<</speech>><br>
<a data-passage="university"><div class="talkplayer">Let’s do something else</div></a>
<<if $rsarah gte 0 and $rsarah lt 50>>
<<switch random(5)>>
<<case 1>>
<<if $fitness lte 20>>
<<speech "Sarah" "Sarah">>How am I this skinny and you.. You know they have invented gyms right?<</speech>>
<<speech "Sarah" "Sarah">>At least I have my job, something I like.<</speech>><</if>>
<<case 2>>
<<if $fitness lte 20>>
<<speech "Sarah" "Sarah">>Your boobs are bigger than mine, I'm not sure for whom that is more embarrassing.<</speech>>
<<speech "Sarah" "Sarah">>It's really though, taking care of Peter and you.<</speech>><</if>>
<<case 3>>
<<if $fitness lte 20>>
<<speech "Sarah" "Sarah">>Can you even still see your dick if you look down?<</speech>>
<<speech "Sarah" "Sarah">>Sometimes I doubt if I made the right descission about us and Peter.<</speech>><</if>>
<<case 4>>
<<speech "Sarah" "Sarah">>It's really though, taking care of Peter and you.<</speech>>
<<case 5>>
<<speech "Sarah" "Sarah">>Couldn't you work a bit harder around here?<</speech>>
<<speech "Sarah" "Sarah">>I hope you'll start soon with showing me how much you actually love me.<</speech>>
<br><a data-passage="university"><div class="talkplayer">Let’s do something else</div></a>
<<addenergy -5>>
<<addhappiness 1>>
<<if $fitness gte 0 and $fitness lt 20>>
<<addrsarah 1>>
<<elseif $fitness gte 20 and $fitness lt 40>>
<<addrsarah 2>>
<<elseif $fitness gte 40>>
<<addrsarah 3>><</if>>
<<set $convos to $convos +1>>
<<set $time to $time +1>>
<<elseif $rsarah gte 50 and $rsarah lt 100>>
<<switch random(5)>>
<<case 1>>
<<if $fitness lte 20>>
<<speech "Sarah" "Sarah">>How am I this skinny and you.. You know they have invented gyms right?<</speech>>
<<speech "Sarah" "Sarah">>Can you take care of yourself some more.<</speech>><</if>>
<<case 2>>
<<if $fitness lte 20>>
<<speech "Sarah" "Sarah">>Your boobs are bigger than mine, I'm not sure for whom that is more embarrassing.<</speech>>
<<speech "Sarah" "Sarah">>I miss the old us, when you at least tried.<</speech>><</if>>
<<case 3>>
<<if $fitness lte 20>>
<<speech "Sarah" "Sarah">>Can you even still see your dick if you look down?<</speech>>
<<speech "Sarah" "Sarah">>I see some improvent, but you can do a lot better.<</speech>><</if>>
<<case 4>>
<<speech "Sarah" "Sarah">>Maybe I should have stayed with Steve.<</speech>>
<<case 5>>
<<speech "Sarah" "Sarah">>At least we have this beautifull house.<</speech>>
<<speech "Sarah" "Sarah">>I'm tired.<</speech>>
<br><a data-passage="university"><div class="talkplayer">Let’s do something else</div></a>
<<addenergy -5>>
<<addhappiness 1>>
<<if $fitness gte 0 and $fitness lt 20>>
<<addrsarah 1>>
<<elseif $fitness gte 20 and $fitness lt 40>>
<<addrsarah 2>>
<<elseif $fitness gte 40>>
<<addrsarah 3>><</if>>
<<set $convos to $convos +1>>
<<set $time to $time +1>>
<<elseif $rsarah gte 100 and $rsarah lt 150>>
<<switch random(5)>>
<<case 1>>
<<if $fitness lte 20>>
<<speech "Sarah" "Sarah">>I mean, your are not fat.. But.. You know.. Ok maybe you are.<</speech>>
<<speech "Sarah" "Sarah">>I see you trying, keep improving.<</speech>><</if>>
<<case 2>>
<<if $fitness lte 20>>
<<speech "Sarah" "Sarah">>Everything bounces when you walk around.<</speech>>
<<speech "Sarah" "Sarah">>See, you can improve!<</speech>><</if>>
<<case 3>>
<<speech "Sarah" "Sarah">>Maybe this wholo nanny thing was a good idea.<</speech>>
<<case 4>>
<<speech "Sarah" "Sarah">>I feel better lately.<</speech>>
<<case 5>>
<<speech "Sarah" "Sarah">>Thank you for trying harder, you are not there yet, but you are on the right track.<</speech>>
<<speech "Sarah" "Sarah">>I really enjoy my job.<</speech>>
<br><a data-passage="university"><div class="talkplayer">Let’s do something else</div></a>
<<addenergy -5>>
<<addhappiness 1>>
<<if $fitness gte 0 and $fitness lt 20>>
<<addrsarah 1>>
<<elseif $fitness gte 20 and $fitness lt 40>>
<<addrsarah 2>>
<<elseif $fitness gte 40>>
<<addrsarah 3>><</if>>
<<set $convos to $convos +1>>
<<set $time to $time +1>>
<<elseif $rsarah gte 150 and $rsarah lt 200>>
<<switch random(5)>>
<<case 1>>
<<if $fitness lte 20>>
<<speech "Sarah" "Sarah">>It’s a bit odd that I can’t see your face when I suck your dick.<</speech>>
<<speech "Sarah" "Sarah">>I do love you, you know.<</speech>><</if>>
<<case 2>>
<<if $fitness lte 20>>
<<speech "Sarah" "Sarah">>I wish I had your size boobs.<</speech>>
<<speech "Sarah" "Sarah">>You look good today.<</speech>><</if>>
<<case 3>>
<<speech "Sarah" "Sarah">>I really enjoy our time together, it feels good.<</speech>>
<<case 4>>
<<speech "Sarah" "Sarah">>Maybe we can have some type of fun tonight.<</speech>>
<<case 5>>
<<speech "Sarah" "Sarah">>I want to feel you all over me.<</speech>>
<<speech "Sarah" "Sarah">>If you join me in the bathroom, I might have a suprise for you.<</speech>>
<br><a data-passage="university"><div class="talkplayer">Let’s do something else</div></a>
<<addenergy -5>>
<<addhappiness 1>>
<<if $fitness gte 0 and $fitness lt 20>>
<<addrsarah 1>>
<<elseif $fitness gte 20 and $fitness lt 40>>
<<addrsarah 2>>
<<elseif $fitness gte 40>>
<<addrsarah 3>><</if>>
<<set $convos to $convos +1>>
<<set $time to $time +1>>
<<elseif $rsarah gte 200>>
<<switch random(5)>>
<<case 1>>
<<if $fitness lte 20>>
<<speech "Sarah" "Sarah">>I love all of you, and if you have looked at yourself in the mirror lately, you know that that is a lot.<</speech>>
<<speech "Sarah" "Sarah">>I want you, deep inside me.<</speech>><</if>>
<<case 2>>
<<if $fitness lte 20>>
<<speech "Sarah" "Sarah">>You understand that missionary is out of the question right? I would be crushed underneath you.<</speech>>
<<speech "Sarah" "Sarah">>We should go and swim naked.<</speech>><</if>>
<<case 3>>
<<speech "Sarah" "Sarah">>I like sushi, but I love Italian.<</speech>>
<<case 4>>
<<if $fitness lte 20>>
<<speech "Sarah" "Sarah">>I love you fatty, I mean $name.<</speech>>
<<speech "Sarah" "Sarah">>It feels really good between us again, it feels like the old us.<</speech>><</if>>
<<case 5>>
<<speech "Sarah" "Sarah">>Why don't we leave Peter with Noelle and go upstairs.<</speech>>
<<speech "Sarah" "Sarah">>I like a romance movies, but comedies are so much better.<</speech>>
<br><a data-passage="university"><div class="talkplayer">Let’s do something else</div></a>
<<addenergy -5>>
<<addhappiness 1>>
<<if $fitness gte 0 and $fitness lt 20>>
<<addrsarah 1>>
<<elseif $fitness gte 20 and $fitness lt 40>>
<<addrsarah 2>>
<<elseif $fitness gte 40>>
<<addrsarah 3>><</if>>
<<set $convos to $convos +1>>
<<set $time to $time +1>>
<</if>><</if>><</nobr>><<nobr>><<if $kisss gte 3>>
<img src="images/player/misc/clingy.jpg" />
<br><<speech "Player" "$name">><i>I shouldn’t become to clingy.</i><</speech>><br>
<a data-passage="university"><div class="talkplayer">Let’s do something else</div></a>
<<elseif $rsarah lt 50>>
<img src="images/sarah/sarahangry.jpg" />
<br><<speech "Sarah" "Sarah">>Not now, please just leave me alone.<</speech>><br>
<a data-passage="university"><div class="talkplayer">Let’s do something else</div></a>
<<elseif $rsarah gte 50>>
<img src="images/sarah/sarahkiss.gif" />
<br><div class="general">You kiss Sarah.</div><br>
<a data-passage="university"><div class="talkplayer">Let’s do something else</div></a>
<<addenergy -5>>
<<addhappiness 3>>
<<if $fitness gte 0 and $fitness lt 20>>
<<addrsarah 1>>
<<elseif $fitness gte 20 and $fitness lt 40>>
<<addrsarah 3>>
<<elseif $fitness gte 40>>
<<addrsarah 5>><</if>>
<<set $kisss to $kisss +1>>
<<set $time to $time +1>>
<</if>><</nobr>><div class="general">You stand in front of the bathroom door, you are pretty sure that Noelle is inside.</div>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Enter->bathmoven160]]</span></div>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Spy on Noelle->bathspyn]]</span></div>
<a data-passage="upstairs"><div class="talkloc">Let’s go somewhere else</div></a>
<div class="general">Noelle seems busy with Peter.</div>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Talk with Noelle->nurserynoelletalk]]</span></div>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Help Noelle with Peter->nurserynoellehelp]]</span></div>
<a data-passage="upstairs"><div class="talkplayer">Let’s do something else</div></a>
<<nobr>><<if $hygene lte 15>>
<img src="images/noelle/noelleangry.jpg" /><br>
<<speech "Noelle" "Noelle">>You smell terrible, go take a shower or something, just get away from me!<</speech>><br>
<a data-passage="entrance"><div class="talkplayer">Let’s do something else</div></a>
<<elseif $energy lt 10 or $happiness lt 20>>
<img src="images/player/misc/mood.jpg" /><br>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>I'm not in the mood for this.<</speech>><br>
<a data-passage="entrance"><div class="talkplayer">Let’s do something else</div></a>
<img src="images/noelle/kitchen/noelle.jpg" /><br>
<div class="general">You enter the kitchen and see Noelle.</div><br>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Talk to Noelle->kittalknoelle]]</span></div><br>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Look at Noelle->kitlooknoelle]]</span></div><br>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Kiss Noelle->kitkissnoelle]]</span></div><br>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Go to Noelle->kitmoven160a1]]</span></div><br>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Take a snack->snack]]</span></div><br>
<a data-passage="entrance"><div class="talkloc">Let’s go somewhere else</div></a>
<</if>><</nobr>><<nobr>><<if $hygene lte 15>>
<img src="images/noelle/noelleangry.jpg" /><br>
<<speech "Noelle" "Noelle">>You smell terrible, go take a shower or something, just get away from me!<</speech>><br>
<a data-passage="garden"><div class="talkplayer">Let’s do something else</div></a>
<<elseif $energy lt 10 or $happiness lt 20>>
<img src="images/player/misc/mood.jpg" /><br>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>I'm not in the mood for this.<</speech>><br>
<a data-passage="garden"><div class="talkplayer">Let’s do something else</div></a>
<img src="images/noelle/garden/noelle.jpg" /><br>
<div class="general">You enter the garden and see Noelle on the terrace.</div><br>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Talk to Noelle->terracetalknoelle]]</span></div><br>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Look at Noelle->terracelooknoelle]]</span></div><br>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Kiss Noelle->terracekissnoelle]]</span></div><br>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Go to Noelle->garmoven90a1]]</span></div><br>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Read a book->readbookgar]]</span></div><br>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Take a nap->garsleep]]</span></div><br>
<a data-passage="garden"><div class="talkloc">Let’s go somewhere else</div></a>
<</if>><</nobr>><<nobr>><<if $hygene lte 15>>
<img src="images/noelle/noelleangry.jpg" /><br>
<<speech "Noelle" "Noelle">>You smell terrible, go take a shower or something, just get away from me!<</speech>><br>
<a data-passage="garden"><div class="talkplayer">Let’s do something else</div></a>
<<elseif $energy lt 10 or $happiness lt 20>>
<img src="images/player/misc/mood.jpg" /><br>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>I'm not in the mood for this.<</speech>><br>
<a data-passage="garden"><div class="talkplayer">Let’s do something else</div></a>
<img src="images/noelle/pool/noelle.jpg" /><br>
<<speech "Noelle" "Noelle">>You see Noelle in the pool.<</speech>><br>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Talk to Noelle->pooltalknoelle]]</span></div><br>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Look at Noelle->poollooknoelle]]</span></div><br>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Kiss Noelle->poolkissnoelle]]</span></div><br>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Go to Noelle->poolshoot]]</span></div><br>
<a data-passage="garden"><div class="talkloc">Let’s go somewhere else</div></a>
<</if>><</nobr>><<nobr>><<if $hygene lte 15>>
<img src="images/noelle/noelleangry.jpg" /><br>
<<speech "Noelle" "Noelle">>You smell terrible, go take a shower or something, just get away from me!<</speech>><br>
<a data-passage="entrance"><div class="talkplayer">Let’s do something else</div></a>
<<elseif $energy lt 10 or $happiness lt 20>>
<img src="images/player/misc/mood.jpg" /><br>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>I'm not in the mood for this.<</speech>><br>
<a data-passage="entrance"><div class="talkplayer">Let’s do something else</div></a>
<img src="images/noelle/livingroom/noelle.jpg" /><br>
<div class="general">You enter the livingroom and see Noelle.</div><br>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Talk to Noelle->livtalknoelle]]</span></div><br>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Look at Noelle->livlooknoelle]]</span></div><br>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Kiss Noelle->livkissnoelle]]</span></div><br>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Go to Noelle->livmoven]]</span></div><br>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Read a book->livingrbook]]</span></div><br>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Watch tv->livingrtv]]</span></div><br>
<a data-passage="entrance"><div class="talkloc">Let’s go somewhere else</div></a>
<</if>><</nobr>><div class="general">You stand in front of the guestroom, you are pretty sure Noelle is inside.</div>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Knock on her door->guestnknock]]</span></div>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Just walk in->guestnnoknock]]</span></div>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Spy on Noelle->guestnspy]]</span></div>
<a data-passage="upstairs"><div class="talkloc">Let’s go somewhere else</div></a>
<<nobr>><<if $hygene lte 15>>
<img src="images/noelle/noelleangry.jpg" /><br>
<<speech "Noelle" "Noelle">>You smell terrible, go take a shower or something, just get away from me!<</speech>><br>
<a data-passage="entrance"><div class="talkplayer">Let’s do something else</div></a>
<<if $fitness gte 0 and $fitness lt 20>>
<<addrsarah -15>>
<<elseif $fitness gte 20 and $fitness lt 40>>
<<addrsarah -10>>
<<elseif $fitness gte 40>>
<<addrsarah -5>><</if>>
<div class="general">You see Noelle grabbing some food for herself and Peter.</div><br>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Make lunch for Noelle and Peter->kitnoellekid1]]</span></div><br>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Take a snack->snack]]</span></div><br>
<a data-passage="entrance"><div class="talkloc">Let’s go somewhere else</div></a>
<<if $convon gt 5>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>I shouldn’t bother her to much with my conversations.<</speech>><br>
<a data-passage="entrance"><div class="talkplayer">Let’s do something else</div></a>
<<if $rnoelle gte 0 and $rnoelle lt 40>>
<<switch random(5)>>
<<case 1>>
<<speech "Noelle" "Noelle">>I used to be a model back in the day, I enjoyed it so much.<</speech>>
<<case 2>>
<<speech "Noelle" "Noelle">>I really like this job, Peter is such a cute child.<</speech>>
<<case 3>>
<<speech "Noelle" "Noelle">>I love your pool. I want a pool in my yard, if I had a yard.<</speech>>
<<case 4>>
<<speech "Noelle" "Noelle">>I'm not sure Sarah really likes me.<</speech>>
<<case 5>>
<<speech "Noelle" "Noelle">>I used to study to become a nurse once.<</speech>>
<<speech "Noelle" "Noelle">>I want to thank you for this oppertunity.<</speech>>
<br><a data-passage="entrance"><div class="talkplayer">Let’s do something else</div></a>
<<if $fitness gte 0 and $fitness lt 15>>
<<addrnoelle 1>>
<<elseif $fitness gte 15 and $fitness lt 30>>
<<addrnoelle 2>>
<<elseif $fitness gte 30>>
<<addrnoelle 3>><</if>>
<<addenergy -5>>
<<addhappiness 1>>
<<set $time to $time +1>>
<<set $convon to $convon +1>>
<<elseif $rnoelle gte 40 and $rnoelle lt 80>>
<<switch random(5)>>
<<case 1>>
<<speech "Noelle" "Noelle">>You are so good to me.<</speech>>
<<case 2>>
<<speech "Noelle" "Noelle">>I really like your style.<</speech>>
<<case 3>>
<<speech "Noelle" "Noelle">>I really enjoyed your last collumn.<</speech>>
<<case 4>>
<<speech "Noelle" "Noelle">>I have had only 2 boyfriends in the past.<</speech>>
<<case 5>>
<<speech "Noelle" "Noelle">>I used to live in a very crappy apartment.<</speech>>
<<speech "Noelle" "Noelle">>I should do a shoot again, if I only had a camera.<</speech>>
<br><a data-passage="entrance"><div class="talkplayer">Let’s do something else</div></a>
<<if $fitness gte 0 and $fitness lt 15>>
<<addrnoelle 1>>
<<elseif $fitness gte 15 and $fitness lt 30>>
<<addrnoelle 2>>
<<elseif $fitness gte 30>>
<<addrnoelle 3>><</if>>
<<addenergy -5>>
<<addhappiness 1>>
<<set $time to $time +1>>
<<set $convon to $convon +1>>
<<elseif $rnoelle gte 80 and $rnoelle lt 120>>
<<switch random(5)>>
<<case 1>>
<<speech "Noelle" "Noelle">>You are so good to me.<</speech>>
<<case 2>>
<<speech "Noelle" "Noelle">>I really like your style.<</speech>>
<<case 3>>
<<speech "Noelle" "Noelle">>I really enjoyed your last collumn.<</speech>>
<<case 4>>
<<speech "Noelle" "Noelle">>I have had only 2 boyfriends in the past.<</speech>>
<<case 5>>
<<speech "Noelle" "Noelle">>I used to live in a very crappy apartment.<</speech>>
<<speech "Noelle" "Noelle">>You look good today.<</speech>>
<br><a data-passage="entrance"><div class="talkplayer">Let’s do something else</div></a>
<<if $fitness gte 0 and $fitness lt 15>>
<<addrnoelle 1>>
<<elseif $fitness gte 15 and $fitness lt 30>>
<<addrnoelle 2>>
<<elseif $fitness gte 30>>
<<addrnoelle 3>><</if>>
<<addenergy -5>>
<<addhappiness 1>>
<<set $time to $time +1>>
<<set $convon to $convon +1>>
<<elseif $rnoelle gte 120 and $rnoelle lt 160>>
<<switch random(5)>>
<<case 1>>
<<speech "Noelle" "Noelle">>I just love to be naked.<</speech>>
<<case 2>>
<<speech "Noelle" "Noelle">>I once flashed a guy in the park.<</speech>>
<<case 3>>
<<speech "Noelle" "Noelle">>I had a wet deam about you recently.<</speech>>
<<case 4>>
<<speech "Noelle" "Noelle">>I have had sex with 5 different men.<</speech>>
<<case 5>>
<<speech "Noelle" "Noelle">>I like it when masturbate for me.<</speech>>
<<speech "Noelle" "Noelle">>I masturbate a couple times per week.<</speech>>
<br><a data-passage="entrance"><div class="talkplayer">Let’s do something else</div></a>
<<if $fitness gte 0 and $fitness lt 15>>
<<addrnoelle 1>>
<<elseif $fitness gte 15 and $fitness lt 30>>
<<addrnoelle 2>>
<<elseif $fitness gte 30>>
<<addrnoelle 3>><</if>>
<<addenergy -5>>
<<addhappiness 1>>
<<set $time to $time +1>>
<<set $convon to $convon +1>>
<<elseif $rnoelle gte 160 and $rnoelle lt 201>>
<<switch random(5)>>
<<case 1>>
<<speech "Noelle" "Noelle">>In my wet deam about us, you really fucked me good.<</speech>>
<<case 2>>
<<speech "Noelle" "Noelle">>I used to jerk off my landlord so I didn't have to pay rent.<</speech>>
<<case 3>>
<<speech "Noelle" "Noelle">>I would love to feel your hands allover me.<</speech>>
<<case 4>>
<<speech "Noelle" "Noelle">>I once had sex in front of 5 men, I just fucked one of them though.<</speech>>
<<case 5>>
<<speech "Noelle" "Noelle">>I only had a threesome once.<</speech>>
<<speech "Noelle" "Noelle">>I have had sex for money.<</speech>>
<br><a data-passage="entrance"><div class="talkplayer">Let’s do something else</div></a>
<<if $fitness gte 0 and $fitness lt 15>>
<<addrnoelle 1>>
<<elseif $fitness gte 15 and $fitness lt 30>>
<<addrnoelle 2>>
<<elseif $fitness gte 30>>
<<addrnoelle 3>><</if>>
<<addenergy -5>>
<<addhappiness 1>>
<<set $time to $time +1>>
<<set $convon to $convon +1>>
<</if>><</if>><</nobr>><<nobr>><<if $rnoelle lt 40>>
<div class="general">You look at Noelle, but she doesn't notice.</div><br>
<a data-passage="entrance"><div class="talkplayer">Let’s do something else</div></a>
<img src="images/noelle/noelle1.gif" /><br>
<div class="general">You look at Noelle. She notices and teases you.</div><br>
<a data-passage="entrance"><div class="talkplayer">Let’s do something else</div></a>
<<if $fitness gte 0 and $fitness lt 15>>
<<addrnoelle 1>>
<<elseif $fitness gte 15 and $fitness lt 30>>
<<addrnoelle 2>>
<<elseif $fitness gte 30>>
<<addrnoelle 3>><</if>>
<<addhappiness 2>>
<<set $time to $time +1>>
<<addfaithfulness -1>>
<</if>><</nobr>><<nobr>><<if $kissn gte 3>>
<img src="images/player/misc/clingy.jpg" />
<br><<speech "Player" "$name">><i>I shouldn’t become to clingy.</i><</speech>><br>
<a data-passage="entrance"><div class="talkplayer">Let’s do something else</div></a>
<<elseif $firstkiss is "false">>
<img src="images/noelle/noelleangry.jpg" />
<br><<speech "Noelle" "Noelle">>What are you..? Get out of here!<</speech>><br>
<<speech "Player" "$name">><i>Even though we are doing great together, it seems that I have to do more if I want to kiss her.</i><</speech>><br>
<a data-passage="entrance"><div class="talkplayer">Let’s do something else</div></a>
<<if $fitness gte 0 and $fitness lt 15>>
<<addrnoelle -5>>
<<elseif $fitness gte 15 and $fitness lt 30>>
<<addrnoelle -3>>
<<elseif $fitness gte 30>>
<<addrnoelle -1>><</if>>
<<addhappiness -5>>
<<addenergy -5>>
<<set $time to $time +1>>
<<elseif $rnoelle gte 120>>
<img src="images/noelle/noellekiss.jpg" />
<br><div class="general">You kiss Noelle.</div><br>
<a data-passage="entrance"><div class="talkplayer">Let’s do something else</div></a>
<<if $fitness gte 0 and $fitness lt 15>>
<<addrnoelle 1>>
<<elseif $fitness gte 15 and $fitness lt 30>>
<<addrnoelle 2>>
<<elseif $fitness gte 30>>
<<addrnoelle 3>><</if>>
<<addhappiness 5>>
<<addenergy -5>>
<<set $time to $time +1>>
<<addfaithfulness -3>>
<<if $fitness gte 0 and $fitness lt 25 and $arousal lt 35 or $fitness gte 25 and $fitness lt 40 and $arousal lt 30 or $fitness gte 40 and $arousal lt 25>>
<img src="images/player/misc/mood.jpg" /><br>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>I'm not in the mood for this.<</speech>><br>
<a data-passage="entrance"><div class="talkplayer">Let’s do something else</div></a>
<<if $firstkiss is "true" and $rnoelle gte 120>><br>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>You watch Noelle walk through the livingroom and you can't help yourself.<</speech>><br>
<video src="images/noelle/livingroom/livmoven120/livmoven120a1a.webm" autoplay loop ></video><br><br>
<div class="general">Suddenly she turns around.</div><br>
<<speech "Noelle" "Noelle">>I know you are watching.<</speech>><br>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>I'm not hiding it.<</speech>><br>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Continue->livmoven120a2]]</span></div>
<<elseif $firsttime is "true" and $rnoelle gte 90>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Hi beautiful.<</speech>><br>
<<speech "Noelle" "Noelle">>Hi $name, what are you up to today?<</speech>><br>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Well, I was hoping for another show.<</speech>><br>
<<speech "Noelle" "Noelle">>Is that so?<</speech>><br>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Continue->livmoven90a1]]</span></div>
<img src="images/noelle/noelleangry.jpg" />
<br><<speech "Noelle" "Noelle">>What are you..? Get out of here!<</speech>><br>
<<speech "Player" "$name">><i>Even though we are doing great together, it seems that I have to do more if I want to kiss her.</i><</speech>><br><a data-passage="entrance"><div class="talkplayer">Let’s do something else</div></a>
<<if $fitness gte 0 and $fitness lt 15>>
<<addrnoelle -5>>
<<elseif $fitness gte 15 and $fitness lt 30>>
<<addrnoelle -3>>
<<elseif $fitness gte 30>>
<<addrnoelle -1>><</if>>
<<speech "Noelle" "Noelle">>Is this what you are looking for?<</speech>>
<div class="general">Noelle gets up and starts taking of her shirt.</div>
<video src="images/noelle/livingroom/livmoven90/livmoven90a1a.webm" autoplay loop ></video>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>It's definitely a good start.<</speech>>
<<speech "Noelle" "Noelle">>Getting greedy?<</speech>>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Continue->livmoven90a2]]</span></div>
<<speech "Noelle" "Noelle">>I know something else you like.<</speech>>
<div class="general">She starts lifting her top.</div>
<video src="images/noelle/livingroom/livmoven120/livmoven120a2a.webm" autoplay loop ></video>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>You are so hot.<</speech>>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Continue->livmoven120a3]]</span></div>
<<if $convon gt 5>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>I shouldn’t bother her to much with my conversations.<</speech>><br>
<a data-passage="entrance"><div class="talkplayer">Let’s do something else</div></a>
<<if $rnoelle gte 0 and $rnoelle lt 40>>
<<switch random(5)>>
<<case 1>>
<<speech "Noelle" "Noelle">>I used to be a model back in the day, I enjoyed it so much.<</speech>>
<<case 2>>
<<speech "Noelle" "Noelle">>I really like this job, Peter is such a cute child.<</speech>>
<<case 3>>
<<speech "Noelle" "Noelle">>I love your pool. I want a pool in my yard, if I had a yard.<</speech>>
<<case 4>>
<<speech "Noelle" "Noelle">>I'm not sure Sarah really likes me.<</speech>>
<<case 5>>
<<speech "Noelle" "Noelle">>I used to study to become a nurse once.<</speech>>
<<speech "Noelle" "Noelle">>I want to thank you for this oppertunity.<</speech>>
<br><a data-passage="entrance"><div class="talkplayer">Let’s do something else</div></a>
<<if $fitness gte 0 and $fitness lt 15>>
<<addrnoelle 1>>
<<elseif $fitness gte 15 and $fitness lt 30>>
<<addrnoelle 2>>
<<elseif $fitness gte 30>>
<<addrnoelle 3>><</if>>
<<addenergy -5>>
<<addhappiness 1>>
<<set $time to $time +1>>
<<set $convon to $convon +1>>
<<elseif $rnoelle gte 40 and $rnoelle lt 80>>
<<switch random(5)>>
<<case 1>>
<<speech "Noelle" "Noelle">>You are so good to me.<</speech>>
<<case 2>>
<<speech "Noelle" "Noelle">>I really like your style.<</speech>>
<<case 3>>
<<speech "Noelle" "Noelle">>I really enjoyed your last collumn.<</speech>>
<<case 4>>
<<speech "Noelle" "Noelle">>I have had only 2 boyfriends in the past.<</speech>>
<<case 5>>
<<speech "Noelle" "Noelle">>I used to live in a very crappy apartment.<</speech>>
<<speech "Noelle" "Noelle">>I should do a shoot again, if I only had a camera.<</speech>>
<br><a data-passage="entrance"><div class="talkplayer">Let’s do something else</div></a>
<<if $fitness gte 0 and $fitness lt 15>>
<<addrnoelle 1>>
<<elseif $fitness gte 15 and $fitness lt 30>>
<<addrnoelle 2>>
<<elseif $fitness gte 30>>
<<addrnoelle 3>><</if>>
<<addenergy -5>>
<<addhappiness 1>>
<<set $time to $time +1>>
<<set $convon to $convon +1>>
<<elseif $rnoelle gte 80 and $rnoelle lt 120>>
<<switch random(5)>>
<<case 1>>
<<speech "Noelle" "Noelle">>You are so good to me.<</speech>>
<<case 2>>
<<speech "Noelle" "Noelle">>I really like your style.<</speech>>
<<case 3>>
<<speech "Noelle" "Noelle">>I really enjoyed your last collumn.<</speech>>
<<case 4>>
<<speech "Noelle" "Noelle">>I have had only 2 boyfriends in the past.<</speech>>
<<case 5>>
<<speech "Noelle" "Noelle">>I used to live in a very crappy apartment.<</speech>>
<<speech "Noelle" "Noelle">>You look good today.<</speech>>
<br><a data-passage="entrance"><div class="talkplayer">Let’s do something else</div></a>
<<if $fitness gte 0 and $fitness lt 15>>
<<addrnoelle 1>>
<<elseif $fitness gte 15 and $fitness lt 30>>
<<addrnoelle 2>>
<<elseif $fitness gte 30>>
<<addrnoelle 3>><</if>>
<<addenergy -5>>
<<addhappiness 1>>
<<set $time to $time +1>>
<<set $convon to $convon +1>>
<<elseif $rnoelle gte 120 and $rnoelle lt 160>>
<<switch random(5)>>
<<case 1>>
<<speech "Noelle" "Noelle">>I just love to be naked.<</speech>>
<<case 2>>
<<speech "Noelle" "Noelle">>I once flashed a guy in the park.<</speech>>
<<case 3>>
<<speech "Noelle" "Noelle">>I had a wet deam about you recently.<</speech>>
<<case 4>>
<<speech "Noelle" "Noelle">>I have had sex with 5 different men.<</speech>>
<<case 5>>
<<speech "Noelle" "Noelle">>I sometimes go only to watch men masturbate for me.<</speech>>
<<speech "Noelle" "Noelle">>I masturbate a couple times per week.<</speech>>
<br><a data-passage="entrance"><div class="talkplayer">Let’s do something else</div></a>
<<if $fitness gte 0 and $fitness lt 15>>
<<addrnoelle 1>>
<<elseif $fitness gte 15 and $fitness lt 30>>
<<addrnoelle 2>>
<<elseif $fitness gte 30>>
<<addrnoelle 3>><</if>>
<<addenergy -5>>
<<addhappiness 1>>
<<set $time to $time +1>>
<<set $convon to $convon +1>>
<<elseif $rnoelle gte 160 and $rnoelle lt 201>>
<<switch random(5)>>
<<case 1>>
<<speech "Noelle" "Noelle">>In my wet deam about us, you really fucked me good.<</speech>>
<<case 2>>
<<speech "Noelle" "Noelle">>I used to jerk off my landlord so I didn't have to pay rent.<</speech>>
<<case 3>>
<<speech "Noelle" "Noelle">>I would love to feel your hands allover me.<</speech>>
<<case 4>>
<<speech "Noelle" "Noelle">>I once had sex in front of 5 men, I just fucked one of them though.<</speech>>
<<case 5>>
<<speech "Noelle" "Noelle">>I only had a threesome once.<</speech>>
<<speech "Noelle" "Noelle">>I have had sex for money.<</speech>>
<br><a data-passage="entrance"><div class="talkplayer">Let’s do something else</div></a>
<<if $fitness gte 0 and $fitness lt 15>>
<<addrnoelle 1>>
<<elseif $fitness gte 15 and $fitness lt 30>>
<<addrnoelle 2>>
<<elseif $fitness gte 30>>
<<addrnoelle 3>><</if>>
<<addenergy -5>>
<<addhappiness 1>>
<<set $time to $time +1>>
<<set $convon to $convon +1>>
<</if>><</if>><</nobr>><<nobr>><<if $rnoelle lt 40>>
<div class="general">You look at Noelle, but she doesn't notice.</div><br>
<a data-passage="entrance"><div class="talkplayer">Let’s do something else</div></a>
<img src="images/noelle/noelle1.gif" /><br>
<div class="general">You look at Noelle. She notices and teases you.</div><br>
<a data-passage="entrance"><div class="talkplayer">Let’s do something else</div></a>
<<if $fitness gte 0 and $fitness lt 15>>
<<addrnoelle 1>>
<<elseif $fitness gte 15 and $fitness lt 30>>
<<addrnoelle 2>>
<<elseif $fitness gte 30>>
<<addrnoelle 3>><</if>>
<<addhappiness 2>>
<<set $time to $time +1>>
<<addfaithfulness -1>>
<</if>><</nobr>><<nobr>><<if $kissn gte 3>>
<img src="images/player/misc/clingy.jpg" />
<br><<speech "Player" "$name">><i>I shouldn’t become to clingy.</i><</speech>><br>
<a data-passage="entrance"><div class="talkplayer">Let’s do something else</div></a>
<<elseif $firstkiss is "false">>
<img src="images/noelle/noelleangry.jpg" />
<br><<speech "Noelle" "Noelle">>What are you..? Get out of here!<</speech>><br>
<<speech "Player" "$name">><i>Even though we are doing great together, it seems that I have to do more if I want to kiss her.</i><</speech>><br>
<a data-passage="entrance"><div class="talkplayer">Let’s do something else</div></a>
<<if $fitness gte 0 and $fitness lt 15>>
<<addrnoelle -5>>
<<elseif $fitness gte 15 and $fitness lt 30>>
<<addrnoelle -3>>
<<elseif $fitness gte 30>>
<<addrnoelle -1>><</if>>
<<addhappiness -5>>
<<addenergy -5>>
<<set $time to $time +1>>
<<elseif $rnoelle gte 120>>
<img src="images/noelle/noellekiss.jpg" />
<br><div class="general">You kiss Noelle.</div><br>
<a data-passage="entrance"><div class="talkplayer">Let’s do something else</div></a>
<<if $fitness gte 0 and $fitness lt 15>>
<<addrnoelle 1>>
<<elseif $fitness gte 15 and $fitness lt 30>>
<<addrnoelle 2>>
<<elseif $fitness gte 30>>
<<addrnoelle 3>><</if>>
<<addhappiness 5>>
<<addenergy -5>>
<<set $time to $time +1>>
<<addfaithfulness -3>>
<<if $fitness gte 0 and $fitness lt 25 and $arousal lt 35 or $fitness gte 25 and $fitness lt 40 and $arousal lt 30 or $fitness gte 40 and $arousal lt 25>>
<img src="images/player/misc/mood.jpg" /><br>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>I'm not in the mood for this.<</speech>><br>
<a data-passage="entrance"><div class="talkplayer">Let’s do something else</div></a>
<<elseif $firstfuck is "true" and $rnoelle gte 160>>
<<speech "Noelle" "Noelle">>Hey $name.<</speech>><br>
<div class="general">You walk towards her.</div><br>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Hey babe.<</speech>><br>
<div class="general">You start kissing her passionately.</div><br>
<video src="images/noelle/kitchen/kitmoven160/kitmoves160a1a.webm" autoplay loop ></video><br><br>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Continue->kitmoven160a2]]</span></div>
<img src="images/noelle/noelleangry.jpg" />
<br><<speech "Noelle" "Noelle">>What are you..? No! Get out of here.<</speech>><br>
<<speech "Player" "$name">><i>My relationship with Noelle is not high enough for this</i><</speech>><br>
<a data-passage="entrance"><div class="talkplayer">Let’s do something else</div></a>
<<if $fitness gte 0 and $fitness lt 15>>
<<addrnoelle -5>>
<<elseif $fitness gte 15 and $fitness lt 30>>
<<addrnoelle -3>>
<<elseif $fitness gte 30>>
<<addrnoelle -1>><</if>>
<<if $energy lt 20 or $happiness lt 20>>
<img src="images/player/misc/mood.jpg" /><br>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>I'm not in the mood for this.<</speech>><br>
<a data-passage="entrance"><div class="talkplayer">Let’s do something else</div></a>
<<nobr>><<switch random(4)>>
<<case 1>>
<img src="images/player/kitchen/dinner/makingdinner1.jpg" />
<<case 2>>
<img src="images/player/kitchen/dinner/makingdinner2.jpg" />
<<case 3>>
<img src="images/player/kitchen/dinner/makingdinner3.jpg" />
<<case 4>>
<img src="images/player/kitchen/dinner/makingdinner4.jpg" />
<div class="general">You make lunch for Noelle and Peter, which is appreciated.</div><br>
<a data-passage="entrance"><div class="talkplayer">Finish lunch</div></a>
<<addenergy 50>>
<<set $time to $time +1>>
<<addhygene -10>>
<<if $fitness gte 0 and $fitness lt 15>>
<<addrnoelle 2>>
<<elseif $fitness gte 15 and $fitness lt 30>>
<<addrnoelle 4>>
<<elseif $fitness gte 30>>
<<addrnoelle 6>><</if>>
<<if $fitness gte 0 and $fitness lt 25 and $arousal lt 35 or $fitness gte 25 and $fitness lt 40 and $arousal lt 30 or $fitness gte 40 and $arousal lt 25>>
<img src="images/player/misc/mood.jpg" /><br>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>I'm not in the mood for this.<</speech>><br>
<a data-passage="upstairs"><div class="talkplayer">Let’s do something else</div></a>
<<elseif $hygene lte 15>>
<img src="images/noelle/noelleangry.jpg" /><br>
<<speech "Noelle" "Noelle">>You smell terrible, go take a shower or something, just get away from me!<</speech>><br>
<a data-passage="upstairs"><div class="talkplayer">Let’s do something else</div></a>
<<elseif $energy lt 10 or $happiness lt 20>>
<img src="images/player/misc/mood.jpg" /><br>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>I'm not in the mood for this.<</speech>><br>
<a data-passage="upstairs"><div class="talkplayer">Let’s do something else</div></a>
<<elseif $firstfuck is "true" and $rnoelle gte 160>>
<div class="general">You enter the bathroom where Noelle is getting ready for the day.</div><br>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Hi beautiful.<</speech>><br>
<<speech "Noelle" "Noelle">>Hi $name.<</speech>><br>
<div class="general">You look at each other for a while before you start kissing each other passionately.</div><br>
<video src="images/noelle/bathroom/bathmoven160/bathmoven1a.webm" autoplay loop ></video><br><br>
<<speech "Noelle" "Noelle">>Hmmmmm.<</speech>><br>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Continue->bathmoven160a2]]</span></div>
<img src="images/noelle/bathroom/bathspy/bathspyend.jpg" /><br>
<<speech "Noelle" "Noelle">>What the fuck? Is that you $name? Get out of here.<</speech>><br>
<div class="general">She throws a shampoo bottle towards you which you just managed to dodge.</div><br>
<a data-passage="upstairs"><div class="talkplayer">Let’s do something else</div></a>
<<nobr>><<switch random(1, 5)>>
<<case 1>>
<div class="general">Unfortunately the door is locked.</div><br>
<a data-passage="upstairs"><div class="talkplayer">Let’s do something else</div></a>
<<set $time to $time +1>>
<<case 2 3 4 5>>
<div class="general">You manage to slowly open the door and peek inside.</div><br>
<video src="images/noelle/bathroom/bathspy/bathspy1a.webm" autoplay loop ></video><br><br>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Damn, she is so hot.<</speech>><br>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Leave->upstairs]]</span></div><br>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Continue->bathspyn2]]</span></div>
<<set $time to $time +1>>
<<speech "Noelle" "Noelle">>$name, can't you see I'm busy.. Just get out.<</speech>>
<a data-passage="upstairs"><div class="talkplayer">Let’s do something else</div></a>
<<if $fitness gte 0 and $fitness lt 15>>
<<addrnoelle -3>>
<<elseif $fitness gte 15 and $fitness lt 30>>
<<addrnoelle -2>>
<<elseif $fitness gte 30>>
<<addrnoelle -1>><</if>>
<<set $time to $time +1>><<speech "Player" "$name">>Do you want some help?<</speech>>
<<speech "Noelle" "Noelle">>Actually, I really could use some help.<</speech>>
<div class="general">You help Noelle with Peter.</div>
<a data-passage="upstairs"><div class="talkplayer">Let’s do something else</div></a>
<<if $fitness gte 0 and $fitness lt 15>>
<<addrnoelle 2>>
<<elseif $fitness gte 15 and $fitness lt 30>>
<<addrnoelle 4>>
<<elseif $fitness gte 30>>
<<addrnoelle 6>><</if>>
<<addenergy -10>>
<<addhappiness -5>>
<<addhygene -10>>
<<set $time to $time +1>>
<<addfaithfulness 2>><div class="general">You knock on her door.</div>
<<speech "Noelle" "Noelle">>Who's there?<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>It's $name, can I come in?<</speech>>
<<if $rnoelle lt 60>>
<<speech "Noelle" "Noelle">>Eeehm, no, sorry, I'm uuuhm, getting dressed.<</speech>><br>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Oh, alright then.<</speech>><br>
<a data-passage="upstairs"><div class="talkplayer">Let’s do something else</div></a>
<<elseif $rnoelle gte 60>>
<<speech "Noelle" "Noelle">>Sure, come in.<</speech>><br>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Enter her room->guestnoelle1]]</span></div>
<div class="general">You op the door and walk in.</div>
<<if $rnoelle lt 80>>
<<switch random(1, 5)>>
<<case 1 2 3 4>>
<img src="images/noelle/guestroom/noelleangry.jpg" /><br>
<<speech "Noelle" "Noelle">>What the fuck $name! You can't just walk in whenever you want. Get out!<</speech>><br>
<a data-passage="upstairs"><div class="talkplayer">Let’s do something else</div></a>
<<if $fitness gte 0 and $fitness lt 15>>
<<addrnoelle -5>>
<<elseif $fitness gte 15 and $fitness lt 30>>
<<addrnoelle -3>>
<<elseif $fitness gte 30>>
<<addrnoelle -1>><</if>>
<<set $time to $time +1>>
<<case 5>>
<img src="images/noelle/guestroom/noellenoknock.jpg" /><br>
<<speech "Noelle" "Noelle">>What the fuck $name! You can't just walk in whenever you want. Get out!<</speech>><br>
<a data-passage="upstairs"><div class="talkplayer">Let’s do something else</div></a>
<<if $fitness gte 0 and $fitness lt 15>>
<<addrnoelle -5>>
<<elseif $fitness gte 15 and $fitness lt 30>>
<<addrnoelle -3>>
<<elseif $fitness gte 30>>
<<addrnoelle -1>><</if>>
<<set $time to $time +1>>
<<elseif $rnoelle gte 80>>
<<if $hygene lte 15>>
<img src="images/noelle/noelleangry.jpg" /><br>
<<speech "Noelle" "Noelle">>You smell terrible, go take a shower or something, just get away from me!<</speech>><br>
<a data-passage="upstairs"><div class="talkplayer">Let’s do something else</div></a>
<<elseif $energy lt 10 or $happiness lt 20>>
<img src="images/player/misc/mood.jpg" /><br>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>I'm not in the mood for this.<</speech>><br>
<a data-passage="upstairs"><div class="talkplayer">Let’s do something else</div></a>
<img src="images/noelle/guestroom/noelle.jpg" /><br>
<<speech "Noelle" "Noelle">>Hi $name, what brings you to my room?<</speech>><br>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Talk to Noelle->guesttalknoelle]]</span></div><br>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Kiss Noelle->guestkissnoelle]]</span></div><br>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Go to Noelle->guestmoven]]</span></div><br>
<a data-passage="upstairs"><div class="talkloc">Let’s go somewhere else</div></a>
<div class="general">You see that the door isn't completely closed and you push it open a little bit.</div>
<img src="images/noelle/guestroom/noellespy1.gif" />
<<speech "Player" "$name">><i>Nice, jackpot!</i><</speech>>
<div class="general">Suddenly she closes the door. You are not sure if she saw you or not.</div>
<a data-passage="upstairs"><div class="talkplayer">Let’s do something else</div></a>
<<addhappiness 5>>
<<addenergy -5>>
<<set $time to $time +1>>
<<addfaithfulness -1>>
<<addarousal 10>>
<<if $hygene lte 15>>
<img src="images/noelle/noelleangry.jpg" /><br>
<<speech "Noelle" "Noelle">>You smell terrible, go take a shower or something, just get away from me!<</speech>><br>
<a data-passage="upstairs"><div class="talkplayer">Let’s do something else</div></a>
<<elseif $energy lt 10 or $happiness lt 20>>
<img src="images/player/misc/mood.jpg" /><br>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>I'm not in the mood for this.<</speech>><br>
<a data-passage="upstairs"><div class="talkplayer">Let’s do something else</div></a>
<img src="images/noelle/guestroom/noelle.jpg" /><br>
<<speech "Noelle" "Noelle">>Hi $name, what brings you to my room?<</speech>><br>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Talk to Noelle->guesttalknoelle]]</span></div><br>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Kiss Noelle->guestkissnoelle]]</span></div><br>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Go to Noelle->guestmoven]]</span></div><br>
<a data-passage="upstairs"><div class="talkloc">Let’s go somewhere else</div></a>
<<if $convon gt 5>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>I shouldn’t bother her to much with my conversations.<</speech>><br>
<a data-passage="upstairs"><div class="talkplayer">Let’s do something else</div></a>
<<if $rnoelle gte 0 and $rnoelle lt 40>>
<<switch random(5)>>
<<case 1>>
<<speech "Noelle" "Noelle">>I used to be a model back in the day, I enjoyed it so much.<</speech>>
<<case 2>>
<<speech "Noelle" "Noelle">>I really like this job, Peter is such a cute child.<</speech>>
<<case 3>>
<<speech "Noelle" "Noelle">>I love your pool. I want a pool in my yard, if I had a yard.<</speech>>
<<case 4>>
<<speech "Noelle" "Noelle">>I'm not sure Sarah really likes me.<</speech>>
<<case 5>>
<<speech "Noelle" "Noelle">>I used to study to become a nurse once.<</speech>>
<<speech "Noelle" "Noelle">>I want to thank you for this oppertunity.<</speech>>
<br><a data-passage="upstairs"><div class="talkplayer">Let’s do something else</div></a>
<<if $fitness gte 0 and $fitness lt 15>>
<<addrnoelle 1>>
<<elseif $fitness gte 15 and $fitness lt 30>>
<<addrnoelle 2>>
<<elseif $fitness gte 30>>
<<addrnoelle 3>><</if>>
<<addenergy -5>>
<<addhappiness 1>>
<<set $time to $time +1>>
<<set $convon to $convon +1>>
<<elseif $rnoelle gte 40 and $rnoelle lt 80>>
<<switch random(5)>>
<<case 1>>
<<speech "Noelle" "Noelle">>You are so good to me.<</speech>>
<<case 2>>
<<speech "Noelle" "Noelle">>I really like your style.<</speech>>
<<case 3>>
<<speech "Noelle" "Noelle">>I really enjoyed your last collumn.<</speech>>
<<case 4>>
<<speech "Noelle" "Noelle">>I have had only 2 boyfriends in the past.<</speech>>
<<case 5>>
<<speech "Noelle" "Noelle">>I used to live in a very crappy apartment.<</speech>>
<<speech "Noelle" "Noelle">>I should do a shoot again, if I only had a camera.<</speech>>
<br><a data-passage="upstairs"><div class="talkplayer">Let’s do something else</div></a>
<<if $fitness gte 0 and $fitness lt 15>>
<<addrnoelle 1>>
<<elseif $fitness gte 15 and $fitness lt 30>>
<<addrnoelle 2>>
<<elseif $fitness gte 30>>
<<addrnoelle 3>><</if>>
<<addenergy -5>>
<<addhappiness 1>>
<<set $time to $time +1>>
<<set $convon to $convon +1>>
<<elseif $rnoelle gte 80 and $rnoelle lt 120>>
<<switch random(5)>>
<<case 1>>
<<speech "Noelle" "Noelle">>You are so good to me.<</speech>>
<<case 2>>
<<speech "Noelle" "Noelle">>I really like your style.<</speech>>
<<case 3>>
<<speech "Noelle" "Noelle">>I really enjoyed your last collumn.<</speech>>
<<case 4>>
<<speech "Noelle" "Noelle">>I have had only 2 boyfriends in the past.<</speech>>
<<case 5>>
<<speech "Noelle" "Noelle">>I used to live in a very crappy apartment.<</speech>>
<<speech "Noelle" "Noelle">>You look good today.<</speech>>
<br><a data-passage="upstairs"><div class="talkplayer">Let’s do something else</div></a>
<<if $fitness gte 0 and $fitness lt 15>>
<<addrnoelle 1>>
<<elseif $fitness gte 15 and $fitness lt 30>>
<<addrnoelle 2>>
<<elseif $fitness gte 30>>
<<addrnoelle 3>><</if>>
<<addenergy -5>>
<<addhappiness 1>>
<<set $time to $time +1>>
<<set $convon to $convon +1>>
<<elseif $rnoelle gte 120 and $rnoelle lt 160>>
<<switch random(5)>>
<<case 1>>
<<speech "Noelle" "Noelle">>I just love to be naked.<</speech>>
<<case 2>>
<<speech "Noelle" "Noelle">>I once flashed a guy in the park.<</speech>>
<<case 3>>
<<speech "Noelle" "Noelle">>I had a wet deam about you recently.<</speech>>
<<case 4>>
<<speech "Noelle" "Noelle">>I have had sex with 5 different men.<</speech>>
<<case 5>>
<<speech "Noelle" "Noelle">>I sometimes go only to watch men masturbate for me.<</speech>>
<<speech "Noelle" "Noelle">>I masturbate a couple times per week.<</speech>>
<br><a data-passage="upstairs"><div class="talkplayer">Let’s do something else</div></a>
<<if $fitness gte 0 and $fitness lt 15>>
<<addrnoelle 1>>
<<elseif $fitness gte 15 and $fitness lt 30>>
<<addrnoelle 2>>
<<elseif $fitness gte 30>>
<<addrnoelle 3>><</if>>
<<addenergy -5>>
<<addhappiness 1>>
<<set $time to $time +1>>
<<set $convon to $convon +1>>
<<elseif $rnoelle gte 160 and $rnoelle lt 201>>
<<switch random(5)>>
<<case 1>>
<<speech "Noelle" "Noelle">>In my wet deam about us, you really fucked me good.<</speech>>
<<case 2>>
<<speech "Noelle" "Noelle">>I used to jerk off my landlord so I didn't have to pay rent.<</speech>>
<<case 3>>
<<speech "Noelle" "Noelle">>I would love to feel your hands allover me.<</speech>>
<<case 4>>
<<speech "Noelle" "Noelle">>I once had sex in front of 5 men, I just fucked one of them though.<</speech>>
<<case 5>>
<<speech "Noelle" "Noelle">>I only had a threesome once.<</speech>>
<<speech "Noelle" "Noelle">>I have had sex for money.<</speech>>
<br><a data-passage="upstairs"><div class="talkplayer">Let’s do something else</div></a>
<<if $fitness gte 0 and $fitness lt 15>>
<<addrnoelle 1>>
<<elseif $fitness gte 15 and $fitness lt 30>>
<<addrnoelle 2>>
<<elseif $fitness gte 30>>
<<addrnoelle 3>><</if>>
<<addenergy -5>>
<<addhappiness 1>>
<<set $time to $time +1>>
<<set $convon to $convon +1>>
<</if>><</if>><</nobr>><<nobr>><<if $kissn gte 3>>
<img src="images/player/misc/clingy.jpg" />
<br><<speech "Player" "$name">><i>I shouldn’t become to clingy.</i><</speech>><br>
<a data-passage="upstairs"><div class="talkplayer">Let’s do something else</div></a>
<<elseif $firstkiss is "false">>
<img src="images/noelle/noelleangry.jpg" />
<br><<speech "Noelle" "Noelle">>What are you..? Get out of here!<</speech>><br>
<<speech "Player" "$name">><i>Even though we are doing great together, it seems that I have to do more if I want to kiss her.</i><</speech>><br>
<a data-passage="upstairs"><div class="talkplayer">Let’s do something else</div></a>
<<if $fitness gte 0 and $fitness lt 15>>
<<addrnoelle -5>>
<<elseif $fitness gte 15 and $fitness lt 30>>
<<addrnoelle -3>>
<<elseif $fitness gte 30>>
<<addrnoelle -1>><</if>>
<<addhappiness -5>>
<<addenergy -5>>
<<set $time to $time +1>>
<<elseif $rnoelle gte 120>>
<img src="images/noelle/noellekiss.jpg" />
<br><div class="general">You kiss Noelle.</div><br>
<a data-passage="upstairs"><div class="talkplayer">Let’s do something else</div></a>
<<if $fitness gte 0 and $fitness lt 15>>
<<addrnoelle 1>>
<<elseif $fitness gte 15 and $fitness lt 30>>
<<addrnoelle 2>>
<<elseif $fitness gte 30>>
<<addrnoelle 3>><</if>>
<<addhappiness 5>>
<<addenergy -5>>
<<set $time to $time +1>>
<<addfaithfulness -3>>
<<if $fitness gte 0 and $fitness lt 25 and $arousal lt 35 or $fitness gte 25 and $fitness lt 40 and $arousal lt 30 or $fitness gte 40 and $arousal lt 25>>
<img src="images/player/misc/mood.jpg" /><br>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>I'm not in the mood for this.<</speech>><br>
<a data-passage="upstairs"><div class="talkplayer">Let’s do something else</div></a>
<<elseif $firstfuck is "true" and $rnoelle gte 160>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>That is a very nice dress you are wearing.<</speech>><br>
<<speech "Noelle" "Noelle">>I want to rip yours off.<</speech>><br>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Continue->guestmoven160a1]]</span></div>
<<elseif $firstkiss is "true" and $rnoelle gte 120>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>That is a very nice dress you are wearing.<</speech>><br>
<<speech "Noelle" "Noelle">>Thank you!<</speech>><br>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Continue->guestmoven120a1]]</span></div>
<<elseif $firsttime is "true" and $rnoelle gte 90>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>That is a very nice dress you are wearing.<</speech>><br>
<<speech "Noelle" "Noelle">>Thank you!<</speech>><br>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>The only way you look even better is without anything on.<</speech>><br>
<<speech "Noelle" "Noelle">>I think we can work something out.<</speech>><br>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Look at her->guestmoven90a1]]</span></div>
<img src="images/noelle/noelleangry.jpg" />
<br><<speech "Noelle" "Noelle">>What are you..? No! Get out of here.<</speech>><br>
<<speech "Player" "$name">><i>My relationship with Noelle is not high enough for this</i><</speech>><br>
<a data-passage="upstairs"><div class="talkplayer">Let’s do something else</div></a>
<<if $fitness gte 0 and $fitness lt 15>>
<<addrnoelle -5>>
<<elseif $fitness gte 15 and $fitness lt 30>>
<<addrnoelle -3>>
<<elseif $fitness gte 30>>
<<addrnoelle -1>><</if>>
<div class="general">Noelle starts to move seductively.</div>
<video src="images/noelle/guestroom/guestmoven90/guestmoven90a1a.webm" autoplay loop ></video>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>I like where this is going.<</speech>>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Continue->guestmoven90a2]]</span></div>
<<speech "Noelle" "Noelle">>Do I turn you on?<</speech>>
<div class="general">Noelle starts showing off.</div>
<video src="images/noelle/guestroom/guestmoven120/guestmoven120a1a.webm" autoplay loop ></video>
<<speech "Noelle" "Noelle">>Tell me, how hard are you?<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Not even a semi yet.<</speech>>
<<speech "Noelle" "Noelle">>Hmmm, let's change that.<</speech>>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Continue->guestmoven120a2]]</span></div>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>I won't stop you.<</speech>>
<div class="general">Noelle starts to undres.</div>
<video src="images/noelle/guestroom/guestmoven160/guestmoven160a1a.webm" autoplay loop ></video>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Such an amazing ass and body.<</speech>>
<<speech "Noelle" "Noelle">>Glad you enjoy it.<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>I would love to fuck your ass.<</speech>>
<<speech "Noelle" "Noelle">>Keep dreaming big boy. Now undress.<</speech>>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Continue->guestmoven160a2]]</span></div>
<<if $convon gt 5>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>I shouldn’t bother her to much with my conversations.<</speech>><br>
<a data-passage="garden"><div class="talkplayer">Let’s do something else</div></a>
<<if $rnoelle gte 0 and $rnoelle lt 40>>
<<switch random(5)>>
<<case 1>>
<<speech "Noelle" "Noelle">>I used to be a model back in the day, I enjoyed it so much.<</speech>>
<<case 2>>
<<speech "Noelle" "Noelle">>I really like this job, Peter is such a cute child.<</speech>>
<<case 3>>
<<speech "Noelle" "Noelle">>I love your pool. I want a pool in my yard, if I had a yard.<</speech>>
<<case 4>>
<<speech "Noelle" "Noelle">>I'm not sure Sarah really likes me.<</speech>>
<<case 5>>
<<speech "Noelle" "Noelle">>I used to study to become a nurse once.<</speech>>
<<speech "Noelle" "Noelle">>I want to thank you for this oppertunity.<</speech>>
<br><a data-passage="garden"><div class="talkplayer">Let’s do something else</div></a>
<<if $fitness gte 0 and $fitness lt 15>>
<<addrnoelle 1>>
<<elseif $fitness gte 15 and $fitness lt 30>>
<<addrnoelle 2>>
<<elseif $fitness gte 30>>
<<addrnoelle 3>><</if>>
<<addenergy -5>>
<<addhappiness 1>>
<<set $time to $time +1>>
<<set $convon to $convon +1>>
<<elseif $rnoelle gte 40 and $rnoelle lt 80>>
<<switch random(5)>>
<<case 1>>
<<speech "Noelle" "Noelle">>You are so good to me.<</speech>>
<<case 2>>
<<speech "Noelle" "Noelle">>I really like your style.<</speech>>
<<case 3>>
<<speech "Noelle" "Noelle">>I really enjoyed your last collumn.<</speech>>
<<case 4>>
<<speech "Noelle" "Noelle">>I have had only 2 boyfriends in the past.<</speech>>
<<case 5>>
<<speech "Noelle" "Noelle">>I used to live in a very crappy apartment.<</speech>>
<<speech "Noelle" "Noelle">>I should do a shoot again, if I only had a camera.<</speech>>
<br><a data-passage="garden"><div class="talkplayer">Let’s do something else</div></a>
<<if $fitness gte 0 and $fitness lt 15>>
<<addrnoelle 1>>
<<elseif $fitness gte 15 and $fitness lt 30>>
<<addrnoelle 2>>
<<elseif $fitness gte 30>>
<<addrnoelle 3>><</if>>
<<addenergy -5>>
<<addhappiness 1>>
<<set $time to $time +1>>
<<set $convon to $convon +1>>
<<elseif $rnoelle gte 80 and $rnoelle lt 120>>
<<switch random(5)>>
<<case 1>>
<<speech "Noelle" "Noelle">>You are so good to me.<</speech>>
<<case 2>>
<<speech "Noelle" "Noelle">>I really like your style.<</speech>>
<<case 3>>
<<speech "Noelle" "Noelle">>I really enjoyed your last collumn.<</speech>>
<<case 4>>
<<speech "Noelle" "Noelle">>I have had only 2 boyfriends in the past.<</speech>>
<<case 5>>
<<speech "Noelle" "Noelle">>I used to live in a very crappy apartment.<</speech>>
<<speech "Noelle" "Noelle">>You look good today.<</speech>>
<br><a data-passage="garden"><div class="talkplayer">Let’s do something else</div></a>
<<if $fitness gte 0 and $fitness lt 15>>
<<addrnoelle 1>>
<<elseif $fitness gte 15 and $fitness lt 30>>
<<addrnoelle 2>>
<<elseif $fitness gte 30>>
<<addrnoelle 3>><</if>>
<<addenergy -5>>
<<addhappiness 1>>
<<set $time to $time +1>>
<<set $convon to $convon +1>>
<<elseif $rnoelle gte 120 and $rnoelle lt 160>>
<<switch random(5)>>
<<case 1>>
<<speech "Noelle" "Noelle">>I just love to be naked.<</speech>>
<<case 2>>
<<speech "Noelle" "Noelle">>I once flashed a guy in the park.<</speech>>
<<case 3>>
<<speech "Noelle" "Noelle">>I had a wet deam about you recently.<</speech>>
<<case 4>>
<<speech "Noelle" "Noelle">>I have had sex with 5 different men.<</speech>>
<<case 5>>
<<speech "Noelle" "Noelle">>I like it when masturbate for me.<</speech>>
<<speech "Noelle" "Noelle">>I masturbate a couple times per week.<</speech>>
<br><a data-passage="garden"><div class="talkplayer">Let’s do something else</div></a>
<<if $fitness gte 0 and $fitness lt 15>>
<<addrnoelle 1>>
<<elseif $fitness gte 15 and $fitness lt 30>>
<<addrnoelle 2>>
<<elseif $fitness gte 30>>
<<addrnoelle 3>><</if>>
<<addenergy -5>>
<<addhappiness 1>>
<<set $time to $time +1>>
<<set $convon to $convon +1>>
<<elseif $rnoelle gte 160 and $rnoelle lt 201>>
<<switch random(5)>>
<<case 1>>
<<speech "Noelle" "Noelle">>In my wet deam about us, you really fucked me good.<</speech>>
<<case 2>>
<<speech "Noelle" "Noelle">>I used to jerk off my landlord so I didn't have to pay rent.<</speech>>
<<case 3>>
<<speech "Noelle" "Noelle">>I would love to feel your hands allover me.<</speech>>
<<case 4>>
<<speech "Noelle" "Noelle">>I once had sex in front of 5 men, I just fucked one of them though.<</speech>>
<<case 5>>
<<speech "Noelle" "Noelle">>I only had a threesome once.<</speech>>
<<speech "Noelle" "Noelle">>I have had sex for money.<</speech>>
<br><a data-passage="garden"><div class="talkplayer">Let’s do something else</div></a>
<<if $fitness gte 0 and $fitness lt 15>>
<<addrnoelle 1>>
<<elseif $fitness gte 15 and $fitness lt 30>>
<<addrnoelle 2>>
<<elseif $fitness gte 30>>
<<addrnoelle 3>><</if>>
<<addenergy -5>>
<<addhappiness 1>>
<<set $time to $time +1>>
<<set $convon to $convon +1>>
<</if>><</if>><</nobr>><<nobr>><<if $rnoelle lt 40>>
<div class="general">You look at Noelle, but she doesn't notice.</div><br>
<a data-passage="garden"><div class="talkplayer">Let’s do something else</div></a>
<img src="images/noelle/noelle1.gif" /><br>
<div class="general">You look at Noelle. She notices and teases you.</div><br>
<a data-passage="garden"><div class="talkplayer">Let’s do something else</div></a>
<<if $fitness gte 0 and $fitness lt 15>>
<<addrnoelle 1>>
<<elseif $fitness gte 15 and $fitness lt 30>>
<<addrnoelle 2>>
<<elseif $fitness gte 30>>
<<addrnoelle 3>><</if>>
<<addhappiness 2>>
<<set $time to $time +1>>
<<addfaithfulness -1>>
<</if>><</nobr>><<nobr>><<if $kissn gte 3>>
<img src="images/player/misc/clingy.jpg" />
<br><<speech "Player" "$name">><i>I shouldn’t become to clingy.</i><</speech>><br>
<a data-passage="garden"><div class="talkplayer">Let’s do something else</div></a>
<<elseif $firstkiss is "false">>
<img src="images/noelle/noelleangry.jpg" />
<br><<speech "Noelle" "Noelle">>What are you..? Get out of here!<</speech>><br>
<<speech "Player" "$name">><i>Even though we are doing great together, it seems that I have to do more if I want to kiss her.</i><</speech>><br>
<a data-passage="garden"><div class="talkplayer">Let’s do something else</div></a>
<<if $fitness gte 0 and $fitness lt 15>>
<<addrnoelle -5>>
<<elseif $fitness gte 15 and $fitness lt 30>>
<<addrnoelle -3>>
<<elseif $fitness gte 30>>
<<addrnoelle -1>><</if>>
<<addhappiness -5>>
<<addenergy -5>>
<<set $time to $time +1>>
<<elseif $rnoelle gte 120>>
<img src="images/noelle/noellekiss.jpg" />
<br><div class="general">You kiss Noelle.</div><br>
<a data-passage="garden"><div class="talkplayer">Let’s do something else</div></a>
<<if $fitness gte 0 and $fitness lt 15>>
<<addrnoelle 1>>
<<elseif $fitness gte 15 and $fitness lt 30>>
<<addrnoelle 2>>
<<elseif $fitness gte 30>>
<<addrnoelle 3>><</if>>
<<addhappiness 5>>
<<addenergy -5>>
<<set $time to $time +1>>
<<addfaithfulness -3>>
<</if>><</nobr>><div class="general">Noelle hasn't noticed you yet when you walk towards her. Then, once you get closer, you notice something.</div>
<video src="images/noelle/garden/garmoven90/garmove90a1a.webm" autoplay loop ></video>
<<speech "Player" "$name">><i>Wait.. Is she.. Is she masturbating?</i><</speech>>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Continue->garmoven90a2]]</span></div>
<<if $convon gt 5>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>I shouldn’t bother her to much with my conversations.<</speech>><br>
<a data-passage="garden"><div class="talkplayer">Let’s do something else</div></a>
<<if $rnoelle gte 0 and $rnoelle lt 40>>
<<switch random(5)>>
<<case 1>>
<<speech "Noelle" "Noelle">>I used to be a model back in the day, I enjoyed it so much.<</speech>>
<<case 2>>
<<speech "Noelle" "Noelle">>I really like this job, Peter is such a cute child.<</speech>>
<<case 3>>
<<speech "Noelle" "Noelle">>I love your pool. I want a pool in my yard, if I had a yard.<</speech>>
<<case 4>>
<<speech "Noelle" "Noelle">>I'm not sure Sarah really likes me.<</speech>>
<<case 5>>
<<speech "Noelle" "Noelle">>I used to study to become a nurse once.<</speech>>
<<speech "Noelle" "Noelle">>I want to thank you for this oppertunity.<</speech>>
<br><a data-passage="garden"><div class="talkplayer">Let’s do something else</div></a>
<<if $fitness gte 0 and $fitness lt 15>>
<<addrnoelle 1>>
<<elseif $fitness gte 15 and $fitness lt 30>>
<<addrnoelle 2>>
<<elseif $fitness gte 30>>
<<addrnoelle 3>><</if>>
<<addenergy -5>>
<<addhappiness 1>>
<<set $time to $time +1>>
<<set $convon to $convon +1>>
<<elseif $rnoelle gte 40 and $rnoelle lt 80>>
<<switch random(5)>>
<<case 1>>
<<speech "Noelle" "Noelle">>You are so good to me.<</speech>>
<<case 2>>
<<speech "Noelle" "Noelle">>I really like your style.<</speech>>
<<case 3>>
<<speech "Noelle" "Noelle">>I really enjoyed your last collumn.<</speech>>
<<case 4>>
<<speech "Noelle" "Noelle">>I have had only 2 boyfriends in the past.<</speech>>
<<case 5>>
<<speech "Noelle" "Noelle">>I used to live in a very crappy apartment.<</speech>>
<<speech "Noelle" "Noelle">>I should do a shoot again, if I only had a camera.<</speech>>
<br><a data-passage="garden"><div class="talkplayer">Let’s do something else</div></a>
<<if $fitness gte 0 and $fitness lt 15>>
<<addrnoelle 1>>
<<elseif $fitness gte 15 and $fitness lt 30>>
<<addrnoelle 2>>
<<elseif $fitness gte 30>>
<<addrnoelle 3>><</if>>
<<addenergy -5>>
<<addhappiness 1>>
<<set $time to $time +1>>
<<set $convon to $convon +1>>
<<elseif $rnoelle gte 80 and $rnoelle lt 120>>
<<switch random(5)>>
<<case 1>>
<<speech "Noelle" "Noelle">>You are so good to me.<</speech>>
<<case 2>>
<<speech "Noelle" "Noelle">>I really like your style.<</speech>>
<<case 3>>
<<speech "Noelle" "Noelle">>I really enjoyed your last collumn.<</speech>>
<<case 4>>
<<speech "Noelle" "Noelle">>I have had only 2 boyfriends in the past.<</speech>>
<<case 5>>
<<speech "Noelle" "Noelle">>I used to live in a very crappy apartment.<</speech>>
<<speech "Noelle" "Noelle">>You look good today.<</speech>>
<br><a data-passage="garden"><div class="talkplayer">Let’s do something else</div></a>
<<if $fitness gte 0 and $fitness lt 15>>
<<addrnoelle 1>>
<<elseif $fitness gte 15 and $fitness lt 30>>
<<addrnoelle 2>>
<<elseif $fitness gte 30>>
<<addrnoelle 3>><</if>>
<<addenergy -5>>
<<addhappiness 1>>
<<set $time to $time +1>>
<<set $convon to $convon +1>>
<<elseif $rnoelle gte 120 and $rnoelle lt 160>>
<<switch random(5)>>
<<case 1>>
<<speech "Noelle" "Noelle">>I just love to be naked.<</speech>>
<<case 2>>
<<speech "Noelle" "Noelle">>I once flashed a guy in the park.<</speech>>
<<case 3>>
<<speech "Noelle" "Noelle">>I had a wet deam about you recently.<</speech>>
<<case 4>>
<<speech "Noelle" "Noelle">>I have had sex with 5 different men.<</speech>>
<<case 5>>
<<speech "Noelle" "Noelle">>I like it when masturbate for me.<</speech>>
<<speech "Noelle" "Noelle">>I masturbate a couple times per week.<</speech>>
<br><a data-passage="garden"><div class="talkplayer">Let’s do something else</div></a>
<<if $fitness gte 0 and $fitness lt 15>>
<<addrnoelle 1>>
<<elseif $fitness gte 15 and $fitness lt 30>>
<<addrnoelle 2>>
<<elseif $fitness gte 30>>
<<addrnoelle 3>><</if>>
<<addenergy -5>>
<<addhappiness 1>>
<<set $time to $time +1>>
<<set $convon to $convon +1>>
<<elseif $rnoelle gte 160 and $rnoelle lt 201>>
<<switch random(5)>>
<<case 1>>
<<speech "Noelle" "Noelle">>In my wet deam about us, you really fucked me good.<</speech>>
<<case 2>>
<<speech "Noelle" "Noelle">>I used to jerk off my landlord so I didn't have to pay rent.<</speech>>
<<case 3>>
<<speech "Noelle" "Noelle">>I would love to feel your hands allover me.<</speech>>
<<case 4>>
<<speech "Noelle" "Noelle">>I once had sex in front of 5 men, I just fucked one of them though.<</speech>>
<<case 5>>
<<speech "Noelle" "Noelle">>I only had a threesome once.<</speech>>
<<speech "Noelle" "Noelle">>I have had sex for money.<</speech>>
<br><a data-passage="garden"><div class="talkplayer">Let’s do something else</div></a>
<<if $fitness gte 0 and $fitness lt 15>>
<<addrnoelle 1>>
<<elseif $fitness gte 15 and $fitness lt 30>>
<<addrnoelle 2>>
<<elseif $fitness gte 30>>
<<addrnoelle 3>><</if>>
<<addenergy -5>>
<<addhappiness 1>>
<<set $time to $time +1>>
<<set $convon to $convon +1>>
<</if>><</if>><</nobr>><<nobr>><<if $rnoelle lt 40>>
<div class="general">You look at Noelle, but she doesn't notice.</div><br>
<a data-passage="garden"><div class="talkplayer">Let’s do something else</div></a>
<img src="images/noelle/pool/noelle1.jpg" /><br>
<div class="general">You look at Noelle. She notices and gets out of the pool, showing you her full body.</div><br>
<a data-passage="garden"><div class="talkplayer">Let’s do something else</div></a>
<<if $fitness gte 0 and $fitness lt 15>>
<<addrnoelle 1>>
<<elseif $fitness gte 15 and $fitness lt 30>>
<<addrnoelle 2>>
<<elseif $fitness gte 30>>
<<addrnoelle 3>><</if>>
<<addhappiness 2>>
<<set $time to $time +1>>
<<addfaithfulness -1>>
<</if>><</nobr>><<nobr>><<if $kissn gte 3>>
<img src="images/player/misc/clingy.jpg" />
<br><<speech "Player" "$name">><i>I shouldn’t become to clingy.</i><</speech>><br>
<a data-passage="garden"><div class="talkplayer">Let’s do something else</div></a>
<<elseif $firstkiss is "false">>
<img src="images/noelle/noelleangry.jpg" />
<br><<speech "Noelle" "Noelle">>What are you..? Get out of here!<</speech>><br>
<<speech "Player" "$name">><i>Even though we are doing great together, it seems that I have to do more if I want to kiss her.</i><</speech>><br>
<a data-passage="garden"><div class="talkplayer">Let’s do something else</div></a>
<<if $fitness gte 0 and $fitness lt 15>>
<<addrnoelle -5>>
<<elseif $fitness gte 15 and $fitness lt 30>>
<<addrnoelle -3>>
<<elseif $fitness gte 30>>
<<addrnoelle -1>><</if>>
<<addhappiness -5>>
<<addenergy -5>>
<<set $time to $time +1>>
<<elseif $rnoelle gte 120>>
<img src="images/noelle/noellekiss.jpg" />
<br><div class="general">You kiss Noelle.</div><br>
<a data-passage="garden"><div class="talkplayer">Let’s do something else</div></a>
<<if $fitness gte 0 and $fitness lt 15>>
<<addrnoelle 1>>
<<elseif $fitness gte 15 and $fitness lt 30>>
<<addrnoelle 2>>
<<elseif $fitness gte 30>>
<<addrnoelle 3>><</if>>
<<addhappiness 5>>
<<addenergy -5>>
<<set $time to $time +1>>
<<addfaithfulness -3>>
<<if $rnoelle gte 60>>
<<speech "Noelle" "Noelle">>Hi $name, I have a question for you.<</speech>><br>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Alrigh, shoot.<</speech>><br>
<<speech "Noelle" "Noelle">>Well, I'm thinking to go back into modelling, but I need some proffessional photo's. Any chance you have a proffessional camera?<</speech>><br>
<<if $camera is "true">>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>As a matter of fact, I do have a very good camera actually. Do you want me to shoot some pictures of you?<</speech>><br>
<<speech "Noelle" "Noelle">>Yes please! That would be great.<</speech>><br>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Let's take some pictures->poolshoot1]]</span></div>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Sorry, I don't have a camera.<</speech>><br>
<<speech "Noelle" "Noelle">>That's a shame. Well I guess my modeling career has to wait.<</speech>><br>
<a data-passage="garden"><div class="talkplayer">Let’s do something else</div></a>
<<speech "Noelle" "Noelle">>I'm having a break, can you please leave me be?<</speech>><br>
<a data-passage="garden"><div class="talkplayer">Let’s do something else</div></a>
<<if $fitness gte 0 and $fitness lt 15>>
<<addrnoelle -3>>
<<elseif $fitness gte 15 and $fitness lt 30>>
<<addrnoelle -2>>
<<elseif $fitness gte 30>>
<<addrnoelle -1>><</if>>
<div class="general">You grab your camera, by the time you get back Noelle is waiting for you.</div>
<<speech "Noelle" "Noelle">>Do you think this bikini is good enough?<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Hmmm, yeah you should be fine. <i>Of course it is good enough. Have you looked in a mirror lately?</i><</speech>>
<div class="general">Noelle strikes a pose.</div>
<<speech "Noelle" "Noelle">>How does this look.<</speech>>
<img src="images/noelle/pool/npshoot/npshoot1.jpg" />
<<speech "Player" "$name">>That looks great!<</speech>>
<div class="general">You take a picture before she switches.</div>
<img src="images/noelle/pool/npshoot/npshoot2.jpg" />
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Looking good!<</speech>>
<div class="general">You take a couple more pictures.</div>
<img src="images/noelle/pool/npshoot/npshoot3.jpg" />
<<speech "Noelle" "Noelle">>Can I see them?<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Sure.<</speech>>
<div class="general">You show her the pictures.</div>
<<nobr>><<if $rnoelle gte 90>>
<<speech "Noelle" "Noelle">>Hmmmm, do you mind if we take some nude pictures as well?<</speech>><br>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[No, I do not mind->poolshoot2]]</span></div><br>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[I think we should stop here->poolshootend]]</span></div>
<<speech "Noelle" "Noelle">>These look great! Thanks name! Can you send them to me?<</speech>><br>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Sure thing.<</speech>><br>
<div class="general">Noelle takes off.</div><br>
<a data-passage="garden"><div class="talkplayer">Let’s do something else</div></a>
<<if $fitness gte 0 and $fitness lt 15>>
<<addrnoelle 2>>
<<elseif $fitness gte 15 and $fitness lt 30>>
<<addrnoelle 4>>
<<elseif $fitness gte 30>>
<<addrnoelle 6>><</if>>
<<addhappiness 5>>
<<addhygene -5>>
<<addenergy -20>>
<<set $time to $time +1>>
<<addfaithfulness -1>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">><i>Let's enjoy some pictures of Noelle.</i><</speech>>
<div class="general">You start scrolling to some of the pictures.</div>
<img src="images/noelle/pool/npshoot/npshoot4.jpg" />
<img src="images/noelle/pool/npshoot/npshoot5.jpg" />
<img src="images/noelle/pool/npshoot/npshoot7.jpg" />
<<if $arousal gte 95>>
<div class="general">You can't help yourself and start jerking off.</div><br>
<<speech "Player" "$name">><i>She is so hot!</i><</speech>><br>
<div class="general">A short while later you start to cum.</div><br>
<<speech "Player" "$name">><i>That felt good.</i><</speech>><br>
<a data-passage="entrance"><div class="talkplayer">Let’s do something else</div></a>
<<set $time to $time +1>>
<<addarousal 15>>
<<addhygene -10>>
<<addhappiness 15>>
<<if $fitness gte 0 and $fitness lt 25>>
<<addarousal -35>>
<<elseif $fitness gte 20 and $fitness lt 40>>
<<addarousal -30>>
<<elseif $fitness gte 40>>
<<addarousal -25>><</if>>
<div class="general">Her pictures turn you on quite a bit.</div><br>
<a data-passage="entrance"><div class="talkplayer">Let’s do something else</div></a>
<<set $time to $time +1>>
<<addarousal 20>>
<<addhappiness 5>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Uh, yeah sure.<i>Is she serious?</i><</speech>>
<<speech "Noelle" "Noelle">>Great!<</speech>>
<div class="general">Noelle starts to take of her top.</div>
<img src="images/noelle/pool/npshoot/npshoot4.jpg" />
<<speech "Player" "$name">><i>Oh damn.</i><</speech>>
<div class="general">You keep taking pictures as Noelle keeps changing poses.</div>
<img src="images/noelle/pool/npshoot/npshoot5.jpg" />
<div class="general">Then she turns around and starts taking off her bikinibottom.</div>
<<speech "Player" "$name">><i>Is she..?</i><</speech>>
<img src="images/noelle/pool/npshoot/npshoot6.jpg" />
<div class="general">Yes, she is butt naked.</div>
<<speech "Player" "$name">><i>Wow.</i><</speech>>
<img src="images/noelle/pool/npshoot/npshoot7.jpg" />
<div class="general">You take a couple more pictures.</div>
<<speech "Noelle" "Noelle">>So, how are they looking?<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Uh, yeah, they are looking great.<</speech>>
<<speech "Noelle" "Noelle">>Show me!<</speech>>
<div class="general">You sit down and show Noelle the pictures.</div>
<<if $firstkiss is "true">>
<<speech "Noelle" "Noelle">>They look great.<</speech>><br>
<div class="general">She looks down.</div><br>
<<speech "Noelle" "Noelle">>And I see you enjoyed it too.<</speech>><br>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[I sure did->poolshoot3]]</span></div><br>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[I should go->poolshootend2]]</span></div>
<<speech "Noelle" "Noelle">>These look great! Thanks name! Can you send them to me?<</speech>><br>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Sure thing.<</speech>><br>
<div class="general">Noelle takes off.</div><br>
<a data-passage="garden"><div class="talkplayer">Let’s do something else</div></a>
<<if $fitness gte 0 and $fitness lt 15>>
<<addrnoelle 2>>
<<elseif $fitness gte 15 and $fitness lt 30>>
<<addrnoelle 4>>
<<elseif $fitness gte 30>>
<<addrnoelle 6>><</if>>
<<addhappiness 5>>
<<addhygene -5>>
<<addenergy -20>>
<<set $time to $time +1>>
<<addfaithfulness -2>>
<<set $poolshootnude to "true">>
<<speech "Noelle" "Noelle">>Alright, thanks for taking the pictures!<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>You are welcome.<</speech>>
<a data-passage="garden"><div class="talkplayer">Let’s do something else</div></a>
<<if $fitness gte 0 and $fitness lt 15>>
<<addrnoelle 2>>
<<elseif $fitness gte 15 and $fitness lt 30>>
<<addrnoelle 4>>
<<elseif $fitness gte 30>>
<<addrnoelle 6>><</if>>
<<addhappiness 5>>
<<addhygene -5>>
<<addenergy -20>>
<<set $time to $time +1>>
<<addfaithfulness -1>><<speech "Noelle" "Noelle">>If you want I can help you with that.<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Hmmm, is that so.<</speech>>
<div class="general">Without saying anything she starts to take out your dick.</div>
<video src="images/noelle/pool/npshoot/npshoot3a.webm" autoplay loop ></video>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>You are really helping me good.<</speech>>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Continue->poolshoot4]]</span></div>
<<speech "Noelle" "Noelle">>Alright, thanks for taking the pictures!<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>You are welcome.<</speech>>
<a data-passage="garden"><div class="talkplayer">Let’s do something else</div></a>
<<if $fitness gte 0 and $fitness lt 15>>
<<addrnoelle 2>>
<<elseif $fitness gte 15 and $fitness lt 30>>
<<addrnoelle 4>>
<<elseif $fitness gte 30>>
<<addrnoelle 6>><</if>>
<<addhappiness 5>>
<<addhygene -5>>
<<addenergy -20>>
<<set $time to $time +1>>
<<addfaithfulness -2>><div class="general">It's late at night, everybody is sleeping. You are about to go to bed yourself when you suddenly hear strange noises coming from the kitchen.</div>
<<speech "Player" "$name">><i>What the hell?</i><</speech>>
<div class="general">You grab the closest weapon, a broom, and slowly walk to the kitchen. You slowly walk into the kitchen and see..</div>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Noelle?<</speech>>
<<speech "Noelle" "Noelle">>Oooooh, heeeeeeeey $name, are you here to clean? Isn't it a little late for that?<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Huh, what..? Oh the broom.. Yeah, no.<</speech>>
<div class="general">You put the broom down.</div>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Questions->firsttimeevent1]]</span></div>
<<set $firsttimeevent to "true">><<speech "Player" "$name">>What are you doing here so late?<</speech>>
<<speech "Noelle" "Noelle">>Uuuh well... Uuuuh..<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>And have you been drinking? I can smell the booze from here.<</speech>>
<<speech "Noelle" "Noelle">>I.. I.. Oh fuck.. Please don't tell Sarah! I mean pleeaaaseeee.<</speech>>
<div class="general">Noelle starts moving in a flirty seductive way.</div>
<video src="images/noelle/events/firsttimeevent/firsttimeevent1a.webm" autoplay loop ></video>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Continue->firsttimeevent2]]</span></div>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>I think you are drunk and that we should both go to bed.<</speech>>
<<speech "Noelle" "Noelle">>What? Are you serious?<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Yes I am serious.<</speech>>
<<speech "Noelle" "Noelle">>Don't you think I'm beautiful.<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>You are very beautiful, but I'm going to bed now.<</speech>>
<a data-passage="upstairs"><div class="talkplayer">Go to sleep</div></a>
<<set $firsttimeevent to "false">>
<<if $fitness gte 0 and $fitness lt 15>>
<<addrnoelle -5>>
<<elseif $fitness gte 15 and $fitness lt 30>>
<<addrnoelle -3>>
<<elseif $fitness gte 30>>
<<addrnoelle -1>><</if>>
<<addhappiness -5>>
<<addenergy -5>>
<<set $time to $time +1>>
<<addfaithfulness 2>><div class="general">You walk around inside the house when you suddenly hear Sarah talking on her phone.</div>
<<speech "Sarah" "Sarah">>What, right now? But it is <<nobr>><<if $day is 6>>a Saturday<<else>>a Sunday<</if>><</nobr>> and I thought..<</speech>>
<div class="general">Then there is some silence.</div>
<<speech "Sarah" "Sarah">>Yes sir, of course sir, right away sir, I'll make it happen sir.<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">><i>Sarah calling someone a sir? Must be someone really high up the chain.</i><</speech>>
<div class="general">You enter the room where Sarah is calling, just when you enter Sarah hangs up the phone.</div>
<<speech "Sarah" "Sarah">>Fucking asshole.<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Everything alright honey?<</speech>>
<<speech "Sarah" "Sarah">>No, yes, I.. I need you to find Noelle, grab Peter and leave the house for a couple of hours.<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>What? Why?<</speech>>
<<speech "Sarah" "Sarah">>Because we have an urgent meeting and someone up top decided my house would be the perfect place to hold it. It must be that stupid bitch Karen who told them to hold it here.<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>But where are we supposed to go?<</speech>>
<<speech "Sarah" "Sarah">>You can drop Peter at daycare, I will let them know you are coming and for you and Noelle, no clue, go to the movies or something.<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Alright, we will figure something out.<</speech>>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Let's find Noelle->fkevent1]]</span></div>
<<set $fkevent to "true">><div class="general">You look for Noelle and find het outside on the terrace.</div>
<<speech "Noelle" "Noelle">>I already heard, Sarah is quite loud when she is stressed, so where are whe going?<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>No clue.<</speech>>
<div class="general">You grab Peter and walk towards Sarah, who is on the phone. Sarah just waves you away.</div>
<<speech "Player" "$name">><i>Alright, so no goodbye it is.</i><</speech>>
<div class="general">You leave the house with Noelle and Peter.</div>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Some time later->fkevent2]]</span></div>
<div class="general">Some time later you find yourself in a cafe with Noelle after you have dropped of Peter.</div>
<<speech "Noelle" "Noelle">>Sarah seemed really stressed, you would say a teachers job would be easy.<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Ha, yeah. Well she is not just a teacher, beside teaching she also does some research and studies, so it is probably about that.<</speech>>
<<speech "Noelle" "Noelle">>Ah, I didn't know that.<</speech>>
<div class="general">You both keep talking for a while and actully end up having quite a good time.</div>
<<speech "Noelle" "Noelle">>So what now.<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>I don't know.<</speech>>
<<speech "Noelle" "Noelle">>Why don't we go for a drive.<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Sure.<</speech>>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Let's ride->fkevent3]]</span></div>
<div class="general">You drive around together, talking and enjoying your time together when suddenly Noelle places her hand on your hand which is on the gear shift.</div>
<<speech "Noelle" "Noelle">>Maybe we should pull over.<</speech>>
<div class="general">You look at her and she smiles at you and you pull over. You both step out of the car and only one thing is about to happen.</div>
<video src="images/noelle/events/firstkissevent/firstkissevent3a.webm" autoplay loop ></video>
<<speech "Noelle" "Noelle">>That was about time.<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>It was.<</speech>>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Continue->fkevent4]]</span></div>
<div class="general">You walk into you bedroom when you suddenly see Noelle sitting there in quite the outfit, well outfit..</div>
<video src="images/noelle/events/firstfuckevent/firstfuckevent1a.webm" autoplay loop ></video>
<<speech "Noelle" "Noelle">>Hey $name.<</speech>>
<div class="general">She says in a seductive voice.</div>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>What.. What are you doing in my bedroom?<</speech>>
<<speech "Noelle" "Noelle">>Isn't that obvious?<</speech>>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Continue->ffevent2]]</span></div>
<<if $bondagekit is "true">>
<img src="images/player/items/bdsmkit.jpg" /><</if>><br>
<<if $dildo is "true">>
<img src="images/player/items/dildo.jpg" /><</if>><br>
<<if $anallube is "true">>
<img src="images/player/items/anallube.jpg" /><</if>><br>
<<if $pantiesn is "true">>
<img src="images/player/items/panties.jpg" /><</if>><br>
<<if $camera is "true">>
<img src="images/player/items/camera.jpg" /><</if>><br>
<<if $sleeppill is "true">>
<img src="images/player/items/sleeppill.jpg" /><</if>><br>
<<if $bigdildo is "true">>
<img src="images/player/items/bigdildo.jpg" /><</if>><br>
<<return "Cancel">><<nobr>>
<<if $time gte 3 and $time lte 8 and $christelevent9a is "true" and $christelevent10c is "false">>
<<goto "christelevent10c">>
<<elseif $day gte 1 and $day lte 5 and $time gte 6 and $time lte 9>>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Ring the bell->christelapartmententer1]]</span></div><br>
<a data-passage="center"><div class="talkloc">Let’s go
somewhere else</div></a>
<div class="general">You ring the bell, but no-one answers.</div><br>
<a data-passage="center"><div class="talkloc">Let’s go
somewhere else</div></a>
<<if $talkuni is "true" and $christelcaught1 is "false">>
<<speech"Christel" "Christel">>Hello?<</speech>><br>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Hi, it's me $name.<</speech>><br>
<<speech "Christel" "Christel">>Oh hi $name... Ehm, I don't think this is a good idea with the whole you and Sarah situation.. I'm sorry.<</speech>><br>
<<speech "Player" "$name">><i>Fuck, she is my last hope. I must talk to her!</i><</speech>><br>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Ring the bell again->christelcaught1]]</span></div>
<<elseif $christelevent9 is "false" and $copevent10 is "true" and $christelevent3 is "true">>
<<speech"Christel" "Christel">>Hello?<</speech>><br>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Hi, it's me $name.<</speech>><br>
<<speech"Christel" "Christel">>$name!? Please! Please come in!<</speech>><br>
<a data-passage="christelevent9"><div class="talkplayer">Go in</div></a>
<<elseif $caughtevent is "true" and $goinghome is "false">>
<<speech"Christel" "Christel">>Hello?<</speech>><br>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Hi, it's me $name.<</speech>><br>
<<speech "Christel" "Christel">>Oh hi $name... Ehm, I don't think this is a good idea with the whole you and Sarah situation.. I'm sorry.<</speech>><br>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Oh.. I guess I understand..<</speech>><br>
<a data-passage="center"><div class="talkplayer">Let’s do something else</div></a>
<<elseif $christelevent3 is "true" and $christelevent4 is "false" and $christeleventtimer34 gte 5>>
<<speech "Christel" "Christel">>H.. Hi...<</speech>><br>
<div class="general">Christel does not sound like her usual self.</div><br>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Hi, can I come in?<</speech>><br>
<<speech "Christel" "Christel">>Yeah..<</speech>><br>
<<speech "Player" "$name">><i>She sounds like something is wrong.</i><</speech>><br>
<div class="general">You go upstairs and Christel opens the door and she is a mess.</div><br>
<a data-passage="christelevent4"><div class="talkplayer">Continue</div></a>
<<elseif $christelevent2 is "true" and $christelevent3 is "false" and $goinghome is "true">>
<div class="general">Just when you are about the ring the bell someone opens the door and leaves the building.</div><br>
<<speech "Player" "$name">><i>Why wait right?</i><</speech>><br>
<div class="general">You grab the door before it closes and you walk inside. You enter the elevator and take it to Christel her floor.</div><br>
<a data-passage="christelevent3"><div class="talkplayer">Leave the elevator</div></a>
<<speech"Christel" "Christel">>Hello?<</speech>><br>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Hi, it's me $name.<</speech>><br>
<<speech "Christel" "Christel">>Oh hi $name, come on up!<</speech>><br>
<div class="general">The buzzer goes and you go in.</div><br>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Go to her apartment->christellivingroom]]</span></div>
<<if $christelevent2 is "false">>
<img src="images/christel/christel.jpg" /><br>
<div class="general">When you walk towards Christel her apartment she is already waiting for you.</div><br>
<<speech "Christel" "Christel">>Hi $name, so nice you are here today.<</speech>><br>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Yeah indeed. <i>It feels odd to be here withouth Sarah..</i><</speech>><br>
<<speech "Christel" "Christel">>You must be wondering why I invited you, without Sarah.<</speech>><br>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>It has crossed my mind, yes.<</speech>><br>
<<speech "Christel" "Christel">>Honestly, I just need someone to talk to. Don't get me wrong, I love Sarah, but she can be very direct and harsh and sometimes a bit too judgemental, and that is just not what I need right now.<</speech>><br>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>I guess I understand, but I have to say, she has improved on those subjects, but I get what you are saying. I've known her for a while now.<</speech>><br>
<<speech "Christel" "Christel">>Haha, I know.<</speech>><br>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Continue->christelevent2]]</span></div>
<img src="images/christel/christel.jpg" /><br>
<<speech "Christel" "Christel">>So $name, what do you want to do?<</speech>><br>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Talk to Christel->livchristeltalk]]</span></div><br>
<<if $fitness gte 0 and $fitness lt 25 and $arousal gte 35 or $fitness gte 25 and $fitness lt 40 and $arousal gte 30 or $fitness gte 40 and $arousal gte 25>>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Make your move->chrislivmove]]</span></div><br><</if>>
<a data-passage="christelapartment"><div class="talkloc">Let’s go somewhere else</div></a>
<<if $convoc gt 5>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>I shouldn’t bother her to much with my conversations.<</speech>><br>
<a data-passage="christellivingroom"><div class="talkplayer">Let’s do something else</div></a>
<<if $rchristel gte 0 and $rchristel lt 80>>
<<switch random(5)>>
<<case 1>>
<<speech "Christel" "Christel">>I really think you and Sarah match so well.<</speech>>
<<case 2>>
<<speech "Christel" "Christel">>If you managed to get Sarah, you must be a good guy, Sarah is very picky.<</speech>>
<<case 3>>
<<speech "Christel" "Christel">>We should really have dinner again soon.<</speech>>
<<case 4>>
<<speech "Christel" "Christel">>You seem like a good guy.<</speech>>
<<case 5>>
<<speech "Christel" "Christel">>I'm so glad I moved out here.<</speech>>
<<speech "Christel" "Christel">>Me and Sarah used to be best friends, I think we sill are actually.<</speech>>
<br><a data-passage="christellivingroom"><div class="talkplayer">Let’s do something else</div></a>
<<if $fitness gte 0 and $fitness lt 15>>
<<addrchristel 1>>
<<elseif $fitness gte 15 and $fitness lt 30>>
<<addrchristel 3>>
<<elseif $fitness gte 30>>
<<addrchristel 5>><</if>>
<<addenergy -5>>
<<addhappiness 1>>
<<set $time to $time +1>>
<<set $convoc to $convoc +1>>
<<elseif $rchristel gte 80 and $rchristel lt 120>>
<<switch random(5)>>
<<case 1>>
<<speech "Christel" "Christel">>You are looking good today, new haircut?<</speech>>
<<case 2>>
<<speech "Christel" "Christel">>I really like your style.<</speech>>
<<case 3>>
<<speech "Christel" "Christel">>I really enjoyed reading your last collumn.<</speech>>
<<case 4>>
<<speech "Christel" "Christel">>I think we can become verygood friends.<</speech>>
<<case 5>>
<<speech "Christel" "Christel">>I love this city and it's mostly because you and Sarah.<</speech>>
<<speech "Christel" "Christel">>You should come over sometime.<</speech>>
<br><a data-passage="christellivingroom"><div class="talkplayer">Let’s do something else</div></a>
<<if $fitness gte 0 and $fitness lt 15>>
<<addrchristel 1>>
<<elseif $fitness gte 15 and $fitness lt 30>>
<<addrchristel 3>>
<<elseif $fitness gte 30>>
<<addrchristel 5>><</if>>
<<addenergy -5>>
<<addhappiness 1>>
<<set $time to $time +1>>
<<set $convoc to $convoc +1>>
<<elseif $rchristel gte 120 and $rchristel lt 160>>
<<switch random(5)>>
<<case 1>>
<<speech "Christel" "Christel">>If you weren't with Sarah,I would know who I would go for.<</speech>>
<<case 2>>
<<speech "Christel" "Christel">>You should come around more often.<</speech>>
<<case 3>>
<<speech "Christel" "Christel">>Sarah is really important to me. Well you both are.<</speech>>
<<case 4>>
<<speech "Christel" "Christel">>I had some though times, but things are slowly looking up now.<</speech>>
<<case 5>>
<<speech "Christel" "Christel">>I'm really enjoying my time here and with you.<</speech>>
<<speech "Christel" "Christel">>When do I see you again?<</speech>>
<br><a data-passage="christellivingroom"><div class="talkplayer">Let’s do something else</div></a>
<<if $fitness gte 0 and $fitness lt 15>>
<<addrchristel 1>>
<<elseif $fitness gte 15 and $fitness lt 30>>
<<addrchristel 3>>
<<elseif $fitness gte 30>>
<<addrchristel 5>><</if>>
<<addenergy -5>>
<<addhappiness 1>>
<<set $time to $time +1>>
<<set $convoc to $convoc +1>>
<<elseif $rchristel gte 160 and $rchristel lt 201>>
<<switch random(5)>>
<<case 1>>
<<speech "Christel" "Christel">>I can't wait to see you again.<</speech>>
<<case 2>>
<<speech "Christel" "Christel">>If you where single..<</speech>>
<<case 3>>
<<speech "Christel" "Christel">>I feel a real connection between us.<</speech>>
<<case 4>>
<<speech "Christel" "Christel">>I'm more then just a boring teacher. I hope you know that.<</speech>>
<<case 5>>
<<speech "Christel" "Christel">>I feel like you truly understand me.<</speech>>
<<speech "Christel" "Christel">>Come by my house tonight?<</speech>>
<br><a data-passage="christellivingroom"><div class="talkplayer">Let’s do something else</div></a>
<<if $fitness gte 0 and $fitness lt 15>>
<<addrchristel 1>>
<<elseif $fitness gte 15 and $fitness lt 30>>
<<addrchristel 3>>
<<elseif $fitness gte 30>>
<<addrchristel 5>><</if>>
<<addenergy -5>>
<<addhappiness 1>>
<<set $time to $time +1>>
<<set $convoc to $convoc +1>>
<</if>><</if>><</nobr>><<speech "Player" "$name">>So what did you want to talk about?<</speech>>
<<speech "Christel" "Christel">>Why don't we get to know each other before we move on the serious stuff?<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Sounds good.<</speech>>
<div class="general">Christel opens a bottle of wine and you talk for a while. After a while you feel like you know each other quite a lot better.</div>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>I think it's time for me to go home.<</speech>>
<<speech "Christel" "Christel">>You are probably right.<</speech>>
<div class="general">You get up.</div>
<<speech "Christel" "Christel">>I really enjoyed it $name.<</speech>>
<div class="general">You leave.</div>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Leave->christelevent2a]]</span></div>
<<if $fitness gte 0 and $fitness lt 15>>
<<addrchristel 5>>
<<elseif $fitness gte 15 and $fitness lt 30>>
<<addrchristel 10>>
<<elseif $fitness gte 30>>
<<addrchristel 15>><</if>>
<<addhappiness 10>>
<<addhygene -15>>
<<addenergy -20>>
<div class="general">You walk outside.</div>
<<speech "Player" "$name">><i>That was nice, but also a bit odd at the same time. I feel like she is holding back a lot, I wonder what is really going on in her head and especially in her life. I guess if she starts trusting me more I'll find out.</i><</speech>>
<a data-passage="center"><div class="talkplayer">Let’s do something else</div></a>
<<set $christelevent2 to "true">>
<<set $time to $time +2>>
<<nobr>><<if $hygene lte 15>>
<img src="images/christel/christelangry.jpg" /><br>
<<speech "Christel" "Christel">>Name, you really smell bad. Please leave.<</speech>><br>
<a data-passage="university"><div class="talkplayer">Let’s do something else</div></a>
<<elseif $energy lt 10 or $happiness lt 20>>
<img src="images/player/misc/mood.jpg" /><br>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>I'm not in the mood for this.<</speech>><br>
<a data-passage="university"><div class="talkplayer">Let’s do something else</div></a>
<<elseif $caughtevent is "true" and $goinghome is "false">>
<img src="images/christel/university/christel.jpg" /><br>
<div class="general">You enter Christel her office.</div><br>
<<speech "Christel" "Christel">>Oh hi $name... Ehm, I don't think this is a good idea with the whole you and Sarah situation.. Especially with Sarah around.. I'm sorry, but I want you to leave.<</speech>><br>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Oh.. Alright, I'll leave.<</speech>><br>
<a data-passage="university"><div class="talkplayer">Let’s do something else</div></a>
<img src="images/christel/university/christel.jpg" /><br>
<<speech "Christel" "Christel">>Hi $name, what brings you here?<</speech>><br>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Talk to Christel->unichristeltalk]]</span></div><br>
<a data-passage="university"><div class="talkplayer">Let’s do something else</div></a>
<<if $convoc gt 5>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>I shouldn’t bother her to much with my conversations.<</speech>><br>
<a data-passage="university"><div class="talkplayer">Let’s do something else</div></a>
<<if $rchristel gte 0 and $rchristel lt 80>>
<<switch random(5)>>
<<case 1>>
<<speech "Christel" "Christel">>I really think you and Sarah match so well.<</speech>>
<<case 2>>
<<speech "Christel" "Christel">>If you managed to get Sarah, you must be a good guy, Sarah is very picky.<</speech>>
<<case 3>>
<<speech "Christel" "Christel">>We should really have dinner again soon.<</speech>>
<<case 4>>
<<speech "Christel" "Christel">>You seem like a good guy.<</speech>>
<<case 5>>
<<speech "Christel" "Christel">>I'm so glad I moved out here.<</speech>>
<<speech "Christel" "Christel">>Me and Sarah used to be best friends, I think we sill are actually.<</speech>>
<br><a data-passage="university"><div class="talkplayer">Let’s do something else</div></a>
<<if $fitness gte 0 and $fitness lt 15>>
<<addrchristel 1>>
<<elseif $fitness gte 15 and $fitness lt 30>>
<<addrchristel 3>>
<<elseif $fitness gte 30>>
<<addrchristel 5>><</if>>
<<addenergy -5>>
<<addhappiness 1>>
<<set $time to $time +1>>
<<set $convoc to $convoc +1>>
<<elseif $rchristel gte 80 and $rchristel lt 120>>
<<switch random(5)>>
<<case 1>>
<<speech "Christel" "Christel">>You are looking good today, new haircut?<</speech>>
<<case 2>>
<<speech "Christel" "Christel">>I really like your style.<</speech>>
<<case 3>>
<<speech "Christel" "Christel">>I really enjoyed reading your last collumn.<</speech>>
<<case 4>>
<<speech "Christel" "Christel">>I think we can become verygood friends.<</speech>>
<<case 5>>
<<speech "Christel" "Christel">>I love this city and it's mostly because you and Sarah.<</speech>>
<<speech "Christel" "Christel">>You should come over sometime.<</speech>>
<br><a data-passage="university"><div class="talkplayer">Let’s do something else</div></a>
<<if $fitness gte 0 and $fitness lt 15>>
<<addrchristel 1>>
<<elseif $fitness gte 15 and $fitness lt 30>>
<<addrchristel 3>>
<<elseif $fitness gte 30>>
<<addrchristel 5>><</if>>
<<addenergy -5>>
<<addhappiness 1>>
<<set $time to $time +1>>
<<set $convoc to $convoc +1>>
<<elseif $rchristel gte 120 and $rchristel lt 160>>
<<switch random(5)>>
<<case 1>>
<<speech "Christel" "Christel">>If you weren't with Sarah,I would know who I would go for.<</speech>>
<<case 2>>
<<speech "Christel" "Christel">>You should come around more often.<</speech>>
<<case 3>>
<<speech "Christel" "Christel">>Sarah is really important to me. Well you both are.<</speech>>
<<case 4>>
<<speech "Christel" "Christel">>I had some though times, but things are slowly looking up now.<</speech>>
<<case 5>>
<<speech "Christel" "Christel">>I'm really enjoying my time here and with you.<</speech>>
<<speech "Christel" "Christel">>When do I see you again?<</speech>>
<br><a data-passage="university"><div class="talkplayer">Let’s do something else</div></a>
<<if $fitness gte 0 and $fitness lt 15>>
<<addrchristel 1>>
<<elseif $fitness gte 15 and $fitness lt 30>>
<<addrchristel 3>>
<<elseif $fitness gte 30>>
<<addrchristel 5>><</if>>
<<addenergy -5>>
<<addhappiness 1>>
<<set $time to $time +1>>
<<set $convoc to $convoc +1>>
<<elseif $rchristel gte 160 and $rchristel lt 201>>
<<switch random(5)>>
<<case 1>>
<<speech "Christel" "Christel">>I can't wait to see you again.<</speech>>
<<case 2>>
<<speech "Christel" "Christel">>If you where single..<</speech>>
<<case 3>>
<<speech "Christel" "Christel">>I feel a real connection between us.<</speech>>
<<case 4>>
<<speech "Christel" "Christel">>I'm more then just a boring teacher. I hope you know that.<</speech>>
<<case 5>>
<<speech "Christel" "Christel">>I feel like you truly understand me.<</speech>>
<<speech "Christel" "Christel">>Come by my house tonight?<</speech>>
<br><a data-passage="university"><div class="talkplayer">Let’s do something else</div></a>
<<if $fitness gte 0 and $fitness lt 15>>
<<addrchristel 1>>
<<elseif $fitness gte 15 and $fitness lt 30>>
<<addrchristel 3>>
<<elseif $fitness gte 30>>
<<addrchristel 5>><</if>>
<<addenergy -5>>
<<addhappiness 1>>
<<set $time to $time +1>>
<<set $convoc to $convoc +1>>
<</if>><</if>><</nobr>><<speech "Player" "$name">>Christel is teaching a class, better not to disturb her.<</speech>>
<a data-passage="university"><div class="talkplayer">Let’s do something else</div></a>
<<set $time to $time +1>><<speech "Christel" "Christel">>$name!<</speech>>
<div class="general">You see Christel in the distance.</div>
<<speech "Christel" "Christel">>Wait up.<</speech>>
<div class="general">Christel comes towards you.</div>
<<speech "Christel" "Christel">>Hi $name, how are you?<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>I am good, how are you?<</speech>>
<<speech "Christel" "Christel">>I'm good to. I was wondering if you would want to come by later.<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>I'll ask Sarah if she when she is available.<</speech>>
<<speech "Christel" "Christel">>Oh, I mean actually just you.. If you are ok with that.<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Uhm, yeah sure. Why not. When shall I come by.<</speech>>
<<speech "Christel" "Christel">>Whenever you want as long as it is after work.<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Alrigth sounds good.<</speech>>
<<speech "Christel" "Christel">>Great, uhm, well, I have to teach a class. Bye.<</speech>>
<div class="general">You can now visit Christel at home, she lives in the center.</div>
<a data-passage="university"><div class="talkplayer">Let’s do something else</div></a>
<<set $christelevent1 to "true">> <<speech "Sarah" "Sarah">>$name! Why aren't you ready?<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Ready? Ready for what?<</speech>>
<<speech "Sarah" "Sarah">>I told you, we are having dinner with Christel.<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Who is Christel again?<</speech>>
<<speech "Sarah" "Sarah">>My old friend from university, you met her at the university in my office remember.<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Ah, yes. But you still didn't tell me we are going to have dinner with her.<</speech>>
<<speech "Sarah" "Sarah">>Hmm, maybe you are right, I'm sorry, my head is a bit chaotic at the moment, work is crazy. Can you please get ready anyway, I promised we would have dinner tonight.<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Alright, let me get ready.<</speech>>
<div class="general">You get up to get ready.</div>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Get changed->christeldinner1]]</span></div>
<<set $christeldinner to "true">>
<div class="general">You hurry to the bedroom and get changed in some decent clothes and get downstairs where Sarah is waiting for you.</div>
<<speech "Sarah" "Sarah">>Ready?<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Ready!<</speech>>
<<speech "Sarah" "Sarah">>Alright, let's go then.<</speech>>
<div class="general">You leave the house and drive to Christels apartment.</div>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[After a short while->christeldinner2]]</span></div>
<div class="general">You walk up to an apartment building.</div>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Are you sure you have the right address?<</speech>>
<<speech "Sarah" "Sarah">>Uhm, yeah this should be it.<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>You are absolutely sure?<</speech>>
<<speech "Sarah" "Sarah">>Yes $name, I'm sure.<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>You know that an apartment here costs more then 3 times as much as our house.<</speech>>
<<speech "Sarah" "Sarah">>I am well aware.<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>And she has the same job as you do.<</speech>>
<<speech "Sarah" "Sarah">>Minus the research, she only teaches.<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>And she is still single?<</speech>>
<<speech "Sarah" "Sarah">>Yup.<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Rich parents?<</speech>>
<<speech "Sarah" "Sarah">>Nope.<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Lottery?<</speech>>
<<speech "Sarah" "Sarah">>It has to be.<</speech>>
<div class="general">You ring the bell downstairs.</div>
<<speech "Christel" "Christel">>Hello?<</speech>>
<<speech "Sarah" "Sarah">>Hi Chris.<</speech>>
<<speech "Christel" "Christel">>Oh hi! Come on up.<</speech>>
<div class="general">You hear a buzz and you both walk into the building and take the elevator up to Christel her apartment.</div>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Knock on the door->christeldinner3]]</span></div>
<div class="general">You knock on the door and Christel opens up.</div>
<<speech "Christel" "Christel">>Hi guys! Come on in!<</speech>>
<div class="general">You all enter the apartment.</div>
<<speech "Player" "$name">><i>Damn.</i><</speech>>
<<speech "Christel" "Christel">>So welcome to my home.<</speech>>
<<speech "Sarah" "Sarah">>It looks amazing and look at that view.<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>It's indeed an amzing place you have got here.<</speech>>
<<speech "Christel" "Christel">>Yeah, I got really lucky with this place.<</speech>>
<div class="general">You sit down and have dinner. The evening progresses and you end up having a good time with the three of you. Once the evening ends it's time to go.</div>
<<speech "Christel" "Christel">>This was fun! We should do it again soon!<</speech>>
<<speech "Sarah" "Sarah">>We really should!<</speech>>
<div class="general">Sarah steps outside.</div>
<<speech "Christel" "Christel">>See you soon $name.<</speech>>
<div class="general">You also step outside.</div>
<<speech "Player" "$name">><i>What was that supposed to mean?</i><</speech>>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Leave->christeldinner4]]</span></div>
<<speech "Sarah" "Sarah">>That was nice, wasn't it?<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>It was, it is curious though how she dodges every question about how she got the apartment and all of the other luxery items.<</speech>>
<<speech "Sarah" "Sarah">>Yeah, you are right about that. But well, she is new in town, let's give her some time and maybe she will open up.<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>I guess we will see.<</speech>>
<a data-passage="entrance"><div class="talkplayer">Let’s go home</div></a>
<<set $time to 11>>
<<if $fitness gte 0 and $fitness lt 20>>
<<addrsarah 5>>
<<elseif $fitness gte 20 and $fitness lt 40>>
<<addrsarah 7>>
<<elseif $fitness gte 40>>
<<addrsarah 10>><</if>>
<<addenergy -10>>
<<addhappiness 5>>
<<addhygene -15>>
<<set $rchristel to 60>><<if $sarahsex1 is "000000000000001">>
<<goto "Cheatmenu2">>
Please enter the password:
<<textbox "$sarahsex1" "">>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Continue->Cheatmenu2]]</span></div><br>
<div class="general">You walk inside your house when all of the sudden you hear a lot of commotion comming from the kitchen.</div>
<<speech "Player" "$name">><i>I that Sarah yelling?</i><</speech>>
<div class="general">WARNING: This event will change the complete dynamic of the game. If you have the feeling that you haven't done everything with Sarah and Noelle, please do not proceed (check the scenelist for example).
If you want to prevent this event from being triggered <<set $waitpassage to passage()>><<button "click here" $waitpassage>><<set $caughteventblocker to "true">><</button>>. If you are ready to proceed, you can activate the event by pressing the event activator in the left bar at the bottom.
Also, this is the prefect time to save your game.</div>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[See what's going on->caughtevent1]]</span></div>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Ignore it->caughteventend]]</span></div>
<<set $caughtevent to "true">><div class="general">You decide to check it out.</div>
<<speech "Sarah" "Sarah">>YOU FUCKING BITCH, I take you into my house, pay you well and this is what you do?<</speech>>
<div class="general">You enter the kitchen and Sarah turns towards you.</div>
<<speech "Sarah" "Sarah">>Oh look who's there the other half of this shit show.<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Uhm, what is going on?<</speech>>
<<speech "Sarah" "Sarah">>Like you don't know! I know you have been fucking this fucking slut.<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">><i>Fuuuuuck, how did she find out?</i><</speech>>
<<speech "Sarah" "Sarah">>I mean, how stupid are you to fuck in front of our nanny cams. I mean do you have any brains at all?<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">><i>Fuck me.</i><</speech>>
<div class="general">You look at Noelle and she looks terrified.</div>
<<speech "Sarah" "Sarah">>And I don't understand why $name, we were doing so well..<</speech>>
<div class="general">Sarah looks genuinely sad, but switches back to angry quite quickly.</div>
<<speech "Sarah" "Sarah">>And then you cheat on me with this fake tits fucking bimbo.<</speech>>
<<speech "Noelle" "Noelle">>Well, maybe if you had such tits, he would fuck you instead of me.<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">><i>Oh fuck, she should not have said that.</i><</speech>>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Continue->caughtevent2]]</span></div>
<div class="general">You decide to ignore the commotion.</div>
<a data-passage="upstairs"><div class="talkplayer">Let’s do something else</div></a>
<<set $caughtevent to "false">><<speech "Sarah" "Sarah">>EXCUSE ME? Are you fucking kidding me?! You are done, you are so done.<</speech>>
<div class="general">Sarah grabs a winebottle and starts charging at Noelle.</div>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Sarah!<</speech>>
<div class="general">Noelle tries to run away, but trips and falls on the ground.</div>
<<speech "Sarah" "Sarah">>Got ya, you fucking slut!<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Sarah, please if you want to blame anyone, blame me!<</speech>>
<div class="general">Sarah looks up at you.</div>
<<speech "Sarah" "Sarah">>Oh, don't worry, we are far from done, but first I'm handling this bitch.<</speech>>
<div class="general">Sarah raises the bottle ready to hit Noelle.</div>
<<speech "Noelle" "Noelle">>Wait, please!<</speech>>
<div class="general">Noelle starts crying.</div>
<<speech "Noelle" "Noelle">>Please.. I.. I'm pregnant.<</speech>>
<div class="general">Sarah's expression turns into shock and disbelieve.</div>
<<speech "Sarah" "Sarah">>What.. Are you..?<</speech>>
<div class="general">Sarah is clearly in shock and stands frozen in place, still with the bottle raised over her head.</div>
<<speech "Sarah" "Sarah">>I.. Is it his?<</speech>>
<<speech "Noelle" "Noelle">>Yes, $name is the father. He is the only one I slept with.<</speech>>
<div class="general">Sarah steps back and her eyes start tearing up.</div>
<<speech "Sarah" "Sarah">>I.. I can't believe this.<</speech>>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Continue->caughtevent3]]</span></div>
<<speech "Sarah" "Sarah">>I.. I.. I can't take this.<</speech>>
<div class="general">Sarah puts the bottle away and starts exiting the kitchen.</div>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Sarah wait..<</speech>>
<<speech "Sarah" "Sarah">>No.. I.. I'm leaving and I'm taking Peter with me.<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Where are you going?<</speech>>
<<speech "Sarah" "Sarah">>Like you care..<</speech>>
<div class="general">Sarah leaves the kitchen and a short while later you hear the car leaving the driveway.</div>
<<speech "Player" "$name">><i>Fuck.</i><</speech>>
<div class="general">You look at Noelle who is slowly getting up.</div>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Are you ok?<</speech>>
<<speech "Noelle" "Noelle">>Yeah, I'm ok.<</speech>>
<div class="general">Noelle stands up and looks at you.</div>
<<speech "Noelle" "Noelle">>Sarah is crazy, completely nuts, you should be happy she left you.<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>I.. I..<</speech>>
<div class="general">You don't really know what to say or think.</div>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>How the fuck did you get pregnant, I thought you where on the pill and how long have you known?<</speech>>
<<speech "Noelle" "Noelle">>I.. Euh.. I know since this morning actually and, before you ask, I did two tests so I'm sure.<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>But how?<</speech>>
<<speech "Noelle" "Noelle">>I don't know, I mean, the pill is not 100% safe..<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>I.. I need some time to progress this.<</speech>>
<a data-passage="entrance"><div class="talkplayer">Let’s do something else</div></a>
<<set $rsarah to 0>>
<<addenergy -15>>
<<addhappiness -50>>
<<addhygene -15>>
<<set $time to $time +5>>
Double-click this passage to edit it.<<nobr>><<if $hygene lte 15>>
<img src="images/noelle/noelleangry.jpg" /><br>
<<speech "Noelle" "Noelle">>You smell terrible, go take a shower or something, just get away from me!<</speech>><br>
<a data-passage="entrance"><div class="talkplayer">Let’s do something else</div></a>
<<elseif $energy lt 10 or $happiness lt 20>>
<img src="images/player/misc/mood.jpg" /><br>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>I'm not in the mood for this.<</speech>><br>
<a data-passage="entrance"><div class="talkplayer">Let’s do something else</div></a>
<img src="images/noelle/livingroom/noelle.jpg" /><br>
<div class="general">You enter the livingroom and see Noelle.</div><br>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Talk to Noelle->livtalknoellecaught]]</span></div><br>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Look at Noelle->livlooknoellecaught]]</span></div><br>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Kiss Noelle->livkissnoellecaught]]</span></div><br>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Go to Noelle->livmovencaught]]</span></div><br>
<<if $foundsarah is "true" and $noellespyevent is "false">>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Spy on Noelle->livspy]]</span></div><br><</if>>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Read a book->livingrbook]]</span></div><br>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Watch tv->livingrtv]]</span></div><br>
<a data-passage="entrance"><div class="talkloc">Let’s go somewhere else</div></a>
<</if>><</nobr>><<nobr>><<if $hygene lte 15>>
<img src="images/noelle/noelleangry.jpg" /><br>
<<speech "Noelle" "Noelle">>You smell terrible, go take a shower or something, just get away from me!<</speech>><br>
<a data-passage="entrance"><div class="talkplayer">Let’s do something else</div></a>
<<elseif $energy lt 10 or $happiness lt 20>>
<img src="images/player/misc/mood.jpg" /><br>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>I'm not in the mood for this.<</speech>><br>
<a data-passage="entrance"><div class="talkplayer">Let’s do something else</div></a>
<img src="images/noelle/kitchen/noelle.jpg" /><br>
<div class="general">You enter the kitchen and see Noelle.</div><br>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Talk to Noelle->kittalknoellecaught]]</span></div><br>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Look at Noelle->kitlooknoellecaught]]</span></div><br>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Kiss Noelle->kitkissnoellecaught]]</span></div><br>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Go to Noelle->kitmovencaught]]</span></div><br>
<<if $foundsarah is "true" and $noellespyevent is "false">>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Spy on Noelle->kitspy]]</span></div><br><</if>>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Take a snack->snack]]</span></div><br>
<a data-passage="entrance"><div class="talkloc">Let’s go somewhere else</div></a>
<</if>><</nobr>><<nobr>><div class="general">You stand in front of the guestroom, you are pretty sure Noelle is inside.</div><br>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Knock on her door->guestnknockcaught]]</span></div><br>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Just walk in->guestnnoknockcaught]]</span></div><br>
<<if $foundsarah is "true" and $noellespyevent is "false">>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Spy on Noelle->guestspy2]]</span></div><br>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Spy on Noelle->guestnspycaught]]</span></div><br><</if>>
<a data-passage="upstairs"><div class="talkloc">Let’s go somewhere else</div></a><</nobr>>
<<nobr>><div class="general">You stand in front of the bathroom door, you are pretty sure that Noelle is inside.</div><br>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Enter->bathmovencaught]]</span></div><br>
<<if $foundsarah is "true" and $noellespyevent is "false">>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Spy on Noelle->bathspy2]]</span></div><br>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Spy on Noelle->bathspyncaught]]</span></div><br><</if>>
<a data-passage="upstairs"><div class="talkloc">Let’s go somewhere else</div></a><</nobr>>
<<nobr>><<if $hygene lte 15>>
<img src="images/noelle/noelleangry.jpg" /><br>
<<speech "Noelle" "Noelle">>You smell terrible, go take a shower or something, just get away from me!<</speech>><br>
<a data-passage="garden"><div class="talkplayer">Let’s do something else</div></a>
<<elseif $energy lt 10 or $happiness lt 20>>
<img src="images/player/misc/mood.jpg" /><br>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>I'm not in the mood for this.<</speech>><br>
<a data-passage="garden"><div class="talkplayer">Let’s do something else</div></a>
<img src="images/noelle/garden/noelle.jpg" /><br>
<div class="general">You enter the garden and see Noelle on the terrace.</div><br>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Talk to Noelle->terracetalknoellecaught]]</span></div><br>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Look at Noelle->terracelooknoellecaught]]</span></div><br>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Kiss Noelle->terracekissnoellecaught]]</span></div><br>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Go to Noelle->garmovencaught]]</span></div><br>
<<if $foundsarah is "true" and $noellespyevent is "false">>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Spy on Noelle->terspy]]</span></div><br><</if>>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Read a book->readbookgar]]</span></div><br>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Take a nap->garsleep]]</span></div><br>
<a data-passage="garden"><div class="talkloc">Let’s go somewhere else</div></a>
<</if>><</nobr>><<nobr>><<if $hygene lte 15>>
<img src="images/noelle/noelleangry.jpg" /><br>
<<speech "Noelle" "Noelle">>You smell terrible, go take a shower or something, just get away from me!<</speech>><br>
<a data-passage="garden"><div class="talkplayer">Let’s do something else</div></a>
<<elseif $energy lt 10 or $happiness lt 20>>
<img src="images/player/misc/mood.jpg" /><br>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>I'm not in the mood for this.<</speech>><br>
<a data-passage="garden"><div class="talkplayer">Let’s do something else</div></a>
<img src="images/noelle/pool/noelle.jpg" /><br>
<div class="general">You see Noelle in the pool.</div><br>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Talk to Noelle->pooltalknoellecaught]]</span></div><br>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Look at Noelle->poollooknoellecaught]]</span></div><br>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Kiss Noelle->poolkissnoellecaught]]</span></div><br>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Go to Noelle->poolmovenoellecaught]]</span></div><br>
<<if $foundsarah is "true" and $noellespyevent is "false">>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Spy on Noelle->poolspy]]</span></div><br><</if>>
<a data-passage="garden"><div class="talkloc">Let’s go somewhere else</div></a>
<<if $convon gt 2>>
<<speech "Noelle" "Noelle">>$name, I'm so tired and we already talked so much today, can't you go and talk to someone else?<</speech>><br>
<a data-passage="entrance"><div class="talkplayer">Let’s do something else</div></a>
<<addhappiness -3>>
<<set $time to $time +1>>
<<set $suspicious to $suspicious +1>>
<<elseif $convon gt 5>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>I shouldn’t bother her to much with my conversations.<</speech>><br>
<a data-passage="entrance"><div class="talkplayer">Let’s do something else</div></a>
<<if $rnoelle gte 0 and $rnoelle lt 40>>
<<switch random(5)>>
<<case 1>>
<<speech "Noelle" "Noelle">>I used to be a model back in the day, I enjoyed it so much.<</speech>>
<<case 2>>
<<speech "Noelle" "Noelle">>I really like this job, Peter is such a cute child.<</speech>>
<<case 3>>
<<speech "Noelle" "Noelle">>I love your pool. I want a pool in my yard, if I had a yard.<</speech>>
<<case 4>>
<<speech "Noelle" "Noelle">>I'm not sure Sarah really likes me.<</speech>>
<<case 5>>
<<speech "Noelle" "Noelle">>I used to study to become a nurse once.<</speech>>
<<speech "Noelle" "Noelle">>I want to thank you for this oppertunity.<</speech>>
<br><a data-passage="entrance"><div class="talkplayer">Let’s do something else</div></a>
<<if $fitness gte 0 and $fitness lt 15>>
<<addrnoelle 1>>
<<elseif $fitness gte 15 and $fitness lt 30>>
<<addrnoelle 2>>
<<elseif $fitness gte 30>>
<<addrnoelle 3>><</if>>
<<addenergy -5>>
<<addhappiness 1>>
<<set $time to $time +1>>
<<set $convon to $convon +1>>
<<elseif $rnoelle gte 40 and $rnoelle lt 80>>
<<switch random(5)>>
<<case 1>>
<<speech "Noelle" "Noelle">>You are so good to me.<</speech>>
<<case 2>>
<<speech "Noelle" "Noelle">>I really like your style.<</speech>>
<<case 3>>
<<speech "Noelle" "Noelle">>I really enjoyed your last collumn.<</speech>>
<<case 4>>
<<speech "Noelle" "Noelle">>I have had only 2 boyfriends in the past.<</speech>>
<<case 5>>
<<speech "Noelle" "Noelle">>I used to live in a very crappy apartment.<</speech>>
<<speech "Noelle" "Noelle">>I should do a shoot again, if I only had a camera.<</speech>>
<br><a data-passage="entrance"><div class="talkplayer">Let’s do something else</div></a>
<<if $fitness gte 0 and $fitness lt 15>>
<<addrnoelle 1>>
<<elseif $fitness gte 15 and $fitness lt 30>>
<<addrnoelle 2>>
<<elseif $fitness gte 30>>
<<addrnoelle 3>><</if>>
<<addenergy -5>>
<<addhappiness 1>>
<<set $time to $time +1>>
<<set $convon to $convon +1>>
<<elseif $rnoelle gte 80 and $rnoelle lt 120>>
<<switch random(5)>>
<<case 1>>
<<speech "Noelle" "Noelle">>You are so good to me.<</speech>>
<<case 2>>
<<speech "Noelle" "Noelle">>I really like your style.<</speech>>
<<case 3>>
<<speech "Noelle" "Noelle">>I really enjoyed your last collumn.<</speech>>
<<case 4>>
<<speech "Noelle" "Noelle">>I have had only 2 boyfriends in the past.<</speech>>
<<case 5>>
<<speech "Noelle" "Noelle">>I used to live in a very crappy apartment.<</speech>>
<<speech "Noelle" "Noelle">>You look good today.<</speech>>
<br><a data-passage="entrance"><div class="talkplayer">Let’s do something else</div></a>
<<if $fitness gte 0 and $fitness lt 15>>
<<addrnoelle 1>>
<<elseif $fitness gte 15 and $fitness lt 30>>
<<addrnoelle 2>>
<<elseif $fitness gte 30>>
<<addrnoelle 3>><</if>>
<<addenergy -5>>
<<addhappiness 1>>
<<set $time to $time +1>>
<<set $convon to $convon +1>>
<<elseif $rnoelle gte 120 and $rnoelle lt 160>>
<<switch random(5)>>
<<case 1>>
<<speech "Noelle" "Noelle">>I just love to be naked.<</speech>>
<<case 2>>
<<speech "Noelle" "Noelle">>I once flashed a guy in the park.<</speech>>
<<case 3>>
<<speech "Noelle" "Noelle">>I had a wet deam about you recently.<</speech>>
<<case 4>>
<<speech "Noelle" "Noelle">>I have had sex with 5 different men.<</speech>>
<<case 5>>
<<speech "Noelle" "Noelle">>I like it when masturbate for me.<</speech>>
<<speech "Noelle" "Noelle">>I masturbate a couple times per week.<</speech>>
<br><a data-passage="entrance"><div class="talkplayer">Let’s do something else</div></a>
<<if $fitness gte 0 and $fitness lt 15>>
<<addrnoelle 1>>
<<elseif $fitness gte 15 and $fitness lt 30>>
<<addrnoelle 2>>
<<elseif $fitness gte 30>>
<<addrnoelle 3>><</if>>
<<addenergy -5>>
<<addhappiness 1>>
<<set $time to $time +1>>
<<set $convon to $convon +1>>
<<elseif $rnoelle gte 160 and $rnoelle lt 201>>
<<switch random(5)>>
<<case 1>>
<<speech "Noelle" "Noelle">>I'm really glad Sarah is gone, it's better for both of us.<</speech>>
<<case 2>>
<<speech "Noelle" "Noelle">>It's so quiet in here now, I love it.<</speech>>
<<case 3>>
<<speech "Noelle" "Noelle">>I love the freedom we now have.<</speech>>
<<case 4>>
<<speech "Noelle" "Noelle">>Can I borrow some money, I really need some new clothes.<</speech>>
<<case 5>>
<<speech "Noelle" "Noelle">>I feel so relieved now Sarah is gone.<</speech>>
<<speech "Noelle" "Noelle">>I really enjoy just doing nothing.<</speech>>
<br><a data-passage="entrance"><div class="talkplayer">Let’s do something else</div></a>
<<if $fitness gte 0 and $fitness lt 15>>
<<addrnoelle 1>>
<<elseif $fitness gte 15 and $fitness lt 30>>
<<addrnoelle 2>>
<<elseif $fitness gte 30>>
<<addrnoelle 3>><</if>>
<<addenergy -5>>
<<addhappiness 1>>
<<set $time to $time +1>>
<<set $convon to $convon +1>>
<</if>><</if>><</nobr>><div class="general">You look at Noelle, but she doesn't pay any attention to you.</div>
<a data-passage="entrance"><div class="talkplayer">Let’s do something else</div></a>
<<addhappiness -2>>
<<set $time to $time +1>>
<<set $suspicious to $suspicious +1>>
<<if $kissn gt 1>>
<<speech "Noelle" "Noelle">>$name, please stop being so clingy.<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Alright sorry.<</speech>>
<a data-passage="entrance"><div class="talkplayer">Let’s do something else</div></a>
<<addhappiness -5>>
<<set $time to $time +1>>
<<set $suspicious to $suspicious +1>>
<<elseif $kissn gte 3>>
<img src="images/player/misc/clingy.jpg" />
<br><<speech "Player" "$name">><i>I shouldn’t become to clingy.</i><</speech>><br>
<a data-passage="entrance"><div class="talkplayer">Let’s do something else</div></a>
<<elseif $firstkiss is "false">>
<img src="images/noelle/noelleangry.jpg" />
<br><<speech "Noelle" "Noelle">>What are you..? Get out of here!<</speech>><br>
<<speech "Player" "$name">><i>Even though we are doing great together, it seems that I have to do more if I want to kiss her.</i><</speech>><br><a data-passage="entrance"><div class="talkplayer">Let’s do something else</div></a>
<<if $fitness gte 0 and $fitness lt 15>>
<<addrnoelle -5>>
<<elseif $fitness gte 15 and $fitness lt 30>>
<<addrnoelle -3>>
<<elseif $fitness gte 30>>
<<addrnoelle -1>><</if>>
<<addhappiness -5>>
<<addenergy -5>>
<<set $time to $time +1>>
<<elseif $rnoelle gte 120>>
<<speech "Noelle" "Noelle">>Hmm. Alright then.<</speech>><br>
<img src="images/noelle/noellekiss.jpg" />
<br><div class="general">You kiss Noelle.</div><br>
<a data-passage="entrance"><div class="talkplayer">Let’s do something else</div></a>
<<addhappiness 5>>
<<addenergy -5>>
<<set $time to $time +1>>
<<addfaithfulness -3>>
<</if>><</nobr>><<speech "Noelle" "Noelle">>I'm sorry $name, I can't, I feel so bloated.<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Oh.. Alright, anything I can do for you?<</speech>>
<<speech "Noelle" "Noelle">>No, I'm good, I'm just going to lay down for a bit.<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>I understand.<</speech>>
<a data-passage="entrance"><div class="talkplayer">Let’s do something else</div></a>
<<addhappiness -3>>
<<set $time to $time +1>>
<<set $suspicious to $suspicious +1>>
<<if $convon gt 2>>
<<speech "Noelle" "Noelle">>$name, I'm so tired and we already talked so much today, can't you go and talk to someone else?<</speech>><br>
<a data-passage="entrance"><div class="talkplayer">Let’s do something else</div></a>
<<addhappiness -3>>
<<set $time to $time +1>>
<<set $suspicious to $suspicious +1>>
<<elseif $convon gt 5>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>I shouldn’t bother her to much with my conversations.<</speech>><br>
<a data-passage="entrance"><div class="talkplayer">Let’s do something else</div></a>
<<if $rnoelle gte 0 and $rnoelle lt 40>>
<<switch random(5)>>
<<case 1>>
<<speech "Noelle" "Noelle">>I used to be a model back in the day, I enjoyed it so much.<</speech>>
<<case 2>>
<<speech "Noelle" "Noelle">>I really like this job, Peter is such a cute child.<</speech>>
<<case 3>>
<<speech "Noelle" "Noelle">>I love your pool. I want a pool in my yard, if I had a yard.<</speech>>
<<case 4>>
<<speech "Noelle" "Noelle">>I'm not sure Sarah really likes me.<</speech>>
<<case 5>>
<<speech "Noelle" "Noelle">>I used to study to become a nurse once.<</speech>>
<<speech "Noelle" "Noelle">>I want to thank you for this oppertunity.<</speech>>
<br><a data-passage="entrance"><div class="talkplayer">Let’s do something else</div></a>
<<if $fitness gte 0 and $fitness lt 15>>
<<addrnoelle 1>>
<<elseif $fitness gte 15 and $fitness lt 30>>
<<addrnoelle 2>>
<<elseif $fitness gte 30>>
<<addrnoelle 3>><</if>>
<<addenergy -5>>
<<addhappiness 1>>
<<set $time to $time +1>>
<<set $convon to $convon +1>>
<<elseif $rnoelle gte 40 and $rnoelle lt 80>>
<<switch random(5)>>
<<case 1>>
<<speech "Noelle" "Noelle">>You are so good to me.<</speech>>
<<case 2>>
<<speech "Noelle" "Noelle">>I really like your style.<</speech>>
<<case 3>>
<<speech "Noelle" "Noelle">>I really enjoyed your last collumn.<</speech>>
<<case 4>>
<<speech "Noelle" "Noelle">>I have had only 2 boyfriends in the past.<</speech>>
<<case 5>>
<<speech "Noelle" "Noelle">>I used to live in a very crappy apartment.<</speech>>
<<speech "Noelle" "Noelle">>I should do a shoot again, if I only had a camera.<</speech>>
<br><a data-passage="entrance"><div class="talkplayer">Let’s do something else</div></a>
<<if $fitness gte 0 and $fitness lt 15>>
<<addrnoelle 1>>
<<elseif $fitness gte 15 and $fitness lt 30>>
<<addrnoelle 2>>
<<elseif $fitness gte 30>>
<<addrnoelle 3>><</if>>
<<addenergy -5>>
<<addhappiness 1>>
<<set $time to $time +1>>
<<set $convon to $convon +1>>
<<elseif $rnoelle gte 80 and $rnoelle lt 120>>
<<switch random(5)>>
<<case 1>>
<<speech "Noelle" "Noelle">>You are so good to me.<</speech>>
<<case 2>>
<<speech "Noelle" "Noelle">>I really like your style.<</speech>>
<<case 3>>
<<speech "Noelle" "Noelle">>I really enjoyed your last collumn.<</speech>>
<<case 4>>
<<speech "Noelle" "Noelle">>I have had only 2 boyfriends in the past.<</speech>>
<<case 5>>
<<speech "Noelle" "Noelle">>I used to live in a very crappy apartment.<</speech>>
<<speech "Noelle" "Noelle">>You look good today.<</speech>>
<br><a data-passage="entrance"><div class="talkplayer">Let’s do something else</div></a>
<<if $fitness gte 0 and $fitness lt 15>>
<<addrnoelle 1>>
<<elseif $fitness gte 15 and $fitness lt 30>>
<<addrnoelle 2>>
<<elseif $fitness gte 30>>
<<addrnoelle 3>><</if>>
<<addenergy -5>>
<<addhappiness 1>>
<<set $time to $time +1>>
<<set $convon to $convon +1>>
<<elseif $rnoelle gte 120 and $rnoelle lt 160>>
<<switch random(5)>>
<<case 1>>
<<speech "Noelle" "Noelle">>I just love to be naked.<</speech>>
<<case 2>>
<<speech "Noelle" "Noelle">>I once flashed a guy in the park.<</speech>>
<<case 3>>
<<speech "Noelle" "Noelle">>I had a wet deam about you recently.<</speech>>
<<case 4>>
<<speech "Noelle" "Noelle">>I have had sex with 5 different men.<</speech>>
<<case 5>>
<<speech "Noelle" "Noelle">>I like it when masturbate for me.<</speech>>
<<speech "Noelle" "Noelle">>I masturbate a couple times per week.<</speech>>
<br><a data-passage="entrance"><div class="talkplayer">Let’s do something else</div></a>
<<if $fitness gte 0 and $fitness lt 15>>
<<addrnoelle 1>>
<<elseif $fitness gte 15 and $fitness lt 30>>
<<addrnoelle 2>>
<<elseif $fitness gte 30>>
<<addrnoelle 3>><</if>>
<<addenergy -5>>
<<addhappiness 1>>
<<set $time to $time +1>>
<<set $convon to $convon +1>>
<<elseif $rnoelle gte 160 and $rnoelle lt 201>>
<<switch random(5)>>
<<case 1>>
<<speech "Noelle" "Noelle">>I'm really glad Sarah is gone, it's better for both of us.<</speech>>
<<case 2>>
<<speech "Noelle" "Noelle">>It's so quiet in here now, I love it.<</speech>>
<<case 3>>
<<speech "Noelle" "Noelle">>I love the freedom we now have.<</speech>>
<<case 4>>
<<speech "Noelle" "Noelle">>Can I borrow some money, I really need some new clothes.<</speech>>
<<case 5>>
<<speech "Noelle" "Noelle">>I feel so relieved now Sarah is gone.<</speech>>
<<speech "Noelle" "Noelle">>I really enjoy just doing nothing.<</speech>>
<br><a data-passage="entrance"><div class="talkplayer">Let’s do something else</div></a>
<<if $fitness gte 0 and $fitness lt 15>>
<<addrnoelle 1>>
<<elseif $fitness gte 15 and $fitness lt 30>>
<<addrnoelle 2>>
<<elseif $fitness gte 30>>
<<addrnoelle 3>><</if>>
<<addenergy -5>>
<<addhappiness 1>>
<<set $time to $time +1>>
<<set $convon to $convon +1>>
<</if>><</if>><</nobr>><div class="general">You look at Noelle, but she doesn't pay any attention to you.</div>
<a data-passage="entrance"><div class="talkplayer">Let’s do something else</div></a>
<<addhappiness -2>>
<<set $time to $time +1>>
<<set $suspicious to $suspicious +1>>
<<if $kissn gt 1>>
<<speech "Noelle" "Noelle">>$name, please stop being so clingy.<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Alright sorry.<</speech>>
<a data-passage="entrance"><div class="talkplayer">Let’s do something else</div></a>
<<addhappiness -5>>
<<set $time to $time +1>>
<<set $suspicious to $suspicious +1>>
<<elseif $kissn gte 3>>
<img src="images/player/misc/clingy.jpg" />
<br><<speech "Player" "$name">><i>I shouldn’t become to clingy.</i><</speech>><br>
<a data-passage="entrance"><div class="talkplayer">Let’s do something else</div></a>
<<elseif $firstkiss is "false">>
<img src="images/noelle/noelleangry.jpg" />
<br><<speech "Noelle" "Noelle">>What are you..? Get out of here!<</speech>><br>
<<speech "Player" "$name">><i>Even though we are doing great together, it seems that I have to do more if I want to kiss her.</i><</speech>><br><a data-passage="entrance"><div class="talkplayer">Let’s do something else</div></a>
<<if $fitness gte 0 and $fitness lt 15>>
<<addrnoelle -5>>
<<elseif $fitness gte 15 and $fitness lt 30>>
<<addrnoelle -3>>
<<elseif $fitness gte 30>>
<<addrnoelle -1>><</if>>
<<addhappiness -5>>
<<addenergy -5>>
<<set $time to $time +1>>
<<elseif $rnoelle gte 120>>
<<speech "Noelle" "Noelle">>Hmm. Alright then.<</speech>><br>
<img src="images/noelle/noellekiss.jpg" />
<br><div class="general">You kiss Noelle.</div><br>
<a data-passage="entrance"><div class="talkplayer">Let’s do something else</div></a>
<<addhappiness 5>>
<<addenergy -5>>
<<set $time to $time +1>>
<<addfaithfulness -3>>
<</if>><</nobr>><<speech "Noelle" "Noelle">>$name, please, not now. I'm not in the mood.<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Alright..<</speech>>
<a data-passage="entrance"><div class="talkplayer">Let’s do something else</div></a>
<<addhappiness -3>>
<<set $time to $time +1>>
<<set $suspicious to $suspicious +1>>
<div class="general">You knock on her door.</div>
<<speech "Noelle" "Noelle">>Who's there?<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>It's $name, can I come in?<</speech>>
<<speech "Noelle" "Noelle">>Not right now $name, I'm resting.<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Oh, alright then.<</speech>>
<a data-passage="upstairs"><div class="talkplayer">Let’s do something else</div></a>
<<set $suspicious to $suspicious +1>>
<<addhappiness -3>>
<<set $time to $time +1>><<speech "Noelle" "Noelle">>What the fuck $name! You can't just walk in whenever you want. Get out!<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>But..?<</speech>>
<<speech "Noelle" "Noelle">>Get out!<</speech>>
<a data-passage="upstairs"><div class="talkplayer">Let’s do something else</div></a>
<<set $suspicious to $suspicious +1>>
<<addhappiness -3>>
<<set $time to $time +1>><div class="general">You try to spy on Noelle but her door is fully closed.</div>
<a data-passage="upstairs"><div class="talkplayer">Let’s do something else</div></a>
<div class="general">You try to enter but the door seems locked.</div>
<<speech "Player" "$name">><i>What the fuck, no-one locks this door..</i><</speech>>
<div class="general">You talk throught the door.</div>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Noelle, can I come in?<</speech>>
<<speech "Noelle" "Noelle">>No, I'm taking a bath. Alone.<</speech>>
<a data-passage="upstairs"><div class="talkplayer">Let’s do something else</div></a>
<<addhappiness -3>>
<<set $time to $time +1>>
<<set $suspicious to $suspicious +1>><div class="general">You try to enter but the door seems locked.</div>
<<speech "Player" "$name">><i>What the fuck, no-one locks this door..</i><</speech>>
<a data-passage="upstairs"><div class="talkplayer">Let’s do something else</div></a>
<<if $convon gt 2>>
<<speech "Noelle" "Noelle">>$name, I'm so tired and we already talked so much today, can't you go and talk to someone else?<</speech>><br>
<a data-passage="garden"><div class="talkplayer">Let’s do something else</div></a>
<<addhappiness -3>>
<<set $time to $time +1>>
<<set $suspicious to $suspicious +1>>
<<elseif $convon gt 5>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>I shouldn’t bother her to much with my conversations.<</speech>><br>
<a data-passage="garden"><div class="talkplayer">Let’s do something else</div></a>
<<if $rnoelle gte 0 and $rnoelle lt 40>>
<<switch random(5)>>
<<case 1>>
<<speech "Noelle" "Noelle">>I used to be a model back in the day, I enjoyed it so much.<</speech>>
<<case 2>>
<<speech "Noelle" "Noelle">>I really like this job, Peter is such a cute child.<</speech>>
<<case 3>>
<<speech "Noelle" "Noelle">>I love your pool. I want a pool in my yard, if I had a yard.<</speech>>
<<case 4>>
<<speech "Noelle" "Noelle">>I'm not sure Sarah really likes me.<</speech>>
<<case 5>>
<<speech "Noelle" "Noelle">>I used to study to become a nurse once.<</speech>>
<<speech "Noelle" "Noelle">>I want to thank you for this oppertunity.<</speech>>
<br><a data-passage="garden"><div class="talkplayer">Let’s do something else</div></a>
<<if $fitness gte 0 and $fitness lt 15>>
<<addrnoelle 1>>
<<elseif $fitness gte 15 and $fitness lt 30>>
<<addrnoelle 2>>
<<elseif $fitness gte 30>>
<<addrnoelle 3>><</if>>
<<addenergy -5>>
<<addhappiness 1>>
<<set $time to $time +1>>
<<set $convon to $convon +1>>
<<elseif $rnoelle gte 40 and $rnoelle lt 80>>
<<switch random(5)>>
<<case 1>>
<<speech "Noelle" "Noelle">>You are so good to me.<</speech>>
<<case 2>>
<<speech "Noelle" "Noelle">>I really like your style.<</speech>>
<<case 3>>
<<speech "Noelle" "Noelle">>I really enjoyed your last collumn.<</speech>>
<<case 4>>
<<speech "Noelle" "Noelle">>I have had only 2 boyfriends in the past.<</speech>>
<<case 5>>
<<speech "Noelle" "Noelle">>I used to live in a very crappy apartment.<</speech>>
<<speech "Noelle" "Noelle">>I should do a shoot again, if I only had a camera.<</speech>>
<br><a data-passage="garden"><div class="talkplayer">Let’s do something else</div></a>
<<if $fitness gte 0 and $fitness lt 15>>
<<addrnoelle 1>>
<<elseif $fitness gte 15 and $fitness lt 30>>
<<addrnoelle 2>>
<<elseif $fitness gte 30>>
<<addrnoelle 3>><</if>>
<<addenergy -5>>
<<addhappiness 1>>
<<set $time to $time +1>>
<<set $convon to $convon +1>>
<<elseif $rnoelle gte 80 and $rnoelle lt 120>>
<<switch random(5)>>
<<case 1>>
<<speech "Noelle" "Noelle">>You are so good to me.<</speech>>
<<case 2>>
<<speech "Noelle" "Noelle">>I really like your style.<</speech>>
<<case 3>>
<<speech "Noelle" "Noelle">>I really enjoyed your last collumn.<</speech>>
<<case 4>>
<<speech "Noelle" "Noelle">>I have had only 2 boyfriends in the past.<</speech>>
<<case 5>>
<<speech "Noelle" "Noelle">>I used to live in a very crappy apartment.<</speech>>
<<speech "Noelle" "Noelle">>You look good today.<</speech>>
<br><a data-passage="garden"><div class="talkplayer">Let’s do something else</div></a>
<<if $fitness gte 0 and $fitness lt 15>>
<<addrnoelle 1>>
<<elseif $fitness gte 15 and $fitness lt 30>>
<<addrnoelle 2>>
<<elseif $fitness gte 30>>
<<addrnoelle 3>><</if>>
<<addenergy -5>>
<<addhappiness 1>>
<<set $time to $time +1>>
<<set $convon to $convon +1>>
<<elseif $rnoelle gte 120 and $rnoelle lt 160>>
<<switch random(5)>>
<<case 1>>
<<speech "Noelle" "Noelle">>I just love to be naked.<</speech>>
<<case 2>>
<<speech "Noelle" "Noelle">>I once flashed a guy in the park.<</speech>>
<<case 3>>
<<speech "Noelle" "Noelle">>I had a wet deam about you recently.<</speech>>
<<case 4>>
<<speech "Noelle" "Noelle">>I have had sex with 5 different men.<</speech>>
<<case 5>>
<<speech "Noelle" "Noelle">>I like it when masturbate for me.<</speech>>
<<speech "Noelle" "Noelle">>I masturbate a couple times per week.<</speech>>
<br><a data-passage="garden"><div class="talkplayer">Let’s do something else</div></a>
<<if $fitness gte 0 and $fitness lt 15>>
<<addrnoelle 1>>
<<elseif $fitness gte 15 and $fitness lt 30>>
<<addrnoelle 2>>
<<elseif $fitness gte 30>>
<<addrnoelle 3>><</if>>
<<addenergy -5>>
<<addhappiness 1>>
<<set $time to $time +1>>
<<set $convon to $convon +1>>
<<elseif $rnoelle gte 160 and $rnoelle lt 201>>
<<switch random(5)>>
<<case 1>>
<<speech "Noelle" "Noelle">>I'm really glad Sarah is gone, it's better for both of us.<</speech>>
<<case 2>>
<<speech "Noelle" "Noelle">>It's so quiet in here now, I love it.<</speech>>
<<case 3>>
<<speech "Noelle" "Noelle">>I love the freedom we now have.<</speech>>
<<case 4>>
<<speech "Noelle" "Noelle">>Can I borrow some money, I really need some new clothes.<</speech>>
<<case 5>>
<<speech "Noelle" "Noelle">>I feel so relieved now Sarah is gone.<</speech>>
<<speech "Noelle" "Noelle">>I really enjoy just doing nothing.<</speech>>
<br><a data-passage="garden"><div class="talkplayer">Let’s do something else</div></a>
<<if $fitness gte 0 and $fitness lt 15>>
<<addrnoelle 1>>
<<elseif $fitness gte 15 and $fitness lt 30>>
<<addrnoelle 2>>
<<elseif $fitness gte 30>>
<<addrnoelle 3>><</if>>
<<addenergy -5>>
<<addhappiness 1>>
<<set $time to $time +1>>
<<set $convon to $convon +1>>
<</if>><</if>><</nobr>><div class="general">You look at Noelle, but she doesn't pay any attention to you.</div>
<a data-passage="garden"><div class="talkplayer">Let’s do something else</div></a>
<<addhappiness -2>>
<<set $time to $time +1>>
<<set $suspicious to $suspicious +1>>
<<if $kissn gt 1>>
<<speech "Noelle" "Noelle">>$name, please stop being so clingy.<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Alright sorry.<</speech>>
<a data-passage="garden"><div class="talkplayer">Let’s do something else</div></a>
<<addhappiness -5>>
<<set $time to $time +1>>
<<set $suspicious to $suspicious +1>>
<<elseif $kissn gte 3>>
<img src="images/player/misc/clingy.jpg" />
<br><<speech "Player" "$name">><i>I shouldn’t become to clingy.</i><</speech>><br>
<a data-passage="entrance"><div class="talkplayer">Let’s do something else</div></a>
<<elseif $firstkiss is "false">>
<img src="images/noelle/noelleangry.jpg" />
<br><<speech "Noelle" "Noelle">>What are you..? Get out of here!<</speech>><br>
<<speech "Player" "$name">><i>Even though we are doing great together, it seems that I have to do more if I want to kiss her.</i><</speech>><br><a data-passage="garden"><div class="talkplayer">Let’s do something else</div></a>
<<if $fitness gte 0 and $fitness lt 15>>
<<addrnoelle -5>>
<<elseif $fitness gte 15 and $fitness lt 30>>
<<addrnoelle -3>>
<<elseif $fitness gte 30>>
<<addrnoelle -1>><</if>>
<<addhappiness -5>>
<<addenergy -5>>
<<set $time to $time +1>>
<<elseif $rnoelle gte 120>>
<<speech "Noelle" "Noelle">>Hmm. Alright then.<</speech>><br>
<img src="images/noelle/noellekiss.jpg" />
<br><div class="general">You kiss Noelle.</div><br>
<a data-passage="garden"><div class="talkplayer">Let’s do something else</div></a>
<<addhappiness 5>>
<<addenergy -5>>
<<set $time to $time +1>>
<<addfaithfulness -3>>
<</if>><</nobr>><<speech "Player" "$name">>Hi beautifull, how are you feeling.<</speech>>
<<speech "Noelle" "Noelle">>Oh, I'm so tired. Can you just let me nap here for a bit.<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Ehm, sure.<</speech>>
<a data-passage="garden"><div class="talkplayer">Let’s do something else</div></a>
<<addhappiness -3>>
<<set $time to $time +1>>
<<set $suspicious to $suspicious +1>>
<<if $convon gt 2>>
<<speech "Noelle" "Noelle">>$name, I'm so tired and we already talked so much today, can't you go and talk to someone else?<</speech>><br>
<a data-passage="garden"><div class="talkplayer">Let’s do something else</div></a>
<<addhappiness -3>>
<<set $time to $time +1>>
<<set $suspicious to $suspicious +1>>
<<elseif $convon gt 5>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>I shouldn’t bother her to much with my conversations.<</speech>><br>
<a data-passage="garden"><div class="talkplayer">Let’s do something else</div></a>
<<if $rnoelle gte 0 and $rnoelle lt 40>>
<<switch random(5)>>
<<case 1>>
<<speech "Noelle" "Noelle">>I used to be a model back in the day, I enjoyed it so much.<</speech>>
<<case 2>>
<<speech "Noelle" "Noelle">>I really like this job, Peter is such a cute child.<</speech>>
<<case 3>>
<<speech "Noelle" "Noelle">>I love your pool. I want a pool in my yard, if I had a yard.<</speech>>
<<case 4>>
<<speech "Noelle" "Noelle">>I'm not sure Sarah really likes me.<</speech>>
<<case 5>>
<<speech "Noelle" "Noelle">>I used to study to become a nurse once.<</speech>>
<<speech "Noelle" "Noelle">>I want to thank you for this oppertunity.<</speech>>
<br><a data-passage="garden"><div class="talkplayer">Let’s do something else</div></a>
<<if $fitness gte 0 and $fitness lt 15>>
<<addrnoelle 1>>
<<elseif $fitness gte 15 and $fitness lt 30>>
<<addrnoelle 2>>
<<elseif $fitness gte 30>>
<<addrnoelle 3>><</if>>
<<addenergy -5>>
<<addhappiness 1>>
<<set $time to $time +1>>
<<set $convon to $convon +1>>
<<elseif $rnoelle gte 40 and $rnoelle lt 80>>
<<switch random(5)>>
<<case 1>>
<<speech "Noelle" "Noelle">>You are so good to me.<</speech>>
<<case 2>>
<<speech "Noelle" "Noelle">>I really like your style.<</speech>>
<<case 3>>
<<speech "Noelle" "Noelle">>I really enjoyed your last collumn.<</speech>>
<<case 4>>
<<speech "Noelle" "Noelle">>I have had only 2 boyfriends in the past.<</speech>>
<<case 5>>
<<speech "Noelle" "Noelle">>I used to live in a very crappy apartment.<</speech>>
<<speech "Noelle" "Noelle">>I should do a shoot again, if I only had a camera.<</speech>>
<br><a data-passage="garden"><div class="talkplayer">Let’s do something else</div></a>
<<if $fitness gte 0 and $fitness lt 15>>
<<addrnoelle 1>>
<<elseif $fitness gte 15 and $fitness lt 30>>
<<addrnoelle 2>>
<<elseif $fitness gte 30>>
<<addrnoelle 3>><</if>>
<<addenergy -5>>
<<addhappiness 1>>
<<set $time to $time +1>>
<<set $convon to $convon +1>>
<<elseif $rnoelle gte 80 and $rnoelle lt 120>>
<<switch random(5)>>
<<case 1>>
<<speech "Noelle" "Noelle">>You are so good to me.<</speech>>
<<case 2>>
<<speech "Noelle" "Noelle">>I really like your style.<</speech>>
<<case 3>>
<<speech "Noelle" "Noelle">>I really enjoyed your last collumn.<</speech>>
<<case 4>>
<<speech "Noelle" "Noelle">>I have had only 2 boyfriends in the past.<</speech>>
<<case 5>>
<<speech "Noelle" "Noelle">>I used to live in a very crappy apartment.<</speech>>
<<speech "Noelle" "Noelle">>You look good today.<</speech>>
<br><a data-passage="garden"><div class="talkplayer">Let’s do something else</div></a>
<<if $fitness gte 0 and $fitness lt 15>>
<<addrnoelle 1>>
<<elseif $fitness gte 15 and $fitness lt 30>>
<<addrnoelle 2>>
<<elseif $fitness gte 30>>
<<addrnoelle 3>><</if>>
<<addenergy -5>>
<<addhappiness 1>>
<<set $time to $time +1>>
<<set $convon to $convon +1>>
<<elseif $rnoelle gte 120 and $rnoelle lt 160>>
<<switch random(5)>>
<<case 1>>
<<speech "Noelle" "Noelle">>I just love to be naked.<</speech>>
<<case 2>>
<<speech "Noelle" "Noelle">>I once flashed a guy in the park.<</speech>>
<<case 3>>
<<speech "Noelle" "Noelle">>I had a wet deam about you recently.<</speech>>
<<case 4>>
<<speech "Noelle" "Noelle">>I have had sex with 5 different men.<</speech>>
<<case 5>>
<<speech "Noelle" "Noelle">>I like it when masturbate for me.<</speech>>
<<speech "Noelle" "Noelle">>I masturbate a couple times per week.<</speech>>
<br><a data-passage="garden"><div class="talkplayer">Let’s do something else</div></a>
<<if $fitness gte 0 and $fitness lt 15>>
<<addrnoelle 1>>
<<elseif $fitness gte 15 and $fitness lt 30>>
<<addrnoelle 2>>
<<elseif $fitness gte 30>>
<<addrnoelle 3>><</if>>
<<addenergy -5>>
<<addhappiness 1>>
<<set $time to $time +1>>
<<set $convon to $convon +1>>
<<elseif $rnoelle gte 160 and $rnoelle lt 201>>
<<switch random(5)>>
<<case 1>>
<<speech "Noelle" "Noelle">>I'm really glad Sarah is gone, it's better for both of us.<</speech>>
<<case 2>>
<<speech "Noelle" "Noelle">>It's so quiet in here now, I love it.<</speech>>
<<case 3>>
<<speech "Noelle" "Noelle">>I love the freedom we now have.<</speech>>
<<case 4>>
<<speech "Noelle" "Noelle">>Can I borrow some money, I really need some new clothes.<</speech>>
<<case 5>>
<<speech "Noelle" "Noelle">>I feel so relieved now Sarah is gone.<</speech>>
<<speech "Noelle" "Noelle">>I really enjoy just doing nothing.<</speech>>
<br><a data-passage="garden"><div class="talkplayer">Let’s do something else</div></a>
<<if $fitness gte 0 and $fitness lt 15>>
<<addrnoelle 1>>
<<elseif $fitness gte 15 and $fitness lt 30>>
<<addrnoelle 2>>
<<elseif $fitness gte 30>>
<<addrnoelle 3>><</if>>
<<addenergy -5>>
<<addhappiness 1>>
<<set $time to $time +1>>
<<set $convon to $convon +1>>
<</if>><</if>><</nobr>><div class="general">You look at Noelle, but she doesn't pay any attention to you.</div>
<a data-passage="garden"><div class="talkplayer">Let’s do something else</div></a>
<<addhappiness -2>>
<<set $time to $time +1>>
<<set $suspicious to $suspicious +1>>
<<if $kissn gt 1>>
<<speech "Noelle" "Noelle">>$name, please stop being so clingy.<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Alright sorry.<</speech>>
<a data-passage="garden"><div class="talkplayer">Let’s do something else</div></a>
<<addhappiness -5>>
<<set $time to $time +1>>
<<set $suspicious to $suspicious +1>>
<<elseif $kissn gte 3>>
<img src="images/player/misc/clingy.jpg" />
<br><<speech "Player" "$name">><i>I shouldn’t become to clingy.</i><</speech>><br>
<a data-passage="entrance"><div class="talkplayer">Let’s do something else</div></a>
<<elseif $firstkiss is "false">>
<img src="images/noelle/noelleangry.jpg" />
<br><<speech "Noelle" "Noelle">>What are you..? Get out of here!<</speech>><br>
<<speech "Player" "$name">><i>Even though we are doing great together, it seems that I have to do more if I want to kiss her.</i><</speech>><br><a data-passage="garden"><div class="talkplayer">Let’s do something else</div></a>
<<if $fitness gte 0 and $fitness lt 15>>
<<addrnoelle -5>>
<<elseif $fitness gte 15 and $fitness lt 30>>
<<addrnoelle -3>>
<<elseif $fitness gte 30>>
<<addrnoelle -1>><</if>>
<<addhappiness -5>>
<<addenergy -5>>
<<set $time to $time +1>>
<<elseif $rnoelle gte 120>>
<<speech "Noelle" "Noelle">>Hmm. Alright then.<</speech>><br>
<img src="images/noelle/noellekiss.jpg" />
<br><div class="general">You kiss Noelle.</div><br>
<a data-passage="garden"><div class="talkplayer">Let’s do something else</div></a>
<<addhappiness 5>>
<<addenergy -5>>
<<set $time to $time +1>>
<<addfaithfulness -3>>
<</if>><</nobr>><<speech "Player" "$name">>You always look so good in a bikini.<</speech>>
<<speech "Noelle" "Noelle">>I'm glad you like it, you can look all you want.<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Can I do more then just look.<</speech>>
<<speech "Noelle" "Noelle">>I'm sorry $name, I'm too tired for that.<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Ok, I understand.<</speech>>
<a data-passage="garden"><div class="talkplayer">Let’s do something else</div></a>
<<addhappiness -3>>
<<set $time to $time +1>>
<<set $suspicious to $suspicious +1>>
<div class="general">You lay down in your bed, obviously alone.</div>
<<speech "Player" "$name">><i>What the fuck did just happen? Did this really happen? Fuck me..</i><</speech>>
<div class="general">You start thinking about everything.</div>
<<speech "Player" "$name">><i>What am I supposed to do now? Chase Sarah? Build a life with Noelle? And I wonder where Sarah has gone.. Let's just go to sleep for now.</i><</speech>>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Fall asleep->caughteventafter2]]</span></div>
<<set $caughteventafter to "true">>
<div class="general">The next morning you enter the kitchen and you see Noelle there.</div>
<<speech "Noelle" "Noelle">>Good morning $name!<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Morning.<</speech>>
<<speech "Noelle" "Noelle">>Are you ok after last night?<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Well.. I gues as good as I can be. I mean, it was a lot last night.<</speech>>
<<speech "Noelle" "Noelle">>It was crazy, Sarah went totaly nuts. If I wasn't pregnant I would be in the hospital right now.<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Wow, yeah I almost forgot about that, I'm so sorry!<</speech>>
<<speech "Noelle" "Noelle">>It's not your fault, I'm just glad she left and that this is over.<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>I guess. I do think we need to talk about some things.<</speech>>
<<speech "Noelle" "Noelle">>I understand, what do you want to discuss?<</speech>>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Let's talk->caughteventafter3]]</span></div>
<<set $time to 2>><<speech "Player" "$name">>So, I guess you are going to need some new baby stuff and clothes?<</speech>>
<<speech "Noelle" "Noelle">>Yeah, I do. I guess Sarah took all the stuff from Peter.<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Yeah and if she hasn't yet, she will come back for it later.<</speech>>
<<speech "Noelle" "Noelle">>Soo, since I do not have a lot of money myself, could I borrow some money from you?<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Yes of course, you know what, here take my creditcard. Anything for our child.<</speech>>
<<speech "Noelle" "Noelle">>Thanks $name!<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>So.. What about the rest? How do you see our future? Are you going to sleep in my room now?<</speech>>
<<speech "Noelle" "Noelle">>Well, I see our future quite clear to be honest. Now with Sarah gone we will raise our child together, here. I understand if you still want to see Peter and that is ok with me.<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Alright, that sounds good I guess.<</speech>>
<<speech "Noelle" "Noelle">>I do want to stay in separate rooms to be honest, at least for now with the pregnancy and all that.<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Alright.. I guess we could do that. I'm sorry, I'm just.. I don't know, I'm going to need some time to progress this.<</speech>>
<div class="general">Noelle gives you a kiss on your cheek.</div>
<<speech "Noelle" "Noelle">>We will be alright. Take all the time you need.<</speech>>
<div class="general">Noelle leaves the kitchen.</div>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Continue->caughteventafter4]]</span></div>
<div class="general">It's now two days later. You hardly saw Noelle or anyone for that matter. You have only been focussed on your work and tried to think and not think about this situation you find yourself in. But after two days of picking yourself together it's time for you to get going again and pick up the pieces. Maybe Noelle can cheer you up and maybe you should try to contact Sarah, because you haven't seen or heard from here since she left.</div>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Well, time to get going.<</speech>>
<a data-passage="forcesleep"><div class="talkplayer">Get up.</div></a>
<<set $money to $money +500>>
<<set $day to $day +1>><div class="general">After another rejection from Noelle you decide to spend some time at your computer. You open your email.</div>
<<speech "Player" "$name">><i>Let's see what we've got here.</i><</speech>>
<div class="general">You go through your email until you suddenly read a certain email.</div>
<<speech "Player" "$name">><i>What the fuck?</i><</speech>>
<div class="general">You keep reading.</div>
<<speech "Player" "$name">><i>Someone spend thousands of dollars on my fucking creditcard. Scrap that, Noelle spend thousands of dollars on my creditcard! I thought she only needed some baby stuff.. I need to talk about this with her.</i><</speech>>
<div class="general">You open you office door and yell to Noelle.</div>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>NOELLE! NOELLE! CAN YOU PLEASE COME TO MY OFFICE!<</speech>>
<div class="general">A short while later Noelle walks in.</div>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Let's talk->suspicious2]]</span></div>
<<set $suspiciousevent to "true">>
<<speech "Noelle" "Noelle">>You called?<</speech>>
<div class="general">Noelle clearly didn't appreciate being yelled for like you did.</div>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Yes, I called you. I just saw my creditcard receipts. You spend thousands!<</speech>>
<<speech "Noelle" "Noelle">>Oh I'm sorry, I thought you wanted the best for you new child.<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Of course I want the best for my child but a Dope and Babbana bag is not for the baby is it?<</speech>>
<<speech "Noelle" "Noelle">>It's Dolc..<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>I don't care about what the brand is called, I care about the fact that you spend my money on useless shit!<</speech>>
<<speech "Noelle" "Noelle">>Ok, you need to relax a little, come here sit down.<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>What.. Why..?<</speech>>
<div class="general">Reluctantly you sit down next to her.</div>
<<speech "Noelle" "Noelle">>I'm sorry, I thought you wouldn't mind, I mean, you want me to be happy too right, not only the baby?<</speech>>
<div class="general">Noelle voice turns sloft and a little seductive.</div>
<<speech "Noelle" "Noelle">>Don't you?<</speech>>
<div class="general">She starts rubbing her feet on.. Well, you know.</div>
<video src="images/noelle/events/suspiciousevent/suspicious2a.webm" autoplay loop ></video>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>What are you..?<</speech>>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Continue->suspicious3]]</span></div>
<<speech "Noelle" "Noelle">>Well, if you take care of me, then I take care of you.<</speech>>
<div class="general">She keeps going.</div>
<<speech "Noelle" "Noelle">>I feel you getting hard, why don't you take it out for me daddy<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">><i>Daddy? What? I mean.. It does have a nice ring to it I guess? And.. I was punishing her.</i><</speech>>
<div class="general">You start taking out your dick.</div>
<video src="images/noelle/events/suspiciousevent/suspicious3a.webm" autoplay loop ></video>
<<speech "Player" "$name">><i>This is something new. HEY! You where punishing her! I know but this feels way to good and it has been way to long.</i><</speech>>
<<speech "Noelle" "Noelle">>Does it feel good daddy?<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Uhuh, it feels kinda nice.<</speech>>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Continue->suspicious4]]</span></div>
<div class="general">You stand in front of the casino.</div><br>
<<if $energy lt 10 or $happiness lt 20>>
<img src="images/player/misc/mood.jpg" /><br>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>I'm not in the mood for this.<</speech>><br>
<a data-passage="center"><div class="talkplayer">Let’s do something else</div></a>
<<elseif $hygene lte 15>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">><i>I smell terrible, I shouldn't go in there.</i><</speech>>
<a data-passage="center"><div class="talkplayer">Let’s do something else</div></a>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Enter->casinoentered]]</span></div><br>
<a data-passage="center"><div class="talkloc">Let’s go somewhere else</div></a><</if>><</nobr>>
<div class="general">You enter the casino. What do you want to play?</div>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Let's play blackjack->blackjack]]</span></div>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Let's play roulette->roulette]]</span></div>
<a data-passage="center"><div class="talkloc">Let’s go somewhere else</div></a>
<<speech "casino" "Croupier">>Hi there sir, how many decks do you want to play with.<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>I would like to play with <<numberbox "$deckCount" $deckCount>> decks.<</speech>>
<<button "Bet" "Bet">><<run buildDeck()>><</button>>
<<speech "casino" "Croupier">>Good evening sir, please state your bets.<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>I want to bet: $<<textbox "$roulettebet" "50">><</speech>>
<<nobr>><div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[And I want to pick one number.->roulettenumber]]</span></div>
<div class="general">Payout: x35 </div><br>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[And I want to pick five numbers.->roulettenumberrow]]</span></div>
<div class="general">Payout: x6</div><br>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[And I want to pick a color.->roulettecolor]]</span></div>
<div class="general">Payout: x2</div><</nobr>><br>
<<set $money to Number($money), $roulettebet to Number($roulettebet)>>\
<<speech "casino" "Croupier">>Alright, please select the amount you would like to bet.<</speech>>
<div class="general">$deck.length cards remain in the shoe.</div>
<<speech "Player" "$name">><<set _bet to Math.ceil($money/2)>>I want to bet $<<numberbox "$bet" _bet>><</speech>>
<<button "Deal" "Deal">><<set $badbet to true>><<run startDeal()>><</button>><br>
<a data-passage="casinoentered"><div class="talkplayer">Let’s do something else</div></a>
<<if $badbet>>@@color:red;Invalid bet amount!@@
<<speech "casino" "Croupier">>Alright then, let's play.<</speech>>
<<button "Bet" "Bet">><</button>><<else>><div class="general">$deck.length cards remain in the shoe.
Money: $<<=$money>>
Pot: $<<=$pot>></div>
<div class="general">Dealer: <<= showHand($dealer, $hideDealer)>><<if !$hideDealer>> [<<= handValue($dealer)>>]<</if>>
Player: <<= showHand($player)>> [<<= handValue($player)>>]<<if $result>> $result<<set $result to "">><</if>></div>
<<if $hideDealer>><<button "Hit" "Deal">><<run playerHit()>><</button>><<button "Stand" "Deal">><<run playerStand()>><</button>><<else>><<button "Bet" "Bet">><</button>><</if>><</if>><<if $money lt $roulettebet>>
<div class="general">Not enough money!</div>
<<speech "casino" "Croupier">>Please select your number.<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>I would like to bet on number <<listbox "$roulette">>
<<option "Green 0">>
<<option "Red 1">>
<<option "Black 2">>
<<option "Red 3">>
<<option "Black 4">>
<<option "Red 5">>
<<option "Black 6">>
<<option "Red 7">>
<<option "Black 8">>
<<option "Red 9">>
<<option "Black 10">>
<<option "Black 11">>
<<option "Red 12">>
<<option "Black 13">>
<<option "Red 14">>
<<option "Black 15">>
<<option "Red 16">>
<<option "Black 17">>
<<option "Red 18">>
<<option "Red 19">>
<<option "Black 20">>
<<option "Red 21">>
<<option "Black 22">>
<<option "Red 23">>
<<option "Black 24">>
<<option "Red 25">>
<<option "Black 26">>
<<option "Red 27">>
<<option "Black 28">>
<<option "Black 29">>
<<option "Red 30">>
<<option "Black 31">>
<<option "Red 32">>
<<option "Black 33">>
<<option "Red 34">>
<<option "Black 35">>
<<option "Red 36">>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Spin!->roulettenumber2]]</span></div><<if $money lt $roulettebet>>
Not enough money!
<<speech "casino" "Croupier">>Please select your the numbers you want to bet on.<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>I would like to bet on numbers:
<<listbox "$rouletteno1">>
<<option "Green 0">>
<<option "Red 1">>
<<option "Black 2">>
<<option "Red 3">>
<<option "Black 4">>
<<option "Red 5">>
<<option "Black 6">>
<<option "Red 7">>
<<option "Black 8">>
<<option "Red 9">>
<<option "Black 10">>
<<option "Black 11">>
<<option "Red 12">>
<<option "Black 13">>
<<option "Red 14">>
<<option "Black 15">>
<<option "Red 16">>
<<option "Black 17">>
<<option "Red 18">>
<<option "Red 19">>
<<option "Black 20">>
<<option "Red 21">>
<<option "Black 22">>
<<option "Red 23">>
<<option "Black 24">>
<<option "Red 25">>
<<option "Black 26">>
<<option "Red 27">>
<<option "Black 28">>
<<option "Black 29">>
<<option "Red 30">>
<<option "Black 31">>
<<option "Red 32">>
<<option "Black 33">>
<<option "Red 34">>
<<option "Black 35">>
<<option "Red 36">>
<<listbox "$rouletteno2">>
<<option "Green 0">>
<<option "Red 1">>
<<option "Black 2">>
<<option "Red 3">>
<<option "Black 4">>
<<option "Red 5">>
<<option "Black 6">>
<<option "Red 7">>
<<option "Black 8">>
<<option "Red 9">>
<<option "Black 10">>
<<option "Black 11">>
<<option "Red 12">>
<<option "Black 13">>
<<option "Red 14">>
<<option "Black 15">>
<<option "Red 16">>
<<option "Black 17">>
<<option "Red 18">>
<<option "Red 19">>
<<option "Black 20">>
<<option "Red 21">>
<<option "Black 22">>
<<option "Red 23">>
<<option "Black 24">>
<<option "Red 25">>
<<option "Black 26">>
<<option "Red 27">>
<<option "Black 28">>
<<option "Black 29">>
<<option "Red 30">>
<<option "Black 31">>
<<option "Red 32">>
<<option "Black 33">>
<<option "Red 34">>
<<option "Black 35">>
<<option "Red 36">>
<<listbox "$rouletteno3">>
<<option "Green 0">>
<<option "Red 1">>
<<option "Black 2">>
<<option "Red 3">>
<<option "Black 4">>
<<option "Red 5">>
<<option "Black 6">>
<<option "Red 7">>
<<option "Black 8">>
<<option "Red 9">>
<<option "Black 10">>
<<option "Black 11">>
<<option "Red 12">>
<<option "Black 13">>
<<option "Red 14">>
<<option "Black 15">>
<<option "Red 16">>
<<option "Black 17">>
<<option "Red 18">>
<<option "Red 19">>
<<option "Black 20">>
<<option "Red 21">>
<<option "Black 22">>
<<option "Red 23">>
<<option "Black 24">>
<<option "Red 25">>
<<option "Black 26">>
<<option "Red 27">>
<<option "Black 28">>
<<option "Black 29">>
<<option "Red 30">>
<<option "Black 31">>
<<option "Red 32">>
<<option "Black 33">>
<<option "Red 34">>
<<option "Black 35">>
<<option "Red 36">>
<<listbox "$rouletteno4">>
<<option "Green 0">>
<<option "Red 1">>
<<option "Black 2">>
<<option "Red 3">>
<<option "Black 4">>
<<option "Red 5">>
<<option "Black 6">>
<<option "Red 7">>
<<option "Black 8">>
<<option "Red 9">>
<<option "Black 10">>
<<option "Black 11">>
<<option "Red 12">>
<<option "Black 13">>
<<option "Red 14">>
<<option "Black 15">>
<<option "Red 16">>
<<option "Black 17">>
<<option "Red 18">>
<<option "Red 19">>
<<option "Black 20">>
<<option "Red 21">>
<<option "Black 22">>
<<option "Red 23">>
<<option "Black 24">>
<<option "Red 25">>
<<option "Black 26">>
<<option "Red 27">>
<<option "Black 28">>
<<option "Black 29">>
<<option "Red 30">>
<<option "Black 31">>
<<option "Red 32">>
<<option "Black 33">>
<<option "Red 34">>
<<option "Black 35">>
<<option "Red 36">>
<<listbox "$rouletteno5">>
<<option "Green 0">>
<<option "Red 1">>
<<option "Black 2">>
<<option "Red 3">>
<<option "Black 4">>
<<option "Red 5">>
<<option "Black 6">>
<<option "Red 7">>
<<option "Black 8">>
<<option "Red 9">>
<<option "Black 10">>
<<option "Black 11">>
<<option "Red 12">>
<<option "Black 13">>
<<option "Red 14">>
<<option "Black 15">>
<<option "Red 16">>
<<option "Black 17">>
<<option "Red 18">>
<<option "Red 19">>
<<option "Black 20">>
<<option "Red 21">>
<<option "Black 22">>
<<option "Red 23">>
<<option "Black 24">>
<<option "Red 25">>
<<option "Black 26">>
<<option "Red 27">>
<<option "Black 28">>
<<option "Black 29">>
<<option "Red 30">>
<<option "Black 31">>
<<option "Red 32">>
<<option "Black 33">>
<<option "Red 34">>
<<option "Black 35">>
<<option "Red 36">>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Spin!->roulettenumber5]]</span></div><<if $money lt $roulettebet>>
Not enough money!
