Welcome to the future! The year is 2039 and technological progress looks quite impressive. However, you don’t care about that. You are an extremely fat loser, who still lives with parents and plays games on your phone all day. And… yep, you are still a virgin. If only you could go back in time, you would change everything. This is what you dream about every day! And one day you receive an odd message in which you are invited to take part in a scientific experiment. With the help of the most advanced computer simulation you can go back in time and get a second chance to relive a certain moment in your life. It remains only to decide what moment in your life you want to return and you can start this virtual html5 porn game!
By: Anonymous
By: Lotrum
Hello, i’m the developer.
Thanks for uploading my game!
Join the discord linked inside the game if you want access to the most updated test-version.
By: Lolo
By: Anonymous
Its like college daze but not as good as college daze
By: Meh
College Daze wasn’t released 2 weeks ago, this shows promise
By: Methiia
Game was updated somewhere else, but i have my save here, can we have the last update here?
By: Anon
By: admin
Yes, to v0.2
By: Anon
Oh ok thanks, i didn’t notice because nothing changed and i had to ctrl+f5
By: Anonymous
Cheats please!!!
By: Anonymous
new update is out
By: admin
By: Anonymous
Schizophrenia has an update available
By: Anonymous
Admin, can you make a separate tab with the latest updates?
By: Anonymous
Any cheats?
Lot of photos/ vids not showing up. Is it just me or no as none of Katrina pics showed when checking up on you after the fight and after getting Rose to motivate you with the same scene there is another vid under it which also isn’t playing
By: anonymous
Who are the names of the pornstars?
By: Lotrum
LKB, are you playing from linux OS? Is that’s the case, check the discord, there is a download link to a new test version that should have fixed that issue.
By: Anonymous
new update out
By: admin
By: Anonymous
By: Anonymous
Update to 0.27
By: Anonymous
Wracked has a new update
By: Anonymous
v0.3 is out! update pls!
By: admin
By: Anonymous
Cheats please!!!!
By: Anonymous
New update is out! (0.33)
By: admin
By: Anonymous
0.35 update is out
By: Anonymous
Update please? 0.36 out
By: admin
By: Anonymous
Admin can you add “My Obwiveeus Mewf”?
By: Anonymous
can you add “My Obwiveeus Mewf”?
By: Anonymous
0.37 released today
By: admin
Updated, thanks
By: Anonymous
0.38 is out!
By: Anonymous
Version 0.39 came out today!
By: admin
By: Anonymous
0.41 is out!
By: Anonymous
Can we have an update?
V0.42 out today
By: admin
Updated, thanks!
By: Anonymous
Can you update to 0.47?
By: Anonymous
update please
By: Anonymous
Can you update to 0.52?
By: admin
By: Anonymous
Can you update this? This game is really good and really doesn’t get updated often
By: admin
By: Anonymous
Can you updates this please?
It’s several versions behind
By: Anonymous
update to 0.62 please?