,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,<img src="img/places/dorm.jpg" class=center width="45%">
<<set $photos to random(19) >>\
<<if $photos === 7 and $photo2 ===0 >>\[[🎴 You see a glimmer on the floor.|brittany2]]<</if>>\
<<if $photos === 13 and $photo3 ===0 >>\[[🎴 You see a glimmer on the floor.|milena1]]<</if>>\
<<if $photos === 17 and $photo4 ===0>>\[[🎴 You see a glimmer on the floor.|hitomi1]]<</if>>\
<<if $hasExercised is 1 >>\
<<linkreplace "⚡️ Exercise" >>\
<b><n3>You already exercised today.</n3></b>\
<<elseif $energy lt 20>>
<<linkreplace "⚡️ Exercise" >>\
<b><n3>You don't have enough energy.</n3></b>\
<<if $hasExercised is 0 and $energy gte 20>>\
[[⚡️ Exercise|Exercise]]
[[🖼️ Glimmerbox|photoGallery]]
[[🛁 Bathroom|Bathroom]]
[[💤 Sleep|Sleep]]
[[🚪 Corridor|Corridor]]
<<if $lust lt 35 >>\
<<linkreplace "💋 Masturbate " >>\
<b><n3>You're not horny enough.</n3></b>\
<<if $lust gte 35 >>\
[[💋 Masturbate|Masturbate]]
<<if $monologue3 === 0 and $monologue2 === 1>>\
[[☉ Serious Talk|confession]]
<<if $skiptoSaturday === 1>>\
<<if $day === "Monday" or $day === "Tuesday" or $day === "Wednesday" or $day === "Thursday" or $day === "Friday">>\
[[📅 Skip to Saturday|sleepSaturday]]
<center><<if $dungeoncounter gte 4 and $duel === 0 >>\
<h3><n3>You might consider a visit to the Jupiter Dormitory.</n3></h3>
<<if $dialogue1 === 0 >>\
<h3><n3> You should visit Hitomi.</n3></h3>
<<if $monologue2 === 1>>\
<<if $dungeoncounter === 1 and $day === "Sunday" and $SundayNextWeek === 0>>>>\
[[ 🧥 Put on Your Cape And Take a Walk|Sunday(1)]]
<<if $dungeoncounter === 2 and $day === "Sunday" and $SundayNextWeek === 0>>\
[[ 🧥 Put on Your Cape And Take a Walk|Sunday(2)]]
<<if $dungeoncounter === 3 and $day === "Sunday" and $SundayNextWeek === 0>>\
[[ 🧥 Put on Your Cape And Take a Walk|Sunday(3)]]
[[🎀 Hitomi's Room|hitomiroom]]
<<if $dungeoncounter === 1 and $day === "Saturday" and $dungeonNextWeek === 0>>
[[⛓️ Latex Dungeon|latexdungeonpreparation(1)]]
<<if $dungeoncounter === 2 and $day === "Saturday" and $dungeonNextWeek === 0>>\
[[⛓️ Latex Dungeon|latexdungeonpreparation(2)]]
<<if $dungeoncounter === 3 and $day === "Saturday" and $dungeonNextWeek === 0 >>
[[⛓️ Latex Dungeon|latexdungeonpreparation(3)]]
<<if $dungeoncounter === 4 and $day === "Sunday" and $dungeonNextWeek=== 0 and $duel === 1>>
[[⛓️ Latex Dungeon|latexdungeonSundayPrep(1)]]
<<if $dungeoncounter === 4 and $day === "Saturday" and $dungeonNextWeek=== 0 and $duel === 1>>
[[⛓️ Latex Dungeon|latexdungeonpreparation(4)]]
<<set $week to 0>>
<<set $day to "Sunday">>
<<set $sub to 0>>
<<set $dom to 0>>
<<set $energy to 100>>
<<set $fitness to 0>>
<<set $lust to 40>>
<<set $control to 0>>
<<set $grope to 0>>\
<<set $controlFitness to 0>>
<<set $corruption to 0>>
<<set $controlFitness to 0>>
<<set $controlHitomi to 0>>
<<set $controlMilena to 0>>
<<set $McSign to 0>>
/*Has Done*/
<<set $hasExercised to 0>>
<<set $hasShowered to 0>>
<<set $hasEat to 0>>
<<set $controlled to 0>>
<<set $hasOutside to 0>>
<<set $private to 0>>
<<set $hasLibrary to 0>>
<<set $hitomiCorruption to 1>>
<<set $milenaCorruption to 0>>
<<set $hitomiBra to 0>>
<<set $hitomiNaked to 0>>
<<set $Mprivate to 1>>
<<set $milenaexercise to 0>>
<<set $explain1 to 0>>
<<set $explain2 to 0>>
<<set $explain3 to 0>>
<<set $monologue1 to 0>>
<<set $monologue2 to 0>>
<<set $monologue3 to 0>>
<<set $monologue4 to 0>>
<<set $dialogue1 to 0>>
<<set $dialogue2 to 0>>
/*Not Today*/
<<set $notToday1 to 0>>
<<set $notToday2 to 0>>
<<set $notToday3 to 0>>
<<set $hasExercised to 0>>
<<set $hasShowered to 0>>
<<set $controlled to 0>>
<<set $hasrated to 0>>
<<set $photoRemain to 21>>
<<set $photo1 to 1>>
<<set $photo2 to 0>>
<<set $photo3 to 0>>
<<set $photo4 to 0>>
<<set $photo5 to 0>>
<<set $photo6 to 0>>
<<set $photo7 to 0>>
<<set $photo8 to 0>>
<<set $photo9 to 0>>
<<set $photo10 to 0>>
<<set $photo11 to 0>>
<<set $photo12 to 0>>
<<set $photo13 to 0>>
<<set $photo14 to 0>>
<<set $photo15 to 0>>
<<set $photo16 to 0>>
<<set $photo17 to 0>>
<<set $photo18 to 0>>
<<set $halloween to 0>>
<<set $photo18 to 0>>
<<set $photo19 to 0>>
<<set $photo20 to 0>>
<<set $photo21 to 0>>
<<set $oil to 0>>
<<set $latexCape to 0>>
<<set $SundayCape to 0>>
<<set $controlcounter to 0>>
<<set $firstpeek to 0>>
<<set $spy to 0>>
<<set $caught to 0>>
<<set $punishAngela to 0>>
<<set $lucymeet to 0>>
<<set $dungeoncounter to 0>>
<<set $lucyUpset to 0>>
<<set $lucyPleased to 0>>
/*Version End*/
<<set $hitomiEnd to 0>>
<<set $milenaEnd to 0>>
<<set $versionEnd to 0>>
<<set $question1 to 0>>\
<<set $question2 to 0>>\
<<set $question3 to 0>>\
<<set $question4 to 0>>\
/*Way back home*/
<<set $question5 to 0>>\
<<set $question6 to 0>>\
<<set $question7 to 0>>\
/*LatexDungeon Week1*/
<<set $dungeonNextWeek to 0>>\
<<set $darkPassage to 0>>\
<<set $hasLibrary to 0>>
<<set $latexNun to 0>>
<<set $skiptoSaturday to 0>>
<<set $SundayNextWeek to 0>>
/*LatexDungeon Library*/
<<set $TrixRead to 0>>
<<set $latexTypesRead to 0>>
<<set $peskyFliesRead to 0>>
/*Somnia Pixies*/
<<set $upsetpixie to 0>>
<<set $happypixie to 0>>
<<set $chair to 0>>
<<set $curtain to 0>>
<<set $suitcase to 0>>
<<set $corridorPeek1 to 0>>
<<set $corridorPeek2 to 0>>
<<set $corridorPeek3 to 0>>
<<set $newContent to 0>>
/*LatexDungeon Week3*/
<<set $latexdollcheck to 0>>
/*LatexDungeon Sunday*/
<<set $madalyn to 0>>
<<set $candle to 0>>
<<set $whitelight to 0>>
<<set $summerwarning to 0>>
<<set $summerquestion1 to 0>>\
<<set $summerquestion2 to 0>>\
<<set $summerquestion3 to 0>>\
<<set $summerquestion4 to 0>>\
/*Brit's Duel*/
<<set $duel to 0>>
<<set $fainted to 0>>
<<set $conscious to 0>>
<<set $came to 0>>
<<set $curiouscape to 0>>
/*Tits Expansion*/
<<set $tits to 0>>
<<set $hitomiHelp1 to 0>>
<<set $sadmemory to 0>>
<<set $happymemory to 0>>
<<set $angela to random(4) >>\
<<set $corridorPeek to random(14) >>\
<<if $caught === 0>>\
<n3>There's a succubus pacing in the hallway, showcasing her boobs. She just walks here and there.</n3>
<<if $monologue1 === 0>>\
<b><a1>(</a1> <n1>Could it be someone deployed to watch me? I think I'm getting a little paranoid.</n1><a1>)</a1></b>\
<<set $monologue1 to 1>>\
<<if $angela === 0 >><img src="gif/angela/angela1.webp" class=center width="37%"> <</if>>\
<<if $angela === 1 >><img src="gif/angela/angela2.webp" class=center width="37%"> <</if>>\
<<if $angela === 2 >><img src="gif/angela/angela3.webp" class=center width="37%"> <</if>>\
<<if $angela === 3 >><img src="gif/angela/angela4.webp" class=center width="37%"> <</if>>\
<<if $angela === 4 >><img src="gif/angela/angela5.webp" class=center width="37%"> <</if>>\
<img src="img/places/corridor1.jpg" class=center width="45%">
<<if $corridorPeek === 0 >>\
<n3>You hear a moan. It gets louder and louder and you can guess why.</n3>
[[Check where it's coming from|corridorpeek1]]<</if>>\
<<if $corridorPeek === 4 >>\
<n3>You hear some yelling with some loud moans. It gets louder and louder and you can guess why.</n3>
[[Check where it's coming from|corridorpeek2]]<</if>>\
<<if $corridorPeek === 7 >>
<n3>You hear a moan. It gets louder and louder and you can guess why.
[[Check where it's coming from|corridorpeek3]]
<<if $corridorPeek === 11 >>
<n3>You hear a moan. It gets louder and louder and you can guess why.</n3>
[[Check where it's coming from|corridorpeek4]]<</if>>\
<<set $photos to random(12) >>\
<<if $photos === 4 and $photo6 ===0 >>\[[🎴 You see a glimmer on the floor.|milena2]]<</if>>\
<<if $photos === 8 and $photo7 ===0 >>\[[🎴 You see a glimmer on the floor.|hitomi2]]<</if>>\
<<if $photos === 11 and $photo8 ===0>>\[[🎴 You see a glimmer on the floor.|brittany4]]<</if>>
<center><a1>[[🚪 My Room|DormRoom]]||[[🎀 Hitomi's Room|hitomiroom]]||[[🍴 Dining Hall|Dining Hall]]||[[🔅 Yard|Outside]] </a1></center>
<img src="img/places/dininghall1.jpg" class=center width="95%">
<<set $photos to random(7) >>\
<<if $photos === 3 and $photo5 ===0 >>\[[🎴 You see a glimmer on the floor.|brittany3]]<</if>>\
<<if $photos === 5 and $photo12 ===0 >>\[[🎴 You see a glimmer on the floor.|lucy1]]<</if>>\
<<if $hasEat is 1 >>\
<<linkreplace "🥪 Have a Meal" >>\
<b><n3>Gluttony is a great sin.</n3></b>\
<<if $hasEat is 0 >>\
[[🥪 Have a Meal|meal]]
[[🚪 Corridor|Corridor]]
<<set $awake to random(3) >>\
<<set $night to random(1)>>\
<<set $masturbate to random(3)>>\
<<if $night === 0>><img src="gif/sleep/night/night1.jpg" class=center width="45%"><</if>>\
<<if $night === 1>><img src="gif/sleep/night/night2.jpg" class=center width="45%"><</if>>\
<<if $night === 2>><img src="gif/sleep/night/night3.jpg" class=center width="45%"><</if>>\
<<if $night === 3>><img src="gif/sleep/night/night4.jpg" class=center width="45%"><</if>>\
<n3> You put your head on the pillow and think about what you have done during the day. You prepare yourself for sleep with small yawns. The moonlight shining through your window helps you to relax. As your eyes slowly close, your breathing becomes slower and deeper. Soon after, you're ready to fall asleep. </n3>
<<if $lust gte 90 and $control gte 3>>\
<<if $awake === 0>>\
<n3> You're tossing and turning. You're tired enough to fall asleep, but your horniness won't let you. </n3>
<<linkreplace"💋 Masturbate" t8n>>\
<n3> You enlarge your breasts as much as you can and start touching yourself. You're already so horny that the moment you touch your pussy you start to let out little moans. You are getting faster and faster and your moans are getting louder. When you touch your enlarged breasts, you are startled by an unfamiliar sensation. It feels great! Stimulating both your pussy and your tits, you are heading for a huge orgasm.</n3>
<<if $masturbate === 0 >><img src="gif/sleep/masturbation/masturbation1.webp" class=center width="45%"><</if>>\
<<if $masturbate === 1 >><img src="gif/sleep/masturbation/masturbation2.webp" class=center width="45%"><</if>>\
<<if $masturbate === 2 >><img src="gif/sleep/masturbation/masturbation3.webp" class=center width="45%"><</if>>\
<<if $masturbate === 3 >><img src="gif/sleep/masturbation/masturbation4.webp" class=center width="45%"><</if>>\
<n3>Your body starts to twitch, your hips start to move back and forth. All you can think about is cumming! As you continue, you realize that you are on the verge of orgasm and you cross the point of no return. Your whole body is trembling as if you've been electrocuted. You lose yourself in pleasure. As you slowly descend from the peak, you can't even lift your arm. Your whole body is trembling as if you've been electrocuted. You lose yourself in pleasure. As you slowly descend from the peak, you can't even lift your arm. Your breasts are slowly returning to their original size, while your hips are still pacing back and forth, waiting for you to calm down. You're out of breath, but it was totally worth it. Now you're ready to sleep.</n3>
<img src="gif/sleep/masturbation/bed1.webp" class=center >
<center><b><n1>💋 Lust: -30</n1></b></center>
<<set $lust -= 30>>\
<<set $energy to 100>>\
<<set $hasExercised to 0>>\
<<set $hasShowered to 0>>\
<<set $hasEat to 0>>\
<<set $notToday1 to 1>>\
<<if $caught === 1 and $day === "Monday" and $lucymeet === 0>>\
[[🚪 Someone knocks your door|summon1]]
[[💫 Dream|dream]]
<<if $day == "Monday">>\
<<set $day = "Tuesday">>
<<elseif $day == "Tuesday">>
<<set $day = "Wednesday">>
<<elseif $day == "Wednesday">>
<<set $day = "Thursday">>
<<elseif $day == "Thursday">>
<<set $day = "Friday">>
<<elseif $day == "Friday">>
<<set $day = "Saturday">>
<<elseif $day == "Saturday">>
<<set $day = "Sunday">>
<<elseif $day == "Sunday">>
<<set $day = "Monday">>
<<if $day === "Monday">>\
<<set $week += 1>>
<<set $dungeonNextWeek to 0>>\
<<set $SundayNextWeek to 0>><<set $controlFitness += 1>>\
<<set $which to random(1) >>\
<<set $exercise to random(3) >>\
<<set $buddy to random(11) >>\
<<set $bu to random(1)>>\
/*Exercise Gifs*/
<<if $which === 0 >>\
<<if $exercise === 0 >><img src="gif/exercise/bike1.webp" class=center width="60%"> <</if>>\
<<if $exercise === 1 >><img src="gif/exercise/bike2.webp" class=center width="40%"> <</if>>\
<<if $exercise === 2 >><img src="gif/exercise/bike3.webp" class=center width="65%"> <</if>>\
<<if $exercise === 3 >><img src="gif/exercise/bike4.webp" class=center
width="65%"> <</if>>\
<b><n3>You see a bike with a dildo on it and start riding the bike. You don't feel comfortable for a while until you find your rhythm. You get faster and faster and the faster you get, the more pleasure you get. As your body moves up and down, you feel the dildo completely inside you. It was a good workout but you are feeling more aroused.</n3></b>
<<if $which === 1 >>
<<if $exercise === 0 >><img src="gif/exercise/dildoball1.webp" class=center width="60%"> <</if>>\
<<if $exercise === 1 >><img src="gif/exercise/dildoball2.webp" class=center width="35%"> <</if>>\
<<if $exercise === 2 >><img src="gif/exercise/dildoball3.gif" class=center width="60%"> <</if>>\
<<if $exercise === 3 >><img src="gif/exercise/dildoball4.webp" class=center width="50%"> <</if>>\
<b><n3>You see a yoga ball with a dildo on it. Everything is designed for a succubus. It's a bit difficult at first but you find your rhythm. The more you jump without holding back, the deeper you feel the dildo. It was a good workout but you feel more aroused.</n3></b>
/*Exercise Buddy*/
<<if $bu === 0>>\
<<if $buddy === 0 or $buddy === 7 or $buddy === 11 or $buddy === 13
or $buddy === 15>>\
<<if $buddy === 3 >><img src="gif/exercisebuddy/exercisebuddy1.webp" class=center width="55%">
<b><n3>Someone is exercising next to you. It looks like she's trying to strengthen her back to support her big tits.</n3></b>
<<if $buddy === 5 >><img src="gif/exercisebuddy/exercisebuddy2.webp" class=center width="45%">
<b><n3>Someone is exercising next to you, doing push-ups. Her ass shakes with every movement. You can't take your eyes off her.</n3></b>
<<if $buddy === 7 >><img src="gif/exercisebuddy/exercisebuddy3.webp" class=center width="45%">
<b><n3>Someone is exercising next to you, jumping rope. She doesn't seem to have noticed that her tits are out. You watching her tits sway like a cat following a laser.</n3></b>
<<if $buddy === 9 >><img src="gif/exercisebuddy/exercisebuddy4.webp" class=center width="60%">
<b><n3>Someone is exercising next to you, doing crunches. She put a dildo where her mouth would be when she got up. An ingenious solution! </n3></b>
<<if $buddy === 12 >><img src="gif/exercisebuddy/exercisebuddy5.webp" class=center width="55%">
<b><n3>Someone is exercising next to you, riding dildo bike. She seems to be quite used to it. You watch hoping to learn something, it has nothing to do with the beauty of the scenery. </n3></b>
<<if $bu === 1>>\
<<if $buddy === 3 >><img src="gif/milena/exercise/milenaexercise1.webp" class=center width="45%">
<b><n3>You see Milena. She's warming up before she starts exercising. She needs to stay strong to carry this body.</n3></b>
<<if $buddy === 5 >><img src="gif/milena/exercise/milenaexercise2.webp" class=center width="55%">
<b><n3>You see Milena. She's warming up before she starts exercising. She needs to stay strong to carry this body.</n3></b>
<<if $buddy === 7 >><img src="gif/milena/exercise/milenaexercise3.webp" class=center width="55%">
<b><n3>You see Milena. She's warming up before she starts exercising. She needs to stay strong to carry this body.</n3></b>
<<if $buddy === 9 >><img src="gif/milena/exercise/milenaexercise4.webp" class=center width="55%">
<b><n3>You see Milena. She's jumping rope. Her tits are hanging out and the sight catches everyone's attention. All the succubuses inside watch her dangling tits for a while.</n3></b>
<<if $buddy === 12 >><img src="gif/milena/exercise/milenaexercise5.webp" class=center width="55%">
<b><n3>You see Milena. She's doing cooling stretches after. You can see how relieved she is after she puts her tits down to yoga mat. Her breasts must be putting a huge strain on her back.</n3></b>
<<if $lust gte 80>>\
[[👄 Orgasm|Orgasm]]
<b><n3>🔥 Fitness: +1</n3></b>
<b><n1>💋 Lust: +20</n1></b>
<b><e1>⚡️ Energy: -20</e1></b>
<<if $controlFitness gte 3>>\
[[✊ Increase your control|IncreaseControl]]
[[🔥 Finish Exercising|DormRoom]]
<<set $energy -= 20>>\
<<set $fitness += 1>>\
<<if $lust gte 0 and $lust lte 80 >>\
<<set $lust += 20>>\
<<elseif $lust gt 80>>\
<<set $lust to 100>>\
<<set $hasExercised to 1>>\
<<set $explain1 to 1>>\
<b><d> Week: $week</d></b>
<b><d>📅 Day: $day</d></b>
<b><n1>💋 Lust: $lust</n1><b>
<b><e1>⚡️ Energy : $energy</e1></b>
<b><n3>🔥 Fitness: $fitness</n3></b>
<b><c1>✊ Control: $control</c1></b>
<a href="https://discord.gg/UNXgA6NS9E" target="_blank"><img src="img/intro/discord1.png" width="25%" class=icon></a> <a href="https://www.patreon.com/user?u=53126129" target="_blank"><img src="img/intro/patreon1.png" width="25%" class=icon></a>
<n3>Discord and Patreon icons by </n3>
<a target="_blank" href="https://icons8.com">Icons8</a>
<img src="img/places/bathroom1.jpg" class=center width="45%">
<<set $photos to random(7) >>\
<<if $photos === 1 and $photo9 ===0 >>\[[🎴 You see a glimmer on the floor.|milena3]]<</if>>\
<<if $photos === 3 and $photo10 ===0 >>\[[🎴 You see a glimmer on the floor.|brittany5]]<</if>>\
<<if $photos === 5 and $photo11 ===0>>\[[🎴 You see a glimmer on the floor.|hitomi3]]<</if>>\
<<if $hasShowered ===0>>\
[[🚿 Take a Shower|shower]]
<<if $hasShowered is 1 >>\
<<linkreplace "Take a Shower" >>\
<b><n3>One shower per day is more than enough.</n3></b>\
<<if $gropeOil === 1 and $oil === 0>>\
<center>[[Massage Oil|oil]]</center>
<<set $masturbation to random(9) >>\
<<if $masturbation === 0 >><img src="gif/mast/dildomast1.webp" class=center> <</if>>\
<<if $masturbation === 1 >><img src="gif/mast/dildomast2.webp" class=center> <</if>>\
<<if $masturbation === 2 >><img src="gif/mast/dildomast3.webp" class=center> <</if>>\
<<if $masturbation === 3 >><img src="gif/mast/dildomast4.webp" class=center> <</if>>\
<<if $masturbation === 4 >><img src="gif/mast/dildomast5.webp" class=center> <</if>>\
<<if $masturbation === 5 >><img src="gif/mast/dildomast6.webp" class=center> <</if>>\
<<if $masturbation === 6 >><img src="gif/mast/dildomast7.webp" class=center> <</if>>\
<<if $masturbation === 7 >><img src="gif/mast/dildomast8.webp" class=center> <</if>>\
<<if $masturbation === 8 >><img src="gif/mast/dildomast9.webp" class=center> <</if>>\
<<if $masturbation === 9 >><img src="gif/mast/dildomast10.webp" class=center> <</if>>\
<b><n3>You take your dildo and slowly insert into you. Slowly accelerating speed with the excitement of possibility of being caught. </n3><n1>"After all its a need for a succubus." "Ahhh..so good."</n1><n3>You start to moan and eventually cum with tremendous pleasure. After a few minutes of rest to catch your breath, you stand up, realizing no matter how hard you cum, its just a momentary savior. Your lust is irrepressible.</n3></b>
<b><n1>💋 Lust: -30</n1></b>
<<set $lust -= 30>>\
[[You feel relaxed|DormRoom]]
<img src="img/intro/train1.gif" class=center>
<d>$name:</d> <b><n1>"We're almost there... We've been on the road for almost 20 hours and I couldn't wait to see this magnificent castle. Oh there it is!"</n1></b>
<img src="img/intro/castle.gif" class=center width="80%">
<n1> So it finally begins. </n1>
<<linkreplace "Train lurching a lot" t8n >>\
<img src="img/intro/trainshaking1.webp" class=center width="55%">
<n3>You can't take your eyes off the swinging boobs.</n3>
<n1>By the way, these are Jupiters. They can change their breast size and attract lots of human with them. Quite the flashy ones.</n1>
<n1> Everyone has their own private roomlike cabin. So anyone can masturbate or rest when needed. 20 hours on a trainload of succubus means lots of masturbation. I prefer the private cabin while most of them do their business in public.</n1>
<n3>Not sure what to expect at the academy, you give yourself one last relief before you arrive.</n3>
<<set $lust to 0>>\
<img src="img/intro/trainmast1.webp" class=center width="45%">
Train [[stops.|welcoming]]
<b><n1><center>My name is <<textbox "$name" Maya>>
I am a Succubus.</center>
<img src="img/intro/succubus1.gif" class=center width="50%">
<b><n1>No... Not like that. In appearance, we're not different from humans. We don't need lust to survive. Humans think we only prefer male ones, but gender is not that important.
Just know that we are horny and need to masturbate... a lot. However, I try not to do it in public but many succubuses doesn't care about this. Anyways!
Every succubus enters puberty at some point in its life. Not quite like humans. This represents our entry into the last and longest phase of our life. Our lust begins to increase and our personality begins to take shape according to which sign we are in. Okay, maybe a bit like humans.
What are the signs? You people know this system too. But you are using your own version. I think you calling it zodiac signs. it's something made up by humans but I respect your imagination.
We call it <i>Spatium Signa</i> and we use planetary symbols. Origin of zodiac.</n1></b>
<img src="img/intro/symbols1.jpg" class=center width="60%">
<b><n1>I will not explain each symbol separately. Our real journey begins with the appearance of one of these ten main symbols anywhere in the body. Where it appears has a meaning too.
Which one did I get? Well... Moon sign on the inside of my arm.</n1></b>
<img src="img/intro/moontattoo.jpg" class=center width="45%" >
<b><n1>The inner side of the arm is not a common place. I would rather it on my crotch or my lower back but unlucky I guess.
The main purpose of these signs is to show in which part of the body we can concentrate our power best. Moon symbolizes that I can focus my lust energy easier on my vaginal area. Yet this is our starting line. Where we are going is left up to us.
Succubuses who have acquired the sign, goes to one of the big four academies to learn the requirements of their species. And now I'm on my way to Umesatraa Academy, the largest and the mightiest of the four schools.</n1></b>
<img src="img/intro/start1.gif" class=center width="80%" >
[[Start Game|arrival]]
<n3>After getting off the train, you see a woman with huge tits in front of you. She's wearing a latex suit and her boobs are exposed.</n3>
<img src="gif/brittany/brittany1.webp" class=center width="38%" >
<b><d>Brittany:</d> <b1>Ahhh welcome new bloods...Welcome to Umasetraa Academy. I am Brittany. Headmistress of Jupiter. This year it's my turn to welcome the new ones and I'm very excited to see you all. Ohhh I can't stop rubbing my tits. Please excuse my excitement and follow me.</b1></b>
<b>(<n1> Such an interesting and sensual welcome. I can feel the libido of the entire group. </n1>)</b>
<b><d>Brittany:</d> <b1>For the first day, I will undertake a short tour of the jupiter Dormitory.</b1></b>
<<linkreplace "After The Tour" t8n>>\
<img src="img/intro/jupiterentrance1.jpg" class=center>
<n3>With her arms outstretched;</n3>
<b><d>Brittany:</d> <b1> The whole academy is surrounded by countless barriers. These barriers filter according to your lust power and control. Source of the main barrier is the huge building in the center. It is currently out of use, so don't try to enter it. I don't think you can though.
As you know, our school consists of two main departments. Briefly Inner and Outer. Jupiter Dormitory is on the outer part. In the first year, you will live in a mixed dormitory. But you have access to all common areas. How much you can access is up to you.
<n3>*Suddenly she claps her hands.*</n3>
Yes, thats pretty much it. Thank you for following my instructions. The sparkle in your eyes has made me feel younger. Also a little hotter.
<n3>*Her hand goes to her breast and then she smiles.*</n3>
Let's get to today's main event. You will acquire your spirit animals. This animal will guide you in some matters and will become stronger with you. It will also help us to get an idea about your characteristic even more. Please come to me when I say your name.
[[You're waiting your turn.|gifted]]
<n3>The process of awakening the spirit animal takes place by using an aggressive lust energy on you. The animal, which comes out as a defense mechanism, is nothing against Brittany level succubuses, so it's a harmless transaction for both sides.
You remember reading in an article that all animals have great potential, regardless of their real-life powers but it would be rare for a succubus to fully meet that potential. That's why it doesn't matter if there are many succubuses with the same animal.
After about 10 minutes, you hear your name and approach the headmistress of Jupiter, whose aura is felt throughout the hall.</n3>
<img src="img/intro/brittanyspirit.webp" class=center width="45%">
<b><d>Brittany:</d><b1> Yes, $name, come closer. I won't hurt you, you'll just feel a bit of uneasiness.</b1></b>
<b><d>$name:</d> <n1> Yes mistress, I'm ready.</n1></b>
<n3>You feel a hand on your chest and you feel your body getting cold. You're down on your knees.</n3>
<b><d>Brittany:</d> <b1>Are you okay young blood? </b1></b>
<<linkreplace "You're warming up slowly." t8n>>\
<n3>Warming up first happens on the arm with the sign. Then you realize that your whole body is burning but you don't feel any pain.</n3>
<b><d>$name:</d> <n1> I think I'm fine just a little...</n1></b>
<n3>Before you can finish, you feel an energy flowing out of your body.</n3>
<img src="img/phoenix/phoenix1.gif" class=center width="70%">
[[There is pain in your arm|sun]]
<n3>You look at your arm, where you feel a burning and stinging.</n3>
<img src="img/intro/suntattoo1.jpg" class=center width="40%" >
<b><d>$name:</d> <n1>What but that's not my sign. Is that sun?? What just happened?</n1></b>
<n3>You feel an increasing pleasure inside. The source is unknown and you are not in control. You look at Brittany.</n3>
<img src="gif/brittany/brittany2.webp" class=center width="40%" >
<b><d>Brittany:</d> <b1>Ahh Hey young blood!! You look juicy. Mind if I take a bite ? </b1></b>
<b><d>$name:</d> <n1>What...Bite? NO!!!</n1></b>
<n3>You suddenly shake your head and look back at Brittany. </n3>
<b>(<n1>Did I just hallucinate? I think I have a fever. I feel cold and hot at the same time. </n1>)</b>
<b><d>Brittany:</d> <b1>Are you okay young blood?</b1></b>
<n3>When you hear <i>"Young Blood"</i>, an anger appears in you that you have a hard time suppressing it.</n3>
<b><d>$name:</d> <n1>NO!...I mean I don't know. I just felt a surge of energy.</n1></b>
<b><d>Brittany:</d> <b1> It's fine. Some succubuses experience this process a bit severely. Congratulations, your spirit animal is a phoenix. it's a very rare species indeed.</b1></b>
<n3>You look towards the crowd that is watching you. You're wondering how it looked from the outside.</n3>
<b><d>$name:</d> <n1>I feel a little tired.</n1></b>
<n3> You have trouble standing.</n3>
<b><d>Brittany:</d> <b1>Okay, calm down. Lucy! Help her please! </b1></b>
<b><d>Lucy:</d> <l1>Yes Mistress!</l1></b>
[[Lucy Approaches|toTheRoom]]<img src="img/places/dorm.jpg" class=center width="50%">
<n3> Since you sent photos of your own room before you came, they prepared a replica for you.
You lie on your bed without thinking. 15 minutes later, There's a knock on your door while you're just falling asleep.
Without waiting for you to say, "Come in," she sticks her head out. </n3>
<b><n3>???:</n3> <hi1>Hi! Oh! Your room is so cozy. I really liked it!</hi1>
<b>(<n1>Who is that now?</n1>)</b>
<img src="img/intro/hitomiMeet1.png" class=center width="47%">
<b><d>Hitomi:</d> <hi1>I'm Hitomi, Jupiter, you?</hi1></b>
<b><d>$name:</d> <n1>$name, Moon. </n1></b>
<b><d>Hitomi:</d> <hi1>What did you do there? Is your spirit animal a phoenix?</hi1></b>
<n3>You can't find the energy to answer even a simple question. It's more like your mind or soul is tired, not your body.</n3>
<b><d>$name:</d> <b><n1>I guess so.</n1></b>
<b><d>Hitomi:</d> <hi1>Thats crazy. My spirit animal is rabbit. Nice to meet you. I really admire Mistress Brittany. Don't you think she's great too? Also, she is said to be the most powerful of all the headmistresses. I feel so lucky to be a Jupiter. </hi1></b>
<b>(<n1>She is the strongest?</n1>)</b>
<b><d>Hitomi:</d> <hi1>By the way, you left early. Afterwards, we were all given dildos. I got yours too, here.</hi1></b>
<n3>*Dildo Obtained*</n3>
<b><d>$name:</d> <b><n1>Oh thanks.</n1></b>
<b><d>Hitomi:</d> <hi1>It can change size and color by your will and lust level. Anyway, looks like you need some rest. Classes start tomorrow. See you soon.</hi1></b>
<b><d>$name:</d> <b><n1>See you.</n1></b>
<b>(<n1>She seems nice. But now I just need to sleep.</n1>)</b>
[[Go To Sleep|origin]]<n3>You open your eyes in a place dominated by red tones.</n3>
<img src="img/places/dreamRed.jpg" class=center width="40%">
<b><d>$name:</d> <n1>Oh fuck where am I now? I'm not feeling tired. I feel like angry, hateful.</n1></b>
<n3>You start walking. The red tones intensify as you walk. At the end of the road, a huge phoenix stands in front of you.</n3>
<img src="img/phoenix/phoenix2.jpeg" class=center >
<b><d>$name:</d> <b><n1>He-Hello... um.</n1></b>
<b><d>Phoenix:</d> <a1>Welcome, little one.</a1></b>
<b><d>$name:</d> <n1>Here we go again. I have a name. Young blood, little one. Brittany is hot tho. But still, use my fucking name. Wait a minute, why am I getting so mad?</n1></b>
<n3>You realize you said all this to a huge phoenix. You don't know how, but you feel her smile.</n3>
<b><d>Phoenix:</d> <a1>My fault. Welcome, $name. You're so angry because you're not used to my aura. You can call me Sun.</a1></b>
<n3>When she says Sun, all your emotions are intensifies.</n3>
<b><d>Sun:</d> <a1>Oh I forgot to change my form. One second.</a1></b>
<img src="img/phoenix/phoenixTransform.jpg" class=center >
[[She Transforms|purpose]]<img src="img/phoenix/phoenixFigure.jpg" class=center width="52%">
<b>(<n1>She is so beautiful.</n1>)</b>
<b><d>$name:</d> <b><n1>Wait a second. Aren't you my spirit ANIMAL? How do you get into this form?</n1></b>
<b><d>Sun:</d> <a1>You are not ordinary. So am I. You will understand in the future. As our destinies are tied, my memories will seep into your mind.</a1></b>
<b><d>$name:</d> <n1>Alright, why am I here? </n1></b>
<b><d>Sun:</d> <a1>You know that succubuses are satisfied with human lust for a long time. But I don't. Of course, this also applies to you.</a1></b>
<b><d>$name:</d> <n1>So you're after succubus lust And what I saw wasn't a hallucination? You seriously got Jupiter's headmistress under control? </n1></b>
<b><d>Sun:</d> <a1>I'm not after it. When you're done with them, you'll be able to take as much as you want anyway. I mean we. And yes, we can say that what you saw was real. Well not yet but don't worry.
We don't need pathetic humans. We don't need an external lust to sustain our lives anyway. We all do this for pleasure. So why not use the biggest source of lust?</a1></b>
<b><d>$name:</d> <n1>But this is forbidden. You can dominate a succubus. But you cannot enslave it.</n1></b>
<n3>Sun seems annoyed</n3>
<b><d>Sun:</d> <a1>Don't worry, no one will notice the difference from the outside. Also, didn't you feel that pleasure? What is wrong with that?</a1></b>
<n3>Suddenly her tone changes as her voice rises.</n3>
<b><a1>FUCK the rules! FUCK those who make the rules! WE will be the one making the RULES!</a1></b>
<n3>Her voice is back to normal.</n3>
<b><a1>But you are not in a position to control my powers. So we're going to start small. Hitomi, she'll be our first target.</a1></b>
<b><d>$name:</d> <n1>But what if...</n1></b>
<n3>You wake up before you can finish your word. Even if you have doubts, you wanna try it. An unaccustomed excitement.</n3>
<img src="img/phoenix/phoenixEye1.gif" class=center >
<b><a1>(</a1><n1>This color scheme represents your inner speech.</n1><a1>)</a1></b>
<b><n1>(</n1> <a1>And this means Sun is speaking with you. </a1><n1>)</n1></b>
<n3> Others cannot hear you two. Unless there is a mind reader. Probably you'll be fine.</n3>
[[Before you start|Guide]]
[[First day of school|FirstLesson]]
<img src="img/places/classroom1.jpeg" class=center width="105%">
<<set $photos to random(14) >>\
<<if $photos === 4 and $photo16 ===0 >>\[[🎴 You see a glimmer on the floor.|lucy2]]<</if>>\
<<if $photos === 9 and $photo17 ===0 >>\[[🎴 You see a glimmer on the floor.|milena5]]<</if>>\
<<if $photos === 14 and $photo18 ===0>>\[[🎴 You see a glimmer on the floor.|hitomi5]]<</if>>\
<<if $milenaCorruption gte 1 and $milenaCorruption lt 4>>\
[[📖 Being a Succubus 101|Lesson 1.1]]
<<if $milenaCorruption gte 4 and $milenaCorruption lt 10 >>\
[[📖 Being a Succubus 101|Lesson 1.2]]
<<if $milenaCorruption gte 10 and $private === 1>>\
[[📖 Being a Succubus 101|Lesson 1.3]]
<</if>>\<b><n3>When you enter the classroom, you see that Hitomi is holding a place for you. You sit next to Hitomi.</n3>
<d>Hitomi: </d> <hi1>Good morning moonpie. You know you're moon.... moonpie. Anyway are you excited? I am very excited. After class, you can ask me anything if you have any question about the lesson. Here's my room number.</hi1>
<a1>(</a1> <n1>Moonpie? I didn't mind that you talk a lot. but if you nicknamed me, I'm sorry but I will corrupt the fuck out of you. Sun, if you can hear me, I accept.</n1><a1>)</a1>
<n3>You feel a small warmth on your arm.</n3>
<n3>A woman with big boobs enters.</n3>
<img src="img/milenaClass/milenaclass1.jpg" class=center width="45%" >
<b><d>Milena:</d> <mi1>Pack it up girls. I'm Milena from Jupiter. It's Mistress Milena for you. This lecture exists to prepare you for the lectures ahead. It will only be theoretical explanation.
It seems like everyone regardless of their sign, is focusing on the Jupiter and Venus aspects. As you know all of you can change your chest size. But only Jupiters are innately predisposed. Some can hold it almost any size they want with no effort.
You were all born with what is called Lust Energy. Your sign indicates where in your body you can best focus this energy. And for Venus, this area is the hips.</mi1></b>
<n3>While Milena is giving out random information, you hear a voice in your head.</n3>
<b><n1>(</n1> <a1>Hey $name I have some good news.</a1><n1>)</n1></b>
<b><a1>(</a1> <n1>Not right now, I'm listening the lecture.</n1><a1>)</a1></b>
<b><n1>(</n1> <a1>You already know these basic things. Anyways, listen to me. We don't need to start as small as I've mentioned. I've been analyzing Milena since she arrived. This bitch is weak. I can get into her mind more easily than Hitomi.</a1><n1>)</n1></b>
<b><a1>(</a1> <n1>What! How strong are you? Also what are you? Ok I'm not asking.</n1><a1>)</a1></b>
[[Continue Listening|planning]]
<b><n1>(</n1><a1>For now, we should be as alone as possible with our prey. Being in public only makes our job harder. It hurts me that we have to take so much precaution for such a small thing. For now, I will focus only on Hitomi and Milena. Hitomi has already invited you to her room. You may feel a little heat on your arm. Keep looking at Milena so I can focus better.</a1><n1>)</n1></b>
<n3>You feel some heat on your arm. Suddenly Milena starts walking towards you.</n3>
<img src="img/milenaClass/milenaclass2.jpg" class=center width="45%" >
<b><d>Milena:</d> <mi1>Got a problem newbie?</mi1></b>
<b><d>$name:</d> <n1>Uhh n-no... mistress. Nothing I'm just...</n1></b>
<n3>Milena walks back and continues the lesson as if nothing happened.</n3>
<b><n1>(</n1> <a1> Ahahahaha!! N-no mostross nothong...</a1><n1>)</n1></b>
<b><a1>(</a1><n1> FUUUCKK!! Stop doing such risky things. We just talked about it.</n1><a1>)</a1></b>
<b><n1>(</n1> <a1>Don't worry, nobody will remember a thing. I used a little too much power for this, but it was worth it. Ahahahaha! Mostross...
