vr games for adults

Wedding Anniversary

One monday afternoon, former heroine Tracie performs her housewife duties cooking and cleaning. Today is her wedding anniversary and she is happily anticipating her husbands arrival from work. This is a really special day for Tracie, but she get’s a happy anniversary call from neighbor and former enemy Kareem. He has something special for her. You should make the right choice: “say no” or “agree to go”…

Category: Anal, Blowjob, Fetish, Funny, Hardcore, Interracial

Added on: August 1st, 2014

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  1. By: jessy

    Fuck yeah

  2. By: blume

    Oh yeah oh yeah im comming

  3. By: Anonymous


  4. By: MidnightSensei

    any girls in here if so kik me at MidnightSenseiWiz

  5. By: taeters1222

    Anygirl tryin to style add me taeters1222

  6. By: taeters1222


  7. By: Jasmine

    Kik me Jasminechanell

  8. I just want to cum

  9. By: X

    Yes pls

  10. By: Anonymous

    Extremely fucked up. Obviously the product some white guy’s deep-rooted fear/closeted homo-erotic fantasy and feelings of inadequacy do to his belief in outlandish, outdated, racist stereotypes and negative body scripting. Black men are always the fantasized “source of violence.” The scary, lurking criminal character, thirsty and hungry for a white woman’s precious vagina…the supposed “ultimate trophy.” The sexually depraved rapist. Take a look at history and you’ll see who is guilty of vast accounts of violence, murder, theft, and rape…do the math.
    Fine, the truth isn’t always fap-worthy, fantasy isn’t always “PC” and porn is sometimes gritty and edgy…downright vile at times. I get it, to each their own. Some of this shit is just angry, violent garbage…this isn’t even a game. No aim, no skill, just a vehicle for racist dribble. Fail.

  11. By: Slayer

    Not bad… Racist, but what isn’t?

  12. By: Anonymous

    I thought that was a sad little game made by a jelly black guy who cant get any and cant spell goodly

  13. By: ben

    this game is fucking nice my dick started growing when i saw the girls vigina and ass

  14. By: Anonymous

    Fucked up game made by a black ass motherfucker who ain’t got shit in the tank for no other hoe, bitch can’t spell for shit too.

  15. By: Anonymous

    can someone fuck me? I want to taste pussy

  16. By: Bo

    Fuck it won’t load



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