<<speech "casino" "Croupier">>Please select the collor you want to bet on.<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>I want to bet on <<listbox "$roulettecolor">>
<<option "Red">>
<<option "Black">>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Spin!->roulettecolor2]]</span></div><<nobr>><<switch random(1, 37)>>
<<case 1>>
<div class="casinored">Red 1</div><br>
<<set $roulette2 to "Red 1">>
<<set $roulette3 to "Red">>
<<case 2>>
<div class="general">Black 2</div><br>
<<set $roulette2 to "Black 2">>
<<set $roulette3 to "Black">>
<<case 3>>
<div class="casinored">Red 3</div><br>
<<set $roulette2 to "Red 3">>
<<set $roulette3 to "Red">>
<<case 4>>
<div class="general">Black 4</div><br>
<<set $roulette2 to "Black 4">>
<<set $roulette3 to "Black">>
<<case 5>>
<div class="casinored">Red 5</div><br>
<<set $roulette2 to "Red 5">>
<<set $roulette3 to "Red">>
<<case 6>>
<div class="general">Black 6</div><br>
<<set $roulette2 to "Black 6">>
<<set $roulette3 to "Black">>
<<case 7>>
<div class="casinored">Red 7</div><br>
<<set $roulette2 to "Red 7">>
<<set $roulette3 to "Red">>
<<case 8>>
<div class="general">Black 8</div><br>
<<set $roulette2 to "Black 8">>
<<set $roulette3 to "Black">>
<<case 9>>
<div class="casinored">Red 9</div><br>
<<set $roulette2 to "Red 9">>
<<set $roulette3 to "Red">>
<<case 10>>
<div class="general">Black 10</div><br>
<<set $roulette2 to "Black 10">>
<<set $roulette3 to "Black">>
<<case 11>>
<div class="general">Black 11</div><br>
<<set $roulette2 to "Black 11">>
<<set $roulette3 to "Black">>
<<case 12>>
<div class="casinored">Red 12</div><br>
<<set $roulette2 to "Red 12">>
<<set $roulette3 to "Red">>
<<case 13>>
<div class="general">Black 13</div><br>
<<set $roulette2 to "Black 13">>
<<set $roulette3 to "Black">>
<<case 14>>
<div class="casinored">Red 14</div><br>
<<set $roulette2 to "Red 14">>
<<set $roulette3 to "Red">>
<<case 15>>
<div class="general">Black 15</div><br>
<<set $roulette2 to "Black 15">>
<<set $roulette3 to "Red">>
<<case 16>>
<div class="casinored">Red 16</div><br>
<<set $roulette2 to "Red 16">>
<<set $roulette3 to "Red">>
<<case 17>>
<div class="general">Black 17</div><br>
<<set $roulette2 to "Black 17">>
<<set $roulette3 to "Black">>
<<case 18>>
<div class="casinored">Red 18</div><br>
<<set $roulette2 to "Red 18">>
<<set $roulette3 to "Red">>
<<case 19>>
<div class="casinored">Red 19</div><br>
<<set $roulette2 to "Red 19">>
<<set $roulette3 to "Red">>
<<case 20>>
<div class="general">Black 20</div><br>
<<set $roulette2 to "Black 20">>
<<set $roulette3 to "Black">>
<<case 21>>
<div class="casinored">Red 21</div><br>
<<set $roulette2 to "Red 21">>
<<set $roulette3 to "Red">>
<<case 22>>
<div class="general">Black 22</div><br>
<<set $roulette2 to "Black 22">>
<<set $roulette3 to "Black">>
<<case 23>>
<div class="casinored">Red 23</div><br>
<<set $roulette2 to "Red 23">>
<<set $roulette3 to "Red">>
<<case 24>>
<div class="general">Black 24</div><br>
<<set $roulette2 to "Black 24">>
<<set $roulette3 to "Black">>
<<case 25>>
<div class="casinored">Red 25</div><br>
<<set $roulette2 to "Red 25">>
<<set $roulette3 to "Red">>
<<case 26>>
<div class="general">Black 26</div><br>
<<set $roulette2 to "Black 26">>
<<set $roulette3 to "Black">>
<<case 27>>
<div class="casinored">Red 27</div><br>
<<set $roulette2 to "Red 27">>
<<set $roulette3 to "Red">>
<<case 28>>
<div class="general">Black 28</div><br>
<<set $roulette2 to "Black 28">>
<<set $roulette3 to "Black">>
<<case 29>>
<div class="general">Black 29</div><br>
<<set $roulette2 to "Black 29">>
<<set $roulette3 to "Black">>
<<case 30>>
<div class="casinored">Red 30</div><br>
<<set $roulette2 to "Red 30">>
<<set $roulette3 to "Red">>
<<case 31>>
<div class="general">Black 31</div><br>
<<set $roulette2 to "Black 31">>
<<set $roulette3 to "Black">>
<<case 32>>
<div class="casinored">Red 32</div><br>
<<set $roulette2 to "Red 32">>
<<set $roulette3 to "Red">>
<<case 33>>
<div class="general">Black 33</div><br>
<<set $roulette2 to "Black 33">>
<<set $roulette3 to "Black">>
<<case 34>>
<div class="casinored">Red 34</div><br>
<<set $roulette2 to "Red 34">>
<<set $roulette3 to "Red">>
<<case 35>>
<div class="general">Black 35</div><br>
<<set $roulette2 to "Black 25">>
<<set $roulette3 to "Black">>
<<case 36>>
<div class="casinored">Red 36</div><br>
<<set $roulette2 to "Red 36">>
<<set $roulette3 to "Red">>
<<case 37>>
Green 0
<<set $roulette2 to "Green 0">>
<<set $roulette3 to "Green">>
<<if $roulette is $roulette2>>
<<speech "casino" "Croupier">>Congratulations sir!<</speech>><br>
<<switch random(1, 4)>>
<<case 1>>
<img src="images/misc/winner1.gif" /><br>
<<case 2>>
<img src="images/misc/winner2.gif" /><br>
<<case 3>>
<img src="images/misc/winner3.gif" /><br>
<<case 4>>
<img src="images/misc/winner4.gif" /><br>
<<set $money to $money + ($roulettebet * 35)>>
<<speech "casino" "Croupier">>That's a pity. You lost.<</speech>><br>
<<set $money to $money - $roulettebet>>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Play again->roulette]]</span></div>
<a data-passage="casinoentered"><div class="talkplayer">Let’s do something else</div></a>
<<nobr>><<switch random(1, 37)>>
<<case 1>>
<div class="casinored">Red 1</div><br>
<<set $roulette2 to "Red 1">>
<<set $roulette3 to "Red">>
<<case 2>>
<div class="general">Black 2</div><br>
<<set $roulette2 to "Black 2">>
<<set $roulette3 to "Black">>
<<case 3>>
<div class="casinored">Red 3</div><br>
<<set $roulette2 to "Red 3">>
<<set $roulette3 to "Red">>
<<case 4>>
<div class="general">Black 4</div><br>
<<set $roulette2 to "Black 4">>
<<set $roulette3 to "Black">>
<<case 5>>
<div class="casinored">Red 5</div><br>
<<set $roulette2 to "Red 5">>
<<set $roulette3 to "Red">>
<<case 6>>
<div class="general">Black 6</div><br>
<<set $roulette2 to "Black 6">>
<<set $roulette3 to "Black">>
<<case 7>>
<div class="casinored">Red 7</div><br>
<<set $roulette2 to "Red 7">>
<<set $roulette3 to "Red">>
<<case 8>>
<div class="general">Black 8</div><br>
<<set $roulette2 to "Black 8">>
<<set $roulette3 to "Black">>
<<case 9>>
<div class="casinored">Red 9</div><br>
<<set $roulette2 to "Red 9">>
<<set $roulette3 to "Red">>
<<case 10>>
<div class="general">Black 10</div><br>
<<set $roulette2 to "Black 10">>
<<set $roulette3 to "Black">>
<<case 11>>
<div class="general">Black 11</div><br>
<<set $roulette2 to "Black 11">>
<<set $roulette3 to "Black">>
<<case 12>>
<div class="casinored">Red 12</div><br>
<<set $roulette2 to "Red 12">>
<<set $roulette3 to "Red">>
<<case 13>>
<div class="general">Black 13</div><br>
<<set $roulette2 to "Black 13">>
<<set $roulette3 to "Black">>
<<case 14>>
<div class="casinored">Red 14</div><br>
<<set $roulette2 to "Red 14">>
<<set $roulette3 to "Red">>
<<case 15>>
<div class="general">Black 15</div><br>
<<set $roulette2 to "Black 15">>
<<set $roulette3 to "Red">>
<<case 16>>
<div class="casinored">Red 16</div><br>
<<set $roulette2 to "Red 16">>
<<set $roulette3 to "Red">>
<<case 17>>
<div class="general">Black 17</div><br>
<<set $roulette2 to "Black 17">>
<<set $roulette3 to "Black">>
<<case 18>>
<div class="casinored">Red 18</div><br>
<<set $roulette2 to "Red 18">>
<<set $roulette3 to "Red">>
<<case 19>>
<div class="casinored">Red 19</div><br>
<<set $roulette2 to "Red 19">>
<<set $roulette3 to "Red">>
<<case 20>>
<div class="general">Black 20</div><br>
<<set $roulette2 to "Black 20">>
<<set $roulette3 to "Black">>
<<case 21>>
<div class="casinored">Red 21</div><br>
<<set $roulette2 to "Red 21">>
<<set $roulette3 to "Red">>
<<case 22>>
<div class="general">Black 22</div><br>
<<set $roulette2 to "Black 22">>
<<set $roulette3 to "Black">>
<<case 23>>
<div class="casinored">Red 23</div><br>
<<set $roulette2 to "Red 23">>
<<set $roulette3 to "Red">>
<<case 24>>
<div class="general">Black 24</div><br>
<<set $roulette2 to "Black 24">>
<<set $roulette3 to "Black">>
<<case 25>>
<div class="casinored">Red 25</div><br>
<<set $roulette2 to "Red 25">>
<<set $roulette3 to "Red">>
<<case 26>>
<div class="general">Black 26</div><br>
<<set $roulette2 to "Black 26">>
<<set $roulette3 to "Black">>
<<case 27>>
<div class="casinored">Red 27</div><br>
<<set $roulette2 to "Red 27">>
<<set $roulette3 to "Red">>
<<case 28>>
<div class="general">Black 28</div><br>
<<set $roulette2 to "Black 28">>
<<set $roulette3 to "Black">>
<<case 29>>
<div class="general">Black 29</div><br>
<<set $roulette2 to "Black 29">>
<<set $roulette3 to "Black">>
<<case 30>>
<div class="casinored">Red 30</div><br>
<<set $roulette2 to "Red 30">>
<<set $roulette3 to "Red">>
<<case 31>>
<div class="general">Black 31</div><br>
<<set $roulette2 to "Black 31">>
<<set $roulette3 to "Black">>
<<case 32>>
<div class="casinored">Red 32</div><br>
<<set $roulette2 to "Red 32">>
<<set $roulette3 to "Red">>
<<case 33>>
<div class="general">Black 33</div><br>
<<set $roulette2 to "Black 33">>
<<set $roulette3 to "Black">>
<<case 34>>
<div class="casinored">Red 34</div><br>
<<set $roulette2 to "Red 34">>
<<set $roulette3 to "Red">>
<<case 35>>
<div class="general">Black 35</div><br>
<<set $roulette2 to "Black 25">>
<<set $roulette3 to "Black">>
<<case 36>>
<div class="casinored">Red 36</div><br>
<<set $roulette2 to "Red 36">>
<<set $roulette3 to "Red">>
<<case 37>>
Green 0
<<set $roulette2 to "Green 0">>
<<set $roulette3 to "Green">>
<<if $rouletteno1 is $roulette2>>
<<speech "casino" "Croupier">>Congratulations sir!<</speech>><br>
<<switch random(1, 4)>>
<<case 1>>
<img src="images/misc/winner1.gif" /><br>
<<case 2>>
<img src="images/misc/winner2.gif" /><br>
<<case 3>>
<img src="images/misc/winner3.gif" /><br>
<<case 4>>
<img src="images/misc/winner4.gif" /><br>
<<set $money to $money + ($roulettebet * 6)>>
<<elseif $rouletteno2 is $roulette2>>
<<speech "casino" "Croupier">>Congratulations sir!<</speech>><br>
<<switch random(1, 4)>>
<<case 1>>
<img src="images/misc/winner1.gif" /><br>
<<case 2>>
<img src="images/misc/winner2.gif" /><br>
<<case 3>>
<img src="images/misc/winner3.gif" /><br>
<<case 4>>
<img src="images/misc/winner4.gif" /><br>
<<set $money to $money + ($roulettebet * 6)>>
<<elseif $rouletteno3 is $roulette2>>
<<speech "casino" "Croupier">>Congratulations sir!<</speech>><br>
<<switch random(1, 4)>>
<<case 1>>
<img src="images/misc/winner1.gif" /><br>
<<case 2>>
<img src="images/misc/winner2.gif" /><br>
<<case 3>>
<img src="images/misc/winner3.gif" /><br>
<<case 4>>
<img src="images/misc/winner4.gif" /><br>
<<set $money to $money + ($roulettebet * 6)>>
<<elseif $rouletteno4 is $roulette2>>
<<speech "casino" "Croupier">>Congratulations sir!<</speech>><br>
<<switch random(1, 4)>>
<<case 1>>
<img src="images/misc/winner1.gif" /><br>
<<case 2>>
<img src="images/misc/winner2.gif" /><br>
<<case 3>>
<img src="images/misc/winner3.gif" /><br>
<<case 4>>
<img src="images/misc/winner4.gif" /><br>
<<set $money to $money + ($roulettebet * 6)>>
<<elseif $rouletteno5 is $roulette2>>
<<speech "casino" "Croupier">>Congratulations sir!<</speech>><br>
<<switch random(1, 4)>>
<<case 1>>
<img src="images/misc/winner1.gif" /><br>
<<case 2>>
<img src="images/misc/winner2.gif" /><br>
<<case 3>>
<img src="images/misc/winner3.gif" /><br>
<<case 4>>
<img src="images/misc/winner4.gif" /><br>
<<set $money to $money + ($roulettebet * 6)>>
<<speech "casino" "Croupier">>That's a pity. You lost.<</speech>><br>
<<set $money to $money - $roulettebet>>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Play again->roulette]]</span></div>
<a data-passage="casinoentered"><div class="talkplayer">Let’s do something else</div></a><<nobr>><<switch random(1, 37)>>
<<case 1>>
<div class="casinored">Red 1</div><br>
<<set $roulette2 to "Red 1">>
<<set $roulette3 to "Red">>
<<case 2>>
<div class="general">Black 2</div><br>
<<set $roulette2 to "Black 2">>
<<set $roulette3 to "Black">>
<<case 3>>
<div class="casinored">Red 3</div><br>
<<set $roulette2 to "Red 3">>
<<set $roulette3 to "Red">>
<<case 4>>
<div class="general">Black 4</div><br>
<<set $roulette2 to "Black 4">>
<<set $roulette3 to "Black">>
<<case 5>>
<div class="casinored">Red 5</div><br>
<<set $roulette2 to "Red 5">>
<<set $roulette3 to "Red">>
<<case 6>>
<div class="general">Black 6</div><br>
<<set $roulette2 to "Black 6">>
<<set $roulette3 to "Black">>
<<case 7>>
<div class="casinored">Red 7</div><br>
<<set $roulette2 to "Red 7">>
<<set $roulette3 to "Red">>
<<case 8>>
<div class="general">Black 8</div><br>
<<set $roulette2 to "Black 8">>
<<set $roulette3 to "Black">>
<<case 9>>
<div class="casinored">Red 9</div><br>
<<set $roulette2 to "Red 9">>
<<set $roulette3 to "Red">>
<<case 10>>
<div class="general">Black 10</div><br>
<<set $roulette2 to "Black 10">>
<<set $roulette3 to "Black">>
<<case 11>>
<div class="general">Black 11</div><br>
<<set $roulette2 to "Black 11">>
<<set $roulette3 to "Black">>
<<case 12>>
<div class="casinored">Red 12</div><br>
<<set $roulette2 to "Red 12">>
<<set $roulette3 to "Red">>
<<case 13>>
<div class="general">Black 13</div><br>
<<set $roulette2 to "Black 13">>
<<set $roulette3 to "Black">>
<<case 14>>
<div class="casinored">Red 14</div><br>
<<set $roulette2 to "Red 14">>
<<set $roulette3 to "Red">>
<<case 15>>
<div class="general">Black 15</div><br>
<<set $roulette2 to "Black 15">>
<<set $roulette3 to "Red">>
<<case 16>>
<div class="casinored">Red 16</div><br>
<<set $roulette2 to "Red 16">>
<<set $roulette3 to "Red">>
<<case 17>>
<div class="general">Black 17</div><br>
<<set $roulette2 to "Black 17">>
<<set $roulette3 to "Black">>
<<case 18>>
<div class="casinored">Red 18</div><br>
<<set $roulette2 to "Red 18">>
<<set $roulette3 to "Red">>
<<case 19>>
<div class="casinored">Red 19</div><br>
<<set $roulette2 to "Red 19">>
<<set $roulette3 to "Red">>
<<case 20>>
<div class="general">Black 20</div><br>
<<set $roulette2 to "Black 20">>
<<set $roulette3 to "Black">>
<<case 21>>
<div class="casinored">Red 21</div><br>
<<set $roulette2 to "Red 21">>
<<set $roulette3 to "Red">>
<<case 22>>
<div class="general">Black 22</div><br>
<<set $roulette2 to "Black 22">>
<<set $roulette3 to "Black">>
<<case 23>>
<div class="casinored">Red 23</div><br>
<<set $roulette2 to "Red 23">>
<<set $roulette3 to "Red">>
<<case 24>>
<div class="general">Black 24</div><br>
<<set $roulette2 to "Black 24">>
<<set $roulette3 to "Black">>
<<case 25>>
<div class="casinored">Red 25</div><br>
<<set $roulette2 to "Red 25">>
<<set $roulette3 to "Red">>
<<case 26>>
<div class="general">Black 26</div><br>
<<set $roulette2 to "Black 26">>
<<set $roulette3 to "Black">>
<<case 27>>
<div class="casinored">Red 27</div><br>
<<set $roulette2 to "Red 27">>
<<set $roulette3 to "Red">>
<<case 28>>
<div class="general">Black 28</div><br>
<<set $roulette2 to "Black 28">>
<<set $roulette3 to "Black">>
<<case 29>>
<div class="general">Black 29</div><br>
<<set $roulette2 to "Black 29">>
<<set $roulette3 to "Black">>
<<case 30>>
<div class="casinored">Red 30</div><br>
<<set $roulette2 to "Red 30">>
<<set $roulette3 to "Red">>
<<case 31>>
<div class="general">Black 31</div><br>
<<set $roulette2 to "Black 31">>
<<set $roulette3 to "Black">>
<<case 32>>
<div class="casinored">Red 32</div><br>
<<set $roulette2 to "Red 32">>
<<set $roulette3 to "Red">>
<<case 33>>
<div class="general">Black 33</div><br>
<<set $roulette2 to "Black 33">>
<<set $roulette3 to "Black">>
<<case 34>>
<div class="casinored">Red 34</div><br>
<<set $roulette2 to "Red 34">>
<<set $roulette3 to "Red">>
<<case 35>>
<div class="general">Black 35</div><br>
<<set $roulette2 to "Black 25">>
<<set $roulette3 to "Black">>
<<case 36>>
<div class="casinored">Red 36</div><br>
<<set $roulette2 to "Red 36">>
<<set $roulette3 to "Red">>
<<case 37>>
Green 0
<<set $roulette2 to "Green 0">>
<<set $roulette3 to "Green">>
<<if $roulettecolor is $roulette3>>
<<speech "casino" "Croupier">>Congratulations sir!<</speech>><br>
<<switch random(1, 4)>>
<<case 1>>
<img src="images/misc/winner1.gif" /><br>
<<case 2>>
<img src="images/misc/winner2.gif" /><br>
<<case 3>>
<img src="images/misc/winner3.gif" /><br>
<<case 4>>
<img src="images/misc/winner4.gif" /><br>
<<set $money to $money + ($roulettebet * 1)>>
<<speech "casino" "Croupier">>That's a pity. You lost.<</speech>><br>
<<set $money to $money - $roulettebet>>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Play again->roulette]]</span></div>
<a data-passage="casinoentered"><div class="talkplayer">Let’s do something else</div></a><<nobr>><<switch random(1, 5)>>
<<case 1>>
<img src="images/misc/cinema/movie1.jpg" /><br>
<<case 2>>
<img src="images/misc/cinema/movie2.jpg" /><br>
<<case 3>>
<img src="images/misc/cinema/movie3.jpg" /><br>
<<case 4>>
<img src="images/misc/cinema/movie4.jpg" /><br>
<<case 5>>
<img src="images/misc/cinema/movie5.jpg" /><br>
<div class="general">You watched a movie.</div><br>
<a data-passage="mall"><div class="talkplayer">Let’s do something else</div></a>
<<addenergy -5>>
<<addhappiness 15>>
<<addhygene -10>>
<<set $time to $time +1>>
<</nobr>><<speech "Christel" "Christel">>Yes?<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Christel! Please, I need to know where Sarah and Peter are!<</speech>>
<div class="general">It remains silent.</div>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Christel?<</speech>>
<div class="general">More silence.</div>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Are you still there?<</speech>>
<<speech "Christel" "Christel">>Alright.. Sarah is at her sisters.<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Her sisters? She hates her sister. Why would she go to her sisters?<</speech>>
<<speech "Christel" "Christel">>I don't know $name.. That's not my place.<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Well, thank you Christel, thank..<</speech>>
<div class="general">You hear a click as Christel has disconnected.</div>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Well I guess we have to go to Sarah her sister Ashley. I believe she lives not too far from here.<</speech>>
<a data-passage="ashleyhouse"><div class="talkplayer">Let’s go now</div></a>
<a data-passage="center"><div class="talkloc">Let’s go somewhere else</div></a>
<<set $christelcaught1 to "true">><<nobr>>
<<if $christelcaught1 is "true" and $ellieevent2 is "true" and $oliviameetgym is "true">>
<th><a data-passage="neighbour" class="travell">
<img src="images/travel/neighbour.jpg" style="max-height: 200px"></a>
<th><a data-passage="ashleyhouse" class="travelr">
<img src="images/travel/ashleyhouse.jpg" style="max-height: 200px"></a>
<th><a data-passage="elliehouse" class="travell">
<img src="images/travel/elliehouse.jpg" style="max-height: 200px"></a>
<th><a data-passage="sexclub" class="travelr">
<img src="images/travel/sexclub.jpg" style="max-height: 200px"></a>
<th><a data-passage="outside" class="travell">
<img src="images/travel/outside.jpg" style="max-height: 200px"></a>
<<elseif $christelcaught1 is "true" and $ellieevent2 is "true">>
<th><a data-passage="neighbour" class="travell">
<img src="images/travel/neighbour.jpg" style="max-height: 200px"></a>
<th><a data-passage="ashleyhouse" class="travelr">
<img src="images/travel/ashleyhouse.jpg" style="max-height: 200px"></a>
<th><a data-passage="elliehouse" class="travell">
<img src="images/travel/elliehouse.jpg" style="max-height: 200px"></a>
<th><a data-passage="outside" class="travelr">
<img src="images/travel/outside.jpg" style="max-height: 200px"></a>
<<elseif $ellieevent2 is "true" and $oliviameetgym is "true">>
<th><a data-passage="sexclub" class="travell">
<img src="images/travel/sexclub.jpg" style="max-height: 200px"></a>
<th><a data-passage="neighbour" class="travell">
<img src="images/travel/neighbour.jpg" style="max-height: 200px"></a>
<th><a data-passage="elliehouse" class="travelr">
<img src="images/travel/elliehouse.jpg" style="max-height: 200px"></a>
<th><a data-passage="sexclub" class="travell">
<img src="images/travel/sexclub.jpg" style="max-height: 200px"></a>
<th><a data-passage="outside" class="travelr">
<img src="images/travel/outside.jpg" style="max-height: 200px"></a>
<<elseif $christelcaught1 is "true" and $oliviameetgym is "true">>
<th><a data-passage="neighbour" class="travell">
<img src="images/travel/neighbour.jpg" style="max-height: 200px"></a>
<th><a data-passage="ashleyhouse" class="travelr">
<img src="images/travel/ashleyhouse.jpg" style="max-height: 200px"></a>
<th><a data-passage="sexclub" class="travell">
<img src="images/travel/sexclub.jpg" style="max-height: 200px"></a>
<th><a data-passage="outside" class="travelr">
<img src="images/travel/outside.jpg" style="max-height: 200px"></a>
<<elseif $christelcaught1 is "true">>
<th><a data-passage="neighbour" class="travell">
<img src="images/travel/neighbour.jpg" style="max-height: 200px"></a>
<th><a data-passage="ashleyhouse" class="travelr">
<img src="images/travel/ashleyhouse.jpg" style="max-height: 200px"></a>
<th><a data-passage="outside" class="travell">
<img src="images/travel/outside.jpg" style="max-height: 200px"></a>
<<elseif $ellieevent2 is "true">>
<th><a data-passage="neighbour" class="travell">
<img src="images/travel/neighbour.jpg" style="max-height: 200px"></a>
<th><a data-passage="elliehouse" class="travelr">
<img src="images/travel/elliehouse.jpg" style="max-height: 200px"></a>
<th><a data-passage="outside" class="travell">
<img src="images/travel/outside.jpg" style="max-height: 200px"></a>
<th><a data-passage="neighbour" class="travell">
<img src="images/travel/neighbour.jpg" style="max-height: 200px"></a>
<th><a data-passage="outside" class="travelr">
<img src="images/travel/outside.jpg" style="max-height: 200px"></a>
<<if $noneighbour1 is "true">>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Should I ask our neighbour to watch me and Sarah have sex?<</speech>><br>
<a data-passage="askneighbour"><div class="talkloc">Yes</div></a>
<a data-passage="suburbs"><div class="talkloc">No</div></a>
<div class="general">Nothing to do here.</div><br>
<a data-passage="outside"><div class="talkplayer">Let’s do something else</div></a>
<<if $livingatashley is "true">>
<<speech "Player" "$name">><i>I can't go out of the house. What if Noelle sees me.</i><</speech>><br>
<a data-passage="ashleyentrance"><div class="talkplayer">Get back inside</div></a>
<<elseif $foundsarah is "false">>
<div class="general">You stand in front of Ashley her house.</div><br>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Hmm, she has been doing well for herself.<</speech>><br>
<a data-passage="foundsarahevent1"><div class="talkplayer">Ring the doorbell</div></a>
<<elseif $noellespyevent is "true" and $catchingnoelle is "false" and $goinghome is "false">>
<div class="general">You stand in front of Ashley her house.</div><br>
<a data-passage="catchingnoelle1"><div class="talkplayer">Ring the doorbell</div></a>
<div class="general">You stand in front of Ashley her house.</div><br>
<<speech "Player" "$name">><i>I have nothing to do here.</i><</speech>><br>
<a data-passage="suburbs"><div class="talkplayer">Let’s do something else</div></a>
<img src="images/ashley/ashley.jpg" />
<<speech "Ashley" "Ashley">>Oooh boy, look who is here!<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Hi Ashley.<</speech>>
<<speech "Ashley" "Ashley">>It's been a long time $name. What brings you here?<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">><i>Sigh, Ashley.. Sarah used to hate her. Mostly because Ashley has no boundaries, she used to openly flirt with me everytime we were near her. Even if Sarah was there. Physically they are obviously sisters, but personality wise they could not be further from each other. Where Sarah is all about carreer, her family and is very responsible in general, Ashley is.. Well, she likes to party, get wild and I don't believe she ever graduated for anything, hell I don't think she ever has had a job. And then the stories that where going around about her sometimes.. Not that she cared. She was very skilled in living out of guys their pockets.</i><</speech>>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Continue->foundsarahevent2]]</span></div><<nobr>>
<<if $time lt 5>>
<div class="general">The bar is closed.</div><br>
<a data-passage="center"><div class="talkplayer">Let’s do something else</div></a>
<<elseif $energy lt 10 or $happiness lt 20>>
<img src="images/player/misc/mood.jpg" /><br>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>I'm not in the mood for this.<</speech>><br>
<a data-passage="center"><div class="talkplayer">Let’s do something else</div></a>
<<elseif $hygene lte 15>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">><i>I smell terrible, I shouldn't go in there.</i><</speech>>
<a data-passage="center"><div class="talkplayer">Let’s do something else</div></a>
<div class="general">You are in the bar.</div><br>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Get a drink->paige1]]</span></div><br>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Look around->barlook]]</span></div><br>
<a data-passage="center"><div class="talkloc">Let’s go somewhere else</div></a>
<<if $time lt 7>>
<div class="general">The Strip Club is closed.</div><br>
<a data-passage="center"><div class="talkplayer">Let’s do something else</div></a>
<<elseif $energy lt 10 or $happiness lt 20>>
<img src="images/player/misc/mood.jpg" /><br>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>I'm not in the mood for this.<</speech>><br>
<a data-passage="center"><div class="talkplayer">Let’s do something else</div></a>
<<elseif $hygene lte 15>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">><i>I smell terrible, I shouldn't go in there.</i><</speech>><br>
<a data-passage="center"><div class="talkplayer">Let’s do something else</div></a>
<div class="general">You enter the strip club.</div><br>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Watch a show->stripshow]]</span></div><br>
<a data-passage="center"><div class="talkloc">Let’s go somewhere else</div></a>
<<nobr>><<switch random(1, 2)>>
<<case 1>>
<video src="images/other/stripclub/bambi/strip1.webm" autoplay loop autoplay></video><br><br>
<div class="general">You start watching the stripper on stage.</div><br>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Keep watching->bambishow2]]</span></div><br>
<a data-passage="stripclub"><div class="talkplayer">Let’s do something else</div></a>
<<case 2>>
<video src="images/other/stripclub/candy/strip1.webm" autoplay loop autoplay></video><br><br>
<div class="general">You start watching the stripper on stage.</div><br>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Keep watching->candyshow2]]</span></div><br>
<a data-passage="stripclub"><div class="talkplayer">Let’s do something else</div></a>
<video src="images/other/stripclub/bambi/strip2.webm" autoplay loop autoplay></video>
<div class="general">You keep watching the show and the girl keeps dancing. If you want to give her some money, enter the amount here: <<numberbox "$bambidonation" 0>></div><br>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink"><<link "Keep watching" "bambishow3">><br>
<<if $bambidonation gte 0>>
<<set $money -= $bambidonation>><<set $bambitotal += $bambidonation>>
<<goto "stripperissue">><</if>><</link>></span></div>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Let's do something else->stripshow]]</span></div>
<<addarousal 5>>
<<addhappiness 3>><video src="images/other/stripclub/candy/strip2.webm" autoplay loop autoplay></video>
<div class="general">You keep watching the show and the girl keeps dancing. If you want to give her some money, enter the amount here: <<numberbox "$candydonation" 0>></div>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink"><<link "Keep watching" "candyshow3">>
<<if $candydonation gte 0>>
<<set $money -= $candydonation>><<set $candytotal += $candydonation>>
<<goto "stripperissue">><</if>><</link>></span></div>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Let's do something else->stripshow]]</span></div>
<<addarousal 5>>
<<addhappiness 3>><<nobr>><<if $bambidonation gt $money + $bambidonation>>
<<set $money to $money + $bambidonation>>
<div class="general">You don't have enough money.</div><br>
<a data-passage="stripclub"><div class="talkplayer">Let’s do something else</div></a>
<video src="images/other/stripclub/bambi/strip3.webm" autoplay loop autoplay></video><br><br>
<div class="general">The girl clearly loves to shake her ass. If you want to give her some money, enter the amount here: <<numberbox "$bambidonation" 0>></div>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink"><<link "Keep watching" "bambishow4">>
<<if $bambidonation gte 0>>
<<set $money -= $bambidonation>><<set $bambitotal += $bambidonation>>
<<goto "stripperissue">><</if>><</link>></span></div>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Let's do something else->stripshow]]</span></div>
<<addarousal 5>>
<<addhappiness 3>>
<</if>><</nobr>><<nobr>><<if $bambidonation gt $money + $bambidonation>>
<<set $money to $money + $bambidonation>>
<div class="general">You don't have enough money.</div><br>
<a data-passage="stripclub"><div class="talkplayer">Let’s do something else</div></a>
<video src="images/other/stripclub/bambi/strip4.webm" autoplay loop autoplay></video><br><br>
<div class="general">The girl keeps dancing and you are not the only one watching her. If you want to give her some money, enter the amount here: <<numberbox "$bambidonation" 0>></div><br>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink"><<link "Keep watching" "bambishow5">><br>
<<if $bambidonation gte 0>>
<<set $money -= $bambidonation>><<set $bambitotal += $bambidonation>>
<<goto "stripperissue">><</if>><</link>></span></div>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Let's do something else->stripshow]]</span></div>
<<addarousal 5>>
<<addhappiness 3>>
<</if>><</nobr>><<nobr>><<if $bambidonation gt $money + $bambidonation>>
<<set $money to $money + $bambidonation>>
<div class="general">You don't have enough money.</div><br>
<a data-passage="stripclub"><div class="talkplayer">Let’s do something else</div></a>
<video src="images/other/stripclub/bambi/strip5.webm" autoplay loop autoplay></video><br><br>
<div class="general">The girl keeps showing off her body and is getting quite a lot of tips from other watchers. If you want to give her some money, enter the amount here: <<numberbox "$bambidonation" 0>></div><br>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink"><<link "Keep watching" "bambishow6">><br>
<<if $bambidonation gte 0>>
<<set $money -= $bambidonation>><<set $bambitotal += $bambidonation>>
<<goto "stripperissue">><</if>><</link>></span></div>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Let's do something else->stripshow]]</span></div>
<<addarousal 5>>
<<addhappiness 3>>
<</if>><</nobr>><<nobr>><video src="images/other/stripclub/bambi/strip6.webm" autoplay loop autoplay></video><br><br>
<<if $bambitotal gte 500>>
<div class="general">The dancer walks towards you.</div><br>
<<speech "bambi" "Bambi">>Hey stud, my name is Bambi. Would you like a private dance? For it's only $100.<</speech>><br>
<<if $money gte 100>>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[I would love one->bambishow7]]</span></div><br>
<a data-passage="stripshow"><div class="talkplayer">No thanks you.</div></a>
<a data-passage="stripshow"><div class="talkplayer">I don't have that much money.</div></a><</if>>
<<elseif $bambitotal gte 300>>
<div class="general">The show stops. The girl walks off stage. She looks at you and smiles before she disappears behind the curtain.</div><br>
<a data-passage="stripshow"><div class="talkplayer">Let’s do something else</div></a>
<div class="general">The show end and the stripper walks off stage towards one of the big spenders and she takes him into a private booth.</div><br>
<a data-passage="stripshow"><div class="talkplayer">Let’s do something else</div></a><</if>><</nobr>><div class="general">She takes you to a private room. You sit down and she starts dancing.</div>
<video src="images/other/stripclub/bambi/strip7.webm" autoplay loop ></video>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Continue->bambishow8]]</span></div><br>
<<set $money to $money -150>><<speech "bambi" "Bambi">>Aawh, thank you!<</speech>>
<div class="general">She starts taking of her bra.</div>
<video src="images/other/stripclub/bambi/strip11.webm" autoplay loop ></video>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Continue->bambishow12]]</span></div><br>
<<set $money to $money -100>><<speech "bambi" "Bambi">>Cool!<</speech>>
<div class="general">She starts taking out your dick.</div>
<video src="images/other/stripclub/bambi/striphj1.webm" autoplay loop ></video>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Continues->bambishowld2]]</span></div>
<<speech "bambi" "Bambi">>A good old handy.<</speech>>
<div class="general">She starts taking out your dick.</div>
<video src="images/other/stripclub/bambi/striphj1.webm" autoplay loop ></video>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Continue->bambishowhj2]]</span></div>
<<speech "bambi" "Bambi">>Hmm, let me see what we have got here.<</speech>>
<div class="general">She starts taking out your dick.</div>
<video src="images/other/stripclub/bambi/striphj1.webm" autoplay loop ></video>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Continue->bambishowbj2]]</span></div>
<<speech "bambi" "Bambi">>Hmm, let me see what we have got here.<</speech>>
<div class="general">She starts taking out your dick.</div>
<video src="images/other/stripclub/bambi/striphj1.webm" autoplay loop ></video>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Continue->bambishowsex2]]</span></div>
<<nobr>><<if $candydonation gt $money + $candydonation>>
<<set $money to $money + $candydonation>>
<div class="general">You don't have enough money.</div><br>
<a data-passage="stripclub"><div class="talkplayer">Let’s do something else</div></a>
<video src="images/other/stripclub/candy/strip3.webm" autoplay loop autoplay></video><br><br>
<div class="general">This girl is quite skilled at poledancing. If you want to give her some money, enter the amount here: <<numberbox "$candydonation" 0>></div>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink"><<link "Keep watching" "candyshow4">>
<<if $candydonation gte 0>>
<<set $money -= $candydonation>><<set $candytotal += $candydonation>>
<<goto "stripperissue">><</if>><</link>></span></div>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Let's do something else->stripshow]]</span></div>
<<addarousal 5>>
<<addhappiness 3>>
<</if>><</nobr>><<nobr>><<if $candydonation gt $money + $candydonation>>
<<set $money to $money + $candydonation>>
<div class="general">You don't have enough money.</div><br>
<a data-passage="stripclub"><div class="talkplayer">Let’s do something else</div></a>
<video src="images/other/stripclub/candy/strip4.webm" autoplay loop autoplay></video><br><br>
<div class="general">She keeps dancing and showing herself off. If you want to give her some money, enter the amount here: <<numberbox "$candydonation" 0>></div><br>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink"><<link "Keep watching" "candyshow5">><br>
<<if $candydonation gte 0>>
<<set $money -= $candydonation>><<set $candytotal += $candydonation>>
<<goto "stripperissue">><</if>><</link>></span></div>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Let's do something else->stripshow]]</span></div>
<<addarousal 5>>
<<addhappiness 3>>
<</if>><</nobr>><<nobr>><<if $candydonation gt $money + $candydonation>>
<<set $money to $money + $candydonation>>
<div class="general">You don't have enough money.</div><br>
<a data-passage="stripclub"><div class="talkplayer">Let’s do something else</div></a>
<video src="images/other/stripclub/candy/strip5.webm" autoplay loop autoplay></video>
<div class="general">Then she starts to lower her, already revealing, top. If you want to give her some money, enter the amount here: <<numberbox "$candydonation" 0>></div><br>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink"><<link "Keep watching" "candyshow6">><br>
<<if $candydonation gte 0>>
<<set $money -= $candydonation>><<set $candytotal += $candydonation>>
<<goto "stripperissue">><</if>><</link>></span></div>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Let's do something else->stripshow]]</span></div>
<<addarousal 5>>
<<addhappiness 3>>
<</if>><</nobr>><video src="images/other/stripclub/candy/strip6.webm" autoplay loop autoplay></video>
<div class="general">She lays down on the stage and keeps showing off. Then the show stops and the stripper walks of stage. </div>
<a data-passage="stripshow"><div class="talkplayer">Let’s do something else</div></a>
<<addarousal 5>>
<<addhappiness 3>><<if $copevent6 is "true" and $paigetalk1 is "false">>
<img src="images/other/bar/waiter/paige1.jpg" />
<<speech "paige" "Paige">>Hey, $name was it right?<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Hi, yes, that’s me.<</speech>>
<<speech "paige" "Paige">>So did you manage to find your friend?<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Yes I did. It was quite the journey.<</speech>>
<<speech "paige" "Paige">>Really? Tell me!<</speech>>
<div class="general">You tell her the story of how you found her and that you managed to bring her home.</div>
<<speech "paige" "Paige">>Wow, that’s quite the story, you are such a good friend.<</speech>>
<div class="general">Paige moves closer and starts to become more flirty with you.</div>
<<speech "paige" "Paige">>She is just a friend right.<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Yes she is.<</speech>>
<<speech "random" "Owner">>Page! Get back to your work!<</speech>>
<<speech "paige" "Paige">>Shit, sorry got to go.<</speech>>
<div class="general">Paige get’s back to work.</div>
<a data-passage="bar"><div class="talkplayer">Let’s do something else</div></a>
<<set $paigetalk1 to "true">>
<<elseif $paigetalk1 is "true">>
<img src="images/other/bar/waiter/paige1.jpg" />
<<speech "paige" "Paige">>Hi $name, what can I get you?<</speech>>
<div class="general">You grab your drink and sit down.</div>
<a data-passage="bar"><div class="talkplayer">Let’s do something else</div></a>
<img src="images/other/bar/waiter/paige1.jpg" />
<div class="general">You walk towards the bar to order a drink when this cute girl asks for your order. She hands you your drink.</div>
<a data-passage="bar"><div class="talkplayer">Let’s do something else</div></a>
<</if>><<nobr>><<switch random(1, 3)>>
<<case 1>>
<<if $cop is "false">>
<img src="images/other/bar/cop/sabina1.jpg" /><br>
<div class="general">You look around. You see a woman standing at the bar.</div><br>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Go to her->sabina2]]</span></div><br>
<a data-passage="bar"><div class="talkplayer">Let’s do something else</div></a>
<div class="general">You look around, but there seems to be no-one of interest here at the moment.</div><br>
<a data-passage="bar"><div class="talkplayer">Let’s do something else</div></a>
<<set $time to $time +1>><</if>>
<<case 2>>
<<if $barhookerfuck is "false">>
<img src="images/other/bar/hooker/daisy1.jpg" /><br>
<div class="general">You look around. Right as you look towards the entrance a woman walks in. When you make eye contact she winks at you.</div><br>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Go to her->daisy2]]</span></div><br>
<a data-passage="bar"><div class="talkplayer">Let’s do something else</div></a>
<<elseif $barhookerfuck is "true">>
<<if $zareanabarmeet is "false">>
<img src="images/other/bar/customer/zareana1.jpg" /><br>
<div class="general">You look around. Then you notice a beautifull girl standing at the bar.</div><br>
<<if $zareanaseen is "true">>
<<speech "Player" "$name">><i>Wait a second, she is the girl that I saw running in the park.</i><</speech>><br><</if>>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Go to her->zareana2]]</span></div><br>
<a data-passage="bar"><div class="talkplayer">Let’s do something else</div></a>
<div class="general">You look around, but there seems to be no-one of interest here at the moment.</div><br>
<a data-passage="bar"><div class="talkplayer">Let’s do something else</div></a><</if>><</if>>
<<case 3>>
<div class="general">You look around, but there seems to be no-one of interest here at the moment.</div><br>
<a data-passage="bar"><div class="talkplayer">Let’s do something else</div></a>
<<set $time to $time +1>>
<img src="images/other/bar/hooker/daisy2.jpg" />
<div class="general">You walk towards her she smiles at you.</div>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Hi there, can I interest you for a drink?<</speech>>
<<speech "daisy" "?">>I would love one.<</speech>>
<div class="general">You buy her a drink and introduce yourself to her.</div>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>I'm $name.<</speech>>
<<speech "daisy" "Daisy">>Hi $name, that is a very nice name. My name is Daisy<</speech>>
<div class="general">After the drinks arrive you start chatting with each other about a variety of topics.</div>
<<speech "Player" "$name">><i>This feels like it is going well. Let's see where this can end.</i><</speech>>
<div class="general">You chat some more.</div>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Soo, how about we take this conversation somewhere else.<</speech>>
<<speech "daisy" "Daisy">>Oh honey, didn't you know? I would love to come with you, but for a price. I mean, do you really think someone dressed like me would come to a bar like this otherwise?<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">><i>Fuuucckk me..</i><</speech>>
<<speech "daisy" "Daisy">>For $200 I'll fuck you right here in the bathroom.<</speech>>
<<if $money gte 200>>
<<if $cop is "true">>
<<speech "Player" "$name">><i>That is what the last chick in this club said and she was a cop.. But having that kind of bad luck twice? That seems unlikely.</i><</speech>><br>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Pay the lady->daisy3]]</span></div><br>
<a data-passage="bar"><div class="talkplayer">Let’s do something else</div></a>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Pay the lady->daisy3]]</span></div><</if>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>I don't have that type of money.<</speech>><br>
<<speech "daisy" "Daisy">>That's a shame.<</speech>><br>
<a data-passage="bar"><div class="talkplayer">Let’s do something else</div></a><</if>><</nobr>>
<<set $barhooker to "true">><img src="images/other/bar/cop/sabina2.jpg" />
<<if $fitness gte 40>>
<div class="general">You walk towards her. She sees you coming and turns towards you.</div><br>
<<if $barhooker is "true">>
<<speech "Player" "$name">><i>Given how she looks, she could also be a hooker, like Daisy. Well I guess we will see.</i><</speech>><br><</if>>
<<speech "sabina" "?">>Hi there.<</speech>><br>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Hi, how are you? My name is $name.<</speech>><br>
<<speech "sabina" "Lola">>I'm Lola. My night is alright I guess.<</speech>><br>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Would you like a drink Lola, maybe I can make your night better?<</speech>><br>
<<speech "sabina" "Lola">>I already have one, but you can buy my next one.<</speech>><br>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Sounds good to me.<</speech>><br>
<div class="general">You start chatting with Lola. And after a while:</div><br>
<<speech "sabina" "Lola">>So, do you want to get out of here? For a price of course.<</speech>><br>
<<if $barhooker is "true">>
<<speech "Player" "$name">><i>I fucking knew it!</i><</speech>><br>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>For a price?<</speech>><br>
<<speech "sabina" "Lola">>Yes.. Didn't you figure out yet that I'm a prostitute? Did you really think your cheesy lines where actually working?<</speech>><br>
<<speech "Player" "$name">><i>Fuck me!</i><</speech>><br><</if>>
<<speech "sabina" "Lola">>Anyway, you are not bad looking, for $250 I'm all yours for the night.<</speech>><br>
<<if $money gte 250>>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Alright, let's do it->sabina3]]</span></div><br>
<a data-passage="bar"><div class="talkplayer">Let’s do something else</div></a>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>I don't have that kind of money.<</speech>><br>
<<speech "sabina" "Lola">>That's a shame and a waste of time.<</speech>><br>
<a data-passage="bar"><div class="talkplayer">Let’s do something else</div></a>
<<set $time to $time +1>>
<div class="general">You walk towards her but she doesn't seem interested in you.</div><br>
<a data-passage="bar"><div class="talkplayer">Let’s do something else</div></a>
<<set $time to $time +1>>
<center><div class="general">Only pornstars you have met in game and have a scene will be displayed.</div></center><br>
<<nobr>><img src="images/sarah/garden/terraces/sarah.jpg" /><br>
<center><div class="general">Dani Jensen as Sarah</div></center><br><br>
<img src="images/noelle/livingroom/noelletease.jpg" /><br>
<center><div class="general">Angell Summers as Noelle</div></center><br><br>
<<if $foundsarah is "true">>
<img src="images/ashley/ashley.jpg" /><br>
<center><div class="general">Alex Tanner as Ashley</div></center><br><br><</if>>
<<if $metchristel is "true">>
<img src="images/christel/christel.jpg" /><br>
<center><div class="general">Faye Reagan as Christel</div></center><br><br><</if>>
<<if $cop is "true">>
<img src="images/other/bar/cop/sabina2.jpg" /><br>
<center><div class="general">Adriana Chechik as Sabina</div></center><br><br><</if>>
<<if $ellieevent3 is "true">>
<img src="images/ellie/ellie.jpg" /><br>
<center><div class="general">Pinky June as Ellie</div></center><br><br><</if>>
<<if $bambisex is "true">>
<img src="images/other/stripclub/bambi/bambi.jpg" /><br>
<center><div class="general">Abella Danger as Bambi</div></center><br><br><</if>>
<<if $barhookerfuck is "true">>
<img src="images/other/bar/hooker/daisy2.jpg" />
<center><div class="general">Liv Revamped as Daisy</div></center><br><br><</if>>
<<if $trapscene is "true">>
<img src="images/other/club/giovanna/giovanna.jpg" /><br>
<center><div class="general">Chanel Santini as Giovanna</div></center><br><br><</if>>
<<return "Cancel">>
<<nobr>><img src="images/other/bar/customer/zareana2.jpg" /><br>
<<if $zareanaimpressed gte 3>>
<div class="general">You walk towards her.</div><br>
<<speech "Zareana" "Zareana">>Hey, you are the guy who made me eat his dust.<</speech>><br>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Haha, I guess that was me.<</speech>><br>
<<speech "Zareana" "Zareana">>That doesn’t happen a lot, or at all actually.<</speech>><br>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>And why is that?<</speech>><br>
<<speech "Zareana" "Zareana">>Because I’m a professional track runner, so I’m quite fast.<</speech>><br>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Really, that’s interesting and what are you doing in a bar?<</speech>><br>
<<speech "Zareana" "Zareana">>Well, I thought I had a date, but he is a no-show.<</speech>><br>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Well, if you want, I can be your replacement date.<</speech>><br>
<div class="general">She smiles.</div><br>
<<speech "Zareana" "Zareana">>Why not. I’m here and dressed up already.<</speech>><br>
<div class="general">You both sit down and start talking and it seems like it’s going well.</div><br>
<<speech "Zareana" "Zareana">>Oh wow, look at the time. It’s so late already, I should have been in my bad an hour ago. My coach is going to go mental if he finds out.<</speech>><br>
<div class="general">She gets up, ready to leave.</div><br>
<<speech "Zareana" "Zareana">>Oh wow, look at the time. It’s so late already, I should have been in my bad an hour ago. My coach is going to go mental if he finds out.<</speech>><br>
<div class="general">While she walks back, she turns back to you.</div><br>
<<speech "Zareana" "Zareana">>Meet me at the park if you ever want to workout together.<</speech>><br>
<div class="general">Then she leaves.</div><br>
<a data-passage="bar"><div class="talkplayer">Let’s do something else</div></a>
<<set $zareanabarmeet to "true">>
<div class="general">You walk towards her but she is not interested.</div><br>
<<if $zareanaseen is "true">>
<<speech "Player" "$name">><i>She didn't even recognize me. Maybe I should impress her more when I see her at the park.</i><</speech>><br><</if>>
<a data-passage="bar"><div class="talkplayer">Let’s do something else</div></a><</if>><</nobr>><div class="general">You hand Daisy her $200.</div>
<<speech "daisy" "Daisy">>So, I'll go to the bathroom first, you wait 2 minutes and follow me, ok?<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Alrigth.<</speech>>
<div class="general">The 2 minutes feel like 20 minutes, but then you slowly make your way to the bathroom.</div>
<<speech "Player" "$name">><i>Here goes nothing.</i><</speech>>
<div class="general">You step into the bathroom and see Daisy standing there. When you enter and she sees you she immediately takes of her dress.</div>
<video src="images/other/bar/hooker/daisy1.webm" autoplay loop ></video>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Continue->daisy4]]</span></div>
<<set $money to $money -200>>
<<speech "sabina" "Lola">>Alright, follow me, I know a good spot.<</speech>>
<div class="general">She grabs your hand and drags you out the door of the bar. She walks with you into the park and before you know it you are in a litte private spot.</div>
<<speech "sabina" "Lola">>Soo, here we are.<</speech>>
<div class="general">She walks seductivly towards you and starts rubbing your dick over you pants.</div>
<<speech "sabina" "Lola">>She grabs your dick and starts rubbing it.<</speech>>
<<speech "sabina" "Lola">>Hmmm, not bad at all.<</speech>>
<div class="general">Then she moves her mouth towards your ear and whispers.</div>
<<speech "sabina" "Lola">>You are under arrest.<</speech>>
<div class="general">You feel something poking in your side what is probably a gun.</div>
<<speech "sabina" "Lola">>Give me your hands.<</speech>>
<div class="general">You put your hands behind your back and she handcuffs you.</div>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>What? Are you serious?<</speech>>
<<speech "sabina" "Lola">>Believe me when I say that I don't play games, so yes I'm serious. Now I'm going to step back and you are staying calm and you are not going to try anything. Ok?<</speech>>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Ok->sabina4]]</span></div>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Make a run for it->sabina4a]]</span></div>
<<speech "sabina" "Lola">>Alright, so let's start at the beginning. Obviously my name is not Lola, I mean what kind of shitty hookers name is that. Secondly, I'm a cop, if you didn't notice already..<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Are you really?<</speech>>
<<speech "sabina" "?">>You don't believe me?<</speech>>
<div class="general">She shows her badge.</div>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Alright..<</speech>>
<<speech "sabina" "?">>If you don't believe me we can go to the station right away or..<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Or?<</speech>>
<<speech "sabina" "?">>Yes or. If you just shut up for a minute then I'll tell you.<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Ok.<</speech>>
<<speech "sabina" "?">>So, I'm giving you a choice, either we go the station and I book you in or you start doing the occasional job for me.<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>What kind of jobs.<</speech>>
<<speech "sabina" "?">>You'll know when I tell you.<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>And why would I accept this? The carges aren't that bad..<</speech>>
<<speech "sabina" "?">>Oh you think? Let's see, paying a prostitute, illegal, and look here.<</speech>>
<div class="general">She grabs a small bag of white powder.</div>
<<speech "sabina" "?">>And look what we have here. Is this cocaine?<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Fuck you, you know that's not mine!<</speech>>
<<speech "sabina" "?">>Yeah, but who are the judges going to believe? And do you want to know another funny thing.<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>I don't think so..<</speech>>
<<speech "sabina" "?">>You are caught, with your dick out near a playground for children.<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>What?<</speech>>
<div class="general">She points behind you. You turn around and indeed, through the darkness you see a small playground.</div>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Oh for fucks sake.<</speech>>
<<speech "sabina" "?">>I told you, I don't play around. Anyway, how many years do you think this is? And then there is the wife and the kid.<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>How do you know that?<</speech>>
<<speech "sabina" "?">>I didn't you just confirmed that for me.<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">><i>Fuck me and my big mouth.</i><</speech>>
<<speech "sabina" "?">>So, what is it going to be then?<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>I don't really have a choice now do I?<</speech>>
<<speech "sabina" "?">>Good boy!<</speech>>
<div class="general">She searches you and grabs you phone. She holds it in front of you face and the phone unlocks.</div>
<<speech "Player" "$name">><i>Great, even my face is betraying me today.</i><</speech>>
<<speech "sabina" "?">>So, now we have each others numbers. You better pick up when I call.<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Why me?<</speech>>
<<speech "sabina" "?">>Huh? Oh, you looked like an easy target and that in combination with that you look like you are fit, perfect match for me. Anyway.<</speech>>
<div class="general">She takes off the handcuffs and starts walking away.</div>
<<speech "sabina" "Sabina">>Oh, it's Sabina by the way. Remeber the name, I'll be calling!<</speech>>
<div class="general">She dissapears into the night and out of sight.</div>
<<speech "Player" "$name">><i>Fuck! What did just happen? How did I get into this shit? I.. I need to go home.</i><</speech>>
<a data-passage="center"><div class="talkplayer">Let’s do something else</div></a>
<<addenergy -50>>
<<addhappiness -40>>
<<addhygene -30>>
<<set $time to $time +5>>
<<set $cop to "true">><div class="general">Lola steps back.</div>
<<speech "Player" "$name">><i>Fuck this.</i><</speech>>
<div class="general">You turn around and try to make a run for it. But before you are fully turned around you feel a sharp pain in your back and the rest of your body when you colapse onto the floor.</div>
<<speech "sabina" "Lola">>Every fucking time, you think you are the first one that tries to run? Do you really think we are not trained for this?<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Wha? Whe? How?<</speech>>
<div class="general">Suddenly another jolt of pain fills your body.</div>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Aaarhgh! What the fuck?<</speech>>
<<speech "sabina" "Lola">>Don't you love tasers?<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Aaaah, fuck. Please stop!<</speech>>
<<speech "sabina" "Lola">>So, we are going to try this again, and this time, this time you will not try to run away from me, because next time it will be a bullet. Ok?<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Alright, alright.<</speech>>
<div class="general">You slowly get up.</div>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Continue->sabina4]]</span></div>
<<addhappiness -15>>
<<addhygene -10>>
<div class="general">Your phone rings and you see Sabina on the screen.</div>
<<speech "Player" "$name">><i>Oh for fucks sake. Well I better pick up I guess.</i><</speech>>
<div class="general">You answer the phone.</div>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Hello?<</speech>>
<<speech "sabina" "Sabina">>Hi $name, listen, I don't have much time, I need you to pick up a bag and bring it to me.<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>A bag?<</speech>>
<<speech "sabina" "Sabina">>Yes a bag, you know what a bag is right? Anyway, I'll send you the coordinates. Oh and be quick, I need it yesterday.<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">><i>Then fucking pick it up yourself.</i><</speech>>
<<speech "sabina" "Sabina">>Did you say something?<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>No, send me the locations and I'll get your back.<</speech>>
<<speech "sabina" "Sabina">>Oh and $name, don't you dare to look into the bag. I will know.<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Alright, I'm on my way.<</speech>>
<div class="general">You hang up the phone and within a minute you receive the pickup and drop off location.</div>
<<speech "Player" "$name">><i>Alright, seems like the first location is at the park.</i><</speech>>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Let's go->copevent1b]]</span></div>
<div class="general">A short while later you are in the park on the exact location.</div>
<<speech "Player" "$name">><i>What the fuck, there is no bag here. Is she messing with me?</i><</speech>>
<div class="general">Just as you are about to call her a random dude walks towards you, pushes a bag into your hands and walks off.</div>
<<speech "Player" "$name">><i>Alright, so I guess I have the bag now.</i><</speech>>
<div class="general">You walk towards the exit of the park.</div>
<<speech "Player" "$name">><i>Next stop, the bar where we met. How nice..</i><</speech>>
<div class="general">When you are at the exit, you look at the bag again. It's a fairly standard backpack and it feels quite heavy. But the worst part, the temptaton.</div>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Look into the bag->copevent1c1]]</span></div>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Don't look into the bag->copevent1c2]]</span></div>
<div class="general">You decide to open the bag. You walk into the nearby bushes so you are, mostly, out of sight.</div>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Let's see what she has me transporting.<</speech>>
<div class="general">You open the bag and..</div>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Continue->copevent1d1]]</span></div>
<img src="images/other/bar/cop/sabina2.jpg" />
<div class="general">You walk a while and then enter the bar where you see Sabina already waiting for you.</div>
<<speech "sabina" "Sabina">>Well done. And you actually didn't look, I'm almost proud.<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>How do you know I didn't look.<</speech>>
<<speech "sabina" "Sabina">>Again, you just confirmed it for me.<</speech>>
<div class="general">She grabs the bag and throws it into a nearby trashcan.</div>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>What? Why?<</speech>>
<<speech "sabina" "Sabina">>Oh, this was just a test and congratulations, you passed.<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>You have issues.<</speech>>
<<speech "sabina" "Sabina">>Oh, I'm well aware. Anyway, you showed you can be trusted with a simple task, so keep your phone near you. I'll be calling again.<</speech>>
<a data-passage="bar"><div class="talkplayer">Let’s do something else</div></a>
<<addhygene -10>>
<<addhappiness -10>>
<<addenergy -10>>
<<set $time to $time +1>>
<<set $copevent1 to "true">>
<<set $copeventtimer to 0>><img src="images/sabina/copevent1/copevent1d1.webp" />
<div class="general">A literal explosion of colors, paint and dus hits you full in your face. Once the dust has settled you hear some slow, sarcastic, clapping.</div>
<<speech "sabina" "Sabina">>Congratulations, you are officially completely useless.<</speech>>
<div class="general">You see Sabina coming out of nowhere walking towards you.</div>
<<speech "sabina" "Sabina">>All you had to do is walk a short distance and not look in the bag.<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>What the actual fuck is this?<</speech>>
<<speech "sabina" "Sabina">>This was a, supposedly, simple test, but you failed miserably.<</speech>>
<div class="general">You stand there, fully covered in paint, colored dust and glitter.</div>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Are you fucking serious?<</speech>>
<<speech "sabina" "Sabina">>Don't say I didn't warn you. I hope you learned you lesson and that next time you will listen.<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Fuck you.<</speech>>
<<speech "sabina" "Sabina">>You wish. Anyway go get cleaned up, you look like a failed unicorn.<</speech>>
<div class="general">With a satisfied grin on her face she takes off.</div>
<<speech "Player" "$name">><i>I hate her.</i><</speech>>
<a data-passage="park"><div class="talkplayer">Let’s go</div></a>
<<addhygene -100>>
<<addhappiness -20>>
<<addenergy -15>>
<<set $time to $time +1>>
<<set $copevent1 to "true">>
<<set $copeventtimer to 0>><div class="general">Your phone rings and on the display you see Sabina.</div>
<<speech "Player" "$name">><i>Fuckkkk.</i><</speech>>
<div class="general">You pick up.</div>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Hello?<</speech>>
<<speech "sabina" "Sabina">>$name!<</speech>>
<div class="general">Sabina sounds rushed.</div>
<<speech "sabina" "Sabina">>I'm going to send you and address, ring the doorbell, tell the guy Saba send you. He will give you a package. Call me when you have it.<</speech>>
<div class="general">*Click* Before you can answer Sabina hangs up the phone. Two seconds later an adres appears on your screen.</div>
<<speech "Player" "$name">><i>Alright, I guess we have to get going.</i><</speech>>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Go to the address->copevent2b]]</span></div>
<div class="general">You exit the elevator and walk towards Christel her apartment. When you are getting closer to her door you hear yelling. It is clearly Christel and you also hear another male voice.</div>
<<speech "Player" "$name">><i>What is that about?</i><</speech>>
<div class="general">You continue walking towards her apartment. You still hear them screaming but you can't make out what they are saying. Then suddenly the door of Christel her apartment opens and a guy walks out.</div>
<<speech "random" "Some guy">>Next time I'm here you are going to give me what I want Christel, you hear me?<</speech>>
<div class="general">He turns towards you. His face is almost fully covered in a hoody.</div>
<<speech "random" "Some guy">>The fuck are you looking at? You stupid or something? Get out of the way man!<</speech>>
<div class="general">He pushes himself past you and starts walking. Then he turns around.</div>
<<speech "random" "Some guy">>Ayo Christel, I'll see you soon yeah, and when I'm back, you better have what I want.<</speech>>
<div class="general">The guy walks into the elevator and leaves. When you turn around you see Christel standing there.</div>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Continue->christelevent3a]]</span></div>
<<speech "Christel" "Christel">>Wha.. What are you doing here?<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Are you ok? Who was that guy.<</speech>>
<div class="general">She turns around and walks inside, she tries to close the door but you are quick enough to get inside..</div>
<<speech "Christel" "Christel">>Why are you here $name?<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>I just came to see you and mostly to say thanks for telling me where Sarah is.<</speech>>
<<speech "Christel" "Christel">>I hope she doesn't kill me for it.<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>I think you will be fine. But who was that guy and what did he want from you?<</speech>>
<<speech "Christel" "Christel">>You are not going to let this go are you?<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Wasn't planning on it.<</speech>>
<<speech "Christel" "Christel">>Alright..<</speech>>
<div class="general">She sits down and you sit down next to her.</div>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Hear her out->christelevent3b]]</span></div>
<<speech "Christel" "Christel">>My.. My.. My brother is in trouble, he got in with some bad people, made some mistakes and now they are looking for him. And for some reason they think I know where he is..<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>But you don't I guess?<</speech>>
<<speech "Christel" "Christel">>No, I haven't seen him in quite a while now. Not since he told me he had to leave for a while.<</speech>>
<div class="general">Tears start filling her eyes.</div>
<<speech "Christel" "Christel">>I'm sorry, it's just that, I'm afraid that they will find him.<</speech>>
<div class="general">You put your arm around her.</div>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>What did he do?<</speech>>
<<speech "Christel" "Christel">>I'm not sure, he didn't tell me. All I know is that they will go very far to find him.<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>I'm sorry, is there anything I can do?<</speech>>
<<speech "Christel" "Christel">>I wish there was..<</speech>>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Continue->christelevent3c]]</span></div>
<div class="general">You both stay silent for a while.</div>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Really, if there's anything, just let me know.<</speech>>
<<speech "Christel" "Christel">>You are sweet.<</speech>>
<div class="general">She look up at you. You stroke her hair and then, then you kiss.</div>
<video src="images/christel/christelevent3/christelkiss.webm" autoplay loop ></video>
<div class="general">You stop and look at each other.</div>
<<speech "Christel" "Christel">>No, no! I shouldn't have done that! We shouldn't have done that!<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>It's ok Christel..<</speech>>
<<speech "Christel" "Christel">>No! No, it's not! Sarah is my best friend.. I can't believe.. I.. I need you to leave. I need you to leave now!<</speech>>
<div class="general">Reluctantly you get up and leave the apartment.</div>
<a data-passage="center"><div class="talkplayer">Let’s leave her be for now</div></a>
<<set $christelevent3 to "true">>
<<addenergy -10>>
<<addhygene -5>>
<<set $time to $time +1>><<nobr>><<if $rsarah lte 139>>
<<speech "Sarah" "Sarah">>No, that is not going to happen.<</speech>><br>
<a data-passage="upstairs"><div class="talkplayer">Let’s do something else</div></a>
<<elseif $cumslut is "true">>
<<speech "Sarah" "Sarah">>Hmmm, I would love to suck your balls empty<</speech>><br>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>You want your cum?<</speech>><br>
<<speech "Sarah" "Sarah">>You know exactly what I want.<</speech>><br>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Undress->brmovescsbj1]]</span></div>
<<speech "Sarah" "Sarah">>I guess given your recent improvements around the house you deserve a little blowjob.<</speech>><br>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Will you do it naked?<</speech>><br>
<<speech "Sarah" "Sarah">>For you I will.<</speech>><br>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Let's undress->brmovesbj1]]</span></div>
<</if>><</nobr>><<speech "Player" "$name">>Come on Ashley, you know why I'm here.<</speech>>
<<speech "Ashley" "Ashley">>I really don't have a clue $name.<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>For fucks sake Ashley, I know Sarah is staying with you.<</speech>>
<div class="general">She seems suprised and stays quiet for a bit.</div>
<<speech "Ashley" "Ashley">>Well.. She doesn't want to see you.<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Let me in Ashley, I need to see her!<</speech>>
<<speech "Ashley" "Ashley">>She does not want to see you!<</speech>>
<div class="general">Suddenly you hear a familiar voice from behind Ashley.</div>
<<speech "Sarah" "Sarah">>It's ok Ashley.<</speech>>
<<speech "Ashley" "Ashley">>Sarah!<</speech>>
<<speech "Sarah" "Sarah">>It's ok.<</speech>>
<div class="general">Ashley turns away from you and walks inside.</div>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[continue->foundsarahevent3]]</span></div>
<div class="general">Sarah stands in the doorway.</div>
<<speech "Sarah" "Sarah">>What do you want $name?<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Well given everything that happened I think we should talk.<</speech>>
<<speech "Sarah" "Sarah">>There is nothing to talk about, you clearly chose Noelle over me.<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>She is pregnant with my kid Sarah, what else am I suposed to do?<</speech>>
<<speech "Sarah" "Sarah">>You already have a kid! With me! But you chose to leave me for the first fucking young bimbo you meet.<</speech>>
<div class="general">Sarah starts crying.</div>
<<speech "Sarah" "Sarah">>I fucking loved you so much. I know things have been bad, but they where getting better right? At least I thought so. And, you know what is the worst part. If you wanted to fuck someone else, you could have asked me, we actually could have talked about that.<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">><i>Is she for real?</i><</speech>>
<<speech "Sarah" "Sarah">>That's how much I love you. But no, you stick it in our fucking nanny! And get her pregnant! If she even is pregnant.<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>What do you mean if?<</speech>>
<<speech "Sarah" "Sarah">>I'm sorry $name, I'm not ready to talk to you yet.<</speech>>
<div class="general">She turns around and closes the door behind her.</div>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Continue->foundsarahevent4]]</span></div>
<<speech "Player" "$name">><i>What.. I..</i><</speech>>
<div class="general">You are flabbergasted about what Sarah just said.</div>
<<speech "Player" "$name">><i>Did she just say that she would let me fuck other women if I had just asked? And what was that about Noelle being pregnant? She doesn't believe she is actually pregnant? I.. I don't know what to think right now. And even if the thing about Noelle her pregnancy is true, how am I going to find out? I guess I just have to pay a lot of attention to her, maybe even spy on her.. But then, we are in love right.. Wouldn't that be wrong?</i><</speech>>
<a data-passage="suburbs"><div class="talkplayer">Let’s do something else</div></a>
<<set $foundsarah to "true">>
<<set $time to $time +1>>
<<addenergy -15>>
<<addhappiness -20>>
<<addhygene -5>>
<img src="images/noelle/livingroom/noellespy.jpg" />
<div class="general">You sneak to the livingroom and watch Noelle, but nothing interesting happens.</div>
<<speech "Player" "$name">><i>Well this was a waste of time.</i><</speech>>
<a data-passage="entrance"><div class="talkplayer">Let’s do something else</div></a>
<<set $noellespy to $noellespy +1>>
<<set $time to $time +1>>
<img src="images/noelle/kitchen/noelle.jpg" />
<div class="general">You sneak to the livingroom and watch Noelle, but nothing interesting happens.</div>
<<speech "Player" "$name">><i>Well this was a waste of time.</i><</speech>>
<a data-passage="entrance"><div class="talkplayer">Let’s do something else</div></a>
<<set $noellespy to $noellespy +1>>
<<set $time to $time +1>><img src="images/noelle/garden/noellespy.jpg" /><br>
<div class="general">You sneak on to the terrace and watch Noelle, but nothing interesting happens.</div>
<<speech "Player" "$name">><i>Well this was a waste of time.</i><</speech>>
<a data-passage="garden"><div class="talkplayer">Let’s do something else</div></a>
<<set $noellespy to $noellespy +1>>
<<set $time to $time +1>><img src="images/noelle/pool/noellespy.jpg" />
<div class="general">You sneak to the pool and watch Noelle, but nothing interesting happens.</div>
<<speech "Player" "$name">><i>Well this was a waste of time.</i><</speech>>
<a data-passage="garden"><div class="talkplayer">Let’s do something else</div></a>
<<set $noellespy to $noellespy +1>>
<<set $time to $time +1>><<nobr>><<if $noellespy gte 5 and $time gte 10>>
<div class="general">You try to spy on Noelle but her door is fully closed.</div><br>
<<speech "Player" "$name">><i>No spying in here I guess.</i><</speech>><br>
<div class="general">Just as you turn to walk away you hear her talking. You hardly hear what she says.</div><br>
<<speech "Noelle" "Noelle">>Yes ........ On my ....... Soon ......<</speech>><br>
<<speech "Player" "$name">><i>Wait she is going somewhere? I should follow her.</i><</speech>><br>
<a data-passage="noellespyevent"><div class="talkplayer">Wait outside her room</div></a>
<<elseif $noellespy gte 5>>
<div class="general">You try to spy on Noelle but her door is fully closed.</div><br>
<<speech "Player" "$name">><i>No spying in here I guess.</i><</speech>><br>
<div class="general">Just as you turn to walk away you hear her talking. You hardly hear what she says.</div><br>
<<speech "Noelle" "Noelle">>Yes ........ Tonight ....... Bye ......<</speech>><br>
<<speech "Player" "$name">><i>So something is going down tonight. Now what should I do?</i><</speech>><br>
<a data-passage="noellespyevent"><div class="talkplayer">Wait until tonight</div></a><br>
<a data-passage="upstairs"><div class="talkplayer">I'll come back tonight.</div></a>
<div class="general">You try to spy on Noelle but her door is fully closed.</div><br>
<<speech "Player" "$name">><i>No spying in here I guess.</i><</speech>><br>
<a data-passage="upstairs"><div class="talkplayer">Let’s do something else</div></a>
<<set $time to $time +1>>
<<set $noellespy to $noellespy +1>><div class="general">You try to enter but the door seems locked.</div>
<<speech "Player" "$name">><i>Damn, the door is locked.</i><</speech>>
<a data-passage="upstairs"><div class="talkplayer">Let’s do something else</div></a>
<<set $time to $time +1>>
<<set $noellespy to $noellespy +1>>
<div class="general">You are standing outside of Noelle her room.</div>
<<speech "Player" "$name">><i>What is taking so long?</i><</speech>>
<div class="general">You listen at the door and it is oddly quiet.</div>
<<speech "Player" "$name">><i>Is she even there still?</i><</speech>>
<div class="general">You slowly open the door.</div>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Look inside->noellespyevent2]]</span></div>
<<set $time to 10>><<speech "Player" "$name">><i>What the fuck?</i><</speech>>
<div class="general">The room is empty. No Noelle in sight.</div>
<<speech "Player" "$name">><i>But.. How.. Where..</i><</speech>>
<div class="general">You enter the room and look around.</div>
<<speech "Player" "$name">><i>The only way out would be.. The window!</i><</speech>>
<div class="general">You walk towards the window and look outside.</div>
<<speech "Player" "$name">><i>Are you fucking serious, are we in highschool again?</i><</speech>>
<div class="general">You see a foldable emergency ladder going down.</div>
<<speech "Player" "$name">><i>For fucks sake. How am I going to find out where she went?</i><</speech>>
<div class="general">You think for a second.</div>
<<if $clubcard is "true">>
<<speech "Player" "$name">><i>Wait, when I was going through her room
I found a card of a club, shit where did I saw that.</i><</speech>><br>
<div class="general">You look around and see it laying on her nightstand.</div><br>
<<speech "Player" "$name">><i>Yes, this has to be it.</i><</speech>>
<<elseif $copevent6 is "true">>
<<speech "Player" "$name">><i>Wait, when I was going through her room
I found a card of a club, shit where did I saw that and I think I know the club, I went there to look for Sabina not too long ago.</i><</speech>><br>
<div class="general">As a mad man you start searching her room and quite quickly you find a clubcard.</div><br>
<<speech "Player" "$name">><i>Interesting, this has to be it.</i><</speech>><</if>><</nobr>>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Go to the club->noellespyevent3]]</span></div>
<<nobr>><<if $copevent6 is "true">>
<div class="general">A short while later you arrive at the club.</div><br>
<<speech "Player" "$name">><i>So, I guess this it it. Let's get in there.</i><</speech>><br>
<div class="general">A short while later you arrive at the club.</div><br>
<<speech "Player" "$name">><i>So, I guess this it it. How did I not know that this was here. It's quite big.</i><</speech>><br>
<div class="general">You walk towards the club.</div><br>
<<speech "Player" "$name">><i>Damn, look at that line.. Well I guess I don't really have a choice.</i><</speech>><br>
<div class="general">After quite some time you're up.</div><br>
<<speech "random" "Security guard">>Aren't you a little old for this?<</speech>><br>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>What?<</speech>><br>
<<speech "random" "Bouncer">>Nevermind, have a good time.<</speech>><br>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Continue->noellespyevent4]]</span></div><</nobr>>
<div class="general">You enter the club.</div>
<<speech "Player" "$name">><i>This are a lot of people. How am I going to find Noelle?</i><</speech>>
<div class="general">You look around.</div>
<<speech "Player" "$name">><i>I do get that bouncer now, I do believe I'm the olderst in here. But damn, so many pretty young girls. Maybe I should come back later. But first, let's find Noelle.</i><</speech>>
<div class="general">You start walking around looking for Noelle.</div>
<<speech "Player" "$name">><i>Damn, I can't seem to find her. I mean, maybe she is not even here.</i><</speech>>
<div class="general">Just as you are about to give up.</div>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Continue->noellespyevent5]]</span></div>
<<speech "Player" "$name">><i>Is that? Yes it's her!</i><</speech>>
<div class="general">You see Noelle standing at the bar.</div>
<<speech "Player" "$name">><i>What? Is she fucking drinking?</i><</speech>>
<div class="general">You see Noelle drinking, what looks like, a cocktail.</div>
<<speech "Player" "$name">><i>Well, it could be a virgin cocktail. Oh for fucks sake who am I kiding.</i><</speech>>
<div class="general">Then you see her order another one, and seeing how it is made, it's clearly not a virgin cocktail. Then suddenly a guy walks up to her.</div>
<<speech "Player" "$name">><i>Who is that guy?</i><</speech>>
<div class="general">They clearly know each other and start talking.</div>
<<speech "Player" "$name">><i>Was Sarah actually right? Either way, let's be smart about this.</i><</speech>>
<div class="general">You grab your phone and snap a couple of pictures. While taking the pictures they start both walking away.</div>
<<speech "Player" "$name">><i>I am not losing them.</i><</speech>>
<div class="general">You follow them to the back of the club where they go through a door where the bathrooms are.</div>
<<speech "Player" "$name">><i>Fuck, following them in there is a risk.. Should I stay here or follow them?</i><</speech>>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Stay->noellespyevent6a]]</span></div>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Follow->noellespyevent6b]]</span></div>
<div class="general">You decide to not follow them and you wait.</div>
<<speech "Player" "$name">><i>What are they doing in there</i><</speech>>
<div class="general">After a while they both walk out and leave the club.</div>
<<speech "Player" "$name">><i>Time to go home I guess.</i><</speech>>
<div class="general">On your way home you start thinking.</div>
<<speech "Player" "$name">><i>So I am sure she is not pregnant, but is this enough to confront her? Maybe I should talk to Sarah about this.</i><</speech>>
<a data-passage="entrance"><div class="talkplayer">Go home</div></a>
<<set $time to $time +5>>
<<set $noellespyevent to "true">><div class="general">You follow them into the small hallway. They walk past the toilets around the corner. When you look around the corner you see it's a dead end.</div>
<<speech "Player" "$name">><i>What are they doing there?</i><</speech>>
<div class="general">Suddenly they turn to each other and start making out.</div>
<video src="images/noelle/events/noellespyevent/noellespyevent6b1.webm" autoplay loop ></video>
<<speech "Player" "$name">><i>What the fuck!!</i><</speech>>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Continue->noellespyevent7b]]</span></div>
<div class="general">You can't watch it and you leave the club and go straight home.</div>
<<speech "Player" "$name">><i>What the fuck did I just see.</i><</speech>>
<div class="general">On your way home you start thinking.</div>
<<speech "Player" "$name">><i>So I am sure she is not pregnant, but is this enough to confront her? Maybe I should talk to Sarah about this.</i><</speech>>
<a data-passage="entrance"><div class="talkplayer">Go home</div></a>
<<set $time to $time +5>>
<<set $noellespyevent to "true">>
<<set $noellespyeventkiss to "true">><div class="general">You ring the doorbell and Ashley opens the door.</div>
<<speech "Ashley" "Ashley">>Oh. It's you.<</speech>>
<div class="general">She turns around.</div>
<<speech "Ashley" "Ashley">>SARAH! IT'S YOUR CHEATING HUSBAND!<</speech>>
<div class="general">She smirks and walks away when Sarah arrives.</div>
<<speech "Sarah" "Sarah">>Hi $name.<</speech>>
<div class="general">She doesn't seem to happy to see you.</div>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Hi Sarah.<</speech>>
<<speech "Sarah" "Sarah">>What brings your here?<</speech>>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Tell her->catchingnoelle2]]</span></div>
<<nobr>><<speech "Player" "$name">>Last time when I was here, you said something about not believing Noelle is pregnant.<</speech>><br>
<<speech "Sarah" "Sarah">>Well, I was emotional.. And..<</speech>><br>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>I think you are right.<</speech>><br>
<div class="general">You see a twinkle in her eyes for just a moment.</div><br>
<<speech "Sarah" "Sarah">>Really? What makes you think that?<</speech>><br>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>I followed her when she snuck out of the house, through the friggin' window if you believe that.<</speech>><br>
<<speech "Sarah" "Sarah">>And?<</speech>><br>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>She went to a club where she met up with some guy and she drank alcohol.<</speech>><br>
<<speech "Sarah" "Sarah">>So she is cheating on you.<</speech>><br>
<<if $noellespyeventkiss is "true">>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Yes, I saw them kiss..<</speech>><br>
<<speech "Sarah" "Sarah">>And?<</speech>><br>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Their hands where all over each other.<</speech>><br>
<<speech "Sarah" "Sarah">>And?<</speech>><br>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Nothing, I got out of there.<</speech>><br>
<<speech "Sarah" "Sarah">>Did you at least take pictures as proof.<</speech>><br>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Only of her at the bar..<</speech>><br>
<<speech "Sarah" "Sarah">>So only useless pictures then.<</speech>><br>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Continue->catchingnoelle3]]</span></div>
<<elseif $noellespyeventbj is "true">>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Yes, I saw them kiss..<</speech>><br>
<<speech "Sarah" "Sarah">>And?<</speech>><br>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Their hands where all over each other.<</speech>><br>
<<speech "Sarah" "Sarah">>And?<</speech>><br>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>I saw her sucking his dick. And I don't believe that it was the first time.<</speech>><br>
<<speech "Sarah" "Sarah">>And you took pictures as proof righ?<</speech>><br>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>No.. I was.. Frozen I guess.<</speech>><br>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Continue->catchingnoelle3]]</span></div>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Well.. I'm not 100% sure, but yes I'm pretty sure she is cheating on me.<</speech>><br>
<<speech "Sarah" "Sarah">>But you didn't see her do anything else then talking to this guy and drinking alcohol.<</speech>><br>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Indeed.<</speech>><br>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Continue->catchingnoelle3]]</span></div>
<<speech "Sarah" "Sarah">>So, long story short, you got nothing. Absolutely nothing. Nothing to confront her with at all.<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>That is what it comes down to. I just wish I could catch her truly in the act.<</speech>>
<div class="general">Sarah looks at you like you said something stupid. You know the look.</div>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>What?<</speech>>
<<speech "Sarah" "Sarah">>Serioulsy, stalking her was your best idea?<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Eeehm.. Yes..?<</speech>>
<<speech "Sarah" "Sarah">>How did I catch you?<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>The nannycams.<</speech>>
<<speech "Sarah" "Sarah">>The nannycams. So, here is what you are going to do. You are going home. Pretend that you get a call and make sure she hears it. In that call you make clear that you have to leave for a couple of days. Then you put the nanny cams around the house and leave the house for a couple of days. Knowing Noelle, she will abuse that freedom and tada, you got her.<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Well, now I know how and why I got caught, you are way to good at this.<</speech>>
<<speech "Sarah" "Sarah">>Any.. Ehm, any idea where you are going to stay?<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>No, not yet.<</speech>>
<<speech "Sarah" "Sarah">>Well if you want you can stay here.<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Really?<</speech>>
<<speech "Sarah" "Sarah">>Yeah, I guess we can talk a bit about everything that happened.<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>I would like that.<</speech>>
<<speech "Sarah" "Sarah">>Well go and setup everything so you can come back here.<</speech>>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Let's go and set it up->catchingnoelle4]]</span></div>
<div class="general">You go home and start to set up immediately.</div>
<<speech "Player" "$name">><i>Alright, I have to do this very subtle so I don't alert Noelle.</i><</speech>>
<div class="general">Skillfully you try to dodge Noelle while hiding the nannycams.</div>
<<speech "Player" "$name">><i>Luckily for me het best skill is sitting on her ass.</i><</speech>>
<div class="general">After a while you have placed the nanny cams.</div>
<<speech "Player" "$name">><i>Well I guess that should do it. Shall I make the fake call?</i><</speech>>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Let's make the call->catchingnoelle5]]</span></div>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Let's do it later from the office->entrance]]</span></div>
<<set $time to $time +3>>
<<addenergy -40>>
<<addhappiness -5>>
<<addhygene -30>>
<<set $madetheplan to "true">>
<div class="general">You walk into the hallway and start with your fake phone call.</div>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Hello? Yes it's me, you texted I had to call you as soon as possible.<</speech>>
<div class="general">You pretend to be listening.</div>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>A convention? Do I really have to go?<</speech>>
<div class="general">You quickly glance at Noelle, who can clearly hear you.</div>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Altight, I guess I have no choice then.... Alright..... Goodbye.<</speech>>
<div class="general">Noelle gets up and walks towards you.</div>
<<speech "Noelle" "Noelle">>What was that all about?<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Apparently I have to go away for a couple of days to some boring convention hours away from here.<</speech>>
<<speech "Noelle" "Noelle">>Aawh, that sucks.<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Unless, do you want to come with me?<</speech>>
<<speech "Noelle" "Noelle">>I don't think being stuck in a hotel and a car for hours would be good for the baby.<</speech>>
<div class="general">She rubs her hand over her belly. It takes all your inner streght to keep your composure.</div>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Alright, I understand. Well I'm going to grab some stuff, I'll be leaving tomorrow morning.<</speech>>
<<speech "Noelle" "Noelle">>Alright, I will miss you!<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">><i>Yeah right.</i><</speech>>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[The next morning->catchingnoelle6]]</span></div>
<div class="general">The next morning you get up early and leave the house.</div>
<<speech "Player" "$name">><i>Well, here goes nothing.</i><</speech>>
<div class="general">You drive off.</div>
<<speech "Player" "$name">><i>Maybe I should get Sarah something.</i><</speech>>
<div class="general">You stop at a small store next to the road.</div>
<<speech "Player" "$name">><i>What should I get her?</i><</speech>>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Flowers $30->catchingnoelle7a]]</span></div>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Chocolate $10->catchingnoelle7b]]</span></div>
<<set $chores to 0>>
<<set $livchores to "false">>
<<set $kitchores to "false">>
<<set $batchores to "false">>
<<set $garchores to "false">>
<<addenergy 150>>
<<set $arousal to 100>>
<<set $convos to 0>>
<<set $convon to 0>>
<<set $gym to $gym -1>>
<<set $kisss to 0>>
<<set $kissn to 0>>
<<set $time to 1>>
<<set $day to $day +1>>
<<if $day gt 7>>
<<set $day to 1>>
<<if $workfame is 1>>
<<set $money to $money +5>>
<<elseif $workfame is 2>>
<<set $money to $money +7>>
<<elseif $workfame is 3>>
<<set $money to $money +10>>
<<elseif $workfame is 4>>
<<set $money to $money +15>>
<<elseif $workfame is 5>>
<<set $money to $money +20>>
<<elseif $workfame gte 6>>
<<set $money to $money +25>>
<</if>><img src="images/misc/flowers.jpg" />
<div class="general">You buy the flowers and move on.</div>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Let's go and see Sarah->catchingnoelle8]]</span></div>
<<set $catchingnoelleflowers to "true">><img src="images/misc/chocolate.jpg" />
<div class="general">You buy some chocolate, put it in your bag and move on.</div>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Let's go and see Sarah->catchingnoelle8]]</span></div>
<<set $catchingnoellechocolate to "true">><<nobr>>
<div class="general">You drive up to Ashley her house and ring the doorbell.</div><br>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Damn, I catually feel sort of nervous.<</speech>><br>
<div class="general">Ashley opens the door.</div><br>
<<if $catchingnoelleflowers is "true">>
<<speech "Ashley" "Ashley">>Oh, there he is again, Sarah told me that you where comming over.<</speech>><br>
<div class="general">She looks at the flowers in your hands.</div><br>
<<speech "Ashley" "Ashley">>Aaawh, are those for me?<</speech>><br>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Well, actually they..<</speech>><br>
<<speech "Ashley" "Ashley">>Thank you so much $name, you shouldn't have!<</speech>><br>
<div class="general">She grabs the flowers and turns around.</div><br>
<<speech "Ashley" "Ashley">>SARAH!! YOUR CHE.. Owh, you are already here.<</speech>><br>
<div class="general">Sarah walks towards you.</div><br>
<<speech "Sarah" "Sarah">>Hi $name, come in.<</speech>><br>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Enter the house->catchingnoelle9]]</span></div>
<<elseif $catchingnoellechocolate is "true">>
<<speech "Ashley" "Ashley">>Oh, there he is again, Sarah told me that you where comming over.<</speech>><br>
<div class="general">She turns around.</div><br>
<<speech "Ashley" "Ashley">>SARAH!! YOUR CHE.. Owh, you are already here.<</speech>><br>
<div class="general">Sarah walks towards you.</div><br>
<<speech "Sarah" "Sarah">>Hi $name, come in.<</speech>><br>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Enter the house->catchingnoelle9]]</span></div>
<div class="general">You enter the house. Just as you enter an older chubby man walks towards you in a haste.</div>
<<speech "random" "Chubby">>A you must be $name, I would love to make your aquaintence, but I really need to go.<</speech>>
<div class="general">Without giving you a chance to say anything he is out the door. You look at Sarah.</div>
<<speech "Sarah" "Sarah">>That was William, Ashley her husband.<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>That is Ashley her husband?<</speech>>
<<speech "Sarah" "Sarah">>Yes.<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>I thought Ashley only dated models.<</speech>>
<<speech "Sarah" "Sarah">>Well, he has money. You don't think any of this is actually earned by Ashley?<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Now that I do believe.<</speech>>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Follow Sarah->catchingnoelle10]]</span></div>
<div class="general">You enter a bedroom.</div>
<<speech "Sarah" "Sarah">>So this my, now our, room.<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Our?<</speech>>
<<speech "Sarah" "Sarah">>Yes, we will have to sleep together, nothing we haven't done before.<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Alright.<</speech>>
<<speech "Sarah" "Sarah">>So this is it. You can walk around the house if you want. I'll be around if you are ready to talk. And, ofcourse, don't leave the house.<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">><i>So, I'm stuck here for now. And before I can leave I have to do certain things.</i><</speech>>
<div class="general">I did notice that this house is quite similar to hours.. Well I guess that's suburban life for you.</div>
<a data-passage="ashleyupstairs"><div class="talkplayer">Let’s do something else</div></a>
<<set $livingatashley to "true">><<nobr>>
<<if $time is 6 and $dayt is 1>>
<th><a data-passage="ashleylivsarahkid" class="travell">
<img src="images/travel/ashleylivsarah.jpg" style="max-height: 200px"></a></th>
<<elseif $time is 9>>
<th><a data-passage="ashleylivashley" class="travell">
<img src="images/travel/ashleylivashley.jpg" style="max-height: 200px"></a></th>
<<elseif $time is 4 and $dayt is 2>>
<th><a data-passage="ashleylivsarahkid" class="travell">
<img src="images/travel/ashleylivsarah.jpg" style="max-height: 200px"></a></th>
<<elseif $time is 8 and $dayt is 2>>
<th><a data-passage="ashleylivsarah" class="travell">
<img src="images/travel/ashleylivsarah.jpg" style="max-height: 200px"></a></th>
<th><a data-passage="ashleylivingroom" class="travell">
<img src="images/travel/ashleylivingroom.jpg" style="max-height: 200px"></a>
<<if $time is 2 and $dayt is 1>>
<th><a data-passage="ashleykitsarah" class="travelr">
<img src="images/travel/ashleykitsarah.jpg" style="max-height: 200px">
<<elseif $time is 7>>
<th><a data-passage="ashleykitsarahashley" class="travelr">
<img src="images/travel/ashleykitsarahashley.jpg" style="max-height: 200px">
<th><a data-passage="ashleykitchen" class="travelr">
<img src="images/travel/ashleykitchen.jpg" style="max-height: 200px">
<th><a data-passage="ashleyoffice" class="travell">
<img src="images/travel/ashleyoffice.jpg" style="max-height: 200px"></a>
<th><a data-passage="ashleygarden" class="travelr">
<img src="images/travel/ashleygarden.jpg" style="max-height: 200px"></a>
<th><a data-passage="ashleyupstairs" class="travell">
<img src="images/travel/ashleyupstairs.jpg" style="max-height: 200px"></a>
<th><a data-passage="ashleyhouse" class="travelr">
<img src="images/travel/ashleyhouse.jpg" style="max-height: 200px"></a>
<<if $time is 1>>
<th><a data-passage="ashleybedashley" class="travell">
<img src="images/travel/ashleybedashley.jpg" style="max-height: 200px"></a></th>
<<elseif $time is 2>>
<th><a data-passage="ashleybedashley" class="travell">
<img src="images/travel/ashleybedashley.jpg" style="max-height: 200px"></a></th>
<th><a data-passage="ashleybedroom" class="travell">
<img src="images/travel/ashleybedroom.jpg" style="max-height: 200px">
<<if $time is 10>>
<th><a data-passage="ashleyguestsarah" class="travelr">
<img src="images/travel/ashleyguestsarah.jpg" style="max-height: 200px"></a></th>
<<elseif $time is 1 and $dayt is 2>>
<th><a data-passage="ashleyguestsarah" class="travelr">
<img src="images/travel/ashleyguestsarah.jpg" style="max-height: 200px"></a></th>
<<elseif $time is 3 and $dayt is 2>>
<th><a data-passage="ashleyguestsarahkid" class="travelr">
<img src="images/travel/ashleyguestsarah.jpg" style="max-height: 200px"></a></th>
<<elseif $time is 8 and $dayt is 1>>
<th><a data-passage="ashleyguestsarahkid" class="travelr">
<img src="images/travel/ashleyguestsarah.jpg" style="max-height: 200px"></a></th>
<th><a data-passage="ashleyguestroom" class="travelr">
<img src="images/travel/ashleyguestroom.jpg" style="max-height: 200px">
<<if $time is 1 and $dayt is 1>>
<th><a data-passage="ashleybathsarah" class="travell">
<img src="images/travel/ashleybathsarah.jpg" style="max-height: 200px">
<<elseif $time is 3>>
<th><a data-passage="ashleybathashley" class="travell">
<img src="images/travel/ashleybathashley.jpg" style="max-height: 200px"></a></th>
<<elseif $time is 2 and $dayt is 2>>
<th><a data-passage="ashleybathsarah" class="travell">
<img src="images/travel/ashleybathsarah.jpg" style="max-height: 200px">
<<elseif $time is 9 and $dayt is 1>>
<th><a data-passage="ashleybathsarah" class="travell">
<img src="images/travel/ashleybathsarah.jpg" style="max-height: 200px">
<<elseif $time is 9 and $dayt is 2>>
<th><a data-passage="ashleybathsarah" class="travell">
<img src="images/travel/ashleybathsarah.jpg" style="max-height: 200px">
<<elseif $time is 10>>
<th><a data-passage="ashleybathashley" class="travell">
<img src="images/travel/ashleybathashley.jpg" style="max-height: 200px">
<th><a data-passage="ashleybathroom" class="travell">
<img src="images/travel/ashleybathroom.jpg" style="max-height: 200px">
<th><a data-passage="ashleyentrance" class="travelr">
<img src="images/travel/ashleyentrance.jpg" style="max-height: 200px"></a>
<<if $time is 8>>
<th><a data-passage="ashleyterrashley" class="travell">
<img src="images/travel/ashleyterrashley.jpg" style="max-height: 200px"></a></th>
<<elseif $time is 6 and $dayt is 2>>
<th><a data-passage="ashleyterrsarah" class="travell">
<img src="images/travel/ashleyterrsarah.jpg" style="max-height: 200px"></a></th>
<th><a data-passage="ashleyterrace" class="travell">
<img src="images/travel/terrace.jpg" style="max-height: 200px">
<<if $time is 6>>
<th><a data-passage="ashleypoolashley" class="travelr">
<img src="images/travel/ashleypoolashley.jpg" style="max-height: 200px"></a></th>
<<elseif $time is 5 and $dayt is 2>>
<th><a data-passage="ashleypoolsarah" class="travelr">
<img src="images/travel/ashleypoolsarah.jpg" style="max-height: 200px"></a></th>
<th><a data-passage="ashleypool" class="travelr">
<img src="images/travel/ashleypool.jpg" style="max-height: 200px"></a>
<th><a data-passage="ashleyentrance" class="travell">
<img src="images/travel/ashleyentrance.jpg" style="max-height: 200px"></a>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Read a book->ashleylivingrbook]]</span></div>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Watch tv->ashleylivingrtv]]</span></div>
<a data-passage="ashleyentrance"><div class="talkloc">Let’s go somewhere else</div></a>
<<nobr>><<if $hygene lte 15>>
<img src="images/sarah/sarahangry.jpg" /><br>
<<speech "Sarah" "Sarah">>You smell terrible, go take a shower or something, just get away from me!<</speech>><br>
<a data-passage="ashleyentrance"><div class="talkloc">Let’s go somewhere else</div></a>
<<if $fitness gte 0 and $fitness lt 20>>
<<addrsarah -15>>
<<elseif $fitness gte 20 and $fitness lt 40>>
<<addrsarah -10>>
<<elseif $fitness gte 40>>
<<addrsarah -5>><</if>>
<<elseif $energy lt 10 or $happiness lt 20>>
<img src="images/player/misc/mood.jpg" /><br>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>I'm not in the mood for this.<</speech>><br>
<a data-passage="ashleyentrance"><div class="talkplayer">Let’s do something else</div></a>
<img src="images/sarah/livingroom/sarah.jpg" /><br>
<div class="general">Sarah is here.</div><br>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Talk to Sarah->ashleylivtalksarah]]</span></div><br>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Kiss Sarah->ashleylivkisssarah]]</span></div><br>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Go to Sarah->ashleylivmoves]]</span></div><br>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Watch tv->ashleylivingrtv]]</span></div><br>
<a data-passage="ashleyentrance"><div class="talkloc">Let’s go somewhere else</div></a>
<</if>><</nobr>><<nobr>><<if $hygene lte 15>>
<img src="images/ashley/ashleyangry.jpg" /><br>
<<speech "Ashley" "Ashley">>You smell terrible, go take a shower or something, just get away from me!<</speech>><br>
<a data-passage="ashleyentrance"><div class="talkplayer">Let’s do something else</div></a>
<<elseif $energy lt 10 or $happiness lt 20>>
<img src="images/player/misc/mood.jpg" /><br>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>I'm not in the mood for this.<</speech>><br>
<a data-passage="ashleyentrance"><div class="talkplayer">Let’s do something else</div></a>
<img src="images/ashley/livingroom/ashley.jpg" /><br>
<div class="general">You enter the livingroom and see Ashley.</div><br>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Talk to Ashley->livtalkashley]]</span></div><br>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Watch tv->ashleylivingrtv]]</span></div><br>
<a data-passage="ashleyentrance"><div class="talkloc">Let’s go somewhere else</div></a>
<</if>><</nobr>><div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Take a snack->ashleysnack]]</span></div>
<a data-passage="ashleyentrance"><div class="talkloc">Let’s go somewhere else</div></a>
<<nobr>><<if $hygene lte 15>>
<img src="images/sarah/sarahangry.jpg" /><br>
<<speech "Sarah" "Sarah">>You smell terrible, go take a shower or something, just get away from me!<</speech>><br>
<a data-passage="ashleyentrance"><div class="talkloc">Let’s go somewhere else</div></a>
<<if $fitness gte 0 and $fitness lt 20>>
<<addrsarah -15>>
<<elseif $fitness gte 20 and $fitness lt 40>>
<<addrsarah -10>>
<<elseif $fitness gte 40>>
<<addrsarah -5>><</if>>
<img src="images/sarah/kitchen/sarah.jpg" /><br>
<div class="general">You walk into the kitchen and see Sarah.</div><br>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Talk with Sarah->ashleykittalksarah]]</span></div><br>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Kiss Sarah->ashleykitkisssarah]]</span></div><br>
<a data-passage="ashleyentrance"><div class="talkloc">Let’s go somewhere else</div></a>
<<nobr>><<if $hygene lte 15>>
<img src="images/sarah/sarahangry.jpg" /><br>
<<speech "Sarah" "Sarah">>You smell terrible, go take a shower or something, just get away from us!<</speech>><br>
<a data-passage="ashleyentrance"><div class="talkloc">Let’s go somewhere else</div></a>
<<if $fitness gte 0 and $fitness lt 20>>
<<addrsarah -15>>
<<elseif $fitness gte 20 and $fitness lt 40>>
<<addrsarah -10>>
<<elseif $fitness gte 40>>
<<addrsarah -5>><</if>>
<<if $fitness gte 0 and $fitness lt 20>>
<<addrashley -12>>
<<elseif $fitness gte 20 and $fitness lt 40>>
<<addrashley -6>>
<<elseif $fitness gte 40>>
<<addrashley -3>><</if>>
<img src="images/sarah/kitchen/sarah.jpg" />
<img src="images/ashley/kitchen/ashley.jpg" width="296"/>
<div class="general">You enter the kitchen and see Sarah and Ashley. They seem to be starting with making dinner.</div><br>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Sit down and eat->ashleyeveningdinner]]</span></div><br>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Help cooking->ashleyhelpcooking]]</span></div><br>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Cook for everyone->ashleycooking]]</span></div><br>
<a data-passage="ashleyentrance"><div class="talkloc">Let’s go somewhere else</div></a>
<</if>><</nobr>><<speech "Player" "$name">><i>Oh wow, look at these books.</i><</speech>>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Read a book->ashleyofficebook]]</span></div>
<a data-passage="ashleyentrance"><div class="talkplayer">Let’s do something else</div></a>
<div class="general">There is no-one here.</div>
<a data-passage="ashleyupstairs"><div class="talkloc">Let’s go somewhere else</div></a>
<<switch random(1, 10)>>
<<case 1>>
<img src="images/ashley/bedroom/ashley2.jpg" /><br>
<div class="general">You enter the bedroom.</div><br>
<<speech "Ashley" "Ashley">>$name! What are you doing here. Leave!<</speech>><br>
<div class="general">Even though she tell you to leave, she doesn't seem shocked or make any attempt to cover up.</div><br>
<a data-passage="ashleyupstairs"><div class="talkplayer">Let’s do something else</div></a>
<<if $fitness gte 0 and $fitness lt 15>>
<<addrashley -5>>
<<elseif $fitness gte 15 and $fitness lt 30>>
<<addrashley -3>>
<<elseif $fitness gte 30>>
<<addrashley -1>><</if>>
<<set $time to $time +1>>
<<case 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10>>
<img src="images/ashley/bedroom/ashley.jpg" /><br>
<div class="general">You enter the bedroom.</div><br>
<<speech "Ashley" "Ashley">>Wrong bedroom $name? Come one, get out.<</speech>><br>
<a data-passage="ashleyupstairs"><div class="talkplayer">Let’s do something else</div></a>
<<if $fitness gte 0 and $fitness lt 15>>
<<addrashley -5>>
<<elseif $fitness gte 15 and $fitness lt 30>>
<<addrashley -3>>
<<elseif $fitness gte 30>>
<<addrashley -1>><</if>>
<<set $time to $time +1>>
<</switch>><</nobr>><div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Take a nap->ashleybedrnap]]</span></div>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Go to sleep->ashleybedrsleep]]</span></div>
<a data-passage="ashleyupstairs"><div class="talkloc">Let’s go somewhere else</div></a>
<img src="images/sarah/bedroom/sarah1.jpg" />
<div class="general">You enter the bedroom and see Sarah laying on bed.</div>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Join Sarah->ashleybedjoins]]</span></div>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Take a nap->ashleybedrnap]]</span></div>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Go to sleep->ashleybedrsleep]]</span></div>
<a data-passage="ashleyupstairs"><div class="talkloc">Let’s go somewhere else</div></a><div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Take a shower->ashleyshower]]</span></div>
<a data-passage="ashleyupstairs"><div class="talkloc">Let’s go somewhere else</div></a>
<div class="general">You stand in front of the bathroom door, you are pretty sure that Ashley is inside.</div>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Enter anyway->ashleybathashley2]]</span></div>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Spy on Ashley->ashleybathspy]]</span></div>
<a data-passage="ashleyupstairs"><div class="talkloc">Let’s go somewhere else</div></a>
<div class="general">You stand in front of the bathroom door, you are pretty sure that Sarah is inside.</div>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Enter->ashleybathsarah2]]</span></div>
<a data-passage="ashleyupstairs"><div class="talkloc">Let’s go somewhere else</div></a>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Read a book->ashleyreadbookgar]]</span></div>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Take a nap->ashleygarsleep]]</span></div>
<a data-passage="ashleygarden"><div class="talkloc">Let’s go somewhere else</div></a>
<<nobr>><<if $hygene lte 15>>
<img src="images/ashley/ashleyangry.jpg" /><br>
<<speech "Ashley" "Ashley">>You smell terrible, go take a shower or something, just get away from me!<</speech>><br>
<a data-passage="ashleygarden"><div class="talkplayer">Let’s do something else</div></a>
<<elseif $energy lt 10 or $happiness lt 20>>
<img src="images/player/misc/mood.jpg" /><br>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>I'm not in the mood for this.<</speech>><br>
<a data-passage="ashleygarden"><div class="talkplayer">Let’s do something else</div></a>
<img src="images/ashley/garden/ashley.jpg" /><br>
<div class="general">You enter the garden and see Ashley on the terrace.</div><br>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Talk to Ashley->terracetalkashley]]</span></div><br>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Read a book->ashleyreadbookgar]]</span></div><br>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Take a nap->ashleygarsleep]]</span></div><br>
<a data-passage="ashleygarden"><div class="talkloc">Let’s go somewhere else</div></a>
<<if $hygene lte 15>>
<img src="images/sarah/sarahangry.jpg" /><br>
<<speech "Sarah" "Sarah">>You smell terrible, go take a shower or something, just get away from me!<</speech>><br>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Let's do something else->ashleygarden]]</span></div>
<img src="images/sarah/garden/terraces/sarah.jpg" /><br>
<div class="general">You see Sarah on the terrace.</div><br>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Talk to Sarah->ashleyterracetalk]]</span></div><br>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Kiss Sarah->ashleyterracekisss]]</span></div><br>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Read a book->ashleyreadbookgar]]</span></div><br>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Take a nap->ashleygarsleep]]</span></div><br>
<a data-passage="ashleygarden"><div class="talkloc">Let’s go somewhere else</div></a>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Take a relaxed swim->ashleypoolrelax]]</span></div>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Take an active stim->ashleypoolactive]]</span></div>
<a data-passage="ashleygarden"><div class="talkloc">Let’s go somewhere else</div></a>
<<nobr>><<if $hygene lte 15>>
<img src="images/ashley/ashleyangry.jpg" /><br>
<<speech "Ashley" "Ashley">>You smell terrible, go take a shower or something, just get away from me!<</speech>><br>
<a data-passage="ashleygarden"><div class="talkplayer">Let’s do something else</div></a>
<<elseif $energy lt 10 or $happiness lt 20>>
<img src="images/player/misc/mood.jpg" /><br>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>I'm not in the mood for this.<</speech>><br>
<a data-passage="ashleygarden"><div class="talkplayer">Let’s do something else</div></a>
<img src="images/ashley/pool/ashley.jpg" /><br>
<<speech "Ashley" "Ashley">>You see Ashley in the pool.<</speech>><br>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Talk to Ashley->pooltalkashley]]</span></div><br>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Take a relaxed swim->ashleypoolrelax]]</span></div><br>
<a data-passage="ashleygarden"><div class="talkloc">Let’s go somewhere else</div></a>
<<if $hygene lte 15>>
<img src="images/sarah/sarahangry.jpg" /><br>
<<speech "Sarah" "Sarah">>You smell terrible, go take a shower or something, just get away from me!<</speech>><br>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Let's do something else->ashleygarden]]</span></div>
<img src="images/sarah/pool/poolmoves/poolmoves.jpg" /><br>
<div class="general">You walk towards the pool and you see Sarah relaxing in the sun.</div><br>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Talk to Sarah->ashleypooltalksarah]]</span></div><br>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Kiss Sarah->ashleypoolkisssarah]]</span></div><br>
<a data-passage="ashleygarden"><div class="talkloc">Let’s go somewhere else</div></a>
<</if>><</nobr>><<nobr>><<nobr>><<switch random(4)>>
<<case 1>>
<img src="images/player/kitchen/dinner/dinner1.jpg" />
<<case 2>>
<img src="images/player/kitchen/dinner/dinner2.jpg" />
<<case 3>>
<img src="images/player/kitchen/dinner/dinner3.jpg" />
<<case 4>>
<img src="images/player/kitchen/dinner/dinner4.jpg" />
<img src="images/player/kitchen/dinner/dinner5.jpg" />
<div class="general">You sit down and eat the dinner prepared for you.</div><br>
<a data-passage="ashleyentrance"><div class="talkplayer">Finish dinner</div></a>
<<addenergy 50>>
<<set $time to $time +1>>
<<if $energy lt 15 or $happiness lt 20>>
<img src="images/player/misc/mood.jpg" /><br>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>I'm not in the mood for this.<</speech>><br>
<a data-passage="ashleyentrance"><div class="talkplayer">Let’s do something else</div></a>
<<nobr>><<switch random(4)>>
<<case 1>>
<img src="images/player/kitchen/dinner/makingdinner1.jpg" />
<<case 2>>
<img src="images/player/kitchen/dinner/makingdinner2.jpg" />
<<case 3>>
<img src="images/player/kitchen/dinner/makingdinner3.jpg" />
<<case 4>>
<img src="images/player/kitchen/dinner/makingdinner4.jpg" />
<img src="images/player/kitchen/dinner/makingdinner5.jpg" />
<div class="general">You help making dinner, which is appreciated.</div><br>
<a data-passage="ashleyentrance"><div class="talkplayer">Finish dinner</div></a>
<<addenergy 50>>
<<set $time to $time +1>>
<<addhygene -10>>
<<if $fitness gte 0 and $fitness lt 15>>
<<addrashley 1>>
<<elseif $fitness gte 15 and $fitness lt 30>>
<<addrashley 3>>
<<elseif $fitness gte 30>>
<<addrashley 5>><</if>>
<<if $fitness gte 0 and $fitness lt 20>>
<<addrsarah 2>>
<<elseif $fitness gte 20 and $fitness lt 40>>
<<addrsarah 4>>
<<elseif $fitness gte 40>>
<<addrsarah 6>><</if>>
<<if $energy lt 20 or $happiness lt 20>>
<img src="images/player/misc/mood.jpg" /><br>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>I'm not in the mood for this.<</speech>><br>
<a data-passage="ashleyentrance"><div class="talkplayer">Let’s do something else</div></a>
<<nobr>><<switch random(4)>>
<<case 1>>
<img src="images/player/kitchen/dinner/makingdinner1.jpg" />
<<case 2>>
<img src="images/player/kitchen/dinner/makingdinner2.jpg" />
<<case 3>>
<img src="images/player/kitchen/dinner/makingdinner3.jpg" />
<<case 4>>
<img src="images/player/kitchen/dinner/makingdinner4.jpg" />
<img src="images/player/kitchen/dinner/makingdinner5.jpg" />
<div class="general">You make dinner for everyone, which is appreciated.</div><br>
<a data-passage="ashleyentrance"><div class="talkplayer">Finish dinner</div></a>
<<addenergy 50>>
<<set $time to $time +1>>
<<addhygene -10>>
<<if $fitness gte 0 and $fitness lt 15>>
<<addrashley 2>>
<<elseif $fitness gte 15 and $fitness lt 30>>
<<addrashley 6>>
<<elseif $fitness gte 30>>
<<addrashley 10>><</if>>
<<if $fitness gte 0 and $fitness lt 20>>
<<addrsarah 4>>
<<elseif $fitness gte 20 and $fitness lt 40>>
<<addrsarah 8>>
<<elseif $fitness gte 40>>
<<addrsarah 14>><</if>>
<<addfaithfulness 5>>
<<if $convoa gt 5>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>I shouldn’t bother her to much with my conversations.<</speech>><br>
<a data-passage="ashleyentrance"><div class="talkplayer">Let’s do something else</div></a>
<<if $rashley gte 0 and $rashley lt 40>>
<<switch random(1, 3)>>
<<case 1>>
<<speech "Ashley" "Ashley">>Why are you talking to me?<</speech>>
<<case 2>>
<<speech "Ashley" "Ashley">>I can't stand Peters crying.<</speech>>
<<case 3>>
<<speech "Ashley" "Ashley">>Why would you even have kids.<</speech>>
<br><a data-passage="ashleyentrance"><div class="talkplayer">Let’s do something else</div></a>
<<if $fitness gte 0 and $fitness lt 15>>
<<addrashley 1>>
<<elseif $fitness gte 15 and $fitness lt 30>>
<<addrashley 2>>
<<elseif $fitness gte 30>>
<<addrashley 3>><</if>>
<<addenergy -5>>
<<addhappiness 1>>
<<set $time to $time +1>>
<<set $convon to $convon +1>>
<<elseif $rashley gte 40 and $rashley lt 80>>
<<switch random(1, 3)>>
<<case 1>>
<<speech "Ashley" "Ashley">>You are not as bad as I remeber you.<</speech>>
<<case 2>>
<<speech "Ashley" "Ashley">>You have dried up nicely<</speech>>
<<case 3>>
<<speech "Ashley" "Ashley">>I hear you have a decent job.<</speech>>
<br><a data-passage="ashleyentrance"><div class="talkplayer">Let’s do something else</div></a>
<<if $fitness gte 0 and $fitness lt 15>>
<<addrashley 1>>
<<elseif $fitness gte 15 and $fitness lt 30>>
<<addrashley 2>>
<<elseif $fitness gte 30>>
<<addrashley 3>><</if>>
<<addenergy -5>>
<<addhappiness 1>>
<<set $time to $time +1>>
<<set $convon to $convon +1>>
<<elseif $rashley gte 80 and $rashley lt 120>>
<<switch random(1, 3)>>
<<case 1>>
<<speech "Ashley" "Ashley">>I guess Peter is a good kid as far as kids go.<</speech>>
<<case 2>>
<<speech "Ashley" "Ashley">>I guess haveing you and Sarah around isn't too bad.<</speech>>
<<case 3>>
<<speech "Ashley" "Ashley">>I read one of you collums and I guess it wasn't bad.<</speech>>
<br><a data-passage="ashleyentrance"><div class="talkplayer">Let’s do something else</div></a>
<<if $fitness gte 0 and $fitness lt 15>>
<<addrashley 1>>
<<elseif $fitness gte 15 and $fitness lt 30>>
<<addrashley 2>>
<<elseif $fitness gte 30>>
<<addrashley 3>><</if>>
<<addenergy -5>>
<<addhappiness 1>>
<<set $time to $time +1>>
<<set $convon to $convon +1>>
<<elseif $rashley gte 120 and $rashley lt 160>>
<<switch random(5)>>
<<case 1>>
<<speech "Ashley" "Ashley">>You should come around more often.<</speech>>
<<case 2>>
<<speech "Ashley" "Ashley">>With Sarah it's always work, work, work.<</speech>>
<<case 3>>
<<speech "Ashley" "Ashley">>I love this house.<</speech>>
<br><a data-passage="ashleyentrance"><div class="talkplayer">Let’s do something else</div></a>
<<if $fitness gte 0 and $fitness lt 15>>
<<addrashley 1>>
<<elseif $fitness gte 15 and $fitness lt 30>>
<<addrashley 2>>
<<elseif $fitness gte 30>>
<<addrashley 3>><</if>>
<<addenergy -5>>
<<addhappiness 1>>
<<set $time to $time +1>>
<<set $convon to $convon +1>>
<<elseif $rashley gte 160 and $rashley lt 201>>
<<switch random(5)>>
<<case 1>>
<<speech "Ashley" "Ashley">>You know, I used to have a serious crush on you.<</speech>>
<<case 2>>
<<speech "Ashley" "Ashley">>You are quite good looking still.<</speech>>
<<case 3>>
<<speech "Ashley" "Ashley">>You should join me sometime.<</speech>>
<br><a data-passage="ashleyentrance"><div class="talkplayer">Let’s do something else</div></a>
<<if $fitness gte 0 and $fitness lt 15>>
<<addrashley 1>>
<<elseif $fitness gte 15 and $fitness lt 30>>
<<addrashley 2>>
<<elseif $fitness gte 30>>
<<addrashley 3>><</if>>
<<addenergy -5>>
<<addhappiness 1>>
<<set $time to $time +1>>
<<set $convon to $convon +1>>
<<switch random(5)>>
<<case 1>>
<img src="images/player/livingroom/tv/tv1.jpg" />
<<case 2>>
<img src="images/player/livingroom/tv/tv2.jpg" />
<<case 3>>
<img src="images/player/livingroom/tv/tv3.jpg" />
<<case 4>>
<img src="images/player/livingroom/tv/tv4.jpg" />
<img src="images/player/livingroom/tv/tv5.jpg" />
<div class="general">You watch some tv.</div>
<a data-passage="ashleyentrance"><div class="talkplayer">Let’s do something else</div></a>
<<addenergy -15>>
<<addhappiness 10>>
<<set $time to $time +1>>
<<if $convoa gt 5>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>I shouldn’t bother her to much with my conversations.<</speech>><br>
<a data-passage="ashleygarden"><div class="talkplayer">Let’s do something else</div></a>
<<if $rashley gte 0 and $rashley lt 40>>
<<switch random(1, 3)>>
<<case 1>>
<<speech "Ashley" "Ashley">>Why are you talking to me?<</speech>>
<<case 2>>
<<speech "Ashley" "Ashley">>I can't stand Peters crying.<</speech>>
<<case 3>>
<<speech "Ashley" "Ashley">>Why would you even have kids.<</speech>>
<br><a data-passage="ashleygarden"><div class="talkplayer">Let’s do something else</div></a>
<<if $fitness gte 0 and $fitness lt 15>>
<<addrashley 1>>
<<elseif $fitness gte 15 and $fitness lt 30>>
<<addrashley 2>>
<<elseif $fitness gte 30>>
<<addrashley 3>><</if>>
<<addenergy -5>>
<<addhappiness 1>>
<<set $time to $time +1>>
<<set $convon to $convon +1>>
<<elseif $rashley gte 40 and $rashley lt 80>>
<<switch random(1, 3)>>
<<case 1>>
<<speech "Ashley" "Ashley">>You are not as bad as I remeber you.<</speech>>
<<case 2>>
<<speech "Ashley" "Ashley">>You have dried up nicely<</speech>>
<<case 3>>
<<speech "Ashley" "Ashley">>I hear you have a decent job.<</speech>>
<br><a data-passage="ashleygarden"><div class="talkplayer">Let’s do something else</div></a>
<<if $fitness gte 0 and $fitness lt 15>>
<<addrashley 1>>
<<elseif $fitness gte 15 and $fitness lt 30>>
<<addrashley 2>>
<<elseif $fitness gte 30>>
<<addrashley 3>><</if>>
<<addenergy -5>>
<<addhappiness 1>>
<<set $time to $time +1>>
<<set $convon to $convon +1>>
<<elseif $rashley gte 80 and $rashley lt 120>>
<<switch random(1, 3)>>
<<case 1>>
<<speech "Ashley" "Ashley">>I guess Peter is a good kid as far as kids go.<</speech>>
<<case 2>>
<<speech "Ashley" "Ashley">>I guess haveing you and Sarah around isn't too bad.<</speech>>
<<case 3>>
<<speech "Ashley" "Ashley">>I read one of you collums and I guess it wasn't bad.<</speech>>
<br><a data-passage="ashleygarden"><div class="talkplayer">Let’s do something else</div></a>
<<if $fitness gte 0 and $fitness lt 15>>
<<addrashley 1>>
<<elseif $fitness gte 15 and $fitness lt 30>>
<<addrashley 2>>
<<elseif $fitness gte 30>>
<<addrashley 3>><</if>>
<<addenergy -5>>
<<addhappiness 1>>
<<set $time to $time +1>>
<<set $convon to $convon +1>>
<<elseif $rashley gte 120 and $rashley lt 160>>
<<switch random(5)>>
<<case 1>>
<<speech "Ashley" "Ashley">>You should come around more often.<</speech>>
<<case 2>>
<<speech "Ashley" "Ashley">>With Sarah it's always work, work, work.<</speech>>
<<case 3>>
<<speech "Ashley" "Ashley">>I love this house.<</speech>>
<br><a data-passage="ashleygarden"><div class="talkplayer">Let’s do something else</div></a>
<<if $fitness gte 0 and $fitness lt 15>>
<<addrashley 1>>
<<elseif $fitness gte 15 and $fitness lt 30>>
<<addrashley 2>>
<<elseif $fitness gte 30>>
<<addrashley 3>><</if>>
<<addenergy -5>>
<<addhappiness 1>>
<<set $time to $time +1>>
<<set $convon to $convon +1>>
<<elseif $rashley gte 160 and $rashley lt 201>>
<<switch random(5)>>
<<case 1>>
<<speech "Ashley" "Ashley">>You know, I used to have a serious crush on you.<</speech>>
<<case 2>>
<<speech "Ashley" "Ashley">>You are quite good looking still.<</speech>>
<<case 3>>
<<speech "Ashley" "Ashley">>You should join me sometime.<</speech>>
<br><a data-passage="ashleygarden"><div class="talkplayer">Let’s do something else</div></a>
<<if $fitness gte 0 and $fitness lt 15>>
<<addrashley 1>>
<<elseif $fitness gte 15 and $fitness lt 30>>
<<addrashley 2>>
<<elseif $fitness gte 30>>
<<addrashley 3>><</if>>
<<addenergy -5>>
<<addhappiness 1>>
<<set $time to $time +1>>
<<set $convon to $convon +1>>
<<switch random(6)>>
<<case 1>>
<img src="images/player/livingroom/reading/reading1.jpg" />
<<case 2>>
<img src="images/player/livingroom/reading/reading2.jpg" />
<<case 3>>
<img src="images/player/livingroom/reading/reading3.jpg" />
<<case 4>>
<img src="images/player/livingroom/reading/reading4.jpg" />
<<case 5>>
<img src="images/player/livingroom/reading/reading5.jpg" />
<img src="images/player/livingroom/reading/reading6.jpg" />
<div class="general">You read a book for a while.</div>
<a data-passage="ashleygarden"><div class="talkplayer">Let’s do something else</div></a>
<<addenergy 20>>
<<set $time to $time +1>>
<img src="images/player/bedroom/sleep.jpg" />
<div class="general">You take a nap.</div>
<a data-passage="ashleygarden"><div class="talkplayer">Let’s do something else</div></a>
<<addenergy 30>>
<<set $time to $time +2>>
<<addarousal 25>><div class="general">You try to enter.</div>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Damn, the door is locked.<</speech>>
<a data-passage="ashleyupstairs"><div class="talkplayer">Let’s do something else</div></a>
<div class="general">You try to enter.</div>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Damn, the door is locked.<</speech>>
<a data-passage="ashleyupstairs"><div class="talkplayer">Let’s do something else</div></a>
<<if $convoa gt 5>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>I shouldn’t bother her to much with my conversations.<</speech>><br>
<a data-passage="ashleygarden"><div class="talkplayer">Let’s do something else</div></a>
<<if $rashley gte 0 and $rashley lt 40>>
<<switch random(1, 3)>>
<<case 1>>
<<speech "Ashley" "Ashley">>Why are you talking to me?<</speech>>
<<case 2>>
<<speech "Ashley" "Ashley">>I can't stand Peters crying.<</speech>>
<<case 3>>
<<speech "Ashley" "Ashley">>Why would you even have kids.<</speech>>
<br><a data-passage="ashleygarden"><div class="talkplayer">Let’s do something else</div></a>
<<if $fitness gte 0 and $fitness lt 15>>
<<addrashley 1>>
<<elseif $fitness gte 15 and $fitness lt 30>>
<<addrashley 2>>
<<elseif $fitness gte 30>>
<<addrashley 3>><</if>>
<<addenergy -5>>
<<addhappiness 1>>
<<set $time to $time +1>>
<<set $convon to $convon +1>>
<<elseif $rashley gte 40 and $rashley lt 80>>
<<switch random(1, 3)>>
<<case 1>>
<<speech "Ashley" "Ashley">>You are not as bad as I remeber you.<</speech>>
<<case 2>>
<<speech "Ashley" "Ashley">>You have dried up nicely<</speech>>
<<case 3>>
<<speech "Ashley" "Ashley">>I hear you have a decent job.<</speech>>
<br><a data-passage="ashleygarden"><div class="talkplayer">Let’s do something else</div></a>
<<if $fitness gte 0 and $fitness lt 15>>
<<addrashley 1>>
<<elseif $fitness gte 15 and $fitness lt 30>>
<<addrashley 2>>
<<elseif $fitness gte 30>>
<<addrashley 3>><</if>>
<<addenergy -5>>
<<addhappiness 1>>
<<set $time to $time +1>>
<<set $convon to $convon +1>>
<<elseif $rashley gte 80 and $rashley lt 120>>
<<switch random(1, 3)>>
<<case 1>>
<<speech "Ashley" "Ashley">>I guess Peter is a good kid as far as kids go.<</speech>>
<<case 2>>
<<speech "Ashley" "Ashley">>I guess haveing you and Sarah around isn't too bad.<</speech>>
<<case 3>>
<<speech "Ashley" "Ashley">>I read one of you collums and I guess it wasn't bad.<</speech>>
<br><a data-passage="ashleygarden"><div class="talkplayer">Let’s do something else</div></a>
<<if $fitness gte 0 and $fitness lt 15>>
<<addrashley 1>>
<<elseif $fitness gte 15 and $fitness lt 30>>
<<addrashley 2>>
<<elseif $fitness gte 30>>
<<addrashley 3>><</if>>
<<addenergy -5>>
<<addhappiness 1>>
<<set $time to $time +1>>
<<set $convon to $convon +1>>
<<elseif $rashley gte 120 and $rashley lt 160>>
<<switch random(5)>>
<<case 1>>
<<speech "Ashley" "Ashley">>You should come around more often.<</speech>>
<<case 2>>
<<speech "Ashley" "Ashley">>With Sarah it's always work, work, work.<</speech>>
<<case 3>>
<<speech "Ashley" "Ashley">>I love this house.<</speech>>
<br><a data-passage="ashleygarden"><div class="talkplayer">Let’s do something else</div></a>
<<if $fitness gte 0 and $fitness lt 15>>
<<addrashley 1>>
<<elseif $fitness gte 15 and $fitness lt 30>>
<<addrashley 2>>
<<elseif $fitness gte 30>>
<<addrashley 3>><</if>>
<<addenergy -5>>
<<addhappiness 1>>
<<set $time to $time +1>>
<<set $convon to $convon +1>>
<<elseif $rashley gte 160 and $rashley lt 201>>
<<switch random(5)>>
<<case 1>>
<<speech "Ashley" "Ashley">>You know, I used to have a serious crush on you.<</speech>>
<<case 2>>
<<speech "Ashley" "Ashley">>You are quite good looking still.<</speech>>
<<case 3>>
<<speech "Ashley" "Ashley">>You should join me sometime.<</speech>>
<br><a data-passage="ashleygarden"><div class="talkplayer">Let’s do something else</div></a>
<<if $fitness gte 0 and $fitness lt 15>>
<<addrashley 1>>
<<elseif $fitness gte 15 and $fitness lt 30>>
<<addrashley 2>>
<<elseif $fitness gte 30>>
<<addrashley 3>><</if>>
<<addenergy -5>>
<<addhappiness 1>>
<<set $time to $time +1>>
<<set $convon to $convon +1>>
<</if>><</if>><</nobr>><<nobr>><<if $energy gt 15>>
<img src="images/player/pool/swimming2.jpg" />
<br><div class="general">You took a relaxing swim.</div><br>
<a data-passage="ashleygarden"><div class="talkplayer">Let’s do something else</div></a>
<<set $time to $time +1>>
<<addenergy 10>>
<<addhappiness 5>>
<<addhygene 20>>
<img src="images/garden/pool/pool.jpg" />
<br><div class="general">I'm to tired to swimm.</div><br>
<a data-passage="ashleygarden"><div class="talkplayer">Let’s do something else</div></a>
<<if $caughttalksarah is "false">>
<<speech "Sarah" "Sarah">>So, you are ready to talk about everthing that happened and about us?<</speech>><br>
<a data-passage="caughttalksarahevent"><div class="talkplayer">Yes, let's talk</div></a><br>
<a data-passage="ashleyentrance"><div class="talkplayer">Sorry, I'm not ready yet.</div></a>
<<elseif $convos gt 5>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>I shouldn’t bother her to much with my conversations.<</speech>><br>
<a data-passage="ashleyentrance"><div class="talkplayer">Let’s do something else</div></a>
<<if $rsarah gte 0 and $rsarah lt 50>>
<<switch random(5)>>
<<case 1>>
<<speech "Sarah" "Sarah">>At least I have my job, something I like.<</speech>>
<<case 2>>
<<speech "Sarah" "Sarah">>It's really though, taking care of Peter and you.<</speech>>
<<case 3>>
<<speech "Sarah" "Sarah">>Sometimes I doubt if I made the right descission about us and Peter.<</speech>>
<<case 4>>
<<speech "Sarah" "Sarah">>It's really though, taking care of Peter and you.<</speech>>
<<case 5>>
<<speech "Sarah" "Sarah">>Couldn't you work a bit harder around here?<</speech>>
<<speech "Sarah" "Sarah">>I hope you'll start soon with showing me how much you actually love me.<</speech>>
<br><a data-passage="ashleyentrance"><div class="talkplayer">Let’s do something else</div></a>
<<addenergy -5>>
<<addhappiness 1>>
<<if $fitness gte 0 and $fitness lt 20>>
<<addrsarah 1>>
<<elseif $fitness gte 20 and $fitness lt 40>>
<<addrsarah 2>>
<<elseif $fitness gte 40>>
<<addrsarah 3>><</if>>
<<set $convos to $convos +1>>
<<set $time to $time +1>>
<<elseif $rsarah gte 50 and $rsarah lt 100>>
<<switch random(5)>>
<<case 1>>
<<speech "Sarah" "Sarah">>Can you take care of yourself some more.<</speech>>
<<case 2>>
<<speech "Sarah" "Sarah">>I miss the old us, when you at least tried.<</speech>>
<<case 3>>
<<speech "Sarah" "Sarah">>I see some improvent, but you can do a lot better.<</speech>>
<<case 4>>
<<speech "Sarah" "Sarah">>Maybe I should have stayed with Steve.<</speech>>
<<case 5>>
<<speech "Sarah" "Sarah">>At least we have this beautifull house.<</speech>>
<<speech "Sarah" "Sarah">>I'm tired.<</speech>>
<br><a data-passage="ashleyentrance"><div class="talkplayer">Let’s do something else</div></a>
<<addenergy -5>>
<<addhappiness 1>>
<<if $fitness gte 0 and $fitness lt 20>>
<<addrsarah 1>>
<<elseif $fitness gte 20 and $fitness lt 40>>
<<addrsarah 2>>
<<elseif $fitness gte 40>>
<<addrsarah 3>><</if>>
<<set $convos to $convos +1>>
<<set $time to $time +1>>
<<elseif $rsarah gte 100 and $rsarah lt 150>>
<<switch random(5)>>
<<case 1>>
<<speech "Sarah" "Sarah">>I see you trying, keep improving.<</speech>>
<<case 2>>
<<speech "Sarah" "Sarah">>See, you can improve!<</speech>>
<<case 3>>
<<speech "Sarah" "Sarah">>Maybe this wholo nanny thing was a good idea.<</speech>>
<<case 4>>
<<speech "Sarah" "Sarah">>I feel better lately.<</speech>>
<<case 5>>
<<speech "Sarah" "Sarah">>Thank you for trying harder, you are not there yet, but you are on the right track.<</speech>>
<<speech "Sarah" "Sarah">>I really enjoy my job.<</speech>>
<br><a data-passage="ashleyentrance"><div class="talkplayer">Let’s do something else</div></a>
<<addenergy -5>>
<<addhappiness 1>>
<<if $fitness gte 0 and $fitness lt 20>>
<<addrsarah 1>>
<<elseif $fitness gte 20 and $fitness lt 40>>
<<addrsarah 2>>
<<elseif $fitness gte 40>>
<<addrsarah 3>><</if>>
<<set $convos to $convos +1>>
<<set $time to $time +1>>
<<elseif $rsarah gte 150 and $rsarah lt 200>>
<<switch random(5)>>
<<case 1>>
<<speech "Sarah" "Sarah">>I do love you, you know.<</speech>>
<<case 2>>
<<speech "Sarah" "Sarah">>You look good today.<</speech>>
<<case 3>>
<<speech "Sarah" "Sarah">>I really enjoy our time together, it feels good.<</speech>>
<<case 4>>
<<speech "Sarah" "Sarah">>Maybe we can have some type of fun tonight.<</speech>>
<<case 5>>
<<speech "Sarah" "Sarah">>I want to feel you all over me.<</speech>> </sh>
<br><a data-passage="ashleyentrance"><div class="talkplayer">Let’s do something else</div></a>
<<addenergy -5>>
<<addhappiness 1>>
<<if $fitness gte 0 and $fitness lt 20>>
<<addrsarah 1>>
<<elseif $fitness gte 20 and $fitness lt 40>>
<<addrsarah 2>>
<<elseif $fitness gte 40>>
<<addrsarah 3>><</if>>
<<set $convos to $convos +1>>
<<set $time to $time +1>>
<<elseif $rsarah gte 200>>
<<switch random(5)>>
<<case 1>>
<<speech "Sarah" "Sarah">>I want you, deep inside me.<</speech>>
<<case 2>>
<<speech "Sarah" "Sarah">>We should go and swim naked.<</speech>>
<<case 3>>
<<speech "Sarah" "Sarah">>I love to be naked, here and outside.<</speech>>
<<case 4>>
<<speech "Sarah" "Sarah">>It feels really good between us again, it feels like the old us.<</speech>>
<<case 5>>
<<speech "Sarah" "Sarah">>Why don't we leave Peter with Noelle and go upstairs.<</speech>>
<<speech "Sarah" "Sarah">>Maybe I'll let you try anal with me.<</speech>>
<br><a data-passage="ashleyentrance"><div class="talkplayer">Let’s do something else</div></a>
<<addenergy -5>>
<<addhappiness 1>>
<<if $fitness gte 0 and $fitness lt 20>>
<<addrsarah 1>>
<<elseif $fitness gte 20 and $fitness lt 40>>
<<addrsarah 2>>
<<elseif $fitness gte 40>>
<<addrsarah 3>><</if>>
<<set $convos to $convos +1>>
<<set $time to $time +1>>
<<if $caughttalksarah is "false">>
<img src="images/sarah/sarahangry.jpg" /><br>
<<speech "Sarah" "Sarah">>What the fuck name? We are absolutely not there yet!<</speech>><br>
<a data-passage="ashleyentrance"><div class="talkplayer">Let’s do something else</div></a>
<<addenergy -5>>
<<addhappiness -5>>
<<if $fitness gte 0 and $fitness lt 20>>
<<addrsarah -7>>
<<elseif $fitness gte 20 and $fitness lt 40>>
<<addrsarah -5>>
<<elseif $fitness gte 40>>
<<addrsarah -3>><</if>>
<<elseif $kisss gte 3>>
<img src="images/player/misc/clingy.jpg" />
<br><<speech "Player" "$name">><i>I shouldn’t become to clingy.</i><</speech>><br>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Let's do something else->ashleyentrance]]</span></div>
<<elseif $rsarah lt 50>>
<img src="images/sarah/sarahangry.jpg" />
<br><<speech "Sarah" "Sarah">>Not now, please just leave me alone.<</speech>><br>
<a data-passage="ashleyentrance"><div class="talkplayer">Let’s do something else</div></a>
<<elseif $rsarah gte 50>>
<img src="images/sarah/sarahkiss.gif" />
<br><div class="general">You kiss Sarah.</div><br>
<a data-passage="ashleyentrance"><div class="talkplayer">Let’s do something else</div></a>
<<addenergy -5>>
<<addhappiness 3>>
<<if $fitness gte 0 and $fitness lt 20>>
<<addrsarah 1>>
<<elseif $fitness gte 20 and $fitness lt 40>>
<<addrsarah 3>>
<<elseif $fitness gte 40>>
<<addrsarah 5>><</if>>
<<set $kisss to $kisss +1>>
<<set $time to $time +1>>
<</if>><</nobr>><img src="images/sarah/sarahangry.jpg" /><br>
<<speech "Sarah" "Sarah">>What the fuck name? We are absolutely not there yet!<</speech>><br>
<a data-passage="ashleyentrance"><div class="talkplayer">Let’s do something else</div></a>
<<addenergy -5>>
<<addhappiness -5>>
<<if $fitness gte 0 and $fitness lt 20>>
<<addrsarah -7>>
<<elseif $fitness gte 20 and $fitness lt 40>>
<<addrsarah -5>>
<<elseif $fitness gte 40>>
<<addrsarah -3>><</if>>
<<if $caughttalksarah is "false">>
<<speech "Sarah" "Sarah">>So, you are ready to talk about everthing that happened and about us?<</speech>><br>
<a data-passage="caughttalksarahevent"><div class="talkplayer">Yes, let's talk</div></a><br>
<a data-passage="ashleyentrance"><div class="talkplayer">Sorry, I'm not ready yet.</div></a>
<<elseif $convos gt 5>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>I shouldn’t bother her to much with my conversations.<</speech>><br>
<a data-passage="ashleyentrance"><div class="talkplayer">Let’s do something else</div></a>
<<if $rsarah gte 0 and $rsarah lt 50>>
<<switch random(5)>>
<<case 1>>
<<speech "Sarah" "Sarah">>At least I have my job, something I like.<</speech>>
<<case 2>>
<<speech "Sarah" "Sarah">>It's really though, taking care of Peter and you.<</speech>>
<<case 3>>
<<speech "Sarah" "Sarah">>Sometimes I doubt if I made the right descission about us and Peter.<</speech>>
<<case 4>>
<<speech "Sarah" "Sarah">>It's really though, taking care of Peter and you.<</speech>>
<<case 5>>
<<speech "Sarah" "Sarah">>Couldn't you work a bit harder around here?<</speech>>
<<speech "Sarah" "Sarah">>I hope you'll start soon with showing me how much you actually love me.<</speech>>
<br><a data-passage="ashleyentrance"><div class="talkplayer">Let’s do something else</div></a>
<<addenergy -5>>
<<addhappiness 1>>
<<if $fitness gte 0 and $fitness lt 20>>
<<addrsarah 1>>
<<elseif $fitness gte 20 and $fitness lt 40>>
<<addrsarah 2>>
<<elseif $fitness gte 40>>
<<addrsarah 3>><</if>>
<<set $convos to $convos +1>>
<<set $time to $time +1>>
<<elseif $rsarah gte 50 and $rsarah lt 100>>
<<switch random(5)>>
<<case 1>>
<<speech "Sarah" "Sarah">>Can you take care of yourself some more.<</speech>>
<<case 2>>
<<speech "Sarah" "Sarah">>I miss the old us, when you at least tried.<</speech>>
<<case 3>>
<<speech "Sarah" "Sarah">>I see some improvent, but you can do a lot better.<</speech>>
<<case 4>>
<<speech "Sarah" "Sarah">>Maybe I should have stayed with Steve.<</speech>>
<<case 5>>
<<speech "Sarah" "Sarah">>At least we have this beautifull house.<</speech>>
<<speech "Sarah" "Sarah">>I'm tired.<</speech>>
<br><a data-passage="ashleyentrance"><div class="talkplayer">Let’s do something else</div></a>
<<addenergy -5>>
<<addhappiness 1>>
<<if $fitness gte 0 and $fitness lt 20>>
<<addrsarah 1>>
<<elseif $fitness gte 20 and $fitness lt 40>>
<<addrsarah 2>>
<<elseif $fitness gte 40>>
<<addrsarah 3>><</if>>
<<set $convos to $convos +1>>
<<set $time to $time +1>>
<<elseif $rsarah gte 100 and $rsarah lt 150>>
<<switch random(5)>>
<<case 1>>
<<speech "Sarah" "Sarah">>I see you trying, keep improving.<</speech>>
<<case 2>>
<<speech "Sarah" "Sarah">>See, you can improve!<</speech>>
<<case 3>>
<<speech "Sarah" "Sarah">>Maybe this wholo nanny thing was a good idea.<</speech>>
<<case 4>>
<<speech "Sarah" "Sarah">>I feel better lately.<</speech>>
<<case 5>>
<<speech "Sarah" "Sarah">>Thank you for trying harder, you are not there yet, but you are on the right track.<</speech>>
<<speech "Sarah" "Sarah">>I really enjoy my job.<</speech>>
<br><a data-passage="ashleyentrance"><div class="talkplayer">Let’s do something else</div></a>
<<addenergy -5>>
<<addhappiness 1>>
<<if $fitness gte 0 and $fitness lt 20>>
<<addrsarah 1>>
<<elseif $fitness gte 20 and $fitness lt 40>>
<<addrsarah 2>>
<<elseif $fitness gte 40>>
<<addrsarah 3>><</if>>
<<set $convos to $convos +1>>
<<set $time to $time +1>>
<<elseif $rsarah gte 150 and $rsarah lt 200>>
<<switch random(5)>>
<<case 1>>
<<speech "Sarah" "Sarah">>I do love you, you know.<</speech>>
<<case 2>>
<<speech "Sarah" "Sarah">>You look good today.<</speech>>
<<case 3>>
<<speech "Sarah" "Sarah">>I really enjoy our time together, it feels good.<</speech>>
<<case 4>>
<<speech "Sarah" "Sarah">>Maybe we can have some type of fun tonight.<</speech>>
<<case 5>>
<<speech "Sarah" "Sarah">>I want to feel you all over me.<</speech>> </sh>
<br><a data-passage="ashleyentrance"><div class="talkplayer">Let’s do something else</div></a>
<<addenergy -5>>
<<addhappiness 1>>
<<if $fitness gte 0 and $fitness lt 20>>
<<addrsarah 1>>
<<elseif $fitness gte 20 and $fitness lt 40>>
<<addrsarah 2>>
<<elseif $fitness gte 40>>
<<addrsarah 3>><</if>>
<<set $convos to $convos +1>>
<<set $time to $time +1>>
<<elseif $rsarah gte 200>>
<<switch random(5)>>
<<case 1>>
<<speech "Sarah" "Sarah">>I want you, deep inside me.<</speech>>
<<case 2>>
<<speech "Sarah" "Sarah">>We should go and swim naked.<</speech>>
<<case 3>>
<<speech "Sarah" "Sarah">>I love to be naked, here and outside.<</speech>>
<<case 4>>
<<speech "Sarah" "Sarah">>It feels really good between us again, it feels like the old us.<</speech>>
<<case 5>>
<<speech "Sarah" "Sarah">>Why don't we leave Peter with Noelle and go upstairs.<</speech>>
<<speech "Sarah" "Sarah">>Maybe I'll let you try anal with me.<</speech>>
<br><a data-passage="ashleyentrance"><div class="talkplayer">Let’s do something else</div></a>
<<addenergy -5>>
<<addhappiness 1>>
<<if $fitness gte 0 and $fitness lt 20>>
<<addrsarah 1>>
<<elseif $fitness gte 20 and $fitness lt 40>>
<<addrsarah 2>>
<<elseif $fitness gte 40>>
<<addrsarah 3>><</if>>
<<set $convos to $convos +1>>
<<set $time to $time +1>>
<<if $caughttalksarah is "false">>
<img src="images/sarah/sarahangry.jpg" /><br>
<<speech "Sarah" "Sarah">>What the fuck name? We are absolutely not there yet!<</speech>><br>
<a data-passage="ashleyentrance"><div class="talkplayer">Let’s do something else</div></a>
<<addenergy -5>>
<<addhappiness -5>>
<<if $fitness gte 0 and $fitness lt 20>>
<<addrsarah -7>>
<<elseif $fitness gte 20 and $fitness lt 40>>
<<addrsarah -5>>
<<elseif $fitness gte 40>>
<<addrsarah -3>><</if>>
<<elseif $kisss gte 3>>
<img src="images/player/misc/clingy.jpg" />
<br><<speech "Player" "$name">><i>I shouldn’t become to clingy.</i><</speech>><br>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Let's do something else->ashleyentrance]]</span></div>
<<elseif $rsarah lt 50>>
<img src="images/sarah/sarahangry.jpg" />
<br><<speech "Sarah" "Sarah">>Not now, please just leave me alone.<</speech>><br>
<a data-passage="ashleyentrance"><div class="talkplayer">Let’s do something else</div></a>
<<elseif $rsarah gte 50>>
<img src="images/sarah/sarahkiss.gif" />
<br><div class="general">You kiss Sarah.</div><br>
<a data-passage="ashleyentrance"><div class="talkplayer">Let’s do something else</div></a>
<<addenergy -5>>
<<addhappiness 3>>
<<if $fitness gte 0 and $fitness lt 20>>
<<addrsarah 1>>
<<elseif $fitness gte 20 and $fitness lt 40>>
<<addrsarah 3>>
<<elseif $fitness gte 40>>
<<addrsarah 5>><</if>>
<<set $kisss to $kisss +1>>
<<set $time to $time +1>>
<</if>><</nobr>><img src="images/sarah/bedroom/sarah2.jpg" />
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Talk to Sarah->ashleybedtalks]]</span></div>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Kiss Sarah->ashleybedrkisss]]</span></div>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Ask for sex->ashleybedmoves]]</span></div>
<a data-passage="ashleyupstairs"><div class="talkloc">Let’s go somewhere else</div></a>
<img src="images/player/bedroom/sleep.jpg" />
<div class="general">You take a nap.</div>
<a data-passage="ashleyupstairs"><div class="talkplayer">Let’s do something else</div></a>
<<addenergy 30>>
<<set $time to $time +2>>
<<addarousal 25>><img src="images/player/bedroom/sleep.jpg" />
<div class="general">You took a long sleep.</div>
<<if $chores gte 1>>
<div class="general">Sarah noticed you efforts around the house and seems happier with you.</div>
<a data-passage="ashleyupstairs"><div class="talkplayer">Let’s do something else</div></a>
<<if $caughteventafter is "false">>
<<if $caughtevent is "true">>
<<goto "caughteventafter">>
<<if $chores is 1>>
<<addrsarah 3>>
<<elseif $chores is 2>>
<<addrsarah 7>>
<<elseif $chores is 3>>
<<addrsarah 14>>
<<elseif $chores is 4>>
<<addrsarah 20>><</if>>
<<set $chores to 0>>
<<set $livchores to "false">>
<<set $kitchores to "false">>
<<set $batchores to "false">>
<<set $garchores to "false">>
<<addenergy 150>>
<<set $arousal to 100>>
<<if $cumslut is "true">>
<<set $cheatcount to $cheatcount +1>><</if>>
<<set $convos to 0>>
<<set $convon to 0>>
<<set $gym to $gym -1>>
<<set $kisss to 0>>
<<set $kissn to 0>>
<<set $time to 1>>
<<set $day to $day +1>>
<<if $day gt 7>>
<<set $day to 1>>
<<if $workfame is 1>>
<<set $money to $money +5>>
<<elseif $workfame is 2>>
<<set $money to $money +7>>
<<elseif $workfame is 3>>
<<set $money to $money +10>>
<<elseif $workfame is 4>>
<<set $money to $money +15>>
<<elseif $workfame is 5>>
<<set $money to $money +20>>
<<elseif $workfame is 6>>
<<set $money to $money +25>>
<<if $livingatashley is "true">>
<<set $livingatashleytimer to $livingatashleytimer +1>>
<<if $livingatashleytimer gte 2 and $hearashleyfuck1 is "false">>
<<goto "watchashleyfuck1">><</if>>
<<if $caughttalksarah is "false">>
<<speech "Sarah" "Sarah">>So, you are ready to talk about everthing that happened and about us?<</speech>><br>
<a data-passage="caughttalksarahevent"><div class="talkplayer">Yes, let's talk</div></a><br>
<a data-passage="ashleyentrance"><div class="talkplayer">Sorry, I'm not ready yet.</div></a>
<<elseif $convos gt 5>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>I shouldn’t bother her to much with my conversations.<</speech>><br>
<a data-passage="ashleyentrance"><div class="talkplayer">Let’s do something else</div></a>
<<if $rsarah gte 0 and $rsarah lt 50>>
<<switch random(5)>>
<<case 1>>
<<speech "Sarah" "Sarah">>At least I have my job, something I like.<</speech>>
<<case 2>>
<<speech "Sarah" "Sarah">>It's really though, taking care of Peter and you.<</speech>>
<<case 3>>
<<speech "Sarah" "Sarah">>Sometimes I doubt if I made the right descission about us and Peter.<</speech>>
<<case 4>>
<<speech "Sarah" "Sarah">>It's really though, taking care of Peter and you.<</speech>>
<<case 5>>
<<speech "Sarah" "Sarah">>Couldn't you work a bit harder around here?<</speech>>
<<speech "Sarah" "Sarah">>I hope you'll start soon with showing me how much you actually love me.<</speech>>
<br><a data-passage="ashleyentrance"><div class="talkplayer">Let’s do something else</div></a>
<<addenergy -5>>
<<addhappiness 1>>
<<if $fitness gte 0 and $fitness lt 20>>
<<addrsarah 1>>
<<elseif $fitness gte 20 and $fitness lt 40>>
<<addrsarah 2>>
<<elseif $fitness gte 40>>
<<addrsarah 3>><</if>>
<<set $convos to $convos +1>>
<<set $time to $time +1>>
<<elseif $rsarah gte 50 and $rsarah lt 100>>
<<switch random(5)>>
<<case 1>>
<<speech "Sarah" "Sarah">>Can you take care of yourself some more.<</speech>>
<<case 2>>
<<speech "Sarah" "Sarah">>I miss the old us, when you at least tried.<</speech>>
<<case 3>>
<<speech "Sarah" "Sarah">>I see some improvent, but you can do a lot better.<</speech>>
<<case 4>>
<<speech "Sarah" "Sarah">>Maybe I should have stayed with Steve.<</speech>>
<<case 5>>
<<speech "Sarah" "Sarah">>At least we have this beautifull house.<</speech>>
<<speech "Sarah" "Sarah">>I'm tired.<</speech>>
<br><a data-passage="ashleyentrance"><div class="talkplayer">Let’s do something else</div></a>
<<addenergy -5>>
<<addhappiness 1>>
<<if $fitness gte 0 and $fitness lt 20>>
<<addrsarah 1>>
<<elseif $fitness gte 20 and $fitness lt 40>>
<<addrsarah 2>>
<<elseif $fitness gte 40>>
<<addrsarah 3>><</if>>
<<set $convos to $convos +1>>
<<set $time to $time +1>>
<<elseif $rsarah gte 100 and $rsarah lt 150>>
<<switch random(5)>>
<<case 1>>
<<speech "Sarah" "Sarah">>I see you trying, keep improving.<</speech>>
<<case 2>>
<<speech "Sarah" "Sarah">>See, you can improve!<</speech>>
<<case 3>>
<<speech "Sarah" "Sarah">>Maybe this wholo nanny thing was a good idea.<</speech>>
<<case 4>>
<<speech "Sarah" "Sarah">>I feel better lately.<</speech>>
<<case 5>>
<<speech "Sarah" "Sarah">>Thank you for trying harder, you are not there yet, but you are on the right track.<</speech>>
<<speech "Sarah" "Sarah">>I really enjoy my job.<</speech>>
<br><a data-passage="ashleyentrance"><div class="talkplayer">Let’s do something else</div></a>
<<addenergy -5>>
<<addhappiness 1>>
<<if $fitness gte 0 and $fitness lt 20>>
<<addrsarah 1>>
<<elseif $fitness gte 20 and $fitness lt 40>>
<<addrsarah 2>>
<<elseif $fitness gte 40>>
<<addrsarah 3>><</if>>
<<set $convos to $convos +1>>
<<set $time to $time +1>>
<<elseif $rsarah gte 150 and $rsarah lt 200>>
<<switch random(5)>>
<<case 1>>
<<speech "Sarah" "Sarah">>I do love you, you know.<</speech>>
<<case 2>>
<<speech "Sarah" "Sarah">>You look good today.<</speech>>
<<case 3>>
<<speech "Sarah" "Sarah">>I really enjoy our time together, it feels good.<</speech>>
<<case 4>>
<<speech "Sarah" "Sarah">>Maybe we can have some type of fun tonight.<</speech>>
<<case 5>>
<<speech "Sarah" "Sarah">>I want to feel you all over me.<</speech>> </sh>
<br><a data-passage="ashleyentrance"><div class="talkplayer">Let’s do something else</div></a>
<<addenergy -5>>
<<addhappiness 1>>
<<if $fitness gte 0 and $fitness lt 20>>
<<addrsarah 1>>
<<elseif $fitness gte 20 and $fitness lt 40>>
<<addrsarah 2>>
<<elseif $fitness gte 40>>
<<addrsarah 3>><</if>>
<<set $convos to $convos +1>>
<<set $time to $time +1>>
<<elseif $rsarah gte 200>>
<<switch random(5)>>
<<case 1>>
<<speech "Sarah" "Sarah">>I want you, deep inside me.<</speech>>
<<case 2>>
<<speech "Sarah" "Sarah">>We should go and swim naked.<</speech>>
<<case 3>>
<<speech "Sarah" "Sarah">>I love to be naked, here and outside.<</speech>>
<<case 4>>
<<speech "Sarah" "Sarah">>It feels really good between us again, it feels like the old us.<</speech>>
<<case 5>>
<<speech "Sarah" "Sarah">>Why don't we leave Peter with Noelle and go upstairs.<</speech>>
<<speech "Sarah" "Sarah">>Maybe I'll let you try anal with me.<</speech>>
<br><a data-passage="ashleyentrance"><div class="talkplayer">Let’s do something else</div></a>
<<addenergy -5>>
<<addhappiness 1>>
<<if $fitness gte 0 and $fitness lt 20>>
<<addrsarah 1>>
<<elseif $fitness gte 20 and $fitness lt 40>>
<<addrsarah 2>>
<<elseif $fitness gte 40>>
<<addrsarah 3>><</if>>
<<set $convos to $convos +1>>
<<set $time to $time +1>>
<<if $caughttalksarah is "false">>
<img src="images/sarah/sarahangry.jpg" /><br>
<<speech "Sarah" "Sarah">>What the fuck name? We are absolutely not there yet!<</speech>><br>
<a data-passage="ashleyupstairs"><div class="talkplayer">Let’s do something else</div></a>
<<addenergy -5>>
<<addhappiness -5>>
<<if $fitness gte 0 and $fitness lt 20>>
<<addrsarah -7>>
<<elseif $fitness gte 20 and $fitness lt 40>>
<<addrsarah -5>>
<<elseif $fitness gte 40>>
<<addrsarah -3>><</if>>
<<elseif $kisss gte 3>>
<img src="images/player/misc/clingy.jpg" />
<br><<speech "Player" "$name">><i>I shouldn’t become to clingy.</i><</speech>><br>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Let's do something else->ashleyupstairs]]</span></div>
<<elseif $rsarah lt 50>>
<img src="images/sarah/sarahangry.jpg" />
<br><<speech "Sarah" "Sarah">>Not now, please just leave me alone.<</speech>><br>
<a data-passage="ashleyupstairs"><div class="talkplayer">Let’s do something else</div></a>
<<elseif $rsarah gte 50>>
<img src="images/sarah/sarahkiss.gif" />
<br><div class="general">You kiss Sarah.</div><br>
<a data-passage="ashleyupstairs"><div class="talkplayer">Let’s do something else</div></a>
<<addenergy -5>>
<<addhappiness 3>>
<<if $fitness gte 0 and $fitness lt 20>>
<<addrsarah 1>>
<<elseif $fitness gte 20 and $fitness lt 40>>
<<addrsarah 3>>
<<elseif $fitness gte 40>>
<<addrsarah 5>><</if>>
<<set $kisss to $kisss +1>>
<<set $time to $time +1>>
<</if>><</nobr>><img src="images/player/bedroom/sleep.jpg" />
<div class="general">It's late and you go to bed. You took a long sleep.</div>
<<if $chores gte 1>>
<div class="general">Sarah noticed you efforts around the house and seems happier with you.</div>
<a data-passage="ashleyupstairs"><div class="talkplayer">Let’s do something else</div></a>
<<if $caughteventafter is "false">>
<<if $caughtevent is "true">>
<<goto "caughteventafter">>
<<if $chores is 1>>
<<addrsarah 3>>
<<elseif $chores is 2>>
<<addrsarah 7>>
<<elseif $chores is 3>>
<<addrsarah 14>>
<<elseif $chores is 4>>
<<addrsarah 20>><</if>>
<<set $chores to 0>>
<<set $livchores to "false">>
<<set $kitchores to "false">>
<<set $batchores to "false">>
<<set $garchores to "false">>
<<addenergy 150>>
<<set $arousal to 100>>
<<if $cumslut is "true">>
<<set $cheatcount to $cheatcount +1>><</if>>
<<set $convos to 0>>
<<set $convon to 0>>
<<set $gym to $gym -1>>
<<set $kisss to 0>>
<<set $kissn to 0>>
<<set $day to $day +1>>
<<if $day gt 7>>
<<set $day to 1>>
<<if $workfame is 1>>
<<set $money to $money +5>>
<<elseif $workfame is 2>>
<<set $money to $money +7>>
<<elseif $workfame is 3>>
<<set $money to $money +10>>
<<elseif $workfame is 4>>
<<set $money to $money +15>>
<<elseif $workfame is 5>>
<<set $money to $money +20>>
<<elseif $workfame is 6>>
<<set $money to $money +25>>
<<if $livingatashley is "true">>
<<set $livingatashleytimer to $livingatashleytimer +1>>
<<if $livingatashleytimer gte 3 and $hearashleyfuck1 is "false">>
<<goto "watchashleyfuck1">><</if>><img src="images/sarah/sarahangry.jpg" /><br>
<<speech "Sarah" "Sarah">>What the fuck name? We are absolutely not there yet!<</speech>><br>
<a data-passage="ashleyupstairs"><div class="talkplayer">Let’s do something else</div></a>
<<addenergy -5>>
<<addhappiness -5>>
<<if $fitness gte 0 and $fitness lt 20>>
<<addrsarah -7>>
<<elseif $fitness gte 20 and $fitness lt 40>>
<<addrsarah -5>>
<<elseif $fitness gte 40>>
<<addrsarah -3>><</if>>
<div class="general">You try to enter.</div>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Damn, the door is locked.<</speech>>
<a data-passage="ashleyupstairs"><div class="talkplayer">Let’s do something else</div></a>
<<if $caughttalksarah is "false">>
<<speech "Sarah" "Sarah">>So, you are ready to talk about everthing that happened and about us?<</speech>><br>
<a data-passage="caughttalksarahevent"><div class="talkplayer">Yes, let's talk</div></a><br>
<a data-passage="ashleyentrance"><div class="talkplayer">Sorry, I'm not ready yet.</div></a>
<<elseif $convos gt 5>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>I shouldn’t bother her to much with my conversations.<</speech>><br>
<a data-passage="ashleyentrance"><div class="talkplayer">Let’s do something else</div></a>
<<if $rsarah gte 0 and $rsarah lt 50>>
<<switch random(5)>>
<<case 1>>
<<speech "Sarah" "Sarah">>At least I have my job, something I like.<</speech>>
<<case 2>>
<<speech "Sarah" "Sarah">>It's really though, taking care of Peter and you.<</speech>>
<<case 3>>
<<speech "Sarah" "Sarah">>Sometimes I doubt if I made the right descission about us and Peter.<</speech>>
<<case 4>>
<<speech "Sarah" "Sarah">>It's really though, taking care of Peter and you.<</speech>>
<<case 5>>
<<speech "Sarah" "Sarah">>Couldn't you work a bit harder around here?<</speech>>
<<speech "Sarah" "Sarah">>I hope you'll start soon with showing me how much you actually love me.<</speech>>
<br><a data-passage="ashleyentrance"><div class="talkplayer">Let’s do something else</div></a>
<<addenergy -5>>
<<addhappiness 1>>
<<if $fitness gte 0 and $fitness lt 20>>
<<addrsarah 1>>
<<elseif $fitness gte 20 and $fitness lt 40>>
<<addrsarah 2>>
<<elseif $fitness gte 40>>
<<addrsarah 3>><</if>>
<<set $convos to $convos +1>>
<<set $time to $time +1>>
<<elseif $rsarah gte 50 and $rsarah lt 100>>
<<switch random(5)>>
<<case 1>>
<<speech "Sarah" "Sarah">>Can you take care of yourself some more.<</speech>>
<<case 2>>
<<speech "Sarah" "Sarah">>I miss the old us, when you at least tried.<</speech>>
<<case 3>>
<<speech "Sarah" "Sarah">>I see some improvent, but you can do a lot better.<</speech>>
<<case 4>>
<<speech "Sarah" "Sarah">>Maybe I should have stayed with Steve.<</speech>>
<<case 5>>
<<speech "Sarah" "Sarah">>At least we have this beautifull house.<</speech>>
<<speech "Sarah" "Sarah">>I'm tired.<</speech>>
<br><a data-passage="ashleyentrance"><div class="talkplayer">Let’s do something else</div></a>
<<addenergy -5>>
<<addhappiness 1>>
<<if $fitness gte 0 and $fitness lt 20>>
<<addrsarah 1>>
<<elseif $fitness gte 20 and $fitness lt 40>>
<<addrsarah 2>>
<<elseif $fitness gte 40>>
<<addrsarah 3>><</if>>
<<set $convos to $convos +1>>
<<set $time to $time +1>>
<<elseif $rsarah gte 100 and $rsarah lt 150>>
<<switch random(5)>>
<<case 1>>
<<speech "Sarah" "Sarah">>I see you trying, keep improving.<</speech>>
<<case 2>>
<<speech "Sarah" "Sarah">>See, you can improve!<</speech>>
<<case 3>>
<<speech "Sarah" "Sarah">>Maybe this wholo nanny thing was a good idea.<</speech>>
<<case 4>>
<<speech "Sarah" "Sarah">>I feel better lately.<</speech>>
<<case 5>>
<<speech "Sarah" "Sarah">>Thank you for trying harder, you are not there yet, but you are on the right track.<</speech>>
<<speech "Sarah" "Sarah">>I really enjoy my job.<</speech>>
<br><a data-passage="ashleyentrance"><div class="talkplayer">Let’s do something else</div></a>
<<addenergy -5>>
<<addhappiness 1>>
<<if $fitness gte 0 and $fitness lt 20>>
<<addrsarah 1>>
<<elseif $fitness gte 20 and $fitness lt 40>>
<<addrsarah 2>>
<<elseif $fitness gte 40>>
<<addrsarah 3>><</if>>
<<set $convos to $convos +1>>
<<set $time to $time +1>>
<<elseif $rsarah gte 150 and $rsarah lt 200>>
<<switch random(5)>>
<<case 1>>
<<speech "Sarah" "Sarah">>I do love you, you know.<</speech>>
<<case 2>>
<<speech "Sarah" "Sarah">>You look good today.<</speech>>
<<case 3>>
<<speech "Sarah" "Sarah">>I really enjoy our time together, it feels good.<</speech>>
<<case 4>>
<<speech "Sarah" "Sarah">>Maybe we can have some type of fun tonight.<</speech>>
<<case 5>>
<<speech "Sarah" "Sarah">>I want to feel you all over me.<</speech>> </sh>
<br><a data-passage="ashleyentrance"><div class="talkplayer">Let’s do something else</div></a>
<<addenergy -5>>
<<addhappiness 1>>
<<if $fitness gte 0 and $fitness lt 20>>
<<addrsarah 1>>
<<elseif $fitness gte 20 and $fitness lt 40>>
<<addrsarah 2>>
<<elseif $fitness gte 40>>
<<addrsarah 3>><</if>>
<<set $convos to $convos +1>>
<<set $time to $time +1>>
<<elseif $rsarah gte 200>>
<<switch random(5)>>
<<case 1>>
<<speech "Sarah" "Sarah">>I want you, deep inside me.<</speech>>
<<case 2>>
<<speech "Sarah" "Sarah">>We should go and swim naked.<</speech>>
<<case 3>>
<<speech "Sarah" "Sarah">>I love to be naked, here and outside.<</speech>>
<<case 4>>
<<speech "Sarah" "Sarah">>It feels really good between us again, it feels like the old us.<</speech>>
<<case 5>>
<<speech "Sarah" "Sarah">>Why don't we leave Peter with Noelle and go upstairs.<</speech>>
<<speech "Sarah" "Sarah">>Maybe I'll let you try anal with me.<</speech>>
<br><a data-passage="ashleyentrance"><div class="talkplayer">Let’s do something else</div></a>
<<addenergy -5>>
<<addhappiness 1>>
<<if $fitness gte 0 and $fitness lt 20>>
<<addrsarah 1>>
<<elseif $fitness gte 20 and $fitness lt 40>>
<<addrsarah 2>>
<<elseif $fitness gte 40>>
<<addrsarah 3>><</if>>
<<set $convos to $convos +1>>
<<set $time to $time +1>>
<</if>><</if>><</nobr>><<nobr>><<if $kisss gte 3>>
<img src="images/player/misc/clingy.jpg" />
<br><<speech "Player" "$name">><i>I shouldn’t become to clingy.</i><</speech>><br>
<a data-passage="ashleygarden"><div class="talkplayer">Let’s do something else</div></a>
<<elseif $energy lt 10 or $happiness lt 20>>
<img src="images/player/misc/mood.jpg" /><br>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>I'm not in the mood for this.<</speech>><br>
<a data-passage="ashleygarden"><div class="talkplayer">Let’s do something else</div></a>
<<elseif $rsarah lt 50>>
<img src="images/sarah/sarahangry.jpg" />
<br><<speech "Sarah" "Sarah">>Not now, please just leave me alone.<</speech>><br>
<a data-passage="ashleygarden"><div class="talkplayer">Let’s do something else</div></a>
<<elseif $rsarah gte 50>>
<video src="images/sarah/garden/terraces/terracekisss.webm" autoplay loop ></video><br><br>
<div class="general">You kiss Sarah.</div><br>
<a data-passage="ashleygarden"><div class="talkplayer">Let’s do something else</div></a><br>
<<set $time to $time +1>>
<<addenergy -5>>
<<addhappiness 3>>
<<if $fitness gte 0 and $fitness lt 20>>
<<addrsarah 1>>
<<elseif $fitness gte 20 and $fitness lt 40>>
<<addrsarah 3>>
<<elseif $fitness gte 40>>
<<addrsarah 5>><</if>>
<<set $kisss to $kisss +1>>
<<if $caughttalksarah is "false">>
<<speech "Sarah" "Sarah">>So, you are ready to talk about everthing that happened and about us?<</speech>><br>
<a data-passage="caughttalksarahevent"><div class="talkplayer">Yes, let's talk</div></a><br>
<a data-passage="ashleyentrance"><div class="talkplayer">Sorry, I'm not ready yet.</div></a>
<<elseif $convos gt 5>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>I shouldn’t bother her to much with my conversations.<</speech>><br>
<a data-passage="ashleyentrance"><div class="talkplayer">Let’s do something else</div></a>
<<if $rsarah gte 0 and $rsarah lt 50>>
<<switch random(5)>>
<<case 1>>
<<speech "Sarah" "Sarah">>At least I have my job, something I like.<</speech>>
<<case 2>>
<<speech "Sarah" "Sarah">>It's really though, taking care of Peter and you.<</speech>>
<<case 3>>
<<speech "Sarah" "Sarah">>Sometimes I doubt if I made the right descission about us and Peter.<</speech>>
<<case 4>>
<<speech "Sarah" "Sarah">>It's really though, taking care of Peter and you.<</speech>>
<<case 5>>
<<speech "Sarah" "Sarah">>Couldn't you work a bit harder around here?<</speech>>
<<speech "Sarah" "Sarah">>I hope you'll start soon with showing me how much you actually love me.<</speech>>
<br><a data-passage="ashleyentrance"><div class="talkplayer">Let’s do something else</div></a>
<<addenergy -5>>
<<addhappiness 1>>
<<if $fitness gte 0 and $fitness lt 20>>
<<addrsarah 1>>
<<elseif $fitness gte 20 and $fitness lt 40>>
<<addrsarah 2>>
<<elseif $fitness gte 40>>
<<addrsarah 3>><</if>>
<<set $convos to $convos +1>>
<<set $time to $time +1>>
<<elseif $rsarah gte 50 and $rsarah lt 100>>
<<switch random(5)>>
<<case 1>>
<<speech "Sarah" "Sarah">>Can you take care of yourself some more.<</speech>>
<<case 2>>
<<speech "Sarah" "Sarah">>I miss the old us, when you at least tried.<</speech>>
<<case 3>>
<<speech "Sarah" "Sarah">>I see some improvent, but you can do a lot better.<</speech>>
<<case 4>>
<<speech "Sarah" "Sarah">>Maybe I should have stayed with Steve.<</speech>>
<<case 5>>
<<speech "Sarah" "Sarah">>At least we have this beautifull house.<</speech>>
<<speech "Sarah" "Sarah">>I'm tired.<</speech>>
<br><a data-passage="ashleyentrance"><div class="talkplayer">Let’s do something else</div></a>
<<addenergy -5>>
<<addhappiness 1>>
<<if $fitness gte 0 and $fitness lt 20>>
<<addrsarah 1>>
<<elseif $fitness gte 20 and $fitness lt 40>>
<<addrsarah 2>>
<<elseif $fitness gte 40>>
<<addrsarah 3>><</if>>
<<set $convos to $convos +1>>
<<set $time to $time +1>>
<<elseif $rsarah gte 100 and $rsarah lt 150>>
<<switch random(5)>>
<<case 1>>
<<speech "Sarah" "Sarah">>I see you trying, keep improving.<</speech>>
<<case 2>>
<<speech "Sarah" "Sarah">>See, you can improve!<</speech>>
<<case 3>>
<<speech "Sarah" "Sarah">>Maybe this wholo nanny thing was a good idea.<</speech>>
<<case 4>>
<<speech "Sarah" "Sarah">>I feel better lately.<</speech>>
<<case 5>>
<<speech "Sarah" "Sarah">>Thank you for trying harder, you are not there yet, but you are on the right track.<</speech>>
<<speech "Sarah" "Sarah">>I really enjoy my job.<</speech>>
<br><a data-passage="ashleyentrance"><div class="talkplayer">Let’s do something else</div></a>
<<addenergy -5>>
<<addhappiness 1>>
<<if $fitness gte 0 and $fitness lt 20>>
<<addrsarah 1>>
<<elseif $fitness gte 20 and $fitness lt 40>>
<<addrsarah 2>>
<<elseif $fitness gte 40>>
<<addrsarah 3>><</if>>
<<set $convos to $convos +1>>
<<set $time to $time +1>>
<<elseif $rsarah gte 150 and $rsarah lt 200>>
<<switch random(5)>>
<<case 1>>
<<speech "Sarah" "Sarah">>I do love you, you know.<</speech>>
<<case 2>>
<<speech "Sarah" "Sarah">>You look good today.<</speech>>
<<case 3>>
<<speech "Sarah" "Sarah">>I really enjoy our time together, it feels good.<</speech>>
<<case 4>>
<<speech "Sarah" "Sarah">>Maybe we can have some type of fun tonight.<</speech>>
<<case 5>>
<<speech "Sarah" "Sarah">>I want to feel you all over me.<</speech>> </sh>
<br><a data-passage="ashleyentrance"><div class="talkplayer">Let’s do something else</div></a>
<<addenergy -5>>
<<addhappiness 1>>
<<if $fitness gte 0 and $fitness lt 20>>
<<addrsarah 1>>
<<elseif $fitness gte 20 and $fitness lt 40>>
<<addrsarah 2>>
<<elseif $fitness gte 40>>
<<addrsarah 3>><</if>>
<<set $convos to $convos +1>>
<<set $time to $time +1>>
<<elseif $rsarah gte 200>>
<<switch random(5)>>
<<case 1>>
<<speech "Sarah" "Sarah">>I want you, deep inside me.<</speech>>
<<case 2>>
<<speech "Sarah" "Sarah">>We should go and swim naked.<</speech>>
<<case 3>>
<<speech "Sarah" "Sarah">>I love to be naked, here and outside.<</speech>>
<<case 4>>
<<speech "Sarah" "Sarah">>It feels really good between us again, it feels like the old us.<</speech>>
<<case 5>>
<<speech "Sarah" "Sarah">>Why don't we leave Peter with Noelle and go upstairs.<</speech>>
<<speech "Sarah" "Sarah">>Maybe I'll let you try anal with me.<</speech>>
<br><a data-passage="ashleyentrance"><div class="talkplayer">Let’s do something else</div></a>
<<addenergy -5>>
<<addhappiness 1>>
<<if $fitness gte 0 and $fitness lt 20>>
<<addrsarah 1>>
<<elseif $fitness gte 20 and $fitness lt 40>>
<<addrsarah 2>>
<<elseif $fitness gte 40>>
<<addrsarah 3>><</if>>
<<set $convos to $convos +1>>
<<set $time to $time +1>>
<</if>><</if>><</nobr>><<nobr>><<if $kisss gte 3>>
<img src="images/player/misc/clingy.jpg" />
<br><<speech "Player" "$name">><i>I shouldn’t become to clingy.</i><</speech>><br>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Let's do something else->ashleygarden]]</span></div>
<<elseif $rsarah lt 50>>
<img src="images/sarah/sarahangry.jpg" />
<br><<speech "Sarah" "Sarah">>Not now, please just leave me alone.<</speech>><br>
<a data-passage="ashleygarden"><div class="talkplayer">Let’s do something else</div></a>
<<elseif $rsarah gte 50>>
<img src="images/sarah/sarahkiss.gif" />
<br><div class="general">You kiss Sarah.</div><br>
<a data-passage="ashleygarden"><div class="talkplayer">Let’s do something else</div></a>
<<addenergy -5>>
<<addhappiness 3>>
<<if $fitness gte 0 and $fitness lt 20>>
<<addrsarah 1>>
<<elseif $fitness gte 20 and $fitness lt 40>>
<<addrsarah 3>>
<<elseif $fitness gte 40>>
<<addrsarah 5>><</if>>
<<set $kisss to $kisss +1>>
<<set $time to $time +1>>
<<switch random(6)>>
<<case 1>>
<img src="images/player/livingroom/reading/reading1.jpg" />
<<case 2>>
<img src="images/player/livingroom/reading/reading2.jpg" />
<<case 3>>
<img src="images/player/livingroom/reading/reading3.jpg" />
<<case 4>>
<img src="images/player/livingroom/reading/reading4.jpg" />
<<case 5>>
<img src="images/player/livingroom/reading/reading5.jpg" />
<img src="images/player/livingroom/reading/reading6.jpg" />
<div class="general">You read a book for a while.</div>
<a data-passage="ashleyentrance"><div class="talkplayer">Let’s do something else</div></a>
<<addenergy 20>>
<<set $time to $time +1>>
<div class="general">You look around in Ashley her kitchen</div>
<<speech "Player" "$name">><i>What the fuck is all this shit.</i><</speech>>
<img src="images/misc/healthysnacks.jpg" />
<<speech "Player" "$name">><i>Veggie straws? Natural this, natural that, skinny fucking popcorn? How the fuck can you make popcorn skinny, it's fucking heated corn. Ugh, well I guess better something then nothing.</i><</speech>>
<div class="general">You eat a snack.</div>
<a data-passage="ashleyentrance"><div class="talkplayer">Let’s do something else</div></a>
<<addenergy 25>>
<<set $time to $time +1>>
<<switch random(6)>>
<<case 1>>
<img src="images/player/livingroom/reading/reading1.jpg" />
<<case 2>>
<img src="images/player/livingroom/reading/reading2.jpg" />
<<case 3>>
<img src="images/player/livingroom/reading/reading3.jpg" />
<<case 4>>
<img src="images/player/livingroom/reading/reading4.jpg" />
<<case 5>>
<img src="images/player/livingroom/reading/reading5.jpg" />
<img src="images/player/livingroom/reading/reading6.jpg" />
<div class="general">You read a book for a while.</div>
<a data-passage="ashleyentrance"><div class="talkplayer">Let’s do something else</div></a>
<<addenergy 20>>
<<set $time to $time +1>>
<img src="images/player/bathroom/shower.jpg" />
<div class="general">You take a shower.</div>
<a data-passage="ashleyupstairs"><div class="talkplayer">Let’s do something else</div></a>
<<set $hygene to 100>>
<<addhappiness 5>>
<<addenergy 10>>
<<set $time to $time +1>>
<<nobr>><<if $energy gt 50>>
<img src="images/player/pool/swimming1.jpg" />
<br><div class="general">You did some laps and feel fitter.</div><br>
<a data-passage="ashleygarden"><div class="talkplayer">Let’s do something else</div></a>
<<addenergy -50>>
<<addfitness 1>>
<<set $time to $time +1>>
<<addhygene 10>>
<<set $fitnesstimer to 0>>
<div class="general">I'm to tired to swim.</div><br>
<a data-passage="ashleygarden"><div class="talkplayer">Let’s do something else</div></a>
<<nobr>><<if $hygene lte 15>>
<img src="images/sarah/sarahangry.jpg" /><br>
<<speech "Sarah" "Sarah">>You smell terrible, go take a shower or something, just get away from me!<</speech>><br>
<a data-passage="ashleyentrance"><div class="talkloc">Let’s go somewhere else</div></a>
<<if $fitness gte 0 and $fitness lt 20>>
<<addrsarah -15>>
<<elseif $fitness gte 20 and $fitness lt 40>>
<<addrsarah -10>>
<<elseif $fitness gte 40>>
<<addrsarah -5>><</if>>
<img src="images/sarah/sarahkid.jpg" /><br>
<div class="general">You see Sarah playing with Peter.</div><br>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Join Sarah and Peter->ashleylivsarahkid1]]</span></div><br>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Try to get Sarah's attention->ashleylivsarahkid2]]</span></div><br>
<a data-passage="ashleyentrance"><div class="talkloc">Let’s go somewhere else</div></a>
<<if $energy lt 15 or $happiness lt 20>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">><i>I'm not in the mood for this.</i><</speech>><br>
<a data-passage="ashleyentrance"><div class="talkplayer">Let’s do something else</div></a>
<<elseif $hygene lt 15>>
<img src="images/sarah/sarahangry.jpg" />
<<speech "Sarah" "Sarah">>Seriously $name? Smell yourself, you are disgusting. Go Away!<</speech>><br>
<a data-passage="ashleyentrance"><div class="talkplayer">Let’s do something else</div></a>
<<if $fitness gte 0 and $fitness lt 20>>
<<addrsarah -15>>
<<elseif $fitness gte 20 and $fitness lt 40>>
<<addrsarah -10>>
<<elseif $fitness gte 40>>
<<addrsarah -5>><</if>>
<img src="images/sarah/sarahyoukid.jpg" />
<div class="general">You spend some time with Sarah and Peter.
<<speech "Sarah" "Sarah">>That was nice, you should join us more often.<</speech>><br>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>I will.<</speech>><br>
<a data-passage="ashleyentrance"><div class="talkplayer">Let’s do something else</div></a>
<<adddarkness -3>>
<<addenergy -10>>
<<addhappiness 3>>
<<addfaithfulness 3>>
<<if $fitness gte 0 and $fitness lt 20>>
<<addrsarah 2>>
<<elseif $fitness gte 20 and $fitness lt 40>>
<<addrsarah 4>>
<<elseif $fitness gte 40>>
<<addrsarah 6>><</if>>
<<set $time to $time +1>>
<<if $energy lt 15 or $happiness lt 20>><br>
<img src="images/sarah/sarahkid.jpg" /><br>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>I'm not in the mood for this.<</speech>><br>
<a data-passage="ashleyentrance"><div class="talkplayer">Let’s do something else</div></a>
<<elseif $hygene lte 15>>
<img src="images/sarah/sarahangry.jpg" />
<<speech "Sarah" "Sarah">>Seriously $name? Smell yourself, you are disgusting. Go Away!<</speech>><br>
<a data-passage="ashleyentrance"><div class="talkplayer">Let’s do something else</div></a>
<<if $fitness gte 0 and $fitness lt 20>>
<<addrsarah -15>>
<<elseif $fitness gte 20 and $fitness lt 40>>
<<addrsarah -10>>
<<elseif $fitness gte 40>>
<<addrsarah -5>><</if>>
<img src="images/sarah/sarahangry.jpg" />
<br><<speech "Sarah" "Sarah">>$name, can't you see I'm with Peter now. Please leave us.<</speech>><br>
<a data-passage="ashleyentrance"><div class="talkplayer">Let’s do something else</div></a>
<<if $fitness gte 0 and $fitness lt 20>>
<<addrsarah -15>>
<<elseif $fitness gte 20 and $fitness lt 40>>
<<addrsarah -10>>
<<elseif $fitness gte 40>>
<<addrsarah -5>><</if>>
<<nobr>><<if $hygene lte 15>>
<img src="images/sarah/sarahangry.jpg" /><br>
<<speech "Sarah" "Sarah">>You smell terrible, go take a shower or something, just get away from me!<</speech>><br>
<a data-passage="ashleyupstairs"><div class="talkloc">Let’s go somewhere else</div></a>
<<if $fitness gte 0 and $fitness lt 20>>
<<addrsarah -15>>
<<elseif $fitness gte 20 and $fitness lt 40>>
<<addrsarah -10>>
<<elseif $fitness gte 40>>
<<addrsarah -5>><</if>>
<img src="images/sarah/sarahkid.jpg" /><br>
<div class="general">You see Sarah playing with Peter.</div><br>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Join Sarah and Peter->ashleyguestsarahkid1]]</span></div><br>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Try to get Sarah's attention->ashleyguestsarahkid2]]</span></div><br>
<a data-passage="ashleyupstairs"><div class="talkloc">Let’s go somewhere else</div></a>
<<if $energy lt 15 or $happiness lt 20>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">><i>I'm not in the mood for this.</i><</speech>><br>
<a data-passage="ashleyentrance"><div class="talkplayer">Let’s do something else</div></a>
<<elseif $hygene lt 15>>
<img src="images/sarah/sarahangry.jpg" />
<<speech "Sarah" "Sarah">>Seriously $name? Smell yourself, you are disgusting. Go Away!<</speech>><br>
<a data-passage="ashleyentrance"><div class="talkplayer">Let’s do something else</div></a>
<<if $fitness gte 0 and $fitness lt 20>>
<<addrsarah -15>>
<<elseif $fitness gte 20 and $fitness lt 40>>
<<addrsarah -10>>
<<elseif $fitness gte 40>>
<<addrsarah -5>><</if>>
<img src="images/sarah/sarahyoukid.jpg" />
<div class="general">You spend some time with Sarah and Peter.
<<speech "Sarah" "Sarah">>That was nice, you should join us more often.<</speech>><br>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>I will.<</speech>><br>
<a data-passage="ashleyentrance"><div class="talkplayer">Let’s do something else</div></a>
<<adddarkness -3>>
<<addenergy -10>>
<<addhappiness 3>>
<<addfaithfulness 3>>
<<if $fitness gte 0 and $fitness lt 20>>
<<addrsarah 2>>
<<elseif $fitness gte 20 and $fitness lt 40>>
<<addrsarah 4>>
<<elseif $fitness gte 40>>
<<addrsarah 6>><</if>>
<<set $time to $time +1>>
<<if $energy lt 15 or $happiness lt 20>><br>
<img src="images/sarah/sarahkid.jpg" /><br>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>I'm not in the mood for this.<</speech>><br>
<a data-passage="ashleyentrance"><div class="talkplayer">Let’s do something else</div></a>
<<elseif $hygene lte 15>>
<img src="images/sarah/sarahangry.jpg" />
<<speech "Sarah" "Sarah">>Seriously $name? Smell yourself, you are disgusting. Go Away!<</speech>><br>
<a data-passage="ashleyentrance"><div class="talkplayer">Let’s do something else</div></a>
<<if $fitness gte 0 and $fitness lt 20>>
<<addrsarah -15>>
<<elseif $fitness gte 20 and $fitness lt 40>>
<<addrsarah -10>>
<<elseif $fitness gte 40>>
<<addrsarah -5>><</if>>
<img src="images/sarah/sarahangry.jpg" />
<br><<speech "Sarah" "Sarah">>$name, can't you see I'm with Peter now. Please leave us.<</speech>><br>
<a data-passage="ashleyentrance"><div class="talkplayer">Let’s do something else</div></a>
<<if $fitness gte 0 and $fitness lt 20>>
<<addrsarah -15>>
<<elseif $fitness gte 20 and $fitness lt 40>>
<<addrsarah -10>>
<<elseif $fitness gte 40>>
<<addrsarah -5>><</if>>
<div class="general">You lay in bed togehter with Sarah. Suddenly you hear some screams and.. And moans?</div>
<<speech "Sarah" "Sarah">>Oh for fucks sake, not again.<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Wait, to that?<</speech>>
<<speech "Sarah" "Sarah">>Ashley? Yes, she has no shame.<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>But wasn't William on a business trip? <</speech>>
<<speech "Sarah" "Sarah">>You think Ashley is with William because she loves him?<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Well..<</speech>>
<<speech "Sarah" "Sarah">>William is just her piggybank, everytime he leaves she fucks any hot guy she can get her hands on.<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Wow..<</speech>>
<<speech "Sarah" "Sarah">>Anyway, here, I bought some earplugs.<</speech>>
<div class="general">Sarah hands you some earplugs. You see Sarah put them in and within a minute she has fallen asleep again. You in the meantime still hear Ashleys moaning.</div>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Check out the moaning->watchashleyfuck1a1]]</span></div>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Let's go to sleep->ashleybedrsleep]]</span></div>
<<set $hearashleyfuck1 to "true">>
<<set $day to $day -1>>
<div class="general">You follow the moaning and it leads you to the livingroom. You turn your head around the corner and see Ashley on her knees in doggystyle position being pounded by some guy.</div>
<video src="images/ashley/events/watchashleyfuck1/watchashleyfuck1a1a.webm" autoplay loop ></video>
<<speech "Player" "$name">><i>Oh shit, Sarah was not joking at all. That is clearly not William.</i><</speech>>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Continue watching->watchashleyfuck1a2]]</span></div>
<<speech "Ashley" "Ashley">>Oh fuck, you feel so big inside me!<</speech>>
<<speech "random" "Some guy">>Yes, take it you slut, take it!<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">><i>Well he is not wrong about Ashley being a slut.</i><</speech>>
<div class="general">The guy keeps fucking Ashley.</div>
<video src="images/ashley/events/watchashleyfuck1/watchashleyfuck1a1b.webm" autoplay loop ></video>
<<speech "random" "Some guy">>Fuck, I love tight little white sluts.<</speech>>
<<speech "Ashley" "Ashley">>Oh fuck, yes, fuck me!<</speech>>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Continue watching->watchashleyfuck1a3]]</span></div>
<<speech "Sarah" "Sarah">>So, you finally want to talk? Let's go to our room.<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">><i>Our? That's a good start.</i><</speech>>
<div class="general">You enter the guestroom.</div>
<<speech "Sarah" "Sarah">>So, do you want to start or should I?<</speech>>
<div class="general">You look at Sarah her face and her mood can't be worse, hopefully you can say the right things.</div>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Start with an apologie->caughttalksarahevent2a]]</span></div>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Tell her that she looks good->caughttalksarahevent2b]]</span></div>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>I just want to say I'm really sorry, about everything. It's a really messed up thing I did and I want to at least to be able to be in the same room again.<</speech>>
<<speech "Sarah" "Sarah">>Well, we are already in the same room.<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>You know what I mean. It just got so out of hand and it went so fast.<</speech>>
<<speech "Sarah" "Sarah">>Do you love her? Or should I ask did you love her?<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Looking back, I don't think I ever really love her. She was just attractive and easy going.<</speech>>
<<speech "Sarah" "Sarah">>I bet she was..<</speech>>
<div class="general">Sarah looks down onto the ground.</div>
<<speech "Sarah" "Sarah">>I just don't get it, we where getting along so well lately.. I just didn't see it coming.<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Well, it started when we were not on good terms at all..<</speech>>
<<speech "Sarah" "Sarah">>Why didn't you came and talk to me, we used to talk for hours..<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Because, I was afraid I would make you angry.<</speech>>
<<speech "Sarah" "Sarah">>I guess I could have done better as well..<</speech>>
<div class="general">You talk some more about everything that happened.</div>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Continue->caughttalksarahevent3]]</span></div>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>You look good to..<</speech>>
<<speech "Sarah" "Sarah">>No, don't go there. I'm not falling for your smoothtalking.<</speech>>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Apologize->caughttalksarahevent2a]]</span></div>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Stroke her cheek->caughttalksarahevent2c]]</span></div>
<<speech "Sarah" "Sarah">>$name! Nevermind, you are not taking this serious at all.<</speech>>
<div class="general">Sarah leaves the room.</div>
<<speech "Player" "$name">><i>I fucked that up very quickly.</i><</speech>>
<<addenergy -15>>
<<addhappiness -10>>
<<addhygene -5>>
<<set $time to $time +2>>
<div class="general">Sarah continues.</div>
<<speech "Sarah" "Sarah">>You know what is the stupidest thing is.<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>What?<</speech>>
<<speech "Sarah" "Sarah">>If you just asked me, I probably would have said yes.<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>You mean me fucking Noelle?<</speech>>
<<speech "Sarah" "Sarah">>Well, maybe not Noelle, but someone else.<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Like who?<</speech>>
<<speech "Sarah" "Sarah">>Well, maybe not someone in our house who watches our kid, but someone else.. Maybe.. As long as you come back to me and give me some attention as well.<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Honestly, I don't believe you for a second.<</speech>>
<div class="general">Not for the first time tonight, you see a slight smile. Then her phone rings.</div>
<<speech "Sarah" "Sarah">>Fuck, I'm so sorry, it's work. We will continue this later.<</speech>>
<div class="general">She gets up and walks away.</div>
<a data-passage="ashleyupstairs"><div class="talkplayer">Let’s do something else</div></a>
<<set $caughttalksarah to "true">>
<<addrsarah 75>>
<<addenergy -15>>
<<addhappiness 10>>
<<addhygene -5>>
<<set $time to $time +3>><div class="general">You walk through Ashley's house, or should we better say William's house.</div>
<<speech "Player" "$name">><i>Damn these days go slow when you are basically locked up in a house. This better be worth it..</i><</speech>>
<div class="general">Suddenly you hear some odd sounds coming from the office.</div>
<<speech "Player" "$name">><i>That's strange, I don't see Ashley reading books or something.</i><</speech>>
<div class="general">You walk into the office and see William sitting there.</div>
<<speech "Player" "$name">><i>Let's say hi.</i><</speech>>
<div class="general">You walk towards William who hasn't noticed you yet since he has headphones on and is clearly focussed on the screen in front of him. You walk towards him and get a glance at his screen.</div>
<<speech "Player" "$name">><i>Holy fuck is that?</i><</speech>>
<img src="images/ashley/events/watchashleyfuck1/watchashleyfuck1.jpg" />
<div class="general">William looks up at you and takes off his heaphones without even trying to hide his computer screen.</div>
<<speech "random" "William">>Hi $name, I don't think we have been formally introduced<</speech>>
<div class="general">You shake his hand trying, and failing, not to look at his screen. William sees you looking and looks back at his screen.</div>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Continue->williamevent2]]</span></div>
<<speech "random" "William">>Ah yes, don't worry about that.<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>You knew?<</speech>>
<<speech "random" "William">>That Ashley fucks around when I'm not here? Yes, I've known for a long time.<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>And you don't mind?<</speech>>
<<speech "random" "William">>Look at me $name, now look at her. Normally she would be way out of my league, but here she is with me.<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Still, she is cheating on you.<</speech>>
<<speech "random" "William">>Honestly, as long as she fucks and sucks me too I don't really care. Besides that, I quite enjoy watching as well. And beside that she fucks others, our relation is good. We talk quite a lot when we are together and I believe and have the feeling there is actual love between us. As long as she returns to me, I'm okay with her fucking others. Also, I was well aware of her reputation when we got together.<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Does she know you are watching her?<</speech>>
<<speech "random" "William">>I really don't know. We obviously don't talk about it, but sometimes she just looks straight into the, well hidden, camera's. So I have a feeling sometimes that she knows, but I'm not sure. And, again, in all honesty, I don't want to know, this is way more exiting.<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Wow.<</speech>>
<<speech "random" "William">>Yeah, I know it's not for everyone, but it sure does work for us.<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>But she also still enjoys fucking you.<</speech>>
<<speech "random" "William">>Yes, at least I believe so, or she is really good in faking. You know what, if you want I can show you.<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>What do you mean?<</speech>>
<div class="general">William starts writing something down.</div>
<<speech "random" "William">>Here. I will call her into my office for some sexytime.<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">><i>Sexytime, really?</i><</speech>>
<<speech "random" "William">>And if you want you can watch us.<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Alright.. Eehm thanks.<</speech>>
<div class="general">You leave the office.</div>
<<speech "Player" "$name">><i>Am I going to watch this?</i><</speech>>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Yes I am->williamevent3]]</span></div>
<a data-passage="ashleyentrance"><div class="talkplayer">No</div></a>
<<set $williamevent1 to "true">>
<div class="general">You walk into the guestroom and open your laptop. You start entering the data from the note William gave you. A page opens and gives you access to cameras all over the house.</div>
<<speech "Player" "$name">><i>Damn, this guy has cameras all over his house.</i><</speech>>
<div class="general">You see Ashley walk into the office on one of the screens. You enlarge the screen and start watching. When the screen is open they have already started kissing.</div>
<video src="images/ashley/events/williamevent/williamevent3a.webm" autoplay loop ></video>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Continue watching->williamevent4]]</span></div>
<<speech "Player" "$name">><i>Damn, several days have I already been here. Living in William's and Ashley's house. I have to say this went a lot different than I expected, but for some reason I do feel like me and Sarah are normal again. It's so strange, everytime we are around each other, it's like nothing hapened. I guess she does really love me. Even after everything I put her trough.</i><</speech>>
<div class="general">While you are wondering around in thought, suddenly Sarah appears in front of you.</div>
<<speech "Sarah" "Sarah">>Ah here you are, come with me.<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Where are we going?<</speech>>
<<speech "Sarah" "Sarah">>I'm going to prove my point to you, since you didn't believe me.<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">><i>What is she talking about.</i><</speech>>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Follow her->sarahproves2]]</span></div>
<div class="general">You enter the livingroom and you see Ashley sitting there. Sarah pushes you down next to her and then sits down next to you. You are now sitting between the sisters.</div>
<video src="images/sarah/events/sarahproves/sarahproves2a.webm" autoplay loop ></video>
<<speech "Sarah" "Sarah">>So, do you remember our talk?<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Eehm, yes?<</speech>>
<<speech "Sarah" "Sarah">>Well, to prove I meant it..<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Which part exactly?<</speech>>
<<speech "Sarah" "Sarah">>That I would be fine with you having sex with other women, which you didn't believe.<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>So..?<</speech>>
<<speech "Sarah" "Sarah">>So, I want you to have sex with Ashley.<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>You want me to have sex with Ashley? Your sister?<</speech>>
<<speech "Sarah" "Sarah">>Yes, to be honest, she kind of convinced me.. And.. I guess she is the only one I know who would actually agree to this, but maybe..<</speech>>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Continue->sarahproves3]]</span></div>
<strong>Sarah Scenes:</strong><br>
<<if $livmovesend is "false">>
<s>Livingroom scene</s>
<<elseif $livmovesend is "true">>
<a data-passage="livmovesendgal">Livingroom scene</a><</if>><br>
<<if $kitmoves4 is "false">>
<s>Kitchen scene</s>
<<elseif $kitmoves4 is "true">>
<a data-passage="kitmovesgal">Kitchen scene</a><</if>><br>
<<if $terraces4 is "false">>
<s>Terrace scene</s>
<<elseif $terraces4 is "true">>
<a data-passage="terracesgal">Terrace scene</a><</if>><br>
<<if $poolmoves6 is "false">>
<s>Pool scene</s>
<<elseif $poolmoves6 is "true">>
<a data-passage="poolgal">Pool scene</a><</if>><br>
<<if $bedmassages7 is "false">>
<s>Bedroom massage</s>
<<elseif $bedmassages7 is "true">>
<a data-passage="bedmassgal">Bedroom massage</a><</if>><br>
<<if $bedmoves3 is "false">>
<s>Bedroom fuck</s>
<<elseif $bedmoves3 is "true">>
<a data-passage="bedfuckgal">Bedroom fuck</a><</if>><br>
<<if $brmovescsbj3 is "false">>
<s>Bedroom BJ</s>
<<elseif $brmovescsbj3 is "true">>
<a data-passage="bedbjgal">Bedroom BJ</a><</if>><br>
<<if $bedsleeps3a is "false">>
<s>Sleep sex</s>
<<elseif $bedsleeps3a is "true">>
<a data-passage="bedsleeps3agal">Sleep sex</a><</if>><br>
<<if $cumslut is "false">>
<s>Cumslut event</s>
<<elseif $cumslut is "true">>
<a data-passage="cumslutgal">Cumslut event</a><</if>><br>
<<if $scheater is "false">>
<s>Cheat event</s>
<<elseif $scheater is "true">>
<a data-passage="cheateventgal">Cheat event</a><</if>><br>
<<if $exhibitionist is "false">>
<s>Exhibitionist event</s>
<<elseif $exhibitionist is "true">>
<a data-passage="exhibitionistgal">Exhibitionist event</a><</if>><br>
<<if $firstanalfuck is "false">>
<s>First anal event</s>
<<elseif $firstanalfuck is "true">>
<a data-passage="2bedmassagesgal">First anal event</a><</if>><br>
<<if $sarahsrevenge is "false">>
<s>Cheat event 2</s>
<<elseif $sarahsrevenge is "true">>
<a data-passage="sarahsrevengegal">First anal event</a><</if>><br>
<<if $bdsm1 is "false">>
<s>Tie her up</s>
<<elseif $bdsm1 is "true">>
<a data-passage="bdsm1gal">Tie her up</a><</if>><br>
<<if $bdsm2 is "false">>
<s>Tie her up 2</s>
<<elseif $bdsm2 is "true">>
<a data-passage="bdsm2gal">Tie her up 2</a><</if>><br>
<<if $neighbour1 is "true">>
<s>Neighbour scene 1</s>
<<elseif $neighbour1 is "true">>
Neighbour scene 1<</if>><br>
<<if $exhibitionist2 is "false">>
<s>Exhibitionist bus event</s>
<<elseif $exhibitionist2 is "true">>
Exhibitionist bus event<</if>><br>
<strong>Noelle Scenes:</strong><br>
<<if $firstfuck is "false">>
<s>First fuck event</s>
<<elseif $firstfuck is "true">>
<a data-passage="ffeventgal">First fuck event</a><</if>><br>
<<if $livmoven120a5 is "false">>
<s>Livingroom full sex</s>
<<elseif $livmoven120a5 is "true">>
<a data-passage="livmoven120a1gal">Livingroom full sex</a><</if>><br>
<<if $bathmoven160a4 is "false">>
<s>Bathroom scene</s>
<<elseif $bathmoven160a4 is "true">>
Bathroom scene<</if>><br>
<<if $kitmoven160a4 is "false">>
<s>Kitchen scene</s>
<<elseif $kitmoven160a4 is "true">>
Kitchen scene<</if>><br>
<<if $guestmoven160a5 is "false">>
<s>Guestroom scene</s>
<<elseif $guestmoven160a5 is "true">>
Guestroom scene<</if>><br>
<<if $poolshoot5b is "false">>
<s>Pool scene</s>
<<elseif $poolshoot5b is "true">>
Pool scene<</if>><br>
<<if $firstkiss is "false">>
<s>First kiss event</s>
<<elseif $firstkiss is "true">>
First kiss event<</if>><br>
<<if $livmoven120a4 is "false">>
<s>Livingroom BJ</s>
<<elseif $livmoven120a4 is "true">>
Livingroom BJ<</if>><br>
<<if $guestmoven120a3 is "false">>
<s>Guestroom BJ</s>
<<elseif $guestmoven120a3 is "true">>
Guestroom BJ<</if>><br>
<<if $poolshoot4a is "false">>
<s>Pool BJ</s>
<<elseif $poolshoot4a is "true">>
Pool BJ<</if>><br>
<<if $firsttime is "false">>
<s>First time event</s>
<<elseif $firsttime is "true">>
First time event<</if>><br>
<<if $bathspyn4a2 is "false">>
<s>Bathroom masturbation</s>
<<elseif $bathspyn4a2 is "true">>
Bathroom masturbation<</if>><br>
<<if $guestmoven90a3 is "false">>
<s>Guestroom masturbation</s>
<<elseif $guestmoven90a3 is "true">>
Guestroom masturbation<</if>><br>
<<if $garmoven90a4 is "false">>
<s>Garden masturbation</s>
<<elseif $garmoven90a4 is "true">>
Garden masturbation<</if>><br>
<<if $bathspyn4a2 is "false">>
<s>Bathroom spy</s>
<<elseif $bathspyn4a2 is "true">>
Bathroom spy<</if>><br>
<<if $suspiciousevent is "false">>
<s>Office feet</s>
<<elseif $suspiciousevent is "true">>
Office feet<</if>><br>
<<if $noellespyeventbj is "false">>
<s>Noelle Club Scene (ntr)</s>
<<elseif $noellespyeventbj is "true">>
Noelle Club Scene (ntr)<</if>><br>
<<if $truthrevealed is "false">>
<s>Watching Noelle</s>
<<elseif $truthrevealed is "true">>
Watching Noelle<</if>><br>
<<if $feartr is "true" or $fearob is "true">>
<<if $noellelossfirstrape is "false">>
<s>First time since she is back</s>
<<elseif $noellelossfirstrape is "true">>
First time since she is back<</if>><br>
<<if $guestnoellefeartr2 is "false">>
<s>Guestroom scene after</s>
<<elseif $guestnoellefeartr2 is "true">>
Guestroom scene after<</if>><br>
<<if $livingfeartr1a is "false">>
<s>Guestroom scene after</s>
<<elseif $livingfeartr1a is "true">>
Guestroom scene after<</if>><br>
<<if $relationtr is "true" or $relationob is "true">>
<<if $noellelossfirsttime is "false">>
<s>First time since she is back</s>
<<elseif $noellelossfirsttime is "true">>
First time since she is back<</if>><br>
<<if $guestnoellereltr6 is "false">>
<s>Guestroom scene after</s>
<<elseif $guestnoellereltr6 is "true">>
Guestroom scene after<</if>><br>
<<if $noelleftanal is "false">>
<s>Noelle anal training</s>
<<elseif $noelleftanal is "true">>
Noelle anal training<</if>><br>
<<if $livtalknoelleloss4tr is "false">>
<s>Noelle anal training</s>
<<elseif $livtalknoelleloss4tr is "true">>
Noelle anal training<</if>><br>
<br><strong>Christel scenes:</strong><br><br>
<<if $christelevent5 is "false">>
<s>First time</s>
<<elseif $christelevent5 is "true">>
First time<</if>><br>
<<if $christelevent6 is "false">>
<s>Second time</s>
<<elseif $christelevent6 is "true">>
First time<</if>><br>
<<if $christelevent7 is "false">>
<s>Let's see</s>
<<elseif $christelevent7 is "true">>
Let's see<</if>><br>
<<if $christelevent7talk is "false">>
<s>Handy plus</s>
<<elseif $christelevent7talk is "true">>
Handy plus<</if>><br>
<<if $copevent4 is "false">>
<s>Watching Sabina (ntr)</s>
<<elseif $copevent4 is "true">>
Watching Sabina (ntr)<</if>><br>
<<if $copevent6 is "false">>
<s>Sabina HJ</s>
<<elseif $copevent6 is "true">>
Sabina HJ<</if>><br>
<<if $copevent9 is "false">>
<s>Sabina KN</s>
<<elseif $copevent9 is "true">>
Sabina KN<</if>><br>
<<if $ashleyevent1 is "false">>
<s>First time with Ashley</s>
<<elseif $ashleyevent1 is "true">>
First time with Ashley<</if>><br>
<br><strong>Other scenes:</strong><br>
<<if $bambisex is "false">>
<s>Bambi scene</s>
<<elseif $bambisex is "true">>
Bambi scene<</if>><br>
<<if $barhookerfuck is "false">>
<s>On the toilet</s>
<<elseif $barhookerfuck is "true">>
On the toilet<</if>><br>
<<if $trapscene is "false">>
<<elseif $trapscene is "true">>
<<if $ellieevent3 is "false">>
<s>Garden Suprise</s>
<<elseif $ellieevent3 is "true">>
Garden Suprise<</if>><br>
[[Return to game|$return]]<<nobr>>
<<if $energy lt 10 or $happiness lt 20>>
<img src="images/player/misc/mood.jpg" /><br>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>I'm not in the mood for this.<</speech>><br>
<a data-passage="center"><div class="talkplayer">Let’s do something else</div></a>
<<elseif $trapscene is "true" and $bradsmum1 is "true" or $notrap is "true" and $bradsmum1 is "true">>
<<speech "Player" "$name">><i>I'm not sure if I want to go back there again.</i><</speech>><br>
<a data-passage="center"><div class="talkplayer">Let’s do something else</div></a>
<<elseif $time gte 8>>
<div class="general">You stand in line to enter the nightclub. After a while you stand in front of the doorman.</div><br>
<<speech "random" "Bouncer">>Aren't you a little old for this?<</speech>><br>
<<speech "Player" "$name">><i>For fucks sake, again?</i><</speech>><br>
<<speech "random" "Bouncer">>Wait, I know you, you have been here before haven't you oldie? Naah, just kidding, have fun inside! Hope you get lucky hahaa.<</speech>><br>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Thanks..<</speech>><br>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Enter the club->nightclubinside]]</span></div>
<div class="general">The club is closed.</div><br>
<a data-passage="center"><div class="talkplayer">Let’s do something else</div></a>
<<if $kaylaevent1pos is "true" and $bradsmum1 is "false">>
<div class="general">You enter the club you see lot of young girls and guys dancing and talking, the music is very loud.</div>
<<speech "Player" "$name">><i>Let's see if we can find Brads mum.</i><</speech>>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Look around->bradmum1a]]</span></div>
<<elseif $kaylaevent1neg is "true" and $bradsmum1 is "false">>
<div class="general">You enter the club you see lot of young girls and guys dancing and talking, the music is very loud.</div>
<<speech "Player" "$name">><i>Let's see if we can find Brads mum.</i><</speech>>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Look around->bradmum1a]]</span></div>
<<elseif $trapscene is "false">>
<div class="general">You enter the club you see lot of young girls and guys dancing and talking, the music is very loud.</div>
<<speech "Player" "$name">><i>Maybe I am too old for this.</i><</speech>>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Let's get a drink->nightclubinside2]]</span></div>
<<elseif $trapscene is "false">>
<div class="general">You enter the club you see lot of young girls and guys dancing and talking, the music is very loud.</div>
<<speech "Player" "$name">><i>Maybe I am too old for this.</i><</speech>>
<a data-passage="center"><div class="talkloc">Let’s go somewhere else</div></a>
<div class="general">You sit at the bar.</div>
<<speech "Player" "$name">><i>I'm going to need something strong.</i><</speech>>
<div class="general">You take a shot and another one, and another one.</div>
<<speech "Player" "$name">><i>That's better.</i><</speech>>
<div class="general">You look around and try to make eyecontact, but none of the girls pay any attention to you.</div>
<<speech "Player" "$name">><i>Am I that old?</i><</speech>>
<div class="general">You order another drink when a girl comes up to the bar and also orders a drink right next to you.</div>
<<speech "giovanna" "Giovanna">>Hi, can I have a shot of tequila?<</speech>>
<div class="general">Then she looks at you.</div>
<<speech "giovanna" "Giovanna">>And it looks like this guy needs on as well.<</speech>>
<div class="general">You look at her.</div>
<img src="images/other/club/giovanna/giovanna.jpg" />
<<speech "Player" "$name">><i>Alright $name, time to put on your game face.</i><</speech>>
<div class="general">You answer her.</div>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Am I looking that bad?<</speech>>
<<speech "giovanna" "Giovanna">>Hmm, more lonely with a touch of desparate.<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Oh great.. Haha.<</speech>>
<<speech "giovanna" "Giovanna">>Giovanna.<</speech>>
<div class="general">She holds out her hand.</div>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>$name.<</speech>>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Continue->nightclubinside3]]</span></div>
<<speech "giovanna" "Giovanna">>So what's the problem $name?<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>I thought I could do this but apparently the bouncer is right.<</speech>>
<<speech "giovanna" "Giovanna">>Haha, don't take him serious, he busts balls for living.<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>He said I was too old for this.<</speech>>
<<speech "giovanna" "Giovanna">>Well, let's prove him wrong.<</speech>>
<div class="general">She grabs your hand and drags you onto the dancefloor and starts dancing with you.</div>
<<speech "Player" "$name">><i>This is actually fun.</i><</speech>>
<div class="general">You both start dancing closer and closer. She grinds her ass over you crotch and it clearly reacts to her movements. Then she turns around and kisses you.</div>
<<speech "giovanna" "Giovanna">>Shall we go somewhere else.<</speech>>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Yes!->nightclubscene]]</span></div>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[No->nightclubinside4]]</span></div>
<div class="general">You both leave the club together. When you exit the club you pass the bouncer again.</div>
<<speech "random" "Bouncer">>Haha oldie, I knew you could do it! You go girl! Hahaaa.<</speech>>
<div class="general">Giovanna walks towards a cab.</div>
<<speech "giovanna" "Giovanna">>Let's go to my place, it's just around the corner.<</speech>>
<div class="general">You get in the cab and before you know it you are in Giovanna her appartment. She pushes you down on the couch and starts kissing you.</div>
<video src="images/other/club/giovanna/giovanna1.webm" autoplay loop ></video>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Continue->nightclubscene2]]</span></div>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>I'm sorry, I really souldn't.<</speech>>
<<speech "giovanna" "Giovanna">>Oh, ok I guess.<</speech>>
<div class="general">You leave.</div>
<a data-passage="center"><div class="talkplayer">Let’s do something else</div></a>
<<addenergy -25>>
<<addhappiness 5>>
<<addhygene -20>>
<<set $time to $time +2>><<speech "Player" "$name">><i>Damn, where is this place..</i><</speech>>
<div class="general">You find yourself in an alley in, well let's call it a not so good neighbourhood.</div>
<<speech "Player" "$name">><i>Normally I would stay miles away from places like this.</i><</speech>>
<div class="general">You stop in fron of, what looks like an abandoned wharehouse.</div>
<<speech "Player" "$name">><i>Oh great, this does not look shady at all..</i><</speech>>
<div class="general">You knock on the door and a big bald guy opens the door.</div>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Ehm.. Hi.. Ehhm.. Saba sent me?<</speech>>
<div class="general">Without saying a word the guy turns around and closes the door.</div>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>What? Excuse me?<</speech>>
<div class="general">A couple of seconds later the door opens again. The guy pushes a bag into your hands and closes the door again.</div>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Alright...<</speech>>
<div class="general">You start calling Sabina.</div>
<<speech "sabina" "Sabina">>Do you have the package?<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Yes, I ha..<</speech>>
<<speech "sabina" "Sabina">>Good, I'll send you the address.<</speech>>
<div class="general">And she hangs up again. Seconds later you receive another address. You should probably go, or you can look in the bag. But should you?</div>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Let's go->copevent2c]]</span></div>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Look inside the bag->copevent2c2]]</span></div>
<div class="general">After a while you arrive in some big abandoned warehouse. Well abandoned, when you enter you see Sabina and some guy standing there.</div>
<<speech "random" "Some guy">>Is that him?<</speech>>
<<speech "sabina" "Sabina">>Ah, yes finally. Do you have what I asked for?<</speech>>
<div class="general">You hand her the bag.</div>
<<speech "sabina" "Sabina">>Thank you and here you go.<</speech>>
<div class="general">She hands over the bag to the guy. The guy opens it and you see a lot of money in the bag.</div>
<<speech "random" "Some guy">>Looks good.<</speech>>
<div class="general">The guy gives sabrina a small folder and leaves. Just as you want to turn around and leave as well you see Sabrina grabbing a gun and she shoots at the guy.</div>
<img src="images/sabina/copevent2/gunfire.gif" />
<<speech "Player" "$name">>What the fuck!!<</speech>>
<div class="general">You see the guy getting hit as he falls down as Sabina walks towards him.</div>
<<speech "sabina" "Sabina">>Did you really think I was actually going to pay you this much for this little information, are you nuts?<</speech>>
<div class="general">She hovers above him. And you notice that she shot him in his leg.</div>
<<speech "sabina" "Sabina">>Next time when I ask you for something you just give it to me, don't get fucking greedy.<</speech>>
<div class="general">She steps with her foot on his bullet wound.</div>
<<speech "random" "William">>Aaaaah! Alright, alright, I'm sorry.<</speech>>
<div class="general">She grabs the bag with money, grabs a couple of bills and throws it over the guy on the ground.</div>
<<speech "sabina" "Sabina">>For your trouble.<</speech>>
<div class="general">Then she turns around and walks away.</div>
<<speech "sabina" "Sabina">>Are you coming?<</speech>>
<div class="general">You turn around and follow her, looking back one last time at the guy on the ground. You both enter Sabina's car and drive off.</div>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Continue->copevent2d]]</span></div>
<<speech "Player" "$name">><i>Fuck it.</i><</speech>>
<div class="general">You open the bag and it's filled with money.</div>
<img src="images/sabina/copevent2/money.jpg" />
<<speech "Player" "$name">><i>Holy fuck, I thought she was a cop? What the fuck is this? I.. I.. Let's just bring her this bag before she fucks me over.</i><</speech>>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Let's go->copevent2c]]</span></div>
<div class="general">You both drive towards the center.</div>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>What the fuck was that?<</speech>>
<<speech "sabina" "Sabina">>That is what happens if you get greedy and try to fuck me over.<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>You fucking shot him!<</speech>>
<<speech "sabina" "Sabina">>Don't worry he will live.<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>You are crazy, are you even a cop?<</speech>>
<<speech "sabina" "Sabina">>You don't believe me?<</speech>>
<div class="general">Suddenly she janks at the steering wheel and the car makes a complete U-turn within a second.</div>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Whoooooooh!!<</speech>>
<div class="general">She increases her speed.</div>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Where are we going.<</speech>>
<div class="general">She increases her speed before she comes to a grinding halt in front of the police staton.</div>
<<speech "sabina" "Sabina">>Come on, follow.<</speech>>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Follow her->copevent2e]]</span></div>
<div class="general">You follow her inside and as you enter she gets greeted from all sides.</div>
<<speech "random" "Cop">>Hee Sab, long time no see.<</speech>>
<div class="general">And it keeps going.</div>
<<speech "random" "Other Cop">>Is that Sabina, in our station, I must be dreaming.<</speech>>
<div class="general">And going.</div>
<<speech "random" "Cop">>New boytoy Sab?<</speech>>
<div class="general">Then Sabina turns towards you.</div>
<<speech "sabina" "Sabina">>Seen enough?<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Yes, I've seen enough.<</speech>>
<<speech "sabina" "Sabina">>Good, now I have to take care of some business. I'll speak to you soon.<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">><i>Alright, so she is a cop, but that doesn't mean she is legit, she could still very well be a dirty cop. I mean, she shot someone!</i><</speech>>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Let's just go->copevent2f]]</span></div>
<div class="general">Your phone rings.</div>
<<speech "Player" "$name">><i>Damn, Sabina again..</i><</speech>>
<div class="general">You pick up.</div>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Hi Sabina..<</speech>>
<<speech "sabina" "Sabina">>Hi $name, nice to hear from you too.<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>What do you want?<</speech>>
<<speech "sabina" "Sabina">>How are your driving skills?<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>They are alright I guess.<</speech>>
<<speech "sabina" "Sabina">>Well, I guess that has to do. I will send you a location, meet me there.<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Alri..<</speech>>
<div class="general">Sabina already hung up the phone.</div>
<<speech "Player" "$name">><i>Alright, time to go again I guess.</i><</speech>>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Let's go->copevent3b]]</span></div>
<div class="general">You walk outside of the police station.</div>
<<speech "sabina" "Sabina">>$name! Wait up, I got something for you.<</speech>>
<div class="general">She walks towards you.</div>
<<speech "sabina" "Sabina">>Here, you earned this.<</speech>>
<div class="general">She puts some money into your hand.</div>
<<speech "sabina" "Sabina">>Listen, as long as you do as I say, there is more where that came from, I take care of people who help me. But also, don't forget when you get to greedy.<</speech>>
<div class="general">She turns around walks away. You count the money and it's $250.</div>
<<speech "Player" "$name">><i>Well, at least something good came out of this.</i><</speech>>
<a data-passage="center"><div class="talkplayer">Let’s do something else</div></a>
<<set $copevent2 to "true">>
<<set $money to $money +250>>
<<addenergy -15>>
<<addhappiness -25>>
<<addhygene -20>>
<<set $time to $time +3>>
<<set $copeventtimer to 0>><div class="general">You drive to the same wharehouse where sabina shot that guy, when you arrive you see Sabina and some guy.</div>
<<speech "Player" "$name">><i>Wait a second..</i><</speech>>
<div class="general">You walk towards them.</div>
<<speech "Player" "$name">><i>What the fuck!</i><</speech>>
<div class="general">Sabina notices you.</div>
<<speech "sabina" "Sabina">>Ah $name, finally, you took your time. This is Jack.<</speech>>
<div class="general">And now you are sure.</div>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>You are the guy that Sabina shot!<</speech>>
<<speech "sabina" "Sabina">>Ah yes, I almost forgot you have met.<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Don't tell me that was another test.<</speech>>
<<speech "random" "Jack">>Sorry dude, it was, everything was set up, we used fake blood and everything.<</speech>>
<<speech "sabina" "Sabina">>You didn't think one simple test would do right?<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>I thought you fucking shot someone!<</speech>>
<<speech "sabina" "Sabina">>Yeah, yeah, you passed, be happy.<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>You are crazy!<</speech>>
<<speech "sabina" "Sabina">>I have been told. Now get in the car.<</speech>>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Continue->copevent3c]]</span></div>
<div class="general">You get in the car and drive to the outskirts of town.</div>
<<speech "sabina" "Sabina">>So here we are.<</speech>>
<div class="general">She looks at you.</div>
<<speech "sabina" "Sabina">>So we are going inside of that house.<</speech>>
<div class="general">She points at an abandoned looking house across the street.</div>
<<speech "sabina" "Sabina">>All you have to do is to sit here and be ready to drive. Got it.<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Yes, I got it.<</speech>>
<<speech "sabina" "Sabina">>Good, come on Jack.<</speech>>
<div class="general">They leave the car. You see them draw there weapons just before they kick down the front door. Then silence.</div>
<<speech "Player" "$name">><i>I wonder if this is another test..</i><</speech>>
<div class="general">Suddenly you hear some shots.</div>
<<speech "Player" "$name">><i>Oh shit.</i><</speech>>
<div class="general">Then you see Sabina and Jack running out of the house with several bags.</div>
<<speech "sabina" "Sabina">>LET'S GO!!<</speech>>
<div class="general">They both jump in the car.</div>
<<speech "sabina" "Sabina">>WHAT ARE YOU WAITING FOR? DRIVE!!<</speech>>
<div class="general">You see other guys also leave the house and getting into a car. You put the gear in drive and start driving away.</div>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Continue->copevent3d]]</span></div>
<div class="general">Even though you drove away quickly you haven't crossed the speedlimit yet.</div>
<<speech "sabina" "Sabina">>$name! Go faster, they are coming!<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">><i>Yeah, or this is another test.</i><</speech>>
<div class="general">What to do?</div>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Go faster->copevent3e1]]</span></div>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Stick to the speedlimit->copevent3e3]]</span></div>
<div class="general">You step on the gas and start driving faster.</div>
<<speech "sabina" "Sabina">>Yes, that's it.<</speech>>
<div class="general">You look in your mirror and still see the car of the pursuers in your rear mirror. You see a guy aiming at you and fire his gun.</div>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Fuck!<</speech>>
<<speech "sabina" "Sabina">>They are to far behind to actually hit us. Now take a left here.<</speech>>
<<speech "random" "Jack">>Are you crazy, keep going straight!<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">><i>Great..</i><</speech>>
<div class="general">On the left you see a densly populated area, while the road ahead is completely clear.</div>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Take the left->copevent3e2a]]</span></div>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Keep going straight->copevent3e2b]]</span></div>
<div class="general">All relaxed you keep driving.</div>
<<speech "sabina" "Sabina">>What are you doing! Go faster!<</speech>>
<<speech "random" "Jack">>Dude they are coming in fast!<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Uhuh.<</speech>>
<<speech "sabina" "Sabina">>What uhuh are you...<</speech>>
<div class="general">A load bang interrupts Sabina as the chasing car smashes into you.</div>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>What the fuck!<</speech>>
<<speech "sabina" "Sabina">>This is not another test! Drive.<</speech>>
<div class="general">Suddenly you hear servarl bangs and bullets start flying through your windshield.</div>
<<speech "Player" "$name">><i>Ok not a test, noted.</i><</speech>>
<div class="general">Instantly you press the gas pedal and start fleeing from them.</div>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Fuck, what do we do now?<</speech>>
<div class="general">At the same time they shout instruction at you.</div>
<<speech "random" "Jack">>Go straight!<</speech>>
<<speech "sabina" "Sabina">>Take a left here!<</speech>>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Take the left->copevent3e2a]]</span></div>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Keep going straight->copevent3f3b]]</span></div>
<div class="general">You take a left and almost instantly you hit a traffic jam.</div>
<<speech "random" "Jack">>I told you to go straight!<</speech>>
<<speech "sabina" "Sabina">>Shut up! Dave, get around these cars and take a sharp right.<</speech>>
<div class="general">You do as she says. Coming from the left you turn right, you hear cars breaking so they don't hit you. You also hear some cars colliding. You look in the mirror and you see that the pursuers are stuck behind several cars.</div>
<<speech "sabina" "Sabina">>Now go right here into that alley! Now go go go! Take a left here!<</speech>>
<div class="general">You follow some more instructions from Sabina.</div>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Continue->copevent3f]]</span></div>
<div class="general">You listen to Jack and go straight.</div>
<<speech "sabina" "Sabina">>What are you doing?<</speech>>
<<speech "random" "Jack">>Making the right decision.<</speech>>
<div class="general">You look in your rearview mirror and see them getting closer.</div>
<<speech "sabina" "Sabina">>They are gaining on us!<</speech>>
<div class="general">Suddenly you hear a loud bang and another one and another one.</div>
<<speech "random" "Jack">>Fuck they are shooting at us.<</speech>>
<<speech "sabina" "Sabina">>Go left here.<</speech>>
<div class="general">Since Jack stays silent you do as Sabina says and with screeching tires you make a left.</div>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Continue->copevent3e3b]]</span></div>
<div class="general">You take a left and almost instantly you hit a traffic jam.</div>
<<speech "sabina" "Sabina">>Get around these cars and take a sharp right.<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>But..<</speech>>
<<speech "sabina" "Sabina">>Do it!<</speech>>
<div class="general">You do as she says. Coming from the left you turn right, you hear cars breaking so they don't hit you. You also hear some cars colliding. You look in the mirror and you see that the pursuers are stuck behind several cars.</div>
<<speech "sabina" "Sabina">>Now go go go! Take a left here!<</speech>>
<div class="general">You follow some more instructions from Sabina.</div>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Continue->copevent3f]]</span></div><div class="general">Sabina leads you to the wharehouse that you recognize instantly. You all get out of the car.</div>
<<speech "sabina" "Sabina">>Here.<</speech>>
<div class="general">She takes the keys from you and throws them to Jack.</div>
<<speech "sabina" "Sabina">>See you around.<</speech>>
<<speech "random" "Jack">>Cool.<</speech>>
<div class="general">Jack gets behind the wheel and leaves.</div>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>What the fuck was that.<</speech>>
<<speech "sabina" "Sabina">>That was something that needed to be done.<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>That's it? I just got shot at!<</speech>>
<<speech "sabina" "Sabina">>Where you hit?<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Eh.. no.<</speech>>
<<speech "sabina" "Sabina">>Then you are fine. Here take this and go home.<</speech>>
<div class="general">She, again, hands you some money and takes off.</div>
<<speech "Player" "$name">><i>What am I a whore?</i><</speech>>
<div class="general">You look at the money and see that it is over $500.</div>
<<speech "Player" "$name">><i>At least I am an expensive whore.</i><</speech>>
<a data-passage="center"><div class="talkplayer">Let’s do something else</div></a>
<<addenergy -40>>
<<addhappiness 5>>
<<addhygene -20>>
<<set $time to $time +2>>
<<set $money to $money +520>>
<<set $copevent3 to "true">>
<<set $copeventtimer to 0>><div class="general">You listen to Jack and go straight.</div>
<<speech "sabina" "Sabina">>What are you doing?<</speech>>
<<speech "random" "Jack">>Making the right decision.<</speech>>
<div class="general">You look in your rearview mirror and see them getting closer again.</div>
<<speech "sabina" "Sabina">>They are gaining on us!<</speech>>
<div class="general">Suddenly you hear a another loud bang and another one and another one.</div>
<<speech "random" "Jack">>Fuck they are shooting at us again.<</speech>>
<<speech "sabina" "Sabina">>Go left here.<</speech>>
<div class="general">Since Jack stays silent you do as Sabina says and with screeching tires you make a left.</div>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Continue->copevent3e3b]]</span></div><<speech "Player" "$name">><i>Well here goes nothing.</i><</speech>>
<div class="general">You open the nannycam software and start watching footage.</div>
<<speech "Player" "$name">><i>Alright, nothing so far.</i><</speech>>
<div class="general">You fast forward and see Noelle doing ordinary things around the house.</div>
<<speech "Player" "$name">><i>Wait, who the fuck is this.</i><</speech>>
<div class="general">On day 2 of the footage you suddenly see a guy appear.</div>
<<speech "Player" "$name">><i>Wait a second, that looks like the guy from the club.</i><</speech>>
<div class="general">The guy from the club kisses Noelle and then enters.</div>
<<speech "Player" "$name">><i>Well, that was to be expected I guess.</i><</speech>>
<div class="general">The kissing intensifies and they slowly move upstairs.</div>
<<speech "Player" "$name">><i>Ok.. Well I guess I can guess where this is going.</i><</speech>>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Keep watching->truthrevealed2]]</span></div>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Skip whats coming->truthrevealed17]]</span></div>
<div class="general">Once in the bedroom they keep kissing.</div>
<video src="images/noelle/events/truthrevealed/truthrevealed2a.webm" autoplay loop ></video>
<<speech "Player" "$name">><i>For fucks sake, get a room.</i><</speech>>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Continue->truthrevealed3]]</span></div>
<<speech "Player" "$name">><i>Well I guess it's time to get rid of Noelle's body. Sounds so wrong saying it like this..</i><</speech>>
<div class="general">Just as you are about to go to the shed Sarah comes running towards you.</div>
<<speech "Sarah" "Sarah">>She is gone!<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Who is gone?<</speech>>
<<speech "Sarah" "Sarah">>Noelle!<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>What?<</speech>>
<div class="general">You both enter the shed and indeed no Noelle, just some vage blood smear.</div>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>But.. How?<</speech>>
<<speech "Sarah" "Sarah">>I don't know. Are you sure she was dead?<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>I.. I think so.. Fuck! I'm not a doctor! All I know is that dead people don't walk away.<</speech>>
<<speech "Sarah" "Sarah">>We are so fucked..<</speech>>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Continue->burynoelle2]]</span></div>
<<set $burynoelle to "true">>
<<set $noellegone to "true">>
Hi and welcome to To the Fullest.
This is a quick guide to the game.
Basically all you need to know is that you need to raise the stats to progress.
The <strong>relationship</strong> stats are the most important, but don't forget about the other ones.
<strong>Fitness</strong> is not only strength but also how people perceive you. Higher fitness is more positive feedback from the ladies. Fitness also raises your <strong>maximum energy</strong> and <strong>decreases the amount of arousal required</strong> (more info below).
Don't forget to work out once in a while. If you don't do a workout every 5 days, your fitness will reduce.
<strong>Energy and happiness</strong> are two other important stats. When too low, <strong>certain actions and events will not be possible</strong>.
You will get a message like this:
<div class="general">
<img src="images/player/misc/mood.jpg" /><br>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>I'm not in the mood for this.<</speech>><br>
This same screen can also appear if your arousal is to low. A sex scene will not be triggered in this case. In general options might <strong>stay hidden</strong> if your <strong>arousal is too low</strong>.
Arousal will be reset everytime you go to sleep and otherwise you can spy on certain girls or watch porn.
There are also plenty of options to raise happiness and / or energy like reading a book, watching tv, taking a nap and, of course, having sex.
A lot of events <strong>trigger automatically</strong> once you increase your stats, <strong>but you still need to be in the //right place at the right time//.</strong> Not to worry, the time and places are general and not too specific.
Stats that have a higher maximum then 100 will say 'max' when their limit is reached.
There is a sort of <strong>walkthrough</strong>, which is called the <strong>Life Goals Journal</strong> which you can find in the bottom left.
If you want to know if you missed anything when it comes to the sex scenes, check the scenelists. There are two. One for the current scenes available for the point in the game where you are, one with all the scenes in total.
Be warned, the scenelist is made 'general' there might be more endings to a scene then one, but you only need one ending to cross it off your list.
<<if $noelleloss is "true">>
Noelle has lost all her memories of the events that happened, her relationship with you, basically her whole life.
This presents an opportunity.
You can mold Noelle in whatever you want. You can tell her anything and she might even believe you. It's like telling a toddler that Santa is real.
So the stats you need to keep an eye on are:
- Relation: How much she loves and cares for you. Maxed out at 200.
- Fear: How much she fears you. Maxed out at 100.
- Trust: How easily she will believe you. Maxed out at 100.
- Obedience: How good she listens to you. Maxed out at 100.
Those stats are now in the left bar.
Let me explain:
You have relation vs fear and trust vs obedience where fear and obedience are the dominant ones in case of a tie.
Relation and fear are the primary ones, trust and obedience are the secondary ones. Meaning that with everything the game first looks at the fear vs relation stats and then at the trust and obedience stats.
So, it's up to you if you want, for example, an obedient Noelle out of fear or an obedient Noelle out of love. Or are you getting a Noelle who trusts and loves you and acts from that point of view.
This does not mean that you should only focus on the stats you want, because trust can for example also help with raising her obedience, as can fear and the relationship stat. You just need to make sure that the highest stat is the stat you want to use to mold your new Noelle.
You can give her a set of rules which will expand once you raise or lower her key stats. The rules will also have a daily effect on her stats. You can set the rules when she is in her room.
Once you molded Noelle into one of the options, her stats now have a maximum and a minimum (which are not always 100) and all future scenes will be based on what you molded her into.
<<return "Cancel">>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>What happened?<</speech>>
<div class="general">You look past her and see that her whole livingroom is trashed.</div>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Christel! What happened?<</speech>>
<<speech "Christel" "Christel">>They came and.. And.. They came to search for my.. For my.. My brother again..<</speech>>
<div class="general">You walk inside.</div>
<<speech "Player" "$name">><i>Damn, this place is a mess.</i><</speech>>
<<speech "Christel" "Christel">>They.. They where so convinced that they trashed the whole place.<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Did they harm you?<</speech>>
<<speech "Christel" "Christel">>No.. They didn't touch me. They only threatened me..<</speech>>
<div class="general">Christel starts crying softly.</div>
<<speech "Christel" "Christel">>When they entered they where so agressive and he kept on pointing that gun at me...<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Christel..<</speech>>
<div class="general">You hug her as she starts crying.</div>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Continue->christelevent4a]]</span></div>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Is there anything I can do?<</speech>>
<<speech "Christel" "Christel">>I.. I don't think there is..<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Well, let me at least help you clean up.<</speech>>
<<speech "Christel" "Christel">>You really don't have to.<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>I insist.<</speech>>
<div class="general">You start helping Christel with cleaning up her appartment. It takes you a while, but you get the job done.</div>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>So, this looks a lot better.<</speech>>
<<speech "Christel" "Christel">>Thank you for helping me $name.<</speech>>
<div class="general">Christel hugs you.</div>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Are you going to be ok?<</speech>>
<<speech "Christel" "Christel">>Yeah, I will be fine.<</speech>>
<div class="general">She let's you go and you leave her appartment.</div>
<a data-passage="center"><div class="talkplayer">Let’s do something else</div></a>
<<addenergy -40>>
<<addhygene -10>>
<<set $time to $time +2>>
<<set $christelevent4 to "true">>
<<addrchristel 25>><div class="general">You phone rings and you pick up.</div>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Hello?<</speech>>
<<speech "Christel" "Christel">>Hi $name..<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Oh hi Christel, how are you?<</speech>>
<<speech "Christel" "Christel">>Not good to be honest.. I.. I am quite afraid to be alone right now.. Is there any chance you can come over?<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Sure, I'm on my way.<</speech>>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Let's go->christelevent5a]]</span></div>
<div class="general">After a short while you find yourself in Christel her appartment.</div>
<<speech "Christel" "Christel">>Thank you so much for coming. I.. I didn't know anyone else to call who could make me feel safe.<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>It's really no problem. Are you ok?<</speech>>
<<speech "Christel" "Christel">>I don't know.. Last time they really scared me. I knew my h.. my brother was involved with wrong people, but I didn't expect this.<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Do you think they are coming back?<</speech>>
<<speech "Christel" "Christel">>I don't know.. I amfraid they will keep coming back until they find him.<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>And you still have no clue where he is.<</speech>>
<<speech "Christel" "Christel">>No, and I'm not sure I want to know.<</speech>>
<div class="general">You look at her and she looks back at you.</div>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Don't worry. I'm here now.<</speech>>
<div class="general">You move closer towards each other.</div>
<<speech "Christel" "Christel">>I know.<</speech>>
<div class="general">Then you start kissing each other.</div>
<video src="images/christel/christelevent3/christelkiss.webm" autoplay loop></video>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Continue->christelevent5b]]</span></div>
<div class="general">This time she doesn't stop and you both keep kissing as your hands slowly roam her body.</div>
<video src="images/christel/christelevent5/christelevent5b1.webm" autoplay loop></video>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Continue->christelevent5c]]</span></div>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>So what now?<</speech>>
<<speech "Sarah" "Sarah">>Well clearly we need to find her as soon as possible bedore she goes to the police or something.<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Alright, let's take the car and go around the neighbourhood.<</speech>>
<div class="general">You both get in the car and start driving around.</div>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Continue->burynoelle3]]</span></div>
@@.delayed;<div class="general">Time passes as you drive around.</div>@@
@@.delayed;<<speech "Sarah" "Sarah">>Fuck, we have been driving for an hour now and no trace of her.<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Well, we don't know when she left, she could be anywhere right now.<</speech>>
<<speech "Sarah" "Sarah">>Maybe we should check the hospital.<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Alright let's go.<</speech>>@@
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Continue->burynoelle4]]</span></div>
<div class="general">You drive to the hospital and go to the reception desk.</div>
<<speech "Sarah" "Sarah">>Hi. Eeehm.. We are looking for our inhome nanny. She left yesterday and she did not return and we can't find her. I was wondering if she is here.<</speech>>
<<speech "random" "receptionist">>Can you give me a name and description?<</speech>>
<div class="general">Sarah gives Noelles name and her description.</div>
<<speech "random" "receptionist">>I'm sorry, there no one with that name or description has been brought in here in the last 24 hours. I'm sorry. I hope you find her.<</speech>>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Continue->burynoelle5]]</span></div>
<<nobr>><div class="general">You leave the hospital and get back into the car.</div><br>
<<speech "Sarah" "Sarah">>Fuck! This way we are never going to find her.<</speech>><br>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Do we know anyone who could help?<</speech>><br>
<<if $copevent1 is "true" and $copevent9 is "false">>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Well, I know a cop who we can ask to keep an eye out.<</speech>><br>
<<speech "Sarah" "Sarah">>A cop? We are trying not to get arrested, not the other way around!<</speech>><br>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Knowing her she will do it without asking any questions.<</speech>><br>
<<speech "Sarah" "Sarah">>Who is this? Nevermind. But, I might know someone as well<</speech>><br>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Who?<</speech>><br>
<<speech "Sarah" "Sarah">>Well, I when I thought you where cheating on me I hired a PI.<</speech>><br>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>A private detective? Really?<</speech>><br>
<<speech "Sarah" "Sarah">>Don't tell me you believed the whole 'I saw you on the nanycams' story?<</speech>><br>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Eeehm...<</speech>><br>
<<speech "Sarah" "Sarah">>Don't tell me, but why would we do your cop friend?<</speech>><br>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>She will do it for free and we don't have a lot of money..<</speech>><br>
<<speech "Sarah" "Sarah">>Alright, point taken.. Still.. Just pick an option.<</speech>><br>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Call Sarahs PI->burynoelle6b]]</span></div><br>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Call Sabina->burynoelle6a]]</span></div>
<<speech "Sarah" "Sarah">>Well.. I might know someone..<</speech>><br>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Who?<</speech>><br>
<<speech "Sarah" "Sarah">>Well, I when I thought you where cheating on me I hired a PI.<</speech>><br>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>A private detective? Really?<</speech>><br>
<<speech "Sarah" "Sarah">>Don't tell me you believed the whole 'I saw you on the nanycams' story?<</speech>><br>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Eeehm...<</speech>><br>
<<speech "Sarah" "Sarah">>Don't tell me, I'll call him.<</speech>><br>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Continue->burynoelle6b]]</span></div>
<<nobr>><div class="general">You start calling Sabina.</div><br>
<<speech "sabina" "Sabina">>$name, how unexpected, what can I do for you?<</speech>><br>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Sabina, I need you help.<</speech>><br>
<<if $copevent3 is "false">><br>
<<speech "sabina" "Sabina">>Yeah, wathever it is, I'm not going to help you.<</speech>><br>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>But..<</speech>><br>
<div class="general">Sabina hung up the phone.</div><br>
<<speech "Player" "$name">><i>Shit.</i><</speech>><br>
<div class="general">You look at Sarah.</div><br>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>She is not going to help us.<</speech>><br>
<<speech "Sarah" "Sarah">>I got that from the call. Let me call my PI.<</speech>><br>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Continue->burynoelle6b]]</span></div>
<<elseif $copevent3 is "true">>
<<speech "sabina" "Sabina">>$name, how unexpected, what can I do for you?<</speech>><br>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Sabina, I need you help.<</speech>><br>
<<speech "sabina" "Sabina">>Are you really asking for my help?<</speech>><br>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Yes and since I helped you, I thought maybe you can help me.<</speech>><br>
<<speech "sabina" "Sabina">>It's going to depend on what you need.<</speech>><br>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>I need you to find someone.<</speech>><br>
<<speech "sabina" "Sabina">>And who do you need me to find?<</speech>><br>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>It's our nanny, she.. Eehm..<</speech>><br>
<div class="general">You look at Sarah and remeber her story she told the in the hospital.</div>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>She left last night and hasn't returned and we are quite worried, it's nothing like her.<</speech>><br>
<<speech "sabina" "Sabina">>Uhuh. Alright then, give me a description and I'll see what I can do.<</speech>><br>
<div class="general">You give the infor to Sabina and hang up the phone.</div>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>She is going to look for us.<</speech>>
<<speech "Sarah" "Sarah">>Did you fuck her as well?<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Huh? No!<</speech>>
<<speech "Sarah" "Sarah">>Alright, I believe you. Let's go home for now. Not much we can do anyway.<</speech>>
<a data-passage="entrance"><div class="talkplayer">Let’s go home</div></a>
<<set $sabinahelps to "true">>
<div class="general">Sarah starts calling her PI.</div>
<<speech "Sarah" "Sarah">>Hi, it's Sarah. Yeah.. I need you again. Yes standard rate will be fine.<</speech>>
<div class="general">Sarah gives her PI the information and hangs up the phone.</div>
<<speech "Sarah" "Sarah">>He is on it. But we do need to figure out how we are going to pay him since we don't have any money and he does not come cheap.<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>We will figure that out later.<</speech>>
<<speech "Sarah" "Sarah">>Yeah, let's just go home for now.<</speech>>
<a data-passage="entrance"><div class="talkplayer">Go home</div></a>
<<set $sarahspihelps to "true">>
<div class="general">You phone rings and you see it's Sabina.</div>
<<speech "Player" "$name">><i>Hopefully it's about Noelle and not another mission.</i><</speech>>
<div class="general">You pick up the phone.</div>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Hi Sabina.<</speech>>
<<speech "sabina" "Sabina">>Hi $name, I have some information about your nanny.<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>I was hoping you would say that.<</speech>>
<<speech "sabina" "Sabina">>Eehm. She is not totally ok to be honest. But I'll give you the address so you can see for yourself.<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Alrigt.. Well thank you for helping me.<</speech>>
<<speech "sabina" "Sabina">>No problem, see you around.<</speech>>
<div class="general">Sabina hangs up the phone.</div>
<<speech "Player" "$name">><i>Not ok? I wonder in what kind of bad shape Noelle is.. I should probably get Sarah and then go and see Noelle.</i><</speech>>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Continue->sabinanoelle2]]</span></div>
<<set $sabinanoelle to "true">>
<div class="general">Sarah calls out to you.</div>
<<speech "Sarah" "Sarah">>$name, can you come to the livingroom for a moment?<</speech>>
<div class="general">You walk into the livingroom.</div>
<<speech "Sarah" "Sarah">>My PI found Noelle. Apparently she is in some hospital not too far from here.<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Well let's go see her and check in what kind of shape she is.<</speech>>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Let's go->gettingnoelle]]</span></div>
<<set $sarahspihelpsnoelle to "true">>
<div class="general">You find Sarah in the livingroom.</div>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>My cop friend just called.<</speech>>
<<speech "Sarah" "Sarah">>And?<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>She found Noelle and gave me the address. She also said that she isn't in good shape.<</speech>>
<<speech "Sarah" "Sarah">>Alright, let's go to her and find out for ourselves.<</speech>>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Let's go->gettingnoelle]]</span></div>
<div class="general">You get in the car and drive to given location.</div>
<<speech "Sarah" "Sarah">>This does not look creepy at all. What is this place.<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>The sign says it's a mental hospital.<</speech>>
<<speech "Sarah" "Sarah">>So.. Noelle went crazy.<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Only one way to find out I guess.<</speech>>
<div class="general">You both get out of the car and enter the hospital.</div>
<<speech "random" "Nurse">>Hello, can I help you?<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Hi, yes, we are looking for our, eehm, nanny, who was brought in here. She has gone missing recently and we were told to go here.<</speech>>
<<speech "random" "Nurse">>Ah, yes, you must be here for the young and pretty one. But you are not family are you?<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>No, but she lives with us and we are the closest she has to family here.<</speech>>
<<speech "random" "Nurse">>I see, I see. Can you prove that.<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Eeeehm..<</speech>>
<<speech "Sarah" "Sarah">>I can. Let me see.<</speech>>
<div class="general">Sarah starts to pull up all kinds of documents and photo's on her phone.</div>
<<speech "random" "Nurse">>Alright, if you just place your signature here, I'll take you her and you can take her home.<</speech>>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Continue->gettingnoelle2]]</span></div>
<div class="general">You walk through the hospital.</div>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Can you tell us what's wrong with her?<</speech>>
<<speech "random" "Nurse">>She has a serious case of amnesia which is not suprising since she clearly hit her head on something.<</speech>>
<<speech "Sarah" "Sarah">>What does that mean?<</speech>>
<<speech "random" "Nurse">>Well, she has no idea who she is and what she used to do. I mean she knows the basics, she can talk, take care of herself. But that's it. I wouldn't be suprised if she doesn't even recognize you.<</speech>>
<div class="general">Sarah looks at you.</div>
<<speech "Sarah" "Sarah">>Can her memory come back?<</speech>>
<<speech "random" "Nurse">>It is possible, but, and I'm sorry, but it's not a guarantee. Maybe it will help when she sees the both of you.<</speech>>
<<speech "Sarah" "Sarah">>Poor thing.<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Yeah.. Ehm.. Poor thing..<</speech>>
<<speech "Sarah" "Sarah">>Why is she here? I mean she is not as, and excuse the language, crazy as the other people here.<</speech>>
<<speech "random" "Nurse">>You are right about that, but with all the budget cuts the hospital placed them here, not that we have the budget for it, but we are at the bottom of the foodchain. Anyway, here we are.<</speech>>
<div class="general">She opens a door to a room and the three of you enter the room.</div>
<<speech "random" "Nurse">>Honey, look who are here. They came especially for you.<</speech>>
<div class="general">You walk inside and see Noelle sitting behind a desk.</div>
<<speech "random" "Nurse">>Do you recognize them?<</speech>>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Continue->gettingnoelle3]]</span></div>
<div class="general">Noelle stays silent and looks at you.</div>
<<speech "Noelle" "Noelle">>I'm sorry but I don't recognize them, I mean you..<</speech>>
<div class="general">Noelle looks sad.</div>
<<speech "random" "Nurse">>It's not your fault honey. They came here to take you home.<</speech>>
<<speech "Noelle" "Noelle">>What are you to me?<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Well...<</speech>>
<<speech "Sarah" "Sarah">>You are our nanny. You live with us and our son Peter.<</speech>>
<<speech "Noelle" "Noelle">>So, you are not my family.<</speech>>
<<speech "Sarah" "Sarah">>I'm sorry honey. We are the closest thing you have to family. But we care about you, we were worried sick.<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">><i>In a way she is not lying, we were very worried.</i><</speech>>
<<speech "Sarah" "Sarah">>Do you want to come home with us.<</speech>>
<<speech "Noelle" "Noelle">>I guess.. I'm sorry it's just weird for me. It's like I am meeting you for the first time. I don't even know your names.<</speech>>
<<speech "Sarah" "Sarah">>Oh, I'm so sorry! I'm Sarah and this here is $name.<</speech>>
<<speech "Noelle" "Noelle">>Nice to meet you I guess.<</speech>>
<div class="general">You chat a little with her and tell her some basic things about her, her life and yourselves. Then it's time to go home. You sign some documents with the nurse and then you leave with Noelle.</div>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Let's go->gettingnoelle4]]</span></div>
<div class="general">You arrive at your house and enter it with Noele.</div>
<<speech "Noelle" "Noelle">>Oh wow, this is not bad at all.<</speech>>
<div class="general">You show her around the house and eventually also her room.</div>
<<speech "Noelle" "Noelle">>You gave me such a nice room. So much better then that other place. We must go along so well that you did this for me.<</speech>>
<<speech "Sarah" "Sarah">>Why.. Eeeh... Don't you get settled.<</speech>>
<<speech "Noelle" "Noelle">>Sure! And thank you so much for coming for me.<</speech>>
<<speech "Sarah" "Sarah">>Of course, we would do anything for you.<</speech>>
<<speech "Noelle" "Noelle">>So.. Ehm.. Am I still your nany?<</speech>>
<<speech "Sarah" "Sarah">>If you want to. Of course we will have to check if you still know how to take care of our child, but if everything goes well, why not?<</speech>>
<div class="general">Noelle smiles.</div>
<<speech "Sarah" "Sarah">>So take your time and we will see you when you are ready.<</speech>>
<div class="general">You walk downstairs with Sarah.</div>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Continue->gettingnoelle5]]</span></div>
<<speech "Sarah" "Sarah">>What are we going to do with her?<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Well, we can tell her anything we want. She basically doens't know a thing about what happened or how everything works.<</speech>>
<<speech "Sarah" "Sarah">>But what if she gets her memory back?<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Well, if even we didn't trigger her memory, what possibly will? And otherwise we will deal with that when it happens. What else do you want to do, kill her again?<</speech>>
<<speech "Sarah" "Sarah">>No, it's just.. I think it's a big risk. If she gets her memory back..<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>No one will or can actually believe her. She has serious memory loss and maybe other parts of her brain are damaged as well.<</speech>>
<<speech "Sarah" "Sarah">>I guess.. Well for now let's just make sure she stays indoors and just does as she is told.<</speech>>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Continue->gettingnoelle6]]</span></div>
<<set $gettingnoelle to "true">>
<<set $noelleloss to "true">>
Here is where the game changes.
Noelle has lost all her memories of the events that happened, her relationship with you, basically her whole life.
This presents an opportunity.
You can mold Noelle in whatever you want. You can tell her anything and she might even believe you. It's like telling a toddler that Santa is real.
So the stats you need to keep an eye on are:
- Relation: How much she loves and cares for you. Maxed out at 200.
- Fear: How much she fears you. Maxed out at 100.
- Trust: How easily she will believe you. Maxed out at 100.
- Obedience: How good she listens to you. Maxed out at 100.
Those stats are now in the left bar.
Let me explain:
You have relation vs fear and trust vs obedience where fear and obedience are the dominant ones in case of a tie.
Relation and fear are the primary ones, trust and obedience are the secondary ones. Meaning that with everything the game first looks at the fear vs relation stats and then at the trust and obedience stats.
So, it's up to you if you want, for example, an obedient Noelle out of fear or an obedient Noelle out of love. Or are you getting a Noelle who trusts and loves you and acts from that point of view.
This does not mean that you should only focus on the stats you want, because trust can for example also help with raising her obedience, as can fear and the relationship stat. You just need to make sure that the highest stat is the stat you want to use to mold your new Noelle.
You can give her a set of rules which will expand once you raise or lower her key stats. The rules will also have a daily effect on her stats. You can set the rules when she is in her room.
Once you mold Noelle into one of the options, her new stats will have a max and minimum and she can not be molded into something else anymore.
If you have forgotten what is says here, this instruction is now added to the left bar under instructions.
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Continue->entrance]]</span></div>
<<set $rnoelle to 100>><<if $fitness gte 35>>
<img src="images/other/park/zareana/zareanasport2.jpg" /><br>
<div class="general">It takes a lot of effort but you manage to pass her. You hide quickly afterwards as you are about to collapse, but she did seem sort of impressed.</div>
<a data-passage="park"><div class="talkplayer">Let’s do something else</div></a>
<<set $zareanaimpressed to $zareanaimpressed +1>>
<<set $zareanaseen to "true">>
<<elseif $fitness gte 45>>
<img src="images/other/park/zareana/zareanasport2.jpg" /><br>
<div class="general">With ease you run past her and she seems impressed.</div>
<a data-passage="park"><div class="talkplayer">Let’s do something else</div></a>
<<set $zareanaimpressed to $zareanaimpressed +3>>
<<set $zareanaseen to "true">>
<img src="images/other/park/zareana/zareanasport3.jpg" /><br>
<div class="general">You try as hard as possible but fail to get passed her and you give up. The girl also stops runnung and laughs a bit at you.</div>
<a data-passage="park"><div class="talkplayer">Let’s do something else</div></a>
<<set $zareanaseen to "true">>
<<nobr>><<if $elliecrash is "true">>
<img src="images/other/park/luna/lunasport2.jpg" /><br>
<div class="general">You look behind you.</div><br>
<<speech "Player" "$name">><i>Not bad at all.</i><</speech>><br>
<div class="general">You jog for some time and feel fitter.</div><br>
<<speech "Player" "$name">><i>This should please Sarah.</i><</speech>><br>
<a data-passage="park"><div class="talkplayer">Let’s do something else</div></a>
<img src="images/other/park/luna/lunasport2.jpg" /><br>
<div class="general">You look behind you.</div><br>
<<speech "Player" "$name">><i>Not bad at all.</i><</speech>><br>
<div class="general">BANG!! CRASH!! CLING!!</div><br>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Continue->parkjogellie]]</span></div>
<<speech "sabina" "Sabina">>Great<</speech>>
<<speech "Christel" "Christel">>Ooh yes!<</speech>>
<<speech "olivia" "Olivia">>Oh hi, eehm, yes.<</speech>>
<<speech "Sarah" "Sarah">>Yes.<</speech>>
<<speech "Ashley" "Ashley">>Yes.<</speech>>
<<speech "ellie" "ellie">>abc<</speech>>
<<speech "random" "Jack">>uced<</speech>>
<<speech "daisy" "Daisy">>abc<</speech>>
<<speech "giovanna" "Giovanna">>abc<</speech>>
<<speech "Noelle" "Noelle">>This<</speech>>
<<speech "bambi" "Bambi">>abc<</speech>>
<<speech "paige" "paige">>abc<</speech>>
<<speech "thompson" "thompson">>abc<</speech>>
<<speech "Zareana" "Zareana">>Oh hi, eehm, yes.<</speech>>
<<speech "makena" "Kayla">>Oh hi, eehm, yes.<</speech>>
<<speech "kayla" "Kayla">>Oh hi, eehm, yes.<</speech>>
<div class="general">You feel yourself clashing with something and or someone. Luckily for you, you won and are still standing.</div>
<<speech "Player" "$name">><i>What the fuck was that?</i><</speech>>
<div class="general">You look around and see a young girl sitting on the ground, she is on her hands and knees.</div>
<img src="images/other/park/ellie/elliepark1.jpg" />
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Oh shit are you ok?<</speech>>
<<speech "ellie" "?">>Yeah, yes, I think I am..<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>I'm so sorry.<</speech>>
<<speech "ellie" "?">>No, no, I wasn't paying attention. It's my fault.<</speech>>
<div class="general">She sits down and rubs some dirt of her.</div>
<img src="images/other/park/ellie/elliepark2.jpg" />
<<speech "Player" "$name">><i>Wait, is that her...</i><</speech>>
<div class="general">You look again.</div>
<<speech "Player" "$name">><i>Fuck, this girl is not wearing any panties.</i><</speech>>
<div class="general">The girl looks at you and starts to realize where you are looking at.</div>
<img src="images/other/park/ellie/elliepark3.jpg" />
<<speech "ellie" "?">>I.. I got to go.<</speech>>
<div class="general">In a rush she jumps on her bike and rides off.</div>
<<speech "Player" "$name">><i>That was hot!</i><</speech>>
<div class="general">Suddenly something glimmers in the dirt. You look closer.</div>
<<speech "Player" "$name">><i>It's her phone, she must have lost it when we crashed into each other. I guess I have to wait untill she calls.</i><</speech>>
<a data-passage="park"><div class="talkplayer">Let’s do something else</div></a>
<<set $elliecrash to "true">>
<<addarousal 15>>
<<addhygene -20>>
<<addenergy -10>>
<div class="general">Dear $name,
We are writing you in the name of the University. The same one your wife, Sarah, works at. We have seen your work and would like to ask if you would like to teach English literature classes at our University.
We will pay you $200 for each lesson which will take approximately an hour or two each time. You can give lectures on Tuesdays and Thursdays in the late morning, midday or afternoon.
Please let us know if you are willing and able to start giving lectures at our University.
Best regards,
the University
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Accept->workemail1a]]</span></div>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Reject->office]]</span></div>
<<if $day is 2 and $time gte 3 and $time lte 5 and $teacherdone is "false" or $day is 4 and $time gte 3 and $time lte 5 and $teacherdone is "false">>
<<if $bradsmum1 is "true" and $kaylabj is "false">>
<div class="general">Once the class is half full again you start the lesson.</div><br>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Welcome everyone!<</speech>><br>
<div class="general">You give the lesson and make some money.</div><br>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>See you all next time.<</speech>><br>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Leave->kaylabj1a]]</span></div>
<<set $money to $money +200>>
<<addenergy -25>>
<<addhappiness 5>>
<<addhygene -20>>
<<set $time to $time +2>>
<<set $englishlitclass to $englishlitclass +1>>
<<set $teacherdone to "true">>
<<elseif $kaylagrade gte 15 and $kaylaevent1pos is "false">>
<div class="general">You hand out the test results and once you give Kayla her test result once again. She looks at you again. You can't tell exactly what it is, but it almost looks like she is suspicious of you.</div><br>
<div class="general">You teach the class as usual and before you know it, the class is over and everyone starts to leave apart from Kayla.</div><br>
<a data-passage="kaylaevent1pos"><div class="talkplayer">Let’s see what happens</div></a>
<<elseif $kaylagrade lte -15 and $kaylaevent1neg is "false">>
<div class="general">You hand out the test results and once you give Kayla her test result once again. She looks at you again. She looks confused and seems like she is on the verge of crying before she recovers herself and stares blankly in the space in front of her.</div><br>
<div class="general">You teach the class as usual and before you know it, the class is over and everyone starts to leave apart from Kayla.</div><br>
<a data-passage="kaylaevent1neg"><div class="talkplayer">Let's see what happens</div></a>
<<elseif $kaylagrade gte 10 and $kaylagradepos2 is "false">>
<div class="general">You hand out the test results and once you give Kayla her test result once again. She looks at you again. You can't tell exactly what it is, but you hope it's something good.</div><br>
<div class="general">You teach the class as usual and before you know it, the class is over.</div><br>
<a data-passage="university"><div class="talkplayer">Let’s do something else</div></a>
<<set $money to $money +200>>
<<addenergy -25>>
<<addhappiness 5>>
<<addhygene -20>>
<<set $time to $time +2>>
<<set $englishlitclass to $englishlitclass +1>>
<<set $kaylagradepos2 to "true">>
<<set $teacherdone to "true">>
<<elseif $kaylagrade lte -10 and $kaylagradeneg2 is "false">>
<div class="general">You hand out the test results and once you give Kayla her test result once again. She looks at you again. She looks confused and worried.</div><br>
<div class="general">You teach the class as usual and before you know it, the class is over.</div><br>
<a data-passage="university"><div class="talkplayer">Let’s do something else</div></a>
<<set $money to $money +200>>
<<addenergy -25>>
<<addhappiness 5>>
<<addhygene -20>>
<<set $time to $time +2>>
<<set $englishlitclass to $englishlitclass +1>>
<<set $kaylagradeneg2 to "true">>
<<set $teacherdone to "true">>
<<elseif $kaylagrade gte 5 and $kaylagradepos1 is "false">>
<div class="general">You hand out the test results and once you give Kayla her test result her face lights up. She looks at you with surprise and happiness.</div><br>
<<speech "Player" "$name">><i>Well, at least it has some effect, now let's hope it's the right one.</i><</speech>>
<div class="general">You teach the class as usual and before you know it, the class is over.</div><br>
<a data-passage="university"><div class="talkplayer">Let’s do something else</div></a>
<<set $money to $money +200>>
<<addenergy -25>>
<<addhappiness 5>>
<<addhygene -20>>
<<set $time to $time +2>>
<<set $englishlitclass to $englishlitclass +1>>
<<set $kaylagradepos1 to "true">>
<<set $teacherdone to "true">>
<<elseif $kaylagrade lte -5 and $kaylagradeneg1 is "false">>
<div class="general">You hand out the test results and once you give Kayla her test result her face turns to shock. She looks at you with anger and confusion.</div><br>
<<speech "Player" "$name">><i>Well, at least it has some effect, now let's hope it's the right one.</i><</speech>><br>
<div class="general">You teach the class as usual and before you know it, the class is over.</div><br>
<a data-passage="university"><div class="talkplayer">Let’s do something else</div></a>
<<set $money to $money +200>>
<<addenergy -25>>
<<addhappiness 5>>
<<addhygene -20>>
<<set $time to $time +2>>
<<set $englishlitclass to $englishlitclass +1>>
<<set $kaylagradeneg1 to "true">>
<<set $teacherdone to "true">>
<<elseif $foundbradinfo is "true" and $kayladec is "false" and $teacherdone is "false">>
<<switch random(1, 3)>>
<<case 1 2>>
<<if $kaylaname is "false">>
<div class="general">You enter the classroom and hand out today's tests.</div><br>
<<speech "Player" "$name">><i>Let's focus on Brad's girlfriend, let's see if I can find out her name.</i><</speech>><br>
<div class="general">The students enter the classroom and you hear a collective moan of disapproval once they see the test on their desks.</div><br>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Please take your seats, the test will begin in three minutes.<</speech>><br>
<div class="general">Minutes later everyone is making their test, you see Brad's girlfriend sitting at one of the desks, and after an hour and a half all students are done and have left the room. You get up and start picking up the finished tests.</div><br>
<<speech "Player" "$name">><i>Hmmm, so Kayla is your name.</i><</speech>><br>
<div class="general">You walk back to your desk and start grading the tests. You grab the apple from your desk and start eating it.</div><br>
<<speech "Player" "$name">><i>Wait, where does this apple come from? Huh, must be a gift from Sarah. That's really sweet.</i><</speech>><br>
<div class="general">You eat the apple and continue grading the tests.</div><br>
<<speech "Player" "$name">><i>So, what do we do with Kayla’s test?</i><</speech>><br>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Rate normally->kaylatest1]]</span></div><br>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Rate extra high->kaylatest2]]</span></div><br>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Rate extra low->kaylatest3]]</span></div><br>
<<addenergy 10>>
<div class="general">You enter the classroom and hand out today's tests.</div><br>
<<speech "Player" "$name">><i>Another day another test.</i><</speech>><br>
<div class="general">The students enter the classroom and you hear a collective moan of disapproval once they see the test on their desks.</div><br>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Please take your seats, the test will begin in three minutes.<</speech>><br>
<div class="general">Minutes later everyone is making their test.</div><br>
<<speech "Player" "$name">><i>Let's see how they did.</i><</speech>><br>
<div class="general">You walk back to your desk and start grading the tests.</div><br>
<<speech "Player" "$name">><i>Hey another treat from Sarah!</i><</speech>><br>
<div class="general">You start eating your treat while grading the tests.</div><br>
<<speech "Player" "$name">><i>So, what do we do with Kayla’s test?</i><</speech>><br>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Rate normally->kaylatest1]]</span></div><br>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Rate extra high->kaylatest2]]</span></div><br>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Rate extra low->kaylatest3]]</span></div><</if>>
<<case 3>>
<div class="general">Once the class is half full again you start the lesson.</div><br>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Welcome everyone!<</speech>><br>
<div class="general">You give the lesson and make some money.</div><br>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>See you all next time.<</speech>><br>
<a data-passage="university"><div class="talkplayer">Let’s do something else</div></a>
<<set $money to $money +200>>
<<addenergy -25>>
<<addhappiness 5>>
<<addhygene -20>>
<<set $time to $time +2>>
<<set $englishlitclass to $englishlitclass +1>>
<<set $teacherdone to "true">>
<<elseif $guestlecture is "true" and $firstlecture is "false">>
<div class="general">You enter the classroom.</div><br>
<<speech "Player" "$name">><i>Hmmm, this is a lot smaller then the classroom where Sarah teachers. I guess there is not so much interest in English literature.</i><</speech>><br>
<div class="general">People are slowly arriving and when the class is a little over half full you start.</div><br>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Welcome to Engelish literature everybody!<</speech>><br>
<div class="general">You start the lesson.</div><br>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Continue->firstlecture]]</span></div>
<<elseif $firstlecture is "true" and $sarahsrevengeangry is "true" and $metsarahstudent is "false" or $firstlecture is "true" and $sarahsrevengefuck is "true" and $metsarahstudent is "false">>
<div class="general">Once the class is half full again you start the lesson.</div><br>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Welcome everyone!<</speech>><br>
<div class="general">When you are about to start you notice something in the back.</div><br>
<img src="images/other/university/student1.jpg" /><br>
<div class="general">Two students are very cosy in your classroom, a littlebit to cosy. You walk towards them.</div><br>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Excuse me, I would like to start my class.<</speech>><br>
<div class="general">You look at the guy and time stops for a second.</div><br>
<<speech "Player" "$name">><i>Fuck me, that is the guy who had sex with Sarah!</i><</speech>><br>
<div class="general">He looks at you and and a grin appears on his face and you are pretty sure he recognizes you..</div><br>
<<speech "random" "wifefucker">>Hi, teach, I am Brad, I don't think we officially met.<</speech>><br>
<div class="general">He sticks out his and and automatically you shake it.</div><br>
<<speech "random" "wifefucker/Brad">>Can I stay and follow your class?<</speech>><br>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>I'm sorry, I can't allow that, you have to leave.<</speech>><br>
<<speech "random" "wifefucker/Brad">>Well that sucks.<</speech>><br>
<div class="general">He turns back to his girlfriend.</div><br>
<<speech "random" "wifefucker/Brad">>Well babe, I got to go, see you.<</speech>><br>
<div class="general">He kisses his girlfriend again and leaves the room. Once he has left you give the lesson and make some money.</div><br>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Continue->metsarahstudent]]</span></div>
<<set $money to $money +200>>
<<addenergy -25>>
<<addhappiness 5>>
<<addhygene -20>>
<<set $time to $time +2>>
<<set $englishlitclass to $englishlitclass +1>>
<<set $metsarahstudent to "true">>
<<set $teacherdone to "true">>
<<elseif $firstlecture is "true">>
<<switch random(1, 3)>>
<<case 1 2>>
<div class="general">Once the class is half full again you start the lesson.</div><br>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Welcome everyone!<</speech>><br>
<div class="general">You give the lesson and make some money.</div><br>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>See you all next time.<</speech>><br>
<a data-passage="university"><div class="talkplayer">Let’s do something else</div></a>
<<set $money to $money +200>>
<<addenergy -25>>
<<addhappiness 5>>
<<addhygene -20>>
<<set $time to $time +2>>
<<set $englishlitclass to $englishlitclass +1>>
<<set $teacherdone to "true">>
<<case 3>>
<div class="general">Once the class is half full again you start the lesson.</div><br>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Welcome everyone!<</speech>><br>
<div class="general">You give the lesson and make some money, it was another ordinary class. But there was one thing, or someone, that stood out.</div><br>
<img src="images/other/university/student.jpg" /><br>
<<speech "Player" "$name">><i>Damn, sometimes I wish I was still in college.</i><</speech>><br>
<a data-passage="university"><div class="talkplayer">Let’s do something else</div></a>
<<set $money to $money +200>>
<<addenergy -25>>
<<addhappiness 5>>
<<addhygene -20>>
<<set $time to $time +2>>
<<set $englishlitclass to $englishlitclass +1>>
<<set $hotstudent to "true">>
<<set $teacherdone to "true">>
<div class="general">No-one here. I can only give classes on Tuesdays and Thursdays before the late afternoon and only once a day.</div><br>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Check the computer->schoolcomputer]]</span></div><br>
<a data-passage="university"><div class="talkloc">Let’s go somewhere else</div></a>
<div class="general">You answer the email and within seconds you receive an aswer.</div>
<<speech "Player" "$name">><i>Wow, that was fast.</i><</speech>>
<div class="general">Dear $name,
We are glad to hear that you accepted our proposal.
You can start giving lessons in the English classroom.