Anyways Milena will be our target, Hitomi will be our trigger. It will take some time. I will analyze what stage I am at with small tests in between And they will be after class. So that means, you have to put up with these disgusting lessons.</a1><n1>)</n1></b>
<b><a1>(</a1><n1>I have to attend this class anyway.</n1><a1>)</a1></b>
<b><n1>(</n1> <a1> That's the spirit. We're going to be a good team.</a1><n1>)</n1></b>
<n3>You continue to listen. No one really seems to notice what just happened. This might work.</n3>
<b><n3>Milena's Corruption Increased</n3></b>
<b><e1>⚡️ Energy: -40</e1></b>
<<set $milenaCorruption += 1>>\
[[End Of Lesson|pixie]]
<<set $energy -= 40>>\
[[🖼️ Return To Gallery|photoGallery]]
[[🚪 Return To Your Room|DormRoom]]
<n3>A photograph of jupiter's headmistress. Those tits looks huge in that dress</n3>
<img src="img/pics/brittanypics/brittanypic1.jpg" class=center >
[[🖼️ Return To Gallery|photoGallery]]
[[🚪 Return To Your Room|DormRoom]]<b><n3><i>Remaining photos : $photoRemain </i></n3></b>
<<if $halloween ===1>>\
[[🎃 Halloween-Special Gallery|🎃halloween-gallery]]
<<if $photo1 === 1 >> [[ Brittany In Latex Dress|Bphoto1]]<</if>>
<<if $photo2 === 1 >> [[ No Bra Club|Bphoto2]]<</if>>
<<if $photo5 === 1 >> [[ Happiness In The Kitchen|Bphoto3]]<</if>>
<<if $photo8 === 1 >> [[ Deepest Cleavage|Bphoto4]]<</if>>
<<if $photo10 === 1 >> [[ Toy Story Dream|Bphoto5]]<</if>>
<<if $photo14 === 1 >> [[ Ideal Dress|Bphoto6]]<</if>>
<<if $photo19 === 1 >> [[ Gallons of Milk|Bphoto7]]<</if>>
<<if $photo4 === 1 >> [[ Hitomi Holding Tight|Hphoto1]]<</if>>
<<if $photo7 === 1 >> [[ After a Long Day|Hphoto2]]<</if>>
<<if $photo11 === 1 >> [[ Thigh High Socks Coffee|Hphoto3]]<</if>>
<<if $photo13 === 1 >> [[ Vintage Chilling|Hphoto4]]<</if>>
<<if $photo18 === 1 >> [[ Resistance Band|Hphoto5]]<</if>>
<<if $photo3 === 1 >> [[ Milena On The Desk|Mphoto1]]<</if>>
<<if $photo6 === 1 >> [[ Tell Me The Truth!|Mphoto2]]<</if>>
<<if $photo9 === 1 >> [[ Hottest Teacher|Mphoto3]]<</if>>
<<if $photo15 === 1 >> [[ Missing Book|Mphoto4]]<</if>>
<<if $photo17 === 1 >> [[ Typewriter On Bed|Mphoto5]]<</if>>
<<if $photo20 === 1 >> [[ Camping with Milena|Mphoto6]]<</if>>
<<if $photo12 === 1 >> [[ Seductive Glare|Lphoto1]]<</if>>
<<if $photo16 === 1 >> [[ Mask Under Mask|Lphoto2]]<</if>>
<<if $photo21 === 1 >> [[ She's Tied Up!|Lphoto3]]<</if>>
<b><summer1> Summer: </summer1></b>
<<if $photo18 === 1 >> [[ Friendly Looking Summer|Sphoto1]]<</if>>
<n3>You touch to the glimmer and it turns into a photograph in your hand. Afterwards, it transforms into its former form and starts to make its way to the box in your room.</n3>
<img src="img/pics/brittanypics/brittanypic2.webp" class=center width="45%" >
<<set $photo2 to 1>>\
<<set $photoRemain -= 1 >>\
<n3>You touch to the glimmer and it turns into a photograph in your hand. Afterwards, it transforms into its former form and starts to make its way to the box in your room.</n3>
<img src="img/pics/milenapics/milenapic1.webp" class=center width="45%" >
<<set $photo3 to 1>>\
<<set $photoRemain -= 1 >>\[[🖼️ Return To Gallery|photoGallery]]
[[🚪 Return To Your Room|DormRoom]]
<n3>Just join that club.</n3>
<img src="img/pics/brittanypics/brittanypic2.webp" class=center >
[[🖼️ Return To Gallery|photoGallery]]
[[🚪 Return To Your Room|DormRoom]]
[[🖼️ Return To Gallery|photoGallery]]
[[🚪 Return To Your Room|DormRoom]]
<n3>Gorgeous breasts and heels in a see-through blouse. What a lucky desk!</n3>
<img src="img/pics/milenapics/milenapic1.webp" class=center >
[[🖼️ Return To Gallery|photoGallery]]
[[🚪 Return To Your Room|DormRoom]][[Return|DormRoom]]
<n3>You touch to the glimmer and it turns into a photograph in your hand. Afterwards, it transforms into its former form and starts to make its way to the box in your room.</n3>
<img src="img/pics/hitomipics/hitomipic1.webp" class=center width="45%" >
<<set $photo4 to 1>>\
<<set $photoRemain -= 1 >>\[[🖼️ Return To Gallery|photoGallery]]
[[🚪 Return To Your Room|DormRoom]]
<n3>Those fists are just enough to cover her nipples.</n3>
<img src="img/pics/hitomipics/hitomipic1.webp" class=center>
[[🖼️ Return To Gallery|photoGallery]]
[[🚪 Return To Your Room|DormRoom]][[Return|Dining Hall]]
<n3>You touch to the glimmer and it turns into a photograph in your hand. Afterwards, it transforms into its former form and starts to make its way to the box in your room.</n3>
<img src="img/pics/brittanypics/brittanypic3.webp" class=center width="50%" >
<<set $photo5 to 1>>\
[[Return|Dining Hall]]
<<set $photoRemain -= 1 >>\[[🖼️ Return To Gallery|photoGallery]]
[[🚪 Return To Your Room|DormRoom]]
<n3>What a happy and innocent face! You are filled with happiness.</n3>
<img src="img/pics/brittanypics/brittanypic3.webp" class=center width="85%" >
[[🖼️ Return To Gallery|photoGallery]]
[[🚪 Return To Your Room|DormRoom]]
<n3>You touch to the glimmer and it turns into a photograph in your hand. Afterwards, it transforms into its former form and starts to make its way to the box in your room.</n3>
<img src="img/pics/milenapics/milenapic2.jpg" class=center width="85%" >
<<set $photo6 to 1>>\
<<set $photoRemain -= 1 >>\[[Return|Corridor]]
<n3>You touch to the glimmer and it turns into a photograph in your hand. Afterwards, it transforms into its former form and starts to make its way to the box in your room.</n3>
<img src="img/pics/hitomipics/hitomipic2.jpg" class=center width="80%" >
<<set $photo7 to 1>>\
<<set $photoRemain -= 1 >>\[[Return|Corridor]]
<n3>You touch to the glimmer and it turns into a photograph in your hand. Afterwards, it transforms into its former form and starts to make its way to the box in your room.</n3>
<img src="img/pics/brittanypics/brittanypic4.jpg" class=center width="50%" >
<<set $photo8 to 1>>\
<<set $photoRemain -= 1 >>\[[🖼️Return To Gallery|photoGallery]]
[[🚪 Return To Dormitary|DormRoom]]
<n3> She apparently fell asleep. While doing what?</n3>
<img src="img/pics/hitomipics/hitomipic2.jpg" class=center width="110%">
[[🖼️Return To Gallery|photoGallery]]
[[🚪 Return To Dormitary|DormRoom]]
[[🖼️ Return To Gallery|photoGallery]]
[[🚪 Return To Your Room|DormRoom]]
<b><d>Milena:</d> <mi1>Look at me lady! If you don't tell me where you were at the time of the murder, these breasts will be your murder weapon.</mi1></b>
<n3>Best detective in the town.</n3>
<img src="img/pics/milenapics/milenapic2.jpg" class=center width="120%">
[[🖼️ Return To Gallery|photoGallery]]
[[🚪 Return To Your Room|DormRoom]]
[[🖼️ Return To Gallery|photoGallery]]
[[🚪 Return To Your Room|DormRoom]]
<n3>Maybe even deeper than the Grand Canyon.</n3>
<img src="img/pics/brittanypics/brittanypic4.jpg" class=center width="80%">
[[🖼️ Return To Gallery|photoGallery]]
[[🚪 Return To Your Room|DormRoom]]
[[Return|Dining Hall]]
<n3>You touch to the glimmer and it turns into a photograph in your hand. Afterwards, it transforms into its former form and starts to make its way to the box in your room.</n3>
<img src="img/pics/lucypics/lucypic1.jpg" class=center width="60%" >
[[Return|Dining Hall]]
<<set $photo12 to 1>>\
<<set $photoRemain -= 1 >>\[[Return|DormRoom]]
<n3>You touch to the glimmer and it turns into a photograph in your hand. Afterwards, it transforms into its former form and starts to make its way to the box in your room.</n3>
<img src="img/pics/milenapics/milenapic3.jpg" class=center width="50%" >
<<set $photo9 to 1>>\
<<set $photoRemain -= 1 >>\[[Return|DormRoom]]
<n3>You touch to the glimmer and it turns into a photograph in your hand. Afterwards, it transforms into its former form and starts to make its way to the box in your room.</n3>
<img src="img/pics/brittanypics/brittanypic5.jpg" class=center width="65%" >
<<set $photo10 to 1>>\
<<set $photoRemain -= 1 >>\[[Return|DormRoom]]
<n3>You touch to the glimmer and it turns into a photograph in your hand. Afterwards, it transforms into its former form and starts to make its way to the box in your room.</n3>
<img src="img/pics/hitomipics/hitomipic3.jpg" class=center width="50%" >
<<set $photo11 to 1>>\
<<set $photoRemain -= 1 >>\[[🖼️ Return To Gallery|photoGallery]]
[[🚪 Return To Your Room|DormRoom]]
<n3> Close your eyes Woody. </n3>
<img src="img/pics/brittanypics/brittanypic5.jpg" class=center width="110%">
[[🖼️ Return To Gallery|photoGallery]]
[[🚪 Return To Your Room|DormRoom]]
[[🖼️ Return To Gallery|photoGallery]]
[[🚪 Return To Your Room|DormRoom]]
<n3>Best way to start the day.</n3>
<img src="img/pics/hitomipics/hitomipic3.jpg" class=center width="90%">
[[🖼️ Return To Gallery|photoGallery]]
[[🚪 Return To Your Room|DormRoom]]
[[🖼️ Return To Gallery|photoGallery]]
[[🚪 Return To Your Room|DormRoom]]
<n3>It's way better without bra.</n3>
<img src="img/pics/milenapics/milenapic3.jpg" class=center >
[[🖼️ Return To Gallery|photoGallery]]
[[🚪 Return To Your Room|DormRoom]]
[[🖼️ Return To Gallery|photoGallery]]
[[🚪 Return To Your Room|DormRoom]]
<n3> Mistress Lucy with umm.. a red cucumber. </n3>
<img src="img/pics/lucypics/lucypic1.jpg" class=center width="90%">
[[🖼️ Return To Gallery|photoGallery]]
[[🚪 Return To Your Room|DormRoom]]
<<if $fitness lt 15>>\
<img src="gif/shower/shower1.webp" class=center width="35%">
<b><n3>You relax under hot water.</n3></b>
<b><e1>⚡️ Energy: +10</e1></b>
[[Return To Your Room|DormRoom]]
<<if $fitness gte 15>>
<img src="gif/shower/fitshower1.webp" class=center >
<b><n3>You relax under hot water. You start to see the results of the exercises you do.</n3></b>
<b><e1>⚡️ Energy: +10</e1></b>
[[Return To Your Room|DormRoom]]
<<if $energy lte 90>>
<<set $energy += 10>>\
<<elseif $energy gt 90>>
<<set $energy to 100>>\
<<set $hasShowered to 1>>
<img src="img/rooms/hitomiRoom/hitomiRoom.jpg" class=center width="55%">
<b><d>Hitomi:</d> <hi1> Oh Hello $name! Welcome to my room. You are always welcomed. What do you think about my room?</hi1></b>
<b><d>$name:</d> <n1>Well, it is very.... fancy. </n1></b>
<b><d>Hitomi:</d> <hi1>Thank you! I'm so glad you think that way. I was afraid you might not like it.</hi1></b>
<b><d>$name:</d> <n1>Why? </n1></b>
<b><d>Hitomi:</d> <hi1> Before I came here, I had no friends. My family hates humans and their friends are all old succubuses. I have never spoken to a succubus close to my age. That's why I'm a little excited.</hi1></b>
<b><a1>(</a1><n1>So she still lives with her family? </n1><a1>)</a1></b>
<b><n1>(</n1> <a1>A perfect prey! So much better than I expected. Be cool Chill! Be Cool!!! </a1><n1>)</n1></b>
<b><d>$name:</d> <n1>I really liked your room. Also, you will have plenty of friends. </n1></b>
<b><n1>(</n1> <a1>Very Good! Fantastic!</a1><n1>)</n1></b>
<b><a1>(</a1> <n1>Hey! calm down. I didn't say this just to make her feel good. </n1><a1>)</a1></b>
<b><n1>(</n1> <a1> I got a little carried away. She is a perfect starting point. We don't have to limit ourselves to classes. Stop by her room regularly and spend time with her. It's a win-win scenario.</a1><n1>)</n1></b>
<b><d>Hitomi:</d> <hi1>Thank you! My first friend. </hi1></b>
<n3>She has some tears in her eyes as she says these things.</n3>
<b><d>$name:</d> <n1>Yea no problem....friend. </n1></b>
[[Spend time with Hitomi|hitomiCorrupt]]
<<if $hitomiBra === 0>>\
<img src="img/rooms/hitomiRoom/hitomiRoom1.jpg" class=center width="50%">
<<if $hitomiBra === 1>>\
<img src="img/rooms/hitomiRoom/HitomiRoom2.jpg" class=center width="50%">
<center><<if $hitomiCorruption gte 4 and $hitomiBra === 0 >>\
[[First Order|noBra]]
<<if $hasrated === 0>>\
[[Practice Your Control|questions]]\
<<if $energy gte 35>>\
<<if $hitomiCorruption gte 1 and $hasrated === 1 >>\
[[Practice Your Control|control]]
<<if $hitomiBra === 1 >>\
[[Make Her Grope|grope]]
<<if $oil === 1>>\
[[Oily Groping|oilgroping]]
<<if $hitomiCorruption gte 8 >>\
[[Grope Her|groping]]
<<if $hitomiCorruption gte 12 >>\
[[Feed Her|breastfeed1]]
<<if $energy lt 35 >>\
<n3>You dont have enough energy</n3>
<<if $hasrated === 1>>
[[🚪 Return To Your Room|DormRoom]]
[[🎀 Return To Hitomi's Room|hitomiroom]]
<<set $dialogue1 to 1>>\
<n3>While chatting with Hitomi you hear Sun's voice.</n3>
<b><n1>(</n1> <a1>While you talk, I'll deal with her. She is pretty strong actually. But she trusts you and doesn't realize her potential. We must not let this potential go waste. </a1><n1>)</n1></b>
<b><a1>(</a1><n1> You were able to get Brittany under your control. How difficult can it be? </n1><a1>)</a1></b>
<b><n1>(</n1> <a1> Its complicated and remember how tired you were after that.</a1><n1>)</n1></b>
<b><a1>(</a1><n1> When I was in class, I said I accept it, but I'm not sure right now. My mood is changing very fast recently.</n1><a1>)</a1></b>
<b><n1>(</n1> <a1>Like I said, your mind and body are trying to get used to me and my powers. </a1><n1>)</n1></b>
<b><a1>(</a1><n1>Because of that I'm not sure. Do I want these things too or is it just you? Do I have a spirit animal of my own? Are you an invader or what? What are you?!?? You are so much more than a normal succubus can do. </n1><a1>)</a1></b>
<b><n1>(</n1> <a1> I understand your feelings. I literally do. I'm feeling it right now. Let's talk about that later. You will learn the details over time and you will understand why it should be that way. You can just leave. We'll continue when you feel better.</a1><n1>)</n1></b>
<n3>In a way you can't hear: </n3>
<b><n1>(</n1> <a1> I didn't expect Hitomi's words to affect her this much. </a1><n1>)</n1></b>
[[🚪 Return To Your Room|DormRoom]]
<<set $monologue2 to 1>>\
<<set $hasrated to 1>>\
<<if $notToday1 ===0>>\
<b><n3>You don't want to continue today.</n3></b>
[[🚪 Return To Your Room|DormRoom]]
[[🎀 Return To Hitomi's Room|hitomiroom]]
<<if $notToday1 ===1>>\
<img src="gif/hitomi/hitomicorrupt1.webp" class=center width="50%" >
<<if $energy gte 35>>
<b><n3>You are chatting with Hitomi. You feel your sign warming up as you speak.</n3></b>
<b><n3>♀ Hitomi's Corruption has Increased</n3></b>
<b><n3> </n3></b>
<center><b><e1>⚡️ Energy: -35 </e1></b></center>
<<set $hitomiCorruption += 1>>\
<<set $energy -= 35>>\
<<if $controlcounter === 2 and $newContent === 0>>\
[[You feel watched|watched1]]
<<if $controlHitomi gte 3>>\
[[✊ Increase your control|IncreaseControl(h)]]
[[🚪 Return To Your Room|DormRoom]]
[[🎀 Return To Hitomi's Room|hitomiroom]]
<<set $controlcounter += 1>>
<<set $controlHitomi += 1>>
<b><n1>(</n1> <a1>We will proceed step by step and here goes the first step. Tell her not to wear a bra after class. It takes too much power to take full control. She is kinda in a trance right now and that should be enough.</a1><n1>)</n1></b>
<b><n3>$name:</n3> <n1>Hey Hitomi! We are friends aren't we? So I can ask you some things to do.</n1></b>
<b><n1>(</n1> <a1> Just say it already. She is in trance-like state. You don't need to beg.</a1><n1>)</n1></b>
<b><a1>(</a1> <n1>I'm not begging. It's weird to say "Walk around without a bra".</n1><a1>)</a1></b>
<b><n3>Hitomi:</n3> <hi1> Yes we are friends. You can ask me anything friend.</hi1></b>
<b><n3>$name:</n3> <b><n1>Well...I don't want you to wear bra.<b><n1> </n1></b>
<b><n3>Hitomi:</n3> <hi1> Of course! No problem.</hi1></b>
<img src="gif/hitomi/strip/hitomistripping.webp" class=center width="50%">
<b><n3>$name:</n3> <n1> But only when I visit you. I don't want you to show your beautiful and mouth-watering tits to others. You will be my Jupiter Cow. </n1></b>
<b><n1>(</n1> <a1> Wow.</a1><n1>)</n1></b>
<b><n3>Hitomi:</n3> <hi1>Wow... As you wish. These melons will be special to my best friend.</hi1></b>
<b><n1>(</n1> <a1> Well done $name. That will make our progress easier. And I'm wet so you probably are too. I got too excited about the idea of those boobs being ours only. Go masturbate... Do something!!</a1><n1>)</n1></b>
[[🚪 Return To Your Room|DormRoom]]
<<set $hitomiBra to 1>>\
<<if $lust lte 65>>\
<<set $lust += 35>>
<<elseif $lust gt 65>>
<<set $lust to 100>>
<</if>>\<<set $grope to random(2) >>\
<<if $grope === 0 >><img src="gif/hitomi/grope/hitomigrope1.webp" class=center ><</if>>\
<<if $grope === 1 >><img src="gif/hitomi/grope/hitomigrope2.webp" class=center ><</if>>\
<<if $grope === 2 >><img src="gif/hitomi/grope/hitomigrope3.webp" class=center width="50%"><</if>>\
<b><d>$name:</d> <n1>I want you to caress your tits. Release your lust.</n1></b>
<b><d>Hitomi:</d> <hi1> Okay $name. Here's my huge tits. My hands are not enough to restrain them. Ohhh...More pleasurable than usual. </hi1></b>
<b><d>$name:</d> <n1> Yea squeeze them. Tighten around your nipple and then release. Let them fall down. Feel the gravity around your milkers.<b><n1>
<b><d>Hitomi:</d> <hi1>Ahhhh... I can't control their sizes. S-Soo GOodd...</hi1></b>
<b><d>$name:</d> <n1> Don't think about controlling them. Just focus on the pleasure.<b><n1>
<b><n1>(</n1> <a1>Hoooh...It's going gr-great. Kinda intense. She adapted very quickly. </a1><n1>)</n1></b>
<b><n3>♀ Hitomi's Corruption has Increased</n3></b>
<<if $gropeOil === 1 and $oil === 0>>\
(<b><n3>You might wanna check your bathroom</n3></b>)
<<if $controlHitomi gte 3>>\
[[✊ Increase your control|IncreaseControl(h)]]
<<if $controlcounter gt 4 and $caught === 0 and $newContent === 0>>\
Someone is definitely watching you
[[Run towards the door|dashtodoor1]]
<center><b><n1>💋 Lust: +10</n1></b>
<b><e1>⚡️ Energy: -35 </e1></b></center>
<<set $hitomiCorruption += 1>>\
<<set $energy -= 35>>\
<<if $lust lte 90>>\
<<set $lust += 10>>\
<<elseif $lust gt 90>>\
<<set $lust to 100>>\
[[🚪 Return To Your Room|DormRoom]]
[[🎀 Return To Hitomi's Room|hitomiroom]]
<<set $gropeOil to 1>>\
<<set $controlcounter += 1>>
<<set $controlHitomi += 1>>[[Return|hitomiroom]]
<n3>You touch to the glimmer and it turns into a photograph in your hand. Afterwards, it transforms into its former form and starts to make its way to the box in your room.</n3>
<img src="img/pics/hitomipics/hitomipic4.jpg" class=center width="70%" >
<<set $photo13 to 1>>\
<<set $photoRemain -= 1 >>\[[🖼️ Return To Gallery|photoGallery]]
[[🚪 Return To Your Room|DormRoom]]
<n3>We were born in the wrong century.</n3>
<img src="img/pics/hitomipics/hitomipic4.jpg" class=center width="105%">
[[🖼️ Return To Gallery|photoGallery]]
[[🚪 Return To Your Room|DormRoom]]
<img src="img/rooms/hitomiRoom/hitomiRoom.jpg" class=center width="55%">
<<set $photos to random(9) >>\
<<if $photos === 0 and $photo13 ===0 >>\[[🎴 You see a glimmer on the floor.|hitomi4]]<</if>>\
<<if $photos === 3 and $photo14 ===0 >>\[[🎴 You see a glimmer on the floor.|brittany6]]<</if>>\
<<if $photos === 5 and $photo15 ===0 >>\[[🎴 You see a glimmer on the floor.|milena4]]<</if>>\
<<if $hasrated === 0>>\
[[Hitomi Greets You|roomRating]]
<<if $hitomiHelp1 === 1>>\
[[Take Hitomi's Advice|HitomiAdvice]]
<<set $strip to random(9)>>\
<<if $strip === 0 and $hitomiBra === 1>>
<n3>After class, you see Hitomi takes off her bra. She must be preparing for you. </n3>
<img src="gif/hitomi/strip/braoff.webp" class=center width="55%">
<<if $strip === 1 and $hitomiBra === 1>>
<n3>You enter the room. Hitomi carefully stares at her breasts in front of the mirror and plays with them. She didn't notice you yet. How cute!</n3>
<img src="gif/hitomi/strip/mirror1.webp" class=center width="55%">
<<if $strip === 3 and $hitomiBra === 1>>
<n3>You hear voices from inside and take a little peek before enter. Hitomi is changing. No bra, just like you said.</n3>
<img src="gif/hitomi/strip/shirt1.webp" class=center width="55%">
<<if $strip === 5 and $hitomiBra === 1>>
<n3>You hear voices from inside and take a little peek before enter. Hitomi is changing. No bra, just like you said.</n3>
<img src="gif/hitomi/strip/strip1.webp" class=center width="50%">
<<if $strip === 7 and $hitomiBra === 1>>
<n3>After class, you see Hitomi takes off her bra. She must be preparing for you. </n3>
<img src="gif/hitomi/strip/hitomistripping.webp" class=center width="55%">
<<if $strip === 9 and $hitomiBra === 1>>
<n3>You see Hitomi trying to zip up her dress. But her breasts seem to have another plan.</n3>
<img src="gif/hitomi/strip/zipper1.webp" class=center width="50%">
<b><d>Hitomi: </d> <hi1> Nooo! Not this one too! I really like this dress. I guess that's the price of being Jupiter.</hi1></b>
<<if $hasrated === 1>>\
[[💋 Spend time with Hitomi|hitomiCorrupt]]
[[🚪 Return to Corridor|Corridor]]
[[🚪 Go to Your Room|DormRoom]]
<b><a1>(</a1><n1>I'm not sure if I want to continue this.</n1><a1>)</a1></b>
<b><n1>(</n1> <a1>Listen to me. I saw your essence. You are capable of it. You can adapt to my powers and even develop it.</a1><n1>)</n1></b>
<b><a1>(</a1><n1>But Hitomi sees me as her friend. Although I recieve pleasure, it means I'll be using Hitomi and others in the future.</n1><a1>)</a1></b>
<b><n1>(</n1> <a1> Have you lost your mind? I guess I didn't explain enough. I wasn't trying to manipulate you when I said its a win-win scenario.
When a succubus is under my influence, she produce more lust than usual. And this cannot reach a dangerous level unless I force them. Which means with you, they will taste pleasures they've never tasted before.
Everyone has a dark side. Your dark side is a Merciful Ruler. You will not harm them. You'll reward them. With your mercy and lewdness. For some, pain is pleasure and you are the one who will give them what they want deep inside. What they need. We will show them their needs that even they aren't aware of.
Don't feel guilty. We are the good side. There may be those who do not understand us and our great purpose. We will show them the right path too. By the way, I got some news. </a1><n1>)</n1></b>
<n3>You notice that her mood has suddenly changed.</n3>
[[What is it?|spy]]
<<set $monologue3 to 1>><<set $grope to random(2) >>\
<<if $grope === 0 >><img src="gif/hitomi/groping/hitomigroping1.webp" class=center width="50%"><</if>>\
<<if $grope === 1 >><img src="gif/hitomi/groping/hitomigroping2.webp" class=center width="40%"><</if>>\
<<if $grope === 2 >><img src="gif/hitomi/groping/hitomigroping3.webp" class=center width="55%"><</if>>\
<b><d>$name:</d> <n1> Do you want me to touch you?</n1>
<d>Hitomi:</d><hi1> Yess...Please touch me!! My huge milkers begging for your delicate hands.</hi1>
<n1>(</n1> <a1> What a sincere request. Don't keep your friend waiting.</a1><n1>)</n1></b>
<n3> You put your hands on her chest and start rubbing and squeezing. Hitomi lets out a moan.</n3>
<b><d>Hitomi:</d><hi1> Ohhh! So much better than I expected. I'm melting under your every movement. Squeeze It!!! Push IT! Play with them. Ahhh.. Perfect!</hi1></b>
<b><a1>(</a1><n1> Holy shit! I feel her lust. So close!! It's like if I let myself go, I can take it all to myself. All her lust. AAAA! I need to focus.</n1><a1>)</a1>
<n1>(</n1> <a1>Don't worry, you won't lose control. I feel the determination within you. And arousal of course . </a1><n1>)</n1></b>
<b><d>$name:</d> <n1>These are mine! You are mine! Enlarge your tits cow. I'm gonna squeeze them!</n1></b>
<<set $milk to random(2)>>\
<<if $milk === 1 >>\
<n3>As you continue to play with the hitomi, you feel a wetness on your hands.</n3>
<img src="gif/hitomi/groping/milking1.webp" class=center width="55%">
<b><n3>Hitomi:</n3><hi1>Mmmmhhhhh..!! I can't control it. My milk! It's leaking through. Aauuhhhh! Why its soo GOOODD?!</hi1></b>
<b><n3>$name:</n3> <n1>Let all out my little Jupiter Cow! I'm gonna milk you dry!</n1></b>
<<if $controlHitomi gte 3>>\
[[✊ Increase your control|IncreaseControl(h)]]
<b><n3>♀ Hitomi's Corruption has Increased</n3></b>
<center><b><n1>💋 Lust: +15</n1></b>
<b><e1>⚡️ Energy: -35 </e1></b></center>
<<set $hitomiCorruption += 1>>\
<<set $energy -= 35>>\
<<if $lust lte 85>>\
<<set $lust += 15>>\
<<elseif $lust gt 85>>\
<<set $lust to 100>>\
[[🚪 Return To Your Room|DormRoom]]
[[🎀 Return To Hitomi's Room|hitomiroom]]
<<set $controlHitomi += 1>><<set $orgasm to random(9) >>\
<<if $orgasm === 0 >><img src="gif/orgasm/orgasm1.webp" class=center width="50%"> <</if>>\
<<if $orgasm === 1 >><img src="gif/orgasm/orgasm2.webp" class=center width="50%"> <</if>>\
<<if $orgasm === 2 >><img src="gif/orgasm/orgasm3.webp" class=center width="60%"> <</if>>\
<<if $orgasm === 3 >><img src="gif/orgasm/orgasm4.webp" class=center width="50%"> <</if>>\
<<if $orgasm === 4 >><img src="gif/orgasm/orgasm5.webp" class=center width="50%"> <</if>>\
<<if $orgasm === 5 >><img src="gif/orgasm/orgasm6.webp" class=center width="50%"> <</if>>\
<<if $orgasm === 6 >><img src="gif/orgasm/orgasm7.webp" class=center width="55%"> <</if>>\
<<if $orgasm === 7 >><img src="gif/orgasm/orgasm8.webp" class=center width="55%"> <</if>>\
<<if $orgasm === 8 >><img src="gif/orgasm/orgasm9.webp" class=center width="53%"> <</if>>\
<<if $orgasm === 9 >><img src="gif/orgasm/orgasm10.webp" class=center width="60%"> <</if>>\
<n3>You couldn't take it anymore. The dildo fucked you made you cum. </n3>
<b><a1>(</a1><n1>Ohh fuck I'm cumming!! Noo!! not here!</n1><a1>)</a1></b>
<b><n1>(</n1> <a1>Yeaa I can feel it!! I can't focus on the climax because of your embarrassment. Loose up and focus on the pleasure. MmhHhhh! Fuuckk!!! Shy girl cums in public! It has its own taste. Kinda liked it.</a1><n1>)</n1></b>
<b><n1>💋 Lust: -40</n1></b>
<<if $controlFitness gte 3>>\
[[✊ Increase your control|IncreaseControl]]
[[🔥 Finish Exercising|DormRoom]]
<<set $lust -= 40>>\<img src="img/places/yard1.jpg" class=center width="45%">
<<if $happypixie === 1 and $halloween === 0 and $dungeoncounter gte 4>>\
[[🧚♀️ You see Alette flying around|alettefavor1]]
<a1>[[🏫 Dormitory|Corridor]]||[[🏰 Main Campus|mainCampus]]</a1><d>$name:</d> <n1> I have a request from you. Actually two.</n1>
<d>Hitomi: </d> <hi1>Of course! Mis... $name.</hi1>
<d>$name:</d> <n1> I don't want you to use a cloth while cleaning. You have a much more useful pair, use them.</n1>
<d>Hitomi: </d> <hi1>Ohh! I was thinking about that too. They're almost touching the table anyway.</hi1>
<d>Hitomi: </d> <hi1>I hope I can clean your room better with these, Mistress. </hi1>
<n3>Hitomi pulls her huge breasts out of the dress. Her eyes are piercing through you. You can tell she is very horny. </n3>
<img src="gif/hitomi/cleaning/cleaning3.webp" class=center width="50%">
<n1>(</n1> <a1>Ahahaha, you don't even have to tell her. It is always better this way. Now you are a Mistress for her. Be worthy of it.</a1><n1>)</n1>
<d>Hitomi: </d> <hi1> What was your other request?</hi1>
<d>$name:</d> <n1> It doesn't matter. You always exceed my expectations. Now be good cow and start cleaning!</n1>
<d>Hitomi: </d> <hi1>Yes Mistress!</hi1>
<d>$name:</d> <n1>And call me mistress when it's just the two of us.</n1>
<n1>(</n1> <a1>Good one!</a1><n1>)</n1>
<d>Hitomi: </d> <hi1>With pleasure Mistress!</hi1>
<<set $hitomiNaked to 1>>\
<<set $food to random(3)>>\
<<set $lookaround to random (1)>>\
<<set $browse to random(4)>>\
<n3>You take your food and sit at an empty table. The food here never disappoints you. You feel more energized after eating.</n3>
<<if $food === 0>><img src="gif/dininghall/food/burger1.jpg" class=center width="50%"><</if>>\
<<if $food === 1>><img src="gif/dininghall/food/burrito1.jpg" class=center width="50%"><</if>>\
<<if $food === 2>><img src="gif/dininghall/food/pasta1.jpg" class=center width="50%"><</if>>\
<<if $food === 3>><img src="gif/dininghall/food/pizza1.jpg" class=center width="50%"><</if>>\
<center><b><e1>⚡️ Energy: +15</e1></b></center>
<<if $lookaround === 1>>\
<n3>The dining hall is pretty crowded and you look around while you eat.</n3>
<<if $browse === 0>>\
<n3>A succubus sitting nearby catches your eye. She is wearing a white sweater and a mini skirt. But you notice one thing, she's not wearing panties. When she realizes you're looking at her, she slowly pulls up her skirt. As she looks at you invitingly, she sees that others are noticing her and pulls her skirt down again. She slowly gets up from her seat and makes a sensual follow me gesture with her hand. </n3>
<img src="gif/dininghall/flash1.webp" class=center width="65%">
<linkB1>💋 Follow Her</linkB1> <c1>(To Be Added)</c1>
<<if $browse === 1>>\
<n3>Not far away, a succubus eating a meal catches your eye. The blouse she is wearing is quite thin and her big tits are stretching it out. It's a beautiful view as you having your meal. </n3>
<img src="gif/dininghall/flash2.webp" class=center width="50%">
<<if $browse === 2>>\
<n3>You hear a noise from the next table.</n3>
<img src="gif/dininghall/flash3.webp" class=center width="55%">
<d>Succubus1:</d> <b1>What are you talking about? Your ass is huge. Let me take a look.</b1>
<d>Succubus2:</d> <summer1>But I am a Venus. It might be enough for this shitty dorm. But in Venus dormitory, I got no chance. I need to be able to preserve it in a larger shape without losing my curvy look.</summer1>
<d>Succubus1:</d> <b1>You're just overthinking girl. Let me see it again.</b1>
<<if $browse === 3>>\
<n3>You hear a noise from the next table.</n3>
<img src="gif/dininghall/flash4.webp" class=center width="55%">
<d>Succubus1:</d><b1> Yes, I am progressing slower than expected. After all, I'm not a Jupiter.</b1>
<d>Succubus2:</d> <summer1>C'mon u were flat bitch. Now they are bigger than mine. Show it! show it! </summer1>
<d>Succubus1:</d> <b1>Well if you insist :) </b1>
<<if $browse === 4>>\
<n3> You feel an intense lust energy just a little bit away from you. A joyful, chirpy energy. When you look in that direction you see Brittany, dancing with a big smile. Gradually a crowd gathers around her and starts dancing with her.</n3>
<img src="gif/dininghall/brittanydining.webp" class=center width="45%"><</if>>\
[[🍴 Return to Dining Hall|Dining Hall]]
[[🚪 Return to Corridor|Corridor]]
<<if $energy lte 85>>
<<set $energy += 15>>\
<<elseif $energy gt 90>>\
<<set $energy to 100>>\
<<set $hasEat to 1>>\
<b><n1>(</n1> <a1> Do you remember the succubus in a latex suit that took you to your room on the first day? Lucy I suppose. You saw the big tits succubus roaming the hall. I sensed Lucy's aura on her.
<b><a1>(</a1><n1>So I wasn't being paranoid.</n1><a1>)</a1></b>
<b><n1>(</n1> <a1> Yes and she is observing you.</a1><n1>)</n1></b>
<n3>You take a deep sigh.</n3>
<b><a1>(</a1><n1>We are already being watched.</n1><a1>)</a1></b>
<b><n1>(</n1> <a1> Calm down. I don't know her purpose yet. She asked her to report your movements. Even if something happens, she won't be able to report it properly. She's a strong one, but her focus is weak.</a1><n1>)</n1></b>
<b><a1>(</a1><n1>Who knows what else you are hiding from me. And even this is too much for me.</n1><a1>)</a1></b>
<b><n1>(</n1> <a1>I told you everything about the current situation. We will be fine. Do you feel any better?</a1><n1>)</n1></b>
<b><a1>(</a1><n1>Yeah I guess. I don't know.</n1><a1>)</a1></b>
<b><n1>(</n1> <a1> It is normal to have ups and downs in the beginning. We have a lot of things to do. Don't worry, I'm here.</a1><n1>)</n1></b>
[[🚪 Return To Your Room|DormRoom]]
<<set $spy to 1>><<set $milenaClass to random(5) >>\
<n3>Milena walks into the class. She wears striped pants, a leather corset and a bra that barely covers her breasts. Over her bra, there is an black transparent shirt with a tie. </n3>
<<if $milenaClass === 0 >><img src="img/milenaClass/milenaclass1.jpg" class=center width="45%">
<b><d>Milena:</d><mi1> Today, we're going to talk about what happens if you overuse your lust energy.</mi1></b>
<<if $milenaClass === 1 >><img src="img/milenaClass/milenaclass3.jpg" class=center width="45%">
<b><d>Milena:</d> <mi1>Our topic is "Succubus and Human Relations". As you know, we've had a fluctuating graph with humans. We'll look into the details.</mi1></b>
<<if $milenaClass === 2 >><img src="img/milenaClass/milenaclass4.jpg" class=center width="45%">
<b><d>Milena:</d> <mi1> Today we will cover the general characteristics of signs. </mi1></b>
<<if $milenaClass === 3 >><img src="img/milenaClass/milenaclass5.jpg" class=center width="45%">
<b><d>Milena:</d> <mi1> Today we will discuss why Jupiter and Mars are so popular. I want you all to give your opinion.</mi1></b>
<<if $milenaClass === 4 >><img src="img/milenaClass/milenaclass6.jpg" class=center width="45%">
<b><d>Milena:</d> <mi1> Today, you will learn the story of the founding of the four great schools. I'll have to skip most details. If you are interested, I suggest you read the details from the library(Not yet implemented). It is a very significant event in our history.</mi1></b>
<<if $milenaClass === 5 >><img src="img/milenaClass/milenaclass7.jpg" class=center width="45%">
<b><d>Milena:</d> <mi1>Today we're going to cover what happens and what you should do when you try to concentrate your lust energy in a place you are not inclined to. </mi1></b><</if>>\
<<set $peak to random(7)>>
<<if $peak === 0 >><img src="gif/class/class1.webp" class=center width="38%">
<n3>During the lesson, you see someone asking a question to teacher. But her skirt isn't long enough for this move. Her long legs and plump hips sway right and left before her eyes.</n3>
<<if $peak === 3 >><img src="gif/class/class2.webp" class=center width="35%">
<n3>During the lesson, you see someone asking a question to teacher. But her skirt isn't long enough for this move. Her long legs and plump hips sway right and left before her eyes.</n3>
<<if $peak === 5 >><img src="gif/class/class6.webp" class=center width="40%">
<n3>During class, you see someone flashing her boob at you.</n3>
<b><n1>(</n1> <a1>Hmm... Not bad actually.</a1><n1>)</n1></b>
<<if $private === 0>>
[[📖 Private lesson|Private lesson]]
[[📖 Private Lesson|PLesson1]]
<n3>You listen to Milena, ignoring the warming on your arm.</n3>
<b><n3>Milena's Corruption Increased</n3></b>
<b><e1>⚡️ Energy: -30</e1></b>
[[🚪Return To Your Room|DormRoom]]
<<set $milenaCorruption += 1>>\
<<set $energy -= 30>>\<<set $milenaClass to random(5) >>\
<n3>Milena walks into the class. She wears striped pants, a leather corset and a bra that barely covers her breasts. Over her bra, there is an black transparent shirt with a tie. But you notice that she doesn't cover the front of her shirt anymore. You also start to notice a change in her overall attitude.</n3>
<<if $milenaClass === 0 >><img src="img/milenaClass/milenaclass8.jpg" class=center width="45%">
<b><d>Milena:</d> <mi1> Okay class, today we're going to cover spirit animals and what they symbolize. I think this year we even have a phoenix. Diversity is something we want to have.</mi1></b>
<<if $milenaClass === 1 >><img src="img/milenaClass/milenaclass9.jpg" class=center width="45%">
<b><d>Milena:</d> <mi1> Todays lesson is math. Don't even whine about it! We are starting with differential equations. C'mon! </mi1></b>
<<if $milenaClass === 2 >><img src="img/milenaClass/milenaclass10.jpg" class=center width="45%">
<b><d>Milena:</d> <mi1>It is said that it doesn't matter which spirit animal you have. We'll talk about how true this is. </mi1></b>
<<if $milenaClass === 3 >><img src="img/milenaClass/milenaclass11.jpg" class=center width="45%">
<b><d>Milena:</d> <mi1>What happens if you run out of lust energy? This is our topic today. </mi1></b>
<<if $milenaClass === 4 >><img src="img/milenaClass/milenaclass12.jpg" class=center width="45%">
<b><d>Milena:</d> <mi1>What happens if you are overloaded with lust energy? This is our topic today. </mi1></b>
<<if $milenaClass === 5 >><img src="img/milenaClass/milenaclass13.jpg" class=center width="45%">
<b><d>Milena:</d> <mi1>Today we will continue to learn the history of succubuses and our school. </mi1></b>
<<set $peak to random(11)>>
<<if $peak === 0 >><img src="gif/class/class1.webp" class=center width="38%">
<n3>During the lesson, you see someone asking a question to teacher. But her skirt isn't long enough for this move. Her long legs and plump hips sway right and left before her eyes.</n3>
<<if $peak === 3 >><img src="gif/class/class2.webp" class=center width="35%">
<n3>During the lesson, you see someone asking a question to teacher. But her skirt isn't long enough for this move. Her long legs and plump hips sway right and left before her eyes.</n3>
<<if $peak === 5 >><img src="gif/class/class3.webp" class=center width="32%">
<n3>Near the end of class, you see two succubus talking.</n3>
<d>Succubus1:</d><b1>You look great in these tights.</b1>
<d>Succubus2:</d><b1>Really ? I wasn't sure if I should wear it. I don't even look like a Venus yet.</b1>
<d>Succubus1:</d><b1>Let me look again. Yea I was right. If you can clap with them, nothing is important.</b1>
<<if $peak === 7 >><img src="gif/class/class5.webp" class=center width="50%">
<n3>Near the end of the lesson, you hear three succubus talking.</n3>
<d>Succubus1:</d><b1>I bet you're wearing panties right now.</b1>
<d>Succubus2:</d><b1>Yes yes you look fancy today. You definitely have panties on.</b1>
<d>Succubus3:</d> <b1>Hahaha! Sorry girls. Looks like I won the bet.</b1>
<<if $peak === 9 >><img src="gif/class/class6.webp" class=center width="50%">
<n3>During class, you see someone flashing her boob at you.</n3>
<b><n1>(</n1> <a1>Hmm... Not bad actually.</a1><n1>)</n1></b>
<<if $peak === 11 >><img src="gif/class/class7.webp" class=center width="50%">
<n3>During the lesson, you see someone asking a question to teacher. Looks like she is little bit itchy. And she doesn't need anything but that table.
[[📖 Private Lesson|PLesson1]]
[[🚪 Return To Your Room|DormRoom]]
<<set $milenaexercise to 1>>\
<<set $milenaClass to random(5) >>\
<n3>Milena walks into the class. She wears striped pants, a leather corset and a bra that barely covers her breasts. Over her bra, there is an black transparent shirt with a tie. Now she walks around with her see-through shirt fastened only with the bottom button. Her bra, which barely covers her breasts, is no longer under such a burden. With her nipples fully exposed, she lectures. Her general demeanor and expression have changed, but the seriousness with what she teaches remains the same.</n3>
<<if $milenaClass === 0 >><img src="img/milenaClass/milenaclass14.jpg" class=center width="45%">
<b><d>Milena:</d> <mi1>Today we're going to cover what happens and what you should do when you try to concentrate your lust energy in a place you are not inclined to. </mi1></b>
<<if $milenaClass === 1 >><img src="img/milenaClass/milenaclass15.jpg" class=center width="45%">
<b><d>Milena:</d> <mi1>Today we will continue to learn the history of succubuses and our school. </mi1></b>
<<if $milenaClass === 2 >><img src="img/milenaClass/milenaclass17.jpg" class=center width="45%">
<b><d>Milena:</d> <mi1>Today we take a look at the great succubuses of the past. </mi1></b>
<<if $milenaClass === 3 >><img src="img/milenaClass/milenaclass18.jpg" class=center width="45%">
<b><d>Milena:</d> <mi1>Our topic is "Succubus and Human Relations". As you know, we've had a fluctuating graph with humans. We'll look into the details.</mi1></b>
<<if $milenaClass === 4 >><img src="img/milenaClass/milenaclass19.jpg" class=center width="45%">
<b><d>Milena:</d> <mi1> Today we will cover the general characteristics of signs with more details. </mi1></b>
<<if $milenaClass === 5 >><img src="img/milenaClass/milenaclass20.jpg" class=center width="45%">
<b><d>Milena:</d> <mi1> Todays lesson is math. Don't even whine about it! We are starting with differential equations. C'mon! </mi1></b>
<<set $peak to random(15)>>
<<if $peak === 0 >><img src="gif/class/class1.webp" class=center width="38%">
<n3>During the lesson, you see someone asking a question to teacher. But her skirt isn't long enough for this move. Her long legs and plump hips sway right and left before her eyes.</n3>
<<if $peak === 1 >><img src="gif/class/class2.webp" class=center width="35%">
<n3>During the lesson, you see someone asking a question to teacher. But her skirt isn't long enough for this move. Her long legs and plump hips sway right and left before her eyes.</n3>
<<if $peak === 3 >><img src="gif/class/class3.webp" class=center width="32%">
<n3>Near the end of class, you see two succubus talking.
Girl1:</n3>You look great in these tights.
<n3>Girl2:</n3>Really ? I wasn't sure if I should wear it. I don't even look like a mars yet.
<n3>Girl1:</n3>Let me look again. Yea I was right. If you can clap with them, nothing is important.
<<if $peak === 5 >><img src="gif/class/class4.webp" class=center width="50%">
<n3>You hear two voices rising from your behind.
Girl1:</n3> <b1>Sshhh be... quie Ahhhh! Slower!! I can't hold back.</b1>
<n3>Girl2: </n3><b1>You slow down and be quiet someone will see us.Nnhhhh! Ohh Im gonna cum!.....Cummiingg MMMhhhhmh! Cum with me now!</b1>
<n3>Girl1:</n3> <b1>MMmmmhhhh aAAHhhhhhh!! I'm cumming too!! Hhaaa hhaah Huuh!</b1>
<n3> All class acted like they didn't see anything. Everyone was afraid of the knock-on effect.</n3>
<<if $peak === 7 >><img src="gif/class/class5.webp" class=center width="50%">
<n3>Near the end of the lesson, you hear three succubus talking.</n3>
<d>Succubus1:</d><b1>I bet you're wearing panties right now.</b1>
<d>Succubus2:</d><b1>Yes yes you look fancy today. You definitely have panties on.</b1>
<d>Succubus3:</d> <b1>Hahaha! Sorry girls. Looks like I won the bet.</b1>
<<if $peak === 9 >><img src="gif/class/class6.webp" class=center width="50%">
<n3>During class, you see someone flashing her boob at you.</n3>
<b><n1>(</n1> <a1>Hmm... Not bad actually.</a1><n1>)</n1></b>
<<if $peak === 11 >><img src="gif/class/class7.webp" class=center width="50%">
<n3>During the lesson, you see someone asking a question to teacher. Looks like she is little bit itchy. And she doesn't need anything but that desk.</n3>
<<if $peak === 13 >><img src="gif/class/class8.webp" class=center width="50%">
<b><n3>Milena:</n3> <mi1>Someone, clean the chalkboard please!</mi1></b>
<n3>Someone wearing only a very short crop top and long socks is cleaning the board.</n3>
<<if $peak === 15 >><img src="gif/class/class8.webp" class=center width="50%">
<b><n3>A succubus drops her pen. When she gets under the bench, you see her purpose is different. She plays with herself for a while and gets up. Only you saw what happened. Her pen is still on the floor.</n3></b>
[[📖 Private Lesson|PLesson1]]
[[🚪 Return To Your Room|DormRoom]]
<b><d>Milena:</d> <mi1>Girls, can I have your attention for a moment please? I am starting to give private lessons. Exclusive to non-Jupiter succubuses. You girls need more education on Art of Bust. It will be very helpful for you and it's not going to be theoretical. Please participate to it.</mi1></b>
<n3>Then she walks away.</n3>
<b><n1>(</n1> <a1>The opportunity has come to us. If we attend these private lessons and add a little craziness, something beyond our imagination can happen. We are definitely going.</a1><n1>)</n1></b>
<b><a1>(</a1><n1> Well... I guess it won't do any harm. </n1><a1>)</a1></b>
<b><n1>(</n1> <a1>That's the spirit! </a1><n1>)</n1></b>
[[🚪 Return To Your Room|DormRoom]]
<<set $private to 1>>\
<<set $Mprivate to 1>>\
<n3>A succubus, completely covered in latex, takes your arm and help you stand.</n3>
<img src="img/intro/lucyintro.jpg" class=center width="40%" >
<b><d>Lucy:</d> <l1>Hey! Are you okay?</l1></b>
<b><d>$name:</d> <n1> Yes Mistress! I feel better now.</n1></b>
<b><d>Lucy:</d> <l1> Good. Let's get you to your room and get some rest.</l1></b>
<n3>As you walk towards your room, you notice that she is looking at you very carefully.</n3>
<b><d>$name:</d> <n1> Is something wrong Mistress?</n1></b>
<b><d>Lucy:</d> <l1> Uh! No. I was just looking in case if you suddenly fall down again.</l1></b>
<b><d>$name:</d> <n1> Oh! Thank You! I feel even better than before.</n1></b>
<n3>You felt she was startled for a moment.</n3>
<n3>Once you arrive,you thank Lucy and enter your room.</n3>
[[Your Room|firstRoom]][[Return|hitomiroom]]
<n3>You touch to the glimmer and it turns into a photograph in your hand. Afterwards, it transforms into its former form and starts to make its way to the box in your room.</n3>
<img src="img/pics/brittanypics/brittanypic6.webp" class=center width="50%">
<<set $photo14 to 1>>\
<<set $photoRemain -= 1 >>\[[🖼️ Return To Gallery|photoGallery]]
[[🚪 Return To Your Room|DormRoom]]
<n3> Maybe not ideal for public useage.</n3>
<img src="img/pics/brittanypics/brittanypic6.webp" class=center width="65%">
[[🖼️ Return To Gallery|photoGallery]]
[[🚪 Return To Your Room|DormRoom]]
<img src="img/places/classroom1.jpeg" class=center width="105%">
<<if $monologue4 === 0>>\
<b><n1>(</n1> <a1>This private lesson will be under our control. We will point the way and hope Milena will follow. Don't expect a control like in Hitomi. We'll just get her off the road. But without realizing it, she will become sensitive to our powers.</a1><n1>)</n1></b>
<<set $monologue4 to 1>>\
<n3>After a short break, Milena arrives and the private lesson starts.</n3>
<center><<if $Mprivate gte 1>>\
[[Enhancing Tits 101|reveal1]]
<<if $Mprivate gte 3>>\
[[Tits vs Gravity|bounce1]]
<<if $Mprivate gte 6>>\
[[Groping Tits|grope1]]
<<if $Mprivate gte 9>>\
[[Producing Milk|selfmilking1]]
<<if $Mprivate gte 12>>\
[[Tasting Milk|milking1]]
<<if $Mprivate gte 15>>\
[[Milena's Reward|sucking1]]
<<set $reveal to random(3)>>
<b><d>Milena:</d> <mi1>I know that breast enhancing is very popular. As a Jupiter, I can help you with that.
First, you need to gather your lust energy in your breasts. Then you need to release this energy slowly into it. But the majority skips one of the most important step. Visualization! This step is essential for a big, full and rounded result. That's why I'm going to show you my magnificent breasts. Make sure you pay attention to all the details.</mi1></b>
<<if $reveal === 0>>\
<img src="gif/milena/reveal/reveal1.webp" class=center width="40%">
<n3>You are watching Milena's breasts with great attention. As Milena walks between you with her huge boobs, she also gives useful information about The Art of Attraction with Bust.</n3>
<<if $reveal === 1>>\
<img src="gif/milena/reveal/reveal2.gif" class=center width="50%">
<n3>You are watching Milena's breasts with great attention. As Milena walks between you with her huge boobs, she also gives useful information about The Art of Attraction with Bust.
<<if $reveal === 2>>\
<img src="gif/milena/reveal/comparison1.webp" class=center width="65%">
<b><d>Angela:</d> <b1> Mistress Milena, I tried it but my belly grew too. </b1></b>
<b><d>Milena:</d> <mi1> An excellent result. You need to work on your control but your reserve of lust energy is amazing.</mi1></b>
<<if $reveal === 3>>\
<img src="gif/milena/reveal/comparison2.webp" class=center width="55%">
<b><d>Angela:</d> <b1> Mistress Milena, I tried it but my belly grew too. </b1></b>
<b><d>Milena:</d> <mi1> An excellent result. You need to work on your control but your reserve of lust energy is amazing.</mi1></b>
<b><n3> ♀ Milena's Corruption Increased</n3></b>
<b><n3> While listening to Milena, you try to focus your lust energy on your breasts. You can manage to do that, but it's very difficult to keep it at a certain size.</n3></b>
<img src="gif/tits/grow1.webp" class=center width="55%">
<<if $tits gte 3 and $hitomiHelp1 === 0>>\
<h3><n3>(You still fail to maintain enough control. Maybe you could talk to Hitomi about it. Her advice might help you.) </n3></h3>
<<set $hitomiHelp1 to 1>>\
<<if $controlMilena gte 3>>\
[[✊ Increase your control|IncreaseControl(m)]]
<center><b><e1>⚡️ Energy: -20 </e1></b>
<b><n1>💋 Lust: +10</n1></b></center>
[[🚪 Return To Your Room|DormRoom]]
<<set $milenaCorruption += 1>>\
<<if $Mprivate lte 3>>\
<<set $Mprivate += 1>>\
<<set $energy -= 20>>\
<<if $lust lte 90>>\
<<set $lust += 10>>\
<<elseif $lust gt 90>>
<<set $lust to 100>>\
<<set $controlMilena += 1>>\
<<set $tits += 1>>\
<<set $bounce to random(4)>>
<b><d>Milena:</d> <mi1>Yes, you have seen my good quality big breast.
But this is not enough!
You should also learn how this tits responds in different situations. The breast has a soft but heavy structure. Today you will learn how a breast responds to bouncing. Notice how it vibrates, don't miss any detail Aahhh! My dear students. Learn From Me! </mi1></b>
<<if $bounce === 0>>\
<img src="gif/milena/bounce/bounce1.webp" class=center width="50%">
<<if $bounce === 1>>\
<img src="gif/milena/bounce/bounce2.webp" class=center width="50%">
<<if $bounce === 2>>\
<img src="gif/milena/bounce/bounce3.gif" class=center width="50%">
<<if $bounce === 3>>\
<img src="gif/milena/bounce/bounce4.gif" class=center width="55%">
<<if $bounce === 4>>\
<img src="gif/milena/bounce/bounce5.webp" class=center width="50%">
<b><n1>(</n1> <a1>We're starting to learn about Milena. I underestimated her a little. Teaching is a passion and source of pleasure for her. And I have to admit, her tits are amazing! You'd better listen to what she's telling. By the end of these lessons you will have as much breast control as a Jupiter should.</a1><n1>)</n1></b>
<b><n3> ♀ Milena's Corruption Increased</n3></b>
<b><n3>You watch Milena's breasts carefully. A fascinating sight.</n3></b>
<<if $tits gte 3 and $hitomiHelp1 === 0>>\
<h3><n3>(You still fail to maintain enough control. Maybe you could talk to Hitomi about it. Her advice might help you.) </n3></h3>
<<set $hitomiHelp1 to 1>>\
<<if $controlMilena gte 3>>\
[[✊ Increase your control|IncreaseControl(m)]]
<center><b><e1>⚡️ Energy: -25 </e1></b>
<b><n1>💋 Lust: +10</n1></b></center>
[[🚪 Return To Your Room|DormRoom]]
<<set $milenaCorruption += 1>>\
<<if $Mprivate lte 7>>\
<<set $Mprivate += 1>>\
<<set $energy -= 25>>\
<<if $lust lte 90>>\
<<set $lust += 10>>\
<<elseif $lust gt 90>>
<<set $lust to 100>>\
<<set $controlMilena += 1>>\
<<set $tits += 1>>\<<set $grope to random(4)>>
<b><d>Milena:</d> <mi1>Now you know how a breast responds to movement. But its all external! You should experience this more closely.
Touch me! Touch my big magnificent breasts and make it your own power. During this experiment, enlarge your breasts as much as possible.</mi1></b>
<<if $grope === 0>>\
<img src="gif/milena/grope/grope1.webp" class=center width="55%">
<b><d>Milena:</d> <mi1>Yes, take a close look at my tits both of you. Do not be afraid.</mi1>
<b><d>Succubus1:</d> <b1>How can it be this heavy when it is so soft? </b1>
<b><d>Succubus2:</d> <b1>Yea Right? You have amazing breasts, Mistress! </b1> </b>
<<if $grope === 1>>\
<img src="gif/milena/grope/grope2.webp" class=center width="50%">
<b><d>Milena:</d> <mi1>Good technique Amy! Reach around groping is maybe my favorite way to explore. Make sure you don't forget how my tits felt.</mi1>
<b><d>Amy:</d> <b1> Yes Mistress! </b1></b>
<<if $grope === 2>>\
<img src="gif/milena/grope/grope3.webp" class=center width="50%">
<b><d>Milena:</d> <mi1> Woah! You're wild one! If you're going to learn better this way, MMmhhh! Keep going! Ahhh! Apparently It's not your first time. I like it!</mi1></b>
<<if $grope === 3>>\
<img src="gif/milena/grope/grope4.webp" class=center width="48%">
<b><d>Succubus:</d> <b1>It feels so good to both grope and slap. I could go on for hours. Do you really think we can get to this level Mistress Milena? </b1>
<d>Milena:</d> <mi1> It feels good right? Ahahaha! Of course you will succeed. You are my disciples. By the end of this year, we will all proudly show off our huge breasts.....No, it doesn't hurt, explore as you wish. </mi1></b>
<<if $grope === 4>>\
<img src="gif/milena/grope/grope5.webp" class=center width="50%">
<b><mi1> Ooohhh! Yes feel my chest in all its aspects. Its softness, its weight, how it fills and overflows your hand. All of you can reach this level. Let me teach you! Ahhh! Grope those huge milkers. YESS!</mi1></b>
<b><n3> ♀ Milena's Corruption Increased</n3></b>
<b><n3>Everyone is groping each other. Your knowledge of how breasts feel increases. </n3></b>
<<if $controlMilena gte 3>>\
[[✊ Increase your control|IncreaseControl(m)]]
<center><b><e1>⚡️ Energy: -25 </e1></b>
<b><n1>💋 Lust: +10</n1></b></center>
[[🚪 Return To Your Room|DormRoom]]
<<set $milenaCorruption += 1>>\
<<if $Mprivate lte 11>>\
<<set $Mprivate += 1>>\
<<set $energy -= 25>>\
<<if $lust lte 90>>\
<<set $lust += 10>>\
<<elseif $lust gt 90>>
<<set $lust to 100>>\
<<set $controlMilena += 1>>\
<<set $tits += 1>>\<<set $selfmilk to random(4)>>
<<if $dialogue2 === 0>>\
<b><d>Milena:</d> <mi1>You all know as much as the average Jupiter. It's time to rise even higher. Do you know why I didn't include Jupiters in these classes? Because you need guidance. These are not natural for you. You have to put in extra effort. But you will be able to do these even while sleeping.
