Meet Daisy, a 29-year-old girl and the main character of this porn html game. She works as a software engineer at the “Banana” company, which produces phones. Your task is to make Daisy an office slut! However, this is not the only available path in the game. Depending on the decisions you make, Daisy’s characteristics will increase or decrease, leading to different game routes and endings. If by the end of the 14th day the scale on the sidebar turns bright pink, Daisy will choose the path of a slut wife. If the scale turns blue, then she will choose the path of a good wife. Both paths will follow different game scenarios and include unique porn content!
By: BigSmoke
Another stupid cuck game
By: user9090
I like this one
By: bonz
its impossible to be a good wife, ending is always cheating
By: WTFisThis
I’m not sure what’s worse, gay ass sissification/feminization/transformation games or sluttification games. It’s obviously the former with the latter being a half step behind. This game was beyond dumb.
By: Anon
BigSmoke, How ?
By: Jay
There’s a new update. 1.9
By: Jay
Will you update the game plz?
By: admin
By: Jay
Plz update.
By: Jay
By: Anon
After being repeatedly groped and raped not given any good options to choose in the story, if that’s what they want to call it, ..I just got sick of it, and it just became too uninteresting to proceed any further. Stopped at Day 6 will never use this one again.
By: anon
Developer must really big a huge pervert
By: Anonymous
update please
By: admin
By: Update plz.
Update plz.
By: Anonymous
Update 2.1 is out for public use.
By: admin
As far as I know, this game has been abandoned. Are You sure v 2.1 is out?
By: Anonymous
Go to his patreon it’s available for public he just released it yesterday.
By: Anonymous
Admin will y’all add the making of a slut?
By: Anonymous
Will y’all add 2.1plz?
By: Update plz.
Will y’all update plz?
By: Update
Update plz
By: Anonymous
Admin will you update?
By: Jay
Update plz.
By: Jay
Update plz. Its still on 2.0
By: Jay
Update plz