Best regards,
the University
<<speech "Player" "$name">><i>Alright, so I can start teaching on Tuesdays and Thursdays in the late morning, midday or afternoon.</i><</speech>>
<a data-passage="office"><div class="talkplayer">Let’s do something else</div></a>
<<set $guestlecture to "true">>
<div class="general">After talking about English literature for about two hours.</div>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Well, that was it for today. See you next time!<</speech>>
<<speech "random" "Student">>No homework sir?<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Eeeehm..<</speech>>
<div class="general">You think about it.</div>
<<speech "Player" "$name">><i>I did not of that..</i><</speech>>
<div class="general">Some studends are already leaving.</div>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>I guess not.<</speech>>
<a data-passage="university"><div class="talkplayer">Time to leave</div></a>
<<set $money to $money +200>>
<<set $firstlecture to "true">>
<<addenergy -25>>
<<addhappiness 5>>
<<addhygene -20>>
<<set $time to $time +1>>
<<set $teacherdone to "true">>
<<nobr>><<if $rsarah gte 150 and $caughtevent is "false" and $noellegone is "false" or $rsarah gte 150 and $goinghome is "true" and $noellegone is "false" or $rsarah gte 150 and $noelleloss is "true">>
<div class="general">You are working on one of you columns when suddenly Sarah is standing in your doorway.</div><br>
<img src="images/sarah/office/sarahoffice1.jpg" /><br>
<<speech "Sarah" "Sarah">>Hey honey, are you working.<</speech>><br>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Yes, yes I am.<</speech>><br>
<<speech "Sarah" "Sarah">>I love it when you work hard for our family.<</speech>><br>
<div class="general">She starts teasing you.</div><br>
<img src="images/sarah/office/sarahoffice2.jpg" /><br>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>I like where this is going.<</speech>><br>
<<speech "Sarah" "Sarah">>Do you now?<</speech>><br>
<div class="general">She keeps teasing you.</div><br>
<img src="images/sarah/office/sarahoffice1.jpg" /><br>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Come here you!<</speech>><br>
<<speech "Sarah" "Sarah">>No no, first finish work mister, we can have some fun later on.<</speech>><br>
<div class="general">And with that she leaves.</div><br>
<<speech "Player" "$name">><i>Damn..</i><</speech>><br>
<a data-passage="entrance"><div class="talkplayer">Let’s do something else</div></a>
<<addarousal 15>>
<<addhappiness 10>>
<img src="images/player/office/work/workpaper4.jpg" /><br>
<div class="general">You do some work.</div><br>
<a data-passage="entrance"><div class="talkplayer">Let’s do something else</div></a>
<</if>><</nobr>><div class="general">Your phone rings.</div>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Oh great, it's Sabina..<</speech>>
<div class="general">You pick up.</div>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Hi Sabina.<</speech>>
<<speech "sabina" "Sabina">>$name! It's that time again, I need you to come to the warehouse.<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Alright.. I'm on my way.<</speech>>
<<speech "sabina" "Sabina">>Good, see you soon $name.<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">><i>Wow, no sudden and direct hanging up? She must be in a good mood.</i><</speech>>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Let's go->copevent4a]]</span></div>
<div class="general">You enter the warehouse, but you don't see anyone around.</div>
<<speech "Player" "$name">><i>Strange, normally I'm the last person to arrive. Maybe there are in the back.</i><</speech>>
<div class="general">You walk around the warehouse. Suddenly your hear some noises coming from, what looks like, an old office.</div>
<<speech "Player" "$name">><i>Maybe that's Sabina, let's check it out.</i><</speech>>
<div class="general">When you get closer the noise becomes louder and you know exactly what it is.</div>
<<speech "Player" "$name">><i>Is she fucking someone right now? Really?</i><</speech>>
<div class="general">You see several windows where you can watch through.</div>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Take a look->copevent4b]]</span></div>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Don't take a look->copevent4d1]]</span></div>
<div class="general">You peek through the window and since half of the windows are broken, you can hear everything as well. When you look through the window you see Sabina getting fucked by Jack.</div>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>She and Jack? Really?<</speech>>
<div class="general">Jack keeps fucking Sabina and you start to watch right as Sabina seems to orgasm.</div>
<video src="images/sabina/copevent4/copevent4a.webm" autoplay loop></video>
<<speech "sabina" "Sabina">>Ooooh yesss!!<</speech>>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Continue watching->copevent4b1]]</span></div>
<div class="general">As silent as you can you run back towards the entrance of the warehouse. Then you hear Sabina opening the door.</div>
<<speech "Player" "$name">><i>Shit!</i><</speech>>
<div class="general">You turn around and pretend that you just arrived. The door opens and Sabina exits.</div>
<<speech "sabina" "Sabina">>Oh hi $name, you got here fast.<</speech>>
<div class="general">You see her tongue fishing some last cum out of the courner of her mouth.</div>
<<speech "sabina" "Sabina">>Anyway, good you are here. Jack, $name is here.<</speech>>
<div class="general">Jack also exits the office.</div>
<<speech "random" "Jack">>So are we going?<</speech>>
<<speech "sabina" "Sabina">>Yes, let's go to the car. $name you drive.<</speech>>
<div class="general">You enter the car and start driving.</div>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>So.. Eeehm, where are we heading?<</speech>>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Continue->copevent4e]]</span></div>
<div class="general">You drive into an alley and are told to stop.</div>
<<speech "sabina" "Sabina">>Wait here.<</speech>>
<div class="general">Sabina and Jack get out of the car and enter one of the buildings. Not much later they come out of the building with a small bag and enter the car again.</div>
<<speech "sabina" "Sabina">>Alright, let's drive back to the warehouse.<</speech>>
<div class="general">You drive back to the warehouse.</div>
<<speech "Player" "$name">><i>They called me just for this? Am I a glorified taxi driver now?</i> <</speech>>
<div class="general">Once you park the car at the warehouse, you all get out of the car and enter the warehouse.</div>
<<speech "sabina" "Sabina">>So, Jack and I have been talking and after last time we decided something.<</speech>>
<div class="general">Sabina hands you the bag.</div>
<<speech "sabina" "Sabina">>This is for you.<</speech>>
<div class="general">You open the bag.</div>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Continue->copevent4f]]</span></div>
<img src="images/sarah/bedroom/sleep/brsleeps.jpg" />
<div class="general">You enter the bedroom and see Sarah asleep.</div>
<<speech "Player" "$name">><i>She had a long night, better to let her sleep.</i><</speech>>
<a data-passage="burynoelle"><div class="talkplayer">Skip to night</div></a>
<a data-passage="upstairs"><div class="talkloc">Let’s go somewhere else</div></a>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Seriously? What is this supposed to mean?<</speech>>
<<speech "random" "Jack">>Thank you Jack, thank you Sabina.<</speech>>
<<speech "sabina" "Sabina">>Shut up Jack. It's for your protection, we thought you could use it after last time.<</speech>>
<div class="general">You look down into the bag again.</div>
<<speech "Player" "$name">><i>They gave me a fucking gun!</i><</speech>>
<<speech "sabina" "Sabina">>Now take it out and I'll show you how it works.<</speech>>
<div class="general">You grab the gun.</div>
<<speech "Player" "$name">><i>Damn.</i><</speech>>
<img src="images/player/items/gun.jpg" />
<<speech "sabina" "Sabina">>Come let's practice.<</speech>>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Continue->copevent4g]]</span></div>
<div class="general">Sabina explains to you the basics of holding and using a gun.</div>
<<speech "sabina" "Sabina">>Jack, can you grab some targets?<</speech>>
<<speech "random" "Jack">>Like what?<</speech>>
<<speech "sabina" "Sabina">>I don't fucking know, just grab some bottles or a brick or something.<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">><i>Ah, a lovers quarrel.</i><</speech>>
<div class="general">Jack places some bottles and cans as Sabina tells you how to aim and shoot.</div>
<<speech "sabina" "Sabina">>Well, now it's up to you.<</speech>>
<div class="general">You start aiming and pull the trigger a couple of times.</div>
<<speech "Player" "$name">><i>Fuck! That feels.. Quite good actually.</i><</speech>>
<<speech "sabina" "Sabina">>Not bad, now...<</speech>>
<div class="general">Sabina gives you some more pointers and it looks like you actually get the hang of it.</div>
<<speech "sabina" "Sabina">>Not bad, not bad at all for a rookie.<</speech>>
<div class="general">You practice a little more before it's time to go home.</div>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>There is one thing though, I can't take this home.<</speech>>
<<speech "random" "Jack">>Why not, I got plenty of guns in my house.<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Well, first off all, my wife will kill me, secondly I have a kid and I don't want any guns near him.<</speech>>
<<speech "sabina" "Sabina">>Alright. I get that, I will take your gun with me and bring it with me when we meet.<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Sounds good.<</speech>>
<div class="general">You say your goodbye and leave the warehouse.</div>
<<speech "Player" "$name">><i>Even though it was quite good, I hope I don't have to actually use it.</i><</speech>>
<a data-passage="entrance"><div class="talkplayer">Let's go home</div></a>
<<set $copevent4 to "true">>
<<set $gun to "true">>
<<addenergy -25>>
<<addhappiness 10>>
<<addhygene -10>>
<<set $time to $time +3>>
<<set $copeventtimer to 0>><div class="general">You wait outside until you hear Sabina approaching.</div>
<div class="general">You pretend that you just arrived and walk towards Sabina.</div>
<<speech "sabina" "Sabina">>Oh hi $name, you got here fast, good that you are here. Jack, $name is here.<</speech>>
<div class="general">Jack walks towards you as well.</div>
<<speech "random" "Jack">>So are we going?<</speech>>
<<speech "sabina" "Sabina">>Yes, let's go to the car. $name you drive.<</speech>>
<div class="general">You enter the car and start driving.</div>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>So.. Eeehm, where are we heading?<</speech>>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Continue->copevent4e]]</span></div>
<<if $moreexciting is "true" and $vibo is "true" and $bdsm1 is "false">>
<<speech "Sarah" "Sarah">>Did you find something else then dinner or a movie?<</speech>><br>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>I did, follow me.<</speech>><br>
<<speech "Sarah" "Sarah">>Oooh exciting. Where are we going? Should I change?<</speech>><br>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>No, none of that is necessary.<</speech>><br>
<<speech "Sarah" "Sarah">>Sarah walks in front of you into the livingroom.<</speech>><br>
<a data-passage="moreexciting"><div class="talkplayer">Continue</div></a>
<<elseif $moreexciting is "true">>
<<speech "Sarah" "Sarah">>Did you find something else then dinner or a movie?<</speech>><br>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>No, not yet.<</speech>><br>
<<speech "Sarah" "Sarah">>That's a shame.<</speech>><br>
<a data-passage="university"><div class="talkplayer">Let’s do something else</div></a>
<<elseif $moviedate is "true" and $dinnerdate is "true">>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>I had an idea. How about we go out tonight?<</speech>><br>
<<speech "Sarah" "Sarah">>Eehm.. Depends..<</speech>><br>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>You don't seem excited about going out..<</speech>><br>
<<speech "Sarah" "Sarah">>It’s just.. They are so.. I don’t want to say boring, because they are fun.. But, I could use something more exciting to be honest.<</speech>><br>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Like what?<</speech>><br>
<<speech "Sarah" "Sarah">>I don’t know. I will leave that up to you.<</speech>><br>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Alright, I’ll think of something.<</speech>><br>
<a data-passage="university"><div class="talkplayer">Let’s do something else</div></a>
<<set $moreexciting to "true">>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>I had an idea. How about we go out tonight?<</speech>><br>
<<speech "Sarah" "Sarah">>That could be fun, where do you want to go?<</speech>><br>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Movie->unidatepropmovie]]</span></div><br>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Restaurant->unidateproprestaurant]]</span></div><br>
<a data-passage="university"><div class="talkplayer">Let’s do something else</div></a><</if>>
<</nobr>><<nobr>><<if $moviedate is "true">>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>How about a movie?<</speech>><br>
<<speech "Sarah" "Sarah">>We already did that recently.<</speech>><br>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>That's true.<</speech>><br>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Propose to go out to dinner->unidateproprestaurant]]</span></div><br>
<a data-passage="university"><div class="talkplayer">Let’s do something else</div></a>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>How about a movie?<</speech>><br>
<<speech "Sarah" "Sarah">>Yeah, that sounds like fun, let's do it.<</speech>><br>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Alright, see you at the cinema in the late evening?<</speech>><br>
<<speech "Sarah" "Sarah">>Sounds like a plan. I'm really looking forward to it.<</speech>><br>
<a data-passage="university"><div class="talkplayer">Leave</div></a>
<<set $moviedateplan to "true">>
<</if>><</nobr>><<nobr>><<if $dinnerdate is "true">>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>How about going out to dinner?<</speech>><br>
<<speech "Sarah" "Sarah">>We already did that recently.<</speech>><br>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>That's true.<</speech>><br>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Propose to go to a movie->unidatepropmovie]]</span></div><br>
<a data-passage="university"><div class="talkplayer">Let’s do something else</div></a>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>How about going out to dinner?<</speech>><br>
<<speech "Sarah" "Sarah">>Yeah, that sounds like fun, let's do it.<</speech>><br>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Alright, let's meet at home in the late evening.<</speech>><br>
<<speech "Sarah" "Sarah">>Sounds like a plan. I'm really looking forward to it.<</speech>><br>
<a data-passage="university"><div class="talkplayer">Leave</div></a>
<<set $dinnerdateplan to "true">>
<<if $moreexciting is "true" and $vibo is "true" and $bdsm1 is "false">>
<<speech "Sarah" "Sarah">>Did you find something else then dinner or a movie?<</speech>><br>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>I did, follow me.<</speech>><br>
<<speech "Sarah" "Sarah">>Oooh exciting. Where are we going? Should I change?<</speech>><br>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>No, none of that is necessary.<</speech>><br>
<<speech "Sarah" "Sarah">>Sarah walks in front of you into the livingroom.<</speech>><br>
<a data-passage="moreexciting"><div class="talkplayer">Continue</div></a>
<<elseif $moreexciting is "true">>
<<speech "Sarah" "Sarah">>Did you find something else then dinner or a movie?<</speech>><br>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>No, not yet.<</speech>><br>
<<speech "Sarah" "Sarah">>That's a shame.<</speech>><br>
<a data-passage="garden"><div class="talkplayer">Let’s do something else</div></a>
<<elseif $moviedate is "true" and $dinnerdate is "true">>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>I had an idea. How about we go out tonight?<</speech>><br>
<<speech "Sarah" "Sarah">>Eehm.. Depends..<</speech>><br>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>You don't seem excited about going out..<</speech>><br>
<<speech "Sarah" "Sarah">>It’s just.. They are so.. I don’t want to say boring, because they are fun.. But, I could use something more exciting to be honest.<</speech>><br>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Like what?<</speech>><br>
<<speech "Sarah" "Sarah">>I don’t know. I will leave that up to you.<</speech>><br>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Alright, I’ll think of something.<</speech>><br>
<a data-passage="garden"><div class="talkplayer">Let’s do something else</div></a>
<<set $moreexciting to "true">>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>I had an idea. How about we go out tonight?<</speech>><br>
<<speech "Sarah" "Sarah">>That could be fun, where do you want to go?<</speech>><br>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Movie->terracedatepropmovie]]</span></div><br>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Restaurant->terracedateproprestaurant]]</span></div><br>
<a data-passage="garden"><div class="talkplayer">Let’s do something else</div></a><</if>>
<</nobr>><<nobr>><<if $moviedate is "true">>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>How about a movie?<</speech>><br>
<<speech "Sarah" "Sarah">>We already did that recently.<</speech>><br>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>That's true.<</speech>><br>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Propose to go out to dinner->terracedateproprestaurant]]</span></div><br>
<a data-passage="garden"><div class="talkplayer">Let’s do something else</div></a>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>How about a movie?<</speech>><br>
<<speech "Sarah" "Sarah">>Yeah, that sounds like fun, let's do it.<</speech>><br>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Alright, see you at the cinema in the late evening?<</speech>><br>
<<speech "Sarah" "Sarah">>Sounds like a plan. I'm really looking forward to it.<</speech>><br>
<a data-passage="garden"><div class="talkplayer">Leave</div></a>
<<set $moviedateplan to "true">>
<</if>><</nobr>><<nobr>><<if $dinnerdate is "true">>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>How about going out to dinner?<</speech>><br>
<<speech "Sarah" "Sarah">>We already did that recently.<</speech>><br>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>That's true.<</speech>><br>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Propose to go to a movie->terracedatepropmovie]]</span></div><br>
<a data-passage="garden"><div class="talkplayer">Let’s do something else</div></a>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>How about going out to dinner?<</speech>><br>
<<speech "Sarah" "Sarah">>Yeah, that sounds like fun, let's do it.<</speech>><br>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Alright, let's meet at home in the late evening.<</speech>><br>
<<speech "Sarah" "Sarah">>Sounds like a plan. I'm really looking forward to it.<</speech>><br>
<a data-passage="garden"><div class="talkplayer">Leave</div></a>
<<set $dinnerdateplan to "true">>
<<if $neighbour3n is "true" and $oliviaevent1 is "true" and $sarahsexclub1 is "false" and $time gte 6>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Hi beautifull, do you want to go on a date?<</speech>>
<<speech "Sarah" "Sarah">>Uhm, sure. What kind of date are we talking about?<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>That's a suprise, just make sure you look good and comfy.<</speech>>
<<speech "Sarah" "Sarah">>Alright, when do we leave?<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>As soon as you are ready.<</speech>>
<<speech "Sarah" "Sarah">>Ok, give me a second to get ready!<</speech>>
<div class="general">Sarah leaves and you wait downstairs until she is ready.</div>
<a data-passage="sarahsexclub1"><div class="talkplayer">Continue</div></a>
<<elseif $neighbour5j is "true" and $oliviaevent1 is "true" and $sarahsexclub1 is "false" and $time gte 6>>
<<if $neighbour3n is "true" and $oliviaevent1 is "true" and $sarahsexclub1 is "false">>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Hi beautifull, do you want to go on a date?<</speech>>
<<speech "Sarah" "Sarah">>Uhm, sure. What kind of date are we talking about?<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>That's a suprise, just make sure you look good and comfy.<</speech>>
<<speech "Sarah" "Sarah">>Alright, when do we leave?<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>As soon as you are ready.<</speech>>
<<speech "Sarah" "Sarah">>Ok, give me a second to get ready!<</speech>>
<div class="general">Sarah leaves and you wait downstairs until she is ready.</div>
<a data-passage="sarahsexclub1"><div class="talkplayer">Continue</div></a>
<<elseif $moreexciting is "true" and $vibo is "true" and $bdsm1 is "false">>
<<speech "Sarah" "Sarah">>Did you find something else then dinner or a movie?<</speech>><br>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>I did, follow me.<</speech>><br>
<<speech "Sarah" "Sarah">>Oooh exciting. Where are we going? Should I change?<</speech>><br>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>No, none of that is necessary.<</speech>><br>
<<speech "Sarah" "Sarah">>Sarah walks in front of you into the livingroom.<</speech>><br>
<a data-passage="moreexciting"><div class="talkplayer">Continue</div></a>
<<elseif $moreexciting is "true">>
<<speech "Sarah" "Sarah">>Did you find something else then dinner or a movie?<</speech>><br>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>No, not yet.<</speech>><br>
<<speech "Sarah" "Sarah">>That's a shame.<</speech>><br>
<a data-passage="garden"><div class="talkplayer">Let’s do something else</div></a>
<<elseif $moviedate is "true" and $dinnerdate is "true">>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>I had an idea. How about we go out tonight?<</speech>><br>
<<speech "Sarah" "Sarah">>Eehm.. Depends..<</speech>><br>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>You don't seem excited about going out..<</speech>><br>
<<speech "Sarah" "Sarah">>It’s just.. They are so.. I don’t want to say boring, because they are fun.. But, I could use something more exciting to be honest.<</speech>><br>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Like what?<</speech>><br>
<<speech "Sarah" "Sarah">>I don’t know. I will leave that up to you.<</speech>><br>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Alright, I’ll think of something.<</speech>><br>
<a data-passage="garden"><div class="talkplayer">Let’s do something else</div></a>
<<set $moreexciting to "true">>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>I had an idea. How about we go out tonight?<</speech>><br>
<<speech "Sarah" "Sarah">>That could be fun, where do you want to go?<</speech>><br>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Movie->pooldatepropmovie]]</span></div><br>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Restaurant->pooldateproprestaurant]]</span></div><br>
<a data-passage="garden"><div class="talkplayer">Let’s do something else</div></a><</if>><</if>>
<</nobr>><<nobr>><<if $moviedate is "true">>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>How about a movie?<</speech>><br>
<<speech "Sarah" "Sarah">>We already did that recently.<</speech>><br>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>That's true.<</speech>><br>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Propose to go out to dinner->pooldateproprestaurant]]</span></div><br>
<a data-passage="garden"><div class="talkplayer">Let’s do something else</div></a>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>How about a movie?<</speech>><br>
<<speech "Sarah" "Sarah">>Yeah, that sounds like fun, let's do it.<</speech>><br>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Alright, see you at the cinema in the late evening?<</speech>><br>
<<speech "Sarah" "Sarah">>Sounds like a plan. I'm really looking forward to it.<</speech>><br>
<a data-passage="garden"><div class="talkplayer">Leave</div></a>
<<set $moviedateplan to "true">>
<</if>><</nobr>><<nobr>><<if $dinnerdate is "true">>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>How about going out to dinner?<</speech>><br>
<<speech "Sarah" "Sarah">>We already did that recently.<</speech>><br>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>That's true.<</speech>><br>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Propose to go to a movie->pooldatepropmovie]]</span></div><br>
<a data-passage="entrance"><div class="talkplayer">Let’s do something else</div></a>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>How about going out to dinner?<</speech>><br>
<<speech "Sarah" "Sarah">>Yeah, that sounds like fun, let's do it.<</speech>><br>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Alright, let's meet at home in the late evening.<</speech>><br>
<<speech "Sarah" "Sarah">>Sounds like a plan. I'm really looking forward to it.<</speech>><br>
<a data-passage="entrance"><div class="talkplayer">Leave</div></a>
<<set $dinnerdateplan to "true">>
<<if $neighbour3n is "true" and $oliviaevent1 is "true" and $sarahsexclub1 is "false" and $time gte 7>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Hi beautifull, do you want to go on a date?<</speech>><br>
<<speech "Sarah" "Sarah">>Uhm, sure. What kind of date are we talking about?<</speech>><br>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>That's a suprise, just make sure you look good and comfy.<</speech>><br>
<<speech "Sarah" "Sarah">>Alright, when do we leave?<</speech>><br>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>As soon as you are ready.<</speech>><br>
<<speech "Sarah" "Sarah">>Ok, give me a second to get ready!<</speech>><br>
<div class="general">Sarah leaves and you wait downstairs until she is ready.</div><br>
<a data-passage="sarahsexclub1"><div class="talkplayer">Continue</div></a>
<<elseif $neighbour5j is "true" and $oliviaevent1 is "true" and $sarahsexclub1 is "false" and $time gte 7>><br>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Hi beautifull, do you want to go on a date?<</speech>><br>
<<speech "Sarah" "Sarah">>Uhm, sure. What kind of date are we talking about?<</speech>><br>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>That's a suprise, just make sure you look good and comfy.<</speech>><br>
<<speech "Sarah" "Sarah">>Alright, when do we leave?<</speech>><br>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>As soon as you are ready.<</speech>><br>
<<speech "Sarah" "Sarah">>Ok, give me a second to get ready!<</speech>><br>
<div class="general">Sarah leaves and you wait downstairs until she is ready.</div><br>
<a data-passage="sarahsexclub1"><div class="talkplayer">Continue</div></a>
<<elseif $moreexciting is "true" and $vibo is "true" and $bdsm1 is "false">>
<<speech "Sarah" "Sarah">>Did you find something else then dinner or a movie?<</speech>><br>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>I did, follow me.<</speech>><br>
<<speech "Sarah" "Sarah">>Oooh exciting. Where are we going? Should I change?<</speech>><br>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>No, none of that is necessary.<</speech>><br>
<<speech "Sarah" "Sarah">>Sarah walks in front of you into the livingroom.<</speech>><br>
<a data-passage="moreexciting"><div class="talkplayer">Continue</div></a>
<<elseif $moreexciting is "true">>
<<speech "Sarah" "Sarah">>Did you find something else then dinner or a movie?<</speech>><br>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>No, not yet.<</speech>><br>
<<speech "Sarah" "Sarah">>That's a shame.<</speech>><br>
<a data-passage="entrance"><div class="talkplayer">Let’s do something else</div></a>
<<elseif $moviedate is "true" and $dinnerdate is "true">>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>I had an idea. How about we go out tonight?<</speech>><br>
<<speech "Sarah" "Sarah">>Eehm.. Depends..<</speech>><br>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>You don't seem excited about going out..<</speech>><br>
<<speech "Sarah" "Sarah">>It’s just.. They are so.. I don’t want to say boring, because they are fun.. But, I could use something more exciting to be honest.<</speech>><br>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Like what?<</speech>><br>
<<speech "Sarah" "Sarah">>I don’t know. I will leave that up to you.<</speech>><br>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Alright, I’ll think of something.<</speech>><br>
<a data-passage="entrance"><div class="talkplayer">Let’s do something else</div></a>
<<set $moreexciting to "true">>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>I had an idea. How about we go out tonight?<</speech>><br>
<<speech "Sarah" "Sarah">>That could be fun, where do you want to go?<</speech>><br>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Movie->livroomdatepropmovie]]</span></div><br>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Restaurant->livroomdateproprestaurant]]</span></div><br>
<a data-passage="entrance"><div class="talkplayer">Let’s do something else</div></a><</if>>
<</nobr>><<nobr>><<if $moviedate is "true">>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>How about a movie?<</speech>><br>
<<speech "Sarah" "Sarah">>We already did that recently.<</speech>><br>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>That's true.<</speech>><br>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Propose to go out to dinner->livroomdateproprestaurant]]</span></div><br>
<a data-passage="entrance"><div class="talkplayer">Let’s do something else</div></a>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>How about a movie?<</speech>><br>
<<speech "Sarah" "Sarah">>Yeah, that sounds like fun, let's do it.<</speech>><br>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Alright, see you at the cinema in the late evening?<</speech>><br>
<<speech "Sarah" "Sarah">>Sounds like a plan. I'm really looking forward to it.<</speech>><br>
<a data-passage="entrance"><div class="talkplayer">Leave</div></a>
<<set $moviedateplan to "true">>
<<nobr>><<if $dinnerdate is "true">>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>How about going out to dinner?<</speech>><br>
<<speech "Sarah" "Sarah">>We already did that recently.<</speech>><br>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>That's true.<</speech>><br>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Propose to go to a movie->livroomdatepropmovie]]</span></div><br>
<a data-passage="entrance"><div class="talkplayer">Let’s do something else</div></a>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>How about going out to dinner?<</speech>><br>
<<speech "Sarah" "Sarah">>Yeah, that sounds like fun, let's do it.<</speech>><br>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Alright, let's meet at home in the late evening.<</speech>><br>
<<speech "Sarah" "Sarah">>Sounds like a plan. I'm really looking forward to it.<</speech>><br>
<a data-passage="entrance"><div class="talkplayer">Leave</div></a>
<<set $dinnerdateplan to "true">>
<</if>><</nobr>><<speech "Player" "$name">>How about a romantic movie?<</speech>>
<<speech "Sarah" "Sarah">>Alright sounds good. If you get the tickets, I'll get some drinks and popcorn.<</speech>>
<div class="general">You both sit down in the theater and start watching the movie. The movie is ok, but not really your taste, but when you look at Sarah, it seems she is enjoying it. So a choice well made. When the movie ends you both walk outside.</div>
<<speech "Sarah" "Sarah">>That was fun, we should do things like this more often.<</speech>>
<div class="general">You go home together.</div>
<a data-passage="upstairs"><div class="talkplayer">Let’s go home</div></a>
<<set $time to 10>>
<<set $moviedate to "true">>
<<set $moviedateplan to "false">>
<<addenergy -20>>
<<addhygene -10>>
<<addhappiness 15>>
<<addrsarah 15>><<speech "Player" "$name">>How about a comedy?<</speech>>
<<speech "Sarah" "Sarah">>Yes, I would love that. If you get the tickets, I'll get some drinks and popcorn.<</speech>>
<div class="general">You both sit down in the theater and start watching the movie. The movie actually very funny and Sarah really seems to be enjoying it to.</div>
<<speech "Sarah" "Sarah">>That was really fun, we should do things like this more often.<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>We should indeed.<</speech>>
<div class="general">You go home together.</div>
<a data-passage="upstairs"><div class="talkplayer">Let’s go home</div></a>
<<set $time to 10>>
<<set $moviedate to "true">>
<<set $moviedateplan to "false">>
<<addenergy -20>>
<<addhygene -10>>
<<addhappiness 15>>
<<addrsarah 25>><div class="general">It's time for your dinner date with Sarah. Sarah is ready and waiting for you and she looks very good.</div>
<img src="images/sarah/events/dinnerdate/dinnerdate.jpg" />
<<speech "Sarah" "Sarah">>Are you ready to go?<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>I am, and may I just say, you look amazing.<</speech>>
<<speech "Sarah" "Sarah">>Thank you. You don't look bad yourself. So where are we going?<</speech>>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Sushi restaurant->sushidinner]]</span></div>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Steak restaurant->steakdinner]]</span></div>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Italian restaurant->italiandinner]]</span></div>
<<set $dinnerdatearr to "true">>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>How about sushi?<</speech>>
<<speech "Sarah" "Sarah">>Alright sounds good. Let's go.<</speech>>
<div class="general">You go to the Sushi restaurant and end up having a great time. You both talk a lot and it feels like how it was in the beginning of your relationship. Almost like a actual date.</div>
<<speech "Sarah" "Sarah">>That was fun, we should do things like this more often. Maybe you'll even get lucky.<</speech>>
<div class="general">She teases you some more on your way home.</div>
<a data-passage="entrance"><div class="talkplayer">Let’s do something else</div></a>
<<set $dinnerdate to "true">>
<<set $dinnerdateplan to "false">>
<<set $time to 10>>
<<addenergy -20>>
<<addhygene -10>>
<<addhappiness 15>>
<<addrsarah 15>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>How about some real stake?<</speech>>
<<speech "Sarah" "Sarah">>Alright. Let's go.<</speech>>
<div class="general">You go a steak restaurant and end up having a good time. You talked a lot and the food was good. You are not sure if Sarah enjoyed the food as much as you but you still managed to have a good time.</div>
<<speech "Sarah" "Sarah">>That was fun, we should do things like this more often.<</speech>>
<div class="general">You go home together.</div>
<a data-passage="entrance"><div class="talkplayer">Let’s do something else</div></a>
<<set $dinnerdate to "true">>
<<set $dinnerdateplan to "false">>
<<set $time to 10>>
<<addenergy -20>>
<<addhygene -10>>
<<addhappiness 15>>
<<addrsarah 20>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>How about Italian?<</speech>>
<<speech "Sarah" "Sarah">>Yes! That would be amazing. Let's go!<</speech>>
<div class="general">You go to an Italian restaurant and end up having a amazing time. You both talk a lot and it feels like how it was in the beginning of your relationship. Almost like a actual date. And then the food, the food was truly amazing.</div>
<<speech "Sarah" "Sarah">>That was amazing, we should do things like this more often. Maybe you'll even get lucky.<</speech>>
<div class="general">She teases you some more on your way home.</div>
<a data-passage="entrance"><div class="talkplayer">Let’s do something else</div></a>
<<set $dinnerdate to "true">>
<<set $dinnerdateplan to "false">>
<<set $time to 10>>
<<addenergy -20>>
<<addhygene -10>>
<<addhappiness 15>>
<<addrsarah 30>>
<div class="general">You walk inside your house.</div>
<<speech "random" "?">>Ooh damn. I never would have sought this behind you.<</speech>>
<<speech "Sarah" "Sarah">>I am full of surprises.<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">><i>Sarah has a visitor. That doesn't happen a lot. I'm curious who that is.</i><</speech>>
<div class="general">You walk towards the living room and just as you are about to enter you see Sarah, half-naked, on her knees in front of a young-looking guy.</div>
<video src="images/sarah/events/sarahsrevenge/sarahsrevenge1a.webm" autoplay loop></video>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Continue->sarahsrevenge2]]</span></div>
<<set $sarahsrevenge to "true">>
<<speech "Player" "$name">><i>What the fuck?</i><</speech>>
<div class="general">You look closer while staying out of sight and see Sarah clearly sucking this guy’s dick.</div>
<video src="images/sarah/events/sarahsrevenge/sarahsrevenge1b.webm" autoplay loop></video>
<<speech "random" "?">>Damn, your husband is very lucky with you. Your dicksucking skills are fucking amazing.<</speech>>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Continue->sarahsrevenge3]]</span></div>
<div class="general">Your phone rings and you pick up.</div>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Hi Sabina.<</speech>>
<<speech "sabina" "Sabina">>Hi $name, do you know the public carpark near the center?<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Yes, let me guess, meet you there?<</speech>>
<<speech "sabina" "Sabina">>Look who’s learning. See you there.<</speech>>
<div class="general">Sabina hangs up the phone.</div>
<<speech "Player" "$name">><i>I guess it is time to go.</i><</speech>>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Let’s go->copevent5a]]</span></div>
<<set $copevent5 to "true">><div class="general">After a while you enter the carpark where Sabina was talking about. It's a big underground carpark in the middle of the center.</div>
<<speech "Player" "$name">><i>How am I going to find them here?</i><</speech>>
<div class="general">Right at that moment you receive a text with a parking space number.</div>
<<speech "Player" "$name">><i>Alright, let's go.</i><</speech>>
<div class="general">Not much later you see them from a distance, sitting in their car.</div>
<<speech "Player" "$name">><i>Are they kissing?</i><</speech>>
<div class="general">You look closer.</div>
<<speech "Player" "$name">><i>They definitely are.</i><</speech>>
<div class="general">You walk towards the car and when they notice you, they stop and pretend nothing happened. Then you get in the car.</div>
<<speech "sabina" "Sabina">>Hi $name.<</speech>>
<div class="general">Sabina turns towards you.</div>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>So what are we going to do today?<</speech>>
<<speech "sabina" "Sabina">>We are waiting for someone and then we will take a drive.<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Do we have to wait long?<</speech>>
<<speech "sabina" "Sabina">>Well speaking of the devil, I think he is here. Open the window Jack.<</speech>>
<div class="general">A guy walks towards the car and Jack opens his window.</div>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Continue->copevent5b]]</span></div>
<<speech "random" "Jack">>You are late.<</speech>>
<div class="general">The guy doesn't respond, but pulls out a gun a shoots Jack in his head and then he shoots him again, again and again.</div>
<video src="images/sabina/copevent5/copevent5b.webm" autoplay></video>
<div class="general">It feels like time has stopped. You hear Sabina screaming.</div>
<<speech "sabina" "Sabina">>Jaaccckkkk!! Nooo!!<</speech>>
<div class="general">The guy who shot Jack takes off and is soon nowhere to be seen.</div>
<<speech "Player" "$name">><i>Wha… What.. What the fuck just happened?</i><</speech>>
<div class="general">You look in front of you and see Jack laying there with several holes in his body which are hardly visible now because of all the blood. Then you look up at Sabina who is covered in Jack’s blood. And then silence. You look back at Jack, as you hear you hear sirens in the distance coming closer.</div>
<<speech "sabina" "Sabina">>$name… $name!<</speech>>
<div class="general">You look up at Sabina.</div>
<<speech "sabina" "Sabina">>You.. You have to go, you should not be involved in this.<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>A.. Are you sure?<</speech>>
<<speech "sabina" "Sabina">>Yes, go!<</speech>>
<div class="general">Still in a daze, you leave the car and exit the carpark.</div>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Continue->copevent5c]]</span></div>
<div class="general">You find yourself outside of the carpark and you walk into the park nearby. You turn around and see cop cars and police officers entering the carpark.</div>
<<speech "Player" "$name">><i>I have to keep going.</i><</speech>>
<div class="general">You turn around again and start walking away from the carpark.</div>
<<speech "Player" "$name">><i>Focus $name, let’s check your clothes.</i><</speech>>
<div class="general">You look at your clothes and notice that there is only a little blood on your vest.</div>
<<speech "Player" "$name">><i>Alright, let’s ditch this vest as soon as possible.</i><</speech>>
<div class="general">You take off the vest and throw it into a trash bin nearby.</div>
<<speech "Player" "$name">><i>Now let’s go home.</i><</speech>>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Go home->copevent5d]]</span></div>
<div class="general">You get home and enter the house.</div>
<<speech "Player" "$name">><i>What the fuck just happened? Did this really happen?</i><</speech>>
<div class="general">You walk into the living room and turn on the tv and instantly you see that it’s all over the news.</div>
<img src="images/sabina/copevent5/news.jpg" />
<<speech "Player" "$name">><i>Fuck, it did really happen.</i><</speech>>
<div class="general">Then you hear someone walking in the house and you quickly turn off the tv.</div>
<<speech "Player" "$name">><i>All I have to do is pretend that nothing has happened…</i><</speech>>
<a data-passage="entrance"><div class="talkplayer">Let’s do something else</div></a>
<<addenergy -50>>
<<addhygene -25>>
<<addhappiness -40>>
<<set $time to $time +1>>
<<set $copeventtimer to 0>><<speech "Ashley" "Ashley">>$name! $name!<</speech>>
<div class="general">Out of nowhere Ashley appears and calls for you.</div>
<img src="images/ashley/events/ashleyevent1/ashley.jpg" />
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Hi Ashley, how are you?<</speech>>
<<speech "Ashley" "Ashley">>So glad I meet you here.<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>You are glad?<</speech>>
<<speech "Ashley" "Ashley">>Yes! You see, William is out on business again.<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>So?<</speech>>
<<speech "Ashley" "Ashley">>Well, he has been gone for 5 days now, so I could use some..<</speech>>
<div class="general">With one hand she grabs your dick over your pants.</div>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Are you serious?<</speech>>
<<speech "Ashley" "Ashley">>Very!<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>What about William?<</speech>>
<<speech "Ashley" "Ashley">>Oh come on, you know the type of relationship we have. Hell, he will probably jerk off on us tonight.<</speech>>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Alright, let’s do it->ashleyevent1a]]</span></div>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Sorry, but no->ashleyevent1end]]</span></div>
<<speech "Ashley" "Ashley">>Great, I knew you couldn't resist me. Meet me at my house in, let's say, 30 minutes.<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Eh.. Alright.<</speech>>
<div class="general">Ashley leaves you.</div>
<<speech "Player" "$name">><i>Is she really this easy?</i><</speech>>
<div class="general">Not much later you arrive at Ashley her place. She opens the door, drags you in, and closes the door. There she is, already naked, in front of you.</div>
<video src="images/ashley/events/ashleyevent1/ashleyevent1a1.webm" autoplay loop></video>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Fuck you go fast.<</speech>>
<<speech "Ashley" "Ashley">>Just shut up and take me and please be rough with me.<</speech>>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Continue->ashleyevent1b]]</span></div>
<<speech "Ashley" "Ashley">>Really, you don't want a piece of this.<</speech>>
<div class="general">She shows off her body.</div>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>I'm good, thanks.<</speech>>
<<speech "Ashley" "Ashley">>So disappointing.<</speech>>
<a data-passage="center"><div class="talkplayer">Let’s do something else</div></a>
<th><a data-passage="journalsarah">
<img src="images/misc/sarah.jpg" style="width: 200px"><div class="talkloc">Sarah</div>
<th><a data-passage="journalnoelle">
<img src="images/misc/noelle.jpg" style="width: 200px"><div class="talkloc">Noelle</div>
<<if $christeldinner is "true">>
<th><a data-passage="journalchristel">
<img src="images/misc/christel.jpg" style="width: 200px"><div class="talkloc">Christel</div>
<img src="images/misc/blank.jpg" style="width: 200px"><div class="talkloc">?</div></th>
<<if $cop is "true">>
<th><a data-passage="journalsabina">
<img src="images/misc/sabina.jpg" style="width: 200px"><div class="talkloc">Sabina</div>
<img src="images/misc/blank.jpg" style="width: 200px"><div class="talkloc">?</div></th><</if>>
<<if $ashleyevent1 is "true">>
<th><a data-passage="journalashley">
<img src="images/misc/ashley.jpg" style="width: 200px"><div class="talkloc">Ashley</div>
<img src="images/misc/blank.jpg" style="width: 200px"><div class="talkloc">?</div></th><</if>>
<<if $ellieevent4 is "true">>
<th><a data-passage="journalellie">
<img src="images/misc/ellie.jpg" style="width: 200px"><div class="talkloc">Ellie</div>
<img src="images/misc/blank.jpg" style="width: 200px"><div class="talkloc">?</div></th><</if>>
<<if $zareanabarmeet is "true">>
<th><a data-passage="journalzareana">
<img src="images/misc/zareana.jpg" style="width: 200px"><div class="talkloc">Zareana</div>
<img src="images/misc/blank.jpg" style="width: 200px"><div class="talkloc">?</div></th><</if>>
<<if $oliviameetgym is "true">>
<th><a data-passage="journalolivia">
<img src="images/misc/olivia.jpg" style="width: 200px"><div class="talkloc">Olivia</div>
<img src="images/misc/blank.jpg" style="width: 200px"><div class="talkloc">?</div></th><</if>>
<<if $sextoy1 is "true" or $sextoy2 is "true" or $sextoy3 is "true">>
<th><a data-passage="journalunknown">
<img src="images/misc/unknown.jpg" style="width: 200px"><div class="talkloc">Other</div>
<img src="images/misc/blank.jpg" style="width: 200px"><div class="talkloc">?</div></th>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Return to game|$return]]</span></div>
<<if $zareanabarmeet is "false" and $zareanaparktraining is "true">>
<<set $zareanabarmeet to "true">><</if>>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Available Scenes->Sarah's Scenes]]</span></div><br>
<<if $cumaddict is 0 and $cumslut is "false">>
<div class="journal journalend">Wouldn't it be nice just to cum in Sarah's mouth. (Hint: start with this)</div>
<<elseif $cumaddict gte 1 and $cumaddict lt 25 and $cumslut is "false">>
<div class="journal"><s>Wouldn't it be nice just to cum in Sarah's mouth.</s></div>
<div class="journal journalend">Sarah swallowed her first load since.. I can't even rememeber. Wouldn't it be nice if she just liked to swallow? Maybe I should make her swallow more, if she wants to or not.</div>
<<elseif $cumaddict gte 25 and $cumaddict lt 40 and $cumslut is "false">>
<div class="journal"><s>Wouldn't it be nice just to cum in Sarah's mouth.</s></div>
<div class="journal"><s>Sarah swallowed her first load since.. I can't even rememeber. Wouldn't it be nice if she just liked to swallow? Maybe I should make her swallow more, if she wants to or not.</s></div>
<div class="journal journalend">Sarah starts to enjoy swallowing more and more. I should just keep it up.</div>
<<elseif $cumaddict gte 40 and $cumslut is "false">>
<div class="journal"><s>Wouldn't it be nice just to cum in Sarah's mouth.</s></div>
<div class="journal"><s>Sarah swallowed her first load since.. I can't even rememeber. Wouldn't it be nice if she just liked to swallow? Maybe I should make her swallow more, if she wants to or not.</s></div>
<div class="journal"><s>Sarah starts to enjoy swallowing more and more. I should just keep it up.</s></div>
<div class="journal journalend">Sarah likes cum now! I wonder if I can push her even further, it feels like she only needs one final push.</div>
<<elseif $cumslut is "true">>
<div class="journal"><s>Wouldn't it be nice just to cum in Sarah's mouth.</s></div>
<div class="journal"><s>Sarah swallowed her first load since.. I can't even rememeber. Wouldn't it be nice if she just liked to swallow? Maybe I should make her swallow more, if she wants to or not.</s></div>
<div class="journal"><s>Sarah starts to enjoy swallowing more and more. I should just keep it up.</s></div>
<div class="journal"><s>Sarah likes cum now! I wonder if I can push her even further, it feels like she only needs one final push.</s></div>
<div class="journal journalend">She is a full blow cumslut right now. It's amazing, the things she does, the eagerness in her eyes. She just sucked me dry out of nowhere. Time to enjoy this! Side note: she does seem in like a trance sometimes, like she really NEEDS cum, maybe something to keep an eye on. I do believe this is the furthest I can go on this subject with her.</div><</if>><br>
<<if $exhibitionist2 is "true">>
<div class="journal"><s>I saw Sarah in the yard the other day and she seemed off. Maybe I should as why, if she is willing to talk to me.</s></div>
<div class="journal"><s>Wow, Sarah went there, she secretly, well not secretly anymore, is an exhibitionist. I'm curious what I can do with that.</s></div>
<div class="journal journalend">Damn, that was quite an interesting adventure. What started as a boring shopping day ended in having public sex in a city bus. Ok, only the bus driver was still there, but still, she let herself be watched and even touched a bit while we were having sex. She also really enjoyed it when the bus driver started jerking off. Damn.. I'm wondering how far I can push this.</div>
<<elseif $exhibitionist is "true">>
<div class="journal"><s>I saw Sarah in the yard the other day and she seemed off. Maybe I should as why, if she is willing to talk to me.</s></div>
<div class="journal journalend">Wow, Sarah went there, she secretly, well not secretly anymore, is an exhibitionist. I'm curious what I can do with that. I should ask her to do something in the bedroom in the weekend.</div>
<<elseif $exhibitionist is "false" and $rsarah gte 150>>
<div class="journal journalend">I saw Sarah in the garden the other day and she seemed off. Maybe I should as why, if she is willing to talk to me.</div>
<<if $rsarah gte 200 and $firstanalfuck is "false">>
<div class="journal journalend">I should give Sarah a massage.</div><</if>><br>
<<if $metchristel is "false">>
<div class="journal journalend">I should visit Sarah at Uni sometime.</div>
<<elseif $christeldinner is "true">>
<div class="journal"><s>I should visit Sarah at Uni sometime.</s></div>
<div class="journal"><s>I met an old friend of Sarah today. She seems nice and looks quite good in all honesty.</s></div>
<div class="journal journalend">
We had a really nice dinner with her. She lives in a huge appartment right in the city center. It seems above her teacher paygrade, but I guess she is doing something right.</div>
<<elseif $metchristel is "true">>
<div class="journal"><s>I should visit Sarah at Uni sometime.</s></div>
<div class="journal journalend">I met an old friend of Sarah today. She seems nice and looks quite good in all honesty.</div>
<<if $sarahsexclub2 is "true">>
<<if $sarahsexclub1j is "true">>
<div class="journal"><s>We went to the sexclub togehter and Sarah sucked and fucked random strangers in the gloryhole there.</s></div>
<<elseif $sarahsexclub1 is "true">>
<div class="journal"><s>We went to the sexclub togehter Sarah went into the gloryholes, but I didn't stick around to watch.</s></div><</if>>
<<if $sarahsexclub21 is "true">>
<div class="journal journalend">We went to the sexclub again and before I knew it, she was gone with some guy who fucked her good, in front of everyone. And there were several people I recognized. And she did it all, fucking, kissing.. Don't know how I feel about it.</div>
<<elseif $sarahsexclub23 is "true">>
<div class="journal journalend">We went to the sexclub again and before I knew it, she was gone with some guy who fucked her good, in front of everyone. And there were several people I recognized. And she did it all, fucking, kissing.. Now, in all honesty, I did fuck some woman as well. But I did not pay a lot of attention to her. I paid more attention to Sarah. I don't know how I feel about what happened.</div><</if>>
<<elseif $sarahsexclub1 is "true">>
<<if $$sarahsexclub1j is "true">>
<div class="journal journalend">We went to the sexclub togehter and Sarah sucked and fucked random strangers in the gloryhole there.</div>
<<elseif $sarahsexclub1n is "true">>
<div class="journal journalend">She sucked some people, but I drew the line when she wanted to fuck in the gloryhole.</div>
<div class="journal journalend">We went to the sexclub togehter Sarah went into the gloryholes, but I didn't stick around to watch.</div>
<<if $neighbour5j is "true">>
<div class="journal journalend">Well, Sarah went all the way with her daddy / our neighbour. While telling the story she gave me a blowjob and I ended filling her up for the second time.</div>
<<elseif $neighbour4j is "true">>
<div class="journal journalend">Sarah gave me a drive with a video. It was a video of her with our neighbour. She gave him a very passionate blowjob while calling him daddy.</div>
<<elseif $neighbour3 is "true">>
<div class="journal journalend">Sarah went to the neighbour and gave him a handy without telling me in advance...</div>
<<if $neighbour3j is "true">>
<div class="journal journalend">We made the deal, that as long as she doesn't keep secrets, I don't mind.</div>
<<elseif $neighbour3jn is "true">>
<div class="journal journalend">I didn't like it and told her to stop seeing our neighbour.</div>
<<elseif $neighbour2prev1a is "true" or $neighbour2prev2a is "true" or $neighbour2prev3a is "true">>
<div class="journal"><s>Damn, I just had sex in front of our neighbour and it was something alright. Especially Sarah really seemed into it.</s></div>
<div class="journal"><s>I just saw our neighbour talking with Sarah, and of course, he came back for more and Sarah seems to want it as well.</s></div>
<div class="journal"><s>Sarah talked to me again about the proposal from our neighbour, she proposed to start simple, with a handjob or a blowjob and I said yes. So I guess I'm whoring my wife out to my neighbour.</s></div>
<div class="journal journalend">So, she did it. She gave a handjob, naked, to our neighbour. And he came on her face. She did make a good amount of money with it, but I'm wondering how far this is going to go.</div>
<<elseif $neighbour2prev is "true">>
<div class="journal"><s>Damn, I just had sex in front of our neighbour and it was something alright. Especially Sarah really seemed into it.</s></div>
<div class="journal"><s>I just saw our neighbour talking with Sarah, and of course, he came back for more and Sarah seems to want it as well.</s></div>
<div class="journal journalend">Sarah talked to me again about the proposal from our neighbour, she proposed to start simple, with a handjob or a blowjob and I said yes. So I guess I'm whoring my wife out to my neighbour.</div>
<<elseif $neighbour1talk is "true">>
<div class="journal"><s>Damn, I just had sex in front of our neighbour and it was something alright. Especially Sarah really seemed into it.</s></div>
<div class="journal journalend">I just saw our neighbour talking with Sarah, and of course, he came back for more and Sarah seems to want it as well.</div>
<<elseif $neighbour1 is "true">>
<div class="journal journalend">Damn, I just had sex in front of our neighbour and it was something alright. Especially Sarah really seemed into it.</div>
<<elseif $exhibitionist is "true" and $bdsm2 is "true" and $dayt is 2 and $neighbour1 is "false">>
<div class="journal">I should go outside sometime.</div>
<<if $bdsm2 is "true">>
<div class="journal"><s>Sarah wants something more exciting. Well, I’ll give her something more exciting. Now I just have to figure out what. Let’s see if they have something interesting at the mall.</s></div>
<div class="journal"><s>Well, I sure did something interesting. I got something they call a wand vibrator. So I would say, let’s ask her ‘on a date’ again and test it out.</s></div>
<div class="journal"><s>Damn, I tied her up and basically tortured her. And the best part is that Sarah loved every second of it. Despite me really pushing boundaries with her. Maybe I should organize something like this again, probably when she is at work so I can prepare in peace. Myabe the livingroom would be the best place to do this. There is the most space.</s></div>
<div class="journal journalend">Damn, I pushed her to her limits again and she loved it. I really have the feeling this is only bringing us closer together as it requires quite some trust.</div>
<<elseif $bdsm1 is "true">>
<div class="journal"><s>Sarah wants something more exciting. Well, I’ll give her something more exciting. Now I just have to figure out what. Let’s see if they have something interesting at the mall.</s></div>
<div class="journal"><s>Well, I sure did something interesting. I got something they call a wand vibrator. So I would say, let’s ask her ‘on a date’ again and test it out.</s></div>
<div class="journal journalend">Damn, I tied her up and basically tortured her. And the best part is that Sarah loved every second of it. Despite me really pushing boundaries with her. Maybe I should organize something like this again, probably when she is at work so I can prepare in peace. Maybe the livingroom would be the best place to do this. There is the most space.</div>
<<elseif $moreexciting is "true" and $vibo is "true">>
<div class="journal"><s>Sarah wants something more exciting. Well, I’ll give her something more exciting. Now I just have to figure out what. Let’s see if they have something interesting at the mall.</s></div>
<div class="journal journalend">Well, I sure did something interesting. I got something they call a wand vibrator. So I would say, let’s ask her ‘on a date’ again and test it out.</div>
<<elseif $moreexciting is "true" and $bdsm1 is "false">>
<div class="journal journalend">Sarah wants something more exciting. Well, I’ll give her something more exciting. Now I just have to figure out what. Let’s see if they have something interesting at the mall.</div>
<<if $sarahsrevenge is "true">>
<div class="journal"><s>Ever since Sarah is gone, Noelle seems a bit distant. When I tried to connect with her she just shut me down. I guess I just have to keep trying with her and try to get her attention. I mean I have needs too and we are in a realtionship right?</s></div>
<div class="journal"><s>What did just happen? I'm so messed up. All I know is that for now I should focus on finding Sarah. The only place of which I'm sure she will be there is at the University. Maybe I should go there?</s></div>
<div class="journal"><s>Soo, Sarah was not happy to see me at work. I could have guessed she wouldn't like it if I visited her at work. I really need to find out where she stays. Maybe Christel will know?</s></div>
<div class="journal"><s>Christel has told me that Sarah is at her sisters Ashley her house. I should probably go there.</s></div>
<div class="journal"><s>I found Sarah and we sort of talked, but the strangest thing hapened, she said that she didn't believe that Noelle is pregnant. Maybe it would be wise to keep an sharp eye on Noelle and maybe even spy on her.</s></div>
<div class="journal"><s>So, spying on Noelle was a bust, but I think I should pay special attention to her when she is her room.</s></div>
<div class="journal"><s>What did I just see? First she sneaks out of the house through her window, and then she is in de club drinking alcohol and then the things with this man.. Is Sarah actually right? I should talk to her as soon as possible.</s></div>
<div class="journal"><s>So Sarah and I made a plan, hopefully to trick Noelle. So all I need to do is get this plan started from my office.</s></div>
<div class="journal"><s>Here I am, living with Sarah and her sister. The most important thing is that I talk to Sarah. In the meantim I just have to go through the days and try to reconnect with Sarah and maybe try to connect with Ashley as well.</s></div>
<div class="journal"><s>Holy fuck, what did just happen these last days. It was.. Wauw just wauw. A fucking threesome with Sarah and Ashley.. Dreams do come true. Anyway, time for me to go home and see what Noelle has been up to. I should go and see the footage in my office.</s></div>
<div class="journal"><s>Fuck.. So after I got home I found out that Noelle has been sleeping with another guy, in my house! But that is not even the worst part. She stole all our money together with that guy, litterally every penny. When I told Sarah she went mental. She came over where we confronted Noelle. Noelle made Sarah so angry that Sarah fought with her and it ended up with Noelle falling and hitting her head against my desk. She is dead.. We placed Noelle in the shed and started cleaning the office. Once we were done it was already getting light outside so we decided to get rid of the body tonight. Which means I should make sure I am at home tonight.</s></div>
<div class="journal"><s>What is happening? Last night Noelle was dead and now her body is fucking gone? For real? What the fuck are we going to do now?</s></div>
<div class="journal"><s>So we found Noelle, in a psychiatric hospital. She has a complete memoryloss but believes we are the good guys. The positive thing is that we can tell her anything we want and she will probably believe it. This gives me the oppertunity to mold her into whatever I want. I should be carefull though and not push to much.</s></div>
<div class="journal">For fucks sake, just when you think you have had it all.</div>
<<if $sarahsrevengestopped is "true">>
<div class="journal journalend">I came home and I saw Sarah sucking some guy’s dick. I couldn’t believe what I saw, so I interviewed and put a stop to it. Sarah got really angry. It turns out that I haven't spend much time with her and she is not wrong. So we talked about it I guess we are ok now. so it’s all good now I guess.</div>
<<elseif $sarahsrevengeangry is "true">>
<div class="journal journalend">I came home and I saw Sarah sucking some guy’s dick. I couldn’t believe what I saw, but I felt.. I don’t know, I was frozen I guess. I just kept watching as she fucked someone else. I don’t know why. I mean it was quite hot to watch, but.. Anyway, afterward she walked upstairs and suddenly called my name. She knew I was watching! When I got up she asked me to fuck her, and I just got angry. She got angry as well. Afterward, we talked it out and it turns out that I haven't spend much time with her and she is not wrong. So we talked about it I guess we are ok now.</div>
<<elseif $sarahsrevengefuck is "true">>
<div class="journal journalend">I came home and I saw Sarah sucking some guy’s dick. I couldn’t believe what I saw, but I felt.. I don’t know, I was frozen I guess. I just kept watching as she fucked someone else. I don’t know why. I mean it was quite hot to watch, but.. Anyway, afterward, she walked upstairs and suddenly called my name. She knew I was watching! When I got up she asked me to fuck her, and I did. After another guy fucked her, I fucked her again. I got the sloppy seconds. Afterward, we talked it out and it turns out that I haven't spent much time with her and she is not wrong. So we talked about it and I guess we are ok now. I guess we are ok now.</div><</if>>
<<elseif $gettingnoelle is "true">>
<div class="journal"><s>Ever since Sarah is gone, Noelle seems a bit distant. When I tried to connect with her she just shut me down. I guess I just have to keep trying with her and try to get her attention. I mean I have needs too and we are in a realtionship right?</s></div>
<div class="journal"><s>What did just happen? I'm so messed up. All I know is that for now I should focus on finding Sarah. The only place of which I'm sure she will be there is at the University. Maybe I should go there?</s></div>
<div class="journal"><s>Soo, Sarah was not happy to see me at work. I could have guessed she wouldn't like it if I visited her at work. I really need to find out where she stays. Maybe Christel will know?</s></div>
<div class="journal"><s>Christel has told me that Sarah is at her sisters Ashley her house. I should probably go there.</s></div>
<div class="journal"><s>I found Sarah and we sort of talked, but the strangest thing hapened, she said that she didn't believe that Noelle is pregnant. Maybe it would be wise to keep an sharp eye on Noelle and maybe even spy on her.</s></div>
<div class="journal"><s>So, spying on Noelle was a bust, but I think I should pay special attention to her when she is her room.</s></div>
<div class="journal"><s>What did I just see? First she sneaks out of the house through her window, and then she is in de club drinking alcohol and then the things with this man.. Is Sarah actually right? I should talk to her as soon as possible.</s></div>
<div class="journal"><s>So Sarah and I made a plan, hopefully to trick Noelle. So all I need to do is get this plan started from my office.</s></div>
<div class="journal"><s>Here I am, living with Sarah and her sister. The most important thing is that I talk to Sarah. In the meantim I just have to go through the days and try to reconnect with Sarah and maybe try to connect with Ashley as well.</s></div>
<div class="journal"><s>Holy fuck, what did just happen these last days. It was.. Wauw just wauw. A fucking threesome with Sarah and Ashley.. Dreams do come true. Anyway, time for me to go home and see what Noelle has been up to. I should go and see the footage in my office.</s></div>
<div class="journal"><s>Fuck.. So after I got home I found out that Noelle has been sleeping with another guy, in my house! But that is not even the worst part. She stole all our money together with that guy, litterally every penny. When I told Sarah she went mental. She came over where we confronted Noelle. Noelle made Sarah so angry that Sarah fought with her and it ended up with Noelle falling and hitting her head against my desk. She is dead.. We placed Noelle in the shed and started cleaning the office. Once we were done it was already getting light outside so we decided to get rid of the body tonight. Which means I should make sure I am at home tonight.</s></div>
<div class="journal"><s>What is happening? Last night Noelle was dead and now her body is fucking gone? For real? What the fuck are we going to do now?</s></div>
<div class="journal journalend">So we found Noelle, in a psychiatric hospital. She has a complete memoryloss but believes we are the good guys. The positive thing is that we can tell her anything we want and she will probably believe it. This gives me the oppertunity to mold her into whatever I want. I should be carefull though and not push to much.</div>
<<elseif $sarahspihelps is "true">>
<div class="journal"><s>Ever since Sarah is gone, Noelle seems a bit distant. When I tried to connect with her she just shut me down. I guess I just have to keep trying with her and try to get her attention. I mean I have needs too and we are in a realtionship right?</s></div>
<div class="journal"><s>What did just happen? I'm so messed up. All I know is that for now I should focus on finding Sarah. The only place of which I'm sure she will be there is at the University. Maybe I should go there?</s></div>
<div class="journal"><s>Soo, Sarah was not happy to see me at work. I could have guessed she wouldn't like it if I visited her at work. I really need to find out where she stays. Maybe Christel will know?</s></div>
<div class="journal"><s>Christel has told me that Sarah is at her sisters Ashley her house. I should probably go there.</s></div>
<div class="journal"><s>I found Sarah and we sort of talked, but the strangest thing hapened, she said that she didn't believe that Noelle is pregnant. Maybe it would be wise to keep an sharp eye on Noelle and maybe even spy on her.</s></div>
<div class="journal"><s>So, spying on Noelle was a bust, but I think I should pay special attention to her when she is her room.</s></div>
<div class="journal"><s>What did I just see? First she sneaks out of the house through her window, and then she is in de club drinking alcohol and then the things with this man.. Is Sarah actually right? I should talk to her as soon as possible.</s></div>
<div class="journal"><s>So Sarah and I made a plan, hopefully to trick Noelle. So all I need to do is get this plan started from my office.</s></div>
<div class="journal"><s>Here I am, living with Sarah and her sister. The most important thing is that I talk to Sarah. In the meantim I just have to go through the days and try to reconnect with Sarah and maybe try to connect with Ashley as well.</s></div>
<div class="journal"><s>Holy fuck, what did just happen these last days. It was.. Wauw just wauw. A fucking threesome with Sarah and Ashley.. Dreams do come true. Anyway, time for me to go home and see what Noelle has been up to. I should go and see the footage in my office.</s></div>
<div class="journal"><s>Fuck.. So after I got home I found out that Noelle has been sleeping with another guy, in my house! But that is not even the worst part. She stole all our money together with that guy, litterally every penny. When I told Sarah she went mental. She came over where we confronted Noelle. Noelle made Sarah so angry that Sarah fought with her and it ended up with Noelle falling and hitting her head against my desk. She is dead.. We placed Noelle in the shed and started cleaning the office. Once we were done it was already getting light outside so we decided to get rid of the body tonight. Which means I should make sure I am at home tonight.</s></div>
<div class="journal"><s>What is happening? Last night Noelle was dead and now her body is fucking gone? For real? What the fuck are we going to do now?</s>
<div class="journal journalend">So Sarah asked her PI, which she used to on me, to help and find Noelle. No idea how we are going to pay for it, but at least we have a professional looking for her and now we wait.</div>
<<elseif $sabinahelps is "true">>
<div class="journal"><s>Ever since Sarah is gone, Noelle seems a bit distant. When I tried to connect with her she just shut me down. I guess I just have to keep trying with her and try to get her attention. I mean I have needs too and we are in a realtionship right?</s></div>
<div class="journal"><s>What did just happen? I'm so messed up. All I know is that for now I should focus on finding Sarah. The only place of which I'm sure she will be there is at the University. Maybe I should go there?</s></div>
<div class="journal"><s>Soo, Sarah was not happy to see me at work. I could have guessed she wouldn't like it if I visited her at work. I really need to find out where she stays. Maybe Christel will know?</s></div>
<div class="journal"><s>Christel has told me that Sarah is at her sisters Ashley her house. I should probably go there.</s></div>
<div class="journal"><s>I found Sarah and we sort of talked, but the strangest thing hapened, she said that she didn't believe that Noelle is pregnant. Maybe it would be wise to keep an sharp eye on Noelle and maybe even spy on her.</s></div>
<div class="journal"><s>So, spying on Noelle was a bust, but I think I should pay special attention to her when she is her room.</s></div>
<div class="journal"><s>What did I just see? First she sneaks out of the house through her window, and then she is in de club drinking alcohol and then the things with this man.. Is Sarah actually right? I should talk to her as soon as possible.</s></div>
<div class="journal"><s>So Sarah and I made a plan, hopefully to trick Noelle. So all I need to do is get this plan started from my office.</s></div>
<div class="journal"><s>Here I am, living with Sarah and her sister. The most important thing is that I talk to Sarah. In the meantim I just have to go through the days and try to reconnect with Sarah and maybe try to connect with Ashley as well.</s></div>
<div class="journal"><s>Holy fuck, what did just happen these last days. It was.. Wauw just wauw. A fucking threesome with Sarah and Ashley.. Dreams do come true. Anyway, time for me to go home and see what Noelle has been up to. I should go and see the footage in my office.</s></div>
<div class="journal"><s>Fuck.. So after I got home I found out that Noelle has been sleeping with another guy, in my house! But that is not even the worst part. She stole all our money together with that guy, litterally every penny. When I told Sarah she went mental. She came over where we confronted Noelle. Noelle made Sarah so angry that Sarah fought with her and it ended up with Noelle falling and hitting her head against my desk. She is dead.. We placed Noelle in the shed and started cleaning the office. Once we were done it was already getting light outside so we decided to get rid of the body tonight. Which means I should make sure I am at home tonight.</s></div>
<div class="journal"><s>What is happening? Last night Noelle was dead and now her body is fucking gone? For real? What the fuck are we going to do now?</s>
<div class="journal journalend">So I asked Sabina to help us find Noelle. She says she is on it. Nothing more to do then wait I guess.</div>
<<elseif $burynoelle is "true">>
<div class="journal"><s>Ever since Sarah is gone, Noelle seems a bit distant. When I tried to connect with her she just shut me down. I guess I just have to keep trying with her and try to get her attention. I mean I have needs too and we are in a realtionship right?</s></div>
<div class="journal"><s>What did just happen? I'm so messed up. All I know is that for now I should focus on finding Sarah. The only place of which I'm sure she will be there is at the University. Maybe I should go there?</s></div>
<div class="journal"><s>Soo, Sarah was not happy to see me at work. I could have guessed she wouldn't like it if I visited her at work. I really need to find out where she stays. Maybe Christel will know?</s></div>
<div class="journal"><s>Christel has told me that Sarah is at her sisters Ashley her house. I should probably go there.</s></div>
<div class="journal"><s>I found Sarah and we sort of talked, but the strangest thing hapened, she said that she didn't believe that Noelle is pregnant. Maybe it would be wise to keep an sharp eye on Noelle and maybe even spy on her.</s></div>
<div class="journal"><s>So, spying on Noelle was a bust, but I think I should pay special attention to her when she is her room.</s></div>
<div class="journal"><s>What did I just see? First she sneaks out of the house through her window, and then she is in de club drinking alcohol and then the things with this man.. Is Sarah actually right? I should talk to her as soon as possible.</s></div>
<div class="journal"><s>So Sarah and I made a plan, hopefully to trick Noelle. So all I need to do is get this plan started from my office.</s></div>
<div class="journal"><s>Here I am, living with Sarah and her sister. The most important thing is that I talk to Sarah. In the meantim I just have to go through the days and try to reconnect with Sarah and maybe try to connect with Ashley as well.</s></div>
<div class="journal"><s>Holy fuck, what did just happen these last days. It was.. Wauw just wauw. A fucking threesome with Sarah and Ashley.. Dreams do come true. Anyway, time for me to go home and see what Noelle has been up to. I should go and see the footage in my office.</s></div>
<div class="journal"><s>Fuck.. So after I got home I found out that Noelle has been sleeping with another guy, in my house! But that is not even the worst part. She stole all our money together with that guy, litterally every penny. When I told Sarah she went mental. She came over where we confronted Noelle. Noelle made Sarah so angry that Sarah fought with her and it ended up with Noelle falling and hitting her head against my desk. She is dead.. We placed Noelle in the shed and started cleaning the office. Once we were done it was already getting light outside so we decided to get rid of the body tonight. Which means I should make sure I am at home tonight.</s></div>
<div class="journal journalend">What is happening? Last night Noelle was dead and now her body is fucking gone? For real? What the fuck are we going to do now?</div>
<<elseif $truthrevealed is "true">>
<div class="journal"><s>Ever since Sarah is gone, Noelle seems a bit distant. When I tried to connect with her she just shut me down. I guess I just have to keep trying with her and try to get her attention. I mean I have needs too and we are in a realtionship right?</s></div>
<div class="journal"><s>What did just happen? I'm so messed up. All I know is that for now I should focus on finding Sarah. The only place of which I'm sure she will be there is at the University. Maybe I should go there?</s></div>
<div class="journal"><s>Soo, Sarah was not happy to see me at work. I could have guessed she wouldn't like it if I visited her at work. I really need to find out where she stays. Maybe Christel will know?</s></div>
<div class="journal"><s>Christel has told me that Sarah is at her sisters Ashley her house. I should probably go there.</s></div>
<div class="journal"><s>I found Sarah and we sort of talked, but the strangest thing hapened, she said that she didn't believe that Noelle is pregnant. Maybe it would be wise to keep an sharp eye on Noelle and maybe even spy on her.</s></div>
<div class="journal"><s>So, spying on Noelle was a bust, but I think I should pay special attention to her when she is her room.</s></div>
<div class="journal"><s>What did I just see? First she sneaks out of the house through her window, and then she is in de club drinking alcohol and then the things with this man.. Is Sarah actually right? I should talk to her as soon as possible.</s></div>
<div class="journal"><s>So Sarah and I made a plan, hopefully to trick Noelle. So all I need to do is get this plan started from my office.</s></div>
<div class="journal"><s>Here I am, living with Sarah and her sister. The most important thing is that I talk to Sarah. In the meantim I just have to go through the days and try to reconnect with Sarah and maybe try to connect with Ashley as well.</s></div>
<div class="journal"><s>Holy fuck, what did just happen these last days. It was.. Wauw just wauw. A fucking threesome with Sarah and Ashley.. Dreams do come true. Anyway, time for me to go home and see what Noelle has been up to. I should go and see the footage in my office.</s></div>
<div class="journal journalend">Fuck.. So after I got home I found out that Noelle has been sleeping with another guy, in my house! But that is not even the worst part. She stole all our money together with that guy, litterally every penny. When I told Sarah she went mental. She came over where we confronted Noelle. Noelle made Sarah so angry that Sarah fought with her and it ended up with Noelle falling and hitting her head against my desk. She is dead.. We placed Noelle in the shed and started cleaning the office. Once we were done it was already getting light outside so we decided to get rid of the body tonight. Which means I should make sure I am at home tonight.</div>
<<elseif $goinghome is "true">>
<div class="journal"><s>Ever since Sarah is gone, Noelle seems a bit distant. When I tried to connect with her she just shut me down. I guess I just have to keep trying with her and try to get her attention. I mean I have needs too and we are in a realtionship right?</s></div>
<div class="journal"><s>What did just happen? I'm so messed up. All I know is that for now I should focus on finding Sarah. The only place of which I'm sure she will be there is at the University. Maybe I should go there?</s></div>
<div class="journal"><s>Soo, Sarah was not happy to see me at work. I could have guessed she wouldn't like it if I visited her at work. I really need to find out where she stays. Maybe Christel will know?</s></div>
<div class="journal"><s>Christel has told me that Sarah is at her sisters Ashley her house. I should probably go there.</s></div>
<div class="journal"><s>I found Sarah and we sort of talked, but the strangest thing hapened, she said that she didn't believe that Noelle is pregnant. Maybe it would be wise to keep an sharp eye on Noelle and maybe even spy on her.</s></div>
<div class="journal"><s>So, spying on Noelle was a bust, but I think I should pay special attention to her when she is her room.</s></div>
<div class="journal"><s>What did I just see? First she sneaks out of the house through her window, and then she is in de club drinking alcohol and then the things with this man.. Is Sarah actually right? I should talk to her as soon as possible.</s></div>
<div class="journal"><s>So Sarah and I made a plan, hopefully to trick Noelle. So all I need to do is get this plan started from my office.</s></div>
<div class="journal"><s>Here I am, living with Sarah and her sister. The most important thing is that I talk to Sarah. In the meantim I just have to go through the days and try to reconnect with Sarah and maybe try to connect with Ashley as well.</s></div>
<div class="journal journalend">Holy fuck, what did just happen these last days. It was.. Wauw just wauw. A fucking threesome with Sarah and Ashley.. Dreams do come true. Anyway, time for me to go home and see what Noelle has been up to. I should go and see the footage in my office.</div>
<<elseif $livingatashley is "true">>
<div class="journal"><s>Ever since Sarah is gone, Noelle seems a bit distant. When I tried to connect with her she just shut me down. I guess I just have to keep trying with her and try to get her attention. I mean I have needs too and we are in a realtionship right?</s></div>
<div class="journal"><s>What did just happen? I'm so messed up. All I know is that for now I should focus on finding Sarah. The only place of which I'm sure she will be there is at the University. Maybe I should go there?</s></div>
<div class="journal"><s>Soo, Sarah was not happy to see me at work. I could have guessed she wouldn't like it if I visited her at work. I really need to find out where she stays. Maybe Christel will know?</s></div>
<div class="journal"><s>Christel has told me that Sarah is at her sisters Ashley her house. I should probably go there.</s></div>
<div class="journal"><s>I found Sarah and we sort of talked, but the strangest thing hapened, she said that she didn't believe that Noelle is pregnant. Maybe it would be wise to keep an sharp eye on Noelle and maybe even spy on her.</s></div>
<div class="journal"><s>So, spying on Noelle was a bust, but I think I should pay special attention to her when she is her room.</s></div>
<div class="journal"><s>What did I just see? First she sneaks out of the house through her window, and then she is in de club drinking alcohol and then the things with this man.. Is Sarah actually right? I should talk to her as soon as possible.</s></div>
<div class="journal"><s>So Sarah and I made a plan, hopefully to trick Noelle. So all I need to do is get this plan started from my office.</s></div>
<div class="journal journalend">Here I am, living with Sarah and her sister. The most important thing is that I talk to Sarah. In the meantim I just have to go through the days and try to reconnect with Sarah and maybe try to connect with Ashley as well.</div>
<<elseif $madetheplan is "true">>
<div class="journal"><s>Ever since Sarah is gone, Noelle seems a bit distant. When I tried to connect with her she just shut me down. I guess I just have to keep trying with her and try to get her attention. I mean I have needs too and we are in a realtionship right?</s></div>
<div class="journal"><s>What did just happen? I'm so messed up. All I know is that for now I should focus on finding Sarah. The only place of which I'm sure she will be there is at the University. Maybe I should go there?</s></div>
<div class="journal"><s>Soo, Sarah was not happy to see me at work. I could have guessed she wouldn't like it if I visited her at work. I really need to find out where she stays. Maybe Christel will know?</s></div>
<div class="journal"><s>Christel has told me that Sarah is at her sisters Ashley her house. I should probably go there.</s></div>
<div class="journal"><s>I found Sarah and we sort of talked, but the strangest thing hapened, she said that she didn't believe that Noelle is pregnant. Maybe it would be wise to keep an sharp eye on Noelle and maybe even spy on her.</s></div>
<div class="journal"><s>So, spying on Noelle was a bust, but I think I should pay special attention to her when she is her room.</s></div>
<div class="journal"><s>What did I just see? First she sneaks out of the house through her window, and then she is in de club drinking alcohol and then the things with this man.. Is Sarah actually right? I should talk to her as soon as possible.</s></div>
<div class="journal journalend">So Sarah and I made a plan, hopefully to trick Noelle. So all I need to do is get this plan started from my office.</div>
<<elseif $noellespyevent is "true">>
<div class="journal"><s>Ever since Sarah is gone, Noelle seems a bit distant. When I tried to connect with her she just shut me down. I guess I just have to keep trying with her and try to get her attention. I mean I have needs too and we are in a realtionship right?</s></div>
<div class="journal"><s>What did just happen? I'm so messed up. All I know is that for now I should focus on finding Sarah. The only place of which I'm sure she will be there is at the University. Maybe I should go there?</s></div>
<div class="journal"><s>Soo, Sarah was not happy to see me at work. I could have guessed she wouldn't like it if I visited her at work. I really need to find out where she stays. Maybe Christel will know?</s></div>
<div class="journal"><s>Christel has told me that Sarah is at her sisters Ashley her house. I should probably go there.</s></div>
<div class="journal"><s>I found Sarah and we sort of talked, but the strangest thing hapened, she said that she didn't believe that Noelle is pregnant. Maybe it would be wise to keep an sharp eye on Noelle and maybe even spy on her.</s></div>
<div class="journal"><s>So, spying on Noelle was a bust, but I think I should pay special attention to her when she is her room.</s></div>
<div class="journal journalend">What did I just see? First she sneaks out of the house through her window, and then she is in de club drinking alcohol and then the things with this man.. Is Sarah actually right? I should talk to her as soon as possible.</div>
<<elseif $noellespy gte 5>>
<div class="journal"><s>Ever since Sarah is gone, Noelle seems a bit distant. When I tried to connect with her she just shut me down. I guess I just have to keep trying with her and try to get her attention. I mean I have needs too and we are in a realtionship right?</s></div>
<div class="journal"><s>What did just happen? I'm so messed up. All I know is that for now I should focus on finding Sarah. The only place of which I'm sure she will be there is at the University. Maybe I should go there?</s></div>
<div class="journal"><s>Soo, Sarah was not happy to see me at work. I could have guessed she wouldn't like it if I visited her at work. I really need to find out where she stays. Maybe Christel will know?</s></div>
<div class="journal"><s>Christel has told me that Sarah is at her sisters Ashley her house. I should probably go there.</s></div>
<div class="journal"><s>I found Sarah and we sort of talked, but the strangest thing hapened, she said that she didn't believe that Noelle is pregnant. Maybe it would be wise to keep an sharp eye on Noelle and maybe even spy on her.</s></div>
<div class="journal journalend">So, spying on Noelle was a bust, but I think I should pay special attention to her when she is her room.</div>
<<elseif $foundsarah is "true">>
<div class="journal"><s>Ever since Sarah is gone, Noelle seems a bit distant. When I tried to connect with her she just shut me down. I guess I just have to keep trying with her and try to get her attention. I mean I have needs too and we are in a realtionship right?</s></div>
<div class="journal"><s>What did just happen? I'm so messed up. All I know is that for now I should focus on finding Sarah. The only place of which I'm sure she will be there is at the University. Maybe I should go there?</s></div>
<div class="journal"><s>Soo, Sarah was not happy to see me at work. I could have guessed she wouldn't like it if I visited her at work. I really need to find out where she stays. Maybe Christel will know?</s></div>
<div class="journal"><s>Christel has told me that Sarah is at her sisters Ashley her house. I should probably go there.</s></div>
<div class="journal journalend">I found Sarah and we sort of talked, but the strangest thing hapened, she said that she didn't believe that Noelle is pregnant. Maybe it would be wise to keep an sharp eye on Noelle and maybe even spy on her.</div>
<<elseif $christelcaught1 is "true">>
<div class="journal"><s>Ever since Sarah is gone, Noelle seems a bit distant. When I tried to connect with her she just shut me down. I guess I just have to keep trying with her and try to get her attention. I mean I have needs too and we are in a realtionship right?</s></div>
<div class="journal"><s>What did just happen? I'm so messed up. All I know is that for now I should focus on finding Sarah. The only place of which I'm sure she will be there is at the University. Maybe I should go there?</s></div>
<div class="journal journalend">Soo, Sarah was not happy to see me at work. I could have guessed she wouldn't like it if I visited her at work. I really need to find out where she stays. Maybe Christel will know?</div>
<div class="journal"><s>Christel has told me that Sarah is at her sisters Ashley her house. I should probably go there.</s></div>
<<elseif $talkuni is "true">>
<div class="journal"><s>Ever since Sarah is gone, Noelle seems a bit distant. When I tried to connect with her she just shut me down. I guess I just have to keep trying with her and try to get her attention. I mean I have needs too and we are in a realtionship right?</s></div>
<div class="journal"><s>What did just happen? I'm so messed up. All I know is that for now I should focus on finding Sarah. The only place of which I'm sure she will be there is at the University. Maybe I should go there?</s></div>
<div class="journal"><s>Soo, Sarah was not happy to see me at work. I could have guessed she wouldn't like it if I visited her at work. I really need to find out where she stays. Maybe Christel will know?</s></div>
<<elseif $suspiciousevent is "true">>
<div class="journal"><s>Ever since Sarah is gone, Noelle seems a bit distant. When I tried to connect with her she just shut me down. I guess I just have to keep trying with her.</s></div>
<div class="journal journalend">What did just happen? I'm so messed up. All I know is that for now I should focus on finding Sarah. The only place of which I'm sure she will be there is at the University. Maybe I should go there?</div>
<<elseif $suspicious gte 1>>
<div class="journal journalend">Ever since Sarah is gone, Noelle seems a bit distant. When I tried to connect with her she just shut me down. I guess I just have to keep trying with her and try to get her attention. I mean I have needs too and we are in a realtionship right?</div><</if>>
<<if $suspiciouschristel2 is "true">>
<div class="journal"><s>Christel is staying in the shed, if I'm lucky I might be able to spy on her a bit.</s></div>
<div class="journal"><s>I saw and heard some good things already, let's see if I can see more.</s></div>
<div class="journal "><s>I have the feeling something is going on.. I should keep spying on Christel.</s></div>
<div class="journal journalend">As I suspected, there is something going on between Christel and Sarah. I saw them having sex in Christel her bedroom. I should ask Sarah about this. (END FOR NOW)</div>
<<elseif $suspiciouschristel gte 20>>
<div class="journal"><s>Christel is staying in the shed, if I'm lucky I might be able to spy on her a bit.</s></div>
<div class="journal"><s>I saw and heard some good things already, let's see if I can see more.</s></div>
<div class="journal journalend">I have the feeling something is going on.. I should keep spying on Christel.</div>
<<elseif $suspiciouschristel gte 5>>
<div class="journal"><s>Christel is staying in the shed, if I'm lucky I might be able to spy on her a bit.</s></div>
<div class="journal journalend">I saw and heard some good things already, let's see if I can see more.</div>
<<elseif $christelevent11 is "true">>
<div class="journal journalend">Christel is staying in the shed, if I'm lucky I might be able to spy on her a bit.</div>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Return to Journal menu->Journal]]</span></div>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Return to game|$return]]</span></div>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Available Scenes->Christel's Scenes]]</span></div><br>
<<if $caughtevent is "true" and $christelcaught1 is "false">>
<div class="journal journalend">I doubt that Christel will talk to me after what happened with Sarah</div>
<<if $suspiciouschristel2 is "true">>
<div class="journal"><s>Christel is staying in the shed, if I'm lucky I might be able to spy on her a bit.</s></div>
<div class="journal"><s>I saw and heard some good things already, let's see if I can see more.</s></div>
<div class="journal "><s>I have the feeling something is going on.. I should keep spying on Christel.</s></div>
<div class="journal"><s>As I suspected, there is something going on between Christel and Sarah. I saw them having sex in Christel her bedroom. I should ask Sarah about this.</s></div>
<div class="journal journalend">I decided not to talk to Sarah but teach her a lesson she once thought me. I had sex with Christel right in front of her. In the end, Christel as well as Sarah seemed to have enjoyed it.</div>
<<elseif $suspiciouschristel2 is "true">>
<div class="journal"><s>Christel is staying in the shed, if I'm lucky I might be able to spy on her a bit.</s></div>
<div class="journal"><s>I saw and heard some good things already, let's see if I can see more.</s></div>
<div class="journal "><s>I have the feeling something is going on.. I should keep spying on Christel.</s></div>
<div class="journal journalend">As I suspected, there is something going on between Christel and Sarah. I saw them having sex in Christel her bedroom. <s>I should ask Sarah about this.</s> Go to Christels shed in the weekend after midday.</div>
<<elseif $suspiciouschristel gte 20>>
<div class="journal"><s>Christel is staying in the shed, if I'm lucky I might be able to spy on her a bit.</s></div>
<div class="journal"><s>I saw and heard some good things already, let's see if I can see more.</s></div>
<div class="journal journalend">I have the feeling something is going on.. I should keep spying on Christel.</div>
<<elseif $suspiciouschristel gte 5>>
<div class="journal"><s>Christel is staying in the shed, if I'm lucky I might be able to spy on her a bit.</s></div>
<div class="journal journalend">I saw and heard some good things already, let's see if I can see more.</div>
<<elseif $christelevent11 is "true">>
<div class="journal journalend">Christel is staying in the shed, if I'm lucky I might be able to spy on her a bit.</div>
<<elseif $christelevent10 is "true">>
<<if $christelevent7yestalk is "true">>
<div class="journal"><s>Maybe I should visit Christel at the University and try to get to know her better.</s></div>
<div class="journal"><s>I should visit Christel in her appartment.</s></div>
<div class="journal"><s>So I met Christel in her apartment, which was nice but odd as well, to be there without Sarah. It would be nice to do it again though. But first I should focus on Sarah (continue main storyline).</s></div>
<div class="journal"><s>So that happened. I kissed Christel and even though she didn't react as I hoped it felt quite good. She just feels really guilty towards Sarah now. Thereby she told me that her brother is in trouble and that some shady people are now harassing her because they think she knows where he is.</s></div>
<div class="journal"><s>I went to Christel and I found her house ransacked. Later she told me they also threatened her with a gun. All of this is still because of her brother.</s></div>
<div class="journal"><s>Fuck.. Where to start.. Christel called me because she was scared after the men ransacked her house. So I went over and well. We had sex until her husband came home. Yes her husband. Apparantly everything she told me about her brother was not about her brother but about her criminal enterprise running husband. Anyway, I hid in the bedroom and saw how he abused her physically. When he left I slept over at her place on her request. In the morning I was rewarded with an amazing blowjob. I should definitely go back to her some time.</s></div>
<div class="journal"><s>So we finally had sex without an interruption. She did tell me she was going to tell Sarah all about it, but I guess that is fine since Sarah clearly told me that she was ok with me sleeping with other women. Maybe I should talk about it at night in our bedroom to be sure.</s></div>
<div class="journal"><s>Well, I found out that Christel kept her word and she indeed told Sarah everything and Sarah was surprisingly relaxed about it. We just talked about Christel and hardly talked about the sex. I got to be honest, it scares me a bit.</s></div>
<div class="journal"><s>So I got this call from Sarah and she told me to open a link that she send me and there she was, together with Christel and before I knew it they were making out. But that’s not all after the licked and fingered each other, Sarah actually fucked Christel. She fucked her with a strapon. Fuck it was intense and I.. I was just flabbergasted as I watched the whole ordeal happening in front of me.</s></div>
<div class="journal">So clearly when Sarah got home, we talked, but we didn’t just talk she jerked me off while she told me a story about the first time she and Christel had sex. It was.. It was something and I can’t lie. I came hard.</div>
<<if $christelevent9a is "true">>
<div class="journal journalend">So, I went to Christel and clearly she was very emotional and I forgave her. But now she was so scared that she wanted to come and live with me and Sarah. I said I had to discuss this with Sarah first, but she wouldn't take no for an answer and seduced me. I had sex with her and I still said she couldn't come with me. She was very angry and said I used her. And well, maybe I did..</div>
<div class="journal journalend">
So, I went to Christel and clearly she was very emotional and I forgave her. But now she was so scared that she wanted to come and live with me and Sarah. I said I had to discuss this with Sarah first, but she wouldn't take no for an answer and tried to seduce me. But I just left. (END FOR NOW)</div>
<<elseif $christelevent7notalk is "true">>
<div class="journal"><s>Maybe I should visit Christel at the University and try to get to know her better.</s></div>
<div class="journal"><s>I should visit Christel in her appartment.</s></div>
<div class="journal"><s>So I met Christel in her apartment, which was nice but odd as well, to be there without Sarah. It would be nice to do it again though. But first I should focus on Sarah (continue main storyline).</s></div>
<div class="journal"><s>So that happened. I kissed Christel and even though she didn't react as I hoped it felt quite good. She just feels really guilty towards Sarah now. Thereby she told me that her brother is in trouble and that some shady people are now harassing her because they think she knows where he is.</s></div>
<div class="journal"><s>I went to Christel and I found her house ransacked. Later she told me they also threatened her with a gun. All of this is still because of her brother.</s></div>
<div class="journal"><s>Fuck.. Where to start.. Christel called me because she was scared after the men ransacked her house. So I went over and well. We had sex until her husband came home. Yes her husband. Apparantly everything she told me about her brother was not about her brother but about her criminal enterprise running husband. Anyway, I hid in the bedroom and saw how he abused her physically. When he left I slept over at her place on her request. In the morning I was rewarded with an amazing blowjob. I should definitely go back to her some time.</s></div>
<div class="journal"><s>So we finally had sex without an interruption. She did tell me she was going to tell Sarah all about it, but I guess that is fine since Sarah clearly told me that she was ok with me sleeping with other women. Maybe I should talk about it at night in our bedroom to be sure.</s></div>
<div class="journal"><s>Well, I found out that Christel kept her word and she indeed told Sarah everything and Sarah was surprisingly relaxed about it. We just talked about Christel and hardly talked about the sex. I got to be honest, it scares me a bit.</s></div>
<div class="journal"><s>So I got this call from Sarah and she told me to open a link that she send me and there she was, together with Christel and before I knew it they were making out and they started undressing each other. I.. I just couldn’t watch it, so I shut down the computer. I do not want to know what happened there.</s></div>
<div class="journal ">Oof, Sarah was pissed that I didn’t watch it. And even though I can imagine why, I still stand with my decision.</div><</if>>
<<if $christelevent9a is "true">>
<div class="journal">So, I went to Christel and clearly she was very emotional and I forgave her. But now she was so scared that she wanted to come and live with me and Sarah. I said I had to discuss this with Sarah first, but she wouldn't take no for an answer and seduced me. I had sex with her and I still said she couldn't come with me. She was very angry and said I used her. And well, maybe I did..</div>
<div class="journal journalend">Well, I talked to Sarah and, apparently Christel does not want to move in with us anymore. Not sure what to make of it. (END FOR NOW)</div>
<div class="journal">So, I went to Christel and clearly she was very emotional and I forgave her. But now she was so scared that she wanted to come and live with me and Sarah. I said I had to discuss this with Sarah first, but she wouldn't take no for an answer and tried to seduce me. But I just left.</div>
<div class="journal journalend">So, I talked to Sarah, and we decided that she can move in with us, but in the, once meant to be a BnB, shed.(END FOR NOW).</div>
<<elseif $christelevent9 is "true">>
<<if $christelevent7yestalk is "true">>
<div class="journal"><s>Maybe I should visit Christel at the University and try to get to know her better.</s></div>
<div class="journal"><s>I should visit Christel in her appartment.</s></div>
<div class="journal"><s>So I met Christel in her apartment, which was nice but odd as well, to be there without Sarah. It would be nice to do it again though. But first I should focus on Sarah (continue main storyline).</s></div>
<div class="journal"><s>So that happened. I kissed Christel and even though she didn't react as I hoped it felt quite good. She just feels really guilty towards Sarah now. Thereby she told me that her brother is in trouble and that some shady people are now harassing her because they think she knows where he is.</s></div>
<div class="journal"><s>I went to Christel and I found her house ransacked. Later she told me they also threatened her with a gun. All of this is still because of her brother.</s></div>
<div class="journal"><s>Fuck.. Where to start.. Christel called me because she was scared after the men ransacked her house. So I went over and well. We had sex until her husband came home. Yes her husband. Apparantly everything she told me about her brother was not about her brother but about her criminal enterprise running husband. Anyway, I hid in the bedroom and saw how he abused her physically. When he left I slept over at her place on her request. In the morning I was rewarded with an amazing blowjob. I should definitely go back to her some time.</s></div>
<div class="journal"><s>So we finally had sex without an interruption. She did tell me she was going to tell Sarah all about it, but I guess that is fine since Sarah clearly told me that she was ok with me sleeping with other women. Maybe I should talk about it at night in our bedroom to be sure.</s></div>
<div class="journal"><s>Well, I found out that Christel kept her word and she indeed told Sarah everything and Sarah was surprisingly relaxed about it. We just talked about Christel and hardly talked about the sex. I got to be honest, it scares me a bit.</s></div>
div class="journal"><s>So I got this call from Sarah and she told me to open a link that she send me and there she was, together with Christel and before I knew it they were making out. But that’s not all after the licked and fingered each other, Sarah actually fucked Christel. She fucked her with a strapon. Fuck it was intense and I.. I was just flabbergasted as I watched the whole ordeal happening in front of me.</s></div>
<div class="journal">So clearly when Sarah got home, we talked, but we didn’t just talk she jerked me off while she told me a story about the first time she and Christel had sex. It was.. It was something and I can’t lie. I came hard.</div>
<<if $christelevent9a is "true">>
<div class="journal journalend">So, I went to Christel and clearly she was very emotional and I forgave her. But now she was so scared that she wanted to come and live with me and Sarah. I said I had to discuss this with Sarah first, but she wouldn't take no for an answer and seduced me. I had sex with her and I still said she couldn't come with me. She was very angry and said I used her. And well, maybe I did..</div>
<div class="journal journalend">
So, I went to Christel and clearly she was very emotional and I forgave her. But now she was so scared that she wanted to come and live with me and Sarah. I said I had to discuss this with Sarah first, but she wouldn't take no for an answer and tried to seduce me. But I just left. (END FOR NOW)</div>
<<elseif $christelevent7notalk is "true">>
<div class="journal"><s>Maybe I should visit Christel at the University and try to get to know her better.</s></div>
<div class="journal"><s>I should visit Christel in her appartment.</s></div>
<div class="journal"><s>So I met Christel in her apartment, which was nice but odd as well, to be there without Sarah. It would be nice to do it again though. But first I should focus on Sarah (continue main storyline).</s></div>
<div class="journal"><s>So that happened. I kissed Christel and even though she didn't react as I hoped it felt quite good. She just feels really guilty towards Sarah now. Thereby she told me that her brother is in trouble and that some shady people are now harassing her because they think she knows where he is.</s></div>
<div class="journal"><s>I went to Christel and I found her house ransacked. Later she told me they also threatened her with a gun. All of this is still because of her brother.</s></div>
<div class="journal"><s>Fuck.. Where to start.. Christel called me because she was scared after the men ransacked her house. So I went over and well. We had sex until her husband came home. Yes her husband. Apparantly everything she told me about her brother was not about her brother but about her criminal enterprise running husband. Anyway, I hid in the bedroom and saw how he abused her physically. When he left I slept over at her place on her request. In the morning I was rewarded with an amazing blowjob. I should definitely go back to her some time.</s></div>
<div class="journal"><s>So we finally had sex without an interruption. She did tell me she was going to tell Sarah all about it, but I guess that is fine since Sarah clearly told me that she was ok with me sleeping with other women. Maybe I should talk about it at night in our bedroom to be sure.</s></div>
<div class="journal"><s>Well, I found out that Christel kept her word and she indeed told Sarah everything and Sarah was surprisingly relaxed about it. We just talked about Christel and hardly talked about the sex. I got to be honest, it scares me a bit.</s></div>
<div class="journal"><s>So I got this call from Sarah and she told me to open a link that she send me and there she was, together with Christel and before I knew it they were making out and they started undressing each other. I.. I just couldn’t watch it, so I shut down the computer. I do not want to know what happened there.</s></div>
<div class="journal ">Oof, Sarah was pissed that I didn’t watch it. And even though I can imagine why, I still stand with my decision.</div><</if>>
<<if $christelevent9a is "true">>
<div class="journal journalend">So, I went to Christel and clearly she was very emotional and I forgave her. But now she was so scared that she wanted to come and live with me and Sarah. I said I had to discuss this with Sarah first, but she wouldn't take no for an answer and seduced me. I had sex with her and I still said she couldn't come with me. She was very angry and said I used her. And well, maybe I did..</div>
<div class="journal journalend">So, I went to Christel and clearly she was very emotional and I forgave her. But now she was so scared that she wanted to come and live with me and Sarah. I said I had to discuss this with Sarah first, but she wouldn't take no for an answer and tried to seduce me. But I just left.</div>
<<elseif $christelevent7talk is "true">>
<<if $christelevent7yestalk is "true">>
<div class="journal"><s>Maybe I should visit Christel at the University and try to get to know her better.</s></div>
<div class="journal"><s>I should visit Christel in her appartment.</s></div>
<div class="journal"><s>So I met Christel in her apartment, which was nice but odd as well, to be there without Sarah. It would be nice to do it again though. But first I should focus on Sarah (continue main storyline).</s></div>
<div class="journal"><s>So that happened. I kissed Christel and even though she didn't react as I hoped it felt quite good. She just feels really guilty towards Sarah now. Thereby she told me that her brother is in trouble and that some shady people are now harassing her because they think she knows where he is.</s></div>
<div class="journal"><s>I went to Christel and I found her house ransacked. Later she told me they also threatened her with a gun. All of this is still because of her brother.</s></div>
<div class="journal"><s>Fuck.. Where to start.. Christel called me because she was scared after the men ransacked her house. So I went over and well. We had sex until her husband came home. Yes her husband. Apparantly everything she told me about her brother was not about her brother but about her criminal enterprise running husband. Anyway, I hid in the bedroom and saw how he abused her physically. When he left I slept over at her place on her request. In the morning I was rewarded with an amazing blowjob. I should definitely go back to her some time.</s></div>
<div class="journal"><s>So we finally had sex without an interruption. She did tell me she was going to tell Sarah all about it, but I guess that is fine since Sarah clearly told me that she was ok with me sleeping with other women. Maybe I should talk about it at night in our bedroom to be sure.</s></div>
<div class="journal"><s>Well, I found out that Christel kept her word and she indeed told Sarah everything and Sarah was surprisingly relaxed about it. We just talked about Christel and hardly talked about the sex. I got to be honest, it scares me a bit.</s></div>
div class="journal"><s>So I got this call from Sarah and she told me to open a link that she send me and there she was, together with Christel and before I knew it they were making out. But that’s not all after the licked and fingered each other, Sarah actually fucked Christel. She fucked her with a strapon. Fuck it was intense and I.. I was just flabbergasted as I watched the whole ordeal happening in front of me.</s></div>
<div class="journal journalend">So clearly when Sarah got home, we talked, but we didn’t just talk she jerked me off while she told me a story about the first time she and Christel had sex. It was.. It was something and I can’t lie. I came hard.</div>
<<elseif $christelevent7notalk is "true">>
<div class="journal"><s>Maybe I should visit Christel at the University and try to get to know her better.</s></div>
<div class="journal"><s>I should visit Christel in her appartment.</s></div>
<div class="journal"><s>So I met Christel in her apartment, which was nice but odd as well, to be there without Sarah. It would be nice to do it again though. But first I should focus on Sarah (continue main storyline).</s></div>
<div class="journal"><s>So that happened. I kissed Christel and even though she didn't react as I hoped it felt quite good. She just feels really guilty towards Sarah now. Thereby she told me that her brother is in trouble and that some shady people are now harassing her because they think she knows where he is.</s></div>
<div class="journal"><s>I went to Christel and I found her house ransacked. Later she told me they also threatened her with a gun. All of this is still because of her brother.</s></div>
<div class="journal"><s>Fuck.. Where to start.. Christel called me because she was scared after the men ransacked her house. So I went over and well. We had sex until her husband came home. Yes her husband. Apparantly everything she told me about her brother was not about her brother but about her criminal enterprise running husband. Anyway, I hid in the bedroom and saw how he abused her physically. When he left I slept over at her place on her request. In the morning I was rewarded with an amazing blowjob. I should definitely go back to her some time.</s></div>
<div class="journal"><s>So we finally had sex without an interruption. She did tell me she was going to tell Sarah all about it, but I guess that is fine since Sarah clearly told me that she was ok with me sleeping with other women. Maybe I should talk about it at night in our bedroom to be sure.</s></div>
<div class="journal"><s>Well, I found out that Christel kept her word and she indeed told Sarah everything and Sarah was surprisingly relaxed about it. We just talked about Christel and hardly talked about the sex. I got to be honest, it scares me a bit.</s></div>
<div class="journal"><s>So I got this call from Sarah and she told me to open a link that she send me and there she was, together with Christel and before I knew it they were making out and they started undressing each other. I.. I just couldn’t watch it, so I shut down the computer. I do not want to know what happened there.</s></div>
<div class="journal journalend">Oof, Sarah was pissed that I didn’t watch it. And even though I can imagine why, I still stand with my decision.</div><</if>>
<<elseif $christelevent7 is "true">>
<<if $christelevent7yes is "true">>
<div class="journal"><s>Maybe I should visit Christel at the University and try to get to know her better.</s></div>
<div class="journal"><s>I should visit Christel in her appartment.</s></div>
<div class="journal"><s>So I met Christel in her apartment, which was nice but odd as well, to be there without Sarah. It would be nice to do it again though. But first I should focus on Sarah (continue main storyline).</s></div>
<div class="journal"><s>So that happened. I kissed Christel and even though she didn't react as I hoped it felt quite good. She just feels really guilty towards Sarah now. Thereby she told me that her brother is in trouble and that some shady people are now harassing her because they think she knows where he is.</s></div>
<div class="journal"><s>I went to Christel and I found her house ransacked. Later she told me they also threatened her with a gun. All of this is still because of her brother.</s></div>
<div class="journal"><s>Fuck.. Where to start.. Christel called me because she was scared after the men ransacked her house. So I went over and well. We had sex until her husband came home. Yes her husband. Apparantly everything she told me about her brother was not about her brother but about her criminal enterprise running husband. Anyway, I hid in the bedroom and saw how he abused her physically. When he left I slept over at her place on her request. In the morning I was rewarded with an amazing blowjob. I should definitely go back to her some time.</s></div>
<div class="journal"><s>So we finally had sex without an interruption. She did tell me she was going to tell Sarah all about it, but I guess that is fine since Sarah clearly told me that she was ok with me sleeping with other women. Maybe I should talk about it at night in our bedroom to be sure.</s></div>
<div class="journal"><s>Well, I found out that Christel kept her word and she indeed told Sarah everything and Sarah was surprisingly relaxed about it. We just talked about Christel and hardly talked about the sex. I got to be honest, it scares me a bit.</s></div>
div class="journal journalend">So I got this call from Sarah and she told me to open a link that she send me and there she was, together with Christel and before I knew it they were making out. But that’s not all after the licked and fingered each other, Sarah actually fucked Christel. She fucked her with a strapon. Fuck it was intense and I.. I was just flabbergasted as I watched the whole ordeal happening in front of me.</div>
<<elseif $chistelevent7no is "true">>
<div class="journal"><s>Maybe I should visit Christel at the University and try to get to know her better.</s></div>
<div class="journal"><s>I should visit Christel in her appartment.</s></div>
<div class="journal"><s>So I met Christel in her apartment, which was nice but odd as well, to be there without Sarah. It would be nice to do it again though. But first I should focus on Sarah (continue main storyline).</s></div>
<div class="journal"><s>So that happened. I kissed Christel and even though she didn't react as I hoped it felt quite good. She just feels really guilty towards Sarah now. Thereby she told me that her brother is in trouble and that some shady people are now harassing her because they think she knows where he is.</s></div>
<div class="journal"><s>I went to Christel and I found her house ransacked. Later she told me they also threatened her with a gun. All of this is still because of her brother.</s></div>
<div class="journal"><s>Fuck.. Where to start.. Christel called me because she was scared after the men ransacked her house. So I went over and well. We had sex until her husband came home. Yes her husband. Apparantly everything she told me about her brother was not about her brother but about her criminal enterprise running husband. Anyway, I hid in the bedroom and saw how he abused her physically. When he left I slept over at her place on her request. In the morning I was rewarded with an amazing blowjob. I should definitely go back to her some time.</s></div>
<div class="journal"><s>So we finally had sex without an interruption. She did tell me she was going to tell Sarah all about it, but I guess that is fine since Sarah clearly told me that she was ok with me sleeping with other women. Maybe I should talk about it at night in our bedroom to be sure.</s></div>
<div class="journal"><s>Well, I found out that Christel kept her word and she indeed told Sarah everything and Sarah was surprisingly relaxed about it. We just talked about Christel and hardly talked about the sex. I got to be honest, it scares me a bit.</s></div>
<div class="journal journalend">So I got this call from Sarah and she told me to open a link that she send me and there she was, together with Christel and before I knew it they were making out and they started undressing each other. I.. I just couldn’t watch it, so I shut down the computer. I do not want to know what happened there.</div><</if>>
<<elseif $sarahchristel1 is "true">>
<div class="journal"><s>Maybe I should visit Christel at the University and try to get to know her better.</s></div>
<div class="journal"><s>I should visit Christel in her appartment.</s></div>
<div class="journal"><s>So I met Christel in her apartment, which was nice but odd as well, to be there without Sarah. It would be nice to do it again though. But first I should focus on Sarah (continue main storyline).</s></div>
<div class="journal"><s>So that happened. I kissed Christel and even though she didn't react as I hoped it felt quite good. She just feels really guilty towards Sarah now. Thereby she told me that her brother is in trouble and that some shady people are now harassing her because they think she knows where he is.</s></div>
<div class="journal"><s>I went to Christel and I found her house ransacked. Later she told me they also threatened her with a gun. All of this is still because of her brother.</s></div>
<div class="journal"><s>Fuck.. Where to start.. Christel called me because she was scared after the men ransacked her house. So I went over and well. We had sex until her husband came home. Yes her husband. Apparantly everything she told me about her brother was not about her brother but about her criminal enterprise running husband. Anyway, I hid in the bedroom and saw how he abused her physically. When he left I slept over at her place on her request. In the morning I was rewarded with an amazing blowjob. I should definitely go back to her some time.</s></div>
<div class="journal"><s>So we finally had sex without an interruption. She did tell me she was going to tell Sarah all about it, but I guess that is fine since Sarah clearly told me that she was ok with me sleeping with other women. Maybe I should talk about it at night in our bedroom to be sure.</s></div>
<div class="journal journalend">Well, I found out that Christel kept her word and she indeed told Sarah everything and Sarah was surprisingly relaxed about it. We just talked about Christel and hardly talked about the sex. I got to be honest, it scares me a bit.</div>
<<elseif $christelevent6 is "true">>
<div class="journal"><s>Maybe I should visit Christel at the University and try to get to know her better.</s></div>
<div class="journal"><s>I should visit Christel in her appartment.</s></div>
<div class="journal"><s>So I met Christel in her apartment, which was nice but odd as well, to be there without Sarah. It would be nice to do it again though. But first I should focus on Sarah (continue main storyline).</s></div>
<div class="journal"><s>So that happened. I kissed Christel and even though she didn't react as I hoped it felt quite good. She just feels really guilty towards Sarah now. Thereby she told me that her brother is in trouble and that some shady people are now harassing her because they think she knows where he is.</s></div>
<div class="journal"><s>I went to Christel and I found her house ransacked. Later she told me they also threatened her with a gun. All of this is still because of her brother.</s></div>
<div class="journal"><s>Fuck.. Where to start.. Christel called me because she was scared after the men ransacked her house. So I went over and well. We had sex until her husband came home. Yes her husband. Apparantly everything she told me about her brother was not about her brother but about her criminal enterprise running husband. Anyway, I hid in the bedroom and saw how he abused her physically. When he left I slept over at her place on her request. In the morning I was rewarded with an amazing blowjob. I should definitely go back to her some time.</s></div>
<div class="journal journalend">So we finally had sex without an interruption. She did tell me she was going to tell Sarah all about it, but I guess that is fine since Sarah clearly told me that she was ok with me sleeping with other women. Maybe I should talk about it at night in our bedroom to be sure.</div>
<<elseif $christelevent5 is "true">>
<div class="journal"><s>Maybe I should visit Christel at the University and try to get to know her better.</s></div>
<div class="journal"><s>I should visit Christel in her appartment.</s></div>
<div class="journal"><s>So I met Christel in her apartment, which was nice but odd as well, to be there without Sarah. It would be nice to do it again though. But first I should focus on Sarah (continue main storyline).</s></div>
<div class="journal"><s>So that happened. I kissed Christel and even though she didn't react as I hoped it felt quite good. She just feels really guilty towards Sarah now. Thereby she told me that her brother is in trouble and that some shady people are now harassing her because they think she knows where he is.</s></div>
<div class="journal"><s>I went to Christel and I found her house ransacked. Later she told me they also threatened her with a gun. All of this is still because of her brother.</s></div>
<div class="journal journalend">Fuck.. Where to start.. Christel called me because she was scared after the men ransacked her house. So I went over and well. We had sex until her husband came home. Yes her husband. Apparantly everything she told me about her brother was not about her brother but about her criminal enterprise running husband. Anyway, I hid in the bedroom and saw how he abused her physically. When he left I slept over at her place on her request. In the morning I was rewarded with an amazing blowjob. I should definitely go back to her some time.</div>
<<elseif $christelevent4 is "true">>
<div class="journal"><s>Maybe I should visit Christel at the University and try to get to know her better.</s></div>
<div class="journal"><s>I should visit Christel in her appartment.</s></div>
<div class="journal"><s>So I met Christel in her apartment, which was nice but odd as well, to be there without Sarah. It would be nice to do it again though. But first I should focus on Sarah (continue main storyline).</s></div>
<div class="journal"><s>So that happened. I kissed Christel and even though she didn't react as I hoped it felt quite good. She just feels really guilty towards Sarah now. Thereby she told me that her brother is in trouble and that some shady people are now harassing her because they think she knows where he is.</s></div>
<div class="journal journalend">I went to Christel and I found her house ransacked. Later she told me they also threatened her with a gun. All of this is still because of her brother.</div>
<<elseif $christelevent3 is "true">>
<div class="journal"><s>Maybe I should visit Christel at the University and try to get to know her better.</s></div>
<div class="journal"><s>I should visit Christel in her appartment.</s></div>
<div class="journal"><s>So I met Christel in her apartment, which was nice but odd as well, to be there without Sarah. It would be nice to do it again though. But first I should focus on Sarah (continue main storyline).</s></div>
<div class="journal journalend">So that happened. I kissed Christel and even though she didn't react as I hoped it felt quite good. She just feels really guilty towards Sarah now. Thereby she told me that her brother is in trouble and that some shady people are now harassing her because they think she knows where he is. I should visit her in a week or so.</div>
<<elseif $christelevent2 is "true">>
<div class="journal"><s>Maybe I should visit Christel at the University and try to get to know her better.</s></div>
<div class="journal"><s>I should visit Christel in her appartment.</s></div>
<div class="journal journalend">So I met Christel in her apartment, which was nice but odd as well, to be there without Sarah. It would be nice to do it again though. But first I should focus on Sarah (continue Sarahs/Noelles storyline, you might have blocked it, see left bar to continue).</div>
<<elseif $christelevent1 is "true" and $christelevent2 is "false">>
<div class="journal"><s>Maybe I should visit Christel at the University and try to get to know her better.</s></div>
<div class="journal journalend">I should visit Christel in her appartment.</div>
<<elseif $christelevent1 is "false">>
<div class="journal journalend">Maybe I should visit Christel at the University and try to get to know her better.</div>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Return to Journal menu->Journal]]</span></div>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Return to game|$return]]</span></div><<nobr>>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Available Scenes->Sabina's Scenes]]</span></div><br>
<<if $copevent10 is "true">>
<div class="journal"><s>What the fuck did I get myself into. Sabina seems crazy and now I have to everything she fucking tells me. Damn. I guess I'll just have to wait for her call when she needs me.</s></div>
<div class="journal"><s>That bitch, she actually tested me first. Well I guess somewhere it makes sense, but still. She also said that she would call me again. So I guess it's a waiting game again.</s></div>
<div class="journal"><s>Fuck me, she shot someone, right in front of me! I had to pick up, apparently, a bag of money to pay a guy for, what I guess, is information. Then suddenly she shot that guy and told him not to get greedy. Afterwards, after I doubted that she was a cop, she took me to the Police station to prove she wa a cop. When I left she did pay me a fair amount. So I guess I work for her now. I won't be suprised if she calls me again soon.</s></div>
<div class="journal"><s>That bitch. The guy she shot was just standing there. It was another test! But this one was definitely not a test. They raided some house and we had to flee from armed men who shot at us, I actually got shot at! But we succeeded to flee from them. And again, she paid me for my service.</s></div>
<div class="journal"><s>I was asked to come to the warehouse and now I am pretty sure that Jack and Sabina are either a couple or just plain fuckbuddies. Oh, and they gave me a gun, A FUCKING GUN! Anyway, we practiced some, and I was not bad at all. I left the gun with Sabina, because I don't want Sarah or, even worse, Peter to find it.</s></div>
<div class="journal"><s>Holy fuck! They shot Jack, right in front of us! Sabina was truly covered in blood, Jacks blood. I managed to get out of there before the cops showed up. I wonder how Sabina is doing, but I havent' heard from her yet.</s></div>
<div class="journal"><s>Fuck me, the FBI visited me and they know I’m involved in a way with Sabina. She basically gave me a choice. Either side with the FBI or side with Sabina.</s></div>
<<if $copevent6a is "true">>
<div class="journal"><s>Out of the blue I got a call from a girl called Paige, who works at the bar. She told me she saw Sabina, completely out of it, at the bar and that she had to kick her out. After chasing her around town I found her at the casino where she was detained. After I brought her home, and what a terrible neighborhood she lives in, she wanted to have sex, but I declined her. She thought I was Jack and it just felt wrong.</s></div>
<<elseif $copevent6b is "true">>
<div class="journal"><s>Out of the blue I got a call from a girl called Paige, who works at the bar. She told me she saw Sabina, completely out of it, at the bar and that she had to kick her out. After chasing her around town I found her at the casino where she was detained. After I brought her home, and what a terrible neighborhood she lives in, we had sex. Well not really sex, she gave me a handjob and I came in her mouth. Oh and she thought I was Jack.. Fuck, I hope I survive this.</s></div>
<div class="journal"><s>So, Sabina is lonely very lonely, so lonely she jumped my bones and basically made me fuck her and damn, she is one horny woman. In a way I feel and am used, but I don’t complain. She did thank me for saving her ass the other night. So long story short, a day full of surprises.</s></div>
<div class="journal journalend"><s>Sabina called me again. She needed me to sort of infiltrate a casino to find someone connected to the murder of Jack. Apparently, she recognized his voice or whatever and it was enough for her. So I left without being caught so I guess that's a win.</div> </s>
<<if $sabinarat is "true">>
<div class="journal"><s>After this whole ordeal I called Ms. Thompson from the FBI and told her everything.</s></div>
<<elseif $sabinaloyal is "true">>
<div class="journal"><s>After this is thought about telling Ms. Thompson from the FBI, but I decided not to tell her anything.</s></div>
<div class="journal journalend"><s>They killed her, that bastard killed her! Let's start from the beginning. Christel called me and when I arrive her husband sits there right in front of me. But he wasn't there because I had sex with Christel, but because I did the spy job for Sabina. He is the guy who, Sabina thinks, has killed Jack! Before I knew I was kidnapped and taken to a hotel somewhere. There I watched how Sabina was raped by two men and then killed, like litteraly killed! I.. I don't know what to do now..</s></div>
<<if $ce10calledFBI is "true">>
<div class="journal journalend">So I decided to call the FBI and tell them what happened to Sabina and they said that they where going to look into it and they will not tell me anything about it.. (END FOR NOW)</div>
<<elseif $ce10nothing is "true">>
<div class="journal journalend">So I decided to do nothing and just let it go for now since there is nothing to do about it now. It's time to move on with my life. (END FOR NOW)</div><</if>>
<<elseif $copevent9 is "true">>
<div class="journal"><s>What the fuck did I get myself into. Sabina seems crazy and now I have to everything she fucking tells me. Damn. I guess I'll just have to wait for her call when she needs me.</s></div>
<div class="journal"><s>That bitch, she actually tested me first. Well I guess somewhere it makes sense, but still. She also said that she would call me again. So I guess it's a waiting game again.</s></div>
<div class="journal"><s>Fuck me, she shot someone, right in front of me! I had to pick up, apparently, a bag of money to pay a guy for, what I guess, is information. Then suddenly she shot that guy and told him not to get greedy. Afterwards, after I doubted that she was a cop, she took me to the Police station to prove she wa a cop. When I left she did pay me a fair amount. So I guess I work for her now. I won't be suprised if she calls me again soon.</s></div>
<div class="journal"><s>That bitch. The guy she shot was just standing there. It was another test! But this one was definitely not a test. They raided some house and we had to flee from armed men who shot at us, I actually got shot at! But we succeeded to flee from them. And again, she paid me for my service.</s></div>
<div class="journal"><s>I was asked to come to the warehouse and now I am pretty sure that Jack and Sabina are either a couple or just plain fuckbuddies. Oh, and they gave me a gun, A FUCKING GUN! Anyway, we practiced some, and I was not bad at all. I left the gun with Sabina, because I don't want Sarah or, even worse, Peter to find it.</s></div>
<div class="journal"><s>Holy fuck! They shot Jack, right in front of us! Sabina was truly covered in blood, Jacks blood. I managed to get out of there before the cops showed up. I wonder how Sabina is doing, but I havent' heard from her yet.</s></div>
<div class="journal"><s>Fuck me, the FBI visited me and they know I’m involved in a way with Sabina. She basically gave me a choice. Either side with the FBI or side with Sabina.</s></div>
<<if $copevent6a is "true">>
<div class="journal"><s>Out of the blue I got a call from a girl called Paige, who works at the bar. She told me she saw Sabina, completely out of it, at the bar and that she had to kick her out. After chasing her around town I found her at the casino where she was detained. After I brought her home, and what a terrible neighborhood she lives in, she wanted to have sex, but I declined her. She thought I was Jack and it just felt wrong.</s></div>
<<elseif $copevent6b is "true">>
<div class="journal"><s>Out of the blue I got a call from a girl called Paige, who works at the bar. She told me she saw Sabina, completely out of it, at the bar and that she had to kick her out. After chasing her around town I found her at the casino where she was detained. After I brought her home, and what a terrible neighborhood she lives in, we had sex. Well not really sex, she gave me a handjob and I came in her mouth. Oh and she thought I was Jack.. Fuck, I hope I survive this.</s></div>
<div class="journal"><s>So, Sabina is lonely very lonely, so lonely she jumped my bones and basically made me fuck her and damn, she is one horny woman. In a way I feel and am used, but I don’t complain. She did thank me for saving her ass the other night. So long story short, a day full of surprises.</s></div>
<div class="journal journalend">Sabina called me again. She needed me to sort of infiltrate a casino to find someone connected to the murder of Jack. Apparently, she recognized his voice or whatever and it was enough for her. So I left without being caught so I guess that's a win.</s></div>
<<if $sabinarat is "true">>
<div class="journal"><s>After this whole ordeal I called Ms. Thompson from the FBI and told her everything.</s></div>
<<elseif $sabinaloyal is "true">>
<div class="journal"><s>After this is thought about telling Ms. Thompson from the FBI, but I decided not to tell her anything.</s></div>
<div class="journal journalend">They killed her, that bastard killed her! Let's start from the beginning. Christel called me and when I arrive her husband sits there right in front of me. But he wasn't there because I had sex with Christel, but because I did the spy job for Sabina. He is the guy who, Sabina thinks, has killed Jack! Before I knew I was kidnapped and taken to a hotel somewhere. There I watched how Sabina was raped by two men and then killed, like litteraly killed! I.. I don't know what to do now..(END FOR NOW).</div>
<<elseif $copevent8 is "true">>
<div class="journal"><s>What the fuck did I get myself into. Sabina seems crazy and now I have to everything she fucking tells me. Damn. I guess I'll just have to wait for her call when she needs me.</s></div>
<div class="journal"><s>That bitch, she actually tested me first. Well I guess somewhere it makes sense, but still. She also said that she would call me again. So I guess it's a waiting game again.</s></div>
<div class="journal"><s>Fuck me, she shot someone, right in front of me! I had to pick up, apparently, a bag of money to pay a guy for, what I guess, is information. Then suddenly she shot that guy and told him not to get greedy. Afterwards, after I doubted that she was a cop, she took me to the Police station to prove she wa a cop. When I left she did pay me a fair amount. So I guess I work for her now. I won't be suprised if she calls me again soon.</s></div>
<div class="journal"><s>That bitch. The guy she shot was just standing there. It was another test! But this one was definitely not a test. They raided some house and we had to flee from armed men who shot at us, I actually got shot at! But we succeeded to flee from them. And again, she paid me for my service.</s></div>
<div class="journal"><s>I was asked to come to the warehouse and now I am pretty sure that Jack and Sabina are either a couple or just plain fuckbuddies. Oh, and they gave me a gun, A FUCKING GUN! Anyway, we practiced some, and I was not bad at all. I left the gun with Sabina, because I don't want Sarah or, even worse, Peter to find it.</s></div>
<div class="journal"><s>Holy fuck! They shot Jack, right in front of us! Sabina was truly covered in blood, Jacks blood. I managed to get out of there before the cops showed up. I wonder how Sabina is doing, but I havent' heard from her yet.</s></div>
<div class="journal"><s>Fuck me, the FBI visited me and they know I’m involved in a way with Sabina. She basically gave me a choice. Either side with the FBI or side with Sabina.</s></div>
<<if $copevent6a is "true">>
<div class="journal"><s>Out of the blue I got a call from a girl called Paige, who works at the bar. She told me she saw Sabina, completely out of it, at the bar and that she had to kick her out. After chasing her around town I found her at the casino where she was detained. After I brought her home, and what a terrible neighborhood she lives in, she wanted to have sex, but I declined her. She thought I was Jack and it just felt wrong.</s></div>
<<elseif $copevent6b is "true">>
<div class="journal"><s>Out of the blue I got a call from a girl called Paige, who works at the bar. She told me she saw Sabina, completely out of it, at the bar and that she had to kick her out. After chasing her around town I found her at the casino where she was detained. After I brought her home, and what a terrible neighborhood she lives in, we had sex. Well not really sex, she gave me a handjob and I came in her mouth. Oh and she thought I was Jack.. Fuck, I hope I survive this.</s></div>
<div class="journal"><s>So, Sabina is lonely very lonely, so lonely she jumped my bones and basically made me fuck her and damn, she is one horny woman. In a way I feel and am used, but I don’t complain. She did thank me for saving her ass the other night. So long story short, a day full of surprises.</s></div>
<div class="journal journalend">Sabina called me again. She needed me to sort of infiltrate a casino to find someone connected to the murder of Jack. Apparently, she recognized his voice or whatever and it was enough for her. So I left without being caught so I guess that's a win.</s></div>
<<if $sabinarat is "true">>
<div class="journal journalend">After this whole ordeal I called Ms. Thompson from the FBI and told her everything.</div>
<<elseif $sabinaloyal is "true">>
<div class="journal journalend">After this is thought about telling Ms. Thompson from the FBI, but I decided not to tell her anything.</div>
<<elseif $copevent7 is "true">>
<div class="journal"><s>What the fuck did I get myself into. Sabina seems crazy and now I have to everything she fucking tells me. Damn. I guess I'll just have to wait for her call when she needs me.</s></div>
<div class="journal"><s>That bitch, she actually tested me first. Well I guess somewhere it makes sense, but still. She also said that she would call me again. So I guess it's a waiting game again.</s></div>
<div class="journal"><s>Fuck me, she shot someone, right in front of me! I had to pick up, apparently, a bag of money to pay a guy for, what I guess, is information. Then suddenly she shot that guy and told him not to get greedy. Afterwards, after I doubted that she was a cop, she took me to the Police station to prove she wa a cop. When I left she did pay me a fair amount. So I guess I work for her now. I won't be suprised if she calls me again soon.</s></div>
<div class="journal journalend"><s>That bitch. The guy she shot was just standing there. It was another test! But this one was definitely not a test. They raided some house and we had to flee from armed men who shot at us, I actually got shot at! But we succeeded to flee from them. And again, she paid me for my service.</s></div>
<div class="journal"><s>I was asked to come to the warehouse and now I am pretty sure that Jack and Sabina are either a couple or just plain fuckbuddies. Oh, and they gave me a gun, A FUCKING GUN! Anyway, we practiced some, and I was not bad at all. I left the gun with Sabina, because I don't want Sarah or, even worse, Peter to find it.</s></div>
<div class="journal"><s>Holy fuck! They shot Jack, right in front of us! Sabina was truly covered in blood, Jacks blood. I managed to get out of there before the cops showed up. I wonder how Sabina is doing, but I havent' heard from her yet.</s></div>
<div class="journal"><s>Fuck me, the FBI visited me and they know I’m involved in a way with Sabina. She basically gave me a choice. Either side with the FBI or side with Sabina.</s></div>
<<if $copevent6a is "true">>
<div class="journal"><s>Out of the blue I got a call from a girl called Paige, who works at the bar. She told me she saw Sabina, completely out of it, at the bar and that she had to kick her out. After chasing her around town I found her at the casino where she was detained. After I brought her home, and what a terrible neighborhood she lives in, she wanted to have sex, but I declined her. She thought I was Jack and it just felt wrong.</s></div>
<<elseif $copevent6b is "true">>
<div class="journal"><s>Out of the blue I got a call from a girl called Paige, who works at the bar. She told me she saw Sabina, completely out of it, at the bar and that she had to kick her out. After chasing her around town I found her at the casino where she was detained. After I brought her home, and what a terrible neighborhood she lives in, we had sex. Well not really sex, she gave me a handjob and I came in her mouth. Oh and she thought I was Jack.. Fuck, I hope I survive this.</s></div>
<div class="journal journalend">So, Sabina is lonely very lonely, so lonely she jumped my bones and basically made me fuck her and damn, she is one horny woman. In a way I feel and am used, but I don’t complain. She did thank me for saving her ass the other night. So long story short, a day full of surprises.</div>
<<elseif $copevent6 is "true">>
<div class="journal"><s>What the fuck did I get myself into. Sabina seems crazy and now I have to everything she fucking tells me. Damn. I guess I'll just have to wait for her call when she needs me.</s></div>
<div class="journal"><s>That bitch, she actually tested me first. Well I guess somewhere it makes sense, but still. She also said that she would call me again. So I guess it's a waiting game again.</s></div>
<div class="journal"><s>Fuck me, she shot someone, right in front of me! I had to pick up, apparently, a bag of money to pay a guy for, what I guess, is information. Then suddenly she shot that guy and told him not to get greedy. Afterwards, after I doubted that she was a cop, she took me to the Police station to prove she wa a cop. When I left she did pay me a fair amount. So I guess I work for her now. I won't be suprised if she calls me again soon.</s></div>
<div class="journal journalend"><s>That bitch. The guy she shot was just standing there. It was another test! But this one was definitely not a test. They raided some house and we had to flee from armed men who shot at us, I actually got shot at! But we succeeded to flee from them. And again, she paid me for my service.</s></div>
<div class="journal"><s>I was asked to come to the warehouse and now I am pretty sure that Jack and Sabina are either a couple or just plain fuckbuddies. Oh, and they gave me a gun, A FUCKING GUN! Anyway, we practiced some, and I was not bad at all. I left the gun with Sabina, because I don't want Sarah or, even worse, Peter to find it.</s></div>
<div class="journal"><s>Holy fuck! They shot Jack, right in front of us! Sabina was truly covered in blood, Jacks blood. I managed to get out of there before the cops showed up. I wonder how Sabina is doing, but I havent' heard from her yet.</s></div>
<div class="journal"><s>Fuck me, the FBI visited me and they know I’m involved in a way with Sabina. She basically gave me a choice. Either side with the FBI or side with Sabina.</s></div>
<<if $copevent6a is "true">>
<div class="journal journalend">Out of the blue I got a call from a girl called Paige, who works at the bar. She told me she saw Sabina, completely out of it, at the bar and that she had to kick her out. After chasing her around town I found her at the casino where she was detained. After I brought her home, and what a terrible neighborhood she lives in, she wanted to have sex, but I declined her. She thought I was Jack and it just felt wrong.</div>
<<elseif $copevent6b is "true">>
<div class="journal journalend">Out of the blue I got a call from a girl called Paige, who works at the bar. She told me she saw Sabina, completely out of it, at the bar and that she had to kick her out. After chasing her around town I found her at the casino where she was detained. After I brought her home, and what a terrible neighborhood she lives in, we had sex. Well not really sex, she gave me a handjob and I came in her mouth. Oh and she thought I was Jack.. Fuck, I hope I survive this.</div>
<<elseif $fbivit is "true">>
<div class="journal"><s>What the fuck did I get myself into. Sabina seems crazy and now I have to everything she fucking tells me. Damn. I guess I'll just have to wait for her call when she needs me.</s></div>
<div class="journal"><s>That bitch, she actually tested me first. Well I guess somewhere it makes sense, but still. She also said that she would call me again. So I guess it's a waiting game again.</s></div>
<div class="journal"><s>Fuck me, she shot someone, right in front of me! I had to pick up, apparently, a bag of money to pay a guy for, what I guess, is information. Then suddenly she shot that guy and told him not to get greedy. Afterwards, after I doubted that she was a cop, she took me to the Police station to prove she wa a cop. When I left she did pay me a fair amount. So I guess I work for her now. I won't be suprised if she calls me again soon.</s></div>
<div class="journal journalend"><s>That bitch. The guy she shot was just standing there. It was another test! But this one was definitely not a test. They raided some house and we had to flee from armed men who shot at us, I actually got shot at! But we succeeded to flee from them. And again, she paid me for my service.</s></div>
<div class="journal"><s>I was asked to come to the warehouse and now I am pretty sure that Jack and Sabina are either a couple or just plain fuckbuddies. Oh, and they gave me a gun, A FUCKING GUN! Anyway, we practiced some, and I was not bad at all. I left the gun with Sabina, because I don't want Sarah or, even worse, Peter to find it.</s></div>
<div class="journal"><s>Holy fuck! They shot Jack, right in front of us! Sabina was truly covered in blood, Jacks blood. I managed to get out of there before the cops showed up. I wonder how Sabina is doing, but I havent' heard from her yet.</s></div>
<div class="journal journalend">Fuck me, the FBI visited me and they know I’m involved in a way with Sabina. She basically gave me a choice. Either side with the FBI or side with Sabina.</div>
<<elseif $copevent5 is "true">>
<div class="journal"><s>What the fuck did I get myself into. Sabina seems crazy and now I have to everything she fucking tells me. Damn. I guess I'll just have to wait for her call when she needs me.</s></div>
<div class="journal"><s>That bitch, she actually tested me first. Well I guess somewhere it makes sense, but still. She also said that she would call me again. So I guess it's a waiting game again.</s></div>
<div class="journal"><s>Fuck me, she shot someone, right in front of me! I had to pick up, apparently, a bag of money to pay a guy for, what I guess, is information. Then suddenly she shot that guy and told him not to get greedy. Afterwards, after I doubted that she was a cop, she took me to the Police station to prove she wa a cop. When I left she did pay me a fair amount. So I guess I work for her now. I won't be suprised if she calls me again soon.</s></div>
<div class="journal journalend"><s>That bitch. The guy she shot was just standing there. It was another test! But this one was definitely not a test. They raided some house and we had to flee from armed men who shot at us, I actually got shot at! But we succeeded to flee from them. And again, she paid me for my service.</s></div>
<div class="journal"><s>I was asked to come to the warehouse and now I am pretty sure that Jack and Sabina are either a couple or just plain fuckbuddies. Oh, and they gave me a gun, A FUCKING GUN! Anyway, we practiced some, and I was not bad at all. I left the gun with Sabina, because I don't want Sarah or, even worse, Peter to find it.</s></div>
<div class="journal journalend">Holy fuck! They shot Jack, right in front of us! Sabina was truly covered in blood, Jacks blood. I managed to get out of there before the cops showed up. I wonder how Sabina is doing, but I havent' heard from her yet.</div>
<<elseif $copevent4 is "true">>
<div class="journal"><s>What the fuck did I get myself into. Sabina seems crazy and now I have to everything she fucking tells me. Damn. I guess I'll just have to wait for her call when she needs me.</s></div>
<div class="journal"><s>That bitch, she actually tested me first. Well I guess somewhere it makes sense, but still. She also said that she would call me again. So I guess it's a waiting game again.</s></div>
<div class="journal"><s>Fuck me, she shot someone, right in front of me! I had to pick up, apparently, a bag of money to pay a guy for, what I guess, is information. Then suddenly she shot that guy and told him not to get greedy. Afterwards, after I doubted that she was a cop, she took me to the Police station to prove she wa a cop. When I left she did pay me a fair amount. So I guess I work for her now. I won't be suprised if she calls me again soon.</s></div>
<div class="journal"><s>That bitch. The guy she shot was just standing there. It was another test! But this one was definitely not a test. They raided some house and we had to flee from armed men who shot at us, I actually got shot at! But we succeeded to flee from them. And again, she paid me for my service.</s></div>
<div class="journal journalend">I was asked to come to the warehouse and now I am pretty sure that Jack and Sabina are either a couple or just plain fuckbuddies. Oh, and they gave me a gun, A FUCKING GUN! Anyway, we practiced some, and I was not bad at all. I left the gun with Sabina, because I don't want Sarah or, even worse, Peter to find it.</div>
<<elseif $copevent3 is "true">>
<div class="journal"><s>What the fuck did I get myself into. Sabina seems crazy and now I have to everything she fucking tells me. Damn. I guess I'll just have to wait for her call when she needs me.</s></div>
<div class="journal"><s>That bitch, she actually tested me first. Well I guess somewhere it makes sense, but still. She also said that she would call me again. So I guess it's a waiting game again.</s></div>
<div class="journal"><s>Fuck me, she shot someone, right in front of me! I had to pick up, apparently, a bag of money to pay a guy for, what I guess, is information. Then suddenly she shot that guy and told him not to get greedy. Afterwards, after I doubted that she was a cop, she took me to the Police station to prove she wa a cop. When I left she did pay me a fair amount. So I guess I work for her now. I won't be suprised if she calls me again soon.</s></div>
<div class="journal journalend">That bitch. The guy she shot was just standing there. It was another test! But this one was definitely not a test. They raided some house and we had to flee from armed men who shot at us, I actually got shot at! But we succeeded to flee from them. And again, she paid me for my service.</div>
<<elseif $copevent2 is "true">>
<div class="journal"><s>What the fuck did I get myself into. Sabina seems crazy and now I have to everything she fucking tells me. Damn. I guess I'll just have to wait for her call when she needs me.</s></div>
<div class="journal"><s>That bitch, she actually tested me first. Well I guess somewhere it makes sense, but still. She also said that she would call me again. So I guess it's a waiting game again.</s></div>
<div class="journal journalend">Fuck me, she shot someone, right in front of me! I had to pick up, apparently, a bag of money to pay a guy for, what I guess, is information. Then suddenly she shot that guy and told him not to get greedy. Afterwards, after I doubted that she was a cop, she took me to the Police station to prove she wa a cop. When I left she did pay me a fair amount. So I guess I work for her now. I won't be suprised if she calls me again soon.</div>
<<elseif $copevent1 is "true">>
<div class="journal"><s>What the fuck did I get myself into. Sabina seems crazy and now I have to everything she fucking tells me. Damn. I guess I'll just have to wait for her call when she needs me.</s></div>
<div class="journal journalend">That bitch, she actually tested me first. Well I guess somewhere it makes sense, but still. She also said that she would call me again. So I guess it's a waiting game again.</div>
<<elseif $cop is "true">>
<div class="journal journalend">What the fuck did I get myself into. Sabina seems crazy and now I have to everything she fucking tells me. Damn. I guess I'll just have to wait for her call when she needs me.</div>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Return to Journal menu->Journal]]</span></div>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Return to game|$return]]</span></div><<nobr>>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Available Other Scenes->Other Scenes]]</span></div><br>
<<if $oliviameetgym is "true">>
<<if $uniseenolivia is "false">>
<div class="journal journalend">I heard they have a great new lobby at the university.</div><</if>><br>
<<if $parkseenolivia is "false">><div class="journal journalend">Maybe a walk in the park will do me good.</div><</if>><br>
<<if $uniseenolivia is "true" and $parkseenolivia is "true">>
<div class="journal"><s>Who is that young girl I ran into?</s></div>
<div class="journal journalend">So weird, now I saw this young girl in the park as well as at the university. I'm so sure I know her from somewhere..</div><br>
<<elseif $uniseenolivia is "true" or $parkseenolivia is "true">>
<div class="journal journalend">Who is that young girl I ran into? She looked so familiar. </div><</if>>
<<if $noellespyevent is "true" and $christelevent1 is "true" and $trapscene is "false">>
<div class="journal journalend">Maybe I should check out the nightclub where I followed Noelle to myself some time.</div><</if>><</if>>
<<if $ellieevent4 is "true">>
<<elseif $ellieevent3 is "true">>
<div class="journal"><s>I crashed into this cute girl in the park. She was not wearing any panties! Anyway, she dropped her phone, which I now have. I guess we have to wait until she contacts me.</s></div><br>
<div class="journal"><s>I got a very awkward call from the girl in the park. Still nothing I can do, let's just wait if she contacts me again.</s></div><br>
<div class="journal"><s>I got a text with an address from that blonde girl from the park, I should probably go and see her around midday.</s></div><br>
<div class="journal journalend">I went to address from the text and I saw the blonde girl from the park in her backyard, naked! But that's not all, she started to masturbate right in front of me. Then, while I was watching her, she saw me, but she didn't mind and just continued. I took out my dick and started to masturbate with her, which looked like a turn-on for her. Once she came, things got a little weird. Suddenly she looked shocked and embarrassed and she ran into the house. I knocked on the door several times, but she didn't open it. So now I still have her phone..</div><br>
<<elseif $ellieevent2 is "true">>
<div class="journal"><s>I crashed into this cute girl in the park. She was not wearing any panties! Anyway, she dropped her phone, which I now have. I guess we have to wait until she contacts me.</s></div><br>
<div class="journal"><s>I got a very awkward call from the girl in the park. Still nothing I can do, let's just wait if she contacts me again.</s></div><br>
<div class="journal journalend">I got a text with an address from that blonde girl from the park, I should probably go and see her around midday.</div><br>
<<elseif $ellieevent1 is "true">>
<div class="journal"><s>I crashed into this cute girl in the park. She was not wearing any panties! Anyway, she dropped her phone, which I now have. I guess we have to wait until she contacts me.</s></div><br>
<div class="journal journalend">I got a very awkward call from the blonde girl in the park. Still, nothing I can do, let's just wait if she contacts me again.</div><br>
<<elseif $elliecrash is "true">>
<div class="journal journalend">I crashed into this cute blonde girl in the park. She was not wearing any panties! Anyway, she dropped her phone, which I now have. I guess we have to wait until she contacts me.</div>c
<<elseif $elliecrash is "false">>
<div class="journal journalend">I should take a jog in the park sometime.</div><br><</if>>
<<if $bradsmum1 is "true">>
<div class="journal"><s>I met the student who fucked Sarah. He was together with his, hot, girlfriend. I have a strong feeling he knows who I am and that he fucked my wife. I might take my revenge. Let’s see if I can find some more information about Brad, which is his name.</s></div><br>
<div class="journal"><s>I searched some information about Brad and his girlfriend, but coudn't find much. Brad basically has his girlfriend and his mother.. Maybe I should try to get Kayla's attention. Maybe playing with her grades will help.</s></div><br>
<div class="journal"><s>Kayla stayed after class and was not happy. She thought that my way of rating her was to get into her panties. And even though I would not be opposed to this, it is not why I did it. I did get the information I wanted about Brad. Seems like his mum is a true milf. I should visit the nightclub sometime.</s></div>
<div class="journal journalend">Revenge complete. I went to the club, picked up his mum and and fucked her at her house. The best part. Brad walked in on us! Aah, the sweet taste if revenge.</div>
<<elseif $kaylaevent1neg is "true" or $kaylaevent1pos is "true">>
<div class="journal"><s>I met the student who fucked Sarah. He was together with his, hot, girlfriend. I have a strong feeling he knows who I am and that he fucked my wife. I might take my revenge. Let’s see if I can find some more information about Brad, which is his name.</s></div><br>
<div class="journal"><s>I searched some information about Brad and his girlfriend, but coudn't find much. Brad basically has his girlfriend and his mother.. Maybe I should try to get Kayla's attention. Maybe playing with her grades will help.</s></div><br>
<div class="journal journalend">Kayla stayed after class and was not happy. She thought that my way of rating her was to get into her panties. And even though I would not be opposed to this, it is not why I did it. I did get the information I wanted about Brad. Seems like his mum is a true milf. I should visit the nightclub sometime.</div>
<<elseif $foundbradinfo is "true">>
<div class="journal"><s>I met the student who fucked Sarah. He was together with his, hot, girlfriend. I have a strong feeling he knows who I am and that he fucked my wife. I might take my revenge. Let’s see if I can find some more information about Brad, which is his name.</s></div><br>
<div class="journal journalend">I searched some information about Brad and his girlfriend, but coudn't find much. Brad basically has his girlfriend and his mother.. Maybe I should try to get Kayla's attention. Maybe playing with her grades will help.</div><br>
<<elseif $metsarahstudent is "true">>
<div class="journal journalend">I met the student who fucked Sarah. He was together with his, hot, girlfriend. I have a strong feeling he knows who I am and that he fucked my wife. I might take my revenge. Let’s see if I can find some more information about Brad, which is his name.</div><br<<elseif $hotstudent is "false">><br>
<div class="journal journalend">I should give some lectures at the university.</div><br><</if>>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Return to Journal menu->Journal]]</span></div>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Return to game|$return]]</span></div><<nobr>>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Available Scenes->Ashley's Scenes]]</span></div><br>
<<if $ashleyevent1 is "true">>
<div class="journal journalend">Well if it wasn't already settled this settles it. Ashley is still a slut. But a good-looking one. I just met her in the city center and she asked me home. At first, I thought it was a trick, but we actually had sex. I found out that she is quite kinky as well, she loves to get fucked hard and to be choked. (END FOR NOW)</div><</if>><</nobr>>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Return to Journal menu->Journal]]</span></div>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Return to game|$return]]</span></div><<speech "random" "bouncer">>Are you trying to rob us? Pay the lady or get the fuck out!<</speech>>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink"><<return "Go back">></span></div>Double-click this passage to edit it.<<nobr>>
<<switch random(1,6)>>
<<case 1>>
<div class="general">You enter the livingroom and Noelle directly comes towards you.</div><br>
<<speech "Noelle" "Noelle">>$name, have you seen my phone by any chance?<</speech>><br>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Well..<</speech>><br>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Tell her you haven’t->livnoelleev1]]</span></div><br>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Tell her you haven’t, but you will help looking->livnoelleev2]]</span></div><br>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Lie: Tell her you have->livnoelleev3]]</span></div>
<<case 2 3 4 5 6>>
<<if $hygene lte 15>>
<img src="images/noelle/noelleangry.jpg" /><br>
<<speech "Noelle" "Noelle">>You smell terrible, go take a shower or something, just get away from me!<</speech>><br>
<a data-passage="entrance"><div class="talkplayer">Let’s do something else</div></a>
<<elseif $energy lt 10 or $happiness lt 20>>
<img src="images/player/misc/mood.jpg" /><br>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>I'm not in the mood for this.<</speech>><br>
<a data-passage="entrance"><div class="talkplayer">Let’s do something else</div></a>
<<if $fnoelle gte 25 and $fnoelle gte $rnoelle / 2>>
<<if $onoelle gte 25 and $onoelle gte $tnoelle>>
<<if $skimout is "true">>
<img src="images/noelle/noelleloss/livingroom/noelleskimout.jpg" /><br>
<<elseif $nakedout is "true">>
<img src="images/noelle/noelleloss/livingroom/noellestrip.jpg" /><br>
<img src="images/noelle/noelleloss/livingroom/noellefear.jpg" /><br>
<div class="general">Noelle looks at you with fear in her eyes.</div><br>
<<speech "Noelle" "Noelle">>H.. Hi $name. What.. What do you want me to do?<</speech>><br>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Talk to Noelle->livtalknoelleloss]]</span></div><br>
<div id="talkplayer"><div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink"><<link "Touch Noelle">>
<<replace "#talkplayer">>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Touch her leg->livenoelletouch1]]</span></div><br>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Touch her breasts->livenoelletouch3]]</span></div><br>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Touch her ass->livenoelletouch2]]</span></div>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Give Noelle an order->livenoelleorder]]</span></div><br>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Read a book->livingrbook]]</span></div><br>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Watch tv->livingrtv]]</span></div><br>
<a data-passage="entrance"><div class="talkloc">Let’s go somewhere else</div></a>
<<if $skimout is "true">>
<img src="images/noelle/noelleloss/livingroom/noelleskimout.jpg" /><br>
<<elseif $nakedout is "true">>
<img src="images/noelle/noelleloss/livingroom/noellestrip.jpg" /><br>
<img src="images/noelle/noelleloss/livingroom/noellefear.jpg" /><br>
<div class="general">Noelle looks at you, she seems uneasy with your presence.</div><br>
<<speech "Noelle" "Noelle">>Hi $name, eehm.. Anything I can do for you?<</speech>><br>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Talk to Noelle->livtalknoelleloss]]</span></div><br>
<div id="talkplayer"><div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink"><<link "Touch Noelle">>
<<replace "#talkplayer">>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Touch her leg->livenoelletouch1]]</span></div><br>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Touch her ass->livenoelletouch2]]</span></div><br>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Touch her breasts->livenoelletouch3]]</span></div>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Ask Noelle to do something->livenoelleorder]]</span></div><br>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Read a book->livingrbook]]</span></div><br>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Watch tv->livingrtv]]</span></div><br>
<a data-passage="entrance"><div class="talkloc">Let’s go somewhere else</div></a>
<<if $onoelle gte 25 and $onoelle gte $tnoelle>>
<<if $skimout is "true">>
<img src="images/noelle/noelleloss/livingroom/noelleskimout.jpg" /><br>
<<elseif $nakedout is "true">>
<img src="images/noelle/noelleloss/livingroom/noellestrip.jpg" /><br>
<img src="images/noelle/noelleloss/livingroom/noellelove.jpg" /><br>
<div class="general">Noelle seems happy that you are there with her.</div><br>
<<speech "Noelle" "Noelle">>Hey $name can I help you with something?<</speech>><br>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Talk to Noelle->livtalknoelleloss]]</span></div><br>
<div id="talkplayer"><div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink"><<link "Touch Noelle">>
<<replace "#talkplayer">>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Touch her leg->livenoelletouch1]]</span></div><br>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Touch her ass->livenoelletouch2]]</span></div><br>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Touch her breasts->livenoelletouch3]]</span></div>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Ask Noelle to do something->livenoelleorder]]</span></div><br>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Read a book->livingrbook]]</span></div><br>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Watch tv->livingrtv]]</span></div><br>
<a data-passage="entrance"><div class="talkloc">Let’s go somewhere else</div></a>
<<if $skimout is "true">>
<img src="images/noelle/noelleloss/livingroom/noelleskimout.jpg" /><br>
<<elseif $nakedout is "true">>
<img src="images/noelle/noelleloss/livingroom/noellestrip.jpg" /><br>
<img src="images/noelle/noelleloss/livingroom/noellelove.jpg" /><br>
<div class="general">Noelle seems happy to see you.</div><br>
<<speech "Noelle" "Noelle">>Hey $name how are you?<</speech>><br>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Talk to Noelle->livtalknoelleloss]]</span></div><br>
<div id="talkplayer"><div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink"><<link "Touch Noelle">>
<<replace "#talkplayer">>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Touch her leg->livenoelletouch1]]</span></div><br>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Touch her ass->livenoelletouch2]]</span></div><br>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Touch her breasts->livenoelletouch3]]</span></div>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Ask Noelle to do something->livenoelleorder]]</span></div><br>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Read a book->livingrbook]]</span></div><br>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Watch tv->livingrtv]]</span></div><br>
<a data-passage="entrance"><div class="talkloc">Let’s go somewhere else</div></a>
<</nobr>><<nobr>><<if $hygene lte 15>>
<img src="images/sarah/sarahangry.jpg" /><br>
<<speech "Sarah" "Sarah">>You smell terrible, go take a shower or something, just get away from us!<</speech>><br>
<a data-passage="entrance"><div class="talkloc">Let’s go somewhere else</div></a>
<img src="images/sarah/kitchen/sarah.jpg" />
<img src="images/noelle/kitchen/noelle.jpg" />
<div class="general">You enter the kitchen and see Sarah and Noelle. They seem to be starting with making dinner.</div><br>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Sit down and eat->eveningdinner]]</span></div><br>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Help cooking->helpcookingnl]]</span></div><br>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Cook for everyone->cookeverynl]]</span></div><br>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Make Noelle cook for everyone]]</span></div><br>
<a data-passage="entrance"><div class="talkloc">Let’s go somewhere else</div></a>
<<nobr>><<if $hygene lte 15>>
<img src="images/noelle/noelleangry.jpg" /><br>
<<speech "Noelle" "Noelle">>You smell terrible, go take a shower or something, just get away from me!<</speech>><br>
<a data-passage="entrance"><div class="talkplayer">Let’s do something else</div></a>
<<if $fitness gte 0 and $fitness lt 20>>
<<addrsarah -15>>
<<elseif $fitness gte 20 and $fitness lt 40>>
<<addrsarah -10>>
<<elseif $fitness gte 40>>
<<addrsarah -5>><</if>>
<div class="general">You see Noelle grabbing some food for herself and Peter.</div><br>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Make lunch for Noelle and Peter->kitnoellekid1nl]]</span></div><br>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Take over the Peter duties from Noelle->kitnoellekid2nl]]</span></div><br>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Offer to make lunch->gardenluch1a]]</span></div><br>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Take a snack->snack]]</span></div><br>
<a data-passage="entrance"><div class="talkloc">Let’s go somewhere else</div></a>
<<switch random(1,4)>>
<<case 1>>
<div class="general">You see Noelle carying grocaries to the kitchen. She tries to carry as much as she can and she seems to be struggling.</div><br>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Help her->kitchenhelp]]</span></div><br>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Do the opposite->kitchentrip]]</span></div><br>
<a data-passage="entrance"><div class="talkplayer">Let’s do something else</div></a>
<<case 2 3 4>>
<<if $hygene lte 15>>
<img src="images/noelle/noelleangry.jpg" /><br>
<<speech "Noelle" "Noelle">>You smell terrible, go take a shower or something, just get away from me!<</speech>><br>
<a data-passage="entrance"><div class="talkplayer">Let’s do something else</div></a>
<<elseif $energy lt 10 or $happiness lt 20>>
<img src="images/player/misc/mood.jpg" /><br>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>I'm not in the mood for this.<</speech>><br>
<a data-passage="entrance"><div class="talkplayer">Let’s do something else</div></a>
<<if $fnoelle gte 25 and $fnoelle gte $rnoelle / 2>>
<<if $onoelle gte 25 and $onoelle gte $tnoelle>>
<<if $skimout is "true">>
<img src="images/noelle/noelleloss/kitchen/noelleskimout.jpg" /><br>
<<elseif $nakedout is "true">>
<img src="images/noelle/noelleloss/kitchen/noellestrip.jpg" /><br>
<img src="images/noelle/noelleloss/kitchen/noellefear.jpg" /><br><</if>>
<div class="general">Noelle looks at you with fear in her eyes.</div><br>
<<speech "Noelle" "Noelle">>H.. Hi $name. What.. What do you want me to do?<</speech>><br>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Talk to Noelle->kittalknoelleloss]]</span></div><br>
<div id="talkplayer"><div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink"><<link "Touch Noelle">>
<<replace "#talkplayer">>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Touch her leg->kitnoelletouch1]]</span></div><br>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Touch her breasts->kitnoelletouch2]]</span></div><br>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Touch her ass->kitnoelletouch3]]</span></div>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Give Noelle an order->kitnoelleorder]]</span></div><br>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Take a snack->snack]]</span></div><br>
<a data-passage="entrance"><div class="talkloc">Let’s go somewhere else</div></a>
<<if $skimout is "true">>
<img src="images/noelle/noelleloss/kitchen/noelleskimout.jpg" /><br>
<<elseif $nakedout is "true">>
<img src="images/noelle/noelleloss/kitchen/noellestrip.jpg" /><br>
<img src="images/noelle/noelleloss/kitchen/noellefear.jpg" /><br><</if>>
<div class="general">Noelle looks at you, she seems uneasy with your presence.</div><br>
<<speech "Noelle" "Noelle">>Hi $name, eehm.. Anything I can do for you?<</speech>><br>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Talk to Noelle->kittalknoelleloss]]</span></div><br>
<div id="talkplayer"><div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink"><<link "Touch Noelle">>
<<replace "#talkplayer">>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Touch her leg->kitnoelletouch1]]</span></div><br>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Touch her ass->kitnoelletouch2]]</span></div><br>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Touch her breasts->kitnoelletouch3]]</span></div>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Ask Noelle to do something->kitnoelleorder]]</span></div><br>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Take a snack->snack]]</span></div><br>
<a data-passage="entrance"><div class="talkloc">Let’s go somewhere else</div></a>
<<if $onoelle gte 25 and $onoelle gte $tnoelle>>
<<if $skimout is "true">>
<img src="images/noelle/noelleloss/kitchen/noelleskimout.jpg" /><br>
<<elseif $nakedout is "true">>
<img src="images/noelle/noelleloss/kitchen/noellestrip.jpg" /><br>
<img src="images/noelle/noelleloss/kitchen/noellelove.jpg" /><br><</if>>
<div class="general">Noelle seems happy that you are there with her.</div><br>
<<speech "Noelle" "Noelle">>Hey $name can I help you with something?<</speech>><br>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Talk to Noelle->kittalknoelleloss]]</span></div><br>
<div id="talkplayer"><div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink"><<link "Touch Noelle">>
<<replace "#talkplayer">>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Touch her leg->kitnoelletouch1]]</span></div><br>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Touch her ass->kitnoelletouch2]]</span></div><br>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Touch her breasts->kitnoelletouch3]]</span></div>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Ask Noelle to do something->kitnoelleorder]]</span></div><br>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Take a snack->snack]]</span></div><br>
<a data-passage="entrance"><div class="talkloc">Let’s go somewhere else</div></a>
<<if $skimout is "true">>
<img src="images/noelle/noelleloss/kitchen/noelleskimout.jpg" /><br>
<<elseif $nakedout is "true">>
<img src="images/noelle/noelleloss/kitchen/noellestrip.jpg" /><br>
<img src="images/noelle/noelleloss/kitchen/noellelove.jpg" /><br><</if>>
<div class="general">Noelle seems happy to see you.</div><br>
<<speech "Noelle" "Noelle">>Hey $name how are you?<</speech>><br>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Talk to Noelle->kittalknoelleloss]]</span></div><br>
<div id="talkplayer"><div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink"><<link "Touch Noelle">>
<<replace "#talkplayer">>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Touch her leg->kitnoelletouch1]]</span></div><br>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Touch her ass->kitnoelletouch2]]</span></div><br>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Touch her breasts->kitnoelletouch3]]</span></div>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Ask Noelle to do something->kitnoelleorder]]</span></div><br>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Take a snack->snack]]</span></div>
<a data-passage="entrance"><div class="talkloc">Let’s go somewhere else</div></a>
<</nobr>><div class="general">You stand in front of the guestroom, you are pretty sure Noelle is inside.</div>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Knock on her door->guestnknocknl]]</span></div>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Just walk in->guestnoknocknl]]</span></div>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Lock her up in her room->guestlockup]]</span></div>
<a data-passage="upstairs"><div class="talkloc">Let’s go somewhere else</div></a>
<div class="general">You stand in front of the bathroom door, you are pretty sure that Noelle is inside. You look the door and see that the door is locked.</div>
<a data-passage="upstairs"><div class="talkplayer">Let’s do something else</div></a>
<div class="general">You see Noelle in the Nursery with Peter.</div>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Help Noelle->nurnoellekidnl1]]</span></div>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Take over the Peter duties from Noelle->nurnoellekidnl2]]</span></div>
<a data-passage="upstairs"><div class="talkloc">Let’s go somewhere else</div></a><<nobr>>
<<if $hygene lte 15>>
<img src="images/noelle/noelleangry.jpg" /><br>
<<speech "Noelle" "Noelle">>You smell terrible, go take a shower or something, just get away from me!<</speech>><br>
<a data-passage="garden"><div class="talkplayer">Let’s do something else</div></a>
<<elseif $energy lt 10 or $happiness lt 20>>
<img src="images/player/misc/mood.jpg" /><br>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>I'm not in the mood for this.<</speech>><br>
<a data-passage="garden"><div class="talkplayer">Let’s do something else</div></a>
<<if $fnoelle gte 25 and $fnoelle gte $rnoelle / 2>>
<<if $onoelle gte 25 and $onoelle gte $tnoelle>>
<<if $skimout is "true">>
<img src="images/noelle/noelleloss/terrace/noelleskimout.jpg" /><br>
<<elseif $nakedout is "true">>
<img src="images/noelle/noelleloss/terrace/noellenakedout.jpg" /><br>
<img src="images/noelle/noelleloss/terrace/noellefear.jpg" /><br><</if>>
<div class="general">Noelle looks at you with fear in her eyes.</div><br>
<<speech "Noelle" "Noelle">>H.. Hi $name. What.. What do you want me to do?<</speech>><br>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Talk to Noelle->terrtalknoelleloss]]</span></div><br>
<div id="talkplayer"><div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink"><<link "Touch Noelle">>
<<replace "#talkplayer">>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Touch her leg->terrnoelletouch1]]</span></div><br>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Touch her breasts->terrnoelletouch2]]</span></div><br>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Touch her ass->terrnoelletouch3]]</span></div>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Give Noelle an order->terrnoelleorder]]</span></div><br>
<<if $fearob is "true" and $noellelossfirstrape is "true">>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Go to Noelle->terrfearob]]</span></div><br><</if>>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Read a book->readbookgar]]</span></div><br>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Take a nap->garsleep]]</span></div><br>
<a data-passage="garden"><div class="talkloc">Let’s go somewhere else</div></a>
<<if $skimout is "true">>
<img src="images/noelle/noelleloss/terrace/noelleskimout.jpg" /><br>
<<elseif $nakedout is "true">>
<img src="images/noelle/noelleloss/terrace/noellenakedout.jpg" /><br>
<img src="images/noelle/noelleloss/terrace/noellefear.jpg" /><br><</if>>
<div class="general">Noelle looks at you, she seems uneasy with your presence.</div><br>
<<speech "Noelle" "Noelle">>Hi $name, eehm.. Anything I can do for you?<</speech>><br>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Talk to Noelle->terrtalknoelleloss]]</span></div><br>
<div id="talkplayer"><div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink"><<link "Touch Noelle">>
<<replace "#talkplayer">>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Touch her leg->terrnoelletouch1]]</span></div><br>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Touch her ass->terrnoelletouch2]]</span></div><br>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Touch her breasts->terrnoelletouch3]]</span></div>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Ask Noelle to do something->terrnoelleorder]]</span></div><br>
<<if $feartr is "true" and $noellelossfirstrape is "true">>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Go to Noelle->terrfeartr]]</span></div><br><</if>>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Read a book->readbookgar]]</span></div><br>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Take a nap->garsleep]]</span></div><br>
<a data-passage="garden"><div class="talkloc">Let’s go somewhere else</div></a>
<<if $onoelle gte 25 and $onoelle gte $tnoelle>>
<<if $skimout is "true">>
<img src="images/noelle/noelleloss/terrace/noelleskimout.jpg" /><br>
<<elseif $nakedout is "true">>
<img src="images/noelle/noelleloss/terrace/noellenakedout.jpg" /><br>
<img src="images/noelle/noelleloss/terrace/noellelove.jpg" /><br><</if>>
<div class="general">Noelle seems happy that you are there with her.</div><br>
<<speech "Noelle" "Noelle">>Hey $name can I help you with something?<</speech>><br>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Talk to Noelle->terrtalknoelleloss]]</span></div><br>
<div id="talkplayer"><div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink"><<link "Touch Noelle">>
<<replace "#talkplayer">>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Touch her leg->terrnoelletouch1]]</span></div><br>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Touch her ass->terrnoelletouch2]]</span></div><br>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Touch her breasts->terrnoelletouch3]]</span></div>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Ask Noelle to do something->terrnoelleorder]]</span></div><br>
<<if $relationob is "true" and $noellelossfirsttime is "true">>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Go to Noelle->terrrealationob]]</span></div><br><</if>>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Read a book->readbookgar]]</span></div><br>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Take a nap->garsleep]]</span></div><br>
<a data-passage="garden"><div class="talkloc">Let’s go somewhere else</div></a>
<<if $skimout is "true">>
<img src="images/noelle/noelleloss/terrace/noelleskimout.jpg" /><br>
<<elseif $nakedout is "true">>
<img src="images/noelle/noelleloss/terrace/noellenakedout.jpg" /><br>
<img src="images/noelle/noelleloss/terrace/noellelove.jpg" /><br><</if>>
<div class="general">Noelle seems happy to see you.</div><br>
<<speech "Noelle" "Noelle">>Hey $name how are you?<</speech>><br>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Talk to Noelle->terrtalknoelleloss]]</span></div><br>
<div id="talkplayer"><div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink"><<link "Touch Noelle">>
<<replace "#talkplayer">>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Touch her leg->terrnoelletouch1]]</span></div><br>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Touch her ass->terrnoelletouch2]]</span></div><br>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Touch her breasts->terrnoelletouch3]]</span></div>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Ask Noelle to do something->terrnoelleorder]]</span></div><br>
<<if $relationtr is "true" and $noellelossfirsttime is "true">>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Go to Noelle->terrrealationtr]]</span></div><br><</if>>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Read a book->readbookgar]]</span></div><br>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Take a nap->garsleep]]</span></div><br>
<a data-passage="garden"><div class="talkloc">Let’s go somewhere else</div></a>
<<switch random(1,4)>>
<<case 1>>
<div class="general">You walk towards the pool and see Noelle about to get out.</div>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Grab her a towel->poollosstowel]]</span></div>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Push her back into the pool->poollosspush]]</span></div>
<<case 2 3 4>>
<<if $hygene lte 15>>
<img src="images/noelle/noelleangry.jpg" /><br>
<<speech "Noelle" "Noelle">>You smell terrible, go take a shower or something, just get away from me!<</speech>><br>
<a data-passage="garden"><div class="talkplayer">Let’s do something else</div></a>
<<elseif $energy lt 10 or $happiness lt 20>>
<img src="images/player/misc/mood.jpg" /><br>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>I'm not in the mood for this.<</speech>><br>
<a data-passage="garden"><div class="talkplayer">Let’s do something else</div></a>
<<if $fnoelle gte 25 and $fnoelle gte $rnoelle / 2>>
<<if $onoelle gte 25 and $onoelle gte $tnoelle>>
<<if $nakedout is "true">>
<img src="images/noelle/noelleloss/pool/noellesnakedout.jpg" /><br>
<img src="images/noelle/noelleloss/pool/noellefear.jpg" /><br><</if>>
<div class="general">Noelle looks at you with fear in her eyes.</div><br>
<<speech "Noelle" "Noelle">>H.. Hi $name. What.. What do you want me to do?<</speech>><br>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Talk to Noelle->pooltalknoelleloss]]</span></div><br>
<div id="talkplayer"><div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink"><<link "Touch Noelle">>
<<replace "#talkplayer">>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Touch her leg->poolnoelletouch1]]</span></div><br>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Touch her breasts->poolnoelletouch2]]</span></div><br>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Touch her ass->poolnoelletouch3]]</span></div>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Give Noelle an order->poolnoelleorder]]</span></div><br>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Read a book->readbookgar]]</span></div><br>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Take a nap->garsleep]]</span></div><br>
<a data-passage="garden"><div class="talkloc">Let’s go somewhere else</div></a>
<<if $nakedout is "true">>
<img src="images/noelle/noelleloss/pool/noellesnakedout.jpg" /><br>
<img src="images/noelle/noelleloss/pool/noellefear.jpg" /><br><</if>>
<div class="general">Noelle looks at you, she seems uneasy with your presence.</div><br>
<<speech "Noelle" "Noelle">>Hi $name, eehm.. Anything I can do for you?<</speech>><br>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Talk to Noelle->pooltalknoelleloss]]</span></div><br>
<div id="talkplayer"><div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink"><<link "Touch Noelle">>
<<replace "#talkplayer">>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Touch her leg->poolnoelletouch1]]</span></div><br>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Touch her ass->poolnoelletouch2]]</span></div><br>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Touch her breasts->poolnoelletouch3]]</span></div>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Ask Noelle to do something->poolnoelleorder]]</span></div><br>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Read a book->readbookgar]]</span></div><br>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Take a nap->garsleep]]</span></div><br>
<a data-passage="garden"><div class="talkloc">Let’s go somewhere else</div></a>
<<if $onoelle gte 25 and $onoelle gte $tnoelle>>
<<if $nakedout is "true">>
<img src="images/noelle/noelleloss/pool/noellesnakedout.jpg" /><br>
<img src="images/noelle/noelleloss/pool/noellelove.jpg" /><br><</if>>
<div class="general">Noelle seems happy that you are there with her.</div><br>
<<speech "Noelle" "Noelle">>Hey $name can I help you with something?<</speech>><br>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Talk to Noelle->pooltalknoelleloss]]</span></div><br>
<div id="talkplayer"><div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink"><<link "Touch Noelle">>
<<replace "#talkplayer">>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Touch her leg->poolnoelletouch1]]</span></div><br>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Touch her ass->poolnoelletouch2]]</span></div><br>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Touch her breasts->poolnoelletouch3]]</span></div>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Ask Noelle to do something->poolnoelleorder]]</span></div><br>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Read a book->readbookgar]]</span></div><br>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Take a nap->garsleep]]</span></div><br>
<a data-passage="garden"><div class="talkloc">Let’s go somewhere else</div></a>
<<if $nakedout is "true">>
<img src="images/noelle/noelleloss/pool/noellesnakedout.jpg" /><br>
<img src="images/noelle/noelleloss/pool/noellelove.jpg" /><br><</if>>
<div class="general">Noelle seems happy to see you.</div><br>
<<speech "Noelle" "Noelle">>Hey $name how are you?<</speech>><br>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Talk to Noelle->pooltalknoelleloss]]</span></div><br>
<div id="talkplayer"><div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink"><<link "Touch Noelle">>
<<replace "#talkplayer">>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Touch her leg->poolnoelletouch1]]</span></div><br>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Touch her ass->poolnoelletouch2]]</span></div><br>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Touch her breasts->poolnoelletouch3]]</span></div>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Ask Noelle to do something->poolnoelleorder]]</span></div><br>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Read a book->readbookgar]]</span></div><br>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Take a nap->garsleep]]</span></div><br>
<a data-passage="garden"><div class="talkloc">Let’s go somewhere else</div></a>
<<if $fnoelle gte 25 and $fnoelle gte $rnoelle / 2>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>I just wanted to talk to you.<</speech>><br>
<<speech "Noelle" "Noelle">>Oh.. ok..<</speech>><br>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Talk to her->livtalknoelleloss1]]</span></div><br>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Insult her->livtalknoelleloss3]]</span></div>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>I just wanted to talk to you.<</speech>><br>
<<speech "Noelle" "Noelle">>Alright, let's hear it.<</speech>><br>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Talk to her->livtalknoelleloss2]]</span></div><br>
<<if $relationtr is "true" and $noellelossfirsttime is "true">>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Comliment her->livtalknoelleloss4tr]]</span></div><br><</if>>
<<if $relationob is "true" and $noellelossfirsttime is "true">>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Comliment her->livtalknoelleloss4ob]]</span></div><br><</if>>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Insult her->livtalknoelleloss3]]</span></div>
<</nobr>><<nobr>><<if $fnoelle gte 25 and $fnoelle gte $rnoelle / 2 and $onoelle gte 25 and $onoelle gte $tnoelle>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>I need you to do something for me.<</speech>><br>
<<speech "Noelle" "Noelle">>What.. What do you need me to do?<</speech>><br>
<<if $livchores is "false" and $allchores is "false">>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Have her clean this room->livenoelleorder1]]</span></div><br><</if>>
<<if $nakedout is "false">>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Tell her to undress->livenoelleorder2]]</span></div><</if>>
<<if $feartr is "true">>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Come here Noelle->livingfeartr1a]]</span></div><br><</if>>
<<if $fearob is "true" and $noellelossfirstrape is "true">>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Come here Noelle->livingfearob1a]]</span></div><br><</if>>
<a data-passage="entrance"><div class="talkplayer">Let’s do something else</div></a>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Can you do something for me?<</speech>><br>
<<speech "Noelle" "Noelle">>Sure, what do you need me to do?<</speech>><br>
<<if $livchores is "false" and $allchores is "false">>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Ask her to clean this room->livenoelleorder3]]</span></div><br><</if>>
<a data-passage="entrance"><div class="talkplayer">Let’s do something else</div></a>
<</nobr>><<nobr>><<if $convon gt 5>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>I shouldn’t bother her to much with my conversations.<</speech>><br>
<a data-passage="entrance"><div class="talkplayer">Let’s do something else</div></a>
<<elseif $rnoelle gte 200>>
<<switch random(1,3)>>
<<case 1>>
<<speech "Noelle" "Noelle">>I want to be with you.<</speech>>
<<case 2>>
<<speech "Noelle" "Noelle">>Please stay with me.<</speech>>
<<case 3>>
<<speech "Noelle" "Noelle">>I would do anything for you.<</speech>>
<br><a data-passage="entrance"><div class="talkplayer">Let’s do something else</div></a>
<<if $fitness gte 0 and $fitness lt 15>>
<<addrnoelle 2>>
<<elseif $fitness gte 15 and $fitness lt 30>>
<<addrnoelle 4>>
<<elseif $fitness gte 30>>
<<addrnoelle 6>><</if>>
<<addenergy -5>>
<<addhappiness 1>>
<<set $time to $time +1>>
<<set $convon to $convon +1>>
<<addtnoelle +2>>
<<addfnoelle -1>>
<<elseif $rnoelle gte 150>>
<<switch random(1,3)>>
<<case 1>>
<<speech "Noelle" "Noelle">>I want to like you but you are making it really hard.<</speech>>
<<case 2>>
<<speech "Noelle" "Noelle">>How can someone be nice and cruel like you at the same time.<</speech>>
<<case 3>>
<<speech "Noelle" "Noelle">>I want to make up for whatever I did wrong.<</speech>>
<br><a data-passage="entrance"><div class="talkplayer">Let’s do something else</div></a>
<<if $fitness gte 0 and $fitness lt 15>>
<<addrnoelle 2>>
<<elseif $fitness gte 15 and $fitness lt 30>>
<<addrnoelle 4>>
<<elseif $fitness gte 30>>
<<addrnoelle 6>><</if>>
<<addenergy -5>>
<<addhappiness 1>>
<<set $time to $time +1>>
<<set $convon to $convon +1>>
<<addtnoelle +2>>
<<addfnoelle -1>>
<<elseif $rnoelle gte 100>>
<<switch random(1,3)>>
<<case 1>>
<<speech "Noelle" "Noelle">>I want to like you but you are making it really hard.<</speech>>
<<case 2>>
<<speech "Noelle" "Noelle">>Sarah keeps looking at me weirdly.<</speech>>
<<case 3>>
<<speech "Noelle" "Noelle">>I have the feeling I did something wrong.<</speech>>
<br><a data-passage="entrance"><div class="talkplayer">Let’s do something else</div></a>
<<if $fitness gte 0 and $fitness lt 15>>
<<addrnoelle 2>>
<<elseif $fitness gte 15 and $fitness lt 30>>
<<addrnoelle 4>>
<<elseif $fitness gte 30>>
<<addrnoelle 6>><</if>>
<<addenergy -5>>
<<addhappiness 1>>
<<set $time to $time +1>>
<<set $convon to $convon +1>>
<<addtnoelle +2>>
<<addfnoelle -1>>
<<elseif $rnoelle gte 50>>
<<switch random(1,3)>>
<<case 1>>
<<speech "Noelle" "Noelle">>I guess I did something very bad which I can't remember.<</speech>>
<<case 2>>
<<speech "Noelle" "Noelle">>You scare me.<</speech>>
<<case 3>>
<<speech "Noelle" "Noelle">>I hope we can change the dynamic between us.<</speech>>
<br><a data-passage="entrance"><div class="talkplayer">Let’s do something else</div></a>
<<if $fitness gte 0 and $fitness lt 15>>
<<addrnoelle 2>>
<<elseif $fitness gte 15 and $fitness lt 30>>
<<addrnoelle 4>>
<<elseif $fitness gte 30>>
<<addrnoelle 6>><</if>>
<<addenergy -5>>
<<addhappiness 1>>
<<set $time to $time +1>>
<<set $convon to $convon +1>>
<<addtnoelle +2>>
<<addfnoelle -1>>
<<elseif $rnoelle gte 0>>
<<switch random(1,3)>>
<<case 1>>
<<speech "Noelle" "Noelle">>Why are you so mean to me?<</speech>>
<<case 2>>
<<speech "Noelle" "Noelle">>I thought you were nice. I guess I was wrong.<</speech>>
<<case 3>>
<<speech "Noelle" "Noelle">>What did I do to you that you hate me so much?<</speech>>
<br><a data-passage="entrance"><div class="talkplayer">Let’s do something else</div></a>
<<if $fitness gte 0 and $fitness lt 15>>
<<addrnoelle 2>>
<<elseif $fitness gte 15 and $fitness lt 30>>
<<addrnoelle 4>>
<<elseif $fitness gte 30>>
<<addrnoelle 6>><</if>>
<<addenergy -5>>
<<addhappiness 1>>
<<set $time to $time +1>>
<<set $convon to $convon +1>>
<<addtnoelle +2>>
<<addfnoelle -1>>
<</nobr>><<nobr>><<if $convon gt 5>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>I shouldn’t bother her to much with my conversations.<</speech>><br>
<a data-passage="entrance"><div class="talkplayer">Let’s do something else</div></a>
<<elseif $rnoelle gte 200>>
<<switch random(1,3)>>
<<case 1>>
<<speech "Noelle" "Noelle">>I want to stay with you.<</speech>>
<<case 2>>
<<speech "Noelle" "Noelle">>I care deeply for you.<</speech>>
<<case 3>>
<<speech "Noelle" "Noelle">>I would do anything for you.<</speech>>
<br><a data-passage="entrance"><div class="talkplayer">Let’s do something else</div></a>
<<if $fitness gte 0 and $fitness lt 15>>
<<addrnoelle 2>>
<<elseif $fitness gte 15 and $fitness lt 30>>
<<addrnoelle 4>>
<<elseif $fitness gte 30>>
<<addrnoelle 6>><</if>>
<<addenergy -5>>
<<addhappiness 1>>
<<set $time to $time +1>>
<<set $convon to $convon +1>>
<<addtnoelle +2>>
<<addfnoelle -1>>
<<elseif $rnoelle gte 150>>
<<switch random(1,3)>>
<<case 1>>
<<speech "Noelle" "Noelle">>I.. I really start to like it here and to like you.<</speech>>
<<case 2>>
<<speech "Noelle" "Noelle">>Can we hang out sometime?<</speech>>
<<case 3>>
<<speech "Noelle" "Noelle">>I like spending time together.<</speech>>
<br><a data-passage="entrance"><div class="talkplayer">Let’s do something else</div></a>
<<if $fitness gte 0 and $fitness lt 15>>
<<addrnoelle 2>>
<<elseif $fitness gte 15 and $fitness lt 30>>
<<addrnoelle 4>>
<<elseif $fitness gte 30>>
<<addrnoelle 6>><</if>>
<<addenergy -5>>
<<addhappiness 1>>
<<set $time to $time +1>>
<<set $convon to $convon +1>>
<<addtnoelle +2>>
<<addfnoelle -1>>
<<elseif $rnoelle gte 100>>
<<switch random(1,3)>>
<<case 1>>
<<speech "Noelle" "Noelle">>I really start to like it here.<</speech>>
<<case 2>>
<<speech "Noelle" "Noelle">>You are so sweet to me.<</speech>>
<<case 3>>
<<speech "Noelle" "Noelle">>I can't believe I got so lucky.<</speech>>
<br><a data-passage="entrance"><div class="talkplayer">Let’s do something else</div></a>
<<if $fitness gte 0 and $fitness lt 15>>
<<addrnoelle 2>>
<<elseif $fitness gte 15 and $fitness lt 30>>
<<addrnoelle 4>>
<<elseif $fitness gte 30>>
<<addrnoelle 6>><</if>>
<<addenergy -5>>
<<addhappiness 1>>
<<set $time to $time +1>>
<<set $convon to $convon +1>>
<<addtnoelle +2>>
<<addfnoelle -1>>
<<elseif $rnoelle gte 50>>
<<switch random(1,3)>>
<<case 1>>
<<speech "Noelle" "Noelle">>I'm really starting to settle in.<</speech>>
<<case 2>>
<<speech "Noelle" "Noelle">>You both seem really nice.<</speech>>
<<case 3>>
<<speech "Noelle" "Noelle">>Peter is so cute.<</speech>>
<br><a data-passage="entrance"><div class="talkplayer">Let’s do something else</div></a>
<<if $fitness gte 0 and $fitness lt 15>>
<<addrnoelle 2>>
<<elseif $fitness gte 15 and $fitness lt 30>>
<<addrnoelle 4>>
<<elseif $fitness gte 30>>
<<addrnoelle 6>><</if>>
<<addenergy -5>>
<<addhappiness 1>>
<<set $time to $time +1>>
<<set $convon to $convon +1>>
<<addtnoelle +2>>
<<addfnoelle -1>>
<<elseif $rnoelle gte 0>>
<<switch random(1,3)>>
<<case 1>>
<<speech "Noelle" "Noelle">>I'm glad to be here.<</speech>>
<<case 2>>
<<speech "Noelle" "Noelle">>I hope we can get along.<</speech>>
<<case 3>>
<<speech "Noelle" "Noelle">>I like the room you gave me.<</speech>>
<br><a data-passage="entrance"><div class="talkplayer">Let’s do something else</div></a>
<<if $fitness gte 0 and $fitness lt 15>>
<<addrnoelle 2>>
<<elseif $fitness gte 15 and $fitness lt 30>>
<<addrnoelle 4>>
<<elseif $fitness gte 30>>
<<addrnoelle 6>><</if>>
<<addenergy -5>>
<<addhappiness 1>>
<<set $time to $time +1>>
<<set $convon to $convon +1>>
<<addtnoelle +2>>
<<addfnoelle -1>>
<<if $fnoelle gte 25>>
<img src="images/noelle/noelleloss/grope/gropleg2.gif" /><br>
<div class="general">Noelle doesn't seem to want this, but she doesn't resist.</div><br>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Push it further->livenoelletouch1b]]</span></div><br>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink"><<link [[Let’s do something else|entrance]]>>
<<set $time to $time +1>>
<<if $fitness gte 0 and $fitness lt 15>>
<<addrnoelle -3>>
<<elseif $fitness gte 15 and $fitness lt 30>>
<<addrnoelle -2>>
<<elseif $fitness gte 30>>
<<addrnoelle -1>><</if>>
<<addenergy -5>>
<<addtnoelle -1>>
<<addonoelle +2>>
<<elseif $rnoelle gte 150>>
<img src="images/noelle/noelleloss/grope/gropleg2.gif" /><br>
<div class="general">She doesn't seem to mind.</div><br>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Push it further->livenoelletouch1c]]</span></div><br>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink"><<link [[Let’s do something else|entrance]]>>
<<set $time to $time +1>>
<<if $fitness gte 0 and $fitness lt 15>>
<<addrnoelle 1>>
<<elseif $fitness gte 15 and $fitness lt 30>>
<<addrnoelle 2>>
<<elseif $fitness gte 30>>
<<addrnoelle 3>><</if>>
<<addenergy -5>>
<img src="images/noelle/noelleloss/grope/gropleg1.gif" /><br>
<<speech "Noelle" "Noelle">>What are you doing?<</speech>><br>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Just enjoy.<</speech>><br>
<<speech "Noelle" "Noelle">>Get away from me.<</speech>><br>
<div class="general">Noelle tries to get up.</div><br>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Grab her->livenoelletouch1a]]</span></div><br>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink"><<link [[Let her go|entrance]]>>
<<set $time to $time +1>>
<<if $fitness gte 0 and $fitness lt 15>>
<<addrnoelle -4>>
<<elseif $fitness gte 15 and $fitness lt 30>>
<<addrnoelle -3>>
<<elseif $fitness gte 30>>
<<addrnoelle -2>><</if>>
<<addenergy -5>>
<<addtnoelle -1>>
<<addfnoelle +2>>
<div class="general">You start touching her ass.</div>
<<if $fnoelle gte 30>>
<img src="images/noelle/noelleloss/grope/gropeass1.gif" /><br>
<div class="general">She doens't seem to be enjoying this, but she doesn't resist either.</div><br>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Push it further->livenoelletouch1b]]</span></div><br>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink"><<link [[Let her go|entrance]]>>
<<set $time to $time +1>>
<<if $fitness gte 0 and $fitness lt 15>>
<<addrnoelle -3>>
<<elseif $fitness gte 15 and $fitness lt 30>>
<<addrnoelle -2>>
<<elseif $fitness gte 30>>
<<addrnoelle -1>><</if>>
<<addenergy -5>>
<<addtnoelle -1>>
<<addonoelle +2>>
<<elseif $rnoelle gte 150>>
<img src="images/noelle/noelleloss/grope/gropeass1.gif" /><br>
<<speech "Noelle" "Noelle">>Hmmmmm.<</speech>><br>
<div class="general">She seems to enjoy it.</div><br>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Push it further->livenoelletouch1c]]</span></div><br>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink"><<link [[Let’s do something else|entrance]]>>
<<set $time to $time +1>>
<<if $fitness gte 0 and $fitness lt 15>>
<<addrnoelle 1>>
<<elseif $fitness gte 15 and $fitness lt 30>>
<<addrnoelle 2>>
<<elseif $fitness gte 30>>
<<addrnoelle 3>><</if>>
<<addenergy -5>>
<img src="images/noelle/noelleloss/grope/gropeass1.gif" /><br>
<<speech "Noelle" "Noelle">>What are you doing?<</speech>><br>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Just enjoy.<</speech>><br>
<<speech "Noelle" "Noelle">>Get away from me.<</speech>><br>
<div class="general">Noelle tries to get up.</div><br>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Grab her->livenoelletouch1a]]</span></div><br>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink"><<link [[Let her go|entrance]]>>
<<set $time to $time +1>>
<<if $fitness gte 0 and $fitness lt 15>>
<<addrnoelle -5>>
<<elseif $fitness gte 15 and $fitness lt 30>>
<<addrnoelle -4>>
<<elseif $fitness gte 30>>
<<addrnoelle -3>><</if>>
<<addenergy -5>>
<<addtnoelle -1>>
<<addfnoelle +2>>
<</if>><</nobr>><div class="general">You start touching her breasts.</div>
<<if $fnoelle gte 35>>
<<if $nakedout is "true">>
<img src="images/noelle/noelleloss/grope/gropetit2.gif" /><br>
<video src="images/noelle/noelleloss/grope/gropetit1.webm" autoplay loop /><br><br><</if>>
<div class="general">She does not seem to enjoy it, but she doens't resist.</div><br>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Push it further->livenoelletouch1b]]</span></div><br>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink"><<link [[Let’s do something else|entrance]]>>
<<set $time to $time +1>>
<<if $fitness gte 0 and $fitness lt 15>>
<<addrnoelle -3>>
<<elseif $fitness gte 15 and $fitness lt 30>>
<<addrnoelle -2>>
<<elseif $fitness gte 30>>
<<addrnoelle -1>><</if>>
<<addenergy -5>>
<<addtnoelle -1>>
<<addonoelle +2>>
<<elseif $rnoelle gte 150>>
<<if $nakedout is "true">>
<img src="images/noelle/noelleloss/grope/gropetit2.gif" /><br>
<video src="images/noelle/noelleloss/grope/gropetit1.webm" autoplay loop /><br><</if>>
<div class="general">She does not seem to enjoy it, but she doens't resist.</div><br>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Push it further->livenoelletouch1b]]</span></div><br>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink"><<link [[Let’s do something else|entrance]]>>
<<set $time to $time +1>>
<<if $fitness gte 0 and $fitness lt 15>>
<<addrnoelle -3>>
<<elseif $fitness gte 15 and $fitness lt 30>>
<<addrnoelle -2>>
<<elseif $fitness gte 30>>
<<addrnoelle -1>><</if>>
<<addenergy -5>>
<<addtnoelle -1>>
<<addonoelle +2>>
<<if $nakedout is "true">>
<img src="images/noelle/noelleloss/grope/gropetit2.gif" /><br>
<video src="images/noelle/noelleloss/grope/gropetit1.webm" autoplay loop /><br><</if>>
<<speech "Noelle" "Noelle">>What are you doing?<</speech>><br>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Just enjoy.<</speech>><br>
<<speech "Noelle" "Noelle">>Get away from me.<</speech>><br>
<div class="general">Noelle tries to get up.</div><br>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Grab her->livenoelletouch1a]]</span></div><br>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink"><<link [[Let her go|entrance]]>>
<<set $time to $time +1>>
<<if $fitness gte 0 and $fitness lt 15>>
<<addrnoelle -6>>
<<elseif $fitness gte 15 and $fitness lt 30>>
<<addrnoelle -5>>
<<elseif $fitness gte 30>>
<<addrnoelle -4>><</if>>
<<addenergy -5>>
<<addtnoelle -1>>
<<addonoelle -1>>
<<addfnoelle +3>>
<</if>><</nobr>><<speech "Noelle" "Noelle">>I need you to clean this room.<</speech>>
<<speech "Noelle" "Noelle">>Alright, I'll get on it right away.<</speech>>
<div class="general">Noelle gabs the things she needs and starts cleaning.</div>
<img src="images/noelle/noelleloss/chores/livnchores1.jpg" />
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Good girl.<</speech>>
<a data-passage="entrance"><div class="talkplayer">Let’s do something else</div></a>
<<if $fitness gte 0 and $fitness lt 15>>
<<addrnoelle -3>>
<<elseif $fitness gte 15 and $fitness lt 30>>
<<addrnoelle -2>>
<<elseif $fitness gte 30>>
<<addrnoelle -1>><</if>>
<<addonoelle +2>>
<<set $time to $time +1>>
<<set $livchores to "true">>
<<nobr>><<if $fnoelle gte 35>>
<<speech "Noelle" "Noelle">>O.. Ok, I'll get naked.<</speech>><br>
<div class="general">Noelle starts to undress and she is clearly not comfortable.</div><br>
<img src="images/noelle/noelleloss/livingroom/noellestrip.jpg" /><br>
<<speech "Noelle" "Noelle">>Can I get dressed again?<</speech>><br>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Start jerking off to her->livenoelleorder2a]]</span></div><br>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink"><<link [[Let her get dressed|entrance]]>>
<<set $time to $time +1>>
<<addenergy -5>>
<<set $time to $time +1>>
<<addonoelle +2>>
<<speech "Noelle" "Noelle">>What? No, I will not do that.<</speech>><br>
<div class="general">Noelle quickly leaves the room.</div><br>
<a data-passage="entrance"><div class="talkplayer">Let do something else.</div></a>
<<if $fitness gte 0 and $fitness lt 15>>
<<addrnoelle -3>>
<<elseif $fitness gte 15 and $fitness lt 30>>
<<addrnoelle -2>>
<<elseif $fitness gte 30>>
<<addrnoelle -1>><</if>>
<<addenergy -5>>
<<set $time to $time +1>>
<<addonoelle -2>>
<<case 1>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>I still don't know why we took you in again.<</speech>>
<<case 2>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>You are pretty useless aren't you?<</speech>>
<<case 3>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>You are pretty useless aren't you?<</speech>>
<<case 4>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>I wish you just dissapeared again.<</speech>>
<<case 5>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>The only decent thing about you is your body.<</speech>>
<<case 6>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>I would trade you for anyone else.<</speech>>
<br><a data-passage="entrance"><div class="talkplayer">Let’s do something else</div></a>
<<if $fitness gte 0 and $fitness lt 15>>
<<addrnoelle -5>>
<<elseif $fitness gte 15 and $fitness lt 30>>
<<addrnoelle -4>>
<<elseif $fitness gte 30>>
<<addrnoelle -3>><</if>>
<<addenergy -5>>
<<set $time to $time +1>>
<<set $convon to $convon +1>>
<<addtnoelle -1>>
<<addonoelle +2>>
<<addfnoelle +2>>
<</nobr>><<speech "Noelle" "Noelle">>Get off of me!<</speech>>
<div class="general">She starts hitting you and you let her go.</div>
<<speech "Noelle" "Noelle">>Asshole.<</speech>>
<div class="general">Noelle leaves the room.</div>
<<speech "Player" "$name">><i>Well, that went bad.</i><</speech>>
<a data-passage="entrance"><div class="talkplayer">Let’s do something else</div></a>
<<if $fitness gte 0 and $fitness lt 15>>
<<addrnoelle -5>>
<<elseif $fitness gte 15 and $fitness lt 30>>
<<addrnoelle -4>>
<<elseif $fitness gte 30>>
<<addrnoelle -3>><</if>>
<<addenergy -5>>
<<set $time to $time +1>>
<<addtnoelle -2>>
<<if $nakedout is "true">>
<div class="general">Since she doesn't resist you decide to push it and move your hand to her pussy.</div><br>
<video src="images/noelle/noelleloss/livingroom/groppussynude.webm" autoplay loop></video><br><br>
<<speech "Noelle" "Noelle">>Hmmmm.. Please...<</speech>><br>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Please continue?<</speech>><br>
<<speech "Noelle" "Noelle">>Please… Hmmm… Stop…<</speech>><br>
<div class="general">But you don’t stop and keep fingering her.</div><br>
<video src="images/noelle/noelleloss/livingroom/pussygrope2.webm" loop></video><br><br>
<<speech "Noelle" "Noelle">>Ooooh… Please….<</speech>><br>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>You are getting so wet. You are really soaking.<</speech>><br>
<<speech "Noelle" "Noelle">>Hhhhmmhmmmm.<</speech>><br>
<div class="general">You keep going.</div><br>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>You really like this don’t you.<</speech>><br>
<<speech "Noelle" "Noelle">>HHHmmmmmhmmm. Pleaseee….<</speech>><br>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Cum for me you dirty girl. Show me how much you like my touch.<</speech>><br>
<<speech "Noelle" "Noelle">>Hmmmm.. Noo… Oooh.<</speech>><br>
<div class="general">She tries to resist, but she can’t and she starts cumming.</div><br>
<video src="images/noelle/noelleloss/livingroom/pussygrope3.webm" autoplay loop></video><br><br>
<<speech "Noelle" "Noelle">>Hmmmmm.. Ooohooh.<</speech>><br>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Good girl.<</speech>><br>
<div class="general">Noelle lays down defeated. After a minute or so she gets up and leaves the room with tears in her eyes.</div><br>
<a data-passage="entrance"><div class="talkplayer">Let’s do something else</div></a>
<<if $fitness gte 0 and $fitness lt 15>>
<<addrnoelle -5>>
<<elseif $fitness gte 15 and $fitness lt 30>>
<<addrnoelle -4>>
<<elseif $fitness gte 30>>
<<addrnoelle -3>><</if>>
<<addenergy -15>>
<<set $time to $time +1>>
<<addonoelle +4>>
<<addfnoelle +6>>
<<elseif $fnoelle gte 45>>
<div class="general">Since she doesn't resist you decide to push it and move your hand to her pussy.</div><br>
<video src="images/noelle/noelleloss/livingroom/pussygrope1.webm" autoplay loop></video><br><br>
<<speech "Noelle" "Noelle">>Hmmmmm... Please…<</speech>><br>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Please continue?<</speech>><br>
<<speech "Noelle" "Noelle">>Please… Hmmm… Stop…<</speech>><br>
<div class="general">You take off her bottoms and panties and continue fingering her.</div><br>
<video src="images/noelle/noelleloss/livingroom/pussygrope2.webm" autoplay loop></video><br><br>
<<speech "Noelle" "Noelle">>Ooooh… Please….<</speech>><br>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>You are getting so wet. You are really soaking.<</speech>><br>
<<speech "Noelle" "Noelle">>Hhhhmmhmmmm.<</speech>><br>
<div class="general">You keep going.</div>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>You really like this don’t you.<</speech>><br>
<<speech "Noelle" "Noelle">>HHHmmmmmhmmm. Pleaseee….<</speech>><br>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Cum for me you dirty girl. Show me how much you like my touch.<</speech>><br>
<<speech "Noelle" "Noelle">>Hmmmm.. Noo… Oooh.<</speech>><br>
<div class="general">She tries to resist, but she can’t and she starts cumming.</div><br>
<video src="images/noelle/noelleloss/livingroom/pussygrope3.webm" autoplay loop></video><br><br>
<<speech "Noelle" "Noelle">>Hmmmmm.. Ooohooh.<</speech>><br>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Good girl.<</speech>><br>
<div class="general">Noelle lays down defeated. After a minute or so she gets up and leaves the room with tears in her eyes.</div><br>
<a data-passage="entrance"><div class="talkplayer">Let’s do something else</div></a>
<<if $fitness gte 0 and $fitness lt 15>>
<<addrnoelle -5>>
<<elseif $fitness gte 15 and $fitness lt 30>>
<<addrnoelle -4>>
<<elseif $fitness gte 30>>
<<addrnoelle -3>><</if>>
<<addenergy -15>>
<<set $time to $time +1>>
<<addonoelle +4>>
<<addfnoelle +8>>
<div class="general">Since she doesn't resist you decide to push it and move your hand to her pussy.</div><br>
<video src="images/noelle/noelleloss/livingroom/pussygrope1.webm" autoplay loop></video><br><br>
<<speech "Noelle" "Noelle">>What are you doing?<</speech>><br>
<div class="general">Before you can react she gets up and leaves the room.</div><br>
<a data-passage="entrance"><div class="talkplayer">Let’s do something else</div></a>
<<if $fitness gte 0 and $fitness lt 15>>
<<addrnoelle -5>>
<<elseif $fitness gte 15 and $fitness lt 30>>
<<addrnoelle -4>>
<<elseif $fitness gte 30>>
<<addrnoelle -3>><</if>>
<<addenergy -5>>
<<set $time to $time +1>>
<<addonoelle -1>>
<<addfnoelle +2>>
<</if>><</nobr>><video src="images/noelle/noelleloss/livingroom/pussygrope1.webm" loop></video><br><br>
<<if $gropenoelle is "true">>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>I shouldn't do this so often. I already did this today.<</speech>>
<a data-passage="entrance"><div class="talkplayer">Let’s do something else</div></a>
<<elseif $nakedout is "true">>
<div class="general">Since it seems like she is enjoying it, you continue and move your hand towards her pussy and start rubbing it.</div><br>
<video src="images/noelle/noelleloss/livingroom/groppussynude.webm" loop></video><br><br>
<<speech "Noelle" "Noelle">>Hmmmmm.<</speech>><br>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Do you like it?<</speech>>
<<speech "Noelle" "Noelle">>Hmmmmhmm.. Yes..<</speech>><br>
<div class="general">You keep fingering her.</div>
<video src="images/noelle/noelleloss/livingroom/pussygrope2.webm" loop></video><br><br>
<<speech "Noelle" "Noelle">>Please don’t stop! Keep going.<</speech>><br>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Are you cumming?<</speech>><br>
<<speech "Noelle" "Noelle">>Yes.. Almost.. just don’t stop!<</speech>><br>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Deny her->livenoelletouch1c1]]</span></div><br>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Make her cum->livenoelletouch1c2]]</span></div>
<div class="general">Since it seems like she is enjoying it, you continue and move your hand towards her pussy and start rubbing it over her panties.</div><br>
<video src="images/noelle/noelleloss/livingroom/groppussynude.webm" loop></video><br><br>
<<speech "Noelle" "Noelle">>Hmmmmm.<</speech>><br>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Do you like it?<</speech>><br>
<<speech "Noelle" "Noelle">>Hmmmmhmm.. Yes..<</speech>><br>
<div class="general">You take of her bottoms and start fingering her.</div><br>
<video src="images/noelle/noelleloss/livingroom/pussygrope2.webm" loop></video><br><br>
<<speech "Noelle" "Noelle">>Oh yes! Please don’t stop! Keep going.<</speech>><br>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Are you cumming already?<</speech>><br>
<<speech "Noelle" "Noelle">>Yes.. Almost.. just don’t stop!<</speech>><br>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Deny her->livenoelletouch1c1]]</span></div><br>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Make her cum->livenoelletouch1c2]]</span></div>
<<nobr>><<if $fnoelle gte 35>>
<<speech "Noelle" "Noelle">>Alright, just don't do anything to me.<</speech>><br>
<div class="general">Noelle gabs the things she needs and starts cleaning.</div><br>
<img src="images/noelle/noelleloss/chores/livnchores1.jpg" /><br>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Good girl.<</speech>><br>
<a data-passage="entrance"><div class="talkplayer">Let’s do something else</div></a>
<<if $fitness gte 0 and $fitness lt 15>>
<<addrnoelle -3>>
<<elseif $fitness gte 15 and $fitness lt 30>>
<<addrnoelle -2>>
<<elseif $fitness gte 30>>
<<addrnoelle -1>><</if>>
<<addonoelle +2>>
<<set $livchores to "true">>
<<elseif $rnoelle gte 160>>
<<speech "Noelle" "Noelle">>Of course, for you I will do that. But don't start to ask this to much of me.<</speech>><br>
<div class="general">Noelle gabs the things she needs and starts cleaning.</div><br>
<img src="images/noelle/noelleloss/chores/livnchores1.jpg" /><br>
<a data-passage="entrance"><div class="talkplayer">Let’s do something else</div></a>
<<addonoelle +2>>
<<set $livchores to "true">>
<<speech "Noelle" "Noelle">>Why me, that is not really my job. I'm here to take care of peter.<</speech>><br>
<div id="talkplayer"><div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink"><<link "Force Noelle">><br>
<<replace "#talkplayer">>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Threaten her->livenoelleorder3a]]</span></div><br>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Grab her->livenoelleorder3b]]</span></div><br>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Ask nicely->livenoelleorder3c]]</span></div><br>
<a data-passage="entrance"><div class="talkplayer">Let’s do something else</div></a>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Noelle, if you don't do this, I will do things to you, that you really won't like. So grab whatever you need and start cleaning!<</speech>>
<<nobr>><<if $fnoelle gte 35>>
<div class="general">Noelle looks at you with fear in her eyes.</div><br>
<<speech "Noelle" "Noelle">>Alright, I will clean here.<</speech>><br>
<div class="general">Noelle grabs the things she needs and starts cleaning.</div><br>
<img src="images/noelle/noelleloss/chores/livnchores1.jpg" /><br>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Good girl, make sure you get everything.<</speech>><br>
<a data-passage="entrance"><div class="talkplayer">Let’s do something else</div></a>
<<if $fitness gte 0 and $fitness lt 15>>
<<addrnoelle -7>>
<<elseif $fitness gte 15 and $fitness lt 30>>
<<addrnoelle -6>>
<<elseif $fitness gte 30>>
<<addrnoelle -5>><</if>>
<<addenergy -5>>
<<set $time to $time +1>>
<<addtnoelle -2>>
<<addonoelle +4>>
<<addfnoelle +6>>
<<set $livchores to "true">>
<<speech "Noelle" "Noelle">>Fuck you $name.<</speech>><br>
<div class="general">Noelle gets up and leaves.</div><br>
<<speech "Player" "$name">><i>That did not go as planned.</i><</speech>><br>
<a data-passage="entrance"><div class="talkplayer">Let’s do something else</div></a>
<<if $fitness gte 0 and $fitness lt 15>>
<<addrnoelle -5>>
<<elseif $fitness gte 15 and $fitness lt 30>>
<<addrnoelle -4>>
<<elseif $fitness gte 30>>
<<addrnoelle -3>><</if>>
<<addenergy -5>>
<<set $time to $time +1>>
<<addtnoelle -1>>
<<addonoelle -1>>
<<addfnoelle -1>>
<<nobr>><<if $fitness gte 40>>
<div class="general">You grab Noelle by her throat and lift her a little into the air.</div><br>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>When I say you do something, you do it. Understood?<</speech>><br>
<div class="general">She is hardly able to breathe but she nods yes.</div><br>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Good.<</speech>><br>
<div class="general">You let her down.</div><br>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Well, go on then, get to work.<</speech>><br>
<div class="general">Silently she grabs the things she needs and gets to work.</div><br>
<img src="images/noelle/noelleloss/chores/livnchores1.jpg" /><br>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Good girl, make sure you get everything.<</speech>><br>
<a data-passage="entrance"><div class="talkplayer">Let’s do something else</div></a>
<<if $fitness gte 0 and $fitness lt 15>>
<<addrnoelle -7>>
<<elseif $fitness gte 15 and $fitness lt 30>>
<<addrnoelle -6>>
<<elseif $fitness gte 30>>
<<addrnoelle -5>><</if>>
<<addenergy -5>>
<<set $time to $time +1>>
<<addtnoelle -2>>
<<addonoelle +4>>
<<addfnoelle +8>>
<<set $livchores to "true">>
<div class="general">You grab Noelle by her arm.</div><br>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>When I say you do something, you do it. Understood?<</speech>><br>
<div class="general">She struggles and escapes you.</div><br>
<<speech "Noelle" "Noelle">>What the fuck $name. I'm not your fucking maid.<</speech>><br>
<div class="general">Noelle leaves the room.</div><br>
<a data-passage="entrance"><div class="talkplayer">Let’s do something else</div></a>
<<if $fitness gte 0 and $fitness lt 15>>
<<addrnoelle -5>>
<<elseif $fitness gte 15 and $fitness lt 30>>
<<addrnoelle -4>>
<<elseif $fitness gte 30>>
<<addrnoelle -3>><</if>>
<<addenergy -5>>
<<set $time to $time +1>>
<<addtnoelle -1>>
<<addonoelle -1>>
<<addfnoelle -1>>
<</if>><</nobr>><<speech "Player" "$name">>Please Noelle, it would mean a lot to me.<</speech>>
<<speech "Noelle" "Noelle">>I'm sorry $name, the answer stays no.<</speech>>
<a data-passage="entrance"><div class="talkplayer">Let’s do something else</div></a>
<<addenergy -5>>
<<set $time to $time +1>>
<<addonoelle -1>>
<div class="general">You take out your dick and start jerking off.</div>
<<speech "Noelle" "Noelle">>Are.. Wha..<</speech>>
<div class="general">It looks like she wants to say something, but decides not to.</div>
<<speech "Player" "$name">><i>Damn, I remember the days I used to fuck that body silly</i><</speech>>
<div class="general">Thinking back only makes you harder.</div>
@@#blinky;<video src="images/noelle/livingroom/livmoven120/livmoven160b5a.webm" autoplay loop></video>
$(document).one(':passagerender', function (ev) {
$(ev.content).find("#blinky").fadeTo(1000, 0).fadeTo(1000, 1).delay(200).fadeTo(1000, 0).fadeTo(1000, 1).delay(200).fadeTo(1000, 0).fadeTo(1000, 1).fadeTo(1000, 0).fadeTo(1000, 1).delay(200).fadeTo(1000, 0).fadeTo(1000, 1).delay(200).fadeTo(1000, 0).fadeTo(1000, 1).delay(200).fadeTo(1000, 0).fadeTo(1000, 1).delay(200).fadeTo(1000, 0).fadeTo(1000, 1).delay(200).fadeTo(1000, 0).fadeTo(1000, 1).delay(200).fadeTo(1000, 0).fadeTo(1000, 1).delay(200).fadeTo(1000, 0).fadeTo(1000, 1).delay(200).fadeTo(1000, 0).fadeTo(1000, 1).delay(200).fadeTo(1000, 0).fadeTo(1000, 1).delay(200).fadeTo(1000, 0).fadeTo(1000, 1).delay(200).fadeTo(1000, 0).fadeTo(1000, 1).delay(200).fadeTo(1000, 0).fadeTo(1000, 1).delay(200).fadeTo(1000, 0).fadeTo(1000, 1).delay(200).fadeTo(1000, 0).fadeTo(1000, 1).delay(200).fadeTo(1000, 0).fadeTo(1000, 1).delay(200).fadeTo(1000, 0).fadeTo(1000, 1).delay(200).fadeTo(1000, 0).fadeTo(1000, 1).delay(200).fadeTo(1000, 0).fadeTo(1000, 1).delay(200).fadeTo(1000, 0).fadeTo(1000, 1).delay(200).fadeTo(1000, 0).fadeTo(1000, 1).delay(200).fadeTo(1000, 0).fadeTo(1000, 1).delay(200).fadeTo(1000, 0).fadeTo(1000, 1).delay(200).fadeTo(1000, 0).fadeTo(1000, 1).delay(200);
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Continue->livenoelleorder2b]]</span></div><<nobr>>
<<if $fnoelle gte 25 and $fnoelle gte $rnoelle / 2>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>I just wanted to talk to you.<</speech>><br>
<<speech "Noelle" "Noelle">>Oh.. ok..<</speech>><br>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Talk to her->kittalknoelleloss1]]</span></div><br>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Insult her->kittalknoelleloss3]]</span></div>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>I just wanted to talk to you.<</speech>><br>
<<speech "Noelle" "Noelle">>Alright, let's hear it.<</speech>><br>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Talk to her->kittalknoelleloss2]]</span></div><br>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Insult her->kittalknoelleloss3]]</span></div>
<<if $fnoelle gte 25>>
<img src="images/noelle/noelleloss/grope/gropleg2.gif" /><br>
<div class="general">Noelle doesn't seem to want this, but she doesn't resist.</div><br>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Push it further->kitnoelletouch1a]]</span></div><br>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink"><<link [[Let’s do something else|entrance]]>>
<<set $time to $time +1>>
<<if $fitness gte 0 and $fitness lt 15>>
<<addrnoelle -3>>
<<elseif $fitness gte 15 and $fitness lt 30>>
<<addrnoelle -2>>
<<elseif $fitness gte 30>>
<<addrnoelle -1>><</if>>
<<addenergy -5>>
<<addtnoelle -1>>
<<addonoelle +2>>
<<elseif $rnoelle gte 150>>
<img src="images/noelle/noelleloss/grope/gropleg2.gif" /><br>
<div class="general">She doesn't seem to mind.</div><br>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Push it further->kitnoelletouch1b]]</span></div><br>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink"><<link [[Let’s do something else|entrance]]>>
<<set $time to $time +1>>
<<if $fitness gte 0 and $fitness lt 15>>
<<addrnoelle 1>>
<<elseif $fitness gte 15 and $fitness lt 30>>
<<addrnoelle 2>>
<<elseif $fitness gte 30>>
<<addrnoelle 3>><</if>>
<<addenergy -5>>
<img src="images/noelle/noelleloss/grope/gropleg1.gif" /><br>
<<speech "Noelle" "Noelle">>What are you doing?<</speech>><br>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Just enjoy.<</speech>><br>
<<speech "Noelle" "Noelle">>Get away from me.<</speech>><br>
<div class="general">Noelle tries to get up.</div><br>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink"><<link [[Let her go|entrance]]>>
<<set $time to $time +1>>
<<if $fitness gte 0 and $fitness lt 15>>
<<addrnoelle -4>>
<<elseif $fitness gte 15 and $fitness lt 30>>
<<addrnoelle -3>>
<<elseif $fitness gte 30>>
<<addrnoelle -2>><</if>>
<<addenergy -5>>
<<addtnoelle -1>>
<<addfnoelle +2>>
<div class="general">You start touching her ass.</div>
<<if $fnoelle gte 30>>
<img src="images/noelle/noelleloss/grope/gropeass1.gif" /><br>
<div class="general">She doens't seem to be enjoying this, but she doesn't resist either.</div><br>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Push it further->kitnoelletouch1a]]</span></div><br>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink"><<link [[Let her go|entrance]]>>
<<set $time to $time +1>>
<<if $fitness gte 0 and $fitness lt 15>>
<<addrnoelle -3>>
<<elseif $fitness gte 15 and $fitness lt 30>>
<<addrnoelle -2>>
<<elseif $fitness gte 30>>
<<addrnoelle -1>><</if>>
<<addenergy -5>>
<<addtnoelle -1>>
<<addonoelle +2>>
<<elseif $rnoelle gte 150>>
<img src="images/noelle/noelleloss/grope/gropeass1.gif" /><br>
<<speech "Noelle" "Noelle">>Hmmmmm.<</speech>><br>
<div class="general">She seems to enjoy it.</div><br>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Push it further->kitnoelletouch1b]]</span></div><br>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink"><<link [[Let’s do something else|entrance]]>>
<<set $time to $time +1>>
<<if $fitness gte 0 and $fitness lt 15>>
<<addrnoelle 1>>
<<elseif $fitness gte 15 and $fitness lt 30>>
<<addrnoelle 2>>
<<elseif $fitness gte 30>>
<<addrnoelle 3>><</if>>
<<addenergy -5>>
<img src="images/noelle/noelleloss/grope/gropeass1.gif" /><br>
<<speech "Noelle" "Noelle">>What are you doing?<</speech>><br>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Just enjoy.<</speech>><br>
<<speech "Noelle" "Noelle">>Get away from me.<</speech>><br>
<div class="general">Noelle tries to get up.</div><br>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink"><<link [[Let her go|entrance]]>>
<<set $time to $time +1>>
<<if $fitness gte 0 and $fitness lt 15>>
<<addrnoelle -5>>
<<elseif $fitness gte 15 and $fitness lt 30>>
<<addrnoelle -4>>
<<elseif $fitness gte 30>>
<<addrnoelle -3>><</if>>
<<addenergy -5>>
<<addtnoelle -1>>
<<addfnoelle +2>>
<</if>><</nobr>><div class="general">You start touching her breasts.</div>
<<if $fnoelle gte 35>>
<<if $nakedout is "true">>
<img src="images/noelle/noelleloss/grope/gropetit2.gif" /><br>
<video src="images/noelle/noelleloss/grope/gropetit1.webm" autoplay loop /><br><br><</if>>
<div class="general">She does not seem to enjoy it, but she doens't resist.</div><br>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Push it further->kitnoelletouch1a]]</span></div><br>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink"><<link [[Let’s do something else|entrance]]>>
<<set $time to $time +1>>
<<if $fitness gte 0 and $fitness lt 15>>
<<addrnoelle -3>>
<<elseif $fitness gte 15 and $fitness lt 30>>
<<addrnoelle -2>>
<<elseif $fitness gte 30>>
<<addrnoelle -1>><</if>>
<<addenergy -5>>
<<addtnoelle -1>>
<<addonoelle +2>>
<<elseif $rnoelle gte 150>>
<<if $nakedout is "true">>
<img src="images/noelle/noelleloss/grope/gropetit2.gif" /><br>
<video src="images/noelle/noelleloss/grope/gropetit1.webm" autoplay loop /><br><</if>>
<div class="general">She does not seem to enjoy it, but she doens't resist.</div><br>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Push it further->kitnoelletouch1b]]</span></div><br>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink"><<link [[Let’s do something else|entrance]]>>
<<set $time to $time +1>>
<<if $fitness gte 0 and $fitness lt 15>>
<<addrnoelle -3>>
<<elseif $fitness gte 15 and $fitness lt 30>>
<<addrnoelle -2>>
<<elseif $fitness gte 30>>
<<addrnoelle -1>><</if>>
<<addenergy -5>>
<<addtnoelle -1>>
<<addonoelle +2>>
<<if $nakedout is "true">>
<img src="images/noelle/noelleloss/grope/gropetit2.gif" /><br>
<video src="images/noelle/noelleloss/grope/gropetit1.webm" autoplay loop /><br><</if>>
<<speech "Noelle" "Noelle">>What are you doing?<</speech>><br>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Just enjoy.<</speech>><br>
<<speech "Noelle" "Noelle">>Get away from me.<</speech>><br>
<div class="general">Noelle tries to get up.</div><br>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink"><<link [[Let her go|entrance]]>>
<<set $time to $time +1>>
<<if $fitness gte 0 and $fitness lt 15>>
<<addrnoelle -6>>
<<elseif $fitness gte 15 and $fitness lt 30>>
<<addrnoelle -5>>
<<elseif $fitness gte 30>>
<<addrnoelle -4>><</if>>
<<addenergy -5>>
<<addtnoelle -1>>
<<addonoelle -1>>
<<addfnoelle +3>>
<</if>><</nobr>><<nobr>><<if $fnoelle gte 25 and $fnoelle gte $rnoelle / 2 and $onoelle gte 25 and $onoelle gte $tnoelle>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>I need you to do something for me.<</speech>><br>
<<speech "Noelle" "Noelle">>What.. What do you need me to do?<</speech>><br>
<<if $kitchores is "false" and $allchores is "false">>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Have her clean this room->kitnoelleorder1]]</span></div><br><</if>>
<<if $nakedout is "false">>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Tell her to undress->kitnoelleorder2]]</span></div><br><</if>>
<a data-passage="entrance"><div class="talkplayer">Let’s do something else</div></a>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Can you do something for me?<</speech>><br>
<<speech "Noelle" "Noelle">>Sure, what do you need me to do?<</speech>><br>
<<if $kitchores is "false" and $allchores is "false">>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Ask her to clean this room->kitnoelleorder3]]</span></div><br><</if>>
<a data-passage="entrance"><div class="talkplayer">Let’s do something else</div></a>
<</nobr>><<nobr>><<if $convon gt 5>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>I shouldn’t bother her to much with my conversations.<</speech>><br>
<a data-passage="entrance"><div class="talkplayer">Let’s do something else</div></a>
<<elseif $rnoelle gte 200>>
<<switch random(1,3)>>
<<case 1>>
<<speech "Noelle" "Noelle">>I want to be with you.<</speech>>
<<case 2>>
<<speech "Noelle" "Noelle">>Please stay with me.<</speech>>
<<case 3>>
<<speech "Noelle" "Noelle">>I would do anything for you.<</speech>>
<br><a data-passage="entrance"><div class="talkplayer">Let’s do something else</div></a>
<<if $fitness gte 0 and $fitness lt 15>>
<<addrnoelle 2>>
<<elseif $fitness gte 15 and $fitness lt 30>>
<<addrnoelle 4>>
<<elseif $fitness gte 30>>
<<addrnoelle 6>><</if>>
<<addenergy -5>>
<<addhappiness 1>>
<<set $time to $time +1>>
<<set $convon to $convon +1>>
<<addtnoelle +2>>
<<addfnoelle -1>>
<<elseif $rnoelle gte 150>>
<<switch random(1,3)>>
<<case 1>>
<<speech "Noelle" "Noelle">>I want to like you but you are making it really hard.<</speech>>
<<case 2>>
<<speech "Noelle" "Noelle">>How can someone be nice and cruel like you at the same time.<</speech>>
<<case 3>>
<<speech "Noelle" "Noelle">>I want to make up for whatever I did wrong.<</speech>>
<br><a data-passage="entrance"><div class="talkplayer">Let’s do something else</div></a>
<<if $fitness gte 0 and $fitness lt 15>>
<<addrnoelle 2>>
<<elseif $fitness gte 15 and $fitness lt 30>>
<<addrnoelle 4>>
<<elseif $fitness gte 30>>
<<addrnoelle 6>><</if>>
<<addenergy -5>>
<<addhappiness 1>>
<<set $time to $time +1>>
<<set $convon to $convon +1>>
<<addtnoelle +2>>
<<addfnoelle -1>>
<<elseif $rnoelle gte 100>>
<<switch random(1,3)>>
<<case 1>>
<<speech "Noelle" "Noelle">>I want to like you but you are making it really hard.<</speech>>
<<case 2>>
<<speech "Noelle" "Noelle">>Sarah keeps looking at me weirdly.<</speech>>
<<case 3>>