Next step... Producing milk. Succubus milk is an aphrodisiac. This is one of the reasons why Jupiter is so popular. Except that big tits are super sexy. That's the real reason.</mi1></b>
<b><d>Milena:</d> <mi1> You have already learned to accumulate your lust energy in your breasts. Now you must learn to transform it. Imagine that your breasts are filled with milk. Don't just imagine it, feel it. And when you squeeze your nipples, the result should be like this.</mi1></b>
<n3> Milena squeezes her nipples and squirts milk.</n3>
<<if $selfmilk === 0>>\
<img src="gif/milena/selfmilk/selfmilk1.webp" class=center width="55%">
<<if $selfmilk === 1>>\
<img src="gif/milena/selfmilk/selfmilk2.webp" class=center width="55%">
<<if $selfmilk === 2>>\
<img src="gif/milena/selfmilk/selfmilk3.webp" class=center width="55%">
<<if $selfmilk === 3>>\
<img src="gif/milena/selfmilk/selfmilk4.webp" class=center width="60%">
<<if $selfmilk === 4>>\
<img src="gif/milena/selfmilk/selfmilk5.webp" class=center width="60%">
<b><mi1> Ahahaha do you see it? MMhhhh! This process will give you a lot of pleasure as well. You can start to try. Never be discouraged if you don't make it on your first try. I trust you all.</mi1></b>
<b><n1>(</n1> <a1> Hahahaha so fun! Enlarge your breasts and fill them with milk. Let me feel that pleasure.</a1><n1>)</n1></b>
<b><a1>(</a1><n1>Don't distract me, I'm trying. It's harder than it looks.</n1><a1>)</a1></b>
<<if $sheSaid === 0>>\
<b><n1>(</n1> <a1>Well that what she....</a1><n1>)</n1></b>
<b><n1>(</n1> <a1>Ok...Sorry.</a1><n1>)</n1></b>
<<if $controlMilena gte 3>>\
[[✊ Increase your control|IncreaseControl(m)]]
<b><n3> ♀ Milena's Corruption Increased</n3></b>
<center><b><e1>⚡️ Energy: -25</e1></b>
<b><n1>💋 Lust: +10</n1></b></center>
[[🚪 Return To Your Room|DormRoom]]
<<set $milenaCorruption += 1>>\
<<if $Mprivate lte 14>>\
<<set $Mprivate += 1>>\
<<set $dialogue2 to 1>>
<<set $energy -= 25>>\
<<set $sheSaid to 1>>\
<<if $lust lte 90>>\
<<set $lust += 10>>\
<<elseif $lust gt 90>>\
<<set $lust to 100>>\
<<set $controlMilena += 1>>\
<<set $tits += 1>>\<<set $sucking to random(14)>>
<b><d>Milena:</d> <mi1>You all deserved an reward. Come and suck my big tits. I'm proud of all of you. Don't forget to enlarge your breasts too.</mi1></b>
<<if $sucking === 0>>\
<img src="gif/milena/sucking/sucking1.webp" class=center width="60%">
<b><d>Milena:</d> <mi1>Ohhhh! I didn't think you'd be this enthusiastic. There is enough for all of you. Aahhh! Keep going!</mi1>
<d>Succubus:</d> <b1>It's sooo delicious Mistress Milena! Even bigger than my head and I can't stop sucking it. Mmmmmh!</b1></b>
<<if $sucking === 1>>\
<img src="gif/milena/sucking/sucking2.webp" class=center width="60%">
<b><d>Milena:</d> <mi1>Ohhhh! I didn't think you'd be this enthusiastic. There is enough for all of you. Aahhh! Keep going!</mi1>
<d>Succubus:</d> <b1>It's sooo delicious Mistress Milena! Even bigger than my head and I can't stop sucking it. </b1></b>
<<if $sucking === 2>>\
<img src="gif/milena/sucking/sucking3.webp" class=center width="55%">
<b><d>Milena:</d> <mi1>You like it huh? Keep sucking on my nipple. You can go on as long as you want. There's more than you need. Mmmhhh! My little precious students.</mi1></b>
<<if $sucking === 3>>\
<img src="gif/milena/sucking/sucking4.webp" class=center width="65%">
<b><d>Milena:</d> <mi1>Let me help you girls. Lick it! Enjoy it! Savor it! Suck my huge tits. Ohhhh! </mi1></b>
<<if $sucking === 4>>\
<img src="gif/milena/sucking/sucking5.webp" class=center width="55%">
<b><d>Milena:</d> <mi1>Let me help you girls. Lick it! Enjoy it! Savor it! Suck my huge tits. Ohhhh! </mi1></b>
<<if $sucking === 5>>\
<img src="gif/milena/sucking/sucking6.webp" class=center width="55%">
<b><d>Succubus:</d> <b1>Mistress I wanna get slapped by your huge tits please!</b1>
<d>Milena:</d> <mi1>Then get to work! These huge milkers won't slap you on their own.</mi1>
<d>Succubus:</d> <b1>Yes Mistress! Thank You Mistress!</b1></b>
<<if $sucking === 6>>\
<img src="gif/milena/sucking/sucking7.webp" class=center width="55%">
<b><d>Milena:</d> <mi1>Let's see which one of you sucks better. Whoever wins can drink as much milk as she wants.</mi1>
<d>Succubus:</d> <b1>I'm gonna win! I want that milky tits in my mouth</b1></b>
<<if $sucking === 7>>\
<img src="gif/milena/sucking/sucking8.webp" class=center width="55%">
<b><d>Milena:</d> <mi1>You like it huh? Keep sucking on my nipple. You can go on as long as you want. There's more than you need. Mmmhhh! My little precious students. </mi1></b>
<<if $sucking === 8>>\
<img src="gif/milena/sucking/sucking9.webp" class=center width="55%">
<b><d>Succubus:</d> <b1>Mistress please slap me with your huge tits. I wanna feel it all over my face. Please! </b1>
<d>Milena:</d> <mi1>Hahaha! This isn't the first time I've been asked for this. I'll slap you with great pleasure my precious.</mi1></b>
<<if $sucking === 9>>\
<img src="gif/milena/sucking/sucking10.webp" class=center width="55%">
<b><d>Milena:</d> <mi1>Let's see which one of you sucks better. Whoever wins can drink as much milk as she wants.</mi1>
<d>Succubus:</d> <b1>I'm gonna win! I want that milky tits in my mouth</b1></b>
<<if $sucking === 10>>\
<img src="gif/milena/sucking/sucking11.webp" class=center width="50%">
<b><d>Milena:</d> <mi1>While you are tasting me, I'm gonna play with your big tits. Hmm...its very soft and heavy and jiggles good when I let go. Well done my dear. Aahh! Keep sucking on my nipples!</mi1></b>
<<if $sucking === 11>>\
<img src="gif/milena/sucking/sucking12.webp" class=center width="55%">
<b><d>Milena:</d> <mi1>You like it huh? Keep sucking on my nipple. You can go on as long as you want. There's more than you need. Mmmhhh! My little precious students. </mi1></b>
<<if $sucking === 12>>\
<img src="gif/milena/sucking/sucking13.webp" class=center width="55%">
<b><d>Milena:</d> <mi1>Ohhhh! I didn't think you'd be this enthusiastic. There is enough for all of you. Aahhh! Keep going!</mi1>
<d>Succubus:</d> <b1>It's sooo delicious Mistress Milena! Even bigger than my head and I can't stop sucking it. Mmmmmh!</b1></b>
<<if $sucking === 13>>\
<img src="gif/milena/sucking/sucking14.webp" class=center width="55%">
<b><d>Milena:</d> <mi1>Ohhhh! I didn't think you'd be this enthusiastic. There is enough for all of you. Aahhh! Keep going!</mi1>
<d>Succubus:</d> <b1>It's sooo delicious Mistress Milena! Even bigger than my head and I can't stop sucking it. </b1></b>
<<if $sucking === 14>>\
<img src="gif/milena/sucking/sucking15.webp" class=center width="55%">
<b><d>Succubus:</d> <b1> Have a taste Mistress! And I'll get your other breast ready to lick by squirting milk on it. </b1>
<d>Milena:</d> <mi1>You girls are crazy!</mi1></b>
<b><n3> ♀ Milena's Corruption Increased</n3></b>
<b><n3>Everyone has improved a lot and producing milk has become a normal thing. You wonder how things would have turned out if you hadn't intervened.</n3></b>
<<if $milenaEnd === 0>>\
<center><h2><n3>End of the content for Milena!</n3></h2></center>
<<set $milenaEnd to 1>>
<<if $controlMilena gte 3>>\
[[✊ Increase your control|IncreaseControl(m)]]
<center><b><e1>⚡️ Energy: -25 </e1></b>
<b><n1>💋 Lust: +15</n1></b></center>
[[🚪 Return To Your Room|DormRoom]]
<<set $milenaCorruption += 1>>\
<<set $Mprivate += 1>>\
<<set $milenaEnd to 1>>\
<<set $energy -= 25>>\
<<if $lust lte 85>>\
<<set $lust += 15>>\
<<elseif $lust gt 85>>\
<<set $lust to 100>>\
<<set $controlMilena += 1>>\
<<set $tits += 1>>\<<set $milk to random(10)>>
<b><d>Milena:</d> <mi1>It's time to check your progress.</mi1></b>
<<if $milk === 0>>\
<img src="gif/milena/milk/milk1.webp" class=center width="60%">
<b><d>Milena:</d> <mi1>Yes! Squeeze that milk into my mouth. Bust size is great. The texture and taste of the milk is on point. Well done, my little precious student. Oohhh! the milk is starting to take effect.</mi1></b>
<<if $milk === 1>>\
<img src="gif/milena/milk/milk2.webp" class=center width="65%">
<b><d>Milena:</d> <mi1>Yes, that's it! I can't get enough of it. A milk production that would make a Jupiter jealous. So delicious! And now you can keep your tits at this size. Well done!</mi1></b>
<b><d>Succubus:</d> <b1>Thank You Mistress. AAhhh! Please be gentle! </b1></b>
<<if $milk === 2>>\
<img src="gif/milena/milk/milk3.webp" class=center width="55%">
<b><d>Milena:</d> <mi1>Lets check on you Adelina. Your bust size is perfect! It looks like your milk production hasn't reached the level you want yet. You've improved very well, keep up the good work!</mi1></b>
<b><d>Adelina:</d> <b1>Yes Mistress! MmmMhhh! my nipples are so sensitive.</b1></b>
<<if $milk === 3>>\
<img src="gif/milena/milk/milk4.webp" class=center width="55%">
<b><d>Succubus:</d> <b1>Mistress Milena, may I taste your milk as an example? </b1></b>
<b><d>Milena:</d> <mi1>Of course! This will help you progress. Come here, my tits are full of milk.</mi1></b>
<b><d>Succubus:</d> <b1> Thank you Msitress! Wow! </b1></b>
<b><d>Milena:</d> <mi1> </mi1></b>
<<if $milk === 4>>\
<img src="gif/milena/milk/milk5.webp" class=center width="60%">
<b><d>Milena:</d> <mi1>Wonderful Jenny! You have learned to produce milk in such a short time. While it's extra difficult for a Mercury to acquire Jupiter features. Well done! Let me reward you with pleasure for this effort. </mi1></b>
<b><d>Jenny:</d> <b1> Thank you Msitress! I always wanted to have big breasts, Mmmhh! but I always struggled and gave up. But this ti-time Ahhh! I didn't want to betray your faith in us. HHoooo! My nipples have never been this sensitive.</b1></b>
<<if $milk === 5>>\
<img src="gif/milena/milk/milk6.webp" class=center width="60%">
<b><d>Milena:</d> <mi1>Yes! Squeeze that milk into my mouth. Bust size is great. The texture and taste of the milk is on point. Well done, my little precious student. Oohhh! the milk is starting to take effect.</mi1></b>
<<if $milk === 6>>\
<img src="gif/milena/milk/milk7.webp" class=center width="65%">
<b><d>Milena:</d> <mi1>Yes! Let me suck that milk into my mouth. Bust size is fine. The texture and taste of the milk is on point. Well done, my little precious student. Oohhh! the milk is starting to take effect.</mi1></b>
<<if $milk === 7>>\
<img src="gif/milena/milk/milk8.webp" class=center width="60%">
<b><d>Hadley:</d> <b1>I've been working for a few days and now I can produce milk. May I squirt on your boobs please mistress? I'm so excited! </b1></b>
<b><d>Milena:</d> <mi1>Of course my precious! Use your new skill on me. But I still want to have a taste. Mmmmm! Delicious! I can taste your hard work!</mi1></b>
<<if $milk === 8>>\
<img src="gif/milena/milk/milk9.webp" class=center width="60%">
<b><d>Annie:</d> <b1> I also want to squirt on your breasts Mistress Milena. But I can't produce as much as Hadley. </b1></b>
<b><d>Milena:</d> <mi1>Don't be unfair to yourself. You are making great progress. My tits are waiting for you. Also, don't compare yourself to anyone. You are all diamonds. Our job is to make you shine. And each of you will shine in your own special way. Now squirt that milk on me!</mi1></b>
<b><n1>(</n1> <a1>I understand why the newcomers were entrusted to her. I thought she was cold and weak. A much better teacher than I expected.</a1><n1>)</n1></b>
Instead of talking, help me. I can enlarge it, but I cannot produce as much milk as I want.
<b><n1>(</n1> <a1Muuhahaha! This is your problem. Also if I help you out you'll get a lot of attention! You have to learn by yourself.</a1><n1>)</n1></b>
<n3>In a way you can't hear:</n3>
<b><n1>(</n1> <a1>I can't say her that I'm the reason why she is struggling. It will take some extra effort but it'll be worth it.</a1><n1>)</n1></b>
<<if $milk === 9>>\
<img src="gif/milena/milk/milk10.webp" class=center width="60%">
<b><d>Milena:</d> <mi1>Yes! Let me suck that milk into my mouth. Bust size is fine. The texture and taste of the milk is on point. Well done, my little precious student. Oohhh! the milk is starting to take effect.</mi1></b>
<<if $milk === 10>>\
<img src="gif/milena/milk/milk11.webp" class=center width="60%">
<b><d>Milena:</d> <mi1>It's tasty! Great jo... What are you doing? </mi1>
<d>Succubus:</d> <b1>I wanna see that huge tits of yours Mistress! It is so heavy that I could hardly pull the shirt. Mmmhhh! I'm so wet. </b1></b>
<b><n3> ♀ Milena's Corruption Increased</n3></b>
<b><n3>Now you can produce some milk and you are proud of it. </n3></b>
<<if $controlMilena gte 3>>\
[[✊ Increase your control|IncreaseControl(m)]]
<center><b><e1>⚡️ Energy: -25 </e1></b>
<b><n1>💋 Lust: +15</n1></b></center>
[[🚪 Return To Your Room|DormRoom]]
<<set $milenaCorruption += 1>>\
<<if $Mprivate lte 18>>\
<<set $Mprivate += 1>>\
<<set $energy -= 25>>\
<<if $lust lte 85>>\
<<set $lust += 15>>\
<<elseif $lust gt 85>>\
<<set $lust to 100>>\
<<set $controlMilena += 1>>\
<<set $tits += 1>>\[[Return|hitomiroom]]
<n3>You touch to the glimmer and it turns into a photograph in your hand. Afterwards, it transforms into its former form and starts to make its way to the box in your room.</n3>
<img src="img/pics/milenapics/milenapic4.jpg" class=center width="50%" >
<<set $photo15 to 1>>\
<<set $photoRemain -= 1 >>\[[🖼️ Return To Gallery|photoGallery]]
[[🚪 Return To Your Room|DormRoom]]
<b><d>Milena:</d> <mi1>Where is this book! My back started to hurt again.</mi1></b>
<n3>Everyday struggles.</n3>
<img src="img/pics/milenapics/milenapic4.jpg" class=center width="90%">
[[🖼️ Return To Gallery|photoGallery]]
[[🚪 Return To Your Room|DormRoom]]
<center><h1>Thank You For Playing! 🎮</h1></center>
<img src="gif/InProgress/end.webp" class=center width= "60%">
You found all the photos, strengthened your relationship with Hitomi and Milena :)
I hope you enjoyed the first version of Umesatraa Academy. I am currently working on the next patch. Until that comes, you can join the [[Discord|https://discord.gg/UNXgA6NS9E]] server or support me on [[Patreon|https://www.patreon.com/user?u=53126129]].
By the way, you probably haven't seen all the scene variations.(gifs) However, upgrading your stats will not unlock any new scene. You can continue a little longer so you don't miss anything. Don't forget to share your opinions with me :) Hope you had fun!
<<set $versionEnd to 1>>\
<img src="img/intro/caption1.png" class=center width="300px"><img src="img/intro/umesatraaBanner1.jpg" class=center width="90%">
<i><h3>Umesatraa Academy contains pornographic content. Continue only if you are over the legal age of your country. If you encounter a bug or typo, you can let me know on [[Discord|https://discord.gg/UNXgA6NS9E]]. Also looking forward for your feedback. Have Fun!</h3></i>
[[Skip Intro|SkipIntro]]
<img src="img/intro/author1.png" class=center width="120px">v0.3.2
Patreon Exclusive Content:
- Additional three random sneak peek event.
Since the story is at a breaking point, this is a patch where I changed some of the things I wrote at the beginning and added some new things.
- Redundant code and text cleanup.
- Some gifs were removed and replaced with new ones.
- Hitomi's Advice Added.
- Hitomi's last two stages were removed and replaced by a new one.
- Mirror added to the bathroom.
- Added breast enlargement progression to the main character.(You can track the progress in the mirror.)
- The sleep and dream parts have been rewritten.
- Milena's private lessons balanced out a little more.
- Four random sneak peek events added in Dormitory.
- Photos from v0.3 have been added.
- The sign related with the hips is changed to Venus.
Word Count: 54,051
Patreon Exclusive Content:
- Summer's Gangbang
- 4 New photos added.(Now photos will be added to the patreon build one version early.)
- Halloween-special, 5 new photos added.
- Latex Dungeon:
* Vac-bed scene on the second visit expanded.
* Doll-Maniac scene added on the fourth visit's exploration.
-Lust Trail Tracking (On Sunday in the Latex Dungeon):
* The Introduction of the Summer's gangbang. (Hang'ing out with Summer?)
* Meeting Madalyn.(A Slave's Fantasy?)
* The Unknown White Lust.
-Jupiter Dormitory:
* Brittany's Duel added.
* New character added: Lucie.
* Another Major Academy has been revealed: Yukitumos Academy.
* The cause of Summer's sudden change has been revealed.
* The main character's real powers?
* Added two side characters: Madalyn and J.
* Some characters' spirit animal is revealed: Brittany, Summer, Lucie, Madalyn and J.
* First contact with the Center.
Word Count: 38,017
- Added Sunday walks with Scopophobic Latex cape. (3 scenes)
- Option to skip intro.
- Added save files for v0.2 and v0.2.4 content.
Word Count: 34,127
Patreon Exclusive Content:
- Angela's Punishment
- Day cycle added.
- 3 new photos Added.
- Domination and corruption stats has removed.
- New stat added: Control.
- Collecting photos is now part of the story.(Now there's a reason you find photos on the ground.)
- Private lessons have been balanced to be less grindy.
- Encountiring with Angela added.
- You may encounter Milena while exercising.
- Massage oil added(Can be used on Hitomi)
- New location added: Latex Dungeon
- New location added: Main Campus
- New character added: Summer
- Lucy content has started.(3 Main Scene)
- 5 new dream gifs
Initial release<img src="img/places/classroom1.jpeg" class=center width="105%">
[[📖 Being a Succubus 101|Lesson 1]]
<<if $day == "Monday">>\
<<set $day = "Tuesday">>\
<<elseif $day == "Tuesday">>\
<<set $day = "Wednesday">>\
<<elseif $day == "Wednesday">>\
<<set $day = "Thursday">>\
<<elseif $day == "Thursday">>\
<<set $day = "Friday">>\
<<elseif $day == "Friday">>\
<<set $day = "Saturday">>\
<<elseif $day == "Saturday">>\
<<set $day = "Sunday">>\
<<elseif $day == "Sunday">>\
<<set $day = "Monday">>\
<<set $week to 1>>\<img src="img/inventory/oilbottle.webp" class=center width="30%">
<center><b><n3>Massage oil added to your inventory.</n3></b></center>
[[Return to Your Room|DormRoom]]
<<set $oil to 1>>\<<set $oilygrope to random(2) >>\
<<if $oilygrope === 0 >><img src="gif/hitomi/oil/hitomioil1.webp" class=center width="65%" >
<n3>You pour the massage oil on Hitomi's huge breasts. Her breasts look amazing under her red swimsuit. Hitomi spreads the oil well.</n3>
<b><d>Hitomi:</d> <hi1>I can't hold them. Ohh! They're so slippery. Please keep going, still not enough oil. My big tits need more oil! Please!</hi1></b>
<b><d>$name:</d> <n1> Keep trying. Try to hold them! </n1></b>
<b><d>Hitomi:</d> <hi1> I can't do it! It's too big! Too slippery! My little hands aren't enough for this. </hi1></b>
<b><d>$name:</d> <n1> I'll keep pouring until you can hold them. </n1></b>
<n3>Hitomi continues to struggle to hold her huge tits. A few times she seems to be able to hold them, but you realize she's letting go on purpose. She wants you to keep going.</n3>
<<if $oilygrope === 1 >><img src="gif/hitomi/oil/hitomioil2.webp" class=center width="65%" >
<n3>You pour the massage oil on Hitomi's huge breasts. Hitomi puts her hands inside her swimsuit and spreads the oil all over her tits. It turns you on when her tits slip out of her hands.</n3>
<b><d>Hitomi:</d> <hi1>I can't hold them. Ohh! They're so slippery. Please keep going, still not enough oil. My big tits need more oil! Please!</hi1></b>
<b><d>$name:</d> <n1> Keep trying. Try to hold them! </n1></b>
<b><d>Hitomi:</d> <hi1> I can't do it! It's too big! Too slippery! My little hands aren't enough for this. </hi1></b>
<b><d>$name:</d> <n1> I'll keep pouring until you can hold them. </n1></b>
<n3>Hitomi continues to struggle to hold her huge tits. A few times she seems to be able to hold them, but you realize she's letting go on purpose. She wants you to keep going.</n3>
<<if $oilygrope === 2 >><img src="gif/hitomi/oil/hitomioil3.webp" class=center width="45%" >
<n3>You pour the massage oil on Hitomi's huge breasts. Her exposed breasts are slick with oil and slip out of Hitomi's hand. Every time her tit slips, you can feel the pleasure Hitomi feels.</n3>
<b><d>Hitomi:</d> <hi1>I can't hold them. Ohh! They're so slippery. Please keep going, still not enough oil. My big tits need more oil! Please!</hi1></b>
<b><d>$name:</d> <n1> Keep trying. Try to hold them! </n1></b>
<b><d>Hitomi:</d> <hi1> I can't do it! It's too big! Too slippery! My little hands aren't enough for this. </hi1></b>
<b><d>$name:</d> <n1> I'll keep pouring until you can hold them. </n1></b>
<n3>Hitomi continues to struggle to hold her huge tits. A few times she seems to be able to hold them, but you realize she's letting go on purpose. She wants you to keep going.</n3>
<<if $controlHitomi gte 3>>\
[[✊ Increase your control|IncreaseControl(h)]]
<center><b><n1>💋 Lust: +10</n1></b>
<b><e1>⚡️ Energy: -35 </e1></b></center>
<<set $hitomiCorruption += 1>>\
<<set $energy -= 35>>\
<<if $lust lte 90>>\
<<set $lust += 10>>\
<<elseif $lust gt 90>>\
<<set $lust to 100>>\
<<if $controlcounter gt 4 and $caught === 0 and $newContent === 0>>\
<n3>Someone is definitely watching you</n3>
[[Run towards the door|dashtodoor1]]
[[🚪 Return To Your Room|DormRoom]]
[[🎀 Return To Hitomi's Room|hitomiroom]]
<<set $controlcounter += 1>>
<<set $controlHitomi += 1>>MC(Outer): <b><d>$name:</d> <n1> </n1></b>
MC(Inner): <b><a1>(</a1><n1> </n1><a1>)</a1></b>
N3: <n3> </n3>
Sun: <b><n1>(</n1> <a1> </a1><n1>)</n1></b>
Hitomi: <b><d>Hitomi:</d> <hi1> </hi1></b>
Milena: <b><d>Milena:</d> <mi1> </mi1></b>
Brittany: <b><d>Brittany:</d> <b1> </b1></b>
Succubusses: <d>Succubus1:</d><b1> </b1>
Lucy: <b><d>Lucy:</d> <l1> </l1></b>
Alette: <b><d>Alette:</d> <ale1> </ale1></b>
Angela: <b><d>Angela:</d> <ange1> </ange1></b>
<d>Mel:</d> <b1> </b1>
<b><d>Trix:</d> <trix1> </trix1></b>
<b><d>Summer:</d> <summer1> </summer1></b>
<b><d>Lucie:</d> <lucie> </lucie></b>
<b><d>Madalyn:</d> <hi1> </hi1></b>
<b><d>Spiky-Masked Succubus:</d> <b1> </b1></b>
<b><d>J:</d> <ange1> </ange1></b>
<n3>You feel two eyes on you and look towards the door... No one in sight.</n3>
<b><a1>(</a1><n1>Sun, what was that!?</n1><a1>)</a1></b>
<b><n1>(</n1> <a1>I don't know. I couldn't distinguish who it was. She must have hidden her presence.</a1><n1>)</n1></b>
<b><a1>(</a1><n1>Could it be the succusubus in the hallway? </n1><a1>)</a1></b>
<b><n1>(</n1> <a1>I had looked into her mind. She cannot do such a thing on her own, only with the help of someone else.</a1><n1>)</n1></b>
<b><a1>(</a1><n1> Could it be Lucy?</n1><a1>)</a1></b>
<b><n1>(</n1> <a1> I don't have a clue for now. It's strange that she tried to hide herself. This is a succubus academy. Sexual tension is high and these things are natural.
Maybe just a talented and shy pervert.
Anyway, let's move on, Hitomi is getting distracted.</a1><n1>)</n1></b>
<n3>You continue to talk to Hitomi with doubts in your mind.</n3>
[[🚪 Return To Your Room|DormRoom]]
[[🎀 Return To Hitomi's Room|hitomiroom]]
<n3>The same feeling! You suddenly dashing towards the door.</n3>
<b><a1>(</a1><n1>You can't escape this time.</n1><a1>)</a1></b>
<n3>You reach the door and standing in front of you is the succubus in the hallway, her body covered in a latex suit.
Despite being right in front of you, you can vaguely feel her presence.</n3>
<img src="img/angela/angelalatex1.jpg" class=center width="45%">
<b><d>???:</d><ange1> Here you go!! I will get punished because of you. Why would you sprint to the door?! Oh My GOD! These young succubuses... You would be called soon anyway. Mistress Lucy said that no one would notice me if I wear this.</ange1></b>
<n3>By imitating Lucy;</n3>
<b><ange1>"I'm counting on you this time, Angela. Don't mess it up like the previous ones."
She was counting on me. Not again...</ange1></b>
<n3>Even while listening to Angela, you lost focus 3-4 times. You can't sense her as easily as at the beginning. Maybe it's all possible because of Sun. By the way, where is she?
You start yelling back at the succubus who scolding you.</n3>
<b><d>$name:</d> <n1>What do you think you're doing huh? You're the one spying on me. </n1></b>
<n3>You stop for a second and making sure you are still looking at her.</n3>
<b><n1>And you're yelling at me because I caught you?</n1></b>
<b><d>Angela:</d><ange1> Yes, that's why I'm yelling. There's no way you could sense my..... Wait a second!</ange1></b>
[[What Now ?|dashtodoor2]]<n3>A smile appears on Angela's face and she brings her hands to her hips. She continues to speak with her chest stretched out.</n3>
<img src="img/angela/angelalatex2.jpg" class=center width="45%">
<b><d>Angela:</d> <ange1>You weren't supposed to notice me. So this confirms Mistress Lucy's suspicions. Something is off with you. Heh... Maybe I'm not a failure after all.</ange1></b>
<n3>She extends her hand towards you and a white snake appears.</n3>
<img src="img/angela/angelasnake1.jpg" class=center width="45%">
<b><d>Angela:</d> <ange1>Smell it well, Milkie.</ange1></b>
<n3>The snake's tongue sticks out and swings back and forth then goes back in. After doing this a few more times, it fades to disappear.</n3>
<b><d>Angela:</d> <ange1>This should be enough. See you soon.</ange1></b>
<n3>She turns and walks away while muttering herself.</n3>
<b><ange1>Hehe! Ofc I'm not a failure, she can trust me. No problem. Noo problem at alll!</ange1></b>
<n3>You froze when you realize what you did.</n3>
<b><a1>(</a1><n1>Ohh Fuck!! I think I made a big mistake. Did I really think this was a good idea? Did I even think??? Sun, why didn't you stop me? Where are you? Wait are you...</n1><a1>)</a1></b>
<n3>Before you finish your thought, that familiar heat is coming back on your sign.</n3>
[[Sun comes back]]<n3>It's still dark. Rubbing your eyes and yawning you make your way to the door. You slowly open the door and see a silhouette in the dark that you can't tell who it is.
You squint your eyes and lean towards the silhouette.
Its someone completely covered in latex. As far as you can see from the moonlight, she's a fit figure with big tits.</n3>
<img src="img/latex/latexsilhouette.webp" class=center width="45%">
<d>Succubus1:</d><b1> Please put on some decent clothes and quietly follow me.</b1>
<n3>Her voice is not familiar.</n3>
<b><n1>(</n1> <a1>So we're getting started. Do what she says.</a1><n1>)</n1></b>
<n3>You get ready as she says and stand in front of the door.</n3>
<d>Succubus1:</d><b1> Now take this and put it on. </b1>
<n3>You look at what she's handing you. Its a mini latex cape.</n3>
<img src="img/inventory/latexcape1.jpg" class=center width="40%">
<d>Succubus1: </d><b1>And don't take it off.</b1> <n3>"She puts on a cloak that looks the same as yours and starts walking."</n3>
<n3> It feels the same as the dress Angela wore when she was spying on you.
After putting on the cloak you start following her.</n3>
<<set $latexCape to 1>>
<<set $SundayCape += 1>><n3>On the way to your room, you feel something hit your chest.</n3>
<d>???:</d> <b><ale1>Fucking succbis! They can't even walk.</ale1></b>
<b><a1>(</a1><n1> What was that?</n1><a1>)</a1></b>
<n3>You look at your chest and see a creature slightly larger than a hornet.</n3>
[[Try to smash it|smash]]
[[Gently wait|wait]]
<n3>You're hitting to your chest. Before your hand reach, a glowing beam of dust passes between your hand and comes to your eye level.
With a very high pitched voice;</n3>
<d>???:</d> <b><ale1>I've wasted my last bit of dust because of you. How rude, I hate succbis. If it weren't for your beautiful faces and gorgeous bodies, I would have killed you all. And that sweet lust nectar of yours. Mmmhhh! Delicious!!</ale1></b>
<n3>A creature resembling a flower from afar stands before your eyes. Her hair looks like flower petals and her green dress looks like fresh mint leaves. It has a sweet, intense scent.</n3>
<img src="img/intro/pixie1.jpg" class=center width="50%"><n3>Art by</n3><a target="_blank" href="https://www.deviantart.com/telthona">Telthona </a>
<b><a1>(</a1><n1>Hey Sun, do you know anything about....that ?</n1><a1>)</a1></b>
<b><n1>(</n1> <a1> Ugghh! Those are <i>Somnia Pictores.</i> Such a pain in the ass creatures. They hate succubuses but they can't resist them. They move very fast with the dust thing she just mentioned. They are mostly using our lust energy to produce it. This makes them very dependent on succubuses. They also use this powder to capture the moment. Kind of like a camera. It is said that they have taken millions of frames up to this time and stored it somewhere. They just get on my nerves. Arrogant little flies.</a1><n1>)</n1></b>
<b><a1>(</a1><n1>So you've met them before?</n1><a1>)</a1></b>
<b><n1>(</n1> <a1>Yes, it is impossible to make a deal with them. They act like they don't need anything from succubuses. Just keep walking. We have nothing to do with this weakling.</a1><n1>)</n1></b>
[[I'm sorry! I thought you were a bug.|bug]]
[[Get out of my way you little... flower thing.|rude]]
<n3>You wait a while, the thing that hits you, slowly flying away at your eye level.
A creature resembling a flower from afar stands before your eyes. Her hair looks like flower petals and her green dress looks like fresh mint leaves. It has a sweet, intense scent.
<img src="img/intro/pixie1.jpg" class=center width="50%"><n3>Art by</n3><a target="_blank" href="https://www.deviantart.com/telthona">Telthona </a>
In a very high-pitched voice trying to be harsh;</n3>
<d>???:</d> <b><ale1>Can't you see in front of you huh?</ale1></b>
<b><d>$name:</d><n1>Sorry, I guess I wasn't looking. Otherwise I wouldn't miss a sweetie like you.</n1></b>
<d>???:</d> <b><ale1>I-I ummm sweetie li-like me ?</ale1></b>
<n3>She did not expect such a response.</n3>
<b><a1>(</a1><n1>Sun, what is that ?</n1><a1>)</a1></b>
<b><n1>(</n1> <a1>Ugghh! Those are <i>somnia pictores.</i> Such a pain in the ass creatures. They hate succubuses but they can't resist them. They move very fast with the dust thing she just mentioned. They are mostly using our lust energy to produce it. This makes them very dependent on succubuses. They also use this powder to capture the moment. Kind of like a camera. It is said that they have taken millions of frames up to this time and stored it somewhere. They just get on my nerves. Arrogant little flies.</a1><n1>)</n1></b>
<b><a1>(</a1><n1> Well, she looks cute. So you've met them before?</n1><a1>)</a1></b>
<b><n1>(</n1> <a1>Yes, it is impossible to make a deal with them. They act like they don't need anything from succubuses. Just keep walking. We have nothing to do with this weakling.</a1><n1>)</n1></b>
[[Well, see you again maybe. Bye!|littlerequest]]
<b><d>???:</d> <ale1>Haaaa!! The most disrespectful succbis I've ever seen. I don't even look like a bug.</ale1></b>
<b><n1>(</n1> <a1>Hahahaha! they hate to be confused with bugs.</a1><n1>)</n1></b>
<b><d>???:</d> <ale1>First you tried to crush me, now you're being disrespectful. I don't have time to lose with you. If I wasn't in a hurry, I'd make you regret what you said.</ale1></b>
<n3>She's trying to fly away.
She turns around and waves her arms back and forth in fury. You see something shiny falling down from her. </n3>
<b><d>Alette:</d> <ale1> My name is Alette. Don't ever forget that name. One day I'll make you pay for it.</ale1></b>
<b><n1>(</n1> <a1>Empty bluffs. You did well. You can't communicate with Somnia pixies anyway. </a1><n1>)</n1></b>
[[Check out the glow on the ground|groundbox1]]
<d>???:</d><b><ale1> You think I look like a flower?</ale1></b>
<b><n1>(</n1> <a1>Stop flattering her!</a1><n1>)</n1></b>
<b><a1>(</a1><n1>I was trying to be mean.</n1><a1>)</a1></b>
<b><d>Alette:</d> <ale1> Well...I guess I can forgive you for this time. I'm Alette. Hmm... Do I smell like a flower too?</ale1></b>
<n3>She approaches you as she wants you to smell her. You could already smell her scent anyway. She really does smell like a flower.</n3>
[[Mmhhh! you smell amazing just like a flower.|flower]]
[[Ugh! It's pungent and overwhelming.|pungent]]
<d>???:</d><b><ale1>Wa-waaiitt! I mean please.</ale1></b>
<b><n1>(</n1> <a1>Pleasee!!??</a1><n1>)</n1></b>
<d>???:</d> <b><ale1>I'm almost out of dust. Can you... Ummm can you give me some of your lust? You smell amazing. I have never come across such a rich and aromatic lust energy. You can only smell such a scent in a room full of mighty succbises. But don't get cocky! If I wanted to, I could take your life in one move. I'm Alette by the way. </ale1></b>
<n3>The threats she presses in between with her high-pitched voice only adds to her sweetness.</n3>
<b><a1>(</a1><n1>Sun, do you mind?</n1><a1>)</a1></b>
<b><n1>(</n1> <a1>I don't interfere. Give your own energy if you want it so bad. I don't want to help them.</a1><n1>)</n1></b>
[[No problem, you can have some|exchange]]
<n3>She lands on the arm with the sign and starts concentrating. After a few minutes she opens her eyes. She absorbed in far less energy than you expected.</n3>
<b><d>Alette:</d> <ale1>AAhhh! I'm full now. You were a big help succbis. I won't let your kindness go unrequited. You are different.</ale1></b>
<n3>Her tone has changed a bit. She's not trying to look tough like she used to.</b>
<n3>With her little hands she holds out a box that looks like a ring box. The moment you take it in your hand, it turns into a big chest. Despite its appearance, it's light as air.</n3>
<b><d>Alette:</d><ale1> This box is where we temporarily store the frames we captured. It reacts to lust. I already filled my own box for the day. It was a backup and I don't need to keep it. Because we shoot so many moments, sometimes we can drop or forget them and sometimes we just don't find it to worth storing. By touching this box you will be able to see the fallen moments as a glow. We're in and out of everywhere, so keep your eyes open. Maybe we'll see each other again when you fill this box.</ale1></b>
<n3>She turns into a glowing dust beam, circling it a few times. Its much faster than you can follow with your eyes.</n3>
<b><d>Alette:</d> <ale1>Take care mighty succbis.</ale1></b>
<b><a1>(</a1><n1> I'm a might succbis heh!</n1><a1>)</a1></b>
<b><d>$name:</d><n1> You too Alette.</n1></b>
<n3>Little pixie flying away.</n3>
<<linkreplace "Whats up with <i>'Succbis'</i>">>\
<b><n1>(</n1> <a1>It's a phrase to humiliate succubuses. At least it was, in the beginning. It is now in general use. It shouldn't mean something so negative anymore. But it still makes me sick to hear it from their smelly little mouths.</a1><n1>)</n1></b>
[[You look inside the box|chest]]
<n3>There's only a glimmer in it. It turns into a photo when you touch it.</n3>
<img src="img/pics/brittanypics/brittanypic1.jpg" class=center width="45%" >
<b><a1>(</a1><n1>Wow! Thats sooo cool! And these wonderful tits. See? Those who do good find good.</n1><a1>)</a1></b>
<b><n1>(</n1> <a1>This is the first time I see a Somnia pixie that polite. This box is something quite rare and valuable.</a1><n1>)</n1></b>
<b><a1>(</a1><n1> Maybe you should be polite first.</n1><a1>)</a1></b>
<b><n1>(</n1> <a1>It was impossible to even communicate at my times.</a1><n1>)</n1></b>
<b><a1>(</a1><n1> At your times ? And when you introduced the pixie, you mentioned succubuses in the third person. So you're not a succubus exactly?</n1><a1>)</a1></b>
<n3>The heat in your arm is fading away. It seems too early for these questions.</n3>
[[🚪 To Your Room|DormRoom]]
<<set $happypixie to 1>>
<n3>A small glowing ring box is lying on the floor. The moment you take it in your hand, it turns into a big chest. Despite its appearance, it's light as air.</n3>
<b><n1>(</n1> <a1>Wow! This is quite a valuable thing.</a1><n1>)</n1></b>
<b><a1>(</a1><n1>What is it?</n1><a1>)</a1></b>
<b><n1>(</n1> <a1> It's where the Somnia pixies store the moments they shoot. Well... Temporarily.</a1><n1>)</n1></b>
<b><n1>(</n1> <a1>Long ago, there was a time when succubuses lived in peace with... them. There is no war at the moment but neither side likes each other. It is said that every succubus had one of these boxes. As the two sides grew apart, the number of succubuses with this box decreased over time. I don't know how many succubuses own this box nowadays.
Once you touch one of these boxes, you can see what they've shoot. They shoot too many moments. You might find some photos they dropped or forgot.</a1><n1>)</n1></b>
<<linkreplace "So you admire their work?">>\
<n3>After a bit of silence.</n3>
<b><n1>(</n1> <a1>Yes, they are the best photographers in this universe. I just hate their overall personalities and attitude towards succubuses.</a1><n1>)</n1></b>
[[Look inside the box|chest2]] <n3>She swirls around, scattering dust.</n3>
<b><d>Alette:</d> <ale1>Tihihi! Knew it! Knew it! You are definitely different from the other succbises. I thought you were ordinary when you tried to crush me. Can I ask you something?</ale1></b>
<n3>Her tone has changed a bit. She's not trying to look tough like she used to.</n3>
<b><d>$name:</d> <n1>Yeah! What is it?</n1></b>
<d>Alette:</d> <b><ale1>I'm almost out of dust. Can you... Ummm can you give me some of your lust? You smell amazing. I have never come across such a rich and aromatic lust energy. You can only smell such a scent in a room full of mighty succbises.</ale1></b>
<b><a1>(</a1><n1>Sun, do you mind?</n1><a1>)</a1></b>
<b><n1>(</n1> <a1>I don't interfere. Give your own energy if you want it so bad. I don't want to help them.</a1><n1>)</n1></b>
[[No problem, you can have some|exchange2]]
<d>Alette:</d> <b><ale1>So your nose isn't as developed as your eyes. Like you smell so good Hugh!</ale1></b>
<n3>She gets a little closer and sniffs you.</n3>
<d>Alette:</d> <b><ale1>What!? Its soo rich. I can distinguish aromas much better up close. I have never come across such lust energy. You can only smell such a scent in a room full of mighty succbises. I'm almost out of dust. Can you... Ummm can you give me some of your lust?</ale1></b>
<b><a1>(</a1><n1>Sun, do you mind?</n1><a1>)</a1></b>
<b><n1>(</n1> <a1>I don't interfere. Give your own energy if you want it so bad. I don't want to help them.</a1><n1>)</n1></b>
[[No problem, you can have some|exchange]]
<b><n1>(</n1> <a1>Is she gone ? I'm sorry for disappearing so suddenly. Lucy is much more prepared than I expected.</a1><n1>)</n1></b>
<b><a1>(</a1><n1>Where were you!? I've fucked it up everything.</n1><a1>)</a1></b>
<b><n1>(</n1> <a1>It was an inevitable encounter. But running towards her was somewhat unexpected and I say this as someone who can read your mind.</a1><n1>)</n1></b>
<b><a1>(</a1><n1>So it's not that bad ?</n1><a1>)</a1></b>
<b><n1>(</n1> <a1>Could have been better but we can manage.... I hope.. Just know that my hiding gave us a big trump card.</a1><n1>)</n1></b>
<n3>She stops for a moment</n3>
<b><n1>(</n1> <a1>And definitely there is someone who can brainwash or put up a mind barrier.</a1><n1>)</n1></b>
<b><d>Hitomi:</d><hi1> $name are you ok ?</hi1></b>
<b><a1>(</a1><n1>Oh! I completely forgot about hitomi.</n1><a1>)</a1></b>
<b><d>$name:</d> <n1>Yeah I'm okay. I had a little argument.</n1></b>
<b><d>Hitomi:</d><hi1> With who ?</hi1></b>
<b><a1>(</a1><n1>Right, no one perceived her. So I just shouted into empty space. I hope no one saw it.</n1><a1>)</a1></b>
<b><n1>(</n1> <a1>Don't bother I got this, She won't remember what just happenned.</a1><n1>)</n1></b>
[[🚪 Return To Your Room|DormRoom]]
[[🎀 Return To Hitomi's Room|hitomiroom]]
<<set $caught to 1>>
<<set $punishAngela to 1>><n3>There's only a glimmer in it. It turns into a photo when you touch it.</n3>
<img src="img/pics/brittanypics/brittanypic1.jpg" class=center width="45%" >
<b><a1>(</a1><n1> Wow! Thats sooo cool! And these wonderful tits. We are so lucky! Moreover, we can find more stuff like this.</n1><a1>)</a1></b>
<b><n1>(</n1> <a1> Wh-whatever. Its not bad.</a1><n1>)</n1></b>
<n3>It's obvious that she is trying to hide her excitement.</n3>
[[🚪 To Your Room|DormRoom]]
<<set $upsetpixie to 1>>
<n3>She lands on the arm with the sign and starts concentrating. After a few minutes she opens her eyes. She absorbed in far less energy than you expected.</n3>
<b><d>Alette:</d> <ale1>AAhhh! I'm full now. You were a big help succbis. I won't let your kindness go unrequited. You are different.</ale1></b>
<n3>With her little hands she holds out a box that looks like a ring box. The moment you take it in your hand, it turns into a big chest. Despite its appearance, it's light as air.</n3>
<b><d>Alette:</d><ale1> This box is where we temporarily store the frames we captured. It reacts to lust. I already filled my own box for the day. It was a backup and I don't need to keep it. Because we shoot so many moments, sometimes we can drop or forget them and sometimes we just don't find it to worth storing. By touching this box you will be able to see the fallen moments as a glow. We're in and out of everywhere, so keep your eyes open. Maybe we'll see each other again when you fill this box.</ale1></b>
<n3>She turns into a glowing dust beam, circling it a few times. Its much faster than you can follow with your eyes.</n3>
<b><d>Alette:</d> <ale1>Take care mighty succbis.</ale1></b>
<b><a1>(</a1><n1> I'm a might succbis heh!</n1><a1>)</a1></b>
<b><d>$name:</d><n1> You too Alette.</n1></b>
<n3>Little pixie flying away.</n3>
<<linkreplace "Whats up with <i>'Succbis'</i>">>\
<b><n1>(</n1> <a1>It's a phrase to humiliate succubuses. At least it was, in the beginning. It is now in general use. It shouldn't mean something so negative anymore. But it still makes me sick to hear it from their smelly little mouths.</a1><n1>)</n1></b>
[[You look inside the box|chest]] <img src="img/places/nightforest1.jpg" class=center width="55%">
<n3>You follow her into the forest. There is yellow lights on a certain route. Without the lights it would be impossible to find your way.</n3>
<b><a1>(</a1><n1>Sun , are you able to infiltrate her mind ?</n1><a1>)</a1></b>
<b><n1>(</n1> <a1>I'm trying, but all the details are blurry. We can see her and the lights on the road because of the cloak... and this definitely related to Lucy. I can learn more if you keep her in a conversation.</a1><n1>)</n1></b>
<b><a1>(</a1><n1>Well, she said quietly but I'll take my chance.</n1><a1>)</a1></b>
<b><d>$name:</d> <n1>Hey! Umm... When will we arrive?</n1></b>
<n3>Without turning her back, in a callous voice;</n3>
<d>???:</d><b1> We'll arrive when we arrive. Just keep walking!</b1>
<b><d>$name:</d> <n1>Aren't we going to hit the barriers? I can't even get past the second barrier yet.</n1></b>
<d>???:</d><b1>No! This is a spesific route. Weaklings can follow until the end.</b1>
<b><n1>(</n1> <a1>She gets distracted when she talks. Keep asking things.</a1><n1>)</n1></b>
<b><d>$name:</d> <n1>What are these lights?</n1></b>
<n3>She waits a little.</n3>
<d>???:</d> <b1>It shows the way.</b1>
<b><d>$name:</d> <n1>What way ?</n1></b>
<d>???:</d> <b1>Be quiet!</b1>
[[A heat on your sign|forest2]]<img src="img/places/nightforest1.jpg" class=center width="55%">
<b><n1>(</n1> <a1>Nope! She's like a hollow puppet. She just does what she's told. There is nothing useful for us. </a1><n1>)</n1></b>
<b><a1>(</a1><n1>What?? Why did you tell me to go then? Couldn't we beat her easily?
<b><n1>(</n1> <a1>It would be a useless move. Instead of dealing with puppets, we should deal with the puppet master.</a1><n1>)</n1></b>
<b><a1>(</a1><n1>So we can handle lucy?</n1><a1>)</a1></b>
<b><n1>(</n1> <a1>Probably we can't.... yet.</a1><n1>)</n1></b>
<b><n1>(</n1> <a1>So don't try to attack or something. I believe we can come to an agreement with her.
<b><a1>(</a1><n1>Will you disappear again?</n1><a1>)</a1></b>
<b><n1>(</n1> <a1>There's no need. The reason I disappeared is Angela's spirit animal.</a1><n1>)</n1></b>
<b><a1>(</a1><n1>That white snake ?</n1><a1>)</a1></b>
<b><n1>(</n1> <a1>Yeah! A high potential succubus.
She can summon many types of snakes, and each has different specializations. The white one could smell the lust energy.
Probably on the first day, Lucy sensed me somehow. And if that snake smelled two different scents from you, this suspicion would have been proved.</a1><n1>)</n1></b>
[[Puppet succubus stops|latexdungeon1]]
<n3>You didn't pay attention to the path while talking to Sun. You can't see any yellow lights around you. It's very difficult to capture details on a moonlit night.
Suddenly you hear the sound of the stones moving and Succubus speaks as if giving an order;</n3>
<d>Puppet Succubus:</d><b1> This way!</b1>
<n3>You start walking in a narrow passage with a high ceiling. It goes straight down somewhere. The light at the end illuminates the entire passage.</n3>
<img src="img/places/passage1.jpg" class=center width="55%">
<n3>The puppet Succubus stops suddenly and moves aside. </n3>
<d>Puppet Succubus:</d> <b1>Keep on walking.</b1>
<n3> As you pass by, you hear her voice.</n3>
<d>Puppet Succubus:</d> <b1> And thank you for my calmest and uneventful escort assignment ever. They usually..... resist.</b1>
[[Slowly tilt your head forward and keep walking|latexdungeon2]]
[[Give a reply|reply]]
<img src="img/places/latexdungeon.jpg" class=center width="115%">
<n3>You come out into a magnificent and huge field. Chains and chandeliers are hanging from the ceiling. In the dungeon lit by hundreds of candles, you see countless gateways. There is a monument in the middle. The melted wax solidified as it hung over the edges. There are dozens of human figures on it.
While looking around, someone catches your attention.</n3>
<img src="gif/latex/standing1.gif" class=center width="32%">
<d>???:</d> <b1>Ohh! you're here! First one to arrive on time.</b1>
<b><d>$name:</d> <n1>They usually resist ?</n1></b>
<d>Mel:</d> <b1>Exactly! Audrey asked me to be nice to you. If you only knew how rare it is. Others think she is rude and cold. But that's not true. She's just doing her job. And also she is.... Oh sorry! Those called here are either unconscious or unable to walk when they arrive, so I'm not used to this. I'm Mel. Anyway;</b1>
<n3>She clears her throat and gestures for you to come.</n3>
<d>Mel:</d> <b1>Follow me!</b1>
<b><a1>(</a1><n1>Is Audrey the succubus escorting me here ? How come they could talk ?</n1><a1>)</a1></b>
<b><n1>(</n1> <a1>They have only one common point and its latex. But that must have been impossible. How can they all use this power?</a1><n1>)</n1></b>
<b><n1>(</n1> <a1>Yes! A double sided blade.</a1><n1>)</n1></b>
<n3>You start following her.</n3>
<<set $dungeoncounter += 1>>
<img src="img/places/latexcorridor1.jpg" class=center width="40%">
<n3>You enter one of the hundreds of gateway entrances. Even just one passage has dozens of prison-like cells.
