Despite the rather simple plot, this html game contains a large number of high-quality porn gifs and images. Another distinctive feature of this game is that it is quite easy to find obscenities and get sexual interaction from the game characters. I don’t know if it’s good or bad, everyone decides for himself. Here is the plot: you decide to leave your hometown in search of better life conditions and education. Fortunately, you managed to get into the university, but due to the poor situation of your family, all the expenses will have to be borne by you! But after a while you’ll realize that it’s worth it…
By: Bullshit
Just a buggy bullshit.
By: Sissy
Why did you bother putting this crap up?
By: Lrl
Another new game that is practically abandoned. The dev last update (0.10) was on August of last year, then went on a big ol’ hiatus until like 3 days ago when they made an update post on Patreon. Honestly it doesn’t even take 5 minutes to check f95
By: Why?
It’s beyond broken. Why this was released without a modicum of just checking, is beyond me
By: Anonymous
please update update is out
By: Anonymous
No porn and nothing works. Open the phone to get the very first message and you can’t exist the phone. The first message and you get stuck. And you literally have nothing else to do. Bad game development
By: Saidee
i love this app