<<speech "Noelle" "Noelle">>I have the feeling I did something wrong.<</speech>>
<br><a data-passage="entrance"><div class="talkplayer">Let’s do something else</div></a>
<<if $fitness gte 0 and $fitness lt 15>>
<<addrnoelle 2>>
<<elseif $fitness gte 15 and $fitness lt 30>>
<<addrnoelle 4>>
<<elseif $fitness gte 30>>
<<addrnoelle 6>><</if>>
<<addenergy -5>>
<<addhappiness 1>>
<<set $time to $time +1>>
<<set $convon to $convon +1>>
<<addtnoelle +2>>
<<addfnoelle -1>>
<<elseif $rnoelle gte 50>>
<<switch random(1,3)>>
<<case 1>>
<<speech "Noelle" "Noelle">>I guess I did something very bad which I can't remember.<</speech>>
<<case 2>>
<<speech "Noelle" "Noelle">>You scare me.<</speech>>
<<case 3>>
<<speech "Noelle" "Noelle">>I hope we can change the dynamic between us.<</speech>>
<br><a data-passage="entrance"><div class="talkplayer">Let’s do something else</div></a>
<<if $fitness gte 0 and $fitness lt 15>>
<<addrnoelle 2>>
<<elseif $fitness gte 15 and $fitness lt 30>>
<<addrnoelle 4>>
<<elseif $fitness gte 30>>
<<addrnoelle 6>><</if>>
<<addenergy -5>>
<<addhappiness 1>>
<<set $time to $time +1>>
<<set $convon to $convon +1>>
<<addtnoelle +2>>
<<addfnoelle -1>>
<<elseif $rnoelle gte 0>>
<<switch random(1,3)>>
<<case 1>>
<<speech "Noelle" "Noelle">>Why are you so mean to me?<</speech>>
<<case 2>>
<<speech "Noelle" "Noelle">>I thought you were nice. I guess I was wrong.<</speech>>
<<case 3>>
<<speech "Noelle" "Noelle">>What did I do to you that you hate me so much?<</speech>>
<br><a data-passage="entrance"><div class="talkplayer">Let’s do something else</div></a>
<<if $fitness gte 0 and $fitness lt 15>>
<<addrnoelle 2>>
<<elseif $fitness gte 15 and $fitness lt 30>>
<<addrnoelle 4>>
<<elseif $fitness gte 30>>
<<addrnoelle 6>><</if>>
<<addenergy -5>>
<<addhappiness 1>>
<<set $time to $time +1>>
<<set $convon to $convon +1>>
<<addtnoelle +2>>
<<addfnoelle -1>>
<</nobr>><<nobr>><<if $convon gt 5>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>I shouldn’t bother her to much with my conversations.<</speech>><br>
<a data-passage="entrance"><div class="talkplayer">Let’s do something else</div></a>
<<elseif $rnoelle gte 200>>
<<switch random(1,3)>>
<<case 1>>
<<speech "Noelle" "Noelle">>I want to stay with you.<</speech>>
<<case 2>>
<<speech "Noelle" "Noelle">>I care deeply for you.<</speech>>
<<case 3>>
<<speech "Noelle" "Noelle">>I would do anything for you.<</speech>>
<br><a data-passage="entrance"><div class="talkplayer">Let’s do something else</div></a>
<<if $fitness gte 0 and $fitness lt 15>>
<<addrnoelle 2>>
<<elseif $fitness gte 15 and $fitness lt 30>>
<<addrnoelle 4>>
<<elseif $fitness gte 30>>
<<addrnoelle 6>><</if>>
<<addenergy -5>>
<<addhappiness 1>>
<<set $time to $time +1>>
<<set $convon to $convon +1>>
<<addtnoelle +2>>
<<addfnoelle -1>>
<<elseif $rnoelle gte 150>>
<<switch random(1,3)>>
<<case 1>>
<<speech "Noelle" "Noelle">>I.. I really start to like it here and to like you.<</speech>>
<<case 2>>
<<speech "Noelle" "Noelle">>Can we hang out sometime?<</speech>>
<<case 3>>
<<speech "Noelle" "Noelle">>I like spending time together.<</speech>>
<br><a data-passage="entrance"><div class="talkplayer">Let’s do something else</div></a>
<<if $fitness gte 0 and $fitness lt 15>>
<<addrnoelle 2>>
<<elseif $fitness gte 15 and $fitness lt 30>>
<<addrnoelle 4>>
<<elseif $fitness gte 30>>
<<addrnoelle 6>><</if>>
<<addenergy -5>>
<<addhappiness 1>>
<<set $time to $time +1>>
<<set $convon to $convon +1>>
<<addtnoelle +2>>
<<addfnoelle -1>>
<<elseif $rnoelle gte 100>>
<<switch random(1,3)>>
<<case 1>>
<<speech "Noelle" "Noelle">>I really start to like it here.<</speech>>
<<case 2>>
<<speech "Noelle" "Noelle">>You are so sweet to me.<</speech>>
<<case 3>>
<<speech "Noelle" "Noelle">>I can't believe I got so lucky.<</speech>>
<br><a data-passage="entrance"><div class="talkplayer">Let’s do something else</div></a>
<<if $fitness gte 0 and $fitness lt 15>>
<<addrnoelle 2>>
<<elseif $fitness gte 15 and $fitness lt 30>>
<<addrnoelle 4>>
<<elseif $fitness gte 30>>
<<addrnoelle 6>><</if>>
<<addenergy -5>>
<<addhappiness 1>>
<<set $time to $time +1>>
<<set $convon to $convon +1>>
<<addtnoelle +2>>
<<addfnoelle -1>>
<<elseif $rnoelle gte 50>>
<<switch random(1,3)>>
<<case 1>>
<<speech "Noelle" "Noelle">>I'm really starting to settle in.<</speech>>
<<case 2>>
<<speech "Noelle" "Noelle">>You both seem really nice.<</speech>>
<<case 3>>
<<speech "Noelle" "Noelle">>Peter is so cute.<</speech>>
<br><a data-passage="entrance"><div class="talkplayer">Let’s do something else</div></a>
<<if $fitness gte 0 and $fitness lt 15>>
<<addrnoelle 2>>
<<elseif $fitness gte 15 and $fitness lt 30>>
<<addrnoelle 4>>
<<elseif $fitness gte 30>>
<<addrnoelle 6>><</if>>
<<addenergy -5>>
<<addhappiness 1>>
<<set $time to $time +1>>
<<set $convon to $convon +1>>
<<addtnoelle +2>>
<<addfnoelle -1>>
<<elseif $rnoelle gte 0>>
<<switch random(1,3)>>
<<case 1>>
<<speech "Noelle" "Noelle">>I'm glad to be here.<</speech>>
<<case 2>>
<<speech "Noelle" "Noelle">>I hope we can get along.<</speech>>
<<case 3>>
<<speech "Noelle" "Noelle">>I like the room you gave me.<</speech>>
<br><a data-passage="entrance"><div class="talkplayer">Let’s do something else</div></a>
<<if $fitness gte 0 and $fitness lt 15>>
<<addrnoelle 2>>
<<elseif $fitness gte 15 and $fitness lt 30>>
<<addrnoelle 4>>
<<elseif $fitness gte 30>>
<<addrnoelle 6>><</if>>
<<addenergy -5>>
<<addhappiness 1>>
<<set $time to $time +1>>
<<set $convon to $convon +1>>
<<addtnoelle +2>>
<<addfnoelle -1>>
<<case 1>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>I still don't know why we took you in again.<</speech>>
<<case 2>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>You are pretty useless aren't you?<</speech>>
<<case 3>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>You are pretty useless aren't you?<</speech>>
<<case 4>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>I wish you just dissapeared again.<</speech>>
<<case 5>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>The only decent thing about you is your body.<</speech>>
<<case 6>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>I would trade you for anyone else.<</speech>>
<br><a data-passage="entrance"><div class="talkplayer">Let’s do something else</div></a>
<<if $fitness gte 0 and $fitness lt 15>>
<<addrnoelle -5>>
<<elseif $fitness gte 15 and $fitness lt 30>>
<<addrnoelle -4>>
<<elseif $fitness gte 30>>
<<addrnoelle -3>><</if>>
<<addenergy -5>>
<<set $time to $time +1>>
<<set $convon to $convon +1>>
<<addtnoelle -1>>
<<addonoelle +2>>
<<addfnoelle +2>>
<</nobr>><<speech "Noelle" "Noelle">>I need you to clean this room.<</speech>>
<<speech "Noelle" "Noelle">>Alright, I'll get on it right away.<</speech>>
<div class="general">Noelle gabs the things she needs and starts cleaning.</div>
<img src="images/noelle/noelleloss/chores/kitnchores1.jpg" />
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Good girl.<</speech>>
<a data-passage="entrance"><div class="talkplayer">Let’s do something else</div></a>
<<if $fitness gte 0 and $fitness lt 15>>
<<addrnoelle -3>>
<<elseif $fitness gte 15 and $fitness lt 30>>
<<addrnoelle -2>>
<<elseif $fitness gte 30>>
<<addrnoelle -1>><</if>>
<<addonoelle +2>>
<<set $time to $time +1>>
<<set $kitchores to "true">>
<<nobr>><<if $fnoelle gte 35>>
<<speech "Noelle" "Noelle">>O.. Ok, I'll get naked.<</speech>><br>
<div class="general">Noelle starts to undress and she is clearly not comfortable.</div><br>
<img src="images/noelle/noelleloss/kitchen/noellestrip.jpg" /><br>
<<speech "Noelle" "Noelle">>Can I get dressed again?<</speech>><br>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Yes, you can get dressed again.<</speech>><br>
<div class="general">Noelle gets dressed and leaves.</div><br>
<a data-passage="entrance"><div class="talkplayer">Let’s do something else</div></a>
<<addarousal +15>>
<<addenergy -5>>
<<set $time to $time +1>>
<<addonoelle +2>>
<<speech "Noelle" "Noelle">>What? No, I will not do that.<</speech>><br>
<div class="general">Noelle quickly leaves the room.</div><br>
<a data-passage="entrance"><div class="talkplayer">Let do something else.</div></a>
<<if $fitness gte 0 and $fitness lt 15>>
<<addrnoelle -3>>
<<elseif $fitness gte 15 and $fitness lt 30>>
<<addrnoelle -2>>
<<elseif $fitness gte 30>>
<<addrnoelle -1>><</if>>
<<addenergy -5>>
<<set $time to $time +1>>
<<addonoelle -1>>
<</if>><</nobr>><<nobr>><<if $fnoelle gte 35>>
<<speech "Noelle" "Noelle">>Alright, just don't do anything to me.<</speech>><br>
<div class="general">Noelle gabs the things she needs and starts cleaning.</div><br>
<img src="images/noelle/noelleloss/chores/kitnchores1.jpg" /><br>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Good girl.<</speech>><br>
<a data-passage="entrance"><div class="talkplayer">Let’s do something else</div></a>
<<if $fitness gte 0 and $fitness lt 15>>
<<addrnoelle -3>>
<<elseif $fitness gte 15 and $fitness lt 30>>
<<addrnoelle -2>>
<<elseif $fitness gte 30>>
<<addrnoelle -1>><</if>>
<<addonoelle +2>>
<<set $kitchores to "true">>
<<elseif $rnoelle gte 160>>
<<speech "Noelle" "Noelle">>Of course, for you I will do that. But don't start to ask this to much of me.<</speech>><br>
<div class="general">Noelle gabs the things she needs and starts cleaning.</div><br>
<img src="images/noelle/noelleloss/chores/kitnchores1.jpg" /><br>
<a data-passage="entrance"><div class="talkplayer">Let’s do something else</div></a>
<<addonoelle +2>>
<<speech "Noelle" "Noelle">>Why me, that is not really my job. I'm here to take care of peter.<</speech>><br>
<div id="talkplayer"><div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink"><<link "Force Noelle">>
<<replace "#talkplayer">>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Threaten her->kitnoelleorder3a]]</span></div><br>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Grab her->kitnoelleorder3b]]</span></div><br>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Ask nicely->kitnoelleorder3c]]</span></div><br>
<a data-passage="entrance"><div class="talkplayer">Let’s do something else</div></a>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Noelle, if you don't do this, I will do things to you, that you really won't like. So grab whatever you need and start cleaning!<</speech>>
<<nobr>><<if $fnoelle gte 35>>
<div class="general">Noelle looks at you with fear in her eyes.</div><br>
<<speech "Noelle" "Noelle">>Alright, I will clean here.<</speech>><br>
<div class="general">Noelle grabs the things she needs and starts cleaning.</div><br>
<img src="images/noelle/noelleloss/chores/kitnchores1.jpg" /><br>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Good girl, make sure you get everything.<</speech>><br>
<a data-passage="entrance"><div class="talkplayer">Let’s do something else</div></a>
<<if $fitness gte 0 and $fitness lt 15>>
<<addrnoelle -7>>
<<elseif $fitness gte 15 and $fitness lt 30>>
<<addrnoelle -6>>
<<elseif $fitness gte 30>>
<<addrnoelle -5>><</if>>
<<addenergy -5>>
<<set $time to $time +1>>
<<addtnoelle -2>>
<<addonoelle +4>>
<<addfnoelle +6>>
<<set $kitchores to "true">>
<<speech "Noelle" "Noelle">>Fuck you $name.<</speech>><br>
<div class="general">Noelle gets up and leaves.</div><br>
<<speech "Player" "$name">><i>That did not go as planned.</i><</speech>><br>
<a data-passage="entrance"><div class="talkplayer">Let’s do something else</div></a>
<<if $fitness gte 0 and $fitness lt 15>>
<<addrnoelle -5>>
<<elseif $fitness gte 15 and $fitness lt 30>>
<<addrnoelle -4>>
<<elseif $fitness gte 30>>
<<addrnoelle -3>><</if>>
<<addenergy -5>>
<<set $time to $time +1>>
<<addtnoelle -1>>
<<addonoelle -1>>
<<addfnoelle -1>>
<<nobr>><<if $fitness gte 40>>
<div class="general">You grab Noelle by her throat and lift her a little into the air.</div><br>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>When I say you do something, you do it. Understood?<</speech>><br>
<div class="general">She is hardly able to breathe but she nods yes.</div><br>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Good.<</speech>><br>
<div class="general">You let her down.</div><br>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Well, go on then, get to work.<</speech>><br>
<div class="general">Silently she grabs the things she needs and gets to work.</div><br>
<img src="images/noelle/noelleloss/chores/kitnchores1.jpg" /><br>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Good girl, make sure you get everything.<</speech>><br>
<a data-passage="entrance"><div class="talkplayer">Let’s do something else</div></a>
<<if $fitness gte 0 and $fitness lt 15>>
<<addrnoelle -7>>
<<elseif $fitness gte 15 and $fitness lt 30>>
<<addrnoelle -6>>
<<elseif $fitness gte 30>>
<<addrnoelle -5>><</if>>
<<addenergy -5>>
<<set $time to $time +1>>
<<addtnoelle -2>>
<<addonoelle +4>>
<<addfnoelle +8>>
<<set $kitchores to "true">>
<div class="general">You grab Noelle by her arm.</div><br>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>When I say you do something, you do it. Understood?<</speech>><br>
<div class="general">She struggles and escapes you.</div><br>
<<speech "Noelle" "Noelle">>What the fuck $name. I'm not your fucking maid.<</speech>><br>
<div class="general">Noelle leaves the room.</div><br>
<a data-passage="entrance"><div class="talkplayer">Let’s do something else</div></a>
<<if $fitness gte 0 and $fitness lt 15>>
<<addrnoelle -5>>
<<elseif $fitness gte 15 and $fitness lt 30>>
<<addrnoelle -4>>
<<elseif $fitness gte 30>>
<<addrnoelle -3>><</if>>
<<addenergy -5>>
<<set $time to $time +1>>
<<addtnoelle -1>>
<<addonoelle -1>>
<<addfnoelle -1>>
<</if>><</nobr>><<speech "Player" "$name">>Please Noelle, it would mean a lot to me.<</speech>>
<<speech "Noelle" "Noelle">>I'm sorry $name, the answer stays no.<</speech>>
<a data-passage="entrance"><div class="talkplayer">Let’s do something else</div></a>
<<addenergy -5>>
<<set $time to $time +1>>
<<addonoelle -1>>
<<nobr>><<if $rnoelle gte 125 and $onoelle gte 25 or $fnoelle gte 25 and $onoelle gte 25>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Noelle, why don't you cook for us?<</speech>><br>
<<speech "Noelle" "Noelle">>Sure. I'll cook today.<</speech>><br>
<div class="general">Noelle starts cooking for all of you. You look at Sarah and even she seems impressed that Noelle listens so well to you. Then you all eat.</div><br>
<a data-passage="entrance"><div class="talkplayer">Let’s do something else</div></a>
<<addenergy 50>>
<<set $time to $time +1>>
<<if $fitness gte 0 and $fitness lt 20>>
<<addrsarah 2>>
<<elseif $fitness gte 20 and $fitness lt 40>>
<<addrsarah 4>>
<<elseif $fitness gte 40>>
<<addrsarah 6>><</if>>
<<addonoelle +2>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Noelle, why don't you cook for us?<</speech>><br>
<<speech "Noelle" "Noelle">>I'll help as usual, but I'm not going to do everything. Will you help us?<</speech>><br>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Just sit down and eat->eveningdinner]]</span></div><br>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Help cooking->helpcookingnl]]</span></div><br>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Cook for everyone->cookeverynl]]</span></div><br>
<a data-passage="entrance"><div class="talkplayer">Let’s do something else</div></a>
<<if $energy lt 15 or $happiness lt 20>>
<img src="images/player/misc/mood.jpg" /><br>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>I'm not in the mood for this.<</speech>><br>
<a data-passage="entrance"><div class="talkplayer">Let’s do something else</div></a>
<<switch random(1,4)>>
<<case 1>>
<<nobr>><<switch random(1,4)>>
<<case 1>>
<img src="images/player/kitchen/dinner/makingdinner1.jpg" />
<<case 2>>
<img src="images/player/kitchen/dinner/makingdinner2.jpg" />
<<case 3>>
<img src="images/player/kitchen/dinner/makingdinner3.jpg" />
<<case 4>>
<img src="images/player/kitchen/dinner/makingdinner4.jpg" />
<img src="images/player/kitchen/dinner/makingdinner5.jpg" />
<div class="general">You help making dinner, which is appreciated. Once you start eating you notice that there is something off about the taste.</div><br>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Blame Noelle->helpcookingnln]]</span></div><br>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Take the blame->helpcookingnly]]</span></div><br>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink"><<link [[Say nothing and finish dinner|entrance]]>>
<<set $time to $time +1>>
<<addenergy 50>>
<<addhygene -10>>
<<if $fitness gte 0 and $fitness lt 15>>
<<addrnoelle 2>>
<<elseif $fitness gte 15 and $fitness lt 30>>
<<addrnoelle 4>>
<<elseif $fitness gte 30>>
<<addrnoelle 6>><</if>>
<<if $fitness gte 0 and $fitness lt 20>>
<<addrsarah 4>>
<<elseif $fitness gte 20 and $fitness lt 40>>
<<addrsarah 8>>
<<elseif $fitness gte 40>>
<<addrsarah 12>><</if>>
<<case 2 3 4>>
<<nobr>><<switch random(4)>>
<<case 1>>
<img src="images/player/kitchen/dinner/makingdinner1.jpg" />
<<case 2>>
<img src="images/player/kitchen/dinner/makingdinner2.jpg" />
<<case 3>>
<img src="images/player/kitchen/dinner/makingdinner3.jpg" />
<<case 4>>
<img src="images/player/kitchen/dinner/makingdinner4.jpg" />
<img src="images/player/kitchen/dinner/makingdinner5.jpg" />
<div class="general">You help making dinner, which is appreciated.</div><br>
<a data-passage="entrance"><div class="talkplayer">Finish dinner</div></a>
<<addenergy 50>>
<<set $time to $time +1>>
<<addhygene -10>>
<<if $fitness gte 0 and $fitness lt 15>>
<<addrnoelle 2>>
<<elseif $fitness gte 15 and $fitness lt 30>>
<<addrnoelle 4>>
<<elseif $fitness gte 30>>
<<addrnoelle 6>><</if>>
<<if $fitness gte 0 and $fitness lt 20>>
<<addrsarah 4>>
<<elseif $fitness gte 20 and $fitness lt 40>>
<<addrsarah 8>>
<<elseif $fitness gte 40>>
<<addrsarah 12>><</if>>
<<if $energy lt 20 or $happiness lt 20>>
<img src="images/player/misc/mood.jpg" /><br>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>I'm not in the mood for this.<</speech>><br>
<a data-passage="entrance"><div class="talkplayer">Let’s do something else</div></a>
<<nobr>><<switch random(1,4)>>
<<case 1>>
<img src="images/player/kitchen/dinner/makingdinner1.jpg" />
<<case 2>>
<img src="images/player/kitchen/dinner/makingdinner2.jpg" />
<<case 3>>
<img src="images/player/kitchen/dinner/makingdinner3.jpg" />
<<case 4>>
<img src="images/player/kitchen/dinner/makingdinner4.jpg" />
<div class="general">You make dinner for everyone, which is appreciated.</div><br>
<<if $sleeppill gte 1>>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Add sleepingpill to Sarah's dinner->sleeppils]]</span></div><br><</if>>
<<if $arousal gte 60>>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Cum in Noelle her food->cumnfood]]</span></div><br><</if>>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink"><<link [[Finish dinner|entrance]]>>
<<set $time to $time +1>>
<<addenergy 50>>
<<addhygene -10>>
<<if $fitness gte 0 and $fitness lt 15>>
<<addrnoelle 4>>
<<elseif $fitness gte 15 and $fitness lt 30>>
<<addrnoelle 6>>
<<elseif $fitness gte 30>>
<<addrnoelle 8>><</if>>
<<if $fitness gte 0 and $fitness lt 20>>
<<addrsarah 8>>
<<elseif $fitness gte 20 and $fitness lt 40>>
<<addrsarah 16>>
<<elseif $fitness gte 40>>
<<addrsarah 20>><</if>>
<<if $energy lt 20 or $happiness lt 20>>
<img src="images/player/misc/mood.jpg" /><br>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>I'm not in the mood for this.<</speech>><br>
<a data-passage="entrance"><div class="talkplayer">Let’s do something else</div></a>
<<nobr>><<switch random(1,4)>>
<<case 1>>
<img src="images/player/kitchen/dinner/makingdinner1.jpg" />
<<case 2>>
<img src="images/player/kitchen/dinner/makingdinner2.jpg" />
<<case 3>>
<img src="images/player/kitchen/dinner/makingdinner3.jpg" />
<<case 4>>
<img src="images/player/kitchen/dinner/makingdinner4.jpg" />
<img src="images/player/kitchen/dinner/makingdinner5.jpg" />
<div class="general">You make lunch for Noelle and Peter, which is appreciated.</div><br>
<a data-passage="entrance"><div class="talkplayer">Finish lunch</div></a>
<<addenergy 50>>
<<set $time to $time +1>>
<<addhygene -10>>
<<if $fitness gte 0 and $fitness lt 15>>
<<addrnoelle 2>>
<<elseif $fitness gte 15 and $fitness lt 30>>
<<addrnoelle 4>>
<<elseif $fitness gte 30>>
<<addrnoelle 6>><</if>>
<<addtnoelle +6>>
<<nobr>><<if $tnoelle gte 20>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Shall I take Peter from you? Then you can have some time for yourself.<</speech>><br>
<<speech "Noelle" "Noelle">>Really, that's so nice of you.<</speech>><br>
<div class="general">She hands over Peter and you spend some time with him. After a while Noelle returns and takes Peter from you.</div><br>
<<speech "Noelle" "Noelle">>You are very good with him. I'm impressed.<</speech>><br>
<a data-passage="entrance"><div class="talkplayer">Let’s do something else</div></a>
<<if $fitness gte 0 and $fitness lt 15>>
<<addrnoelle 4>>
<<elseif $fitness gte 15 and $fitness lt 30>>
<<addrnoelle 6>>
<<elseif $fitness gte 30>>
<<addrnoelle 8>><</if>>
<<addenergy -20>>
<<set $time to $time +1>>
<<addtnoelle +5>>
<<addfnoelle -1>>
<<speech "Noelle" "Noelle">>No, that's ok. I'll hold on to him for now.<</speech>><br>
<div class="general">It seems that she doesn't really trust you.</div><br>
<a data-passage="entrance"><div class="talkplayer">Let’s do something else</div></a>
<div class="general">You knock on her door.</div>
<<speech "Noelle" "Noelle">>Who's there?<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>It's $name, can I come in?<</speech>>
<<if $rnoelle gte 120 and $rnoelle / 2 gt $fnoelle>>
<<speech "Noelle" "Noelle">>Sure, come in.<</speech>><br>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Enter her room->guestknockok]]</span></div><br>
<a data-passage="upstairs"><div class="talkplayer">Let’s do something else</div></a>
<<speech "Noelle" "Noelle">>Sorry, not right now please.<</speech>><br>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Enter her room anyway->guestknockanyway]]</span></div><br>
<a data-passage="upstairs"><div class="talkplayer">Let’s do something else</div></a>
<<if $hygene lte 15>>
<img src="images/noelle/noelleangry.jpg" /><br>
<<speech "Noelle" "Noelle">>You smell terrible, go take a shower or something, just get away from me!<</speech>><br>
<a data-passage="upstairs"><div class="talkplayer">Let’s do something else</div></a>
<<elseif $energy lt 10 or $happiness lt 20>>
<img src="images/player/misc/mood.jpg" /><br>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>I'm not in the mood for this.<</speech>><br>
<a data-passage="upstairs"><div class="talkplayer">Let’s do something else</div></a>
<<elseif $rnoelle gte 120 and $rnoelle / 2 gt $fnoelle>>
<<if $onoelle gte 25 and $onoelle gte $tnoelle>>
<<if $skimout is "true">>
<img src="images/noelle/noelleloss/guestroom/noelleskimout.jpg" /><br>
<<elseif $nakedout is "true">>
<img src="images/noelle/noelleloss/guestroom/noellesnakedout.jpg" /><br>
<img src="images/noelle/guestroom/noelle.jpg" /><br>
<div class="general">Noelle seems happy that you are there with her.</div><br>
<<speech "Noelle" "Noelle">>Hey $name can I help you with something?<</speech>><br>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Talk to Noelle->guesttalknoelleloss]]</span></div><br>
<div id="talkplayer"><div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink"><<link "Touch Noelle">>
<<replace "#talkplayer">>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Touch her leg->guestnoelletouch1]]</span></div><br>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Touch her ass->guestnoelletouch2]]</span></div><br>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Touch her breasts->guestnoelletouch3]]</span></div>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Set rules->noellerules]]</span></div><br>
<a data-passage="upstairs"><div class="talkloc">Let’s go somewhere else</div></a>
<<if $skimout is "true">>
<img src="images/noelle/noelleloss/guestroom/noelleskimout.jpg" /><br>
<<elseif $nakedout is "true">>
<img src="images/noelle/noelleloss/guestroom/noellesnakedout.jpg" /><br>
<img src="images/noelle/guestroom/noelle.jpg" /><br>
<div class="general">Noelle seems happy to see you.</div><br>
<<speech "Noelle" "Noelle">>Hey $name how are you?<</speech>><br>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Talk to Noelle->guesttalknoelleloss]]</span></div><br>
<div id="talkplayer"><div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink"><<link "Touch Noelle">>
<<replace "#talkplayer">>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Touch her leg->guestnoelletouch1]]</span></div><br>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Touch her ass->guestnoelletouch2]]</span></div><br>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Touch her breasts->guestnoelletouch3]]</span></div>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Set rules->noellerules]]</span></div><br>
<a data-passage="upstairs"><div class="talkloc">Let’s go somewhere else</div></a>
<<if $fnoelle gte 25 and $fnoelle gte $rnoelle / 2>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>I just wanted to talk to you.<</speech>><br>
<<speech "Noelle" "Noelle">>Oh.. ok..<</speech>><br>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Talk to her->guesttalknoelleloss1]]</span></div><br>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Insult her->guesttalknoelleloss3]]</span></div>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>I just wanted to talk to you.<</speech>><br>
<<speech "Noelle" "Noelle">>Alright, let's hear it.<</speech>><br>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Talk to her->guesttalknoelleloss2]]</span></div><br>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Insult her->guesttalknoelleloss3]]</span></div>
<div class="general">Give a daily allowance of $5</div>
<<if $da5 is "true">>
<div class="rules"><span class="playerlink">
<<link "Turn rule off" "noellerules">>
<<set $da5 to "false">><<set $rules to $rules -1>><</link>></span></div>
<<elseif $rules gte 3>>
<div class="general">To many rules already active.</div>
<<elseif $da5 is "false">>
<div class="rules"><span class="playerlink">
<<link "Turn rule on" "noellerules">>
<<set $da5 to "true">><<set $rules to $rules +1>>
<<if $da10 is "true" or $da25 is "true">>
<<set $da10 to "false">><<set $da25 to "false">><<set $rules to $rules -1>><</if>>
<div class="general">Give a daily allowance of $10</div>
<<if $da10 is "true">>
<div class="rules"><span class="playerlink">
<<link "Turn rule off" "noellerules">>
<<set $da10 to "false">><<set $rules to $rules -1>><</link>></span></div>
<<elseif $rules gte 3>>
<div class="general">To many rules already active.</div>
<<elseif $da10 is "false">>
<div class="rules"><span class="playerlink">
<<link "Turn rule on" "noellerules">>
<<set $da10 to "true">><<set $rules to $rules +1>>
<<if $da5 is "true" or $da25 is "true">>
<<set $da5 to "false">><<set $da25 to "false">><<set $rules to $rules -1>><</if>>
<div class="general">Give a daily allowance of $25</div>
<<if $da25 is "true">>
<div class="rules"><span class="playerlink">
<<link "Turn rule off" "noellerules">>
<<set $da25 to "false">><<set $rules to $rules -1>><</link>></span></div>
<<elseif $rules gte 3>>
<div class="general">To many rules already active.</div>
<<elseif $da25 is "false">>
<div class="rules"><span class="playerlink">
<<link "Turn rule on" "noellerules">>
<<set $da25 to "true">><<set $rules to $rules +1>>
<<if $da5 is "true" or $da10 is "true">>
<<set $da5 to "false">><<set $da10 to "false">><<set $rules to $rules -1>><</if>>
<<if $fnoelle gte 60 or $rnoelle gte 170>>
<<if $onoelle gte 50 or $tnoelle gte 70>>
<div class="general">Make Noelle do all the chores.</div>
<<if $allchores is "true">>
<div class="rules"><span class="playerlink">
<<link "Turn rule off" "noellerules">>
<<set $allchores to "false">><<set $rules to $rules -1>><</link>></span></div>
<<elseif $rules gte 3>>
<div class="general">To many rules already active.</div>
<<elseif $allchores is "false">>
<div class="rules"><span class="playerlink">
<<link "Turn rule on" "noellerules">>
<<set $allchores to "true">><<set $rules to $rules +1>>
<<if $fnoelle gte 30 or $rnoelle gte 90>>
<<if $onoelle gte 25 or $tnoelle gte 30>>
<div class="general">Make Noelle wear skimpy outfits around the house.</div>
<<if $skimout is "true">>
<div class="rules"><span class="playerlink">
<<link "Turn rule off" "noellerules">><<set $skimout to "false">><<set $rules to $rules -1>><</link>></span></div>
<<elseif $rules gte 3>>
<div class="general">To many rules already active.</div>
<<elseif $skimout is "false">>
<div class="rules"><span class="playerlink">
<<link "Turn rule on" "noellerules">><<set $skimout to "true">><<set $rules to $rules +1>>
<<if $nakedout is "true">>
<<set $nakedout to "false">><<set $rules to $rules -1>><</if>>
<<if $fnoelle gte 45 or $rnoelle gte 160>>
<<if $onoelle gte 45 or $tnoelle gte 40>>
<div class="general">Make Noelle walk around the house naked.</div>
<<if $nakedout is "true">>
<div class="rules"><span class="playerlink">
<<link "Turn rule off" "noellerules">>
<<set $nakedout to "false">><<set $rules to $rules -1>><</link>></span></div>
<<elseif $rules gte 3>>
<div class="general">To many rules already active.</div>
<<elseif $nakedout is "false">>
<div class="rules"><span class="playerlink">
<<link "Turn rule on" "noellerules">>
<<set $nakedout to "true">><<set $rules to $rules +1>>
<<if $skimout is "true">>
<<set $skimout to "false">><<set $rules to $rules -1>><</if>>
<<if $relationob is "true" or $fearob is "true">>
<div class="general">Have Noelle call you <<textbox "$name2" "">> during sex.</div>
<div class="general">Call Noelle <<textbox "$noelle" "">> during sex.</div><</if>>
<<if $fnoelle gte 45 or $rnoelle gte 160>>
<<if $onoelle gte 45 or $tnoelle gte 40>>
<div class="general">Make Noelle do webcamshows.</div>
<<if $webcamshow is "true">>
<div class="rules"><span class="playerlink">
<<link "Turn rule off" "noellerules">>
<<set $rules to $rules -1>><</link>></span></div>
<<elseif $rules gte 3>>
<div class="general">To many rules already active.</div>
<<elseif $webcamshow is "false">>
<div class="rules"><span class="playerlink">
<<link "Turn rule on" "noellerules">>
<<set $webcamshow to "true">><<set $rules to $rules +1>>
<a data-passage="upstairs"><div class="talkplayer">Let’s do something else</div></a><</nobr>>
<<if $fnoelle gte 25>>
<img src="images/noelle/noelleloss/grope/gropleg2.gif" /><br>
<div class="general">Noelle doesn't seem to want this, but she doesn't resist.</div><br>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Push it further->guestnoelletouch1a]]</span></div><br>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink"><<link [[Let’s do something else|entrance]]>>
<<set $time to $time +1>>
<<if $fitness gte 0 and $fitness lt 15>>
<<addrnoelle -3>>
<<elseif $fitness gte 15 and $fitness lt 30>>
<<addrnoelle -2>>
<<elseif $fitness gte 30>>
<<addrnoelle -1>><</if>>
<<addenergy -5>>
<<addtnoelle -1>>
<<addonoelle +2>>
<<elseif $rnoelle gte 150>>
<img src="images/noelle/noelleloss/grope/gropleg2.gif" /><br>
<div class="general">She doesn't seem to mind.</div><br>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Push it further->guestnoelletouch1b]]</span></div><br>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink"><<link [[Let’s do something else|entrance]]>>
<<set $time to $time +1>>
<<if $fitness gte 0 and $fitness lt 15>>
<<addrnoelle 1>>
<<elseif $fitness gte 15 and $fitness lt 30>>
<<addrnoelle 2>>
<<elseif $fitness gte 30>>
<<addrnoelle 3>><</if>>
<<addenergy -5>>
<img src="images/noelle/noelleloss/grope/gropleg1.gif" /><br>
<<speech "Noelle" "Noelle">>What are you doing?<</speech>><br>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Just enjoy.<</speech>><br>
<<speech "Noelle" "Noelle">>Get away from me.<</speech>><br>
<div class="general">Noelle tries to get up.</div><br>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink"><<link [[Let her go|entrance]]>>
<<set $time to $time +1>>
<<if $fitness gte 0 and $fitness lt 15>>
<<addrnoelle -4>>
<<elseif $fitness gte 15 and $fitness lt 30>>
<<addrnoelle -3>>
<<elseif $fitness gte 30>>
<<addrnoelle -2>><</if>>
<<addenergy -5>>
<<addtnoelle -1>>
<<addfnoelle +2>>
<div class="general">You start touching her ass.</div>
<<if $relationob is "true"or $relationtr is "true">>
<img src="images/noelle/noelleloss/grope/gropeass1.gif" /><br>
<<speech "Noelle" "Noelle">>Hmmmmm.<</speech>><br>
<div class="general">She seems to enjoy it.</div><br>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Push it further->guestnoelletouch1b]]</span></div><br>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink"><<link [[Let’s do something else|entrance]]>>
<<set $time to $time +1>>
<<if $fitness gte 0 and $fitness lt 15>>
<<addrnoelle 1>>
<<elseif $fitness gte 15 and $fitness lt 30>>
<<addrnoelle 2>>
<<elseif $fitness gte 30>>
<<addrnoelle 3>><</if>>
<<addenergy -5>>
<<elseif $fnoelle gte 30>>
<img src="images/noelle/noelleloss/grope/gropeass1.gif" /><br>
<div class="general">She doens't seem to be enjoying this, but she doesn't resist either.</div><br>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Push it further->guestnoelletouch1a]]</span></div><br>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink"><<link [[Let her go|entrance]]>>
<<set $time to $time +1>>
<<if $fitness gte 0 and $fitness lt 15>>
<<addrnoelle -3>>
<<elseif $fitness gte 15 and $fitness lt 30>>
<<addrnoelle -2>>
<<elseif $fitness gte 30>>
<<addrnoelle -1>><</if>>
<<addenergy -5>>
<<addtnoelle -1>>
<<addonoelle +2>>
<<elseif $rnoelle gte 150>>
<img src="images/noelle/noelleloss/grope/gropeass1.gif" /><br>
<<speech "Noelle" "Noelle">>Hmmmmm.<</speech>><br>
<div class="general">She seems to enjoy it.</div><br>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Push it further->guestnoelletouch1b]]</span></div><br>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink"><<link [[Let’s do something else|entrance]]>>
<<set $time to $time +1>>
<<if $fitness gte 0 and $fitness lt 15>>
<<addrnoelle 1>>
<<elseif $fitness gte 15 and $fitness lt 30>>
<<addrnoelle 2>>
<<elseif $fitness gte 30>>
<<addrnoelle 3>><</if>>
<<addenergy -5>>
<img src="images/noelle/noelleloss/grope/gropeass1.gif" /><br>
<<speech "Noelle" "Noelle">>What are you doing?<</speech>><br>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Just enjoy.<</speech>><br>
<<speech "Noelle" "Noelle">>Get away from me.<</speech>><br>
<div class="general">Noelle tries to get up.</div><br>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink"><<link [[Let her go|entrance]]>>
<<set $time to $time +1>>
<<if $fitness gte 0 and $fitness lt 15>>
<<addrnoelle -5>>
<<elseif $fitness gte 15 and $fitness lt 30>>
<<addrnoelle -4>>
<<elseif $fitness gte 30>>
<<addrnoelle -3>><</if>>
<<addenergy -5>>
<<addtnoelle -1>>
<<addfnoelle +2>>
<</if>><</nobr>><div class="general">You start touching her breasts.</div>
<<if $fnoelle gte 35>>
<<if $nakedout is "true">>
<img src="images/noelle/noelleloss/grope/gropetit2.gif" /><br>
<video src="images/noelle/noelleloss/grope/gropetit1.webm" autoplay loop /><br><br><</if>>
<div class="general">She does not seem to enjoy it, but she doens't resist.</div><br>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Push it further->guestnoelletouch1a]]</span></div><br>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink"><<link [[Let’s do something else|entrance]]>>
<<set $time to $time +1>>
<<if $fitness gte 0 and $fitness lt 15>>
<<addrnoelle -3>>
<<elseif $fitness gte 15 and $fitness lt 30>>
<<addrnoelle -2>>
<<elseif $fitness gte 30>>
<<addrnoelle -1>><</if>>
<<addenergy -5>>
<<addtnoelle -1>>
<<addonoelle +2>>
<<elseif $rnoelle gte 150>>
<<if $nakedout is "true">>
<img src="images/noelle/noelleloss/grope/gropetit2.gif" /><br>
<video src="images/noelle/noelleloss/grope/gropetit1.webm" autoplay loop /><br><</if>>
<div class="general">She does not seem to enjoy it, but she doens't resist.</div><br>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Push it further->guestnoelletouch1b]]</span></div><br>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink"><<link [[Let’s do something else|entrance]]>>
<<set $time to $time +1>>
<<if $fitness gte 0 and $fitness lt 15>>
<<addrnoelle -3>>
<<elseif $fitness gte 15 and $fitness lt 30>>
<<addrnoelle -2>>
<<elseif $fitness gte 30>>
<<addrnoelle -1>><</if>>
<<addenergy -5>>
<<addtnoelle -1>>
<<addonoelle +2>>
<<if $nakedout is "true">>
<img src="images/noelle/noelleloss/grope/gropetit2.gif" /><br>
<video src="images/noelle/noelleloss/grope/gropetit1.webm" autoplay loop /><br><</if>>
<<speech "Noelle" "Noelle">>What are you doing?<</speech>><br>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Just enjoy.<</speech>><br>
<<speech "Noelle" "Noelle">>Get away from me.<</speech>><br>
<div class="general">Noelle tries to get up.</div><br>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink"><<link [[Let her go|entrance]]>>
<<set $time to $time +1>>
<<if $fitness gte 0 and $fitness lt 15>>
<<addrnoelle -6>>
<<elseif $fitness gte 15 and $fitness lt 30>>
<<addrnoelle -5>>
<<elseif $fitness gte 30>>
<<addrnoelle -4>><</if>>
<<addenergy -5>>
<<addtnoelle -1>>
<<addonoelle -1>>
<<addfnoelle +3>>
<</if>><</nobr>><<nobr>><<if $convon gt 5>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>I shouldn’t bother her to much with my conversations.<</speech>><br>
<a data-passage="upstairs"><div class="talkplayer">Let’s do something else</div></a>
<<elseif $rnoelle gte 200>>
<<switch random(1,3)>>
<<case 1>>
<<speech "Noelle" "Noelle">>I want to be with you.<</speech>>
<<case 2>>
<<speech "Noelle" "Noelle">>Please stay with me.<</speech>>
<<case 3>>
<<speech "Noelle" "Noelle">>I would do anything for you.<</speech>>
<br><a data-passage="upstairs"><div class="talkplayer">Let’s do something else</div></a>
<<if $fitness gte 0 and $fitness lt 15>>
<<addrnoelle 2>>
<<elseif $fitness gte 15 and $fitness lt 30>>
<<addrnoelle 4>>
<<elseif $fitness gte 30>>
<<addrnoelle 6>><</if>>
<<addenergy -5>>
<<addhappiness 1>>
<<set $time to $time +1>>
<<set $convon to $convon +1>>
<<addtnoelle +2>>
<<addfnoelle -1>>
<<elseif $rnoelle gte 150>>
<<switch random(1,3)>>
<<case 1>>
<<speech "Noelle" "Noelle">>I want to like you but you are making it really hard.<</speech>>
<<case 2>>
<<speech "Noelle" "Noelle">>How can someone be nice and cruel like you at the same time.<</speech>>
<<case 3>>
<<speech "Noelle" "Noelle">>I want to make up for whatever I did wrong.<</speech>>
<br><a data-passage="upstairs"><div class="talkplayer">Let’s do something else</div></a>
<<if $fitness gte 0 and $fitness lt 15>>
<<addrnoelle 2>>
<<elseif $fitness gte 15 and $fitness lt 30>>
<<addrnoelle 4>>
<<elseif $fitness gte 30>>
<<addrnoelle 6>><</if>>
<<addenergy -5>>
<<addhappiness 1>>
<<set $time to $time +1>>
<<set $convon to $convon +1>>
<<addtnoelle +2>>
<<addfnoelle -1>>
<<elseif $rnoelle gte 100>>
<<switch random(1,3)>>
<<case 1>>
<<speech "Noelle" "Noelle">>I want to like you but you are making it really hard.<</speech>>
<<case 2>>
<<speech "Noelle" "Noelle">>Sarah keeps looking at me weirdly.<</speech>>
<<case 3>>
<<speech "Noelle" "Noelle">>I have the feeling I did something wrong.<</speech>>
<br><a data-passage="upstairs"><div class="talkplayer">Let’s do something else</div></a>
<<if $fitness gte 0 and $fitness lt 15>>
<<addrnoelle 2>>
<<elseif $fitness gte 15 and $fitness lt 30>>
<<addrnoelle 4>>
<<elseif $fitness gte 30>>
<<addrnoelle 6>><</if>>
<<addenergy -5>>
<<addhappiness 1>>
<<set $time to $time +1>>
<<set $convon to $convon +1>>
<<addtnoelle +2>>
<<addfnoelle -1>>
<<elseif $rnoelle gte 50>>
<<switch random(1,3)>>
<<case 1>>
<<speech "Noelle" "Noelle">>I guess I did something very bad which I can't remember.<</speech>>
<<case 2>>
<<speech "Noelle" "Noelle">>You scare me.<</speech>>
<<case 3>>
<<speech "Noelle" "Noelle">>I hope we can change the dynamic between us.<</speech>>
<br><a data-passage="upstairs"><div class="talkplayer">Let’s do something else</div></a>
<<if $fitness gte 0 and $fitness lt 15>>
<<addrnoelle 2>>
<<elseif $fitness gte 15 and $fitness lt 30>>
<<addrnoelle 4>>
<<elseif $fitness gte 30>>
<<addrnoelle 6>><</if>>
<<addenergy -5>>
<<addhappiness 1>>
<<set $time to $time +1>>
<<set $convon to $convon +1>>
<<addtnoelle +2>>
<<addfnoelle -1>>
<<elseif $rnoelle gte 0>>
<<switch random(1,3)>>
<<case 1>>
<<speech "Noelle" "Noelle">>Why are you so mean to me?<</speech>>
<<case 2>>
<<speech "Noelle" "Noelle">>I thought you were nice. I guess I was wrong.<</speech>>
<<case 3>>
<<speech "Noelle" "Noelle">>What did I do to you that you hate me so much?<</speech>>
<br><a data-passage="upstairs"><div class="talkplayer">Let’s do something else</div></a>
<<if $fitness gte 0 and $fitness lt 15>>
<<addrnoelle 2>>
<<elseif $fitness gte 15 and $fitness lt 30>>
<<addrnoelle 4>>
<<elseif $fitness gte 30>>
<<addrnoelle 6>><</if>>
<<addenergy -5>>
<<addhappiness 1>>
<<set $time to $time +1>>
<<set $convon to $convon +1>>
<<addtnoelle +2>>
<<addfnoelle -1>>
<<case 1>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>I still don't know why we took you in again.<</speech>>
<<case 2>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>You are pretty useless aren't you?<</speech>>
<<case 3>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>You are pretty useless aren't you?<</speech>>
<<case 4>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>I wish you just dissapeared again.<</speech>>
<<case 5>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>The only decent thing about you is your body.<</speech>>
<<case 6>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>I would trade you for anyone else.<</speech>>
<br><a data-passage="upstairs"><div class="talkplayer">Let’s do something else</div></a>
<<if $fitness gte 0 and $fitness lt 15>>
<<addrnoelle -5>>
<<elseif $fitness gte 15 and $fitness lt 30>>
<<addrnoelle -4>>
<<elseif $fitness gte 30>>
<<addrnoelle -3>><</if>>
<<addenergy -5>>
<<set $time to $time +1>>
<<set $convon to $convon +1>>
<<addtnoelle -1>>
<<addonoelle +2>>
<<addfnoelle +2>>
<</nobr>><<nobr>><<if $convon gt 5>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>I shouldn’t bother her to much with my conversations.<</speech>><br>
<a data-passage="upstairs"><div class="talkplayer">Let’s do something else</div></a>
<<elseif $rnoelle gte 200>>
<<switch random(1,3)>>
<<case 1>>
<<speech "Noelle" "Noelle">>I want to stay with you.<</speech>>
<<case 2>>
<<speech "Noelle" "Noelle">>I care deeply for you.<</speech>>
<<case 3>>
<<speech "Noelle" "Noelle">>I would do anything for you.<</speech>>
<br><a data-passage="upstairs"><div class="talkplayer">Let’s do something else</div></a>
<<if $fitness gte 0 and $fitness lt 15>>
<<addrnoelle 2>>
<<elseif $fitness gte 15 and $fitness lt 30>>
<<addrnoelle 4>>
<<elseif $fitness gte 30>>
<<addrnoelle 6>><</if>>
<<addenergy -5>>
<<addhappiness 1>>
<<set $time to $time +1>>
<<set $convon to $convon +1>>
<<addtnoelle +2>>
<<addfnoelle -1>>
<<elseif $rnoelle gte 150>>
<<switch random(1,3)>>
<<case 1>>
<<speech "Noelle" "Noelle">>I.. I really start to like it here and to like you.<</speech>>
<<case 2>>
<<speech "Noelle" "Noelle">>Can we hang out sometime?<</speech>>
<<case 3>>
<<speech "Noelle" "Noelle">>I like spending time together.<</speech>>
<br><a data-passage="upstairs"><div class="talkplayer">Let’s do something else</div></a>
<<if $fitness gte 0 and $fitness lt 15>>
<<addrnoelle 2>>
<<elseif $fitness gte 15 and $fitness lt 30>>
<<addrnoelle 4>>
<<elseif $fitness gte 30>>
<<addrnoelle 6>><</if>>
<<addenergy -5>>
<<addhappiness 1>>
<<set $time to $time +1>>
<<set $convon to $convon +1>>
<<addtnoelle +2>>
<<addfnoelle -1>>
<<elseif $rnoelle gte 100>>
<<switch random(1,3)>>
<<case 1>>
<<speech "Noelle" "Noelle">>I really start to like it here.<</speech>>
<<case 2>>
<<speech "Noelle" "Noelle">>You are so sweet to me.<</speech>>
<<case 3>>
<<speech "Noelle" "Noelle">>I can't believe I got so lucky.<</speech>>
<br><a data-passage="upstairs"><div class="talkplayer">Let’s do something else</div></a>
<<if $fitness gte 0 and $fitness lt 15>>
<<addrnoelle 2>>
<<elseif $fitness gte 15 and $fitness lt 30>>
<<addrnoelle 4>>
<<elseif $fitness gte 30>>
<<addrnoelle 6>><</if>>
<<addenergy -5>>
<<addhappiness 1>>
<<set $time to $time +1>>
<<set $convon to $convon +1>>
<<addtnoelle +2>>
<<addfnoelle -1>>
<<elseif $rnoelle gte 50>>
<<switch random(1,3)>>
<<case 1>>
<<speech "Noelle" "Noelle">>I'm really starting to settle in.<</speech>>
<<case 2>>
<<speech "Noelle" "Noelle">>You both seem really nice.<</speech>>
<<case 3>>
<<speech "Noelle" "Noelle">>Peter is so cute.<</speech>>
<br><a data-passage="upstairs"><div class="talkplayer">Let’s do something else</div></a>
<<if $fitness gte 0 and $fitness lt 15>>
<<addrnoelle 2>>
<<elseif $fitness gte 15 and $fitness lt 30>>
<<addrnoelle 4>>
<<elseif $fitness gte 30>>
<<addrnoelle 6>><</if>>
<<addenergy -5>>
<<addhappiness 1>>
<<set $time to $time +1>>
<<set $convon to $convon +1>>
<<addtnoelle +2>>
<<addfnoelle -1>>
<<elseif $rnoelle gte 0>>
<<switch random(1,3)>>
<<case 1>>
<<speech "Noelle" "Noelle">>I'm glad to be here.<</speech>>
<<case 2>>
<<speech "Noelle" "Noelle">>I hope we can get along.<</speech>>
<<case 3>>
<<speech "Noelle" "Noelle">>I like the room you gave me.<</speech>>
<br><a data-passage="upstairs"><div class="talkplayer">Let’s do something else</div></a>
<<if $fitness gte 0 and $fitness lt 15>>
<<addrnoelle 2>>
<<elseif $fitness gte 15 and $fitness lt 30>>
<<addrnoelle 4>>
<<elseif $fitness gte 30>>
<<addrnoelle 6>><</if>>
<<addenergy -5>>
<<addhappiness 1>>
<<set $time to $time +1>>
<<set $convon to $convon +1>>
<<addtnoelle +2>>
<<addfnoelle -1>>
<</nobr>><<speech "Player" "$name">>Can I help with Peter?<</speech>>
<<speech "Noelle" "Noelle">>Of course you can help.<</speech>>
<div class="general">You help Noelle with peter</div>
<<speech "Noelle" "Noelle">>You are very good with him. I'm impressed.<</speech>>
<a data-passage="upstairs"><div class="talkplayer">Let’s do something else</div></a>
<<if $fitness gte 0 and $fitness lt 15>>
<<addrnoelle 4>>
<<elseif $fitness gte 15 and $fitness lt 30>>
<<addrnoelle 5>>
<<elseif $fitness gte 30>>
<<addrnoelle 6>><</if>>
<<addenergy -20>>
<<set $time to $time +1>>
<<addtnoelle +3>>
<<addfnoelle -1>><<nobr>><<if $trust gte 10>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Shall I take Peter from you? Then you can have some time for yourself.<</speech>><br>
<<speech "Noelle" "Noelle">>Really, that's so nice of you.<</speech>><br>
<div class="general">She hands over Peter and you spend some time with him. After a while Noelle returns and takes Peter from you.</div><br>
<<speech "Noelle" "Noelle">>You are very good with him. I'm impressed.<</speech>><br>
<a data-passage="upstairs"><div class="talkplayer">Let’s do something else</div></a>
<<if $fitness gte 0 and $fitness lt 15>>
<<addrnoelle 2>>
<<elseif $fitness gte 15 and $fitness lt 30>>
<<addrnoelle 3>>
<<elseif $fitness gte 30>>
<<addrnoelle 4>><</if>>
<<addenergy -20>>
<<set $time to $time +1>>
<<addtnoelle +3>>
<<addfnoelle -1>>
<<speech "Noelle" "Noelle">>No, that's ok. I'll hold on to him for now.<</speech>><br>
<div class="general">It seems that she doesn't really trust you.</div><br>
<a data-passage="upstairs"><div class="talkplayer">Let’s do something else</div></a>
<<if $fnoelle gte 25 and $fnoelle gte $rnoelle / 2>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>I just wanted to talk to you.<</speech>><br>
<<speech "Noelle" "Noelle">>Oh.. ok..<</speech>><br>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Talk to her->terrtalknoelleloss1]]</span></div><br>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Insult her->terrtalknoelleloss2]]</span></div>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>I just wanted to talk to you.<</speech>><br>
<<speech "Noelle" "Noelle">>Alright, let's hear it.<</speech>><br>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Talk to her->terrtalknoelleloss3]]</span></div><br>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Insult her->terrtalknoelleloss2]]</span></div>
<<if $fnoelle gte 25>>
<img src="images/noelle/noelleloss/grope/gropleg2.gif" /><br>
<div class="general">Noelle doesn't seem to want this, but she doesn't resist.</div><br>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Push it further->terrnoelletouch1a]]</span></div><br>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink"><<link [[Let’s do something else|entrance]]>>
<<set $time to $time +1>>
<<if $fitness gte 0 and $fitness lt 15>>
<<addrnoelle -3>>
<<elseif $fitness gte 15 and $fitness lt 30>>
<<addrnoelle -2>>
<<elseif $fitness gte 30>>
<<addrnoelle -1>><</if>>
<<addenergy -5>>
<<addtnoelle -1>>
<<addonoelle +2>>
<<elseif $rnoelle gte 150>>
<img src="images/noelle/noelleloss/grope/gropleg2.gif" /><br>
<div class="general">She doesn't seem to mind.</div><br>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Push it further->terrnoelletouch1b]]</span></div><br>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink"><<link [[Let’s do something else|entrance]]>>
<<set $time to $time +1>>
<<if $fitness gte 0 and $fitness lt 15>>
<<addrnoelle 1>>
<<elseif $fitness gte 15 and $fitness lt 30>>
<<addrnoelle 2>>
<<elseif $fitness gte 30>>
<<addrnoelle 3>><</if>>
<<addenergy -5>>
<img src="images/noelle/noelleloss/grope/gropleg1.gif" /><br>
<<speech "Noelle" "Noelle">>What are you doing?<</speech>><br>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Just enjoy.<</speech>><br>
<<speech "Noelle" "Noelle">>Get away from me.<</speech>><br>
<div class="general">Noelle tries to get up.</div><br>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink"><<link [[Let her go|entrance]]>>
<<set $time to $time +1>>
<<if $fitness gte 0 and $fitness lt 15>>
<<addrnoelle -4>>
<<elseif $fitness gte 15 and $fitness lt 30>>
<<addrnoelle -3>>
<<elseif $fitness gte 30>>
<<addrnoelle -2>><</if>>
<<addenergy -5>>
<<addtnoelle -1>>
<<addfnoelle +2>>
<div class="general">You start touching her ass.</div>
<<if $fnoelle gte 30>>
<img src="images/noelle/noelleloss/grope/gropeass1.gif" /><br>
<div class="general">She doens't seem to be enjoying this, but she doesn't resist either.</div><br>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Push it further->terrnoelletouch1a]]</span></div><br>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink"><<link [[Let her go|entrance]]>>
<<set $time to $time +1>>
<<if $fitness gte 0 and $fitness lt 15>>
<<addrnoelle -3>>
<<elseif $fitness gte 15 and $fitness lt 30>>
<<addrnoelle -2>>
<<elseif $fitness gte 30>>
<<addrnoelle -1>><</if>>
<<addenergy -5>>
<<addtnoelle -1>>
<<addonoelle +2>>
<<elseif $rnoelle gte 150>>
<img src="images/noelle/noelleloss/grope/gropeass1.gif" /><br>
<<speech "Noelle" "Noelle">>Hmmmmm.<</speech>><br>
<div class="general">She seems to enjoy it.</div><br>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Push it further->terrnoelletouch1b]]</span></div><br>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink"><<link [[Let’s do something else|entrance]]>>
<<set $time to $time +1>>
<<if $fitness gte 0 and $fitness lt 15>>
<<addrnoelle 1>>
<<elseif $fitness gte 15 and $fitness lt 30>>
<<addrnoelle 2>>
<<elseif $fitness gte 30>>
<<addrnoelle 3>><</if>>
<<addenergy -5>>
<img src="images/noelle/noelleloss/grope/gropeass1.gif" /><br>
<<speech "Noelle" "Noelle">>What are you doing?<</speech>><br>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Just enjoy.<</speech>><br>
<<speech "Noelle" "Noelle">>Get away from me.<</speech>><br>
<div class="general">Noelle tries to get up.</div><br>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink"><<link [[Let her go|entrance]]>>
<<set $time to $time +1>>
<<if $fitness gte 0 and $fitness lt 15>>
<<addrnoelle -5>>
<<elseif $fitness gte 15 and $fitness lt 30>>
<<addrnoelle -4>>
<<elseif $fitness gte 30>>
<<addrnoelle -3>><</if>>
<<addenergy -5>>
<<addtnoelle -1>>
<<addfnoelle +2>>
<</if>><</nobr>><div class="general">You start touching her breasts.</div>
<<if $fnoelle gte 35>>
<<if $nakedout is "true">>
<img src="images/noelle/noelleloss/grope/gropetit2.gif" /><br>
<video src="images/noelle/noelleloss/grope/gropetit1.webm" autoplay loop /><br><br><</if>>
<div class="general">She does not seem to enjoy it, but she doens't resist.</div><br>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Push it further->terrnoelletouch1a]]</span></div><br>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink"><<link [[Let’s do something else|entrance]]>>
<<set $time to $time +1>>
<<if $fitness gte 0 and $fitness lt 15>>
<<addrnoelle -3>>
<<elseif $fitness gte 15 and $fitness lt 30>>
<<addrnoelle -2>>
<<elseif $fitness gte 30>>
<<addrnoelle -1>><</if>>
<<addenergy -5>>
<<addtnoelle -1>>
<<addonoelle +2>>
<<elseif $rnoelle gte 150>>
<<if $nakedout is "true">>
<img src="images/noelle/noelleloss/grope/gropetit2.gif" /><br>
<video src="images/noelle/noelleloss/grope/gropetit1.webm" autoplay loop /><br><</if>>
<div class="general">She does not seem to enjoy it, but she doens't resist.</div><br>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Push it further->terrnoelletouch1b]]</span></div><br>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink"><<link [[Let’s do something else|entrance]]>>
<<set $time to $time +1>>
<<if $fitness gte 0 and $fitness lt 15>>
<<addrnoelle -3>>
<<elseif $fitness gte 15 and $fitness lt 30>>
<<addrnoelle -2>>
<<elseif $fitness gte 30>>
<<addrnoelle -1>><</if>>
<<addenergy -5>>
<<addtnoelle -1>>
<<addonoelle +2>>
<<if $nakedout is "true">>
<img src="images/noelle/noelleloss/grope/gropetit2.gif" /><br>
<video src="images/noelle/noelleloss/grope/gropetit1.webm" autoplay loop /><br><br><</if>>
<<speech "Noelle" "Noelle">>What are you doing?<</speech>><br>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Just enjoy.<</speech>><br>
<<speech "Noelle" "Noelle">>Get away from me.<</speech>><br>
<div class="general">Noelle tries to get up.</div><br>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink"><<link [[Let her go|entrance]]>>
<<set $time to $time +1>>
<<if $fitness gte 0 and $fitness lt 15>>
<<addrnoelle -6>>
<<elseif $fitness gte 15 and $fitness lt 30>>
<<addrnoelle -5>>
<<elseif $fitness gte 30>>
<<addrnoelle -4>><</if>>
<<addenergy -5>>
<<addtnoelle -1>>
<<addonoelle -1>>
<<addfnoelle +3>>
<</if>><</nobr>><<nobr>><<if $fnoelle gte 25 and $fnoelle gte $rnoelle / 2 and $onoelle gte 25 and $onoelle gte $tnoelle>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>I need you to do something for me.<</speech>><br>
<<speech "Noelle" "Noelle">>What.. What do you need me to do?<</speech>><br>
<<if $garchores is "false" and $allchores is "false">>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Have her clean this room->terrnoelleorder1]]</span></div><br><</if>>
<<if $nakedout is "false">>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Tell her to undress->terrnoelleorder2]]</span></div><br><</if>>
<a data-passage="garden"><div class="talkplayer">Let’s do something else</div></a>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Can you do something for me?<</speech>><br>
<<speech "Noelle" "Noelle">>Sure, what do you need me to do?<</speech>><br
<<if $garchores is "false" and $allchores is "false">>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Ask her to clean this room->terrnoelleorder3]]</span></div><br><</if>>
<a data-passage="garden"><div class="talkplayer">Let’s do something else</div></a>
<</nobr>><<nobr>><<if $convon gt 5>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>I shouldn’t bother her to much with my conversations.<</speech>><br>
<a data-passage="upstairs"><div class="talkplayer">Let’s do something else</div></a>
<<elseif $rnoelle gte 200>>
<<switch random(1,3)>>
<<case 1>>
<<speech "Noelle" "Noelle">>I want to be with you.<</speech>>
<<case 2>>
<<speech "Noelle" "Noelle">>Please stay with me.<</speech>>
<<case 3>>
<<speech "Noelle" "Noelle">>I would do anything for you.<</speech>>
<br><a data-passage="upstairs"><div class="talkplayer">Let’s do something else</div></a>
<<if $fitness gte 0 and $fitness lt 15>>
<<addrnoelle 2>>
<<elseif $fitness gte 15 and $fitness lt 30>>
<<addrnoelle 4>>
<<elseif $fitness gte 30>>
<<addrnoelle 6>><</if>>
<<addenergy -5>>
<<addhappiness 1>>
<<set $time to $time +1>>
<<set $convon to $convon +1>>
<<addtnoelle +2>>
<<addfnoelle -1>>
<<elseif $rnoelle gte 150>>
<<switch random(1,3)>>
<<case 1>>
<<speech "Noelle" "Noelle">>I want to like you but you are making it really hard.<</speech>>
<<case 2>>
<<speech "Noelle" "Noelle">>How can someone be nice and cruel like you at the same time.<</speech>>
<<case 3>>
<<speech "Noelle" "Noelle">>I want to make up for whatever I did wrong.<</speech>>
<br><a data-passage="upstairs"><div class="talkplayer">Let’s do something else</div></a>
<<if $fitness gte 0 and $fitness lt 15>>
<<addrnoelle 2>>
<<elseif $fitness gte 15 and $fitness lt 30>>
<<addrnoelle 4>>
<<elseif $fitness gte 30>>
<<addrnoelle 6>><</if>>
<<addenergy -5>>
<<addhappiness 1>>
<<set $time to $time +1>>
<<set $convon to $convon +1>>
<<addtnoelle +2>>
<<addfnoelle -1>>
<<elseif $rnoelle gte 100>>
<<switch random(1,3)>>
<<case 1>>
<<speech "Noelle" "Noelle">>I want to like you but you are making it really hard.<</speech>>
<<case 2>>
<<speech "Noelle" "Noelle">>Sarah keeps looking at me weirdly.<</speech>>
<<case 3>>
<<speech "Noelle" "Noelle">>I have the feeling I did something wrong.<</speech>>
<br><a data-passage="upstairs"><div class="talkplayer">Let’s do something else</div></a>
<<if $fitness gte 0 and $fitness lt 15>>
<<addrnoelle 2>>
<<elseif $fitness gte 15 and $fitness lt 30>>
<<addrnoelle 4>>
<<elseif $fitness gte 30>>
<<addrnoelle 6>><</if>>
<<addenergy -5>>
<<addhappiness 1>>
<<set $time to $time +1>>
<<set $convon to $convon +1>>
<<addtnoelle +2>>
<<addfnoelle -1>>
<<elseif $rnoelle gte 50>>
<<switch random(1,3)>>
<<case 1>>
<<speech "Noelle" "Noelle">>I guess I did something very bad which I can't remember.<</speech>>
<<case 2>>
<<speech "Noelle" "Noelle">>You scare me.<</speech>>
<<case 3>>
<<speech "Noelle" "Noelle">>I hope we can change the dynamic between us.<</speech>>
<br><a data-passage="upstairs"><div class="talkplayer">Let’s do something else</div></a>
<<if $fitness gte 0 and $fitness lt 15>>
<<addrnoelle 2>>
<<elseif $fitness gte 15 and $fitness lt 30>>
<<addrnoelle 4>>
<<elseif $fitness gte 30>>
<<addrnoelle 6>><</if>>
<<addenergy -5>>
<<addhappiness 1>>
<<set $time to $time +1>>
<<set $convon to $convon +1>>
<<addtnoelle +2>>
<<addfnoelle -1>>
<<elseif $rnoelle gte 0>>
<<switch random(1,3)>>
<<case 1>>
<<speech "Noelle" "Noelle">>Why are you so mean to me?<</speech>>
<<case 2>>
<<speech "Noelle" "Noelle">>I thought you were nice. I guess I was wrong.<</speech>>
<<case 3>>
<<speech "Noelle" "Noelle">>What did I do to you that you hate me so much?<</speech>>
<br><a data-passage="upstairs"><div class="talkplayer">Let’s do something else</div></a>
<<if $fitness gte 0 and $fitness lt 15>>
<<addrnoelle 2>>
<<elseif $fitness gte 15 and $fitness lt 30>>
<<addrnoelle 4>>
<<elseif $fitness gte 30>>
<<addrnoelle 6>><</if>>
<<addenergy -5>>
<<addhappiness 1>>
<<set $time to $time +1>>
<<set $convon to $convon +1>>
<<addtnoelle +2>>
<<addfnoelle -1>>
<</nobr>><<nobr>><<if $convon gt 5>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>I shouldn’t bother her to much with my conversations.<</speech>><br>
<a data-passage="upstairs"><div class="talkplayer">Let’s do something else</div></a>
<<elseif $rnoelle gte 200>>
<<switch random(1,3)>>
<<case 1>>
<<speech "Noelle" "Noelle">>I want to stay with you.<</speech>>
<<case 2>>
<<speech "Noelle" "Noelle">>I care deeply for you.<</speech>>
<<case 3>>
<<speech "Noelle" "Noelle">>I would do anything for you.<</speech>>
<br><a data-passage="upstairs"><div class="talkplayer">Let’s do something else</div></a>
<<if $fitness gte 0 and $fitness lt 15>>
<<addrnoelle 2>>
<<elseif $fitness gte 15 and $fitness lt 30>>
<<addrnoelle 4>>
<<elseif $fitness gte 30>>
<<addrnoelle 6>><</if>>
<<addenergy -5>>
<<addhappiness 1>>
<<set $time to $time +1>>
<<set $convon to $convon +1>>
<<addtnoelle +2>>
<<addfnoelle -1>>
<<elseif $rnoelle gte 150>>
<<switch random(1,3)>>
<<case 1>>
<<speech "Noelle" "Noelle">>I.. I really start to like it here and to like you.<</speech>>
<<case 2>>
<<speech "Noelle" "Noelle">>Can we hang out sometime?<</speech>>
<<case 3>>
<<speech "Noelle" "Noelle">>I like spending time together.<</speech>>
<br><a data-passage="upstairs"><div class="talkplayer">Let’s do something else</div></a>
<<if $fitness gte 0 and $fitness lt 15>>
<<addrnoelle 2>>
<<elseif $fitness gte 15 and $fitness lt 30>>
<<addrnoelle 4>>
<<elseif $fitness gte 30>>
<<addrnoelle 6>><</if>>
<<addenergy -5>>
<<addhappiness 1>>
<<set $time to $time +1>>
<<set $convon to $convon +1>>
<<addtnoelle +2>>
<<addfnoelle -1>>
<<elseif $rnoelle gte 100>>
<<switch random(1,3)>>
<<case 1>>
<<speech "Noelle" "Noelle">>I really start to like it here.<</speech>>
<<case 2>>
<<speech "Noelle" "Noelle">>You are so sweet to me.<</speech>>
<<case 3>>
<<speech "Noelle" "Noelle">>I can't believe I got so lucky.<</speech>>
<br><a data-passage="upstairs"><div class="talkplayer">Let’s do something else</div></a>
<<if $fitness gte 0 and $fitness lt 15>>
<<addrnoelle 2>>
<<elseif $fitness gte 15 and $fitness lt 30>>
<<addrnoelle 4>>
<<elseif $fitness gte 30>>
<<addrnoelle 6>><</if>>
<<addenergy -5>>
<<addhappiness 1>>
<<set $time to $time +1>>
<<set $convon to $convon +1>>
<<addtnoelle +2>>
<<addfnoelle -1>>
<<elseif $rnoelle gte 50>>
<<switch random(1,3)>>
<<case 1>>
<<speech "Noelle" "Noelle">>I'm really starting to settle in.<</speech>>
<<case 2>>
<<speech "Noelle" "Noelle">>You both seem really nice.<</speech>>
<<case 3>>
<<speech "Noelle" "Noelle">>Peter is so cute.<</speech>>
<br><a data-passage="upstairs"><div class="talkplayer">Let’s do something else</div></a>
<<if $fitness gte 0 and $fitness lt 15>>
<<addrnoelle 2>>
<<elseif $fitness gte 15 and $fitness lt 30>>
<<addrnoelle 4>>
<<elseif $fitness gte 30>>
<<addrnoelle 6>><</if>>
<<addenergy -5>>
<<addhappiness 1>>
<<set $time to $time +1>>
<<set $convon to $convon +1>>
<<addtnoelle +2>>
<<addfnoelle -1>>
<<elseif $rnoelle gte 0>>
<<switch random(1,3)>>
<<case 1>>
<<speech "Noelle" "Noelle">>I'm glad to be here.<</speech>>
<<case 2>>
<<speech "Noelle" "Noelle">>I hope we can get along.<</speech>>
<<case 3>>
<<speech "Noelle" "Noelle">>I like the room you gave me.<</speech>>
<br><a data-passage="upstairs"><div class="talkplayer">Let’s do something else</div></a>
<<if $fitness gte 0 and $fitness lt 15>>
<<addrnoelle 2>>
<<elseif $fitness gte 15 and $fitness lt 30>>
<<addrnoelle 4>>
<<elseif $fitness gte 30>>
<<addrnoelle 6>><</if>>
<<addenergy -5>>
<<addhappiness 1>>
<<set $time to $time +1>>
<<set $convon to $convon +1>>
<<addtnoelle +2>>
<<addfnoelle -1>>
<<case 1>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>I still don't know why we took you in again.<</speech>>
<<case 2>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>You are pretty useless aren't you?<</speech>>
<<case 3>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>You are pretty useless aren't you?<</speech>>
<<case 4>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>I wish you just dissapeared again.<</speech>>
<<case 5>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>The only decent thing about you is your body.<</speech>>
<<case 6>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>I would trade you for anyone else.<</speech>>
<br><a data-passage="garden"><div class="talkplayer">Let’s do something else</div></a>
<<if $fitness gte 0 and $fitness lt 15>>
<<addrnoelle -5>>
<<elseif $fitness gte 15 and $fitness lt 30>>
<<addrnoelle -4>>
<<elseif $fitness gte 30>>
<<addrnoelle -3>><</if>>
<<addenergy -5>>
<<set $time to $time +1>>
<<set $convon to $convon +1>>
<<addtnoelle -1>>
<<addonoelle +2>>
<<addfnoelle +2>>
<</nobr>><<speech "Noelle" "Noelle">>I need you to mow the lawn.<</speech>>
<<speech "Noelle" "Noelle">>Alright, I'll get on it right away.<</speech>>
<div class="general">Noelle gabs the things she needs and starts cleaning.</div>
<img src="images/noelle/noelleloss/chores/garnchores1.jpg" />
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Good girl.<</speech>>
<a data-passage="garden"><div class="talkplayer">Let’s do something else</div></a>
<<if $fitness gte 0 and $fitness lt 15>>
<<addrnoelle -3>>
<<elseif $fitness gte 15 and $fitness lt 30>>
<<addrnoelle -2>>
<<elseif $fitness gte 30>>
<<addrnoelle -1>><</if>>
<<addonoelle +2>>
<<set $time to $time +1>>
<<set $garchores to "true">>
<<nobr>><<if $fnoelle gte 35>>
<<speech "Noelle" "Noelle">>O.. Ok, I'll get naked.<</speech>><br>
<div class="general">Noelle starts to undress and she is clearly not comfortable.</div><br>
<img src="images/noelle/noelleloss/terrace/noellestrip.jpg" /><br>
<<speech "Noelle" "Noelle">>Can I get dressed again?<</speech>><br>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Yes, you can get dressed again.<</speech>><br>
<div class="general">Noelle gets dressed and leaves.</div><br>
<a data-passage="entrance"><div class="talkplayer">Let’s do something else</div></a>
<<addarousal +15>>
<<addenergy -5>>
<<set $time to $time +1>>
<<addonoelle +2>>
<<speech "Noelle" "Noelle">>What? No, I will not do that.<</speech>><br>
<div class="general">Noelle quickly leaves the room.</div><br>
<a data-passage="garden"><div class="talkplayer">Let do something else.</div></a>
<<if $fitness gte 0 and $fitness lt 15>>
<<addrnoelle -3>>
<<elseif $fitness gte 15 and $fitness lt 30>>
<<addrnoelle -2>>
<<elseif $fitness gte 30>>
<<addrnoelle -1>><</if>>
<<addenergy -5>>
<<set $time to $time +1>>
<<addonoelle -1>>
<</if>><</nobr>><<nobr>><<if $fnoelle gte 35>>
<<speech "Noelle" "Noelle">>Alright, just don't do anything to me.<</speech>><br>
<div class="general">Noelle gabs the things she needs and starts cleaning.</div><br>
<img src="images/noelle/noelleloss/chores/garnchores1.jpg" /><br>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Good girl.<</speech>><br>
<a data-passage="garden"><div class="talkplayer">Let’s do something else</div></a>
<<if $fitness gte 0 and $fitness lt 15>>
<<addrnoelle -3>>
<<elseif $fitness gte 15 and $fitness lt 30>>
<<addrnoelle -2>>
<<elseif $fitness gte 30>>
<<addrnoelle -1>><</if>>
<<addonoelle +2>>
<<set $garchores to "true">>
<<elseif $rnoelle gte 160>>
<<speech "Noelle" "Noelle">>Of course, for you I will do that. But don't start to ask this to much of me.<</speech>><br>
<div class="general">Noelle gabs the things she needs and starts cleaning.</div><br>
<img src="images/noelle/noelleloss/chores/garnchores1.jpg" /><br>
<a data-passage="garden"><div class="talkplayer">Let’s do something else</div></a>
<<addonoelle +2>>
<<set $garchores to "true">>
<<speech "Noelle" "Noelle">>Why me, that is not really my job. I'm here to take care of peter.<</speech>><br>
<div id="talkplayer"><div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink"><<link "Force Noelle">><br>
<<replace "#talkplayer">>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Threaten her->terrnoelleorder3a]]</span></div><br>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Grab her->terrnoelleorder3b]]</span></div><br>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Ask nicely->terrnoelleorder3c]]</span></div><br>
<a data-passage="garden"><div class="talkplayer">Let’s do something else</div></a>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Noelle, if you don't do this, I will do things to you, that you really won't like. So grab whatever you need and start cleaning!<</speech>>
<<nobr>><<if $fnoelle gte 35>>
<div class="general">Noelle looks at you with fear in her eyes.</div><br>
<<speech "Noelle" "Noelle">>Alright, I will clean here.<</speech>><br>
<div class="general">Noelle grabs the things she needs and starts cleaning.</div><br>
<img src="images/noelle/noelleloss/chores/garnchores1.jpg" /><br>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Good girl, make sure you get everything.<</speech>><br>
<a data-passage="garden"><div class="talkplayer">Let’s do something else</div></a>
<<if $fitness gte 0 and $fitness lt 15>>
<<addrnoelle -7>>
<<elseif $fitness gte 15 and $fitness lt 30>>
<<addrnoelle -6>>
<<elseif $fitness gte 30>>
<<addrnoelle -5>><</if>>
<<addenergy -5>>
<<set $time to $time +1>>
<<addtnoelle -2>>
<<addonoelle +4>>
<<addfnoelle +6>>
<<set $garchores to "true">>
<<speech "Noelle" "Noelle">>Fuck you $name.<</speech>><br>
<div class="general">Noelle gets up and leaves.</div><br>
<<speech "Player" "$name">><i>That did not go as planned.</i><</speech>><br>
<a data-passage="garden"><div class="talkplayer">Let’s do something else</div></a>
<<if $fitness gte 0 and $fitness lt 15>>
<<addrnoelle -5>>
<<elseif $fitness gte 15 and $fitness lt 30>>
<<addrnoelle -4>>
<<elseif $fitness gte 30>>
<<addrnoelle -3>><</if>>
<<addenergy -5>>
<<set $time to $time +1>>
<<addtnoelle -1>>
<<addonoelle -1>>
<<addfnoelle -1>>
<<nobr>><<if $fitness gte 40>>
<div class="general">You grab Noelle by her throat and lift her a little into the air.</div><br>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>When I say you do something, you do it. Understood?<</speech>><br>
<div class="general">She is hardly able to breathe but she nods yes.</div><br>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Good.<</speech>><br>
<div class="general">You let her down.</div><br>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Well, go on then, get to work.<</speech>><br>
<div class="general">Silently she grabs the things she needs and gets to work.</div><br>
<img src="images/noelle/noelleloss/chores/garnchores1.jpg" /><br>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Good girl, make sure you get everything.<</speech>><br>
<a data-passage="garden"><div class="talkplayer">Let’s do something else</div></a>
<<if $fitness gte 0 and $fitness lt 15>>
<<addrnoelle -7>>
<<elseif $fitness gte 15 and $fitness lt 30>>
<<addrnoelle -6>>
<<elseif $fitness gte 30>>
<<addrnoelle -5>><</if>>
<<addenergy -5>>
<<set $time to $time +1>>
<<addtnoelle -2>>
<<addonoelle +4>>
<<addfnoelle +8>>
<<set $garchores to "true">>
<div class="general">You grab Noelle by her arm.</div><br>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>When I say you do something, you do it. Understood?<</speech>><br>
<div class="general">She struggles and escapes you.</div><br>
<<speech "Noelle" "Noelle">>What the fuck $name. I'm not your fucking maid.<</speech>><br>
<div class="general">Noelle leaves the room.</div><br>
<a data-passage="garden"><div class="talkplayer">Let’s do something else</div></a>
<<if $fitness gte 0 and $fitness lt 15>>
<<addrnoelle -5>>
<<elseif $fitness gte 15 and $fitness lt 30>>
<<addrnoelle -4>>
<<elseif $fitness gte 30>>
<<addrnoelle -3>><</if>>
<<addenergy -5>>
<<set $time to $time +1>>
<<addtnoelle -1>>
<<addonoelle -1>>
<<addfnoelle -1>>
<</if>><</nobr>><<speech "Player" "$name">>Please Noelle, it would mean a lot to me.<</speech>>
<<speech "Noelle" "Noelle">>I'm sorry $name, the answer stays no.<</speech>>
<a data-passage="garden"><div class="talkplayer">Let’s do something else</div></a>
<<addenergy -5>>
<<set $time to $time +1>>
<<addonoelle -1>>
<<if $fnoelle gte 25 and $fnoelle gte $rnoelle / 2>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>I just wanted to talk to you.<</speech>><br>
<<speech "Noelle" "Noelle">>Oh.. ok..<</speech>><br>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Talk to her->pooltalknoelleloss1]]</span></div><br>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Insult her->pooltalknoelleloss3]]</span></div>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>I just wanted to talk to you.<</speech>><br>
<<speech "Noelle" "Noelle">>Alright, let's hear it.<</speech>><br>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Talk to her->pooltalknoelleloss2]]</span></div><br>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Insult her->pooltalknoelleloss3]]</span></div>
<<if $fnoelle gte 25>>
<img src="images/noelle/noelleloss/grope/gropleg2.gif" /><br>
<div class="general">Noelle doesn't seem to want this, but she doesn't resist.</div><br>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Push it further->poolnoelletouch1a]]</span></div><br>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink"><<link [[Let’s do something else|entrance]]>>
<<set $time to $time +1>>
<<if $fitness gte 0 and $fitness lt 15>>
<<addrnoelle -3>>
<<elseif $fitness gte 15 and $fitness lt 30>>
<<addrnoelle -2>>
<<elseif $fitness gte 30>>
<<addrnoelle -1>><</if>>
<<addenergy -5>>
<<addtnoelle -1>>
<<addonoelle +2>>
<<elseif $rnoelle gte 150>>
<img src="images/noelle/noelleloss/grope/gropleg2.gif" /><br>
<div class="general">She doesn't seem to mind.</div><br>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Push it further->poolnoelletouch1b]]</span></div><br>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink"><<link [[Let’s do something else|entrance]]>>
<<set $time to $time +1>>
<<if $fitness gte 0 and $fitness lt 15>>
<<addrnoelle 1>>
<<elseif $fitness gte 15 and $fitness lt 30>>
<<addrnoelle 2>>
<<elseif $fitness gte 30>>
<<addrnoelle 3>><</if>>
<<addenergy -5>>
<img src="images/noelle/noelleloss/grope/gropleg1.gif" /><br>
<<speech "Noelle" "Noelle">>What are you doing?<</speech>><br>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Just enjoy.<</speech>><br>
<<speech "Noelle" "Noelle">>Get away from me.<</speech>><br>
<div class="general">Noelle tries to get up.</div><br>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink"><<link [[Let her go|entrance]]>>
<<set $time to $time +1>>
<<if $fitness gte 0 and $fitness lt 15>>
<<addrnoelle -4>>
<<elseif $fitness gte 15 and $fitness lt 30>>
<<addrnoelle -3>>
<<elseif $fitness gte 30>>
<<addrnoelle -2>><</if>>
<<addenergy -5>>
<<addtnoelle -1>>
<<addfnoelle +2>>
<<if $fnoelle gte 25>>
<img src="images/noelle/noelleloss/grope/gropleg2.gif" /><br>
<div class="general">Noelle doesn't seem to want this, but she doesn't resist.</div><br>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Push it further->poolnoelletouch1a]]</span></div><br>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink"><<link [[Let’s do something else|entrance]]>>
<<set $time to $time +1>>
<<if $fitness gte 0 and $fitness lt 15>>
<<addrnoelle -3>>
<<elseif $fitness gte 15 and $fitness lt 30>>
<<addrnoelle -2>>
<<elseif $fitness gte 30>>
<<addrnoelle -1>><</if>>
<<addenergy -5>>
<<addtnoelle -1>>
<<addonoelle +2>>
<<elseif $rnoelle gte 150>>
<img src="images/noelle/noelleloss/grope/gropleg2.gif" /><br>
<div class="general">She doesn't seem to mind.</div><br>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Push it further->poolnoelletouch1b]]</span></div><br>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink"><<link [[Let’s do something else|entrance]]>>
<<set $time to $time +1>>
<<if $fitness gte 0 and $fitness lt 15>>
<<addrnoelle 1>>
<<elseif $fitness gte 15 and $fitness lt 30>>
<<addrnoelle 2>>
<<elseif $fitness gte 30>>
<<addrnoelle 3>><</if>>
<<addenergy -5>>
<img src="images/noelle/noelleloss/grope/gropleg1.gif" /><br>
<<speech "Noelle" "Noelle">>What are you doing?<</speech>><br>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Just enjoy.<</speech>><br>
<<speech "Noelle" "Noelle">>Get away from me.<</speech>><br>
<div class="general">Noelle tries to get up.</div><br>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink"><<link [[Let her go|entrance]]>>
<<set $time to $time +1>>
<<if $fitness gte 0 and $fitness lt 15>>
<<addrnoelle -4>>
<<elseif $fitness gte 15 and $fitness lt 30>>
<<addrnoelle -3>>
<<elseif $fitness gte 30>>
<<addrnoelle -2>><</if>>
<<addenergy -5>>
<<addtnoelle -1>>
<<addfnoelle +2>>
<div class="general">You start touching her breasts.</div>
<<if $fnoelle gte 35>>
<<if $nakedout is "true">>
<img src="images/noelle/noelleloss/grope/gropetit2.gif" /><br>
<video src="images/noelle/noelleloss/grope/gropetit1.webm" autoplay loop /><br><br><</if>>
<div class="general">She does not seem to enjoy it, but she doens't resist.</div><br>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Push it further->poolnoelletouch1a]]</span></div><br>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink"><<link [[Let’s do something else|entrance]]>>
<<set $time to $time +1>>
<<if $fitness gte 0 and $fitness lt 15>>
<<addrnoelle -3>>
<<elseif $fitness gte 15 and $fitness lt 30>>
<<addrnoelle -2>>
<<elseif $fitness gte 30>>
<<addrnoelle -1>><</if>>
<<addenergy -5>>
<<addtnoelle -1>>
<<addonoelle +2>>
<<elseif $rnoelle gte 150>>
<<if $nakedout is "true">>
<img src="images/noelle/noelleloss/grope/gropetit2.gif" /><br>
<video src="images/noelle/noelleloss/grope/gropetit1.webm" autoplay loop /><br><</if>>
<div class="general">She does not seem to enjoy it, but she doens't resist.</div><br>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Push it further->poolnoelletouch1b]]</span></div><br>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink"><<link [[Let’s do something else|entrance]]>>
<<set $time to $time +1>>
<<if $fitness gte 0 and $fitness lt 15>>
<<addrnoelle -3>>
<<elseif $fitness gte 15 and $fitness lt 30>>
<<addrnoelle -2>>
<<elseif $fitness gte 30>>
<<addrnoelle -1>><</if>>
<<addenergy -5>>
<<addtnoelle -1>>
<<addonoelle +2>>
<<if $nakedout is "true">>
<img src="images/noelle/noelleloss/grope/gropetit2.gif" /><br>
<video src="images/noelle/noelleloss/grope/gropetit1.webm" autoplay loop /><br><</if>>
<<speech "Noelle" "Noelle">>What are you doing?<</speech>><br>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Just enjoy.<</speech>><br>
<<speech "Noelle" "Noelle">>Get away from me.<</speech>><br>
<div class="general">Noelle tries to get up.</div><br>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink"><<link [[Let her go|entrance]]>>
<<set $time to $time +1>>
<<if $fitness gte 0 and $fitness lt 15>>
<<addrnoelle -6>>
<<elseif $fitness gte 15 and $fitness lt 30>>
<<addrnoelle -5>>
<<elseif $fitness gte 30>>
<<addrnoelle -4>><</if>>
<<addenergy -5>>
<<addtnoelle -1>>
<<addonoelle -1>>
<<addfnoelle +3>>
<</if>><</nobr>><<nobr>><<if $fnoelle gte 25 and $fnoelle gte $rnoelle / 2 and $onoelle gte 25 and $onoelle gte $tnoelle>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>I need you to do something for me.<</speech>><br>
<<speech "Noelle" "Noelle">>What.. What do you need me to do?<</speech>><br>
<<if $nakedout is "false">>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Tell her to undress->poolnoelleorder2]]</span></div><br><</if>>
<a data-passage="garden"><div class="talkplayer">Let’s do something else</div></a>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Can you do something for me?<</speech>><br>
<<speech "Noelle" "Noelle">>Sure, what do you need me to do?<</speech>><br>
<a data-passage="garden"><div class="talkplayer">Let’s do something else</div></a>
<</nobr>><<nobr>><<if $convon gt 5>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>I shouldn’t bother her to much with my conversations.<</speech>><br>
<a data-passage="garden"><div class="talkplayer">Let’s do something else</div></a>
<<elseif $rnoelle gte 200>>
<<switch random(1,3)>>
<<case 1>>
<<speech "Noelle" "Noelle">>I want to be with you.<</speech>>
<<case 2>>
<<speech "Noelle" "Noelle">>Please stay with me.<</speech>>
<<case 3>>
<<speech "Noelle" "Noelle">>I would do anything for you.<</speech>>
<br><a data-passage="garden"><div class="talkplayer">Let’s do something else</div></a>
<<if $fitness gte 0 and $fitness lt 15>>
<<addrnoelle 2>>
<<elseif $fitness gte 15 and $fitness lt 30>>
<<addrnoelle 4>>
<<elseif $fitness gte 30>>
<<addrnoelle 6>><</if>>
<<addenergy -5>>
<<addhappiness 1>>
<<set $time to $time +1>>
<<set $convon to $convon +1>>
<<addtnoelle +2>>
<<addfnoelle -1>>
<<elseif $rnoelle gte 150>>
<<switch random(1,3)>>
<<case 1>>
<<speech "Noelle" "Noelle">>I want to like you but you are making it really hard.<</speech>>
<<case 2>>
<<speech "Noelle" "Noelle">>How can someone be nice and cruel like you at the same time.<</speech>>
<<case 3>>
<<speech "Noelle" "Noelle">>I want to make up for whatever I did wrong.<</speech>>
<br><a data-passage="garden"><div class="talkplayer">Let’s do something else</div></a>
<<if $fitness gte 0 and $fitness lt 15>>
<<addrnoelle 2>>
<<elseif $fitness gte 15 and $fitness lt 30>>
<<addrnoelle 4>>
<<elseif $fitness gte 30>>
<<addrnoelle 6>><</if>>
<<addenergy -5>>
<<addhappiness 1>>
<<set $time to $time +1>>
<<set $convon to $convon +1>>
<<addtnoelle +2>>
<<addfnoelle -1>>
<<elseif $rnoelle gte 100>>
<<switch random(1,3)>>
<<case 1>>
<<speech "Noelle" "Noelle">>I want to like you but you are making it really hard.<</speech>>
<<case 2>>
<<speech "Noelle" "Noelle">>Sarah keeps looking at me weirdly.<</speech>>
<<case 3>>
<<speech "Noelle" "Noelle">>I have the feeling I did something wrong.<</speech>>
<br><a data-passage="garden"><div class="talkplayer">Let’s do something else</div></a>
<<if $fitness gte 0 and $fitness lt 15>>
<<addrnoelle 2>>
<<elseif $fitness gte 15 and $fitness lt 30>>
<<addrnoelle 4>>
<<elseif $fitness gte 30>>
<<addrnoelle 6>><</if>>
<<addenergy -5>>
<<addhappiness 1>>
<<set $time to $time +1>>
<<set $convon to $convon +1>>
<<addtnoelle +2>>
<<addfnoelle -1>>
<<elseif $rnoelle gte 50>>
<<switch random(1,3)>>
<<case 1>>
<<speech "Noelle" "Noelle">>I guess I did something very bad which I can't remember.<</speech>>
<<case 2>>
<<speech "Noelle" "Noelle">>You scare me.<</speech>>
<<case 3>>
<<speech "Noelle" "Noelle">>I hope we can change the dynamic between us.<</speech>>
<br><a data-passage="garden"><div class="talkplayer">Let’s do something else</div></a>
<<if $fitness gte 0 and $fitness lt 15>>
<<addrnoelle 2>>
<<elseif $fitness gte 15 and $fitness lt 30>>
<<addrnoelle 4>>
<<elseif $fitness gte 30>>
<<addrnoelle 6>><</if>>
<<addenergy -5>>
<<addhappiness 1>>
<<set $time to $time +1>>
<<set $convon to $convon +1>>
<<addtnoelle +2>>
<<addfnoelle -1>>
<<elseif $rnoelle gte 0>>
<<switch random(1,3)>>
<<case 1>>
<<speech "Noelle" "Noelle">>Why are you so mean to me?<</speech>>
<<case 2>>
<<speech "Noelle" "Noelle">>I thought you were nice. I guess I was wrong.<</speech>>
<<case 3>>
<<speech "Noelle" "Noelle">>What did I do to you that you hate me so much?<</speech>>
<br><a data-passage="garden"><div class="talkplayer">Let’s do something else</div></a>
<<if $fitness gte 0 and $fitness lt 15>>
<<addrnoelle 2>>
<<elseif $fitness gte 15 and $fitness lt 30>>
<<addrnoelle 4>>
<<elseif $fitness gte 30>>
<<addrnoelle 6>><</if>>
<<addenergy -5>>
<<addhappiness 1>>
<<set $time to $time +1>>
<<set $convon to $convon +1>>
<<addtnoelle +2>>
<<addfnoelle -1>>
<<case 1>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>I still don't know why we took you in again.<</speech>>
<<case 2>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>You are pretty useless aren't you?<</speech>>
<<case 3>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>You are pretty useless aren't you?<</speech>>
<<case 4>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>I wish you just dissapeared again.<</speech>>
<<case 5>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>The only decent thing about you is your body.<</speech>>
<<case 6>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>I would trade you for anyone else.<</speech>>
<br><a data-passage="garden"><div class="talkplayer">Let’s do something else</div></a>
<<if $fitness gte 0 and $fitness lt 15>>
<<addrnoelle -5>>
<<elseif $fitness gte 15 and $fitness lt 30>>
<<addrnoelle -4>>
<<elseif $fitness gte 30>>
<<addrnoelle -3>><</if>>
<<addenergy -5>>
<<set $time to $time +1>>
<<set $convon to $convon +1>>
<<addtnoelle -1>>
<<addonoelle +2>>
<<addfnoelle +2>>
<</nobr>><<nobr>><<if $convon gt 5>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>I shouldn’t bother her to much with my conversations.<</speech>><br>
<a data-passage="garden"><div class="talkplayer">Let’s do something else</div></a>
<<elseif $rnoelle gte 200>>
<<switch random(1,3)>>
<<case 1>>
<<speech "Noelle" "Noelle">>I want to stay with you.<</speech>>
<<case 2>>
<<speech "Noelle" "Noelle">>I care deeply for you.<</speech>>
<<case 3>>
<<speech "Noelle" "Noelle">>I would do anything for you.<</speech>>
<br><a data-passage="garden"><div class="talkplayer">Let’s do something else</div></a>
<<if $fitness gte 0 and $fitness lt 15>>
<<addrnoelle 2>>
<<elseif $fitness gte 15 and $fitness lt 30>>
<<addrnoelle 4>>
<<elseif $fitness gte 30>>
<<addrnoelle 6>><</if>>
<<addenergy -5>>
<<addhappiness 1>>
<<set $time to $time +1>>
<<set $convon to $convon +1>>
<<addtnoelle +2>>
<<addfnoelle -1>>
<<elseif $rnoelle gte 150>>
<<switch random(1,3)>>
<<case 1>>
<<speech "Noelle" "Noelle">>I.. I really start to like it here and to like you.<</speech>>
<<case 2>>
<<speech "Noelle" "Noelle">>Can we hang out sometime?<</speech>>
<<case 3>>
<<speech "Noelle" "Noelle">>I like spending time together.<</speech>>
<br><a data-passage="garden"><div class="talkplayer">Let’s do something else</div></a>
<<if $fitness gte 0 and $fitness lt 15>>
<<addrnoelle 2>>
<<elseif $fitness gte 15 and $fitness lt 30>>
<<addrnoelle 4>>
<<elseif $fitness gte 30>>
<<addrnoelle 6>><</if>>
<<addenergy -5>>
<<addhappiness 1>>
<<set $time to $time +1>>
<<set $convon to $convon +1>>
<<addtnoelle +2>>
<<addfnoelle -1>>
<<elseif $rnoelle gte 100>>
<<switch random(1,3)>>
<<case 1>>
<<speech "Noelle" "Noelle">>I really start to like it here.<</speech>>
<<case 2>>
<<speech "Noelle" "Noelle">>You are so sweet to me.<</speech>>
<<case 3>>
<<speech "Noelle" "Noelle">>I can't believe I got so lucky.<</speech>>
<br><a data-passage="garden"><div class="talkplayer">Let’s do something else</div></a>
<<if $fitness gte 0 and $fitness lt 15>>
<<addrnoelle 2>>
<<elseif $fitness gte 15 and $fitness lt 30>>
<<addrnoelle 4>>
<<elseif $fitness gte 30>>
<<addrnoelle 6>><</if>>
<<addenergy -5>>
<<addhappiness 1>>
<<set $time to $time +1>>
<<set $convon to $convon +1>>
<<addtnoelle +2>>
<<addfnoelle -1>>
<<elseif $rnoelle gte 50>>
<<switch random(1,3)>>
<<case 1>>
<<speech "Noelle" "Noelle">>I'm really starting to settle in.<</speech>>
<<case 2>>
<<speech "Noelle" "Noelle">>You both seem really nice.<</speech>>
<<case 3>>
<<speech "Noelle" "Noelle">>Peter is so cute.<</speech>>
<br><a data-passage="garden"><div class="talkplayer">Let’s do something else</div></a>
<<if $fitness gte 0 and $fitness lt 15>>
<<addrnoelle 2>>
<<elseif $fitness gte 15 and $fitness lt 30>>
<<addrnoelle 4>>
<<elseif $fitness gte 30>>
<<addrnoelle 6>><</if>>
<<addenergy -5>>
<<addhappiness 1>>
<<set $time to $time +1>>
<<set $convon to $convon +1>>
<<addtnoelle +2>>
<<addfnoelle -1>>
<<elseif $rnoelle gte 0>>
<<switch random(1,3)>>
<<case 1>>
<<speech "Noelle" "Noelle">>I'm glad to be here.<</speech>>
<<case 2>>
<<speech "Noelle" "Noelle">>I hope we can get along.<</speech>>
<<case 3>>
<<speech "Noelle" "Noelle">>I like the room you gave me.<</speech>>
<br><a data-passage="garden"><div class="talkplayer">Let’s do something else</div></a>
<<if $fitness gte 0 and $fitness lt 15>>
<<addrnoelle 2>>
<<elseif $fitness gte 15 and $fitness lt 30>>
<<addrnoelle 4>>
<<elseif $fitness gte 30>>
<<addrnoelle 6>><</if>>
<<addenergy -5>>
<<addhappiness 1>>
<<set $time to $time +1>>
<<set $convon to $convon +1>>
<<addtnoelle +2>>
<<addfnoelle -1>>
<</nobr>><<nobr>><<if $fnoelle gte 35>>
<<speech "Noelle" "Noelle">>O.. Ok, I'll get naked.<</speech>><br>
<div class="general">Noelle starts to undress and she is clearly not comfortable.</div><br>
<img src="images/noelle/noelleloss/pool/noellestrip.jpg" /><br>
<<speech "Noelle" "Noelle">>Can I get dressed again?<</speech>><br>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Yes, you can get dressed again.<</speech>><br>
<div class="general">Noelle gets dressed and leaves.</div><br>
<a data-passage="entrance"><div class="talkplayer">Let’s do something else</div></a>
<<addarousal +15>>
<<addenergy -5>>
<<set $time to $time +1>>
<<addonoelle +2>>
<<speech "Noelle" "Noelle">>What? No, I will not do that.<</speech>><br>
<div class="general">Noelle quickly leaves the room.</div><br>
<a data-passage="garden"><div class="talkplayer">Let do something else.</div></a>
<<if $fitness gte 0 and $fitness lt 15>>
<<addrnoelle -3>>
<<elseif $fitness gte 15 and $fitness lt 30>>
<<addrnoelle -2>>
<<elseif $fitness gte 30>>
<<addrnoelle -1>><</if>>
<<addenergy -5>>
<<set $time to $time +1>>
<<addonoelle -1>>
<</if>><</nobr>><<speech "ellie" "Ellie">>Testing 1 2 3 <</speech>>
<a data-passage="university"><div class="talkplayer">Let’s do something else</div></a>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink"><<link [[Continue|test2]]>>
<<set $time to $time +5>>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Available Scenes->Noelle's Scenes]]</span></div><br>
<<if $noellebfevent2 is "true">>
<div class="journal"><s>Damn, what the fuck did just happen.. I opened the door and some guy just started hitting me out of nowhere. We think it's Noelle's old boyfried.</s></div>
<div class="journal journalend">Well, the research in Noelle and her bf came out empty. No usefull info at all.. Guess we have to do it ourselves. (END FOR NOW)</div>
<<elseif $noellebfreturn1 is "true">>
<div class="journal">Damn, what the fuck did just happen.. I opened the door and some guy just started hitting me out of nowhere. We think it's Noelle's old boyfried.<div><</if>>
<<if $noellebfreturnpi is "true">>
<div class="journal">We asked Sarah's PI to look into the guy and we hope he will find something.</div>
<<elseif $noellebfreturnsabina is "true">>
<<if $noellebfreturnpi is "true">>
<div class="journal">We asked Sabina to look into the guy and we hope he will find something.</div><</if>>
<div class="journal journalend">Just when I thought we put the whole Noelle situation behind us..</div>
<<elseif $fearob is "true" or $feartr is "true" or $relationob is "true" or $relationtr is "true">>
<div class="journal"><s>Noelle has completely lost her memory. So I can mold her into whatever I want. If I need more info, I should visit the [[Instructions]] page.</s></div>
<div class="journal journalend">I molded Noelle into exactly what I wanted. I can see this behind her relationship stat. Now I can enjoy what I created.</div>
<<elseif $noelleloss is "true">>
<div class="journal journalend">Noelle has completely lost her memory. So I can mold her into whatever I want. If I need more info, I should visit the [[Instructions]] page.</div>
<<if $firstfuck is "true">>
<div class="journal"><s>Noelle seems like a nice enough girl and until now she also seems to do her job. So I guess I made the right call hiring her.</s></div>
<div class="journal"><s>I'm getting closer with Noelle. She is really fun to hang around with. I did hear some noises on the weekend at night, maybe I should check that out.</s></div>
<div class="journal"><s>Oh damn. She is even hotter than I expected. She got completely naked in front of me, and if that is not enough, she also masturbated in front of me and me in front of her. It was crazy. Now I know she was quite tipsy, to say the least, so I hope she is not running off to Sarah screaming abuse.</s></div>
<div class="journal"><s>My relation with Noelle has kept growing. We are getting closer and closer. I guess I just have to keep going.</s></div>
<div class="journal"><s>Well, it happened. We got an opportunity and we kissed. But that’s not all. I fingered her to an orgasm and then she sucked my dick in the car. It was amazing. I wonder how far this is going to go. I should just keep improving my relationship with her.</s></div>
<div class="journal"><s>Well, Noelle and I are still growing towards each other. We are getting really close now. I wonder if she feels the same way. Maybe we can have some alone time when Sarah is at work.</s></div>
<div class="journal journalend">Oh man, we did it. We totally fucked, and it was amazing. She was actually waiting for me in my room. We fucked and fucked until I filled up that lovely pussy of hers.</div>
<<elseif $rnoelle gte 160 and $firsttimeevent is "true" and $firstkiss is "true">>
<div class="journal"><s>Noelle seems like a nice enough girl and until now she also seems to do her job. So I guess I made the right call hiring her.</s></div>
<div class="journal"><s>I'm getting closer with Noelle. She is really fun to hang around with. I did hear some noises on the weekend at night, maybe I should check that out.</s></div>
<div class="journal"><s>Oh damn. She is even hotter than I expected. She got completely naked in front of me, and if that is not enough, she also masturbated in front of me and me in front of her. It was crazy. Now I know she was quite tipsy, to say the least, so I hope she is not running off to Sarah screaming abuse.</s></div>
<div class="journal"><s>My relation with Noelle has kept growing. We are getting closer and closer. I guess I just have to keep going.</s></div>
<div class="journal"><s>Well, it happened. We got an opportunity and we kissed. But that’s not all. I fingered her to an orgasm and then she sucked my dick in the car. It was amazing. I wonder how far this is going to go. I should just keep improving my relationship with her.</s></div>
<div class="journal journalend">Well, Noelle and I are still growing towards each other. We are getting really close now. I wonder if she feels the same way. Maybe we can have some alone time when Sarah is at work.</div>
<<elseif $firstkiss is "true">>
<div class="journal"><s>Noelle seems like a nice enough girl and until now she also seems to do her job. So I guess I made the right call hiring her.</s></div>
<div class="journal"><s>I'm getting closer with Noelle. She is really fun to hang around with. I did hear some noises on the weekend at night, maybe I should check that out.</s></div>
<div class="journal"><s>Oh damn. She is even hotter than I expected. She got completely naked in front of me, and if that is not enough, she also masturbated in front of me and me in front of her. It was crazy. Now I know she was quite tipsy, to say the least, so I hope she is not running off to Sarah screaming abuse.</s></div>
<div class="journal"><s>My relation with Noelle has kept growing. We are getting closer and closer. I guess I just have to keep going.</s></div>
<div class="journal journalend">Well, it happened. We got an opportunity and we kissed. But that’s not all. I fingered her to an orgasm and then she sucked my dick in the car. It was amazing. I wonder how far this is going to go. I should just keep improving my relationship with her.</div>
<<elseif $rnoelle gte 120 and $firsttimeevent is "true">>
<div class="journal"><s>Noelle seems like a nice enough girl and until now she also seems to do her job. So I guess I made the right call hiring her.</s></div>
<div class="journal"><s>I'm getting closer with Noelle. She is really fun to hang around with. I did hear some noises on the weekend at night, maybe I should check that out.</s></div>
<div class="journal"><s>Oh damn. She is even hotter than I expected. She got completely naked in front of me, and if that is not enough, she also masturbated in front of me and me in front of her. It was crazy. Now I know she was quite tipsy, to say the least, so I hope she is not running off to Sarah screaming abuse.</s></div>
<div class="journal journalend">My relation with Noelle has kept growing. We are getting closer and closer. I guess I just have to keep going.</div>
<<elseif $firsttimeevent is "true">>
<div class="journal"><s>Noelle seems like a nice enough girl and until now she also seems to do her job. So I guess I made the right call hiring her.</s></div>
<div class="journal"><s>I'm getting closer with Noelle. She is really fun to hang around with. I did hear some noises on the weekend at night, maybe I should check that out.</s></div>
<div class="journal journalend">Oh damn. She is even hotter than I expected. She got completely naked in front of me, and if that is not enough, she also masturbated in front of me and me in front of her. It was crazy. Now I know she was quite tipsy, to say the least, so I hope she is not running off to Sarah screaming abuse.</div>
<<elseif $rnoelle gte 90>>
<div class="journal"><s>Noelle seems like a nice enough girl and until now she also seems to do her job. So I guess I made the right call hiring her.</s></div>
<div class="journal journalend">I'm getting closer with Noelle. She is really fun to hang around with. I did hear some noises on the weekend at night, maybe I should check that out.</div>
<div class="journal journalend">Noelle seems like a nice enough girl and until now she also seems to do her job. So I guess I made the right call hiring her.</div>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Return to Journal menu->Journal]]</span></div>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Return to game|$return]]</span></div><<nobr>><<if $rchristel gte 175 and $christelevent5 is "true" and $christelevent6 is "false">>
<div class="general">You move towards her and try to kiss her.</div><br>
<<speech "Christel" "Christel">>Hmmm, someone knows what he wants. But you need to stop.<</speech>><br>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Why?<</speech>><br>
<<speech "Christel" "Christel">>I.. I feel bad about last time.. Because of Sarah. I mean, I'm her best friend and I let her husband fuck me.<</speech>><br>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Don’t worry about that, she is ok with me having sex with other women.<</speech>><br>
<<speech "Christel" "Christel">>Really?<</speech>><br>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Yes, really.<</speech>><br>
<<speech "Christel" "Christel">>Alright, well prove it. Everything we do tonight, I’ll tell Sarah about.<</speech>><br>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>That’s ok with me.<</speech>><br>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Continue->christelevent6a]]</span></div>
<<elseif $rchristel gte 175 and $christelevent6 is "true">>
<div class="general">You move towards her and try to kiss her.</div><br>
<<speech "Christel" "Christel">>Hmmm, someone knows what he wants.<</speech>><br>
<div class="general">You kiss eachother.</div><br>
<video src="images/christel/christelevent5/christelevent5b1.webm" autoplay loop></video>
<<speech "Christel" "Christel">>Are you sure you want me again?<</speech>><br>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Of course I want you!<</speech>><br>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Continue->christelevent6a]]</span></div>
<<speech "Christel" "Christel">>What are you doing? get our of here!.<</speech>><br>
<a data-passage="center"><div class="talkplayer">Let’s do something else</div></a>
<</if>><</nobr>><<speech "Christel" "Christel">>Well, in that case, let me give you a little show.<</speech>>
<div class="general">She gets up, takes of her shirt and starts teasing you.</div>
<video src="images/christel/christelevent6/christelevent6a3.webm" autoplay loop></video>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Damn, you are so hot.<</speech>>
<<speech "Christel" "Christel">>And this is only the beginning.<</speech>>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Continue->christelevent6b]]</span></div>
<div class="general">The phone rings and you pick up.</div>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Hello?<</speech>>
<div class="general">Silence, apart from the fact that you still hear a phone ringing.</div>
<<speech "Player" "$name">><i>Huh?</i><</speech>>
<div class="general">You search yourself.</div>
<<speech "Player" "$name">><i>Oh damn, it's the phone of that girl I crashed into in the park. The pantyless girl I should say.</i><</speech>>
<div class="general">You pick up.</div>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Hello?<</speech>>
<<speech "ellie" "?">>Eehm.. Hi.. Ehhm, I think you found my phone.<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">><i>She sounds so cute and shy.</i><</speech>>
<<speech "ellie" "?">>And... Well, I would like it back.<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>I understand that. Where do you live?<</speech>>
<<speech "ellie" "?">>Eeehm.. I.. I have to go, bye.<</speech>>
<div class="general">She hangs up the phone.</div>
<<speech "Player" "$name">><i>That was odd.. Well nothing I can do about it now.</i><</speech>>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Put the phone away|$return]]</span></div>
<<set $ellieevent1 to "true">>
<<set $ellietimer to 0>><div class="general">Ding dong.</div>
<<speech "Player" "$name">><i>That’s the doorbell, I wonder who that is.</i><</speech>>
<div class="general">You walk towards the front door and open it. Once you open the door you see a woman in a suit standing in front of you.</div>
<img src="images/sabina/fbivisit/fbiagent.jpg" />
<img src="images/sabina/fbivisit/thompson.jpg" />
<img src="images/sabina/fbivisit/fbiagent.jpg" />
<div class="general">Behind her are two men.</div>
<<speech "Player" "$name">><i>They look like fucking clones those two.</i><</speech>>
<div class="general">Then you notice something else.</div>
<<speech "Player" "$name">><i>Damn, guns out and everything.</i><</speech>>
<<speech "thompson" "Ms. Thompson">>$name I presume?<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Eeehm.. Who’s asking.<</speech>>
<<speech "thompson" "Ms. Thompson">>My name is Ms. Thompson, FBI. These guys here are Agent Missouri and Agent Texas.<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>FBI?<</speech>>
<<speech "thompson" "Ms. Thompson">>Yes that is correct.<</speech>>
<div class="general">She turns to the other agents.</div>
<<speech "thompson" "Ms. Thompson">>You can put away the guns boys, he does not look dangerous.<</speech>>
<div class="general">She turns back to you.</div>
<<speech "thompson" "Ms. Thompson">>No offense of course.<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Non taken.<</speech>>
<<speech "thompson" "Ms. Thompson">>Can we come in?.<</speech>>
<div class="general">Before you can answer she walks past you.</div>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Continue->fbivisit2]]</span></div>
<<set $fbivisit to "true">>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Let's go to my office.<</speech>>
<<speech "thompson" "Ms. Thompson">>Good idea.<</speech>>
<div class="general">You all enter your office and Ms. Thompson sits down behind your desk.</div>
<<speech "thompson" "Ms. Thompson">>So, let’s talk. Let me tell you why I’m here. It’s about a mutual friend of ours, the lovely Sabina.<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>I..<</speech>>
<<speech "thompson" "Ms. Thompson">>Before you start denying anything, we already know that you know her. We found your prints on a gun she was carrying.<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">><i>Fuck.</i><</speech>>
<<speech "thompson" "Ms. Thompson">>Which we found when we searched her and her car when her partner was killed. You might have heard about it.<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>I..<</speech>>
<<speech "thompson" "Ms. Thompson">>So, then the reason why we have come to you. We want you to work for us.<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Work for you?<</speech>>
<<speech "thompson" "Ms. Thompson">>Yes, we believe that Sabina is a dirty cop, and if that isn't bad enough, it probably also got her partner killed.<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>And what would I need to do?<</speech>>
<<speech "thompson" "Ms. Thompson">>You just keep working for Sabina en report everything back to me.<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Why…<</speech>>
<<speech "thompson" "Ms. Thompson">>Now if you choose not to work for me, just remember, we have your fingerprints on a gun at the crime scene.<</speech>>
<div class="general">She gets up and starts to leave.</div>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>But that is not the gun used to kill J… That police officer.<</speech>>
<<speech "thompson" "Ms. Thompson">>Are you sure about that?<</speech>>
<div class="general">Ms. Thompson leaves your office and then your house together with her minions.</div>
<<speech "Player" "$name">><i>Was that a threat? And then she calls Sabina a dirty cop.. Well I guess I have to chose between Sabina and Ms. Thompson..</i><</speech>>
<a data-passage="entrance"><div class="talkplayer">Let’s do something else</div></a>
<<speech "Sarah" "Sarah">>$name, can you follow me?<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Sure.<</speech>>
<div class="general">You follow her into the office. Then Sarah turns to you.</div>
<<speech "Sarah" "Sarah">>$name, why is Noelle walking naked around our house?<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Because I told her to do so.<</speech>>
<<speech "Sarah" "Sarah">>And why did you tell her to do so?<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Well..<</speech>>
<<speech "Sarah" "Sarah">>You know what, I don't even want to know. Do what you want, just don't get is us in trouble, again.<</speech>>
<div class="general">With that said, she walks away.</div>
<a data-passage="entrance"><div class="talkplayer">Let’s do something else</div></a>
<<set $sarahnakedout to "true">>
<<if $hygene lte 15>>
<img src="images/noelle/noelleangry.jpg" /><br>
<<speech "Noelle" "Noelle">>You smell terrible, go take a shower or something, just get away from me!<</speech>><br>
<a data-passage="upstairs"><div class="talkplayer">Let’s do something else</div></a>
<<elseif $energy lt 10 or $happiness lt 20>>
<img src="images/player/misc/mood.jpg" /><br>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>I'm not in the mood for this.<</speech>><br>
<a data-passage="upstairs"><div class="talkplayer">Let’s do something else</div></a>
<<elseif $fnoelle gte 25 and $fnoelle gte $rnoelle / 2>>
<<if $onoelle gte 25 and $onoelle gte $tnoelle>>
<<if $skimout is "true">>
<img src="images/noelle/noelleloss/guestroom/noelleskimout.jpg" /><br>
<<elseif $nakedout is "true">>
<img src="images/noelle/noelleloss/guestroom/noellesnakedout.jpg" /><br>
<img src="images/noelle/noelleloss/guestroom/noellefear.jpg" /><br>
<div class="general">You enter anyway and Noelle looks at you with fear in her eyes.</div><br>
<<speech "Noelle" "Noelle">>H.. Hi $name. What.. What do you want?<</speech>><br>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Talk to Noelle->guesttalknoelleloss]]</span></div><br>
<div id="talkplayer"><div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink"><<link "Touch Noelle">>
<<replace "#talkplayer">>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Touch her leg->guestnoelletouch1]]</span></div><br>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Touch her ass->guestnoelletouch2]]</span></div><br>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Touch her breasts->guestnoelletouch3]]</span></div>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Set rules->noellerules]]</span></div><br>
<a data-passage="upstairs"><div class="talkloc">Let’s go somewhere else</div></a>
<<if $skimout is "true">>
<img src="images/noelle/noelleloss/guestroom/noelleskimout.jpg" /><br>
<<elseif $nakedout is "true">>
<img src="images/noelle/noelleloss/guestroom/noellesnakedout.jpg" /><br>
<img src="images/noelle/noelleloss/guestroom/noellefear.jpg" /><br>
<div class="general">You enter anyway and Noelle looks at you, she seems uneasy with your presence.</div><br>
<<speech "Noelle" "Noelle">>Hi $name, eehm.. Anything I can do for you?<</speech>><br>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Talk to Noelle->guesttalknoelleloss]]</span></div><br>
<div id="talkplayer"><div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink"><<link "Touch Noelle">>
<<replace "#talkplayer">>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Touch her leg->guestnoelletouch1]]</span></div><br>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Touch her ass->guestnoelletouch2]]</span></div><br>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Touch her breasts->guestnoelletouch3]]</span></div>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Set rules->noellerules]]</span></div><br>
<a data-passage="upstairs"><div class="talkloc">Let’s go somewhere else</div></a>
<<elseif $rnoelle gte 120 and $rnoelle / 2 gt $fnoelle>>
<<if $skimout is "true">>
<img src="images/noelle/noelleloss/guestroom/noelleskimout.jpg" /><br>
<<elseif $nakedout is "true">>
<img src="images/noelle/noelleloss/guestroom/noellesnakedout.jpg" /><br>
<img src="images/noelle/guestroom/noelle.jpg" /><br>
<<if $onoelle gte 25 and $onoelle gte $tnoelle>>
<div class="general">Noelle seems happy that you are there with her.</div><br>
<<speech "Noelle" "Noelle">>Hey $name can I help you with something?<</speech>><br>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Talk to Noelle->guesttalknoelleloss]]</span></div><br>
<div id="talkplayer"><div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink"><<link "Touch Noelle">>
<<replace "#talkplayer">>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Touch her leg->guestnoelletouch1]]</span></div><br>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Touch her ass->guestnoelletouch2]]</span></div><br>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Touch her breasts->guestnoelletouch3]]</span></div>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Set rules->noellerules]]</span></div><br>
<a data-passage="upstairs"><div class="talkloc">Let’s go somewhere else</div></a>
<<if $skimout is "true">>
<img src="images/noelle/noelleloss/guestroom/noelleskimout.jpg" /><br>
<<elseif $nakedout is "true">>
<img src="images/noelle/noelleloss/guestroom/noellesnakedout.jpg" /><br>
<img src="images/noelle/guestroom/noelle.jpg" /><br>
<div class="general">Noelle seems happy to see you.</div><br>
<<speech "Noelle" "Noelle">>Hey $name how are you?<</speech>><br>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Talk to Noelle->guesttalknoelleloss]]</span></div><br>
<div id="talkplayer"><div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink"><<link "Touch Noelle">>
<<replace "#talkplayer">>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Touch her leg->guestnoelletouch1]]</span></div><br>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Touch her ass->guestnoelletouch2]]</span></div><br>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Touch her breasts->guestnoelletouch3]]</span></div>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Set rules->noellerules]]</span></div><br>
<a data-passage="upstairs"><div class="talkloc">Let’s go somewhere else</div></a>
<img src="images/noelle/guestroom/noelleangry.jpg" /><br>
<<speech "Noelle" "Noelle">>What the fuck $name! You can't just walk in whenever you want. Get out!<</speech>><br>
<a data-passage="upstairs"><div class="talkplayer">Let’s do something else</div></a>
<<if $hygene lte 15>>
<img src="images/noelle/noelleangry.jpg" /><br>
<<speech "Noelle" "Noelle">>You smell terrible, go take a shower or something, just get away from me!<</speech>><br>
<a data-passage="upstairs"><div class="talkplayer">Let’s do something else</div></a>
<<elseif $energy lt 10 or $happiness lt 20>>
<img src="images/player/misc/mood.jpg" /><br>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>I'm not in the mood for this.<</speech>><br>
<a data-passage="upstairs"><div class="talkplayer">Let’s do something else</div></a>
<<elseif $fnoelle gte 25 and $fnoelle gte $rnoelle / 2>>
<<if $onoelle gte 25 and $onoelle gte $tnoelle>>
<<if $skimout is "true">>
<img src="images/noelle/noelleloss/guestroom/noelleskimout.jpg" /><br>
<<elseif $nakedout is "true">>
<img src="images/noelle/noelleloss/guestroom/noellesnakedout.jpg" /><br>
<img src="images/noelle/noelleloss/guestroom/noellefear.jpg" /><br>
<div class="general">You enter anyway and Noelle looks at you with fear in her eyes.</div><br>
<<speech "Noelle" "Noelle">>H.. Hi $name. What.. What do you want?<</speech>><br>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Talk to Noelle->guesttalknoelleloss]]</span></div><br>
<div id="talkplayer"><div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink"><<link "Touch Noelle">>
<<replace "#talkplayer">>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Touch her leg->guestnoelletouch1]]</span></div><br>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Touch her ass->guestnoelletouch2]]</span></div><br>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Touch her breasts->guestnoelletouch3]]</span></div>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Set rules->noellerules]]</span></div><br>
<a data-passage="upstairs"><div class="talkloc">Let’s go somewhere else</div></a>
<<if $skimout is "true">>
<img src="images/noelle/noelleloss/guestroom/noelleskimout.jpg" /><br>
<<elseif $nakedout is "true">>
<img src="images/noelle/noelleloss/guestroom/noellesnakedout.jpg" /><br>
<img src="images/noelle/noelleloss/guestroom/noellefear.jpg" /><br>
<div class="general">You enter anyway and Noelle looks at you, she seems uneasy with your presence.</div><br>
<<speech "Noelle" "Noelle">>Hi $name, eehm.. Anything I can do for you?<</speech>><br>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Talk to Noelle->guesttalknoelleloss]]</span></div><br>
<div id="talkplayer"><div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink"><<link "Touch Noelle">>
<<replace "#talkplayer">>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Touch her leg->guestnoelletouch1]]</span></div><br>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Touch her ass->guestnoelletouch2]]</span></div><br>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Touch her breasts->guestnoelletouch3]]</span></div>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Set rules->noellerules]]</span></div><br>
<a data-passage="upstairs"><div class="talkloc">Let’s go somewhere else</div></a>
<img src="images/noelle/guestroom/noelleangry.jpg" /><br>
<<speech "Noelle" "Noelle">>What the fuck $name! You can't just walk in whenever you want. Get out!<</speech>><br>
<a data-passage="upstairs"><div class="talkplayer">Let’s do something else</div></a>
<</nobr>><div class="general">You walk into the bedroom where Sarah is laying bed.</div>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Hi honey.<</speech>>
<<speech "Sarah" "Sarah">>So, I heard that you have had some interesting times.<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>What makes you say that?<</speech>>
<<speech "Sarah" "Sarah">>Well, Christel told me everything.<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">><i>Oh boy.</i><</speech>>
<<speech "Sarah" "Sarah">>And I’m glad you had a good time, I just didn’t know that you were so close.<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Well, I have to say that it all happened quite fast, the way we grew closer. Did you know about her husband?<</speech>>
<<speech "Sarah" "Sarah">>You mean her deadbeat criminal asswipe husband who has never been around for her? Yeah I know.<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Did you know he abuses her?<</speech>>
<<speech "Sarah" "Sarah">>I’ve told her from the start he was bad news.<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>But then you also know why she lives in a very fancy place.<</speech>>
<<speech "Sarah" "Sarah">>I did, I’m sorry I didn’t tell you. But that’s basically the only ‘good’ thing he does for her. Anyway I’m glad we can both be there for her.<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>I think she is happy about that to.<</speech>>
<<speech "Sarah" "Sarah">>Just watch out for her husband, he is a dangerous man and won’t hesitate to hurt you or worse.<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>I’ll be careful.<</speech>>
<<speech "Sarah" "Sarah">>Well, I’m glad we had this talk, but now it’s time to sleep.<</speech>>
<a data-passage="bedrsleep"><div class="talkplayer">Let's go to sleep</div></a>
<<set $sarahchristel1 to "true">><div class="general">Without warning you stop.</div>
<<speech "Noelle" "Noelle">>Noo, why did you stop?<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Beg me.<</speech>>
<<speech "Noelle" "Noelle">>What?<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Beg me to make you cum.<</speech>>
<div class="general">She looks at you with a little confusion on her face. But then:</div>
<<speech "Noelle" "Noelle">>Please make me cum! Please, please!<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Alright, because you ask so nicely.<</speech>>
<div class="general">You start fingering her again.</div>
<<speech "Noelle" "Noelle">>Oh yes! Thank you! Yes!<</speech>>
<div class="general">Not long after she starts to cum.</div>
<video src="images/noelle/noelleloss/livingroom/pussygrope3.webm" loop></video>
<<speech "Noelle" "Noelle">>Fuck that felt good.. I.. I need a break.<</speech>>
<div class="general">She gets up and leaves the room.</div>
<a data-passage="entrance"><div class="talkplayer">Let’s do something else</div></a>
<<if $fitness gte 0 and $fitness lt 15>>
<<addrnoelle 10>>
<<elseif $fitness gte 15 and $fitness lt 30>>
<<addrnoelle 8>>
<<elseif $fitness gte 30>>
<<addrnoelle 6>><</if>>
<<addenergy -15>>
<<set $time to $time +1>>
<<addonoelle +5>>
<<addtnoelle +3>>
<<set $gropenoelle to "true">><div class="general">You keep fingering her.</div>
<<speech "Noelle" "Noelle">>Oh yes, yes!<</speech>>
<div class="general">Not long after she starts to cum.</div>
<video src="images/noelle/noelleloss/livingroom/pussygrope3.webm" loop></video>
<<speech "Noelle" "Noelle">>Fuck that felt good.. I.. I need a break.<</speech>>
<div class="general">She gets up and leaves the room.</div>
<a data-passage="entrance"><div class="talkplayer">Let’s do something else</div></a>
<<if $fitness gte 0 and $fitness lt 15>>
<<addrnoelle 10>>
<<elseif $fitness gte 15 and $fitness lt 30>>
<<addrnoelle 8>>
<<elseif $fitness gte 30>>
<<addrnoelle 6>><</if>>
<<addenergy -15>>
<<set $time to $time +1>>
<<addtnoelle +5>>
<<set $gropenoelle to "true">><div class="general">Your here a pling from a phone.</div>
<<speech "Player" "$name">><i>Wait, I think that is on the phone of that girl.</i><</speech>>
<<speech "ellie" "?">>Hi, sorry I hung up the phone. But can you bring me the phone to the below address?<</speech>>
<div class="general">You read the address.</div>
<<speech "Player" "$name">><i>That’s right around the corner in these suburbs.</i><</speech>>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Go now->ellieevent3]]</span></div>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Go later|$return]]</span></div>
<<set $ellieevent2 to "true">>
<<set $ellietimer to 0>><div class="general">You arrive at the address.</div>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Well let’s see if someone is home.<</speech>>
<div class="general">You ring the doorbell but there is no reply.</div>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>No-one home I guess.<</speech>>
<div class="general">Just as you are about to walk away you think you hear something coming from the backyard.</div>
<<speech "Player" "$name">><i>Maybe there is someone home after all.</i><</speech>>
<div class="general">You slowly walk next to the house towards to backyard. When you turn the corner you suddenly see the girl from the park. Naked and rubbing herself in sunscreen.</div>
<video src="images/ellie/ellieevent3/ellieevent3a1.webm" autoplay loop></video>
<<speech "Player" "$name">><i>Damn.</i><</speech>>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Continue->ellieevent3b]]</span></div>
<<set $ellieevent3 to "true">>
<<set $ellietimer to 0>><<nobr>>
<<if $ellieend is "true">>
<<speech "Player" "$name">><i>Once Ellie lived here. Now it's vacant. Nothing to here.</i><</speech>><br>
<a data-passage="suburbs"><div class="talkplayer">Let’s do something else</div></a>
<<elseif $ellieevent8 is "true">>
<div class="general">You walk towards Ellies house, but when you are close and look through the windows, you see that the house is completely empty.</div><br>
<<speech "random" "Some old lady">>They are gone you know.<</speech>><br>
<div class="general">You turn around and see some old lady standing on the sidewalk.</div><br>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Do you know where they have gone?<</speech>><br>
<<speech "random" "Some old lady">>No clue. I just know they left in a hurry. One day they where here, the next they were gone. I never knew them well, but maybe you know them better than me. That reminds me of the time when...<</speech>><br>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Alright, thank you for the information.<</speech>><br>
<div class="general">You walk away.</div><br>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Continue->ellieend1]]</span></div>
<<elseif $ellieevent7 is "true" and $ellieevent8 is "false" and $time gte 5 and $ellietimer gte 3>>
<<goto "ellieevent8">>
<<elseif $ellieevent6 is "true" and $ellieevent7 is "false" and $time gte 5 and $ellietimer gte 1>>
<<goto "ellieevent7">>
<<elseif $time gte 3 and $time lte 6 and $ellieevent2 is "true" and $ellieevent3 is "false">>
<<goto "ellieevent3">>
<div class="general">You knock on the door, but no-one answers.</div><br>
<a data-passage="suburbs"><div class="talkplayer">Let’s do something else</div></a>
<</if>><</nobr>><div class="general">After class, after everyone has left you start thinking.</div>
<<speech "Player" "$name">><i>Fuck me. I mean, of course, I knew Sarah had sex with a student and that there was a chance that I would come across him when I started working here.. But still.. The question is what now? Do I just ignore it and move on? Or should I take revenge in some way?</i><</speech>>
<div class="general">You stare blankly in front of you.</div>
<<speech "Player" "$name">><i>I’m sure that he cheated on his girlfriend by fucking Sarah, so maybe she would be in for some revenge fucking or something. But would she do her revenge fucking with me? Or should I just see if I can maybe find some other information about him.. Or am I going to act like an adult and just do nothing.. Either way, since I am a teacher here. I should have access to all the files of all the students. Maybe I can find anything there.</i><</speech>>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Check the computer->schoolcomputer]]</span></div>
<a data-passage="university"><div class="talkplayer">Let’s do something else</div></a>
<<nobr>><<if $metsarahstudent is "true" and $foundbradinfo is "false">>
<div class="general">You open the database on the computer.</div><br>
<<speech "Player" "$name">><i>Everything is in Excel? Really? For fucks sake.</i><</speech>><br>
<div class="general">You look through the list.</div><br>
<<speech "Player" "$name">><i>Found you, Brad. Let's see. Only child, devorced parents.. An adress.. Phone number.. Well, not really information that is really usefull I guess.. Now let's check </i><</speech>><br>
<div class="general">You look through the list until you found her..</div><br>
<<speech "Player" "$name">><i>Let's see, older brother, adress, phonenumber.. Once again, it's not much.</i><</speech>><br>
<div class="general">You sit back and think about it.</div><br>
<<speech "Player" "$name">><i>So basically the only women in his life is his girlfriend.. And his mom of course. His mom! That’s also an option.. I should think carefully about this.</i><</speech>><br>
<a data-passage="university"><div class="talkplayer">Let’s do something else</div></a>
<<set $foundbradinfo to "true">>
<div class="general">Nothing to see here.</div><br>
<a data-passage="university"><div class="talkplayer">Let’s do something else</div></a>
<</if>><</nobr>><div class="general">When she stands in front of you, you grab her from behind and start kissing her neck.</div>
<<speech "Sarah" "Sarah">>Hmmmm. Is this the idea you had?<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>No, I just can’t resist you.<</speech>>
<div class="general">You start taking off her dress and it falls onto the ground.</div>
<<speech "Sarah" "Sarah">>Shouldn’t we go to your new idea?<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Don’t worry, it will come soon to us.<</speech>>
<div class="general">Then you grab her hands and with a swift move you tie them together.</div>
<<speech "Sarah" "Sarah">>Honey?<</speech>>
<div class="general">With her hands tied together you push her down into a chair and tie her hands to the chair. Then you quickly bend over and also tie her legs to the same chair.</div>
<<speech "Sarah" "Sarah">>What are you..<</speech>>
<div class="general">Before she can finish her sentence you put some rubber-ish cloth in her mouth making her shut up. The whole action took less then 15 seconds and now you have a half naked Sarah tied up in a chair. Exactly as planned.</div>
<<speech "Player" "$name">><i>I absolutely nailed this.</i><</speech>>
<div class="general">Sarah looks at you with a mix of confusion, a bit of fear and, is that excitement?</div>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Well honey, this is maybe not exactly what you hoped for, but I’m sure you are going to enjoy this. I certainly am.<</speech>>
<<speech "Sarah" "Sarah">>Hhmhmmmhmhmhm.<</speech>>
<div class="general">Because of, let’s call it a gag, she can only hum.</div>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>I can’t understand a word you are saying.<</speech>>
<div class="general">Then you grab the vibrator you bought and turn it on. When you look at Sarah, you see her eyes grown bigger as you push it against her pussy.</div>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Continue->moreexciting1]]</span></div>
<<set $bdsm1 to "true">><<speech "random" "eroticagirl">>Alright, I've just the thing.<</speech>>
<div class="general">She hands you a wand vibrator.</div>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>How much would this one cost me?<</speech>>
<<speech "random" "eroticagirl">>This one is $250, I know that's quite a lot, but believe me, it will be worth every penny!<</speech>>
<<nobr>><<if $money gte 250>>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Alright, I'll take it->eroticvibrator2]]</span></div><br><</if>>
<a data-passage="mall"><div class="talkplayer">That is to much for me</div></a><</nobr>><<speech "random" "eroticagirl">>Great! Here you go and have fun with your purchase!<</speech>>
<a data-passage="mall"><div class="talkplayer">Alright, thank you very much.</div></a>
<<set $vibo to "true">>
<<set $money to $money -200>>
<<set $sextoy4 to "true">>
<<set $time to $time +1>>
<div class="general">Sarah seems to accept her position and tries to enjoy it.</div>
<video src="images/sarah/events/moreexciting/moreexciting1a.webm" autoplay loop></video>
<<speech "Sarah" "Sarah">>Hmmmmmhmmmm.<</speech>>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Continue->moreexciting2]]</span></div>
<div class="general">Sarah is clearly getting more turned on with the second.</div>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>You start to enjoy it, don’t you? Let’s turn it up a bit<</speech>>
<div class="general">Immediately you see the effect as her body starts to move and her muffled moans start to intensify.</div>
<video src="images/sarah/events/moreexciting/moreexciting1b.webm" autoplay loop></video>
<<speech "Sarah" "Sarah">>Hhmhmhmhmmm.<</speech>>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Continue->moreexciting3]]</span></div>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Hmmm, something is off about this.<</speech>>
<div class="general">You look at the food on your fork.</div>
<<speech "Sarah" "Sarah">>Yeah, I taste it too.<</speech>>
<div class="general">You look towards Noelle.</div>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>I think you overdid it with those spices you used.<</speech>>
<<speech "Noelle" "Noelle">>I didn’t..<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>The ones I saw you put in the pan.<</speech>>
<<speech "Noelle" "Noelle">>But you…<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>No worries, it’s still eatable.<</speech>>
<<speech "Sarah" "Sarah">>It’s not too bad indeed.<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>You will do better next time.<</speech>>
<<speech "Noelle" "Noelle">>I.. I guess..<</speech>>
<div class="general">Noelle stares at her plate and remains silent.</div>
<a data-passage="entrance"><div class="talkplayer">Finish dinner</div></a>
<<if $fitness gte 0 and $fitness lt 15>>
<<addrnoelle -3>>
<<elseif $fitness gte 15 and $fitness lt 30>>
<<addrnoelle -2>>
<<elseif $fitness gte 30>>
<<addrnoelle -1>><</if>>
<<addenergy -5>>
<<addtnoelle -1>>
<<addonoelle +2>>
<<set $time to $time +1>><<speech "Player" "$name">>Hmmm, something is off about this.<</speech>>
<div class="general">You look at the food on your fork.</div>
<<speech "Sarah" "Sarah">>Yeah, I taste it too.<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>I guess I overdid it with the spices.<</speech>>
<<speech "Sarah" "Sarah">>Well, it’s not too bad.<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>I think we will survive.<</speech>>
<a data-passage="entrance"><div class="talkplayer">Finish dinner</div></a>
<<addtnoelle +2>>
<<set $time to $time +1>><div class="general">You walk towards her.</div>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Do you need some help?<</speech>>
<<speech "Noelle" "Noelle">>Oh yes! Thank you so much.<</speech>>
<div class="general">You take some groceries out of her hands and help her put them in the kitchen.</div>
<<speech "Noelle" "Noelle">>Thanks for the help $name!<</speech>>
<a data-passage="entrance"><div class="talkplayer">Let’s do something else</div></a>
<<if $fitness gte 0 and $fitness lt 15>>
<<addrnoelle 2>>
<<elseif $fitness gte 15 and $fitness lt 30>>
<<addrnoelle 4>>
<<elseif $fitness gte 30>>
<<addrnoelle 6>><</if>>
<<addenergy -5>>
<<set $time to $time +1>>
<<addtnoelle +2>>
<div class="general">You walk towards her and touch her foot slightly with your own foot. It’s not hard, but hard enough that she losses balance and falls.</div>
<<speech "Noelle" "Noelle">>Oh no, why?<</speech>>
<div class="general">All the groceries fall on the ground and several things break.</div>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Oof that’s a big mess you made and is going to be a bitch to clean all that up.<</speech>>
<div class="general">Noelle has tears in her eyes as you walk off with a grin on your face.</div>
<a data-passage="entrance"><div class="talkplayer">Let’s do something else</div></a>
<<if $fitness gte 0 and $fitness lt 15>>
<<addrnoelle -3>>
<<elseif $fitness gte 15 and $fitness lt 30>>
<<addrnoelle -2>>
<<elseif $fitness gte 30>>
<<addrnoelle -1>><</if>>
<<addenergy -5>>
<<set $time to $time +1>>
<<addtnoelle -1>>
<<addfnoelle +2>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>No, sorry, I haven't seen it.<</speech>>
<<speech "Noelle" "Noelle">>Oh ok.<</speech>>
<div class="general">Noelle leaves the room.</div>
<a data-passage="entrance"><div class="talkplayer">Let’s do something else</div></a>
<<set $time to $time +1>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>No, I haven’t seen it, but I can help you look if you want.<</speech>>
<<speech "Noelle" "Noelle">>Really? Thank you so much!<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">><i>Let’s see if I can find it.</i><</speech>>
<img src="images/noelle/noelleloss/livingroom/livingroom2.jpg" usemap="#image_map">
<map name="image_map" width="100%" height="100%" >
<area coords="1813,831,1909,905" shape="rect" data-passage="livnoelleev2succes" tabindex="0" />
<<timed 3s>>
<<next>><<goto "livnoelleev2fail">>
<</silently>><<speech "Player" "$name">>Yeah, I think I saw it laying in the bathroom upstairs.<</speech>>
<<speech "Noelle" "Noelle">>The bathroom? That’s odd.<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Well, I’m pretty sure I saw it there.<</speech>>
<<speech "Noelle" "Noelle">>Well, I will take a look. Wait, isn’t Sarah in there now?<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>No, I just saw her in our bedroom, she has finished showering.<</speech>>
<<speech "Noelle" "Noelle">>Well, in that case, I’ll see if it’s there.<</speech>>
<div class="general">You hear Noelle go upstairs, she opens the bathroom door and..</div>
<<speech "Sarah" "Sarah">>NOELLE!! WHAT THE FUCK!! YOU CAN’T JUST WALK IN!!<</speech>>
<div class="general">You hear a door close and then another one as well.</div>
<<speech "Player" "$name">><i>Huh, guess she saw more then just Sarah naked.</i><</speech>>
<a data-passage="entrance"><div class="talkplayer">Let’s do something else</div></a>
<<if $fitness gte 0 and $fitness lt 15>>
<<addrnoelle -5>>
<<elseif $fitness gte 15 and $fitness lt 30>>
<<addrnoelle -4>>
<<elseif $fitness gte 30>>
<<addrnoelle -3>><</if>>
<<addenergy -5>>
<<set $time to $time +1>>
<<addtnoelle -1>>
<<addonoelle +1>>
<<addfnoelle +3>>$time
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Ah, look here it is!<</speech>>
<<speech "Noelle" "Noelle">>Really? Oh thank you so much!<</speech>>
<div class="general">You give to phone to Noelle.</div>
<a data-passage="entrance"><div class="talkplayer">Let’s do something else</div></a>
<<if $fitness gte 0 and $fitness lt 15>>
<<addrnoelle 3>>
<<elseif $fitness gte 15 and $fitness lt 30>>
<<addrnoelle 6>>
<<elseif $fitness gte 30>>
<<addrnoelle 9>><</if>>
<<addenergy -10>>
<<set $time to $time +1>>
<<addtnoelle +3>>
<<speech "Noelle" "Noelle">>Oh, wait I found it.<</speech>>
<div class="general">Noelle shows her phone to you.</div>
<<speech "Noelle" "Noelle">>Thanks for trying though.<</speech>>
<a data-passage="entrance"><div class="talkplayer">Let’s do something else</div></a>
<<if $fitness gte 0 and $fitness lt 15>>
<<addrnoelle 1>>
<<elseif $fitness gte 15 and $fitness lt 30>>
<<addrnoelle 3>>
<<elseif $fitness gte 30>>
<<addrnoelle 5>><</if>>
<<addenergy -10>>
<<set $time to $time +1>>
<<addtnoelle +1>>
<<if $angrymode is "true">>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>I don’t even want to look at her right now. It's probably better to leave this room.<</speech>>
<div class="general">When you walk away, you notice that Sarah is sad that you walk away like that.</div>
<a data-passage="entrance"><div class="talkloc">Let’s go somewhere else</div></a>
<<elseif $hygene lte 15>>
<img src="images/sarah/sarahangry.jpg" /><br>
<<speech "Sarah" "Sarah">>You smell terrible, go take a shower or something, just get away from me!<</speech>><br>
<a data-passage="entrance"><div class="talkloc">Let’s go somewhere else</div></a>
<<if $fitness gte 0 and $fitness lt 20>>
<<addrsarah -15>>
<<elseif $fitness gte 20 and $fitness lt 40>>
<<addrsarah -10>>
<<elseif $fitness gte 40>>
<<addrsarah -5>><</if>>
<img src="images/sarah/kitchen/sarah.jpg" /><br>
<div class="general">You enter the kitchen and see Sarah. Sarah seems to be starting with making dinner.</div><br>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Sit down and eat->eveningdinner2]]</span></div><br>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Help cooking->Help cooking2]]</span></div><br>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Cook for everyone->Cook for everyone2]]</span></div><br>
<a data-passage="entrance"><div class="talkloc">Let’s go somewhere else</div></a>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Feed her->guestlueat]]</span></div><br>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Give her a bathroom break->guestlubath]]</span></div><br>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Unlock the door->guestlockup3]]</span></div><br>
<a data-passage="upstairs"><div class="talkloc">Let’s go somewhere else</div></a>
<</nobr>><div class="general">You put the key in her lock and lock it.</div>
<<speech "Noelle" "Noelle">>Who's there? $name is that you?<</speech>>
<div class="general">You hear her standing up and walking towards the door. She tries to open the door.</div>
<<speech "Noelle" "Noelle">>What? Why won’t it open? $name? $name, please let me out.<</speech>>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Let her out->guestlockup1]]</span></div>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Don’t let her out->guestlockup2]]</span></div>
<div class="general">You open the door.</div>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Sorry, I just wanted to check if this key still worked.<</speech>>
<<speech "Noelle" "Noelle">>Oh, ok.<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Sorry if I startled you.<</speech>>
<<speech "Noelle" "Noelle">>It’s ok.<</speech>>
<div class="general">Noelle walks back into her room. She doesn’t really seem to believe you.</div>
<a data-passage="upstairs"><div class="talkplayer">Let’s do something else</div></a>
<<set $time to $time +1>>
<<addtnoelle -1>>
<<addfnoelle +2>><<speech "Player" "$name">>I’m sorry Noelle, but that’s not going to happen.<</speech>>
<<speech "Noelle" "Noelle">>Are you seriously locking me up? Why?<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>It’s just temporary until you behave better. It’s for your own good<</speech>>
<<speech "Noelle" "Noelle">>What? But..?<</speech>>
<div class="general">You leave Noelle behind in her room.</div>
<a data-passage="upstairs"><div class="talkplayer">Let’s do something else</div></a>
<<set $lockup to "true">>
<<if $fitness gte 0 and $fitness lt 15>>
<<addrnoelle -3>>
<<elseif $fitness gte 15 and $fitness lt 30>>
<<addrnoelle -2>>
<<elseif $fitness gte 30>>
<<addrnoelle -1>><</if>>
<<addenergy -5>>
<<set $time to $time +1>>
<<addtnoelle -2>>
<<addonoelle +2>>
<<addfnoelle +2>><<nobr>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">><i>Well, I guess it's feeding time.</i><</speech>><br>
<<if $nhungry gte 12>>
<div class="general">Noelle looks at you as you enter her room and looks at the food in your hands.</div><br>
<<speech "Noelle" "Noelle">>Finally food!<</speech>><br>
<div class="general">She storms towards you and tries to grab the food, but you manage to hold her off.</div><br>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Give her the food->guestlueat1a]]</span></div><br>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Make her beg for it->guestlueat2a]]</span></div><br>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Change your mind and leave->guestlueat3a]]</span></div><br>
<<elseif $nhungry gte 9>>
<div class="general">Noelle looks at you as you enter her room and looks at the food in your hands.</div><br>
<<speech "Noelle" "Noelle">>Finally food!<</speech>><br>
<div class="general">She storms towards you and tries to grab the food, but you manage to hold her off.</div><br>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Give her the food->guestlueat1a]]</span></div><br>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Make her beg for it->guestlueat2a]]</span></div><br>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Change your mind and leave->guestlueat3a]]</span></div><br>
<<elseif $nhungry gte 6>>
<div class="general">Noelle looks at you as you enter her room.</div><br>
<<speech "Noelle" "Noelle">>Are you finally letting me out?<</speech>><br>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>No, I’m here to give you some food.<</speech>><br>
<<speech "Noelle" "Noelle">>Finally, I’m starving!<</speech>><br>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Give her the food->guestlueat1a]]</span></div><br>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Make her say please->guestlueat2a]]</span></div><br>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Change your mind and leave->guestlueat3a]]</span></div>
<<elseif $nhungry gte 3>>
<div class="general">Noelle looks at you as you enter her room.</div><br>
<<speech "Noelle" "Noelle">>Are you finally letting me out?<</speech>><br>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>No, I’m here to give you some food.<</speech>><br>
<<speech "Noelle" "Noelle">>Well, that’s at least something I guess.<</speech>><br>
<div class="general">You put the food down and leave.</div><br>
<a data-passage="upstairs"><div class="talkplayer">Let’s do something else</div></a>
<<addtnoelle +1>>
<<set $time to $time +1>>
<div class="general">Noelle looks at you as you enter her room.</div><br>
<<speech "Noelle" "Noelle">>Are you finally letting me out?<</speech>><br>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>No, I’m here to give you some food.<</speech>><br>
<<speech "Noelle" "Noelle">>Well, I guess you at least take care of me.<</speech>><br>
<div class="general">You put the food on her desk and leave.</div><br>
<a data-passage="upstairs"><div class="talkplayer">Let’s do something else</div></a>
<<addtnoelle +1>>
<<set $time to $time +1>>
<<if $ntoilet gte 6>>
<div class="general">You open the door and walk in.</div><br>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>If you want, you can use the bathroom now.<</speech>><br>
<<speech "Noelle" "Noelle">>Oh, eehm ok.<</speech>><br>
<div class="general">She grabs a trashbin and walks towards the door.</div><br>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Why are you bringing the trashbin?<</speech>><br>
<<speech "Noelle" "Noelle">>Nothing.<</speech>><br>
<div class="general">She quickly walks past you and when she does you smell it.</div><br>
<<speech "Player" "$name">><i>I should probably give her more bathroom brakes.</i><</speech>><br>
<div class="general">You guide her to the bathroom.</div><br>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Hurry up!<</speech>><br>
<<speech "Noelle" "Noelle">>I will.<</speech>><br>
<div class="general">You hear the shower being turned on and the toilet flushing. After not too long she opens the door and you guide her back to her room..</div><br>
<a data-passage="upstairs"><div class="talkplayer">Let’s do something else</div></a>
<<addonoelle +1>>
<<set $ntoilet to 0>>
<<set $nclean to 0>>
<div class="general">You open the door and walk in.</div><br>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>If you want, you can use the bathroom now.<</speech>><br>
<<speech "Noelle" "Noelle">>Ok.<</speech>><br>
<div class="general">You guide her to the bathroom.</div><br>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Hurry up!<</speech>><br>
<<speech "Noelle" "Noelle">>I will.<</speech>><br>
<div class="general">You hear the shower being turned on and the toilet flushing. After not too long she opens the door and you guide her back to her room..</div><br>
<a data-passage="upstairs"><div class="talkplayer">Let’s do something else</div></a>
<<addtnoelle +2>>
<<addonoelle +1>>
<<set $ntoilet to 0>>
<<set $nclean to 0>>
<<set $time to $time +1>>
<div class="general">You open the door and walk in.</div>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>You are free to go as you like, just make sure you behave, otherwise I will lock you up again.<</speech>>
<<speech "Noelle" "Noelle">>I will be better.<</speech>>
<div class="general">You leave her room.</div>
<a data-passage="upstairs"><div class="talkplayer">Let’s do something else</div></a>
<<set $lockup to "false">>
<<set $lockupday to 0>>
<<set $nhungry to 0>>
<<set $nclean to 0>>
<<set $ntoilet to 0>>
<<set $locksarah2 to "false">><<nobr>>
<<if $nhungry gte 12>>
<div class="general">You give her the food and Noelle starts eating, well eating, she devours it.</div><br>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Well, enjoy.<</speech>><br>
<div class="general">You leave the room, when you look back, she is already almost finished.</div><br>
<a data-passage="upstairs"><div class="talkplayer">Let’s do something else</div></a>
<<addtnoelle +1>>
<<set $nhungry to 0>>
<<elseif $nhungry gte 9>>
<div class="general">You give her the food and Noelle starts eating, well eating, she devours it.</div><br>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Well, enjoy.<</speech>><br>
<div class="general">You leave the room.</div><br>
<a data-passage="upstairs"><div class="talkplayer">Let’s do something else</div></a>
<<addtnoelle +1>>
<<set $nhungry to 0>>
<<elseif $nhungry gte 6>>
<div class="general">You give her the food and Noelle starts eating.</div><br>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Well, enjoy.<</speech>><br>
<div class="general">You leave the room.</div><br>
<a data-passage="upstairs"><div class="talkplayer">Let’s do something else</div></a>
<<addtnoelle +1>>
<<set $nhungry to 0>>
<<set $time to $time +1>>
<<if $nhungry gte 12>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Ho, not so fast. You got to ask nicely.<</speech>><br>
<div class="general">Without hesitation she does as you say.</div><br>
<<speech "Noelle" "Noelle">>Please $name, please, I’m so hungry.<</speech>><br>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Hmmm, I think you can do better then this.<</speech>><br>
<<speech "Noelle" "Noelle">>Please $name, please, I'm begging you, please!<</speech>><br>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Alright alright, here you go.<</speech>><br>
<div class="general">You hand her the food and she starts eating it.</div><br>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Don’t eat to quickly, that’s bad for you.<</speech>><br>
<div class="general">She ignores your comments and keeps eating as you leave her room.</div><br>
<a data-passage="upstairs"><div class="talkplayer">Let’s do something else</div></a>
<<addonoelle +6>>
<<addtnoelle +1>>
<<set $nhungry to 0>>
<<elseif $nhungry gte 9>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Ho, not so fast. You got to ask nicely.<</speech>><br>
<div class="general">Without hesitation she does as you say.</div><br>
<<speech "Noelle" "Noelle">>Please $name, please, I’m so hungry.<</speech>><br>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Well ok then.<</speech>><br>
<div class="general">You hand her the food and she starts eating it.</div><br>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Don’t eat to quickly, that’s bad for you.<</speech>><br>
<div class="general">She ignores your comments and keeps eating as you leave her room.</div><br>
<a data-passage="upstairs"><div class="talkplayer">Let’s do something else</div></a>
<<addonoelle +4>>
<<addtnoelle +1>>
<<set $nhungry to 0>>
<<elseif $nhungry gte 6>>
<div class="general">She walks towards you intending to take the food from you.</div><br>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Excuse me, what do you think you are doing?<</speech>><br>
<<speech "Noelle" "Noelle">>Getting my food?<</speech>><br>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Aren’t you forgetting something?<</speech>><br>
<<speech "Noelle" "Noelle">>Like what?<</speech>><br>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Well when someone brings you something you want, you say certain words to be polite.<</speech>><br>
<<speech "Noelle" "Noelle">>Seriously? You locked me up here!<</speech>><br>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>I guess I will be bringing this back with me then.<</speech>><br>
<div class="general">You turn around towards the door.</div><br>
<<speech "Noelle" "Noelle">>Alright alright. Can I please have the food? Please!<</speech>><br>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>See, it’s not that hard.<</speech>><br>
<div class="general">You give her the food and leave the room.</div><br>
<a data-passage="upstairs"><div class="talkplayer">Let’s do something else</div></a>
<<addonoelle +2>>
<<addtnoelle +1>>
<<set $nhungry to 0>>
<<set $time to $time +1>>
<<if $nhungry gte 12>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>You know what. I changed my mind, I’m going to eat this myself.<</speech>>
<<speech "Noelle" "Noelle">>What? No, you can’t do that!<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>I’m quite sure I can. Watch me.<</speech>>
<<speech "Noelle" "Noelle">>No, please, I haven’t eaten in days!<</speech>>
<div class="general">You turn around and leave her room again. You hear Noelle sobbing through the door.</div>
<a data-passage="upstairs"><div class="talkplayer">Let’s do something else</div></a>
<<addtnoelle -2>>
<<addonoelle +1>>
<<if $fitness gte 0 and $fitness lt 15>>
<<addrnoelle -7>>
<<elseif $fitness gte 15 and $fitness lt 30>>
<<addrnoelle -6>>
<<elseif $fitness gte 30>>
<<addrnoelle -5>><</if>>
<<elseif $nhungry gte 9>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>You know what. I changed my mind, I’m going to eat this myself.<</speech>>
<<speech "Noelle" "Noelle">>What? No, you can’t do that!<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>I’m quite sure I can. Watch me.<</speech>>
<<speech "Noelle" "Noelle">>No, please, I haven’t eaten in days!<</speech>>
<div class="general">You turn around and leave her room again. You hear Noelle sobbing through the door.</div>
<a data-passage="upstairs"><div class="talkplayer">Let’s do something else</div></a>
<<addtnoelle -2>>
<<addonoelle +1>>
<<if $fitness gte 0 and $fitness lt 15>>
<<addrnoelle -6>>
<<elseif $fitness gte 15 and $fitness lt 30>>
<<addrnoelle -5>>
<<elseif $fitness gte 30>>
<<addrnoelle -4>><</if>>
<<elseif $nhungry gte 6>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>You know what. I changed my mind, I’m going to eat this myself.<</speech>>
<<speech "Noelle" "Noelle">>What? No, you can’t do that!<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>I’m quite sure I can. Watch me.<</speech>>
<div class="general">You turn around and leave her room again.</div>
<a data-passage="upstairs"><div class="talkplayer">Let’s do something else</div></a>
<<addtnoelle -1>>
<<addonoelle +1>>
<<if $fitness gte 0 and $fitness lt 15>>
<<addrnoelle -5>>
<<elseif $fitness gte 15 and $fitness lt 30>>
<<addrnoelle -4>>
<<elseif $fitness gte 30>>
<<addrnoelle -3>><</if>>
<<set $time to $time +1>>
<<nobr>><<nobr>><<switch random(4)>>
<<case 1>>
<img src="images/player/kitchen/dinner/dinner1.jpg" />
<<case 2>>
<img src="images/player/kitchen/dinner/dinner2.jpg" />
<<case 3>>
<img src="images/player/kitchen/dinner/dinner3.jpg" />
<<case 4>>
<img src="images/player/kitchen/dinner/dinner4.jpg" />
<img src="images/player/kitchen/dinner/dinner5.jpg" />
<div class="general">You sit down and eat the dinner prepared for you.</div><br>
<<if $locksarah is "true">>
<<speech "Sarah" "Sarah">>Noelle is still locked up?<</speech>><br>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Yes, she is.<</speech>><br>
<<speech "Sarah" "Sarah">>Alright.<</speech>><br>
<a data-passage="entrance"><div class="talkplayer">Finish dinner</div></a>
<<speech "Sarah" "Sarah">>So, where is Noelle?<</speech>><br>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>I locked her up in her room.<</speech>><br>
<<speech "Sarah" "Sarah">>Any reason why?<</speech>><br>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>She needs to learn her place.<</speech>><br>
<<speech "Sarah" "Sarah">>Can't argue with that.<</speech>><br>
<a data-passage="entrance"><div class="talkplayer">Finish dinner</div></a><</if>>
<<addenergy 50>>
<<set $time to $time +1>>
<</nobr>><<nobr>><<switch random(4)>>
<<case 1>>
<img src="images/player/kitchen/dinner/makingdinner1.jpg" />
<<case 2>>
<img src="images/player/kitchen/dinner/makingdinner2.jpg" />
<<case 3>>
<img src="images/player/kitchen/dinner/makingdinner3.jpg" />
<<case 4>>
<img src="images/player/kitchen/dinner/makingdinner4.jpg" />
<img src="images/player/kitchen/dinner/makingdinner5.jpg" />
<div class="general">You help making dinner, which is appreciated.</div><br>
<<if $locksarah is "true">>
<<speech "Sarah" "Sarah">>Noelle is still locked up?<</speech>><br>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Yes, she is.<</speech>><br>
<<speech "Sarah" "Sarah">>Alright.<</speech>><br>
<a data-passage="entrance"><div class="talkplayer">Finish dinner</div></a>
<<speech "Sarah" "Sarah">>So, where is Noelle?<</speech>><br>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>I locked her up in her room.<</speech>><br>
<<speech "Sarah" "Sarah">>Any reason why?<</speech>><br>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>She needs to learn her place.<</speech>><br>
<<speech "Sarah" "Sarah">>Can't argue with that.<</speech>><br>
<a data-passage="entrance"><div class="talkplayer">Finish dinner</div></a><</if>>
<<addenergy 50>>
<<set $time to $time +1>>
<<addhygene -10>>
<<if $fitness gte 0 and $fitness lt 20>>
<<addrsarah 2>>
<<elseif $fitness gte 20 and $fitness lt 40>>
<<addrsarah 4>>
<<elseif $fitness gte 40>>
<<addrsarah 6>><</if>>
<</nobr>><<nobr>><<nobr>><<switch random(1,4)>>
<<case 1>>
<img src="images/player/kitchen/dinner/makingdinner1.jpg" />
<<case 2>>
<img src="images/player/kitchen/dinner/makingdinner2.jpg" />
<<case 3>>
<img src="images/player/kitchen/dinner/makingdinner3.jpg" />
<<case 4>>
<img src="images/player/kitchen/dinner/makingdinner4.jpg" />
<div class="general">You make dinner for everyone, which is appreciated.</div><br>
<<if $locksarah is "true">>
<<speech "Sarah" "Sarah">>Noelle is still locked up?<</speech>><br>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Yes, she is.<</speech>><br>
<<speech "Sarah" "Sarah">>Alright.<</speech>><br>
<a data-passage="entrance"><div class="talkplayer">Finish dinner</div></a>
<<speech "Sarah" "Sarah">>So, where is Noelle?<</speech>><br>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>I locked her up in her room.<</speech>><br>
<<speech "Sarah" "Sarah">>Any reason why?<</speech>><br>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>She needs to learn her place.<</speech>><br>
<<speech "Sarah" "Sarah">>Can't argue with that.<</speech>><br>
<a data-passage="entrance"><div class="talkplayer">Finish dinner</div></a><</if>>
<<addenergy 50>>
<<set $time to $time +1>>
<<addhygene -10>>
<<if $fitness gte 0 and $fitness lt 20>>
<<addrsarah 4>>
<<elseif $fitness gte 20 and $fitness lt 40>>
<<addrsarah 8>>
<<elseif $fitness gte 40>>
<<addrsarah 14>><</if>>
<</nobr>><div class="general">Suddenly Sarah calls for you.</div>
<<speech "Sarah" "Sarah">>$name? Can you come to the living room, please?<</speech>>
<div class="general">You walk downstairs and enter the living room.</div>
<<speech "Sarah" "Sarah">>Can you explain to me why Noelle is locked up in her room?<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Well, I’m trying to teach her to listen better and do better.<</speech>>
<<speech "Sarah" "Sarah">>By locking her up in her room?<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Yes, indeed.<</speech>>
<<speech "Sarah" "Sarah">>Alright… Whatever, just don’t kill her. I don’t want to go through that whole ordeal again.<</speech>>
<div class="general">Sarah leaves the room.</div>
<a data-passage="entrance"><div class="talkplayer">Let’s do something else</div></a>
<<set $locksarah to "true">>
<div class="general">You wake up and walk towards the bathroom, when you do, you instantly notice something is off. You stand in front of Noelle’s room and look at her unlocked door.</div>
<<speech "Player" "$name">><i>Who let Noelle out of her room?</i><</speech>>
<div class="general"> Sarah walks towards you right at that moment.</div>
<<speech "Sarah" "Sarah">>It was me.<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Reading my mind as always. But why, I thought you didn’t care?<</speech>>
<<speech "Sarah" "Sarah">>I don’t, not about her indeed. I don’t buy that lost memory for a second, for me she still is that cunning bitch. I don’t believe that people change with memory loss.<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>So why let her loose?<</speech>>
<<speech "Sarah" "Sarah">>Well, she started to cry a lot and to make sounds that made me uncomfortable, I couldn’t bare it anymore. Just let her out once in a while alright?<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>I’ll do that.<</speech>>
<a data-passage="entrance"><div class="talkplayer">Let’s do something else</div></a>
<<set $lockup to "false">>
<<set $lockupday to 0>>
<<set $nhungry to 0>>
<<set $nclean to 0>>
<<set $ntoilet to 0>><div class="general">You wake up and walk towards the bathroom, when you do, you instantly notice something is off. You stand in front of Noelle’s room and look at her unlocked door.</div>
<<speech "Player" "$name">><i>Who let Noelle out of her room?</i><</speech>>
<div class="general"> Sarah walks towards you right at that moment.</div>
<<speech "Sarah" "Sarah">>It was me.<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Reading my mind as always. But why, I thought you didn’t care?<</speech>>
<<speech "Sarah" "Sarah">>I don’t, as long as it doesn’t bother me. But have you smelled her and her room? I walked passed it and almost threw up. So, yeah I let her out so she could clean her room and herself.<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>I guess that makes sense.<</speech>>
<a data-passage="upstairs"><div class="talkplayer">Let’s do something else</div></a>
<<set $lockup to "false">>
<<set $lockupday to 0>>
<<set $nhungry to 0>>
<<set $nclean to 0>>
<<set $ntoilet to 0>><<speech "Player" "$name">><i>Turn around Noelle.</i><</speech>>
<div class="general">Hesitant she turns around, but she also looks back at how you are stroking your dick..</div>
<img src="images/noelle/noelleloss/livingroom/noellestrip2.jpg" />
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Hmmmm, yes.<</speech>>
<div class="general">The combination of Noelle standing naked in front of you and the memories put you over the edge and you start humming right in front of Noelle.</div>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Fuck that felt good..<</speech>>
<div class="general">Once you finished, Noelle quickly grabs her clothes and leaves the room.</div>
<a data-passage="entrance"><div class="talkplayer">Let’s do something else</div></a>
<<if $fitness gte 0 and $fitness lt 15>>
<<addrnoelle -3>>
<<elseif $fitness gte 15 and $fitness lt 30>>
<<addrnoelle -2>>
<<elseif $fitness gte 30>>
<<addrnoelle -1>><</if>>
<<addenergy -15>>
<<addhygene -10>>
<<set $time to $time +1>>
<<addtnoelle -1>>
<<addonoelle +2>>
<<addfnoelle +2>>
<div class="general">While making dessert, you get an idea. You whip out your dick and quickly start to jerk off over Noelle's desert. It doesn't take long before you start cumming.</div>
<img src="images/noelle/noelleloss/kitchen/cumnfood.webp" />
<<speech "Player" "$name">><i>Now that is a cream pie.</i><</speech>>
<div class="general">You cover the cum with some whipped cream and give it to Noelle. Noelle starts to eat it and immodestly looks a bit troubled.</div>
<<speech "Noelle" "Noelle">>What is in this?<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>I don’t know, it’s just a regular chocolate pie with some whipped cream <</speech>>
<<speech "Noelle" "Noelle">>I don’t know, it tastes familiar, but I can’t place what it is..<</speech>>
<<speech "Sarah" "Sarah">>Tastes normal to me.<</speech>>
<<speech "Noelle" "Noelle">>Well most of it tastes very good indeed.<</speech>>
<div class="general">Suddenly you see Noelle’s eyes widen as if she realizes what it is. She looks at you and then looks down embarrassed, but she does keep eating.</div>
<a data-passage="entrance"><div class="talkplayer">Let’s do something else</div></a>
<<if $fitness gte 0 and $fitness lt 15>>
<<addrnoelle -5>>
<<elseif $fitness gte 15 and $fitness lt 30>>
<<addrnoelle -4>>
<<elseif $fitness gte 30>>
<<addrnoelle -3>><</if>>
<<addenergy -5>>
<<addonoelle +2>>
<<addfnoelle +2>>
<<set $time to $time +1>><div class="general">You grab a towel and give it to Noelle.</div>
<<speech "Noelle" "Noelle">>Thanks $name!<</speech>>
<div class="general">She smiles at you and dries herself before she leaves.</div>
<a data-passage="garden"><div class="talkplayer">Let’s do something else</div></a>
<<if $fitness gte 0 and $fitness lt 15>>
<<addrnoelle 3>>
<<elseif $fitness gte 15 and $fitness lt 30>>
<<addrnoelle 4>>
<<elseif $fitness gte 30>>
<<addrnoelle 5>><</if>>
<<addenergy -5>>
<<set $time to $time +1>>
<<addtnoelle +2>><div class="general">You walk towards Noelle, who is climbing out of the pool and without warning you push her back in.</div>
<<speech "Noelle" "Noelle">>He!<</speech>>
<div class="general">She tries to get out again and you push her back in again.</div>
<<speech "Noelle" "Noelle">>$name! Let me out! It’s not funny!<</speech>>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Let her out->poollosspush1a]]</span></div>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Keep pushing her->poollosspush2a]]</span></div>
<div class="general">You stop pushing her and let her out.</div>
<<speech "Noelle" "Noelle">>Not cool $name!<</speech>>
<div class="general">Noelle grabs her towel and leaves.</div>
<a data-passage="garden"><div class="talkplayer">Let’s do something else</div></a>
<<if $fitness gte 0 and $fitness lt 15>>
<<addrnoelle -4>>
<<elseif $fitness gte 15 and $fitness lt 30>>
<<addrnoelle -3>>
<<elseif $fitness gte 30>>
<<addrnoelle -2>><</if>>
<<addenergy -5>>
<<set $time to $time +1>>
<<addtnoelle -1>>
<<addfnoelle +2>><div class="general">She tries to get out again and you push her back again..</div>
<<speech "Noelle" "Noelle">>$name!<</speech>>
<div class="general">And again Noelle tries to get out and you push her back in.</div>
<<speech "Noelle" "Noelle">>$name! Please! Please let me out!<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">><i>That’s what we wanted to hear.</i><</speech>>
<<speech "Noelle" "Noelle">>You stop pushing her back in. Noelle gets out, grabs her towel, and leaves.<</speech>>
<a data-passage="garden"><div class="talkplayer">Let’s do something else</div></a>
<<if $fitness gte 0 and $fitness lt 15>>
<<addrnoelle -5>>
<<elseif $fitness gte 15 and $fitness lt 30>>
<<addrnoelle -4>>
<<elseif $fitness gte 30>>
<<addrnoelle -3>><</if>>
<<addenergy -5>>
<<set $time to $time +1>>
<<addtnoelle -2>>
<<addonoelle +2>>
<<addfnoelle +4>><<nobr>>
<<if $fnoelle gte $rnoelle / 2>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>How about I make you some lunch?<</speech>><br>
<<speech "Noelle" "Noelle">>Ok, I guess we can do that.<</speech>><br>
<div class="general">She says yes, but it doesn’t look like she really wants this, it looks like she says it more out of fear.</div><br>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Well, let’s make something.<</speech>><br>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Continue->gardenluch2a]]</span></div>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>How about I make you some lunch?<</speech>><br>
<<speech "Noelle" "Noelle">>That would be lovely.<</speech>><br>
<<speech "Player" "$name">><i>That was enthusiastic.</i><</speech>><br>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Continue->gardenluch3a]]</span></div>
<</nobr>><div class="general">You actually make a proper attempt at a good lunch and set it up outside on the terrace. Then you invite Noelle outside.</div>
<<speech "Noelle" "Noelle">>Oh, eehm, I didn’t expect this..<</speech>>
<div class="general">Noelle looks, still surprised, at the extensive lunch you made.</div>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Invite her to eat->gardenluch2b]]</span></div>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Make her watch you eat->gardenluch2c]]</span></div>
<div class="general">You actually make a proper attempt at a good lunch and set it up outside on the terrace. Then you invite Noelle outside.</div>
<<speech "Noelle" "Noelle">>Oh, eehm, I didn’t expect this..<</speech>>
<div class="general">Noelle looks, still surprised, at the extensive lunch you made.</div>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Invite her to eat->gardenluch2b]]</span></div><<speech "Player" "$name">>Well, sit down and dig in.<</speech>>
<div class="general">Still a bit hesitant, Noelle sits down. Once she sees you eating your own food she starts to eat as well.</div>
<<speech "Noelle" "Noelle">>This is actually really good.<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Well, I’m not completely useless.<</speech>>
<div class="general">You both enjoy lunch together.</div>
<a data-passage="garden"><div class="talkplayer">Let’s do something else</div></a>
<<if $fitness gte 0 and $fitness lt 15>>
<<addrnoelle 3>>
<<elseif $fitness gte 15 and $fitness lt 30>>
<<addrnoelle 5>>
<<elseif $fitness gte 30>>
<<addrnoelle 7>><</if>>
<<addenergy -5>>
<<set $time to $time +1>>
<<addtnoelle +2>>
<<addfnoelle -1>><<speech "Player" "$name">>Why don’t you sit down.<</speech>>
<div class="general">Noelle sits down.</div>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Good, now you can watch me eat.<</speech>>
<<speech "Noelle" "Noelle">>Wha… What?<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>You didn’t think any of this was for you right?<</speech>>
<<speech "Noelle" "Noelle">>Well.. I…<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Didn’t you bring anything for yourself?<</speech>>
<div class="general">Noelle watches as you eat.</div>
<<speech "Noelle" "Noelle">>I… This…<</speech>>
<div class="general">She stands up and leaves.</div>
<a data-passage="garden"><div class="talkplayer">Finish your lunch</div></a>
<<if $fitness gte 0 and $fitness lt 15>>
<<addrnoelle -5>>
<<elseif $fitness gte 15 and $fitness lt 30>>
<<addrnoelle -4>>
<<elseif $fitness gte 30>>
<<addrnoelle -3>><</if>>
<<addenergy -5>>
<<set $time to $time +1>>
<<addtnoelle -1>>
<<addonoelle +1>>
<<addfnoelle +2>><<nobr>>
<<if $feartr is "true" and $noellelossfirstrape is "false" or $fearob is "true" and $noellelossfirstrape is "false">>
<div class="general">You start roaming around her body with your hands and take off her shirt.</div><br>
<<speech "Noelle" "Noelle">>Please stop that. You can’t just do that.<</speech>><br>
<div class="general">Noelle gets up and leaves. You get up and follow her. When you enter the living room you grab her and make her face you.</div><br>
<<if $feartr is "true">>
<a data-passage="noellelossfirstrape1"><div class="talkplayer">Continue</div></a>
<<elseif $fearob is "true">>
<a data-passage="noellelossfirstrapeob1"><div class="talkplayer">Continue</div></a>
<div class="general"> You start roaming around her body with your hands.</div><br>
<div class="general">Noelle gets up and leaves.</div><br>
<a data-passage="garden"><div class="talkplayer">Let’s do something else</div></a>
<<set $time to $time +1>>
<<if $relationtr is "true" and $noellelossfirsttime is "false" or $relationob is "true" and $noellelossfirsttime is "false">>
<div class="general">You start roaming around her body with your hands.</div><br>
<<speech "Noelle" "Noelle">>Hmmm, I would love to continue, but we really shouldn’t.<</speech>><br>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Why not?<</speech>><br>
<<speech "Noelle" "Noelle">>Well, what about Sarah? I don’t think I’m the type who cheats or who makes a married man cheat.<</speech>><br>
<<speech "Player" "$name">><i>If she only knew</i><</speech>><br>
<div class="general">You focus back on Noelle.</div><br>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Don’t worry, Sarah is ok with it.<</speech>><br>
<<speech "Noelle" "Noelle">>Really?<</speech>><br>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Yes, we have like an open marriage, as long as I also give her the attention she needs, she is fine with it.<</speech>><br>
<<speech "Noelle" "Noelle">>Hmmm.. Ok, I’m just not sure if sharing you is something for me..<</speech>><br>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Are you saying I haven’t given you enough attention?<</speech>><br>
<div class="general">You start kissing Noelle’s neck.</div><br>
<<speech "Noelle" "Noelle">>Hmhmm.. No, I’ve got plenty of attention from you.<</speech>><br>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Then why are we still talking about this?<</speech>><br>
<<speech "Noelle" "Noelle">>Alright, maybe you are right.<</speech>><br>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Come.<</speech>><br>
<div class="general">You grab Noelle’s hand and lead her to her room..</div><br>
<<if $relationtr is "true">>
<a data-passage="noellelossfirsttimetr1"><div class="talkplayer">Continue</div></a>
<<elseif $relationob is "true">>
<a data-passage="noellelossfirsttimeob1"><div class="talkplayer">Continue</div></a>
<div class="general">With your hands you start roaming around her body.</div><br>
<<speech "Noelle" "Noelle">>Hmmm, stop, stop! We shouldn’t do this.<</speech>><br>
<div class="general">Noelle gets up and leaves.</div><br>
<a data-passage="garden"><div class="talkplayer">Let’s do something else</div></a>
<<set $time to $time +1>>
<div class="general">When you enter the Noelles's bedroom, you both sit down on the bed and start kissing.</div>
<video src="images/noelle/noelleloss/events/noellelossfirsttime/noellelossfirsttime1a.webm" autoplay loop></video>
<<speech "Noelle" "Noelle">>So what do we do now?<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>What do you mean?<</speech>>
<<speech "Noelle" "Noelle">>Well, I haven’t done this before.. At least not that I can remember.<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Damn, I didn’t realize that. But not to worry I will help you and teach you everything.<</speech>>
<div class="general">Noelle smiles at you.</div>
<<speech "Noelle" "Noelle">>So, where do I start.<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Why don’t you take out my dick and give it a couple of licks.<</speech>>
<<speech "Noelle" "Noelle">>Licking your dick?<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">><i>Damn, it’s like having sex with a virgin.</i><</speech>>
<<speech "Noelle" "Noelle">>Alright.. I guess I’ll try.<</speech>>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Continue->noellelossfirsttimetr2]]</span></div>
<div class="general">When you enter the Noelles's bedroom, you both sit down.</div>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Kiss me Noelle.<</speech>>
<div class="general">Noelle moves towards you and you start kissing.</div>
<video src="images/noelle/noelleloss/events/noellelossfirsttime/noellelossfirsttime1a.webm" autoplay loop></video>
<div class="general">You stop kissing and whisper in Noelle’s ear.</div>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>I want you to suck my dick.<</speech>>
<<speech "Noelle" "Noelle">>I will $name, just know that I haven’t done anything like this before. At least not that I can remember.<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">><i>Damn, I totally forgot about that.</i><</speech>>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Continue->noellelossfirsttimeob2]]</span></div>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>It’s time I teach you your real place here in this house.<</speech>>
<<speech "Noelle" "Noelle">>What.. What does that even mean?<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>I want you to kiss me, right now.<</speech>>
<<speech "Noelle" "Noelle">>I.. I don’t think I want to.<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>You worry to much. I know you will like it.<</speech>>
<<speech "Noelle" "Noelle">>I.. I… I guess…<</speech>>
<div class="general">With a lot of reluctance Noelle kisses you.</div>
<video src="images/noelle/noelleloss/events/noellelossfirstrape/noellelossfirstrape1a.webm" autoplay loop></video>
<<speech "Noelle" "Noelle">>I.. We.. We shouldn’t.<</speech>>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Continue->noellelossfirstrape2]]</span></div>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>It’s time I teach you your real place here in this house.<</speech>>
<<speech "Noelle" "Noelle">>What.. What does that even mean?<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>I want you to kiss me, right now.<</speech>>
<<speech "Noelle" "Noelle">>I.. I don’t want to.<</speech>>
<div class="general">You raise your voice.</div>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>$noelle, kiss me now!<</speech>>
<div class="general">Noelle looks at you with fear in her eyes and starts to kiss you.</div>
<video src="images/noelle/noelleloss/events/noellelossfirstrape/noellelossfirstrape1a.webm" autoplay loop></video>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Good girl, next time just listen directly. Now let’s take this off.<</speech>>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Continue->noellelossfirstrapeob2]]</span></div>
<<if $fitness gte 0 and $fitness lt 25 and $arousal lt 35 or $fitness gte 25 and $fitness lt 40 and $arousal lt 30 or $fitness gte 40 and $arousal lt 25>>
<img src="images/player/misc/mood.jpg" /><br>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>I'm not in the mood for this.<</speech>><br>
<a data-passage="upstairs"><div class="talkplayer">Let’s do something else</div></a>
<<elseif $feartr is "true" and $noellelossfirstrape is "false" or $fearob is "true" and $noellelossfirstrape is "false">>
<div class="general">You start roaming around her body with your hands and take off her shirt.</div><br>
<<speech "Noelle" "Noelle">>Please stop that. You can’t just do that.<</speech>><br>
<div class="general">Noelle gets up and leaves. You get up and follow her. When you enter the living room you grab her and make her face you.</div><br>
<<if $feartr is "true">>
<a data-passage="noellelossfirstrape1"><div class="talkplayer">Continue</div></a>
<<elseif $fearob is "true">>
<a data-passage="noellelossfirstrapeob1"><div class="talkplayer">Continue</div></a>
<<elseif $noellelossfirstrape is "true">>
<div class="general">You start roaming around her body with your hands and take off her shirt. She doesn't resist.</div><br>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Good girl.<</speech>><br>
<<if $feartr is "true">>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Continue->guestnoellefeartr]]</span></div>
<<elseif $fearob is "true">>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Continue->guestnoellefearob]]</span></div>
<div class="general"> You start roaming around her body with your hands.</div><br>
<div class="general">Noelle gets up and leaves.</div><br>
<a data-passage="upstairs"><div class="talkplayer">Let’s do something else</div></a>
<<set $time to $time +1>>
<<if $fitness gte 0 and $fitness lt 25 and $arousal lt 35 or $fitness gte 25 and $fitness lt 40 and $arousal lt 30 or $fitness gte 40 and $arousal lt 25>>
<img src="images/player/misc/mood.jpg" /><br>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>I'm not in the mood for this.<</speech>><br>
<a data-passage="upstairs"><div class="talkplayer">Let’s do something else</div></a>
<<elseif $relationtr is "true" and $noellelossfirsttime is "false" or $relationob is "true" and $noellelossfirsttime is "false">>
<div class="general">You start roaming around her body with your hands.</div><br>
<<speech "Noelle" "Noelle">>Hmmm, I would love to continue, but we really shouldn’t.<</speech>><br>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Why not?<</speech>><br>
<<speech "Noelle" "Noelle">>Well, what about Sarah? I don’t think I’m the type who cheats or who makes a married man cheat.<</speech>><br>
<<speech "Player" "$name">><i>If she only knew</i><</speech>><br>
<div class="general">You focus back on Noelle.</div><br>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Don’t worry, Sarah is ok with it.<</speech>><br>
<<speech "Noelle" "Noelle">>Really?<</speech>><br>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Yes, we have like an open marriage, as long as I also give her the attention she needs, she is fine with it.<</speech>><br>
<<speech "Noelle" "Noelle">>Hmmm.. Ok, I’m just not sure if sharing you is something for me..<</speech>><br>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Are you saying I haven’t given you enough attention?<</speech>><br>
<div class="general">You start kissing Noelle’s neck.</div><br>
<<speech "Noelle" "Noelle">>Hmhmm.. No, I’ve got plenty of attention from you.<</speech>><br>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Then why are we still talking about this?<</speech>><br>
<<speech "Noelle" "Noelle">>Alright, maybe you are right.<</speech>><br>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Come.<</speech>><br>
<div class="general">You grab Noelle’s hand and lead her to her room.</div><br>
<<if $relationtr is "true">>
<a data-passage="noellelossfirsttimetr1"><div class="talkplayer">Continue</div></a>
<<elseif $relationob is "true">>
<a data-passage="noellelossfirsttimeob1"><div class="talkplayer">Continue</div></a>
<<elseif $noellelossfirsttime is "true">>
<div class="general">You start roaming around her body with your hands.</div><br>
<<speech "Noelle" "Noelle">>Hmmmm, don't let me stop you.<</speech>><br>
<<if $relationtr is "true">>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Continue->guestnoellereltr1]]</span></div><br>
<<elseif $relationob is "true">>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Continue->guestnoellerelob1]]</span></div><br>
<<if $noelleftanal is "false" and $noelleanaltr is "true">>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Anal training->noelleanaltr]]</span></div><br>
<div class="general">With your hands you start roaming around her body.</div><br>
<<speech "Noelle" "Noelle">>Hmmm, stop, stop! We shouldn’t do this.<</speech>><br>
<div class="general">Noelle gets up and leaves.</div><br>
<a data-passage="upstairs"><div class="talkplayer">Let’s do something else</div></a>
<<set $time to $time +1>>
<<if $feartr is "true" and $noellelossfirstrape is "false" or $fearob is "true" and $noellelossfirstrape is "false">>
<div class="general">You start roaming around her body with your hands and take off her shirt.</div><br>
<<speech "Noelle" "Noelle">>Please stop that. You can’t just do that.<</speech>><br>
<div class="general">Noelle gets up and leaves. You get up and follow her. When you enter the living room you grab her and make her face you.</div><br>
<<if $feartr is "true">>
<a data-passage="noellelossfirstrape1"><div class="talkplayer">Continue</div></a>
<<elseif $fearob is "true">>
<a data-passage="noellelossfirstrapeob1"><div class="talkplayer">Continue</div></a>
<div class="general"> You start roaming around her body with your hands.</div><br>
<div class="general">Noelle gets up and leaves.</div><br>
<a data-passage="garden"><div class="talkplayer">Let’s do something else</div></a>
<<set $time to $time +1>>
<<if $relationtr is "true" and $noellelossfirsttime is "false" or $relationob is "true" and $noellelossfirsttime is "false">>
<div class="general">You start roaming around her body with your hands.</div><br>
<<speech "Noelle" "Noelle">>Hmmm, I would love to continue, but we really shouldn’t.<</speech>><br>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Why not?<</speech>><br>
<<speech "Noelle" "Noelle">>Well, what about Sarah? I don’t think I’m the type who cheats or who makes a married man cheat.<</speech>><br>
<<speech "Player" "$name">><i>If she only knew</i><</speech>><br>
<div class="general">You focus back on Noelle.</div><br>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Don’t worry, Sarah is ok with it.<</speech>><br>
<<speech "Noelle" "Noelle">>Really?<</speech>><br>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Yes, we have like an open marriage, as long as I also give her the attention she needs, she is fine with it.<</speech>><br>
<<speech "Noelle" "Noelle">>Hmmm.. Ok, I’m just not sure if sharing you is something for me..<</speech>><br>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Are you saying I haven’t given you enough attention?<</speech>><br>
<div class="general">You start kissing Noelle’s neck.</div><br>
<<speech "Noelle" "Noelle">>Hmhmm.. No, I’ve got plenty of attention from you.<</speech>><br>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Then why are we still talking about this?<</speech>><br>
<<speech "Noelle" "Noelle">>Alright, maybe you are right.<</speech>><br>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Come.<</speech>><br>
<div class="general">You grab Noelle’s hand and lead her to her room..</div><br>
<<if $relationtr is "true">>
<a data-passage="noellelossfirsttimetr1"><div class="talkplayer">Continue</div></a>
<<elseif $relationob is "true">>
<a data-passage="noellelossfirsttimeob1"><div class="talkplayer">Continue</div></a>
<div class="general">With your hands you start roaming around her body.</div><br>
<<speech "Noelle" "Noelle">>Hmmm, stop, stop! We shouldn’t do this.<</speech>><br>
<div class="general">Noelle gets up and leaves.</div><br>
<a data-passage="garden"><div class="talkplayer">Let’s do something else</div></a>
<<set $time to $time +1>>
<<if $feartr is "true" and $noellelossfirstrape is "false" or $fearob is "true" and $noellelossfirstrape is "false">>
<div class="general">You start roaming around her body with your hands and take off her shirt.</div><br>
<<speech "Noelle" "Noelle">>Please stop that. You can’t just do that.<</speech>><br>
<div class="general">Noelle gets up and leaves. You get up and follow her. When you enter the living room you grab her and make her face you.</div><br>
<<if $feartr is "true">>
<a data-passage="noellelossfirstrape1"><div class="talkplayer">Continue</div></a>
<<elseif $fearob is "true">>
<a data-passage="noellelossfirstrapeob1"><div class="talkplayer">Continue</div></a>
<div class="general"> You start roaming around her body with your hands.</div><br>
<div class="general">Noelle gets up and leaves.</div><br>
<a data-passage="garden"><div class="talkplayer">Let’s do something else</div></a>
<<set $time to $time +1>>
<<if $relationtr is "true" and $noellelossfirsttime is "false" or $relationob is "true" and $noellelossfirsttime is "false">>
<div class="general">You start roaming around her body with your hands.</div><br>
<<speech "Noelle" "Noelle">>Hmmm, I would love to continue, but we really shouldn’t.<</speech>><br>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Why not?<</speech>><br>
<<speech "Noelle" "Noelle">>Well, what about Sarah? I don’t think I’m the type who cheats or who makes a married man cheat.<</speech>><br>
<<speech "Player" "$name">><i>If she only knew</i><</speech>><br>
<div class="general">You focus back on Noelle.</div><br>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Don’t worry, Sarah is ok with it.<</speech>><br>
<<speech "Noelle" "Noelle">>Really?<</speech>><br>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Yes, we have like an open marriage, as long as I also give her the attention she needs, she is fine with it.<</speech>><br>
<<speech "Noelle" "Noelle">>Hmmm.. Ok, I’m just not sure if sharing you is something for me..<</speech>><br>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Are you saying I haven’t given you enough attention?<</speech>><br>
<div class="general">You start kissing Noelle’s neck.</div><br>
<<speech "Noelle" "Noelle">>Hmhmm.. No, I’ve got plenty of attention from you.<</speech>><br>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Then why are we still talking about this?<</speech>><br>
<<speech "Noelle" "Noelle">>Alright, maybe you are right.<</speech>><br>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Come.<</speech>><br>
<div class="general">You grab Noelle’s hand and lead her to her room..</div><br>
<<if $relationtr is "true">>
<a data-passage="noellelossfirsttimetr1"><div class="talkplayer">Continue</div></a>
<<elseif $relationob is "true">>
<a data-passage="noellelossfirsttimeob1"><div class="talkplayer">Continue</div></a>
<div class="general">With your hands you start roaming around her body.</div><br>
<<speech "Noelle" "Noelle">>Hmmm, stop, stop! We shouldn’t do this.<</speech>><br>
<div class="general">Noelle gets up and leaves.</div><br>
<a data-passage="garden"><div class="talkplayer">Let’s do something else</div></a>
<<set $time to $time +1>>
<div class="general">You decide to pick up.</div>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Hi Sabina.<</speech>>
<<speech "random" "?">>Hi.. Ehm I’m not Sabina. My name is Paige, I work at the local bar.<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Hi Paige, why do you have Sabina’s phone?<</speech>>
<<speech "paige" "Paige">>So I am calling because this woman, Sabina was it? She has left her phone at the bar.<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Alright, I’ll come over to pick it up.<</speech>>
<<speech "paige" "Paige">>Alright, but that’s not all. She was in very bad shape. She was shouting and crying and she looked very drunk. After a while, we had to kick her out.<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Oh, ok.<</speech>>
<<speech "paige" "Paige">>I’m quite worried about her. But my boss insisted to kick her out.. I feel so guilty.<</speech>>
<div class="general">Paige actually sounds like she feels guilty.</div>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>I’m on my way!<</speech>>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Go to the bar->copevent6a]]</span></div>
<div class="general">Not much later you enter the bar. Once you enter a girl walks towards you.</div>
<<speech "paige" "Paige">>Are you the guy who is here for Sabina?<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Hi, yes I am, any more news?<</speech>>
<<speech "paige" "Paige">>No, all I can say is that she hasn’t returned here.<</speech>>
<div class="general">She gives you the phone.</div>
<<speech "paige" "Paige">>I hope you find her because she was in really bad shape.<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>How did you get into her phone.?<</speech>>
<<speech "paige" "Paige">>Well, you are her emergency contact.<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">><i>I am her emergency contact? Does that mean I'm like her best friend or person she trusts the most? That would be a bit sad on it's own to be honest.</i><</speech>>
<<speech "paige" "Paige">>So are you going to look for her?<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Yes, I am, any ideas where I should look?<</speech>>
<<speech "paige" "Paige">>Well, you have the nightclub around the corner, the striplcub.. That's all I know.<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Well, let's hope she left some clues.<</speech>>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Look for Sabina->copevent6b]]</span></div>
<<if $stripclubss is "true">>
<<speech "Player" "$name">><i>The stripclub, because why not? And even there you get kicked out because you already wasted all your money on booze. So, hopefully, she will be at the casino now. Because then I have had every place in town known to me.</i><</speech>><br>
<<elseif $clubss is "true">>
<<speech "Player" "$name">><i>Apparently once you get kicked out of a bar you, of course, go to a club to get even more drunk. But where do you go after?</i><</speech>><br>
<<speech "Player" "$name">><i>If I was a drunk Sabina and I was just kicked out of a bar, where would I go..</i><</speech>><br>
<th><a data-passage="casinoss" class="travell">
<img src="images/travel/casino.jpg" style="max-height: 200px"></a>
<th><a data-passage="barss" class="travelr">
<img src="images/travel/bar.jpg" style="max-height: 200px"></a>
<th><a data-passage="stripclubss" class="travell">
<img src="images/travel/stripclub.jpg" style="max-height: 200px"></a>
<th><a data-passage="nightclubss" class="travelr">
<img src="images/travel/nightclub.jpg" style="max-height: 200px"></a>
<<nobr>><<if $stripclubss is "true">>
<div class="general">You walk to the casino.</div><br>
<<speech "Player" "$name">><i>No clue what she would be doing here, but it’s my last option I guess.</i><</speech>><br>
<div class="general">You enter the casino and walk toward the security guard.</div><br>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Hi, excuse me, I’m looking for this woman.<</speech>><br>
<<speech "random" "security guard">>Finally, you took your time, follow me please.<</speech>><br>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>She is here?<</speech>><br>
<<speech "random" "security guard">>Yes, she came in completely wasted and started to be loud and, let’s say, very annoying from the start. So we had to detain her.<</speech>><br>
<div class="general">You follow the guard and enter a back room.</div><br>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Continue->copevent6c]]</span></div>
<div class="general">You walk to the casino.</div><br>
<<speech "Player" "$name">><i>No clue what she would be doing here.</i><</speech>><br>
<div class="general">You enter the casino and walk toward the security guard.</div><br>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Hi, excuse me, I’m looking for this woman.<</speech>><br>
<div class="general">The security guard takes a good look.</div><br>
<<speech "random" "security guard">>Sorry haven't seen her.<</speech>><br>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Well alright then, thanks anyway.<</speech>><br>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Continue your search->copevent6b]]</span></div>
<<set $searchsabina to $searchsabina +1>>
<<if $searchsabina lte 1>>
<div class="general">You enter the bar and walk to Paige.</div>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Hi Paige, has she been back here?<</speech>>
<<speech "paige" "Paige">>Are you drunk? You just left here.<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Ah yes, of course<</speech>>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Continue your search->copevent6b]]</span></div>
<div class="general">You enter the bar and walk to Paige.</div>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Hi Paige, has she been back here?<</speech>>
<<speech "paige" "Paige">>No, she hasn't been back here.<</speech>>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Continue your search->copevent6b]]</span></div>
<<set $searchsabina to $searchsabina +1>><<nobr>><<if $clubss is "true">>
<<speech "Player" "$name">><i>I’ve already been here.</i><</speech>><br>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Continue your search->copevent6b]]</span></div>
<div class="general">You walk towards the nightclub.</div><br>
<<speech "Player" "$name">><i>Damn, that’s a long line, well I’m not going to wait.</i><</speech>><br>
<div class="general">You walk towards the bouncer.</div><br>
<<speech "random" "bouncer">>Get back in line sir, you are not special, you have to follow the rules like anyone else.<</speech>><br>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>I don’t want to get in, I’m looking for a woman.<</speech>><br>
<<speech "random" "bouncer">>Ha, aren’t we all.<</speech>><br>
<div class="general">You show the bouncer a picture of Sabina.</div><br>
<<speech "random" "bouncer">>Oh shit, yeah, I had to kick her out not too long ago. She was beating up some guy who, in her words, harassed her.<</speech>><br>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Well that does sound like her, any idea where she went?<</speech>><br>
<<speech "random" "bouncer">>Nah, I have been too busy managing this line to notice where she went. She was quite shitfaced though.<</speech>><br>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Alright, thanks for the info.<</speech>><br>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Continue your search->copevent6b]]</span></div>
<<set $clubss to "true">>
<<set $searchsabina to $searchsabina +1>><<nobr>><<if $clubss is "true">>
<div class="general">You head to the stripclub and walk to the bouncer in front of the building.</div><br>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Hi there, have you seen this woman by any chance?<</speech>><br>
<<speech "random" "bouncer">>Oh yes. I saw her. Cheap fucking bitch.<</speech>><br>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Excuse me?<</speech>><br>
<<speech "random" "bouncer">>She got a private dance from one of the strippers, only to find out she didn’t have any money with her. So I threw her cheap ass out of here..<</speech>><br>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Any idea where she went?<</speech>><br>
<<speech "random" "bouncer">>I couldn’t care less.<</speech>><br>
<<speech "Player" "$name">><i>Why am I not suprised she would go for a lapdance.</i><</speech>><br>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Continue your search->copevent6b]]</span></div>
<<set $stripclubss to "true">>
<<elseif $stripclubss is "true">>
<<speech "Player" "$name">><i>I’ve already been here.</i><</speech>><br>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Continue your search->copevent6b]]</span></div>
<div class="general">You head to the stripclub and walk to the bouncer in front of the building.</div><br>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Hi there, have you seen this woman by any chance?<</speech>><br>
<<speech "random" "bouncer">>No, I haven't, and a woman like that, I would have remembered her.<</speech>><br>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Alright, thanks anyway.<</speech>><br>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Continue your search->copevent6b]]</span></div>
<<set $searchsabina to $searchsabina +1>><div class="general">You enter the room and see her sitting in a chair with her handcuffed to that same chair.</div>
<<speech "random" "security guard">>Well here she is, I assume you can take her from here?<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Eehm, yes of course.<</speech>>
<div class="general">You look at Sabina and it seems like she is passed out.</div>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Is she ok?<</speech>>
<<speech "random" "security guard">>She is just asleep.<</speech>>
<div class="general">The security guard walks towards Sabina and gives her a slap on the head.</div>
<<speech "random" "security guard">>Time to wake up sleepyhead.<</speech>>
<div class="general">Sabina wakes up.</div>
<<speech "sabina" "Sabina">>Huh, what?<</speech>>
<div class="general">She is clearly still very drunk.</div>
<<speech "random" "security guard">>Well good luck with that.<</speech>>
<div class="general">The security guard leaves the room.</div>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Come Sabina, time to go.<</speech>>
<div class="general">You lift her up and with your support, you both leave the casino.</div>
<<speech "sabina" "Sabina">>Thank… you… for… getting… me…<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">><i>Fuck, I don’t even know where she lives… Wait maybe it’s in her phone.</i><</speech>>
<div class="general">You hold the phone in front of her face and you unlock it. You open her navigation app and there it is, the option home.</div>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Continue->copevent6cd]]</span></div>
<div class="general">After a short you arrive at Sabina's apartment and you enter and look around.</div>
<<speech "Player" "$name">><i>Well it could be worse I guess.</i><</speech>>
<div class="general">Sabina is still very drunk.</div>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>You owe me for that cab fare Sabina.<</speech>>
<<speech "sabina" "Sabina">>Why don’t I pay you right now?<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>It’s really not necessary.<</speech>>
<<speech "sabina" "Sabina">>Oh come on, we both know what you want.<</speech>>
<div class="general">Sabina starts undressing in front of you.</div>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>What are you doing?<</speech>>
<div class="general">Then she starts pulling down your pants..</div>
<<speech "sabina" "Sabina">>Come on Jack, let me repay you. Hihi.<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">><i>Oh shit, she thinks I’m Jack.</i><</speech>>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Let her continue->copevent6e]]</span></div>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Leave->copevent6end]]</span></div>
<<speech "Player" "$name">><i>Well, I guess I deserve a reward.</i><</speech>>
<div class="general">She keeps undressing further.</div>
<video src="images/sabina/copevent6/copevent6e1.webm" autoplay loop></video>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Continue->copevent6f]]</span></div>
<<speech "Player" "$name">><i>I really shouldn’t.</i><</speech>>
<div class="general">You hold on to your pants and start leaving.</div>
<<speech "sabina" "Sabina">>Why are you leaving, am I not good enough for you?<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>You are drunk, get some sleep.<</speech>>
<<speech "sabina" "Sabina">>Fuck you Jack!<</speech>>
<div class="general">You leave and go home.</div>
<a data-passage="entrance"><div class="talkplayer">Continue</div></a>
<<set $time to $time +5>>
<<set $copevent6 to "true">>
<<set $copevent6a to "true">><div class="general">You enter the neighborhood where Sabina lives in.</div>
<<speech "Player" "$name">><i>Damn, they really need to pay cops more. Normally I wouldn’t set a foot in a place like this. I heard that even the police don’t come here unless they have to. To think that Sabina actually lives here.</i><</speech>>
<div class="general">You continue until you reach her house.</div>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Continue->copevent6d]]</span></div>
<th><a data-passage="sabinaapartment" class="travell">
<img src="images/travel/sabinaapartment.jpg" style="max-height: 200px"></a>
<th><a data-passage="outside" class="travelr">
<img src="images/travel/outside.jpg" style="max-height: 200px"></a>
<div class="general">Sabina is not here right now.</div>
<a data-passage="outside"><div class="talkplayer">Let’s do something else</div></a>
<div class="general">Suddenly your phone rings.</div>
<<speech "Player" "$name">><i>Sarah.. That's odd, she never calls me from her work.</i><</speech>>
<div class="general">You pick up the phone..</div>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Hi honey.<</speech>>
<<speech "Sarah" "Sarah">>Hi, are you at home by any chance?<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Yes I am.<</speech>>
<<speech "Sarah" "Sarah">>Great! Can you walk into your office for me?<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Eeehm sure..<</speech>>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Continue->christelevent7b]]</span></div>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Ok, so I’m in my office, what now?<</speech>>
<<speech "Sarah" "Sarah">>Sit down behind your computer, I’ve sent you an email, open it.<</speech>>
<div class="general">You sit down behind your computer and you see the email Sarah is talking about, you click the link and your video chat program opens.</div>
<<speech "Sarah" "Sarah">>Hi honey!<</speech>>
<div class="general">You see on your screen Sarah and Christel sitting on the couch in Christel her house.</div>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Shouldn’t you both be working?<</speech>>
<<speech "Sarah" "Sarah">>Well we should, but we have something better to do.<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>And what would that be?<</speech>>
<<speech "Sarah" "Sarah">>Well, I’m here with Christel to prove that I can do what you can do.<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>What do you mean?<</speech>>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Continue->christelevent7c]]</span></div>
<<speech "Sarah" "Sarah">>Let me show you.<</speech>>
<div class="general">Sarah moves to Christel and starts kissing her.</div>
<video src="images/christel/christelevent7/sarahchristellez1a.webm" autoplay loop></video>
<<speech "Player" "$name">><i>Oh damn.</i><</speech>>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Continue->christelevent7d]]</span></div>
<div class="general">You hear Sarah coming home and after the show you have gotten, I guess you could say it would be wise to have a talk with her.</div>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Hi honey.<</speech>>
<<speech "Sarah" "Sarah">>Oh, hi babe.<</speech>>
<div class="general">She has a big smile across her face and you see she is gloating.</div>
<<speech "Sarah" "Sarah">>Did you enjoy the show?<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>I did yes, it was unexpected though.<</speech>>
<<speech "Sarah" "Sarah">>As long as you enjoyed it. But, and I know I was busy, but I didn’t notice you cumming.<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>That’s because I didn’t.<</speech>>
<<speech "Sarah" "Sarah">>Really? Was the show that bad?<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>I guess I was too flabbergasted.. But did I understand it wasn’t your first time with Christel?<</speech>>
<div class="general">Sarah blushes.</div>
<<speech "Sarah" "Sarah">>No, no it wasn’t. When we were in uni we used to share a dorm, and well.. Things happened. <</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Did you date?<</speech>>
<<speech "Sarah" "Sarah">>To be honest, I’m not sure what it was. I mean it wasn’t just sex. We could sometime just relax and make out with each other. I guess it was a safe space where we would have fun as well.<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Damn.<</speech>>
<<speech "Sarah" "Sarah">>Am I making you hard again.<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>You kinda are.<</speech>>
<div class="general">Sarah walks towards you and rubs her hand over your dick though your pants.</div>
<<speech "Sarah" "Sarah">>Do you want me to tell you what we used to do?<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Hmmmm yes.<</speech>>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Continue->christelevent7yes1]]</span></div>
<div class="general">You hear Sarah coming home and after what you saw, I guess you could say it would be wise to have a talk with her.</div>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Hi honey.<</speech>>
<<speech "Sarah" "Sarah">>Oh, hi.<</speech>>
<div class="general">She doesn’t really look happy with you.</div>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Are you alright?<</speech>>
<<speech "Sarah" "Sarah">>Just a bit disappointed that you didn’t watch my show, I set up everything and you just shut it down.<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>I just couldn’t watch it, I’m sorry.<</speech>>
<<speech "Sarah" "Sarah">>Everyone there own thing I guess.<</speech>>
<div class="general">Sarah leaves the room.</div>
<a data-passage="university"><div class="talkplayer">Let’s do something else</div></a>
<<addhappiness -15>>
<<addrsarah -35>>
<<set $time to $time +1>>
<<set $christelevent7notalk to "true">>
<<set $christelevent7talk to "true">><div class="general">Sarah slowly get’s down on her knees.</div>
<<speech "Sarah" "Sarah">>Hmmmm, already so hard.<</speech>>
<div class="general">Then Sarah starts jerking you off slowly.</div>
<video src="images/christel/christelevent7after/sarahchristellezfb2a.webm" autoplay loop></video>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Continue->christelevent7yes2]]</span></div>
<div class="general">You enter the living room.</div>
<<speech "Player" "$name">><i>Well, I have the bdsm kit, so I could put everything ready for when Sarah gets home.</i><</speech>>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Get ready and wait for Sarah to get home->bdsm21]]</span></div>
<a data-passage="livingroom"><div class="talkloc">Not now</div></a>
<div class="general">You wait until Sarah gets home.</div>
<<speech "Sarah" "Sarah">>Hi honey.<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Hi.<</speech>>
<div class="general">You don’t wait for a second, grab her and start kissing her passionately.</div>
<<speech "Sarah" "Sarah">>Hmmmm, babe.<</speech>>
<div class="general">You keep kissing her as you start taking off her top.</div>
<video src="images/sarah/events/bdsm2/bdsm21a.webm" autoplay loop></video>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Continue->bdsm22]]</span></div><<speech "Player" "$name">>Now get up, so I can undress you.<</speech>>
<div class="general">Noelle gets up without a word, and you start pulling down her pants.</div>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Hmmm, I love that ass, shake it for me.<</speech>>
<div class="general">She does as you ask, and shakes her ass.</div>
<video src="images/noelle/noelleloss/guestroom/guestfear/guestscenefear1a.webm" autoplay loop></video>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Continue->guestnoellefeartr1]]</span></div>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Get up $noelle.<</speech>>
<div class="general">Noelle gets up without a word, and you start pulling down her pants.</div>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Shake that ass for me.<</speech>>
<div class="general">She does as you ask, and shakes her ass.</div>
<video src="images/noelle/noelleloss/guestroom/guestfear/guestscenefear1a.webm" autoplay loop></video>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Continue->guestnoellefearob1]]</span></div>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Then I won’t.<</speech>>
<div class="general">You pull her top down and start to kiss and suck her nipple.</div>
<video src="images/noelle/noelleloss/guestroom/guestrel/guestscenerel1b.webm" autoplay loop></video>
<<speech "Noelle" "Noelle">>Hmmmmm.<</speech>>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Continue->guestnoellereltr2]]</span></div><<speech "Player" "$name">>Then I won’t.<</speech>>
<div class="general">You pull her top down and start to kiss and suck her nipple.</div>
<video src="images/noelle/noelleloss/guestroom/guestrel/guestscenerel1b.webm" autoplay loop></video>
<<speech "Noelle" "Noelle">>Hmmmmm.<</speech>>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Continue->guestnoellerelob2]]</span></div><div class="general">Then you start making out with her.</div>
<video src="images/noelle/noelleloss/guestroom/guestrel/guestscenerel1c.webm" autoplay loop></video>
<<speech "Noelle" "Noelle">>Lay down baby, then I’ll please you.<</speech>>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Continue->guestnoellereltr3]]</span></div><<speech "Player" "$name">>Then, I won’t.<</speech>>
<div class="general">You keep touching Noelle.</div>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>You know what we talked about last time we had sex?<</speech>>
<<speech "Noelle" "Noelle">>Eehm, not really, sorry.<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Let me show you. Here put this on.<</speech>>
<div class="general">You hand Noelle a blindfold.</div>
<<speech "Noelle" "Noelle">>Hmmmm ok.<</speech>>
<div class="general">She is a little hesitant but puts on the blindfold and there she lays.</div>
<video src="images/noelle/noelleloss/guestroom/noelleanaltr/noelleanaltr1a.webm" autoplay loop></video>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Continue->noelleanaltr2]]</span></div><div class="general">Your phone rings.</div>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Hello?<</speech>>
<div class="general">Your phone rings again.</div>
<<speech "Player" "$name">><i>Oh damn, it's that girls phone.</i><</speech>>
<div class="general">You answer the other phone.</div>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Hello?<</speech>>
<<speech "ellie" "?">>Hi… Ehm… It’s Ellie… Ehm… I mean, I’m the girl who’s phone you are calling on now.. Or who I’m calling now.. Or…<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>I get it Ellie, how are you?<</speech>>
<<speech "ellie" "Ellie">>Eeehm… I… I am ok. So.. Can I have my phone back?<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Of course. When can I bring it by you?<</speech>>
<<speech "ellie" "Ellie">>Can you come over now? You know… To… To prevent… Ehm… What happened last time.<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Sure, I’ll be on my way.<</speech>>
<<speech "ellie" "Ellie">>Thanks.<</speech>>
<div class="general">Click. She hung up.</div>
<<speech "Player" "$name">><i>Well, attempt two I guess.</i><</speech>>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Go to her->ellieevent4a]]</span></div>
<<set $ellieevent4 to "true">>
<<set $ellietimer to 0>><div class="general">Not much later you arrive at her house and knock on the door. Soon after the door opens.</div>
<<speech "ellie" "Ellie">>Hi…<</speech>>
<div class="general">She blushes from the moment she sees you and stares at the ground.</div>
<<speech "ellie" "Ellie">>Eeehm… Come… Come in I guess..<</speech>>
<div class="general">You enter her house.</div>
<<speech "Player" "$name">><i>Damn, she is so cute.</i><</speech>>
<<speech "ellie" "Ellie">>So… Ehm.. Do you have my phone?<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Yes, yes I have.<</speech>>
<div class="general">You hand her the phone.</div>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Are you ok? I didn’t mean to scare you the other day.<</speech>>
<<speech "ellie" "Ellie">>It’s.. It’s ok..<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Are you sure?<</speech>>
<<speech "ellie" "Ellie">>Yes… It’s… I… I guess… I guess I just got caught up in the moment.. With… With you watching and stuff..<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Well, it seemed like you enjoyed it.<</speech>>
<<speech "ellie" "Ellie">>I.. I did.. But.. Afterwards.. I.. I was so embarrassed..<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>There is really nothing to be embarrassed about. If you like being watched then that is ok.<</speech>>
<<speech "ellie" "Ellie">>I.. I guess..<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>And I loved to watch you.<</speech>>
<<speech "ellie" "Ellie">>You did?<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Yes. Of course, you are very pretty.<</speech>>
<div class="general">She blushes even more than she already did.</div>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>I would watch you any day.<</speech>>
<<speech "ellie" "Ellie">>Well.. I.. I did enjoy you watching me.. Maybe you can watch me again?<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">><i>Wow.. Is she serious?</i><</speech>>
<<speech "ellie" "Ellie">>If you want of course.<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>I would love to.<</speech>>
<div class="general">She grabs your hand and drags you up the stairs.</div>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Continue->ellieevent4b]]</span></div>
<div class="general">You follow her as she enters, what you assume, is her bedroom.</div>
<<speech "ellie" "Ellie">>You can sit there I guess.<</speech>>
<div class="general">She points to a desk chair as you sit down. Then she stands in front of you and starts to take off her shirt.</div>
<video src="images/ellie/ellieevent4/ellieevent4b1.webm" autoplay loop></video>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Damn you are so beautiful.<</speech>>
<<speech "ellie" "Ellie">>Thank you..<</speech>>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Continue->ellieevent4c]]</span></div>
<div class="general">Your phone rings.</div>
<<speech "Player" "$name">><i>Oh shit it’s Sabina.. This is going to be interesting and hopefully, I survive this one.</i><</speech>>
<div class="general">You hesitate for a moment, but then you pick up.</div>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Hi Sabina.<</speech>>
<<speech "sabina" "Sabina">>Hi $name, I need you to pick me up.<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Eh, yeah sure. Where are you now?<</speech>>
<<speech "sabina" "Sabina">>At the station.<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>On my way, I’ll see you in a bit.<</speech>>
<div class="general">She hangs up.</div>
<<speech "Player" "$name">><i>She sounded a bit down.. I guess that makes sense.. And no anger, so that’s a good sign for me I guess.</i><</speech>>
<div class="general">You get in your car and start driving.</div>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Continue->copevent7a]]</span></div>
<<set $copevent7 to "true">><div class="general">You arrive at the police station and Sabina is already waiting for you. When you pull up she gets in immediately.</div>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Hi, how are you holding up?<</speech>>
<<speech "sabina" "Sabina">>Not great.. They just suspended me until further notice.. Or paid leave is what they call it..<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Well maybe it’s a good thing.<</speech>>
<<speech "sabina" "Sabina">>Yeah, let’s just sit at home so I can think continuously about what happened. Just drive me home, please.<</speech>>
<div class="general">You decide not to say anything and to start driving.</div>
<<speech "sabina" "Sabina">>Oh.. And thank you for the other night. It could have gone a lot worse if you didn’t pick me up.<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>No problem.<</speech>>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Continue->copevent7b]]</span></div>
<div class="general">Not much later you arrive at Sabina her house.</div>
<<speech "sabina" "Sabina">>Why don’t you come in, I could use the company.<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Ehm, yeah sure.<</speech>>
<div class="general">You get out of the car and not much later you find yourself in Sabina’s apartment.</div>
<<speech "sabina" "Sabina">>Want a drink?<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Nah, I’m good.<</speech>>
<div class="general">When Sabina get’s back she stands in front of you before she drops down onto her knees.</div>
<<speech "sabina" "Sabina">>I need something from you.<</speech>>
<div class="general">She starts rubbing your dick over your pants.</div>
<video src="images/sabina/copevent7/copevent7b1.webm" autoplay loop></video>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Sabina I…<</speech>>
<<speech "sabina" "Sabina">>Shut up, when you let me jerk you off you didn’t complain now did you?<</speech>>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Continue->copevent7c]]</span></div>
<<nobr>><<if $time gte 1 and $time lte 6>>
<<if $zareana3 is "true" and $zareana4 is "false" and $dayt is 2>>
<div class="general">You enter the park and see instantly where the race is going to be as it is hard to miss. You walk up to the race right on time. You see Zareana ready to race.</div><br>
<<speech "random" "Announcer">>Ready, set and go!<</speech>><br>
<div class="general">All the participants start running an you see Zareana go.</div><br>
<img src="images/other/park/zareana.jpg" /><br>
<a data-passage="zareana3a"><div class="talkplayer">Continue</div></a>
<<elseif $zareana2 is "true" and $zareana3 is "false" and $zareanatimer gte 2>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">><i>Let's see if we can find Zareana and go for a run toghether.</i><</speech>><br>
<div class="general">You look around for Zareana by the dressing room she told you to come to find her.</div><br>
<<speech "Zareana" "Zareana">>Hi $name! Ready for our run?<</speech>><br>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>I sure am!<</speech>><br>
<div class="general">You and Zareana do a run together and afterwards, you do feel fitter if that’s even possible.</div><br>
<<speech "Zareana" "Zareana">>That was fun, see you next time?<</speech>><br>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Absolutely.<</speech>><br>
<div class="general">You are about to part ways when Zareana turns around.</div><br>
<<speech "Zareana" "Zareana">>Oh wait, $name! I'm having a race Saturday, if you want you.. Can come and watch. I'm pretty sure I have a starting spot.<</speech>><br>
<div class="general">She blushes as she says it.</div><br>
<<speech "Zareana" "Zareana">>Anyway..<</speech>><br>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>I'll be there!<</speech>><br>
<<speech "Zareana" "Zareana">>Great see you then!<</speech>><br>
<a data-passage="park"><div class="talkplayer">Let’s do something else</div></a>
<<set $zareana3 to "true">>
<<elseif $zareana1 is "true" and $zareana2 is "false" and $zareanatimer gte 2>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">><i>Let's see if we can find Zareana. After the last time I hope she still wants to talk to me, even though I didn't really do anything wrong. Well, maybe staying and watching her was a bit wrong.. Anyway, let's look for her.</i><</speech>><br>
<div class="general">You go to the dressing rooms and just as you walk towards them, Zareana walks out. She freezes when she sees you and tries to avoid any eye contact.</div><br>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Zareana, hi!<</speech>><br>
<<speech "Zareana" "Zareana">>H.. Hi $name.<</speech>><br>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>So.. Do you want to work out together?<</speech>><br>
<<speech "Zareana" "Zareana">>I.. I guess.<</speech>><br>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Great!<</speech>><br>
<a data-passage="zareana2a"><div class="talkplayer">Continue</div></a>
<<elseif $parkzareanaspy is "true" and $zareana1 is "false" and $zareanatimer gte 2>>
<div class="general">You look around for Zareana by the dressing room.</div><br>
<<speech "Player" "$name">><i>Hmmm, she is not here.</i><</speech>><br>
<div class="general">Just as you are about to walk away you hear something.</div><br>
<<speech "random" "?">>Hmmm, yes, keep going!<</speech>><br>
<<speech "Player" "$name">><i>What is that?</i><</speech>><br>
<a data-passage="zareana1a"><div class="talkloc">Check where the sound is coming from</div></a>
<<elseif $zareanaparktraining is "true" and $parkzareanaspy is "false" and $zareanatimer gte 2>>
<div class="general">You look around for Zareana by the dressing room she told you to come to find her.</div><br>
<<speech "Player" "$name">><i>Hmmm, I can’t seem to find her and the dressing room is locked.</i><</speech>><br>
<div class="general">Then suddenly you hear a shower being turned on and you look around.</div><br>
<<speech "Player" "$name">><i>An open window… I shouldn’t, should I?</i><</speech>><br>
<div class="general">You look at the small open window where the steam comes out.</div><br>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[I should->parkzareanaspy]]</span></div>
<<elseif $zareanatimer gte 1 and $zareanaparktraining is "false">>
<img src="images/other/park/zareana/zareanasport4.jpg" /><br>
<div class="general">You look around for Zareana.</div><br>
<<speech "Zareana" "Zareana">>$name, over here.<</speech>><br>
<div class="general">You turn around and see Zareana coming for you.</div><br>
<<speech "Zareana" "Zareana">>Where you looking for me?<</speech>><br>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Yes, I actually was.<</speech>><br>
<<speech "Zareana" "Zareana">>Well, I probably should have told you, but we always meet up at the other side of the park. There is a small dressing room there where only the athletes have a key off. We’ll pass it when we do our round. Now let’s run.<</speech>><br>
<div class="general">You and Zareana do a run together and afterwards, you do feel fitter if that’s even possible.</div><br>
<<speech "Zareana" "Zareana">>That was fun, see you next time?<</speech>><br>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Absolutely.<</speech>><br>
<<speech "Zareana" "Zareana">>Cool, see you $name.<</speech>><br>
<a data-passage="park"><div class="talkplayer">Let’s do something else</div></a>
<<addenergy -50>>
<<addfitness 1>>
<<set $time to $time +1>>
<<addhygene -15>>
<<set $fitnesstimer to 0>>
<<set $zareanaparktraining to "true">>
<<set $zareanatimer to 0>>
<div class="general">You look around but don't see her.</div><br>
<a data-passage="park"><div class="talkplayer">Let’s do something else</div></a><</if>>
<div class="general">You look around but don't see her.</div><br>
<a data-passage="park"><div class="talkplayer">Let’s do something else</div></a>
<</if>><</nobr>><div class="general">You grab the edge of the window and life yourself up.</div>
<<speech "Player" "$name">><i>Damn.</i><</speech>>
<div class="general">You look inside and see Zareana under the shower.</div>
<video src="images/other/park/zareana/zareanapark1a.webm" autoplay loop></video>
<<speech "Player" "$name">><i>She is stunning.</i><</speech>>
<div class="general">Then not much later she turns around, giving you the full view.</div>
<video src="images/other/park/zareana/zareanapark1b.webm" autoplay loop></video>
<<speech "Player" "$name">><i>Nice!</i><</speech>>
<div class="general">Then you hear people walking towards you.</div>
<<speech "Player" "$name">><i>Shit, time to go.</i><</speech>>
<a data-passage="park"><div class="talkplayer">Let’s do something else</div></a>
<<set $parkzareanaspy to "true">>
<<set $zareanatimer to 0>><<nobr>>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Available Scenes->Zareana's Scenes]]</span></div><br>
<<if $zareana4 is "true">>
<div class="journal"><s>So I met this girl, Zareana, at the bar. I saw her before at the park and after running past her like it was nothing, she was apparently so impressed that she allowed me to talk to her. She is a professional track runner, so that’s why she was impressed. She also invited me to go and run together with her at the park.</s></div>
<div class="journal"><s>I met up with Zareana in the park. She showed me where here, athletes only, dressing room is and where I can find her in the future. We had a good run. I should probably look for her at those dressing rooms.</s></div>
<div class="journal"><s>Oh damn, her body is amazing. I saw her standing under the shower in the dressing room and wow. I’m glad I did that.</s></div>
<div class="journal"><s>Wow, apparently Zareana sucks and fucks her way up. I saw her having sex with her coach for a starting spot or something. Afterward, when I tried to sneak away, Zareana caught me and she knows I saw everything. She ran off as quickly as she could.</s></div>
<div class="journal"><s>So I managed to talk to Zareana. She told me she has to have sex with her coach just to be able to start. Since she is so career driven, she won't do anything to ruin that. So for now she is going to keep doing anything she has to to make it. Maybe I can help her somehow.</s></div>
<div class="journal"><s>Zareana invited me to watch her race on Saturday, maybe I should go and watch.</s></div>
<div class="journal journalend">So Zareana was not happy since she was not the race she should have been, and earned by fucking her coach. After I found out why. Her competition, which turns out to be her sister, also fucks the coach, and apparently she fucks better.(END FOR NOW)</div>
<<elseif $zareana3 is "true">>
<div class="journal"><s>So I met this girl, Zareana, at the bar. I saw her before at the park and after running past her like it was nothing, she was apparently so impressed that she allowed me to talk to her. She is a professional track runner, so that’s why she was impressed. She also invited me to go and run together with her at the park.</s></div>
<div class="journal"><s>I met up with Zareana in the park. She showed me where here, athletes only, dressing room is and where I can find her in the future. We had a good run. I should probably look for her at those dressing rooms.</s></div>
<div class="journal"><s>Oh damn, her body is amazing. I saw her standing under the shower in the dressing room and wow. I’m glad I did that.</s></div>
<div class="journal"><s>Wow, apparently Zareana sucks and fucks her way up. I saw her having sex with her coach for a starting spot or something. Afterward, when I tried to sneak away, Zareana caught me and she knows I saw everything. She ran off as quickly as she could.</s></div>
<div class="journal"><s>So I managed to talk to Zareana. She told me she has to have sex with her coach just to be able to start. Since she is so career driven, she won't do anything to ruin that. So for now she is going to keep doing anything she has to to make it. Maybe I can help her somehow.</s></div>
<div class="journal journalend">Zareana invited me to watch her race on Saturday, maybe I should go and watch.</div>
<<elseif $zareana2 is "true">>
<div class="journal"><s>So I met this girl, Zareana, at the bar. I saw her before at the park and after running past her like it was nothing, she was apparently so impressed that she allowed me to talk to her. She is a professional track runner, so that’s why she was impressed. She also invited me to go and run together with her at the park.</s></div>
<div class="journal"><s>I met up with Zareana in the park. She showed me where here, athletes only, dressing room is and where I can find her in the future. We had a good run. I should probably look for her at those dressing rooms.</s></div>
<div class="journal"><s>Oh damn, her body is amazing. I saw her standing under the shower in the dressing room and wow. I’m glad I did that.</s></div>
<div class="journal"><s>Wow, apparently Zareana sucks and fucks her way up. I saw her having sex with her coach for a starting spot or something. Afterward, when I tried to sneak away, Zareana caught me and she knows I saw everything. She ran off as quickly as she could.</s></div>
<div class="journal journalend">So I managed to talk to Zareana. She told me she has to have sex with her coach just to be able to start. Since she is so career driven, she won't do anything to ruin that. So for now she is going to keep doing anything she has to to make it. Maybe I can help her somehow.</div>
<<elseif $zareana1 is "true">>
<div class="journal"><s>So I met this girl, Zareana, at the bar. I saw her before at the park and after running past her like it was nothing, she was apparently so impressed that she allowed me to talk to her. She is a professional track runner, so that’s why she was impressed. She also invited me to go and run together with her at the park.</s></div>
<div class="journal"><s>I met up with Zareana in the park. She showed me where here, athletes only, dressing room is and where I can find her in the future. We had a good run. I should probably look for her at those dressing rooms.</s></div>
<div class="journal"><s>Oh damn, her body is amazing. I saw her standing under the shower in the dressing room and wow. I’m glad I did that.</s></div>
<div class="journal journalend">Wow, apparently Zareana sucks and fucks her way up. I saw her having sex with her coach for a starting spot or something. Afterward, when I tried to sneak away, Zareana caught me and she knows I saw everything. She ran off as quickly as she could.</div>
<<elseif $parkzareanaspy is "true">>
<div class="journal"><s>So I met this girl, Zareana, at the bar. I saw her before at the park and after running past her like it was nothing, she was apparently so impressed that she allowed me to talk to her. She is a professional track runner, so that’s why she was impressed. She also invited me to go and run together with her at the park.</s></div>
<div class="journal"><s>I met up with Zareana in the park. She showed me where here, athletes only, dressing room is and where I can find her in the future. We had a good run. I should probably look for her at those dressing rooms.</s></div>
<div class="journal journalend">Oh damn, her body is amazing. I saw her standing under the shower in the dressing room and wow. I’m glad I did that.</div>
<<elseif $zareanaparktraining is "true">>
<div class="journal"><s>So I met this girl, Zareana, at the bar. I saw her before at the park and after running past her like it was nothing, she was apparently so impressed that she allowed me to talk to her. She is a professional track runner, so that’s why she was impressed. She also invited me to go and run together with her at the park.</s></div>
<div class="journal journalend">I met up with Zareana in the park. She showed me where here, athletes only, dressing room is and where I can find her in the future. We had a good run. I should probably look for her at those dressing rooms.</div>
<<elseif $zareanabarmeet is "true">>
<div class="journal journalend">So I met this girl, Zareana, at the bar. I saw her before at the park and after running past her like it was nothing, she was apparently so impressed that she allowed me to talk to her. She is a professional track runner, so that’s why she was impressed. She also invited me to go and run together with her at the park.</div>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Return to Journal menu->Journal]]</span></div>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Return to game|$return]]</span></div>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Available Scenes->Ellie's Scenes]]</span></div><br>
<<if $ellieend is "true">>
<div class="journal journalend">I went to Ellie today, but she was not there anymore. The whole house was empty and her number is disconnected.. Will I ever see her again?</div>
<<elseif $ellieevent8 is "true">>
<div class="journal journalend">We had sex again, she was relucatant as always, but quite easy to convince.</div>
<<elseif $ellieevent7 is "true">>
<div class="journal journalend">Well, with some help, I managed to have sex with Ellie. It was actually her first time. Maybe I feel guilty, but on the other hand, I would have done it again.</div>
<<elseif $ellieevent6 is "true">>
<div class="journal journalend">Well, we tried again and took a bit more risk and got caught. Ellie seemed mortified. I hope I can fix this.(END FOR NOW)</div>
<<elseif $ellieevent6 is "true">>
<div class="journal"><s>I finally met the girl from the park whose phone I have had for a while now. After I some awkward calls I managed to go to her house, where I caught her masturbating in the back yard. I stayed and watched which she seemed to enjoy. Even after I took my dick out of my pants. But in the end she ran into the house and ignored me. Then she called me again and I actually met het. She is a sweet, young, virgin who loves when someone watches her play with herself. So that’s what I did. We mutually masturbated and it was hot. I can’t wait for a next time.</s></div>
<div class="journal">Well, we did it again, mutual masturbation, only this time we went outside. She is a true exhibitionist, I could see that she loved it. I'm curious how far I can push her.</div>
<div class="journal journalend">Well, we tried again and took a bit more risk and got caught. Ellie seemed mortified. I hope I can fix this.</div>
<<elseif $ellieevent5 is "true">>
<div class="journal journalend"><s>I finally met the girl from the park whose phone I have had for a while now. After I some awkward calls I managed to go to her house, where I caught her masturbating in the back yard. I stayed and watched which she seemed to enjoy. Even after I took my dick out of my pants. But in the end she ran into the house and ignored me. Then she called me again and I actually met het. She is a sweet, young, virgin who loves when someone watches her play with herself. So that’s what I did. We mutually masturbated and it was hot. I can’t wait for a next time.</s></div>
<div class="journal">Well, we did it again, mutual masturbation, only this time we went outside. She is a true exhibitionist, I could see that she loved it. I'm curious how far I can push her.</div>
<<elseif $ellieevent4 is "true">>
<div class="journal journalend">I finally met the girl from the park whose phone I have had for a while now. After I some awkward calls I managed to go to her house, where I caught her masturbating in the back yard. I stayed and watched which she seemed to enjoy. Even after I took my dick out of my pants. But in the end she ran into the house and ignored me. Then she called me again and I actually met het. She is a sweet, young, virgin who loves when someone watches her play with herself. So that’s what I did. We mutually masturbated and it was hot. I can’t wait for a next time.</div>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Return to Journal menu->Journal]]</span></div>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Return to game|$return]]</span></div>
<div class="general"><strong>Crossed out</strong> means you <strong>HAVE NOT</strong> done the scene.</div><br><br>
<<if $livingatashley is "true">>
<<if $sarahproves is "false">>
<s>Sarah making her point</s>
<<elseif $sarahproves is "true">>
Sarah making her point<</if>><br>
<<elseif $goinghome is "true">>
<<if $livmovesend is "false">>
<s>Livingroom scene</s>
<<elseif $livmovesend is "true">>
<a data-passage="livmovesendgal">Livingroom scene</a><</if>><br>
<<if $kitmoves4 is "false">>
<s>Kitchen scene</s>
<<elseif $kitmoves4 is "true">>
<a data-passage="kitmovesgal">Kitchen scene</a><</if>><br>
<<if $terraces4 is "false">>
<s>Terrace scene</s>
<<elseif $terraces4 is "true">>
Terrace scene<</if>><br>
<<if $poolmoves6 is "false">>
<s>Pool scene</s>
<<elseif $poolmoves6 is "true">>
Pool scene<</if>><br>
<<if $bedmassages7 is "false">>
<s>Bedroom massage</s>
<<elseif $bedmassages7 is "true">>
Bedroom massage<</if>><br>
<<if $bedmoves3 is "false">>
<s>Bedroom fuck</s>
<<elseif $bedmoves3 is "true">>
Bedroom fuck<</if>><br>
<<if $brmovescsbj3 is "false">>
<s>Bedroom BJ</s>
<<elseif $brmovescsbj3 is "true">>
Bedroom BJ<</if>><br>
<<if $bedsleeps3a is "false">>
<s>Sleep sex</s>
<<elseif $bedsleeps3a is "true">>
Sleep sex<</if>><br>
<<if $sarahsrevenge is "false">>
<s>Cheat event 2</s>
<<elseif $sarahsrevenge is "true">>
Cheat event 2<</if>><br>
<<if $bdsm1 is "false">>
<s>Tie her up</s>
<<elseif $bdsm1 is "true">>
Tie her up<</if>><br>
<<if $bdsm2 is "false">>
<s>Tie her up 2</s>
<<elseif $bdsm2 is "true">>
Tie her up 2<</if>><br>
<<if $exhibitionist2 is "false">>
<s>Exhibitionist bus event</s>
<<elseif $exhibitionist2 is "true">>
Exhibitionist bus event<</if>><br>
<<if $neighbour1 is "false">>
<s>Neighbour scene 1</s>
<<elseif $neighbour1 is "true">>
Neighbour scene 1<</if>><br>
<<if $neighbour2prev1a is "false" and $neighbour2prev2a is "false" and $neighbour2prev3a is "false">>
<s>Neighbour scene 2</s>
<<elseif $neighbour2prev1a is "true" or $neighbour2prev2a is "true" or $neighbour2prev3a is "true">>
Neighbour scene 2<</if>><br>
<<if $neighbour3 is "false">>
<s>Neighbour scene 3</s>
<<elseif $neighbour3 is "true">>
Neighbour scene 3<</if>><br>
<<if $neighbour4j is "false">>
<s>Neighbour scene 4</s>
<<elseif $neighbour4j is "true">>
Neighbour scene 4<</if>><br>
<<if $neighbour5j is "false">>
<s>Neighbour scene 5</s>
<<elseif $neighbour5j is "true">>
Neighbour scene 5<</if>><br>
<<if $neighbour5 is "true">>
<<if $sarahsexclub1 is "false">>
<s>Sexclub 1</s>
<<elseif $sarahsexclub1 is "true">>
Sexclub 1<</if>><br>
<<if $sarahsexclub1 is "true">>
<<if $sarahsexclub2 is "false">>
<s>Sexclub part 2</s>
<<elseif $sarahsexclub2 is "true">>
Sexclub part 2<</if>><br>
<<if $watchashley1 is "false">>
<<elseif $watchashley1 is "true">>
<<if $livmovesend is "false">>
<s>Livingroom scene</s>
<<elseif $livmovesend is "true">>
<a data-passage="livmovesendgal">Livingroom scene</a><</if>><br>
<<if $kitmoves4 is "false">>
<s>Kitchen scene</s>
<<elseif $kitmoves4 is "true">>
<a data-passage="kitmovesgal">Kitchen scene</a><</if>><br>
<<if $terraces4 is "false">>
<s>Terrace scene</s>
<<elseif $terraces4 is "true">>
Terrace scene<</if>><br>
<<if $poolmoves6 is "false">>
<s>Pool scene</s>
<<elseif $poolmoves6 is "true">>
Pool scene<</if>><br>
<<if $bedmassages7 is "false">>
<s>Bedroom massage</s>
<<elseif $bedmassages7 is "true">>
Bedroom massage<</if>><br>
<<if $bedmoves3 is "false">>
<s>Bedroom fuck</s>
<<elseif $bedmoves3 is "true">>
Bedroom fuck<</if>><br>
<<if $brmovescsbj3 is "false">>
<s>Bedroom BJ</s>
<<elseif $brmovescsbj3 is "true">>
Bedroom BJ<</if>><br>
<<if $bedsleeps3a is "false">>
<s>Sleep sex</s>
<<elseif $bedsleeps3a is "true">>
Sleep sex<</if>><br>
<<if $cumslut is "false">>
<s>Cumslut event</s>
<<elseif $cumslut is "true">>
Cumslut event<</if>><br>
<<if $scheater is "false">>
<s>Cheat event</s>
<<elseif $scheater is "true">>
Cheat event<</if>><br>
<<if $exhibitionist is "false">>
<s>Exhibitionist event</s>
<<elseif $exhibitionist is "true">>
Exhibitionist event<</if>><br>
<<if $exhibitionist2 is "false">>
<s>Exhibitionist bus event</s>
<<elseif $exhibitionist2 is "true">>
Exhibitionist bus event<</if>><br>
<<if $firstanalfuck is "false">>
<s>First anal event</s>
<<elseif $firstanalfuck is "true">>
First anal event<</if>><br>
[[Return to game|$return]]<<nobr>>
<div class="general"><strong>Crossed out</strong> means you <strong>HAVE NOT</strong> done the scene.</div><br><br>
<<if $relationtr is "true" or $relationob is "true">>
<<if $noellelossfirsttime is "false">>
<s>First time since she is back</s>
<<elseif $noellelossfirsttime is "true">>
First time since she is back<</if>><br>
<<if $guestnoellereltr6 is "false">>
<s>Guestroom scene after</s>
<<elseif $guestnoellereltr6 is "true">>
Guestroom scene after<</if>><br>
<<if $noelleftanal is "false">>
<s>Noelle anal training</s>
<<elseif $noelleftanal is "true">>
Noelle anal training<</if>><br>
<<if $livtalknoelleloss4tr is "false">>
<s>Livingroom scene after</s>
<<elseif $livtalknoelleloss4tr is "true">>
Livingroom scene after<</if>><br>
<<if $terrrealationtr11 is "false">>
<s>Garden scene after</s>
<<elseif $terrrealationtr11 is "true">>
Garden scene after<</if>><br>
<<elseif $feartr is "true" or $fearob is "true">>
<<if $noellelossfirstrape is "false">>
<s>First time since she is back</s>
<<elseif $noellelossfirstrape is "true">>
First time since she is back<</if>><br>
<<if $guestnoellefeartr2 is "false">>
<s>Guestroom scene after</s>
<<elseif $guestnoellefeartr2 is "true">>
Guestroom scene after<</if>><br>
<<if $livingfeartr1a is "false">>
<s>Livingroom scene after</s>
<<elseif $livingfeartr1a is "true">>
Livingroom scene after<</if>><br>
<<if $terrfeartr13 is "false">>
<s>Garden scene after</s>
<<elseif $terrfeartr13 is "true">>
Garden scene after<</if>><br>
<<elseif $caughtevent is "true">>
<<if $suspiciousevent is "false">>
<s>Office feet</s>
<<elseif $suspiciousevent is "true">>
Office feet<</if>><br>
<<if $suspiciousevent is "false">>
<s>Office feet</s>
<<elseif $suspiciousevent is "true">>
Office feet<</if>><br>
<<if $noellespyeventbj is "false">>
<s>Noelle Club Scene (ntr)</s>
<<elseif $noellespyeventbj is "true">>
Noelle Club Scene (ntr)<</if>><br>
<<if $truthrevealed is "false">>
<s>Watching Noelle</s>
<<elseif $truthrevealed is "true">>
Watching Noelle<</if>><br>
<<elseif $firstfuck is "true">>
<<if $livmoven120a5 is "false">>
<s>Livingroom full sex</s>
<<elseif $livmoven120a5 is "true">>
<a data-passage="livmoven120a1gal">Livingroom full sex</a><</if>><br>
<<if $bathmoven160a4 is "false">>
<s>Bathroom scene</s>
<<elseif $bathmoven160a4 is "true">>
Bathroom scene<</if>><br>
<<if $kitmoven160a4 is "false">>
<s>Kitchen scene</s>
<<elseif $kitmoven160a4 is "true">>
Kitchen scene<</if>><br>
<<if $guestmoven160a5 is "false">>
<s>Guestroom scene</s>
<<elseif $guestmoven160a5 is "true">>
Guestroom scene<</if>><br>
<<if $poolshoot5b is "false">>
<s>Pool scene</s>
<<elseif $poolshoot5b is "true">>
Pool scene<</if>><br>
<<elseif $firstkiss is "true">>
<<if $firstfuck is "false">>
<s>First fuck event</s>
<<elseif $firstfuck is "true">>
First fuck event<</if>><br>
<<if $livmoven120a4 is "false">>
<s>Livingroom BJ</s>
<<elseif $livmoven120a4 is "true">>
Livingroom BJ<</if>><br>
<<if $guestmoven120a3 is "false">>
<s>Guestroom BJ</s>
<<elseif $guestmoven120a3 is "true">>
Guestroom BJ<</if>><br>
<<if $poolshoot4a is "false">>
<s>Pool BJ</s>
<<elseif $poolshoot4a is "true">>