While walking, without looking back;</n3>
<d>Mel:</d> <b1>By the way, you can ask me something in mind. So you wouldn't bother Mistress Lucy with petty things. Her time is valuable.</b1>
<<if $question1 === 0>>\
[[How come you could talk to Audrey?|audrey]]
<<if $question2 === 0>>\
[[How does this little cloak keeping me from being seen?|cloak]]
<<if $question3 === 0>>\
[[How can this place be kept in hidden?|hiddendungeon]]
<<if $question4 === 0>>\
[[Can you counteract if I attack you right now?|whatifattack]]
<<if $question2 === 1>>\
[[I don't have any questions|latexdungeon4]]
<d>Mel:</d> <b1>With the power that Mistress Lucy has bestowed upon us. I was talking to her while she was guiding you.</b1>
<b><d>$name:</d> <n1>Through latex?</n1></b>
<d>Mel:</d> <b1>Well.... yes.</b1>
<n3>It is clear that she doesn't want to go into details about this. You can try your luck.</n3>
<b><n1>(</n1> <a1>Act like you're fascinated by it. it might work.</a1><n1>)</n1></b>
<b><d>$name:</d> <n1>What! How does this work ? How long is the range? Can I use that too ? It's so cool to wear something this sexy and obtaining some powers with it!</n1></b>
<n3>She runs her hands over her legs gently but lustfully.</n3>
<d>Mel:</d> <b1>Heh! It really does feel sexy. Unfortunately it's something you can only use if Mistress Lucy grants it.
<n3>She ignored the question about the range.</n3>
<b><n1>(</n1> <a1>How can she make it available to someone else?</a1><n1>)</n1></b>
<b><n1>(</n1> <a1>Ask how much control she can have.</a1><n1>)</n1></b>
<b><d>$name:</d> <n1>So can you control it as your limb ?</n1></b>
<d>Mel:</d> <b1>Hahaha! You wish!</b1>
<<set $question1 to 1>>\
<d>Mel:</d> <b1>Oh! Its scopophobic latex. It becomes active when it comes into contact with a living organism and living organisms in contact acquire its properties. You must have seen the yellow lights on the way. It is a bioluminescent fungus variant made from this latex.</b1>
<b><a1>(</a1><n1>Hmm! I see... Bioluminescent fungus variant made from scopophobic latex. Very clear... How come I couldn't think of it.</n1><a1>)</a1></b>
<b><n1>(</n1> <a1>So she managed to finish scopophobic latex.</a1><n1>)</n1></b>
<d>Mel:</d> <b1>The fact that you caught Angela is unbelievable. No one expected this except Mistress Lucy. Angela tried to cover up but everyone knows about it. In fact, right now the punishment for this.... Nevermind. We can say you've drawn some attention.</b1>
<b><d>$name:</d> <n1>Then aren't you afraid of me?</n1></b>
<d>Mel:</d> <b1>This is our den. You can try anything. As long as you're ready for the consequences.</b1>
<n3>There is not a slightest hesitation in her voice.</n3>
<b><d>$name:</d> <n1>Got it!</n1></b>
<n3>You hear Angela's voice. It's coming from the cell just to your left.</n3>
[[Have a peek|obstacle]]
<<set $question2 to 1>>\
<d>Mel:</d> <b1>Mistress Lucy! That's the only answer. Her genius, beauty, strength, generosity.</b1>
<n3>She raises her arms to both sides while walking.</n3>
<d>Mel:</d> <b1>We owe everything to her. You are very lucky to meet her. Maybe she can even grant you some of her powers, well if you're good enough.</b1>
<b><n1>(</n1> <a1>They must think they're chosen because they're above average. Although it's the other way around. I hate fanatics but what can you do... Wills that offer themselves to the stronger have always existed.</a1><n1>)</n1></b>
<<set $question3 to 1>>\
<d>Mel:</d> <b1>It doesn't matter. If you think there's an escape from here, you can do whatever you want. I don't think you would do such a thing, since you came without any trouble.</b1>
<n3>After a brief silence;</n3>
<d>Mel:</d> <b1>But yes! I think I can stop you.</b1>
<n3>You were going to reflexively apologize for the question. She sounded quite intimidating. The source of her confidence is not only providing by her own power.</n3>
<<set $question4 to 1>>\
<img src="img/places/passage1.jpg" class=center width="55%">
<n3>You turn your back in surprise.</n3>
<b><d>$name:</d> <n1>Oh! Umm... Yeah! No problem! You were fine. Just... you could be a little more talkative. We walked in the woods in the dead of night. It can get boring. You know... when someone....</n1></b>
<d>Puppet Succubus:</d> <b1>Turn around and continue.</b1>
<n3> You sensed a very small smile behind the latex mask.
You turn around smiling and walking towards the end of the passage.</n3>
<img src="img/places/latexcorridor1.jpg" class=center width="40%">
<n3>You continue to follow the succubus walking in front of you. She doesn't even look back to you. That should have made you feel a little more comfortable but that's not comforting in the slightest. You feel trapped and you're increasingly questioning the possibility of getting out of here.
Sun intervenes;</n3>
<b><n1>(</n1> <a1>Hey! Hey! Hey! Keep calm! We came here to talk Lucy. They couldn't force us here and we can get out of here any second we want. Don't let her affect you. Just an ignorant fanatic.</a1><n1>)</n1></b>
<n3>You take a deep breath. Its convinving except for the thing about escaping. You feel calmer but it still feels like you're in an endless maze. You turned left and right many times by now and you can't guess the size of the whole place if even just one passage is this long.</n3>
<b><n1>(</n1> <a1>They are doing it to increase intimidation. Deliberately extending the path and this way you'll drawn into this atmosphere and not be able to think clearly.</a1><n1>)</n1></b>
<n3>Without Sun, you would easily fall into these traps.</n3>
<n3>While walking, you hear metal sounds with little moans ahead. Coming from a cell to your right. It's like someone is struggling.</n3>
<b><a1>(</a1><n1>What's going on ?</n1><a1>)</a1></b>
[[Take a look|bondageslave]]
<img src="gif/latex/latexslave1.gif" class=center width="37%">
<n3>Inside you see someone locked in metal railings. She is in a full body latex suit. Her hands, ankles, and head are tied tightly to the bars behind her. There is a vibrator between her legs pressuring her pussy. She can't make a loud noise because of the gag in her mouth. She just looks so sexy with only her lips exposed. You don't know how long she's been here, trapped in the depths of the ocean of pleasure.
You feel a warmth in your sign.</n3>
<b><n1>(</n1> <a1>Let's see what's going on here. We might get some informat.....</a1><n1>)</n1></b>
<n3>All of a sudden you feel a shock in your body.</n3>
<img src="gif/latex/pleasure1.gif" class=center width="50%">
<n3>It's so instense that you just collapse to the ground. Your eyes are closing. The rest is darkness.</n3>
[[Wake up|lucymeet1]]
<n3>You slowly open your eyes and try to remember what happened. Did the succubus you follow do something? You cannot feel any warmth on your sign.
You slowly lift your head. That alone is enough to cause cramps. White everywhere... Only white... Wait there is something different. Something completely inconsistent with the theme.
<img src="img/lucy/lucymeet/lucymeet0.jpg" class=center width="90%">
The incongruous blackness speaks;</n3>
<d>???:</d><b> <l1>Morning! Somehow you managed to hurt yourself. Curiosity.... Am I right ?</l1></b>
<n3>You see a yellow cloth wiping a strange looking handcuff. Your memory is starting to come back; Where you are, why you're here.</n3>
[[Lift your head higher|lucymeet2]]
<<set $lucymeet to 1>>
<img src="img/lucy/lucymeet/lucymeet1.jpg" class=center width="50%">
<b><d>$name:</d> <n1>What happened to me?</n1></b>
<b><d>Lucy:</d> <l1>You've attempted something far above your level.</l1></b>
<b><a1>(</a1><n1>Right! Sun was trying something.</n1><a1>)</a1></b>
<b><d>Lucy:</d> <l1>Don't worry, nothing permanent. You must feel like you were electrocuted. And while taking care of you, I noticed something.</l1></b>
<n3>pointing at your arm;</n3>
<b><d>Lucy:</d> <l1>Your sign!</l1></b>
<b><a1>(</a1><n1>Dammit! After all that effort to hide it.</n1><a1>)</a1></b>
<b><d>Lucy:</d> <l1>I knew we were alike</l1></b>
<n3>She turns around and the latex she's wearing is slowly opening up. In the end, it becomes a 10 cm diameter circle.. Her dress has a sticky and mesh structure and at the same time feels...... alive. You see Lucy's sign through the opening that has formed.</n3>
<img src="img/lucy/lucySign1.gif" class=center >
<b><a1>(</a1><n1>A sun sign.... but nothing like mine.</n1><a1>)</a1></b>
[[A heat on your arm|lucymeet3]]
<b><n1>(</n1> <a1>Are you okay ?</a1><n1>)</n1></b>
<b><a1>(</a1><n1>What happened to me?</n1><a1>)</a1></b>
<n3>You hear another voice in your brain.</n3>
Hahahaha! You would always jump without thinking Ame.
<b><n1>(</n1> <a1>I go with Sun now!</a1><n1>)</n1></b>
<n3>So her name is Ame... or was?</n3>
<b><d>???:</d><trix1> Oh! My apologies...</trix1></b>
<n3> It didn't feel like a sincere apology. The unknown sound evokes a blue vortex image in your brain.</n3>
<img src="img/lucy/trixaura1.gif" class=center width="45%" >
<b><a1>(</a1><n1>Sun, please! I'm tired of asking. What's going on?</n1><a1>)</a1></b>
<b><n1>(</n1> <a1>We had a little talk before you woke up. Alright! Listen she is my old teacher, Mistress Trix. I was once a succubus too and I come from times that have been erased from the history books. That's not because it happened a long time ago. Everything was erased because... so past can stay unknown and unremembered. I didn't want to tell you anything until I was sure.</a1><n1>)</n1></b>
<n3>She wants to tell you more, but she is holding back. Her sentences are sketchy.</n3>
<b><a1>(</a1><n1>So she's same as you.</n1><a1>)</a1></b>
<b><n1>(</n1> <a1>No! Not exactly. I'm more like you and current succubuses than her. She's a primitive succubus. The Original Succubus!</a1><n1>)</n1></b>
<n3>You remain silent. Her word is not over.</n3>
<b><n1>(</n1> <a1>Basically, when I'm active, when your sign changes to the sun... we are considered as a primitive succubus too.</a1><n1>)</n1></b>
<b><a1>(</a1><n1>So the sum of both of us is only equal to the beginning of her level?</n1><a1>)</a1></b>
<b><n1>(</n1> <a1>Yeah!... We can say that.</a1><n1>)</n1></b>
<n3>Mistress Trix intervenes;</n3>
<b><d>Trix:</d> <trix1>This is valid for now. My potential is very limited. When I'm active, Lucy can't use any of her powers. It's me or her. But for you it's the opposite. It's either you two or nothing.</trix1></b>
<b><a1>(</a1><n1>But I don't use my powers at all, do I?</n1><a1>)</a1></b>
<b><d>Trix:</d> <trix1>Hahahaha!</trix1></b>
<n3>Her laughter rings in your whole brain. Her voice is deep and mighty. You wonder how she looked like.</n3>
<b><d>Trix:</d> <trix1>Ame! Are you still trying to control everything?</trix1></b>
<n3>Lucy looks at you as if she's waiting for an explanation. The question wasn't asked to you, but you feel weird.</n3>
<img src="img/lucy/lucymeet/lucymeet2.jpg" class=center width="45%" >
<n3>Sun isn't correcting her name this time. But you can feel that she is not happy about it.</n3>
<b><n1>(</n1> <a1>We are working on that Mistress! Her body won't able to stand if I don't control it.</a1><n1>)</n1></b>
<b><d>Trix:</d> <trix1>Yes that is right. But you control so much that poor girl thinks she has no role in this.
I've made my decision. I'll guide you two. We'll guide you two! Lucy, do you have any objections to that?</trix1></b>
<b><n1>(</n1> <a1> No Mistress Beth. We talked about this possibility. We can train them.</a1><n1>)</n1></b>
<n3>Sun is talking to you.</n3>
<b><n1>(</n1> <a1>I know you are full of questions right now. Save it for later.</a1><n1>)</n1></b>
<n3>Her mighty voice rises again in your mind.</n3>
<n3>Meanwhile, Lucy takes a more comfortable position. Mistress Trix continues to speak to your mind.</n3>
<img src="img/lucy/lucymeet/lucymeet3.jpg" class=center width="45%" >
<b><d>Trix:</d> <trix1>You can come here on Saturdays. I know about your trials, Ame. I have no objections. I will not interfere in this matter. You can roam around in this dungeon however you want. There isn't much place for a succubus that hasn't crossed the second barrier though. Hehh!</trix1></b>
<n3>She said that in a sarcastic tone. Then continues;</n3>
<b><d>Trix:</d> <trix1>I am aware of how precious and special your powers are. Be aware as well. Do not underestimate your potential. You two can go a lot higher than me. Maybe even higher than..... nevermind.</trix1></b>
<n3>Everyone understood what that "nevermind" meant but you.</n3>
<b><d>Trix:</d> <trix1>Oh! Lucy necklace please!</trix1></b>
<n3>Lucy looks towards the door, and Mel enters. You see in her hand a necklace made of green stones.</n3>
<img src="img/inventory/necklace1.jpg" class=center width="45%" >
<b><d>Trix:</d> <trix1>You can enter here through this necklace. Of course, you should also wear the cape you are wearing right now.</trix1></b>
<b><n1>(</n1> <a1>About that cape mistress.</a1><n1>)</n1></b>
<b><d>Trix:</d> <trix1>We will speak later. $name has had enough. Would you like someone to escort you to your room? You are not at any risk while wearing this cape. Your choice.</trix1></b>
<b><n1>(</n1> <a1> There is no need.... Thank you Mistress!</a1><n1>)</n1></b>
<b><d>Trix:</d> <trix1>Alright! You will only be escorted out of this place. Afterwards, you can reach your room by following the yellow lights. Do not follow any other colored lights! Oh, you probably can't anyway. Only that path is out of range of the barriers.</trix1></b>
[[You are leaving the white room.|dungeonExit]]<n3>You find yourself outside after a three-minute walk.<n3>
<b><d>$name:</d> <n1>What?? Then why did we walk for several minutes to the white room?</n1></b>
<d>Mel:</d> <b1>We always do this for first timers. They need to realize where they are. Its not a joke. But now you are Mistress Lucy's guest of honor. You will learn all the shortcuts in time. But you can't use every shortcut in your current state.</b1>
<n3>You just want to go back to bed and sleep.</n3>
<img src="img/places/nightforest1.jpg" class=center width="55%">
<n3>You start walking back the way you came.</n3>
<b><a1>(</a1><n1>Is she someone we can trust?</n1><a1>)</a1></b>
<n3>Silence reigns in your mind for a while.</n3>
<b><n1>(</n1> <a1>Yes... I still have a lot of questions. But yes, we can trust her.</a1><n1>)</n1></b>
<n3>It's a good time to ask some things on your mind.</n3>
<<if $question5 === 0>>\
[[So they can control latex??|latex]]
<<if $question6 === 0>>\
[[Why was her sign different?|sunVarieties]]
<<if $question7 === 0>>\
[[I have a spirit animal, right?|myAnimal]]
[[🚪 To Your Room|dungeonsleep]]
<b><n1>(</n1> <a1>Technically yes. I don't know the details and limits, but she was one of the strongest of my era. We can assume that Lucy is also innately predisposed to it. Latex responds to her lust energy. In this way, she can achieve things like mind reading and mind control. But unlike me, latex has to touch the target. And now there are latexes with different properties. We have encountered some of them so far.
Scopophobic latex is just terrifying. I'm so glad they're not against us.
Also, you remember the time you passed out right ?</a1><n1>)</n1></b>
<b><a1>(</a1><n1>It was awful!</n1><a1>)</a1></b>
<b><n1>(</n1> <a1>We can assume that we have encountered a latex type that stores lust energy. When I tried to get inside that succubus's mind, latex reacted to that and all the stored lust energy exploded into us.</a1><n1>)</n1></b>
<b><a1>(</a1><n1>Then is this how other succubuses can use this power? Through latex loaded with Lust energy.</n1><a1>)</a1></b>
<b><n1>(</n1> <a1>We don't know how much they can use. But yes, that should be the basis.
And let's not forget that they can communicate with their minds in the whole dungeon and we don't know the max range.</a1><n1>)</n1></b>
<b><a1>(</a1><n1>So what are their purposes?</n1><a1>)</a1></b>
<b><n1>(</n1> <a1>Got no clue. Mistress Trix is a very idealistic succubus. I don't think she will act without a reason.</a1><n1>)</n1></b>
<<set $question5 to 1>>\
<b><n1>(</n1> <a1>You know your sign changes while I'm active.</a1><n1>)</n1></b>
<n3>You look at the sign on your arm. Dot within a circle. It doesn't even look like a sun.</n3>
<img src="img/McSign/sun1.png" class=center width="25%">
<b><n1>(</n1> <a1>All primitive succubuses have a sun sign. But they are all unique to them. It consists of three stages. I know that Mistress Trix has reached its final stage. But this must have been reset when she and Lucy connected. Because the sign she showed was not the third stage.</a1><n1>)</n1></b>
<b><a1>(</a1><n1>So we have two more phases ahead?</n1><a1>)</a1></b>
<b><n1>(</n1> <a1>It could be more or maybe even less. We'll see over time.</a1><n1>)</n1></b>
<b><a1>(</a1><n1>It was too much for one night.</n1><a1>)</a1></b>
<b><n1>(</n1> <a1>I know. It really is.</a1><n1>)</n1></b>
<b><a1>(</a1><n1>Why didn't you tell me something beforehand? Couldn't even open my mouth there. I knew nothing.</n1><a1>)</a1></b>
<b><n1>(</n1> <a1>Because of my selfishness. Things I never wanted to talk about. But since I saw mistress Trix, I'm feeling different. Everything feels more real. Keeping things inside me doesn't prevent them from existing.
There are many things I don't know either. Most of what I tell you about the current period is from the minds of others. I'm sure we'll learn more at the library in the dungeon.</a1><n1>)</n1></b>
<n3>You didn't think a small reproach would elicit such an answer.</n3>
<<set $question6 to 1>>\
<b><n1>(</n1> <a1>Yes.</a1><n1>)</n1></b>
<b><a1>(</a1><n1>A Phoenix?</n1><a1>)</a1></b>
<b><n1>(</n1> <a1>No... It's mine.</a1><n1>)</n1></b>
<b><a1>(</a1><n1>Then why couldn't I reveal my own animal?</n1><a1>)</a1></b>
<b><n1>(</n1> <a1>Because I'm suppressing it. If both of our spirit animals are released, a fusion of these will occur. We can't handle that yet.</a1><n1>)</n1></b>
<b><a1>(</a1><n1>You say "I don't know, we need to see" to some things, but you are very confident about some other things. Why ?</n1><a1>)</a1></b>
<n3>No reply...</n3>
<<set $question7 to 1>>\
<n3> As you approach to voice, you feel a hand on your shoulder.</n3>
<d>Mel:</d> <b1>Hey! Keep following me! Angela is currently paying the price for her failure. Focus on your own situation.</b1>
<center><patreon><h3> *Patreon-Only Content* </h3></patreon></center>
<img src="img/places/dorm.jpg" class=center width="45%">
<n3>You arrive at your room and surrender to the sleep.</n3>
[[🛌 Wake Up|Lessons]]
<<set $skiptoSaturday to 1>>\
<n3>Green light leads you to a door. The whole place is covered with moss and ivy.
<img src="img/places/secretentrance1.jpg" class=center width="45%">
You are approaching the door. A symbol on the door gets brighter as you get closer.
<img src="img/lucy/sunRune.png" class=center width="35%">
When you touch the doorknob, you hear the sound you heard on your previous visit. It's like a dozen stone locks are unlocking one by one.</n3>
<b><a1>(</a1><n1>It was easier than I expected. Anyone who has the necessary items can find it here.</n1><a1>)</a1></b>
<b><n1>(</n1> <a1>That's the thing. Even if you find this place, it's just the beginning. Let's say you went in. Do you think you can get out? We've probably been spied on even on our way here. Didn't pay attention because it doesn't matter. So it's not as easy as you might think. This place is not undiscoverable but unspreadable. Even If you are too strong for them they will try to recruit you. Thus the wheel will keep turning.</a1><n1>)</n1></b>
<b><a1>(</a1><n1>Are these assumptions?</n1><a1>)</a1></b>
<b><n1>(</n1> <a1> Well... Some of it is. We can go in now.</a1><n1>)</n1></b>
[[Go inside|latexdungeon(1.5)]]
<img src="img/places/latexdungeon.jpg" class=center width="115%">
<n3>Chains and chandeliers are hanging from the ceiling. In the dungeon lit by hundreds of candles, you see countless gateways. There is a monument in the middle. The melted wax solidified as it hung over the edges. There are dozens of human figures on it.</n3>
[[Lucy is waiting for you|passage(2)]]<img src="img/places/latexdungeon.jpg" class=center width="115%">
<n3>Chains and chandeliers are hanging from the ceiling. In the dungeon lit by hundreds of candles, you see countless gateways. There is a monument in the middle. The melted wax solidified as it hung over the edges. There are dozens of human figures on it. </n3>
<<if $photo18 === 0>>\
[[🎴 You see a glimmer on the floor.|summer1]]
[[📖 Library|LatexLibrary(3)]]
<<if $latexdollcheck === 0>>\
[[❓ Explore Passages|latexdoll1]]
[[⛓ Lucy is waiting for you|passage(3)1]]
<n3>After putting on the cloak and necklace, you start following the yellow lights. It is harder to spot them in daylight. The lights curve directly into the forest.
<img src="img/places/dungeonforest1.jpg" class=center width="45%">
After a 10-minute walk, the yellow lights fades away. There is a temple entrance in front of you.
<img src="img/places/templeentrance1.jpg" class=center width="45%">
Two figures stand on the entrance consisting of two huge columns. Some places are covered with ivy. Huge stones close its door. Getting in and out seems impossible. You have to lift your head completely to see top of it. You feel tiny.</n3>
<b><a1>(</a1><n1>Okay, it was dark, but I'm pretty sure we didn't enter from here. What will we do ?</n1><a1>)</a1></b>
<b><n1>(</n1> <a1>We were told we need the cloak and necklace to enter. So we're going to use the necklace?</a1><n1>)</n1></b>
<b><a1>(</a1><n1>Logically yes... But how ?</n1><a1>)</a1></b>
<b><n1>(</n1> <a1>Try to hold it in your hand. Maybe you feel a pull in a direction.</a1><n1>)</n1></b>
<n3>The moment you touch to necklace, the yellow string of lights comes back before your eyes. Its green.</n3>
<b><a1>(</a1><n1>Ooh! That's how it is.</n1><a1>)</a1></b>
<n3>After putting on the cloak and necklace, you start following the yellow lights. As you pass through the campus, you notice something to your right. Something is looking at you.</n3>
[[Succumb to your curiosity have a peek|latexnun1]]
[[Pick up your pace|latexdungeon(2)]]
<img src="img/places/dungeonforest1.jpg" class=center width="45%">
<n3>After putting on the cloak and necklace, you start following the yellow lights. You look around as you walk, looking for mysteries you wouldn't normally see. But you don't notice anything. There is a special excitement in walking with this cape. It allows you to break away from the world you live in and enter a completely different one. Maybe you could go for a walk in a cape on a weekday.
You reach to the dungeon.</n3>
[[Go inside|latexdungeon(3)]]
<n3> After you get your cloak and necklace, you make your way to the dungeon. </n3>
<img src="img/places/secretentrance1.jpg" class=center width="45%">
<n3> As you approach the door, you see that the sun symbol doesn't start glowing as it normally does. You check to see if the door is open, but it's not.</n3>
<<if $curiouscape === 1>>\
<b><n1>(</n1> <a1> Dungeon entrances are sealed, like Lucy said. Let's try again tomorrow.</a1><n1>)</n1></b>
<b><n1>(</n1> <a1> Hmm... It's weird. Entrance to the dungeon is sealed. Let's try again tomorrow.</a1><n1>)</n1></b>
<n3> You go back feeling a little disappointed. </n3>
[[Go Back|DormRoom]]
<<set $dungeonNextWeek to 1>>\
<img src="img/places/latexdungeon.jpg" class=center width="115%">
<n3> There is no one. You remember your right to roam freely here.
<<if $hasLibrary === 0>>\
You see a big red door different from the ones around it.
[[Red Door|LatexLibrary]]
<<if $darkPassage === 0>>\
<n3>You hear flutters and struggles from a passage.</n3>
[[Dark Passage|darkPassage]]
<<if $darkPassage === 1 and $TrixRead === 1>>\
[[Lucy is waiting for you.|summerDebut]]
<img src="img/dungeonlibrary/latexlibrary.jpg" class=center width="45%">
<<if $hasLibrary === 0>>\
<n3> Behind the door, there is a huge library. The atmosphere is too moody and foggy to read. You try to walk between the shelves but a barrier is preventing you. Right next to the entrance you see a lectern. There is a book on it.</n3>
[[📕 Check out the book|dungeonbook101]]
<<if $hasLibrary === 1>>\
<n3>A foggy library. It consists of several rows of shelves. You cannot access any of them.</n3>
[[📕 Check out the book|dungeonbook101]]
<<set $hasLibrary to 1>>\
[[⛓ Return|latexdungeon(1.5)]]
<n3>As you get closer, the sound begins to sound like moaning. Some cells are sheltered by doors and some of them by bars. But bar cells are mostly empty. You see a ajar door, this is where the sound comes from.
Inside you see a writhing succubus in a latex vacuum bed. She has a perforated rod in her mouth to breathe. But she spends this breath to moan. This sight turns you on.
<img src="gif/latex/latexvac/latexvac1.webp" class=center width="60%">
<b><n1>(</n1> <a1> This time I won't make the same mistake. I'll slowly enter her mind. </a1><n1>)</n1></b>
As you are watching, the succubus on the floor puts her hand to her crotch and starts masturbating lustfully. Her moaning is becoming louder and louder.</n3>
<img src="gif/latex/latexvac/latexvac2.webp" class=center width="60%">
<n3> You feel a sudden flinch through your body. It's... pleasure! Slowly building up inside. </n3>
<b><n1>(</n1> <a1> See? We didn't black out. </a1><n1>)</n1></b>
<b><a1>(</a1><n1> Yes, wonderful! But... That's enough, you can stop! </n1><a1>)</a1></b>
<b><n1>(</n1> <a1> All right, then. </a1><n1>)</n1></b>
<n3> Pleasure you feel suddenly doubles up. You lose your balance like you've been hit by a shock wave. Your legs tremble and you let out little moans. </n3>
<b><d>$name:</d> <n1> Ahh! Sun! What the hell's... going on? </n1></b>
<b><n1>(</n1> <a1> I tried to break the connection, but she took over. She's overflowing with Lust... You won't last long if this keeps up. </a1><n1>)</n1></b>
<n3> You're on your knees in ecstasy and starting to feel dizzy.
Sun, in a slightly worried voice:</n3>
<b><n1>(</n1> <a1> Either we have to make her cum or get out of the range. There's a vibrator across the room. Make your choice, but quick!</a1><n1>)</n1></b>
[[💋 Try to make her cum |darkPassage2]]
[[🚪 Try to leave the room |darkPassage2.5]]
<<set $darkPassage to 1>>\
<img src="img/dungeonlibrary/dungeonbook1.jpg" class=center width="40%">
<n3>A book covered in red leather. It feels ancient but looks fine. Not very worn, except for the edges. You open the book and it has a table of contents;</n3>
[[The Smartest Succubus]]
<<if $TrixRead === 1>>\
[[Types Of Latex]]
[[Pesky Little Flies]]
[[📖 Return To Library|LatexLibrary]]
[[⛓ Return To Main Area|latexdungeon(1.5)]]Even if I explain how they work, you wouldn't understand. Don't take it personally. No one can fully understand but Lucy and me. But I can introduce a few without elaborating.
<<if $latexTypesRead === 0 >>\
<center><h2>Scopophobic Latex</h2></center>
Oh my God! My source of pride. I got the name inspired by humans words. They have developed a phobia of everything. Literally everything!
<br>This latex is no different from normal latex as long as it does not come into contact with a living organism.<br> But after coming into contact with lust energy, it does everything to avoid being detected. It consumes your lust energy while using it, but this is not a problem for you. I'm aware that because of the name, it gives the impression of avoiding only glances But in reality all your senses ignores it. There is only one way to overcome this. Having more than one soul. Even if one ignores it, the other won't. It can only manipulate one consciousness. Do you get it now? That's how I caught you Yomi. Actually, I thought you wouldn't fall for that. You have a more serious nature. But you did...
<n3>You feel a surge of anger and confusion within you.</n3>
<b><a1>(</a1><n1>I don't care about your old names. Your name is Sun. Doesn't matter what others say.</n1><a1>)</a1></b>
<n3>You want to bawl your eyes out. Sun is in a state of very mixed emotions and even what is leaking out to you is intense enough.
After a few minutes, Sun answers.</n3>
<b><n1>(</n1> <a1> Thank you! There are things I need to discuss with Mistress Trix.</a1><n1>)</n1></b>
Do you know how thoroughly humans research their own bodies? They have even given names to organelles inside cells. What is an organelle right? Forget it. I was only able to include math in your curriculum.
This latex can store lust energy and then you can use the stored energy as you wish. Unbelievable isn't it? It was a concept I had in mind for a very long time, but it didn't work in my time. If I could make a latex that can produce lust on its own then that name would make more sense.
<center><h2>Stimulant Latex</h2></center>
Energy is needed for mitochondria, right?... Maybe I chose the wrong name. Why would the mitochondria need energy? Anyway;
This latex, like its name, stimulates you and increases lust production. When you support it with a few toys, you can get better results than you expected.
<center><h2>The Silk Net</h2></center>
That's it! That's the development. That's evolution. Evolving your technology is evolving your species.
This latex makes it possible to communicate with the mind. I haven't even mentioned the craziest part yet. Compatible with all other latex types. This is actually not a different type. Now, it's a default feature. If you weren't thrilled after reading this, you've read this far for nothing. I'm getting goosebumps. I can't believe what I've achieved on my own, and with a little help from Lucy.
<b><a1>(</a1><n1>She seems to have a great passion for development.</n1><a1>)</a1></b>
<b><n1>(</n1> <a1>A huge passion.</a1><n1>)</n1></b>
<<if $latexTypesRead === 1>>\
<center><h2>Scopophobic Latex</h2></center>
Oh my God! My source of pride. I got the name inspired by humans words. They have developed a phobia of everything. Literally everything!
<br>This latex is no different from normal latex as long as it does not come into contact with a living organism.<br> But after coming into contact with lust energy, it does everything to avoid being detected. I'm aware that because of the name, it gives the impression of avoiding only glances. But all your senses ignores it. There is only one way to overcome this. Having more than one soul. Even if one ignores it, the other won't. It can only manipulate one consciousness. Do you get it now? That's how I caught you Yomi. Actually, I thought you wouldn't fall for that. You have a more serious nature. But you did.
Do you know how thoroughly humans research their own bodies? They have even given names to organelles inside cells. What is an organelle right? Forget it. I was only able to include math in your curriculum.
This latex can store lust energy and then you can use the stored energy as you wish. Unbelievable isn't it? It was a concept I had in mind for a very long time, but it didn't work in my time. If I could make a latex that can produce lust on its own then that name would make more sense.
<center><h2>Stimulant Latex</h2></center>
Energy is needed for mitochondria, right?... Maybe I chose the wrong name. Why would the mitochondria need energy? Its the source of it. Anyway;
This latex, like its name, stimulates you and increases lust production. When you support it with a few toys, you can get better results than you expected.
<center><h2>The Silk Net</h2></center>
That's it! That's the development. That's evolution. Evolving your technology is evolving your species.
This latex makes it possible to communicate with the mind. I haven't even mentioned the craziest part yet. Compatible with all other latex types. This is actually not a different type. Now, it's a default feature. If you weren't thrilled after reading this, you've read this far for nothing. I'm getting goosebumps. I can't believe what I've achieved on my own, and with a little help from Lucy.
<<set $latexTypesRead to 1>>\<<if $peskyFliesRead === 0>>
<n3>As you guessed, it's about Somnia Pixies.</n3>
<img src="img/dungeonlibrary/somniaPixie1.jpg" class=center width="95%">
<n3>Art by</n3><a target="_blank" href="https://www.deviantart.com/telthona">Telthona</a>
I don't understand what they think they are. They are in need of us in the current situation. They have to respect us.
<n3>The book is much more frivolous than you expected.</n3>
They're called <i>Somnia Pictores.</i> They produce what they call pixie dust using the Lust energy. They can reach incredible speeds with this powder. They can also preserve the moment and they use very advanced technologies to store them. Still, they need us to do that.
<n3>You sense some jealousy.</n3>
Where they keep their photos is a complete mystery. It's not hard to guess that it has reached billions by now. Even humans have managed to copy this concept, albeit pathetically. This is a defeat in succubus history...
If you want to piss them off, just say that <i>"You look like a fly."</i>
<<if $upsetpixie === 1>>\
<b><a1>(</a1><n1>Yup! Unfortunately, I know that.</n1><a1>)</a1></b>
<<if $happypixie === 1>>\
<b><a1>(</a1><n1>Well... Good to know.</n1><a1>)</a1></b>
<<if $peskyFliesRead === 1>>\
<img src="img/dungeonlibrary/somniaPixie1.jpg" class=center width="95%">
<n3>Art by</n3><a target="_blank" href="https://www.deviantart.com/telthona">Telthona</a>
I don't understand what they think they are. They are in need of us in the current situation. They have to respect us.
They're called <i>Somnia Pictores.</i> They produce what they call pixie dust using the Lust energy. They can reach incredible speeds with this powder. They can also preserve the moment and they use very advanced technologies to store them. Still, they need us to do that.
Where they keep their photos is a complete mystery. It's not hard to guess that it has reached billions by now. Even humans have managed to copy this concept albeit pathetically. This is a defeat in succubus history...
If you want to piss them off, just say <i>"You look like a fly."</i>
<<set $peskyFliesRead to 1>>\<n3>When you open the page, you see a photo of a tall woman, covered in latex.</n3>
<center><h1> Elizabeth Bellatrix </h1></center>
<img src="img/dungeonlibrary/bellatrix.jpg" class=center width="40%">
<<if $TrixRead === 0 >>
The most intelligent succubus ever lived. She succeeded in transforming latex in inorganic structure into an organic structure with her lust energy. She later discovered that she could evolve this latex in different types. Her only problem was that she couldn't provide enough lust energy. Afterwards, I thought that it would be the most efficient way to obtain it from other succubuses. I was lucky that they started to produce Lust.
<b><a1>(</a1><n1>I thought ??</n1><a1>)</a1></b>
<b><n1>(</n1> <a1>Apparently Mistress Trix wrote this book. She knew we wouldn't be able to access her library yet.</a1><n1>)</n1></b>
<b><a1>(</a1><n1>The Smartest Succubus? </n1><a1>)</a1></b>
<b><n1>(</n1> <a1>Well.. For her, this is an objective truth. She's not trying to showing off. Maybe little bit.</a1><n1>)</n1></b>
<n3>The rest continues in the first person.</n3>
Of course, time intervened after <b>*that*</b>. But I managed to find Lucy. Thanks to her, I was able to accomplish many things that remained theories in my mind. By the way, I was 2 meters 16 centimeters tall and I was majestic and mighty. You can tell by looking at the photo above. Damn little flies took thousands of photos of me. When they fell out with us, they took all our photos one by one. That's the only one I could save. I guess little fairies don't call that photos. But I prefer to call it that way. I respect humans. They strive to improve in everything, even though they got nothing special. I don't mind using some words we got from them. Anyway, you'll learn more over time.
<b><a1>(</a1><n1>Whats up with humans ?</n1><a1>)</a1></b>
<b><n1>(</n1> <a1>Mistress Trix always argued that succubusses should strive as hard as humans. At this rate, , the little humans will outlast us."she always said." She accused succubuses with laziness... and with stupidity... and narrow-mindedness...</a1><n1>)</n1></b>
<n3>Page ends with a sentence.</n3>
<i>Evolution is an inevitable requirement of nature.</i>
<b><a1>(</a1><n1>What kind of self-introduction was that??</n1><a1>)</a1></b>
<<if $TrixRead === 1 >>\
The most intelligent succubus ever lived. She succeeded in transforming latex in inorganic structure into an organic structure with her lust energy. She later discovered that she could evolve this latex in different types. Her only problem was that she couldn't provide enough lust energy. Afterwards, I thought that it would be the most efficient way to obtain it from other succubuses. I was lucky that they started to produce Lust.
<p> Of course, time intervened after <b>*that*</b>. But I managed to find Lucy. Thanks to her, I was able to accomplish many things that remained theories in my mind. By the way, I was 2 meters 16 centimeters tall and I was majestic and mighty. You can tell by looking at the photo above. Damn little flies took thousands of photos of me. When they fell out with us, they took all our photos one by one. That's the only one I could save. I guess little fairies don't call that photos. But I prefer to call it that way. I respect humans. They strive to improve in everything, even though they got nothing special. I don't mind using some words we got from them. Anyway, you'll learn more over time.</p>
<i>Evolution is an inevitable requirement of nature.</i>
<<set $TrixRead to 1>>\
[[Return|dungeonbook101]]<n3>Lucy's looking at you from afar. Her gaze is piercing. She is dressed in a hooded cape and her usual full body latex suit.</n3>
<img src="img/lucy/lucyDungeon.jpg" class=center width="45%">
<b><d>Lucy:</d> <l1>Welcome back $name and Sun.</l1></b>
<n3>You greet her with your head. Lucy gives a much more serious and respectful impression.</n3>
<b><d>Lucy:</d> <l1>We'll take it from the very basics. I will take care of you for a while. Please follow me. There's no reason not to get started.</l1></b>
<n3>You start following her. When you come to the head of a passage, someone comes out.</n3>
<<linkreplace "Who is that ?">>\
<img src="gif/summer/summerpose.webp" class=center width="50%">
<d>???:</d> <b><summer1>I The Great Summer! Managed to escape again. No one can lock me up.</summer1></b>
<n3>Lucy sighs. An exasperated sigh. Summer turns her head towards you.</n3>
<b><d>Summer:</d> <summer1>Oh! Come on! You're not supposed to be here at this hour.</summer1></b>
<n3>Lucy raises her hand and a slime-like latex comes out of small gaps in the floor and they're heading for Summer at full speed. Summer also raises her hands, but there is no change in the speed of the latex.</n3>
<<linkreplace "Latex reaching to Summer">>\
<n3>Latex immediately sticks to the summer and starts to solidify. In about 30 seconds she's covered in a garment that only allows her to breathe. She gets down on her knees and stays still. With her open hands facing out, It's like the dictionary definition of submission. All the while, Lucy's expression didn't change a bit.</n3>
<img src="img/summer/neutralized1.webp" class=center width="47%">
<b><d>Lucy:</d> <l1> Please forgive me. Sometimes such things happen. Let's move on. Someone else can take care of this.</l1></b>
<n3>You enter a bright room. Lucy comes to the front of the bed and looks at you. She's holding a red dildo with a tassel on the back.</n3>
<img src="img/lucy/firstlesson/lucypose0.jpg" class=center width="47%">
<b><d>Lucy:</d> <l1>Our first goal is simple. You'll get used to producing lust without Sun's help. And no outside help. My latex can drain you for days if I want. But thats not the case.
I said no outside help, but actually there is some. A little push. </l1></b>
<n3>She puts one leg on the bed and stares at you.</n3>
<img src="img/lucy/firstlesson/lucypose1.jpg" class=center width="47%">
<b><d>Lucy:</d> <l1>Sun, I have a favor to ask you.</l1></b> <n3>*Without waiting for an answer, she continues.*</n3>
<b><l1>Don't help to $name. She'll produce as much as she can on her own. And don't repress her too. Let's begin!</l1></b>
[[Continue|firstlesson2]]<b><d>Lucy:</d> <l1>I will tease you. And you will not touch yourself.
<b><d>$name:</d> <n1>But without touching...</n1></b>
Shhhh! <n3>*She makes a sudden, serious sound*</n3> Have a seat and loosen up.</l1></b>
<img src="img/lucy/firstlesson/lucytease1.jpg" class=center width="47%">
<b><d>Lucy:</d> <l1>Mmhhh! Just focus on me! Focus on the fire burning inside you. You want to watch this dildo go inside me, don't you?</l1></b>
<n3>She rubs the dildo against her crotch.</n3>
<b><d>$name:</d> <n1>Y-Yes Mistress!</n1></b>
<b><d>Lucy:</d> <l1>NO! You'll get much less than you want. Better get used to it.
Do you know what you're allowed to look today?</l1></b>
[[To what Mistress?|firstlesson3]]
<b><d>Lucy:</d><l1> My legs!
<n3>You shift your gaze to Lucy's lower body. Her legs look flawless under latex.</n3>
<img src="img/lucy/firstlesson/lucylegs1.jpg" class=center width="45%">
I just want you to be able to trigger lust production on your own. Just look at it. My legs, my heels, my feet. Visualize it in your head and bring out what's inside you.</l1></b>
<<linkreplace "Look lower">>
<img src="img/lucy/firstlesson/lucyheels1.jpg" class=center width="45%">
<b><d>Lucy:</d><l1> So you prefer my heels? Good. Do you know how many succubus in here who want to be crushed under these heels? Begging to lick my feet?... A lot!</l1></b>
<n3>You're getting hotter and hotter. Little moans start escaping from your mouth.</n3>
<b><d>$name:</d> <n1>Yess! So do I, Mistress. Please crush me too!</n1></b>
<b><d>Lucy:</d> <l1>Do you really want it?</l1></b>
<b><d>$name:</d> <n1>Yesss! Yess! Yessss!</n1></b>
<n3>You're burning from the inside out. How did you get so horny so soon?
Lucy is slowly approaching you. The sound of her high heels echoes in the room. She leans slowly and you feel something being ripped out of your back, but there is no pain.</n3>
<b><d>Lucy:</d> <l1>Well done! </l1></b><n3>*She says with satisfaction.*
You are getting calmer.</n3>
<b><a1>(</a1><n1>What just happened? My Lust spiked and now I'm a little dizzy.</n1><a1>)</a1></b>
<b><d>Lucy:</d> <l1>I said there would be no outside help than me, but that wasn't true.
<n3>You see a black shiny ball in her hand. Stimulating latex.</n3>
<b><d>Lucy:</d> <l1>You adapted a lot faster than I thought you would. Maybe help wasn't necessary. Also, your powers put you on a dominant role even if you don't want to. I wanted you to experience a little bit of the other side. </l1></b>
<n3>She stands up to leave.</n3>
<b><d>Lucy:</d> <l1>That's enough for today. I absorbed the excess Lust but have a good rest.</l1></b>
<n3>And she leaves. You hear the sound of her heels for a while. She has a very confident aura. Nothing like you.</n3>
<n3>You feel warmth on your sign.</n3>
<b><a1>(</a1><n1>When did she stick that ball to me?</n1><a1>)</a1></b>
<b><n1>(</n1> <a1>She did it while disarming that weird succubus.</a1><n1>)</n1></b>
<b><a1>(</a1><n1>Yeah right! That weird succubus. She shouted her name, but I don't remember. Let's ask her next week.</n1><a1>)</a1></b>
<n3>You take a deep breath and stand up.</n3>
<b><n1>(</n1> <a1> We can get out of here now.</a1><n1>)</n1></b>
<b><c1>✊ Control: +1</c1></b>
<b><e1>⚡️ Energy: -$energy</e1></b>
[[🚪 Return to your room|DormRoom]]
<<set $control += 1>>\
<<set $energy to 0 >>\
<<set $dungeoncounter +=1>>\
<<set $dungeonNextWeek to 1>>\
<<set $corridorPeek1 to 1>>\<img src="img/latex/latexnun1.jpg" class=center width="45%">
<n3>Someone dressed as a nun looking at you. Well... Latex nun ?</n3>
<b><a1>(</a1><n1>Wtf is that? Sun, why is she looking at us?</n1><a1>)</a1></b>
<b><n1>(</n1> <a1>I don't know. Maybe she noticed your cape.</a1><n1>)</n1></b>
<b><a1>(</a1><n1>So she's aware that we can see her?</n1><a1>)</a1></b>
<b><n1>(</n1> <a1>Most probably. She's too far away for me to get inside her head.</a1><n1>)</n1></b>
<n3>You're playing dumb, like you're looking around instead of her. You accidentally made eye contact a few times.</n3>
<b><a1>(</a1><n1>I looked directly into her eyes. Fuck!</n1><a1>)</a1></b>
<b><n1>(</n1> <a1>It's fine. Just keep walking.</a1><n1>)</n1></b>
<<set $latexNun to 1>>
<n3>You pick up the pace and walk away.</n3>
<b><a1>(</a1><n1>So is there another world that is unseen here?</n1><a1>)</a1></b>
<b><n1>(</n1> <a1>Why are you surprised? We already know they can be invisible.</a1><n1>)</n1></b>
<b><a1>(</a1><n1>That's true actually.</n1><a1>)</a1></b>
<b><n1>(</n1> <a1>There is a church in the innermost part of the school. But she seemed to be a follower of Lucy. With the privileges of their power, they may be divided into different unknown branches.
<b><a1>(</a1><n1>There's a church?</n1><a1>)</a1></b>
<b><n1>(</n1> <a1>Yeah! We got this concept from humans but we have no religion. What do you think happened after that?</a1><n1>)</n1></b>
<b><a1>(</a1><n1>I would say we have created a religion, But I don't know about such a thing.</n1><a1>)</a1></b>
<b><n1>(</n1> <a1>We only copied the bad parts. They created their own cult. Strict rules and isolation. I will keep my own information out of it, from what I have learned from other succubusses, their authority is very high and everybody is afraid of them.</a1><n1>)</n1></b>
<b><a1>(</a1><n1>And that was one of them?</n1><a1>)</a1></b>
<b><n1>(</n1> <a1>I don't think so.</a1><n1>)</n1></b>
<b><a1>(</a1><n1>I thought this place was run by the headmistresses of each sign.</n1><a1>)</a1></b>
<b><n1>(</n1> <a1>You think too naive. Lucy's power alone is enough to threaten this Academy. Not to mention Mistress Trix.</a1><n1>)</n1></b>
<n3>You arrive at the dungeon entrance while talking to Sun</n3>
[[Go inside|latexdungeon(2)]]
<img src="img/dungeonlibrary/latexlibrary.jpg" class=center width="45%">
Right next to the entrance you see a lectern. There is a book on it.
[[📕 Check out the book|dungeonbook101(2)]]
[[⛓ Return|latexdungeon(2)]]
<img src="img/dungeonlibrary/dungeonbook1.jpg" class=center width="40%">
<n3>A book covered in red leather. It feels ancient but looks fine. Not very worn, except for the edges. You open the book and it has a table of contents;</n3>
[[The Smartest Succubus|Trix(2)]]
[[Types Of Latex|typesofLatex(2)]]
[[Pesky Little Flies|pixies(2)]]
[[📖 Return To Library|LatexLibrary(2)]]
[[⛓ Return To Main Area|latexdungeon(2)]]
<center><h1> Elizabeth Bellatrix </h1></center>
<img src="img/dungeonlibrary/bellatrix.jpg" class=center width="40%">
The most intelligent succubus ever lived. She succeeded in transforming latex in inorganic structure into an organic structure with her lust energy. She later discovered that she could evolve this latex in different types. Her only problem was that she couldn't provide enough lust energy. Afterwards, I thought that it would be the most efficient way to obtain it from other succubuses. I was lucky that they started to produce Lust.
<p> Of course, time intervened after <b>*that*</b>. But I managed to find Lucy. Thanks to her, I was able to accomplish many things that remained theories in my mind. By the way, I was 2 meters 16 centimeters tall and I was majestic and mighty. You can tell by looking at the photo above. Damn little flies took thousands of photos of me. When they fell out with us, they took all our photos one by one. That's the only one I could save. I guess little fairies don't call that photos. But I prefer to call it that way. I respect humans. They strive to improve in everything, even though they got nothing special. I don't mind using some words we got from them. Anyway, you'll learn more over time.</p>
<i>Evolution is an inevitable requirement of nature.</i>
<center><h2>Scopophobic Latex</h2></center>
Oh my God! My source of pride. I got the name inspired by humans words. They have developed a phobia of everything. Literally everything!
<br>This latex is no different from normal latex as long as it does not come into contact with a living organism.<br> But after coming into contact with lust energy, it does everything to avoid being detected. It consumes your lust energy while using it, but this is not a problem for you. I'm aware that because of the name, it gives the impression of avoiding only glances But in reality all your senses ignores it. There is only one way to overcome this. Having more than one soul. Even if one ignores it, the other won't. It can only manipulate one consciousness. Do you get it now? That's how I caught you Yomi. Actually, I thought you wouldn't fall for that. You have a more serious nature. But you did...
Do you know how thoroughly humans research their own bodies? They have even given names to organelles inside cells. What is an organelle right? Forget it. I was only able to include math in your curriculum.
This latex can store lust energy and then you can use the stored energy as you wish. Unbelievable isn't it? It was a concept I had in mind for a very long time, but it didn't work in my time. If I could make a latex that can produce lust on its own then that name would make more sense.
<center><h2>Stimulant Latex</h2></center>
Energy is needed for mitochondria, right?... Maybe I chose the wrong name. Why would the mitochondria need energy? Its the source of it. Anyway;
This latex, like its name, stimulates you and increases lust production. When you support it with a few toys, you can get better results than you expected.
<center><h2>The Silk Net</h2></center>
That's it! That's the development. That's evolution. Evolving your technology is evolving your species.
This latex makes it possible to communicate with the mind. I haven't even mentioned the craziest part yet. Compatible with all other latex types. This is actually not a different type. Now, it's a default feature. If you weren't thrilled after reading this, you've read this far for nothing. I'm getting goosebumps. I can't believe what I've achieved on my own, and with a little help from Lucy.
<img src="img/dungeonlibrary/somniaPixie1.jpg" class=center width="95%">
<n3>Art by</n3><a target="_blank" href="https://www.deviantart.com/telthona">Telthona</a>
I don't understand what they think they are. They are in need of us in the current situation. They have to respect us.
They're called <i>Somnia Pictores.</i> They produce what they call pixie dust using the Lust energy. They can reach incredible speeds with this powder. They can also preserve the moment and they use very advanced technologies to store them. Still, they need us to do that.
Where they keep their photos is a complete mystery. It's not hard to guess that it has reached billions by now. Even humans have managed to copy this concept albeit pathetically. This is a defeat in succubus history.
If you want to piss them off, just say <i>"You look like a fly."</i>
<n3>You start walking through the same passage as last week.
<img src="img/places/latexcorridor1.jpg" class=center width="40%">
Maybe you can ask something on the way.</n3>
<b><d>$name:</d> <n1>Can I ask something, Mistress?</n1></b>
<n3>In her usual calm and serious tone;</n3>
<b><d>Lucy:</d> <l1>Of course!</l1></b>
<b><d>$name:</d> <n1>Who was the succubus who tried to escape from here?</n1></b>
<b><d>Lucy:</d> <l1>Hmm... She is Summer. My former right-hand.</l1></b>
<n3>You waiting for more, but it looks like she's finished.</n3>
<b><d>$name:</d> <n1>Did she betray you?</n1></b> <n3>Is this how she treats betrayers? You're a little afraid to learn.</n3>
<b><d>Lucy:</d> <l1>No she didn't.</l1></b>
<n3>She's not trying to hide something. She simply thinks that the information has given is sufficient.</n3>
<b><d>$name:</d> <n1>Umm... I see. Thank you!</n1></b>
<n3>Maybe you can try again later.</n3>
<n3>You come into the same bright room.</n3>
<b><d>Lucy:</d> <l1>I want something different from you today. Try not to produce Lust. Reject my offers! Suppress it as much as you can. And don't avert your eyes!
