Today is the last day of “Fantasy Online” – your favorite html game, the one you have been playing all your carefree childhood. You turn it on and discover that the developers have added a mysterious artificial intelligence that immediately became your true friend. And in gratitude, it offers you a chance to go back and relive the paths you didn’t take. In other words, you can go back in time and live your life in a different way! This adult html game offers you both real and animated storylines. You can choose which characters you want to interact with, skip content you don’t want to see and interact with the story in your own way!
By: Anonymous
Warning this game starts out ok. But two seconds in and they surprisingly add two guys to the fuck list. And everyone that started to play stopped and said I’m not gay stop forcing the 99.9999% of us who are straight men to play games aimed at literally .0001% of the worlds population. That’s no joke gays are something like .1% and trans are .1% of them so that is literally something like .0001% of humanity is trans. Why did you do something so stupid and ruin your game right out the gate?
By: Anonymous
One of the better games added recently. More gay content than not, but all of the guys you fuck are femboys so if you’re into that this will be a treat for you. You can still fuck a few girls too so you don’t HAVE to do the gay stuff
By: Anonymous
Very fun the men in it are hot
By: Ad
Cool things
By: Coy
Admin please update it has a new update over at itch
By: Anonymous
update please
By: admin
By: Raye
Live it. Just wish there was a route with Oliver as the dominant one ><
By: Anonymous
People are really insecure about their masculinity here for some reason