This VN porn game is about you and your friend, where you, thanks to your dirty minds, created an application that can hypnotize any person using its increbidly complex algorithm. To do this, it must be installed on the victim’s phone to collect personal information and spy on him. To complete the experiment, you just need to find a suitable test subject. And who could be better than your modest and shy girlfriend, with whom you have not even had your first sex! All you need is to install your brilliant application on her phone and see what she does every day behind your back…
By: Katjablond
OK. The game is completely broken. 98% of the images and videos don’t work. No idea why they put that in. As they say: As you can see. Unfortunately, you can’t see anything of the game.
By: Anonymous
none of the vids play bro
By: admin
By: CreamOfDaCrop
Barely any of the videos work, good story tho
By: admin
By: Cindy
All the videos are broken & pages won’t advance
By: admin
By: Jay
Fix the videos there broken man come on.
By: admin
By: Anonymous
update is out
By: Tytyy
This wasn’t uploaded to the latest free version