<n3>You see a shiny latex ball in her hand.</n3>
This time it won't be so easy.</l1></b>
<n3>She sticks the ball on your back and gets on the bed.</n3>
<b><d>Lucy:</d> <l1>Hmm, where should I choose today?
<img src="img/lucy/secondlesson/lucytease2.jpg" class=center width="43%">
<n3>It is impossible not to be mesmerized by her juicy pink lips in this pose. Your body temperature has started to rise already. Stimulant latex is doing its job.</n3>
Well, I've made my decision.</l1></b>
<img src="img/lucy/secondlesson/lucytits1.jpg" class=center width="43%">
<b><d>Lucy:</d> <l1>How about my tits ? I am a Jupiter after all. You'd like that, wouldn't you?</l1></b>
<n3>Her voice is so gentle. It relaxes you. You have to resist it.</n3>
<b><l1>No answer, huh? You must be trying to concentrate. Maybe a closer look will help.</l1></b>
<n3>Lucy's closing in on you. All you can see and want to see are her tits. Hands on her chest without covering her nipples. Her hands, wearing latex gloves, look tiny next to her breasts.</n3>
<img src="img/lucy/secondlesson/lucytits2.jpg" class=center width="90%">
<b><d>Lucy:</d> <l1>Would you like to taste it?</l1></b>
<n3>You can't sit still. You want to say yes.</n3>
<b><d>$name:</d> <n1>N-No Mistress! I'm fine-nghh!</n1></b>
<b><d>Lucy:</d> <l1>Ohh what was that? Are you moaning already? So you want my tits. There is no need to resist. Just give in!</l1></b>
<n3>Your hips are moving on their own. You avert your gaze. Lucy grabs you by the chin.</n3>
<b><a1>(</a1><n1>I'm in trouble, but she is too intense.</n1><a1>)</a1></b>
<n3>While you close your eyes and wait for what will happen, you feel a warm breath on your lips.
<img src="img/lucy/secondlesson/lucykiss1.gif" class=center width="70%">
She kisses you softly and leans in close to your ear. In a whisper;</n3>
<b><d>Lucy:</d> <l1>I thought I told you not to look away. It's okay. I'll give you another chance.</l1></b>
<n3>Her voice is so sensual. Her breath tickles you when you feel it in your ear. But it feels good. For a moment you felt like crying. Everything feels so intense.
You open your eyes and look at Lucy. She's covering one breast.</n3>
<img src="img/lucy/secondlesson/lucynipple2.jpg" class=center width="50%">
<b><d>Lucy:</d> <l1>Let's try again.</l1></b>
<img src="img/lucy/secondlesson/lucynipple1.jpg" class=center width="50%">
<b><d>Lucy:</d> <l1>You're on the edge enough. Just one question. Do you want to suck my nipple?</l1></b>
<n3>You can't even think straight. All you want to do is let yourself go but there's only one step left, rejecting the offer.</n3>
[[Yes! YES! YESSSS!|lucyUpset]]
[[N-No Mistress!|lucyPleased]]<n3>Her tone returns to its usual seriousness. There's some disappointment in it.</n3>
<img src="img/lucy/secondlesson/lucyupset1.png" class=center width="50%">
<b><d>Lucy:</d> <l1>You were so close! Why don't you resist a little longer?</l1></b>
<n3>The sudden shift in her voice brings you back to the present. You got too carried away.
Lucy reaches out her hand towards you and the ball on your back hits her hand. You start to relax and loosen up but... a wetness on your cheeks. You are crying.
A familiar voice rises in your mind.</n3>
<b><d>Trix:</d> <trix1>Lucy, you've gone too far again!</trix1></b>
<b><d>Lucy:</d> <l1>Maybe a little bit, because I believed in her.</l1></b>
<n3>The dynamic between them is a bit strange.</n3>
<b><d>Trix:</d> <trix1>Concentrate on breathing darling. You've done very well.</trix1></b>
<n3>She's way kinder than you expect. You wait for a while to calm down.</n3>
<b><d>$name:</d> <n1>I'm so sorry. I had to reject all offers. I couldn't do it even though I knew that.</n1></b>
<b><d>Lucy:</d> <l1>It would be a miracle if you could do it while under influence of stimulating latex. I still hoped you could do it though. No big deal. You have enough experience.</l1></b>
<b><d>Trix:</d> <trix1>Sun, you can come out.</trix1></b>
[[The usual heat on your sign.|secondlesson(5)]]
<<set $lucyUpset to 1>>\<n3>She suddenly zips up her latex jacket. Her tone returns to its usual seriousness.</n3>
<img src="img/lucy/secondlesson/lucypleased1.png" class=center width="50%">
<b><d>Lucy:</d> <l1>Excellent! An incredible willpower!</l1></b>
<n3>The angelic voice that was just whispering in your ear is already gone. You're amazed how well she can act but your horniness hasn't gone away. And you feel tired of repressing yourself.
Lucy reaches out her hand towards you and the ball on your back hits her hand. You start to relax and loosen up but... a wetness on your cheeks. You are crying.
A familiar voice rises in your mind.</n3>
<b><d>Trix:</d> <trix1>Lucy, you've gone too far again.</trix1>
<b><d>Lucy:</d> <l1>Maybe a little bit, because I believed in her.</l1></b>
<n3>The dynamic between them is a bit strange.</n3>
<b><d>Trix:</d> <trix1>Concentrate on breathing darling. You've done very well.</trix1></b>
<n3>She's way kinder than you expect. You wait for a while to calm down.</n3>
<b><d>$name:</d> <n1>I'm sorry! I must've pushed myself too hard. I feel better now.</n1></b>
<b><d>Trix:</d> <trix1>Sun, you can come out.</trix1></b>
[[The usual heat on your sign.|secondlesson(5)]]
<<set $lucyPleased to 1>>
<b><d>Trix:</d> <trix1>You are ready now.</trix1></b>
<b><d>$name:</d> <n1>To what?</n1></b>
<b><d>Trix:</d> <trix1>To unleash your own spirit animal.</trix1></b>
<n3>Lucy interrupts.</n3>
<b><d>Lucy:</d> <l1>We wanted to prepare your body a bit with these sessions.</l1></b>
<b><n1>(</n1> <a1>Are we sure it's gonna be okay?</a1><n1>)</n1></b>
<b><d>Lucy:</d> <l1>Of course not! But most likely yes.</l1></b>
<n3>Lucy's honesty makes you feel better.</n3>
<b><d>$name:</d> <n1>Why is it so risky?</n1></b>
<b><d>Trix:</d> <trix1>When you both release your animals, their power will combine. And their appearance will blend. It's important that you can withstand this sudden surge of power.</trix1></b>
<b><d>$name:</d> <n1>I'm very curious about my animal.</n1></b>
<b><d>Trix:</d> <trix1>Actually, we know about your animal and the result of the combination for a long time.</trix1></b>
<b><d>$name:</d> <n1>How so.... uh Mistress? Sorry.</n1></b> <b><a1>(</a1><n1>How long have I been calling her without saying Mistress?</n1><a1>)</a1></b>
<b><d>Trix:</d> <trix1> It's fine. We know it from the prophecies of the new era.</trix1></b>
<b><d>$name:</d> <n1>New era? Prophecies? Me?</n1></b>
<b><d>Trix:</d> <trix1>Never mind. I'm expecting you the same day next week. Please get a good rest now.</trix1></b>
<b><c1>✊ Control: +1</c1></b>
<b><e1>⚡️ Energy: -$energy</e1></b>
[[🚪 Return to your room|DormRoom]]
<<set $control += 1>>\
<<set $energy to 0 >>\
<<set $dungeoncounter += 1>>\
<<set $dungeonNextWeek to 1>>\
<<set $corridorPeek2 to 1>>\
<img src="img/places/latexcorridor1.jpg" class=center width="40%">
<n3>You walk through the usual passage. This time you want to know more about Summer.</n3>
<b><d>$name:</d> <n1>Umm... Mistress.</n1></b>
<b><d>Lucy:</d> <l1>Yes?</l1></b>
<b><d>$name:</d> <n1>Can you explain more about Mistress Summer?</n1></b>
<b><d>Lucy:</d> <l1>Is there anything to explain?</l1></b>
<n3>Mistress Trix interjects, her voice full of frustration.</n3>
<b><d>Trix:</d> <trix1>For crying out loud Lucy! Girl saw Summer for 30 seconds and then you turned her into a latex statue. Of course she's curious about it.</trix1></b>
<n3>Finally! Someone made it clear. You didn't think you could handle it on your own.<n3>
<b><d>Trix:</d> <trix1>Don't worry. I'll explain it to you. And not only in words.</trix1></b> <n3>*Says very eagerly.*</n3>
<img src="img/summer/summerdom1.jpg" class=center width="50%">
<b><d>Trix:</d> <trix1>Summer is one of the most talented succubuses you'll ever see.
<n3>Images appear in your mind. Trix must be showing them directly into your mind.</n3>
Very dominant, very determined and intelligent. You know that she is Lucy's former right hand. Just like Lucy, she had a talent for latex arts too. Also she's a Jupiter.
<n3>You remember she put her hands up when Lucy attacked her with latex.</n3>
She was in charge of punishments. And she was very good at it.</trix1></b>
<img src="img/summer/summerdom2.jpg" class=center width="50%">
<img src="img/summer/punishment/summerpunishment1.webp" class=center width="45%">
<b><d>Trix:</d> <trix1>However, one day someone escaped from here and Summer had to pay for this. After all, it was her responsibility. Lucy and I wanted to tie her up and keep her that way for a while. It's not like she lost our trust or something.
<img src="img/summer/punishment/summerpunishment4.webp" class=center width="45%">
In the beginning she was very quiet. As we continued, her body language began to change. She was looking at the ground, showing her surrender. Although we hadn't yet activated the stimulating latex, small moans began to escape from her mouth.</trix1></b>
<img src="img/summer/punishment/summerpunishment2.webp" class=center width="45%">
<b><d>Trix:</d> <trix1>Tying her tits off was the final touch.</trix1></b>
<img src="img/summer/punishment/summerpunishment3.webp" class=center width="45%">
<b><d>Summer:</d> <summer1>Nnnhh! Mistress, I can't take it, please, harder! Immobilize me with your power. Tell me how worthless I am. Ahhh!! It's all my fault, punish me!
I can still move! HARDER!! Move, bitch!</summer1></b>
<b><d>Trix:</d> <trix1>After a while it turned into just insults. She was doing it because she wanted more. And we can say that her strategy worked.</trix1></b>
<n3>Lucy steps in;</n3>
<b><d>Lucy:</d> <l1>That day, she gone too far.</l1></b>
<img src="img/summer/punishment/summerpunishment5.webp" class=center width="65%">
<b><d>Summer:</d> <summer1>Ihs thdhat alv yu gotgh, huah? I cann stihl mouvee!! MHhh! Thsats Itt!</summer1></b>
<b><d>Trix:</d> <trix1>We don't know how many times she came. But it was clear that she wasn't our old Summer.</trix1></b>
<b><d>$name:</d> <n1>What happened afterwards?</n1></b>
<b><d>Lucy:</d> <l1>Nothing happened. We talked after she calmed down. She didn't want her old role anymore so we found another role for her. Escaper!
<b><d>$name:</d> <n1>So she's just trying to escape?</n1></b>
No! She pretends like she ran away, until she's caught. She can escape easily if she wants to though.</l1></b>
<b><d>$name:</d> <n1>So what's the purpose of this?</n1></b>
<b><d>Trix:</d> <trix1>She joined the ranks of the Lust producers. And her Lust production is very high right after she's captured. On both sides, she's been incredibly useful to us.</trix1></b>
<b><d>Lucy:</d> <l1>Still, it was a big loss. I prefer the old version of her.</l1></b>
<n3>Lucy suddenly stops in front of a wall and raises her hand. The wall in front of her becomes increasingly transparent and looks like a wall made of glass. There's someone familiar inside..
<img src="gif/summer/summerChained.webp" class=center width="60%">
It's obvious that she can't see you. She struggles, bound with chains and leather belts. She can't stop shaking her hips.</n3>
<b><d>Lucy:</d> <l1>So this is the case... Anyway, follow me! We have things to do.</l1></b>
<n3>As the wall slowly returns to its original state, Lucy turns seriously and starts walking.</n3>
[[Continue|thirdLesson]]<n3>You enter the bright room. Lucy's steps echo in the room. You can't stop looking at her legs.</n3>
<video controls autoplay controls loop controls muted src="gif/lucy/thirdLesson/lucystart1.webm" width="900px" height="600px"></video>
<b><d>Lucy:</d> <l1>You know what we're gonna do today. Actually, I could've used a little aggressive lust on you. But it would be so boring, right?
<n3>After glancing you lustfully, she starts playing with her breasts.</n3>
<video controls autoplay controls loop controls muted src="gif/lucy/thirdLesson/lucyglare1.webm" width="900px" height="600px"></video>
I need to reduce potential risks. If you get horny, you'll experience less blowback.
<video controls autoplay controls loop controls muted src="gif/lucy/thirdLesson/lucytease1.webm" width="900px" height="600px"></video>
Do you think my body's good enough for that?</l1></b>
<n3>You answer without thinking. You've been teased enough.</n3>
<b><d>$name:</d> <n1>Yes Mistress! It's perfect!</n1></b>
<n3>Slowly sits on the white sofa. Her movements are very sensual.</n3>
<video controls autoplay controls loop controls muted src="gif/lucy/thirdLesson/lucystart2.webm" width="900px" height="600px"></video>
<b><d>Lucy:</d> <l1>In honor of this day, I'll show you more, but you'll just watch. Feel free to touch yourself. Just before the procedure, I will tell you to stop and you will stop!
<b><d>$name:</d> <n1>Yes Mistress!</n1></b>
<n3>She takes off her latex jacket. Her huge tits are in front of you. She looks gorgeous.</n3>
<video controls autoplay controls loop controls muted src="gif/lucy/thirdLesson/lucytitsOut1.webm" width="900px" height="600px"></video>
<b><d>Lucy:</d> <l1>Here they are. Take a good look!
<n3>She starts playing with her tits right away. They look so full.</n3>
<video controls autoplay controls loop controls muted src="gif/lucy/thirdLesson/lucytitsRub1.webm" width="900px" height="600px"></video>
<b><d>Lucy:</d> <l1>Don't worry! I'm just getting started. You must have noticed the dildo behind me. It's a stimulating latex one. You wanna see what it looks like between my tits?</l1></b>
<b><d>$name:</d> <n1>Please Mistress! I want to see it.</n1></b> <n3>*Your body's starting to warm up.*</n3>
[[Continue|thirdLesson(3)]]<n3>After rubbing the dildo against her tits, she takes it between them. You can only see the tip of the dildo. The rest disappears between Lucy's big tits.</n3>
<video controls autoplay controls loop controls muted src="gif/lucy/thirdLesson/lucytitsdildo1.webm" width="900px" height="600px"></video>
<b><d>Lucy:</d> <l1>MMmhhh! This latex is killing me. Wonderful! I want to wrap you in latex and control your body completely. I wanna make you BEG!</l1></b>
<n3>Lucy seems to have a hard time hiding her true nature. She's clearly not acting. Your breathing is getting erratic.</n3>
<<linkreplace "Start masturbating">>\
<n3>You can't wait any longer. When you touch your pussy, you feel little ecstatic spasms in your body.</n3>
<b><d>$name:</d> <n1>Haaahhh! So intense! Mistress join mee! Your pussyy!</n1></b>
<img src="gif/lucy/thirdLesson/dungeonMast1.webp" class=center width="60%">
<n3>She starts rubbing the dildo against her pussy.
<video controls autoplay controls loop controls muted src="gif/lucy/thirdLesson/lucydildo1.webm" width="900px" height="600px"></video>
<b><d>Lucy:</d> <l1>Don't you dare to cum! If you're close, edge it! Prepare your body!</l1></b>
<n3>She bends down and accelerates the speed.</n3>
<video controls autoplay controls loop controls muted src="gif/lucy/thirdLesson/lucydildo2.webm" width="900px" height="600px">
<b><d>Lucy:</d> <l1>Nnnhh! I'm close! Close your eyes! Keep going!</l1></b>
<n3>You're picking up the pace! Your eyes are closed.</n3>
<b><d>$name:</d> <n1>Please let me cum, Mistress! Please! PLEASE Mistress!! Nhgg! I wanna cum!</n1></b>
<n3>You feel something while begging to cum.</n3>
[[A hand on your shoulder|thirdLesson(4)]]
<</linkreplace>>\<img src="gif/lucy/thirdLesson/purpleWave1.gif" class=center width="50%">
<n3>You feel a surge of energy. You feel cold but still warm. While you can't make sense of what's going on, you feel that energy flowing out of your body.
You open your eyes gasping for breath. It's all black!
<img src="img/McAnimal/blackWolf.jpg" class=center width="45%">
A black wolf with white eyes growls in front of you.</n3>
<b><l1>Sun! Now!!! </l1></b><n3>*Lucy's commanding voice shouts.*</n3>
<n3>Starting from your arm, a heat begins to spread through your body. In a second, this heat turns into intense pleasure. You're cumming! Harder than ever!</n3>
<img src="gif/lucy/thirdLesson/dungeonOrgasm.webp" class=center width="47%">
<b><d>$name:</d> <n1>Aaahhhh! YEs! yEsSS! Nggghh!! I'm shHaakinngg! Cummminggg!</n1></b>
<n3>You're waiting for your breath to regulate. Once you've calmed down, you're ready to open your eyes.</n3>
[[Continue|thirdLesson(5)]]<n3>There's still a black wolf. But her eyes are red, and every time she exhales, flames burst from her mouth. It's a frightening sight but it doesn't bother you at all.</n3>
<img src="img/McAnimal/blackWolf2.jpg" class=center width="40%">
<b><d>Trix:</d> <trix1>Congratulations! You managed it perfectly. Wonderful! A black wolf indeed!</trix1></b> <n3>*There is great satisfaction in her voice.*</n3>
<n3>Wolf gradually fades and disappears. You look at your arm. Your sign is different. The central point is enlarged and divided into 8 branches. There are little appendages between each branch. Now it looks like a sun.</n3>
<img src="img/McSign/sun2.png" class=center width="30%">
<b><d>Lucy:</d> <l1>Now that the merger is complete, we can really start training you.</l1></b>
<b><d>Trix:</d> <trix1>You must have used up all your energy. Get some rest here and go back to your room. From now on, you can visit here on Saturday and Sunday.</trix1></b>
<b><c1>✊ Control: +1</c1></b>
<b><e1>⚡️ Energy: -$energy</e1></b>
[[🚪 Return to your room|DormRoom]]
<<set $control += 1>>\
<<set $energy to 0 >>\
<<set $dungeoncounter += 1>>\
<<set $dungeonNextWeek to 1>>\
<<set $skiptoSaturday === 0>>\
<<set $corridorPeek3 to 1>>
<<set $McSign to 1 >>
<img src="img/places/entrance1.jpg" class=center width="45%">
<n3>The entrance to the main campus is in front of you.</n3>
<<if $control lt 10 >>\
<n3>The barrier prevents you from passing through.</n3> <b><c1>(Required Control = 10)</c1></b>
<<if $control gte 10 >>\
[[♃ Jupiter Dormitory]]
<n3>Under Development:</n3>
<linkB1>♄ Saturn Building
♅ Uranus Building
♆ Neptune Building</linkB1>
[[🔅 Yard|Outside]]
<img src="gif/exercise/controlUp.gif" class=center width="60%">
<n3>Your training seems to be paying off. You feel stronger.</n3>
<b><c1>✊ Control: +1</c1></b>
<<set $control += 1>>\
<<set $controlFitness -= 3>>\
[[🔥 Finish Exercising|DormRoom]]
Double-click this passage to edit it.Double-click this passage to edit it.
<img src="img/intro/jupiterentrance1.jpg" class=center width="55%">
<<set $photos to random(5) >>\
<<if $photos === 1 and $photo19 === 0 >>\[[🎴 You see a glimmer on the floor.|brittany7]]<</if>>\
<<if $photos === 3 and $photo20 === 0 >>\[[🎴 You see a glimmer on the floor.|milena6]]<</if>>\
<<if $photos === 5 and $photo21 === 0 >>\[[🎴 You see a glimmer on the floor.|lucy3]]<</if>>\
<<if $dungeoncounter gte 4>>\
[[💃 Someone's Dancing Outside|BritsDuel1]]
[[Look around|jupiterLookAround]]
[[🏰 Return to Main Campus|mainCampus]]
[[🔅 Return To Yard|Outside]]Double-click this passage to edit it.[[Return|Lessons]]
<n3>You touch to the glimmer and it turns into a photograph in your hand. Afterwards, it transforms into its former form and starts to make its way to the box in your room.</n3>
<img src="img/pics/milenapics/milenapic5.jpg" class=center width="65%" >
<<set $photo17 to 1>>\
<<set $photoRemain -= 1 >>\
<n3>You touch to the glimmer and it turns into a photograph in your hand. Afterwards, it transforms into its former form and starts to make its way to the box in your room.</n3>
<img src="img/pics/lucypics/lucypic2.jpg" class=center width="40%" >
<<set $photoRemain -= 1 >>\
<<set $photo16 to 1>>\
<n3>You touch to the glimmer and it turns into a photograph in your hand. Afterwards, it transforms into its former form and starts to make its way to the box in your room.</n3>
<img src="img/pics/hitomipics/hitomipic5.jpg" class=center width="70%" >
<<set $photo18 to 1>>\
<<set $photoRemain -= 1 >>\[[🖼️ Return To Gallery|photoGallery]]
[[🚪 Return To Your Room|DormRoom]]
<n3>Dear Diary I couldn't make eye contact with anyone today either. Everyone's staring at my boobs.</n3>
<img src="img/pics/milenapics/milenapic5.jpg" class=center width="115%">
[[🖼️ Return To Gallery|photoGallery]]
[[🚪 Return To Your Room|DormRoom]][[🖼️ Return To Gallery|photoGallery]]
[[🚪 Return To Your Room|DormRoom]]
<img src="img/pics/hitomipics/hitomipic5.jpg" class=center width="110%" >
[[🖼️ Return To Gallery|photoGallery]]
[[🚪 Return To Your Room|DormRoom]][[🖼️ Return To Gallery|photoGallery]]
[[🚪 Return To Your Room|DormRoom]]
<img src="img/pics/lucypics/lucypic2.jpg" class=center width="85%" >
[[🖼️ Return To Gallery|photoGallery]]
[[🚪 Return To Your Room|DormRoom]]<<set $jupiter to random(4)>>\
<<if $jupiter === 0>>\
<img src="gif/jupiterLookAround/jupiter1.webp" class=center width="50%">
<n3>You look around and a succubus in a pink sweater is baring her tits. Her tits are as big as you'd expect from Jupiter. Maybe she's just trying to cool off. </n3>
[[Return|♃ Jupiter Dormitory]]
<<if $jupiter === 1>>\
<n3>You hear two succubuses talking.</n3>
<d>Succubus1:</d><b1>There's no way that bra can hold them when your tits are enhanced. </b1>
<d>Succubus2:</d><b1> Let's try and find out. </b1>
<n3>Hands holding the biggest tits you've ever seen release them and you are mesmerized by the wiew.</n3>
<img src="gif/jupiterLookAround/jupiter2.webp" class=center width="50%">
<d>Succubus1:</d><b1>Holy Shit! I need that bra! </b1>
[[Return|♃ Jupiter Dormitory]]
<<if $jupiter === 2>>\
<n3>A succubus comes up to you.</n3>
<d>Succubus:</d><b1>Hello beauty! What color do you think my bra is? </b1>
<n3>Sudden and random question. You don't know what to say.</n3>
<b><d>$name:</d> <n1> Uhh... I don't know maybe blu- </n1></b>
<n3>She rips off her white blouse before you finish and smiles.</n3>
<img src="gif/jupiterLookAround/jupiter3.webp" class=center width="50%">
<n3> Apparently she was just looking for an excuse for it.</n3>
[[Return|♃ Jupiter Dormitory]]
<<if $jupiter === 3 and $latexNun === 1>>\
<img src="gif/jupiterLookAround/churchlady1.webp" class=center width="45%">
<n3>You notice a succubus reading a book. She sits very straight. Her tits look huge under her lilac sweater. You can also see that her nipples are hard. Just when you think she's a Jupiter, you slide your eyes down and notice her huge ass. She is stretching that skirt all the way up. The sight fascinates you. You hear Sun's voice as you continue to examine this perfect Succubus.</n3>
She's from the church!
But she doesn't look like a nun.
Because probably she's not. There's a good chance she's inspecting this place. I'm not taking the risk of getting into her mind. If she detect us, we might get into big trouble. Too early for that.
[[Return|♃ Jupiter Dormitory]]
<<if $jupiter === 3 and $latexNun === 0>>\
<img src="gif/jupiterLookAround/churchlady1.webp" class=center width="45%">
<n3>You notice a succubus reading a book. She sits very straight. Her tits look huge under her lilac sweater. You can also see that her nipples are hard. Just when you think she's a Jupiter, you slide your eyes down and notice her huge ass. She is stretching that skirt all the way up. The sight fascinates you. You continue to examine this perfect Succubus for a while.</n3>
[[Return|♃ Jupiter Dormitory]]
<<if $jupiter === 4>>\
<video controls autoplay controls loop controls muted src="gif/jupiterLookAround/brittany1.mp4" width="900px" height="600px"></video>
<n3>You see Brittany a little further away. She's wearing a colorful full-body net, chatting with passers-by. While talking, she plays with her pussy and tits. It's a titillating sight.</n3>
[[Return|♃ Jupiter Dormitory]]
<img src="gif/exercise/controlUp.gif" class=center width="60%">
<n3>Practicing with Hitomi is showing its effect. You feel more in control of your power.</n3>
<b><c1>✊ Control: +1</c1></b>
<<set $control += 1>>\
<<set $controlHitomi -= 3>>\
[[🚪 Return To Your Room|DormRoom]]
[[🎀 Return To Hitomi's Room|hitomiroom]]
<img src="gif/exercise/controlUp.gif" class=center width="60%">
<n3>What you do during class is not in vain. You feel more in control of your power.</n3>
<b><c1>✊ Control: +1</c1></b>
<<set $control += 1>>\
<<set $controlMilena -= 3>>\
[[🚪 Return To Your Room|DormRoom]]
<h3><n3>You can increase your control in 3 ways;
<b1>- Spending time with Hitomi,
- By attending Milena's private lessons,
- And by exercising.</b1>
As your control increases, the places you can access on the main campus will increase. Currently only the Jupiter Dormitory is accessible.
To start Lucy content, you need to spend time with Hitomi in her room. For those who have played before, there is a skip to the required day button but it activates you go to the dungeon once.
To unlock Sunday walks, you need to have visited the Latex dungeon 1 time (and the day must be Sunday). For those who have played before or want to check out the new content, save files are available on the SAVES button on the left. And with the "Skip to Saturday" button you don't have to play the week in between.
For those who've played before, save files are available for the new added dungeon explorations.
For Brittany's duel;
<b1> - You must have at least 10 Control to enter the Jupiter Dormitory.
- You should have acquired your new symbol and spirit animal.</b1>
If there's no problem, you will see a message that you need to visit the Jupiter Dormitory while you are in your room.
For Halloween special photos;
<b1>- You need to be nice to Pixie, who you meet at the beginning of the game.</b1>
<b1>- You should have acquired your new symbol and spirit animal.</b1>(On your way to Brittany's duel, you'll see Alette.)
[[First day of school|FirstLesson]]<<set $which to random(5)>>\
<<set $dream to random(2)>>\
<<set $heels to random(4)>>\
<<set $latex to random(4)>>\
<<set $spank to random(4)>>\
<<set $lewd to random(8)>>\
<<if $which === 0>>\
<n3>You get a good night's sleep without any dreams. Your eyes slowly open in the first light of the day. You are ready for what the new day will bring.</n3>
<img src="gif/sleep/night/sunset1.gif" class=center width="55%">
<<if $which === 1>>\
<n3>You're having chaotic dreams. When you wake up, you remember what you saw, but it takes about ten seconds to forget them. Overall, you feel rested and ready for the new day. </n3>
<<if $dream === 0>>\
<img src="gif/dream/dream/dream1.gif" class=center width="70%">
<<if $dream === 1>>\
<img src="gif/dream/dream/dream2.gif" class=center width="70%">
<<if $dream === 2>>\
<img src="gif/dream/dream/dream3.gif" class=center width="70%">
<<if $which === 2 >>\
<n3><b><i>"Succubuses begging to be under your heels. Accepting that she is beneath you and being pleased about it, doing exactly what you say without question."</i></b> Such thoughts are the theme of the dream and they feel good to you. You feel superior to everyone else and it just feels natural for you. When you wake up you are wet and feel generally relaxed. You don't remember your dream but you feel well rested and satisfied.</n3>
<<if $heels === 0>>\
<img src="gif/dream/heels/heels1.webp" class=center width="65%">
<<if $heels === 1>>\
<img src="gif/dream/heels/heels2.gif" class=center width="65%">
<<if $heels === 2>>\
<img src="gif/dream/heels/heelskiss1.webp" class=center width="65%">
<<if $heels === 3>>\
<img src="gif/dream/heels/heelskiss2.webp" class=center width="65%">
<<if $heels === 4>>\
<img src="gif/dream/heels/heelslick1.webp" class=center width="65%">
<<if $which === 3 >>\
<n3> You're covered in latex head to toe. The more you touch yourself, the hornier you get and the stronger you feel. You can dominate anyone. It's like the latex is alive, asking you something. It' s hungry! To control them, to dominate them... And so you are... </n3>
<<if $latex === 0>>\
<img src="gif/dream/latex/latexass1.webp" class=center width="50%">
<<if $latex === 1>>\
<img src="gif/dream/latex/latexass2.webp" class=center width="70%">
<<if $latex === 2>>\
<img src="gif/dream/latex/latexass3.webp" class=center width="70%">
<<if $latex === 3>>\
<img src="gif/dream/latex/latexass4.webp" class=center width="63%">
<<if $latex === 4>>\
<img src="gif/dream/latex/latexass5.webp" class=center width="70%">
<n3>You wake up with deep breaths. You lick your lips and notice that your mouth feels dry. Then, you feel something strange. As if you were interrupted in the middle of something, but you don't remember the what it is. Your arm's a little warm, probably you've been lying on it. You get out of bed well rested.</n3>
<<if $which === 4 >>\
<n3> There's a sweet pain in your palm. As you look at that plump, reddened ass that you've spanking for a while, you continue, without minding the pain. The loud sound of each stroke mingles with the moans of the succubus you are spanking and tickles your insides. The intensity of your strokes decides everything. It's in your hands whether she giggles and begs for more or tearfully begs you to stop. All it costs is the sweet pain in your hands.
When you wake up, your hands feel a little numb. And you start the day feeling well rested.</n3>
<<if $spank === 0>>\
<img src="gif/dream/spank/spank1.webp" class=center width="60%">
<<if $spank === 1>>\
<img src="gif/dream/spank/spank2.webp" class=center width="65%">
<<if $spank === 2>>\
<img src="gif/dream/spank/spank3.webp" class=center width="55%">
<<if $spank === 3>>\
<img src="gif/dream/spank/spank4.webp" class=center width="45%">
<<if $spank === 4>>\
<img src="gif/dream/spank/spank5.webp" class=center width="72%">
<<if $which === 5 >>\
<<if $lewd === 0>>\
<n3>Brittany is dancing with all her cheerfulness. Her huge tits swinging from the rear of her denim jumpsuit and accompanies Brittany's dance. Her energy is always friendly and inviting. You feel like joining her, watching those tits up close, maybe touching them. To bury your head between those tits and continue your sleep there...</n3>
<img src="gif/dream/lewd/brittany1.webp" class=center width="45%">
<<if $lewd === 1>>\
<n3>Brittany caresses her tits. She looks at you with lust and her energy almost lights you on fire. You try to step towards her but you can't feel her body. It's like you're in a cage and you have to endure Brittany teasing you. Her hands are so small next to her tits, it turns you on even more. She looks perfect...</n3>
<img src="gif/dream/lewd/brittany2.webp" class=center width="55%">
<<if $lewd === 2>>\
<n3>Brittany caresses her tits. She looks at you with lust and her energy almost lights you on fire. You try to step towards her but you can't feel her body. It's like you're in a cage and you have to endure Brittany teasing you. Her hands are so small next to her tits, it turns you on even more. She looks perfect...</n3>
<img src="gif/dream/lewd/brittany3.webp" class=center width="55%">
<<if $lewd === 3>>\
<n3>Brittany caresses her tits. She looks at you with lust and her energy almost lights you on fire. You try to step towards her but you can't feel her body. It's like you're in a cage and you have to endure Brittany teasing you. Her hands are so small next to her tits, it turns you on even more. She looks perfect...</n3>
<img src="gif/dream/lewd/brittany4.webp" class=center width="55%">
<<if $lewd === 4>>\
<n3>Hitomi, presenting her big tits to you. She has a body that doesn't match her cute and innocent face, which increases her attractiveness. You want those tits. You wanna do whatever you want. You want her essence, powerful, beautiful and pure. Sometimes torturing her tits, sometimes massaging her nipples for hours...
You wake up in a ridiculous position. You're drooling. Then you stand up from your bed, ready for the day.</n3>
<img src="gif/dream/lewd/hitomi1.webp" class=center width="60%">
<<if $lewd === 5>>\
<n3>Hitomi, presenting her big tits to you. She has a body that doesn't match her cute and innocent face, which increases her attractiveness. You want those tits. You wanna do whatever you want. You want her essence, powerful, beautiful and pure. Sometimes torturing her tits, sometimes massaging her nipples for hours...
You wake up in a ridiculous position. You're drooling. Then you stand up from your bed, ready for the day.</n3>
<img src="gif/dream/lewd/hitomi2.webp" class=center width="60%">
<<if $lewd === 6>>\
<n3> You're in class. Milena enthusiastically explains something about breasts. And she uses her own huge tits to do it. You remember her saying how important hands-on learning is. Maybe you need to touch them to learn properly. But your hands may not be enough. You may need to hug them. Even one of them is much bigger than your head but are ready to do anything for education...
You slowly open your eyes. You don't know what day it is, but you hope it's a weekday. </n3>
<img src="gif/dream/lewd/milena1.webp" class=center width="85%">
<<if $lewd === 7>>\
<n3>You're in class. Milena sits in her chair, but she doesn't look very comfortable. As she tries to find a comfortable position, you watch her big tits jiggle through her see-through blouse. She' s not wearing a bra is the cherry on top. For some time Milena struggles this way on her chair...
You slowly open your eyes. You don't know what day it is, but you hope it's a weekday.</n3>
<img src="gif/dream/lewd/milena2.webp" class=center width="60%">
<<if $lewd === 8>>\
<n3> Milena is exercising. It looks like she's trying to keep in shape. Every time she moves, her breasts sway independently of her. The fact that she's not wearing a bra makes her even more enjoyable to watch. Maybe it would help if you could hold her breasts for a while, to give her back some relief.
You wake up feeling energized. You get out of bed thinking that it would be nice if you ran into Milena during your exercise.</n3>
<img src="gif/dream/lewd/milena3.webp" class=center width="55%">
[[🛌 Wake Up|DormRoom]]
<<set $day to "Saturday">>\
<n3>You put on your cloak and go outside, not knowing what to expect. You wander a little and it feels... normal.</n3>
<b><a1>(</a1><n1> So? What are we doing? </n1><a1>)</a1></b>
<b><n1>(</n1> <a1> We have a very limited space because of the barriers. Maybe if we find someone to practice with... </a1><n1>)</n1></b><n3> *She suddenly stops and you start to feel a familiar aura in the distance.*</n3>
<<linkreplace "Look in that direction">>\
<n3>It' s Milena! Looks like she's taking a walk on Sunday. Her tits look huge under her blue sweater. </n3>
<img src="gif/SundayWalk/sunday1/milenaSunday1.gif" class=center width="55%">
<b><n1>(</n1> <a1> Great! She's walking towards us. Get closer to her! She's walking to park. We can lead her somewhere secluded.</a1><n1>)</n1></b>
<n3>You put on your cloak and walk out of your room.</n3>
<b><a1>(</a1><n1> So what do we do? Do you know where we.... </n1><a1>)</a1></b>
<n3>Before you can finish your thought, you are frozen by what you see.</n3>
<<linkreplace"What is it again?">>\
<n3>Two succubus in latex suits are walking past. When there's a little distance between you, you glance behind them. They are having a casual conversation. </n3>
<img src="gif/SundayWalk/sunday2/latexcorridor1.webp" class=center width="40%">
<n3>While you are looking at them, the one in red turns her head calmly and calls out to you.</n3>
<d>Succubus in Red:</d><b1> Hey, over here! Follow us!</b1>
<n3>You haven't even left your dormitory yet.</n3>
<b><n1>(</n1> <a1> I don't feel a hostile aura. Follow as she says. This could be a good opportunity. </a1><n1>)</n1></b>
<n3> Maintaining your distance, you start to follow the two succubus. You notice that they're both wearing a latex corset. </n3>
<n3>You put on your cloak and walk out of your room. You quickly make your way to the dining hall and stand in front of the black wall.</n3>
<img src="gif/SundayWalk/sunday2/hiddenwall1.jpg" class=center width="40%">
[[Go inside|Sunday(3)2]]
<b><a1>(</a1><n1>What are we going to do? </n1><a1>)</a1></b>
<b><n1>(</n1> <a1>Something small that won't attract attention and won't tire you out.</a1><n1>)</n1></b>
<b><a1>(</a1><n1>Tire me out?</n1><a1>)</a1></b>
<b><n1>(</n1> <a1> Yes! As we get used to each other, you get less tired, but this latex is draining your Lust Energy. And when I use my power, we get primitive succubus features.
Primitive succubuses cannot generate Lust Energy. They need an external supply.</a1><n1>)</n1></b>
<b><a1>(</a1><n1> Hmm... But producing Lust... isn't it a natural thing?</n1><a1>)</a1></b>
<b><n1>(</n1> <a1>It wasn't always so... Anyway, here comes Milena. First, we'll lure her to a secluded corner. </a1><n1>)</n1></b>
<n3>With the familiar warmth of your sign, the direction Milena walks slowly begins to change.
As she gets closer to you, you are filled with a strange excitement. You are already in her line of sight but she cannot perceive you. You can't help feeling special and powerful.
You've got something on your mind;</n3>
<b><a1>(</a1><n1> I think it's too hot to wear a bra. </n1><a1>)</a1></b>
<b><n1>(</n1> <a1> A good start! </a1><n1>)</n1></b>
<n3>When she comes behind a tree, Milena stops. The heat in your sign increases and a pleasant sensation spreads through your body.
Checking the surroundings, Milena pulls up her sweater and pulls her big tits out of her bra. She has a mischievous smile on her face.</n3>
<img src="gif/SundayWalk/sunday1/milenaSunday2.webp" class=center width="55%">
<n3> Watching her like this, you want to play with her tits, even suck them. But you restrain yourself. </n3>
<n3>After putting her bra in her bag, she pulls her sweater back down. Now her breasts are not supported by a bra, so they jiggle like crazy when she walks.</n3>
<img src="gif/SundayWalk/sunday1/milenaSunday3.webp" class=center width="55%">
<n3>You follow Milena for a while as she starts walking again and enjoy watching her big tits jiggle from different angles. You can tell she's horny. Her steps quickened and became sloppy.</n3>
<b><n1>(</n1> <a1> Pretty good! Very clean! And Lust alone, produced by Milena, was enough to cover what we used.</a1><n1>)</n1></b>
<b><a1>(</a1><n1> And it felt very nice. </n1><a1>)</a1></b>
<b><n1>(</n1> <a1> Yeah, she must feel the same way right now and we were able to handle it smoothly.</a1><n1>)</n1></b>
<b><a1>(</a1><n1> Were you... worried? </n1><a1>)</a1></b>
<b><n1>(</n1> <a1> There's no point in lying. I was a little worried. It doesn't make any sense, but I was. The truth is, we won't have a problem with our Lust level unless we do something extreme. Primitive succubuses can't produce Lust but, the extra energy our target will produce is enough to keep us from going critical state.
Even if that's not enough, I can deactivate and we can start producing Lust again. And these are not all of our options. </a1><n1>)</n1></b>
<n3> You don't quite understand why she's worried, but you don't intend to force it.
While talking to Sun, something catches your eye that doesn't fit into the overall landscape. It's a bit far away, but you can see it clearly.</n3>
<<linkreplace"What's that?">>\
<n3>A succubus covered in latex walks confidently, tossing her hair. Your eyes meet and she keeps moving forward, obviously unnoticed by others, like you. Her sunglasses attract your attention. A sight that makes you wonder what kind of rabbit hole you are up against.</n3>
<img src="gif/SundayWalk/sunday1/latexoutside1.webp" class=center width="48%">
<b><n1>(</n1> <a1> We still have a lot to discover. We won't get anywhere by making passers-by do little things. We have to learn and adapt. But there's no need to rush. Let's see what we can learn next Sunday. </a1><n1>)</n1></b>
<b><a1>(</a1><n1> You walk around for a while, chatting with Sun, and decide to go back to your room. </n1><a1>)</a1></b>
<b><e1>⚡️ Energy: -$energy</e1></b>
[[🚪 Return to your room|DormRoom]]
<<set $energy to 0 >>\
<<set $SundayNextWeek to 1>>\<n3>You arrive at the dining hall. You continue walking, a little confused.</n3>
<img src="img/places/dininghall1.jpg" class=center width="95%">
<n3>The Succubuses go to a pillar at one end of the dining hall and turn right. A little while later you reach the pillar and to your right, there is only a wall. </n3>
<img src="gif/SundayWalk/sunday2/hiddenwall1.jpg" class=center width="40%">
<b><a1>(</a1><n1> I think we lost them. </n1><a1>)</a1></b>
<b><n1>(</n1> <a1> There must be a door or a passage. Approach the wall and touch it. I think we can get through using Lust. </a1><n1>)</n1></b>
<n3>As soon as you touch the wall, your hand goes through it. It feels like a very dense liquid. You raise your other hand and go through it as if you were pushing the wall.</n3>
[[Continue|Sunday(2)3]]<n3>You enter a bright and spacious place. There are several corridors in front of you, and On the far left you see tow succubus you were following.</n3>
<img src="gif/SundayWalk/sunday2/latexcorridor2.webp" class=center width="45%">
<d>Succubus in Red:</d><b1> This way! Come on!</b1>
<n3>You don't get a chance to look around. A little reluctantly, you keep following.</n3>
<b><a1>(</a1><n1> Are you sure we're safe? </n1><a1>)</a1></b>
<b><n1>(</n1> <a1> You underestimate us too much. They are just following the instructions. </a1><n1>)</n1></b>
<n3>Towards the end of the corridor they stopped in front of a door. The distance between you gradually closes and finally you are side by side with two succubus. They don't seem to be powerful. </n3>
<d>Succubus in Red:</d><b1> You're one of us now. I was asked to show you this place if I run into you. Don't worry, you'll be under my protection. </b1>
<b><a1>(</a1><n1> Yeah, it's very comforting to hear that. Being escorted to a place where we might need protection. </n1><a1>)</a1></b>
<b><n1>(</n1> <a1> She seems to be waiting for an answer. </a1><n1>)</n1></b>
<b><d>$name:</d> <n1> Uh.. Umm.. Thank you! </n1></b>
<n3>The succubus in gray opens the door and you enter. </n3>
[[Continue|Sunday(2)4]]<n3>The moment you walk in, you see two succubus standing in front of you, completely covered in latex. They're both holding candles. Then you notice that their upper bodies are tightly bound. They don't move at all, but you can feel the intense Lust energy they emit as soon as you walk through the door.</n3>
<img src="gif/SundayWalk/sunday2/candleStand.jpg" class=center width="50%">
<d>Succubus in Red:</d><b1> They are coated with a mixture of paralyzing and stimulating latex. You can come across such things everywhere except the main dungeon. They change the mood so we can say they are quite useful. </b1>
<b><n1>(</n1> <a1> Mistress Trix used to talk about it. Provided that candidates are volunteers. </a1><n1>)</n1></b>
<b><d>$name:</d> <n1> What is this place exactly? </n1></b>
<d>Succubus in Red:</d><b1> Just a place to hang out. Let me show you around.</b1>
<n3> Someone is approaching you from your right. </n3>
<d>???:</d> <mi1> You've got someone new. Wanna hook up with me, babe? You won't regret it.</mi1>
<<linkreplace"Look to your right">>\
<n3> You look at the succubus slowly approaching you with a huge latex dildo dangling in front of her. Her full lips and big tits are striking. But what really catches your attention are her muscular legs. </n3>
<img src="gif/SundayWalk/sunday2/latexCristina.webp" class=center width="40%">
<d>Succubus in Red:</d><b1> Not now Cristina!</b1>
<d>Cristina:</d> <mi1> Why not?<n3> *With a naughty smile* </n3> You can join us if you want to. </mi1>
<d>Succubus in Red:</d><b1> She's boss' special guest.</b1>
<n3> Cristina's eyes widen and she takes a few steps back. In a trembling voice;</n3>
<d>Cristina:</d> <mi1> Uhh! Sorry! I'm sorry! Please continue as if nothing happened.</mi1>
<n3>You watch in amazement as the succubus, who was full of confidence 5 seconds ago, leaves with fear.</n3>
<b><n1>(</n1> <a1> See? We play in the big leagues. There are few succubuses that can threaten us. You've just seen what the impact of even the mention of one of them. We are walking on this path. </a1><n1>)</n1></b>
<b><a1>(</a1><n1> But we can't even cross barriers yet. </n1><a1>)</a1></b>
<b><n1>(</n1> <a1> That's a different matter. As our harmony increases, we will progress there as well. There are few things stronger than the ability to control other succubuses. </a1><n1>)</n1></b>
<d>Succubus in Red:</d><b1> Shall we continue?</b1>
<n3> You quickly snap out of it and clear your throat. </n3>
<b><d>$name:</d> <n1> Yes, please. </n1></b>
<d>Succubus in Red:</d><b1> As you may have noticed, there are many corridors outside. You have to be above a certain level to enter some of the passages. This is the common area. Everyone can enter... Well anyone with a stealth latex.</b1>
<b><a1>(</a1><n1> It's much more catchy than Scopophobic latex. Wait a second! I still remember. Perhaps it's not.</n1><a1>)</a1></b>
<n3> With her hand, pointing to the corner of the room; </n3>
<d>Succubus in Red:</d><b1> If you want something to drink, you can get it here. </b1>
<n3>You're looking at a succubus, again completely covered in latex. This time the latex is in a different form and seems to be held up by a chain. Two straps hanging from her neck hold a tray, and on the tray is a glass.</n3>
<img src="gif/SundayWalk/sunday2/latexslave2.jpg" class=center width="45%">
<n3>The succubus in red suddenly squints and turns quickly to the other end of the room and strides in that direction. Halfway through, she starts talking loudly;</n3>
<d>Succubus in Red:</d><b1> How many times do I have to say it? The beverage tray will be regularly checked and replaced. </b1>
<<linkreplace" Turn your head">>\
<n3>You see her approaching a succubus that is trying to dust a bookcase with a duster in its mouth. She suddenly flinches. </n3>
<img src="gif/SundayWalk/sunday2/latexmaid1.webp" class=center width="45%">
<d>Dusting Succubus:</d> <b1>But Mistress, it's not my turn. It's Vanessa's turn.</b1>
<n3>Her voice was a little muffled, but you understood what she said.</n3>
<d>Succubus in Red:</d><b1> Where is she? </b1>
<d>Dusting Succubus:</d> <b1>Probably in the bathroom.</b1>
<n3>She storms off to the bathroom and you follow gently behind her. You're a little curious about what's going to happen.</n3>
[[To the bathroom|Sunday(2)6]]
<</linkreplace>>\<n3> In the bathroom you see a succubus in a latex maid's outfit wiping the floor. Unlike the others, she's not completely covered in latex. </n3>
<video controls autoplay controls loop controls muted src="gif/SundayWalk/sunday2/latexmaid2.webm" width="900px" height="600px"></video>
<d>Succubus in Red:</d><b1> Vanessa, guess why I'm here! </b1>
<d>Vanessa:</d> <ange1>I- I don't know Mistress. </ange1>
<n3> After a deep sigh;</n3>
<d>Succubus in Red:</d><b1> Follow me. I'll tell you why. </b1>
<n3> Then she turns to you.</n3>
<d>Succubus in Red:</d><b1> I apologize for all the trouble. There's not much to tell here anyway. You're free to explore. The first corridor is usually busy on Sundays. I have a few things to take care of. Now, if you'll excuse me. </b1>
<n3> Then she leaves the room with Vanessa and the dusting succubus.</n3>
<b><a1>(</a1><n1> I think I can look around a bit more. </n1><a1>)</a1></b>
[[Go back|Sunday(2)7]]
<n3>You approach the candle-holding succubuses and begin to examine the room from afar. The lust they emanate makes you feel good.</n3>
<img src="gif/SundayWalk/sunday2/candleStand.jpg" class=center width="50%">
<<if $chair === 0>>\
<n3>Is there something wrong with that chair over there?</n3>
[[Examine the chair|chair]]
<<if $curtain === 0>>\
<n3>One side of the room is covered with a curtain and a mechanical sound comes from behind it.</n3>
[[Look behind the curtain.|curtain]]
<<if $suitcase === 0>>\
<n3>A big black suitcase is standing next to you.</n3>
[[Look what's inside|suitcase]]
[[🚪 Return to your room|DormRoom]]
<<if $chair === 1 and $curtain === 1 and $suitcase === 1>>
<<set $lust to 100>>\
<<set $SundayNextWeek to 1>>\
<n3>What you see from afar is indeed true. A succubus covered in latex is strapped to a relatively small chair. As you get closer, the Lust radiating from the chair intensifies.</n3>
<img src="gif/SundayWalk/sunday2/latexslave3.jpg" class=center width="47%">
<n3>A succubus sits in this chair while you wonder what the purpose of this is. It seems to be the same with candle holders.</n3>
<<set $chair to 1>>\
<n3> you slowly open the curtain and you see a treadmill with a succubus fully restrained. It is connected from above by two flexible springs, so even though her legs are tied, she somehow moves forward.</n3>
<img src="gif/SundayWalk/sunday2/training1.gif" class=center width="50%">
<n3>The moment she sees you, she starts swaying like crazy and trying to say something. You only hear meaningless mumbles, probably because there is a gag under her mask. For a moment you want to help but you don't want to get into trouble.</n3>
<<set $curtain to 1>>\<n3> As with almost everything here, an intense Lust energy emanates from this suitcase. </n3>
<b><a1>(</a1><n1> It can't be, right? It can't be that much? </n1><a1>)</a1></b>
<b><n1>(</n1> <a1> Open it and see. </a1><n1>)</n1></b>
<n3>You slowly unzip the suitcase and open it a bit. there's a succubus squeezed inside, covered in shiny latex.</n3>
<img src="gif/SundayWalk/sunday2/latexsuitcase1.jpg" class=center width="60%">
<n3> And you close it back. </n3>
<b><a1>(</a1><n1> I think that's enough for today. </n1><a1>)</a1></b>
<<set $suitcase to 1>>\
<n3>It's brighter inside than you remember. You didn't have a chance to examine it when you first stepped in. White light emanates from each corridor, but when you look inside you see that each one has a different theme. This white light must indicate barriers because the one on the far left has no white light.</n3>
<img src="gif/SundayWalk/sunday2/whitecorridors.webp" class=center>
<n3>You try your luck in the second corridor but you can't get through the barrier.</n3>
<b><a1>(</a1><n1> Looks like I'll be going to the same place. </n1><a1>)</a1></b>
<n3>You're taking the same path you took last week. As you walk, you see a lot of closed doors pass by and there's no sound from any of them. Suddenly Sun interrupts;</n3>
<b><n1>(</n1> <a1> Ahead, a door is ajar and I feel some Lust starting to build up. </a1><n1>)</n1></b>
<n3>You look ahead and there really is a door ajar.</n3>
<b><a1>(</a1><n1> I hope they don't mind if we take a look. </n1><a1>)</a1></b>
<n3>You approach the door and carefully peek inside.</n3>
[[Continue|Sunday(3)3]]<n3> There are two succubuses inside. Their fishnet stockings over latex leggings immediately catch your attention. They both look amazing. One has black hair, the other brownish auburn. </n3>
<video controls autoplay controls loop controls muted src="gif/SundayWalk/sunday3/latexlegs1.webm" width="900px" height="600px"></video>
<n3> They didn't notice you. </n3>
<b><n1>(</n1> <a1> Maybe they don't wear Scopophobia latex right now. </a1><n1>)</n1></b>
<n3> Based on this assumption, you sneak in. The door's open just enough for you to get through.</n3>
<video controls autoplay controls loop controls muted src="gif/SundayWalk/sunday3/latextease1.webm" width="900px" height="600px"></video>
<d>Black-haired Succubus:</d> <mi1>You're so beautiful, I can't get enough of you. </mi1>
<d>Auburn-haired Succubus:</d> <b1> Mmmhh... Me too...</b1>
<d>Black-haired Succubus:</d> <mi1>It's my turn . Let me take care of you. </mi1>
[[Continue|Sunday(3)4]]<n3>Your name is <<textbox "$name" Maya>></n3>
<h3><n3>If you are playing for the first time, I recommend not to skip the intro. Have fun!</n3></h3>
[[Before you start|Guide2]]
<<if $day == "Monday">>\
<<set $day = "Tuesday">>\
<<elseif $day == "Tuesday">>\
<<set $day = "Wednesday">>\
<<elseif $day == "Wednesday">>\
<<set $day = "Thursday">>\
<<elseif $day == "Thursday">>\
<<set $day = "Friday">>\
<<elseif $day == "Friday">>\
<<set $day = "Saturday">>\
<<elseif $day == "Saturday">>\
<<set $day = "Sunday">>\
<<elseif $day == "Sunday">>\
<<set $day = "Monday">>\
<<set $week to 1>>\
<<set $milenaCorruption += 1>>\<n3>On the way to your room, you feel something hit your chest.</n3>
<d>???:</d> <b><ale1>Fucking succbis! They can't even walk.</ale1></b>
<b><a1>(</a1><n1> What was that?</n1><a1>)</a1></b>
<n3>You look at your chest and see a creature slightly larger than a hornet.</n3>
[[Try to smash it|smash]]
[[Gently wait|wait]]
<h3><n3>You can increase your control in 3 ways;
<b1>- Spending time with Hitomi,
- By attending Milena's private lessons,
- And by exercising.</b1>
As your control increases, the places you can access on the main campus will increase. Currently only the Jupiter Dormitory is accessible.
