vr games for adults

Sexy Witch

Christie and Kim have had their souls extracted from their bodies. In order to survive, they took over Tara and Amber’s bodies. Now they have come to the woman who did this to them. She must return their bodies or else! But it seems their trip was wasted. She can’t help our girls, because she doesn’t know how to return the spirits back. But this strange woman knows someone who can do the spirit transfer – the witch…

Category: 3D, Action, Anal, BDSM, Fetish, Fisting, Hardcore, Strip

Added on: September 5th, 2015

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  1. By: Anonymous


  2. By: Lacko Jozef

    Ii wan to play

  3. By: wahyu

    game ini verygood kontolnya gede-gede

  4. By: asu

    kontol gede

  5. By: sfq


  6. By: Anonymous


  7. By: Anonymous

    Need help for this game

  8. By: Anonymous

    Someone help pls

  9. By: Anonymous

    I need help to take off her dress and stockings

  10. By: ivan

    I need help to take off her clothes?

  11. By: ivan

    how take off her clothes?

  12. By: Anonymous

    Scene 2 & 3, hand on white clothing.

  13. By: Anonymous

    Khely kharin

  14. By: Anonymous

    i cant get off her clothes on the lower body part

  15. By: sahil

    i am not able to play this game. please help someone.

  16. By: jimi

    hahahahaha kontolnya gede sakali

  17. By: james

    guys how the fuck can i win this shit

  18. By: chels

    this is how i finished the game 🙂
    Scene one:
    Use the hand icon to touch her boobs. The meter should rise. When it stops, touch her thigh again until the meter stops rising. Now would be a good time to question her. Zoom to her upper body and touch her boobs until the “dumb blonde” dialogue box opens- now you can click and drag her bra open. touch her boobs again until the meter stops. Zoom to lower body. Touch thighs again until “you’re enjoying this” dialogue box opens. Now you can raise her dress. Touch her panties until then meter is completely full. 🙂

  19. By: mugni

    please!!! i can not raise her dress.. how i can do that?

  20. By: Julian


  21. By: kontol

    aku pengen kentu .hahahahahah

  22. By: uha

    why cant raise her dress up?

  23. By: Anonymous

    fk la this

  24. By: Anonymous

    All of these games from this bunch are overly complicated. They really SUCK!!!!

  25. It didn’t even load for me #sad face 🙁

  26. By: Anonymous


  27. By: Anonymous


  28. By: Anonymous

    Fuck me

  29. By: Anonymous

    why the hell doesn’t this work?

  30. By: Anonymous

    how do i pull up the skirt part after the Your really enjoying this part?

  31. By: Anonymous

    what do i do after i tickel her feet

  32. By: fuck me

    cum me pllease

  33. By: Anonymous

    Can someone leave a full game walkthrough Im stuck

  34. By: Anonymous

    come to my house

  35. By: dasf


  36. By: edward

    this sucks



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