Pool BJ<</if>><br>
<<elseif $firsttime is "true">>
<<if $firstkiss is "false">>
<s>First kiss event</s>
<<elseif $firstkiss is "true">>
First kiss event<</if>><br>
<<if $bathspyn4a2 is "false">>
<s>Bathroom masturbation</s>
<<elseif $bathspyn4a2 is "true">>
Bathroom masturbation<</if>><br>
<<if $guestmoven90a3 is "false">>
<s>Guestroom masturbation</s>
<<elseif $guestmoven90a3 is "true">>
Guestroom masturbation<</if>><br>
<<if $garmoven90a4 is "false">>
<s>Garden masturbation</s>
<<elseif $garmoven90a4 is "true">>
Garden masturbation<</if>><br>
<<if $bathspyn4a2 is "false">>
<s>Bathroom spy</s>
<<elseif $bathspyn4a2 is "true">>
Bathroom spy<</if>><br>
<<if $firsttime is "false">>
<s>First time event</s>
<<elseif $firsttime is "true">>
First time event<</if>><br>
[[Return to game|$return]]<<nobr>>
<div class="general"><strong>Crossed out</strong> means you <strong>HAVE NOT</strong> done the scene.</div><br><br>
<<if $christelevent11 is "true">>
<<if $suspiciouschristel3 is "false">>
<<elseif $suspiciouschristel3 is "true">>
<<if $suspiciouschristel2 is "false">>
<s>Combo of betrail</s>
<<elseif $suspiciouschristel2 is "true">>
Combo of betrail<</if>><</if>><br>
<<if $christelevent9a is "true">>
<<if $christelevent10c is "false">>
<<elseif $christelevent10c is "true">>
<<if $christelevent9 is "true">>
<<if $christelevent9a is "false">>
<<elseif $christelevent9a is "true">>
<<elseif $christelevent7 is "true">>
<<if $christelevent7talk is "false">>
<s>Handy plus</s>
<<elseif $christelevent7talk is "true">>
Handy plus<</if>><br>
<<elseif $christelevent6 is "true">>
<<if $christelevent7 is "false">>
<s>Let's see</s>
<<elseif $christelevent7 is "true">>
Let's see<</if>><br>
<<elseif $christelevent5 is "true">>
<<if $christelevent6 is "false">>
<s>Let's see</s>
<<elseif $christelevent6 is "true">>
Let's see<</if>><br>
<<elseif $christelevent4 is "true">>
<<if $christelevent5 is "false">>
<s>Let's see</s>
<<elseif $christelevent6 is "true">>
Let's see<</if>><br>
[[Return to game|$return]]
<div class="general"><strong>Crossed out</strong> means you <strong>HAVE NOT</strong> done the scene.</div><br><br>
<<if $copevent8 is "true">>
<<if $copevent9 is "false">>
<s>Sabina KN</s>
<<elseif $copevent9 is "true">>
Sabina rape<</if>><</if>><br>
<<if $copevent6 is "true">>
<<if $copevent7 is "false">>
<s>Sabina KN</s>
<<elseif $copevent7 is "true">>
Sabina sex<</if>><</if>><br>
<<if $copevent5 is "true">>
<<if $copevent6 is "false">>
<s>Sabina HJ</s>
<<elseif $copevent6 is "true">>
Sabina HJ<</if>><</if>><br>
<<if $copevent3 is "true">>
<<if $copevent4 is "false">>
<s>Watching Sabina (ntr)</s>
<<elseif $copevent4 is "true">>
Watching Sabina (ntr)<</if>><</if>><br>
[[Return to game|$return]]
<div class="general"><strong>Crossed out</strong> means you <strong>HAVE NOT</strong> done the scene.</div><br><br>
<<if $ashleyevent1 is "false">>
<s>First time with Ashley</s>
<<elseif $ashleyevent1 is "true">>
First time with Ashley<</if>><br>
[[Return to game|$return]]<<nobr>>
<div class="general"><strong>Crossed out</strong> means you <strong>HAVE NOT</strong> done the scene.</div><br><br>
<<if $bambisex is "false">>
<s>Bambi scene</s>
<<elseif $bambisex is "true">>
Bambi scene<</if>><br>
<<if $bambisex is "false">>
<s>Bambi scene</s>
<<elseif $bambisex is "true">>
Bambi scene<</if>><br>
<<if $bradsmum1 is "false">>
<s>In da Club</s>
<<elseif $bradsmum1 is "true">>
In da Club<</if>><br>
<<if $barhookerfuck is "false">>
<s>On the toilet</s>
<<elseif $barhookerfuck is "true">>
On the toilet<</if>><br>
<<if $noellespyevent is "true">>
<<if $trapscene is "false">>
<<elseif $trapscene is "true">>
<<if $kaylabj is "false">>
<s>After Class</s>
<<elseif $kaylabj is "true">>
After Class<</if>><br>
<<if $oliviaevent1 is "true">>
<s>1st time in the club</s>
<<elseif $oliviaevent1 is "true">>
1st time in the club<</if>><br>
[[Return to game|$return]]<<nobr>>
<div class="general"><strong>Crossed out</strong> means you <strong>HAVE NOT</strong> done the scene.</div><br><br>
<<if $ellieevent3 is "false">>
<s>Garden Suprise</s>
<<elseif $ellieevent3 is "true">>
Garden Suprise<</if>><br>
<<if $ellieevent5 is "false">>
<s>Public 1</s>
<<elseif $ellieevent5 is "true">>
Public 1<</if>><br>
<<if $ellieevent6 is "false">>
<s>Public 2</s>
<<elseif $ellieevent6 is "true">>
Public 2<</if>><br>
<<if $ellieevent7 is "false">>
<s>At home</s>
<<elseif $ellieevent6 is "true">>
At home<</if>><br>
<<if $ellieevent8 is "false">>
<s>At home 2</s>
<<elseif $ellieevent6 is "true">>
At home 2<</if>><br>
[[Return to game|$return]]<<speech "neighbour" "neighbour">>Howdy neighbour.<</speech>>
<div class="general">You turn around and see your neighbour.</div>
<<speech "Player" "$name">><i>Ah great my neighbour.. The one who keeps checking out Sarah in the garden.</i><</speech>>
<div class="general">He walks towards you.</div>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Hi there, how are you?<</speech>>
<<speech "neighbour" "neighbour">>Oh, it’s a beautiful day and well, I hope you want to make my day even better.<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>What do you mean?<</speech>>
<<speech "neighbour" "neighbour">>Well, I occasionally see that lovely wife of yours in the garden, and sometimes she isn’t alone and you are with her, and even more rare, but sometimes you… You both give away a nice little show.<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>So you are spying on us?<</speech>>
<<speech "neighbour" "neighbour">>Well, looking out of my window is not really spying is it?<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>I guess..<</speech>>
<<speech "neighbour" "neighbour">>Anyway, I’m an old and lonely man and well, I was wondering if you would be so kind to give me a nice show today.<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>What exactly do you mean.<</speech>>
<<speech "neighbour" "neighbour">>I want to watch you and your lovely wife have sex.<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>I.. I don’t…<</speech>>
<<speech "neighbour" "neighbour">>I’ll offer your a thousand dollars.<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>A thousand?<</speech>>
<<speech "neighbour" "neighbour">>Yes, you heard me right. But, I want to watch it up close, I want to be the room when you do it and I will be the director.<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>I..<</speech>>
<<speech "neighbour" "neighbour">>Just discuss it with your wife and let me know.<</speech>>
<div class="general">He gives you his number and walks back to his house.</div>
<<speech "Player" "$name">><i>I guess I have to talk to Sarah..</i><</speech>>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Continue->neighbour1a]]</span></div>
<div class="general">You walk back into the house and call for Sarah.</div>
<<speech "Sarah" "Sarah">>What’s the matter?<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Well, I just bumped into our neighbour.<</speech>>
<<speech "Sarah" "Sarah">>Really, is he complaining that he can’t see me naked all the time?<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Well.. Sort of actually. He wants to watch us have sex and tell us how.<</speech>>
<<speech "Sarah" "Sarah">>What do you mean exactly.<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Exactly as I said. He wants to watch us have sex. So he would sit down and we would have sex in front of him and he will instruct us what to do.<</speech>>
<<speech "Sarah" "Sarah">>Ok… And..<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>He will pay us a thousand dollars for it.<</speech>>
<<speech "Sarah" "Sarah">>Wow, really?<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Yeah.<</speech>>
<<speech "Sarah" "Sarah">>Well.. I that case.. Why not right. He has seen me and us before..<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>So, you want to do it?<</speech>>
<<speech "Sarah" "Sarah">>It’s a lot of money for a simple thing.. And I don’t mind being watched. Are you up for it?<</speech>>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Do it->neighbour1b]]</span></div>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Don’t do it->neighbour1end]]</span></div>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Alright, let’s do it, I’ll let him know.<</speech>>
<div class="general">You send your neighbour a text and within 5 minutes he stands in your living room with you and Sarah.</div>
<<speech "Sarah" "Sarah">>So.. Hi neighbour, eehm.. How are you?<</speech>>
<<speech "neighbour" "neighbour">>I’m good, and I know that I’m only going to get better.<</speech>>
<div class="general">He smiles satisfying. After he came in you discuss a little about the how and what.</div>
<<speech "neighbour" "neighbour">>Here, I have something for you.<</speech>>
<div class="general">He takes out a package and hands it to Sarah.</div>
<<speech "neighbour" "neighbour">>Why don’t you put this on and call us when you are ready.<</speech>>
<<speech "Sarah" "Sarah">>Oh.. Ehm.. Thank you.<</speech>>
<div class="general">Sarah goes upstairs and not much later she calls you both upstairs.</div>
<<speech "neighbour" "neighbour">>I guess it’s time.<</speech>>
<div class="general">You both walk upstairs to the bedroom.</div>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Continue->neighbour1c]]</span></div>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>I don't think we should do it.<</speech>>
<<speech "Sarah" "Sarah">>Well, then we don’t. We should be in this 100% if we do something like this.<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>I’ll let him know.<</speech>>
<div class="general">You send a message and he replies fast.</div>
<<speech "neighbour" "neighbour">><i>That’s a shame, if you change your mind, you know where to find me.</i><</speech>>
<a data-passage="entrance"><div class="talkplayer">Let’s do something else</div></a>
<<set $noneighbour1 to "true">><div class="general">When you enter the bedroom you see Sarah in a sexy outfit.</div>
<<speech "neighbour" "neighbour">>Looking good! I knew it would suit you perfectly.<</speech>>
<div class="general">He sits down and looks toward you.</div>
<<speech "neighbour" "neighbour">>Well, go to your wife.<</speech>>
<div class="general">A little awkward you walk towards Sarah.</div>
<<speech "Sarah" "Sarah">>Just relax and enjoy honey.<</speech>>
<div class="general">She starts unbuttoning your pants.</div>
<video src="images/sarah/events/neigbour1/neighbour1a.webm" autoplay loop></video>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Continue->neighbour1d]]</span></div>
<div class="general">You ring the doorbell and he opens the door quite quickly after.</div>
<<speech "neighbour" "neighbour">>So you changed you mind?<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Yes, we did.<</speech>>
<<speech "neighbour" "neighbour">>Good to hear, I’ll be right over.<</speech>>
<div class="general">Not much later he stands in your living room with you and Sarah.</div>
<<speech "Sarah" "Sarah">>So.. Hi neighbour, eehm.. How are you?<</speech>>
<<speech "neighbour" "neighbour">>I’m good, and I know that I’m only going to get better.<</speech>>
<div class="general">He smiles satisfying. After he came in you discuss a little about the how and what.</div>
<<speech "neighbour" "neighbour">>Here, I have something for you.<</speech>>
<div class="general">He takes out a package and hands it to Sarah.</div>
<<speech "neighbour" "neighbour">>Why don’t you put this on and call us when you are ready.<</speech>>
<<speech "Sarah" "Sarah">>Oh.. Ehm.. Thank you.<</speech>>
<div class="general">Sarah goes upstairs and not much later she calls you both upstairs.</div>
<<speech "neighbour" "neighbour">>I guess it’s time.<</speech>>
<div class="general">You both walk upstairs to the bedroom.</div>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Continue->neighbour1c]]</span></div>
<<set $noneighbour1 to "false">><div class="general">You decide to give her a fair rating.</div>
<<speech "Player" "$name">><i>A C+, not to bad, not good either.</i><</speech>>
<div class="general">You place her test on the pile and move on to the next one. Once you are finished you leave the classroom..</div>
<a data-passage="university"><div class="talkplayer">Let’s do something else</div></a>
<<set $money to $money +200>>
<<addenergy -25>>
<<addhappiness 5>>
<<addhygene -20>>
<<set $time to $time +2>>
<<set $englishlitclass to $englishlitclass +1>>
<<set $kaylaname to "true">>
<<set $teacherdone to "true">>
<div class="general">You decide to give her a lower rating then she deserves.</div>
<<speech "Player" "$name">><i>A F, normally it would be a C, but let’s give her a F, maybe that will get me some attention.</i><</speech>>
<div class="general">You place her test on the pile and move on to the next one. Once you are finished you leave the classroom..</div>
<a data-passage="university"><div class="talkplayer">Let’s do something else</div></a>
<<set $money to $money +200>>
<<addenergy -25>>
<<addhappiness 5>>
<<addhygene -20>>
<<set $time to $time +2>>
<<set $englishlitclass to $englishlitclass +1>>
<<set $kaylagrade to $kaylagrade -5>>
<<set $kaylaname to "true">>
<<set $teacherdone to "true">>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Damn..<</speech>>
<<speech "Noelle" "Noelle">>What?<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>You look so hot.<</speech>>
<div class="general">Noelle blushes a little bit.</div>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Every time I look at you, I just get hard spontaneously.<</speech>>
<<speech "Noelle" "Noelle">>What?<</speech>>
<div class="general">You start touching Noelle a little around her body.</div>
<<speech "Noelle" "Noelle">>Maybe I should do something about that.<</speech>>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Continue->livtalknoelleloss4tr1a]]</span></div>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Damn..<</speech>>
<<speech "Noelle" "Noelle">>What?<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>You look so hot.<</speech>>
<div class="general">Noelle blushes a little bit.</div>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Every time I look at you, I just get hard spontaneously.<</speech>>
<<speech "Noelle" "Noelle">>Really?<</speech>>
<div class="general">You start touching Noelle a little around her body.</div>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Yes, and since you make me hard why don’t you do something about it?<</speech>>
<<speech "Noelle" "Noelle">>What do you want me to do about it?<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Why don’t you start by getting onto your knees.<</speech>>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Continue->livtalknoelleloss4ob1a]]</span></div>
<div class="general">Noelle drops down onto her knees and starts rubbing your dick over your pants.</div>
<video src="images/noelle/noelleloss/livingroom/livingrel/livingrel1a.webm" autoplay loop></video>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>I like where this is going.<</speech>>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Continue->livtalknoelleloss4tr1b]]</span></div>
<div class="general">She opens you pants.</div>
<video src="images/noelle/noelleloss/livingroom/livingrel/livingrel1b.webm" autoplay loop></video>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Continue->livtalknoelleloss4tr2a]]</span></div>
<div class="general">She takes out your dick and starts to suck it.</div>
<video src="images/noelle/noelleloss/livingroom/livingrel/livingrel2a.webm" autoplay loop></video>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Show me that amazing body of yours.<</speech>>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Continue->livtalknoelleloss4tr2b]]</span></div>
<div class="general">She takes off her top and then starts sucking again.</div>
<video src="images/noelle/noelleloss/livingroom/livingrel/livingrel2b.webm" autoplay loop></video>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Continue->livtalknoelleloss4tr2c]]</span></div>
<div class="general">She keeps sucking your dick passionately.</div>
<video src="images/noelle/noelleloss/livingroom/livingrel/livingrel2c.webm" autoplay loop></video>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Come here, get up.<</speech>>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Continue->livtalknoelleloss4tr3a]]</span></div>
<div class="general">Noelle gets up and you get down and start to lick her pussy.</div>
<video src="images/noelle/noelleloss/livingroom/livingrel/livingrel3a.webm" autoplay loop></video>
<<speech "Noelle" "Noelle">>Hmmmmm.<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Damn, so wet already.<</speech>>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Continue->livtalknoelleloss4tr3b]]</span></div>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Come here.<</speech>>
<div class="general">You get up grab Noelle and place her in front of you.</div>
<<speech "Noelle" "Noelle">>Hmmm, yes fuck me.<</speech>>
<div class="general">You push your dick inside Noelle and start fucking her.</div>
<video src="images/noelle/noelleloss/livingroom/livingrel/livingrel3b.webm" autoplay loop></video>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Continue->livtalknoelleloss4tr3c]]</span></div>
<div class="general">You keep fucking Noelle from behind.</div>
<video src="images/noelle/noelleloss/livingroom/livingrel/livingrel3c.webm" autoplay loop></video>
<<speech "Noelle" "Noelle">>Oh fuck, hhmhmmmhmmm.<</speech>>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Continue->livtalknoelleloss4tr4a]]</span></div>
<<nobr>><<speech "Player" "$name">>Come here, I want you to ride me.<</speech>><br>
<div class="general">You lay down and Noelle sits down on top of you and starts riding on your dick.</div><br>
<video src="images/noelle/noelleloss/livingroom/livingrel/livingrel4a.webm" autoplay loop></video><br><br>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Ooh, yes, look at that amazing ass.<</speech>><br>
<div class="general">Noelle keeps bouncing up and down.</div><br>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Continue->livtalknoelleloss4tr4b]]</span></div><br>
<<if $noelleftanal is "true">>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Switch to anal->livtalknoelleloss4tr4banal]]</span></div><</if>><</nobr>>
<div class="general">She starts riding you faster and faster.</div>
<video src="images/noelle/noelleloss/livingroom/livingrel/livingrel4b.webm" autoplay loop></video>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>You feel so good.<</speech>>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Continue->livtalknoelleloss4tr4c]]</span></div>
<<speech "Noelle" "Noelle">>Do you want to fuck my ass?<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Yes, yes I do.<</speech>>
<<speech "Noelle" "Noelle">>I knew it, let me handle this.<</speech>>
<div class="general">She lifts herself up, grabs your dick, and slowly guides it into her ass.</div>
<video src="images/noelle/noelleloss/livingroom/livingrel/livingrel4banal.webm" autoplay loop></video>
<<speech "Noelle" "Noelle">>Oooh fuck, that is.. It feels.. I feel so full!<</speech>>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Continue->livtalknoelleloss4tr4canal]]</span></div>
<div class="general">You grab Noelle’s ass and guide her ass up and down.</div>
<video src="images/noelle/noelleloss/livingroom/livingrel/livingrel4canal.webm" autoplay loop></video>
<<speech "Noelle" "Noelle">>Hmmhmmm, that training really helped, it feels quite good.<</speech>>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Continue->livtalknoelleloss4tr4danal]]</span></div>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Let’s try to make it feel even better.<</speech>>
<div class="general">You grab Noelle and pull her backwards so she can really go up and down with your dick almost completely inside her.</div>
<video src="images/noelle/noelleloss/livingroom/livingrel/livingrel4danal.webm" autoplay loop></video>
<<speech "Noelle" "Noelle">>Oooh! Hmmhmhm.<</speech>>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Continue->livtalknoelleloss4tr5aanal]]</span></div>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Turn around, let me really fuck you ass.<</speech>>
<div class="general">Noelle gets off you, gets in doggy position, and then you push your dick into her ass again. Once you are inside her, you start fucking her quite hard and fast</div>
<video src="images/noelle/noelleloss/livingroom/livingrel/livingrel5aanal.webm" autoplay loop></video>
<<speech "Noelle" "Noelle">>Oooh fuck!<</speech>>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Continue->livtalknoelleloss4tr5banal]]</span></div>
<div class="general">You keep fucking her ass hard and fast. Noelle seems to be struggling a bit, but she takes it anyway.</div>
<video src="images/noelle/noelleloss/livingroom/livingrel/livingrel5banal.webm" autoplay loop></video>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Are you ok?<</speech>>
<<speech "Noelle" "Noelle">>Yes. You can keep going.<</speech>>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Continue->livtalknoelleloss4tr5canal]]</span></div>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Fuck, you ass is so tight, I’m almost there!<</speech>>
<div class="general">You keep fucking her ass, going in all the way.</div>
<video src="images/noelle/noelleloss/livingroom/livingrel/livingrel5canal.webm" autoplay loop></video>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Continue->livtalknoelleloss4tr6banal]]</span></div>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Oh fuck, come here, I want to cum in your mouth.<</speech>>
<div class="general">You pull your dick out of her ass and without hesitation she turns around and starts sucking your dick.</div>
<<speech "Player" "$name">><i>Oh wow, she actually just took it directly into her mouth, from her ass!</i><</speech>>
<div class="general">This thought in combination with her sucking puts you over the edge and you start cumming inside her mouth.</div>
<video src="images/noelle/noelleloss/livingroom/livingrel/livingrel6banal.webm" autoplay loop></video>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Ooh yes!<</speech>>
<div class="general">Noelle swallows a good portion of it before she looks at you.</div>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Fuck, that was amazing!<</speech>>
<<speech "Noelle" "Noelle">>Glad you enjoyed it.<</speech>>
<div class="general">She gets up and leaves the room to clean herself.</div>
<a data-passage="entrance"><div class="talkloc">Let’s go somewhere else</div></a>
<<addenergy -20>>
<<addhygene -20>>
<<addhappiness 15>>
<<set $time to $time +1>>
<<if $fitness gte 0 and $fitness lt 25>>
<<addarousal -35>>
<<elseif $fitness gte 20 and $fitness lt 40>>
<<addarousal -30>>
<<elseif $fitness gte 40>>
<<addarousal -25>><</if>>
<<set $livtalknoelleloss4tr to "true">><div class="general">You pull her towards you as she keeps bouncing up and down.</div>
<video src="images/noelle/noelleloss/livingroom/livingrel/livingrel4c.webm" autoplay loop></video>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Come here baby, I want you to suck me.<</speech>>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Continue->livtalknoelleloss4tr5a]]</span></div>
<div class="general">Noelle gets off you and starts sucking your dick.</div>
<video src="images/noelle/noelleloss/livingroom/livingrel/livingrel5a.webm" autoplay loop></video>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Oooh yes, keep going, don’t stop!<</speech>>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Continue->livtalknoelleloss4tr5b]]</span></div>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Fuck, here it comes!<</speech>>
<div class="general">With only a short warning you start to cum inside Noelle’s mouth.</div>
<video src="images/noelle/noelleloss/livingroom/livingrel/livingrel5b.webm" autoplay loop></video>
<div class="general">She swallows most of it before she looks at you.</div>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Fuck, that was amazing!<</speech>>
<<speech "Noelle" "Noelle">>Glad you enjoyed it.<</speech>>
<div class="general">She gets up and leaves the room to clean herself.</div>
<a data-passage="entrance"><div class="talkloc">Let’s go somewhere else</div></a>
<<addenergy -20>>
<<addhygene -20>>
<<addhappiness 15>>
<<set $time to $time +1>>
<<if $fitness gte 0 and $fitness lt 25>>
<<addarousal -35>>
<<elseif $fitness gte 20 and $fitness lt 40>>
<<addarousal -30>>
<<elseif $fitness gte 40>>
<<addarousal -25>><</if>>
<<set $livtalknoelleloss4tr to "true">><div class="general">Noelle drops down onto her knees and starts rubbing your dick over your pants.</div>
<video src="images/noelle/noelleloss/livingroom/livingrel/livingrel1a.webm" autoplay loop></video>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Take it out.<</speech>>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Continue->livtalknoelleloss4ob1b]]</span></div>
<div class="general">She opens you pants.</div>
<video src="images/noelle/noelleloss/livingroom/livingrel/livingrel1b.webm" autoplay loop></video>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Now start sucking it. I know you love that.<</speech>>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Continue->livtalknoelleloss4ob2a]]</span></div>
<div class="general">She takes out your dick and starts to suck it.</div>
<video src="images/noelle/noelleloss/livingroom/livingrel/livingrel2a.webm" autoplay loop></video>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Take of your tops, I want to see those amazing tits of yours.<</speech>>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Continue->livtalknoelleloss4ob2b]]</span></div>
<div class="general">Noelle takes off her top and her bra.</div>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Good girl, now start sucking again.<</speech>>
<div class="general">She does as you say starts sucking again.</div>
<video src="images/noelle/noelleloss/livingroom/livingrel/livingrel2b.webm" autoplay loop></video>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Continue->livtalknoelleloss4ob2c]]</span></div>
<div class="general">She keeps sucking your dick.</div>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>You are doing very well $noelle.<</speech>>
<video src="images/noelle/noelleloss/livingroom/livingrel/livingrel2c.webm" autoplay loop></video>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Now come here, get up.<</speech>>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Continue->livtalknoelleloss4ob3a]]</span></div>
<div class="general">Noelle gets up and you get down and start to lick her pussy.</div>
<video src="images/noelle/noelleloss/livingroom/livingrel/livingrel3a.webm" autoplay loop></video>
<<speech "Noelle" "Noelle">>Hmmmmm.<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Damn, so wet already. I don’t even need to lick you.<</speech>>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Continue->livtalknoelleloss4ob3b]]</span></div>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Come here.<</speech>>
<div class="general">You get up grab Noelle and place her in front of you.</div>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Bend over.<</speech>>
<div class="general">Noelle bends over and you push your dick inside Noelle and start fucking her.</div>
<video src="images/noelle/noelleloss/livingroom/livingrel/livingrel3b.webm" autoplay loop></video>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Continue->livtalknoelleloss4ob3c]]</span></div>
<div class="general">You keep fucking Noelle from behind.</div>
<video src="images/noelle/noelleloss/livingroom/livingrel/livingrel3c.webm" autoplay loop></video>
<<speech "Noelle" "Noelle">>Hhmhmmmhmmm.<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Fuck, you always feel so good.<</speech>>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Continue->livtalknoelleloss4ob4a]]</span></div>
<<nobr>><<speech "Player" "$name">>Come here, I want you to ride me.<</speech>><br>
<div class="general">You lay down and Noelle sits down on top of you and starts riding on your dick.</div><br>
<video src="images/noelle/noelleloss/livingroom/livingrel/livingrel4a.webm" autoplay loop></video><br><br>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Ooh, yes, look at that amazing ass.<</speech>><br>
<div class="general">Noelle keeps bouncing up and down.</div><br>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Continue->livtalknoelleloss4ob4b]]</span></div><br>
<<if $noelleftanal is "true">>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Switch to anal->livtalknoelleloss4ob4banal]]</span></div><</if>><</nobr>>
<div class="general">She starts riding you faster and faster.</div>
<video src="images/noelle/noelleloss/livingroom/livingrel/livingrel4b.webm" autoplay loop></video>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Yes, keep going, keep fucking.<</speech>>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Continue->livtalknoelleloss4ob4c]]</span></div>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>I want to fuck your ass.<</speech>>
<<speech "Noelle" "Noelle">>Ehhm.. I don..<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Take my dick and push it in.<</speech>>
<<speech "Noelle" "Noelle">>O.. Ok.<</speech>>
<div class="general">She lifts herself up, grabs your dick, and slowly guides it into her ass.</div>
<video src="images/noelle/noelleloss/livingroom/livingrel/livingrel4banal.webm" autoplay loop></video>
<<speech "Noelle" "Noelle">>Oooh..<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Very good.<</speech>>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Continue->livtalknoelleloss4ob4canal]]</span></div>
<div class="general">You pull her towards you as she keeps bouncing up and down.</div>
<video src="images/noelle/noelleloss/livingroom/livingrel/livingrel4c.webm" autoplay loop></video>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Come here $noelle, I want you to suck me and make me cum.<</speech>>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Continue->livtalknoelleloss4ob5a]]</span></div>
<div class="general">Noelle gets off you and starts sucking your dick.</div>
<video src="images/noelle/noelleloss/livingroom/livingrel/livingrel5a.webm" autoplay loop></video>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Good girl, keep sucking.<</speech>>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Continue->livtalknoelleloss4ob5b]]</span></div>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Here it comes, swallow it $noelle.<</speech>>
<div class="general">Then you start to cum inside Noelle’s mouth.</div>
<video src="images/noelle/noelleloss/livingroom/livingrel/livingrel5b.webm" autoplay loop></video>
<div class="general">She swallows most of it before she looks at you.</div>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>You did very good.<</speech>>
<div class="general">Noelle smiles before she gets up and leaves the room to clean herself.</div>
<a data-passage="entrance"><div class="talkloc">Let’s go somewhere else</div></a>
<<addenergy -20>>
<<addhygene -20>>
<<addhappiness 15>>
<<set $time to $time +1>>
<<if $fitness gte 0 and $fitness lt 25>>
<<addarousal -35>>
<<elseif $fitness gte 20 and $fitness lt 40>>
<<addarousal -30>>
<<elseif $fitness gte 40>>
<<addarousal -25>><</if>>
<<set $livtalknoelleloss4tr to "true">><div class="general">You grab Noelle’s ass and guide her ass up and down.</div>
<video src="images/noelle/noelleloss/livingroom/livingrel/livingrel4canal.webm" autoplay loop></video>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>The training really helped didn’t it?<</speech>>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Continue->livtalknoelleloss4ob4danal]]</span></div>
<div class="general">You let go of her ass.</div>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Now fuck me on your own.<</speech>>
<div class="general">You grab Noelle and pull her backward so she can really go up and down with your dick almost completely inside her.</div>
<video src="images/noelle/noelleloss/livingroom/livingrel/livingrel4danal.webm" autoplay loop></video>
<<speech "Noelle" "Noelle">>Oooh! Fuck… So deep.<</speech>>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Continue->livtalknoelleloss4ob5aanal]]</span></div>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Turn around, let me really fuck you ass.<</speech>>
<div class="general">Noelle gets off you, gets in doggy position, and then you push your dick into her ass again. Once you are inside her, you start fucking her quite hard and fast</div>
<video src="images/noelle/noelleloss/livingroom/livingrel/livingrel5aanal.webm" autoplay loop></video>
<<speech "Noelle" "Noelle">>Oooh fuck!<</speech>>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Continue->livtalknoelleloss4ob5banal]]</span></div>
<div class="general">You keep fucking her ass hard and fast. Noelle seems to be struggling a bit, but stays silent</div>
<video src="images/noelle/noelleloss/livingroom/livingrel/livingrel5banal.webm" autoplay loop></video>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Fuck, your ass feels amazing.<</speech>>
<div class="general">Noelle stays silent while you keep fucking her ass.</div>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Continue->livtalknoelleloss4ob5canal]]</span></div>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Fuck, you ass is so tight, I’m almost there!<</speech>>
<div class="general">You keep fucking her ass, going in all the way inside of her.</div>
<video src="images/noelle/noelleloss/livingroom/livingrel/livingrel5canal.webm" autoplay loop></video>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Continue->livtalknoelleloss4ob6aanal]]</span></div>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Oh fuck, come here, I want to cum in your mouth.<</speech>>
<div class="general">She turns around and grabs your dick, but then she stops.</div>
<video src="images/noelle/noelleloss/livingroom/livingrel/livingrel6aanal.webm" autoplay loop></video>
<<speech "Noelle" "Noelle">>But.. But it just came out of my ass..<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Suck it.<</speech>>
<<speech "Noelle" "Noelle">>But..<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Suck it $noelle.<</speech>>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Continue->livtalknoelleloss4tr6aanal]]</span></div>
<div class="general">With some hesitation and reluctance she starts sucking your dick.</div>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Come on, you can do better than this.<</speech>>
<div class="general">She starts to suck better and faster and then, without warning, you start cumming inside of her mouth.</div>
<video src="images/noelle/noelleloss/livingroom/livingrel/livingrel6banal.webm" autoplay loop></video>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Ooh yes!<</speech>>
<div class="general">Noelle swallows a good portion of it before she looks at you.</div>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>.You did good $noelle<</speech>>
<div class="general">She gets up and leaves the room to clean herself.</div>
<a data-passage="entrance"><div class="talkloc">Let’s go somewhere else</div></a>
<<addenergy -20>>
<<addhygene -20>>
<<addhappiness 15>>
<<set $time to $time +1>>
<<if $fitness gte 0 and $fitness lt 25>>
<<addarousal -35>>
<<elseif $fitness gte 20 and $fitness lt 40>>
<<addarousal -30>>
<<elseif $fitness gte 40>>
<<addarousal -25>><</if>>
<<set $livtalknoelleloss4tr to "true">><div class="general">Noelle slowly moves towards you.</div>
<<speech "Noelle" "Noelle">>What.. What do you want?<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>I think you know what I want.<</speech>>
<<speech "Noelle" "Noelle">>Oh.. I.. Ok..<</speech>>
<div class="general">Noelle slowly moves towards you. When she is close enough, you start to grab her breasts.</div>
<video src="images/noelle/noelleloss/livingroom/livingfear/livingfear1a.webm" autoplay loop></video>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Continue->livingfeartr1b]]</span></div>
<div class="general">Noelle slowly moves towards you.</div>
<<speech "Noelle" "Noelle">>What do you want?<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>What do you want...?<</speech>>
<<speech "Noelle" "Noelle">>What do you want $name2.<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>I want you.<</speech>>
<div class="general">You start to grab her breasts.</div>
<video src="images/noelle/noelleloss/livingroom/livingfear/livingfear1a.webm" autoplay loop></video>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Continue->livingfearob1b]]</span></div>
<div class="general">Noelle just stands there as you touch her.</div>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Let’s take off this shirt.<</speech>>
<div class="general">You pull her shirt over her head.</div>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Fuck, I can’t get enough of those tits.<</speech>>
<div class="general">You pull her shirt over her head and lick and bite the top of her breasts a little.</div>
<video src="images/noelle/noelleloss/livingroom/livingfear/livingfear1b.webm" autoplay loop></video>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Continue->livingfeartr1c]]</span></div>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Let’s take it all off.<</speech>>
<div class="general">You take off her bra and start licking and sucking on her nipples.</div>
<video src="images/noelle/noelleloss/livingroom/livingfear/livingfear1c.webm" autoplay loop></video>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Continue->livingfeartr2a]]</span></div>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>I think you know what to do next.<</speech>>
<div class="general">Noelle nods and takes off your shirt before she starts to take off your pants.</div>
<video src="images/noelle/noelleloss/livingroom/livingfear/livingfear2a.webm" autoplay loop></video>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Good girl.<</speech>>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Continue->livingfeartr2b]]</span></div>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>And remember, the better you make me feel the better I make you feel.<</speech>>
<div class="general">Noelle nods again and takes your dick into her mouth and starts to suck it slowly.</div>
<video src="images/noelle/noelleloss/livingroom/livingfear/livingfear2b.webm" autoplay loop></video>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>This is not good enough, we both know you can do better than this.<</speech>>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Continue->livingfeartr2c]]</span></div>
<div class="general">Noelle looks up at you and nods once again. Then she goes back to sucking your dick, but this time a whole lot better.</div>
<video src="images/noelle/noelleloss/livingroom/livingfear/livingfear2c.webm" autoplay loop></video>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>That’s it.<</speech>>
<div class="general">Noelle keeps sucking.</div>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Continue->livingfeartr3a]]</span></div>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Alright, that’s enough, get up.<</speech>>
<div class="general">You grab Noelle, pull her up and push her down on her knees.</div>
<video src="images/noelle/noelleloss/livingroom/livingfear/livingfear3a.webm" autoplay loop></video>
<<speech "Noelle" "Noelle">>Please.. Please be gentle..<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>I’ll please you as always, don’t worry.<</speech>>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Continue->livingfeartr3b]]</span></div>
<div class="general">When she is on her knees in front of you, you push your dick inside her and start to fuck her slowly.</div>
<video src="images/noelle/noelleloss/livingroom/livingfear/livingfear3b.webm" autoplay loop></video>
<<speech "Noelle" "Noelle">>Hmmhm..<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>See, it’s not that bad.<</speech>>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Continue->livingfeartr3c]]</span></div>
<div class="general">You start increasing the pace.</div>
<video src="images/noelle/noelleloss/livingroom/livingfear/livingfear3c.webm" autoplay loop></video>
<<speech "Noelle" "Noelle">>Oh… Hmmhm.<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Just relax and enjoy.<</speech>>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Continue->livingfeartr3d]]</span></div>
<div class="general">You keep increasing the pace.</div>
<video src="images/noelle/noelleloss/livingroom/livingfear/livingfear3d.webm" autoplay loop></video>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Feels good doesn’t it?<</speech>>
<<speech "Noelle" "Noelle">>I.. I... Hmmhmmm.<</speech>>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Continue->livingfeartr4a]]</span></div>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Let’s turn your around.<</speech>>
<div class="general">You pick her up, turn her around, and put her down again. Once she is on her back you start fucking her again.</div>
<video src="images/noelle/noelleloss/livingroom/livingfear/livingfear4a.webm" autoplay loop></video>
<<speech "Noelle" "Noelle">>Hmmhmmm.<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Yes, let it out, moan for me.<</speech>>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Continue->livingfeartr4b]]</span></div>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Your pussy feels so good.<</speech>>
<div class="general">You keep fucking her hard and fast.</div>
<video src="images/noelle/noelleloss/livingroom/livingfear/livingfear4b.webm" autoplay loop></video>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Continue->livingfeartr4c]]</span></div>
<<nobr>><<speech "Player" "$name">>You pussy feels so good.<</speech>><br>
<div class="general">You keep fucking her hard and fast.</div><br>
<video src="images/noelle/noelleloss/livingroom/livingfear/livingfear4c.webm" autoplay loop></video><br><br>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Oh yes!<</speech>><br>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Let her finish you with her mouth->livingfeartr6a]]</span></div><br>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Time for anal->livingfeartr5a]]</span></div><</nobr>>
<div class="general">You pull out and sit down.</div>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Come here and suck my dick, and suck it well!<</speech>>
<div class="general">Noelle gets up and goes down onto her knees and starts sucking you.</div>
<video src="images/noelle/noelleloss/livingroom/livingfear/livingfear6a.webm" autoplay loop></video>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Hmmm, yes, that’s it.<</speech>>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Continue->livingfeartr6b]]</span></div>
<div class="general">You pull out and lay down on the couch.</div>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Come lay in front of me.<</speech>>
<div class="general">Noelle gets up and lies down in front of you. Once she is in position, you enter her pussy again and start fucking her.</div>
<video src="images/noelle/noelleloss/livingroom/livingfear/livingfear5a.webm" autoplay loop></video>
`<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Continue->livingfeartr5b]]</span></div>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Oh yes! Take it in your mouth.<</speech>>
<<speech "Noelle" "Noelle">>I.. I don’t…<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>It wasn’t that bad was it..<</speech>>
<<speech "Noelle" "Noelle">>I.. I.. I guess…<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>So make me cum in your mouth.<</speech>>
<div class="general">Noelle submits and starts jerking you off into her mouth.</div>
<video src="images/noelle/noelleloss/livingroom/livingfear/livingfear6b.webm" autoplay loop></video>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Oooh yes, that felt good.<</speech>>
<div class="general">Noelle looks at you with disgust as cum drips out of her mouth.</div>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Go and clean up.<</speech>>
<div class="general">Noelle gets up and leaves the room.</div>
<a data-passage="entrance"><div class="talkplayer">Let’s do something else</div></a>
<<addenergy -20>>
<<addhygene -15>>
<<addhappiness 15>>
<<set $time to $time +1>>
<<if $fitness gte 0 and $fitness lt 25>>
<<addarousal -35>>
<<elseif $fitness gte 20 and $fitness lt 40>>
<<addarousal -30>>
<<elseif $fitness gte 40>>
<<addarousal -25>><</if>>
<<set $livingfeartr1a is "true">><div class="general">Not much later you pull out of her and push your dick against her asshole.</div>
<<speech "Noelle" "Noelle">>What are you..? Wait, wrong hole! Wrong hole!!<</speech>>
<div class="general">You keep pushing until your dick sinks inside of her ass..</div>
<video src="images/noelle/noelleloss/livingroom/livingfear/livingfear5b.webm" autoplay loop></video>
<<speech "Noelle" "Noelle">>Aah! Please!<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Just relax and all will be fine.<</speech>>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Continue->livingfeartr5c]]</span></div>
<div class="general">You start to increase the pace as you notice that her ass gets used to it more and more.</div>
<video src="images/noelle/noelleloss/livingroom/livingfear/livingfear5c.webm" autoplay loop></video>
<<speech "Noelle" "Noelle">>Oooh.. Aaah.. Hmmmhm.<</speech>>
<div class="general">You can hear a mixture of pain and pleasure in her moans.</div>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>See, I know you would enjoy it. Let me go a bit faster.<</speech>>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Continue->livingfeartr5d]]</span></div>
<<speech "Noelle" "Noelle">>What?<</speech>>
<div class="general">You start to fuck her ass at full pace.</div>
<video src="images/noelle/noelleloss/livingroom/livingfear/livingfear5d.webm" autoplay loop></video>
<<speech "Noelle" "Noelle">>Oooooooh!!<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Almost, almost!<</speech>>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Continue->livingfeartr6b2]]</span></div>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Oh yes, finish me in your mouth.<</speech>>
<div class="general">Noelle looks disgusted at your dick, but grabs it anyway and starts jerking you off until you spray your cum into her mouth..</div>
<video src="images/noelle/noelleloss/livingroom/livingfear/livingfear5c.webm" autoplay loop></video>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Aaah yes! Good girl.<</speech>>
<div class="general">Once you are done, Noelle gets up and runs out of the room with cum dripping from her mouth.</div>
<a data-passage="entrance"><div class="talkplayer">Let’s do something else</div></a>
<<addenergy -20>>
<<addhygene -10>>
<<addhappiness 15>>
<<set $time to $time +1>>
<<if $fitness gte 0 and $fitness lt 25>>
<<addarousal -35>>
<<elseif $fitness gte 20 and $fitness lt 40>>
<<addarousal -30>>
<<elseif $fitness gte 40>>
<<addarousal -25>><</if>>
<<set $livingfeartr1a is "true">>
<div class="general">Noelle just stands there as you touch her.</div>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Let’s take off this shirt.<</speech>>
<div class="general">You pull her shirt over her head.</div>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Fuck, I can’t get enough of those tits.<</speech>>
<div class="general">You pull her shirt over her head and lick and bite the top of her breasts a little.</div>
<video src="images/noelle/noelleloss/livingroom/livingfear/livingfear1b.webm" autoplay loop></video>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Continue->livingfearob1c]]</span></div>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Take it all off.<</speech>>
<div class="general">You take off her bra and start licking and sucking on her nipples.</div>
<video src="images/noelle/noelleloss/livingroom/livingfear/livingfear1c.webm" autoplay loop></video>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Continue->livingfearob2a]]</span></div>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Now, take out my dick and suck it.<</speech>>
<<speech "Noelle" "Noelle">>Yes $name2.<</speech>>
<div class="general">Noelle takes off your shirt and starts taking off your pants as well.</div>
<video src="images/noelle/noelleloss/livingroom/livingfear/livingfear2a.webm" autoplay loop></video>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Continue->livingfearob2b]]</span></div>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Now suck it $noelle.<</speech>>
<div class="general">Noelle goes down and takes your dick into her mouth and starts to suck it slowly.</div>
<video src="images/noelle/noelleloss/livingroom/livingfear/livingfear2b.webm" autoplay loop></video>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Seriously? I said suck it! Not whatever this is.<</speech>>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Continue->livingfearob2c]]</span></div>
<<speech "Noelle" "Noelle">>Sorry $name, I’ll do better.<</speech>>
<div class="general">She goes back sucking your dick, and indeed, it looks and feels a whole lot better.</div>
<video src="images/noelle/noelleloss/livingroom/livingfear/livingfear2c.webm" autoplay loop></video>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>That’s it, that’s how you suck dick.<</speech>>
<div class="general">Noelle keeps sucking.</div>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Continue->livingfearob3a]]</span></div>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Alright, that’s enough, get up.<</speech>>
<div class="general">You grab Noelle, pull her up and push her down on her knees.</div>
<video src="images/noelle/noelleloss/livingroom/livingfear/livingfear3a.webm" autoplay loop></video>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Are you ready to get fucked?<</speech>>
<<speech "Noelle" "Noelle">>I.. I..<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Yes?<</speech>>
<<speech "Noelle" "Noelle">>Yes, please fuck me.. Fuck me $name2..<</speech>>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Continue->livingfearob3b]]</span></div>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>I thought you would never ask.<</speech>>
<div class="general">You push your dick inside her and start to fuck her slowly.</div>
<video src="images/noelle/noelleloss/livingroom/livingfear/livingfear3b.webm" autoplay loop></video>
<<speech "Noelle" "Noelle">>Hmmhm..<</speech>>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Continue->livingfearob3c]]</span></div>
<div class="general">You start increasing the pace.</div>
<video src="images/noelle/noelleloss/livingroom/livingfear/livingfear3c.webm" autoplay loop></video>
<<speech "Noelle" "Noelle">>Oh… Hmmhm.<</speech>>
<div class="general">Noelle tries to hold in her moans, but it seems like she can’t control it.</div>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Continue->livingfearob3d]]</span></div>
<div class="general">You keep increasing the pace.</div>
<video src="images/noelle/noelleloss/livingroom/livingfear/livingfear3d.webm" autoplay loop></video>
<<speech "Noelle" "Noelle">>Hmmhmmmmmhm.<</speech>>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Continue->livingfearob4a]]</span></div>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Let’s turn your around.<</speech>>
<div class="general">You pick her up, turn her around, and put her down again. Once she is on her back you start fucking her again.</div>
<video src="images/noelle/noelleloss/livingroom/livingfear/livingfear4a.webm" autoplay loop></video>
<<speech "Noelle" "Noelle">>Hmmhmmm.<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Yes, let it out, moan for me $noelle, tell me that you love this.<</speech>>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Continue->livingfearob4b]]</span></div>
<<speech "Noelle" "Noelle">>I.. I love how you fuck me..<</speech>>
<div class="general">You keep fucking her hard and fast.</div>
<video src="images/noelle/noelleloss/livingroom/livingfear/livingfear4b.webm" autoplay loop></video>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Continue->livingfearob4c]]</span></div>
<<nobr>><<speech "Player" "$name">>You have such a sweet pussy, just made for fucking.<</speech>><br>
<div class="general">You keep fucking her hard and fast.</div><br>
<video src="images/noelle/noelleloss/livingroom/livingfear/livingfear4c.webm" autoplay loop></video><br><br>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Oh yes!<</speech>><br>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Let her finish you with her mouth->livingfearob6a]]</span></div><br>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Time for anal->livingfearob5a]]</span></div><</nobr>>
<div class="general">You pull out and sit down.</div>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Come here and suck my dick $noelle.<</speech>>
<div class="general">Noelle gets up and goes down onto her knees and starts sucking you.</div>
<video src="images/noelle/noelleloss/livingroom/livingfear/livingfear6a.webm" autoplay loop></video>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Hmmm, yes, that’s it.<</speech>>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Continue->livingfearob6b]]</span></div>
<div class="general">You pull out and lay down on the couch.</div>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Come here and lay in front of me.<</speech>>
<div class="general">Noelle gets up and lies down in front of you. Once she is in position, you enter her pussy again and start fucking her.</div>
<video src="images/noelle/noelleloss/livingroom/livingfear/livingfear5a.webm" autoplay loop></video>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Continue->livingfearob5b]]</span></div>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Oh yes! Take it in your mouth.<</speech>>
<<speech "Noelle" "Noelle">>I.. I..<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Make me cum inside your mouth.<</speech>>
<<speech "Noelle" "Noelle">>Yes $name2.<</speech>>
<div class="general">Noelle submits and starts jerking you off into her mouth.</div>
<video src="images/noelle/noelleloss/livingroom/livingfear/livingfear6b.webm" autoplay loop></video>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Oooh yes, that felt good.<</speech>>
<div class="general">Noelle looks at you with disgust as cum drips out of her mouth.</div>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>What do we say?<</speech>>
<<speech "Noelle" "Noelle">>Thank you $name.<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Now go and clean up.<</speech>>
<div class="general">Noelle gets up and leaves the room.</div>
<a data-passage="entrance"><div class="talkplayer">Let’s do something else</div></a>
<<addenergy -20>>
<<addhygene -15>>
<<addhappiness 15>>
<<set $time to $time +1>>
<<if $fitness gte 0 and $fitness lt 25>>
<<addarousal -35>>
<<elseif $fitness gte 20 and $fitness lt 40>>
<<addarousal -30>>
<<elseif $fitness gte 40>>
<<addarousal -25>><</if>>
<<set $livingfeartr1a is "true">>
<div class="general">Not much later you pull out of her and push your dick against her asshole.</div>
<<speech "Noelle" "Noelle">>What.. Please…<</speech>>
<div class="general">You keep pushing until your dick sinks inside of her ass..</div>
<video src="images/noelle/noelleloss/livingroom/livingfear/livingfear5b.webm" autoplay loop></video>
<<speech "Noelle" "Noelle">>Aah! Please!<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Shut up and let me fuck your ass.<</speech>>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Continue->livingfearob5c]]</span></div>
<div class="general">You start to increase the pace.</div>
<<speech "Noelle" "Noelle">>Aah! Not so fast!<</speech>>
<video src="images/noelle/noelleloss/livingroom/livingfear/livingfear5c.webm" autoplay loop></video>
<<speech "Noelle" "Noelle">>Oooh.. Aaah.. Hmmmhm.<</speech>>
<div class="general">You can hear a mixture of pain and pleasure in her moans.</div>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Yes, moan for me. Let me hear how much you like this.<</speech>>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Continue->livingfearob5d]]</span></div>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Tell me that you want this.<</speech>>
<<speech "Noelle" "Noelle">>I.. I.. Please fuck… my.. ass…<</speech>>
<div class="general">You start to fuck her ass at full pace.</div>
<video src="images/noelle/noelleloss/livingroom/livingfear/livingfear5d.webm" autoplay loop></video>
<<speech "Noelle" "Noelle">>Oooooooh!!<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Almost, almost!<</speech>>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Continue->livingfearob6b2]]</span></div>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Oh yes, finish me in your mouth.<</speech>>
<div class="general">Noelle looks disgusted at your dick</div>
<<speech "Noelle" "Noelle">>But.. It just..<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>For fuck sake, finish me in your mouth $noelle!<</speech>>
<div class="general">Noelle is frightened and starts jerking you off until you spray your cum into her mouth..</div>
<video src="images/noelle/noelleloss/livingroom/livingfear/livingfear5c.webm" autoplay loop></video>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Aaah yes! Now what do we say?<</speech>>
<<speech "Noelle" "Noelle">>T.. Thank you $name2.<</speech>>
<div class="general">Then Noelle gets up and runs out of the room with cum dripping from her mouth.</div>
<a data-passage="entrance"><div class="talkplayer">Let’s do something else</div></a>
<<addenergy -20>>
<<addhygene -10>>
<<addhappiness 15>>
<<set $time to $time +1>>
<<if $fitness gte 0 and $fitness lt 25>>
<<addarousal -35>>
<<elseif $fitness gte 20 and $fitness lt 40>>
<<addarousal -30>>
<<elseif $fitness gte 40>>
<<addarousal -25>><</if>>
<<set $livingfeartr1a is "true">>
<div class="general">You walk around the house when you suddenly see Sarah standing in the garden and someone is standing next to her.</div>
<<speech "Player" "$name">><i>Who is that with her.</i><</speech>>
<div class="general">When you look closer you see exactly who it is, it is your neighbour, the neighbour who watched and paid for you and Sarah to have sex in front of him.</div>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Got to them->neighbour1talka]]</span></div>
<div class="general">You walk towards them.</div>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Hi neighbour.<</speech>>
<<speech "random" "Tom">>Oh, please, please call me Tom.<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Hi Tom, what brings you by.<</speech>>
<<speech "random" "Tom">>Oh we were just talking about the other day and how appreciative I am for you both to have indulged me in my offer.<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>And what did my wife say?<</speech>>
<div class="general">Tom looks at Sarah.</div>
<<speech "random" "Tom">>That she has to discuss it with you. Well, I should be going, we will see each other again.<</speech>>
<div class="general">And with that Tom leaves.</div>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Continue->neighbour1talkb]]</span></div>
<div class="general">You look at Sarah.</div>
<<speech "Sarah" "Sarah">>Don’t worry we were just talking.<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>And what where you talking about?<</speech>>
<<speech "Sarah" "Sarah">>Well he said he really enjoyed watching us and he was very appreciative.<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>And?<</speech>>
<<speech "Sarah" "Sarah">>Well… He would like to do it again.. And maybe even more..<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Would you want to do it again?<</speech>>
<<speech "Sarah" "Sarah">>In all honesty, I am open to it. It was such a turn-on to be watched.. And then his finish as well.. It was exhilarating.<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Really?<</speech>>
<<speech "Sarah" "Sarah">>Yes, really. I really enjoyed it. I mean, him watching, it just really.. So hot. It made me so hot and horny. And then the finish… Fuck I loved every minute of it and well, the money is not bad either we could really use that..<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">><i>So she basically wants to be a whore..</i><</speech>>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Continue->neighbour1talkc]]</span></div>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>But you said he wants even more?<</speech>>
<<speech "Sarah" "Sarah">>Yeah.. We didn’t exactly discuss what though. But I think he wants it all.<</speech>>
<div class="general">Sarah looks at you.</div>
<<speech "Sarah" "Sarah">>We don’t have to do it.. Or maybe we should start lightly, like.. I don’t know.. Just a handjob or something.<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Hmmm.. Alright, well, let’s sleep on it..<</speech>>
<a data-passage="garden"><div class="talkplayer">Let’s do something else</div></a>
<<set $neighbour1talk to "true">><div class="general">You decide to give her a higher rating then she deserves.</div>
<<speech "Player" "$name">><i>An A, normally it would be a C, but let’s give her an A, maybe that will win me some good credit with her..</i><</speech>>
<div class="general">You place her test on the pile and move on to the next one. Once you are finished you leave the classroom..</div>
<a data-passage="university"><div class="talkplayer">Let’s do something else</div></a>
<<set $money to $money +200>>
<<addenergy -25>>
<<addhappiness 5>>
<<addhygene -20>>
<<set $time to $time +2>>
<<set $englishlitclass to $englishlitclass +1>>
<<set $kaylagrade to $kaylagrade +5>>
<<set $kaylaname to "true">>
<<set $teacherdone to "true">>
<<speech "Sarah" "Sarah">>There you are.<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">><i>What is happening?</i><</speech>>
<div class="general">She grabs your dick and starts sucking it.</div>
<video src="images/sarah/livingroom/livingcs/livingcs1b.webm" autoplay loop ></video>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Continue->livingcs3]]</span></div>
<<speech "Sarah" "Sarah">>Hmmmmmmm.<</speech>>
<div class="general">Without any hesitation she keeps going.</div>
<video src="images/sarah/livingroom/livingcs/livingcs1c.webm" autoplay loop ></video>
<<speech "Sarah" "Sarah">>Hmmmmm. So good.<</speech>>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[She keeps going->livingcs4]]</span></div><div class="general">Sarah keeps sucking. Precum and spit are on her chin and your dick.</div>
<video src="images/sarah/livingroom/livingcs/livingcs2a.webm" autoplay loop ></video>
<div class="general">But she laps everything up.</div>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Continue->livingcs5]]</span></div>
<<speech "Player" "$name">><i>I would be so confused if this wasn't so good.</i><</speech>>
<<speech "Sarah" "Sarah">>What is taking so long? Mommy wants her treat.<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">><i>She said what?</i><</speech>>
<div class="general">She continues sucking you so hard that she is basically throatfucking herself.</div>
<video src="images/sarah/livingroom/livingcs/livingcs2b.webm" autoplay loop ></video>
<<speech "Player" "$name">><i>Fuck I'm almost cumming.</i><</speech>>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Continue->livingcs6]]</span></div>
<<speech "Sarah" "Sarah">>Hmmmm, come on give it to me!<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Do you mean my cum baby?<</speech>>
<<speech "Sarah" "Sarah">>Yes! I want it!<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Alright, here it is.<</speech>>
<div class="general">You start cumming and it takes Sarah by suprise.</div>
<video src="images/sarah/livingroom/livingcs/livingcs2c.webm" autoplay loop ></video>
<div class="general">She gags a little but recovers quickly.</div>
<<speech "Sarah" "Sarah">>Hmmmm yes!<</speech>>
<div class="general">She swallows and licks up every drop.</div>
<<speech "Sarah" "Sarah">>Hmmmm is there more? I want more!<</speech>>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Leave her->livingcs7a]]</span></div>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Call her your cumslut->livingcs7b]]</span></div>
<<set $livingcs2 to "true">><<speech "Sarah" "Sarah">>With a satisfied smile she sits back on the couch and watches some more tv.<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">><i>What did just happen?</i><</speech>>
<a data-passage="entrance"><div class="talkplayer">Let’s do something else</div></a>
<<if $fitness gte 0 and $fitness lt 20>>
<<addrsarah 10>>
<<elseif $fitness gte 20 and $fitness lt 40>>
<<addrsarah 13>>
<<elseif $fitness gte 40>>
<<addrsarah 15>><</if>>
<<addenergy -15>>
<<addhappiness 15>>
<<addhygene -15>>
<<set $time to $time +1>>
<<if $fitness gte 0 and $fitness lt 25>>
<<addarousal -35>>
<<elseif $fitness gte 20 and $fitness lt 40>>
<<addarousal -30>>
<<elseif $fitness gte 40>>
<<addarousal -25>><</if>>
<<addcumaddict 7>>
<<set $cheatcount to 0>><<speech "Player" "$name">>You completely emtied my balls you little cumslut.<</speech>>
<div class="general">Once you called her that it looks like Sarah snaps out of a trance.</div>
<<speech "Sarah" "Sarah">>What did you call me?<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>My little cumslut.<</speech>>
<<speech "Sarah" "Sarah">>What.. Are you..?<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>It's a compliment coming from me baby. I love seeing you like this.<</speech>>
<<speech "Sarah" "Sarah">>What.. What do you mean.<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Well you did just sucked my balls completely empty and basically begged me for my cum.<</speech>>
<div class="general">Sarah seems lost in thought, slowly realizing what she did and what you said.</div>
<<speech "Sarah" "Sarah">>I.. I..<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>What is it little cumslut of mine?<</speech>>
<<speech "Sarah" "Sarah">>I.. I guess, I do like your cum.. But I guess I didn't realize how much I needed it. What has become of me?<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>You became the hottest wife a man can imagine.<</speech>>
<<speech "Sarah" "Sarah">>I.. I guess.. I.. I need to clean myself up.<</speech>>
<div class="general">With a little troubled and confused look on her face she leaves the room.</div>
<<speech "Player" "$name">><i>Even though it's fucking hot, I should probably pay some more attention to her. She really seemed in a trance, like.. Like an addict. A cum addict.</i><</speech>>
<a data-passage="entrance"><div class="talkplayer">Let’s do something else</div></a>
<<if $fitness gte 0 and $fitness lt 20>>
<<addrsarah 1>>
<<elseif $fitness gte 20 and $fitness lt 40>>
<<addrsarah 2>>
<<elseif $fitness gte 40>>
<<addrsarah 3>><</if>>
<<addenergy -15>>
<<addhappiness 15>>
<<addhygene -15>>
<<set $time to $time +1>>
<<if $fitness gte 0 and $fitness lt 25>>
<<addarousal -35>>
<<elseif $fitness gte 20 and $fitness lt 40>>
<<addarousal -30>>
<<elseif $fitness gte 40>>
<<addarousal -25>><</if>>
<<addcumaddict 7>>
<<set $cheatcount to 0>>
<<set $cumslut to "true">>
<<nobr>><div class="general">You put on a movie and start watching. It doesn't take long before you notice that Sarah doesn't have any interest in the movie and that she isn't really watching anymore.</div><br>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Do you want to watch something else?<</speech>><br>
<<speech "Sarah" "Sarah">>No, no this is ok.<</speech>><br>
<<if $rsarah gte 180 and $arousal gte 25>>
<video src="images/sarah/livingroom/livmoves180/livmoves1a.webm" autoplay loop ></video>
<div class="general">You try to watch the movie, but Sarah still isn't interested in the movie.</div><br>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Continue->livmoves2]]</span></div>
<div class="general">You watch the movie together and in the end she did enjoy it a bit in the end.</div><br>
<a data-passage="entrance"><div class="talkplayer">Let’s do something else</div></a>
<<addenergy -10>>
<<if $fitness gte 0 and $fitness lt 20>>
<<addrsarah 2>>
<<elseif $fitness gte 20 and $fitness lt 40>>
<<addrsarah 4>>
<<elseif $fitness gte 40>>
<<addrsarah 6>><</if>>
<<addhappiness 5>>
<<set $time to $time +1>><</if>><</nobr>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Are you sure you don't want to watch something else?<</speech>>
<<speech "Sarah" "Sarah">>Yes, I am sure I don't want to watch something else.<</speech>>
<div class="general">Without any subtility she gropes you.</div>
<video src="images/sarah/livingroom/livmoves180/livmoves1b.webm" autoplay loop ></video>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Continue->livmoves3]]</span></div>
<<speech "Sarah" "Sarah">>I want to do something else.<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Is that so.<</speech>>
<video src="images/sarah/livingroom/livmoves180/livmoves1c.webm" autoplay loop ></video>
<div class="general">She starts to undres herself in front of you. Once she is done, she takes out your dick as well.</div>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Continue->livmoves4]]</span></div><div class="general">She bends over and starts sucking your dick.</div>
<video src="images/sarah/livingroom/livmoves180/livmoves2a.webm" autoplay loop ></video>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Continue->livmoves5]]</span></div><<speech "Sarah" "Sarah">>Do you like it baby?<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Yes, keep going and take it deeper baby, show me what you can do.<</speech>>
<video src="images/sarah/livingroom/livmoves180/livmoves2b.webm" autoplay loop ></video>
<div class="general">Sarah goes deeper and gags a little bit on your dick.</div>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Ah yes, that's it! Good girl!<</speech>>
<<speech "Sarah" "Sarah">>Hhhmhmmmm.<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Come here, I want to fuck you!<</speech>>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Continue->livmoves6]]</span></div><div class="general">Sarah gets up and gets on top of you.</div>
<<speech "Sarah" "Sarah">>Put it in me! I want to feel you inside me.<</speech>>
<div class="general">You place your dick against her entrance and she slowly drops down onto your dick.</div>
<video src="images/sarah/livingroom/livmoves180/livmoves3a.webm" autoplay loop ></video>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Continue->livmoves7]]</span></div><<speech "Sarah" "Sarah">>Ooh yes! You feel so good inside me.<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Fuck me baby. Fuck me!<</speech>>
<div class="general">She slowly starts to increase her pace.</div>
<video src="images/sarah/livingroom/livmoves180/livmoves3b.webm" autoplay loop ></video>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Continue->livmoves8]]</span></div><<speech "Sarah" "Sarah">>Ooh yes, hmmmm.<</speech>>
<div class="general">Sarah starts moaning more intense.</div>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Go faster baby!<</speech>>
<div class="general">You grab her ass and set her pace.</div>
<<speech "Sarah" "Sarah">>Ooooh babe!<</speech>>
<video src="images/sarah/livingroom/livmoves180/livmoves3c.webm" autoplay loop ></video>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Keep going like this.<</speech>>
<<speech "Sarah" "Sarah">>Aaah yes, I will, ooh.<</speech>>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Time to take full control->livmoves9]]</span></div><<speech "Player" "$name">>Turn around, I want to fuck you from behind.<</speech>>
<div class="general">Without saying anything she turned around. Once she is possition you enter her and start to fuck her.</div>
<video src="images/sarah/livingroom/livmoves180/livmoves4a.webm" autoplay loop ></video>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Continue->livmoves10]]</span></div><<nobr>><<speech "Sarah" "Sarah">>Oooh yes, fuck, fuck me! Keep going.<</speech>><br>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>You are so tight.<</speech>><br>
<<speech "Sarah" "Sarah">>Hmmmm yes!<</speech>><br>
<div class="general">You keep fucking her.</div><br>
<video src="images/sarah/livingroom/livmoves180/livmoves4b.webm" autoplay loop ></video><br><br>
<<if $firstanalfuck is "true">>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Continue->livmoves11anal]]</span></div>
<<elseif $cumslut is "true">>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Continue->livmoves11cs]]</span></div>
<<speech "Sarah" "Sarah">>Aah yes, keep going!<</speech>><br>
<div class="general">You keep going.</div><br>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>I'm getting close!<</speech>><br>
<<speech "Sarah" "Sarah">>Me too!<</speech>><br>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Cum inside her->livmoves11cr]]</span></div><br>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Cum on her face->livmoves11face]]</span></div><br>
<<nobr>><div class="general">Sarah starts to moan louder and louder. Suddenly she makes her fingers wet and moves towards her ass.</div><br>
<video src="images/sarah/livingroom/livmoves180/livmoves4c.webm" autoplay loop ></video><br><br>
<div class="general">She pushes two fingers inside her ass as you keep fucking her.</div><br>
<<speech "Sarah" "Sarah">>Oh yes!<</speech>><br>
<<if $cumslut is "true">>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Continue->livmoves12analcs]]</span></div>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Continue->livmoves12anal]]</span></div>
<</if>><</nobr>><<speech "Sarah" "Sarah">>Aah yes, keep going!<</speech>>
<div class="general">You keep going.</div>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>I'm getting close!<</speech>>
<<speech "Sarah" "Sarah">>I want your cum baby, give me you cum!<</speech>>
<div class="general">You keep fucking her.</div>
<<speech "Sarah" "Sarah">>Fuck, I'm cumming!!<</speech>>
<video src="images/sarah/livingroom/livmoves180/livmoves5a.webm" autoplay loop ></video>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Continue->livmoves12cs]]</span></div>
<div class="general">You keep going.</div>
<<speech "Sarah" "Sarah">>Oh yes! Oooh yess!!<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>I'm cumming!<</speech>>
<<speech "Sarah" "Sarah">>Yes me to, fill me up!<</speech>>
<div class="general">You keep fucking her until you both start cumming.</div>
<video src="images/sarah/livingroom/livmoves180/livmoves5a.webm" autoplay loop ></video>
<<speech "Sarah" "Sarah">>Oh baby, that was great!<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>It definitely was.<</speech>>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Continue->livmovesend]]</span></div>
<<addenergy -20>>
<<addhappiness 15>>
<<if $fitness gte 0 and $fitness lt 20>>
<<addrsarah 10>>
<<elseif $fitness gte 20 and $fitness lt 40>>
<<addrsarah 13>>
<<elseif $fitness gte 40>>
<<addrsarah 15>><</if>>
<<addhygene -15>>
<<set $time to $time +1>>
<<if $fitness gte 0 and $fitness lt 25>>
<<addarousal -35>>
<<elseif $fitness gte 20 and $fitness lt 40>>
<<addarousal -30>>
<<elseif $fitness gte 40>>
<<addarousal -25>><</if>><<speech "Player" "$name">>Get down on you knees, I want to cum on your face.<</speech>>
<<nobr>><<if $cumaddict gte 40>>
<<speech "Sarah" "Sarah">>Oh yes, give it to me! Give me your cum!<</speech>><br>
<div class="general">She eagerly gets down in front of you and opens her mouth.</div>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Here it comes!<</speech>><br>
<div class="general">You start cumming on her face and in her mouth.</div><br>
<video src="images/sarah/livingroom/livmoves180/livmoves4e.webm" autoplay loop ></video><br><br>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Aah, yes.<</speech>><br>
<div class="general">Sarah eagerly laps up your cum.</div><br>
<<speech "Sarah" "Sarah">>Hmmmm.<</speech>><br>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[That was great->livmovesend]]</span></div>
<<addenergy -15>>
<<addhappiness 15>>
<<if $fitness gte 0 and $fitness lt 20>>
<<addrsarah 10>>
<<elseif $fitness gte 20 and $fitness lt 40>>
<<addrsarah 13>>
<<elseif $fitness gte 40>>
<<addrsarah 15>><</if>>
<<addhygene -15>>
<<set $time to $time +1>>
<<addcumaddict 7>>
<<set $cheatcount to 0>>
<<if $fitness gte 0 and $fitness lt 25>>
<<addarousal -35>>
<<elseif $fitness gte 20 and $fitness lt 40>>
<<addarousal -30>>
<<elseif $fitness gte 40>>
<<addarousal -25>><</if>>
<<elseif $cumaddict gte 25 and $cumaddict lt 40>>
<<speech "Sarah" "Sarah">>Hmmm ok.<</speech>><br>
<div class="general">She gets down on her knees in front of you.</div><br>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Open your mouth.<</speech>><br>
<div class="general">She opens her mouth and you start cumming.</div><br>
<video src="images/sarah/livingroom/livmoves180/livmoves4e.webm" autoplay loop ></video><br><br>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Aah, yes!<</speech>><br>
<div class="general">Sarah let's the cum drip out of her mouth.</div><br>
<<speech "Sarah" "Sarah">>I still don't know about the taste.<</speech>><br>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>It's so hot to see.<</speech>><br>
<<speech "Sarah" "Sarah">>Glad you like it.<</speech>><br>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[That was great->livmovesend]]</span></div>
<<addenergy -15>>
<<addhappiness 15>>
<<if $fitness gte 0 and $fitness lt 20>>
<<addrsarah 10>>
<<elseif $fitness gte 20 and $fitness lt 40>>
<<addrsarah 13>>
<<elseif $fitness gte 40>>
<<addrsarah 15>><</if>>
<<addhygene -15>>
<<set $time to $time +1>>
<<addcumaddict 7>>
<<set $cheatcount to 0>>
<<if $fitness gte 0 and $fitness lt 25>>
<<addarousal -35>>
<<elseif $fitness gte 20 and $fitness lt 40>>
<<addarousal -30>>
<<elseif $fitness gte 40>>
<<addarousal -25>><</if>>
<<elseif $cumaddict gte 10 and $cumaddict lt 25>>
<<speech "Sarah" "Sarah">>Hmmm, I don't know.<</speech>><br>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Come on baby, get down.<</speech>><br>
<div class="general">She, slightly reluctant, gets down on her knees in front of you.</div><br>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Open your mouth.<</speech>><br>
<div class="general">She opens her mouth and you start cumming.</div><br>
<video src="images/sarah/livingroom/livmoves180/livmoves4e.webm" autoplay loop ></video><br><br>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Aah, yes!<</speech>><br>
<div class="general">Sarah let's the cum drip out of her mouth.</div><br>
<<speech "Sarah" "Sarah">>Ugh, I hate this taste.<</speech>><br>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>It's so hot to see.<</speech>><br>
<<speech "Sarah" "Sarah">>At least you like it.<</speech>><br>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[That was great->livmovesend]]</span></div>
<<addenergy -15>>
<<addhappiness 15>>
<<if $fitness gte 0 and $fitness lt 20>>
<<addrsarah 10>>
<<elseif $fitness gte 20 and $fitness lt 40>>
<<addrsarah 13>>
<<elseif $fitness gte 40>>
<<addrsarah 15>><</if>>
<<addhygene -15>>
<<set $time to $time +1>>
<<addcumaddict 7>>
<<set $cheatcount to 0>>
<<if $fitness gte 0 and $fitness lt 25>>
<<addarousal -35>>
<<elseif $fitness gte 20 and $fitness lt 40>>
<<addarousal -30>>
<<elseif $fitness gte 40>>
<<addarousal -25>><</if>>
<<elseif $cumaddict lt 10>>
<<speech "Sarah" "Sarah">>Do I have to?<</speech>><br>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Come on baby, get down.<</speech>><br>
<div class="general">Reluctantly she gets down on her knees in front of you.</div><br>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Open your mouth.<</speech>><br>
<div class="general">She opens her mouth and you start cumming.</div><br>
<video src="images/sarah/livingroom/livmoves180/livmoves4e.webm" autoplay loop ></video><br><br>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Aah, yes!<</speech>><br>
<div class="general">Sarah let's the cum drip out of her mouth.</div><br>
<<speech "Sarah" "Sarah">>Ugh, I hate this taste.<</speech>><br>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>It's so hot to see.<</speech>><br>
<<speech "Sarah" "Sarah">>At least you like it.<</speech>><br>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[That was great->livmovesend]]</span></div>
<<addenergy -15>>
<<addhappiness 15>>
<<if $fitness gte 0 and $fitness lt 20>>
<<addrsarah 10>>
<<elseif $fitness gte 20 and $fitness lt 40>>
<<addrsarah 13>>
<<elseif $fitness gte 40>>
<<addrsarah 15>><</if>>
<<addhygene -15>>
<<set $time to $time +1>>
<<addcumaddict 7>>
<<set $cheatcount to 0>>
<<if $fitness gte 0 and $fitness lt 25>>
<<addarousal -35>>
<<elseif $fitness gte 20 and $fitness lt 40>>
<<addarousal -30>>
<<elseif $fitness gte 40>>
<<addarousal -25>><</if>>
<</if>><</nobr>><<speech "Player" "$name">>You little slut! Fingering your ass like that.<</speech>>
<<speech "Sarah" "Sarah">>Yes, I'm a slut, I'm your slut. Please don't stop fucking me!<</speech>>
<div class="general">You keep going.</div>
<<speech "Sarah" "Sarah">>I'm cumming! I'm cumming! Oooh.<</speech>>
<div class="general">With load moans Sarah starts cumming.</div>
<video src="images/sarah/livingroom/livmoves180/livmoves4d.webm" autoplay loop ></video>
<<speech "Sarah" "Sarah">>Aah, fuck..<</speech>>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Continue->livmoves13analcs]]</span></div>
<div class="general">You are suprised with her actions, but you keep fucking her.</div>
<<speech "Sarah" "Sarah">>Oooh, yes, keep going!<</speech>>
<div class="general">You keep fucking her and she keeps fingering her own asshole.</div>
<<speech "Sarah" "Sarah">>Oooh yes, don't stop! I'm cumming! I'm cumminggg!!<</speech>>
<div class="general">Sarah starts cumming loudly.</div>
<video src="images/sarah/livingroom/livmoves180/livmoves4d.webm" autoplay loop ></video>
<<speech "Sarah" "Sarah">>Aah, fuck..<</speech>>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Cum inside her->livmoves11cr]]</span></div>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Cum on her face->livmoves11face]]</span></div><div class="general">You continue fucking her slowly.</div>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Come here my dirty slut. Get on you knees.<</speech>>
<<speech "Sarah" "Sarah">>Ooh yes, give me your cum! Give your slut her cum!<</speech>>
<div class="general">She gets on her knees and opens her mouth and you start cumming.</div>
<video src="images/sarah/livingroom/livmoves180/livmoves4e.webm" autoplay loop ></video>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Aaah yes, you are such a good little slut.<</speech>>
<div class="general">She eagerly laps up your cum.</div>
<<speech "Sarah" "Sarah">>Hhhmmmm. I love to be your slut.<</speech>>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[That was amazing->livmovesend]]</span></div>
<<addenergy -20>>
<<addhappiness 15>>
<<if $fitness gte 0 and $fitness lt 20>>
<<addrsarah 10>>
<<elseif $fitness gte 20 and $fitness lt 40>>
<<addrsarah 13>>
<<elseif $fitness gte 40>>
<<addrsarah 15>><</if>>
<<addhygene -15>>
<<set $time to $time +1>>
<<addcumaddict 7>>
<<set $cheatcount to 0>><div class="general">After the sex you sit with each other for a bit.</div>
<<speech "Sarah" "Sarah">>That was really nice.<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>It was.<</speech>>
<<speech "Sarah" "Sarah">>I love you.<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>I love you too.<</speech>>
<a data-passage="entrance"><div class="talkplayer">Let’s do something else</div></a>
<<set $livmovesend to "true">>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>I'm cumming to!<</speech>>
<<speech "Sarah" "Sarah">>Hmmm, give it to me!<</speech>>
<div class="general">She drops down on her knees and opens her mouth.</div>
<<speech "Sarah" "Sarah">>Give me your cum! I need your cum!<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Here it comes!<</speech>>
<div class="general">You start cumming.</div>
<video src="images/sarah/livingroom/livmoves180/livmoves4e.webm" autoplay loop ></video>
<div class="general">She eagerly laps up your cum.</div>
<<speech "Sarah" "Sarah">>Hhhmmmm.<</speech>>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[That was hot->livmovesend]]</span></div>
<<addenergy -20>>
<<addhappiness 15>>
<<if $fitness gte 0 and $fitness lt 20>>
<<addrsarah 10>>
<<elseif $fitness gte 20 and $fitness lt 40>>
<<addrsarah 13>>
<<elseif $fitness gte 40>>
<<addrsarah 15>><</if>>
<<addhygene -15>>
<<set $time to $time +1>>
<<addcumaddict 7>>
<<set $cheatcount to 0>><<speech "Sarah" "Sarah">>Oooh, alright, come here.<</speech>>
<div class="general">She grabs you pants and pulls it down. Then she drops down onto her knees.</div>
<<speech "Sarah" "Sarah">>We have to be quick, because I have a class to teach soon.<</speech>>
<div class="general">She starts sucking your dick.</div>
<video src="images/sarah/kitchen/kitmoves/kitmoves2a.webm" autoplay loop ></video>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Ooh yes babe, that feels good.<</speech>>
<div class="general">She keeps sucking. Then she stops</div>
<<speech "Sarah" "Sarah">>Seems like you are hard and I'm pretty sure I made you wet, so fuck me honey!<</speech>>
<div class="general">She bends over a chair next to you.</div>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Fuck her->kitmoves4]]</span></div>
<div class="general">You move behind her and start fucking her</div>
<video src="images/sarah/kitchen/kitmoves/kitmoves3a.webm" autoplay loop ></video>
<<speech "Sarah" "Sarah">>Ooh yes! You feel so good.<</speech>>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Continue->kitmoves5]]</span></div>
<div class="general">You keep fucking her.</div>
<<speech "Sarah" "Sarah">>Fuck me harder babe, fuck me harder!<</speech>>
<div class="general">You start increasing your pace.</div>
<video src="images/sarah/kitchen/kitmoves/kitmoves3b.webm" autoplay loop ></video>
<<speech "Sarah" "Sarah">>Fuck, it's getting late.<</speech>>
<div class="general">She pushes you away and pushes you down on the couch.</div>
<<speech "Sarah" "Sarah">>Let's speed this up.<</speech>>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[She sits down on top of you->kitmoves6]]</span></div>
<div class="general">She grabs your dick and pushes into her own pussy.</div>
<video src="images/sarah/kitchen/kitmoves/kitmoves4a.webm" autoplay loop ></video>
<<speech "Sarah" "Sarah">>Hmmm yes, that's better.<</speech>>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Continue->kitmoves7]]</span></div>
<div class="general">She starts bouncing on your dick.</div>
<<speech "Sarah" "Sarah">>Oh yes!<</speech>>
<div class="general">Sarah, realizing she does not have a lot of time starts increasing her speed.</div>
<video src="images/sarah/kitchen/kitmoves/kitmoves4b.webm" autoplay loop ></video>
<<speech "Sarah" "Sarah">>Yes, yes, yes!<</speech>>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Continue->kitmoves8]]</span></div>
<div class="general">She keeps bouncing.</div>
<video src="images/sarah/kitchen/kitmoves/kitmoves4bc.webm" autoplay loop ></video>
<<speech "Sarah" "Sarah">>Fuck baby you feel so good!<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Fuck baby, I'm almost cumming!<</speech>>
<<if $cumslut is "true">>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Continue->kitmoves9cs]]</span></div>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Cum in her mouth->kitmoves9cim]]</span></div><br>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Cum inside her->kitmoves9cr]]</span></div>
<<set $kitmoves4 to "true">>
<<speech "Sarah" "Sarah">>Are you going to cum for me baby?<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Yes!<</speech>>
<<speech "Sarah" "Sarah">>I want your cum baby, cum in my mouth.<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Get on your knees.<</speech>>
<div class="general">She gets down.</div>
<<speech "Sarah" "Sarah">>Cum for me baby.<</speech>>
<div class="general">You start cumming.</div>
<video src="images/sarah/kitchen/kitmoves/kitmoves4d.webm" autoplay loop ></video>
<<speech "Sarah" "Sarah">>Oh yes! Hmmmmm.<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Fuck, you are so hot begging for my cum.<</speech>>
<div class="general">Sarah blushes a little and then looks at the clock</div>
<<speech "Sarah" "Sarah">>Oh fuck, I have to go!<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>You know you are covered in cum right?<</speech>>
<<speech "Sarah" "Sarah">>Yes, I know, I'll clean it of on the way.<</speech>>
<div class="general">Sarah gets up and leaves.</div>
<a data-passage="entrance"><div class="talkplayer">Let’s do something else</div></a>
<<if $fitness gte 0 and $fitness lt 20>>
<<addrsarah 8>>
<<elseif $fitness gte 20 and $fitness lt 40>>
<<addrsarah 10>>
<<elseif $fitness gte 40>>
<<addrsarah 12>><</if>>
<<addenergy -15>>
<<addhappiness 15>>
<<addhygene -15>>
<<set $time to $time +1>>
<<addcumaddict 7>>
<<set $cheatcount to 0>>
<<set $kitmoves4 to "true">><<speech "Player" "$name">>Get down baby, I want to cum in your mouth.<</speech>>
<<speech "Sarah" "Sarah">>Hmmmm.<</speech>>
<div class="general">She gets down and opens her mouth, but before you reach her mouth you start cumming.</div>
<video src="images/sarah/kitchen/kitmoves/kitmoves4d.webm" autoplay loop ></video>
<<speech "Sarah" "Sarah">>Babe!!<</speech>>
<div class="general">You cover her face and mouth completely with cum.</div>
<<speech "Sarah" "Sarah">>Fuck, it's everywhere, your cum is everywhere. Fuck, I need to clean up and go to work.<</speech>>
<div class="general">She gets up and leaves.</div>
<<speech "Player" "$name">><i>Let's hope she is not too mad about this.</i><</speech>>
<a data-passage="entrance"><div class="talkplayer">Let’s do something else</div></a>
<<if $fitness gte 0 and $fitness lt 20>>
<<addrsarah -7>>
<<elseif $fitness gte 20 and $fitness lt 40>>
<<addrsarah -5>>
<<elseif $fitness gte 40>>
<<addrsarah -3>><</if>>
<<addenergy -15>>
<<addhappiness 15>>
<<addhygene -15>>
<<set $time to $time +1>>
<<if $fitness gte 0 and $fitness lt 25>>
<<addarousal -35>>
<<elseif $fitness gte 20 and $fitness lt 40>>
<<addarousal -30>>
<<elseif $fitness gte 40>>
<<addarousal -25>><</if>>
<<addcumaddict 7>>
<<set $cheatcount to 0>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Fuck baby, I'm almost cumming.<</speech>>
<<speech "Sarah" "Sarah">>Ooh, me too, fill my pussy with your cum!<</speech>>
<div class="general">She keeps bouncing.</div>
<<speech "Sarah" "Sarah">>Oooh yes!!<</speech>>
<div class="general">You both start cumming.</div>
<video src="images/sarah/kitchen/kitmoves/kitmoves4c.webm" autoplay loop ></video>
<<speech "Sarah" "Sarah">>That felt good.<</speech>>
<div class="general">She looks at the clock.</div>
<<speech "Sarah" "Sarah">>Oh shit, I have to go!<</speech>>
<div class="general">She get's up and walks towards the bathroom with her pussy dripping with your cum.</div>
<a data-passage="entrance"><div class="talkplayer">Let’s do something else</div></a>
<<if $fitness gte 0 and $fitness lt 20>>
<<addrsarah 10>>
<<elseif $fitness gte 20 and $fitness lt 40>>
<<addrsarah 13>>
<<elseif $fitness gte 40>>
<<addrsarah 15>><</if>>
<<addenergy -15>>
<<addhappiness 15>>
<<addhygene -15>>
<<set $time to $time +1>>
<<if $fitness gte 0 and $fitness lt 25>>
<<addarousal -35>>
<<elseif $fitness gte 20 and $fitness lt 40>>
<<addarousal -30>>
<<elseif $fitness gte 40>>
<<addarousal -25>><</if>>
<<speech "Sarah" "Sarah">>But where are outside, the neighbour..<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>You didn't seem to mind last time. Quite the contrary actually.<</speech>>
<<speech "Sarah" "Sarah">>Hmmm, that is true.<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>So just go with it, let him watch.<</speech>>
<<speech "Sarah" "Sarah">>Hmmmm, you are so good in turning me on. Come here let me please you.<</speech>>
<div class="general">She pulls you up and goes down on her knees herself.</div>
<video src="images/sarah/garden/terraces/terraces1b.webm" autoplay loop ></video>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Continue->terraces3]]</span></div>
<<speech "Sarah" "Sarah">>I hope he's watching.<</speech>>
<div class="general">She takes your dick in her mouth and starts blowing you.</div>
<video src="images/sarah/garden/terraces/terraces1c.webm" autoplay loop ></video>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Ooh, fuck that feels good baby. You are such an amazing cocksucker.<</speech>>
<<speech "Sarah" "Sarah">>Hmmmmmm.<</speech>>
<div class="general">Sarah keeps going.</div>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Return the favour->terraces4]]</span></div><<speech "Player" "$name">>Come here baby.<</speech>>
<div class="general">You lift her up and lay her down. You take off her bikini bottom and start licking her pussy.</div>
<video src="images/sarah/garden/terraces/terraces2a.webm" autoplay loop ></video>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Return the favour->terraces5]]</span></div><<speech "Sarah" "Sarah">>Ooh baby, that feels so good!<</speech>>
<div class="general">You keep licking her.</div>
<video src="images/sarah/garden/terraces/terraces2b.webm" autoplay loop ></video>
<<speech "Sarah" "Sarah">>Oooooh. Hmmmmmm.<</speech>>
<div class="general">You keep licking her a bit more..</div>
<<speech "Sarah" "Sarah">>Baby stop! I want to feel you inside of me! Fuck me baby!<</speech>>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Fuck her->terraces6]]</span></div>
<div class="general">You climb on top of her and push your dick inside her.</div>
<video src="images/sarah/garden/terraces/terraces3a.webm" autoplay loop ></video>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Continue->terraces7]]</span></div>
<<speech "Sarah" "Sarah">>Ooh yes! Fuck me baby, fuck me hard!<</speech>>
<div class="general">You keep fucking her.</div>
<video src="images/sarah/garden/terraces/terraces3b.webm" autoplay loop ></video>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Continue->terraces8]]</span></div>
<<speech "Sarah" "Sarah">>Hmmmmm. Oooh.<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>We are giving our neighbour quite the show.<</speech>>
<<speech "Sarah" "Sarah">>Hmmmmm. Yes.<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Turn around baby, I want to fuck you from behind.<</speech>>
<div class="general">Sarah gets on all fours and you start fucking her.</div>
<video src="images/sarah/garden/terraces/terraces3c.webm" autoplay loop ></video>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Continue->terraces9]]</span></div>
<<speech "Sarah" "Sarah">>Hmmm yes! Keep going!<</speech>>
<div class="general">You keep fucking her.</div>
<video src="images/sarah/garden/terraces/terraces3d.webm" autoplay loop ></video>
<<speech "Sarah" "Sarah">>Hmmmm, let's change, I want to ride you.<</speech>>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Switch->terraces10]]</span></div><div class="general">You quickly lay down on you back as Sarah gets on top of you and starts fucking you.</div>
<video src="images/sarah/garden/terraces/terraces4a.webm" autoplay loop ></video>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Continue->terraces11]]</span></div><<speech "Sarah" "Sarah">>Oooh, fuck, yes!<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>You are going to make me cum baby!<</speech>>
<<speech "Sarah" "Sarah">>Yes! Cum for me, fill my pussy!<</speech>>
<div class="general">She keeps fucking you.</div>
<<speech "Sarah" "Sarah">>I'm cumming baby, fill my pussy!<</speech>>
<div class="general">With that she starts cumming loudly as you start filling her up.</div>
<video src="images/sarah/garden/terraces/terraces4b.webm" autoplay loop ></video>
<<speech "Sarah" "Sarah">>Yeeeesssss!<</speech>>
<div class="general">She collapses on top of you.</div>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>I think the whole neighbourhood heard that.<</speech>>
<<speech "Sarah" "Sarah">>I don't care anymore.<</speech>>
<div class="general">You both get up and take a shower together.</div>
<a data-passage="garden"><div class="talkplayer">Let’s do something else</div></a>
<<if $fitness gte 0 and $fitness lt 20>>
<<addrsarah 10>>
<<elseif $fitness gte 20 and $fitness lt 40>>
<<addrsarah 13>>
<<elseif $fitness gte 40>>
<<addrsarah 15>><</if>>
<<addenergy -15>>
<<addhappiness 15>>
<<addhygene -15>>
<<set $time to $time +1>>
<<if $fitness gte 0 and $fitness lt 25>>
<<addarousal -35>>
<<elseif $fitness gte 20 and $fitness lt 40>>
<<addarousal -30>>
<<elseif $fitness gte 40>>
<<addarousal -25>><</if>>
<<addcumaddict 7>>
<<set $cheatcount to 0>>
<<set $terraces4 to "true">>
<<speech "Sarah" "Sarah">>What do you mean?<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Well, I know you like to sun topless.<</speech>>
<<speech "Sarah" "Sarah">>You want me to? While he is watching?<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>As I said, for me it's a compliment and you should enjoy your garden however you want.<</speech>>
<div class="general">She hesitates.</div>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Come on baby.<</speech>>
<div class="general">She slowly starts taking off her bikini top.</div>
<video src="images/sarah/garden/gardensexh/gardensexh1b.webm" autoplay loop ></video>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Is this turning you on?<</speech>>
<<speech "Sarah" "Sarah">>Huh, what? Why would you ask that?<</speech>>
<div class="general">You look at her nipples. Sarah looks down and blushes.</div>
<<speech "Sarah" "Sarah">>Ok, maybe a little bit.<</speech>>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Let her enjoy the sun->gardensexhend1]]</span></div>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Push her further->gardensexh3]]</span></div><<speech "Player" "$name">>Why don't you show him even more?<</speech>>
<<speech "Sarah" "Sarah">>What? You mean?<</speech>>
<div class="general">She seems a bit hesitant, but you can see in her eyes that she is really turned on by this and without saying another word she starts taking off her bikini bottom.</div>
<video src="images/sarah/garden/gardensexh/gardensexh2a.webm" autoplay loop ></video>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Continue->gardensexh4]]</span></div>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>So, how wet are you?<</speech>>
<div class="general">She blushes.</div>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Do you want to touch yourself?<</speech>>
<div class="general">She nods softly.</div>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Then do it. Give our pervy neighbour a show.<</speech>>
<div class="general">She slowly makes her fingers wet and starts rubbing her pussy.</div>
<video src="images/sarah/garden/gardensexh/gardensexh2b.webm" autoplay loop ></video>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Continue->gardensexh5]]</span></div>
<<speech "Sarah" "Sarah">>Hmmmm.<</speech>>
<div class="general">Sarah starts moaning softly.</div>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Good girl.<</speech>>
<div class="general">Sarah starts to push some fingers into her pussy.</div>
<video src="images/sarah/garden/gardensexh/gardensexh2c.webm" autoplay loop ></video>
<<speech "Sarah" "Sarah">>Ooh, hmmmmm.<</speech>>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Keep motivating her->gardensexh6]]</span></div>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Do you like being watched baby?<</speech>>
<<speech "Sarah" "Sarah">>Hmmm. Yes, yes I do. I don't know why, but I do.<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>He is probably masturbating to you right now.<</speech>>
<<speech "Sarah" "Sarah">>Hmmmmm.<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Why don't you show him some ass baby.<</speech>>
<div class="general">Sarah turns around and quickly starts fingering herself again.</div>
<video src="images/sarah/garden/gardensexh/gardensexh3a.webm" autoplay loop ></video>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Continue->gardensexh7]]</span></div>
<div class="general">Then she even gets to doggy postition, displaying her full ass.</div>
<video src="images/sarah/garden/gardensexh/gardensexh3b.webm" autoplay loop ></video>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Fuck baby, you are so hot.<</speech>>
<<speech "Sarah" "Sarah">>Hmmmm.<</speech>>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[She keeps going->gardensexh8]]</span></div>
<div class="general">After a while she switches to her back.</div>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>I bet that our neighbour is in heaven right now.<</speech>>
<<speech "Sarah" "Sarah">>Hmmm. He better be.<</speech>>
<video src="images/sarah/garden/gardensexh/gardensexh4a.webm" autoplay loop ></video>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Continue->gardensexh9]]</span></div>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>You dirty girl.<</speech>>
<<speech "Sarah" "Sarah">>Hmmm. Oooh.<</speech>>
<div class="general">Sarah seems to be completely in her own world, forgetting where she is as her moaning becomes louder and louder.</div>
<video src="images/sarah/garden/gardensexh/gardensexh4b.webm" autoplay loop ></video>
<<speech "Sarah" "Sarah">>Ooooh yes. Hmmmmm.<</speech>>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Continue->gardensexh10]]</span></div>
<div class="general">She keeps going.</div>
<<speech "Sarah" "Sarah">>Aaah. Hmmmhmmmmm.<</speech>>
<div class="general">Then she starts cumming.</div>
<video src="images/sarah/garden/gardensexh/gardensexh4c.webm" autoplay loop ></video>
<<speech "Sarah" "Sarah">>Oooh, that felt so good.<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>I bet you made the neighbours day with that show.<</speech>>
<div class="general">Slowly she starts to realize what she did and where she did it.</div>
<<speech "Sarah" "Sarah">>Fuck.<</speech>>
<div class="general">She looks towards the neighbours house and turns completely red before she runs into the house.</div>
<<speech "Player" "$name">><i>I should probably go and talk to her about this later on.</i><</speech>>
<a data-passage="garden"><div class="talkplayer">Let’s do something else</div></a>
<<if $fitness gte 0 and $fitness lt 20>>
<<addrsarah 1>>
<<elseif $fitness gte 20 and $fitness lt 40>>
<<addrsarah 3>>
<<elseif $fitness gte 40>>
<<addrsarah 5>><</if>>
<<addenergy -5>>
<<addhappiness 5>>
<<addhygene -5>>
<<set $time to $time +1>>
<<if $fitness gte 0 and $fitness lt 25>>
<<addarousal -35>>
<<elseif $fitness gte 20 and $fitness lt 40>>
<<addarousal -30>>
<<elseif $fitness gte 40>>
<<addarousal -25>><</if>>
<<set $exhibitionist to "true">>
<<speech "Sarah" "Sarah">>Hmmm, I forgot how good you are in this.<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>I'm glad you are enjoying yourself.<</speech>>
<div class="general">You keep massaging her.</div>
<<speech "Sarah" "Sarah">>If you want you can undo my top.<</speech>>
<div class="general">You loosen her bikini top and keep massaging her.</div>
<video src="images/sarah/pool/poolmoves/poolmoves2b.webm" autoplay loop ></video>
<<speech "Sarah" "Sarah">>Hmmmmmm. This is really good.<</speech>>
<div class="general">You keep going for a while.</div>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[End the massage->poolmovesend1]]</span></div>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Focus on her ass->poolmoves4]]</span></div>
<div class="general">You place your hands lower and lower until you reach her ass and you start massaging it.</div>
<video src="images/sarah/pool/poolmoves/poolmoves3a.webm" autoplay loop ></video>
<<nobr>><<if $firstanalfuck is "true" and $exhibitionist is "true" and $rsarah gte 200>>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Continue->poolmoves5]]</span></div>
<<speech "Sarah" "Sarah">>That's enough, thank you babe.<</speech>><br>
<div class="general">She turns to her back.</div><br>
<a data-passage="garden"><div class="talkplayer">Let’s do something else</div></a>
<<if $fitness gte 0 and $fitness lt 20>>
<<addrsarah 3>>
<<elseif $fitness gte 20 and $fitness lt 40>>
<<addrsarah 6>>
<<elseif $fitness gte 40>>
<<addrsarah 9>><</if>>
<<addenergy -10>>
<<addhappiness 3>>
<<addhygene -15>>
<<set $time to $time +1>>
<<speech "Sarah" "Sarah">>Hmmmmm, are you going to massage any other parts.<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>I rather not.<</speech>>
<<speech "Sarah" "Sarah">>I noticed that.<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Come, lift your ass up.<</speech>>
<div class="general">Obedient she does as you ask as you continue the massage.</div>
<video src="images/sarah/pool/poolmoves/poolmoves3b.webm" autoplay loop ></video>
<<speech "Sarah" "Sarah">>Hmmmmm.<</speech>>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Continue->poolmoves6]]</span></div>
<div class="general">A small moan escapes her mouth.</div>
<<speech "Player" "$name">><i>Is this turning her on?</i><</speech>>
<div class="general">You keep going.</div>
<video src="images/sarah/pool/poolmoves/poolmoves3c.webm" autoplay loop ></video>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Push it further->poolmoves7]]</span></div>
<div class="general">You see a small wet spot emerging in her bikinibottoms.</div>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>It is actually turning her on.<</speech>>
<video src="images/sarah/pool/poolmoves/poolmoves4a.webm" autoplay loop ></video>
<<speech "Sarah" "Sarah">>Hmmmmmm.<</speech>>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Keep pushing->poolmoves8]]</span></div>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>You like that baby?<</speech>>
<<speech "Sarah" "Sarah">>Uhuh.<</speech>>
<div class="general">You lift her up and you place her on top you, still groping her ass.</div>
<video src="images/sarah/pool/poolmoves/poolmoves4b.webm" autoplay loop ></video>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Continue->poolmoves9]]</span></div>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Your ass is so hot babe.<</speech>>
<<speech "Sarah" "Sarah">>Hmmmm, it likes you too.<</speech>>
<div class="general">You take of her bikini bottom and start playing with her asshole.</div>
<video src="images/sarah/pool/poolmoves/poolmoves4c.webm" autoplay loop ></video>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Continue->poolmoves10]]</span></div>
<<speech "Sarah" "Sarah">>Hmmmm, yes.<</speech>>
<div class="general">She starts playing with her own pussy while you push a finger inside her.</div>
<video src="images/sarah/pool/poolmoves/poolmoves4d.webm" autoplay loop ></video>
<<speech "Sarah" "Sarah">>Oooh yes baby!<</speech>>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Make her suck your dick->poolmoves11]]</span></div>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Come here baby, make sure my dick is fully wet.<</speech>>
<div class="general">She spins around and starts sucking your dick.</div>
<video src="images/sarah/pool/poolmoves/poolmoves5a.webm" autoplay loop ></video>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Continue->poolmoves12]]</span></div>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Hmmmmm, very good.<</speech>>
<<speech "Sarah" "Sarah">>Wet enough baby?<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Yes, turn around, I want to fuck you.<</speech>>
<div class="general">She turns around.</div>
<<speech "Sarah" "Sarah">>Which hole will you fuck baby?<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>There is only one whole I want today baby and that is your ass.<</speech>>
<<speech "Sarah" "Sarah">>Hmmmm, ok, please be gentle.<</speech>>
<div class="general">You start to push in you dick.</div>
<video src="images/sarah/pool/poolmoves/poolmoves5b.webm" autoplay loop ></video>
<<speech "Sarah" "Sarah">>Aaahh fuck!<</speech>>
<div class="general">You pull out.</div>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Continue->poolmoves13]]</span></div>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Here I come again baby. You can do this.<</speech>>
<div class="general">You push in again, and try to go deeper this time.</div>
<video src="images/sarah/pool/poolmoves/poolmoves5c.webm" autoplay loop ></video>
<<speech "Sarah" "Sarah">>Oooh. Uuuhhmmhmmm.<</speech>>
<div class="general">You start to slowly fucking her. Her face tells you that she is quite uncomfortable.</div>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Continue->poolmoves14]]</span></div>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Fuck baby, your ass is so tight.<</speech>>
<div class="general">Then you start to really fuck her.</div>
<video src="images/sarah/pool/poolmoves/poolmoves5d.webm" autoplay loop ></video>
<<speech "Sarah" "Sarah">>Oooh, aaah!<</speech>>
<div class="general">Sarah is clearly in some discomfort, but you keep fucking her.</div>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Let's switch position->poolmoves15]]</span></div>
<<speech "Sarah" "Sarah">>What are you..?<</speech>>
<div class="general">Without warning you lift her up and place her on top of you.</div>
<video src="images/sarah/pool/poolmoves/poolmoves6a.webm" autoplay loop ></video>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Push it further->poolmoves16]]</span></div>
<<speech "Sarah" "Sarah">>Ooh fuck, you are so deep!<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>And it feels amazing.<</speech>>
<div class="general">You keep fucking her ass like this.</div>
<video src="images/sarah/pool/poolmoves/poolmoves6b.webm" autoplay loop ></video>
<<speech "Sarah" "Sarah">>Baby please! I can't take it anymore.<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Alright, you can either finish me with your ass or you can use your mouth.<</speech>>
<<speech "Sarah" "Sarah">>My mouth? But your dick is.. Is in my ass.<</speech>>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Keep fucking her ass->poolmoves17anal]]</span></div>
<<if $cumslut is "true">>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Let her finish you with her mouth->poolmoves17cim]]</span></div>
<<set $poolmoves6 to "true">><<speech "Player" "$name">>Well, if you don't want to suck me I'll just keep fucking your ass.<</speech>>
<<speech "Sarah" "Sarah">>Hmpf, can we at least change position.<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Sure.<</speech>>
<div class="general">You lay her on her back and start fucking her ass again.</div>
<video src="images/sarah/pool/poolmoves/poolmoves7a1a.webm" autoplay loop ></video>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Continue->poolmoves18anal]]</span></div>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Well, if you don't want to suck me I'll just keep fucking your ass.<</speech>>
<<speech "Sarah" "Sarah">>No! Please, I'll suck your dick, at least I'll get my favorite treat.<</speech>>
<div class="general">You lift her off your dick.</div>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Well?<</speech>>
<<speech "Sarah" "Sarah">>This is so gross.<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Come one slut, work for your cum.<</speech>>
<div class="general">Reluctantly Sarah starts to suck your dick.</div>
<video src="images/sarah/pool/poolmoves/poolmoves7b1a.webm" autoplay loop ></video>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Continue->poolmoves18cim]]</span></div>
<<speech "Sarah" "Sarah">>Ooh fuck! Babe!! Are you close?<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Almost!<</speech>>
<div class="general">You keep going until you start cumming deep inside of her.</div>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Here it comes!<</speech>>
<video src="images/sarah/pool/poolmoves/poolmoves7a1b.webm" autoplay loop ></video>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Aaah fuck that feels good.<</speech>>
<<speech "Sarah" "Sarah">>Om my god, you came so deep inside me.<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>That was amazing<</speech>>
<<speech "Sarah" "Sarah">>I don't think I'll be able to walk..<</speech>>
<div class="general">She slowly stands up and wiggles away.</div>
<<speech "Sarah" "Sarah">>I'm going to try to push some of your cum out. It's so fucking deep inside off me.<</speech>>
<div class="general">She walks off.</div>
<a data-passage="garden"><div class="talkplayer">Let’s do something else</div></a>
<<if $fitness gte 0 and $fitness lt 20>>
<<addrsarah 1>>
<<elseif $fitness gte 20 and $fitness lt 40>>
<<addrsarah 2>>
<<elseif $fitness gte 40>>
<<addrsarah 3>><</if>>
<<addenergy -15>>
<<addhappiness 20>>
<<addhygene -15>>
<<set $time to $time +1>>
<<if $fitness gte 0 and $fitness lt 25>>
<<addarousal -35>>
<<elseif $fitness gte 20 and $fitness lt 40>>
<<addarousal -30>>
<<elseif $fitness gte 40>>
<<addarousal -25>><</if>><<speech "Player" "$name">>Aaah yes, that a good slut.<</speech>>
<<speech "Sarah" "Sarah">>You are disgusting.<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>You love it!<</speech>>
<div class="general">She keeps sucking.</div>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Aah yes, come here. Then I'll give you what you have been waiting for.<</speech>>
<div class="general">She gets on her knees and you start cumming.</div>
<video src="images/sarah/pool/poolmoves/poolmoves7b1b.webm" autoplay loop ></video>
<<speech "Sarah" "Sarah">>Hmmmmm, finally.<</speech>>
<div class="general">Sarah catches as much cum as she can and swallows it all.</div>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>And what do we say?<</speech>>
<<speech "Sarah" "Sarah">>Thank you baby.<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Good little slut.<</speech>>
<div class="general">You both sit down a little together.</div>
<a data-passage="garden"><div class="talkplayer">Let’s do something else</div></a>
<<if $fitness gte 0 and $fitness lt 20>>
<<addrsarah 7>>
<<elseif $fitness gte 20 and $fitness lt 40>>
<<addrsarah 10>>
<<elseif $fitness gte 40>>
<<addrsarah 13>><</if>>
<<addenergy -15>>
<<addhappiness 20>>
<<addhygene -15>>
<<set $time to $time +1>>
<<if $fitness gte 0 and $fitness lt 25>>
<<addarousal -35>>
<<elseif $fitness gte 20 and $fitness lt 40>>
<<addarousal -30>>
<<elseif $fitness gte 40>>
<<addarousal -25>><</if>>
<<addcumaddict 7>>
<<set $cheatcount to 0>>
<img src="images/sarah/bedroom/massage/bedmassagesend1.jpg" />
<<speech "Player" "$name">>I hoped you enjoyed it.<</speech>>
<<speech "Sarah" "Sarah">>I actually did.<</speech>>
<div class="general">Sarah looks very happy right now.</div>
<a data-passage="upstairs"><div class="talkplayer">Let’s do something else</div></a>
<<addenergy -15>>
<<addhappiness 3>>
<<if $fitness gte 0 and $fitness lt 20>>
<<addrsarah 1>>
<<elseif $fitness gte 20 and $fitness lt 40>>
<<addrsarah 3>>
<<elseif $fitness gte 40>>
<<addrsarah 5>><</if>>
<<addhygene -10>>
<<set $time to $time +1>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>How does it feel?<</speech>>
<<speech "Sarah" "Sarah">>You are actually quite good at this.<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>I'll take that as a compliment.<</speech>>
<div class="general">You keep going.</div>
<video src="images/sarah/bedroom/massage/bedmassages1b.webm" autoplay loop ></video>
<<speech "Sarah" "Sarah">>Hmmmmmm.<</speech>>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Continue->bedmassages3]]</span></div><<speech "Player" "$name">>Enjoying yourself?<</speech>>
<<speech "Sarah" "Sarah">>Ssshh, less talking more massaging.<</speech>>
<div class="general">No stopping for you.</div>
<video src="images/sarah/bedroom/massage/bedmassages1c.webm" autoplay loop ></video>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Finish the massage->bedmassagesend1]]</span></div>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Start massaging her ass->bedmassages4]]</span></div><div class="general">You decide to go for it and move your hands down to her ass and squeeze.</div>
<video src="images/sarah/bedroom/massage/bedmassages2a.webm" autoplay loop ></video>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Continue->bedmassages5]]</span></div><<speech "Sarah" "Sarah">>Hmmm where are those hands going?<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Is there a problem?<</speech>>
<<speech "Sarah" "Sarah">>Hmmm, no there isn't.<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">><i>That sounds like an invitation.</i><</speech>>
<div class="general">You start massageing her ass more.</div>
<video src="images/sarah/bedroom/massage/bedmassages2b.webm" autoplay loop ></video>
<<speech "Sarah" "Sarah">>Hhmmmm<</speech>>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[End the massage->bedmassagesend1]]</span></div>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Start rubbing her pussy->bedmassages6]]</span></div><div class="general">You decide to push you luck and start rubbing her pussy a little bit</div>
<video src="images/sarah/bedroom/massage/bedmassages3a.webm" autoplay loop ></video>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Continue->bedmassages7]]</span></div><<speech "Sarah" "Sarah">>Aaah.<</speech>>
<div class="general">Ah moan escapes Sarah's mouth as you keep going.</div>
<img src="images/sarah/bedroom/massage/bedmassages3b.gif" />
<<speech "Sarah" "Sarah">>Hmmmm.<</speech>>
<div class="general">Sarah keeps moaning softly as she clearly enjoys your "massage".</div>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Ask her to turn around->bedmassages8a1]]</span></div>
<<nobr>><<if $rsarah gte 200>>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Start rubbing her asshole->bedmassages8b1]]</span></div><</if>><</nobr>><div class="general">She turns around and lays on her back.</div>
<<speech "Sarah" "Sarah">>Hmmm, don't stop now.<</speech>>
<div class="general">You start "massaging" her breasts.</div>
<video src="images/sarah/bedroom/massage/bedmassages3a1a.webm" autoplay loop ></video>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Continue->bedmassages8a2]]</span></div><div class="general">Very subtle you start to rub over her asshole.</div>
<img src="images/sarah/bedroom/massage/bedmassages3b1a.gif" />
<<speech "Sarah" "Sarah">>Hmmmm.<</speech>>
<div class="general">Sarah just keeps moaning as she did before.</div>
<<speech "Player" "$name">><i>Let's see if I can push a bit further.</i><</speech>>
<img src="images/sarah/bedroom/massage/bedmassages3b1b.jpg" />
<div class="general">You start pushing your finger in her ass.</div>
<<speech "Sarah" "Sarah">>Ooh what are you doing? Stop!<</speech>>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Stop->bedmassagesend3]]</span></div>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Keep going->bedmassages8b2]]</span></div>
<<speech "Sarah" "Sarah">>Hmmmm, rub my pussy baby.<</speech>>
<div class="general">You place your hand on her pussy and start rubbing it.</div>
<video src="images/sarah/bedroom/massage/bedmassages3a1b.webm" autoplay loop ></video>
<<speech "Sarah" "Sarah">>Ooh yes!<</speech>>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Turn her around again->bedmassages8a3]]</span></div><<speech "Player" "$name">>Turn around.<</speech>>
<<speech "Sarah" "Sarah">>Hmmm, again?<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Yes, I promise you won't regret it.<</speech>>
<<speech "Sarah" "Sarah">>Alright.<</speech>>
<div class="general">She lays on her belly again and you start fingering her again</div>
<video src="images/sarah/bedroom/massage/bedmassages3a2a.webm" autoplay loop ></video>
<<speech "Sarah" "Sarah">>Ooh yes, don't stop! Keep going!<</speech>>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Continue->bedmassages8a4]]</span></div><div class="general">You don't stop.</div>
<<speech "Sarah" "Sarah">>Fuuck, yaaas!!<</speech>>
<div class="general">You intensify your fingering and start fingering her harder and then she starts cumming.</div>
<video src="images/sarah/bedroom/massage/bedmassages3a2b.webm" autoplay loop ></video>
<<speech "Sarah" "Sarah">>Ooooh fuck..<</speech>>
<div class="general">Sarah slowly recovers from her orgasm.</div>
<<speech "Sarah" "Sarah">>Best massage ever..<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>You are welcome.<</speech>>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[End the massage->bedmassagesend2]]</span></div>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Ask for a reward->bedmassages9b1]]</span></div>
<<nobr>><<if $rsarah gte 190>>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Start fucking her->bedmassages9a1]]</span></div><</if>><</nobr>><img src="images/sarah/bedroom/massage/bedmassagesend1.jpg" />
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Glad you enjoyed it.<</speech>>
<<speech "Sarah" "Sarah">>You should give me massages more often.<</speech>>
<div class="general">Sarah looks very happy right now.</div>
<a data-passage="upstairs"><div class="talkplayer">Let’s do something else</div></a>
<<if $fitness gte 0 and $fitness lt 20>>
<<addrsarah 10>>
<<elseif $fitness gte 20 and $fitness lt 40>>
<<addrsarah 13>>
<<elseif $fitness gte 40>>
<<addrsarah 15>><</if>>
<<addenergy -15>>
<<addhappiness 5>>
<<addhygene -15>>
<<set $time to $time +1>><div class="general">You slowly move your dick towards her pussy. Once the tip reaches her she responds.</div>
<<speech "Sarah" "Sarah">>What are you doing?<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>You made me so hard, I need some release.<</speech>>
<<speech "Sarah" "Sarah">>Please honey, I'm very sensitive now.<</speech>>
<div class="general">You slowly enter her.</div>
<<speech "Sarah" "Sarah">>Honey please!<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>I'll be quick.<</speech>>
<video src="images/sarah/bedroom/massage/bedmassages6a.webm" autoplay loop ></video>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Continue->bedmassages9a2]]</span></div><<speech "Player" "$name">>You actully got me quite hard as well.<</speech>>
<<speech "Sarah" "Sarah">>Is that a hint?<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>I guess it is.<</speech>>
<div class="general">She looks at you.</div>
<<nobr>><<if $cumslut is "true">>
<<speech "Sarah" "Sarah">>Alright, I guess you deserve a little reward. Why don't you lay down.<</speech>><br>
<div class="general">You take off you pants and lay down.</div><br>
<<speech "Sarah" "Sarah">>It's clearly in the mood.<</speech>><br>
<div class="general">Sarah gets down and starts sucking you.</div><br>
<video src="images/sarah/bedroom/massage/bedmassages4a.webm" autoplay loop ></video><br><br>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>That feels so good.<</speech>><br>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[She keeps going->bedmassages9b2]]</span></div>
<<speech "Sarah" "Sarah">>I'm sorry, I'm exhausted. Maybe next time.<</speech>>
<a data-passage="upstairs"><div class="talkplayer">Let’s do something else</div></a>
<<speech "Sarah" "Sarah">>Ooh fuck!<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Lay on your belly.<</speech>>
<div class="general">You push her on her belly and keep fucking her slowly.</div>
<video src="images/sarah/bedroom/massage/bedmassages6b.webm" autoplay loop ></video>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Continue->bedmassages9a3]]</span></div><<speech "Sarah" "Sarah">>Ooooh, please..<</speech>>
<div class="general">You start fucking her faster.</div>
<video src="images/sarah/bedroom/massage/bedmassages6c.webm" autoplay loop ></video>
<<speech "Sarah" "Sarah">>Fuuuck..<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Almost baby, turn around.<</speech>>
<div class="general">You turn her onto her back.</div>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Keep fucking her->bedmassages9a4]]</span></div>
<div class="general">Once she is on her back you start fucking her again. But now you start to fuck her hard and fast instantly.</div>
<video src="images/sarah/bedroom/massage/bedmassages7a.webm" autoplay loop ></video>
<<speech "Sarah" "Sarah">>Oooh baby, please slow down. Fuuck.<</speech>>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Keep fucking her->bedmassages9a5]]</span></div><<speech "Player" "$name">>I'm almost there, fuck almost, I'm cumming!<</speech>>
<div class="general">You pull out and aim it at her face.</div>
<<speech "Sarah" "Sarah">>What are y..?<</speech>>
<div class="general">You start cumming.</div>
<video src="images/sarah/bedroom/massage/bedmassages7b.webm" autoplay loop ></video>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Oooh yes!<</speech>>
<<speech "Sarah" "Sarah">>Fuck, was this really necessary? I can't even open my eyes and it's in my nose!<</speech>>
<div class="general">A little anoyed she gets up and walks away.</div>
<a data-passage="upstairs"><div class="talkplayer">Let’s do something else</div></a>
<<if $fitness gte 0 and $fitness lt 20>>
<<addrsarah 3>>
<<elseif $fitness gte 20 and $fitness lt 40>>
<<addrsarah 6>>
<<elseif $fitness gte 40>>
<<addrsarah 9>><</if>>
<<addenergy -15>>
<<addhappiness 15>>
<<addhygene -15>>
<<set $time to $time +1>>
<<addcumaddict 3>>
<<set $cheatcount to 0>>
<<if $fitness gte 0 and $fitness lt 25>>
<<addarousal -35>>
<<elseif $fitness gte 20 and $fitness lt 40>>
<<addarousal -30>>
<<elseif $fitness gte 40>>
<<addarousal -25>><</if>>
<<set $bedmassages7 to "true">><<speech "Player" "$name">>Fuck, you are such a good cocksucker.<</speech>>
<<speech "Sarah" "Sarah">>HHhmmmmhmmmm.<</speech>>
<div class="general">Sarah keeps sucking.</div>
<video src="images/sarah/bedroom/massage/bedmassages5a.webm" autoplay loop ></video>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Continue->bedmassages9b3]]</span></div><<speech "Player" "$name">>I'm cumming baby!<</speech>>
<<speech "Sarah" "Sarah">>Hmm, yes, give me all your cum!<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Here it comes!<</speech>>
<div class="general">While you start cumming, Sarah just keeps sucking.</div>
<video src="images/sarah/bedroom/massage/bedmassages5b.webm" autoplay loop ></video>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Ooh yes.<</speech>>
<<speech "Sarah" "Sarah">>Hmmmm<</speech>>
<div class="general">Sarah swallows your complete load.</div>
<<speech "Sarah" "Sarah">>Thank you honey.<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>You are very welcome.<</speech>>
<a data-passage="upstairs"><div class="talkplayer">Let’s do something else</div></a>
<<addenergy -15>>
<<addhappiness 15>>
<<if $fitness gte 0 and $fitness lt 20>>
<<addrsarah 2>>
<<elseif $fitness gte 20 and $fitness lt 40>>
<<addrsarah 4>>
<<elseif $fitness gte 40>>
<<addrsarah 6>><</if>>
<<addhygene -15>>
<<set $time to $time +1>>
<<if $fitness gte 0 and $fitness lt 25>>
<<addarousal -35>>
<<elseif $fitness gte 20 and $fitness lt 40>>
<<addarousal -30>>
<<elseif $fitness gte 40>>
<<addarousal -25>><</if>>
<<addcumaddict 7>>
<<set $cheatcount to 0>>
<<set $bedmassages7 to "true">><img src="images/sarah/bedroom/massage/bedmassagesend3.jpg" />
<<speech "Sarah" "Sarah">>Fuck $name, you can't just enter my ass like that.<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>I'm sorry, I thought we just try something new.<</speech>>
<<speech "Sarah" "Sarah">>Well don't.<</speech>>
<a data-passage="upstairs"><div class="talkplayer">Let’s do something else</div></a>
<<if $fitness gte 0 and $fitness lt 20>>
<<addrsarah -10>>
<<elseif $fitness gte 20 and $fitness lt 40>>
<<addrsarah -7>>
<<elseif $fitness gte 40>>
<<addrsarah -5>><</if>>
<<addenergy -15>>
<<addhappiness -5>>
<<addhygene -15>>
<<set $time to $time +1>>
<div class="general">You ignore her pleads and keep going.</div>
<img src="images/sarah/bedroom/massage/bedmassages3b2a.gif" />
<div class="general">She tries to push you out, but you are too strong for her.</div>
<<speech "Sarah" "Sarah">>Hmmmmm, ooh fuck.<</speech>>
<div class="general">Some moans start to escape Sarah's mouth as you keep fingering her ass and pussy.</div>
<img src="images/sarah/bedroom/massage/bedmassages3b2b.gif" />
<<speech "Sarah" "Sarah">>Oooh fuck. Hmmmmmm.<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">><i>Seems like she is enjoying it.</i><</speech>>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Make her cum->bedmassagesend4]]</span></div>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Add a second finger->bedmassages8b3]]</span></div>
<div class="general">You keep fingering her.</div>
<<speech "Sarah" "Sarah">>Ooh don't stop, don't stop!<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Cum for me.<</speech>>
<<speech "Sarah" "Sarah">>Yes! Aaah!<</speech>>
<div class="general">Sarah starts cumming.</div>
<video src="images/sarah/bedroom/massage/bedmassages3a2a.webm" autoplay loop ></video>
<<speech "Sarah" "Sarah">>Fuck that was good.<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Seems like you also enjoyed your ass to be played with.<</speech>>
<div class="general">Sarah blushes.</div>
<<speech "Sarah" "Sarah">>I guess I did like it. Maybe you can do it again next time.<</speech>>
<a data-passage="upstairs"><div class="talkplayer">Let’s do something else</div></a>
<<if $fitness gte 0 and $fitness lt 20>>
<<addrsarah 10>>
<<elseif $fitness gte 20 and $fitness lt 40>>
<<addrsarah 13>>
<<elseif $fitness gte 40>>
<<addrsarah 15>><</if>>
<<addenergy -15>>
<<addhappiness 7>>
<<addhygene -15>>
<<set $time to $time +1>><<nobr>><<if $anallube is "true">>
<div class="general">You grab the anallube you bought and pust some on you fingers and start fingering her ass again.</div><br>
<<speech "Sarah" "Sarah">>Hmmmmm.<</speech>><br>
<div class="general">After a little while you add a second.</div><br>
<img src="images/sarah/bedroom/massage/bedmassages3b3a.gif" /><br>
<<speech "Sarah" "Sarah">>Oooh, hmmmmm.<</speech>><br>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Continue->bedmassages8b4]]</span></div>
<div class="general">You try to push a second finger in.</div><br>
<img src="images/sarah/bedroom/massage/bedmassages3b1b.jpg" /><br>
<<speech "Sarah" "Sarah">>Aaah, Fuck! You asshole! Fuck that hurted. Fuck you!<</speech>><br>
<div class="general">Sarah gets up angry and leaves.</div><br>
<<speech "Player" "$name">><i>I think I fucked up. Maybe I should get some lube next time.</i><</speech>>
<a data-passage="upstairs"><div class="talkplayer">Let’s do something else</div></a>
<<if $fitness gte 0 and $fitness lt 20>>
<<addrsarah -15>>
<<elseif $fitness gte 20 and $fitness lt 40>>
<<addrsarah -10>>
<<elseif $fitness gte 40>>
<<addrsarah -7>><</if>>
<<addenergy -15>>
<<addhappiness -5>>
<<addhygene -15>>
<<set $time to $time +1>>
<</if>><</nobr>><div class="general">Sarah moans softly and doens't say anything.</div>
<<speech "Player" "$name">><i>Is she enjoying this?</i><</speech>>
<div class="general">You increase the pace and start fingering her ass harder.</div>
<img src="images/sarah/bedroom/massage/bedmassages3b3b.gif" />
<<speech "Sarah" "Sarah">>Aaaah, yes, hmmmmm.<</speech>>
<div class="general">Sarah starts moaning louder.</div>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Enjoying it?<</speech>>
<<speech "Sarah" "Sarah">>Uhuh, hmmmm.<</speech>>
<div class="general">Sarah doesn't really answer as you keep going.</div>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Let's add another finger->bedmassages8b5]]</span></div>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Seeing how much Sarah is enjoys you decide to add a third finger.<</speech>>
<img src="images/sarah/bedroom/massage/bedmassages3b4a.gif" />
<<speech "Sarah" "Sarah">>Oooh my gooddd, oooh fuck! Hmmmmm.<</speech>>
<div class="general">You fuck her ass with three fingers and Sarah seems to love it.</div>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Continue->bedmassages8b6]]</span></div><<speech "Player" "$name">>Hmmm, now I know you love it.<</speech>>
<div class="general">With that said, you make one last big push with 4 fingers.</div>
<img src="images/sarah/bedroom/massage/bedmassages3b4b.gif" />
<<speech "Sarah" "Sarah">>Ooooohh! Fuck..<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>I think you are ready.<</speech>>
<<speech "Sarah" "Sarah">>Hmm, ready for what?<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>I think you know.<</speech>>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Show her anyway->bedmassages8b7]]</span></div><<speech "Sarah" "Sarah">>No please, you..<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Don't worry it will all be fine.<</speech>>
<<speech "Sarah" "Sarah">>But...<</speech>>
<div class="general">Once again you ignore her and push your dick into her ass and start fucking her.</div>
<video src="images/sarah/bedroom/massage/bedmassages3b5a.webm" autoplay loop ></video>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Continue->bedmassages8b8]]</span></div>
<<set $firstanalfuck to "true">><<speech "Sarah" "Sarah">>Oh fuck, oh fuck, oh fuck. Oooh!!<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Feels good, doesn't it.<</speech>>
<<speech "Sarah" "Sarah">>Oh fuck, I feel so full and so dirty.<</speech>>
<<nobr>><<if $cumslut is "true">>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>I knew you would like it. You my slut for a reason.<</speech>><br>
<<speech "Sarah" "Sarah">>Yes, I'm your slut.<</speech>><br>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Do you like getting fucked in your ass?<</speech>><br>
<<speech "Sarah" "Sarah">>Yes, uuhhh, I love your dick in my ass.<</speech>><</if>><</nobr>>
<div class="general">You keep fucking her as Sarah starts to rub her clit.</div>
<video src="images/sarah/bedroom/massage/bedmassages3b5b.webm" autoplay loop ></video>
<<speech "Sarah" "Sarah">>Oooh baby, don't stop, keep fucking my ass!<</speech>>
<<nobr>><<if $cumslut is "true">>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Continue->bedmassages8b9cs]]</span></div>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Continue->bedmassages8b9]]</span></div>
<</if>><</nobr>><<speech "Player" "$name">>Are you cumming, you dirty slut?<</speech>>
<<speech "Sarah" "Sarah">>Yes!<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Are you cumming with my dick in your ass?<</speech>>
<<speech "Sarah" "Sarah">>Yes! Fuck, I'm cumming!<</speech>>
<div class="general">With some load moans, Sarah starts to cum.</div>
<video src="images/sarah/bedroom/massage/bedmassages3b5c.webm" autoplay loop ></video>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Is she ok?->bedmassages9b6]]</span></div><<speech "Player" "$name">>Are you cumming?<</speech>>
<<speech "Sarah" "Sarah">>Yes! Yes, I'm cumming!<</speech>>
<div class="general">With some load moans, Sarah starts to cum and when she cums she squezes her ass so tight that you start to cum insider her ass.</div>
<video src="images/sarah/bedroom/massage/bedmassages3b5d.webm" autoplay loop ></video>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Oooh fuck!<</speech>>
<<speech "Sarah" "Sarah">>Did you cum inside me? I can just feel it inside me!<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Fuck, sorry, your ass just squeezed all the cum out of me.<</speech>>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Continue->bedmassagesend9]]</span></div><<speech "Sarah" "Sarah">>It's ok, it just feels.. A bit odd I guess.<</speech>>
<div class="general">Cum is leaking out of Sarah's ass.</div>
<img src="images/sarah/bedroom/massage/bedmassagesend5.gif" />
<<speech "Player" "$name">>It's quite hot to see though.<</speech>>
<<speech "Sarah" "Sarah">>I bet it is.<</speech>>
<div class="general">She gets up.</div>
<<speech "Sarah" "Sarah">>I'm going to clean myself.<</speech>>
<div class="general">She leaves the room.</div>
<a data-passage="upstairs"><div class="talkplayer">Let’s do something else</div></a>
<<if $fitness gte 0 and $fitness lt 20>>
<<addrsarah 10>>
<<elseif $fitness gte 20 and $fitness lt 40>>
<<addrsarah 13>>
<<elseif $fitness gte 40>>
<<addrsarah 15>><</if>>
<<addenergy -15>>
<<addhappiness 15>>
<<addhygene -15>>
<<set $time to $time +1>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Are you ok?<</speech>>
<<speech "Sarah" "Sarah">>Yes.. Yes.. Just exhausted.<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Lay down for a bit.<</speech>>
<<speech "Sarah" "Sarah">>What? Why?<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>I'm not done yet and I want to fuck your ass some more.<</speech>>
<<speech "Sarah" "Sarah">>Fuck? Really?<</speech>>
<div class="general">You push her on her side and start fucking her ass again.</div>
<video src="images/sarah/bedroom/massage/bedmassages3b6a.webm" autoplay loop ></video>
<<speech "Sarah" "Sarah">>Please, I'm so sore!<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Shut up slut, I' almost done.<</speech>>
<div class="general">Sarah keeps quiet and accepts you fucking her ass some more.</div>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Cum in her ass->bedmassages9b7]]</span></div>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Cum on her ass->bedmassages9c8]]</span></div>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Fuck this feels good!<</speech>>
<div class="general">Sarah looks a bit uncomfortable but remains silent.</div>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Aah fuck, here it comes.<</speech>>
<<speech "Sarah" "Sarah">>Pull ou..<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Awh yes!<</speech>>
<video src="images/sarah/bedroom/massage/bedmassages3b7a.webm" autoplay loop ></video>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Continue->bedmassages9b8]]</span></div>
<<speech "Sarah" "Sarah">>Fuck, I can just feel it inside me. Why did you have to cum inside me?<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Because it felt good.<</speech>>
<<speech "Sarah" "Sarah">>What about me, you know I love your cum.<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>You can still eat it.<</speech>>
<div class="general">Sarah blushes.</div>
<<speech "Sarah" "Sarah">>I guess you are right.<</speech>>
<div class="general">Sarah bend her back and holds her ass over her mouth. Cum starts dripping out of her asshole into her mouth.</div>
<img src="images/sarah/bedroom/massage/bedmassages3b7b.gif" />
<<speech "Player" "$name">>You are one hot cumslut.<</speech>>
<div class="general">After Sarah is done she gets up. Her face red in embarrassment.</div>
<<speech "Sarah" "Sarah">>I.. I eeeh, I'm going to clean myself up.<</speech>>
<div class="general">Sarah walks off.</div>
<a data-passage="upstairs"><div class="talkplayer">Let’s do something else</div></a>
<<if $fitness gte 0 and $fitness lt 20>>
<<addrsarah 10>>
<<elseif $fitness gte 20 and $fitness lt 40>>
<<addrsarah 13>>
<<elseif $fitness gte 40>>
<<addrsarah 15>><</if>>
<<addenergy -15>>
<<addhappiness 15>>
<<addhygene -15>>
<<set $time to $time +1>>
<<if $fitness gte 0 and $fitness lt 25>>
<<addarousal -35>>
<<elseif $fitness gte 20 and $fitness lt 40>>
<<addarousal -30>>
<<elseif $fitness gte 40>>
<<addarousal -25>><</if>>
<<addcumaddict 7>>
<<set $cheatcount to 0>><<speech "Player" "$name">>Fuck this feels good!<</speech>>
<div class="general">Sarah looks a bit uncomfortable but remains silent.</div>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Aah fuck, here it comes.<</speech>>
<div class="general">You pull out and start cumming all over her ass.</div>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Aah yes!<</speech>>
<div class="general">Sarah looks at the cum and starts eating it at soon as she sees it.</div>
<video src="images/sarah/bedroom/massage/bedmassages3b8a.webm" autoplay loop ></video>
<<speech "Sarah" "Sarah">>Hmmmm, I love your cum.<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Good girl, eat it all my little slut.<</speech>>
<div class="general">She smiles and laps up all the cum from her ass.</div>
<a data-passage="upstairs"><div class="talkplayer">Let’s do something else</div></a>
<<if $fitness gte 0 and $fitness lt 20>>
<<addrsarah 10>>
<<elseif $fitness gte 20 and $fitness lt 40>>
<<addrsarah 13>>
<<elseif $fitness gte 40>>
<<addrsarah 15>><</if>>
<<addenergy -15>>
<<addhappiness 15>>
<<addhygene -15>>
<<set $time to $time +1>>
<<if $fitness gte 0 and $fitness lt 25>>
<<addarousal -35>>
<<elseif $fitness gte 20 and $fitness lt 40>>
<<addarousal -30>>
<<elseif $fitness gte 40>>
<<addarousal -25>><</if>>
<<addcumaddict 7>>
<<set $cheatcount to 0>>
<<speech "Sarah" "Sarah">>Let me undress.<</speech>>
<video src="images/sarah/bedroom/bedmoves/bedmoves1a.webm" autoplay loop ></video>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Continue->bedmoves2]]</span></div><<speech "Player" "$name">>You are so hot!<</speech>>
<div class="general">She takes off your pants and goes on her knees.</div>
<<speech "Sarah" "Sarah">>You are not bad yourself.<</speech>>
<div class="general">She starts sucking your dick.</div>
<video src="images/sarah/bedroom/bedmoves/bedmoves1b.webm" autoplay loop ></video>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Hmmm, so good.<</speech>>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Continue->bedmoves3]]</span></div><div class="general">She keeps going.</div>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Come here, let me fuck that mouth of yours.<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>You start fucking her mouth and try to push your dick as deep as possible.<</speech>>
<video src="images/sarah/bedroom/bedmoves/bedmoves1c.webm" autoplay loop ></video>
<div class="general">When you release her she gasps.</div>
<<nobr>><<if $rsarah gte 200>>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Continue->bedmoves4a]]</span></div>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Fuck her->bedmoves5]]</span></div>
<</if>><</nobr>><<speech "Player" "$name">>Are you ok?<</speech>>
<<speech "Sarah" "Sarah">>Yes, you can keep going. Fuck my mouth baby.<</speech>>
<div class="general">You fuck her mouth some more.</div>
<video src="images/sarah/bedroom/bedmoves/bedmoves1d.webm" autoplay loop ></video>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>It's so hot to fuck your mouth like this.<</speech>>
<div class="general">You keep going for a bit more until she stops.</div>
<<speech "Sarah" "Sarah">>I want to feel you inside me. Fuck me!<</speech>>
<div class="general">She lays down on her back.</div>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Fuck her->bedmoves5]]</span></div><<speech "Sarah" "Sarah">>I want to feel you inside me. Fuck me!<</speech>>
<div class="general">She lays down on her back and you start to slowly fucking her.</div>
<video src="images/sarah/bedroom/bedmoves/bedmoves2a.webm" autoplay loop ></video>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Continue->bedmoves6]]</span></div>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Fuck you are so tight baby.<</speech>>
<<speech "Sarah" "Sarah">>Hmmmm, fuck me faster baby.<</speech>>
<div class="general">You start fucking her faster.</div>
<video src="images/sarah/bedroom/bedmoves/bedmoves2b.webm" autoplay loop ></video>
<<speech "Sarah" "Sarah">>Faster! Faster!<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Turn around, the I'll fuck you faster.<</speech>>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[She turns around->bedmoves7]]</span></div><div class="general">Once she has turned around you start fucking her from behind.</div>
<video src="images/sarah/bedroom/bedmoves/bedmoves3a.webm" autoplay loop ></video>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Continue->bedmoves8]]</span></div><<speech "Sarah" "Sarah">>Hmmmm. That's better. Keep going!<</speech>>
<div class="general">You keep fucking her.</div>
<video src="images/sarah/bedroom/bedmoves/bedmoves3b.webm" autoplay loop ></video>
<<speech "Sarah" "Sarah">>Oh yes!<</speech>>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Continue->bedmoves9]]</span></div><div class="general">You keep going.</div>
<<speech "Sarah" "Sarah">>Oh yes, spank me baby! Slap my ass.<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Hmmm, you dirty girl!<</speech>>
<video src="images/sarah/bedroom/bedmoves/bedmoves3c.webm" autoplay loop ></video>
<<speech "Sarah" "Sarah">>Yes, fuck, keep going!<</speech>>
<div class="general">You start fuckig her harder and harder.</div>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Fuck, I'm almost there!<</speech>>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[I want to cum in your mouth->bedmoves4a1]]</span></div>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[I'm going to fill you up->bedmoves4b1]]</span></div>
<<set $bedmoves3 to "true">>
<<speech "Sarah" "Sarah">>No yet baby, I'm almost there.<</speech>>
<div class="general">You hold on and keep fucking her.</div>
<<speech "Sarah" "Sarah">>Ooh yes!!<</speech>>
<div class="general">Sarah starts cumming.</div>
<video src="images/sarah/bedroom/bedmoves/bedmoves4a1a.webm" autoplay loop ></video>
<<speech "Sarah" "Sarah">>Ooh yes!!<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>I'm cumming too baby.<</speech>>
<<if $cumslut is "true">>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Continue->bedmoves4a2]]</span></div>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Continue->bedmoves4a3]]</span></div><</if>><</nobr>>
<<speech "Sarah" "Sarah">>No yet baby, I'm almost there.<</speech>>
<div class="general">You hold on and keep fucking her.</div>
<<speech "Sarah" "Sarah">>Ooh yes!!<</speech>>
<div class="general">Sarah starts cumming.</div>
<video src="images/sarah/bedroom/bedmoves/bedmoves4a1a.webm" autoplay loop ></video>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Continue->bedmoves4b2]]</span></div>
<<speech "Sarah" "Sarah">>Give it to me! Cum in my mouth!<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Here it comes!<</speech>>
<div class="general">She gets on her knees and you start cumming.</div>
<video src="images/sarah/bedroom/bedmoves/bedmoves4a1b.webm" autoplay loop ></video>
<div class="general">She swallows as much as she can catch.</div>
<<speech "Sarah" "Sarah">>Hmmm, thank you baby.<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>You are welcome my litte cumslut.<</speech>>
<div class="general">She blushes.</div>
<<speech "Sarah" "Sarah">>I'm going to clean myself.<</speech>>
<div class="general">She leaves the room.</div>
<a data-passage="upstairs"><div class="talkplayer">Let’s do something else</div></a>
<<if $fitness gte 0 and $fitness lt 20>>
<<addrsarah 10>>
<<elseif $fitness gte 20 and $fitness lt 40>>
<<addrsarah 13>>
<<elseif $fitness gte 40>>
<<addrsarah 15>><</if>>
<<addenergy -15>>
<<addhappiness 15>>
<<addhygene -15>>
<<set $time to $time +1>>
<<if $fitness gte 0 and $fitness lt 25>>
<<addarousal -35>>
<<elseif $fitness gte 20 and $fitness lt 40>>
<<addarousal -30>>
<<elseif $fitness gte 40>>
<<addarousal -25>><</if>>
<<addcumaddict 7>>
<<set $cheatcount to 0>><<nobr>><<speech "Sarah" "Sarah">>Hmmmm.<</speech>><br>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Get on your knees!<</speech>><br>
<div class="general">She gets on her knees.</div><br>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Here it comes baby!<</speech>><br>
<video src="images/sarah/bedroom/bedmoves/bedmoves4a1c.webm" autoplay loop ></video><br><br>
<<nobr>><<if $cumaddict gte 40>>
<<speech "Sarah" "Sarah">>Hmmmm, it tastes quite good.<</speech>><br>
<<elseif $cumaddict gte 25 and $cumaddict lt 40>>
<<speech "Sarah" "Sarah">>Hmmmm, fuck that was a lot.<</speech>><br>
<div class="general">She spits out most of the cum.</div><br>
<<elseif $cumaddict gte 10 and $cumaddict lt 25>>
<<speech "Sarah" "Sarah">>Fuck that was a lot.<</speech>><br>
<div class="general">She spits out the cum.</div><br>
<<speech "Sarah" "Sarah">>Yuk.<</speech>><br>
<<elseif $cumaddict lt 10>>
<<speech "Sarah" "Sarah">>Yuk that's nasty.<</speech>><br>
<div class="general">She spits out the cum.</div><br>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>I love cumming in your mouth.<</speech>><br>
<<speech "Sarah" "Sarah">>Glad you like it. I'm going to clean up.<</speech>><br>
<div class="general">She gets up and leaves the room.</div><br>
<a data-passage="upstairs"><div class="talkplayer">Let’s do something else</div></a>
<<if $fitness gte 0 and $fitness lt 20>>
<<addrsarah 1>>
<<elseif $fitness gte 20 and $fitness lt 40>>
<<addrsarah 3>>
<<elseif $fitness gte 40>>
<<addrsarah 5>><</if>>
<<addenergy -15>>
<<addhappiness 15>>
<<addhygene -15>>
<<set $time to $time +1>>
<<if $fitness gte 0 and $fitness lt 25>>
<<addarousal -35>>
<<elseif $fitness gte 20 and $fitness lt 40>>
<<addarousal -30>>
<<elseif $fitness gte 40>>
<<addarousal -25>><</if>>
<<addcumaddict 7>>
<<set $cheatcount to 0>>
<<speech "Sarah" "Sarah">>Ooh yes!!<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>I'm cumming too baby.<</speech>>
<<speech "Sarah" "Sarah">>Yes, fill me up!<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Oh yes!<</speech>>
<div class="general">You start cumming inside her.</div>
<video src="images/sarah/bedroom/bedmoves/bedmoves4b1b.webm" autoplay loop ></video>
<<speech "Sarah" "Sarah">>Fuck that was good.<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>It sure was.<</speech>>
<a data-passage="upstairs"><div class="talkplayer">Let’s do something else</div></a>
<<if $fitness gte 0 and $fitness lt 20>>
<<addrsarah 10>>
<<elseif $fitness gte 20 and $fitness lt 40>>
<<addrsarah 13>>
<<elseif $fitness gte 40>>
<<addrsarah 15>><</if>>
<<addenergy -15>>
<<addhappiness 15>>
<<addhygene -15>>
<<set $time to $time +1>>
<<if $fitness gte 0 and $fitness lt 25>>
<<addarousal -35>>
<<elseif $fitness gte 20 and $fitness lt 40>>
<<addarousal -30>>
<<elseif $fitness gte 40>>
<<addarousal -25>><</if>><div class="general">You both undress and Sarah drops onto her knees. aand starts jerking your dick.</div>
<video src="images/sarah/bedroom/bedmovescsbj/bedmovesbj1a.webm" autoplay loop ></video>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Continue->brmovesbj2]]</span></div>
<div class="general">You both undress and Sarah drops onto her knees. aand starts jerking your dick.</div>
<video src="images/sarah/bedroom/bedmovescsbj/bedmovesbj1a.webm" autoplay loop ></video>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Continue->brmovescsbj2]]</span></div>
<div class="general">She also teases your dick by licking the tip.</div>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Hmmm, suck it baby.<</speech>>
<div class="general">Without hesitation she takes your dick into her mouth and starts blowing you.</div>
<video src="images/sarah/bedroom/bedmovescsbj/bedmovesbj1b.webm" autoplay loop ></video>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>That feels so good!<</speech>>
<div class="general">She gets up and lays down on the bed.</div>
<<speech "Sarah" "Sarah">>Come here.<</speech>>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Follow her->brmovescsbj3]]</span></div><div class="general">You follow her.</div>
<<speech "Sarah" "Sarah">>Hmmm, I love your dick.<</speech>>
<div class="general">She starts sucking again.</div>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>My dick loves you too.<</speech>>
<div class="general">She keeps sucking.</div>
<video src="images/sarah/bedroom/bedmovescsbj/bedmovesbj2a.webm" autoplay loop ></video>
<<speech "Sarah" "Sarah">>Are you going to cum?<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>If you continue like this I will.<</speech>>
<<speech "Sarah" "Sarah">>Hmmmmm. Come here.<</speech>>
<div class="general">She lays down on her back.</div>
<<speech "Sarah" "Sarah">>Fuck my mouth a bit with your dick.<</speech>>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Do as she wishes->brmovescsbj4]]</span></div><div class="general">You sit on top of her and enter her mouth.</div>
<<speech "Sarah" "Sarah">>Hmmmm, yes!<</speech>>
<video src="images/sarah/bedroom/bedmovescsbj/bedmovesbj3a.webm" autoplay loop ></video>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Oh yes, suck it baby.<</speech>>
<<speech "Sarah" "Sarah">>Hhhhmmmhmm.<</speech>>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Continue->brmovescsbj5]]</span></div><div class="general">She keeps going. Then your dick pops out.</div>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Lick it baby.<</speech>>
<<speech "Sarah" "Sarah">>Are you going to cum.<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Almost!<</speech>>
<<speech "Sarah" "Sarah">>Give me all your cum baby! Please! I want your cum!<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>With that said you start cumming.<</speech>>
<video src="images/sarah/bedroom/bedmovescsbj/bedmovesbj3b.webm" autoplay loop ></video>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Oooh yes. You little slut, here is your cum.<</speech>>
<<speech "Sarah" "Sarah">>Oh wow it's so much. Hmmmm, I love it!<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Fuck that was good.<</speech>>
<<speech "Sarah" "Sarah">>I can see that.<</speech>>
<div class="general">Sarah gets up to clean herself.</div>
<a data-passage="upstairs"><div class="talkplayer">Let’s do something else</div></a>
<<if $fitness gte 0 and $fitness lt 20>>
<<addrsarah 5>>
<<elseif $fitness gte 20 and $fitness lt 40>>
<<addrsarah 7>>
<<elseif $fitness gte 40>>
<<addrsarah 10>><</if>>
<<addenergy -15>>
<<addhappiness 15>>
<<addhygene -15>>
<<set $time to $time +1>>
<<addcumaddict 4>>
<<set $cheatcount to 0>>
<<if $fitness gte 0 and $fitness lt 25>>
<<addarousal -35>>
<<elseif $fitness gte 20 and $fitness lt 40>>
<<addarousal -30>>
<<elseif $fitness gte 40>>
<<addarousal -25>><</if>>
<<set $brmovescsbj3 to "true">><div class="general">She also teases your dick by licking the tip.</div>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Hmmm, suck it baby.<</speech>>
<div class="general">She takes your dick into her mouth and starts sucking your dick.</div>
<video src="images/sarah/bedroom/bedmovescsbj/bedmovesbj1b.webm" autoplay loop ></video>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>That feels so good!<</speech>>
<div class="general">She gets up and lays down on the bed.</div>
<<speech "Sarah" "Sarah">>Come here.<</speech>>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Follow her->brmovesbj3]]</span></div>
<div class="general">You follow her.</div>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>You are so good at this.<</speech>>
<div class="general">She keeps sucking.</div>
<video src="images/sarah/bedroom/bedmovescsbj/bedmovesbj2a.webm" autoplay loop ></video>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Lay on your back baby.<</speech>>
<div class="general">She lays down on her back.</div>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>I'm going to fuck your mouth a bit.<</speech>>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Do it->brmovesbj4]]</span></div><div class="general">You sit on top of her and enter her mouth.</div>
<<speech "Sarah" "Sarah">>Hmmmm, yes!<</speech>>
<video src="images/sarah/bedroom/bedmovescsbj/bedmovesbj3a.webm" autoplay loop ></video>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Oh yes, suck it baby.<</speech>>
<<speech "Sarah" "Sarah">>Hhhhmmmhmm.<</speech>>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Continue->brmovesbj5]]</span></div>
<div class="general">She keeps going. Then your dick pops out.</div>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Lick it baby.<</speech>>
<<speech "Sarah" "Sarah">>Are you going to cum.<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Almost!<</speech>>
<div class="general">With that said you start cumming.</div>
<video src="images/sarah/bedroom/bedmovescsbj/bedmovesbj3b.webm" autoplay loop ></video>
<<speech "Sarah" "Sarah">>Ooh fuck, it's so much.<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Fuck that was good.<</speech>>
<<speech "Sarah" "Sarah">>I can see that.<</speech>>
<div class="general">Sarah gets up to clean herself.</div>
<a data-passage="upstairs"><div class="talkplayer">Let’s do something else</div></a>
<<if $fitness gte 0 and $fitness lt 20>>
<<addrsarah 3>>
<<elseif $fitness gte 20 and $fitness lt 40>>
<<addrsarah 5>>
<<elseif $fitness gte 40>>
<<addrsarah 7>><</if>>
<<addenergy -15>>
<<addhappiness 15>>
<<addhygene -15>>
<<set $time to $time +1>>
<<addcumaddict 7>>
<<set $cheatcount to 0>>
<<if $fitness gte 0 and $fitness lt 25>>
<<addarousal -35>>
<<elseif $fitness gte 20 and $fitness lt 40>>
<<addarousal -30>>
<<elseif $fitness gte 40>>
<<addarousal -25>><</if>>
<<set $brmovescsbj3 to "true">><div class="general">After you took of her bra and played a little with her breasts, you move down to her pussy. You take off her panties and start to play with her pussy as well.</div>
<video src="images/sarah/bedroom/bedsleeps/bedsleeps1b.webm" autoplay loop ></video>
<<speech "Player" "$name">><i>Hmmmm, she is already getting nice and wet.</i><</speech>>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Let's take this further.->bedsleeps3]]</span></div>
<a data-passage="upstairs"><div class="talkplayer">Stop this</div></a>
<<adddarkness 3>><div class="general">You take out your, already hard, dick and move it towards her mouth.</div>
<<speech "Player" "$name">><i>Fuck, I'm actually doing this, abusing my wifes mouth.</i><</speech>>
<div class="general">You slowly push your dick into her mouth.</div>
<video src="images/sarah/bedroom/bedsleeps/bedsleeps2a.webm" autoplay loop ></video>
<<speech "Player" "$name">><i>This feels so good!</i><</speech>>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Continue->bedsleeps4]]</span></div>
<div class="general">You keep fucking her mouth a bit more.</div>
<video src="images/sarah/bedroom/bedsleeps/bedsleeps2b.webm" autoplay loop ></video>
<<speech "Player" "$name">><i>This is so bad. But, damn, this is hot.</i><</speech>>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Cum on her face->bedsleeps5a]]</span></div>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Let's fuck her->bedsleeps5b]]</span></div>
<a data-passage="upstairs"><div class="talkplayer">Let’s stop this</div></a>
<<adddarkness 3>><div class="general">You feel your orgasm building up inside.</div>
<<speech "Player" "$name">><i>Fuck I'm cumming!</i><</speech>>
<div class="general">You pull out of her mouth and start cumming on her face.</div>
<video src="images/sarah/bedroom/bedsleeps/bedsleeps3a1a.webm" autoplay loop ></video>
<<speech "Player" "$name">><i>Fuck that felt good. Let's clean her up.</i><</speech>>
<div class="general">You clean her face.</div>
<a data-passage="upstairs"><div class="talkplayer">Let’s do something else</div></a>
<<adddarkness 5>>
<<addenergy -15>>
<<addhappiness 10>>
<<addhygene -10>>
<<set $time to $time +1>>
<<if $fitness gte 0 and $fitness lt 25>>
<<addarousal -35>>
<<elseif $fitness gte 20 and $fitness lt 40>>
<<addarousal -30>>
<<elseif $fitness gte 40>>
<<addarousal -25>><</if>>
<<set $bedsleeps3a to "true">><<speech "Player" "$name">><i>Given that her pussy is already wet, why should I not use it?</i><</speech>>
<div class="general">You move towards her and push your dick into her pussy.</div>
<video src="images/sarah/bedroom/bedsleeps/bedsleeps3b1a.webm" autoplay loop ></video>
<<speech "Player" "$name">><i>Ooh fuck, how is she still so tight.</i><</speech>>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Continue->bedsleeps5c]]</span></div>
<div class="general">You start fucking her.</div>
<<speech "Player" "$name">><i>Maybe if I turn her on her back.</i><</speech>>
<div class="general">You place her on her back and keep fucking her.</div>
<video src="images/sarah/bedroom/bedsleeps/bedsleeps3b1b.webm" autoplay loop ></video>
<<speech "Player" "$name">><i>Yes, this feels good!</i><</speech>>
<div class="general">You feel your orgasm build up inside.</div>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Cum inside her->bedsleeps4a]]</span></div>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Cum on her face->bedsleeps4b]]</span></div>
<<adddarkness 5>>
<<set $bedsleeps3a to "true">><<speech "Player" "$name">><i>Time for some doggystyle.</i><</speech>>
<div class="general">You turn her around again and start fucking her.</div>
<<speech "Player" "$name">><i>Fuck, I'm almost cumming!</i><</speech>>
<div class="general">You accelerate one more time and start cumming.</div>
<video src="images/sarah/bedroom/bedsleeps/bedsleeps4a.webm" autoplay loop ></video>
<<speech "Player" "$name">><i>Fuck, that felt good.</i><</speech>>
<div class="general">You try to clean her up a bit.</div>
<a data-passage="upstairs"><div class="talkplayer">Let’s do something else</div></a>
<<addenergy -15>>
<<addhappiness 15>>
<<addhygene -15>>
<<set $time to $time +1>>
<<adddarkness 7>>
<<if $fitness gte 0 and $fitness lt 25>>
<<addarousal -35>>
<<elseif $fitness gte 20 and $fitness lt 40>>
<<addarousal -30>>
<<elseif $fitness gte 40>>
<<addarousal -25>><</if>><div class="general">You feel your orgasm building up inside.</div>
<<speech "Player" "$name">><i>Fuck I'm cumming!</i><</speech>>
<div class="general">You pull out of her and start cumming on her face.</div>
<video src="images/sarah/bedroom/bedsleeps/bedsleeps3a1a.webm" autoplay loop ></video>
<<speech "Player" "$name">><i>Fuck that felt good. Let's clean her up.</i><</speech>>
<div class="general">You clean her face.</div>
<a data-passage="upstairs"><div class="talkplayer">Let’s do something else</div></a>
<<adddarkness 7>>
<<addenergy -15>>
<<addhappiness 10>>
<<addhygene -10>>
<<set $time to $time +1>>
<<if $fitness gte 0 and $fitness lt 25>>
<<addarousal -35>>
<<elseif $fitness gte 20 and $fitness lt 40>>
<<addarousal -30>>
<<elseif $fitness gte 40>>
<<addarousal -25>><</if>><div class="general">You enter the bathroom.</div>
<<if $rsarah lte 50>>
<<speech "Sarah" "Sarah">>$name, get out of here! Can't you see it's occupied?!<</speech>><br>
<a data-passage="upstairs"><div class="talkplayer">Leave</div></a>
<<if $fitness gte 0 and $fitness lt 20>>
<<addrsarah -7>>
<<elseif $fitness gte 20 and $fitness lt 40>>
<<addrsarah -5>>
<<elseif $fitness gte 40>>
<<addrsarah -3>><</if>>
<<elseif $fitness gte 0 and $fitness lt 25 and $arousal lt 35 or $fitness gte 25 and $fitness lt 40 and $arousal lt 30 or $fitness gte 40 and $arousal lt 25>>
<img src="images/player/misc/mood.jpg" /><br>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>I'm not in the mood.<</speech>><br>
<a data-passage="upstairs"><div class="talkplayer">Let’s do something else</div></a>
<<elseif $energy lte 20 or $happiness lt 20>>
<img src="images/player/misc/mood.jpg" /><br>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>I'm not in the mood for this.<</speech>><br>
<a data-passage="upstairs"><div class="talkplayer">Let’s do something else</div></a>
<<elseif $rsarah lte 149>>
<<speech "Sarah" "Sarah">>$name, I'm having a bath, can I please have some peace and quiet?<</speech>><br>
<a data-passage="upstairs"><div class="talkplayer">Leave</div></a>
<<if $fitness gte 0 and $fitness lt 20>>
<<addrsarah -5>>
<<elseif $fitness gte 20 and $fitness lt 40>>
<<addrsarah -3>>
<<elseif $fitness gte 40>>
<<addrsarah -1>><</if>>
<video src="images/sarah/bathroom/bathroomsarah2a.webm" autoplay loop ></video><br><br>
<div class="general">You see Sarah sitting in the bath.</div><br>
<div class="general">She hasn't noticed you.</div><br>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Undress and walk towards her->bathroomsarah3]]</span></div><br>
<a data-passage="upstairs"><div class="talkplayer">Let’s do something else</div></a>
<div class="general">You undress and walk towards her. Looking at Sarah naked already got you hard.</div>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Hey baby.<</speech>>
<div class="general">She notices your dick above her.</div>
<video src="images/sarah/bathroom/bathroomsarah3a.webm" autoplay loop ></video>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Continue->bathroomsarah4]]</span></div><<speech "Sarah" "Sarah">>Someone is excited. It is a nice suprise though.<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Yeah? You like what you see?<</speech>>
<<speech "Sarah" "Sarah">>I do.<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Why don't you give it a little kiss then?<</speech>>
<<speech "Sarah" "Sarah">>Hmmm ok.<</speech>>
<div class="general">She takes the tip in her mouth and sucks on it.</div>
<video src="images/sarah/bathroom/bathroomsarah3b.webm" autoplay loop ></video>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Continue->bathroomsarah5]]</span></div><<nobr>><<speech "Player" "$name">>Good girl, suck it deeper..<</speech>><br>
<div class="general">She start sucking you deeper.</div><br>
<video src="images/sarah/bathroom/bathroomsarah3c.webm" autoplay loop ></video><br><br>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Oh yes.<</speech>><br>
<<if $rsarah gte 210 and $firstanalfuck is "true">>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Return the favor->bathroomsarah4a1]]</span></div><br><</if>>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Keep her sucking->bathroomsarah4b1]]</span></div><</nobr>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Get up baby.<</speech>>
<<speech "Sarah" "Sarah">>Hmmm ok.<</speech>>
<div class="general">She gets up and you go down and start licking her pussy.</div>
<video src="images/sarah/bathroom/bathroomsarah4a1a.webm" autoplay loop ></video>
<<speech "Sarah" "Sarah">>Oooh baby. Hmmmmm.<</speech>>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Continue->bathroomsarah4a2]]</span></div>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Yes, keep going baby. Take it deeper.<</speech>>
<div class="general">She takes your dick as deep as she can.</div>
<video src="images/sarah/bathroom/bathroomsarah4b1a.webm" autoplay loop ></video>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Hmm that's better.<</speech>>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Continue->bathroomsarah4b2]]</span></div>
<div class="general">You keep licking her until you slowly move your tongue to her asshole.</div>
<video src="images/sarah/bathroom/bathroomsarah4a1b.webm" autoplay loop ></video>
<<speech "Sarah" "Sarah">>Ooh, what are.. Oooh.<</speech>>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Continue->bathroomsarah4a3]]</span></div>
<div class="general">You keep licking.</div>
<<speech "Sarah" "Sarah">>Hmmmm, that feels.. Kinda good actually.<</speech>>
<div class="general">You start licking both holes and Sarah, surprisingly, seems to enjoy it.</div>
<video src="images/sarah/bathroom/bathroomsarah4a1c.webm" autoplay loop ></video>
<<speech "Sarah" "Sarah">>Oooh baby!<</speech>>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Fuck her ass->bathroomsarah4a4]]</span></div><<speech "Player" "$name">>Are you ready baby?<</speech>>
<<speech "Sarah" "Sarah">>Hmm. Ready for what?<</speech>>
<div class="general">You rub your dick over her asshole.</div>
<<speech "Sarah" "Sarah">>Oooh! I.. I guess. Just be gentle.<</speech>>
<div class="general">You slowly start to push your dick inside her..</div>
<video src="images/sarah/bathroom/bathroomsarah4a2a.webm" autoplay loop ></video>
<<speech "Sarah" "Sarah">>Aaaah. Fuck! Slow baby slow!<</speech>>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Continue->bathroomsarah4a5]]</span></div>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Fuck, your ass is so tight.<</speech>>
<<speech "Sarah" "Sarah">>Wait, wait! Let me do it.<</speech>>
<div class="general">Sarah takes over control and starts pushing herself over your dick.</div>
<video src="images/sarah/bathroom/bathroomsarah4a2b.webm" autoplay loop ></video>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Yes baby, get it all in there.<</speech>>
<<speech "Sarah" "Sarah">>Hmmm. Oooh!<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>That's it, good girl!<</speech>>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Continue->bathroomsarah4a6]]</span></div>
<div class="general">You start taking over and start to fuck her harder and harder.</div>
<<speech "Sarah" "Sarah">>Ooh baby, yes! Fuck my ass!<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>You are so tight.<</speech>>
<div class="general">You start to give her a propper assfucking.</div>
<video src="images/sarah/bathroom/bathroomsarah4a2c.webm" autoplay loop ></video>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Ooh yes baby!<</speech>>
<<speech "Sarah" "Sarah">>Oooh. Hhmmmmmm.<</speech>>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Fill her up->bathroomsarah4a7]]</span></div><<speech "Player" "$name">>Fuck baby, I'm going to cum! I'm going to fill you up!<</speech>>
<<speech "Sarah" "Sarah">>Ooh. Yes fill my ass baby. Fill it with your cum!<</speech>>
<div class="general">You start cumming inside her.</div>
<video src="images/sarah/bathroom/bathroomsarah4a3a.webm" autoplay loop ></video>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Oooh yes!<</speech>>
<<speech "Sarah" "Sarah">>Fuck, I feel it inside me. It's coming out!<</speech>>
<div class="general">Cum is flowing out of her ass while you squeze out the last drops onto her ass.</div>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>That was amazing.<</speech>>
<<if $cumslut is "true">>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Continue->bathroomsarah4a8]]</span></div>
<<speech "Sarah" "Sarah">>It was!<</speech>><br>
<div class="general">You take a bath together.</div><br>
<a data-passage="upstairs"><div class="talkplayer">Let’s do something else</div></a>
<<if $fitness gte 0 and $fitness lt 20>>
<<addrsarah 7>>
<<elseif $fitness gte 20 and $fitness lt 40>>
<<addrsarah 10>>
<<elseif $fitness gte 40>>
<<addrsarah 13>><</if>>
<<addenergy -15>>
<<addhappiness 15>>
<<addhygene 100>>
<<set $time to $time +1>>
<<if $fitness gte 0 and $fitness lt 25>>
<<addarousal -35>>
<<elseif $fitness gte 20 and $fitness lt 40>>
<<addarousal -30>>
<<elseif $fitness gte 40>>
<<addarousal -25>><</if>>
<</if>><</nobr>><div class="general">Sarah looks at her ass. She moves her hand towards it and pushes some fingers in her asshole.</div>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>What are you doing?<</speech>>
<div class="general">She gets some cum out and starts licking it off her hands and fingers.</div>
<video src="images/sarah/bathroom/bathroomsarah4a3b.webm" autoplay loop ></video>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>You dirty little slut.<</speech>>
<div class="general">She blushes.</div>
<<speech "Sarah" "Sarah">>Your dirty little slut.<</speech>>
<div class="general">You take a bath together.</div>
<a data-passage="upstairs"><div class="talkplayer">Let’s do something else</div></a>
<<if $fitness gte 0 and $fitness lt 20>>
<<addrsarah 10>>
<<elseif $fitness gte 20 and $fitness lt 40>>
<<addrsarah 13>>
<<elseif $fitness gte 40>>
<<addrsarah 15>><</if>>
<<addenergy -15>>
<<addhappiness 15>>
<<addhygene 100>>
<<set $time to $time +1>>
<<addcumaddict 7>>
<<set $cheatcount to 0>>
<<if $fitness gte 0 and $fitness lt 25>>
<<addarousal -35>>
<<elseif $fitness gte 20 and $fitness lt 40>>
<<addarousal -30>>
<<elseif $fitness gte 40>>
<<addarousal -25>><</if>>
<div class="general">She keeps going.</div>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Here, let me help you.<</speech>>
<div class="general">You grab her head and push her head onto your dick.</div>
<video src="images/sarah/bathroom/bathroomsarah4b1b.webm" autoplay loop ></video>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Continue->bathroomsarah4b3]]</span></div>
<div class="general">She keeps going.</div>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Come here, let me sit down.<</speech>>
<div class="general">You sit down on the tub and Sarah starts sucking again.</div>
<video src="images/sarah/bathroom/bathroomsarah4b1c.webm" autoplay loop ></video>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Oh yes baby!<</speech>>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Cum in her mouth->bathroomsarah4b4]]</span></div>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Tell her you are about to cum->bathroomsarah4c1]]</span></div><<speech "Player" "$name">>Fuck baby, I'm going to cum!<</speech>>
<<speech "Sarah" "Sarah">>Hmmmm.<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Can I cum in your mouth.<</speech>>
<<speech "Sarah" "Sarah">>Hmmmm, no baby, you can cum on my ass.<</speech>>
<div class="general">She gets up and sits down, showing her ass to you.</div>
<div class="general">You move towards her ass and start cumming.</div>
<video src="images/sarah/bathroom/bathroomsarah4c1a.webm" autoplay loop ></video>
<<speech "Sarah" "Sarah">>Hmmmm, look at the mess you made.<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Well, you have an amazing ass.<</speech>>
<div class="general">You both share a bath.</div>
<a data-passage="upstairs"><div class="talkplayer">Let’s do something else</div></a>
<<if $fitness gte 0 and $fitness lt 20>>
<<addrsarah 1>>
<<elseif $fitness gte 20 and $fitness lt 40>>
<<addrsarah 2>>
<<elseif $fitness gte 40>>
<<addrsarah 5>><</if>>
<<addenergy -15>>
<<addhappiness 15>>
<<addhygene 100>>
<<set $time to $time +1>>
<<if $fitness gte 0 and $fitness lt 25>>
<<addarousal -35>>
<<elseif $fitness gte 20 and $fitness lt 40>>
<<addarousal -30>>
<<elseif $fitness gte 40>>
<<addarousal -25>><</if>><<speech "Player" "$name">>Fuck this feel good babe.<</speech>>
<div class="general">She keeps going.</div>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Here it comes!<</speech>>
<div class="general">You push her head down as you start cumming deep inside her throat. When she tries to get up, but you just push her down again.</div>
<video src="images/sarah/bathroom/bathroomsarah4b2a.webm" autoplay loop ></video>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Aaah yes!<</speech>>
<<nobr>><<if $cumaddict gte 40>>
<div class="general">Once you are finished with cumming she takes your dick out of her mouth.</div><br>
<<speech "Sarah" "Sarah">>Fuck! That was a lot. I almost drowned in your cum. It was quite hot though.<</speech>><br>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>It was amazing.<</speech>><br>
<div class="general">You both take a bath together.</div><br>
<a data-passage="upstairs"><div class="talkplayer">Let’s do something else</div></a>
<<if $fitness gte 0 and $fitness lt 20>>
<<addrsarah 1>>
<<elseif $fitness gte 20 and $fitness lt 40>>
<<addrsarah 3>>
<<elseif $fitness gte 40>>
<<addrsarah 5>><</if>>
<<addenergy -15>>
<<addhappiness 15>>
<<addhygene 100>>
<<set $time to $time +1>>
<<addcumaddict 7>>
<<set $cheatcount to 0>>
<<adddarkness 5>>
<<if $fitness gte 0 and $fitness lt 25>>
<<addarousal -35>>
<<elseif $fitness gte 20 and $fitness lt 40>>
<<addarousal -30>>
<<elseif $fitness gte 40>>
<<addarousal -25>><</if>>
<<elseif $cumaddict gte 25 and $cumaddict lt 40>>
<div class="general">Once you are finished with cumming she takes your dick out of her mouth.</div><br>
<<speech "Sarah" "Sarah">>Fuck! You almost drowned me with your cum!<</speech>><br>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>It felt amazing.<</speech>><br>
<<speech "Sarah" "Sarah">>Fuck you $name, get out!<</speech>><br>
<div class="general">Sarah seems shocked and mad, so you take your leave.</div><br>
<a data-passage="upstairs"><div class="talkplayer">Let’s do something else</div></a>
<<if $fitness gte 0 and $fitness lt 20>>
<<addrsarah -10>>
<<elseif $fitness gte 20 and $fitness lt 40>>
<<addrsarah -7>>
<<elseif $fitness gte 40>>
<<addrsarah -3>><</if>>
<<addenergy -15>>
<<addhappiness 15>>
<<addhygene -15>>
<<set $time to $time +1>>
<<addcumaddict 7>>
<<set $cheatcount to 0>>
<<adddarkness 3>>
<<if $fitness gte 0 and $fitness lt 25>>
<<addarousal -35>>
<<elseif $fitness gte 20 and $fitness lt 40>>
<<addarousal -30>>
<<elseif $fitness gte 40>>
<<addarousal -25>><</if>>
<<elseif $cumaddict gte 10 and $cumaddict lt 25>>
<div class="general">Once you are finished with cumming she takes your dick out of her mouth.</div><br>
<<speech "Sarah" "Sarah">>You fucking asshole, you almost drowned me with your cum! You know I hate the taste!<</speech>><br>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>I'm sorry babe, it just fel..<</speech>><br>
<<speech "Sarah" "Sarah">>Fuck off! Get out!<</speech>><br>
<a data-passage="upstairs"><div class="talkplayer">Let’s do something else</div></a>
<<if $fitness gte 0 and $fitness lt 20>>
<<addrsarah -13>>
<<elseif $fitness gte 20 and $fitness lt 40>>
<<addrsarah -10>>
<<elseif $fitness gte 40>>
<<addrsarah -7>><</if>>
<<addenergy -15>>
<<addhappiness 15>>
<<addhygene -15>>
<<set $time to $time +1>>
<<addcumaddict 7>>
<<set $cheatcount to 0>>
<<adddarkness 3>>
<<if $fitness gte 0 and $fitness lt 25>>
<<addarousal -35>>
<<elseif $fitness gte 20 and $fitness lt 40>>
<<addarousal -30>>
<<elseif $fitness gte 40>>
<<addarousal -25>><</if>>
<<elseif $cumaddict lt 10>>
<div class="general">Once you are finished with cumming she takes your dick out of her mouth.</div><br>
<<speech "Sarah" "Sarah">>You fucking asshole, you almost drowned me with your cum! You know I hate the taste!<</speech>><br>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>I'm sorry babe, it just fel..<</speech>><br>
<<speech "Sarah" "Sarah">>Fuck off! Get out!<</speech>><br>
<a data-passage="upstairs"><div class="talkplayer">Let’s do something else</div></a>
<<if $fitness gte 0 and $fitness lt 20>>
<<addrsarah -15>>
<<elseif $fitness gte 20 and $fitness lt 40>>
<<addrsarah -13>>
<<elseif $fitness gte 40>>
<<addrsarah -10>><</if>>
<<addenergy -15>>
<<addhappiness 15>>
<<addhygene -15>>
<<set $time to $time +1>>
<<addcumaddict 7>>
<<set $cheatcount to 0>>
<<adddarkness 3>>
<<if $fitness gte 0 and $fitness lt 25>>
<<addarousal -35>>
<<elseif $fitness gte 20 and $fitness lt 40>>
<<addarousal -30>>
<<elseif $fitness gte 40>>
<<addarousal -25>><</if>>
<div class="general">Then she walks towards your.</div>
<<speech "bambi" "Bambi">>You are going to love this, but no touching me.<</speech>>
<div class="general">She starts grinding her ass over your crotch with her ass.</div>
<video src="images/other/stripclub/bambi/strip8.webm" autoplay loop ></video>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Continue->bambishow9]]</span></div><br>
<div class="general">You notice youself getting harder.</div>
<<speech "bambi" "Bambi">>Told you you would enjoy it.<</speech>>
<div class="general">She continues.</div>
<video src="images/other/stripclub/bambi/strip9.webm" autoplay loop ></video>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Continue->bambishow10]]</span></div>
<div class="general">You can't resist and you grabbed her ass a little.</div>
<<speech "bambi" "Bambi">>No hands baby!<</speech>>
<div class="general">She moves back to her pole and takes off her top.</div>
<video src="images/other/stripclub/bambi/strip10.webm" autoplay loop ></video>
<<speech "bambi" "Bambi">>Do you want to see me naked baby?<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Yes, strip for me.<</speech>>
<<speech "bambi" "Bambi">>Alright that will be $100.<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">><i>For fucks sake.</i><</speech>>
<<if $money gte 100>>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Alright, strip->bambishow11]]</span></div><br>
<a data-passage="stripshow"><div class="talkplayer">Let’s do something else</div></a>
<a data-passage="stripshow"><div class="talkplayer">I don't have that much money.</div></a><</if>><</nobr>>
<div class="general">While she gets up swaying she starts taking off her panties.</div>
<video src="images/other/stripclub/bambi/strip12.webm" autoplay loop ></video>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Continue->bambishow13]]</span></div><br>
<div class="general">Once she is naked she keeps dancing.</div>
<<speech "bambi" "Bambi">>Do you like what you see?<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>You look amazing!<</speech>>
<div class="general">She keeps dancing as she comes closer to you, very close.</div>
<video src="images/other/stripclub/bambi/strip13.webm" autoplay loop ></video>
<<speech "Player" "$name">><i>Oh damn.</i><</speech>>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Continue->bambishow14]]</span></div><br>
<div class="general">Then she turns around and comes towards you.</div>
<video src="images/other/stripclub/bambi/strip14.webm" autoplay loop ></video>
<<speech "bambi" "Bambi">>Hmmmm, someone is enjoying this.<</speech>>
<div class="general">She rubs your hard dick through your pants.</div>
<<speech "bambi" "Bambi">>If you want I can take care of this, for a price of course. How much do you have?<</speech>><<speech "Player" "$name">>I have $ $money.<</speech>>
<<speech "bambi" "Bambi">>Alright, then I have the following options for you:<</speech>>
<div class="general">She names her options. What do you want?</div>
<<speech "Player" "$name">><i>The more money, the more options apparently.</i><</speech>><br>
<<if $fitness gte 0 and $fitness lt 25 and $arousal lt 35 or $fitness gte 25 and $fitness lt 40 and $arousal lt 30 or $fitness gte 40 and $arousal lt 25>>
<img src="images/player/misc/mood.jpg" /><br>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>I'm not in the mood for this.<</speech>><br>
<a data-passage="stripshow"><div class="talkplayer">Let’s do something else</div></a>
<<elseif $fitness gte 0 and $fitness lt 20>>
<<if $money gte 250>>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink"><<link "Naked lapdance $250" "bambishowld1">><<set $money to $money -250>><</link>></span></div><br><</if>>
<<if $money gte 300>>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink"><<link "Handjob $300" "bambishowhj1">><<set $money to $money -300>><</link>></span></div><br><</if>>
<<if $money gte 600>>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink"><<link "Blowjob $600" "bambishowbj1">><<set $money to $money -600>><</link>></span></div><br><</if>>
<<if $money gte 800>>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink"><<link "Sex $800" "bambishowsex1">><<set $money to $money -800>><</link>></span></div><br><</if>>
<<elseif $fitness gte 20 and $fitness lt 40>>
<<if $money gte 150>>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink"><<link "Naked lapdance $150" "bambishowld1">><<set $money to $money -150>><</link>></span></div><br><</if>>
<<if $money gte 200>>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink"><<link "Handjob $200" "bambishowhj1">><<set $money to $money -200>><</link>></span></div><br><</if>>
<<if $money gte 400>>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink"><<link "Blowjob $400" "bambishowbj1">><<set $money to $money -400>><</link>></span></div><br><</if>>
<<if $money gte 600>>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink"><<link "Sex $600" "bambishowsex1">><<set $money to $money -600>><</link>></span></div><br><</if>>
<<elseif $fitness gte 40>>
<<if $money gte 100>>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink"><<link "Naked lapdance $100" "bambishowld1">><<set $money to $money -100>><</link>></span></div><br><</if>>
<<if $money gte 150>>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink"><<link "Handjob $150" "bambishowhj1">><<set $money to $money -150>><</link>></span></div><br><</if>>
<<if $money gte 300>>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink"><<link "Blowjob $300" "bambishowbj1">><<set $money to $money -300>><</link>></span></div><br><</if>>
<<if $money gte 500>>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink"><<link "Sex $500" "bambishowsex1">><<set $money to $money -500>><</link>></span></div><br><</if>><</if>><br><</nobr>>
<<addarousal 35>><<speech "bambi" "Bambi">>Hmmm, not bad.<</speech>>
<div class="general">She smiles while holding your dick. Then she turns around and starts rubbing your dick with her ass.</div>
<video src="images/other/stripclub/bambi/stripld1.webm" autoplay loop ></video>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Oooh damn.<</speech>>
<<speech "bambi" "Bambi">>Feels good doens't it.<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Fuck yes!<</speech>>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Continues->bambishowld3]]</span></div>
<div class="general">She keeps rubbing her ass over your dick.</div>
<video src="images/other/stripclub/bambi/stripld2.webm" autoplay loop ></video>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Ooh yes.<</speech>>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Continue->bambishowld4]]</span></div>
<div class="general">Bambi keeps going.</div>
<video src="images/other/stripclub/bambi/stripld3.webm" autoplay loop ></video>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Fuck you ass is amazing.<</speech>>
<<speech "bambi" "Bambi">>Hmmmm, I know.<</speech>>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Continue->bambishowld5]]</span></div>
<div class="general">Bambi keeps going.</div>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Fuck I'm cumming.<</speech>>
<<speech "bambi" "Bambi">>Hmmmm.<</speech>>
<div class="general">Bambi keeps going as you start cumming.</div>
<video src="images/other/stripclub/bambi/stripld4.webm" autoplay loop ></video>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Fuck that felt good.<</speech>>
<<speech "bambi" "Bambi">>Glad you enjoyed it. Now please leave, I have to get back to work.<</speech>>
<a data-passage="stripshow"><div class="talkplayer">Let’s do something else</div></a>
<<if $fitness gte 0 and $fitness lt 25>>
<<addarousal -35>>
<<elseif $fitness gte 20 and $fitness lt 40>>
<<addarousal -30>>
<<elseif $fitness gte 40>>
<<addarousal -25>><</if>>
<<addenergy -15>>
<<addhappiness 15>>
<<addhygene -15>>
<<set $time to $time +2>>
<<speech "bambi" "Bambi">>Oh wow, that's better then expected.<</speech>>
<div class="general">She starts jerking.</div>
<<speech "bambi" "Bambi">>Let me make it a little more smooth.<</speech>>
<div class="general">She spits on your dick and keeps jerking you.</div>
<video src="images/other/stripclub/bambi/striphj2.webm" autoplay loop ></video>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Continue->bambishowhj3]]</span></div>
<<speech "bambi" "Bambi">>Hmmmm, your dick is making me quite hot as well.<</speech>>
<div class="general">Bambi sits back and start playing with herself while she is jerking you.</div>
<video src="images/other/stripclub/bambi/striphj3.webm" autoplay loop ></video>
<<speech "bambi" "Bambi">>Hmmmhmmmm.<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">><i>She is really enjoying this.</i><</speech>>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Continue->bambishowhj4]]</span></div>
<<speech "bambi" "Bambi">>Oooh fuck.<</speech>>
<div class="general">Bambi starts moaning louder.</div>
<<speech "Player" "$name">><i>Fuck this is hot.</i><</speech>>
<div class="general">Bambi keeps going, with you and with herself.</div>
<video src="images/other/stripclub/bambi/striphj4.webm" autoplay loop ></video>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Continue->bambishowhj5]]</span></div>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Oh fuck, I'm almost cumming.<</speech>>
<<speech "bambi" "Bambi">>Oh yes, me tooo!<</speech>>
<div class="general">You both start cumming at the same time.</div>
<video src="images/other/stripclub/bambi/striphj5.webm" autoplay loop ></video>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Wow, that was good.<</speech>>
<<speech "bambi" "Bambi">>It sure was.<</speech>>
<div class="general">You both sit still for a bit.</div>
<<speech "bambi" "Bambi">>Fuck I need to get back to work.<</speech>>
<div class="general">She gets up and leaves the room.</div>
<a data-passage="stripshow"><div class="talkplayer">Let’s do something else</div></a>
<<if $fitness gte 0 and $fitness lt 25>>
<<addarousal -35>>
<<elseif $fitness gte 20 and $fitness lt 40>>
<<addarousal -30>>
<<elseif $fitness gte 40>>
<<addarousal -25>><</if>>
<<addenergy -15>>
<<addhappiness 15>>
<<addhygene -15>>
<<set $time to $time +2>><<speech "bambi" "Bambi">>Hmmm, that's not bad at all.<</speech>>
<div class="general">She starts licking your dick and spits on it.</div>
<video src="images/other/stripclub/bambi/stripbj1.webm" autoplay loop ></video>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Continue->bambishowbj3]]</span></div>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Hmmmm.<</speech>>
<div class="general">Bambi then goes down and starts sucking your dick.</div>
<video src="images/other/stripclub/bambi/stripbj2.webm" autoplay loop ></video>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Continue->bambishowbj4]]</span></div>
<<speech "Player" "$name">><i>Damn, she is actually quite good at this.</i><</speech>>
<div class="general">Bambi keeps sucking you.</div>
<video src="images/other/stripclub/bambi/stripbj3.webm" autoplay loop ></video>
<div class="general">Suddenly Bambi gets up and moves backwards and squads down.</div>
<<speech "bambi" "Bambi">>Come here so I can suck you better.<</speech>>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Do as she says->bambishowbj5]]</span></div><div class="general">You stand in front of her. She doesn't hesitate to grab your dick and to start sucking you again.</div>
<video src="images/other/stripclub/bambi/stripbj4.webm" autoplay loop ></video>
<div class="general">She even deepthroats you.</div>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Damn you are good at this.<</speech>>
<<speech "bambi" "Bambi">>I have quite some experience.<</speech>>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Continue->bambishowbj6]]</span></div><div class="general">She winks at you as she keeps sucking.</div>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Fuck I'm almost there.<</speech>>
<div class="general">Getting closer to cumming makes you lose some restrictions as you grab her head and start throath fucking her.</div>
<video src="images/other/stripclub/bambi/stripbj5.webm" autoplay loop ></video>
<div class="general">When you release her she gasps for air.</div>
<<speech "bambi" "Bambi">>Oooh fuck.<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Come here, I'm cumming!<</speech>>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Continue->bambishowbj7]]</span></div><div class="general">You start jerking and cum starts flying towards her face. Like a good girl she opens her mouth and catches as much cum as she can.</div>
<video src="images/other/stripclub/bambi/stripbj6.webm" autoplay loop ></video>
<div class="general">She swallows most it.</div>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Fuck that was good.<</speech>>
<<speech "bambi" "Bambi">>Hmmm, you taste quite good as well.<</speech>>
<div class="general">Bambi gets up.</div>
<<speech "bambi" "Bambi">>Well, I need to clean up and get back to work.<</speech>>
<div class="general">Then she leaves the room.</div>
<a data-passage="stripshow"><div class="talkplayer">Let’s do something else</div></a>
<<if $fitness gte 0 and $fitness lt 25>>
<<addarousal -35>>
<<elseif $fitness gte 20 and $fitness lt 40>>
<<addarousal -30>>
<<elseif $fitness gte 40>>
<<addarousal -25>><</if>>
<<addenergy -15>>
<<addhappiness 15>>
<<addhygene -15>>
<<set $time to $time +2>>
<<speech "bambi" "Bambi">>Hmmm, that will fill me up quite well. Let's make it wet.<</speech>>
<div class="general">She starts lickin and spitting on your dick.</div>
<video src="images/other/stripclub/bambi/stripbj1.webm" autoplay loop ></video>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Continue->bambishowsex3]]</span></div>
<<speech "bambi" "Bambi">>Hmmm, can't wait to have this inside me.<</speech>>
<div class="general">Then she starts sucking you.</div>
<video src="images/other/stripclub/bambi/stripbj2.webm" autoplay loop ></video>
<div class="general">She stops sucking, gets up and sits down on the stage.</div>
<<speech "bambi" "Bambi">>Come get what you paid for.<</speech>>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Let's fuck her->bambishowsex4]]</span></div>
<div class="general">You walk towards her and kneel down.</div>
<<speech "bambi" "Bambi">>Come on and fuck me.<</speech>>
<div class="general">You enter her pussy.</div>
<video src="images/other/stripclub/bambi/stripsex1.webm" autoplay loop ></video>
<<speech "bambi" "Bambi">>Hmmmm, this feels good.<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>It sure does!<</speech>>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Continue->bambishowsex5]]</span></div><br>
<div class="general">You keep fucking her as she lifts her leg over your shoulder.</div>
<video src="images/other/stripclub/bambi/stripsex2.webm" autoplay loop ></video>
<<speech "bambi" "Bambi">>Wait, wait, let me change position.<</speech>>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Continue->bambishowsex6]]</span></div><br>
<div class="general">She lays down on her side.</div>
<<speech "bambi" "Bambi">>This way you will feel even bigger.<</speech>>
<div class="general">You enter her sideways and start fucking her again.</div>
<video src="images/other/stripclub/bambi/stripsex3.webm" autoplay loop ></video>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Oh fuck, you are so much tighter now.<</speech>>
<<speech "bambi" "Bambi">>Hmmmmm, I know, you feel so much bigger.<</speech>>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Continue->bambishowsex7]]</span></div><br>
<div class="general">While fucking her you notice that her finger quickly slips into her ass.</div>
<video src="images/other/stripclub/bambi/stripsex4.webm" autoplay loop ></video>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Do you like it in your ass Bambi?<</speech>>
<<speech "bambi" "Bambi">>Hmmmm, for $500 my ass is all yours.<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">><i>Oh for fucks sake.</i><</speech>>
<<nobr>><<if $money gte 500>>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Fuck her ass->bambishowsexa1]]</span></div><br>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Keep fucking her pussy->bambishowsex8]]</span></div>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Keep fucking her pussy->bambishowsex8]]</span></div>
<<set $bambisex to "true">><div class="general">You pull out and switch to her ass and push your dick inside.</div>
<video src="images/other/stripclub/bambi/stripsexa5.webm" autoplay loop ></video>
<<speech "bambi" "Bambi">>Oooh! Fuuck! Stop!<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>What's wrong.<</speech>>
<<speech "bambi" "Bambi">>You feel way to big in this position. Why dont you sit down and then I'll ride you.<</speech>>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Continue->bambishowsexa2]]</span></div>
<<set $money to $money -150>><div class="general">You keep fucking her pussy.</div>
<<speech "bambi" "Bambi">>Hmmmmm.<</speech>>
<video src="images/other/stripclub/bambi/stripsex5.webm" autoplay loop ></video>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Continue->bambishowsex9]]</span></div><br>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Hmmm, I'm getting close.<</speech>>
<div class="general">She pushes you off.</div>
<<speech "bambi" "Bambi">>Lay back baby, I'll finish you with my mouth.<</speech>>
<div class="general">You sit down and she starts sucking your dick.</div>
<video src="images/other/stripclub/bambi/stripsex6.webm" autoplay loop ></video>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Ooh fuck, that feels good.<</speech>>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Continue->bambishowsex10]]</span></div><br>
<div class="general">Bambi keeps going and without warning you start cumming in her mouth.</div>
<video src="images/other/stripclub/bambi/stripsex7.webm" autoplay loop ></video>
<div class="general">Her eyes wided and she is clearly suprised but she keeps sucking your dick.</div>
<<speech "bambi" "Bambi">>Fuck, you could have warned me..<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>That was amazing.<</speech>>
<<speech "bambi" "Bambi">>I, I got to clean up and get back to work.<</speech>>
<a data-passage="stripshow"><div class="talkplayer">Let’s do something else</div></a>
<<if $fitness gte 0 and $fitness lt 25>>
<<addarousal -35>>
<<elseif $fitness gte 20 and $fitness lt 40>>
<<addarousal -30>>
<<elseif $fitness gte 40>>
<<addarousal -25>><</if>>
<<addenergy -15>>
<<addhappiness 15>>
<<addhygene -15>>
<<set $time to $time +2>><div class="general">You sit down as Bambi clims on top of you.</div>
<video src="images/other/stripclub/bambi/stripsexa6.webm" autoplay loop ></video>
<<speech "bambi" "Bambi">>Yes, this is better.<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">><i>Fuck, I can't believe I'm fucking a strippers ass.</i><</speech>>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Continue->bambishowsexa3]]</span></div><div class="general">She starts riding you.</div>
<video src="images/other/stripclub/bambi/stripsexa7.webm" autoplay loop ></video>
<<speech "bambi" "Bambi">>Oh yes!<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Fuck, I'm cumming!<</speech>>
<<speech "bambi" "Bambi">>Huh?<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Aaaaah!<</speech>>
<<speech "bambi" "Bambi">>What, wait, no!<</speech>>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Continue->bambishowsexa4]]</span></div><div class="general">You start cumming inside Bambi her ass.</div>
<video src="images/other/stripclub/bambi/stripsexa8.webm" autoplay loop ></video>
<<speech "bambi" "Bambi">>Fuck, you didn't! I can feel it inside me.<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>That felt amazing.<</speech>>
<<speech "bambi" "Bambi">>Fuck you! Do you know how hard it is to get all that out of there and I still need to dance today!<</speech>>
<div class="general">Bambi angrily leaves the room.</div>
<<speech "Player" "$name">><i>Still worth it.</i><</speech>>
<a data-passage="stripshow"><div class="talkplayer">Let’s do something else</div></a>
<<if $fitness gte 0 and $fitness lt 25>>
<<addarousal -35>>
<<elseif $fitness gte 20 and $fitness lt 40>>
<<addarousal -30>>
<<elseif $fitness gte 40>>
<<addarousal -25>><</if>>
<<addenergy -15>>
<<addhappiness 20>>
<<addhygene -20>>
<<set $time to $time +2>><div class="general">You stand in the entrance and look at her.</div>
<<speech "Player" "$name">><i>She is stunning.</i><</speech>>
<<speech "daisy" "Daisy">>Well don't just stand there, get over here.<</speech>>
<div class="general">You walkt towards her. When you stand in front of her she starts opening your pants. She get's your dick out and starts sucking.</div>
<video src="images/other/bar/hooker/daisy2.webm" autoplay loop ></video>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Continue->daisy5]]</span></div>
<<speech "Player" "$name">><i>She is not waiting around.</i><</speech>>
<div class="general">Daisy keeps sucking.</div>
<video src="images/other/bar/hooker/daisy3.webm" autoplay loop ></video>
<<speech "Player" "$name">><i>Fuck, she is really good at this.</i><</speech>>
<div class="general">Then Daisy stops.</div>
<<speech "daisy" "Daisy">>Let's continue in the stall before we get caught.<</speech>>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Continue->daisy6]]</span></div>
<div class="general">Daisy pushes you into a stall and onto a toilet. When you sit down she drops onto her knees and starts sucking you again.</div>
<video src="images/other/bar/hooker/daisy4.webm" autoplay loop ></video>
<<speech "Player" "$name">><i>Fuck, she clearly wants me to cum fast.</i><</speech>>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Continue->daisy7]]</span></div>
<div class="general">You also notice that she has started fingering herself and getting herself wet.</div>
<video src="images/other/bar/hooker/daisy5.webm" autoplay loop ></video>
<div class="general">She continues to suck you and then she stops.</div>
<<speech "daisy" "Daisy">>So, I've sucked enough. Now fuck me.<</speech>>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Continue->daisy8]]</span></div>
<div class="general">She gets up and sits down onto your dick.</div>
<video src="images/other/bar/hooker/daisy6.webm" autoplay loop ></video>
<<speech "daisy" "Daisy">>Oooh, this actually feels quite good!<</speech>>
<div class="general">She starts to bounce up and down your dick.</div>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Oh yes!<</speech>>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Continue->daisy9]]</span></div>
<div class="general">Daisy keeps fucking you while occasionally touching herself.</div>
<video src="images/other/bar/hooker/daisy7.webm" autoplay loop ></video>
<<speech "daisy" "Daisy">>Hmmmmmhhmmm.<</speech>>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Continue->daisy10]]</span></div>
<div class="general">Daisy seems to be getting in the mood as she keeps fucking you.</div>
<video src="images/other/bar/hooker/daisy8.webm" autoplay loop ></video>
<<speech "daisy" "Daisy">>Ooh fuck! Keep going! Yess!<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Fuck, you feel so good.<</speech>>
<<speech "daisy" "Daisy">>Keep going!<</speech>>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Continue->daisy11]]</span></div>
<<speech "Player" "$name">><i>I can't hold it anymore.</i><</speech>>
<div class="general">You start rubbing Daisy her clit while you keep fucking.</div>
<<speech "daisy" "Daisy">>Yesss!<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Aaaaah!<</speech>>
<div class="general">You start cumming inside Daisy.</div>
<<speech "daisy" "Daisy">>What? Nooo!<</speech>>
<video src="images/other/bar/hooker/daisy9.webm" autoplay loop ></video>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Fuuuuck, yessss!<</speech>>
<<speech "daisy" "Daisy">>Oooh! Stop! Stopp!<</speech>>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Continue->daisy12]]</span></div>
<div class="general">Daisy looks with shock and disbelieve on her face.</div>
<<speech "daisy" "Daisy">>Fuck, did you really just cum inside me? You can't just do that. Fuck!<</speech>>
<div class="general">She gets up and seems very angry with you.</div>
<video src="images/other/bar/hooker/daisy10.webm" autoplay loop ></video>
<<speech "daisy" "Daisy">>Fuck you!<</speech>>
<div class="general">Daisy storms off.</div>
<<speech "Player" "$name">><i>Totally worth it.</i><</speech>>
<div class="general">After a couple of minutes you get up and leave the bathroom.</div>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Continue->daisy13]]</span></div>
<<if $fitness gte 0 and $fitness lt 25>>
<<addarousal -35>>
<<elseif $fitness gte 20 and $fitness lt 40>>
<<addarousal -30>>
<<elseif $fitness gte 40>>
<<addarousal -25>><</if>>
<<addenergy -15>>
<<addhappiness 20>>
<<addhygene -20>><div class="general">You return to the bar and you don't see Daisy anywhere.</div>
<<speech "Player" "$name">><i>I wonder if I'll see her again.</i><</speech>>
<div class="general">You notice some guys looking at you. But you are to satisfied to care.</div>
<<speech "Player" "$name">><i>She was a good fuck.</i><</speech>>
<a data-passage="bar"><div class="talkplayer">Let’s do something else</div></a>
<<set $barhookerfuck to "true">>
<<set $time to $time +1>>
<div class="general">You grab her ass as you keep kissing her. When you take a break she starts undressing.</div>
<video src="images/other/club/giovanna/giovanna2.webm" autoplay loop ></video>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Continue->nightclubscene3]]</span></div>
<div class="general">She continues to undress until her breasts are fully uncovered.</div>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Wow, those look amazing!<</speech>>
<<speech "giovanna" "Giovanna">>Thank you!<</speech>>
<div class="general">You bend forward and start kissing and sucking them.</div>
<video src="images/other/club/giovanna/giovanna3.webm" autoplay loop ></video>
<<speech "giovanna" "Giovanna">>Hmmmmmm.<</speech>>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Continue->nightclubscene4]]</span></div><div class="general">You kiss again. After a little bit you start undressing her again. But..</div>
<video src="images/other/club/giovanna/giovanna4.webm" autoplay loop ></video>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>What the fuck?<</speech>>
<<speech "giovanna" "Giovanna">>Oh yeah, there is that.<</speech>>
<div class="general">She giggles.</div>
<div class="general">In between her legs you see a.. a penis?</div>
<img src="images/other/club/giovanna/giovanna5.jpg" />
<<speech "giovanna" "Giovanna">>Don't worry, it doens't bite and you don't even have to touch it.<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>I.. I..<</speech>>
<<speech "giovanna" "Giovanna">>See it this way, I have had a lot of practice, so I suck dick really good, I can tell from experience. I also still have a hole for you which you can fuck.<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">><i>What should I do?</i><</speech>>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Why not, let's do it->nightclubscene5]]</span></div>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Fuck that I'm out of here->nightclubsceneend]]</span></div>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>I.. Eeeh... I.. Sorry no, I can't do this.<</speech>>
<div class="general">You grab your stuff and leave.</div>
<div class="general">If you don't want to get this scene, or any scene like this again, press the below button:</div>
<<nobr>><<set $waitpassage to passage()>>
<<button "I don't want this anymore" $waitpassage>><<set $notrap to "true">><</button>><</nobr>>
<a data-passage="center"><div class="talkplayer">Let’s do something else</div></a>
<<addenergy -35>>
<<addhappiness -30>>
<<addhygene -20>>
<<set $time to $time +2>><<speech "giovanna" "Giovanna">>I promise you that you will be glad you stayed.<</speech>>
<div class="general">She drops down and start taking out your dick. When it's out, she rubs it a couple of times before she starts sucking it.</div>
<video src="images/other/club/giovanna/giovanna6.webm" autoplay loop ></video>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Continue->nightclubscene6]]</span></div>
<div class="general">She keep sucking it and well, she wasn't lying she is good at it.</div>
<video src="images/other/club/giovanna/giovanna7.webm" autoplay loop ></video>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Continue->nightclubscene7]]</span></div>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Fuck, you are good at this.<</speech>>
<<speech "giovanna" "Giovanna">>Hhhhmhmmm, I know.<</speech>>
<div class="general">She keeps sucking.</div>
<video src="images/other/club/giovanna/giovanna8.webm" autoplay loop ></video>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Continue->nightclubscene8]]</span></div>
<<speech "Player" "$name">><i>Fuck this feels good.</i><</speech>>
<div class="general">Giovanna keeps going for a while.</div>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>You said something about a hole I could fuck?<</speech>>
<<speech "giovanna" "Giovanna">>Hmmm yes, but it needs a bit of a warming up.<</speech>>
<div class="general">She gets up and bends over the couch.</div>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>I'll make sure it's nice and wet.<</speech>>
<div class="general">You make sure her asshole gets wet and then you start fingering her.</div>
<video src="images/other/club/giovanna/giovanna9.webm" autoplay loop ></video>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Continue->nightclubscene9]]</span></div>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>I guess that's enough.<</speech>>
<<speech "giovanna" "Giovanna">>Are you sure? It has been a while..<</speech>>
<div class="general">You ignore her please and slowly push your dick inside her.</div>
<video src="images/other/club/giovanna/giovanna10.webm" autoplay loop ></video>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Continue->nightclubscene10]]</span></div>
<<speech "giovanna" "Giovanna">>Ooooh fuck, you feel so big! Please be gentle!<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Fuck, I love your tight little hole.<</speech>>
<<speech "giovanna" "Giovanna">>Oooh.<</speech>>
<div class="general">You keep fucking her and slowly increase the pace.</div>
<video src="images/other/club/giovanna/giovanna11.webm" autoplay loop ></video>
<<speech "giovanna" "Giovanna">>Ooooh!<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>You like that?<</speech>>
<<speech "giovanna" "Giovanna">>Yes! Keep going!<</speech>>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Continue->nightclubscene11]]</span></div><div class="general">You keep fucking Giovanna and notice that her dick is getting harder.</div>
<video src="images/other/club/giovanna/giovanna12.webm" autoplay loop ></video>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Continue->nightclubscene12]]</span></div>
<<speech "Player" "$name">><i>Fuck, she is really enjoying this.</i><</speech>>
<<speech "giovanna" "Giovanna">>Oh yes! Please keep going, fuck my ass!<</speech>>
<div class="general">You keep fucking her.</div>
<video src="images/other/club/giovanna/giovanna13.webm" autoplay loop ></video>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Continue->nightclubscene13]]</span></div>
<<speech "giovanna" "Giovanna">>Hhhhmhmmmmm yeessss.<</speech>>
<div class="general">You keep fucking her balls deep as you notice that she starts jerking off herself.</div>
<video src="images/other/club/giovanna/giovanna14.webm" autoplay loop ></video>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Oooh fuck, I'm almost cumming!<</speech>>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Continue->nightclubscene14]]</span></div>
<<speech "giovanna" "Giovanna">>Fuck! Stop! I don't want your cum in my ass!<</speech>>
<div class="general">She pushes you away and gets on her knees.</div>
<<speech "giovanna" "Giovanna">>Let me finish you another way.<</speech>>
<div class="general">She starts sucking your dick again while she jerks her own dick.</div>
<video src="images/other/club/giovanna/giovanna15.webm" autoplay loop ></video>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Ooh fuck, I'm almost there!<</speech>>
<<speech "giovanna" "Giovanna">>Mee too!<</speech>>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Continue->nightclubscene15]]</span></div>
<div class="general">Suddenly Giovanna starts cumming, over your foot.</div>
<video src="images/other/club/giovanna/giovanna16.webm" autoplay loop ></video>
<<speech "giovanna" "Giovanna">>Oooooooh!<</speech>>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Continue->nightclubscene16]]</span></div>
<div class="general">Luckily you are too horny and close to cumming to care and start cumming yourself, on Giovanna her face.</div>
<video src="images/other/club/giovanna/giovanna17.webm" autoplay loop ></video>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Ooooh yes!<</speech>>
<<speech "giovanna" "Giovanna">>That was really nice.<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>I guess it was.<</speech>>
<<speech "giovanna" "Giovanna">>So, am I going to see you again?<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>I guess we will see.<</speech>>
<div class="general">Giovanna cleans your foot with a towel as you grab your stuff and go home.</div>
<a data-passage="bedrsleep"><div class="talkplayer">Time to go</div></a>
<<addenergy -25>>
<<addhappiness 15>>
<<addhygene -30>>
<<if $fitness gte 0 and $fitness lt 25>>
<<addarousal -35>>
<<elseif $fitness gte 20 and $fitness lt 40>>
<<addarousal -30>>
<<elseif $fitness gte 40>>
<<addarousal -25>><</if>>
<<set $trapscene to "true">><div class="general">You feel the intense craving of this morning return.</div>
<<speech "Sarah" "Sarah">><i>Fuck, keep yourself together Sarah.</i><</speech>>
<<speech "random" "student">>You like what you see don't you?<</speech>>
<<speech "Sarah" "Sarah">>I do yes.<</speech>>
<div class="general">You start groping him.</div>
<video src="images/sarah/events/cheatevent/cheatevent4b.webm" autoplay loop ></video>
<div class="talksarah"><span class="playerlink">[[Continue->cheatevent6]]</span></div>
<<speech "Sarah" "Sarah">><i>What am I doing?</i><</speech>>
<<speech "random" "student">>Oh damn, you really want this.<</speech>>
<<speech "Sarah" "Sarah">>Hmmmmm.<</speech>>
<div class="general">You push your hands down his pants and grab his dick.</div>
<video src="images/sarah/events/cheatevent/cheatevent4c.webm" autoplay loop ></video>
<<speech "Sarah" "Sarah">><i>I want this. I really do.</i><</speech>>
<div class="talksarah"><span class="playerlink">[[Continue->cheatevent7]]</span></div>
<<speech "Sarah" "Sarah">><i>No Sarah, don't do it, you are married!</i><</speech>>
<div class="general">You grab the his pants and pull it down and before you know it you are sucking his dick.</div>
<video src="images/sarah/events/cheatevent/cheatevent5a.webm" autoplay loop ></video>
<<speech "Sarah" "Sarah">>Hmmmmm, I really need this.<</speech>>
<<speech "random" "student">>Oh damn, my teacher is a fucking slut!<</speech>>
<<speech "Sarah" "Sarah">><i>Stop Sarah! You are sucking a students dick! This can cost you everything!</i><</speech>>
<div class="talksarah"><span class="playerlink">[[Continue sucking->cheatevent8]]</span></div>
<div class="general">Non the less, you keep sucking.</div>
<video src="images/sarah/events/cheatevent/cheatevent5b.webm" autoplay loop ></video>
<<speech "random" "student">>Fuck me, you are actually decent at this.<</speech>>
<<speech "Sarah" "Sarah">><i>Decent? Is he kidding me?</i><</speech>>
<div class="talksarah"><span class="playerlink">[[Continue sucking->cheatevent9]]</span></div>
<div class="general">He grabs your head and starts 'helping' you.</div>
<<speech "Sarah" "Sarah">><i>He is just using me now.</i><</speech>>
<<speech "random" "student">>Take it you slut, suck my dick good.<</speech>>
<video src="images/sarah/events/cheatevent/cheatevent5c.webm" autoplay loop ></video>
<<speech "random" "student">>Keep going.<</speech>>
<<speech "Sarah" "Sarah">>Hmmmmmm.<</speech>>
<<speech "random" "student">>Damn, you are actually loving this!<</speech>>
<<speech "Sarah" "Sarah">><i>What the fuck am I doing?</i><</speech>>
<div class="talksarah"><span class="playerlink">[[Continue sucking->cheatevent10]]</span></div>
<div class="general">He grabs your head and holds you there until you almost choke.</div>
<video src="images/sarah/events/cheatevent/cheatevent5d.webm" autoplay loop ></video>
<<speech "random" "student">>Do you like that slut?<</speech>>
<<speech "Sarah" "Sarah">>Hmmmmmm, yes, I love your cock.<</speech>>
<<speech "random" "student">>Then keep sucking!<</speech>>
<div class="talksarah"><span class="playerlink">[[Continue sucking->cheatevent11]]</span></div>
<<speech "random" "student">>Get up and undres for me! I want you but naked.<</speech>>
<div class="general">You get up and start undressing until you are fully naked. Once naked, you get down and start blowing again.</div>
<video src="images/sarah/events/cheatevent/cheatevent6a.webm" autoplay loop ></video>
<<speech "random" "student">>Tell me what you want slut!<</speech>>
<<speech "Sarah" "Sarah">>I want your cum.<</speech>>
<<speech "random" "student">>What do you want?<</speech>>
<<speech "Sarah" "Sarah">>I want your cum!<</speech>>
<<speech "random" "student">>Then keep sucking for your reward.<</speech>>
<<speech "Sarah" "Sarah">><i>What is wrong with me?</i><</speech>>
<div class="talksarah"><span class="playerlink">[[Continue sucking->cheatevent12]]</span></div>
<div class="general">You keep sucking his dick.</div>
<video src="images/sarah/events/cheatevent/cheatevent6b.webm" autoplay loop ></video>
<<speech "random" "student">>Oooh yes! Almost!<</speech>>
<<speech "Sarah" "Sarah">>Give me your cum, I want you cum!<</speech>>
<<speech "random" "student">>Oooh fuck, here it comes!<</speech>>
<div class="talksarah"><span class="playerlink">[[Continue sucking->cheatevent13]]</span></div>
<div class="general">You open your mouth as he starts cumming.</div>
<video src="images/sarah/events/cheatevent/cheatevent6c.webm" autoplay loop ></video>
<<speech "random" "student">>Fuck, that was amazing, you are the best teacher ever!<</speech>>
<div class="general">Once you swallowed the cum you snap back to reality.</div>
<<speech "Sarah" "Sarah">><i>What did I do? How could I have done this?</i><</speech>>
<div class="general">He lifts up his pants.</div>
<<speech "random" "student">>So, see you next detention?<</speech>>
<<speech "Sarah" "Sarah">>I think you should leave and if you tell anyone, I will make sure you get expelled.<</speech>>
<<speech "random" "student">>Alright, chill!<</speech>>
<div class="general">He leaves.</div>
<div class="talksarah"><span class="playerlink">[[Back to the present->cheatevent14]]</span></div><<speech "Sarah" "Sarah">>So.. That is what happened.<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">><i>She is truly a cum addict.. How does she not realize this.</i><</speech>>
<<speech "Sarah" "Sarah">>$name?<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>I can't believe you did that..<</speech>>
<<speech "Sarah" "Sarah">>I know, I don't know what came over me..<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">><i>So maybe this is partly my fault, I mean, I haven't given her any attention or cum in a week.. And I knew she had some problems, I just didn't realize the extent of it..</i><</speech>>
<<speech "Sarah" "Sarah">>Please say something..<</speech>>
<div class="general">Sarah is softly crying.</div>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Get angry->cheatevent14a]]</span></div>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Forgive her->cheatevent14b]]</span></div><div class="general">Just as it looks likes Sarah has second thoughts Ashley steps in.</div>
<<speech "Ashley" "Ashley">>So, let's get this show on the road.<</speech>>
<<speech "Sarah" "Sarah">>Ash.. I..<</speech>>
<div class="general">Ashley sits up and starts unzipping your pants and puts your dick into her mouth.</div>
<video src="images/sarah/events/sarahproves/sarahproves2b.webm" autoplay loop ></video>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Continue->sarahproves4]]</span></div>
<<speech "Ashley" "Ashley">>Come on Sarah, you said you wanted this and I'm not letting this dick go now.<</speech>>
<div class="general">Ashley continues sucking.</div>
<video src="images/sarah/events/sarahproves/sarahproves2c.webm" autoplay loop ></video>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Continue->sarahproves5]]</span></div>
<<speech "Ashley" "Ashley">>Let me get undressed.<</speech>>
<div class="general">Ashley starts taking her dress off and suddenly Sarah moves in and starts sucking you.</div>
<video src="images/sarah/events/sarahproves/sarahproves2d.webm" autoplay loop ></video>
<<speech "Ashley" "Ashley">>Hey! If you suck, you have to get naked too!<</speech>>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Continue->sarahproves6]]</span></div>
<<speech "Sarah" "Sarah">>Alright, alright.<</speech>>
<div class="general">Now both Ashley and Sarah are getting naked.</div>
<video src="images/sarah/events/sarahproves/sarahproves3a.webm" autoplay loop ></video>
<<speech "Player" "$name">><i>I must be dreaming, is this actually happening?</i><</speech>>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Continue->sarahproves7]]</span></div>
<div class="general">Once Ashley is fully naked she continues sucking your dick.</div>
<<speech "Player" "$name">><i>Sarah seems a bit tense and unsure. Maybe I should take away some of that tension.</i><</speech>>
<div class="general">While Ashly sucks your dick you pull Sarah over your face and start licking her pussy.</div>
<video src="images/sarah/events/sarahproves/sarahproves3b.webm" autoplay loop ></video>
<<speech "Sarah" "Sarah">>Hhmmmmm.<</speech>>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Continue->sarahproves8]]</span></div>
<div class="general">While you lick Sarah’s pussy Ashley starts to fuck her own mouth with your dick.</div>
<video src="images/sarah/events/sarahproves/sarahproves3c.webm" autoplay loop ></video>
<<speech "Sarah" "Sarah">>Hmmmm, yes baby.<</speech>>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Continue->sarahproves9]]</span></div>
<div class="general">Sarah seems to relax more. Then Ashley stops sucking.</div>
<<speech "Ashley" "Ashley">>Let's switch, I want to have my pussy licked!<</speech>>
<div class="general">The sisters swap position.</div>
<video src="images/sarah/events/sarahproves/sarahproves3d.webm" autoplay loop ></video>
<<speech "Ashley" "Ashley">>Oooh, oooooh, damn Sarah, he's quite good at this.<</speech>>
<<speech "Sarah" "Sarah">>Hmmmhmmm.<</speech>>
<div class="general">Is all Sarah is able to say with your dick in her mouth.</div>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Continue->sarahproves10]]</span></div>
<div class="general">You keep licking Ashley while Sarah sucks your dick.</div>
<<speech "Ashley" "Ashley">>Hmmmm, alright, I'm soaking, I want some dick inside me.<</speech>>
<div class="general">She turns her ass towards you.</div>
<<speech "Ashley" "Ashley">>Fuck me $name! Show me what you can do.<</speech>>
<div class="general">She turns her ass towards you. Right in front of Sarah, you enter Ashley’s pussy.</div>
<video src="images/sarah/events/sarahproves/sarahproves4a.webm" autoplay loop ></video>
<<speech "Ashley" "Ashley">>Ooh yes, fuck me $name, fuck me!<</speech>>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Continue->sarahproves11]]</span></div>
<div class="general">Sarah stands next to you and kisses you.</div>
<<speech "Sarah" "Sarah">>Yes baby, fuck that slutty sister of mine.<</speech>>
<<speech "Ashley" "Ashley">>Hmmmm. Fuck. I heard that! Hmmmm. But I guess you are not, hmmmmhm, wrong.<</speech>>
<div class="general">You keep fucking Ashley while making out with Sarah, after a while Sarah even starts to spank her little sister.</div>
<video src="images/sarah/events/sarahproves/sarahproves4b.webm" autoplay loop ></video>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Continue->sarahproves12]]</span></div>
<<speech "Ashley" "Ashley">>Hmmmm, let me turn around.<</speech>>
<div class="general">Ashley turns around and once she is on her back you enter her again. While you start fucking her, Sarah starts to rub Ashley’s breasts.</div>
<video src="images/sarah/events/sarahproves/sarahproves4c.webm" autoplay loop ></video>
<<speech "Ashley" "Ashley">>Hmmmhmmm.<</speech>>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Continue->sarahproves13]]</span></div>
<div class="general">Sarah keeps making out with you while you fuck Ashley.</div>
<video src="images/sarah/events/sarahproves/sarahproves4d.webm" autoplay loop ></video>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Continue->sarahproves14]]</span></div>
<div class="general">Then Sarah whispers in your ear.</div>
<<speech "Sarah" "Sarah">>Baby, I want you to fuck me, I want to feel you inside of me.<</speech>>
<div class="general">You grab Sarah and push her down on the couch, ready to enter her. Then you suddenly see Ashley kiss Sarah on her cheek while she grabs her breast.</div>
<<speech "Sarah" "Sarah">>Ash, wha..<</speech>>
<div class="general">Suddenly Ashley plants her lips on Sarah's.</div>
<<speech "Sarah" "Sarah">>Ashley!<</speech>>
<div class="general">Ashley kisses her again.</div>
<<speech "Sarah" "Sarah">>Ashley, you are my sister.<</speech>>
<video src="images/sarah/events/sarahproves/sarahproves5a.webm" autoplay loop ></video>
<<speech "Player" "$name">><i>Fuck, I almost blew my load right there.</i><</speech>>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Continue->sarahproves15]]</span></div>
<<speech "Ashley" "Ashley">>You initiated a threesome with your sister. So who is the slut now.<</speech>>
<div class="general">You keep fucking Sarah. While Ashley plays with Sarah's mind.</div>
<<speech "Ashley" "Ashley">>Come here and lick my pussy.<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Yes babe, lick your sister’s pussy.<</speech>>
<div class="general">You grab her hair and push her face against Ashley’s pussy and, reluctantly, she starts licking Ashley.</div>
<video src="images/sarah/events/sarahproves/sarahproves5b.webm" autoplay loop ></video>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Continue->sarahproves16]]</span></div>
<<speech "Ashley" "Ashley">>Come on slut, keep licking.<</speech>>
<<speech "Sarah" "Sarah">>Hmmmhmmmm.<</speech>>
<div class="general">Sarah keeps licking and when she tries to escape, Ashley grabs her head and pushes it back between her legs.</div>
<video src="images/sarah/events/sarahproves/sarahproves5c.webm" autoplay loop ></video>
<<speech "Ashley" "Ashley">>Hmmmmm, you are quite good at this sis, not as good as your man, but you'll get there.<</speech>>
<div class="general">You keep fucking Sarah while she licks Ashley’s pussy.</div>
<<speech "Ashley" "Ashley">>Alright, that's enough, I want some dick inside of me now.<</speech>>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Continue->sarahproves17]]</span></div><div class="general">Ashley pushes Sarah from your dick and lays down.</div>
<<speech "Ashley" "Ashley">>Come on $name fuck me!<</speech>>
<div class="general">You lay behind Ashley and start fucking her.</div>
<video src="images/sarah/events/sarahproves/sarahproves6a.webm" autoplay loop ></video>
<<speech "Ashley" "Ashley">>Oh yes!<</speech>>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Continue->sarahproves18]]</span></div><div class="general">Sarah seems to have let go of all her doubts and starts licking Ashley’s pussy while you fuck her.</div>
<video src="images/sarah/events/sarahproves/sarahproves6b.webm" autoplay loop ></video>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Continue->sarahproves19]]</span></div><<speech "Ashley" "Ashley">>Oh fuck Sarah! Ooooh, you are going to make me cum.<</speech>>
<<speech "Sarah" "Sarah">>Hmmmm, yes, cum for me little sis.<</speech>>
<<speech "Ashley" "Ashley">>Oooooooooh!<</speech>>
<div class="general">Ashley starts cumming while Sarah licks her, after she came Sarah keeps rubbing her a little while you keep fucking her.</div>
<video src="images/sarah/events/sarahproves/sarahproves6c.webm" autoplay loop ></video>
<<speech "Ashley" "Ashley">>Aah, please, I need a.. Hmmm. I need a break.<</speech>>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Continue->sarahproves20]]</span></div>
<<speech "Sarah" "Sarah">>I'll take over.<</speech>>
<div class="general">Eagerly Sarah jumps on top of you and you easily slide into her and start fucking her.</div>
<<speech "Sarah" "Sarah">>Come here Ashley, I'll be gentle.<</speech>>
<div class="general">Sarah starts licking Ashley’s pussy again while you fuck her.</div>
<video src="images/sarah/events/sarahproves/sarahproves7a.webm" autoplay loop ></video>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Continue->sarahproves21]]</span></div>
<div class="general">While fucking Sarah you caress her ass and push a finger into her ass.</div>
<<speech "Sarah" "Sarah">>Ooooh yes baby.<</speech>>
<div class="general">With a load moan Sarah receives your finger into her ass.</div>
<<speech "Ashley" "Ashley">>Hmmmm, fuck, I always knew you were a slut, you love it in your ass, don't you. Come here you slut.<</speech>>
<div class="general">Sarah and Ashley start kissing again.</div>
<video src="images/sarah/events/sarahproves/sarahproves7b.webm" autoplay loop ></video>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Continue->sarahproves22]]</span></div>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Alright, I want your asses next to eachtother.<</speech>>
<div class="general">They both do as you say.</div>
<<speech "Ashley" "Ashley">>Please fuck me first.<</speech>>
<div class="general">You enter Ashley as she asked.</div>
<video src="images/sarah/events/sarahproves/sarahproves7c.webm" autoplay loop ></video>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Continue->sarahproves23]]</span></div>
<<speech "Sarah" "Sarah">>What about me baby?<</speech>>
<div class="general">You pull out of Ashley and enter her sister.</div>
<video src="images/sarah/events/sarahproves/sarahproves7d.webm" autoplay loop ></video>
<<speech "Sarah" "Sarah">>Oooh yes!<</speech>>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Continue->sarahproves24]]</span></div><<speech "Player" "$name">><i>Fuck, I'm about to blow.</i><</speech>>
<div class="general">Then you pull out Sarah and enter Ashley again.</div>
<video src="images/sarah/events/sarahproves/sarahproves8a.webm" autoplay loop ></video>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Continue->sarahproves25]]</span></div><<nobr>><<speech "Ashley" "Ashley">>Hmmmmm yes!<</speech>><br>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Fuck, I'm about to cum. Get down both of you!<</speech>><br>
<<if $cumslut is "true">>
<<speech "Sarah" "Sarah">>Yes baby, give me your cum, you know how I love your cum!<</speech>><br>
<<speech "Ashley" "Ashley">>Hmmmmm you dirty slut!<</speech>><br>
<div class="general">With both on their knees you start cumming.</div><br>
<video src="images/sarah/events/sarahproves/sarahproves8b.webm" autoplay loop ></video><br><br>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Fuck, that was amazing.<</speech>><br>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Continue->sarahproves26]]</span></div>
<<addenergy -15>>
<<addhappiness 20>>
<<addhygene -20>>
<<set $time to $time +1>>
<<if $fitness gte 0 and $fitness lt 25>>
<<addarousal -35>>
<<elseif $fitness gte 20 and $fitness lt 40>>
<<addarousal -30>>
<<elseif $fitness gte 40>>
<<addarousal -25>><</if>>
<<if $fitness gte 0 and $fitness lt 20>>
<<addrsarah 10>>
<<elseif $fitness gte 20 and $fitness lt 40>>
<<addrsarah 13>>
<<elseif $fitness gte 40>>
<<addrsarah 15>><</if>>
<<if $fitness gte 0 and $fitness lt 20>>
<<addrashley 10>>
<<elseif $fitness gte 20 and $fitness lt 40>>
<<addrashley 13>>
<<elseif $fitness gte 40>>
<<addrashley 15>><</if>>
<</nobr>><div class="general">After a couple of moments Sarah suddenly gets up and almost runs out of the room.</div>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Sarah?<</speech>>
<<speech "Ashley" "Ashley">>Don't worry, that is typical Sarah.<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>What do you mean?<</speech>>
<<speech "Ashley" "Ashley">>Sarah tends, or at least when we where teens, to get lost in the moment and then when the moment passes everything hits her and regret, shame and everything else kicks in all at once.<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">><i>I have noticed that before..</i><</speech>>
<<speech "Ashley" "Ashley">>She handles it lots better now, but it still happens, just talk to her. It will be allright.<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>You don't seem to have any problem with any of this.<</speech>>
<<speech "Ashley" "Ashley">>It's as Sarah said, I'm a slut and don't really care much in general.<</speech>>
<div class="general">She shrugs and leaves the room as well.</div>
<<speech "Player" "$name">><i>Well, I guess I should go and talk to Sarah.</i><</speech>>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Find Sarah->sarahproves27]]</span></div>
<div class="general">You chace Sarah and find her in the bedroom with her head in her hands.</div>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Honey, are you alright?<</speech>>
<div class="general">She remains silent.</div>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Honey?<</speech>>
<<speech "Sarah" "Sarah">>No, I'm not ok, I just had sex with my sister.. I'm so messed up.. What you must think of me..<</speech>>
<div class="general">You sit down next to her.</div>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>I don't think any different about you. For me it was amazing, and Ashley really seemed to have enjoyed herself as well.<</speech>>
<<speech "Sarah" "Sarah">>Well, I have higher standards then Ashley, at least I used to have those.<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>And, if it makes any difference, you did prove your point.<</speech>>
<div class="general">You hear a small giggle.</div>
<<speech "Sarah" "Sarah">>I guess I did.. But you are really ok with all this?<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Honestly, it was so fucking hot.. I can't even put it into words.<</speech>>
<div class="general">She looks at you with some relieve on her face.</div>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>And only us three know about it and as I said, I don't mind and Ashley definitely doesn't mind.<</speech>>
<<speech "Sarah" "Sarah">>I.. I guess you are right.. My biggest worry was you.. And, still, I feel so.. So dirty.<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Don't worry honey. We'll be fine.<</speech>>
<div class="general">Suddenly Sarah hugs you tight.</div>
<<speech "Sarah" "Sarah">>I love you.<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>I love you too.<</speech>>
<div class="general">She let's go of you and kisses you.</div>
<<speech "Sarah" "Sarah">>So, I guess it's time to get home and see what Noelle has been up to?<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>I guess it is.<</speech>>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Continue->sarahproves28]]</span></div>
<div class="general">Suddenly Sarah looks sad again.</div>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>What is it honey?<</speech>>
<<speech "Sarah" "Sarah">>Nothing.. I am just wondering.. What if Noelle is actually pregnant?<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Then she is still lying to me and going out in secret with other men. Whatever I'm going to see, I'll come back for you.<</speech>>
<<speech "Sarah" "Sarah">>Promise?<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>I promise.<</speech>>
<div class="general">You giver her a kiss, pack you stuff and leave.</div>
<<speech "Player" "$name">><i>Here we go.</i><</speech>>
<a data-passage="entrance"><div class="talkplayer">Go home</div></a>
<<set $goinghome to "true">>
<<set $livingatashley to "false">>
<<set $sarahproves to "true">>
<<addrsarah 100>>
<<addrashley 100>><div class="general">Stunned you keep watching as Sarah keeps sucking.</div>
<video src="images/sarah/events/sarahsrevenge/sarahsrevenge1c.webm" autoplay loop></video>
<<speech "random" "?">>Come here, I want my dick in your pussy.<</speech>>
<div class="general">Sarah get's up, ready to sit down onto this mans dick.</div>
<<speech "Player" "$name">><i>Fuck! I should stop this, shouldn't I?</i><</speech>>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Intervene->sarahsrevengeend2]]</span></div>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Stay and watch->sarahsrevenge4]]</span></div>
<div class="general">You decide to stop this and get out of hiding.</div>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>What the fuck is this?<</speech>>
<<speech "random" "?">>Oh shit! Is that..?<</speech>>
<<speech "Sarah" "Sarah">>My husband, yes.<</speech>>
<div class="general">The guy turns pale and starts grabbing his clothes and before you know it his half-naked ass is out the door.</div>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>What the fuck Sarah!<</speech>>
<<speech "Sarah" "Sarah">>What, it’s not like you never did anything like this, or did you forget about Noelle already, she might have forgotten about you, but I doubt that it is the other way around.<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>That doesn’t give you the right to..<</speech>>
<<speech "Sarah" "Sarah">>To what? Fucking someone else? Well maybe, after all the shit you put us through, you should pay some attention or spend some time with me.<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>What are you talking about?<</speech>>
<<speech "Sarah" "Sarah">>Ever since Noelle, I thought things would change. That you would finally look at me again and spend time with me. That I would be your priority, but no, I hardly even seen you recently. So apparently other people are still more important than me.<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>But..<</speech>>
<<speech "Sarah" "Sarah">>No, I’m ok with you fucking around, but only if I stay your number one. But clearly, I am not.<</speech>>
<div class="general">Angry she leaves the room.</div>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Don't you walk away from me!<</speech>>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Follow Sarah and get angry->sarahsrevengeend3a]]</span></div>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Follow Sarah and make up with her->sarahsrevengeend3]]</span></div>
<<addenergy -20>>
<<addhygene -5>>
<<addhappiness -20>>
<<addrsarah -25>>
<<set $time to $time +1>><<speech "Player" "$name">><i>Fuck, do I actually enjoy watching this?</i><</speech>>
<div class="general">You keep watching as Sarah sits down on the guys dick.</div>
<video src="images/sarah/events/sarahsrevenge/sarahsrevenge2a.webm" autoplay loop></video>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Stay and watch->sarahsrevenge5]]</span></div>
<<speech "random" "?">>Oh fuck! You are nice and tight.<</speech>>
<<speech "Sarah" "Sarah">>Hmmmm, you feel so good inside me.<</speech>>
<div class="general">The guy grabs her ass and Sarah starts bouncing up and down on top of his dick.</div>
<video src="images/sarah/events/sarahsrevenge/sarahsrevenge2b.webm" autoplay loop></video>
<<speech "Sarah" "Sarah">>Ooh yes!<</speech>>
<<speech "random" "?">>Keep riding me!<</speech>>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Stay and watch->sarahsrevenge6]]</span></div>
<div class="general">And that is exactly what she does. She keeps riding him.</div>
<video src="images/sarah/events/sarahsrevenge/sarahsrevenge2c.webm" autoplay loop></video>
<<speech "random" "?">>Turn around beautiful I want to fuck you from behind.<</speech>>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Continue->sarahsrevenge7]]</span></div><div class="general">Sarah turns around and stats to get fucked from behind.</div>
<<speech "Player" "$name">><i>Fuck, it is quite hot to watch, but that does not really seem uncomfortable.</i><</speech>>
<video src="images/sarah/events/sarahsrevenge/sarahsrevenge3a.webm" autoplay loop></video>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Continue->sarahsrevenge8]]</span></div>
<div class="general">Sarah keeps getting pounded from behind.</div>
<video src="images/sarah/events/sarahsrevenge/sarahsrevenge3b.webm" autoplay loop></video>
<<speech "Sarah" "Sarah">>Can we please change, I'm a bit uncomfortable.<</speech>>