To start Lucy content, you need to spend time with Hitomi in her room. For those who have played before, there is a skip to the required day button but it activates you go to the dungeon once.
To unlock Sunday walks, you need to have visited the Latex dungeon 1 time (and the day must be Sunday). For those who have played before or want to check out the new content, save files are available on the SAVES button on the left. And with the "Skip to Saturday" button you don't have to play the week in between.
For those who've played before, save files are available for the new added dungeon explorations.
For Brittany's duel;
<b1> - You must have at least 10 Control to enter the Jupiter Dormitory.
- You should have acquired your new symbol and spirit animal.</b1>
If there's no problem, you will see a message that you need to visit the Jupiter Dormitory while you are in your room.
For Halloween special photos;
<b1>- You need to be nice to Pixie, who you meet at the beginning of the game.</b1>
<b1>- You should have acquired your new symbol and spirit animal.</b1>(On your way to Brittany's duel, you'll see Alette.)
<d>Black-haired Succubus:</d> <mi1>I'll get you all ready. Lie down... I missed your taste. You remember how to address me, don't you? </mi1>
<d>Auburn-haired Succubus:</d> <b1> Yes Mistress!</b1>
<d>Black-haired Succubus:</d> <mi1> There you go my little bitch! You'll do whatever I say. Now lie down. </mi1>
<video controls autoplay controls loop controls muted src="gif/SundayWalk/sunday3/lezlick1.webm" width="900px" height="600px"></video>
<d>Black-haired Succubus:</d> <mi1>Yess! I crave this pussy! I'm gonna eat you until you beg me to stop.</mi1>
<d>Auburn-haired Succubus:</d> <b1> Please eat my worthless pussy, Mistress! Ahhh! Pl-Please!!</b1>
<b><a1>(</a1><n1> Hooohhh! Thats soo hot!.... I can't stand it.</n1><a1>)</a1></b>
<<linkreplace"Start masturbating">>\
<img src="gif/SundayWalk/sunday3/mast1.webp" class=center width="40%">
<n3> You move your hands to your pussy and slowly start masturbating. The sight you see is just beautiful. </n3>
<</linkreplace>>\<n3> This goes on for almost 10 minutes. </n3>
<d>Auburn-haired Succubus:</d> <b1> Mistress! Please!! Please fuck me!! Mmhhh! Nghh-I can't take it PLEASEE!!</b1>
<d>Black-haired Succubus:</d> <mi1>I love it when you beg. Okay, let's move on. </mi1>
<b><a1>(</a1><n1> Hollyy Shitt I-I'm Ssoo Wett! My hands are not enough.</n1><a1>)</a1></b>
<img src="gif/SundayWalk/sunday3/wet1.webp" class=center width="40%">
<n3> Black-haired succubus takes a slightly different dildo from the side. A strapless dildo. After inserting the top part into herself, she rubs the dildo with lube. </n3>
<d>Auburn-haired Succubus:</d> <b1> Please! Please! </b1>
<d>Black-haired Succubus:</d> <mi1> Please what ? </mi1>
<d>Auburn-haired Succubus:</d> <b1> Please Fuck me with that thick black latex dildo Mistress! Please! </b1>
<n3> Lubricated dildo finally goes in. </n3>
<video controls autoplay controls loop controls muted src="gif/SundayWalk/sunday3/lezfuck1.webm" width="900px" height="600px"></video>
<n3>You look around like a wild animal and see a dildo within your reach. After immediately grabbing it, you continue masturbating. Because of the moans, you can't even hear your thoughts.</n3>
<video controls autoplay controls loop controls muted src="gif/SundayWalk/sunday3/lezfuck3.webm" width="900px" height="600px"></video>
<d>Black-haired Succubus:</d> <mi1> Take that! Mmh! Mmh! Mmmhh! Moan, beg... Do whatever you want. Only what I want matters. You're just a slut... My slut!</mi1>
<d>Auburn-haired Succubus:</d> <b1> Ahhh!! MMmhh! Y-Yess! Mist-tress!! Sl-slut... I ammm!! </b1>
<n3>And you got faster and faster and closer to your orgasm. Then all of a sudden, the black-haired succubus turns her eyes on you. Right in your eyes. You didn't know what to do, but your hand holding the dildo didn't slow down a bit. You're too close to stop. Instinctively, you gestured with your hand so that she wouldn't reveal you.</n3>
<img src="gif/SundayWalk/sunday3/mast2.webp" class=center width="50%">
<d>Black-haired Succubus:</d> <mi1>Now I'm going to speed up and tell you when to cum. You're going to do exactly as I say. Do you understand? </mi1>
<d>Auburn-haired Succubus:</d> <b1> Yeaa-ahh! Mist-tress!! Please let mee cu--CCUUMM!! </b1>
<n3> You realize she said that to both of you. You nod and wait for command. You are in an incredibly intense flood of emotions. </n3>
<<linkreplace"She's accelerating">>\
<d>Black-haired Succubus:</d> <mi1> Get ready! You'll cum for me!</mi1>
<video controls autoplay controls loop controls muted src="gif/SundayWalk/sunday3/lezfuck2.webm" width="900px" height="600px"></video>
<d>Auburn-haired Succubus:</d> <b1> Haahh!! Mmmhh! Mmmh! Yess! </b1>
<d>Black-haired Succubus:</d> <mi1> Don't hold back! Cumm!! CUM NOW!! Ahhh!! Cum for mee!!</mi1>
<n3> You both cumming at the same time. You're screaming while having an incredibly intense orgasm. </n3>
<b><d>$name:</d> <n1> Ahhh!! I-I'm Cumming!!! Noo! Ohhh! Shaakking and cummingg! Too intensee Mmmmmhhh!! </n1></b>
<img src="gif/SundayWalk/sunday3/orgasm1.webp" class=center width="55%">
<<set $SundayNextWeek to 1>>\<n3> You catch your breath for a few minutes. Then the black-haired succubus gestures for you to leave. After lying gently on the panting succubus beneath her;</n3>
<d>Black-haired Succubus:</d> <mi1> Are you okay my love? I hope I didn't overdo it.</mi1>
<d>Auburn-haired Succubus:</d> <b1> No.. It was perfect! Thank you my love! </b1>
<n3> You quietly leave the room as they cuddle. </n3>
<b><a1>(</a1><n1> That was really something. In contradiction with your powers, sometimes I also like being submissve. It's nice to know that you give pleasure to the other person, but sometimes you just want to be on the other side. I still can't form proper sentence but you know...</n1><a1>)</a1></b>
<b><n1>(</n1> <a1> I know... It's okay. Role-playing is a very powerful tool. We are creatures who pursue pleasure and today we've achieved enough. </a1><n1>)</n1></b>
<h2><n3>(End of the content for Sunday Walks)</n3></h2>
<b><e1>⚡️ Energy: -$energy</e1></b>
<b><n1>💋 Lust: -$lust</n1></b>
[[🚪 Return to your room|DormRoom]]
<<set $energy to 0 >>\
<<set $lust to 0 >>\<n3> You're trying to crawl across the room but your whole body is shaking. You're only halfway there.</n3>
<b><d>$name:</d> <n1>Sun! Can't you do something? I can't even move. Mmhhh! Fuck!</n1></b>
<b><n1>(</n1> <a1> Okay! I'll give her total control and try to speak into her mind. </a1><n1>)</n1></b>
<n3> You hear an unknown voice in your mind. </n3>
<d>???:</d> <b1> Make me cum!Make me cum! Make me cum!Make me cum!Make me cum!Make me cum!Make me cum!Make me cum!Make me cum!Make me cum! MAKE ME CUM! JUST MAKE ME CUMMMM!</b1>
<b><n1>(</n1> <a1> We will! Let us move! Slow Down! WE WILL MAKE YOU CUM!!! </a1><n1>)</n1></b>
<n3> You turn your head with some relief. She really slowed down. At least you can move now.</n3>
<img src="gif/latex/latexvac/latexvac3.webp" class=center width="65%">
[[💋 Reach to vibrator|darkPassage3]]
[[❓ Try to break the connection again|darkPassage3.5]]
<<set $lust to 100>>\<n3> You pick up the vibrator and make your way to vacuum bed. </n3>
<b><d>$name:</d> <n1> Are you sure it'll work? We'll just increase her power. </n1></b>
<b><n1>(</n1> <a1> It doesn't matter much. We just need to distract her. She' s holding us hostage. </a1><n1>)</n1></b>
<b><d>$name:</d> <n1> Nnnghhh! So, what if she uses her lust against us again?... FUCK! </n1></b>
<b><n1>(</n1> <a1> It doesn't work that way. Imagine I'm handing her a rope and she's holding it tightly. Once we pull the rope, we are free because only we can create a rope. </a1><n1>)</n1></b>
<n3> You reach the bed while listening to Sun's parables. You turn on the vibrator and press it against the struggling succubus's pussy. </n3>
<img src="gif/latex/latexvac/latexvac4.webp" class=center width="45%">
<n3> Pleasure is unbearable and you feel like fainting. In the middle of an intense orgasm the connection between you and her breaks. After that you lie on the floor gasping for air. </n3>
<b><d>$name:</d> <n1> That was... intense and unexpected and kinda scary... </n1></b>
<b><n1>(</n1> <a1> This succubus wasn't ordinary. We can assume that the more latex around them, more potential they have. </a1><n1>)</n1></b>
<n3> Even though she tries to hide it, there is a clear disappointment in her voice. </n3>
<b><n1>(</n1> <a1> That was my fault. I thought I could handle it this time. We escaped only because you were able to remain conscious. </a1><n1>)</n1></b>
<n3> You lie there for a few minutes without answering her, while succubus next to you is still moaning loudly. </n3>
<n3> You're trying with all your strength to get out of the room. Even though you left the room, bond didn't break.</n3>
<b><a1>(</a1><n1> How much longer.. do... I... Ahhh </n1><a1>)</a1></b>
<n3> You keep on crawling away. </n3>
<b><n1>(</n1> <a1> A little more ... I'm trying, but she must've realized you're getting away... Almost there! </a1><n1>)</n1></b>
<n3> With sudden relief, you realize that, bond is broken. You are out of breath.</n3>
<b><d>$name:</d> <n1> Hahh! Hahh! Fuck! I caught completely off guard. </n1></b>
<b><n1>(</n1> <a1> Well... I'm sorry! A succubus, constantly exposed to such intense lust, could easily suppress me. </a1><n1>)</n1></b>
<n3> You get up from the floor, even though you can't catch your breath yet. Floor is too dirty for you to lie down. </n3>
[[⛓ Return|latexdungeon(1.5)]]<b><n1>(</n1> <a1> Here's the chance! </a1><n1>)</n1></b>
<img src="gif/latex/latexvac/telepathy1.gif" class=center width="45%">
<n3> You feel a pressure in your head and then a relief. You are out of breath.</n3>
<b><d>$name:</d> <n1> Hahh!Hahh! Fuck! I caught completely off guard. </n1></b>
<n3> Sun's voice is filled with disappointment. </n3>
<b><n1>(</n1> <a1> Well... I'm sorry! A succubus, constantly exposed to such intense lust, could easily suppress me. </a1><n1>)</n1></b>
<n3> You lie there for a few minutes without answering her, while succubus next to you is still moaning loudly. </n3>
[[🚪 Leave the room |latexdungeon(1.5)]]<n3>You crack the door wide enough to peek inside. You see two succubus on the bed. One succubus sits on the other's face and moans loudly. The bottom succubus has raised her legs and her feet are held by the other succubus. As the blonde succubus accelerates, swaying her hips, the brunette succubus grabs her ass with her hands, sticks her pussy in her mouth and they accelerate in harmony. They don't seem to notice you, but you leave without risking it.</n3>
<img src="gif/corridorPeek/facesitting1.webp" class=center width="47%">
<center><b><n1>💋 Lust: +20</n1></b></center>
<<if $lust lte 80>>\
<<set $lust += 20>>
<<if $lust gt 80>>\
<<set $lust to 100>>
<</if>>\<n3> The door's ajar and they don't seem to notice you. When you enter, you see two succubus arguing loudly and fingering each other. Before you know what they are arguing about, they notice you. </n3>
<img src="gif/corridorPeek/fingering1.webp" class=center width="57%">
<d>Angry&Horny Succubus:</d><b1> Hey! Can't you see we're discussing something here? Respect that and get out. </b1>
<n3> You walk out as the moaning gets louder and louder. You still don't know what they are arguing about. </n3>
<center><b><n1>💋 Lust: +20</n1></b></center>
<<if $lust lte 80>>\
<<set $lust += 20>>
<<if $lust gt 80>>\
<<set $lust to 100>>
<</if>>\<img src="img/places/dungeonforest1.jpg" class=center width="45%">
<n3>After putting on the cloak and necklace, you start following the yellow lights. Lucy said you could visit on Sundays too but you probably won't see her.
Your thoughts are interrupted by Sun;</n3>
<b><n1>(</n1> <a1> Lucy's not in the dungeon on Sundays. She must think we're ready. Well, At least for the parts we can access. If something goes wrong, there will be no one to save us.</a1><n1>)</n1></b>
<b><a1>(</a1><n1> Good to know, such a big relief. </n1><a1>)</a1></b>
<b><n1>(</n1> <a1> I wonder what we can do now. I couldn't use most of my powers and the ones I could use were very limited. It feels like trying to box with your arms tied. </a1><n1>)</n1></b>
<b><a1>(</a1><n1> You mean you have abilities that haven't been revealed yet? </n1><a1>)</a1></b>
<b><n1>(</n1> <a1> Yes, but there is a possibility that they may never show up. My guess is it's your turn now. </a1><n1>)</n1></b>
<b><a1>(</a1><n1> But my sign is Moon and I think it's one of the least interesting. It's just that our pussy is more sensitive... It's also rarer than the other signs.</n1><a1>)</a1></b>
<b><n1>(</n1> <a1> Isn't it obvious that it's a lie? </a1><n1>)</n1></b>
[[A lie ?|latexdungeonSundayPrep(2)]]
<b><n1>(</n1> <a1> Well... Not completely a lie but it's quite incomplete. </a1><n1>)</n1></b>
<b><a1>(</a1><n1> So what's the truth? What kind of powers do I have? </n1><a1>)</a1></b>
<b><n1>(</n1> <a1> Mistress Trix told me not to tell. If you know what it is, you may stress yourself out and never unleash your powers... I shouldn't have said that either. </a1><n1>)</n1></b>
<b><a1>(</a1><n1> I'm tired of getting incomplete information, but okay. </n1><a1>)</a1></b> <n3> "With a deep sigh." </n3>
<n3> When talking to Sun, you arrive at the secret door. This time the sun symbol is glowing as you approach.</n3>
<img src="img/places/secretentrance1.jpg" class=center width="45%">
[[Go inside|latexdungeonSunday(1)]]<img src="img/places/latexdungeon.jpg" class=center width="115%">
<n3>Chains and chandeliers are hanging from the ceiling. In the dungeon lit by hundreds of candles, you see countless gateways. There is a monument in the middle. The melted wax solidified as it hung over the edges. There are dozens of human figures on it.</n3>
<n3>You don't know what to do</n3>
[[Sun might have a suggestion|latexdungeonSunday(2)]] <b><n1>(</n1> <a1> There's no point in wandering aimlessly. We need to set a goal, something to consolidate our powers. </a1><n1>)</n1></b>
<b><a1>(</a1><n1> Hmm.... Such as? </n1><a1>)</a1></b>
<b><n1>(</n1> <a1> Such as.... We can trace a lust energy. Someone hard to find... Yes! Summer! </a1><n1>)</n1></b>
<b><a1>(</a1><n1> Even if we trace her Lust, we have seen that she is held in secret cells. How do we activate the entrance... Wait! Is it with my... </n1><a1>)</a1></b>
<b><n1>(</n1> <a1> No, not with your powers... Applying some Lust would be enough. It's pretty easy to get into those rooms from the outside. But... getting out is a very different story. </a1><n1>)</n1></b>
<n3> You think for a while and ask with a little frown. </n3>
<b><a1>(</a1><n1> So you're saying we're going to find a succubus, in a room that extremely difficult to escape, by following a lust trail? </n1><a1>)</a1></b>
<b><n1>(</n1> <a1> Yes, Those cells are not lust-proof. Quite the opposite, in fact. Now close your eyes and focus. Try to feel all the currents of lust. </a1><n1>)</n1></b>
<n3> Like Sun said, you close your eyes and focus. With each breath, you feel more and more strands of lust. </n3>
<b><n1>(</n1> <a1> Very good! I'm joining in now. It'll increase our precision and range. </a1><n1>)</n1></b>
<n3> After discarding the weak ones, you are left with three strong traces of lust. Feeling this much in complete control is not something you're used to.
You open your eyes and see a black wolf standing in front of you, breathing flames. Probably that's the reason you could trace lust so well.</n3>
<b><n1>(</n1> <a1> We have 3 solid candidates. More than I expected. There are two other rooms besides Summer's. And that's assuming she's in one of those three rooms.</a1><n1>)</n1></b>
<b><a1>(</a1><n1> I don't think three is too many. We're in a huge dungeon. </n1><a1>)</a1></b>
<b><n1>(</n1> <a1> We individually analyzed the Lust spread , which means that there are two more Summer-level succubuss within our range. And Lucy's not involved to that. </a1><n1>)</n1></b>
<b><a1>(</a1><n1> Ohh... I see. </n1><a1>)</a1></b>
[[Continue|latexdungeonSunday(3)]] <center><n3> You realize it's risky, but you don't intend to go back now.</n3></center>
<img src="img/places/latexcorridor1.jpg" class=center width="42%">
<<if $whitelight === 0>>\
<n3> You feel a strong lust energy coming from your right. You can easily notice that it's much more intense than the other two. It's like being wrapped in a blanket on a cold day. A very gentle and accepting aura. You can't limit it to one color. Maybe light blue, a little pink? Maybe more like white... </n3>
<center>[[Follow the Lust on your right|Unknown1]]</center>
<<if $madalyn === 0>>\
<n3> You feel a strong lust energy coming from your behind. It's much more aggressive than the energy coming from your left. Focusing on this energy makes you feel uncomfortable. If you were to assign a color, it would be dark purple.</n3>
<center>[[Follow the Lust on your behind|madalyn1]]</center>
<<if $candle === 0>>\
<n3>You feel a strong lust energy coming from your left side. Although it feels very powerful, it is not aggressive or vicious. You could say it's neat and neutral. If you were to assign a color, it would be light pink. </n3>
<<if $summerwarning === 0>>\
<center>[[Follow the Lust on your left|SummerCaptive1]]</center>
<center>[[Follow the Lust on your left|SummerCaptive1.5]]</center>
<</if>>\<n3> You're starting to follow the lust energy coming from your left. If one of the three is Summer, it must be this energy. You couldn't sense lust energies like this before. Could it have something to do with your spirit animal? </n3>
<b><a1>(</a1><n1> Sun, I know so little about spirit animals, what difference does it make which animal it is? </n1><a1>)</a1></b>
<b><n1>(</n1> <a1> According to ancient sources, it is a power that determines your characteristics, strengths and weaknesses. It's also said to seal its fate, but that's true of very few succubus.</a1><n1>)</n1></b>
<b><a1>(</a1><n1> We were always told that it doesn't matter which animal you have. </n1><a1>)</a1></b>
<b><n1>(</n1> <a1> Well... not wrong. Potential of this power is not yet known. We can assume they're predisposed to the traits symbolised by that animal. But you don't have to possess every element. Also how you can use them is unique to each succubus. </a1><n1>)</n1></b>
<b><a1>(</a1><n1> I see... Another thing we'll learn more about over time. </n1><a1>)</a1></b>
<b><n1>(</n1> <a1> Exactly! </a1><n1>)</n1></b>
<n3> You can feel the source is getting closer and closer. You stop walking and look to your left. </n3>
<<linkreplace "Continue " >>\
<b><n3>If you continue, you won't be able to return back. If you haven't looked in other directions, this is your last chance.</n3></b>
<<set $summerwarning to 1>>\<n3> You follow the intense lust to its source. In this section, the doors are barred and it's dead silent. You look at the door, while questioning your choice. </n3>
<img src="img/places/cellardoor1.jpg" class=center width="50%">
[[Approach the door|madalyn2]]
[[Go back|latexdungeonSunday(3)]]<n3> You start to follow the calming but dominant energy. It's very easy to follow. You can almost see it right in front of you. As you get closer, other colors lose their dominance and you realise that it is all white.</n3>
<img src="img/places/lightcorridor.jpg" class=center width="42%">
<n3> Sun mutters to herself as you walk. </n3>
<b><a1>(</a1><n1> Something's wrong? </n1><a1>)</a1></b>
<b><n1>(</n1> <a1> This energy is... so familiar... but who is it? </a1><n1>)</n1></b>
<b><a1>(</a1><n1> A primitive succubus? </n1><a1>)</a1></b>
<b><n1>(</n1> <a1> Most likely, yes. </a1><n1>)</n1></b>
<b><a1>(</a1><n1> Someone friendly? </n1><a1>)</a1></b>
<b><n1>(</n1> <a1> I'm not sure. </a1><n1>)</n1></b>
<n3> A restlessness is building up inside you. It's like you can't remember something no matter how much you try.</n3>
<b><n1>(</n1> <a1> Only a small part of it is familiar. Deep down... just like.... umm like who ?? </a1><n1>)</n1></b>
<b><a1>(</a1><n1> It's okay, we're getting close. We'll find out who she...</n1><a1>)</a1></b>
<<linkreplace"You bump into something.">>\
<n3> Before you can finish, you hit the barrier and almost fall. </n3>
<b><d>$name:</d> <n1> Ahh! Come onn!! It' s only been two minutes. We've gone much deeper than that.</n1></b>
<b><n1>(</n1> <a1> Barrier difficulty is not the same in every zone. We've hardly felt any weak energy in this direction. A few averages and this huge white energy. </a1><n1>)</n1></b>
<n3> You look at the barrier in disappointment. You were intrigued by this energy. Then Sun's words aroused your curiosity even further.</n3>
<b><a1>(</a1><n1> Soo... What now ? </n1><a1>)</a1></b>
<b><n1>(</n1> <a1> We have no choice but to return. Maybe we're not destined to meet now. </a1><n1>)</n1></b>
<<set $whitelight to 1>>\
<</linkreplace>>\<n3> As you approach the door, you try to see how to open it. There doesn't seem to be a handle. As you get closer, a mechanical sound gets louder and louder and you realise it's coming from your front. The door has opened all the way upwards and you can enter. </n3>
<<linkreplace"Step inside">>\
<n3> It's dark and gloomy inside. There are numerous torture devices inside, but they don't seem to be in use for a long time. As you look around, you hear a loud commanding voice.</n3>
<img src="img/places/latexcellar1.jpg" class=center width="42%">
<d>???:</d><b1> Now girls!</b1>
<n3> You hear a few rattling noises and quick steps. Then you are wrapped on both sides. As the two succubus hold you, you feel something being attached to your body. Everything happened so fast. You fall to your knees as your legs and arms become numb. You feel like you've hit your head. Is there someone in front of you? You squint and try to see...</n3>
<n3>A succubus with a mouth gag. When you lower your eyes a little, you see a huge black strap-on dangling between her legs.</n3>
<center><video controls autoplay controls loop controls muted src="gif/latex/madalyn/gag1.mp4" width="800px" height="500px"></video></center>
<b><a1>(</a1><n1> Sun??! Where are you?!! What's happening??!? </n1><a1>)</a1></b>
<n3> But there's no answer. You're trying to focus and gather your strength, but you just can't do it. </n3>
[[Your mouth is gagged|madalyn3]]
<</linkreplace>>\<n3>The numbness is starting to wear off. But you feel warm, your breathing becomes more heavy. </n3>
<n3>The succubus who gagged you, gets closer and starts kissing you. </n3>
<d>???:</d><b1> Mmmhhh! Tasty!</b1>
<center><video controls autoplay controls loop controls muted src="gif/latex/madalyn/gagkiss1.webm" width="800px" height="500px"></video></center>
<d>???:</d><b1> Can you move, huh? Try it!</b1>
<n3>You're slowly getting up and that succubus helps you up. She' s a lot nicer than you'd expect.</n3>
<d>???:</d><b1> Good job! I need to make sure you behave properly before I introduce you to my Mistress.
First rule; Don't speak unless we say so. Not even a sound.</b1>
<n3>Suddenly she gets startled and moves even closer to you. </n3>
<d>???:</d> <b1> What did you say? What was that?</b1>
<n3>You didn't even make a sound. Succubus continues to ask the same things, increasingly annoyed.</n3>
<d>???:</d> <b1>So you're a rebellious one, huh? You don't deserve my Mistress. I'll take care of you. In fact, I'll give you your first lesson right now.</b1>
<n3> Suddenly she puts her hand on your pussy and starts rubbing it vigorously. </n3>
<img src="gif/latex/madalyn/latexpussy1.webp" class=center width="60%">
<n3> With the stimulant latex, you'll hit the edge pretty quickly. You're gonna be with me for a long time. Until there's nothing left in you.</n3>
<d>???:</d> <b1> After that, I'll pass you on to someone beneath me. By then, I'll probably replace Lucy and take control of this academy.</b1>
<n3> As the days pass, you lose your identity. You just want pleasure and serve your Mistress.</n3>
<img src="gif/latex/madalyn/strapon1.webp" class=center width="60%">
<d>???:</d> <b1>I'll treat my first slave with special care. You'll get addicted to me. Slave I can't hear you! </b1>
<b><d>$name:</d> <n1> Yes Mistress! Thank you Mistress! </n1></b>
<img src="gif/latex/madalyn/strapon2.webp" class=center width="50%">
<n3>You went through hours of intense training every day. As time passed, you realised your own worth.</n3>
<n3> Suddenly you find yourself in front of the door you just entered. Or was it days, weeks ago?</n3>
<img src="img/places/cellardoor1.jpg" class=center width="50%">
<b><a1>(</a1><n1> What the FUCK! Sun?? Wher-WHa like WHAT? </n1><a1>)</a1></b>
<b><n1>(</n1> <a1> What what ? </a1><n1>)</n1></b>
<b><a1>(</a1><n1> What do you mean? We've already walked through that door. And we were ambushed and I became a slave and you weren't there! Where were you, by the way? And then my kidnapper became the new headmistress. And then pleasure, lots of pleas- </n1><a1>)</a1></b>
<n3> Sun intervenes</n3>
<b><n1>(</n1> <a1> Looks like it's started. </a1><n1>)</n1></b>
<n3>She continues while you catch your breath. </n3>
<b><n1>(</n1> <a1> Your powers! It's starting to reveal itself. I didn't expect it to happen so soon. Let me explain briefly what's happened.</a1><n1>)</n1></b>
<b><n1>(</n1> <a1> As the door was opening, I entered a weak succubus's mind. She was planning to ambush us. Once I found that out, I moved on to the others. Only one of them was fantasising about an ambush. In reality, there was no such threat. </a1><n1>)</n1></b>
<b><n1>(</n1> <a1> But you must have come with me into the mind of the first succubus. And you didn't know how to get out. You were trapped in there for a while. How long did you spend in there? </a1><n1>)</n1></b>
<b><a1>(</a1><n1> I don't know, it could be 3 weeks or... 6 months?</n1><a1>)</a1></b>
<b><n1>(</n1> <a1> Ohh! You must have come to the end of her fantasy. At first it provides you a lot of useful information, but it gets a little ridiculous as you continue.</a1><n1>)</n1></b>
<b><a1>(</a1><n1> Yeah, but it was like... real. Wait! So I have the same powers as you?</n1><a1>)</a1></b>
<n3> There's a pause after your question. </n3>
<b><n1>(</n1> <a1> No! Don't you realise? You're a copycat. </a1><n1>)</n1></b>
<n3>You think a bit. </n3>
<b><a1>(</a1><n1> This is the first time such a thing has happened, how can I realise it? </n1><a1>)</a1></b>
<n3> There is a short silence again. </n3>
<b><n1>(</n1> <a1> I mean... right, we can say that your guess was reasonable. </a1><n1>)</n1></b>
<n3>Exhaling deeply, you bow your head in frustration.</n3>
<b><a1>(</a1><n1> Again, a whole new concept I don't know about. And it's about me. </n1><a1>)</a1></b>
<b><n1>(</n1> <a1> Don't worry, you'll have plenty of opportunities to master it. </a1><n1>)</n1></b>
<b><n1>(</n1> <a1> By the way, it's safe for us inside. Do you still want to enter? Door has opened and we've been standing in front of it for a while.</a1><n1>)</n1></b>
<center>[[ 🚪 Go in|madalyn7]]</center>
<center>[[ ⛓️ I've Had Enough|latexdungeonSunday(3)]]</center>
<<set $madalyn to 1>>\<img src="gif/latex/madalyn/bondageheel1.webp" class=center width="60%">
<n3> You've realised you're worth nothing. You never had any contact with Sun after that day. Maybe you were making it all up. It's your destiny to be tied up here from the beginning. You don't know how long it's been since your perception of time left you. </n3>
<d>???:</d> <b1> Slave, I've got something new for you today. </b1>
<b><d>$name:</d> <n1> Thank you Mistress! </n1></b>
<d>???:</d> <b1> You were troublesome when I first took you in, but you've come good. </b1>
<img src="gif/latex/madalyn/bondage1.webp" class=center width="60%">
<d>???:</d> <b1> You don't even need stimulant latex anymore. And I managed to become headmistress of the Academy.</b1>
<n3>She gets emotional. </n3>
<d>???:</d> <b1> You've been with me since the beginning of my journey. You were always my most precious slave. Thank you, $name. </b1>
<<linkreplace"GAME OVER">>\
<n3>You lived in pleasure with the new and most powerful headmistress of Umesatraa Academy and became her head slave. You still don't know her name....</n3>
<img src="gif/latex/madalyn/gameover.webp" class=center width="60%">
[[Game Over???|madalyn6]]
<n3> inside, it's just like what you saw in your mind journey. </n3>
<img src="img/places/latexcellar1.jpg" class=center width="42%">
<n3> You start looking around. </n3>
<img src="gif/latex/madalyn/latexbondage1.webp" class=center width="45%">
<b><a1>(</a1><n1> I don't think she's in a position to fantasize about us. </n1><a1>)</a1></b>
<<linkreplace"Look in another direction">>\
<img src="gif/latex/madalyn/latexbondage2.webp" class=center width="65%">
<b><a1>(</a1><n1> It's more likely to be her, but I don't think so. She's in her own world. </n1><a1>)</a1></b>
[[You hear a little moan|madalyn8]]
<</linkreplace>>\<n3>You crack the door wide enough to peek inside. There are two succubuses in there, one fingering the other. The fingered succubus sits at her desk and is leaned against the wall by the other succubus. As they are both focused, both looking at the event taking place, you realize how harmonious they are. Their Lust energies are literally one and they are in a bond that they don't even need to speak. The energy that radiates makes you as peaceful as it turns you on. You don't want to distract them.</n3>
<img src="gif/corridorPeek/fingering2.webp" class=center width="50%">
<center><b><n1>💋 Lust: +20</n1></b></center>
<<if $lust lte 80>>\
<<set $lust += 20>>
<<if $lust gt 80>>\
<<set $lust to 100>>
<</if>>\<n3> There doesn't appear to be a door or a room, but you've seen the kind of rooms Summer was kept in before. Summer should be in the secret room on your left.</n3>
<img src="img/places/dungeoncorridor1.jpg" class=center width="43%">
<b><a1>(</a1><n1> How are we going to see inside? </n1><a1>)</a1></b>
<b><n1>(</n1> <a1> We'll apply some lust towards the wall. It should be enough.</a1><n1>)</n1></b>
<n3> You raise your hand towards the wall, trying to gather some Lust energy. Wall reacts immediately and begins to turn transparent.</n3>
<<linkreplace"There's someone inside">>\
<n3> Inside, you see Summer tied up real tight. Her tits are tightened with a belt and there are two candles burning on her nipples. She calmly looks at the candles and seems to be trying to blow them out. But because her mouth is fully closed, she cannot make any progress. Yet you don't sense any excitement or panic.</n3>
<img src="gif/summer/summer1/summercandle0.webp" class=center width="52%">
<b><a1>(</a1><n1> Should we help her? </n1><a1>)</a1></b>
<b><n1>(</n1> <a1> Lucy said she could get out of this dungeon whenever she want... So I don't think she needs our help. </a1><n1>)</n1></b>
<b><a1>(</a1><n1> How can she get herself out of this situation? </n1><a1>)</a1></b>
<b><n1>(</n1> <a1> We heard that she can manipulate latex but I don't know exactly. By the way, I don't see any door.</a1><n1>)</n1></b>
<b><a1>(</a1><n1> Why would we go in? Didn't we test if we could track her Lust energy? </n1><a1>)</a1></b>
<b><n1>(</n1> <a1> We've come this far, we can go a bit further. I will take a look at her brain for a way in but she'll probably sense me.</a1><n1>)</n1></b>
<n3>By following the Lust energy, you arrive at what you think is its source.</n3>
<<linkreplace "Continue " >>\
<b><n3>If you continue, you won't be able to return back. If you haven't looked in other directions, this is your last chance.</n3></b>
<</linkreplace>>\<img src="img/places/mirror1.jpg" class=center width="55%">
<center>[[Check Out Your Tits|checkTits]]
[[Check Out Your Sign|checkSign]]
[[🛁 Return|Bathroom]]</center>
<n3> The sign on your arm heats up and some scenes flash in your mind. Looks like you're gonna find out about Summer's adventure that led to this end. </n3>
<n3>You see Summer, naked and tied up, surrounded by four Succubus. They look mean and ready some action.</n3>
<img src="gif/summer/summer1/summer1.webp" class=center width="79%">
<b1>Look, girls! The famous Mistress Summer! The most ruthless Succubus of our era. The famous Mistress Summer! I haven't forgotten what you did to me because I didn't call you Mistress once, you bitch! </b1> <i><n3>"Shouts the tall succubus pulling Summer's hair" </n3></i>
<b1>Turn her over!</b1><i><n3> "As the Succubusses around her giggle and talk, tall Succubus gives a command"</n3></i>
<img src="gif/summer/summer1/summer2.webp" class=center width="79%">
<b1> Let's start slow, shall we? You remember this latex paddle, right?</b1>
<n3> Even though she lightly strikes, Summer screams in pain. The tall succubus laughs in delight.</n3>
<b1> Yeah, that's your signature latex. Can you feel your pain receptors being stimulated? With the latex you invented, you will get punished. Let's move on to the next phase.</b1>
<n3> They turn Summer on her back and start beating her tits, then her pussy. She continues to writhe in pain but doesn't try to stop them. When she lunges forward in pain, blonde succubus grabs Summer by the throat and restrains her.</n3>
<img src="gif/summer/summer1/summer3.webp" class=center width="79%">
<hi1> Hahaha! You're not going anywhere! The more you struggle, harder your punishment will be! Leave it to me! I hate her tits!</hi1>
<n3> While the other two Succubus hold Summer in place, blonde succubus in the red bandana starts beating Summer's tits. </n3>
<hi1> Fuck you! Fuck your big tits! How many Succubus have you tortured with these tits? I'm gonna make it all pay, you Jupiter cow! </hi1><n3> She screams with fury as she repeatedly beats the huge pair of tits in front of her.</n3>
<img src="gif/summer/summer1/summer4.webp" class=center width="65%">
<n3>Summer tries to scream, but her mouth is violently blocked. Succubus with the red bandana shifts her attention to her bottom.</n3>
<hi1> Take it! Take it! Take it!!!</hi1> <n3>Each stroke is harder than the last. </n3>
<img src="gif/summer/summer1/summer5.webp" class=center width="65%">
<n3> Summer tries to say something, but her mouth is still blocked. </n3>
<b><d>Summer:</d> <summer1> Fukhck mee alrghedy u cowrd biccth!!!
<hi1>Ohh! Such audacity!! That's for us to decide! Just stand still and be quiet! </hi1>
<n3>Succubus with the white bandana interrupts. </n3>
<a1> It's my turn! We have to prepare her well before a good fuck. </a1><n3> She is holding a long red whip. </n3>
[[Continue whipping her|SummerCaptive5]]<n3> As you wait for the rest, scene begins to fade.</n3>
<center><patreon><h2> *Patreon-Only Content* </h2></patreon></center>
<n3> Suddenly you snap out of it and the room Summer is in starts to fill with a gray mist. You notice bright blue lines in this fog. This blue light is getting faster and faster and the shade of the fog is getting lighter. As you try to figure out what it is, a shadow passes in front of you. It must be a creature, but it was so fast you couldn't distinguish it. A few more times you try to follow it with your eyes and you realize what it is. A black cat with blue glowing eyes!</n3>
<img src="img/summer/sign/blackcat1.jpg" class=center>
<b><n3>Art by</n3></b> <a target="_blank" href="https://www.deviantart.com/apofiss">Apofiss </a>
<n3> Eventually fog starts to disappear and you look inside.</n3>
<<linkreplace"Try to see what's going on inside">>\
<n3>Inside, you see Summer sitting calmly. After she' s completely free, she turns her gaze to you. Then she points with her eyes to the door on your right. That's when you realize that a door has appeared.
<img src="gif/summer/summer1/summerfree1.webp" class=center width="60%">
She clearly wants you to come in.</n3>
[[Enter the room|SummerCaptive6]]
<n3> You walk in and Summer starts talking in a serious voice.</n3>
<b><d>Summer:</d> <summer1> I remember you. I saw you with Mistress Lucy a few weeks ago. </summer1></b>
<b><d>$name:</d> <n1> Yes, I've seen... </n1></b>
<n3> You're interrupted before you can finish. </n3>
<b><d>Summer:</d> <summer1> What were you doing in my head? </summer1></b>
<b><d>$name:</d> <n1> Well... Actually... </n1></b>
<<linkreplace"You're interrupted again">>\
<img src="img/summer/summerannoyed1.jpg" class=center width="60%">
<b><d>Summer:</d> <summer1> I'm not talking to you, newbie! What were you doing in my head, you smart-ass? </summer1></b><n3> "With an annoyed expression" </n3>
<n3> Without waiting for an answer, she starts muttering to herself. </n3>
<b><d>Summer:</d> <i><summer1> You want me to show her? Are you sure?... Look, don't bitch about it afterwards... Okay, then.</summer1></i></b>
<n3> After she finishes speaking, she extends her left arm towards you. There's a sun sign with pointy edges in the center of her hand.</n3>
<img src="img/summer/sign/summersign1.jpg" class=center width="35%">
<b><a1>(</a1><n1> She has it too. </n1><a1>)</a1></b>
<b><n1>(</n1> <a1> I didn't expect this. I can't feel the other succubus' energy. </a1><n1>)</n1></b>
<</linkreplace>>\<<if $summerquestion1 === 0 and $summerquestion2 === 0 and $summerquestion3 === 0 and $summerquestion4 === 0>>\
<n3> After a while she closes her hand and pulls it back. </n3>
<b><d>Summer:</d> <summer1> Whatever, I'll let it slide this time. Don't you dare invade my mind again! </summer1></b>
<n3> She starts talking to herself again. </n3>
<b><d>Summer:</d> <i><summer1> What do you mean, be respectful to her?!.... I don't give a damn who she is!.... Whatever!</summer1></i></b>
<n3> Sun intervenes in the end. </n3>
<b><n1>(</n1> <a1> I apologize for intruding into your mind. I would like to talk to the other succubus. I can't feel her presence. </a1><n1>)</n1></b>
<b><d>Summer:</d> <summer1> Yes, she' s a bit shy... and weird. </summer1></b><n3> "Raising her hands to her sides" </n3>
<b><n1>(</n1> <a1> So I can talk to her? </a1><n1>)</n1></b>
<n3> After a short silence; </n3>
<b><d>Summer:</d> <summer1> She doesn't want to. She says she's changed her mind.... Then why did you tell me you have to talk to her immediately?</summer1></b>
<n3> You just stand there while things get more and more awkward. </n3>
<b><d>Summer:</d> <summer1> She just wants to thank you. </summer1></b>
<b><n1>(</n1> <a1> What for? </a1><n1>)</n1></b>
<b><d>Summer:</d> <summer1> You don't need to know... at least for now, she says. </summer1></b>
<b><n1>(</n1> <a1> I see... Then can I ask you a few questions... Mistress?</a1><n1>)</n1></b>
<b><d>Summer:</d> <summer1> Drop the Mistress! I don't care about such things anymore. Yes! you can ask.</summer1></b> <n3>" Waving her hand recklessly"</n3>
<<if $summerquestion1 === 0>>\
[[❓ How did you get out of those binds?|Squestion1]]
<<if $summerquestion2 === 0>>\
[[❓ Does Mistress Lucy know about her?|Squestion2]]
<<if $summerquestion3 === 0>>\
[[❓ One of your spirit animals is a cat. What's the other one?|Squestion3]]
<<if $summerquestion4 === 0>>\
[[❓ When did you meet her?|Squestion4]]
[[That's all my questions.|SummerCaptive8]]
<b><d>Summer:</d> <summer1> You don't need to know!.... <i>What do you mean, it's okay? </i></summer1></b>
<n3> She tosses her head back and takes a deep breath. </n3>
<b><d>Summer:</d> <summer1> With this know-it-all, what we produce is not lust... She calls it <i>anti-lust.</i> Like, get in my head right now. </summer1></b>
<n3> Your arm is warming up, but there's no result. You try until a silhouette of a wolf appears next to you, but to no avail. </n3>
<b><d>Summer:</d> <summer1> See? Try as many times as you want. As long as I can produce anti-lust, I'm immune to your techniques. </summer1></b>
<n3> She picks up one of the ropes on the ground </n3>
<b><d>Summer:</d> <summer1> And every object used here has a little bit of lust energy in it. Especially the object touched by another succubus is filled with lust energy. Of course, the majority don't even realize it. I'm speaking for my own senses.... Tie my hands.</summer1></b>
<n3> She's handing you the rope and you tie her hands like she said. </n3>
<b><d>Summer:</d> <summer1> You knot like a child. You could have tied a little stronger knot.... Whatever. </summer1></b>
<n3> You see that the knot unties itself and the rope falls back to the ground. She tilts her head slightly. </n3>
<img src="img/summer/summerannoyed2.jpg" class=center width="55%">
<b><d>Summer:</d> <summer1> Of course, this is between you and me. Don't underestimate my connections. If you squeal somewhere, I'll know sooner or later.</summer1></b>
<b><n1>(</n1> <a1> Yes, of course! </a1><n1>)</n1></b>
<b><d>Summer:</d> <summer1> Good! </summer1></b>
<<set $summerquestion1 to 1>>\
<n3>She looks at you with glazed eyes.</n3>
<img src="img/summer/summerannoyed3.jpg" class=center width="55%">
<b><d>Summer:</d> <summer1> No, and I want to keep it that way. </summer1></b>
<b><n1>(</n1> <a1> I understand! </a1><n1>)</n1></b>
<b><d>Summer:</d> <summer1> Good! </summer1></b>
<<set $summerquestion2 to 1>>\
<b><n1>(</n1> <a1> Well then, thank you for your time. </a1><n1>)</n1>
<n3> Summer shouts at you as you start to make your way towards the exit. </n3>
<b><d>Summer:</d> <summer1> Hey, rookie! You think I'm gonna let you walk away like nothing happened? I untied myself because of you!</summer1></b>
<n3> You turn your head and see Summer holding onto a rope hanging from the ceiling while looking at you with lustful eyes. She's already tied her tits up.</n3>
<img src="img/summer/summertied0.jpg" class=center width="52%">
<b><d>Summer:</d> <summer1> Give me a hand so I can have some more fun. </summer1></b>
<n3> She picks up a long, sturdy bamboo stick from the corner of the room and walks towards you. </n3>
<b><d>Summer:</d> <summer1> Tie me to that! </summer1></b>
<n3> She turns around and extends her arms towards you. </n3>
<b><d>Summer:</d> <summer1> I've wasted enough time, hurry up! </summer1></b>
<<linkreplace"Tie her up to the bamboo stick">>\
<n3> You tie Summer tightly to the stick by her wrists and upper arm. After being tied up, she tries to untie the bindings by contracting her arms. Then she looks at you with mild surprise.</n3>
<img src="img/summer/summertied1.jpg" class=center width="52%">
<b><d>Summer:</d> <summer1> Not bad! Not bad at all. Now hang me!</summer1></b>
<b><d>$name:</d> <n1> Hang you? </n1></b>
<n3> She walks to the rope hanging from the ceiling and points to the hook at the end. </n3>
<b><d>Summer:</d> <summer1> Yeah, attach this hook between my breasts. Then pull me up! </summer1></b>
<n3> She tilts her head, smiles slightly and mutters something in a low voice. You can't hear what she's saying. </n3>
<b><summer1> <font size="2"><i>I know, Mathilda! I'm excited too. Sshh! I'm trying to hide it.</i> </font> </summer1></b>
<b><d>Summer:</d> <summer1> Do I need to repeat myself? Get moving, chop chop!</summer1></b>
[[Do what she says|SummerCaptive9]]
<b><d>Summer:</d> <summer1> Why do you want to know that? </summer1></b>
<n3> A shadow forms on Summer's shoulder. It's the black cat you saw earlier. </n3>
<b><d>Summer:</d> <summer1> We both have a cat as our spirit animal. But her cat is a bit different.</summer1></b>
<n3> Sitting calmly on Summer's shoulder, half of the cat's face fades at first. Then it overflows from her face and becomes a shadow moves like a flame. Its eyes and mouth glow a light blue and become a bit eerie. Then it completely disappears.</n3>
<img src="img/summer/sign/blackcat2.jpg" class=center width="45%"><b><n3>Art by</n3></b> <a target="_blank" href="https://www.deviantart.com/shatterwing123">Shatterwing123 </a>
<b><d>Summer:</d> <summer1> You learned this and what changed in your life? </summer1></b>
<n3> She looks a little bored. </n3>
<<set $summerquestion3 to 1>>\
<n3> After some effort, you raise Summer high enough and secure the rope with a knot. </n3>
<img src="img/summer/summertied2.jpg" class=center width="52%">
<b><d>Summer:</d> <summer1> Good job! I might let you do something to me in the future. You're too naive yet. Now leave me alone! </summer1></b><b><summer1> <font size="2"><i>Hahaha! We'll stay like this for hours.... No, don't worry! We'll run away before our punishment time and get caught by someone else.</i> </font></summer1></b>
<h2><n3>(End of the content for Latex Dungeon)</n3></h2>
[[Leave the Dungeon|nunEncounter1]]
<<set $energy to 0 >>\
<<set $dungeoncounter += 1>>\
<n3> Someone is dancing naked, jumping up and down. You look behind the window and realize it's Brittany. The view is a bit blurry because glass is dirty. Yet you can easily recognize those huge tits of hers. As Brittany dances, a crowd gathers around her and starts to watch her. You too go out and join the growing crowd.</n3>
<img src="gif/brittany/brittanyoutside1.webp" class=center>
<b><d>Brittany:</d> <b1> Haahh! Hahaha! Isn't it a great day? It's a little cloudy, but maybe if we all dance enough, sun might shine to us! Wuuhuuu!! </b1></b>
<n3> A festive atmosphere is beginning to develop in the whole yard. Jupiters take off their clothes and start dancing, joining Brittany and jumping like crazy. As this festive mood continues, a high voice is heard from the left side.</n3>
<b><d>???:</d></b> <lucie> Disgrace! An unacceptable disappointment!</lucie>
<n3> This was heard by everyone and all eyes turned towards it. </n3>
<<linkreplace"Turn your head" t8n>>\
<n3> You turn your head and see a succubus in a sexy dress. She looks pleased to be getting all the attention. She smiles in a sly and slightly disturbing way.</n3>
<img src="gif/lucie/lucie1.jpg" class=center width="54%">
<b><d>???:</d></b> <lucie> The Headmistress of the Great Jupiter cannot behave like this! </lucie>
<n3> It gets quiet and all eyes are on Brittany. She calmly puts on some clothes.</n3>
[[ Continue|BritsDuel2]]
<<set $duel to 1>>\
<n3> Brittany approaches the succubus and starts talking with confidence. </n3>
<img src="img/brittany/brittany1.webp" class=center width="42%">
<b><d>Brittany:</d> <b1> What do you mean, Lucie? </b1></b>
<n3> It's the first time you've seen her this serious. Lucie responds with fake sincerity.</n3>
<b><d>Lucie:</d></b> <lucie> Please don't get me wrong my Mistress. I am only expressing my ideas for the present and future of our Great Jupiter. </lucie>
<b><d>Brittany:</d> <b1> Let's hear your ideas then. </b1></b> <n3> "Slowly tilts her head to one side" </n3>
<n3> Lucie stands up and starts talking with excitement towards the crowd. </n3>
<b><d>Lucie:</d></b> <lucie> As you know Jupiter is the most popular dormitory and this is increasing day by day. I'm very glad about that, but </lucie><n3> "Dramatically turns towards Brittany;" </n3> <lucie> I believe that under your leadership we cannot reach our full potential.... my Mistress. </lucie>
<b><d>Brittany:</d> <b1> I see. What's your solution then? You would be a better headmistress than me? </b1></b>
<b><d>Lucie:</d></b> <lucie> Oh, no, no, no, no! </lucie> <n3>"Extending both arms in front of herself in an exaggerated way"</n3> <lucie>I think the best succubus for this honorable position would be... Mistress Lucy.</lucie>
<b><a1>(</a1><n1> What the hell's going on? </n1><a1>)</a1></b>
<n3> A succubus in the crowd stares somewhere in the back.</n3>
<<linkreplace"Look Back">>\
<n3> Where she looks, Lucy is intently watching what is happening. </n3>
<img src="img/lucy/lucystare1.png" class=center width="50%">
<b><a1>(</a1><n1> Or is this a plan of Mistress Lucy's? </n1><a1>)</a1></b>
<b><n1>(</n1> <a1> Absolutely not! Her current position is perfect. She has no reason to attract any attention. Besides, Mistress Trix told me that Brittany's presence was so helpful for them. </a1><n1>)</n1></b>
<b><a1>(</a1><n1> Then Mistress Lucy is not very pleased right now. </n1><a1>)</a1></b>
<b><n1>(</n1> <a1> If it goes the way i think it will, Lucy will be the one to benefit most. </a1><n1>)</n1></b>
<n3> Lucie breaks the silence. </n3>
<n3> Lucie's voice becomes serious and she looks Brittany in the eyes; </n3>
<b><d>Lucie:</d></b> <lucie> I had high hopes when I came here. I kept hearing about the Mighty Mistress Brittany. Some say the most powerful succubus of our age... But I never found what I hoped for.</lucie><n3>"A sadness comes out in her voice."</n3>
<lucie> I didn't want to believe it at first, that this couldn't be the Mistress Brittany that everyone talked about... But I've witnessed enough. </lucie>
<n3> She takes a deep breath and gathers herself. </n3>
<b><d>Lucie:</d></b> <lucie> I can't see anything more than a succubus with big tits who likes to dance. I challenge you to a <i>Lust Duel</i>.</lucie>
<b><n1>(</n1> <a1> She really did that. </a1><n1>)</n1></b>
<b><a1>(</a1><n1> But isn't that forbidden? </n1><a1>)</a1></b>
<b><n1>(</n1> <a1> It is not completely forbidden. A Lust duel can take place if certain conditions are met. </a1><n1>)</n1></b>
<n3> Brittany smiles. She doesn't seem to take her very seriously. </n3>
<b><d>Brittany:</d> <b1> Just because you don't like my style doesn't mean I'm not qualified to be here. Don't embarrass yourself any more, withdraw your challenge.
I don't expect an apology. You are free to express your opinion as you wish.</b1></b>
[[Lucie smiles back|BritsDuel4]]
<b><d>Lucie:</d> <lucie> What!!??... The Great Mistress Brittany is afraid of a duel? Maybe I should run for the position, if just having big tits is enough;</lucie></b>
<<linkreplace"She puts her hands to her breasts" t8n>>\
<n3> With her hands on her chest, she looks very defiant. It is clear that she is trying to provoke Brittany. </n3>
<img src="gif/lucie/lucie2.jpg" class=center width="48%">
<b><d>Lucie:</d> <lucie> I'm qualified too. </lucie></b>
<b><d>Brittany:</d> <b1> You may think so... Do you really think you can win?</b1></b>
<b><d>Lucie:</d> <lucie> I can give it a try. I've been practicing for this moment for a long time. </lucie></b>
<b><d>Brittany:</d> <b1> Define your reward. </b1></b>
<b><d>Lucie:</d> <lucie> I think your attitude is not suited to the position of headmistress. What I really want is your resignation, but...</lucie></b>
<b><d>Brittany:</d> <b1> I accept. </b1></b>
<b><d>Lucie:</d> <lucie> But... I don't have anything equivalent to offer. </lucie></b>
<b><d>Brittany:</d> <b1> Doesn't matter. I don't demand anything. </b1></b>
<b><n1>(</n1> <a1> Hollyy Shit!! </a1><n1>)</n1></b>
<n3> Brittany seems to be dominating the mental warfare. A sincere smile covers her face and speaks;</n3>
<b><d>Brittany:</d> <b1> it's my duty to show you that you don't stand a chance against me. Take your place and let's begin.</b1></b>
<n3> Lucie comes forward and slowly takes off her bra. As she takes off her bra, the Lust emanating from her increases significantly. Even in the crowd, you can feel it very easily. </n3>
<video controls autoplay controls loop controls muted src="gif/lucie/duel/lucie2.webm" width="900px" height="600px"></video>
<b><n1>(</n1> <a1> Her current level is very close to ours. She will use her power differently because she is a jupiter, but we will get a better idea of Brittany's power. </a1><n1>)</n1></b>
<b><a1>(</a1><n1> In what way will she use it differently from us? </n1><a1>)</a1></b>
<b><n1>(</n1> <a1> Jupiter and Mars are the most brute force based signs. They have a huge amount of lust but they squander it. So it is usually clear from the beginning which side will win. Important thing is how long Lucie can last.</a1><n1>)</n1></b>
<b><a1>(</a1><n1> Won't she try to win? </n1><a1>)</a1></b>
<b><n1>(</n1> <a1> Of course she will try, but she knows that winning is not a high possibility. She just wants to discredit her. She wants to prove that Brittany is exaggerated.</a1><n1>)</n1></b>
<n3> Putting on her strange smile again, Lucie announces that she is ready. </n3>
<img src="gif/lucie/lucie3.jpg" class=center width="48%">
<n3> A succubus steps out of the crowd and quickly crosses between Lucie and Brittany. This is a tall, dark-skinned, fit succubus. Her body language is stern but respectful. You're guessing she' s not a Jupiter. </n3>
<b><d>J:</d> <ange1>I'm J! I will be the referee of this Lust duel. Once the duel starts, no one can interfere except me or the Headmistresses of the other dormitories. If anyone has any objection to that, speak now. Further interventions will result in your punishment. </ange1></b>
<n3> J waits for a moment to see if there is any objection and continues. </n3>
<b><d>J:</d> <ange1> All right, then! The duel will end when one of the two sides ejaculates or loses consciousness. With both participants sworn in, I will start the duel. Also... watch this duel at your own risk.</ange1></b>
<n3> Lucie and Brittany starts talking at the same time. </n3>
<b><d>Brittany:</d> <b1> As a member of Umesatraa Academy, I accept this Lust Duel. I swear to accept the outcome and not violate the rules. I am responsible for what I put forward and what I demand...</b1></b>
<b><d>Lucie:</d> <lucie> As a member of Umesatraa Academy, I accept this Lust Duel. I swear to accept the outcome and not violate the rules. I am responsible for what I put forward and what I demand... </lucie></b>
<n3> Meanwhile, a succubus next to you complains in a quiet voice.;
<hi1> We rarely get to witness a duel. Let's get it started. What's the point of this oath? </hi1>
<n3> The heat on your sign is increasing. </n3>
<b><n1>(</n1> <a1> You fucking idiot! Haven't you ever wondered why you' ve witnessed so few? You have no idea how dangerous it used to be.</a1><n1>)</n1></b>
<n3> Of course, only you heard Sun's shouts. You couldn't hear part of the oath. </n3>
<b><b1> The moment the duel ends, Succubus in front of me will continue to be free. I swear to follow these rules! </b1></b>
<b><lucie> The moment the duel ends, Succubus in front of me will continue to be free. I swear to follow these rules! </lucie></b>
<n3> J nods his head in satisfaction and takes two steps forward. </n3>
<b><d>J:</d> <ange1> Then we can get started. </ange1></b>
<n3> J closes her eyes and focuses some lust energy. </n3>
[[Continue|BritsDuel7]]<n3> Three tortoise appears in front of J. They are arranged from small to large and they are on top of each other. </n3>
<img src="img/brittany/tortoise1.jpg" class=center width="40%">
<n3> A yellow barrier grows from tortoises, trapping Brittany and Lucie inside. When the barrier is complete, J comes out and puts her hands on her hips. </n3>
<n3> As the two succubuses inside the barrier look at each other, Lucie makes the first move. </n3>
<b><d>Lucie:</d> <lucie> I'll end this in one move. </lucie></b>
<n3> She puts her hands in front of her and starts to focus. With the appearance of her spirit animal, you can feel its lust energy even from outside the barrier.</n3>
<img src="gif/lucie/flamingo1.jpg" class=center width="40%">
<n3> She pauses, realizing that Brittany hasn't moved yet. Then, with a war cry, she focuses all her energy on Brittany.</n3>
<b><n1>(</n1> <a1> So she's trying to knock her out with intense lust. </a1><n1>)</n1></b>
<n3> Brittany stands completely still. The only difference is that Brittany's smile has disappeared. Lucie stops her attack and starts talking out of breath.</n3>
<b><d>Lucie:</d> <lucie> You're not elegant enough. Beauty is not about being flashy. </lucie></b>
<b><d>Brittany:</d> <b1> Enough! </b1></b>
<n3> J mutters to herself, a little worried. </n3>
<b><d>J:</d> <ange1> Don't lose control, Brit! We'll need all the headmistresses to stop you. </ange1></b>
<n3> Brittany exhales deeply and a figure begins to form in front of her. This figure grows and grows and finally takes form. A giant peacock with an imposing tail! </n3>
<img src="img/brittany/peacock1.jpg" class=center width="90%">
<n3> The ambience suddenly changes. You can't even feel Lucie's Lust. Brittany raises both arms and prepares for her attack. </n3>
[[💫 She makes a move to knock her out|BritsDuel8()]]
[[💋 She makes a move to make her cum|BritsDuel8]]<<set $faint to random(2) >>
<n3> Brittany suddenly releases her accumulated energy and even though there is a barrier, a shockwave affects everyone there. This intense energy lasts for a moment. You could feel how aggressive this energy was. Lucie is standing in a defensive position with her arms outstretched. Just when everyone thinks she handled the attack, she collapses like a block of ice.
Brittany slowly starts walking towards Lucie.</n3>
<b><d>Brittany:</d> <b1> You challenged me for such a childish reason. But I wanted to believe it was worth it. I hoped I wouldn't have to hold back. Haven't you been training for this moment for a long time?</b1></b>
<n3> The giant peacock Brittany left behind begins to glow brighter. Its green color is much more intense and glaring. </n3>
<img src="img/brittany/peacock2.jpg" class=center width="42%">
<n3> A sudden burst of power makes you realize that the first one was a warning shot. J gets in front of everyone and tries to strengthen the barrier. Cracks start to appear in the yellow barrier and J shouts with all her strength.</n3>
<b><d>J:</d> <ange1> Duel is over!! Brittany, control yourself!</ange1></b>
<n3> You start to feel dizzy and your vision starts to fade. It happened so suddenly that you couldn't react, but you're not sure if it would have made any difference if you had. </n3>
<<if $faint === 0>>\
[[💫 Try not to faint [33%]|BritsDuel8(fainted)]]
<<elseif $faint === 1>>\
[[💫 Try not to faint [33%]|BritsDuel8(fainted)]]
<<elseif $faint === 2>>\
[[💫 Try not to faint [33%]|BritsDuel8(conscious)]]
<n3> Brittany raises her hands and just as she is about to attack, she exhales a deep breath. </n3>
<b><d>Brittany:</d> <b1> I'm obviously stronger than you. There's no point in ending it so soon. </b1></b>
<n3> The giant peacock begins to change color. Its tail starts to redden, the energy it radiates starts to change. The ambience becomes much more sensual. Even from outside the barrier, you can feel it.</n3>
<img src="img/brittany/peacock3.jpg" class=center width="50%">
<b><d>Brittany:</d> <b1> Feel yourself, my little one! I won't even touch you. You'll do everything to yourself. </b1></b>
<n3> Lucie's breathing is getting faster. She bites her lip; </n3>
<b><d>Lucie:</d> <lucie> I can resist it! It's not a big deal. And I've already... </lucie></b>
<n3> Brittany interrupts her. </n3>
<b><d>Brittany:</d> <b1> I believe I gave you your first order. Feel that naughty tits!</b1></b>
<n3> She exudes such Lust after she's finished. Everyone, including the audience, wants to fulfill this order. Lucie can't resist it either.</n3>
<video controls autoplay controls loop controls muted src="gif/lucie/duel/lucie11.webm" width="900px" height="600px"></video>
<b><d>Brittany:</d> <b1> I hope you had enough fun. You're not allowed to touch your tits anymore! Move to your pussy!</b1></b>
<n3> Lucie puts her hand to her pussy and starts rubbing it. But she unintentionally involves her breast. </n3>
<video controls autoplay controls loop controls muted src="gif/lucie/duel/lucie3.webm" width="900px" height="600px"></video>
<b><d>Brittany:</d> <b1> Easy, now! And who said you could touch your tits! Just the pussy! Slowly!</b1></b>
<n3> Lucie slows down as instructed. You can tell she's barely holding herself back. </n3>
<video controls autoplay controls loop controls muted src="gif/Lucie/duel/lucie4.webm" width="900px" height="600px"></video>
[[Brittany Continues|BritsDuel9]]
<<set $came to 1>>
<n3> You can't maintain your consciousness. Suddenly all your senses shut down and you are plunged into darkness...</n3>
<<linkreplace"Someone's shaking you" t8n>>\
<n3>You don't know how long it's been. But after a while you open your eyes. You turn your head and see J staring at you. </n3>
<b><d>J:</d> <ange1> Prep year, you okay? </ange1></b>
<n3> You exhale deeply and nod your head like yes. J smiles and puts her hand on your shoulder.</n3>
<b><d>J:</d> <ange1> Good! If you managed to wake up, it's okay.</ange1></b>
<n3> Then she gets up in a hurry and helps the other unconscious succubuses. </n3>
<b><n1>(</n1> <a1> It's simply unbelievable! </a1><n1>)</n1></b>
<b><a1>(</a1><n1> My head hurts. </n1><a1>)</a1></b>
<b><n1>(</n1> <a1> The mightiest Succubus of our time. I thought everyone was inflating her. </a1><n1>)</n1></b><i><n3>"In excitement and awe "</n3></i>
<n3> When you look around, you don't see Brittany. Two succubus are taking care of Lucie.</n3>
<b><a1>(</a1><n1> I thought I could endure it. </n1><a1>)</a1></b>
<b><n1>(</n1> <a1> You were almost holding on. </a1><n1>)</n1></b>
<b><a1>(</a1><n1> I feel mixed. Disappointed, a little angry. </n1><a1>)</a1></b>
<b><n1>(</n1> <a1> Brittany's first strike was aggressive but not powerful. Her second strike was an expression of her emotions at that moment. Second one must have been unintentional.</a1><n1>)</n1></b>
<b><a1>(</a1><n1> What about the oath they took in the first place? Does that break the rules? </n1><a1>)</a1></b>
<b><n1>(</n1> <a1> Since Brittany released large amounts of energy after Lucie already lost consciousness, there must be a violation of the rules. We will see if there will be any consequences.</a1><n1>)</n1></b>
<b><a1>(</a1><n1> I didn't think witnessing a Lust Duel would end up like this. </n1><a1>)</a1></b>
<b><n1>(</n1> <a1> If she had tried to make Lucie cum, this wouldn't have happened. </a1><n1>)</n1></b>
<n3> You take slow steps to your room to rest. As you walk, you wonder who could have planned this.</n3>
[[Go to your room|DormRoom]]
<<set $energy to 0>>\
<<set $lust to 100>>\
<<set $fainted to 1>>
<n3> Somehow you manage not to faint. If the wave of energy lasted a few more seconds, there was no way to resist. Only you and a succubus are left standing in the crowd.</n3>
<n3> Brittany stands panting, while J runs towards her. </n3>
<b><d>Brittany:</d> <b1> I managed to stop. Fuck! That was hard. </b1></b>
<b><d>J:</d> <ange1> Mistress, are you okay? </ange1></b>
<n3> Brittany raises her arms in panic. </n3>
<b><d>Brittany:</d> <b1> Stop, J! Stay back! I could barely stop myself. Don't come any closer! Help the fainted! </b1></b>
<n3> J moves towards the crowd. </n3>
<b><d>J:</d> <ange1>Hey, you all right? You must have really pushed yourself.</ange1></b>
<n3> Grabbing you by both shoulders, she gently shakes you, looking impressed. </n3>
<b><d>J:</d> <ange1> You can still stand. Very good! </ange1></b>
<n3> J, starts taking care of the fainted succubusses in a little panic. In the distance you see Brittany trying to get away from the scene. She probably doesn't want to cause any more trouble. </n3>
<n3> As she walks away, you notice a blackness on her back. Is it the reason she could stop? Or is it the reason she's out of control. Lucy certainly seems to have been involved, either at the beginning or the end. When you look around, you can't see Lucy. </n3>
<n3> You take slow steps to your room to rest. As you walk, you wonder who could have planned this.</n3>
[[Go to your room|DormRoom]]
<<set $energy to 0>>\
<<set $lust to 100>>\
<<set $$conscious to 1>>
<b><n3> Summer starts playing with her hair and sits down. </n3>
<b><d>Summer:</d> <summer1> I don't know when. I've almost completely lost my perception of time. I don't know what you know about me, so listen to me without interrupting. </summer1></b>
<b><summer1> I used to have an important role here. Everyone was afraid of me and that's what I wanted.</summer1></b>
<n3> After a pause for a breath; </n3></b>
<b> <summer1> One day, after my classic torture routine, I realized, I didn't enjoy it as much as I used to. Of course I ignored it.
This gradually developed into a curiosity. I wonder how they felt.
<n3> She leaves some gaps, as if she is leaving out some details in between. </n3>
I wanted to try, but I didn't know how. I realized that only way was to get punished by someone above me. And I let someone escape.
<n3> A black cat appears on her shoulder. </n3>
Thanks to this little one, I could check almost all the cellars, regardless of where I was. That means, no one could escape from here under my watch.
So no one believed the news. Especially Mistress Lucy. She understood something was wrong, but I made excuses and said it was my fault. I insisted that I had to be punished.
But she didn't want to punish me. She didn't think I deserved it. So I had to provoke her a little bit.
<n3> Suddenly she stands up; </n3>
Why am I telling you all this? She's been with me since the beginning of these events, but she was hiding from me too. She was afraid if I would accept these feelings. That's all!
<n3> Her harsh nature and manner seem to be unaffected by this. </n3>
<<set $summerquestion4 to 1>>\<n3> This time you head for a different passage than usual. This area looks different from the rest of the dungeon. It still looks old, but it has an aura of its own. It's not rundown like the previous passages you visited. </n3>
<img src="img/places/latexdollpassage1.jpg" class=center width="42%">
<n3> There is a loud noise coming from a room. It sounds like someone speaking to a crowd. </n3>
[[Take a Look|latexdoll2]]
[[I changed my mind|latexdungeon(3)]]
<<set $latexdollcheck to 1>>\<n3> Inside, you see succubus covered in latex giving a speech to 5-6 succubus covered in latex. Just what you'd expect. Talking succubus suddenly stops and turns to you.
This succubus has a spiky mask and exaggerated movements. She moves her arms and body a lot when she talks.</n3>
<img src="gif/latex/latexdoll/latexmaniac1.webp" class=center width="45%">
<b><d>Spiky-Masked Succubus:</d> <b1> Ahh! My passionate speech seems to have attracted another valuable follower. Please feel free to participate! </b1></b>
<n3> When you step inside, the door closes by itself. </n3>
<b><n1>(</n1> <a1> There's something wrong here. I can't get into anyone's mind, except the one in the middle. </a1><n1>)</n1></b>
<n3> You take a few steps back. </n3>
<b><d>Spiky-Masked Succubus:</d> <b1> Where are you going? Please sit down! Listen! Learn! </b1></b>
<n3>One of the seated one turns her head to you in a robotic way.</n3>
<img src="gif/latex/latexdoll/latexdoll1.webp" class=center width="45%">
<b><d>Spiky-Masked Succubus:</d> <b1> Girls! What do you think about our new member? </b1></b>
<n3> You try to open the door but it is covered with sticky latex. When you touch it and see it spreading to your hand, you immediately stop touching it. </n3>
[[Continue|latexdoll3]]<<set $mindcontrol to random(1)>>\
<<set $door to random(2)>>\
<b><d>Spiky-Masked Succubus:</d> <b1> There's no way out of here, darling! </b1></b>
<n3> One by one, sitting ones are getting up. One of them stands at such an angle that you can't tell if her arms are tied behind her back or she doesn't have arms.</n3>
<img src="gif/latex/latexdoll/latexdoll3.webp" class=center width="40%">
<n3> You notice the pattern. Except for the one with the spiky mask, none of them have even a breathing hole in their masks.</n3>
<b><d>Spiky-Masked Succubus:</d> <b1> Are you wondering who is your new owner? </b1></b>
<n3> With an exaggerated bow: </n3>
<b><b1> Assistant Headmistress of the Saturn Dormitory of Yukitumos Academy. I came to see Lucy, but she said she had to train a newbie and took me here to wait. Also she told me not to capture anyone but she must be busy right now. By the time she's done, I'll be done with you too.</b1></b>
<b><n1>(</n1> <a1> Assistant headmistress of our sister academy? Keep her distracted for a while. If I can get into her head, we can get out of here. </a1><n1>)</n1></b>
<n3> She claps her hands. </n3>
<b><d>Spiky-Masked Succubus:</d> <b1> All right, girls! Our new member doesn't look sticky enough. </b1></b>
<n3> You start talking, raising your hands for them to stop. </n3>
<b><d>$name:</d> <n1> Wait a second Mistress! I'm the newbie that Mistress Lucy's gonna train. </n1></b>
<n3> All movement in the room stops. </n3>
<b><d>Spiky-Masked Succubus:</d> <b1> Hold on ! Is this the truth?</b1></b> <i><n3>"In a confused tone"</n3></i>
<b><d>$name:</d> <n1> Yes! Yes it is! </n1></b>
<n3> She trembles like she hit her head on something. </n3>
<b><d>Spiky-Masked Succubus:</d> <b1> Then how come you're trying to get inside my head? Newbie my ass! You'll be my most precious piece!</b1></b>
<n3> All the latex-dolls are moving towards you. </n3>
<b><a1>(</a1><n1> Sun, that's all the time I could get. </n1><a1>)</a1></b>
<b><n1>(</n1> <a1> I'm trying! She can't protect her mind while handling all those latex-dolls. That's why she attacks in haste. </a1><n1>)</n1></b>
<<if $mindcontrol === 0>>\
[[🧠 Enter Her Mind and Escape [50%]|(fail-mind)]]
<<if $mindcontrol === 1>>\
[[🧠 Enter Her Mind and Escape [50%]|(mind)]]
<<if $door === 0>>\
[[🚪 Try to Open the Door Again [33%]|(fail-door)]]
<<if $door === 1>>\
[[🚪 Try to Open the Door Again [33%]|(fail-door)]]
<<if $door === 2>>\
[[🚪 Try to Open the Door Again [33%]|(door)]]
[[💋 Just Surrender|(surrender)]]
<n3> With a rush, you turn around again and grab the doorknobs. You pull with all your strength and while you do, you're covered up to your elbows in latex.</n3>
<b><d>Spiky-Masked Succubus:</d> <b1> A pathetic attempt. Girls! Get her!</b1></b>
<n3> You pull with all your strength but you feel hands on your back and arms. </n3>
<b><n1>(</n1> <a1> I can't stop them! They won't obey me. </a1><n1>)</n1></b>
<n3> Your whole body starts to get covered in sticky black latex. The more you're covered, the more you realize you're losing control. </n3>
<b><d>Spiky-Masked Succubus:</d> <b1> Show her the true peace. A life spent with me is very blessed. </b1></b>
<n3> Turns to a latex-doll next to her; </n3>
<b><b1> Right? You must realize how lucky you are. I provide everything you need.</b1></b>
<n3> You are completely covered with latex from the neck down and you can't feel your body. The latex climbs up your neck and you black out. Last thing you remember is the laughter of the spiky-masked succubus. </n3>
[[Open your eyes|latexdoll4]]
<n3> Sun is trying to get into the brain of the succubus that controls the Latex-dolls. </n3>
<b><n1>(</n1> <a1> It's almost there. </a1><n1>)</n1></b>
<n3> Suddenly two of the Latex-dolls coming towards you collapses to the ground. </n3>
<b><d>Spiky-Masked Succubus:</d> <b1> Don't underestimate me! If you're trying to get into my mind, I just need to increase my focus. </b1></b>
<b><n1>(</n1> <a1> FUCKK! She realized and released control of the two Latex-dolls. She got us! </a1><n1>)</n1></b>
<n3> Latex-dolls covered in black shiny latex grabs you. From where they touch, a sticky latex quickly begins to coat your body. You try to struggle but as the latex spreads, you can't feel your body.</n3>
<b><d>Spiky-Masked Succubus:</d> <b1> I appreciate your effort! Like I said, you'll be my most precious piece. I've always had great respect for Succubus who can unleash such valuable talents. Based on your abilities, I think it is safe to assume that you are an... </b1></b>
<n3> You fade into darkness before you hear the end. </n3>
[[Open your eyes|latexdoll4]]
<n3> Your arm feels like it's on fire. Suddenly you feel a power inside you. Latex-dolls stop moving. </n3>
<b><n1>(</n1> <a1> We're in control, but I don't know how long I can hold it. I'll get the door open. Just get out immediately! Don't even look back!</a1><n1>)</n1></b>
<n3> The layer of latex covering the door is starting to dissolve. When the door handle is exposed, you open the door and walk away with quick steps.
<img src="img/places/latexdollpassage1.jpg" class=center width="42%">
When you get a little bit away from there, the connection is broken and you exhale deeply.</n3>
<b><a1>(</a1><n1> It was a very close call. </n1><a1>)</a1></b>
<b><n1>(</n1> <a1> If she wasn't busy with Latex-dolls, there's no way I could get into her mind. Technically, she must be on the same level as Lucy. </a1><n1>)</n1></b>
<b><a1>(</a1><n1> Let's not mention to anyone about that. </n1><a1>)</a1></b>
<b><n1>(</n1> <a1> Totally agree! </a1><n1>)</n1></b>
[[⛓ Return|latexdungeon(3)]]
<n3> With a rush, you turn around again and grab the doorknobs. You pull with all your strength and while you do, you're covered up to your elbows in latex.</n3>
<b><d>$name:</d> <n1> AAahhh!! C'moonnn! Opeenn!! </n1></b>
<n3> As you're hanging on with all your might, door suddenly opens. You almost fall to the ground but you managed to regain your balance. Eventually you manage to leave the room. </n3>
<img src="img/places/latexdollpassage1.jpg" class=center width="42%">
<b><n1>(</n1> <a1> Nice move! I wasn't sure if I could get into her mind. </a1><n1>)</n1></b>
<b><a1>(</a1><n1> This place is full of crazy! </n1><a1>)</a1></b>
<b><n1>(</n1> <a1> And we're the crazies who wander around here. </a1><n1>)</n1></b>
<n3> No one's coming after you. As you get farther away from that room, latex on your arm detaches from you. </n3>
<b><a1>(</a1><n1> Let's not mention to anyone about that. </n1><a1>)</a1></b>
<b><n1>(</n1> <a1> Totally agree! </a1><n1>)</n1></b>
[[⛓ Return|latexdungeon(3)]]
<n3> You accept that there is no escape and stay where you are. Latex-dolls are grabbing you by the arms. Latex spreads all over your body and causes you to start lose consciousness.</n3>
<img src="gif/latex/latexdoll/latexdoll2.jpg" class=center width="45%">
<b><d>Spiky-Masked Succubus:</d> <b1> I love visiting here, it never disappoints me. </b1></b>
<n3> Turns to a latex-doll next to her; </n3>
<b><b1> You understand me, right? One day Lucy and I are gonna take over all the... </b1></b>
<n3> Everything goes black. </n3>
[[Open your eyes|latexdoll4]]
<n3> Your eyes are so heavy. You have no energy and you just want to sleep. There is two hands on your legs, like they're massaging you. Slowly you open your eyes and the first thing you see is a neon pink color. Then you remember what was happening and try to move but you are completely fixed in your seat. The voice you hear wakes you up completely.</n3>
<video controls autoplay controls loop controls muted src="gif/latex/latexdoll/captive/latexdoll1.webm" width="900px" height="600px"></video>
<b><d>Spiky-Masked Succubus:</d> <b1> Wakey wakey! My darling! </b1></b>
<n3> You recognize that voice. Reflexively you try to launch an attack, but you feel the Lust you produce being instantly absorbed. </n3>
<b><d>Spiky-Masked Succubus:</d> <b1> Ohh! You're finally awake. I left the dungeon in a hurry after I caught you. I'll see Lucy later. More important things got in the way. I need to know about you, don't I? Without knowing your limits, I don't know where to place you.</b1></b>
<n3> Her voice harshens as she gives an order; </n3>
<b><d>Spiky-Masked Succubus:</d> <b1> Start preparing her! First, loosen her throat. </b1></b>
<n3> Neon pink latex-doll moves her hand to your lips in robotic movements. Then she puts her fingers down your throat. Without a warning! Her movements are not gentle at all.</n3>
<video controls autoplay controls loop controls muted src="gif/latex/latexdoll/captive/latexdoll2.webm" width="900px" height="600px"></video>
<b><a1>(</a1><n1> Sun! Where are you? Where are we? </n1><a1>)</a1></b>
<n3> No response. A silence as if Sun had never existed. </n3>
<n3> Then you understand why your throat was relaxed. Your mouth is gagged by a device. It takes all your strength to stay awake. Was thinking always that exhausting?</n3>
<video controls autoplay controls loop controls muted src="gif/latex/latexdoll/captive/latexdoll3.webm" width="900px" height="600px"></video>
<b><d>Spiky-Masked Succubus:</d> <b1> Move to next stage! </b1></b>
<n3> You see a succubus in a red latex dress tied to a bar. You can't understand what she's trying to say because of the gag in her mouth. </n3>
<img src="gif/latex/madalyn/latexbondage3.webp" class=center width="37%">
<b><n1>(</n1> <a1> Yeah, thats her! </a1><n1>)</n1></b>
<n3> As you take two steps towards the tied succubus, someone calls out to you from the dark side of the room. </n3>
<d>???:</d><hi1> So, you're interested in my pieces?</hi1>
<n3> You realize you'll meet the succubus whose Lust energy you're tracking. A tall succubus in black latex emerges from the shadows. She's looking at you with dull eyes with a whip in her hand. The mere sight of her confidently standing there seems pretty intimidating. Normally you would shy away from such a sight, but you feel a strange feeling inside. You straighten your posture and throw your shoulders back. </n3>
<img src="gif/latex/madalyn/madalyn1.webp" class=center width="32%">
<b><d>$name:</d> <n1> Greetings! </n1></b>
<b><d>Madalyn:</d> <hi1> It' s Madalyn! What are you here for? </hi1></b>
<b><d>$name:</d> <n1> I'm just exploring! </n1></b>
<n3> Madalyn squints and focuses on your eyes. And then with a satisfied smile; </n3>
<b><d>Madalyn:</d> <hi1> That's the one! Your Lust didn't even flinch. I didn't expect Mistress Lucy to pick a loser anyway.</hi1></b>
<n3> You understand that she already knows you and she was releasing aggressive Lust to test you. </n3>
<img src="gif/latex/madalyn/madalyn1.webp" class=center width="30%">
<n3> Madalyn sits down and looks at you again. </n3>
<b><d>Madalyn:</d> <hi1> So what are you really doing here? </hi1></b>
<b><d>$name:</d> <n1> Like I said, I was just exploring. </n1></b>
<n3> She stares at you with disbelieving eyes. </n3>
<b><d>Madalyn:</d> <hi1> So you found me by accident? Out of all the corridors and doors. </hi1></b>
[[Yes, that's how it happened|madalyn9(lie)]]
[[Actually, I tracked your Lust energy|madalyn9(truth)]]
<n3> The neon pink Latex-doll takes a white vibrator and approaches you. Without hesitation, she presses the vibrator into your pussy. You squirm as if you feel pleasure, but you can't feel anything. No matter how much you produce lust, it's all for nothing!</n3>
<video controls autoplay controls loop controls muted src="gif/latex/latexdoll/captive/latexdoll4.webm" width="900px" height="600px"></video>
<b><d>Spiky-Masked Succubus:</d> <b1> How do you like my special latex formula? Lucy is a completely incredible brain! But not creative enough. When she completes one thing, she moves on to the next. But there's so much more to explore. It never finishes.</b1></b>
<n3> Latex-doll puts her hand on your chest and presses the vibrator even harder against your crotch. </n3>
<video controls autoplay controls loop controls muted src="gif/latex/latexdoll/captive/latexdoll5.webm" width="900px" height="600px"></video>
<b><d>Spiky-Masked Succubus:</d> <b1>You barely have the energy to move. And look at the brainless doll in front of you. She is eager to follow my orders. A brain under control only needs energy and command. You'll be like her, only a higher rank.</b1></b>
<n3> Neon pink Latex-doll gets in front of you and starts massaging you with her hand while she presses the vibrator. With this sudden increase of lust, you feel the Sun for the first time since you were kidnapped.</n3>
<video controls autoplay controls loop controls muted src="gif/latex/latexdoll/captive/latexdoll6.webm" width="900px" height="600px"></video>
<b><n1>(</n1> <a1><font size="3"> $name! </font></a1><n1>)</n1></b>
<b><a1>(</a1><n1> Sun??!! </n1><a1>)</a1></b>
<b><n1>(</n1> <a1><font size="3"> Listen carefully! Right now, almost all of our Lust is being absorbed. It will end when she thinks you're ready. When that happens, I can return, but you need to be able to maintain yourself.</font></a1><n1>)</n1></b>
<b><a1>(</a1><n1> I'll try it! </n1><a1>)</a1></b>
<b><n1>(</n1> <a1><font size="3"> Good! I'll help you. When the crazy one leaves, I'll try to take over this pink one. Worst case scenario, I'll try to drain Lust from her.</font></a1><n1>)</n1></b>
[[A dull voice|latexdoll6]]
<b><d>Spiky-Masked Succubus:</d> <b1> Okay, slave! We can't wait for days, can we? Skip to the last stage, we've warmed her up enough.</b1></b>
<n3> The neon pink Latex-doll fixes the vibrator and rests it against your pussy. </n3>
<b><d>Spiky-Masked Succubus:</d> <b1> I've seen your potential. I hope you didn't think I'd leave you with a doll. I can sense that you're conscious and still thinking. You should already be in a trance and losing your self. </b1></b>
<video controls autoplay controls loop controls muted src="gif/latex/latexdoll/captive/latexdoll7.webm" width="900px" height="600px"></video>
<b><d>Spiky-Masked Succubus:</d> <b1> You'll be here for days. You'll produce Lust all the time but I won't let you feel it. Your body will think you've lost the ability to feel pleasure and you'll dissolve along with your hope. </b1></b>
<b><b1> What do you think will happen if you find someone who can make you feel pleasure again?.... Bingo! You'll worship her! Let's go slave! We have things to do.</b1></b>
<video controls autoplay controls loop controls muted src="gif/latex/latexdoll/captive/latexdoll8.webm" width="900px" height="600px"></video>
<n3> You try to make a sound but your mouth is gagged. You try to struggle but you have no energy. You can't feel Sun. You're all alone again.</n3>
<n3> You don't know how long you've been here. You can't feel anything. Over and over again you felt you had an orgasm but there was no pleasure. Everything now is just frustrating. When was the last time you ate or drank? When are you going to feed again? Your body trembles like you're still enjoying it, but actually it's the other way around. You'll do anything to get out of it. </n3>
<video controls autoplay controls loop controls muted src="gif/latex/latexdoll/captive/latexdoll9.webm" width="900px" height="600px"></video>
<n3> Time continues to pass by, with your lost sense of time. You fell asleep again, but this time when you woke up, it is pitch black. Then bright, blue things start to appear in this darkness.</n3>
<img src="gif/latex/latexdoll/captive/butterfly.jpg" class=center width="40%">
<n3> These are blue butterflies. They are getting more and more, and as these butterflies multiply, you feel safer. The pressure starts to lift and you feel something you haven't felt for a long time. Pleasure!</n3>
<b><n1>(</n1> <a1> What how? </a1><n1>)</n1></b>
<n3> Writhing in pleasure, you can't focus on what Sun is saying. </n3>
<b><n1>(</n1> <a1> So she was here, at the Yukitumos Academy. I can't believe it. I have to remember that. No!! Noo!! </a1><n1>)</n1></b>
<n3> Suddenly all the butterflies spread their wings and stand still. Then they quickly flap their wings and turn to dust. </n3>
<video controls autoplay controls loop controls muted src="gif/latex/latexdoll/captive/butterfly1.webm" width="1200px" height="900px"></video>
<b><n1>(</n1> <a1> No! $name don't forget, only you can remember. When you do, don't ignore it! She's in Yukitumos, just tell me that, SHE IS IN YUKITUM..... </a1><n1>)</n1></b>
[[Pull the door with all your strength|latexdoll8]]
<n3> With a rush, you turn around again and grab the doorknobs. You pull with all your strength and while you do, you're covered up to your elbows in latex.</n3>
<b><d>$name:</d> <n1> AAahhh!! C'moonnn! Opeenn!! </n1></b>
<n3> As you're hanging on with all your might, door suddenly opens. You almost fall to the ground but you managed to regain your balance. Eventually you manage to leave the room. </n3>
<img src="img/places/latexdollpassage1.jpg" class=center width="42%">
<b><n1>(</n1> <a1> Nice move! I wasn't sure if I could get into her mind. </a1><n1>)</n1></b>
<b><a1>(</a1><n1> This place is full of crazy! </n1><a1>)</a1></b>
<b><n1>(</n1> <a1> And we're the crazies who wander around here. </a1><n1>)</n1></b>
<n3> No one's coming after you. As you get farther away from that room, latex on your arm detaches from you. </n3>
<b><a1>(</a1><n1> Let's not mention to anyone about that. </n1><a1>)</a1></b>
<b><n1>(</n1> <a1> Totally agree! </a1><n1>)</n1></b>
<n3> Some images flashes in your head. Blue wings in the darkness?? There was something you shouldn't forget??... Probably not something important anyway. With the relief of escaping from that maniac, you return back with quick steps.</n3>
[[⛓ Return|latexdungeon(3)]]
<n3> She doesn't seem to believe that at all. </n3>
<b><d>Madalyn:</d> <hi1> Whatever... Don't waste any more of my time. I'm trying to become Mistress Lucy's new right hand. </hi1></b>
<n3> She closes her eyes and scratches her head in exasperation. </n3>
<b><d>Madalyn:</d> <hi1> How am I supposed to do that? I can't even fully control my own cellar. The whole dungeon is impossible. I'm trying to sharpen my Lust energy but I can't reach the level I want!</hi1></b>
<n3> You didn't expect her to just spill out in front of you like that. </n3>
[[Maybe I can try to help?|madalyn9(help)]]
[[I don't have time for that|madalyn9(leave)]]
<n3> She looks at you with slightly skeptical eyes but clearly she is also considering the probability of that.</n3>
<b><d>Madalyn:</d> <hi1> How is that possible? Who knows how many succubus are here. There's no way you could have picked me out and tracked me. </hi1></b>
<n3> She looks at you as if she wants you to prove otherwise. </n3>
<b><d>$name:</d> <n1> To test myself, I tried to detect the strongest lust energies. My main goal is to find someone. I came here while I was trying out the options. </n1></b>
<n3> Madalyn's expression changes. It is a mixture of surprise and happiness. </n3>
<b><d>Madalyn:</d> <hi1> So you felt me among the strongest? </hi1></b>
<b><d>$name:</d> <n1> Yes. Your energy is very intense. </n1></b>
<n3> You're already talking to her like she's your equal and Madalyn doesn't seem to have a problem with that. Sun listens without interfering.</n3>
<b><d>Madalyn:</d> <hi1> Actually, I'm aiming to be the next right hand but I feel like I'm making no progress. </hi1></b>
<b><d>$name:</d> <n1> The succubus I was trying to find is Mistress Summer! </n1></b>
<n3> She gasps in shock! </n3>
<b><d>Madalyn:</d> <hi1> But... But she' s the former right-hand. </hi1></b>
<b><d>$name:</d> <n1> Exactly! </n1></b> <i><n3> "With a small smile of satisfaction" </n3></i>
<b><d>Madalyn:</d> <hi1> What do you think I should do? </hi1></b>
<b><d>$name:</d> <n1> Well... You have a very intense Lust energy but it's so tense. A little... uncomfortable. It's like spears are pointed at me. This seems to be holding you back.</n1></b>
<n3> Madalyn nods her head. </n3>
<b><d>Madalyn:</d> <hi1> I understand. I need to relax a bit.</hi1></b>
<b><d>$name:</d> <n1> Actually you have a very intense Lust energy. But it's so tense. A little... uncomfortable. It's like spears are pointed at me. </n1></b>
<n3> Madalyn is looking at you with curiosity. </n3>
<b><d>$name:</d> <n1> Umm... There will be times when this is necessary but... you need to relax. </n1></b>
<b><d>Madalyn:</d> <hi1> How can I do that? Do you know how many succubus want this position? </hi1></b> <i><n3>"By raising her voice"</n3></i>
<b><d>$name:</d> <n1> You are much closer than you think. There's no point in hiding it. I tracked your Lust energy and found this place. Only three energies in the whole dungeon deserved to be tracked down, and one of them is you. </n1></b>
<n3> You're already talking to her like she's your equal and Madalyn doesn't seem to have a problem with that. Sun listens without interfering.</n3>
<b><d>$name:</d> <n1> The other one of these three energies is probably guess whose energy. </n1></b>
<b><d>Madalyn:</d> <hi1> Whose? </hi1></b> <i><n3>"She's listening to you with breathless attention"</n3></i>
<b><d>$name:</d> <n1> Mistress Summer! </n1></b>
<n3> She gasps in shock! </n3>
<b><d>Madalyn:</d> <hi1> But... But she' s the former right-hand. </hi1></b>
<b><d>$name:</d> <n1> Exactly! </n1></b> <i><n3> "With a small smile of satisfaction" </n3></i>
<n3>She closes her eyes and starts breathing deeply.</n3>
<b><d>Madalyn:</d> <hi1> I understand. I need to relax a bit.</hi1></b>
<n3> You're heading for the exit. </n3>
<b><d>$name:</d> <n1> Thank you for your time. </n1></b>
<n3> Madalyn turns back to you with a deep breath. </n3>
<b><d>Madalyn:</d> <hi1> Yeah... No problem. </hi1></b>
<n3> You can tell from her voice how stressed she is. You leave the cellar.</n3>
<b><n1>(</n1> <a1> What happened to you when you faced Madalyn? </a1><n1>)</n1></b>
<b><a1>(</a1><n1> I don't know. I felt like I was being stepped on and I didn't like it. I felt like I could fight back and I tried to do that. </n1><a1>)</a1></b>
<b><n1>(</n1> <a1> There was an aggressive flow of Lust on you and you were affected by it. You copied it, made it your own and fought back. You're adapting very quickly.</a1><n1>)</n1></b>
<b><a1>(</a1><n1> The fact that I do it unintentionally may not always benefit me. </n1><a1>)</a1></b>
<b><n1>(</n1> <a1> Yes, but in that case, I'll step in. </a1><n1>)</n1></b>
<n3> You walk back with a small smile on your face. </n3>
<n3> Madalyn spreads her arms and takes deep breaths. </n3>
<b><d>Madalyn:</d> <hi1> Relax, just relax... Just! </hi1></b>
<<linkreplace"Something's wrong">>\
<n3> Suddenly she frowns and starts walking angrily towards something. You see her approaching a succubus moaning in pleasure on the corner and covers her mouth vigorously. </n3>
<img src="gif/latex/madalyn/latexbondage4.webp" class=center width="57%">
<b><d>Madalyn:</d> <hi1> I'm trying to focus here, you disrespectful asshole! Shut the fuck up and stay here! </hi1></b> <i><n3>"As if she had any other choice." </n3></i>
<n3> She comes back to her old spot, opening and closing her hands. You can see her trying to calm down. </n3>
<b><d>Madalyn:</d> <hi1> My apologies.</hi1></b>
<b><d>$name:</d> <n1> Uhh... It's all good. </n1></b>
<n3> Once her breathing is regularized, you begin to feel the change in Madalyn's aura. And somewhere behind her, a silhouette starts to form.</n3>
<n3> This is a tiger. It says a lot about her but most of all it says that she is strong. As long as she keeps it under control. </n3>
<img src="gif/latex/madalyn/tiger1.jpg" class=center width="50%">
<b><d>Madalyn:</d> <hi1> I feel much better. I've always been stronger than others, that was my normal. The moment I put a little pressure on them, their Lust starts to fluctuate, to break down. Yet I feel like a kitten, dull and toothless next to the monsters.</hi1></b>
<n3> She turns to you calmly. </n3>
<b><hi1> You're the fifth succubus to resist me. Become a monster!</hi1></b>
<n3> That gives you goosebumps. </n3>
<b><d>Madalyn:</d> <hi1> I have things to decide. You have my respect! You know where to find me if you need me. </hi1></b>
<b><d>$name:</d> <n1> Thank you! Hope to see you soon. </n1></b>
<n3> You expected it to take longer, but it seems that it was enough for her to just stop and think calmly. You're heading for the exit...</n3>
<b><d>Brittany:</d> <b1> If you're warmed up enough, let's continue. If you don't want to, you can say so. </b1></b>
<b><d>Lucie:</d> <lucie> No! No, please! Please, keep going! </lucie></b>
<n3> Suddenly, there's a sound coming from the trees to your right. It's as if they've been hit in the branches. There is nothing in sight, but there is no wind either, so you wonder what is the source of the sound. Slowly you turn to Lucy and see that she too is looking at the trees that just made noise. Then she calmly makes eye contact with you and continues to watch the duel.</n3>
<n3> So you continue to watch the duel. You see a dildo in Lucie's hand, not very thick. She seems to be getting it ready by sucking it sensually. </n3>
<video controls autoplay controls loop controls muted src="gif/lucie/duel/lucie5.webm" width="900px" height="600px"></video>
<b><d>Lucie:</d> <lucie> Please Mistress! I'm soo sorry! Please allow me for some pleasure! </lucie></b>
<b><d>Brittany:</d> <b1> I am a very compassionate headmistress. Of course you can continue. </b1></b>
<n3> It seems already clear who will win the duel. Still, for it to be officially over, Lucie has to cum. </n3>
<video controls autoplay controls loop controls muted src="gif/lucie/duel/lucie6.webm" width="900px" height="600px"></video>
<n3> As Lucie does Brittany's orders with both the dildo and her hand, you feel a movement in the back. Lucy leaves in a hurry. As she walks through a densely wooded area, she suddenly disappears behind a tree. </n3>
<b><n1>(</n1> <a1> There must be something going on that we can't see. You don't have the cape, do you? </a1><n1>)</n1></b>
<b><a1>(</a1><n1> No, it's in my room.</n1><a1>)</a1></b>
<center>[[⚔️ Keep watching the duel.|BritsDuel10]]</center>
<center>[[🧥 Run to your room and come back with the cloak.|cloak1]]</center>
<n3> You go back to your room with quick steps. As soon as you throw your scopophobic cloak over your shoulder, you head back to the Jupiter Dormitory.</n3>
<img src="img/inventory/latexcape1.jpg" class=center width="40%">
<b><n1>(</n1> <a1> Whatever happened, there's a good chance we've already missed it. </a1><n1>)</n1></b>
<b><a1>(</a1><n1> Still, maybe we can learn something.</n1><a1>)</a1></b>
<n3> When you return to the duel field, you look around curiously. </n3>
<<linkreplace"Look Around">>\
<n3> Mistress Lucy is in her old place. She's wearing an ankle-length latex jacket. </n3>
<img src="img/lucy/lucystare2.png" class=center width="35%">
<b><d>Lucy:</d> <l1> I'd expect nothing less. You've immediately sensed that something's going on. </l1></b>
<b><d>$name:</d> <n1> What's going on, Mistress? </n1></b>
<n3> It's the first time you've seen Lucy so worried. She's much, much calmer than a normal succubus, but by Lucy standards, she looks pretty worried. </n3>
<b><d>Lucy:</d> <l1> They started taking action. </l1></b>
<b><d>$name:</d> <n1> Who? </n1></b>
<b><d>Lucy:</d> <l1> The Center! This duel was a declaration of war.</l1></b>
<b><a1>(</a1><n1> I heard some noises, and with your disappearance I got curious and went to get my cloak. </n1><a1>)</a1></b>
<b><d>Lucy:</d> <l1> Their main intention was to drive Brittany out of control. Lucie drew attention to me because they knew I would stop it. Bunch of whores! But clever!</l1></b>
<n3> Even Lucy's anger is analytical. You find it a little funny. </n3>
<b><d>$name:</d> <n1> How were they going to get Mistress Brittany out of control? </n1></b>
<b><d>Lucy:</d> <l1> They have almost all the types of latex we use now. </l1></b>
<n3> You look surprised. It is clear that you are waiting for some explanation, even if it is a small one. </n3>
[[Mistress Trix intervenes|cloak2]]
<<set $curiouscape to 1>>\
<n3> For a moment you thought about grabbing your cloak from your room, but you decided to continue watching the duel. </n3>
<b><d>Brittany:</d> <b1> Get on your knees and keep going! Don't even think about speeding up! </b1></b>
<video controls autoplay controls loop controls muted src="gif/lucie/duel/lucie7.webm" width="900px" height="600px"></video>
<b><d>Brittany:</d> <b1> I changed my mind! I wanna see that dildo in your ass! </b1></b>
<n3> Lucie does as she's told without hesitation. At first she struggles a bit, but gradually she gets used to it. </n3>
<video controls autoplay controls loop controls muted src="gif/lucie/duel/lucie8.webm" width="900px" height="600px"></video>
<n3> You didn't notice it at first because you weren't paying much attention, but you see that most of the crowd watching is in a kind of trance. Some are touching themselves, some are watching mesmerized. Two succubus are kissing, trying not to be noticed. </n3>
<b><n1>(</n1> <a1> When you watch a Lust duel, you have to respect that and just watch. It's more tolerated now, but in the past you had to follow more rules. And when Brittany is releasing such intense Lust, there's not a lot you can do about it. </a1><n1>)</n1></b>
<n3> It makes you smile to get an answer when you haven't even asked. </n3>
<b><n1>(</n1> <a1> This barrier blocks almost 98% of the lust that spreads. That's why we can endure. </a1><n1>)</n1></b>
<n3> You return to watch the duel with a growing smile. </n3>
<b><d>Brittany:</d> <b1> Take any position you want! Time to end this boring duel! </b1></b>
<b><d>Lucie:</d> <lucie> Yes Mistress!</lucie></b>
<video controls autoplay controls loop controls muted src="gif/Lucie/duel/lucie9.webm" width="900px" height="600px"></video>
<n3> Brittany spreads her arms to the side again. As the gigantic peacock turns bright red, Brittany gives her final command. </n3>
<b><d>Brittany:</d> <b1> CUM!! Speed as fast as you want. Touch where you want. You got 30 seconds. </b1></b>
<n3> Lucie speeds up with some haste. With the dildo in her ass, she rapidly rubs her pussy. </n3>
<b><d>Lucie:</d> <lucie> Haaa! I'm gonna cum!! I-I'm cummminggg! Mmhhhh!!! </lucie></b>
<video controls autoplay controls loop controls muted src="gif/lucie/duel/lucie10.webm" width="900px" height="600px"></video>
<n3> J enters through the barrier with quick steps. The moment she walks in, she stops as if she's hit a wall.</n3>
<b><d>J:</d> <ange1> Oh my!! Even I can hardly hold myself back.</ange1></b>
<n3> The red peacock in all its glory fades away. Brittany stretches out a hand and tries to absorb her Lust, which is all over the place. She realizes that if the barrier is released in this state, it might cause some trouble. Meanwhile, J comes between Brittany and Lucie.</n3>
<b><d>J:</d> <ange1> The duel is over. And the winner is Mistress Brittany! Since the winner doesn't demand anythi...</ange1></b>
<n3> Brittany touches J on the shoulder and interrupts her. She turns to the crowd;</n3>
<b><d>Brittany:</d> <b1> Any further dueling demands will come at a price. You can consider this as a warning. </b1></b>
<n3> You feel as if this warning was not meant for the crowd. After her warning, she starts walking calmly back to Jupiter Dormitory. </n3>
<n3>J releases the barrier and a wave of Lust spreads around. It warms you up like a heat wave and turns you on like it does everyone else around. The crowd disperses while Lucie still tries to regulate her breathing. </n3>
<b><n1>💋 Lust: +100</n1></b>
[[Go back to your room|DormRoom]]
<<set $lust to 100>>\
<b><d>Trix:</d> <trix1> Let's say they once had the best. </trix1></b>
<n3> Lucy looks at you with her usual seriousness. </n3>
<img src="img/lucy/lucystare3.jpg" class=center width="50%">
<b><d>Lucy:</d> <l1> I have some things to do. Things I need to ensure! I will reach you soon. Some days I'll lock the Dungeon completely. Don't worry if you can't get in.</l1></b>
<n3> There's someone behind you. It's a succubus who looks like she's wearing only the top part of a dress, with a whip in her hand. She has a harsh temperament.</n3>
<img src="img/latex/standing2.webp" class=center width="50%">
<d>???:</d> <b1> Mistress, everything is ready. </b1>
<n3> Lucy nods slightly and starts walking towards the dungeon.