<<speech "random" "?">>Yes of course.<</speech>>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Continue->sarahsrevenge9]]</span></div><div class="general">Sarah turns around and the guy doesn't give her a second. Before you know it he is inside her again.</div>
<video src="images/sarah/events/sarahsrevenge/sarahsrevenge4a.webm" autoplay loop></video>
<<speech "Sarah" "Sarah">>Oooh yes, that's better!<</speech>>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Continue->sarahsrevenge10]]</span></div><<nobr>>
<<speech "random" "?">>Fuck, you feel so good!<</speech>><br>
<div class="general">The man keeps fucking her.</div><br>
<video src="images/sarah/events/sarahsrevenge/sarahsrevenge4b.webm" autoplay loop></video><br><br>
<<speech "random" "?">>Fuck, I'm almost cumming!<</speech>><br>
<<if $cumslut is "true">>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Continue->sarahsrevenge11cs]]</span></div>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Continue->sarahsrevenge11]]</span></div>
<<speech "Sarah" "Sarah">>Yes, cum for me! Show me your cum.<</speech>>
<<speech "random" "?">>Here it comes!<</speech>>
<<speech "Sarah" "Sarah">>Wait not ins..<</speech>>
<<speech "random" "?">>Aaaah yes!<</speech>>
<div class="general">The guy starts cumming inside Sarah.</div>
<video src="images/sarah/events/sarahsrevenge/sarahsrevenge4c.webm" autoplay loop></video>
<<speech "random" "?">>Sorry, I couldn’t stop myself your pussy is just too good.<</speech>>
<<speech "Sarah" "Sarah">>It's ok I guess.<</speech>>
<div class="general">The guy starts grabbing his stuff and gets dressed.</div>
<<speech "random" "?">>I should probably leave before your husband gets home. See you at school?<</speech>><
<<speech "Sarah" "Sarah">>Yes, see you there.<</speech>>
<div class="general">The guy leaves.</div>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Continue->sarahsrevenge14]]</span></div>
<<speech "Sarah" "Sarah">>Hmmm yes! I want to taste your cum, cum in my mouth!<</speech>>
<<speech "random" "?">>I'm sorry, too late!<</speech>>
<div class="general">The guy starts cumming inside Sarah.</div><
<video src="images/sarah/events/sarahsrevenge/sarahsrevenge4c.webm" autoplay loop></video>
<<speech "Sarah" "Sarah">>Fuck! Did you seriously just cum inside me? Oooh I feel it just dripping out of me, how much did you cum?<</speech>>
<<speech "random" "?">>Well it has been a while. But this was amazing.<</speech>>
<<speech "Sarah" "Sarah">>It was good indeed.<</speech>>
<div class="general">The guy starts grabbing his stuff and gets dressed.</div>
<<speech "random" "?">>I should probably leave before your husband gets home. See you at school?<</speech>>
<<speech "Sarah" "Sarah">>Yes, see you there.<</speech>>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Continue->sarahsrevenge12cs]]</span></div>
<div class="general">The guy leaves. Once he left, through the back obviously, Sarah starts pushing her fingers into her pussy. She takes as much cum as possible and starts licking it from her fingers.</div>
<video src="images/sarah/events/sarahsrevenge/sarahsrevenge4d.webm" autoplay loop></video>
<<speech "Sarah" "Sarah">>I told him I wanted to taste his cum.<</speech>>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Continue->sarahsrevenge13cs]]</span></div>
<div class="general">After her fingers are clean she does it again.</div>
<video src="images/sarah/events/sarahsrevenge/sarahsrevenge4e.webm" autoplay loop></video>
<<speech "Player" "$name">><i>Damn, she truly is addicted to cum.</i><</speech>>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Continue->sarahsrevenge14]]</span></div>
<div class="general">Sarah gets up and walks upstairs.</div>
<<speech "Sarah" "Sarah">>Are you coming $name? I know you have been watching.<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">><i>What she knows I'm here?</i><</speech>>
<div class="general">Stunned you follow her upstairs and enter the bedroom where she stands naked.</div>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>You know I was watching and you still fucked another guy?<</speech>>
<<speech "Sarah" "Sarah">>The guy was deep inside me when I saw you. But you can either get mad or you can fuck me. I know you are hard.<</speech>>
<div class="general">She points at your pants and you realize she is not wrong. Sarah gets on all fours on the bed and seductively shakes her ass.</div>
<<speech "Sarah" "Sarah">>So what is it going to be?<</speech>>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Fuck her->sarahsrevenge15]]</span></div>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Get angry->sarahsrevenge15a]]</span></div><div class="general">You walk towards her while you take off your clothes. You climb on top of the bed and enter her.</div>
<video src="images/sarah/events/sarahsrevenge/sarahsrevenge5a.webm" autoplay loop></video>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Continue->sarahsrevenge16]]</span></div>
<<speech "Sarah" "Sarah">>Hmmm, I was hoping you would make this decision.<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>You know I can’t resist you, you dirty slut.<</speech>>
<<speech "Sarah" "Sarah">>I’m your slut.<</speech>>
<div class="general">You kiss her as you keep fucking her.</div>
<video src="images/sarah/events/sarahsrevenge/sarahsrevenge5b.webm" autoplay loop></video>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Continue->sarahsrevenge17]]</span></div>
<<speech "Sarah" "Sarah">>Let me turn around, I want to see you fuck me.<</speech>>
<div class="general">Sarah turns around and you start fucking her again.</div>
<video src="images/sarah/events/sarahsrevenge/sarahsrevenge5c.webm" autoplay loop></video>
<<speech "Sarah" "Sarah">>Oh yes! Keep going!<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Fuck, you feel so good.<</speech>>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Continue->sarahsrevenge18]]</span></div>
<div class="general">You keep fucking and kissing her.</div>
<video src="images/sarah/events/sarahsrevenge/sarahsrevenge5d.webm" autoplay loop></video>
<<speech "Sarah" "Sarah">>Oh yes! Don’t stop baby, don’t stop!<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>I’m going to cum!<</speech>>
<<speech "Sarah" "Sarah">>Let’s cum together baby!<</speech>>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Continue->sarahsrevenge19]]</span></div><<speech "Player" "$name">>Here it comes!<</speech>>
<<speech "Sarah" "Sarah">>Ooooh yesss!!<</speech>>
<div class="general">You both cum at the same time as you fill her up with your cum.</div>
<video src="images/sarah/events/sarahsrevenge/sarahsrevenge6a.webm" autoplay loop></video>
<<speech "Sarah" "Sarah">>Hmmmm, I feel your cum just dripping out of me.<</speech>>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Continue->sarahsrevenge20]]</span></div><<nobr>><div class="general">Sarah starts playing with the cum dripping from her pussy.</div><br>
<video src="images/sarah/events/sarahsrevenge/sarahsrevenge6b.webm" autoplay loop></video><br><br>
<<speech "Sarah" "Sarah">>Fuck, now I have been filled twice in one day.<</speech>><br>
<<if $cumslut is "true">>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Continue->sarahsrevenge21cs]]</span></div>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Continue->sarahsrevenge21]]</span></div>
<div class="general">As expected she moves her fingers full of cum towards her mouth and starts licking up your cum.</div>
<<speech "Sarah" "Sarah">>Hmmmm.<</speech>>
<video src="images/sarah/events/sarahsrevenge/sarahsrevenge6b.webm" autoplay loop></video>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>You are so dirty.<</speech>>
<<speech "Sarah" "Sarah">>You made me this way! But don’t worry, you fuck and taste better.<</speech>>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Continue->sarahsrevenge21]]</span></div><<speech "Sarah" "Sarah">>I should probably clean up.<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Shouldn’t we talk about what happened.<</speech>>
<<speech "Sarah" "Sarah">>I guess.<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>You don’t feel guilty at all do you?<</speech>>
<<speech "Sarah" "Sarah">>To be honest.. No. I mean, you have been fucking around with Noelle for a long time. And even after everything, I feel like you still don't appreciate me. You hardly spend any time with me. So.. I guess I felt like I deserved some attention. From you or anyone else.<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>I guess I haven't really paid much attention to you.. Did you know I would be watching?<</speech>>
<<speech "Sarah" "Sarah">>No, I would have told you afterwards that I did what I did, but it wasn’t planned like this. It wasn’t planned at all. He made a move and I didn’t stop him.<</speech>>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Continue->sarahsrevenge22]]</span></div>
<<nobr>><<if $scheater is "true">>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Who was he anyway.<</speech>><br>
<<speech "Sarah" "Sarah">>He.. Eeehm, was the same guy as, you know, last time.<</speech>><br>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>One of your students?<</speech>><br>
<<speech "Sarah" "Sarah">>Yeah..<</speech>><br>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Who was he anyway.<</speech>><br>
<<speech "Sarah" "Sarah">>He is,. He is one of my students.<</speech>><br>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Damn, really?<</speech>><br>
<<speech "Sarah" "Sarah">>Yeah..<</speech>><br>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Just make sure you don’t get fired I guess.<</speech>><br>
<<speech "Sarah" "Sarah">>Why aren’t you angry?<</speech>><br>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>I’m not sure. I guess it was quite hot to watch and well, I basically did the same to you. I guess I feel like I don’t have the right to be angry with you. I mean, as you said, I did not spend a lot of time with you. And after everything that happened with Noelle, you should be my main focus.<</speech>><br>
<<speech "Sarah" "Sarah">>Still, it feels weird that you are not angry. But.. Let's just spend more time together, I would really like that.<</speech>><br>
<div class="general">Then Sarah gets up and leaves the room to clean herself..</div><br>
<<speech "Player" "$name">><i>She is right. I should spend more time with her. Maybe take her on a date?</i><</speech>><br>
<a data-passage="upstairs"><div class="talkplayer">Let’s do something else</div></a>
<<addenergy -30>>
<<addhygene -15>>
<<addhappiness -5>>
<<addrsarah 25>>
<<set $time to $time +2>>
<<if $fitness gte 0 and $fitness lt 25>>
<<addarousal -35>>
<<elseif $fitness gte 20 and $fitness lt 40>>
<<addarousal -30>>
<<elseif $fitness gte 40>>
<<addarousal -25>><</if>>
<<set $sarahsrevengefuck to "true">><<speech "Player" "$name">>Are you serious? You just fucked another man! I’m not doing sloppy seconds!<</speech>>
<<speech "Sarah" "Sarah">>What? You have been watching the whole time and clearly enjoying it.<</speech>>
<div class="general">She points at the tent in your pants.</div>
<<speech "Sarah" "Sarah">>And now it’s a problem? You are fucking hypocrite.<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>You just fucked another man, or should I say boy, and I am the one at fault?<</speech>><br>
<<speech "Sarah" "Sarah">>Oh, did you forget about Noelle?<</speech>><br>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Noelle has nothing do to with this!<</speech>><br>
<<speech "Sarah" "Sarah">>Yeah well, fuck you!<</speech>><br>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Oh, no, what a great argument! You are just a fucking whore!<</speech>><br>
<<speech "Sarah" "Sarah">>You wish, than at least I would get paid!<</speech>><br>
<div class="general">Sarah grabs something and throws it at you as you decide to leave.</div><br>
<a data-passage="upstairs"><div class="talkplayer">Leave</div></a>
<<set $domsub to $domsub +5>>
<<set $angrymode to "true">>
<<addenergy -20>>
<<addhygene -5>>
<<addhappiness -15>>
<<addrsarah -10>>
<<set $time to $time +1>>
<<nobr>><<speech "Player" "$name">><i>I should probably talk to Sarah about our fight when I saw her cheating on me.<</speech>><br>
<div class="general">After short search, you find Sarah in the bedroom.</div><br>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Hey, are you ok?<</speech>><br>
<<speech "Sarah" "Sarah">>I don’t know. In all honesty, I can’t say that I regret my actions, but I do wish you would spend more time with me. That is the whole reason this hapenned. I just want some attention. I haven't seen you at all lately.<</speech>><br>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>But why do this?<</speech>><br>
<<speech "Sarah" "Sarah">>I don’t know. He just made a move and I didn't stop him. I felt like I deserved some attention and I haven't had any for quite a while from you.<</speech>><br>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>I know and you are right, I should spend more time with you and I will I promise, but you can't just fuck everyone every time you get mad.<</speech>><br>
<<speech "Sarah" "Sarah">>Well.. I guess you are just married with a slut, just as I am.<</speech>><br>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Well, I guess you have a point there.<</speech>><br>
<<speech "Sarah" "Sarah">>Will you forgive me for this?<</speech>><br>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>I do, just don't do this again.<</speech>><br>
<<speech "Sarah" "Sarah">>Just show me that you still love me.. That's all I want.<</speech>><br>
<<if $scheater is "true">>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Who was he anyway.<</speech>><br>
<<speech "Sarah" "Sarah">>He.. Eeehm, was the same guy as, you know, last time.<</speech>><br>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>One of your students?<</speech>><br>
<<speech "Sarah" "Sarah">>Yeah..<</speech>><br>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Who was he anyway.<</speech>><br>
<<speech "Sarah" "Sarah">>He is.. He is one of my students.<</speech>><br>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Damn, really?<</speech>><br>
<<speech "Sarah" "Sarah">>Yeah..<</speech>><br>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Just make sure you don’t get fired I guess.<</speech>><br>
<<speech "Sarah" "Sarah">>Don’t worry, I won’t. I mean you saw how scared he was of you, imagine how scared he is of me.<</speech>><br>
<a data-passage="upstairs"><div class="talkplayer">Let’s do something else</div></a>
<<addenergy -20>>
<<addhygene -5>>
<<addhappiness -15>>
<<addrsarah -10>>
<<set $time to $time +1>>
<<set $angrymode to "false">>
<<set $sarahsrevengeangry to "true">>
<</nobr>><<nobr>><div class="general">You find Sarah in the bedroom.</div><br>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Hey, are you ok?<</speech>><br>
<<speech "Sarah" "Sarah">>I don’t know. In all honesty, I can’t say that I regret my actions, but I do wish you would spend more time with me. That is the whole reason this hapenned. I just want some attention.<</speech>><br>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>I know and you are right, I should spend more time with you and I will I promise.<</speech>><br>
<<speech "Sarah" "Sarah">>Will you forgive me for this?<</speech>><br>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>I guess I already have.<</speech>><br>
<<speech "Sarah" "Sarah">>Just show me that you still love me..<</speech>><br>
<<if $scheater is "true">>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Who was he anyway.<</speech>><br>
<<speech "Sarah" "Sarah">>He.. Eeehm, was the same guy as, you know, last time.<</speech>><br>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>One of your students?<</speech>><br>
<<speech "Sarah" "Sarah">>Yeah..<</speech>><br>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Who was he anyway.<</speech>><br>
<<speech "Sarah" "Sarah">>He is.. He is one of my students.<</speech>><br>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Damn, really?<</speech>><br>
<<speech "Sarah" "Sarah">>Yeah..<</speech>><br>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Just make sure you don’t get fired I guess.<</speech>><br>
<<speech "Sarah" "Sarah">>Don’t worry, I won’t. I mean you saw how scared he was of you, imagine how scared he is of me.<</speech>><br>
<a data-passage="upstairs"><div class="talkplayer">Let’s do something else</div></a>
<<addenergy -20>>
<<addhygene -5>>
<<addhappiness -15>>
<<addrsarah -10>>
<<set $time to $time +1>>
<<set $sarahsrevengestopped to "true">>
<</nobr>><div class="general">Sarah’s movements start to become more and more uncontrolled.</div>
<video src="images/sarah/events/moreexciting/moreexciting1c.webm" autoplay loop></video>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Are you cumming honey?<</speech>>
<<speech "Sarah" "Sarah">>Hhhhmmmhhmmmm!<</speech>>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Continue->moreexciting4]]</span></div>
<div class="general">Sarah’s moans start to become louder and louder, as far that is possible when gagged, also her movements become wilder and wilder.</div>
<<speech "Player" "$name">><i>I think she is cumming.</i><</speech>>
<div class="general">And indeed, Sarah starts cumming.</div>
<video src="images/sarah/events/moreexciting/moreexciting1d.webm" autoplay loop></video>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>You are loving this aren’t you?<</speech>>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Continue->moreexciting5]]</span></div>
<div class="general">After she came you just continue.</div>
<<speech "Sarah" "Sarah">>HMMMHMHMHM!!<</speech>>
<div class="general">Sarah looks toward you with despair in her eyes. and with her movements, she tries to avoid the vibrator.</div>
<video src="images/sarah/events/moreexciting/moreexciting2a.webm" autoplay loop></video>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Continue->moreexciting6]]</span></div>
<div class="general">You on the other hand just keep pressing the vibrator against her pussy and hopefully her clit as well.</div>
<<speech "Player" "$name">><i>It’s quite hot to see her struggle like that.</i><</speech>>
<div class="general">You keep going, not sure if she cums again or if she is still cumming.</div>
<video src="images/sarah/events/moreexciting/moreexciting2b.webm" autoplay loop></video>
<<speech "Sarah" "Sarah">>HHHMMHMMMMHMMMMMMMM!<</speech>>
<div class="general">Then you pull the vibrator away and stop.</div>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Continue->moreexciting7]]</span></div>
<div class="general">You look at Sarah.</div>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Do you want me to stop?<</speech>>
<div class="general">Sarah looks at you and nods yes.</div>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>To bad I am really enjoying this.<</speech>>
<div class="general">You turn on the vibrator again and push it against her pussy.</div>
<video src="images/sarah/events/moreexciting/moreexciting3a.webm" autoplay loop></video>
<<speech "Sarah" "Sarah">>Hhhhmmmhmmmmm.<</speech>>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Continue->moreexciting8]]</span></div>
<div class="general">Sarah tries to fight it, but it seems that she is too exhausted to actually make a decent attempt of avoiding the vibrator.</div>
<video src="images/sarah/events/moreexciting/moreexciting3b.webm" autoplay loop></video>
<<speech "Sarah" "Sarah">>Hhhhmmhmmmmm..<</speech>>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Continue->moreexciting9]]</span></div>
<div class="general">Sarah’s body starts to move again and it seems like she has another orgasm.</div>
<video src="images/sarah/events/moreexciting/moreexciting3c.webm" autoplay loop></video>
<div class="general">After this orgasm you stop the vibrator.</div>
<<speech "Player" "$name">><i>Damn, I think she is almost passed out.</i><</speech>>
<div class="general">You look at Sarah and she looks exhausted.</div>
<<speech "Player" "$name">><i>I hope she enjoyed it too.</i><</speech>>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Continue->moreexciting10]]</span></div>
<div class="general">You untie Sarah.</div>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Are you ok honey?<</speech>>
<<speech "Sarah" "Sarah">>That was..<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Yes?<</speech>>
<<speech "Sarah" "Sarah">>That was amazing.. Wow.. Seriously, we should do this more often.<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>I’m glad you liked it.<</speech>>
<<speech "Sarah" "Sarah">>And this was way more exiting then a date.<</speech>>
<div class="general">Sarah looks exhausted.</div>
<<speech "Sarah" "Sarah">>I’m going to take a small brake… This was intense..<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>You aren’t bothered that I ignored your request to stop?<</speech>>
<<speech "Sarah" "Sarah">>Well at first yes, but damn.. It felt so intense and good and the feeling of having no power and no control.. I can’t wait with what you come up next.<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Now that’s quite some pressure.<</speech>>
<<speech "Sarah" "Sarah">>Well, I’m sure you will figure something out.<</speech>>
<div class="general">Sarah slowly gets up.</div>
<<speech "Sarah" "Sarah">>I’m sorry, I’m… I need a break. Sorry I won’t return the favor..<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Guess that’s a bit my own fault as well.<</speech>>
<div class="general">Sarah gets up and leaves the room.</div>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Well, I guess I have to find out what to do with her next.<</speech>>
<a data-passage="entrance"><div class="talkplayer">Let’s do something else</div></a>
<<addenergy -20>>
<<addhygene -10>>
<<addhappiness 15>>
<<set $time to $time +1>>
<<if $fitness gte 0 and $fitness lt 20>>
<<addrsarah 15>>
<<elseif $fitness gte 15 and $fitness lt 35>>
<<addrsarah 17>>
<<elseif $fitness gte 45>>
<<addrsarah 20>><</if>>
<<addarousal 35>>
<div class="general">Then you move towards her breasts and start licking and sucking them.</div>
<video src="images/sarah/events/bdsm2/bdsm21b.webm" autoplay loop></video>
<<speech "Sarah" "Sarah">>Hmmmmm.<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>I’ve got a surprise for you.<</speech>>
<div class="general">You show her the rope from the bondage kit.</div>
<<speech "Sarah" "Sarah">>Oh. Are you..?<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Yes, I’m going to do to you whatever I want.<</speech>>
<div class="general">Sarah’s face blushes from excitement.</div>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Continue->bdsm23]]</span></div>
<<set $time to 6>><div class="general">You have Sarah completely tied up within minutes.</div>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Now for the final touch.<</speech>>
<div class="general">You grab the ball gag and put it in her mouth.</div>
<video src="images/sarah/events/bdsm2/bdsm22a.webm" autoplay loop></video>
<<speech "Sarah" "Sarah">>Mmmhmmhmm.<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Hmm, the silence.<</speech>>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Continue->bdsm24]]</span></div><div class="general">You get behind Sarah.</div>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Damn, your pussy is already so wet.<</speech>>
<div class="general">You start licking her pussy from behind.</div>
<video src="images/sarah/events/bdsm2/bdsm22d.webm" autoplay loop></video>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>You are such a dirty girl, you deserve something else.<</speech>>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Continue->bdsm25]]</span></div><div class="general">You grab the whip and start whipping Sarah’s ass.</div>
<video src="images/sarah/events/bdsm2/bdsm22b.webm" autoplay loop></video>
<<speech "Sarah" "Sarah">>Mmmhauhmmmm.<</speech>>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Continue->bdsm26]]</span></div><div class="general">You hear Sarah moaning through her ball gag. She seems in a bit of pain, but her pussy only gets wetter as you keep whipping her.</div>
<video src="images/sarah/events/bdsm2/bdsm22c.webm" autoplay loop></video>
<<speech "Sarah" "Sarah">>Mhmmhmmm.<</speech>>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Continue->bdsm27]]</span></div><<speech "Player" "$name">>Time to give myself some pleasure.<</speech>>
<div class="general">You walk towards Sarah’s face and take off the ball gag and before she can say anything you push your dick into her mouth.</div>
<video src="images/sarah/events/bdsm2/bdsm23a.webm" autoplay loop></video>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Fuck, I love that mouth of yours.<</speech>>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Continue->bdsm28]]</span></div><div class="general">Sarah gets up to catch some breath before you continue fucking her mouth.</div>
<video src="images/sarah/events/bdsm2/bdsm23b.webm" autoplay loop></video>
<div class="general">You hear Sarah gagging on your dick.</div>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Don’t forget the balls.<</speech>>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Continue->bdsm29]]</span></div><div class="general">You move towards your balls and start to lick them as well.</div>
<video src="images/sarah/events/bdsm2/bdsm23c.webm" autoplay loop></video>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Hmmm, you dirty girl, now that I showed you how suck my dick yourself.<</speech>>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Continue->bdsm30]]</span></div>
<div class="general">Sarah obediently starts to suck your dick still .</div>
<video src="images/sarah/events/bdsm2/bdsm23d.webm" autoplay loop></video>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Good girl.<</speech>>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Continue->bdsm31]]</span></div>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Ok, enough of this.<</speech>>
<div class="general">You pull out your dick and put the ball gag back into Sarah’s mouth and stand behind her.</div>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Do you want my dick inside of you?<</speech>>
<<speech "Sarah" "Sarah">>Mmhmmm.<</speech>>
<div class="general">Sarah nods and then you push your dick deep inside of her as you start fucking her.</div>
<video src="images/sarah/events/bdsm2/bdsm24a.webm" autoplay loop></video>
<<speech "Sarah" "Sarah">>Mmhmmmhmmmhmmmmhmm.<</speech>>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Continue->bdsm32]]</span></div>
<div class="general">While fucking her, Sarah moans quite load through her ball gag, at least, you assume it’s moaning.</div>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Come here.<</speech>>
<div class="general">You grab her hands and move them towards her ass.</div>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>I know you love your ass being filled, so fill them yourself.<</speech>>
<<speech "Sarah" "Sarah">>Mmh?<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Push you fingers into you ass.<</speech>>
<div class="general">Sarah slowly starts to push a finger into her ass.</div>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Here, let me help.<</speech>>
<div class="general">You spit on her ass as she starts pushing a second finger inside..</div>
<video src="images/sarah/events/bdsm2/bdsm24b.webm" autoplay loop></video>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Continue->bdsm33]]</span></div>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Hmmm, good girl. Now let me add myself.<</speech>>
<div class="general">You grab your dick and push it into Sarah’s pussy again.</div>
<video src="images/sarah/events/bdsm2/bdsm24c.webm" autoplay loop></video>
<div class="general">Sarah starts moaning louder and louder as you keep going.</div>
<<speech "Sarah" "Sarah">>Mmmmhmmmm.<</speech>>
<div class="general">Then you stop.</div>
<<speech "Sarah" "Sarah">>Hmmmm?<</speech>>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Continue->bdsm34]]</span></div>
<div class="general">A pleading moan escapes Sarah.</div>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Oh no, you are not allowed to cum yet.<</speech>>
<div class="general">You wait a bit before after you pull out and then fuck her again.</div>
<video src="images/sarah/events/bdsm2/bdsm24d.webm" autoplay loop></video>
<div class="general">And then you stop again.</div>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Continue->bdsm35]]</span></div>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Let’s try something else.<</speech>>
<div class="general">You partly untie her and place her on her back. When she is on her back, you push your dick inside her mouth. While you start mouthfucking her, you also start to rub her pussy.</div>
<video src="images/sarah/events/bdsm2/bdsm25a.webm" autoplay loop></video>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>If you do well, I might let you cum.<</speech>>
<<speech "Sarah" "Sarah">>Mhhmmhmmmhmm.<</speech>>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Continue->bdsm36]]</span></div>
<div class="general">You keep fucking her mouth and rubbing her pussy. Her body clearly reacts to your touch and you know she is very close now. And indeed not much later her body starts to spasm wildly while your dick is still buried in her mouth. She is humming.</div>
<video src="images/sarah/events/bdsm2/bdsm25b.webm" autoplay loop></video>
<<speech "Sarah" "Sarah">>MMMHMMHMMHMMHMM.<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>I’ll turn you into a fountain.<</speech>>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Continue->bdsm37]]</span></div>
<div class="general">Instead of stopping you take your dick out of her mouth and continue fingering her hard.</div>
<<speech "Sarah" "Sarah">>Please! Ooooooooh! Please stop! I…. I can’t….<</speech>>
<div class="general">But you just continue anyway.</div>
<video src="images/sarah/events/bdsm2/bdsm25c.webm" autoplay loop></video>
<div class="general">And then, you do stop.</div>
<<speech "Sarah" "Sarah">>Oh my god…<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Oh but you are not done yet.<</speech>>
<<speech "Sarah" "Sarah">>What?<</speech>>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Continue->bdsm38]]</span></div>
<div class="general">You untie her again and switch the position she is in.</div>
<<speech "Sarah" "Sarah">>But..<</speech>>
<div class="general">Before she can say anything, you put the ball gag into her mouth, and not only that. You also blindfold her.</div>
<<speech "Sarah" "Sarah">>Hmmmhmmhm!<</speech>>
<div class="general">Sarah resists a little but gives up quite quickly when you start fucking her.</div>
<video src="images/sarah/events/bdsm2/bdsm26a.webm" autoplay loop></video>
<<speech "Sarah" "Sarah">>Hmmmhmmm.<</speech>>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Continue->bdsm39]]</span></div>
<div class="general">You keep fucking her but you do slow down a little.</div>
<video src="images/sarah/events/bdsm2/bdsm26b.webm" autoplay loop></video>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Continue->bdsm40]]</span></div>
<div class="general">You see some sort of relief on Sarah’s face and then you start to increase the pace again.</div>
<video src="images/sarah/events/bdsm2/bdsm26c.webm" autoplay loop></video>
<<speech "Sarah" "Sarah">>Hmhmmmmhm!<</speech>>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Continue->bdsm41]]</span></div>
<div class="general">You take off her mask as you keep fucking her. She has some despair in her eyes, but she doesn’t resist.</div>
<<speech "Player" "$name">><i>Damn, she must be so sensitive.</i><</speech>>
<div class="general">You keep fucking her.</div>
<video src="images/sarah/events/bdsm2/bdsm26d.webm" autoplay loop></video>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Don’t worry, I’m almost there.<</speech>>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Continue->bdsm42]]</span></div><div class="general">You increase your pace one more time before you pull out.</div>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Here it comes baby, the reward you have been waiting for, open your mouth!<</speech>>
<div class="general">Obediently she opens her mouth and you start cumming all over her face and in her mouth.</div>
<video src="images/sarah/events/bdsm2/bdsm27a.webm" autoplay loop></video>
<<nobr>><<if $cumslut is "true">>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Continue->bdsm43cs]]</span></div>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Continue->bdsm43]]</span></div>
<</if>><</nobr>><<speech "Sarah" "Sarah">>Hmmmhmmm that was definitely worth the wait.<</speech>>
<div class="general">Sarah starts sucking your dick again, sucking up all the cum.</div>
<video src="images/sarah/events/bdsm2/bdsm27b.webm" autoplay loop></video>
<<speech "Sarah" "Sarah">>Hmmmhmmm.<</speech>>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Continue->bdsm43]]</span></div>
<div class="general">You look at Sarah, who seems happy, but exhausted.</div>
<<speech "Sarah" "Sarah">>Fuck, that what intense, but I loved it.<</speech>><br>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>You didn’t always look like you loved it.<</speech>>
<<speech "Sarah" "Sarah">>Well, you didn’t give me any rest. I was so sensitive and you just kept going. I have the feeling I’ve been cumming non-stop. But I loved it! And I love you.<</speech>><br>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>I’m glad you liked it and I love you too..<</speech>>
<<speech "Sarah" "Sarah">>I.. I’m going to clean myself up and maybe take a rest.<</speech>>
<div class="general">Sarah gets up and leaves the room.</div>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Well I guess that was another succes.<</speech>>
<a data-passage="entrance"><div class="talkplayer">Let’s do something else</div></a>
<<set $bdsm2 to "true">>
<<addenergy -25>>
<<addhygene -25>>
<<addhappiness 25>>
<<set $time to $time +1>>
<<if $fitness gte 0 and $fitness lt 25>>
<<addarousal -35>>
<<elseif $fitness gte 20 and $fitness lt 40>>
<<addarousal -30>>
<<elseif $fitness gte 40>>
<<addarousal -25>><</if>>
<<if $fitness gte 0 and $fitness lt 20>>
<<addrsarah 15>>
<<elseif $fitness gte 15 and $fitness lt 35>>
<<addrsarah 17>>
<<elseif $fitness gte 45>>
<<addrsarah 20>><</if>>
<<addcumaddict 7>><div class="general">You bend over and start kissing her.</div>
<video src="images/sarah/events/neigbour1/neighbour1b.webm" autoplay loop></video>
<<speech "Sarah" "Sarah">>Better?<</speech>>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Continue->neighbour1e]]</span></div>
<div class="general">By now Sarah took down your pants and has started to suck your dick.</div>
<video src="images/sarah/events/neigbour1/neighbour2a.webm" autoplay loop></video>
<<speech "neighbour" "neighbour">>Now we are talking.<</speech>>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Continue->neighbour1f]]</span></div>
<div class="general">Your neighbour takes out his dick and starts rubbing it.</div>
<<speech "neighbour" "neighbour">>Look at that, you can just see that she loves it.<</speech>>
<div class="general">Sarah keeps sucking.</div>
<video src="images/sarah/events/neigbour1/neighbour2b.webm" autoplay loop></video>
<<speech "neighbour" "neighbour">>Hmmm, look at that little slut. Spank her for me.<</speech>>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Continue->neighbour1g]]</span></div>
<div class="general">You look at Sarah and she gives a quick nod and then you spank her.</div>
<video src="images/sarah/events/neigbour1/neighbour2c.webm" autoplay loop></video>
<<speech "Sarah" "Sarah">>Hmmmhmm.<</speech>>
<<speech "neighbour" "neighbour">>Now put her on her back and fuck her.<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Shouldn’t I make her wet first.<</speech>>
<<speech "neighbour" "neighbour">>I bet she is soaked already, I know she loves being watched.<</speech>>
<div class="general">Sarah blushes and lays down on her back.</div>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Continue->neighbour1h]]</span></div><div class="general">Once she lays back you sit in front of her and slowly push you dick into her..</div>
<video src="images/sarah/events/neigbour1/neighbour3a.webm" autoplay loop></video>
<<speech "Player" "$name">><i>Damn, she is soaked..</i><</speech>>
<<speech "neighbour" "neighbour">>Come on, is that it? Fuck her like you mean it.<</speech>>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Continue->neighbour1i]]</span></div><div class="general">You do as he says and start to fuck her harder.</div>
<video src="images/sarah/events/neigbour1/neighbour3b.webm" autoplay loop></video>
<<speech "neighbour" "neighbour">>Yes, keep going!<</speech>>
<<speech "Sarah" "Sarah">>Ooh fuck baby!<</speech>>
<<speech "neighbour" "neighbour">>Tell him how you love being watched.<</speech>>
<<speech "Sarah" "Sarah">>I love being watched baby, it makes me so wet!<</speech>>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Continue->neighbour1j]]</span></div><div class="general">You push her down and keep fucking her.</div>
<video src="images/sarah/events/neigbour1/neighbour3c.webm" autoplay loop></video>
<<speech "Sarah" "Sarah">>Oooh yes!<</speech>>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Continue->neighbour1k]]</span></div>
<<speech "neighbour" "neighbour">>Take off the corset Sarah.<</speech>>
<div class="general">You stop fucking her as Sarah gets naked.</div>
<video src="images/sarah/events/neigbour1/neighbour4a.webm" autoplay loop></video>
<<speech "neighbour" "neighbour">>Now fuck her on all fours.<</speech>>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Continue->neighbour1l]]</span></div>
<div class="general">Sarah gets in doggy position and you enter her.</div>
<video src="images/sarah/events/neigbour1/neighbour4b.webm" autoplay loop></video>
<<speech "neighbour" "neighbour">>Come on, fuck her, own her! Sarah let him know what you want.<</speech>>
<<speech "Sarah" "Sarah">>Hmmmhmm, fuck me harder baby, fuck me!<</speech>>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Continue->neighbour1m]]</span></div>
<div class="general">Motivated by Sarah’s words you increase the pace.</div>
<video src="images/sarah/events/neigbour1/neighbour4c.webm" autoplay loop></video>
<<speech "Sarah" "Sarah">>Oooh yes! Harder baby!<</speech>>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Continue->neighbour1n]]</span></div>
<div class="general">You push Sarah down and start fucking her hard.</div>
<video src="images/sarah/events/neigbour1/neighbour5a.webm" autoplay loop></video>
<<speech "Sarah" "Sarah">>Oooh yes baby! Fuuucckkkk!<</speech>>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Continue->neighbour1o]]</span></div>
<div class="general">You keep fucking her mercilessly.</div>
<video src="images/sarah/events/neigbour1/neighbour5b.webm" autoplay loop></video>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Fuck baby, I’m almost cumming.<</speech>>
<<speech "neighbour" "neighbour">>Get on your knees Sarah, let your man cum on your face.<</speech>>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Continue->neighbour1p]]</span></div>
<div class="general">You stop fucking and Sarah gets on her knees in front of you.</div>
<<speech "neighbour" "neighbour">>Stick out your tongue like a good little slut.<</speech>>
<div class="general">Sarah sticks out her tongue and then you start cumming on her face and in her mouth.</div>
<video src="images/sarah/events/neigbour1/neighbour5c.webm" autoplay loop></video>
<<if $cumslut is "true">>
<<speech "Sarah" "Sarah">>Hhmmmmhmm.<</speech>><br>
<<speech "neighbour" "neighbour">>Fuck me, she actually loves cum doesn’t she?<</speech>><br>
<div class="general">Sarah blushes and nods. Then she licks up all the cum off her face.</div><br>
<<speech "neighbour" "neighbour">>Such a horny slut.<</speech>><br>
<<speech "Sarah" "Sarah">>Fuck that was a lot.<</speech>><br>
<div class="general">She quickly cleans her face with the bedsheets.</div><br>
<<speech "neighbour" "neighbour">>You did very well.<</speech>><br>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Continue->neighbour1q]]</span></div><</nobr>><<nobr>>
<<if $cumslut is "true">>
<div class="general">Sarah looks at your neighbour.</div><br>
<<speech "Sarah" "Sarah">>Haven’t you cummed yet?<</speech>><br>
<<speech "neighbour" "neighbour">>Well I was hoping you could help me with that.<</speech>><br>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Touching was not in the deal.<</speech>><br>
<<speech "neighbour" "neighbour">>Who said anything about touching.<</speech>><br>
<div class="general">He stands up and walks towards Sarah.</div><br>
<<speech "neighbour" "neighbour">>Stick out your tongue Sarah, that’s all you need to do, and I’ll pay you 500 extra.<</speech>><br>
<div class="general">Sarah sticks out her tongue obediently, waiting eagerly.</div><br>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Let him->neighbour1rcs]]</span></div><br>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Don’t let him->neighbour1iend]]</span></div>
<div class="general">Sarah looks at your neighbour.</div><br>
<<speech "Sarah" "Sarah">>Haven’t you cummed yet?<</speech>><br>
<<speech "neighbour" "neighbour">>Well I was hoping you could help me with that.<</speech>><br>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Touching was not in the deal.<</speech>><br>
<<speech "neighbour" "neighbour">>Who said anything about touching.<</speech>><br>
<div class="general">He stands up and walks towards Sarah.</div><br>
<<speech "neighbour" "neighbour">>Stick out your tongue Sarah, that’s all you need to do, and I’ll pay you 500 extra.<</speech>><br>
<div class="general">Sarah looks at you.</div><br>
<<speech "Player" "$name">><i>Damn, am I really letting him cum on Sarah?</i><</speech>><br>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Let him->neighbour1r]]</span></div><br>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Don’t let him->neighbour1iend]]</span></div>
<<set $neighbour1 to "true">>
<<if $cumslut is "true">>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>I can’t allow you to cum on her.<</speech>><br>
<div class="general">Sarah looks quite disappointed at you but accepts it.</div><br>
<<speech "neighbour" "neighbour">>Well alright, then we have to do without.<</speech>>
<div class="general">He starts jerking off while looking at Sarah and cums quite quickly after.</div><br>
<<speech "neighbour" "neighbour">>This was great.<</speech>><br>
<div class="general">He grabs the money and gives it to you.</div><br>
<<speech "neighbour" "neighbour">>See you both next time?.<</speech>><br>
<div class="general">He leaves the room and not much later you hear the front door close. When you look at Sarah you see that she eats some of the neighbours cum from the ground. When she sees you looking she blushes, gets up, and leaves the room.</div><br>
<a data-passage="upstairs"><div class="talkplayer">Let’s do something else</div></a>
<<addenergy -20>>
<<addhygene -10>>
<<addhappiness 15>>
<<set $time to $time +1>>
<<if $fitness gte 0 and $fitness lt 25>>
<<addarousal -35>>
<<elseif $fitness gte 20 and $fitness lt 40>>
<<addarousal -30>>
<<elseif $fitness gte 40>>
<<addarousal -25>><</if>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>I can’t allow you to cum on her.<</speech>><br>
<div class="general">Sarah looks somewhat relieved.</div><br>
<<speech "neighbour" "neighbour">>Well alright, then we have to do without.<</speech>>
<div class="general">He starts jerking off while looking at Sarah and cums quite quickly after.</div><br>
<<speech "neighbour" "neighbour">>This was great.<</speech>><br>
<div class="general">He grabs the money and gives it to you.</div><br>
<<speech "neighbour" "neighbour">>See you both next time?.<</speech>><br>
<div class="general">He leaves the room and not much later you hear the front door close. Then Sarah gets up.</div><br>
<<speech "Sarah" "Sarah">>I’m going to clean myself up.<</speech>><br>
<a data-passage="upstairs"><div class="talkplayer">Let’s do something else</div></a>
<<addenergy -20>>
<<addhygene -10>>
<<addhappiness 15>>
<<set $time to $time +1>>
<<if $fitness gte 0 and $fitness lt 25>>
<<addarousal -35>>
<<elseif $fitness gte 20 and $fitness lt 40>>
<<addarousal -30>>
<<elseif $fitness gte 40>>
<<addarousal -25>><</if>>
<div class="general">You nod to Sarah and you see how your neighbour starts jerking off near her face.</div>
<<speech "neighbour" "neighbour">>Hmmm, stick out your tongue.<</speech>>
<div class="general">Slightly reluctant Sarah sticks out her tongue and then he starts cumming on her face and into her mouth.</div>
<video src="images/sarah/events/neigbour1/neighbour6b.webm" autoplay loop></video>
<<speech "neighbour" "neighbour">>Oohw yes!<</speech>>
<div class="general">He cums and cums until Sarah’s face is completely covered in cum. Sarah seems quite uneasy with the amount of cum covering her.</div>
<<speech "neighbour" "neighbour">>Fuck, look at you all dirty and hot.<</speech>>
<div class="general">Sarah doesn’t say anything and swallows the cum that entered her mouth.</div>
<<speech "neighbour" "neighbour">>This was great.<</speech>>
<div class="general">He grabs the money and gives it to Sarah.</div>
<<speech "neighbour" "neighbour">>You deserved this.<</speech>>
<div class="general">He leaves the room and not much later you hear the front door close. When you look at Sarah you see that she eats some more of the cum from her face before she gets up.</div>
<<speech "Sarah" "Sarah">>I.. I’m going to clean myself up.<</speech>>
<a data-passage="upstairs"><div class="talkplayer">Let’s do something else</div></a>
<<set $money to $money +1500>>
<<addenergy -20>>
<<addhygene -10>>
<<addhappiness 5>>
<<set $time to $time +1>>
<<if $fitness gte 0 and $fitness lt 25>>
<<addarousal -35>>
<<elseif $fitness gte 20 and $fitness lt 40>>
<<addarousal -30>>
<<elseif $fitness gte 40>>
<<addarousal -25>><</if>>
<<addcumaddict 7>>
<div class="general">You see how your neighbour starts jerking off.</div>
<<speech "neighbour" "neighbour">>Tell me how bad you want my cum.<</speech>>
<<speech "Sarah" "Sarah">>I really want your cum, I want it everywhere, on my face and in my mouth.<</speech>><
<video src="images/sarah/events/neigbour1/neighbour6a.webm" autoplay loop></video>
<<speech "neighbour" "neighbour">>Fuck, here it comes, stick out your tongue.<</speech>>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Continue->neighbour1scs]]</span></div>
<div class="general">Sarah sticks out her tongue and then he starts cumming all over Sarah’s face and in her mouth..</div>
<video src="images/sarah/events/neigbour1/neighbour6b.webm" autoplay loop></video>
<<speech "Sarah" "Sarah">>Hmmmm.<</speech>>
<div class="general">Sarah swallows the cum that ended up in her mouth.</div>
<<speech "Sarah" "Sarah">>Wow, you came so much.<</speech>>
<<speech "neighbour" "neighbour">>Well, you gave an amazing show. Well, here is the cash, and hopefully until next time.<</speech>>
<div class="general">He leaves the room and not much later you hear the front door close. When you look at Sarah you see that she eats some more of the cum from her face before she gets up.</div>
<<speech "Sarah" "Sarah">>I’m going to clean myself up.<</speech>>
<a data-passage="upstairs"><div class="talkplayer">Let’s do something else</div></a>
<<set $money to $money +1500>>
<<addenergy -20>>
<<addhygene -10>>
<<addhappiness 5>>
<<set $time to $time +1>>
<<if $fitness gte 0 and $fitness lt 25>>
<<addarousal -35>>
<<elseif $fitness gte 20 and $fitness lt 40>>
<<addarousal -30>>
<<elseif $fitness gte 40>>
<<addarousal -25>><</if>><div class="general">Noelle cearly enjoys teasing you as she also takes off her bra.</div>
<video src="images/noelle/livingroom/livmoven90/livmoven90a1b.webm" autoplay loop ></video>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Continue->livmoven90a3]]</span></div>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Fuck, you truly have amazing tits.<</speech>>
<<speech "Noelle" "Noelle">>Do you want to see more?<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Of course!<</speech>>
<video src="images/noelle/livingroom/livmoven90/livmoven90a1c.webm" autoplay loop ></video>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>You make me so hard right now.<</speech>>
<<speech "Noelle" "Noelle">>Why don't you show me.<</speech>>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Show her->livmoven90a4]]</span></div><div class="general">You take off you pants and expose your hard dick.</div>
<<speech "Noelle" "Noelle">>You have an amazing dick.<</speech>>
<div class="general">She keeps undressing.</div>
<video src="images/noelle/livingroom/livmoven90/livmoven90a2a.webm" autoplay loop ></video>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Nice and cleanly shaven, I love it.<</speech>>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Continue->livmoven90a5]]</span></div>
<div class="general">She starts to spin around and give you a little show.</div>
<video src="images/noelle/livingroom/livmoven90/livmoven90a2b.webm" autoplay loop ></video>
<<speech "Noelle" "Noelle">>Jerk off for me $name.<</speech>>
<div class="general">You start jerking off while watching Noelle.</div>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Continue->livmoven90a6]]</span></div><<speech "Noelle" "Noelle">>Stroke that hard dick for me.<</speech>>
<video src="images/noelle/livingroom/livmoven90/livmoven90a3a.webm" autoplay loop ></video>
<div class="general">You keep jerking off.</div>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Touch yourself a bit.<</speech>>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Continue->livmoven90a7]]</span></div><div class="general">She turns around and plays with her pussy a bit.</div>
<video src="images/noelle/livingroom/livmoven90/livmoven90a3b.webm" autoplay loop ></video>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Continue->livmoven90a8]]</span></div><<nobr>>
<<if $rnoelle gte 100>>
<<speech "Noelle" "Noelle">>Cum on my ass $name. I want to feel how hot I'm making you.<</speech>><br>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Oh yes!. I'm cumming Noelle!<</speech>><br>
<div class="general">You start cumming on her ass.</div><br>
<video src="images/noelle/livingroom/livmoven90/livmoven90a3c.webm" autoplay loop ></video><br><br>
<<speech "Noelle" "Noelle">>That was so hot! I'm going to clean up.<</speech>><br>
<div class="general">Noelle leaves.</div><br>
<a data-passage="entrance"><div class="talkplayer">Let’s do something else</div></a>
<<if $fitness gte 0 and $fitness lt 15>>
<<addrnoelle 5>>
<<elseif $fitness gte 15 and $fitness lt 30>>
<<addrnoelle 7>>
<<elseif $fitness gte 30>>
<<addrnoelle 10>><</if>>
<<addhappiness 10>>
<<addhygene -10>>
<<addenergy -25>>
<<set $time to $time +1>>
<<addfaithfulness -3>>
<<if $fitness gte 0 and $fitness lt 25>>
<<addarousal -35>>
<<elseif $fitness gte 20 and $fitness lt 40>>
<<addarousal -30>>
<<elseif $fitness gte 40>>
<<addarousal -25>><</if>>
<<speech "Noelle" "Noelle">>Cum for me $name!<</speech>><br>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Fuck. Here it comes!<</speech>><br>
<div class="general">You start cumming.</div><br>
<img src="images/player/misc/cum1.gif" /><br>
<<speech "Noelle" "Noelle">>That is so hot to see.<</speech>><br>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>As are you.<</speech>><br>
<<speech "Noelle" "Noelle">>You should probably clean that up.<</speech>><br>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>As are you.<</speech>><br>
<a data-passage="entrance"><div class="talkplayer">Let’s do something else</div></a>
<<if $fitness gte 0 and $fitness lt 15>>
<<addrnoelle 5>>
<<elseif $fitness gte 15 and $fitness lt 30>>
<<addrnoelle 7>>
<<elseif $fitness gte 30>>
<<addrnoelle 10>><</if>>
<<addhappiness 5>>
<<addhygene -5>>
<<addenergy -10>>
<<set $time to $time +1>>
<<addfaithfulness -2>>
<<if $fitness gte 0 and $fitness lt 25>>
<<addarousal -35>>
<<elseif $fitness gte 20 and $fitness lt 40>>
<<addarousal -30>>
<<elseif $fitness gte 40>>
<<addarousal -25>><</if>>
<<set $livmoven90a3 to "true">>
<div class="general">You start kissing and touching her.</div>
<video src="images/noelle/livingroom/livmoven120/livmoven120a2b.webm" autoplay loop ></video>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Those tits are amazing.<</speech>>
<<speech "Noelle" "Noelle">>Glad you like them.<</speech>>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Continue->livmoven120a4]]</span></div><<speech "Player" "$name">>You make me so hard.<</speech>>
<<speech "Noelle" "Noelle">>Is that so? Let me check.<</speech>>
<div class="general">She loosens your pants and grabs your dick.</div>
<video src="images/noelle/livingroom/livmoven120/livmoven120a3a.webm" autoplay loop ></video>
<<speech "Noelle" "Noelle">>You are right, you are hard. I love the power I have over him.<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>I bet you do.<</speech>>
<<speech "Noelle" "Noelle">>Let me fix the problem I caused.<</speech>>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Continue->livmoven120a5]]</span></div><div class="general">She drops down onto her knees and starts blowing you.</div>
<video src="images/noelle/livingroom/livmoven120/livmoven120a3b.webm" autoplay loop ></video>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Fuck that feels good.<</speech>>
<div class="general">She keeps sucking.</div>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Continue->livmoven120a6]]</span></div><<speech "Noelle" "Noelle">>Why don't you sit down and relax.<</speech>>
<div class="general">You sit down and Noelle starts sucking again.</div>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Let me fuck you face for a bit.<</speech>>
<div class="general">She holds her head still and you start fucking her mouth.</div>
<video src="images/noelle/livingroom/livmoven120/livmoven120a4a.webm" autoplay loop ></video>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Continue->livmoven120a7]]</span></div><<nobr>>
<<if $rnoelle gte 160 and $firstfuck is "true">>
<<speech "Noelle" "Noelle">>Ugh, we are not doing that again, if you want to fuck me, fuck my pussy.<</speech>><br>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Sounds good to me. Why don't you lay down.<</speech>><br>
<div class="general">Noelle lays down and once she lays down, you enter her.</div><br>
<video src="images/noelle/livingroom/livmoven120/livmoven160b4a.webm" autoplay loop ></video><br><br>
<<speech "Noelle" "Noelle">>Hmmm yes, fuck me $name.<</speech>><br>
<div class="general">You keep fucking her.</div><br>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Continue->livmoven120a8]]</span></div>
<<speech "Noelle" "Noelle">>Ugh, we are not doing that again, just let me suck.<</speech>><br>
<div class="general">She goes down on you again.</div><br>
<video src="images/noelle/livingroom/livmoven120/livmoven120a4b.webm" autoplay loop ></video><br><br>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>I'm cumming Noelle, get on your knees.<</speech>><br>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Continue->livmoven120a8end]]</span></div>
<</nobr>><<speech "Noelle" "Noelle">>Wait, wait!<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>What?<</speech>>
<div class="general">She starts turning around.</div>
<<speech "Noelle" "Noelle">>I want you to fuck me from behind.<</speech>>
<video src="images/noelle/livingroom/livmoven120/livmoven160b5a.webm" autoplay loop ></video>
<<speech "Noelle" "Noelle">>Hmmmm, yes that's better.<</speech>>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Continue->livmoven120a9]]</span></div>
<div class="general">Noelle gets on her knees.</div>
<<speech "Noelle" "Noelle">>Spray me with your cum!<</speech>>
<div class="general">You start cumming.</div>
<video src="images/noelle/livingroom/livmoven120/livmoven120a4c.webm" autoplay loop ></video>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Oooh yes!<</speech>>
<<speech "Noelle" "Noelle">>Oh and so much. Well I'm going to clean up.<</speech>>
<div class="general">Noelle leaves.</div>
<a data-passage="entrance"><div class="talkplayer">Let’s do something else</div></a>
<<if $fitness gte 0 and $fitness lt 15>>
<<addrnoelle 3>>
<<elseif $fitness gte 15 and $fitness lt 30>>
<<addrnoelle 6>>
<<elseif $fitness gte 30>>
<<addrnoelle 9>><</if>>
<<addhappiness 15>>
<<addhygene -15>>
<<addenergy -15>>
<<set $time to $time +1>>
<<addfaithfulness -5>>
<<if $fitness gte 0 and $fitness lt 25>>
<<addarousal -35>>
<<elseif $fitness gte 20 and $fitness lt 40>>
<<addarousal -30>>
<<elseif $fitness gte 40>>
<<addarousal -25>><</if>>
<<set $livmoven120a4 to "true">><div class="general">You keep fucking her.</div>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Fuck, you feel so good.<</speech>>
<video src="images/noelle/livingroom/livmoven120/livmoven160b5b.webm" autoplay loop ></video>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>I'm almost cumming Noelle.<</speech>>
<<speech "Noelle" "Noelle">>Hmmm yes.<</speech>>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Continue->livmoven120a10]]</span></div>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>I'm cumming Noelle, get on your knees.<</speech>>
<div class="general">Noelle gets on her knees.</div>
<<speech "Noelle" "Noelle">>Spray me with your cum!<</speech>>
<div class="general">You start cumming.</div>
<video src="images/noelle/livingroom/livmoven120/livmoven120a4c.webm" autoplay loop ></video>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Oooh yes!<</speech>>
<<speech "Noelle" "Noelle">>Oh and so much. Well I'm going to clean up.<</speech>>
<div class="general">Noelle leaves.</div>
<a data-passage="entrance"><div class="talkplayer">Let’s do something else</div></a>
<<if $fitness gte 0 and $fitness lt 15>>
<<addrnoelle 4>>
<<elseif $fitness gte 15 and $fitness lt 30>>
<<addrnoelle 7>>
<<elseif $fitness gte 30>>
<<addrnoelle 10>><</if>>
<<addhappiness 15>>
<<addhygene -15>>
<<addenergy -15>>
<<set $time to $time +1>>
<<addfaithfulness -7>>
<<if $fitness gte 0 and $fitness lt 25>>
<<addarousal -35>>
<<elseif $fitness gte 20 and $fitness lt 40>>
<<addarousal -30>>
<<elseif $fitness gte 40>>
<<addarousal -25>><</if>>
<<set $livmoven120a5 to "true">>
<<set $livmoven120a4 to "true">>
<div class="general">Suddenly she gets up.</div>
<video src="images/noelle/bathroom/bathspy/bathspy2b.webm" autoplay loop ></video>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Oh wow! I'm in luck!<</speech>>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Leave->upstairs]]</span></div>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Keep watching->bathspyn3]]</span></div><<nobr>><<switch random(1, 5)>>
<<case 1>>
<img src="images/noelle/bathroom/bathspy/bathspyend.jpg" /><br>
<div class="general">Suddenly Noelle notices you.</div><br>
<<speech "Noelle" "Noelle">>What the fuck? Is that you $name? Get out of here.<</speech>><br>
<div class="general">She throws a shampoo bottle towards you which you just managed to dodge.</div><br>
<a data-passage="upstairs"><div class="talkplayer">Let’s do something else</div></a>
<<case 2 3 4 5>>
<div class="general">You keep watching as she keeps going.</div><br>
<video src="images/noelle/bathroom/bathspy/bathspy2a.webm" autoplay loop ></video><br><br>
<<speech "Noelle" "Noelle">>Hmmmmm.<</speech>><br>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Continue->bathspyn4]]</span></div><br>
<a data-passage="upstairs"><div class="talkplayer">Let’s do something else</div></a>
<</nobr>><div class="general">Noelle starts moaning softly as she continues.</div>
<video src="images/noelle/bathroom/bathspy/bathspy2b.webm" autoplay loop ></video>
<<speech "Noelle" "Noelle">>Oooh.<</speech>>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Continue->bathspyn5]]</span></div>
<div class="general">Noelle keeps moaning and seems lost in her own world.</div>
<video src="images/noelle/bathroom/bathspy/bathspy2c.webm" autoplay loop ></video>
<<speech "Noelle" "Noelle">>Hmmhmmmmm.<</speech>>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Keep watching->bathspyn6]]</span></div>
<a data-passage="upstairs"><div class="talkplayer">Let’s do something else</div></a><<nobr>><<switch random(1, 5)>>
<<case 1>>
<<if $firsttime is "true" and $rnoelle gte 90 and $dildon is "true">>
<div class="general">Suddenly Noelle notices you.</div><br>
<<speech "Noelle" "Noelle">>Is that you $name? Why don't you come here and take off your pants.<</speech>><br>
<div class="general">You do as she says and your boner pops out of your boxer.</div><br>
<<speech "Noelle" "Noelle">>Now jerk it for me, show me how much you like my show.<</speech>><br>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Jerk off while watching her->bathspyn7a]]</span></div>
<img src="images/noelle/bathroom/bathspy/bathspyend.jpg" /><br>
<div class="general">Suddenly Noelle notices you.</div><br>
<<speech "Noelle" "Noelle">>What the fuck? Is that you $name? Get out of here.<</speech>><br>
<div class="general">She throws a shampoo bottle towards you which you just managed to dodge.</div><br>
<a data-passage="upstairs"><div class="talkplayer">Let’s do something else</div></a><</if>>
<<case 2 3 4 5>>
<<if $dildon is "true">>
<div class="general">You keep watching and you see that she grabs a little toy.</div><br>
<<speech "Player" "$name">><i>This is getting better and better.</i><</speech>><br>
<video src="images/noelle/bathroom/bathspy/bathspy3a.webm" autoplay loop ></video><br><br>
<<speech "Noelle" "Noelle">>Ooh yes.<</speech>><br>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Continue->bathspyn7b]]</span></div>
<img src="images/noelle/bathroom/bathspy/bathspyend.jpg" /><br>
<div class="general">Suddenly Noelle notices you.</div><br>
<<speech "Noelle" "Noelle">>What the fuck? Is that you $name? Get out of here.<</speech>><br>
<div class="general">She throws a shampoo bottle towards you which you just managed to dodge.</div><br>
<a data-passage="upstairs"><div class="talkplayer">Let’s do something else</div></a><</if>>
<</nobr>><<speech "Noelle" "Noelle">>It's so hot to see you jerk off.<</speech>>
<div class="general">Suddenly Noelle stops.</div>
<<speech "Noelle" "Noelle">>Let me use that present of yours.<</speech>>
<div class="general">She grabs a dildo and starts fucking herself with it.</div>
<video src="images/noelle/bathroom/bathspy/bathspy3a.webm" autoplay loop ></video>
<<speech "Noelle" "Noelle">>Hmmmmm, this feels so good.<</speech>>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Jerk Continue->bathspyn8a]]</span></div>
<div class="general">Noelle keeps going.</div>
<video src="images/noelle/bathroom/bathspy/bathspy3b.webm" autoplay loop ></video>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Continue watching->bathspyn8b]]</span></div><div class="general">You keep watching as she turns around and starts fucking herself with the dildo from behind.</div>
<video src="images/noelle/bathroom/bathspy/bathspy4a.webm" autoplay loop ></video>
<<speech "Noelle" "Noelle">>Ooh yes!<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">><i>I think she is cumming.</i><</speech>>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Continue->bathspyn9b]]</span></div><div class="general">And indeed, Noelle starts to cum.</div>
<video src="images/noelle/bathroom/bathspy/bathspy4b.webm" autoplay loop ></video>
<<speech "Noelle" "Noelle">>Hmmmhmmmm.<</speech>>
<a data-passage="upstairs"><div class="talkplayer">Time to go</div></a>
<<addarousal 50>>
<<addhappiness 15>>
<<addenergy -5>>
<<addfaithfulness -1>>
<<set $bathspyn4a2 to "true">><div class="general">She keeps going.</div>
<video src="images/noelle/bathroom/bathspy/bathspy3b.webm" autoplay loop ></video>
<<speech "Noelle" "Noelle">>Oh yes!<</speech>>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Keep jerking and watching->bathspyn9a]]</span></div><div class="general">Noelle turns around and starts fucking herself from behind.</div>
<video src="images/noelle/bathroom/bathspy/bathspy4a.webm" autoplay loop ></video>
<<speech "Noelle" "Noelle">>Ooohoh. I'm almost cumming, are you almost cumming as well?<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Yes!<</speech>>
<<speech "Noelle" "Noelle">>Let's cum together!<</speech>>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Continue->bathspyn10a]]</span></div><div class="general">With a load moan Noelle starts cumming and watching her puts you over the edge as well.</div>
<video src="images/noelle/bathroom/bathspy/bathspy4b.webm" autoplay loop ></video>
<<speech "Noelle" "Noelle">>Hmmmmm, that was very nice.<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>You are so fucking hot.<</speech>>
<<speech "Noelle" "Noelle">>You are not bad yourself either. Now shoo, I have a shower to finish.<</speech>>
<a data-passage="upstairs"><div class="talkplayer">Leave</div></a>
<<if $fitness gte 0 and $fitness lt 15>>
<<addrnoelle 3>>
<<elseif $fitness gte 15 and $fitness lt 30>>
<<addrnoelle 6>>
<<elseif $fitness gte 30>>
<<addrnoelle 9>><</if>>
<<addhappiness 10>>
<<addhygene -10>>
<<addenergy -10>>
<<set $time to $time +1>>
<<addfaithfulness -2>>
<<if $fitness gte 0 and $fitness lt 25>>
<<addarousal -35>>
<<elseif $fitness gte 20 and $fitness lt 40>>
<<addarousal -30>>
<<elseif $fitness gte 40>>
<<addarousal -25>><</if>>
<<set $bathspyn4a2 to "true">><div class="general">You start ripping each others clothes off.</div>
<video src="images/noelle/bathroom/bathmoven160/bathmoven1b.webm" autoplay loop ></video><
<<speech "Player" "$name">>You are so hot.<</speech>>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Continue->bathmoven160a3]]</span></div>
<div class="general">You take off her panties and push her down.</div>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Spread your legs baby.<</speech>>
<div class="general">She spreads her legs and you start licking her.</div>
<video src="images/noelle/bathroom/bathmoven160/bathmoven2a.webm" autoplay loop ></video>
<<speech "Noelle" "Noelle">>Ooooh, that feels so good!<</speech>>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Continue->bathmoven160a4]]</span></div>
<div class="general">You keep going.</div>
<video src="images/noelle/bathroom/bathmoven160/bathmoven2b.webm" autoplay loop ></video>
<<speech "Noelle" "Noelle">>Hmmmmmm, yes!<</speech>>
<div class="general">After a while Noelle stops you.</div>
<<speech "Noelle" "Noelle">>Let me suck you babe.<</speech>>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Continue->bathmoven160a5]]</span></div>
<div class="general">She gets down on her knees and starts sucking.</div>
<video src="images/noelle/bathroom/bathmoven160/bathmoven2c.webm" autoplay loop ></video>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Oooh yes!<</speech>>
<div class="general">Noelle keeps sucking.</div>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Continue->bathmoven160a6]]</span></div>
<div class="general">Noelle stands up, pushes you back and sits down on top of you.</div>
<<speech "Noelle" "Noelle">>Fuck me babe!<</speech>>
<div class="general">She starts riding you.</div>
<video src="images/noelle/bathroom/bathmoven160/bathmoven3a.webm" autoplay loop ></video>
<<speech "Noelle" "Noelle">>Oooh yes!<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Fuck yes, ride me babe!<</speech>>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Continue->bathmoven160a7]]</span></div>
<div class="general">Noelle keeps riding you.</div>
<video src="images/noelle/bathroom/bathmoven160/bathmoven3b.webm" autoplay loop ></video>
<<speech "Noelle" "Noelle">>Hmmmmmmmm, yes.<</speech>>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Continue->bathmoven160a8]]</span></div>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Come here.<</speech>>
<div class="general">You push Noelle down on her back and start fucking her again.</div>
<video src="images/noelle/bathroom/bathmoven160/bathmoven4a.webm" autoplay loop ></video>
<<speech "Noelle" "Noelle">>Hmmmmhmm, oooh.<</speech>>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Continue->bathmoven160a9]]</span></div>
<div class="general">You keep fucking her.</div>
<video src="images/noelle/bathroom/bathmoven160/bathmoven4b.webm" autoplay loop ></video>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Fuck baby, I'm almost cumming.<</speech>>
<<speech "Noelle" "Noelle">>Hmmmm, yes cum for me, fill me up!<</speech>>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Continue->bathmoven160a10]]</span></div>
<div class="general">You keep fucking her.</div>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Yes! Here it comes!<</speech>>
<div class="general">You pull out and start cumming on her belly.</div>
<video src="images/noelle/bathroom/bathmoven160/bathmoven4c.webm" autoplay loop ></video>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Oooh yes.<</speech>>
<<speech "Noelle" "Noelle">>Hmmmmmm.<</speech>>
<div class="general">You lay down next to her.</div>
<<speech "Noelle" "Noelle">>No creampie?<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Sorry babe, I can't take any chances.<</speech>>
<a data-passage="upstairs"><div class="talkplayer">Let’s do something else</div></a>
<<if $fitness gte 0 and $fitness lt 15>>
<<addrnoelle 5>>
<<elseif $fitness gte 15 and $fitness lt 30>>
<<addrnoelle 7>>
<<elseif $fitness gte 30>>
<<addrnoelle 10>><</if>>
<<addhappiness 10>>
<<addhygene -15>>
<<addenergy -20>>
<<set $time to $time +1>>
<<addfaithfulness -2>>
<<if $fitness gte 0 and $fitness lt 25>>
<<addarousal -35>>
<<elseif $fitness gte 20 and $fitness lt 40>>
<<addarousal -30>>
<<elseif $fitness gte 40>>
<<addarousal -25>><</if>>
<<set $bathmoven160a4 to "true">>
<div class="general">You look again.</div>
<video src="images/noelle/garden/garmoven90/garmove90a1b.webm" autoplay loop ></video>
<<speech "Player" "$name">><i>Yep, she is clearly masturbating.</i><</speech>>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Leave->garden]]</span></div>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Keep watching->garmoven90a3]]</span></div><div class="general">You decide to stay and watch while you try to hide yourself.</div>
<<if $rnoelle gte 80>>
<div class="general">Noelle continues and starts to take off het top.</div><br>
<video src="images/noelle/garden/garmoven90/garmove90a2a.webm" autoplay loop ></video><br><br>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Continue->garmoven90a4]]</span></div>
<div class="general">Noelle continues and starts to strip, when suddenly she looks up and looks straight at you.</div><br>
<video src="images/noelle/garden/garmoven90/garmove90end.webm" autoplay loop ></video><br><br>
<<speech "Noelle" "Noelle">>She turns bright red, grabs her stuff and runs into the house.<</speech>><br>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Damn, she saw me.<</speech>><br>
<a data-passage="garden"><div class="talkplayer">Let’s do something else</div></a>
<<if $fitness gte 0 and $fitness lt 15>>
<<addrnoelle -3>>
<<elseif $fitness gte 15 and $fitness lt 30>>
<<addrnoelle -2>>
<<elseif $fitness gte 30>>
<<addrnoelle -1>><</if>>
<<addarousal 20>>
<<addhappiness 10>>
<<addhygene -5>>
<<addenergy -5>>
<<set $time to $time +1>>
<<addfaithfulness -1>>
<</if>><</nobr>><div class="general">Suddenly she looks at you. She gives a slight smile and then continues.</div>
<video src="images/noelle/garden/garmoven90/garmove90a2b.webm" autoplay loop ></video>
<<speech "Player" "$name">><i>Did she see me? I'm pretty sure she did.. But she just.. Continues.</i><</speech>>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Continue->garmoven90a5]]</span></div>
<div class="general">And indeed Noelle keeps continuing.</div><br>
<video src="images/noelle/garden/garmoven90/garmove90a2c.webm" autoplay loop ></video><br><br>
<<speech "Player" "$name">><i>Damn this is hot to watch.</i><</speech>><br>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Continue->garmoven90a6]]</span></div>
<div class="general">Noelle pushes her panties aside and starts rubbing her pussy.</div>
<video src="images/noelle/garden/garmoven90/garmove90a3a.webm" autoplay loop ></video>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Continue->garmoven90a7]]</span></div>
<div class="general">Then she takes of her panties completely.</div>
<video src="images/noelle/garden/garmoven90/garmove90a3b.webm" autoplay loop ></video>
<<speech "Player" "$name">><i>Damn she is so hot.</i><</speech>>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Continue->garmoven90a8]]</span></div>
<div class="general">The she turns around and starts fingering herself from behind.</div>.
<video src="images/noelle/garden/garmoven90/garmove90a4a.webm" autoplay loop ></video>
<<speech "Player" "$name">><i>Now this is a good view.</i><</speech>>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Continue->garmoven90a9]]</span></div>
<div class="general">Noelle keeps going and starts to moan softly.</div>
<<speech "Player" "$name">><i>I think she almost cumming.</i><</speech>>
<<speech "Noelle" "Noelle">>Oooh.<</speech>>
<div class="general">Noelle her movements start to intensify and she starts cumming.</div>
<video src="images/noelle/garden/garmoven90/garmove90a4b.webm" autoplay loop ></video>
<<speech "Player" "$name">><i>Fuck that was hot.</i><</speech>>
<div class="general">Noelle stays in place for a little bit before she grabs her clothes and moves inside.</div>
<a data-passage="garden"><div class="talkplayer">Let’s do something else</div></a>
<<if $fitness gte 0 and $fitness lt 15>>
<<addrnoelle 1>>
<<elseif $fitness gte 15 and $fitness lt 30>>
<<addrnoelle 2>>
<<elseif $fitness gte 30>>
<<addrnoelle 3>><</if>>
<<addhappiness 10>>
<<addhygene -15>>
<<addenergy -20>>
<<set $time to $time +1>>
<<addfaithfulness -2>>
<<addarousal 40>>
<<set $garmoven90a4 to "true">>
<div class="general">You take off her pants and top. Then you take out your dick and lay down.</div>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Well, you know what I want with this. So why don’t you start.<</speech>>
<div class="general">Fearing what you will do otherwise, Noelle grabs your dick, puts her mouth around it, and starts sucking.</div>
<video src="images/noelle/noelleloss/guestroom/guestfear/guestscenefear1b.webm" autoplay loop></video>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Good girl, but I know you can do better, so why don’t you start giving me a proper blowjob.<</speech>>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Continue->guestnoellefeartr2]]</span></div>
<div class="general">Noelle keeps sucking and starts to push your dick as far as she can into her mouth.</div>
<video src="images/noelle/noelleloss/guestroom/guestfear/guestscenefear1c.webm" autoplay loop></video>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Hmmm, that’s better.<</speech>>
<div class="general">Noelle keeps sucking you for a bit.</div>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Continue->guestnoellefeartr3]]</span></div>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Alright, that’s enough of that.<</speech>>
<div class="general">You push Noelle off you and lay her down.</div>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Time to make us both feel good.<</speech>>
<div class="general">You lay down behind her, lift her leg and push your dick inside her before you force a kiss on her.</div>
<video src="images/noelle/noelleloss/guestroom/guestfear/guestscenefear2a.webm" autoplay loop></video>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Continue->guestnoellefeartr4]]</span></div>
<div class="general">Noelle still doesn’t look happy that you are fucking her, but she can’t help it to moan.</div>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>See, I told you I would make us both feel good.<</speech>>
<<speech "Noelle" "Noelle">>Hmmmmhmmm.<</speech>>
<div class="general">You keep fucking Noelle.</div>
<video src="images/noelle/noelleloss/guestroom/guestfear/guestscenefear2b.webm" autoplay loop></video>
<<speech "Noelle" "Noelle">>Hmmmm, ooh fuck!<</speech>>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Continue->guestnoellefeartr5]]</span></div>
<div class="general">You know she doesn’t want to but Noelle can’t help it as she moans while you fuck her.</div>
<video src="images/noelle/noelleloss/guestroom/guestfear/guestscenefear2c.webm" autoplay loop></video>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Fuck, I love to fuck you, those tits, that ass. Fuck now I really want to fuck your ass.<</speech>>
<<speech "Noelle" "Noelle">>Hmm.. What?<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>I want to fuck your ass.<</speech>>
<div class="general">Fear is clearly hearable in Noelle’s voice.</div>
<<speech "Noelle" "Noelle">>No.. Please! That’s not.. Please!<</speech>>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Keep fucking her regularly->guestnoellefeartr6]]</span></div>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Fuck her ass->guestnoellefeartr6anal]]</span></div>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Alright, alright, I won’t fuck your ass, for now.<</speech>>
<<speech "Noelle" "Noelle">>Thank you, thank you $name2. Hhhhmmhmm.<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Come, turn around and get on hands and knees.<</speech>>
<div class="general">You get behind her and push your dick into her pussy again.</div>
<video src="images/noelle/noelleloss/guestroom/guestfear/guestscenefear5a.webm" autoplay loop></video>
<<speech "Noelle" "Noelle">>Hmmmhmmm.<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Yes, enjoy it, let your moans out.<</speech>>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Continue->guestnoellefeartr7]]</span></div>
<div class="general">You ignore her pleas and push her onto her belly.</div>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Don’t worry. I will be gentle.<</speech>>
<<speech "Noelle" "Noelle">>Please, please not in my.. my…<</speech>>
<div class="general">You grab your dick, push it into her ass, and start fucking it.</div>
<video src="images/noelle/noelleloss/guestroom/guestfear/guestscenefear3a.webm" autoplay loop></video>
<<speech "Noelle" "Noelle">>Aaaah! Please stop! It hurts!<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Don’t worry. It will get better, just hold on.<</speech>>
<<speech "Noelle" "Noelle">>Please!<</speech>>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Continue->guestnoellefeartr7anal]]</span></div>
<div class="general">She still tries to hold back her moans as you keep fucking her.</div>
<video src="images/noelle/noelleloss/guestroom/guestfear/guestscenefear5b.webm" autoplay loop></video>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Fuck, your pussy feels so good. I’m almost there.<</speech>>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Continue->guestnoellefeartr8]]</span></div>
<div class="general">You keep going.</div>
<video src="images/noelle/noelleloss/guestroom/guestfear/guestscenefear4a.webm" autoplay loop></video>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Oh yes, oh yes! Here it comes!<</speech>>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Continue->guestnoellefeartr9]]</span></div>
<div class="general">You pull out and start cumming on her pussy and ass.</div>
<video src="images/noelle/noelleloss/guestroom/guestfear/guestscenefear4b.webm" autoplay loop></video>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Fuck, that felt good. You did well too.<</speech>>
<div class="general">Noelle just lays there and says nothing.</div>
<a data-passage="upstairs"><div class="talkplayer">Let’s do something else</div></a>
<<if $fitness gte 0 and $fitness lt 25>>
<<addarousal -35>>
<<elseif $fitness gte 20 and $fitness lt 40>>
<<addarousal -30>>
<<elseif $fitness gte 40>>
<<addarousal -25>><</if>>
<<addenergy -20>>
<<addhygene -10>>
<<addhappiness 15>>
<<set $time to $time +1>>
<<set $guestnoellefeartr2 to "true">><div class="general">Completely ignoring Noelle, you keep fucking her in the ass.</div>
<video src="images/noelle/noelleloss/guestroom/guestfear/guestscenefear3b.webm" autoplay loop></video>
<<speech "Noelle" "Noelle">>Mhuuhm.<</speech>>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Continue->guestnoellefeartr8anal]]</span></div>
<div class="general">Noelle’s screams become a little less, so you decide to pick up the pace.</div>
<video src="images/noelle/noelleloss/guestroom/guestfear/guestscenefear3c.webm" autoplay loop></video>
<<speech "Noelle" "Noelle">>Aaaah! Please, not so fast!<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>I’m almost there. Just hold on.<</speech>>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Continue->guestnoellefeartr9anal]]</span></div>
<div class="general">You keep going, fucking her ass.</div>
<video src="images/noelle/noelleloss/guestroom/guestfear/guestscenefear3d.webm" autoplay loop></video>
<<speech "Noelle" "Noelle">>Aah. Please...<</speech>>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Continue->guestnoellefeartr10anal]]</span></div><<speech "Player" "$name">>Come here, I want to go deeper.<</speech>>
<<speech "Noelle" "Noelle">>What? But?<</speech>>
<div class="general">You pull her up by her hips and she is now in doggy position. You push yourself deep inside her ass again and keep fucking her.</div>
<video src="images/noelle/noelleloss/guestroom/guestfear/guestscenefear4a.webm" autoplay loop></video>
<<speech "Noelle" "Noelle">>Aaaah! Not so deep!<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Almost, almost!<</speech>>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Continue->guestnoellefeartr11anal]]</span></div><div class="general">You keep fucking her a bit more until you feel yourself humming.</div>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Here it comes!<</speech>>
<div class="general">You pull out and start cumming on her ass and pussy.</div>
<video src="images/noelle/noelleloss/guestroom/guestfear/guestscenefear4b.webm" autoplay loop></video>
<div class="general">After you came Noelle collapses. You look at her, she looks defeated as tears are going down her face.</div>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Come here, you should be proud, you did so well.<</speech>>
<div class="general">You hug her and then leave the room.</div>
<a data-passage="university"><div class="talkplayer">Let’s do something else</div></a>
<<if $fitness gte 0 and $fitness lt 25>>
<<addarousal -35>>
<<elseif $fitness gte 20 and $fitness lt 40>>
<<addarousal -30>>
<<elseif $fitness gte 40>>
<<addarousal -25>><</if>>
<<addenergy -20>>
<<addhygene -10>>
<<addhappiness 15>>
<<set $time to $time +1>>
<<set $guestnoellefeartr2 to "true">><div class="general">You take off her pants and top. Then you take out your dick and lay down.</div>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Well, time to put that mouth to work and make it good!<</speech>>
<div class="general">Fearing what you will do otherwise, Noelle grabs your dick, puts her mouth around it, and starts sucking.</div>
<video src="images/noelle/noelleloss/guestroom/guestfear/guestscenefear1b.webm" autoplay loop></video>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>I said to make it good. I know you can do better, so do it $noelle!<</speech>>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Continue->guestnoellefearob2]]</span></div>
<div class="general">Noelle keeps sucking and with your help she manages to take you dick fully inside her mouth.</div>
<video src="images/noelle/noelleloss/guestroom/guestfear/guestscenefear1c.webm" autoplay loop></video>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>That’s better, now keep going.<</speech>>
<div class="general">Noelle keeps going.</div>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Continue->guestnoellefearob3]]</span></div>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Let’s do something else.<</speech>>
<div class="general">You grab Noelle and push her onto the bed.</div>
<<speech "Noelle" "Noelle">>Please be gentle.<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Just shut up and give me a kiss.<</speech>>
<div class="general">You lay down behind her, lift her leg and push your dick inside her before you force a kiss on her.</div>
<video src="images/noelle/noelleloss/guestroom/guestfear/guestscenefear2a.webm" autoplay loop></video>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Continue->guestnoellefearob4]]</span></div>
<div class="general">Noelle seems to hate every moment, but she does let out a moan.</div>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Yes, let it out $noelle, I know you love this.<</speech>>
<<speech "Noelle" "Noelle">>I… Don’t…<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Then why are you moaning?<</speech>>
<div class="general">You keep fucking Noelle.</div>
<video src="images/noelle/noelleloss/guestroom/guestfear/guestscenefear2b.webm" autoplay loop></video>
<<speech "Noelle" "Noelle">>Hmmmm, ooh fuck!<</speech>>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Continue->guestnoellefearob5]]</span></div>
<div class="general">She tries to hold it in, but she just can’t help herself while you fuck her.</div>
<video src="images/noelle/noelleloss/guestroom/guestfear/guestscenefear2c.webm" autoplay loop></video>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Fuck, you are a good fuck, those tits, that ass. Fuck now I really want to fuck your ass.<</speech>>
<<speech "Noelle" "Noelle">>Hmm.. What?<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>I want to fuck your ass.<</speech>>
<div class="general">Fear is clearly hearable in Noelle’s voice.</div>
<<speech "Noelle" "Noelle">>No.. Please! That’s not.. Please!<</speech>>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Keep fucking her regularly->guestnoellefearob6]]</span></div>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Fuck her ass->guestnoellefearob6anal]]</span></div><<speech "Player" "$name">>Alright, alright, I won’t fuck your ass, for now.<</speech>>
<<speech "Noelle" "Noelle">>Thank you, thank you $name2.<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Now get in doggy position so I can give you a proper fucking.<</speech>>
<div class="general">You get behind her and push your dick into her pussy again.</div>
<video src="images/noelle/noelleloss/guestroom/guestfear/guestscenefear5a.webm" autoplay loop></video>
<<speech "Noelle" "Noelle">>Hmmmhmmm.<</speech>>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Continue->guestnoellefearob7]]</span></div>
<div class="general">You ignore her pleas and push her onto her belly.</div>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>The more you cooperate the less it will hurt.<</speech>>
<<speech "Noelle" "Noelle">>Please, please not in my.. my…<</speech>>
<div class="general">You grab your dick, push it into her ass, and start fucking it.</div>
<video src="images/noelle/noelleloss/guestroom/guestfear/guestscenefear3a.webm" autoplay loop></video>
<<speech "Noelle" "Noelle">>Aaaah! Please stop! It hurts!<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Then relax instead of being this tight. You are hurting yourself like this.<</speech>>
<<speech "Noelle" "Noelle">>I.. I… Please!<</speech>>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Fuck her ass->guestnoellefearob7anal]]</span></div><<speech "Player" "$name">>Yes $noelle enjoy it, moan for me.<</speech>>
<div class="general">She still tries to hold back her moans as you keep fucking her.</div>
<video src="images/noelle/noelleloss/guestroom/guestfear/guestscenefear5b.webm" autoplay loop></video>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Damn, you are still so tight.<</speech>>
<<speech "Noelle" "Noelle">>Hmmmhmmm.<</speech>>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Continue->guestnoellefearob8]]</span></div>
<div class="general">You keep going.</div>
<video src="images/noelle/noelleloss/guestroom/guestfear/guestscenefear4a.webm" autoplay loop></video>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Oh yes, oh yes! Here it comes $noelle!<</speech>>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Continue->guestnoellefearob9]]</span></div>
<div class="general">You pull out and start cumming on her pussy and ass.</div>
<video src="images/noelle/noelleloss/guestroom/guestfear/guestscenefear4b.webm" autoplay loop></video>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Fuck, that felt good. Now what do we say.<</speech>>
<div class="general">T.. Thank you.. $name2.</div>
<a data-passage="upstairs"><div class="talkplayer">Let’s do something else</div></a>
<<if $fitness gte 0 and $fitness lt 25>>
<<addarousal -35>>
<<elseif $fitness gte 20 and $fitness lt 40>>
<<addarousal -30>>
<<elseif $fitness gte 40>>
<<addarousal -25>><</if>>
<<addenergy -20>>
<<addhygene -10>>
<<addhappiness 15>>
<<set $time to $time +1>>
<<set $guestnoellefeartr2 to "true">><div class="general">Completely ignoring Noelle, you keep fucking her in the ass.</div>
<video src="images/noelle/noelleloss/guestroom/guestfear/guestscenefear3b.webm" autoplay loop></video>
<<speech "Noelle" "Noelle">>Hhhuahhhauu.<</speech>>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Fuck her ass->guestnoellefearob8anal]]</span></div><<speech "Player" "$name">>Stop crying $noelle.<</speech>>
<div class="general">You keep going, fucking her ass.</div>
<video src="images/noelle/noelleloss/guestroom/guestfear/guestscenefear3d.webm" autoplay loop></video>
<<speech "Noelle" "Noelle">>Aah. Please...<</speech>>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Continue->guestnoellefearob9anal]]</span></div><<speech "Player" "$name">>Come here, I want to go deeper.<</speech>>
<<speech "Noelle" "Noelle">>Please no!<</speech>>
<div class="general">You pull her up by her hips and she is now in doggy position. You push yourself deep inside her ass again and keep fucking her.</div>
<video src="images/noelle/noelleloss/guestroom/guestfear/guestscenefear4a.webm" autoplay loop></video>
<<speech "Noelle" "Noelle">>Aaaah! Not so deep!<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Shut up $noelle.<</speech>>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Continue->guestnoellefearob10anal]]</span></div><div class="general">You keep fucking her a bit more until you feel yourself humming.</div>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Here it comes!<</speech>>
<div class="general">You pull out and start cumming on her ass and pussy.</div>
<video src="images/noelle/noelleloss/guestroom/guestfear/guestscenefear4b.webm" autoplay loop></video>
<div class="general">After you came Noelle collapses. You look at her, she looks defeated as tears are going down her face as her body once again betrayed her.</div>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Aren’t we forgetting something?<</speech>>
<<speech "Noelle" "Noelle">>T… Th… Thank you $name2.<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Good.<</speech>>
<div class="general">You leave the room.</div>
<a data-passage="upstairs"><div class="talkplayer">Let’s do something else</div></a>
<<if $fitness gte 0 and $fitness lt 25>>
<<addarousal -35>>
<<elseif $fitness gte 20 and $fitness lt 40>>
<<addarousal -30>>
<<elseif $fitness gte 40>>
<<addarousal -25>><</if>>
<<addenergy -20>>
<<addhygene -10>>
<<addhappiness 15>>
<<set $time to $time +1>>
<<set $guestnoellefeartr2 to "true">><div class="general">You lay down on your back and pull down your pants.</div>
<<speech "Noelle" "Noelle">>Hmmmm, already hard for me.<</speech>>
<div class="general">Noelle goes down and starts sucking your dick.</div>
<video src="images/noelle/noelleloss/guestroom/guestrel/guestscenerel2a.webm" autoplay loop></video>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Damn, that feels so good.<</speech>>
<<speech "Noelle" "Noelle">>Hmmmhmmm.<</speech>>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Continue->guestnoellereltr4]]</span></div><div class="general">Noelle keeps sucking and jerking your dick.</div>
<video src="images/noelle/noelleloss/guestroom/guestrel/guestscenerel2b.webm" autoplay loop></video>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Have you been practicing?<</speech>>
<div class="general">Noelle stops sucking you for a bit and looks at you.</div>
<<speech "Noelle" "Noelle">>Maybe I have.<</speech>>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Continue->guestnoellereltr5]]</span></div><div class="general">Then she continues sucking you again.</div>
<video src="images/noelle/noelleloss/guestroom/guestrel/guestscenerel2c.webm" autoplay loop></video>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Fuck, your are amazing. Why don’t you lay back for a while.<</speech>>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Continue->guestnoellereltr6]]</span></div><div class="general">Noelle lays down on her back. You go down and slide her panties to the side before you start licking her pussy. </div>
<video src="images/noelle/noelleloss/guestroom/guestrel/guestscenerel3a.webm" autoplay loop></video>
<<speech "Noelle" "Noelle">>Hmmmhmmm, that feels so good.<</speech>>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Continue->guestnoellereltr7]]</span></div><div class="general">You keep licking her.</div>
<video src="images/noelle/noelleloss/guestroom/guestrel/guestscenerel3b.webm" autoplay loop></video>
<<speech "Noelle" "Noelle">>Fuck, I really want to feel you inside of me.<</speech>>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Continue->guestnoellereltr8]]</span></div><div class="general">Noelle pushes you on your back and climbs on top of you. Knowing exactly what she wants, you grab your dick and guide it inside of her.</div>
<video src="images/noelle/noelleloss/guestroom/guestrel/guestscenerel4a.webm" autoplay loop></video>
<<speech "Noelle" "Noelle">>Hmmmhmmm, you feel so good inside me.<</speech>>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Continue->guestnoellereltr9]]</span></div><div class="general">Noelle starts riding you enthusiastically.</div>
<video src="images/noelle/noelleloss/guestroom/guestrel/guestscenerel4b.webm" autoplay loop></video>
<<speech "Noelle" "Noelle">>Oh yes, yes!<</speech>>
<div class="general">Noelle moans loudly while she rides you.</div>
<<speech "Noelle" "Noelle">>Fuck me $name, fuck me!<</speech>>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Continue->guestnoellereltr10]]</span></div><div class="general">You grab Noelle’s ass and start pounding her.</div>
<video src="images/noelle/noelleloss/guestroom/guestrel/guestscenerel4c.webm" autoplay loop></video>
<<speech "Noelle" "Noelle">>Oooh yesss!<</speech>>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Continue->guestnoellereltr11]]</span></div><<speech "Player" "$name">>Turn around, I want to fuck you from behind.<</speech>>
<div class="general">Noelle turns around and when she is in the right position you push your dick deep inside of her again.</div>
<video src="images/noelle/noelleloss/guestroom/guestrel/guestscenerel5a.webm" autoplay loop></video>
<<speech "Noelle" "Noelle">>Oh yes, fuck me!<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Fuck you have such an amazing ass.<</speech>>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Continue->guestnoellereltr12]]</span></div><div class="general">You keep fucking her from behind.</div>
<video src="images/noelle/noelleloss/guestroom/guestrel/guestscenerel5b.webm" autoplay loop></video>
<<nobr>><<if $noelleftanal is "false">><br>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Can I fuck you ass?<</speech>><br>
<<speech "Noelle" "Noelle">>Hmmhm. My ass? I.. I don’t know, I don’t think it will fit.<</speech>><br>
<div class="general">You try to push your finger inside her ass, but notice it’s really tight.</div><br>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Well I guess we have to save that for another day.<</speech>><br>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Continue->guestnoellereltr13]]</span></div>
<<set $noelleanaltr to "true">>
<<elseif $noelleftanal is "true">>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Can I fuck your ass?<</speech>><br>
<<speech "Noelle" "Noelle">>Yes, if you want to, fuck my ass!<</speech>><br>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Continue regularly->guestnoellereltr13]]</span></div><br>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Fuck her in the ass->guestnoellereltr13anal]]</span></div>
<</if>><</nobr>><div class="general">Deciding that her ass was too tight, you keep fucking her pussy.</div>
<video src="images/noelle/noelleloss/guestroom/guestrel/guestscenerel5c.webm" autoplay loop></video>
<<speech "Noelle" "Noelle">>Oh yes, keep fucking me!<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>I’m almost cumming, your pussy is so tight.<</speech>>
<<speech "Noelle" "Noelle">>Yes! Cum for me $name, cum for me!<</speech>>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Continue->guestnoellereltr14]]</span></div><<speech "Player" "$name">>Lay down on your back.<</speech>>
<<speech "Noelle" "Noelle">>My back?<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Yes, trust me. Just raise your leg.<</speech>>
<div class="general">Noelle lays down on her back and raises a leg while you slowly push your dick into her ass and start fucking her.</div>
<video src="images/noelle/noelleloss/guestroom/guestrel/guestscenerelanal1.webm" autoplay loop></video>
<<speech "Noelle" "Noelle">>Oooh, fuck, you feel so big inside my ass!<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>And I’m not even halfway.<</speech>>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Continue->guestnoellereltr14anal]]</span></div>
<div class="general">You keep pounding her and then you pull out and start cumming on her pussy and ass.</div>
<video src="images/noelle/noelleloss/guestroom/guestrel/guestscenerel5d.webm" autoplay loop></video>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>That was amazing.<</speech>>
<<speech "Noelle" "Noelle">>It sure was.<</speech>>
<div class="general">You stay with Noelle for a little while before you leave her room.</div>
<a data-passage="upstairs"><div class="talkplayer">Let’s do something else</div></a>
<<addenergy -20>>
<<addhygene -10>>
<<addhappiness 15>>
<<set $time to $time +1>>
<<if $fitness gte 0 and $fitness lt 25>>
<<addarousal -35>>
<<elseif $fitness gte 20 and $fitness lt 40>>
<<addarousal -30>>
<<elseif $fitness gte 40>>
<<addarousal -25>><</if>>
<<addrsarah 15>>
<<set $guestnoellereltr6 to "true">><div class="general">You keep fucking her as your dick goes a little bit deeper every time.</div>
<video src="images/noelle/noelleloss/guestroom/guestrel/guestscenerelanal2.webm" autoplay loop></video>
<div class="general">You keep increasing the pace but by bit.</div>
<<speech "Noelle" "Noelle">>Oooh fuuuck, you feel so big and good in my ass!<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>You are still so tight.<</speech>>
<<speech "Noelle" "Noelle">>I.. I am cumming, I’m cumming!<</speech>>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Continue->guestnoellereltr15anal]]</span></div>
<div class="general">With loud moans Noelle starts cumming.</div>
<video src="images/noelle/noelleloss/guestroom/guestrel/guestscenerelanal3.webm" autoplay loop></video>
<<speech "Noelle" "Noelle">>Fuck, you actually made me cum with your dick in my ass.. I didn’t even know that was possible.<</speech>>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Continue->guestnoellereltr16anal]]</span></div>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Mind if I keep going?<</speech>>
<<speech "Noelle" "Noelle">>Hmmmhmm, yes, yes of course.<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Turn around for me.<</speech>>
<div class="general">Noelle gets on all fours and you enter her again.</div>
<video src="images/noelle/noelleloss/guestroom/guestrel/guestscenerel5c.webm" autoplay loop></video>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Are you ok?<</speech>>
<<speech "Noelle" "Noelle">>Hmmmm, yes, it’s just all a bit sensitive.<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Well, don’t worry, I’m almost there.<</speech>>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Continue->guestnoellereltr17anal]]</span></div>
<div class="general">And with a couple more pushes you pull out and cover her complete ass and pussy in your cum.</div>
<video src="images/noelle/noelleloss/guestroom/guestrel/guestscenerelanal5.webm" autoplay loop></video>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>That was amazing.<</speech>>
<<speech "Noelle" "Noelle">>It sure was.<</speech>>
<div class="general">You stay with Noelle for a little while before you leave her room.</div>
<a data-passage="upstairs"><div class="talkplayer">Let’s do something else</div></a>
<<addenergy -20>>
<<addhygene -10>>
<<addhappiness 15>>
<<set $time to $time +1>>
<<if $fitness gte 0 and $fitness lt 25>>
<<addarousal -35>>
<<elseif $fitness gte 20 and $fitness lt 40>>
<<addarousal -30>>
<<elseif $fitness gte 40>>
<<addarousal -25>><</if>>
<<addrsarah 15>>
<<set $guestnoellereltr6 to "true">><div class="general">Then you start making out with her.</div>
<video src="images/noelle/noelleloss/guestroom/guestrel/guestscenerel1c.webm" autoplay loop></video>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Come here.<</speech>>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Continue->guestnoellerelob3]]</span></div><div class="general">You lay down on your back and pull down your pants.</div>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Suck my dick $noelle.<</speech>>
<<speech "Noelle" "Noelle">>Hmmmm, yes $name2.<</speech>>
<div class="general">Noelle goes down and starts sucking your dick.</div>
<video src="images/noelle/noelleloss/guestroom/guestrel/guestscenerel2a.webm" autoplay loop></video>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Hmmmm, good girl.<</speech>>
<<speech "Noelle" "Noelle">>Hmmmhmmm.<</speech>>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Continue->guestnoellerelob4]]</span></div><div class="general">Noelle keeps sucking and jerking your dick.</div>
<video src="images/noelle/noelleloss/guestroom/guestrel/guestscenerel2b.webm" autoplay loop></video>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Hmm, you are actually getting better at this.<</speech>>
<div class="general">Noelle stops sucking you for a bit and looks at you.</div>
<<speech "Noelle" "Noelle">>I might have done some research so I can please my $name2 better.<</speech>>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Continue->guestnoellerelob5]]</span></div><div class="general">Then she continues sucking you again.</div>
<video src="images/noelle/noelleloss/guestroom/guestrel/guestscenerel2c.webm" autoplay loop></video>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Well, in that case you deserve a reward. Lay down on your back.<</speech>>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Continue->guestnoellerelob6]]</span></div><div class="general">Noelle lays down on her back. You go down and slide her panties to the side before you start licking her pussy. </div>
<video src="images/noelle/noelleloss/guestroom/guestrel/guestscenerel3a.webm" autoplay loop></video>
<<speech "Noelle" "Noelle">>Hmmmhmmm, that feels so good.<</speech>>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Continue->guestnoellerelob7]]</span></div><div class="general">You keep licking her.</div>
<video src="images/noelle/noelleloss/guestroom/guestrel/guestscenerel3b.webm" autoplay loop></video>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Well, you seem wet enough.<</speech>>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Continue->guestnoellerelob8]]</span></div><div class="general">You lay down on your back.</div>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Ride me $noelle.<</speech>>
<div class="general">Noelle gets on top and you guide your dick into her.</div>
<video src="images/noelle/noelleloss/guestroom/guestrel/guestscenerel4a.webm" autoplay loop></video>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Ride me $noelle. Ride me as hard as you can.<</speech>>
<<speech "Noelle" "Noelle">>Yes $name2.<</speech>>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Continue->guestnoellerelob9]]</span></div><div class="general">Noelle starts riding you enthusiastically.</div>
<video src="images/noelle/noelleloss/guestroom/guestrel/guestscenerel4b.webm" autoplay loop></video>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Yes, keep going!<</speech>>
<div class="general">Noelle moans loudly while she rides you.</div>
<<speech "Noelle" "Noelle">>Fuck me $name2, fuck me!<</speech>>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Continue->guestnoellerelob10]]</span></div><div class="general">Then you grab Noelle’s ass and start pounding her.</div>
<video src="images/noelle/noelleloss/guestroom/guestrel/guestscenerel4c.webm" autoplay loop></video>
<<speech "Noelle" "Noelle">>Oooh yesss!<</speech>>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Continue->guestnoellerelob11]]</span></div><<speech "Player" "$name">>Turn around, I want to fuck you from behind.<</speech>>
<div class="general">Noelle turns around and when she is in the right position you push your dick deep inside of her again.</div>
<video src="images/noelle/noelleloss/guestroom/guestrel/guestscenerel5a.webm" autoplay loop></video>
<<speech "Noelle" "Noelle">>Oh yes $name2, fuck me!<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Fuck you have such an amazing ass.<</speech>>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Continue->guestnoellerelob12]]</span></div><div class="general">You keep fucking her from behind.</div>
<video src="images/noelle/noelleloss/guestroom/guestrel/guestscenerel5b.webm" autoplay loop></video>
<<if $noelleftanal is "false">>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Would you enjoy it if I fucked your ass?<</speech>>
<<speech "Noelle" "Noelle">>Hmmhm. My ass? $name2 I.. I don’t know, I don’t think it will fit.<</speech>>
<div class="general">You try to push your finger inside her ass, but notice it’s really tight.</div>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Well I guess we have to save that for another day.<</speech>>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Continue->guestnoellerelob13]]</span></div>
<<set $noelleanaltr to "true">>
<<elseif $noelleftanal is "true">>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Can I fuck your ass?<</speech>>
<<speech "Noelle" "Noelle">>You can do anything to me $name<</speech>>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Continue regularly->guestnoellerelob13]]</span></div>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Fuck her in the ass->guestnoellerelob13anal]]</span></div>
<</if>><div class="general">Deciding that her ass was too tight, you keep fucking her pussy.</div>
<video src="images/noelle/noelleloss/guestroom/guestrel/guestscenerel5c.webm" autoplay loop></video>
<<speech "Noelle" "Noelle">>Yes, keep fucking me!<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>I’m almost cumming, your pussy is so tight.<</speech>>
<<speech "Noelle" "Noelle">>Yes! Cum for me $name2, cum for me!<</speech>>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Continue->guestnoellerelob14]]</span></div>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Lay down on your back.<</speech>>
<<speech "Noelle" "Noelle">>My back?<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Yes, on your back, and raise a leg.<</speech>>
<div class="general">Noelle lays down on her back and raises a leg while you slowly push your dick into her ass and start fucking her.</div>
<video src="images/noelle/noelleloss/guestroom/guestrel/guestscenerelanal1.webm" autoplay loop></video>
<<speech "Noelle" "Noelle">>Oooh, fuck, you feel so big inside my ass $name2!<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Don’t worry there is more coming.<</speech>>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Continue->guestnoellerelob14anal]]</span></div>
<div class="general">You keep pounding her and then you pull out and start cumming on her pussy and ass.</div>
<video src="images/noelle/noelleloss/guestroom/guestrel/guestscenerel5d.webm" autoplay loop></video>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>That was amazing.<</speech>>
<<speech "Noelle" "Noelle">>It sure was.<</speech>>
<div class="general">You stay with Noelle for a little while before you leave her room.</div>
<a data-passage="upstairs"><div class="talkplayer">Let’s do something else</div></a>
<<addenergy -20>>
<<addhygene -10>>
<<addhappiness 15>>
<<set $time to $time +1>>
<<if $fitness gte 0 and $fitness lt 25>>
<<addarousal -35>>
<<elseif $fitness gte 20 and $fitness lt 40>>
<<addarousal -30>>
<<elseif $fitness gte 40>>
<<addarousal -25>><</if>>
<<addrsarah 15>>
<<set $guestnoellereltr6 to "true">><div class="general">You keep fucking her as your dick goes a little bit deeper every time.</div>
<video src="images/noelle/noelleloss/guestroom/guestrel/guestscenerelanal2.webm" autoplay loop></video>
<div class="general">You keep increasing the pace but by bit.</div>
<<speech "Noelle" "Noelle">>Oooh fuuuck, you feel so big and good in my ass!<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>You are still so tight.<</speech>>
<<speech "Noelle" "Noelle">>I.. I am cumming, I’m cumming!<</speech>>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Continue->guestnoellerelob15anal]]</span></div>
<div class="general">With loud moans Noelle starts cumming.</div>
<video src="images/noelle/noelleloss/guestroom/guestrel/guestscenerelanal3.webm" autoplay loop></video>
<<speech "Noelle" "Noelle">>Fuck, you actually made me cum with your dick in my ass.. I didn’t even know that was possible. Thank your $name2, that was amazing.<</speech>>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Continue->guestnoellerelob16anal]]</span></div>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Turn around, I’m not finished with you yet.<</speech>>
<div class="general">Without any resistance Noelle gets on all fours and you enter her again.</div>
<video src="images/noelle/noelleloss/guestroom/guestrel/guestscenerel5c.webm" autoplay loop></video>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Does it feel good?<</speech>>
<<speech "Noelle" "Noelle">>Hmmmm, yes, it’s just all a bit sensitive.<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Well, don’t worry, I’m almost there.<</speech>>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Continue->guestnoellerelob17anal]]</span></div>
<div class="general">And with a couple more pushes you pull out and cover her complete ass and pussy in your cum.</div>
<video src="images/noelle/noelleloss/guestroom/guestrel/guestscenerelanal5.webm" autoplay loop></video>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>That was amazing. You did very good $noelle<</speech>>
<<speech "Noelle" "Noelle">>It sure was.<</speech>>
<div class="general">You stay with Noelle for a little while before you leave her room.</div>
<a data-passage="upstairs"><div class="talkplayer">Let’s do something else</div></a>
<<addenergy -20>>
<<addhygene -10>>
<<addhappiness 15>>
<<set $time to $time +1>>
<<if $fitness gte 0 and $fitness lt 25>>
<<addarousal -35>>
<<elseif $fitness gte 20 and $fitness lt 40>>
<<addarousal -30>>
<<elseif $fitness gte 40>>
<<addarousal -25>><</if>>
<<addrsarah 15>>
<<set $guestnoellereltr6 to "true">><div class="general">She looks a bit scared of what’s coming as you start touching her, you pull down her bra and start licking and sucking her breasts.</div>
<video src="images/noelle/noelleloss/guestroom/noelleanaltr/noelleanaltr1b.webm" autoplay loop></video>
<<speech "Noelle" "Noelle">>Hmmhmmm.<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Just relax.<</speech>>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Continue->noelleanaltr3]]</span></div><div class="general">You keep playing, sucking and licking her breasts.</div>
<video src="images/noelle/noelleloss/guestroom/noelleanaltr/noelleanaltr1c.webm" autoplay loop></video>
<<speech "Noelle" "Noelle">>Hmmmm.<</speech>>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Continue->noelleanaltr4]]</span></div><div class="general">After playing with her breasts for a while you go lower. You push aside her panties and start licking her pussy.</div>
<video src="images/noelle/noelleloss/guestroom/noelleanaltr/noelleanaltr2a.webm" autoplay loop></video>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Continue->noelleanaltr5]]</span></div><div class="general">Then you stop, push in some fingers and continue licking.</div>
<video src="images/noelle/noelleloss/guestroom/noelleanaltr/noelleanaltr2b.webm" autoplay loop></video>
<<speech "Noelle" "Noelle">>Ohhh.<</speech>>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Continue->noelleanaltr6]]</span></div><div class="general">You hear that Noelle is enjoying it more and more and that her body becomes more relaxed as well. In the meantime, you continue fingering her pussy.</div>
<video src="images/noelle/noelleloss/guestroom/noelleanaltr/noelleanaltr2c.webm" autoplay loop></video>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Continue->noelleanaltr7]]</span></div><<speech "Player" "$name">>Let’s turn you around.<</speech>>
<div class="general">You turn Noelle on her belly, grab her ass, and spread her cheeks and start licking her ass and pussy.</div>
<video src="images/noelle/noelleloss/guestroom/noelleanaltr/noelleanaltr3a.webm" autoplay loop></video>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Continue->noelleanaltr8]]</span></div><div class="general">Then you push to fingers into her pussy again and start fingering harder.</div>
<video src="images/noelle/noelleloss/guestroom/noelleanaltr/noelleanaltr3b.webm" autoplay loop></video>
<<speech "Noelle" "Noelle">>Oooh.<</speech>>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Continue->noelleanaltr9]]</span></div><div class="general">Noelle moans loudly and then you slowly push a finger inside her ass.</div>
<video src="images/noelle/noelleloss/guestroom/noelleanaltr/noelleanaltr3c.webm" autoplay loop></video>
<<speech "Noelle" "Noelle">>Oooh, what..? Ooooooh!<</speech>>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Continue->noelleanaltr10]]</span></div><div class="general">Noticing how she loose her ass is, you decide to push in a second finger.</div>
<video src="images/noelle/noelleloss/guestroom/noelleanaltr/noelleanaltr4a.webm" autoplay loop></video>
<<speech "Noelle" "Noelle">>Ooooooh! $name!<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Relax baby.<</speech>>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Continue->noelleanaltr11]]</span></div><div class="general">You keep fingering her ass and at the same time your rub her clit.</div>
<video src="images/noelle/noelleloss/guestroom/noelleanaltr/noelleanaltr4b.webm" autoplay loop></video>
<<speech "Noelle" "Noelle">>Ooooh. Hmmmhmhmhmmm.<</speech>>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Continue->noelleanaltr12]]</span></div><div class="general">When you notice she is ready you push a third finger inside her.</div>
<video src="images/noelle/noelleloss/guestroom/noelleanaltr/noelleanaltr4c.webm" autoplay loop></video>
<<speech "Noelle" "Noelle">>Ooooh. Fuuuckkk!<</speech>>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Continue->noelleanaltr13]]</span></div><div class="general">You keep fingering Noelle’s ass with three fingers while she keeps moaning loudly.</div>
<video src="images/noelle/noelleloss/guestroom/noelleanaltr/noelleanaltr5a.webm" autoplay loop></video>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Continue->noelleanaltr14]]</span></div><div class="general">You stop fingering her ass and start rubbing her clit.</div>
<<speech "Noelle" "Noelle">>Oh fuck, oooh fuck. OooOooooh!<</speech>>
<div class="general">With loud moans Noelle starts cumming.</div>
<video src="images/noelle/noelleloss/guestroom/noelleanaltr/noelleanaltr5b.webm" autoplay loop></video>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Continue->noelleanaltr15]]</span></div><div class="general">Noelle lays in front of you, exhausted.</div>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Guess which hole I’m going to use next time.<</speech>>
<div class="general">You give her a kiss and leave the room.</div>
<a data-passage="upstairs"><div class="talkplayer">Let’s do something else</div></a>
<<addenergy -15>>
<<addhygene -15>>
<<addhappiness 15>>
<<set $time to $time +1>>
<<set $noelleftanal to "true">>
<<speech "Noelle" "Noelle">>I want you inside of me $name.<</speech>>
<div class="general">You both start undressing until you are completely naked.</div>
<video src="images/noelle/kitchen/kitmoven160/kitmoves160a1b.webm" autoplay loop ></video>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Continue->kitmoven160a3]]</span></div><div class="general">Then you lift her on the counter and start fingering her.</div>
<video src="images/noelle/kitchen/kitmoven160/kitmoves160a1c.webm" autoplay loop ></video>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Hmmm, already wet I feel?<</speech>>
<<speech "Noelle" "Noelle">>Hmmm yes.<</speech>>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Let's fuck->kitmoven160a4]]</span></div><div class="general">You enter her pussy.</div>
<video src="images/noelle/kitchen/kitmoven160/kitmoves160a2a.webm" autoplay loop ></video>
<<speech "Noelle" "Noelle">>Ooh, yes, fuck me!<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>You feel so good.<</speech>>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Let's fuck->kitmoven160a5]]</span></div><div class="general">You keep fucking her.</div>
<video src="images/noelle/kitchen/kitmoven160/kitmoves160a2b.webm" autoplay loop ></video>
<<speech "Noelle" "Noelle">>Hmmmm yes! Keep going!<</speech>>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Continue->kitmoven160a6]]</span></div>
<div class="general">You push her on top of the counter as you keep fucking her.</div>
<video src="images/noelle/kitchen/kitmoven160/kitmoves160a3a.webm" autoplay loop ></video>
<<speech "Noelle" "Noelle">>Oooh baby. You feel so good inside of me.<</speech>>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Continue->kitmoven160a7]]</span></div>
<div class="general">You keep slowly fucking her.</div>
<video src="images/noelle/kitchen/kitmoven160/kitmoves160a3b.webm" autoplay loop ></video>
<<speech "Noelle" "Noelle">>Fuck me harder babe. I want to feel you deep inside me.<</speech>>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Continue->kitmoven160a8]]</span></div>
<div class="general">You start fucking her a little faster.</div>
<video src="images/noelle/kitchen/kitmoven160/kitmoves160a3c.webm" autoplay loop ></video>
<<speech "Noelle" "Noelle">>Faster babe, faster!<</speech>>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Continue->kitmoven160a9]]</span></div>
<div class="general">You start fucking her harder and faster.</div>
<video src="images/noelle/kitchen/kitmoven160/kitmoves160a3d.webm" autoplay loop ></video>
<<speech "Noelle" "Noelle">>Ooh yes, that's it. Keep going!<</speech>>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Continue->kitmoven160a10]]</span></div><div class="general">You push yourself on top of her as you enter her again.</div>
<video src="images/noelle/kitchen/kitmoven160/kitmoves160a4a.webm" autoplay loop ></video>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Fuck baby, you are so tight. I'm going to cum soon.<</speech>>
<<speech "Noelle" "Noelle">>Yes baby, keep going! Fill me up!<</speech>>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[You keep fucking her->kitmoven160a11]]</span></div><div class="general">You keep fucking her.</div>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Fuck baby here it comes.<</speech>>
<div class="general">You pull out and start cumming on her belly.</div>
<video src="images/noelle/kitchen/kitmoven160/kitmoves160a4b.webm" autoplay loop ></video>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Ooh yes!<</speech>>
<<speech "Noelle" "Noelle">>That was hot.<</speech>>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Continue->kitmoven160a12]]</span></div><div class="general">You lay down next to her.</div>
<<speech "Noelle" "Noelle">>You know you can cum inside right?<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>I know, but I rather don't take any risks.<</speech>>
<<speech "Noelle" "Noelle">>Oh.. Ok.<</speech>>
<div class="general">After a while you both get up.</div>
<a data-passage="entrance"><div class="talkplayer">Let’s do something else</div></a>
<<set $kitmoven160a4 to "true">>
<<addenergy -20>>
<<addhygene -10>>
<<addhappiness 15>>
<<addrnoelle 5>>
<<set $time to $time +1>>
<<if $fitness gte 0 and $fitness lt 25>>
<<addarousal -35>>
<<elseif $fitness gte 20 and $fitness lt 40>>
<<addarousal -30>>
<<elseif $fitness gte 40>>
<<addarousal -25>><</if>><div class="general">Noelle keeps going.</div>
<video src="images/noelle/guestroom/guestmoven90/guestmoven90a1b.webm" autoplay loop ></video>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Oh wow.<</speech>>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Continue->guestmoven90a3]]</span></div>
<div class="general">She turns around and teasingly takes off her top.</div>
<video src="images/noelle/guestroom/guestmoven90/guestmoven90a1c.webm" autoplay loop ></video>
<<speech "Noelle" "Noelle">>I'll show if you show.<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>You mean...?<</speech>>
<<speech "Noelle" "Noelle">>What do you think I mean.<</speech>>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[You know what she means->guestmoven90a4]]</span></div>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>You take out your dick, which is already semi hard.<</speech>>
<<speech "Noelle" "Noelle">>Hmmmm, you know how I like to watch.<</speech>>
<div class="general">Noelle turns around and shows you her breasts.</div>
<video src="images/noelle/guestroom/guestmoven90/guestmoven90a2a.webm" autoplay loop ></video>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Keep going.<</speech>>
<<speech "Noelle" "Noelle">>Only if you keep going as well.<</speech>>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Continue->guestmoven90a5]]</span></div>
<div class="general">You keep jerking, your by now fully hard dick, while she keeps giving her show.</div>
<video src="images/noelle/guestroom/guestmoven90/guestmoven90a2b.webm" autoplay loop ></video>
<<speech "Noelle" "Noelle">>Do you like what you see?<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Yes! I like it very much.<</speech>>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Continue->guestmoven90a6]]</span></div>
<div class="general">Noelle keeps teasing.</div>
<video src="images/noelle/guestroom/guestmoven90/guestmoven90a2c.webm" autoplay loop ></video>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Take it all off Noelle.<</speech>>
<<speech "Noelle" "Noelle">>Well, do you promise you will cum for me?<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Yes I promise.<</speech>>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Continue->guestmoven9a7]]</span></div>
<div class="general">Noelle starts taking of her panties as you keep masturbating.</div>
<video src="images/noelle/guestroom/guestmoven90/guestmoven90a2d.webm" autoplay loop ></video>
<div class="general">She continues her show.</div>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Continue->guestmoven9a8]]</span></div>
<div class="general">She turns around and starts showing off her ass and pussy.</div>
<<speech "Noelle" "Noelle">>Cum for me $name, I want to see your cum!<</speech>>
<video src="images/noelle/guestroom/guestmoven90/guestmoven90a3a.webm" autoplay loop ></video>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Keep going, I'm almost there!<</speech>>
<<speech "Noelle" "Noelle">>Show me how much you like me.<</speech>>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Continue->guestmoven9a9]]</span></div>
<div class="general">She keeps going and then you start cumming.</div>
<video src="images/noelle/guestroom/guestmoven90/guestmoven90a3b.webm" autoplay loop ></video>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Ooh yes!<</speech>>
<<speech "Noelle" "Noelle">>Hmmmm, always good to see how much I can turn you on.<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>It's not that hard with such an amazing body.<</speech>>
<<speech "Noelle" "Noelle">>Well, time for you to go now.<</speech>>
<a data-passage="upstairs"><div class="talkplayer">Let’s do something else</div></a>
<<if $fitness gte 0 and $fitness lt 15>>
<<addrnoelle 2>>
<<elseif $fitness gte 15 and $fitness lt 30>>
<<addrnoelle 4>>
<<elseif $fitness gte 30>>
<<addrnoelle 6>><</if>>
<<addhappiness 10>>
<<addhygene -5>>
<<addenergy -15>>
<<set $time to $time +1>>
<<addfaithfulness -2>>
<<if $fitness gte 0 and $fitness lt 25>>
<<addarousal -35>>
<<elseif $fitness gte 20 and $fitness lt 40>>
<<addarousal -30>>
<<elseif $fitness gte 40>>
<<addarousal -25>><</if>>
<<set $guestmoven90a3 to "true">><div class="general">Noelle starts stripping.</div>
<video src="images/noelle/guestroom/guestmoven120/guestmoven120a1b.webm" autoplay loop ></video>
<<speech "Noelle" "Noelle">>How about now?<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>It's harder now.<</speech>>
<<speech "Noelle" "Noelle">>Why don't you show me.<</speech>>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Show her->guestmoven120a3]]</span></div>
<div class="general">You take off your pants.</div>
<<speech "Noelle" "Noelle">>Hmmm, it's very hard now.<</speech>>
<div class="general">She starts stroking it before she takes it out and starts sucking it.</div>
<video src="images/noelle/guestroom/guestmoven120/guestmoven120a2a.webm" autoplay loop ></video>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Hmmm good girl.<</speech>>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Continue->guestmoven120a4]]</span></div>
<div class="general">Noelle keeps sucking, then you grab her and start fucking her mouth.</div>
<video src="images/noelle/guestroom/guestmoven120/guestmoven120a2b.webm" autoplay loop ></video>
<div class="general">You keep holding her in place and start playing with her ass and pussy.</div>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Fuck this feels good.<</speech>>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Continue->guestmoven120a5]]</span></div>
<div class="general">Noelle tries to pull her head back, but you hold her steady in place.</div>
<video src="images/noelle/guestroom/guestmoven120/guestmoven120a2c.webm" autoplay loop ></video>
<<speech "Noelle" "Noelle">>Ghhghhhgmmrmmm.<</speech>>
<div class="general">You release her.</div>
<<speech "Noelle" "Noelle">>Fuck! Don't do that! Just.. Just let me do it.<</speech>>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Let her do it->guestmoven120a6]]</span></div>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Alright, just please keep going.<</speech>>
<div class="general">She goes down again and start sucking you again.</div>
<video src="images/noelle/guestroom/guestmoven120/guestmoven120a3a.webm" autoplay loop ></video>
<div class="general">You lay down.</div>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Fuck baby, keep going!<</speech>>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Continue->guestmoven120a7]]</span></div>
<div class="general">Noelle keeps sucking.</div>
<video src="images/noelle/guestroom/guestmoven120/guestmoven120a3b.webm" autoplay loop ></video>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Oh baby, keep sucking, here I come!<</speech>>
<<speech "Noelle" "Noelle">>Hmmmm, yes, cum for me!<</speech>>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Continue->guestmoven120a8]]</span></div>
<div class="general">She starts jerking you and you start cumming.</div>
<video src="images/noelle/guestroom/guestmoven120/guestmoven120a3c.webm" autoplay loop ></video>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>That was good!<</speech>>
<div class="general">Noelle spits out the cum.</div>
<<speech "Noelle" "Noelle">>Glad you enjoyed it. I'm going to clean up.<</speech>>
<a data-passage="upstairs"><div class="talkplayer">Let’s do something else</div></a>
<<if $fitness gte 0 and $fitness lt 15>>
<<addrnoelle 3>>
<<elseif $fitness gte 15 and $fitness lt 30>>
<<addrnoelle 6>>
<<elseif $fitness gte 30>>
<<addrnoelle 9>><</if>>
<<addhappiness 10>>
<<addhygene -15>>
<<addenergy -20>>
<<set $time to $time +1>>
<<addfaithfulness -4>>
<<if $fitness gte 0 and $fitness lt 25>>
<<addarousal -35>>
<<elseif $fitness gte 20 and $fitness lt 40>>
<<addarousal -30>>
<<elseif $fitness gte 40>>
<<addarousal -25>><</if>>
<<set $guestmoven120a3 to "true">><div class="general">You start undressing and she starts helping, in multiple ways.</div>
<video src="images/noelle/guestroom/guestmoven160/guestmoven160a1b.webm" autoplay loop ></video>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Hmmm yes, let me help you.<</speech>>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Fuck her mouth->guestmoven160a3]]</span></div>
<div class="general">You start fukcing her mouth.</div>
<video src="images/noelle/guestroom/guestmoven160/guestmoven160a2a.webm" autoplay loop ></video>
<<speech "Noelle" "Noelle">>Mmmgmgrrhhhmmmmm.<</speech>>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Continue->guestmoven160a4]]</span></div>
<div class="general">Noelle tries to push back but you keep her in place and start playing with her pussy.</div>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Fuck this feels good.<</speech>>
<div class="general">Then you release her and she gasps for air.</div>
<video src="images/noelle/guestroom/guestmoven160/guestmoven160a2b.webm" autoplay loop ></video>
<<speech "Noelle" "Noelle">>What the fuck $name, I hate it when you do that.<</speech>>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Continue->guestmoven160a5]]</span></div>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>I'm sorry babe, it just feels so good.<</speech>>
<div class="general">You kiss her and start playing with her pussy.</div>
<video src="images/noelle/guestroom/guestmoven160/guestmoven160a3a.webm" autoplay loop ></video>
<<speech "Noelle" "Noelle">>Just... Just, hmmmmmm, don't do it again.<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Come here.<</speech>>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Continue->guestmoven160a6]]</span></div>
<div class="general">You lay down and pull her onto your lap.</div>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Ride me.<</speech>>
<video src="images/noelle/guestroom/guestmoven160/guestmoven160a3b.webm" autoplay loop ></video>
<div class="general">Noelle starts slowly riding you.</div>
<<speech "Noelle" "Noelle">>Hmmmm, this feels good.<</speech>>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Continue->guestmoven160a7]]</span></div>
<div class="general">Quite soon you start to pick up the pase untill you really start to fuck her fast.</div>
<video src="images/noelle/guestroom/guestmoven160/guestmoven160a3c.webm" autoplay loop ></video>
<<speech "Noelle" "Noelle">>Hmmmmhmmmm, ooooooh!<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Turn around!<</speech>>
<<speech "Noelle" "Noelle">>Hmmmm, why?<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Just do it.<</speech>>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Continue->guestmoven160a8]]</span></div>
<div class="general">She turns around and you start rubbing her clit while you fuck her.</div>
<video src="images/noelle/guestroom/guestmoven160/guestmoven160a4a.webm" autoplay loop ></video>
<<speech "Noelle" "Noelle">>Oooooooooh! That feels so good!<</speech>>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Continue->guestmoven160a9]]</span></div>
<div class="general">You keep going.</div>
<video src="images/noelle/guestroom/guestmoven160/guestmoven160a4b.webm" autoplay loop ></video>
<<speech "Noelle" "Noelle">>Fuck me, Fuck me hard! I'm almost cumming!<</speech>>
<div class="general">You start fucking her hard.</div>
<<speech "Noelle" "Noelle">>Yes yes yesss!<</speech>>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Continue->guestmoven160a10]]</span></div>
<div class="general">With loud moans Noelle starts cumming while you rub her clit.</div>
<video src="images/noelle/guestroom/guestmoven160/guestmoven160a4c.webm" autoplay loop ></video>
<<speech "Noelle" "Noelle">>That... That was amazing.<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Glad you enjoyed it.<</speech>>
<<speech "Noelle" "Noelle">>Did you cum?<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>No, not yet.<</speech>>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Continue->guestmoven160a11]]</span></div><<speech "Noelle" "Noelle">>Let me help you with that.<</speech>>
<div class="general">She gets off you and starts sucking your dick.</div>
<video src="images/noelle/guestroom/guestmoven160/guestmoven160a5a.webm" autoplay loop ></video>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Ooh yes, keep going, I'm almost there!<</speech>>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Continue->guestmoven160a12]]</span></div><div class="general">She keeps going as you start cumming.</div>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Oooh yes!<</speech>>
<video src="images/noelle/guestroom/guestmoven160/guestmoven160a5b.webm" autoplay loop ></video>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>That was good!<</speech>>
<div class="general">Noelle spits out the cum.</div>
<<speech "Noelle" "Noelle">>It was, I haven't cum like that in ages.<</speech>>
<div class="general">She gets up to clean herself.</div>
<a data-passage="upstairs"><div class="talkplayer">Let’s do something else</div></a>
<<if $fitness gte 0 and $fitness lt 15>>
<<addrnoelle 5>>
<<elseif $fitness gte 15 and $fitness lt 30>>
<<addrnoelle 8>>
<<elseif $fitness gte 30>>
<<addrnoelle 10>><</if>>
<<addhappiness 10>>
<<addhygene -15>>
<<addenergy -20>>
<<set $time to $time +1>>
<<addfaithfulness -7>>
<<if $fitness gte 0 and $fitness lt 25>>
<<addarousal -35>>
<<elseif $fitness gte 20 and $fitness lt 40>>
<<addarousal -30>>
<<elseif $fitness gte 40>>
<<addarousal -25>><</if>>
<<set $guestmoven160a5 to "true">><div class="general">Noelle keeps sucking.</div>
<video src="images/noelle/pool/npshoot/npshoot3b.webm" autoplay loop ></video>
<<speech "Noelle" "Noelle">>Well a good photographer should be paid.<</speech>>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Continue->poolshoot5]]</span></div>
<div class="general">That said she continues sucking.</div>
<video src="images/noelle/pool/npshoot/npshoot3c.webm" autoplay loop ></video>
<<if $firstfuck is "true">>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Let's fuck her->poolshoot6b]]</span></div><</if>><</nobr>>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[She keeps sucking->poolshoot6a]]</span></div><<speech "Player" "$name">>Lay down, I want to fuck you.<</speech>>
<<speech "Noelle" "Noelle">>Hmmmm, yes, fuck me.<</speech>>
<div class="general">She lays down and you enter her.</div>
<video src="images/noelle/pool/npshoot/npshoot4b1a.webm" autoplay loop ></video>
<<speech "Noelle" "Noelle">>Ooh yes. Fuck me hard!<</speech>>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Continue->poolshoot7b]]</span></div>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Fuck babe, I'm not going to keep this up for long.<</speech>>
<<speech "Noelle" "Noelle">>Am I that good?<</speech>>
<video src="images/noelle/pool/npshoot/npshoot4a1a.webm" autoplay loop ></video>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>I'm getting close!<</speech>>
<<speech "Noelle" "Noelle">>Hmmmm, yes show me how much you like me.<</speech>>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Continue->poolshoot7a]]</span></div>
<div class="general">She keeps sucking.</div>
<video src="images/noelle/pool/npshoot/npshoot4a1b.webm" autoplay loop ></video>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Oooh yes, here it comes!<</speech>>
<<speech "Noelle" "Noelle">>Yes, cum for me!<</speech>>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Continue->poolshoot8a]]</span></div>
<div class="general">You start cumming.</div>
<video src="images/noelle/pool/npshoot/npshoot4a1c.webm" autoplay loop ></video>
<<speech "Noelle" "Noelle">>Oh wow, that was a lot!<</speech>>
<div class="general">She spits out the cum.</div>
<<speech "Noelle" "Noelle">>I'mgoing to clean myself. Thanks for the pictures!<</speech>>
<a data-passage="garden"><div class="talkplayer">Let’s do something else</div></a>
<<if $fitness gte 0 and $fitness lt 15>>
<<addrnoelle 3>>
<<elseif $fitness gte 15 and $fitness lt 30>>
<<addrnoelle 6>>
<<elseif $fitness gte 30>>
<<addrnoelle 9>><</if>>
<<addhappiness 15>>
<<addhygene -15>>
<<addenergy -15>>
<<set $time to $time +1>>
<<addfaithfulness -4>>
<<if $fitness gte 0 and $fitness lt 25>>
<<addarousal -35>>
<<elseif $fitness gte 20 and $fitness lt 40>>
<<addarousal -30>>
<<elseif $fitness gte 40>>
<<addarousal -25>><</if>>
<<set $poolshoot4a to "true">>
<div class="general">You start fucking her with deep thrusts.</div>
<video src="images/noelle/pool/npshoot/npshoot4b1b.webm" autoplay loop ></video>
<<speech "Noelle" "Noelle">>Wait!<</speech>>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[What?->poolshoot8b]]</span></div>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Why?<</speech>>
<div class="general">She turns around.</div>
<<speech "Noelle" "Noelle">>Now really fuck me!<</speech>>
<div class="general">You enter her and start fucking her hard.</div>
<video src="images/noelle/pool/npshoot/npshoot5b1a.webm" autoplay loop ></video>
<<speech "Noelle" "Noelle">>Oooh yes! That's it! Keep fucking me!<</speech>>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Continue->poolshoot9b]]</span></div>
<div class="general">You keep fucking her hard.</div>
<<speech "Noelle" "Noelle">>Uuh, yes! Yes!<</speech>>
<video src="images/noelle/pool/npshoot/npshoot5b1b.webm" autoplay loop ></video>
<<speech "Noelle" "Noelle">>Yes! Yes! Yess!<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Fuck, I'm going to cum soon.<</speech>>
<<speech "Noelle" "Noelle">>Yes! Give me your cum! Spray it all over me!<</speech>>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Continue->poolshoot10b]]</span></div>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Get down Noelle!<</speech>>
<div class="general">Noelle gets down on her knees and you start cumming.</div>
<video src="images/noelle/pool/npshoot/npshoot4a1c.webm" autoplay loop ></video>
<<speech "Noelle" "Noelle">>Fuck that was hot!<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>It sure was!<</speech>>
<<speech "Noelle" "Noelle">>I'm going to clean up.<</speech>>
<div class="general">Noelle gets up and leaves.</div>
<a data-passage="garden"><div class="talkplayer">Let’s do something else</div></a>
<<if $fitness gte 0 and $fitness lt 15>>
<<addrnoelle 4>>
<<elseif $fitness gte 15 and $fitness lt 30>>
<<addrnoelle 8>>
<<elseif $fitness gte 30>>
<<addrnoelle 12>><</if>>
<<addhappiness 15>>
<<addhygene -15>>
<<addenergy -15>>
<<set $time to $time +1>>
<<addfaithfulness -5>>
<<if $fitness gte 0 and $fitness lt 25>>
<<addarousal -35>>
<<elseif $fitness gte 20 and $fitness lt 40>>
<<addarousal -30>>
<<elseif $fitness gte 40>>
<<addarousal -25>><</if>>
<<set $poolshoot5b to "true">>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Noelle? What are you..?<</speech>>
<<speech "Noelle" "Noelle">>Oh come on, I see you looking at me.<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>What do you mean?<</speech>>
<<speech "Noelle" "Noelle">>Really? Even now you can't keep your eyes of me.<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">><i>She is not wrong.</i><</speech>>
<video src="images/noelle/events/firsttimeevent/firsttimeevent1b.webm" autoplay loop ></video>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Continue->firsttimeevent3]]</span></div>
<<speech "Noelle" "Noelle">>Lucky for you, you are not bad yourself.<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>I will admit that you are very good looking.<</speech>>
<<speech "Noelle" "Noelle">>Good to know, soo how bad do you want me to continue?<</speech>>
<div class="general">She keeps teasing.</div>
<video src="images/noelle/events/firsttimeevent/firsttimeevent1c.webm" autoplay loop ></video>
<<speech "Player" "$name">><i>What is happening?</i><</speech>>
<<speech "Noelle" "Noelle">>Well?<</speech>>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Asnwer her->firsttimeevent4]]</span></div>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[I should leave->firsttimeeventend]]</span></div><<speech "Player" "$name">>Uh, yeah, please continue. <i>Is this really happening?</i><</speech>>
<div class="general">And she does.</div>
<video src="images/noelle/events/firsttimeevent/firsttimeevent2a.webm" autoplay loop ></video>
<<speech "Player" "$name">><i>Oh damn.</i> Oh damn.<</speech>>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Continue->firsttimeevent5]]</span></div>
<<speech "Noelle" "Noelle">>Do you like what you see?<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>I.. I do, your breasts are amazing!<</speech>>
<<speech "Noelle" "Noelle">>I knew you would like them.<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">><i>Sarah is going to kill me if she finds out.</i><</speech>>
<div class="general">Noelle takes of her top completely.</div>
<video src="images/noelle/events/firsttimeevent/firsttimeevent2b.webm" autoplay loop ></video>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Continue->firsttimeevent6]]</span></div>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>You have an amazing body.<</speech>>
<<speech "Noelle" "Noelle">>Glad you like it.<</speech>>
<div class="general">Noelle keeps teasing.</div>
<video src="images/noelle/events/firsttimeevent/firsttimeevent2c.webm" autoplay loop ></video>
<<speech "Noelle" "Noelle">>Tell me, how hard are you right now?<</speech>>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Oh damn->firsttimeevent7]]</span></div><<speech "Player" "$name">>Uuh. Well..<</speech>>
<<speech "Noelle" "Noelle">>Oh come on, don't be shy. It's not like I don't know the answer already.<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">><i>What is she doing to me..</i><</speech>>
<div class="general">Noelle keeps stripping.</div>
<video src="images/noelle/events/firsttimeevent/firsttimeevent3a.webm" autoplay loop ></video>
<<speech "Player" "$name">><i>Fuck, she is so hot! How can I resist this..</i><</speech>>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Continue->firsttimeevent8]]</span></div><div class="general">Then she comes very close to you.</div>
<video src="images/noelle/events/firsttimeevent/firsttimeevent3b.webm" autoplay loop ></video>
<<speech "Noelle" "Noelle">>It's a bit unfair don't you think?<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>What?<</speech>>
<<speech "Noelle" "Noelle">>I'm all naked and you are not.<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>You want me to get naked.<</speech>>
<<speech "Noelle" "Noelle">>Well, I'm especcially interested in one part of you.<</speech>>
<div class="general">She looks down.</div>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Strip->firsttimeevent9]]</span></div>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[This has gone far enough->firsttimeeventend2]]</span></div><<speech "Player" "$name">>I think we have gone far enough, probably too far already. I'm going to bed and so should you.<</speech>>
<<speech "Noelle" "Noelle">>What? Really? I naked over here and you just leave.<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Uh, yes, that is exactly what is happening.<</speech>>
<<speech "Noelle" "Noelle">>Fuck you $name!<</speech>>
<div class="general">Noelle storms off.</div>
<a data-passage="upstairs"><div class="talkplayer">Let’s go to bed</div></a>
<<if $fitness gte 0 and $fitness lt 15>>
<<addrnoelle -10>>
<<elseif $fitness gte 15 and $fitness lt 30>>
<<addrnoelle -15>>
<<elseif $fitness gte 30>>
<<addrnoelle -20>><</if>>
<<addhappiness 5>>
<<addenergy -5>>
<<set $time to $time +1>>
<<addfaithfulness -2>>
<<set $firsttimeevent to "false">><div class="general">You take out your, hard, dick.</div>
<<speech "Noelle" "Noelle">>Hmmmmmm, that looks good. Let's have some fun together.<</speech>>
<div class="general">Noelle makes very clear what she means by fun.</div>
<video src="images/noelle/events/firsttimeevent/firsttimeevent4a.webm" autoplay loop ></video>
<<speech "Player" "$name">><i>What am I doing?</i><</speech>>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Continue->firsttimeevent10]]</span></div>
<<speech "Noelle" "Noelle">>And don't worry, we won't do any touching, just watching. Basically it's just like watching porn. And you do watch porn don't you?<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>I, uh, I guess I do.<</speech>>
<<speech "Noelle" "Noelle">>So what are you waiting for.<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">><i>I just can't resist her.</i><</speech>>
<div class="general">You slowly start to rub your dick and it's clearly turning on Noelle as well.</div>
<video src="images/noelle/events/firsttimeevent/firsttimeevent4b.webm" autoplay loop ></video>
<<speech "Noelle" "Noelle">>Hmmmm, yes stroke it for me.<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">><i>This is so wrong.</i><</speech>>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Continue->firsttimeevent11]]</span></div>
<div class="general">She keeps playing with herself while watching you.</div>
<video src="images/noelle/events/firsttimeevent/firsttimeevent4c.webm" autoplay loop ></video>
<<speech "Noelle" "Noelle">>Hmmmm, yes $name, I want you to cum for me.<</speech>>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Continue->firsttimeevent12]]</span></div>
<<speech "Noelle" "Noelle">>Ooh yes! Yes!<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>You are so hot and I'm so glad I hired you.<</speech>>
<<speech "Noelle" "Noelle">>Hmmmmm. I'm glad too.<</speech>>
<div class="general">Noelle clearly enjoys this and keeps going.</div>
<video src="images/noelle/events/firsttimeevent/firsttimeevent5a.webm" autoplay loop ></video>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Continue->firsttimeevent13]]</span></div>
<<speech "Noelle" "Noelle">>Oh yes $name! Cum for me, I want you to cum for me! Rub that hard dick of yours. Imagine your dick deep inside my pussy.<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Ooh fuck, ooh fuuuck.<</speech>>
<<speech "Noelle" "Noelle">>Yes, cum for me! Yessssss!<</speech>>
<div class="general">You both cum.</div>
<video src="images/noelle/events/firsttimeevent/firsttimeevent5b.webm" autoplay loop ></video>
<<speech "Noelle" "Noelle">>Fuck that was hot!<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">><i>Fuck, did this really just happen?</i><</speech>>
<<speech "Noelle" "Noelle">>I really enjoyed this! We should do this more often.<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>I enjoyed it to and we should indeed do this more often. <i>Really $name, should you do this more often?</i><</speech>>
<<speech "Noelle" "Noelle">>Well, I guess we should go to bed. See you tomorrow handsome.<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">><i>Damn.</i><</speech>>
<a data-passage="upstairs"><div class="talkplayer">Let’s do something else</div></a>
<<if $fitness gte 0 and $fitness lt 15>>
<<addrnoelle 5>>
<<elseif $fitness gte 15 and $fitness lt 30>>
<<addrnoelle 10>>
<<elseif $fitness gte 30>>
<<addrnoelle 15>><</if>>
<<addhappiness 10>>
<<addhygene -15>>
<<addenergy -20>>
<<set $time to $time +1>>
<<addfaithfulness -3>>
<<if $fitness gte 0 and $fitness lt 25>>
<<addarousal -35>>
<<elseif $fitness gte 20 and $fitness lt 40>>
<<addarousal -30>>
<<elseif $fitness gte 40>>
<<addarousal -25>><</if>>
<<set $firsttime to "true">>
<div class="general">You grab her, spin her around and start groping her.</div>
<<speech "Noelle" "Noelle">>What are you..? Ooooh.<</speech>>
<div class="general">You start touching her everywhere and pay special attention to her pussy.</div>
<video src="images/noelle/events/firstkissevent/firstkissevent3b.webm" autoplay loop ></video>
<<speech "Noelle" "Noelle">>Oooh $name! Wait, please!<</speech>>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Continue->fkevent5]]</span></div>
<div class="general">You keep going.</div>
<video src="images/noelle/events/firstkissevent/firstkissevent3c.webm" autoplay loop ></video>
<<speech "Noelle" "Noelle">>$name, ooooooh, fuuuuuckk!<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Did you cum already?<</speech>>
<div class="general">Noelle blushes.</div>
<<speech "Noelle" "Noelle">>Yeah..<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>That must have been the fastest orgasm ever.<</speech>>
<<speech "Noelle" "Noelle">>Well, you did make me wait for it.<</speech>>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Continue->fkevent6]]</span></div>
<<speech "Noelle" "Noelle">>But we should really go, what if someone sees us.<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>I don't care.<</speech>>
<<speech "Noelle" "Noelle">>Well I do. Come let's get out of here.<</speech>>
<div class="general">Noelle seems a bit panniced as she looks around as you get back in the car.</div>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Are you ok?<</speech>>
<<speech "Noelle" "Noelle">>Yes, I'm just very afraid of being caught. Sarah would kill both of us.<</speech>>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[You drive away->fkevent7]]</span></div>
<div class="general">Suddenly Noelle moves her hand towards you and starts rubbing over your pants.</div>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Hmmm, what are you doing.<</speech>>
<div class="general">Noelle takes out your dick.</div>
<<speech "Noelle" "Noelle">>I think you deserve a small reward.<</speech>>
<div class="general">She goes down and starts sucking.</div>
<video src="images/noelle/events/firstkissevent/firstkissevent5a.webm" autoplay loop ></video>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Oooh Noelle, yes!<</speech>>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Continue->fkevent8]]</span></div>
<div class="general">Noelle keeps going.</div>
<video src="images/noelle/events/firstkissevent/firstkissevent5b.webm" autoplay loop ></video>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Oooh wow, I need to pull over before I crash us into a tree.<</speech>>
<div class="general">You pull over.</div>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Continue->fkevent9]]</span></div>
<div class="general">Noelle keeps sucking you passionately.</div>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Hmmm you are so good at this.<</speech>>
<<speech "Noelle" "Noelle">>Hmmmmhmhmmm.<</speech>>
<div class="general">Noelle keeps sucking.</div>
<video src="images/noelle/events/firstkissevent/firstkissevent6a.webm" autoplay loop ></video>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Ooh yes, keep going.<</speech>>
<<speech "Noelle" "Noelle">>Hmmm, yes cum for me $name.<</speech>>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Continue->fkevent10]]</span></div>
<div class="general">She keeps sucking.</div>
<video src="images/noelle/events/firstkissevent/firstkissevent6b.webm" autoplay loop ></video>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Yess! Here it comes!<</speech>>
<<speech "Noelle" "Noelle">>Yes, cum for me $name!<</speech>>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Continue->fkevent11]]</span></div>
<div class="general">She starts jerking you off and then you start cumming.</div>
<video src="images/noelle/events/firstkissevent/firstkissevent6c.webm" autoplay loop ></video>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>That was amazing.<</speech>>
<<speech "Noelle" "Noelle">>Hmmmmm it was indeed.<</speech>>
<div class="general">You look at your phone.</div>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Oh shit->fkevent12]]</span></div>
<<if $fitness gte 0 and $fitness lt 15>>
<<addrnoelle 10>>
<<elseif $fitness gte 15 and $fitness lt 30>>
<<addrnoelle 15>>
<<elseif $fitness gte 30>>
<<addrnoelle 20>><</if>>
<<if $fitness gte 0 and $fitness lt 25>>
<<addarousal -35>>
<<elseif $fitness gte 20 and $fitness lt 40>>
<<addarousal -30>>
<<elseif $fitness gte 40>>
<<addarousal -25>><</if>>
<<addhappiness 10>>
<<addhygene -10>>
<<addenergy -10>>
<<addfaithfulness -5>>
<div class="general">You see 5 missed calls from Sarah and they were from 30 minutes ago.</div>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>I, uh, I have to call Sarah back before she gets wary.<</speech>>
<div class="general">You call Sarah.</div>
<<speech "Sarah" "Sarah">>Where have you been?<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>We were in the movies as you suggested.<</speech>>
<<speech "Sarah" "Sarah">>Oh, ok. Well you can come home again, I already picked up Peter, so you don't have to go and get him.<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Alright, we will be back in about 15 minutes.<</speech>>
<<speech "Sarah" "Sarah">>Alright, see you soon.<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>See you so..<</speech>>
<div class="general">Sarah hangs up.</div>
<<speech "Noelle" "Noelle">>Do you think she bought it?<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>I don't see why not. Let's go back.<</speech>>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Drive home->fkevent13]]</span></div>
<div class="general">You get home and walk into the livingroom where Sarah is waiting for you.</div>
<<speech "Sarah" "Sarah">>Hi.<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>How did everything go?<</speech>>
<<speech "Sarah" "Sarah">>It went well, thank you both for leaving at such short notice.<</speech>>
<<speech "Noelle" "Noelle">>That's no problem.<</speech>>
<div class="general">Sarah looks at Noelle.</div>
<<speech "Sarah" "Sarah">>Noelle, could you give us some privacy please?<</speech>>
<<speech "Noelle" "Noelle">>Uh, yeah sure.<</speech>>
<div class="general">Noelle walks away.</div>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Oh boy->fkevent14]]</span></div>
<div class="general">Sarah gets up and walks towards you.</div>
<<speech "Player" "$name">><i>Did we fuck up? Does she know?</i><</speech>>
<<speech "Sarah" "Sarah">>I just want to thank you for today. I know I wasn't the nicest person today.. It was just a lot of stress because of all the things I suddenly had to arrange and.. I'm sorry.<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>I, uh, it's ok honey.<</speech>>
<div class="general">Sarah hugs and kisses you.</div>
<<speech "Sarah" "Sarah">>Thank you for being there.<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>It's no problem.<</speech>>
<<speech "Sarah" "Sarah">>Well, I guess it's time for dinner.<</speech>>
<div class="general">Sarah walks to the kitchen.</div>
<<speech "Player" "$name">><i>Fuck me, I almost got a hearthattack.</i><</speech>>
<a data-passage="entrance"><div class="talkplayer">Let’s do something else</div></a>
<<if $fitness gte 0 and $fitness lt 20>>
<<addrsarah 10>>
<<elseif $fitness gte 20 and $fitness lt 40>>
<<addrsarah 15>>
<<elseif $fitness gte 40>>
<<addrsarah 20>><</if>>
<<set $time to 7>>
<<set $firstkiss to "true">><div class="general">She starts undressing.</div>
<video src="images/noelle/events/firstfuckevent/firstfuckevent1b.webm" autoplay loop ></video>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>I do like where this is going. <</speech>>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Continue->ffevent3]]</span></div>
<div class="general">Noelle keeps undressing.</div>
<video src="images/noelle/events/firstfuckevent/firstfuckevent1c.webm" autoplay loop ></video>
<<speech "Noelle" "Noelle">>Come here $name.<</speech>>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Go to her->ffevent4]]</span></div>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink"><<link [[Leave|upstairs]]>>
<<set $ffeventno to "true">>
<div class="general">While you walk towards her Noelle goes down on her knees. When you are close she starts unbuttoning your pants, takes out your dick and starts sucking it.</div>
<video src="images/noelle/events/firstfuckevent/firstfuckevent2a.webm" autoplay loop ></video>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Oooh yes!<</speech>>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Continue->ffevent5]]</span></div><div class="general">Noelle keep going.</div>
<video src="images/noelle/events/firstfuckevent/firstfuckevent2b.webm" autoplay loop ></video>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Come here, I want to fuck those titties.<</speech>>
<<speech "Noelle" "Noelle">>Hmmmm, yeah. You like those titties?<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>I lover your tits.<</speech>>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Continue->ffevent6]]</span></div><div class="general">You start moving your dick between her tits.</div>
<video src="images/noelle/events/firstfuckevent/firstfuckevent2c.webm" autoplay loop ></video>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Hmmmmm.<</speech>>
<div class="general">The you lift her up and push her onto the bed, your and Sarah's bed.</div>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Continue->ffevent7]]</span></div>
<<set $ffevent to "true">>
<<addrnoelle -20>>
<div class="general">You lay down next to her and start kissing her.</div>
<video src="images/noelle/events/firstfuckevent/firstfuckevent3a.webm" autoplay loop ></video>
<div class="general">Then you slowly move downwards.</div>
<<speech "Noelle" "Noelle">>Hmmmm, yes, lick my pussy $name!<</speech>>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Continue->ffevent9]]</span></div>
<div class="general">You start licking her pussy.</div>
<video src="images/noelle/events/firstfuckevent/firstfuckevent3b.webm" autoplay loop ></video>
<<speech "Noelle" "Noelle">>Ooooh yes, this feels so good!<</speech>>
<div class="general">You keep licking.</div>
<<speech "Noelle" "Noelle">>I want you $name, I want you inside of me! I want you to fuck me! Fuck me $name!<</speech>>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Continue->ffevent10]]</span></div><div class="general">You get up and keep her legs spread.</div>
<<speech "Player" "$name">><i>Am I really going to do this?</i><</speech>>
<div class="general">But before you know it you have already entered her.</div>
<video src="images/noelle/events/firstfuckevent/firstfuckevent4a.webm" autoplay loop ></video>
<<speech "Noelle" "Noelle">>Yes! Fuck me $name!<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Oh yes, you feel so good.<</speech>>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Continue->ffevent11]]</span></div><div class="general">You grab her legs and keep fucking her.</div>
<video src="images/noelle/events/firstfuckevent/firstfuckevent4b.webm" autoplay loop ></video>
<<speech "Noelle" "Noelle">>Oh yes! Yes!<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Fuck you are tight.<</speech>>
<<speech "Noelle" "Noelle">>Lay down, I want to ride you.<</speech>>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Switch position->ffevent12]]</span></div>
<div class="general">Before you lay down you grab her and pull her onto your lap and push your dick deep inside her again.</div>
<video src="images/noelle/events/firstfuckevent/firstfuckevent5a.webm" autoplay loop ></video>
<<speech "Noelle" "Noelle">>Hmmmmm, yes!<</speech>>
<div class="general">She starts to ride you faster and faster.</div>
<<speech "Noelle" "Noelle">>Oh yes! Oooh yess!<</speech>>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Continue->ffevent13]]</span></div>
<div class="general">She keeps riding you hard.</div>
<video src="images/noelle/events/firstfuckevent/firstfuckevent5b.webm" autoplay loop ></video>
<<speech "Noelle" "Noelle">>Yes, I'm cumming! Yes! Keep going!<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>I'm cumming too!<</speech>>
<<speech "Noelle" "Noelle">>Yes! Yes! Yeeeesss!!<</speech>>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Continue->ffevent14]]</span></div>
<div class="general">Noelle starts cumming, her pussy clenches around your dick and you start cumming too.</div>
<video src="images/noelle/events/firstfuckevent/firstfuckevent5c.webm" autoplay loop ></video>
<div class="general">Noelle kisses you.</div>
<<speech "Noelle" "Noelle">>That was amazing!<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>It sure was.<</speech>>
<div class="general">She lays on top of you for a while longer.</div>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>But.. Ehm.. Are you on the pill?<</speech>>
<<speech "Noelle" "Noelle">>Huh? Oh, eh, yeah, yeah I am, don't worry about that.<</speech>>
<div class="general">You lay with each other for a while before you both start to clean yourselves and each other.</div>
<a data-passage="upstairs"><div class="talkplayer">Let’s do something else</div></a>
<<if $fitness gte 0 and $fitness lt 15>>
<<addrnoelle 10>>
<<elseif $fitness gte 15 and $fitness lt 30>>
<<addrnoelle 15>>
<<elseif $fitness gte 30>>
<<addrnoelle 20>><</if>>
<<addhappiness 20>>
<<addhygene -20>>
<<addenergy -30>>
<<set $time to $time +1>>
<<addfaithfulness -10>>
<<if $fitness gte 0 and $fitness lt 25>>
<<addarousal -35>>
<<elseif $fitness gte 20 and $fitness lt 40>>
<<addarousal -30>>
<<elseif $fitness gte 40>>
<<addarousal -25>><</if>>
<<set $firstfuck to "true">>
<div class="general">Noelle keeps going for a bit.</div>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Come here, I want you to use your mouth.<</speech>>
<div class="general">Noelle get's up and starts sucking you.</div>
<video src="images/noelle/events/suspiciousevent/suspicious3b.webm" autoplay loop ></video>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Ah, yes that is better.<</speech>>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Continue->suspicious5]]</span></div>
<div class="general">Noelle keeps sucking.</div>
<video src="images/noelle/events/suspiciousevent/suspicious3c.webm" autoplay loop ></video>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Hmmm. This feels good.<</speech>>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Continue->suspicious6]]</span></div>
<div class="general">Noelle takes your dick out of her mouth and climbs on top of you.</div>
<<speech "Noelle" "Noelle">>I want you feel you inside me daddy.<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">><i>Ok, I have to admint, being called daddy is a bit of a turn on.</i><</speech>>
<div class="general">She grabs your dick and pushes it inside her.</div>
<video src="images/noelle/events/suspiciousevent/suspicious4a.webm" autoplay loop ></video>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Oh yes, ride me Noelle!<</speech>>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Continue->suspicious7]]</span></div>
<div class="general">Noelle starts riding you.</div>
<video src="images/noelle/events/suspiciousevent/suspicious4b.webm" autoplay loop ></video>
<<speech "Noelle" "Noelle">>Oooh daddy, you feel so good inside me.<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Hmm yes, you are so hot.<</speech>>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Continue->suspicious8]]</span></div>
<div class="general">Noelle keeps riding you.</div>
<video src="images/noelle/events/suspiciousevent/suspicious4c.webm" autoplay loop ></video>
<div class="general">Then you push her off.</div>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Time for daddy to fuck you! <i>Did I just call myself.. Yes I did.</i><</speech>>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Fuck her->suspicious9]]</span></div><div class="general">You lay her on her side and start fucking her.</div>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Ooh yes, that feels good.<</speech>>
<video src="images/noelle/events/suspiciousevent/suspicious5a.webm" autoplay loop ></video>
<<speech "Noelle" "Noelle">>Yes daddy, keep fucking me.<</speech>>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Continue->suspicious10]]</span></div>
<div class="general">You keep fucking her.</div>
<video src="images/noelle/events/suspiciousevent/suspicious5b.webm" autoplay loop ></video>
<<speech "Noelle" "Noelle">>Aaah yes!<</speech>>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Continue->suspicious11]]</span></div>
<div class="general">You keep going until your dick pops out her pussy, once this happens Noelle starts jerking you off with her feet again.</div>
<video src="images/noelle/events/suspiciousevent/suspicious5c.webm" autoplay loop ></video>
<<speech "Noelle" "Noelle">>Hmmm, you hard dick feels so good against between my feet daddy.<</speech>>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Continue->suspicious12]]</span></div>
<div class="general">She keeps jerking you off with her feet.</div>
<video src="images/noelle/events/suspiciousevent/suspicious6a.webm" autoplay loop ></video>
<<speech "Noelle" "Noelle">>Are you close to cumming daddy?<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>I'm going to need a bit more baby, turn around.<</speech>>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Continue->suspicious13]]</span></div>
<div class="general">Noelle turns around and you enter her.</div>
<video src="images/noelle/events/suspiciousevent/suspicious6b.webm" autoplay loop ></video>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Oh yes!<</speech>>
<div class="general">You start fucking her.</div>
<<speech "Noelle" "Noelle">>Hmmmm. Uuhhhh.<</speech>>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Continue->suspicious14]]</span></div>
<div class="general">Noelle lays moaning beneath you while you keep fucking her.</div>
<video src="images/noelle/events/suspiciousevent/suspicious6c.webm" autoplay loop ></video>
<<speech "Noelle" "Noelle">>Are you almost, uuh, cumming daddy?<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Yess, I'm almost there.<</speech>>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Continue->suspicious15]]</span></div>
<<speech "Noelle" "Noelle">>Pull out daddy, let me finish you.<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Hmmm, alright.<</speech>>
<div class="general">You pull out and Noelle starts jerking you off with her feet.</div>
<video src="images/noelle/events/suspiciousevent/suspicious7a.webm" autoplay loop ></video>
<<speech "Noelle" "Noelle">>Hmmmm, so hard. Are you going to cum daddy?<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Almost!<</speech>>
<<speech "Noelle" "Noelle">>Yes! Cum on my feet daddy, show me how much you can cum.<</speech>>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Continue->suspicious16]]</span></div>
<div class="general">You start jerking off and start cumming all over Noelle her feet.</div>
<video src="images/noelle/events/suspiciousevent/suspicious7b.webm" autoplay loop ></video>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Oooh yes!<</speech>>
<<speech "Noelle" "Noelle">>Oooh daddy, it's so much!<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>That was way to long ago.<</speech>>
<<speech "Noelle" "Noelle">>I guess it was. Anyway, I'm going to take a shower and clean myself.<</speech>>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Continue->suspicious17]]</span></div>
<<speech "Player" "$name">><i>What did just happen? Did I actually let her get away with spending thousands on unnecessary stuff for sex? Fuck I'm easy..</i><</speech>>
<div class="general">Your mind wonders back to the whole situation you find yourself into.</div>
<<speech "Player" "$name">><i>I should also probably find out where Sarah is staying. I mean she took Peter as well and he is not only her son. Maybe I can find her somewhere or maybe ask someone who might know. Maybe Christel? Maybe she is even staying there, who knows.. Wait, I just had sex with Noelle.. Why is my mind back on Sarah already.. My mind is such a fucking mess.. </i><</speech>>
<a data-passage="entrance"><div class="talkplayer">Let’s do something else</div></a>
<<addhappiness 10>>
<<addhygene -15>>
<<addenergy -20>>
<<if $fitness gte 0 and $fitness lt 25>>
<<addarousal -35>>
<<elseif $fitness gte 20 and $fitness lt 40>>
<<addarousal -30>>
<<elseif $fitness gte 40>>
<<addarousal -25>><</if>>
<<set $time to $time +1>>
<div class="general">They keep going, their hand are all over each other.</div>
<video src="images/noelle/events/noellespyevent/noellespyevent6b2.webm" autoplay loop ></video>
<<speech "Player" "$name">><i>Wait a second, is she actually..?</i><</speech>>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Continue->noellespyevent8b]]</span></div>
<div class="general">You look closer and see Noelle her hand rubbing all over the dick of the guy through his pants.</div>
<video src="images/noelle/events/noellespyevent/noellespyevent6b3.webm" autoplay loop ></video>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Continue->noellespyevent9b]]</span></div>
<div class="general">The guy whispers something to Noelle and Noelle starts taking down the top of her dress.</div>
<video src="images/noelle/events/noellespyevent/noellespyevent6b4.webm" autoplay loop ></video>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Keep watching->noellespyevent10b]]</span></div>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[I can't watch this->noellespyevent6c]]</span></div>
<div class="general">When her top is down she drops down and starts taking off the guys pants.</div>
<<speech "Player" "$name">><i>Seriously? Can this get any worse?</i><</speech>>
<div class="general">She takes his dick in her hand and starts rubbing it.</div>
<video src="images/noelle/events/noellespyevent/noellespyevent7b1.webm" autoplay loop ></video>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Continue->noellespyevent11b]]</span></div>
<div class="general">And not long after she starts sucking.</div>
<video src="images/noelle/events/noellespyevent/noellespyevent7b2.webm" autoplay loop ></video>
<<speech "Player" "$name">><i>The fucking whore!</i><</speech>>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Continue->noellespyevent12b]]</span></div>
<div class="general">Noelle keeps sucking his dick as you watch on.</div>
<video src="images/noelle/events/noellespyevent/noellespyevent7b3.webm" autoplay loop ></video>
<<speech "Player" "$name">><i>Fucking hell it's not just a blowjob either, she is actually sucking him with real passion.</i><</speech>>
<div class="general">Then you notice something else.</div>
<<speech "Player" "$name">><i>And why the fuck is this turning me on?</i><</speech>>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Continue->noellespyevent13b]]</span></div>
<div class="general">In the meantime Noelle keeps sucking and starts to increase her pace.</div>
<video src="images/noelle/events/noellespyevent/noellespyevent7b4.webm" autoplay loop ></video>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Continue->noellespyevent14b]]</span></div>
<div class="general">As Noelle keeps sucking this guy his dick, you notice that you are not the only one turned on by this as Noelle has been rubbing her pussy.</div>
<video src="images/noelle/events/noellespyevent/noellespyevent8b1.webm" autoplay loop ></video>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Continue->noellespyevent15b]]</span></div>
<div class="general">You notice the guy saying something to Noelle and Noelle starts increasing her pace again.</div>
<video src="images/noelle/events/noellespyevent/noellespyevent8b2.webm" autoplay loop ></video>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Continue->noellespyevent16b]]</span></div>
<div class="general">Then the guy takes matters into his own hands, litterally.</div>
<<speech "Player" "$name">><i>Fuck, I know what that means.</i><</speech>>
<video src="images/noelle/events/noellespyevent/noellespyevent8b3.webm" autoplay loop ></video>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Continue->noellespyevent17b]]</span></div>
<div class="general">And indeed, not much later the guy starts cumming on Noelle her breasts.</div>
<<speech "Player" "$name">><i>Well, at least I'm not the only guy where she doesn't swallow.</i><</speech>>
<video src="images/noelle/events/noellespyevent/noellespyevent8b4.webm" autoplay loop ></video>
<div class="general">After the guy is done cumming on Noelle her breasts you notice he says something to her that makes her blush.</div>
<<speech "Player" "$name">><i>What is that about?</i><</speech>>
<div class="general">Noelle gets up and without cleaning her breasts she puts the dress back in position.</div>
<<speech "Player" "$name">><i>Oh damn, that is kinda hot. No! Fuck! Stay focussed $name!</i><</speech>>
<div class="general">Then they start walking towards you.</div>
<<speech "Player" "$name">><i>Oh damn, I need to get out of here.</i><</speech>>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Let's go->noellespyevent18b]]</span></div>
<<set $noellespyevent8b to "true">>
<div class="general">Back in the main area of the club you watch them a little more and after a while they both walk out and leave the club.</div>
<<speech "Player" "$name">><i>Time to go home I guess.</i><</speech>>
<div class="general">On your way home you start thinking.</div>
<<speech "Player" "$name">><i>So I am sure she is not pregnant, but is this enough to confront her? Maybe I should talk to Sarah about this.</i><</speech>>
<a data-passage="entrance"><div class="talkplayer">Go home</div></a>
<<set $time to $time +5>>
<<set $noellespyevent to "true">>
<<set $noellespyeventbj to "true">><div class="general">Slowly the guy pushes Noelle down on the bed and keeps kissing her.</div>
<video src="images/noelle/events/truthrevealed/truthrevealed2b.webm" autoplay loop ></video>
<<speech "Player" "$name">><i>Damn, they really look in love.</i><</speech>>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Continue->truthrevealed4]]</span></div>
<div class="general">The guy starts undressing her and kissing her neck.</div>
<video src="images/noelle/events/truthrevealed/truthrevealed2c.webm" autoplay loop ></video>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Continue->truthrevealed5]]</span></div>
<div class="general">He keeps undressing her. While kissing her belly he takes off her skirt and panties.</div>
<video src="images/noelle/events/truthrevealed/truthrevealed3a.webm" autoplay loop ></video>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Continue->truthrevealed6]]</span></div>
<div class="general">Then he moves further down and starts licking her pussy.</div>
<video src="images/noelle/events/truthrevealed/truthrevealed3b.webm" autoplay loop ></video>
<<speech "Noelle" "Noelle">>Oooooh.<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">><i>So there is sounds, as long as they are loud enough I can hear them.</i><</speech>>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Continue->truthrevealed7]]</span></div>
<div class="general">He keeps licking her for a bit and then they switch. He lays down on his back while Noelle starts sucking him.</div>
<video src="images/noelle/events/truthrevealed/truthrevealed3c.webm" autoplay loop ></video>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Continue->truthrevealed8]]</span></div>
<div class="general">Noelle keeps sucking as the guy is clearly enjoying it.</div>
<video src="images/noelle/events/truthrevealed/truthrevealed3d.webm" autoplay loop ></video>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Continue->truthrevealed9]]</span></div>
<<addarousal 10>>
<div class="general">Then Noelle stops sucking his dick and starts to climb on top of him.</div>
<<speech "Player" "$name">><i>Here we go..</i><</speech>>
<div class="general">When she is on top of him she grabs his dick and guides it into her pussy and starts riding him.</div>
<video src="images/noelle/events/truthrevealed/truthrevealed4a.webm" autoplay loop ></video>
<<speech "Noelle" "Noelle">>Oooooh.<</speech>>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Continue->truthrevealed10]]</span></div>
<div class="general">You hear Noelle moaning as she starts to increase her pace.</div>
<video src="images/noelle/events/truthrevealed/truthrevealed4b.webm" autoplay loop ></video>
<<speech "Noelle" "Noelle">>Oh yes baby! I messed you so much!<</speech>>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Continue->truthrevealed11]]</span></div>
<<speech "random" "That guy">>Ooh fuck baby, I love your pussy.<</speech>>
<video src="images/noelle/events/truthrevealed/truthrevealed4c.webm" autoplay loop ></video>
<div class="general">Noelle keeps riding him.</div>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Continue->truthrevealed12]]</span></div>
<<addarousal 15>>
<<nobr>><<if $arousal gte 80>>
<div class="general">Your dick is rock hard in your pants.</div><br>
<<speech "Player" "$name">><i>Fuck, I can't hold back anymore.</i><</speech>><br>
<div class="general">You take out your dick and start jerking off.</div><br>
<<speech "Player" "$name">><i>Let's continue watching.</i><</speech>><br>
<div class="general">Suddenly the guy grabs Noelle and spins her off him. When she lays down on her back he pushes his dick back inside her.</div><br>
<video src="images/noelle/events/truthrevealed/truthrevealed5a.webm" autoplay loop ></video><br><br>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Continue->truthrevealed13a]]</span></div>
<div class="general">Suddenly the guy grabs Noelle and spins her off him. When she lays down on her back he pushes his dick back inside her.</div><br>
<video src="images/noelle/events/truthrevealed/truthrevealed5a.webm" autoplay loop ></video><br><br>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Continue->truthrevealed13b]]</span></div>
<</if>><</nobr>><div class="general">Then he switches again and keeps fucking Noelle.</div>
<video src="images/noelle/events/truthrevealed/truthrevealed5b.webm" autoplay loop ></video>
<<speech "Noelle" "Noelle">>Ooh yes baby, fuck me! Fuck me good!<</speech>>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Continue->truthrevealed14a]]</span></div>
<div class="general">Then he switches again and keeps fucking Noelle.</div>
<video src="images/noelle/events/truthrevealed/truthrevealed5b.webm" autoplay loop ></video>
<<speech "Noelle" "Noelle">>Ooh yes baby, fuck me! Fuck me good!<</speech>>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Continue->truthrevealed14b]]</span></div>
<div class="general">He picks up the pace and starts fucking her hard and fast.</div>
<video src="images/noelle/events/truthrevealed/truthrevealed5c.webm" autoplay loop ></video>
<<speech "Noelle" "Noelle">>Oooooh yesss!! Keep going!!<</speech>>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Continue->truthrevealed15a]]</span></div>
<div class="general">He keeps fucking her good.</div>
<<speech "Noelle" "Noelle">>I'm cumming baby, keep going! Don't stop! Yessss!<</speech>>
<div class="general">While he doesn't stop fucking her Noelle starts cumming.</div>
<video src="images/noelle/events/truthrevealed/truthrevealed5d.webm" autoplay loop ></video>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Continue->truthrevealed16a]]</span></div>
<div class="general">Even after Noelle came, he keeps going.</div>
<<speech "Noelle" "Noelle">>Fuucckk baby!<</speech>>
<<speech "random" "That guy">>Hold on! I'm almost cumming!<</speech>>
<div class="general">Then he pulls out and finishes on her belly.</div>
<video src="images/noelle/events/truthrevealed/truthrevealed5e.webm" autoplay loop ></video>
<<speech "random" "That guy">>Aaah, yess!<</speech>>
<div class="general">You follow the guys lead and start cumming as well.</div>
<<speech "Player" "$name">><i>That was hot to watch.</i><</speech>>
<div class="general">They lay down together as you quickly clean yourself with some tissues.</div>
<<speech "Player" "$name">><i>I've seen enough, let's fast forward.</i><</speech>>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Continue->truthrevealed17]]</span></div>
<<addenergy -15>>
<<addhygene -10>>
<<if $fitness gte 0 and $fitness lt 25>>
<<addarousal -35>>
<<elseif $fitness gte 20 and $fitness lt 40>>
<<addarousal -30>>
<<elseif $fitness gte 40>>
<<addarousal -25>><</if>><div class="general">You keep fast forwarding until you suddenly see Noelle enter your office together with that guy.</div>
<<speech "Player" "$name">><i>What are they doing there?</i><</speech>>
<div class="general">While Noelle sits behind your computer the guy starts going through your paper files. They keep looking around for quite a while. Then they start talking and pointing at things on the computer screen.</div>
<<speech "Noelle" "Noelle">>.... done. ..... got.... all....<</speech>>
<<speech "random" "That guy">>Great..... all?<</speech>>
<div class="general">It's really hard to hear what they are saying, luckily when they leave the office they walk closer to the nannycam so you can hear what they are saying.</div>
<<speech "random" "That guy">>Are you sure you don't want to come with me?<</speech>>
<<speech "Noelle" "Noelle">>If I come with you he will know it was me, if I stay he won't even suspect me. This guy is head over heels in love with me. He will believe everything I say.<</speech>>
<<speech "random" "That guy">>Alright, if you say s.....<</speech>>
<div class="general">Then you can't hear them anymore.</div>
<<speech "Player" "$name">><i>What did they do?</i><</speech>>
<div class="general">You start looking around in your computer.</div>
<<speech "Player" "$name">><i>What? No, no, no, NOOOOO! FUCKKK!</i><</speech>>
<div class="general">You look at your bank account, it's completely empty. But not only your bank account, but your savings, Peters college funds, everything is gone.</div>
<<speech "Player" "$name">><i>I'm going to fucking kill that bitch!!</i><</speech>>
<div class="general">You start checking where it has gone, but it's an odd account number and name. Apparently they moved it to some company.</div>
<<speech "Player" "$name">><i>Ok, let's think this through. Maybe I should call Sarah. Yes, let's call Sarah.</i><</speech>>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Continue->truthrevealed18]]</span></div>
<<set $money to 0>>
<div class="general">He picks up the pace and starts fucking her hard and fast.</div>
<video src="images/noelle/events/truthrevealed/truthrevealed5c.webm" autoplay loop ></video>
<<speech "Noelle" "Noelle">>Oooooh yesss!! Keep going!!<</speech>>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Continue->truthrevealed15b]]</span></div>
<div class="general">He keeps fucking her good.</div>
<<speech "Noelle" "Noelle">>I'm cumming baby, keep going! Don't stop! Yessss!<</speech>>
<div class="general">While he doesn't stop fucking her Noelle starts cumming.</div>
<video src="images/noelle/events/truthrevealed/truthrevealed5d.webm" autoplay loop ></video>
<div class="general">Even after Noelle came, he keeps going.</div>
<<speech "Noelle" "Noelle">>Fuucckk baby!<</speech>>
<<speech "random" "That guy">>Hold on! I'm almost cumming!<</speech>>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Continue->truthrevealed16b]]</span></div>
<div class="general">Then he pulls out and finishes on her belly.</div>
<video src="images/noelle/events/truthrevealed/truthrevealed5e.webm" autoplay loop ></video>
<<speech "random" "That guy">>Aaah, yess!<</speech>>
<div class="general">They lay down together.</div>
<<speech "Player" "$name">><i>That was hot, but I've seen enough, let's fast forward.</i><</speech>>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Continue->truthrevealed17]]</span></div>
<<addenergy -10>>
<<addhygene -5>>
<<addarousal 25>><div class="general">You start calling Sarah.</div>
<<speech "Sarah" "Sarah">>Hi $name, did you find something?<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>She.. She took everything..<</speech>>
<<speech "Sarah" "Sarah">>What do you mean?<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>She was here with some guy.. They, they stole all of our money, everything, even Peters college fund.<</speech>>
<<speech "Sarah" "Sarah">>WHAT? ARE YOU SERIOUS? I'M COMING OVER!<</speech>>
<div class="general">*Click* She hangs up the phone.</div>
<<speech "Player" "$name">><i>Oh boy.</i><</speech>>
<div class="general">Not much later you hear a car arrive with screeching tires. Seconds later Sarah barges into your office.</div>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Continue->truthrevealed19]]</span></div>
<<speech "Sarah" "Sarah">>Where is she? And how the fuck did she manage to do this?<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>I have no idea. Honestly.<</speech>>
<<speech "Sarah" "Sarah">>FUCK!! After everything now this? That fucking b..<</speech>>
<<speech "Noelle" "Noelle">>Sarah?<</speech>>
<div class="general">Noelle looks at you.</div>
<<speech "Noelle" "Noelle">>What is she doing here?<</speech>>
<<speech "Sarah" "Sarah">>What is she doing here? Fuck you! We know what you did. You stole all of our fucking money!<</speech>>
<div class="general">Noelle keeps ignoring Sarah and keeps looking at you.</div>
<<speech "Noelle" "Noelle">>$name, what the fuck is she talking about.<</speech>>
<<speech "Sarah" "Sarah">>You fucking..!<</speech>>
<div class="general">You turn the computer screen towards Noelle and show her the footage.</div>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>We know everything Noelle.<</speech>>
<div class="general">Noelle freezes once she sees the screen.</div>
<<speech "Noelle" "Noelle">>You.. You have been spying on me?<</speech>>
<<speech "Sarah" "Sarah">>That's not the point! We know that you stole all of our money!<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>So now it's time for you to give everything back to us.<</speech>>
<div class="general">Noelle turns to Sarah and starts talking to her with some arrogance in her voice.</div>
<<speech "Noelle" "Noelle">>Even if I wanted to, I can't.<</speech>>
<<speech "Sarah" "Sarah">>What do you mean you can't?<</speech>>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Continue->truthrevealed20]]</span></div>
<<speech "Noelle" "Noelle">>The accounts are not in my name. I don't have access to any of it.<</speech>>
<<speech "Sarah" "Sarah">>That's bullshit, who would agree to that.<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Must be that guy you have been fucking here.<</speech>>
<<speech "Noelle" "Noelle">>You know what Sarah, if you would be actually in love you know that trust between two people is actually possible.<</speech>>
<<speech "Sarah" "Sarah">>Excuse me?<</speech>>
<<speech "Noelle" "Noelle">>So fuck both of you! I am leaving.<</speech>>
<<speech "Sarah" "Sarah">>I'm calling the cops.<</speech>>
<<speech "Noelle" "Noelle">>You don't have any proof. None of the money is deposited on my name, all you have is me sitting behind your computer. And even if they arrested me, you are still not getting your money back.<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">><i>Fuck, she has a point.</i><</speech>>
<div class="general">You look at Sarah and she seems to realize the same.</div>
<<speech "Noelle" "Noelle">>And do you know what the best part is. I will be bought free with your money!<</speech>>
<<speech "Sarah" "Sarah">>Everything we worked for.. Gone..<</speech>>
<div class="general">You look at Sarah.</div>
<<speech "Sarah" "Sarah">>YOU FUCKING BITCH!<</speech>>
<div class="general">Suddenly Sarah snaps and charges at Noelle.</div>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Sarah!<</speech>>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Continue->truthrevealed21]]</span></div>
<div class="general">Sarah grabs Noelle and start punching her.</div>
<<speech "Sarah" "Sarah">>I'm going to make you suffer until you beg me to give me my money back.<</speech>>
<div class="general">A true bitch fight occurs. Slapping, hair grabbing, scratching, the shabang.</div>
<<speech "Noelle" "Noelle">>Let go of me crazy bitch.<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Alright, stop fighting you two!<</speech>>
<div class="general">They ignore you and keep going.</div>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Come on stop it!<</speech>>
<div class="general">Sudenly Sarah grabs Noelle her hair and literally throws her away.</div>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Sarah!<</speech>>
<div class="general">Noelles head clashes against your desk and she falls on to the ground. Blood starts to spread across the ground.</div>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Fuck! Grab sometowels quick!<</speech>>
<div class="general">Sarah is frozen in place.</div>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Sarah!<</speech>>
<<speech "Sarah" "Sarah">>Yes, yes of course.<</speech>>
<div class="general">Sarah runs to the kitchen to grab some towels. Once she is back you bandage Noelles head with them.</div>
<<speech "Sarah" "Sarah">>Is.. Is she ok?<</speech>>
<div class="general">You check her pulse.</div>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>I.. She has no pulse..<</speech>>
<<speech "Sarah" "Sarah">>She.. She is dead?<</speech>>
<div class="general">You look Sarah in her eyes.</div>
<<speech "Sarah" "Sarah">>FUCK! First she takes our money and now this?<</speech>>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Continue->truthrevealed22]]</span></div>
<div class="general">Sarah starts to lose it.</div>
<<speech "Sarah" "Sarah">>Fuck, fuck, FUUUCCCKKKK!! What do we do now? I.. Fuck, we are so fucked!!<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Let's calm down and think about this. Maybe we should call the cops and be honest about this.<</speech>>
<<speech "Sarah" "Sarah">>NO!! I'm not going to fucking jail for this! What are we going to say? She slipped?<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Alright! Alright, let me think.<</speech>>
<<speech "Sarah" "Sarah">>We need to get rid of her body.<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>If we do this we need to do this right. We first need to clean up all this blood and clean it up good.<</speech>>
<<speech "Sarah" "Sarah">>But what about her body?<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Let's wrap it up and put it in the shed for now, then we will clean the floor and then we will get rid of her body.<</speech>>
<<speech "Sarah" "Sarah">>Ok..<</speech>>
<div class="general">You wrap her body in some towels and some bed scheets.</div>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Let me see if anyone is outside.<</speech>>
<div class="general">You take a look, but everything is dark.</div>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Ok, let's go!<</speech>>
<div class="general">You lift up Noelle and carry her into the shed.</div>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Let's place her here in the corner for now.<</speech>>
<div class="general">You put Noelle down and go back inside. Once back inside you grab bleech and other cleaning supplies and start cleaning. And after a while it seems very clean.</div>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>So, I think everything is clean enough.<</speech>>
<<speech "Sarah" "Sarah">>Just one problem, it's already light outside, so we can't move Noelle now, everyone would see..<</speech>>
<div class="general">You look outside and see that Sarah is right.</div>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Let's just go to sleep and get rid of her body tonight. This will also give us a chance to think about how we are going to get rid of the body.<</speech>>
<a data-passage="forcesleep"><div class="talkplayer">Go to sleep</div></a>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Skip to evening->burynoelle]]</span></div>
<<set $truthrevealed to "true">>
<<set $noellegone to "true">>
<<addenergy -75>>
<<addhappiness -40>>
<<addhygene -90>>
<div class="general">Noelle takes out your dick and gives it a good lick.</div>
<video src="images/noelle/noelleloss/events/noellelossfirsttime/noellelossfirsttime1b.webm" autoplay loop></video>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Good girl. Now take the tip into your mouth and softly suck on it.<</speech>>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Continue->noellelossfirsttimetr3]]</span></div>
<div class="general">Noelle does as you say and takes the tip in her mouth, after she did this she suddenly starts to suck your dick like a professional.</div>
<video src="images/noelle/noelleloss/events/noellelossfirsttime/noellelossfirsttime1c.webm" autoplay loop></video>
<div class="general">After a bit she takes your dick out of her mouth and looks at you.</div>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Damn, that was amazing.<</speech>>
<<speech "Noelle" "Noelle">>It felt so familiar, I suddenly knew exactly what to do.<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Why don’t you continue a bit more.<</speech>>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Continue->noellelossfirsttimetr4]]</span></div>
<div class="general">Noelle goes down and starts sucking your dick again, in the end, she even deepthroats it.</div>
<video src="images/noelle/noelleloss/events/noellelossfirsttime/noellelossfirsttime1d.webm" autoplay loop></video>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>That was great Noelle, now let me please you.<</speech>>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Continue->noellelossfirsttimetr5]]</span></div>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Why don’t you come here and place your pussy above my face.<</speech>>
<<speech "Noelle" "Noelle">>Are you going to lick my pussy?<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Yes I am.<</speech>>
<div class="general">Noelle places her pussy above your face and you start licking her.</div>
<video src="images/noelle/noelleloss/events/noellelossfirsttime/noellelossfirsttime2a.webm" autoplay loop></video>
<<speech "Noelle" "Noelle">>Ooooh.<</speech>>
<div class="general">Noelle sounds surprised.</div>
<<speech "Noelle" "Noelle">>Oh wow, that feels good.<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>And you are so wet already!<</speech>>
<div class="general">Noelle sounds surprised.</div>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Continue->noellelossfirsttimetr6]]</span></div>
<div class="general">You keep licking Noelle’s pussy.</div>
<video src="images/noelle/noelleloss/events/noellelossfirsttime/noellelossfirsttime2b.webm" autoplay loop></video>
<<speech "Noelle" "Noelle">>Hmmmmmhmmhmhhm, you make me feel so good!.<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>And I’m only going to make you feel even better.<</speech>>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Continue->noellelossfirsttimetr7]]</span></div>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>If you move down, I’ll push my dick inside you.<</speech>>
<<speech "Noelle" "Noelle">>Will that actually fit?<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Don’t worry, I’m sure it will fit.<</speech>>
<div class="general">Noelle moves downwards and you slowly push your dick inside her.</div>
<video src="images/noelle/noelleloss/events/noellelossfirsttime/noellelossfirsttime3a.webm" autoplay loop></video>
<<speech "Noelle" "Noelle">>Ooooooh! It feels so big inside me!<</speech>>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Continue->noellelossfirsttimetr8]]</span></div>
<div class="general">She starts to move her body, but the rhythm is off, so you grab her ass and start fucking her.</div>
<video src="images/noelle/noelleloss/events/noellelossfirsttime/noellelossfirsttime3b.webm" autoplay loop></video>
<<speech "Noelle" "Noelle">>Yes! Fuck me! Yess!<</speech>>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Continue->noellelossfirsttimetr9]]</span></div>
<div class="general">Noelle is clearly enjoying this as her motions become wilder and wilder.</div>
<video src="images/noelle/noelleloss/events/noellelossfirsttime/noellelossfirsttime3c.webm" autoplay loop></video>
<<speech "Noelle" "Noelle">>You feel so good inside me.<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Why don’t you go on your hands and knees, then I will make you feel really good.<</speech>>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Continue->noellelossfirsttimetr10]]</span></div>
<div class="general">Noelle gets ready in doggy position.</div>
<<speech "Noelle" "Noelle">>Are you going to fuck me again?<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Yes I am.<</speech>>
<div class="general">You get behind her and start fucking her.</div>
<video src="images/noelle/noelleloss/events/noellelossfirsttime/noellelossfirsttime4a.webm" autoplay loop></video>
<<speech "Noelle" "Noelle">>Ooh yes! That feels soo good, you are soo deep inside of me.<</speech>>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Continue->noellelossfirsttimetr11]]</span></div>
<div class="general">You keep fucking her.</div>
<video src="images/noelle/noelleloss/events/noellelossfirsttime/noellelossfirsttime4b.webm" autoplay loop></video>
<<speech "Noelle" "Noelle">>Hmmhmhmhmh… Fuck me harder! Fuck me harder!<</speech>>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Continue->noellelossfirsttimetr12]]</span></div>
<div class="general">You start going faster and faster.</div>
<video src="images/noelle/noelleloss/events/noellelossfirsttime/noellelossfirsttime4c.webm" autoplay loop></video>
<<speech "Noelle" "Noelle">>Fuck, I think.. Hmhmhmh… I think I’m almost cumming!<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Turn around Noelle, I want to see you when you cum.<</speech>>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Continue->noellelossfirsttimetr13]]</span></div>
<div class="general">Without your dick leaving her pussy you she lays down on her back.</div>
<<speech "Noelle" "Noelle">>Don’t stop! Keep going!<</speech>>
<div class="general">You keep fucking her.</div>
<<speech "Noelle" "Noelle">>Oooh, I’m cumming!!<</speech>>
<div class="general">With loud moans Noelle starts cumming!</div>
<video src="images/noelle/noelleloss/events/noellelossfirsttime/noellelossfirsttime5a.webm" autoplay loop></video>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>I’m cumming too!<</speech>>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Continue->noellelossfirsttimetr14]]</span></div>
<div class="general">You pull out of Noelle and start cumming. Your cum flies all over her, her belly, tits and it even hits her face.</div>
<video src="images/noelle/noelleloss/events/noellelossfirsttime/noellelossfirsttime5b.webm" autoplay loop></video>
<<speech "Noelle" "Noelle">>Oh my god, your cum is everywhere.<</speech>>
<div class="general">She wipes the cum off her face and you see her taking a quick lick of cum from her hand.</div>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Do you like the taste?<</speech>>
<div class="general">Noelle blushes.</div>
<<speech "Noelle" "Noelle">>I… I’m going to clean up. You came a lot.<</speech>>
<div class="general">Noelle leaves the room.</div>
<<speech "Player" "$name">><i>That was very good for "a first time".</i><</speech>>
<a data-passage="upstairs"><div class="talkplayer">Let’s do something else</div></a>
<<set $noellelossfirsttime to "true">>
<<if $fitness gte 0 and $fitness lt 15>>
<<addrnoelle 10>>
<<elseif $fitness gte 15 and $fitness lt 30>>
<<addrnoelle 15>>
<<elseif $fitness gte 30>>
<<addrnoelle 20>><</if>>
<<addenergy -15>>
<<addenergy -20>>
<<addhygene -20>>
<<addhappiness 15>>
<<if $fitness gte 0 and $fitness lt 25>>
<<addarousal -35>>
<<elseif $fitness gte 20 and $fitness lt 40>>
<<addarousal -30>>
<<elseif $fitness gte 40>>
<<addarousal -25>><</if>>
<<set $time to $time +1>>
<<addtnoelle +3>>
<<addonoelle +1>>
<<addfnoelle -2>>
<div class="general">Noelle has started to take your dick out of your pants.</div>
<<nobr>><<if $name2 eq "$name">>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Just start with licking<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Just start with licking it and don’t forget to call me $name2.<</speech>><br>
<<speech "Noelle" "Noelle">>Of course, sorry $name2.<</speech>>
<div class="general">Once she pulled out your dick she goes down and gives it a good long lick.</div>
<video src="images/noelle/noelleloss/events/noellelossfirsttime/noellelossfirsttime1b.webm" autoplay loop></video>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Now put it in your mouth and start sucking.<</speech>>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Continue->noellelossfirsttimeob3]]</span></div>
<div class="general">She lowers herself and starts sucking your dick, quite good as well.</div>
<video src="images/noelle/noelleloss/events/noellelossfirsttime/noellelossfirsttime1c.webm" autoplay loop></video>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>That was quite ok.<</speech>>
<<speech "Noelle" "Noelle">> It felt somewhat familiar, it went… Like.. Automatically.<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Well, in that case, continue.<</speech>>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Continue->noellelossfirsttimeob4]]</span></div>
<div class="general">She goes down and starts sucking you again.</div>
<video src="images/noelle/noelleloss/events/noellelossfirsttime/noellelossfirsttime1d.webm" autoplay loop></video>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>You did well, now let me reward you. Come and place you pussy above my face.<</speech>>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Continue->noellelossfirsttimeob5]]</span></div><div class="general">Noelle places her pussy above your face as you start licking her.</div>
<video src="images/noelle/noelleloss/events/noellelossfirsttime/noellelossfirsttime2a.webm" autoplay loop></video>
<<speech "Noelle" "Noelle">>Oooh! Oh $name2, that feels so good!<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Hmmmm, my $noelle’s pussy is already nice and wet.<</speech>>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Continue->noellelossfirsttimeob6]]</span></div><div class="general">You start licking her again.</div>
<video src="images/noelle/noelleloss/events/noellelossfirsttime/noellelossfirsttime2b.webm" autoplay loop></video>
<<speech "Noelle" "Noelle">>Hmmmmmhmmhmhhm, you make me feel so good $name2!<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>And I’m only going to make you feel even better.<</speech>>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Continue->noellelossfirsttimeob7]]</span></div><<speech "Player" "$name">>I want my dick inside you.<</speech>>
<div class="general">You push Noelle down towards your dick.</div>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Are you ready for this?<</speech>>
<<speech "Noelle" "Noelle">>I.. I guess.<</speech>>
<div class="general">Noelle seems a bit hesitant but you push your dick in anyway.</div>
<video src="images/noelle/noelleloss/events/noellelossfirsttime/noellelossfirsttime3a.webm" autoplay loop></video>
<<speech "Noelle" "Noelle">>Ooooooh! It feels so big inside me!<</speech>>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Continue->noellelossfirsttimeob8]]</span></div><div class="general">You grab her ass and start fucking her.</div>
<video src="images/noelle/noelleloss/events/noellelossfirsttime/noellelossfirsttime3b.webm" autoplay loop></video>
<<speech "Noelle" "Noelle">>Hmmmmhmmm.<</speech>>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Continue->noellelossfirsttimeob9]]</span></div><div class="general">Noelle starts to enjoy it as you keep fucking her in high pace.</div>
<video src="images/noelle/noelleloss/events/noellelossfirsttime/noellelossfirsttime3c.webm" autoplay loop></video>
<<speech "Noelle" "Noelle">>Oh, $name2, you feel so good inside of me.<</speech>>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Continue->noellelossfirsttimeob10]]</span></div>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Get on your hands and knees, I want to fuck you from behind.<</speech>>
<<speech "Noelle" "Noelle">>Yes, $name2.<</speech>>
<div class="general">Noelle gets into doggy position as you get behind her and start fucking her.</div>
<video src="images/noelle/noelleloss/events/noellelossfirsttime/noellelossfirsttime4a.webm" autoplay loop></video>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Fuck your pussy feels good.<</speech>>
<<speech "Noelle" "Noelle">>Ooh yes! You feel so good as well.<</speech>>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Continue->noellelossfirsttimeob11]]</span></div>
<div class="general">You keep fucking her.</div>
<video src="images/noelle/noelleloss/events/noellelossfirsttime/noellelossfirsttime4b.webm" autoplay loop></video>
<<speech "Noelle" "Noelle">>Ooh yes… Fuck me harder! Please fuck me harder $name2!<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Anything for you my little $noelle.<</speech>>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Continue->noellelossfirsttimeob12]]</span></div>
<div class="general">You start fucking her faster and faster.</div>
<video src="images/noelle/noelleloss/events/noellelossfirsttime/noellelossfirsttime4c.webm" autoplay loop></video>
<<speech "Noelle" "Noelle">>Fuck, I think.. Hmhmhmh… I think I’m almost cumming!<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Turn around Noelle, I want to see you when I make you cum.<</speech>>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Continue->noellelossfirsttimeob13]]</span></div>
<div class="general">Without your dick leaving her pussy you she lays down on her back.</div>
<<speech "Noelle" "Noelle">>Please don’t stop $name2, please!<</speech>>
<div class="general">You keep fucking her.</div>
<<speech "Noelle" "Noelle">>Oooh, I’m cumming!!<</speech>>
<div class="general">With loud moans Noelle starts cumming!</div>
<video src="images/noelle/noelleloss/events/noellelossfirsttime/noellelossfirsttime5a.webm" autoplay loop></video>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>I’m cumming too!<</speech>>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Continue->noellelossfirsttimeob14]]</span></div>
<div class="general">You pull out of Noelle and start cumming. Your cum flies all over her, her belly, tits and it even hits her face.</div>
<video src="images/noelle/noelleloss/events/noellelossfirsttime/noellelossfirsttime5b.webm" autoplay loop></video>
<<speech "Noelle" "Noelle">>Oh my god, your cum is everywhere.<</speech>>
<div class="general">She wipes the cum off her face and you see her taking a quick lick of cum from her hand.</div>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Do you like the taste?<</speech>>
<div class="general">Noelle blushes.</div>
<<speech "Noelle" "Noelle">>I… I’m going to clean up. You came a lot.<</speech>>
<div class="general">Noelle leaves the room.</div>
<<speech "Player" "$name">><i>That was very good for "a first time".</i><</speech>>
<a data-passage="upstairs"><div class="talkplayer">Let’s do something else</div></a>
<<set $noellelossfirsttime to "true">>
<<if $fitness gte 0 and $fitness lt 15>>
<<addrnoelle 10>>
<<elseif $fitness gte 15 and $fitness lt 30>>
<<addrnoelle 15>>
<<elseif $fitness gte 30>>
<<addrnoelle 20>><</if>>
<<addenergy -15>>
<<addenergy -20>>
<<addhygene -20>>
<<addhappiness 15>>
<<if $fitness gte 0 and $fitness lt 25>>
<<addarousal -35>>
<<elseif $fitness gte 20 and $fitness lt 40>>
<<addarousal -30>>
<<elseif $fitness gte 40>>
<<addarousal -25>><</if>>
<<set $time to $time +1>>
<<addtnoelle +1>>
<<addonoelle +3>>
<<addfnoelle -2>>
<div class="general">But you are already taking down her bra.</div>
<<speech "Noelle" "Noelle">>What are you.. Please stop..<</speech>>
<div class="general">You ignore her pleas and start licking her breasts and nipples.</div>
<video src="images/noelle/noelleloss/events/noellelossfirstrape/noellelossfirstrape1b.webm" autoplay loop></video>
<<speech "Noelle" "Noelle">>Please don’t do this.<</speech>>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Continue->noellelossfirstrape3]]</span></div>
<div class="general">You hear her talk but you are also already lifting her skirt and taking off her panties.</div>
<video src="images/noelle/noelleloss/events/noellelossfirstrape/noellelossfirstrape1c.webm" autoplay loop></video>
<<speech "Noelle" "Noelle">>Please…<</speech>>
<div class="general">The desperation in her voice grows.</div>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Get down on your knees.<</speech>>
<<speech "Noelle" "Noelle">>What are you going to do to me?<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>I'm only here to make us both feel good, trust me.<</speech>>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Continue->noellelossfirstrape4]]</span></div>
<div class="general">You guide her onto her hands and knees. When she is in position you start licking her from behind.</div>
<video src="images/noelle/noelleloss/events/noellelossfirstrape/noellelossfirstrape1d.webm" autoplay loop></video>
<<speech "Noelle" "Noelle">>Hmmmm, please, I...<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Noelle, don’t worry, you can trust me. You know that.<</speech>>
<<speech "Noelle" "Noelle">>I… I… I think we shouldn't do this.<</speech>>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Continue->noellelossfirstrape5]]</span></div>
<div class="general">You start undressing.</div>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Just relax, you will enjoy this as well.<</speech>>
<div class="general">Noelle remains silent, knowing very well what’s to come.</div>
<<speech "Noelle" "Noelle">>P.. Please..<</speech>>
<div class="general">You push Noelle into position and rub your dick over her pussy before you push your dick inside her.</div>
<video src="images/noelle/noelleloss/events/noellelossfirstrape/noellelossfirstrape2a.webm" autoplay loop></video>
<<speech "Noelle" "Noelle">>Aaah.. Hmmmmhmm<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>See, does it hurt?<</speech>>
<<speech "Noelle" "Noelle">>N.. No..<</speech>>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Continue->noellelossfirstrape6]]</span></div>
<div class="general">You keep fucking her, and in the process, you increase your speed.</div>
<video src="images/noelle/noelleloss/events/noellelossfirstrape/noellelossfirstrape2b.webm" autoplay loop></video>
<<speech "Noelle" "Noelle">>Ooh, please, not so fast!<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Fuck, you are so wet. You must be really wanting this.<</speech>>
<<speech "Noelle" "Noelle">>Au! Please, please be gentle.<</speech>>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Continue->noellelossfirstrape7]]</span></div>
<div class="general">You slow down a bit and kiss her while you keep fucking her.</div>
<video src="images/noelle/noelleloss/events/noellelossfirstrape/noellelossfirstrape2c.webm" autoplay loop></video>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Sorry, you know I don’t try to hurt you right?<</speech>>
<<speech "Noelle" "Noelle">>I.. I know.<</speech>>
<div class="general">You keep fucking her..</div>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Continue->noellelossfirstrape8]]</span></div><<speech "Player" "$name">>Let’s turn you around, that will even feel better for you.<</speech>>
<div class="general">Noelle lays down on her back and looks at you with tears in her eyes.</div>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Why the sad face, doesn’t it feel good?<</speech>>
<div class="general">You enter her pussy and start fucking her again.</div>
<video src="images/noelle/noelleloss/events/noellelossfirstrape/noellelossfirstrape3a.webm" autoplay loop></video>
<<speech "Noelle" "Noelle">>Hmmmhmmm.<</speech>>
<div class="general">You hear soft moans exiting her mouth.</div>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>See, I knew it would feel good for you as well.<</speech>>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Continue->noellelossfirstrape9]]</span></div><div class="general">You keep fucking her and even though her face says she doesn’t like it, she can’t help it to moan.</div>
<video src="images/noelle/noelleloss/events/noellelossfirstrape/noellelossfirstrape3b.webm" autoplay loop></video>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>I hear you moaning, just enjoy it, it will make it better for both of us.<</speech>>
<<speech "Noelle" "Noelle">>Hmmmhmmm. Oooh.<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>That’s it, let it all out.<</speech>>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Continue->noellelossfirstrape10]]</span></div><div class="general">It gets harder and harder for Noelle to hold in her moans as you keep fucking her.</div>
<video src="images/noelle/noelleloss/events/noellelossfirstrape/noellelossfirstrape3c.webm" autoplay loop></video>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Continue->noellelossfirstrape11]]</span></div><div class="general">You look at Noelle who tries to hold everything in, but just can’t.</div>
<video src="images/noelle/noelleloss/events/noellelossfirstrape/noellelossfirstrape4a.webm" autoplay loop></video>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>I told you it would feel good.<</speech>>
<<speech "Noelle" "Noelle">>Hmmmmhmmm.<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Let it all out Noelle.<</speech>>
<<speech "Noelle" "Noelle">>Oooohh.<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Cum for me, I know you want to..<</speech>>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Continue->noellelossfirstrape12]]</span></div><div class="general">Noelle nods no, but suddenly her pussy tightens up and she lets out quite loud moans.</div>
<video src="images/noelle/noelleloss/events/noellelossfirstrape/noellelossfirstrape4b.webm" autoplay loop></video>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>That’s it good girl.<</speech>>
<div class="general">You pool out of her. You look at her face and there is a combination of confusion, embarrassment, and sadness. Maybe the best description is that she looks defeated.</div>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Now get on your knees and stick out your tongue. It’s time for your reward.<</speech>>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Continue->noellelossfirstrape13]]</span></div><div class="general">Without saying anything she sits down in front of you and opens her mouth, you jerk off a little and start cumming all over her face..</div>
<video src="images/noelle/noelleloss/events/noellelossfirstrape/noellelossfirstrape4c.webm" autoplay loop></video>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Yes! Good girl.<</speech>>
<div class="general">Noelle sits still and stares blankly into the space in front of her, covered in your cum. You give her a kiss on a cumless place on her head before she slowly gets up and leaves the room</div>
<a data-passage="entrance"><div class="talkplayer">Let’s do something else</div></a>
<<set $noellelossfirstrape to "true">>
<<if $fitness gte 0 and $fitness lt 15>>
<<addrnoelle -5>>
<<elseif $fitness gte 15 and $fitness lt 30>>
<<addrnoelle -4>>
<<elseif $fitness gte 30>>
<<addrnoelle -3>><</if>>
<<addenergy -15>>
<<addenergy -20>>
<<addhygene -20>>
<<addhappiness 15>>
<<if $fitness gte 0 and $fitness lt 25>>
<<addarousal -35>>
<<elseif $fitness gte 20 and $fitness lt 40>>
<<addarousal -30>>
<<elseif $fitness gte 40>>
<<addarousal -25>><</if>>
<<addfnoelle +5>>
<div class="general">You take off her bra and start to lick her breasts and nipples.</div>
<video src="images/noelle/noelleloss/events/noellelossfirstrape/noellelossfirstrape1b.webm" autoplay loop></video>
<<speech "Noelle" "Noelle">>Please.. Please don’t…<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Don’t stop? Don’t worry, I’ll continue.<</speech>>
<<speech "Noelle" "Noelle">>That’s not what I…<</speech>>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Continue->noellelossfirstrapeob3]]</span></div>
<div class="general">You lift her skirt and start taking off her panties.</div>
<video src="images/noelle/noelleloss/events/noellelossfirstrape/noellelossfirstrape1c.webm" autoplay loop></video>
<<speech "Noelle" "Noelle">>Please stop! I’m begging you.<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>The only thing I can promise is that you are going to beg a lot more. Now bend over.<</speech>>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Continue->noellelossfirstrapeob4]]</span></div>
<div class="general">You grab her hips and place her on her hands and knees. When she is in position you start licking her from behind.</div>
<video src="images/noelle/noelleloss/events/noellelossfirstrape/noellelossfirstrape1d.webm" autoplay loop></video>
<<speech "Noelle" "Noelle">>Hmmmm… Please… Stop… Please!<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Just do as I say and all will be fine.<</speech>>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Continue->noellelossfirstrapeob5]]</span></div>
<div class="general">You start spanking her ass.</div>
<video src="images/noelle/noelleloss/events/noellelossfirstrape/noellelossfirstrape1e.webm" autoplay loop></video>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Now be a good girl and do as I say, or it’s going to be much worse than spanking.<</speech>>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Continue->noellelossfirstrapeob6]]</span></div>
<div class="general">You start undressing and Noelle notices this.</div>
<<speech "Noelle" "Noelle">>P.. Please.. Please no!<</speech>>
<div class="general">You start rubbing your dick onto her pussy before you slide it in.</div>
<video src="images/noelle/noelleloss/events/noellelossfirstrape/noellelossfirstrape2a.webm" autoplay loop></video>
<<speech "Noelle" "Noelle">>Noo! Hmmmhmm.<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Shut up $noelle, you are mine and you know it. You will do anything I tell you to.<</speech>>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Continue->noellelossfirstrapeob7]]</span></div>
<div class="general">You keep fucking her, and in the process, you increase your speed.</div>
<video src="images/noelle/noelleloss/events/noellelossfirstrape/noellelossfirstrape2b.webm" autoplay loop></video>
<<speech "Noelle" "Noelle">>Aaah.. Please not so hard!<</speech>>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Continue->noellelossfirstrapeob8]]</span></div>
<div class="general">You grab her by her neck while you keep fucking her.</div>
<video src="images/noelle/noelleloss/events/noellelossfirstrape/noellelossfirstrape2c.webm" autoplay loop></video>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>If you just relax and enjoy it, it won’t hurt, as much.<</speech>>
<<speech "Noelle" "Noelle">>Hmmmhmm.<</speech>>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Continue->noellelossfirstrapeob9]]</span></div>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Lay down on you back.<</speech>>
<div class="general">Noelle lays down on her back and looks at you with tears in her eyes.</div>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>You have a lot to learn.<</speech>>
<div class="general">You enter her pussy and start fucking her again.</div>
<video src="images/noelle/noelleloss/events/noellelossfirstrape/noellelossfirstrape3a.webm" autoplay loop></video>
<<speech "Noelle" "Noelle">>Hmmmmhmmm<</speech>>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Continue->noellelossfirstrapeob10]]</span></div>
<div class="general">You hear soft moans exiting her mouth.</div>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>See, if you just do as I say, you will enjoy this too.<</speech>>
<div class="general">You keep fucking her and even though her face says she doesn’t like it, she can’t help it to moan.</div>
<video src="images/noelle/noelleloss/events/noellelossfirstrape/noellelossfirstrape3b.webm" autoplay loop></video>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>I hear you moaning, just enjoy it, it will make it better for both of us.<</speech>>
<<speech "Noelle" "Noelle">>Hmmmmhmm.<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>That’s it, let me hear you moan $noelle.<</speech>>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Continue->noellelossfirstrapeob11]]</span></div>
<div class="general">It gets harder and harder for Noelle to hold in her moans as you keep fucking her.</div>
<video src="images/noelle/noelleloss/events/noellelossfirstrape/noellelossfirstrape3c.webm" autoplay loop></video>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Continue->noellelossfirstrapeob12]]</span></div>
<div class="general">You look at Noelle who tries to hold everything in, but just can’t.</div>
<video src="images/noelle/noelleloss/events/noellelossfirstrape/noellelossfirstrape4a.webm" autoplay loop></video>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Yes, moan for me $noelle.<</speech>>
<<speech "Noelle" "Noelle">>Oooh! Fuck!<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Cum for me $noelle, cum for me!<</speech>>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Continue->noellelossfirstrapeob13]]</span></div>
<div class="general">Noelle nods no, but suddenly her pussy tightens up and she lets out loud moans, which she desperately tries to hold in.</div>
<video src="images/noelle/noelleloss/events/noellelossfirstrape/noellelossfirstrape4b.webm" autoplay loop></video>
<<speech "Noelle" "Noelle">>Hhmmmhmhm aaaah..<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>That’s a good $noelle.<</speech>>
<div class="general">You pull out of her. You look at her face and there is a combination of confusion, embarrassment, and sadness. Maybe the best description is that she looks defeated.</div>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Now get on your knees and stick out your tongue. It’s time for your reward.<</speech>>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Continue->noellelossfirstrapeob14]]</span></div>
<div class="general">Without saying anything she sits down in front of you and opens her mouth, you jerk off a little and start cumming all over her face..</div>
<video src="images/noelle/noelleloss/events/noellelossfirstrape/noellelossfirstrape4c.webm" autoplay loop></video>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Yes! That’s it. Now what do we say?<</speech>>
<div class="general">She looks up at you.</div>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>You know what to say, now say it!<</speech>>
<<speech "Noelle" "Noelle">>Thank you $name.<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>That’s not what we discussed.<</speech>>
<div class="general">With tears in her eyes she tries again.</div>
<<speech "Noelle" "Noelle">>Thank you $name2.<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Good, now get cleaned.<</speech>>
<div class="general">Noelle get’s up and leaves the room.</div>
<a data-passage="entrance"><div class="talkplayer">Let’s do something else</div></a>
<<set $noellelossfirstrape to "true">>
<<if $fitness gte 0 and $fitness lt 15>>
<<addrnoelle -5>>
<<elseif $fitness gte 15 and $fitness lt 30>>
<<addrnoelle -4>>
<<elseif $fitness gte 30>>
<<addrnoelle -3>><</if>>
<<addenergy -15>>
<<addenergy -20>>
<<addhygene -20>>
<<addhappiness 15>>
<<if $fitness gte 0 and $fitness lt 25>>
<<addarousal -35>>
<<elseif $fitness gte 20 and $fitness lt 40>>
<<addarousal -30>>
<<elseif $fitness gte 40>>
<<addarousal -25>><</if>>
<<addfnoelle +5>>
<<addonoelle +5>>
<div class="general">You keep kissing as you grab her ass. You hand moves further and you slowly start to rub her pussy over her panties before you move on.</div>
<video src="images/christel/christelevent5/christelevent5b2.webm" autoplay loop></video>
<<speech "Christel" "Christel">>Where are you going, keep touching me.<</speech>>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Continue->christelevent5d]]</span></div>
<div class="general">You squeeze her breast before you move down, you spread her legs and rub over her panties again.</div>
<video src="images/christel/christelevent5/christelevent5b3.webm" autoplay loop></video>
<<speech "Christel" "Christel">>Oooh yes. Keep going! I haven't been touched in so long!<</speech>>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Continue->christelevent5e]]</span></div>
<div class="general">You push her panties aside and start rubbing her, now bare, pussy.</div>
<video src="images/christel/christelevent5/christelevent5b4.webm" autoplay loop></video>
<<speech "Christel" "Christel">>Hhhhhmmmhhhmmmmm.<</speech>>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Continue->christelevent5f]]</span></div>
<div class="general">You keep playing with her pussy.</div>
<video src="images/christel/christelevent5/christelevent5c1.webm" autoplay loop></video>
<<speech "Christel" "Christel">>This feels soo goood!<</speech>>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Continue->christelevent5g]]</span></div>
<div class="general">Then you pull her dress down and look at her bare breasts.</div>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Fuck, they are amazing, I wanted to see them since I met you.<</speech>>
<div class="general">Christel blushes as you keep undressing her.</div>
<video src="images/christel/christelevent5/christelevent5c2.webm" autoplay loop></video>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>So how long has it been.<</speech>>
<<speech "Christel" "Christel">>Hmmm. So long, I can't even really remember.<</speech>>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Continue->christelevent5h]]</span></div>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Why don't you lay down.<</speech>>
<div class="general">Christel lays down as you kiss her. Then you slowly move down with your tongue, over her breasts, then her belly, until you reach her pussy. Once you have you start licking.</div>
<video src="images/christel/christelevent5/christelevent5c3.webm" autoplay loop></video>
<<speech "Christel" "Christel">>Ooooooh. Uuuhmmhmmm that feels so good!<</speech>>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Continue->christelevent5i]]</span></div>
<div class="general">You keep licking and squeezing her breasts.</div>
<video src="images/christel/christelevent5/christelevent5c4.webm" autoplay loop></video>
<<speech "Christel" "Christel">>Ooh yes, yes, ooooh!<</speech>>
<div class="general">You keep going and start fingering her as well while you lick her clit.</div>
<<speech "Christel" "Christel">>Oh yes, oh yes, oh yes, oooooooooh!!<</speech>>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Continue->christelevent5j]]</span></div>
<div class="general">While you lick her Christel starts cumming.</div>
<video src="images/christel/christelevent5/christelevent5c5.webm" autoplay loop></video>
<<speech "Christel" "Christel">>Ooh please stop, it's too much!<</speech>>
<div class="general">She pushes your head away.</div>
<<speech "Christel" "Christel">>That felt amazing. I'm sorry I came so quickly. It has been such a long time.<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>I loved seeing you enjoy my touch like that.<</speech>>
<<speech "Christel" "Christel">>Just give me a second, then I'll return the favour.<</speech>>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Continue->christelevent5k]]</span></div><div class="general">Christel gets up slowly and kneels before you. She starts taking off your pants. When the pants is off she takes out your dick and starst jerking it while she also starts licking and kissing you balls.</div>
<video src="images/christel/christelevent5/christelevent5d1.webm" autoplay loop></video>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Continue->christelevent5l]]</span></div><div class="general">Then she starts licking it and before you know it your dick has dissapeared completely into her mouth.</div>
<video src="images/christel/christelevent5/christelevent5d2.webm" autoplay loop></video>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Hmmmm. That feels great!<</speech>>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Continue->christelevent5m]]</span></div><div class="general">She keeps going and keeps sucking you enthusiastically.</div>
<video src="images/christel/christelevent5/christelevent5d3.webm" autoplay loop></video>
<div class="general">Then suddenly she stops sucking and looks up at you.</div>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Continue->christelevent5n]]</span></div><<speech "Christel" "Christel">>I'm sorry I stopped, I just really.. Uhm..<</speech>>
<div class="general">She blushes.</div>
<<speech "Christel" "Christel">>I really want to feel you inside me.<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>I would like that too.<</speech>>
<div class="general">You bend over and kiss her. Then you lift her up and place her onto your lap. Slowly you enter her.</div>
<video src="images/christel/christelevent5/christelevent5e1.webm" autoplay loop></video>
<<speech "Christel" "Christel">>Oooh, you feel so big!<</speech>>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Continue->christelevent5o]]</span></div><<speech "Player" "$name">><i>Damn she is really tight.</i><</speech>>
<<speech "Christel" "Christel">>Oooh, yes!<</speech>>
<div class="general">She starts riging you fast right from the start.</div>
<video src="images/christel/christelevent5/christelevent5e2.webm" autoplay loop></video>
<<speech "Christel" "Christel">>Oh yes! Hhmmmmhmmmm.<</speech>>
<div class="general">RRrrrrinnnggggg. Suddenly her doorbell goes off. Automatically Christel takes a quick look and then she stops fucking you.</div>
<<speech "Christel" "Christel">>Oh no! Shit! Shit! Shit!<</speech>>
<div class="general">She jumps up and gets off you. She grabs your clothes and she throws them at you.</div>
<<speech "Christel" "Christel">>Quick you need to go!<</speech>>
<div class="general">Confused you start dressing. Then suddenly you hear a key in the lock of the door.</div>
<<speech "Christel" "Christel">>Shit!<</speech>>
<div class="general">Almost fully dressed, Christel pushes you into the bedroom.</div>
<<speech "Christel" "Christel">>Stay here and try to hide.<</speech>>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Continue->christelevent5p]]</span></div><<speech "Player" "$name">><i>What the fuck is happening.</i><</speech>>
<div class="general">You hear the door open and some guy entering.. You open the bedroomdoor slightly and see a well dressed tall man entering the apartement.</div>
<<speech "random" "Some guy">>Hi honey, why didn't you open the door for me?<</speech>>
<<speech "Christel" "Christel">>What are you doing here?<</speech>>
<<speech "random" "Some guy">>Is that how you greet your husband.<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">><i>Husband?</i><</speech>>
<<speech "Christel" "Christel">>I haven't seen you in months.<</speech>>
<<speech "random" "Christels husband">>You know..<</speech>>
<<speech "Christel" "Christel">>Why are you here? Do you know what hapened here, again?.<</speech>>
<<speech "random" "Christels husband">>Yes, that is why I am here. To protect you.<</speech>>
<<speech "Christel" "Christel">>You being here only puts me in more danger! What if they find out you are here?<</speech>>
<<speech "random" "Christels husband">>Don't worry, I got this.<</speech>>
<<speech "Christel" "Christel">>Don't worry? You have been on the run for over a year. The last place you put me they found me and now they found me again!<</speech>>
<<speech "random" "Christels husband">>I'll tranfer you to a new place, don't worry.<</speech>>
<<speech "Christel" "Christel">>I don't want to go to a new place. I have friends here. I want to stay here. I finally feel at home after all this time. I don't want to leave everything behind again!<</speech>>
<<speech "random" "Christels husband">>But honey..<</speech>>
<<speech "Christel" "Christel">>No! I'm not leaving again!<</speech>>
<div class="general">Christel is on the verge of crying as the man gets a more angry tone.</div>
<<speech "random" "Christels husband">>Your are my wife and you will do as I say!<</speech>>
<<speech "Christel" "Christel">>Wife? We see each other 2 times a year if we are lucky! I.. I can't do this, I.. I want a divorce. I can't keep living like this.<</speech>>
<<speech "random" "Christels husband">>A divorce? Who do you think you are?<</speech>>
<div class="general">Suddenly his hands are on the neck of Christel and you see him lifting her up.</div>
<<speech "Christel" "Christel">>Kgggrgggchh.<</speech>>
<div class="general">Christel can hardly breathe.</div>
<<speech "random" "Christels husband">>You do whatever I tell you to do! Otherwise..<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">><i>I need to stop this!</i><</speech>>
<div class="general">Just as you get ready to charge another guy enters the room running.</div>
<<speech "random" "Another man">>Boss! They are coming, we need to go.<</speech>>
<div class="general">He looks at Christel again.</div>
<<speech "random" "Christels husband">>This conversation is not finished.<</speech>>
<div class="general">He thows Christel on the grounds and leaves. Christel is coughing and tries to breathe again.</div>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Continue->christelevent5q]]</span></div>
<div class="general">You exit the bedroom and run towards Christel. You sit next to her on the ground.</div>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Christel! Are you ok?<</speech>>
<div class="general">Christel starts crying as you put your arm around her and after a while she calms down. Once she is calm you both sit down on the couch.</div>
<<speech "Christel" "Christel">>I guess I have some explaining to do.<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Not if you don't want to.<</speech>>
<<speech "Christel" "Christel">>No, it's ok.<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Is he really your husband?<</speech>>
<<speech "Christel" "Christel">>Yes.. Do you remember what I told you about my brother?<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Yeah.<</speech>>
<<speech "Christel" "Christel">>Well, change brother into husband and you have the full story.<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Well you didn't tell me much to be honest.<</speech>>
<<speech "Christel" "Christel">>I know.. Ok.. Let me tell you. I am serious about that I don't exactly know what he does. I know it's probably illegal, but that's it. He has been on the run from rivals and the cops for over a year now and I hardly see him.. Which I don't mind at all, but he has a lot of power and money and as you saw, he can be nice, but if it doens't go his way, he is ruthless.<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Yeah, I saw that.<</speech>>
<<speech "Christel" "Christel">>Luckily I probably won't see him for a while now.<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>One last question, why didn't you tell me.<</speech>>
<<speech "Christel" "Christel">>I.. I didn't want to scare you away.<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>That makes sense.<</speech>>
<<speech "Christel" "Christel">>I know I lied to you.. But.. Can you stay with me tonight? I could really use some company right now. I know I don't deserve it but...<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Of course. I'll stay with you, it's really no problem.<</speech>>
<<speech "Christel" "Christel">>Thank you.<</speech>>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Continue->christelevent5r]]</span></div>
<div class="general">The day passes and it's time to go to bed.</div>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Shall I sleep on the couch?<</speech>>
<<speech "Christel" "Christel">>Are you crazy, you can sleep with me in my bed.<</speech>>
<div class="general">You lay down next to Christel in bed and she snuggles against you.</div>
<<speech "Christel" "Christel">>Thank you for being here.<</speech>>
<div class="general">You both fall asleep.</div>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Continue->christelevent5s]]</span></div>
<<addrchristel 50>>
<div class="general">The next morning you wake up. When you look around you, you see Christel laying next to you. She seems quite awake already.</div>
<img src="images/christel/christelevent5/christelevent5i.jpg" />
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Good morning, how did you sleep?.<</speech>>
<div class="general">Christel smiles.</div>
<<speech "Christel" "Christel">>Quite good actually.<</speech>>
<div class="general">Her hand starts moving over your upper leg.</div>
<<speech "Christel" "Christel">>I think I owe you for last night in several ways.<</speech>>
<div class="general">You feel her hand going over your dick, which reacts instanlty.</div>
<<speech "Christel" "Christel">>I think someone agrees.<</speech>>
<div class="general">She pulls down your boxers and starts rubbing your dick until it's completely hard. Then she starts jerking it.</div>
<<speech "Christel" "Christel">>Hmmmmmmm.<</speech>>
<div class="general">Then she removes the sheets from you.</div>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Continue->christelevent5t]]</span></div>
<<if $caughteventafter is "false">>
<<if $caughtevent is "true">>
<<goto "caughteventafter">>
<<if $caughtevent is "false">>
<<if $chores is 1>>
<<addrsarah 3>>
<<elseif $chores is 2>>
<<addrsarah 7>>
<<elseif $chores is 3>>
<<addrsarah 14>>
<<elseif $chores is 4>>
<<addrsarah 20>><</if>>
<<if $cumslut is "true">>
<<set $cheatcount to $cheatcount +1>><</if>>
<<set $chores to 0>>
<<set $livchores to "false">>
<<set $kitchores to "false">>
<<set $batchores to "false">>
<<set $garchores to "false">>
<<addenergy 150>>
<<set $arousal to 100>>
<<set $convos to 0>>
<<set $convon to 0>>
<<set $gym to $gym -1>>
<<set $kisss to 0>>
<<set $kissn to 0>>
<<set $time to 1>>
<<set $day to $day +1>>
<<if $day gt 7>>
<<set $day to 1>>
<<if $workfame is 1>>
<<set $money to $money +5>>
<<elseif $workfame is 2>>
<<set $money to $money +7>>
<<elseif $workfame is 3>>
<<set $money to $money +10>>
<<elseif $workfame is 4>>
<<set $money to $money +15>>
<<elseif $workfame is 5>>
<<set $money to $money +20>>
<<elseif $workfame gte 6>>
<<set $money to $money +25>>
<<set $gym to $gym -1>>