<b><d>Lucy:</d> <l1> There's nothing to worry about. Just continue as you normally would.</l1></b>
Before she get too far, you hear Lucy mumbling something. She's probably talking to Trix.</n3>
<b><d>Lucy:</d> <l1> Yes! It's on! </l1></b>
<n3> After Lucy leaves, you remember the duel but it's already over. </n3>
<<if $latexNun === 1>>\
<b><n1>(</n1> <a1> Then the latex nun we saw on the way to the dungeon that day was connected to the Center. </a1><n1>)</n1></b>
<n3> You go back to your room with questions on your mind. </n3>
[[Go back to your room|DormRoom]]
<center><h1>I'm working on it 🛠</h1></center>
<img src="gif/InProgress/work1.gif" class=center width= "60%">
The story will continue. If you like the game and want to support me, I look forward to your feedback. Also, you can check out my <a href="https://www.patreon.com/user?u=53126129" target="_blank">Patreon</a>. Thanks a lot!
<n3> When you enter your room, you see a huge shadow that shouldn't be there. Neither you nor Sun could feel her. As soon as you enter, this huge figure politely greets you by lifting the front of your skirt. You're instantly taking a battle stance.</n3>
<img src="img/nun/nun1.webp" class=center width="45%">
<b><d>Huge Nun:</d> <b1> Greetings to you. Please do not be afraid. We just wanted to officially meet with you. </b1></b>
<n3> She speaks very politely and she has a sincere smile on her face. By keeping the gentleness in her voice;</n3>
<b><d>Huge Nun:</d> <b1> If you cause trouble for no reason, we have to act accordingly. </b1></b>
<b><n1>(</n1> <a1> She has no aggressive intentions. Just listen her. If something goes wrong, just RUN! </a1><n1>)</n1></b>
<b> <b1> We apologize for invading your personal domain but we had no choice. We are here to tell you that you are on the wrong side. We don't know what you were told , but we can assume that it was full of lies.</b1></b>
<b><d>$name:</d> <n1> Why do you speak in the plural? Who are "we"? </n1></b>
<b><b1> So they didn't even bother to inform you. What a pity! We are the right path! It does not matter who we are as individuals. We all follow in the footsteps of our founder and we are all one self.</b1></b>
<n3> Your arm feels like it's on fire. An anger builds up inside you. Sun must be trying to restrain herself because she knows you have no chance of winning right now, but even what is leaking out of her is affecting you a lot. You breathe deeply and try to calm down.</n3>
<b><b1> We do not expect you to make a choice... Yet! Please seek to learn what you have not been told. Then we would like to invite you and introduce ourselves. You don't seem to be able to reach the center of this academy yet. We'll figure it out somehow. </b1></b>
<b> <b1> We also request that this visit remains between us. We want you to know that we do not attribute your lack of aggression to a lack of power. We wish you a good day... and to your inner remnant.</b1></b>
<n3>After she finishes, gigantic nun bows her head and walks swiftly out of the room.
It seems that what has been hidden from you needs to be revealed. </n3>
<center><h1><a1>End of the content for v0.3.2</a1></h1></center>
<center><h1>I'm working on it 🛠</h1></center>
<img src="gif/InProgress/work1.gif" class=center width= "60%">
<i><h3>The story will continue. If you like the game and want to support me, I look forward to your feedback. Also, you can check out my <a href="https://www.patreon.com/user?u=53126129" target="_blank">Patreon</a> for early access and exclusive scenes. Thank you for your time!</h3></i>
<center>[[Return|DormRoom]]</center><img src="img/places/dungeonforest1.jpg" class=center width="45%">
<n3> You walk to your room, exhausted. </n3>
[[Enter Your Room|nunEncounter2]]
<n3> You're walking towards Alette. When she notices you, she flies to you with joy. </n3>
<img src="img/intro/pixie1.jpg" class=center width="50%"><n3>Art by</n3><a target="_blank" href="https://www.deviantart.com/telthona">Telthona </a>
<b><d>Alette:</d> <ale1> Ohh! Hello, polite succbis. </ale1></b>
<b><d>$name:</d> <n1> Hi Alette! </n1></b>
<n3> She folds her arms behind her and looks down, looking a little embarrassed. </n3>
<b><d>Alette:</d> <ale1> Well... There's a holiday that sucsbisses copied from humans. We don't know what it's called. We just know that sucsbisses dress differently. You're a freshman, so you probably don't know about it, it's an Academy tradition. I've already filled my box and I thought I'd give you the leftovers.</ale1></b>
<n3> You see multiple light spheres in her hand. She taps the orbs and they travel at high speed back to your dormitory.</n3>
<b><d>Alette:</d> <ale1> I have left some notes in case you don't understand what they are dressing up as. I am not an expert on the human world, but I hope it helps. That was it. Thank you for helping me that day. See you later, mighty succbis! </ale1></b>
<n3> It flies away before you even have a chance to speak. After she' s already gotten away, you raise your voice a little bit by waving your hand. </n3>
<b><d>$name:</d> <n1> Thank you! See you, Alette! </n1></b>
<b><n1>(</n1> <a1> She could be a spy, beware! </a1><n1>)</n1></b>
<b><a1>(</a1><n1> She's a sweethearth. Overcome your prejudices. </n1><a1>)</a1></b>
<b><n1>(</n1> <a1> Whatever! I still don't like them. </a1><n1>)</n1></b>
<n3> You return with your gift waiting in your room. </n3>
<<set $halloween to 1>>\
<n3>The five glimmers Alette gifted are clustered together, separated from the others.</n3>
<center>[[👩⚕️ Slutty Nurse|nurse2]]
[[🧛♀️ Slutty Vampire|vampire2]]
[[👩🎓 Slutty Schoolgirl|schoolgirl2]]
[[👸 Slutty Queen|queen2]]
[[❓ Slutty Slave???|slave2]]</center>
[[🖼️ Return To Gallery|photoGallery]]
[[🚪 Return To Your Room|DormRoom]][[Return|🎃halloween-gallery]]
<n3> You see Milena in a sexy nurse costume. Her tits seem to be too big for the costume.</n3>
<img src="img/pics/halloween/nurse1.jpg" class=center>
<n3>Alette's note:</n3>
<b><ale1> They call this a nurse. They're all women! So they must be used to satisfy human sexual needs. </ale1></b>
<b><a1>(</a1><n1> I guess Alette doesn't know we have nurses too. </n1><a1>)</a1></b>
<n3> Brittany is wearing a low-cut latex dress, similar to the one she wore the day she greeted freshmans. Her red cape and lipstick contrast beautifully with her shiny black dress. But you don't know what this is. Maybe Alette's notes can help. </n3>
<img src="img/pics/halloween/vampire1.jpeg" class=center>
<n3>Alette's note:</n3>
<b><ale1> I asked everyone about it, but only one pixie said it is a vampire. I have no idea what that is. </ale1></b>
<n3> Lucy's wearing a latex high school uniform. She looks cute in a way you wouldn't expect from her. </n3>
<img src="img/pics/halloween/schoolgirl1.jpg" class=center>
<n3>Alette's note:</n3>
<b><ale1> This is a human student. They all look like that, I checked my sources. </ale1></b>
<n3> Hitomi is wearing a royal dress. Except her tits are out. </n3>
<img src="img/pics/halloween/queen1.jpg" class=center width="75%">
<n3>Alette's note:</n3>
<b><ale1> That's a queen as you can see. But I heard from an old and experienced pixie that human queens are obliged to carry the babies of everyone in their territory. This is a huge responsibility! </ale1></b>
<b><a1>(</a1><n1> Why does Hitomi know about this holiday and I don't? </n1><a1>)</a1></b>
<b><n1>(</n1> <a1> Maybe it happened while we were in the dungeon. First years are not invited anyway. </a1><n1>)</n1></b>
<b><a1>(</a1><n1> Did you know about this?</n1><a1>)</a1></b>
<b><n1>(</n1> <a1> I witnessed the first time this holiday was celebrated. </a1><n1>)</n1></b>
<b><a1>(</a1><n1> ... </n1><a1>)</a1></b>
<n3> You see Summer, who's tied up pretty tight. You don't know what she's dressed as. </n3>
<img src="img/pics/halloween/slave1.jpg" class=center>
<n3>Alette's note:</n3>
<b><ale1> She doesn't actually have a costume. I couldn't suck her Lust and she noticed me instantly. It was very scary. I added it because she looks sexy. </ale1></b>
[[Return|🎃halloween-gallery]]<img src="img/dungeonlibrary/latexlibrary.jpg" class=center width="45%">
Right next to the entrance you see a lectern. There is a book on it.
[[📕 Check out the book|dungeonbook101(3)]]
[[⛓ Return|latexdungeon(3)]]
<img src="img/dungeonlibrary/dungeonbook1.jpg" class=center width="40%">
<n3>A book covered in red leather. It feels ancient but looks fine. Not very worn, except for the edges. You open the book and it has a table of contents;</n3>
[[The Smartest Succubus|Trix(3)]]
[[Types Of Latex|typesofLatex(3)]]
[[Pesky Little Flies|pixies(3)]]
[[📖 Return To Library|LatexLibrary(3)]]
[[⛓ Return To Main Area|latexdungeon(3)]]
<center><h1> Elizabeth Bellatrix </h1></center>
<img src="img/dungeonlibrary/bellatrix.jpg" class=center width="40%">
The most intelligent succubus ever lived. She succeeded in transforming latex in inorganic structure into an organic structure with her lust energy. She later discovered that she could evolve this latex in different types. Her only problem was that she couldn't provide enough lust energy. Afterwards, I thought that it would be the most efficient way to obtain it from other succubuses. I was lucky that they started to produce Lust.
<p> Of course, time intervened after <b>*that*</b>. But I managed to find Lucy. Thanks to her, I was able to accomplish many things that remained theories in my mind. By the way, I was 2 meters 16 centimeters tall and I was majestic and mighty. You can tell by looking at the photo above. Damn little flies took thousands of photos of me. When they fell out with us, they took all our photos one by one. That's the only one I could save. I guess little fairies don't call that photos. But I prefer to call it that way. I respect humans. They strive to improve in everything, even though they got nothing special. I don't mind using some words we got from them. Anyway, you'll learn more over time.</p>
<i>Evolution is an inevitable requirement of nature.</i>
<center><h2>Scopophobic Latex</h2></center>
Oh my God! My source of pride. I got the name inspired by humans words. They have developed a phobia of everything. Literally everything!
<br>This latex is no different from normal latex as long as it does not come into contact with a living organism.<br> But after coming into contact with lust energy, it does everything to avoid being detected. It consumes your lust energy while using it, but this is not a problem for you. I'm aware that because of the name, it gives the impression of avoiding only glances But in reality all your senses ignores it. There is only one way to overcome this. Having more than one soul. Even if one ignores it, the other won't. It can only manipulate one consciousness. Do you get it now? That's how I caught you Yomi. Actually, I thought you wouldn't fall for that. You have a more serious nature. But you did...
Do you know how thoroughly humans research their own bodies? They have even given names to organelles inside cells. What is an organelle right? Forget it. I was only able to include math in your curriculum.
This latex can store lust energy and then you can use the stored energy as you wish. Unbelievable isn't it? It was a concept I had in mind for a very long time, but it didn't work in my time. If I could make a latex that can produce lust on its own then that name would make more sense.
<center><h2>Stimulant Latex</h2></center>
Energy is needed for mitochondria, right?... Maybe I chose the wrong name. Why would the mitochondria need energy? Its the source of it. Anyway;
This latex, like its name, stimulates you and increases lust production. When you support it with a few toys, you can get better results than you expected.
<center><h2>The Silk Net</h2></center>
That's it! That's the development. That's evolution. Evolving your technology is evolving your species.
This latex makes it possible to communicate with the mind. I haven't even mentioned the craziest part yet. Compatible with all other latex types. This is actually not a different type. Now, it's a default feature. If you weren't thrilled after reading this, you've read this far for nothing. I'm getting goosebumps. I can't believe what I've achieved on my own, and with a little help from Lucy.
<img src="img/dungeonlibrary/somniaPixie1.jpg" class=center width="95%">
<n3>Art by</n3><a target="_blank" href="https://www.deviantart.com/telthona">Telthona</a>
I don't understand what they think they are. They are in need of us in the current situation. They have to respect us.
They're called <i>Somnia Pictores.</i> They produce what they call pixie dust using the Lust energy. They can reach incredible speeds with this powder. They can also preserve the moment and they use very advanced technologies to store them. Still, they need us to do that.
Where they keep their photos is a complete mystery. It's not hard to guess that it has reached billions by now. Even humans have managed to copy this concept albeit pathetically. This is a defeat in succubus history.
If you want to piss them off, just say <i>"You look like a fly."</i>
[[Return|dungeonbook101(3)]]<img src="img/dungeonlibrary/latexlibrary.jpg" class=center width="45%">
Right next to the entrance you see a lectern. There is a book on it.
[[📕 Check out the book|dungeonbook101(4)]]
[[⛓ Return|latexdungeonSunday(1)]]
<img src="img/dungeonlibrary/dungeonbook1.jpg" class=center width="40%">
<n3>A book covered in red leather. It feels ancient but looks fine. Not very worn, except for the edges. You open the book and it has a table of contents;</n3>
[[The Smartest Succubus|Trix(4)]]
[[Types Of Latex|typesofLatex(4)]]
[[Pesky Little Flies|pixies(4)]]
[[📖 Return To Library|LatexLibrary(4)]]
[[⛓ Return To Main Area|latexdungeonSunday(1)]]
<center><h1> Elizabeth Bellatrix </h1></center>
<img src="img/dungeonlibrary/bellatrix.jpg" class=center width="40%">
The most intelligent succubus ever lived. She succeeded in transforming latex in inorganic structure into an organic structure with her lust energy. She later discovered that she could evolve this latex in different types. Her only problem was that she couldn't provide enough lust energy. Afterwards, I thought that it would be the most efficient way to obtain it from other succubuses. I was lucky that they started to produce Lust.
<p> Of course, time intervened after <b>*that*</b>. But I managed to find Lucy. Thanks to her, I was able to accomplish many things that remained theories in my mind. By the way, I was 2 meters 16 centimeters tall and I was majestic and mighty. You can tell by looking at the photo above. Damn little flies took thousands of photos of me. When they fell out with us, they took all our photos one by one. That's the only one I could save. I guess little fairies don't call that photos. But I prefer to call it that way. I respect humans. They strive to improve in everything, even though they got nothing special. I don't mind using some words we got from them. Anyway, you'll learn more over time.</p>
<i>Evolution is an inevitable requirement of nature.</i>
<center><h2>Scopophobic Latex</h2></center>
Oh my God! My source of pride. I got the name inspired by humans words. They have developed a phobia of everything. Literally everything!
<br>This latex is no different from normal latex as long as it does not come into contact with a living organism.<br> But after coming into contact with lust energy, it does everything to avoid being detected. It consumes your lust energy while using it, but this is not a problem for you. I'm aware that because of the name, it gives the impression of avoiding only glances But in reality all your senses ignores it. There is only one way to overcome this. Having more than one soul. Even if one ignores it, the other won't. It can only manipulate one consciousness. Do you get it now? That's how I caught you Yomi. Actually, I thought you wouldn't fall for that. You have a more serious nature. But you did...
Do you know how thoroughly humans research their own bodies? They have even given names to organelles inside cells. What is an organelle right? Forget it. I was only able to include math in your curriculum.
This latex can store lust energy and then you can use the stored energy as you wish. Unbelievable isn't it? It was a concept I had in mind for a very long time, but it didn't work in my time. If I could make a latex that can produce lust on its own then that name would make more sense.
<center><h2>Stimulant Latex</h2></center>
Energy is needed for mitochondria, right?... Maybe I chose the wrong name. Why would the mitochondria need energy? Its the source of it. Anyway;
This latex, like its name, stimulates you and increases lust production. When you support it with a few toys, you can get better results than you expected.
<center><h2>The Silk Net</h2></center>
That's it! That's the development. That's evolution. Evolving your technology is evolving your species.
This latex makes it possible to communicate with the mind. I haven't even mentioned the craziest part yet. Compatible with all other latex types. This is actually not a different type. Now, it's a default feature. If you weren't thrilled after reading this, you've read this far for nothing. I'm getting goosebumps. I can't believe what I've achieved on my own, and with a little help from Lucy.
<img src="img/dungeonlibrary/somniaPixie1.jpg" class=center width="95%">
<n3>Art by</n3><a target="_blank" href="https://www.deviantart.com/telthona">Telthona</a>
I don't understand what they think they are. They are in need of us in the current situation. They have to respect us.
They're called <i>Somnia Pictores.</i> They produce what they call pixie dust using the Lust energy. They can reach incredible speeds with this powder. They can also preserve the moment and they use very advanced technologies to store them. Still, they need us to do that.
Where they keep their photos is a complete mystery. It's not hard to guess that it has reached billions by now. Even humans have managed to copy this concept albeit pathetically. This is a defeat in succubus history.
If you want to piss them off, just say <i>"You look like a fly."</i>
<n3> You suck some Lust from Hitomi and enlarge your breasts. You focus and fill your breasts with milk and approach Hitomi. When you're around Hitomi, you can do those kind of things much more easily.</n3>
<<set $milk to random(2) >>\
<<if $milk === 0 >><img src="gif/hitomi/feed/hitomimilk1.webp" class=center width="60%"> <</if>>\
<<if $milk === 1 >><img src="gif/hitomi/feed/hitomimilk2.webp" class=center width="65%"><</if>>\
<<if $milk === 2 >><img src="gif/hitomi/feed/hitomimilk3.webp" class=center width="65%"><</if>>\
<b><d>$name:</d> <n1> I have a special treat for you. </n1></b>
<n3> Hitomi starts sucking your tits before you finish. She milks you, both with tongue strokes and powerful sucking. Your nipples are on fire and Hitomi's tongue strokes are making you swoon.</n3>
<b><d>$name:</d> <n1> Ahhh! Sl-Slow down! You're sucking too hard. AAhhhh! </n1></b>
<n3> Hitomi is getting faster. She can't seem to control herself. </n3>
<b><d>Hitomi:</d> <hi1> But... so delicious. I want to suck your tits all day long. I want your milk pleasee!!</hi1></b>
<n3> The more Hitomi sucks, the more milk your body produces. And you don't want it to slow down anymore. On the contrary, you want her to be even more vicious, to suck you with all her might. You grab Hitomi's head and press it against your big tits and keep moaning loudly. Realizing that you want more, Hitomi reaches for your other breast and starts to play with your nipple. </n3>
<img src="gif/tits/nipple1.webp" class=center width="65%">
<n3> Suddenly you startle. The pleasure you feel has almost doubled and you start to tremble. Still, you want her to continue. Hitomi switches between your tits. She sucks one while she milks the other with her hands.</n3>
<<if $controlHitomi gte 3>>\
[[✊ Increase your control|IncreaseControl(h)]]
<<if $hitomiEnd === 0>>\
<center><h2><n3>End of the content for Hitomi!</n3></h2></center>
<b><n3>♀ Hitomi's Corruption has Increased</n3></b>
<center><b><n1>💋 Lust: +20</n1></b>
<b><e1>⚡️ Energy: -35 </e1></b></center>
<<if $lust lte 80>>\
<<set $lust += 20>>\
<<elseif $lust gt 80>>\
<<set $lust to 100>>\
<<set $hitomiCorruption += 1>>\
<<set $energy -= 35>>\
[[🚪 Return To Your Room|DormRoom]]
[[🎀 Return To Hitomi's Room|hitomiroom]]
<<set $hitomiCorruption += 1>>\
<<set $hitomiEnd to 1>>\
<<set $controlHitomi += 1>>[[Return|♃ Jupiter Dormitory]]
<n3>You touch to the glimmer and it turns into a photograph in your hand. Afterwards, it transforms into its former form and starts to make its way to the box in your room.</n3>
<img src="img/pics/brittanypics/brittanypic7.webp" class=center width="50%">
<<set $photo19 to 1>>\
[[Return|♃ Jupiter Dormitory]]
<<set $photoRemain -= 1 >>\[[Return|♃ Jupiter Dormitory]]
<n3>You touch to the glimmer and it turns into a photograph in your hand. Afterwards, it transforms into its former form and starts to make its way to the box in your room.</n3>
<img src="img/pics/milenapics/milenapic6.jpg" class=center width="50%" >
<<set $photo20 to 1>>\
<<set $photoRemain -= 1 >>\
[[Return|♃ Jupiter Dormitory]][[Return|♃ Jupiter Dormitory]]
<n3>You touch to the glimmer and it turns into a photograph in your hand. Afterwards, it transforms into its former form and starts to make its way to the box in your room.</n3>
<img src="img/pics/lucypics/lucypic3.jpg" class=center width="50%" >
<<set $photoRemain -= 1 >>\
<<set $photo21 to 1>>\
[[Return|♃ Jupiter Dormitory]][[🖼️ Return To Gallery|photoGallery]]
[[🚪 Return To Your Room|DormRoom]]
<n3> She' s just getting started. </n3>
<img src="img/pics/brittanypics/brittanypic7.webp" class=center width="65%">
[[🖼️ Return To Gallery|photoGallery]]
[[🚪 Return To Your Room|DormRoom]][[🖼️ Return To Gallery|photoGallery]]
[[🚪 Return To Your Room|DormRoom]]
<n3> The perfect camping companion. </n3>
<img src="img/pics/milenapics/milenapic6.jpg" class=center >
[[🖼️ Return To Gallery|photoGallery]]
[[🚪 Return To Your Room|DormRoom]][[🖼️ Return To Gallery|photoGallery]]
[[🚪 Return To Your Room|DormRoom]]
<n3>She has her own hidden pleasures.</n3>
<img src="img/pics/lucypics/lucypic3.jpg" class=center width="75%">
[[🖼️ Return To Gallery|photoGallery]]
[[🚪 Return To Your Room|DormRoom]][[🖼️ Return To Gallery|photoGallery]]
[[🚪 Return To Your Room|DormRoom]]
<n3> A friendly Summer who pulls down her blouse to show off her big tits. </n3>
<img src="img/pics/summerpics/summerpic1.webp" class=center >
[[🖼️ Return To Gallery|photoGallery]]
[[🚪 Return To Your Room|DormRoom]]
<n3>You touch to the glimmer and it turns into a photograph in your hand. Afterwards, it transforms into its former form and starts to make its way to the box in your room.</n3>
<img src="img/pics/summerpics/summerpic1.webp" class=center width="40%" >
<<set $photoRemain -= 1 >>\
<<set $photo18 to 1>>\
[[Return|latexdungeon(3)]]<<set $size to random(2)>>\
<<if $tits lte 3>>\
<n3> You stand in front of the mirror to check your breasts and you enlarge them to the limit of what you can keep under control. Even as they are now, it' s not bad at all, but you realize that you can make them bigger by attending Milena's classes. It doesn't feel very natural yet because you're not Jupiter, but you're definitely developing at a good pace. </n3>
<<if $size === 0>><img src="gif/mirror/1/tits1.webp" class=center width="40%"><</if>>
<<if $size === 1>><img src="gif/mirror/1/tits2.webp" class=center width="55%"><</if>>\
<<if $size === 2>><img src="gif/mirror/1/tits3.webp" class=center width="50%"><</if>>
<<if $tits gt 3 and $tits lte 6 >>\
<n3>You stand in front of the mirror to check your breasts and you enlarge them to the limit of what you can keep under control. Just one of them is enough to overflow your palm. Your nipples are much more sensitive and it's much more pleasurable to play with your tits. You can go much bigger than that, but this is the limit of what you can keep under control. As you attend Milena's classes, you know that you can go beyond that and you feel excited about it. </n3>
<<if $size === 0>><img src="gif/mirror/2/tits4.webp" class=center width="43%"><</if>>
<<if $size === 1>><img src="gif/mirror/2/tits5.webp" class=center width="65%"><</if>>
<<if $size === 2>><img src="gif/mirror/2/tits6.webp" class=center width="43%"><</if>>
<<if $tits gt 6 and $tits lte 9 >>\
<n3>You stand in front of the mirror to check your breasts and you enlarge them to the limit of what you can keep under control. Gathering Lust in your breasts and preserving it there now feels much more natural. You can see that clearly from your reflection. When you aroused, your breasts become almost as sensitive as your pussy and sometimes they leak milk. You have the control that an average Jupiter has, but it wouldn't hurt to go a little bit bigger than that. </n3>
<<if $size === 0>><img src="gif/mirror/3/tits7.webp" class=center width="42%"><</if>>
<<if $size === 1>><img src="gif/mirror/3/tits8.webp" class=center width="39%"><</if>>
<<if $size === 2>><img src="gif/mirror/3/tits9.webp" class=center width="68%"><</if>>
<<if $tits gt 9>>\
<n3>You stand in front of the mirror to check your breasts and you enlarge them to the limit of what you can keep under control. Now you can make your tits big enough to compete with Milena. You've come a long way and now you've got the tits of a remarkable Jupiter. It's much easier to produce milk and when you enlarge your breasts, they become the most sensitive part of your body, especially your nipples. It's up to you what size you want to keep in daily life, but your limits have expanded considerably.</n3>
<img src="gif/mirror/4/tits11.webp" class=center width="50%">
<center>[[Return To the Mirror|Mirror]]
[[🛁 Return To the Bathroom|Bathroom]]</center>
<<if $McSign === 0 >>\
<n3> Your default sign is Moon but this sign changes when Sun is activated. Your current changed sign looks like a dot in a circle. It doesn't look much like a sun symbol. When your sign changes, you feel much stronger and your arm gets a little hot. Also, Sun can use techniques such as mind control, hallucination and memory erasure. But its long use tires you out. </n3>
<img src="img/McSign/sun1.png" class=center width="28%">
<<elseif $McSign === 1>>\
<n3> Your default sign is Moon but this sign changes when Sun is activated. Your current changed sign looks like an improved version of your old sign. The dot in the center becomes a small circle, and between the two circles there are formed eight curved lines. Between each of the two large lines there is a small curved line and it looks like a complete sun figure. When this sign is active, your ability to sense Lust energy becomes incredibly sensitive. You are also less fatigued by Sun's techniques and your overall power level is higher. You know that this is not your final form, as there must be at least one more evolution of this sign. </n3>
<img src="img/McSign/sun2.png" class=center width="25%">
<center>[[Return To the Mirror|Mirror]]
[[🛁 Return To the Bathroom|Bathroom]]</center>
<n3>You tell Hitomi that you want to talk to her about something and she sits on her bed and stares at you with interest. She looks so cute. </n3>
<img src="img/hitomi/advice/hitomi1.jpg" class=center width="55%">
<b><d>Hitomi:</d> <hi1> What did you want to talk about? </hi1></b><i><n3>"Tilting her head slightly to the right" </n3></i>
<b><d>$name:</d> <n1> Umm... You know Mistress Milena's private lessons, right? </n1></b>
<n3> She slowly nods in the affirmative. </n3>
<b><n1> We're working on breast enlargement, but it's a bit difficult to control. Since you're Jupiter, I thought you could give me some advice and... </n1></b>
<n3> While Hitomi is lying on her bed listening attentively, she suddenly interrupts you with excitement. </n3>
<<linkreplace"From me?">>\
<img src="img/hitomi/advice/hitomi2.jpg" class=center width="90%">
<b><d>Hitomi:</d> <hi1>And you want my help? </hi1></b>
<n3> She claps her hands happily and slowly stands up from her bed. </n3>
<b><hi1>I'd be happy to help! I knew my elite breast control would come in handy one day! </hi1></b>
<<set $hitomiHelp1 to 2>>\<<set $which to random(5)>>\
<<set $dream to random(2)>>\
<<set $heels to random(4)>>\
<<set $latex to random(4)>>\
<<set $spank to random(4)>>\
<<set $lewd to random(8)>>\
<<if $which === 0>>\
<n3>You get a good night's sleep without any dreams. Your eyes slowly open in the first light of the day. You are ready for what the new day will bring.</n3>
<img src="gif/sleep/night/sunset1.gif" class=center width="55%">
<<if $which === 1>>\
<n3>You're having chaotic dreams. When you wake up, you remember what you saw, but it takes about ten seconds to forget them. Overall, you feel rested and ready for the new day. </n3>
<<if $dream === 0>>\
<img src="gif/dream/dream/dream1.gif" class=center width="70%">
<<if $dream === 1>>\
<img src="gif/dream/dream/dream2.gif" class=center width="70%">
<<if $dream === 2>>\
<img src="gif/dream/dream/dream3.gif" class=center width="70%">
<<if $which === 2 >>\
<n3><b><i>"Succubuses begging to be under your heels. Accepting that she is beneath you and being pleased about it, doing exactly what you say without question."</i></b> Such thoughts are the theme of the dream and they feel good to you. You feel superior to everyone else and it just feels natural for you. When you wake up you are wet and feel generally relaxed. You don't remember your dream but you feel well rested and satisfied.</n3>
<<if $heels === 0>>\
<img src="gif/dream/heels/heels1.webp" class=center width="65%">
<<if $heels === 1>>\
<img src="gif/dream/heels/heels2.gif" class=center width="65%">
<<if $heels === 2>>\
<img src="gif/dream/heels/heelskiss1.webp" class=center width="65%">
<<if $heels === 3>>\
<img src="gif/dream/heels/heelskiss2.webp" class=center width="65%">
<<if $heels === 4>>\
<img src="gif/dream/heels/heelslick1.webp" class=center width="65%">
<<if $which === 3 >>\
<n3> You're covered in latex head to toe. The more you touch yourself, the hornier you get and the stronger you feel. You can dominate anyone. It's like the latex is alive, asking you something. It' s hungry! To control them, to dominate them... And so you are... </n3>
<<if $latex === 0>>\
<img src="gif/dream/latex/latexass1.webp" class=center width="50%">
<<if $latex === 1>>\
<img src="gif/dream/latex/latexass2.webp" class=center width="70%">
<<if $latex === 2>>\
<img src="gif/dream/latex/latexass3.webp" class=center width="70%">
<<if $latex === 3>>\
<img src="gif/dream/latex/latexass4.webp" class=center width="63%">
<<if $latex === 4>>\
<img src="gif/dream/latex/latexass5.webp" class=center width="70%">
<n3>You wake up with deep breaths. You lick your lips and notice that your mouth feels dry. Then, you feel something strange. As if you were interrupted in the middle of something, but you don't remember the what it is. Your arm's a little warm, probably you've been lying on it. You get out of bed well rested.</n3>
<<if $which === 4 >>\
<n3> There's a sweet pain in your palm. As you look at that plump, reddened ass that you've spanking for a while, you continue, without minding the pain. The loud sound of each stroke mingles with the moans of the succubus you are spanking and tickles your insides. The intensity of your strokes decides everything. It's in your hands whether she giggles and begs for more or tearfully begs you to stop. All it costs is the sweet pain in your hands.
When you wake up, your hands feel a little numb. And you start the day feeling well rested.</n3>
<<if $spank === 0>>\
<img src="gif/dream/spank/spank1.webp" class=center width="60%">
<<if $spank === 1>>\
<img src="gif/dream/spank/spank2.webp" class=center width="65%">
<<if $spank === 2>>\
<img src="gif/dream/spank/spank3.webp" class=center width="55%">
<<if $spank === 3>>\
<img src="gif/dream/spank/spank4.webp" class=center width="45%">
<<if $spank === 4>>\
<img src="gif/dream/spank/spank5.webp" class=center width="72%">
<<if $which === 5 >>\
<<if $lewd === 0>>\
<n3>Brittany is dancing with all her cheerfulness. Her huge tits swinging from the rear of her denim jumpsuit and accompanies Brittany's dance. Her energy is always friendly and inviting. You feel like joining her, watching those tits up close, maybe touching them. To bury your head between those tits and continue your sleep there...</n3>
<img src="gif/dream/lewd/brittany1.webp" class=center width="45%">
<<if $lewd === 1>>\
<n3>Brittany caresses her tits. She looks at you with lust and her energy almost lights you on fire. You try to step towards her but you can't feel her body. It's like you're in a cage and you have to endure Brittany teasing you. Her hands are so small next to her tits, it turns you on even more. She looks perfect...</n3>
<img src="gif/dream/lewd/brittany2.webp" class=center width="55%">
<<if $lewd === 2>>\
<n3>Brittany caresses her tits. She looks at you with lust and her energy almost lights you on fire. You try to step towards her but you can't feel her body. It's like you're in a cage and you have to endure Brittany teasing you. Her hands are so small next to her tits, it turns you on even more. She looks perfect...</n3>
<img src="gif/dream/lewd/brittany3.webp" class=center width="55%">
<<if $lewd === 3>>\
<n3>Brittany caresses her tits. She looks at you with lust and her energy almost lights you on fire. You try to step towards her but you can't feel her body. It's like you're in a cage and you have to endure Brittany teasing you. Her hands are so small next to her tits, it turns you on even more. She looks perfect...</n3>
<img src="gif/dream/lewd/brittany4.webp" class=center width="55%">
<<if $lewd === 4>>\
<n3>Hitomi, presenting her big tits to you. She has a body that doesn't match her cute and innocent face, which increases her attractiveness. You want those tits. You wanna do whatever you want. You want her essence, powerful, beautiful and pure. Sometimes torturing her tits, sometimes massaging her nipples for hours...
You wake up in a ridiculous position. You're drooling. Then you stand up from your bed, ready for the day.</n3>
<img src="gif/dream/lewd/hitomi1.webp" class=center width="60%">
<<if $lewd === 5>>\
<n3>Hitomi, presenting her big tits to you. She has a body that doesn't match her cute and innocent face, which increases her attractiveness. You want those tits. You wanna do whatever you want. You want her essence, powerful, beautiful and pure. Sometimes torturing her tits, sometimes massaging her nipples for hours...
You wake up in a ridiculous position. You're drooling. Then you stand up from your bed, ready for the day.</n3>
<img src="gif/dream/lewd/hitomi2.webp" class=center width="60%">
<<if $lewd === 6>>\
<n3> You're in class. Milena enthusiastically explains something about breasts. And she uses her own huge tits to do it. You remember her saying how important hands-on learning is. Maybe you need to touch them to learn properly. But your hands may not be enough. You may need to hug them. Even one of them is much bigger than your head but are ready to do anything for education...
You slowly open your eyes. You don't know what day it is, but you hope it's a weekday. </n3>
<img src="gif/dream/lewd/milena1.webp" class=center width="85%">
<<if $lewd === 7>>\
<n3>You're in class. Milena sits in her chair, but she doesn't look very comfortable. As she tries to find a comfortable position, you watch her big tits jiggle through her see-through blouse. She' s not wearing a bra is the cherry on top. For some time Milena struggles this way on her chair...
You slowly open your eyes. You don't know what day it is, but you hope it's a weekday.</n3>
<img src="gif/dream/lewd/milena2.webp" class=center width="60%">
<<if $lewd === 8>>\
<n3> Milena is exercising. It looks like she's trying to keep in shape. Every time she moves, her breasts sway independently of her. The fact that she's not wearing a bra makes her even more enjoyable to watch. Maybe it would help if you could hold her breasts for a while, to give her back some relief.
You wake up feeling energized. You get out of bed thinking that it would be nice if you ran into Milena during your exercise.</n3>
<img src="gif/dream/lewd/milena3.webp" class=center width="55%">
<<if $day === "Monday" or $day === "Tuesday" or $day === "Wednesday" or $day === "Thursday" or $day === "Friday">>\
[[🛌 Wake Up|Lessons]]
<<if $day === "Sunday" or $day === "Saturday">>\
[[🛌 Wake Up|DormRoom]]
<n3> She puts her hands on her breasts and you can see that they are slowly getting bigger. As she does this, she starts talking. Her tone is more serious than you expected. </n3>
<img src="img/hitomi/advice/hitomi3.jpg" class=center width="55%">
<b><d>Hitomi:</d> <hi1> Breast control is a Jupiter's honor. Since we have a very large Lust capacity, it is more difficult for us to control it in the beginning. But it can certainly be learned. After a while it will even become as easy as breathing. </hi1></b>
<n3> Her breasts expanded considerably during her speech. She continues;</n3>
<b><hi1> Because I grew up in a somewhat strict home, I had to practice every day. It doesn't matter how large you can make it. What matters is how big you can maintain it. At first it will demand a lot of your focus. Just keeping them both the same size is a challenge.</hi1></b>
<n3> As Hitomi continues talking, you seem to see a dark figure on the bed. </n3>
<<linkreplace"Look at the bed">>\
<n3> A small rabbit in black and blue colors, with some spots glowing bright white. But the moment it notices your gaze, it disappears in a second. The day you met, Hitomi mentioned that her spirit animal was a rabbit. But you didn't think it would look this cool.</n3>
<img src="img/hitomi/advice/rabbit1.jpg" class=center width="45%">
<n3> Hitomi notices your gaze has shifted and smiles. </n3>
<b><d>Hitomi:</d> <hi1>Oh, which one did you see? </hi1></b>
<b><d>$name:</d> <n1> What do you mean? </n1></b>
<b><d>Hitomi:</d> <hi1> My spirit animal! I have more than one kind of rabbit. But I can't control which one I summon and when. And they're all very shy... except for one. There's Puffy, Cloudy, Crimson, Gray, Bambi... </hi1></b>
[[It was in shades of black and blue and had little white sparkles.|HitomiAdvice3]]
<n3> Hitomi lets out a little scream. </n3>
<b><d>Hitomi:</d> <hi1> You saw Shade? She is the shyest among them. She must have loved you. Anyway, let's move on.</hi1></b>
<n3> She reveals her breasts, which she has been slowly enlarging for some time. </n3>
<img src="img/hitomi/advice/hitomi4.jpg" class=center width="55%">
<n3> She gets back on the bed and raises her arms, giving you a good view of her tits. </n3>
<img src="img/hitomi/advice/hitomi5.jpg" class=center width="90%">
<b><d>Hitomi:</d> <hi1> Observation is as important as practice.</hi1></b>
<b><d>$name:</d> <n1> I've heard that in private lessons. </n1></b>
<b><d>Hitomi:</d> <hi1> Yes, this is a well-known saying among the Jupiters. I'll show you a method I used to use. </hi1></b>
<n3> She walks to the wardrobe and puts on a crop-top. </n3>
<n3> As Hitomi speaks, her breasts start to get huge. </n3>
<img src="gif/tits/hitomigrow1.webp" class=center width="50%">
<b><d>Hitomi:</d> <hi1>This is a special ultra-flexible clothing that I'm wearing. It allows me to enlarge my breasts as much as I want and it provides support to keep it at maximum size. </hi1></b>
<b><hi1> But until you get above a certain level, using this will only be to your detriment. </hi1></b>
<n3> She raises her hand excitedly. </n3>
<b><hi1> So you have to learn to achieve this effect on your own. It's as if you're wearing something like this and you're making your breasts bigger in a controlled way. Imagine an extra layer in your mind that keeps your breasts under control. </hi1></b>
<b><hi1> I trust your ability. You'll learn it easily. </hi1></b>
<n3> Then she approaches you and puts one hand on your shoulder.She doesn't know that you have a more unstable Lust control than normal because of Sun. </n3>
<b><d>Hitomi:</d> <hi1> Yes, now I am going to transfer some of my Lust to you and you will be filled with it. Your goal is to prevent your breasts from growing uncontrollably. How big you keep them is entirely up to you. You just need to prevent them from growing.</hi1></b>
<n3> It' s obvious that she' s been training for a long time. Her hesitant and timid nature is gone now. She' s already been through it and she's confident that you can handle it too.</n3>
<b><d>Hitomi:</d> <hi1> Are you ready? </hi1></b>
<b><d>$name:</d> <n1> I'm ready! </n1></b>
<b><d>Hitomi:</d> <hi1> By the way, you will experience a lot of pleasure. Be careful not to faint. </hi1></b>
<n3> As she finishes, you feel the Lust energy flowing through your body. Even though it is very sudden, you manage to channel this energy to your breasts but your breasts are growing much faster than you expected. Only for a moment you had the opportunity to let them grow. </n3>
<img src="gif/tits/grow2.webp" class=center width="55%">
<n3> Now you need to control your breasts, which are already big enough. But the pleasure that has been building up inside you is starting to reveal itself. </n3>
<b><d>$name:</d> <n1> Oh shit! Slow down a little... </n1></b>
<b><d>Hitomi:</d> <hi1> You're doing great. Just a little bit more.</hi1></b>
<n3> Your body starts to tremble, your eyes start to darken slightly. You are still conscious but you are not doing well. Suddenly Hitomi pulls her hand away from you in shock. As far as you can open your eyes, you see a white figure on the ground, but before you can understand what it is, Hitomi hugs you vigorously.</n3>
<n3> As she hugs you, you feel all the excess Lust disappearing and you notice that Hitomi is crying. </n3>
<b><d>Hitomi:</d> <hi1> I'm so sorry! I didn't mean to hurt you.</hi1></b>
<n3> Your breasts return to their former size and your fatigue decreases. You hug Hitomi back and try to calm her down.</n3>
<b><d>$name:</d> <n1> I know you mean no harm. I asked for your help and you're... </n1></b>
<n3> Hitomi raises her head with teary eyes and interrupts. </n3>
<b><d>Hitomi:</d> <hi1> I knew it could turn out like this, but I thought it would be a natural outcome. But seeing you like that reminded me of my past. Years of hard training. The way I felt and nobody ever cared. </hi1></b>
<b><hi1> I'm proud to be a Jupiter, but I've been exposed to a lot of unwanted things to get to where I am. And now that I've finally found a friend, what am I doing to her? Please don't hate me! </hi1></b>
<n3> You hug her even tighter while telling that you don't hate her. </n3>
<b><hi1> My spirit animals became my greatest friends and I was so embarrassed on the first day at the spirit animal reveal ceremony, and then you passed out in a burst of flames and everyone got distracted and I blended in without participating in the ceremony. </hi1></b>
<n3> She continues, gasping for breath with small sobs. </n3>
<b><hi1>So no one could make fun of my friends. Since I had already revealed my spirit animals, I didn't think it would make any difference if I didn't participate.</hi1></b>
<n3> Even if you have revealed your spirit animal beforehand, you should attend the ceremony, reveal your spirit animal in front of everyone and celebrate with everyone. </n3>
[[You feel a wetness.|HitomiAdvice7]]
<n3>You feel a increasing wetness in your chest area. Hitomi must have felt it too, she slowly sits up to check what's going on. Your nipples are bursting with milk. Normally this is supposed to be a pleasurable experience, but you don't feel anything special.</n3>
<img src="gif/tits/milk1.webp" class=center width="65%">
<n3> Hitomi stands up and wipes her tears. She seems a little embarrassed about the breakdown she just had. You call out to Sun and a warmth appears on your arm.</n3>
<b><a1>(</a1><n1> Hey, I think you know what I would ask for. </n1><a1>)</a1></b>
<b><n1>(</n1> <a1> Are you sure? You two just had a special moment.</a1><n1>)</n1></b>
<b><a1>(</a1><n1> I'm not sure, of course. But she might remember it as a better memory. She was able to help the way she wanted to, and it ended happily. </n1><a1>)</a1></b>
<b><n1>(</n1> <a1> Very well, I'll let you choose. </a1><n1>)</n1></b>
<center>[[Don't touch Hitomi's memory and this moment will be remembered as it is.|sadmemory]]
[[Replace what has just happened with a happier alternative.|happymemory]]</center>
<n3> You decided not to change Hitomi's memories. You stand up and notice that you've lost sight of Hitomi. Then you realize that she is washing her face with the sound of water. </n3>
<b><d>Hitomi:</d> <hi1> I'm sorry I couldn't help you. </hi1></b>
<b><d>$name:</d> <n1> No, you certainly did. If you noticed, my boobs didn't go past a certain size. That visualization really helped me. </n1></b>
<b><d>Hitomi:</d> <hi1> You really did! You kept the size you wanted the whole time. </hi1></b> <i><n3>"With a huge smile"</n3></i>
<n3> Even though Sun hasn't changed Hitomi's memories, something inside you is bothering you. Maybe it's because the first thing that comes to your mind is to change her memory. You're not sure, but you feel hypocritical. Lost in these thoughts, you move to your room without saying goodbye to Hitomi. Just as you walk out the door, a head sticks out. </n3>
<img src="img/hitomi/advice/hitomi4.png" class=center width="40%">
<b><d>Hitomi:</d> <hi1> Heyy! Make sure you get a good rest. If you need anything else, don't hesitate to come to me. At least my advice might help.</hi1></b>
<n3> You nod with a slightly fake smile. You feel far from feeling tired, you feel even better than before.</n3>
[[Return to Your Room|DormRoom]]
<<set $sadmemory to 1>>\
<<set $tits += 1>>\
<n3> You decide to change Hitomi's memories. Sun takes action without saying anything. For a while, the heat on your arm increases and then goes back to normal. You're not sure about this decision, but you're doing it for Hitomi's sake. You can see Hitomi's expression has changed.</n3>
<b><d>Hitomi:</d> <hi1> I was so happy to be able to help that I couldn't hold back the tears. I think that alone is enough, but if you want to practice more you can always visit.</hi1></b>
<b><d>$name:</d> <n1> Yes.... Thank you. </n1></b>
<n3> Hitomi hugs you one last time and then you leave to your room. Just as you walk out the door, a head sticks out. </n3>
<img src="img/hitomi/advice/hitomi4.png" class=center width="40%">
<b><d>Hitomi:</d> <hi1> Heyy! Make sure you get a good rest. If you need anything else, don't hesitate to come to me. I'd be happy to help.</hi1></b>
<b><i><n3> You decide what's good for her? Just because you can do it, you can to decide too?</n3></i></b>
<n3>Suddenly you get rid of your thoughts and come back to the present. You nod with a slightly fake smile to her. You feel far from feeling tired, you feel even better than before.</n3>
<n3>While walking to your room;</n3>
<b><n1>(</n1> <a1> You're too hard on yourself. Yes, in your position, you can make decisions for others. That doesn't make you a bad... </a1><n1>)</n1></b>
<b><a1>(</a1><n1> I know, I know. </n1><a1>)</a1></b>
[[Return to Your Room|DormRoom]]
<<set $corruption += 1>>\
<<set $happymemory to 1>>\
<<set $tits += 1>>\<n3> You crack the door wide enough to peek inside. You see a succubus sitting on the floor in front of her bed, masturbating. Near ejaculation, her moans get louder and louder and she squirts. The sight of a Succubus panting and shivering in pleasure turns you on as well. You' d love to lick clean her juicy pussy right now.</n3>
<img src="gif/corridorPeek/peekMast1.webp" class=center width="40%">
<center><b><n1>💋 Lust: +20</n1></b></center>
<<if $lust lte 80>>\
<<set $lust += 20>>
<<if $lust gt 80>>\
<<set $lust to 100>>