<<if $christelevent3 is "true" and $christelevent4 is "false">>
<<set $christeleventtimer34 to $christeleventtimer34 +1>><</if>>
<</nobr>><div class="general">She crawls towards you and wastes no time. She immediately starts sucking.</div>
<video src="images/christel/christelevent5/christelevent5j1.webm" autoplay loop></video>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Oooh fuck!<</speech>>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Continue->christelevent5u]]</span></div>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Oooh fuck!<</speech>>
<div class="general">Still not wasting any time she takes your dick all the way into her mouth.</div>
<video src="images/christel/christelevent5/christelevent5j2.webm" autoplay loop></video>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Damn that feels good!<</speech>>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Continue->christelevent5v]]</span></div>
<div class="general">She reacts to your words and keeps going, taking you all way into her mouth. You even hear her gag, but she keeps going anyway.</div>
<video src="images/christel/christelevent5/christelevent5j3.webm" autoplay loop></video>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Fuck that is amazing.<</speech>>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Continue->christelevent5w]]</span></div>
<div class="general">She looks up at you and smiles. Then she goes back down again, gagging on your cock.</div>
<video src="images/christel/christelevent5/christelevent5j4.webm" autoplay loop></video>
<div class="general">Panting heavily she gets up.</div>
<<speech "Christel" "Christel">>You are quite big. Why don't you stand up so I can suck you a bit more comfortable.<</speech>>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Continue->christelevent5x]]</span></div>
<div class="general">You get up and look down on her. She opens her mouth waiting for you to enter. Once you dick is in her mouth again she starts sucking.</div>
<video src="images/christel/christelevent5/christelevent5k1.webm" autoplay loop></video>
<<speech "Christel" "Christel">>You like me sucking your dick?<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Oh yes, you are very good at it.<</speech>>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Continue->christelevent5y]]</span></div>
<div class="general">Christel keeps sucking.</div>
<video src="images/christel/christelevent5/christelevent5k2.webm" autoplay loop></video>
<<speech "Christel" "Christel">>I want you to cum for me $name. Cum for me.<</speech>>
<div class="general">She keeps jerking and sucking you.</div>
<video src="images/christel/christelevent5/christelevent5k3.webm" autoplay loop></video>
<<speech "Christel" "Christel">>Cum in my mouth $name, I want to taste your cum.<</speech>>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Continue->christelevent5z]]</span></div>
<div class="general">She opens her mouth and stars jerking you off until you fill up her mouth with your cum.</div>
<video src="images/christel/christelevent5/christelevent5k4.webm" autoplay loop></video>
<<speech "Christel" "Christel">>Hmmmmmmm.<</speech>>
<div class="general">With her mouth full she tries to talk.</div>
<<speech "Christel" "Christel">>Do you want me to swallow it?<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Yes, I want you to swallow it all!<</speech>>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Continue->christelevent5za]]</span></div>
<div class="general">And so she does, she swallows every drop.</div>
<video src="images/christel/christelevent5/christelevent5k5.webm" autoplay loop></video>
<<speech "Christel" "Christel">>Am I a good girl now?<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Yes, you are a very good girl.<</speech>>
<div class="general">Afterwards you clean yourselves and then it's time to leave.</div>
<a data-passage="center"><div class="talkplayer">Let’s do something else</div></a>
<<set $christelevent5 to "true">>
<<if $fitness gte 0 and $fitness lt 25>>
<<addarousal -35>>
<<elseif $fitness gte 20 and $fitness lt 40>>
<<addarousal -30>>
<<elseif $fitness gte 40>>
<<addarousal -25>><</if>>
<<addenergy -10>>
<<addhappiness 20>>
<<addhygene -10>>
<<set $time to $time +1>><<speech "Player" "$name">>Damn, you are so hot.<</speech>>
<<speech "Christel" "Christel">>And this is only the beginning.<</speech>>
<div class="general">She starts taking of her bra.</div>
<video src="images/christel/christelevent6/christelevent6a2.webm" autoplay loop></video>
<<speech "Christel" "Christel">>Do you like what you see?<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>I sure do!<</speech>>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Continue->christelevent6c]]</span></div>
<div class="general">She sits down in front of you.</div>
<<speech "Christel" "Christel">>I love it when you watch me. Now show me how hard I make you.<</speech>>
<div class="general">You take out your semi-hard dick and show it to her.</div>
<<speech "Christel" "Christel">>It’s not even fully hard yet. Maybe this will help.<</speech>>
<div class="general">She rubs and even licks her breasts.</div>
<video src="images/christel/christelevent6/christelevent6a1.webm" autoplay loop></video>
<<speech "Christel" "Christel">>Hmmm, still not fully the desired effect.<</speech>>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Continue->christelevent6d]]</span></div>
<<speech "Christel" "Christel">>Maybe I should get a little closer to you.<</speech>>
<div class="general">She gets closer and starts rubbing her breasts in front of you. Then she spits on her breasts and makes them a bit wet.</div>
<video src="images/christel/christelevent6/christelevent6b1.webm" autoplay loop></video>
<<speech "Christel" "Christel">>Hmmmm, I can’t wait to take your hard dick in my mouth.<</speech>>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Continue->christelevent6e]]</span></div>
<div class="general">She grabs your hand and guides it towards her mouth.</div>
<<speech "Christel" "Christel">>Let me show you what I would do when you get fully hard.<</speech>>
<div class="general">She start to suck on you fingers.</div>
<video src="images/christel/christelevent6/christelevent6b2.webm" autoplay loop></video>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Hmmm, that is definitely helping.<</speech>>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Continue->christelevent6f]]</span></div>
<div class="general">She keeps going before you start grabbing her breasts with your wet fingers..</div>
<video src="images/christel/christelevent6/christelevent6b3.webm" autoplay loop></video>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Continue->christelevent6g]]</span></div>
<div class="general">Not stopping there you start grabbing and squeezing her breasts.</div>
<video src="images/christel/christelevent6/christelevent6b4.webm" autoplay loop></video>
<<speech "Christel" "Christel">>Hmmmm.<</speech>>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Continue->christelevent6h]]</span></div>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Your breasts are amazing.<</speech>>
<<speech "Christel" "Christel">>Hmmm, now you are turning me on, but you are still not fully hard.<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Maybe I should look at you from a different angle.<</speech>>
<<speech "Christel" "Christel">>Hmmm, maybe.<</speech>>
<div class="general">She gets up and bends over. You grab her ass.</div>
<video src="images/christel/christelevent6/christelevent6c1.webm" autoplay loop></video>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Amazing breasts and an amazing ass. Damn.<</speech>>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Continue->christelevent6i]]</span></div>
<div class="general">She looks at your dick, which is now is full strength.</div>
<<speech "Christel" "Christel">>Well at least someone is finally ready.<</speech>>
<div class="general">She gets next to you on the couch and starts sucking your dick and in no time you have your dick all the way into her throat.</div>
<video src="images/christel/christelevent6/christelevent6c2.webm" autoplay loop></video>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Fuck, you are good at this.<</speech>>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Continue->christelevent6j]]</span></div>
<div class="general">While she sucks your cock you start fingering her.</div>
<video src="images/christel/christelevent6/christelevent6c3.webm" autoplay loop></video>
<<speech "Christel" "Christel">>Hmmm, you make it hard for me to suck you this way.<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Do you like it?<</speech>>
<<speech "Christel" "Christel">>Yess!<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Then lay back.<</speech>>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Continue->christelevent6k]]</span></div><div class="general">Christel lays down on her back and you start licking and fingering her.</div>
<video src="images/christel/christelevent6/christelevent6d1.webm" autoplay loop></video>
<<speech "Christel" "Christel">>Oooh $name!<</speech>>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Continue->christelevent6l]]</span></div><div class="general">You continue licking and fingering her.</div>
<video src="images/christel/christelevent6/christelevent6d2.webm" autoplay loop></video>
<<speech "Christel" "Christel">>Oooooh. Hmmmmhm.<</speech>>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Continue->christelevent6m]]</span></div><div class="general">And you still continue.</div>
<video src="images/christel/christelevent6/christelevent6d3.webm" autoplay loop></video>
<<speech "Christel" "Christel">>Ooh $name, you need to stop before I cum!<</speech>>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Continue->christelevent6n]]</span></div><div class="general">Christel lays down on her back and you start licking and fingering her.</div>
<video src="images/christel/christelevent6/christelevent6d1.webm" autoplay loop></video>
<<speech "Christel" "Christel">>Oooh $name!<</speech>>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Continue->christelevent6o]]</span></div><div class="general">You continue licking and fingering her.</div>
<video src="images/christel/christelevent6/christelevent6d2.webm" autoplay loop></video>
<<speech "Christel" "Christel">>Oooooh. Hmmmmhm.<</speech>>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Continue->christelevent6p]]</span></div><div class="general">And you still continue.</div>
<video src="images/christel/christelevent6/christelevent6d3.webm" autoplay loop></video>
<<speech "Christel" "Christel">>Ooh $name, you need to stop before I cum!<</speech>>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Continue->christelevent6q]]</span></div><<speech "Player" "$name">>Turn around and get on all fours.<</speech>>
<div class="general">Obedient Christel turns around. Then you enter her and start to fuck her..</div>
<video src="images/christel/christelevent6/christelevent6e1.webm" autoplay loop></video>
<<speech "Christel" "Christel">>Oh yes! Fuck me $name.<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Fuck, your pussy feels good.<</speech>>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Continue->christelevent6r]]</span></div><div class="general">You keep fucking her.</div>
<video src="images/christel/christelevent6/christelevent6e2.webm" autoplay loop></video>
<<speech "Christel" "Christel">>Oh fuck, oh fuck, oh fuck!<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>You like that?<</speech>>
<<speech "Christel" "Christel">>Oooh yes! Please don’t stop!<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>You naughty girl!<</speech>>
<<speech "Christel" "Christel">>Oh fuck, you are making me cum! Fuuckkk!<</speech>>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Continue->christelevent6s]]</span></div><div class="general">You see Christel’s eyes rolling in the back of her head as she cums loudly.</div>
<video src="images/christel/christelevent6/christelevent6e3.webm" autoplay loop></video>
<div class="general">You pull out to give her a break.</div>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Did you just cum already?<</speech>>
<<speech "Christel" "Christel">>Uhuh.<</speech>>
<div class="general">She nods yes.</div>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>That was quick.<</speech>>
<<speech "Christel" "Christel">>I was just so fucking horny and your dick felt amazing, just amazing.<</speech>>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Continue->christelevent6t]]</span></div><<speech "Player" "$name">>Well, you are not ready yet.<</speech>>
<<speech "Christel" "Christel">>What do you mean?<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Well, I didn’t cum yet.<</speech>>
<<speech "Christel" "Christel">>Hmmm, I think I can solve that problem.<</speech>>
<div class="general">She turns around and takes your dick into her mouth and starts blowing you.</div>
<video src="images/christel/christelevent6/christelevent6g1.webm" autoplay loop></video>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Fuck you are so good at this.<</speech>>
<<speech "Christel" "Christel">>Hmmmhmmmm. Are you going to give me your cum.<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Yes! Just keep going!<</speech>>
<<speech "Christel" "Christel">>Hmm. Give it to me $name.<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Oh fuck, here it comes!<</speech>>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Continue->christelevent6u]]</span></div><div class="general">Christel keeps going as you start cumming into her mouth.</div>
<video src="images/christel/christelevent6/christelevent6g2.webm" autoplay loop></video>
<<speech "Christel" "Christel">>Hmmmm.<</speech>>
<div class="general">Christel swallows most of it, but some drips out of her mouth.</div>
<<speech "Christel" "Christel">>That was good.<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Well you missed some.<</speech>>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Continue->christelevent6v]]</span></div><div class="general">Christel goes down and starts licking up the cum that she missed.</div>
<video src="images/christel/christelevent6/christelevent6g3.webm" autoplay loop></video>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Damn you are so hot.<</speech>>
<<speech "Christel" "Christel">>Glad you are enjoying yourself. But now it’s time for you to go. I have a date with Sarah planned.<</speech>>
<div class="general">She winks at you and leaves the room.</div>
<a data-passage="center"><div class="talkplayer">Let’s do something else</div></a>
<<set $christelevent6 to "true">>
<<addenergy -20>>
<<addhygene -15>>
<<addhappiness 15>>
<<if $fitness gte 0 and $fitness lt 15>>
<<addrchristel 5>>
<<elseif $fitness gte 15 and $fitness lt 30>>
<<addrchristel 4>>
<<elseif $fitness gte 30>>
<<addrchristel 3>><</if>>
<<if $fitness gte 0 and $fitness lt 25>>
<<addarousal -35>>
<<elseif $fitness gte 20 and $fitness lt 40>>
<<addarousal -30>>
<<elseif $fitness gte 40>>
<<addarousal -25>><</if>><div class="general">But that’s not all, Sarah starts to take off Christel shirt, pushes aside her bra and starts sucking on her nipple.</div>
<video src="images/christel/christelevent7/sarahchristellez1b.webm" autoplay loop></video>
<<speech "Player" "$name">><i>What is happening?</i><</speech>>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Continue->christelevent7e]]</span></div>
<div class="general">While you stare wide-eyed at your screen, Christel starts to return the favor to Sarah.</div>
<video src="images/christel/christelevent7/sarahchristellez1c.webm" autoplay loop></video>
<<speech "Player" "$name">><i>They are not holding back.</i><</speech>>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Keep watching->christelevent7f]]</span></div>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[I can’t watch this->christelevent7end]]</span></div><<speech "Player" "$name">><i>I can't watch this.</i><</speech>>
<div class="general">You shutdown your computer.</div>
<a data-passage="entrance"><div class="talkplayer">Let’s do something else</div></a>
<<set $christelevent7 to "true">>
<<set $christelevent7no to "true">>
<<set $time to $time +1>>
<div class="general">Christel keeps undressing Sarah.</div>
<<speech "Christel" "Christel">>I’ve always been jealous of your ass. It’s always so tight and in good shape.<</speech>>
<div class="general">She literally kisses and caresses her ass.</div>
<video src="images/christel/christelevent7/sarahchristellez2a.webm" autoplay loop></video>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Keep watching->christelevent7g]]</span></div>
<div class="general">Sarah turns around and pushes Christel onto her back and undresses her completely.</div>
<<speech "Sarah" "Sarah">>Well, I think it’s obvious which part I’m jealous about.<</speech>>
<div class="general">Sarah starts to suck on Christel’s breasts again.</div>
<video src="images/christel/christelevent7/sarahchristellez2b.webm" autoplay loop></video>
<<speech "Player" "$name">><i>Fuck this is hot.</i><</speech>>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Keep watching->christelevent7h]]</span></div>
<div class="general">Then they start to make out again.</div>
<video src="images/christel/christelevent7/sarahchristellez2c.webm" autoplay loop></video>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Keep watching->christelevent7i]]</span></div>
<div class="general">While licking Christel’s body Sarah slowly makes her way down and starts licking around Christel’s pussy, teasing her..</div>
<video src="images/christel/christelevent7/sarahchristellez3a.webm" autoplay loop></video>
<<speech "Sarah" "Sarah">>You are so wet already, I can just smell you.<</speech>>
<<speech "Christel" "Christel">>Please stop teasing and just lick me!<</speech>>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Keep watching->christelevent7j]]</span></div>
<div class="general">Sarah pushes some fingers inside Christel and starts licking her.</div>
<video src="images/christel/christelevent7/sarahchristellez3b.webm" autoplay loop></video>
<<speech "Christel" "Christel">>Oooh yes! Fuck, I forgot how good you are at this.<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">><i>Wait, what? Did she just say that they have done this before?</i><</speech>>
<<speech "Christel" "Christel">>Oooh fuck! Oooooh!<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">><i>Is she really already cumming?</i><</speech>>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Keep watching->christelevent7k]]</span></div>
<div class="general">And indeed Christel starts cumming.</div>
<video src="images/christel/christelevent7/sarahchristellez3c.webm" autoplay loop></video>
<div class="general">Sarah stops licking Christel.</div>
<<speech "Ashley" "Ashley">>Damn, that was quick, even for you.<</speech>>
<<speech "Christel" "Christel">>Fuck, I needed that.<</speech>>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Keep watching->christelevent7l]]</span></div>
<div class="general">Christel gets up.</div>
<<speech "Sarah" "Sarah">>You enjoyed that.<</speech>>
<<speech "Christel" "Christel">>I loved it.<</speech>>
<div class="general">They both start making out again before Christel pushes Sarah on her back.</div>
<video src="images/christel/christelevent7/sarahchristellez4a.webm" autoplay loop></video>
<<speech "Christel" "Christel">>Let me return the favor.<</speech>>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Keep watching->christelevent7m]]</span></div>
<div class="general">Christel goes down on Sarah and starts licking her pussy.</div>
<video src="images/christel/christelevent7/sarahchristellez4b.webm" autoplay loop></video>
<<speech "Sarah" "Sarah">>Hmmmmhmmm.<</speech>>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Keep watching->christelevent7n]]</span></div>
<div class="general">Christel keeps going.</div>
<video src="images/christel/christelevent7/sarahchristellez4c.webm" autoplay loop></video>
<<speech "Sarah" "Sarah">>Ooh yess. Don’t stop.<</speech>>
<<speech "Christel" "Christel">>I wasn’t planning on stopping.<</speech>>
<<speech "Sarah" "Sarah">>Then shut up and keep licking.<</speech>>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Keep watching->christelevent7o]]</span></div>
<div class="general">Christel follows Sarah’s order and keeps licking.</div>
<video src="images/christel/christelevent7/sarahchristellez4d.webm" autoplay loop></video>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Continue->christelevent7p]]</span></div><div class="general">Christel keeps licking Sarah and also starts fingering her.</div>
<video src="images/christel/christelevent7/sarahchristellez5a.webm" autoplay loop></video>
<<speech "Sarah" "Sarah">>Hmmmmhmmm.<</speech>>
<<speech "Christel" "Christel">>It’s still so hard to make you cum. I’m going to get some help.<</speech>>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Continue->christelevent7q]]</span></div><div class="general">Christel steps out of the frame and before you know it she returns with, what looks like, a small vibrator. She turns it on and pushes it against Sarah’s clit.</div>
<video src="images/christel/christelevent7/sarahchristellez5b.webm" autoplay loop></video>
<<speech "Sarah" "Sarah">>Oooooh! You cheater!<</speech>>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Continue->christelevent7r]]</span></div><<speech "Christel" "Christel">>Oh shut up, you know you love it.<</speech>>
<<speech "Sarah" "Sarah">>Hmmmhmmmm.<</speech>>
<video src="images/christel/christelevent7/sarahchristellez5c.webm" autoplay loop></video>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Continue->christelevent7s]]</span></div><div class="general">Sarah’s moans become louder as she is clearly approaching her orgasm. In the meantime, Christel pushes the vibrator deep inside Sarah’s pussy as she starts licking her clit again.</div>
<<speech "Sarah" "Sarah">>Oooh fuck, yes, yessss!<</speech>>
<div class="general">With loud moans and a trembling body Sarah starts humming.</div>
<video src="images/christel/christelevent7/sarahchristellez5d.webm" autoplay loop></video>
<<speech "Sarah" "Sarah">>Fuck, that felt so good.<</speech>>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Continue->christelevent7t]]</span></div><<speech "Sarah" "Sarah">>So are you ready for round two?<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">><i>Wait, they aren’t finished yet?</i><</speech>>
<<speech "Sarah" "Sarah">>Because I still have to teach my husband a small lesson and I brought something special for that.<</speech>>
<div class="general">She turns around and grabs a strapon and puts it on.</div>
<video src="images/christel/christelevent7/sarahchristellez6a.webm" autoplay loop></video>
<<speech "Player" "$name">><i>Is she serious?</i><</speech>>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Continue->christelevent7u]]</span></div><div class="general">She looks straight at you through the camera.</div>
<<speech "Sarah" "Sarah">>Let’s see who can fuck her better.<</speech>>
<div class="general">Then she turns back to Christel.</div>
<<speech "Sarah" "Sarah">>Bend over cutie.<</speech>>
<div class="general">Christel bends over and Sarah start to make the strapon and Christel’s pussy wet.</div>
<video src="images/christel/christelevent7/sarahchristellez6b.webm" autoplay loop></video>
<<speech "Sarah" "Sarah">>Are you ready?<</speech>>
<<speech "Christel" "Christel">>Hmhmmm.<</speech>>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Continue->christelevent7v]]</span></div><div class="general">Sarah moves towards Christel and starts and pushes the strapon into her pussy.</div>
<video src="images/christel/christelevent7/sarahchristellez6c.webm" autoplay loop></video>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Continue->christelevent7w]]</span></div><div class="general">Once she entered Christel’s pussy she starts fucking her and quite quickly she starts to increase the pace.</div>
<video src="images/christel/christelevent7/sarahchristellez7a.webm" autoplay loop></video>
<<speech "Christel" "Christel">>Ooh hmhmmhmhmh.<</speech>>
<<speech "Sarah" "Sarah">>You like that?<</speech>>
<<speech "Christel" "Christel">>Hmmm.. Yes..<</speech>>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Continue->christelevent7x]]</span></div><div class="general">Then Sarah really starts to fuck Christel. Sarah even grabs her hair and starts pulling it.</div>
<video src="images/christel/christelevent7/sarahchristellez7b.webm" autoplay loop></video>
<<speech "Christel" "Christel">>Oh fuck. Hmmmmhmmm.<</speech>>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Continue->christelevent7y]]</span></div><div class="general">Sarah gives Christel the vibrator.</div>
<<speech "Sarah" "Sarah">>Play with yourself.<</speech>>
<div class="general">Christel holds the vibrator against her clit as Sarah keeps fucking her.</div>
<video src="images/christel/christelevent7/sarahchristellez7c.webm" autoplay loop></video>
<<speech "Sarah" "Sarah">>Turn around babe, I want to see your face when you cum.<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">><i>She is quite confident in her capabilities.</i><</speech>>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Continue->christelevent7z]]</span></div><div class="general">Christel lays down on her back and Sarah starts fucking her again.</div>
<video src="images/christel/christelevent7/sarahchristellez8a.webm" autoplay loop></video>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Continue->christelevent7za]]</span></div><<speech "Sarah" "Sarah">>Sarah starts picking up the phase and slaps her tit and then starts chocking her.<</speech>>
<video src="images/christel/christelevent7/sarahchristellez8b.webm" autoplay loop></video>
<<speech "Sarah" "Sarah">>Cum for me bitch, cum for me!<</speech>>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Continue->christelevent7zb]]</span></div><div class="general">Sarah keeps slapping Christel’s breasts and keeps chocking her.</div>
<video src="images/christel/christelevent7/sarahchristellez8c.webm" autoplay loop></video>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Continue->christelevent7zc]]</span></div><<speech "Christel" "Christel">>Oooh. Fuuuck.<</speech>>
<<speech "Sarah" "Sarah">>Yes, cum for me! Cum!<</speech>>
<div class="general">Sarah keeps fucking, slapping, and choking Christel until Christel starts to cum with loud moans, despite being choked.</div>
<video src="images/christel/christelevent7/sarahchristellez9a.webm" autoplay loop></video>
<<speech "Sarah" "Sarah">>Hmm, I want to taste your cum.<</speech>>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Continue->christelevent7zd]]</span></div><div class="general">Sarah goes down and starts licking Christel her pussy.</div>
<video src="images/christel/christelevent7/sarahchristellez9b.webm" autoplay loop></video>
<<speech "Christel" "Christel">>Hmmm, please, it’s too sensitive.<</speech>>
<div class="general">Sarah let’s her go.</div>
<<speech "Christel" "Christel">>That was… That was amazing.<</speech>>
<div class="general">Sarah turns to you.</div>
<<speech "Sarah" "Sarah">>Sounds like she likes me more than she likes you.<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>All you proved is that she needs dick regardless.<</speech>>
<<speech "Sarah" "Sarah">>Oh shut up.<</speech>>
<div class="general">While you hear Christel giggling in the background, you see Sarah closing the screen.</div>
<<speech "Player" "$name">><i>Damn, that was something.</i><</speech>>
<a data-passage="entrance"><div class="talkplayer">Let’s do something else</div></a>
<<set $christelevent7 to "true">>
<<set $christelevent7yes to "true">>
<<set $time to $time +1>>
<<if $fitness gte 0 and $fitness lt 25>>
<<addarousal 50>>
<<elseif $fitness gte 20 and $fitness lt 40>>
<<addarousal 60>>
<<elseif $fitness gte 40>>
<<addarousal 70>><</if>><<speech "Sarah" "Sarah">>So let me tell you about our first time. We were at this crazy college party, obviously, we were both drunk, and for some reason, we found each other alone in a bathroom. Which is not that odd, since we showered together many times before. The difference was that I was drunk and very horny and without thinking I just grabbed her and kissed her. <</speech>>
<video src="images/christel/christelevent7after/sarahchristellezfb1a.webm" autoplay loop></video>
<<speech "Sarah" "Sarah">>At first we were both a bit shocked, but Christel instantly moved in for a second kiss.<</speech>>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Continue->christelevent7yes3]]</span></div>
<div class="general">Sarah keeps jerking you in the meantime.</div>
<video src="images/christel/christelevent7after/sarahchristellezfb2b.webm" autoplay loop></video>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Continue->christelevent7yes4]]</span></div>
<<speech "Sarah" "Sarah">>But when she came in again, I instinctively pushed my finger into her mouth, which she started sucking.<</speech>>
<video src="images/christel/christelevent7after/sarahchristellezfb1b.webm" autoplay loop></video>
<<speech "Sarah" "Sarah">>It was so hot.<</speech>>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Continue->christelevent7yes5]]</span></div>
<<speech "Sarah" "Sarah">>That’s when I knew we would go much further. I laid back and basically told her to start licking, which she did.<</speech>>
<video src="images/christel/christelevent7after/sarahchristellezfb1c.webm" autoplay loop></video>
<<speech "Sarah" "Sarah">>She kept licking and licking. And for the first time she was quite good as well.<</speech>>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Continue->christelevent7yes6]]</span></div>
<div class="general">In the meantime Sarah keeps jerking you off.</div>
<video src="images/christel/christelevent7after/sarahchristellezfb2c.webm" autoplay loop></video>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Continue->christelevent7yes7]]</span></div>
<<speech "Sarah" "Sarah">>She kept going and going until she made gave me an amazing orgasm. I never imagined that a girl could give me such an orgasm.<</speech>>
<video src="images/christel/christelevent7after/sarahchristellezfb1d.webm" autoplay loop></video>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Continue->christelevent7yes8]]</span></div>
<<speech "Sarah" "Sarah">>Of course I couldn’t leave it at that, and, quite coincidentally just like today, I bend her over and started to spank her and lick her.<</speech>>
<video src="images/christel/christelevent7after/sarahchristellezfb1e.webm" autoplay loop></video>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Continue->christelevent7yes9]]</span></div><div class="general">You notice that Sarah starts to jerk you off faster. Probably because the story is making her horny again as well.</div>
<video src="images/christel/christelevent7after/sarahchristellezfb2e.webm" autoplay loop></video>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Continue->christelevent7yes10]]</span></div><<speech "Sarah" "Sarah">>I licked and fingered her and she moaned so loudly. I was surprised no one heard us. I kept going until her body shook from her orgasm.<</speech>>
<video src="images/christel/christelevent7after/sarahchristellezfb1f.webm" autoplay loop></video>
<<speech "Sarah" "Sarah">>Just as you are about to do.<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Hmmmm.<</speech>>
<<speech "Sarah" "Sarah">>Cum for me $name, cum all over me.<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Ooh, yes! Here it comes!<</speech>>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Continue->christelevent7yes11]]</span></div><div class="general">You start cumming and quite a lot too.</div>
<video src="images/christel/christelevent7after/sarahchristellezfb2f.webm" autoplay loop></video>
<<speech "Sarah" "Sarah">>Oh wow, that was a lot. You must have loved this.<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>It was a crazy hot day.<</speech>>
<<speech "Sarah" "Sarah">>I’m glad you enjoyed it.<</speech>>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Continue->christelevent7yes12]]</span></div><<speech "Player" "$name">>So was that the end of it?<</speech>>
<<speech "Sarah" "Sarah">>Well, we made out afterward.<</speech>>
<video src="images/christel/christelevent7after/sarahchristellezfb1g.webm" autoplay loop></video>
<<speech "Sarah" "Sarah">>Then we went to sleep to wake up to an awkward morning. But it definitely wasn’t the last time.<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Damn.<</speech>>
<<speech "Sarah" "Sarah">>Well, I’m going to clean myself from all of this cum.<</speech>>
<div class="general">Sarah leaves the room.</div>
<<speech "Player" "$name">><i>What a day.</i><</speech>>
<a data-passage="entrance"><div class="talkplayer">Let’s do something else</div></a>
<<if $fitness gte 0 and $fitness lt 20>>
<<addrsarah 15>>
<<elseif $fitness gte 15 and $fitness lt 35>>
<<addrsarah 17>>
<<elseif $fitness gte 45>>
<<addrsarah 20>><</if>>
<<if $fitness gte 0 and $fitness lt 25>>
<<addarousal -35>>
<<elseif $fitness gte 20 and $fitness lt 40>>
<<addarousal -30>>
<<elseif $fitness gte 40>>
<<addarousal -25>><</if>>
<<addenergy -15>>
<<addhygene -20>>
<<addhappiness 20>>
<<set $time to $time +1>>
<<set $christelevent7yestalk to "true">>
<<set $christelevent7talk to "true">><div class="general">He keeps going.</div>
<video src="images/ashley/events/watchashleyfuck1/watchashleyfuck1a1c.webm" autoplay loop ></video>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Continue watching->watchashleyfuck1a4]]</span></div>
<div class="general">The guy keeps fucking her some more.</div>
<<speech "random" "Big guy">>Now get on your knees girl.<</speech>>
<div class="general">Ashey gets down on her knees.</div>
<<speech "random" "Big guy">>Now suck my balls.<</speech>>
<div class="general">Without hesitation Ashley starts sucking the guys balls.</div>
<video src="images/ashley/events/watchashleyfuck1/watchashleyfuck1a2a.webm" autoplay loop ></video>
<<speech "random" "Big guy">>Oh yes, good girl<</speech>>
<div class="general">Ashley keeps sucking his balls.</div>
<<speech "random" "Big guy">>Come here girl.<</speech>>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Continue watching->watchashleyfuck1a5]]</span></div>
<div class="general">Ashley moves back from his balls and suddenly he starts spraying his cum all over Ashley her face, which takes her by suprise.</div>
<video src="images/ashley/events/watchashleyfuck1/watchashleyfuck1a2b.webm" autoplay loop ></video>
<<speech "random" "Big guy">>Oh yes! Take it you dirty little slut!<</speech>>
<div class="general">Ashley her face is covered in cum.</div>
<<speech "random" "Big guy">>Fuck that was good.<</speech>>
<div class="general">Ashley smiles reluctantly.</div>
<<speech "random" "Big guy">>Well, I got to go, see you around.<</speech>>
<div class="general">The guy leaves, leaving a cum covered Ashley. Then she gets up and runs to the bathroom.</div>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Damn. Well, time to go to sleep I guess.<</speech>>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Let's go to sleep->ashleybedrsleep]]</span></div>
<<addenergy -10>>
<<addhappiness 10>>
<<addhygene -10>>
<<addarousal 25>><div class="general">Then she starts to undress herself.</div>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>She looks a lot like Sarah, even the bodies are almost identical.<</speech>>
<div class="general">In the meantime Ashley is almost fully naked.</div>
<video src="images/ashley/events/williamevent/williamevent3b.webm" autoplay loop ></video>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Continue watching->williamevent5]]</span></div>
<div class="general">And she starts to undress William.</div>
<video src="images/ashley/events/williamevent/williamevent3c.webm" autoplay loop ></video>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Continue watching->williamevent6]]</span></div><div class="general">William grabs Ashley and sits down. You see him saying something to her and she starts sucking his dick.</div>
<video src="images/ashley/events/williamevent/williamevent4a.webm" autoplay loop ></video>
<<speech "Player" "$name">><i>Does this have any sound?</i><</speech>>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Continue watching->williamevent7]]</span></div><div class="general">You grab some headphones and yes there is sounds.</div>
<<speech "Player" "$name">><i>That's better.</i><</speech>>
<div class="general">You keep watching as Ashley sucks Williams dick.</div>
<video src="images/ashley/events/williamevent/williamevent4b.webm" autoplay loop ></video>
<<speech "random" "William">>Oh yes, you are so good at this.<</speech>>
<div class="general">Ashley keeps sucking.</div>
<<speech "random" "William">>Come here baby, you know what I want.<</speech>>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Continue watching->williamevent8]]</span></div><div class="general">Ashley changes places and starts sucking again.</div>
<<speech "Player" "$name">><i>Why?</i><</speech>>
<div class="general">Then you see Williams dick dissapear completely in Ashley her throat as William pusher her head down a little.</div>
<video src="images/ashley/events/williamevent/williamevent4c.webm" autoplay loop ></video>
<<speech "random" "William">>Oh yes, that's it.<</speech>>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Continue watching->williamevent9]]</span></div><div class="general">Ashley keeps going, she even gags a little before she kisses William.</div>
<video src="images/ashley/events/williamevent/williamevent4d.webm" autoplay loop ></video>
<<speech "random" "William">>I want you to fuck me baby.<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Oh damn, it's really starting now.<</speech>>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Continue watching->williamevent10a]]</span></div>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Jerk off while watching->williamevent10b]]</span></div><div class="general">She gets up and sits down on top of him and his dick slides inside her. Then she slowly starts riding him.</div>
<video src="images/ashley/events/williamevent/williamevent5a.webm" autoplay loop ></video>
<<speech "random" "William">>Oh yes baby, ride me!<</speech>>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Continue watching->williamevent11a]]</span></div>
<div class="general">You take out your dick, which is already fully hard as Ashley gets up and sits down on top of him. His dick slides inside her. Then she slowly starts riding him.</div>
<video src="images/ashley/events/williamevent/williamevent5a.webm" autoplay loop ></video>
<<speech "random" "William">>Oh yes baby, ride me!<</speech>>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Continue watching->williamevent11b]]</span></div>
<div class="general">Ashley keeps riding him.</div>
<video src="images/ashley/events/williamevent/williamevent5b.webm" autoplay loop ></video>
<<speech "random" "William">>Come on baby, fuck me harder.<</speech>>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Continue watching->williamevent12a]]</span></div>
<div class="general">He grabs her ass and start setting the pace. After he lets go Ashley continues in the same pace.</div>
<video src="images/ashley/events/williamevent/williamevent5c.webm" autoplay loop ></video>
<<speech "random" "William">>Yes that's better, keep going.<</speech>>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Continue watching->williamevent13a]]</span></div>
<div class="general">Ashley keeps going, with some help, at a higher pace. He even rubs her asshole a little, which she doesn't seem to mind.</div>
<video src="images/ashley/events/williamevent/williamevent5d.webm" autoplay loop ></video>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Continue watching->williamevent14a]]</span></div>
<div class="general">Ashley seems to get into it and keeps bouncing on William his dick.</div>
<video src="images/ashley/events/williamevent/williamevent6a.webm" autoplay loop ></video>
<<speech "random" "William">>Yes! Good girl.<</speech>>
<div class="general">Ashley keeps going.</div>
<<speech "random" "William">>Come, turn around, I want to fuck you now.<</speech>>
<<speech "Ashley" "Ashley">>Hmmmm, yes!<</speech>>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Continue watching->williamevent15a]]</span></div>
<div class="general">Ashley turns around and lays on her back while William starts to enter her.</div>
<video src="images/ashley/events/williamevent/williamevent6b.webm" autoplay loop ></video>
<<speech "random" "William">>Ooh yes! Fuck, you always feel so good.<</speech>>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Continue watching->williamevent16a]]</span></div>
<div class="general">He keeps fucking Ashley as he increases his pace.</div>
<video src="images/ashley/events/williamevent/williamevent6c.webm" autoplay loop ></video>
<<speech "random" "William">>Oh, fuck, here it comes babe! Fuuuck!<</speech>>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Continue watching->williamevent17a]]</span></div>
<div class="general">William pulls out and starts to spray his cum all over Ashley her body.</div>
<video src="images/ashley/events/williamevent/williamevent6d.webm" autoplay loop ></video>
<<speech "random" "William">>Fuck, it is always a dream fucking you again.<</speech>>
<<speech "Ashley" "Ashley">>I'm always happy to help.<</speech>>
<div class="general">Ashley smiles and they cuddle for a while. You close your laptop.</div>
<<speech "Player" "$name">><i>Fuck, that was hot!</i><</speech>>
<a data-passage="ashleyupstairs"><div class="talkplayer">Let’s do something else</div></a>
<<addenergy -5>>
<<addhappiness 5>>
<<addhygene -10>>
<<set $time to $time +1>>
<<addarousal 50>>
<<set $williamevent1 to "true">><div class="general">Ashley keeps riding him.</div>
<video src="images/ashley/events/williamevent/williamevent5b.webm" autoplay loop ></video>
<<speech "random" "William">>Come on baby, fuck me harder.<</speech>>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Continue watching->williamevent12b]]</span></div>
<div class="general">He grabs her ass and start setting the pace. After he lets go Ashley continues in the same pace.</div>
<video src="images/ashley/events/williamevent/williamevent5c.webm" autoplay loop ></video>
<<speech "random" "William">>Yes that's better, keep going.<</speech>>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Continue watching->williamevent13b]]</span></div>
<div class="general">Ashley keeps going, with some help, in a higher pace. He even rubs her asshole a little, which she doesn't seem to mind.</div>
<video src="images/ashley/events/williamevent/williamevent5d.webm" autoplay loop ></video>
<<speech "Player" "$name">><i>Fuck this is hot.</i><</speech>>
<div class="general">You keep jerking off.</div>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Continue watching->williamevent14b]]</span></div>
<div class="general">Ashley seems to get into it and keeps bouncing on William his dick while you increase your jerk off pace.</div>
<video src="images/ashley/events/williamevent/williamevent6a.webm" autoplay loop ></video>
<<speech "random" "William">>Yes! Good girl.<</speech>>
<div class="general">Ashley keeps going.</div>
<<speech "random" "William">>Come, turn around, I want to fuck you now.<</speech>>
<<speech "Ashley" "Ashley">>Hmmmm, yes!<</speech>>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Continue watching->williamevent15b]]</span></div>
<div class="general">Ashley turns around and lays on her back while William starts to enter her.</div>
<video src="images/ashley/events/williamevent/williamevent6b.webm" autoplay loop ></video>
<<speech "random" "William">>Ooh yes! Fuck, you always feel so good.<</speech>>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Continue watching->williamevent16b]]</span></div>
<div class="general">He keeps fucking Ashley as he increases his pace.</div>
<video src="images/ashley/events/williamevent/williamevent6c.webm" autoplay loop ></video>
<<speech "random" "William">>Oh, fuck, here it comes babe! Fuuuck!<</speech>>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Continue watching->williamevent17b]]</span></div>
<div class="general">William pulls out and starts to spray his cum all over Ashley her body.</div>
<video src="images/ashley/events/williamevent/williamevent6d.webm" autoplay loop ></video>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Ooh yes!<</speech>>
<div class="general">Just like William, you start cumming.</div>
<<speech "random" "William">>Fuck, it is always a dream fucking you again.<</speech>>
<<speech "Ashley" "Ashley">>I'm always happy to help.<</speech>>
<div class="general">Ashley smiles and they cuddle for a while. You close your laptop.</div>
<<speech "Player" "$name">><i>Fuck, that was hot!</i><</speech>>
<a data-passage="ashleyupstairs"><div class="talkplayer">Let’s do something else</div></a>
<<addenergy -5>>
<<addhappiness 5>>
<<addhygene -10>>
<<set $time to $time +1>>
<<if $fitness gte 0 and $fitness lt 25>>
<<addarousal -35>>
<<elseif $fitness gte 20 and $fitness lt 40>>
<<addarousal -30>>
<<elseif $fitness gte 40>>
<<addarousal -25>><</if>>
<<set $williamevent1 to "true">>
<div class="general">She opens your pants and starts rubbing your dick.</div>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Be careful what you wish for.<</speech>>
<div class="general">She smiles as she pushes you into a seat. Then she goes onto her knees and starts sucking your dick.</div>
<video src="images/ashley/events/ashleyevent1/ashleyevent1a2.webm" autoplay loop></video>
<<speech "Player" "$name">><i>Damn she is good at this.</i><</speech>>
<div class="general">She keeps sucking.</div>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Damn, you are a dirty slut aren’t you.<</speech>>
<<speech "Ashley" "Ashley">>Be happy I am, otherwise my dick-sucking skills wouldn’t be this good.<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Come here.<</speech>>
<div class="general">You stand up.</div>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>You wanted it rough, let’s make it rough.<</speech>>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Continue->ashleyevent1c]]</span></div>
<div class="general">You grab her head and push it onto your dick and then you start to fuck her face.</div>
<video src="images/ashley/events/ashleyevent1/ashleyevent1a3.webm" autoplay loop></video>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Fuck, this feels amazing.<</speech>>
<div class="general">Ashley has no choice but to take your dick deep into her mouth and throat. Then you push her off your dick and sit down.</div>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Come here and ride me.<</speech>>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Continue->ashleyevent1d]]</span></div>
<div class="general">She climbs on top of you and guides your dick inside of her.</div>
<video src="images/ashley/events/ashleyevent1/ashleyevent1b1.webm" autoplay loop></video>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Continue->ashleyevent1e]]</span></div>
<div class="general">And then she starts riding you.</div>
<video src="images/ashley/events/ashleyevent1/ashleyevent1b2.webm" autoplay loop></video>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Yes, ride me you little slut.<</speech>>
<<speech "Ashley" "Ashley">>Hmmmhmm.<</speech>>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Continue->ashleyevent1f]]</span></div>
<div class="general">Ashley moans as she keeps riding you.</div>
<video src="images/ashley/events/ashleyevent1/ashleyevent1b3.webm" autoplay loop></video>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Alright, time for some more action.<</speech>>
<<speech "Ashley" "Ashley">>Not good enough for you?<</speech>>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Continue->ashleyevent1g]]</span></div>
<div class="general">While your dick is still inside her, you lift her.</div>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>You will see.<</speech>>
<div class="general">While fucking her in the air, you put her down on her back and start chocking her.</div>
<video src="images/ashley/events/ashleyevent1/ashleyevent1c1.webm" autoplay loop></video>
<<speech "Ashley" "Ashley">>Oooh yes, please choke me!<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">><i>Fuck, she is actually begging me for it.</i><</speech>>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Continue->ashleyevent1h]]</span></div>
<div class="general">You put your hand around her neck again and keep chocking her.</div>
<video src="images/ashley/events/ashleyevent1/ashleyevent1c2.webm" autoplay loop></video>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Do you like that, you little slut.<</speech>>
<<speech "Ashley" "Ashley">>Hhhmmhmmm, yes!<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Great, let me give you something else you can choke on.<</speech>>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Continue->ashleyevent1i]]</span></div>
<div class="general">You climb on top of her and push your dick into her mouth. Once in her mouth, you force your dick all the way into her.</div>
<video src="images/ashley/events/ashleyevent1/ashleyevent1d1.webm" autoplay loop></video>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Continue->ashleyevent1j]]</span></div>
<div class="general">Once you take your dick out she gasps for air and then you do it again.</div>
<video src="images/ashley/events/ashleyevent1/ashleyevent1d2.webm" autoplay loop></video>
<<speech "Ashley" "Ashley">>Fuck! I can hardly breathe.<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>You are doing great.<</speech>>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Continue->ashleyevent1k]]</span></div>
<div class="general">You switch position and start fucking her mouth even harder than before. Helplessly she takes your dick deep inside of her mouth and throat.</div>
<video src="images/ashley/events/ashleyevent1/ashleyevent1d3.webm" autoplay loop></video>
<div class="general">When you take your dick out of her mouth again she gasps for air, again.</div>
<<speech "Ashley" "Ashley">>Damn. That was intense.<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>But you love every second of it don’t you.<</speech>>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Continue->ashleyevent1l]]</span></div>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Come, I want to fuck you some more.<</speech>>
<div class="general">You turn her around and enter her.</div>
<video src="images/ashley/events/ashleyevent1/ashleyevent1e1.webm" autoplay loop></video>
<<speech "Ashley" "Ashley">>Oh yes! Fuck me! Fuck my slutty pussy!<</speech>>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Continue->ashleyevent1m]]</span></div>
<div class="general">You start to rub her clit while you fuck her.</div>
<video src="images/ashley/events/ashleyevent1/ashleyevent1e2.webm" autoplay loop></video>
<<speech "Ashley" "Ashley">>Yes! Yes! Make me cum. Keep going!<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Fuck, I’m cumming! I’m going to fill you up!<</speech>>
<<speech "Ashley" "Ashley">>Yes, fill my pussy with your cum!<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Here it comes!<</speech>>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Continue->ashleyevent1n]]</span></div>
<div class="general">With loud moans you both start cumming as you deposit your seed deep inside her pussy.</div>
<video src="images/ashley/events/ashleyevent1/ashleyevent1e3.webm" autoplay loop></video>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>That was good.<</speech>>
<<speech "Ashley" "Ashley">>It actually was.<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Don’t act all surprised.<</speech>>
<<speech "Ashley" "Ashley">>Well, I’m just glad you are also good without Sarah.<</speech>>
<div class="general">She gets up.</div>
<<speech "Ashley" "Ashley">>You know the exit, I’m going to call my husband.<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">><i>They have a very interesting relationship.</i><</speech>>
<a data-passage="suburbs"><div class="talkplayer">Let’s do something else</div></a>
<<addenergy -20>>
<<addhygene -15>>
<<addhappiness 20>>
<<set $time to $time +2>>
<<set $ashleyevent1 to "true">>
<<if $fitness gte 0 and $fitness lt 25>>
<<addarousal -35>>
<<elseif $fitness gte 20 and $fitness lt 40>>
<<addarousal -30>>
<<elseif $fitness gte 40>>
<<addarousal -25>><</if>><div class="general">Jack completely ignores it and keeps fucking her, he also chokes her a little.</div>
<video src="images/sabina/copevent4/copevent4b.webm" autoplay loop></video>
<<speech "sabina" "Sabina">>Fuck Jack, aren't you don yet?<</speech>>
<div class="general">Jack keeps going.</div>
<<speech "random" "Jack">>No.<</speech>>
<<speech "sabina" "Sabina">>Jack please, $name will be here soon. Just finish.<</speech>>
<<speech "random" "Jack">>If you would just let me fuck your ass, it would go a whole lot quicker.<</speech>>
<<speech "sabina" "Sabina">>Alright, alright, just fuck my ass and get over it.<</speech>>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Continue watching->copevent4c]]</span></div>
<div class="general">Jack grabs her hair tight and keeps fucking her for a couple of seconds before he pushes his dick deep inside her ass.</div>
<video src="images/sabina/copevent4/copevent4c.webm" autoplay loop></video>
<<speech "sabina" "Sabina">>Ooooh!<</speech>>
<<speech "random" "Jack">>Fuck yes, this is a lot better.<</speech>>
<<speech "sabina" "Sabina">>Hmmmhmmm.<</speech>>
<<speech "random" "Jack">>You love getting your as fucked, don't you?<</speech>>
<<speech "sabina" "Sabina">>Yes, yes! Keep fucking my ass!<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">><i>Damn, Jack is quite rough with her, but she seems to enjoy it.</i><</speech>>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Continue watching->copevent4c1]]</span></div>
<div class="general">Jack grabs her hair again as he pushes her head onto the table before he goes back to some light chocking again.</div>
<video src="images/sabina/copevent4/copevent4d.webm" autoplay loop></video>
<<speech "random" "Jack">>Fuck, your ass is so tight.<</speech>>
<div class="general">Jack fucks her faster and faster then he suddenly he lifst her up and places her on the table</div>
<<speech "random" "Jack">>Open your mouth.<</speech>>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Continue watching->copevent4c2]]</span></div>
<div class="general">He grabs her head as Sabina opens her mouth. He pushes her dick inside her mouth and starts fucking it.</div>
<video src="images/sabina/copevent4/copevent4e.webm" autoplay loop></video>
<<speech "random" "Jack">>Ooh fuck yes!<</speech>>
<div class="general">He keeps fucking her mouth and you notice that Sabina takes his dick quite easily.</div>
<<speech "random" "Jack">>Ooh yes, here it comes.<</speech>>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Continue watching->copevent4c3]]</span></div>
<div class="general">Sabina automatically opens her mouth and waits eagerly. Then he starts cumming on her face and in her mouth.</div>
<video src="images/sabina/copevent4/copevent4f.webm" autoplay loop></video>
<<speech "random" "Jack">>Fuck yeah.<</speech>>
<<speech "sabina" "Sabina">>Aaah. That was good. Now give me something to clean up with, $name can arrive at any moment.<</speech>>
<div class="general">Jack pulls out a sort of handkerchief and gives it to Sabina.</div>
<<speech "sabina" "Sabina">>Thanks.<</speech>>
<div class="general">Sabina cleans her face and gets dressed. Then she walks towards the exit of the office.</div>
<<speech "Player" "$name">><i>Shit, she can't catch me here.</i><</speech>>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Continue->copevent4d]]</span></div>
<div class="general">Sabina takes your pants off and pushes you down. Once you sit down she kneels in front of you.</div>
<<speech "sabina" "Sabina">>Don’t worry baby, I know what you like.<</speech>>
<div class="general">While sitting in front of you she starts rubbing your dick.</div>
<video src="images/sabina/copevent6/copevent6e2.webm" autoplay loop></video>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Hmmmm.<</speech>>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Continue->copevent6g]]</span></div>
<div class="general">She keeps going.</div>
<video src="images/sabina/copevent6/copevent6e3.webm" autoplay loop></video>
<<speech "sabina" "Sabina">>I love to see your hard dick in my hand.<</speech>>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Continue->copevent6h]]</span></div>
<<speech "sabina" "Sabina">>Does it feel good?<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Hmmm, yes it does.<</speech>>
<div class="general">She bends forward and starst licking your balls.</div>
<video src="images/sabina/copevent6/copevent6f1.webm" autoplay loop></video>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Continue->copevent6i]]</span></div>
<div class="general">After she keeps going.</div>
<<speech "sabina" "Sabina">>You dick is making me so horny baby.<</speech>>
<div class="general">Her hand moves down to her pussy and she starts playing with it..</div>
<video src="images/sabina/copevent6/copevent6f2.webm" autoplay loop></video>
<<speech "sabina" "Sabina">>Ooh baby, I love your cock so much.<</speech>>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Continue->copevent6j]]</span></div>
<div class="general">She keeps jerking you off.</div>
<<speech "sabina" "Sabina">>I know you love my hands. Hmmhmh.<</speech>>
<div class="general">She keeps playing with herself while she jerks you off.</div>
<video src="images/sabina/copevent6/copevent6f3.webm" autoplay loop></video>
<<speech "sabina" "Sabina">>Get up baby, I feel that you are getting closer.<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">><i>Damn, she is not wrong.</i><</speech>>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Continue->copevent6k]]</span></div>
<<speech "sabina" "sabina">>Cum for me baby, you can cum in you favorite place.<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">><i>I wonder where that is.</i><</speech>>
<div class="general">She keeps jerking you off.</div>
<video src="images/sabina/copevent6/copevent6g1.webm" autoplay loop></video>
<<speech "sabina" "Sabina">>Oh yes baby. Look how good that dick looks in my hands.<</speech>>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Continue->copevent6m]]</span></div>
<div class="general">She keeps going.</div>
<video src="images/sabina/copevent6/copevent6g2.webm" autoplay loop></video>
<<speech "sabina" "Sabina">>Oh yes, cum into my mouth baby. I know you want that.<</speech>>
<div class="general">She keeps jerking you off.</div>
<<speech "sabina" "Sabina">>Cum for me Jack, cum in my mouth!<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Fuucck!<</speech>>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Continue->copevent6n]]</span></div>
<div class="general">She sticks out her tongue as you start cumming.</div>
<video src="images/sabina/copevent6/copevent6g3.webm" autoplay loop></video>
<div class="general">Sabina swallows all of your cum.</div>
<<speech "sabina" "Sabina">>Hmmmhmhm, Jack that was amazing, you taste even better than usual.<</speech>>
<div class="general">Sabina gets up and lays down on her bed.</div>
<<speech "sabina" "Sabina">>Will you join me Jack?<</speech>>
<div class="general">You pull up your pants and walk to the bed. But before you reach the bed, you already notice that Sabina is already asleep.</div>
<<speech "Player" "$name">><i>Well let’s pray she doesn’t remember this.</i><</speech>>
<a data-passage="university"><div class="talkplayer">Let’s go home</div></a>
<<set $time to $time +5>>
<<set $copevent6 to "true">>
<<set $copevent6b to "true">>
<<set $copeventtimer to 0>><div class="general">You look at her surprised.</div>
<<speech "sabina" "Sabina">>Did you really think I wouldn’t remember?<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Still, you are…<</speech>>
<<speech "sabina" "Sabina">>I need this. Jack used to fuck me almost daily. I need you to fuck me.<</speech>>
<div class="general">In the meantime she opens your pants grabs your dick and starts sucking.</div>
<video src="images/sabina/copevent7/copevent7b2.webm" autoplay loop></video>
<<speech "Player" "$name">><i>Oh fuck that feels good.</i><</speech>>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Continue->copevent7d]]</span></div>
<div class="general">Sabina stops sucking for a bit.</div>
<<speech "sabina" "Sabina">>Or are you going to tell me you don’t want this?<</speech>>
<div class="general">Then she continues sucking.</div>
<video src="images/sabina/copevent7/copevent7b3.webm" autoplay loop></video>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Continue->copevent7e]]</span></div>
<<speech "sabina" "Sabina">>Hmmm, that should do it.<</speech>>
<div class="general">She climbs on top of you and she guides your dick into her pussy.</div>
<video src="images/sabina/copevent7/copevent7c1.webm" autoplay loop></video>
<<speech "sabina" "Sabina">>Oooh yes! Don’t tell me this doesn’t feel good, now fuck me!<</speech>>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Continue->copevent7f]]</span></div>
<div class="general">Sabina bounces up and down on top of you.</div>
<video src="images/sabina/copevent7/copevent7c2.webm" autoplay loop></video>
<<speech "sabina" "Sabina">>Come on, take what you want, use me!<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">><i>I guess she likes it rough.</i><</speech>>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Continue->copevent7g]]</span></div>
<div class="general">You spank her ass and start sucking on her breasts.</div>
<video src="images/sabina/copevent7/copevent7c3.webm" autoplay loop></video>
<<speech "sabina" "Sabina">>Hmmmm, yes, that’s better.<</speech>>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Continue->copevent7h]]</span></div>
<div class="general">Then she gets off you and bends over.</div>
<<speech "sabina" "Sabina">>Now fuck me like you mean it.<</speech>>
<div class="general">You get behind her and push your dick inside her.</div>
<video src="images/sabina/copevent7/copevent7d1.webm" autoplay loop></video>
<<speech "sabina" "Sabina">>Hmmm, yes, fuck me, fuck me hard!<</speech>>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Continue->copevent7i]]</span></div>
<div class="general">You start increasing you pace.</div>
<video src="images/sabina/copevent7/copevent7d2.webm" autoplay loop></video>
<<speech "sabina" "Sabina">>Oh yes!<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>You like it hard?<</speech>>
<<speech "sabina" "Sabina">>Yes!<</speech>>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Continue->copevent7j]]</span></div>
<div class="general">You push her face down so her ass is now truly in the air as you keep fucking her.</div>
<video src="images/sabina/copevent7/copevent7d3.webm" autoplay loop></video>
<<speech "sabina" "Sabina">>Oh yes, use me!<</speech>>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Continue->copevent7k]]</span></div>
<div class="general">You keep fucking her faster and faster.</div>
<video src="images/sabina/copevent7/copevent7e1.webm" autoplay loop></video>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Alright, come here.<</speech>>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Continue->copevent7l]]</span></div>
<div class="general">You pull out of her and sit down.</div>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Come here and ride me.<</speech>>
<div class="general">She gets up walks towards you, turns around, and sits down on your dick and starts riding you.</div>
<video src="images/sabina/copevent7/copevent7e2.webm" autoplay loop></video>
<<speech "sabina" "Sabina">>Oh yes!<</speech>>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Continue->copevent7m]]</span></div>
<div class="general">She starts riding you faster and faster.</div>
<video src="images/sabina/copevent7/copevent7e3.webm" autoplay loop></video>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Continue->copevent7n]]</span></div>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Damn, you are such a naughty girl.<</speech>>
<<speech "sabina" "Sabina">>Yes I am.<</speech>>
<div class="general">She keeps riding you.</div>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Now bent over.<</speech>>
<div class="general">You push her forwards as you keep fucking her. When she is bent over you grab her ass a start to bounce her ass up and down.</div>
<video src="images/sabina/copevent7/copevent7f1.webm" autoplay loop></video>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>That’s better.<</speech>>
<<speech "sabina" "Sabina">>Oh fuck, yes!<</speech>>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Continue->copevent7o]]</span></div>
<div class="general">You keep fucking yourself with her pussy.</div>
<video src="images/sabina/copevent7/copevent7f2.webm" autoplay loop></video>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Oh fuck, here I come.<</speech>>
<div class="general">You spank her ass.</div>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Get on your knees.<</speech>>
<<speech "sabina" "Sabina">>Hhhmmmm.<</speech>>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Continue->copevent7p]]</span></div>
<div class="general">Sabina gets off you and gets on her knees.</div>
<video src="images/sabina/copevent7/copevent7f3.webm" autoplay loop></video>
<<speech "sabina" "Sabina">>Hhhm, yes spray that cum all over me.<</speech>>
<div class="general">Sabina gets off you and gets on her knees and sticks out her tongue, eagerly waiting for your cum.</div>
<<speech "sabina" "Sabina">>Cum for me!<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Here it comes!<</speech>>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Continue->copevent7q]]</span></div>
<div class="general">You start cumming all over Sabina’s face.</div>
<video src="images/sabina/copevent7/copevent7f4.webm" autoplay loop></video>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Damn that was good.<</speech>>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Continue->copevent7r]]</span></div>
<<addenergy -20>>
<<addhygene -10>>
<<addhappiness 15>>
<<set $time to $time +1>>
<<if $fitness gte 0 and $fitness lt 25>>
<<addarousal -35>>
<<elseif $fitness gte 20 and $fitness lt 40>>
<<addarousal -30>>
<<elseif $fitness gte 40>>
<<addarousal -25>><</if>><<speech "sabina" "Sabina">>It was not bad for a first time.<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Really?<</speech>>
<<speech "sabina" "Sabina">>You can be a lot rougher with me.<</speech>>
<div class="general">She walks towards you and whispers in your ear.</div>
<<speech "sabina" "Sabina">>I really like it rough.<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Alright, I’ll remember that?<</speech>>
<<speech "sabina" "Sabina">>Now, time for you to go, I got what I needed.<</speech>>
<div class="general">She basically pushes you out the door and before you know it you are outside of her apartment.</div>
<<speech "Player" "$name">><i>Well, I guess I now know how it feels to be used for sex, not that I’m complaining.</i><</speech>>
<a data-passage="center"><div class="talkplayer">Let’s do something else</div></a>
<<set $copeventtimer to 0>><div class="general">Frozen you stare at her as you feel your dick harden.</div>
<<speech "Player" "$name">><i>She is stunning.</i><</speech>>
<div class="general">You notice that her hands are slowly going to her pussy before she starts rubbing it.</div>
<video src="images/ellie/ellieevent3/ellieevent3a2.webm" autoplay loop></video>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Continue->ellieevent3c]]</span></div>
<div class="general">Soft moans are coming your way as she keeps going.</div>
<video src="images/ellie/ellieevent3/ellieevent3a3.webm" autoplay loop></video>
<div class="general">Suddenly she looks up and looks you in the eyes.</div>
<<speech "Player" "$name">><i>Oooh shit.</i><</speech>>
<div class="general">She doesn’t stop or say anything and keeps going, glancing toward you on occasion.</div>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Continue->ellieevent3d]]</span></div>
<<speech "Player" "$name">><i>Wow, clearly she doesn’t mind me watching her. Maybe..</i><</speech>>
<div class="general">You start unzipping your pants and take out your, by now, hard dick and you start jerking off.</div>
<<speech "Player" "$name">><i>Let’s see how she responds.</i><</speech>>
<div class="general">You see her looking at you again, her eyes widen for a second, but she doesn’t stop. Quite the contrary, she now pushes, at first one, but quite soon, two fingers into her pussy.</div>
<video src="images/ellie/ellieevent3/ellieevent3b1.webm" autoplay loop></video>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Continue->ellieevent3e]]</span></div>
<div class="general">You keep jerking off as you keep looking at her.</div>
<<speech "Player" "$name">><i>Damn, such a hot young girl.</i><</speech>>
<div class="general">The girl keeps fingering and rubbing her pussy.</div>
<video src="images/ellie/ellieevent3/ellieevent3b2.webm" autoplay loop></video>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Continue->ellieevent3f]]</span></div>
<div class="general">Her moans start to become louder.</div>
<<speech "Player" "$name">><i>Fuck I’m almost cumming and I think she is as well.</i><</speech>>
<div class="general">And indeed, quite soon after she starts cumming and so do you.</div>
<video src="images/ellie/ellieevent3/ellieevent3b3.webm" autoplay loop></video>
<<speech "ellie" "?">>Hhhhmmmhmmmm.<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">><i>Fuck that was hot.</i><</speech>>
<div class="general">You look at the girl and something has changed. She looks embarrassed and scared as she stands up and runs into the house. You quickly pull up your pants.</div>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Wait I got your phone!<</speech>>
<div class="general">You knock on the door, but no-one answers it.</div>
<<speech "Player" "$name">><i>Well, I guess I have to take it with me again.</i><</speech>>
<a data-passage="suburbs"><div class="talkplayer">Leave</div></a>
<div class="general">You notice that she starts to get more and more comfortable. She even starts to show her body off.</div>
<video src="images/ellie/ellieevent4/ellieevent4b2.webm" autoplay loop></video>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Continue->ellieevent4d]]</span></div>
<div class="general">Then she also starts to take off her shorts and panties</div>
<video src="images/ellie/ellieevent4/ellieevent4b3.webm" autoplay loop></video>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Continue->ellieevent4e]]</span></div>
<div class="general">Then she sits down on her couch.</div>
<video src="images/ellie/ellieevent4/ellieevent4c1.webm" autoplay loop></video>
<<speech "ellie" "Ellie">>Do.. Do you still like what you see?<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>I sure do!<</speech>>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Continue->ellieevent4f]]</span></div>
<div class="general">She spreads her legs and starts rubbing her pussy.</div>
<video src="images/ellie/ellieevent4/ellieevent4c2.webm" autoplay loop></video>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Do you mind if I play with myself as well?<</speech>>
<<speech "ellie" "Ellie">>No, I kinda liked seeing it.<</speech>>
<div class="general">She slowly keeps playing with herself.</div>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Continue->ellieevent4g]]</span></div>
<video src="images/ellie/ellieevent4/ellieevent4c3.webm" autoplay loop></video>
<<speech "ellie" "Ellie">>Hmmmmhmmmm.<</speech>>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Continue->ellieevent4h]]</span></div>
<div class="general">She changes position as she keeps going.</div>
<video src="images/ellie/ellieevent4/ellieevent4d1.webm" autoplay loop></video>
<<speech "ellie" "Ellie">>Hmmmm, I always get so horny when people look at me.<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>You do this more often?<</speech>>
<<speech "ellie" "Ellie">>Well, hmmmmm, you saw me in the garden right, just the idea.. It makes me so wet.<</speech>>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Continue->ellieevent4i]]</span></div>
<div class="general">She keeps going as she inserts two fingers.</div>
<video src="images/ellie/ellieevent4/ellieevent4d2.webm" autoplay loop></video>
<<speech "ellie" "Ellie">>You are the first one that caught me, which I know off.<</speech>>
<div class="general">She let’s out another moan.</div>
<<speech "ellie" "Ellie">>Hmmhmm. And then with your dick out. It made me so wet. It was actually the first dick that I have seen in real life.<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Really?<</speech>>
<<speech "ellie" "Ellie">>Hmmm, yes! And it made me so wet. I haven’t been that horny ever.<</speech>>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Continue->ellieevent4j]]</span></div>
<<speech "Player" "$name">><i>Fuck, she is actually a virgin.</i><</speech>>
<div class="general">She fingers herself more and faster.</div>
<video src="images/ellie/ellieevent4/ellieevent4d3.webm" autoplay loop></video>
<<speech "ellie" "Ellie">>I couldn’t believe that I made someone so hard!<</speech>>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Continue->ellieevent4k]]</span></div>
<div class="general">She moves back to her starting position.</div>
<<speech "ellie" "Ellie">>And I love to watch, hmmmhmmm, how you stroke it.<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Damn, it’s all you, you make me rock hard.<</speech>>
<<speech "ellie" "Ellie">>Hmmm, are you going to cum for me?<</speech>>
<div class="general">She keeps playing with her pussy.</div>
<video src="images/ellie/ellieevent4/ellieevent4e1.webm" autoplay loop></video>
<<speech "ellie" "Ellie">>Oooh yes!<</speech>>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Continue->ellieevent4l]]</span></div>
<div class="general">She really starts to finger her pussy harder and harder.</div>
<<speech "ellie" "Ellie">>I want to see you cum so bad.<</speech>>
<video src="images/ellie/ellieevent4/ellieevent4e2.webm" autoplay loop></video>
<<speech "ellie" "Ellie">>Let’s cum together.<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Fuck, you are one horny girl.<</speech>>
<<speech "ellie" "Ellie">>Hmmm yes, yes yesss! I’m going to cummm!!<</speech>>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Continue->ellieevent4m]]</span></div>
<div class="general">With loud moans Ellie starts to cum, which puts you over the edge as well..</div>
<video src="images/ellie/ellieevent4/ellieevent4e3.webm" autoplay loop></video>
<<speech "ellie" "Ellie">>Oh wow.<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>You can say that again.<</speech>>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Continue->ellieevent4n]]</span></div>
<<addenergy -20>>
<<addhygene -10>>
<<addhappiness 10>>
<<set $time to $time +1>>
<<if $fitness gte 0 and $fitness lt 25>>
<<addarousal -35>>
<<elseif $fitness gte 20 and $fitness lt 40>>
<<addarousal -30>>
<<elseif $fitness gte 40>>
<<addarousal -25>><</if>>
<div class="general">Suddenly her face changes again, looking a lot like the first time you watched her.</div>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Are you ok?<</speech>>
<<speech "ellie" "Ellie">>I.. I don’t know..<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Tell me, what’s wrong?<</speech>>
<<speech "ellie" "Ellie">>I just.. Got caught up in the moment again. I.. I just masturbated in front of you.<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>There is really nothing to be embarrassed about.<</speech>>
<<speech "ellie" "Ellie">>I don’t know<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Did you enjoy it?<</speech>>
<div class="general">A slight smile goes across her face.</div>
<<speech "ellie" "Ellie">>I did. I came so hard again.<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>And so did I. We are just two adults enjoying each other’s company. You are an adult right.<</speech>>
<<speech "ellie" "Ellie">>Yeah, I turned 18 two months ago.<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">><i>Oh damn, she is really young.</i><</speech>>
<div class="general">She still looks uncomfortable.</div>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>You know what, why don’t we do this more often, so I can teach you how to get more comfortable with yourself.<</speech>>
<<speech "ellie" "Ellie">>I.. I would like that.<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Let me put my number in your phone.<</speech>>
<div class="general">While you are doing that, Ellie looks at the clock.</div>
<<speech "ellie" "Ellie">>Fuck, my parents are almost home. You have to leave!<</speech>>
<div class="general">She basically pushes you out of the house and before you know it you are outside off her house again.</div>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Damn.. That’s a long time ago that this happened.<</speech>>
<a data-passage="suburbs"><div class="talkplayer">Let’s do something else</div></a>
<<speech "Player" "$name">><i>Guess who.. It's Sabina unsurprisingly.</i><</speech>>
<div class="general">You pick up.</div>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Hi Sabina.<</speech>>
<<speech "sabina" "Sabina">>$name, send me your location so I can pick you up.<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Alright..<</speech>>
<div class="general">You send her your location and not much later she stands in front of you in her car.</div>
<<speech "sabina" "Sabina">>Get in.<</speech>>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Get in the car->copevent8a]]</span></div>
<<set $copevent8 to "true">><<speech "Player" "$name">>So, what are we doing?<</speech>>
<<speech "sabina" "Sabina">>This is not a booty call if that is what you are hoping for.<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Alright, then where are we going?<</speech>>
<<speech "sabina" "Sabina">>I've found a trail of who killed Jack.<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>You what?<</speech>>
<<speech "sabina" "Sabina">>So Jack and I made a bit of a shady deal with some shady people a while back.<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>So you are a dirty cop?<</speech>>
<<speech "sabina" "Sabina">>No, we just don't always work by the book and yes sometimes that comes with some advantages, and well sometimes...<</speech>>
<div class="general">Sabina clearly thinks about Jack.</div>
<<speech "Player" "$name">><i>Sad or not, we call this a dirty cop..</i><</speech>>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Continue->copevent8b]]</span></div>
<div class="general">You drive for a while until she stops in an alley somewhere out of town.</div>
<<speech "sabina" "Sabina">>Alright, we are parked behind a casino where the killer, or at least the person who hired the killer, is hiding out. He has some troubles of his own and is actually a wanted man.<</speech>>
<div class="general">She hands you a small body cam and a earpiece.</div>
<<speech "sabina" "Sabina">>So, you need to go inside and take a look around and see if you can find him.<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>So you just need me to walk around the casino, play some slots and see if I can spot him?<</speech>>
<<speech "sabina" "Sabina">>Yes and no, I also need you to go to some restricted areas, I don't expect him to just walk around in the casino.<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Ah, there's the catch..<</speech>>
<<speech "sabina" "Sabina">>Oh shut up, just get in there and stay in touch!.<</speech>>
<div class="general">You get out of the car and walk towards the casino.</div>
<<speech "Player" "$name">><i>Why the fuck am I still doing this..</i><</speech>>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Continue->copevent8c]]</span></div><div class="general">You enter the casino and start walking around.</div>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>So where am I supposed to look?<</speech>>
<<speech "sabina" "Sabina">>I'll know it when I see it, just play some slots or something and keep walking around.<</speech>>
<div class="general">You so as she says, you play some slots and walk around a bit.</div>
<<speech "sabina" "Sabina">>Wait! Stop!<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>What?<</speech>>
<<speech "sabina" "Sabina">>Move back. You see the guy in his leather jacket?<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Yes?<</speech>>
<<speech "sabina" "Sabina">>Follow him. But be subtle!<</speech>>
<div class="general">You do as Sabina says until he walks through a personnel-only door.</div>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Now what?<</speech>>
<<speech "sabina" "Sabina">>Well, keep following him.<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">><i>Fuck me.</i><</speech>>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Continue->copevent8d]]</span></div>
<div class="general">You take a good around and make sure no one is watching you and you sneak inside.</div>
<<speech "Player" "$name">><i>Fuck me, my heart pounding..</i><</speech>>
<div class="general">You look around. You are in a long hallway with plenty of doors left and right.</div>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Now what?<</speech>>
<<speech "sabina" "Sabina">>Well, keep going, see if you can hear something.<</speech>>
<div class="general">You start walking until you hear some voices.</div>
<<speech "sabina" "Sabina">>That's him! That's fucking him! We have enough, you can get out.<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">><i>I feel like I have heard that voice before as well.. Anyway, time to leave.</i><</speech>>
<div class="general">You sneak out and leave the de room and then the casino.</div>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Continue->copevent8e]]</span></div>
<div class="general">Not much later you enter her car again.</div>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>How did you know so sure it was him?<</speech>>
<<speech "sabina" "Sabina">>I recognize that voice out of thousands. Anyway, it's clearly him.<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Alright and what now?<</speech>>
<<speech "sabina" "Sabina">>I'll drop you off at your house and then I'll go back here until I get a visual so I can call in the cavalry.<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Alright, sounds like a plan.<</speech>>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Continue->copevent8f]]</span></div>
<div class="general">She drops you off at home.</div>
<<speech "Player" "$name">><i>I still don't trust her, but I guess it's not my problem.. Now I guess I have to decide if I tell the FBI lady, what was her name again? Oh yes, Ms. Thompson. Anyway, should I give her a call or trust Sabina and stay loyal to her?</i><</speech>>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Call Ms. Thompson->copevent8yes]]</span></div>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Don't call Ms. Thompson->copevent8no]]</span></div>
<<speech "Player" "$name">><i>I should call Ms. Thompson, I mean she is the FBI.</i><</speech>>
<div class="general">You grab your phone and start dialing.</div>
<<speech "thompson" "Ms. Thompson">>Mr. $name. Tell me what is our dear friend up to?<</speech>>
<div class="general">You tell her everything you did today and what Sabina is up to.</div>
<<speech "thompson" "Ms. Thompson">>So basically you are helping her and becoming an accessory to her crimes.<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Ehh.. Well... Uhhh..<</speech>>
<<speech "thompson" "Ms. Thompson">>Haha, no worries Mr. $name, nothing will be held against you, as long as you keep updating me of course. Thank you for the update and I expect to hear from you soon again.<</speech>>
<div class="general">She hangs up.</div>
<a data-passage="entrance"><div class="talkplayer">Let’s do something else</div></a>
<<set $sabinarat to "true">>
<<set $copeventtimer to 0>><<speech "Player" "$name">><i>I should stay loyal to Sabina, she has it hard enough as is.</i><</speech>>
<a data-passage="entrance"><div class="talkplayer">Let’s do something else</div></a>
<<set $sabinaloyal to "true">>
<<set $copeventtimer to 0>><div class="general">You walk towards the voice you just heard.</div>
<<speech "Player" "$name">><i>Damn.</i><</speech>>
<div class="general">You are looking at Zareana on her knees in front of a guy you haven't seen before and looks to be in his early sixties, sucking his dick.</div>
<video src="images/zareana/zareana1/zareana1a.webm" autoplay loop></video>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Continue->zareana1b]]</span></div>
<<set $zareanatimer to 0>><<speech "random" "?">>Come on Zareana, if you want that starting spot for the next game.<</speech>>
<<speech "Zareana" "Zareana">>Hmmhmm.<</speech>>
<div class="general">Then you see Zareana trying to take his dick deeper into he mouth.</div>
<video src="images/zareana/zareana1/zareana1b.webm" autoplay loop></video>
<<speech "random" "?">>That's better.<</speech>>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Continue->zareana1c]]</span></div>
<<speech "random" "?">>Ah, yes keep going you slut!<</speech>>
<div class="general">Zareana stops sucking and looks up at the guy.</div>
<video src="images/zareana/zareana1/zareana1c.webm" autoplay loop></video>
<<speech "Zareana" "Zareana">>I told you not to call me that.<</speech>>
<<speech "random" "?">>Listen, slut, I call them as I see them and since you are on your knees sucking my dick for a good starting position, you are most definitely a slut.<</speech>>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Continue->zareana1d]]</span></div><<speech "random" "?">>Now turn around, I really want to fuck you.<</speech>>
<<speech "Zareana" "Zareana">>What? No! That is not our deal.<</speech>>
<<speech "random" "?">>Well the deal is changed, you will get your spot, but you need to let me fuck you.<</speech>>
<<speech "Zareana" "Zareana">>But...<</speech>>
<<speech "random" "?">>Zareana.. What do you want?<</speech>>
<<speech "Zareana" "Zareana">>I... I...<</speech>>
<div class="general">Zareana turns around and gets down on all fours. The guy pulls away her panties and starts rubbing his dick against her pussy.</div>
<video src="images/zareana/zareana1/zareana1d.webm" autoplay loop></video>
<<speech "random" "?">>Hmmm, I've been waiting for way to long to fuck you.<</speech>>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Continue->zareana1e]]</span></div><<speech "Zareana" "Zareana">>Please be gentle.<</speech>>
<div class="general">The guy rubs on her pussy a bit more and then he pushes himself into her.</div>
<video src="images/zareana/zareana1/zareana1e.webm" autoplay loop></video>
<<speech "random" "?">>Fuuckk, this feels good! How is a slut like you so fukcing tight. I'm already almost blowing my load.<</speech>>
<<speech "Zareana" "Zareana">>Hmmmhhmm. I'm not... a... Hhmmhm.. Slut...<</speech>>
<<speech "random" "?">>Oh shut up.<</speech>>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Continue->zareana1f]]</span></div>
<div class="general">The guy keeps fucking Zareana.</div>
<<speech "random" "?">>Damn, I love my job.<</speech>>
<<speech "Zareana" "Zareana">>Hmmhmm.<</speech>>
<div class="general">The guy keeps going.</div>
<video src="images/zareana/zareana1/zareana1f.webm" autoplay loop></video>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Continue->zareana1g]]</span></div><<speech "random" "?">>Fuck, I'm cumming! Get up and open your mouth.<</speech>>
<<speech "Zareana" "Zareana">>Really?<</speech>>
<<speech "random" "?">>Now you fucking slut!<</speech>>
<div class="general">Zareana gets up, sits in front of the guy, and opens her mouth.</div>
<<speech "random" "?">>Suck it a little.<</speech>>
<div class="general">Zareana takes his dick in her mouth, but within two seconds he pulls out and starts cumming in Zereana's mouth.</div>
<video src="images/zareana/zareana1/zareana1g.webm" autoplay loop></video>
<<speech "random" "?">>Ooh yes. Suck it a little more.<</speech>>
<div class="general">Zareana keeps sucking his dick for a while longer until it's completely limp.</div>
<<speech "random" "?">>Now what do we say?.<</speech>>
<<speech "Zareana" "Zareana">>Thank you coach.<</speech>>
<<speech "random" "Coach">>Good girl.<</speech>>
<div class="general">With that said he pulls up his pants and leaves Zareana.</div>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Well time to go->zareana1h]]</span></div><div class="general">Just as you are about to walk away you hear another voice behind you.</div>
<<speech "Zareana" "Zareana">>$name?<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">><i>Ooh shit.</i><</speech>>
<div class="general">You turn around and see Zareana standing in front of you.</div>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Zareana! What.. What a coincidence, I.. Uuuhh, was just looking for you.<</speech>>
<<speech "Zareana" "Zareana">>Did you just see... Well.. You know?<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Eeehm..<</speech>>
<<speech "Zareana" "Zareana">>Oh my god! You did!<</speech>>
<div class="general">Zareana looks like she is on the verge of crying.</div>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>It's ok..<</speech>>
<<speech "Zareana" "Zareana">>I.. I...<</speech>>
<div class="general">Zareana turns around and runs away.</div>
<<speech "Player" "$name">><i>Fuck.</i><</speech>>
<a data-passage="park"><div class="talkplayer">Let’s do something else</div></a>
<<set $time to $time +1>>
<<set $zareana1 to "true">><div class="general">Suddenly Sarah calls out to you and you walk toward her.</div>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>What's up honey?<</speech>>
<<speech "Sarah" "Sarah">>Honestly, I uhhh... I wanted to ask you if you gave our neighbour's offer a second thought.<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Wow, it seems like you really want it.<</speech>>
<<speech "Sarah" "Sarah">>I do, I already told you this.<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>And what do you exactly have in mind?<</speech>>
<<speech "Sarah" "Sarah">>Whatever you feel comfortable with. I thought to start lightly with like just a handjob or maybe a blowjob..<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Ok..<</speech>>
<<speech "Sarah" "Sarah">>And, well, you can be there as well, or I can film it for you, or I can just tell you afterward, whatever you feel comfortable with.<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">><i>Wow, she really thought this trough.</i><</speech>>
<<speech "Sarah" "Sarah">>Well? He will also pay handsomely and we both know we could really use that money!<</speech>>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Alright, but I want to be there->neighbour2prev1]]</span></div>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Alright, but I want you to film it->neighbour2prev2]]</span></div>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Alright, you can tell me about it afterwards->neighbour2prev3]]</span></div>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[No, I'm not comfortable with this->neighbour2prev4]]</span></div>
<div class="general">Sarah's eyes light up.</div>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>But we are going to have some ground rules.<</speech>>
<<speech "Sarah" "Sarah">>Of course!<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Tell me what you are going to do and when, no sneaking around, no kissing, or other romantic stuff and always tell or show me after.<</speech>>
<<speech "Sarah" "Sarah">>Alright, that seems fair.<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Also, no creampies, I do not want to raise someone elses baby.<</speech>>
<<speech "Sarah" "Sarah">>Ok, but all these rules go both ways.<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Deal!<</speech>>
<div class="general">Sarah is smiling.</div>
<<speech "Sarah" "Sarah">>Thank you so much honey! I'll let you know when I've arranged everything and to stick with the rules, I will only do a handjob this first time.<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">></i>It feels so odd that she is just telling me this like it's normal.</i><</speech>>
<div class="general">Sarah kisses you and leaves the room.</div>
<a data-passage="entrance"><div class="talkplayer">Let’s do something else</div></a>
<<set $neighbour2prev1 to "true">>
<<set $neighbour2prev to "true">>
<div class="general">Sarah's eyes light up.</div>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>But we are going to have some ground rules.<</speech>>
<<speech "Sarah" "Sarah">>Of course!<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Tell me what you are going to do and when, no sneaking around, no kissing or other romantic stuff and always tell or show me after.<</speech>>
<<speech "Sarah" "Sarah">>Alright, that seems fair.<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Also, no creampies, I do not want to raise someone elses baby.<</speech>>
<<speech "Sarah" "Sarah">>Ok, but all these rules go both ways.<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Deal!<</speech>>
<div class="general">Sarah is smiling.</div>
<<speech "Sarah" "Sarah">>Thank you so much honey! I'll let you know when I've arranged everything and to stick with the rules, I will only do a handjob this first time.<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">></i>It feels so odd that she is just telling me this like it's normal.</i><</speech>>
<div class="general">Sarah kisses you and leaves the room.</div>
<a data-passage="entrance"><div class="talkplayer">Let’s do something else</div></a>
<<set $neighbour2prev2 to "true">>
<<set $neighbour2prev to "true">>
<div class="general">Sarah's eyes light up.</div>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>But we are going to have some ground rules.<</speech>>
<<speech "Sarah" "Sarah">>Of course!<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Tell me what you are going to do and when, no sneaking around, no kissing or other romantic stuff and always tell or show me after.<</speech>>
<<speech "Sarah" "Sarah">>Alright, that seems fair.<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Also, no creampies, I do not want to raise someone elses baby.<</speech>>
<<speech "Sarah" "Sarah">>Ok, but all these rules go both ways.<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Deal!<</speech>>
<div class="general">Sarah is smiling.</div>
<<speech "Sarah" "Sarah">>Thank you so much honey! I'll let you know when I've arranged everything and to stick with the rules, I will only do a handjob this first time.<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">></i>It feels so odd that she is just telling me this like it's normal.</i><</speech>>
<a data-passage="entrance"><div class="talkplayer">Let’s do something else</div></a>
<<set $neighbour2prev3 to "true">>
<<set $neighbour2prev to "true">>
<div class="general">Sarah seems very dissapointed.</div>
<<speech "Sarah" "Sarah">>Oh.. Well, I'll let you think some more about it.<</speech>>
<div class="general">Sarah leaves the room.</div>
<a data-passage="entrance"><div class="talkplayer">Let’s do something else</div></a>
<div class="general">You see the girl you've seen before, twice, once at the university and once in the park and.. You know you saw her somewhere before, but you can't place it. As you look at her she looks right back at you.</div>
<img src="images/olivia/oliviagym2.jpg" />
<<speech "olivia" "Olivia">>Hii!<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Eehm hi..<</speech>>
<div class="general">You walk towards her trying hard to keep your eyes aimed at her face.</div>
<<speech "olivia" "Olivia">>Haha, you have no idea do you?<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>I guess not.<</speech>>
<<speech "olivia" "Olivia">>I'm the girl who sold you all your sex toys.<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Oh damn! I remember now.<</speech>>
<<speech "olivia" "Olivia">>So I know exactly how kinky you and Sarah are.<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>How do you know Sarah?<</speech>>
<<speech "olivia" "Olivia">>She is one of my teachers a the university and well, I saw you going into her office once or twice.<</speech>>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Continue->oliviaevent1a]]</span></div>
<img src="images/olivia/oliviagym1.jpg" />
<<speech "olivia" "Olivia">>So? How did it go with the toys?<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Well... Ehhm...<</speech>>
<<speech "olivia" "Olivia">>Don't worry, I've heard it all.<</speech>>
<div class="general">For some reason you are trusting her and you start telling a lot.</div>
<<speech "olivia" "Olivia">>Well, sounds like you had a great time! And it seems that you are both the adventurous types, so if you want to make it more exciting, go to this place.<</speech>>
<div class="general">She hands you a small business-like card and you read it.</div>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Is this for real?<</speech>>
<<speech "olivia" "Olivia">>It is, and it's loads of fun.<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>You actually go there?<</speech>>
<<speech "olivia" "Olivia">>I go there like every week, or every other week. It's a place with like-minded people. So it's like a safe place to do anything you want.<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Really? You go to this <strong>sex club</strong> every week?<</speech>>
<<speech "olivia" "Olivia">>What? I don't look like the type?<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Yes, yes indeed actually.<</speech>>
<<speech "olivia" "Olivia">>I know, I get that a lot. Anyway, see you there?<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Eeehm...<</speech>>
<<speech "olivia" "Olivia">>Just think about it.<</speech>>
<div class="general">Olivia gets up and leaves.</div>
<a data-passage="gym"><div class="talkplayer">Let’s do something else</div></a>
<<set $oliviameetgym to "true">><<if $oliviaevent1 is "true">>
<div class="journal journalend">I went to the sexclub which Olivia told me about. Apparently you are only welcome there as a woman or a couple. But I did manage to get a blowjob from Olivia. So it wasn't a worthless trip.</div>
<div class="journal journalend">So I finally met the mystery girl I've been seeing around and she turns out to be my sex toy seller and she is a member of a sex club where she now invited me and Sarah to.</div>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Return to Journal menu->Journal]]</span></div>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Return to game|$return]]</span></div><div class="general">You walk outside and see Noelle bend over with her ass towards you in her bikini.</div>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Hmmm, I can work with that.<</speech>>
<div class="general">You grab a bottle of suntan oil and walk toward her.</div>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Continue->terrfearob1]]</span></div><div class="general">You walk outside and see Noelle bend over with her ass towards you in her bikini.</div>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Hmmm, I can work with that.<</speech>>
<div class="general">You grab a bottle of suntan oil and walk toward her.</div>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Continue->terrfeartr1]]</span></div>
<div class="general">You see Noelle in the garden and you walk toward her.</div>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Hey beautiful.<</speech>>
<<speech "Noelle" "Noelle">>Hi $name.<</speech>>
<div class="general">You stand still and just look at her.</div>
<<speech "Noelle" "Noelle">>What?<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>You are absolutely gorgeos.<</speech>>
<<speech "Noelle" "Noelle">>You are so sweet?<</speech>>
<div class="general">You get closer to her and kiss her.</div>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Continue->terrrealationob1]]</span></div><div class="general">You see Noelle in the garden and you walk toward her.</div>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Hey beautiful.<</speech>>
<<speech "Noelle" "Noelle">>Hi $name.<</speech>>
<div class="general">You stand still and just look at her.</div>
<<speech "Noelle" "Noelle">>What?<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>You are absolutely gorgeos.<</speech>>
<<speech "Noelle" "Noelle">>You are so sweet?<</speech>>
<div class="general">You get closer to her and kiss her.</div>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Continue->terrrealationtr1]]</span></div>
<div class="general">You start touching her.</div>
<<speech "Noelle" "Noelle">>Do you want me as much as I want you.<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Probably more.<</speech>>
<div class="general">You touch her breasts as she starts to loosen your pants.</div>
<video src="images/noelle/noelleloss/terrace/terrrel/terrrel1.webm" autoplay loop></video>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Continue->terrrealationtr2]]</span></div></span></div><div class="general">Once your pants are loose and your dick is out, Noelle drops to her knees and starts sucking your dick.</div>
<video src="images/noelle/noelleloss/terrace/terrrel/terrrel2.webm" autoplay loop></video>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Continue->terrrealationtr3]]</span></div><<speech "Player" "$name">>Fuck, you are doing great!<</speech>>
<<speech "Noelle" "Noelle">>Hmmm, I love your dick.<</speech>>
<div class="general">While sucking, she also takes off her top.</div>
<video src="images/noelle/noelleloss/terrace/terrrel/terrrel3.webm" autoplay loop></video>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Continue->terrrealationtr4]]</span></div><<speech "Player" "$name">>Get up Noelle, I want to be inside of you.<</speech>>
<div class="general">You pull Noelle up, bend her forwards and push your dick inside her.</div>
<video src="images/noelle/noelleloss/terrace/terrrel/terrrel4.webm" autoplay loop></video>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Continue->terrrealationtr5]]</span></div><<speech "Noelle" "Noelle">>Hmmmm, yes, fuck me $name!<</speech>>
<div class="general">You keep fucking Noelle standing and from behind.</div>
<video src="images/noelle/noelleloss/terrace/terrrel/terrrel5.webm" autoplay loop></video>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Continue->terrrealationtr6]]</span></div><<nobr>><div class="general">You keep going and even start grabbing her hair to keep her in place.</div><br>
<video src="images/noelle/noelleloss/terrace/terrrel/terrrel6.webm" autoplay loop></video><br><br>
<<speech "Noelle" "Noelle">>Hmmm, aah.. Can... We.. Change...<</speech>><br>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Tell her to ride you->terrrealationtr7]]</span></div><br>
<<if $noelleftanal is "true">>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Tell her to go on all fours (anal)->terrrealationtr7a]]</span></div><</if>>
<</nobr>><<speech "Player" "$name">>Come here and ride me.<</speech>>
<div class="general">You lay down on your back and Noelle sits down on top of you and starts riding you.</div>
<video src="images/noelle/noelleloss/terrace/terrrel/terrrel7.webm" autoplay loop></video>
<<speech "Noelle" "Noelle">>Oooh yes!<</speech>>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Continue->terrrealationtr8]]</span></div><<speech "Player" "$name">>Get on all fours Noelle!<</speech>>
<div class="general">Noelle gets on all fours and you place yourself behind her.</div>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>You rub her asshole a little.<</speech>>
<<speech "Noelle" "Noelle">>What are you..?<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>I'm going to fuck your beautiful ass.<</speech>>
<div class="general">You place you dick against her asshole and slowly push yourself inside of her.</div>
<video src="images/noelle/noelleloss/terrace/terrrel/terrrel7a.webm" autoplay loop></video>
<<speech "Noelle" "Noelle">>Ooooh!<</speech>>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Continue->terrrealationtr8a]]</span></div>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Yes, ride me! Ride me fast!<</speech>>
<div class="general">Noelle does as you say and rides you hard and fast.</div>
<video src="images/noelle/noelleloss/terrace/terrrel/terrrel8.webm" autoplay loop></video>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Continue->terrrealationtr9]]</span></div><div class="general">You grab her ass and start fucking her as you also push your finger into her ass.</div>
<video src="images/noelle/noelleloss/terrace/terrrel/terrrel9.webm" autoplay loop></video>
<<speech "Noelle" "Noelle">>Oooh what are you..?<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Doesn't it feel good?<</speech>>
<<speech "Noelle" "Noelle">>I.. I guess.<</speech>>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Continue->terrrealationtr10]]</span></div><div class="general">You keep fucking her while fingering her ass.</div>
<<speech "Noelle" "Noelle">>Fuck, it makes me feel so full!<</speech>>
<video src="images/noelle/noelleloss/terrace/terrrel/terrrel10.webm" autoplay loop></video>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>You feel amazing!<</speech>>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Continue->terrrealationtr11]]</span></div><<speech "Player" "$name">>Fuck lay down on your back!<</speech>>
<div class="general">Noelle jumps off you and lays down on her back.</div>
<<speech "Noelle" "Noelle">>What are you..?<</speech>>
<div class="general">You hover above her and start jerking off.</div>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Open your mouth, I'm cumming!<</speech>>
<div class="general">Noelle opens her mouth and you start cumming.</div>
<video src="images/noelle/noelleloss/terrace/terrrel/terrrel13a.webm" autoplay loop></video>
<<speech "Noelle" "Noelle">>Hmmhm.. A bit more warning next time would be nice.<</speech>>
<div class="general">She gets up and walks inside..</div>
<a data-passage="garden"><div class="talkloc">Let’s go somewhere else</div></a>
<<addenergy -20>>
<<addhygene -10>>
<<addhappiness 15>>
<<set $time to $time +1>>
<<if $fitness gte 0 and $fitness lt 25>>
<<addarousal -35>>
<<elseif $fitness gte 20 and $fitness lt 40>>
<<addarousal -30>>
<<elseif $fitness gte 40>>
<<addarousal -25>><</if>>
<<set $terrrealationtr11 to "true">>
<<speech "Noelle" "Noelle">>Ooooh fuck!<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Fuck I do love to fuck your ass.<</speech>>
<div class="general">You keep fucking her ass.</div>
<video src="images/noelle/noelleloss/terrace/terrrel/terrrel8a.webm" autoplay loop></video>
<<speech "Noelle" "Noelle">>Hmmmm, I feel so dirty when you fuck my ass.<</speech>>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Continue->terrrealationtr9a]]</span></div>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Let me make you feel even dirtier then.<</speech>>
<div class="general">You increase the pace and start fucking her harder and faster.</div>
<video src="images/noelle/noelleloss/terrace/terrrel/terrrel9a.webm" autoplay loop></video>
<<speech "Noelle" "Noelle">>Ooooh!<</speech>>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Continue->terrrealationtr10a]]</span></div>
<div class="general">You pull out of her ass.</div>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Lay down on your side.<</speech>>
<div class="general">Noelle spins around and lays down on her side, when she is on her side you start fucking her ass again.</div>
<video src="images/noelle/noelleloss/terrace/terrrel/terrrel10a.webm" autoplay loop></video>
<<speech "Noelle" "Noelle">>Hmmmm, I feel so full when you are in my ass.<</speech>>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Continue->terrrealationtr11a]]</span></div>
<div class="general">You quickly pick up the pace.</div>
<video src="images/noelle/noelleloss/terrace/terrrel/terrrel11a.webm" autoplay loop></video>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Continue->terrrealationtr12a]]</span></div>
<div class="general">Then you pull out.</div>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Stay down baby, I want to cum all over you.<</speech>>
<video src="images/noelle/noelleloss/terrace/terrrel/terrrel12a.webm" autoplay loop></video>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Continue->terrrealationtr13a]]</span></div>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Oooh yes, open your mouth baby!<</speech>>
<div class="general">Noelle opens her mouth as you start cumming.</div>
<video src="images/noelle/noelleloss/terrace/terrrel/terrrel12a.webm" autoplay loop></video>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>That was amazing!<</speech>>
<a data-passage="garden"><div class="talkplayer">Let’s do something else</div></a>
<<addenergy -20>>
<<addhygene -10>>
<<addhappiness 15>>
<<set $time to $time +1>>
<<if $fitness gte 0 and $fitness lt 25>>
<<addarousal -35>>
<<elseif $fitness gte 20 and $fitness lt 40>>
<<addarousal -30>>
<<elseif $fitness gte 40>>
<<addarousal -25>><</if>>
<<set $terrrealationtr11 to "true">>
<div class="general">You start touching her.</div>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>I need you to go on your knees and suck my dick $noelle.<</speech>>
<<speech "Noelle" "Noelle">>Ok $name2.<</speech>>
<div class="general">You touch her breasts as she starts to loosen your pants.</div>
<video src="images/noelle/noelleloss/terrace/terrrel/terrrel1.webm" autoplay loop></video>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Continue->terrrealationob2]]</span></div></span></div><div class="general">Once your pants are loose and your dick is out, Noelle drops to her knees and starts sucking your dick.</div>
<video src="images/noelle/noelleloss/terrace/terrrel/terrrel2.webm" autoplay loop></video>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Continue->terrrealationob3]]</span></div><<speech "Player" "$name">>You are doing good $noelle, but I know you can do better.<</speech>>
<div class="general">She keeps sucking and also takes of her top.</div>
<video src="images/noelle/noelleloss/terrace/terrrel/terrrel3.webm" autoplay loop></video>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>That is at least one improvement.<</speech>>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Continue->terrrealationob4]]</span></div><<speech "Player" "$name">>Now get up, I want to fuck you.<</speech>>
<div class="general">You pull Noelle up, bend her forwards and push your dick inside her.</div>
<video src="images/noelle/noelleloss/terrace/terrrel/terrrel4.webm" autoplay loop></video>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Continue->terrrealationob5]]</span></div><<speech "Noelle" "Noelle">>Hmmmm!<</speech>>
<div class="general">You keep fucking Noelle standing and from behind.</div>
<video src="images/noelle/noelleloss/terrace/terrrel/terrrel5.webm" autoplay loop></video>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Continue->terrrealationob6]]</span></div><<nobr>><div class="general">You keep going and even start grabbing her hair to keep her in place.</div><br>
<video src="images/noelle/noelleloss/terrace/terrrel/terrrel6.webm" autoplay loop></video><br><br>
<<speech "Noelle" "Noelle">>Aah.. Please... Gentle..<</speech>><br>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Tell her to ride you->terrrealationob7]]</span></div><br>
<<if $noelleftanal is "true">>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Tell her to go on all fours (anal)->terrrealationob7a]]</span></div><</if>><</nobr>><<speech "Player" "$name">>Get on all fours Noelle!<</speech>>
<div class="general">Without warrning you place you dick against her asshole and slowly push yourself inside of her.</div>
<video src="images/noelle/noelleloss/terrace/terrrel/terrrel7a.webm" autoplay loop></video>
<<speech "Noelle" "Noelle">>Aaah! What...<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Just relax $noelle!<</speech>>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Continue->terrrealationob8a]]</span></div><div class="general">You lay down on your .</div>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Come her and ride me.<</speech>>
<div class="general">Noelle sits down on top of you and you enter her.</div>
<video src="images/noelle/noelleloss/terrace/terrrel/terrrel7.webm" autoplay loop></video>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Continue->terrrealationob8]]</span></div><<speech "Player" "$name">>Yes, ride me! Ride me faster $noelle!<</speech>>
<div class="general">Noelle does as you say and rides you hard and fast.</div>
<video src="images/noelle/noelleloss/terrace/terrrel/terrrel8.webm" autoplay loop></video>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Continue->terrrealationob9]]</span></div><div class="general">You grab her ass and start fucking her as you also push your finger into her ass.</div>
<video src="images/noelle/noelleloss/terrace/terrrel/terrrel9.webm" autoplay loop></video>
<<speech "Noelle" "Noelle">>Aaah what are you..?<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Just enjoy it!<</speech>>
<<speech "Noelle" "Noelle">>Ahh... Hmmhmmhm.<</speech>>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Continue->terrrealationob10]]</span></div><div class="general">You keep fucking her while fingering her ass.</div>
<video src="images/noelle/noelleloss/terrace/terrrel/terrrel10.webm" autoplay loop></video>
<<speech "Noelle" "Noelle">>Hmmmmhmm<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Fuck your pussy feels good.<</speech>>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Continue->terrrealationob11]]</span></div><<speech "Player" "$name">>Fuck lay down on your back!<</speech>>
<div class="general">Noelle gets off you and lays down on her back.</div>
<<speech "Noelle" "Noelle">>What are you..?<</speech>>
<div class="general">You hover above her and start jerking off.</div>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Open your mouth, I'm cumming!<</speech>>
<div class="general">Noelle opens her mouth and you start cumming.</div>
<video src="images/noelle/noelleloss/terrace/terrrel/terrrel13a.webm" autoplay loop></video>
<<speech "Noelle" "Noelle">>Hmmhm..<</speech>>
<div class="general">She gets up and walks inside..</div>
<a data-passage="garden"><div class="talkloc">Let’s go somewhere else</div></a>
<<addenergy -20>>
<<addhygene -10>>
<<addhappiness 15>>
<<set $time to $time +1>>
<<if $fitness gte 0 and $fitness lt 25>>
<<addarousal -35>>
<<elseif $fitness gte 20 and $fitness lt 40>>
<<addarousal -30>>
<<elseif $fitness gte 40>>
<<addarousal -25>><</if>>
<<set $terrrealationtr11 to "true">><<speech "Noelle" "Noelle">>Ooooh fuck!<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Fuck I do love to fuck your ass.<</speech>>
<div class="general">You keep fucking her ass.</div>
<video src="images/noelle/noelleloss/terrace/terrrel/terrrel8a.webm" autoplay loop></video>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Continue->terrrealationob9a]]</span></div><div class="general">You increase the pace and start fucking her harder and faster.</div>
<video src="images/noelle/noelleloss/terrace/terrrel/terrrel9a.webm" autoplay loop></video>
<<speech "Noelle" "Noelle">>Ooooh! Please be gentle!<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Your ass just feels to good.<</speech>>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Continue->terrrealationob10a]]</span></div><div class="general">You pull out of her ass.</div>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Lay down on your side.<</speech>>
<div class="general">Noelle turns around and lays down on her side, when she is on her side you start fucking her ass again.</div>
<video src="images/noelle/noelleloss/terrace/terrrel/terrrel10a.webm" autoplay loop></video>
<<speech "Noelle" "Noelle">>Ooof, you are going so fast.<</speech>>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Continue->terrrealationob11a]]</span></div><div class="general">You start fucking her even harder.</div>
<video src="images/noelle/noelleloss/terrace/terrrel/terrrel11a.webm" autoplay loop></video>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Continue->terrrealationob12a]]</span></div><div class="general">Then you pull out of her ass.</div>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Stay on your back $noelle, I'm going to cum all over you.<</speech>>
<video src="images/noelle/noelleloss/terrace/terrrel/terrrel12a.webm" autoplay loop></video>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Continue->terrrealationob13a]]</span></div><<speech "Player" "$name">>Oooh yes, open your mouth!<</speech>>
<div class="general">Noelle opens her mouth as you start cumming.</div>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Lick it clean.<</speech>>
<<speech "Noelle" "Noelle">>But.. It just...<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Lick it clean $noelle!<</speech>>
<div class="general">Reluctantly Noelle takes your dick in her mouth as well.</div>
<video src="images/noelle/noelleloss/terrace/terrrel/terrrel13aob.webm" autoplay loop></video>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>That was good!<</speech>>
<div class="general">Noelle gets up and runs inside.</div>
<a data-passage="garden"><div class="talkplayer">Let’s do something else</div></a>
<<addenergy -20>>
<<addhygene -10>>
<<addhappiness 15>>
<<set $time to $time +1>>
<<if $fitness gte 0 and $fitness lt 25>>
<<addarousal -35>>
<<elseif $fitness gte 20 and $fitness lt 40>>
<<addarousal -30>>
<<elseif $fitness gte 40>>
<<addarousal -25>><</if>>
<<set $terrrealationtr11 to "true">><div class="general">Without warning, you start pouring the oil on her ass and spreading it with your hands.</div>
<video src="images/noelle/noelleloss/terrace/terrfear/terrfear1.webm" autoplay loop></video>
<<speech "Noelle" "Noelle">>What.. What are you doing?<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>I'm just helping you.<</speech>>
<<speech "Noelle" "Noelle">>Oh.. Ok..<</speech>>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Continue->terrfeartr2]]</span></div>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Hmm. This is only sitting it the way.<</speech>>
<div class="general">You pull down her bikini bottoms.</div>
<video src="images/noelle/noelleloss/terrace/terrfear/terrfear2.webm" autoplay loop></video>
<<speech "Noelle" "Noelle">>I don't think tha...<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>We don't want you to get burned now, right?<</speech>>
<<speech "Noelle" "Noelle">>I.. I guess...<</speech>>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Continue->terrfeartr3]]</span></div><div class="general">You keep rubbing her ass before you slowly push a finger into her asshole.</div>
<video src="images/noelle/noelleloss/terrace/terrfear/terrfear3.webm" autoplay loop></video>
<<speech "Noelle" "Noelle">>Aaah... That is not...<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Just relax, you'll enjoy it.<</speech>>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Continue->terrfeartr4]]</span></div><div class="general">You keep going and push a second finger inside her ass.</div>
<video src="images/noelle/noelleloss/terrace/terrfear/terrfear4.webm" autoplay loop></video>
<<speech "Noelle" "Noelle">>Hmmmhmm, please, not my ass..<</speech>>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Continue->terrfeartr5]]</span></div><div class="general">You ignore her pleads and keep fingering her ass.</div>
<video src="images/noelle/noelleloss/terrace/terrfear/terrfear5.webm" autoplay loop></video>
<<speech "Noelle" "Noelle">>Hmmmhmm, ooooh!<</speech>>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Continue->terrfeartr6]]</span></div><div class="general">You pull your fingers out of her and take out your dick. You push your dick against her ass.</div>
<<speech "Noelle" "Noelle">>Please, no, not my ass..<</speech>>
<div class="general">You start rubbing your dick between her asscheecks.</div>
<video src="images/noelle/noelleloss/terrace/terrfear/terrfear6.webm" autoplay loop></video>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Relax, you know I won't intentionally hurt you.<</speech>>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Continue->terrfeartr7]]</span></div><div class="general">Noelle relaxes a little bit once she notices that you are not penetrating her.</div>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>See, feels good doesn't it? But I think we can do better.<</speech>>
<div class="general">And without warning you push your dick inside her ass.</div>
<video src="images/noelle/noelleloss/terrace/terrfear/terrfear7.webm" autoplay loop></video>
<<speech "Noelle" "Noelle">>Aaah! What... Please...!<</speech>>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Continue->terrfeartr8]]</span></div><div class="general">You ignore her pleads and keep fucking her ass.</div>
<video src="images/noelle/noelleloss/terrace/terrfear/terrfear8.webm" autoplay loop></video>
<<speech "Noelle" "Noelle">>Hmmmmhhm.. Please...<</speech>>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Continue->terrfeartr9]]</span></div><div class="general">While you keep fucking Noelle's ass, Noelle almost collapses and seems to give up.</div>
<video src="images/noelle/noelleloss/terrace/terrfear/terrfear9.webm" autoplay loop></video>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Continue->terrfeartr10]]</span></div><div class="general">You pull out for a second before you push it right back in and start fucking her hard and fast.</div>
<video src="images/noelle/noelleloss/terrace/terrfear/terrfear10.webm" autoplay loop></video>
<<speech "Noelle" "Noelle">>Aaaauuuu!!<</speech>>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Continue->terrfeartr11]]</span></div><div class="general">You keep going.</div>
<video src="images/noelle/noelleloss/terrace/terrfear/terrfear11.webm" autoplay loop></video>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Just keep relaxing.<</speech>>
<<speech "Noelle" "Noelle">>Ooh! I... Ok...<</speech>>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Continue->terrfeartr12]]</span></div><div class="general">You keep going.</div>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Just a bit longer.<</speech>>
<video src="images/noelle/noelleloss/terrace/terrfear/terrfear12.webm" autoplay loop></video>
<div class="general">Noelle doesn't respond.</div>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Continue->terrfeartr13]]</span></div><<speech "Player" "$name">>Aaah, yes!<</speech>>
<div class="general">You start cumming inside of her ass. When you pull cum streams out of her ass.</div>
<video src="images/noelle/noelleloss/terrace/terrfear/terrfear12.webm" autoplay loop></video>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Damn, that was a lot.<</speech>>
<div class="general">Noelle remains silent.</div>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>And I am so proud of you, you did so well.<</speech>>
<div class="general">Noelle nods before she gets up and goes inside.</div>
<a data-passage="garden"><div class="talkplayer">Let’s do something else</div></a>
<<addenergy -20>>
<<addhygene -10>>
<<addhappiness 15>>
<<set $time to $time +1>>
<<if $fitness gte 0 and $fitness lt 25>>
<<addarousal -35>>
<<elseif $fitness gte 20 and $fitness lt 40>>
<<addarousal -30>>
<<elseif $fitness gte 40>>
<<addarousal -25>><</if>>
<<set $terrfeartr13 to "true">><div class="general">Without warning, you start pouring the oil on her ass and spreading it with your hands.<div>
<video src="images/noelle/noelleloss/terrace/terrfear/terrfear1.webm" autoplay loop></video>
<<speech "Noelle" "Noelle">>What.. What are you doing?<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Isn't that obvious?<</speech>>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Continue->terrfearob2]]</span></div><<speech "Player" "$name">>Let's take this off.<</speech>>
<div class="general">You pull down her bikini bottoms.</div>
<video src="images/noelle/noelleloss/terrace/terrfear/terrfear2.webm" autoplay loop></video>
<<speech "Noelle" "Noelle">>What...<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Just let me ok?<</speech>>
<<speech "Noelle" "Noelle">>I.. I guess...<</speech>>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Continue->terrfearob3]]</span></div><div class="general">You keep rubbing her ass before you slowly push a finger into her asshole.</div>
<video src="images/noelle/noelleloss/terrace/terrfear/terrfear3.webm" autoplay loop></video>
<<speech "Noelle" "Noelle">>Aaah...<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Relax $noelle.<</speech>>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Continue->terrfearob4]]</span></div><div class="general">You keep going and push a second finger inside her ass.</div>
<video src="images/noelle/noelleloss/terrace/terrfear/terrfear4.webm" autoplay loop></video>
<<speech "Noelle" "Noelle">>Please.. Not my ass..<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Shut up and try to enjoy.<</speech>>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Continue->terrfearob5]]</span></div><div class="general">You ignore her pleads and keep fingering her ass.</div>
<video src="images/noelle/noelleloss/terrace/terrfear/terrfear5.webm" autoplay loop></video>
<<speech "Noelle" "Noelle">>Hmmmhmm, ooooh!<</speech>>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Continue->terrfearob6]]</span></div><div class="general">You pull your fingers out of her and take out your dick. You push your dick against her ass.</div>
<<speech "Noelle" "Noelle">>Please, no, not my ass..<</speech>>
<div class="general">You start rubbing your dick between her asscheecks.</div>
<video src="images/noelle/noelleloss/terrace/terrfear/terrfear6.webm" autoplay loop></video>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>You are mine $noelle, I do what I want with you.<</speech>>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Continue->terrfearob7]]</span></div><<speech "Player" "$name">>See, it's not that bad.<</speech>>
<div class="general">And without warning you push your dick inside her ass.</div>
<video src="images/noelle/noelleloss/terrace/terrfear/terrfear7.webm" autoplay loop></video>
<<speech "Noelle" "Noelle">>Aaah! Wait... Please...! Aaauuu!<</speech>>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Continue->terrfearob8]]</span></div><<speech "Player" "$name">>Stop whining $noelle.<</speech>>
<div class="general">You keep fucking her ass.</div>
<video src="images/noelle/noelleloss/terrace/terrfear/terrfear8.webm" autoplay loop></video>
<<speech "Noelle" "Noelle">>Hmmmmhhm.. Please...<</speech>>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Continue->terrfearob9]]</span></div><div class="general">While you keep fucking Noelle's ass, Noelle almost collapses and seems to give up.</div>
<video src="images/noelle/noelleloss/terrace/terrfear/terrfear9.webm" autoplay loop></video>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Continue->terrfearob10]]</span></div><div class="general">You pull out for a second before you push it right back in and start fucking her hard and fast.</div>
<video src="images/noelle/noelleloss/terrace/terrfear/terrfear10.webm" autoplay loop></video>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Well, you are lucky you have such an amazing ass $noelle. Damn.<</speech>>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Continue->terrfearob11]]</span></div><div class="general">You keep going.</div>
<video src="images/noelle/noelleloss/terrace/terrfear/terrfear11.webm" autoplay loop></video>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Fuck, this feels good.<</speech>>
<<speech "Noelle" "Noelle">>Hmmmhmmm...<</speech>>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Continue->terrfearob12]]</span></div><div class="general">You keep going.</div>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Almost there!<</speech>>
<video src="images/noelle/noelleloss/terrace/terrfear/terrfear12.webm" autoplay loop></video>
<div class="general">Noelle doesn't respond.</div>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Continue->terrfearob13]]</span></div><<speech "Player" "$name">>Aaah, yes!<</speech>>
<div class="general">You start cumming inside of her ass. When you pull cum streams out of her ass.</div>
<video src="images/noelle/noelleloss/terrace/terrfear/terrfear12.webm" autoplay loop></video>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Damn, look at that $noelle.<</speech>>
<div class="general">Noelle remains silent.</div>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>What do we say?<</speech>>
<<speech "Noelle" "Noelle">>T.. T.. Thank you $name2.<</speech>>
<div class="general">Noelle gets up and goes inside.</div>
<a data-passage="garden"><div class="talkplayer">Let’s do something else</div></a>
<<addenergy -20>>
<<addhygene -10>>
<<addhappiness 15>>
<<set $time to $time +1>>
<<if $fitness gte 0 and $fitness lt 25>>
<<addarousal -35>>
<<elseif $fitness gte 20 and $fitness lt 40>>
<<addarousal -30>>
<<elseif $fitness gte 40>>
<<addarousal -25>><</if>>
<<set $terrfeartr13 to "true">><div class="general">Your phone rings.</div>
<<speech "Player" "$name">><i>Hey, it's Ellie, wonder what she wants.</i><</speech>>
<div class="general">You pick up.</div>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Hi Ellie.<</speech>>
<<speech "ellie" "Ellie">>Hi.. Ehmm.. $name, do.. you want want to... You know.. Come over?<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>You want to have some fun again?<</speech>>
<<speech "ellie" "Ellie">>Ehm..<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">><i>I can almost feel her blushing through the phone.</i><</speech>>
<<speech "ellie" "Ellie">>I.. Yes..<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>You know what, since you like to be watched, why don't you put on something sexy and meet me at the park.<</speech>>
<<speech "ellie" "Ellie">>......<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Ellie?<</speech>>
<<speech "ellie" "Ellie">>Eh.. Ok..<</speech>>
<div class="general">She hags up the phone.</div>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Got to the park->ellieevent5a]]</span></div>
<<set $ellietimer to 0>><div class="general">You arrive at the park, find a secluded spot, send your location to Ellie and wait. It takes a while but then she arrives.</div>
<video src="images/ellie/ellieevent5/ellieevent5a.webm" autoplay loop></video>
<div class="general">You look at Ellie.</div>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>You look beautiful and very sexy.<</speech>>
<div class="general">Ellie blushes.</div>
<<speech "ellie" "Ellie">>Thank you.<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>So you must have really enjoyed last time.<</speech>>
<div class="general">Ellie blushes again.</div>
<<speech "ellie" "Ellie">>I.. I did.<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Why don't you sit down and get comfortable?<</speech>>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Got to the park->ellieevent5b]]</span></div>
<div class="general">Ellie sits down.</div>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>You look beautiful and very sexy why don't you give me a little show.<</speech>>
<div class="general">Ellie sits down and starts rubbing and starts showing her breasts.</div>
<video src="images/ellie/ellieevent5/ellieevent5b.webm" autoplay loop></video>
<<speech "Player" "$name">><i>Fuck, she is stunning and so fucking innocent.</i><</speech>>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Continue->ellieevent5c]]</span></div>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>I bet you where wet before you got here.<</speech>>
<div class="general">Again, Ellie blushes.</div>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>I guess I'm right. Let yourself go. Enjoy this.<</speech>>
<div class="general">She starts rubbing her legs and then she puts her hand into her shorts and starts rubbing herself.</div>
<video src="images/ellie/ellieevent5/ellieevent5c.webm" autoplay loop></video>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Continue->ellieevent5d]]</span></div>
<<addarousal 30>>
<<speech "ellie" "Ellie">>Hmmmm..<</speech>>
<div class="general">Your hear her moaning softly as she continues.</div>
<video src="images/ellie/ellieevent5/ellieevent5d.webm" autoplay loop></video>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Continue->ellieevent5e]]</span></div><<speech "ellie" "Ellie">>Oooh..<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Feels good, doesn't it.<</speech>>
<<speech "ellie" "Ellie">>Hhhmmhm, yes..<</speech>>
<div class="general">She is really fingering herself intensely.</div>
<video src="images/ellie/ellieevent5/ellieevent5e.webm" autoplay loop></video>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Continue->ellieevent5f]]</span></div><<speech "Player" "$name">>Why don't you take off your shorts.<</speech>>
<div class="general">Ellie gets up and takes off her shorts.</div>
<video src="images/ellie/ellieevent5/ellieevent5f.webm" autoplay loop></video>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>You have an amazing ass.<</speech>>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Continue->ellieevent5g]]</span></div><div class="general">While still standing, Ellie starts to rub her pussy again.</div>
<video src="images/ellie/ellieevent5/ellieevent5g.webm" autoplay loop></video>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Fuck, I can't resist anymore.<</speech>>
<div class="general">You pull down your pants and start rubbing your hard dick. A smile appears on Ellie her face when she sees it.</div>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Continue->ellieevent5h]]</span></div>
<<addarousal 30>>
<div class="general">While you watch eachother you both keep masturbating.</div>
<video src="images/ellie/ellieevent5/ellieevent5h.webm" autoplay loop></video>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Continue->ellieevent5i]]</span></div><div class="general">Then Ellie sits down again as she keeps going.</div>
<video src="images/ellie/ellieevent5/ellieevent5i.webm" autoplay loop></video>
<<speech "ellie" "Ellie">>Ooooh. Hmmhmmhmmm.<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Yes, cum Ellie, let's both cum.<</speech>>
<<speech "ellie" "Ellie">>Hmmmmhmmmm.<</speech>>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Continue->ellieevent5j]]</span></div><<speech "ellie" "Ellie">>Oooh yes!<</speech>>
<div class="general">While fingering herself furiously Ellie starts cumming and so do you.</div>
<video src="images/ellie/ellieevent5/ellieevent5j.webm" autoplay loop></video>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Continue->ellieevent5k]]</span></div><<speech "Player" "$name">>That was so hot.<</speech>>
<div class="general">Ellie smiles and looks at you.</div>
<<speech "ellie" "Ellie">>You always make me feel so dirty.<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>But I know you like it.<</speech>>
<div class="general">She blushes.</div>
<<speech "ellie" "Ellie">>I do..<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>So see you next time?<</speech>>
<div class="general">Still blushing, Ellie gets up and leaves.</div>
<video src="images/ellie/ellieevent5/ellieevent5k.webm" autoplay loop></video>
<a data-passage="park"><div class="talkplayer">Let’s do something else</div></a>
<<addenergy -20>>
<<addhygene -10>>
<<addhappiness 15>>
<<set $time to $time +1>>
<<if $fitness gte 0 and $fitness lt 25>>
<<addarousal -35>>
<<elseif $fitness gte 20 and $fitness lt 40>>
<<addarousal -30>>
<<elseif $fitness gte 40>>
<<addarousal -25>><</if>>
<<set $ellieevent5 to "true">>
<div class="general">You walk around the house when you hear the doorbell.</div>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Hmmm, who could that be at this hour?<</speech>>
<div class="general">You walk to the front door and open it.</div>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Continue->noellebfreturn1a]]</span></div>
<<set $noellebfreturn1 to "true">>
<img src="images/noelle/noelleloss/events/noellebfreturn/noellebfreturn1.gif" />
<span class="drunk"><div class="general">BAM!</div>
<<speech "random" "?">>Where is she? What did you do to her?<</speech>>
<div class="general">Still dazed from the punch you hear a guy yelling at you and then BAM! Another fist hits you in the face.</div>
<<speech "random" "?">>Tell me where she is!<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>I.. I... What are you..?<</speech>>
<div class="general">BAM! Again a fist hit you in your face.</div>
<<speech "random" "?">>Where is Florine?<</speech>>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Continue->noellebfreturn1b]]</span></div></span><span class="drunk"><<speech "Noelle" "Noelle">>Aaaaaaaaaaaaaahhh!!<</speech>>
<div class="general">In your daze you hear Noelle screaming.</div>
<<speech "random" "?">>Florine!<</speech>>
<<speech "Sarah" "Sarah">>What is happen... Who the fuck are you? Get the fuck out of my house!<</speech>>
<<speech "random" "?">>Florine! Quick come with me!<</speech>>
<<speech "Sarah" "Sarah">>GET OUT!<</speech>>
<div class="general">Sarah gets some can out of her purse and starts spraying it at the intruder.</div>
<<speech "random" "?">>Ah! You fucking crazy bitch.<</speech>>
<div class="general">The guy runs off.</div>
<<speech "Noelle" "Noelle">>Is.. Is he gone?<</speech>>
<<speech "Sarah" "Sarah">>Yeah and if he knows what is good for him, he stays that way.<</speech>>
<<speech "Noelle" "Noelle">>Who was that?<</speech>>
<<speech "Sarah" "Sarah">>I.. I don't know..<</speech>>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Continue->noellebfreturn1c]]</span></div></span><div class="general">You wake up.</div>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Oooh, my head!<</speech>>
<<speech "Sarah" "Sarah">>Easy easy.<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>What where?<</speech>>
<<speech "Sarah" "Sarah">>Do you rember what happened last night?<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>I think I remember most of it.. I remember being hit in the face and I heard Noelle screaming and... This guy called some name.. Fiona or something.<</speech>>
<<speech "Sarah" "Sarah">>Florine.<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>What?<</speech>>
<<speech "Sarah" "Sarah">>It was Florine and he was yelling it at Noelle.<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Florine...? Oooh fuck.. I totally forgot about that guy.<</speech>>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Continue->noellebfreturn1d]]</span></div>
<<set $time to 3>>
<<if $caughtevent is "false">>
<<if $chores is 1>>
<<addrsarah 3>>
<<elseif $chores is 2>>
<<addrsarah 7>>
<<elseif $chores is 3>>
<<addrsarah 14>>
<<elseif $chores is 4>>
<<addrsarah 20>><</if>>
<<if $cumslut is "true">>
<<set $cheatcount to $cheatcount +1>><</if>>
<<set $chores to 0>>
<<set $livchores to "false">>
<<set $kitchores to "false">>
<<set $batchores to "false">>
<<set $garchores to "false">>
<<addenergy 150>>
<<set $arousal to 100>>
<<set $convos to 0>>
<<set $convon to 0>>
<<set $gym to $gym -1>>
<<set $kisss to 0>>
<<set $kissn to 0>>
<<set $time to 3>>
<<set $day to $day +1>>
<<if $day gt 7>>
<<set $day to 1>>
<<if $workfame is 1>>
<<set $money to $money +5>>
<<elseif $workfame is 2>>
<<set $money to $money +7>>
<<elseif $workfame is 3>>
<<set $money to $money +10>>
<<elseif $workfame is 4>>
<<set $money to $money +15>>
<<elseif $workfame is 5>>
<<set $money to $money +20>>
<<elseif $workfame gte 6>>
<<set $money to $money +25>>
<<if $gym gte 1>>
<<set $gym to $gym -1>><</if>>
<<if $fitnesstimer gte 6>>
<<set $fitness to $fitness -1>><</if>>
<<set $fitnesstimer to $fitnesstimer +1>>
<<if $christelevent3 is "true" and $christelevent4 is "false">>
<<set $christeleventtimer34 to $christeleventtimer34 +1>><</if>>
<<if $sabinahelps is "true">>
<<set $sabinahelpstimer to "true">><</if>>
<<if $sarahspihelps is "true">>
<<set $sarahspihelpstimer to "true">><</if>>
<<if $gettingnoelle is "true">>
<<addrsarah -5>><</if>>
<<if $skimout is "true">>
<<addonoelle +1>>
<<addrnoelle +1>>
<<if $nakedout is "true">>
<<addrnoelle -3>>
<<addonoelle +3>><</if>>
<<if $da5 is "true">>
<<addrnoelle +3>>
<<addtnoelle +1>>
<<set $money to $money -5>><</if>>
<<if $da10 is "true">>
<<addrnoelle +5>>
<<addtnoelle +2>>
<<set $money to $money -10>><</if>>
<<if $da25 is "true">>
<<addrnoelle +8>>
<<addtnoelle +3>>
<<set $money to $money -25>><</if>>
<<if $allchores is "true">>
<<set $livchores to "true">>
<<set $kitchores to "true">>
<<set $garchores to "true">>
<<addonoelle +10>>
<<addrnoelle -3>>
<<set $chores to 3>>
<<set $gropenoelle to "false">>
<<if $lockup is "true">>
<<set $lockupday to $lockupday +1>>
<<if $lockupday is 1>>
<<addrnoelle -3>>
<<addonoelle +2>>
<<addfnoelle +1>>
<<elseif $lockupday is 2>>
<<addrnoelle -6>>
<<addonoelle +3>>
<<addfnoelle +2>>
<<elseif $lockupday is 3>>
<<addrnoelle -9>>
<<addonoelle +5>>
<<addfnoelle +3>>
<<elseif $lockupday is 4>>
<<addrnoelle -14>>
<<addonoelle +7>>
<<addfnoelle +4>>
<<elseif $lockupday is 5>>
<<addrnoelle -20>>
<<addonoelle +10>>
<<addfnoelle +5>>
<<set $nhungry to $nhungry +3>>
<<set $nclean to $nclean +3>>
<<set $ntoilet to $ntoilet +3>>
<<set $ssleeppil to "false">>
<</nobr>><<speech "Sarah" "Sarah">>That guy? Who are you talking about?<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>The guy that Noelle.. Ehm.. Worked with.<</speech>>
<<speech "Sarah" "Sarah">>Of course her accomplice. I totally forgot about him as well. <</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>I mean, who else could it be..<</speech>>
<<speech "Sarah" "Sarah">>And that means Florine is probably her real name..<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Yes..<</speech>>
<<speech "Sarah" "Sarah">>Just when I thought we fixed the one problem.. Another just pops up.<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>So how did you get rid of him?<</speech>>
<<speech "Sarah" "Sarah">>I peppersprayed him and kicked him in the nuts.<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>You what?<</speech>>
<<speech "Sarah" "Sarah">>I peppersprayed him and kicked him in the nuts. He called me a crazy bitch or something and left.<</speech>>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Continue->noellebfreturn1e]]</span></div>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>And how is Noelle?<</speech>>
<<speech "Sarah" "Sarah">>In slight shock and confused about what happened, but she still seems clueless.<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Well, let's hope it stays that way.<</speech>>
<<speech "Sarah" "Sarah">>So what are we going to do about the friend of Noelle?<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>I.. I don't know to be honest.<</speech>>
<<speech "Sarah" "Sarah">>I mean, there is a big chance he will be back for Noelle..<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>So what is your plan?<</speech>>
<<if $sarahspihelpsnoelle is "true">>
<<speech "Sarah" "Sarah">>We could ask my PI for help again.. Maybe we can get more information on the guy and go from there.<</speech>><br>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Sounds like a plan->noellebfreturn1fpi]]</span></div><br>
<<if $copevent1 is "true" and $copevent9 is "false">>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[I might have a better idea->noellebfreturn1fsabina]]</span></div><</if>>
<<elseif $sabinanoelle is "true">>
<<speech "Sarah" "Sarah">>Are you still in contact with that cop friend of yours?<</speech>><br>
<<if $copevent9 is "true">>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>No, I haven't spoken to her and she isn't picking up her phone anymore.<</speech>><br>
<<speech "Sarah" "Sarah">>Ah, that's a shame, we could have really used her now.<</speech>><br>
<<speech "Player" "$name">><i>Yeah, well, the dead don't talk.</i><</speech>><br>
<<speech "Sarah" "Sarah">>Pi it is then.<</speech>><br>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Let's call the PI->noellebfreturn1fpi]]</span></div><br>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Yes I am.<</speech>><br>
<<speech "Sarah" "Sarah">>Well, we could ask her again, otherwise my PI is still an option.<</speech>><br>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Let's call the PI->noellebfreturn1fpi]]</span></div><br>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Let's call Sabina->noellebfreturn1fsabina]]</span></div>
<<speech "Sarah" "Sarah">>There is just one issue.. We still owe him money and we still don't have any.. At least not enough.<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>So what are you proposing?<</speech>>
<<speech "Sarah" "Sarah">>Well.. He is quite the sleazy guy.. So maybe I could persuade him in other ways.. You know what I mean..<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Damn.. I mean, how far do you have to go?<</speech>>
<<nobr>><<if $scheater is "true" or $sarahsrevenge is "true">>
<<speech "Sarah" "Sarah">>Well.. We both know it wouldn't be the first time for me to cross lines.<</speech>><br>
<div class="general">Sarah turns a bit red as she is clearly thinking back at her cheating days.</div><br>
<<speech "Sarah" "Sarah">>Anyway, I don't think he needs a lot. I think a flash will be enough.<</speech>><br>
<<speech "Sarah" "Sarah">>Eehm, I was thinking of flashing him, I think that will do it, to be honest.<</speech>><br><</if>>
<<if $copevent1 is "true" and $copevent9 is "false">>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Let's go with Sabina->noellebfreturn1fsabina]]</span></div><br><</if>>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Contact the PI->noellebfreturn1gpi]]</span></div><br>
<<if $sabinanoelle is "true">>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>I'll call Sabina and see if she is willing to help us.<</speech>><br>
<<speech "Sarah" "Sarah">>You do that and afterwards get some more rest.<</speech>><br>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>I will.<</speech>><br>
<div class="general">Sarah kisses you and then leaves the room.</div><br>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Let's call Sabina->noellebfreturn1fsabina1]]</span></div>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>I have this copfriend, Sabina, I can ask her if she is willing to help.<</speech>><br>
<<speech "Sarah" "Sarah">>Who's Sabina?<</speech>><br>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>I think I actually told you about her. Anyway, she is a cop, so she can help us, the bigger question is if she wants to.<</speech>><br>
<<speech "Sarah" "Sarah">>And you can trust her? The cops wouldn't be in our best interest.<</speech>><br>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Yes, I believe I can trust her..<</speech>><br>
<<speech "Sarah" "Sarah">>Well alright then, call her and see if she can help. And after you called her, get some more rest.<</speech>><br>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>I will.<</speech>><br>
<div class="general">Sarah kisses you and then leaves the room.</div><br>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Let's call Sabina->noellebfreturn1fsabina1]]</span></div>
<<nobr>><<if $copevent1 is "false">>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Well, it seems like we don't really have a choice. So let's call the PI.<</speech>><br>
<<speech "Sarah" "Sarah">>Alright. I'm on it. You should rest in the meantime.<</speech>><br>
<div class="general">Sarah kisses you and then leaves the room.</div><br>
<<speech "Player" "$name">><i>She is right, I should probably rest some more.</i><</speech>><br>
<a data-passage="bedrsleep"><div class="talkplayer">Sleep some more</div></a>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Alright, if you think he can help us in the best way, call him.<</speech>><br>
<<speech "Sarah" "Sarah">>Alright. I'm on it. You should rest in the meantime.<</speech>><br>
<div class="general">Sarah kisses you and then leaves the room.</div><br>
<<speech "Player" "$name">><i>She is right, I should probably rest some more.</i><</speech>><br>
<a data-passage="bedrsleep"><div class="talkplayer">Sleep some more</div></a>
<<set $noellebfreturnpi to "true">><<nobr>>
<<if $sabinanoelle is "true">>
<div class="general">You grab your phone and start calling Sabina.</div><br>
<<speech "sabina" "Sabina">>$name.. What do you want?<</speech>><br>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>What makes you think I want something?<</speech>><br>
<<speech "sabina" "Sabina">>That's how we work. If I want something of you, I call you, and the other way around.<</speech>><br>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Hmm.. I guess you are right about that.. Anyway, I wanted to ask you if you could look into someone for me.<</speech>><br>
<<speech "sabina" "Sabina">>Don't tell me, it has something to do with that nanny of yours.<</speech>><br>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>How did you know?<</speech>><br>
<<speech "sabina" "Sabina">>Let's call it experience on the job. Anyway, send me what you have and I'll take a look.<</speech>><br>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Will do, thank you so much.<</speech>><br>
<<speech "sabina" "Sabina">>Oh and $name. You owe me, even more than you already did.<</speech>><br>
<div class="general">Sabina hangs up the phone.</div><br>
<<speech "Player" "$name">><i>Now that is handled, I should take some more rest.</i><</speech>><br>
<a data-passage="bedrsleep"><div class="talkplayer">Sleep some more</div></a>
<div class="general">You grab your phone and start calling Sabina.</div><br>
<<speech "sabina" "Sabina">>$name.. What do you want?<</speech>><br>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>What makes you think I want something?<</speech>><br>
<<speech "sabina" "Sabina">>That's how we work. If I want something of you, I call you, and the other way around.<</speech>><br>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Hmm.. I guess you are right about that.. Anyway, I wanted to ask you if you could look into someone for me.<</speech>><br>
<<speech "sabina" "Sabina">>Alright, you know I am going to ask you to return the favor again right?<</speech>><br>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Well, you can add it to the list.<</speech>><br>
<<speech "sabina" "Sabina">>Good, send me what you have and I'll take a look.<</speech>><br>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Will do, thank you so much.<</speech>><br>
<div class="general">Sabina hangs up the phone.</div><br>
<<speech "Player" "$name">><i>Now that is handled, I should take some more rest.</i><</speech>><br>
<a data-passage="bedrsleep"><div class="talkplayer">Sleep some more</div></a>
<<set $noellebfreturnsabina to "true">><div class="general">Your phone rings and you pick.</div>
<<speech "Christel" "Christel">>Hi $name...<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Hi Christel, how are you?<</speech>>
<<speech "Christel" "Christel">>I.. I.. I am good.<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Are you oke, you sound.. Off?<</speech>>
<<speech "Christel" "Christel">>No. No, I'm good. I.. Ehm... Just busy and I was just wondering if you wanted to come by my place.<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Yeah of course! I'll come right over.<</speech>>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Let's go->christelevent8a]]</span></div>
<<set $christelevent8 to "true">><div class="general">Not long later you are standing in front of her door and knock and Christel opens the door.</div>
<<speech "Christel" "Christel">>Hi.. Hi $name, please.. Please come in.<</speech>>
<div class="general">Christel looks at the ground as you pass her.</div>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Are you ok Christ...<</speech>>
<<speech "random" "?">>Mr. $name, welcome!<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">><i>I recognize that voice.</i><</speech>>
<div class="general">You turn towards the voice.</div>
<<speech "Player" "$name">><i>Oh shit.</i><</speech>>
<div class="general">You look at the guy standing in front of you and you recognize him as Christel's husband, surrounded by several other men.</div>
<<speech "Player" "$name">><i>I remember him very well.</i><</speech>>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Flashback ->christelevent8b]]</span></div>
@@#blinky;<<speech "Player" "$name">><i>What the fuck is happening.</i><</speech>>
<div class="general">You hear the door open and some guy entering.. You open the bedroomdoor slightly and see a well dressed tall man entering the apartement.</div>
<<speech "random" "Some guy">>Hi honey, why didn't you open the door for me?<</speech>>
<<speech "Christel" "Christel">>What are you doing here?<</speech>>
<<speech "random" "Some guy">>Is that how you greet your husband.<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">><i>Husband?</i><</speech>>
<<speech "Christel" "Christel">>I haven't seen you in months.<</speech>>
<<speech "random" "Christels husband">>You know..<</speech>>
<<speech "Christel" "Christel">>Why are you here? Do you know what hapened here, again?.<</speech>>
<<speech "random" "Christels husband">>Yes, that is why I am here. To protect you.<</speech>>
<<speech "Christel" "Christel">>You being here only puts me in more danger! What if they find out you are here?<</speech>>
<<speech "random" "Christels husband">>Don't worry, I got this.<</speech>>
<<speech "Christel" "Christel">>Don't worry? You have been on the run for over a year. The last place you put me they found me and now they found me again!<</speech>>
<<speech "random" "Christels husband">>I'll tranfer you to a new place, don't worry.<</speech>>
<<speech "Christel" "Christel">>I don't want to go to a new place. I have friends here. I want to stay here. I finally feel at home after all this time. I don't want to leave everything behind again!<</speech>>
<<speech "random" "Christels husband">>But honey..<</speech>>
<<speech "Christel" "Christel">>No! I'm not leaving again!<</speech>>
<div class="general">Christel is on the verge of crying as the man gets a more angry tone.</div>
<<speech "random" "Christels husband">>Your are my wife and you will do as I say!<</speech>>
<<speech "Christel" "Christel">>Wife? We see each other 2 times a year if we are lucky! I.. I can't do this, I.. I want a divorce. I can't keep living like this.<</speech>>
<<speech "random" "Christels husband">>A divorce? Who do you think you are?<</speech>>
<div class="general">Suddenly his hands are on the neck of Christel and you see him lifting her up.</div>
<<speech "Christel" "Christel">>Kgggrgggchh.<</speech>>
<div class="general">Christel can hardly breathe.</div>
<<speech "random" "Christels husband">>You do whatever I tell you to do! Otherwise..<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">><i>I need to stop this!</i><</speech>>
<div class="general">Just as you get ready to charge another guy enters the room running.</div>
<<speech "random" "Another man">>Boss! They are coming, we need to go.<</speech>>
<div class="general">He looks at Christel again.</div>
<<speech "random" "Christels husband">>This conversation is not finished.<</speech>>
<div class="general">He thows Christel on the grounds and leaves. Christel is coughing and tries to breathe again.</div>
$(document).one(':passagerender', function (ev) {
$(ev.content).find("#blinky").fadeTo(1000, 0).fadeTo(1000, 1).delay(200).fadeTo(1000, 0).fadeTo(1000, 1).delay(200).fadeTo(1000, 0).fadeTo(1000, 1).fadeTo(1000, 0).fadeTo(1000, 1).delay(200).fadeTo(1000, 0).fadeTo(1000, 1).delay(200).fadeTo(1000, 0).fadeTo(1000, 1).delay(200).fadeTo(1000, 0).fadeTo(1000, 1).delay(200).fadeTo(1000, 0).fadeTo(1000, 1).delay(200).fadeTo(1000, 0).fadeTo(1000, 1).delay(200).fadeTo(1000, 0).fadeTo(1000, 1).delay(200).fadeTo(1000, 0).fadeTo(1000, 1).delay(200).fadeTo(1000, 0).fadeTo(1000, 1).delay(200).fadeTo(1000, 0).fadeTo(1000, 1).delay(200).fadeTo(1000, 0).fadeTo(1000, 1).delay(200).fadeTo(1000, 0).fadeTo(1000, 1).delay(200).fadeTo(1000, 0).fadeTo(1000, 1).delay(200).fadeTo(1000, 0).fadeTo(1000, 1).delay(200).fadeTo(1000, 0).fadeTo(1000, 1).delay(200).fadeTo(1000, 0).fadeTo(1000, 1).delay(200).fadeTo(1000, 0).fadeTo(1000, 1).delay(200).fadeTo(1000, 0).fadeTo(1000, 1).delay(200).fadeTo(1000, 0).fadeTo(1000, 1).delay(200).fadeTo(1000, 0).fadeTo(1000, 1).delay(200).fadeTo(1000, 0).fadeTo(1000, 1).delay(200).fadeTo(1000, 0).fadeTo(1000, 1).delay(200).fadeTo(1000, 0).fadeTo(1000, 1).delay(200).fadeTo(1000, 0).fadeTo(1000, 1).delay(200);
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Continue->christelevent8c]]</span></div>
<<speech "random" "Christel's husband">>You know who I am?<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Yeah, you are Christels husband.<</speech>>
<<speech "random" "Christel's husband">>That is not the answer I expected..<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>What do you mean?<</speech>>
<<speech "random" "Christel's husband">>I mean this.<</speech>>
<div class="general">He turns on the tv and you see some security footage of yourself in the casino.</div>
<<speech "Player" "$name">><i>Fuck, that is me spying for Sabina. Wait, is Christel's husband the guy Sabina is looking for?</i><</speech>>
<<speech "random" "Christel's husband / Sabina's target?">>So what were you doing there?<</speech>>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Lie->christelevent8d1]]</span></div>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Truth->christelevent8d2]]</span></div>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>I was looking for the bathroom.<</speech>>
<div class="general">One of the guys next to Christel's husband, pulls out his gun and aims it at you.</div>
<<speech "random" "Christel's husband / Sabina's target?">>Really? That's what you are going with? Let's try this again.<</speech>>
<div class="general">The gun is still aimed at you.</div>
<<speech "random" "Christel's husband / Sabina's target?">>What were you doing there?<</speech>>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Continue->christelevent8d2]]</span></div>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Alright, alright, I was doing a favor for a friend.<</speech>>
<<speech "random" "Christel's husband / Sabina's target?">>And which friend was this?<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Clearly someone who was looking for you.<</speech>>
<div class="general">Bam! One of the goons hits you in your stomach.</div>
<<speech "random" "Christel's husband / Sabina's target?">>Don't make this hard on me. Just speak the truth. I don't necessarily want to hurt you.<</speech>>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Don't tell him anything->christelevent8e1]]</span></div>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Tell him->christelevent8e2]]</span></div>
<div class="general">..........................</div>
<<speech "Player" "$name">><i>Oh fuck, my head.</i><</speech>>
<div class="general">You slowly open your eyes.</div>
<<speech "Player" "$name">><i>Fuck, I still can't see anything.</i><</speech>>
<<speech "random" "?">>Boss, it seems like someone is awake.<</speech>>
<<speech "random" "Christel's husband / Sabina's target?">>Ah finally. Remove the hood.<</speech>>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Continue->copevent9a]]</span></div>
<<set $copevent9 to "true">>
<<set $copeventtimer to 0>><<speech "Player" "$name">>It was my friend, Jack, he thought you were cheating with his wife and wanted me to find out if this was true.<</speech>>
<div class="general">Bam! One of the goons hits you in your stomach again.</div>
<<speech "random" "Christel's husband / Sabina's target?">>Fuck you, you know what, you left me no choice. Besides, I ended your friend Jack.<</speech>>
<div class="general">You see one of the goons raises his gun.</div>
<<speech "Player" "$name">><i>Oh damn.</i><</speech>>
<div class="general">The gun hits your head and everything goes black.</div>
<a data-passage="copevent9"><div class="talkplayer">Continue</div></a>
<<set $sabinaloyal2 to "true">><<speech "Player" "$name">>Alright, alright. It was Sabina.<</speech>>
<<speech "random" "Christel's husband / Sabina's target?">>You mean the cunt police detective right?<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">><i>Yes, that's the one.</i><</speech>>
<<speech "random" "Christel's husband / Sabina's target?">>Good, that's what I need to hear.<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>So you will let me go now?<</speech>>
<<speech "random" "Christel's husband / Sabina's target?">>Hahaha, no.<</speech>>
<div class="general">He signals one of his goons and the goon raises his gun.</div>
<<speech "Player" "$name">><i>Oh damn.</i><</speech>>
<div class="general">The gun hits your head and everything goes black.</div>
<a data-passage="copevent9"><div class="talkplayer">Continue</div></a>
<<set $sabinarat2 to "true">><<nobr>><div class="general">You look around and you find yourself in a fancy room with a huge tv screen against the wall.</div><br>
<<speech "random" "Christel's husband / Sabina's target?">>Finally awake.<</speech>><br>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Where am I?<</speech>><br>
<<speech "random" "Christel's husband / Sabina's target?">>This is one of my many hideouts. You like it?<</speech>><br>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Why am I here?<</speech>><br>
<<if $sabinaloyal2 is "true">>
<<speech "random" "Christel's husband / Sabina's target?">>I want to show you something because you have lied to me and I just want to make clear that you should not do that to me.<</speech>><br>
<div class="general">He turns on the big screen and your mouth drops.</div><br>
<<speech "random" "Christel's husband / Sabina's target?">>You know Sabina right? Nevermind, I know you know her.<</speech>><br>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Continue->copevent9c]]</span></div>
<<speech "random" "Christel's husband / Sabina's target?">>I want to show you something.<</speech>><br>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>I told you the truth.<</speech>><br>
<<speech "random" "Christel's husband / Sabina's target?">>I know. Let's call this an extra lesson. A man in my position can never be too sure.<</speech>><br>
<div class="general">He turns on the big screen and your mouth drops.</div><br>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Continue->copevent9c]]</span></div>
<video src="images/sabina/copevent9/copevent9c.webm" autoplay loop muted></video>
<div class="general">You see Sabina naked on the ground with two half-naked men who are very rough with her.</div>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>What.. What is this?<</speech>>
<<speech "random" "Christel's husband / Sabina's target?">>This is your lesson. Did you know that the threat of torture is scarier than the torture itself? And threatening someone else that a certain person cares about is also more effective than torturing the person you want something from.<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>What are you talking about?<</speech>>
<<speech "random" "Christel's husband / Sabina's target?">>I'm going to show you what I'll do too, for example, your wife Sarah, or Christel, or whoever else you are fucking, if you do not do what I tell you to do. And Sabina here is part of this demonstration.<</speech>>
<div class="general">He sits down and starts watching.</div>
<<speech "random" "Christel's husband / Sabina's target?">>Oh wait sound..<</speech>>
<div class="general">He turns on the sound and grabs a walkie.</div>
<<speech "random" "Christel's husband / Sabina's target?">>Ok guys, start the show.<</speech>>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Continue->copevent9d]]</span></div>
<div class="general">You look behind at the screen and you see how they are trying to force their dicks into their mouths.</div>
<video src="images/sabina/copevent9/copevent9d.webm" autoplay loop></video>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Continue->copevent9e]]</span></div>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[I can't watch this->copevent9skipscene]]</span></div>
<<dialog 'WARNING!'>>
<center>This is a very rough and intense scene, you can pick the option 'I can't watch this' if you do not want to watch the scene.</center>
<div class="general">One of the guys grabs Sabina by her throat.</div>
<<speech "random" "Goon1">>Stop resisting you dumb cunt, you are only making it worse for yourself, now fucking suck his dick!<</speech>>
<div class="general">Sabina opens her mouth slightly and the other guy shoves his dick into her mouth and starts facefucking her.</div>
<video src="images/sabina/copevent9/copevent9e.webm" autoplay loop></video>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Continue->copevent9f]]</span></div>
<<speech "Player" "$name">><i>I can't watch this.</i><</speech>>
<div class="general">You avert your eyes, but you still hear everything. You hear that they abuse and fuck her in several ways.</div>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Continue->copevent9skipscene2]]</span></div>
<div class="general">After a while it seems to be over.</div>
<<speech "random" "Christel's husband / Sabina's target?">>Alright, good job guys.<</speech>>
<div class="general">One of the guys looks into the camera.</div>
<<speech "random" "Goon1">>Thanks boss. What do you want us to do with her?<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>I.. I think you made your point clear. Now please let us go.<</speech>>
<<speech "random" "Christel's husband / Sabina's target?">>Finish her.<</speech>>
<<speech "random" "Goon1">>Alright.<</speech>>
<div class="general">One of the guys starts chocking Sabina and then throws her onto the bed.</div>
<video src="images/sabina/copevent9/copevent9v.webm" autoplay loop></video>
<<speech "random" "Goon1">>You hear that. Our boss gives you some mercy.<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Wh.. What do you mean by finishing her?<</speech>>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Continue->copevent9x]]</span></div>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[I can't watch this->copevent9skipscene3]]</span></div><div class="general">While on of the guys holds her hair and thereby autoplay loop her head, the other keeps fucking Sabina's mouth.</div>
<video src="images/sabina/copevent9/copevent9f.webm" autoplay loop></video>
<<speech "random" "Goon2">>Aah yes, that's it.<</speech>>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Continue->copevent9g]]</span></div>
<<speech "random" "Goon2">>Alright, my turn!<</speech>>
<div class="general">The guys swap places as the other guy also starts fucking Sabina's mouth. Sabina seems to have given up a bit as she does not really resist anymore.</div>
<video src="images/sabina/copevent9/copevent9g.webm" autoplay loop></video>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Continue->copevent9h]]</span></div>
<div class="general">They keep fucking Sabina's mouth, then he lets her up for some air.</div>
<video src="images/sabina/copevent9/copevent9h.webm" autoplay loop></video>
<<speech "sabina" "Sabina">>Ghghhhuuh... Please...<</speech>>
<div class="general">But before she can finish her sentence the guy continues.</div>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Continue->copevent9i]]</span></div>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[I can't watch this->copevent9skipscene]]</span></div>
<<speech "random" "Goon1">>Let's go over here.<</speech>>
<div class="general">He grabs Sabina by her hair and drags her to the other end of the room and sits down on a chair.</div>
<<speech "random" "Goon1">>Well, continue sucking!<</speech>>
<div class="general">He grabs her head and forces it onto his dick again.</div>
<video src="images/sabina/copevent9/copevent9i.webm" autoplay loop></video>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Continue->copevent9j]]</span></div>
<<speech "random" "Goon2">>Hmmm, look at this ass and pussy.<</speech>>
<div class="general">He slaps Sabina's ass a couple of times before he starts fingering her pussy.</div>
<<speech "sabina" "Sabina">>Hmmmm no! Stop!<</speech>>
<div class="general">Sabina tries to slap the guy away but the guy ignores her and keeps fingering her.</div>
<video src="images/sabina/copevent9/copevent9i.webm" autoplay loop></video>
<<speech "sabina" "Sabina">>Ooooh!<</speech>>
<<speech "random" "Goon2">>Hmmm, you are getting wet quickly.<</speech>>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Continue->copevent9k]]</span></div>
<div class="general">Out of the blue the guy who was fingering Sabina, grabs his dick and slams his dick inside Sabina.</div>
<video src="images/sabina/copevent9/copevent9k.webm" autoplay loop></video>
<<speech "sabina" "Sabina">>HMMMHMMMMMM!<</speech>>
<div class="general">Sabina stops sucking.</div>
<<speech "sabina" "Sabina">>Hmmhmhmm, please stop!<</speech>>
<div class="general">On of the guys grabs her by her neck.</div>
<<speech "random" "Goon1">>Stop whining bitch otherwise it will end badly for you.<</speech>>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Continue->copevent9l]]</span></div>
<div class="general">They keep fucking her mouth and pussy.</div>
<video src="images/sabina/copevent9/copevent9l.webm" autoplay loop></video>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Continue->copevent9m]]</span></div>
<<speech "random" "Goon1">>Let's go to the bedroom for some proper fucking.<</speech>>
<div class="general">They lift her up and even though she tries to escape their grip, they manage literally throw her into the bedroom onto the bed.</div>
<video src="images/sabina/copevent9/copevent9m.webm" autoplay loop></video>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Continue->copevent9n]]</span></div>
<div class="general">Once she is on the bed they place her in doggy position as one of the guys starts to fuck her again while the other one looks like being sucked off again.</div>
<video src="images/sabina/copevent9/copevent9n.webm" autoplay loop></video>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Continue->copevent9o]]</span></div>
<div class="general">The guy who gets his dick sucked grabs Sabina by her hair and lifts her up and within seconds she is being fucked from both sides again.</div>
<video src="images/sabina/copevent9/copevent9o.webm" autoplay loop></video>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Continue->copevent9p]]</span></div>
<div class="general">They keep going and going.</div>
<video src="images/sabina/copevent9/copevent9p.webm" autoplay loop></video>
<<speech "Player" "$name">><i>Sabina looks like she surrendered.</i><</speech>>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Continue->copevent9q]]</span></div>
<<speech "random" "Goon2">>Let's turn her around, I want to have my dick deeper into her mouth.<</speech>>
<div class="general">They flip her around and you see Sabina trying to resist, but it looks like she is exhausted and defeated.</div>
<video src="images/sabina/copevent9/copevent9q.webm" autoplay loop></video>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Continue->copevent9r]]</span></div>
<div class="general">They are both inside her again and they start fucking her again.</div>
<video src="images/sabina/copevent9/copevent9r.webm" autoplay loop></video>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Continue->copevent9s]]</span></div>
<div class="general">And they keep going, you see Sabina is clearly in pain, but they don't seem to care at all.</div>
<video src="images/sabina/copevent9/copevent9s.webm" autoplay loop></video>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Continue->copevent9t]]</span></div>
<<speech "random" "Goon2">>Hmmm, I'm almost cumming, you?<</speech>>
<<speech "random" "Goon1">>Yeah, me too, let's get her on her knees.<</speech>>
<div class="general">They lift her up and she starts slapping around with her arms.</div>
<<speech "random" "Goon1">>Let's tie her down.<</speech>>
<div class="general">They put her down on the ground and tie her hands behind her back.</div>
<video src="images/sabina/copevent9/copevent9t.webm" autoplay loop></video>
<<speech "random" "Goon1">>I can't wait to cum on your face.<</speech>>
<<speech "sabina" "Sabina">>Please, no...<</speech>>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Continue->copevent9u]]</span></div>
<div class="general">They start jerking off.</div>
<<speech "random" "Goon2">>Ooh yes, here it comes.<</speech>>
<div class="general">One of the two starts cumming on her face.</div>
<video src="images/sabina/copevent9/copevent9u.webm" autoplay loop></video>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Continue->copevent9v]]</span></div>
<div class="general">Not much later the second guy starts cumming onto her face.</div>
<video src="images/sabina/copevent9/copevent9v.webm" autoplay loop></video>
<<speech "random" "Goon1">>Damn, you know what?<</speech>>
<<speech "random" "Goon2">>What?<</speech>>
<<speech "random" "Goon1">>I haven't enjoyed a fuck like this since forever.<</speech>>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Continue->copevent9w]]</span></div>
<<speech "random" "Christel's husband / Sabina's target?">>Alright, good job guys.<</speech>>
<div class="general">One of the guys looks into the camera.</div>
<<speech "random" "Goon1">>Thanks boss. What do you want us to do with her?<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>I.. I think you made your point clear. Now please let us go.<</speech>>
<<speech "random" "Christel's husband / Sabina's target?">>Finish her.<</speech>>
<<speech "random" "Goon1">>Alright.<</speech>>
<div class="general">One of the guys starts chocking Sabina and then throws her onto the bed.</div>
<video src="images/sabina/copevent9/copevent9w.webm" autoplay loop></video>
<<speech "random" "Goon1">>You hear that. Our boss gives you some mercy.<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Wh.. What do you mean by finishing her?<</speech>>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Continue->copevent9x]]</span></div>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[I can't watch this->copevent9skipscene2]]</span></div>
<<speech "random" "Christel's husband / Sabina's target?">>You think I would let her leave? She would kill me the first chance she gets.<</speech>>
<div class="general">One of the guys jumps on top of Sabina and starts choking her harder and harder.</div>
<video src="images/sabina/copevent9/copevent9x.webm" autoplay loop></video>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>No! Stop this!<</speech>>
<div class="general">Once you get up, you are directly detained by two goons.</div>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Stop!<</speech>>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Continue->copevent9y]]</span></div>
<div class="general">Sabina keeps being choked until she stops moving at all.</div>
<video src="images/sabina/copevent9/copevent9y.webm" autoplay loop></video>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>No! You fucking killed her!<</speech>>
<<speech "random" "Christel's husband / Sabina's target?">>Obviously... Now you really know what happens to people who cross me. Here is my number.<</speech>>
<div class="general">He hands you a business card with a number and a name, Juan Perez. Then he looks at his goons.</div>
<<speech "random" "Perez">>Drop our guest off, somewhere..<</speech>>
<div class="general">They place a hood over your head and everything goes dark.</div>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Continue->copevent9z]]</span></div>
<div class="general">Not much later you are pushed in what is probably a van.</div>
<<speech "Player" "$name">><i>He fucking killed her..</i><</speech>>
<div class="general">You are driving for what seems to be forever before you hear the van door open. You are being pulled our and thrown on the floor. Your hood is being taken off and before your eyes have been adjusted, they have taken off. You look up and see your own house.</div>
<a data-passage="entrance"><div class="talkplayer">Finally home..</div></a>
<<addenergy -90>>
<<addhygene -20>>
<<addhappiness -70>>
<<set $time to $time +10>>
<div class="general">After a while it seems to be over and there is nothing more then silence.</div>
<<speech "random" "Christel's husband / Sabina's target?">>So, that's dealt with.<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Did.. Did you..<</speech>>
<<speech "random" "Christel's husband / Sabina's target?">>Yes I killed her. You think I would let her leave? She would kill me the first chance she gets.<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>You.. You...<</speech>>
<<speech "random" "Christel's husband / Sabina's target?">>Yes, yes, I killed her. Now you really know what happens to people who cross me. Here is my number.<</speech>>
<div class="general">He hands you a business card with a number and a name, Juan Perez. Then he looks at his goons.</div>
<<speech "random" "Perez">>Drop our guest off, somewhere..<</speech>>
<div class="general">They place a hood over your head and everything goes dark.</div>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Continue->copevent9z]]</span></div><<speech "Sarah" "Sarah">>Hi honey, did you hear anything from your cop friend?<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">><i>Oh shit, I totally forgot about that.. But since Sabina is... Well dead.. She can't do anything anymore for us..</i><</speech>>
<<speech "Sarah" "Sarah">>$name?<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Eeeh, yeah, no, she can't help us. We should ask your PI instead.<</speech>>
<<speech "Sarah" "Sarah">>Oh ok, I'll get on that then<</speech>>
<a data-passage="entrance"><div class="talkplayer">Let’s do something else</div></a>
<<set $sabinahelps to "false">>
<<set $sarahspihelps to "true">>
<<set $noellebfreturnsabina2 to "true">><<speech "Sarah" "Sarah">>Hi honey, did you hear anything from your cop friend?<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">><i>Oh shit, I totally forgot about that.. But since Sabina is... Well dead.. She can't do anything anymore for us..</i><</speech>>
<<speech "Sarah" "Sarah">>$name?<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Eeeh, yeah, no, she can't help us. We should ask your PI instead.<</speech>>
<<speech "Sarah" "Sarah">>Oh ok, I'll get on that then<</speech>>
<a data-passage="noellebfreturn1fpi"><div class="talkplayer">Continue</div></a>
<<set $noellebfreturnsabina2a to "true">><div class="general">You wake up after having a though night.</div>
<<speech "Player" "$name">><i>Fuck! What am I supposed to do now? Should I report what happened with Sabina to the police or maybe call that lady from the FBI or just do nothing at all?</i><</speech>>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[I should go to the cops->copevent10cops]]</span></div>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[I should go to the FBI->copevent10FBI]]</span></div>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[I should do nothing->copevent10nothing]]</span></div>
<<set $copevent10 to "true">>
<<set $copeventtimer to 0>><<speech "Player" "$name">><i>The cops? Are you crazy! What am I thinking, the cops is the last place I should go. They would probably arrest me! I should do something different.</i><</speech>>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[I should go to the FBI->copevent10FBI]]</span></div>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[I should do nothing->copevent10nothing]]</span></div>
<<speech "Player" "$name">><i>Should I go to the FBI and Ms. Thompson? I mean, I am not sure this is what Sabina would want, but I don't think it's about what she wants anymore. I should do what I think is right. So what should I do?</i><</speech>>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Yes, I should call Ms. Thompson->copevent10FBI2]]</span></div>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[I should go to the cops->copevent10cops]]</span></div>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[I should do nothing->copevent10nothing]]</span></div><<speech "Player" "$name">><i>I am not getting anymore involved in this then I already am. I mean, there is nothing more I can do about it, can I?</i><</speech>>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Makes sense->copevent10nothing2]]</span></div>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[I should go to the FBI->copevent10FBI]]</span></div>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[I should go to the cops->copevent10cops]]</span></div><<speech "Player" "$name">><i>I really should call Ms. Thompson.. Fuck, I really don't want to do this, but I feel like I have no choice, so here we go I guess.</i><</speech>>
<div class="general">You grab your phone and start calling.</div>
<<speech "thompson" "Ms. Thompson">>Hello $name, how are you today?<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Not good to be honest..<</speech>>
<div class="general">You tell her the whole story of what happened.</div>
<<speech "thompson" "Ms. Thompson">>Well seems like her endeavors caught up with her.. And it seems like she almost got you caught up in the process.<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>I.. I guess you could see it like that as well..<</speech>>
<<speech "thompson" "Ms. Thompson">>Anyway, it's good that you contacted me, we will continue our investigation and if we need you, we know how to find you.<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Ok, could you keep me updated on the investigation?<</speech>>
<<speech "thompson" "Ms. Thompson">>Are you FBI?<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Eh.. No..<</speech>>
<<speech "thompson" "Ms. Thompson">>Then there is your answer, bye $name.<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">><i>Damn, she hung up. Well, I guess that's it. That's all I can do.</i><</speech>>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Continue->copevent10c]]</span></div>
<<set $ce10calledFBI to "true">><<speech "Player" "$name">><i>Well, that's settled then. I'm just leaving it alone and move on with my life.<</speech>>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Continue->copevent10c]]</span></div>
<<set $ce10nothing to "true">><<speech "Player" "$name">><i>Damn, then there is Christel, she must be so worried.. Even though she also trapped me..</i><</speech>>
<div class="general">You think about it for a second.</div>
<<speech "Player" "$name">><i>I should at least let her know I'm ok I guess.</i><</speech>>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Continue->copevent10d]]</span></div><div class="general">You grab you phone and call her.</div>
<<speech "Christel" "Christel">>$name? $name is that you? Are you ok?<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Yes, I'm ok.<</speech>>
<<speech "Christel" "Christel">>Oh my god, I've been so worried.<</speech>>
<div class="general">You hear that she starts crying.</div>
<<speech "Christel" "Christel">>I'm so sorry, I didn't have a choice.. I.. I..<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>It's ok Christel.<</speech>>
<div class="general">You talk to her for a short while before you hang up.</div>
<<speech "Player" "$name">><i>She truly seemed in distress and sorry. Maybe I should see her sometime.</i><</speech>>
<a data-passage="upstairs"><div class="talkplayer">Time to get up</div></a>
<div class="general">You start running together like nothing happened until Zareana stops.</div>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Already tired?<</speech>>
<<speech "Zareana" "Zareana">>How.. How can you ignore what happened? Why are you so normal under this?<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>What you do to get to the top is your choice. It's none of my business.<</speech>>
<<speech "Zareana" "Zareana">>So you are not bothered by it?<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Well, I have an opinion of course, but again, your choices are your choices.<</speech>>
<<speech "Zareana" "Zareana">>It's not like I want to do it..<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Then why do you do it?<</speech>>
<<speech "Zareana" "Zareana">>Because otherwise I won't get a starting spot and won't be able to race and progress my career.<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>You can't just enter any race you want?<</speech>>
<<speech "Zareana" "Zareana">>No, there are only limited spots and a whole team that wants them.<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>And you are not good enough?<</speech>>
<<speech "Zareana" "Zareana">>I am! But he still won't let me start unless.. Well, I guess you saw..<</speech>>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Continue->zareana2b]]</span></div>
<<set $zareana2 to "true">>
<<set $zareanatimer to 0>><<speech "Player" "$name">>I understand.. And no one you can go to?<</speech>>
<<speech "Zareana" "Zareana">>No, he's very renowned for his achievements in the past and it is impossible to take a guy like that down.<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Are you the only one who he does this with?<</speech>>
<<speech "Zareana" "Zareana">>There is at least one other girl I know of.<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Can't you report him together?<</speech>>
<<speech "Zareana" "Zareana">>I have thought about that, but when I do, he might go away and maybe even jail, but his friends that are still there will still ruin my career as an act of revenge.. It's not just him, there are more coaches like him.<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>That's though.<</speech>>
<<speech "Zareana" "Zareana">>I know, but it will have been worth it once I made it.<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">><i>I hope so for her.</i><</speech>>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Continue->zareana2c]]</span></div>
<div class="general">You both continue your run.</div>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>So, see you next time?<</speech>>
<<speech "Zareana" "Zareana">>Yes, and $name, thanks for listening and not judging me.<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Of course!<</speech>>
<div class="general">You part ways.</div>
<<speech "Player" "$name">><i>Maybe I can think of a way to help her..</i><</speech>>
<a data-passage="park"><div class="talkplayer">Let’s do something else</div></a>
<<addenergy -50>>
<<addfitness 1>>
<<set $time to $time +1>>
<<addhygene -25>>
<<set $fitnesstimer to 0>>
<img src="images/sarah/livingroom/livmoves180/sarah.jpg" />
<<speech "Sarah" "Sarah">>Hi honey, want to join me on the couch and watch a movie with me?<</speech>><br>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[I would love to->livmoves1gal]]</span></div><br><<nobr>><div class="general">You put on a movie and start watching. It doesn't take long before you notice that Sarah doesn't have any interest in the movie and that she isn't really watching anymore.</div><br>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Do you want to watch something else?<</speech>><br>
<<speech "Sarah" "Sarah">>No, no this is ok.<</speech>><br>
<video src="images/sarah/livingroom/livmoves180/livmoves1a.webm" autoplay loop ></video>
<div class="general">You try to watch the movie, but Sarah still isn't interested in the movie.</div><br>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Continue->livmoves2gal]]</span></div><</nobr>><<speech "Player" "$name">>Are you sure you don't want to watch something else?<</speech>>
<<speech "Sarah" "Sarah">>Yes, I am sure I don't want to watch something else.<</speech>>
<div class="general">Without any subtility she gropes you.</div>
<video src="images/sarah/livingroom/livmoves180/livmoves1b.webm" autoplay loop ></video>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Continue->livmoves3gal]]</span></div>
<<speech "Sarah" "Sarah">>I want to do something else.<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Is that so.<</speech>>
<video src="images/sarah/livingroom/livmoves180/livmoves1c.webm" autoplay loop ></video>
<div class="general">She starts to undres herself in front of you. Once she is done, she takes out your dick as well.</div>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Continue->livmoves4gal]]</span></div><div class="general">She bends over and starts sucking your dick.</div>
<video src="images/sarah/livingroom/livmoves180/livmoves2a.webm" autoplay loop ></video>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Continue->livmoves5gal]]</span></div><<speech "Sarah" "Sarah">>Do you like it baby?<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Yes, keep going and take it deeper baby, show me what you can do.<</speech>>
<video src="images/sarah/livingroom/livmoves180/livmoves2b.webm" autoplay loop ></video>
<div class="general">Sarah goes deeper and gags a little bit on your dick.</div>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Ah yes, that's it! Good girl!<</speech>>
<<speech "Sarah" "Sarah">>Hhhmhmmmm.<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Come here, I want to fuck you!<</speech>>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Continue->livmoves6gal]]</span></div><div class="general">Sarah gets up and gets on top of you.</div>
<<speech "Sarah" "Sarah">>Put it in me! I want to feel you inside me.<</speech>>
<div class="general">You place your dick against her entrance and she slowly drops down onto your dick.</div>
<video src="images/sarah/livingroom/livmoves180/livmoves3a.webm" autoplay loop ></video>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Continue->livmoves7gal]]</span></div><<speech "Sarah" "Sarah">>Ooh yes! You feel so good inside me.<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Fuck me baby. Fuck me!<</speech>>
<div class="general">She slowly starts to increase her pace.</div>
<video src="images/sarah/livingroom/livmoves180/livmoves3b.webm" autoplay loop ></video>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Continue->livmoves8gal]]</span></div><<speech "Sarah" "Sarah">>Ooh yes, hmmmm.<</speech>>
<div class="general">Sarah starts moaning more intense.</div>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Go faster baby!<</speech>>
<div class="general">You grab her ass and set her pace.</div>
<<speech "Sarah" "Sarah">>Ooooh babe!<</speech>>
<video src="images/sarah/livingroom/livmoves180/livmoves3c.webm" autoplay loop ></video>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Keep going like this.<</speech>>
<<speech "Sarah" "Sarah">>Aaah yes, I will, ooh.<</speech>>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Time to take full control->livmoves9gal]]</span></div><<speech "Player" "$name">>Turn around, I want to fuck you from behind.<</speech>>
<div class="general">Without saying anything she turned around. Once she is possition you enter her and start to fuck her.</div>
<video src="images/sarah/livingroom/livmoves180/livmoves4a.webm" autoplay loop ></video>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Continue->livmoves10gal]]</span></div><<speech "Sarah" "Sarah">>Oooh yes, fuck, fuck me! Keep going.<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>You are so tight.<</speech>>
<<speech "Sarah" "Sarah">>Hmmmm yes!<</speech>>
<div class="general">You keep fucking her.</div>
<video src="images/sarah/livingroom/livmoves180/livmoves4b.webm" autoplay loop ></video>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Anal Route->livmoves11analgal]]</span></div>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Cumslut route->livmoves11csgal]]</span></div>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Finish->livmoves11finishgal]]</span></div><div class="general">Sarah starts to moan louder and louder. Suddenly she makes her fingers wet and moves towards her ass.</div>
<video src="images/sarah/livingroom/livmoves180/livmoves4c.webm" autoplay loop ></video>
<div class="general">She pushes two fingers inside her ass as you keep fucking her.</div>
<<speech "Sarah" "Sarah">>Oh yes!<</speech>>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Cumslut route->livmoves12analcsgal]]</span></div>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Continue->livmoves12analgal]]</span></div><<speech "Player" "$name">>I'm cumming to!<</speech>>
<<speech "Sarah" "Sarah">>Hmmm, give it to me!<</speech>>
<div class="general">She drops down on her knees and opens her mouth.</div>
<<speech "Sarah" "Sarah">>Give me your cum! I need your cum!<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Here it comes!<</speech>>
<div class="general">You start cumming.</div>
<video src="images/sarah/livingroom/livmoves180/livmoves4e.webm" autoplay loop ></video>
<div class="general">She eagerly laps up your cum.</div>
<<speech "Sarah" "Sarah">>Hhhmmmm.<</speech>>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[That was hot->livmovesendgal2]]</span></div><<speech "Sarah" "Sarah">>Aah yes, keep going!<</speech>>
<div class="general">You keep going.</div>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>I'm getting close!<</speech>>
<<speech "Sarah" "Sarah">>Me too!<</speech>>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Cum inside her->livmoves11crgal]]</span></div><br>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Cum on her face->livmoves11facegal]]</span></div><br><div class="general">You keep going.</div>
<<speech "Sarah" "Sarah">>Oh yes! Oooh yess!!<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>I'm cumming!<</speech>>
<<speech "Sarah" "Sarah">>Yes me to, fill me up!<</speech>>
<div class="general">You keep fucking her until you both start cumming.</div>
<video src="images/sarah/livingroom/livmoves180/livmoves5a.webm" autoplay loop ></video>
<<speech "Sarah" "Sarah">>Oh baby, that was great!<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>It definitely was.<</speech>>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Continue->livmovesendgal2]]</span></div><<speech "Player" "$name">>Get down on you knees, I want to cum on your face.<</speech>>
<<speech "Sarah" "Sarah">>Oh yes, give it to me! Give me your cum!<</speech>>
<div class="general">She eagerly gets down in front of you and opens her mouth.</div>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Here it comes!<</speech>>
<div class="general">You start cumming on her face and in her mouth.</div>
<video src="images/sarah/livingroom/livmoves180/livmoves4e.webm" autoplay loop ></video>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Aah, yes.<</speech>>
<div class="general">Sarah eagerly laps up your cum.</div>
<<speech "Sarah" "Sarah">>Hmmmm.<</speech>>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[That was amazing->livmovesendgal2]]</span></div><<speech "Player" "$name">>You little slut! Fingering your ass like that.<</speech>>
<<speech "Sarah" "Sarah">>Yes, I'm a slut, I'm your slut. Please don't stop fucking me!<</speech>>
<div class="general">You keep going.</div>
<<speech "Sarah" "Sarah">>I'm cumming! I'm cumming! Oooh.<</speech>>
<div class="general">With load moans Sarah starts cumming.</div>
<video src="images/sarah/livingroom/livmoves180/livmoves4d.webm" autoplay loop ></video>
<<speech "Sarah" "Sarah">>Aah, fuck..<</speech>>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Continue->livmoves13analcsgal]]</span></div>
<div class="general">You are suprised with her actions, but you keep fucking her.</div>
<<speech "Sarah" "Sarah">>Oooh, yes, keep going!<</speech>>
<div class="general">You keep fucking her and she keeps fingering her own asshole.</div>
<<speech "Sarah" "Sarah">>Oooh yes, don't stop! I'm cumming! I'm cumminggg!!<</speech>>
<div class="general">Sarah starts cumming loudly.</div>
<video src="images/sarah/livingroom/livmoves180/livmoves4d.webm" autoplay loop ></video>
<<speech "Sarah" "Sarah">>Aah, fuck..<</speech>>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Cum inside her->livmoves11crgal]]</span></div>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Cum on her face->livmoves11facegal]]</span></div><div class="general">You continue fucking her slowly.</div><br>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Come here my dirty slut. Get on you knees.<</speech>><br>
<<speech "Sarah" "Sarah">>Ooh yes, give me your cum! Give your slut her cum!<</speech>><br>
<div class="general">She gets on her knees and opens her mouth and you start cumming.</div><br>
<video src="images/sarah/livingroom/livmoves180/livmoves4e.webm" autoplay loop ></video><br><br>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Aaah yes, you are such a good little slut.<</speech>><br>
<div class="general">She eagerly laps up your cum.</div><br>
<<speech "Sarah" "Sarah">>Hhhmmmm. I love to be your slut.<</speech>><br>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[That was amazing->livmovesendgal2]]</span></div><div class="general">After the sex you sit with each other for a bit.</div>
<<speech "Sarah" "Sarah">>That was really nice.<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>It was.<</speech>>
<<speech "Sarah" "Sarah">>I love you.<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>I love you too.<</speech>>
<a data-passage="Gallery + Complete ScenelistGallery + Complete Scenelist"><div class="talkplayer">Return to Gallery</div></a>
<a data-passage="Sarah's Scenes"><div class="talkplayer">Return to Sarah's Gallery</div></a>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Return to game|$return]]</span></div><<speech "Player" "$name">>Good morning beautiful.<</speech>>
<<speech "Sarah" "Sarah">>Hi honey.<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>You are looking good today.<</speech>>
<<speech "Sarah" "Sarah">>Do I?<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Yes you do.<</speech>>
<div class="general">You move in for a kiss but she dodges you.</div>
<<speech "Sarah" "Sarah">>Honey, I know that look and I can't, I have to go to work.<</speech>>
<div class="general">You lift her on the counter.</div>
<video src="images/sarah/kitchen/kitmoves/kitmoves1a.webm" autoplay loop ></video>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Continue->kitmoves2gal]]</span></div><<speech "Sarah" "Sarah">>Honey!<</speech>>
<div class="general">Then you lift up her dress, put her panties aside and start licking her pussy.</div>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>You know you want this.<</speech>>
<video src="images/sarah/kitchen/kitmoves/kitmoves1b.webm" autoplay loop ></video>
<<speech "Sarah" "Sarah">>Ooh honey please!<</speech>>
<div class="general">You keep licking.</div>
<<speech "Sarah" "Sarah">>Fuck this feels so good, why are you doing this to me?<</speech>>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Continue licking her->kitmoves3gal]]</span></div>
<<speech "Sarah" "Sarah">>Oooh, alright, come here.<</speech>>
<div class="general">She grabs you pants and pulls it down. Then she drops down onto her knees.</div>
<<speech "Sarah" "Sarah">>We have to be quick, because I have a class to teach soon.<</speech>>
<div class="general">She starts sucking your dick.</div>
<video src="images/sarah/kitchen/kitmoves/kitmoves2a.webm" autoplay loop ></video>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Ooh yes babe, that feels good.<</speech>>
<div class="general">She keeps sucking. Then she stops</div>
<<speech "Sarah" "Sarah">>Seems like you are hard and I'm pretty sure I made you wet, so fuck me honey!<</speech>>
<div class="general">She bends over a chair next to you.</div>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Fuck her->kitmoves4gal]]</span></div>
<div class="general">You move behind her and start fucking her</div>
<video src="images/sarah/kitchen/kitmoves/kitmoves3a.webm" autoplay loop ></video>
<<speech "Sarah" "Sarah">>Ooh yes! You feel so good.<</speech>>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Continue licking her->kitmoves5gal]]</span></div>
<div class="general">You keep fucking her.</div>
<<speech "Sarah" "Sarah">>Fuck me harder babe, fuck me harder!<</speech>>
<div class="general">You start increasing your pace.</div>
<video src="images/sarah/kitchen/kitmoves/kitmoves3b.webm" autoplay loop ></video>
<<speech "Sarah" "Sarah">>Fuck, it's getting late.<</speech>>
<div class="general">She pushes you away and pushes you down on the couch.</div>
<<speech "Sarah" "Sarah">>Let's speed this up.<</speech>>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[She sits down on top of you->kitmoves6gal]]</span></div>
<div class="general">She grabs your dick and pushes into her own pussy.</div>
<video src="images/sarah/kitchen/kitmoves/kitmoves4a.webm" autoplay loop ></video>
<<speech "Sarah" "Sarah">>Hmmm yes, that's better.<</speech>>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Continue->kitmoves7gal]]</span></div>
<div class="general">She starts bouncing on your dick.</div>
<<speech "Sarah" "Sarah">>Oh yes!<</speech>>
<div class="general">Sarah, realizing she does not have a lot of time starts increasing her speed.</div>
<video src="images/sarah/kitchen/kitmoves/kitmoves4b.webm" autoplay loop ></video>
<<speech "Sarah" "Sarah">>Yes, yes, yes!<</speech>>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Continue->kitmoves8gal]]</span></div>
<div class="general">She keeps bouncing.</div>
<video src="images/sarah/kitchen/kitmoves/kitmoves4bc.webm" autoplay loop ></video>
<<speech "Sarah" "Sarah">>Fuck baby you feel so good!<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Fuck baby, I'm almost cumming!<</speech>>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Cumslut route->kitmoves9csgal]]</span></div>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Cum in her mouth->kitmoves9cimgal]]</span></div>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Cum inside her->kitmoves9crgal]]</span></div>
<<speech "Sarah" "Sarah">>Are you going to cum for me baby?<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Yes!<</speech>>
<<speech "Sarah" "Sarah">>I want your cum baby, cum in my mouth.<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Get on your knees.<</speech>>
<div class="general">She gets down.</div>
<<speech "Sarah" "Sarah">>Cum for me baby.<</speech>>
<div class="general">You start cumming.</div>
<video src="images/sarah/kitchen/kitmoves/kitmoves4d.webm" autoplay loop ></video>
<<speech "Sarah" "Sarah">>Oh yes! Hmmmmm.<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Fuck, you are so hot begging for my cum.<</speech>>
<div class="general">Sarah blushes a little and then looks at the clock</div>
<<speech "Sarah" "Sarah">>Oh fuck, I have to go!<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>You know you are covered in cum right?<</speech>>
<<speech "Sarah" "Sarah">>Yes, I know, I'll clean it of on the way.<</speech>>
<div class="general">Sarah gets up and leaves.</div>
<a data-passage="Gallery + Complete ScenelistGallery + Complete Scenelist"><div class="talkplayer">Return to Gallery</div></a>
<a data-passage="Sarah's Scenes"><div class="talkplayer">Return to Sarah's Gallery</div></a>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Return to game|$return]]</span></div><<speech "Player" "$name">>Get down baby, I want to cum in your mouth.<</speech>>
<<speech "Sarah" "Sarah">>Hmmmm.<</speech>>
<div class="general">She gets down and opens her mouth, but before you reach her mouth you start cumming.</div>
<video src="images/sarah/kitchen/kitmoves/kitmoves4d.webm" autoplay loop ></video>
<<speech "Sarah" "Sarah">>Babe!!<</speech>>
<div class="general">You cover her face and mouth completely with cum.</div>
<<speech "Sarah" "Sarah">>Fuck, it's everywhere, your cum is everywhere. Fuck, I need to clean up and go to work.<</speech>>
<div class="general">She gets up and leaves.</div>
<<speech "Player" "$name">><i>Let's hope she is not too mad about this.</i><</speech>>
<a data-passage="Gallery + Complete ScenelistGallery + Complete Scenelist"><div class="talkplayer">Return to Gallery</div></a>
<a data-passage="Sarah's Scenes"><div class="talkplayer">Return to Sarah's Gallery</div></a>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Return to game|$return]]</span></div>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Fuck baby, I'm almost cumming.<</speech>>
<<speech "Sarah" "Sarah">>Ooh, me too, fill my pussy with your cum!<</speech>>
<div class="general">She keeps bouncing.</div>
<<speech "Sarah" "Sarah">>Oooh yes!!<</speech>>
<div class="general">You both start cumming.</div>
<video src="images/sarah/kitchen/kitmoves/kitmoves4c.webm" autoplay loop ></video>
<<speech "Sarah" "Sarah">>That felt good.<</speech>>
<div class="general">She looks at the clock.</div>
<<speech "Sarah" "Sarah">>Oh shit, I have to go!<</speech>>
<div class="general">She get's up and walks towards the bathroom with her pussy dripping with your cum.</div>
<a data-passage="Gallery + Complete ScenelistGallery + Complete Scenelist"><div class="talkplayer">Return to Gallery</div></a>
<a data-passage="Sarah's Scenes"><div class="talkplayer">Return to Sarah's Gallery</div></a>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Return to game|$return]]</span></div><div class="general">You both leave the house and go to the city center to get some breakfast or brunch by now I guess. You spend some time talking and eating.</div>
<<speech "Sarah" "Sarah">>Oh, I know what we can do next.<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>And what is that?<</speech>>
<<speech "Sarah" "Sarah">>Well, I think I need some new clothes, so let's go to the mall.<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Really? That's how you want to spend today?<</speech>>
<<speech "Sarah" "Sarah">>Awh come on baby, I'll make it worth your while.<</speech>>
<div class="general">She looks at you with a sexy look on her face while rubbing her hand toward your dick.</div>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Hmmm, ok then, but you better make it worth it!<</speech>>
<<speech "Sarah" "Sarah">>Have I ever disappointed you?<</speech>>
<div class="general">You both get up and go to the mall.</div>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Continue->exhib2b]]</span></div>
<<set $time to 4>>
<<set $exhibitionist2 to "true">><<speech "Player" "$name">>Hey babe, let's do something together today.<</speech>>
<<speech "Sarah" "Sarah">>What where you thinking about?<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>I don't know, I just want to spend the day with you.<</speech>>
<<speech "Sarah" "Sarah">>Well let's go and get some breakfast together and see from there.<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Sounds like a plan.<</speech>>
<a data-passage="exhib2a"><div class="talkplayer">Let's go</div></a>
<div class="general">You enter the mall and Sarah instantly goes into one of the shops and starts grabbing clothes. Within a couple of minutes, she dives into a fitting room and before you even remotely realize what's happening she comes out in a new outfit.</div>
<<speech "Sarah" "Sarah">>Well? What do you think?<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Eehh, it looks.. Good?<</speech>>
<<speech "Sarah" "Sarah">>I knew it looked terrible on me.<</speech>>
<div class="general">She turns around and walks back into the fitting room.</div>
<<speech "Player" "$name">><i>Oh boy..</i><</speech>>
<div class="general">This continues for a while. Shop in shop out, shop in shop out. And in all honesty, even though it's not what you hoped, some clothing she puts on have some effect on you and finally...</div>
<<speech "Sarah" "Sarah">>I think I have enough.<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">><i>Wait, really? It's over?</i><</speech>>
<<speech "Sarah" "Sarah">>$name?<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>I think so to. So what now?<</speech>>
<<speech "Sarah" "Sarah">>Well, I could use a drink, let's go to a bar or something.<</speech>>
<div class="general">You follow Sarah out of the mall until she finds a bar she likes.</div>
<<speech "Sarah" "Sarah">>Let's go in here.<</speech>>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Continue->exhib2c]]</span></div>
<<set $time to 6>>
<<addarousal 50>><div class="general">You sit down inside and she orders two beers and you start drinking and talking.</div>
<<speech "Sarah" "Sarah">>Want another one?<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Sure.<</speech>>
<div class="general">Beers start flowing and you are both having a great time.</div>
<<speech "Sarah" "Sarah">>Oh wowwww, loook how latee it iss alreadyy, we probably shouldd goo home.<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Let's be safe and take the bus..<</speech>>
<<speech "Sarah" "Sarah">>Yeahh, that's probaably forr the best.<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">><i>She is quite drunk.</i><</speech>>
<div class="general">You both walk to a bus stop and get onto a bus.</div>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Continue->exhib2d]]</span></div>
<<set $time to 9>>
<<speech "Sarah" "Sarah">>Ooof, I might have drank to much.<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>You think?<</speech>>
<<speech "Sarah" "Sarah">>I'm going straight to bed when we get home.<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Excuse me? You made a promise.<</speech>>
<<speech "Sarah" "Sarah">>Ugh, I'll tomorrow.<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>No, that was not the deal.<</speech>>
<div class="general">You start touching her leg.</div>
<video src="images/sarah/events/exhibitionist2/exhibitionist2a.webm" autoplay loop></video>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Continue->exhib2e]]</span></div>
<<speech "Sarah" "Sarah">>What are you doing?.<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Making you keeping your promise?<</speech>>
<<speech "Sarah" "Sarah">>We are in a bus!<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>I still don't see the problem.<</speech>>
<div class="general">She pushes your hands away, but you keep going.</div>
<video src="images/sarah/events/exhibitionist2/exhibitionist2b.webm" autoplay loop></video>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Continue->exhib2f]]</span></div>
<<speech "Sarah" "Sarah">>Honey stop!<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Come on, don't pretend you don't like this.<</speech>>
<div class="general">She blushes.</div>
<<speech "Sarah" "Sarah">>That's not the point!<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>I still don't see the problem.<</speech>>
<div class="general">You keep pushing.</div>
<video src="images/sarah/events/exhibitionist2/exhibitionist2c.webm" autoplay loop></video>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Continue->exhib2g]]</span></div>
<<speech "Sarah" "Sarah">>Honey... Hmmmm.<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Was that a little moan?<</speech>>
<div class="general">She blushes again.</div>
<<speech "Sarah" "Sarah">>N.. No!<</speech>>
<div class="general">You open her legs and start rubbing over her panties.</div>
<video src="images/sarah/events/exhibitionist2/exhibitionist2f.webm" autoplay loop></video>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Hmmm, already wet.<</speech>>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Continue->exhib2h]]</span></div>
<<speech "Sarah" "Sarah">>Everyone can see us!<</speech>>
<div class="general">You look around.</div>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Looks like we are the only ones left.<</speech>>
<div class="general">You push your hand inside her panties and start rubbing her pussy.</div>
<video src="images/sarah/events/exhibitionist2/exhibitionist2g.webm" autoplay loop></video>
<<speech "Sarah" "Sarah">>Hhhmmmm. What about.. About the driver?<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>I don't think he minds.<</speech>>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Continue->exhib2i]]</span></div>
<div class="general">Suddenly the bus stops.</div>
<<speech "Sarah" "Sarah">>Hhhmmmm. I.. I guess this is us.<</speech>>
<div class="general">You look outside.</div>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>No, we are not there yet.<</speech>>
<div class="general">You keep fingering her.</div>
<video src="images/sarah/events/exhibitionist2/exhibitionist2h.webm" autoplay loop></video>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Continue->exhib2j]]</span></div>
<div class="general">You take off her panties and continue fingering her.</div>
<<speech "Sarah" "Sarah">>Hhhmmmm. Oh fuck baby.<</speech>>
<div class="general">All of a sudden the driver gets up and walks towards you and just sits down next to Sarah.</div>
<<speech "Sarah" "Sarah">>Oh shit. Baby? $name!<</speech>>
<div class="general">You look at the bus driver and he smiles and you are a bit too horny and tipsy to really care at this moment.</div>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Don't worry, I won't let him do anything you don't want.<</speech>>
<div class="general">The bus driver starts rubbing Sarah's breast before being pushed away by Sarah. You just keep playing with her pussy as you see that Sarah is clearly confused by the whole situation.</div>
<video src="images/sarah/events/exhibitionist2/exhibitionist2i.webm" autoplay loop></video>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Continue->exhib2k]]</span></div>
<div class="general">You keep playing with her pussy.</div>
<<speech "Sarah" "Sarah">>Hhhmmmm. Oooooh fuck!<</speech>>
<div class="general">The driver starts lifting Sarah's shirt and starts to play with her breasts.</div>
<<speech "Sarah" "Sarah">>Hmmhmmmm!<</speech>>
<div class="general">Sarah is moaning loudly and slowly seems to forget the bus driver next to her and seems to get an orgasm.</div>
<video src="images/sarah/events/exhibitionist2/exhibitionist2j.webm" autoplay loop></video>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Continue->exhib2l]]</span></div>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Are you ok babe?<</speech>>
<<speech "Sarah" "Sarah">>Hhhmmmm. Yes..<</speech>>
<div class="general">You keep playing lightly with her pussy while the bus driver keeps playing with her breasts.</div>
<<speech "Sarah" "Sarah">>Hmmhmmm.<</speech>>
<video src="images/sarah/events/exhibitionist2/exhibitionist2k.webm" autoplay loop></video>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Continue->exhib2m]]</span></div>
<div class="general">You pull your, very hard, dick out of your pants.</div>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Come here and suck my dick.<</speech>>
<div class="general">Sarah doesn't hesitate and takes your dick into her mouth. The driver starts groping her ass and spanks her a little.</div>
<video src="images/sarah/events/exhibitionist2/exhibitionist2m.webm" autoplay loop></video>
<<speech "Sarah" "Sarah">>Hmmhmmm.<</speech>>
<div class="general">Sarah moans slightly with every spanks she gets.</div>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Continue->exhib2n]]</span></div>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Fuck this feels so good!<</speech>>
<div class="general">With some help from the driver, Sarah keeps sucking you as the driver also makes sure her pussy stays stimulated.</div>
<video src="images/sarah/events/exhibitionist2/exhibitionist2n.webm" autoplay loop></video>
<<speech "Sarah" "Sarah">>Hmmhmmm.<</speech>>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Continue->exhib2o]]</span></div>
<div class="general">Sarah keeps sucking you until you pull her up and spin her around.</div>
<video src="images/sarah/events/exhibitionist2/exhibitionist2o.webm" autoplay loop></video>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Come here I want to fuck you!<</speech>>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Continue->exhib2p]]</span></div>
<div class="general">When she is turned around, with her ass facing you, you push your dick inside her pussy instantly.</div>
<video src="images/sarah/events/exhibitionist2/exhibitionist2p.webm" autoplay loop></video>
<<speech "Sarah" "Sarah">>Ooooooh fuuuck!<</speech>>
<div class="general">Right in front of the bus driver you start fucking her as the driver starts to grope her breasts again.</div>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Continue->exhib2q]]</span></div>
<div class="general">You keep fucking her and Sarah keeps moaning.</div>
<video src="images/sarah/events/exhibitionist2/exhibitionist2q.webm" autoplay loop></video>
<<speech "Sarah" "Sarah">>Yes fuck me baby!<</speech>>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Continue->exhib2r]]</span></div>
<div class="general">You keep fucking Sarah from behind until you pick her up and let her ride you.</div>
<video src="images/sarah/events/exhibitionist2/exhibitionist2r.webm" autoplay loop></video>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Continue->exhib2s]]</span></div>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Turn around.<</speech>>
<div class="general">She turns around as she keeps riding you.</div>
<video src="images/sarah/events/exhibitionist2/exhibitionist2s.webm" autoplay loop></video>
<<speech "Sarah" "Sarah">>Ooh yes!<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Fuck you are really enjoying this aren't you?<</speech>>
<<speech "Sarah" "Sarah">>Hmmhmmmm! Yess!<</speech>>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Continue->exhib2t]]</span></div>
<div class="general">You notice that she doesn't care anymore about the bus driver, it might even turn her on more if anything, especially now the bus driver has started jerking off while watching you fuck.</div>
<<speech "Sarah" "Sarah">>Hmmmmm!<</speech>>
<div class="general">You see Sarah looking at the bus drivers dick as she keeps riding you.</div>
<video src="images/sarah/events/exhibitionist2/exhibitionist2t.webm" autoplay loop></video>
<<speech "Sarah" "Sarah">>Ooh yes!<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">><i>Damn, she is riding me much harder since the bus driver started jerking off.</i><</speech>>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Continue->exhib2u]]</span></div>
<div class="general">You pick her up and place her on her back and start fucking her as hard as you can.</div>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Do you like him jerking off to you?<</speech>>
<<speech "Sarah" "Sarah">>Hmmmm, yes, it.. It... It makes me so wet!<</speech>>
<div class="general">Sarah keeps looking at the bus driver regularly as you keep fucking her hard.</div>
<video src="images/sarah/events/exhibitionist2/exhibitionist2u.webm" autoplay loop></video>
<<speech "Sarah" "Sarah">>Don't stop baby! Keep fucking mee!<</speech>>
<div class="general">Sarah is clearly on the brink of another orgasm.</div>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Fuck, I'm almost cummong babe!<</speech>>
<<speech "Sarah" "Sarah">>Hmmmm, yes, let's..<</speech>>
<div class="general">And Sarah looks at the driver.</div>
<<speech "Sarah" "Sarah">>Let's all cum together.<</speech>>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Continue->exhib2v]]</span></div>
<div class="general">Hearing her say it like that almost pushes you over the edge. You increase your speed one more time.</div>
<<speech "Sarah" "Sarah">>Oooh fuckkk!!!<</speech>>
<div class="general">Sarah looks at the driver as she starts cumming.</div>
<<speech "Sarah" "Sarah">>Hmmmhmmmm!! Yesss!!<</speech>>
<div class="general">You keep fucking her until you fill her up with your cum.</div>
<video src="images/sarah/events/exhibitionist2/exhibitionist2v.webm" autoplay loop></video>
<<speech "Sarah" "Sarah">>Fuck...<</speech>>
<div class="general">You look at the driver and he also came a lot.</div>
<<speech "Player" "$name">><i>I guess that is what Sarah was looking at.</i><</speech>>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Continue->exhib2w]]</span></div>
<<addenergy -30>>
<<addhygene -25>>
<<addhappiness 15>>
<<if $fitness gte 0 and $fitness lt 25>>
<<addarousal -35>>
<<elseif $fitness gte 20 and $fitness lt 40>>
<<addarousal -30>>
<<elseif $fitness gte 40>>
<<addarousal -25>><</if>>
<<addrsarah 25>>
<div class="general">The driver gets up like nothing has happened and gets to his seat and starts driving again.</div>
<<speech "Sarah" "Sarah">>I can't believe we did that.<</speech>>
<div class="general">Sarah seems to get back to reality.</div>
<<speech "Sarah" "Sarah">>We just fucking in front of a total stranger!<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Well, you didn't seem to mind.<</speech>>
<div class="general">Sarah blushes.</div>
<<speech "Sarah" "Sarah">>You are not wrong..<</speech>>
<div class="general">Sarah snuggles against you until you reach your stop. You both get out and Sarah walks with a very red and embarrassed face passed the bus driver. Not much later you are home and go to bed.</div>
<<speech "Player" "$name">><i>Damn, this could be the beginning of something.. Let's see how far we can go with this.</i><</speech>>
<a data-passage="bedroom"><div class="talkplayer">Let's sleep</div></a>
<<set $time to 11>><<if $sarahsex1 is "000000000000001">>
<<set $waitpassage to passage()>>
<<button "skip day" $waitpassage>><<set $day to $day +1>><</button>><br>
<<button "skip hour" $waitpassage>><<set $time to $time +1>><</button>><br><br>
<<if $day gt 7>>
<<set $day to 1>><</if>>
<<set $waitpassage to passage()>>
<<button "Relation Sarah" $waitpassage>><<addrsarah +10>><</button>><br>
<<set $waitpassage to passage()>>
<<button "Decline Relation Sarah" $waitpassage>><<addrsarah -10>><</button>><br>
<<set $waitpassage to passage()>>
<<button "Relation Noelle" $waitpassage>><<addrnoelle +10>><</button>><br>
<<if $noelleloss is "true">>
<<set $waitpassage to passage()>>
<<button "Trust Noelle" $waitpassage>><<addtnoelle +10>><</button>><br>
<<set $waitpassage to passage()>>
<<button "Fear Noelle" $waitpassage>><<addfnoelle +10>><</button>><br>
<<set $waitpassage to passage()>>
<<button "Obedience Noelle" $waitpassage>><<addonoelle +10>><</button>><br>
<<set $waitpassage to passage()>>
<<button "Reset Noelle training" $waitpassage>><<set $onoelle to 0>><<set $tnoelle to 0>><<set $fnoelle to 0>><<set $rnoelle to 50>><<set $fearob to "false">><<set $feartr to "false">><<set $relationob to "false">><<set $relationtr to "false">><</button>><br>
<<set $waitpassage to passage()>>
<<button "Reset Sarah Events (After Update V0.33)" $waitpassage>><<set $sarahsrevenge to "false">><<set $neighbour3 to "false">><<set $neighbour4 to "false">><<$neighbour5 to "false">><<set $sarahsexclub1 to "false">><<set $sarahsexclub2 to "false">><<set $sarahsexclub23 to "false">><<set $sarahsexclub23after to "false">><<set $sarahsexclub21 to "false">><<set $sarahsexclub21after to "false">><</button>><br>
<<set $waitpassage to passage()>>
<<button "Emotion" $waitpassage>><<set $domsub to $domsub +5>><</button>><br><br>
<<set $waitpassage to passage()>>
<<button "Relation Ashley" $waitpassage>><<addrashley +10>><</button>><br><br>
<<set $waitpassage to passage()>>
<<button "Relation Christel" $waitpassage>><<addrchristel +10>><</button>><br><br>
<<set $waitpassage to passage()>>
<<button "Money" $waitpassage>><<set $money to $money +1000>><</button>><br>
<<set $waitpassage to passage()>>
<<button "Energy" $waitpassage>><<addenergy +10>><</button>><br>
<<set $waitpassage to passage()>>
<<button "Happiness" $waitpassage>><<addhappiness +10>><</button>><br>
<<set $waitpassage to passage()>>
<<button "Fitness" $waitpassage>><<set $fitness to $fitness +10>><</button>><br>
<<set $waitpassage to passage()>>
<<button "Hygene" $waitpassage>><<set $hygene to $hygene +10>><</button>><br>
<<set $waitpassage to passage()>>
<<button "Arousal" $waitpassage>><<set $arousal to $arousal +10>><</button>><br><br>
<<set $waitpassage to passage()>>
<<button "Increase royalties" $waitpassage>><<set $workfame to $workfame +1>><</button>><br><br>
<<set $waitpassage to passage()>>
<<button "Cumaddict" $waitpassage>><<set $cumaddict to $cumaddict +5>><</button>><br><br>
[[Return to game|$return]]<br><br><br>
<div class="general">Events (warning: don't break your game and you will skip scenes using these, also the names can contain spoilers)</div><br><br><br>
Turn Sarah into your cumslut:<br>
<<set $waitpassage to passage()>>
<<button "Cumslut" $waitpassage>><<set $cumslut to "true">><</button>><br><br>
Turn Sarah into an exhibitionist:<br>
<<set $waitpassage to passage()>>
<<button "Exhibitionist" $waitpassage>><<set $exhibitionist to "true" >><</button>><br><br>
Sarah's second exhibitionist event:<br>
<<set $waitpassage to passage()>>
<<button "Exhibitionist2" $waitpassage>><<set $exhibitionist2 to "true" >><</button>><br><br>
Unlock Sarah's anal scenes:<br>
<<set $waitpassage to passage()>>
<<button "First Anal" $waitpassage>><<set $firstanalfuck to "true" >><</button>><br><br>
Complete Sarah's first BDSM scene:<br>
<<set $waitpassage to passage()>>
<<button "BDSM1" $waitpassage>><<set $bdsm1 to "true" >><</button>><br><br>
Complete Sarah's second BDSM scene:<br>
<<set $waitpassage to passage()>>
<<button "BDSM2" $waitpassage>><<set $bdsm2 to "true" >><</button>><br><br>
Complete Neighbour watching you and Sarah scene:<br>
<<set $waitpassage to passage()>>
<<button "Neighbour1" $waitpassage>><<set $neighbour1 to "true" >><</button>><br><br>
Complete Sarah and neighbour talking:<br>
<<set $waitpassage to passage()>>
<<button "Neighbour Talk" $waitpassage>><<set $neighbour1talk to "true" >><</button>><br><br>
Neighbour event 2:<br>
<<set $waitpassage to passage()>>
<<button "Neighbour event 2" $waitpassage>><<set $neighbour2prev1a to "true" >><</button>><br><br>
Neighbour event 3:<br>
<<set $waitpassage to passage()>>
<<button "Neighbour event 2" $waitpassage>><<set $neighbour3 to "true" >><</button>><br><br>
Neighbour event 4:<br>
<<set $waitpassage to passage()>>
<<button "Neighbour event 2" $waitpassage>><<set $neighbour4 to "true" >><</button>><br><br>
Neighbour event 5:<br>
<<set $waitpassage to passage()>>
<<button "Neighbour event 2" $waitpassage>><<set $neighbour5 to "true" >><</button>><br><br>
Sarah Club 1:<br>
<<set $waitpassage to passage()>>
<<button "Sarah Club 1" $waitpassage>><<set $sarahsexclub1 to "true" >><</button>><br><br>
Sarah Club 2:<br>
<<set $waitpassage to passage()>>
<<button "Sarah Club 2" $waitpassage>><<set $sarahsexclub2 to "true" >><</button>><br><br>
Complete Noelle first event:<br>
<<set $waitpassage to passage()>>
<<button "First event" $waitpassage>><<set $firsttime to "true" >><</button>><br><br>
Complete Noelle second event:<br>
<<set $waitpassage to passage()>>
<<button "Second event" $waitpassage>><<set $firstkiss to "true" >><</button>><br><br>
Complete Noelle third event:<br>
<<set $waitpassage to passage()>>
<<button "Third event" $waitpassage>><<set $firstfuck to "true" >><</button>><br><br>
Complete Noelle first event after Sarah leaves:<br>
<<set $waitpassage to passage()>>
<<button "Third event" $waitpassage>><<set $suspiciousevent to "true" >><</button>><br><br>
Complete finding Sarah and activate Ashely her house:<br>
<<set $waitpassage to passage()>>
<<button "Third event" $waitpassage>><<set $christelcaught1 to "true" >><</button>><br><br>
Complete spying at Noelle:<br>
<<set $waitpassage to passage()>>
<<button "Spy event" $waitpassage>><<set $noellespyevent to "true" >><</button>><br><br>
Complete the planning with Sarah to trick Noelle:<br>
<<set $waitpassage to passage()>>
<<button "Made the plan" $waitpassage>><<set $madetheplan to "true" >><</button>><br><br>
Start living at Ashley's (make sure you are in Ashley her house when you activate this!):<br>
<<set $waitpassage to passage()>>
<<button "Living at Ashley" $waitpassage>><<set $livingatashley to "true" >><</button>><br><br>
Complete talking with Sarah about what happened:<br>
<<set $waitpassage to passage()>>
<<button "The Talk" $waitpassage>><<set $caughttalksarah to "true" >><</button>><br><br>
Complete watching Ashley:<br>
<<set $waitpassage to passage()>>
<<button "Watching Ashley" $waitpassage>><<set $hearashleyfuck1 to "true" >><</button>><br><br>
Complete watching Ashley 2:<br>
<<set $waitpassage to passage()>>
<<button "Watching Ashley 2" $waitpassage>><<set $williamevent1 to "true" >><</button>><br><br>
Complete Sarah and Ashley event:<br>
<<set $waitpassage to passage()>>
<<button "Sarah and Ashley event" $waitpassage>><<set $williamevent1 to "true" >><</button>><br><br>
Complete living at Ashley:<br>
<<set $waitpassage to passage()>>
<<button "Going home" $waitpassage>><<set $goinghome to "true">><<set $livingatashley to "false">><</button>><br><br>
Complete 1st neighbour event:<br>
<<set $waitpassage to passage()>>
<<button "1st neighbout event" $waitpassage>><<set $neighbour1 to "true">><</button>><br><br>
Complete confronting Noelle:<br>
<<set $waitpassage to passage()>>
<<button "Confronting Noelle" $waitpassage>><<set $truthrevealed to "true">><<set $livingatashley to "false">><</button>><br><br>
Find Noelle:<br>
<<set $waitpassage to passage()>>
<<button "Find Noelle" $waitpassage>><<set $noelleloss to "true">><</button>><br><br>
Noelle's first rel. scene after:<br>
<<set $waitpassage to passage()>>
<<button "First Scene" $waitpassage>><<set $noellelossfirsttime to "true">><</button>><br><br>
Noelle's first fear scene after:<br>
<<set $waitpassage to passage()>>
<<button "First Scene" $waitpassage>><<set $noellelossfirstrape to "true">><</button>><br><br>
Noelle's rel. anal training scene:<br>
<<set $waitpassage to passage()>>
<<button "Anal training" $waitpassage>><<set $noelleftanal to "true">><</button>><br><br>
Complete attack by unknown:<br>
<<set $waitpassage to passage()>>
<<button "Assault" $waitpassage>><<set $noellebfreturn1 to "true">><</button>><br><br>
Complete attack by unknown, choose PI:<br>
<<set $waitpassage to passage()>>
<<button "Assault PI" $waitpassage>><<set $noellebfreturnpi to "true">><</button>><br><br>
Complete attack by unknown, choose Sabina:<br>
<<set $waitpassage to passage()>>
<<button "Assault Sabina" $waitpassage>><<set $noellebfreturnsabina to "true">><</button>><br><br>
Complete all scenes after:<br>
<<set $waitpassage to passage()>>
<<button "All scenes done" $waitpassage>><<set $guestnoellereltr6 to "true">><<set $livtalknoelleloss4tr to "true">><<set $terrrealationtr11 to "true">><<set $guestnoellefeartr2 to "true">><<set $livingfeartr1a to "true">><<set $terrfeartr13 to "true">><</button>><br><br>
Meet Christel:<br>
<<set $waitpassage to passage()>>
<<button "Meet Christel" $waitpassage>><<set $metchristel to "true" >><</button>><br><br>
Complete dinner with Sarah and Christel:<br>
<<set $waitpassage to passage()>>
<<button "Christel Dinner" $waitpassage>><<set $christeldinner to "true" >><</button>><br><br>
Complete Christel meeting at the University, which allows you to go to her place:<br>
<<set $waitpassage to passage()>>
<<button "Christel Meeting 1" $waitpassage>><<set $christelevent1 to "true" >><</button>><br><br>
Complete meeting with Christel at her place,which allows you to continue the main storyline:<br>
<<set $waitpassage to passage()>>
<<button "Christel Meeting 2" $waitpassage>><<set $christelevent2 to "true" >><</button>><br><br>
Complete Christel her 3rd event.:<br>
<<set $waitpassage to passage()>>
<<button "Christel Meeting 3" $waitpassage>><<set $christelevent3 to "true" >><</button>><br><br>
Skip timer so you can start Christels 4th event.:<br>
<<set $waitpassage to passage()>>
<<button "Skip timer" $waitpassage>><<set $christeleventtimer34 to 5>><</button>><br><br>
Complete Christel her 4th event.:<br>
<<set $waitpassage to passage()>>
<<button "Christel Meeting 4" $waitpassage>><<set $christelevent4 to "true" >><</button>><br><br>
Complete Christel her 5th event.:<br>
<<set $waitpassage to passage()>>
<<button "Christel Meeting 5" $waitpassage>><<set $christelevent5 to "true" >><</button>><br><br>
Complete Christel her 6th event.:<br>
<<set $waitpassage to passage()>>
<<button "Christel Meeting 6" $waitpassage>><<set $christelevent6 to "true" >><</button>><br><br>
Complete Christel her 7th event.:<br>
<<set $waitpassage to passage()>>
<<button "Christel Meeting 7" $waitpassage>><<set $christelevent7 to "true">><<set $christelevent7yestalk to "true">><<set $christelevent7yes to "true">><</button>><br><br>
Complete Christel her 8th event and confes:<br>
<<set $waitpassage to passage()>>
<<button "Christel Meeting 8" $waitpassage>><<set $christelevent6 to "true" >><<set $sabinarat2 to "true" >><</button>><br><br>
Complete Christel her 8th event and lie:<br>
<<set $waitpassage to passage()>>
<<button "Christel Meeting 8" $waitpassage>><<set $christelevent6 to "true" >><<set $sabinaloyal2 to "true" >><</button>><br><br>
Complete Christel her 9th event and have sex:<br>
<<set $waitpassage to passage()>>
<<button "Christel Meeting 9" $waitpassage>><<set $christelevent9a to "true" >><</button>><br><br>
Complete Christel her 9th event and don't have sex:<br>
<<set $waitpassage to passage()>>
<<button "Christel Meeting 9" $waitpassage>><<set $christelevent9b to "true" >><</button>><br><br>
Complete meeting Sabina:<br>
<<set $waitpassage to passage()>>
<<button "Meeting Sabina" $waitpassage>><<set $cop to "true" >><</button>><br><br>
Complete Sabina's first assignment:<br>
<<set $waitpassage to passage()>>
<<button "Sabina's first assignment" $waitpassage>><<set $copevent1 to "true">><</button>><br><br>
Complete Sabina's second assignment:<br>
<<set $waitpassage to passage()>>
<<button "Sabina's second assignment" $waitpassage>><<set $copevent2 to "true">><</button>><br><br>
Complete Sabina's thrird assignment:<br>
<<set $waitpassage to passage()>>
<<button "Sabina's thrird assignment" $waitpassage>><<set $copevent3 to "true">><</button>><br><br>
Complete Sabina's fourth assignment:<br>
<<set $waitpassage to passage()>>
<<button "Sabina's fourth assignment" $waitpassage>><<set $copevent4 to "true">><</button>><br><br>
Complete Sabina's fifth assignment:<br>
<<set $waitpassage to passage()>>
<<button "Sabina's fifth assignment" $waitpassage>><<set $copevent5 to "true">><</button>><br><br>
Complete Sabina's sixth assignment:<br>
<<set $waitpassage to passage()>>
<<button "Sabina's sixth assignment" $waitpassage>><<set $copevent6 to "true">><<set $copevent6b to "true">><</button>><br><br>
Meet Ms. Thompson (Sabina line):<br>
<<set $waitpassage to passage()>>
<<button "Meet Ms. Thompson" $waitpassage>><<set $fbivisit to "true">><</button>><br><br>
Complete Sabina's seventh assignment:<br>
<<set $waitpassage to passage()>>
<<button "Sabina's seventh assignment" $waitpassage>><<set $copevent7 to "true">><</button>><br><br>
Complete Sabina's eight assignment and call the FBI:<br>
<<set $waitpassage to passage()>>
<<button "Sabina's eight assignment" $waitpassage>><<set $copevent8 to "true">><<set $sabinarat to "true">><</button>><br><br>
Complete Sabina's eight assignment and don't call the FBI:<br>
<<set $waitpassage to passage()>>
<<button "Sabina's eight assignment" $waitpassage>><<set $copevent8 to "true">><<set $sabinaloyal to "true">><</button>><br><br>
Complete Sabina's ninth assignment:<br>
<<set $waitpassage to passage()>>
<<button "Sabina's ninth assignment" $waitpassage>><<set $copevent9 to "true">><</button>><br><br>
Complete Sabina's 10th event and call the FBI:<br>
<<set $waitpassage to passage()>>
<<button "Sabina's 10th assignment" $waitpassage>><<set $copevent10 to "true">><<set $ce10calledFBI to "true">><</button>><br><br>
Complete Sabina's 10th event and don't call the FBI:<br>
<<set $waitpassage to passage()>>
<<button "Sabina's 10th assignment" $waitpassage>><<set $copevent10 to "true">><<set $ce10nothing to "true">><</button>><br><br>
Crashed into the blonde park girl:<br>
<<set $waitpassage to passage()>>
<<button "Crash" $waitpassage>><<set $elliecrash to "true">><</button>><br><br>
Complete getting first call from blonde park girl:<br>
<<set $waitpassage to passage()>>
<<button "Call" $waitpassage>><<set $ellieevent1 to "true">><</button>><br><br>
Complete getting text from blonde park girl:<br>
<<set $waitpassage to passage()>>
<<button "Text" $waitpassage>><<set $ellieevent2 to "true">><</button>><br><br>
Watch the blonde park girl:<br>
<<set $waitpassage to passage()>>
<<button "Watch" $waitpassage>><<set $ellieevent3 to "true">><</button>><br><br>
Complete 4th blonde park girl event:<br>
<<set $waitpassage to passage()>>
<<button "Event 4" $waitpassage>><<set $ellieevent4 to "true">><</button>><br><br>
Complete 5th blonde park girl event:<br>
<<set $waitpassage to passage()>>
<<button "Event 5" $waitpassage>><<set $ellieevent5 to "true">><</button>><br><br>
Complete 6th blonde park girl event:<br>
<<set $waitpassage to passage()>>
<<button "Event 6" $waitpassage>><<set $ellieevent6 to "true">><</button>><br><br>
Complete meeting Zareana at the bar:<br>
<<set $waitpassage to passage()>>
<<button "Bar meet" $waitpassage>><<set $zareanabarmeet to "true">><</button>><br><br>
Complete training with Zareana:<br>
<<set $waitpassage to passage()>>
<<button "Training" $waitpassage>><<set $zareanaparktraining to "true">><</button>><br><br>
Complete training with Zareana:<br>
<<set $waitpassage to passage()>>
<<button "Spy1" $waitpassage>><<set $parkzareanaspy to "true">><</button>><br><br>
Complete watching Zareana:<br>
<<set $waitpassage to passage()>>
<<button "Spy2" $waitpassage>><<set $zareana1 to "true">><</button>><br><br>
Complete talking with Zareana:<br>
<<set $waitpassage to passage()>>
<<button "Zareana talk" $waitpassage>><<set $zareana2 to "true">><</button>><br><br>
Complete Zareana event 3:<br>
<<set $waitpassage to passage()>>
<<button "Zareana talk" $waitpassage>><<set $zareana3 to "true">><</button>><br><br>
Complete Zareana event 4:<br>
<<set $waitpassage to passage()>>
<<button "Zareana talk" $waitpassage>><<set $zareana3 to "true">><</button>><br><br>
[[Return to game|$return]]
Wrong password.
<a href="https://www.patreon.com/royarus"> Only for Patrons!</a> <a href="https://subscribestar.adult/royarus"> or Subscribestars!</a>
[[Return to game|$return]]
<div class="general">You sit down behind your desk and when everyone else has left, Kayla walks over to you.</div>
<<speech "kayla" "Kayla">>I know what you are doing, but it's not going to work.<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Excuse me?<</speech>>
<<speech "kayla" "Kayla">>I know I don't deserve the grades I am getting from you. And I know why you do it.<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>And what would that be?<</speech>>
<<speech "kayla" "Kayla">>Ugh.. Don't pretend you don't know, it's what every man wants from me. They all want me to strip naked and suck their dick.<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">><i>The arrogance.. Even though, she is probably not completely wrong.</i><</speech>>
<<speech "kayla" "Kayla">>But guess what, I'm not some cheap whore, I won't suck your dick because you give me some good grades.<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">><i>She is not stopping is she?</i><</speech>>
<<speech "kayla" "Kayla">>Especcially not with some lowlife teacher. Teachers are so poor, I'm surprised you even have a roof above your head.<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">><i>Ok.. This is getting personal.</i><</speech>>
<<speech "kayla" "Kayla">>So keep doing whatever you want to do, but I will not, and I repeat, I will not give you anything in return.<</speech>>
<div class="general">Without waiting for a response she turns around and starts walking away.</div>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Continue->kaylaevent1pos1]]</span></div>
<<set $kaylaevent1pos to "true">><div class="general">You sit down behind your desk and when everyone else has left, Kayla walks over to you.</div>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Kayla, anything I...<</speech>>
<<speech "kayla" "Kayla">>I know what you are doing, but it's not going to work.<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Excuse me?<</speech>>
<<speech "kayla" "Kayla">>You are giving me low grades on purpose! I know it! I deserve better grades!<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Well..<</speech>>
<<speech "kayla" "Kayla">>And no, I will not suck your dick or fuck you for them, hell I won't even strip down for better grades.<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>That is..<</speech>>
<<speech "kayla" "Kayla">>If you don't start to give me fair grades, I will go to the principal and get your ass fired.<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Kayla..<</speech>>
<<speech "kayla" "Kayla">>Do you understand? I will never suck a poor ass teachers dick!<</speech>>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Continue->kaylaevent1neg1]]</span></div>
<<set $kaylaevent1neg to "true">><<speech "Player" "$name">>Do you want the good ratings to continue?<</speech>>
<div class="general">She turns towards you again.</div>
<<speech "kayla" "Kayla">>Is that a threath? Listen, dumbass, you have given me such high ratings already that it's impossible for me to fail this class.<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>But the high ratings will keep your average up, won't they? Which would come in handy later on.<</speech>>
<<speech "kayla" "Kayla">>Well, once again, I will not suck your dick.<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>What if that is not what I want?<</speech>>
<<speech "kayla" "Kayla">>I won't strip or fuck you either.<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">><i>Wow..</i><</speech>>
<<speech "kayla" "Kayla">>And what else would it be you want? Money? Because..<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>No no no, I don't want any of those things.<</speech>>
<<speech "kayla" "Kayla">>Really? Then what is it that you want?<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>I want you to tell me about Brad, he is your boyfriend isn't he?<</speech>>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Continue->kaylaevent1pos2]]</span></div>
<<speech "kayla" "Kayla">>Brad? Why the fuck would you want to know anything about Brad?<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">><i>That sounded condescending.</i><</speech>>
<<speech "kayla" "Kayla">>Are you gay? OMG you are gay!<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>No, I'm not gay.<</speech>>
<<speech "kayla" "Kayla">>What else could be the reason that you want information about Brad?<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>You are his girlfriend aren't you? You sound, well... Not too positive about him.<</speech>>
<<speech "kayla" "Kayla">>Ugh, I hate that word, he also uses it all the time. I'm only with him because he's good-looking, popular and he buys me a lot of stuff I want.<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>So you are not in love with him?<</speech>>
<<speech "kayla" "Kayla">>Seriously? He's a loser. He deals drugs. He's lucky he's so good-looking, but after school, I'm out of this shit town and he is not coming with me.<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>OK and what about...<</speech>>
<<speech "kayla" "Kayla">>Did you know he still lives with his mom? Ugh, I hate his mom so much. And then there's Brad, he is such a mamma's boy, it's pathetic. I think he will never leave that house, his mom is basically glued to him.<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Can you tell..<</speech>>
<<speech "kayla" "Kayla">>And his mom, I swear, she is such a slut. She walks around like she's 20. I just know she fucks every guy she meets.<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Ok..<</speech>>
<<speech "kayla" "Kayla">>She actually goes out to clubs and bars! Is she crazy, that's not a place for old people! I don't want to walk into her when I am there.<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Well..<</speech>>
<<speech "kayla" "Kayla">>Anyway, I have to go. I expect to keep getting those grades mister!<</speech>>
<div class="general">She turns around and leaves the classroom.</div>
<<speech "Player" "$name">><i>Damn, she is intense. Well, I guess I have what I wanted to know. The mom is clearly his weakness. Let's see what we can do with that.</i><</speech>>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Continue->kaylaevent1pos3]]</span></div>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Kayla, I don't want any of that.<</speech>>
<<speech "kayla" "Kayla">>Really? What else would it be you want? Money? I knew teachers were poor but..<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>No no no, I don't want your money either.<</speech>>
<<speech "kayla" "Kayla">>Then what is it that you want?<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>I want you to tell me about Brad, he is your boyfriend isn't he?<</speech>>
<<speech "kayla" "Kayla">>Brad? Why the fuck would you want to know anything about Brad?<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">><i>That sounded condescending.</i><</speech>>
<<speech "kayla" "Kayla">>Are you gay? OMG you are gay!<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>No, I'm not gay.<</speech>>
<<speech "kayla" "Kayla">>What else could be the reason that you want information about Brad?<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>You are his girlfriend aren't you? You sound, well... Not too positive about him.<</speech>>
<<speech "kayla" "Kayla">>Ugh, I hate that word, he also uses it all the time. I'm only with him because he's good-looking, popular and he buys me a lot of stuff I want.<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>So you are not in love with him?<</speech>>
<<speech "kayla" "Kayla">>Seriously? He's a loser. He deals drugs. He's lucky he's so good-looking, but after school, I'm out of this shit town and he is not coming with me.<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>OK and what about...<</speech>>
<<speech "kayla" "Kayla">>Did you know he still lives with his mom? Ugh, I hate his mom so much. And then there's Brad, he is such a mamma's boy, it's pathetic. I think he will never leave that house, his mom is basically glued to him.<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Can you tell..<</speech>>
<<speech "kayla" "Kayla">>And his mom, I swear, she is such a slut. She walks around like she's 20. I just know she fucks every guy she meets.<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Ok..<</speech>>
<<speech "kayla" "Kayla">>She actually goes out to clubs and bars! Is she crazy, that's not a place for old people! I don't want to walk into her when I am there.<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Well..<</speech>>
<<speech "kayla" "Kayla">>Anyway, I have to go. I expect to gain better grades otherwise I will ruin you.<</speech>>
<div class="general">She turns around and leaves the classroom.</div>
<<speech "Player" "$name">><i>Damn, she is intense. Well, I guess I have what I wanted to know. The mom is clearly his weakness. Let's see what we can do with that.</i><</speech>>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Continue->kaylaevent1pos3]]</span></div>
<div class="general">Your phone rings and you pick up.</div>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Hi Ellie.<</speech>>
<<speech "ellie" "Ellie">>Oh.. Hi $name. Can we.. You know, go out again..?<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Sure, see you at the park?<</speech>>
<<speech "ellie" "Ellie">>Eehm, I guess that's ok. See you there.<</speech>>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Got to the park->ellieevent6a]]</span></div>
<<set $ellieevent6 to "true">>
<<set $ellietimer to 0>><div class="general">Not much later you are at the park and see Ellie.</div>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Hi! Are you ready to go?<</speech>>
<<speech "ellie" "Ellie">>Hi.. Yes.. I guess I am.<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">><i>Damn, she looks really sexy today.</i><</speech>>
<div class="general">You start walking into the park and just as she is about to take the exit deeper into the forest you get an idea. </div>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Why don't we make it even more exciting today?<</speech>>
<<speech "ellie" "Ellie">>What do you mean?<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Follow me.<</speech>>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Continue->ellieevent6b]]</span></div><div class="general">You walk to a small farm near the park and go behind one of the barns.</div>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>So what do you think?<</speech>>
<<speech "ellie" "Ellie">>You want to do it here?<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Yes, why not?<</speech>>
<<speech "ellie" "Ellie">>It's quite exposed..<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>I thought that is what you liked?<</speech>>
<<speech "ellie" "Ellie">>Well.. I mean.. I don't know..<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Come, let's do it. Don't tell me you aren't getting wet from the idea alone.<</speech>>
<div class="general">She blushes and looks at you.</div>
<video src="images/ellie/ellieevent6/ellieevent6a.webm" autoplay loop></video>
<<speech "ellie" "Ellie">>I.. Maybe..<</speech>>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Continue->ellieevent6c]]</span></div>
<<speech "Player" "$name">><i>Let's motivate her little bit.</i><</speech>>
<div class="general">You start taking off your pants.</div>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>I'll join you.<</speech>>
<div class="general">You take out your dick and start slowly rubbing it.</div>
<<speech "ellie" "Ellie">>Hmmm.<</speech>>
<div class="general">Ellie's hands start roaming her body.</div>
<video src="images/ellie/ellieevent6/ellieevent6b.webm" autoplay loop></video>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Continue->ellieevent6d]]</span></div><<speech "Player" "$name">><i>She doesn't only like to be watched but also to watch.</i><</speech>>
<div class="general">You both keep going slowly.</div>
<video src="images/ellie/ellieevent6/ellieevent6c.webm" autoplay loop></video>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Continue->ellieevent6e]]</span></div>
<<addarousal 30>>
<div class="general">She starts to undress herself.</div>
<video src="images/ellie/ellieevent6/ellieevent6d.webm" autoplay loop></video>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Continue->ellieevent6f]]</span></div><div class="general">She sits down and slowly starts to rub herself.</div>
<video src="images/ellie/ellieevent6/ellieevent6i.webm" autoplay loop></video>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Continue->ellieevent6g]]</span></div><<speech "ellie" "Ellie">>Hmmm. Oooh!<</speech>>
<div class="general">She now clearly starts to really rub and enjoy herself.</div>
<video src="images/ellie/ellieevent6/ellieevent6j.webm" autoplay loop></video>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Continue->ellieevent6h]]</span></div>
<<addarousal 30>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>You look so hot doing that.<</speech>>
<<speech "ellie" "Ellie">>Hmmhmhm, you don't look bad yourself.<</speech>>
<div class="general">She keeps going.</div>
<video src="images/ellie/ellieevent6/ellieevent6k.webm" autoplay loop></video>
<<speech "random" "stranger">>Hey! What the fuck are you doing there?<</speech>>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Continue->ellieevent6i]]</span></div><div class="general">Out of nowhere a man walks towards the both of you.</div>
<<speech "random" "stranger">>Get out of here you nasty perverts! Come on fuck off! I'm calling the cops!<</speech>>
<div class="general">Within seconds Ellie gets up and runs away half-naked into the woods. You put your dick back into your pants and run away as well.</div>
<<speech "Player" "$name">><i>Fuck, where did she go.</i><</speech>>
<div class="general">Then you see her.</div>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Are you ok?<</speech>>
<<speech "ellie" "Ellie">>Get away from me! I never should have listened to you!<</speech>>
<div class="general">Ellie runs off leaving you standing there.</div>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>She is probably in little bit in shock. Maybe I did push a little too much.. I should probably try to make up with her later on.<</speech>>
<a data-passage="park"><div class="talkplayer">Let’s do something else</div></a>
<<addenergy -20>>
<<addhygene -15>>
<<set $time to $time +2>>
<div class="general">Soon you are finding yourself in front of Christel's door when she opens it.</div>
<<speech "Christel" "Christel">>Oh my god! $name!<</speech>>
<div class="general">She hugs you tightly as she starts crying.</div>
<<speech "Christel" "Christel">>I'm so sorry! He made me do it.. I.. I.. I.. Didn't have a choice..<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>It's ok.. Let's go inside.<</speech>>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Continue->christelevent9a]]</span></div>
<<set $christelevent9 to "true">><div class="general">Once inside Christel continues to cry.</div>
<<speech "Player" "$name">><i>It looks like she is really sorry.</i><</speech>>
<<speech "Christel" "Christel">>I'm so glad you are ok.. I was so scared that he would hurt you. Did he hurt you?<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>No, not really.<</speech>>
<<speech "Christel" "Christel">>Do.. Do you want to talk about it?<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>No, I just wanted to let you know that it's ok. I understand that you didn't have a choice and I forgive you.<</speech>>
<div class="general">Christel seems to be glad you said that.</div>
<<speech "Christel" "Christel">>Thank.. Thank you..<</speech>>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Continue->christelevent9b]]</span></div>
<<speech "Christel" "Christel">>I.. I.. I know this is probably the worst time to ask you.. But.. I need your help.<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">><i>Really?</i><</speech>>
<<speech "Christel" "Christel">>I know I have no right to ask you anything.. But.. I'm scared and I don't.. I don't want to be with him anymore.. And.. And... I don't want to be here anymore.. In his house with his stuff.. I want to be free of him.. I want to never see him again.. And.. I.. I.. Don't want to be alone anymore..<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Christel.. What are you saying?<</speech>>
<<speech "Christel" "Christel">>I.. I want to be with you.. If I'm with you, then I won't need him anymore.. And then maybe.. Maybe he will leave me finally alone..<</speech>>
<div class="general">She starts touching your chest with one hand and rubbing your dick through your pants with the other hand.</div>
<<speech "Christel" "Christel">>I will do anything for you.<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">><i>Oh boy..</i><</speech>>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Continue->christelevent9c]]</span></div>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Christel stop. You know I like you and at this moment, I would love nothing more than to.. Ehm.. Have sex with you.<</speech>>
<<speech "Christel" "Christel">>Then what are you waiting for?<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>I can't, you are not thinking straight.. Also, you know I'm with Sarah, she is your best friend!<</speech>>
<<speech "Christel" "Christel">>We have done it before and I don't mind sharing you!<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">><i>Oh damn!</i><</speech>>
<div class="general">She keeps touching you as your dick grows harder and harder.</div>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Still.. I can't just take you home with me.. Especially since you clearly want more than just sex.. Sarah is still my wife!<</speech>>
<<speech "Christel" "Christel">>Don't worry, all will be fine..<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">><i>Fuck, I can't take this much longer. I have to decide what to do.</i><</speech>>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Continue->christelevent9d]]</span></div>
<div class="general">She drags you to the bedroom and starts undressing in front of you.</div>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>We really shouldn't do this..<</speech>>
<div class="general">She is completely naked in front of you.</div>
<<speech "Christel" "Christel">>I'll let you do anything with me that you want.<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">><i>I really should decide what to do.</i><</speech>>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Take advantage and have sex->christelevent9d1]]</span></div>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Leave->christelevent9e1]]</span></div><div class="general">You don't do anything as Christel gets on her knees in front of you. She pulls down your pants and takes your dick straight into her mouth.</div>
<<speech "Player" "$name">><i>Fuck this.</i><</speech>>
<div class="general">Once she starts sucking your dick, you grab her head and start fucking her mouth.</div>
<video src="images/christel/christelevent9/christelevent9a.webm" autoplay loop></video>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Continue->christelevent9d2]]</span></div><<speech "Player" "$name">>You are going to thank me for this later.<</speech>>
<div class="general">You grab your stuff and leave her apartment.</div>
<a data-passage="center"><div class="talkplayer">Leave</div></a>
<div class="general">You release Christel from your dick and she coughs a little when she is let go.</div>
<<speech "Christel" "Christel">>Fuck! That was...<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>You said anything right?<</speech>>
<<speech "Christel" "Christel">>Yes, that's true.. But..<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Come on, keep sucking,<</speech>>
<div class="general">She does as you say and starts sucking you again and not long after you grab her head again and start fucking her mouth.</div>
</div><video src="images/christel/christelevent9/christelevent9b.webm" autoplay loop></video>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Continue->christelevent9d3]]</span></div><div class="general">You keep fucking her mouth, you give her some air sometimes, which it looks likes she really needs.</div>
<video src="images/christel/christelevent9/christelevent9d.webm" autoplay loop></video>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Continue->christelevent9d4]]</span></div><div class="general">You release her once more.</div>
<<speech "Christel" "Christel">>Fuck! Can we..<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>One more time.<</speech>>
<<speech "Christel" "Christel">>B...<</speech>>
<div class="general">You grab her head and push your dick into her mouth again, once your dick is in her mouth all the way, you hold her in place for a while.</div>
<video src="images/christel/christelevent9/christelevent9e.webm" autoplay loop></video>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Continue->christelevent9d5]]</span></div><div class="general">You release her again.</div>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Alright, bend over.<</speech>>
<div class="general">You pull her up and throw her on the bed. With her ass in the air you push your dick inside her pussy.</div>
<video src="images/christel/christelevent9/christelevent9f.webm" autoplay loop></video>
<<speech "Christel" "Christel">>Ooooh!<</speech>>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Continue->christelevent9d6]]</span></div><div class="general">Without mercy you start fucking her.</div>
<<speech "Christel" "Christel">>Ooh fuck! Yes fuck me!<</speech>>
<div class="general">You keep fucking her while she moans beneath you.</div>
<video src="images/christel/christelevent9/christelevent9g.webm" autoplay loop></video>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Continue->christelevent9d7]]</span></div><div class="general">You keep fucking her from hard from behind.</div>
<video src="images/christel/christelevent9/christelevent9h.webm" autoplay loop></video>
<<speech "Christel" "Christel">>Hmmmhmhmm!<</speech>>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Continue->christelevent9d8]]</span></div><div class="general">Then you push her off and lay down on your back.</div>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Come here and ride me!<</speech>>
<div class="general">She lifts herself up and drops down on top of your dick. But quite quickly you start deciding the pace.</div>
<video src="images/christel/christelevent9/christelevent9i.webm" autoplay loop></video>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Continue->christelevent9d8a]]</span></div><div class="general">You keep going until you push her off you.</div>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Fuck, I'm almost cumming.<</speech>>
<<speech "Christel" "Christel">>Hmmmh.. Already?<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Shut up and suck my dick!<</speech>>
<div class="general">She moves down to your dick and she starts sucking it.</div>
<video src="images/christel/christelevent9/christelevent9k.webm" autoplay loop></video>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Continue->christelevent9d10]]</span></div><<speech "Player" "$name">>Ahh yes, that's it, here it comes.<</speech>>
<div class="general">While she jerks you off you start cumming.</div>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Come on, use your mouth, get that cum!<</speech>>
<div class="general">She moves down with her mouth and starts catching some of the cum.</div>
<video src="images/christel/christelevent9/christelevent9l.webm" autoplay loop></video>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Continue->christelevent9d11]]</span></div><<speech "Christel" "Christel">>Hmmm, did you enjoy that?<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Yes, but you are not ready yet.<</speech>>
<div class="general">You point at your cum.</div>
<<speech "Christel" "Christel">>Do I have to?<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Lick it up..<</speech>>
<div class="general">Christel goes down and starts cleaning you from your cum.</div>
<video src="images/christel/christelevent9/christelevent9m.webm" autoplay loop></video>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Continue->christelevent9d12]]</span></div><div class="general">Once she is done she looks at you.</div>
<<speech "Christel" "Christel">>So, shall I grab my bags?<</speech>>
<div class="general">You get up.</div>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>I'm sorry Christel, nothing changes. I still have to discuss this with Sarah first.<</speech>>
<<speech "Christel" "Christel">>Seriously? I just let you use me and this is what I get?<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>I told you before you started.<</speech>>
<<speech "Christel" "Christel">>Fuck you! Get out! You used me! GET OUT!<</speech>>
<div class="general">You grab your stuff and leave her apartment.</div>
<a data-passage="center"><div class="talkplayer">Leave</div></a>
<<set $christelevent9a to "true">>
<<set $christelevent9b to "true">><div class="general">You keep fucking her while she hovers above you.</div>
<video src="images/christel/christelevent9/christelevent9j.webm" autoplay loop></video>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Continue->christelevent9d9]]</span></div><<speech "Player" "$name">>Sarah, we need to talk abou..<</speech>>
<<speech "Sarah" "Sarah">>Let me guess.. Christel.<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">><i>Oh boy.</i><</speech>>
<<speech "Sarah" "Sarah">>She just called me and she was.. Well, a whole host of emotions. Sad, angry, disappointed. The chabang.<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Well...<</speech>>
<<speech "Sarah" "Sarah">>She said you used her. She let you have sex with her in exchange for a promise that she could live here, with us.<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>That is not what happened.<</speech>>
<<speech "Sarah" "Sarah">>Then what did happen?<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>I told her that I couldn't promise her anything and that I had to talk to you first, I kept repeating that, but she made it look like she wanted to have sex anyway.<</speech>>
<<speech "Sarah" "Sarah">>Men, sometimes there are so stupid.. Well, we don't have to talk about anything anymore. She does not want to live here with us anymore.<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Oh. Okay I guess.<</speech>>
<<speech "Sarah" "Sarah">>And it is probably for the best if you stay away for a while. Let me handle Christel.<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Ok, I will leave her to you then.<</speech>>
<a data-passage="bedroom"><div class="talkplayer">Let’s do something else</div></a>
<<set $time to $time +1>>
<<addrsarah -15>>
<<set $christelevent10a to "true">><<speech "Player" "$name">>Sarah, we need to talk abou..<</speech>>
<<speech "Sarah" "Sarah">>Let me guess.. Christel.<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">><i>Oh boy.</i><</speech>>
<<speech "Sarah" "Sarah">>She just called me and wanted to apologize for how she acted towards you.<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Ok..<</speech>>
<<speech "Sarah" "Sarah">>She told me what happened, and I'm quite proud of you for not taking advantage of her.<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>So.. Did you also talk about her staying here?<</speech>>
<<speech "Sarah" "Sarah">>We did. And she was a bit desperate and I understand why she wants it, but I just don't know how we could ever accommodate her here..<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>It will be a bit full here indeed..<</speech>>
<<speech "Sarah" "Sarah">>So, I told her we would talk about it and let her know, maybe we can figure out another place to set her up.<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Well, maybe I have an idea.<</speech>>
<<speech "Sarah" "Sarah">>What?.<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>We could let her live in the shed.<</speech>>
<<speech "Sarah" "Sarah">>What? That place is a mess and disgusting.<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>So, it needs some cleaning and a paint job, but it is quite spacious and Christel has plenty of stuff to move in there. Also, it already has all utilities from when we wanted to turn it into a bed and breakfast.<</speech>>
<<speech "Sarah" "Sarah">>Yeah, what an amazing idea that was.<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Not the point, we can put it to use now.<</speech>>
<<speech "Sarah" "Sarah">>I guess you are right.. You know what, I'll call her and see what she thinks.<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Alright, let me know what she says.<</speech>>
<a data-passage="bedroom"><div class="talkplayer">Let’s do something else</div></a>
<<set $time to $time +1>>
<<addrsarah 15>>
<<set $christelevent10b to "true">>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Sarah, we need to talk abou..<</speech>>
<<speech "Sarah" "Sarah">>Let me guess.. Christel.<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">><i>Oh boy.</i><</speech>>
<<speech "Sarah" "Sarah">>She just called me and she was.. Well, a whole host of emotions. Sad, angry, disappointed. The chabang.<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Well...<</speech>>
<<speech "Sarah" "Sarah">>She said you used her. She let you have sex with her in exchange for a promise that she could live here, with us.<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>That is not what happened.<</speech>>
<<speech "Sarah" "Sarah">>Then what did happen?<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>I told her that I couldn't promise her anything and that I had to talk to you first, I kept repeating that, but she made it look like she wanted to have sex anyway.<</speech>>
<<speech "Sarah" "Sarah">>Men, sometimes there are so stupid.. Well, we don't have to talk about anything anymore. She does not want to live here with us anymore.<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Oh. Okay I guess.<</speech>>
<<speech "Sarah" "Sarah">>And it is probably for the best if you stay away for a while. Let me handle Christel.<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Ok, I will leave her to you then.<</speech>>
<a data-passage="bedroom"><div class="talkplayer">Let’s do something else</div></a>
<<set $time to $time +1>>
<<addrsarah -15>>
<<set $christelevent10a to "true">><<speech "Player" "$name">>Sarah, we need to talk abou..<</speech>>
<<speech "Sarah" "Sarah">>Let me guess.. Christel.<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">><i>Oh boy.</i><</speech>>
<<speech "Sarah" "Sarah">>She just called me and wanted to apologize for how she acted towards you.<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Ok..<</speech>>
<<speech "Sarah" "Sarah">>She told me what happened, and I'm quite proud of you for not taking advantage of her.<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>So.. Did you also talk about her staying here?<</speech>>
<<speech "Sarah" "Sarah">>We did. And she was a bit desperate and I understand why she wants it, but I just don't know how we could ever accommodate her here..<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>It will be a bit full here indeed..<</speech>>
<<speech "Sarah" "Sarah">>So, I told her we would talk about it and let her know, maybe we can figure out another place to set her up.<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Well, maybe I have an idea.<</speech>>
<<speech "Sarah" "Sarah">>What?.<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>We could let her live in the shed.<</speech>>
<<speech "Sarah" "Sarah">>What? That place is a mess and disgusting.<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>So, it needs some cleaning and a paint job, but it is quite spacious and Christel has plenty of stuff to move in there. Also, it already has all utilities from when we wanted to turn it into a bed and breakfast.<</speech>>
<<speech "Sarah" "Sarah">>Yeah, what an amazing idea that was.<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Not the point, we can put it to use now.<</speech>>
<<speech "Sarah" "Sarah">>I guess you are right.. You know what, I'll call her and see what she thinks.<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Alright, let me know what she says.<</speech>>
<a data-passage="bedroom"><div class="talkplayer">Let’s do something else</div></a>
<<set $time to $time +1>>
<<addrsarah 15>>
<<set $christelevent10b to "true">>
<<speech "Sarah" "Sarah">>Honey can you come to the office please?<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>On my way.<</speech>>
<div class="general">You enter the office and see Sarah sitting behind your computer.</div>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>What's up?<</speech>>
<<speech "Sarah" "Sarah">>I just heard back from my PI about the guy who assaulted you.<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>And..?<</speech>>
<<speech "Sarah" "Sarah">>He didn't have much. They are not from here, they only entered the country, together about a year ago, and without more than we have given him, he can't find out more. So.. I don't know what we should do.. It kind of scares me to be honest..<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Well, I guess we have to keep our guard up and maybe look into it ourselves, I mean, I know which club he used to meet Noelle, maybe I should start there.<</speech>>
<<speech "Sarah" "Sarah">>I don't like it, but I guess we don't have a choice. Just be careful.<</speech>>
<a data-passage="office"><div class="talkplayer">Let’s do something else</div></a>
<<set $noellebfevent2 to "true">>
<<set $time to $time +1>>
<<speech "Sarah" "Sarah">>Honey can you come to the office please?<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>On my way.<</speech>>
<div class="general">You enter the office and see Sarah sitting behind your computer.</div>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>What's up?<</speech>>
<<speech "Sarah" "Sarah">>I just see a message from your cop friend<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>And..?<</speech>>
<<speech "Sarah" "Sarah">>She doesn't have much. They are not from here, they only entered the country, together about a year ago, and without more than we have given him, he can't find out more. So.. I don't know what we should do.. It kind of scares me to be honest..<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Well, I guess we have to keep our guard up and maybe look into it ourselves, I mean, I know which club he used to meet Noelle, maybe I should start there.<</speech>>
<<speech "Sarah" "Sarah">>I don't like it, but I guess we don't have a choice. Just be careful.<</speech>>
<a data-passage="office"><div class="talkplayer">Let’s do something else</div></a>
<<set $noellebfevent2 to "true">>
<<set $time to $time +1>>
<<speech "Sarah" "Sarah">>$name! Can you come over?<</speech>>
<div class="general">You walk to Sarah.</div>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>What's up?<</speech>>
<<speech "Sarah" "Sarah">>Well, I am going to our neighbor to.. Well.. You know.. And when we talked about it you wanted to join, so let's go.<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">><i>Damn, this is really happening.</i><</speech>>
<<speech "Sarah" "Sarah">>Follow me.<</speech>>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Continue->neighbour2prev1a1]]</span></div>
<<set $neighbour2prev1a to "true">>
<<set $sarahneigtimer to 0>><<speech "Sarah" "Sarah">>$name! Can you come over?<</speech>>
<div class="general">You walk to Sarah.</div>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>What's up?<</speech>>
<<speech "Sarah" "Sarah">>Well, I went to the neighbor.. So since you wanted to hear what happened, let me tell you.<</speech>>
<div class="general">You both sit down as Sarah starts telling her story.</div>
<<speech "Sarah" "Sarah">>Well, I was there and..<</speech>>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Listen->neighbour2prev3a2]]</span></div>
<<set $neighbour2prev3a to "true">>
<<addcumaddict 7>>
<<set $money to $money +2000>>
<<set $sarahneigtimer to 0>><<speech "Sarah" "Sarah">>$name! Can you come over?<</speech>>
<div class="general">You walk to Sarah.</div>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>What's up?<</speech>>
<<speech "Sarah" "Sarah">>Well, I went to the neighbor.. So here this is for you.<</speech>>
<div class="general">She hands you a small thumb drive.</div>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Is this..?<</speech>>
<div class="general">She nods with a devilish smile before she leaves the room.</div>
<<speech "Sarah" "Sarah">>Next time you should join me!<</speech>>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Watch it->neighbour2prev2a1]]</span></div>
<a data-passage="livingroom"><div class="talkplayer">Don't watch it.</div></a>
<<set $neighbour2prev2a to "true">>
<<addcumaddict 7>>
<<set $money to $money +2000>>
<<set $sarahneigtimer to 0>><div class="general">Before you know it, you find yourself in the neighbor's living room.</div>
<<speech "random" "Tom">>I'm so glad you decided to come.<</speech>>
<<speech "Sarah" "Sarah">>You are not the only one.<</speech>>
<<speech "random" "Tom">>Please sit.<</speech>>
<div class="general">Sarah sits down in front of him on the couch, while you keep your distance.</div>
<<speech "random" "Tom">>So, I hope you are here with a good reason.<</speech>>
<<speech "Sarah" "Sarah">>I hope so too.<</speech>>
<<speech "random" "Tom">>So tell me, why are you here.<</speech>>
<<speech "Sarah" "Sarah">>Well, I was hoping to be of service to you.<</speech>>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Continue->neighbour2prev1a2]]</span></div>
<div class="general">Before you know it, you find yourself in the neighbor's living room.</div>
<<speech "random" "Tom">>I'm so glad you decided to come.<</speech>>
<<speech "Sarah" "Sarah">>You are not the only one.<</speech>>
<<speech "random" "Tom">>Please sit.<</speech>>
<div class="general">Sarah sits down in front of him on the couch, while you keep your distance.</div>
<<speech "random" "Tom">>So, I hope you are here with a good reason.<</speech>>
<<speech "Sarah" "Sarah">>I hope so too.<</speech>>
<<speech "random" "Tom">>So tell me, why are you here.<</speech>>
<<speech "Sarah" "Sarah">>Well, I was hoping to be of service to you, for a price of course.<</speech>>
<<speech "random" "Tom">>If you please me well, then money will not be an issue.<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">><i>Damn, it's almost like a roleplay..</i><</speech>>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Continue->neighbour2prev1a3]]</span></div>
<div class="general">Sarah, lifts her skirt.</div>
<<speech "Sarah" "Sarah">>Fuck, I'm soo wet already, let's do this!<</speech>>
<div class="general">She rubs a couple of times over her panties.</div>
<video src="images/sarah/events/neigbour2/neigbour2a1.webm" autoplay loop></video>
<<speech "random" "Tom">>Damn, keep going.<</speech>>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Continue->neighbour2prev1a4]]</span></div>
<div class="general">Sarah lifts her shirt and starts to show off her breasts.</div>
<video src="images/sarah/events/neigbour2/neigbour2a2.webm" autoplay loop></video>
<<speech "Sarah" "Sarah">>Is this what you want to see?<</speech>>
<<speech "random" "Tom">>Yes it is.<</speech>>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Continue->neighbour2prev1a5]]</span></div>
<div class="general">She keeps undressing herself.</div>
<video src="images/sarah/events/neigbour2/neigbour2a3.webm" autoplay loop></video>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Continue->neighbour2prev1a6]]</span></div>
<<speech "Sarah" "Sarah">>Hmmm, what do I see there poking about.<</speech>>
<div class="general">She goes on her knees in front of Tom and strokes his dick over his boxers while she starts undressing him.</div>
<video src="images/sarah/events/neigbour2/neigbour2a4.webm" autoplay loop></video>
<<speech "Sarah" "Sarah">>So hard and big already.<</speech>>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Continue->neighbour2prev1a7]]</span></div>
<div class="general">Sarah start to make her hands wet before she starts jerking his dick.</div>
<video src="images/sarah/events/neigbour2/neigbour2a5.webm" autoplay loop></video>
<<speech "Sarah" "Sarah">>Hmmm, it feels so big in my hands and so hard.<</speech>>
<<speech "random" "Tom">>Ooh yes, stroke it.<</speech>>
<<speech "Sarah" "Sarah">>I can't wait to see how much you have saved for me.<</speech>>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Continue->neighbour2prev1a8]]</span></div>
<div class="general">Sarah keeps going.</div>
<video src="images/sarah/events/neigbour2/neigbour2a6.webm" autoplay loop></video>
<<speech "Sarah" "Sarah">>Do you like how it feels?.<</speech>>
<<speech "random" "Tom">>Yes! Don't stop.<</speech>>
<<speech "Sarah" "Sarah">>I won't stop before I have emptied you completely.<</speech>>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Continue->neighbour2prev1a9]]</span></div>
<<speech "random" "Tom">>Ooh fuck, you are so good at this.<</speech>>
<<speech "Sarah" "Sarah">>Well, I've practised a lot.<</speech>>
<<speech "random" "Tom">>Yes, you are a good little whore aren't you?<</speech>>
<<speech "Sarah" "Sarah">>Yes, I'm a good little whore for you.<</speech>>
<div class="general">Sarah keeps jerking him off.</div>
<video src="images/sarah/events/neigbour2/neigbour2a7.webm" autoplay loop></video>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Continue->neighbour2prev1a10]]</span></div>
<div class="general">Then Tom get's up.</div>
<<speech "random" "Tom">>I'm going to spray that whore face of yours full of my cum.<</speech>>
<<speech "Sarah" "Sarah">>Oh yes, give it to me.<</speech>>
<div class="general">Sarah keeps going and Tom looks like he's not going to last long.</div>
<video src="images/sarah/events/neigbour2/neigbour2a8.webm" autoplay loop></video>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Continue->neighbour2prev1a11]]</span></div>
<<speech "Sarah" "Sarah">>Are you going to cum?<</speech>>
<<speech "random" "Tom">>Fuuuck.<</speech>>
<<speech "Sarah" "Sarah">>Yes, cum for..<</speech>>
<div class="general">Without warning and in the middle of her sentence, Sarah gets blasted with cum.</div>
<video src="images/sarah/events/neigbour2/neigbour2a9.webm" autoplay loop></video>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Continue->neighbour2prev1a12]]</span></div>
<<if $neighbour2prev2a is "true">>
<<if $cumslut is "true">>
<<speech "Sarah" "Sarah">>Oh wow, that is a lot.<</speech>>
<<speech "random" "Tom">>I saved it all for you.<</speech>>
<<speech "Sarah" "Sarah">>Hmmmmm.<</speech>>
<div class="general">Sarah starts eating the cum from her face.</div>
<video src="images/sarah/events/neigbour2/neigbour2a10.webm" autoplay loop></video>
<div class="general">Tom grabs some money and gives it to Sarah.</div>
<<speech "random" "Tom">>Here, you deserved it.<</speech>>
<<speech "Sarah" "Sarah">>Thank you.<</speech>>
<div class="general">And there the movie ends.</div>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Damn..<</speech>>
<a data-passage="office"><div class="talkplayer">Let’s do something else</div></a>
<<speech "Sarah" "Sarah">>Oh wow, that is a lot.<</speech>>
<<speech "random" "Tom">>I saved it all for you.<</speech>>
<<speech "Sarah" "Sarah">>Damn.<</speech>>
<div class="general">Tom grabs some money and gives it to Sarah.</div>
<<speech "random" "Tom">>Here, you deserved it.<</speech>>
<<speech "Sarah" "Sarah">>Thank you.<</speech>>
<div class="general">And there the movie ends.</div>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Damn..<</speech>>
<a data-passage="office"><div class="talkplayer">Let’s do something else</div></a>
<<addarousal 90>>
<<elseif $neighbour2prev3a is "true" is "true">>
<<if $cumslut is "true">>
<<speech "Sarah" "Sarah">>Oh wow, that is a lot.<</speech>>
<<speech "random" "Tom">>I saved it all for you.<</speech>>
<<speech "Sarah" "Sarah">>Hmmmmm.<</speech>>
<div class="general">Sarah starts eating the cum from her face.</div>
<video src="images/sarah/events/neigbour2/neigbour2a10.webm" autoplay loop></video>
<div class="general">Tom grabs some money and gives it to Sarah.</div>
<<speech "random" "Tom">>Here, you deserved it.<</speech>>
<<speech "Sarah" "Sarah">>Thank you.<</speech>>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Continue->neighbour2prev3a13]]</span></div>
<<speech "Sarah" "Sarah">>Oh wow, that is a lot.<</speech>>
<<speech "random" "Tom">>I saved it all for you.<</speech>>
<<speech "Sarah" "Sarah">>Damn.<</speech>>
<div class="general">Tom grabs some money and gives it to Sarah.</div>
<<speech "random" "Tom">>Here, you deserved it.<</speech>>
<<speech "Sarah" "Sarah">>Thank you.<</speech>>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Continue->neighbour2prev3a13]]</span></div>
<<addarousal 90>>
<<if $cumslut is "true">>
<<speech "Sarah" "Sarah">>Oh wow, that is a lot.<</speech>>
<<speech "random" "Tom">>I saved it all for you.<</speech>>
<<speech "Sarah" "Sarah">>Hmmmmm.<</speech>>
<div class="general">Sarah starts eating the cum from her face.</div>
<video src="images/sarah/events/neigbour2/neigbour2a10.webm" autoplay loop></video>
<div class="general">Tom grabs some money and gives it to Sarah.</div>
<<speech "random" "Tom">>Here, you deserved it.<</speech>>
<<speech "Sarah" "Sarah">>Thank you.<</speech>>
<div class="general">Sarah grabs the money and starts to get dressed after she cleaned her face with her shirt.</div>
<<speech "random" "Tom">>See you next time?<</speech>>
<<speech "Sarah" "Sarah">>Hmmm, maybe.<</speech>>
<div class="general">She winks at Tom as you both leave.</div>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Continue->neighbour2prev1a13]]</span></div>
<<speech "Sarah" "Sarah">>Oh wow, that is a lot.<</speech>>
<<speech "random" "Tom">>I saved it all for you.<</speech>>
<<speech "Sarah" "Sarah">>Damn.<</speech>>
<div class="general">Tom grabs some money and gives it to Sarah.</div>
<<speech "random" "Tom">>Here, you deserved it.<</speech>>
<<speech "Sarah" "Sarah">>Thank you.<</speech>>
<div class="general">Sarah grabs the money and starts to get dressed after she cleaned her face with her shirt.</div>
<<speech "random" "Tom">>See you next time?<</speech>>
<<speech "Sarah" "Sarah">>Hmmm, maybe.<</speech>>
<div class="general">She winks at Tom as you both leave.</div>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Continue->neighbour2prev1a13]]</span></div>
<<addcumaddict 7>>
<<addarousal 50>>
<<set $money to $money +2000>>
<div class="general">Sarah suddenly turns towards you when you enter the living room.</div>
<<speech "Sarah" "Sarah">>I need you! Get undressed and fuck me!<</speech>>
<div class="general">Before you know it Sarah stands naked in front of you.</div>
<<speech "Sarah" "Sarah">>I'm so wet! Fuck me name!<</speech>>
<div class="general">You undress as Sarah bends over on the couch, get behind her, push your dick inside her pussy and start fucking her..</div>
<video src="images/sarah/events/neigbour2/neigbour2a11.webm" autoplay loop></video>
<<speech "Sarah" "Sarah">>Oooh yes!<</speech>>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Continue->neighbour2prev1a14]]</span></div>
<<speech "Sarah" "Sarah">>Oh yes, fuck me hard!<</speech>>
<div class="general">You keep fucking her.</div>
<video src="images/sarah/events/neigbour2/neigbour2a12.webm" autoplay loop></video>
<<speech "Sarah" "Sarah">>Hmmmhhmmm!<</speech>>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Continue->neighbour2prev1a15]]</span></div>
<<speech "Sarah" "Sarah">>Oooooohhhh Fuuuckkkk!!<</speech>>
<div class="general">With loud moans Sarah cums.</div>
<video src="images/sarah/events/neigbour2/neigbour2a13.webm" autoplay loop></video>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>That was quick.<</speech>>
<<speech "Sarah" "Sarah">>Hmmm.. I'm sorry.. I was already so fucking horny.<</speech>>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Continue->neighbour2prev1a16]]</span></div>
<div class="general">You don't stop fucking her.</div>
<video src="images/sarah/events/neigbour2/neigbour2a14.webm" autoplay loop></video>
<<speech "Sarah" "Sarah">>Hmm.. Baby?<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>I'm not done yet.<</speech>>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Continue->neighbour2prev1a17]]</span></div>
<<speech "Sarah" "Sarah">>Ooh fuck!<</speech>>
<div class="general">You keep going as Sarah is clearly struggling beneath you.</div>
<video src="images/sarah/events/neigbour2/neigbour2a15.webm" autoplay loop></video>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>You might be his whore, but you'll always be my slut.<</speech>>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Continue->neighbour2prev1a18]]</span></div>
<<speech "Sarah" "Sarah">>Hmmm. Yes, I'm your slut!<</speech>>
<div class="general">You keep fucking Sarah as you edge closer to cumming.</div>
<video src="images/sarah/events/neigbour2/neigbour2a16.webm" autoplay loop></video>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Continue->neighbour2prev1a19]]</span></div>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Come here, on your knees now!<</speech>>
<div class="general">Once Sarah sits in front of you, you push your dick inside of her mouth and start cumming.</div>
<video src="images/sarah/events/neigbour2/neigbour2a17.webm" autoplay loop></video>
<div class="general">She swallows the whole load.</div>
<<speech "Sarah" "Sarah">>Hmmh.. I guess you deserved that.<</speech>>
<div class="general">And with that she leaves the room.</div>
<a data-passage="livingroom"><div class="talkplayer">Let’s do something else</div></a>
<<addenergy -20>>
<<addhygene -15>>
<<addhappiness 5>>
<<set $time to $time +2>>
<<if $fitness gte 0 and $fitness lt 25>>
<<addarousal -35>>
<<elseif $fitness gte 20 and $fitness lt 40>>
<<addarousal -30>>
<<elseif $fitness gte 40>>
<<addarousal -25>><</if>>
<<addcumaddict 14>><div class="general">You decide to watch it. You walk to your office, plug in the thumb drive and open the only file in there.</div>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Watch it->neighbour2prev2a3]]</span></div><div class="general">The movie starts and you see Sarah, lifting her skirt.</div>
<<speech "Sarah" "Sarah">>Fuck, I'm soo wet already.<</speech>>
<div class="general">She rubs a couple of times over her panties.</div>
<video src="images/sarah/events/neigbour2/neigbour2a1.webm" autoplay loop></video>
<<speech "random" "Tom">>Damn, keep going.<</speech>>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Continue->neighbour2prev1a4]]</span></div><<speech "Sarah" "Sarah">>And then I came home.<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Sounds like you really enjoyed it.<</speech>>
<<speech "Sarah" "Sarah">>Next time you should join me!<</speech>>
<div class="general">And with that she leaves the room.</div>
<<speech "Player" "$name">><i>Damn..</i><</speech>>
<a data-passage="livingroom"><div class="talkplayer">Let’s do something else</div></a>
<<addarousal 60>><<speech "random" "Tom">>I'm so glad you decided to come.<</speech>>
<<speech "Sarah" "Sarah">>You are not the only one.<</speech>>
<<speech "random" "Tom">>Please sit.<</speech>>
<div class="general">I sit down in front of him on the couch.</div>
<<speech "random" "Tom">>So, I hope you are here with a good reason.<</speech>>
<<speech "Sarah" "Sarah">>I hope so too.<</speech>>
<<speech "random" "Tom">>So tell me, why are you here.<</speech>>
<<speech "Sarah" "Sarah">>Well, I was hoping to be of service to you, for a price of course.<</speech>>
<<speech "random" "Tom">>If you please me well, then money will not be an issue.<</speech>>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Continue->neighbour2prev1a3]]</span></div>
<div class="general">The doorbell rings and you walk to the door.</div>
<<speech "Sarah" "Sarah">>Oh, that must be Christel.<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Ah alright, you want to handle this<</speech>>
<<speech "Sarah" "Sarah">>Sure.<</speech>>
<div class="general">You say hi to Christel and then leave them to it.</div>
<<speech "Player" "$name">><i>Well, I guess we have another girl living in our house.. Well technically not in our house but ok..</i><</speech>>
<a data-passage="entrance"><div class="talkloc">Let’s go somewhere else</div></a>
<<set $christelevent11 to "true">>
<<nobr>><<if $hygene lte 15>>
<img src="images/christel/christelangry.jpg" /><br>
<<speech "Christel" "Christel">>You smell terrible, go take a shower or something, just get away from me!<</speech>><br>
<a data-passage="garden"><div class="talkplayer">Let’s do something else</div></a>
<<elseif $energy lt 10 or $happiness lt 20>>
<img src="images/player/misc/mood.jpg" /><br>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>I'm not in the mood for this.<</speech>><br>
<a data-passage="garden"><div class="talkplayer">Let’s do something else</div></a>
<img src="images/christel/christelterrace.jpg" /><br>
<div class="general">You enter the garden and see Christel on the terrace.</div><br>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Talk to Christel->terracetalkchristel]]</span></div><br>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Look at Christel->terracelookchristel]]</span></div><br>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Read a book->readbookgar]]</span></div><br>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Take a nap->garsleep]]</span></div><br>
<a data-passage="garden"><div class="talkloc">Let’s go somewhere else</div></a>
<</if>><</nobr>><<nobr>><<if $hygene lte 15>>
<img src="images/christel/christelangry.jpg" /><br>
<<speech "Christel" "Christel">>You smell terrible, go take a shower or something, just get away from me!<</speech>><br>
<a data-passage="garden"><div class="talkplayer">Let’s do something else</div></a>
<<elseif $energy lt 10 or $happiness lt 20>>
<img src="images/player/misc/mood.jpg" /><br>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>I'm not in the mood for this.<</speech>><br>
<a data-passage="garden"><div class="talkplayer">Let’s do something else</div></a>
<img src="images/christel/christelpool.jpg" /><br>
<div class="general">You enter the garden and see Christel on the terrace.</div><br>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Talk to Christel->pooltalkchristel]]</span></div><br>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Look at Christel->poollookchristel]]</span></div><br>
<a data-passage="garden"><div class="talkloc">Let’s go somewhere else</div></a>
<</if>><</nobr>><img src="images/christel/christelterracetalk.jpg" /><br>
<<if $christelevent11talk is "false">>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Hey Christel.<</speech>>
<<speech "Christel" "Christel">>Oh hi $name. Listen $name, I'm going to be honest with you.. I know Sarah doesn't like us to become too close if you know what I mean. So I don't think we should be in the same space too much, especially out in public.<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Oh, alright.<</speech>>
<<speech "Christel" "Christel">>She is still my best friend, so I don't want to hurt her.<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>I understand.<</speech>>
<a data-passage="garden"><div class="talkplayer">Let’s do something else</div></a>
<<addhappiness -5>>
<<set $time to $time +1>>
<<addrchristel 10>>
<<set $christelevent11talk to "true">>
<<elseif $christelevent11talk is "true">>
<<speech "Christel" "Christel">>$name! What did we talk about!<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Alright, alright, I'm sorry.<</speech>>
<a data-passage="garden"><div class="talkplayer">Let’s do something else</div></a>
<<addhappiness -5>>
<<set $time to $time +1>>
<<addrchristel -5>>
<img src="images/christel/christelterrace2.jpg" />
<<speech "Player" "$name">><i>Damn, she does not leave anything for the imagination.</i><</speech>>
<<speech "Christel" "Christel">>Can I help you with something $name?<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Huh? Oh no.<</speech>>
<a data-passage="garden"><div class="talkplayer">Let’s do something else</div></a>
<<addhappiness 5>>
<<set $time to $time +1>>
<<addarousal 10>>
<<addrchristel 3>>
<img src="images/christel/christelpooltalk.jpg" /><br>
<<if $christelevent11talk is "false">>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Hey Christel.<</speech>>
<<speech "Christel" "Christel">>Oh hi $name. Listen $name, I'm going to be honest with you.. I know Sarah doesn't like us to become too close if you know what I mean. So I don't think we should be in the same space too much, especially out in public.<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Oh, alright.<</speech>>
<<speech "Christel" "Christel">>She is still my best friend, so I don't want to hurt her.<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>I understand.<</speech>>
<a data-passage="garden"><div class="talkplayer">Let’s do something else</div></a>
<<addhappiness -5>>
<<set $time to $time +1>>
<<addrchristel 10>>
<<set $christelevent11talk to "true">>
<<elseif $christelevent11talk is "true">>
<<speech "Christel" "Christel">>$name! What did we talk about!<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Alright, alright, I'm sorry.<</speech>>
<a data-passage="garden"><div class="talkplayer">Let’s do something else</div></a>
<<addhappiness -5>>
<<set $time to $time +1>>
<<addrchristel -5>>
<img src="images/christel/christelpool2.jpg" />
<<speech "Player" "$name">><i>Damn, just look at that body.</i><</speech>>
<<speech "Christel" "Christel">>Enjoying the view $name?<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Huh? Oh no, I mean yes...<</speech>>
<a data-passage="garden"><div class="talkplayer">Let’s do something else</div></a>
<<addhappiness 5>>
<<set $time to $time +1>>
<<addarousal 10>>
<<addrchristel 3>><<if $dayt is 1 and $time is 1>>
<div class="general">Christel opens the door.</div>
<<speech "Christel" "Christel">>What the fuck $name. It's so fucking early, leave me alone.<</speech>>
<div class="general">She slams the door shut in your face.</div>
<<speech "Player" "$name">><i>Note to self: don't go to Christel too early..</i><</speech>>
<a data-passage="garden"><div class="talkplayer">Let’s do something else</div></a>
<<addrchristel -10>>
<<elseif $dayt is 1 and $time is 7 or $dayt is 1 and $time is 8 or $dayt is 1 and $time is 2>>
<<if $christelevent11talk is "false">>
<div class="general">Christel opens the door.</div>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Hey Christel.<</speech>>
<<speech "Christel" "Christel">>Oh hi $name. Listen $name, I'm going to be honest with you.. I know Sarah doesn't like us to become too close if you know what I mean. So I don't think we should be in the same space too much, especially out in public.<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Oh, alright.<</speech>>
<<speech "Christel" "Christel">>She is still my best friend, so I don't want to hurt her.<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>I understand.<</speech>>
<a data-passage="garden"><div class="talkplayer">Let’s do something else</div></a>
<<addhappiness -5>>
<<set $time to $time +1>>
<<addrchristel 10>>
<<set $christelevent11talk to "true">>
<<elseif $christelevent11talk is "true">>
<div class="general">Christel opens the door.</div>
<<speech "Christel" "Christel">>$name! What did we talk about!<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Alright, alright, I'm sorry.<</speech>>
<a data-passage="garden"><div class="talkplayer">Let’s do something else</div></a>
<<addhappiness -5>>
<<set $time to $time +1>>
<<addrchristel -5>>
<<elseif $dayt is 1 and $time gte 3 and $time lte 6>>
<div class="general">You knock on the door.</div>
<<speech "Player" "$name">><i>Well, I guess she is not here.</i><</speech>>
<a data-passage="garden"><div class="talkplayer">Let’s do something else</div></a>
<<elseif $time is 9>>
<div class="general">You knock on the door.</div>
<<speech "Player" "$name">><i>Well, I guess she is not here.</i><</speech>>
<a data-passage="garden"><div class="talkplayer">Let’s do something else</div></a>
<<elseif $time is 10>>
<div class="general">You knock on the door.</div>
<<speech "Player" "$name">><i>She is probably asleep.</i><</speech>>
<a data-passage="garden"><div class="talkplayer">Let’s do something else</div></a>
<<elseif $dayt is 2 and $time is 2 or $dayt is 2 and $time is 3 or $dayt is 2 and $time is 8>>
<<if $christelevent11talk is "false">>
<div class="general">Christel opens the door.</div>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Hey Christel.<</speech>>
<<speech "Christel" "Christel">>Oh hi $name. Listen $name, I'm going to be honest with you.. I know Sarah doesn't like us to become too close if you know what I mean. So I don't think we should be in the same space too much, especially out in public.<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Oh, alright.<</speech>>
<<speech "Christel" "Christel">>She is still my best friend, so I don't want to hurt her.<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>I understand.<</speech>>
<a data-passage="garden"><div class="talkplayer">Let’s do something else</div></a>
<<addhappiness -5>>
<<set $time to $time +1>>
<<addrchristel 10>>
<<set $christelevent11talk to "true">>
<<elseif $christelevent11talk is "true">>
<div class="general">Christel opens the door.</div>
<<speech "Christel" "Christel">>$name! What did we talk about!<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Alright, alright, I'm sorry.<</speech>>
<a data-passage="garden"><div class="talkplayer">Let’s do something else</div></a>
<<addhappiness -5>>
<<set $time to $time +1>>
<<addrchristel -5>>
<<elseif $dayt is 1 and $time gte 4 and $time lte 7>>
<div class="general">You knock on the door.</div>
<<speech "Player" "$name">><i>Well, I guess she is not here.</i><</speech>>
<a data-passage="garden"><div class="talkplayer">Let’s do something else</div></a>
<<switch random(1, 7)>>
<<case 1 2>>
<<if $suspiciouschristel gte 25 and $suspiciouschristel2 is "false">>
<<if $dayt is 2 and $time gte 3>>
<div class="general">You walk around the shed before you stop in front of a window.</div><br>
<<speech "Player" "$name">><i>This is the bedroom window, unfortunately, the curtains are closed. Unless.. Yes, I can see a little bit here.</i><</speech>><br>
<div class="general">You look inside.</div><br>
<video src="images/christel/suspiciouschristel2/suspiciouschristel2a.webm" autoplay loop></video><br><br>
<<speech "Player" "$name">><i>Are you..? Are they?</i><</speech>><br>
<a data-passage="suspiciouschristel2b"><div class="talkplayer">Continue watching</div></a>
<<elseif $time gte 7>>
<div class="general">You walk around the shed before you stop in front of a window.</div><br>
<<speech "Player" "$name">><i>This is the bedroom window, unfortunately, the curtains are closed. Unless.. Yes, I can see a little bit here.</i><</speech>><br>
<div class="general">You look inside.</div><br>
<video src="images/christel/suspiciouschristel2/suspiciouschristel2a.webm" autoplay loop></video><br><br>
<<speech "Player" "$name">><i>Are you..? Are they?</i><</speech>><br>
<a data-passage="suspiciouschristel2b"><div class="talkplayer">Continue watching</div></a>
<div class="general">You walk around the shed before you stop in front of a window.</div><br>
<<speech "Player" "$name">><i>This is the bedroom window, unfortunately, the curtains are closed.</i><</speech>><br>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Keep walking->shedchristelbath]]</span></div><br>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Go back->shed]]</span></div>
<<elseif $suspiciouschristel gte 20>>
<<if $dayt is 2 and $time gte 3>>
<div class="general">You walk around the shed before you stop in front of a window.</div><br>
<<speech "Player" "$name">><i>This is the bedroom window, unfortunately, the curtains are closed. Unless.. Yes, I can see a little bit here.</i><</speech>><br>
<div class="general">You look inside.</div><br>
<<speech "Player" "$name">><i>I can see the mirror.. Wait, is that Christel with... With Sarah?</i><</speech>><br>
<video src="images/christel/christelother/suspiciouschristel1a.webm" autoplay loop></video><br><br>
<<speech "Player" "$name">><i>I could only see a bit, I think it was Sarah, but I can't be sure.</i><</speech>><br>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Go back->shed]]</span></div>
<<set $time to $time +1>>
<<set $suspiciouschristel to $suspiciouschristel +5>>
<<elseif $time gte 7>>
<div class="general">You walk around the shed before you stop in front of a window.</div><br>
<<speech "Player" "$name">><i>This is the bedroom window, unfortunately, the curtains are closed. Unless.. Yes, I can see a little bit here.</i><</speech>><br>
<div class="general">You look inside.</div><br>
<<speech "Player" "$name">><i>I can see the mirror.. Wait, is that Christel with... With Sarah?</i><</speech>><br>
<video src="images/christel/christelother/suspiciouschristel1a.webm" autoplay loop></video><br><br>
<<speech "Player" "$name">><i>I could only see a bit, I think it was Sarah, but I can't be sure.</i><</speech>><br>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Go back->shed]]</span></div>
<<set $time to $time +1>>
<<set $suspiciouschristel to $suspiciouschristel +5>>
<div class="general">You walk around the shed before you stop in front of a window.</div><br>
<<speech "Player" "$name">><i>This is the bedroom window, unfortunately, the curtains are closed.</i><</speech>><br>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Keep walking->shedchristelbath]]</span></div><br>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Go back->shed]]</span></div>
<<elseif $suspiciouschristel gte 15>>
<<if $dayt is 2 and $time gte 3>>
<div class="general">You walk around the shed before you stop in front of a window.</div><br>
<<speech "Player" "$name">><i>This is the bedroom window, unfortunately, the curtains are closed.</i><</speech>><br>
<div class="general">Then you suddenly hear moaning.</div><br>
<<speech "Player" "$name">><i>Is that Christel?</i><</speech>><br>
<div class="general">You look closer and you see a small space between te curtains where you can look inside. There you see, what looks like, Christel riding someones dick.</div><br>
<img src="images/christel/christelother/christelother02.jpg" /><br>
<div class="general">Directly after Christel gets off and disappears out of your sight.</div><br>
<<speech "Player" "$name">><i>Damn, if the curtains where just slightly more open..</i><</speech>><br>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Go back->shed]]</span></div>
<<set $time to $time +1>>
<<set $suspiciouschristel to $suspiciouschristel +5>>
<<elseif $time gte 7>>
<div class="general">You walk around the shed before you stop in front of a window.</div><br>
<<speech "Player" "$name">><i>This is the bedroom window, unfortunately, the curtains are closed.</i><</speech>><br>
<div class="general">Then you suddenly hear moaning.</div><br>
<<speech "Player" "$name">><i>Is that Christel?</i><</speech>><br>
<div class="general">You look closer and you see a small space between te curtains where you can look inside. There you see, what looks like, Christel riding someones dick.</div><br>
<img src="images/christel/christelother/christelother02.jpg" />
<div class="general">Directly after Christel gets off and disappears out of your sight.</div><br>
<<speech "Player" "$name">><i>Damn, if the curtains where just slightly more open..</i><</speech>><br>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Go back->shed]]</span></div>
<<set $time to $time +1>>
<<set $suspiciouschristel to $suspiciouschristel +5>>
<div class="general">You walk around the shed before you stop in front of a window.</div><br>
<<speech "Player" "$name">><i>This is the bedroom window, unfortunately, the curtains are closed.</i><</speech>><br>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Keep walking->shedchristelbath]]</span></div><br>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Go back->shed]]</span></div>
<<elseif $suspiciouschristel gte 10>>
<<if $dayt is 2 and $time gte 3>>
<div class="general">You walk around the shed before you stop in front of a window.</div><br>
<<speech "Player" "$name">><i>This is the bedroom window, unfortunately, the curtains are closed.</i><</speech>><br>
<div class="general">Then you suddenly hear some giggling.</div><br>
<<speech "Player" "$name">><i>Hmmm sounds like Sarah is there again.. Well I guess they are best friends after all. Just strange I keep hearing them in the bedroom. </i><</speech>><br>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Go back->shed]]</span></div>
<<set $time to $time +1>>
<<set $suspiciouschristel to $suspiciouschristel +5>>
<<elseif $time gte 7>>
<div class="general">You walk around the shed before you stop in front of a window.</div><br>
<<speech "Player" "$name">><i>This is the bedroom window, unfortunately, the curtains are closed.</i><</speech>>
<div class="general">Then you suddenly hear some giggling.</div>
<<speech "Player" "$name">><i>Hmmm sounds like Sarah is there again.. Well I guess they are best friends after all. Just strange I keep hearing them in the bedroom. </i><</speech>>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Go back->shed]]</span></div>
<<set $time to $time +1>>
<<set $suspiciouschristel to $suspiciouschristel +5>>
<div class="general">You walk around the shed before you stop in front of a window.</div><br>
<<speech "Player" "$name">><i>This is the bedroom window, unfortunately, the curtains are closed.</i><</speech>><br>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Keep walking->shedchristelbath]]</span></div><br>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Go back->shed]]</span></div>
<<elseif $suspiciouschristel gte 5>>
<<if $dayt is 2 and $time gte 3>>
<div class="general">You walk around the shed before you stop in front of a window.</div><br>
<<speech "Player" "$name">><i>This is the bedroom window, unfortunately, the curtains are closed.</i><</speech>><br>
<div class="general">Then you suddenly hear some giggling.</div><br>
<<speech "Player" "$name">><i>Sounds like Christel and Sarah are enjoying themselves redecorating and painting the bedroom. </i><</speech>><br>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Go back->shed]]</span></div>
<<set $time to $time +1>>
<<set $suspiciouschristel to $suspiciouschristel +5>>
<<elseif $time gte 7>>
<div class="general">You walk around the shed before you stop in front of a window.</div><br>
<<speech "Player" "$name">><i>This is the bedroom window, unfortunately, the curtains are closed.</i><</speech>><br>
<div class="general">Then you suddenly hear some giggling.</div><br>
<<speech "Player" "$name">><i>Sounds like Christel and Sarah are enjoying themselves redecorating and painting the bedroom. </i><</speech>><br>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Go back->shed]]</span></div>
<<set $time to $time +1>>
<<set $suspiciouschristel to $suspiciouschristel +5>>
<div class="general">You walk around the shed before you stop in front of a window.</div><br>
<<speech "Player" "$name">><i>This is the bedroom window, unfortunately, the curtains are closed.</i><</speech>><br>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Keep walking->shedchristelbath]]</span></div><br>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Go back->shed]]</span></div>
<<elseif $suspiciouschristel gte 0>>
<<if $dayt is 2 and $time gte 3>>
<div class="general">You walk around the shed before you stop in front of a window.</div><br>
<<speech "Player" "$name">><i>This is the bedroom window, unfortunately, the curtains are closed.</i><</speech>><br>
<div class="general">Then you suddenly hear some giggling.</div><br>
<<speech "Player" "$name">><i>Sounds like Christel is enjoying her new home.</i><</speech>><br>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Go back->shed]]</span></div>
<<set $time to $time +1>>
<<set $suspiciouschristel to $suspiciouschristel +5>>
<<elseif $time gte 7>>
<div class="general">You walk around the shed before you stop in front of a window.</div><br>
<<speech "Player" "$name">><i>This is the bedroom window, unfortunately, the curtains are closed.</i><</speech>><br>
<div class="general">Then you suddenly hear some giggling.</div><br>
<<speech "Player" "$name">><i>Sounds like Christel is enjoying her new home.</i><</speech>><br>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Go back->shed]]</span></div>
<<set $time to $time +1>>
<<set $suspiciouschristel to $suspiciouschristel +5>>
<div class="general">You walk around the shed before you stop in front of a window.</div><br>
<<speech "Player" "$name">><i>This is the bedroom window, unfortunately, the curtains are closed.</i><</speech>><br>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Keep walking->shedchristelbath]]</span></div><br>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Go back->shed]]</span></div>
<<case 3>>
<div class="general">You walk around the shed before you stop in front of a window and look inside.</div><br>
<<speech "Player" "$name">><i>Damn...</i><</speech>><br>
<div class="general">You look inside and see Christel being very.. Busy..</div><br>
</div><video src="images/christel/christelother/christelother01.webm" autoplay loop></video><br><br>
<<speech "Player" "$name">><i>Looks like she is enjoying herself.</i><</speech>><br>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Continue watching->chrisbedpeek1]]</span></div>
<<case 4 5 6 7>>
<div class="general">You walk around the shed before you stop in front of a window.</div><br>
<<speech "Player" "$name">><i>This is the bedroom window, unfortunately, the curtains are closed.</i><</speech>><br>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Keep walking->shedchristelbath]]</span></div><br>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Go back->shed]]</span></div>
<</nobr>><div class="general">You keep walking around the shed and see a small window.</div>
<<speech "Player" "$name">><i>That is the bathroom window, if I do my best, I could try to look inside.</i><</speech>>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Peek inside->shedchristelbathpeek]]</span></div>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Go back->shed]]</span></div>
<<switch random(1, 10)>>
<<case 1>>
<<if $suspiciouschristel gte 15>>
<<if $dayt is 2 and $time gte 3>>
<div class="general">You reach out and lift yourself up. Unfortunately something is blocking your view. Then you hear some giggling and water splashing.</div><br>
<<speech "Player" "$name">><i>Are Sarah and Christel having a bath together? Damn I wish I could see that.</i><</speech>><br>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Go back->shed]]</span></div>
<<set $time to $time +1>>
<<set $suspiciouschristel to $suspiciouschristel +5>>
<<elseif $time gte 7>>
<div class="general">You reach out and lift yourself up. Unfortunately something is blocking your view. Then you hear some giggling.</div><br>
<<speech "Player" "$name">><i>Are Sarah and Christel having a bath together? Damn I wish I could see that.</i><</speech>><br>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Go back->shed]]</span></div>
<<set $time to $time +1>>
<<set $suspiciouschristel to $suspiciouschristel +5>>
<div class="general">You peek inside but there is nothing to see.</div><br>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Go back->shed]]</span></div>
<<set $time to $time +1>>
<<elseif $suspiciouschristel gte 10>>
<<if $dayt is 2 and $time gte 3>>
<div class="general">You reach out and lift yourself up. Unfortunately something is blocking your view. Then you hear some giggling.</div><br>
<<speech "Player" "$name">><i>Seems like Sarah and Christel are in there together.</i><</speech>><br>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Go back->shed]]</span></div>
<<set $time to $time +1>>
<<set $suspiciouschristel to $suspiciouschristel +5>>
<<elseif $time gte 7>>
<div class="general">You reach out and lift yourself up. Unfortunately something is blocking your view. Then you hear some giggling.</div><br>
<<speech "Player" "$name">><i>Are Sarah and Christel having a bath together? Damn I wish I could see that.</i><</speech>><br>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Go back->shed]]</span></div>
<<set $time to $time +1>>
<<set $suspiciouschristel to $suspiciouschristel +5>>
<div class="general">You peek inside but there is nothing to see.</div><br>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Go back->shed]]</span></div>
<<set $time to $time +1>>
<<elseif $suspiciouschristel gte 5>>
<<if $dayt is 2 and $time gte 3>>
<<switch random(1, 10)>>
<<case 1 2 3 >>
<div class="general">You reach out and lift yourself up.</div>
<img src="images/christel/christelbath.jpg" /><br>
<div class="general">You peek in and.. Jackpot. You see Christel naked and washing herself.</div><br>
<<speech "Player" "$name">><i>She looks amazing.</i><</speech>><br>
<div class="general">Suddenly she looks up and you dive away.</div><br>
<<speech "Player" "$name">><i>Hopefully she didn't notice.</i><</speech>><br>
<a data-passage="shed"><div class="talkplayer">Let’s do something else</div></a>
<<addenergy -15>>
<<addhygene -10>>
<<addhappiness 5>>
<<set $time to $time +1>>
<<addarousal 10>>
<<case 4 5 6 7 8 9 10>>
<div class="general">You reach out and lift yourself up. Unfortunately something is blocking your view. Then you hear some giggling.</div><br>
<<speech "Player" "$name">><i>Sounds like Christel is enjoying her new home.</i><</speech>><br>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Go back->shed]]</span></div>
<<set $time to $time +1>>
<<set $suspiciouschristel to $suspiciouschristel +5>>
<<elseif $time gte 7>>
<<switch random(1, 10)>>
<<case 1 2 3>>
<div class="general">You reach out and lift yourself up.</div>
<img src="images/christel/christelbath.jpg" /><br>
<div class="general">You peek in and.. Jackpot. You see Christel naked and washing herself.</div><br>
<<speech "Player" "$name">><i>She looks amazing.</i><</speech>><br>
<div class="general">Suddenly she looks up and you dive away.</div><br>
<<speech "Player" "$name">><i>Hopefully she didn't notice.</i><</speech>><br>
<a data-passage="shed"><div class="talkplayer">Let’s do something else</div></a>
<<addenergy -15>>
<<addhygene -10>>
<<addhappiness 5>>
<<set $time to $time +1>>
<<addarousal 10>>
<<case 4 5 6 7 8 9 10>>
<div class="general">You reach out and lift yourself up. Unfortunately something is blocking your view. Then you hear some giggling.</div><br>
<<speech "Player" "$name">><i>Sounds like Christel is enjoying her new home.</i><</speech>><br>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Go back->shed]]</span></div>
<<set $time to $time +1>>
<<set $suspiciouschristel to $suspiciouschristel +5>>
<div class="general">You peek inside but there is nothing to see.</div><br>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Go back->shed]]</span></div>
<<set $time to $time +1>>
<<elseif $suspiciouschristel gte 0>>
<<if $dayt is 2 and $time gte 3>>
<<switch random(1, 10)>>
<<case 1 2 3 >>
<div class="general">You reach out and lift yourself up.</div>
<img src="images/christel/christelbath.jpg" /><br>
<div class="general">You peek in and.. Jackpot. You see Christel naked and washing herself.</div><br>
<<speech "Player" "$name">><i>She looks amazing.</i><</speech>><br>
<div class="general">Suddenly she looks up and you dive away.</div><br>
<<speech "Player" "$name">><i>Hopefully she didn't notice.</i><</speech>><br>
<a data-passage="shed"><div class="talkplayer">Let’s do something else</div></a>
<<addenergy -15>>
<<addhygene -10>>
<<addhappiness 5>>
<<set $time to $time +1>>
<<addarousal 10>>
<<case 4 5 6 7 8 9 10>>
<div class="general">You reach out and lift yourself up. Unfortunately something is blocking your view. Then you hear some giggling.</div><br>
<<speech "Player" "$name">><i>Sounds like Christel is enjoying her new home.</i><</speech>><br>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Go back->shed]]</span></div>
<<set $time to $time +1>>
<<set $suspiciouschristel to $suspiciouschristel +5>>
<<elseif $time gte 7>>
<<switch random(1, 10)>>
<<case 1 2 3>>
<div class="general">You reach out and lift yourself up.</div><br>
<img src="images/christel/christelbath.jpg" /><br>
<div class="general">You peek in and.. Jackpot. You see Christel naked and washing herself.</div><br>
<<speech "Player" "$name">><i>She looks amazing.</i><</speech>><br>
<div class="general">Suddenly she looks up and you dive away.</div><br>
<<speech "Player" "$name">><i>Hopefully she didn't notice.</i><</speech>><br>
<a data-passage="shed"><div class="talkplayer">Let’s do something else</div></a>
<<addenergy -15>>
<<addhygene -10>>
<<addhappiness 5>>
<<set $time to $time +1>>
<<addarousal 10>>
<<case 4 5 6 7 8 9 10>>
<div class="general">You reach out and lift yourself up. Unfortunately something is blocking your view. Then you hear some giggling.</div><br>
<<speech "Player" "$name">><i>Sounds like Christel is enjoying her new home.</i><</speech>><br>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Go back->shed]]</span></div>
<<set $time to $time +1>>
<<set $suspiciouschristel to $suspiciouschristel +5>>
<div class="general">You peek inside but there is nothing to see.</div><br>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Go back->shed]]</span></div>
<<set $time to $time +1>>
<<case 2>>
<div class="general">You peek in and see Christel.. Having some fun.</div><br>
<video src="images/christel/christelother/christelother03a.webm" autoplay loop></video><br><br>
<<speech "Player" "$name">><i>Damn, she is working herself good!</i><</speech>><br>
<div class="general">Christel keeps going and her body clearly starts to move more uncontrolled.</div><br>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Continue watching->shedchristelbathpeek2]]</span></div>
<<case 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10>>
<div class="general">You peek inside but there is nothing to see.</div><br>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Go back->shed]]</span></div>
<<set $time to $time +1>>
<</nobr>><div class="general">Against Sarah's advice you go to Christel's apartment. When you walk towards her building you see her standing outside yelling at some guy.</div>
<<speech "Christel" "Christel">>Let me in! That is my home!<</speech>>
<<speech "random" "?">>No, it's the boss's home and he kicked you out.<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">><i>Seems like it's one of Perez's guys.</i><</speech>>
<<speech "Christel" "Christel">>He can't just kick me out like this. All my belongings are in there!<</speech>>
<<speech "random" "Goon">>From what I heard, you betrayed him, you are lucky to be alive. If I would betray him, I would be in the ground.<</speech>>
<<speech "Christel" "Christel">>Please, I will do anything!<</speech>>
<<speech "random" "Goon">>Anything huh?.<</speech>>
<div class="general">You see his eyes going over her body.</div>
<<speech "random" "Goon">>Maybe we can arrange something, why don't you follow me?<</speech>>
<div class="general">You see Christel thinking for a moment, but then she nods and follows him.</div>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Follow them->christelevent10c1]]</span></div>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Don't follow them->christelevent10c14]]</span></div>
<<set $christelevent10c to "true">><video src="images/christel/christelevent10c/christelevent10c1.webm" autoplay loop></video>
<div class="general">You follow them to a small park behind te building and sit down.</div>
<<speech "random" "Goon">>So, you know what to do, take everything off.<</speech>>
<<speech "Christel" "Christel">>Can we talk about this?<</speech>>
<<speech "random" "Goon">>Oh hell no, I've wanted to see you naked for years, so this is going to happen.<</speech>>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Continue->christelevent10c2]]</span></div>
<div class="general">She keeps undressing and once her shirt is off, the goon directly pulls down her bra.</div>
<video src="images/christel/christelevent10c/christelevent10c2.webm" autoplay loop></video>
<<speech "random" "Goon">>Damn, I've wanted to see those for years and it was worth the wait.<</speech>>
<<speech "Christel" "Christel">>He will kill you if he finds out.<</speech>>
<<speech "random" "Goon">>If you don't tell him I won't, then we both live.<</speech>>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Continue->christelevent10c3]]</span></div>
<div class="general">He starts groping her breasts again takes off her bra and starts sucking on them.</div>
<video src="images/christel/christelevent10c/christelevent10c3.webm" autoplay loop></video>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Continue->christelevent10c4]]</span></div>
<div class="general">He pulls up Christel's skirt and start rubbing her pussy agressivly over her panties.</div>
<video src="images/christel/christelevent10c/christelevent10c4.webm" autoplay loop></video>
<div class="general">Christel can't hold herself back and you hear some moans escape her.</div>
<<speech "Christel" "Christel">>Hmm! Oooh!<</speech>>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Continue->christelevent10c5]]</span></div>
<<speech "random" "Goon">>Hmmm, you like that don't you, you slut! Let me give something else you will like.<</speech>>
<div class="general">He stands up and pulls down his pants.</div>
<<speech "random" "Goon">>Now get to work!<</speech>>
<div class="general">He stands up and pulls down his pants. Christel kneels down in front of him and starts sucking his dick.</div>
<video src="images/christel/christelevent10c/christelevent10c5.webm" autoplay loop></video>
<<speech "random" "Goon">>Hmmm, yes.<</speech>>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Continue->christelevent10c6]]</span></div>
<<speech "random" "Goon">>Alright, I don't have all day unfortunately, let's speed this up.<</speech>>
<div class="general">He grabs Christel's hair and head and starts fucking her mouth.</div>
<video src="images/christel/christelevent10c/christelevent10c6.webm" autoplay loop></video>
<<speech "random" "Goon">>Oooh yes that's better.<</speech>>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Continue->christelevent10c7]]</span></div>
<div class="general">He keeps hold of her head and keeps fucking her mouth.</div>
<video src="images/christel/christelevent10c/christelevent10c7.webm" autoplay loop></video>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Continue->christelevent10c8]]</span></div>
<<speech "random" "Goon">>Come here with those tits.<</speech>>
<div class="general">He pushes her back, grabs her tits and start fucking them.</div>
<video src="images/christel/christelevent10c/christelevent10c8.webm" autoplay loop></video>
<<speech "random" "Goon">>Fuck yeah, this is where dreams are made off.<</speech>>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Continue->christelevent10c9]]</span></div>
<<speech "random" "Goon">>Alright, bend over.<</speech>>
<<speech "Christel" "Christel">>What? Why?<</speech>>
<<speech "random" "Goon">>What do you think?<</speech>>
<<speech "Christel" "Christel">>But? Please!<</speech>>
<<speech "random" "Goon">>Bend over whore!<</speech>>
<div class="general">Reluctantly she bends over and the goon starts fucking her.</div>
<video src="images/christel/christelevent10c/christelevent10c9.webm" autoplay loop></video>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Continue->christelevent10c10]]</span></div>
<<speech "random" "Goon">>Oh yes!<</speech>>
<<speech "Christel" "Christel">>Hmmmhmm.<</speech>>
<div class="general">The goon keeps fucking her.</div>
<video src="images/christel/christelevent10c/christelevent10c10.webm" autoplay loop></video>
<<speech "random" "Goon">>Damn, how is it possible that a whore like you is still so tight?<</speech>>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Continue->christelevent10c11]]</span></div><div class="general">The goon increases his pace.</div>
<<speech "random" "Goon">>Get ready for your reward whore.<</speech>>
<div class="general">He keeps fucking her at high pace.</div>
<video src="images/christel/christelevent10c/christelevent10c11.webm" autoplay loop></video>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Continue->christelevent10c12]]</span></div><div class="general">Then he grabs Christel and pushes her down on her knees in front of him.</div>
<<speech "random" "Goon">>Here it comes.<</speech>>
<div class="general">Christel know exactly what he wants her to do and she opens her mouth as the goon starts cumming in her mouth and over her face.</div>
<video src="images/christel/christelevent10c/christelevent10c12.webm" autoplay loop></video>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Continue->christelevent10c13]]</span></div><div class="general">After they both get dressed.</div>
<<speech "random" "Goon">>Alright, I'll give you 2 hours, but when I'm back, you better be gone.<</speech>>
<div class="general">Christel silently nods and goes inside of the bulding.</div>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Continue->christelevent10c14]]</span></div>
<<speech "Player" "$name">><i>Damn, she is going to be living on the street like this.. I should call Sarah and have her talk to Christel.</i><</speech>>
<div class="general">Said and done, you call Sarah and tell her everything.</div>
<<speech "Sarah" "Sarah">>Wow.. Ehm.. I guess I'll go and talk to her.<</speech>>
<a data-passage="center"><div class="talkplayer">Let’s do something else</div></a>
<div class="general">Suddenly you hear Sarah.</div>
<<speech "Sarah" "Sarah">>Dave, are you there? I could really use your help.<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">><i>Damn.. If she catches me here sh will be very mad.</i><</speech>>
<div class="general">You quickly move away from the shed.</div>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Continue->garden]]</span></div>
<<set $time to $time +1>><div class="general">It doens't take long before she clearly starts to cum.</div>
<video src="images/christel/christelother/christelother03b.webm" autoplay loop></video>
<<speech "Player" "$name">><i>That was hot.</i><</speech>>
<div class="general">Christel turns on the shower and starts washing herself.</div>
<<speech "Player" "$name">><i>Time to go..</i><</speech>>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Go back->shed]]</span></div>
<<set $time to $time +1>><<nobr>>
<<if $suspiciouschristel gte 20>>
<div class="general">You try to open the bathroom door.</div><br>
<<speech "Player" "$name">><i>That is odd, the bathroom door is closed.</i><</speech>><br>
<div class="general">Then you suddenly hear some moaning.</div><br>
<<speech "Player" "$name">><i>Is that Sarah?</i><</speech>><br>
<div class="general">You listen closely again.</div><br>
<<speech "Player" "$name">><i>Seems like she is enjoying herself. Better let her.</i><</speech>><br>
<a data-passage="upstairs"><div class="talkloc">Let’s go somewhere else</div></a>
<<set $time to $time +1>>
<<elseif $suspiciouschristel gte 15>>
<div class="general">You try to open the bathroom door.</div><br>
<<speech "Player" "$name">><i>That is odd, the bathroom door is closed.</i><</speech>><br>
<div class="general">Then you suddenly hear people giggling from behind the door and the shower running.</div><br>
<<speech "Player" "$name">><i>Did I hear 2 different people?</i><</speech>><br>
<div class="general">You listen closely again.</div><br>
<<speech "Player" "$name">><i>Hmmm, apparently they are in the bathroom together and one of them is showering..</i><</speech>><br>
<a data-passage="upstairs"><div class="talkloc">Let’s go somewhere else</div></a>
<<set $time to $time +1>>
<<set $suspiciouschristel to $suspiciouschristel +5>>
<<elseif $suspiciouschristel gte 10>>
<div class="general">You try to open the bathroom door.</div><br>
<<speech "Player" "$name">><i>That is odd, the bathroom door is closed.</i><</speech>><br>
<div class="general">Then you suddenly hear people giggling from behind the door.</div><br>
<<speech "Player" "$name">><i>Did I hear 2 different people?</i><</speech>><br>
<div class="general">You listen closely again.</div><br>
<<speech "Player" "$name">><i>Hmmm, apparently they are in the bathroom together.</i><</speech>><br>
<a data-passage="upstairs"><div class="talkloc">Let’s go somewhere else</div></a>
<<set $time to $time +1>>
<<set $suspiciouschristel to $suspiciouschristel +5>>
<<elseif $suspiciouschristel gte 5>>
<div class="general">You try to open the bathroom door.</div><br>
<<speech "Player" "$name">><i>That is odd, the bathroom door is closed.</i><</speech>><br>
<div class="general">Then you suddenly hear people giggling from behind the door.</div><br>
<<speech "Player" "$name">><i>Did I hear 2 different people?</i><</speech>><br>
<div class="general">You listen closely again.</div><br>
<<speech "Player" "$name">><i>Hmmm, must have been mistaken.</i><</speech>><br>
<a data-passage="upstairs"><div class="talkloc">Let’s go somewhere else</div></a>
<<set $time to $time +1>>
<<set $suspiciouschristel to $suspiciouschristel +5>>
<div class="general">You try to open the bathroom door.</div><br>
<<speech "Player" "$name">><i>That is odd, the bathroom door is closed.</i><</speech>><br>
<div class="general">Then you suddenly hear some giggling from behind the door.</div><br>
<<speech "Player" "$name">><i>Apparently she has fun enough on her own.</i><</speech>><br>
<a data-passage="upstairs"><div class="talkloc">Let’s go somewhere else</div></a>
<<set $time to $time +1>>
<<set $suspiciouschristel to $suspiciouschristel +5>>
<<speech "Sarah" "Sarah">>Dave can you come over here? We need to talk about Christel..<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">><i>Oh boy.</i><</speech>>
<div class="general">You find Sarah in the livingroom.</div>
<<speech "Sarah" "Sarah">>After.. Well you know.. I called her. And besides it being very emotional, there was one conclusion.. She is moving in with us.<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>How, where is she going to live?<</speech>>
<<speech "Sarah" "Sarah">>We could let her live in the shed.<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>What? That place is a mess and disgusting.<</speech>>
<<speech "Sarah" "Sarah">>So, it needs some cleaning and a paint job, but it is quite spacious and Christel has plenty of stuff to move in there. Also, it already has all utilities from when we wanted to turn it into a bed and breakfast.<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Alright, I guess that could work...<</speech>>
<<speech "Sarah" "Sarah">>Good, because it’s happening either way.<</speech>>
<a data-passage="bedroom"><div class="talkplayer">Let’s do something else</div></a>
<<set $time to $time +1>>
<<set $christelevent10b to "true">><<speech "Player" "$name">><i>Let's see if I can find her online.</i><</speech>>
<div class="general">Quite quickly you find a picture.</div>
<img src="images/other/club/bradsmum/bradsmum1.jpg" />
<<speech "Player" "$name">><i>That's not bad. Maybe I should visit the club sometime.</i><</speech>>
<a data-passage="university"><div class="talkplayer">Let’s do something else</div></a>
<div class="general">You look around and then you see her.</div>
<<speech "Player" "$name">><i>Damn, Kayla was not wrong about her.</i><</speech>>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Go to her->bradmum1b]]</span></div>
<<set $bradsmum1 to "true">><div class="general">You walk towards her.</div>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Hi there.<</speech>>
<<speech "bradsmum" "Brads Mum">>Well hello!<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">><i>Damn, she is tipsy at best and coming on strong right from the start.</i><</speech>>
<<speech "bradsmum" "Brads Mum">>Never thought I would find anyone.. Older in here. Even though you look very fit for your age.<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Well thank you, you do not look bad yourself.<</speech>>
<<speech "bradsmum" "Brads Mum">>Not bad? I look ravishing.<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">><i>No lack of confidence here.</i><</speech>>
<<speech "bradsmum" "Brads Mum">>I can seduce anyone here, anyone!<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">><i>I think that even I can do that here.</i><</speech>>
<<speech "bradsmum" "Brads Mum">>You know.. Normally I would go for a younger man, but for you I am willing to make an exception.<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">><i>I said two words and this woman is throwing herself at me.</i><</speech>>
<<speech "bradsmum" "Brads Mum">>So do you want to get out of here?<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Sure, why not.<</speech>>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Follow her->bradmum1c]]</span></div><div class="general">Not much later you find yourself at her house.</div>
<<speech "bradsmum" "Brads Mum">>My boy is at his girlfriends house so we have all the time in the world. You know what, I’m going to fresh up, you just sit here and wait for me.<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Alright.<</speech>>
<div class="general">She leaves the room.</div>
<<speech "Player" "$name">><i>That is my queue.</i><</speech>>
<div class="general">You grab her handbag and start rummaging through it.</div>
<<speech "Player" "$name">><i>Where is it? Ah there it is.</i><</speech>>
<div class="general">You grab her phone.</div>
<<speech "Player" "$name">><i>Hmmm, what would her password be? Would it be this easy?</i><</speech>>
<div class="general">You enter Brads birthday and sure, it unlocks.</div>
<<speech "Player" "$name">><i>Let’s send a text to this little fucking weasel.</i><</speech>>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Continue->bradmum1d]]</span></div><div class="general">Once you have send the message to Brad you sit down and not much later Brads mum returns.</div>
<<speech "bradsmum" "Brads Mum">>So where were we.<</speech>>
<div class="general">She places her hands on your legs.</div>
<video src="images/other/club/bradsmum/bradsmum1a.webm" autoplay loop></video>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Continue->bradmum1e]]</span></div>
<<speech "bradsmum" "Brads Mum">>Where are my manners?<</speech>>
<div class="general">She gets up and starts undressing in front of you.</div>
<video src="images/other/club/bradsmum/bradsmum1b.webm" autoplay loop></video>
<<speech "bradsmum" "Brads Mum">>This should make things a lot easier.<</speech>>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Continue->bradmum1f]]</span></div>
<<speech "bradsmum" "Brads Mum">>Come here, mommy is hungry!<</speech>>
<div class="general">She pulls you up and drops down onto her knees and takes you cock out and starts sucking it.</div>
<video src="images/other/club/bradsmum/bradsmum1c.webm" autoplay loop></video>
<<speech "bradsmum" "Brads Mum">>Hmmmhmmm.<</speech>>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Continue->bradmum1g]]</span></div>
<<speech "bradsmum" "Brads Mum">>Hmhmm, you have an amazing cock.<</speech>>
<div class="general">She keeps sucking you.</div>
<video src="images/other/club/bradsmum/bradsmum1d.webm" autoplay loop></video>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Continue->bradmum1h]]</span></div>
<<speech "Player" "$name">><i>Damn, she is good, I am actually enjoying this.</i><</speech>>
<div class="general">She keeps eagerly sucking you.</div>
<video src="images/other/club/bradsmum/bradsmum1e.webm" autoplay loop></video>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Continue->bradmum1i]]</span></div>
<div class="general">She gets up and lays back on the couch.</div>
<<speech "bradsmum" "Brads Mum">>Your turn handsome.<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Don’t mind if I do.<</speech>>
<div class="general">You get down and start licking her.</div>
<video src="images/other/club/bradsmum/bradsmum1f.webm" autoplay loop></video>
<<speech "bradsmum" "Brads Mum">>Oohw, yes, you are good at this!<</speech>>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Continue->bradmum1j]]</span></div>
<<speech "bradsmum" "Brads Mum">>Hmmm, I’m wet enough, fuck me!<</speech>>
<div class="general">You get up and push your dick inside of her.</div>
<video src="images/other/club/bradsmum/bradsmum1g.webm" autoplay loop></video>
<<speech "bradsmum" "Brads Mum">>Hmmmm, yes!<</speech>>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Continue->bradmum1k]]</span></div><<speech "bradsmum" "Brads Mum">>Oh yes!<</speech>>
<div class="general">You keep fucking her.</div>
<video src="images/other/club/bradsmum/bradsmum1h.webm" autoplay loop></video>
<<speech "bradsmum" "Brads Mum">>Damn, I should take more experienced cock more often.<</speech>>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Continue->bradmum1l]]</span></div>
<<speech "Player" "$name">><i>Time to take some control.</i><</speech>>
<div class="general">You grab her hips and flip her around.</div>
<<speech "bradsmum" "Brads Mum">>Hmmm, I love a man that takes control.<</speech>>
<div class="general">Once she is down on all fours you start fucking her again.</div>
<video src="images/other/club/bradsmum/bradsmum1i.webm" autoplay loop></video>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Continue->bradmum1m]]</span></div>
<div class="general">You keep fucking her.</div>
<video src="images/other/club/bradsmum/bradsmum1j.webm" autoplay loop></video>
<<speech "bradsmum" "Brads Mum">>Oh yes!<</speech>>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Continue->bradmum1n]]</span></div>
<div class="general">Then you hear a key in the front door and the door opens.</div>
<<speech "random" "Brad">>Mum, I’m here? Where are you?<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Oh no, you are going nowhere.<</speech>>
<div class="general">You grab her hips tightly as you keep fucking her.</div>
<video src="images/other/club/bradsmum/bradsmum1k.webm" autoplay loop></video>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Continue->bradmum1o]]</span></div>
<<speech "bradsmum" "Brads Mum">>No! He can’t see.. Hmmhmh.. Me like this.. Hmmhm..<</speech>>
<<speech "random" "Brad">>MOM! WHAT ARE YOU! WHAT THE FUCK! MR. $name?!<</speech>>
<<speech "bradsmum" "Brads Mum">>Hmmm.. Stop wath.. Oooooooh!<</speech>>
<div class="general">He watches his mum cum while you fuck her then he turns away and runs out of the door.</div>
<video src="images/other/club/bradsmum/bradsmum1m.webm" autoplay loop></video>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Fuck, did you just cum from your kid watching you?<</speech>>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Continue->bradmum1p]]</span></div>
<<speech "bradsmum" "Brads Mum">>Hmmm, fuck, I don’t.. Hmmmhmm.. Know.<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Well, it’s to late now.<</speech>>
<div class="general">You keep fucking her from behind.</div>
<video src="images/other/club/bradsmum/bradsmum1n.webm" autoplay loop></video>
<<speech "bradsmum" "Brads Mum">>Hmhmm.<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Get on your knees!<</speech>>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Continue->bradmum1q]]</span></div>
<div class="general">Obediently she gets on her knees and sticks out her tongue.</div>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Oh yes!<</speech>>
<div class="general">You start cumming all over her face and in her mouth.</div>
<video src="images/other/club/bradsmum/bradsmum1o.webm" autoplay loop></video>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Continue->bradmum1r]]</span></div>
<<speech "bradsmum" "Brads Mum">>Damn.. What just happened?<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Your son saw you fuck.<</speech>>
<<speech "bradsmum" "Brads Mum">>This is going to be...<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Either way, I have to go?<</speech>>
<<speech "bradsmum" "Brads Mum">>Can I get your number?<</speech>>
<div class="general">Without answering you leave the house.</div>
<a data-passage="center"><div class="talkloc">Let’s go somewhere else</div></a>
<<speech "Player" "$name">><i>Well, here I am. I good food, drinks and booze. This should make a decent apology shouldn’t it?</i> <</speech>>
<div class="general">You ring the doorbell and not much later Ellie opens the door.</div>
<<speech "ellie" "Ellie">>What are you doing here?<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>I’m here to talk about last time. I have pizza. <</speech>>
<div class="general">A small smile appears on Ellies face, but she hides it quickly.</div>
<<speech "ellie" "Ellie">>Ok, you can come in.<</speech>>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Continue->ellieevent7a]]</span></div>
<<set $ellietimer to 0>><div class="general">You follow her into her room where she sits down on her bed.</div>
<video src="images/ellie/ellieevent7/ellieevent7a.webm" autoplay loop></video>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>I have something very good to drink here.<</speech>>
<<speech "ellie" "Ellie">>No thank you, I don’t drink alcohol.<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Really? Have you ever tried it?<</speech>>
<<speech "ellie" "Ellie">>No, never.<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Sure you don’t want to try?<</speech>>
<<speech "ellie" "Ellie">>Yes, I am sure.<</speech>>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Spike her drink->ellieevent7ba]]</span></div>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Just continue->ellieevent7bb]]</span></div>
<div class="general">You poor some alcohol in her drink without Ellie seeing it and then you give it to her.</div>
<<speech "ellie" "Ellie">>Hmmm, what is this? Tastes nice.<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>I don’t know, it’s some new drink.<</speech>>
<div class="general">You and Ellie keep drinking and eating.</div>
<video src="images/ellie/ellieevent7/ellieevent7b.webm" autoplay loop></video>
<div class="general">After a while you notice that she starts giggling more.</div>
<<speech "Player" "$name">><i>Must be the alcohol setting in.</i><</speech>>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Continue->ellieevent7d]]</span></div>
<<set $ellieevent7 to "true">><div class="general">You end up having a fun time with Ellie.</div>
<video src="images/ellie/ellieevent7/ellieevent7b.webm" autoplay loop></video>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>We should do this again sometime.<</speech>>
<a data-passage="suburbs"><div class="talkloc">Let’s go somewhere else</div></a>
<<addenergy -20>>
<<addhygene -10>>
<<addhappiness 15>>
<<set $time to $time +2>><<speech "Player" "$name">>You look really hot in that outfit of yours.<</speech>>
<<speech "ellie" "Ellie">>Hihi, do you think so?<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Yes, it has a certain effect on me.<</speech>>
<<speech "ellie" "Ellie">>Oh, is that so, and what kind of effect is that?<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Why don’t you feel for yourself?<</speech>>
<<speech "ellie" "Ellie">>What do you..?<</speech>>
<div class="general">You grab her hand an place it over on you dick over your pants.</div>
<video src="images/ellie/ellieevent7/ellieevent7c.webm" autoplay loop></video>
<<speech "ellie" "Ellie">>Oooh! It feels... Hard.<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>That’s your fault.<</speech>>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Continue->ellieevent7e]]</span></div>
<div class="general">She pulls her hand away.</div>
<<speech "ellie" "Ellie">>So that is my fault?<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Yes! Want to feel some more?<</speech>>
<<speech "ellie" "Ellie">>I.. I shouldn’t.<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Ohw come on.<</speech>>
<div class="general">Reluctantly, she gives you her hand and you place it back again. Then you pull down you pants and before she even realizes is she strokes you a couple of times.</div>
<video src="images/ellie/ellieevent7/ellieevent7d.webm" autoplay loop></video>
<div class="general">Then she pulls her hand back.</div>
<<speech "ellie" "Ellie">>I.. I.. Sorry.<</speech>>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Continue->ellieevent7f]]</span></div>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>You don’t have to be sorry, it feels very good when you do that.<</speech>>
<<speech "ellie" "Ellie">>It’s just.. I haven’t done anything like this before..<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Let me teach you.<</speech>>
<<speech "ellie" "Ellie">>I.. I don’t know.. <</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Come give it a taste.<</speech>>
<div class="general">You grab her head and push it towards your dick. She hesitates but then gives it a little lick, and then another before she pulls away again.</div>
<video src="images/ellie/ellieevent7/ellieevent7e.webm" autoplay loop></video>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Continue->ellieevent7g]]</span></div><<speech "Player" "$name">>Come on, you can do better than that. Maybe drink a bit more for.. For the taste.<</speech>>
<div class="general">She grabs a glass and drinks more of the spiked soda.</div>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Now, take it in your mouth.<</speech>>
<div class="general">Reluctantly she grabs your dick and slowly puts it in her mouth and starts softly sucking.</div>
<video src="images/ellie/ellieevent7/ellieevent7f.webm" autoplay loop></video>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Hmmm, very good.<</speech>>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Continue->ellieevent7h]]</span></div>
<div class="general">You grab her head and slowly increase the pace.</div>
<video src="images/ellie/ellieevent7/ellieevent7g.webm" autoplay loop></video>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>You are learning quickly.<</speech>>
<div class="general">She stops and looks up at you with a smile.</div>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Continue->ellieevent7i]]</span></div>
<div class="general">You push her down on her back.</div>
<<speech "ellie" "Ellie">>Hee, what are you doing?<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Well, you touched me, it’s only fair that I touch you as well.<</speech>>
<<speech "ellie" "Ellie">>I.. I guess so.<</speech>>
<div class="general">You start taking off her top.</div>
<video src="images/ellie/ellieevent7/ellieevent7h.webm" autoplay loop></video>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Continue->ellieevent7j]]</span></div>
<<speech "ellie" "Ellie">>M.. Maybe we should stop.<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>And why would we do that, just now when I am going to make you feel good.<</speech>>
<div class="general">You start sucking on her nipple and push your hand between her legs.</div>
<video src="images/ellie/ellieevent7/ellieevent7i.webm" autoplay loop></video>
<<speech "ellie" "Ellie">>Ooooh. Hmmmhmm.<</speech>>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Continue->ellieevent7k]]</span></div>
<div class="general">You pull off her panties and start playing with her pussy while kissing her and her breasts.</div>
<video src="images/ellie/ellieevent7/ellieevent7k.webm" autoplay loop></video>
<<speech "ellie" "Ellie">>Ooooh. That feels good.<</speech>>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Continue->ellieevent7l]]</span></div>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>I told you I would make you feel good.<</speech>>
<div class="general">You keep going but slowly move downwards her body.</div>
<video src="images/ellie/ellieevent7/ellieevent7l.webm" autoplay loop></video>
<<speech "ellie" "Ellie">>Hmmm, where are you...?<</speech>>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Continue->ellieevent7m]]</span></div>
<div class="general">Before she can finish her sentence you start licking her pussy.</div>
<video src="images/ellie/ellieevent7/ellieevent7m.webm" autoplay loop></video>
<<speech "ellie" "Ellie">>Ooooh. Hmmmmmmhmm.<</speech>>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Continue->ellieevent7n]]</span></div><<speech "ellie" "Ellie">>Hmmmhmhmm.<</speech>>
<div class="general">You keep licking her.</div>
<video src="images/ellie/ellieevent7/ellieevent7n.webm" autoplay loop></video>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Continue->ellieevent7o]]</span></div><<speech "Player" "$name">>Come here.<</speech>>
<div class="general">You reposition her and lay behind her.</div>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Are you ready for your first time?<</speech>>
<<speech "ellie" "Ellie">>I.. I don’t..<</speech>>
<div class="general">You don’t let her finish and you push your dick inside of her pussy.</div>
<video src="images/ellie/ellieevent7/ellieevent7o.webm" autoplay loop></video>
<<speech "ellie" "Ellie">>Oooh fuck! You are inside me.. Hmmmm<</speech>>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Continue->ellieevent7p]]</span></div>
<div class="general">You slowly start to increase speed.</div>
<video src="images/ellie/ellieevent7/ellieevent7p.webm" autoplay loop></video>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Does it feel good?<</speech>>
<<speech "ellie" "Ellie">>Hmm, yes.<</speech>>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Continue->ellieevent7q]]</span></div>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Fuck, your pussy feels good!<</speech>>
<div class="general">You keep fucking her harder and harder.</div>
<video src="images/ellie/ellieevent7/ellieevent7q.webm" autoplay loop></video>
<<speech "ellie" "Ellie">>Ooohh... Hmmmhmhmhhhm.<</speech>>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Continue->ellieevent7r]]</span></div>
<div class="general">You keep fucking her harder and harder, until you notice some spasms from Ellie. She is cumming.</div>
<video src="images/ellie/ellieevent7/ellieevent7r.webm" autoplay loop></video>
<div class="general">After she came you stop and kiss her.</div>
<<speech "ellie" "Ellie">>Hmmm. Wow, that was intense..<</speech>>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Continue->ellieevent7s]]</span></div>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Sit up, I’m not done with you yet.<</speech>>
<div class="general">She sits up and you start jerking off, until, quite quickly, start cumming on her chest.</div>
<video src="images/ellie/ellieevent7/ellieevent7w.webm" autoplay loop></video>
<<speech "ellie" "Ellie">>Hmm, that feels.. Warm..<</speech>>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Continue->ellieevent7t]]</span></div>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Why don’t you try it.</div>
<<speech "ellie" "Ellie">>Try what? Oooohw.. I.. I don’t know.<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Come on, just a little bit.</div>
<div class="general">Ellie put her finger in your cum and slowly moves it towards her mouth and sucks the cum of her finger.</div>
<video src="images/ellie/ellieevent7/ellieevent7x.webm" autoplay loop></video>
<<speech "ellie" "Ellie">>Hmm, can’t say I like it.<</speech>>
<div class="general">Then she gets up.</div>
<<speech "ellie" "Ellie">>I’m should probably take a shower..<</speech>>
<div class="general">She walks out of the room.</div>
<a data-passage="suburbs"><div class="talkloc">Let’s go somewhere else</div></a>
<<addenergy -30>>
<<addhygene -15>>
<<addhappiness 15>>
<<set $time to $time +2>>
<<if $fitness gte 0 and $fitness lt 25>>
<<addarousal -35>>
<<elseif $fitness gte 20 and $fitness lt 40>>
<<addarousal -30>>
<<elseif $fitness gte 40>>
<<addarousal -25>><</if>><<speech "Player" "$name">><i>Well, here I am again. Let’s see if she is up for more.</i> <</speech>>
<div class="general">You ring the doorbell and not much later Ellie opens the door. When she sees you, she blushes deeply.</div>
<<speech "ellie" "Ellie">>What are you doing here?<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Can I come in? <</speech>>
<<speech "ellie" "Ellie">>I.. I guess.<</speech>>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Continue->ellieevent8a]]</span></div>
<<set $ellieevent8 to "true">>
<<set $ellietimer to 0>><<speech "Player" "$name">>Given last time, I thought maybe you would be in for some more?<</speech>>
<<speech "ellie" "Ellie">>I.. I don’t know.. I don’t even know what happened last time.. I mean, I don’t really understand why I did it.. I felt.. Different.<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">><i>That’s called alcohol.</i><</speech>>
<<speech "ellie" "Ellie">>So.. I am not sure if we should do it again.<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Are you saying you didn’t enjoy it?<</speech>>
<<speech "ellie" "Ellie">>Well.. It did feel good..<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>So, what is the problem?<</speech>>
<div class="general">You move closer to her.</div>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Continue->ellieevent8b]]</span></div><<speech "Player" "$name">>Come here, let me make you feel good again.<</speech>>
<div class="general">You start groping and undressing her and plant a kiss on her mouth.</div>
<video src="images/ellie/ellieevent8/ellieevent8a.webm" autoplay loop></video>
<<speech "ellie" "Ellie">>I’m not sure we should do this..<</speech>>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Continue->ellieevent8c]]</span></div><div class="general">You ignore what she says and start to suck on her nipples.</div>
<video src="images/ellie/ellieevent8/ellieevent8b.webm" autoplay loop></video>
<<speech "ellie" "Ellie">>Hmmmm.<</speech>>
<div class="general">Even though she is reluctant, you manage to undress her further.</div>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Continue->ellieevent8d]]</span></div><div class="general">You go further down and start rubbing your finger over her panties.</div>
<video src="images/ellie/ellieevent8/ellieevent8c.webm" autoplay loop></video>
<<speech "ellie" "Ellie">>Hmmmm, we should really stop..<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Owh come one, we both know you want this.<</speech>>
<<speech "ellie" "Ellie">>I.. I..<</speech>>
<div class="general">Even though she keeps protesting a little bit, you manage to take of her panties.</div>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Continue->ellieevent8e]]</span></div><div class="general">You want to go down on her, but she keeps her legs close.</div>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Playing hard to get? We both know you love this.<</speech>>
<div class="general">With some persistence her legs open.</div>
<video src="images/ellie/ellieevent8/ellieevent8d.webm" autoplay loop></video>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Continue->ellieevent8f]]</span></div><div class="general">She finally stops resisting and you start to lick her pussy.</div>
<video src="images/ellie/ellieevent8/ellieevent8e.webm" autoplay loop></video>
<<speech "ellie" "Ellie">>Hmmhmmhm<</speech>>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Continue->ellieevent8g]]</span></div><<speech "ellie" "Ellie">>Hmhmmh, ooh!<</speech>>
<div class="general">You keep licking her.</div>
<video src="images/ellie/ellieevent8/ellieevent8f.webm" autoplay loop></video>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Continue->ellieevent8h]]</span></div><div class="general">You stop and sit back.</div>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Your turn.<</speech>>
<div class="general">You grab her hand and place it on your hard dick.</div>
<video src="images/ellie/ellieevent8/ellieevent8g.webm" autoplay loop></video>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Continue->ellieevent8i]]</span></div><div class="general">You keep undressing yourself.</div>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>I think you remember what to do.<</speech>>
<div class="general">She softly starts to rub your dick with her hand.</div>
<video src="images/ellie/ellieevent8/ellieevent8h.webm" autoplay loop></video>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Continue->ellieevent8j]]</span></div><div class="general">She grabs your dick and starts jerking you off.</div>
<video src="images/ellie/ellieevent8/ellieevent8i.webm" autoplay loop></video>
<div class="general"> You look at her and it is almost like she is in a trance.</div>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Continue->ellieevent8k]]</span></div><<speech "Player" "$name">>Do you remember what comes next.<</speech>>
<div class="general">She nods shyly and start softly licking your dick.</div>
<video src="images/ellie/ellieevent8/ellieevent8j.webm" autoplay loop></video>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Hmmm, good girl.<</speech>>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Continue->ellieevent8l]]</span></div><div class="general">Then she starts actually sucking your dick.</div>
<video src="images/ellie/ellieevent8/ellieevent8k.webm" autoplay loop></video>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Hmmm.<</speech>>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Continue->ellieevent8m]]</span></div><div class="general">Suddenly she stops.</div>
<<speech "ellie" "Ellie">>We really shouldn’t be doing this..<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>You where doing so well!<</speech>>
<<speech "ellie" "Ellie">>I.. It makes me feel like a slut.. And I don’t want that..<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>So you are just going to leave me like this?<</speech>>
<<speech "ellie" "Ellie">>Well.. How about just a handjob?<</speech>>
<div class="general">She slowly starts to jerk you again.</div>
<video src="images/ellie/ellieevent8/ellieevent8l.webm" autoplay loop></video>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Guess that’s a yes.<</speech>>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Continue->ellieevent8n]]</span></div><div class="general">You get up and lay down.</div>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Sit between my legs and continue.<</speech>>
<div class="general">She does as you say and continues to jerk you off.</div>
<video src="images/ellie/ellieevent8/ellieevent8m.webm" autoplay loop></video>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Continue->ellieevent8o]]</span></div><div class="general">She keeps going.</div>
<video src="images/ellie/ellieevent8/ellieevent8n.webm" autoplay loop></video>
<<speech "ellie" "Ellie">>Are you close?<</speech>>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Continue->ellieevent8p]]</span></div><<speech "Player" "$name">>Not really, maybe you can motivate me a bit more.<</speech>>
<<speech "ellie" "Ellie">>I’m not going to fuck you again.<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>How about you rub your pussy over my dick.<</speech>>
<div class="general">She seems reluctant, but does what you say.</div>
<video src="images/ellie/ellieevent8/ellieevent8o.webm" autoplay loop></video>
<<speech "ellie" "Ellie">>Hmmmm.<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">><i>Seems like I’m not the only one enjoying this..</i><</speech>>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Continue->ellieevent8q]]</span></div><div class="general">She keeps going.</div>
<video src="images/ellie/ellieevent8/ellieevent8p.webm" autoplay loop></video>
<<speech "ellie" "Ellie">>Ooh!<</speech>>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Continue->ellieevent8r]]</span></div><<speech "Player" "$name">>We both know you want it.<</speech>>
<div class="general">Ellie blushes.</div>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Come on, put it in!<</speech>>
<div class="general">She grabs your dick and guides it into her pussy.</div>
<video src="images/ellie/ellieevent8/ellieevent8q.webm" autoplay loop></video>
<<speech "ellie" "Ellie">>Oooh! Yes!<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Hmmm, good girl!<</speech>>
<<speech "ellie" "Ellie">>Oooh! Hmhmmhmhmm!<</speech>>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Continue->ellieevent8s]]</span></div><<speech "ellie" "Ellie">>Oooh! Ooooh!<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Fuck, your are tight!<</speech>>
<div class="general">Quite quickly you both start cumming.</div>
<video src="images/ellie/ellieevent8/ellieevent8r.webm" autoplay loop></video>
<<speech "ellie" "Ellie">>Hmmmm<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Damn, I came a lot.<</speech>>
<div class="general">Ellie doesn’t respond, she turns red, stands up and leaves. You hear the bathroom door close and lock.</div>
<<speech "Player" "$name">><i>I guess, that was that.</i><</speech>>
<a data-passage="suburbs"><div class="talkloc">Let’s go somewhere else</div></a>
<<addenergy -30>>
<<addhygene -15>>
<<addhappiness 15>>
<<set $time to $time +2>>
<<if $fitness gte 0 and $fitness lt 25>>
<<addarousal -35>>
<<elseif $fitness gte 20 and $fitness lt 40>>
<<addarousal -30>>
<<elseif $fitness gte 40>>
<<addarousal -25>><</if>><<speech "Sarah" "Sarah">>$name, honey!<</speech>>
<div class="general">Sarah walks up to you, she seems.. Flushed.</div>
<<speech "Sarah" "Sarah">>I.. I eeh.. I want to give you something.<</speech>>
<div class="general">Sarah walks up to you, she seems.. Flushed. Then she quickly hands you a flash drive and starts walking away.</div>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>What is..? Is this..?<</speech>>
<div class="general">But before you can ask, she walks of.</div>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Watch what is on the tumbdrive->neighbour3a]]</span></div>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Don’t watch what is on the tumbdrive->upstairs]]</span></div>
<<set $neighbour3 to "true">>
<<set $sarahneigtimer to 0>><div class="general">You walk into your office and open the only file on the USB drive. It is what you expected. You see Sarah on the bed of your neighbour.</div>
<<speech "Player" "$name">><i>Well, I guess that is exactly what I expected..</i><</speech>>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Continue->neighbour3b]]</span></div>
<<speech "Sarah" "Sarah">>Hi, daddy. Are you ready for your treat today?<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">><i>Did she actually called him daddy?</i><</speech>>
<div class="general">Sarah keeps teasing.</div>
<video src="images/sarah/events/neigbour3/neigbour3a.webm" autoplay loop></video>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Continue->neighbour3c]]</span></div>
<div class="general">Sarah keeps teasing the neighbour.</div>
<video src="images/sarah/events/neigbour3/neigbour3b.webm" autoplay loop></video>
<<speech "Sarah" "Sarah">>Why don't you lay down?<</speech>>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Continue->neighbour3d]]</span></div>
<div class="general">You neighbour lays down and Sarah rubs his dick over his pants and keeps teasing him.</div>
<video src="images/sarah/events/neigbour3/neigbour3c.webm" autoplay loop></video>
<div class="general">Does this make you hard daddy?</div>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Continue->neighbour3e]]</span></div>
<div class="general">Sarah takes off his pants and takes off her dress and bra.</div>
<video src="images/sarah/events/neigbour3/neigbour3d.webm" autoplay loop></video>
<<speech "Sarah" "Sarah">>Do you like what you see?<</speech>>
<<speech "neighbour" "neighbour">>Yes, yes I do babygirl.<</speech>>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Continue->neighbour3f]]</span></div>
<div class="general">Sarah takes off his underwear and starts jerking him off.</div>
<video src="images/sarah/events/neigbour3/neigbour3e.webm" autoplay loop></video>
<<speech "Sarah" "Sarah">>Hmmm, you have such an amazing dick.<</speech>>
<<speech "neighbour" "neighbour">>Hhhmhm.<</speech>>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Continue->neighbour3g]]</span></div>
<<speech "Sarah" "Sarah">>Oooh, it feels so good and big in my hand.<</speech>>
<div class="general">Sarah keeps jerking him off.</div>
<video src="images/sarah/events/neigbour3/neigbour3f.webm" autoplay loop></video>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Continue->neighbour3h]]</span></div>
<<speech "Sarah" "Sarah">>Hmmm, it’s so big, I should probably use both hands, don’t you think?<</speech>>
<div class="general">She keeps going.</div>
<video src="images/sarah/events/neigbour3/neigbour3g.webm" autoplay loop></video>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Continue->neighbour3i]]</span></div>
<<speech "Sarah" "Sarah">>I feel so dirty being here with you, my husband doesn’t even know we are doing this. But I just couldn’t resist. I couldn’t resist this big cock.<</speech>>
<div class="general">She keeps jerking.</div>
<video src="images/sarah/events/neigbour3/neigbour3h.webm" autoplay loop></video>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Continue->neighbour3j]]</span></div>
<<speech "Sarah" "Sarah">>Do you think my husband will be angry? I think he will enjoy watching this. But I guess we will see. First I want to see you cum.<</speech>>
<div class="general">She increases her jerking speed.</div>
<video src="images/sarah/events/neigbour3/neigbour3i.webm" autoplay loop></video>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Continue->neighbour3k]]</span></div>
<<speech "neighbour" "neighbour">>Oh fuck, I’m cumming baby.<</speech>>
<<speech "Sarah" "Sarah">>Yes, cum for me daddy, cum for me!<</speech>>
<div class="general">The neighbour starts cumming.</div>
<video src="images/sarah/events/neigbour3/neigbour3j.webm" autoplay loop></video>
<<speech "Sarah" "Sarah">>Oooh daddy, that is so hot!<</speech>>
<div class="general">Then the clips stops.</div>
<<speech "Player" "$name">><i>What.. How.. When did she manage to do this? We agreed that she would tell me in advance! Am I ok with this?</i><</speech>>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Yes, this is ok->neighbour3l]]</span></div>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[No, I am not happy about this->neighbour3o]]</span></div>
<<set $time to $time +1>>
<<addarousal 50>>
<div class="general">You find Sarah in her bedroom.</div>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Sooo, I watched your tape.<</speech>>
<div class="general">She turns red.</div>
<<speech "Sarah" "Sarah">>I.. I.. I want to say sorry, I know I broke a rule, but I enjoyed it way to much, I was so excited last time... I was just drawn to it, I felt like I had to do it. And, don’t worry, it’s not even about the neighbour, I mean for his age he is good looking, he’s nice and a true gentleman..<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">><i>Oh, is that all...</i><</speech>>
<<speech "Sarah" "Sarah">>It’s the whole experience, the feeling, thinking about what you think and how you are turned on by it... At least that is what I hope..<</speech>>
<div class="general">It stays silent for a second.</div>
<<speech "Sarah" "Sarah">>Soo.. Can I continue doing.. Stuff with our neighbour. I promise I’ll always be honest about it and I promise that I will stick to the rules next time.<</speech>>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[You can continue->neighbour3m]]</span></div>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[You cannot continue->neighbour3n]]</span></div>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>You can keep seeing him as long as you are honest about it, no more rule breaking!<</speech>>
<div class="general">Sarah smiles.</div>
<<speech "Sarah" "Sarah">>Thank you!<</speech>>
<div class="general">She stays silent for a moment.</div>
<<speech "Sarah" "Sarah">>This might not be the best time to tell you... But I am planning on seeing him again soon.. And it might be more than a handjob..<</speech>>
<div class="general">Before you really realize what she just said, she leaves.</div>
<<speech "Player" "$name">><i>Well, I did gave her permission..</i><</speech>>
<a data-passage="upstairs"><div class="talkloc">Let’s go somewhere else</div></a>
<<set $neighbour3j to "true">><<speech "Player" "$name">>I want you to stop seeing him, it has gone to far.<</speech>>
<div class="general">Sarah seems sad and suprised.</div>
<<speech "Sarah" "Sarah">>Owh.. I guess I understand.<</speech>>
<div class="general">Sarah seems very dissapointed.</div>
<a data-passage="upstairs"><div class="talkloc">Let’s go somewhere else</div></a>
<<set $neighbour3n to "true">>
<<speech "Player" "$name">><i>Maybe I should give Ellie a call.</i><</speech>>
<div class="general">You grab your phone and call Ellie.</div>
<<speech "random" "Robotvoice">>This number is no longer in use.<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">><i>Damn, she just dissapeared? How odd..</i><</speech>>
<a data-passage="suburbs"><div class="talkplayer">Let’s do something else</div></a>
<<set $ellieend to "true">><div class="general">You are standing at the address Olivia gave you.</div>
<<speech "Player" "$name">><i>Damn, can’t say it is what I expected.. And in the center of the suburbs.. A sexlcub.. Who would have thought.</i><</speech>>
<div class="general">You walk closer and see a doorbell with a camera.</div>
<<speech "Player" "$name">><i>Well, let’s see if someone is home.</i><</speech>>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Ring the bell->sexclub1]]</span></div><<if $time gte 7>>
<<if $oliviaevent1 is "false">>
<<speech "random" "Some woman">>Hello?<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Hi, eehm, can I come in?<</speech>>
<<speech "random" "Some woman">>Name?<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>$name, I got this address from Olivia..<</speech>>
<<speech "random" "Some woman">>Olivia you say.. Please enter and when inside, please go to the left into the waiting area. Olivia will come for you there.<</speech>>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Ring the bell->oliviaevent1b]]</span></div>
<div class="general">WIP.</div>
<a data-passage="suburbs"><div class="talkloc">Let’s go somewhere else</div></a>
<<speech "Player" "$name">><i>No response, maybe I should trie it a bit later on the day.</i><</speech>>
<a data-passage="suburbs"><div class="talkloc">Let’s go somewhere else</div></a>
<</if>><div class="general">The door buzzes and you walk inside and enter the waiting room.</div>
<<speech "Player" "$name">><i>Well I hate to say it, but this looks nothing like I imagined. I looks quite sad to be honest..</i><</speech>>
<div class="general">It doesn't take long before Olivia arrives.</div>
<<speech "olivia" "Olivia">>This is so great that you... Owh..<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>What? Expecting someone else?<</speech>>
<<speech "olivia" "Olivia">>No.. No, that’s not it.. It’s just.. You are supposed to come in as a couple..<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>I have to bring Sarah?<</speech>>
<div class="general">Olivia sits down on your lap.</div>
<video src="images/olivia/event1/olivia1a.webm" autoplay loop></video>
<<speech "olivia" "Olivia">>Yeah, otherwise there are going to be way to many men.<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Well, I guess that makes sense..<</speech>>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Continue->oliviaevent1c]]</span></div>
<<set $oliviaevent1 to "true">><div class="general">Suddenly Olivia starts to move around a bit on your lap.</div>
<<speech "olivia" "Olivia">>Damn, are you hard already? I haven’t even put on my sexy clothes yet.<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Well, I was kind of looking forward to this.<</speech>>
<<speech "olivia" "Olivia">>Is that so?<</speech>>
<div class="general">Olivia get’s up from your lap.</div>
<<speech "Player" "$name">><i>Well, I guess it’s now or never.</i><</speech>>
<div class="general">You get up and start undressing.</div>
<video src="images/olivia/event1/olivia1b.webm" autoplay loop></video>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Maybe you can help me? I mean isn’t that what you are hear for as well?<</speech>>
<<speech "olivia" "Olivia">>$name!<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Owh come on, I came here for you and until now it’s been quite dissapointing.<</speech>>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Continue->oliviaevent1d]]</span></div>
<<speech "olivia" "Olivia">>What would Sarah think!<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>She doesn’t mind actually.<</speech>>
<<speech "olivia" "Olivia">>Owh.. Well.. Do you promise to bring her next time?<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>I do!<</speech>>
<<speech "olivia" "Olivia">>Ok then, but only a blowjob!<</speech>>
<div class="general">Olivia gets on her knees and grabs your dick.</div>
<video src="images/olivia/event1/olivia1d.webm" autoplay loop></video>
<<speech "Player" "$name">><i>Damn, she is actually doing it.</i><</speech>>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Continue->oliviaevent1e]]</span></div>
<div class="general">Then she puts your dick into her mouth and deepthroats you without a flinch.</div>
<video src="images/olivia/event1/olivia1e.webm" autoplay loop></video>
<<speech "Player" "$name">><i>Oh wow, she is good! Damn!</i><</speech>>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Continue->oliviaevent1f]]</span></div>
<div class="general">She keeps going.</div>
<video src="images/olivia/event1/olivia1f.webm" autoplay loop></video>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Continue->oliviaevent1g]]</span></div>
<<speech "Player" "$name">><i>Fuck, just look at that little slut. Right where she should be.</i><</speech>>
<div class="general">When she looks up at you, you almost blow you load right there.</div>
<video src="images/olivia/event1/olivia1h.webm" autoplay loop></video>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Continue->oliviaevent1h]]</span></div>
<div class="general">She keep going.</div>
<<speech "olivia" "Olivia">>Are you enjoying it?<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Yes! You are fucking amazing at this.<</speech>>
<div class="general">She smiles and continues sucking you while you feel your orgasm building up.</div>
<video src="images/olivia/event1/olivia1i.webm" autoplay loop></video>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Continue->oliviaevent1i]]</span></div>
<div class="general">You are almost there. You grab her head and start fucking her mouth.</div>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Oh, fuck yes, I’m almost there.<</speech>>
<div class="general">You keep fucking her mouth.</div>
<video src="images/olivia/event1/olivia1j.webm" autoplay loop></video>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Continue->oliviaevent1j]]</span></div>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Oh yes, here it comes.<</speech>>
<div class="general">You pull out of her mouth and start cumming on her face.</div>
<<speech "olivia" "Olivia">>Hmm, what are you doing?<</speech>>
<div class="general">She tries to dodge the cum, but you hold her head firmly.</div>
<video src="images/olivia/event1/olivia1k.webm" autoplay loop></video>
<<speech "olivia" "Olivia">>Fuck, you made a mess of me. I have still have a whole night to go.. I just did my makeup...<</speech>>
<div class="general">She gets up.</div>
<<speech "olivia" "Olivia">>Fuck!<</speech>>
<div class="general">She leaves the room.</div>
<a data-passage="suburbs"><div class="talkplayer">Let’s do something else</div></a>
<<addenergy -20>>
<<addhygene -10>>
<<addhappiness 15>>
<<set $time to $time +1>>
<<if $fitness gte 0 and $fitness lt 25>>
<<addarousal -35>>
<<elseif $fitness gte 20 and $fitness lt 40>>
<<addarousal -30>>
<<elseif $fitness gte 40>>
<<addarousal -25>><</if>>
<div class="general">Pling! You get a message on your phone, it’s a new email and it’s from Sarah.</div>
<<speech "Player" "$name">><i>A link..</i><</speech>>
<div class="general">You press the link and you are forwarded to a file.</div>
<<speech "Player" "$name">><i>A file called: My latest adventure. I think I can guess what this is..</i><</speech>>
<a data-passage="entrance"><div class="talkplayer">Ignore the file for now.</div></a>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Look at the file->neighbour4a]]</span></div>
<<set $neighbour4 to "true">>
<<set $sarahneigtimer to 0>><div class="general">You walk to you office, open the email on you computer.</div>
<<speech "Player" "$name">><i>This is.. Going to be something.</i><</speech>>
<div class="general">You open the file and it starts playing.</div>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Look at the file->neighbour4b]]</span></div>
<<speech "Sarah" "Sarah">>Are you filming?<</speech>>
<<speech "neighbour" "neighbour">>I sure am.<</speech>>
<<speech "Sarah" "Sarah">>Great.<</speech>>
<div class="general">You see that Sarah starts undressing.</div>
<video src="images/sarah/events/neigbour4/neigbour4a.webm" autoplay loop></video>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Continue->neighbour4c]]</span></div>
<<speech "Sarah" "Sarah">>So daddy, are you ready for this?<</speech>>
<<speech "neighbour" "neighbour">>I love it when you call me daddy.<</speech>>
<<speech "Sarah" "Sarah">>Well daddy, I’ve been a bad girl.<</speech>>
<div class="general">Sarah keeps teasing and undressing.</div>
<video src="images/sarah/events/neigbour4/neigbour4b.webm" autoplay loop></video>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Continue->neighbour4d]]</span></div>
<<speech "Sarah" "Sarah">>I want you big dick daddy.<</speech>>
<<speech "neighbour" "neighbour">>Hmmm.<</speech>>
<<speech "Sarah" "Sarah">>Just thinking about your dick makes me soo wet.<</speech>>
<div class="general">Sarah keeps teasing your neighbour more and more.</div>
<video src="images/sarah/events/neigbour4/neigbour4c.webm" autoplay loop></video>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Continue->neighbour4e]]</span></div>
<div class="general">In the background you hear your neighbour undressing.</div>
<<speech "Sarah" "Sarah">>Hmmm, it’s already so hard.<</speech>>
<<speech "neighbour" "neighbour">>That’s al because of you little girl.<</speech>>
<<speech "Sarah" "Sarah">>It’s so big!<</speech>>
<div class="general">Sarah drop onto her knees and start licking his dick.</div>
<video src="images/sarah/events/neigbour4/neigbour4d.webm" autoplay loop></video>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Continue->neighbour4f]]</span></div>
<div class="general">Then she really starts sucking.</div>
<<speech "Sarah" "Sarah">>Hmmhmhmmm.<</speech>>
<<speech "neighbour" "neighbour">>Take it all baby.<</speech>>
<div class="general">Sarah keeps sucking and tries to take his dick as deep as possible.</div>
<video src="images/sarah/events/neigbour4/neigbour4e.webm" autoplay loop></video>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Continue->neighbour4g]]</span></div>
<div class="general">She keeps going, gagging on his dick.</div>
<<speech "Sarah" "Sarah">>Ooh daddy, it’s soo big.<</speech>>
<div class="general">Sarah keeps sucking and is almost fucking her own mouth with his dick.</div>
<video src="images/sarah/events/neigbour4/neigbour4f.webm" autoplay loop></video>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Continue->neighbour4h]]</span></div>
<div class="general">Sarah keeps sucking as drool drips out of her mouth.</div>
<video src="images/sarah/events/neigbour4/neigbour4g.webm" autoplay loop></video>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Continue->neighbour4i]]</span></div>
<div class="general">Sarah stops sucking and looks up.</div>
<<speech "Sarah" "Sarah">>Hmmm, I really like you cock, it feels so good in my mouth.<</speech>>
<div class="general">She keeps jerking him off.</div>
<video src="images/sarah/events/neigbour4/neigbour4h.webm" autoplay loop></video>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Continue->neighbour4j]]</span></div>
<div class="general">Then Sarah starts to suck and gag on his cock again.</div>
<video src="images/sarah/events/neigbour4/neigbour4i.webm" autoplay loop></video>
<<speech "neighbour" "neighbour">>Fuck, you are amazing at this.<</speech>>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Continue->neighbour4k]]</span></div>
<<speech "Sarah" "Sarah">>Are you going to cum for me daddy?<</speech>>
<div class="general">She starts jerking him off while looking up at him.</div>
<video src="images/sarah/events/neigbour4/neigbour4j.webm" autoplay loop></video>
<<speech "neighbour" "neighbour">>Fuck, I’ll cum soon!<</speech>>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Continue->neighbour4l]]</span></div>
<<speech "Sarah" "Sarah">>Where do you want to cum daddy? Tell me where you want to cum.<</speech>>
<<speech "neighbour" "neighbour">>I want to cum all over you face babygirl.<</speech>>
<<speech "Sarah" "Sarah">>Oooh yes, cum on my face daddy, spray it all over me.<</speech>>
<div class="general">She starts jerking him faster and faster.</div>
<video src="images/sarah/events/neigbour4/neigbour4k.webm" autoplay loop></video>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Continue->neighbour4m]]</span></div>
<<speech "neighbour" "neighbour">>Oh yes, here it comes.<</speech>>
<<speech "Sarah" "Sarah">>Yes daddy, cum all over me!<</speech>>
<div class="general">Sarah keeps jerking as your neighbour starts cumming on her face.</div>
<video src="images/sarah/events/neigbour4/neigbour4l.webm" autoplay loop></video>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Continue->neighbour4n]]</span></div>
<<speech "Sarah" "Sarah">>Hmmm, so much and so nice and warm.<</speech>>
<<speech "neighbour" "neighbour">>That was amazing.<</speech>>
<<speech "Sarah" "Sarah">>You made me soo dirty daddy.<</speech>>
<div class="general">Your neighbour takes his time to film Sarah covered in his cum.</div>
<video src="images/sarah/events/neigbour4/neigbour4m.webm" autoplay loop></video>
<div class="general">Then the video ends.</div>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Damn.<</speech>>
<div class="general">When the video ends you see an additional message in the email, I'll see him again, soon, and I don't know what will happen..</div>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Well, at least she is not breaking any rules I guess.<</speech>>
<a data-passage="office"><div class="talkloc">Let’s go somewhere else</div></a>
<<addarousal 65>>
<<addhappiness 10>>
<<set $neighbour4j to "true">><div class="general">You hear some noises coming from the livingroom.</div>
<<speech "Player" "$name">><i>Hmm, that must be Sarah, I wonder where she has been.</i><</speech>>
<div class="general">You walk to the livingroom and see Sarah on the couch.</div>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Continue->neighbour5a]]</span></div>
<<set $neighbour5 to "true">>
<<set $sarahneigtimer to 0>><<speech "Player" "$name">>Yes, I do want to know.<</speech>>
<<speech "Sarah" "Sarah">>Well alright then. So I went over and started to undress for his..<</speech>>
<div class="general">She blushed again.</div>
<<speech "Sarah" "Sarah">>I’m sorry, it’s feels sort of awkward to say.. Anyway, I undressed so I could give him his.. His blowjob again. But before I could fully undress he grabbed me from behind and before I knew it, his hands where all over me.<</speech>>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Continue->neighbour5c]]</span></div>
<<speech "Sarah" "Sarah">>Alright, some other time then.<</speech>>
<a data-passage="livingroom"><div class="talkloc">Let’s go somewhere else</div></a><<speech "Player" "$name">>Hi honey.<</speech>>
<<speech "Sarah" "Sarah">>He babe.<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Where did you come from?<</speech>>
<div class="general">She blushed a little.</div>
<<speech "Sarah" "Sarah">>I eeh, I was with our neighbour.<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>I see.. And..?<</speech>>
<<speech "Sarah" "Sarah">>Do you really want to know?<</speech>>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Yes->neighbour5b]]</span></div>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[No->neighbour5end]]</span></div>
<<speech "Sarah" "Sarah">>Hmmm, what are you doing?<</speech>>
<<speech "neighbour" "neighbour">>Don’t pretend you don’t like this.<</speech>>
<<speech "Sarah" "Sarah">>But...<</speech>>
<<speech "neighbour" "neighbour">>I’ve waited long enough, today I am going to fuck you.<</speech>>
<div class="general">His hand are all over Sarah, he grabs her breasts and plays with her nipples.</div>
<video src="images/sarah/events/neigbour5/neigbour5a.webm" autoplay loop></video>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Continue->neighbour5d]]</span></div>
<<speech "Sarah" "Sarah">>Hmmm, daddy, you really should not be doing this.<</speech>>
<<speech "neighbour" "neighbour">>Am I not making you wet?<</speech>>
<<speech "Sarah" "Sarah">>Yes.. But we should not be doing this.<</speech>>
<<speech "neighbour" "neighbour">>I know you want this.<</speech>>
<div class="general">He keeps playing and groping Sarah’s breasts.</div>
<video src="images/sarah/events/neigbour5/neigbour5b.webm" autoplay loop></video>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Continue->neighbour5e]]</span></div>
<<speech "neighbour" "neighbour">>Bent over little girl.<</speech>>
<div class="general">Sarah bents over.</div>
<<speech "neighbour" "neighbour">>Look at this lovely view.<</speech>>
<div class="general">He slaps Sarah’s ass a couple of times.</div>
<video src="images/sarah/events/neigbour5/neigbour5c.webm" autoplay loop></video>
<<speech "neighbour" "neighbour">>You know what is going to happen next don’t you?<</speech>>
<<speech "Sarah" "Sarah">>Daddy... Daddy is going to fuck me?<</speech>>
<<speech "neighbour" "neighbour">>That is right.<</speech>>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Continue->neighbour5f]]</span></div>
<<speech "Sarah" "Sarah">>Hmm, you really like me telling this story don’t you?<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Why?<</speech>>
<<speech "Sarah" "Sarah">>I see something hard poking through your pants.<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">><i>Damn, she is not wrong.</i><</speech>>
<<speech "Sarah" "Sarah">>Let me help with that.<</speech>>
<div class="general">Sarah undresses in record speed and squats down in front of you and starts rubbing her hands over your pants.</div>
<video src="images/sarah/events/neigbour5/neigbour5c1.webm" autoplay loop></video>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Continue->neighbour5g]]</span></div>
<div class="general">She takes off your pants.</div>
<<speech "Sarah" "Sarah">>Lay down baby, while I continue my story.<</speech>>
<div class="general">You lay down and Sarah starts rubbing your dick.</div>
<video src="images/sarah/events/neigbour5/neigbour5c3.webm" autoplay loop></video>
<<speech "Sarah" "Sarah">>So where was I?<</speech>>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Continue->neighbour5h]]</span></div>
<<speech "neighbour" "neighbour">>Are you ready little girl?<</speech>>
<<speech "Sarah" "Sarah">>Hmmm, I’m not sure daddy, maybe..<</speech>>
<<speech "neighbour" "neighbour">>Here it comes.<</speech>>
<div class="general">You neighbour grabs his dick and pushes it deep inside of Sarah.</div>
<video src="images/sarah/events/neigbour5/neigbour5d.webm" autoplay loop></video>
<<speech "Sarah" "Sarah">>Oooh fuck! Daddy! It’s so big!<</speech>>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Continue->neighbour5i]]</span></div>
<<speech "neighbour" "neighbour">>Fuck! I’ve been waiting for this!<</speech>>
<<speech "Sarah" "Sarah">>Fuck! Hmhmmmhm.<</speech>>
<div class="general">He fucks Sarah hard.</div>
<video src="images/sarah/events/neigbour5/neigbour5e.webm" autoplay loop></video>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Continue->neighbour5j]]</span></div>
<<speech "Sarah" "Sarah">>He fucked me so hard baby. It felt sooo good!<</speech>>
<div class="general">Sarah keeps jerking you off while she tells her story in great detail.</div>
<video src="images/sarah/events/neigbour5/neigbour5e1.webm" autoplay loop></video>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Continue->neighbour5k]]</span></div>
<<speech "Sarah" "Sarah">>Oh yes, fuck me! Fuck me!<</speech>>
<div class="general">Sarah keeps getting fucked hard by the neighbour until he pulls out.</div>
<video src="images/sarah/events/neigbour5/neigbour5f.webm" autoplay loop></video>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Continue->neighbour5l]]</span></div>
<<speech "Sarah" "Sarah">>It felt so good.<</speech>>
<div class="general">Sarah keeps jerking you off.</div>
<<speech "Sarah" "Sarah">>But I can’t resist your dick either.<</speech>>
<div class="general">She goes down and takes your dick deep inside of her mouth.</div>
<video src="images/sarah/events/neigbour5/neigbour5f1.webm" autoplay loop></video>
<<speech "Sarah" "Sarah">>It’s just hard to talk with my mouth full.<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">><i>Maybe she just can't resist dick in general.</i><</speech>>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Continue->neighbour5m]]</span></div>
<<speech "neighbour" "neighbour">>Come here and ride me.<</speech>>
<div class="general">Your neighbour lays down and Sarah sits down on top of him.</div>
<video src="images/sarah/events/neigbour5/neigbour5g.webm" autoplay loop></video>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Continue->neighbour5n]]</span></div>
<<speech "Sarah" "Sarah">>Hmmm maybe I can do the same with you as I did with my daddy.<</speech>>
<div class="general">She lifts herself on top of you as your dick slides into her.</div>
<video src="images/sarah/events/neigbour5/neigbour5g1.webm" autoplay loop></video>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Continue->neighbour5o]]</span></div>
<div class="general">Sarah starts riding your neighbour.</div>
<<speech "Sarah" "Sarah">>Oooh daddy, you feel so good inside of me.<</speech>>
<div class="general">You neighbour starts to fuck Sarah while Sarah rides your neighbour.</div>
<video src="images/sarah/events/neigbour5/neigbour5h.webm" autoplay loop></video>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Continue->neighbour5p]]</span></div>
<div class="general">Sarah rides you slowly.</div>
<<speech "Sarah" "Sarah">>Daddy was soo deep inside of me, he fucked me so hard.<</speech>>
<div class="general">Sarah keeps riding you.</div>
<video src="images/sarah/events/neigbour5/neigbour5h1.webm" autoplay loop></video>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Continue->neighbour5q]]</span></div>
<<speech "Sarah" "Sarah">>Yes daddy, yes!<</speech>>
<div class="general">They keep fucking each other hard.</div>
<video src="images/sarah/events/neigbour5/neigbour5i.webm" autoplay loop></video>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Continue->neighbour5r]]</span></div>
<<speech "neighbour" "neighbour">>Turn around little girl.<</speech>>
<div class="general">Sarah turns around and keeps riding him.</div>
<video src="images/sarah/events/neigbour5/neigbour5j.webm" autoplay loop></video>
<<speech "neighbour" "neighbour">>Oh yes!<</speech>>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Continue->neighbour5s]]</span></div>
<<speech "neighbour" "neighbour">>Oh yes, oh yes! HHHmmmmHHmm.<</speech>>
<<speech "Sarah" "Sarah">>Daddy?<</speech>>
<div class="general">You neighbour grunts and starts cumming while Sarah keeps riding him.</div>
<video src="images/sarah/events/neigbour5/neigbour5k.webm" autoplay loop></video>
<<speech "Sarah" "Sarah">>Daddy! Did you just cum inside of me?<</speech>>
<<speech "neighbour" "neighbour">>Yes. Sorry you just felt to good!<</speech>>
<<speech "Sarah" "Sarah">>You can’t just do that!<</speech>>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Continue->neighbour5t]]</span></div>
<<speech "Sarah" "Sarah">>He filled me up with so much cum.<</speech>>
<div class="general">She gets of you and lays down.</div>
<<speech "Sarah" "Sarah">>I want you to fuck me hard baby, fuck me hard like daddy fucked me hard.<</speech>>
<div class="general">You push your duck inside of her and start fucking her.</div>
<video src="images/sarah/events/neigbour5/neigbour5k1.webm" autoplay loop></video>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Continue->neighbour5u]]</span></div>
<<speech "Sarah" "Sarah">>Yes, fuck me baby. Fill me up!<</speech>>
<div class="general">You keep fucking her.</div>
<<speech "Sarah" "Sarah">>He made me feel so dirty when he filled me up!<</speech>>
<div class="general">You keep fucking her harder and harder.</div>
<video src="images/sarah/events/neigbour5/neigbour5k2.webm" autoplay loop></video>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Continue->neighbour5v]]</span></div>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>I’m cumming baby!<</speech>>
<<speech "Sarah" "Sarah">>Yes, cum inside of mee!<</speech>>
<div class="general">You fuck a bit more and then you start cumming inside of Sarah. Then she pulls out your dick and jerks the last drops of cum out of you.</div>
<video src="images/sarah/events/neigbour5/neigbour5k3.webm" autoplay loop></video>
<<speech "Sarah" "Sarah">>Fuck, that was so hot!<</speech>>
<div class="general">You lay together a bit before you leave.</div>
<a data-passage="entrance"><div class="talkloc">Let’s go somewhere else</div></a>
<<set $neighbour5j to "true">><div class="general">Once Sarah is ready you both get into the car and start driving.</div>
<<speech "Sarah" "Sarah">>So it’s not in the city, we are definitely going the wrong way for that..<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Already dissapointed?<</speech>>
<<speech "Sarah" "Sarah">>Depends on where we end up. But most of the things I hoped it would be are in the city.<</speech>>
<div class="general">You continue driving for a while until you stop at the sexclub where Olivia introduced you to.</div>
<<speech "Sarah" "Sarah">>This.. This is it?<</speech>>
<div class="general">Sarah sounds dissapointed.</div>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>It is.<</speech>>
<<speech "Sarah" "Sarah">>Well, I hope it looks better from the inside than the outside..<</speech>>
<div class="general">You walk up to the door and ask to enter. The door opens and you walk inside, this time skipping the waitingroom. Again you are standing in front of a closed door.</div>
<<speech "random" "Some woman">>Just so you know, Olivia is busy, but feel free to explore for yourselves. Have fun.<</speech>>
<div class="general">The door opens and you enter.</div>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Continue->sarahsexclub1a]]</span></div>
<<set $sarahsexclub1 to "true">>
<<set $sarahneigtimer to 0>><div class="general">It’s like entering a completely different world. It’s fancy looking, bright colorful lights everywhere. It looks amazing.</div>
<<speech "Sarah" "Sarah">>Wow, what is this place?<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Well..<</speech>>
<<speech "Sarah" "Sarah">>Oh my god, I know what this is. I heard rumors about it. It’s.. It’s a sexclub! Did you actually bring me to a sexclub?<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Yes I did.<</speech>>
<<speech "Sarah" "Sarah">>That... That.. That is so hot! Come let’s explore!<</speech>>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Continue->sarahsexclub1b]]</span></div>
<div class="general">Sarah excitingly drags you into one of the corridors, suddenly she stops.</div>
<<speech "Sarah" "Sarah">>That is one of my students!<</speech>>
<div class="general">You look inside and see Olivia.</div>
<video src="images/olivia/oliviasexclub1.webm" autoplay loop></video>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Oh damn, she is a dominatrix.. I did not expect that.<</speech>>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Continue->sarahsexclub1c]]</span></div>
<div class="general">Before you can look for long, Sarah already dragged you further until she stops again.</div>
<<speech "Sarah" "Sarah">>Oh wow, is this what I think it is?<</speech>>
<div class="general">She steps in a small room with several holes in the wall.</div>
<<speech "Sarah" "Sarah">>This is a gloryhole! <</speech>>
<div class="general">She looks around.</div>
<video src="images/sarah/events/sexclub1/gloryhole1a.webm" autoplay loop></video>
<<speech "Sarah" "Sarah">>Do.. Do you mind? <</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Do your thing.<</speech>>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Continue->sarahsexclub1d]]</span></div>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Walk away->sarahsexclub1end]]</span></div><div class="general">Sarah is on her knees in front of one of the wholes before you can completely answer.</div>
<<speech "Sarah" "Sarah">>Look, there is our first customer.<</speech>>
<div class="general">A dick pokes through the hole and Sarah takes it into her mouth.</div>
<video src="images/sarah/events/sexclub1/gloryhole1b.webm" autoplay loop></video>
<<speech "Sarah" "Sarah">>Hmmhmmm <</speech>>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Continue->sarahsexclub1e]]</span></div>
<<speech "Player" "$name">><i>I am not going to watch this.<</speech>>
<div class="general">You turn around and leave while Sarah does her thing.</div>
<a data-passage="suburbs"><div class="talkloc">Let’s go somewhere else</div></a>
<<addenergy -20>>
<<set $time to $time +2>><<speech "Sarah" "Sarah">>Are you enjoying watching me suck someone’s dick?<</speech>>
<div class="general">She looks at your hard dick which is poking through your pants.</div>
<<speech "Sarah" "Sarah">>Nevermind, I already got my answer.<</speech>>
<div class="general">Sarah goes back to sucking the dick with passion.</div>
<video src="images/sarah/events/sexclub1/gloryhole1c.webm" autoplay loop></video>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Continue->sarahsexclub1f]]</span></div>
<<speech "Sarah" "Sarah">>Hmmmhm, this is soo hot!<</speech>>
<div class="general">She keeps sucking the dick and she is clearly enjoying herself.</div>
<video src="images/sarah/events/sexclub1/gloryhole1e.webm" autoplay loop></video>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Continue->sarahsexclub1g]]</span></div>
<div class="general">Then you both hear some knocking.</div>
<<speech "Sarah" "Sarah">>Hmm, you hear that he is going to cum.<</speech>>
<div class="general">Sarah starts jerking him off and indeed the dick starts cumming into her mouth.</div>
<video src="images/sarah/events/sexclub1/gloryhole1f.webm" autoplay loop></video>
<div class="general">Like a good slut she swallows all of the cum.</div>
<<speech "Sarah" "Sarah">>Hmhm, that was nice.<</speech>>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Continue->sarahsexclub1h]]</span></div>
<<speech "Sarah" "Sarah">>Let’s see what’s next.<</speech>>
<div class="general">She switches to the other side where another dick appeared through a hole.</div>
<<speech "Sarah" "Sarah">>That is a very good looking dick as well.<</speech>>
<div class="general">Sarah grabs the dick and starts sucking it.</div>
<video src="images/sarah/events/sexclub1/gloryhole1g.webm" autoplay loop></video>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Continue->sarahsexclub1i]]</span></div>
<div class="general">And Sarah keeps sucking</div>
<video src="images/sarah/events/sexclub1/gloryhole1h.webm" autoplay loop></video>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Continue->sarahsexclub1j]]</span></div>
<<if $domsub lte 10>>
<<speech "Sarah" "Sarah">>This is turning me on so badly. I really.. I really want to fuck this cock.<</speech>><br>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>You really want to fuck a strange cock?<</speech>><br>
<<speech "Sarah" "Sarah">>Hmmmhmmm. Yes! Yes, I want to fuck this strange cock.<</speech>><br>
<div class="general">And Sarah keeps sucking.</div><br>
<video src="images/sarah/events/sexclub1/gloryhole1i.webm" autoplay loop></video><br><br>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Continue->sarahsexclub1k]]</span></div>
<<speech "Sarah" "Sarah">>This is turning me on so badly. I really.. I really want to fuck this cock.<</speech>><br>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>You really want to fuck a strange cock?<</speech>><br>
<<speech "Sarah" "Sarah">>Hmmmhmmm. Yes! Yes, I want to fuck this strange cock.<</speech>><br>
<div class="general">And Sarah keeps sucking.</div><br>
<video src="images/sarah/events/sexclub1/gloryhole1i.webm" autoplay loop></video><br><br>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Allow it->sarahsexclub1k]]</span></div>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Don't allow it->sarahsexclub1q]]</span></div>
<<speech "Sarah" "Sarah">>Thanks baby!<</speech>>
<div class="general">Sarah makes sure the cock is lubed enough.</div>
<video src="images/sarah/events/sexclub1/gloryhole1j.webm" autoplay loop></video>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Continue->sarahsexclub1l]]</span></div>
<div class="general">Then Sarah gets up and grabs the cock.</div>
<<speech "Sarah" "Sarah">>I can’t believe I’m going to fuck a strangers cock through a hole!<</speech>>
<div class="general">She places the head against her pussy and slowly pushes it in, all the way in.</div>
<video src="images/sarah/events/sexclub1/gloryhole1k.webm" autoplay loop></video>
<<speech "Sarah" "Sarah">>Oooh this feels so.. So dirty. Jerk off for me baby. Show me how this turns you on!<</speech>>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Continue->sarahsexclub1m]]</span></div>
<div class="general">You slowly take out your already very hard dick and start stroking it.</div>
<<speech "Sarah" "Sarah">>Hmmhmm yes, baby!<</speech>>
<div class="general">Sarah starts fucking the dick harder.</div>
<video src="images/sarah/events/sexclub1/gloryhole1l.webm" autoplay loop></video>
<<speech "Sarah" "Sarah">>Oooh yes!<</speech>>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Continue->sarahsexclub1n]]</span></div>
<<speech "Sarah" "Sarah">>Oh fuck! He is going to make me cum baby, cum with me!<</speech>>
<div class="general">Sarah fucks her dick harder and harder.</div>
<video src="images/sarah/events/sexclub1/gloryhole1m.webm" autoplay loop></video>
<<speech "Sarah" "Sarah">>Oooh yes!<</speech>>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Continue->sarahsexclub1o]]</span></div>
<<speech "Sarah" "Sarah">>Fuucckkk!<</speech>>
<div class="general">Sarah starts cumming hard and it puts you over the edge as well as you cum flies across the room.</div>
<video src="images/sarah/events/sexclub1/gloryhole1n.webm" autoplay loop></video>
<<speech "Sarah" "Sarah">>That felt amazing.<</speech>>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Continue->sarahsexclub1p]]</span></div>
<div class="general">Then you both here a knock on the wall.</div>
<<speech "Sarah" "Sarah">>Hmm, dessert.<</speech>>
<div class="general">She drops onto her knees and jerks the dick until it cums into her mouth.</div>
<video src="images/sarah/events/sexclub1/gloryhole1o.webm" autoplay loop></video>
<<speech "Sarah" "Sarah">>Hmmmm. I think that was enought for today. But I can’t wait to come back here.<</speech>>
<a data-passage="suburbs"><div class="talkloc">Let’s go somewhere else</div></a>
<<addenergy -20>>
<<addhygene -25>>
<<addhappiness 15>>
<<set $time to $time +2>>
<<set $sarahsexclub1j to "true">>
<<set $sarahsexclubtimer to 0>><div class="general">You are about to leave when suddenly Kayla walks in.</div>
<<speech "kayla" "Kayla">>Hi Mr. $name.<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Oh, hi Kayla.. How can I help you.<</speech>>
<<speech "kayla" "Kayla">>Well, you actually already really helped me.<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>I did?<</speech>>
<<speech "kayla" "Kayla">>Yes, you fucked Brads mum, right in front of him!<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>That is true.<</speech>>
<<speech "kayla" "Kayla">>Now Brad doesn't even dare to look at his mum. We are finally free of that monster.<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Eeehm. You are welcome?<</speech>>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Continue->kaylabj1b]]</span></div>
<<set $kaylabj to "true">><<speech "kayla" "Kayla">>And you are too.<</speech>>
<div class="general">Kayla starts to act flirty.</div>
<video src="images/other/university/kayla/kayla1a.webm" autoplay loop></video>
<<speech "kayla" "Kayla">>You know, you deserve a reward and even though I would never let you do anything with me.. I will do things with you. So why don’t you take off your pants.<</speech>>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Continue->kaylabj1c]]</span></div><div class="general">You slowly take of your pants as Kayla drops down onto her knees and crawls towards you.</div>
<<speech "kayla" "Kayla">>You know, you are also lucky that I still have "doing something with a teacher on my college bucketlist".<</speech>>
<div class="general">Once she sits in front of you she gives you a long lick over your balls.</div>
<video src="images/other/university/kayla/kayla1b.webm" autoplay loop></video>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Continue->kaylabj1d]]</span></div><<speech "kayla" "Kayla">>Hmmm, I didn’t expect you be so clean and shaven and your cock is really nice too.<</speech>>
<div class="general">She sounds genuinely surprised as she keeps licking and sucking your balls.</div>
<video src="images/other/university/kayla/kayla1c.webm" autoplay loop></video>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Continue->kaylabj1e]]</span></div><<speech "kayla" "Kayla">>Are you ready?<</speech>>
<div class="general">She spits on your dick and then starts sucking it.</div>
<video src="images/other/university/kayla/kayla1d.webm" autoplay loop></video>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Continue->kaylabj1f]]</span></div><div class="general">She keeps licking and sucking.</div>
<video src="images/other/university/kayla/kayla1e.webm" autoplay loop></video>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Continue->kaylabj1g]]</span></div><<speech "kayla" "Kayla">>Are you enjoying it?<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Hmmm, yes, you are quite good.<</speech>>
<<speech "kayla" "Kayla">>Quite?<</speech>>
<div class="general">Suddenly she takes you deeper before she plops it out of her mouth.</div>
<video src="images/other/university/kayla/kayla1f.webm" autoplay loop></video>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Continue->kaylabj1h]]</span></div><<speech "kayla" "Kayla">>Quite is not good enough.<</speech>>
<div class="general">She takes you deeper again and starts fucking her own mouth with your dick.</div>
<video src="images/other/university/kayla/kayla1h.webm" autoplay loop></video>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Continue->kaylabj1i]]</span></div><div class="general">She keep going while continuously checking your response to what she does.</div>
<video src="images/other/university/kayla/kayla1i.webm" autoplay loop></video>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Continue->kaylabj1j]]</span></div><div class="general">Then she takes your dick out of her mouth.</div>
<<speech "kayla" "Kayla">>You taste quite good. It’s not as bad as I expected. It’s actually quite good?<</speech>>
<div class="general">She starts jerking you off.</div>
<video src="images/other/university/kayla/kayla1j.webm" autoplay loop></video>
<<speech "kayla" "Kayla">>Now cum for me.<</speech>>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Continue->kaylabj1k]]</span></div><div class="general">She hits all the right spots when she starts jerking you off.</div>
<<speech "kayla" "Kayla">>Hmmm, I feel you are close.<</speech>>
<div class="general">And with that said, you start cumming on her face and into her mouth.</div>
<video src="images/other/university/kayla/kayla1k.webm" autoplay loop></video>
<<speech "kayla" "Kayla">>Hmmmm.<</speech>>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Continue->kaylabj1l]]</span></div><div class="general">She sucks you completely dry and shows you her cum filled mouth and then she swallows it all.</div>
<video src="images/other/university/kayla/kayla1k.webm" autoplay loop></video>
<<speech "kayla" "Kayla">>Hmmmm, you taste good, I usually never swallow.<</speech>>
<div class="general">Then she gets up.</div>
<<speech "kayla" "Kayla">>Well, that was a lot better than expected. See you teach.<</speech>>
<div class="general">She leaves.</div>
<a data-passage="university"><div class="talkplayer">Let’s do something else</div></a>
<<addenergy -20>>
<<addhygene -10>>
<<addhappiness 5>>
<<set $time to $time +1>>
<<if $fitness gte 0 and $fitness lt 25>>
<<addarousal -35>>
<<elseif $fitness gte 20 and $fitness lt 40>>
<<addarousal -30>>
<<elseif $fitness gte 40>>
<<addarousal -25>><</if>><div class="general">You keep watching.</div>
<<speech "Player" "$name">><i>Damn, they are really going at it.</i><</speech>>
<div class="general">You see Sarah sucking Christels breasts.</div>
<video src="images/christel/suspiciouschristel2/suspiciouschristel2b.webm" autoplay loop></video>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Continue watching->suspiciouschristel2c]]</span></div>
<<set $suspiciouschristel2 to "true">>
<div class="general">They keep going as Christel starts sucking Sarah’s breasts before they kiss.</div>
<video src="images/christel/suspiciouschristel2/suspiciouschristel2c.webm" autoplay loop></video>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Continue watching->suspiciouschristel2d]]</span></div>
<div class="general">Christel pushes Sarah back as she undresses her.</div>
<video src="images/christel/suspiciouschristel2/suspiciouschristel2d.webm" autoplay loop></video>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Continue watching->suspiciouschristel2e]]</span></div>
<div class="general">Christel starts licking Sarah’s breasts and sucking on her nipples.</div>
<video src="images/christel/suspiciouschristel2/suspiciouschristel2e.webm" autoplay loop></video>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Continue watching->suspiciouschristel2f]]</span></div>
<div class="general">Christel keeps going.</div>
<video src="images/christel/suspiciouschristel2/suspiciouschristel2f.webm" autoplay loop></video>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Continue watching->suspiciouschristel2g]]</span></div>
<div class="general">Christel starts playing with Sarah’s panties.</div>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Damn, they are not stopping.<</speech>>
<video src="images/christel/suspiciouschristel2/suspiciouschristel2g.webm" autoplay loop></video>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Continue watching->suspiciouschristel2h]]</span></div>
<div class="general">Christel stays down and starts licking Sara’s pussy.</div>
<video src="images/christel/suspiciouschristel2/suspiciouschristel2h.webm" autoplay loop></video>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Continue watching->suspiciouschristel2i]]</span></div>
<div class="general">Christel fingers Sarah as Sarah really starts to moan louder.</div>
<video src="images/christel/suspiciouschristel2/suspiciouschristel2i.webm" autoplay loop></video>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Continue watching->suspiciouschristel2j]]</span></div>
<div class="general">Christel fingering Sarah while she sucks Christel’s fingers.</div>
<video src="images/christel/suspiciouschristel2/suspiciouschristel2j.webm" autoplay loop></video>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Continue watching->suspiciouschristel2k]]</span></div><div class="general">Sarah pushes Christel back and clims on top her as they start licking eachother.</div>
<video src="images/christel/suspiciouschristel2/suspiciouschristel2k.webm" autoplay loop></video>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Continue watching->suspiciouschristel2l]]</span></div>
<div class="general">They keep licking each other as you hear their moaning softly through the window.</div>
<video src="images/christel/suspiciouschristel2/suspiciouschristel2l.webm" autoplay loop></video>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Continue watching->suspiciouschristel2m]]</span></div>
<div class="general">They keep going as things look to become more intense.</div>
<video src="images/christel/suspiciouschristel2/suspiciouschristel2m.webm" autoplay loop></video>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Continue watching->suspiciouschristel2n]]</span></div>
<div class="general">They seem to stop and get into a new position.</div>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Really?<</speech>>
<div class="general">When they are in position they start scissoring.</div>
<video src="images/christel/suspiciouschristel2/suspiciouschristel2n.webm" autoplay loop></video>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Never figured that was an actual thing..<</speech>>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Continue watching->suspiciouschristel2o]]</span></div>
<div class="general">They keep scissoring.</div>
<video src="images/christel/suspiciouschristel2/suspiciouschristel2o.webm" autoplay loop></video>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Continue watching->suspiciouschristel2p]]</span></div>
<div class="general">They sit up as things start to intensify.</div>
<video src="images/christel/suspiciouschristel2/suspiciouschristel2p.webm" autoplay loop></video>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Continue watching->suspiciouschristel2q]]</span></div>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Damn, there are really going for it.<</speech>>
<div class="general">Things start to heat up until they both start cumming simultaneously.</div>
<video src="images/christel/suspiciouschristel2/suspiciouschristel2q.webm" autoplay loop></video>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Continue watching->suspiciouschristel2r]]</span></div>
<div class="general">They kiss for a bit before they stop.</div>
<video src="images/christel/suspiciouschristel2/suspiciouschristel2r.webm" autoplay loop></video>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Continue watching->suspiciouschristel2s]]</span></div>
<<speech "Player" "$name">><i>Damn.. That was.. Hot.. But I’m not sure what to make of it. I looked more than just sex..</i><</speech>>
<div class="general">You think for a bit.</div>
<<speech "Player" "$name">><i>I mean, I don’t really mind.. Or do I, is this cheating as well? Well, I guess I’ll have to think about this. One thing is for sure, I have to do something with this.</i><</speech>>
<a data-passage="garden"><div class="talkloc">Let’s go somewhere else</div></a>
<div class="general">And the race.. Well it’s not exciting at all. Zareana is far ahead and wins the race easily. Once she finishes you walk towards her.</div>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Congrats!<</speech>>
<div class="general">Zareana looks really angry and walks past you towards the dressing rooms.</div>
<<speech "Player" "$name">><i>What the..?</i><</speech>>
<div class="general">You follow her to the dressing rooms and see Zareana in tears.</div>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Zareana? What’s wrong, didn’t you just win?<</speech>>
<<speech "Zareana" "Zareana">>Yeah, in the fucking losers division. That bastard put me in the lower tier race.. Even after I let him...<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">><i>Fuck you?</i><</speech>>
<<speech "Zareana" "Zareana">>I can’t believe this. I should be the one racing now!<</speech>>
<div class="general">She keeps sobbing.</div>
<<speech "Zareana" "Zareana">>It’s sweet that you are here but I want to be left alone right now.<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Alright, let me know if you need anything.<</speech>>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Continue->zareana3b]]</span></div>
<<set $zareana4 to "true">><div class="general">You walk outside.</div>
<<speech "random" "Announcer">>ladies and gentleman, please get ready for the most important race of the day!<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">><i>This must be the race where Zareana was talking about.</i><</speech>>
<div class="general">You join the crowd.</div>
<<speech "random" "Announcer">>Set and.. Go!<</speech>>
<div class="general">The race starts, and it is a tight one race and a lot more entertaining than Zareana’s race. You see the winner walking off the track towards a man which seems to be her coach.</div>
<<speech "Player" "$name">><i>Wait a sec! That is Zareana’s coach, which means that girl is the one who replaced Zareana in this race.</i><</speech>>
<div class="general">You see them walking off together.</div>
<<speech "Player" "$name">><i>Let’s follow them, maybe I can learn something.</i><</speech>>
<div class="general">You follow them to a dressing room.</div>
<<speech "random" "Coach">>We should have enought privacy here.<</speech>>
<<speech "random" "Race Winning Girl">>Hmmmmm.<</speech>>
<div class="general">They get inside. When you arrive at the door, you notice isn’t locked.</div>
<<speech "Player" "$name">><i>He must have forgotten in all his excitement.</i><</speech>>
<div class="general">You walk inside as silent as possible.</div>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Continue->zareana3c]]</span></div>
<div class="general">When you walk in they are already naked in the shower.</div>
<<speech "random" "Coach">>What are you doing with your phone baby?<</speech>>
<<speech "makena" "Winning girl">>I’m showing that bitch who is boss.<</speech>>
<div class="general">You see her making some pics of her and the coach.</div>
<video src="images/zareana/zareana3/zareana3a.webm" autoplay loop></video>
<<speech "random" "Coach">>For who? Your sister?<</speech>>
<<speech "makena" "Winning girl">>Who else? That bitch needs to learn her place.<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">><i>Wait a second..</i><</speech>>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Continue->Zareana3d]]</span></div>
<<speech "random" "Coach">>I don’t get your obsession with Zareana, but I’m not complaining.<</speech>>
<div class="general">While Zareana’s sister is still taking pictures, the coach starts fucking her from behind.</div>
<video src="images/zareana/zareana3/zareana3b.webm" autoplay loop></video>
<<speech "Player" "$name">><i>Oh shit, this is Zareana’s sister!</i><</speech>>
<div class="general">Zareana’s sister keeps taking pictures or filming herself while getting fucked by the coach.</div>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Continue->zareana3e]]</span></div>
<<speech "random" "Coach">>Come Makena, put the phone away and let’s get to what we are here for.<</speech>>
<<speech "makena" "Makena">>Hmmmm, ok coach.<</speech>>
<div class="general">Makena throws away the phone and starts getting into it.</div>
<video src="images/zareana/zareana3/zareana3c.webm" autoplay loop></video>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Continue->zareana3f]]</span></div>
<<speech "makena" "Makena">>Hmmmm, yes coach, fuck me, fuck me hard!<</speech>>
<div class="general">Makena keeps getting fucked from behind.</div>
<video src="images/zareana/zareana3/zareana3d.webm" autoplay loop></video>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Continue->zareana3g]]</span></div>
<div class="general">The coach grabs a towel and lays down on it.</div>
<<speech "random" "Coach">>Come on, you know what I like.<</speech>>
<div class="general">Makena goes down and start to suck his cock.</div>
<video src="images/zareana/zareana3/zareana3e.webm" autoplay loop></video>
<<speech "random" "Coach">>Fuck, you are so much better than your sister.<</speech>>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Continue->zareana3h]]</span></div>
<div class="general">Zareana gets up and sits down on his dick in reverse cowgirl and starts riding him.</div>
<video src="images/zareana/zareana3/zareana3f.webm" autoplay loop></video>
<<speech "makena" "Makena">>Can you please stop talking about my sister while we are fucking.<</speech>>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Continue->zareana3i]]</span></div>
<div class="general">Makena starts riding him faster.</div>
<video src="images/zareana/zareana3/zareana3g.webm" autoplay loop></video>
<<speech "random" "Coach">>Fuck this is good.<</speech>>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Continue->zareana3j]]</span></div>
<<speech "random" "Coach">>This view is just amazing, that amazing ass off yours, damn, gets me every time.<</speech>>
<div class="general">Makena keeps riding him as he slaps her ass.</div><video src="images/zareana/zareana3/zareana3h.webm" autoplay loop></video>
<<speech "makena" "Makena">>Hmmm, yes coach!<</speech>>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Continue->zareana3k]]</span></div>
<<speech "random" "Coach">>Fuck, I’m almost cumming. Finish me off with your mouth.<</speech>>
<div class="general">Makena gets off and starts sucking his dick.</div>
<video src="images/zareana/zareana3/zareana3i.webm" autoplay loop></video>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Continue->zareana3l]]</span></div>
<<speech "random" "Coach">>Yes, keep going girl, suck that dick.<</speech>>
<div class="general">Makena keeps sucking his dick eagerly.</div>
<video src="images/zareana/zareana3/zareana3j.webm" autoplay loop></video>
<<speech "random" "Coach">>Ooh yes, here I cum. Get on your knees.<</speech>>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Continue->zareana3m]]</span></div>
<div class="general">The coach jerks a couple of times and starts cumming into her mouth and onto her face.</div>
<video src="images/zareana/zareana3/zareana3k.webm" autoplay loop></video>
<<speech "random" "Coach">>Ooh yes, that was very good. That’s why you are my star.<</speech>>
<<speech "makena" "Makena">>Hmmmm, thank you coach.<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">><i>Guess it’s time for me to leave.</i><</speech>>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Continue->zareana3n]]</span></div>
<<speech "Player" "$name">><i>Damn, so Zareana’s competition is actually her sister.. And they are both fucking their coach, her sister, Makena, apparently, is just doing it better.. Maybe I should talk with Zareana about this.</i><</speech>>
<a data-passage="park"><div class="talkplayer">Let’s do something else</div></a>
<<addenergy -20>>
<<addhygene -10>>
<<addhappiness 5>>
<<set $time to $time +1>>
<<addarousal 50>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Hey honey, I have something special that you might want to see.<</speech>>
<<speech "Sarah" "Sarah">>Is that so?<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Well, I hope so.. Do you remember when we were at Ashley's?<</speech>>
<<speech "Sarah" "Sarah">>How can I forget..<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Well, William gave me access to some of his security cams so I could watch.. Well everything.<</speech>>
<<speech "Sarah" "Sarah">>Everything huh?<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Yeah... Anyway, I just found out I still have access.<</speech>>
<<speech "Sarah" "Sarah">>So you have been spying on my sister?<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Not yet.. I thought maybe we can do that together.<</speech>>
<<speech "Sarah" "Sarah">>Alright.. That is quite intriguing, I love a bit of voyeur.<</speech>>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Continue->watchashley1b]]</span></div>
<<set $watchashley1 to "true">><div class="general">You turn on the stream and start switching through the camera’s.</div>
<<speech "Sarah" "Sarah">>Well this is the most boring reality show ever..<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>No-one in the bedrooms, bathrooms, lobby, living..<</speech>>
<<speech "Sarah" "Sarah">>Oh wow!<</speech>>
<div class="general">You look at Ashley kissing someone before she takes his dick into her mouth.</div>
<video src="images/sarah/bedroom/watchashley/watchashley1a.webm" autoplay loop></video>
<<speech "Sarah" "Sarah">>This is getting... Interesting. That is not William!<</speech>>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Continue->watchashley1c]]</span></div>
<<nobr>><<if $neighbour4 is "true">>
<<speech "Sarah" "Sarah">>She is such a slut!<</speech>><br>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>How is this different from what you are doing with our neighbour?<</speech>><br>
<<speech "Sarah" "Sarah">>Oh shut up!<</speech>><br>
<div class="general">You both keep watching as Ashley keeps sucking this guy’s dick.</div><br>
<video src="images/sarah/bedroom/watchashley/watchashley1b.webm" autoplay loop></video><br><br>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Continue->watchashley1d]]</span></div>
<<elseif $scheater is "true" or $sarahsrevenge is "true">>
<<speech "Sarah" "Sarah">>She is such a slut!<</speech>><br>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Oh yes, because you never did something like this of course..<</speech>><br>
<<speech "Sarah" "Sarah">>Shut up!<</speech>><br>
<div class="general">You both keep watching as Ashley keeps sucking this guy’s dick.</div><br>
<video src="images/sarah/bedroom/watchashley/watchashley1b.webm" autoplay loop></video><br><br>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Continue->watchashley1d]]</span></div>
<<speech "Sarah" "Sarah">>She is such a slut!<</speech>><br>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>I know right.<</speech>><br>
<div class="general">You both keep watching as Ashley keeps sucking this guy’s dick.</div><br>
<video src="images/sarah/bedroom/watchashley/watchashley1b.webm" autoplay loop></video><br><br>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Continue->watchashley1d]]</span></div>
<</nobr>><<speech "Sarah" "Sarah">>Damn, she is really going for it.<</speech>>
<div class="general">You look at Sarah and notice that her hand has disappeared into her panties.</div>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Are you enjoying yourself?<</speech>>
<<speech "Sarah" "Sarah">>Hmmm, aren’t you?<</speech>>
<div class="general">Ashley sucks some balls and then kisses the guy.</div>
<video src="images/sarah/bedroom/watchashley/watchashley1c.webm" autoplay loop></video>
<<speech "Sarah" "Sarah">>Damn, let’s undress and just enjoy ourselves.<</speech>>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Continue->watchashley1e]]</span></div>
<div class="general">Sarah undresses and grabs a small toy from her nightstand.</div>
<<speech "Sarah" "Sarah">>You are not joining?<</speech>>
<div class="general">You get undressed as well, while Sarah starts masturbating.</div>
<<speech "Sarah" "Sarah">>Hmmm. You are clearly enjoying it as well.<</speech>>
<div class="general">She looks at your dick and grabs it.</div>
<video src="images/sarah/bedroom/watchashley/watchashley2a.webm" autoplay loop></video>
<<speech "Sarah" "Sarah">>Don’t worry honey, I will help you.<</speech>>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Continue->watchashley1f]]</span></div>
<div class="general">Sarah keeps jerking you off as you both watch Ashley’s pussy being licked by the other guy.</div>
<video src="images/sarah/bedroom/watchashley/watchashley1d.webm" autoplay loop></video>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Continue->watchashley1g]]</span></div>
<div class="general">The guy keeps licking.</div>
<video src="images/sarah/bedroom/watchashley/watchashley1e.webm" autoplay loop></video>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Continue->watchashley1h]]</span></div>
<div class="general">You look at Sarah, but she seems completely lost into the scene in front of her.</div>
<video src="images/sarah/bedroom/watchashley/watchashley2b.webm" autoplay loop></video>
<<speech "Sarah" "Sarah">>Never thought that watching my sister could be so hot!<</speech>>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Continue->watchashley1i]]</span></div>
<div class="general">You focus back on the screen where Ashley has climbed on top of the guy and has started fucking him.</div>
<video src="images/sarah/bedroom/watchashley/watchashley1f.webm" autoplay loop></video>
<<speech "Sarah" "Sarah">>Hmmm, yes, fuck that slut!<</speech>>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Continue->watchashley1j]]</span></div>
<div class="general">Ashley keeps riding.</div>
<video src="images/sarah/bedroom/watchashley/watchashley1g.webm" autoplay loop></video>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Continue->watchashley1k]]</span></div>
<div class="general">The guy let’s Ashley ride him for a while before he throws her onto her back and starts taking control.</div>
<video src="images/sarah/bedroom/watchashley/watchashley1h.webm" autoplay loop></video>
<<speech "Sarah" "Sarah">>Hmmmm.<</speech>>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Continue->watchashley1l]]</span></div>
<div class="general">The guy keeps fucking Ashley.</div>
<video src="images/sarah/bedroom/watchashley/watchashley1i.webm" autoplay loop></video>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Continue->watchashley1m]]</span></div>
<<speech "Sarah" "Sarah">>Hmmmhmmm.<</speech>>
<div class="general">Sarah’s moaning intensifies.</div>
<<speech "Sarah" "Sarah">>Yess! Fuck that slut! Oooh!<</speech>>
<div class="general">Then suddenlt Sarah starts cumming with load moans.</div>
<video src="images/sarah/bedroom/watchashley/watchashley2c.webm" autoplay loop></video>
<<speech "Sarah" "Sarah">>Ooh fuck!<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>That was quick.<</speech>>
<<speech "Sarah" "Sarah">>I.. I know..<</speech>>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Continue->watchashley1n]]</span></div>
<div class="general">Ashley keeps getting fucked on screen as Sarah keeps jerking you off.</div>
<video src="images/sarah/bedroom/watchashley/watchashley1j.webm" autoplay loop></video>
<<speech "Sarah" "Sarah">>Looks like he is almost cumming.<</speech>>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Continue->watchashley1o]]</span></div>
<div class="general">Then Sarah drops in front of you.</div>
<<speech "Sarah" "Sarah">>Let’s see if I can get you to cum at the same time as him.<</speech>>
<div class="general">Sarah keeps jerking you off as you see that Ashley also gets on her knees.</div>
<<speech "Sarah" "Sarah">>Here we go.<</speech>>
<div class="general">Just as the guy starts cumming on Ashley, you start cumming in Sarah her hand. Not sure where to focus.</div>
<video src="images/sarah/bedroom/watchashley/watchashley1k.webm" autoplay loop></video>
<video src="images/sarah/bedroom/watchashley/watchashley2d.webm" autoplay loop></video>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Continue->watchashley1p]]</span></div>
<<speech "Sarah" "Sarah">>Seems like I still have that killer timing.<</speech>>
<div class="general">She smiles as she gets up and leaves the room, probably to wash her hands.</div>
<a data-passage="bedroom"><div class="talkplayer">Let’s do something else</div></a>
<<addenergy -20>>
<<addhygene -10>>
<<addhappiness 10>>
<<set $time to $time +1>>
<<if $fitness gte 0 and $fitness lt 25>>
<<addarousal -35>>
<<elseif $fitness gte 20 and $fitness lt 40>>
<<addarousal -30>>
<<elseif $fitness gte 40>>
<<addarousal -25>><</if>>
<<addrsarah 15>><<nobr>>
<<if $fnoelle gte 45>>
<<speech "Noelle" "Noelle">>You want me to.. Show myself to everyone?<</speech>><br>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Yes, that is correct and even more so, you are going to, at least pretend, to like it as well.<</speech>><br>
<<speech "Noelle" "Noelle">>But...?<</speech>><br>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>No buts Noelle, you’ll do it in the late evening or in the night and that’s that. Also, you better do it well, because I’ll be watching. And if you don't think you can do it, use some booze or something to loosen up.<</speech>><br>
<<speech "Noelle" "Noelle">>I.. I... Alright I’ll do it..<</speech>><br>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Good.<</speech>><br>
<a data-passage="upstairs"><div class="talkplayer">Let’s do something else</div></a>
<<speech "Noelle" "Noelle">>You want me to.. Show myself to everyone?<</speech>><br>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Yes baby, I can’t keep all that beauty for myself alone.<</speech>><br>
<<speech "Noelle" "Noelle">>But..?<</speech>><br>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Don’t worry beautiful, you’ll be magnificent, I just know it.<</speech>><br>
<div class="general">You kiss her on her head.</div><br>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>I’ll be watching in the late evening or in the night, so just pretend it’s just me watching.<</speech>><br>
<<speech "Noelle" "Noelle">>Ok, I guess I can do that.<</speech>><br>
<a data-passage="upstairs"><div class="talkplayer">Let’s do something else</div></a>
<<set $nfirstwebcamshow to "true">>
<<if $fnoelle gte 45>>
<div class="general">You open de cam site and look up Noelle.</div><br>
<<speech "Player" "$name">><i>There she is.</i><</speech>><br>
<div class="general">The stream has started and it looks like she got the message and it seems like she is actually trying and well.. Maybe she isn’t completely sober.</div><br>
<video src="images/noelle/noelleloss/guestroom/webcam/nwebcam1intro.webm" autoplay loop></video><br><br>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Continue->nwebcamshow1b]]</span></div>
<div class="general">You open de cam site and look up Noelle.</div><br>
<<speech "Player" "$name">><i>There she is.</i><</speech>><br>
<div class="general">The stream has started and it looks like she is actually enjoying it.</div><br>
<video src="images/noelle/noelleloss/guestroom/webcam/nwebcam1intro.webm" autoplay loop></video><br><br>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Continue->nwebcamshow2b]]</span></div>
<</nobr>><div class="general">Noelle gets up and starts showing herself off.</div>
<video src="images/noelle/noelleloss/guestroom/webcam/nwebcam1ass.webm" autoplay loop></video>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Continue->nwebcamshow2c]]</span></div>
<div class="general">Noelle gets up and starts showing herself off.</div>
<video src="images/noelle/noelleloss/guestroom/webcam/nwebcam1ass.webm" autoplay loop></video>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Continue->nwebcamshow1c]]</span></div>
<div class="general">Then she sits down and takes off her panties.</div>
<video src="images/noelle/noelleloss/guestroom/webcam/nwebcam1pussy.webm" autoplay loop></video>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Continue->nwebcamshow1d]]</span></div>
<div class="general">Then she sits down and takes off her panties.</div>
<video src="images/noelle/noelleloss/guestroom/webcam/nwebcam1pussy.webm" autoplay loop></video>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Continue->nwebcamshow2d]]</span></div>
<div class="general">Then you look at the comments.</div>
<<speech "Player" "$name">><i>Take off the shirt! Damn, what a lovely slut. Finally some fresh meat!!! Damn, these people don’t hold back.</i><</speech>>
<div class="general">Noelle does as asked most in the comments and takes off her top.</div>
<video src="images/noelle/noelleloss/guestroom/webcam/nwebcam1topoff.webm" autoplay loop></video>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Continue->nwebcamshow1e]]</span></div>
<div class="general">Then you look at the comments.</div>
<<speech "Player" "$name">><i>Take off the shirt! Damn, what a lovely slut. Finally some fresh meat!!! Damn, these people don’t hold back.</i><</speech>>
<div class="general">Noelle does as asked most in the comments and takes off her top.</div>
<video src="images/noelle/noelleloss/guestroom/webcam/nwebcam1topoff.webm" autoplay loop></video>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Continue->nwebcamshow2e]]</span></div>
<div class="general">Noelle is fully naked and shows off her body.</div>
<video src="images/noelle/noelleloss/guestroom/webcam/nwebcam1nudeshow.webm" autoplay loop></video>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Continue->nwebcamshow1f]]</span></div>
<div class="general">Noelle is fully naked and shows off her body.</div>
<video src="images/noelle/noelleloss/guestroom/webcam/nwebcam1nudeshow.webm" autoplay loop></video>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Continue->nwebcamshow2f]]</span></div>
<<speech "random" "Comments">>Play with yourself slut!<</speech>>
<div class="general">Noelle seems to ignore the comments as she sits down and starts fingering herself.</div>
<video src="images/noelle/noelleloss/guestroom/webcam/nwebcam2mast1.webm" autoplay loop></video>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Continue->nwebcamshow1g]]</span></div>
<<speech "random" "Comments">>Play with yourself slut!<</speech>>
<div class="general">At first Noelle seems a bit shocked with the comments, but she does as she is told.</div>
<video src="images/noelle/noelleloss/guestroom/webcam/nwebcam2mast1.webm" autoplay loop></video>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Continue->nwebcamshow2g]]</span></div>
<div class="general">Noelle keeps playing with her pussy for a while and moans while doing it.</div>
<video src="images/noelle/noelleloss/guestroom/webcam/nwebcam2mast2.webm" autoplay loop></video>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Continue->nwebcamshow1h]]</span></div>
<div class="general">Noelle keeps playing with her pussy for a while and moans softly.</div>
<video src="images/noelle/noelleloss/guestroom/webcam/nwebcam2mast2.webm" autoplay loop></video>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Continue->nwebcamshow2h]]</span></div>
<<speech "random" "Comments">>I bet this slut likes it in her ass too.<</speech>>
<<speech "random" "Comments">>Play with your ass!<</speech>>
<div class="general">Noelle turns around and starts fingering her ass.</div>
<video src="images/noelle/noelleloss/guestroom/webcam/nwebcam2mastanal1.webm" autoplay loop></video>
<<speech "Noelle" "Noelle">>Hmmhmmhmm.<</speech>>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Continue->nwebcamshow1i]]</span></div>
<<speech "random" "Comments">>I bet this slut likes it in her ass too.<</speech>>
<<speech "random" "Comments">>Play with your ass!<</speech>>
<div class="general">Noelle turns around and starts fingering her ass.</div>
<video src="images/noelle/noelleloss/guestroom/webcam/nwebcam2mastanal1.webm" autoplay loop></video>
<<speech "Noelle" "Noelle">>Hmmhmmhmm.<</speech>>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Continue->nwebcamshow2i]]</span></div>
<div class="general">She keeps playing with her ass.</div>
<video src="images/noelle/noelleloss/guestroom/webcam/nwebcam2mastanal2.webm" autoplay loop></video>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Continue->nwebcamshow1j]]</span></div>
<div class="general">She keeps playing with her ass.</div>
<video src="images/noelle/noelleloss/guestroom/webcam/nwebcam2mastanal2.webm" autoplay loop></video>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Continue->nwebcamshow2j]]</span></div>
<<if $bigdildo is "true">>
<<speech "random" "Comments">>She should use a toy!<</speech>><br>
<<speech "random" "Comments">>Yeah, a nice and big one!<</speech>><br>
<div class="general">Noelle stands up grabs a toy and starts to make the toy wet by licking it.</div><br>
<video src="images/noelle/noelleloss/guestroom/webcam/nwebcam2toylick1.webm" autoplay loop></video><br><br>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Continue->nwebcamshow1k]]</span></div>
<<speech "random" "Comments">>She should use a toy!<</speech>><br>
<<speech "random" "Comments">>Yeah, a nice and big one!<</speech>><br>
<div class="general">Realizing that she does not have a toy available now she ends the show.</div><br>
<video src="images/noelle/noelleloss/guestroom/webcam/nwebcam2end.webm" autoplay loop></video><br><br>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Damn, maybe I should get her some special toy.<</speech>><br>
<a data-passage="entrance"><div class="talkplayer">The end</div></a>
<<addhappiness 5>>
<<set $time to $time +1>>
<<addarousal 20>>
<<if $bigdildo is "true">>
<<speech "random" "Comments">>She should use a toy!<</speech>><br>
<<speech "random" "Comments">>Yeah, a nice and big one!<</speech>><br>
<div class="general">Noelle stands up grabs a toy and starts to make the toy wet by licking it.</div><br>
<video src="images/noelle/noelleloss/guestroom/webcam/nwebcam2toylick1.webm" autoplay loop></video><br><br>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Continue->nwebcamshow2k]]</span></div>
<<speech "random" "Comments">>She should use a toy!<</speech>><br>
<<speech "random" "Comments">>Yeah, a nice and big one!<</speech>><br>
<div class="general">Realizing that she does not have a toy available now she ends the show.</div><br>
<video src="images/noelle/noelleloss/guestroom/webcam/nwebcam2end.webm" autoplay loop></video><br><br>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Damn, maybe I should get her some special toy.<</speech>><br>
<a data-passage="entrance"><div class="talkplayer">The end</div></a>
<<addhappiness 5>>
<<set $time to $time +1>>
<<addarousal 20>>
<</if>><</nobr>><<speech "random" "Comments">>Damn, that’s big!<</speech>>
<<speech "random" "Comments">>Use it!<</speech>>
<div class="general">Once the dildo is lubed up good she starts to push it inside of her.</div>
<video src="images/noelle/noelleloss/guestroom/webcam/nwebcam2toypussy1.webm" autoplay loop></video>
<<speech "random" "Comments">>Damn, that actually fits!<</speech>>
<<speech "random" "Comments">>She must be fucking a lot.<</speech>>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Continue->nwebcamshow1l]]</span></div>
<<speech "random" "Comments">>Damn, that’s big!<</speech>>
<<speech "random" "Comments">>Use it!<</speech>>
<div class="general">Once the dildo is lubed up good she starts to push it inside of her.</div>
<video src="images/noelle/noelleloss/guestroom/webcam/nwebcam2toypussy1.webm" autoplay loop></video>
<<speech "random" "Comments">>Damn, that actually fits!<</speech>>
<<speech "random" "Comments">>She must be fucking a lot.<</speech>>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Continue->nwebcamshow2l]]</span></div>
<div class="general">Noelle keeps fucking herself with the dildo as she starts moaning louder.</div>
<video src="images/noelle/noelleloss/guestroom/webcam/nwebcam2toypussy2.webm" autoplay loop></video>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Continue->nwebcamshow1m]]</span></div>
<div class="general">Noelle keeps fucking herself with the dildo as she starts moaning louder.</div>
<video src="images/noelle/noelleloss/guestroom/webcam/nwebcam2toypussy2.webm" autoplay loop></video>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Continue->nwebcamshow2m]]</span></div>
<<speech "random" "Comments">>Deeper slut, we want to see that dildo disappear!<</speech>>
<div class="general">Encouraged by the comments, Noelle tries to push the dildo as deep into her pussy as possible.</div>
<video src="images/noelle/noelleloss/guestroom/webcam/nwebcam2toypussy3.webm" autoplay loop></video>
<<speech "Player" "$name">><i>Damn, she is really going for it.</i><</speech>>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Continue->nwebcamshow1n]]</span></div>
<<speech "random" "Comments">>Deeper slut, we want to see that dildo disappear!<</speech>>
<div class="general">Encouraged by the comments, Noelle tries to push the dildo as deep into her pussy as possible.</div>
<video src="images/noelle/noelleloss/guestroom/webcam/nwebcam2toypussy3.webm" autoplay loop></video>
<<speech "Player" "$name">><i>Damn, she is really going for it.</i><</speech>>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Continue->nwebcamshow2n]]</span></div>
<<speech "random" "Comments">>I bet that she can take it into her ass as well!<</speech>>
<<speech "random" "Comments">>I’ll take that bet.<</speech>>
<<speech "random" "Comments">>Show us you anal skills!<</speech>>
<div class="general">Noelle slowly switches the dildo from her pussy towards her ass and guides the dildo into her ass.</div>
<video src="images/noelle/noelleloss/guestroom/webcam/nwebcam2toyanal1.webm" autoplay loop></video>
<<speech "Noelle" "Noelle">>Hmmm fuck!<</speech>>
<<speech "random" "Comments">>Dammnnn.<</speech>>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Continue->nwebcamshow1o]]</span></div>
<<speech "random" "Comments">>I bet that she can take it into her ass as well!<</speech>>
<<speech "random" "Comments">>I’ll take that bet.<</speech>>
<<speech "random" "Comments">>Show us you anal skills!<</speech>>
<div class="general">Noelle slowly switches the dildo from her pussy towards her ass and guides the dildo into her ass.</div>
<video src="images/noelle/noelleloss/guestroom/webcam/nwebcam2toyanal1.webm" autoplay loop></video>
<<speech "random" "Comments">>Dammnnn.<</speech>>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Continue->nwebcamshow2o]]</span></div>
<<speech "random" "Comments">>I guess I lost a bet.<</speech>>
<<speech "random" "Comments">>I’ll take that bet.<</speech>>
<div class="general">Noelle keeps fucking the big dildo with her ass.</div>
<video src="images/noelle/noelleloss/guestroom/webcam/nwebcam2toyanal2.webm" autoplay loop></video>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Continue->nwebcamshow1p]]</span></div>
<<speech "random" "Comments">>I guess I lost a bet.<</speech>>
<<speech "random" "Comments">>I’ll take that bet.<</speech>>
<div class="general">Noelle keeps fucking the big dildo with her ass.</div>
<video src="images/noelle/noelleloss/guestroom/webcam/nwebcam2toyanal2.webm" autoplay loop></video>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Continue->nwebcamshow2p]]</span></div>
<<speech "random" "Comments">>Now lick it. Clean the dildo with your tongue.<</speech>>
<<speech "random" "Comments">>Yes, show us how dirty you are!<</speech>>
<div class="general">Noelle takes the dildo out of her ass and starts licking it.</div>
<video src="images/noelle/noelleloss/guestroom/webcam/nwebcam2toylick2.webm" autoplay loop></video>
<<speech "random" "Comments">>Damn, she is dirty!<</speech>>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Continue->nwebcamshow1q]]</span></div>
<<speech "random" "Comments">>Now lick it. Clean the dildo with your tongue.<</speech>>
<<speech "random" "Comments">>Yes, show us how dirty you are!<</speech>>
<div class="general">Slightly reluctant Noelle takes the dildo out of her ass and starts licking it.</div>
<video src="images/noelle/noelleloss/guestroom/webcam/nwebcam2toylick2.webm" autoplay loop></video>
<<speech "random" "Comments">>Damn, she is dirty!<</speech>>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Continue->nwebcamshow2q]]</span></div>
<div class="general">Then she blows a kiss and quits the stream.</div>
<video src="images/noelle/noelleloss/guestroom/webcam/nwebcam2end.webm" autoplay loop></video>
<<speech "Player" "$name">><i>That was better than expected, and made some money too.</i><</speech>>
<a data-passage="entrance"><div class="talkplayer">Let’s do something else</div></a>
<<addhappiness 5>>
<<set $time to $time +1>>
<<addarousal 40>><div class="general">Then she blows a kiss and quits the stream.</div>
<video src="images/noelle/noelleloss/guestroom/webcam/nwebcam2end.webm" autoplay loop></video>
<<speech "Player" "$name">><i>That was better than expected, and made some money too.</i><</speech>>
<a data-passage="entrance"><div class="talkplayer">Let’s do something else</div></a>
<<addhappiness 5>>
<<set $time to $time +1>>
<<addarousal 40>><<speech "random" "eroticagirl">>Damn, I almost feel sorry for the girl who is going to use this big boy.<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Looks good, how much is it?<</speech>>
<<speech "random" "eroticagirl">>It's yours for only $300<</speech>>
<<nobr>><<if $money gte 300>>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Alright, sounds good, I'll take it->eroticbigdildo2]]</span></div><br><</if>>
<a data-passage="mall"><div class="talkplayer">Sorry but that is to much for me</div></a></span></div><</nobr>><img src="images/player/items/bigdildo.jpg" />
<<speech "random" "eroticagirl">>Great! Here you go and have fun with your purchase!<</speech>>
<a data-passage="mall"><div class="talkplayer">Thank you very much.</div></a>
<<set $bigdildo to "true">>
<<set $money to $money -300>>
<<set $time to $time +1>>
<<if $zareana1 is "false">>
<<elseif $zareana1 is "true">>
<<if $zareana4 is "false">>
<<elseif $zareana4 is "true">>
[[Return to game|$return]]<<nobr>>
<<speech "Sarah" "Sarah">>Hey babe..<</speech>><br>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Hi honey.<</speech>><br>
<div class="general">You already feel as if she wants something from you.</div><br>
<<speech "Sarah" "Sarah">>Sooo, I thought we could go out to the club again.<</speech>><br>
<<if $sarahsexclub1n is "true">>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Ok..<</speech>><br>
<<speech "Sarah" "Sarah">>But only if we are actually going to have some fun. I don't want to hear a no again like last time!<</speech>><br>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>And what do you want to do there?<</speech>><br>
<<speech "Sarah" "Sarah">>What do you think?<</speech>><br>
<div class="general">She is clearly teasing you.</div><br>
<<speech "Sarah" "Sarah">>I think we should go and just do whatever and whoever we want to do.<</speech>><br>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Sounds good to me->sarahsexclub2a]]</span></div><br>
<a data-passage="entrance"><div class="talkloc">Not today</div></a><br>
<<set $sarahsexclubtimer to 0>>
<div class="general">Not much later you arrive and enter the sexclub.</div>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>There are a lot of people tonight.<</speech>>
<<speech "Sarah" "Sarah">>Oh, didn’t I mention? There is a small gathering today. Apparently, a lot of people like to come to these.<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Yeah, you didn't tell me.<</speech>>
<<speech "Sarah" "Sarah">>I'm sorry... But damn, look at all these beautiful people. Let’s grab a drink and join them.<</speech>>
<div class="general">You walk to the bar and both take a drink and look around.</div>
<<speech "Sarah" "Sarah">>I’m going to need another drink, all these people here is exciting, but it also makes me a bit nervous.<</speech>>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Continue->sarahsexclub2b]]</span></div>
<div class="general">After a couple of drinks it looks like Sarah’s nervousness is getting replaced by more excitement.</div>
<<speech "Sarah" "Sarah">>Well, let’s mingle.<</speech>>
<div class="general">With excitement in her step she goes around the crowd.</div>
<video src="images/sarah/events/sexclub2/ssexclub2a.webm" autoplay loop></video>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Continue->sarahsexclub2c]]</span></div>
<<set $sarahsexclub2 to "true">><div class="general">Not much later, she comes to you.</div>
<<speech "Sarah" "Sarah">>Are you just going to sit there?<</speech>>
<div class="general">She starts grinding on top of you.</div>
<video src="images/sarah/events/sexclub2/ssexclub2b.webm" autoplay loop></video>
<<speech "Sarah" "Sarah">>Come on baby, let's have some fun!<</speech>>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Continue->sarahsexclub2d]]</span></div>
<div class="general">Then you notice a shirtless, and in all honesty, good-looking guy looking at Sarah, Sarah freezes a bit and looks back at him.</div>
<<speech "Sarah" "Sarah">>Hmmm..<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">><i>Was that a moan?</i><</speech>>
<<speech "Sarah" "Sarah">>I uuuhm, I'm going to meet some new people..<</speech>>
<div class="general">She stands up and walks up to the guy who already has attention from some other woman.</div>
<<speech "Player" "$name">><i>Is she actually..?</i><</speech>>
<div class="general">Sarah walks up to the guy and instantly grabs all of his attention.</div>
<video src="images/sarah/events/sexclub2/ssexclub2c.webm" autoplay loop></video>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Continue->sarahsexclub2f]]</span></div>
<div class="general">After a small chat she starts grinding on him as the other woman seems to give up.</div>
<<speech "Player" "$name">><i>She is really going for it.</i><</speech>>
<div class="general">The guy starts groping her a little as well.</div>
<video src="images/sarah/events/sexclub2/ssexclub2d.webm" autoplay loop></video>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Continue->sarahsexclub2g]]</span></div>
<div class="general">Then she grabs him by his belt and leads him away.</div>
<video src="images/sarah/events/sexclub2/ssexclub2e.webm" autoplay loop></video>
<<speech "Player" "$name">><i>Where are they going?</i><</speech>>
<div class="general">It’s pretty clear what their intentions are as they walk towards a bed that right in front of everyone here.</div>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Continue->sarahsexclub21h]]</span></div>
<<speech "Player" "$name">><i>Fuck, am I actually allowing this?</i><</speech>>
<div class="general">You get closer to them but don't intervene.</div>
<<speech "Player" "$name">><i>Well, we did discuss that we could do who and whatever we wanted..</i><</speech>>
<div class="general">They go to the bed and lay down next to each other.</div>
<video src="images/sarah/events/sexclub2/ssexclub2f.webm" autoplay loop></video>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Continue->sarahsexclub21i]]</span></div>
<div class="general">One they lay down they start kissing each other and it is the first time you notice that Sarah was not wearing any panties under her dress.</div>
<video src="images/sarah/events/sexclub2/ssexclub2g.webm" autoplay loop></video>
<<speech "Player" "$name">><i>She is actually kissing this guy?</i><</speech>>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Continue->sarahsexclub21j]]</span></div>
<div class="general">Sarah unbuttons his pants and stars jerking him while he has put is fingers deep inside of her pussy.</div>
<video src="images/sarah/events/sexclub2/ssexclub2h.webm" autoplay loop></video>
<div class="general">You feel dissapointed and a little angry that she already broke a rule.</div>
<<speech "Player" "$name">><i>Should I intervene?</i><</speech>><br>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Continue->sarahsexclub21k]]</span></div>
<div class="general">Some people start watching while Sarah starts giving the guy a blowjob as you are still deciding what to do.</div>
<video src="images/sarah/events/sexclub2/ssexclub2i.webm" autoplay loop></video>
<div class="general">When you look around, you do vaguely recognize some people from around your neighbourhood.</div>
<<speech "Player" "$name">><i>Damn, they are all watching her, if I intervene now, I probably create a lot of trouble for myself..</i><</speech>>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Continue->sarahsexclub21l]]</span></div>
<div class="general">Sarah keeps sucking his dick, when he spanks her ass, she lets out a clear moan.</div>
<video src="images/sarah/events/sexclub2/ssexclub2j.webm" autoplay loop></video>
<<speech "random" "Guy fucking Sarah">>Hmmm, I love redheads, always horny, always a slut.<</speech>>
<<speech "Sarah" "Sarah">>Hmmmm, yes we are.<</speech>>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Continue->sarahsexclub21m]]</span></div>
<div class="general">While Sarah keeps blowing this guy you are being tapped on the shoulder. When you turn around there is a busty redhead in front of you.</div>
<video src="images/sarah/events/sexclub2/ssexclub2aaa.webm" autoplay loop></video>
<<speech "random" "Busty redhead">>Enjoying the show?<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Well...<</speech>>
<div class="general">Before you can finish she interrupts you.</div>
<<speech "random" "Busty redhead">>That’s your wife right?<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Yeah it is, why?<</speech>>
<<speech "random" "Busty redhead">>Well, she is fucking my husband.<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Oh..<</speech>>
<<speech "random" "Busty redhead">>He’ll fuck anyone as long as they are a redhead.<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Ok..<</speech>>
<<speech "random" "Busty redhead">>So why don’t we also have some fun?<</speech>>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[I rather watch alone->sarahsexclub21n]]</span></div>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Sure->sarahsexclub23n]]</span></div>
<div class="general">Your anger and maybe some revenge feelings take over and you accept her offer.</div>
<<speech "random" "Busty redhead">>Hmm, that’s what I wanted to hear.<</speech>>
<div class="general">She grabs your arm and takes you away from Sarah and her husband.</div>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Where are we going?<</speech>>
<<speech "random" "Busty redhead">>Well, I’m not one for public sex, but don’t worry, you can see everything where we are going.<</speech>>
<div class="general">You enter a room and you can indeed see Sarah and her husband clearly, it must be a one sided window or something. When you look at Sarah you see that she has just started to ride the guy.</div>
<video src="images/sarah/events/sexclub2/ssexclub2l.webm" autoplay loop></video>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Continue->sarahsexclub23o]]</span></div><<speech "random" "Busty redhead">>Alright, suit yourself.<</speech>>
<div class="general">The woman walks away and you turn back to watching Sarah. When you have turned around you see Sarah has just started to ride the guy.</div>
<video src="images/sarah/events/sexclub2/ssexclub2l.webm" autoplay loop></video>
<<speech "Sarah" "Sarah">>Oh fuck, you feel so good!<</speech>>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Continue->sarahsexclub21o]]</span></div>
<<speech "random" "Guy fucking Sarah">>I bet you love being watched.<</speech>>
<<speech "Sarah" "Sarah">>Yes.. Hmmmm, yes I do.<</speech>>
<div class="general">Then she starts kissing the guy while she keeps riding him.</div>
<video src="images/sarah/events/sexclub2/ssexclub2m.webm" autoplay loop></video>
<<speech "Player" "$name">><i>Fuck, she is kissing him again?</i><</speech>><br>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Continue->sarahsexclub21p]]</span></div><<speech "random" "Guy fucking Sarah">>Get on your hands and knees!<</speech>>
<div class="general">Sarah does as he says and the guy pushes his dick in from behind.</div>
<video src="images/sarah/events/sexclub2/ssexclub2o.webm" autoplay loop></video>
<<speech "random" "Guy fucking Sarah">>Look at all these people enjoying our show.<</speech>>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Continue->sarahsexclub21q]]</span></div><<speech "random" "Guy fucking Sarah">>You are such a slut.<</speech>>
<<speech "Sarah" "Sarah">>Yes, I am a slut! I am your slut now!<</speech>>
<div class="general">Sarah keeps getting fucked from behind as you and others watch her.</div>
<video src="images/sarah/events/sexclub2/ssexclub2p.webm" autoplay loop></video>
<<speech "Player" "$name">><i>Damn, did she really just say that? I can't believe this..</i><</speech>>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Continue->sarahsexclub21r]]</span></div><div class="general">Then he stops and starts to tease her and fucking her really slow.</div>
<video src="images/sarah/events/sexclub2/ssexclub2q.webm" autoplay loop></video>
<<speech "Sarah" "Sarah">>Please, don’t stop!<</speech>>
<<speech "random" "Guy fucking Sarah">>Beg for it!<</speech>>
<<speech "Sarah" "Sarah">>Please, fuck me! Fuck me hard! I want you dick deep inside of me!<</speech>>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Continue->sarahsexclub21s]]</span></div><div class="general">After Sarah’s begging he suddenly starts to fuck her hard, very hard.</div>
<video src="images/sarah/events/sexclub2/ssexclub2r.webm" autoplay loop></video>
<<speech "Sarah" "Sarah">>Oooh fuck! Yes! Fuck me! Don’t stop!<</speech>>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Continue->sarahsexclub21t]]</span></div><div class="general">Then he flips her around and fucks her missionary.</div>
<<speech "random" "Guy fucking Sarah">>I’ll show you how to get really fucked!<</speech>>
<<speech "Sarah" "Sarah">>Oooh.. yessss!<</speech>>
<div class="general">Sarah starts cumming loudly.</div>
<video src="images/sarah/events/sexclub2/ssexclub2s.webm" autoplay loop></video>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Continue->sarahsexclub21u]]</span></div><<speech "random" "Guy fucking Sarah">>Fuck, you are squeezing your pussy hard!<</speech>>
<div class="general">He pulls out of Sarah and starts cumming on her.</div>
<video src="images/sarah/events/sexclub2/ssexclub2t.webm" autoplay loop></video>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Continue->sarahsexclub21w]]</span></div><div class="general">Sarah, almost automatically, goes down with her hand and starts to eat his cum.</div>
<video src="images/sarah/events/sexclub2/ssexclub2u.webm" autoplay loop></video>
<<speech "random" "Guy fucking Sarah">>Damn, you are loving my cum aren’t you. You are such a slut!<</speech>>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Continue->sarahsexclub21v]]</span></div><div class="general">Then you see Sarah’s facial expression changes. It’s like she snaps out of her horny and excited state. She looks around as her face turns red. She quickly puts on her dress and walks away from the bed and the people watching.</div>
<<speech "Player" "$name">><i>I should probably talk to her.</i><</speech>>
<div class="general">You look around in the club, but you can’t seem to find her.</div>
<<speech "Player" "$name">><i>She must have gone home.</i><</speech>>
<a data-passage="suburbs"><div class="talkplayer">Let’s do something else</div></a>
<<set $sarahsexclub21 to "true">>
<<speech "random" "Busty redhead">>Alright, enough watching, I need to you to lick me.<</speech>>
<div class="general">She sits down and spreads her legs as you go down on her.</div>
<video src="images/sarah/events/sexclub2/ssexclub2bb.webm" autoplay loop></video>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Continue->sarahsexclub23p]]</span></div><<speech "random" "Busty redhead">>Hmmm, yes that will get me wet!<</speech>>
<div class="general">You keep licking her pussy.</div>
<video src="images/sarah/events/sexclub2/ssexclub2cc.webm" autoplay loop></video>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Continue->sarahsexclub23q]]</span></div><<speech "random" "Busty redhead">>Now get up and fuck me!<</speech>>
<div class="general">When you get up you look at Sarah who is kissing the guy while she keeps riding him.</div>
<video src="images/sarah/events/sexclub2/ssexclub2m.webm" autoplay loop></video>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Continue->sarahsexclub23r]]</span></div><<speech "Player" "$name">><i>She is actually kissing this guy?</i><</speech>>
<div class="general">In a sense of revenge of sorts, you start kissing the busty woman in front of you while your dick enters her pussy.</div>
<video src="images/sarah/events/sexclub2/ssexclub2dd.webm" autoplay loop></video>
<<speech "random" "Busty redhead">>Hmmm, we shouldn’t do that.<</speech>>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Continue->sarahsexclub23s]]</span></div><<speech "Player" "$name">>Your husband seems to do the same.<</speech>><br><div class="general">You say as you take off the woman's coat while you keep fucking her.</div>
<video src="images/sarah/events/sexclub2/ssexclub2gg.webm" autoplay loop></video>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Continue->sarahsexclub23t]]</span></div><div class="general">While fucking her, you can’t keep your eyes of Sarah who is now getting fucked from behind while moaning loudly, you might not be able to hear her, but you can see it.</div>
<video src="images/sarah/events/sexclub2/ssexclub2o.webm" autoplay loop></video>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Continue->sarahsexclub23u]]</span></div><<speech "Player" "$name">>Turn around.<</speech>>
<div class="general">She turns around as you start to fuck her from behind, just like her husband is doing to Sarah.</div>
<video src="images/sarah/events/sexclub2/ssexclub2hh.webm" autoplay loop></video>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Continue->sarahsexclub23v]]</span></div><div class="general">Still looking more at Sarah than the woman you are fucking, you see she keeps getting fucked from behind still being watched by plenty of people. You also notice that she is saying things while getting fucked, you can’t hear it, you can see her mouth moving.</div>
<video src="images/sarah/events/sexclub2/ssexclub2p.webm" autoplay loop></video>
<<speech "Player" "$name">><i>Wait, is she saying that.. That she is his slut? Am I imagining things?</i><</speech>>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Continue->sarahsexclub23w]]</span></div><div class="general">In the meantime you keep fucking the woman in front of you. You fuck her harder and harder, maybe what you are seeing outside has something to do with it.</div>
<video src="images/sarah/events/sexclub2/ssexclub2ii.webm" autoplay loop></video>
<<speech "random" "Busty redhead">>Ooh fuck, you are going so hard!<</speech>>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Continue->sarahsexclub23x]]</span></div><div class="general">You Sarah also getting fucked harder and harder as it looks like she is begging him not to stop..</div>
<video src="images/sarah/events/sexclub2/ssexclub2r.webm" autoplay loop></video>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Continue->sarahsexclub23y]]</span></div><div class="general">In the meantime your pace keeps increasing as you fuck the almost helpless woman beneath you, who does seem to love every second of it.</div>
<video src="images/sarah/events/sexclub2/ssexclub2jj.webm" autoplay loop></video>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Continue->sarahsexclub23z]]</span></div><div class="general">Outside you see the guy pulls out of Sarah and starts cumming on her.</div>
<video src="images/sarah/events/sexclub2/ssexclub2t.webm" autoplay loop></video>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Continue->sarahsexclub23aa]]</span></div><<speech "Player" "$name">><i>Did he cum inside as well?</i><</speech>>
<div class="general">Looking at him cumming on and maybe even in Sarah gives you an extra edge until you hear load moaning beneath you, when you look you notice that the woman you are actually fucking is cumming</div>
<video src="images/sarah/events/sexclub2/ssexclub2jjj.webm" autoplay loop></video>
<<speech "random" "Busty redhead">>Ooooh yessssssss!!<</speech>>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Continue->sarahsexclub23ab]]</span></div><div class="general">Focusing back to Sarah, you see that she has started to eat his cum from her belly.</div>
<video src="images/sarah/events/sexclub2/ssexclub2u.webm" autoplay loop></video>
<<speech "Player" "$name">><i>That dirty cum addicted slut.</i><</speech>>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Continue->sarahsexclub23ac]]</span></div><div class="general">Watching Sarah eat the guys cum, puts you over the edge.</div>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Hmmm, I’m cumming!<</speech>>
<<speech "random" "Busty redhead">>Yes! Give it to me baby! But not inside!<</speech>>
<div class="general">She drops onto her knees as you start cumming all over her face.</div>
<video src="images/sarah/events/sexclub2/ssexclub2kk.webm" autoplay loop></video>
<<speech "random" "Busty redhead">>Fuck! I haven’t been fucked like that in a long time. You should watch your wife more often while fucking someone. It clearly motivates you.<</speech>>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Continue->sarahsexclub23ad]]</span></div><div class="general">When you look at Sarah again, you see that her facial expression changes. It’s like she snaps out of her horny and excited state. She looks around as her face turns red. She quickly puts on her dress and walks away from the bed and the people watching.</div>
<<speech "Player" "$name">><i>I should probably talk to her.</i><</speech>>
<<speech "random" "Busty redhead">>Well you should probably deal with that, maybe until next time.<</speech>>
<div class="general">She gets up and leaves, just as you as you start to look for Sarah, but can't seem to find her anywhere.</div>
<<speech "Player" "$name">><i>She must have gone home.</i><</speech>>
<a data-passage="suburbs"><div class="talkplayer">Let’s do something else</div></a>
<<set $sarahsexclub23 to "true">>
<<set $domsub to $domsub +5>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Fucking hell Sarah, I can’t believe you did that! How could you!<</speech>>
<<speech "Sarah" "Sarah">>I.. I..<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>And with a student no less! Do you want to ruin your career?<</speech>>
<<speech "Sarah" "Sarah">>No of course not!<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>I can’t even look at you!<</speech>>
<<speech "Sarah" "Sarah">>Baby, please, it was just one blowjob!<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>I need some time to think.<</speech>>
<div class="general">Angry, you walk away from Sarah, as you hear her cry softly in the bedroom.</div>
<<speech "Player" "$name">><i>I really need to keep an eye on her, apparently she gets more than a bit addicted to sex and cum.</i><</speech>>
<a data-passage="upstairs"><div class="talkplayer">Let’s do something else</div></a>
<<set $scheater to "true">>
<<set $time to $time +1>>
<<set $domsub to $domsub +5>>
<<set $angrymode to "true">><<speech "Player" "$name">>Come here baby, I forgive you.<</speech>>
<<speech "Sarah" "Sarah">>Really?<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Yes I love you, just make sure that you don't do it again.<</speech>>
<<speech "Sarah" "Sarah">>I promise!<</speech>>
<div class="general">She hugs you tightly.</div>
<<speech "Sarah" "Sarah">>I love you.<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>I love you too.<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">><i>I really need to keep an eye on her.</i><</speech>>
<a data-passage="upstairs"><div class="talkplayer">Let’s do something else</div></a>
<<set $scheater to "true">>
<<set $time to $time +1>>
<div class="general">You follow her into the bedroom.</div><br>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>How far would you have gone if I hadn’t intervened? I doubt it would have stayed at just a blowjob.<</speech>><br>
<<speech "Sarah" "Sarah">>Yeah so? Did Noelle only give you a blowjob?<</speech>><br>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Well, at least Noelle would not cost me my job and career and she is not still in school!<</speech>><br>
<<speech "Sarah" "Sarah">>Yeah well, fuck you!<</speech>><br>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Oh, no, what a great argument!<</speech>><br>
<div class="general">Sarah grabs something and throws it at you as you decide to leave.</div><br>
<a data-passage="upstairs"><div class="talkplayer">Leave</div></a>
<<set $domsub to $domsub +5>>
<<set $angrymode to "true">>
<<addenergy -20>>
<<addhygene -5>>
<<addhappiness -15>>
<<addrsarah -10>>
<<set $time to $time +1>>
<<set $sarahsrevengestopped to "true">><div class="general">You find Sarah in her bedroom.</div>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>What the fuck Sarah, we had a deal!<</speech>>
<div class="general">She turns red.</div>
<<speech "Sarah" "Sarah">>I... I.... I am sorry, I know I broke a rule, but I enjoyed it so much, I was so excited last time... I was just drawn to it, I felt like I had to do it. And, don’t worry, it’s not even about the neighbour, I mean for his age he is good looking, he’s nice and a true gentleman..<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>I don’t care! You can’t just sneak off with the neighbour and have sex with him!<</speech>>
<<speech "Sarah" "Sarah">>Sex? It’s just a handjob and besides, it’s not just about that, it’s..<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Stop making excuses! You basically cheated, AGAIN! Where is this going to stop?<</speech>>
<div class="general">You sit down. It stays silent for a couple of minutes as you both calm down.</div>
<<speech "Sarah" "Sarah">>I’m sorry.. You are right, I was in the wrong by not telling you. Please forgive me! It won’t happen again. It.. It just feels.. So special, the whole experience.. It’s almost addicting.<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>So you are a sexjunkie now or just a common slut?<</speech>>
<<speech "Sarah" "Sarah">>I'm not a slut! Just please.. I.. I will not break any rules again, I promise!<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>You really want to continue?<</speech>>
<div class="general">Sarah turns red, but nods yes.</div>
<<speech "Player" "$name">><i>I guess I have a descission to make. Do I trust her enough and was it just a handjob?</i><</speech>>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[You can continue->neighbour3m]]</span></div>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[You cannot continue->neighbour3n]]</span></div>
<<set $domsub to $domsub +5>><<speech "Player" "$name">>Are you crazy, I'm not letting you fuck some strange cock through a hole.<</speech>>
<div class="general">Sarah looks dissapointed, but does seem to accept it.</div>
<<speech "Sarah" "Sarah">>Ohw, ok I guess, I understand.<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Come, let’s go home.<</speech>>
<a data-passage="suburbs"><div class="talkplayer">Leave</div></a>
<<addenergy -20>>
<<addhygene -25>>
<<addhappiness 15>>
<<set $time to $time +2>>
<<set $sarahsexclubtimer to 0>>
<<set $sarahsexclub1n to "true">><div class="general">When you arrive home you find Sarah in her bed.</div><br>
<<speech "Player" "$name">><i>This is a weird deja vu.</i><</speech>><br>
<div class="general">Sarah doesn’t really respond when you walk in.</div><br>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Get angry->sarahsexclub21after1]]</span></div>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Ask if she is ok->sarahsexclub21after2]]</span></div>
<<set $time to 9>>
<<set $sarahsexclub21after to "true">><<if $domsub gte 10>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>I can’t believe what you did tonight!<</speech>><br>
<div class="general">Sarah doesn’t respond.</div><br>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Firstly, you just suddenly walk away to fuck some random guy! And, maybe I can get that since we are in a sexclub, but a little heads-up would have been nice. But then, almost the first thing you do is kiss him? And later, when you are fucking him in front of fucking everyone, you kiss him again?<</speech>><br>
<<speech "Sarah" "Sarah">>I’m sorry..<</speech>><br>
<div class="general">You hear that Sarah is crying before she turns around.</div><br>
<<speech "Sarah" "Sarah">>I’m sorry, I know I fucked up, it’s just..<</speech>><br>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Get more angry->sarahsexclub21after1a]]</span></div><br>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Hear her out->sarahsexclub21after1b]]</span></div><br>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>I can’t believe what you did tonight!<</speech>><br>
<div class="general">Sarah turns around.</div><br>
<<speech "Sarah" "Sarah">>Oh fuck you! Yes I might feel somewhat slutty and dirty, but don’t pretend you didn’t love to watch me getting fucked!<</speech>><br>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>You.. You broke rules!<</speech>><br>
<<speech "Sarah" "Sarah">>OK, yes I kissed him and yes part of his cum might have ended up inside my pussy, but you loved to watch, I know it and I know you!<</speech>><br>
<div class="general">You are a surprised by her reaction as she continues.</div><br>
<<speech "Sarah" "Sarah">>And you know the worst part, I saw that woman come at you and you turned her away instead of having some fun of your own.<</speech>><br>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Admit->sarahsexclub21after1c]]</span></div><br>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Leave->sarahsexclub21after1ab]]</span></div><br>
<</if>><div class="general">Sarah turns around.</div>
<<speech "Sarah" "Sarah">>I’m really sorry.. It’s just.. I don’t know. I just sometimes get in some kind of trance and I forget everything around me.. I mean, you’ve seen me like that before..<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Yes, I have.<</speech>>
<<speech "Sarah" "Sarah">>I’m really sorry.. It’s just.. I don’t know. I just sometimes get in some kind of trance and I forget everything around me.. I mean, you’ve seen me like that before..<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>It’s still not an excuse to break all of our, already loose, rules.<</speech>>
<<speech "Sarah" "Sarah">>I know, it’s not an excuse, it’s an explanation and I want to say it won’t happen again.. But if we go back to that club, I can’t promise that.<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>I see.. Well I guess I have something to think about.<</speech>>
<div class="general">You feel like you can't get angry at her when she is vulnerable like this.</div>
<<speech "Sarah" "Sarah">>Are we ok? I love you.<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>I.. I guess.. I love you too.<</speech>>
<div class="general">You give her a hug before you go to bed.</div>
<<speech "Player" "$name">><i>I guess I have something serious to think about.</i><</speech>>
<a data-passage="entrance"><div class="talkloc">Let's go sleep</div></a>
<<set $time to $time +4>>
<<addenergy -20>>
<<addhygene -5>>
<<addhappiness +5>>
<<addrsarah +10>><<speech "Player" "$name">>I don’t fucking care what your excuses are! You broke the rules, again.<</speech>>
<div class="general">Sarah doesn’t respond as tears go down her cheek.</div>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>I.. I can’t even look at you right now.<</speech>>
<div class="general">Meaning what you said, you leave.</div>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Leave->sarahsexclub21after1ab]]</span></div>
<<addenergy -20>>
<<addhygene -25>>
<<addhappiness -20>>
<<set $domsub to $domsub +5>>
<<speech "Sarah" "Sarah">>I’m really sorry.. It’s just.. I don’t know. I just sometimes get in some kind of trance and I forget everything around me.. I mean, you’ve seen me like that before..<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Yes, I have.<</speech>>
<<speech "Sarah" "Sarah">>I’m really sorry.. It’s just.. I don’t know. I just sometimes get in some kind of trance and I forget everything around me.. I mean, you’ve seen me like that before..<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>It’s still not an excuse to break all of our, already loose, rules.<</speech>>
<<speech "Sarah" "Sarah">>I know, it’s not an excuse, it’s an explanation and I want to say it won’t happen again.. But if we go back to that club, I can’t promise that.<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>I see.. Well I guess I have something to think about.<</speech>>
<<speech "Sarah" "Sarah">>Are we ok? I love you.<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>I love you too.<</speech>>
<div class="general">You give her a hug before you go to bed.</div>
<<speech "Player" "$name">><i>Things are really changing.</i><</speech>>
<a data-passage="university"><div class="talkplayer">Continue</div></a>
<<set $time to $time +4>>
<<addenergy -20>>
<<addhygene -5>>
<<addhappiness +5>>
<<addrsarah +10>><div class="general">After laying on the couch trying to sleep for a couple of hours, you hear someone come in. It’s Sarah.</div>
<<speech "Sarah" "Sarah">>Can we talk?<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>I guess.<</speech>>
<<speech "Sarah" "Sarah">>I’m really sorry.. It’s just.. I don’t know. I just sometimes get in some kind of trance and I forget everything around me.. I mean, you’ve seen me like that before..<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Yes, I have.<</speech>>
<<speech "Sarah" "Sarah">>I’m really sorry.. It’s just.. I don’t know. I just sometimes get in some kind of trance and I forget everything around me.. I mean, you’ve seen me like that before..<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>It’s still not an excuse to break all of our, already loose, rules.<</speech>>
<<speech "Sarah" "Sarah">>I know, it’s not an excuse, it’s an explanation and I want to say it won’t happen again.. But if we go back to that club, I can’t promise that.<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>I see.. Well I guess I have something to think about.<</speech>>
<<speech "Sarah" "Sarah">>Are we ok? I love you.<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>I love you too.<</speech>>
<div class="general">You give her a hug before you go to bed.</div>
<<speech "Player" "$name">><i>Things are really changing.</i><</speech>>
<a data-passage="university"><div class="talkplayer">Continue</div></a>
<<set $time to $time +4>>
<<addenergy -20>>
<<addhygene -5>>
<<addhappiness +5>>
<<addrsarah +10>><<speech "Player" "$name">>At least a didn’t brake any rules.<</speech>>
<<speech "Sarah" "Sarah">>No, you are just mad that I did have fun!<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Still not a reason to brake the rules.<</speech>>
<<speech "Sarah" "Sarah">>Fuck the rules, like you never kissed another girl when we were together or gave another girl a creampie?<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>I..<</speech>>
<<speech "Sarah" "Sarah">>Oh, don’t even try to lie! But OK, I’m sorry I broke the rules, but I can’t promise it won’t happen again. So maybe you should reconsider if you want to go again.<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>I guess I should..<</speech>>
<<speech "Sarah" "Sarah">>I do want to go back, just for the record..<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>I’ll think about it.<</speech>>
<div class="general">It stays silent for a while.</div>
<<speech "Sarah" "Sarah">>I am really sorry. Are we ok?<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Yeah we are ok.<</speech>>
<div class="general">You give her a hug before you go to bed.</div>
<<speech "Player" "$name">><i>Things are really changing.</i><</speech>>
<a data-passage="entrance"><div class="talkplayer">Continue</div></a>
<<set $time to $time +4>>
<<addenergy -20>>
<<addhygene -5>>
<<addhappiness +5>>
<<addrsarah +10>><div class="general">When you arrive home you find Sarah in her bed.</div><br>
<<speech "Player" "$name">><i>This is a weird deja vu.</i><</speech>><br>
<div class="general">Sarah doesn’t really respond when you walk in.</div><br>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Get angry->sarahsexclub23after1]]</span></div>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Ask if she is ok->sarahsexclub21after2]]</span></div>
<<set $time to 9>>
<<set $sarahsexclub21after to "true">><<if $domsub gte 10>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>I can’t believe what you did tonight!<</speech>><br>
<div class="general">Sarah doesn’t respond.</div><br>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Firstly, you just suddenly walk away to fuck some random guy! And, maybe I can get that since we are in a sexclub, but a little heads-up would have been nice. But then, almost the first thing you do is kiss him? And later, when you are fucking him in front of fucking everyone, you kiss him again?<</speech>><br>
<<speech "Sarah" "Sarah">>I’m sorry..<</speech>><br>
<div class="general">You hear that Sarah is crying before she turns around.</div><br>
<<speech "Sarah" "Sarah">>I’m sorry, I know I fucked up, it’s just..<</speech>><br>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Get more angry->sarahsexclub21after1a]]</span></div><br>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Hear her out->sarahsexclub21after1b]]</span></div><br>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>I can’t believe what you did tonight!<</speech>><br>
<div class="general">Sarah turns around.</div><br>
<<speech "Sarah" "Sarah">>Oh fuck you! Yes I might feel somewhat slutty and dirty, but don’t pretend you didn’t love to watch me getting fucked!<</speech>><br>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>You.. You broke rules!<</speech>><br>
<<speech "Sarah" "Sarah">>OK, yes I kissed him and yes part of his cum might have ended up inside my pussy, but you loved to watch, I know it and I know you!<</speech>><br>
<div class="general">You are a surprised by her reaction as she continues.</div><br>
<<speech "Sarah" "Sarah">>And you know the worst part, I saw that woman come at you and I know that you probably have fucked her, didn't you?<</speech>><br>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Admit->sarahsexclub23after1c]]</span></div><br>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Leave->sarahsexclub21after1ab]]</span></div><br>
<</if>><<speech "Player" "$name">>At least a didn’t brake any rules.<</speech>>
<<speech "Sarah" "Sarah">>How would I know? I didn't see you fucking her did I?<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>You broke the rules, don't pin this on me!<</speech>>
<<speech "Sarah" "Sarah">>Fuck the rules, like you never kissed another girl when we were together or gave another girl a creampie?<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>I..<</speech>>
<<speech "Sarah" "Sarah">>Oh, don’t even try to lie! But OK, I’m sorry I broke the rules, but I can’t promise it won’t happen again. So maybe you should reconsider if you want to go again.<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>I guess I should..<</speech>>
<<speech "Sarah" "Sarah">>I do want to go back, just for the record..<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>I’ll think about it.<</speech>>
<div class="general">It stays silent for a while.</div>
<<speech "Sarah" "Sarah">>I am really sorry. Are we ok?<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Yeah we are ok.<</speech>>
<div class="general">You give her a hug before you go to bed.</div>
<a data-passage="entrance"><div class="talkplayer">Continue</div></a>
<<set $time to $time +4>>
<<addenergy -20>>
<<addhygene -5>>
<<addhappiness +5>>
<<addrsarah +10>><<speech "Player" "$name">><i>So after I caught Sarah and Christel having sex, I came up with a little plan. This should be good.</i><</speech>>
<div class="general">You knock on Christels door.</div>
<<speech "Christel" "Christel">>Oh hey $name. Ehm, what are you doing here?<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Sarah asked me to ask you if you could come by the house.<</speech>>
<<speech "Christel" "Christel">>Oh, ok, did she say what it is about?<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>No, she didn’t, I’m just the messenger.<</speech>>
<<speech "Christel" "Christel">>Alright, tell her I’ll right be there.<</speech>>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Find Sarah->suspiciouschristel3b]]</span></div>
<<set $suspiciouschristel3 to "true">><div class="general">You walk back to the house and find Sarah in the livingroom as expected.</div>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Hi honey.<</speech>>
<div class="general">You walk to her and kiss her passionately.</div>
<<speech "Sarah" "Sarah">>Hmmm, what’s up with you?<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>I just want and need you.<</speech>>
<div class="general">You grab her hand and place it on your crotch.</div>
<<speech "Sarah" "Sarah">>Hmmm, I like it when you are bold like this.<</speech>>
<div class="general">She drops down and takes your pants down with her, then she pushes you on the couch.</div>
<<speech "Sarah" "Sarah">>Let me help you baby.<</speech>>
<div class="general">Sarah doesn’t waste time and starts sucking your dick.</div>
<video src="images/christel/suspiciouschristel3/suspiciouschristel3a.webm" autoplay loop></video>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Continue->suspiciouschristel3c]]</span></div><<speech "Player" "$name">>Hmmm, that feels so good.<</speech>>
<div class="general">Sarah continues sucking.</div>
<video src="images/christel/suspiciouschristel3/suspiciouschristel3b.webm" autoplay loop></video>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Continue->suspiciouschristel3d]]</span></div><div class="general">'Suddenly' Christel walks into the livingroom.</div>
<<speech "Christel" "Christel">>Oh my god! Sarah!<</speech>>
<div class="general">She yells out, but does not turn around.</div>
<<speech "Sarah" "Sarah">>Christel! What are you doing here?<</speech>>
<<speech "Christel" "Christel">>$name told me you wanted to see me.<</speech>>
<div class="general">Sarah looks at you with a sly grin.</div>
<<speech "Sarah" "Sarah">>So this is why you where so bold? Well played.<</speech>>
<<speech "Christel" "Christel">>What do you..? Oooh.<</speech>>
<<speech "Sarah" "Sarah">>Well, now you are here..<</speech>>
<div class="general">Christel moves closer.</div>
<<speech "Christel" "Christel">>Well, it has been a while.. A long while..<</speech>>
<div class="general">She drops onto her knees next to Sarah.</div>
<<speech "Christel" "Christel">>You are ok with this?.<</speech>>
<<speech "Sarah" "Sarah">>Well, it’s not the first time something happens between you two, or between us.. So why not the three of us.<</speech>>
<div class="general">Sarah basically offers your dick to Christel. Christel looks down, grabs your dick and starts sucking.</div>
<video src="images/christel/suspiciouschristel3/suspiciouschristel3c.webm" autoplay loop></video>
<<speech "Sarah" "Sarah">>Hmmmm, good girl.<</speech>>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Continue->suspiciouschristel3e]]</span></div>
<<speech "Player" "$name">><i>Damn, this actually worked.</i><</speech>>
<div class="general">Christel keep sucking.</div>
<video src="images/christel/suspiciouschristel3/suspiciouschristel3d.webm" autoplay loop></video>
<<speech "Sarah" "Sarah">>Damn, you are eager.<</speech>>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Continue->suspiciouschristel3f]]</span></div>
<<speech "Christel" "Christel">>It’s been so long.<</speech>>
<<speech "Sarah" "Sarah">>I can see that.<</speech>>
<div class="general">Sarah starts taking off her clothes.</div>
<video src="images/christel/suspiciouschristel3/suspiciouschristel3e.webm" autoplay loop></video>
<<speech "Sarah" "Sarah">>Let’s get this party started.<</speech>>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Continue->suspiciouschristel3g]]</span></div>
<div class="general">Christel gets up and starts doing the same.</div>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Let me help you.<</speech>>
<div class="general">Once Christel takes off her shirt, you start to unhook her bra. Once she is naked you start groping her breasts.</div>
<video src="images/christel/suspiciouschristel3/suspiciouschristel3f.webm" autoplay loop></video>
<<speech "Christel" "Christel">>Hmmmmm.<</speech>>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Continue->suspiciouschristel3h]]</span></div>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Why don’t you continue with what you were doing.<</speech>>
<div class="general">Christel drops to her knees and starts sucking your dick again.</div>
<video src="images/christel/suspiciouschristel3/suspiciouschristel3g.webm" autoplay loop></video>
<div class="general">You see Sarah watching eagerly as she starts touching herself.</div>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Continue->suspiciouschristel3i]]</span></div>
<div class="general">Then Sarah drops next to Christel as Christel keeps sucking.</div>
<video src="images/christel/suspiciouschristel3/suspiciouschristel3h.webm" autoplay loop></video>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Continue->suspiciouschristel3j]]</span></div><<speech "Sarah" "Sarah">>Hmmm, can I?<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Well, actually, you cannot.<</speech>>
<<speech "Sarah" "Sarah">>Ok. Wait what? What do you mean?<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>I saw what you did with Christel in our shed.<</speech>>
<div class="general">Sarah blushes.</div>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>And when you found out I had sex with Christel, you made me watch you, so now, I am going to make you watch.<</speech>>
<<speech "Sarah" "Sarah">>You make one mistake, that is that Christel is on my side, so let’s go Christel.<</speech>>
<div class="general">Sarah stops sucking and looks at Sarah with some guilt accross her face.</div>
<<speech "Christel" "Christel">>I.. I’m sorry Sarah, it has been to long.. I.. I kinda want this.<</speech>>
<<speech "Sarah" "Sarah">>Christel!<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>But, not to worry, I have something for you.<</speech>>
<div class="general">You hand her a dildo.</div>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Have fun.<</speech>>
<div class="general">You see the dissapointment on Sarahs face.</div>
<video src="images/christel/suspiciouschristel3/suspiciouschristel3i.webm" autoplay loop></video>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Continue->suspiciouschristel3k]]</span></div>
<<speech "Christel" "Christel">>So, eeeh, now that’s done..<</speech>>
<div class="general">Christel grabs your dick and starts sucking again.</div>
<video src="images/christel/suspiciouschristel3/suspiciouschristel3j.webm" autoplay loop></video>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Continue->suspiciouschristel3l]]</span></div>
<div class="general">Christel keeps sucking while you grab her head and push her down on your dick.</div>
<video src="images/christel/suspiciouschristel3/suspiciouschristel3k.webm" autoplay loop></video>
<div class="general">You look at Sarah, and were there was disappointment a minute ago, which is still there, you also see her rubbing herself while she watches you two.</div>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Continue->suspiciouschristel3m]]</span></div>
<<speech "Christel" "Christel">>Hmmm, I need more.<</speech>>
<div class="general">Christel climbs on top of you.</div>
<<speech "Christel" "Christel">>Fuck me!<</speech>>
<div class="general">You grab your dick and guide it into her.</div>
<video src="images/christel/suspiciouschristel3/suspiciouschristel3l.webm" autoplay loop></video>
<<speech "Christel" "Christel">>Oh yes!<</speech>>
<div class="general">She starts riding you frantically from the start.</div>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Continue->suspiciouschristel3n]]</span></div><<speech "Christel" "Christel">>Oh fuck, I missed this, I really need this!<</speech>>
<div class="general">Christel moans loud as she keeps riding you.</div>
<video src="images/christel/suspiciouschristel3/suspiciouschristel3m.webm" autoplay loop></video>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Continue->suspiciouschristel3o]]</span></div>
<div class="general">You push her off you and place her on her back on the couch and quickly continue fucking her.</div>
<video src="images/christel/suspiciouschristel3/suspiciouschristel3n.webm" autoplay loop></video>
<<speech "Christel" "Christel">>Yes, keep fucking me, don’t stop!<</speech>>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Continue->suspiciouschristel3p]]</span></div>
<div class="general">You keep fucking her until you see the eyes roll into the back of her head as she cums.</div>
<video src="images/christel/suspiciouschristel3/suspiciouschristel3o.webm" autoplay loop></video>
<<speech "Christel" "Christel">>Fuck, that felt so good.<</speech>>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Continue->suspiciouschristel3q]]</span></div>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>We are not done yet.<</speech>>
<<speech "Christel" "Christel">>Hmmmm.<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Come sit on top of me.<</speech>>
<div class="general">Christel sits on top of you and you start fucking again.</div>
<video src="images/christel/suspiciouschristel3/suspiciouschristel3p.webm" autoplay loop></video>
<<speech "Christel" "Christel">>Oh yes!<</speech>>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Continue->suspiciouschristel3r]]</span></div>
<div class="general">You keep fucking Christel.</div>
<video src="images/christel/suspiciouschristel3/suspiciouschristel3q.webm" autoplay loop></video>
<<speech "Christel" "Christel">>It feels so good, please don’t stop.<</speech>>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Continue->suspiciouschristel3s]]</span></div>
<<speech "Christel" "Christel">>Oh fuck, oooh fuuuuck!<</speech>>
<div class="general">Christels eyes dissapear into the back of her head again as a second orgasm hits her.</div>
<video src="images/christel/suspiciouschristel3/suspiciouschristel3r.webm" autoplay loop></video>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Continue->suspiciouschristel3t]]</span></div>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Get on your knees, I’m about to cum too.<</speech>>
<div class="general">As you pull out of Christel she drops onto her knees in front of you.</div>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Here it comes!<</speech>>
<div class="general">Christel opens her mouth and sticks out her tongue as you start cumming over her face and into her mouth.</div>
<video src="images/christel/suspiciouschristel3/suspiciouschristel3s.webm" autoplay loop></video>
<div class="talkplayer"><span class="playerlink">[[Continue->suspiciouschristel3u]]</span></div>
<<speech "Christel" "Christel">>Fuck, I needed that.<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>You are always welcome.<</speech>>
<div class="general">Christel then looks at Sarah.</div>
<<speech "Christel" "Christel">>I’m sorry Sarah..<</speech>>
<div class="general">Then Christel leaves and you turn to Sarah.</div>
<<speech "Sarah" "Sarah">>Fuck, that was hot to watch.<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>You enjoyed yourself?<</speech>>
<<speech "Sarah" "Sarah">>Better than expected to be honest.<</speech>>
<div class="general">She blushes a little.</div>
<<speech "Sarah" "Sarah">>It actually was hot to watch you fuck her, but next time, I want to join.<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>next time huh?<</speech>>
<div class="general">She kisses you and leaves the room.</div>
<a data-passage="livingroom"><div class="talkplayer">Let’s do something else</div></a>
<<addenergy -20>>
<<addhygene -20>>
<<addhappiness 25>>
<<set $time to $time +1>>
<<if $fitness gte 0 and $fitness lt 25>>
<<addarousal -35>>
<<elseif $fitness gte 20 and $fitness lt 40>>
<<addarousal -30>>
<<elseif $fitness gte 40>>
<<addarousal -25>><</if>>
<<addrsarah 15>>
<<addrchristel 20>>